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Name: 20170626_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 26, 2017
3342 lines.

In this segment of The Alex Jones Show, David Knight and Owen Shroer discuss justice potentially moving against leftist figures like Obama and Hillary Clinton. They discuss the narrative that Russia elected Trump crumbling as evidence of US and Russian jets engaging in war games emerges. They speculate on whether Trump's tweets influence Justice Department actions. The hosts discuss how Democrats and the Obama administration used the intelligence community as political operatives, going beyond mere collusion. Bernie Sanders is silent on the DNC fraud lawsuit while Trump has done more to raise awareness for it than his own party. Finally, Owen Schroer promotes InfoWars products. The speaker claims that Trump is retaliating against globalists and Democrats who have been trying to discredit him as a Russian agent after the FBI discovered their connections with Russia. They believe there is evidence suggesting Russia was backing Hillary as a hedge, and that Trump's policies will bring nationalism back to America. The enemy is now on the run and victory is within reach for Trump supporters. Alex Jones discusses several legal issues that President Trump has been dealing with, including the GOP's health care bill and the travel ban. He criticizes Democrats for their hypocrisy in opposing the release of the health care bill when they did the same thing with Obamacare. Jones then focuses on the travel ban, which is set to reach the Supreme Court after a temporary reinstatement. He claims that this issue is being spun by the media to make it seem like President Trump is breaking the law while in reality he has legal authority to instate the travel ban. The host discusses political corruption within U.S. intelligence agencies and their open support for Hillary Clinton. He addresses the idea of transplanting entire villages from Syria to Germany proposed by a German member of the European Parliament. Alex highlights abuse faced by migrants in Sweden and criticizes the EU's lack of integration efforts. He welcomes guest Michael Springman, who discusses his book "Goodbye Europe, Hello Chaos," covering clash of civilizations and how it is being brought to Europe and the United States. The speaker emphasizes the need for control and vetting of refugees to prevent potentially dangerous individuals from entering a country. The show takes calls from listeners and encourages them to take advantage of ongoing summer specials at Infowarsstore.com. They discuss how the collapse of the left and Russian narrative is leading to victories for conservatives. The speaker criticizes

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Alex Jones Show, Owen Schroyer and David Knight filling in, in what will be an interesting beginning to this week.
It looks like now
Justice is moving against the left, against Obama, against Hillary Clinton, and I think that all of the lies of the past that these people have promoted are starting to come back and bite them.
Donald Trump has gone on Twitter, called Barack Obama an obstructionist.
Of course he said that about the entire Democrat Party.
Now you've got a Senate
A State Department that is about to be probing again into Hillary Clinton's handling of her secret server that had classified emails on it.
Loretta Lynch is going to have to testify soon.
She's going to have to answer about that meeting that she had on the tarmac, about why she decided to tell Comey to handle the Clinton investigation as a matter.
All of that is now coming to the front now.
At the same time, the false narrative that Russia elected Donald Trump is coming crashing to a halt as well, and let's not forget last week caught on video Russian NATO jets in near standoff after F-16 buzzes Defense Minister's airplane.
So you literally have Russia and the United States engaging in war games with one another, and you have liars in the government that want to waste our time and money investigating into Russia-Trump collusion.
Now, I want to ask David Knight a question because
This is actually something David Knight and I have disagreed on, I don't even know if we've ever done it on air or even in a conversation, just based on our coverage of Donald Trump and his tweets.
I know that David, you have said you wish Donald Trump would tweet less, you don't like the tweets.
I on the other hand have said, I like the tweets, and now though, when we were talking before the show, you were looking at the tweets saying, wow, he's calling out Obama.
It looks like he is kind of forcing the hand of the rest of the government to actually look at the collusion on the Democrat side of things.
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders won't even mention the DNC fraud lawsuit that is being ongoing right now.
Donald Trump mentioned that the other day too, so I'm just curious, David.
Do you still think Trump should tweet less?
Do you like Trump's tweets?
And do you think that his tweets today are indicating the way that the Justice Department is moving now?
They also have now said they'll instate the travel ban for 90 days.
So do you think now that Trump is trying to use his Twitter to force the government to do things?
I think that it's very important for Trump to be able to speak directly to the American people.
And he can do that very powerfully through Twitter.
But we all know that he's also, it's a two-edged sword.
And he has done some self-inflicted damage as well with that.
So that's just what I've been saying, what others have been saying.
The attacks that he did against the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein last week, I thought were non-productive, counterproductive to this.
But it's good that he's coming out and talking about what it truly is, which is obstruction.
We've been saying this for a long time, that there were multiple things behind this Russia narrative.
First of all, they wanted to cover up the fact that they were hacking the election against Bernie Sanders.
They didn't want people to look at what had been revealed.
So they created this Russians hacked the election narrative.
And then, in addition to that,
They used it offensively against Donald Trump, trying to tie up his administration, trying to force some kind of a process crime.
And that's also my concern about his tweets, that he might fall into that trap of a process crime in terms of his comments with that.
But we have to understand there's a third part of this.
The Democrats, or the Obama administration, was using the intelligence community as political operatives.
That's a key thing here.
This goes beyond simply collusion.
This is the fact that we have the massive intelligence community being used as political operatives.
And this is gradually beginning to come out.
Grassley, Rand Paul, others have pointed this out.
We've had the FISA court.
Rule this, that the NSA and the FBI under Comey broke the law, violated the law, and then declassified their ruling so that we could all see it.
But of course, nobody's really paying much attention to it.
We've had Circa talk about it.
It's been put up on the Drudge Report a couple of times.
So that's the other part of it.
They've been using it as defensive cover of their crimes, which should send them to jail.
And then the CIA Washington Post last Friday prints a 30-page article, Obama's secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin's election result.
They try to force the Russian narrative back out there like something exists.
It ends up biting them in the butt because Trump says, wait a second, Obama obstructed justice.
We'll be right back with a report from Alex Jones.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Donald Trump tweeted last night and this morning.
The tweets are up on Infowars.com.
Everybody out there ought to be retweeting them and celebrating it because it shows that Trump is going on a major counter-offensive against the globalists and the dirtbag Democrats and their leftist cohorts and the Islamists.
Now, if you go back about a year and a half ago,
We were about a year out from the election, and there were news reports coming out confirming that Podesta and his brother and Hillary got 30-plus million dollars to transfer about 25% of our uranium to Russia.
Hillary got caught meeting secretly with Putin.
All this stuff was coming out.
Jay Johnson and Homeland Security, even though they're Democrats at that level, wanted to get into the computers to find out what was happening.
And the Clintons and everybody covered it up.
And she had her second server, private server, that she was selling data on the world market for, letting people penetrate it in exchange for money to her foundation, billions and billions.
So this was a Legion of Doom level Lex Luthor crime going on.
And so they were scared.
What were they going to do?
Well, just covered it up.
But then once Trump won, they had to go ahead and panic and say, oh my God, Trump's the Russian agent because they knew that Homeland Security was already aware of this.
And Jay Johnson already testified last week.
But what's amazing is, if you go back over a year ago, when I was interviewing Roger Stone and Colonel Schaefer and so many other experts that have really high-level connections, they were continuing to break down the fact.
But so was even mainstream news.
This has all been in the news.
That it was the Democrats that had all these connections and were trying to distract off onto the narrative claiming Trump was.
But again, that all accelerated and got 10 times worse once Trump won.
And that's why they've been so desperate, why they've been like cornered rats.
Well now, with Jay Johnson's testimony last week, former head of Homeland Security, and with all the other testimonies that are coming out, we know that Obama, this is confirmed, they've admitted it, ordered them to not investigate.
Now, the argument is he's the president,
And under a unitary executive, he could do that.
Well, there's a unitary executive unless it's with a foreign power and selling out U.S.
interests, and then that's an issue for Congress to decide, and it's clear-cut treason, especially when Obama has a track record of selling us out to multinationals, selling us out to foreign governments, namely Communist China.
Russia is a third-level player.
They can barely stabilize their own country.
That's why it has been a red herring the whole time.
It's just that
That's where the dirt is on the Democrats is China and Russia, so that's why they've been again claiming they own the narrative of claiming everybody else is a Russian agent but them.
The fact that Trump has brought all this evidence out, the fact that even mainstream media is admitting it, the fact that CNN has had to retract a bunch of stories admitting they were fake news about Roger Stone, Scaramucci and others inside the Trump administration shows they're beginning to run scared and now with these tweets from Trump saying Obama
He wasn't scared.
He didn't choke.
He was obstructing because he knew the Russians were actually helping.
Now, I was told by some of our, not just White House sources, but CIA sources about six months ago that the Russians actually had penetrated the Democrats, as they historically have, and were actually, to a great extent, actually hedging their bets, thinking Hillary would win, and were actually backing Hillary.
I kind of rolled my eyes at that, and Dr. Corsi wrote articles about it.
We got a lot of heat from folks that think Russia can do no wrong.
But again, this is what big governments do.
I'm not blaming Russia for anything, but doing their normal national security outreach.
Our own government does that as well, but under globalism, we do that for foreign multinational corporations at the expense of America.
What Trump's doing with his carbon tax killing operation, pulling us out of the Paris deal,
What Trump's doing, pulling us out of the TPP, bringing the jobs back, boosting the stock market, is bringing back normal nationalism that a chief executive engages in for their country.
That's what third world nations do, is sell out their countrymen for 30 pieces of silver instead of building up a nation they actually live in, that they actually care about, that they actually believe in.
That's just some of the backstory.
You all remember it.
We're gonna do reports on it tonight on the news.
We're gonna do a more focused report with all the documentation for the radio show tomorrow as well.
But this is such a big deal to have Trump boldly come out and say,
Obama committed crimes he obstructed when we already have the proof.
Jay Johnson saying he was told to drop it and do nothing.
That's why you see in that letter last week that we made such a big deal of, Dianne Feinstein saying, yeah, we need a criminal investigation of Loretta Lynch.
She's one of the top Democrats and she seemed so scared and so reclusive lately.
Not out running her mouth against Trump and others shows that the amount of crimes committed by the arrogant, crazy, globalist Democrats and the Republican leadership like John McCain, who just got fingered in major publications for also taking Russian money, the fact is this whole house of cards is starting to come down and this is an incredible victory.
Everybody knows, I'm not going to tell you we're having victories if we aren't.
You can see it for yourself.
And I hate to be a cheerleader here, because they could set off a nuke in D.C., they could activate Antifa and Black Lives Matter, start burning down cities and shooting cops in every town you know.
But at the same time, as long as we recognize that they're the enemy, they're the scum, they're the trash, then it's clear why they're fighting for their lives, calling everybody a racist, running around trying to hijack the economy and running the ground.
Running around saying kill Trump, kill me, kill everybody else is because they're a bunch of trash that was inches away from bringing this country down once and for all, but now it's all been jerked away from the scum!
And that's why, again, they've intensified their efforts, saying Trump's failing, I'm failing, you're failing, destroy everybody, sue everybody, is because we are kicking their ass.
So, let's thank God for this, let's thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for this, and all your prayers.
I want to thank you out there for your prayers, and intensify your prayers, but also be watchful on the street, spread the word, and support InfoWars, and spread our articles and videos like you never have before.
They've put all their foreign intel, all their bots, all their Facebook, all their Googles, all their Twitters, all their Amazons, with all their giant AI systems against the Liberty Movement, to fill all of our Twitter feeds full of hate, and that we're failing, and that we're dead, and that we're garbage, and to fill our Google feeds with that, and to fill our email with that, and to fill the TV with that,
I mean, to fill the newspaper with that, that is so wonderful!
To get up every day and see hundreds of articles, sometimes thousands, saying I'm scum and I'm filth and I'm trash, because that's the enemy saying that, like Tokyo Rose in World War II, while her whole system is burning down around her ass.
So again, this is an incredible time to be alive.
We are crushing them, we are defeating them, we're restoring prosperity.
The colleges are imploding, where these social justice warriors run things, on every front,
The failing scum that wanted to take us down to their level are just disintegrating because of your action.
But now is the time to press the attack at every level, 24-7, because we are so close.
We're going to crush their Islamic invasion.
We're going to crush their communist brainwashing.
We're going to crush the Antifa, all of it intellectually.
We're going to shut our borders down to all the failed states.
We're going to restore the United States of America and then dictate peace through strength.
Infowars.com is the sword of truth.
You know it is.
That's why they hate us.
We don't compromise.
We don't back down.
And we can literally taste the victory.
It's in our guts.
It's in our hearts.
It's in our blood.
So keep spreading the word.
I want to salute you all.
I want to salute the crew.
Now back to David Knight and Owen Schroyer.
But the main focus is, we're on the march, they're on the run, and Trump is pressing the attack.
He is calling them out as the criminals they are, and so get ready.
They bit off more than they can chew.
They absolutely pushed people to the breaking point.
They were given a chance to back down and just let America be great again, but they didn't.
So now they're going to get something else.
Now they're going to get the oblivion that they so begged for.
Now what they hope to do to us is about to happen to them.
It's like the old nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty, and you couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
I think that that's the point that they have reached right now with Obama, McCain, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, and it's only a matter of time before everyone in America, I think, is seeking justice now.
It's becoming more popular.
But that's the threat, David, is we know that these people have capabilities.
We know what they've done in the past.
We know that they don't care much for humanity.
They wouldn't mind if half of the earth was just wiped dry of humanity.
And they are seriously, I think, facing some justice right now for their crimes.
We'll see how far it gets pushed, how far they want to push back.
Let's talk about how this is melting down for them, too, because we had CNN come out.
We had, yesterday, Stelter, CNN, is asking Jeff Zucker and others to comment on the Russian retraction story.
And they're not.
They're stonewalling their own reporter.
So we have a situation here where CNN is calling CNN fake news.
It's gotten that bad.
And we've got the Democrats saying, hey, leaders, let's not talk about Russia anymore, okay?
People realize that we're totally out of touch with their concerns on a day-to-day basis.
They said they're trying to figure out how they're going to make mortgage payments, how they're going to pay for their kids to go to college, what their energy bill will look like.
And of course the Democrats have done everything they can to try to make sure that our energy bills are higher and higher.
So they are absolutely
They're out of touch with our concerns.
They're adamantly, diametrically opposed to the things that they just listed here.
All they want to do is use Russia as a political weapon.
And what is imploding on them now is this Russian narrative.
They have jumped the shark.
CNN has jumped the shark.
They're now imposing strict new rules on coverage about Russia.
So CNN is saying, let's not talk any more about Russia unless you clear this with a CNN vice president.
This is the email memo that went out on Saturday.
They retracted the story.
Stelter cannot get Zucker to comment on his fake news story here.
And also the Democrats are coming back and saying, hey, let's not talk about this.
Now they're trying to shut it up.
It's too late.
Because as Trump has pointed out, we've learned from the revelations of James Comey very clearly that there was obstruction of justice going on.
It's been very clear that that was the case.
When he said that Hillary Clinton had violated all these laws, he wasn't going to prosecute her.
That was obstruction of justice, folks.
It's not just doing a favor for somebody because they're politically connected.
That was obstruction of justice.
He should have been removed for that cause alone.
And yet they continue to go with this.
They have continued to try to obstruct what they did.
They were the ones who were hacking the election against Bernie Sanders, and they created this false Russian narrative.
This information was not given to WikiLeaks.
By a state actor.
They've said that over and over again.
They have credibility.
The DNC does not.
The FBI director does not have credibility on this.
Julian Assange and WikiLeaks does.
They have said all along that this is not a state actor.
That this was handed over to them by people who were upset about what they were doing within the DNC.
So they've used this to distract people from what's going on and now this is starting to come down around their heads.
Well, and they've cornered them.
They've cornered themselves, too, because they spent all of this time, money, and energy on the Russia investigation, found nothing on Trump.
Are they just going to shut it down now?
And just prove that it was a witch-hunt into Trump?
Or are they actually going to look into Obama?
Are they actually going to look into Podesta?
Actually look into Clinton?
We'll find out.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Alex Jones Show, Owen Shroyer, David Knight filling in.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, Owen Schroer, David Knight with you, and we've got a lot of news to cover, but Joyce Riley has passed away, and David, you wanted to address this situation before we moved on to anything else.
Yeah, we're sad to see that happen.
Our sympathies go out to her family.
She did very important work for promoting Americana, her work with veterans.
She was a nurse and a veteran herself, so she did a lot with veterans on health issues and that work is going to go on.
But she was really a very nice person.
I went on her show once and caused her no end of grief with a bad phone connection.
She was very gracious about that.
But she has
Been followed by quite a few people and I'm sure that work is going on.
So we really do appreciate the important work that she did in her lifetime and our condolences go out to her family.
Joyce Riley passed away yesterday with a long struggle with cancer.
And I'm sure that all the feminists will celebrate the great woman that Joyce Riley was.
Oh wait, no, I doubt that because she was a patriot and Americana.
So we celebrate the life of Joyce Riley, a true American patriot.
Sadness and grieving today with her passing.
Now, I want to get to
Some legal stuff that President Trump has been dealing with.
The GOP is about to release their health care bill today.
They're set to release it right in the face of the Democrats who are screaming and whining about how they won't release it, which is exactly what the Democrats did for Obamacare.
So I do as I say, not as I do.
But more importantly, I want to talk about the travel ban.
And now it is going to reach the Supreme Court.
They have done a temporary reinstatement.
And I just want to... This is how they're phrasing it.
It's going to the Senate to declare whether it's legal or not, to declare whether President Trump has the legal authority to instate this travel ban, which undoubtedly he does.
That's not even up for debate.
But this is how they're painting it, David.
They say the Supreme Court is a limited version of the Trump administration.
He's letting a limited version of the Trump administration ban on travel from six mostly Muslim countries, or you could say where Obama bombed for eight years, to take effect a victory for President Trump in the biggest legal controversy of his young presidency.
It's not a legal controversy.
Anybody who knows the law knows that he is well within his boundaries.
This has been done many times throughout presidential history.
So they're trying to spin this and pretend like
It's being looked at that Donald Trump is breaking the law, David.
Do you see how they're trying to spin this narrative?
They're trying to steal it.
Well, these are lower courts that have put these obstacles in the way.
They're the ones that broke the law.
Yeah, what they're doing is they're reading things like intent into it, which is not there.
Basically, if you judge it based on what the law says, there is nothing that they should be able to take exception to.
And of course, statutory law clearly gives Donald Trump and the administration the ability to decide who is going to come into the country.
And so forth.
I think it's interesting that we have California doing a travel ban.
California is banning travel to America.
Imagine that.
They're saying that people who work for the government of California cannot travel to the real America.
They have now included this and extended this to eight states, including Texas.
...are now on the list, and Governor Abbott said California may be able to stop their state employees, but they can't stop all the businesses that are fleeing over their taxation, their regulation, and are relocating to Texas and elsewhere.
And then Tennessee came back with a scathing resolution.
It's a very long resolution, among other things.
They said, whereas this type of ban, the result of legitimate disagreement about government policies neither persuasive nor productive for either party and will lead to economic warfare among states, as one sovereign entity attempts to tell an equally sovereign entity how to conduct their affairs by restricting travel, and whereas the U.S.
Constitution provides for a strong federal government for a common defense, but the Tenth Amendment grants the several states sovereignty in addressing issues solely within their jurisdiction, so forth and so on.
They go down here.
Honestly, if you look at the House and the Senate, most of the swamp resides in California.
I mean, it really does.
Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Eric Swalwell, the list goes on and on and on.
And these people have been in government for way too long.
But you know, getting back to this travel ban that's being reviewed by the, and actually it's not so much a travel ban as it is the attempts of lower court district judges to try to stop and assert themselves over the president's rightful powers here.
What they said was that they're not going to put any restrictions.
People can be stopped if they do not have any connection in the United States.
It's just a given that they're not going to come here.
And as you pointed out, Owen, these are countries that Obama had been bombing.
He'd been going to war with.
And that's not even all of them.
And later in the program we're going to be talking to Michael Springman.
This is an individual who blew the whistle on visas for Al-Qaeda and he's talking about goodbye Europe, hello chaos.
And of course that's the key part of what he's talking about, how we start the wars in the other countries so that they can then have a massive relocation and replacement of populations coming into this country.
That's what's truly behind this.
Absolutely, and everything, it's true, everything that the Democrats did, and they claim that Trump did, they're guilty of.
Rigging elections, breaking the law, that's on the Democrats.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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So again, I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to thank you for your prayers.
You have changed the world, and I want to encourage you to continue to change the world and to accelerate your resistance.
The struggle in the DNC fraud lawsuit continues.
You've had the current counsel for the plaintiffs request that the judge provide witness protection.
That notion was rejected, despite three mysterious deaths of potential witnesses in the case.
Seth Rich, Sean Lucas, and Barrington Wisenant Jr.
There are also stalwarts in the justice system that are trying to have this case dropped entirely, despite the obvious glaring issues that the DNC has had over the course of the last two years.
While the lawsuit represents Bernie Sanders supporters who feel they have been wronged by the DNC, Bernie Sanders has fallen silent on the issue.
Donald Trump tweeted out this weekend, Hillary Clinton colluded with the Democrat Party in order to beat crazy Bernie Sanders.
Is she allowed to collude?
Unfair to Bernie.
So now Donald Trump has done more to raise awareness for the DNC fraud lawsuit than Bernie Sanders has, who actually is the one that had the election stolen from him.
Why is Bernie Sanders silent on the issue?
Maybe I guess he's busy with being investigated by the FBI for bank fraud.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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Well, the left is failing miserably.
All of their narratives are falling in on themselves.
That it's the right that's going to cause violence.
It was Russia that was hacking in the election.
Trump was obstructing justice.
No, that was Obama.
That was the left that's violent.
That was the Democrats that were breaking the law.
And Eric Trump went on Fox News and called out the left for what they've been doing, including their violent calls for assassination.
If you look at the Democratic Party, and I keep saying it, they're imploding.
They've got no leadership.
They've got no message.
If you look at the DNC, the DNC is half-defunct.
They've got no money in the bank.
They have no operation.
If you look at the head of the DNC, he's quite frankly a nutjob.
What is the Democrats' message right now?
What are they running on?
All they're doing is obstructing, and it's clearly not working because every race that comes along,
Very simple.
How is it possible that they're getting away with this, Eric?
That they are obstructing and not listening to what the tone of the people is and what the tone of the people voted for last year.
They voted for tax reform.
They voted for health care repeal and replace.
Your father's agenda.
Because they're out of touch.
They're out of touch.
Half of them have never had real jobs before.
Half of them have been sitting on a hill legislating for many years when they've never actually done before.
My father is a practical guy.
My father is a doer.
He's a brilliant, brilliant person.
But we need to bring some practicality back to the United States government.
Look what this has led to.
These celebrities out there that think it's okay for Kathy Griffin to be holding a bloody head there.
And then you've got people like Robert De Niro saying, I want to punch him in the face.
Then, of course, the most recent, you've got basically saying, I want to assassinate the president, Johnny Depp.
How do you deal with that?
I mean, as a family, when you hear this stuff,
At this point, does it roll off your back, or do you still get upset?
A pregnant lady, somebody who's seven months pregnant, if they're willing to attack an 11-year-old boy, meaning, you know, my brother, Barron, who's in the White House and at, you know, a fragile age, if they're willing to go after my half-sister, Tiffany, 22 years old, who's going to law school, I mean, there is no borders for these people.
I mean, listen, we're fair game.
Fine, you know, we're adults, but, I mean, there are no borders for these people.
And you see Johnny Depp and what he said, you know, I'd like to go assassinate, you know, the president.
It's like Johnny Depp has his own problems.
He has his own problems.
Like, how about you go back to making movies?
I think so.
Donald Trump's family represents him really well, but you know, Eric Trump said something that I almost lost my seat over.
Practicality in the U.S.
Are you kidding?
I've never seen that.
They don't see themselves as representing the American people.
That's the fundamental disconnect, I think, because Eric is new to Washington and doesn't realize that these people represent themselves.
And the people who buy them.
And they couldn't care less about what the American people want.
So they're obstructing an agenda that could make life better for Americans.
And at the same time, they're obstructing justice.
And that's the key thing that Donald Trump was talking about earlier today.
But we had this article come out.
The actor who played Brutus in Julius Caesar doubled down.
Just in case you thought this is simply about the play, okay?
He said, the actor who played Brutus in the controversial production Julius Caesar has depicted Trump's assassination, said each performance was an act of resistance.
Make sure that you understand what that truly means, okay?
When they get out there in a feeding frenzy and start screaming wildly and applauding as they see this surrogate for Trump being assassinated, being knifed as they show the pictures of his head being cut off by Kathy Griffin, we know precisely what they're doing.
This is, they're getting off on this at a visceral level, and we know precisely what they are modeling for other people out there, disturbed individuals that they're hoping will take up, take them up on this.
And when you talk about this being Julius Caesar, as I said before,
They're using the bard as a beard.
You know, this had, yes, the general storylines of Julius Caesar, but beyond putting it in a contemporary milieu, they also had things like Twitter, they had Melania there, obviously speaking in a Slovenian accent and so forth.
As Lee Stranahan said, they should have just called it Orange Julius, you know, because it only has a twist of Shakespeare in it.
But it truly was them acting out
They're perverse fantasies, and they continue to do that, and that's where I think the difference is.
I mean, as I've said before, you know, when we talk about where we have the freedom of speech and where we draw the line, and of course they're going to be talking about that with the Supreme Court in terms of the gay bakeries and, you know, whether or not you can be forced somebody to bake a gay wedding cake.
That's one of the cases that are going to be considered by the Supreme Court.
When you look at rights in conflict like this,
And you look at free speech and conflict.
In my opinion, this is a kind of incitement, like if you were to yell fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire.
And what they're doing is they're inciting hatred in the audience.
Obviously, you can see that.
I mean, this is like 1984 where they got the two minutes of hate.
And they're inciting that, and what they're essentially saying is, fire at that guy that I don't like.
Fire at him.
And to me, that is not legitimate use of free speech, even in a theatrical area like this.
Because, you know, we've seen a lot of violence in Hollywood, but this is targeted towards people.
And we've seen the result of this with the Scalise shooting and others.
Well, there's absolutely zero excuse for calling for the assassination of Trump.
There should be zero excuse for that.
I think those people need to be investigated immediately.
But as far as, you know, the play is concerned, you know what?
Maybe if this was an isolated incident, maybe if this was the only play, the only propaganda against Trump, OK, maybe we would turn the other cheek.
Maybe we wouldn't make a big deal of it.
But it's the group collective.
It's all of it.
You have the actor going off the stage saying this is about a resistance.
Oh, who tried to steal that phrase from the real resistance, which was here, started right here.
Oh yeah, Hillary Clinton's super PAC, the resistance, more money to the Democrats, taking from the poor, giving to the rich.
Oh yeah, that's right, that was Shia LaBeouf saying he will not divide us, when he was the one that was dividing us.
Oh yeah, that's right, that's the Democrats crying resistance, resistance, all of a sudden that they're losing.
And you made a key point there, David.
When liberals and anti-Trumpers or whoever it is celebrate Trump quote-unquote losing, like for example with the travel ban, they are celebrating America losing.
That is their hatred of America showing and
I don't even know if they understand it.
I don't know if they consciously understand it, if they can admit it.
I mean, they don't want to admit it.
They're never going to come out and just say, oh, I hate America, because then they look like the scum they are.
But that's what they do.
Well, you know, you had that person in the Democrat Party say, hey, we've got to get off of this Russian thing.
We're out of touch with America.
We need to get behind the issues that they're concerned about.
Cost of energy, cost of mortgages, cost of college education, and so forth.
And yet everything they have done has made all of those things more expensive, especially energy.
And so they are at odds with all of those issues, besides not just being in touch with our concerns, the idea that we have those problems, we have those issues, we are concerned about how we're going to defend ourselves.
In a situation that is increasingly violent and of course it's always in the areas that are controlled by Democrats where they have gun control laws that we see the vast majority of the shootings taking place.
So yes, we have these concerns that they do not share because they live in this privileged little bubble that they have going here.
So I don't think that they're going to be able to pull this around but I think it's very important now that Donald Trump
Is calling them out on the other kind of obstruction, which is legal obstruction.
Hillary Clinton was not found innocent.
She was not exonerated.
They merely let that go and said, well, I don't think we're going to prosecute her on this.
But she still has that legal liability there.
And they're all involved.
Comey, Clinton, Obama, they're all involved in this mess.
Cheryl Mills, I mean the list goes on and on and on.
But I want to get back to this for a second.
You've got Robert Reich, Hillary Clinton, I mean all these people calling for the resistance, all these people pointing to President Trump getting assassinated, trying to inject that into our lifestyle, trying to inject that into our subconscious.
But then on the other end,
If Trump says something about a travel ban, or if a conservative talk show host says something about radical Islamic terror...
They want to blame us for every terror attack.
They want to blame us for all the violence, saying we're inciting violence, we're the Islamophobes.
How dare Trump say that?
He's going to cause radical Islamic terror.
But here they are, trying to incite violence in this country and start terrorists and start assassinations.
Why don't they get held to it?
Why doesn't Robert Reich get held to the comments that he makes about the resistance, and then all this violence happens?
This is less than a month after Steve Scalise gets shot, and they're out here doing it again.
Why is it racism when we say that we're not going to allow people in from countries that we're at war with, when it wasn't racism when Obama dropped bombs on them?
He's a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Yeah, exactly.
If I beat you to death right now, but I have a Nobel Peace Prize, it's perfectly fine.
Well, in his last year, he dropped 26,000 bombs on these countries, and that works out to something like three bombs an hour that he dropped on them.
Why is that not racist?
Okay, when we look at this, but it's after we have created this problem there, and it is all being done for the sake of regime change, and there is still this establishment strain within the Trump administration.
You've got McMaster's, part of the National Security Council, still continuing to push for regime change, when you've got others like Mattis, who is in the Pentagon, saying, no, we actually, we want to fight ISIS.
So the question is, are we going to work with ISIS to get regime change?
Because that's our key goal.
Or are we going to try to shut down ISIS?
That's a fight that continues to go on within the Trump administration.
That's how serious things are.
Because we have, even when we look at things like Obamacare or tax cuts, we still have the vast majority of the Republican Party who want the status quo.
The ones who are the odd men out are the ones who say, but wait a minute, we campaigned for eight years and we won the last election as well by saying that we're going to repeal Obamacare.
Those are the people who are considered to be extremists.
They're the outliers.
They're the ones who have to be isolated.
It's the establishment Republicans working with the so-called moderate Republicans who are trying to shut all this down.
And I don't see anything in any of these proposals that are coming out of the House or the Senate that are going to do anything to actually fix
I think?
When it came up for election in 2012, we had a choice.
We're going to be given a choice between Obamacare or Romneycare.
And they picked Paul Ryan to run alongside and implement Romneycare.
And so that really truly is the case right now.
It's a very, very minor difference between these two plans because the establishment Republicans want Obamacare to continue.
Well, and Rand Paul points out how the subsidies coming from quote-unquote Trumpcare are actually worse than the subsidies from Obamacare.
The left, though, they lie to their constituents, they lie to their audience, and they're telling all of these people, these anti-Trumpers, that they're having these victories.
Oh, the Trump travel ban being shut down is a victory for you.
That's a victory for us.
James Comey having to testify.
This is going to be a major victory for us.
So many implications on Trump.
And then it always turns out being the opposite.
The Comey hearing was a total loss for the anti-Trumpers.
The travel ban, once this gets past the Supreme Court, will be a total loss for the anti-Trumpers because he's going to be well within his rights as president.
Now we're on to the health care bill.
I do think right now, technically, you could say that it's a loss for us because I don't want the new health care bill.
You don't want the new health care bill.
But guess what?
It's not going to pass!
So we're not even going to get the new health care bill.
So that's not even going to be a loss.
And real quick, to close out this segment, I want to go, because we were talking about Loretta Lynch and the Clinton email interference.
Even Adam Schiff, even the pencil neck himself, is saying that he is feeling queasy about what's going on with this obstruction of justice.
Here's pencil neck.
The former FBI director, he also testified that the Obama Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, improperly injected politics into the investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails.
I want you to listen to what he told the Senate Intelligence Committee.
The Attorney General had directed me not to call it an investigation, but instead to call it a matter, which confused me and concerned me, but that was one of...
She's queasy on it.
Uh, you know, I think Senator Feinstein's comment, I would agree with.
It does give me a queasy feeling as well.
There may be a perfectly accurate explanation by Loretta Lynch about why she thought matter was the appropriate term rather than investigation, so I wouldn't assume James Comey's characterization is the last word on it, even though I'm sure it's accurate.
But I'd like to hear what Loretta Lynch's explanation for that is, either by having her come to the Hill or by having her speak publicly about what was...
You know, I don't know that this is really part of the Russia investigation.
This was more part of the Clinton email investigation, so I'm not sure it's within our purview.
It's all the same thing, David.
It's all the same thing.
It's all a canard.
It's all a lie.
We want to get down to the bottom of it.
Well, it should make them feel queasy because they are the ones who violated the law.
And this is becoming very apparent.
We've had, as I mentioned before, Senator Grassley, Senator Paul said the unmasking and the surveillance of American citizens is a violation of the law.
The Obama administration, the people in the NSA, Comey in the FBI, Lynch in
And I got news for all the drive-by media viewers out there.
Loretta Lynch has been obstructing justice for years on this deal.
Every time she goes in front of a Senate committee, she won't answer a question.
She's gonna have to start answering.
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Wow, you're going to love the latest idea out of the EU.
Scott Keller, a German member of the European Parliament and of the Green Party, said we should transplant entire villages from Syria to Germany and that would encourage more migrants to enter Germany.
Listen to these quotes.
The idea of Syrian villages is only one possibility we can use, for example, if refugees don't want to go to a country alone that has no other refugees.
People would rather go where compatriots already live, which makes integration and acceptance easier.
Let's look at these three compatriots.
From Paul Joseph Watson.
Migrants viciously beat disabled man while calling him racist.
Three compatriot refugees attempted to steal a homeless man's wallet in a train station during an incident which took place last month.
The handicapped man was kicked and punched and received a vicious uppercut as one of the migrants lectured him about war on Muslims and how all Swedes were racist.
Now how's that for acceptance?
You can read both articles now on InfoWars.com.
Rob Deere reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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We are winning the culture war.
It's a slow but steady victory, folks, and we need to stay the course.
And President Trump is certainly a beachhead helping at the top of this movement.
And there's some culture war happening right now with maintaining our foundations of religion in this country and praying to God and accepting Christianity as the original foundation for this country.
Obviously, the clash of civilizations, multiculturalism is a globalism plan to bring this country to its knees.
So, real quick, and now David Knight has a story about an update on what's going on right now as far as Hillary Clinton trying to be a part of this.
But I wanted to introduce it with this story, because it kind of explains a lot.
Saudi student, now a U.S.
fugitive after skipping bail, paid by consulate.
So, this is a Saudi Arabian national who was here in America as a student, 21 years old,
And he is awaiting trial for a manslaughter case of a hit-and-run accident that killed a 15-year-old last summer.
So he's been waiting in jail on bail.
Well, the Saudi Arabian consulate, the Saudi Arabian government, decided to pay for his bail.
So Saudi Arabia bails this person out, and then what does he do?
He runs away.
He skirts the law.
He is now a fugitive.
Isn't that shocking?
He's about to face justice, probably go to jail for a long time for this manslaughter, Saudi Arabian bails him out, and now he's gone.
Is he part of the Bin Laden family?
Well, his name is Abdul Raham Samir Noorah, and he gone.
Well, you know, there's a lot of talk.
The Washington Post took a big exception to the fact that Donald Trump did not have the Ramadan dinner.
And they began talking about that this weekend, and they said that he's broken a two-decade-old tradition.
Who started it?
Hillary Clinton, 1996.
She started celebrating Ramadan in the White House, and they've continued every year since.
So we have a tradition, a venerable tradition, that began with Hillary Clinton, went through George W. and Barack Obama.
And we have Donald Trump saying, uh, no thank you.
Also, in 1998, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, as Secretary of State,
We're good to go.
Well, the reality is that was not an Iftar dinner.
That was not a celebration.
That was a situation with a Tunisian ambassador.
They invited him for dinner at 3.30.
He said, I can't do it because I've got this religious ceremony.
I can't eat until sunset.
So they said, well, OK, we'll just delay it.
How about that?
Come at sunset.
OK, fine.
So he does that.
There's no indication that there was any special food.
They were not aware of their traditions.
They didn't even call them Muslims or Muslims.
They called them muscle men.
At the time.
And of course, they were aware of Islam, and there are quite some interesting comments about the Founding Fathers.
They saw Islam as a political system.
A political system of oppression.
More than they saw it as a religion.
Nevertheless, what we see here with Jefferson, I think, illustrates a very important point.
And that's the difference between the free exercise of religion and the establishment of religion.
What Hillary Clinton was trying to do with her State Department and what we saw with Bush and with Obama, was to try to establish a religion, a tradition.
To try to establish a religious tradition in the White House.
As opposed to allowing people to freely exercise it by saying, hey, alright, we'll delay our dinner until sunset, then you can come and it's kind of potluck, whatever you can find you can eat.
That's what Jefferson did.
He was tolerant of other people.
He allowed the free exercise of religion.
But he was not going to establish a religious tradition.
Not gonna do it.
That's what Hillary Clinton did.
That's what Madeleine Albright did.
And she was starving to death.
Starving to... I guess that's a... Was that kind of a Ramadan tradition?
Starving to death a half million children and then saying it was worth it because of her sanctions?
Well, I think that this is a purely political move started by the Clintons back in the 90s, and we're gonna explain that and get into more than that on the other side.
Alex Jones Show, Owen Schroer, David Knight, second hour coming up.
Tommy Robinson will be joining us in the second hour.
Don't go anywhere.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Well, President Trump and his cabinet have decided to just forego the Ramadan dinner.
Nothing vicious, just they've decided to forego it.
Nothing bad to say.
Just not going to do that this year.
And the left is freaking out.
They cannot believe this intolerance from President Trump.
It's really unbelievable.
But I'm trying to recall, what is the name of the tradition that they do in the Muslim countries when they celebrate Christmas?
Oh, oh wait, that doesn't happen.
Oh, oh, oh, funny how that works, but no complaining about that.
But let's be perfectly clear, as you pointed out,
This is a political move, David.
The reason why, and it was actually in that Breitbart article you guys showed earlier, the reason why Bill Clinton hosted this dinner, the reason why the left tried to own having this dinner, was to get votes!
That is it!
They knew that they were about to bring the Mideast into the United States, they knew that there was going to be a huge refugee influx in the next couple decades, so they decided to have this dinner, endear themselves to the Muslim community, bring in the Muslims, and then win a bunch of more votes.
That was the entire reason for this.
It had nothing to do with tolerance, had nothing to do with them wanting to reach out, give an olive branch to Muslims, or anything like that.
100% a political tactic, and again,
I'll wait, I'll be waiting here probably my whole life for the left to call out Muslim countries that don't celebrate Christmas, David.
Well, you're right that what they're doing is a people replacement, and they knew that this was part of their policy.
That's a key part of what the regime change is about.
It's creating chaos throughout the Middle East, and there's a lot of chaos that's being created
At the moment, we have this back and forth going between Qatar and the United Arab Emirates and the Saudis, and then on the side of Qatar is the Turk government.
They're not going to remove their troops or their military base.
Of course, the U.S.
has a big military base there, but they're trying.
There is not a unified Arabic state.
As a matter of fact, we have all these different factions with Islam, and there are all these different political aspects of it.
As I said before, the founders of this country saw it more as a political system than they did as a religious system.
But we have to understand... Which would actually make sense why there's all that infighting.
That would actually make sense.
Yeah, yeah.
It is very much political.
And that was the problem with Christianity when Christianity had the problems that those on the left, the atheists, talk about.
Uh, the Christians against Christians, that was when it became entangled with politics.
And that's why in the First Amendment, we're very careful to allow the free exercise of religion, but also not to have it established by the particular government, because we know that that corrupts the religion.
And it certainly has corrupted Islam, and there's no indication that it's going to change.
But you know, as we're looking at this, and we mentioned this over the break, even in Jordan, which has been one of the most western of the Muslim countries, they just had a restaurant that was shut down because they served non-Muslims during Ramadan.
And they said, well, we can see you serving them and so forth and so on, and you have to have special permissions to do this, or we're going to shut you down.
That is the intolerance, that is the politicization of their religion being enforced, the Sharia law if you will, even in Jordan where they're doing this.
So this is not the way the Middle East was a few years ago and it's continuing to get worse as we have this regime change in Libya, as they're trying to do this in Syria and elsewhere.
They're breaking this apart and bringing the people into the United States.
It's the great people replacement.
And of course we're going to talk to Michael Springman about that in the third hour, his book talking about the great people replacement that is happening here.
But that's the thing that is behind all of this.
And we've got Tommy Robinson who's going to join us in the next segment.
And you know, it would be one thing, again, we're not against any people.
We just want to live in reality.
But you know, Tommy Robinson lives in London.
He may live in Manchester, I'm not sure.
But he's dealing with this situation and he comes on the show and he talks about this with Alex Jones.
But here's the difference.
If they were bringing in people to our country or any of these countries and they were assimilating, they were embracing the culture, they weren't clashing with the civilization, then I don't think it would be as big of an issue.
That's not what's happening.
Tommy Robinson walks down the streets of his own neighborhood where he grew up and the people that are Muslim are saying, we own this neighborhood now.
This is our neighborhood now.
And he's like, what the heck?
No, you don't.
I've lived here my whole life.
So we're going to be joined by Tommy Robinson on the other side.
Don't go anywhere.
The struggle in the DNC fraud lawsuit continues.
You've had the current counsel for the plaintiffs request that the judge provide witness protection.
That notion was rejected, despite three mysterious deaths of potential witnesses in the case.
Seth Rich, Sean Lucas, and Barrington Wisenant Jr.
There are also stalwarts in the justice system that are trying to have this case dropped entirely, despite the obvious glaring issues that the DNC has had over the course of the last two years.
While the lawsuit represents Bernie Sanders supporters who feel they have been wronged by the DNC, Bernie Sanders has fallen silent on the issue.
Donald Trump tweeted out this weekend, Hillary Clinton colluded with the Democrat Party in order to beat crazy Bernie Sanders.
Is she allowed to collude?
Unfair to Bernie.
So now Donald Trump has done more to raise awareness for the DNC fraud lawsuit than Bernie Sanders has, who actually is the one that had the election stolen from him.
Why is Bernie Sanders silent on the issue?
Maybe I guess he's busy with being investigated by the FBI for bank fraud.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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From the InfoWars.com News Center, deep behind enemy lines in occupied Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you're listening to the voice of human resistance against the technotronic technocracy takeover.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer, David Knight filling in for Alex today.
And we are joined by Tommy Robinson.
A lot to talk about with Tommy.
He's got some charitable campaigns, some awareness campaigns that he is going through right now.
He's being celebrated now in England.
One video I'll never forget, Tommy, you're walking down the streets and you have an entire crowd chanting, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy!
That had to be wild for you.
I think that the thing that my audience here, that our audience wants to hear about is your experience with Piers Morgan.
Obviously Alex Jones had a famous interchange with Piers Morgan some years ago that, well, it kind of dealt a serious blow to Piers Morgan.
I think that you may now have dealt another haymaker to Piers Morgan.
Tell us about your experience.
I think that the problem is, with people like Piers Morgan, they're not in touch with the people.
And I think he thought he'd be a white knight by trying to absolutely crucify me.
And it's quite the opposite.
I don't think they realise the interaction we're having with the general public and the support we're getting from the general public.
So, yeah, he hasn't had a very good reaction to his response to me.
It was the typical... I was basing my argument on facts.
I was trying to argue facts.
And he just wanted to shout and shout insults
I don't think so.
And that's what he did here in America too.
He came to America and he decided with his American show that he was going to tell us what we didn't know.
That we needed to give up our guns and turn them in and not have the ability to protect ourselves.
And he would run one program after the other until he ran his program into the ground.
And what he'd do is he'd have people on who were very
I remember his rant.
I remember Alex's response to it.
I was sat there, and at first I tried
At first I thought, right, I'll try and see if I can... And the longer I sat there, the more he was talking.
I wasn't getting a chance to talk.
And I thought, unless I try and shout back, unless I try and argue back over him and talk over him, I'm not going to get a chance to get a point across.
And to be honest, with Piers Morgan's background in the UK, with what he's been involved in, he's been involved in hacking of dead children's phones.
He was involved in the doctrine of photos, which were put on the front page of his newspaper at the time,
Which brought our armed forces into disrepute.
It destroyed their reputation because it was pictures that were adopted to make it look like our armed forces were torturing people in Iraq.
So, he is a man whose morals go completely out the window.
And I could have come at him with all of these things.
But I made the point not to because
With a spot like that on TV, I feel it's my job, I'm doing a public service, to debate the issues that people are desperate to have heard.
They're not bothered about hearing about what Piers Morgan done 5 years ago or 10 years ago, or what Tommy Robinson said 8 years ago at a demonstration.
They're bothered about the reason why we have dead children in our cities getting blown to pieces, why we've had 3 terrorist attacks in 3 months, why they've had 5 planned, why 12 terrorist attacks were stopped last year.
That's what they're bothered about.
They're bothered about finding a solution to it, about having a debate about it, but all Piers tried to do was shut that down and stop it.
You know, that is the fundamental difference right now in the two diametrically opposed sides right now on planet Earth, where you're coming at the issue saying, here's the issue, this is what people want to hear.
You're tuned in, you're locked in, you're engaged with the people, where Piers Morgan still has this dinosaur train of thought that I think most mainstream media has, where they think the people want to hear you complain.
They think the people want to hear you say, this is how we're bad.
This is how we need to be better.
This is how we need to be more tolerant.
This is how we're racist.
This is how we're sexist.
This is how we should be better.
This is what's wrong with us.
People are over that.
They're done with that.
They see real issues affecting them in their daily lives.
That's what they want to address, not some labeling contest.
Do you know this show?
This show, that was the most, the biggest audience they've ever had.
All that show, ever.
So, they really need to be in tune here, which they're not.
They're really underestimating the support we have.
They're really underestimating how many people are desperate for this conversation to be had.
Desperate to hear the fact.
Desperate to find solutions.
Not as you're right, shouted down in silence, which is what has been happening for so long.
If you look, when I picked up the Quran, when I picked up the Quran, they were terrified.
The whole studio.
Oh yeah.
I could see the alarm bells running straight away.
I could see their reaction.
Put it down, put it down, put it down.
He put an earpiece in, screaming at me.
Stop, stop, stop.
And that, when we talk about Islamophobia, if there was a term, which there isn't, if there was any issue of Islamophobia, then that is it.
The fact that the whole studio and the presenter were absolutely petrified because I picked up a book
Yeah, that defines what it is.
At the same time, you've got Justin Trudeau this weekend wearing Islam-themed Ramadan socks to an LGBT pride parade.
And it's like, how do you even try to explain that kind of cognitive dissonance to these people?
They don't realize how diametrically opposed these people are?
And so that's why they don't want you.
Holding the Quran.
They don't want you talking about what it is in reality.
They don't want you talking about the political, the heavy political dimensions of this religion.
And that's what they're trying to cover up.
That's what they think they can deceive the public with.
And they can wear, again, as we see the picture of him wearing Islamic socks to an LGBT pride parade.
I mean, it's absolute insanity what they're selling people.
It's almost like they're shoving it right in your face.
But the most amazing thing to me is they're going to sit here
And they'll point at Tommy Robinson and they'll say, Tommy Robinson is an Islamophobe.
Tommy Robinson is going to cause Islamic violence.
And you scratch your head and you're like, wait a second, doesn't that make you the Islamophobe?
How are you not the Islamophobe if you're the one that's afraid of these people committing violence just because you're talking about it?
I mean, this is the reality we're living with.
Tommy, I know that you're actually running some charitable campaigns right now.
You want to raise some awareness.
You're trying to look for solutions.
You're trying to bring the community together.
Tell us about these.
So we're running one campaign called Justice for Chelsea.
Now, Chelsea was a young mother of three who was on a night out with her mother.
She was... She was... She was beaten, violently beaten... Hey, you know what, guys?
Let's give this a second for this connection to re-stabilize because he was explaining this.
If you guys could pull that website back up.
It started breaking up on you, Tommy, when you were talking.
Yeah, start over, Tommy.
Go ahead.
Okay, mother of three, she was out with her mother and she was gang raped by Syrian refugees.
Now, the police arrested six men.
They found two of their DNAs on her and in her.
And from this, the police support no further action as before.
So, we've then launched a campaign, because no one even hears about these stories.
We've launched a campaign where we told her story.
We interviewed her.
It went viral in the UK.
And we've held demonstration after demonstration.
We've gained over 100,000 subscribers.
We've now got some of the UK's best lawyers to go against the police on this, to challenge the Crown Prosecution Service's decision not to bring any charges and obviously the campaign we're running on the website is for people to donate to help us with legal costs and hopefully bring justice for this young English mother of three.
So that's the theme that we continue to see over and over again.
Just as we had this recent terror attack where they had featured these people as the jihadis next door, but they refused to do anything to protect the British people.
And they refused to do it even after an attack.
That's what's so amazing about the government there.
And of course, as you know, just like we see here in America,
It's both parties that are involved, the key parties.
It's Conservatives as well as Labour that are standing down and not doing anything in the UK, just as we see the same thing happening here with Republicans and with Democrats.
Well, we've had, as you know, in the UK, we've had conspiracy of silence between political leaders, religious leaders.
He's got to take the rape of our women in towns and cities like Rotherham, across our whole country.
Now what's happened with Chelsea is, and I'm just, we don't know yet because we're having to hire private investigators to find who the men were because maybe, just maybe, these men were part of a government programme.
Now maybe, maybe, as they've been arrested for rape, maybe that's why this has been shelved.
Maybe that's why they have not been prosecuted.
That's what we need to find out why.
Why are these men, it's quite clear, I actually went and I contacted, on the video we've done for the Justice for Chelsea campaign, I contacted an eyewitness who didn't know Chelsea, who saw her running from the house, naked, without her clothes, and being dragged back in.
Her clothes that she wore out that night has still never been found.
So these are campaigns where this can't be happening to women in our towns and cities.
And this isn't just... We're about to launch another campaign tomorrow, similar, where in the same city, in the same city as Chelsea, a young English businessman, on the front of his shop he put, don't fund terror, shop at Fletcher's.
Seven times the police visited him in two weeks.
Seven times asking him
Telling him, warning him, that he needs to take down the spy that says don't fund terror.
Now, because he said no, they then looked and got the councillor involved to take away his licences to sell alcohol.
To affect his ability to provide for his family.
Now this is bullying.
This is what goes on across our whole country.
Now since this, again, this clear doesn't go live,
We gotta go to a break.
Our guest, Tommy Robinson, is on Skype right now.
We're gonna have him back for the other segment.
But that is amazing.
Shutting down a shop.
It didn't say anything except, don't fund terrorism.
It doesn't allude to who the terrorist might be or anything.
It just says, don't fund terrorism.
Well, that's hate speech.
We gotta shut that down, said the British police.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer, David Knight.
We are joined by Tommy Robinson right now over Skype.
And we've been talking about Justice for Chelsea, a charitable campaign and an awareness campaign that he has tried to gain some momentum on over there.
But I kind of wanted to shift the conversation in a different direction, Tommy.
I wanted to talk about some events that happened over there that kind of, you know, we know how the media cycle works now.
It's a big story for a day or two and then it kind of gets swept away when there's some other developments that are happening.
First, let's start on the Grenfell Tower.
First you had Sadiq Khan come out and say, well, all of the immigrants that are in that tower that have been victimized by this burning that somehow started by a refrigerator.
I don't buy that for one second.
I'd like to hear if you buy that.
I'm not buying that for one second.
But now he's saying also, this is a residential tower that was filled with immigrants.
Now he's saying the ones that weren't, that didn't have amnesty or weren't citizens, now he's going to grant them amnesty.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on that situation, everything that's developed.
My thoughts are that
The figures I'm hearing, and I haven't looked into it that much, but the figures I'm hearing don't match.
I heard that 70 people were evacuated, 76 people were evacuated.
I heard that up to nearly 100 people could be dead.
That tower block houses 600 people.
Where's the rest of them?
Nothing seems to really add up.
When he talks about an amnesty, it's like all of a sudden you're just going to get hundreds of illegal immigrants
But I think the reason why we're not hearing that much is because it is pretty much a tower block full of Muslim immigrants.
And I'm guessing that many of them have been subletting their council, their houses that they're given for free, paid for by the taxpayer.
I believe many of them are probably, it seems, subletting them out to illegals, to people who shouldn't be in there, when it in itself should be a story.
But yeah, I don't buy it.
I know when I'm looking at the timing of it,
The fire started at quarter to two in the morning, I believe.
Last prayers were at half one for Eid and Ramadan.
I think there's a lot more that will come out about this incident.
I watched it, and like anyone, when you're watching something like that and you've got people throwing their children out of windows,
It was horrific to watch.
Yeah, and the building still sits there almost like a symbol, honestly.
I mean, you know what I'm saying?
Well, it burned for, what was it, something like 12 hours or something.
It's still standing, though.
It's still standing, unlike the Twin Towers that fell magically in their footprint, even though one of them wasn't even hit by a plane.
That's their narrative.
But it's interesting, because that's typically what we do see with steel skyscrapers.
We don't see them collapsing even after they have burned like a torch, as that one did for a dozen hours.
But I think it's also...
Yeah, it's also interesting, I think, to see the mayor's reaction after Fenbury Park saying, well, we're going to have to protect Muslims now.
When, as in the past, he would say, well, this is part and parcel of living in a big city.
You just have to deal with these terrorist events.
But then when something happens and, you know, there's a car driven into some Muslims and he says, well, now we're going to have to do special protection for Muslims.
I think that's very interesting, the double standard that we see there.
The problem is that after every terror attack committed by Muslims, the police go and they're at the mosques, and they're all holding signs up together.
Now after this happened at Finsbury Park Mosque, if the police would have turned up at the church holding signs,
We'd all be saying, that's pretty stupid what you're doing.
It's quite clear the Muslim community were targeted in this attack.
It's quite clear that if you need to go and see that anyone's okay in this incident, after this attack, it's the Muslim community.
But what you do after every time a Muslim commits a terrorist attack against our community, you still are going to see that the Muslim community again are okay.
You'll never come and see that our community are okay.
You've never given us reassurances.
After the London Bridge attack, the first thing I mean within like an hour,
I remember seeing the head of the Metropolitan Police saying, we want the Muslim community to know we stand together with you, and no one will aim fear or aim threats at you.
And it's just, what are you talking about?
Every time.
But yeah, part and parcel of living in a big city, apparently terrorism is, but unless it's directed at the Muslim community, and then we're going to really stamp down.
And all of this is going to be used for this Islamophobia.
This was a revenge attack, a horrific attack.
It was a revenge attack.
The man was not part of a global international network of people who were all baying for the destruction of all Muslims.
Which is what we face on the opposite scale.
And I think that's a very important point that you made, that when it happened with the London Howard Bridge, the police come out and say, we have to now make sure that we protect Muslims against any further attacks, rather than saying we're going to stop this hate, we're going to do something to protect people in general.
No, they circle the wagons around that particular community because they know where this is coming from.
And I don't recall, Tommy, real quick before we go, what was the final injury count?
I don't remember even getting a body list or an injury count or anything on that attack.
What did you hear?
I don't think anyone was killed.
I think that one man died that night.
I'll be honest, I think that whole Finsbury Mosque attack was sketchy as well.
We'll be right back.
Thank you to our guest, Tommy Robinson.
Support his website, justiceforchelsea.com.
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Wow, you're going to love the latest idea out of the EU.
Scott Keller, a German member of the European Parliament and of the Green Party, said we should transplant entire villages from Syria to Germany and that would encourage more migrants to enter Germany.
Listen to these quotes.
The idea of Syrian villages is only one possibility we can use, for example, if refugees don't want to go to a country alone that has no other refugees.
People would rather go where compatriots already live, which makes integration and acceptance easier.
Let's look at these three compatriots.
From Paul Joseph Watson.
Migrants viciously beat disabled men while calling him racist.
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Now how's that for acceptance?
You can read both articles now on InfoWars.com.
Rob Durr reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Now we're going to talk about, David wants to talk about some loopholes that people want to talk about at gun show loopholes.
Yeah, that's one of the favorite things of the liberals is to talk about the quote-unquote gun show loopholes.
Here's the thing about these quote-unquote gun show loopholes.
You know what?
It's such a play on words because
We just talked about this Saudi Arabian national who is being looked at for manslaughter.
He's being held because he may be guilty of manslaughter and the Saudi Arabian government decides to bail him out.
Well, he gets bailed out and then he up and leaves town.
Is that a loophole?
Do they call that a loophole?
Yeah, the bail loophole.
No, that's not a loophole.
That's just how it works.
And I don't support that quote-unquote loophole, but that's not how you phrase it.
But now this is one of the attacks they have on gun shows, David.
Well, and of course, you know, when we talk about things like the gun show loophole, we have to understand that it is a
Fundamental, individual, human right that you are able to protect yourself, that you should own guns.
And of course the founders of this country understood that somebody who's not allowed to own guns is a slave by definition.
If you don't have any property rights, you are the property.
So all these different things we talk about, the right to self-defense, the right to own property, these fundamental liberties, if you don't have them,
You are a slave.
The liberals like to use the gun show loophole.
They say, we need to shut that down and make sure that we shut down gun shows.
Well, here's an example.
And this is the, I guess this was the latest terror attack.
We have so many of them, I lose track.
It's been a very productive Ramadan this year.
In 2017, we set a new record for Ramadan terror attacks.
About 174 Islamic terror attacks.
They've left 1,595 people dead, 1,960 wounded.
So nearly 1,600 dead, about 2,000 people wounded in addition to that.
And so we have this situation in the Flint, Michigan airport where we had a policeman
Who has a guy run up to him with a knife and starts stabbing him multiple times, once in the neck and so forth and so on, but he tried and failed to purchase a firearm shortly before he attacked this police officer.
He was able to get the knife at the gun show, but he was not able to get a firearm because he wasn't a citizen.
See, they actually do background checks.
Anybody that's been to a gun show knows that there are actually background checks at the quote-unquote gun show loophole.
And that's precisely what happened there.
But I think it's also related to that.
I have a friend who's a writer back in North Carolina, Paul Chessery, writes for Liberty Headlines.
He has a story here.
North Carolina lawmaker offends the jihad media with the term jihad media.
Where did this come from?
Well, in that same story that I just reported to you about the attack on a police officer in Flint, Michigan.
When CNN tweeted it out, they said, well, the suspect reportedly said something in Arabic.
What would that have been?
Allahu Akbar!
Which many outlets, even if they report that, will come back and say, Allah Akbar, God is great.
No, it's God is greater.
My God is greater than your God, is what they are saying.
That's part of their attack.
And so when they put that kind of stuff out there, this was a state senator, Dan Bishop, a Republican.
He came up with the term Jihad Media, which I think is exactly right.
We talk about CNN as ISIS, you know, with the Kathy Griffin meme and so forth, and we have the contest going at Infowars.com.
But it's also the Jihad Media, I think, is another good term for that group of people.
CNN is in an absolute tailspin right now.
When you get called out by BuzzFeed to be fake news, when Brian Stelter, the Stelter Man, is going on his Sunday show calling you fake news... George Costanza.
I think George Casillas might have more credibility actually than Brian Zellner.
But it really just shows you the current state they're in.
And, you know, this Flint, Michigan thing, it's just, again, the people that complain, David, they say, oh, it's so easy to get a gun, it's too easy to get a gun.
These liberals...
I had to jump through hoops just to purchase a firearm down here.
It wasn't just walk to the store and get the weapon.
So there are checks and balances.
These things do exist.
Honestly, probably enough of them.
And they're looking for more.
So, the people that complain about this though, David, I guarantee you they've never ever tried to buy a firearm.
The people that don't want gun rights have never gone to a gun range.
They've never shot and skeet.
No, they don't know what an assault rifle is.
They don't have a definition for it.
It's anything that scares them when they look at it.
And they don't want anybody to own any firearms other than the government.
We saw that in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting.
We had McChrystal come out and he started talking about, I remember at the time, this of course was the guy that was exposed by Michael Hastings.
But we understand, and we come from a tradition where the people who founded this country wisely understood the danger of a monopoly of power by the people at the political center.
They said, we do not want this.
This is not an effective way to defend our country against foreign invasion, and it invites domestic tyranny when you give the government a monopoly on firearms.
You see this happening in every country.
It's happened over and over again.
And again, going back to the Piers Morgan thing with Alex.
Venezuela is doing great!
Oh yeah.
They're hunting the police down in the streets so they can take their firearms.
That's what it eventually comes down to.
They're hunting down pets for food.
They're hunting down police for firearms.
And it's always going to come down to something like that because you cannot
Get rid of firearms.
They're there whether you like it or not.
And we need to explain that to the liberals.
But it's also an issue that it is simply a tool.
It can be used to defend life.
It can be used as an aggressive way to take life.
But the vast majority of people are going to be responsible and they're going to use it in a responsible way to defend life.
We understand that.
That has been the tradition here in America and we know that even to this day
The places where the vast majority of gun deaths and crime occur are in the areas that are controlled by the people who want gun control and take it out of the hands of the private citizens, because that emboldens and empowers the criminal elements in those areas.
And that's one of the reasons why you don't have other nations willing to run up on our beaches and storm us, because we're all armed to the teeth.
Now, I want to take the conversation in a different direction here, David, as I'm monitoring the mainstream media as we're live.
And one thing that they're really pushing today is with what looks like it's going to be success, another victory for Donald Trump, I think with this travel ban coming down, they want to demonize him more on the proposed health care bill.
They want to demonize Trumpcare more as a loss.
When at the end of the day, Trump's constituents, if it doesn't pass, are actually going to consider that a victory because we don't want this bill to pass to begin with.
But they're trying to demonize Donald Trump.
They're trying to provide the optics of Donald Trump taking Medicaid away from these people, taking their health care away.
They're all going to die now.
This is the most amazing thing to me, David, for two reasons.
One, Obamacare is still the law.
So they have these people on talking about how the GOP healthcare bill is taking away their healthcare, except it's actually Obamacare!
The healthcare bill is actually still the Affordable Care Act that was signed by Obama.
So the Trumpcare bill, as they're dubbing it, is not even law, yet they bring in all of these people to complain about how they're losing their healthcare, which is actually under the Obamacare coverage plan!
Yeah, nothing has changed.
It's unbelievable!
The system is failing because when you try to pretend that you're giving something to somebody, you have absolutely no basis for it.
You eventually run out of other people's money.
They're going to run out of Fannie and Freddie funds that they stole to get this going.
Pull that story back up while David's talking.
When we look at the main opposition to this, people are saying, well, of course the Congressional Budget Office is going to sit there in judgment of any kind of reform that comes out of the House or the Senate, and they're going to say, but you're going to have fewer people insured with this.
Well, you know, you don't really have people insured when we have the people who are paying for the insurance seeing their premiums going up 150% a year.
That's not a sustainable system.
They like to talk about sustainability when it comes to the environment, but not when it comes to the economics of things.
And so this is not a sustainable system.
There isn't anything here that is really providing insurance to people.
They have done a head fake for a short period of time, and they love to also talk about how this is a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to a few people.
That's exactly what it is.
But the few people are the insurance companies.
And that was what it was designed to do from the very beginning.
It was welfare for insurance companies who said this from the very beginning.
And who are the people who are making out in terms of massive profits?
Not on individual policies, but on the group policies.
And they want the individual policies to go away, but on the group policies, the insurance companies who can hold a gun to your head now.
And force you to buy their product, and then set the price for that product.
They're the ones who are getting this massive sweep of wealth from the middle class to them, as they also then fund the insurance of people who get subsidies.
They fund that by theft out of the Fannie and Freddie funds, as Dr. Corsi has pointed out many times.
You cannot reduce the cost of something by subsidizing it.
You will increase the cost, whether it is college tuition or whether it is health insurance.
It will increase the cost.
It is not doing anything to bend the cost curve.
What it is doing is it's breaking our back in terms of people who pay for insurance who try to do the responsible thing.
There's nothing in any of this legislation
That will do any of the fundamental reforms that allow us to operate as consumers who are intelligent, who have information, who have the financial ability to make these decisions.
That's precisely what we need.
We need competition across state lines.
They're not putting this kind of stuff in these bills.
That's what Donald Trump ran on.
That's what Marco Rubio ridiculed him for.
What you talking about?
He knew what he was talking about with lines.
Rubio didn't know what he was talking about.
But it's, you know, this health care bill, I would say has a 99% chance of failing.
I don't see how this thing succeeds.
They'll dub it as a loss for Trump.
It'll be a victory for Trump, by my estimation, because Trump's constituents don't want this health care bill anyway.
And then I think it's going to serve another purpose.
All of the conservatives, the Republicans, the GOP, the Paul Ryans that pushed this bill, that are praising this bill, that want this bill, they're going to be exposed in the 2018 midterms.
And I think Trump is going to use that against them to help him drain the swamp of the people that are obstructing him, that aren't going along with the agenda that the American people elect Donald Trump to.
He should.
He should ally with the House Freedom Caucus and the people who want to stand with their promises to get rid of this, and he should attack the people like Paul Ryan, who for years has run on this as a wedge issue, but never had any intention of doing it.
They never had a plan!
That's quite obvious, isn't it?
Here we are, well into the Trump administration, and they're just kind of coming up with some little make-work, rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
They never had a plan.
They had never planned to do anything about it except to use it to win elections.
And that's the key thing to take away from all of this.
And if you're going to describe it, the Affordable Care Act, the law is called the Affordable Care Act, but actually it's really a monopoly care act.
All the trends since this bill was signed into law have moved counties into having one or two insurance providers.
I mean, you look at Oregon, you look at Iowa, these are some of the worst case examples.
Some counties now, I think maybe even New Mexico it is, where there's only one provider.
That's literally monopoly care.
And then, why do we have antitrust laws?
Why aren't you allowed to have monopolies?
Because that's how you skyrocket prices.
It's designed to fail.
They're trying to push us towards a single-payer system.
The problem with the system that we have now is that there's not enough competition.
And what they're doing is they're reducing competition.
They want the government to be the one who decides from some central ivory tower what insurance policy everybody is going to have.
And guess what?
One size does not fit all.
We want to be able to have choice and freedom.
And if they're concerned about affordability,
Why don't they even allow us to deduct our medical expenses off of our income taxes?
They won't even go that far.
When you have a medical expense, they're only going to allow a percentage of your adjusted gross income that you exceed on that to even be deducted, let alone as a tax credit.
They don't give you any help at all to pay for health care, but yet they say this is so important
We need to take away your freedom.
We need to reorganize society.
We need to empower these other people.
We need to be able to hold a gun to your head and force you to buy a product from some of the most wealthy and powerful corporations in the country.
That is what Obamacare is about, and they want it to be a single-payer system.
It's nice, though.
At least the Democrats put their money where their mouth is.
I mean, it's not like the Democrats just spent $200 million to lose special elections.
They gave those $200 million to people in Medicare that they're claiming are losing their coverage.
So, it's nice that the Democrats are putting their money where their mouth is.
They had a huge, you know, a huge bank roll here to run these special elections.
But they realized that the people were more important, and they put that $200 million into the people that are losing their health care.
I don't think so.
Oh wait, that's not what happened?
No, that's not what happened.
Oh wait.
No, it goes into their coffers, you know.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That must have confused me.
You're right about that.
The Democrats did spend that $200 million on losing four special elections.
They didn't give that back to the people.
And you know, this has been Obama's line for the longest time now.
Obama says,
The Republicans want to take from the poor and give to the rich.
Elizabeth Warren says this is blood money, this bill.
Taking from the poor and giving to the rich.
I think there's one fundamental question that these people need to explain.
Where is this money coming from that the poor are getting?
Where are all these coffers of money that the poor is getting from some... I don't know where they're getting it, I guess from the government is what they're talking about.
So apparently poor people are just getting all this money somehow, just raking in all these funds, and now we want to take it away from them and give it to the rich.
So I just want them to explain, what money?
What money are we talking about?
Where is all this money coming from that we're taking from the poor and giving to the rich?
If they're poor, how do they have money for us to take from them?
So I'm really just confused.
I'd like Obama to answer that.
Do you think he could explain that?
I can't explain it, David.
You know, if you take responsibility for your health care, then what they're saying is you shouldn't be allowed to do that.
We're going to increase your insurance rates.
Or if you take responsibility and you invest in something that you thought was safe, like Fannie and Freddie, because that was home mortgages, that was something that was backed by the government.
So you had a lot of people with their entire retirement programs are trying to do a safe and responsible thing.
I remember years ago, my father's dead now, but he invested in Fannie and Freddie because he wanted something that was safe.
So what does the government do?
The government comes in and steals that money.
And then when somebody says, uh, maybe we shouldn't do that, they say, well, you're going to take that money from the poor and give it to the rich.
And it's like, no, no, you're taking it from the people who take responsibility for their own lives.
You're making their insurance unaffordable.
You're stealing everything that they invested for their retirement, as well as other retirement funds, taking that money away and then saying that we have insured 20 million people.
No, you haven't.
You've just stolen on a grand scale.
We'll be right back.
Wow, you're going to love the latest idea out of the EU.
Scott Keller, a German member of the European Parliament and of the Green Party, said we should transplant entire villages from Syria to Germany, and that would encourage more migrants to enter Germany.
Listen to these quotes.
The idea of Syrian villages is only one possibility we can use, for example, if refugees don't want to go to a country alone that has no other refugees.
People would rather go where compatriots already live, which makes integration and acceptance easier.
Let's look at these three compatriots.
From Paul Joseph Watson.
Migrants viciously beat disabled man while calling him racist.
Three compatriot refugees attempted to steal a homeless man's wallet in a train station during an incident which took place last month.
The handicapped man was kicked and punched and received a vicious uppercut as one of the migrants lectured him about war on Muslims and how all Swedes were racist.
Now how's that for acceptance?
You can read both articles now on InfoWars.com.
Rob Dyrdek reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Here's what the mainstream media is trying to do.
Here's what the fake news is trying to do right now.
They're trying to convince you.
They're trying to convince us.
They're trying to convince the people that elected Trump.
Convince the patriots that we're not winning.
That we're losing.
That we're behind right now.
When really since Trump has gotten in, since we elected Trump, we've been absolutely dominating.
We're absolutely winning.
We're winning.
It's like we're winning 49 to nothing.
And the media is trying to tell us that we're losing 49-0 when the scoreboard clearly says Patriots 49, Clinton crime family and her constituents nothing, Nancy Pelosi zero, complete loser, Bernie Sanders loser.
And so then, every time any little development happens, the Democrats celebrate and pretend that they're having victory.
Folks, do not let the mainstream media trick you.
That is like a team celebrating a sack that's down 49-0.
That's like a team celebrating a first down when they're down 49-0 with two minutes to go in the fourth quarter.
They're an embarrassment.
They're a joke.
They've already lost the game and they're trying to convince you that they haven't.
They're trying to pretend they're still relevant.
So accept the fact that CNN is dying.
Accept the fact that the left is dying.
And I think now we've got some new hearings that we might be up coming on.
Loretta Lynch, possibly, maybe.
I mean, who knows where this could lead?
Who knows what Loretta Lynch might say?
But David, I think that
She's not going to be able to get back in front of the public and have a testimony and just not answer any more questions.
I do not think a Judiciary Committee will hear it.
I don't even think her own would hear it.
I really think Dianne Feinstein would even call her to task.
Well, let's hope that's the case.
We'll have to see.
Clearly, they've been able to do whatever they wish up to this point.
And, of course, Loretta Lynch was also involved in Comey in terms of not moving against HSBC and these other issues.
I mean, he came to his position at the FBI from HSBC, a large bank that was convicted multiple times for money laundering for the Sinaloa cartel, El Chapo, as well as for terrorist organizations.
I mean, Sinaloa even had their own checkout window.
Where they could launder cash.
And so, what do you do?
You need a new FBI director?
Well, you would go to the board of directors for that corporation, wouldn't you?
The same guy that gave Sandy Berger a pass for destroying documents at the National Security Archives after 9-11, they wanted to have some information about what the Clintons had been doing with Bin Laden and others, and he goes in and removes that cash, just as they have now transferred documents
Relating to this information, they have transferred them to the Obama libraries and now you can't look at them for five years.
That's the way these people have played every game in order to obstruct justice and we certainly understand what's going on with that.
Well, and we were kind of saying this outside of the break.
You know, even Brian Stelter, who I think maybe has the brain the size of a peanut, even Brian Stelter looks at CNN and says, wait a second.
We created fake news.
We had to retract.
I'm part of this network.
I have a show.
I need to address this issue.
I mean, and he can't get an answer.
He doesn't know what's going on.
Well good for him because he comes out and has the integrity to say, look I asked for this information and I'm getting stolen by my own network.
And remember it was just a couple of weeks ago that we had Zucker out there attacking Alex Jones and defending Megyn Kelly even after Alex had put out the tape where Megyn Kelly was begging him to come on the show and telling him that she was not
That CNN is now so concerned about talking about Russia that they have now said, you have to get permission from a vice presidential level before you can run with any of these stories.
The Democrats are saying, we've got to get off this Russian narrative.
It has totally collapsed for them.
It has backfired on them.
People are beginning to understand that not only was this false, not only was this designed to cover up their hacking of the election, but people are going to begin to understand, as we do already, that this is designed to cover up criminal
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
The struggle in the DNC fraud lawsuit continues.
You've had the current counsel for the plaintiffs request that the judge provide witness protection.
That notion was rejected despite three mysterious deaths of potential witnesses in the case.
Seth Rich, Sean Lucas, and Barrington Wisenant Jr.
There are also stalwarts in the justice system that are trying to have this case dropped entirely.
Despite the obvious glaring issues that the DNC has had over the course of the last two years.
While the lawsuit represents Bernie Sanders supporters who feel they have been wronged by the DNC, Bernie Sanders has fallen silent on the issue.
Donald Trump tweeted out this weekend, Hillary Clinton colluded with the Democrat Party in order to beat crazy Bernie Sanders.
Is she allowed to collude?
Unfair to Bernie.
So now Donald Trump has done more to raise awareness for the DNC fraud lawsuit than Bernie Sanders has, who actually is the one that had the election stolen from him.
Why is Bernie Sanders silent on the issue?
Maybe I guess he's busy with being investigated by the FBI for bank fraud.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
He's found it down, loaded up and truckin'.
Are we gonna do what they say can't be done?
Well, people are jumping ship from the Russian collusion narrative like the boat is sinking.
Well, that's because the boat is sinking and the real Russian collusion is on the Democrat side.
So what are they gonna do?
When this Russian collusion, Russian narrative, Russian hacking ship is completely abandoned, everybody's jumped ship, what are they going to do when that ship ports, and now you have people saying that Donald Trump obstructed justice in the Russian collusion case, but there's nobody even on board that ship, so there's no case there.
What are they going to do?
Because that's the reality that they're about to face, David.
Well again, I think that the real issue here, moving forward, at this point, Donald Trump and his Department of Justice, and if Attorney General Sessions won't lead with this, there are senators like Senator Grassley who will.
He's been asking very pointed questions of Jeh Johnson about hacking into state boards of election.
Why would Putin even want to go and get the voter rolls in some of these states?
He has no motivation to do that, but the Democrats do.
And we had these individual states complaining about it.
They had in February, they said, we want the president to say that this is not going to be declared critical infrastructure.
We do not want the federal government intruding itself into state elections.
This was a meeting of secretaries of state in February.
And then subsequent to that, we found that the Department of Homeland Security had been breaking into Indiana in massive quantities.
So we understand
That they're very concerned.
It's going to come out what they've been doing.
They have been the ones who have been trying to hack the election.
They are the ones who have broken the law.
They are the ones who have committed obstruction of justice.
And now they need to go on the offensive.
This phony narrative, which was designed to cover that up, it was not only designed to try to hamstring President Trump, to try to get a process crime against him.
It was designed to cover up their criminal actions.
And it's about time those criminal actions come out because that's really what is at the bottom of all of this.
If you guys could pull that story up that you just had.
I don't know who printed that story.
I never saw it.
No, the one claiming that the Trump obstruction case is gathering momentum.
This is hilarious to me.
See, this is what I'm talking about.
It's losing all momentum.
It never really had any momentum.
Every time there's a new hearing, a new testimony, whether it be Sessions, Jay Johnson, James Comey, whoever it is, it kills any momentum that it never had.
And so they're continuing to push this ship into harbor.
They're continuing to want to port this ship, hoping that when it ports, they can claim that he obstructed justice.
But no one will be on the ship.
It'll be a ghost ship.
It'll be halfway underwater.
However, in the obstruction of justice, because from Comey's own testimony, if you listen to him as multiple sworn testimonies, he contradicts himself.
So he essentially committed perjury with that.
But when he said, well, you know, no, he'd never, I've never had anybody try to shut down an investigation for political purposes.
That would be a big deal.
He said that on oath.
Then he comes back and goes, well, you know, I think he really wanted me to shut that down.
So we need to take a look at that.
Uh, if that were the case, he would be contradicting himself.
At the same time, Owen, what he said was Donald Trump had said to him, I want you to get all, look into all these different peripheral issues of satellite people and so forth and so on.
So he's not trying to obstruct justice.
He appointed a special prosecutor who was hostile to him, who was politically involved with the swamp.
And so he did everything other than obstructing justice.
He went to the nth degree, even according to Comey's testimony, the fact that he wanted, let's get this information out there about the satellite people.
And I want you to let people know that I'm not under investigation.
You have besmirched my good name.
Why won't you tell people that?
And as Marco Rubio pointed out, it was open secret.
Comey had told that to all the other senators.
He said, everybody here.
There is a basis for obstruction of justice by Comey, by Loretta Lynch, by the Obama administration, and the law was violated by the intelligence and law enforcement community, the FBI and the intelligence community.
You know, quite frankly, Owen, it's absolutely amazing to me.
That for so many years, nobody would even talk about the NSA.
It was always called no such agency.
Yet this time, we had people who were head of the NSA, head of these intelligence agencies, coming out as political operatives, publicly trashing Donald Trump.
I mean, that's how open they are about this political corruption that they have sunk to.
And then Comey says, well, I've never had anyone interfere with an investigation.
That would be a big deal.
But then admits that Loretta Lynch wanted to handle the Hillary Clinton thing as a matter and not an investigation.
So I think you did, actually, James Comey.
That's right.
It was Loretta Lynch.
He contradicted himself.
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Wow, you're going to love the latest idea out of the EU.
Scott Keller, a German member of the European Parliament and of the Green Party, said we should transplant entire villages from Syria to Germany and that would encourage more migrants to enter Germany.
Listen to these quotes.
The idea of Syrian villages is only one possibility we can use, for example, if refugees don't want to go to a country alone that has no other refugees.
People would rather go where compatriots already live, which makes integration and acceptance easier.
Let's look at these three compatriots.
From Paul Joseph Watson.
Migrants viciously beat disabled men while calling him racist.
Three compatriot refugees attempted to steal a homeless man's wallet in a train station during an incident which took place last month.
The handicapped man was kicked and punched and received a vicious uppercut as one of the migrants lectured him about war on Muslims and how all Swedes were racist.
Now how's that for acceptance?
You can read both articles now on InfoWars.com.
Rob Gio reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
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Now, let's bring in our guest, Michael Springman.
He is covering the relocation, the clash of civilizations, and what that all means, what started it, the phony wars, and how they're bringing that to Europe and the United States.
Michael Springman, thank you so much for joining us.
The book, Goodbye Europe, Hello Chaos.
Thanks for joining us today.
I'm happy to be here.
I appreciate the invitation.
You know, it's kind of interesting, Michael, that you would come on today, because today with the Supreme Court talking about the travel ban and everything, this is something that goes back to your first book.
I want to revisit that just briefly.
You had a book before, Visas for Al-Qaeda, CIA handouts that rocked the world.
And this is an insider's view.
In the original book that you had with that a few years ago, you were talking about the fact that you were working with the State Department
You're a diplomat with the Foreign Service, you were posted various countries, Germany, India, but it was in Saudi Arabia that you came across a lot of individuals that you refused visas to, you knew that they were not qualified for travel to the United States, and yet you routinely saw that overruled, and it was by the CIA, at the CIA's direction, wasn't it?
I found out once I was out of the Foreign Service that this whole thing had been cooked up by the Central Intelligence Agency and the State Department, and of some 20 Americans at the Consulate at Jeddah, where I was assigned as head of the visa section, that there were only three Americans, to the best of my knowledge, including myself, who had no ties with the Central Intelligence Agency or the National Security Agency.
So that's the kind of compartmentalization that we typically see.
You've got somebody there who's honestly trying to do their job, you're looking at these people's qualifications and go, uh, no way, this guy's not, uh, should not be traveling to the United States, and then you reject that, and then you get this series of people coming in, what do they do?
They kind of lean on you and tell you, uh, I think you should reconsider this, or what do they do?
Well, initially it was, well, it's your decision, but we want to make sure we get this guy into the states.
He's a good contact.
He's done things for the consulate, etc.
And then it developed into, if you don't issue the visa, you're not going to be working for the State Department anymore.
You're going to get fired.
Wow, yeah.
So that's what we have seen.
Now this has evolved now over the years.
Your new book is Goodbye Europe, Hello Chaos, subtitled Merkel's Migrant Bomb.
And that's precisely what we understand this is.
As we see this kind of regime change happening throughout Europe.
Here's from your foreword to your book.
If you really want to help refugees, stop feeding them.
Let a few of them die of starvation, war injuries and disease on the sidewalks of Western Europe.
Then go organize the ensuing public outrage to pressure the governments to stop the wars, that's regime changes, responsible for producing such refugee streams.
If you keep taking them in and feeding them, you're complicit in cooperating with the aggressor.
Because you aid and abet in the process of them becoming permanently dislodged from their countries.
You are helping the aggressor win.
Now that was from 1992.
And that was the words of an emergency physician.
You point out that really unsettled you because that's pretty harsh words to say.
Just let these people die in the streets.
It's because people don't understand where this is all beginning and what is happening in their countries.
What is so horrific there?
And they don't understand now that these people are being brought in in massive
Unrestrained, unvetted numbers, and this is something that you have seen and now a tradition that you've seen throughout your entire career.
Not only not vetting people because they're coming in, you believe that they are perhaps violent individuals.
No, no, the CIA says bring them in.
And now they're doing it in such massive numbers that it's going to be the destruction of the West if we don't stop that.
And you trace this back to its origins as regime change.
Exactly right.
Yeah, I had been in Jeddah and seen this.
And then, I guess a year or two ago, a friend of mine, Sylvia Gaumac, who supplied some research and forward for the new book, Goodbye Europe, began talking to me about what was happening in Europe and sending me clips and newspaper articles and so on.
And I was astonished.
And it was the same line they were giving the Europeans as had been given to the United States for the last couple of decades.
Oh, these poor people, they just want to leave a terrible homeland and come to our country and work for a living and live the good life and pay taxes and enjoy themselves.
And nobody pays any attention to, well, what about taking jobs away from the natives?
What about taking- Yes.
Taxes and funds for these people that should go to something else in the economy and so on and so forth.
Yeah, what about the fact that some of them probably genuinely hate your country because of the things that they've been told or the things that your government has done to them in the past including former regime changes?
That's right.
You drop bombs on these people, they probably don't look at America favorably as they should.
They certainly don't want to come here and be a part of this culture.
Perhaps they want to come here and destroy it.
One of the things that you point out in your first chapter is weapons of mass migration and clearly it is a weapon.
It is a weaponized population bomb that they're bringing in.
When you bring in people in uncontrolled numbers and you stop the vetting of those people, then what you have done is you've essentially created an invasion of your own country by your own government to destroy that country, isn't it?
Exactly right.
That's what one former justice on the German Constitutional Court said about the German government and Angela Merkel.
She said that her entire government had violated its oath of office to protect and defend the people of Germany, to preserve territorial integrity and provide for the common welfare.
And when this wave of migrants hit, when they tweeted on August 25th, I guess it was 2015, that we're not going to be enforcing the
The Dublin rule where you had to apply for asylum in the first European community country you entered, well that was it.
The floodgates opened and 10,000 refugees swarmed across the Hungarian border.
Michael, your book has covered this.
You've had books in the past.
The forward that David just wrote in this most recent book, again, he said that was from 1992.
It's amazing.
How is it that so many people saw this coming?
I mean, there were so many people, they wrote books, you know, that saw this clash of civilizations coming long before anyone else did.
What were the signs that you saw building to this that's gotten us to this point?
Well, what I saw in the beginning, and I probably could have started the book maybe a year earlier, but I was too busy promoting the other book, The Visas for Al-Qaeda, was that people were saying, well, yeah, bring these people in, Syria is in a terrible mess, Libya is in a terrible mess, and so on.
And they began putting things up on television in Germany, for example, a cute little cartoon with a catchy music to it that aimed at children saying, no animal is illegal.
And the idea was that they were going to start training people's minds from grade school age on up to welcome these people with flowers and candy with no concept of, well, what's happening?
These people aren't
From our own culture, from Europe, they're not Italians, they're not Yugoslavs, they're not even Turks.
They're people from countries with no real connection to Europe except being conquered and being bombed either during the first Crusades or during the present Crusades with the Americans and the French and the British bombing the living daylights out of Syria and Libya and Iraq and so forth.
And you've got a total misfit.
You've got a total clash of civilizations, of religion, of culture, and nobody really knows.
How to handle it, and when anybody does complain in Germany, for example, or France, or anywhere else, they're attacked as neo-Nazis, they're attacked as anti-migrant, they're attacked as Islamomusius, they're attacked as the heirs of Adolf Hitler, and so on and so forth.
Yeah, they resort to multiculturalism, and yet the one culture that they don't want is the one that is currently there.
One of the chapters you have is destabilization without a purpose.
What do you see as the purpose of this destabilization?
Well, the American purpose is essentially to weaken Europe, a unified Europe, as a competitor to the United States, and also as a way of splitting Europe, in particular Germany, away from Russia.
You've got European, and in particular German, technology and education and skills
And if this were united to the Russian vast landmass filled with loads of natural resources, you'd have an economic powerhouse.
And the Americans don't want this.
They have fought two wars against Germany in the last century to ensure that Germany was not a powerful state.
And yet Germany has come back with 80 million people.
That's Michael Springman.
We've got to take a break.
More on these issues and more on the other side.
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Just some stories I want to introduce this segment with Michael Springman on.
The United States is about to send 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan.
We saw what happened the last time we wanted to intervene in Afghanistan.
It turned into a big poppy field operation.
And let's not forget...
It was not but a few months ago where Donald Trump dropped the mother of all bombs on Afghanistan, supposedly on CIA tunnels.
These are CIA tunnels that ISIS was using.
Whether that bomb was effective or not, we'll speculate.
But then, also, you've got all this going on, the CIA, the U.S.
forcing all this regime change in the Middle East, which is causing an influx of migrants into Europe and the United States.
What a double standard the left has, sitting here saying, Trump's regime change, Trump's trying to do this, Trump's trying to do that, oh we can't have this, Russia meddling in our elections.
Meanwhile, the United States does that all across the planet, especially in the Middle East, including violently.
Michael Springman, I'd just like to hear your general reaction from the developments in this story.
Well basically you said pretty much what it really is.
You've got years of Clinton destroying Yugoslavia, you've got years of both Bushes destroying Iraq and Afghanistan, you've got
Eight years of Obama destroying Libya and Syria, and then you've got now Trump continuing it.
And nobody has said, hey, wait a minute, this is a continuous policy.
It began back with Jimmy Carter, the Democrat, when he and Zbigniew Brzezinski decided they were going to take on the Soviet Union and Afghanistan.
Nobody questions this.
They all think it's a wonderful thing, and they cry crocodile tears over Americans being killed and the cost of the war, but they never think, well, what are the real costs?
It's crumbling bridges, it's lead in your drinking water, it's
Not enough money for health care and so on.
And so we put this manufactured crisis, and that's the key, I think, for people to take away from your experience, from your books.
Talking about the fact that they were putting in visas for Al-Qaeda, that they threatened you with the State Department and Saudi Arabia, saying, you know, you're going to approve these people.
The CIA wants them in here, even though you said you could see that they were not qualified.
And now this, what we see happening in Europe especially, but it's also going to be happening in America.
Exactly right.
You've got George Soros and his Central European University, for example, collecting speakers of exotic hard languages like Arabic and Pashtun and Dari and things like this, and using them as translators to help guide the migrant wave through the Balkans into Central and Northern Europe.
You've got big American companies like Cisco,
Giving huge donations to organizations that help herd the migrants, and in addition, Cisco set up companies, I'm sorry, not companies, set up Wi-Fi systems throughout the migrant routes in the Balkans to help guide these people from wherever they came from.
In the past, you had to use topographical maps and take your chances on finding your way from one place to another, but now there's money being given to these people to
Go from Syria or Libya or wherever to Italy or Germany or Austria or name your country, and somehow they have money for cell phones, they have money for the internet, my own internet phone, the iPhone, that eats up batteries like nobody's business, yet somehow they have charging stations for these people.
They don't leave anything to chance, do they?
Absolutely nothing is left to chance.
And you have people like Hamdi Ulukaya, the guy who is a Turk citizen.
He's on the Federal Reserve Board and he runs Chimani Yogurt.
And he goes on and the mainstream media is complicit in this.
CBS has him on.
He goes, well, when I give them a job, they're no longer refugees.
Well, if we didn't bomb their countries, they would not be refugees.
That's the whole key.
But it's about the
People replacement.
It's about bringing in foreigners, setting them up in business with massive American subsidies.
These same foreigners who then go to Davos and push this mass migration, as you pointed out, don't leave anything to chance.
They make sure they've got a complete infrastructure, guidelines along the way.
They don't just leave breadcrumbs for them.
They give them iPhones and charging stations to help them find their way through.
The Germans in the short run think this is a great idea because it brings in more people supposedly who will pay taxes into their social welfare system.
The people there will think, well, yeah, well, you know, we've got somebody now to take care of us in our old age because there are no Germans being born to keep the system running.
And yet they don't seem to realize that the solution is to promote the normal population increase.
They'll take care of them, kind of like Kevorkian takes care of people.
That's the way it's going to happen.
Thank you so much, Michael Springman.
The book is Goodbye Europe, Hello Chaos.
Excellent book.
We'll be right back.
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The struggle in the DNC fraud lawsuit continues.
You've had the current counsel for the plaintiffs request that the judge provide witness protection.
That notion was rejected, despite three mysterious deaths of potential witnesses in the case.
Seth Rich, Sean Lucas, and Barrington Wisenant Jr.
There are also stalwarts in the justice system that are trying to have this case dropped entirely, despite the obvious glaring issues that the DNC has had over the course of the last two years.
While the lawsuit represents Bernie Sanders supporters who feel they have been wronged by the DNC, Bernie Sanders has fallen silent on the issue.
Donald Trump tweeted out this weekend, Hillary Clinton colluded with the Democrat Party in order to beat crazy Bernie Sanders.
Is she allowed to collude?
Unfair to Bernie.
So now Donald Trump has done more to raise awareness for the DNC fraud lawsuit than Bernie Sanders has, who actually is the one that had the election stolen from him.
Why is Bernie Sanders silent on the issue?
Maybe I guess he's busy with being investigated by the FBI for bank fraud.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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One of our producers here just came in my ear in the break and said, hey, you might want to mention that Megyn Kelly has failed for the fourth weekend in a row with her ratings.
And I was like, who?
Oh, oh, oh, her, oh, her.
I completely forgot she even existed.
But you know, it's funny, the hit piece that she did on Alex is the gift that keeps on giving, folks.
Alex allowed himself to get drugged through the mud for Megyn Kelly's little hit piece, but it showed who she really is.
It showed her true colors, and it's the gift that keeps on giving.
I'll just leave it right here.
There's going to be some more developments in that hit piece as more things are learned from things that were said in it.
I'll just leave that right there, and I think Alex will address it later on.
Um, but, the reason why we are successful and Megyn Kelly is not, is because we have InfoWarsTore.com and we're supported by you.
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The collapse of the left, the collapse of the Russian narrative, now it's actually looking like it's going to fall back on them.
The Supreme Court is now in the spotlight with the travel ban and some other issues that have been brought to the Supreme Court.
And really, I think that the overall thing, other than the left
Absolutely collapsing right now is that we are really winning right now, David.
We really are.
It's not perfect.
It's always going to be a struggle.
We've got so many battles here in front of us.
But right now, the battles that we're all facing together, we are having victory.
Well, you know, as weak as the quote-unquote Obamacare bills that they have coming out of the House and the Senate are,
The Hill points out that the GOP agrees on one thing.
Obamacare taxes must go.
And I think that's very important because when we look at what Obamacare is, what is it?
It's mandates, it's subsidies, it's taxes.
That's the way the Democrats approach everything, isn't it?
When you subsidize something, you're going to get more of it, but of course the cost is going to go up as well when you subsidize it.
When you tax it,
The cost is also going to go up.
You're also going to get less of it.
So we have this kind of back and forth that we see from the Democrats.
And when you look at the kind of Obamacare taxes we're looking at, they said the bill would lower government revenues by nearly a trillion dollars over a decade.
In other words, we've got about a trillion dollars worth of Obamacare taxes in the pipeline here because of this.
And these are taxes on things like
Medical devices.
If you want affordable health care, you're not going to put taxes on medical devices.
You're not going to increase everybody's cost with regulation.
Instead, what you're going to do is you're going to give people tax credits, or you're going to give them tax savings accounts, or you're going to give them competition.
You're going to give them information to know who is providing what services, at what quality, at what cost.
That's the kind of reform that we need if we're going to have affordability.
We need market forces involved.
And when you look at Donald Trump's proposal, it's very detailed for a presidential candidate.
Usually we just get these broad strokes of generalized areas of the directions that they want to go.
But he had very specific market improvements under there.
And these are things that we've all known for a long time can actually improve the cost of health care.
You're never going to make health care more affordable if you just go with mandates, with taxes, with subsidies that you steal from other people.
That's never going to work.
But of course, it says right here, about $660 billion of that $1 trillion over a decade would come from repealing and changing Obamacare tax provisions not even directly related to health care.
So they're just massive new taxes holding a gun to our heads, forcing us to buy a product from big insurance that we don't want, and that in many cases doesn't even apply to us.
Single individuals like you, an individual single male being forced to buy maternity
Okay, that's what they want to shove down your throat for you, Owen.
You don't have a wife, anybody that would need to have maternity coverage, but of course they're going to make you buy that.
Well, and not only that, they're going to make you pay for abortions.
They give all this money to Planned Parenthood and then they try to tell you, oh well, you know, those funds that we get don't go towards abortions.
Who in their right mind?
Look, these people don't understand business.
That's honestly what it comes down to because maybe they've never taken an economics class, which I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm a master of, but I understand the basic economic principle where...
If you have X amount of funding, you have priorities, and you're going to take whatever allotment of that funding to go towards these priorities, and then you're going to take whatever allotment of that funding to go towards these priorities.
Well, if all of a sudden you have this new group of funding that comes in from Y, well now your priorities can change, can't they?
Because you've got this huge group of funding here that you can now say, well we're not allowed to use in this group, we're not allowed to use for this cause, but guess what?
Now that we have
Well technically, I can't use that dollar for abortion, so I'll use this dollar for abortion.
But what if you took that dollar away?
Would they use that dollar on abortion, or would they use that dollar on some other care?
That's how it works.
That is typical business, deciding how to allot these funds.
The Democrats don't get it.
And the biggest thing to me is, David, just like with everything else,
The biggest attack that they have on Donald Trump and the GOP right now with this health care bill is, it's taking away Medicaid, it wants to end Medicaid, Medicaid cuts, people are losing their care, the poor are losing this money, it's all this stuff.
That was already written into Obamacare.
Medicare costs were already set to be cut, so they know that the people are ignorant, they know they don't read the bill, they know they have no business experience, and they feed them lies all day long, and it doesn't even matter because we don't want this Trump bill anyway.
Yeah, that's right.
It's absolutely amazing how they keep pushing this.
But again, we're not going to do anything for healthcare to affect the cost in a positive way unless we start putting market mechanisms in there.
We didn't have a rising health care cost because the market had failed.
We had failed to have a market.
And that's the key thing.
We had failed to try a free market.
And that's why this thing is going in the way that it's going.
I mean, going back to the fact that we even have a third party insurer.
When you start doing that and saying, well, we're going to allow businesses to deduct health care insurance costs, but not individuals.
We're good.
Dictate that you buy it from their friends and the quantities that their friends dictate to you.
So that's what we're looking at here That's why it has to be repealed and the frustrating thing about this is how the Republicans have used this election after election as a wedge issue to get Elected when they have absolutely no intention or plan to do anything with it And now we can see this very clearly these first six months here the Trump administration.
They never had a plan They still don't have a plan to do what they campaigned on for eight years.
They've campaigned on this
Well, and we've already seen now the rising of premiums, the rising of costs, the less options of costs, the depletion of the market in the monopoly care bill that's called the Affordable Care Bill.
It's actually the monopoly care.
So we're already seeing all this.
It's already collapsing on their face.
And they want to try to demonize the GOP bill, which we don't want anyway.
Even though it's not even the law yet.
So this is just how they operate.
You know, one last thing, Owen.
One of the things that Donald Trump said, which is very, very clear, you know, when he was looking at this Senate plan, he goes, you know, it's a very difficult problem because you try to help one person over here and it hurts somebody else over there.
That's an example of why our problems, not every problem, can or should be solved from Washington, even from a pragmatic standpoint, let alone from a constitutional standpoint.
When they take it upon themselves to solve all the world's problems, then they rightly get what they deserve when everybody throws bricks at them for failing.
They will never succeed at solving our health care problems from Washington.
Because they have created the biggest problem by breaking our marketplace, by breaking competition, by shutting down the information that we need to make intelligent decisions about purchasing health care.
Well, and I love this, too.
They always want to say, repeal and replace, repeal and replace, repeal and replace.
How about just repeal?
Just repeal.
Just repeal.
That's really all we need.
And here's, again, just general economics that people don't understand.
They say, oh my gosh, if you repeal the health care bill, how are people going to get health care?
How are people going to see a doctor?
How are they going to get insurance?
Look, are you that dumb?
Do you realize that health insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry?
Do you really think that these companies that are selling this health care for millions and millions and billions of dollars are just going to stop servicing the country?
Do you really think that that billion dollar industry is just going to disappear?
It's going to go private and there's going to be competition and it's going to drive costs down.
That's how capitalism works.
That's how the free market works.
They hate it, David.
They hate it, and it's because they don't understand it.
And they don't understand...
That just because this bill gets repealed, healthcare isn't going to disappear.
It's going to come back stronger than ever.
Yeah, you can see it with Humana and Aetna.
They wanted to merge together.
And they were losing money in the individual exchanges.
So they wanted to merge together.
If they merged together, they were going to become too big to fail, just like the banks did when they merged together under Bill Clinton.
And then they shut down Glass-Steagall.
So what they have done is they've used Obamacare, kind of like Glass-Steagall, to shut down competition in the marketplace.
Then they want to merge because they knew that the failure was coming, and then they could force everybody to bail them out to buy their product.
And then when that didn't happen, when the merger wasn't going to go through, it's like, all right, then we've got to get out of these marketplaces really quickly.
And that's what we see collapsing down.
The whole thing is just going straight down the path that we saw with the mortgage crisis failure.
I think?
Their mortgages are getting foreclosed on because they're getting crushed right now in the markets.
And it's just amazing.
You would think that the left, who hates rich people, would be celebrating this.
You'd think that they would be calling this out.
Of course they're not, because they don't actually look at news unless it's on CNN or MSNBC.
And this isn't a good thing either.
These mortgages being foreclosed on is bad for banking industries.
It's bad for the bottom line of the U.S.
dollar value.
And this is what we're seeing right now with all of these bubbles collapsing.
And they all got inflated by Barack Obama.
The mortgage crisis.
And the Federal Reserve.
They keep cutting interest rates and holding them very low for a very long time.
And then just like we saw with Alan Greenspan,
They start bumping it up every single quarter until they can pop the bubble.
And already, since Trump has been, they took interest rates down very low and held them there for a very long time.
And then immediately after Donald Trump was elected president, we had Yellen and the Federal Reserve have now raised interest rates a quarter of a percent every quarter.
We've had three quarters.
They've done it three times.
That's exactly following the same plan that we saw with Alan Greenspan.
Let's go to some phone calls now.
We'll take your calls.
Let's go to Dustin in Florida.
Go ahead Dustin.
Nice to talk with you Owen and David.
Well, you know, my thing was about leftist cannibalism.
You know, it's like you have this one-up and, you know, to see who's the most progressive.
And, you know, they've been fighting with themselves for a long time, you know, trying to put who's going to be the head of the party.
You know, obviously Hillary Clinton didn't work for them.
And now, you know, they've ravaged themselves and they're turning, you know, they're shooting, you know,
Representatives are shooting anybody they can get a hold of.
You see all these riots and it's very bad.
Their violence is definitely one-upping for sure.
You have all these people saying they want to blow up the White House.
They want to kill Trump.
They're doing art to depict that.
They're just clearly ramping up the violence.
And if it was to be on the opposing side or back when Obama or, you know, any other which way, it would be unacceptable.
And, you know, there's just no tolerance.
And for these people who say they're so progressive and they're so tolerant, you know, there's obviously none there.
And it's very sad.
And it just goes to show you how brainwashed, you know,
Yeah, there's a lack of tolerance, there's a lack of understanding, a lack of discernment, a lack of knowledge, just to be frank with you.
But I think that Dustin makes an interesting point here, David, where it's almost like they're trying to one-up each other.
It's like, who can be the most disgusting?
Who can be the most vile?
Who can be the most violent?
And you would think that it would tone down after they see the negative side effects.
No, they keep getting worse.
They keep ramping up.
And just to make a golf analogy,
It's like, imagine, if you're playing in a game of golf and, you know, the guy you're playing with hits a nice shot and puts it on the green, then you're like, oh wow, that's a great shot.
I'm gonna put it closer.
I'm gonna stick my ball closer to the green.
But they're doing it in violence.
They're doing it in distasteful comments, assassination pleas.
I mean, that's an interesting point from Dustin.
It's almost like they've completely gone mental and it's a competition to see who can be the most disgusting person right now.
Look at me, I held up Donald Trump's decapitated head.
Well look at me, I held a whole play for a month straight that depicted Trump's assassination.
Well look at me, I pretended to shoot Donald Trump in the head.
Well look at me, I'm Robert De Niro, I'm a tough guy, I can beat him up.
It's like, when are they going to stop?
You know, one of the things they said about the Trump play, the Shakespeare play, they said, well, we did that with Barack Obama a few years ago.
I wonder if he went back and saw that play.
Don't forget about the rodeo clown.
He lost his job.
He had an FBI investigation, I think.
Well, I wonder if when they put that play on in New York, I wonder if they were celebrating and cheering when Barack Obama was murdered in the Senate, like they did when Donald Trump was murdered in the Senate.
I don't think so.
I think they would have absolutely been appalled, and I don't think that that crowd would have been cheering.
It would have been a heart-rending experience for them, but they were using this in New York Central Park.
They were using it to cheer.
Look, it is what they do in their community.
You want the respect and the love of people that you work with in Hollywood?
You say these types of things, you do these types of things, you try to outdo the other people.
If you start to defend Trump or if you start to say conservative things, you're not going to work in that town.
It's just that simple.
And the same thing is true in the universities as well.
So it's within these communities that they're doing that.
I hear what you're saying, David.
So it's a competition in Hollywood to see who can be the biggest piece of crap.
Who can be the biggest piece of garbage?
That is literally what it is.
Johnny Depp?
He has a tattoo on his knuckles that says scum.
So he's a self-admitted scumbag.
He's probably a pill head.
I mean, whatever.
If you want to destroy your own body.
But then he makes asinine comments because he wants to be in the headlines.
He wants to be the new big guy.
I'm the big guy that threatened Trump.
I'm the guy that said somebody should assassinate Trump.
No, you're the jackass that's gonna lose your job with Disney and no one's gonna go watch your movies anymore.
That's what you are, Johnny Depp.
Who's next from the liberal media?
Dr. Shiva Ayodhya is our guest.
He's got four degrees from MIT and others as well.
And he's running for Senate against the fake
Native American, of course they thought they found Indians, so they called the Native Americans Indians, but he's actually an Indian, so he's the real Indian running against the imposter.
He's kind of used that as one of his slogans.
Getting into the campaign to run against this lady, let's break down her record and what she's really up to and some of the things she's been involved in and what made you decide to go ahead and, you know, successful scientist, entrepreneur, to make you, you know, throw your hat in the ring.
Well, you know, Alex, I grew up in... I was originally born in India and I came here.
As you may know, Alex, India has a very oppressive caste system.
So my parents had this very futuristic vision and they made it out of there and they came to America because the founders of this country had a very different vision for America, which was through your hard work, through your bravery, through your resilience, you created things.
And that's what this country is about.
Well, and the idea of the founders was that between us and our Creator was not supposed to be monarchs and nobles, the priesthood.
It was about us having a direct connection to our God and our Creator, and that's what makes this country great.
Elizabeth Warren and the self-serving elitists, Harvard and all these Ivy League institutions and the big institutions, fundamentally believe that they know better, Alex.
And I know you know better, I know we know better.
But that's the fundamental reason.
So my journey as an entrepreneur, scientist, engineer, has shown me that ultimately those people actually work for a living, produce things, entrepreneurs, people like yourself who create things, are the ones that make this country great.
People like Elizabeth Warren, the establishment politicians of political hacks, they fundamentally add zero value.
So I've been fortunate because of this great country, Alex, to have, you know, accumulated wealth,
I've been able to get educated.
I could not have done that in the oppressive caste system of India.
So I believe I owe something back.
I love this country.
And Elizabeth Warren is what I call the not-so-obvious establishment.
You know, when we look at the arc of political history, we have the establishment, the populist movement, those people on the streets wanting a better day for themselves and their family.
Then you have the not-so-obvious establishment.
Which is what Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, these people represent.
They speak a good game.
You know, as you talk about it, they're very, very clever with their PR.
Revolution, hope, change.
But fundamentally, they want to suck out the populist movement and drive it back to the establishment.
So as a student of systems, as a student of science,
I fundamentally want to stop these guys.
And more importantly, I want to drive a massive defeat to Warren.
And I know I can do this right here in Massachusetts.
And I think people like Elizabeth Warren need to be stopped.
And I believe that I was, in many ways, my hard-working grandparents and my parents and this great country and the fathers of this country put me and gave me this opportunity at this point in history to stop someone like Warren to basically support this new American revolution.
I gotta tell ya, it's just so frustrating.
And I guess people still believe MSNBC.
They're sitting here, shoving all these stats at you.
X amount of Americans need Medicaid.
X amount of Americans will die without it.
X amount of nursing homes.
X amount of senior citizens.
All this stuff.
Using these stats to then twist the narrative and say Donald Trump is trying to take Medicaid away from the people, when again, the healthcare bill is not even going to pass, it's going to fail, and Obamacare actually cut the Medicaid!
So they use these stats about Medicaid to try to demonize Donald Trump, demonize the GOP healthcare bill that won't even pass, when if you look at the actual facts and you look at Obamacare, he was the one that wanted to cut Medicaid.
Man, I'll tell you, it's just unbelievable to see how these people lie and distort the truth.
Folks, if you want to fight fake news, go to Infowarsstore.com.
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Let's take another call here before we end this third hour.
Let's go to Mike in Kentucky.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hey, long-time supporter of GCN, Joyce Riley, the Power Hour, and Alex Jones, a local TV station that's been on the air up here in Moorhead, Kentucky.
Since, I don't know, 2005 or something, I was asked to help out in 1997.
I immediately started getting up with Alex Jones and started airing a lot of his videotapes.
You know, it's kind of a public access station.
We're small, but I think we have, you know, some help.
And moving the effort along.
Well, I'm sure that was very helpful, yeah.
Alex used to call me his TV guy.
Of course, as he's gotten bigger, it's harder and harder to stay in contact with him.
And of course, the left is going after a lot of people.
They targeted Sean Hannity.
They took down Bill O'Reilly pretty much.
Alex has always been under attack, I think.
And so has anybody that's been in the Truth movement.
Trying to alert the public to the things that the status quo just would rather people ignore.
But now they're talking about trying to make a national example out of us.
We're in an impoverished Eastern Kentucky Obama war on coal economy, you know, that's crumbling around.
And there's a lot of poor people that are kind of hidden.
You know, there are a lot of poor people in this country that people don't know about.
And there's a lot of scam artists trying to raise money for people.
Actually, Mike makes a great point here.
For whatever reason, the liberals only care about poor people in the inner cities.
They don't give a darn about people that are suffering in eastern Kentucky.
They don't give a darn about people in Michigan.
They don't give a darn about these people in the flyover areas.
They didn't even poll the rural areas because they didn't care about them.
They figured, well, we don't need them.
We've got our ability to pad the voter rolls in these urban areas and so forth, and we've got illegal voters that have come in, and so we're working with that.
So they really felt that they could win without it.
They didn't realize the extent of the discontent in those areas, like Mike was talking about, in areas where they decided that they would shut down entire industries, even though there are ways to work.
They weren't going to work with people to try to make it cleaner.
If that was their goal, they were just going to bankrupt that industry.
That was Hillary as well as Obama.
They made no bones about it.
My guess, Mike, is that your region of Kentucky is probably a major Trump supporters.
A lot of flyover country was, and in large part I think it's because of the data analytics that he purchased and Hillary didn't, you know.
Society is being run like a black box, and they're doing a lot of echo chamber stuff.
Thank you for the call, Mike, and thank you for your support in the InfoWar, helping us get to this point.
Speaking of voter data and voter rolls and not getting out,
Seth Rich had access to that.
There's a DNC lawsuit going on right now.
Bernie Sanders supporters got robbed.
And Bernie Sanders is silent on the issue.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
The struggle in the DNC fraud lawsuit continues.
You've had the current counsel for the plaintiffs request that the judge provide witness protection.
That notion was rejected despite three mysterious deaths of potential witnesses in the case.
Seth Rich, Sean Lucas, and Barrington Wisenant Jr.
There are also stalwarts in the justice system that are trying to have this case dropped entirely.
Despite the obvious glaring issues that the DNC has had over the course of the last two years.
While the lawsuit represents Bernie Sanders supporters who feel they have been wronged by the DNC, Bernie Sanders has fallen silent on the issue.
Donald Trump tweeted out this weekend, Hillary Clinton colluded with the Democrat Party in order to beat crazy Bernie Sanders.
Is she allowed to collude?
Unfair to Bernie.
So now Donald Trump has done more to raise awareness for the DNC fraud lawsuit than Bernie Sanders has, who actually isn't one that had the election stolen from him.
Why is Bernie Sanders silent on the issue?
Maybe I guess he's busy with being investigated by the FBI for bank fraud.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
I ran a poll on Twitter.
It's actually got 12 minutes left.
I'll retweet it right now.
Who would win in a bare-knuckle boxing match?
President Donald Trump or Johnny Depp?
Donald Trump is winning 90% to 10%.
And again, it just shows you, the liberal media, these liberal Hollywood fascists are nothing but, they're not even snowflakes, they're like little, like brush weeds or something just tumbling through the desert, just nothingness, no life, nothing to them, can blow over with the wind.
I got a lot of stuff I want to cover.
There's some developments in the Supreme Court today.
There's a video that I want to get to.
But for now, let's go back to the callers.
Let's go to Dylan, who's been holding in Florida.
Go ahead, Dylan.
I wanted to mention a couple of things y'all have been talking about earlier about the health care and whatnot.
Y'all are talking about how it's not a full repeal, which obviously it's not.
Since they're using the debt reconciliation, they can't do a full repeal, and I figured that out a while back, and before they started pushing all this hype about, oh, it's not a full repeal, it's not a full repeal, no, oh, crap, we knew that already.
But at least it's, you know, if they don't do anything, then it's going to be a crisis politically and, you know, in the healthcare market, so better to move towards a repeal
Well, it's an interesting point that you make, actually, and I'd like for you to expand on that for a second.
You talk about the collapsing into debt.
Yeah, you look at any welfare system, you look at any government system that is going into these heaps of debt, just look at the state of Illinois right now, which isn't even in the worst case scenario.
I think California is actually in a worse case scenario than Illinois.
Illinois is actually at least addressing their symptoms and looking for the cause and they're saying, guys, we're bankrupt here, okay?
We are broke.
What are we going to do about it?
It's the same ends to the healthcare bill.
It doesn't matter.
It will always, any of these government institutions, just like all of the states, just like the federal government, they will all be collapsed into debt.
They cannot self-sustain themselves.
Explain that a little bit more.
I was just saying, like, we should, you know, work towards moving towards a more free market solution, you know, while there's still some type of market intact.
But isn't repeal the first move to do that, though?
I mean, how is repealing it not the first move to do that?
I'm not saying they should repeal it, but I mean, they can't, they don't have the votes to repeal it right now, but maybe after the 2018 elections, they'll have more of a majority.
Okay, yeah, that's a fair point.
Thank you for the call, Dylan.
That's an interesting point.
I don't know.
You're probably right.
You're probably right.
He doesn't have the votes to repeal it because he has too many Republican stalwarts in there that actually want to get this health care bill passed.
So you're absolutely right.
And I think that that's why this vote coming up is going to serve a second purpose, which is showing voters who in the GOP is not really on the GOP Trump movement right now because they voted for this ridiculous health care bill that nobody wants.
So it will fail, but it will serve a higher purpose, I think.
in identifying some of these swamp creatures that are on the Republican side and voting them out.
And then, as you said, on the other end of this, maybe once we have a Senate and House that actually reflects what the people in America are thinking and feeling, maybe we can move on to the next level.
Let's go to Dean in Wisconsin.
Go ahead, Dean.
How you doing?
Yeah, can you hear me?
Yeah, go ahead.
OK, yeah, no, I just want to comment on the Paris Accord.
I've been saying this, I called a few times about
Trump's going to finally have to break down his curtain on what the truth is.
He said it plainly, exactly what the extortion deal was with that agreement.
Believe me, if he finally starts tearing down the truth on our sovereignty versus globalism, he's going to get an 80 to 20 agreement and we can work for there.
And I'd like to go off about what you said about the Republicans.
If they think
They're winning as a party.
They're wrong.
We're voting for Trump.
That's the reason with 5-0.
No, that's a good point.
It is.
Trump has trumped the two-party system.
To use a pun, Trump has trumped the two-party system and the American people are behind him.
You're absolutely right.
We'll be right back on the other side with your calls.
Democracy Partners Attacks Veritas Launches $1 Million Federal Lawsuit.
And so, that's where all of this is going.
And he joins us.
Remember the clips.
Talk about game changer in the election.
It's not true that I or you defeated Hillary.
She's blamed 20 different groups!
Veritas, Drudge, Infowars, the Russians, misogyny, racism, never!
The fact that people are sick of her and her policies.
So, James O'Keefe, thanks for joining us.
Thank you for having me on, Alex.
I think reality defeated Hillary Clinton.
You know, the truth defeated Hillary Clinton.
And now, just yesterday, it was announced a lawsuit, a million-dollar lawsuit, against my team, Veritas, from this guy Bob Kramer, who's one of Barack Obama's close friends.
We're basically retaliating, you know.
We exposed the fraud during the election.
We exposed the four-part series, sending shockwaves to the DNC about voter fraud, use of dark money.
I'm an overseas donor to arrange these types of things.
So they, they sued me for a million dollars and they want to shut us down.
And then I get calls from Politico.
I get calls from all these mainstream outlets that suddenly want to talk to me now that I'm being sued.
And I want to know who's pointing this lawsuit.
I said that over my dead body will I ever shut up.
Bob Kramer, Barack Obama's friend and the person Hillary Clinton had to fire, is now suing me for a million dollars for the videos that we did during the election.
To me, this is about just silencing you, but more importantly, intimidating other people that, oh look, we'll sue you if you do more stuff like James O'Keefe did.
Yeah, I mean, I think investigative journalism itself is on the line.
I mean, a lot of media companies don't have the brass ball that it takes to go out and speak truth to power.
I said on your show before that a lot of these journalists, a lot of these media organizations can't do the job because they're worried about the government regulators coming after them, let's say if Hillary was elected.
And we went out on a limb and did it, and they're trying to deter us and establishment news organizations from speaking truth to power against the establishment because this is what happens to you when you do so.
You get sued for a million dollars.
This is a press stunt.
Kramer is pulling a million dollars.
What does that even mean, a million dollars?
And by the way, Alex, we live in a media environment where people can use anonymous sources.
Every single claim that we make is buttressed by videotape of them saying what they said.
And yet, you're not supposed to believe us, you're supposed to believe all these journalists who use anonymous sources quoting hearsay from other anonymous sources.
Show us tape or your notebooks of what these sources are saying.
We don't believe you because you have no credibility.
Every prediction, everything you said during the election was proved to be wrong.
But this is the game we play.
Andrew Breitbart always told me we have to be held to a higher standard.
But in any event, that's what Kramer did.
That's what we're facing.
And we're going to fight it.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You remember in grade school...
When you'd be playing a pick-up game of like basketball or pick-up soccer or something, and you'd always have the team or the one guy or gal or whatever that just couldn't take a loss.
They couldn't handle the loss and they'd cry and whine about it the rest of the school day.
They'd whine about a bad call or this or that.
They have a hundred thousand excuses.
That's the state of the left right now.
That's the state of the left media complex, the left government complex.
It's all the same.
They're having utter defeat, utter chaos,
Screaming in circles.
They don't know what to do.
They don't know how to handle it.
They've been lied to the whole time by Obama.
They were tricked into thinking that just because Obama was in office for eight years, even though he stole the elections, that that was the heart and soul of America.
No, no, no.
So please, let's just collectively all take a second, take a deep breath, and just enjoy this sweet, sweet victory.
Guys, could you please put the graphic up if you have it ready to go?
It's just nice.
It really is just nice to tune into MSNBC and watch them flopping around like a fish out of water.
To look at CNN eating their own.
To look at Nancy Pelosi getting eaten by the Democrat Party and then she gets up and is like, I'm a great legislator!
I'm winning!
I'm winning!
We're winning!
When she's literally the biggest loser, doesn't even know what year it is, can't even quote who the president is, completely whacked out of her mind, mentally ill.
And so, please put the graphic up again.
That's why this graphic is perfect, folks.
We are crushing them.
We are crushing them in the votes.
We are crushing them politically.
We are crushing them in the narrative.
We are defeating them.
They are dying.
We are coming back to life.
We are having a resurgence.
We are having a renaissance.
We are taking back the culture.
We are taking back the mainstream.
We are having victories.
We are winning the hearts and minds of Americans.
So just remember that.
And it's hard to because, you know, when I sit here and even myself, I'm guilty of this and I'm watching MSNBC or I'm watching CNN or reading the Washington Post and the fake news is just coming at you in waves and just hitting you in waves and you're like, I know this is fake, I know this is propaganda.
How are they allowed to do this?
Why do they hate America so much?
Why are they such lying scumbags?
But it doesn't matter, folks, because their time is coming to an end.
We are beings.
Haha, yes.
This is our sweet victory, folks.
So just enjoy it.
Soak it in.
Enjoy it with your friends and family.
We are taking America back.
We are taking the culture back.
It's not going to be easy.
This is going to be a long battle.
I'm saying we're in the second inning of this battle right now.
Just in terms, if you want to break down Trump's presidency into a nine inning baseball game, I think we just started the second inning.
We're having great victories to start the second inning.
And the left is just completely flopping like a fish out of water all over themselves.
Here's a perfect example.
This literally epitomizes everything that you need to know about the current state of the left.
Bernie Sanders goes against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries.
Bernie Sanders, clearly the popular choice, outnumbers Hillary Clinton.
People going to rallies about 10 to 1, Bernie Sanders filling up whole arenas, Hillary Clinton can't even fill out a high school gymnasium, okay?
Hillary Clinton isn't even winning the votes!
She's not even winning the votes, but because they already rigged it with the superdelegates, she's somehow winning the nomination.
So, Hillary Clinton steals the nomination from Bernie Sanders.
There's currently a lawsuit ongoing about that right now.
Three major witnesses in that lawsuit have all died mysteriously, and the judge who's handling the lawsuit won't even provide witness protection.
Of course, they're trying to shut that lawsuit down to begin with.
But these are people that are suing the DNC for fraud because they were Bernie Sanders supporters who donated to the DNC, voted for Bernie Sanders, and then saw that they never really had a chance anyway.
The election was rigged the entire time for Hillary Clinton.
Why did you pretend like Bernie Sanders had a choice?
Why did you rip us off?
Why did you steal our money and give it to the rich?
So then that lawsuit is ongoing.
Then on the other side of it,
Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, 100% silent on the issue, now endorses Hillary Clinton, won't mention the DNC fraud lawsuit that all of his constituents are behind now, won't mention Seth Rich, won't mention Sean Lucas, won't mention Barron Weisenant, completely silent on that issue 100%!
And so what's going on on the back end of it, though?
Bernie Sanders and his wife are being investigated for bank fraud.
Folks, you can't write this up.
The only way that something like this can happen is organically if you're dealing with a bunch of scumbags who can't even figure out their own criminal enterprise together.
So that's nice.
Bernie Sanders calls Trump a fraud.
He gets investigated for bank fraud.
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders voters are suing the DNC for fraud because they stole the vote from Bernie Sanders and he won't even address that issue!
But now here's a clip of Bernie Sanders trying to explain, trying to wrap his head around for his constituents on why the left is failing miserably right now.
Here's the Selsa man about the millionaires and the billionaires, except me because I'm a millionaire now.
Here's me complaining about why we're losing.
You think Democrats lost that special election in Georgia last week?
That's more than the special election.
For the last nine years, Democrats have lost the White House.
We've lost now the Senate.
We've lost the U.S.
Two-thirds of governor's chairs are controlled by Republicans.
A thousand seats have been lost to Republicans in state legislatures all over this country.
And I'll tell you what I think is going on.
I think
There is a massive amount of demoralization on the part of the American people with the Democratic Party, with the Republican Party.
I think the American people in many cases are seeing themselves working longer hours for lower wages.
They're worried about their kids not being able to go to college.
Why can't you find a new narrative, Bernie?
That I'm 60 years of age and I have nothing in the bank and I'll be retiring in five years, or that I have $50,000 in college debt and I can't find a decent job.
These guys are literally such a joke!
Do the Republicans know it?
Do the Democrats know it?
And I think what the Democrats have got to say is that we will be on the side of the working class.
I'm done with him.
Turn him off.
I'm done.
I don't care.
I don't want to hear the rest of it.
Look, I can't even take these people seriously anymore, folks.
They are such a failing, miserable joke right now.
Literally a fish out of water flopping around for their last breath of fresh air.
Completely have failed the American public.
And then you have Bernie Sanders up here.
I mean, what a piece of work Bernie Sanders is.
I mean, this guy, honestly, this guy is, I mean, wow.
He mentions the Democratic Party and how they're struggling right now and they're having all these issues.
Again ignores the fact that his voters have sued the DNC for fraud.
Why is Bernie Sanders ignoring this?
Why won't Bernie Sanders bring this up?
Who did Bernie Sanders cut a deal with?
Bernie Sanders wants to talk about fraud this, fraud that, stealing from the rich, or stealing from the poor to give to the rich, all of this stuff.
Meanwhile, that's all literally going on right in front of his face within the Democratic Party, and he won't even mention it.
He won't even mention it.
I mean, let's be perfectly real.
Is this guy the biggest fraud that you've ever seen?
Is this guy the biggest clown?
Like, I mean, at least with Hillary Clinton, she gets up there and she's like, yeah, we killed, you know.
We're responsible for the problems in Libya.
You know, we killed Gaddafi.
You know, she at least laughed about it.
You know, she's an evil witch.
Okay, we know that.
Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, says a millionaire is a billionaire, as he's a millionaire, as he's being investigated for bank fraud.
And you wonder why the left
Is flopping around like a fish out of water.
They have no leadership.
They have no policy.
They have nothing.
They literally have nothing.
They have Obamacare.
They're clinging to that to dear life.
That's failing miserably.
They literally have nothing, folks.
And that's why, give me the Trump graphic again.
That's why this is how I'm feeling right now when I think about these people.
When I look at Bernie Sanders,
Let's just take another call.
This is all you can do is laugh at these people now, folks.
They are such a joke.
I mean, honestly, just tuning into MSNBC, it's just like, you are so pathetic!
You don't even get it!
Let's go to Eric in Alabama.
Go ahead, Eric.
Hey Owen and David, I've been laughing and learning with you guys for about two weeks now thanks to the Megyn Kelly interview.
I don't know how you can laugh, Eric!
We have millionaires and billionaires that are destroying the working class and then you tell me you can laugh about this.
Sorry, Bernie.
But yeah, in case the media has not been accurately reporting it, I've got the
I've got an opinion from the Supreme Court in front of me today, and it's a great day.
I mean, it's basically a partial shutdown.
It's a per curiam report, which means they basically don't want to provide the author.
And Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch say unequivocally that they would have completely shut them down, and they would have stayed all of these stupid injunctions in full.
And this should happen in October.
The only real victory out of this report for the globalists is basically if you were going to the University of Hawaii and then you went to visit your Syrian mom and dad, you can't be stopped from coming back now.
So a very hollow victory, if any, should be reported for the globalists.
The 9th Circuit got shut down and the 4th Circuit got shut down.
John Doe... Bingo!
Now that is the key right there.
Eric just hit the nail on the head.
Think about it, folks.
You had the 9th Circuit Court, the 4th Circuit Court, you had all these unelected judges, all of these liberal judges, all of these Obama appointees that were trying to stop President Trump, stop the American people, stop the Patriot Movement, stop this country from having a country.
I mean, that's what it really comes down to.
So what does it say now?
What is the move now?
How do we respond now when you've got un-American, un-elected...
I would say treasonous 9th Circuit, 4th Circuit, Obama-appointed judges that shut down this travel ban.
Now it makes it to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court says, yes, President Trump is well within his legal authority to do this.
What do we say now?
What do we say to those judges?
What do we say to the 9th Circuit?
What do we say to the 4th Circuit?
You know what we say?
You're guilty of treason!
You know what we say?
Get in that stand and testify!
We know what you say?
You're fired!
It's been... This is one of the most amazing stories I've seen in years.
To take us behind the curtain of fake corporate news.
CNN's famous in 1991 for saying they were hit with a Scud missile in Tel Aviv with nerve gas.
They were in CNN Center in Atlanta.
Everybody knows about that because they don't want other citizens being there, you know, jumping on camera saying things, basically.
So they do it from their studios.
And then they claim they're out there on the ground.
Well, this is different.
This is getting a fake demonstration together with a bunch of signs they hand out to have, quote, Muslims say, let's come together.
We're sorry for the terror attack.
But that's not really happening or going on.
So they have to produce it.
It's a PR event.
So Mark Antro, he's on Twitter at Twitter at Mark.
You're there in London.
Give us your overall view of what's happening in the world, what you're witnessing unfold, and the fact that your story now is in hundreds of news sites.
CNN's responded saying, OK, we did stage it, but it was a real demonstration.
Cernovich predicted this.
They'd say, oh, we did stage it, but we went and found real people to come be part of it.
Well, I mean, who knows?
If they'd stage this, what won't they stage, Mark?
I mean, I'm just lost for words.
I mean, if we have some context, weekend before last, ISIS put out the threat over Ramadan that it was going to be a holy month of war, following the Westminster attacks and the Manchester attacks.
People are saying people in London aren't scared and that we're carrying on as normal.
We're not.
The media's portraying one thing, and people are feeling very, very different.
So I suppose that's my initial take.
To your point around CNN faking the narrative, I mean, it's just morally bankrupt as far as I'm concerned.
But at the very beginning of the clip, you'll notice we've got, I think her name's Becky, setting up the scene with CNN.
I mean, you clearly see
Becky lining the shot up.
You'll see BBC, who are next, start waving and setting up a scene with them, telling them to get into shot.
This is what gets me.
So the scene's about to go live.
I'm not sure if you've got the audio there.
But Becky starts the scene.
After setting it up, a whole false pretense.
And she opens up and her opening line is,
This is a wonderful scene here.
And so you hear me laugh.
And I go, that's because you've put the scene together.
And the BBC director laughed with me.
I mean, they know.
They know it's fake.
So while CNN is saying, yes, these are sincere Muslims.
They're against ISIS.
I'm not disputing that for a second.
But what I'm saying is how false the pretence it is, how staged it was.
And for Becky to stand there and go, this is a poignant scene.
It's a poignant scene because your script is a poignant scene.
It's not a poignant scene because that's the truth and the reality.
I think to me that's a weird issue here.
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This is how we retake the culture.
And you're going to find people that are like-minded.
You know... Do not let the fake news put you down.
The fake news is going to try to tell you that you're losing.
The fake news is going to try to provide fake optics that make it appear like you're losing, but you're not.
You are winning, you are having major victories, and the left is completely in a tailspin right now.
That is really what is going on right now.
So, just revel in the victories, keep pushing forward, and do not be detracted by the fake news that is trying to tell you otherwise.
Now, do we have that clip that they were saying about the four horsemen?
Do we have that clip, or did we find anything?
We do have the clip?
Okay, so apparently, I don't even know what this clip is exactly, but this is just another example.
The left isn't a complete tailspin.
They're losing on every measure right now, and they're trying to think of any excuse they possibly can, and they're really calling for violence as well.
Let's go to that clip.
Conservative justices Clarence Thomas and Alito on the court to take the position that the entire injunction should have been lifted.
This is about the three horsemen of the apocalypse and they're waiting for the fourth one to come along so that they can go on their trend toward what I call extremism.
And that's exactly, you know, I'm not surprised at all that, uh, Neil Gorsuch is right in there with Thomas and Alito.
How dare they?
And wanted to pretty much tell the president, you just go right ahead, impose a month on that.
Who is this dingbat?
I'm glad that the other justices are not there quite yet.
Okay, well, you know what I mean.
We've got the four horsemen here, apparently of the health care bill, but, um, you know, Hillary, uh, invading Libya,
And then removing Gaddafi from power and then laughing about him dying.
And then the stand down at Benghazi on 9-11.
Let's see, you got the Fast and Furious arms deal.
No, no, no.
You know what?
I'm sure that it's Trump's health care bill that's the four horsemen of the apocalypse though.
But you know what?
In a way, she's kind of right.
That dingbat from MSNBC.
That was a senator?
Boy, somebody just slapped me silly.
These are senators we're dealing with.
She's kind of right because the Four Horsemen of the New World Order are actually coming.
God's Four Horsemen against the New World Order to take down your satanic regime.
So that's the truth of the matter, but they're never going to tell you that.
I mean, how am I dealing with these people?
What is that senator's name?
Mazie Hirono, a senator, can we pull up her Wikipedia or something?
I'm reveling in the complete collapse of the Democrat Party.
This is amazing to me.
We are winning, we are absolutely kicking their butt.
This is like, this is like the Patriots who just won the Super Bowl.
Mazie Hirono, a senator from Hawaii, of course a Democrat.
Let's find out when, is she up for re-election in the midterms?
We're going to find out about that.
We might have to drain that member of the swamp.
But this is like saying, well, the Patriots, who won the Super Bowl, well, you know, they didn't actually win the Super Bowl because most people tuned out in the second half.
So they didn't actually win because we turned the game off.
We shut down the broadcast.
So no, the Patriots didn't win the Super Bowl.
No, wait, the Patriots did win the Super Bowl.
Just because you say they didn't win the Super Bowl doesn't mean they didn't win the Super Bowl.
We're winning the Super Bowl of freedom in America, folks.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Wow, you're going to love the latest idea out of the EU.
Scott Keller, a German member of the European Parliament and of the Green Party, said we should transplant entire villages from Syria to Germany and that would encourage more migrants to enter Germany.
Listen to these quotes.
The idea of Syrian villages is only one possibility we can use, for example, if refugees don't want to go to a country alone that has no other refugees.
People would rather go where compatriots already live, which makes integration and acceptance easier.
Let's look at these three compatriots.
From Paul Joseph Watson.
Migrants viciously beat disabled man while calling him racist.
Three compatriot refugees attempted to steal a homeless man's wallet in a train station during an incident which took place last month.
The handicapped man was kicked and punched and received a vicious uppercut as one of the migrants lectured him about war on Muslims and how all Swedes were racist.
Now how's that for acceptance?
You can read both articles now on InfoWars.com.
Rob Dyrdek reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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...in terms in 2018.
I got news for you, Mazie!
You're out!
And all you other liberals that are opening your big fat mouths, thinking you're endearing yourself to the liberals of America that are dominating the culture, got bad news for you.
You're endearing yourself to the biggest dumbasses in America, who don't even like America, and who are actually in the minority, and shrinking!
So good luck in your next round of elections, liberals!
Good luck!
See, there's a reason why Democrats have been trending down in the last eight years.
Let's see.
Losing seats in the House.
Losing seats on the Senate.
Lost the United States Presidency.
Lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose!
Because they're losers and they're so obsessed with their own agenda.
They're so obsessed with their own liberal mentality of self-righteousness that they can't even look at the world for what it is.
They've pulled the wool over their own eyes and cannot live in reality.
So congratulations to Maisie Hirano.
You've had a nice run as the U.S.
Senator from Hawaii.
You're about to be out.
That is my prediction right now.
And you know what?
I've got a short list here of the Swamp.
It's not completed yet.
Long work to go.
But let's just go ahead and name some of the Swamp members, because these are the people that we need to vote out.
Not all of them are up in the midterms, but a lot of them are.
Mark Warner.
Swamp member.
Patrick Lee.
Swamp member.
Al Franken.
Complete nut job.
Ron Wyden.
Doesn't pass the Schmeltest.
Pencil Neck Adam Schiff.
He doesn't even know what planet he's on.
Martin Heinrich.
Somebody nobody heard about until the latest round of investigation into Jeff Sessions.
He exposed himself as a SWAT member.
Kamala Harris.
She's been under investigation.
She's colluded with Maxine Waters.
Maxine Waters also running.
Both on the list.
Both from California.
Nancy Pelosi.
Doesn't know who's president.
Doesn't know what planet she's on.
Doesn't live in America.
Thinks she's winning.
Elizabeth Warren, fake Indian, complete fraud.
She's out.
Claire McCaskill, complete sexist.
She's out.
Terry McAuliffe, Bernie Sanders, John Lewis, Elijah Cummings, and now, Mazie Hirano.
There's your shortlist for the swamp, folks.
These are the swamp members that we need to get out of our government.
And I trust that the American people are seeing through this now, and they're ready to charge forward and drain the swamp with and for President Trump to move forward with his agenda.
And, you know, I understand the whole notion like, oh, we need to keep Nancy Pelosi in.
She's such an embarrassment.
She's such a joke.
She only hurts the Democrats.
The Democrats are already dead.
The Democrats have already stabbed themselves.
They've already shot themselves in the foot.
They've already lost complete control of themselves.
They're in a tailspin.
I don't want Nancy Pelosi there.
I don't care if it's good for the Republicans.
What we need is what's good for this country.
And Nancy Pelosi is the last thing that's good for this country.
So I don't think that she'll survive another round of elections either, folks.
2018 is going to be very, very, very key as far as the midterm elections are concerned and sending another message to Washington.
Let's go back to the phone lines.
Let's go to Cynthia in Florida.
Who wants to talk about Johnny Depp, the latest disgrace from Hollywood to push for an assassination of President Trump.
Go ahead, Cynthia.
Hey, Owen.
Thanks for taking my call.
I just wanted to remind you guys that, I don't know who it was, I think it was Mark Dice, did a thing on Hunter Thompson being a pedo.
And that he did children's snuff film, stuff like that.
And you know, Johnny Depp idolized that guy.
He, like, shot his ashes into the stratosphere.
I mean, he paid, like, hundreds of thousands of dollars to do that.
So, I don't know.
Well, that's not... I mean, I'll be honest with you.
I'm not fully familiar with that story, but it wouldn't be the first case.
What was it?
Meryl Streep?
Or what was the name of the actor that was supporting... I think it was a pedophile who got arrested.
And the name is slipping me right now, guys, if you could help me.
And... I'm sorry, say it again?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Roman Polanski.
If you guys pull that story up.
And then wasn't it Meryl Streep that was praising Roman Polanski at some Hollywood event?
So yeah, it doesn't shock me.
Of course, we know about this Hollywood and pedophilia and all this.
They've been one in the same.
We've had multiple actors come out and talk about it.
I mean, you know, so yeah, absolutely.
Johnny Depp is a total scumbag.
He's probably a pill head.
I think he actually did regret.
I mean, maybe he has a heart.
Maybe he has a soul.
I don't know.
But apparently he regretted what he said because he saw how much people resented him for it and he apologized almost immediately after.
Yeah, there you go.
Roman Pulaski's rape victim.
Also, am I still on?
Yeah, go ahead.
I also want to say about Bernie.
Bernie was paid to lose.
That's what it seems like to me.
He was paid to lose the election just like a put option on the stock market.
You know?
He was just... Controlled opposition.
Yeah, that's all he was.
They so thought Hillary was going to get in there.
They were so blind.
I mean, because they had no idea about the internet.
They don't even know what a meme is.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, they're smart, but they're so stupid, and they're so involved in their own BS, and they've been kind of, you know, like,
You know, top dogs for too long, but they've gotten away with so much crap that they didn't even know that, you know, who's actually the demographic now.
Who is the next generation?
Like, they had no idea.
And I think that too, I also think that they forget how much they rely on illegal activity.
I really think that they forget how much they rely on how they rig elections, how much they rely on getting in non-citizens, and then using non-citizens, using rigged elections to win votes and maintain power.
Well, all of that's coming to a crashing halt.
And so, they still have this thought in the back of their mind that that safeguard is there, and they can still get away with all this BS, and they don't even realize how their own facade is falling out all around them.
And like North Korea.
North Korea just seems like they're a Rothschild wildcard.
You know, anytime anything's going down in the U.S.
or anywhere in the rest of the world, you know, you got to have like, you know, it reminds me of that Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Charlie Kelly episode where he's like the wildcard.
You know, you've got to have some country that does something effing crazy to kind of, you know, they're distractors.
They're magicians.
They work by distraction and they fancy themselves
I don't know.
Well, that's a good point, but it actually started to make more sense to me when David Knight was breaking it down earlier, saying how it was used to be looked at that Islam was a political system.
And if you look at it like that, if you look at it as a political system and not a religious sect,
It actually makes more sense.
The infighting, the constant war, then it actually makes more sense as a political system than a religious system.
But that's an entirely different argument.
And just everything that's going on in the Middle East has just completely decomposed.
It was destabilized as part of a globalist agenda.
So you're absolutely right.
Thank you for the call, Cynthia.
Let's go to Kevin in West Virginia.
Go ahead, Kevin.
Hey Owen, hey David, how's Bizarro World treating ya nowadays?
I don't know, but the millionaires and billionaire class have been robbing us blind even though I'm a millionaire that is now being looked at for fraud.
Alright, well I got a bombshell for ya.
I didn't know if you guys were aware that there's a recording, a tape, of Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, the Rice Lady, I can't think of her first name, Carolina Rice,
You're saying that there is a leaked recording of a meeting happening between those people you just mentioned talking about the Russia probe?
No, not the Russia probe, but dropping the investigation to Hillary Clinton.
Oh, the email investigation.
The email investigation.
It's the one that you need to get a hold of.
I've never heard... Has anybody heard this audio back there?
The producers?
Yeah, nobody from here has heard it, so if you have that source or you can send me something or tweet it at me or something.
Larry has it.
Larry Nichols has it.
Larry has it, huh?
Well, okay, I guess maybe we need to get Larry Nichols back on the show then.
That's interesting.
Thank you for the call, Kevin.
I have not heard that audio.
I've not even heard anyone allude to having heard that audio.
I trust Larry Nichols.
He continues to get proven right every time he comes on the show.
I'm not discounting that that's the case.
That's just a, yeah, that's a major bombshell that I've not heard anybody talk about.
And that is, that is, I mean, that's literal proof of collusion.
If you have that audio.
Wow, that's shocking.
Let's go to Taylor in Connecticut.
Go ahead, Taylor.
First I wanted to say thank you for everything you guys do, being the mainstay in the alternative media.
I voted for Trump because of you guys, although I was concerned that the establishment might be smart enough to put in an anti-establishment frontrunner.
But time will tell.
So far he's done good, other than in Syria.
But in my opinion, I wanted to bring up the divide and conquer strategy that has been going on for decades, but has recently been ramped up over the past three to four years.
I feel that there's so much division between the left and the right, and people blindly follow one side without looking at the big picture, and therefore are unable to realize a solution.
Well, think about it like this.
Think about it like this, because I understand where you're going with this.
At least I think I do, and I'll take your comments after I finish my statement.
Divide and conquer.
Oldest trick in the book.
We all understand it.
We all understand the PSYOP.
We all see it.
We know it's been going on for a long time.
So, what is the solution?
What is the proper response?
How do we beat the divide and conquer?
Well, people say, find common ground.
Find stuff that we can all get on board with and see if we can move forward on that.
Well, unfortunately,
I think the instances or the cases or the examples where you think that you could get everybody behind something.
For example, a Hillary Clinton clearly corrupt with her private email server.
James Comey's inditing her and then not, verbally inditing her and then not inditing her.
They can't get along on that.
But let's even go one step further.
Let's even go more broad spectrum.
Why can't we all come together as Americans?
Why can't the left and the right find common ground in being an American?
Why can't, no matter where you come from, left, right, up, down, center,
Why can't we beat the divide and conquer by coming together on the common ground that we are Americans, this is our country, our lineage, our forefathers, everybody had to suffer through something for hundreds of years to get us to this point where despite our shortcomings, despite our evils, despite all the problems, we still could be the greatest country in the world with the most freedoms.
So you say,
Why can't we come together, everyone as Americans, to make this country better?
But the answer is obvious.
Because the left hates America.
The left is not interested in being an American citizen.
The left is not interested in showing American pride.
The left does not want to unite behind the United States of America.
They've been conditioned, they've been trained, they've been lied to, and now they hate America.
They hate America, and that's because they don't understand that, again, despite all the things that are wrong with this country, despite all of the things that we've done that we can sit here and look back on and say we shouldn't have done that,
That's not actually America.
That's America hijacked.
They don't understand that, they don't understand that fundamental, and they have no interest in uniting with other United States citizens because they've been trained, they've been tricked, and they've been conditioned to hate this country, hate themselves, think of themselves as victims, and so as soon as you think of yourself as a victim, you handicap yourself, you don't feel that you can keep up with the rest of society, so you know what you want to do?
Handicap the rest of society!
That's the PSYOP.
That's their mindset.
That's why we can't find common ground with these people.
Your response?
Well, I feel a lot of that has to do with back in the... This has been going on for decades and decades, this dumbing down of society.
I know our ghettos, if you will, kind of got to the point where they are now with, back in the 90s, the mainstream media
Which is the establishment which controlled a lot of the music.
They started pushing rap music that idolized gangbanging.
That's a CIA operation using MTV to destroy black culture.
You're absolutely right.
And Snoop Dogg, I mean yeah, yeah, 100%.
I feel like if maybe like these topics which are kind of the root problem, root cause, if we could maybe like
Well, you can't have that attitude, unfortunately.
You can't have that defeatist attitude.
I'm not discounting what you're saying or disagreeing with you.
I'm just saying, if that's your attitude, it's just never going to be possible.
But I will tell you this.
Trust me, I understand what you're saying.
You've seen the dozens of videos I do where I go out on the streets and I talk to these people, or I try to talk to these people, and I either get a bongo drum shoved in my face, I get spit on, I get things thrown at me, I get told I'm a racist, this, that, and the other thing, with no foundation, no intellect, no education at all.
But you still try.
And I still think that there is some hope.
I do think, because here's the thing guys, there's a psychological, this is throughout history, there's a psychological thing where humans want to be a part of the winning team.
You see, so, the reason why all of these liberals, all of these low-lifes, all of these people that have never accomplished anything for themselves in life, flock to the liberal movement, flock to the liberal establishment, flock to the Clintons and the Sanders, is because they've been tricked, they've been lied to, they think that's the winning team.
They really think that Trump is losing.
They really think that the MAGA movement is losing.
They really think that liberals are still losing.
They really think they're on the right side of history stopping Donald Trump, the next incarnation of Adolf Hitler, by going in this movement.
They are losing.
And they're gonna realize it soon.
They can't be fooled forever.
So, it might take a year, it might take two years, it might take three years.
They're gonna realize that they're having no victories.
These are spineless people.
These are cowards.
These are... Here's what I'm saying.
They're gonna jump ship.
They're going to jump ship.
As soon as they see that Trump has done nothing but win since he's been in office, as soon as they see that the MAGA movement is taking off and actually winning, as soon as they see that all their liberal leaders in media and government are losers, not getting elected again, losing their TV deals, and they have nowhere else to look for leadership, nothing, nobody who's come through for them, nothing at all, they're going to jump ship and they're going to join our side.
That's what's going to happen.
That is a psychological thing.
It always happens throughout history.
And the only response that the globalists might have up their sleeve is literally just causing such a mass chaos event.
Causing such a mass...
I mean, you know, anything they can do.
Just like a 9-11 style event, a dirty bomb, a nuke, some sort of false flag, to try to stop the momentum from Trump winning, to try to steal the narrative from all of Trump's victories, and to try to put the focus back on the chaos that they want to use to bring in the one world government.
So, I don't know.
I'm just glad that we're winning and I'm not going to be denied.
He is the political cartoonist of this era.
Hands down.
There's some other great ones out there that we post on InfoWars.com daily.
He's got a new book that he self-published.
It's amazing.
It's like a coffee table book.
The 2016 Presidential Election Collection.
It's good for adults.
It's good for children.
It's good for everybody.
But this is how you wake somebody up.
Usually people that are leftist are globalist minions.
They won't watch a film, they won't even read a long book.
This is the weapon.
And when I saw this a few months ago, I said, get it.
Carry it.
And I'm not just saying this.
He is the top cartoonist in the world, just from page views and Google searches.
Hands down, you were already probably in the top two or three, but in the Trump era, you are numero uno.
And it all happened, it really turned around in 2016 because of the election.
My wife and I sat down in late 2015 and decided, you know what?
I'm going to draw more cartoons.
This is too important.
And we're going to go all out this year.
And we saw our support snowball.
I mean, when it comes to changing the world, bro, you're like The Voice.
You're as big as InfoWars.
You're as big as Drudge now.
There's not much out there as big as this.
You are now one of the main guns, brother.
You are one of the main things defending this country.
And there's plenty of room for more guns.
I always encourage young cartoonists to join the fray.
And a lot of them are afraid because they don't want to lose their job, they don't want to lose their, you know, they don't want to get trolled.
And unfortunately, that's kind of the crucible that you're going to get hammered with when you start out.
However, this is just too important.
What my cartoons are, Alex, I consider them visual alarm bells.
Now, you get on your show, and you get angry, and you rant.
My cartoons are a form of a visual rant, but they're visual alarm bells, and when that alarm bell goes off,
And they get heard.
It's going to make some people angry.
Well, did you turn that damn thing off?
And other people are happy.
Well, you're doing a great service.
You're waking us up to what's going on.
The left says there's no such thing as a conservative cartoonist because you're not funny and your status quo wrong.
The status quo is now the liberal deep state, the globalist deep state, the collectivist deep state.
And so all these things that used to be called conspiracy theories have now been revealed to be flat out conspiracy.
I don't know.
People are realizing, you know, hey, we have something called the Constitution.
We have to really wake up and not just go with, like in my cartoon shows, these smiling lambs going brainwashed into the Great Maw, the Great Maw of globalism.
And they're using Islam as a tool to expedite that.
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Okay, so apparently during the break, this is just breaking, just developing now.
I don't really have too many details, but an explosion in Paris, a bus.
Blows up.
There are emergency crews responding right now.
And my first reaction is, what do I see more often?
A bus blowing up or a terrorist attack in Paris?
Well, the answer is obvious.
A terrorist attack in Paris.
So that's what I'm going to go with.
But of course, we don't know.
They're still responding.
I hope that's not the case.
And hopefully, everybody that's involved is OK.
And really, hopefully, there is nothing to see there.
But that is developing right now.
So I'm sure we'll have more on that on tonight's nightly news.
Again, the big story right now, the Russian narrative is completely collapsing, especially with all of the heat, with all the war games going on between Russia and the United States and what's developing in Syria.
Russia narrative falling apart.
Then they want to try to say Donald Trump is obstructing justice in the Russia investigation.
Oh, but there's nothing there, so he's obstructing justice of nothing.
State Department is opening or reopening probes into the Clinton
Email investigation.
Loretta Lynch is going to have to answer some questions as well.
So, more victories heading in our direction.
The momentum heading in our direction right now.
Not the globalists.
Not the Democrats.
They are the losers.
Humanity is the winner.
Let's take a couple more phone calls before we sign off today.
Let's go to Margaret in Oklahoma.
Go ahead, Margaret.
I just wanted to talk about political prisoners that we have in America.
I don't know.
Not Muslim, I'm sorry.
Amish man.
There was an Amish man who was a grandfather and he accidentally mislabeled some product and now he's facing jail time.
I think that court case is like either today or tomorrow.
This is something that we should have covered more, but yes.
Totally a political prisoner, an Amish man.
I have that story on my desk right now.
I can't think of it.
Maybe you guys can find it.
But yeah, there are political prisoners here.
The same sort of stuff.
This was up in Alaska.
They got 26 years.
And he did not commit any crime at all.
This is for Schaefer-Cox.
And if the American people knew about this, then they would have to let him go because... You're 100% right.
Wasn't Schaefer-Cox, wasn't that a Second Amendment deal?
It was six years ago in Alaska.
Yeah, I forget the exact story there, but I remember it was some Second Amendment deal.
He was executing his Second Amendment right and he basically ends up in jail for it.
He gave a speech in Montana.
It was the First Amendment thing.
He gave a speech in Montana.
The First Amendment thing?
Yeah, like I said, this is, you know, it's... There's so much going on.
Go ahead.
They tried to entrap him as a militia leader.
They tried to entrap him and he said no to the entrapment.
So they just took the story and they charged him with it and they gave him 26 years.
And they, probably the jury, they withheld exculpatory evidence.
They broke laws.
And now they're trying to keep it quiet so that they can keep him there and not be
This is what they do.
This is how they intimidate.
This is how they try to take our country down.
Thank you so much for tuning in, folks.
Take advantage of the specials.
InfoWars Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
Alex Jones Show tomorrow.
We'll be back.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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