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Name: 20170705_Wed_Alex
Air Date: July 5, 2017
3233 lines.

Alex Jones discusses determining what is real and true, and building stories based on facts rather than speculation or propaganda. He mentions how this concept applies to mainstream media outlets such as the New York Times and Washington Post, as well as to online sources like Infowars and ConsortiumNews.com. The passage also touches upon various topics such as the Vatican's internal issues, Olympic gender regulations, psychological warfare, and gut health, promoting a product called MycoZX that supports normal fungal and yeast balance in the gut.

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The threat is real.
But what is the threat?
And who's behind it?
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
What an eventful 4th of July with an ICBM confirmed being fired from North Korea that could reach the United States crashing into the ocean right off the coast of Japan.
Japan and South Korea have accelerated evacuations out of major cities and are pulling back towns and populations near the DMZ ahead of possible strikes.
Russia and China have signaled that they may have to support a U.S.
strike on, or a joint strike on North Korea, but have also cautioned the U.S.
to stop engaging in provocative military drills.
What are you supposed to do when North Korea is threatening to nuke everybody?
Ladies and gentlemen, let me just start with this piece of news.
We had Leo Zegami on, Vatican expert who lives in Rome, on Monday, talking about and breaking
Gay cocaine orgies at the Inquisition's headquarters.
Now, he broke that last week.
He was on Monday.
I was checking it because I wanted to check what he was saying.
Couldn't find anything on it.
Here's the Daily Mail today.
Vatican police break up gay orgy at home of Secretary of the Pope Francis' key advisors.
Exactly what Zoghami said.
And you've got the Deputy Pope, basically, his right-hand man, indicted for the recruiting and kidnapping, basically, grooming, raping of small children over 40-plus years, and the Pope trying to cover that up.
I mean, this is incredible!
No wonder they ran more news headlines from Australia to Germany to Canada today, saying that I say they're slave colonies on Mars.
There's no video, there's no quotes, they just lie and make it up!
Because they want to divert off of this and make jokes about kidnapped kids.
One AP report about thousands of kidnapped and raped and many of them murdered Haitian kids.
Again, that's how they operate.
Real news gets no coverage.
All their fake garbage gets massive, massive coverage.
So for all you writers that get the talking points globally, that put out the disinfo by your corporate masters, you are aiding and abetting the pedophiles, the child kidnapping rings, the Satanism, all of it.
So, just know that's on you.
Just know that's on you, and this is all going to come out.
You're not going to be able to stop it.
Now, obviously, that's not our top story.
I'm going to play a clip of Zegami from Monday, later in the next hour, and actually show you mainstream news, now confirming it all.
Obviously, the big news, Russia, China, North Korea missile test unacceptable.
Japan, more cities, hold evacuation drills, prepare for missile attacks.
Almost all mainline analysts agree this is the closest we've been to nuclear war in a long time.
And not so much with North Korea.
North Korea is the detonator, the trigger for a larger nuclear war.
Guess who's been saying that for over a decade?
Joel Skousen.
We're also going to get into CNN rock by huge backlash
After it blackmailed the creator of Trump's CNN meme.
That's an InfoWars.com story.
We've got the U.S.
Code, state and federal law there.
Where you can see how what CNN did was illegal.
CNN admits what they did was illegal.
CNN admits that they said, we're going to publish your full name and who you really are if you don't retract.
Now they could say, we're going to publish this and then see if he retracted.
But instead they said, do this or we will.
That's called racketeering.
It violates state and federal law.
It's pure coercion or a terroristic threat, depending on which state you're in.
And we've got the federal and state laws here.
We're going to look at those crimes.
Also, the Olympics has now made it official.
Men can compete in all the women's sports.
So I'm getting ready to go compete, I guess, in women's wrestling.
Couldn't beat any of the men, but don't worry, I may become the new champion like Andy Kaufman.
Stay with us.
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So again, I want to thank you all for your support.
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Now it's epidemic.
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Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, or AAA2533139.
To celebrate this July 4th, I want to ask everybody to redouble their efforts, to spread the word, and to take action against tyranny.
We have store-wide free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com through July 4th.
Deep Earth, Pure Iodine, X2, now back in stock, 30% off.
Z-Shield, our newest product, out of the gates, 30% off, because it's so amazing and I want you to try it.
So for myself, the InfoWars crew, and my family, I want to wish you all a wonderful 4th of July, and I want to thank you all for your support.
We set the truth and buck the system and the group collective.
Do that, and you'll earn your way to the next level.
This is the InfoWars.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, for your mind.
I must be very disciplined today or we will not get to your phone calls and all the news and the guests we have joining us.
Roger Stone's coming up at the bottom of the hour with big breaking news from inside the White House on what's currently happening with the power struggles there and some of the next big shoes to drop.
We have another investigative journalist who first began breaking months ago that the 17 intelligence agencies that supposedly unanimously said that the Russians influenced our elections never made those findings and it was all a giant hoax.
And of course last week the New York Times had to come out and admit it all was a giant hoax, but that got basically zero coverage in mainstream media because they cover for each other.
But Robert Perry of ConsortiumNews.com will be joining us.
Paul Watson will be hosting the fourth hour.
But incredible levels of hoaxing!
I mean, when they get Tom Brokaw,
To go on MSNBC and NBC, out of retirement, called in, he admitted, to stand against the great evil, the great evil, he said we must have courage against the great evil of fake news and Alex Jones.
That's Twilight Zone.
And to add a little poison cherry, another little dropping, he left, a little rat,
And all his fake, condescending, judgmental, spaced out verbiage.
He said, I'm a complete and total racist.
He used a fancy $10 word, unalloyed.
And the reason, the reason I mention that is he's back on the trail with editorials and interviews saying, call out fake journalist like Alex Jones.
Please, Tom, continue
To call me out, you delusional, warmongering, race-baiting, globalist fossil.
And I don't mean that disrespectful to our elders.
But a fossil of thinking.
I mean, that's all they've got is to say things about me that I never said.
Little news flash.
They're calling somebody deeply racist.
And they don't show you a quote or a clip.
You know the person doing that is a race baiter that's even worse than being a racist, in my view.
Because they consciously know it's a bunch of bull.
They're using it to control people.
It's amazing.
But the media has taught people that's powerful.
No, it's empty.
The old days, you'd call somebody a racist with evidence 30, 40 years ago, it would do something.
It was like shooting somebody with a .357 Magnum.
Now it's like throwing a water balloon at somebody.
It doesn't do anything.
And that's really covered for a lot of tribalists and racists and people who are Hispanic, racist, white racist, black racist, you name it.
And we really see, before I get to all this news, the failure of Christendom here.
It was Christianity and it was Western Europe that banned slavery worldwide, except for in Islamic countries and some areas of Africa, curtailed at about 95%.
It was Christianity that first looked at itself and said, what we're doing is wrong.
And so they've used the globalists, the leftists, the social engineers, they've used our instincts
To be open and loving and have a good society against us.
You know, you can look at areas of Latin America, you can look at areas of Asia, you can look at areas of Africa.
Doesn't matter.
And they can look at tribal lines where the tribes are genetically basically identical in areas of Africa, the sociologists, anthropologists have done this, but they're Christian, they're super prosperous, have industry, have technology, have medicine, and then you'll have Muslims right across the river, or animists, rock worshippers, plant worshippers, and they will always be in total barbarism.
Christianity, for all its faults in actual deployment, the idea of New Testament Christianity, creates civilization.
And the Atlantic Monthly, the same ones calling for the overthrow of Trump, the same ones saying I should be shut down, a very elitist mouthpiece.
You talk about anti-American, they're it.
Globalist Mag claims Trump won't stop the decline of white Christian America.
Sun slowly setting.
This is a quote on values of white Christian American.
Globalist claim.
It's the end of white Christian America.
An excerpt from a book reposted in the Atlantic.
And I read the article.
It celebrates the end of whites and the end of Christianity.
And these are white elitist leftist saying this because you see
They have trouble taking over Christian countries, globalists too.
And they know Christians are going to oppose microchips to buy and sell, face scanning to turn on the new iPhone that's coming out, you have to face scan.
It's all been announced.
Everything the Christians warned of 2,000 years ago is now happening.
Real Christians, not your big bought-off, corporate-run, state-run, you know, mega-churches, Catholic, Protestant, you name it.
I mean, you want to find a den of devils, that's where you find them.
There are a lot of good churches too.
And so the world is coming against it.
You've seen a hundred plus percent increase in persecution of Christians just the last decade.
More than half of all the people persecuted in the world are Christians.
And it's getting worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse.
And they show a picture of Trump and say, let's get rid of the white people.
Infowars.com story.
And that's another article today out of the College Fix.
Professor teaches students about the problem that is whiteness.
They always say it's a professor.
That's caught campus-wide, college-wide, worldwide.
Again, you say, but that's the antithesis of what Martin Luther King said.
That's the point.
Christians forced the end of slavery.
Christians forced the end of segregation.
Christians actually did have the, quote, white man's burden
The Christians in Europe had written about, but that got turned around as arrogant and bad and everything, because the industrialists and the globalists did not want that.
They did not want to treat people equally.
So they came in, took over that movement, hypered it up into political correctness as political control to turn everybody into their own racial ghettos and groups.
Where, I mean, I never grew up around racism.
I never heard it, saw it.
Now it's everywhere.
By all sides.
Again, this is the victory of social engineering.
You read the WikiLeaks, it says, we're losing control of the public, we can't keep them in the dark anymore, we've got to keep them desperate, we've got to accelerate the culture wars.
I mean, there are quotes, I've written articles about it, we've shown you the WikiLeaks, you can go read them for yourself.
It's the heads of the Democratic Party saying we're losing control, we've got to intensify the racial division.
I mean, it is like KKK leaders when you watch MSNBC, but they're black and they're Hispanic and they're white.
So I thought I'd just kick off with that today because it illustrates what we're dealing with.
Atlantic Monthly is as elitist as you get.
New Yorker Magazine, Financial Times of London, Public Affairs, Foreign Affairs, those are the four or five publications
That really tell you what they think, and it is just unbelievable to have Robert P. Jones in there openly saying, you'll never stop us, we're going to end the white people, and we're going to end the Christianity.
There it is.
Clinton campaign email outlines effort to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry.
And you read into these emails, it says, we've got to use culture war.
They're doing it.
Couple more cops over the weekend got shot, and another one got shot yesterday in the back of the head.
Sitting in her squad car, an unprovoked attack.
Pretty powerful that CNN and MSNBC can put out those memes, put out those ideas, and then see it happen.
And then tell police, you let strong cities take over, you let the UN run your police accountability boards, we'll stop the killing.
It's called terrorism, ladies and gentlemen.
Does it mean the police are perfect?
No, but
They're from our towns and our cities, and there's checks and balances, and we can reform it.
The globalists aren't coming in to, quote, save us from the police who take care of us.
They want control of the police.
You think we've got tyrannical police?
Under globalists, under modern liberalism, 50 times worse?
Like Berkeley, where they let everybody get beat up?
With tire irons and bike locks and people put in, you know, comas, and the police laugh and do nothing.
Oh, now Berkeley's being sued.
They're all upset about all the free speech suits and racketeering suits.
Look, you guys are engaged in criminal activity, but I guess places like Berkeley and UC and all the rest of it's run by Napolitano, former head of Homeland Security, so everything's okay, right?
So all of that said,
I'm going to go to break here in a few minutes.
We're going to come back and play a bunch of clips.
CNN rocked by huge backlash after it blackmails creator of Trump's CNN meme.
Here's what the 2008 Olympic gender regulations look like.
They've officially said men can compete as women, women compete as men.
But in every sport but shooting, every sport
But shooting, men are faster, stronger, and will win in every group.
I mean, it's not even debatable.
The Olympic men out there, 99.999999999% of men can't compete.
It's mainly genetic.
A lot of them have extra chromosomes and stuff.
There's a lot of disorders where you get extra chromosomes, folks.
You're not mentally retarded, you're Superman.
You also tend to, you know, strangle your wife and children or whatever.
But the point is, is that a lot of those guys are superhuman.
You're gonna stack them up against women?
When a lot of the women have extra Ys or extra Xs?
There's all these different disorders?
I mean, those aren't normal people to begin with.
But you've got the guy that continues to win all the, uh, you know, Olympic racing in the women's.
And he's a guy.
He even has a wee-wee.
But, I think this is hilarious.
Watch them all destroyed, and people go, oh, you hate transgender.
I could care less if you think you're a man or a woman.
With all the chemicals in the food and water, it's ubiquitous.
The issue is that men compete, women compete, they're getting rid of the genders to depopulate, to confuse, to destroy.
What about letting straight people have their lives?
What about letting straight fish have their lives?
New articles out today in the Associated Press, NRT, that the majority of fish in U.S.
rivers and lakes, the majority, now are bisexual.
That is, they have male and female organs, but then most of them can't breed, they're sterile.
Now see, our sperm counts down about 90% too.
See, the big issue is we're being sterilized, we're being exterminated, and the big victory, folks, is I've taken the heat, you've taken the heat, we've now forced a national debate about it.
We're going to force chimeras next.
Stay with us.
For more than 6,000 years of recorded human history, historians, chroniclers of their time have all agreed on one great thing.
And it's that there are critical times in history where more happens in just a few years to change the future destiny of humanity's trajectory that happened in the previous hundred.
And with all of the advanced technology, with all of the incredible innovations that limited free market civilization has developed, we're seeing an acceleration of that great turning.
We are approaching a mass jump point, tipping point, decision point.
That our species has never even imagined.
Ladies and gentlemen, the equations that gave us atomic weapons and nuclear power were developed by Max Planck in 1900.
That vision was then manifest in 1945, when two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
That's 1900 quantum mechanics in the human mind.
Theoretical, then put into action.
Today, the elites of the globe have been in consensus, from China to Europe to the United States, that they were going to hoard all the advanced technologies and keep them back from the American people, the people of the world.
But President Trump, in his inaugural speech, foreshadowed the fact that we are about to discover the secrets of the universe together.
And that's because many of the secrets have already been discovered.
And many others have been discovered and suppressed.
And that simple, basic fact is why the globalists hate Trump.
It's why they hate me.
It's why they hate you.
Because you innately have the spark of the universe in you.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, each of us has the sea of the universe within our heart, within our soul.
To celebrate our comeback, to celebrate the fact that our republic is coming back from the dead,
I'm going to extend the 4th of July specials throughout the month of July.
Now to be clear, the free shipping will continue.
A lot of these products like X2, Supermail, Lung Cleanse, Selenium and others are very close to selling out.
But when those sell out, I will continue to discount all the other major nutraceuticals and products
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Until they sell out, while supplies last, the lowest discounts are 10%, the highest discounts are 40%, to celebrate the victories we've had against the Globalist.
That's InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
Undoubtedly, this is going to be the most intense
Long lasting sale in the history of Infowars.
Because right now, the quickening, the acceleration of awakening, the spiritual unlocking is white hot.
And I am just honored to be here with you all together.
Because as one caller said, we're not just the tip of the spear.
This audience of patriots of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want to be free are the sword of truth.
And I am humbled to be associated with you all.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
Roger Stone is popping in with inside intel on the White House and the scandals and the attempts to bring down the president coming up.
And then we're going to have another guest on who exposed months ago that 17 agencies never unanimously came out and said that the Russians influenced our election.
But even though the New York Times was forced to admit that was all fake last week, they're still running with the proof that Russians stole the election.
And Robert Mueller, the lie detector, he will be the arbiter of all truth.
The arrogance is insane.
So that's coming up with the journalists that first began to break that 4-0 hedge via Consortium News.
But let me start getting to this, and then I'm going to get into North Korea as well after Stone leaves us, but that's a big issue right there.
People have been hearing about it forever.
But just because you hear about getting cancer when you're a little kid, and you think, oh, that'll never happen to me, and then you're 60 years old and you get it?
It's been almost 60 years since the ceasefire in Korea.
And all the experts agree, it's pregnant for war.
Kim Jong-un's out of control.
He's disconnected from reality.
China has no control anymore.
He's firing missiles at everybody, threatening to nuke everybody.
Japan doesn't ever evacuate major cities, and neither does South Korea.
They've been evacuating for weeks.
The weapons are building up.
I'm going to get to that.
I'm going to talk about what a strike on North Korea will look like.
Believe me, they're going to roll out the high-powered radiation weapons.
They've got radiation beams, they've got... I mean, they've got some sci-fi... When I say they, the globalists that have been running this country.
That's why they're so upset that Trump is now in power of all that.
And they've got agencies desperately trying to keep their people in so Trump doesn't become aware of all this stuff and have a chance to audit it all.
But... Just search into the term neutron bomb and then it'll bring in the whole class of stuff that's been around since the 50s that's way more advanced right now.
I said I'd get to that later.
I'm trying to get into it now.
CNN is just off its rocker.
I don't have time for the clips this second, but I'll get to it after Stone leaves us.
Look at these headlines on Infowars.com.
CNN rocked by huge backlash after it blackmails creator of Trump's CNN meme.
It's clearly a joke in response to CNN's host saying kill Trump, their guest saying kill Trump, financing plays where Trump's killed, Kathy Griffin simulating his murder,
All these politicians calling for Trump's death, saying somebody should kill him, the media celebrating people that try to kill him, calling for all this violence, doing all this, and then you have a fun little Smackdown deal based on a fake fight with Vince McMahon and Donald Trump years ago, and then they say, we forced him and we threatened him.
I'll play one of the clips now.
We told him
This anonymous Reddit user that if you didn't apologize and pull it, and tell folks to pull it, that we would destroy you and say you're racist because you're on Reddit.
So you got a multi-billion dollar corporation threatening some anonymous person, so they follow the threat, they remove it.
With lawyer speak.
In a statement.
Now look, you can say we're going to expose you and then hope somebody takes it down, but no, they said you take this down or we're going to expose you and we know this because CNN bragged about it breathlessly the last two days and had it their top story and way down at the bottom was the emergency meetings at the UN and North Korea threatening to nuke Seoul, South Korea and Japan and threatening to hit Alaska.
All that insane news wasn't even there because it was all Trump and how he was evil.
Here's a clip.
CNN's New Day.
CNN promised not to identify pro-Trump Reddit user if he apologized.
So we won't come after you if you remove your free speech.
Pure bullying.
Paul Watson has an article linking to federal and state law where it's racketeering, it's intimidation, it's coercion, it's a terroristic threat.
This is a big bullying terrorist organization in my view.
Here's the clip.
Okay, so another issue that came up here.
Something remarkable I thought happened yesterday.
I thought it was remarkable that CNN found the Reddit user who created the GIF of Donald Trump in the wrestling video where he punches CNN.
So the investigative team went back and found the guy who first created this.
He took credit for it.
And then here comes the remarkable part.
He apologized.
He apologized for having done this.
How often do you hear someone who creates a video that goes viral then say this?
This is what he told CNN.
I would like to apologize for the posts made that were racist, bigoted, and anti-semitic.
These are the other posts that were on his account.
I am in no way this kind of person.
I would never support any kind of violence.
Or actions against others simply for what they believe in.
Nor would I carry out any violence against anyone based upon that or support anyone who did.
He went on.
He was so... But then why is there so much stuff on his account?
He deleted it.
Alright, stop right there.
We gotta go to break.
See, they know this is everybody's free speech, okay?
But they want to set the precedent.
See, he apologizes.
He admits it's wrong.
And then mix a bunch of things like anti-Semitism into it.
Who knows if that's even a real account or a real person?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
CNN's been caught lying so much.
Staging so many events.
I think it's all fake.
InfoWars is proud to announce the CNN is Fake News contest, an expansion of the already successful CNN is ISIS contest.
The contest is simple.
$1,000 prize for anyone who's seen on TV with the CNN is Fake News sign or legible self-made t-shirt.
$2,500 prize for anyone who's seen on TV with the CNN is Fake News sign or t-shirt and is also heard to say CNN is Fake News, InfoWars.com is real.
You can also combine a CNN is fake news sign with one of our CNN is ISIS t-shirts available now at Infowarsstore.com.
The intent of the contest is to encourage you, the listener, to realize that you have the power to save civilization from the criminal cabal controlling humanity in this fake news propaganda machine called CNN.
The first thing to do is hammer the point to the public that CNN is fake news, which a CNN producer admitted on camera to James O'Keefe and Project Veritas.
We need to come together and remind the world that CNN simply regurgitates globalist propaganda thought up by multinational think tanks that is then fed to the public to suppress individual thought and run humanity into a ditch.
For more contest rules, visit InfoWars.com forward slash contest.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Roger Stone's popping in here with inside intel on the White House and major intrigue there and the next big shoes to drop here in a moment.
But here's the type of news I have stacked up from mainstream media, from their own quotes.
London Dependent.
France to make vaccination mandatory for 2018 as it is unacceptable children are still dying of measles.
What, a couple year?
Meanwhile, vaccines have killed millions across the planet, admittedly.
Here's another one.
Macron declares he will govern like a Roman god.
So again, Emmanuel Bonaparte.
Macron declares he will govern like a Roman god.
French President Macron has declared he will govern France like Jupiter.
The Roman king of the gods shortly after officials told the media his thought process was too complex, close quote, for journalists to understand.
This is the total mental illness insanity of the elites, literally saying, let them eat cake, as the Islamist Muslims pour in, en masse.
Just like Obama a few days ago saying, patriotism is dangerous, the 4th of July, getting too patriotic is not a good thing, as he spoke in Indonesia.
He's the guy that wouldn't put his hand over his heart.
People thought it was just an accident, at all these different 4th of July events and other events.
Governor Richardson would, Hillary Clinton would, just to keep up appearances, but Obama wouldn't.
But the EU now is set next year to ban nationalist names of national football teams.
Because it's hateful to have a French team or a Spanish team or a Greek team or a German team.
Or an English team.
That's right, they're even saying, you know, the British flag's racist.
You can't have that out.
It's offensive to Muslims.
And I have a whole stack of news.
Austria deploys military to Italian border as migrant crisis explodes.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
Linking to AFP and the Associated Press.
Bye-bye locals, Europe's city centers around...
Alarm, again, in Europe's cities, centers, sound the alarm that there aren't any Germans or French or anybody left.
AFP, and then they're not welcome, it's no-go zones.
Wow, you mean people that aren't white can act racist too?
Oh, in fact, just as much so, or even more so, there's no Christian background?
The future of multicultural Europe, German city with the most immigrants, also has the most crime.
60% believe Islam is incompatible with French society.
Well, don't worry.
Once you're brain damaged from enough vaccines, you won't care.
Over 5,000 cases of female genital mutilation in England over the past year alone as they cut full-grown women's genitals off.
But that's OK.
It's Muslim.
And Bill Gates finally says something I agree with.
Bill Gates warns Angela Merkel's open-door migrant policy has left Europe at breaking point and calls on leaders to stem the flow from Africa.
But he's been pushing this before, but he says it's going to cause a rebellion and that they're going to lose control.
He's only saying that because they've pushed too far.
This old Billy boy is going to play the savior.
Cornered in Mosul as Iraq prepares victory celebrations.
That's right, Trump and our U.S.
military, but his leadership, has almost smashed ISIS that Obama and the globalists created.
And so...
Now it's coming time for Assad to do what he said he'd do to the U.S.
military five years ago in secret negotiations.
I first broke, Cy Hirst confirmed, on this show three years later.
Gave us the credit, not bragging.
We're the opposite of fake news is why they're so scared of us and lie about us and say things we didn't say.
Because we have the sources that came on who had the courage.
We have the platform.
We'll put it out.
That Obama and NATO were behind the whole Arab Spring, the whole invasion force, all of it, and our military said, Assad, you want to go back to England, don't you?
You weren't even raised here.
Your dad was a dictator.
You're trying to democratize.
They've used that as a way to take over your country.
Agree to leave and hold elections when we kick ISIS-Al Qaeda out, and we will not help Al Qaeda and ISIS take over.
That was our military's compromise against Obama.
And now we're here five years later, and it's time for Assad, he made that agreement, to begin to segue out.
That's the agreement he made.
And that's what Trump is with Assad.
You want to know the inside baseball?
That's it.
Is that really the right thing to do?
They didn't start the war?
Well, the Russians are there, and they made that agreement with us, bilaterally.
I guess trilaterally, three countries involved.
All right, we're going to Roger Stone, who just got his Skype up.
Just briefly here, ladies and gentlemen, I want to apologize.
We've got a fourth hour where it's kind of been a beta testing for talk show hosts, like Paul Watson, like Roger Stone, who've all done a great job.
Paul's so busy and travels so much, he gets his schedule messed up sometimes, and Fourth of July was a holiday.
So he couldn't do the show live, and I thought, well, just move him to the next day, not thinking that's Roger's day.
So I'm going to go ahead and just say, Roger, if he still has time, can host the fourth hour today, and then we'll get Paul to just come back next week.
But soon, very soon, he keeps saying a month, a month, a month, because we're so busy.
We're very close out from launching a morning show, an afternoon show, and a nighttime show.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
So very, very exciting that all this is about to launch.
We're going to have Mike Cernovich, we're going to have Roger Stone, we're going to have Paul Watson hopefully hosting more.
I'm going to try to get a lot of other folks on board.
We're very, very excited about this.
The stations are waiting.
Because we're king of the internet, but also we need to be kings of AM and FM radio.
Still giant audiences there.
That's really kind of one of our secrets is we have that audience.
Now StoneColdTruth.com is his website.
Best-selling author.
The Making of the President.
Also, he's written best-selling books on the Kennedy assassination.
We'll go to him in a moment, but first...
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And again, thank you all for your support.
Joining us via video Skype is former head of the Trump campaign and Trump confidant for 43 years, Roger Stone.
And Roger has got a new article going up on InfoWars.com as we speak.
This is exclusive info on not the hype, but what really happened behind the scenes with Psycho Joe and of course the daughter of one of the most famous war criminals ever, Mika Brzezinski.
Her late father, of course, making the jump into
Hell or wherever he went.
So it's really behind the scenes.
I talked to a rock star friend.
He said he's been on the Morning Joe before for charities and stuff and that she won't talk to anyone and treats her crew like crap.
Joe's nice on the surface, but this is a monstrous woman.
So the truth behind that and the inside intrigue and then we've got news on North Korea.
We've got news.
On the whole Russiagate thing falling apart, the 17 agencies never agreeing that Russia was even involved.
The whole house of cards coming down.
So what comes next?
Roger Stone of StoneColdTruth.com.
Thanks for joining us.
Alex, even though we went through the holidays, so very much has happened politically in just the last few days, and I think it's extraordinarily significant.
Mika, of course, and Joe, spent an enormous amount of time brown-nosing Donald Trump before, during, and after his campaign for president, during certainly
The time of his being president-elect, but you know, they had then turned on him like a pack of vicious dogs, calling him a goon, a thug, a dictator, mentally deficient, you know, crazy, insane.
By the way, you broke that months ago on the street in Austin.
People can pull it up.
Next attack will be that he has Alzheimer's or is insane.
No one else was saying that.
How did you get that intel?
Well, I mean, look, it is kind of something that I will have to attribute to sources.
Let me not get distracted.
Mika now claims that it was she who recommended to Ivanka Trump
The hiring of Dina Habib Powell.
For those who have followed this on InfoWars, where I had an extensive piece on Dina Habib Powell, this woman is a Soros infiltrator in the White House of Donald J. Trump.
She is an unabashed
Now, let's follow that, if we may.
Richard Powell is the chairman of Teneo.
Teneo is the front, the consulting company, multi-billion dollar consulting company put together so Bill Clinton can loot during the period of his former presidency.
Powell therefore works for the Clintons.
And in essence, Teneo is their holding company.
Who else is on this payroll?
Well, Alex, it turns out that Huma Abedin, best friend of Dina Powell, she's getting a check while she's on the State Department.
And the Clinton campaign, Clinton library, or I should say foundation, payrolls a financial triple dip for which she actually has a waiver from the federal government under Obama that she can do.
Talk about fixing at the highest levels.
This is also where Ed Rollins, punitively a Republican, but one of Donald Trump's harshest critics in the Republican Party.
So here's the bottom line.
She is meeting in the Hamptons.
We talked about this yesterday.
We both worked a lot yesterday.
It's because, I mean, that's a pleasure to work for the Republican freedom and defeat these people, you know, obviously.
Even on the holiday.
She is a Soros operative, in every sense of the word, inside the White House.
And the president needs to know this, and we need to politically neutralize her.
So when is your article coming to InfoWars?
Let me give you the other moving parts here.
Now that Mika has come forward to say that she went to Ivanka to place Powell, and Powell was hired, and then quickly elevated from the job she was hired from, which was relatively short, to being the number two person in the NSA.
Basically, the right-hand woman of General McMaster, who sadly is turning out to be more in their camp than ours.
Secondarily, it means that Powell lied because publicly she has always claimed that the administration recruited her, that Ivanka out of the blue called her and recruited her for this job.
We now know that Mika fixed it.
Sean Hannity made this charge in public, put it up on a tweet, correctly said, if this is true, Powell should be fired for lying.
And then, out of the blue, Anthony Scaramucci, a good man, comes to her defense and puts up a tweet that says, no, no, Dina is a good conservative, the furthest thing from the truth.
And then the New York Post and the Daily and the other social media pick up that Dina
Is hobnobbing in the Hamptons with none other than the big man, the big enchilada of anti-democracy forces around the planet, George Soros.
Only last weekend.
What is this woman doing?
In the Trump White House.
So let's be clear.
You know, she's got this Islamic last name.
She's hooked in with the globalists.
She's a right-hand person of Soros.
She's hooked in with McMaster, the war hawk.
And then she's in the Hamptons hanging out with Soros.
That shows up in the local papers.
This is absolutely crazy.
Why the Trump State Department still loves George Soros.
Even the New York Post understands this.
This is sensational.
Tell us about this lady's pedigree.
Well, first of all, I think it speaks, Alex, you're absolutely right, to the larger issue of what is happening at state under Tillotson and what they're trying to do out of the NSA to grab foreign policy and take it back to the path of neocon war.
We know that McMaster, probably backed by the Defense Secretary, backed 150,000 troops on the ground in Syria right after the limited strike.
And the President wisely, one of the best decisions he's made, said, no, that's not what we're doing.
So, we know that there's this clique, and I think they are, as I reported here on InfoWars, in complete and total control of our U.S.
embassies in Romania and Hungary.
We're going to go on a break and come back with more of this.
We're going to go on a break and come back with more of this.
Trump's having trouble digging them out because they're coming back in through his administration at the top and the bottom.
A total George Soros arrogant infiltration.
So how does Trump remove these cancers from the State Department?
And is the bottom line Rex Tillerson is a double agent from the beginning?
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Joining us now is Mark Dice.
I'm sure you know all about him by now.
Just reached over a million subscribers on YouTube.
New videos every day.
He's also an author.
His latest book is The Bilderberg Group, Facts and Fiction.
I don't know how much longer they can cling on to this conspiracy theory about Russia.
I mean, they might drag it on another few months.
It's been seven months now since the election and every day
I don't as I sit here.
You can hope horrible things onto someone.
That's not a threat, that's not a direction.
I took it as a direction.
I mean, this is the President of the United States, with me alone, saying, I hope this.
I took it as, this is what he wants me to do.
I didn't obey that, but that's the way I took it.
You may have taken it as a direction, but that's not what he said.
Correct, right?
It's just insane.
Even Chris Matthews has admitted that the whole Russia collusion conspiracy theory has come apart.
The assumption of the critics of the president, of his pursuers you might say, is that somewhere along the line in the last year, the president had something to do with colluding with the Russians.
Something to do with helping hand, encouraging them, feeding their desire to affect the election in some way.
Some role they played, some conversation he had with Michael Flynn or Paul Manafort or somewhere.
And yet what came apart this morning was that theory.
Let's not forget, during some of his previous testimony and another time, several months ago, he said that people will occasionally in the Justice Department say that, quote, we don't think there's a crime here, or, you know, they'll give, quote, their opinions to us, but never a directive to actually close a case.
And some of his language was so bizarre.
Captain Courageous.
Old Lordy.
I mean, golly gee, Mr. Comey.
I just don't see a case here.
The guy needs to go away, crawl back into the hole that he came out of.
His bag's under his eyes so big, I could put my groceries in them.
And if we're gonna go off of the intent being one of the primary reasons for indicting someone, President Trump did not intend that hoping was a direct order.
Spelling it out in his words, I mean, what was he doing?
Sending him, you know, signals via ESP?
Or, you know, spelling it out in, you know, in barbecue sauce on his plates?
Or in carrot sticks?
I mean... But it's so ridiculous!
It's like, if you're the President of the United States, and you see this waste of time, waste of money, waste of resources, waste of energy, waste of everything, of course you want it stopped!
But he's smart enough to know that Comey is a snake, so he was like, well, I hope you end this.
He didn't.
He said, okay, you fire it.
All right, Roger Stone's our guest.
Coming up in the next hour, we're going to get into the whole Russia narrative completely collapsing.
And again, I don't do like MSM does, where they just say what they want to believe and act like it becomes true.
It's totally collapsed.
The 17 agencies didn't say the Russians meddled.
That was a hoax.
The whole thing's derailed.
It's all fallen apart.
Now Podesta's saying the conspiracy theory that he's involved with the Russians came from Infowars.
They've gone into total panic mode.
But getting back with Roger Stone,
To the issue of Ms.
Powell there in the State Department with Rex Tillerson.
We could put the news article up, it's in multiple New York newspapers, that we've got this lady at Soros parties with Jared and Ivanka as well.
Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Kellyanne Conway spotted at Washington Post editors Hampton's party.
With George Soros and all those people.
Now, I understand at that level of New York, you're going to cross paths.
But then we're seeing the action of not removing Soros people, in fact, putting them in, as Roger Stone was just saying.
This is just crazy.
I mean, George Soros is trying to openly destroy Trump.
How is this happening, Roger Stone?
Extraordinary question, Alex.
I mean, first of all, as has been reported this week, the U.S.
State Department continues to fund, with our tax dollars, the ongoing efforts of George Soros to destabilize
Donald Trump and his administration, democracy in general, to crush free expression using Alinsky thug tactics, shady financing, mob rule, instigation of violence.
This man is a criminal.
He is attempting to overturn the legitimately elected government of Romania.
He is attempting to overturn the legitimately, democratically, US-recognized government of Hungary.
He's an international criminal.
He is exporting violence as a political tool.
The last James Bond character was admittedly based on him.
The last supervillain.
Yeah, I don't know if he really sits around with a white cat and just strokes it or whether that part is made up.
But, you know, look, this guy beat his girlfriend in New York City in an altercation.
Any other citizen, any other man who did that would have been arrested and prosecuted.
He has paid people to advocate the assassination of Donald Trump.
Federal crime.
On that charge alone, he could be charged.
Let me ask you this then, Schipningers, quickly.
You've been called a Russian agent.
No evidence.
It's completely collapsed.
But still, they just keep pushing the corpse.
But from polls I see, no one's buying it.
How long will the Russian dead horse keep getting beaten?
Well, what's happened now, I am told, is that the NSA and others in the deep state have a new focus on, since they can find nothing on the president, there's a new focus on the Trump children.
Donnie Jr., who I think very highly of, who's a real fighter and a real believer in the cause.
And the word is he's about the best thing we've got other than pump.
He's a great guy and he's a great advocate for his father and his father's policies.
Eric, who I think is also very effective, and of course I have long affection for Ivanka despite the fact that I think socially, unfortunately, perhaps her thinking is shaped by some on the left in all honesty, and I have been critics of both Jared and Ivanka on occasion.
But Alex, I think they think they're giving the president good advice.
I agree.
Stay there.
Back at 70.
Do five more minutes with us.
I know you gotta go.
Second hour's coming up.
Please spread the word, listeners.
You're the reason we're growing.
If we don't grow, though, we're gonna shrink and be destroyed.
We need your help.
President Trump's tweets have sent the Democrats into a tizzy again.
After President Trump ripped Psycho Joe and NoIQ Mika last week, Trump got back on Twitter yesterday and posted a short video of himself beating up another man depicted as a CNN logo.
A total classic.
But the Democrats didn't appreciate Trump's animosity towards the fake news network CNN, and are now drumming up the bill for impeachment based on the 25th Amendment, citing grounds that the President is mentally unfit to serve.
Now, this would require a medical examination, which may come back to bite the Democrats that are calling for it.
You see,
Given a fair examination of the President's health, Trump will pass with flying colors.
But imagine if the tables were turned and Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders were asked to pass the same test, given the importance of their jobs.
I wonder if they would still be pushing this bill.
Something tells me they wouldn't be.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
You know, something we don't do as libertarians, constitutionalists, free market, western civilization type guys, is have victory laps.
But I can't even keep track of all the CNN, ABC, NBC, AP, New York Times, Washington Post retractions, because they're getting sued left and right, where they just put out whole cloth made up garbage.
I mean, when they say they have proof that not only am I a Russian agent, I direct the Russians.
I mean, that is just totally ridiculous.
Well, now it's all coming out, and we've got a guest coming up who was the journalist first really exposing it, from Consortium News and Zero Hedge, that they've known from the beginning 17 agencies didn't unanimously say this.
They've pushed this lie.
That's crumbled now.
I mean, where does MSM go now that they are just the most discredited, hated bullies on earth, Roger Stone?
Well, as I said, Alex, I hear there's a new targeting of the Trump children to see if there is some tangible Russian connection there, which I think is relatively ludicrous.
I mean, all three of them are international business people.
I'm sure they have met people from Russia.
That proves nothing whatsoever.
But that's how desperate I think that they are.
I also think that, just to go back to an earlier point about Joe and Mika, I can't overemphasize enough the fact that the animus of Joe Scarborough, who's not, I think, a mentally balanced guy, is one of sheer jealousy.
Joe Scarborough thinks he should be president.
Joe Scarborough aspired to the 2016 Republican nomination.
After Trump was nominated, Joe decided that the very best candidate for Vice President was Joe Scarborough.
And when I said this, some fake news outlets attacked me saying that, you know, Stone had no proof.
Then Congressman Matt Gaetz, one of the really impressive, hard-charging young conservatives in the House of Representatives from Florida,
A longtime protege of Joe Scarborough put up a post saying, I love Joe Scarborough, but in every conversation I had with him ended.
Every political conversation I had with him ended with him being president in 2016.
So I think this proves my point.
He is riven by jealousy and rage.
I don't think Joe's life is a bowl of peaches in the sense that he evidently has quite a wild lifestyle, spends an enormous amount of his cash, and lives the beautiful people jet set lifestyle.
Well, is it the word that he's with her because she's got a lot of money that daddy got from war criming?
Remember, during the Carter administration, Hamilton Jordan, the White House Chief of Staff, referred to Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mika's father, who was Clinton's National Security Advisor, as Woody Woodpecker.
Which I thought was like the perfect nickname if you saw his photo.
He is a neocon veteran.
Again, notice he's serving a Democrat, but they insert a hardline neocon as their warmonger, as their secretary.
And he's the founder of the Trilateral Commission, also Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor.
A true heavyweight of the deep state.
And who has done yeoman service in the cause of endless war, erosion of our civil liberties, squandering our national treasury, and the rest.
So does Mika know that she's a sugar mama for Psycho Joe?
Well, look, who knows?
I am not going to criticize the fact that they may be, as they say in Washington, knocking boots, and I guess they're now engaged.
I've always thought that she was an attractive woman.
I've never been on the air with either one of them that I've
Sure, sure.
I'm not knocking her.
I mean, we first caught the video of them getting on a hotel, you know, together in an elevator all over each other.
We first said they must be together and folks thought it was crazy.
All I know is that she's anti-Trump, anti-American.
She needs to be exposed.
Roger Stone, thank you so much for joining us.
We'll be back.
The New York Times ran the headline, Central Americans scared of what's happening in US, staying put.
This has been a popular talking point of the left, aimed at demonizing President Trump's strong border policy.
But think about the paradigm here, implying that somehow it is a bad thing that people aren't rushing to our country in droves because it's not easy to get in and reside here illegally anymore.
The same people implying this also stress the hardship of poor people, specifically citing health care.
Well then how is more people here that are in need going to help that problem?
So the Democrats complain all day about how we don't have enough welfare for Americans, yet they want to take more people in here that need welfare.
But really all President Trump is doing is enforcing border security and law.
But since when is it just free for anyone to come here?
Since when is America supposed to have open doors for anyone?
I don't see anyone from North America rushing to get into Central America.
You know why?
Because you couldn't, and it's better here.
This all equates to one thing.
More Democrats lose.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, he's a former journalist for the Associated Press, Newsweek, PBS Frontline, one of the best documentary outfits out there, I'd say from a true classical liberal perspective, and Bloomberg News.
And he has broken a lot of big national stories, coverage of the CIA, Nicaraguan Contra operation, and was also a Pulitzer Prize finalist.
I'm not going to go over his whole bio.
I think so.
I don't
The president and others retweeted it and finally it broke through the Berlin Wall of establishment media and got out there.
Thanks to InfoWars, thanks to you spreading the links, thanks to ZeroHedge carrying a lot of his articles.
Really, really powerful information.
So ConsortiumNews.com.
The founder and editor joins us, Robert Perry, because I know the listeners, the regular listeners go, we know the New York Times is lying.
We know the Washington Post has got part of the $600 million through Bezos and the CIA.
They admit they're lying.
They admit they hate Trump.
But we need to look at the anatomy of how they run a deception, how the rest of the media gets together and then amplifies it, and then when the New York Times is forced last week
To quietly retract even that's a lie.
And then still the media is running with the 17 unanimous agencies.
And the total proof that Americans didn't vote?
No, no, no.
You wanted Hillary.
It was the Rooskies.
So this isn't even about Trump.
This is about the integrity of our country and our system.
And Deep State claiming it's protecting us from the Russians when they're the ones trying to organize through Atlantic Monthly and others.
The removal of Trump and the suspension of the last election and then Homeland Security federalizing the election will be like Venezuela, folks, a permanent one-party state.
If the Republicans tried this, I would oppose it.
So quite a time to be alive.
Robert Perry, again, has written a bunch of articles breaking all of this down.
The New York Times finally retracts Russiagate-Kanard.
There's another one, New York Times, forced to retract long-standing 17 intel agencies lie about Russia, and then he goes back really hammering that.
So it's almost the anatomy of patient zero for the truth.
How do you research this stuff?
How do you develop it?
And then how do you patiently hammer away until the dam of lies collapses?
Robert Perry, thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you.
Well, where to start with this latest hoax that's imploded?
Well, as you know, from going back to last fall during the campaign, it became almost a rote, repeated, endlessly presented certainty that all 17 U.S.
intelligence agencies had concurred in the point that the Russians had hacked into the election and tried to help Donald Trump win the presidency.
Having covered the intelligence community really going back to the 1980s,
That never sounded right to me because there was no national intelligence estimate.
That's the so-called NIEs.
That's where you get the 17 intelligence agencies coming together, offering their consensus view with dissents about some important topic.
For instance, does Iraq have WMD, which of course ended up being one that
Where the NIE that was released to the public had been sanitized by the Bush administration to remove some of the dissents suggesting that perhaps the Iraqis did not have WMD.
But that's the way it's usually done.
There was no indication that there was an NIE on the issue of Russia.
It turns out there really wasn't even a thorough analysis.
It was something that James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, stated.
And he spoke, he said, on behalf of the intelligence community.
And since there are 17 agencies in the community, that became sort of all 17 agreed, but that wasn't the case.
But it became something that was repeated over and over again.
We at ConsortiumNews.com, we tried to point out that that this wasn't necessarily the case that we from what we were getting from inside the community was that there was not this consensus, but that's how everyone reported it.
Finally, finally in May.
Clapper testifying before the Congress and then former CIA Director Brennan confirmed that there had not been a 17 agency analysis, that there had been analysis done by people from three of the agencies that were handpicked by Clapper and the other appointees from President Obama and they produced something on January 6th
That was a report which stated that it was based on FBI, CIA, and NSA analysts, not all 17.
So it became obvious even publicly, both in January and then again in May, that this was a false claim.
But it was continued to be repeated over and over again by the major news organizations.
Finally, the New York Times, when this came out again in one of their stories, agreed to retract it and ran a correction saying that there was no 17 agency analysis.
Wow, and it just shows an arrogance that's like North Korean or Venezuelan in its authoritarianism, where they just keep hammering and hammering and hammering.
Day one, I mean, as you said, yourself, others approached these agencies, Congress approached them, there wasn't a consensus, they all said different things, and then it turns out the CIA report
Had stuff in it from the PPGate, you know, dossier that they admit now is Democratic Party run, and it has stuff in there like, you know, two years ago there was an RT report that was critical of Hillary, and that's hacking our elections.
So even the term hacking, there was never a physical, digital getting into election systems.
They've all admitted that under testimony now, but still the term hack, hack, hack, when it would be meddling, or it would be interference, or it would be
You know, just normal propaganda that any major power engages in, but it just seems amazing.
Not just the 17 agency hoax, but the whole hacking hoax itself.
We've talked to, I've talked to a number of people from the intelligence community who are experts in this field.
The DNC computers.
The normal process would be, if you took something seriously like this, would be for the FBI to do its own forensics on the computers to see what happened.
The FBI has now acknowledged that it relied on a private group called CrowdStrike to handle the forensics for them.
So this is not even, this is very abnormal, especially when you consider how important this issue has become.
Now, it may well be that the Russians, as the United States does, as other intelligence agencies do, try to get into the emails and other information data of rival countries, even friendly countries.
So it's not unusual for the Russians or the Americans or the British or the Israelis or whoever to try to be penetrating into the sensitive emails of people involved in... Well, that was my next point.
I mean, I think the plan was by the neocons, the rhinos, and the Democratic leadership, trying to stop a populist movement, knowing that every major government, Chinese, Russia, you name it, they're all trying to penetrate each other.
That's going on all the time.
We have the EU, the Pope, the Saudi Arabians, Hollywood, MSM, all the main media against Trump.
For Hillary, we have the WikiLeaks proving it, the rigging the debates, Hillary basically running the major publications, the Democrats, Podesta, I mean, literally working like the editor of over 100 publications.
I don't know how he did it.
But there they are in the WikiLeaks.
So they got embarrassed.
They got defeated.
But then obviously they know they start a big enough investigation.
They've got to find something where the Russians tried to penetrate something.
And it changes the subject from Hillary's server and the rest of it.
So speak to that, please, sir.
Again, the founder and head of Consortium News, Robert Perry.
But expanding.
Then what does it mean a few weeks ago when Jay Johnson, the former head of Homeland Security,
is forced to admit we tried to get in their servers because we were concerned about stuff like this and trying to find out who is, you know, giving info to WikiLeaks, whether it be Russia or not.
We now know probably insiders in the DNC.
And they said, no, you can't get in.
So why wouldn't Hillary, with a friendly DOJ and a friendly FBI and a friendly president, not want them in the computers?
Well, you would think that if this was a serious investigation, and it obviously has taken on very serious ramifications.
We're talking in some cases about going to war with Russia and, you know, people may have forgotten, but they have a lot of nuclear weapons, as does the United States.
So when people start talking in terms of this being an assault on our democracy and an act of war and so forth, the American side has escalated this to an extremely dangerous point.
And you would expect, therefore, that the U.S.
law enforcement and intelligence agencies
Would treat this with that degree of seriousness and instead we've seen a rather odd approach Which is more driven it seems by making propaganda points than by actually Establishing what's fact and what's not fact?
And we still have the of course the mainstream media has does not want to give up on that 17 intelligence agency canard the New York Times has now retracted it and
But if you read what they write now, they say the U.S.
intelligence community unanimously agreed.
So they're still suggesting that all 17 agencies are in agreement, even though we now know they weren't.
Yeah, they got three political hacks to just get together and write a letter and claim that, just like I'm sure you saw the CIA report on Russian meddling.
And it was all just public statements by Russian officials on TV.
Over the years, maybe a dozen or so times, they criticized Hillary.
It was crazy.
Well, I did read that report on January 6th, and what was remarkable, you sort of referenced it, there was an addendum from four years earlier, really, based on RT's coverage of the 2012 election, and one of the complaints was that RT had allowed third-party candidates who had been excluded from the election.
Stay there, let's come right back to that.
This is key.
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Well I followed the work and so did my producer Nico Acosta of Robert Perry of ConsortiumNews.com and it's so exciting to see seasoned award-winning journalists
From the Associated Press, PBS Frontline, Newsweek, you name it, Bloomberg News, to go start their own operations and see them have millions of readers.
That is, in fact, I should have this gentleman back for a full hour to talk about the state of the media, to look at what they do, to look at how they spin, the way MSM lies and says that I said there's Mars colonies with kids on it, never said that.
I mean, they are so desperate to discredit us, it seems like they've only tripled down.
So, he was getting into the CIA report
That we can put on screen now for folks, where they're talking about letting private contractors be involved in elections.
In 2012, he was segwaying into something.
So go ahead, Robert.
Well, there was this report on January 6 that was put out by the DNI, by Clapper, reflecting the views.
And Clapper has now acknowledged that these analysts were hand-picked.
They hand-picked the analysts at CIA, NSA, and FBI.
To do this review of what the evidence is.
Just like the WMDs in 2003, just as you mentioned.
Well, there's been a history, going back to the Reagan years and perhaps even earlier, of selecting your analysts who will give you the result you want.
This is something that William Casey and Robert Gates, when they were running the agency back in the 1980s, sort of began doing.
And so we started getting these more politicized intelligence reports.
Uh, and this one fits that bill, but I was, you know, I was criticizing the lack of evidence that was being presented on this very important topic of whether the Russians did indeed somehow hack into the U.S.
election some way.
No evidence was being presented, but I was assured that on January 6th, I'd get what I wanted.
So I read the report.
Again, there's really almost no evidence in it.
It's an assessment, which they describe as something where they put two and two together and come up with an answer.
And then they added on this section at the end, which was an attack on RT, the Russian network.
Sure, their big proof was RT talked bad about us.
That's a hack.
Well, it was also that RT had put on a debate allowing third-party American candidates to express their views to the public.
How evil!
Because they've been excluded from the 2012 presidential debates.
And that was presented as an assault on American democracy.
And you sort of wonder, what kind of democracy are they talking about here?
I mean, that only the two parties can have their views expressed, and if the American people hear from other people... Sure, and so an English-speaking Russian network with low viewership dares to show third parties that they've choked out.
We ought to give the Russians an award for that.
Right, and they also mentioned that RT had covered the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations.
But of course, everybody covered the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations.
And it certainly was a valid story.
So there was this, again, there was this effort to stretch the evidence.
And there was also a failure in that report to look at other sides of the question.
For instance, they cite how President Putin has had hard feelings toward Hillary Clinton.
But it really wasn't what they were sort of pitching it as, at least the mainstream media, which was that all 17 agencies agreed.
There was no such consensus.
Sure, so let me ask you this then, and if you can maybe do five more minutes the next time because I have a few other questions.
If you have to go, it's fine, I understand.
But where do they go from here?
I mean, they're so discredited.
They've got all these former establishment journalists that have ethics like you that are just everywhere.
Cheryl Atkinson, I mean, the list, there's thousands of them, just destroying them.
Mainly what I do is just report on what journalists like you are covering.
Then they always, they never mention your name or somebody else's name or when Cy Hirsch comes on and says something, they say, Jones just made this up or Jones made that up.
But then when it comes true, my credit goes up and up because
They've kinda used me as the fake news term, but then I'm not fake news, and so it blows up in their face.
Well, you know, at Consortium News, since we started in 1995, we tried to do very serious journalism.
And I'm very much an opponent of conspiracy theories.
You know, I think fake news, when it does happen, whoever's doing it should be heartily condemned.
But that doesn't mean that everything you read in the New York Times is true either.
A lot of that has turned out to be false.
And one has to be careful.
One has to also bring one's own judgment to play.
And I think mainstream journalists have gotten very arrogant about how they can dictate what's true or not.
We've seen even something like PolitiFact, which had declared the 17 agency canard to be true, still does not want to retract it.
Well, Robert Perry, do five more minutes with me after this quick break, because I want to ask you then, as a journalist, where you see this going and what's going to happen to people like PolitiFact as they double down on the arrogance and then double down again and again, because that's what I'm seeing, is the media kind of team up to intensify lying to try to resuscitate themselves.
We'll be back.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The New York Times ran the headline, Central Americans scared of what's happening in U.S.
staying put.
This has been a popular talking point of the left, aimed at demonizing President Trump's strong border policy.
But think about the paradigm here, implying that somehow it is a bad thing that people aren't rushing to our country in droves because it's not easy to get in and reside here illegally anymore.
The same people implying this also stress the hardship of poor people, specifically citing health care.
Well then how is more people here that are in need going to help that problem?
So the Democrats complain all day about how we don't have enough welfare for Americans, yet they want to take more people in here that need welfare.
But really all President Trump is doing is enforcing border security and law.
But since when is it just free for anyone to come here?
Since when is America supposed to have open doors for anyone?
I don't see anyone from North America rushing to get into Central America.
You know why?
Because you couldn't, and it's better here.
This all equates to one thing.
More Democrats lose.
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And now, Alex Jones.
There must be some kind of way out of here.
Say the joker to the thief.
Maria Bartoloma, the lovely and intelligent host of Fox Business, a few days ago, had John Podesta on, who Hillary and his brother and the rest of them have been knee-deep with the Russians, secret meetings with Putin, uranium deals.
I mean, it's just crazy.
And then claiming Trump has all these non-existent ties.
And Podesta now isn't just blaming me for being a Russian agent.
They have congressional hearings saying this.
They won't call me before them.
Now they say I'm advising the Russians.
Hillary says that they don't understand America, but they get it from Infowars, and then it comes back to the U.S.
via WikiLeaks, and then Jones picks it up again.
So I wrote all those emails committing all these crimes and fixing debates and commanding the media.
No, I didn't do any of that.
I mean, I mainly just sit here and read mainline news, government documents, you name it.
Read the work of Robert Perry and his great journalist at Consortium News.
But here's a short clip of that.
I guess this was on Monday.
Here it is.
Keep saying that they gave you stock, but they didn't.
I'm just following all the widely reported information here, John.
There's also Hillary Clinton, obviously.
Maybe you're looking at widely reported information from InfoWars, but it is not true.
No, I'm not.
This is Politico, this is the New York Times, this is the Wall Street Journal.
No, it's not.
That's what I'm looking at, John.
No, it's not.
Then there's Hillary Clinton.
Then there's Hillary Clinton, of course we know, who got $100 million from Russian companies after she allowed that Russian company to acquire 20% of the U.S.'
's uranium.
So the point I'm making here, John, is that there's much deeper ties to Russia on the Democratic side than there are on the Republican side.
And this is a 15 minute clip where he just says Hillary didn't do it.
I didn't get money.
It's all on federal records of stock and bonds and cash deals.
And then they've picked Infowars to strawman and say that we said all these things we didn't say.
Just across the board as now the new logo of fake news, but even CNN itself says they don't want to go there, stop using that term.
So I think hoisted on their own petard, falling into their own trap is what's happened here.
I want to ask Robert Perry of ConsortiumNews.com, an award-winning
Journalists formerly with PBS, Frontline, Associated Press, Newsweek, Bloomberg News, you name it.
As we see an exodus of real journalists setting up their own operations, you did it back when I did in 1995, but all these others piling on now.
How do you see the media landscape in the future basically filling out?
What do you think is going to happen with this, also the Russian narrative, and so much more?
Well, it's really hard to say.
You know, there is still tremendous power in the mainstream media.
They still have the largest companies, the most people.
And I really don't like to be a critic of these news organizations.
I came out of the mainstream media.
Obviously, I had differences with some editors over how they were not pursuing important stories that I wanted to pursue.
But I also don't like the idea of tearing down the media.
But one has to say that what we're seeing is a strange arrogance, almost an out-of-control arrogance, where propaganda has become the language that is used now by not just the New York Times, but by the Washington Post and many others.
But don't they get the arrogance and the megalomania and the doubling down is making people hate them even more?
Well, I think that's also politically a danger that the Democrats have encountered in trying to overturn this last election by aligning themselves with the New York Times and the Washington Post.
They don't seem to realize that many Americans
Don't like the elite media.
There's a lot of hostility.
You can look at all the polls that show that Americans think very poorly.
Between 6-18% trust rate in what AP studies and others.
So I think to sort of count on the New York Times and the Washington Post to
Reverse the outcome of an election and obviously there were Hillary Clinton got more popular votes But under our system, which is was set up in the Constitution Trump won he won fair and square Now to try to pretend that wasn't the case and to pretend something else interestingly when Podesta was on CNN the other day talking to Wolf Blitzer He was asked about how how did you possibly lose to this guy Trump?
Podesta answered sort of honestly.
I was a little surprised.
I was expecting to hear Russia, Russia again.
And he said, well, he said, people were just really desperate for change.
And they decided they would go in that direction, even though they had doubts about Trump.
So does that signify that they're starting to figure out, because I saw several articles, they're trying to get rid of Pelosi.
The Democrats are now starting to admit that, OK, we've got an image problem.
I mean, I think they're starting to maybe figure out this isn't working.
As far as the Democrats are, as far as, as far as, I mean like you said with the media, they have gone into a new crazed level of just foaming at the mouth and calling for violence against Trump and Trump supporters, and then somebody makes a meme of somebody, you know, Trump knocking down CNN, and they flip out like it's the end of the world and start bullying the person that produced it.
Well, you know, I think certainly President Trump can show more decorum as how he deals with the public and the media and all the rest of it.
But that's a different issue.
The point is that the mainstream media has gotten deeper into this idea that it can dictate what's real and what's not real.
And I would say that if they had a great record of doing that and being accurate, maybe you could justify it.
But their record has been pretty abysmal.
Going back, let's say, to the WMD fiasco in Iraq that got lots of people killed and turned out to be dead wrong.
And there was almost no accountability inside the mainstream media.
There weren't a lot of firings.
People who took the position of no question about WMD ended up either keeping their jobs or even getting promoted.
So we've seen this problem where the mainstream media doesn't even function the way it used to back even when I was early in the 70s.
Sure, could you even call it media because it seems like...
Whoever is the most lapdoggish, whoever follows the talking points, because I've experienced this being attacked sometimes by thousands, thousands of publications a day, usually only twenty or thirty, sometimes a hundred, you know, on a bigger day.
But, I mean, I've been attacked in five thousand, ten thousand articles in one day, and I'll spend hours looking at them.
They're all cut and paste in major newspapers and on major TV networks of the same original talking points that David Brock puts out.
And they only do it when he does it, when he puts it out.
Then it sees the Democratic Party and then worldwide, not just here, Germany, Australia, the UK, Canada, they all take it and then just rewrite it, only slightly.
Whereas if I was an English teacher or a journalist teacher, say in college or high school, and I got back the papers from 30 students and they're all the same person, I'd say, who originally wrote this?
I mean, it's that bad.
Well, plagiarism, isn't it?
But I would say, here's the point I would make, Alex, is that
Sticking to facts is really important.
Ascertaining them, doing the work necessary to figure out what's real, what's not real, and then building a better understanding of truth based on hard fact.
That's what's been missing.
And it's not just missing in the mainstream media, it's missing, of course, on the internet in many ways.
Sure, people build a consensus and then it just expands from there.
Right, but you have to build those things on foundations of hard fact.
Not on theory, and not on speculation.
I agree.
And certainly not on propaganda.
But on, as best you can do it, and it's not a perfect process, but as best you can, figure out what's true, what's real, what's factual, and then build your stories and everything from that.
But what we've seen, and we're now seeing it across the board, and you know, I think the New York Times likes to pretend that it's standing for truth.
It's the great defender.
The Washington Post has this slogan, democracy dies in darkness.
The arrogance of some of this.
The only folks believing are them, so let me say this in closing.
I hope they'll come back and, you know, kind of school us on journalism because I've never claimed to be a pure journalist.
I've been a pundit, you know, a guy that makes films, analysis.
I mean, I mainly just sit there and report on other news and give my take on it.
But I've learned what you're saying, not just mainstream media.
I've been caught up in what they're caught up in, hysteria.
Where the internet builds a story, finds the evidence they want, and then we basically get bullied into just covering what they're saying, even in other alternative publications, but then I get it hung around my neck that I created it.
So now I've got to be, I guess, a lot more careful because now we are so big.
It's teaching me that we're not under the radar anymore, and the media will then misrepresent
Well, we all have to be careful.
That's a basic rule of journalism.
Be careful.
Don't trust anything.
Check it out.
I'm afraid that too many times now the New York Times and the Washington Post get their briefings at the some some usually off the record maybe on background at the State Department or the White House and they just go with that and instead of showing the kind of skepticism the kind of toughness that I thought journalism was about they they go with the flow and that's what that's a danger for the mainstream.
What about this?
I've got some White House sources.
Those on the internet have to have this have to operate with with greater care.
Because there is this impression that the internet is full of false news and sloppy.
And at ConsortiumNews.com, we've tried really hard over those 20-some years to maintain a very close relationship with facts, with presenting our evidence, laying it out as best we can to our readers.
Well, you're doing a great job, Robert Perry.
Thank you so much for joining us at ConsortiumNews.com.
Hope to talk to you again soon.
Thank you.
Great guest, Nico Gottlieb.
I've read his stuff for years and I was like, oh yeah, wow, that's a great guest to have on because he's one of the first people to start saying, can we see some proof?
But I tell you, mainstream media has just intensified their lying.
They've intensified their attempts to destroy anybody who they see as competition.
And in that process, they've only made Infowars bigger.
Look at Mika Brzezinski and Joseph Scarborough, old psycho Joe.
They've gone from one of the lowest rating demographics on cable.
We're talking 200, 300,000 viewers an hour.
To a million viewers plus an hour since Trump tweeted that she was bleeding from her facelift.
And that she was begging to meet with him, which is true.
So, they ought to be thanking Trump, but no, they're not.
MSM itself has its ratings back up.
Nothing like it was a long time ago, but they're back up because Trump has brought interest back to things.
It's simply amazing.
Now, continuing here, I want to segue into a massive amount of other news I haven't gotten to yet that's so important, but I thought it was really key to just go back and review the fact that all that 17 agencies saying it's a total consensus is a complete 100% fabrication.
You've got to ask yourself, where are they going to go from there?
Now, imagine my job.
I'm not complaining.
But imagine my job.
This is just what I'm looking at on the tops of my stacks.
Gay orgy and cocaine at the Inquisition's headquarters at the Vatican.
That broke.
That broke.
Last week, we broke it Monday here in the United States, we had the reporter on, and then what was in the Daily Mail today?
Vatican police break up gay orgy at home of Secretary of one of the Pope's Francis Key advisors.
This whole thing is coming down, ladies and gentlemen.
It's inside the Vatican.
Look at this headline.
Here's what the 2018 Olympic gender regulations look like.
That was a regular talk show.
I would spend a whole hour and take your calls on that subject alone.
They're saying men can compete as women and women can compete as men.
You know, if men just want to go dominate and get gold medals, but men are chivalrous.
Most of them aren't going to do that, but some will.
There's already some men winning the racing, the weightlifting, you name it.
And they just say, I am a woman.
And you look at these guys and you go, wow, you look like a really muscular dude.
You look like a really manly man.
You look like a uber man.
You don't just look like a man, bro.
Doesn't matter.
They identify.
People go, oh, you're hateful.
Okay, well I identify as an astronaut.
I identify as a billionaire.
I identify as a blind person.
The government will pour bleach in your eyes in the UK and then give you money for the rest of your life to live as a blind person because you identify as a blind person.
That's called mental illness.
If you want to go pay to have your male genitals cut off, that's your business, bro.
Don't make me pay for it as a taxpayer!
This is psychological warfare, the ugly architecture, all of it is declassified to make you feel small and to destroy society and to target the family.
You know what produces the babies, what produces the wealth, what produces the fealty, the alliance, the society, the association, the civilization, the culture.
I want to first hit those CNN rock by huge backlash after it blackmails creator of Trump's CNN meme, but I'm gonna stop right there.
I cannot stress to you enough what's happened with the GMO food, the pesticides, the chemicals in our food and water, and what it's done to mutate and kill and displace the good bacteria and the limited amounts of yeast and fungus
And garbage is supposed to be in your guts.
And good gut health is linked to mental health.
Bad gut health is linked to cancer.
It's linked to autism.
It's linked to depression.
Don't believe me?
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Gut health linked to cancer.
This is the super science.
It's been known for a hundred years.
The elites are obsessed with it.
But I did research at the top clinics here in Austin servicing the elite.
Austin's one of the richest cities in the world.
And I looked at Zurich, Switzerland.
I looked at Berlin, Germany.
And I knew
That they had clinics, not just probiotics, but probiotics that go in and knock out the bad yeast and fungus.
And so I went to GRIP a few years ago and I said, we basically copy one of these.
And he said, it's funny you say that.
He's got a big clinic in Houston.
He said, I'm actually developing it.
Well, he did it for us.
It's MycoZX.
It's been sold out for almost six months.
It's back.
Supports normal fungal and yeast balance in your gut, proprietary blend of herbs and enzymes.
We're good to go.
It's a great probiotic.
It goes with the MycoZX's back in stock, 30% off.
And you're saying, why would you do that if you've been sold out?
Because I want to incentivize you to get it, to get the great response, to then sign up for AutoShip every month, every six months, every year.
You can sign up, cancel anytime to get an additional 10% off.
I want your business.
I want you to go, wow, Jones really told me the truth.
I got a buddy who works here in the military for 20 years, and they feed him all that really horrible GMO, and he just had guts that were shut down.
Irritable bowel, you name it.
It was ruining his life.
I said, listen, take this.
Within a month, no problems.
All gone.
Now I'm not saying it'll help you in every case.
Because a lot of this stuff's so advanced, and once you get autoimmune problems in your gut, I mean, I've helped friends of mine, you know, go get parts of their guts removed, you know, because, you know, it gets so serious.
And I'm not here, you know, saying that we've got a panacea, you should consult your physician, but they call it quack.
You know what, let's skip this one break, it's too important, sorry, for the late notice on that.
They call it quacky, they call it kooky, they call it nuts.
In a bunch of publications on Monday,
They said, look, Gwyneth Paltrow sells supplements and so does Jones, they're both kooks.
Now, obviously, I'm not responding to this because they're criticizing me.
I don't care.
I'm responding to educate folks on how whacked out they are at, I'm talking 10 publications or more I saw, big ones.
And they showed as proof of my kookiness a bag of coffee.
That we buy for like $8 a pound, the very best organic, concentrated, high quality, you know, grown in the mountains of Chiapas, Mexico.
It's like Guatemalan coffee, but better.
Totally organic.
Everybody loves it.
It's strong.
Two different varieties.
And it's one of our best sellers now because we only market up 35%.
Nobody does that with coffee.
And so people are figuring out, wait, this really hot Mexican coffee that's so hot now that I've been selling for six years because I liked it.
I got it from the local distributors that get it directly from the choppest folks who hand pick it on their own little farms.
People are like, the average price of this is $25 to $30.
Alex sells it for $17.95.
Yes, this is the product we make the least amount of money on.
Because I've just wanted to have a great coffee and be competitive.
I think I'm going to raise prices, though.
It should be at least like $22.
I mean, we're just undercutting everybody.
Once folks try this and figure out this is the hottest coffee out there, one of the hottest coffees out there.
But that's just what I do.
And I just find it crazy.
The thing they pick to demonize is organic, volcanic-grown mountain coffee.
Because Guatemala is great too, but it's over the mountain and it's kind of been overdone.
They've used a lot of pesticides.
It's big plantations.
This is really organic, hand-grown.
It's wild crap is the term they use.
But it's all certified and the rest of it.
I mean, imagine, first thing you ask yourself is, why is the Washington Post come out and attack us?
A bunch saying I sell quack supplements.
The Washington Post is owned by the biggest supplement seller in the world.
Go look it up.
Bloomberg Financial Reports.
Whole Foods and Amazon, the same company now, they're the biggest seller in the world.
Next is GNC.
I mean, we're not even in the top hundred.
But see, we're evil!
I sell the same coffee that's sold in Whole Foods for $7 to $10 less from the exact same co-op
In Chiapas.
So, I'm evil selling something for $17.95 that's $25 or more.
It's even bagged in the same bag.
See, coffee's quacky now, see?
I made jokes, you know, that they make fun of me selling toothpaste.
They go, oh my gosh, it's fluoride-free.
He's insane.
Yeah, with colloidal silver and all the rest of it.
It shows the mindset of these people.
So, MycoZX is back.
We got free shipping through the month of July.
I've extended it.
We've got 30% off on Brain Force Plus, the nootropic.
Super Mel Vitality, 30% off.
Survival Zoology, 30% off.
Z-Shield, 30% off.
DNA Force just got back in after being sold out for five, six months or four months, whatever it is.
That's back discounted 20%.
It's all there.
Or 888-253-3139.
And when I say it's an act of resistance to get these products, it really is.
I mean, you're funding an organization that is seen as the most disruptive anti-globalist group in the world.
And we're disrupting things to empower the people.
We're disrupting the globalists.
You know, a lot of the choppest rebels that have fought off the corrupt Mexican government, the only help they could get were communists.
Now they're not communists anymore, most of them, because they're making so much money off coffee.
That's how I like attack communists is give them money.
You like that?
Yeah, exactly.
We've got articles about Venezuela.
Blood splattered on walls as members of parliament injured as rioters stormed Venezuela parliament.
You know what?
I can't do justice to North Korea.
I can't do justice to the Olympics, where men are going to now take over.
The Olympics, basically, if men adopt this, if men take advantage of this, the Olympics will only be male, except for shooting.
Women, statistically, if they're trained to be just as good as men shooters, sometimes better.
But that's it.
I mean, it'll be all male.
I think it's awesome.
I think it's hilarious.
Let the mental illness just flow.
So I'm being sarcastic.
And we'll get into CNN rock by a huge backlash after it blackmails the creator of Trump's CNN meme.
They committed a crime here according to state and federal law.
We're going to get to some of those clips.
But we're going to take your calls in the next hour smattered in with these reports.
I'd like to hear from first-time callers today with good phones.
I'd love to hear with folks with good clear phones and love to hear what you think about
The North Korea situation is certainly escalating, but maybe it's not a crisis.
I certainly think it is.
They're going to start in about an hour, the big U.N.
emergency meeting over this, with North Korea threatening to nuke everybody and has ICBMs now.
Pretty serious.
We can talk about this report as well.
DNA discovery reveals genetic history of ancient Egyptians.
I'll tell you about that coming up at the start of the next hour.
It's actually what the ancient Greeks said, but it's what Plato said.
Plato said that it was people from Central Europe, or from the coastline there, basically some of the same tribes that came down and created the Roman culture and some of those other cultures.
They've done the DNA testing on a bunch of the most ancient mummies, and they were Central and Southern Europeans.
But it's not some bashing the Africans.
I just always hear that civilization was stolen from Africans.
And, you know, you have to say that Chinese probably have the oldest civilization.
They're not Africans.
But you could argue that the humans originally originated in Africa, though now they've got some research that's not showing it.
But it's not an attack on anybody.
It's just what the DNA tests are showing and what 2,400 years ago, the first global historian, Plato, said.
Plato also said we should have a world government and kill all the poor people.
He's kind of the model of the globalists today.
He wasn't a very nice guy, but the father of what you'd call philosophy, and he was also a historian, he said there was a base in the Atlantic Ocean that had flying machines, and he said they created such an energy source so powerful
That it blew up their entire island and made the earth dark for several years and made the temperature get cold.
I actually have read Plato's writings on that.
How would he come up with that?
How would Plato come up with that?
And he also said that it was people from the north of Greece that founded it.
And some of the same tribes that founded Greece he said founded Egypt.
Of course we know early on the first trade was between Greece and Egypt.
Of course, that was always known.
The Romans taught that, but see, in the modern culture, people just said, no, that's not true.
Africans founded Egypt.
And it is true, by the middle period of Egypt, they had brought in folks from all over the Middle East, and they're intermarried, and that it was true.
They'd intermarried with kings of Ethiopia and other areas, and had actually then no longer been European.
That is true, but Egypt was started by Europeans.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, in 70 seconds.
Please stay with us.
We're selling a product, DNA Force, that is the very best nutraceutical that we can produce.
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It's been something that I've been working on for a long time, Alex, because I think it's very, very important.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Coming up, your phone calls throughout the hour.
You agree, you disagree.
Any of the subjects I covered, I just want you to be a first-time caller with an Ayatollah, a rock and roll-a connection.
Or maybe it's the GCN box.
It's just the phone system may need to be revamped.
It's just been more and more scratchy, more and more...
I'm not mad at GCM, but our phone system's digital and better.
I may just start taking all calls here.
800... and Scott's doing a wonderful job up there.
I don't want to put them down.
It's just that something's going on.
800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us.
Let me hit on this first because I just mentioned it.
And then I'm going to go to break, come back in the next long segment, take calls.
And then I'm going to get into CNN caught bullying and committing crimes to get people to recant their political views or they'll expose them on television.
True bullying by its very nature.
Coercion violates New York law.
We're seeing it engaged in the activity.
Also federal law.
I don't always go at CNN.
I don't go to Wikipedia.
I actually go to where they say the research came from, and then you go research if that's true or not.
Because CNN won't lie about a car wreck, or a police shooting, or a plane wreck, or the weather.
It'll just be on certain political things.
People say, well, if CNN's fake news, why are you reporting it?
Because CNN then proves themselves in this article and links to
Reports that have previously already been proven and is actually well-known science.
DNA discovery reveals genetic history of ancient Egyptians.
Mummy genome data have been extracted for the first time.
That's because they've removed the head of antiquities, who was there for 30-something years in Egypt, who wouldn't let anybody DNA test it.
Remember that guy?
Mummy genome data have been extracted for the first time.
The mummy's closer ancient relatives were found in the Near East and Europe.
Modern Egyptians have developed a greater amount of Sub-Saharan DNA.
Ancient Egyptians and their modern counterparts share less in common than you might think.
That is, at least genetically, a team of scientists have found.
Researchers at the University of... how do you pronounce that?
Zubedgin and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, both in Germany, have decoded the genome of ancient Egyptians for the first time with unexpected results.
Really, it's just everything Plato said, everything the Egyptians said, everything the Greeks said.
Publish... and the thing is, everything Plato said is turning out true.
Publishing its findings in Nature Communications, the study concluded that preserved remains found at Abassir el Malik, Middle Egypt, were closest genetic relatives of the Neolithic and Bronze Age populations from the Near East and Eastern Mediterranean Europeans.
Modern Egyptians by comparison share much more DNA with Sub-Saharan populations.
So it's a mix of Asians and Europeans just like you have with the Arabs and then the Babylonians up into what is ancient Iraq and then into ancient Iran.
We're not getting into racist things here.
This is just where the terms come from in anthropology, sociology, and archaeology.
Iran means Aryan.
And all that means is that the Aryan people out of Europe also founded India today.
And yes, it was racist, folks.
It was an upper caste of whites in India until just a few hundred years ago that ruled, and it's the same deal, same thing with Egypt.
Modern Egyptians, by comparison, share much more DNA with sub-Saharan populations.
The findings have turned years of theory on its head, causing Ethiopians and epidemiologists to re-evaluate their region's history while unlocking new tools for scientists working in the field.
Cleopatra was real, folks.
And so was Mark Antony, and he was married to her, and he was a Roman, and the Roman historians said she had beautiful, light brown skin.
And many of the history said she had green eyes.
She was obviously a mixed lady.
It doesn't matter.
The point is, modern history says Mark Antony married a black lady, which wasn't true.
An African.
It's just, it's how they try to destroy history, but the DNA then proves history was right.
We'll be right back.
President Trump's tweets have sent the Democrats into a tizzy again.
After President Trump ripped Psycho Joe and No IQ Mika last week, Trump got back on Twitter yesterday and posted a short video of himself beating up another man depicted as a CNN logo.
A total classic.
But the Democrats didn't appreciate Trump's animosity towards the fake news network CNN, and are now drumming up the bill for impeachment based on the 25th Amendment, citing grounds that the President is mentally unfit to serve.
Now, this would require a medical examination, which may come back to bite the Democrats that are calling for it.
You see,
I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat, or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22, when I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars in our fight for both human liberty and freedom.
I am very proud to announce the introduction of the highest quality InfoWars Biome Defense Probiotic.
We wanted to come out with the largest spectrum of high quality known probiotics that have been proven to improve overall digestion and health and detoxification in the body.
Biome Defense is an exclusive blend of 50 billion live and active cultures from over 23 different probiotic strains that are known to support digestion and intestinal function.
Our researchers are confident that we have been able to develop what will be the leading probiotic on the market.
Secure your biome defense in ultra strength or regular strength at InfoWarsLife.com today and get started supporting your digestive system naturally.
We've been testing this formula for years, but this is the limited first run to the public, so please take advantage of it today, support your own health, and support the InfoWar.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Move it on over.
Obviously, President Trump has taken some video and put a CNN mic logo on who he's beating up on.
Can I just get your reaction to that?
He's wrestling with us.
Look at this video from his Twitter account this morning.
See that the CNN logo has been superimposed onto the other fighter's face.
Now this showed up on a Reddit message board days ago.
Now it's showing up on the President of the United States' own Twitter feed.
The media is outraged at Donald Trump for encouraging violence with this tweet.
I can't believe you can defend this.
I mean, really?
Is there, is there no... So my question is, is there no line?
Like, if that had been a picture not of the CNN logo, or a video not of the CNN logo, but it had been Jake Tapper's head he was punching, would that cross a line for you?
This is juvenile.
What if it was a picture of Donald Trump holding a bloodied CNN logo up?
I think that is unacceptable.
I think that is the President of the United States taking things way too far.
It is an incitement to violence.
He is going to get somebody killed in the media.
They have taken things way too far and the media has gotten people shot and people killed and people beat over the head.
You're the ones all running around wanting to have a war.
Somebody on Reddit put out a joke video of a fake fight.
You're acting like it's the end of the world and you blackmail the person into going along with a retraction saying they're sorry it's racist so that you can then try to demonize the president and cover up the fact he's trying to have a recovery in this country.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to take your calls throughout this hour and then into the end of the hour.
And I'm going to get into the Russia, China, North Korea situation in detail.
The collapse of the third world and where all that's going.
And a big stack of Islamicist news that is just over the top.
More cops are getting shot in the back of the head and killed.
All part of the globalist operation for the summer we knew was coming.
It's all part of the destabilization, intimidation, bullying operation.
These thugs are running.
Then they sit there and act all upset and have feigned anger.
At how dare the president tweeting a joke video of him kicking a fictional bobblehead CNN logo's butt.
And it's the Streisand effect.
They've tried to intimidate everybody.
They've tried to say stop it.
Now the internet is awash in these.
And while we're taking some calls here for TV viewers, I'll play without audio.
Some of those memes, both still memes and also graphic memes, detailing how CNN is trying to stomp on the head of everybody's free speech.
But the answer to attempts to bully everybody into submission is to counter it.
And I would say, on a scale of 1 to 10, we're about a 7 with people breaking their conditioning and actually responding to attempts to silence and muzzle and stifle speech.
But just intensifying it.
I mean, there have been so many memes people have done of me getting beaten up.
Or, you know, me getting my head chopped off.
And I've always just made a big joke out of it.
I mean, quite frankly, when you're getting made fun of, that's a good thing.
I mean, look at CNN's ratings are back up.
But now the memes are just absolutely, completely legion.
Oh, I love that, the famous one of Muhammad Ali.
I think he was fighting
Was it George Foreman?
And they just miss him over and over again.
But I like CNN's recommendation.
How about we actually put some real people's heads on these?
Why don't we put George Soros' head on some of this?
I mean, we're not wanting real violence.
We're saying it's a joke.
I mean, it's the islamicists that the globalists are bringing into our country that actually kill us.
But, but, but, you know, you say that's okay.
Well, then what about us just making jokes?
I mean, now CNN's heads...
CNN logos are being put on the heads of ISIS people as they chop folks' heads off.
Oh, CNN is terrorists!
That meme's really taken off, hasn't it?
That was the brainchild of Mike Cernovich.
We have the contest going.
We've had seven or eight people get paid out on it.
Most folks aren't getting on live TV.
They're just getting on the Internet, so it doesn't really win the prize, but it's had a huge effect.
The meme's going.
You're victorious.
I want to pay out the other $180,000.
We're not rolling in cash, but that's money well spent.
$1,000 and $2,500 prizes.
Again, contest at Infowars.com.
Send in your videos.
If you haven't been paid up yet and you think you should be, send your video in again.
We have a couple guys working on it part-time.
That's why I don't do a lot of contests, because they're usually very successful.
This one already is, but then it's the digesting it and deciding if somebody wins and then watching it.
But it isn't as successful as the Bill Clinton's a rapist deal, because Bill Clinton and Hillary were out on the campaign trail two or three times a day.
Folks, we really destroyed them.
It became a national news story.
This has still been successful, but in the background, why suddenly is CNN getting called terrorists?
Why are they getting called ISIS?
Well, Jake Tapper and others say it's InfoWars.
And that's right.
I'm not even about the credit.
I'm just about the meme taking place in the information war.
I mean, here it is in the Associated Press today and in RT.
We've been reporting this for years.
Been hammering it the last few weeks.
Fish and Wildlife came out and said we're right.
It's 84% of smallmouth bass are female or male or totally deformed and can't have babies.
And now feminized fish, human contraceptives and water supply causing males to grow eggs.
And it's causing fish numbers to plummet.
Now if it's doing this to fish,
Imagine what's doing to you because most of your tap water is downstream and the government filtration systems are not cutting it out.
If you're not drinking heavily filtered water, you are insane in the membrane.
Number one for my research cancer cause out there is not even cigarettes or alcohol, folks.
It is the poison tap water.
And I never read that or heard that when I was a kid.
I remember in two a days, I'd drink tap water and I'd feel sick from it.
But if I got good bottled water or took purified water from home, my mom had a water cooler.
She believed in that even back when I was a kid.
She got water out of Arkansas.
I would feel great.
And I just learned that.
I learned if I swallowed a little bit of toothpaste by accident because I was begging to brush my teeth with fluoride, I'd feel sick.
My dad is a dentist.
He didn't even believe fluoride was bad until about 10 years ago when I said, Dad, read the medical literature out of Canada.
This is the top dentist up there that got them fluoridated 20 years ago, now 30 years ago.
It's not calcium fluoride, Dad, that we have to have to live a small amount of that does make teeth stronger.
It's hydrofluorosilicic acid, electrified, and it's a byproduct of aluminum smelting, nuclear weapons production, and Chinese plants as well, and they just dump it in phosphate mines.
They just dump all this toxic waste in the water, calling it fluoride.
My dad did the research.
He goes, you're absolutely right, son.
I can't believe this.
How would the American Dental Association be part of this?
As other dentists woke up about seven years ago, about three years after my dad woke up.
It was about 12 years ago he woke up, time flies.
You look it up, the American Dental Association said, stop using fluoride toothpaste for children.
It causes dental fluorosis and has been linked to bone cancer.
What are they gonna do when the facts come for them?
Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do when the information comes for you?
So let's go to your phone calls right now.
And then we'll go through all this news ahead of the amazing Paul Joseph Watson!
Other than Donald Trump or Donald Trump Jr., I mean, there's no libertarian conservative as big as Watson when it comes to social media.
He's king!
Average video, over a million views, with them even trying to block him.
On one platform.
Multiple platforms, several million.
He was getting 30, 40 million views a few months ago until they started blocking it.
Gets more Twitter impressions than all of the BBC's platforms combined.
And they're trying to suppress him, but despite that, to see him busting through like, you know, the slitsmalt liquor bull through the wall, I mean, it is just awesome.
So he's coming up, let me see, Daredevil, Lisa, Charles, Noreen, Kyran.
My eyes are not as good, at least be 20-20, I can't even hardly, I gotta get that screen closer.
Karen, Noreen, everybody we're gonna go to you.
Noreen is watching us in Michigan over Facebook live feed.
Remember, when you're watching us on live feed on Facebook, YouTube, PrisonPlanet.tv, Infowars.com, forward slash show, spread that link.
It's not work, it's war, it's winning.
I know you're spreading the links.
By hand, get around their bots and their blockers.
Please, keep doing it.
Whether it's by email, or by person, by mouth, whatever.
Noreen, thank you for calling from the great state of Michigan.
It's starting to see a little bit of a revival.
Noreen, thanks for calling.
Yvette, go ahead.
I just want to thank you for everything that you've been through with all the threats and everything that you've got.
You stick through it and you get proof after you do that because no one else really does that.
And I used to watch CNN all the time until I figured out they were fake.
So I just wanted to thank you for that.
Well, Noreen, listen, you know, Limbaugh used to tell folks, just say kudos.
I want you to thank me.
I love the audience.
I'm humbled by you.
But you have to understand something.
I understand the globalist want austerity and enslavement.
So like a man in the water trying to get out who's drowning?
I'm just instinctive here.
Let me tell you something.
I want to thank you for making the broadcast possible.
And I want to explain something to you.
You are the resistance.
You're the reason people are waking up.
You're the reason people are taking action.
All of you out there.
So just understand that.
It's a pleasure to have this child molester run Vatican attack me.
It's a pleasure to have evil CNN lie about me.
It's an honor.
Even though it's painful for my family, they understand it.
I don't overall enjoy it personally sometimes, but it's got to be done.
So thank you for the support.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I really appreciate it all because it's really amazing.
You know, I also got your product.
I got Brain Force.
That really helped me.
It made me feel really smart, actually.
I really liked that.
I got the flag.
My dad's got that in his room.
I got the shirt, the 2020 shirt.
I have that on now.
Um, yeah, I just really like all those products.
We also got the... the other thing.
I forgot what it's called.
It's like Brain Force.
It came with it.
Well, let me just say this, because the media, and then I'm going to get back to your political point, but I appreciate you supporting us.
Let me explain something.
The Clinton Foundation, not their new foundation that hundreds of millions stolen per month, basically.
Forty-something million dollars in it last time I checked.
Robbing the Haitians, you name it.
Controlling hundreds and hundreds of other big charities that schools and colleges and, you know, even the First Methodist Church of Austin gives people's money into.
I mean, it's just a sick, evil, demonic joke.
But if you expand on all of that,
And really pull back from it.
They say in 1993 in their official White House papers, we've got to stop the new media forming.
Joseph Farah and his Western Journalism Center, later became WorldNetDaily, if they ever are able to sell books or videos and fund themselves, it'll create a chain reaction of choice and a new economy.
We need the big corporate sponsors to understand they've got to intensify funding of mainstream media, legacy media,
And we've got to make sure that we ridicule and attack anybody that sponsors new media.
Not just conservative, but also liberal, or we'll lose control.
So, they hate the fact you buy t-shirts, or water filters, or great non-GMO heirloom seeds.
All this stuff, great quality, competitive pricing.
Because if you ever start not buying from Bezos, who's openly trying to overthrow the country, richest man in the world after Bill Gates,
If you ever realized that actually buy direct from mom-and-pops, local stores, support local sponsors of stations, from shopping carts like infowarestore.com, you're getting products but then allowing that profit to go to promote ideas you believe in.
I mean, look, say what you want about the Muslims.
They're the biggest group of giving politically of any group.
That's why they're so powerful.
So, you're not just giving straight up, you're getting good products at good prices, and then knowing you're giving it to zealots, crazed individuals, committed to an absolute war against the New World Order, to the end.
And so, yes, it's a total win-win.
So that mere act of financially supporting us is an absolutely revolutionary act, and it allows us to... Here's the deal.
Ten years ago, Maureen,
Eleven years ago, I had media attacking me, demonizing me, calling me a profiteer, saying it was evil that I was selling books and videos and t-shirts.
And there I was with like 10 crew members, under attack.
I knew I could grow.
I knew I could launch something 20 times bigger.
And I said, I came on air.
We ought to find those clips.
And I said, you want to call me a profiteer?
You want to claim, you know, I want to be this big fish?
Watch this.
And we've hit every goal by your support and by God's providence.
And we're now preparing to go to the next level, which has them completely panicked, ready to kill me.
By the way, they're assassinating my character in preparation for that, just like Trump.
But that's okay.
God will provide for my family and my children, I believe.
But whatever happens, it's God's plan.
So all I ask is that some flesh be spared.
So understand, folks, they want it, they got it.
Their attempts to shut us down made me a humble person.
Give them a real run for their money.
And so, that's what we're doing here.
But it's because of you, Noreen.
That isn't me patting you on the head.
You, through InfoWars and other things you're doing, are changing the world.
So don't thank me.
Thank yourself and thank God.
Go ahead, Noreen.
What's your political points?
Michael, I'm really... I've been for Trump since...
I wasn't for Trump when it first started, but after I started watching you, you know, I was for Trump and stuff.
My dad watches InfoWars as well.
My dad, he's a warrior.
He was in the Army.
I'm going into the Army.
I'm getting ready for that.
My dad, they wouldn't even let him in at first, actually.
It was a famous story all over the news.
He walked all the way to Washington from Michigan.
I don't know.
So they took him back, and he got into the army.
And he went through all of that to get in.
And I'm really impressed by that.
Seems I've heard of that story.
That was a long time ago.
Send me a news clipping about that.
I'd love to have your dad on.
That's awesome.
Listen, I want to thank you so much for calling in.
God bless you.
You know, they've tried to play me off against Trump with infighting.
The number one thing to stop the new media and a global movement of liberty is to always get us to want credit or to fight with each other.
And Megyn Kelly was like, you know, it's been proven that you're the reason Trump won, which isn't really true.
It's my audience.
Our audience did push Trump over the edge.
He's told me that personally many times.
They know that.
Stephen Bannon knows that.
I'm not going to get into private conversations.
It doesn't matter.
Trump's now the big target.
Okay, we got Trump in the position of having to lose a lot of his wealth and charge a machine gun nest?
He's in there.
He's not doing a perfect job.
I'm surprised he's doing the job he's doing.
He's under more attack than anybody since George Washington.
And he's delivering.
And you know a man by his enemies.
It's incredible.
And I've expected him to not do as good a job as he did.
I just can't believe what a good job he's done.
I just can't believe it.
But again, there's not just evil in the world.
We got the idea that corruption is just the way it is.
Roll over and accept it.
Thank you, last caller.
All right, let's go to Daredevil in the great state of Texas.
Daredevil, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, I'm calling on a Liberty Rally at the Texas State Capitol this Sunday at high noon.
You know, the mayor recently said that he felt he was besieged by Texans, and he better feel like it, because I'm calling on this rally to happen every Sunday at high noon until we can re-establish liberty in this country again, because I'll be darned if they keep shoving this United Nations stuff down our throats.
Yeah, for folks that don't know, I mean, I used to hear about this 25 years ago and didn't believe it myself.
Under munilization, Austin is a sister city
I forget which one in Japan.
I want to say Kyoto.
And it's actually a U.N.
And then the first city that Loretta Lynch's attorney general said was under strong cities.
Uh, was Austin, but then even the police chief himself didn't go along with it.
I mean, they were going to have the UN over the Justice Department over Austin.
I mean, we went to these meetings where they had actual Red Guard communists that call for violence at the police board meetings with the UT staff running it.
I mean, these people, this is a revolution.
This is a criminal takeover.
Uh, and yeah, for folks that don't know, Austin is a beautiful place, best city in Texas, you know, for the size.
As the great Travis County, but it is a globalist enclave now.
It's very, very sad, but Texans are fighting back.
Go ahead.
And, you know, this is also a famous date.
July 9th, 1776 was actually when New York adopted the Declaration of Independence.
A lot of people, you know, they want to bully Trump because he's not getting things done.
Their eyes aren't open.
General Washington couldn't even get New York to adopt the Declaration of Independence until July 9th, 1776.
So July 4th is actually July 9th in New York.
Similarly, Trump's facing all sorts of similar backlash where we want Americanism, not globalism.
But they construe that into, oh, well, you know, he's got money in his pocket, so he's against me.
What do you think about that?
It's the instant gratification culture, where Trump has gotten more done in six months than I ever imagined he would get done in his first year or two years.
You know a man by his enemies.
Globalism is ultra-rich that won a monopoly.
Trump's exposed that.
He's bringing back real prosperity.
Ron Paul has agreed with his economic policies, but says it's too little too late.
We're going to see what happens, but it's a lot of ignorant people being politically directed.
It's folks that still believe mainstream media, people that are still in a trance, still in suspended disbelief.
They're in suspended disbelief, just like when you go to a movie theater and you go into a trance.
They're believing MSN.
They believe Stephen Colbert.
They believe they're doing the trendy thing and that everyone's against Trump and that Trump's really in the KKK.
And they had invested themselves in the establishment, even though they didn't get power out of it, even though they didn't get any money out of it, on average, they still had their identity in it.
So they feel like losers now, because the dumb hillbillies, as they see it, took control of the country.
Well, it wasn't just the Midwesterners, and they're not dumb hillbillies, and it was people all over the country, of every, you know, color, from every walk of life, that don't want to be Venezuela, or North Korea, or Communist Russia.
And you understand that Trump's policies are basically identical to JFK's and that that's what we need for prosperity and the Democratic Party of today has become a satanic monstrosity basically.
Go ahead.
Trump's slowly titrating
Yeah, we're gonna come to Texas and take your guns and teach your five-year-olds how to be a tranny.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, exactly.
99% of the earth's gonna get cooled off.
We'll live in a bubble city.
It'll be fantastic.
Lord knows it's overpopulated when it's not even true.
I've read figures, and you had a guest on years ago, I can't recall.
It was probably around, oh, let's say about 2008, and he spoke about how 7.5 billion... You put everybody in the state of Texas.
Some areas are overpopulated because of their technology and what they have, but other areas aren't.
The point is, we always innovate our way out of crises.
Thank you, Daredevil.
More calls for an ad.
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Or you're mine.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Paul Joseph Watson will be hosting the fourth hour from Her Britannic Majesty's London, England.
Apparently news tonight 7 o'clock Central.
Infowars.com is the news site.
We've got calls like Lisa and...
Many, many others that are patiently holding.
Blake and Charles and others we're going to be getting to you.
Leanne McAdoo taking a summer sabbatical to go take care of her grandmother out in Florida.
Also traveling some to Europe.
Popping in reporting for InfoWars.com.
I really enjoyed having her on last week.
She'll be popping on routinely and also reporting from some foreign countries for us.
We're even getting her a news team set up.
Leanne, when I asked you what you wanted to cover today, when I wanted to get you on, you were on the same page.
I'm glad you wanted to cover this because I haven't really gotten into it yet.
CNN saying we'll expose your identity if you don't come out retract this and say it was racist.
Well they can come out and demonize somebody they want but they can't say retract this say it's racist or we will destroy you in the news.
That's called blackmail and Paul Watson
Has linked, in the story at Infowars.com, the U.S.
code and the New York law.
And Julian Assange has tweeted that they just committed the crime violating 135.60 of New York criminal code coercion.
Terroristic threats.
You name it.
It's all in this report.
And Julian Assange breaks it down.
Leanne McAdoo.
It seems like everything CNN does, they don't have the Midas touch.
Everything they touch turns to oblivion.
Right, the American people are watching the mainstream media in their death spiral asking, you know, how deep does this chasm get?
And CNN says, hold my beer and issues this exclusive report.
And I really don't think that CNN was expecting the bipartisan pushback against this style of reporting where they've basically threatened the life of a private citizen.
They're going to ruin his life.
Unless he never posts things that are offensive again on the internet.
He has to take down all of his posts that are bigoted and what they deem inappropriate.
And also, this paragraph in the CNN article is so chilling.
They say they're not going to post his identity.
They're not going to out him because he's a private citizen.
And he's issued an extensive statement of apology.
He took down his offending posts.
He says that he hopes his statement can serve as an example to others that they won't post anything like that on the internet either.
Otherwise, CNN, they're gonna go ahead and oust this private citizen who's basically throwing himself on the court saying, please don't ruin my life.
You're going to embarrass my family.
I've taken it all down.
Please don't ruin me.
This is like the forced apology by Otto Warmbier there in North Korea.
I mean, we have stepped into a sassy gulag right now when they are saying, we are going to destroy you unless you stop offending us with your memes.
Alex, this is a meme.
It's a gif.
And frankly, it was President Trump wrestling at the WWE.
It was there.
It was a total joke.
Against the backdrop of leftist media financing plays where Trump's killed.
Every major newspaper having editorialists saying kill Trump.
Celebrating people that try to kill Trump.
It's just insane.
Right, and they're trying to say that this GIF that the President tweeted out, retweeted, is inciting violence against journalists.
And they're really trying to push this narrative.
Maybe they would have taken them a little more seriously if it didn't take them 24 hours to fire Kathy Griffin for her beheading of Trump art that they labeled was art.
I mean, let's not forget, this is CNN, who on Inauguration Day was wargaming what would happen if the President was assassinated.
For hours, they were saying, what would happen if someone just took an aim at Donald Trump right now before he's sworn in?
I mean, what would happen?
This is CNN, who's now asking the American people to feel sorry for them because the President tweeted a GIF that hurt their feelings.
And Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com reporter, analyst, we see
The way Trump is very deft at not going too far.
They have bloody severed heads.
They say murdering.
They say the guy's a hero that shot Scalise.
The Democrats say hashtag hunt Republicans.
On and on and on.
He just puts out an old video, WWE, that somebody else made with a CNN logo.
It's not Hillary's head.
If the president did some video shoot with a bloody head of Hillary,
I would say, that's deranged, that's mentally ill, he's got problems, that's too far, but he's not the one.
He responds to an avalanche, a tsunami, a storm!
Of just war drums and calls for violence and planning violence and real violence by Antifa attacking peaceful people in WikiLeaks, exposing all this.
And we know that CNN has contact with the NSA and the Deep State leakers.
We know they stage the debates.
We know they're in the WikiLeaks staging things with Democrats.
You know they probably got this guy's data very, very quickly from sources.
So what you're seeing is deep state going after citizens to make examples of them, to scare other people from not going out and resisting this.
And I don't think I've ever seen anything blow up in CNN's face bigger.
Not all the fake video shoots, not all the fake news, not them having to retract.
I mean, CNN is just melting down and then Trump, like a judo master, is just throwing them through the wall using their own energy.
I mean, they're basically, let's just sit back and watch them destroy themselves.
And the American people are saying, look, enough.
I mean, it would be one thing if this gift maker was a Russian agent.
Then we'd have something there.
But he wasn't even a Russian agent.
He's just a guy who's saying, please don't ruin my life and my family's life.
But the American people are asking CNN and these other outlets, get back to your job, report the news, tell us what's going on in the world.
So CNN, you know, they're not issuing an update on Fast and Furious or IRS targeting of conservatives or Hillary Clinton's private server.
That doesn't matter.
They've got the exclusive.
They went in and they're going to unmask the identity of this private citizen.
That's right.
I'm going to play one in a moment.
They are just sycophantically getting off on their power.
This shows the bottom of the barrel people CNN's had to get to carry out all this lying.
Why do you think every progressive month they keep recycling different reporters, bringing in new ones?
The quality of the people they're bringing in is the worst I've ever seen.
Local news has better people, Leanne.
Right, well, and we know that they like anonymity.
They've done tons of reporting with their anonymous sources, so it's not that they're against anonymity on the internet or wherever, but they just don't want you to be anonymous if you're doing things that they don't like.
And that's what this very frightening precedent is that they are setting right now, is who's a private citizen anymore?
If your content goes viral, can we destroy your life?
When did CNN become gawker, is my question.
Back to your question, when did they become gawker with this terrible style of reporting where they think now they're the news and all they do is report on Trump's Twitter.
They don't give us any news that we actually can use.
What happened here?
I don't think they understand the Streisand effect, Leigh-Anne.
You've talked about that before.
Why don't you explain to CNN the Streisand effect?
Because apparently they don't know.
You tell someone to stop talking about something, then the internet is going to say, well, what's over there you don't want me to see?
And then of course, it's just going to get expounded and the whole world is going to know now about what CNN is up to.
So there, this was the wrong move.
And you even are seeing a lot of never Trumpers on the internet and other places saying this was the bad move by CNN.
You shouldn't have done this.
Just ignore Trump's Twitter.
You're destroying yourselves.
I've got to say, the Muhammad Ali, where he famously dodges like seven punches, like Superman, that should be the new Trump icon and logo.
Because the truth is, they're the ones attacking him.
He's known as the counter-puncher.
I know he admired Muhammad Ali and was friends with him.
And the way he sits there, you know, with his head of Muhammad Ali politically, that's what Trump's been doing.
I mean, this is crazy.
I've seen some really good gifs.
Now, because of course, you know, nobody should post anything on the internet that makes CNN look bad.
Don't do it.
I'm not saying you should go out and make a very hilarious GIF.
It's like Cuomo.
Chris Cuomo goes, you're not allowed to look at WikiLeaks.
It's illegal and you have to get it from us.
The condescension is an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10.
And the people are sick and tired of it, but they're in such a bubble, they're in such an ivory tower, that they just don't realize that down here, the real people are laughing at them.
And frankly, we're laughing at the president's tweets as well.
His modern day presidential tweets.
We get it.
It's, you know, we're not offended by him putting out a wrestling meme.
Yeah, it's a little bit different than President Obama and his selfie sticks, you know, but not too much different.
Everyone loved when President Obama was meeting with the YouTube lady that is in a bathtub full of Cheerios or whatever.
That was hilarious.
They keep saying, stop doing the Twitter, trying to get weak-minded people to think that that's his weakness when it's his strength.
They obviously want him cut off from directly communicating.
And again, it's a metaphor for all of us when we share a meme or an InfoWars story or a PrisonPlanet.com story or video, because we are the tip of the spear.
We're under the greatest attack.
We need your support more than ever.
Overpower their system.
Now, there's Como.
Remember, blackmailing is illegal.
It's different for the media, though.
Somebody made a meme out of that.
Paul Watson retweeted that.
He's coming up in the next hour.
I want to get a few calls, Leanne, and also invite you in the next few weeks, honey.
You're about to spend some more time with your grandmother.
To host an hour or two of these new shows we're about to launch.
A lot is about to happen here in the next month at InfoWars.
But expanding on this, here is the clip of CNN licking their lips.
CNN New Day.
This is them just 24 hours ago until they figured out that they just jumped the shark.
Okay, so another issue that came up here.
Something remarkable I thought happened yesterday.
I thought it was remarkable that CNN found the Reddit user who created the gif of Donald Trump in the wrestling video where he punches CNN.
So the investigative team went back and found the guy who first created this.
He took credit for it.
And then here comes the remarkable part.
He apologized.
He apologized for having done this.
How often do you hear someone who creates a video that goes viral then say this?
He threatened to destroy his life unless he writes this saying he's a witch and eats babies.
But then why is there so much stuff on his account?
Hey, can we put up Kim Jong-un, a bunch of memes ourselves, with the CNN head on Kim Jong-un, and then just say, you know, don't criticize us or else.
Don't talk about the dear leader.
Alright, that's enough of them.
Here is one more.
Here's CNN losing their minds over the meme.
This is really important and we'll take some of your phone calls.
Here it is.
...say where the president got the video, but a senior White House official said today it was not from Reddit, which is a popular internet messaging board.
The problem is, we and other media outlets who have searched can't find any evidence of it existing anywhere but Reddit before the president picked it up.
Now why does that matter?
Because if he got it from that source, a whole bunch of new questions about racism, bigotry, and violence come into play.
The video shared by President Trump to his 33 million personal Twitter followers and then to 19 million more on his presidential account was apparently first posted by a Reddit user who goes by this online name and who has also laid claim to it.
That user of Reddit's online message board reacted
Notice they black it out not to give the user any attention.
Don't they get now the new memes have got to be in the hundreds of millions of views per hour?
Don't they understand the Streisand effect again, Leanne?
Right, and everybody out there who's posting on Reddit needs to pay attention to this.
They're trying to set the precedent that if you dare post anything that they don't like, they have the right now to ruin your life, whereas private citizens in the past have been protected.
But again, how did they discover?
That's the real investigation.
I bet my bottom dollar they got this from all their sources.
I mean, listen, I've talked to Stone, I've talked to other folks off record about this.
We know that mainstream media
Has intel on us that no one, that even my wife doesn't know.
I mean, it's come out we're wiretapped.
I mean, that's been in the news.
I mean, every phone I've got, it's come out from the Sheriff's Department.
They had access to a DEA database.
We're being watched.
We're being listened to.
And guaranteed, they just dial up, find out who he is.
That's a crime.
We need to investigate CNN for the crime.
They've already committed the crime, Leanne, of the coercion.
Right, well, you know, years ago, they tried to make us all feel safe.
Don't worry, if you've got nothing to hide, then you shouldn't worry about the NSA spying on you.
But that was, that was what was at issue, is that some of these NSA agents were using the tools that they had to spy on their ex-girlfriends, or to post things on the internet of people they wanted to get back at.
Snowden said it was, it was rampant.
He said most people were doing it.
And so now, where's CNN getting this information?
Now, I'll give them a little bit of credit because they hired this writer, Andrew Kaczynski, from BuzzFeed, and he was very, very, very good at finding obscure things on the internet and being basically opposition research.
So, of course, CNN scooped him up.
He created this whole new K-file sector of CNN.
So, he might really have been able to dig in and find out who's on this Reddit, but
Yeah, this is also very much the sharing of information.
CNN's been giving NSA and CIA data illegally before to be used in the campaign and against private citizens.
We know about Seth Rich.
Right, and they're trying to make the argument that Trump is attacking the independent media, even though we know they're not independent at all.
They colluded with the DNC.
I mean, they didn't even do this type of investigation into all the memes that were attacking their dear leader, Hillary Clinton.
Imagine if they would have outed all the memesters and the gifsters back then when they were destroying Hillary Clinton.
It was when it went too far and embarrassed CNN.
That's when they really had to expose this private citizen or issue this blanket warning to anyone who would dare let this serve as a warning to you.
Here's the takeaway for me, and then I'm going to take a call and get your take on this, Leigh Ann.
The intimidation and bullying isn't working.
It's like when Hitler goes, oh, the Brits aren't giving up.
Let's start bombing the towns that have been designated for the orphans and kids being evacuated, you know, out of the cities.
So when Hitler started targeting the kids,
And of course the Brits started targeting Dresden and the German kids as well.
The Brits went from not wanting the war to wanting to kill everybody.
So I don't understand this thing where these bullies think they mess with us, it makes us back down.
It just gives me energy, Leanne.
It just makes me want to take action.
People need to start posting more gifs and memes now to let them see, look, you're not going to... CNN, first of all, is not going to control free speech on the internet or anywhere else.
You're not going to be the gatekeepers.
And that's what they're so afraid of, is that they are no longer the gatekeepers, and that it is the wild, wild west on the internet.
And that's why they are trying to now change the precedent of who is a private citizen, when are we allowed to use the internet.
I mean, I'm not saying I'm the greatest catch in the world or anything.
But the few times I had a girlfriend that I was finally done with, and a few that live with me, or vice versa, as soon as you start packing your stuff up and leaving, they try to physically stop you.
I know it's statistically worse for women as well.
That's when they panic and get violent and try to keep from going.
This is like an abusive relationship.
They don't want us to go out the door.
They won't let us leave them.
So they're terrorizing the country to make themselves pertinent.
Knowing that no one would be watching them if they weren't saying kill the president, kill congressman, do all this.
Then when we respond lightly back, they throw a hissy fit.
But let me manipulate the meme here.
I do not want to be in memes.
I do not want to be in these comedy memes.
Do not put me in memes.
Everyone is banned from putting me in a meme.
And I do not want to have my head put on Trump's head battling CNN.
No one is allowed to put me in memes because, quite frankly, Trump is the number one meme right now.
I'm only number two, okay?
And I am competitive.
Make fun of me, whatever.
Please put me in memes.
Oh, excuse me.
I mean, never, never, you are hereby ordered.
Like CNN said, we'll have you arrested.
I'll sue you.
You have no free speech.
Put me in no memes and have no InfoWars.com involved at it ever!
Comey just self-destructed in front of the world.
Comey just melted down, and the media is trying to change the subject to Marco Rubio's hair, or, oh, the Russian investigation goes on, this adds weight to it.
He said that he's the leaker, and that the New York Times and others got it wrong, what was even in the memo.
But I don't know how the media, how the horror media, how the dinosaur media, puts Humpty Dumpty back together again, because this, to me, was a bloodbath.
Gavin McInnes, what do you think?
I think it's amazing how the left keeps putting all their eggs into one basket, and then that basket turns out to have a hole in the bottom, and instead of going, uh-oh, I guess I'm wrong, they just move their eggs to the next basket.
Like, they pin all their hopes on some giant myth, and then when it doesn't work out, they never scratch their head like a scientist would and go, maybe I'm wrong on this crusade.
They just keep going, alright, well let's put them all over here now.
So, I don't think they're gonna be that thwarted by all this evidence that the James Comey smoking gun isn't the James Comey smoking gun they wanted it to be.
What's happening here is I'm a Democrat appointee.
I'm an operative.
I've been caught.
The Republicans are in power.
I'm scared.
Just leave me alone.
I'm a possum.
I'm playing dead.
But the truth is, he didn't play dead.
He went and made up this memo, then perjured himself to Congress two months ago, saying nobody tried to influence him.
And now in the hot seat again, he's saying no one did order him.
So here's the clip of Comey saying he's a yellow belly.
You told the president, I would see what we could do.
What did you mean?
I was kind of a slightly cowardly way of trying to avoid telling him we're not going to do that.
That I would see what we could do.
It was a way of kind of getting off the phone, frankly.
And then I turned and handed it to the acting Deputy Attorney General, Mr. Bente.
This is a very important clip.
This is, again, where we have Comey coming out and admitting that the New York Times got it wrong in the main about the Russia story.
So he's leaking directly to them and the Washington Post, but saying then they got it wrong.
Here it is.
That report by the New York Times was not true.
Is that a fair statement?
Yeah, in the main it was not true.
And again, all of you know this, American people don't.
The challenge, and I'm not picking on reporters, about writing stories about classified information is the people talking about it.
Often don't really know what's going on, and those of us who actually know what's going on are not talking about it.
No, you just put out memos and leak stuff against the president, and then know full well they're going to twist it and lie about it, and then claim, oh, sorry, Jeepers Creepers, Gavin McInnes.
I think him and a lot of liberals don't understand that you put all your eggs in this basket, and there's a hole in the basket, and all your eggs just smashed.
And this has happened time and time again, and they just don't wake up.
We're back live.
A little segment left with one more after that.
Then Paul Watson at 8 after comes in.
We're going to be changing the clock soon to the regular clock where you come in at 6 after.
If everybody knows, more stations want that.
About like almost 40 stations saying, do that, we'll pick you up.
So I want to go way over 250 stations.
So we're going to do that very soon with the great folks at GCM.
We've got to get all that lined up.
Leon McAdoo is joining us.
Guess what?
Paul Watson has tweeted about it.
We checked it.
It's true.
The top hashtag off and on throughout the day, it's been the top ten.
Hashtag CNN blackmail was at the top.
And so everybody was seeing it.
Well, it's been removed by the people at Twitter.
Well, good luck.
How about hashtag
CNN blackmailed, censored.
Just, everybody write about the blackmail.
Write about their corruption.
Write about their evil.
Give them what they want.
Hammer them.
And never stop.
That's, that's how they operate, ladies and gentlemen.
Leanne McAdoo, I don't see this going well for them and you can see this trend.
I mean, I don't put a good face on things.
You know, years ago you'd criticize me to my face saying, gotta be more positive.
That's how we're gonna fix things.
But now I'm more positive because the worm is turning.
What do you think?
I kind of agree.
I mean, look at this huge smile on my face.
We are still battling them, but it's interesting to see that we're landing some of our punches finally.
It's really interesting to watch.
Going back to talking about the gatekeepers, though, you can see with them taking down the trending hashtag, Twitter is, of course, trying to be the gatekeeper as well.
They're not an independent platform anymore.
Now you see the top
Worldwide top trend is something with the Kardashians, of course.
It's the whole bread and circus.
They always force that back on you.
No, you're not going to have free speech.
Here's Kardashians.
That's their go-to bread and circuses right now.
And our present day and age, but I want people to kind of get back to see, oh, stop talking about CNN.
Who cares if they don't matter?
You know, who cares?
The reason why this matters is because they are trying to make the argument of when it's when it's we shouldn't have any more online anonymity.
We have Cuomo saying that's Internet ID.
They want us on there so that they can get exactly.
And we've talked about this before, they want to do that three strikes you're out rule where you can never access the internet anymore with your identity.
That's what China wants and that's what Soros wants is this new social network deal where you have no anonymity and then everything you do on the internet and outside is on a social score.
And this is the conversation CNN is using to justify outing a private citizen because they looked and he also had some anti-semitic memes and things on his Reddit page.
They call criticizing the Federal Reserve, they call me anti-semitic.
They just make that up.
Let's take a call here from Matt Denalisa.
Matt, thanks for holding.
You're on from the great state of Texas with Leanne McAdoo.
Well thanks for having me and good to see you back Leanne.
I want to start where I woke up.
I was in Amsterdam waiting for my plane to go to London in 2012.
I was watching the commentary about the presidential election, mind you this is in a foreign country, and they told me
On their screen, Ron Paul was in second place.
Whenever I left, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney and Barack Obama were the three frontrunners.
They didn't say anything about Ron Paul.
Well, over there they said Ron Paul was in second place, and that was my first realization that the media was actually lying to us.
And then, whenever I came back, I'm a chef by trade, and I was introduced to some people that wanted me to participate in a dinner for Cuisine for Healing.
They gave me a list of criteria to meet, and it scared me because I gave the list to a large food service purveyor, and
They have 20,000 items in stock and only 60 met the criteria.
The criteria was no GMOs, no hormones, no antibiotics, no pesticides, no insecticides.
And let me guess, this dinner was for elites.
No, actually, it was a benefit for cancer survivors because a lady created it.
Because she had terminal cancer, it didn't actually help her live longer, but it actually increased the quality of life while she was here.
Hold on, Matt.
I'm going to come back in 70 seconds and have you briefly finish up, then Lisa, then at least Charles.
Then Paul Watson's coming up.
He's in the bullpen.
He's ready.
Champion Paul Watson, straight ahead.
More of Lee Ann McAdoo, straight ahead.
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It's Alex Jones.
I always talk over this, but I'm not going to do it today.
Another time.
Can't help it.
In the age of wonder.
Talking to Leanne McAdoo via Skype.
You know, I like these longer intros, but I'm going to cut these back soon, which is kind of stingers that come in and out, because we need all the time to be on air, but it is fun.
Matt, real quick, you're a great caller.
I want to get to some of these other amazing callers.
Thank you.
I just want to say on the GMO stuff, whenever I started looking into why they were trying to kill us, I was led to Dr. Group, and that's actually what led me to you.
And I have bought your products.
I have my own restaurant.
I actually wear your shirt.
In an open kitchen, whether it's the Bill Clinton rape shirt or the Hillary for prison, or even the new one, I get so much resistance from the left.
And some of them, when they come in and see it, you can see it on their face.
They cower down and don't say anything.
And that's what we're dealing with, is all the cowards that are out there that are trying to take over our country.
I agree.
And they think if they grovel to the system and do whatever Stephen Colbert says, that America will be successful.
They think we're holding them back, even though it's the opposite.
Leanne McAdoo, thanks for the call, Matt.
Yeah, that was a great caller.
Really interesting to see that one of these large food purveyors didn't have any of the food that they're selling to the stores and restaurants that are feeding us.
None of those high-quality food products, of course, non-GMO, no pesticides.
That's an important thing for people to know out there.
And I want to be clear, I'm not some food Nazi or super health guy.
I'm having to get into this just because I have children and I care.
And the evidence is overwhelming, folks.
GMO is not like you just cross two plants.
I mean, they're putting insect genes in.
They're putting pesticide genes in where it creates pesticides in the food so that bugs won't eat it.
And then it bioaccumulates and eats your liver.
I mean, it is just like, whoa, you mean some of this GMO is worse for my liver than Jack Daniels?
Perforating your intestinal linings, giving us all sorts of gastrointestinal disorders and things.
Oh, but it's just evolution.
You know, cancer's totally normal.
Yeah, dying's totally normal.
Dying early, no big deal.
Let's talk to Lisa.
You're on the air with Leanne McAdoo, broadcasting worldwide.
Thanks for calling, Lisa.
Hi, I just wanted to say that
You know, I really love how the enemy combatant media is so upset about Trump tweets.
When, you know, you see, like, Obama going around talking to world leaders and things like that, kind of, you know, it just looks really awful.
And saying American patriotism is dangerous, yeah.
I mean, talk about, in our, talk about in our face, talk about arrogant.
Did you hear how the French president says, I'm going to be a god emperor like Zeus?
That's Jupiter in Roman, Greek it's Zeus.
I mean, what a screwball.
I agree, but doesn't Macron?
Sitting there on a throne, just on a narcissistic loon ball event.
I mean, no one would hang around with this guy anywhere.
But because he was a child sex toy of the elite, which they admit now, since he was a child sex toy of the globalists, it's like now they're gonna say we have to worship their sex toy.
I mean, he's basically a Rothschild butt plug.
Yeah, he married his nana.
He married nana.
But I mean, imagine the Rothschilds laughing at us right now.
We have to worship their sex toy and put it on a throne.
That's worse than Caligula marrying his horse.
What do you think, Leanne?
I think it's really difficult to keep my composure sometimes when I'm on the other line with you.
She brings up a great point, though.
You know, let's pay attention to the fact that Bill Clinton, no one's talking about him going around and talking to the country's mayors, trying to get the mayors to go around the president's orders.
Sure, well, you know I'm rarely vulgar, but I mean if he's saying he's God, he's Jupiter,
On his little throne?
He looks like Napoleon.
Let's both say hi to Paul.
Paul Watson.
Now talk about God Emperor.
I'm not saying he's actually God Emperor, but compared to Macron he is.
The God Emperor, straight ahead.
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You know, I miss Leanne as a friend since she's been gone for over a month on a sabbatical helping her grandmother, who just had surgery successfully.
But the great part about Skype is, even when I'm out of town, I can talk to my son, my daughter, his family.
It's like she's here!
It just makes me happy.
And Paul Watson, who I love as well.
I love Leanne.
I love Paul Watson.
I love this crew in here.
I mean, I just really do.
The whole crew back there are just awesome folks.
The longer they're here, the more I love them.
You know, Nico and Daria and CJ and Zach and Matt and just everybody.
The whole crew, Rabdu, everybody.
It's amazing.
And they demonize us, they lie about us.
I want to have Paul take over.
He's got to twist his arm to the show.
He's such a dominator of Twitter and everything else and writing prolific stories.
But I wanted to just have Leanne chime in with a quick comment or two and finish up and Paul Watson as well.
But Paul Watson!
What do you make of this blowing up in CNN's face so bad?
I mean, this is intensifying.
I don't know how long this can go on.
And then the crazy North Korea stuff.
And then the media lying and saying that I said there's Martian slave colonies of children when we were talking about, you know, the Pope's deputy being indicted for mass kidnapping of children.
I mean, it's just Twilight Zone.
What would you call this period we're in right now, Paul?
I'd call it the beginning of the great meme war of summer 2017, Alex.
This CNN thing today is just insane.
You know that it's got them on the ropes, Alex, because you had Stelta, you had Cuomo, all the big CNN guys, responding to James O'Keefe last week during that whole fracas.
Today, they're not responding, apart from Cuomo.
None of the other CNN bigwigs are saying anything about this.
They've obviously been ordered to shut up about it.
It is completely embarrassing.
It's blown up in their face.
The latest is the originator of this Trump meme, which CNN tried to out and threatened to out, basically threatened to blackmail him, threatened to dox him.
He's not even the originator of the meme.
It's actually turned out to be, by the looks of it, an anonymous guy in Mexico.
So even in their complete failure, even in this blowing up in their face, they've identified the wrong
That's a good person.
Well, I mean, it doesn't really matter who it is.
They've been caught red-handed.
Of course, they wanted to celebrate it as a great victory.
Like, they'd identified this racist, anti-Semite homophobe who Trump had used his tweet so that they had that whole narrative cooking.
Completely blown up in their face.
They came out with a statement after they rightfully got absolutely rinsed, even by Never Trump people, even by leftist media outlets for this.
They came out with a statement today, Alex, that said, quote, CNN decided not to publish the name of the Reddit user out of concern for his safety.
But that kind of contradicts what they said in the article, in fact it completely contradicts it, when they said, quote, CNN reserves the right to publish his identity, that is a threat of doxing by the way, should any of that change.
What are they talking about when they say should any of that change?
They're talking about, quote, his ugly behaviour on social media.
You better be a good boy forever.
We're watching you.
We're controlling your political speech and we'll burn you and make you lose your job if you don't play ball.
That's called racketeering.
That's called extortion.
That's called intimidation.
What's the state law in New York?
It has another name, coercion.
I mean, they are involved in serious gangsta activity, Paul.
But it wasn't just coercion against him, it was a message to others.
I mean, let's boil it down.
He's essentially being threatened and threatened with doxxing because he made fun of CNN.
CNN has turned what, its billion dollar worth of resources against one anonymous individual for making a meme.
Do they not understand that people hate seeing little people being attacked, Paul?
The cardinal rule here at our office is do your research, have the facts, try to report with other documentation that, you know, cooperates, talk to the witnesses, and never attack little people.
Leanne, let's go to Leanne for a few final comments, and I'm going to get out of here and let you take over, Paul, because I can tell you're wound up.
The great Paul Watson.
But I do want to ask you one more question before we leave.
Leanne, your final comments here.
It's always awesome to have you.
Thank you for joining us.
Well, right, and that's what's so important here that people need to understand is they're trying to make the case that it's okay to dox and attack a private citizen when, you're right, that is the cardinal rule for us at InfoWars.
We don't go after the little guy.
They're not our enemy.
We're not dealing with them.
Now CNN has taken their entire billion dollar empire and is targeting private citizens to send a chilling effect to everyone else on the internet that might dare post content that CNN finds questionable.
Paul has
Reported about this internet ID in depth letting people know that this is what's coming this China internet ID policy and now CNN is basically trying to Get the American people to go along with setting something up like this Where we don't we can do away with anonymity on the internet if they're racist and bigoted And they should have their lives destroyed if the gatekeepers decide that they're posting content that they don't like and that is chilling and
Well, Leigh Ann, thank you so much for joining us.
You've made the best points here today.
And tell folks how they can, I guess for now, they just censored the term, as Paul pointed out, CNN blackmail off of Twitter.
How folks follow you on Twitter?
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and also leighannmcadu.com.
It's all right there under Leigh Ann McAdoo.
All right, she's going to be launching her own show very, very soon.
We're working with her to do that.
Thank you, Leigh Ann.
Thanks, guys.
See you soon.
Very exciting.
Paul, I'm going to hand this over to you, but I always enjoy talking to you.
I always enjoy watching your work.
Let me just ask you this question.
What is your favorite of the compilation of memes we've put out that we're running for TV viewers right now without audio?
I like Trump as the dragon in Mortal Kombat, biting the head off of CNN.
I mean, it's a video game.
It's a joke.
It's fine.
They're the ones that have their listeners out actually shooting congressmen.
Or is it the Muhammad Ali because he's defensively moving out of all their blows?
What's your favorite?
I like the first one that you mentioned, I think the one that was posted about an hour ago.
There's actually one, just an image with the tanks from Tiananmen Square, with CNN on the front of them, facing up to the guy, with a Reddit logo.
Which is, I made that one, so that's my favorite, but they're all great.
People are suggesting, yeah, that's the one I made.
People are saying we should have a contest for the best CNN meme.
I agree, because I've only paid out $20,000.
I've only paid out $20,000.
And I have a great crew.
Maybe you should manage it because so much comes in and we gotta pay it out.
You just tell us who to pay, Paul.
Maybe you want to manage it.
You're so good at juggling a hundred things.
I'll give you more work and your brother Steve who works with you.
Yes, I want to pay the other $180,000 out on anybody that follows the other rules, CNN's fake, CNN's terrorist, which has been picked up in the larger meme.
But yeah, absolutely, whoever's got the best meme out of the $180,000 that's left, whoever does the best meme by next week,
By next Wednesday, that has InfoWars.com included, we'll get $20,000, plus we'll post a lot of the better memes on InfoWars.com and on our Twitter and Facebook.
How's that sound, Paul?
Would you like to honcho just that part of it, and then how do folks contact you?
I guess you can get into our email at contest at InfoWars.com, and will you handle that $20,000 chunk?
Yeah, I can do that.
Of course, it's key to put InfoWars.com on there because there are so many memes.
There's probably a thousand memes within the past few hours.
It has to have InfoWars.com on the meme so we know that it's an original meme for the contest.
That's right, and you can retool or make a meme documentary.
This is the Meme Wars of the News Wars of the Info Wars.
Now, Paul Watson, lastly.
I'm going to let you take over here.
What about Macron announcing, I'm going to be like Jupiter, or that's Zeus in Greek, the God-Emperor, and will rule, and I'm going to forcibly inoculate all children, and we're going to bring more Muslims in, and we're going to do whatever we want, this literally the child sex toy of the elite.
You cannot make up the magnitude of this.
I mean, have you seen the photo of him on the royal throne?
We'll try to put that back up on screen for TV viewers.
I mean, what in Hades is going on here?
Well, he's a sociopath, Alex.
Top psychiatrists have come out, and we've written about it, and said, this guy's a sociopath.
He's another elitist.
None of them have had children.
None of them have any empathy.
They think they can rule over us.
They're completely narcissistic, especially in his case.
He got with it this grandma of a wife simply for power.
He's a sociopath.
That's why he rose to the top.
To be successful in politics, with very few exceptions, you at least have to be an egomaniac
Or you have to be a complete sociopath and that's what he is.
And speaking of that, Nikki Haley just started speaking live at the United Nations, the U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N.
on the deepening North Korea crisis.
We're skipping this break so Paul has more time.
Here is a few minutes of her live announcement.
It is a dark day because yesterday's actions by North Korea made the world a more dangerous place.
Their illegal missile launch was not only dangerous, but reckless and irresponsible.
It showed that North Korea does not want to be part of a peaceful world.
They have cast a dark shadow of conflict on all nations that strive for peace.
Yesterday's act came from the same vicious dictator who sent a young college student back home to his parents, unresponsive and in a coma.
For Americans, the true nature of the North Korean regime was painfully brought home with the images of two guards holding Otto Warmbier up as they transported him from a prison he should never have been in.
Otto Warmbier is but one person out of millions who have been killed, tortured, or deprived of their human rights by the North Korean regime.
To Americans, the death of one innocent person can be as powerful as the death of millions.
Because all men and women are created in God's image, depravity toward one is a sure sign of willingness to do much more harm.
The nature of the North Korean regime is clear.
Only the scale of the damage it does could become different.
That's why yesterday's escalation is so alarming.
If North Korea will treat an innocent young student the way it treated Otto Warmbier, we should not be surprised if it acts barbarically on a larger scale.
The United States does not seek conflict.
In fact, we seek to avoid it.
We seek only the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and an end to the threatening actions by North Korea.
Regrettably, we're witnessing just the opposite.
Make no mistake, North Korea's launch of an ICBM is a clear and sharp military escalation.
They aimed it at Japan.
That's the issue.
The North Korean regime openly states that its missiles are intended to deliver nuclear weapons to strike cities in the United States, South Korea, and Japan.
And now it has greater capacity to do so.
In truth, it is not only the United States and our allies that are threatened.
North Korea's destabilizing escalation is a threat to all... She's going to call for sanctions.
He's definitely rogue now.
Not controlled by China.
Russia for the first time starts threatening him back.
The United States is prepared to use the full range of our capabilities to defend ourselves and our allies.
This is coming to a head.
One of our capabilities lies with our considerable military forces.
We will use them if we must, but we prefer not to have to go in that direction.
We have other methods of addressing those who threaten us, and of addressing those who supply the threats.
We have great capabilities in the area of trade.
President Trump has spoken repeatedly... They don't care!
They just starve more people to death!
I spoke with him at length about it this morning.
There are countries that are allowing, even encouraging, trade with North Korea... Alright, that's enough.
Paul can cover it once the statement's done.
We know what's coming out of this.
The issue is, Trump has said the order of strategic patience is over.
The Clintons gave him the reactors, the missiles.
Why did the elites do this?
Where does Paul Watson think this is going?
Paul, take over.
Great job.
Paul of Prison Planet.
Go ahead.
OK, thanks Alex.
Yeah, an interesting sidebar on that was a poll that I ran yesterday.
And it's very different from the Syria situation with North Korea, of course.
Nikki Haley is absolutely dreadful on Syria.
Last week she was talking about if there's any chemical weapons attack, we will blame it on Assad, even though the evidence for the previous one was dodgy, to say the least.
She's terrible on Syria.
It was good of her to mention Otto Warmbier.
Remember, he was made fun of.
He was mocked.
After he died, and before he died, by leftists saying his white privilege was what got him in that horrible situation as a prisoner in North Korea.
But the poll I ran, if Trump launched a military strike on North Korea, would you support it?
Now, if you're talking about Syria, that was 50% or less would support it.
In the case of North Korea, 65% said yes.
And 29,000 people voted, by the way, almost all of whom are going to be Trump supporters.
So that is a large sample.
65% said yes, they would support a military strike on North Korea.
35% said no.
So there is more support for a strike on North Korea than Syria.
So it would be less controversial amongst Trump's base, which we know was a huge issue last time around with the entanglement with Syria back in April.
So we'll continue to watch that and developments with North Korea.
Going back to CNN, of course,
The whole issue with this is that CNN used its resources as a huge news organization, a more popular news organization, especially since the election.
Their ratings have gone up, although they've gone down 20% in June.
But they used the mechanism of their resources not to go after ISIS hate preachers who spread propaganda on the internet, who radicalize actual terrorists, who celebrate terrorist attacks,
Not to go after members of Antifa who physically, violently attack Trump supporters on a regular basis while wearing masks to hide their identity.
And shoot random cops in the back of the head.
Two more this week.
Exactly, Alex, and I'm going to get to that.
That was politically motivated.
I actually found his Facebook page before anyone else and it was as you would expect, so I'm going to get on to that.
But they don't use their vast resources to go after these people.
You had a professor
Wearing a mask, he was unidentified.
Smash a Trump supporter on the head with a bike lock.
He went unidentified until 4chan did the law enforcement job for them.
He was identified.
CNN has never been interested in identifying any of those people.
As soon as one guy on Reddit makes a joke meme targeting CNN, they go after him with the full force and they claim like they have the moral high ground.
That's what really gets me.
Every time they claim they have the moral high ground, they threaten to dox him to reveal his identity.
They say, oh, he apologized.
Look at the tweet.
Kaczynski, Andrew Kaczynski, he did the story for CNN, threatening to identify this individual.
His original tweet said that this individual who created the Trump WWE meme, or at least they said he did, turns out that's not even true, quote, came out after CNN identified and reached out to him.
So they're saying he apologized after CNN identified him and threatened to reveal his identity.
As soon as that was pointed out to CNN's Andrew Kaczynski, he suddenly changed his statement altogether and said that the individual responsible for the tweet had already apologized before CNN contacted him.
So again, completely contradicting... I think it's a known diploma.
My instinct tells me the whole thing's fake.
They thought they couldn't find out who it was, so they just made it up.
Don't forget, Alex, that this Kaczynski guy is kind of funny because he's one of the originators of Twitter outrage culture.
He destroyed Justine Sacco.
Completely destroyed her life.
This was the woman who went on a holiday to South Africa, made a joke about getting AIDS.
She wouldn't get AIDS because she was white.
She had white privilege.
She was actually a leftist.
It was actually an anti-racist joke.
Or she's being anti-white.
Yeah, but he completely destroyed her life.
Her life was ruined as a result of this mob outrage, which was originated by... And that's why CNN has hired him to teach them how to be better bullies, and they were very, very excited.
What's Humpty Dumpty's name?
The little peg-toothed guy that looks like he has a neurological disorder?
I'm sad for him.
The CNN host?
Humpty Dumpty looks just like, absolutely like he's licking his lips when he talks about going after people.
No, I mean, that's exactly it.
It's the relish.
And in fact, they were laughing about it on New Day with Chris Cuomo earlier today.
And we're going to play the clip.
They were salivating.
They were saying, oh, it's so remarkable that we were able to identify.
Oh, we're so powerful.
We were able to pulley our gnome to plume.
We were able to bully our gnome to plume!
Had a lot of bigoted and hateful material on page and website.
So with that CNN literally acting as thought police, if you've posted anything dodgy on the internet in the past, they're coming after you.
Because they're the new thought police.
They're the new arbiters of absolute truth.
That is sinister.
But is it this meme storm, Paul?
I can't help it.
I'm sitting here watching and having to jump in.
It's a crap-bound TV radio show and I'm like, taking it over from my amazing host.
I'm asking you, bigger than a tweet storm or a meme storm or a meme war, isn't this really hurting them?
And then I'm out of here.
I'm getting out of the chair.
Well, it's hurt them since June, of course.
They had a huge ratings spike during the election because they were feeding off Trump.
We had the old Keith tapes where they admit, the producer admits, yeah, it's all for ratings.
The Trump-Russia collusion's all crap.
Oh, by the way, there's a new story, Alex, about them investigating far-right websites linked with Russia.
That's how we know for sure the Trump-Russia collusion story's absolute crap.
Because we've never had any kind of contact with any Russian government source whatsoever, but that's bubbling up to the surface again.
In the microcosm of Twitter, and this is what we have to remember, the vast majority of dumb leftists and CNN loyalists
We'll not even find out about this.
CNN's not talking about it on their front page.
So it's whether it can break outside the relatively small echo chamber of Twitter, where it's been trending for almost, what, 24 hours now, until they took it down, when they took it out of the trending list.
Can it break out of that?
Will it get more attention from the rest of the media?
That remains to be seen.
Certainly, if it turns out that this guy they identified, this poor individual, is not even the originator of the tweet,
That is going to increase the embarrassment.
But it's the very notion of CNN saying this user posted bigoted and racist memes in the past.
Should we identify him?
Should we dox him?
Should we reveal his identity?
That is completely sinister.
They were caught.
They came out with this ridiculous PR statement saying CNN decided not to publish the name of the Reddit user out of concern for his safety.
Completely contradicting the threat, the implicit threat, that if he changed his behaviour back to his bad old ways of posting anti-CNN memes, they reserved the right to reveal his identity.
Completely contradicted themselves.
Again, the writer Kaczynski said originally,
That this meme creator only came out after CNN reached out to him.
His apology was after that.
He then had to backtrack that.
This is a guy who's destroyed people's lives in the past with ginned up outrage on Twitter.
He's an expert at that.
Kind of blowing back in his face today, which is interesting.
But again, this is completely sinister.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to talk about the guy, the unprovoked attack in New York, absolutely horrific attack on a mother of three.
Was it politically motivated?
Well, we've been digging into that.
We will get into that story in a little while.
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I'm going to read some tweets in reaction to this CNN blackmail story, which is still absolutely huge, even though it's been removed from Twitter's trending list.
Unorganically, I might add, because everybody's still freaking out about it.
This is what some prominent individuals had to say about it today, and this really sums up the nature of this scandal.
Governor Mike Huckabee said, CNN, the Corleone News Network, make fun of them with a humorous gif.
And they threaten you.
On 4th of July, no less.
That is exactly what we have here.
It's a mafia-style situation.
You keep quiet, don't make any more anti-CNN memes or something bad might happen to you.
Classic mafia tactics.
Tim Pool said, quote, People posting offensive memes are not newsworthy.
CNN only cared about this guy because of the Trump gif.
They're using racism as an excuse.
And that is key.
Because this story was introduced off the back of, oh, look at this horrible guy lurking in the dark corners of the Internet, posting racist memes.
So again, they set themselves up as having the moral high ground.
You can disagree with this and say this is sinister, this is chilling, without having to agree with all the political beliefs of the person being targeted for it.
Which is the point that Glenn Greenwald made.
So no, you're not going to get out of this by saying, oh yeah, but he's racist.
Doesn't matter.
You can't just strip people's anonymity away because you don't like what they post on the internet.
And no, that's not newsworthy CNN.
It's obviously agenda-driven butthurt because Trump tweeted this out.
You're not a news organization anymore.
You're a far-left activist group with far-left activist reporters like Jim Acosta, Brian Stelter and Chris Cuomo.
Oh yeah, Brian Stelter's got nothing to say about it.
Go on his Twitter today, absolutely zero to say about this CNN scandal.
Had a lot to say about the James O'Keefe scandal.
He had a lot to say about Infowars last week, blaming us
For the fact that people hate CNN.
No, Brian.
People hate CNN because you lie relentlessly all the time because you try and dox and out people for posting memes.
That's why people hate CNN, OK?
Not Infowars' fault.
Continuing, Omri Serhan tweeted, CNN reporters now going after anonymity.
CNN has relied on anonymous sources for dozens of nonsense Trump-Russia stories, including retracted stories.
So again, CNN's all for anonymity when they're using it to berate Trump with baseless crap about Russian collusion.
But as soon as somebody makes fun of CNN with a meme, no, we have to out them.
Absolutely insane.
Donald Trump Jr.
Tweeted today.
If only CNN spent as much time tracking down info on IRS targeting Fast and Furious, Iran Deal, etc.
as they did a meme writer.
Yeah, noticeably less stringent, noticeably less aggressive in going after those people, aren't they?
David Burge tweeted this.
Third-rate Reddit parody gif equals equivalent of a death threat.
Hunting down and threatening to dox the nobody who made it equals good journalism.
And again, that gets to the heart of it.
They freaked out beyond anything imaginable when Trump tweeted out the wrestling meme a few days ago.
This guy is completely harassed.
Actually, he's on Twitter.
I invited him on the show.
Whether it's him or not, people are saying it's him.
This individual who CNN threatened to out, he's on Twitter.
He's saying thanks for all the support, guys.
So again, if this guy was really apologetic,
With this statement that supposedly came organically with no pressure whatsoever from CNN.
By the way, the memes on that are hilarious.
Otto Warmbier in a North Korean prison apologizing for everything he's done.
That's what they're comparing it to.
But again, if he was so apologetic, and if it was all after CNN, or before CNN even contacted him, then why is he now on Twitter saying, thanking us for the support?
I think there's a side to the story not being told there, isn't there?
Chris Barron tweeted, so it's bullying for Trump to respond to attacks by a millionaire TV star, but journalism for CNN to blackmail a guy who made a GIF.
One rule for them, another rule for everybody else.
Bottom line, CNN essentially blackmailed a private citizen because he made fun of CNN.
Let that sink in.
Oh, but he's racist, so he can just strip his rights away and reveal his identity.
No, doesn't work like that.
Does not work like that.
People are asking, should CNN have their White House press credentials removed for
Harassing, threatening to dox a private citizen.
What other news organisation can get away with that and still have White House press access?
I think it's a very pertinent question to ask.
Then we've got another angle to it, which is this whole idea that the public would freak out and act out violently on a joke Trump tweet
About WWE, which is a sports entertainment company that isn't real, by the way.
By the way, CNN, wrestling's not real.
It's not real violence.
So there's this whole narrative.
Will the American public just freak out and start violently attacking reporters because of a joke Trump meme?
Again, that bigotry of low expectations, treating Americans like animals who just react violently to any kind of stimulus whatsoever.
Like when they used to say video games caused violence with no evidence whatsoever that that was true.
They're doing it once again.
This is out of spite.
I'll read a passage from it because it's very interesting.
If it was daft and unpresidential of Trump to tweet that meme, the mainstream media's reaction to his tweet has been positively unhinged.
The suggestion that a jokey video showing Trump wrestling a CNN logo head could incite real-world violence against journalists is just the classic old censorship argument.
The public is gullible and stupid, and if they see this image, slash read this book, slash hear this song, they will go out and beat someone up.
That elitist prejudice lurks behind pretty much every attempt in history to control speech.
And it lurks behind the media freak-out over Trump's tweeting of this meme too.
The media's view of right-leaning web users, especially the younger ones who while away their days on Reddit and 4chan and other free-for-all hangouts, has become crystal clear in recent days.
It views them as almost animals.
Certainly is incredibly dangerous, so brain fried and morally arrested, that if they see one silly meme, they might storm CNN's HQ.
And that really gets to the bottom of it.
The bigotry of low expectations.
They crafted this whole narrative.
Will Trump's tweet cause violence against journalists?
This is another example of the war on the media.
Meanwhile, for the best part of the past two years, they've been openly legitimizing, inciting violent physical attacks on Trump and his supporters.
They had the guy on their show within 48 hours who tried to jump the stage in Ohio, I think it was,
Last year, to physically attack Trump.
Did they decry it?
No, they gave him a platform two days later to say how much of a bully Trump was.
They ignored or blamed Trump throughout the entire campaign for violent attacks, almost all of which targeted his supporters.
This is CNN.
This is Sally Cohn, the woman who supports Black Lives Matter, even after they march down the street chanting for dead cops.
Even though Black Lives Matter's ideological inspiration is a cop-killing terrorist, these are the people who are decrying violence, and that's what they do in the meantime.
So no, you don't have the moral high ground, CNN.
You don't have the moral high ground, Brian Stelter.
To claim that Infowars is responsible for the hatred against CNN?
The hatred against CNN is a direct result of you lying on a mechanised industrial scale for what, two decades or more now?
That's the source of the hate.
Trusting media was down in the toilet long before Trump came along, CNN.
So don't point the finger at us.
When you're digging your own hole even deeper, and that's exactly what's happening right now, they refuse to respond to it.
I mean, Cuomo got himself in a mess earlier, had to delete his tweet, asking, should we out the identity?
Well, should CNN reveal the name of Reddit user who made the Trump wrestling video?
He had a lot of bigoted and hateful material on his page and website.
Well, yeah, you've got a lot of fake news on your website, CNN.
You gonna delete your website?
But again, they're targeting him.
This is completely sinister.
Even people on the left.
I've seen even Neva Trump people are freaking out about this and saying this is a new low for CNN.
This is a new low.
This is blackmail.
CNN's Cuomo asks if CNN should dox Reddit user because he holds bigoted views.
Again, absolutely incredible.
Going after people's dodgy posts on the internet just because they annoyed you by creating an anti-CNN meme.
Not going to go after ISIS.
Not going to go after Antifa people who literally attack Trump supporters with bike locks.
No, we're going to go after anonymous guys on Reddit who create wrestling memes.
CNN host ecstatic about exposing and identifying Trump meme creator.
In fact, we've got this clip.
This is off CNN New Day from this morning where they're up there celebrating this.
Let's go to the clip.
Something remarkable I thought happened yesterday.
I thought it was remarkable that CNN found this, the Reddit user who created the GIF of, you know, Donald Trump in the wrestling video and where he punches CNN.
So the investigative team went back and found the guy who first created this.
He took credit for it.
And then here comes the remarkable part.
He apologized.
Oh, he apologised after your individual whose previous role on Twitter has been based around ruining people's lives for the comments for the posts they make.
Oh, he apologised after that, didn't he?
They're up there celebrating it.
This is New Day, CNN, the producer of which was caught on video by James O'Keefe and Project Veritas only last week, calling Americans, quote, Dom as S-H-I-T.
That's the producer of that show, New Day.
In fact, they caught him again today.
Project Veritas has released a new video today.
The same guy, Jimmy Carr, associate producer of that show that you just heard, talking about Chris Cuomo, one of the hosts, saying that they, quote, can't stand the guy, and were like, shut up.
Even the producers of that show absolutely hate their jobs.
They hate the hosts.
They want them to shut up.
If CNN thought his day was bad, it just got worse with the release of the latest Project Veritas video.
And that is now starting to trend on Twitter.
That's going viral.
So a lot of hot mess for CNN today.
But again, they've brought it on all themselves.
And they keep digging the hole even deeper.
A few minutes left in this segment, though, so I'm going to move on to some other news.
Anti-cop Hillary supporter assassinates mother-of-three in unprovoked attack.
This, of course, happened early hours of Monday morning in New York City.
The guy walks up to the female police officer, mother-of-three, guns her down in cold blood.
Puts his hood up, walks up to the vehicle, passenger side, guns her down in cold blood.
Completely unprovoked attack.
It wasn't a situation where it was a shootout, completely unprovoked attack.
They're speculating what the motive was.
Well, a little clue to the motive was Alexander Bond's Facebook page.
He was later shot by police responding to the incident, shot dead.
The mother later died in hospital.
His Facebook page has anti-cop sentiment.
It has him urging people to, quote, get mad about the election.
By the way, Infowars found this earlier.
Nobody else has reported on this.
He wants people to get mad about the election and vote for Hillary Clinton.
He rants about how much he hates cops on this Facebook page.
Now, we've seen previous ambush-style executions of police officers in New York City, in other cities, where they cite Black Lives Matter-style rhetoric about hating police officers.
Was this inspired by Black Lives Matter style rhetoric?
It was certainly inspired by anti-cop rhetoric.
Was it inspired by anti-Trump rhetoric, given that this guy's ranting about how people should get mad about the election and vote for Hillary Clinton?
We also had the Dallas Massacre, remember?
What was it?
Eight, nine police officers shot dead as a result of an individual who was riled up, who was radicalised by Black Lives Matter-style rhetoric, wanting to go out and kill white people.
That's what he said motivated the massacre.
Oh, and by the way, Black Lives Matter supporters were all over Twitter after that Dallas Massacre, celebrating it.
Even though several of the officers shot dead were black, the woman, the mother of three, gunned down in cold blood in this incident was black.
What does Black Lives Matter have to say about it?
Absolutely nothing, because it doesn't feed into their anti-cop narrative, their police-hating narrative.
This is a big deal but it's going to disappear and of course the icons of Black Lives Matter have got absolutely nothing to say about it.
We found his Facebook page.
Anti-cop rants.
Anti-Trump rants.
This could be the main motivation.
It could actually be a terrorist attack if the violence is politically driven.
So that remains to be seen.
New report, majority of voters back Trump's travel ban.
This is a poll released by Politico, which shows that a clear majority of voters support Donald Trump's travel ban.
60% of voters back the President's policy, with 84% backing the restrictions, 56% of independents, 41% of Democrats support the ban as well.
We'll be back to talk more news on the final segment of the Alex Jones Show live, breaking news at InfoWars.com.
Don't go away.
Joining us now is Mark Dice.
I'm sure you know all about him by now.
Just reached over a million subscribers on YouTube.
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He's also an author.
His latest book is The Bilderberg Group, Facts and Fiction.
I don't know how much longer they can cling on to this conspiracy theory about Russia.
I mean, they might drag it on another few months.
It's been seven months now since the election.
You don't know of anyone that's ever been charged for hoping something.
Is that a fair statement?
I don't as I sit here.
Thank you, thank you Mr. Chairman.
You can hope horrible things onto someone.
That's not a threat, that's not a direction.
I took it as a direction.
I mean, this is the President of the United States, with me alone, saying, I hope this.
I took it as, this is what he wants me to do.
I didn't obey that, but that's the way I took it.
You may have taken it as a direction, but that's not what he said.
Correct, right?
It's just insane.
Even Chris Matthews has admitted that the whole Russia collusion conspiracy theory has come apart.
The assumption of the critics of the President, of his pursuers you might say, is that somewhere along the line in the last year, the President had something to do with colluding with the Russians.
Something to do with helping hand, encouraging them, feeding their desire to affect the election in some way.
Some role they played, some conversation he had with Michael Flynn, or Paul Manafort, or somewhere.
And yet what came apart this morning was that theory.
Let's not forget, during some of his previous testimony and another time, several months ago, he said that people will occasionally in the Justice Department say that, quote, we don't think there's a crime here, or, you know, they'll give, quote, their opinions to us, but never a directive to actually close a case.
And some of his language was so bizarre.
Captain Courageous.
Oh Lordy.
I mean, golly gee, Mr. Comey.
I just don't see a case here.
The guy, he needs to go away, crawl back into the hole that he came out of.
His bag's under his eyes so big, I could put my groceries in them.
And if we're going to go off of the intent being one of the primary reasons for indicting someone, President Trump did not intend that hoping was a direct order.
And if he wasn't spelling it out in his words, then what was he doing?
Sending him signals?
Or via ESP, or spelling it out in barbecue sauce on his plates, or in carrot sticks.
But it's so ridiculous!
It's like, if you're the President of the United States, and you see this waste of time, waste of money, waste of resources, waste of energy, waste of everything, of course you want it stopped!
But he's smart enough to know that Comey is a snake, so he was like, well, I hope you end this.
He didn't.
He said, okay, you fire it.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live!
It's the final segment of the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Before we get back into a few final news stories, I want to tell you about the fact that we have free store-wide shipping at InfoWarsStore.com right now for a limited time as part of this 4th of July summer mega special.
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Talking about making mistakes, New York Times falls for parody North Korea Twitter account.
This is the most obvious satirical Twitter account on Twitter.
The DPRK underscore news account.
They fell for a tweet, a joke tweet.
Saying the North Korean government belittled the joint exercise between the US and South Korea as demonstrating near total ignorance of ballistic science.
Said it looked like a, what was it, a drunken melee or something.
Obviously satirical tweet.
The New York Times treated it as an official tweet from the North Korean government and put it in one of their articles.
So they whine on about, oh, Trump's joke tweets are going to start World War III, while they're literally taking fake tweets and attributing them to the North Korean government as they test ICBM missiles.
So it's happening to them as well.
Of course, when we make a mistake, it's, oh, my God, this proves how utterly discredited you are.
New York Times, CNN does it on a daily basis.
Nobody cares.
Back of the newspaper.
Swedish comedian plans man-free music festival after mass sexual assault scars popular event.
Swedish comedian has proposed what she terms a man-free music festival after the cancellation of an event last weekend amid a slew of sexual assault reports and at least four allegations of rape.
Which is similar to what they proposed after the terrorist truck attack in Stockholm a couple of months ago, which was to ban vehicles from the city of Stockholm.
Banning men, banning vehicles isn't going to get to the heart of the problem.
The heart of the problem is Islamism, is radical Islamic terrorism.
That's the origin of the problem, not men in general, not drugs.
These rapes, these sexual assaults at Swedish music festivals, every single time it turns out to be a Muslim migrant.
There's your problem.
Why are you letting in hundreds of thousands of people who have no respect whatsoever for women?
There's your problem, but no, we can't admit that that's the problem because it might be politically incorrect, so let's just ban all men.
Bill Gates warns that Germany's open-door policy to migrants will overwhelm Europe.
Bill Gates actually being honest for once.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
He warns that European leaders risk deepening the migrant crisis by being too generous to those arriving on the continent.
He's completely correct of course.
That is probably the highest profile individual to come out of warn.
about this migrant crisis, even as Italy now says it's overwhelmed, even as Austria puts armed riot police on the border, armoured trucks to potentially turn away this mass wave of refugees, migrants, economic migrants that could cross their border.
Bill Gates is now warning about it.
That is huge.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
InfoWars Nightly News coming up.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
Thanks for joining us.
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