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Name: 20170714_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 14, 2017
3316 lines.

In this episode of Infowars, Alex Jones and David Knight discuss Trump's accomplishments, media censorship, propaganda, news censorship in foreign countries, and the importance of reciprocal business deals. They also touch upon the National Democratic Redistricting Committee formed by Obama, the situation in Hong Kong, Christians' positive contributions to society, the high likelihood of cancer due to chemicals in food and water in the UK, and the importance of Big Berkey water filters, term life insurance for people with pre-existing health conditions, and extended sales on InfoWars store products. They criticize mainstream media outlets like CNN and BBC for being propaganda channels and express concern over attempts to shut down media outlets and control information flow on the internet, which undermines free speech and democratic values.

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On today's Live Friday edition, myself, David Knight, and others will be breaking down and laying out, obviously, the ongoing mental meltdown of the Democratic Party and the arrogant, deceptive corporate media.
But in the next segment, I'm going to break down with Roger Stone the amazing accomplishments of Donald Trump.
Namely, basically defeating ISIS.
They admit it's in two small pockets now and has been destroyed.
Something Obama and Hillary created.
That said, I understand people that are critical of the tax cuts not being delivered and Obamacare not being repealed.
And we see Republican leaders, people we can trust, like Rand Paul, saying the Senate Republicans don't want to get rid of it, they want it.
Well, of course, the Republican establishment with the Democrats wrote Obamacare.
That's what's so frustrating about Democrats is they think it's like some goody they're getting and some free thing when Gruber and others are calling you dumb idiots with goldfish memories.
I mean, that's what's crazy.
I know the Republicans are bad, the leadership.
I know the Democrats' leadership is bad as well.
I understand we're up against the entire establishment.
Now some people sit there and think because I'm so supportive of Trump that I somehow support that establishment.
Trump is clearly against that establishment.
He's trying to make deals with them and they're blocking him.
He has to continue to rally the people and go after the Republican leadership as much as he goes after the Democrats because they are his enemy.
And whereas the Democrats are more and more delusional and incompetent, led by the big winner, Pelosi, who thinks she's invincible.
The Republicans are a much shrewder group of crooks at the top.
Now I hope that Pence, the Vice President, can be trusted.
I like him overall, but he's kind of a man between two worlds.
Between established Republicans, Evangelicals, and then of course the whole Trump populist movement.
And I understand why Drudge and others have been critical of Trump trying to push him to be true on his agenda.
But I think the larger issue, as Infowars has pointed out, and so has Drudge and others, is the Republican establishment.
So I just want to keep that elephant in the room in the spotlight as much as possible.
But I also want people to pull back and realize
We just got a good Supreme Court nominee, and we're getting a lot of good things happening that I'll mention coming up in the next segment that I'll chronicle in studio with Roger Stone.
But this is a really, really big time to be alive, and I just want people to realize it's not a lust for two evils.
I want to push the Republicans.
I want to remove the establishment Republicans.
I want to take the whole country back.
I want to make the Democrats a
You know, basically land of fruits and nuts group only that can then be rehabilitated.
They're already a coastal minority party.
When I say minority, I mean liberal socialist communist views that we know are total failures.
But at the same time, if we sit there and put our main focus on Trump and where he stumbles, that gives them aid and comfort.
And if they take back over, they intend to pull up the free press.
They intend to federalize the elections like Venezuela and bring us into an authoritarian system because they know we've rejected them.
So we're facing true authoritarianism.
And we're facing people that want to openly overthrow Trump.
And a lot of folks are hedging their bets thinking that, you know, let's be somewhat critical of Trump because they might bring him down and we don't want to be associated with a loser.
That's how we're going to lose.
We have to be all in defending each other, defending the free press, defending other libertarian and conservative and nationalistic talk show hosts.
Even though we don't all agree with each other 100%, we're not out to get the country.
We want prosperity.
We're pro-freedom, we're pro-gun, we're pro-free market, we're pro-low taxes.
Look, Obama didn't get Obamacare for two years.
If Trump gets rid of it in his first three or four, I'll be happy.
We need to get rid of it quicker because it's about to bankrupt the economy.
And of course, that's the other big issue.
Trump's trying to get the economy going, has had some big success, but the Fed is set to raise rates.
Try to put a damper on that.
It's clear, the whole global establishment is against Trump.
And a lot of people in the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and also foreign governments and corporations think that there's strength in numbers.
Not when globalism's tide is going out, and not when humanity is awake.
It's our actions, and our political speech, and our financial actions that really do determine things.
This is a people power issue.
All right, back to the live transmission coming up after the break.
We're going to lay out Trump's amazing accomplishments because it's something the globalists don't want to recognize.
It's something the left doesn't want to hear.
So we're going to celebrate our strengths but also expose our weaknesses so we can improve them and fix them and move on.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
It's a revolutionary act.
I spread that link.
So please continue, my friends.
We're on the march and the empire is on the run.
InfoWars is proud to announce the CNN is Fake News contest, an expansion of the already successful CNN is ISIS contest.
The contest is simple.
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You can also combine a CNN is fake news sign with one of our CNN is ISIS t-shirts available now at Infowarsstore.com.
The intent of the contest is to encourage you, the listener, to realize that you have the power to save civilization from the criminal cabal controlling humanity and his fake news propaganda machine called CNN.
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We need to come together and remind the world that CNN simply regurgitates globalist propaganda thought up by multinational think tanks that is then fed to the public to suppress individual thought and run humanity into a ditch.
For more contest rules, visit InfoWars.com forward slash contest.
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You're going to be so proud of your country if I get in.
You're going to be so proud of your president, and I don't care about that.
But you are going to be so proud of your country.
In terms of the presidential, I think they thought the same thing.
Maybe there was overconfidence that who would vote for him.
We're going to turn it around and we're going to start winning again.
We're going to win so much.
We're going to win at every level.
We're going to win economically.
We're going to win with the economy.
We're going to win with military.
We're going to win with health care and for our veterans.
But the fact is, it doesn't matter who would vote for him.
You have to be very positive about your own agenda.
And that's what we're about right now as we go forward with our, hopefully, a successful attempt to win the Congress.
We're gonna win with every single assassin!
We're gonna win so much, you may even get tired of winning!
Thankfully we did in 05 and 06.
Republican president in the White House, Republican president in the White House.
We're the voices, the Senate leader and I, are the voices for winning those races in our House and in the Senate.
And you say, please, please, it's too much winning!
We can't take it anymore!
Mr. President, it's too much!
And I'll say, no it isn't!
We have to keep winning!
We have to win more!
In fact, affecting California very directly is the Affordable Care Act.
President Bush has come out against that, as you know.
We're going to keep winning because we're going to make America great again!
I love you!
And we're ready.
It's Friday the 14th of July 2017.
We're gonna be live here for the next four hours and David Knight's gonna be in studio with Owen Schroer.
We're gonna have Leanne McAdoo joining us via Skype and so much more.
But I had to come in here at the very start of the transmission
With Roger Stone.
He's here while we're engineering the launch of more broadcasts, more TV shows.
So we've kind of got a staycation going on today as we prepare the next level of the info war.
But we had to come in because we've gotten a little bit lackadaisical, myself included.
We've gotten a little bit
Instant gratification.
We've gotten to the point where I think we just expect Trump to always be able to deliver.
You know, they've had British members of Parliament come out who don't even agree with a lot of his policies but say he's an honorable man who'll go down in history as incredibly reviled by so many people because he actually did what he said he would do.
So I'm not in some worship Trump fest here, okay?
But compared to Hillary Clinton, and getting good Supreme Court nominees, and then getting the Supreme Court nominees seated, and seeing the globalists in a total tailspin, and witnessing the pullout of the TPP, and witnessing the pullout of the carbon tax, and it just goes on and on.
60-plus percent down the level of illegals coming across the border.
It was 40-something just a month into his administration.
This is real action, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why the elite's hating.
But then, I was thinking today, the big one.
I was driving in this morning, listening to NPR, and they were having to admit that ISIS is basically gone.
It's only in one city in Syria, and one city in Iraq, and it's basically been pushed into a few enclaves, a few neighborhoods.
This is so massive.
Trump said, we will knock out ISIS in the first six months.
And they've basically done it.
Our military's done it.
And remember, it was Obama.
It was Obama.
With Hillary and with the Arab Spring and with the CIA and with NATO and with France that openly pushed the Arab Spring and turned all those countries over from Libya to part of Syria to Egypt to Sunni-backed rebels out of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other areas.
This is incredible!
Our government did this, and there's Trump saying, Obama did it, but now it's my problem, I take responsibility, we're dealing with it.
Total leadership.
And then it hit me.
And I said, Roger, we gotta, you know, get in here and get on air and talk about this.
Because this is the big enchilada.
It's the same thing with North Korea.
It was the Clintons, on record, that gave them the reactors, the missile secrets, even the New York Times admits that.
They're the ones that caused the current weaponization with Kim Jong-il and his son Kim Jong-un and Trump's cleaning that up again and getting the Russians to do something and getting the Chinese to do something because he's straight shooting him.
He's not a globalist playing countries off against each other and they respect that.
What he's done with ISIS and our military has done is incredible.
But there aren't victory parades.
He never told people he was even going in.
He doesn't tell them when he's coming.
It's so
Refreshing and real.
It just boggles the mind that he's killing globalism and the strategic tension where they try to create the crises and create the boogeyman.
It's amazing.
And he wants reciprocal business deals that are good for both sides.
Roger, I just wanted to come in here and talk about that, that Trump
And our military have pretty much defeated the rebirth of Al-Qaeda, 20 times bigger, known as ISIS, instead of elements of our CIA and others working with radical Islam.
He's saying, no, we're not selling out Europe and the U.S.
for this.
No, we're not bringing in millions of military-age men.
Ten million's enough already in Europe, UN's numbers.
I mean, it's amazing how good he is.
I just have to tell the truth.
I know it's popular to be anti-establishment, but the establishment's against Trump.
People keep saying, Alex,
Used to be anti-establishment, now you're for it.
He's our beachhead.
We're in the fight of our lives.
This is history happening.
Roger, we're teleprompter-free.
We didn't script this breakdown.
Am I accurate?
I think you're right on the money.
What bothers me, Alex, or I should say annoys me, is the president's not getting the credit he deserves.
Two weeks ago, I had the occasion to talk to the President of Somalia.
There, the Trump-led attack on the ISIS insurgency, the local insurgency called Al-Shabaab, has the radicals on the run.
The President doesn't blow his own horn, but whether it is foreign policy accomplishments or the fact that the national debt is down by $100 billion.
No, it's only been going up and up and up!
Wait a minute, wait a minute, that's even bigger!
And I remember seeing that and no one's even talking about it!
But in the same time period, the national deficit was up $600 billion under Barack Obama.
This reminds me very much of Ronald Reagan, the S.M.P., hitting record levels.
He gets no credit for that.
So he's turning around the national economy, he's got ISIS truly on the run, and he's not getting the credit for it.
I mean, he's got them KO'd.
I mean, now they've gone from saying they're invincible to now whining and complaining and playing victim.
It's true.
You've got a different breed of cat in Donald Trump.
He's not about bragging about his accomplishments.
He's about turning around the situation.
And he's not getting from the mainstream media the kind of credit that I think he deserves.
Roger, you're absolutely right.
Let's see if Harrison's in the control room.
He's one of our great researchers and video editors, one of our new hires the last six months, doing a fabulous job.
This morning I was talking about this in the hall and he heard me and said, that's what I'm working on, is the first six months of Trump and his accomplishments.
And again, you've got to give people credit when they do it.
This is why the power structure is so scary.
Harrison, what's your two cents to all this?
Uh, well, I just thought, uh, the six-month, uh, you know, line would be a good one, because typically you do the, uh, hundred days, but if you look back at Trump's hundred days, a lot of good stuff had happened, but there was still, uh, still a lot of stuff was sort of unfinished.
And, uh, now just in the last couple weeks, so much stuff has happened.
I mean, uh, defeating ISIS, and getting the wall funded, and all these different things that... Oh, that happened today!
Oh, I mean... He faggoted the wall fu... or yesterday!
You can't keep track of it!
No, you can't keep track of it.
I started listing it out and I mean by the end I had like 75 things and I was like I mean this video is gonna be long it's gonna be huge and and I you know it's just gonna be like you know I can't stump the Trump style thing it's just gonna be a celebration just saying can we just take a moment and look back and see all the victories we've had over the last six months it's
It's really incredible.
I mean, he hasn't gotten rid of a lot of the deep state people because they're all rebelling against him.
But it doesn't matter with the power of the presidency, three trillion in the stock market, hundreds of billions of new jobs.
It just makes the hedge spin the Second Amendment off the ropes, the travel ban of seven failed states.
The S&P 500 hits $20 trillion for the first time.
298,000 new jobs since Donald Trump became president.
The manufacturing index at an all-time high.
These are real accomplishments.
I like Denton and others that said this couldn't happen, but I'm telling you, Trump did it.
Well, and once he started talking about our NATO allies not paying their fair share, guess what?
They coughed up $10 billion when we had been carrying their load.
Again, due only to the leadership of Donald J. Trump.
You're absolutely right.
I saw Corsi in the control room.
Can we get him over there?
I want to just, because this is unscripted, I just saw him in the control room.
Doc, throw in a few of your points on this.
Well, I mean, I've said from the beginning that Donald Trump is going to win, and he is, I think, gaining greater experience with how Washington works, and will very shortly, I think, be able to turn the situation around, even in the White House.
Some basic changes have got to occur.
He's got to fire Priebus, in my opinion.
He's got to get the people in the White House out who are not Trump loyalists.
And it's not New York City.
In Washington, the first premise is everybody's going to lie to you.
And people are going to tell you they're your friends when they're your enemies.
Trump has got to be able to sort this out.
I think he will.
Because it's law land.
It's not people that want to be in business with you for 50 years and who want you to know they can count on you.
It's a bunch of screw jobs, mentally ill scum and parasites, and he's got to understand that.
What's his greatest accomplishment?
I think it's breaking political correctness' will, letting us know that globalism is poison, and letting us know it's good to be proud to be Americans again.
He's breaking the spirit of the parasites, Doc.
Well, I think he's done a huge job in exposing fake news.
I think American people are really now attuned to what Infowars is all about, which is that there's lying going on constantly by government-controlled media.
That's right.
We're out of time for this segment.
David Knight is coming up right after this break.
And remember, there's more silver linings here.
We have Pelosi saying she is a winner.
She is victory.
I mean, this is the icing on the cake is how delusional and out of control they are.
So it's amazing.
Thanks, Doc.
Thank you, Harrison.
And thank you, Roger Stone, being here in town with us.
Great to be here.
All right, folks.
Be part of the revolution.
It's a revolutionary act.
Spread those articles and videos and jam them down the globalist's throats.
So let's keep it up.
Live, straight ahead.
I'm not gonna give you a question.
You are fake.
Your organization's terrible.
False and fake.
For more than 6,000 years of recorded human history, historians, chroniclers of their time, have all agreed on one great thing.
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That vision was then manifest in 1945
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That's 1900 quantum mechanics in the human mind.
Theoretical, then put into action.
Today, the elites of the globe have been in consensus, from China to Europe to the United States, that they were going to hoard all the advanced technologies and keep them back from the American people, the people of the world.
But President Trump
In his inaugural speech, foreshadowed the fact that we are about to discover the secrets of the universe together.
And that's because many of the secrets have already been discovered.
And many others have been discovered and suppressed.
And that simple, basic fact is why the globalists hate Trump.
It's why they hate me.
It's why they hate you.
Because you innately have the spark of the universe in you.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, each of us
Has the sea of the universe within our heart, within our soul.
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Undoubtedly, this is going to be the most intense, long-lasting sale in the history of Infowars, because right now, the quickening, the acceleration of awakening,
The spiritual unlocking is white hot.
And I am just honored to be here with you all together.
Because as one caller said, we're not just the tip of the spear.
This audience of patriots of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want to be free are the sword of truth.
And I am humbled to be associated with you all.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Oyt on this Friday, July 14th, 2017.
We've got a lot of news coming up.
Tell you what, it's a bipartisan swamp and this video with Bill Clinton and George W. just reminds you how there is no difference.
As many said, there's not a dime's worth of difference between the Republican and Democrat Party establishment.
And we're seeing that now with Obamacare as well.
And I think this pathetic video that we see, we've got an article up at InfoWars.com
We're talking about how Bill Clinton is not looking too healthy here.
He's chewing his tongue, his hand is quivering during the appearance.
But when I look at this, and we'll show you this video, when I look at this, and when I listen to these guys, what I see is the decrepit state of a dying establishment, desperate to unify against Trump and against the American people who elected him.
They are desperate to do anything that they can.
It's absolutely amazing.
Let's play that clip.
And listen to what they have to say, those of you watching it.
You can see Bill Clinton as his hand is shaking, his lips are quivering, and you can hear it in his voice.
That's something his voice has been with him for a long time.
But let's take a look at that clip.
If you want to be president, realize it's about the people, not about you.
And when it's over, and that's what a lot of these people who are real arrogant in the office, they forget, time passes.
And it passes more quickly than you know.
You want to be able to say, people were better off when I quit, kids had a better future, things were coming together.
You don't want to say, God, look at all the people I beat, or the people I worked over.
I think the most important thing is to be humble, to listen, to realize everybody's got a story.
All the things I learned as a kid.
Listen, the only thing you disagreed with in my platform was that Texas ought to take Arkansas.
What I disagreed with is he wanted to get all of our water and not pay very much money for it.
The Royalty of England and the Royalty of Russia and Germany, that sort of thing.
They see themselves as an intercollective part of the elite establishment.
You see this picture of Bill Clinton, not looking too good.
As a matter of fact, I think he's looking worse than Jimmy Carter, who just passed out doing some home improvements as part of his charitable work in Canada.
It wasn't all that heavy.
Jimmy Carter's 92 years old.
He's still working at Habitat Humanity doing things.
And that's a real difference from what we see with Barack Obama.
In the past, we have seen presidents do things like Jimmy Carter.
They would write their memoirs.
They would basically get out of politics when their time in Washington was over.
We didn't see that with Barack Obama.
And we're not seeing that now with Bill Clinton and with George W. They're coming out and directly criticizing Donald Trump.
Because Donald Trump is going in a different direction, quite obviously, and they understand that.
Now, when you look at his health situations, you see his trembling hand.
In 2013, he denied he had Parkinson's.
He said he'd gone to a doctor.
He told Huffington Post, he said, I went to a doctor because my hand's been shaking.
He said, I wanted to make sure that it was Parkinson's, they said it wasn't, but he didn't say what it was.
What kind of situation that he has here.
So, anyway, we'll get back to that.
But what I want to focus on is Obama.
Because we had this lawsuit come out at the beginning of the week, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Suing the Trump campaign and suing Roger Stone.
And this was a group that was the White House, headed by Obama's White House counsel, a guy named Ian Bassin.
And the name of the group is United to Protect Democracy.
As we pointed out when this broke live on the Nightly News Wednesday night,
We talked about the fact that they named this group after a phrase that was in Obama's farewell speech, except Obama didn't go farewell.
Obama stayed in Washington.
And we talked about that at the time, how unusual that was.
They set up a residence there.
He brought in Eric Holder, said we're going to get involved.
In redistricting we're going to have a lot of lawsuits.
Eric Holder, of course, is Attorney General.
They're going to lawyer up and they're going to have lawsuits against various states trying to win in court what they lost in the elections.
Because remember,
State houses, looking at state offices across the country and congressional offices, the Democrats lost over 1,000 offices under Barack Obama.
And so what they're going to do is they're going to focus on trying to change gerrymandering laws.
They had no problem with gerrymandering when they were the majority, but now they do.
And so we had Barack Obama this week
His former White House counsel and the group United to Protect Democracy, taken from Obama's farewell address, they sued Roger Stone.
And we're going to tell you what Obama did last night and the importance of this.
They're not going to take this line down.
So it's got Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, the entire Washington establishment arrayed against Donald Trump.
And I would say also arrayed against his agenda to try to change Obamacare.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Oh my God!
What the hell?
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Get out of here!
Shut this down!
This is not safe!
This is not... Hold on!
Settle down!
Get another doctor.
Something's wrong.
Something's wrong with him.
Help him.
Ladies and gentlemen, we did not intend for that to happen.
I take it personally.
Do not have those problems.
Again, these are authorized verbs.
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Please, doctor.
Doctor, wait a minute.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're just going to cut the commercial for just a moment.
Cut, cut, cut.
Get everybody out of here.
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Oh my God!
What the hell?
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It is the Alex Jones Show with David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Friday, July 14, 2017, we were just talking about Barack Obama and his active opposition.
Far more active than the slander that we saw Bill Clinton and George W. engage in in that forum that we just played for you.
What Barack Obama is doing, and we talked about this at the very beginning, he brings in Valerie Jarrett, actually was living with him in the house that he bought, that he was renting in Washington, to stay there.
Never had any presidents do that.
Remember we had George Washington essentially set the
He set the pattern, like Cincinnatus, the Roman leader, he went back to his farm, went back to the plow.
He imposed a two-term limit on himself voluntarily and then got out of it.
And that's been the tradition of our presidents, with the exception of Woodrow Wilson, who still was not active the way Barack Obama is becoming active.
Thursday night, last night, he headed a fundraiser for the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
Now what is this?
This is the organization, we reported this earlier, said he's going to have Eric Holder work with him to sue legislatures across the country.
Because under Barack Obama, the Democrats lost over 1,000 seats.
So what they can't win at the ballot box, they want to win in court.
That's the way these guys operate.
That's what they're trying to do across the country.
They're trying to tie up
Trump's agenda and his valid executive orders that he has the right to do this.
This is something that even the Supreme Court upheld, and of course there's been another move on that today.
A Hawaiian judge, when we get to that later, came back and said, oh well, you know, they said family members, and you interpreted that as immediate family members, but we're going to interpret that as the entire extended family.
Anybody that can prove some kind of relationship
to these people will be allowed to come in.
So that's the way they continue to roll in the courts.
But I want to give you an example of why this is important.
Understand that gerrymandering is something that has been around from the very beginning of our republic.
And that is creating bizarre districts to try to favor one party or the other.
They looked at one of these districts that was drawn and said it looks like a salamander.
And of course it's gotten to a real precise science now, where they can jump from one side of the road to the other side with the computerized databases that they've had.
And that's been there for decades.
And a good example of the way this has worked, that applies to Obama, is what I saw in North Carolina when I was living there.
I was watching it very closely.
North Carolina went for Barack Obama.
Just two years later, there was a massive blowback against that.
The Democrats basically lost every statewide election, but they didn't lose any seats in Congress.
That was the only exception.
Because of gerrymandering that the Democrats have always done.
The Democrats had always controlled the state legislature since Reconstruction.
And for the first time, the state legislature changed hands and North Carolina became Republican.
Now, 2010 was an important year.
That was the year that they did the census, and it was the year that they redrew the districting lines.
So, understand, remember, they took all of the State, House, and Senate, and they took all the statewide elections, except for Congress, because that was set up with the redistricting rules.
So, with the ability to redraw the districting lines in 2010, the Republicans did so to their advantage, as the Democrats have always done for centuries.
And the next election, the Republicans got a majority of the seats in Congress.
So now what the Democrats have done is they've already sued in North Carolina, and they're going to do this across the country.
They say Republicans currently control legislatures in 32 of the 50 states, thanks to Obama.
We can thank Obama for that.
And so what they're going to do is they're going to be suing everybody, tying everyone up in court to get this through, just as we saw this frivolous lawsuit that was put out.
against Roger Stone and against the Trump campaign.
They're third parties.
As Roger Stone was saying, they haven't even proven that these documents from the DNC were hacked.
Julian Assange said they weren't.
He said there wasn't a state actor involved.
And certainly, Roger Stone and the Trump campaign would be a third party to that.
But they're going to continue to do that to try to get publicity, to try to fundraise off of that.
And you know, there was an interesting story that I saw on The Guardian about what's going on in Hong Kong.
I think it's a good example of where we're going with this absurdity when they
Use any pretext to manipulate our elections.
You know, Hong Kong was free for a hundred years, essentially, under British rule.
The British ruled it with a very, very light hand, especially towards the end.
They let the Hong Kong people be free.
Milton Friedman did a series in 1980 called Free to Choose, and he talked about how
The Hong Kong people had such incredible freedom because the government didn't take much interest in them.
So they had liberty there.
And I traveled there when we adopted my daughter.
We were there for a while.
I thought it was interesting.
We were looking at the money.
And I was looking at the different denominations and they looked radically different in terms of design, in terms of color.
And it's like, wait a minute, this is, you know, twenty Hong Kong dollars and it's issued by
This one bank, and here's another one that's issued by another bank, and I realize these are private banks that are issuing the currency.
They didn't have a central bank.
I mean, it was the closest thing to America before the Civil War that you could find in the world.
That's why Milton Friedman talked about how free they were.
The problem was that in 1997, their 100-year lease that the British had obtained at the point of a gun with the Chinese government, that ran out.
And so the issue at that point was, well, are they going to fight China to keep Hong Kong free?
The British weren't interested in Hong Kong.
That's one of the reasons they were free.
So they turned it over to the Chinese government.
They got a concession from them saying they would treat them as a separate autonomous region.
We're now 20 years after that.
And now the mainline Chinese government is really starting to come down hard on them.
And a good example of this
...is a Hong Kong court has disqualified four pro-democracy lawmakers for failing to sincerely take the oath of office.
And they say their disqualification means that pro-democracy camp has lost its veto power over major legislation.
One of the most powerful tools in a parliament that is stacked with pro-establishment, that would be pro-mainline communist Chinese legislators.
Communist Chinese are really coming down hard on the Hong Kong people and they are pushing back.
And so we had, listen to what some of these people did when they took their oath of office.
One of them prefaced his oath with a quote from Gandhi and a pledge to serve the Hong Kong people.
The Chinese communists say that disqualifies you.
You can't serve.
We're going to remove you from office.
Another one did a slow-motion reading of the oath.
She paused for six seconds between each word.
She took ten minutes to read the 77-word declaration.
And so they threw her out.
Said, you did not show enough respect to this oath.
Then in another one, a guy whose nickname is Longhair, he held a yellow umbrella during his oath, which is a symbol of the city's 2014 democracy protests.
And the court wrote, the manner in which he took the oath goes well outside an objective, reasonable range of such requisite solemnity and sincerity.
So we look at this and we say, is this any more ridiculous than what the Democrats are doing with this fake Russian red herring narrative?
It isn't any sillier than that.
And as one of the people there said, ordinary people don't have a lot of power in Hong Kong.
We don't have a lot of power here in America, do we?
Now this most important right, the right of our elected officials, has been stolen from us.
What is the point of elections if they're meaningless?
What is the point of elections if we can have the courts and the lawyers, the Democrat courts and the Democrat lawyers and our former presidents basically shut this down and tie us up with nonsense charges that make absolutely no more sense than to take somebody out of office because they're making a political statement as they're taking their oath of office.
That's just absolutely amazing.
Of course, they've had other people that have been removed from this.
And that's what we're seeing in Hong Kong.
But the people there are really angry.
They're really fighting back.
You know, there was a couple of years ago that Mainland China tried to institute a propaganda curriculum in Hong Kong that would teach about Mao and talk about the benefits of communism and everything.
These are people, understand, who have lived free.
And they're not taking that.
They took to the street by the thousands.
Do Americans care about that?
Do Americans even know the agenda that is being put out there that we just had at the beginning of July?
We had the National Educational Association, the NEA, the Teachers Union.
They had a convention and in that convention they talked about how they're going to use NEA funds to push open borders, to push the LGBTQ agenda.
These are radical political agendas that are being taught to our children.
We don't even care about that.
Nobody is taking to the streets.
Nobody is taking their kids out of the schools.
The people in Hong Kong are paying attention and we need to look and see what happens if you lose your ability to really care about things.
If you become so apathetic that you don't know or care what people are even doing to your children.
Meanwhile, we've got fake news.
This is another article.
It's on Infowars.com.
Today's fake CNN news.
Let's blow up Russia.
We've got a clip from a longtime Clinton supporter.
This is an article by Steve Watson on Infowars.com today.
Paul Begala, he openly called for a discussion on bombing Russia.
This would be funny if it wasn't so insane.
I mean, we are living in Dr. Strangelove.
I remember it was Oliver Stone, when he went to do this long-form interview with Vladimir Putin, actually sat down and watched Dr. Strangelove with him.
I guess it was an explanation of our current political environment, kind of a crash course for Vladimir Putin to understand the insanity of America.
That's a dark comedy, but this is a dark reality that we're living in.
Let's play some of that clip.
Patriotic America should subvert an election with a hostile foreign power.
That is what Donald Trump Jr.
agreed to do with Mr. Kushner and Mr. Manafort in the meeting.
We were and are under attack by a hostile foreign power and they seem to be abetting that hostile foreign power.
We should be debating how many sanctions
There's Anderson Cooper.
He's taking this seriously.
They're not laughing at him.
Over the top!
And I just reported earlier this week how CNN is winning all these awards for a documentary that they did in Syria, blaming everything that happened in Aleppo on the other side, not on their people, their people being ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
And they got access to shoot this documentary, go where other journalists had been killed, they got access to get in there by working with an English propagandist for Al-Qaeda.
Or for ISIS, whatever you want, however you want to brand it.
I mean, you talk about CNN being ISIS, that is quite literally true.
Absolutely insane what CNN is doing.
Every day it gets more and more dangerous.
You know, all this talk about ramping up war, and of course this is something Democrats were doing well before the election.
Saying that we're going to be looking at cyber attacks and if we ascertain or believe that these cyber attacks are coming from Russia, we will take that as if that were a physical attack on us and we will respond appropriately.
In other words, we're going to bomb people if we think that we got a cyber attack from you.
Well, who knows where these cyber attacks are coming from?
That's not something you can easily ascertain.
Anybody who is honest about this, anybody who knows what's going on, John McAfee talked about this well before we had the latest WikiLeaks of Vault 7 that showed that they have, and actually WikiLeaks was responsible, they did not leak out the code.
What they leaked out were the PDF
Uh, owners manuals, if you will.
The documentation on how these programs operate to show what their capability is, but not to give people the code to actually do it.
And what we saw with that was that they had numerous ways that they could mask themselves, and we knew that was happening.
Everybody that was responsible, we talked to William Binney, we talked to John McAfee, all these people said, look,
All these people have the ability to disguise where they're coming from in a number of ways.
They can reroute it, and as we learned with Vault 7, they can even make the keyboard strokes and so forth that people have gone back forensically to try to identify what country this comes from.
They can make all of that look like they're coming from any country that they wish.
And so when they say we're going to give ourselves the ability to, or say that we're going to physically start a war with Russia, if we ascertain that there was a cyber attack conducted against us by them, what they're saying is we're going to give ourselves the ability to just come up with any excuse to start a war, to do a first strike.
And that's a very dangerous thing.
That's something the Democrats have been doing since before the election.
It's one of the reasons why they got General Flynn out so quickly, because he was rational, he was honest, and they had to get him out, the military-industrial complexes.
I want to take a look at the Emmy Awards, because I think this is part of this continuum that we saw with Bill Clinton.
With George W., that we saw with Obama's legal issues, and of course, remember, it's not just the political establishment, it's not just the media, CNN, but the most important tool that they have is entertainment.
Remember Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.
The most effective weapon is ridicule, he said.
And so we see Saturday Night Live.
They love Saturday Night Live.
Saturday Night Live got I think it was 22 nominations.
They tied Westworld for first place nominations.
This was because they're coming after President Trump.
And so when we look at the Emmys, we already know who the winner is.
The winner is anybody who is anti-Trump.
And you have to understand that Emmys and the Oscars, they're not important.
Even if you like the shows, they're not important.
You have to understand this is something that's done by the community.
This is like a high school election.
We're the most popular people win the election.
It has nothing to do with the quality of the shows.
It has everything to do with whether or not they like you.
Remember Sally Fields?
They like me.
They really, you really like me.
It's a popularity contest.
She just won class president when she got that Oscar nomination.
They know what it is.
It's their own peers that nominate them.
And if you're a conservative, you get shown the door.
You're not only not going to get a nomination, you're not even going to get a job.
You're going to get blacklisted.
That's what they do to conservatives.
But when we look at this, we've got the LA Times pointing it out, it was a big year for Saturday Night Live, 22 nominations, no doubt due to the show's non-stop lampooning of President Trump and his associates.
Likewise, they said, Stephen Colbert returned to his political ways, made his way back to the race with The Late Show, and also Handmaid's Tale, because that's highly political.
They tried to target that at Trump and conservatives, completely ignoring
That everything that they have in The Handmaid's Tale is going on far worse in Saudi Arabia and countries under Sharia law.
Their worst dystopian nightmare that they say would be brought about by Christians in office is going on in Sharia law.
It was Christians in office who gave us the First Amendment.
It was Christians in office who gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
It was Christians who, after the revolution, did not become dictators and tyrants.
But if you want to see the handmaid's tale, and if you want to see something that is far worse than the handmaid's tale, then do a documentary on what's going on in Islamic countries.
Because Islam is not a religion.
It is a political system that is supported by a religion.
The two are inextricable.
The Caliphate is a fulfillment of their religion, and if they don't have a worldwide Caliphate, that is a disgrace to their religion.
Meanwhile, when we come back, I'm going to talk about the Vatican getting involved in this, coming out of that truce with the Pope.
Didn't last too long with Donald Trump.
You know, they shook hands and met, but now the Vatican is coming out after Trump and after conservative Catholics and evangelical Christians.
We'll be right back.
Joining us now is Mark Dice.
I'm sure you know all about him by now.
Just reached over a million subscribers on YouTube.
New videos every day.
He's also an author.
His latest book is The Bilderberg Group, Facts and Fiction.
I don't know how much longer they can cling on to this conspiracy theory about Russia.
I mean, they might drag it on another few months.
It's been seven months now since
You don't know of anyone that's ever been charged for hoping something.
Is that a fair statement?
I don't as I sit here.
Thank you, thank you Mr. Chairman.
You can hope horrible things onto someone.
That's not a threat.
That's not a direction.
I took it as a direction.
As the President of the United States, with me alone saying, I hope this, I took it as, this is what he wants me to do.
I didn't obey that, but that's the way I took it.
You may have taken it as a direction, but that's not what he said.
It's just insane.
Even Chris Matthews has admitted that the whole Russia collusion conspiracy theory has come apart.
The assumption of the critics of the president, of his pursuers you might say, is that somewhere along the line in the last year the president had something to do with colluding with the Russians.
Something to do with helping hand, encouraging them, feeding their desire to affect the election in some way.
Some role they played, some conversation he had with Michael Flynn or Paul Manafort or somewhere.
And yet what came apart this morning was that theory.
Let's not forget, during some of his previous testimony and another time, several months ago, he said that people will occasionally in the Justice Department say that, quote, we don't think there's a crime here, or, you know, they'll give, quote, their opinions to us, but never a directive to actually close a case.
And some of his language was so bizarre.
Captain Courageous.
Oh Lordy.
I mean, golly gee, Mr. Comey.
I just don't see a case here.
The guy, he needs to go away, crawl back into the hole that he came out of.
His bag's under his eyes so big, I could put my groceries in them.
And if we're gonna go off of the intent being one of the primary reasons for indicting someone, President Trump did not intend that hoping was a direct order.
Spelling it out in his words, I mean, what was he doing?
Sending him, you know, signals via ESP?
Or, you know, spelling it out in, you know, in barbecue sauce on his plate?
Or in carrot sticks?
I mean... But it's so ridiculous!
It's like, if you're the President of the United States, and you see this waste of time, waste of money, waste of resources, waste of energy, waste of everything, of course you want it stopped!
But he's smart enough to know that Comey is a snake, so he was like, well, I hope you end this.
He didn't.
He said, okay, you're fired.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Friday, July 14th, 2017, Leanne McAdoo is going to be joining us in the next hour.
She's got a report about glyphosate that she wants to talk about.
Of course, we're also going to talk about Russia, China, cyber espionage.
You know, as we look at the
politicization of our intelligence community.
I think we need a new word.
I think we need to, instead of calling it espionage, we need to call it elect-spionage.
I have to write that out for you so you get it.
And it's kind of like Rich Hall used to do, if you remember that comedian who did Sniglet's coined words.
That's really what's going on.
That's the thing that really concerns me much more than
Russia's involvement is the involvement of the NSA, the involvement of the FBI that's been pointed out by the FISA court that they broke the law.
The FISA court made the ruling.
They declassified it.
We have our intelligence community, this massive surveillance state, has now become involved in politics.
Very politicized.
That's something we should be very, very concerned about.
The people in Washington are the ones who should be the most concerned about that.
I want to get back to this story about what the Pope is doing in terms of getting involved in our elections.
Before I do, real quickly, I remind you that we have extended our July 4th specials through the month of July.
It is now the July Summer Mega Specials, now live at InfoWarsStore.com for limited time plus free shipping.
That's very important.
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If only we could get the kind of deal that Amazon does.
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Post Office.
We don't get subsidies from George Soros or any government organization or private organization.
We just fund it by offering you the best quality products we can find for your health.
And again, we're going to be talking about glyphosate and how to protect yourself from that coming up with Leanne McAdoo in the next hour.
You know, I have Donald Trump in Paris today, and I should mention that I've got a poll that will be ending today that I put up on my Twitter account, Libertarian, about Macron.
You know, they're shaking hands or anything.
You know, Macron held court in Versailles.
People say, what is he, some kind of a monarchist?
He's threatening Parliament, saying you better not block my reforms, and I'm going to cut the number of people in Parliament?
He's going to reduce their number of representatives?
I mean, that's one of the things we need to do to get back control of our government, is to increase the number of representatives that we have.
That's another discussion for another day.
But he's also uniting with Merkel.
And so I asked people in the poll, I said, what does he see himself as?
What does he want to be when he grows up?
This little guy, Macron.
Does he want to be the leader of Vichy France?
Because, you know, we've now put the Germans in charge of unified Europe.
That's what Hitler always wanted.
Does he want to be Oedipus Rex?
This is a guy who married his high school teacher that he fell in love with when he was 15 years old.
Or does he want to be Marie Antoinette?
Right now the leader in all of this poll is all of the above.
So you can join that poll if you want and tell Macron what you think of him.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Here's the truth about the Don Jr.
There's nothing there.
But considering the seriousness in the response from the liberal media and Democrats, the thinking person must wonder why there was no such outrage when Hillary Clinton illegally had classified e-mails on a private server, then deleted 33,000 e-mails, then smashed her old phone with a hammer.
But what about Natalia Veselnikaya?
Don Jr.
didn't know he was meeting her, either her or Rob Goldstone lied about the premise of the meeting, and if he had known her name prior to the meeting, Don Jr.
would have known she had Obama fingerprints all over her.
She was potentially in the country illegally, only in the country temporarily thanks to Obama's Department of Justice.
However, that stay had expired previous to her meeting Don Jr.
Eight days after the meeting,
She was sitting next to Obama's Russian ambassador during a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing.
So Tim Cain, is Obama's DOJ guilty of treason?
Who knew she was here illegally, and why no investigation into that?
Veselnikaya's alleged law firm in Russia has no website, no working phone, and no email.
For InfoWars.com, who is Natalia Veselnikaya?
This is Owen Troyer.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
Leanne McAdoo will be joining us in the next segment.
I want to talk about what the Vatican is doing in terms of opposing Trump.
Remember we had the 30-minute meeting that Donald Trump took with the Pope?
They had a quiet face-to-face meeting.
It had been pretty contentious before that.
Remember during the election?
We had the Pope criticizing, calling on Christian the idea that we would have borders.
The Pope is an open border socialist world government and he wants the world government to save the climate and so forth.
That's where this guy's coming from.
Total New World Order Pope.
He is the
The religious, ethical face that the New World Order is using to sell this agenda.
And so even though they had that meeting, now the Vatican press has lashed out at Catholic Trump voters and calls Steve Bannon a supporter of apocalyptic geopolitics.
This is from Zero Hedge.
Listen to some of the quotes from this.
This is a Jesuit priest who's the editor of this Vatican publication.
He had a 2,700 word paper that he put out this week and
He said there was a surprising meeting of minds between some Catholic voters in the U.S.
and the evangelical Christian right.
So he's upset about the fact that conservative Catholics and evangelical Christians come together on things like abortion and same-sex marriage.
He said they harbor a nostalgic dream of a theocratic type of state.
Well, we know that the Vatican is selling their dream of a secular humanist world government.
He said those who profess themselves to be Catholic express themselves in ways that until recently were unknown in their tradition, and they're using tones that are much closer to evangelicals.
He said they're xenophobic, they're Islamophobic, they want walls, they want deportation.
See, this is the globalism that is now endemic.
in the Vatican.
Just remember when they came out with this climate encyclical.
One of the four guys who read it, who wrote it, was a guy John Schellenhuber.
He is a German climate expert, a self-appointed expert.
But this is a guy who rejoices in the fact that if we don't do anything, the whole world is going to melt down and our population is going to be reduced from 7 to under 1 billion people.
That's going to be more than an 85% reduction.
So he's happy about that.
He said that's a triumph for us because we could stabilize our population.
And this is a guy who has proposed that we have a global democratic society.
He wants an earth constitution.
He wants a global council.
He wants a planetary court that they can haul you before.
And understand, as we see Macron meeting with Donald Trump, it was very important for Donald Trump to get out of that Paris climate agreement.
We never will really end.
We had Obama say he was going to self-ratify that.
He was going to sign it because he knew that the Congress is not going to ratify that agreement.
But it was important to shut that thing down.
And in response, we had Macron come out and say, well, in 22 years we will ban all internal combustion engines, which 99% of the French people choose over electric.
Only 1% of the people in France buy electric cars.
They're going to shut that down.
And at the same time, they're going to shut down the sources of electricity.
They're going to shut down fossil fuels and even nuclear power.
I, you know, that's why I say, Macron needs to grow up.
This guy is on another planet.
He thinks that he is, he referred to himself as Jupiter.
I mean, seriously, this is not, we're not making this up.
This guy is major delusional.
So is Al Gore, saying that the fight to save the planet is like the fight to end slavery.
No, it is a social agenda, and people admit that.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Leanne McAdoo.
The news we're about to cover is some of the most powerful, important information I've ever covered.
Elite publications like the Financial Times of London, the New Yorker Magazine, most importantly Atlantic Monthly, have all come out with articles that I'm going to be showing you on screen while our guest is on, saying we need to overthrow President Trump, we need to have new elections and our homeland security, and take all the Republicans that were elected in 2016 and remove them.
They're calling for death violence.
This is insane.
So I want to ask Colonel Schaefer, former head of the Bin Laden unit, patriot,
With a lot of big connections.
Helped expose Benghazi, you name it.
Works for the London Center for Foreign Policy Research.
Fox contributor.
Where we are currently and how serious the situation is.
Colonel Schaffer, you're more of an expert on this than even I am.
I know that you've worked in some of the most classified areas there are and really had up a lot of things that I'll never see the light of day for this country.
Am I overestimating how serious this is?
No, Alex, thank you for having me on, and no, you're laying that completely correctly.
You're essentially outlining the situation based on their own verbiage.
And of course, then when they get caught in the open daylight, they then try to say, no, no, no, no, we never said that, it's all about you.
Same way the deep state goes about saying the deep state doesn't exist.
We're good to go.
I think?
We're good.
I don't know.
They put out the message to billions of people.
They know people are going to hack.
It's like advertising.
If you put advertising out to billions of people saying, come eat our hamburgers, they're going to come.
Well, if you put out advertising to billions saying, kill, kill Republicans, kill Trump, kill Alex Jones, kill, kill, kill, it's going to happen.
Coming to you from the former United States of America from deep in the heart of Texas.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Friday, July 14, 2017, we're going to be joined by Leanne McAdoo, who's been on extended leave.
She's in Florida, so she's joining us via Skype.
We're going to talk about election issues, but we also want to talk about health issues.
We had a story earlier this week pointing out that in the UK,
You're more likely to get cancer than you are to get married or to have children for the first time.
Just as likely to have cancer than to get a college degree.
It's becoming something of a rite of passage for all of us.
And it's because of what we have in our food and our water.
So Leanne has a report about glyphosate.
Welcome Leanne.
David, great to be here.
That's incredible, the story you just brought up about cancer being the new normal.
Yeah, oh yeah, absolutely.
It's increasing as birth rates are going down, that's another part of this as well.
It's not just, they want to tell us that that's simply societal changes that people want to have careers, that delaying having children and everything, but it's also the chemicals that they're putting in the water make it difficult for people once they decide they want to have kids, to have kids.
And so that's a big part of the plummeting
Tell us a little bit about this report and let's play this report for people.
Well, this is actually a story that Rob Dew sent to my attention.
A positive story, another win, another victory for the consumer.
We've got a new tool to help us choose wisely at the grocery store and other places.
Obviously, the Non-GMO Project is a great label to look for, but now we can start looking for a glyphosate residue-free food label.
So there's actually a number of products on the market right now that have already kind of paved the way for products like your cooking oils and your mayonnaise, your condiments, things like that, that people don't really think about.
But we use all the time with every meal, essentially.
So it's a glyphosate residue free certification.
It's a new label that you can begin to look for.
And it's a really positive thing as well, because it's going to start pushing
Farmers say in India to go more organic and to get away from these pesticide laden foods and genetically modified frankenfoods that they are pushing on us in their great big science experiment and then of course pushing this narrative that cancer is totally normal.
Yeah, they just put up an article as you were talking about a Tennessee area that put restrictions on the use of glyphosate.
And that's something that people need to realize.
I always thought about it, living in a rural area, we filter our water because even though you don't have somebody adding fluoride to your water, if you've got well water,
You have people who are growing agricultural products, if they're using glyphosate, that gets down into the well water that you're going to have.
But you're talking about it being systemic in all of these different products that you don't even think about.
You think about it being in water, but you don't realize that it sends so many other products.
Let's take a quick look at your report and we'll talk about that afterwards.
There's a new tool in the arsenal when it comes to taking back your health.
A company is now going to make it easier than ever for you to avoid pesticides when choosing your food products.
They are introducing the new glyphosate residue-free food labeling.
And this is all thanks to that consumer-based push for transparency.
Chosen Foods and Heavenly Organics are two food makers that already have several products out on the market.
But the director of the Detox Project, who is the creator and owner of this glyphosate residue-free label, says that the certification will enable food manufacturers to give consumers what they really want.
Glyphosate residue-free food.
Now there's been a lot of pushback in recent years with people understanding that the toxicity standards, the tests that they have for testing both non-organic and organic foods is very weak.
Of course, if you're someone who's trying to sell organic, you're already having to jump through a lot of regulatory hoops.
It costs a lot of money for farmers to go organic.
For some reason, they really try to make it hard for the organic farmers to thrive in this country.
But even so, with that, the toxicity testing is very low, very weak, and beyond that, you don't know what you're going to get in your condiments, in your salad dressings, your mayonnaise, even some of your most favorite snacks, and of course, your cooking oils.
So this company is trying to make it very easy for you to just choose right away and make sure that you are avoiding glyphosate and hopefully in the future some of these other insecticides that are hitting the market.
We know glyphosate is the most widely used insecticide that is out there.
Of course this was the herbicide that was used for Monsanto's genetically modified crops.
But something that was really interesting, in 2015 the World Health Organization labeled glyphosate as probably carcinogenic to humans.
It's probably, probably could give you cancer.
Mmm tasty!
And so people were just in shock at this.
What are you saying?
You're spraying this poison all over our foods.
But right about the same time, another chemical company was right on the heels of Monsanto.
And while all eyes were on Monsanto, Dow Chemical was coming up with their own genetically modified crops as well.
And so they were creating their own herbicide that they would spray on their crops.
Because remember, a lot of crops have become resistant to glyphosate, which means that these farmers were having to spray even more glyphosate on the crops.
So Dow Chemical comes up with their own version of crops, which people haven't got their pitchforks out just yet to come after Dow Chemical.
So the EPA, when all this is going on at the World Health Organization saying, yeah, you probably shouldn't be spraying that poison on your crop.
It might give you cancer.
They go ahead and approve Dow Chemicals herbicide blend.
It was called Enlist Duo.
And they said,
Not only were they going to pass it through and approve this for use on their crops, but they also, the amount of pesticides that they were going to allow them to spray on the crops was just insane.
Tons of pesticide that they were going to allow to be sprayed and get into the soil of our earth.
It would spread to the water.
Interestingly, thanks to a lot of pushback, the EPA was actually forced to revoke the approval of that Dow herbicide for their GMO crops.
And in a court filing back in 2015, they said, you know, the EPA discovered new information suggesting that the herbicide could be more toxic than previously believed.
So, of course, this was due to a lot of that consumer-based pushback where people were saying, what are you thinking?
You're labeling one insecticide as probably carcinogenic, yet you're granting access to another company to come and do the same with a whole new version of products that we haven't even begun to fight against.
Environmental Protection Agency.
Looks like they wised up a little bit, at least in this case.
And that's, of course, due to active consumers out there who are pushing back against this stuff.
But I wanted to draw your attention to some of these products.
They've got a lot of, like I said, cooking oils, condiments, and snacks and things they have launched.
But Heavenly Organics likes to point out how they support nearly 600 family farmers in India.
They're helping them produce 100% organic crops.
They hope to get up to about 5,000 within the next five years.
And that's really key because we saw over the last few years, 10 years plus, there have been a rash of farmer suicides in India.
Now, of course, a lot of people wanted to say, oh, well, they had alcoholism or family problems, mental issues that weren't addressed.
But a lot of people, a lot of social activists were saying, no.
The common denominator here in eight out of 10 cases was that these farmers were very indebted to these banks.
Because they were sold the story that if they went ahead and bought the GM crop, BT cotton and others specifically, that they would just, it would be a cash cow and they would have these massive crops, they'd be drought resistant.
So these farmers in India, this is their livelihood, they went ahead and bought this story and majorly indebted it to the banks and now they're
They are killing themselves in mass numbers.
In 2004 alone, 18,000 plus farmers committed suicide.
So this is just one more tool that you can use when you're out shopping.
I really love the non-GMO project label.
I'm seeing it everywhere now.
For instance, I was just trying to buy some artichokes the other day and there was about 30 different varieties on the shelf.
And I was able to narrow it down quickly to just three brands, thanks to this non-GMO project label.
They also have an app you can download that makes it really easy to go shopping.
So this is the power of voting with your dollars, pushing back against these corporations who see us as just a science experiment that's to be fed a steady stream of pesticides and frankenfoods.
We are not!
It's a science experiment.
We are humans and we are reclaiming our power and this glyphosate residue-free food label is just another victory for the consumer.
That's a great report, Leanne.
And the point that you made in that about the farmers in India, I think, is something that is really important.
That people don't realize the insidious business plan of Monsanto to essentially poison the ground for other crops.
You can't grow other seeds other than theirs.
And to genetically engineer seeds that cannot reproduce themselves so that these people then have to buy these seeds from, once they poison their field,
By using Monsanto on it.
They say, well look, we're going to give you these crops, and if you use glyphosate on it, then it'll get rid of the weeds, but it won't kill our crops.
But then they poison their land, and then they can't even regrow the crops that they bought, the seed that they bought from Monsanto.
So now, they're in debt to the company store.
They load 16 tons and what do they get?
Another day older and deeper in debt and they get to the point where it becomes so egregious that massive numbers of them are committing suicide.
This is the evil of this corporation that we're seeing here.
Right and of course to sell this as the miracle seeds that are going to save the planet and be drought resistant and that all of these farmers are going to be lifted out of poverty because they're going to be able to pull in such massive amount of money with these miracle crops and it's all a crock basically.
So we have
Many activists there, especially in India, working on behalf of these people to push back against them going in debt to the bank.
The only thing they have is their land.
So when you no longer have that... And that's the core thing that we see here.
We've seen it from the IMF, but we see this from all these monopoly capitalists, whether it's the people who want to control our transportation, the people who want to control our food.
They want to own everything.
They want to turn you into a renter.
Even if you're a farmer, you've got to rent your seeds from them.
That's the way these people...
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And I am humbled to be associated with you all.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight with Leanne McAdoo joining us from Florida via Skype.
We're going to go back to Leanne in just a moment.
I want to remind you before we do, we've been talking about glyphosate and the new ability that you have when you go to the grocery store to not only find out if something is non-GMO, but you can also find out if it has glyphosate content in it.
And you'd be surprised at how pervasive
Thank you.
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All right, let's go back to Leanne.
Leanne, we have an interesting poll that came out today saying that Melania Trump is more popular than first lady Hillary Clinton was.
I don't really find that surprising because you know it was Hillary Clinton who took it upon herself to try to nationalize health care.
I think?
It was the other way around.
Bill Clinton was more popular than Hillary Clinton.
And Melania is way more popular than Hillary Clinton was.
And she's had her popularity going up, which is not surprising.
But I think this is, we had a poll earlier this week, Leanne, where Democrats thought that Hillary Clinton only had a 4%, only 4% of Democrats believed that she could beat Donald Trump
In a matchup again.
That's the essence of this.
That's why they're coming up with this ridiculous Russia narrative that we're going to talk about in the next section.
It's because people dislike her so much.
She always saw herself as an Eleanor Roosevelt.
As a matter of fact, she was channeling Eleanor Roosevelt in seances in the White House.
I mean, she saw herself as somebody who was going to be this great socialist, they like to call themselves progressive, this great socialist campaigner, as Eleanor Roosevelt was.
And it was absolutely amazing to all of us, you know, they want to talk about Jared Kushner and the involvement of the Trumps in the White House and everything.
But they weren't complaining about nepotism when the First Lady decided that she was going to take over this massive sector of the economy.
Far more intrusive, even, than Obamacare.
Even Hillary Clinton and Pelosi came back and said, well, you know, let's not try that again.
Let's do it incrementally.
That's the way that we can take this over.
And that's really what Obamacare is.
It's a first step in an incremental takeover to get us back to what Hillary Clinton tried to do as First Lady when she was first elected.
When we come back, we're going to talk to Leanne McAdoo about the election.
Like I call it, electspionage.
Because we have the spy agencies in America getting involved hacking our election.
We'll be right back.
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Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, and that's appropriate bumper music, Mission Impossible, because we're talking about electspionage.
That is the manipulation of our election by our intelligence community, by our law enforcement community, by people who are foreign spies.
Christopher Steele working for MI5, Fusion GPS, a Russian
They put together the Dirty Dossier, they came after Carter Page, and now this is their third bite of the apple coming after Donald Trump Jr.
This is a very dangerous situation that we have here.
This is far more dangerous than anything that Russia could do, what our own intelligence agency could do to us.
And even people like Lindsey Graham are starting to get cold feet about it.
I guess Lindsey's wondering what they've got on him.
He was actually asking them when they were going for their reauthorization.
They supposedly have to reauthorize this ability to eavesdrop.
And of course they did that in a way that violated even that law.
That I think stretches the Bill of Rights beyond the breaking point, in my opinion.
But with the FISA court coming out and saying they violated the law, and Lindsey Graham asking them when they look for the reauthorization of that section of the Patriot Act, he said, are you collecting information on me?
Well, we can't tell you, Senator.
If we told you, we'd have to kill your privacy.
It's like, if I told you this, we'd have to kill you.
That type of thing.
They need to understand that they are the prime targets of this.
We've said this from the very beginning.
If the people in Washington are not already too far compromised with their secret lives, they better get rid of this stuff.
But it may be too late, based on the crowd that we've got in Washington.
I want to play and get Leanne's comments.
On this back-and-forth that Tucker Carlson had with someone on, with a, let's see, this is a Democrat congressman, I believe, or congressperson, anyway, we'll find out who it is when we look at this clip.
I was looking at the back-and-forth that they want to punish the Russians for having RT.
This is very similar to what's going on right now with the Gulf states coming after Qatar, saying, we want you to shut down Al Jazeera.
Because Al Jazeera has been critical of Saudi Arabia and some of these other states.
So, that's what we're seeing now.
We're seeing massive pressure being applied internationally to censor news media.
That's why it's so important for you to stand with InfoWars to make sure that you don't give a monopoly of information back to CNN, back to ABC, NBC, CBS, those people who controlled all information in the United States prior to this.
We don't want to go back to that situation.
They're continually pushing on this and so here's a guy, here's somebody with Tucker Carlson pushing for Russians to be punished over having RT and I want to get Leanne's comments after we're finished with this.
There's nothing we can do about it.
Russian propaganda can do this, but what we can do is protect our democracy from it.
How can we protect our democracy from RT?
We can punish the Russians for what they did.
We can impose sanctions.
For having a cable network here?
No, no, it's not a cable network.
It's Russian propaganda that promotes false information that gets reposted on the internet, shared with... What role does Larry King play in this?
I have no idea.
He's like one of the lead anchors there.
Is he?
No, I'm sorry, I don't know about Larry King's show.
Larry King's Russian propaganda, is he?
Which is a well-documented Russian propaganda operation.
Are there any other news organizations that you think the U.S.
Congress and the intelligence agencies ought to fight back against?
No, what I think we ought to fight back against is foreign agents interfering with our presidential election.
Look, here's the concern.
We can't stop RT from existing, but we can punish the Russian government for having the audacity to interfere with our election.
Well, name a story that ran on RT that you think needs to be punished for running.
Well, there was a story about all of the money raised in the Clinton campaign, or by the Clinton Foundation, is used by the Clintons personally.
The Clinton campaign is funded by the same sources.
Alright, okay, this is a Democrat congressman.
His name is Cicilline, I guess is the way you pronounce his name.
I've never seen this guy before.
But he is in the mainstream of the Democrat Party.
If you can't defeat somebody's narrative, you try to censor them.
So they're going to lock up or shut down Lionel, they're going to shut down Max Keiser, they're going to shut down Larry King, because they can't handle a free market in information.
That's always the tactic they take.
You know, Leanne, when they had the demonstrations here at this abortion clinic in Austin,
And people were there with signs talking about what abortion really is and these counter protesters quote-unquote showed up and they just had blank black signs to put over other people's signs.
They had nothing to say.
It was simply censorship.
I thought that was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen because it was a physical demonstration of what has now become standard operating procedure for the Democrat Party.
They no longer support free speech in any way shape or form.
Right, they're the only ones that are allowed to access the secret documents and then they'll tell you what you need to know.
So we need to shut down CNN because they are just a propaganda channel for the Democrats.
I mean, think we would have to shut down the BBC?
It makes no sense.
We know that maybe they're not funded directly by the government, but these are people who are definitely propaganda channels.
Well it shows desperation because for the longest time we had, back when they just had the three channels or whatever, we had the CIA with Operation Mockingbird.
People can look that up, it's a real thing, it's not a conspiracy theory, it really happened.
Operation Mockingbird giving the talking points to the news media, telling them exactly what to say and they were all just in line.
FEC coming after them.
They already tried and failed to do the FCC, but I'm sure they'll come back.
Some Democrat commissioners on the FCC will try it as well.
But they're going to try every trick in the book to shut people down.
And they're not trying to hide the fact that they openly want to censor everyone and everything.
The internet and entire news media organizations.
Right, and we see these intelligence agents are still infiltrating the media to push their agenda by leaking all of these stories, anonymous sources that feed the media, the secret ledger or the secret dossier and all of these...
What they want to believe, what they want to hear, then they're going to accept it as the truth.
They don't need you to provide any evidence.
You've confirmed their bias.
A good example of that broke today, because we had this story about Donald Trump Jr.
This is about day number five, I think, where they're putting this out.
And so now NBC has dropped a new bombshell, they said.
It's like, look, we have a former Soviet intelligence officer attended the meeting with Donald Trump Jr.
But Zero Hedge reports, ah, but there's a catch.
They say that this is a bombshell, but actually this information has already been reported by the New York Times last week.
So this isn't a new revelation.
They're just dripping this out to try to keep this story going.
And who is this guy?
Well, he was a Soviet-born counterintelligence officer, but he immigrated to the United States quite some time ago.
He is now an American lobbyist, and he holds dual citizenship in the United States.
And they point out, ironically, we're just spitballing here, so don't hold us to it, but maybe, just maybe, this is Zero Hedge writing, bringing a lobbyist to a meeting in which your intent is to lobby for the overturn of the Magnitsky Act might just be something that makes sense, rather than being part of a larger plot
We're good.
We see the dirty dossier stuff coming from Fusion GPS.
We see John McCain shopping this dirty dossier around.
We see the attacks on Carter Page.
All this stuff, nothing has come of it.
It has all collapsed.
But as soon as one of these things falls down, they bring up the next one.
Which just shows that they don't have anything.
That none of these things have stuck, but they keep bringing more and more of them up.
Right, David, the fact that they spent $1.6 billion trying to get Hillary Clinton elected, they weren't able to come up with any dirt on President Trump with all that money.
So, I mean, that's pretty impressive that they still have come up with nothing.
And I was quite surprised to see the establishment
Trying to take these Donald Trump Jr.
emails as the big evidence that they were finally looking for with this collusion with Russia because that's a slippery slope.
And that would start kind of peeling back the curtain to what do these campaigns, what do they engage in to get intel on their opponents?
What sort of dirty tricks were the Democrats up to to get
Hillary Clinton, who has very low poll ratings, no one likes her.
What were they up to to try to get this woman elected?
And as we see, you know, you poke that hornet's nest, people are saying, well, look what John McCain, he was so excited to get some opposition intelligence against Trump that he dispatched an aide to go collect this dirty dossier so that he could then provide it to the FBI and circulate it around the White House.
So they could try to hire this guy?
And the FBI, meanwhile, takes another Democrat contractor, CrowdStrike.
They say, well, you say that the Russians hacked your server?
Oh, really?
They did?
OK, well, we'll take your word for it.
Could we see those servers?
Oh, no, you're not going to show those servers to us?
OK, that's all right.
We're the FBI.
We won't bother with that.
We'll just go away and take your word for it.
And that's what is happening.
So then they take the CrowdStrike narrative
And they have a hand-picked panel of sycophants come before Clappers, the DNI, the Director of National Intelligence, and so they have this hand-picked panel of people from the FBI, the NSA, and the CIA come in, and he says, well, nobody objected when we gave them this report from CrowdStrike, so...
Everybody agrees, and that's where we get the 17 intelligence agencies.
The phrase came from Hillary Clinton, and these people parodied it, parodied it throughout the election, which I think basically says that they violated the Hatch Act.
They were obviously
In office, campaigning for Hillary Clinton, pushing this narrative along with many other things that they were doing.
That's the thing that's very concerning is how the intelligence and law enforcement community violated the Hatch Act, interfered in our elections, and violated their own laws as pointed out by the FISA court itself.
Well, David, I mean, we know that they're very good at regime change.
We've seen it happening all over the world to foment civil unrest and delegitimize their elected representatives, to throw them out so that they could install their deep state puppets in all of these other
We're good to go.
President Trump needs to take the power and the ability that he has right now to investigate people like George Soros, who are actively supporting protests and paying for protests with some of his NGOs and organizations, not just in the United States, but other countries as well.
We've seen that he's been very successful in other countries like the Ukraine, for instance.
They were able to delegitimize
I don't know.
We have George Soros organizing the overthrow of the government in Ukraine and working with the State Department.
We have the quotes of the talking about how they contributed money to that.
And then they come around and the Democrats are working with the Ukrainians in order to try to get opposition research on Paul Manafort and others to try to take down the Trump campaign.
So they've done what they're accusing
Donald Trump Jr.
and the Trump campaign of doing, which they actually didn't do, they walked out of a meeting with this woman, they didn't get any information, but the Democrats spent a lot of money and did get a lot of information and they overthrew other governments.
And now they're trying to overthrow our government.
And that's the thing that people really need to pay attention to.
And it's one of the things that Trump's Justice Department needs to get serious about prosecuting these people who have violated the law
Who have used their office in violation of the Hatch Act and in other ways violated laws by exposing people, by spying on people without a warrant, without a search warrant.
The FISA court has pointed out how they broke the law.
We need to do something about that.
We can't allow people like Comey and McCabe to stay in office to escape punishment and Hillary Clinton.
Let's not forget Hillary Clinton.
Let's, uh, Hillary for prison.
I mean, that has to happen.
We have to have some kind of prosecution of these people.
They cannot be above the law, especially with the criminal actions that they're doing.
The longer they let this go, the more they're going to turn our country into a third world, kind of a East German Stasi state, which is really what we're looking at now with our law enforcement intelligence agencies.
You're absolutely right.
It is projection.
And they are trying to say that Donald Trump Jr.
doxxed himself because he released these emails.
How could he just... That, to me, is something that an innocent person would do.
Who would say, look, here it is.
Here are my emails.
They wouldn't delete them and then use BleachBit to wipe their server just for good measure.
That's right.
If you're in business, what is a good practice of somebody in business?
If something happens, you do full disclosure and you do it right away.
That's not the way the politicians play it.
They like to hold on to this stuff to the very last minute.
They like to fight you every inch of the way.
But he's just doing what a person in business would do.
He's doing what an innocent person would do and say, look, here it is.
Look, there's nothing here.
And there isn't anything there.
And yet it's this constant drip, drip, drip.
Just like they're saying, oh look, now we found out that there was a guy who was a former Russian agent who was at this meeting.
And he's lived here for a long time and he's been lobbying people all over Washington, as has this Russian lawyer.
There was a report from the Daily Caller talking about all the different people that she's had a relationship to.
According to the Washington Post, she worked for years with Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS.
She's met and lobbied California Representative Ron Dellums as a hired lobbyist, okay?
So she's worked with people that are involved in the California government, Jerry Brown and others.
She was given the visa to come in.
She was denied a visa, and then they gave her an exception, and she stayed beyond the point at which she was supposed to go back.
So she's actually here illegally at the time she had the meeting.
And then a couple of days later, she is there in a congressional hearing behind a former ambassador to Russia.
Always with the Democrats.
This woman is a Democrat operative, and that's the key thing.
It was a setup.
It was a trap to make him guilty, not even by association.
They didn't really even associate with these people, but just guilty by his own proximity to this person.
Well, and it's just interesting that we have the establishment media won't follow that story.
They won't follow that paper trail that continues to lead back to the Democrats, to their own corruption and collusion with the media establishment as well, colluding to try to get Hillary Clinton.
It all circles back to them again and again and again.
The only corruption that has been exposed here is on the side of the Democrats.
And it's incredible
To see how our free and independent press refuses to actually go there to follow the money and to report the news to the American people.
The news that we can actually use to stay free.
Yeah, exactly.
Let's take a look at what's happening with other news.
We've got a guy who was investigating Clinton's emails.
Somehow, looks like he had maybe a Clinton side.
We're going to take a look at that and other suicide associated with the Clintons.
We'll be right back with Leanne McAdoo.
Stay with us.
Look, I want to cheerlead the economy.
And I see Trump bringing back a lot of jobs and exuberance in the stock market, but underlying, globally, a lot of problems.
And so we'll get Peter Schiff's take on that.
Roger Schott, Dr. Jerome Corsi.
I'm not an apologist for Trump, and I'm not disagreeing with Schiff.
I think he's right.
But I'm a realist.
And you see the elite against Trump.
You see the powers that be trying to block him.
What does he do?
Come in and just let the economy totally implode?
I mean, I understand at some point the bubble has to go down.
But I mean, Peter Schiff, quantify what you're saying for us.
Well, what I'm saying is that the air is going to come out of this bubble, just like it did on George Bush.
Remember, the Fed inflated that phony recovery when it blew up the housing bubble.
And that bubble, though, didn't survive the second term of Bush.
It blew up while Bush was still president, and that's what helped Barack Obama become president, because people didn't want to vote for McCain.
Did they purposely deflate it to get Obama elected?
No, you know, I don't think that they are that smart that they can time it and orchestrate it the way, you know, they just got lucky that it happened, you know.
Sure, because they're trying to stop Trump's stock market right now.
It's not working.
Well, they're raising interest rates.
They're announcing quantitative easing.
Yeah, you're right.
I think they're doing things that you would think would make the stock market go down.
I'm really not sure what's keeping it up to the extent that maybe the market doesn't believe the Fed, that they think that they're bluffing, that they're not going to carry out with this quantitative easing.
I think people want to make America great again.
I think they're betting on America and just saying, you know what?
This is my only vote is money, and I'm doubling down.
The point is that the Fed did this.
The market is a creation of the Fed.
It's all about cheap money and liquidity.
And if they withdraw that, then the market's going to come down.
It's only a question of time.
And it's going to come down hard.
And who's going to get blamed for it?
And since Trump has already said, look, the market is going up, that means I'm doing a good job.
This is a barometer for my presidency.
He's already set himself up.
That's a good point, Corky.
Yeah, that means he owns it.
Yeah, it is a good point.
When the market comes down, now it's, well, it's because you're a failed president.
That, look, the market's going down.
He has, he has painted himself into a corner.
You know, look, Trump is dealing with the food stamps.
He's getting people off the food stamps.
He's reducing the number of illegal immigrants in the country.
He's gonna have to deal with these programs.
Not overnight, because you can't just cut them off.
Yeah, let's admit that.
He's already done a lot of good stuff when it comes to sovereignty, militarily.
I mean, let's give him credit on that.
I mean, I'm not being the traitor, of course.
Yeah, he is.
There are some good things that he has done on the margins, but you're talking about, we have a terminally ill patient here, and if you clear up some of his acne that he might have, I mean, sure, OK.
So now he's going to be a nicer looking corpse.
The dollar's going to tank.
Inflation is going to run out of control.
I agree.
And this is all going to happen.
It should have happened years ago, but it didn't.
We were able to delay the day of reckoning and Barack Obama got out of Dodge and his whole house of cards is going to come down around Donald Trump.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here with Leanne McAdoo joining us via Skype from Florida.
She's been on extended leave of absence.
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Now Leanne, we were talking in the last section about this lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya who has worked for the Democrats for a very long time.
We had
Breitbart, Daily Caller News, put together essentially a long list of people that she's worked with, Democrats, people like Ron Dellums, Jerry Brown, Howard Dean, Joe Trippi, via a Democrat lobbyist that she was working with.
Loretta Lynch, let her in the country, made exceptions for her.
She was in John McCain's office back in 2015.
We see from her Twitter account that she opposed Donald Trump vociferously on multiple occasions.
She also supported Hillary over Bernie Sanders.
And she's worked with Fusion GPS.
And now we have Fusion GPS's boss.
That's right.
No, we're not going to show the FBI the servers.
They're going to just take our word for it.
Meanwhile, we've got people like Roger Stone begging to clear his name.
People like Carter Page begging to clear his name before these committees in Congress, and they won't let them do it.
But the Democrats say, no, I'm not going to even come in.
You can call me, but I'm not going to come in.
Isn't that amazing?
They must be guilty because they want to speak publicly and clear their name.
Whereas other people who want to actually bleach with their computers, they get to go run to be the president.
It's incredible.
We live in Wally World.
It's what we were talking about, about Donald Trump Jr.
saying, OK, here's the emails.
You think there's something here?
There's nothing here.
Here's the emails.
Take a look at them.
And now they try to make something out of that.
Another thing that I think is interesting that broke today is an individual, a Republican donor, an operative from Chicago's North Shore, who said that he had tried to obtain Hillary Clinton's missing emails from Russian hackers.
He killed himself, committed suicide, another Clinton side, in a Minnesota hotel room days after talking to the Wall Street Journal about his efforts.
Uh, it's kind of interesting.
They said that he committed suicide.
He was found with a bag over his head and a source of helium attached.
An odd way to commit suicide.
But even stranger, Leanne, is the note that he left that said, no foul play here whatsoever.
I mean, it's like, move along, there's nothing to see.
Nobody writes a suicide note like that, and nobody says this.
Nobody says, I'm doing this because I'm worried about my life insurance of five million dollars expiring.
I mean, if you do that, then of course you're not going to get the life insurance.
I mean, come on, this is absolutely amazing.
We're out of time, but thank you for joining us, Leanne McAdoo, who is now in Florida, and we're going to be joined by Owen Schroer in the next hour.
Stay with us, I've got a news upbreak in just a minute.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from the InfoHorse.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
In the next segment, we're going to be joined by Owen Schroer.
We were talking earlier about Donald Trump's visit to Paris, meeting with the Sun King, Jupiter himself, Macron, who is pushing this climate deal that Trump wisely exited with the advice of his EPA pick and many other people who really understand what's going on with this.
We have to get out of this.
People who
Even support the idea that we've got to eliminate carbon dioxide that is going to burn the planet up.
They know that this isn't going to do anything towards it.
All it is going to do is just harm our economy.
And there's a story from WorldNetDaily earlier this week.
cities and states who are in love with the Paris climate deal face a new hurdle.
A lot of these people have said, we're going to stay in the climate deal.
We don't care if Donald Trump gets us out.
Well, actually, no, you don't have a say in that.
They say about a dozen states
Including Washington, Oregon, California, Minnesota, Virginia, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, rebelled against President Trump when he withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord.
And you know, it was interesting, because earlier this week we had Turkey come out and say, we're going to get out of it as well, because if the US isn't in there to give us money, then there's nothing in it for us to shut our economy down.
We're going to shut our economy down, but we're going to get massive cash payments from the United States.
That only highlights what a horrendous deal this is for the United States, because we have to shut down our economy, and we have to do it at an earlier date than the so-called developing nations, but then we have to compensate them as well.
So we shut down our economy and send massive amounts of money to these other countries, but more specifically, it's going to go to the leaders of those countries.
That's the way foreign aid works, don't you understand?
You've seen that before.
We all know how that works.
We all know that the person who was going to get the money was Erdogan himself.
It wasn't going to go to the Turkish people.
It wasn't going to go to their economy.
It was something that he was going to pocket.
That's the way it happens in these third world countries.
So some of the states have already formed the United States Climate Alliance to uphold the previous US commitment that
It's not a commitment.
Obama self-ratified it because he couldn't get Congress to sign on to the constitutional ratification process.
So he just made it up.
He and Kerry signed it and said, we're going to ratify it ourselves.
No, it doesn't work.
And he found out, as we all know, that if he comes in and just says, well, I'm going to do it by executive order, then Donald Trump comes in and says, well, I'm going to undo it by executive order.
It doesn't have any effect.
They said there's also 267 mayors and governors who have signed an open letter.
To the international community and to other parties of the Paris Agreement.
However, there is a problem.
Congressional Research Service says the Constitution, remember that Constitution?
That thing these guys swear to that we don't usually pay any attention to, but maybe they will now.
It allows for federal law to preempt state and local law in a number of areas, including foreign policy.
Yes, that is not their jurisdiction.
And they point out this, they said, even when there is no actual conflict between state and federal law or policy, the Supreme Court has held that a state law can still be deemed an unconstitutional intrusion into the field of foreign affairs if it results in something more than an incidental or indirect effect on U.S.
foreign relations.
In other words, this is kind of like the Logan Act.
Remember when we have Bilderberg and we say we've got people that are engaging in setting U.S.
Actually, they're also doing something that is far worse, far more criminal than what Donald Trump Jr.
was even ever accused of.
We've got people who are at the highest level of multiple governments, meeting in private.
Nobody is allowed to know what they're talking about.
They show up, as we saw.
Ed Ball from the UK shows up with a suitcase, not with clothes, filled with papers.
They keep saying, oh, this is just a friendly meeting.
He showed up with a suitcase filled with papers.
We got it on film.
My wife was there as an InfoWars reporter, shot him as all this stuff fell out of his...
I don't know.
In setting our foreign policy with the Climate Paris Agreement, that is also a violation of the Logan Act and the Constitution, I would add.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Orrin Schroer.
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All right, so let me get this straight.
Hillary Clinton, when accused of using her private email server to send out classified information, immediately deleted her emails and physically smashed her hard drives.
Yet liberal logic says she's innocent and there is no evidence of any wrongdoing.
And now Donald Trump Jr.
is accused of breaking campaign laws.
Because he had an email exchange and a meeting with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump Jr.
immediately published his emails, which showed no wrongdoing.
Yet liberal logic says he's guilty.
They haven't found the exact law yet, but he's got to be guilty of something, right?
After all, he is the son of Donald Trump, and there must be a Russian conspiracy.
But wait a minute.
It turns out that the Russian lawyer has deep state connections to all things anti-Trump.
You can learn more right now at Infowars.com.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and Owen Shroyer is joining me and he's got some breaking news about a corruption case that happened in New York State.
Is that correct?
It was an ex-Speaker of the House, a massive bribery case and we're going to take a look at some other
Court cases that are coming up.
Are we winning or are we losing in the courts?
Because this is where the Democrats want to fight us.
And so we've got a new decision today from another judge trying to undermine Trump's travel ban that was upheld by the Supreme Court.
It was shut down by local judges, by district judges, and now we've got another federal judge in Hawaii trying to expand the number of people who can be brought in.
But let's take a look first at this corruption case that you've got here.
Well, this is an amazing story, David, and this is the kind of thing that I think all Americans are frustrated with, whether you identify yourself as a Republican or Democrat or Independent, whatever, and that's people that are above the law.
That's one of the biggest things we have with the beef with the way the Hillary Clinton email scandal was handled.
I think that we've obviously got more developments on that with Peter Smith's alleged suicide.
But if you flashback to
November 2015, you would have heard the story about Sheldon Silver, found guilty on seven counts of corruption.
This is a man who's taking millions of dollars in bribes, pay-for-play programs, typical of a Clinton crime syndicate that you would expect, and so he's guilty.
He's sentenced to 12 years in jail.
I think he was 72 when that conviction was settled.
Well, yesterday, the decision got reversed.
Sheldon Silver's corruption conviction is overturned.
And the way they did this is actually shocking and it shows you how the Trump operates first.
Ex-State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver's 2015 corruption was overturned by a Second Circuit Court of Appeals.
This is a conviction, again, $4 million in bribes in exchange for political power here that he was convicted on.
This is a Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter appointed judge.
This is a Democrat appointed judge who let this Democrat Clintonite walk.
And the name of the judge is Circuit Judge Jose Cabranes.
And the second court that he rules over said that the instructions given to jurors in Silver's case that defined an official auction were overbroad and that a properly instructed jury may not have found Silver guilty of corruption.
So basically, what Jose Cabranes has said is that the judge is above the jury.
That, oh, we don't agree with the jury's decision here.
I'm the judge.
I'm just going to go ahead and overrule that because, well, this is a Clintonite.
This is a Democrat.
This is one of us.
So he gets to walk.
And this is what Judge Cobrain said.
We cannot conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that a rational jury would have found Silver guilty if it had been properly instructed on the definition of an official act.
So he doesn't like the jury's decision.
So he goes, you guys are clearly irrational or misinformed, so I'm just going to overturn that conviction.
It gets even worse though, David.
It gets even worse.
If you didn't think that was bad enough, in a similar case, Brooklyn Assemblyman William Boylan Jr.
was convicted on the exact same grounds.
So you've got two cases, same charges, different convictions, or different punishments.
Because some people are above the law.
You play with the Clintons, you got blackmail with the Clintons, you're above the law.
Now, Dean Scalos
We're good to go.
Thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people in the state of New York and across this country that are locked up for petty crime that have done nothing but maybe steal a stick of gum or maybe smoke a joint on the street.
They go to jail, but Sheldon Silver, millions of dollars in bribes, gets to walk.
I am infuriated over this, David.
I am absolutely disgusted.
This is how the swamp works and it's still going on.
Well, it's very similar to what you were talking about before with Comey saying, you know, Hillary didn't have any intention.
Well, that wasn't a part of the law.
So we're going to let her go.
And then they lock up a guy who takes pictures of where he was in his submarine.
He clearly had no intention of doing anything, turning these over to the Russians.
They were only up to the lowest level of confidential.
We have multiple levels, confidential, secret, top secret, and then the kind of stuff that Hillary Clinton was involved in, which is above top secret.
But of course, her releasing that information, no problem.
But one guy takes three or four pictures of his bunk, or where he lived in the submarine to show his kids, later on his grandkids, he goes to jail.
That's what we see, that double standard that is there, and that's what you're talking about here.
The fact that the people at the top get off and everybody else goes to jail.
Well, and here's the funny thing.
I'm glad that you brought that up, because they wanted to say that Hillary Clinton had no intent.
Okay, well, if you get pulled over... It's not a part of the statute.
If you get pulled over speeding, and you say, well, officer, I had no intent to go 100 miles per hour.
My car just happened to be a fast car.
Yeah, that's not going to work.
But that's basically what they're saying here for Silver.
Another statement made from the judge, a rational jury might have concluded that Silver did not engage in an official act when he agreed to help Dr. Taub with permits for a charity race.
So this is one of the cases.
It's a cancer charity race.
They raise a bunch of money.
The race never happens.
This doctor gets a bunch of people from the attorney's office who had the cancer to sue through his law firm.
You know, millions of dollars, bribery, pay-for-play.
It's all going on.
The race never happens.
And so the judge just says, well, Silver had no intent that the race was going to happen.
We can't prove that he intended for that money to just fall into his lap.
He didn't intend for that.
He meant to do something with it eventually, but it just didn't happen.
So he just kept the money and he didn't return it to anybody and he didn't hold the race and he didn't give it to the victims.
And I'll tell you, if Dean Skelos, who is now pleading for the same case to overturn what would have been his conviction,
Um, if he gets away with this, and I was the legal team of Assemblyman William Boylan Jr., I think my head would explode.
Because you have two cases of the same thing, and two people that walk, and your client goes to jail.
Something is wrong here.
Well, just look at what's happening with the acting FBI director, McCabe, who was a number two for Comey.
His wife was running for Senate in Virginia, and the governor, Terry McAuliffe, and Hillary Clinton's foundations were being investigated.
He was investigating them at the time.
He was investigating her for the email, her email classified stuff that we just said that Comey said, oh, we're going to let her off.
As they were being investigated on this,
Uh, his wife was running for office and they made donations to her.
So this is something that is, uh, this is beyond just ethical violations that are happening here.
This is a guy who's head of the FBI.
So what are we going to do?
The guy who is the governor in Virginia.
A longtime political operative for the Clintons and the DNC, Terry McAuliffe.
So this is something that is, we have rampant corruption from the top to the bottom.
Something needs to be done about it.
Here's another example of out-of-control courts.
We had today a judge expanding on his own the list of relatives that have been exempted from the Trump travel ban.
Remember we had all these activist judges and these district courts, federal district courts say,
No, no, no.
The president has no ability to set foreign policy or immigration policy or whatever, even though they allowed Obama to do that.
No, when Trump does it, he can't do it.
And so that was overruled by the Supreme Court.
And now a federal judge in Hawaii on Thursday expanded the list of family relations.
He said, no, you can't exclude grandparents, grandchildren, brothers-in-laws, sisters-in-laws, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins.
It's the whole nine.
It's like, so just gonna bring everybody in and say, oh yeah, I'm related to Mohammed over here.
All the Mohammed's related.
So basically, there's another judge that's just come in with a trick to try to overturn the travel ban from countries that Obama was at war with.
We're dropping bombs on these countries, presumably because they're dangerous.
If they're not dangerous and we don't need to vet the people who are coming in from these countries and restrict it, then why are we dropping bombs on them?
Another example of the corruption in the courts, Owen, is this is a judge that is hearing the case of the Center for Medical Progress.
Remember, these are people who did the underground videos of Planned Parenthood and others talking about how they wanted to traffic in baby body parts.
We have a district judge who has ruled against them and he has now come after the lawyers defending this guy, holding them in contempt because they pointed out that this lawyer, that this judge has a conflict of interest.
He has been involved, he served as a board member of Planned Parenthood's affiliated Wolford Family Clinic.
So this is a judge who has been a board member of a Planned Parenthood clinic.
And he doesn't recuse himself from this case.
And the lawyers point that out, and they try to get him removed.
Now he holds the lawyers in contempt of court.
Contempt isn't a strong enough word, I think.
You know, Chuck Grassley called out McCabe on the Hill, I think this was either yesterday or two days ago, saying, why didn't you recuse yourself from the Flynn investigation when you clearly had a personal vendetta against Flynn?
This is the same thing.
This is so obvious.
I'm just so confused.
You've got these liberal judges, David.
They think they're above the law.
They think they're above juries.
They think they're above the people.
So they step in.
You just cited the case with this travel ban.
So they step in and they take themselves above the law.
They take themselves above whatever is the case.
Where are the conservatives to do this?
Where are the conservatives that are going to step in and put their foot down in the sand and say, enough!
This is enough!
There is clearly collusion between McCabe, I mean the Clintons, the Comeys, these judges that are overturning the travel ban, these judges that are setting silvers.
When are we going to have somebody take these people down?
When is a conservative going to step up?
I mean, Chuck Grassley seems to be the only one doing it right now.
I'd like to see Trey Gowdy go harder.
Trump is trying to endear himself to the entire world right now.
I mean, somebody has to step up and do something about this, David.
I'm getting fed up.
You mentioned McCabe and his conflict of interest with Flynn.
He is under investigation three or four different cases because that was a situation of sexual harassment.
Flynn got on his bad side by writing a letter of recommendation for the woman he had worked with for a very long time.
And that's the kind of guy that Flynn is.
If he sees something that is wrong, he will speak out.
That's what got him fired from the Obama administration.
He talked about how we were helping ISIS, so they got him out of there.
Then he gets on the bad side of Andrew McCabe and the FBI because he defends a woman who was doing great work and all of a sudden gets shut down.
When we come back, we're going to talk about why Trump has obstacles here in the courts.
It's because they've been packed by Obama.
And because these guys have lifetime appointments, like the Supreme Court.
That's what needs to be changed if you really want to drain the swamp.
Get rid of these lifetime appointments.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
David Knight, Owen Schroer.
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And it's that there are critical times in history where more happens in just a few years to change the future destiny of humanity's trajectory that happened in the previous hundred.
And with all of the advanced technology, with all of the incredible innovations that limited free market civilization has developed, we're seeing an acceleration of that great turning.
We are approaching a mass jump point, tipping point, decision point.
That our species has never even imagined.
Ladies and gentlemen, the equations that gave us atomic weapons and nuclear power were developed by Max Planck in 1900.
That vision was then manifest in 1945, when two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
That's 1900 quantum mechanics in the human mind.
Theoretical, then put into action.
Today, the elites of the globe have been in consensus, from China to Europe to the United States, that they were going to hoard all the advanced technologies and keep them back from the American people and the people of the world.
But President Trump, in his inaugural speech, foreshadowed the fact that we are about to discover the secrets of the universe together.
And that's because many of the secrets have already been discovered.
And many others have been discovered and suppressed.
And that simple, basic fact is why the globalists hate Trump.
It's why they hate me.
It's why they hate you.
Because you innately have the spark of the universe in you.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, each of us has the sea of the universe within our heart, within our soul.
To celebrate our comeback, to celebrate the fact that our republic is coming back from the dead,
I'm going to extend the 4th of July specials throughout the month of July.
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In fact, some of the discounts are as high as 40 percent on some of the Enbricks Essentials, so we're going to continue those as well.
Until they sell out, while supplies last, the lowest discounts are 10 percent.
The highest discounts are 40 percent to celebrate the victories we've had against the Globalist.
That's InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
Undoubtedly, this is going to be the most intense
Long lasting sale in the history of Infowars.
Because right now, the quickening, the acceleration of awakening, the spiritual unlocking is white hot.
And I am just honored to be here with you all together.
Because as one caller said, we're not just the tip of the spear.
This audience of patriots of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want to be free are the sword of truth.
And I am humbled to be associated with you all.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here with Owen Schroeder.
Owen brought in the story about the judge who just overturned a jury conviction of corruption of the leader of the New York Assembly, it was, I think.
It was a massive bribery and corruption charge and the judge says, well,
I don't see how a jury could have convicted him unless they really didn't know what they're doing.
So I'm just going to set that aside.
And you know what's interesting about the rhetoric, and I know we need to move on here, but it's the same thing that Comey said.
This is what the judge said.
A rational jury.
A rational jury.
Remember what Comey said?
No rational prosecutor.
Yeah, that's how they rationalize their defense.
Yeah, we're not rational.
The people aren't allowed to be rational.
We the people don't have the capacity to be rational anymore, David.
That's what it is.
So we've also had a judge who has overturned the Trump travel ban being reinstated by the Supreme Court.
He comes back in and he says, oh well, we're going to extend this from the immediate family.
We're going to include in-laws.
Laws and cousins and aunts and uncles and all this kind of stuff, broadening this.
So what are we going to do about this?
As we've got the other case we talked about was the judge in California looking at the Center for Medical Progress, their undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood.
The judge there is sitting on the board of Planned Parenthood, refuses to recuse himself and when the lawyers say, you have a conflict of interest and try to get him removed, he comes after them for contempt of court.
These corrupt courts, what are we going to do about them?
The courts that are very key in this, the Washington Appeals Court and two appellate courts that have been ruling against Trump's travel ban, Reuters points out it's going to be difficult for Donald Trump to do anything about that.
He just had some conservative picks that he put into federal courts and so that's a win and Daily Caller reports on that.
But are we winning or losing?
What can we do about these courts?
The problem is, this is Arthur Hellman, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, he said, Trump is not going to be able to make any significant dents
And to the Democrats' control of those three appellate courts, those appellate circuits.
And it's not even that.
It's much worse than that.
They say after eight years in office, Obama was able to make enough appointments to leave a strong liberal imprint on the federal courts.
When he left the White House in January, nine of the 13 federal appellate courts had a majority of Democrats.
So they have lifetime appointments.
Today we had some conservative judges appointed by Trump, and it was a victory.
They said the Senate panel cleared several of President Trump's judicial nominees just hours before the White House announced its fifth slate of judicial candidates, but still in these key areas.
So it's a win on one side, but on the other side, Obama's got a block.
Nine out of the 13 appellate courts
So these appellate courts that can overturn this stuff, that can shut down and block what President Trump is doing, they have been packed by Obama, and they have lifetime appointments for many of these people.
Today we had conservative legal commentators, though, enthusiastically praising the picks that President Trump had.
Newsom, Bush, Schiff as solid picks with excellent jurisprudential bona fides.
They said, thank you, President Trump, for keeping your campaign promise.
Continuing to pick excellent nominees, including those that were voted on today.
That was the Council of the Conservative Judicial Crisis Network.
So there's some progress that's being made, but it is really, really clogged.
Obama was able to do all of this and get away with it because no media was going to report on it.
Nobody was going to, you know, put out the stories that Obama was creating a judicial block here with all these judges that he appointed.
But it's amazing to hear you break that down and it just makes me realize how
The judiciary branch of the government does not represent the people whatsoever.
It has zero representation of we the people, zero representation of the way the republic feels right now.
If we never vote for these people, they get appointed politically, just like the Supreme Court.
We've got nine political appointees there for life.
We have absolutely nothing to say about it.
And that happens all the way down the federal judiciary.
And that's the key thing.
Our elected representatives in Congress have basically abdicated everything that they do.
They've abdicated it to the lobbyists who write the laws, to the bureaucracy that then extends those laws and enforces those laws, and to the courts.
And they don't do any—our elected representatives don't do anything in Congress.
It's all the courts and the bureaucracy that is doing this.
Well, we all have bias, okay?
And a judge, judiciary, there's always going to be some bias.
It's just inherent.
But here's the difference to me, David.
When you put in a liberal judge, they go into that seat with a mindset, an agenda, a political agenda, an anti-American, because America's bad and sexist and racist and now I'm a judge, now I can do something about it, now I can make a difference.
That's the mindset that they go in with.
Now, a conservative judge goes in, again, everybody's got their bias, but the mindset to me of a conservative judge is, okay, I need to take a look at how this relates to the Constitution.
I need to think about what this means to the Republic, what this means to the Constitution, what this means to the future of this country.
A totally different mindset, a totally different agenda.
It's an agenda-driven judiciary branch versus a justice-driven judiciary branch, and it's clear what we have right now.
What the liberals say is, we have a living Constitution.
We have living documents.
The written words don't mean anything.
That was the big split between the people like Scalia, and hopefully his replacement, Neil Gorsuch, and the people on the left.
The people on the left said, I'm just going to do whatever is in the best interest of the people.
I don't really care what this says.
Or even Justice Kennedy, who looks at foreign law to make his decision, not the Constitution.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with Owen Schroer.
I'm David Knight.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Oh my God!
What the hell?
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Get out of here!
Shut this down!
This is not safe!
This is not... Hold on!
Settle down!
Get another doctor.
Something's wrong.
Something's wrong with him.
Help him.
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Please, doctor.
Doctor, wait a minute.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're just going to cut to commercial for just a moment.
Cut, cut, cut.
Get everybody out of here.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, July 14th, 2017.
I'm David Knight with Owen Schroer.
We're going to have a report from Alex Jones talking about this Wall Street Journal story.
The post office gives Amazon special delivery subsidies of $1.46 per package.
You know, we have free shipping.
You don't have to buy InfoWars Prime at $10 a month like you do with Amazon.
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All of that, in addition to free shipping, part of our July summer mega specials, now live at InfoWarsStore.com.
Let's go to Alex's report where he's talking about Amazon as we see that Jeff Bezos is on target to become the richest man in the world, but then he gets subsidies from the U.S.
government for shipping his mail-order products as he puts out bricks and mortar stores are going out of business left and right.
Here's that report from Alex Jones.
It's less and less common to read mainstream media and see a story that actually tells the truth and actually stands up for the general public and a free and open society.
But I read one of those articles today by a Josh Sandbute from the Wall Street Journal.
Why the post office gives Amazon special delivery.
A Citigroup analysis finds each box gets a $1.46 subsidy.
It's like a giant gift card from Uncle Sam.
And behind every mega-rich person, whether it's Warren Buffett or Carlos Slim or the Rockefeller and Rothschild dynasties, it's government-corporate partnerships that create the mega-super-wealthy.
And that's why John D. I famously wrote and stated many times that the cardinal sin was competition.
Crony capitalists want consolidation.
They want governmental and multinational control, which they write and which they are largely exempt from, just like the U.N.
diplomatic community and tax community and all the rest of it set up by the Rockefellers.
And in this article, he breaks down, well, you know, I drive by all the retail collapsing and think, oh, that's just free market.
There'll be winners and losers.
But then he realizes as a business researcher and writer that the truth is when the trucks pull up to his house and neighbors houses, they each have a dollar forty six subsidy on the average package.
From the US Postal Service, delivering it to your door, cheaper than it costs the Postal Service.
But here's the deal.
Only big megacorporations basically get the subsidiary.
And the more they ship, the more they get.
And so that's why we have to offer free shipping to even attract people to InfoWareStore.com, even though we have a lot of proprietary-grade products, because Amazon has created this climate.
And it's not free market.
It's done by subsidizing.
Their system via the taxpayers, just like Carlos Slim made $10 billion roughly in profit off of the Obama phone program that cost, what was it, $3 billion or more a year.
And he's one of the richest men in the world.
It's in between Bezos of Amazon and The Washington Post and Whole Foods.
It's in between that Robert Barron.
And it's in between Carlos Slim.
Now that's who publicly is the richest.
There's a lot of old money that's even bigger than that.
But they go over this whole subsidy that's behind it.
And that's why I've told my wife, I've told everybody, if something is available somewhere else, even if it's another big company, try to go buy it from them, or a mom and pop, or let's go to the farmer's market.
We've got to keep competition alive because these monopolies are coming in and are devastating things.
And it's time to break these monopolies up.
You know, until a few years ago, we sold our items on Amazon and we sold quite a bit.
A lot of folks buy our items and resell them.
There's also some Chinese fakes on Amazon.
That's how popular InfoWarsLife.com is.
But I said, let's just pull our Amazon shopping carts because I don't want to contribute to this.
But it's getting to a point where if you can't beat them, join them.
Well, I'm going to hold out.
And I'm going to believe folks are going to keep visiting InfoWarsTore.com and supporting us there and buying products there.
This isn't about just a plug today.
This is about realizing that I talk to my neighbors and others and I say, listen, we don't go to Starbucks anymore because they're trying to bring in radical jihadis and pushing to implode our borders and globalism.
I've told my assistant, please don't buy Starbucks coffee here at my house anymore.
I said, just get a grinder.
We'll grind the good coffee we sell.
It's better.
It's organic.
And then I'll put it in the little Keurig machine.
But again, the globalists promote things like the Keurig machine, the little scissors where you put the little
Capsule in there because it's all about removing you from the raw material removing you from processing yourself It's like having these automatic can openers where you or a machine does it we're being dehumanized I'm not saying it's bad to automate some things It's like wearing shoes or having a car.
It's just that it's being designed as a Trojan horse to weaken us to domesticate us and the social engineers
Admit that.
So the article is very, very important.
It goes over how all of this happens and then they claim it's an accident.
No, no, this isn't an accident.
This arrangement is an unprecedented accident of history.
The post office has long had a legal monopoly to deliver first class mail on non-
Urgent letters.
The exclusivity comes with a universal service obligation to provide for all Americans a uniform price and quality.
The communications service helps knit the vast country together and it's the postal service exists.
It's how they exist.
And then it just goes on to explain how this works.
The point is it's one monopoly or oligopoly allowing another oligopoly to basically turn into a monopoly.
And it's these big massive taxpayer-backed structures that allow this.
And if you expand on that,
Look at healthcare.
Undoubtedly, by the 1960s, the United States had the best healthcare in the world.
Japanese royalty came here.
British royalty came here.
You know, the Saudi rich people came here.
Everybody came here.
National Health Service of England was a nightmare.
Canada's system was a nightmare.
On and on and on.
And then as we put more and more government money in, just like education, it drove up the price.
And it destroyed basic competition.
And now it's a huge bureaucratic nightmare with the big insurance companies and banks riding Obamacare bipartisanly to bankrupt smaller companies and bankrupt smaller healthcare companies and consolidate the market.
That's what Elizabeth Warren admits.
It's what Ezekiel Emanuel admits.
And that's what's frustrating is they admit it but act like blowing up competition and vertically integrating things is somehow
Socialist and loving and liberal.
Well, it's a bunch of mega corporations that run it.
It's globalists that exploit China's slave labor that, of course, Walmart did first for decades and now is in decline because other people are imitating it.
And it's the same thing.
Now we have Amazon eating Walmart.
So first Walmart ate Main Street.
We see Amazon eating everything.
So back to David Knight and the live transmission, the whole article, you know, gets into the basics of it.
And you can claim it's, quote, an accident, but these big corporations use all these loopholes to their advantage.
And then try to shut the loopholes off to everybody else and pull up the ladders of success.
That's what globalism is.
It's great crime is.
It's pushing austerity on everybody.
And Trump's great plus is he recognizes that he's trying to fight it.
He's certainly imperfect.
But again, imagine if we had Hillary Clinton in there right now.
And imagine if they get back in power what they're going to do.
They're going to clamp down on everything.
Back to David Knight.
Back to Leigh Ann McAdoo, back to Owen Schroeder, and others in the live studio.
Infowars.com, spread that link.
It is an act of resistance.
Seriously, folks are trying to shut us down.
And they can shut us down, or weaken us, or keep us from breaking through even more.
You're next.
We're all next.
We're in this together.
Alex Jones with Infowars.com.
And if you're watching and listening to this transmission, you are the reason we're here, and I salute you, and thank you for all you've done.
Please remember, we have free shipping through the month of July.
Our average package cost us over $7 to ship for the average weight and average package for priority.
And so when we're selling something for $20, we're making $10 on it.
And then we do free shipping, we're making like $3.
But I'm just absolutely giving the enemy a run for their money.
And, uh, we always have free shipping, $50 or more.
We have 10% off when you sign up for auto ships.
You can get, you know, stuff that you need to reorder like vitamins and minerals and supplements and coffee, but just please commit to supporting free market that also supports your freedoms and powerlessly fights.
Infowarsstore.com, infowarslife.com.
You can also call and talk to a human, 888-253-3139.
We have DNA Force back in stock, 20% off.
We have a MycoZX, the amazing, uh,
Thank you all for the support.
All right, I'm David Knight here with Owen Schroer.
As Alex was just saying about Amazon, we look at these 21st century robber barons and one of the best examples of this, of course, is Jeff Bezos.
When he's talking about what's going on with the post office, I remember, Owen, decades ago, 20-plus years ago,
Some of the people that were involved in the Libertarian Party were working for UPS and they were very upset about what was going on with the post office because the post office was using its monopoly on letters to subsidize competing with UPS and with Federal Express on packages.
And on overnight delivery of, you know, the package of what made Federal Express popular was their overnight delivery of letters.
UPS was focusing on parcels.
And so the Postal Service was using this letter carrying stuff to subsidize those parcel deliveries.
But then they got in trouble, as this article points out.
In the early 2000s, email started making snail mail go away.
And so there their protected monopoly started collapsing.
And it got even harder for them, because in 2006, Congress passed an act that made it unlawful for them to ship parcels at below cost.
But, as the article points out, that's very subjective.
Who knows?
Because this stuff all flows together.
How do you assess the cost of delivering a letter and delivering a parcel at the same time?
The guy's going out there at the same time.
How do you split the cost of one versus the other?
So that gave them wiggle room.
And that's what allows Amazon to come in and get a $1.46 subsidy off of this because they're big enough to take advantage of this in a way that other people can't.
So you've got a government monopoly setting up a situation where one of these oligarchists can come in and they can take advantage of that in a way that the rest of us can't.
That's the problem that we see being replicated over and over again in our economy.
We're going to see it with transportation very soon.
They're going to make it impossible for you to own a car because the city planners, the urban planners, the people who want to enforce Agenda 21, or as they now call it, the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainability, they don't want you to have the ability to move around independent of them.
They want to own your transportation.
Understand, this is full-on warfare.
And if you're in warfare against the people, against their freedom, you have to control the movement, the transportation.
It's the first thing, if you've got an invading army, the first thing they're going to do is come in and shut off the means of transportation.
That's what they're going to be doing to us shortly.
They always want to own everything.
And when we look at what's happening with Jeff Bezos and the articles that have come out in the Drudge Report and many others today over this last week, people have said Amazon is getting so big I'm putting them on my sale list because I have seen that there are things working in Washington to essentially shut down what is rapidly becoming a monopoly.
Jeff Bezos is about to become the richest man in the world.
He made $20 billion increase in his net worth.
And Owen, as we were talking during the break, I said, that's equivalent, if you look at him buying the Washington Post, because that's what he's thinking strategically.
He understands there's going to be antitrust movements against him in Washington.
He also understands that he wants to be able to deliver packages himself with his own drones.
He's going to have to have government approval for that to give him an advantage over everybody else.
He'll be allowed to use drones to deliver stuff, but you won't with your small business because you're not going to be able to pass the regulatory hurdles.
He's going to make sure that that happens.
He's also going to make sure that he has access to what he wants to do in space.
An important part of that is to get politically involved with the Washington Post.
We've seen the Washington Post get very politicized after Jeff Bezos bought it.
What did it cost him?
Well, if we look at the kind of money that he's making, and the amount of money that he paid for the Washington Post, $250 million sounds like a lot of money, except when we look at somebody who made $20 billion in just five months.
Let's normalize that to somebody that is making $50,000, which is what the average American makes.
That means that you could buy the Amazon Post for $300.
I mean, would you buy a paper that you could use to influence Washington for $300?
Of course you would, and that's exactly what he's doing.
That's the way this guy is playing the game.
It's very, very dangerous.
Well, not only that, you would also do it if you knew that some of the money of that $300 was coming from the government.
If you were saying, I'm getting $150 of that from the government, 50%?
Well, heck yeah!
And that is what they're trying to do.
Bezos, Slim, Buffett, publicly pleading poverty.
Ask Congress for help with their newspapers.
The richest men in the world.
And this is a typical thing.
I mean, you know, you'll actually see this a lot in media companies that fail.
They try to get government bailouts.
And it usually is the richest people at the company that get these bailouts because they don't want to pay these bills.
They don't want to make this bad business deal.
But it's absurd that, again...
As the story on the New York Sun points out, Bezos worth over $80 million, Slim worth over $60 billion, Buffett worth over $70 billion, that's what we know of.
And these people want money from the government to save their failing businesses?
Excuse me, that's not how America works.
And now it gets back to what you were talking about and how Amazon is now going to get this nice little kickback from the government, basically, with these parcels that they're going to be sending out.
Oh, they're getting it.
They're getting it.
They're able to take advantage of that.
Well, it makes sense.
You say, OK, well, of course, that makes sense for the private business owner.
He's going to make more money.
His business is going to be more successful.
That makes sense for the government.
The government's going to have some say.
The government's going to have some control.
They're going to have a little leverage in this situation, considering they're involved now.
But you know what it doesn't make sense for?
It doesn't make sense for America.
It doesn't make sense for the consumer.
It doesn't make sense for the Republic.
And that's the problem.
Nobody is thinking about that when they're making these deals.
They're thinking about the bottom line.
And this is where government has gone wrong.
You know, that was what the government was supposed to be here to do.
To watch the N.I.
Trust, to make sure that freedoms were being protected, and that we still lived in a Republic ruled by the Constitution.
And that's just, the government's completely missed that.
And this is the kind of same story when you hear these newspaper owners that just, like you said, they buy these newspapers for pennies on the dollar just for political influence.
That's it.
Not even to make money.
They don't need the money.
Yeah, going back into the middle of the 1800s.
It's just like when you have a billionaire sports team owner asking taxpayers to pay for their stadiums.
They always get the subsidies.
Yeah, so we can watch the millionaires play ball.
And the billionaires get richer.
So we give money to the billionaires to build their stadium and we watch the millionaires play a child's game.
I want you to pay to build the stadium and then pay to come and use it too.
You know, Libertarians have always fought this postal monopoly.
We had Lysander Spooner.
Look him up!
This is a guy that brought the post office to its knees.
They were charging outrageous fees, and he went into competition with them, got it as a fraction, and that's one of the ways that they put in to protect themselves these monopoly laws.
Davis will be right back.
I'm not saying this to put a good face on it.
For this time in the summer, we have the highest ratings we've ever had.
That's the truth.
It isn't me.
It's Lionel.
It's all the guests.
It's because we are credible that they don't like it and they want it shut down.
So when they want to censor Alex, they want to censor you.
Lionel, what's really behind this?
Let me explain something to you.
Nobody has any idea of the power of not only you, but your movement, and what this is saying.
Nobody understands that.
Now, another thing too is, let me just also bring up, if you wanted to catch you, because believe it or not,
It would have been better had she done what I suggested.
Let her just ask you to speak.
I would have done something like, Mr. Jones, tell me what it feels like to be the leader of a revolution.
Tell me.
I would have known your catchphrases.
I would have lowered your guards.
I would have brought out.
It's just like hostage negotiation.
You tell somebody, I understand your plight.
I understand they don't respect you.
Then, I would have said, folks, run the camera.
Let it go.
But what she did was, because you knew these answers,
Because you never said anything that she thought you said.
Because you merely brought up things which she's never ever thought of before.
Basically, that you have questions and others.
Again, I ask anybody to watch that original trailer, Alex.
It's incongruous.
It doesn't make any sense.
But she asks specifically about Sandy Hook.
Your answer, if you listen to it, I'm thinking to myself, did Alex not understand this?
No, that's not what you said.
You know, Alex, we live in a world right now where we hate the notion of plagiarism.
And there's an old expression that says, if you steal from one, it's plagiarism.
If you steal from a bunch, it's called research.
But you know what's worse than plagiarism?
What's worse than taking somebody's idea?
It's taking somebody's idea and removing it.
Making it synthetic.
Making it false.
Building a straw man.
So what she did was, you could say, how dare you?
You know, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Megan, I knew you were going to do a hatchet job on me.
I understood that.
But I must have been naive.
I would have thought you and this august organization known as NBC would have had the common decency to let me merely say what I wanted to say.
Do you think Kelly survives?
Because, I don't mean to be mean, but she's aging rapidly, but she's such a cold person, and people don't like her, and her ratings are going down.
This was the nail in the coffin.
This precipitated that which was the inevitable.
She wasn't working!
Nobody at NBC wanted her!
And so now she's gonna get big ratings, but it's like the Death Star blowing up.
That's it, the last hurrah.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
David Knight here with Owen Schroer.
Mike Cernovich is going to be coming up in the next, in the fourth hour.
We've got an interesting story here about Mark Zuckerberg finally figuring out why Trump won.
We're going to cover that story here in just a moment.
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Let's talk about Mark Zuckerberg and what he figured out.
It's an interesting story from Zero Hedge, a little bit of sarcasm.
They point out, as Zuckerberg apparently learned for the first time while visiting oil workers in North Dakota, there are entire industries that exist outside of Silicon Valley.
And you know what?
Those industries that are outside of Silicon Valley are some of the same industries that Obama and Hillary Clinton had said they were going to shut down.
So he's trying to get an idea of why people voted for Trump.
This is what he wrote in his Facebook post when he talked to some of these people.
He said he went to a town where there were tens of thousands of workers who had moved from all over the country to pursue new jobs in an industry where they could get, with just a high school diploma, they could get $100,000 a year working in the oil business.
And he says when the Dakota Access Pipeline was approved,
It removed a $6 to $7 per barrel cost of producing oil in the region.
He said it brought more investment and jobs there.
And this is the interesting thing.
A number of people told me they had felt their livelihood was blocked by the government.
No, really?
You mean when Hillary Clinton said, and Obama said, we're going to bankrupt you if you do coal?
They're going to bankrupt the country because that's what our energy is based on.
But when Trump approved the pipeline, they felt a sense of hope.
Remember that word, hope?
Remember how Barack Obama used it and he gave us a false hope?
No, these people had a real hope.
They said, one person told me the night the pipeline was approved, people lit fireworks and they rode trucks with American flags up and down Main Street to celebrate.
So there's the education of Zuckerberg.
He finally went to flyover country and he talked to some people about why they voted and it didn't have anything to do with the Russians.
It had to do
With the Democrats who wanted to shut down their jobs, shut down our economies, and they were sick and tired of it.
You know, when you talk about the hope thing, the fake hope about Obama, it reminded me of how Michelle Obama came out after Trump got elected and said, well, I think now people aren't feeling hope.
Now I don't feel hope.
Michelle Obama saying now there is no hope because Trump got elected.
Well, again, another example of, well, she's probably just completely fake news or you could say out of touch with reality.
This is hope.
Trump is the real hope.
Trump is the first time people actually had hope.
And the people that bought in to the hope that Obama was selling, they realized he was a fraud.
Now they're on the hope for Trump.
So... And you know there's nothing in here about racism.
You know, people could go to the, they needed a high school, you know, high school diploma.
Not even need that, probably.
But no matter what race you were, you could go there to get a job because the economy wasn't being shut down.
That was opportunity for anybody, regardless of what color they were.
That is real hope.
No, there's no hope.
No, no hope, David.
Just fireworks and American flags and celebration.
Sounds like there's no hope in an oil country here.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
And then Mike Cernovich is going to be taking over in the fourth hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, here with Owen Schroer.
Let's take a moment and talk about this newest Clinton side.
Somebody committing suicide who was involved in investigating the Clintons.
This latest person is Peter W. Smith.
He's a GOP operative.
And of course, the Chicago Tribune doesn't have a problem calling it suicide, but a lot of other people do.
A congressman has a problem with it, a senior Wall Street Journal writer has a problem with it.
These are people who were in contact with him.
They're not buying it, and there are some very suspicious issues surrounding his death.
He leaves a suicide note.
First of all, he has a bag around his head with helium attached to it.
That's bizarre to start with.
It's all bizarre.
Then he writes a note that says, no foul play whatsoever.
Move along, there's nothing to see here.
And says, I'm taking my life because of a recent bad turn in health since January 2017, and I'm doing this now because my life insurance policy of $5 million is expiring.
Well, he would know that if you commit suicide, and if you leave a note saying that you're committing suicide, you're not going to get payment.
To get insurance.
I'm on life insurance policy!
I had no indication that he was ill or that he was planning to take his own life.
As a matter of fact, one of his former employees said he was there getting treatment.
He was working to get well.
And then he says, well, I'm going to take my life.
Very much like what we saw with Aaron Schwartz, who supposedly committed suicide.
And this is a guy who also was a fighter.
He was fighting CISPA, ACTA, PIPA.
Fighting everything there.
He had turned down an offer to do just 30 months from this prosecutor when they came under a lot of criticism for prosecuting him for a non-crime and then all of a sudden he commits suicide.
Yeah, it was Carmen Ortiz, a very corrupt judge in the Northeast that was in that case.
You know, David, this is the Clintons I think getting more brazen
Or just the whole, you know, the whole, you know, you don't have to use Clinton's name.
I mean, they can be associated with like a list of over 50 dead bodies now.
So you call it the Clinton body count.
But, you know, who knows what's really going on.
But I think that...
Look, you've got Seth Rich, Barrington Wisenhunt Jr., and Sean Lucas, all potential witnesses in the DNC fraud lawsuit, dead.
And then you've got Peter Smith, who was heavily committed to finding the emails that Hillary Clinton deleted.
He had two things that he was basically doing.
Trying to stay alive, and trying to find Clinton's emails.
And he had a long history of exposing the Clintons too.
And I'm starting to wonder if maybe he hadn't found those emails, David.
And that's why he's no longer with us.
So it's very amazing to me that within, Seth Rich was I think July 9th or July 6th last year, so you've got just over a calendar year.
Four people associated with the Clintons, in one way, shape, or form, mysteriously dead.
Now, I'm not allowed to believe in coincidence here, as a reporter, and so I don't believe there's a coincidence here.
I think there's something going on.
As Ron Wyden said, David, it doesn't pass the shmell test.
That's right.
Had the D.C.
madam come on and talk to Alex, and Alex says, you're not getting ready to commit suicide.
No, no, no.
I'm perfectly fine.
I have no interest.
Then she commits suicide.
Or even the spy in the bag situation that they had in Britain.
They have this guy who's working for MI5 and he's found zipped up in a bag in his bathtub dead after he went missing for a few days.
And it was so ridiculous that people say, oh, he committed suicide and zipped himself up in the bag and everybody was laughing at it.
So they hired a contortionist who was small who put himself in a bag.
A professional.
Okay, fine.
Let's see you do that without leaving any fingerprints on the zipper or the outside of the bag.
Don't forget Vince Foster.
And I believe, didn't Bill Clinton fire the FBI director the day before Vince Foster's death?
I mean, these people, I'm sorry, David.
It takes everything.
Rip this desk out of his mouth right now.
These people are sick.
All right, stay with us.
We'll be right back.
And Cernovich will be taking the helm for the fourth hour.
We'll be right back.
Shot Congress Representative Steve Scalise was actively seeking to stop pedophilia.
He had come out and said human trafficking is as easy as ordering a pizza.
That's code word to us, letting us know he knows.
It's over 10,000 arrests of pedophiles, several thousand that had kids in cages.
Hundreds in LA, hundreds in San Francisco, any major city, hundreds.
So we now have Scalise, we learned weeks ago, was coming out saying we're going after the pedophiles.
Then this happens, here's the clip.
This week, the House took strong actions to stand up for the victims of human trafficking, passing tough bills to provide them protection and to target child predators.
Let's work together to get these bills signed into law.
And there were over 400 pedophile arrests in his state just alone last year.
Now, again, you've got Huffington Post writers, it's all up on Infowars.com, saying, you know, it's time for organized resistance.
You've got other writers, major papers, saying, you know, too bad there weren't more of this guy.
Matt Bracken, what do you make of the situation where we're currently at?
Because you've been accurately predicting this, and they are really gearing up for it, and it's the craziest thing I've ever seen.
The left-wing mainstream media is absolutely instigating it.
You could almost say stage-managing it, you know, with the help from the Democrats in Congress.
Gateway Pundit has a great story up today about the New York Times article on April 12th this year.
I saw that yesterday where they advertised where they are and that there's not much security.
Right, so for a guy like Podgason who left Illinois as a killer, but the New York Times handed him the information, this is where to go where they'll have very minimal security.
It said, you know,
Maybe some Capitol Police sitting in a black SUV at the ballpark.
Well, that gives you another, you know, 350 degrees of a big fenced-in area away from the black SUV where you can take your shots from.
The New York Times should get an assist on this hit.
They absolutely should get credit for it.
And it's so ironic because the paragraph above the paragraph where it says, you know, that they are practicing at this field,
It said, well, security officials are very cautious about giving out details because they, you know, say it could compromise security.
And in the next paragraph, the New York Times says, you know, wink, wink.
But if you, if you really wanted to get a bunch of congressmen without much security, here's where you would do it.
Imagine if Fox News
Or Breitbart or Infowars had done an article on Hillary Clinton's security.
And in this article about Hillary Clinton's security, mentioned, let's say, you know, tennis clubs you like to go to with only a close friend.
Oh, here's where Hillary, you know, goes once a week to play bridge, right here at the corner of this.
There's not much security.
There'll just be one car.
So if you just come into the alley, you can get her right there.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
And now, your host, Mike Cernovich.
And we're back with some breaking news.
We have a lot to talk about today.
We have a great, hilarious Megyn Kelly video we're gonna watch in a minute.
We have a crooked poster in the background for a movie I did.
I gotta fix that.
But breaking news right now, CNN is upset.
I'm looking at the article right now.
Trump Jr.'
's Russia meeting a democratic plot.
Pro-Trump media wants you to think so.
CNN just published this article a couple of minutes ago and they called me and asked me for comment.
A couple of days ago for the article.
So what we're seeing now in the mainstream media, they wanted to create this meeting that Don Jr.
had with a publicist and someone else who misrepresented who she was.
They wanted to make it into a big conspiracy theory.
Oh, this is proof!
That there's collusion, because one time somebody had a five or ten minute meeting with somebody from Russia, therefore it must be collusion.
Well as it turns out, one of the investigative journalists with Cernovich Media, relying of course on poll and Reddit and other crowdsourced people,
Was able to find out that this person actually had a lot of connections with John McCain.
That this so-called Russian lawyer was a pro-Hillary person.
So what they're saying now, and I'm going to read directly from the article because it really just goes to show how frustrating the media is.
The theory is based on bits of fact that have been taken out of context or spun in misleading ways to paint a picture that the President and his supporters prefer to the one currently dominating much of the media.
So they're projecting onto us.
They're saying the theory that we offer is based on bits of fact that have been taken out of context or spun.
That sounds like the mainstream media every day.
They're the ones who take things out of context.
So to illustrate that, we have a really funny video for you.
I thought that Alex was done with Megyn Kelly.
I feel so bad for her.
But we'll have a little bit of fun with her.
Can you selectively edit a video
Alex Jones isn't going away.
Over the years, his YouTube channel has racked up 1.3 billion views.
He has millions of listeners and the ear of our current president.
We're going to get to work immediately for the American people.
With the election of Donald Trump, Alex Jones has plans to expand InfoWars.
More studios, more shows, more employees, more influence.
You have said that it's surreal to say something on InfoWars and then hear it come out of the President of the United States mouth a couple days later.
I mean, that has happened, but... Do you think he's watching?
I mean, I know Trump watches and sees the clips and things.
In December 2015, Mr. Trump appeared on Jones' radio program, offering praise and promises.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
The 2016 campaign was good for InfoWars.
Its YouTube monthly views reached 83 million in November 2016.
And when Mr. Trump won, Alex Jones found himself with access to the seat of power.
What is it, do you think, about Alex Jones that President Trump finds so amazing?
I don't want to get into all that.
Jones speaks to his listeners for hours a day, six days a week.
He went into business for himself, founding InfoWars in 1999.
Many doubted his prospects, but he's now worth millions.
Jones uses that money to spread his message.
Tom Brokaw joins us.
Alex Jones, a father, a grandfather, a citizen.
When the internet first arrived, like everyone else, I was bedazzled by its possibilities for good.
And those qualities have only become so much more effective and pervasive.
The war's just begun.
So this is a... We've just got a beachhead.
And so, that's just the start of the war for me.
And Alex Jones goes into battle with a powerful ally.
That pattern is classic Alex Jones.
So, as you can see, that was actually a fan video that was sent to me and his profile was Ricky Jerkface.
He sent that in.
That's an example of selective editing.
So we take, not we, it was given to me so I'm not going to take credit for another person's work.
This was again sent to me by Ricky Jerkface.
Hilarious, but it illustrates that you can take any video footage you want and edit it to say whatever you want.
That's why you can't trust edited TV.
So if we showed that video, we would say Megyn Kelly is praising Alex Jones.
What an amazing puff piece on him.
How can you get publicity like that from the mainstream media?
Well, all they did was they spliced things together.
So as you know, if you watch the Megyn Kelly interview, it was a complete and total hit job the entire time.
But when you cut, you can cut things together, splice things together.
Drew, you know, was showing that the, you know, some of the questions were eight minutes away from other answers.
You can do that with any kind of video.
And that is why you cannot trust edited video from the mainstream media.
And that is why, too, of course, if you're doing interviews with the mainstream media, you have to record them.
Because if you don't record them, they can make you out to be any kind of monster they want, just as in that great video, you can see that Megyn Kelly did a special, apparently, showing that Alex Jones, which is the great man, Tom Rather, or Tom Brokaw, or whatever his name is, even comes out.
Alex Jones, a great family man, father.
The music sets the tone.
There's all that video editing.
You can't trust
The mainstream media anymore because they edit all their videos.
Everything that they, and you see that they don't trust it.
Because whenever James O'Keefe releases a video, suddenly the media goes, oh my god, how can you trust the edited videos from James O'Keefe?
How can we trust edited video from the fake news media?
Katie Tour, I believe it was, correct me if I'm wrong,
But one of these big anchors selectively edited a documentary involving gun owners, and they had to... I don't think it was... It was a very famous anchor.
I don't want to... Unlike the fake news media, I don't make accusations unless I know for sure who the right person is.
But they... Katie Couric, rather.
Had selectively edited footage to make gun owners look bad.
See, me, unlike the fake news media, I want to fact check in real time.
This is the power of live TV, as I would just say, hey, oh wait, I got the last name wrong.
It was Katie Couric.
Let's correct ourselves.
The fake news media, they never do that.
What they do is they issue a nasty article or a nasty video on you.
It goes viral.
It's read perhaps by hundreds of thousands of people.
And then three or four days later, when everybody's moved on, they go, oopsie.
We'll put a correction all the way at the very bottom of the paragraph after it isn't live anymore.
But real media, real journalism, like on InfoWars and like you get from Alex and Owen and David and me and so many others on the program,
Right away in real time.
We're always like, let's make sure we get it right.
Let's make sure we get the story right.
We don't want to spread fake news like CNN.
We don't want to spread fake news like the New York Times and the Washington Post and CNN firing people only because they're threatened by lawsuits.
You know, we definitely want to get it right.
And that is why we go live.
All the time.
Right now, I'm live.
You can't fake this.
You can't fake the way I feel, the way I look, the way I act, the way I talk.
There's no hair and makeup crew cutting everything together.
When I interview somebody, you can't take one question over here and one answer over there and splice them together from unrelated parts of the conversation.
And that is why the fake news media is terrified of us and why they want to take us down.
Because CNN, again, they just published that article one minute before we went live.
So I don't even think it's been loaded yet in the production.
They are freaking out.
They want to create the fake news narrative about conspiracy theories involving Russia.
And then we can create these videos and these responses that are actually more factual and more truthful and more compelling.
They get read by millions more people.
And then we take them out.
And that's, of course, why they won't debate, too.
And they won't ever admit with the wrong.
I'll give you a great example.
I said this, I came up with this idea, I was talking to Alex, I think it was last Friday, Brian Stelter has still ignored me.
Brian Stelter works at CNN, he has a show called Unreliable Sources, and what he does is goes and says that it's so tough to be a journalist.
Oh my god, CNN, this is terrible, journalists are unsafe, blah blah blah, crying all day.
Adult men and adult women crying because people call them mean names.
They've actually never had a real job before, obviously.
Working customer service is what I always tell people.
And then you can tell me how tough your precious little job is in the media.
But I told Brian Stelter, I will donate $100,000, and this is a sincere offer, I will donate $100,000 to whatever charity he selects, and he will go into New York and wear a MAGA hat, Make America Great Again hat, with a GoPro.
And just walk around.
If you think it's so dangerous to be in CNN, I'll go wear a CNN hat.
I'll go into New York, anywhere Brian wants, I'll walk right next to him and I'll wear a CNN hat.
And he can wear a Trump hat, a Make America Great Again hat.
And then he can see what really happens and film it.
$100,000 for charity.
Story went viral, it's been covered by IGR.com, it's been covered all over the internet.
Video's crazy, he's ignoring it.
Brian wants to pretend like the offer wasn't even made.
That's how fake they are.
They get on camera and say, oh my god, journalism is under attack.
Journalists are under attack.
What about Trump supporters?
Why will the fake news media not cover violence against Trump supporters?
Violence against female Trump supporters.
Violence against male Trump supporters.
Old ones.
Elderly people.
There was a picture once.
It was probably the most appalling thing I've seen on the internet, other than, you know, gore and all that really, you know, nasty stuff.
But I mean,
Nasty in the depraved sociopathic sense.
A liberal, quote, journalist, verified Twitter account, saw a picture of a 70-year-old man who'd been knocked unconscious and pepper sprayed by Antifa, and the man had done nothing wrong.
He tweeted out, this is what happens when you think real life is like Twitter.
And I thought to myself, a 70-year-old man is not doing... This is how... Yeah, exactly.
This is how depraved these people are.
That you can be a 70-year-old man, a 70-year-old woman, it doesn't matter.
You're fair game.
You're a target.
Merely because you have a Make America Great Again hat.
But Brian Stelter and all these people want to cry all day about how hard it is to be a journalist.
And in the next segment, I'm getting to more of that because there's a couple more hit pieces on me that are coming that are actually interesting.
And it's going to show you... I like to take you behind the scenes.
Journalism on journalism.
To not just tell you whatever story they're telling you, but how do these stories get made?
So we're going to get into that in the next segment.
Can't wait to talk to you in a few minutes.
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This audience of patriots of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want to be free are the sword of truth.
And I am humbled to be associated with you all.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Mike Cernovich.
Making tears or whatever you want to call it from Brian Stelter of Unreliable Sources.
So let's call this segment, How to Kill... Well, I don't want to use the word kill, even though the Washington Post said, How to Kill Fox and Friends.
So apparently, you know, you have to be real careful, tipsy tour around journalists, whatever you say.
But if you're the Washington Post, you can write an article called How to Kill Fox and Friends.
That's OK.
But if but if we, you know, we use any kind of language at all, you know, we're trying to incite violence or whatever.
So let's just call this segment, How to Beat Alex Jones.
How to Beat Mike Cernovich.
How can CNN do that?
I'll tell you why.
The big reveal won't surprise the people listening in here.
Brian Stelter apparently talked to somebody in Iowa.
And the person sent a message to him and said, I just thought you might want to know conservative friends here in Iowa are very angry at the media.
They think the Trump-Russian deal is a coup attempt by the media and don't think there's anything to the Russia-Trump emails.
They don't understand why the media is trying to oust our duly elected president.
They think there is a double standard.
Why isn't anyone investigating the Clinton campaign's Russia connections?
They are standing firm behind Trump.
The double standard is really the crucial language here.
It's something I talk about all the time.
The reason people like me are rising, the people like Alex, who was already big.
I didn't think Alex Jones, he's so big.
I didn't think, how do you become more of a superstar than Alex was, right?
But he's become even more stratospheric rise.
Hard to believe.
I'll tell you why.
People are tired of the double standards.
If CNN wants to beat Infowars, or wants to beat me, or wants to beat alternative media, why don't they just tell the truth?
Why don't they tell the truth about violence against Trump supporters?
Why don't they tell the truth that it isn't hate crimes being committed by Trump supporters?
Those are all hoaxes.
Those, you know, the swastikas and everything, they're painted backwards.
There was a poop swastika, that was fake.
There was a recent settlement with the man who had been falsely accused of rape by Mattress Girl.
Columbia University ruined the guy's life.
He sued Columbia University.
Got a settlement offer there.
Why doesn't the media just tell the truth?
Why do they consistently apply double standards?
Because I've talked to people from CNN.
I'm friendly with some people who are at the network.
And I told them, I go, look, if I turn on CNN, where can I watch a special on violence against Trump supporters?
Where can I watch a special on the Clinton won uranium deal?
Where can I watch a special about how Ukrainian oligarchs, billionaires pay people to go on to the media like Doug Schoen?
They pay him, you know, $20,000, $40,000 a month to go on and agitate for war against Russia and then none of the news outlets disclose it.
Where can I hear people being held to the same standard?
And the reason that double standard line stood up for me is I had a very, at first heated, but then it became a more sensible conversation, we'll see what the story looks like, a hit piece of planning on me, at the Columbia Journalism Review.
And he goes,
Mike, you wrote this article on Andrew Kaczynski, and because you wrote the article, people are saying mean tweets about him.
Do you feel that you're responsible for what people say to Andrew Kaczynski because you do journalism?
And I go, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
So journalists are responsible for if people read your coverage?
Journalists are not responsible for what anybody does if my coverage is true?
I asked him, I said, when have you asked that question of a liberal reporter?
When have you asked somebody who works at CNN, hey you work at CNN, and you wrote an article about this guy, and he lost his job.
Is that responsible?
Can you do that?
Is that ethical?
They'll never do that.
But on me,
They want to apply a double standard.
On me, they want to say, well, Cernovich wrote an article about Andrew Kaczynski, even though I told the truth that he had led a hate mob against Justin Sacco, who received a lot of rape threats.
Sam Biddle of Gawker, well, Gawker doesn't exist anymore.
Sam Biddle, who's a loser blogger at Gawker, and Andrew Kaczynski, who was in a BuzzFeed, created that whole online shaming hate mob against Justin Sacco, a private citizen who made a dumb ironic joke that was taken out of context.
Her life was ruined.
Well, why don't people ask him, hey Andrew, do you feel bad, bro?
You feel bad that you dug up some tweet and you took it out of context and you made a private citizen world famous?
Does that make you feel guilty?
You ruined a person's life?
You led a harassment mob?
Do you feel bad about that?
Hey Andrew, do you feel bad that you falsely accused a man of being a suspect of the Boston bombing?
Do you feel bad, Andrew, that when the family was trying to find their son who had been lost and ultimately committed suicide, do you feel bad that you drudged up things that were untrue?
And that's what the family had to see.
Do you feel bad?
Why will Columbia Journalism Review not do an article on fake news that Kay Fowles spread?
Or the hate mob that he spread?
The double standard is unacceptable.
We're not going to stand for it.
We're going to keep fighting back.
Talk to you soon.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Mike Cernovich.
A few thoughts now on what is arguably the most politically corrupt department in the history of the American government.
I'm speaking, of course, of the Obama Justice Department, led by two attorneys general, Eric Holder, who ultimately became the first sitting cabinet officer ever to be cited for contempt of Congress.
And his successor, who is working on matching his record, Loretta Lynch.
She, according to the fire director of the FBI, obstructed justice in ordering James Comey to refer to the Clinton email investigation as a matter rather than an investigation for the purpose of allowing the Clinton campaign to deny the Democratic nominee was under federal investigation.
Today, we learned of the prospect of additional corruption on the part of the Obama Justice Department.
An issue why Attorney General Lynch went to almost unprecedented lengths to permit a Russian attorney to enter the country without a visa.
Long before meeting Donald Trump Jr.
and Jared Kushner.
Not the first scandal to plague that agency, of course.
This meeting took place on June 9th of last year.
But it is unclear now not only why A.G.
Lynch would have given her an extraordinary waiver of U.S.
immigration laws, but how that Russian attorney could have been in the country some five months after the expiration of that so-called immigration parole waiver.
The Senate Judiciary Committee is now investigating Lynch's efforts to protect Hillary Clinton.
And the role of not only A.G.
Lynch, but the fired FBI director as well.
There is much to learn about the collusion between the Russian attorney and the Obama administration.
But the political motivations of the Obama Department of Justice are readily recognized.
It is all.
All about partisan politics.
In fact, of the more than $400,000 in donations to Clinton and Trump during the election from DOJ employees, 97% of their money went to Hillary Clinton.
Lou Dobbs is great.
He's one of the best journalists working today, the best commentators working today, and that's the kind of information that you're going to rarely find.
And that's, of course, where people attack Lou Dobbs so much, even though he has an impeccable track record.
There's so much corruption in the Department of Justice that Jason Chaffetz from the House of Representatives actually replied to Trump's Twitter and said,
Why are you not, why is your Department of Justice not prosecuting people?
This was an amazing thing.
I don't think there's ever been anything like this in the history of the world.
Trump had tweeted out something about Hillary Clinton and Chaffetz said, well, why don't you just prosecute them?
Well, I'll tell you why.
Because I have inside sources at the highest level of DOJ.
You can't hire anybody.
If you try to hire anybody who actually wants to hold the Hillary Clintons, the Clinton family accountable under the law, you'll never get a job.
But look at how many people the Special Prosecutor Mueller has hired.
Why is it that the special prosecutor whose job is to conduct a witch hunt on low-level government employees, why is he hiring new people all the time?
Taxpayers, we're going to have to pay that.
We're going to have to pay that bill.
Why is Fox News and CNN and Washington Post and New York Times not talking about how much that's going to cost taxpayers?
Ken Starr billed something around $50 million to investigate Bill Clinton.
And again, Bill Clinton's a bad guy.
I'm not going to be here to defend Bill Clinton.
But what they got Bill Clinton for, and impeached him for, wasn't even the subject of the investigation.
It was a completely unrelated matter.
$50 million.
If you ask me, $50 million in taxpayer money for that kind of sideshow might not be the best use of our money.
So how many hundreds of millions, because think about how much, and they like Clinton.
So imagine how many hundreds of millions of dollars they're going to spend to go after Trump, and more importantly, low-level employees.
Nobody wants to talk about how much that's going to cost.
Nobody wants to talk about why the Department of Justice cannot hire competent people because Johnny DeStefano, who's head of personnel and head of hiring, kills anything.
The running joke now in the White House, and this is serious, this is what people say, this isn't me thinking, oh, this is funny.
They go, the only way to get hired in the Department of Justice or the White House is to have tweeted, never Trump.
This is the reality.
Rent's previous Chief of Staff, why is he allowing this?
Johnny DeStefano, why hasn't he been fired?
Why is the Department of Justice not hiring prosecutors to go after them?
James Comey, you'll remember, there was a great article, I think they called him Clinton's bag man.
That was Comey.
Comey cleared her and any kind of investigation that ever came up in her life or Bill's life, he completely cleared her.
Loretta Lynch, why isn't she in prison?
Susan Rice?
Why hasn't she been prosecuted for violating the law for spying on American citizens?
None of that.
In fact, the media wants to pretend that Susan Rice doesn't exist.
Susan Rice said...
I didn't unmask anybody.
PBS goes, okay.
Then she got busted.
And then everybody had her on the next day, and they didn't even ask her, hey, lie to her face.
There was no outrage and outcry in the media about how Susan Rice had lied to them.
They didn't say, oh, this is alternative facts, and Susan Rice was spreading alternative facts.
No, they want to pretend like it didn't happen.
And then, of course, the media narrative turns to, oh, people don't like Susan Rice because she's a woman.
Oh, she's a victim now.
I love how these powerful people, people at the highest level of government, are victims now.
Foreign Policy, for example, did the same thing with me.
They wrote an article about me and they quoted people who had been at the CIA for three decades.
Alex and I talked about this, I think, Monday.
And they made me out to be a bully.
They go, people in the CIA are afraid of, afraid of my, I'm sorry, I'm laughing.
That is how absurd it truly is.
People in the CIA are afraid of Mike Cernovich.
Because I do journalism?
Because I tell the truth?
And by the way, foreign policy, that was done in conjunction with Just Security.
And if you go to the Just Security's website, justsecurity.org, and you look at who funds it, our good friend George Soros does.
Just Security, so that hit piece on me was actually funded by George Soros.
That's why when people tell you, it's all connected.
George Soros is finding hit pieces on me, and in these hit pieces, they're claiming, oh, I'm going after civil servants.
People in the CIA now, that's what you call them?
People with badges and guns and power, the ability to spy on American citizens?
Those are just humble civil servants, like a mailman or something?
That's where the narrative's shifting.
And that's what they're doing.
And our media's frivolous.
There is a meme that kind of spread, and I now call it... Two Scoops.
It's called the CNN's Two Scoops of Journalism and Excellence in Journalism Award.
That becomes the chorus from CNN's report that Donald Trump, when he... God, this is so dumb.
These people are so dumb.
The media world that we live in,
Is all Russia conspiracy theory and then complete and total stupidity instead of talking about real issues.
So you'll all remember Donald Trump had, he's a regular at Trump Hotel because he owns it.
He has dinner with people.
Dessert arrives and everybody gets the typical dessert.
But because the people know Trump, they give him two scoops of ice cream.
They give him an extra scoop.
And that was a whole special on CNN.
So we call that two-scoops journalism.
So Chris Kolesio, or however you say his name, I'm giving him the two-scoops award in journalism for this clip of Trump and Macron shaking hands.
So if you go to Chris Kolesio's Twitter, I don't know how to say these people's names.
I don't talk to them.
That's the great thing about being an outsider.
A lot of people go,
Cernovich, do you deliberately mispronounce people's names or you just don't know?
I'm such an outsider, and I don't watch cable news, and I'm such an outsider.
I don't talk to these people.
I don't schmooze with them.
I don't go to cocktail parties with them in DC.
When I'm in DC, I just meet with the people.
So I'm out in California.
I don't even know how to pronounce the guy's name.
But he does a second-by-second analysis of the handshake between Trump and Macron.
So let's see if we can find that on his Twitter.
He wrote an article on it too, on CNN.
So as you know, a video surfaced of Trump and Macron shaking hands.
And I think they shook hands for like 30 seconds because they were in some kind of alpha male contest and Macron played a hand...
Again, this is CNN.
This is what they do.
CNN doesn't want to do real journalism.
So what they do is they pay some guy, Chris Colosio, $200,000 to do a second-by-second analysis of the Trump-Macron handshake.
That's what CNN does.
It's like a goofy thing.
So actually, you know, my video crew made a really funny video.
It's funny.
You watch it.
It's a funny thing.
They're shaking hands and you can tell Macron is trying to play like alpha male games with them and won't let go.
So then Trump thinks, well, hey, you did this to me last time.
So how about I not let you do it to me again?
But then CNN, that's what the guy does.
He's live blogging a handshake.
When they're not talking about handshakes, they're talking about two scoops of ice cream.
When they're not talking about two scoops of ice cream, they're talking about a Reddit user posting a GIF and how they're going to blackmail a Reddit user into not posting GIFs about them anymore, and they'll dox them if you post another GIF.
This is a $20 billion corporation!
What has happened to journalism in America?
Where they find it newsworthy how many scoops of ice cream President Trump eats.
And how, you know, many seconds he shook somebody's hands.
And they care about gifts of Trump and CNN and pro-wrestling.
They're utterly frivolous.
That is, of course, why we're all growing.
And for us to keep growing, we do need your support.
And right now there is a massive, massive 30% special
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30% off all these products.
Because you remember, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com.
This is a self-funded operation that they're running.
I've been there.
It's an impressive operation.
It's better than CNN.
And they do real journalism.
Now, sure, we joke around.
We goof off.
Alex goofs off.
We have fun.
It doesn't mean we don't have fun.
But we do real journalism.
We break real news.
We break real stories.
Remember the Susan Rice unmasking scandal?
I broke that.
Here I am on Infowars.
CNN didn't break that story.
New York Times didn't break that story.
Washington Post didn't break it.
Bloomberg didn't break it.
Boston Globe didn't break it.
LA Times.
Right here I broke it.
Mike Cernovich who works with Infowars.
That's what you're getting when you support the story.
You're getting original journalism, hard-hitting reporting,
And when we talk about the ice cream, and we talk about the handshakes, and we talk about the fun stuff, we laugh and we have a good time.
We don't do it, here's what they do, they go.
Oh my god, Trump, he had two scoops of ice cream and his guests only had one scoop?
This proves that Trump is a pathological narcissist.
Here is our panel of five people, of psychologists.
Hey, will you opine about Trump just having two scoops of ice cream and everybody else has one scoop?
Evidence, mental illness and mental history.
And then all these doctors opine about it.
But then when at Infowars and I report that Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's disease, as diagnosed by a physician,
They go, well, how dare you diagnose somebody?
You can't have a doctor diagnose somebody that the doctor has never treated.
You can't have a doctor look at observable treatment and observable history and diagnose a person.
You can't do that.
But then the very next segment, they'll say, OK, well, Trump had two scoops of ice cream.
Less really bad, maybe he's a narcissist, you know, we'll have all these doctors come on and diagnose him and figure it out, or maybe he's going to get diabetes from the extra ice cream or whatever.
That's CNN.
You know how much of a profit they're going to make a year?
When I tell you this, you're not going to believe it, because I didn't believe it when I read this.
The AT&T-Time Warner merger valued CNN at $20 billion.
Again, this is real news, not fake news.
This is real news.
When I read the number, I didn't believe it, so I had to fact check it.
The Time Warner AT&T merger valued CNN at $20 billion.
This is a $20 billion mega behemoth international corporate conglomerate.
They're going to make, this year, $1 billion in profit.
One billion dollars in profit.
If InfoWars had one billion dollars for one year in profit, the operation would grow by ten times and it would be self-funded and perpetually.
You wouldn't need it to ever do it again.
And perpetuity.
There you go.
You would not even need to ever raise any money again.
So CNN is going to have $1 billion.
What's that money going to do?
Bloated offices, bloated salaries, paying people like Chris Colizio, you know, $500,000 a year to analyze Donald Trump's ice cream habits, to analyze his handshaking.
There's no real news.
They're not out actually breaking news.
You never see them at the riots.
Where were they with Antifa?
You never see them on the streets.
I marched with the protesters at the DNC.
Ten miles, I marched in 100 degree heat.
Didn't see CNN.
They weren't there.
They weren't covering the truth about Bernie Sanders supporters.
In fact, that's actually why, it's one thing that Megyn Kelly and the fake news media will never tell you, a lot of people who are maybe, quote unquote, left wing,
Are watching InfoWars right now and are listening to InfoWars because they want real news and they want alternative news and they want alternative media and during the election
They go, wait a minute, we're having a protest of 15,000 people at the DNC.
But when we turn on CNN, the whole headline is, DNC unites around Hillary Clinton.
She's amazing.
She's great.
Everybody loves Hillary.
Outside, everybody's talking about WikiLeaks.
Big, huge, massive pushback against the DNC.
So if you're a liberal,
You turn on our left winger and you turn on the TV, you don't see the truth.
They're not showing those big protests.
Fox News finally, or Fox Business did finally, after a couple days, Lou Dobbs did, because again, Lou Dobbs, who we had earlier, is a legitimate journalist and a legitimate reporter.
Megyn Kelly's not covering that kind of stuff.
Jay Tapper's not kind of covering that stuff.
They all work with a narrative, a fake news narrative.
Speaking of which,
Wikileaks released an email that people had had before, but it became relevant again.
Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 by Russia.
Bloomberg, I believe, was going to report on the story, and PR people quote, killed the story.
How are they killing these stories?
Bill Clinton got $500,000 for Russia to give a one hour speech and then of course that $500,000 doesn't include how he flies out there on private jets and all the women and prostitutes and everything that he has in there.
That doesn't include any of that.
So yeah, Hillary Clinton's campaign killed a story linking opposing sanctions and Bill Clinton paid $500,000.
How were they able to kill these kind of stories?
Who killed that story?
What quote-unquote journalist had it?
Well, I'll tell you how he killed the story.
This is something people don't know and this is why I love doing journalism on journalism.
What happened is the quote reporter
Who had that story, was gonna run it, and then Hillary Clinton's people go, well hey, how about if you don't run it, we'll give you an interview with Hillary, or we'll give you an interview with John Podesta, or we'll give you an interview with Omar, somebody, it's called access journalism.
They traded a favor so that guy, that journalist, killed a story which was true, high impact.
All true, but it would also hurt Hillary, so he probably didn't want to publish it anyway.
That's another dirty secret, is when they find stories critical of the Clintons, they don't even want to publish it, they're looking for a way out.
What he did was he took a quid pro quo, took a bribe, and said, okay, well I'll kill this story, but what I want is an interview with Hillary Clinton, or Bill, or Uma, or maybe Chelsea, and I want a little bit of puff piece, and I'll give you what you want.
That's what you get in the mainstream media.
InfoWars is where you get real media.
We don't make those kind of deals.
We do journalism.
Susan Rice Unmasking, every big story of the year, you're gonna find here first at InfoWars.com.
Shot Congress Representative Steve Scalise was actively seeking to stop pedophilia.
He had come out and said human trafficking is as easy as ordering a pizza.
That's code word to us, letting us know he knows.
It's over 10,000 arrests of pedophiles, several thousand that had kids in cages.
Hundreds in LA, hundreds in San Francisco, any major city, hundreds.
So we now have Scalise, we learned weeks ago, is coming out saying we're going after the pedophiles.
Then this happens.
Here's the clip.
This week, the House took strong actions to stand up for the victims of human trafficking, passing tough bills to provide them protection and to target child predators.
Let's work together to get these bills signed into law.
And there were over 400 pedophile arrests in his state just alone last year.
Now, again, you've got Huffington Post writers, it's all up on InfoWars.com, saying, you know, it's time for organized resistance.
You've got other writers, major papers saying, you know, too bad there weren't more of this guy.
Matt Bracken, what do you make of the situation where we're currently at?
Because you've been accurately predicting this, and they are really gearing up for it, and it's the craziest thing I've ever seen.
The left-wing mainstream media is absolutely instigating it.
You could almost say stage-managing it, you know, with the help from the Democrats in Congress.
Gateway Pundit has a great story up today about the New York Times article in April 12th this year.
I saw that yesterday where they advertised where they are and that there's not much security.
Right, so for a guy like, a guy like Hodgkinson who left Illinois as a killer, but the New York Times handed him the information, this is where to go where they'll have very minimal security.
It said, you know, that
Maybe some Capitol Police sitting in a black SUV at the ballpark.
Well, that gives you another, you know, 350 degrees of a big fenced-in area away from the black SUV where you can take your shots from.
The New York Times should get an assist on this hit.
They absolutely should get credit for it.
And it's so ironic because the paragraph above the paragraph where it says, you know, that they are practicing at this field,
It said, well, security officials are very cautious about giving out details because they, you know, say it could compromise security.
And in the next paragraph, the New York Times says, you know, wink, wink.
But if you if you really wanted to get a bunch of congressmen without much security, here's where you would do it.
Imagine if Fox News
Or Breitbart or Infowars had done an article on Hillary Clinton's security.
And in this article about Hillary Clinton's security, mentioned, let's say, you know, tennis clubs she liked to go to with only a close friend.
Oh, here's where Hillary, you know, goes once a week to play bridge, right here at the corner of this.
There's not much security.
There'll just be one car.
So if you just come into the alley, you can get her right there.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Mike Cernovich.
And we're back for the final segment.
Mike Cernovich, facebook.com forward slash Mike Cernovich, here to talk to you about some breaking news.
Brad Parscale, who ran Trump's Facebook team, social media team, analytics team, is now being subpoenaed to testify before Congress.
They want him to testify.
So Brad actually tweeted it out.
Again, this is breaking news, so we're pulling it up.
Brad says, I'm unaware of any Russian involvement in the digital and data operations of the Trump campaign.
The only collaboration I'm aware of in the Trump digital campaign was with staff provided the campaign by Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
Those experts in digital marketing worked side by side with his firm, the RNC, and Cambridge Analytica to run a professional winning campaign.
But he's going to talk to him anyway.
So this is the importance of you
Listening in, everybody wants to know how to support people.
You can of course support the InfoWars by going to InfoWarsLife.com and taking advantage of the great 30% off specials for July.
It's a July super sale, big event, 30% off all your favorite products, well at least all of my favorite products, especially Brain Force, Alpha Male Vitality, Super Male Vitality, Survival Shield,
Big big special deal so that is one way that you can support the Info Wars and fund the operation But maybe people don't take the supplements although I always say buy the toothpaste my answer to the people who say well I don't want the supplements as I go well everybody uses toothpaste Just buy the toothpaste and get on an auto ship things like that add up.
They add up big-time but another thing you can do and this is why I
The fake news to me is freaking out.
Share the links.
Share the links on social media.
Share the links on Twitter, YouTube.
Clip them.
Cut them.
Edit them.
Make them happen.
I have some crazy Facebook links from my own page from the past week.
The numbers were so crazy, but like I've told people, anybody who doubts them, I'll show them.
72 million people reached last week.
One week.
Facebook.com forward slash Mike Cernovich.
72 million people reached.
41 million views.
20 million post engagements.
Facebook.com forward slash Mike Cernovich.
Facebook.com forward slash Mike Cernovich.
We're doing all these hits, right?
So that's why the fake news media is freaking out.
They think they're Russian robots behind all this.
They can't understand that no, we actually know how to engage with people.
We don't talk down to people.
We don't lecture our viewers and listeners.
We don't treat people with disdain.
So one very important, and that's why again they're trying to get that, Brad Parscale's are trying to call him in like, well, how is it that Trump did such a good job?
Clearly he had Russian robots.
We don't need any of that.
We didn't need Russia to run Twitter, to run Facebook, to run YouTube, to run everything.
These streams that Alex has on his YouTube, a lot of times they do 10,000 simultaneous viewers.
Simultaneous, non-stop, 10,000, 20,000.
When Alex Jones went on the Joe Rogan podcast, that was the biggest.
The Guinness Book of World Records was certified, actually.
Alex should.
If I were Alex, I would tell the Guinness Book of World Records they should certify it.
The biggest podcast, most downloaded podcast of all time.
At one point in the podcast, 50,000 live views.
That's a stadium.
That's the kind of numbers that we're bringing, Alex is bringing, because of you!
Listening in.
People say, I want to join the Info Wars.
I want to make things happen.
That's how you make it happen.
You share the links.
Every time you share the links, you're firing a shot at evil.
You're firing a shot for the good guys.
Yeah, the Joe Rogan one, 4.5 million views just on the YouTube.
That doesn't count the iTunes downloads.
That doesn't count all the channels that reposted it and downloaded it.
That thing was probably heard by 30 million people.
Nobody in media is getting those kind of ratings.
That's because of you.
Those of you listening.
So, you can of course buy the toothpaste, the oral hygiene products, the mouthwash, the supplements at NFLWorldsLife.com.
But if that isn't your thing, you want to do something else, keep sharing the links.
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Fire those shots at evil.
Thank you again for watching.
This is Mike Cernovich.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
This is a public service announcement from InfoWars.com.
Are you aware of political fraud?
It is rampant out there.
Here are some of its main exhibitors.
Barack Obama.
After running for president for the little guy, campaigning against big money, he got out of office and immediately became that which he campaigned against.
Washington fat cats.
Multi-million dollar book deals.
Multi-million dollar mansions.
Meanwhile, the little guy is looking for a new doctor or insurance plan they can afford because of the healthcare bill he lied about.
Leonardo DiCaprio.
A man committed to warning you about the perils of global warming.
Right after he flies to you on his G-20 jet airplane, then cascades off into the great blue on a superyacht.
George Clooney, a man who preaches open borders and tolerance, but could not tolerate the open borders of Europe, so moved back to the United States.
Bernie Sanders, the head commie who has been against millionaires and billionaires, that is except himself, with his multiple houses and cars, and with his wife, under investigation for bank fraud.
Don't fall victim to political fraud.
Stay informed at InfoWars.com.
This is Owen Schroer.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,