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Name: 20170630_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 30, 2017
3455 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Alex discusses the mainstream media's lies about President Trump. He highlights Project Veritas exposing CNN for lying and promotes various products available at the Infowars Store. Ron Paul joins to discuss the dangers of the establishment media and their control over information, while Larry Klayman talks about his lawsuit against the NSA. The speakers touch upon human-animal hybrids, secret government programs, and Putin's comments on American liberals. Alex encourages viewers to participate in an "CNN is Fake News" contest and shares concerns about fake news impacting society.

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Coming to you from the former United States of America from deep in the
Motor City Madman.
Nugent bringing us in.
Well, the mainstream media, who's been caught lying on every front, is trying to change the subject with Brzezinski and Scarborough with their failed low-rating show.
Spewing out more lies about President Trump and talking about how it's scary and how they're frightened that he talked about how he wouldn't meet with them at Mar-a-Lago and reportedly the Secret Service said that she had bandages under her ears with blood coming out.
I mean, big deal.
They've been calling him a dictator, a menace, mentally ill, saying remove him from office, telling incredible lies about him.
I just want to know why is he even responding to them or giving them attention?
I guess to pick them out as an example of fake media and to expose them.
But CNN's even better because we have new Veritas videos coming out every day.
We've got Project Veritas coming on today during the third hour.
One of their crew at O'Keefe next week.
And we've got Zucker running into his car being confronted.
We've got more producers out.
Jimmy Carr of New Day saying voters are stupid as sh-you-know-what-t.
And all these new videos coming out where they're like, yes, we've been told to run the hoax of Russia.
It's amazing!
It's amazing!
And now a new video of CNN caught lying
To the public again by telling people in focus groups what to say.
It's incredible!
And you know the globalists are upset.
You know Trump's for real by how much these scumbags are freaking out.
Alright, let's go ahead and go to the clip of Jeff Zucker being chased by Project Veritas.
This is Mr. Zucker's residence on 3264th Street in New York City.
This is James O'Keefe.
How are you?
Give a comment, sir, about the Russia story.
That was pretty cowardly there, wasn't it?
That was pretty cowardly.
Take a look at that.
That have seen him flood the scene.
This guy usually comes out at 7am, right?
He came out at 8am.
He tried to split us out for an hour.
Tried to split us out.
And then got in the way.
You just saw what happened.
Completely cowardly.
Hi, who are you?
Let's go talk.
Who are you?
You work with him?
You work with Mr. Buffer?
Comments are about the Russia story.
Have you heard about the C96?
What do you think?
I think at this point here, I should have no comment.
You get here at 7 a.m.
Every day, he leaves the building 7 a.m., 7.05, he has a routine.
We stand outside the building, and then the guy comes over right before I walked up.
He comes right over, and he says, who are you?
What are you doing here?
I said, I don't like to stand here, it's a public sidewalk.
And as soon as he comes over, Zucker comes out.
So they had planned this method of avoiding our questioning.
Honestly, it's pretty cowardly.
It really is.
But Veritas does not give up so easily.
Stay tuned.
We've got another video coming out as soon as we can finish producing.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, let's go ahead and go to that clip we got to break.
Here's the latest video, a snippet of it, more coming up.
Jimmy Carr saying voters are stupid as bleep.
Just like Gruber said, thank God you're so dumb.
I don't have a very high opinion of CNN's audience, either.
Would it be fair to question the... I don't want to be rude here.
Be careful how I put it.
You're at least some percentage out of squash.
Would it be fair to question the intellect of the American voter?
Oh no, you're stupid.
They all have disdain for us.
Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov warns that the U.S.
is preparing a false flag provocation as a pretext to launch a military assault on Syria.
Responding to a CNN report that the U.S.
has ships and aircraft in place to strike Syria, Pushkov cautioned that this could be the precursor to a staged incident.
Meanwhile, the U.S.
ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, posted on Twitter the other day, any further attacks done to the people of Syria will be blamed on Assad.
The ambassador right there referring to the mass murder of civilians, including children, during the April 2017 chemical weapons attack.
An incident that most experts and investigators outside the mainstream believe was a false flag terror attack
Carried out by Western powers.
You can learn more right now at Infowars.com
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
We have a very, very full plate today.
A lot of guests, a lot of news to obviously cover.
We've got this contrived controversy by the Morning Joe, where they call the president a dictator, a criminal, a liar, and then he just says, oh, you begged to meet with me and reportedly we're bleeding from your facelift.
And they're like, oh, we're scared, you're so mean.
It's like Abby Griffin simulating murdering Trump, and then Trump says, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
And she's like, how dare you?
You broke me.
You talked at me.
I'm a victim.
And the left's running around fomenting war, fomenting violence, fomenting death out of all their meth-mouthed reporters.
Looks like the Day of the Dead on CNN.
Just like Kathy Griffin, I guess that's the look that Zucker's looking for.
And then they freak out and go, you called me irresponsible!
You said that I was a bad person!
I've been crushed by you!
You're a bully!
It's a bunch of corporate special interests that had their
We're good to go.
If you watch the talking point from MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, and all the other usual suspects, they are hammering that Trump's going to cause physical attacks on the press.
A, we've got to decry violence.
B, we've got to point out they're the ones pushing revolution and July is about to start when all this big foundation funding and Soros funding is greasing the skids for violence and cop killing and insurrection.
And so clearly, they are the authors of it.
They are the ones winding it up.
They are the ones priming it, lighting the fuse, and then stepping back and saying, oh my gosh, Trump's about to cause violence.
It's like the New York Times and MSNBC and others have said, Trump is to blame for the Scalise shooting.
And then they said, no, former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, she's to blame.
So she's suing the New York Times.
And now Matthews is suggesting that Trump is going to kill Jared Kushner.
Why not?
Once they start lying at this level, why not just say Trump killed the dinosaurs, Trump crucified Christ, Trump is the person that steered the Titanic into the iceberg.
This is the type of craziness going on and the media misrepresents what Trump says, they misrepresent what I say.
It's incredible.
It's amazing.
One of the biggest news stories out today is that Alex Jones says slave children were sent to Mars in a slave colony.
Didn't say that.
Didn't say that.
It was brought up and I said, I know nothing about that.
But I know there's a secret space program with a lot of weaponized stuff.
And I went on to say, I know they've created thousands
of aliens on this planet by splicing humans and animals and insects and plants together.
And alien simply means not of this earth, not natural.
There's the headline, Alex Jones is a perfectly normal chat about all the slave children who are sent to Mars.
You know, Robert David Steele,
was a case officer in the CIA that did run operations in the Middle East and has done a lot of stuff in the Marine before that.
And I know he brings that up.
He said, you know, there's such slavery of children.
There's such rendering of their blood and their bone marrow for the elites.
That's been in the news.
They've been caught.
There's so much sex trafficking with the new scandal with the Deputy Pope indicted for running giant child rape operations.
That he went on to talk about what I've talked about with NASA engineers, and this was even in Time Life and other publications in the 60s, it was discussed morally from the view they had of trying to raise children basically subterraneanly to where they normally think it would be
normal to live in space, to send them on a Mars mission so that environmentally they never knew anything any different, so that it wouldn't be cruel and unusual to send them.
And that has been postulated.
In fact, I even have the Time Life magazine somewhere around the office.
We've shown it on air before, where they talk about different scenarios.
So that's where those rumors began.
He was making the point that we already have a breakaway civilization, technologically.
And there's already so much secret stuff going on.
Vaccinating black people from the late 40s until the 70s with syphilis and telling them it was a vaccine?
I mean, you can't trust anything that goes on.
And then they make all these jokes in the news saying Jones makes it up and says they're human-animal chimeras.
Will you guys bring me the file?
I forgot to tell you before the broadcast started.
I have a big file, but it's only a small sampling, of National Geographic, Smithsonian, Nature, MIT, saying, thousands of human animal chimeras are now chastating and being born on U.S.
research farms.
That's an MIT headline.
And I've talked to the people at the bases,
And they say, it's more horrific than you can imagine, it's classified, we can't tell you.
But stay on target, Alex.
It's horrific.
And then they just admit it.
Part human, part ape, part human, part monkey, part human, part dog, part human, part insect, part jellyfish, part... I mean, and... You know, I talked to family that was told about some of this in the 80s.
The experiments that were going on.
And they wouldn't get into details, they just said, it is unbelievable.
But notice the media just says, oh Jones, you're crazy.
It's not going on.
Next time Robert David steals on next Wednesday, I'm going to ask him though, why he just threw that Mars comment in in the middle of a discussions about the Pope's deputy caught red handed running a 20 plus year program of child rape.
I mean, it's organized.
And why I threw it in, because I make the point, why did Buzz Aldrin come on the show about the moon mission?
To say it happened, second guy to walk on the moon, I believe it happened.
I've got friends that were engineers, Raymond Teague died a few years ago, you can see him in mission control, mission one, in control of the cameras, everything.
I mean, on the spacecraft, everything.
It was real.
But they had backup stuff there, they didn't want people to see, that was the whole point.
And the film roles couldn't come to the Van Allen Radiation Belt.
They had to broadcast back a TV signal.
So they did doctor up photos and stuff for the public.
And they did use some of the Hollywood people that have been used for 2001 Space Odyssey.
But it wasn't Kubrick himself faking the whole deal.
They used some of the people that had been on 2001.
By the way, I have that from all the sources.
Kubrick, family, all of it.
I mean, we've got the contacts.
It's all well known.
I talked to the president.
I don't need to go any further.
You're getting what's really going on here.
And so they want to take all this and distort it out and all the rest of it.
That's not what's going on.
There's a lot of stuff secret.
The president hasn't even figured out all the stuff that's going on.
But you don't think we're really spending $2 billion on this new fighter, do you?
You don't really think that the SR-71 Blackbird, in service in 1955, is still the fastest airplane in the world, going Mach 4?
I mean, do you still believe the SR-71 Blackbird, developed in 1952, in service in 1955, taken out of service in the 1980s, do you think the SR-71 Blackbird
Is the fastest aircraft in the world.
Let's put the SR-71 Blackbird up behind me if we can.
Do you really believe that?
The elites have always been about informational control.
When they set up the National Security Agency in 1947, and the CIA and the National Security Act, that was the end of it.
Because it's a total breakaway situation.
Now that's 1952 technology on screen.
Looks like something out of a science fiction movie, doesn't it?
We're not in Kansas anymore.
So coming up, I'm going to get into false flag.
Is CNN or their controllers, who stage wars, stage babies in incubators, their lies responsible for millions of dead?
Promoting open borders, promoting globalism.
They're losing control.
They're making themselves the victim.
How do they pull themselves out of the bacon when they're pushing violence against Congress, pushing violence against Trump, pushing violence against his supporters, pushing all this garbage?
What are they going to do?
Well, themselves or some of their associates, I would say in the prime computation, would stage a false flag event.
Either completely manufactured or partially real.
CNN is famous for faking explosions behind Anderson Cooper, who really wasn't in the Middle East at the time.
Famous with blue screens.
I mean, they're well known for this.
The video's up on InfoWars.com.
Needs to go viral.
Is CNN planning false flag?
I would say, is CNN planning a false flag or false flags to blame Trump?
The desperate MSM might go to extreme lengths to gain public sympathy because they've done some of this stuff before.
I should probably add on some information to that just to point out that they have a history of staging false events that then kill millions and millions of people.
But when we return,
Mika, daughter of one of the main architects of the last 50 years of evil.
And Psycho Joe, as Trump properly calls him.
Old Psycho Joe Scarborough.
He's out of touch, old, wannabe trendies.
And by old, I mean old guard.
Doing music videos, rock videos about themselves.
Doing photo shoots where she's sticking her leg up in the air and he's acting all powerful and alpha male.
I mean, this is a joke.
These people are literally a giant joke with all these old stuff suits and dying media all having consensus journalism where they all vomit in each other's mouths and pass it around.
They're saying they're so scared and everything's so bad and Trump's a big old meanie and he dared speak back against them.
But, you know, I know why Trump's mad at them.
They've been in his business, they've been talking to his crew, they have been stabbing him in the back.
For more than 6,000 years of recorded human history, historians, chroniclers of their time,
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Today, the elites of the globe have been in consensus, from China to Europe to the United States, that they were going to hoard all the advanced technologies and keep them back from the American people, the people of the world.
But President Trump
In his inaugural speech, foreshadowed the fact that we are about to discover the secrets of the universe together.
And that's because many of the secrets have already been discovered.
And many others have been discovered and suppressed.
And that simple, basic fact is why the globalists hate Trump.
It's why they hate me.
It's why they hate you.
Because you innately have the spark of the universe in you.
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Has the sea of the universe within our heart, within our soul.
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Undoubtedly, this is going to be the most intense, long-lasting sale in the history of Infowars, because right now, the quickening, the acceleration of awakening,
The spiritual unlocking is white hot, and I am just honored to be here with you all together.
Because as one caller said, we're not just the tip of the spear.
This audience of patriots of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want to be free are the sword of truth.
And I am humbled to be associated with you all.
Day after day, alone on a hill.
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him, they can see that he's just a fool.
So what's happened is the desperate establishment corporate media that'll tell you the truth about the weather report.
They'll tell you what the temperature is or whether there's wrecks on the highway.
They have their use.
When you're talking about national media with these known pundits, they are there to spin, obfuscate, and lie, and we have every major news agency caught in conscious lies.
Imagine if you had a behind-the-scenes video of me saying, I consciously lie, my viewers are idiots, they trust me, dumb effers.
The media is so deceptive they might take that clip and say I said it.
But see, I don't care.
I'm not gonna let them govern how I live.
I tell the truth, I let the chips fall where they may.
And they constantly do it.
They edit together what I say.
That's their problem.
But they get caught over and over again like politicians, and we're just supposed to accept it.
But all over the world, people aren't accepting it anymore and again.
It doesn't mean we're going towards some utopia.
We're going away from tyranny.
We've decided we want more.
And Trump is delivering, except on taxes and Obamacare.
And that's because the Republican establishment, who's the real threat, the Democratic Party's destroying itself.
But the Republican establishment needs to be in the political, peaceful crosshairs of change.
Americana, the American system, is back.
Not the modern global system they say that is America, and that they scapegoat America's name, but the real American system.
Now this is a short segment.
Next segment, I'm going to get into Brzezinski and
Psycho Joe, not because they're important, but because analyzing how they baited the President is.
They are thanking their lucky stars that Trump started tweeting back at them.
They baited the President.
Now I'm sure he knows what he's doing, but they don't have any viewers.
And so I would think the President's doing that just to show what pathetic scum they are, and to have the public further realize he's fighting the enemy media that is a foreign, multinational propaganda corps that is literally out to get us.
We've got Gruber, we've got all these other producers, we've got all these other government hacks saying, thank God you're so stupid, and that they're ripping you off.
And yes, their constituents are losers, are arrested development fools.
But we need to reach out to them.
I know they're calling for our death and simultaneously whining and saying we're violent.
I understand that they don't have logic.
But it's up to us to reach out to them as much as we can and say, listen, it's not about Donald Trump.
It's about the reawakening and nationalism.
And don't you see all the powerful corporations and all the big establishment media and foreign governments?
Unified against Trump?
Do you really want to be on that globalist bandwagon where they all point at each other as a consensus?
Here's an example.
The OECD set up the European Union.
It's the corporate banking system that used U.S.
taxpayer money in the Marshall Plan in 1946 to re-establish Europe.
And it came out and said, we have 10 million migrants that have come in the last five years.
It's accelerated in just the last year.
It's 5 million.
So 10 million in the last five years.
But half of that in the last year alone.
It's an accelerated collapse.
They brought in the first group to get you ready, to condition you.
Now they're accelerating towards total collapse, and then the EU points at them and says, oh look, the OECD, it agrees with us, the Organization of Economic Cooperative Development.
As I've always told you, that's the world government.
That's the original breakaway group that then set up the CIA and everything else, and I'm going to explain that when we come back as well.
They took the equivalent of hundreds of trillions of dollars today.
Hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars put it into private corporations to set up the takeover and reorganization of Europe.
They then set up systems and got laws passed to let secret government be established and let secret investment be brought back in.
So they use the beachhead of Europe and our intelligence and military force that have been established there to then come back in through the National Security Act the next year and take over the United States.
I'm going to get more into that coming up.
And how Trump's travel ban and so much more is just a limited attempt to stop that full damn break and full collapse.
We're gonna go to break.
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All of it is about spreading the word, so keep spreading the word.
Free shipping through the month of July.
I've extended it, and a lot of huge specials.
MicoZX is back in stock.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
InfoWars is proud to announce the CNN is Fake News contest, an expansion of the already successful CNN is ISIS contest.
The contest is simple.
$1,000 prize for anyone who's seen on TV with the CNN is Fake News sign or legible self-made t-shirt.
$2,500 prize for anyone who's seen on TV with the CNN is Fake News sign or t-shirt and is also heard to say CNN is Fake News, InfoWars.com is real.
You can also combine a CNN is fake news sign with one of our CNN is ISIS t-shirts available now at Infowarsstore.com.
The intent of the contest is to encourage you, the listener, to realize that you have the power to save civilization from the criminal cabal controlling humanity in this fake news propaganda machine called CNN.
The first thing to do is hammer the point to the public that CNN is fake news, which a CNN producer admitted on camera to James O'Keefe and Project Veritas.
We need to come together and remind the world that CNN simply regurgitates globalist propaganda thought up by multinational think tanks that is then fed to the public to suppress individual thought and run humanity into a ditch.
For more contest rules, visit InfoWars.com forward slash contest.
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InfoWars is the brainchild of radio host Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is a lunatic.
That man's a threat to this country.
There's a guy on the radio.
His name is Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones of the Muslim world, you know.
That man just said, you watch your mouth.
Time to stop submitting to this charity!
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved!
I heard that on Alex Jones!
Info Wars, it's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
We are in an information war, and we are losing that war.
Nobody can dispute the fact...
At your own risk!
InfoWars comes to mind.
You watch InfoWars?
I want freedom!
That's what I want!
And that's what you should want!
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
I like that guy.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I know we have a lot of new listeners joining us across the country and around the world, listening on the internet, watching on the internet, listening on AM and FM stations across the country and some cable and TV stations as well.
Thank you all for joining us.
You're going to hear what I actually say on this broadcast and what my guests have to say and what we cover and the documents and articles and videos we show you.
And then you're welcome to go double check what we've said.
In fact, we hope you will.
I probably covered 15% of the news that's on InfoWars.com every day.
I mean, I hardly even get over all the news that's on Drudge.
It's just all crazy.
But in the next little short segment, I'm going to have my message to the media dealing with human-animal chimeras because they've really jumped the shark on this.
This has been going on for at least 30 years.
It's in mainline literature.
And they're now beginning to condition the public for the rollout of it.
But they don't want me to give it bad PR ahead of time.
So they just say it doesn't exist.
It's not happening.
Alex Jones is a liar.
He says Hillary rapes kids in the bottom of a pizza place.
Never said that.
He says he hates black people.
Never said that.
He says he loves, you know, David Duke.
Never said that.
I mean, they just literally lie, as you know.
Because they don't want to have a discussion about animal-human hybrids, and the different ramifications of it, and how it's this no-man's land, literally and figuratively, where they don't have rights because they're not humans, and they don't have animal rights because they say they're not animals.
They're alien.
They're new.
They're original.
That's the definition.
Whenever the last secret probe landed back on Earth a few months ago, just type in X, whatever mission it was, you know, secret NASA probe lands, and it's got the guys in the spacesuits.
They're doing that because whatever that probe did, they're worried it had space microbes on it.
They don't normally do that with the other missions.
Now, let me ask you a question.
You think they're wearing spacesuits down here on Earth?
At these facilities where they're doing the human-animal chimera testing?
No, they're not.
It's wild.
It's dangerous.
Because it's creating new mutagens.
Crossing different genetic lines of animals and humans together is very, very dangerous.
There's the BBC!
The uneasy truth about human-animal hybrids.
That's from February of this year.
And the reason I've really been hammering this is, I've been talking about this for 20 plus years.
And now they're trying to roll out of it, so they're really upset that I'm pointing out the issues, ethically, culturally, biologically, so that we actually have a real debate about it, and force it out.
So they're simultaneously rolling it out, admitting it's going on,
But then saying I'm insane and I'm a liar.
I mean, there are hundreds of articles, hundreds of articles out today just saying I'm completely insane, there's no such thing as human-animal hybrids.
There's CBS News, Air Force space plane lands after secret mission.
And they're wearing decontamination suits while they're messing with it.
Probably because it's got special weapons payloads and
They want to make sure that none of it leaked when it was transferring its weapons payload to the platform.
Yeah, it's a little mini space shuttle.
You see that cargo hold?
That cargo hold carries special little packages.
By the way, that is a very old design.
They are showing you a 1960s design.
I mean, you can watch Buck Rogers 21st Century that came out in 1979, and that's the plane Buck Rogers is in.
Can you guys pull up the cheesy, see if my memory serves, Buck Rogers 21st Century intro trailer?
Intro to the TV show?
We'll see how good my memory is.
I haven't watched that show in over 30 years.
But that's Buck Rogers' ship right there!
I mean, they're even throwing it in your face, folks, that they're showing you stuff that Buck Rogers was flying around in, in a made-up Hollywood TV show in 1979, and then that's what they're showing you landing.
That's been landing in Area 51 since the 60s.
That is an old design right there, ladies and gentlemen.
So much so that consultants in Hollywood for Buck Rogers in 1979 had Buck Rogers flying that with some added boosters on the top.
All I'm saying is, the SR-71 Blackbird, 1979 retired or whatever, 1981 retired, now that's what he flies once he gets there.
It's the intro to Buck Rogers, 21st century.
Because I can see the media now.
You go to YouTube, you type in, Buck Rogers TV intro.
And that's where you'll see the little space shuttle he's flying around in.
The media will probably pick up on that.
Jones says Buck Rogers TV show's real!
They'll probably be the headlines tonight.
The good news is though, it just sends more people here to the show to say, we've got to hear what this maniac's putting out.
Now that's the Air Force X-37B.
And as soon as we can find the old Buck Rogers deal... You know, I said I'd cover this next segment, but I always kind of get into it right now.
Maybe I should just get into chimeras right now.
Because I've got a whole stack of scientific papers, mainstream news, National Geographic, all of it, admitting everything I've said for 22 years, and instead of people saying, Alex, you were right about this, they say, oh, you're crazy, it doesn't exist.
I know you're probably sick of hearing about it.
Let me just briefly here...
Spend a minute or so.
Oh, they found it!
Here, so let's get some audio and back it up and I'm gonna play this.
There it is!
There's Buck Rider's little spaceship!
And it's the, uh... It's a little X-ship.
We'll, uh, play that later in the broadcast for you.
All right, let me just briefly remind everybody that the globalists are trying to shut down this broadcast.
They're demonizing us on every single front, every single day, and kicked us off our Google advertising that was pretty much our extra budget for 2017 to expand.
But thanks to all your support in the last six months, we've made that money back, but now we need to obviously continue to expand the funding, not just holding it where we were last year.
We are where we were last year.
Compared to most media, that's great.
But we need to get an extra surplus here because I need to hire a lot of people.
We are hiring more editors, researchers, fact-checkers.
Directors, people that can run the live transmission, switchers, board ops.
And so, no, you're getting great products at InfoWarsLive.com while you support an organization dedicated to taking on the globalists and defending Western civilization and basic freedoms.
So I want to thank you all.
We've got the big July 4th special.
I've decided to expand throughout the month of July, but a lot of these items are going to sell out.
And so everything will be 30 to 20% off until it's about to sell out.
And I don't want to just sell out of stuff now and be out for months and months.
So I'm going to, once we get down to low supplies of it, go back to full price on Super Mel Vitality, on Brain Force Plus, now at 20% more of the great Nootropic for your brain.
The Survival Shield X2, amazing, cleanest, purest iodine that we could find out there.
We believe it's the purest and best out there.
Your reviews certainly agree with that.
Thousands of reviews on the X2, 4,000 plus.
4.8 stars.
And now the MycoZX.
Unbelievable, folks.
You think probiotics have helped you?
They've certainly helped me and countless others.
Because of all the bioaccumulation of pesticides and food, it kills the good gut bacteria.
So you go in with a biome defense, super high quality probiotic we've got, and it, again, lets the good bacteria grow, help process the nutrients in your gut.
That's how we symbiotically operate and push out the bad bacteria.
But into those spaces also is an epidemic of yeast and mold and fungus.
And just read the mainline literature on this for yourself.
I mean, it's an epidemic.
People are growing fungus in their brain and getting record-level brain tumors.
The massive bat populations are dying.
People are dying.
Mainstream news all over the country in unknown fungus-related illnesses that never existed before.
I talked to two cops in Cleveland.
One of them was our bodyguard.
He'd been on medical retirement, but come back to do security.
And the point is that he went into a crack house and got some type of fungus in his brain, almost killed him, and his partners retired from it.
And it's no joke!
Anyways, I'm not saying MycoZX is going to handle that.
All I know is in the gut, that's where it's really out of control.
And this is known concentrated herbs and compounds that knock it out and eat through the slime wall that funguses and yeast create to dominate and control your gut to make sure the nutrients don't get through the intestinal wall into your bloodstream, but that they gobble it all up for their own little greedinesses.
And Candida and all this is totally well known.
A lot of the media says, oh, I'm a total kook.
There is no fungus epidemic.
Yeah, sure.
There's no mold epidemic either, jerks.
Point is, this is blowing people away.
Read the reviews for yourself.
4.9 stars.
Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
And I am going to offer that at 30% off because I want you to try it when you get it with Biome Defense, the probiotic.
They go together.
One deals with bacteria, one deals with fungus, yeast, and other garbage like that.
It's amazing.
It's a new product.
It sold out in two weeks when we got it in.
Took us almost six months to get it back.
It has 140 plus reviews, 4.9 on Powell Reviews.
No one has that.
No one.
No one.
There was even an SEC complaint on Power Reviews that they did.
And they said, here's all our documents.
We have to take out the super positive reviews.
These, of course, are all real.
They had to back off.
I mean, that's the type of warfare we're under.
They don't believe that one of the major respected sites out there, that we have 4,000 plus five-star reviews on X2, and it's that good!
They say I'm a con man, that I sell knockout.
You got trouble sleeping?
Take some and see what it does!
I'm no rocket scientist, but I know if a regular bottle of melatonin is $19.95, then I can put the same dose in my bottle.
It only cost me a dollar for that dose in that bottle.
Why don't I add eight other things?
Then the bottle cost me six, seven bucks, but I still make twelve, thirteen dollars and fund the operation.
And then it's got chamomile, L-tryptophan.
Valerian Root and a bunch of other stuff known to help you sleep and it's changing people's lives and these dirtbags say I'm a swindler!
I'm a con man!
It's a known fact!
Valerian Root triggers chemical behavior in the brain to help you sleep.
It's a fact!
Melatonin is key!
They won't tell you that a lot of people are depressed because they don't have enough melatonin or serotonin.
They won't tell you St.
John's wort, in hundreds and hundreds of major studies, is way better than, you know, things like Prozac.
And I don't even sell St.
John's wort.
We should be!
Like, oh, Jones is a con man, St.
John's wort.
What do you think's in the plants God gave us?
I love it!
You know all these articles they've written saying I'm a con man selling supplements?
You know what our cells have done?
I said we're at the same level we were last year.
That's on average.
But since the hit pieces ran, it's brought in a new revenue the last two weeks.
So I want to thank, literally, I want to thank the enemy media at The Nation, the enemy media, all those other publications.
You're such scum.
You're so hated by the American people that they thought, oh, the lying scum says this is a con game.
I better go get some.
Oh, I love it.
Your attack on us is an endorsement to the American people.
And our affiliates, too.
They're out there and they say all the time, every day, money just arrives.
$100 bills, $200, sponsors coming in, people saying, we want to thank you carrying the broadcast, whether it's $10 or $100.
Just send the radio stations money.
Pray for those stations.
Become a sponsor.
Let the local sponsors know you're using them because they're sponsoring our broadcast locally.
The left wants to bully everybody.
The left wants to kill free market.
The left wants to tell everybody we can't be on air.
The left wants to try to go after everybody's sponsors.
But if everybody just supports patriots, it's over!
Because there's more of us than there are of them, and we work.
And we, whether we're middle class or blue collar, are committed to this country.
So it's amazing, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm a practiced swindler because I sell the very best supplements I can find.
Because I want you to get great results and come back and buy them again.
Talk about self-serving.
You win, I win, we all win.
I don't get why people aren't symbiotic.
But is there going to be an article out of The Nation calling Bezos a swindler because
I guarantee you, Whole Foods is pretty good, but they've got a lot of supplements in there that I know aren't that good.
I know a lot of stuff, supplements we sell as private labels, same stuff that's in Whole Foods.
But the point is, how do they all sell supplements and they're normal and they're good, and then we sell supplements and we're bad?
We make less claims than the big mainline companies just to be safe.
It's amazing.
But I'll say it, I don't care what the FDA says, you need oxygen to live, without it you die.
You need water, and you need fat, and you need protein, and you need vitamin C, and you need all these things, and they know it.
And they're reducing the level of vitamin C you supposedly need, and of all these different compounds.
Selenium, down and down and down and down.
Find out what selenium deficiency does.
Just search engine, selenium deficiency cancer.
And all the mainline studies, they don't want you to know what selenium does electrochemically in the body.
They don't want you to know what true iodine does in the body.
They don't want you to know.
They want you drinking fluoride, which is the bad halogen, and the bromine, that whole family of stuff that destroys you, that makes you bloated and unhealthy, and in a fog, and fat, and stupid.
They want to make jokes and say, yeah, the kook even sells fluoride-free toothpaste.
We're not joking.
Can you believe it?
Like, the fool, when he dives 100 feet under the water, wears an oxygen tank and a respirator and sits there and breathes oxygen.
Yeah, Jones also doesn't play in traffic.
Like, I-35's going about 80 miles an hour.
I don't run around in traffic either.
I'm a kook.
I'm a nut.
I'm a loon ball.
Oh, Robert, David Steele, they were attacking?
He said a month before Trump announced a run for president that Trump would announce and that Trump would win and that Trump would save the country.
And they even quote him in the paper saying, look how kooky he is.
He predicted Trump would run, would win, and would save the country.
See, they take whatever our strongest info is and they put it out and then pretend like it's discrediting.
When it's the opposite, they play a Svengali mind trick, but it doesn't work when you're conscious and aware that they're a pack of liars.
When you hate CNN, when you hate Joe Psycho Scarborough, when you hate the globalists, and by hate, when you reject them, when you resent them, when you know they're scum, when your brain automatically labels them the enemy, you can then move on and have your own life, and then track and discern trusted sources.
Comey just self-destructed in front of the world.
Comey just melted down, and the media is trying to change the subject to Marco Rubio's hair, or, oh, the Russian investigation goes on, this adds weight to it.
He said that he's the leaker, and that the New York Times and others got it wrong, what was even in the memo.
But I don't know how the media, how the horror media, how the dinosaur media, puts Humpty Dumpty back together again, because this, to me, was a bloodbath.
Evan McGinnis, what do you think?
I think it's amazing how the left keeps putting all their eggs into one basket, and then that basket turns out to have a hole in the bottom, and instead of going, uh-oh, I guess I'm wrong, they just move their eggs to the next basket.
Like, they pin all their hopes on some giant myth, and then when it doesn't work out, they never scratch their head like a scientist would and go, maybe I'm wrong on this crusade.
They just keep going, alright well let's put them all over here now.
So I don't think they're going to be that thwarted by all this evidence that the James Comey smoking gun isn't the James Comey smoking gun they wanted it to be.
What's happening here is I'm a Democrat appointee.
I'm an operative.
I've been caught.
The Republicans are in power.
I'm scared.
Just leave me alone.
I'm a possum.
I'm playing dead.
But the truth is, he didn't play dead.
He went and made up this memo, then perjured himself to Congress two months ago, saying nobody tried to influence him.
And now in the hot seat again, he's saying no one did order him.
So here's the clip of Comey saying he's a yellow belly.
You told the president, I would see what we could do.
What did you mean?
I was kind of a slightly cowardly way of trying to avoid telling him we're not going to do that, that I would see what we could do.
It was a way of kind of getting off the phone, frankly.
And then I turned and handed it to the acting Deputy Attorney General, Mr. Bente.
This is a very important clip.
This is, again, where we have Comey coming out and admitting that the New York Times got it wrong in the main about the Russia story.
So he's leaking directly to them and the Washington Post, but saying then they got it wrong.
Here it is.
That report by the New York Times was not true.
Is that a fair statement?
Yeah, in the main it was not true.
And again, all of you know this, American people don't.
The challenge, and I'm not picking on reporters, about writing stories about classified information is the people talking about it often don't really know what's going on.
And those of us who actually know what's going on are not talking about it.
No, you just put out memos and leaked stuff against the president, and then know full well they're going to twist it and lie about it, and then claim, oh sorry, jeepers creepers, Gavin McInnes.
I think him and a lot of liberals don't understand that you put all your eggs in this basket, and there's a hole in the basket, and all your eggs just smashed.
And this has happened time and time again, and they just don't wake up.
We are back live with Larry Klinman.
Expert, founder of Judicial Watch, joining us to give us the inside intel on Comey and where all these obstruction probes are going, Loretta Lynch and more.
So with the inside baseball, that's coming up the first 30 minutes of the next hour.
Then I'm going to get into the latest Project Veritas video and audio that's up on InfoWars.com where there's CNN reporters talking about how dumb the American people are, how dumb voters are, how much they hate you.
How they lie, how they're told to lie.
There's more and more of this coming out.
These are monstrous people.
Because they need to hire scum.
They need to hire folks that have that twisted mind.
And you wonder why they get so sickening, so arrogant, so out of their minds.
It's because it's a collection of trash, all one-upping each other, all giving each other confidence.
Now, remember they told you Obamacare was free, then you could keep your doctor.
They told you the Federal Reserve wasn't private.
They told you Iraq had WMDs, that they were stomping babies' brains out inside incubators, all lies.
Think about all the other lies they've told you and they've been caught telling you.
Now, when I first learned about this 22 years ago, it was only in medical and scientific journals and literature.
So I would make a big deal about it.
And for a long time they would then attack me and say I'm totally insane.
But now it's in mainstream news.
But there's a paradox.
The media is saying, I'm a liar, I'm insane, there are no human-animal cross-species, island of Dr. Maroot.
While they come out in headlines and admit it's happening, but say it's no big deal, go along with it, but they never show you these.
They've been bringing these to term.
When I first read about this back in the mid-90s, it was in medical literature and things how they were creating human-animal chimeras embryos so they could be implanted in cows, so they could grow up larger, so they could have more to harvest.
More blood, more marrow, more organs.
But now,
They've been growing these creatures, part human, part pig, you name it, up to a larger size.
I mean, China, for at least 15 years, you can buy human milk that's produced in cow's udders for your baby if you can't produce milk.
I mean, that's on Chinese TV.
I played that more than 10 years ago.
That's on state-run TV.
You tell the average yuppie that, they just laugh at you.
They go, oh, you know, that's Spider-Man movies.
But there's the BBC, The Uneasy Truth About Human-Animal Hybrids.
And all these new articles kind of whitewash it, but admit it's going on.
Merging animal and human forms brought terror to our ancestors.
And this fear persists right the way into our modern age.
And they go on to admit, oh, it's going on, but you have a fear.
So they think you're so stupid that they're allowed to look at WikiLeaks, you aren't.
Chris Cuomo, remember?
I'm not allowed to tell you about chimeras.
You're not allowed to look it up.
You've got to hear it from them.
Human-pig hybrids for organ transplant could develop into monsters with our brains.
The Express.
But they're mainstream, so they're allowed to say that.
Just I'm not.
Because I said it 20 years before, so see, I'm not credible.
The more right you are, like saying Trump would win, the polls were fake, they were giving Hillary the questions.
The more right you are, the more bad, see?
The more wrong, the better.
In search for cures, scientists create embryos that are both animal and human.
They don't just create embryos, they bring them to term.
That's, that's, that's MIT reporting that 20 plus years ago.
Scientists opened mass cloning factory this year to clone cows, pets and humans.
Human animal chimeras are gestating.
That means they're in uterus.
In utero.
They'll say that's a conspiracy.
That's a big word.
When they don't know big words in the media, they just say it doesn't exist.
In utero means the uterus of a mammal where the egg and the sperm
That's not a conspiracy.
I'm not trying to show off to CNN that I know how to talk.
I can also tie my shoelaces.
Not new.
The Nazis were doing it.
New prospects for growing human replacement organs in animals.
New York Times.
Washington Post.
Scientists create part human, part pig.
I mean, I can give you a few more, but it doesn't exist.
I've got the news right here saying I'm a liar in Gizmodo and it says right here at the end that I'm insane and that there's no proof that they're merging humans and animals.
I'm a liar.
MycoZX is back in after five plus months sold out.
Talk about next level probiotic.
It's the anti-fungus, anti-yeast.
Latest technology of 4.8 stars.
It's been sold out for months.
Big waiting list.
Limited amount because it's so hard to get the compounds and to have it be California standards.
Nobody's got something this good.
Save 30% off of MycoZx and get the gut health support back when you get it with the Biome Defense 50 billion lives in each pill.
Probiotic MycoZx contains seven of the world's most powerful organic and wild-crafted ingredients designed to attack and melt away the membrane of yeast and fungal organisms.
Start fighting back against hidden yeast and fungus with MycoZx and ForageLife.com before it sells out again.
10% off when you choose auto-ship.
It's kind of embarrassing to get family and crew members on that, you know, have irritable bowel and Crohn's type stuff that didn't exist years ago now it's epidemic.
But I'm getting ready to have a bunch of folks go ahead and come on here and tell you what I did for them because regardless you can't lose your fun in the operation.
Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com or AAA2533139.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
So, why does MSTM for 20 plus years say I'm insane and there's no human-animal chimeras?
I've had people try to physically start fistfights with me repeatedly on the street.
One time at a pizza place, when I was covering spider goats, 20 plus years ago, it was in medical scientific literature, I called the head of the army base in upstate New York, where they had a private contractor creating part human, part animal goats.
So they could create body armor, a spider web in the milk of the goats.
So we broke that in the news.
And so then they finally, a few years later, had articles about spider goats.
And that's really what's important is, we're forcing, years later, the media to finally cover real things.
But see, that's why they want to keep saying it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist, so that you'd never worry about breakaway civilization.
You never worry about these advanced technologies.
I mean, they think a car that has a 200 mile per gallon carburetor
is disruptive technology.
The Japanese have had it for decades.
So you can't have it.
Well, that's empowering humanity, cutting waste, helping folks have better lives.
But something like human-animal chimeras that give rise to zoological viruses, bacteria, allow diseases to jump across species, all of this is going on like a giant subterranean Manhattan Project, and they're only showing us the tip of the iceberg, and I'm begging people
To have a debate about this, to be adults about this, about breakaway civilization, space programs, medical advances, fission fusion, cyclotrons, fission fusion, heavy super colliders, superconducting super colliders, all these thousands of things, and they just go, that doesn't exist, like at Santa Claus, that doesn't exist, kids, don't look at it, because they don't want to have a debate about it.
The real investigative journalism isn't like the Animal Liberation Front breaking in and burning down some research facility, but it's whistleblowers from inside these facilities, and it's information coming out.
Imagine the Pulitzer Prize, you'd probably actually get killed, for going in and showing film footage of these creatures, because they're only showing you the cows and the pigs that are 5-10% human.
I have talked to people that are scared over the years.
I'm going to leave it at that.
And they just said, Alex, it's unbelievable.
It was unbelievable in the 1980s, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, they were growing human ears on mice in the 1980s.
They were telling us about it then.
They were, they had roaches with a tiny microchips that were remote control in the 80s as well.
But now you see, now we can be told about all this by the Young Turks and the Enlightened Ones and MSNBC, when I've been telling you from the beginning, not because I'm some hero, but I want animal rights.
I want human rights.
But notice, you don't hear from the animal rights people anything about this, because let me tell you why.
Aldous Huxley's brother, Julian Huxley, was the head of the World Eugenics Society, and at the end of World War II, they openly said, we've got to change the name of our journals from the Eugenics Journal, from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and others, the Cold Springs Harbor, to these other names because, you know, they're connected to Nazism.
We want to take control of human development.
We'll call ourselves transhumanists to control human development as gatekeepers, and to hide eugenics within that.
And so this has all been going on under the surface and is being kept from the public.
And so notice Huxley then helped set up the modern PETA organizations.
See, they're all about animal rights, but not about human rights or not even discussing chimera.
Because in that zoological discussion, trans-zoological, it opens up the entire can of worms.
So that's my message to the media.
Quit making jokes about this.
Be serious.
And understand that this is affecting everybody.
Just a few zoological things that got loose that's ancient.
You know, 60-70 year old technology, the scheme of time, that's ancient today.
Time's so compressed.
It's things like Lyme's disease.
And again, here's the news today saying you really have to watch the entire 5-minute segment, though somehow it even gets crazier, you know, when I talk about chimeras.
He is the political cartoonist of this era.
Hands down.
There's some other great ones out there that we post on Infowars.com daily.
He's got a new book that he self-published.
It's amazing.
It's like a coffee table book.
The 2016 Presidential Election Collection.
It's good for adults.
It's good for children.
It's good for everybody.
But this is how you wake somebody up.
Usually people that are leftist or globalist minions.
They won't watch a film, they won't even read a long book.
This is the weapon.
And when I saw this a few months ago, I said, get it.
Carry it.
And I'm not just saying this.
He is the top cartoonist in the world, just from page views and Google searches.
It's hands down, you were already probably in the top two or three, but in the Trump era, you are numero uno.
And it all happened, it really turned around in 2016 because of the election.
My wife and I sat down in late 2015 and decided, you know what?
I'm going to draw more cartoons.
This is too important.
And we're going to go all out this year.
And we saw our support snowball.
I mean, when it comes to changing the world, bro, you're like The Voice.
You're as big as InfoWars.
You're as big as Drudge now.
There's not much out there as big as this.
You are now one of the main guns, brother.
You are one of the main things defending this country.
And there are plenty of room for more guns.
I always encourage young cartoonists to join the fray.
And a lot of them are afraid because they don't want to lose their job, they don't want to lose their, you know, they don't want to get trolled.
And unfortunately, that's kind of the crucible that you're going to get hammered with when you start out.
However, this is
This is just too important, and what my cartoons are, Alex, I consider them visual alarm bells.
Now, you get on your show, and you get angry, and you rant.
My cartoons are a form of a visual rant, but they're visual alarm bells, and when that alarm bell goes off,
And they get heard.
It's going to make some people angry.
Well, you turned that damn thing off and other people are happy.
Well, you're doing a great service.
So you're waking us up to what's going on.
The left says there's no such thing as a conservative cartoonist because you're not funny and your status quo wrong.
The status quo is now the liberal deep state, the globalist deep state, the collectivist deep state.
And so all these things that used to be called conspiracy theories have now been revealed to be flat out conspiracies.
And what Trump has done is really, he's beaten the snakes out of their holes, so now we see them for what they are.
And that in and of itself is quite a good accomplishment.
More people are waking up and, you know, your show and my cartoons, we're just trying to continue that momentum.
People are realizing, you know, hey, we have something called the Constitution.
We have to really wake up and not just go with, like in my cartoon shows, these smiling lambs going brainwashed into the Great Maw, the Great Maw of globalism.
And they're using Islam as a tool to expedite that.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
That's right, George W. Bush.
Lou Dobbs and myself and Drudge Report and Dr. Corsi really exposed that we went into the North American Union and that that is being merged via the Atlantic Agreement with the European Union and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, all of which Trump has been dynamiting.
And pulling us out of.
It's beautiful.
GATT is being renegotiated.
Pulled us out of the Paris climate.
Carbon tax accords.
There's supposed to be a hundred trillion dollar tax every decade.
That's from Davos.
All the good things Trump's doing.
The travel ban.
It's totally constitutional.
It's in the law.
A five-year-old could understand it.
But the Ninth and Fourth Circuits
Our judicial activists and they went along with the media to portray the president as in left field.
Everything they do is to portray the president as incompetent and a moron and to undermine the country because they represent foreign multinational corporate interests that are crony, that are not free market, that want a consolidation.
They do not want prosperity, they want austerity.
Now joining us is Larry Klayman, who obviously has won cases, the only cases, against the National Security Agency and illegal spying.
He was the founder of Judicial Watch, FreedomWatchUSA.org, and he's working a big case of a CIA whistleblower.
It's documented a lot of the illegal spying that's going on, but the first reason I wanted to get Larry Klayman on, as a constitutional lawyer,
Is looking at what Comey's done.
That was a few weeks ago.
We've kind of forgotten about it, but that's still big news.
That's coming up.
Loretta Lynch.
The signals that she may be indicted.
Cut and dry meeting illegally.
With Bill Clinton.
Cut and dry lying.
Comey having to admit that she told him to not have a criminal investigation, but a matter.
Everything they claim Trump's done, they've done.
And then Comey testifying that Trump never tried to get him to obstruct, but the media ignores that.
So, he always has a lot of contacts in the FBI and inside baseball.
So, first and foremost, with Larry Klayman of FreedomWatchUSA.org, I want to get his expert breakdown on exactly what's happening with these internal battles going on.
And is Attorney General Sessions, as we've heard, getting ready to execute his duty or take the gloves off in response to the fact that we know the Russia narrative is a hoax?
They know it's a hoax.
Larry Klayman, what's the intel you've got?
Alex, happy holiday.
Thank you.
Well, the intel I've got is my own experience.
And what we know with regard to Comey, and we've talked about Dennis Montgomery on a prior appearance, and you've talked about him generally as well.
He's an NSA, CIA whistleblower.
He came forward with 47 hard drives, over 100 million, 600 million pages of information, much of it classified, showing that President Trump and the people around him, his family, were being surveilled.
And so was I, and so was Michael Savage.
That's right.
And yours truly.
I'm sure you were too, Alex.
I mean, everybody's on there.
There's millions of people in there.
Anybody who is an antagonist towards them, that they see as adverse to them, they're going to surveil.
And we still have this Obama deep state.
It's still in effect.
I know those phone numbers are good because it's the Mar-a-Lago number nobody had.
It was his private number there at Trump Tower.
I mean, this was Trump's phone numbers.
Well, and it's not just Trump, it's everybody who's anybody and plus hundreds of millions of Americans.
So I got Montgomery immunity.
I brought him forth to Comey at the FBI directly through a federal judge, Royce Lamberth.
And he turned all this stuff over, and Comey, because we now know, through certain revelations by Circa News, that Comey was actually doing the illegal surveillance at the FBI against all these people.
So he buried this investigation.
And so he perjured himself before Congress when he said no surveillance was going on of Trump ever, period.
That's correct.
And he was also the FBI director during this period.
Now before Comey, there was Mueller.
He was doing the legal surveillance too.
So this case is really important because not only are we going forward on the fact that I've been surveilled and Montgomery's been surveilled, I have to change my cell phone three times.
In the last six to eight months, they've inserted malware into it.
Montgomery confirmed that.
And Verizon, when I went there, they said, we've never seen anything like this before.
So I sued.
Montgomery sued.
They're trying to break into his computers.
They got into his cell phones.
And on top of that, they're sitting on all of this information, which is an obstruction.
And therefore, we brought a lawsuit.
You can see that at freedomwatchusa.org.
Now, the deep state has tried to discredit Montgomery by having national security reporters like James Risen write that he's a fraud.
He's not a fraud.
And we just found out that Eric Licklow, who is Risen's partner at the New York Times, was just fired from CNN for fake news, for lying.
Lying to the American people.
Wait a minute, Larry Klaman, are you saying mainstream media lies?
I've never heard that before.
We have a leftist media strike force, Alex.
I mean, you know that.
You got the full treatment a week ago with Megyn Kelly.
So this is a reality here that we have to deal with.
And this case can actually take out Comey.
It can take out Mueller because they have committed crimes against the American people themselves.
They've conducted illegal surveillance.
It's criminal.
It's a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
And Montgomery is a key witness and now he's a plaintiff.
So we were in court last week and Judge Richard Leon, a few days later, ordered this thing proceed.
He was deciding whether to keep it.
It's a related case.
It's on an expedited schedule.
It's a preliminary injunction.
We're going to be seeking discovery of Comey, of Mueller, of others in this case.
By the way, let me stop you, Larry.
I have a real problem.
I don't tend to hype up big guests.
And I just tend to just have you on and we just kind of bring it on and don't point out how huge it is.
You're the only guy that's won in court against the NSA.
You have this amazing whistleblower, as big or bigger than Snowden.
I've seen just the limited data I got from the Arpaio people, which I know you're separate from.
You weren't involved in that.
And I mean, it's the deliberate targeting.
And I call other numbers when I'm under particular surveillance, suddenly their phones get taken over, start calling people in other address books, start creating this nexus.
I mean, your power goes down five, six times faster when they're live-timing your phone.
So I know what this is like.
It's amazing.
For the week before the Megyn Kelly, they were in all our phones.
It was just incredible.
And to live here, and to know this is going on, it's just insane.
To go watch the movie Snowden, and to have personally lived it, I guess that makes us all comrades, fellow travelers, to use the communist term.
This is crazy.
Well, it is, and we live in an Orwellian state, and that's exactly what Leon said when we got our victories a few years ago.
We enjoined these intelligence agencies.
We enjoined Obama.
Later, the appellate court mooted out the preliminary
Yes, sir.
They can take out Comey.
Oh, I totally agree.
I hadn't put two and two together.
I mean, you went before Comey, you went before the courts, you won.
Comey then, now he's been identified as the guy running a bunch of these spy programs between the FBI and other agencies, obviously, has been caught lying to Congress saying it's quote, crazy that Trump thinks he was ever surveilled.
Well, that's right, and clearly he was, and so was everybody else.
Now, we don't know whether he was surveilled after he became president by virtue of Montgomery, because Montgomery was up to a certain point.
But the fact is that there was a pattern and practice of doing this.
This occurred on Comey's watch, and before that it occurred on Mueller's watch.
So how can these people be part of an independent counsel or special counsel investigation when they're dirty, when they have committed criminal acts?
So that's the importance of this case.
Notwithstanding the fact that I've been surveilled, that's a violation.
We've sued for large damages.
And we've also asked to get Montgomery's hard drives back, which Comey and the FBI misappropriated.
Let's go back to that, but let's be clear.
If a random person gets caught in your backyard looking through your keyhole or looking through your blinds, we're talking five years in prison.
And they should.
But if you use that to then use the information against somebody, it's a more serious felony of conspiracy.
We're good to go.
Well, this is a higher force than the president himself.
Okay, this is a third form of government, in effect.
Actually, a fourth form.
You've got the three branches of government, then you've got these intelligence agencies who have broken away from any branch, and they can be used by presidents.
I mean, ask yourself this question.
We know that Chief Justice John Roberts was illegally surveilled by these intelligence agencies, and potentially the FBI.
Why did he flip at the last minute on Obamacare?
Why do we have the problem that we currently have?
Do these agencies, have they dug up dirt?
Listen, I've talked to folks that have talked to Supreme Court justices who said that there was blackmail via the NSA used against members, not just one member, but members of the Supreme Court, and Scalia was getting ready to shoot his mouth off.
Well, that may explain why he's no longer on this earth.
I mean, who knows, Alex?
But the reality here is that this is extremely dangerous.
You know, George
King George III, if he had these capabilities, as I've said before, his founding father's plans would have been exposed.
They never would have gotten Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence.
They would have been arrested and executed before they got there.
That's how serious this is.
This sits over the heads of every American.
Anybody who criticizes the government or wants to take
Well, as you know, it continues to turn out that Wahhabis and others are being given key national security level
Master control over capital computers, over agency computers.
They're bringing foreigners in and infesting everything with no real clearances.
It's a total takeover.
Well, it is.
And this is the danger of this.
This is why we need the support of the American people.
Go to freedomwatchusa.org and donate.
Uh, Mr. Montgomery's trying to make ends meet out there.
He's got a brain aneurysm.
He's very hurt.
Well, I'll tell you this, Larry.
I mean, you're the guy that beat the NSA and got a law passed.
Now they're violating that.
I mean, you get results.
I hope folks will support you.
I want to come back and ask, how far does this rabbit hole go?
And from your context, what's about to happen next?
For more than 6,000 years of recorded human history, historians, chroniclers of their time have all agreed on one great thing.
And it's that there are critical times in history where more happens in just a few years to change the future destiny of humanity's trajectory that happened in the previous hundred.
And with all of the advanced technology, with all of the incredible innovations that limited free market civilization has developed, we're seeing an acceleration of that great turning.
We are approaching a mass jump point, tipping point, decision point.
That our species has never even imagined.
Ladies and gentlemen, the equations that gave us atomic weapons and nuclear power were developed by Max Planck in 1900.
That vision was then manifest in 1945, when two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
That's 1900 quantum mechanics in the human mind.
Theoretical, then put into action.
Today, the elites of the globe have been in consensus, from China to Europe to the United States, that they were going to hoard all the advanced technologies and keep them back from the American people, the people of the world.
But President Trump, in his inaugural speech, foreshadowed the fact that we are about to discover the secrets of the universe together.
And that's because many of the secrets have already been discovered.
And many others have been discovered and suppressed.
And that simple, basic fact is why the globalists hate Trump.
It's why they hate me.
It's why they hate you.
Because you innately have the spark of the universe in you.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, each of us has the sea of the universe within our heart, within our soul.
To celebrate our comeback, to celebrate the fact that our republic is coming back from the dead,
I'm going to extend the 4th of July specials throughout the month of July.
Now to be clear, the free shipping will continue.
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That's Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, or 888-253-3139.
Undoubtedly, this is going to be the most intense
Long lasting sale in the history of Infowars because right now, the quickening, the acceleration of awakening, the spiritual unlocking is white hot.
And I am just honored to be here with you all together because as one caller said, we're not just the tip of the spear.
This audience of patriots of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want to be free are the sword of truth.
And I am humbled to be associated with you all.
By the way, we sent a crew, Millie Weaver and crew, to the Red Pill Expo that Lord Monckton, Robert Kiyosaki, and others were at over the weekend and some of the interviewers have not been seen yet.
They've got one Robert Kiyosaki who's very respected and good friends with Donald Trump.
It's a warning to the president about some of the black ops he was involved in.
And I can confirm some of these black ops from some other sources.
It's pretty amazing stuff.
I may even air that in the fourth hour.
It's about five minutes long, a clip, when Mike Cernovich is hosting.
But there's just overwhelming amounts of news.
You're not even getting live here on the air.
Go to Infowars.com as a lot of that news breaks.
And please, spread those videos.
Larry Klayman, again, demonized by the media, demonized by the establishment right wing, because he's effective.
He's the guy that helped get the impeachment going.
He's the guy that got the NSA to have to stop its behavior and got a national law passed, which they've been caught breaking again.
But because of that, now we have investigations.
We're exposing it.
Remember just ten years ago, I was insane, none of this existed, and then it was exactly as we told you it was?
Because it's all hidden in the telecommunications acts.
From 1962 and 1987 and 1996, as they put the infrastructure in.
It's all hiding in plain view.
Then we have the whistleblowers.
And Larry Klayman has a whistleblower that I've talked to law enforcement, they've been on, they've seen it.
And I've seen very small pieces of it.
As a journalist, we're allowed to see this, under precedent, but it's still dangerous.
And all I'm saying is, I don't think people realize the danger
That Larry Klayman's gone through, or we've gone through.
I mean, we had all the guests on.
The week of Benghazi, saying exactly what happened.
From NATO, from the Army, from the CIA.
I mean, they had the Justice Department come to their houses.
They got threatened with murder.
Now that's behind the scenes.
I'm not going to tell you some of the stuff behind the scenes went on here, because it's off record.
But let me tell you, some of our guests are heroes.
This isn't a game, people.
I've gone through a lot just doing it.
I'm not complaining.
I want you to know, this proves how real all this is, that they do this.
But we don't have to prove anything.
It's all been admitted now, thanks to all the whistleblowers from AT&T and Larry Klayman and all the rest of it.
So now, where does all this go, Larry Klayman?
Well, it goes, Alex.
We're trying to wage a peaceful revolution, as you know.
We're trying to use the courts.
We're trying to use other means.
We're trying to use people like yourself who get the word out.
I have a radio show myself.
It's called Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman on Radio America.
You can find it on our website.
Education is important, and it's not just the lawsuits.
Because this country's on its knees, and we need to rise up and bring it back.
And yeah, it requires strong measures.
We're not in favor of violence, but of course the left is, and they're trying to do that.
And when you talk about violence, just yesterday we found out that an FBI agent was indicted in Oregon for lying about killing one of the protesters when the Bundys went up there to protest this land grab.
Stay a little longer, because I want to get into that, but it'll take some time.
I remember when this all happened, I talked to some folks in the Army who were very upset because they were there, and I was told all of this, and I just couldn't even believe it, that they would just randomly kill this guy for no reason and lie about it.
But now it's all been confirmed, and Lord Monckton first gave us that news last week.
You're saying you have more intel on that?
It's now subsequently happened.
Well yeah, I've been trying to represent Cliven Bundy in the case in Nevada.
I got a judge there, Gloria Navarro, who's trying to keep me out of that case.
I'm at the Supreme Court on that issue very shortly because she doesn't want a Larry Klayman in there because I'll challenge her.
But she's the hand-picked judge.
Of course.
Because he used a politically incorrect phrase.
After that successful standoff, where the government had to leave, where they were using excessive force, Cliven compared himself to the Negro in the Old South.
Of course, Martin Luther King had used that word, and he just didn't know the right word, so Obama took offense.
Holder, uh, Loretta Lynch took offense and she indicted Cliven and his sons.
And they said, these are domestic terrorists.
No, they had hundreds of their cows letting them die in a barn on land the family had grazing rights to since 1877.
But then they lied to the public going, oh, they just stole public land.
No, the public didn't understand common law or even federal law.
That's right.
Now, you know, fast forward.
We've got Cliven Bundy, and you can see about that at clivenbundydefensefund.org.
He needs your support.
Stay there then.
Let's come back and flesh this out, because I don't even know if this is known, but it wasn't just Joe Biggs that got warned off.
I then talked to folks that were actually there, and I couldn't really talk about it at the time because it wasn't off the record, but now some of it's leaking in the case.
They had U.S.
Army Special Operations there.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's been a catastrophic month for the CNN fake news network as retractions, apologies, resignations, and lawsuits cast the network into a death spiral.
First, they were caught red-handed staging a protest in London, and then three of their employees resigned after the network was forced to retract a bogus story about Trump's
Yesterday, Project Veritas released a new undercover video that shows a CNN producer admitting the network is pushing the Trump-Russian conspiracy theory.
All this negative attention finally got under the skin of CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta, who completely lost it after he found out that he was barred from bringing cameras into the Oval Office.
Why not turn the cameras on, Sean?
I'm Darren McBrain, and you can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The war was lost.
The treaty signed.
I was not caught.
I crossed the line.
I was not caught.
Though many tried, I'll live among you, well disguised.
Ladies and gentlemen, the war was lost.
With the globalists, we've been sold out to a private planetary government.
But Trump got into office, and we have a beachhead trying to pull us out of these unelected global agreements that literally transfer power out of the country.
Meanwhile, in many western states, upwards of 50 to 60 percent, on average, of the land is federal.
Some states, it's 89 percent, like Nevada.
And other areas, and the feds are super aggressive now.
I've gone to national parks, and the regular rangers are okay, but you get around the police, I mean, everybody knows I'm not anti-police, but when you see somebody crazed, aggressive, rude, I walk over, try to talk to people repeatedly at Big Ben, and they're rude?
And bow up to everybody?
I mean, you know, when you've been in third world countries and you've seen authoritarian police, how they strut around, how they behave, they look like North Korean police.
They have that same crazed look.
You know your country's in trouble.
But remember the TSA hiring ads a few years ago that said, we want imperious people.
They want you to act imperial.
Imperious means super arrogant.
Larry Klayman, again, top constitutional lawyer,
Absolutely fighting the globalist, the Point Blank Range joins us.
The left's been calling for major violence.
This just broke.
I told you this was coming.
July 2nd is when Soros doubled the amount of money he's ever spent in the U.S.
for civil unrest.
Washington Times, Michael Moore urges followers to rise up over 4th of July, storming senators' offices.
And of course, they've been calling for violence.
The Huffington Post and others have said, you know, too bad there's not more Congressmen being shot.
Meanwhile, they're saying we're going to cause violence against them.
They're going to kick off the violence.
They're going to say we're behind it.
That is clear.
Because they know Trump's trying to get control of the agencies right now.
They want to have a violent overthrow before that hits.
I think they're insane, just like in the campaign.
I believe this is their Waterloo.
I believe they miscalculated.
We'll talk about all this with Larry Klanman in a moment.
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Well, spread the word about InfoWars.com forward slash show.
That's changing the world.
Just little InfoWars is exponentially challenging the globalists to the point they're calling for our destruction.
Because there can't be any voices of truth challenging them because what they're promoting is so ridiculously corrupt and fraudulent.
The enemy should be easy to beat.
But it's up to you, and you're the reason they're getting beat.
But understand this, Trump was just a beachhead.
I'm going to give Larry Klaman the floor for about 10 minutes here, and then we'll let him go and get to your calls and more guests and news.
But walking through this, I agree, America's on its knees.
We were on our deathbed.
Now we're trying to get up.
That's why they're panicked.
Michael Moore, the globalist.
No, no, stay there, like little Pushins.
And then go through what's happening with the Bundys and with the FBI agent being indicted for what he did.
That shows Trump and the Justice Department and others are moving forward.
Obviously there's local issues as well.
And then what we can all do in this critical time and what your message is to President Trump, Larry Klaman.
Well my message is stand tough, like you Alex, like me.
Don't worry about people say, don't worry if they come after you.
It actually emboldens me.
Because we are against this very corrupt, evil establishment.
You know the Democrats are one thing, but the Republicans are trying to stab Trump in the back as well.
They want to run their establishment candidate.
So we just have to be who we are, we have to push ahead.
Now going back to Bundy,
Mr. Linecombe, who was a peaceful protester in Oregon because the Bundy sons went out there to help another rancher, wound up getting shot dead.
And now we find out an FBI agent lied about that, and that doesn't come as any surprise.
And who was the FBI director at the time?
James Comey.
There you go.
So all of this kind of comes together.
Now we have Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
I believe he's a good man, Alex.
I think you do too.
But he's been beaten up right and left, okay?
Two meetings with the Russian ambassador he did while he was a senator.
He's accused of perjury, everything else.
Now there's a complaint filed by 34 Democrats and some Republicans with the Inspector General to investigate
Matters involving the firing of James Comey, not a coincidence.
The poor guy is under siege every single day, and I've been trying to get him to review the Bundy prosecution, because I didn't tell him how he should come out with it.
But the prosecution in Nevada is falling apart.
The two sons were acquitted.
They virtually represented themselves in Oregon on the peaceful protest, although Mr. Linecombe was killed.
Bunnies haven't harmed a hair on the head of anyone.
And ask yourself the question,
Let's say the government is right that Bundy owes money.
I don't believe he is.
You pointed out the land.
They claim 95% of ownership of the land in Nevada.
They constitutionally do not own that amount of land in Nevada.
That's key what you just said.
I don't mean to interrupt.
Federally, it's 89% on the books, but you're right.
They're now grabbing another 6%.
They're now taking everything.
But here's the bottom line.
I've asked Sessions to review this because the prosecution is falling apart.
Yet Bundy has been in jail for a year and a half.
He was first put in solitary confinement by this Judge Navarro, handpicked by Harry Reid and Obama.
He then was denied a speedy trial.
He then was denied right of counsel.
Me, I'm at the Supreme Court asking the Supreme Court to order me to come into the case.
Right now, Bob Barr is looking to possibly come into the case.
My good friend that we impeached Clinton together with.
We need a Bob Barr back on.
Yeah, he's a good man.
And Cliven needs help.
And he's dying on the vine out there.
So I hope people will go to ClivenBundyDefenseFund.org and contribute.
Because it's a precedent for everybody else.
They didn't do anything violent.
They should at least be out on bail, especially when their other big case fell apart.
They're trying to make an example of people, but why would they kill Finnecum when he gets out of the vehicle and is doing nothing?
Why did they do that?
Because they think they're above the law.
They can do whatever they want and then they'll lie about it.
But why do you shoot a guy with his hands up?
I mean, I understand this goes on, but this is actually on video.
I mean, this is actually coming out the way the Finnecum said it did.
Right, and where's Black Lives Matter on this one?
Okay, this is what they claim has happened to African Americans, you know, but nobody cares if it's a white guy, frankly.
And this is the reality here, is that this country is upside down.
Okay, we have to fight for it.
We believe in equality for everybody.
Cliven Bundy.
He doesn't owe money to the government.
He has a reasonable basis to believe that he doesn't.
The federal government.
But does that give the government the right to bust into your house?
To attack your sister?
To tase your dog viciously?
To kill your cattle and bury it in a mass grave?
And to tase your sons?
Does that give them the right to do that if you owe the government money, which he claims he does not?
I mean, what kind of country do we live in?
And then you get indicted by Obama, who made a joke.
You can find that video on our website at clavinbunnydefensefund.org.
Obama at the White House Correspondents Dinner said, this is what happens to you when you use the word Negro.
Let me give a piece of advice to that rancher.
And sure enough, that rancher was indicted a few years later.
This is payback because Obama was offended
Let's expand on that.
The liberal media wants to ban words.
So first they start with the word homosexual.
Heterosexual homosexual is just a scientific term.
Now I've heard that some people get offended by the name Negro Modelo.
Negro just means darker, black in Spanish.
It has nothing to do with putting somebody down.
To use that word.
We can play all day Martin Luther King talking about, you know, from the old Negro spiritual, let us sing Amazing Grace.
We could play that video right now from YouTube.
That was the term that was politically correct then.
Then they say, oh, that sounds too much like the N-word, so let's use the word African-American.
Then folks say they don't like that.
I'm just sick of it.
I'm just sick of it.
Why would Obama then make a joke about it, saying we'll kill you if you use that word?
He uses it!
Nevada Rancher isn't with him, and I guess this serves as a lesson for anybody that starts off his sentence, let me tell you about the Negro, and he repeats that twice.
And I believe that's why he was indicted, because he offended Obama, and Loretta Lynch was Obama in a skirt.
And two years later, they wind up indicting him.
Sure, well, I mean, I'll say this about the Bunnies.
They're nice folks, but they are, like, from another planet.
I mean, they're, like, from the 50s.
They've been out there in the middle of the desert since the 1870s, and they're using the term that he grew up, that Martin Luther King used, and again, it's just... What he was saying was, was complimentary to African-Americans.
Sure, he was saying they've been enslaved, they've been domesticated, but it doesn't matter.
No one talks about injecting black people with syphilis.
That's okay.
Just don't use the word Negro.
It's just insane.
Yeah, no, it is.
The whole thing's upside down.
And here's the bottom line, is that we asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to review this.
I've been seeking a meeting with him.
The poor guy's under siege.
And I hope that the American people will rise up and ask Jeff Sessions to take a look at this neutrally, because this is a persecution.
It's a political persecution.
It's more than a prosecution.
I agree.
Let me ask you this.
They've got Trump under siege.
They've got Sessions under siege.
They've got us under siege, trying to keep us on the defense.
Don't we need to go on the offense like you're doing with lawsuits?
The rest of it.
What else does Trump do?
I think he should come out and say, Michael Moore, instead of picking on Brzezinski and, you know, others who are just jokes, hey, Moore, you're calling for violence.
You're calling to run into people's offices.
If anything bad happens, it's on you.
Stop calling for violence.
That way we get ahead of them trying to foment a revolution.
Well, Alex, we're taking action there, too.
I represent a young gay woman who was attacked.
I think?
We need to try to use the legal system because if we don't, these leftists are fomenting violence and I'm afraid that you're going to wind up with the militias in the streets.
You're going to have the people on the right people on the left.
We're going to be in another Civil War and it's going to be bloody and it's going to be scary and it's going to destroy this country.
So we're using whatever means we can.
We're good.
They're just like communists, that's what they are.
Ironically, Putin said recently, looking at these people who are trying to destroy Trump, he says, he has some sense of humor I might add, he says, these people are a bunch of communists.
So, you know, even he sees it.
He's a communist, so he knows when he sees one.
He was a communist, definitely.
Yeah, well now he's just a dictator.
But the reality is that he sees what's going on here and he's looking at the United States destroy itself and frankly it's not a Russian thing.
When was the last time the left complained of Russia?
Okay, when's the last time they complained of Moscow?
Moscow, to the left, is like Mecca is to the Muslims.
But not anymore, because it's been retaken, and that's why Hollywood and the left hates it.
Look, I'm not going to defend Putin.
Russia's a rough place.
He's done a lot of Christian reforms, pays folks to have kids.
They're not teaching five-year-olds, you know, how to have sex or whatever.
They've done a lot of stuff that's made the left mad.
I mean, I think Putin has gone after his opposition.
A lot of it's been Western funded, leftist funded, Soros funded.
But, I mean, Putin really is super popular in Russia.
A lot of outside polls show him at like 70%.
I mean, do you really think he's a dictator?
Oh, he's a dictator, sure he is.
But the point here is, we don't care whether Putin is or is not.
What we know is that there's nothing wrong in talking to Russia, there's nothing wrong in trying to reach another detente.
Trump has tried to do that.
The Democrats are whipping up hatred.
And like I said, when was the last time the Democrats or the left had a problem with the Soviet Union or Russia?
They have more kinship to the Soviet Union and Russia than they do to our own country.
I mean, Bernie Sanders took his honeymoon there.
You can have a movie, you know, honeymoon in Moscow.
I mean, this is a guy who worshipped
The Soviet Union and Russia.
But that's why they're upset, Larry, because it's not the Soviet Union anymore.
And I've done my research.
Putin's family was secretly Christian the whole time he was in the KGB.
I think we're actually seeing a comeback of Russian Christianity.
I'm not saying it's perfect.
I'm not saying they don't meddle in our affairs.
But from my research and yours back in the day, the Communist Chinese and the EU bureaucrats, and they're the ones that are involved in our elections.
They're the ones that are really trying to manipulate things.
They're the ones allied with the left.
Well, that's right, Alex.
There's no question about it.
And in this world, we have to learn how to deal with people.
We have to be strong.
But you don't shut people out.
You don't create a war when you don't have to have a war.
And the United States, we're powerful.
We need to build up our military.
President Trump deserves a chance.
He's our last chance.
If you think that Obama was bad,
If this president fails, the next one's going to be a hundred times worse.
I totally agree.
Larry Klayman, thank you so much.
I'd love to get Bob Barr on.
Thanks for reminding me about the former congressman who helped get the impeachment through with you and just so much more.
Thank you so much, my friend.
You're welcome.
God bless you.
Happy July 4th.
Thank you, sir.
We're going to be live on Sunday and live on Monday.
We're going to have a special tape broadcast for you on Tuesday and I'll be back Wednesday as well.
But we've still got two hours of transmission left.
Mike Cernovich is coming up with big breaking news.
I want to also try to open the phones up and we've got
Russ Vennery of Project Veritas popping in.
Leanne McAdoo.
Leanne McAdoo has been on a sabbatical.
She's been here almost four and a half years.
I don't want to get into personal stuff, but she's talked about her grandmother had brain surgery and she's been in Florida taking care of her and helping get her moved into the nursing home and stuff.
But Leanne McAdoo is going to be reporting for us the next few months off and on from Florida and then back and forth in Austin.
But Leanne McAdoo, despite the conspiracy theories, told folks she was going on a summer sabbatical.
I thought she wouldn't be back until August, but she wants to come on via Skype, so I'm like, absolutely.
So she's got her little studio set up there.
And her grandma's beachfront condo.
And so, uh, she's taking care of her grandma very, very close to her.
I mean, get off the whole other subject, but people always turn everything into something, you know, that me and Mackie were secretly married and all the rest of this stuff that is so fun for people.
McAdoo is a very attractive lady and very nice, but we've never gone out, we've never kissed, and we've never been married, and so that's a whole separate issue.
I just always put that out there, because McAdoo's asked me to before, because that's the whole internet thing.
And she's like, man, I'm really sick of this.
I go out with guys and people and they Google me and they're like, oh, but you're dating Alex Jones.
It just never seems to end.
But I told her, I said, that's what they do to anybody that's telling the truth.
They target people, they harass them, they do really mean things to them.
Anyways, Leigh Ann McAdoo's out in Florida, and we really look forward to having her join us via Skype, coming up in the last 30 minutes of this hour.
A lot of folks missing her, including me.
She's really funny, and I like her.
She's smart.
I like her dog, too.
But, uh, that was the whole conspiracy that I got divorced because of Leigh Ann McAdoo.
No, I was getting divorced right around the time Leigh Ann McAdoo got hired here, and they're telling me back to news.
I don't have teleprompters, they don't control me or tell me what to do, but I occasionally get into kind of the gossip around the office here, because folks like that, and it's kind of good to bring sunshine to darkness and expose the lies out there occasionally, because like it or not, I never try to turn myself and the crew into the soap opera and the news, but that's kind of what happened.
The media did that, and so we now kind of revel in it.
So we take lemons and turn it into lemonade.
And it's really upset the trolls, though, that it doesn't get to us.
That it actually emboldens us to only fight harder.
Now, let me shift gears here.
This is the big news, ladies and gentlemen.
This is such a big deal.
And I shot the video last night that's up on Infowars.com that needs to go viral.
Is CNN or other MSM planning to stage a false flag against themselves?
The false flag is tell people to go out and kill the president, tell people he's a Nazi, tell people he wants to murder old people, tell people that members of Congress need to die, hashtag hunt Republicans.
Push all this, and then have the social distortion engineer, the self-propelled stomach, Michael Moore come down from his mountain,
And call for people to rise up and go and follow the Soros funding to go into Senators and House members offices because they know folks are going to be back in their districts.
It's purely synthetic.
It's totally AstroTurf.
I know you're not paid $200 a day like Soros people.
But you need, when they get back, to go to their offices.
You need to go to the capitals.
You need to go to the grocery stores and school events and theater events where the senators and house members come and speak.
And you need to get up to the mic and say, these people here are reading off a script.
They know America has awoken.
They know America is awake to globalism.
They know we're trying to get the economy going again.
And these are the bots and the paid garbage here reading off their script to come in and try to intimidate you.
Let those Republicans and Democrats know the American people are who they should be worried about politically.
And that no amount of propaganda or lies is going to prop them up.
I mean, Moore says Trump's going to cause human extinction.
There's just no end.
Think about the carbon footprint of that guy's farts alone.
You know, up in Canada they have this carbon neutral milk you can get.
I'm not kidding.
They hook giant bags on the cows.
How about we hook a giant bag on Michael Moore and all his farts?
I mean, I don't mean to be childish here, it's just the baloney of the globalists and their carbon taxes, where they want us to hook bags onto cows, and are already doing it in Australia, Germany, and Canada, collecting their flatulence.
Well, then I want Michael Moore fitted with a giant flatulence bag.
Michael Moore urges followers to rise up over the Fourth of July,
Storming Senator's offices!
Well, I don't want you to storm or rise up.
You're doing that politically, economically.
I'm just asking you to go to these events, and go to these public events, and know that the scum's gonna be there, and the trash hates it.
Whenever the trash knows, like Cleveland, we're gonna be there, they don't show up.
Or they barely do.
So, this is what they're involved in.
Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore took to Twitter Wednesday afternoon to urge his followers to rise up!
By non-violently storming the district offices of their senators before the July holiday.
And then it goes on from there.
They want to keep the big health care bill the big banks wrote to screw over everybody, because they don't like the plan the Republicans came up with that's bad but not as bad.
It's kind of like only having one arm chopped off, not both arms and both legs, and then your tongue chopped out, and your eyeballs gouged out, and your eardrums gouged out with hot pokers.
And then Michael Moore comes in like deliverance and says, squeal piggy, and he ain't going to be the piggy.
It's a giant globalist gang rape by corporate henchmen that poses liberals like Michael Pigasaurus more.
Now, the guy that has six bodyguards but thinks he shouldn't be able to own a gun.
He is a human animal chimera of an alien species.
Jabba the Hutt crossed with a walrus.
Ho, ho, ho, teeny Jedi.
I have bodyguards, you have none.
Ho, ho, ho.
I'm like, but that's not rational.
You have bodyguards, but citizens who can't afford them can't have guns?
Your mind trick not work on Jabba.
I'm not making fun of fat people.
I'm making fun of Michael Moore.
Okay, because I'm a little chubby myself, eh?
Lost a lot of weight.
Still, it's hard to get all the pounds off when you're a husky, husky man.
Let's get serious, though.
The OECD, that's the big globalist group.
I'm going to tell you about the next segment.
That's one of the key roots of the current New World Order.
Print me the Wikipedia on OECD, please, or their official page.
Last year saw record migration, and those migrants won't be leaving.
Yes, you're using another Jedi mind trick on us to tell us that's just the way it is.
Submit to it.
That's coming up next hour.
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We're trying to hire more people than we are.
We're trying to expand, as you can see.
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That sounds like a lot.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Listen to Jimmy Page play that guitar.
That is some pretty music right there.
You can almost imagine the devil, the chief musician in heaven, playing this song for God, can't you?
Globalism has a wind on down the road.
And if they get it in place, everybody's dead.
Just a little warning to everybody.
Let's go ahead and get into the OECD.
The OECD was set up under the martial law program of then General Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1945-46.
It was officially codified in 1947-48 when the National Security Act passed in the United States.
Those two things tie together.
And when you look at the IMF, the World Bank, when you look at the World Trade Organization, when you look at all of it, it is the master plan of the OECD.
Now the Nazis were so admired by the OSS, much of the British royalty and others, that they actually wanted to adopt the European Union plan, and then have nine other sub-regions governed by it,
And their economic program was to come in as a rebuilding operation, but actually implode your economy, take control of it, and then control you economically, and through diet injections and injunctions.
Or social engineering.
And the Nazis said that, you know, people won't know, we're slowly killing them with shots that just brain damage them, and then we'll increase the number of shots, claiming it's to stop disease, until you've basically been completely
Rendered servile.
The OECD also recommended the United States have its water fluoridated, as they recommended for Europe.
Europe refused.
The U.S.
actually adopted the fluoridation program.
They made jokes about it in Dr. Strangelove movies, you know, Stanley Kubrick 1964.
But you can go read about the OECD for yourself.
It's the real zenith of the model of world government and economic warfare.
Now the OECD comes out
And announces, just like it's some separate economic group that's, you know, totally impartial, and says, oh, there have been 10 million migrants come in, and 5 million of those have just been in the last year and a half or so, so it's accelerating exponentially, and there's going to be more, you've got to accept it, we're getting rid of the borders, and this is the economic future.
And then they celebrate German cities and others that are now majority Islamic.
And then the U.N.
runs TV ads saying you should accept the hajjab, in fact you should wear it, and you should get an Islamic man.
So, it says, oh, the Islamists, here are the ads, and they're announcing the imam of Jerusalem, they are weak, they say come take the women, we go now, and we kill the men!
You want to be good, eh?
So last year saw record migration and those migrants won't be leaving.
And it goes on to report the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says last year a total of 5 million migrants flowed into industrialized nations, most of that into Europe, and those countries should be prepared for the migrants to stay.
You should be prepared for the cancer to grow.
Because they don't get rehabilitated, they don't get taken out of Islam, no, no, they just get put on welfare and then told the government is your God, and they burn everything down the minute they don't get what they want.
The organization said, the organization, the mafia, so the total number of migrants who came into the list of 35 industrial countries was around 5 million.
And they go on to talk about how we have to accept it.
Here it is, right here.
Frankfurt becomes the first German city where natives are the minority.
House passes bill cracking down on illegal immigrant sanctuary cities.
See, Trump's challenging that whole globalist system and that's why he's the enemy of the good old OECD.
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Fear is the passion of slaves.
And this man knows no fear.
He is Alex Jones.
You can tell I didn't write that line or I have to correct it every time it airs.
But it's good to air it so I can correct it.
I know lots of fear.
Fear of not taking action.
Fear of letting the globalists win.
Fear of letting them promote their socialism, their communism, their garbage.
Well, Project Veritas, James O'Keefe's coming on next week, an amazing hero.
Everybody over there is amazing.
He is out there on the street every day confronting the CEO of CNN, who runs from him.
We played that earlier in the broadcast.
They've got Van Jones admitting it's all a nothing burger, the Russian thing's made up.
They've got other producers saying, we know it's all lies, we know it's a witch hunt, but we're ordered to do it by the head of CNN in the meetings.
So, it's an incredible time to be alive.
There's a new report up on Infowars.com.
It's on ProjectVeritas.com, obviously, as well.
And I know you all know how amazing Project Veritas is.
I know Drudge knows how amazing they are.
But we did not get in a comfort zone like, oh, we got Trump and we're starting to turn the tide and the left's imploding.
Everybody knows the media's fake.
No, everybody doesn't know the media's fake.
Everybody doesn't know CNN's complete liars.
There's still a large minority of people that are in the dark.
We need to reach out to them and share these videos.
Share the live feed right now.
It's all about activism.
It's all about that little bit of energy over and over again builds into victory.
This is a football game for all the marbles that you're actually in.
You're not a spectator.
Nobody's a spectator.
Even if you lie to yourself and say you are, you're not.
So Russ Verney is joining us from Project Veritas.
He is an expert on producing newsworthy stories, journalist, and I'm not going to get into his whole great background, but he is an author, edited a lot of top books for the New York Times, a frequent speaker, and is just an all-around expert journalist.
He's a U.S.
Army decorated veteran as well.
He's executive director of Project Veritas.
And wow, what an amazing time to be alive.
I just can't wait to see what the other shoes are to drop from Project Veritas.
We're obviously going to play some of these clips here, but I was listening to a little news piece during the break that Owen Schroyer did that was dead on.
The Democrats are discredited.
They're hated.
Trump trolled them into admitting that
Comey lied that Comey was illegally surveilling and that Trump didn't try to get him to obstruct and that Loretta Lynch is really the person covering up.
I mean, they're in a lot of trouble, but a desperate rat can can really, you know, put the hurt on you.
So we need to understand that.
Yes, we're starting.
To get the upper hand.
But I'm really worried about civil unrest.
I'm worried about terror attacks.
I'm worried about CNN conducting a false flag or something.
Russ, Vernie, we'll get into your latest exploits here for America and the world, but what do you think about the state of the planet right now?
Well, we share a lot of your concerns, Alex, and let me just say it's a pleasure to be on with you and an honor to visit with your audience today.
Back in January, James O'Keefe, who has just turned 33 this week, so he's accomplished an awful lot in his young life, but he went public in January and said our main target this year is going to be the mainstream media
And the social media.
And what you're seeing now is just the first installments of that undertaking.
We've been able to release three blockbuster videos showing the behind-the-scenes decision-making at CNN.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could get our undercover journalists to be able to sit in on the editorial board meeting at the New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post?
That would be a dream come true for us.
But absent that, we've got to go where we can get access to people who are in the know.
So the first video we put out this week on CNN, John Bonifield, the 15-year producer with CNN, says that it's all about ratings.
They don't want to cover climate change or anything else because Russia is where the ratings are.
And he admits that if there was really anything there in the Russia story, it would have come out by now.
Somebody would have leaked it.
So there's nothing there, but they're going to keep doing it because it's all about the money.
For all the money.
At least at their level, it's all about unseating a president trying to restore the republic.
And let's put it back on screen.
Project Veritas, Part 3, released today.
American Pravda, Part 3.
Let's walk through Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and then we'll play some of these clips.
Okay, so part one, they admit that it's just all about ratings, that Russia is just there because people will tune into it and they don't have anything to tell us.
CNN then says, well, that's just one individual's opinion, and he doesn't even work in our political division.
So next day we put out a video where Van Jones, who's one of the talking heads on CNN, who's bashing Trump all the time.
So we asked him in a candid discussion, what's this Russia story all about?
He says it's a nothing burger.
Well, the next day he comes out saying, gee, you took me out of context.
I don't know what context nothing in Berga could have been in, but, you know, it was his full clip.
Then he spends all day yesterday on CNN, on CNN talking heads, talking about how we selectively edited his video.
So today we put out a third story where we get a New York producer for the morning program that is hosted by Chris Cuomo and Allison Camerata.
And that producer tells us that they think the voters are stupid.
They think that Trump is crazy.
And they think that Kellyanne Conway got hit in the face with a shovel.
That's pretty rough stuff coming from them.
But then we find a clip in there, Alex, where there's a panel discussion in front of Alison Camerata.
It was done a while ago.
They ask about voter fraud.
There's a panelist trying to describe how he knows that there's voter fraud, how he's seen it demonstrated by James O'Keefe, actually.
But they cut that part out.
And they make it look as though he was just a conspiracy theorist instead of providing his evidence.
So, when Van Jones is saying we selectively edit, Project Veritas never has, but CNN has.
Well, let's back up for a minute.
Obviously, CNN's famous for that.
You guys always put out your main video, then the raw videos so folks can see it for themselves.
You've never been caught in a scandal.
Oh, they've been caught in the scandals.
But the term nothing burger, a nothing burger is defined as there's nothing there that is completely documented.
So again, the arrogance that they could spin something like a nothing burger and say that that's edited is just ridiculous.
They try.
They try.
You know, they probably work harder than a cat in a hardwood floor trying to bury its mess to pretend that what they said is not what they said.
We don't rely on quotes.
We rely on video.
We've got them in their own words saying this.
So people go back and look at the video.
And Chris Cuomo on that morning program about six to eight months ago, he said that, you know, when you use these undercover videos, you actually get some pretty candid
Honest responses to questions.
Well, yes, we did.
And your producer, Chris, gave us some pretty honest answers to our questions.
Well, let's play the clip of Alison Camerona on CNN, where, again, she takes what they really said about election fraud and added it to be deceptive.
Here's the clip from the Project Veritas American Pravda investigation.
Funny enough, we found further evidence of CNN's culture of malpractice and deception on New Day itself.
On March 30th, Carr's show aired what looked to be a pretty routine political story featuring Camerata and a panel of six Trump voters.
So here we are, 60 plus days into his presidency, and we want to get your grades and your impressions of how President Trump is doing.
The raw audio of the panel interview was leaked to us.
It lasted nearly an hour and a half, cut down to only eight minutes when it aired.
What's striking is not what Carr and his fellow producers chose to include, but what they chose to omit.
It's called selective editing.
Let's look at this portion, when panelist William Baer is discussing the President's claim of voter fraud.
And we don't know as far as the votes and fraud and everything else.
My assumption is that he probably would have gotten elected by a higher number than what the results actually showed.
But are you saying that you believe that there were 3 to 5 million illegals who voted?
Oh, well I know that in New Hampshire, I've seen it.
I've seen busloads of people.
Again, this is where we keep coming back to.
When you say you've seen it, do you mean a dozen, or do you mean 3 million?
There's a difference.
Well, obviously there's only a million and a half people in New Hampshire, so I didn't say 3 million people.
No, the number that President Trump said was 3 to 5 million.
No, I don't doubt that.
No, he said in California.
Extrapolating based on what I've seen with my own eyes, busloads of people coming in, whether they're illegal, meaning they came into the country illegally, or they're illegal voters, they came over from Massachusetts into New Hampshire.
Bill, are you sticking with your that you've seen busloads or no?
I have seen busloads.
Yeah, I guess I can't cite the busloads that I've seen and where I've seen them, but on television I've seen it.
Baer is painted as a conspiracy theorist.
Look at the on-screen chyron.
Quote, Trump voters on his unproven voter fraud claims, unquote.
The implication, no evidence of voter fraud whatsoever.
When Camerata asks for proof, the panelist has no answer.
Or so it seems.
Here's the raw audio from immediately after the edit.
I have seen busloads.
Yeah, I guess I can't cite the busloads that I've seen and where I've seen them, but on television I've seen it.
I mean, has anybody looked into what James O'Keefe has done when he went undercover to these various polling places?
No, but he went in and basically was ready to vote as somebody else.
Nobody asked for ID.
I was actually a poll watcher in New Jersey and I saw what was going on there.
There were college students voting and there was no, there was basically, you use a provisional ballot and it's never challenged.
They just put it right through.
This is common.
At the moment Bayer is about to cite the evidence to support his claim, CNN ends the clip.
The piece suggests that Bayer did not have a legitimate answer to Camerata's question.
In actuality, the answer was cut because it didn't fit their narrative.
This is a textbook lie of omission.
And we have the executive director of Project Veritas, Russ Verney, projectveritas.com, joining us.
People said, why haven't we heard the full Megyn Kelly interview yet?
Well, she was here off and on for 8 hours.
Her crew was here for almost 12 hours.
We're not editing it to deceive it.
She did that.
We have a bunch of cases now, which we're going to put out soon, probably after the holiday, before July, where I say something here 10 minutes before, and then 10 minutes later, they edit those two together to make it sound like I said something completely different, where I'm a gibbering
Stuttering, stammering fool, as they said.
Well, I mean, the problem is there's so many examples of the deceptive editing.
That's our problem, is we have to then listen to all these hours of tape and then go find where it is in it to show.
But we're going to do exactly what Veritas just did to continue to expose these people.
For me, the big story is, don't they know the public's onto them now?
So people in focus groups, aka what happened, you know, in the gun group, in a focus group,
Evidently not, Alex.
They weren't prepared.
You know, we hear this very easy accusation to make that O'Keefe does selective editing.
Well, as you just pointed out to your audience, it takes a long time to prove that you didn't do selective editing.
The accusation is easy, superficial, and catches on quickly.
We have never had one of our videos challenged officially for its content.
Everybody says they're out of context, or shucks, selective editing, but we have never had an issue of retraction.
Sure, that's just what they say.
I mean, I'm live 95% of the time, so everything we do is based on being live, and we want people in big clips congruent with what they said.
Just as a culture, we don't do selective editing.
The point is, that's their stock and trade, and Megyn Kelly, even though she knew I was recording her, she couldn't help but do it, and neither could Katie Couric, and neither could CNN.
And on CNN yesterday, they spent all day talking about us selectively editing that one little clip from Van Jones where he says, it's a nothing burger.
It's all in context, all there.
So they spent all day claiming that we did selective editing.
Today we show them not only we don't do selective editing, but they do.
But it's not even a long clip.
Van Jones has people talking to him.
Van Jones leaves.
It's a short clip.
You ask him.
He says it's a nothing burger.
Right, it's all there.
There's nothing edited out of it.
But he claims that you took me out of context and you did selective editing.
Those are easy accusations to throw out.
Nobody has ever challenged one of my... Sure, but she did the same thing.
Katie Couric said, give me one example of where guns have helped her save people.
And then she cuts to people while they're waiting during a break going...
Not knowing what's going on.
That's pure deception.
Same thing here.
You don't have any proof.
There's no proof of election fraud, really.
Project Veritas has all these city officials, county officials, Democratic operatives saying, we're going to steal elections, we're having illegals vote, nobody can stop us.
Giggling like villains out of cartoons.
You've got it a cornucopia.
And then...
Oh, really?
You didn't see the three million?
Well, obviously, you only saw in his voting precinct van loads of illegals voting.
You know, but you see it.
You know it's going on everywhere else.
So there's this war on logic.
It's not working.
And because they can make the accusation and it takes you a long time to disprove the accusation, but it is superficial.
We have released all of the information in full context without any nefarious editing.
They do the nefarious editing, not us.
And we're proud of every product we've ever put out there.
And you're right about stealing the elections, Alex.
I mean, we did those big exposés on the Democratic Doc Money and Dirty Tricks operation last week.
You guys blew up ACORN!
Yeah, and now, Alex, that was eight years ago, and James has just turned 33.
Think about all he has accomplished in his young life as a leader of a non-profit company.
He has no advertisers.
He has no investors.
He makes the decisions, the final decision of what we will do.
He's got the most profound set of principles, morals, values, and integrity you can imagine.
He's got great guys.
Sure, he just bleeds integrity.
And that's what they can't stand, and the American people are seeing this.
Trump has integrity, Veritas has integrity, Infowars has integrity, Drudge has integrity, and they don't know what to do because integrity is coming back.
Yeah, that'll scare everybody in that integrity-free zone of Washington, D.C.
You know what I love, though, is they're accusing you of selective editing, and then you've got them red-handed, crystal clear, in a classic gotcha moment where they go,
Why'd you do this?
Oh, you don't have proof, and then they cut you just sitting there.
It's amazing.
It was just one of those moments in time where we were able to... We never planned that they would spend all day yesterday claiming that we did selective editing.
Over and over again, they did stories on that yesterday.
That just led right into this piece today.
We were willing to show the selective editing they were doing, but they really set up the table for us yesterday.
It's amazing how that works sometimes.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
In fact, the best part about this is, when this all broke on Tuesday, or Monday, there was a news blackout.
They had to all run back to their corporate bosses, not just at CNN but other places, to try to figure out the line.
But by the time they figured out their BS line, you hit them with another punch, and another punch, and another punch, and so by the time they were responding to the first punch, you're already three, four punches in.
It's just amazing.
It's taken its toll.
And you know, Alex, we don't have any misunderstanding that, you know, we're going to rock the world and CNN is going to change overnight.
But this is just the beginning of our investigations in the mainstream media and social media.
We'll be releasing blockbuster stuff like this all fall along, and the boards of directors, the advertisers, the shareholders, they're all going to have to start coming to grips with the fact they need to report the news, not the fantasies they want to predict.
That's right, they're fomenting violence, they're trying to overthrow the country, they're trying to kill our recovery.
They are a foreign mouthpiece of multinationals that have been dominating this country for decades, and the worm is turning.
And really a lot of these corporate executives just tell their shareholders everything's alright, they all circle the wagons, other media tries to prop up the other media, but pretty soon the whole thing's burning down.
I don't see how they can go much longer.
They're kind of having a dead cat bounce right now, but still their ratings are a shadow of themselves ten years ago, because it's such a spectacle watching the train wreck.
But just because we watched the Jeffrey Dahmer trial on Court TV, doesn't mean we like Jeffrey Dahmer.
Don't they understand that?
They are loathed.
What they do like is they like the serial, the soap opera type of story so that they know you'll tune in tomorrow to get the next installment.
And that's what they created with this fake news about Russia was they could every day have an installment because they didn't have to worry about facts.
They weren't reporting facts to you because there weren't any.
From the beginning, it's run by the Clintons and the Democrats.
You know it's never going to end.
You've got the Republican establishment going along with it.
And so you know it's just a fake news bonanza that goes on and on.
And if there's another Salem witch trial, the people running it take over the town, get to burn all their enemies.
You better shut your mouth about tax cuts.
We'll call you a Russian.
They've got their agenda, they're promoting it hard, and we're going to do what we can to expose it.
Now, we don't advocate solutions.
We think the members of the board of directors, the shareholders, the viewers, the advertisers will ultimately bring market forces to change things.
But we're going to continue exposing the inner workings of all of these news organizations.
And again, wouldn't it be marvelous if we could have an undercover reporter at an editorial board meeting at the New York Times every day?
It'd be great.
There's folks sitting there in those meetings that know it's wrong.
They can send it to Veritas.
They can send it to Infowars.
We are ready to release it all.
We are ready.
It's like I taped Megyn Kelly.
People said, is that ethical?
She's a known liar who already edited stuff about me that was fake about Pizzagate on Fox.
I knew she was a liar.
And so of course I taped her.
That's totally ethical.
It's legal under Texas law.
I'm proud of doing it.
Why wouldn't you record it?
I mean, the whole purpose of having an interview is so that there's a recorded record of it.
You know, it's like your audience, you know, somebody calls you up on the phone and says, for quality control purposes, we're going to record this.
For quality control purposes, I'm going to record it, too.
You know, everybody should have the same recording and compare them when they're all done, make sure they match.
Well, it's sad we've gotten to that point because I've never
Decoded phone calls, unless I'm live on air and I say, hey, we're calling your police department or whatever, we're live on air, you can answer our questions.
I've never done it, but literally, she's already lied about me selectively edited, where I said Hillary killed all these kids backing jihadis in Syria.
She edited it all together to where I said Hillary was killing kids in a basement of a pizza place.
And then she said, oh, I don't remember that, and I went, hold on.
Then I started recording her, because I knew she was a damn liar.
Well, that's what you gotta do.
And like us, the video speaks for itself.
I don't care how many times I say it was taken out of context.
What context does Nothing Burger have beyond just no calories?
Russ Verney, is there more coming out tomorrow or next week?
No, I think we're going to take a little hiatus through the holiday and we'll have a little something next week.
It's well deserved.
Russ Varney, you are amazing.
Not just, of course, your founder.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you very much.
Appreciate being on.
Project Veritas.
Makes me proud to be an American.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The tide is turning in the witch hunt aimed at President Donald Trump.
After being right about rigged elections, fake news, and the travel ban, the unrelenting persecution of our president is actually starting to yield some fruit for the Drain the Swamp movement.
After Trump trolled James Comey into admitting he leaked, and Loretta Lynch intervened in the Clinton email probe, the investigations are now aimed at the Democrats.
John Podesta had a secret hearing on Tuesday.
Loretta Lynch will soon be called to a hearing.
Susan Rice will have to answer for unmasking.
And Bernie Sanders and his wife are being investigated by the FBI for bank fraud.
And now Republican senators want answers on the FBI Russia probe in regards to surveillance.
Senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham are leading the way in searching for answers on the procedures taken and by whom to issue surveillance requests because of the Russian probe.
What could this possibly turn up as the world awaits answers from Barack Obama?
As to why it was he that interfered with the Russian investigation, not President Trump.
Stay tuned for more of the implosion of the left at InfoWars.com.
This is Owen Schroer.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, she's been gone the last month and a half, but here she is back via Skype, Leigh-Anne McAdoo.
For TV viewers, there she is.
I gotta say, it made me happy to see her there, so she'll be back with us more a lot soon.
I asked her what she wanted to get into.
She wants to get into the collapse of CNN, the Nothingburger, the Mika Brzezinski stuff.
That's exactly where I wanted to go.
So here is Mika.
Freaking out, saying all this stuff, when they're the ones that started the whole thing, it's incredible.
Here it is.
He picked the wrong schoolyard to come into, I have to tell you this.
You know, I'm not an employee of NBC, so I can... I'm gonna go thug here, okay?
I'm sorry, because Meek is a friend of ours.
She's a good woman.
She's a great mom.
And he's a pig.
He's a vulgar pig.
And I find what's ironic about... You know, Michelle Obama says, when they go high, we go... And when they go low, we go... When he goes low, I'm going low.
You guys will take the high ground.
I'm gonna take the low ground.
He's physically disgusting to look at.
I mean, that's what I find ironic about...
The way he starts to always go after other people's physical attributes.
So, beyond the fact that he's obviously not well, and Joe and Meek have a great common, he's clearly forget, obviously, obvious misogynism, the obvious vulgarity, the obvious stupidity.
He's not mentally okay.
This is a man with a nuclear cause.
We have to start paying attention to it.
And he's disgusting to look at.
I know everybody's gonna say Donnie, but... I'm so many levels.
No, no, let me tell you why it's not irrelevant.
Because enough is enough.
Enough is enough with this...
Disgusting, vulgar man!
And to talk about women that way?
And the irony is that, I kid you, you physically look like you do, beyond the stupidity of it.
You're a pig, you are a bully, and you are doing disgusting things to this country.
But Donnie, doesn't it lower again this discourse to say what you said about his physical appearance?
You know what?
It absolutely does.
And maybe it's time that we all stop tippy-toeing.
I'm taking the low ground here.
You know what?
He goes after a woman that way.
He goes after a friend that way.
He is a vulgar human being.
He's vulgar to look at.
He's disgusting the way he behaves himself as the president.
And I'm sorry, I probably won't be on this show again.
Sorry, I put the shades back on.
Please bring yourself back.
You discredit yourself, punk.
Now I'm gonna get Leanne's take on this, but they're calling him a dictator.
They're having guest on saying kill Trump.
They're attacking his family.
They're making all this stuff up.
We're gonna play some of those clips coming up.
And then she says she's scared.
It's kind of like...
When the CNN humorist came out and did the simulated chopping Trump's head off, and all he said is, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, then she said, Kathy Griffin said, I'm scared you bullied me.
I mean, they attack him, they shoot congressmen, the liberals are calling for war, Michael Moore is calling for uprisings, and then Trump...
Well, Alex, thank you for having me.
It's great to be back on the show and see you, but, you know, I'm kind of
Enjoying being able to sit back and not have to instantly react to this political tennis match we've got going between the media and following Trump's Twitter.
That's all the news.
That's all anyone is talking about are his tweets and just completely ignoring so many other really important things that are going on in this country.
Frankly, I wish Trump wouldn't have tweeted out about Mika's facelift.
I mean, it just takes away from his achievements.
It takes away from his accomplishments.
It gives the media more justification to not talk about the good things that she's doing for this country.
I mean, why didn't he celebrate the Supreme Court backing him up?
Or why didn't he go after CNN and all these fake news videos?
He did, but why is he going after Mika and Psycho Joe?
I know why.
They've burrowed into his life.
They've gotten close to his family.
You know, and this is the same thing Melania Trump says.
If you hit him, he's going to hit back two times, you know, ten times harder.
That's just how he is.
He's 70 years old now.
He's not going to change the way he is at this point.
I mean, he is who he is.
And that's why the people voted for him, because they appreciate that he doesn't hold any punches.
And, you know, you know exactly what you're going to get with him.
But let me tell you this, you've been there in Florida.
You take care of your grandma, you also spent some time in Europe, just the last month or so, not being in the Infowars pressure cooker, taking the sabbatical, which you certainly deserve, I want one too.
What would you say about the state of the world right now?
Well, obviously, what an incredible month for me to just keep quiet.
I mean, so many tragic things happened over the last month and a half, of course, many big things.
Something that was really impressed upon me when I was in Portugal, I would talk to so many people, so many different people from Germany, the UK, Portuguese people as well, Spain, everyone instantly.
Where are you from?
Oh, who'd you vote for?
Everyone wants to talk about politics.
Filtered through CNN, which is basically pushing this message that Trump only won because Americans are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, impeach, impeach, and that's what they kept- Which shows CNN is the most anti-American broadcasting system that's just sick.
They're so anti-American.
But people don't realize that on the outside.
They think we're the free world over here.
We've got this free press.
And that was what I just kept trying to explain to them.
That's no longer true.
All of our main media outlets where we used to get our information vital to our nation
Upset that those efforts failed.
That's my next question.
You've got Zuckerberg, you've got the CIA, you've got the kingpin Carlos Slim, the Mexican kingpin.
It's all these globalists, the ultra-rich, against Trump and America.
Doesn't the left get their siding with the establishment?
Well, that's the thing that's funny is that now they're anti-government and they're pushing all the conspiracy theories.
It's really funny how that it's kind of flipped around where they were really trying to push that message that these anti-government folks are really dangerous to the democracy, but now it's them.
But it's I think it's really interesting that they're taking Trump's latest tweet and now trying to invoke the 25th Amendment.
That's their big thing that they're going to do and say, well, he's clearly unfit to be president.
Stone got that from high level sources two months ago and broke it.
That's what Mika and that's what Psycho Joe are saying is he's mentally ill.
I mean the guy, that guy has incredible stamina at like one in the morning.
The guy sleeps four hours, he really does.
He's so smart.
Just when I personally talk to him, I mean, he finishes my sentences.
And so to claim at 71 he is senile or mentally ill is the opposite.
So they can say he's senile, mentally ill, but he can't say Mika has a low IQ.
Right, or they can sit there and make fun of his tiny hands.
For whatever reason, that seems to be their favorite insult.
Talk about how he's overweight and how we need to get his blood pressure tested and make sure he's not eating too much fast food.
I mean, they're constantly making fun of his appearance, but if, God forbid, he says something about someone else, you know, that's all the news.
And there's actually a recent chart from the Media Research Center
Kind of analyzing the amount of coverage that ABC, CBS, and NBC were giving to Russia.
Sure, and the 91-93% of the coverage Harvard admits, Yale admits in two different studies, one says 91, one says 93.
I mean, it's more like 99.
It is all negative, so just ask yourself, what is he doing that makes him so mad?
But you said something really important that I've meant to address, so I've seen it online, I've seen it on TV, I've seen it in a bunch of newspapers, they go,
Jones hated the government and wanted a violent uprising until Trump got in.
Well, A, I didn't hate the government.
I didn't want a violent uprising.
Our country was totally run by globalists.
As soon as we got somebody in that actually tried to actually make the decisions and get power back to the American people, of course I support that.
I'm not some loser that just wants to sit back as a permanent
The person complaining, I want to make things better.
I'm a father.
I'm a citizen.
I'm a human.
So it adds more credibility that when the police start doing a better job, and when the military steps up, and when citizens step up, and when Trump does a better job, when Trump bombs the fake Syrian, you know, deal, and they're trying to false flag him into a war, I say, that's bad, Trump.
And then Trump responds three days later and says, we're not going to do this.
So I see him as so responsive is what's
I just can't believe how much good he's done, quite frankly, Leigh-Anne.
And just imagine if Hillary was in, what would it be like?
Oh, every day I think about that.
And here now, I'm living in Florida, and I'm surrounded by a bunch of elderly people who are quite progressive.
They come down here from New York and other places, and of course they want to talk about politics.
And it's so easy for me to say to them,
Well, I'm much happier with a Trump than I would have been with Hillary Clinton, and none of them can argue with the fact that she was a terrible candidate.
And I mean, at the end of the day, I'm sorry, if you think Trump's such a bad guy, well, your candidate lost to him.
So that speaks volumes about what a terrible candidate she was.
And then just the fact that we're overlooking all of the corruption and the collusion and things that went into trying to get her elected.
I mean, there's so many things that are not being addressed because we're being forced to ping pong back and forth.
The nation is being forced.
Those people who turn into mainstream media are being forced to just constantly pivot back and forth between the media versus Trump.
And they're not getting any information that's actually serving them.
That's why you have a lot of Democratic
Democratic leaders, they're kind of calling on their people to stop pushing this Russia thing because Trump taking us out of the Paris Climate Accord.
They weren't prepared for that.
They didn't have any response for that because they hadn't been rallying up their protesters and rallying up their troops to even think about that Paris Treaty.
They had nothing to say about it.
That's my next question.
How can they be calling to kill Trump, murder Trump, hashtag hunt Trump, Democratic officials?
They're actually trying to organize this.
Then they turn around and say it's Trump's fault Congressman Scalise got shot.
And you would think after something like that, where we're actually seeing political violence now festering up and people are actually now actively getting violent with their political rhetoric, they're taking it now to the streets, you would think, okay, are they going to tone it down a little?
No, you have Chris Matthews talking about Trump needing to take out Jared Kushner, get rid of his son-in-law.
I mean, it's dangerous.
That makes me support Kushner now.
I don't think Kushner's a bad guy, but I know he's been reportedly leaking to, uh, or talking to Scarborough.
He should know Scarborough's not his friend.
Let me ask you this, because it's a big spectacle.
I haven't talked to you except for some text messages and a couple calls in the last month or five weeks.
You took care of your grandma and went to Europe.
Well-deserved time.
But be honest.
I mean, obviously, I look like hell.
Bad lighting.
I need to lose some weight again.
I've kind of been slacking.
But the editing of a stammering, mindless Alex Jones, the Megyn Kelly,
Was it the right decision to do the interview?
I mean, I did it because I was gonna, you know, obviously try to expose the hit piece.
It blew up in her face to a certain extent.
People agree that we came out on the better side, but I don't think it's because I'm that good.
I think it's that she's that bad, and the dinosaur media is in such crisis.
But correct me if I'm wrong, what is your real analysis of that?
Well, I was really glad that you did the interview.
I thought it was definitely going to be a hit piece, but I was willing to give her a chance because I did, you know, respect Megyn Kelly.
And I, you know, you used to say, oh, don't worry about her.
You can do it.
You could be better than her or whatever.
I looked up to her.
So I was giving her a chance to see if she could be better.
You are a million times better than Megyn Kelly.
Please, for God's sakes, stop it.
You're like a super smart girl next door.
That's awesome.
I mean, Megyn Kelly was very robotic.
I'll just tell you this.
She's very attractive physically.
I had zero attraction to her, though.
I don't mean that mean.
It was like there wasn't a woman there.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, I mean, she's definitely sort of toughened up and changed a lot.
I think she took a lot of heat for giving Trump those pretty hard-hitting debate questions initially.
And, you know, you asked me this at the time as a woman, you know, I thought she handled it pretty well.
And frankly, at the time, he did say those things and she was brave enough to say, well, if you're going to be the president,
We're good to go.
And I was just really glad that you guys recorded it, because I know that that's not something that we've ever done.
I was about to say, the folks are now saying, I'm recording everything.
Have we ever recorded somebody, sir, audiciously?
No, and that's where we always joke about it, because, I mean, obviously there's cameras all over the place, but, you know, it's, I mean, this is not something that you're...
You know that there's going to be a hit piece, so you just kind of take it in stride and give them your honest, authentic Alex Jones and they'll spin it and do whatever.
But, you know, I just don't think they were expecting to have her
Just so blatantly lying, have that recorded, and blow up in her face.
And to me, it's like, really?
Alex Jones will be the one thing that finally undoes Megyn Kelly?
I mean, that was incredible to see.
I don't think it's that.
I just think that they, the public sees us as honest, which we are.
We make mistakes, we'll tell people.
Here's an example.
The headline said, Playboy reporter in the Daily Mail confronts
You think?
We don't have the time and energy to lie.
We're like live.
We're really saying what we think.
There's no teleprompters.
With them, they'd spent two weeks manipulating this thing.
And my problem is, we have all the audio.
Rob Dews is like, dude, I've been working on this like 50 hours and I can't put it out because it takes hours to go back through all the audio, find what you said, then match up the points.
It's going to come out soon.
It's just, it's insane.
She would take
We've got edits of hers, Leigh-Anne, that are four different clips over an hour and a half.
You understand, they would take over an hour and a half, four things I said, that's why even mainstream media meant it was jump cuts, because it would like go, and I do this, and it would cut back to her and like cut to a wide shot and all this, because they were literally like taking, you know, a news article and cutting out each word like a refrigerator game.
And then like rearranging them.
I mean, it's that bad.
So here's the question, why do they think they could get away with that?
Well, and I'm also curious how much of that last minute scrambling editing took place once you released the piece and kind of scooped Megyn Kelly.
I wonder how much they went back and tried to edit more to make you look really bad and really villainous.
So that might not have even been the original piece that they were working on, but then once she got scooped, then they were like, okay, well now we've really got to, now we really have to hit them.
You know, that's a good point because she said... Don't worry, other folks have taken it over at NBC.
It's going to be much worse on Alex.
Yeah, I mean, people have to understand it's all edited.
It's all filtered through a biased channel.
And then you can see him take your clips, mash them up.
Wait till we release this.
I mean, I actually think the fact we do this on purpose, I think waiting until everybody's kind of forgotten about it, then releasing pieces of this selective editing is going to be devastating.
Leanne McAdoo is our guest.
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We got two more segments left with Leanne McAdoo.
It's great to see her face via the Skype.
She's been on sabbatical taking care of her grandmother and taking some time off.
She'll be doing reporting for us and more though coming up very, very soon.
But she deserves more time off.
She did have the whole summer off, but she texted me a few weeks ago and said I'm ready to come back on.
A lot of stuff going on.
So it's great to have her here with us.
We're going to be launching a lot of new shows soon, so who knows, Leanne may have her own broadcast, her own, there she is, thumbs up, her own broadcast, her own system.
So a lot of exciting, a lot of exciting things happening.
We always do what we say, sometimes it takes a little bit longer.
But Leanne, I used to go watch Hollywood movies and kind of the old archetypes where only a few people stood up and took action and saved the day.
And I always thought, oh, you know, that's to make little people feel small.
But the truth is, little people doing little things together moves mountains.
But it is individuals like yourself and others that do take the heat, like James O'Keefe and Matt Drudge and countless others, that we should celebrate because
I was just talking to Rob New during the break.
If it wasn't for Infowars, and a lot of other groups and people as well, but Infowars particularly, Hillary Clinton would be in office right now.
They were sure of it.
They stole six states, tried to steal five others.
I keep going back to that.
It's not about worshipping Trump.
He's got his own problems.
The next segment we'll talk about those and get your critique.
But just look at the howling anger of the corrupt elites.
Why do you think they're so upset?
I mean,
It's just pretty incredible to me.
We were seeing just the total globalist takeover.
I was pretty defeated, I've got to say, up until the election night.
You were getting depressed and I told you, Leigh-Anne, I said, don't get depressed, we're going to win.
I was like, we're done, there's no way.
Hillary Clinton, you know, she's got the witchcraft way of life.
She probably cast a few spells and boiled a few live cats.
I thought for sure she was going to be the wicked witch.
We're good to go.
By our elected representatives.
By our media.
They're celebrating this resist movement.
That the entertainers are now moving in and pushing this resist movement.
It's just incredible to watch that they hate our country that much that they want us to destroy each other.
And they're like stoking the fire.
It's just incredible.
She could have been our Wicked Witch in charge.
And archetypally, the Wicked Witch is threatened by the young goddess.
If you actually study the archetypes here, that's why the feminists want to dominate women, because it's that power they want to control and direct that, because the way women go, so goes the society.
I agree with that.
And, you know, we were talking a little earlier about just how they are editing things and splicing things together.
But the thing that's so important, and they're kind of doing a lot of analysis on this now, your original tweet will go out and it gets 10,000 retweets and likes, and then you issue the correction and it gets maybe four retweets, three likes.
The thing that's already stuck into the collective consciousness is that misinformation.
And now it's almost getting to the point where you think the misinformation is being put out on purpose, initially.
And then, oh, we'll issue a retraction later.
Oh, that's it.
That's it.
And we'll see it.
And then they don't even have to alert their readers to the fact, for instance, with Washington Post and all of their anonymous sources, their intelligence sources say that they have a $600 million contract with these intelligence agencies.
I mean, this is obviously a conflict of interest.
People aren't getting true information, and our entire country is running around buck wild on this misinformation.
It's a pretty scary state we're in.
That's right, but just because these folks have little intelligence badges and are in intelligence, you know, facilities, the public has all the power they have as well and more.
And that's why we're going to win.
America is coming back no matter what they do.
We'll be back in 70 seconds, fourth hour with Leanne McAdoo, Mike Cernovich and more.
It is so good to see Leanne's face.
I mean, she's my friend.
I really like Leanne, but let me tell you, I really miss her.
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It's Alex Jones.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars host and analyst, taking a sabbatical this summer to take care of her grandma, but she's already back with us.
Can't extinguish that fire.
But I'll tell you, she deserves that time off.
I want to take a couple months off myself, but the fight is so intense.
That's why we're getting all these other talk show hosts, all these other people on air, building a major network, because then I can
Not cut back being on air, my problem is I get so obsessed with it, and so obsessed with it, it just takes over my mind, and then you stare into the abyss, you become the abyss.
And I know Leanne would get depressed looking at all this news, knowing how real it was, but we see things starting to turn the corner.
Leanne, in the four minutes we've got left, what are other points you'd like to talk about?
Well, I know a lot of people are really concerned with what's going to happen with the Affordable Care Act, and Trump's actually tweeted, just repeal it altogether if you can't
But it's designed to make the whole health care plan fail.
I mean, the current plan is a scam.
Well look at what's going on with this 10-month-old Charlie Gard.
Now this is the baby.
He has a very rare disease, a mitochondrial disease, and his family was able to raise almost $2 million so that he could get some experimental treatment to the United States.
But they have the European Court of Human Rights says, no, we're not going to let you take him to get this experimental testing.
We're not going to allow you to fly to the US to do this.
We're taking him off life support and letting your child die with dignity.
That's right.
They have the money.
And so they want to set the precedent that they're going to not let you get medical treatment to your child.
Right, and this family just wants to see if perhaps they can give a better quality of life to their child.
The truth is Leanne, the EU is totally run by globalists.
They want to block a lot of experimental stuff because they already know it works.
They don't want the public.
Most of this stuff is 20-30 years old.
I've talked to people involved at MD Anderson, you name it.
They don't want these tests to get done because they know this stuff works and all these advanced technologies then will be discovered.
Yeah, and this isn't even assisted suicide.
I mean, this is euthanasia, and they're okay with this type of thing here.
And I know we've talked about death panels, and we're made fun of for that kind of thing, but there's so many people in this country right now that think the government needs to take care of them for everything.
And just take a look at what's going on there in Europe if you want to see what that looks like.
You give all the power to the government to take care of you.
I mean, it's absurd.
Well, they allow all these chimeras and stuff, but they've got a mitochondrial treatment.
They go, oh, it might mutate.
Okay, so it might mutate.
We're not putting animal genes into this baby.
No, they're totally fine creating a baby out of the thigh material so that the baby can be created without a man.
It's created with just two women.
Or they're totally fine with creating a baby with three parents, but if you want to take your child to get some experimental therapy that could improve his quality of life, no, we can't.
That's too crazy.
That's too far.
We can gender reassign your seven-year-old, you know, it hasn't even gone through puberty yet.
Sure, it's an agenda.
They don't want... I know about this treatment that I have actually tested.
They don't want the stuff that's known to work.
And that's what they're so scared about.
Anything else is fine.
Just don't let us actually do genetic treatments that are safe and work.
And the fact that this family has raised all this money.
There's so many people who are concerned and just want to help this family.
So now this just happened today.
They took the boy off his assisted life support.
So we'll have to see what happens.
But now the family said they're going to donate all that money to other families dealing with this disease so that they can try to help those families.
They fought so hard for baby Charlie, and to just have that government there say, nope, he needs to die.
Why are they making the decision?
If the U.S.
government will let them do it, why would they say, oh, it's just incredible?
Leanne McAdoo, I know you're going to be doing reports for us, more on the field, coming back to Austin sometime too.
Very exciting.
You are awesome.
It is so good to see your face.
Good to see you too, Alex, and all the crew.
I miss you guys.
Well, Leanne, we miss you too, and you're awesome.
Michael Cernovich is coming up with a Robert Kiyosaki bombshell.
Thank you so much, Leanne.
Comey just self-destructed in front of the world.
Comey just melted down, and the media is trying to change the subject to Marco Rubio's hair, or, oh, the Russian investigation goes on, this adds weight to it.
He said that he's the leaker, and that the New York Times and others got it wrong, what was even in the memo.
But I don't know how the media, how the horror media, how the dinosaur media, puts Humpty Dumpty back together again, because this, to me, was a bloodbath.
Gavin McInnes, what do you think?
I think it's amazing how the left keeps putting all their eggs into one basket, and then that basket turns out to have a hole in the bottom, and instead of going, uh-oh, I guess I'm wrong, they just move their eggs to the next basket.
Like, they pin all their hopes on some giant myth, and then when it doesn't work out, they never scratch their head like a scientist would and go, maybe I'm wrong.
What's happening here is I'm a Democrat appointee.
I'm an operative.
I've been caught.
The Republicans are in power.
I'm scared.
Just leave me alone.
I'm a possum.
I'm playing dead.
But the truth is, he didn't play dead.
He went and made up this memo, then perjured himself to Congress two months ago, saying nobody tried to influence him.
And now in the hot seat again, he's saying no one did order him.
So here's the clip of Comey saying he's a yellow belly.
You told the president, I would see what we could do.
What did you mean?
I was kind of a slightly cowardly way of trying to avoid telling him we're not going to do that, that I would see what we could do.
It was a way of kind of getting off the phone, frankly.
And then I turned and handed it to the acting Deputy Attorney General, Mr. Bente.
This is a very important clip.
This is, again, where we have Comey coming out and admitting that the New York Times got it wrong in the main about the Russia story.
So he's leaking directly to them and the Washington Post, but saying then they got it wrong.
Here it is.
That report by the New York Times was not true.
Is that a fair statement?
Yeah, in the main it was not true.
And again, all of you know this, American people don't.
The challenge, and I'm not picking on reporters, about writing stories about classified information is the people talking about it.
Often don't really know what's going on, and those of us who actually know what's going on are not talking about it.
No, you just put out memos and leak stuff against the president, and then know full well they're going to twist it and lie about it, and then claim, oh, sorry, jeepers creepers, Gavin McGuinness.
I think him and a lot of liberals don't understand that you put all your eggs in this basket, and there's a hole in the basket, and all your eggs just smashed.
And this has happened time and time again, and they just don't wake up.
You are either with the Republic or against it.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
And you're hosting the fourth hour that has just kind of been our training wheels area now that Mike Cernovich needs it.
Before I'm getting the people hired, I'm putting it in place, I'm getting the clock set up, I'm contacting our radio affiliates and saying,
By the middle of July, David Knight will host a three-hour radio show leading up to 11 a.m.
So from 8, 9, 10, 11.
From 8 in the morning until 11.
You will have David Knight.
I don't know the name of the show yet.
We've got the clock.
We've got the intros getting ready.
That's going to happen.
Then Mike Cernovich is going to come on at three o'clock central.
And we'll at least host an hour of it.
But it'll be a roundtable so that it will then segue into others.
Because a lot of our main anchors are so busy they can't do three, four hours a day.
So it'll be a lot of these will be roundtable shows.
Night can hold three hours a day.
So concerned of it easily, but they only want to host an hour or two a day.
Same thing with Roger Stone.
He'll be coming on at nine at night till midnight central.
He'll host an hour and a half or so, but then he'll be with Owen Schroyer, who will then segue into clips and other guests.
So these are going to be shows hosted by two people that then have generally, at least for an hour, a gallery of other guests.
Your calls, clips, but mainly it's so we're live on air with breaking news as it happens, and I intend by the end of 2017,
I don't believe we're saying that.
In the year 2017, the second American Revolution went into high gear as patriots using information warfare techniques and the weapon of truth took on the globalists and began to win.
This is a chronicle of the 21st century war to restore the new renaissance in the American century.
That's what's happening.
But I'm involved in all of it, obviously.
The branding, which is the truth.
People say, how do I brand stuff?
What is the truth of history?
And then that's what we brand.
I'm not coming up with any of this.
I'm actually looking at what's happened to humans before and bringing it back with a 21st century mix.
So this is a big deal.
The globos are going to launch counter-defenses.
They're going to get violent.
Michael Moore is calling for uprisings.
People know the MSM's out to get them.
They know they're liars.
They know they work for foreign powers.
They know they want to make you poor.
In fact, we've had a lot of great folks sending in graphics.
One of them is CNN is a terrorist organization.
That's Mike Cernovich's idea a month ago.
Now we've seen dozens of people peacefully take over national TV and expose it.
We're going to tweet that out in the next hour.
They terrorize our freedom.
CNN is fake news.
They've only paid out like 15 grand of the 200,000.
So CNN is terrorist.
CNN is fake news.
But they've had all these people throwing fits.
And freaking out and getting upset and CNN saying it's dangerous.
Stop saying it.
You're saying kill people.
You're having guests on saying the guy that shot the cops and the congressman wasn't an evil person.
You're the one saying hashtag hunt Republicans.
All we're doing is saying you're a bunch of trash.
Just like Trump.
Says, Mika's begged to come meet with me, so has this other guy.
Give me a break.
She shows up all bleeding from, you know, facelifts.
Get out of my way.
They go, oh, we're, Kathy Griffin, kill the president.
He says, you know, that's despicable what you did.
Oh, you were mean to me.
And actually fake cries like a three-year-old who gets caught, you know,
Doing something bad, they do that fake cry.
Mike Cernovich, taking over my friend.
Wow, what is it like for you to see the further implosion of CNN, the rest of media rallying around trying to prop it up, the total hysteria, the ghost dance they've gone into.
What do you make of this?
Well, I wanted to break a story real quick.
I wasn't able to break it when you had me on on Monday because I have to embargo a lot of this stuff.
So, there was a big story right now we found out about Rex Tillerson, Brian Hook, and Margaret Peterling.
Rex Tillerson, some of us might remember, the State Department secretly lifted the ban on refugees.
There was a New York Times article about this about a month ago.
That's right, countermanding Trump.
Not just courts rebelling, what the Supreme Court slapped down on Monday, but we're talking about beyond that.
We're talking about rebellion inside the State Department.
Go ahead.
Right, so I found out that the State Department had lifted the ban on refugees.
They were going to let in at least 50,000.
And we thought it was Brian Hook.
So, what a lot of people don't realize, there's this guy Brian Hook, who shouldn't be a very high-level person.
He is actually meeting with foreign dignitaries.
He is holding court, and you can tell, this is like an open secret now.
And tell folks his pedigree, it's globalist.
And he was a never-Trumper.
So he was a Never Trumper, a story broken by Alex Pfeiffer and John Huddleston, I think, of foreign policy back when it happened.
So this Never Trumper, Brian Hook, got hired in the State Department, and he is meeting with foreign dignitaries.
That is an open secret right now.
It's a talk of D.C., talk of the town.
You're not going to find that political, though, because they're happy that a Never Trumper is meeting with foreign dignitaries.
He's acting like he is now... So you began to expose that.
Now, what are your sources saying?
So apparently there was some pushback from Stephen Miller about this refugee lifting.
So they, and I texted Nico the article too about how they secretly lifted the ban on refugees behind Trump's back.
Well Brian Hook had done that, and it turns out now Rex Tillerson is on board with Brian Hook's plan.
Tillerson now wants to let in 100,000 new refugees in a year.
All right, so wait, this is huge.
We've given him benefit of the doubt.
You're saying, from your White House sources, Rex Tillerson hasn't been blindsided.
Rex Tillerson is involved in bringing in Islamists.
That brings me to the OECD that set up the current takeover of Europe.
They're saying, just get used to it.
We need these Muslims to basically pay European Social Security.
So they decided to repopulate us, not with Latin Americans, Africans, or Asians, which would be fine, but with radical Muslims.
That makes no sense, but that's what they're announcing.
Go ahead.
Yeah, so initially I thought it was Brian Hook who lifted the ban.
Indeed, it was Brian Hook.
But I found out there was a meeting in the Oval Office.
President Trump was present there.
Stephen Miller was.
Tillerson was there.
Rex Tillerson went on a rampage and said, I'm not going to listen to some 31-year-old Stephen Miller.
Why do you think you know so much?
We need to start taking in more refugees or there'll be more terrorism in America.
So Tillerson, we don't know what happened with him.
He started off actually being okay.
And we thought it was Margaret Peterlin and Brian Hook, who they essentially are running.
That's actually should be a much bigger story than it is.
Brian Hook, Never Trumper, totally unqualified for the job, is acting as a de facto Secretary of State.
He's having meetings with foreign dignitaries, having meetings with heads of state.
We're talking, you know, countries like India.
They have to go and kiss the ring of Brian Hook, who was a Never Trumper.
And I thought, you know, what's going on?
Because we thought Tillerson was okay.
Well, it turns out, though, Tillerson has now been persuaded by, I don't know, McMaster or whoever,
By the way, if that sounds like it doesn't make sense,
Ergun played the part of the nice Muslim, like Turkey did, even though he was the former head of the Ottoman Empire.
They got Europe to take in, in the last decade, five million Turks.
Okay, at least.
And so now he wants to come in and direct them politically.
He's threatened to jihad, to quote, burn down every city through his ambassador to the EU if they don't accept it.
Germany finally stood up and said, okay, you can't come here and give a speech.
That was today.
So this is the model.
The Muslim groups say,
If you don't let us on the New York Federal Reserve Board, if you don't let us get all these government contracts, if you don't let us come in and do all this, if you don't let in a certain number, we're going to attack you now, which is just what my Pentagon sources told me years ago.
And I said, we're being held hostage by rich Muslims threatening to activate terror cells if we don't let more in.
So then we're going to let even more in where it's well over these boats.
90% male.
They keep saying it's 80% in the UN's numbers.
That's crazy!
Hey, go ahead and blow stuff up.
We're not going to be held hostage.
We're certainly going to take more of you in.
This is the most idiotic equation.
The truth is, our elites are being paid off by Saudi Arabia and the Islamicists.
What else are your White House sources saying?
Well, Tillerson now is a full-on globalist.
Again, I don't know if he was bribed by somebody, or somebody threatened his family, or what happened, but what we- Because he did fight globalism back in the 90s and 2000s.
Yeah, so they're back in, and so there's a nasty fight, nasty infighting.
Tillerson is, again, he wants to go back to the Obama administration era of the refugee resettlement policy.
That's the Tillerson thing.
Let me ask you this.
Why does the OECD, which again is the original big globalist system that took over Europe, why is it and the UN obsessed with quote repopulating us with Muslims when statistically highest rates of welfare, super high rates of crime, pimping, sex slavery, I mean
I mean, if you want to statistically bring in people, Mexicans are like 50 times better.
I mean, let's just, let's admit it.
An average Mexican worker ends up paying more taxes, doing more work than the average third-generation American.
I don't want to say Americans are lazy like the leftists say, but statistically living in the lap of luxury makes you lazy.
I don't care what color you are.
A third-generation Mexican is as lazy as anybody else, as white people.
But why would we be bringing in, why would we bring in Brazilians
Or even Nigerians or people from Asia.
Why wouldn't we bring in Chinese if we're going to bring in Muslims?
What is going on here?
Yeah, and why not bring in South African farmers who are being slaughtered in South Africa, right?
Why didn't we bring in more Ukrainians when they were having that problem in the Crimea?
It's definitely an anti-Christian thing.
There's really no question about it.
They don't want to bring in anybody who's Christian.
It's the same reason they want to take out Assad.
That's it.
They want to bring in Muslims because they're not Christian.
It's a war on Christians.
Because they don't even get to talk about the color issue.
They don't want Christians.
You just said it.
And that's what people have to understand.
The same thing from the Middle East.
Why don't we take, you know, me personally, if we're going to take in refugees or migrants or whatever you want to call them, well, why don't we take in good Christian families?
Take Syria.
Roughly 20% was Christian.
If you do the math, it was like .000 something.
Out of 3,000 people, they bring in one Christian.
So that says it all, really.
It isn't a color thing, a race thing, it's not a country thing.
Because we could bring in intact Christian families from Syria, or from Jordan, or from Afghanistan, or Iraq.
Christians need not apply.
It is a war on Christianity, and anybody who can't see that is ignoring everything that's right in front of their face.
Cernovich, you always boil it down.
You really are amazing.
Because that's hiding in plain view.
It's an anti-Christian move.
Attacks on Christians have quadrupled.
Something like 70% of all religious attacks in the world are against Christians.
And then our government goes in and puts the most radical, crazy, woman-raping, slaving, sex-slaving, pedophile Al-Qaeda in charge.
And then we just go along with it.
The good news is, it caused a rebellion in our military, it caused a rebellion in the Senate, it caused a rebellion in law enforcement, and I think that's why people finally had the decision they had to join the Republic, was because you can't just sell out to this like Boss Hogg and, you know, there's some power structure that owns stuff, but you're okay.
I mean, I would fight that because I'm a moral guy, but I wouldn't fight to the death.
I wouldn't be like 18 hours a day.
It's that it's existential.
It's Satanist, allied with Islam, and a bunch of scum
Wanting to totally enslave everybody.
I mean, this is insane!
Yeah, I don't get to take days off, man.
You know, I was doing all these events in D.C.
and people go, man, you look really tired.
And I go, I'm not going to lie to you.
I am tired because I have to go every day because they're trying to murder us every day.
When you have an enemy army trying to murder you every day, you have to get up and you have to fight every day.
There's no choice.
It's a life or death war.
Well, I'm going to have you take over.
I skipped this break because I'm cutting into your time.
You've got a lot to cover, but you always invite me on.
Very soon, we're going to have your own transmission.
But Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
He sold more than 100 million books last time I checked.
Really good friends with Trump.
Co-offered several books with Trump.
Uh, and I know it was really Kawasaki actually said I should get Trump on it and made contacts and Trump came on.
Not because of Stone, but Kawasaki.
Uh, but he was in Black Ops in Vietnam.
He flew, uh, Cobra gunships, but did a lot more behind the scenes.
And he has now, just in this time of, of reflection, this time of truth coming out, the enemy's intensifying lies, we're intensifying truth.
He talked to Millie Weaver.
This is Robert Kiyosaki for InfoWars.com
Millie Weaver reporting for InfoWars.com.
We're here in Bozeman, Montana at the Red Pill Expo with a very special person.
Now, he was one of the speakers.
This is Robert Kiyosaki.
So, you said you know President Trump and it seems like you knew him pretty well.
What can you tell us about him?
Well, first of all, he and I wrote two books together.
I'm the only other person that shared the cover.
And we were supposed to write the third book.
I said, hey, it's time to write the third book.
He goes, I'm sorry, I'm running for office.
I said, good luck.
So I feel for my friend Donald.
He's a great man.
He has the same disease I have, foot and mouth.
Or tweet and mouth, you know what I call it.
Everybody said, well, stop tweeting.
It's Donald.
And people look at this, what, Etouf Koufoufou or something he wrote, he tweeted.
At the same time, he went to NATO, and he said to NATO, pay up.
You guys are not paying your bills.
Then he went to Saudi Arabia and says, let's kick ISIS's butt.
You know?
That's the kind of leader he is, but the press never covers that.
And we're after Trump for firing the FBI director, and we all know the FBI is a little tainted also.
The CIA, I mean,
I know a little bit about the CIA because as a marine pilot I was recruited by them to fly trucks.
I don't do trucks, I'm pretty straight.
So anyway, our whole system is suspect right now.
It's all these bureaucrats and people with their hands in the pot.
The question I ask all over the world, it's all over the world, why does a politician go into office poor and leave rich?
How does that happen?
That's corruption.
But nobody says anything about that.
They get Trump for some goofy thing, you know?
And the trouble with the special prosecutor, because I know, because I've had one of them on my butt.
This is the thing I'm afraid of, because Trump's my friend.
They'll find something.
You know, when I was guilty, I got accused in the Marine Corps.
And they came and they started turning over the rocks.
Oh my God.
Because all the things I did, I thought I got away with.
I didn't get away with.
I just pled guilty and just got off, get off, you know.
I was never attacked.
They let everything go.
But my concern for my friend, the president, is they're going to find something.
It doesn't make a difference what they find.
They will find something.
We gotta get Robert Kiyosaki on, routinely.
I'm not bragging, but he's like reached out to get on, and then it kind of breaks down.
He's busy, we're busy.
We just have to get on every week.
So, Robert Kiyosaki, suddenly, 100 million books sold, or more, he comes out and says, I ran drugs for the CIA.
I mean, that's just the signal that the answer is the leak.
The answer is the whistleblower.
The answer is the real people that did all this because they believe it was for greater good.
He's like, I flew drugs in!
You're gonna get Trump for claiming some made-up crap?
Go ahead and take over, Mike Cernovich.
We love you.
Yeah, no, and think about how desperate they are, too, with the freaking The Daily Beast wrote an article trying to claim that people are, that people are trying to say that people are on Mars or whatever.
The fake news media is just so unbelievably desperate.
It does blow my mind every day.
By the way, I didn't say that.
I had a guest on who said they may have tried that.
The point was, and I said, no, I don't agree with that, but they're doing animal-human chimeras.
And then the media makes jokes about that, which is admitted.
Yeah, and they just... That's the whole point.
It's just another, like, big lie.
You know, another scam.
What can we say?
But that's how desperate they are.
And that's why I enjoy when those articles... They even mentioned me in the article, and they lied about me.
I like that they do that because it shows how desperate they are.
It shows the bad guys don't like us.
Let me ask you this, because I've got to ask you before I go.
I'm going to be watching, obviously, as I work around the office.
What do you make of the CNN Veritas stuff?
I mean, it just gets the Megyn Kelly and the stuff you did.
Now this, it's just, doesn't it feel good to know you're there and that the Drudge is there and then folks like Project Veritas?
I mean, this is exciting!
Yeah, I was getting texts from friends who are actually liberals and they go, man, you must be having a party with all the CNN blows because the CNN is ISIS thing.
Oh, by the way, I got a message from somebody.
She had actually said that she received her check and she had a medical procedure that was going to help pay for that procedure.
So she wanted me to tell you, you know, thank you for that and everything about that.
I cracked the web yesterday and it's my fault.
I launched these promos and kind of put one guy on another guy and then trying to get to people and pay them, but we always do it.
The guy in England, his check's being sent out today.
So yeah, it's exciting.
Yeah, yeah.
That's where people, um, they say, where's my check?
And it's like, there's a lot of people who did it and people are getting to it.
So yeah, she received it, was really happy.
And that's what this collective, like, body blow.
One thing after another.
Scaramucci was going to sue CNN because they lied about him.
It's like metaphysical.
It's like metaphysical.
CNN comes out and says,
Oh, uh, you know, you edit your videos, Veritas, which they don't, and then it comes out that they're the ones editing.
Sorry, go back to secure motion.
Yeah, no, I mean, that's the beauty of it is that they are, they're falling into a trap where they're saying, well, why would anybody trust an edited video?
And I'm saying, you're playing into our hands with that.
So, so James is actually, oh, Keith was a great, you know, great patriot.
He is exposing them and they're saying, well, but you edited videos and how dare you use edited videos?
Exactly our point.
So anytime now they do a hit piece on one of us, I have that clip of Anderson Cooper and Van Jones where they go, who would trust an edited video?
And I go, I'm going to save that one locked and loaded.
Next time they come after me, I'm just going to say, well, according to Van Jones, you can't trust CNN because the video is edited.
They're, as the New York Post says, really hurting right now.
But I always have found, even if the bad guy starts the fight, I get him down, it's once I actually knocked him on his ass, I gotta get ready for the real fight.
And I think, though, you know, we knocked him down hard, but we gotta get ready to really put him down permanent.
Well, and we'll never put him down permanently.
I mean, that's where people go wrong is, in life, they're really, there's never... No, I know the enemy keeps coming back, but I mean, we need, that's what I mean, we need to break their back.
Oh, we have to keep pushing our advantage.
We can't give them any mercy.
We have to keep catching them slipping, keep hitting them hard.
Malcolm Gladwell wrote a great book about the tipping point, and we've reached a tipping point now due to influencers and network nodes and everything.
The idea is, how does a pandemic or an epidemic spread, and then you have patient zero, right?
Well, that's what the CNN guy called us was a virus.
They understand that we are a virus in their system.
Don't they get that they're already done?
Well, exactly.
That's why I was being careful with the metaphor because I don't want to say you're a virus, but you were the patient zero.
You were the person who began spreading the idea that they are fake news and to call them fake news and to call them ISIS.
And Brian Stelter in his column
Even said, Alex Jones is calling us ISIS and this is a terrible thing.
And so, that's how deep the penetration is.
The pandemic has spread now.
The epidemic has spread and CNN doesn't know what to do.
Mike Cernovich, straight ahead on Alex Jones.
Not only news tonight, 7 o'clock.
By the way, all of you are the virus of returning lives.
On the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's been a catastrophic month for the CNN fake news network, as retractions, apologies, resignations, and lawsuits cast the network into a death spiral.
First, they were caught red-handed staging a protest in London, and then three of their employees resigned after the network was forced to retract a bogus story about Trump's collusion with the Russians.
Yesterday, Project Veritas
...released a new undercover video that shows a CNN producer admitting the network is pushing the Trump-Russian conspiracy theory.
All this negative attention finally got under the skin of CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta, who completely lost it after he found out that he was barred from bringing cameras into the Oval Office.
Why not turn the cameras on, Sean?
I'm Darren McBreen and you can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Mike Cernovich.
Welcome back, Mike Stern.
It's the fourth hour.
As a lot of you know, CNN has multi-billion-dollar backing.
That is what cracks me up when all these news people cry about Alex or me or James O'Keefe or anybody.
These are massive, mega, multinational, billion-dollar corporations, and then they act like we're the threat.
They outnumber us.
And they outgun us.
They outnumber us probably 100 to 1.
We are the insurgency.
We are the resistance.
And you are part of the resistance when you go to Infowarsstore.com and you buy the products.
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Because the resistance is big.
CNN, for example, they got into a lot of trouble because they faked a story.
They faked a story about an investigation into Anthony Scaramucci.
They made a mistake, because Scaramucci is a very well-connected, wealthy, successful real estate investor, done private equity deals, big private equity deals, he's a great entrepreneur, and they lied about him.
Three people were fired.
But as this fantastic article that appeared at the Federalist.com shows, this was not just
A random act of fake news violence.
I think we're going to use that.
This was an act of fake news violence.
So Brian Stelter goes, oh, you know, three people got fired.
That shows you how good CNN is.
But let's think about the other mistakes they made.
I'm old enough to remember because this only happened a week ago or two weeks ago before the Comey testimony.
Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper, and all these other people on CNN said Comey is going to testify that he told Trump he was under investigation, according to sources.
They're going to tell Trump, hey man, you were under investigation.
Well, as we know from Comey's actual hearing, it was false.
That was a lie.
So Molly, I think Hemingway is her name, the Federalist article is so great that she did
So CNN, all they did was issued a minor retraction to kind of like confuse people.
They don't issue the retraction or the correction with the same prominence as the story.
So here's what happens, the story goes viral, millions of people read it.
Yeah, Molly Hemingway, she does such great work.
And I say that even though politically, you know, a lot of these people that I promote aren't necessarily the nicest about me.
And you know what, I'm okay with that because
That's what the information war people gotta get over.
A lot of times people on Twitter go, Cernovich, you know that these people you're linking to, they're promoting you, when they're at the Trump- You're transcending their infighting.
That's the real mark of leadership.
We, we, I don't care.
That's what I told them.
I go, I know what these people say about me behind my back, but I don't care if you're doing good information and you're laying down fire against the enemy.
You can gossip about me all you want.
We don't have to be friends.
We don't even have to be allies.
You can actively try to criticize and attack me.
I don't care.
Because this is the future of the world, the future of America, the future of our children.
I don't have time.
That's right.
You've got children, I've got children.
It's total commitment.
We're not playing petty games here.
Exactly, you have daughters, I have a daughter, and I don't have time to be like, oh, who likes me?
Like we're in third grade, do you like me?
Check yes or no.
I don't care.
Hate me all you want.
I don't care.
If people are laying down heavy fire on the enemy, I'm going to promote those people, and I'm going to help those people rise up and succeed.
We have to destroy CNN before I can fight with anybody else, right?
I don't have time
For the gossip and drama.
So that's an example of leadership though.
That's one thing I'm proud of that I've done is even people like Mark Dice did great work kind of flipped out for some reason said stuff about me that was bad and I said you know Mark you go and keep attacking me I'm gonna promote you because you do such good work and he just it totally transformed him and you know he and he's he's just as smart as I am or you are and it doesn't matter I said you know I just for whatever reason you want to attack me go ahead
I didn't know I was going to be here.
I was like playing with my hair, but whatever.
The point is, is I just said, I don't care.
Keep attacking me.
In fact, I'm going to link to those videos too.
Just, I don't, because I'm expendable.
It's the main war that matters.
And if somebody is devastating the globalists and attacking me, then I almost want to get blown up with the globalists.
Yeah, I hope these people, if they're attacking the globalists and attacking me, I could retire from this job any day.
This is a high pressure, a lot of stress, a lot of people watching me, you know, people threatening my life, threatening to kill me, threatening for accidents to happen, my car to be hacked.
I don't want to die, but like getting killed is almost a vacation.
When you're totally committed to life, it's great, you love it, you love your kids, but it's like so much work to be conscious and awake.
It's like you don't want to die because you love the universe and experience and consciousness, but you know you're just part of consciousness anyways, so there's no threat.
It's like so empowering.
Yeah, well, this is like when I have these happy hours where I go meet people at the Trump Hotel.
After a while, you're just punch drunk.
Not even from alcohol.
I only drink a glass or two of wine.
But the world is hitting you hard.
Even people who like me hit me hard.
You just have to accept servant leadership, which is a Christian model of leadership, which is that all glory ultimately is with God.
And your job as a leader is you also have to serve the people that you're leading and that's a mistake a lot of people make.
Well, I mean, there's no narcissism involved.
You're all going to die.
The great ideas are what are magic, not us individually.
But we're total individuals.
We're not collectivists.
But individually we strive, but only because we all have this shared vision.
We've got breaking news right now.
We've got three doctors shot.
We'll put this on screen, who knows what this is.
Rifle-wielding gunman in doctor's coat shoots at least two people.
Let's put that back on screen if you can.
That is in New York City.
Sources, let's go back to the Communist News Network or MSNBC or Fox News.
Multiple people shot at hospital.
Who knows what that is, Mike?
But statistically, cars falling down in bathrooms, cancer, heart attacks, drowning in swimming pools.
That's the big threat.
They take guns, always magnify it, because guns could be used in organized resistance.
Well, and the tap water people drink kills far more people than guns do every year.
Let's just be honest.
The poison and the drugs and the chemicals and the toxins in unfiltered tap water, it kills way more people than guns ever would in the entire lifetime of the country.
Just one year.
The people who die because of the calcified water and calcium, of course, you need magnesium.
I was about to say, the type of crap in the water is like what gets in your bloodstream and clogs your arteries.
You're on to something there.
Yeah well that's why I drink alkaline water actually and people try to make fun of me and then I stopped drinking it for a week and I went back on and I just noticed you feel you can feel the calcium from the water when you're when you're trying to stretch out and you're drinking that tap water you just feel like um cellophane you know that sound that cellophane makes and then when you drink when you drink the alkaline water and the filtered water you just feel looser and more limber and more like a cheetah.
All right I'm gonna keep interrupting take over.
No, I mean, we have breaking news.
It's good to have you here.
It's good fun because I think that too is what the people we always try to communicate to the people listening in.
The fake news media makes fun of us because there's a picture of me, for example, one day I did a Dead Sea Mud facial.
It was like during the election when they were all talking about Pepe and I go, oh, look at me, I'm Pepe.
So the fake news is trying to say, oh, you know, look at this insane guy.
All I did was, you know, every woman, you know, has a spa facial.
I just did a periscope doing it.
But that's to communicate to people, you gotta have fun with this.
You can't let it get you down.
Being real is part of not having a teleprompter.
It's part of, like, letting yourself have a mistake.
Letting yourself act goofy.
Because we're all just people.
It's not taking yourself too seriously.
Like, I look at Morning Joe and all them trying to do weird rock videos and try to act cool together.
I mean, that was uncool when I was in college.
I mean, do they not understand how uncool they are?
Or how uncool Hollywood is now?
Well yeah, and then of course there's that picture of Mika with her legs in the air, she's laying on a piano or something.
That's what I was talking about, yeah.
You know, that's the whole point is, they're all, they all are nerds and instead of being a nerd and being educated and being sophisticated and reading, maybe learning a little bit about the internet and how to use the internet, they're like, well no, I don't want to be a nerd, I want to be cool.
So I'm gonna go, you know, dress my wife up and, you know, pull a skirt up to her panties and have her leg kick up because
Hey man, look at how cool we are.
Same thing with those Megyn Kelly photos, where, you know, she looks drunk and has that look of hair over her face as if she's, you know, wasted.
That isn't setting a good example for the children.
That isn't what the media should do, but then they want to complain.
Well, the thing is, they're trying to act cool, like a psycho, trying to learn how to smile.
It's fake.
People are sick of it.
I mean, I'll ask you this then.
I know you've got a super cover, but...
I thought Hollywood wasn't cool 20 years ago, but I still thought it was kind of cool to be in movies.
Now I'm ashamed I was in major movies.
It's like now I can't go see movies.
I'll watch old stuff.
It's more innocent and silly.
I just, I have like an allergy now to mainstream news.
It's like, it's like,
It's like torturing myself to watch it.
Hollywood stars, any of it, I can't get into it anymore.
It's like part of my old self died, but I realize almost everybody else I know is the same way.
And if I even talk about this stuff, listeners get mad.
They hate the establishment.
Just like when they poison bugs with pesticide.
By the third generation, the bugs figure it out.
And I think that's what this is, is if you think we're awake, Mike, imagine our kids and their kids.
It's like, we're gonna rise to the challenge, man.
I mean, like now, red carpets, Johnny Depp, I want to vomit.
And I've been invited, I know you have too, I've been invited to the, I've already been there.
And I thought, wow, I'm glad I had this experience.
Before I thought this was pretty cool.
Now I realize these are a bunch of uptight slaves.
But now I'm picking up folks that have never been at parties with the top Hollywood stars or producers or James Cameron or, you know, any of these people.
The general public instinctively knows it's disease, knows it's evil, knows it's anti-human, knows it's alien.
So what is Hollywood going to do?
And MSM, as they realize, they are the most uncool, pathetic garbage on the planet.
Yeah, a lot of people too know about the pedophilia in Hollywood, and that's destroying the myth and the illusion of Hollywood.
How can you be a director?
How can you be in Hollywood and not stand up for the children?
Why do you cover up for the pedophiles?
Okay, next point.
Boom, meant to ask you to start.
The number two guy to the Pope, number three in the Catholic Church, but his aide to camp.
Caught for 50 years.
They're saying 45.
Some of his victims are 50 years old that were 5 at the time.
And we're talking assembly line gang raping kids.
Clearly he's guilty.
We know it's the whole program.
What the hell is that?
Yeah, and again, you were talking about this 20 years ago.
There was a documentary, or not a documentary, but a movie called Spotlight, where all these people at the Boston Globe did was report things you had talked about 30 years ago, but they called you a conspiracy theory when you talked about ritualistic abuse at the Catholic Church.
But it's not that I'm even that smart.
I was being given all this intel.
The media has not given it the kind of attention that they usually would give it, which I actually find quite interesting.
They're much more worried about Trump's tweet.
Then they are about pedophiles and children being raped and everything.
So I don't think they're going to cover this story as much because they know that we're looking at the media's pedophiles like Jacob Schwartz who was on CNN.
Speaking of CNN, Chris Cuomo had Jacob Schwartz on their show.
Jacob Schwartz worked for Bill de Blasio.
And he was caught with something like 1,500 images of children being raped, including a sex market.
Well, let's say, I had my state police sources in two states and the FBI say, Weiner's got this stuff on a laptop, it's going to come out.
We say it, it comes out.
The specifics, these are procurers from our intel.
And so that's what's going on is, can you imagine being in a room and one of these guys waddles in with some three-year-old kidnapped, chained up against the wall, begging for money?
Yeah, and that's why they want to purge alternative media, because how many people in media have known about these pedophiles, but they won't tell the story, because then they won't get access?
How many people in the media... Well, let's just look at de Blasio.
I mean, I told my wife a year ago when he got elected, I said, just look... I mean, you look at de Blasio.
If I was gonna do central casting of a guy that has a dungeon and kidnapped kids, I mean, it's de Blasio.
I mean, he looks like a giant frickin' pedophile.
Yeah, and the media has- By the way, his name is Mark Zuckerberg.
I'm just gonna say it.
Well, he's kind of an android.
So, Zuckerberg's deal is actually, he's just, um, he's actually not human.
Well, the media's gonna say, oh, Cernovich claims he's not really human.
He is just actually a weird dude.
He does seem like a total, all I'm saying is, why the pedophiles all look the same?
Why do they got that, put the, put the, I'm not saying that Bellazio's a pedophile, just put, put the smile back up.
He had the pictures up, that, that, I watch videos of him.
What a creepy guy, man.
Yeah, and Dennis Hastert, you know, pedophile looks a lot like Dennis Hastert.
And here's what I want to know is, Dennis Hastert, what was he doing with the Congressional Page Program, what Senator Ben Sasse ran?
Oh yeah, this is a guy from nowhere who's a wrestling coach, who the Republicans want to run for office, becomes the shortest serving guy to become Speaker.
He's a procurer!
And then you got this guy, Ben Sasse, who's a Senator on Nebraska, who ran the Congressional Page Program, was a tutor.
A tutor, so to speak, during Dennis Hastert's time in office.
There's a picture of this guy holding a cat, which we'll send
I don't know.
took money, $25,000 from Dennis Hastert and would not give it back.
Let's go further.
They've busted the former head of Penn State for covering it up.
So Trump's prosecuting this.
Australia's arresting pedophiles.
Big raids in Europe.
Yeah, look at that creepazoid.
Where do you think this is all going?
I mean, again, that's what they're afraid of now.
They know that the independent media is everywhere watching them, and that's why they're freaking out.
Because their behavior is not rational.
If you wanted to regain the public trust, you could do so rather easily.
All you would have to do is say, you know what?
I'm sorry.
Let's make amends.
Here's what we're going to do.
But instead, they're freaking out.
They don't know what to do because so many of them have covered up heinous crimes by Dennis Hastert.
Dennis Hastert was in Washington, D.C.
for 20 years.
We all know pedophiles never stop.
We all know he was raping boys when he was a high school coach.
Barney Frank!
Got busted in the early 90s, it was on TV, with a three-story building with underage kids, and he went to the floor, the video's on YouTube, and goes, you mess with me, I'm gonna name names, half of you are having sex with these kids too.
I mean, it's just like, good God, who is attracted to little boys and girls?
Well, who wants to kill prosperity?
Who wants to make you poor, even if it destroys them?
Well, the Discovery Channel killed that documentary, of course, which a lot of people are waking up to because they can find it on YouTube.
What's it called?
I first aired it.
What's it called?
None Dare Speak.
Something like that.
It was a documentary I got from law enforcement.
I actually aired it.
They physically attacked me.
I'm not bragging.
It just really happened.
I got physically attacked.
That was a long time ago.
It was a conspiracy of silence.
Yeah, yeah, conspiracy silence.
Yeah, no, I aired that because they wouldn't air it.
I had no idea how dangerous it was.
Dude, that's like, you're saying that's just getting attention?
I think I aired that like 17 years ago.
No, no, but I mean, that's what's waking up young people is they're watching it on YouTube.
Oh, is that getting watched?
I didn't even know that.
Yeah, and they're going, they're going, wait a minute, why was this never aired?
That's another thing, I'm not bragging about us, but think of what you've done and countless others have done and our listeners have done.
Stuff I did 20 years ago is just now like torpedoes hitting ships going
I've already launched exponentially more torpedoes as we got bigger.
Can you imagine when all those start hitting?
Well, and that's what's happening.
You're actually, what you're seeing CNN is, and Malcolm Gladwell talks about this a lot, and the tipping point is, just like you know how one day you're like, whoa, I'm real successful, what happened?
Well, no, it's that 10-year buildup.
All the attacks that you launched, like a tank commander, for all these years, the cumulative damage is what's taking down
CNN and the fake news media.
So now every attack that they get hit with is going to hurt way worse.
And they're facing 20-year-old and 15-year-old and 10-year.
And if you look what everybody's done, the whole movement, it's exponential.
We're not a pyramid this way, we're that way.
I think they finally figured out that no matter what they do to us, they are like, this Trump wave is a small wave.
The waves coming are like 10 times bigger.
Oh, the younger people are, man, if anybody thinks you and I are wild, they haven't spent any time talking to the girls, too.
The girls under, like, 25 are savage.
It is a different kind of generation.
I actually, I sent a picture to Nico of this girl who went to the Hollywood Boardwalk of Stars and cleaned off Trump's star and everything in public.
Yeah, even, you know, as wild as you are and I am, the kids are wild too, and even the girls have said, you know, we've had enough of this.
I was about to say though, as much as they try to suppress, for every victim they suppress, though the universe equals out, the person that rises up will be ten times stronger.
So the kids are waking up, they're fighting hard.
That's why, again, as tired as I am, I know we have to keep pushing forward because we're in a new awakening.
Who was the great minister, the great awakening?
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
So we're in a new kind of a public awakening because we are kind of a global brain.
There is a conscious mind, although I'm not really quite sure how that works.
No, there's total collectivism and total individualism.
Each individual's vision then collects, and then the globalists want to artificially from top down program the collective.
The collective is programmed from the bottom up.
Right, so I've actually been reading a great book by Howard Bloom called The Global Brain, where he talks about a lot of this concept.
So when people are attacked, and this goes down to the microscopic level, is the people get closer and join up when you're attacked.
So, right, like a few years ago, we were all like, I was just like, you know, all I care about is partying in Vegas, and I don't care about anybody but me, and I was living a very vile life to be quite just a party boy, you know, not proud of that, whatever, but it is what it is.
But then once the attack happens, then everybody comes together, and then as everybody comes together, there's all these new neural network connections made and new insights and more bravery and everything.
So right now we're in this great kind of gathering together of patriots, and that's why our consciousness of everybody is rising.
But I think it's rising because they're getting ready to release a bioweapon to bring in global crisis to have us accept governance.
I think as big as the victory we're having is,
The unseen hand is going to hit hard.
And I know we're going to make it through that, but I want to try to short-circuit their counter-strike.
But either way, we're going to win.
But Mike, if I personally was a selfish person, I would be building an armored redoubt.
Quite frankly, I'm going to look at one this weekend.
Outside Austin, second hedge my bets because I think they're going to release a bioweapon.
My gut and intellectually and studying them, I think they've got it in place.
They'll probably blame it on a jihadist, maybe a right-winger, and I think they're going to release a bioweapon.
A lot of my other guests think that as well.
Well, I've been waiting for Deep State to release a dirty bomb on Trump because that's how you would create a national martial law crisis and get rid of Trump at the same time.
So that's always been what I've heard here too, is that Deep State wants to... Yeah, well I hope, and it's not a threatening thing, I don't run around talking about violence all day, I just hope Michael Moore and all of them realize, man, you guys, you've really been pushing, you've been pushing your luck.
Well, that's CNN and Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, and they're all saying actually that we're going to be attacked.
That's what the media is saying, and I've told them.
I go, I don't want violence in America, but I'll make a prediction that people who do attack journalism physically,
The high profile people, they will become heroes of the people.
And so the media needs to freak out about it.
They need to say, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Because again, I don't want violence.
I disavow violence.
That's right.
If somebody blows up a bunch of CNN people, God forbid, and they demonize it, people are going to make them a hero.
I don't want that to happen.
You guys don't keep showing the wind.
They don't understand that they are exponentially under the gun.
It's not like you're in Venezuela or North Korea bullying a bunch of people.
This culture does not have that history.
And quite frankly, because we're like loving, but we're psychotic killers.
And I just, they don't understand that once they open the gate, they think they're opening a door to destroy us.
They're opening the door to their own destruction.
Yeah, because I have friends, actually, in media, and I've been telling them, I go, look guys, I'm just going to be real with you, okay?
Everybody wants to know why you're not talking about the left-wing Antifa violence against Trump supporters.
People are starting to think that you've chosen sides and that you're going to encourage violence.
I go, just like they had that guy who tried to assassinate Trump in Ohio, CNN had him on.
I said, you guys need to freak out, but rather than lecture people,
You need to take a look, because me and Alex, we challenged Megyn Kelly live on air to disavow political violence, to join our pledge for peace.
None of them would do it.
Why would they not join hands with us and say, you know what, we might not like this Cernovich, this Jones guy, but we stand with them.
They want the conflict because they've never been in conflict physically.
They believe it's something they can win if they've been in conflict.
They would fear it and know that those who have been in it have now been challenged by it and are ready for it and are not afraid of it, quite frankly.
Afraid of what we'll do to you in that conflict.
Mike, great job.
Tell folks about your Twitter, your Facebook.
Twitter.com forward slash C-E-R-N-O-V-I-C-H.
Twitter.com forward slash Cernovich.
But just again to repeat it, Alex Jones, don't take us out of context.
We have a pledge for peace.
We are non-violent offensively, yes.
By the way, Mike Cernovich, and we'll invite you back Sunday and Monday.
Rebroadcast Tuesday.
I want to thank the great crew.
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Great job, crew.
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