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Name: 20170713_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 13, 2017
3168 lines.

Infowars host Alex Jones discusses various topics including political fraud, open borders, globalism, Bernie Sanders’ wife investigation for bank fraud, defamation claims made by Roger Stone, and the ongoing Mueller investigation. He criticizes the deep state and calls for investigating it. The speaker talks about the dangers of modern medicine and cites a study showing that the U.S. healthcare system causes 225,000 deaths per year. They encourage individuals to raise awareness about this issue and spread information. The speaker also mentions Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s work in exposing CDC corruption and vaccine dangers.

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To say this transmission is important today on this Thursday Live Global Edition is an understatement.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a key transmission.
Federal Election Commission Democratic Commissioner Ellen Weintraub wants Americans to know that she is doing everything she can to get to the bottom of foreign money influencing the media, dropping the gauntlet on American media sites including InfoWars, Drudge Report, and Breitbart.
Support for our present commander-in-chief, Donald Trump, that appears to be an alien concept to Weintraub and the rest of the radical left.
I'm Ellen Weintraub.
I'm a commissioner on the Federal Election Commission, an agency that should be in the forefront of the battle for a stronger democracy, for cleaner elections, for a more representative and responsive government, a government by, for, and of all of its people.
So what about all that Chinese money, lady?
It's another person that's all into she's on the Federal Elections Commission and she says this and she says that.
These are the same people that say churches don't have a right to be pro-life because that's political.
The First Amendment says Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
But the Democrats have intimidated Christian churches, conservative churches, libertarian churches, patriot churches into having no
...views on anything as if you have no free speech because it's a violation of church and state.
Church and state is state-run religion, and the government endorsing one religion, a.k.a.
Islam, is unconstitutional.
Weintraub is following Time Magazine's lead, claiming that Russian money bought political ads on Facebook.
Thus, alternative medium must be in Putin's pocket.
I had spoken about whether those Facebook ads would be subject to FEC regulation, and they would be, because we do have jurisdiction over any money that is spent on advertising, whether it's on the internet or in other fora.
And I have spoken out on many occasions about my concern about the potential for foreign money creeping into our system, and I've tried on numerous occasions to introduce stronger rules to the FEC to try and ward that off.
Weintraub's FEC memorandum states, this is an all-hands-on-deck moment for our democracy.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney has said that Russia's alleged actions could be considered an act of war against the United States.
Every part of our government that has jurisdiction over these issues must exercise every scrap of its jurisdiction.
As fully as it can.
Weintraub told Politico if there are U.S.
citizens involved in any way in spending foreign money to influence a U.S.
election, then that would be something that we could and should pursue.
We're at the FEC today.
We are providing her with the evidence that she demands.
Evidence of a busing and rental car program to be able to move voters across state lines.
Evidence of paid protesters.
And evidence of illegal coordination that occurred during the 2016 election.
You were looking for proof of voter fraud, right?
Uh, yeah.
Are you aware that Project Veritas Action submitted a FEC complaint about proving that voter fraud?
I can't talk about anything that is under consideration.
Of course, the rotting fruits of hubris and hypocrisy don't fall far from the democratic tree.
Weintraub should know all about foreign donations and influence.
She thrives on them.
The Daily Caller reports, since 2002, the FEC's
Three Democratic members took at least 50 official trips during their combined time serving on the agency, according to documents obtained from the public records and FOIA requests.
Expenses related to the trips were paid by a combination of foreign groups,
...by governments and by U.S.
taxpayers through the agency's own budget.
Records reveal Weintraub has taken at least 30 foreign trips since she joined the agency in 2003.
The non-profit International Foundation for Electoral Systems, for instance, paid more than $9,000 for Weintraub to spend over a week in Indonesia.
In another instance, Weintraub met socialist leaders for a gourmet meal in Albania.
Her trips also include junkets to the Philippines, Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador.
The purpose of the trips ranged from attending political conferences to observing foreign elections, and spanned more than two dozen countries covering five continents.
None of the FEC's Republican members have taken a single agency-related international trip.
One question remains.
Who is Ellen Weintraub working for?
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.
His book is Dear Reader about the Dear Leader, the unauthorized biography of Kim Jong-un, the son of Kim Jong-il, who, again, is the third-generation hereditary dictator of the communist hellhole.
I think you should give it to all your liberal friends so they can learn about the wonders of this.
But we just saw Mr. Warmbier die of injuries to stay in there.
But the democracy of North Korea, as they call it, they claim that it had nothing to do with their custody.
That he died on the flight, or got brain damage on the flight over.
So joining us, of course, they would never lie.
Michael Malice, tell us about the dear leader.
What is the essence of North Korea and our dear leader?
North Korea practices what they preach, by which I mean they think human life does not matter except as a function of the government.
Your entire life has to be at the leader's behest.
They explicitly say the leader gives the citizens sociopolitical life, so human beings don't matter.
So you see this not only with Otto Warmbier, who is a very tragic story and was very clearly a murderer,
But you saw this in the 90s when they allowed 1 to 2 million of the world population to starve rather than let the government lose their control of power.
You know, we're blessed in this country.
A lot of people don't realize how bad governments can be.
They think it's income taxes or they think it's, you know, something like Bloomberg stuff.
It's not.
It can get so bad and we're so used to it being so good here that we get oblivious.
North Korea is really, if people want to understand just how bad government can be, this is how it's been for 70 years with this country and these poor people.
They have concentration camps.
You can see the concentration camps on Google Earth.
There's 100, 200,000 people in them right now.
And another, I know after the break we can talk at length, but
There's levels of hell that we can't even imagine.
So whenever you see the media reporting on how funny they are, this is a country of hostages where everyone has a gun to the back of their head at all times.
And if someone put a gun to the back of your head, Alex, or mine, you would do some wacky stuff too, just to keep yourself and your family alive.
Once people understand what North Korea is really like, they will realize this is complete hell on earth, like you said.
This is not aspirational for anyone.
And that's the reason I wrote the book, because the media gets it wrong so often.
They like to portray North Korea as this carnival, as a sideshow, as this wacky kind of country where everyone gets along and everything's nice.
Yeah, they only show the parades and things and say, look at these funny people.
It's like Disney World, right?
Like, hey, who doesn't like a parade, right, Alex?
Like, hey, parades all day.
It's not parades all day.
These are, you know, like the baton death march.
So I said, the books out there were either too depressing or too scholarly.
I said, there's got to be a book where you can read in an entertaining way, understand what is going on there, and understand behind this facade of, you know, having a good time, and it's this, you know, military superpower.
They're really the worst place on Earth, and it didn't happen overnight.
There's so many levels.
To how they control the people.
It's not just the telephones.
It's not just the television.
It's not just the education system.
It's just so stacked and so covered that it seems your heart just has to break for the North Koreans.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
We are knocking them dead, ladies and gentlemen.
The globalists are in complete and total panic mode.
That makes them extremely dangerous.
We have Roger Stone in studio coming up in about 25 minutes.
He was sued by President Obama and George Soros yesterday.
So was President Trump.
In fact, even the New York Times admits it is a group set up by President Obama to sue Trump.
That was six months ago, Politico and the New York Times reported that.
Now they are suing him.
These are federal, former federal judges, former councils to the president, you name it, admittedly set up by Obama to sue President Trump and Roger Stone.
This on the heels of the Federal Election Commission that stands by while Hillary gets billions of dollars in foreign illegal campaign contributions and put Dinesh D'Souza in prison for nine months because he got five of his friends to bundle money and give money to a friend of his, his college roommate, who was running for the Senate to take Hillary's seat in New York.
He goes to prison!
No criminal record.
Former head of a federal agency.
No criminal record previously.
But Hillary can do whatever she wants.
She can have illegal servers.
She can lie about what's on the server.
She can take hammers to the hard drives and admit they destroyed evidence and absconded.
And the corrupt FBI does nothing!
Now I hate to tell you, see I told you so, but over the weekend I really looked at what happened with Donald Jr.
and the only other place that got it right was Drugs Report.
DrugsReport.com and InfoWars.com by Saturday had it down.
It was a setup.
A setup.
And then I pointed out on Saturday and Sunday, that's why they hate me, John McCain sent his aides to Russia to try to find dirt on Trump.
And they've spent millions of FBI taxpayer dollars paying for the PPgate dossier that they now admit is completely made up and fake.
And it goes on and on from there.
So they're the ones in contact with the Russians.
They're the ones asking for help from the Russians to go after Trump and couldn't find anything.
So they just put out fake stuff.
If talking to the Russians shows collusion, or that the Russians hacked the election, the Democrats on record have done a hundred times what Donald Jr.
did, and it was directed by the neocons, by the rhinos, by the Democratic Party.
The PR investigative Democratic Party group that they hired to do it is run by the Democratic Party.
Fusion GPS, all that garbage.
It's incredible.
So look at Drudge Report.
Obama DOJ let the Russians in.
Yeah, she was a known spy, let her in.
Really a double-triple agent.
As I said, a Soros operative.
I said that on Sunday.
She fit the cutout.
Mystery surrounds her.
McCain wanted dirt on Trump from foreign spy.
As usual, they've done 100 times on record what they claim Trump did.
She was contacting him, contacting all those people constantly.
Got him in a room in the middle of a campaign.
Okay, what's the dirt?
Oh, I want to talk about sanctions.
See, because that would have been illegal.
To have her then ask, hey, we're going to give you some info if you give us policies that help Russia.
That's what Hillary's really doing and caught doing.
So see, they wanted to get that.
They didn't get that.
This woman is clearly a double or triple agent, in my research view.
Or maybe she's a complete moron.
Either way, she's still being used one way or the other.
So revealed!
Ordinary citizen John McCain dispatched a trusted aide across the Atlantic to get dirty dossier from ex-spy after former British diplomat told him about blackmail tapes.
And they were going over all this with a bunch of so-called Russian spies who are really foundation operatives.
Let me tell you, they spent five billion dollars the last six years just overthrowing Ukraine.
Imagine how much they've spent in the Russia operation, which they admit they're running, to overthrow Russia.
On the news they'll go, look, Russia's arresting people that are going into Orthodox churches and throwing feces on the cross or whatever, trying to cause riots, and it turns out they're foreigners on CIA payroll.
Believe me, if Russians come running into a church throwing feces on the cross, throw them out of the country!
Arrest them!
It's the same deal!
What do you think globalism is?
It's a bunch of foreign interests that are above our laws with a UN diplomatic community that the Rockefellers set up for themselves in the 1940s to take over the world and we're sick of it!
Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan and the stinking corrupt globalist Vatican!
Captured by the New World Order.
Is not above the law.
No more!
So, that's why they hate us.
Because we're loyal Americans and we also want prosperity and we're hard working and we're focused and we're not afraid.
And the people are listening and taking action.
And the military is listening.
And the police are listening.
And most of the bureaucrats I run into are aware of what's happening.
It's only the upper elites
Who, yeah, look like Anthony Weiner and Uma Abedin and Hillary Clinton.
They're not elites.
They're criminals who've been willing to be disingenuous and do bad things.
So they're in control and we're digging them out of their holes right now.
We're smoking them out.
And they know it.
Look at this headline.
Obama lawyers team up to fight Trump.
At least the Hill got it right.
Politico admits Soros funded lawyers.
Soros is funding the Obama lawyers.
So Obama founded the group, they admit that right here in Politico, right here in the Hill.
I saw some people going, oh, Jones says Obama sued Trump and Roger Stone.
Fake news!
It's Obama's lawyers.
Yeah, he founds it.
He talks about it the week he leaves office.
He says they're going to go after Trump.
He says they're designed to take him down.
They're designed to battle him.
They're designed to fight him.
They're designed to stop him.
The president says, I set this up to go after Trump.
That's the president.
Suing Trump, the former president.
This is unprecedented.
And that's what I do here, folks, is I decode what's going on.
I just cut right to the chase.
This is George Soros, a foreign Nazi collaborator who's overthrown over a hundred countries, total dirtbag, literally going after Roger Stone and President Trump.
And then you've got the Federal Elections Commission, the Democrats on it,
I don't think so.
Was value transferred and so it wasn't declared, so it's a violation.
I've never heard of such a cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, power grab, mission creep, playing God, megalomania.
I don't have words to describe, if you know the laws, which I do, I've been in the media 22 years, been on syndicated radio for 20.
We have to follow all those laws in advertising in campaigns, even though I've never really gotten heavily into being funded by campaigns.
We've taken some money from folks running from Congress and things like that, Tea Party candidates over the years.
And it is just wild, wild to have them say,
That it's money, and so they have jurisdiction.
He talks to somebody, and so it's a campaign violation.
Just like they told churches in the 1940s and 50s, oh, you stop having political views.
Under the First Amendment, you don't have speech.
No, under the First Amendment, churches have total speech, and are outside of federal law, because Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment religion, or for everyone to pre-exercise
First Amendment!
First Amendment!
But they've beaten everybody into submission.
So now the headline of the New York Times last week was, Trump's made it safe for churches to have political speech.
They always had it!
Your reign of bullying BS is over!
And I'm just glad that kooks like Ellen Weintraub has reared her gorgon head to howl at the world
That Donnie Jr.
isn't even allowed to talk to people.
Because she said so.
You don't open your fat mouth unless Ellen Weintraub said or she'll throw you in a prison.
Don't you make a film bigger than Michael Moore.
Second biggest film in documentary history.
Ellen L. Weintraub will have your ass thrown under the jail.
Because she's the boss.
She's running things like Kim Jong-un around here.
Well good news lady, we ain't North Korea, which
So you run your mouth, traitor.
You're the one selling us out of the globalist.
You're the ones destroying our sovereignty, and we're exposing you.
Now, when we come back, I'm gonna get into all this and more, but first, prepare yourselves.
I like surprises.
I'm gonna surprise you at 1.30 today.
Come on, come on up.
Oh, we're gonna release bombshell info on Megyn Kelly.
You think Katie Couric added stuff deceptively and got sued?
Get ready for the first installment, as we load torpedoes.
Enemy dead in sight.
Fire one!
Fire two!
Torpedoes away!
For more than 6,000 years of recorded human history, historians, chroniclers of their time, have all agreed on one great thing.
And it's that there are critical times in history where more happens in just a few years to change the future destiny of humanity's trajectory that happened in the previous hundred.
And with all of the advanced technology, with all of the incredible innovations that limited free market civilization has developed, we're seeing an acceleration of that great turning.
We are approaching a mass jump point, tipping point, decision point.
That our species has never even imagined.
Ladies and gentlemen, the equations that gave us atomic weapons and nuclear power were developed by Max Planck in 1900.
That vision was then manifest in 1945, when two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
That's 1900 quantum mechanics in the human mind.
Theoretical, then put into action.
Today, the elites of the globe have been in consensus, from China to Europe to the United States, that they were going to hoard all the advanced technologies and keep them back from the American people and the people of the world.
But President Trump, in his inaugural speech, foreshadowed the fact that we are about to discover the secrets of the universe together.
And that's because many of the secrets have already been discovered.
And many others have been discovered and suppressed.
And that simple, basic fact is why the globalists hate Trump.
It's why they hate me.
It's why they hate you.
Because you innately have the spark of the universe in you.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, each of us has the sea of the universe within our heart, within our soul.
To celebrate our comeback, to celebrate the fact that our republic is coming back from the dead,
I'm going to extend the 4th of July specials throughout the month of July.
Now to be clear, the free shipping will continue.
A lot of these products like X2, Supermail, Lung Cleanse, Selenium and others are very close to selling out.
But when those sell out, I will continue to discount all the other major nutraceuticals and products
Between 20 and 30 percent.
In fact, some of the discounts are as high as 40 percent on some of the Enbridge Essentials, so we're going to continue those as well.
Until they sell out, while supplies last, the lowest discounts are 10 percent, the highest discounts are 40 percent, to celebrate the victories we've had against the Globalist.
That's Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, or 888-253-3139.
Undoubtedly, this is going to be the most intense
Long lasting sale in the history of Infowars because right now, the quickening, the acceleration of awakening, the spiritual unlocking is white hot.
And I am just honored to be here with you all together because as one caller said, we're not just the tip of the spear.
This audience of patriots of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want to be free are the sword of truth.
And I am humbled to be associated with you all.
What'd you say, man?
You take a mortal man And put him in control
Watch him become a delusional god.
Watch him become a god.
Like that little wimp, Jim Jong-un, or Nancy Pelosi.
Watch a prosperity fall apart.
A roll.
A roll.
Just like the Pied Piper let rats loose.
Just like.
Let me get to this little enjoyable piece of good news before I tell you what's coming up with Megyn Kelly.
We're looking at a massive symphony of destruction when it comes to the Democrats.
A symphony of clueless, moronic behavior.
Clueless Pelosi, Schumer and I, the voices for winning,
Back Congress.
That's right.
The A Team!
Hillary Clinton!
And then of course Pelosi, who every few days says George Bush is causing problems in the White House.
She's so senile, but she's got that rubber Botox plastic surgery ahead.
I guess Megyn Kelly's working towards being a Pelosi.
And she says, don't worry, they're winning.
So here she is in the same interview yesterday, babbling about believing George W. Bush, who hasn't been in office in eight and a half years, is in office, and that they're winning.
So please do never interrupt your enemy when they're destroying themselves.
I think we should start a Nancy Pelosi fan club and work against these radical, evil Democrats that are asking her to step down or be removed.
She's doing a great job for America, a great job for our country, and we need to keep her there as long as possible.
Because Libertarians and Patriots are losing!
I read the Huffington Post and I went on Twitter and they had bots 20 to 1 attacking me, telling me I'm a loser, as our listenership and our support just explodes.
And as everywhere I go, everybody wants to shake my hand.
99 people want to shake my hand for every libtard that runs over and gets in my face.
So, I am in just total panic mode.
But you're right, you're winning.
You're winning, Hillary.
You're winning.
Pelosi, you're winning!
Michael Moore, you're winning!
Maxine Waters, you're winning, winning, winning!
Just look!
Just, just... Why?
Look at... Joe Scarborough!
He just left the Republican Party!
That's how fast it's collapsing!
As if you were ever part of the Republican Party, you slimebag!
Psycho Joe, here she is!
But the fact is, it doesn't matter who would vote for him.
You have to be very positive about your own agenda.
And that's what we're about right now as we go forward with our, hopefully, a successful attempt to win the Congress.
Same thing we did in 05 and 06.
Republican president in the White House, Republican president in the White House.
We're the voices.
The Senate leader and I are the voices for winning those races in our House and in the Senate.
I am the leader.
That's right.
Several fighters have broken off from the main group.
Come with me.
They're like, yes, sir, Pelosi.
Get the crews to their fighters.
But, Lord, they've... Fighters are too small.
They're avoiding our turbo lasers.
We don't have to destroy them ship to ship.
Get Pelosi and Hillary to her fighters.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm quaking in my boots right now.
You know, I ran out of time in this short segment.
I'm going to come back and tell you what's coming up in about two hours with good old Megan Kelly.
So get ready for that, because the problem is we caught her doing so much deceptive editing.
I mean, it's beyond Katie Couric level stuff, okay?
I mean, we've got me 20 minutes before saying one thing on a whole other subject, then I'm editing it in 20 minutes later and it's something completely different.
We've got, we've got, huh, huh, huh, huh.
Oh, I mean, oh boy!
Just, just, let me tell you a little bit about it coming up the start of the next segment because I want to get a little promo piece to put on Facebook and Twitter as well for people to tune in and just, just, and this is only like a five minute promo piece for what we're going to air large chunks of the hours and hours we have next week.
I mean, this is going to be a college course on how they deceive people and also watching her crash and burn spectacularly.
But, but very briefly.
We have free shipping that I've extended to the month of July on everything at infowarestore.com.
That is a big savings, especially on heavier items.
And we have got Secret 12 back in stock, our methylcobalamin, organic vitamin B12 that you take sublingually under the tongue.
You want natural, healthy energy.
Stamina, I mean, it's associated with everything.
Without vitamin B12, you die.
A lot of folks have very, very serious absorption problems in the gut, obviously.
Injection's the best way, but this isn't for injection, though it's the same type.
It's taken under the tongue for the second best way to get it into the bloodstream sublingually.
It's back in stock.
Secret 12.
The Empires on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Here's the truth about the Don Jr.
There's nothing there.
But considering the seriousness in the response from the liberal media and Democrats, the thinking person must wonder why there was no such outrage when Hillary Clinton illegally had classified emails on a private server, then deleted 33,000 emails, then smashed her old phone with a hammer.
But what about Natalia Veselnikaya?
Don Jr.
didn't know he was meeting her, either her or Rob Goldstone lied about the premise of the meeting, and if he had known her name prior to the meeting, Don Jr.
would have known she had Obama fingerprints all over her.
She was potentially in the country illegally, only in the country temporarily thanks to Obama's Department of Justice.
However, that stay had expired previous to her meeting Don Jr.
Eight days after the meeting, she was sitting next to Obama's Russian ambassador during a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing.
So, Tim Cain, is Obama's DOJ guilty of treason?
Who knew she was here illegally, and why no investigation into that?
Veselnikaya's alleged law firm in Russia has no website, no working phone, and no email.
For InfoWars.com, who is Natalia Veselnikaya?
This is Owen Schroer.
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Alex Jones, the cure to fake news.
Coming to you live from Austin, Texas.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've got Roger Stone here who just got sued by President Obama and George Soros yesterday.
Also, President Trump was also sued in the same publicity stunt, disinformation piece that we're going to give you exclusive breakdowns on that ties into the securities, the Federal Elections Commission coming out saying.
There's a criminal FBI investigation of myself for basically espionage, drudge report, Breitbart, totally made up, completely insane.
They want congressional hearings on it.
But of course it'll be secret, private hearings like Roger Stone's in next week, even in the days of Joe McCarthy.
He was going after real
Uh, communist agents, but still, it was in public, you had a chance to face your accuser, but they don't want that have you no decency moment when the Army's lawyer came in.
So that's all coming up with Roger Stone here in just a few minutes, but first...
Coming up at 1.30 today, in about two hours, I'm going to air the first excerpts of Megyn Kelly's interview with me back in early June that aired on Father's Day and was the top story in the country for more than a week in the build-up.
Her ratings since then have cratered from 10 million viewers her first week to 2 million now.
In fact, even mainstream media is accrediting us for destroying her.
I want to be clear.
She destroyed herself with her deception and with NBC's lies.
And the way they built it up that I was a devil incarnate, the public doesn't buy media hype anymore and turned away from it.
And so the word is Megyn Kelly is looking for an exit strategy right now.
She's poison.
She's seen as an establishment hatchet woman.
She barely survived going up against Trump, but her waterloo was going up against me.
Here's the breaking news.
We recorded some of the behind-the-scenes interview to protect ourselves.
Because they were here more than 12 hours, but we recorded quite a bit of it.
And, you know, we knew that the classic thing is to take one topic and then ask you other questions about another topic, and then to edit the pieces together to be deceptive.
Katie Couric and others have been sued over things like that.
Megyn Kelly and NBC clearly did that at a level I've never heard of.
They edited stuff on totally different topics together.
to try to deceive the public about what I said but still it was jump cuts and completely edited and even mainstream news admitted that it was jump cuts and Sean Hannity said you need to release the tape this is clearly a deception so you're gonna get installment one today that is only a taste of what's coming next week next week we're gonna air large excerpts of what I really said then we're gonna show you with the timeline and everything
Sometimes 30-40 minutes apart on a whole nother subject.
They would edit it together.
I mean to create total fiction.
I don't understand why they're so arrogant and why they thought they'd get away with this because this was the trap the whole time.
They thought we were walking into a trap.
I knew they were gonna make me look like hell, but that's not who I am.
So I knew that the listeners and audience understand that and quite frankly, I can't believe
The explosion after this interview, it's now approaching listenership and viewership as big as the election.
And folks, when I say we had 86 million people that listened or watched just on our sites and on our stations and on YouTube and Facebook the week of the election, that's the number on our platforms.
Not what we reached, not who saw just the front page that watched it or listened to it that actually clicked on media, audio and video, and read articles.
86 plus million.
Ladies and gentlemen, our normal high back then was 30 million or so.
The new high was 40-something million after the election.
We had a new plateau.
It went down some, but a new high.
We're already now climbing towards 55, 60 million every week since then.
And if the graph continues, within three months we'll be at 80 million people.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's why they hate us.
That's why they're coming after us.
This is incredible.
And I want to thank Megyn Kelly and NBC for their arrogance, their bravado, because it's spectacular and it blew up in their face.
I am humbled.
And I just ask God to lead God and direct me, just like they were praying for Trump a few days ago at the White House and folks were making jokes about it.
Hey, it's not funny.
If I was in his position, I'd want those prayers as well.
I need your prayers.
This is hardcore.
But coming up, Megyn Kelly engages in deception at levels I've never seen before.
Roger Stone is here with us.
Just briefly.
We may have record audience, but I'm trying to hire a bunch of new crew, launch a bunch of new talk shows.
Just in the next month, you'll start seeing them be launched.
We've been a few months behind, but it's happening now.
David Knight starts August 20th.
Roger Stone starts September 4th.
So does Mike Cernovich, so does Owen Schroer.
This is all coming and more broadcasts, more transmissions, full TV slash radio productions, documentary films, all of it.
We're going to have a hiatus for a few months on the Nightly News because that's live and has so much production and so many pieces that we don't have the crew for that.
That'll be a hiatus for a few months.
I plan the new year.
To bring back the hour-long live nightly news.
But it's highly produced, a lot of... I mean, it takes like 10 people to run it.
So that's gonna have a hiatus, but we're gonna launch a bunch of new talk shows that are gonna stream and dominate on the web, be syndicated to radio, or in contact with all the affiliates.
Very, very exciting things happening on that front.
But we need your financial support.
Yes, revenue's gone up a little bit from last year, despite the censorship, Google banning us, what happened with AdRoll, all of it.
But we've clawed back the funding we needed, but we need more to be strong.
The enemy attacks the fact that we're funded.
They attack the fact that we sell high-quality products, because they know they're good products, from water filters to non-GMO heirloom seeds, to books and films and t-shirts and all sorts of great stuff, to be part of the Liberty community and support this broadcast.
So we have free shipping throughout the month of July.
Secret 12, the great high-quality organic, Methylcobalamin,
I don't know.
That's the Mico ZX back in stock after five plus months, sold out along with the Biome Defense Probiotic, 30% off.
That is so key, folks.
Check that out.
Secret 12 back in stock, 25% off.
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Super Blue Fluoride Free Toothpaste is also back in stock with Loyal Silver and Iodine.
But you want people to fight the globalists?
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We don't get globalist money.
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And we've got them coming after us on every front because we are effective.
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And it's not the nano, it is not the nano zinc, so it's not toxic.
Again, InfoWarsLife.com.
Joining us in studio is Roger Stone, sued by Obama, sued by George Soros.
Even Politico admits this group was founded by Obama to go after Trump.
It's Obama.
It's incredible.
I've got Politico right here.
We'll show that for TV viewers on screen.
They've got a federal judge that's involved in this suit.
They just state as fact.
Even the New York Times last night said the suit has no evidence.
I've never seen anything this crazy, but it's a PR stunt?
It is clearly, in fact, Pulp and New York Times, folks, you should type in Roger Stone soon.
Even the New York Times second paragraph admits there's no proof, but that it's just a fishing expedition and a total stunt.
Scroll down right there and it says there is no evidence in the complaint.
It reads like pulp fiction from a 1960s comic book.
This is just wild.
Keep scrolling down.
It says right there in the article that again,
There is no evidence but that they want to be able to subpoena and drag people through the mud.
This is simply incredible.
Mr. Trump and his political advisors, including Mr. Stone, have repeatedly denied, including with Russia.
And the 44-page complaint filed on Wednesday in the Federal District Court of the District of Columbia does not contain any hard evidence that his campaign did.
Wow, the New York Times!
Broken clocks are right twice a day.
It's beyond no evidence.
It just says he is a Russian agent.
Trump is a Russian agent.
The Russians won the election.
When even Forbes said yesterday, Russia gay is Hillary gay.
It's all on them.
And now we know McCain's been caught sending people to meet with Russia, meet with England, meet with foreign leaders, trying to find dirt.
If meeting with Russians makes you colluding with Russians, then McCain and Hillary are the ones that are guilty.
Roger Stone.
Well, Alex, here is breaking news.
I was informed literally minutes before walking on the set that my testimony before the House Select Committee on Intelligence, which has now been scheduled for several months, on July 24th,
Is being indefinitely postponed till sometime after the congressional recess.
They won't even give us a post-recess date.
They're saying perhaps in September, perhaps.
This is, you know, justice delayed is justice denied.
All of these hapless Democrat simps on the committee had no trouble in a public session defaming me, accusing me of being a traitor to my country, accusing me of being in contact and orchestrating the WikiLeaks disclosures, a complete
Lie, but they will not give me my day in court.
They will not give me my public opportunity.
I am outraged by this decision.
The excuse they give us is that they don't have all the documents necessary for the session.
There are no documents to have.
There is no evidence whatsoever that I had advanced knowledge of the hacking of the Democratic National Committee, if it was even hacked!
They can't even prove that!
The legal complaint put forward by a bunch of Democrat pig ambulance chasers who seek to do in the courts what they could not do at the ballot box is merely a pasted together compendium of unsubstantiated media claims.
Stone was involved in hacking the DNC emails.
It is a fraud upon the court.
And every one of these lawyers who is involved in this is perpetrating a fraud upon the court.
I have no choice.
But to move for dismissal.
But then I will be asking for disciplinary action against every one of these lawyers.
I don't care if you're a federal judge.
You too must be chastised by the court.
What shocks me, Alex,
Is that any lawyer worth his or her salt would put their name on this piece of crap.
It is that poorly crafted.
It's over the top defamation meant to be regurgitated all around the media.
And again, it's Obama that admittedly set this group up.
It's Obama suing you.
And now we know it's a smoke screen for them first saying you're going to have to testify in secret.
But you're allowed to have a five-minute statement that's public, and then now they're completely chickening out again because they do not want you to be able to actually stand up and be the real Roger Stone.
They want to create this facsimile, this straw man, just like they say they want me to testify before Congress.
The Federal Elections Commission, and they just state in that complaint that we're all Russian agents, and that Drudge is.
I mean, Drudge just links to news articles.
These people are out of their minds.
Well, and ironically, the point of this bogus lawsuit is
That WikiLeaks has somehow endangered the safety and invaded the privacy of three Democratic National Committee donors.
Meanwhile, they put your home address on the... They put my home address in the caption of the lawsuit, which is unheard of in legal circles, an attempt to threaten and foment violence against my family.
It is just an outrage.
But they've picked a fight with the wrong guy, Alex.
They want to fight?
Let's fight!
I will be filing a countersuit.
They're suing me for $75,000.
I will be suing them for $75 million.
Ian Basin, this man needs to be disbarred.
And when I'm finished, he will be.
You want to fight?
Let's fight.
You lost in the ballot box.
You can't defeat Donald Trump.
Your lawsuit is bogus.
It's phony.
It's a fraud.
It is without merit.
It's malicious and it makes allegations that are entirely false.
It's completely irresponsible.
Well clearly Baratree needs to be investigated because I don't know if these poor clients know what they've been signed on to.
They've now been made parties to this manifest fraud.
I mean, this is another sign of complete desperation.
Now we know McCain was reaching out to Russians, sending out, having meetings.
They've done what they claim Donnie Jr.
I mean, this is just unraveling so fast.
Well, and it's leaving me no choice but to form a legal defense fund.
Not that I need a defense.
But an offensive move to file disciplinary actions with the bar associations for a half dozen lawyers in different states to file a counter lawsuit for defamation and so on.
This is enormously expensive.
And I want to be clear to the audience.
You want a war.
You want us to take America back.
You want taxes cut.
You want the borders secured.
You want the vets taken care of.
You want radical Islamists not allowed to come into the country.
You want the Second Amendment secured.
The right of religion secured.
And I'm not complaining.
And I'm not bragging.
We're doing it.
We are.
Point blank, front lines, and we're winning, but we're under heavy fire.
We are taking hits, but we're hitting them ten times harder.
They've just got a lot larger force.
They've got more money.
You are the resistance.
Your prayers, your financial support, when you buy products at InfoWarsTore.com, when you go to StoneColdTruth.com and, you know, buy his t-shirts or whatever.
The point is, is that this is a war.
They're coming after us and we need support.
So when you get that set up, Roger, I'll definitely help you out with that.
Now, expanding here.
What do you make, then, of them launching this suit directed by the President with the group that even Politico admits he set up?
I mean, that clearly ties the President in now, and I think he is really who you need to now move against because he doesn't have immunity.
Well, Alex, as you have pointed out many times, from the beginning of this campaign,
They have often attacked us for exactly what they are doing.
It's a very Alinsky-type tactic.
So, the Committee to Protect Democracy is in fact a committee to subvert democracy.
They cannot accept the verdict of the people.
They can't accept the fact that Donald Trump trounced Hillary Clinton in an election in which she spent
$2 billion.
Trump spent $275 million.
They had the mainstream media rigged.
They had the new media rigged.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, manipulating the algorithm.
They had the Vatican.
They had the EU.
They had the Chai Kams.
They had the Saudi Arabians all against them.
Hollywood, the media.
We beat them.
It's the whole fake campaign system.
The whole fake media is scared.
They're obsolete.
So they've got to prove they can still destroy our movement or they're not going to get donor money.
They're not going to get corporate funding, which is happening.
Revenues down to them.
The support, the Democratic donations are at all-time lows.
They're dying.
They're failing, correct?
A high-level Democratic consultant who just happens to be a friend of mine told me two things this morning.
First of all, he said, this is a pure publicity play.
They want the sizzle of your name in the wake of the Netflix documentary.
To raise money.
To raise money.
They're just vampires.
They can't get any blood.
They're desperate.
We'll be right back.
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Thank you, Dr. Group.
I will activate my muscles by doing push-ups.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is it.
This is the move.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to see what happens right now.
Oh my God!
What the hell?
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Get out of here!
Shut this down!
This is not safe!
This is not... Hold on!
Settle down!
Get another doctor.
Something's wrong.
Something's wrong with him.
Help him.
Ladies and gentlemen, we did not intend for that to happen.
I take it personally.
Do not have those problems.
Again, these are authorized verbs.
Well known to be safe.
Please, doctor.
Doctor, wait a minute.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're just going to cut to commercial for just a moment.
Cut, cut, cut.
Get everybody out of here.
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All right, Roger Jones riding shotgun with us into the next hour.
Jack Posobiec, great political activist, is going to be popping in.
We're going to take your phone calls at the bottom of the next hour as well.
Ton of news to cover and go over.
By the way, we had over 8,000 memes sent in, some of them still images, thousands of them videos.
And I've got, again, limited crew.
We're trying to hire more videographers, more crew to go through all this, to post it to InfoWars, to post it to Twitter and Facebook.
We've got weeks of memes.
Just to even be able to post the best ones to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
But all of you that made memes are winners in the fight for liberty.
In fact, you're such activists, I've got your emails.
I'm gonna start contacting you with, you know, ideas and see who wants to be auxiliary reporters or who wants to be eyes and ears on the ground.
But we're trying to grow our operation here to just get the base crew we need to really be able to even respond to the over-the-top success.
I've had other contests with maybe a thousand people enter it when you've got a month.
This is like eight plus thousand when I checked yesterday, and I've got Paul Watson, Michael Zirman, and others just trying for hours to go over all these.
It's incredible, absolutely incredible what our listeners have made, what you've done.
Some of these memes have millions and millions of views apiece, most of them tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands.
So, great job.
This is having a huge effect.
We want to commend all of you for what you've done.
You know, the one where Bugs Bunny's controlling the director at a symphony, that's one you made.
The RoboCop, the stuff with Indiana Jones, I mean, those all have millions and millions
That really, really is amazing.
And that's just some of the memes that our listeners have made.
There's countless others that others have made.
It shows the power of the people expressing themselves.
The left wants to band right on the street with chalk or having free speech.
We're just going to respond to their political correctness now more than ever.
They wanted to shut Trump down.
It didn't work.
So again, we'll be announcing sometime next week, Paul will, $20,000 prize to whoever he says did the best meme.
But we've got to go over all of them, and then we've got to try to get them all out to the public to deploy them.
So if you've made one of these memes, post it on Facebook and Twitter yourself.
Please, don't just email it to us, because we've kind of got a logjam trying to post these to the Internet.
Rather, link to you and your own YouTube, your own Facebook.
Continuing here, Roger, I want to get more into what's happened to you, what happened to others, but looking at the waterfront,
And Gorka talked about this on CNN from the White House.
They really are collapsing.
They keep trying to tell us we're collapsing.
All the metrics show the opposite.
Look at Megyn Kelly.
We're going to premiere some of the behind-the-scenes stuff coming up in the third hour today.
She was so arrogant.
She is literally, this is the biggest plunge from 10 million viewers to 2 million in a month and a half.
They admit that she came to InfoWars and bled out.
I didn't even do a very good job.
It's that she's reviled.
Well, and the bean counters at her new network have got to be upset because they're paying her mega millions.
And, of course, now they can't charge top rate for the commercial slots in her show because nobody's watching.
I mean, reruns of the Brady Bunch are outpacing her.
It is an appropriate fall for someone who knifed Roger Ailes, who I think was largely responsible for the rise of her career.
She knifed him when he was ill and could no longer do anything.
First she said he never did anything.
One time he hugged her at a Christmas party a little too long.
Right, but then she got an $11 million book contract from the Murdoch brothers and she hyped up her testimony against a real patriot, Roger Ailes.
All of the claims against him are unproven.
They are allegations, nothing less.
And this is disgraceful, in my view, that you would knife somebody who had helped your career that substantially.
Shows you what kind of person she really is.
Well, it's been reported in the tabloids that she left her sister homeless, and that there's all sorts of crimes that have been committed, and her family is just like grifters or something.
Well, and my friends at Fox, and I have many at the highest levels, tell me that she was widely reviled there for her abusive nature.
She was not popular within the family.
Unfortunately, if you come from trash, you rarely escape.
And I feel sorry for what we're going to have to do to her today.
It's bad.
Just, it's real bad.
We'll be right back.
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This is a public service announcement from Infowars.com.
Are you aware of political fraud?
It is rampant out there.
Here are some of its main exhibitors.
Barack Obama.
After running for president for the little guy, campaigning against big money, he got out of office and immediately became that which he campaigned against.
Washington fat cats.
Multi-million dollar book deals.
Multi-million dollar mansions.
Meanwhile, the little guy is looking for a new doctor or insurance plan they can afford because of the healthcare bill he lied about.
Leonardo DiCaprio.
A man committed to warning you about the perils of global warming.
Right after he flies to you on his G-20 jet airplane, then cascades off into the great blue on a superyacht.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The war was lost.
Thank you, President Trump, for saying you'll never overthrow the West, for defending the Second Amendment and our sovereignty, and kicking out all the lobbyists.
Thank you, President Trump, CNS Fake News.
The Meme Wars are on sometime next week.
Paul Watson, I told him, please be done by Wednesday, but I don't know how you go through 8,000 memes.
It's just, you have a contest that's so successful, I don't want to disregard these.
I don't want to not get them out to the public.
Roger coming up, you were pointing out that he's being well-received all over the world.
Rockstar reception.
Because people want the black sheep.
They want the outsider.
People are sick of red carpets.
They're sick of elites.
They want somebody that's got a red carpet for the people, somebody that is into the average person, not these disconnected elites.
Don't they understand that?
Listening to NPR on the way here, Alex, the fact that the French president greeted the president warmly, they're upset about this.
They'd have been much happier if he snubbed him.
Look, the president, I think, is making a great impression around the world.
The president's winning!
It's a new day.
It's a new day, and now we have a president who will not
Draw a line in the sand and sit back and watch our adversaries cross it and do nothing.
You've got a president who won't stand up for America.
And the globalists hate it.
The mainstream media hates it.
They want an obsequious, weak American president who will bow to George Soros and globalists.
Didn't you love how they were all wearing, including Putin, G20 pins, but Trump wasn't even wearing the American flag.
That says, I'm not in your group.
I represent America.
I'm not going to be co-opted.
Look, he's an unabashed American patriot who will always put America first.
He doesn't need this job.
And the media ran shots of him at the table alone drinking water, not hobnobbing with everybody, because they hadn't agreed with what he said.
So he said, fine, I'm done talking to you.
There's no point.
Let's not even have a press conference.
Let's get out of here.
I did my job.
I stood up for America.
They showed the First Lady of Poland walk by to shake Melania's hand.
They cut it to not show her shake his hand.
It's all like
Third grade, you're not in the cool club.
I mean, even my young daughters know now, when kids are mean to them, or whatever, or jealous, oh, your dad's famous, that they're insecure, and my daughters laugh at them, and know it's a joke, and they're young girls.
Why doesn't the liberal media get, we don't want to be in their cool club, Trump doesn't either, you people are scum!
Yeah, no, it's childish.
Going back to the trip to Paris, the various world leaders, the European leaders there, handled the president the worst possible way.
Rolling their eyes, looking at each other furtively.
That was at the first meeting a month ago.
Now they've learned it doesn't work.
Well, it was the exact opposite.
Now the ass-kissing has begun.
And what they're going to find is that that won't work either if their goal is to get Donald Trump to take an action that is not in the best interests of the United States.
He doesn't care.
He doesn't care what they say about him.
He doesn't care what they think about him.
What he cares is about what's best for the United States.
It's refreshing, in my opinion.
Very refreshing.
You know, this is so seminal.
What you said is so important.
If you understand this, you understand everything.
The childish, immature manipulation, the arrested development, how the corporate media and Hollywood themselves are the most childish, peacock, corrupt, entitled idiots, and everyone sees that dripping through the facade now, and so we should come back and show
How she did shake his hand, how the media lied and said that she didn't.
They did the same thing in Israel.
They say no one wants him.
He's being shunned.
But now that it's so obvious that it's the opposite, they're fawning and groveling because they see real leadership.
And because the shunning didn't work, now NPR, as you said, is flipping out, saying, oh my gosh, this is horrible.
He's popular.
Our facade's falling.
Everything's imploding.
What are we going to do?
Well, the answer is lie even more.
That's what they've been doing.
Which is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again, believing you're going to get a different response.
The man sued by President Obama yesterday, Roger Stone, straight ahead.
Look, I want to cheerlead the economy.
And I see Trump bringing back a lot of jobs and the exuberance of the stock market, but underlying, globally, a lot of problems.
And so we'll get Peter Schiff's take on that, Rod Schuch, Dr. Jerome Corsi.
I'm not an apologist for Trump, and I'm not disagreeing with Schiff, I think he's right, but I'm a realist.
And you see the elite against Trump, you see the powers that be trying to block him.
What does he do, come in and just let the economy totally implode?
I mean, I understand at some point the bubble has to go down, but, I mean, Peter Schiff, quantify what you're saying for us.
Well, what I'm saying is that the air is going to come out of this bubble, just like it did on George Bush.
Remember, the Fed inflated that phony recovery when it blew up the housing bubble.
And that bubble, though, didn't survive the second term of Bush.
It blew up while Bush was still president, and that's what helped Barack Obama become president, because people didn't want to vote for McCain.
Did they purposely deflate it to get Obama elected?
No, you know, I don't think that they are that smart that they can time it and orchestrate it the way, you know, they just got lucky that it happened, you know, before.
Sure, because they're trying to stop Trump's stock market right now, it's not working.
Well, they're raising interest rates.
They're announcing quantitative easing.
Yeah, you're right.
I think they're doing things that you would think would make the stock market go down.
I'm really not sure what's keeping it up to the extent that maybe the market doesn't believe the Fed, that they think that they're bluffing, that they're not going to carry out with this quantitative easing.
I think people want to make America great again.
I think they're betting on America and just saying, you know what, this is my only vote is money and I'm doubling down.
He's already shut himself up.
That's a good point.
You know, look, Trump is dealing with the food stamps.
He's getting people off the food stamps.
He's reducing the number of illegal immigrants in the country.
He's going to have to deal with these programs, not overnight, because you can't just cut them off.
Yeah, let's admit that.
He's already done a lot of good stuff when it comes to sovereignty, militarily.
I mean, let's give him credit on that.
I mean, how about being the chairman?
No, there are some good things that he has done on the margins, but you're talking about, we have a terminally ill patient here, and if you clear up some of his acne that he might have, I mean, sure, okay, so now he's gonna be a nicer looking corpse.
The dollar's gonna tank, inflation's gonna run out of control, and this is all gonna happen.
It should have happened years ago, but it didn't.
We were able to delay the day of reckoning, and Barack Obama got out of Dodge, and his whole house of cards is gonna come down around Donald Trump.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, if you just joined us, the New World Order... From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The New World Order's dead on arrival.
It's private corporate world government where we're slaves and the elite are tax exempt.
And they use this whole liberal culture of divide and conquer, sowing the seeds of racism, classism, sexism, claiming they're going to fix it but making it worse, bringing in incompatible radical Islam, rolling out the red carpet to it, saying we've got to submit to it, using our openness against us, using our hospitality against us, riding shotgun here today.
Ladies and gentlemen, is Jack Posobiec with the rebel.media, citizensfortrump.com, one of the biggest obvious grassroots groups to help get Trump elected.
He'll be riding shotgun with us for the hour, as will, of course, Roger Stone, and then Bob Barr, former congressman, the guy that originally filed the articles of impeachment against William Jefferson Clinton, will be joining us to talk about
The waterfront, but also more Democrats filing articles of impeachment now in the House of Representatives against President Donald John Trump.
Now, there's a lot of news articles out there saying, Jones used to be anti-establishment, but now he's pro-establishment.
No, I'm not.
If the establishment is foreign banks running our country and being tax exempt and dumbing our population down and having regulations and high taxes to make us poor, I'm against that establishment.
If the establishment is free market, small government, open free society, second amendment, red white and blue,
Fair trade deals, yes.
I am establishment Americana.
You bet.
I'm establishment Americana.
I'm a classical constitutionalist libertarian.
Left, right, these modern terms mean nothing.
The left are a bunch of authoritarians.
The right wing at the top are a bunch of Republican control arms that wrote Obamacare as a giant screwjob.
I want America back.
If you want to live in Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea, if you want to live under communism, go there!
There's plenty of hell holes like that.
But they all keep saying, Jones is establishment now.
No, we have a beachhead in Washington.
Our president is under siege.
We are taking back the states.
We do have the trifecta.
But they've got the trifecta of the corporate media, the big mega money, and the Republican establishment.
The Democrats with Pelosi going, we're winners.
We're going to beat George W. Bush.
We're winners.
That's a quote I played last hour.
We'll play it again in a minute.
That is illustrative of how they're just
Over the mountain.
I mean, they're out to pasture, they're in cloud cuckoo land.
The problem is, little blue-eyed devil, little Mr. Psycho, heading up the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, smart, he's establishment, and he's sabotaging Trump's tax cuts, he's sabotaging, just repeal Obamacare.
Like Trump said.
Don't blame him for the bad Republican versions, just, just,
You know, get in there and repeal it, because what we had before was better than this.
And we have Elizabeth Warren and we have Ezekiel Emanuel admitting they want to wreck the old health care system that was the best in the world.
So, I want to go to Jack Posobiec to see what's front and center on his radar in D.C.
You were just with him a few nights ago to a packed house of patriots and some of the breaking stuff they're investigating.
But you hit on something, Roger Stone, I want to get to a little bit later in the interview, the fact that
The left is so childish now.
And it's all like, oh, you're not cool.
Oh, you're not in the cool crowd.
Oh, you're not at the Hollywood red carpets.
No one I know, unless they're like a 14-year-old moron, wants to be in Hollywood or red carpets.
We're getting back to Americanism that the historian Alexander de Tocqueville wrote about.
Where in America it was all about what you built, what you did, what you stood for, not who your daddy was.
And we're getting back to what made us great.
And America's instincts are coming back.
And you see them trying to go, oh Trump's being sued, or Trump's a loser.
Nobody wants to shake Trump's hand as they fawn in France, as they fawn in Germany, as they fawn in Poland, as they fawn in India, as they fawn in Saudi Arabia.
Everybody can see the return of America and everybody is in awe.
And they went from trying to shun Trump when he was in Europe a month ago to absolutely recognizing the fact that this is leadership.
And you may disagree with a few things Trump's doing, but he's real and he's scaring the establishment.
But first, you're being sued by Obama.
Here's Politico.
They admit right here, Obama lawyers team up to fight Trump, sue Roger Stone, The Hill, Politico.
They said six months ago they were going to do this, February 23rd.
They've done it.
So it's an accurate statement to say, Obama and Soros funds it, that's Associated Press, is suing you and President Trump.
Even the New York Times finally got it right though, in the article, Trump campaign is sued over leaked emails, leaked to Russians, and it says, no evidence!
It is literally more fiction than a Superman or
Spider-Man comment!
The complaint largely consists of a catalog of publicly known facts that it presents as circumstantial evidence.
No, actually it contains a number of publicly known assertions, claims.
I dispute that these are facts.
When the intelligence agencies say they're highly confident that the Russians sought to interfere on an election,
That's an assertion.
That's a claim.
That's not a fact.
Prove that.
I challenge you to prove it.
I dare you to prove it.
And the other big news.
Tell them what you just learned an hour ago.
Well, my testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, which was scheduled for the 24th, in which they had agreed to allow me to make a public statement, which I planned, like James Comey, to release in advance, and was willing, therefore, to testify in private.
Has been indefinitely postponed to, quote, sometime after the congressional research.
Why don't we hold a mock...
Well, Jack was putting together a demonstration, a rally in Washington.
We're going to have to put that on hold.
I'm incensed about this.
I think you should still have it and demand you have your day in court.
Well, we're going to look at all of the options.
Right now, of course, I'm tied up with trying to put together a countersuit against the Democrat pig ambulance chaser lawyers who have filed this totally bogus former Obama counsel.
I hope so.
They admit they're trying to censor us.
Google admits they have contracts out trying to block us.
Facebook, Twitter.
But they can't stop you, human action.
They're scared of what's at InfoWars.
They're scared of the guests we have on.
They're scared of the articles.
They're scared of the videos.
This latest on Google is bombshell.
We're going to get to that later in the hour.
I want to go to Jack Posobiec.
Jack, thank you so much for joining us.
You've heard a lot of the points we've made.
I've got a lot of questions, but what's front and center for you there in D.C.?
And then I've got some questions dealing with the hysteria that they think they've got on Donnie Jr.
as it comes out that McCain actually went and sent people to meet with Russians to get dirt.
So by that yardstick, McCain's done far more than Donnie Jr.
Thanks so much for having me on, Alex.
Thanks so much for having me on, Roger.
It was great to see you the other night where we completely barnstormed the Washington, D.C.
establishment at the Republican Club.
Alex, one thing that's been hot and heavy for us is that our sources
On the Hill and our sources within the Trump administration, and I'm sure you're hearing the same from yours, they are under constant scrutiny.
There is a witch hunt right now.
They are saying, who's talking to Jack Posobiec?
Who's talking to Alex Jones?
Who's talking to Roger Stone?
And they are trying everything they can to do to stop the sources from getting out to us.
Now let's be clear, that's not Trump.
That's not Trump, that's Deep State.
Yeah, there's no question.
Deep State is out.
Yeah, so I mean, I will schedule meetings for people.
I'll say, hey, let's go to this regular spot where we usually go and sit, and it's, you know, well off the beaten trail.
You know, back in the day, we used to say, let's go to a Washington Nationals game, because nobody would ever show up at the Washington Nationals games.
But they seem to be getting a little bit more popular now.
So you get noticed there.
But now it's gotten to the point where people are saying no.
They're giving me burner numbers.
They're giving me encrypted applications.
They're giving me different passwords.
Changing their numbers on a weekly basis.
That is how much trouble these people are under.
That is how much scrutiny the deep state is under for trying to stop people like InfoWare.
And again, deep state is able to leak everywhere continually.
They don't want the president getting any messages out to the public about what's really going on.
They want it totally isolated.
Well, and we have an ongoing problem.
The government in Washington is not the Trump administration.
It's still the Obama administration, with the exception of a few heads of departments.
That's right, so we're beating them politically in the public's mind, but we're not when it comes to the government because they're dug in.
And they're leaking their asses off in violation of the law.
They're leaking classified information to embarrass the president, to delegitimize and destabilize him.
We need to clean house.
We need to move the Obama appointees out of government and replace them.
I agree.
Why doesn't he launch the fireside chats?
You're exactly right.
I'd love to see President Trump doing, you know, a live-streamed Periscope, a live-streamed Facebook from the Oval Office every day.
He could show us exactly what he wants to talk about.
He could tell us his agenda directly.
He could even take questions from live comments the same way we do right here on YouTube.
Let me add this.
I know what's going on.
That would go and cut across the entire mainstream media bias and be able to talk directly to the people.
We're going to go to break, and I want to come back and get into, from your intel in D.C., what the next attacks are going to be on the President with Jack Posada.
But I also want to break down, from my sources, it's been discussed, obviously, the President going direct to the people, not just these rallies.
The problem is,
That they've kind of gotten him, or, well, sir, it's the production, and it's the crew, and they tried to make it sound so big and so fancy and so perfect, that's how they've kept him from doing it.
All he needs is an HD camera, streaming out at WhiteHouse.gov for everybody else to answer, being restreamed on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and then them handing him questions, ones they print off during the, you know, say, 30-minute live deal, and he takes a few questions off the cuff, but they're trying to isolate him, and then he can sit there with his agenda, what he really did, and not just have little tweets,
But go one further.
Are you happy?
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And I am just honored to be here with you all together.
Because as one caller said, we're not just the tip of the spear.
This audience of patriots of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want to be free are the sword of truth.
And I am humbled to be associated with you all.
Roger Stone is going to start hosting his own broadcast coming up in September.
But we have got to teach him to get back to his seat.
He is a perpetual person not in the studio.
I love his little red gang member
The mood of Washington, what's happening there.
Next segment, you're going to Europe, I know, to investigate Soros' effect, what he's doing there.
We've got a Soros story that's big we're going to break, that just went on Infowars.com, the start of the next segment as well.
Come on in, Roger.
But, it's going to be fashionably late, each segment.
What is the spirit right now in D.C.?
Because I see Trump delivering on everything he can without the Republican Congress.
And of course, we've got the Good Freedom Caucus trying to do the right thing, helping Trump.
But we've got, as usual, the neocon rhinos.
What's the state in the spirit of D.C.
right now?
You know, I can actually give you a little bit of a personal story on that.
So, I happened to be walking out in front of the Senate Dirksen office building yesterday when, who should I happen to see as I'm walking to a meeting, but Senator Ben Sasse.
And I went up and introduced myself and I said, hi Senator Sasse, I'm Jack Posovic, it's great to meet you.
And as soon as he saw me, now he's a never-Trump Republican, probably the leading never-Trump Republican Senator.
As soon as I said my name to him, he completely lost his mind, got triggered, started screaming, you're a liar, you're a liar, you're ruining everything, and he actually ran off going to his Chris Wray deposition sort of over at the House building.
Wow, so that shows we're getting to him.
He's all, I know who you are, I know exactly who you are, Paso, but you're a liar!
And just ran off with the mere mention of my name.
This is a sitting U.S.
Senator, Alex.
And I said, gee, you could have just said, no thanks, man.
But see, this is the amount of under their skin.
Now, this is when there's no cameras on.
This is when the public eyes are not out there.
When the cameras are gone, when they're in their rooms, in their dark, smoke-filled rooms, they are scared of what Trump is pushing.
Sure, and don't they get that if they destroy Trump, it'll only make him a martyr politically?
I mean, look at how they tried to destroy me with Megyn Kelly.
It destroyed her.
Don't they get everyone has turned on them?
Don't they get that's not hype?
That's real reality.
Like, you go out, you try to catch fish, you catch fish.
Some days you don't catch fish.
They're not catching fish, we're catching fish.
They are the most uncool, out of style, hated group of scum ever.
America is coming out of the trance.
Don't they understand that?
No, I really don't think they do, Alex, because this is the trance that they've been trying to put all of America into for so many years, you know.
Believe us and we'll protect your rights.
Believe us and we'll protect, you know, your First Amendment, your Second Amendment rights, your Fourth Amendment rights.
But what have we seen them do is roll back and roll back all of our civil liberties, and this is regardless of what powers— And then bring in a bunch of radical Muslims and millions of illegals that have felonies, and then just sit there and demonize flyover country and say the West will fall.
I mean, Hollywood is completely mentally ill.
And again, people that have that much decadent power for a hundred years are going to become decadent and evil.
That's just what's happened.
Where are we historically right now, Roger Stone?
Why is the tide of crony globalism rushing out so fast?
Alex, I think it's because the American people are thoroughly disgusted.
I've never seen in ten presidential campaigns a level of disillusionment, a level of anger with the two-party duopoly, with every political institution, with the Congress, with big media.
And the American people have settled on Donald Trump to change all this.
They accuse us of being establishment?
Trump will never be establishment!
He may have gone to Wharton, he may be a billionaire, he may be President of the United States, but he thinks like an American.
He thinks like an outsider.
He will never be part of the two-party elitist leadership that's run the country.
Even in all the profiles, they admit from the time he was 30 doing business on his own.
He's a fighter, and he doesn't care if he gets invited to their cocktail parties.
It's the furthest thing from his mind.
If anything, he'd like more time to spend with his family.
It is, without any question, he is the first outsider president we've had since Ronald Reagan.
And they've gone from being arrogant now to being fundamentally scared, as Posobiec said.
That's what finally makes them dangerous.
I'm sad to see some of their arrogance starting to drain.
But I think their game plan is absolutely clear.
Mueller stretches out his phony Russian collusion delusion as long as he can, hoping the Democrats control the House after the 18 elections.
Stay there.
We gotta go to break.
Hard break.
Let's talk about their game plan.
Then let's take phone calls 800-259-9231.
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All right, so let me get this straight.
Hillary Clinton, when accused of using her private email server to send out classified information, immediately deleted her emails and physically smashed her hard drives.
Yet liberal logic says she's innocent and there is no evidence of any wrongdoing.
And now Donald Trump Jr.
is accused of breaking campaign laws.
Because he had an email exchange and a meeting with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump Jr.
immediately published his emails, which showed no wrongdoing.
Yet liberal logic says he's guilty.
They haven't found the exact law yet, but he's got to be guilty of something, right?
After all, he is the son of Donald Trump, and there must be a Russian conspiracy.
But wait a minute!
It turns out that the Russian lawyer has deep state connections to all things anti-Trump.
You can learn more right now at Infowars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're going to sabotage the globalists.
They've been sabotaged in America.
We're going to restore the Republic.
The Beastie Boys bringing us in.
Globalism sabotages the free market because it can't compete with it.
We're going to sabotage it with the truth.
Jack Posobiec in D.C.
riding shotgun with us.
He's with the Rebel Media.
We've got Roger Stone here working with InfoWars now.
He wears many hats, obviously.
He's a political consultant and other things, but he is launching in September.
I guess it's the first week of September.
September 4th, I think, is that Monday, syndicated radio transmission.
David Knight launches his in the middle of August, so all of that is coming up.
Jack Posobiec, again, is our guest.
Infowars.com is the main news site.
Looking at this, you guys were getting cut off by the break.
You were breaking down their battle plan, Roger.
What they plan to do to bring down Trump and delegitimize, not just his election, but the huge landslide of 2016, and we'll get Posobiec's take on that.
Yeah, Alex, since the entire Russian collusion delusion has produced nothing, they plan to stretch this out as long as they can.
Mr. Mueller, longtime hitman for the Clintons and the Bushes, the guy who coached James Comey on his testimony only weeks ago, will drag out his investigation until there's a, hopefully for him and the elitists, a Democratic majority in the House.
Then it doesn't matter
How thin or asinine the charges he brings, they would be used as a hook for impeachment.
The best way to combat this, of course, is to direct Jeff Sessions to convene a grand jury and to look into the matter of mass surveillance of American citizens as exposed by the FISA court only days before Trump became president.
James Clapper, Admiral Rogers,
Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and yes, Obama himself should be the targets of a federal indictment over the invasion of privacy and the violation of the civil liberties.
Sure, but what about Mueller basically only hiring Democrats
Uh, for his new giant witch hunt, his little mini-FBI.
And what about Comey?
On Monday, The Hill confirmed that he did have a classified memo.
He illegally didn't give it to the Attorney General.
Loretta Lynch at the time and then Sessions.
I mean these people are just lawless crooks.
Well, but the question you have to ask is where is Jeff Sessions?
Is he sleeping?
What is he doing?
You have egregious violations of the law by those who are smearing our president and they pay no penalty.
This morning on NPR, again, some saying that Jared Kushner should have, pardon me, that Don Trump Jr.
should have reported his meeting with this Russian lawyer to the FBI.
John Podesta should have reported his meeting with the Chinese ambassador, but didn't.
That's right, Chinese ambassador about business in the emails to discuss policy in a secret meeting.
We have it.
They confirm the email's real.
They don't debate it.
But they changed the subject, just like McCain going and trying to find Russians to make up the fact that they pee-peed on the president, then candidate Trump.
Again, what they say Trump did, they did.
Well, and as you know, my book, Stone's Rules, will be publishing here at InfoWars.com in September.
My number one rule, you don't win on defense.
The president has got the power, he's got the government, and he needs to turn the table on his critics.
And pursue the rampant, outrageous, illegal activities of the Obama administration and the neocon deep staters who to this day are illegally leaking against our president in an effort to delegitimize him.
That's right.
Roger Stone is our guest.
Jack Posobiec, you're there in D.C.
You talk to all the major activists.
You've got sources, obviously, in the White House.
That's been proven.
So does Mike Cernovich.
Now they have Public Affairs coming out and saying, oh no, they even know where we eat and what we're doing.
It's horrible.
And they've got the CIA in the article saying, we've got to stop these people.
They're dangerous.
So now they're admitting we really have these sources.
But, again, our sources are just on what the President's real policies are, and who the globalists are, and that this person's a Soros operative, and that this person is a McCain operative, and then we have the proof!
These are people inside, who are few and far between, by the way, in the swamp, telling us what the different swamp creatures are doing.
They're not giving us secret NSA data.
That's the globalists that are doing all that illegal crap.
Interestingly enough, Alex, when I stepped out I had a phone call from a source inside the House Select Committee, who now sheds further light on why they have postponed my hearing.
The arrangement was two Republican members, two Democratic members, for a closed-door hearing, and that I would be allowed to give an opening statement.
Well, evidently, nobody wants to be the two Democrats that Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell and Congress.
Nobody wants to be that Democrat.
The Republicans have designated their two members, Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney.
They were prepared to be there.
I was prepared to be there.
None of these Democrats want to face their own public words, their own record.
They're yellow.
They're cowards.
So the Democrats have literally choked
They get to go on the news, they get to say lies about you, never let you respond, say they're going to call you for six months before a hearing, say they've got the wiretap proof, then say they never wiretapped.
They have just been tied up in knots, making Pinocchio look incredibly honest.
It's amazing.
So you just talk to your source during the breaks while you were late getting back.
Relay this to people.
This is news breaking from the man sued by Obama and George Soros through the new law firm group they admittedly established six months ago.
A source on the committee tells me the Democrats met and it went like this.
I think you should be the guy to go to the Stone hearing.
No, no, no.
I think you should be the one to do it.
No, I'm busy that day.
Maybe you should do it.
These people are cowards.
They're yellow bellies.
They don't mind defaming you when they've got the spotlight in a public hearing, but in terms of facing you,
And being confronted with their own words when Congresswoman Speier, a member of the committee, says, and I quote, Stone works for the Kremlin.
No, I don't.
Never have I done so.
That's defamatory.
Apologize or I'll see you in court.
She said this not in the floor where she would have legal protection.
And they say, bring all your communications.
With the Russians, there are none.
It's like the Federal Election Commission, the Democrats have written this letter saying they want all my documents of Russian funding.
That's like saying they want all of the...
Leprechauns that live in my basement's communications.
It doesn't exist.
It's like, give all my Martian communications to them.
There are no Martian communications.
This is a classic case of nobody wanting to live up to their responsibilities.
It's incredible.
Jack Posobiec, I mean, you're in the middle of this.
Where is all this going?
They're trying to do two things, Alex, and Roger, I know you've seen this before with many special prosecutors in the past.
What they're going to do is eventually try to justify their own existence of their commission by catching someone speaking out of turn or getting some minor detail wrong and then running them up for perjury like they did with Scooter Libby during the Bush administration.
They're going to simply go and go and go and go until, fish and fish and fish and fish, until they're able to
Find evidence of a crime that was committed during the conduct of the investigation, rather than anything that had to do with the convening of it.
And while they're doing this, what they're attempting to do is to pit the members of the Trump campaign, the members of those people who are the Trump supporters, the supporters of the administration, against each other.
That's why the New York Times is planting these seeds that Jared Kushner was the one who leaked the Donald Trump Jr.
emails, when we're actually saying, no, no, no,
Yeah, the idea that Jared Kushner would leak against his own brother-in-law
It's an outrage.
It's a falsehood.
I believe Corey Lewandowski actually is one of the sources.
He has known animus towards Don Jr.
Don Jr.
helped remove his incompetent leadership from the Trump campaign.
You know, I don't normally disagree with you, and that may be, but when you've got Comey and the deep state and Obama and all them bragging in January of this year before Trump got sworn in, that we've got all the data, we've wiretapped, we've got everything,
I mean, we know they've had this for a while, and we know Comey, who lied and said he wasn't leaking, now admits he's leaking, and who said he didn't have classified info, and he did.
The guy is a perjurer and a liar.
We have him.
He is the big, fat, stinking leader of the Rat Battalion.
He is the lawyer that covered up for the Clintons.
He is the enemy of this republic.
He is the mole.
I agree with you.
If I were the president right now, what I would do is direct Jeff Sessions to appoint a special counsel to specifically look at the question.
I agree.
Special counsels on all these scumbags.
But focus on the illegal surveillance of Americans.
This is a crime that makes Watergate look like a nightmare.
And it makes everybody a plaintiff and everybody has standing.
That is what must be done under the Constitution.
You're absolutely right.
But let me then now ask this question of Jack Posobiec and you.
And by the way, I think Bob Barr would be the perfect guy for that job.
He's on next hour.
Former U.S.
Attorney, straight arrow.
He can tell you when he comes on about Mueller pressuring him to drop the Waco question when he started asking inconvenient questions about the conflagration at the Waco compound.
This is just mind-blowing.
You're there in D.C.
What is the mindset?
Do they really still think they're going to win?
Do they not know the public's totally turned against them?
They honestly aren't sure because Alex, these people live inside a giant bubble.
Even the people who are the representatives, they're not representing the people of their districts.
They're representing tiny enclaves of liberalism and globalism from Los Angeles to New York City to Washington D.C.
and they never leave those little bubbles, only to maybe stand at one campaign rally every once in a while.
They're sitting here and they're thinking that all of this stuff is going to work.
And to an extent, to the extent that they've been able to block the Trump agenda, I would have to say there is some truth to that.
You know, we look today, where is the border wall?
We look today to say, where is the state of the illegal immigration programs?
And they have not yet received the funding that we were promised by Paul Ryan, by Reince Priebus.
Why has that not happened when the Republicans control both houses of Congress and the White House, I ask?
It's simply because of sabotage from our own party, and they're doing a very good job.
Exactly, but we've got to get the word out that it is not the Freedom Caucus or Trump doing this.
It is the RINOs.
So the RINOs and the Democrats, they're the enemy.
We cannot give the Democrats, the House or the Senate, or the impeachment is coming just as night follows day, and that's their game plan.
There's no question about it.
Look, they're extremely well funded.
This is why I tell all my friends to go to the Infowars store because we don't have billionaire corporate sponsors.
We don't have unlimited money for legal fees.
Do you think these lawyers on this phony lawsuit are not well compensated?
Did they admit Soros founded it?
Obama set it up?
I mean, this is Obama and Soros suing you.
Let me get into this right now for folks, since you bring it up, and then we're going to call for Jack Posobiec and Roger Stone here, Duke Leto, Evan, Bob, Jesse, Jenny, and others.
Before we go any further...
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I want to go to phone calls now for this segment, the next, and one more.
And then we've got, speaking of Bob Barr, former Congressman,
The establishment put all their money into another Republican to make sure he didn't get back into Congress.
And people are so anti-establishment, he talked about this, they saw him as establishment because he'd been a Republican in a decade ago, even though he did the impeachment, even though he tried to stop the missiles getting transferred to North Korea and China, even though...
He did so much good stuff.
They put in another Republican who was new.
So, I mean, again, that's sad, but it shows how the people are so anti-establishment that even Republicans have got to watch it.
That's why we've got to defeat Paul Ryan.
We've got to get rid of him like canter.
We've got to get rid of him.
And let me ask both of you, and then we're going to skip this break so we have more time to go to calls.
How do we defeat the rhinos?
How do we target them?
Because, you know, Congressman Scalise is a patriot.
He just got out of intensive care again.
Thank God he's alive.
I don't want anything bad to happen to Paul Ryan and turn him into a martyr.
But, I mean, you know, Paul Ryan is just a classic.
Comes off like a total psychopath.
I mean, he just is a slick liar.
He's totally full of crap.
He's sabotaging this country.
He's trying to keep Obamacare in place.
He's trying to keep high taxes in place.
I don't know what dirt they've got on him, but I am just so sick of these type of people.
These blue blood, country club Republicans.
Sposobic, what do we do?
You know what, if Jeff Sessions isn't going to convene these special prosecutors and investigations, then Alex, I think we're going to have to start doing it ourselves.
There's a lot of public disclosure in terms of these FEC filings for campaigns.
There's a lot of public disclosure in terms of when people are going to events and not going to events.
And now that the Republicans have control of the Ethics Committee in the House,
And I'm told actually from sources that the Ethics Committee is headed by a pro-Trump Republican, that we are going to start actually calling these people up for their own ethics violations.
Obama previously had his ethics czar in there.
You know, I think Jack's absolutely right.
I'm really disappointed in Jeff Sessions.
I think he's a good man.
He's wrong about marijuana.
We've talked about that.
But he is a veteran, former state attorney general.
He understands the law.
The violations by Obama and his inner circle of our civil liberties
Are more egregious than anything that happened in Watergate and they're certainly more serious than the Russian collusion, delusion that the Democrats seem to be committed to.
But you do not win on defense.
It is time to get on offense.
It's time to start locking some of these people up.
We learned months ago about Susan Rice's use of unmasked surveillance material for political purposes.
This is a crime.
And then Rice comes out and says, oh, she's been unfairly targeted because she's a woman and she's black.
No, you've been targeted because you broke the law.
You see, I know you expected Hillary to win and that all your crimes would be covered up.
That didn't happen.
No persons above the law.
That's what they told us in the wake of Watergate.
It's time for Susan Rice to do some serious time.
Absolutely said, with truth.
You know, I see how they lie as a religion.
And then I see how the greatest value I've got is telling the truth.
And Roger, you kind of...
Buy into it.
If they're going to call you a villain, you go with it and take their attack like judo and turn it into something good.
But I've never seen you do a dirty trick.
Your currency is being accurate with stuff you've told me.
It's some of the most accurate info I've been given in the last three years or so.
I'd say 98% accurate.
So I know you kind of play along with that.
But in truth, they are the villains.
I know CNN gets paid by Gulf State dictatorships, put out promo pieces, and by the UN.
Everybody else is reporting orgies of violence.
470-something cops injured.
Thousands of others injured.
Burning buildings.
Looks like, you know, a bombing run happened with a B-52 or something.
And there's CNN.
Totally peaceful!
Against Trump.
It wasn't even against Trump.
They are such liars, and I think they realize they're discredited, so they're just committing to just be disruptive and now troll us like we're in middle school.
I mean, to understand their psychology, think Arrested Development.
Do you think that's what it is, or is there some sophisticated equation of deception I'm missing?
I think a lot of it's about money, Alex.
I think there's a
A market decision, an economic decision that was made at CNN that they wanted to be the anti-Trump network.
That they wanted to go for the small subset of liberal misfits who will go to the network
That is virulently anti-Trump.
You see what the way... So it's a cult and the more radical members of the cult accelerate its radicalization.
And the real question will become what happens in the AT&T-Time Warner merger.
I can't see the Trump administration approving this merger as long as Jeff Zucker is at CNN and CNN is being used as
And by the way, they're calling that corrupt if he holds it up.
They're trying to destroy him, and it's already a questionable merger.
It shouldn't happen anyways.
I was going to say, on that point, my sources on the FTC looking at the merger right now are saying that it's currently a split decision.
They are not sure whether or not to allow it.
The interesting thing is that CNN loses more and more ratings.
Their Time Warner stock has actually gone down $700 million since the CNN meme wars have started.
The last few weeks, we've seen their doxing, their targeting,
Oh yeah, this rebranding of CNN from Enemies of America to Trash of the Earth is un-reversible.
Go ahead, Zubik.
Yeah, and so a lot of people don't understand the strategic pressure that's being put on Time Warner right now to either divest CNN as a company and let them see if they can stand on their own two feet, which is unlikely, or to go in there, take the merger at a much lower valuation with the CNN product and completely clean house.
Either way, Jeff Zucker, my indications are that he is going to go.
Whether or not he gets a golden parachute, we'll see, but he will not be CEO of CNN much longer.
The spin-off strategy I think is problematic.
What I would not want to see is a Jeff Bezos or some other billionaire leftist elitist buy this company and infuse it with capital.
I would much rather see Time Warner replace Zucker with more mainstream leadership and try to revive CNN as a legitimate news organization.
That is the only way to save it would be to revamp it and have it come back since Fox News is killing itself.
If it came back as the new Libertarian Channel, it would end up with, you know, 50 million viewers an hour.
It'll never happen, though.
They're too arrogant.
Let's go to phone calls.
We got Jenny, Jesse, Lito, Evan, Bob in Canada, and many, many others.
Let's go to Lito in California.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
How are you doing, Alex and Roger?
I just wanted to come in with some information.
As I'm seeing Donald Trump Jr.
in the Trump campaign being attacked for colluding or anything of this nature, the only thing I can look up, and just let me give you a little bit of backstory, I mean, I was born in Morocco, grew up in America, I'm a United States Army veteran, and while I was in the military, I was on a little detail, and I would like everybody to look up Hillary Clinton.
It's $12 million.
For hosting the Global Clinton Initiative in Marrakesh, Morocco.
Okay, while being Secretary of State, her campaign gaining this resources, gaining this type of... Oh, globalism is all about selling your country out to foreign multinationals and companies and countries.
The Clintons totally sold us out to the Chinese, totally sold us out to the UN, and then to point their finger at Trump's son meeting with a Russian for dirt on her, as if we're colluding with the Russians?
I mean, this is absolutely insane.
So you could pull it up, just type in Hillary Clinton, Morocco in 2014, while being Secretary of State.
She's invited to Morocco for a $12 million donation to the global... Now there it is, Hillary got $12 million for the Clinton deal at a global government meeting.
She's at foreign meetings, getting her private foundation paid, while she's sitting in government.
Totally illegal!
And even double-crossing Obama.
The Obama administration, concerned about the way this would look, had a requirement that she would clear any of these foreign contributions with them.
But she didn't on many occasions.
Look, meanwhile the Federal Election Commission says that we're not allowed to talk to people about campaigns.
Talking is now money and they regulate that.
What type of delusional power grab is that?
Let's face it, Hillary Clinton will look great in an orange jumpsuit.
Can't happen too soon.
That's right.
Great points, Lito.
Thanks for bringing that up.
Jack Posobiec is our guest.
Let's go to Jesse in Missouri.
You're on the air, Jesse.
How you doing, Alex?
How you doing, Roger and Jack?
Go ahead.
What I'm failing to see is the American people stepping up.
You know, we have the power.
There's so many people in this country that
Aren't doing anything.
They're not calling their representatives.
They're not writing letters.
They're just sitting by idly and accepting this Russian nonsense.
Well, that's what I'm saying, though.
We got a fraction of America standing up, and we're in a fight where we're barely winning.
And if everybody listening understands, they hate you.
They hate Infowars because they hate you.
They see you as the awake Americans, as the hope, as the light in the dark.
And you are.
You are the resistance, folks.
When you support us, when you spread the word, when you pray for us, that moves mountains.
And I think what Jesse's saying is,
We need more people to take action.
Right, Jesse?
And I find that to be kind of ridiculous, you know?
Like, we're stupid.
And, you know, we're just as smart as everybody else.
Well, that's what it is.
It's not that.
People think of themselves, humbly, because it's good to be humble, as not being leaders and as kind of just living life.
Extraordinary circumstances make extraordinary people.
We're in extraordinary times.
All of you who have been so humble have to activate.
Call C-SPAN.
If our listeners, tens of millions every day, all just called C-SPAN every day, we'd totally take it over.
And talk radio, you name it.
All of you just need to do a little bit each day, we'll smash them.
Thank you, Jesse.
More calls for Jack Posobiec and of course my guest here, Roger Stowe.
And then we have Bob Barr coming on.
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It's Alex Jones.
They took my saddle in Houston.
Broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Jack Poselbeck!
Tell us about your trip to Europe.
You're planning to investigate the Soros operations.
Alex, I'm off to Eastern Europe.
I'm going to be leaving here just in a few days.
I don't want to give out all the full details for OPSEC purposes, of course.
But I will be meeting with anti-Soros activists, anti-Soros newsletters and journalists and reporters that are working over there.
To fight what Soros is doing.
He is putting so much money into these refugee programs.
He is trying to force these countries like Poland, like Romania, like Belarus to take in these migrants.
Forcing them in.
They're standing up.
They're saying, no, we want to defend our culture.
We want to defend our borders.
But the EU is saying, we will find you.
And Soros is turning his mouthpiece propaganda media into attacking the people that are standing up for themselves the same way they stand up against Trump.
You know, Jack, I think what you're going to find, because I have just returned from an Eastern European trip, is that the United States embassies in Bucharest, in Budapest, in Ankara, are completely controlled by George Soros.
George Soros financed the college educations of most of the employees of the U.S.
embassy in Bucharest.
These are nests
Of Open Society's people.
And you have to wonder, what is Rex Tillerson waiting for in terms of cleaning these people out?
But then you see that Tillerson has hired this woman Fiona Hill, a former staffer for Soros, who's infiltrated the Trump State Department and is arguing against aligning ourselves with the Hungarian government, for example, in their efforts to isolate and identify
Soros as an enemy of democracy.
It's outrageous that this can go on.
There's millions still pouring out of the State Department in terms of aid for these global warming programs, these climate programs that are going directly to the pockets of some of the most terrible dictators around the world in Africa.
Some of these people that are extremely anti-democracy in Eastern Europe.
However, Soros has no problem with it as long as they play by ear.
Well, Jack, it shows the games they play.
Peter Southerland, George Soros.
All of them said we're going to get rid of the borders, we're going to cause a migrant crisis, we're going to destabilize the Middle East, we're then going to bring these people in, call them refugees, they're almost all military-age men, and when they cause problems we'll make Europe give up its rights to not make the Muslims mad.
We're being held hostage, this is their plan, and people are revolting against it, and even Bill Gates has come out and said Europe has to stop this because he knows the sleeping giant's awake.
I want to invite you
Thanks Alex, see if we can do it.
Roger, I want to give you some final comments.
I'll get to other callers coming up as Bob Barr joins us, and then John Rappaport.
I'm going to premiere the piece coming up at the bottom of the next hour with, of course, Megyn Kelly, the first installment being exposed, what she did behind the scenes.
This is going to be powerful.
But continuing here, therebel.mediacitizensfortrump.com.
That's Jack Posobiec.
What else is coming up when you're on the nightly news tonight?
Well, I've got to tell you, this attack on me and my family by these high-priced, Obama-leftist, Soros-backed lawyers came out of left field.
And I can't even tell you, I've got 30, 40 press calls waiting for comment.
I've put together a statement.
But it's very important to nail a lie immediately.
They can't even prove that the DNC emails were hacked, never mind that they were hacked by Roger Stone or the Trump campaign.
And the New York Times admits no proof.
It's bogus, but it's an attempt, again, to achieve through the courts what they couldn't achieve at the ballot box.
It's meant to try to remove President Trump.
I guess they see that the congressional inquiry is going nowhere, and now they hope for a left-wing District of Columbia judge
To allow them to violate our civil rights.
It's total intimidation and it's not going to work.
Roger Stone, good to have you on board with the InfoWarp.
Great to be here.
I tell you, we were really giving them hell thanks to the listeners' support.
We'll be back with Bob Barr.
Stay with us.
The news we're about to cover is some of the most powerful, important information I've ever covered.
Elite publications like the Financial Times of London, the New Yorker Magazine, most importantly Atlantic Monthly, have all come out with articles that I'm going to be showing you on screen while our guest is on, saying we need to overthrow President Trump, we need to have new elections and our homeland security, and take all the Republicans that were elected in 2016 and remove them.
They're calling for death, violence.
This is insane.
So I want to ask Colonel Schaefer, former head of the Bin Laden unit, patriot,
With a lot of big connections.
Helped expose Benghazi, you name it.
Works for the London Center for Foreign Policy Research.
Fox contributor.
Where we are currently and how serious the situation is.
Colonel Schaefer, you're more of an expert on this than even I am.
I know that you've worked in some of the most classified areas there are and really had a lot of things that I'll never see the light of day for this country.
Am I overestimating how serious this is?
No, Alex, thank you for having me on.
And no, you're laying that completely correctly.
You're essentially outlining the situation based on their own verbiage.
And of course, then when they get caught in the open daylight, they then try to say, no, no, no, no, we never said that.
It's all about you.
Same way the deep state goes about saying the deep state doesn't exist.
We're good to go.
We're good.
We're good to go.
They put out the message to billions of people.
They know people are going to hack.
It's like advertising.
If you put advertising out to billions of people saying, come eat our hamburgers, they're gonna come.
Well, if you put out advertising to billions saying, kill, kill Republicans, kill Trump, kill Alex Jones, kill, kill, kill, it's gonna happen!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we could not have a better guest on right now.
I had Roger Stone on earlier and he goes, you know, you ought to get Bob Barr on.
He can really expose Mueller and what he did at the Waco siege and all the corruption and also Comey.
And I was like, well, that's actually why I have him on today.
I've been trying to get him on for a few weeks, you know, since the whole Comey thing blew up.
And now we've got him today.
Also heads up Liberty Guard, fighting the unconstitutional stuff with the NSA and the TSA and all the rest of it.
But Bob Barr is the guy that crafted the articles of impeachment that actually got that going.
And with churning him back in Congress, I wanted to get him on just to talk about the waterfront, what it's like to see these spectacles of John McCain sending people to Russia, to England, meeting with the Russians, wanting dirt.
This lawyer that they let back in, even though her visa was out, now connected to Soros and anti-Trump rallies, and a meeting with the Democrats and clearly working for him, trying to set up
Donald Jr.
And I've said give the guy a medal going to try to find out dirt about Hillary.
That's what you're supposed to do.
McCain didn't commit crimes going and trying to find dirt on Trump.
The issue is they made it up, though.
The whole PPGate thing's now been proven to be a fraud.
But we know Hillary sold out our uranium.
We know the Clinton Foundation.
Would meet in Morocco and get $12 million from foreign donors while she was sitting Secretary of State?
I mean, everything they say about Trump, who's fired all the lobbyists, you name it, is exactly what they've done.
And I'm not on some Trump worship bandwagon just to do it.
It's that we haven't had a president this clean in a long time.
And he's actually got illegals 63% down coming across the border as he's killed the TPPs, got the stock market up and hundreds of billions of new investment.
He's trying to get taxes cut, but he's got the Republican establishment against him.
So we've got Bob Barr, bobbarr.org, libertyguard.org.
You couldn't have a better guest on.
He's been a federal prosecutor.
Then a U.S.
attorney, then in Congress, CIA, whole nine yards from every angle, a professor, you name it.
Just to give us his view of the world right now, the left saying they want COG, they want to cancel the last election, the left saying hashtag hunt Republicans.
I mean, I've never in history, except maybe in Weimar, Germany in the 1932 or something, seen a more volatile climate, and it's all from them.
And then Pelosi saying, we're winners, we're the face.
Chuckie Schumer and I, when they're so unpopular, it's just, they're so delusional.
But I'm not arrogant.
I think they're dangerous.
I think they could somehow, even though they're, you know, half lobotomized, they're so bold, if we don't stand against them, they could really plunge this country into greater chaos.
Former Congressman Bob Barr, what do you think about that little rant?
Well, it wasn't a rant, it was simply a factual statement.
And I agree 100% with what you're saying.
If it weren't serious, it would be funny.
Some of the, what I call the post-factual statements that the left makes continuously, whether it's Pelosi or whether it's, you know, who's the Pocahontas up in Elizabeth Warren.
The problem is when you have a group of people, in this case the Democratic Party and their leftist allies, making over and over and over again statements and setting out agendas that have no relationship whatsoever to the real world or to facts.
They just make stuff up.
Uh, it's funny, but it is extremely dangerous.
And that's what worries me when you have people, uh, you know, despite the fact that Elizabeth Warren is, uh, her lack of substance is probably only, uh, second to a Nancy Pelosi's, uh, when you have people like that and the others up there making these idiotic
Uh, untrue, uh, non-factual statements over and over and over again is dangerous because these people are, in fact, in positions to do things to the American people on behalf of the government can very quickly turn from just sort of funny to extremely dangerous.
As a former U.S.
attorney and prosecutor, what do you make of Comey, and now they admit it's classified, and he said he didn't leak, but he did leak, and all the clear-cut perjury going on, and the illegal leaking, it just seems wild-eyed.
I've met Comey, I don't know him well at all, and it's been a number of years since I've actually seen him in person, but the appearance, the statements that he made when he went before the Senate several weeks ago, and this utterly
Uncomprehensible, idiotic scenario that he admitted to that, well, he didn't trust the president so he runs back to his office and he dictates these memos.
And then because he was afraid that the president might lie about his meeting with him, he gives this information, this memo or memos to a friend of his to then give to the New York Times.
One, the guy doesn't even have the courage to do something himself and accept the consequences of it.
He has to go through somebody else to basically do his dirty work.
But this borders not just on ridiculous,
But criminal.
And where you have somebody in his position that carries, you know, whether we like it or not, a lot of gravitas, so to speak, simply because he has, in fact, occupied very high positions in our government, including the number two person at the Department of Justice and the head of the FBI.
We have to take this stuff seriously.
And hopefully,
Chris Ray, who is in the process of being confirmed for the FBI Director, will actually go where the evidence leads him and recommend prosecutions.
Former Congressman Bob Barr, former federal prosecutor, U.S.
Attorney's with us right now looking at this.
And just looking at Mueller, I mean, I know you've been critical of Mueller.
You've been there when he's testified with Waco and other debacles.
These guys are two best buddies.
I look at everybody Mueller is hiring.
It's almost all rabid Democratic Party operatives with axes to grind.
What do you make of all that?
It seems to me that Mueller, and you mentioned the Waco hearings, just to kind of refresh your listeners' recollection of that, back during the Waco hearings, which was in early 1995, when I was at the time a freshman member of the Congress and the Judiciary Committee, and we were holding a series of very important hearings on the Waco tragedy.
One morning, before we were set to have a number of FBI agents testify before the Congress, the committee that I was working on, I get a call out of the blue from Bob Mueller, who was at the time
He wasn't the FBI director, but he was an official government employee, I believe, at the time.
Bob Mueller was serving as an assistant U.S.
attorney in the U.S.
Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia.
And he calls me up out of the blue and says, essentially, and I have this set forth in my book on the impeachment, the meaning of is, he says, Bob, I know you have some witnesses there today from the FBI on these Waco hearings.
I know these guys.
You know, these guys, they're good guys.
So go easy on them.
Uh, that's not the way I operate.
It's not the way you operate, Alex.
It's not the way, you know, your listeners expect to see government operating.
But as part of the good old boy deep state network up there that is
Basically corrupting, or trying to corrupt, our entire system of justice in this country.
And Comey was right in the thick of it.
What he did was highly inappropriate, if not illegal.
I mean, going back to high school, I liked to watch C-SPAN.
And then when I was in college, watching you.
And then I've been on the air since I was like 21.
But I've never seen such wildness and lying by the media.
And just personally, whether it's the New York Times or the Washington Post or Texas Monthly, I was reading a Texas Monthly article about me.
And it just has anonymous sources that once I walked into a movie theater and told a guy named Doyle, I'm fake.
I believe nothing I say.
And they just had this false statement in there.
And then they quote somebody else saying, you know, once I walked in a store and said, I'm fake.
I mean, the lies are so ridiculous.
That it's like they're writing it to be discredited or something.
But I realize that's not what it is.
It's just that they've hired a bunch of lazy, stupid people.
Then I see what they're doing to Trump.
And I sit there and I see it because I follow the actual policy.
I know what's going on.
And the way, you know, they say, oh, the Polish First Lady wouldn't shake his hand.
Well, no, they just cut the video and said she didn't.
And, you know, it's little stuff like that, but it's a wall of lies.
CNN reported last Saturday that there was no violence in Germany at the G20 and that it was all peaceful.
I mean, every other news publication called it an orgy of violence.
You're a smart guy, and you've seen a lot of angles.
Is there some method here I'm missing?
Because I'm really starting to get confused.
The method, and by the way, I like your analogy to a wall.
This is a wall of lies that the Dems, the Democrats, and the lefties have built.
This is a wall, so to speak, that we don't need to be building.
We need to be tearing down the wall, as Reagan said, tear down this wall, this wall of lies and falsity and so forth.
The problem is,
Because there are so many people in our society that don't have the background, haven't taken the time to study our system of government, they don't care about facts.
There are huge numbers of people, Alex, out there who actually will believe this nonsense that Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren spouts.
The problem partly is that if you say something, whether it is true or false, whether it is outrageous or rational, if you simply say something over and over and over again, shrilly, such as Elizabeth Warren in the well of the Senate saying, you know, people will die if this health care plan is passed.
If you say it enough times, if you say it loud enough, people actually start to believe it and will act on it.
That's why it's so important to have you out there and a lot of your colleagues who actually believe in facts.
It's just critically important that you're out there putting the lie to this and tearing down.
Well, exactly.
They'll put false quotes in Trump's mouth.
They'll do it to his sons, his family, anybody that supports him.
They'll just say, yeah, did you hear how this person says something racist and then never show the clip.
Or they'll have Tom Brokaw come out and say, Jones is an unalloyed racist.
I don't want to make it about myself, but that's what they do.
And then they don't show a clip of you saying something racist or they say, Jones says we have Martian bases.
I never said that.
I don't cover UFOs.
It's just a new level of lying.
And like you said, they know they've got a base that will believe anything they're told.
They'll believe that we're really going to kill old people if we get rid of Obamacare, even though Pocahontas and Ezekiel Emanuel admit it's designed to wreck the old healthcare that was the best in the world and bring in single payer.
I mean, it's so diabolical.
And it slops over from the media world, which is bad enough, because that's the basis on which a lot of people make decisions and colors their view of government and the electoral process.
But, and we see this happening in Nevada right now with the Clive and Bundy cases.
Oh, in fact, you've been on that.
Let's talk about that.
You've been really spearheading, exposing that.
Why do you think this is so dangerous?
And kind of just spend a minute or two recapping for folks what really happened.
What really happened was a simple confrontation that ended peacefully back in April of 2014 between a group of Americans who care about land rights, who care about property rights, who understand who owns what property and who cannot or does not own property, such as the federal government, claiming that
It owns, what, between 85 and 90 percent of all the land in Nevada.
So, you had a dispute that had been, in fact, brewing for quite a period of time between Mr. Bundy, who is a rancher, you know, in several generations.
Kicking people off set known grazing rights.
Yes, and so the government comes in and wants to not only force him to pay all of this money that they claim the government claims is owed them because some of his cattle might have eaten a few plants on property that the government claims is theirs.
But they went beyond that and they were, and did, engage in actions to actually take some of his cattle and start killing them.
And in response to that, the Bundys were able to have a lot of folks from not just Nevada but other states, people who understand what's going on out there in Nevada with the Bureau of Land Management,
They came out there in support of the Bundys, and it ended several days later in April of 2014.
No shots were fired.
But I think the problem, Alex, they then gave rise to the indictments that the government issued in early 2016 against not only the Bundys, but I think there were 19 defendants that the government brought indictments.
And now we've got FBI agents getting indicted for
Shooting people in cold blood, it's just escalating.
It is.
I mean, I'm sure you remember, as a lot of your listeners probably do, the way they went after
Senator Ted Stevens up in Alaska falsifying information, improper relations between FBI agents and certain witnesses.
This is the deep state with a vengeance.
What they're doing to the Bundys, what they tried to do to Senator Ted Stevens.
And so this is where the rubber meets the road.
You've got areas like Nevada where they say 90% of the land is government.
Other areas out west, on average, it's like 60%.
And a lot of these feds, this is really where there is corruption, become their own little boss hogs and start making side business deals.
And now, it doesn't matter if you've been grazing on this land since before it was even a territory 1877.
It doesn't matter if the public doesn't understand law, doesn't understand grazing rights, doesn't understand surface rights.
We're just saying, get your cattle off of here.
And then, you know, having feds start shooting little kids off the bikes and just really arrogant because the feds are trying to hire arrogant social justice warriors to be BLM.
So there's a little bit of pushback.
So then they shoot, you know, an innocent guy who's unarmed getting out of his truck.
And now it escalates.
And so we're now to this point.
And if it is allowed to continue, and hopefully at some point, President Trump, who spoke about these issues, including specifically the problems between BLM, Bureau of Land Management, and private citizens, landowners, ranchers, and so forth, Mr. Trump spoke about this.
Uh, during the campaign back in 2016, hopefully we will see some of those ideas that Mr. Trump had and spoke about during the campaign in support of property rights and against the government.
I was about to say, defund a lot of the BLM, put in new directors in the imperious attitude and bent, but also, you know, they go, oh, don't give away the National Parks, forget the National Parks, that's a small part.
We need to start privatizing these areas and, you know, doing it judiciously, but that's where our boom economy comes from.
Is actually going in all over this country and freeing up the land.
I mean, the feds, as you know, in Texas have declared tens of thousands of square miles in Oklahoma and Texas on the Red River.
We're talking totally owned ranches with no federal connections.
And the feds show up and declare two, three miles on both sides of the Red River and just start taking at gunpoint people's property.
I mean, it's out of control.
And have you seen any signs as a real activist, former Congressman Bob Barr?
I certainly hope that we see some real movement on this pretty quickly.
I know some of his early executive orders and other documents that President Trump signed in the first couple of months of his being sworn in as president
They did move us in the direction of reducing the regulatory burdens on the citizens and businesses of this country, but it's now at the point where we need to see some real action.
What do you recommend as a former prosecutor, U.S.
Attorney, businessman, what do you recommend?
Well, in the case that is brewing, that is going on right now in Nevada, the government should do what it never likes to do, and that is to admit a mistake and dismiss the indictments.
The government doesn't like to do that.
I think one of the main problems, Alex, with regard to the Bundy case out in Nevada,
And they were in the wrong!
These were law-abiding citizens pushed too far.
They were.
They were American citizens who had every right to be there.
Some of them were exercising their Second Amendment rights.
And now, I think to a large extent, simply because the government was embarrassed that it did have to back down,
They turn around months later and issue indictments against 19 individuals.
And not only that, Alex, but they refused to discuss Bond.
The judge went along with that.
Yeah, you have Mr. Bundy and his sons and all these other folks.
Locked up like they're in North Korea.
I know you've got to go and I've got an exclusive piece on Megyn Kelly's deception, but if you can, I'd like you to come back for five minutes, put a bow on this, former Congressman Bob Barr, Liberty Guard, because I want to briefly get into laptop bombs, TSA, something you're an expert on with Liberty Guard, and then briefly, your advice to President Trump, because I know some of what we talk about gets to him.
I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
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We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars in our fight to promote human liberty and freedom.
They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding.
Until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
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This is Kit Daniels.
LibertyGuard.org BobBar.org Fortune favors the bold.
It's Alex Jones.
Federal, armed...
Park Rangers, and they are just super arrogant, and then a lot of the normal Rangers are super liberal, super SJW, and they're there to let you know, you're lucky to even be here, because you're bad for the earth.
You're bad for the environment.
And I thought, you know, I got a chip on my shoulder, maybe.
I'm going to go over and talk to more of these armed police I see at Big Ben when I see them.
And they were just, almost all of them, super, super arrogant, super aggressive.
And I don't want to get into some bashing fest here.
I'm not Black Lives Matter or something.
I don't see that from the average cop, state police, FBI, you name it.
In fact, on average, they're the nicer folks in the public and more dedicated and hard-working in general.
There's problems everywhere.
But with these particular BLM and armed rangers, they are very arrogant.
Former Congressman Bob Barr, former U.S.
Attorney, what do you think is happening in this culture or do you disagree with me?
I don't disagree.
As a matter of fact, I agree with what you've just been saying.
And it's not so much a problem with individual officers, particularly local law enforcement.
I've worked back when I was U.S.
Attorney here in Georgia for a number of years, both as a member of Congress and even as a private attorney.
I've worked with so many fine men and women who are law enforcement officers here in Georgia and other states.
They understand, by and large, the line officers understand what the proper role of law enforcement is.
They understand what the Constitution and our Bill of Rights says.
The problem is with the arrogance of a lot of federal agencies, including, Alex, some
Smaller agencies, a number of folks that work in, whether it's BLM or the regulators.
Fish and wildlife?
I mean, SWAT teaming people over a barn they build?
I mean, it's just crazy.
Oh, it is, and far too often it ends in a tragedy.
Sending a SWAT team out, for example, as Fairfax, Virginia does,
Perhaps even as a matter of routine now, sending a SWAT team out to serve a warrant in a white-collar crime case or a domestic case can lead to tragedy.
We have too many SWAT teams, we have too much military weaponry in the hands of local law enforcement, and this has given rise to a mentality
Uh, that is more in tune with our military's course of conduct overseas, which is very different, as it should be, from law enforcement domestically.
That law enforcement does not kill people and break things.
Law enforcement does not kill people and break things.
And that segues into where you've been on the groping of the genitals of the kids, the naked body scanners.
You, Drudge, InfoWars, our listeners, have spearheaded the last decade trying to curtail the TSA.
And I don't want to demonize the average person, but, I mean, it's Congress, it's
It's all of us letting this happen, but regardless, the TSA, they let in radical Muslims, they don't vet them, they're 99% of the terrorism.
Meanwhile, they admit that 94%, the average is like 92 nationally.
In Minnesota, it's 94%.
Uh, of contraband, guns, bombs, drugs, get through.
This is pointless!
We need to target people that are felons, target people that are jihadis, target people that are in public databases, not illegal surveillance, that say they're for jihad.
These are the people that when their ID goes through, get searched.
Not my children, not my, not my, you know, eight-year-old daughter.
And you see it all the time.
Just yesterday, for example, Alex, I was flying back from Las Vegas, back home to Atlanta.
As I go through the TSA pre-check, which usually works fairly well, but increasingly I'm being stopped for a random check.
So I've got to go over and go through their x-ray nonsense.
But as I was sitting on the bench after going through all of this, putting my cowboy boots back on, I watched an elderly lady who
Obviously was not only elderly, but in poor health.
She was in a wheelchair, being forced to stand up, which was very difficult for her.
Stand there, have her arms out, you know, go through the whole, you know, the groping, the patting down and so forth.
And as I was watching that and watching some of the other lines, you see all sorts of people coming through, including, I would have to tell you, a number that may very well fit the criteria for a person that does need to be looked at.
But here they are spending all of this time with elderly women, elderly people who have health problems, who are in wheelchairs.
Uh, and not only is it, uh, embarrassing and demeaning and frequently very physically uncomfortable for these elderly, uh, citizens, uh, but it's taking away, uh, what really needs to be done.
And that is to use common sense, use intelligence, uh, information that we have.
Uh, in looking for people who actually do potentially pose a threat.
That's, that's the problem.
Exactly, and I'd go further.
If you're not a citizen and you're on some jihad site saying kill people and bomb people, deport them!
And this Sanctuary City nonsense, I think that if I'm not mistaken Attorney General Sessions was in Nevada yesterday and speaking and addressing this Sanctuary City nonsense that has come up.
And again, I can't go to Mexico and overstay my visa.
You can't go to China and do it.
I mean, this is just what you have a country.
We need to make it easy for good people to come here, not just be walked all over.
I've got the Megyn Kelly piece coming up in a few minutes, but let me just briefly ask you, I mean, honestly, grading Trump, you know, I wish he could ram through the tax cuts.
He's trying, obviously, you know, he's not perfect on every issue.
I've actually impressed by how much he's gotten done.
What is your view of Trump overall and just any advice you'd give him, Bob Boss?
Certainly, he is far better than the alternative.
And I've been very impressed with his grasp of the issues, for example, a lot of the regulatory and fiscal issues.
But I've also been impressed with the statements that he's made with regard to not prosecuting people in this country, not using the power of the federal government to prosecute people for
You know, crimes that aren't really crimes.
And I'd like to see more of that.
It's very important for the President to lay out these issues as a policy matter, but we need to see some real action in terms of the prioritization by the Department of Justice and these other agencies as well.
I totally agree and we have seen the Democrats make stuff up and have hashtag kill Republicans and celebrate Scalise being shot and all this other craziness.
All we're asking Trump to do is do his job, take the gloves off with all the crimes they've committed.
I know they're going to say he's a tyrant, but they're the tyrants and I'm not a police state guy.
I'm not a throw the book at people, but they're escalating and we've got to deal
With this seditious force, the Democrats know they're becoming a coastal party of communists and ne'er-do-wells, and so they're fighting to overthrow our system, and our country faces a clear and present danger, and so as they commit suicide politically, we need to restrain them.
They want to kill themselves politically.
That's their business.
They just can't take us down with them.
LibertyGuard.org, BobBar.org.
Bob Bar, thank you, as always, for coming on.
Thank you and look forward to it again soon, Alex.
You bet.
There he goes.
I wanted to get him on just about the background and all the rest of it.
Really smart former congressman.
Really great guy who does have the will to go after people.
He started the impeachment with David Shippers and others of those folks and so he's definitely got the courage it takes.
We're going to dump out a version later that actually has subtitles on this because some of the audio is not as clear as it could be because we were recording it from about 15 feet away and the room was echoey.
But we're going to have more of those bigger pieces next week.
But this is just the opening salvo.
This is just the beginning of our rollout, educating the public about how fake news works.
And so, Megyn Kelly thought that she would destroy us in free speech.
NBC thought they would do that.
Well, they found out the world is awake to them.
So here is an exclusive first excerpt from behind the scenes with Megyn Kelly.
Is there, as you expand your business, right?
InfoWars is doing very well.
You can expand.
You can hire more people for four hours on the air.
I'm holding entrepreneurship.
I'm holding up businesses.
But we're in a war.
If I'm proud of anything that Trump's picked up, it's the fact that the mainstream media is the enemy.
It does work for foreign and globalist, multinational interests.
In many cases, it's massive taxpayer money, like NBC has gotten for decades, tens of millions of dollars, through its different defense sections and other programs.
And so I am just so proud of the fact that the Republicans are fighting back as hard as they can.
We're not perfect, but we're trying to get it right.
The public doesn't trust the media, and nothing can put that back together again, and we're going to destroy the Republic.
And so I'm just really, really excited about that.
And we are expanding our information warfare operations into the truth.
And when we make mistakes, we correct it, because the truth is what's key.
And we're going to fight for our lives, and we're going to fight for this country.
We're going to go all the way.
We're going to win.
We're never going to stop.
We're never going to surrender, whatever the cost may be.
We'll go on to the end.
I knew Megyn Kelly was lying to me.
I knew it was going to be a jump cut, highly edited piece of disinformation.
An excuse for the media to debate me for weeks beforehand, misrepresenting what I'd said in the past.
It was an attempt to assassinate the new independent media.
It was an attempt by the old dinosaur press, that had been fully discredited, to try to somehow come back from the dead.
By demonizing a straw man of Alex Jones that didn't really exist in the real world.
But I had no idea how hard Megyn Kelly would fall on her face because the American people had completely broken with MSM a long time ago.
It was only the executives at NBC and Megyn Kelly that hadn't figured it out yet.
America and the world doesn't trust them and hates them.
The general public rejected the bullying and lies.
They tuned in at record low numbers, and since then, her fall has only accelerated.
And the fall of MSM doesn't stop with Megyn Kelly.
CNN and many other news channels have gone from low ratings to almost zero.
Ted Koppel was brought out of retirement to do a so-called interview with Sean Hannity.
They interviewed him for close to an hour, but edited it down to only 70 seconds of unrecognizable lies.
You may remember just a few months ago back in March I was the focus of fake edited news.
I had agreed to do an interview with CBS and their Sunday morning program and their special contributor Ted Koppel.
The interview lasted nearly 50 minutes as we discussed in great detail great specificity many many
So it made sense when Hannity agreed that NBC should release the full interview, or at least large portions of it, on their site so the public could see what I really said.
Out of the hours of video apparently they taped, NBC only aired a few minutes of it.
Now Jones has called for NBC to release the full, unedited version of the interview.
And by the way, in this case, I have to agree.
Whether you agree or disagree with him, this is the right thing to do.
I do believe NBC News should release the tapes, the full tapes of the Alex Jones interview.
Let Americans decide.
Isn't that what websites are now for?
Shouldn't NBC let you, the American public, see everything that was said?
And then they can decide for themselves what to think.
First tonight, our report on the incendiary radio host, Alex Jones.
So far, that hasn't happened.
So we're about to release the first group of excerpts from the Kelly interview, where I told her, bottom line, you've already failed, and you will be defeated, because America and the world is awake to your lies.
On screen is an image of the unedited timeline, where NBC took totally unrelated comments, questions on different topics, and mixed them together.
This is one of the dirtiest tricks you can play in fake news.
In this first section, we're going to look how Megyn Kelly and NBC deceptively edited out the entire discussion of Seth Rich that was the point of the question, and then connected the question to something completely different.
This is classical manipulation.
Not just where you edit down the answer, but where the answer is connected to something that is an entirely different topic.
I'll give you an example.
One of your reporters today said he's reporting on the Seth Ridge case.
And said he had not spoken with Seth Ridge's family, nor those investigating the Seth Ridge case.
How is that reporting?
Well, if you're reporting on boil-downs of analysis of other reporting, that's something completely different.
So I wasn't there.
I haven't had a chance to interview him yet, so I can't really speak to that.
We sit there constantly and then go out and do mail-in street interviews.
I mean, would you call that reporting?
It's getting the sense of the people.
And then, you know, we don't stage fake shoots with fake actors.
Like, you know, make sure the media's been caught doing, or, you know, fake scenes, like, that are on location, or not real good.
But you submit as fact things to the audience that you have not confirmed as fact.
No, I don't think that's the case yet.
And when we make those things, we don't trash them, so...
I'm just trying to get, you're very critical of the media, and yet, and you hold yourself out as a news organization, and yet you do not seem to require the same high standards of your own reporters that you would ask of the mainstream media.
I mean, you talk about high standards, the media, I know the media, there's the Facebooks and all the rest of it, but, I mean, you know, in general, we, 95% of what we cover is looking at a news article, and then, you know, discussing it.
Then you sit there and say that we're looking at the separation case of a guy who was seriously murdered, and then nobody's supposed to look at that, and nobody's supposed to discuss it.
Well, you know, if you just look at an article and discuss it, it's garbage in, garbage out, right?
If you haven't ascertained the veracity of that article, and it's all BS, and he's been two hours talking about it, then you put out a bunch of misinformation.
Yeah, but I mean, now you're traveling to some report I haven't seen, and I'm just saying he's fake news too.
I'm just trying to figure out what the vetting process is.
We all get mainstream media has got a big problem.
People have to come listen to me and actually see what I stand for and not sit there and have little cherry picks.
Take two weeks to edit it.
That's what I was going to ask.
You have built a hugely successful organization.
I have 7 million bucks to do it.
And... And who told you that?
I haven't talked to you in so long.
No, no, no, no.
Pull the number out of your waist.
I don't know why.
I just, like, I get sweaty.
It sucks.
I'm like, I was like, living 10 days out of here.
It's perfect to serve me.
I'm all like, next to that Kennedy thing.
Well, that's why.
It's not that bad.
You're not talking stuff.
Oh, I don't know.
It's fine.
No, no, no.
I knew this was what this would be.
This is going to be really good for us.
I'm as tired as ever, you know.
I don't know what else is going on.
This is everything I want.
You guys just don't get it yet.
It's like you don't get Trump.
Now that is just a preview of probably an hour of it we're gonna air next week.
Now if you're a radio listener, you can actually see where we're showing how they edited it to make it deceptive on totally different topics and then just editing them together to where it's unrecognizable what I was actually saying.
And that's just the little preview of what's coming.
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Oh my God!
What the hell?
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Get out of here!
Shut this down!
This is not safe!
This is not... Hold on!
Settle down!
Get another doctor.
Something's wrong.
Something's wrong with him.
Help him.
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I take it personally.
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Please, doctor.
Doctor, wait a minute.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're just going to cut to commercial for just a moment.
Cut, cut, cut.
Get everybody out of here.
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Always informative.
John Rappaport's going to be hosting the fourth hour, but I got two quick little segments here at the end of this hour, a little bit in the next hour with Millie Weaver.
She's going to go on a month-long trip over flyover country.
Her idea, with one of the producers we work with, Gavin, to see the evil people that the Democrats and the liberals say are scum, say are filth, say are evil white people.
Of course, there's folks other than white people living in the Midwest and in the East.
So we're going to go to the states that went for Trump, some of which were Democrat previously, maybe because they didn't like being called scum.
She'll be doing live reports, tape reports.
They've got the idea to do some meetups that they'll announce, you know, a few days before at Infowars.com and at your YouTube channel as well.
So Millie Weaver is about to hit the road with a film crew and travel this time up to the Midwest and into the South and the East next time.
She's going to go West.
We haven't really picked a name yet, have we?
Is it... We talked a few days ago.
Flyover America.
Basically, we're going to be doing this series.
We're going to be going and actually talking to the deplorables to Flyover America.
There it is.
You just started a new Facebook so people can follow that or they can like that.
It's at Flyover States of America and you can be the first folks to sign on for that.
Is that a public Facebook?
Yes, it is a public Facebook, and we just created it, like, just now.
And the first stop is in Dallas, Texas.
We're going to be stopping there at 1 p.m., Dallas, Texas, at a park there.
So if you guys have a story to tell, come out and talk to us, because we're going to be conducting interviews.
We want to know what the mainstream media is not willing to show.
How could you talk to these bitter clingers?
I mean, these are subhuman filth, according to Obama and the Democrats.
These are the trash of the earth.
These are the enemies that need to be dealt with.
Well, you know, the mainstream media likes to call us deplorables, bigots, racists, every horrible name under the sun.
So remember, if you're Hispanic, black, human, mixed, purple skin, green skin, you know, even if you're from Mars or Pluto, come to the event.
Tell us what you think of flyover country.
Tell us what you think of those statements.
Tell us what your stories are about whether you're for Trump, against Trump.
You know, we never find folks that are against Trump that will actually talk.
They just scream, Russia, Russia, kill, kill.
That's right, and sometimes it's hard in places, liberal areas, like even Austin on the streets, you know, you go and talk to people and they get triggered, they can't handle it.
They can't handle it.
They go berserk on you.
So we want to actually talk to Flyover America.
And if you're ever wondering why they call it Flyover America, it's because all the coastal dwelling progressives like to sit there and call middle America Flyover America because they think they're too good to drive through and visit your states and visit you.
They would rather snub their nose and fly over.
And pay five times more for their houses or apartments and have the state run their kids.
I'm not against people.
You know, they're in beautiful Northern California or Southern California or Oregon or, you know, also the East Coast, great places.
It's the elites that hate their own people and hate flyover, but it shows their arrogance.
It really does, and we're going to be talking to the coal miner that lost his job.
We're going to be talking to the person who was working in manufacturing and how they now have hope because Trump is bringing back jobs.
We're just going to be talking to your everyday Americans, the silent majority out there that feel strongly that the government, these politicians, and the leftist media has completely
But MSM always says we shouldn't give a voice to middle America or Trump supporters.
These are bad people.
Are you even allowed?
Does the Federal Election Commission even let you talk to flyover country?
I don't think they're even allowed to talk.
Well yeah, that's exactly it.
They paint all of Flyover Country as a bunch of KKK racists.
And if you actually were to look and see, you would see that the racist population, the actual population of KKK out there is extremely small.
Sure, I mean it's all, it's a way to demonize us.
They've got a bunch of people that are spoiled brats, that are, you know, totally freaked out.
Come back and do five more minutes with us at Arabaport.
Briefly, folks, a plug.
We're under globalist attack.
We're having a huge effect.
We're trying to make America great again.
People say, why am I suddenly for the president?
Because he's devastating the globalists.
We're turning our sovereignty back.
He's got the enemy totally freaked out.
Free shipping through the month of July.
Nutraceuticals, DNA Force is back.
MycoZX is back.
A bunch of the sales are about to end because we're selling out of Brain Force.
X2, Supermail.
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Thanks for the support.
Hour 4 coming up.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
John Rappaport in T-Minus 8 Minutes is going live.
Millie Weaver is my guest in studio.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Everybody can live in the limelight now.
You know, there's nothing wrong with celebrity, there's nothing wrong with competition, there's nothing wrong with admiring humanity and celebrating our...
Great ideas and true vibrant diversity.
But globalism says it celebrates diversity by turning everyone against each other and then policing the different divided groups.
Millie Weaver is going to travel with her intrepid crew.
Through the Midwest, through the South, up into the East, hitting a lot of the flyover country states that actually went for Trump, who normally go Democrat, or on the borderline.
And they've launched a Facebook, Flyover America.
You put that into the search engine, you can go like it right there, and then stay in contact with the videos they're going to be posting there.
They're also going to be posting them, obviously, to our main Facebook and our main Twitter.
But remember, they're not really our Facebook or Twitter.
We're using it while they still let us.
But Flyover America.
A few days ago, they had this idea.
I'm asking her, is there a name yet?
There it is on screen.
That's right.
I thought the Russians give us our orders, then it has to percolate down.
No, actually, our crew takes action themselves, so that's what's great about it.
So what else are you looking forward to do in Flyover Country?
Well, we're looking forward to just basically going and talking to Flyover America.
You know, if you actually think about it, when you see the interviews that the mainstream media has done talking to Trump supporters or bitter clingers, so to speak, they always chop it up, edit it a bunch, just like the Megyn Kelly interview, and they paint them in a way that's untruthful.
We're good to go.
It's your idea to go show they're human.
We know they are.
Our audience knows.
I don't think we're going to reach a lot of the left.
They just want to feel good about themselves and be like Nazis, you know, that demonize and dehumanize people.
I also want to show how we've got all the Hollywood and media demonizing flyover and saying horrible things about people and being really, really nasty.
I think each new episode, a lot of it's going to be live, I know, should just start
With the intro they're putting together, showing all the nasty things that have been said about flyover country.
And again, implying it's all white people too, as if whites are inherently bad.
But isn't it funny, out of New York, out of LA, out of the West and East Coast, who we're not in competition with, when we think has a lot of great things.
People are fleeing those areas to come to Flyover Country.
Not that we're that good, but just that the area under the cultural Marxist is that bad.
That's right.
The cities are horrible.
I mean, if you look at Detroit, you look at Chicago, you look at even downtown LA, how many homeless people they have.
You look at the inner, you know, cities, and it's just absolute horrors.
People are living in poverty.
Sure, and also looking at Flyover Country,
The flyover country saw things go from vibrant to falling apart like a war zone with economic degradation.
So show, you know, the victim situation that flyover's gone through, but it's not complaining, it's fighting back.
So say, oh, you're victims, you little trendies with all your welfare and all your free college degrees and all your bitching?
Look at these people that stayed on the farms and stayed in the factories and stayed here.
Well if you think about it, think about CNN, the mainstream media, most of those people are all living on the coastal cities.
They're all living around the coast and they're just representing the opinions of the coastal dwellers, whereas the people living in Flyover America, they feel like their voices aren't heard, they feel like they don't really fit inside the liberal mainstream media.
And they don't fit in a Republican box either.
It's classic Civil War.
The industrialized North against the un-industrial agrarian South.
Well now it's just the globalist, social-engineered, mega-city coastlines against everybody else.
It's horrible.
But you know what?
That's why this is your guys' chance to get out there.
Talk to us.
Come tell us your stories.
So that we can dispel the horrible disinformation and propaganda that the mainstream media is perpetuating against us.
That's right.
And part two of this is, how has they escaped though?
They're trying to come here and recreate it.
I'm not saying let's put a good face on it.
For this time in the summer, we have the highest ratings we've ever had.
That's the truth.
It isn't me.
It's Lionel.
It's all the guests.
It's because we are credible that they don't like it and they want it shut down.
So when they want to censor Alex, they want to censor you.
Lionel, what's really behind this?
Let me explain something to you.
Nobody has any idea of the power of not only you, but your movement and what this is saying.
Nobody understands that.
Now, another thing too is, let me just also bring up, if you wanted to catch you, because believe it or not,
It would have been better had she done what I suggested.
Let her just ask you to speak.
I would have done something like, Mr. Jones, tell me what it feels like to be the leader of a revolution.
Tell me.
I would have known your catchphrases.
I would have lowered your guard.
I would have brought out.
It's just like hostage negotiation.
You tell somebody, I understand your plight.
I understand.
They don't respect you.
Then I would have said, folks, run the camera.
Let it go.
But what she did was...
Because you knew these answers.
Because you never said anything that she thought you said.
Because you merely brought up things which she's never ever thought of before.
Basically, that you have questions and others.
Again, I ask anybody to watch that original trailer, Alec.
It's incongruous.
It doesn't make any sense.
But she asks you.
Specifically about Sandy Hook.
Your answer, if you listen to it, I'm thinking to myself, did Alex not understand this?
That's not what you said.
You know, Alex, we live in a world right now where we hate the notion of plagiarism.
And there's an old expression that says, if you steal from one, it's plagiarism.
If you steal from a bunch, it's called research.
But you know what's worse than plagiarism?
What's worse than taking somebody's idea is taking somebody's idea and removing it.
Making it synthetic.
Making it false.
Building a straw man.
So what she did was, you can say, how dare you?
You know, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Megan, I knew you were going to do a hatchet job on me.
I understood that.
But I must have been naive.
I would have thought you and this august organization known as NBC would have had the common decency to let me merely say what I wanted to say.
Do you think Kelly survives?
Because, I don't mean to be mean, but she's aging rapidly, but she's such a cold person, and people don't like her, and her ratings are going down.
This was the nail in the coffin.
This precipitated that which was the inevitable.
She wasn't working.
Nobody at NBC wanted her.
And so now she's gonna get big ratings, but it's like the Death Star blowing up.
That's it, the last hurrah.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
This is John Rappaport here in the fourth hour on InfoWars.com.
What a week!
What a couple of weeks!
Where do we go?
Let's talk just a little bit about technocracy.
Don't want to leave that out, folks.
The machine is God.
That's where they're going.
What is a technocrat?
A technocrat is somebody who thinks they're an elitist who wants to run society, plan it.
You know what I mean?
I planned society.
Does that get through?
That means you're in a slot.
I'm in a slot.
Everybody's in a slot.
Because people with enough power decide
That's the way society is going to be laid out.
Everybody has a slot.
And this is going to benefit everybody.
This is going to change the world for the better and we'll have peace and utopia and wonder of wonders.
And the machine is God.
The machine is God.
That's the underlying premise.
People think that they're designing computers that are actually alive.
Don't call me crazy.
I'm just the messenger.
But that's one of the great themes now.
I'm getting an article ready for No More Fake News, sprinkled with quotes the last couple of years from media outlets that are talking about, well, you know, Facebook has this system of bots, these robots, AI, artificial intelligence, and they're tasked with doing one thing or another, and all of a sudden they develop their new language, their secret language, out of nowhere, as if they're alive.
And these people believe that the machines are actually alive.
They think that this is a religion, and they are at the forefront of the religion, and therefore that gives them the right to decide how you're going to live, and I'm going to live, and we're all going to live, whether it's flyover country, or New York, or Detroit, or Mississippi, or wherever it is.
That's the grand scheme of the technocrats, of the globalists, who, as Patrick Wood has pointed out,
Are the same.
That's the agenda.
The globalist agenda is the technocratic agenda.
No more countries, no more borders, no more anything except one giant blob in which the machines decide who gets food, who dies, who eats, who lives, who drinks water, who doesn't drink water, who has energy, who doesn't have energy.
That's the way it all plays out.
Just in case you've forgotten that.
Wanted to remind you about it.
Wanted to remind you about it.
So, we have the latest edition of the media crunch, the media insanity of the latest Russia scandal that's being built up on a foundation of sand and so on and so forth.
If you've ever talked to a Russian in your entire life, you're suspect.
You, me, anybody, wow, you talk to the Russian or somebody who once came from Russia, you must be a traitor.
Let's string you up.
What are these people doing?
What are these people at CNN doing?
What are these politicians, this guy from Maine, whatever his name is, the representative ham head, pork ham, whatever it is, who's now saying, you know, issuing threats against Trump,
I got within 10 feet of this guy.
He's going to visit violence on Trump?
Somebody from the House of Representatives?
Turning this whole charade into what, a banana republic?
That's what he really wants?
And the media people at CNN who keep screaming and so forth?
What's really going on with them?
Well, there's several things going on.
First of all,
When you were a kid, I'm sure you played games with other kids.
Some kind of games.
Hopefully you went outside and you played.
But even if you were sitting in front of a computer, and there was always one kid.
When he would lose, he would throw a tantrum.
He would go crazy.
He would make excuses.
He would scream.
He would declare that you were cheating, and that's the only way you could have won.
In other words, he could dish it out, but he couldn't take it.
It's pretty basic.
There are certain people like that.
They can dish it out, but they can't take it.
And when they have to take it, it drives them bat bleep crazy.
They cannot deal with it.
They go stark, raving, psychotic, mad.
That's the way they are.
That's the way they are.
And that's the way these people are.
They lost an election and they threw a tantrum.
And the tantrum keeps going on and on and on and on and on in a psychotic vein.
And they're destroying themselves, destroying the Democratic Party.
Refusing to listen to warnings from their own people, that they're increasingly putting themselves out of touch with American people.
They don't care.
They're in the middle of a psychotic meltdown tantrum because they lost a game.
And what underlies that, in case you're interested in the psychology of it, is if you play enough games and you're a normal person, you lose some, you win some.
You're always wanting to win, because why not?
It's better to win, it feels better than to lose.
But if you lose, there's always another game.
And you play many, many, many, many games.
But these people have no background or experience in playing games.
When they lose, it's forever.
They see themselves as dropping into a flaming pit of hell,
With slimy creatures that are going to devour them for all of eternity.
And they go crazy.
They go psycho.
They go stark raving mad.
And that's who these people are.
They can't regroup.
They can't say, OK, look, it was a horrible loss.
We never should have backed Hillary.
It was completely insane.
But OK, we lost.
Now we have to figure out how to win the next time.
That's the way you play games.
But these people can't do that.
They simply do not have what it takes to do that.
They don't have the will, the determination, the commitment, the energy, the imagination, the creativity, all the things you need to win.
And to say, OK, we lost that one, but we're coming back stronger than ever, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
No, they can't do that.
They just can't do it.
So they hang on, they weep, they moan, they cry, they gnash their teeth, they scream, they make threats, they want to do violence.
It's all part of the breakdown.
The breakdown.
That's what they're going through.
They're also going through the idea which they hold as a sacred principle of their own lives, these people, that they're not good people.
Inside, they don't feel like they're good, or they could be great, or they could be triumphant, that they could ascend to the heights of achievement in some personal way, not connected to some group.
They don't have any of that in them.
So their only strategy is to demean all of life and drag it down to where they believe they are, because they can't
Stand looking at anybody who seems to be rising up.
And I'll tell you a story about that when we get back, but I want to talk now about something called BrainForce.
Because I want you to know that here's the deal.
You support InfoWars at InfoWarsLife.com and InfoWars and you and all of us tell the truth about what's actually going on in the world and
And defend freedom as the basis of life as opposed to the technocratic nightmare of the machine is God.
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And what is the next level?
The next level is more and more people globally demanding freedom with responsibility.
That's the little thing, see?
That's the little thing that the people that I'm describing here, the lunatics, can't take.
Freedom, which they think is licensed to do whatever they want, plus responsibility.
Oh, wait a minute, that doesn't work.
In other words, you live life in freedom, you make your choices, you take the consequences.
Oh no, we don't want, oh no, we don't want that.
We want a globalist paradise where everything is guaranteed for everybody and nobody has to do anything.
That's what we want because that's good, that's wonderful, and so on and so forth.
And that's the other thing about these people.
They think that they're promoting kindness for all.
This is their cover story.
Behind that, of course, is a psychotic breakdown when they lose the game.
But out front, it's all about we're kind, we're wonderful, and we love everybody, and we want to extend freebie everything to everybody, and it's all wonderful, except if we lose the game, then we go nuts.
Get it?
That's when you see the crack.
That's when you look behind the mask at CNN, at these crazy guys like this politician from Maine,
Who's making all these threats.
We'll be back after the break in for Ward.
For more than 6,000 years of recorded human history, historians, chroniclers of their time have all agreed on one great thing.
And it's that there are critical times in history where more happens in just a few years to change the future destiny of humanity's trajectory that happened in the previous hundred.
And with all of the advanced technology, with all of the incredible innovations that limited free market civilization has developed, we're seeing an acceleration of that great turning.
We are approaching a mass jump point, tipping point, decision point.
That our species has never even imagined.
Ladies and gentlemen, the equations that gave us atomic weapons and nuclear power were developed by Max Planck in 1900.
That vision was then manifest in 1945, when two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
That's 1900 quantum mechanics in the human mind.
Theoretical, then put into action.
Today, the elites of the globe have been in consensus, from China to Europe to the United States, that they were going to hoard all the advanced technologies and keep them back from the American people and the people of the world.
But President Trump, in his inaugural speech, foreshadowed the fact that we are about to discover the secrets of the universe together.
And that's because many of the secrets have already been discovered.
And many others have been discovered and suppressed.
And that simple, basic fact is why the globalists hate Trump.
It's why they hate me.
It's why they hate you.
Because you innately have the spark of the universe in you.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, each of us has the sea of the universe within our heart, within our soul.
To celebrate our comeback, to celebrate the fact that our republic is coming back from the dead,
I'm going to extend the 4th of July specials throughout the month of July.
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Undoubtedly, this is going to be the most intense
Long lasting sale in the history of Infowars.
Because right now, the quickening, the acceleration of awakening, the spiritual unlocking is white hot.
And I am just honored to be here with you all together.
Because as one caller said, we're not just the tip of the spear.
This audience of patriots of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want to be free are the sword of truth.
And I am humbled to be associated with you all.
John Rappaport back in the fourth hour here on InfoWars.
So I was talking about the psychology of the loonies who are, you know, the election never happened, it wasn't real, they go on and on and on with the story and everything is Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, the eternal enemy, etc, etc, etc.
So I want to continue with that for a minute.
Out front, see, these people are all about kindness and love.
We want to love everybody and give everything away to everybody forever.
Freebie everything for everybody.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Of course, of course, of course.
Until they lose the game.
Then they go completely psycho.
Then that mask drops away.
What is the mask?
Like the election.
They lost.
They lost, as I was saying.
But what is that mask?
That mask is their identity.
That's the thing they carry around with them on a stick.
This is who I am.
I'm loving.
I'm kind.
I'm wonderful.
I'm so wonderful.
See, so when they lose the game that they're playing, like the election, suddenly that stick with the
Wonderfulness on it, dripping marshmallows and globs of kindness and so forth, doesn't work anymore.
That's what the psychologists used to call an identity crisis.
Yeah, that's their identity crisis.
The kindness-love thing didn't work.
It worked as long as they thought they were entitled.
As long as they thought that victory was guaranteed.
As long as they thought the universe was speaking through them about the wonderful future that Hillary Clinton would lead us into and above and so forth.
Yes, yes, yes.
Generosity just dripped from them as long as that's the way they saw things.
And they had that mask on a stick.
But then when they actually lost the game.
They went crazy.
It's very instructive.
I hope you get it.
I really do.
Like I say, when you were a kid, you knew somebody like that.
I knew somebody like that.
We'd look at him and say, there he goes.
He just lost the game.
Look at him.
He's about to flip out.
And flip out he would.
No, I didn't really lose.
You guys were cheating.
And so on and so forth.
And why didn't you tell me about the thing and the so forth?
The boundary.
You moved the boundary.
And you said this.
And you're terrible.
You know?
That's right.
And that's just the beginning of the meltdown.
Pouring out.
Like green pus.
Yes, indeedy.
That's the way these folks are.
You can see it playing out.
All the time.
That's what you should look for.
Now, I want to get into another piece here of the whole globalist puzzle.
And, uh, this involves the medical cartel.
The great medical cartel.
Again, the propaganda is the same.
We love everybody, we're healing everybody, we're curing everybody, and we need to bring more people under this great umbrella.
That's what this supposed debate on the health care bill
What's the insurance plan going to be?
Or this care?
Or that care?
Or the other?
And nobody even knows what the alternative really is because where's the text?
Let's see the whole thing.
No, you don't have time for that.
No, it's better than Obamacare.
No, it's worse.
No, it's better.
But behind that all is something else.
Something completely insane, which is the medical cartel and the medical system itself.
And before
I get to the details on it.
I want to tell you that over the past, let's call it, I don't know, 10 years, I've made a concerted effort to get this information out to major media.
Knowing, of course, because I've been working as a reporter for 35 years, the chances were very slim.
But nevertheless, I wanted to see if anybody would pick up on it.
And nobody will pick up.
Nobody will pick up on
What the medical cartel is the havoc that they're actually wreaking on people in order to destroy and debilitate whole populations.
And who does that operation benefit?
Who profits from that?
And I don't just mean dollar profits.
I'm not just talking about the pharmaceutical industry.
I am talking about any plan
That any general would, you know, bring into being in order to conquer the enemy.
To conquer the enemy.
That's what we're going to talk about when this segment comes back.
John Rappaport, InfoWars.
We'll be back in a minute.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Here's the truth about the Don Jr.
There's nothing there.
But considering the seriousness in the response from the liberal media and Democrats, the thinking person must wonder why there was no such outrage when Hillary Clinton illegally had classified emails on a private server, then deleted 33,000 emails, then smashed her old phone with a hammer.
But what about Natalia Veselnikaya?
Don Jr.
didn't know he was meeting her.
Either her or Rob Goldstone lied about the premise of the meeting, and if he had known her name prior to the meeting, Don Jr.
would have known she had Obama fingerprints all over her.
She was potentially in the country illegally, only in the country temporarily thanks to Obama's Department of Justice.
However, that stay had expired previous to her meeting Don Jr.
Eight days after the meeting, she was sitting next to Obama's Russian ambassador during a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing.
So, Tim Cain, is Obama's DOJ guilty of treason?
Who knew she was here illegally, and why no investigation into that?
Veselnikaya's alleged law firm in Russia has no website, no working phone, and no email.
For InfoWars.com, who is Natalia Veselnikaya?
This is Owen Schroeder.
Not a group.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
Back here in the fourth hour in 4Wars.com.
Before I get back into the story of the medical cartel,
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So I was talking about the medical cartel and I said, well, if you want to take over the world and you're, you know, a general, an invader of all humanity, and you don't care what you cause to happen,
You're going to want to debilitate and destroy populations through every sneaky means possible to weaken people so they can't think straight, they can't function, they're in a state of emotional turmoil all the time, and they're getting worse because their bodies are toxified.
And that's where the medical cartel comes in.
Hello, global medical cartel.
An essential, essential, essential piece of the globalist framework, and make no mistake about it, make no mistake about it, this is about more than money.
Sure it's about money, but it's about more than money, it's about debilitating populations.
So, as I said before the break, I decided I would
Do another round of sending out the key pieces of data on this to media outlets.
See what would happen.
And as usual, nobody bites.
Nobody has the courage to bite.
Nobody was willing to take this bull by the horns and turned it into the biggest story in the world.
So I'll give it to you one more time.
And I have additional citations to back this up.
And you can read them in my article which is titled something like, Which Completely Screwed-Up Version of a Healthcare Bill Do You Want?
July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association, a review called, Is U.S.
Health Really the Best in the World?
by a revered public health expert at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Dr. Barbara Starfield.
I cite this because it's mainstream
All the way up and down the line.
Everybody's credentials are just absolutely pristine, mainstream, and Starfield's conclusion was that every year in the U.S.
the medical system kills 225,000 people.
That, she told me in a subsequent interview, is a conservative estimate, was a conservative estimate, and since then, other studies have been done that place that figure higher.
And of course, there are non-mainstream investigations that place that figure much higher.
But we'll stick with that.
Mainstream, perfect, nothing that mainstream media could refute and say, well, this guy's on the fringe, he doesn't know what he's talking about, this is not a real investigation.
This is straight ahead all the way.
Early American Medical Association, Dr. Barbara Starfield, medical system in America kills.
We're not even getting to the maiming and the wounding.
Kills 225,000 people a year.
Okay, so extrapolate that.
What does that mean over 10 years?
Every 10 years in America.
It means the medical system kills 2.25 million people in America every 10 years.
You think that's not a story?
Just talking from a reporter.
You know, media point of view.
You don't think you could build on that story?
You don't think you could pursue that mother for months and months and months on end and get people coming out of the woodwork confessing to crimes and prior knowledge that they knew all along that that's what the medical system was doing in America and they did nothing about it at the FDA, at the CDC, at Department of Health and Human Services, at all leading universities and medical schools where they teach this kind of medicine?
You know, to their students, you will be practicing this.
And they somehow managed to omit the fact.
And also, by the way, you'll be killing 2.25 million people a year when you practice this kind of medicine.
So go out there, boys, and do it.
Yeah, they somehow omit that.
You don't think that the New York Times, if they really wanted to, or CNN, if they really wanted to, couldn't build this up to the biggest story in the world?
And we're not even talking about Europe and other parts of just America.
2.25 million deaths every 10 years.
And millions of hospitalizations every year.
Literally, millions.
You can check out the figures in my article on the maiming.
This is your medical cartel.
This is part and parcel of the globalist agenda.
This is not something that nobody knows about.
This is open knowledge in medical circles.
This is open knowledge at major media outlets and in the government and everywhere where there is any kind of power whatsoever, political power.
So, in 2009, about, I guess it was maybe a year before she died, that's a whole other story, Dr. Barbara Starfield, author of this review that I'm citing, I interviewed her, and I asked her, among other questions, has the U.S.
government, to your knowledge, done anything to fix this horrendous, horrible, ongoing tragedy?
This was an email interview, and she answered with big capital letters, N.O.
Has any agency of government approached you to consult with them to try to do something to fix this horrendous?
Don't forget about this, folks.
There are people out there that are claiming to have knowledge of all sorts of
Horrendous activities of the government and so on and so forth that are causing people distress, pain, suffering and death.
And here, I'm just laying out in front of you something that is in the open literature in of all places the Journal of the American Medical Association.
And as I say, I have other citations to back this up.
Mainstream citations.
2.25 million murders.
From your medical cartel, per decade.
In the United States alone.
What do you think that does to the population?
Come on, open up your imagination.
Think about it.
Come on.
Come on.
Play ball with me.
What do you think that does?
Cousin died, the aunt died, mother died, son died, whatever.
We thought it was a disease, but we have this nagging suspicion it was actually the drugs they were giving them in the hospital and the unnecessary surgery and so on and so forth and whatever.
And that family, those people, the co-workers of the person who's now dead, turmoil, emotional turmoil, spinning out and rippling out from that.
What does that do to a population?
2.25 billion deaths per decade.
Can you get this information out to people?
Here's my appeal to you, because, hey, I'm talking to a very large audience right now.
Can you get this out to people?
Just people.
Get it out.
Get it out around the world.
You never know what could happen if enough people get up on their hind legs and they say,
This is real.
This is what you're doing.
The medical cartel.
This is what you're doing, and this has to stop.
If millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people suddenly started screaming about this, who knows what might happen?
Can you get this information out?
I think you can.
I really do.
I don't think it's a big deal.
I think it's just a click, and a click, and a click, and a click, and a blrrp, and you got it out.
I think you know people.
I think you could get this information out.
July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association.
Dr. Barbara Sorrowfield.
Is U.S.
health really the best in the world?
medical system kills 225,000 people a year, 2.25 million per decade.
That's a conservative estimate.
I've even had people, you know, well I'm a doctor, or I'm a medical technician, and you're distorting, and why am I distorting this?
Because look at all the good the system does!
As if that were an argument, right?
That excuses the deaths?
Let's do a little logic exercise for a second here.
Even if we assume the system
The modern medical system.
Let's just say, okay, it's doing good over here, crisis emergency medicine, putting people together when they're all broken up on the road after auto accidents, or whatever.
Doing good over here, good over there.
Therefore, therefore,
We can write off the fact that they're killing 225,000 people over here.
As if, well, it's just an avoidable side effect.
You know, unavoidable.
You know, it's just one of those things that happens.
But you've got to balance off this.
No, you don't have to do anything like that to these incredible people in the past that have tried to convince me of this.
Phew, baby.
No, you don't.
If you're doing good over here, you do good, and then you fix the bad.
That's the way it works, folks, if you're really sincere and earnest about helping people.
You don't say, well, because we're doing good over there, it's just, you know, one of those things.
Hey, we produce, you know, here's the analogy, we produce very good materials for
Building and so forth.
So, if we run 500,000 tons of horrendous chemicals into rivers and so forth, that's one of these things, you know, you gotta play it off.
I mean, it's like, well, we do good over here, so, you know, you gotta take the good with the bad.
No, you don't.
No, you don't.
Absolutely not.
Absolutely not.
The medical cartel.
That's a big one, folks.
And you'll notice that these wonderful people in mainstream media never connect all the dots.
They never put the story together.
They never say, OK, clear the decks.
We're going to take on the medical system and the pharmaceutical industry.
They don't.
For many reasons.
It's not just one reason or two reasons.
Yes, pharmaceutical advertising money, no question about it.
It goes up much higher on the ladder of power than that.
So it isn't just that.
Get used to that.
They will not take on this story.
So therefore, and I have to tip my hat here to Tucker Carlson at Fox News,
Because he's had Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
on twice now talking about the dangers of vaccines and the Centers for Disease Control, the CDC, where you're dealing with a terminally corrupt, corrupt, corrupt agency of the government that is deceiving every day that it exists, the American public, as to the very real and present dangers and destruction
That is visited upon not only Americans but all over the world as a result of vaccines and multiple vaccines and single vaccines and all the vaccines.
And Kennedy sat there with Tucker Carlson said, I'm shocked basically that you had me on again or even the first time because I know how much pharmaceutical advertising money any television network runs on.
And Carlson said, well, you know, I don't see why that should stop us from having an honest
Conversation about a very important issue.
It's a start.
It's something.
And whether or not Kennedy actually will head up an investigation on behalf of President Trump, who has implied and said both in the past that he believes that there is a vaccine-autism connection.
Whether this formal investigation will come to pass, we will see.
We will see.
But Kennedy looks like he is going to proceed anyway.
And believe me, he has already exposed enough information about the horrendous effects of vaccines in articles that he has written, and about the CDC, to completely torpedo this effort to
Destroy, destroy children, destroy children and babies with these vaccine.
He has and he has already expressed and exposed enough information to bring the house down.
So that's something to look for as we see what's going to happen as we move forward.
But don't forget.
What the medical cartel is doing, and don't forget what major media are doing to cover that up.
Part of their article of religious faith is faith in the medical system, you see, because, again, to go back to what I was saying before, these media people think they hold up their mask of kindness and generosity and we love everybody and we want to help everybody, and so they just blindly assume that that's what the medical system does.
Oh, it's wonderful.
It's all about love and so forth.
And so we support all of the science and the medicine and so forth.
You know, people in the media with, at best, completely empty heads, got no brains whatsoever, can't look at information, can't analyze information, don't do any investigation on their own.
That's what they say about the medical system.
Because the medical system says that about itself and its propagandists say, oh this is the most wonderful thing in the world called modern medicine and we want to help everybody and so all the media reporters with their masks of being politically correct and generous and freebie everything for everybody say, well we need more research, we need more money for more medical research, we need more
Healthcare, we need to put more people under the umbrella of the magnificent, wonderful, utopian system of medical care that kills 2.25 million people in America per decade.
Oh yeah, that's what it does.
That's what it does.
So we're winding down here to a break.
I hope you
Get what I'm saying here, folks, and get this information out from InfoWars spreading out across the planet.
Please, do it.
See you after the break in a minute.
His book is Dear Reader about the Dear Leader, the unauthorized biography of Kim Jong-un, the son of Kim Jong-il, who, again, is the third-generation hereditary dictator of the communist hellhole.
I think you should give it to all your liberal friends so they can learn about the wonders of this.
But we just saw Mr. Warmbier die of injuries to stay in there.
But the democracy of North Korea, as they call it, they claim that it had nothing to do with their custody, that he died on the flight, or got brain damage on the flight over.
So joining us, of course, they would never lie,
Michael Malice, tell us about the dear leader.
What is the essence of North Korea and our dear leader?
North Korea practices what they preach, by which I mean they think human life does not matter except as a function of the government.
Your entire life has to be at the leader's behest.
They explicitly say the leader gives the citizens sociopolitical life, so human beings don't matter.
So you see this not only with Otto Warmbier, who is a very tragic story and was very clearly a murderer,
But you saw this in the 90s when they allowed 1 to 2 million of the world population to starve rather than let the government lose their control of power.
You know, we're blessed in this country.
A lot of people don't realize how bad governments can be.
They think it's income taxes or they think it's, you know, something like Bloomberg stuff.
It's not.
It can get so bad and we're so used to it being so good here that we get oblivious.
North Korea is really, if people want to understand just how bad government can be, this is how it's been for 70 years with this country and these poor people.
They have concentration camps.
You can see the concentration camps on Google Earth.
There's 100, 200,000 people in them right now.
And another, I mean, I know after the break we can talk at length, but
There's levels of hell that we can't even imagine.
So whenever you see the media reporting on how funny they are, this is a country of hostages where everyone has a gun to the back of their head at all times.
And if someone put a gun to the back of your head, Alex, or mine, you would do some wacky stuff too, just to keep yourself and your family alive.
Once people understand what North Korea is really like, they will realize this is complete hell on earth, like you said.
This is not aspirational for anyone.
And that's the reason I wrote the book, because the media gets it wrong so often.
They like to portray North Korea as this carnival, as a sideshow, as this wacky kind of country where everyone gets along and everything's nice.
And I'm like... Yeah, they only show the parades and things and say, look at these funny people.
It's like Disney World, right?
Like, hey, who doesn't like a parade, right, Alex?
Like, hey, parades all day.
It's not parades all day.
These are, you know, like the baton death march.
So I said, the books out there were either too depressing or too scholarly.
I said, there's got to be a book where you can read in an entertaining way, understand what is going on there, and understand behind this facade of, you know, having a good time, and it's this, you know, military superpower.
They're really the worst place on Earth, and it didn't happen overnight.
There's so many levels.
To how they control the people.
It's not just the telephones.
It's not just the television.
It's not just the education system.
It's just so stacked and so covered that it seems your heart just has to break for the North Korean people.
This is John Rappaport back here at InfoWars.
Last segment in the fourth hour.
Some people are shocked.
You know, I presented this medical information before.
People say, no, that couldn't be.
That's impossible.
The figures you're citing, they couldn't exist.
You know, their mind goes into a kind of scramble effect.
Oh, no, no, no.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
And there are implications that
Pour right out of this idea that the medical system in America, for example, is killing 2.25 million people per decade.
2.25 million.
Yeah, there are implications that come out of this.
You better believe it.
And one of those implications is that the studies that are published
In major medical journals are rife with absolute rank stench ridden fraud.
Not just now and then, but on a regular basis.
And I have printed in the past quotes from editors at some of the most prestigious medical journals in the world.
The Lancet, for example, Richard Horton, who's the editor-in-chief
Marcia Angel, a doctor who was the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine for 20 years, and they're both basically saying you cannot rely on these studies anymore.
That medical information is just drenched and decaying and rotting with disinformation and lies and fraud.
Well, that would have to be the case, don't you think?
If the medical system, and in particular pharmaceutical drugs, are doing all of this massive damage on a regular basis to life on the planet...
Then how come we're not reading about it in the medical journals and instead we're reading one glowing account after another about some clinical trial of a new pharmaceutical that's going to change, you know, treatment options for patients?
How come?
How come?
Because it's fraud!
It's total fraud!
It's not just a little bit of fraud.
It's not just a white lie or a little deception and so forth.
The whole thing is saturated with absolute fraud!
And that says something about the researchers themselves who are doing the research at the pharmaceutical companies who are developing the drugs, at the university medical schools or the university medical departments.
It spreads out and bleeds through the whole system.
You know, fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud everywhere.
That's what we're looking at.
That's just one of the implications of what I'm saying here.
It opens up a vast cavern of potential investigation.
And that's one of the things that I've been doing for the past 20 years or so now.
And documenting it.
And other people have been documenting it.
And it's time that the entire global population
Woke up to the fact of what's being done to them under this, you know, religion of the church of biological, chemical, pharmaceutical mysticism of the white coat.
That they realize the full extent of the damage and the destruction being visited upon them as part and parcel of a globalistic takeover
Of a debilitated, worn out, distracted, confused, sick, poisoned, toxified world.
Just telling you what's happening.
It is happening.
No doubt about it.
Thank you for your attention, folks.
It's been very interesting.
I'm going to see what's going to happen.
Are you going to get this info out to everybody?
Everybody around the planet?
Because if you do, we're going to see something happen.
See you next time, this is John Rappaport, InfoWars.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
All right, so let me get this straight.
Hillary Clinton, when accused of using her private email server to send out classified information, immediately deleted her emails and physically smashed her hard drives.
Yet liberal logic says she's innocent and there is no evidence of any wrongdoing.
And now Donald Trump Jr.
is accused of breaking campaign laws.
Because he had an email exchange and a meeting with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump Jr.
immediately published his emails, which showed no wrongdoing.
Yet Liberal Logic says he's guilty.
They haven't found the exact law yet, but he's got to be guilty of something, right?
After all, he is the son of Donald Trump, and there must be a Russian conspiracy.
But wait a minute, it turns out that the Russian lawyer has deep state connections to all things anti-Trump.
You can learn more right now at Infowars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World