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Name: 20170621_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 21, 2017
3405 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, they discuss various topics including election rigging, the Seth Rich case, and the Russian narrative. They criticize the media for focusing on Russia as a way to distract from real issues of corruption within the Democratic party. They also discuss left-wing terrorism and promote Emrix Essentials, a line of personal care products available at InfoWarsStore.com. The show promotes taking action and staying informed. Jones promotes self- reliance and preparing for emergencies during turbulent times by offering a 4-week survival food supply for $99 with free shipping through My Patriot Supply. He also addresses the current health crisis in America, recommending Heart and Body Extract as a preventative measure against cardiovascular issues. Megyn Kelly joins Jones in studio to discuss her recent comments about Trump's tweets and the political climate. Jones criticizes CNN reporter Jim Acosta for his behavior during a discussion about equal representation from conservative and mainstream media outlets. Finally, Alex promotes his favorite coffee brand, Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee available at Infowarslife.com, and introduces Z-SHIELD, a toxic metal and chemical defense support formula made in the USA, which he personally takes for detoxification purposes.

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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
A packed show today.
Owen Schroyer, David Knight filling in for Alex Jones.
And I'm just going to lay out everything that we've got planned for you today on the Alex Jones Show.
Absolutely stocked full.
We've got the Democrats.
Oh, for 2017, another loss last night.
A very expensive loss for the Democrats.
How embarrassing.
We've got World War III building with Russia.
Coming out of Syria.
We've got a Jay Johnson hearing today.
More bombshells out of that.
Funny, I didn't hear any build-up to that.
I didn't see the media fawning over the Jay Johnson hearing.
Wonder why that was.
We've got, of course, North Korea.
Tensions building there.
The media making fun of Otto Warmbier, who is now deceased.
May he rest in peace.
We've got developments on the real collusion between Comey, the Clintons, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice.
That's developing.
And then we're going to have Gary Haven and Joe Biggs joining us to talk about UN sex trafficking in Haiti.
And of course, Alex Jones will be joining us as well.
I now bring in my tag team partner, David Knight.
I know that you have a slew of stories that you want to get to as well.
Yeah, you know, it's pretty amazing when we look at this referendum on Trump.
One of the best comments I saw was Kellyanne Conway tweeting out, I'm laughing my ass off.
And they have to be laughing because we've seen increasingly saying that they're going to have a referendum on Trump.
This is every one of these special elections is going to be that.
And I actually saw Reuters saying, well, these margins are getting smaller and smaller.
So that means that the Democrats are getting momentum.
And it's like.
That's the most desperate spin I've seen yet.
That's what Robert Reich IV tweeted out as well, a professor at Berkeley.
And I was just like, what a delusional thought from a very delusional person on Delusional Island, thinking that this loss is somehow a victory for you.
So the Democrats continue to lose.
You've got leftist media that wants to make fun of Otto Warmbier, calling him a white American frat boy.
He deserves what he gets.
Well, he's dead now.
You've got the media going full ISIS with CNN and Kathy Griffin and then Representative Scalise gets shot.
No responsibility there.
But then you've got, I believe her name was Michelle Carter, who is responsible now, being held responsible for her boyfriend's suicide because apparently a tweet or apparently a message that she sends him causes him to commit suicide.
Well, if you're going to use that precedent, which I completely disagree with, in that case, how can you not use that precedent against media that is encouraging violence against Trump, encouraging violence against Trump supporters, and we continue to see this go on and on, and then, during this hearing, David,
I'm quoting Jay Johnson.
They're talking about fake news.
We're going to have more clips from Jay Johnson.
Alex Jones coming up on the other side of this break.
But Jay Johnson, during the hearing today, talking about fake news, says people have little, and I'm quoting here, I don't know the exact quote, but people have little or no recourse for social media posts.
He's talking about fake news there.
Well, what about all the people calling for the assassination of Trump?
Little or no recourse on that.
Can you believe that double standard, David Knight?
Let's talk about the fake news, because when he opened up his statement, he said, in 2016, at the direction of the Russian government, at the direction of Russian President Vladimir Putin himself, there were orchestrated cyber attacks on our nation for the purpose of influencing our election.
He doesn't know that.
And we have that clip, too.
Go ahead.
He doesn't know that.
They don't have, and of course when I talked to John McAfee, he pointed out, he said that this would be the most incompetent spy craft ever if they left fingerprints all over this.
He said you can't tell where these things are routed from, and they have ways of disguising this.
And then subsequent to that, we had the WikiLeaks Vault 7 releases that showed the owner's manuals, the operating manuals of how they would mask things, even making the keystrokes look as if they're coming from Russia.
And yet we hear
That they are saying, uh, this has all happened and we know that it happened.
You know what we know?
Is we know that the Department of Homeland Security, Jay Johnson, the guy who is testifying today in the House, the Department of Homeland Security are the ones who hacked into state boards of elections.
This is the issue everywhere.
They're trying to cover themselves with a Russian red herring when they are the ones who broke the law.
And we've got something else coming up about obstruction of justice and trying to take these unmasking documents and hide them in the Obama library.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones.
I say abolish the DHS and the CIA immediately based on what we know about those two departments.
We've got those clips on the other side.
He is the political cartoonist of this era.
Hands down.
There's some other great ones out there that we post on InfoWars.com daily.
He's got a new book that he self-published.
It's amazing.
It's like a coffee table book.
The 2016 Presidential Election Collection.
It's good for adults.
It's good for children.
It's good for everybody.
But this is how you wake somebody up.
Usually people that are leftist are globalist minions.
They won't watch a film, they won't even read a long book.
This is the weapon.
And when I saw this a few months ago, I said, get it, carry it.
GRRRAFFICS.COM GRRRAFFICS.COM And I'm not just saying this, he is the top cartoonist in the world, just from page views and Google searches.
Hands down, you were already probably in the top two or three, but in the Trump era, you are numero uno.
And it all happened, it really turned around in 2016 because of the election.
My wife and I sat down in late 2015 and decided, you know what?
I'm going to draw more cartoons.
This is too important.
And we're going to go all out this year.
And we saw our support snowball.
I mean, when it comes to changing the world, bro, you're like The Voice.
You're as big as InfoWars.
You're as big as Drudge now.
There's not much out there as big as this.
You are now one of the main guns, brother.
You are one of the main things defending this country.
And there are plenty of room for more guns.
I always encourage young cartoonists to join the fray.
And a lot of them are afraid because they don't want to lose their job, they don't want to lose their, you know, they don't want to get trolled.
And unfortunately, that's kind of the crucible that you're going to get hammered with when you start out.
However, this is just
Well, what my cartoons are, Alex, I consider them visual alarm bells.
Now, you get on your show, and you get angry, and you rant.
My cartoons are a form of a visual rant, but they're visual alarm bells, and when that alarm bell goes off,
And they get heard.
It's going to make some people angry.
Well, you turned that damn thing off and other people are happy.
Well, you're doing a great service.
So you're waking us up to what's going on.
The left says there's no such thing as a conservative cartoonist because you're not funny and your status quo wrong.
The status quo is now the liberal deep state, the globalist deep state, the collectivist deep state.
And so all these things that used to be called conspiracy theories have now been revealed to be flat out conspiracies.
And what Trump has done is really, he's beaten the snakes out of their holes.
So now we see them for what they are.
And that in and of itself is quite a good accomplishment.
More people are waking up and, you know, your show and my cartoons were just trying to continue that momentum.
People are realizing, you know, hey, we have something called the Constitution.
We have to really wake up and not just go with, like in my cartoon shows, these smiling lambs going brainwashed into the Great Maw, Great Maw of Globalism, and they're using Islam as a tool to expedite that.
The globalist's great error is to believe that as they collapse humanity, they end up on top.
The truth is, humanity is coming down fast, but we're miles above them, on our journey to hell.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Say what you want about President Trump, but we dodged a bullet when Hillary Rodham Clinton didn't get elected in 2016.
And we have seen every element of global corruption come after President Trump and come after the American people.
We've also seen multinational corporations, intelligence agencies, the big universities, the MSM media, come after free speech and come after InfoWars.com.
And why is that?
InfoWars did not invent Americana or the modern renaissance.
We're simply bringing it back and comparing it historically
To the type of socialism and corporate cronyism that we have been seeing in the last few decades in Europe and the United States.
We know socialism and communism leads to total collapse, like we've seen in Venezuela, North Korea, the old Soviet Union, and so many other examples.
But the modern model of socialism has been disastrous as well.
It is a predatory system that seeks to dumb down the general population and have a tiny elite on top of it.
That's why some of the richest men in the world like Carlos Slim, the kingpin of Mexico, and Jeff Bezos of Amazon, the CIA, and the Washington Post are waging war against Infowars.com through their media organs and calling for
My radio show, my TV transmissions, and our websites to be shut down.
Because they don't want you to have a focal point.
They don't want you or we the people to have a system that will challenge their lies.
That's why it's more important for all of you as this 4th of July approaches to understand most of us that are just good, decent, and honest people don't think of ourselves as much.
We're just
Humble folks who want to live our lives and enjoy a piece of the American pie.
But the globalists see our independence and see our love of freedom as a threat because they're authoritarians.
And that's why, not just here in America's 245-year history, but all over the world, elites will never let the little people simply live their lives and be productive.
They want total control over the population.
And that's why they're waging war against Infowars.
Because they know it is the people's media promoting justice, freedom, and prosperity.
Transcending race.
Transcending ethnicity.
Transcending even mainline establishment religions.
And bringing people together around the idea of free association and a free market of ideas that we know in history
I think?
To the face of this global system and letting it know that you won't submit and also standing up so that others can see your action and that gives them courage.
So again, I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to thank you for your prayers.
You have changed the world and I want to encourage you to continue to change the world and to accelerate your resistance.
A great way to do it is to get high quality products at InfoWarsTore.com at very competitive prices that then help fund this organization that you know is dedicated to fighting tyranny, and more importantly, has been successful fighting tyranny on every front.
That's why the enemy's coming after us, because we're effective, because we tell the truth, and because we literally are spreading the light of justice and freedom throughout the darkness that is this global New World Order system.
The United States became the example of freedom worldwide.
Not because we were perfect, but because we delivered on freedom and prosperity, unlike any other country in history.
And that's why the globalist technocrats are trying to destroy America, and that's why they hate Infowars, and that's why they hate you so much.
It is so critical this July 4th that we re-declare our independence against the globalists, and to understand that your support of the Infowar has already shaken the globalists to their very core.
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In the modern world, we can use good consumerism as a weapon.
The globalists and the leftists use their boycotts, use their money control to manipulate our lives.
They take our tax money and give it to NBC as stimulus money to then be anti-gun, anti-freedom, anti-sovereignty.
It's that simple.
But if you will shop with the good guys, like Infowarsstore.com and Infowarslife.com, we can continue to build an independent economy system that's a win-win for everybody, that promotes freedom.
That's why they're so scared of Infowars.
They're scared of you using your independent media freedom and your independent freedom to purchase high quality products that support freedom to overthrow their system by pulling your financing away from the globalists.
I don't point a gun at you like the IRS and then take your money and give it to globalist causes.
I just bring you high-quality, discounted products that you and your family need, that then the profits we make in turn are put into expanding InfoWars operations against the globalists, because the stakes are so high.
So again, thank you all for your support of InfoWars, and I want to encourage you all to recommit as this July 4th approaches to intensify our efforts to defeat the globalists.
We can do it, but we've got to continue to press the attack, and we've got to continue to pray to God.
So for myself, the InfoWars crew, and my family,
I want to wish you all a wonderful 4th of July, and I want to thank you all for your support.
Infowarsstore.com, that is how you support this broadcast.
A lot of great specials going right now.
The Democrats face another loss last night.
Oh for 2017, they built it all up.
They spent a record amount of money.
The Trump referendum is failing, David.
Yeah, you know Alex, or Alex, Owen, we have this comment, this Twitter comment from Kellyanne Conway laughing my ass off because that's the guy who
He got an amazing amount of money.
He raised seven times the amount of money as Kellyanne Conway.
When we look at the amount of money that was in this record spending for a congressional race, I remember 20, 25 years ago, in our neck of the woods, it was about $500,000 that they would spend on a typical congressional race.
Now we're looking at something that's about $25 million.
Think about the 2000 elections.
We had Al Gore complaining, saying that W had bought the election because he'd spent over $100 million.
And look at what's happened to the presidential election.
Look at what's happened to the congressional elections.
The real story here.
That is the politicization and the money that is flowing into politics.
Why is that?
It's because there's so much power over the economy, so much power over our lives in Washington.
That is pulling in corruption, that's pulling in money, and we see that here.
And yet, in spite of all that, in spite of the fact that he got nine times as many donors from California as he did donors in Georgia between May 29th and May 31st, as reported by the Daily Caller, he still lost.
And they have the audacity to say, well, we're getting closer with each one of these.
Even though we lose, we're getting closer.
You can't buy this election.
And that's really what's happening.
Even the Washington Post said this is a huge win for Trump.
This is an editorial.
I don't know how it got through the Washington Post.
People are looking at it.
They said, if anything, this race proves Republicans have no reason to be defensive as a result of Obamacare's demise.
It shows Republicans have nothing to hide from in the age of Trump.
And it signifies that nothing about the current faux scandal ridden environment has produced a downdraft for Republicans.
And I think when we look at this, that's very important.
And yet they continue, Owen, with this Russians hack the election narrative.
We have this hearing that's going on today with Jay Johnson.
They're talking about how the Russians were trying to get voter rolls in various states.
Well, that's not proven.
And we know from the releases of WikiLeaks, Vault 7, we know that intelligence community, the CIA, had tools to make it look like they could be any state actor that they wanted to be.
They could put the fingerprints, the keyboard strokes, and so forth to disguise themselves.
What we do know
Is that the first reported hacking of the state boards of elections was in Georgia.
We just had the election.
And it was Jason Chaffetz and Senator Jody Heiss, both of, he was from Georgia and Chaffetz is from Utah.
They sent a letter to Jay Johnson, Department of Homeland Security, after the election said, why did this happen?
What are you doing about this?
Are you investigating this?
And we question your ability to honestly investigate yourself.
They said, we question the department's ability to remain neutral in investigating its own potential misconduct and violating the law, I would add, and think an independent investigation of these incidents is warranted.
They want Roth to investigate whether or not DHS conducted an unauthorized scan of the Georgia Secretary of State's computer networks.
If so, who authorized the scans?
Has the department conducted
Unauthorized scans of any other state's systems.
If so, which states did you scan without authorization?
And then we found out that came out at the beginning of January.
They got absolutely no response from Jay Johnson, who is testifying today.
Then we found out in February that they got into Indiana's election system as well.
They traced it back to the Department of Homeland Security.
15,000 scans into Indiana's
Voter registration rolls and their election boards.
That's the real story.
They're trying to create a system to hide their crimes, trying to insert themselves where they control the elections saying it's critical infrastructure.
That's what this is about today.
We'll be right back.
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I think the story with the Democrats pretending this narrowing the margin of victory is a good thing is that they're just going to spend more money.
We'll just spend more money and then we'll be even closer next time.
Of course, that's not going to work.
And this is the party that says they're all about income inequality, getting that income gap, you know, figured out.
They're going to help with that.
They're going to fix that.
And then they spend more money on elections than they do the actual people that are poor, living in the lower poverty grid.
But, you know, it's funny as you talked about all those voter rolls that the DHS admittedly, or the DHS is claiming Russia was probing, the DHS is the one that actually hacked the elections.
Yeah, why does Vladimir Putin want the voter rolls in Georgia?
I don't know, but I can tell you why the Obama administration and the Democrats would want it.
Well, and it's funny because he says that he knows Putin orchestrated it, but then he admits that he can't possibly know that because the DNC isn't cooperating with this investigation to begin with.
But hold on a second now.
Let's recall.
Who might have information about the Democrat voter rolls?
Who might have had that information?
Who might have had access to those voter logs and that IT department?
Seth Rich!
Oh, but he's no longer with us, may he rest in peace.
So how convenient is that for the DNC that admits, or that won't share, they will not share with the FBI, they will not share with DHS.
The details, or the emails, or the data that they need to do this investigation.
So, let's go to Jay Johnson today, though.
These are some clips from today, and there's, I mean, literally the most unbelievable quotes, again, coming out of this nonsense of a hearing.
We have all kinds of collusion on the Democrat side of it.
Literally a lawsuit against the DNC, but we're still looking around everywhere for Russia collusion that doesn't exist.
So, here's Jay Johnson, though, saying that he knows it was Putin that orchestrated the cyber attacks.
In three years as Secretary of Homeland Security, I had the privilege of testifying before Congress 26 times.
Though it is no longer part of my job description, I voluntarily accepted the invitation to be here today as concerned private citizen.
Oh, he's so transparent.
In 2016, the Russian government... They didn't want to build this hearing out, though.
...orchestrated cyber attacks on our nation for the purpose of influencing our election.
That is a fact, plain and simple.
Now the key question for the President and the Congress is, what are we going to do to protect the American people and their democracy?
Okay, so there he is.
He says he knows for a fact that it was Russia and Putin that did it.
And what are we going to do?
We have to do something.
This is an assault.
This is an assault on our country, on our infrastructure.
We must do something.
Okay, so we'll address that in a second, but how can he possibly know that with this clip that Johnson said later in his testimony?
As to what was offered them, what they accepted, was there any level of cooperation at all?
To my disappointment, not to my knowledge, sir.
And this is a question I asked repeatedly when I first learned of it.
You know, what are we doing?
Are we in there?
Are we helping them discover the vulnerabilities?
Fresh off the OPM experience and there was a point at which DHS cybersecurity experts did get into OPM and actually help them discover the bad actors and patch some of the exfiltrations or at least minimize some of the damage.
And so I was anxious to know whether or not our folks were in there.
Can't cite the damage.
And the response I got was FBI had spoken to them.
They don't want our help.
They have CrowdStrike.
They have CrowdStrike.
That's the key thing.
That's a Democrat.
That's a Democrat contractor.
CrowdStrike was hired by the Democrats.
They were running their IT system.
And when this stuff came out, they said, we were hacked and it was the Russians.
And yet the guy who got all this stuff, Julian Assange, said it was not a state actor.
It was turned over to us.
Julian Assange has never lied to us.
These people have given us nothing but lies.
And CrowdStrike, a DNC contractor, refused to turn over or allow access to those servers.
How did they do that?
Well, of course, this is because it's all political.
They've invented this not only to cover up for Hillary Clinton losing, but to cover up for their illegal surveillance of political opponents.
This is the big story.
When Megyn Kelly was here, she asked me, what do you think about Putin?
I guess she wanted me to comment on her interview.
I said, I'm not concerned about Putin.
I'm concerned about people like Clapper and Hayden.
And these others who are using our intelligence community as a politicized weapon against their opponents.
And that's what we're seeing here.
This Russian fake news is all about covering that up.
Wait, so let me get this straight.
So let me get this straight.
The DNC won't cooperate with the FBI.
The DNC won't cooperate with DHS.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is threatening those people for doing investigations.
Seth Rich has died.
Sean Lucas has died.
Wisenhunt Jr.
in Florida, the prosecutor, has died.
It's clearly the Russians.
It must be the Russians.
It's the Russians now.
We've got this story on the other side.
It must be the Russians that are classifying the documents in the Obama library that would show that it was Susan Rice that was unmasking names.
That must be the Russians too!
That's real obstruction of justice.
That is what should be investigated.
And it must be the Russians that were meeting on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch.
It must have been the Russians!
That was the DNC chair, John Podesta, making stock deals with other Russians.
That must have been the Russians too.
It's all the Russians!
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Welcome back to Brain Fight.
I'm the real Tuck Buckford.
And coming up this Thursday, I'm going to be in Alex Jones' face, showing the world what a traitor and an enemy he is.
Let's look at another dried lizard penis.
Wow, that's Bill Clinton.
Tuck Buckford don't like Alex Jones.
I want to bring up my next guest.
Donald John Trump, he's been on the show before and all of it's gonna be brought to you by CBS and that little angel Stephen Colbert.
So join me this Thursday for the real brain fight during the Alex Jones Show 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central at that traitorous evil website.
None of you should visit InfoWars.com.
This is not violent at all, but I do this to Trump.
Just do what CBS wants, that's good.
I'm gonna do whatever my...
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You've got to have the will to accept the truth and fuck the system and the group collective.
Do that, and you'll earn your way to the next level.
This is the InfoWar!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Yes, you are, with Owen Schroer and David Knight.
Coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, gentlemen.
I see that those wild horses that drug you away couldn't keep you away for long, huh?
This is a working vacation.
My vacation today was spending an extra hour this morning with my daughters and with my son.
You know, the children that the media says have been taken away from me that are with me about 85-90% of the time.
Getting away from that, they're trying to brand me as a loser, they're trying to brand Trump as a loser, they're trying to brand America as a loser.
That's like Lloyd Blankfein started his new Twitter account a month ago to troll Trump and say, look at China's infrastructure, it's so much better than ours now, after they transferred our jobs there.
And boy, how's your infrastructure week going?
Totally sick, totally evil, working against Trump at every level, even though they've made 30% more of the biggest profits they've ever made since Trump got in.
The globalists don't want the general public to have money.
That's the essence of it.
But there are a lot of billionaire investors and a lot of people that have been inside globalism that know it's evil, like Peter Thiel, and they are fighting against this system.
There is no doubt about it because they know it's authoritarian and it is collapsing.
So these arrogant globalists,
Like Warren Buffett and Peter Thiel, who's been exposing him, and other people like Lloyd Blankfein that's been exposed by Ron Paul and myself, and of course people like Donald Trump.
This is an amazing time to be alive.
This is Americana in a battle with the crony capitalist globalists, just like we were born out of that with the British Empire in 1776, the exact same type of system.
But the reason I popped in with this big, full transmission you guys have today is this.
This victory in Georgia with Democrat white people calling her a cracker ass and stuff, trying to invoke race war, totally sick, totally evil, totally transparent, is the fourth failure of special elections in the last five months since President Trump got into office.
And why is that important?
The Democrats admit that they have put nearly 80% of their Democratic Party budget
We're talking over a hundred million dollars that they had for this four, five month period on defeating these four candidates.
They threw everything in the media they had, dirty tricks, total assaults.
We're talking two to one, three to one, four to one spending against these people.
But still they lost in every single case, despite illegal aliens voting, despite all this happening.
And now the Washington Times is out with big, giant, major scientific studies showing four point, excuse me, 5.7
Million illegals potentially voted illegally.
That's way above the 3.2, 3.5 that Trump and others talked about.
And this is what the media does.
It's not that InfoWars isn't accurate.
It's just that we are aggressive.
We wear the truth on our sleeve.
We don't sit there and act like we're non-biased journalists.
We're totally biased for telling the truth in America.
So they have Pew Research, George Washington, Mason Research, all these big studies showing over 3 million illegals voted in the previous election to this one, and they have the evidence showing it ramped way up.
So what do they do?
They don't say George Washington Mason's wrong.
They don't say Pew's wrong.
They say we're wrong and that we just made it up.
And they go, here's Jones saying it, but he won't tell you where the proof is.
But 10 seconds before, I said where the proof was.
That's what Megyn Kelly did in her interview.
And Rob Dews going over the hours and hours of it.
We're going to devastate her.
People say, well, then why not just release it?
Well, because we're going to edit it.
But let me explain.
We're going to play raw what I said.
They edited it where I'd talk about something here, ten minutes later I'd talk about something there, they would jump cut it and weld it together to make new sentences.
Just like if I had the Bible, and I took a page out of Deuteronomy, and then put it with a page of say, Revelations, out of context and said it was a new Bible verse, or said that Jesus Christ said it, it would be a lie.
It's like that refrigerator magnet game
Where you have all the different names, all the different words, all the different slogans, all the different terms, all the verbs, all the adjectives, and then you just scramble together what you want.
That's what they do with this deceptive editing, and even mainstream media recognize that.
So, again, even though they destroyed me in the interview, the biggest hit piece on earth, the most horrible stammering moron you can imagine, they are so discredited and so hated in such a joke, it made people love us even more.
This is crazy.
I knew it was the right thing to do.
To go into the lion's den.
But let me tell you, the prayers of our listeners, the support, our affiliates, our sponsors, this awesome crew right here that is the best crew I've ever had.
It's just so amazing.
Out of a lot of great crews, this is our family.
The listeners are our family, and Trump has delivered on like 40% of what he said he'd do in four years.
It took Reagan years to deliver on just a third of what Trump's done.
Is he perfect?
But on TPP, on NAFTA, on GATT, on the carbon taxes, all of it he's delivering.
On the border becoming secured, 43% cut down on all those issues on the stock market, on jobs, but he's in a race as the globalists try to implode and consolidate the economy with people like Bezos and others.
So again, this is a critical time.
To be alive right now, everybody is involved in this fight on one side or the other.
If you're passive and sit there on the sidelines, you're helping the globalists.
So in closing, let you guys get back your full raft.
I mean, just actually overflowing transmission today.
Ladies and gentlemen, they have put everything they had
Look into defeating Trump and America and Americana.
They put everything they can, their demonization, their lies, their frauds, their pessimism, every negative story you can imagine to stop these four candidates and they failed.
This is a big bellwether that America is awake, that the brainwashing isn't working, that people aren't deserting Trump.
In fact, he's getting stronger even in their fake polls.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is an incredible time to be alive.
We've got to call their bluff and break the conditioning and break the trance.
Back to Owen Schroer and David Knight.
Great stuff from Alex Jones.
Thank you, Alex Jones, our fearless leader on a vacation.
So I want to get back to David's got a big story here that I want to get him to cover.
But I think just to to kind of give a preamble to David breaking this down.
Let's recall that the first thing was Russia hacking the election.
Russia hacking the election.
That was the narrative.
Russia hacking the election.
Then they kind of softened that and they said, well, maybe they were just hacking voter logs, maybe they were just hacking the DNC.
Okay, but it was hacking, hacking, hacking.
Well, it came out, it was the DHS that was hacking.
It was the DNC that was rigging the election.
But now, it's moved one further and they're saying obstruction of justice, obstruction of justice.
Well, now we're finding where the real obstruction of justice is and why they're trying to distract you with that investigation.
David Knight, what is going on with the Susan Rice and the Obama Library?
Well, you know what we're seeing in general, Owen, is what the liberals would call projection.
They like to talk about psychological projection, projecting your problems, your shortcomings, your faults onto other people.
What the Democrats are doing.
Like Senator Grassley who are on that.
He's a hardcore guy.
He's really the guy who I think should have been Attorney General.
But he is pushing this very hard.
So today we see the State Department is probing Clinton handling of government emails.
They could pull her security clearance.
They said they've opened a formal inquiry into this.
And of course this is again coming from Senator Grassley.
And of course they should because this is something that
James Comey said.
I mean, do we not believe James Comey?
Don't the Democrats believe him?
We've been told that everything that he says is true, even though she said between him and Trump, we should believe everything that Comey says.
Well, he was the one who said that she was extremely careless in the handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.
There was evidence of potential violation of statutes regarding the handling of classified information.
He made it very clear.
She had violated the law, that she had not handled the highest levels of secured documents very well.
So if they were to pull her security clearance, Owen, it would be like what they did to Sandy Berger.
This is a guy who, to cover up for the Clintons, went into the National Security Archives, took out the papers, because that's where they were at the time,
Right after September 11th, pulled out the paper, stuffed them into his clothing, took them out, destroyed them.
They caught him doing that.
He is now the poster child at the National Security Archives.
They show him, they say, do not let people violate our procedures.
No matter how important or well-known they are, they have to follow the procedures.
So he's a poster child for that.
James Comey was the one who let him off with simply losing his security clearance.
So if that were to happen, she'd be getting the Sandy Berger treatment.
But here's the other part of this.
You know, we see that history doesn't repeat itself, but it really does rhyme.
And here's how it's rhyming.
Judicial Watch exposed the fact that Susan Rice
Unmasking documents have been moved from the National Security Council to the Obama Library.
And they came back and they said, well, I'm sorry, we can't give you that information because we moved that to the Obama Presidential Library.
You can send your request to them.
However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after the administration has left office.
What they have done
is in a very subtle way the same thing that Sandy Berger did.
They took incriminating evidence showing they violated the law and they have basically buried it and hiding behind this statue of the Presidential Records Act.
This is obstruction of justice.
They need to be called on this.
Judicial Watch has been very good about following up on these types of things.
He said they're going to probably take legal action on this and this was something that was exposed in April by Cernovich and others.
Followed him, talking about the fact that Susan Rice had unmasked this.
And these are crimes that involve the NSA and Comey's FBI.
They violated the law when they spied on Americans in America.
Their supposed authorization for this is only to spy on foreign citizens in foreign countries.
And then Americans, if they are connected with that.
But not to ever release this information unless the Americans are under investigation and there's a search warrant out there.
What they did was they violated all of that.
The FBI violated it.
The NSA violated that.
And they unmasked this information.
And they did it not only to President Trump and his administration, but they did it to others.
Rand Paul said he's heard that he's one of the subjects of that, as well as many other senators, congressmen, journalists.
They're using the national security spy state for political purposes.
This is huge.
And this, Owen, is why they are talking about Russia.
They're trying to hide their crimes.
They're trying to cover this up.
And that's what I said to Meg Kelly when she was here.
I said, that's what I'm worried about.
That's what the Senate Intelligence Committee will not talk about.
They will not go to the violations of law committed by the intelligence community on the behalf of the Obama administration.
So here's what I would assess everything.
It would make sense to me.
You have
Obviously the collusion and the corruption is on the Democrat side.
So what do they do?
They use the DHS to go in and probe, or whatever, all of these voter rolls, leaving Russian fingerprints there, so that they can come back, use those fingerprints as evidence in any of these hearings, and cite those fingerprints time and time again, even though they're fake fingerprints and there's actually no Russian collusion.
So now you've got this Russia investigation stewing and going on for months and months and months.
Meanwhile, no investigation into Susan Rice.
No investigation into James Comey, although now you've got a lawsuit coming against James Comey in what David Knight mentioned, the surveillance of Americans.
A former contractor, this is from World Net Daily, a former contractor for several federal agencies and his attorney who both sued former FBI Director James Comey, claiming he obstructed justice by burying an investigation into the mass surveillance of Americans, are asking a federal court for protection
For a protection order preventing the destruction of evidence in the case.
Oh yeah, like sending it to the Obama Library to have it classified for five years.
The plaintiffs are Dennis Montgomery, a whistleblower who worked as a contractor for the National Security Agency, the CIA, and the Director of National Intelligence, and his lawyer Larry Kleiman of Freedom Watch.
I think Larry's actually been on with Alex before.
Yeah, quite a time.
Yeah, so maybe we can get Larry on sometime to talk with Alex before the end of the week about this lawsuit.
So, it's amazing David, you have independent lawsuits, you have people like Chuck Grassley, you have people like us who are exposing all of the corruption on the Democrat side.
You know, Breitbart, I think they were the one that printed that article, Judicial Watch trying to get these documents to the public.
And it's clear, it's so clear where the obstruction of justice is, where the hacking was going on, where the collusion is.
It's all on the Democrats.
That's why they've put this Russian red herring out there.
That's why they're spending all this time on this, to avoid the real investigation going on at the Democrats.
And I'm just wondering if we'll ever get there.
Will we ever get over this Russia hump?
Are they going to continue with all these hearings, continue with this investigation?
New here, new there.
The Russians are hacking in 2018.
They're hacking in 2020.
They're hacking in Europe.
We must do something about Russia.
They want war!
You know, Owen, I think this hearing that we're seeing today to try to cover their tracks with Jay Johnston, and of course this is a guy who starts out by saying, I'm very happy to do this for you as a citizen, even though I don't have any responsibility to do this.
He wants to be so transparent.
And yet this is a guy who's stonewalled
Congressman who were asking him why his agency was illegally hacking into the Georgia State Board of Elections.
Why were you getting into the voter rolls?
They didn't get any response from him.
Then they did us several different letters and then we found out after that they got into Indiana as well.
15,000 times they attempted to get into Indiana.
So as this is building, and they're saying, we're still not getting any information from these people, we need to investigate this, then we see that there is the hiring of reality winner.
When all this broke, I went back and I looked at the timeline of this, and I reported on this on the Nightly News.
They create a document, I believe, well this is the NSA report they created then in May after this stuff had been churning and building and Congress wanting to know why the Department of Homeland Security, why J Johnson violated the law, penetrated these state boards of elections.
Then we have this NSA document that suddenly is written in May after this has been going on for a couple of months and building.
Saying, well, we think that Russians were involved.
And then they happen to put it somewhere where this 25-year-old Bernie Sanders supporter can find it and release it to people, and they say, see, see, we knew all along it was the Russians.
There was no evidence that it was anything other than Department of Homeland Security that was getting into these voter rolls.
And you have to ask yourself, when he comes out and says, we know for certain that it was Vladimir Putin himself that ordered this.
That is an absolute total lie.
Once you have security cameras and the Kremlin watching him... Well, he goes on to admit, he says, well, they won't cooperate, so we can't possibly know who it is.
We have to just take their word for it.
And it's funny, you talk about just leaving that there for a reality winner to possibly pick up.
I wonder if that's kind of like the New York Times just leaving a story out there on April 12th talking about the GOP baseball practice for some left-wing lunatic to pick up and then go stake out the baseball field for a couple months.
I don't know.
Just a theory.
But you know, it's interesting because this whole Russia thing, you know, if you talk about the historical
The historical aspect of this, what is something throughout history that goes on?
When you have a political party or a political group of people or oligarchs or whatever, that's corruption is catching up to them, the roosters are coming home.
What do they do?
They start wars.
That's why they're trying to start this war with Russia, I think, David, more than anything.
And they know that Syria is the powder keg to get it all kicked off.
And I hope, and we elected President Trump under the hope that he understood the situation in the Middle East and that we don't have any national interest in Syria.
We don't have any national interest in Afghanistan.
But right now it looks like we're falling right into that military-industrial complex.
But I think they want war with Russia.
That's what the Democrats wanted the whole time.
To avoid justice in all the corruption that they've been guilty of over the long stretch of time.
But now it's finally caught up with them, with the DNC, with Seth Rich, with Sean Lucas, with all of it.
And that lawsuit is still ongoing.
Well, you know, we have an article on Infowars.com today.
If the U.S.
continues to creep toward World War III, eventually it is going to happen, as by Michael Snyder.
He says, after a bit of a lull in the past couple of months, the march towards war appears to be accelerating once again.
He has a quote from President Trump.
While I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi and China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out.
At least I know China tried.
That sounds very ominous.
We're going to talk about that.
We're going to talk about Syria when we come back.
And we need to think about the fact that we had the... What is it going to take?
What is it going to take?
We have a situation here where an Islamic terrorist set off an explosive device killing children going to see a pop concert at an arena.
What is it going to take before I, after an event like this happens, I go to Twitter, pick up my phone, I go to Twitter and I'm like, wow, everyone agrees this has to stop.
Everyone actually agrees that this needs to have some type of resolution to it.
But, kids being murdered by Islamic terrorism, and I go to Twitter and it's, oh right, let's not fall for being Islamophobic.
Let's look at the reasons they're doing this.
Lone Wolf.
Oh, and it was a balloon popping.
I am so disgusted.
It's gotten to the point where these aren't soldiers.
These aren't people that signed on to take the risk of fighting a war.
These were children and their parents going to see an Ariana Grande show.
That's not something you look at and go, well, you know, they kind of asked for it.
Although, boy, you look at Twitter again and you will actually see that.
People that cannot do anything but try to find anyone else to blame for these horrific attacks that we're seeing being carried out by Islam, in the name of Islam.
This guy that did this, this is a gentleman that was known to law enforcement.
I love that one because it's every single time these people are known to law enforcement.
What the hell are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
He's known to law enforcement.
He traveled to Libya.
To see dear old dad and his brothers, I gather, that he comes back to the UK and they don't pull this guy aside and interview him and talk to him?
If a guy known to law enforcement for being involved in some type of Islamic shenanigans travels to Libya, then comes back to the UK,
That's the guy you should be talking to.
That's the drop everything, this piece of garbage just came back from Libya.
Send someone to have a chat with him.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
I'm Alex Jones here with a working cation with Gary Haven, who's going to be in hosting in the next hour.
He, of course, is a multi-billionaire founder of a lot of successful companies and the biggest franchise in history, Curves, and he now spends most of his money battling the globalists behind the scenes.
But I got to tell you, he took us in his own personal plane in aid missions with Joe Biggs and Michael Zimmerman, incredibly dangerous,
Folks died that day actually trying to land as well in the bad weather after hurricane delivering aid and he's been behind the scenes working with a lot of folks to expose what was happening.
They were also there to expose the child sex trafficking being run by people connected to the Clinton Foundation and others.
That's now all come out nine months after Gary Haven first broke it with Joe Biggs and Infowars.
And again, we're not bragging, it's facts here.
Now it's come out, thousands of children trafficked, hundreds killed by the UN.
Just type in AP report on massive UN sex trafficking of children.
AP uncovers numerous sexual abuse allegations against UN peacekeepers.
It's industrial level and that's the AP's whitewash on that.
So Gary Haven doesn't want people to say it, but he is a hero and we look for him to be doing more in Haiti in the near future because he's the man on the ground.
Gary Haven, tell us what's coming up in the next hour.
Yeah, we've got a lot to talk about.
I want to spend a few minutes on Alex's interview this last Sunday that everybody's talking about.
There's a couple of important points that I think we need to discuss, so we'll get to that.
Also, Stanford University just released a study that demonstrated that the electronic voting machines produced a 9% advantage for Hillary.
And this is Stanford.
This isn't conservative stuff here.
I think we need to talk about that.
It's devastating.
Like I said, Trump was really 15 points ahead.
I was on the phone with the governor of Texas Monday and was able to share that with him.
And the governor of Texas, who's one of us by the way, he's a sharp guy, was not aware that the electronic voting machines had been proven to be... Because there's a media blackout or the new big studies that 5.7 million illegals voted.
And the other thing I want to talk about today that I think is important is the Seth Rich story.
A group of grad students in Washington did their own investigation, and that was released today, some Breitbart.
So we'll be talking about that as well.
Alright guys, take back over.
He's in at 8 after.
Second hour is going to be huge.
Trump, totally proven right.
5.7 million illegals.
Clearly we're able to vote.
We have a 9 point advantage for Hillary.
Stanford shows with the machines.
We have them sampling 9 to 15 points more in polls for her and now for Democrats.
So if he's got 50 at Gallup, that means he's at least 59 points.
It's all a giant hoax.
Just like Infowars imploding is a giant hoax.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
God bless you all for your support.
We got free shipping running throughout the next week or so and some of the biggest sales ever for the 4th of July.
We need the funding to go to the next level.
Back to David Knight and Owen Schroer.
And don't forget, we have the Project Veritas and the WikiLeaks cold, hard evidence to support the claims that were just made.
Now this is just breaking.
Before we go to break and in the next hour we're going to be joined by Gary Haven and Joe Biggs to cover the waterfront.
But this is just breaking.
Top of Drudge.
NBC News.
Feds looking into Flint Airport stabbing as possible act of terrorism.
Canadian-born suspect shouted Allahu Akbar and then stabbed a police officer.
Only a possible act of terrorism.
Only a possible act.
We can't know for sure when he stabs a policeman shouting Allahu Akbar.
We can't know that that is terrorism.
We have to investigate that for a while.
Of course, when it's a white person that mows down people outside of a mosque, it's immediately a white supremacist, it's immediately a right-wing radical, it's immediately a right-wing terrorist, this, that, and the other thing.
We completely disavow that act.
That is a disgusting act.
I don't wish any violence upon any mosques at all.
So I want to stop all of the civil wars.
That is something that we've said from the very beginning.
If the government brings the terrorists in, if they refuse to remove them and do documentaries about them like they did in the UK, let this happen.
They are inviting a pushback.
They want a civil war.
And that's what we're starting to see the beginning of here.
Exactly what the globalists wanted.
Free shipping.
Free shipping.
Take this broadcast to the next level.
We'll be right back.
Second hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer, David Knight, soon to be joined by Joe Biggs and Gary Haven.
Leftists in Europe carried out 27 terror attacks in 2016, which debunks the claim that conservatives and libertarians represent a bigger extremist threat.
Over 140 terrorist attacks occurred in Europe last year, and 27 of them were blamed on leftists.
In comparison, just one right-wing terror attack was recorded for the entire year.
13 attacks were blamed on jihadis, while the majority of the attacks, nearly 100, were by separatist movements.
Terrorist attacks which led to deaths and injuries are almost exclusively Islamic.
And guess who advocates open borders and radical Islam?
It's the left.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm telling you, the fact that there was no media buildup of this Jay Johnson testimony today is just a little fishy to me.
I'm not sure why they didn't build it up like they did the Sessions or Comey testimony, but it's still going on and there's all kinds of bombshells that are just getting dropped all throughout this testimony.
I think it's finally concluded.
I'd have to check back, but again, I say based on what we've discovered over the past 12 months that you have a
Full justifiable cause to abolish the DHS and the CIA immediately.
But that's just my opinion.
I wonder if David Knight would agree with that.
Well, we definitely need to get rid of the voting machine issue.
Because as you just heard Alex Jones and Gary Haven say, there's a bias in these voting machines, again, for Hillary Clinton of about nine points.
It's very easy to rig an election.
And we have to understand when we see the Department of Homeland Security under Jay Johnson try to intrude into state departments of election.
You have to understand, this kind of fraud, unlike the types of election fraud that we've seen before, this type of fraud is enterprise expandable, as they would say.
They can take it down to any particular race that they want.
And they can rig any particular race that they want, as long as we computerize this.
It's not going to be safe from enemies, foreign or domestic.
And we've seen, I think,
Attempts by the Obama administration to rig this election.
That's what these hearings are about today.
To not only cover that up and move people away from it, but then to create this false Russian narrative to insinuate themselves into the State Board of Elections, calling it critical infrastructure.
And in reaction to what they found in Indiana, you had the State Boards of Elections, the State Attorneys, Secretaries of State from various states,
All called on the Trump administration to shut this down.
Do not allow Homeland Security to declare this as critical infrastructure.
So this is a dog and pony show to push that forward with their false narrative, their false flag, if you will.
But that's what they're trying to do besides covering up their own crime.
This is 100% a false flag, the Russian hacking claim.
And that critical infrastructure thing is so key because
Johnson piped that in all the time.
Critical infrastructure, critical infrastructure, critical infrastructure.
So they clearly want to do that so they can have complete control over our elections and probably just completely rig them.
But here were some interesting quotes from some people that came out of today.
First of all,
You've got Johnson engaging in full-on lawyer speak saying, again this isn't the exact quote but I'm sure we can find the clip, he said, perhaps it could be without reasonable doubt that Russia hacked the DNC.
So he puts all these, you know, qualitatives out there like, oh maybe it could be, it could be Russia, but then he, but it's that subconscious inserting that Russia hacked the DNC to just force that into the narrative even though it's total lawyer talk, he knows it's not true.
He continues to cite Russia probing, but saying no election hack.
What is this probing?
What is this probing?
What do they mean probing?
What do you mean they're probing?
Nobody's probing.
You're the ones that are probing because you're trying to rig the election.
Then you've got Eric Swalwell.
This is unbelievable.
Yeah, we talked about probing.
It was 14,800 scans just into Indiana between November 1st to December 16th.
And it was the Department of Homeland Security.
So they're the ones probing, putting the Russian fingerprints out.
The people who met at the end of February cited that.
They were members of the National Association of Secretaries of State.
They voted, all these Secretary of States from all these different states said they want President Trump to overturn this designation of critical infrastructure because they did not want the feds to insert themselves into the state computer voting systems.
This is how big of a joke these people are though.
Eric Swalwell, Democrat from California, he's bashing Trump with all of his time.
They're apparently looking into Russia hacking.
He uses his time to bash Trump.
He bashes Trump for his rigged election claim.
This is on the next day of them doing the survey, finding out that illegals are voting.
He's bashing Trump for the rigged election claim, then David...
He's using his time to claim Russia rigged the election!
So Eric Swalwell is making fun of Trump saying that elections are rigged, then he uses the rest of his time to insinuate that Russia rigged the election!
You've never seen anything like this before!
Denny Heck, another Democrat, this one from Washington, saying Russia will be back!
Saying that it's the free and open elections.
That's why the DNC got sued, because they hacked it.
But he's saying, no, that's why the Democrats are acting so violently.
That's why they're not accepting the elections, because we don't have free and open elections.
The Russian hacked it!
We'll be right back.
Joe Biggs, Gary Haven, Owen Shorter, David Knight, Alex Jones Show.
Leftists in Europe carried out 27 terror attacks in 2016, which debunks the claim that conservatives and libertarians represent a bigger extremist threat.
Over 140 terrorist attacks occurred in Europe last year, and 27 of them were blamed on leftists.
In comparison, just one right-wing terror attack was recorded for the entire year.
13 attacks were blamed on jihadis, while the majority of the attacks, nearly 100, were by separatist movements.
Terrorist attacks which led to deaths and injuries are almost exclusively Islamic.
And guess who advocates open borders and radical Islam?
It's the left.
The statistics disprove the narrative that conservatives and libertarians represent a major terrorist threat.
A claim the mainstream media was pushing after the recent attack on Muslims near a mosque in London.
The study came from Europol.
A law enforcement agency of the European Union tasked with combating organized crime and terrorism.
Additionally, terror experts in the U.S.
are also warning that left-wing terror represents a far bigger concern than ever before, which isn't surprising given how the establishment keeps promoting violence against President Trump.
You can find out more at InfoWars.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
Not a group.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, let the Jedi Council begin, gentlemen!
Owen Troyer here, filling in for Alex Jones today.
He is on a, well, he says vacation.
The man can't take a vacation.
Wild horses really couldn't drag him away.
I'm joined by Gary Haven, obviously David Knight still with us, Joe Big sitting here as well, a full on Jedi Council, and a whole waterfront of interesting news to talk about.
I know, Gary, that you've got something that's actually near and dear to you.
What's going on in Haiti, the sex trafficking that's going on down there.
Why don't we lead off with that?
Okay, great.
Joey, I mentioned during the break something that I hadn't thought about, about Megyn Kelly making a comment.
Why don't you start off with that?
Well yeah, Megyn Kelly came here and she was questioning you and the other journalists saying, hey, do you consider yourself a journalist?
Yeah, that was her big one.
When you wake up in the morning and you go, well, I pray, I look at the news, I, you know, I kind of come up with my own commentary and give my opinion on what I'm seeing or my, you know, what I do, which is what pretty much all people who do what we do do.
You know, they all have that same thing.
But what she doesn't do is get out from behind her desk.
What she does do is read a teleprompter.
And what we don't do here is read teleprompters.
We don't have a single teleprompter in this entire place.
We aren't given any script.
We read the news.
We give our honest analysis on what it is we see.
And she has the gall to tell us, oh, well you guys aren't journalists.
I don't see her going to Haiti.
There was no one else out there when we went.
It was just us.
Yeah, I didn't see her.
I didn't see her ever on the streets dealing with protesters or at the RNC or the DNC.
I never saw her out there.
I never saw her at Ferguson.
I didn't see her.
I saw you at Ferguson, actually.
I saw you at Ferguson.
But no, Megan wasn't there.
I didn't see her at the Paris attack.
And what they do is they get an assignment from their editor.
They're told what to cover.
And then they put this stuff together and somebody writes a script for her and she reads it.
And that's not journalism.
We do the investigation and when you look at this stuff, you know, she picks something like Sandy Hook.
It's a very complicated situation.
If we look at a situation like that, it's very easy for them to demagogue that and we don't have time and that certainly would not give Alex time in that to talk about details and why we were concerned about the official story.
They're going to push the government's official story.
Anybody that questions that, they're simply wrong.
But that's the kind of homogenous
We're good.
What's going on, Gary?
This is happening.
Boom, it's out there.
You know, hey, what's going on in Paris?
We got someone out there.
Boom, we know.
We don't need to wait on them to get their script, for them to tell us what they want, how to fabricate the story.
We can do it boots on the ground right there, everyday citizens, and knock it out, and knock them out of the park.
And one of the things, and I don't know if you want to talk about it, but one of the things that, you know, always we get fired up about is when we hear about human sex trafficking, you know, pedophiles, especially with the youth.
They never report on that.
Even when we have the stories with children being found in cages.
I mean, that's the kind of stuff that makes your blood boil.
That's the kind of stuff that you want to get on air here and scream to the world, hey, we've got nasty, pedophile people out there that are putting kids in cages, man.
Let's do something about this.
And then there was a story, there was a raid.
I think it was actually, it may have been on a UN ground, but there was a raid in Haiti where they found a bunch of kids, they found the people that were trafficking them, and this is the kind of stuff that goes in in places like Haiti where the infrastructure's collapsed, the Clinton Foundation took billions of dollars, did nothing for Haiti, and these people are suffering!
You know, a lot of your listeners were among the few Americans that actually knew about the disaster that happened in Haiti back in October.
There was a massive hurricane, Hurricane Matthew, that went through, and it displaced a million people on this island.
They lost the roofs of their homes, their crops, their sources of water.
And it was about four weeks before the election.
And so I was watching this and immediately went down there as soon as the hurricane cleared Florida to help these people.
But I noticed that there was no mainstream media that was down there covering this holocaust that happened in our own hemisphere.
So I called Alex and he grabbed Joe and Michael Zimmer and they went with me.
So that we could tell the world what was going on there.
Now, why wasn't the media there?
And the answer to that is that Hillary Clinton was vulnerable just before the election.
Because it was really common knowledge that they'd collected over $2 billion and less than 2% had gone to help the people.
And of course the Clinton Foundation was nowhere to be found with a million people suffering.
So I thought we better get a news team down here to cover this thing so the American people can know what's going on.
He also bought a fleet of planes and hired pilots to come in, coordinated via your wife, who's an expert at coordinating logistics.
I mean, hold on.
Yeah, Diana kept us... She kept those people alive.
You guys flew the airplanes and she was just like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, everywhere.
It was crazy.
Yeah, you know, not only were we able, we were the only air evac for two of the major cities down there.
So these thousands of people that had been injured during the hurricane had no way to get to the hospitals in Port-au-Prince.
So when we would fly out in our cargo planes and unload the cargo and the doctors, we would load up the planes with gurneys.
I'm glad the FAA wasn't there.
Literally, people stacked on top of each other.
And we would fly them back and hospitalize them in Port-au-Prince.
And over the six weeks we were there, we literally saved dozens of lives because these people had no place to be treated out in the field like that.
But getting the story, and I'll tell you, Joe, you guys, you and Michael did an amazing job.
This is Pulitzer Prize winning stuff.
Uh, you know, I've never seen Megyn Kelly do a Pulitzer Prize-winning story that, that, that, uh, literally saved lives.
I mean, it was a test.
I gotta convince you guys, that's news.
And that was newsworthy.
And one little side incident on it is, uh, uh, we were discovering that Haitians hate the Clintons because they're, the Haitians are aware that the Clintons have, uh, stolen billions of dollars from the poorest of the poor in our hemisphere.
So Joe interviewed me on the tarmac.
And I did what I call the Hillary rant.
It was 34 minutes.
And this was 8 days before the election and it went viral.
A million people.
And you've got to think, a million people finding out the truth about Hillary Clinton being a thief and a monster influenced the 10,000 electoral votes in Michigan or in Pennsylvania.
So, Joe, I tell you what, we were a great team in Haiti, and I'm really proud of what we did there.
I mean, it definitely changed my life.
I mean, to see what's going on, to see these people in pain, and the amount of help that they needed, and the amount of money that was just sitting there waiting to be used, but you had these politicians politicking in Port-au-Prince in some fancy restaurant over their lobster dinners, fighting and bickering over whose way is going to work.
Meanwhile, nothing gets done, and it takes you to fly out of Waco.
to go.
His mom is hacking through trees to clear out because there's no open roadways.
I mean, just to hear the stories that these families went through just to get to where there was at least hope that a hospital had survived.
I mean, this is like, if you look at Haiti, there's a northern peninsula and a southern peninsula, and the southern peninsula was the part that was devastated the most.
These people had no roads.
Every tree was knocked over like toothpicks when we flew over.
And they had to hack through these palm trees by hand with machetes, and then move a car a foot.
Hack, hack, hack, move a foot.
It took one kid seven days just to get to where we were, and they didn't even know if they were going to a place that was just a dead end.
The hospital could have been demolished, but that was their only hope.
That's the only thing that even got them through the day, the mom through the day, to survive, to get that little boy there.
You know, and it's amazing.
I actually ran into some Haitian protesters at a presidential debate.
And they're standing outside, and they're trying to raise awareness for how Hillary Clinton basically robbed them.
I mean, stole money from them.
And they're just sitting there, and I can only imagine what it's like, and hey, they're just sitting there, they're like, how can anybody vote for her?
We know this woman is a thief!
And you can see it, and they're just, the fact that people would vote for them, they're so ashamed, they're so just in awe, like, how could anyone vote for this devil?
We've talked to Anselme Danto several times, talking about the corruption in Haiti.
And I think what you did is a good example of why it's voluntary association, people working directly, what you did to directly help those people, rather than going to some corrupt charitable organization like Hillary Clinton's foundation, or even using the government.
Because the government will do the same thing as well.
They will profiteer off of other people's suffering and then set on the money, not really apply it well.
And that's especially true in third world countries, exactly what you were talking about there.
But that's the key thing.
That was what made America different.
When Alexis de Tocqueville came to America, he wrote his Democracy in America.
He said, in America, people see a problem, they come together voluntarily like you did, Gary, they take care of it.
Everywhere else, they just collect money for it, they steal it, they don't ever solve the problem.
It's just the nature of it.
I didn't tell you this, David, but I'm on the short list for the U.S.
ambassadorship to Haiti.
Not only do I have the business experience, having run the 10th largest franchise company in the world in 92 countries,
But I have a degree in health and nutrition, and I'm a farmer and rancher, so I cover a lot of the bases.
And I've been to Haiti countless times, lived there six weeks after the hurricane.
But as a franchisor, the founder of Curves, my job, my skill set, was gathering thousands of people with a common interest in bringing them together for one purpose.
And in Haiti, the greatest resource over there is the hundreds of NGOs
There are thousands of volunteers, there are millions of dollars that are all working independently.
And so the waste and the corruption and the barriers to accomplish it.
So if I do get the nod and do become the ambassador, my goal is to organize those massive resources and help them to move in the same direction together.
So I have a particular skill set and experience.
And I think that's the hope for Haiti.
And the other thing is that
The U.S.
influence in Haiti under the Clinton State Department was massively corrupt.
Oh yeah.
The current president, the president before Martelly.
Yeah, they rigged that election.
Yeah, and it's as blatant as it can be.
And I don't know the whole history because I've made myself an expert on it.
I won't go into that, but it has not been in the interest of the Haitian people.
And I believe sending somebody like me that's not bought and paid for, that has the courage to stand and fight... Well, we gotta go to break, but we're breaking news right now.
Gary Haven on the shortlist for the ambassador to Haiti.
Let's hope that that is a very short list.
We'll be right back.
Democracy Partners attacks Veritas launches $1 million federal lawsuit.
And so that's where all of this is going.
And he joins us.
Remember the clips.
Talk about game changer in the election.
It's not true that I or you defeated Hillary.
She's blamed 20 different groups.
Veritas, Drudge, Infowars, the Russians, misogyny, racism.
The fact that people are sick of her and her policies.
So James O'Keefe, thanks for joining us.
Thank you for having me on, Alex.
I think reality defeated Hillary Clinton, you know?
The truth defeated Hillary Clinton.
And now, just yesterday, it was announced a lawsuit, a million-dollar lawsuit, against my team, Veritas, from this guy Bob Kramer, who's one of Barack Obama's close friends.
We're basically retaliating, you know?
We exposed the fraud during the election.
We exposed the four-part series, sending shockwaves to the DNC about voter fraud, use of dark money.
From an overseas donor to arrange these types of things.
So they sued me for a million dollars and they want to shut us down.
And then I get calls from Politico, I get calls from all these mainstream outlets that suddenly want to talk to me now that I'm being sued.
And I want to know the point of this lawsuit.
I said that over my dead body will I ever shut up.
But Bob Kramer, Barack Obama's friend and the person Hillary Clinton had to fire, is now suing me for a million dollars for the videos that we did during the election.
To me, this is about just silencing you, but more importantly, intimidating other people that, oh look, we'll sue you if you do more stuff like James O'Keefe did.
Yeah, I mean, I think investigative journalism itself is on the line.
I mean, a lot of media companies don't have the brass balls it takes to go out and speak truth to power.
I said on your show before that a lot of these journalists, a lot of these media organizations can't do the job because they're worried about the government regulators coming after them, let's say if Hillary was elected.
And we went out on a limb and did it, and they're trying to deter us and establishment news organizations from speaking truth to power against the establishment because this is what happens to you when you do so.
You get sued for a million dollars.
This is a press stunt.
Creamer is pulling a million dollars.
What does that even mean, a million dollars?
And by the way, Alex, we live in a media environment where people can use anonymous sources.
Every single claim that we make is buttressed by videotape of them saying what they said.
And yet, you're not supposed to believe us.
You're supposed to believe all these journalists who use anonymous sources, quoting hearsay from other anonymous sources.
We're good to go.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer filling in.
Star-studded cast here today.
Gary Haven, David Knight, and Joe Biggs.
And we were just discussing Haiti as we left the last segment.
We'll rejoin that discussion now.
More specifically, talk about something that was pretty much ignored by the mainstream media, as far as I could tell.
And you know how it goes if the mainstream media doesn't touch it.
It's just a conspiracy theory.
But you brought up the name Monica Peterson, who actually, unfortunately,
She was deceased because of what she was doing in Haiti.
Yeah, you know, after I'd done my Clinton rant, thanks to Joe here, and then Hillary lost, thank God, I thought, wow, you know, I may survive this.
And I was in Haiti when it happened, a week after the election.
Monica Peterson, who was a young woman who had gone to Haiti to investigate
The child sex trafficking affiliation with the Clinton Foundation was suicided.
And this was a young woman who had every reason to live.
She was doing something purposeful.
And by the way, there's been no release of information about her death in the investigation to this day.
And so a week after the election, people affiliated with the investigation of the Clintons gets suicided, I thought.
Well, maybe I need to keep my head up a little bit longer.
And then, of course, we know that the Clinton Foundation had an affiliation with child sex trafficking in Haiti because of the Laura Silsby investigation.
This was a woman who was in Haiti who got caught transporting children across the border into the Dominican Republic.
She was arrested and held.
And Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin were sending emails back and forth about Laura Silsby.
And an attorney that was affiliated with the Clinton Foundation was sent down there to secure her release.
And of course, the Clintons are heavily involved in election fraud down there and getting their people elected.
So they have a lot of influence.
And this has been going on since the 90s too.
Oh yeah.
Well, at least since Bush was in office, we've now seen the... You know, there's so much evidence of our influence, America's influence... The key thing, too, here, Gary, is the rich mineral resources of Haiti.
People understand, it's such a poor country, why are they doing this?
Well, it's a poor country because of their politics, but they have vast mineral resources.
That's right.
You know, Hillary's brother,
Got the first gold lease in the country.
Got it for a nominal amount of money.
And again, it's the pay-to-play benefits of being associated with these people.
You know, and not to change the subject, but there's so much evidence on pay-to-play, whether it's uranium or you name it out there.
Why Trump doesn't understand that the best defense is a strong offense.
He should be going after these people and filling up the news cycle.
Filling up the prisons.
And the prisons with these criminals that have aligned against him right now.
And I don't see that he has a choice.
And I tell you, chief among them is pedophilia.
You know, what they all have in common, these elitists, is pedophilia.
You know that the Justice Department under Trump has already prosecuted 1,500 people for pedophilia.
Most arrests ever.
I'm constantly documenting it.
So I think that's the next big thing to happen.
We're going to find out that the people in power in this country, John Podesta and his... His weird brother?
Weird art collection?
That's normal.
Aliphante, if you look at his art collection, any reasonable person will look at that art and say, this guy is sick.
He's nuts, and I don't care what other evidence you need, you look at that and you need to ask some questions.
And you know the great thing about Alex, and what I would encourage him to do more often, is to point out that he's just asking the questions that ought to be asked.
He's not making his conclusions.
He has done thousands of stories, and I think he's apologized
A dozen times.
And you know, when we sit here and we aren't reading a script, but we're thinking out loud and asking the questions that most Americans are too afraid to ask, by the way.
You know, I'm not afraid.
I have the courage.
And as an American, I have the freedom and I think the responsibility to ask the questions.
And I don't care if I'm going to get ridiculed or shamed or lied about.
By God, I'm going to ask the questions.
I'm an American.
I'm not a subject.
I'm a citizen.
And that's what Alex has done.
And I tell you what, if he's only apologized a dozen times after the thousands of stories he's done, I would say Alex has done a pretty good job, wouldn't you?
Well, and you just take a look at the history of the stuff that Alex Jones would talk about 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago.
It's all come true.
It's all out there now.
Samsung TV spying on you.
Vault 7.
The CIA spying on everything.
The Clintons in Haiti.
I mean it just goes on and on.
The WikiLeaks emails.
Putting kids in the pool for your pleasure.
The sick satanic rituals that Marina Abramovich goes on with these people with.
We'll be right back with the Alex Jones Show on the other side.
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Welcome back to Brain Fight.
I'm the real Tuck Buckford.
And coming up this Thursday, I'm going to be in Alex Jones' face, showing the world what a traitor and an enemy he is.
Let's look at another dried lizard penis.
Wow, that's Bill Clinton.
Tuck Buckford don't like Alex Jones.
I want to bring up my next guest.
Donald John Trump, he's been on the show before and all of it's gonna be brought to you by CBS and that little angel Stephen Colbert.
So join me this Thursday for the real brain fight during the Alex Jones Show 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central at that traitorous evil website.
None of you should visit InfoWars.com.
This is not violent at all, but I do this to Trump.
Just do what CBS wants, that's good.
I'm gonna do whatever my...
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
You know, it's not fun to sit up here and talk about human trafficking, talk about sex slaves.
No, it sucks, actually.
It's not fun to cover this stuff.
Joe Biggs is just telling me how... I won't talk about it.
You can talk about it if you want to.
I don't know if you're supposed to divulge what you're working on right now with some human trafficking stuff.
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Get some emergency food supplies.
You're absolutely crazy if you're not getting emergency food supplies.
And actually, if you're an InfoWars fan, you've probably noticed David Knight has been under the weather lately.
And in the breaks, he's actually doing lung cleanse and helping him suppress that cough that he's got.
Yeah, I had done it about the top of the hour.
It made a big difference and then I didn't do it for a while because I still got quite a bit of bronchitis here.
And as you probably heard me coughing as Gary was talking, I was doing my utmost to keep that under control.
But I just take this and spray it on your tongue and then you breathe the vapors in.
All natural ingredients does a great job of suppressing that urge to cough.
It really clears your lungs.
And when you're sick like I am, you're going to have to keep doing it.
But it is really, really effective at that kind of clearing up that congestion.
Gary said, does that stuff really work?
And it's like, yeah, it really does work.
It really does.
I mean, that's the only way Hillary Clinton was able to make it through the entire campaign cycle.
She was on lung cleanse all the time.
She had like a whole rack.
We had a whole bunch of things we should have
That's when she was birthing those demon goblins.
Is that what that was?
It was an aqua chamber specifically for birthing demon goblins into.
It wasn't a glass of water.
That was the day that she laid off the lung cleanse.
But seriously folks, lung cleanse, you can get that as well.
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I know that the rest of the crew is as well.
Well, guys, all kinds of stuff still to talk about.
I don't know if you want to get back into Haiti.
I know that you had some Megyn Kelly comments that you wanted to make.
Let's finish up with Haiti real quick and just some of the stuff that you're working on, Joe, or whatever you can talk about with your investigation into human trafficking.
Yeah, you know, we're talking about human trafficking, pedophilia, things like that.
I mean, it's not just Haiti, you know.
There's been so many just in this year alone in Australia that have been captured, pedophiles.
I mean, yesterday in Austin, in Round Rock, there was a guy who drove 100 miles to go have sex with a 13-year-old girl.
I mean, these people are out there.
It's not just elite people, but it's the fact that we catch these people and we have proof, and that enables and empowers other people who have these urges, and they think they can go do it.
And we're not doing anything about it.
Like you said during the break, too, Craig Sawyer is an ex-Navy SEAL who's going after
These types of people, these pedophiles, and every avenue of approach he takes to try to make new money to fund himself and his operation to be able to go and expose these people, they get shut down.
You know, there is an elected official right now that we are looking at with a group of my friends who goes into Juarez, Mexico, right across from El Paso, and is actively involved in pedophilia.
This person, this elected official, is seen walking the streets with 13, 14-year-old boys and then going back to a private home that he has.
And nothing happens because people are scared of him because this guy's connected to the cartels.
And the cartels use this person because he's a U.S.
elected official and they can use him to corrupt him to come over the border freely without being screwed with.
So there's a lot of corruption going on.
It's not just in Haiti, it's not just these elites, it's lower level people as well, and it's really disturbing that it is such a prominent thing, and then when we talk about it, we're looked at as kooky, we're looked at as like, why would you talk about that?
Why wouldn't we talk about that?
Especially when it's so obvious.
He wants to expose this to the public.
He's not going to go in and trample on somebody's investigation.
The people that are working with him, they have law enforcement
I mean, look at these people, these elite people that are part of this.
They don't have kids themselves.
That's kind of an odd thing.
I have a daughter.
You have kids.
You have kids.
I mean, when you have a kid and you look at that little baby,
It changes your life.
There's no way in hell you could ever do something so demonic, so sick.
And when you see that being done, it literally just makes you want to vomit.
It makes every bit of hate that you didn't even know you had come to surface because you just want to take that person and just...
Well, let's not forget you had the Bill de Blasio staffer who gets arrested with all the child porn that he had on his computer.
This is a guy that was kind of dubbed inside the Democratic Party as a rising star, the next John Podesta, if you will, and he gets busted with all the child porn.
You've got Anthony Weiner, he gets busted sexting underage kids.
These are both people within, not even within one degree of separation of the Democratic Party, in the Democratic Party.
I mean, it's right there.
And it's not just the Democrats.
You've got Dennis Hastert, too.
So it's not just the Democrats.
We're not just talking about this.
But it is amazing how... They specifically groomed him so that he could become the GOP Speaker of the House.
And that's how blackmail works.
For the longest period of time.
They knew who this guy was.
He's like a high school basketball coach.
They groomed him to become a congressman.
I think he was wrestling.
Yeah, wrestling.
Yeah, well, that figures.
They pick him out of that situation because they know his background, and then they move him rapidly through the ranks, and they keep him there for the longest period of time.
So, we're going to continue to cover that as it's breaking, and I know that, I would assume, I mean, we've got to get Craig Sawyer back on to talk to Alex.
I didn't see, actually, can you guys pull up that tweet that you had up a second ago?
Originally, Craig Sawyer tweeted out that PayPal had shut down his account, and he was reaching out to PayPal for comment, and they weren't getting back to him.
Now the new development is, he just tweeted this morning, PayPal apparently has taken $46,000 from the organizations that he started to fight child trafficking and pedophilia.
This is a huge story.
This is massive.
It's amazing how they will shut down any
Well, it's time to look into PayPal.
Who's running PayPal?
Who are they connected to?
Who's taking Democrat money?
You know, there's gotta be something.
I mean, why in the hell would you be for stopping someone from going and doing that?
And then steal their money.
That'd be like someone showing up to Fort Lauderdale when you're about to fly to Haiti and going, no, no.
Can't fly.
So PayPal is a widely used service.
I myself use it.
And that tweet actually had an alternative.
I think it was called again.
Pull that tweet back up, guys.
Alex Karp is one of the founders of PayPal, along with Elon Musk and Alex Karp.
Musk is out though, isn't he?
Yeah, he's out.
And Carte may be as well, but he's a regular attendee at Bilderberg and he was a guy who was running data mining services for the CIA.
So apparently now it's time to ditch pedopal for electronictransfer.com.
That is in Craig Sawyer's tweet.
I guess I'll have to do that.
If PayPal is going to stop an investigation into child sex trafficking that a good American is trying to do in his own time,
Then, uh, sorry PayPal.
Can't use your services anymore.
This is how the free economy works.
This is how America is supposed to work.
Well, hopefully they'll refund it back to those people so those people can renovate.
Well, that's what should be going on.
Back to electronic transfer.
I think that's the most unbelievable part of this story right now.
Apparently $46,000 that they're just not giving back?
That is thief!
That is theft!
So I hope that Craig Soarer can join Alex Jones sometime this week to talk about that.
That is absolutely huge to me.
And again, all of these people that are looking into child sex trafficking and human trafficking going on within the ranks of the elites.
They run into some stumbling blocks.
They run into some obstacles.
It's amazing how that happens.
You might not think it's real.
Try reporting on it for a day and see what happens to your life.
Now, I want to get Gary Haven's comments on the death of Megyn Kelly that was the Alex Jones interview.
The last spark of life she'll probably have was that Jones interview.
It looks like she's probably even on her way out the door of NBC lately.
But you said you had some insight that you hadn't heard from anyone else.
Yeah, there's three points I'd like to make about this.
The first one, where Alex fortunately recorded the pre-interview, where she practically prostituted herself.
You know, to praise him on admiring him and so forth.
That was so sick.
And the idea that she thought she could trick to smooze Alex into that interview just shows how out of touch she is with reality.
So I thought that was a really fascinating part of it.
And of course, Alex knew exactly what he was doing.
You know, sometimes you've got to stand in the line of fire.
And I think Alex went into it fully aware that he was going to take some hits over this thing.
After all, they did four hours of filming, and I think Alex had five minutes of FaceTime.
So let me tell you what, you can do an awful lot of creative editing to go from four hours to five minutes.
But Alex knew that in advance.
The good news is that it looked like the only people that actually watched the show were Alex's fans.
And she'd already done a hit piece on him like that with creative editing.
And kudos to Sean Hannity for calling her out on it and saying show the entire interview, regardless of what you think, show the entire interview and be honest about it.
We don't need to have fake editing news.
And that's precisely what you want to do.
And you're talking about FaceTime.
The fact that they would light him that way.
The same thing we saw with Time, I think it was Time or Newsweek, the cover that they did with John McCain.
I've never been a John McCain fan, but when they lit him from underneath like some universal monster, you know?
That's accurate though.
I can accept that lighting because that's the actor.
Actually, I think they lit him just fine.
That's just how he is.
We need to start coming back in with the Empire theme from Star Wars just to give that a little justice, that lighting that they had.
But you know, I actually... It's over the top.
You know what they're trying to do there.
I actually had a moment with Megan though that, to me... You had a moment with Megan?
No, no, no.
She cut that one from the interview.
I made a reference in the interview when she was trying to demonize me for not being a real journalist.
I looked at her and I said, Megan, you know, people don't need a $15 million a year contract to trust that someone's a journalist.
They don't care.
They don't need to see your big salary and your big stage out there to be considered a journalist.
And she kind of took that personally and she was like, you know, you don't have to berate people for making money.
You know, making money isn't a bad thing.
You don't have to attack me just because I am making a lot of money.
And I was like, Megan,
You missed the point entirely.
I have no problem with people making money.
In fact, I think the bastardization of rich people of the left is part of the problem.
They want to demonize anybody who wants to make money.
No, no, no.
That's not what I was saying to Megan.
What I was trying to explain to Megan, and this just echoes what you're saying, how they really just don't get it.
She really thinks that because she has the big contract, she really thinks that because she has the big NBC logo behind her,
And probably even beyond that, she probably just doesn't care.
She's probably just in it for the money anyway, not even a real journalist.
That's a fake journalist, someone that's in it for the money, not actually getting truth out there.
But it really sunk into me.
She's sitting here trying to back up her point, like, oh, don't come after me because I make a lot of money.
It's like, no, you missed the point.
You think you're legitimate because you make a lot of money.
People don't buy that anymore.
That's the entire point.
But I think that she either doesn't get that or she just reports whatever they tell her to say because she makes money.
Well, they really, really like me.
Well, you know one of the things that came out in that pre-interview conversation that she had with Alex that he released is the idea that in their minds there's these different echelons of news, okay?
So there are those of us that they consider to be bottom feeders and not real news and then there's cable news and then
There's network news.
And she had made that leap to network news.
Now when you watch the... Brian Williams.
He said they did, yeah.
But when you look at what she did with Tom Brokaw, and the way she presented all this stuff, it was so low energy.
It was so boring.
It was horrible.
That was the key.
There was absolutely no energy.
You can see her eyes dotting back and forth, reading the teleprompter, not even with any expression or inflection in her voice.
It was just wooden.
And that's the key thing.
And the same thing with Tom Brokaw.
Yeah, I tweeted out when I was watching this.
I was like, I know exactly what I'm going to use now when I can't fall asleep.
It was like, well today in New Zealand we're gonna go talk to Sam Neill from Jurassic Park, and he makes wine.
Stay tuned.
They're like, who cares?
And you're sitting here, oh my god, we just went from an intense thing where, you know, you do a hit piece on Alex and then you don't even like air any of it,
And you're like, well, today we're going to talk about wine now.
We're really getting interested.
And that's what I'm saying, too.
She spends the entire day with Alex.
She knows that the portrayal of Alex during that show is completely inaccurate, but she goes along with it anyway.
And I'm just saying, she's like, how can you read that for the script?
You know, they read their script to put all the b-roll over.
It's like, how can you read that?
And then again, it hits me.
She's not even thinking.
She's literally thinking dollars.
That's all.
I'm rich.
I'm on the network.
Yeah, I mean, if you were a real journalist, she would go into that job with a contract saying, you know what, this is the story I want to cover.
I want to have final say over what goes out.
That's not her job.
And she's just like, well, I'll take that paycheck and I'll read this right here.
Because if she was a real journalist, she would have come here and done a profile on Alex Jones and been like, wow, you talked about this 10 years ago.
It came true.
You talked about cameras and the phones and the TVs.
It came true.
People make fun of you for gay frogs.
Well, that's true, too.
That's what a real journalist would have done.
That was a total hit piece.
Anything else you wanted to add, Gary?
Yeah, there was one more thing that I think was really kind of overlooked on this.
The person that took the greatest hit was not Alex.
It was President Trump.
This was Megan's signature, her signal to the anti-Trump people, to the impeached Trump people.
She went after Trump.
I didn't count the minutes, but I bet there was more airtime on how Trump is an idiot because of his association in believing this.
It was Trump cutting in because of your report.
It was because of my report.
A real, a real... I did a report on the border and then the next day... Real journalism, you broke a story.
This guy, this reporter, he's out there and there's drugs coming across, you know, like this is why we need a border.
And she's like, this is the guy that's taking information and reports...
He's taking them from Alex Jones because of this?
We don't even know what's coming across the border.
Yeah, Megan, they're smuggling piñatas.
They're risking their lives to get teddy bears across the border.
Actually, you know what I heard it was?
I heard they were smuggling covfefe across the border.
I better watch out.
Every time I cross the border illegally I just jump into an SUV and speed off because there's nothing to worry about.
And you always have your burlap bags too, right?
Little flotation device.
So there you are, a real journalist, breaking a story, putting your life on the line for that story to break, and then she tries to demonize that.
It's unbelievable.
I was kind of shocked.
I was sitting over at Darren's house actually on Father's Day.
And my phone starts blowing up like, hey man, she's like going after your border report.
I'm like, which one?
And then eventually I find out, I'm like, really?
I mean, that, that, it was even played in local news.
It was played all over.
It's like we have the footage.
And you've done multiple reports from the border where you get hardcore footage.
I just thought it was funny.
Somebody should have asked Tom Brokaw about the Richard Jewell reports that they did.
Because, you know, of course NBC and CNN got sued for that.
They had an undisclosed settlement about that.
But of course nobody talked about that.
But to use that report, real journalism, photography there and say, Donald Trump saw this and said, look, they're smuggling, which people could clearly see what was happening with that.
That shows the desperation and the failed narrative of these people.
They have been able to get away with this all of our lives, haven't they, Gary?
You know, we grew up under this where they had just three networks and they controlled all the information you're going to get.
But that's why they're failing, because they show the public this video.
Go back to the video.
You can see the people smuggling the drugs.
They say, nothing to see here.
No drugs being smuggled.
And the average American is like, why are you lying to me?
I have eyes.
I have common sense.
I have discernment.
That's why they're losing.
You cannot pull the wool over our eyes any longer.
More on the Alex Jones Show on the other side.
Ladies and gentlemen, the jewel in the crown, the entire superstructure, the skeleton of world government, is this global carbon tax.
And it's to be selectively enforced, just like General Electric got waivers and kept all its power plants open and saw their competition shut down.
They made tens of billions and they gouged us on power prices.
This is just one example of not building an economy based on competition, but an economy based on shutting down your competition.
Look at Venezuela.
Well, first of all, you're quite right.
The links between totalitarianism in Europe and the establishment of the EU are entirely clear.
Although the EU was originally founded as the European Coal and Steel Community to make sure there was enough supplies of coal and steel for the rebuilding of Europe after the Second World War, it then became transmogrified into an unelected tyranny by clerk, a dictatorship.
Which can make laws.
There is a European Parliament, but it can't even bring forward a bill.
It's an extraordinary entity.
And in any case, the unelected commissars, and I couldn't really name all that many of them, who run this from behind closed doors in smoke-filled rooms.
These commissars, who are just like the Politburo of the Soviet Union.
So the constitution of the Soviet Union, when that collapsed, was picked up by the European Union.
And so we now have this totalitarian constitution
Where the unelected bureaucrats can overrule any decision of the elected European Parliament.
What would you call it?
A type of bureaucratic oligarchy?
Well, this is exactly what it is.
Tyranny by clerk is what I call it.
These are jumped up little nobodies.
Who are dictating to the world because they couldn't get elected themselves and so from the sidelines they go into these great corporatist entities like the World Bank and the EU and the UN and then increasingly we are foolish enough to transfer powers like the powers in the Paris Treaty to these unelected bureaucrats and then if we want to say well actually you don't need those powers
That's why Mr. Obama,
He hated America with every fiber of his being.
That's why he said he was going to have a war on coal.
Not just because coal owners were the biggest contributors to his enemies, the Republican Party, but because he knew if he could destroy America's energy supply, increase price and make America uncompetitive, that would be the end of the United States.
That is the objective here.
It's got nothing whatsoever to do with the climate.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Final segment of the second hour, third hour coming ahead.
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Well, we are going to take a little twist and talk about the fake Russia collusion story, how the mainstream media is trying to build Trump as a Russian agent to distract from the real crimes and the real collusions of the Democrats.
In fact, do you guys have that Tom Cotton clip?
This is an amazing clip.
I want to start the conversation we're about to have off with this clip of Tom Cotton today talking to Jay Johnson.
Let's look at this from a different perspective.
Since her election defeat, Hillary Clinton has blamed her loss on the Russians, Vladimir Putin, the FBI, Jim Comey, fake news, WikiLeaks, Twitter, Facebook, and my personal favorite, content farms in Macedonia.
Don't forget Pepe.
In her blaming her loss on these actors, has Hillary Clinton become an unwitting agent of Russians' goals in the United States?
I'm sorry, sir, but I'd rather not comment.
It's just something I haven't given any thoughts to.
Let's turn to other matters.
So there's Tom Cotton basically saying Hillary Clinton being a sore loser is playing right into everything that you're talking about here.
It was just amazing to see all of the nonsense that goes on when you have the evidence.
It's just like the Seth Rich thing.
Gary Haven is chomping at the bit to talk about Seth Rich.
We have no evidence, literally nothing, to prove that it's Russia that released the DNC emails.
Nothing to prove that Russia is trying to meddle in our elections.
Literally nothing.
Literally we have zero.
And you've got a slew of evidence that would say, hmm, maybe Seth Rich was murdered by somebody who was trying to hide evidence with the DNC investigation that is, or the DNC lawsuit that's ongoing.
We're still sitting here wasting time all day long with these hearings talking about Russia collusion that never happened, with no evidence.
And the reason why Gary Haven is chomping at the bit, because there is so much evidence on the other side that it was Seth Rich that leaked the emails to WikiLeaks.
And even if it wasn't, there's other reasons to think that Seth Rich might have wanted, people wanted him to be silent when they're trying to claim that they're probing all of these voter logs that Seth Rich would have known about.
What do you think, Gary?
Well, there's several interesting things that have happened in the last few days.
Without jumping ahead, because I think this is related, Stanford released a study, Stanford University.
They went out to 333 polling sites during the Democratic primaries, and they polled people before they voted.
And then they looked at the actual votes afterwards.
This is Stanford, guys.
This isn't a conservative bastion here.
And what they found was that the pre-polling on Hillary vs. Bernie, where there were paper ballots, were right on the money.
But those election sites that used electronic voting machines consistently showed a 9% advantage for Clinton.
Or 6%.
He said it was 9%.
So that's the key thing is that they don't have exit polling.
And we see that with the elections like in Brazil.
They shut down exit polling.
And who had the access to that information?
Seth Rich!
Ding ding ding ding.
It's unbelievable folks.
It all ties together.
But hey, you know what?
We're just fake journalists here.
We just actually do our job, connect the dots, and then report on it because we're not cowards.
We'll be right back with more of the Alex Jones Show, third hour.
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I've been everywhere, man.
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I've traveled like I had my share, man.
I've been everywhere.
The world is a dangerous place.
Not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
You know, the angle and the development that I was following in the Seth Rich thing was Jared Beck, the attorney that just requested that the judge, hearing the DNC class action lawsuit, provide protection to the witnesses and to the people involved in that case because of the three untimely deaths revolving around it.
Then you had this study that came out that Joe Biggs talked about earlier that said that this
Actually appears to be a hit job.
This appears to be a serial killer that killed Seth Rich and not a botched robbery.
And now Gary Haven, you have another angle that you want to get to.
Yeah, you know, I was on the phone to the governor of Texas Monday and asked him if he had heard about the voting fraud that's been going on with the electronic voting machines.
And he had not.
I'm not surprised because the mainstream media failed to cover this story.
And we know the reason for that.
This is that team that's aligned against us freedom seekers that control the message.
I think it was really neat to be able to introduce that to the governor because he's in a position to actually do something about it here in Texas.
And by the way, I looked it up, it was a 9% advantage
to Hillary anytime they use electronic voting machines.
And if you look at the owners of the companies that operate these electronic voting machines, many of them are affiliated with Democratic donors and George Horace himself.
But we're not doing anything.
We're allowing our votes to be counted by probable rigged electronic machines.
So hopefully the governor is going to do something about this.
As a matter of fact, I sent him the article and he's going to send it to the Secretary of State.
Whose job is to make sure voting in the state is... We have tried to interview him multiple times.
Big issue in Texas.
And he stonewalled us on that.
They're breaking the law!
Because he shut down the ability to do a paper trail backup of that.
Which breaks the law.
Yeah, he broke the law to shut that down.
So he specifically... Texas said, we're not going to have electronic voting unless we can have this paper trail.
He shut that down.
So he needs to be aware of that.
Well, I bet you now that he's seen the Stanford study, which is conclusive, these machines cheat.
And they cheat to the benefit of the people that own the companies.
And we live in what we call a free society.
This is insane.
So this takes us back to Seth Rich.
His job with the DNC was to support voting sites and drive people in there.
And of course, he was a big Bernie Sanders fan.
And it's evident that he discovered that Hillary was cheating to the disadvantage of his chosen candidate.
And he was a passionate young man, a man with integrity.
And then suddenly, in the middle of the night, he's murdered.
I think he was shot in the back twice.
And he still has his jewelry and his watch and his... Died at the hospital, though, that we don't know which one it was at.
Yeah, and after the police had taken him there with him talking and alert, a lot of suspicion around this.
Yeah, they called it armed robbery.
Usually you rob something afterwards, other than life.
And we know that it was not an armed robbery because he wasn't robbed.
But what came out today, and you can find this on, I think it's on Judge Report, is a study that was done by a group of grad students in Washington, D.C.
At one of the universities there.
And they wanted to go back and look at the evidence.
And they, without any lack of objectivity, they determined several things.
That he was murdered, it was not a robbery.
That he was either murdered by a professional, because the cleanup at the crime scene was so clear.
So it's not a random homicide.
The third thing is that it was either done by an individual, professional, or by a serial killer.
Now, I didn't think much of that, but Joe, you had a comment on that.
I do believe the serial killer story because, you know, Hillary Clinton.
Vince Foster.
I mean, she is.
There's a Clinton body count.
I think she's a serial killer, quite frankly.
So I do kind of go with that whole scenario that a serial killer didn't stop it.
The Clinton body count?
That's just a coincidence!
Let me finish with one more quick point.
Uh, the Brad Bowman who was hired by the Seth Rich family is a Democratic hitman who goes out and covers messes.
Now they don't want us talking about this because it's not sensitive to the Rich family.
Well, guys, I'm sorry.
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And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer filling in, Gary Haven, David Knight, Joe Biggs alongside.
And we were just talking about a lot of the red flags that are going up around the DNC, the Democrat Party, Seth Rich, and the murder investigation.
And Gary, you were just breaking down the Brad Bowman angle.
Yeah, you know the media is not covering the Seth Rich and they're actually shaming people like you guys that are covering it.
They're saying it's insensitive to the family.
But why did the family, who by the way claims they have no money to hire a private investigator, somebody paid for that private investigator by the way, but they also have a spokesperson.
And Brad Bowman is a spokesperson, and if you Google him, you'll find that he has run a Democratic kind of a hitman to cover up media issues around the Democratic Party.
Of all people to hire as a spokesperson, why would you go to the DNC hitman?
And that's very, very suspicious.
And without being insensitive to the Seth Rich family, I would say, look, if you're going to hire a professional DNC hitman, then you need to be prepared to have people take a closer look at this.
And, you know, I'm sorry about the loss of your son.
In fact, I feel great sympathy because I think he was a truth seeker.
And, you know, who had means, motive and opportunity?
I've gone through this before.
Yeah, that's exactly one of those terms.
My buddy Michael Hastings was killed and all of a sudden the narrative changed and the family that wanted to look into it all of a sudden new people are answering the phone, leave it alone, and then when he talked about it, Megyn Kelly goes, oh, you're just a kooky conspiracy theorist, Biggs, and you know, this is just ridiculous.
He hit a tree and then the engine flew down the road the other way a hundred miles.
Totally natural.
You know, and there was another lady, I can't think of her name, but she had her son, I think it was, what she believes her son was murdered for walking into a cocaine drug deal in Arkansas that she thinks Bill Clinton's people had something to do with, and she reached out to the Seth Rich family because she was in a similar place.
She thought that her son was witness to something bigger, and that's why they had to kill her son, but all of a sudden, there was waves of people saying, we're going to help you.
Waves of people saying, we'll handle this for you.
Waves of people, they trusted them.
They thought that they were in it for the right reasons.
Well, she quickly realized that wasn't the case.
And she reached out to the Rich family and said, look, I know that there's a bunch of people coming at you saying they're going to help.
I know that you're in a very vulnerable situation.
I realize that you need all the help you can get, but do not trust these people.
They do not have your best interests in mind.
And I think that you're saying that Brad Bowman is the exact type of person she was talking about.
Yeah, and unfortunately they've signed him up as the family spokesperson.
And of course what he's doing is saying this is insensitive and you shouldn't be subjecting the family to this, let the police handle it.
Well, the problem with that is, first of all, who he is.
I have no intention of trusting his wisdom.
You know, we don't want to speculate on why the family complied and took him on, whether it's fear or whatever.
Maybe they've convinced him of something.
Maybe they hadn't said anything.
He's been given the opportunity to use that as a strategy to shut the media reports down.
It's like the Harvey Keitel, the guy that the Sopranos use.
Hey, we got a body, I need you to come in and clean it up.
And keep in mind too, the only mainstream media that was touching this at all was Sean Hannity.
And so Sean Hannity covers it, asks the questions that need to be asked.
Sean Hannity I think day in day out just comes out as more of an honest person, a real individual in the media.
And he's talking about it, and then he gets actually contacted by the Rich family, asking to shut it down, and now he hasn't talked about it ever again.
So that's another weird aspect about this to me, because that was one thing that Megyn Kelly was, I think, trying to get me on, was the Seth Rich thing, and I said to her, I was like, look, Seth Rich's family has not contacted me.
Nobody has said stop looking into this.
The last time I heard from Seth Rich's family was in a video they put out on Twitter saying we appreciate the people doing the independent investigations.
Well, I can tell you there's still a lot of big-name journalists out there working angles.
They're just doing it all.
They can't give it up because it's so huge!
It's so obvious!
Any journalist worth their weight in salt would be digging into this thing.
Oh, they are.
They're doing it off-camera because, like you said, you do it on the mainstream, they get shut down, they get sued, all that stuff.
But these guys, I'm telling you, there's some big-name people out there I've talked to, emailed, they're doing it on their own.
They've got collaboration of people and people from all different types.
You know why?
You really know why?
Despite what they tried to do with the fake election results, with the fake voters and the illegal voters, and Hillary Clinton getting three million in the popular vote just because of California and New York alone,
That's all a lie.
America hates Hillary Clinton.
I think America hates Hillary Clinton, and that's why everybody is actually looking into this stuff except the people on CNN.
That's my favorite WikiLeaks thing, was one of the emails where, like, the staff guy that's with Hillary, they go to, like, a fast food chain place, and they're all filming her, and everyone's like...
Why are you guys filming this old lady?
No one likes her!
No one knew who she was!
And she just sits down quietly, and like, no one's coming over and asking for pictures or autographs or anything.
It's just like, who is this random old lady with a giant entourage of people?
It's literally all fake!
It's all fake!
The guy's emailing, he's like, it was the most awkward situation I've ever been in, like, you know, Hillary Clinton, here she comes into this place, and no one even notices her.
Think about it!
Think about how fake this woman is.
They tell you she's healthy, she literally can't go through a 30-minute speech without hacking up a lung.
They have to cordon off rooms and to make the camera's angles look like she has a big audience.
She couldn't get a big audience for one of her rallies.
That was the funniest thing is when I was in Long Beach, California covering all the different races out there, there was this giant sports coliseum, an outdoor football arena.
They could have had, you know, like 30, 40,000.
It was a smaller one, but she could have filled that up apparently from what the mainstream media says because she's got a 90% chance of winning.
Instead, across the street there's this tiny little elementary recess area that she could barely even fill.
So again, her support, fake.
The polls, fake.
The votes for her, fake.
This is entirely fake.
It's all literally a facade.
It's unbelievable.
The Matrix is real.
Well this intimidation shut people down because it's going to hurt the feelings of the family.
If the family
I can't believe that a family would not want to know.
Unless somebody like Brad Bowman is telling them to say that.
Exactly, exactly.
And you know, with them hiring Brad Bowman, I think it gives us permission to go to the truth in spite of the family's feelings.
And I think we have to do this.
You know, something that was missed in the media was a few weeks ago when the Seth Rich story, his connection to WikiLeaks came out.
That was also the day that they went full bore on the Comey story.
It was the Wag Da Dog week.
We didn't see anybody that might have bothered to cover the Seth Rich, which not many mainstream medias are willing to do.
We're good.
You know what's funny about that, on a separate issue, but a similar story, Jay Johnson today, in his testimony, said that, they kept asking about, well when did you open the Russia thing?
And he said, well actually, we opened the Russia thing, I think he said October 6th, or it was something, October 7th maybe?
The same day the Billy Bush tapes were released!
This is a wag the dog, this is a tactic!
It's the same deal!
So the biggest story of the week, perhaps the biggest story of the year, was that means motive and opportunity.
The DNC very likely killed one of their own to punish him.
And we looked at the Podesta email where they said, we need to punish this guy.
Yeah, yeah.
They have never denied that the content of the WikiLeaks is legitimate.
You notice how they've never denied that?
Why don't we have an investigation in an email that talks about having kids at a pool for entertainment?
I'm sorry, has there been a hearing on that?
Haven't seen a hearing on that.
What about a hearing on John Podesta saying he'll make an example of the leaker?
What about the wet works in these emails that, again, they admit are real.
The emails are real.
That content is real.
Just don't look at them.
They always use the Russians to misdirect away from their own crimes, and that's what they're doing today in the Jeh Johnson hearings.
They're misdirecting the public's attention away from the fact that Jeh Johnson and Homeland Security hacked into the state boards of elections.
They wanted to get into the voter rolls.
They wanted to create a situation where they could take it over, calling it critical infrastructure.
And so what do they do?
They say, well, it's the Russians.
And they did this all after the fact, after everything had escalated for months, after congressmen had written them for an explanation.
They wanted a special independent prosecutor to look into this because they didn't believe Homeland Security was going to investigate themselves.
I don't either.
And so after all of this happens, now they're bringing this stuff up saying, well, we've just now discovered that it was Russians.
President Trump was not being investigated.
Because I find that very odd.
Everybody in the Senate knew it.
And then he even comes out later and goes, oh, I'm the one that leaked the memos to my buddy.
Right, yeah.
And I'm kind of a coward and I'm kind of really not good at what I do.
He's a cowardly leaker by his own admission.
I posted the picture of the cowardly line from the Wizard of Oz.
Cowardly Comey.
He's leaking too.
Well, Gary, you're about to leave the set.
Any final words from Gary Haven?
Yeah, you know, I want to say thank God for Alex Jones and you guys.
And thank God that the President of the United States is getting some of his information from you.
Well, thank God the President of the United States isn't Hillary Clinton, but at least Trump is a true American.
Well, you know, he's struggling, but I think he is a pursuer of truth.
He's just got a heck of a job to do.
He is surrounded by the enemy.
You know, one last thing.
The Deep State.
We've all been talking about the Deep State for a long time.
I don't know if you guys have noticed it or not, but in the last probably four or five months, they have taken the term Deep State and they have modified it.
The deep state now means, according to them, those leftovers from the Obama administration that are there and implanted.
And they get pains in the meaning from those people who are really in power in the shadow government.
See, that's the exact type of thing.
Just by Trump existing, that's the kind of stuff that's just been exposed.
The swamp has exposed itself.
The fake news has exposed itself.
That's the Trump effect.
Gary Haven, thank you so much for your time.
We'll be right back with more on the Alex Jones Show.
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He is the political cartoonist of this era.
Hands down.
There's some other great ones out there that we post on InfoWars.com daily.
He's got a new book that he self-published.
It's amazing.
It's like a coffee table book.
The 2016 Presidential Election Collection.
It's good for adults.
It's good for children.
It's good for everybody.
But this is how you wake somebody up.
Usually people that are leftist or globalist minions.
They won't watch a film, they won't even read a long book.
This is the weapon.
And when I saw this a few months ago, I said, get it, carry it.
And I'm not just saying this, he is the top cartoonist in the world, just from page views and Google searches.
It's hands down, you were already probably in the top two or three, but in the Trump era, you are numero uno.
And it all happened, it really turned around in 2016 because of the election.
My wife and I sat down in late 2015 and decided, you know what?
I'm going to draw more cartoons.
This is too important.
And we're going to go all out this year.
And we saw our support snowball.
I mean, when it comes to changing the world, bro, you're like The Voice.
You're as big as InfoWars.
You're as big as Drudge now.
There's not much out there as big as this.
You are now one of the main guns, brother.
You are one of the main things defending this country.
And there's plenty of room for more guns.
I always encourage young cartoonists to join the fray.
And a lot of them are afraid because they don't want to lose their job, they don't want to lose their, you know, they don't want to get trolled.
And unfortunately, that's kind of the crucible that you're going to get hammered with when you start out.
However, this is just too important.
And what my cartoons are, Alex, I consider them visual alarm bells.
Now, you get on your show and you get angry and you rant.
My cartoons are a form of a visual rant, but they're visual alarm bells, and when that alarm bell goes off, and they get heard, it's going to make some people angry.
Well, did you turn that damn thing off?
And other people are happy.
Well, you're doing a great service.
Waking us up to what's going on.
The left says there's no such thing as a conservative cartoonist because you're not funny and your status quo is wrong.
The status quo is now the liberal deep state, the globalist deep state, the collectivist deep state.
And so all these things that used to be called conspiracy theories have now been revealed to be flat out conspiracies.
And what Trump has done is really he's beaten the snakes out of their holes.
And now we see them for what they are.
That in and of itself is quite a good accomplishment.
More people are waking up and, you know, your show and my cartoons were just trying to continue that momentum.
And people are realizing, you know, hey, we have something called the Constitution.
We have to really wake up and not just go with, like in my cartoon shows, these smiling lambs going brainwashed into the Great Maw, Great Maw of Globalism.
And they're using Islam as a tool to expedite that.
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Do you guys ever wake up and feel like you're the last sane person on earth?
That's how I feel every time when I'm watching these Russian hearings, this Russia investigation.
I'm sitting here scratching my head.
It's like, nothing, Berger.
There's nothing there.
This is unbelievable.
We're wasting all this time and money.
Meanwhile, you've got these huge, you know, there needs to be an investigation into Seth Rich, huge hearings on the WikiLeaks, all that.
We don't get any of that.
It's like, how is this the reality?
I really can't even believe it.
Yeah, there's plenty of things that should be investigated that are being... The Clinton Foundation?
I mean... And we spend time and time and time again on something that's clearly been disproved over and over and over again.
And that's what Goebbels says.
A lie told once is a lie.
A lie told repeatedly over and over again becomes a truth.
And that's what they're doing.
That's why... That's their whole narrative.
Well that's what Jerome Corsi was talking about, how to shut down that propaganda narrative.
It's a very specific technique.
And a lot of times you just, you're not going to be able to...
Disprove something that never existed.
Okay, that's what they want you to try to do.
And so we're there to analyze what they're saying.
We're there to expose what they're saying.
But we also understand we're not the only ones who are awake.
We've got a lot of people out there.
We know that from social media.
That's the key thing about the Internet and social media is that it's allowed us to connect with other people who know what's going on.
They know that this is a lie.
And to transcend this captive narrative that people like Tom Brokaw made a career out of lying to the public, feeding them government press releases, telling them that's the truth.
If you disagree with the government's official story about the JFK assassination, that's a conspiracy theory.
That's when they started using that term.
And so that's the way they shut down.
If you question any of the details of any of their official narratives, no matter how ridiculous they are, then they're going to call you a conspiracy theorist.
It's a very weaponized method, but people are getting around that.
That's why they're trying to use the next level is to go through and...
We're good to go.
Well, and they're already self-censoring social media, or soft-censoring social media, soft-censoring Google results.
They don't do the hard thing yet.
They kind of are just rolling it out, softly introducing it, so that the people don't freak out like, oh, you're filtering my search results, even though that's exactly what they're doing.
I remember being a private in the Army when I first joined, and I remember getting into a debate with one of my drill
We're good to go.
One of the first big reports I ever did at InfoWars was with Jakari in Ferguson.
And I remember sitting there because I had this whole area roped off.
The media staging area.
These guys were just so happy to be in this area, and all I wanted to do was get out of that area and actually go see what was going on.
And they were telling us that they would arrest us if we left that area.
I would see the police come at the end of the night and go, okay, this is what happened.
And they would go, well, apparently we're live right now from Ferguson, Missouri, this is what we saw.
No, you didn't see it.
You were a mile down the road.
We saw this press release.
This is actually an interesting talking point, an interesting discussion to have.
You know, because I was in Ferguson with you, and there's been an amazing kind of changing of everything that's happened since Ferguson.
Because I was of the same belief as you.
When I was in Ferguson, I saw the police lying about what they were doing.
The police tactics that they used in Ferguson were awful.
And again, this has nothing to do with what actually happened or didn't happen to Mike Brown.
This is just in the aftermath.
The one thing that they did, remember, this was the second night, they said, we're not using gas, we're not using gas canisters, and then they're literally firing the gas canisters into the crowd.
I was sitting there filming.
That's when I got shot.
And I'm like, this looks like gas.
What is going on?
You're clearly firing gas.
I was live.
The police officer standing right next to me, nope, not gas.
We're not using gas tonight.
Nope, not gas.
About 30 minutes later, Joe Biggs and Jakari Jackson come sprinting back into the media, literally crying, coughing, hacking their lungs out, vomiting.
And they're like, we just got gassed!
We just got gassed!
They're using the gas out there!
And I immediately turn to the police officer and I'm like, you said they weren't using gas there.
And he's like, we're not using gas.
And you're literally like coiled over dying.
You are a conspiracy theorist.
Oh, my eyes are blood red because at this point in time, me and Jakari had been chased out by an MRAP about a mile outside of Ferguson.
When you saw us, we had just run back in.
I was angry.
I was pissed off.
Oh my gosh.
A dude called me and he goes, right now on the news they're saying that no gas is used.
Is that true?
I was like, that's complete and total crap.
No, no, no, you came back.
I'm hollering, but.
You came to find the cameraman, the reporter, didn't you?
Yeah, CBS.
Where are they at?
Where are they at?
And I run over there and I see him and I was like, you guys are lying!
And I just see him going... But the amazing thing is, but it's weird because there's been kind of a changing of the approach or a weird... Basically because of Antifa now, because of the Trump protests and how violent they've gotten, the police have actually kind of had to change their stance or we've had to change our stance on the police because it's like, hey, somebody has to do something about Antifa.
These people are out of control.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Leftists in Europe carried out 27 terror attacks in 2016, which debunks the claim that conservatives and libertarians represent a bigger extremist threat.
Over 140 terrorist attacks occurred in Europe last year, and 27 of them were blamed on leftists.
In comparison, just one right-wing terror attack was recorded for the entire year.
13 attacks were blamed on jihadis, while the majority of the attacks, nearly 100, were by separatist movements.
Terrorist attacks which led to deaths and injuries are almost exclusively Islamic.
And guess who advocates open borders and radical Islam?
It's the left.
The statistics disprove the narrative that conservatives and libertarians represent a major terrorist threat, a claim the mainstream media was pushing after the recent attack on Muslims near a mosque in London.
The study came from Europol, a law enforcement agency of the European Union tasked with combating organized crime and terrorism.
Additionally, terror experts in the U.S.
are also warning that left-wing terror represents a far bigger concern than ever before, which isn't surprising given how the establishment keeps promoting violence against President Trump.
You can find out more at InfoWars.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
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And we're gonna talk about
What's been escalating in Syria right now, what that means to the conflict with Russia, and with all of this possibly leading to a World War III situation, not to mention all the violence you have in the United States in a possible civil war, Colonel Schaefer warning of a civil war, you're gonna want emergency food!
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People flood to the grocery stores, the water's gone, the bread is gone, everything's gone.
What are you gonna do?
Look at Venezuela.
Look at Venezuela, exactly.
While the magical Venezuela...
Somehow the elites are still having lobster dinners while the rest of people are trying to just fight for scraps on the street.
The wonders of communism.
But that's the point is, you want to have something available for yourself, for your family, to sustain yourself in times that will get chaotic when you might not have access to food, you might not have access to water.
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And you're supporting the tip of the spear.
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That's really our goal, is to defeat the fake news, replace the fake news with real news, and then win the culture war.
Before we get into Syria and World War III, I just wanted to bring this story up because this is an undeniable story.
When you have debates about the border, these are the topics that need to be discussed.
Not your virtue, okay?
Not the fact that you love everybody, or that everybody needs to coexist, or that everyone's a racist.
No, those aren't the issues.
These are the issues.
Half of Oregon's detained illegals guilty of sex crimes.
47.5% of all illegal aliens currently in custody in Oregon are guilty of sex crimes.
These range from rape, to sodomy, to sexual abuse.
Half of the ones detained in Oregon are guilty.
Boy, I wonder, do you think that translates to the entire country?
Of course it does!
That's why we want a strong border!
That's why open border policies have failed!
That's why Europe is collapsing right now!
That's why Sweden is now the rape capital of the world!
You know, those are not on the list of crimes that our sheriff here in Travis County said she would report these people to Immigration Control, right?
They can't even get rape kits in Travis County.
Right, well she had like three specific crimes and that wasn't on it.
And they had somebody turn up and she said, oh well, yeah, maybe we should add
Yeah, maybe.
So she added that.
That was one of the things that got the Texas Legislature and Governor Abbott to run this thing through about saying, look, if you're not going to enforce the law, we're going to come after you.
And so that's something to keep in mind.
And when we look at the criminal issues here, we need to understand too, as we're seeing in the place where my wife grew up in Long Island, it is now overrun with MS-13 in just one county.
They have over 400 MS-13 members.
How did that begin?
It began in the 1980s with a bunch of illegal immigrants from El Salvador, demanding that they get amnesty.
And at the time, the Secretary of State George Shultz said, we're not going to concede to their demands.
It's going to create a lot of problems.
But they created a massive criminal enterprise that is unbelievably cruel.
Nobody can believe what they... They hack people in ways to just intimidate people.
They go excessively over the top to intimidate people.
And the people that they're doing this to
Or by and large, people who are also illegal immigrants who come to this country and they're being pressured to get into that gang.
And so they are, if they refuse to get into that gang or they don't want to be a part of it, then they become exhibit A as to why you do what MS-13 wants you to do.
So it's the people who are trying to escape that violence coming across.
But if you have no control over the borders, they can't stop the criminals from following them over into this country.
Don't you understand it's your hate that's causing them to be gangsters?
It's your hate that's causing them to join MS-13.
I thought it was global warming, the reason that these gangs are violent and that ISIS kills people and beheads everyone.
Well hey, so the next time a liberal wants to tell you how much they care about the non-citizens, quit being racist, where's your heart?
Tell them, oh really?
Half of them are guilty of sex crimes and the other half are probably joining gangs like MS-13.
You want to invite them into your home?
I doubt it.
And that's why none of them have yet, and none of them ever will, despite the multiple calls.
I always ask people that.
Like, do you have a door on your home?
I'm kind of curious.
Well, yeah.
I don't want random people to come in.
I'm like, yeah.
That kind of seems like a great idea, right?
What about windows?
No, man.
No borders.
I don't want something that could come in that could hurt me.
I go, okay, so...
You want a wall then, right?
We don't want random people coming in.
We want to have a better vetting process.
Nah, you're a racist.
Nah, the Pope doesn't have a wall.
Obama doesn't have a wall on his new mansion.
We should go out and do like a video where we have... Michael Moore.
...walkers and knock on people's door like, hey, we're going to be removing your door just because we're going to start letting everyone in.
We just want an open border here in your house.
We're going to have a whole bunch of random people.
And half of the people are going to be guilty of sex crimes, too.
So you're okay with that, right?
And you have a little girl, right?
Okay, so you can coexist then.
Perfect, perfect.
It'll be nice and loving.
Oh, and by the way, I like your really big mansion.
Next week I'm going to bring about 30 or 40 people over for a party.
We're going to need to use that.
Yeah, you're a racist if you don't let us.
Yeah, absolutely.
Don't be a bigot.
Open your doors for anybody and everybody.
I mean, come on now.
You're a bleeding heart liberal even though half of them are guilty of sex crimes.
What's going on?
So, but that's just an interesting story.
Again, that's a study.
This is undeniable.
These are just stats.
But the liberals will deny all the stats, all the truth, all day long if it goes against their virtuous bleeding heart.
Just, just everything is good.
Everything has to be the best.
They'll just say 90%.
All right.
Let's move on to some geopolitical news developing worldwide.
I mean, you could possibly say with the United States downing of the Syrian aircraft and then Russia's response to it, we are probably at the most tense point right now with Syria and Russia and the United States right now in the building to a conflict in Syria that could lead to a bigger conflict.
I'm not sure
If we've really ever had a more tense situation than we do right now.
I think people need to understand what's really at risk here.
Americans don't take this as seriously as they should.
You know, the same day that this jet was shot down, we had this story on the Daily Mail, and it was just a retrospect going back about the secret underground bunkers that we've all read about before.
That the government created for themselves to make sure that they could survive a nuclear attack.
They didn't do anything for us.
That we bombed, by the way.
That's right.
They didn't do anything for us.
Hiding in secret underground bunkers, eating wild birds' pets, and saving their secretaries but not their wives.
How the government planned to survive a nuclear attack.
The government elite.
So they pointed out how Presidents Kennedy, Eisenhower, Roosevelt, Truman, all knew
That there was only going to be enough room for elite few, but they still reassured and lied to the American public and said, that's all right.
You'll be safe in the event of a nuclear war.
I mean, they were telling us crazy things like, hey, if there's a nuclear attack, get out of your car and get into a ditch next to the car.
Things like that.
I remember when they had the Cuban Missile Crisis and I was a child in first grade and they were saying, well, when this happens, you need to make sure that you duck and cover, put your head inside the metal desk.
And even as a six-year-old child, it's like, seriously?
Is this so you can identify my body afterwards?
It's like, who believes this stuff?
And yet, these are the kinds of lies that they were telling us.
So you have to understand that these people who are pushing for war,
Care nothing at all about you.
These hideouts that they've got were made to protect them, not the American public.
And as a guy who wrote a book on it said, he said, the government would protect itself and let the rest of us die.
That's a national security expert.
So what we're seeing here with this, as they're escalating this, last Thursday we had U.S.
artillery positioned in a move forward in Syria.
To target Syrian forces.
And that was Thursday.
Then I think it was Monday that the jet was shot down.
And now we've had another close call today.
We've had NATO jets buzzing a defense minister's plane in Syria.
Two Syrian drones were downed by the United States too.
That's right.
So the question is, they're not there to fight ISIS.
They're still there doing regime change.
There's this article from Antiwar, they talk about how the White House wants to widen the Syrian war despite the Pentagon's objection.
By White House, what they mean is the National Security Council.
That would be people like McMaster, who was just at the Bilderberg conference.
They talk about the fact that those people at the National Security Council, and again McMasters is an accomplice of Petraeus and so forth, they're the ones who don't see this as a fight against ISIS, they see it as a fight against Assad.
That is a prescription for a broader war.
And they point out that, on the other hand, you've got Mattis, who is at the Pentagon, saying, no, we want to fight ISIS.
Well, you know, if we want to fight ISIS, maybe the best thing we could do is get out of the civil war, instead of interjecting ourselves into it, and let the Russians and the Syrians, who are winning, continue to fight ISIS.
And yet we continue to align ourselves with these ever-changing groups, always changing their names, always changing their demographics and everything, and always telling us that they're not ISIS.
But they are ISIS!
And I think the proof
Of course.
They're both the same.
And that's what they don't want to tell you.
That's what they won't admit.
They're both telling the truth.
Yeah, exactly.
They're just putting a different spin on it.
And the reason why they're spinning it is because exactly what you said.
Because the real goal in Syria is to remove Assad from power.
Which then brings it back home and you say, we've got all these investigations going on, completely phony, saying that Russia is trying to influence regime change in America.
Meanwhile, we are literally trying to force a regime change in Syria.
This is why I wake up and ask myself if I'm the last sane man on Earth.
How can we actually cover this?
Well, then you have the Air Force, too, dropping off munitions and weapons, U.S.
And then ISIS brags about it.
Yeah, to ISIS.
And the thing is, though, is I'm not blaming these Air Force pilots because they're given a coordinate.
And they go and they fly and they drop it.
And they even said, we don't want to be ISIS's air force.
Yeah, but here's the thing, though.
And then they are.
And all they do is they fly and they drop it.
They don't know where it's going.
They're told, hey, this is for rebel forces to take out ISIS, blah, blah, blah, blah.
It goes there, next thing you know, it's on the news.
So let me ask you this, then.
So let me ask you this, because you would have a little insight onto this.
So John McCain apparently is the only one meeting with these forces on the ground.
John McCain did it in 2012.
He did it again this year.
He does it, you know, secretly.
The media doesn't talk about it.
He was with ISIS?
Well, he's the one that brags, too.
He's like, I'm on the ground talking to these people.
I'm on the ground.
I know what's going on.
Anytime anyone wants to say anything about it,
And he's got Soros donating to his foundation.
Right, and then you've got Soros giving him money, too.
So, I mean, what do you think the odds are, Joe, that John McCain essentially somehow is influencing these ISIS fighters in Syria, but has somehow tricked people in the States to think that they're some sort of moderate rebels or something that are trying to help them with their regime change?
How much decompartmentalization or compartmentalization is there with John McCain and the meetings that he's having with what I believe are ISIS fighters in Syria?
I just don't get how people don't see it.
Is that obvious?
It's plain as day.
I mean, this guy is out there doing that.
Just months after he goes there, they have chemical attacks.
That happened twice.
You know, and it's funny.
He's like one of the only Republicans that the Democrats ever kind of go, don't talk about him bad.
He's a hero.
Like, to me, I always find that interesting.
They attack every Republican except, or I mean, they, you know, they attack everybody, but for him...
He's awesome.
Because he's a means to an end.
Because the Democrats wanted to overthrow Assad.
The entire time under Obama, they completely tried to use the military to overthrow Assad.
And the first time Obama did it, you know, Americans were like, no, this is ridiculous.
Why would we do that?
We need to understand, and we need to as supporters of Trump, we need to contact him and we need to tell him that we don't want to get involved in regime change in Syria.
He made that very clear, he ran on that issue, and Coulter said at this point in time when they shot the missiles off, because there was the news story that these children had been gassed by the Syrian government.
And we've seen that whole playbook before.
She said, I didn't think at this point in time
We would be fighting over Syria.
I thought we'd be fighting over whether or not we're going to get rid of the Dreamers or something to that effect.
We need to talk to Trump, and we need to get him to do what he said he was going to do.
And we've seen this before with the Paris Climate Agreement.
There was a delay in terms of getting out of that.
For several months, he didn't do that.
He got out of TPP right away, but then there was this division within the administration.
We had people who were telling him, no, no, we need to stay in that.
Rex Tillerson was saying, no, we want to stay in it, and so forth.
I don't
Are they trying to get into the Syrian Civil War?
But the ultimate target is to have that as an excuse to get into Iran.
And with the shake-up that we just saw in Saudi Arabia, that is going to be much more likely because the people, the change that we've just seen in the Saudi leadership today, that's going to mean that they're going to go much harder for Iran.
So that's a very large concern for all of us.
It's pushing us to the brink of World War III.
Well, you've got to think about this.
A lot of these military officials like McMaster, all these people are saying,
You know, our favorite thing about President Trump is the fact that he gives us free reign to do whatever we want.
Well, see, he needs to retract his statement, in my mind, because you have a lot of these deep state individuals.
Or just fire them off and replace them.
But keep Mattis, though.
Mattis is the right one.
He needs to go back and say, Mattis, you have free reign to do what you need to do.
Because Mattis, like you said, wants to take out ISIS.
That's his main objective, is to annihilate those guys.
Because you know how many Marines that we've lost?
How many soldiers and all that from ISIS?
He knows it.
He's been there.
He's been on the battlefield.
He understands what that means.
He wants to take those guys out.
And the best way to do that?
Would be to get out of the way of Russia and Syria.
They are winning with that.
We do not want greater chaos.
Everywhere that we've gone, whether it has been Libya, with a regime change there, it always makes it worse.
And we can coordinate.
Our military can come with those guys.
What have you guys seen?
What targets do you have?
What high-value targets?
Okay, you're low on ammunition.
We can bring in a guy real quick and take that for you.
Instead we saw just the opposite.
They had a hotline that was going to try to avoid this specific type of conflict.
The Americans did not use that hotline.
They shot down the
We're good to go.
Well, we don't support that!
That's not what his constituents want, so that's what we need to let him know.
Keep an eye on us, get rid of everyone else.
We'll be right back with more of the Alex Jones Show.
What is it going to take?
What is it gonna take?
We have a situation here where an Islamic terrorist set off an explosive device killing children going to see a pop concert at an arena.
What is it going to take before I, after an event like this happens, I go to Twitter, pick up my phone, I go to Twitter and I'm like, wow, everyone agrees this has to stop.
Everyone actually agrees that this needs to have some type of resolution to it.
But, kids being murdered by Islamic terrorism, and I go to Twitter and it's, oh right, let's not fall for being Islamophobic.
Let's look at the reasons they're doing this.
Lone wolf.
Oh, and it was a balloon puppet.
I am so disgusted.
It's gotten to the point where these aren't soldiers.
These aren't people that signed on to take the risk of fighting a war.
These were children and their parents going to see an Ariana Grande show.
That's not something you look at and go, well, you know, they kind of asked for it.
Although, boy, you look at Twitter again and you will actually see that.
People that cannot do anything but try to find anyone else to blame for these horrific attacks that we're seeing being carried out by Islam, in the name of Islam.
This guy that did this, this is a gentleman that was known to law enforcement.
I love that one because it's every single time these people are known to law enforcement.
What the hell are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
He's known to law enforcement.
He traveled to Libya.
To see dear old dad and his brothers, I gather, that he comes back to the UK and they don't pull this guy aside and interview him and talk to him?
If a guy known to law enforcement for being involved in some type of Islamic shenanigans travels to Libya, then comes back to the UK,
That's the guy you should be talking to.
That's the drop everything, this piece of garbage just came back from Libya.
Send someone to have a chat with him.
I was unaware of this, but apparently Megyn Kelly made a real fool of herself when trying to talk about pepper spray.
I don't even believe the stories that the guys are telling me about what she said.
But apparently Megyn Kelly thought something about pepper spray and then just had no idea what was going on.
We remember the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations.
Sure, Soros funded.
Yeah, you remember the set in that was at Berkeley.
And everybody remembers that corpulent cop.
Who walked along just spraying pepper spray at a very close range in these people's faces.
They were, you know, exercising their right to protest.
I don't agree with them, but they have a constitutional right to peacefully assemble and redress their grievances.
They were not screaming racist at people.
They weren't vandalizing products or anything like we see now.
But that was absolutely outrageous, and of course that guy was put on leave, but he continued to collect his six-figure-plus salary, so he basically got a paid vacation for that.
So you had this situation following that for a couple of days, and I'm not sure what this picture is.
Oh, those people were getting sprayed.
I guess that's the iconic thing that everybody's talking about.
Well, Megyn Kelly goes on with Bill O'Reilly, and they're talking about how it was all these people's fault because they disobeyed the Chancellor's orders not to assemble there.
So that gave them the right to use that kind of excessive force.
And then Megyn Kelly said, well, you know, pepper spray is essentially a food product.
And everybody was outraged with that.
Now, we could run with this in the same way that she came after Alex Jones with Sandy Hook and everything, and say, well, you know, is she insane?
Well, she said, I was just giving that as a background.
But in the real context of that report, they were talking about how this is all justified from a law enforcement standpoint.
And, of course, it's essentially a food product.
So, people at the time took out a petition, and they said, to back up your claim that pepper spray is a food product, please consume as much of it as was sprayed on each professor's face in one sitting, on camera, at Fox News.
I spray it on my covfefe every morning when I wake up.
It's delicious.
There was even like a Japanese animation news site that put some stuff out having a lot of fun with that.
That's kind of like the glyphosate.
This cumin smells really good, but you know what it could use?
Some pepper spray.
Some pepper spray.
I think that would really just add to it.
Maybe some, what do you want to dip it in?
Some glyphosate?
Some Covfefe.
Well, you know, the thing is, there you go, there's the one that they did in Asia.
They're talking about how effective this is.
It's very effective.
It's been sprayed many times.
They are spraying people in the face and they're getting points for it.
But, you know, she said things like, we all know that Santa Claus is white and so forth and so on.
So, if you want to hang somebody by their comments, you can certainly do a hit piece very easily on Megyn Kelly, like she did with Alex Jones.
Taking something, an isolated comment, take it out of context and hang on it.
We don't even need to take her comments out of context.
When she's talking about the pepper spray stuff.
When she's talking about Santa Claus.
That's something that would have been very nice to use and bring up during the thing when she was here.
Like, have you used any food product today?
Or just like randomly just kind of insert it.
Hey, does anyone have any pepper spray?
I'm a little hungry here.
I wanted to pepper up this dish that I have here.
A little pepper spray would be great.
Megan, you got any pepper spray?
Well, you know, the interesting thing too is that she did a couple of different interviews with me in the sense that, you know, first she does like a puff piece interview and then
Pretends that the interview is over, they keep the microphone running.
Yeah, they tried to do the same to me, too.
They were going to do some over-the-shoulder shots and so forth, and she tried to get me to say stuff about Trump, and says, well, you must oppose him on eminent domain.
I said, oh, absolutely.
And I opposed him on things like civil asset forfeiture as well, but I said, and she goes, civil asset forfeiture?
What's that?
She has absolutely no idea what that is.
But I said, on the things I disagree with him on, we had Hillary Clinton with exactly the same issues.
And he brings to the table some very important issues that no other candidate, Republican or Democrat, was talking about.
And that's how to stop the encroachment of global government on taking over our country, taking over our economy.
That's funny that Megyn Kelly said that to you.
When I was saying things about Seth Rich, she was like clueless to that too.
She doesn't do any research.
She doesn't read anything except the teleprompter.
No idea what civilized... She's like a real doll.
All right, you know what?
Okay, we're gonna do it.
Megyn Kelly's joining us next segment.
I'm dead serious.
Megyn Kelly in studio.
We'll be right back.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, bring her on in.
Bring Megyn Kelly on in.
Hi guys!
Megyn Kelly, I wasn't joking, Megyn Kelly is now joining us in studio.
She wanted to clear the air about the pepper spray comments and she's going to cook us all dinner later.
Megyn Kelly joins us in studio.
There you can see she never actually left.
Megyn Kelly never actually left.
Megyn Kelly is wearing a Trump t-shirt.
How's everybody doing?
Megyn Kelly is not a journalist.
You're not a journalist.
You're not a journalist.
Megyn Kelly wouldn't be caught dead wearing a Trump t-shirt.
So that's obviously... Oh, that's Megyn Kelly.
What are you talking about, David?
It's right there.
It's a corpse.
It's nothing but bone.
It's Megyn Kelly.
And then here's her arm.
What are your original thoughts on what's happening right now?
I don't know.
I don't see a teleprompter anywhere to read off.
Well, you know, the interesting thing is, we also had this weekend, we had Steve Bannon troll the press.
And they kept saying, you know, why aren't we seeing Sean Spicer on television?
Because they're pulling back the role of the White House press corps that's been operating as a guild with their little monopoly status.
And he said, well, we pulled him off because Sean got fat.
And so he's doing that as a joke.
And then you have Chelsea Clinton come out and say, the White House is using fat shaming to justify increased opacity.
Fully trolled.
And didn't Spicer actually get a promotion too?
I think Spicer got a promotion.
But seriously, she doesn't recognize sarcasm.
I tweeted out, is Chelsea Clinton such a dense snowflake that she doesn't understand it's sarcasm?
Did her mother's obesity aid her opacity?
She's not even a good person.
She didn't even tell Webster Hubble Happy Father's Day.
Wow, how rude.
She told her own guy.
She's in complete denial.
You know, it's amazing because I think that there's been a lot of instances though where either Trump tweets something or Flynn says something or there's some
You think so?
Look at the right!
They're crazy!
They're joking about Covfefe!
How could they?
It's not even real!
It's like, yeah, we have a sense of humor.
It's funny.
You're the ones that freak out about Trump's Twitter.
Chelsea, she has absolutely no sense of humor.
What did you call her?
Thick as a brick?
Yeah, thick as a brick.
At least she's not thin as a skeleton like Megan.
The thing is...
To have the nerve to say that this is a lack of opacity when her mother probably holds the record for the fewest press conferences of anybody who's running for president.
That's the amazing thing to me.
Not only the total humorlessness of this political correctness, but the hypocrisy that she thinks she can get away with.
I thought what Steve Bannon did was brilliant.
Isn't that the overarching story that will never die is the blatant hypocrisy of everything that we're seeing.
The Russia investigation.
It was the Democrats that colluded with Trump.
Russia was meddling in our election.
No, that was the Democrats.
Or excuse me, the Democrats colluding with Russia.
So it's just like this blatant hypocrisy and now the latest is
Chuck Schumer gets on the floor and says, how dare the GOP want to pass Trumpcare without even showing us what's in it?
How dare they present Trumpcare but we can't even read the bill?
It's up Chuck Schumer, the lowest scum in politics perhaps now.
That's exactly what you did with Obamacare!
And you bragged about it!
Jonathan Gruber bragged about it!
I mean, that's how ignorant they think the American public is.
But it is wrong to do that in secret.
And it is wrong to not have an open discussion.
Of course it is!
But it's like, how can Chuck Schumer say that?
Yeah, the Republicans need to be better about that.
They need to call him on that hypocrisy about that.
But they also need to do the right thing, and Senator Rand Paul is very upset about that as well.
There's a very easy way to get rid of the criminal bankruptcy and violation of our rights and the Constitution, and Jerome Corsi laid that out in great detail.
This thing is funded on money that has been stolen from Fannie and Freddie investors.
They need to restore that.
They could shut that down very easily.
All they have to do is end the appeal.
That is all that they have to do.
Thanks, Megyn Kelly, for joining us.
Paul Joseph Watson on the other side.
Anarchists and Antifa activists continue to engage in sporadic street battles across the country.
And they are targeting Trump supporters.
And that means extremism experts are now focusing on the left.
Retired Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Schaefer recently appeared on Fox & Friends.
...and gave the mainstream media a dose of the truth.
The progressive left has been radicalized, and they want a civil war.
The pathology is clear.
If one side begins to act violently, you have inevitably the other side starting to come back.
It always happens.
So we have to understand if the government does not stop the violence on the left, you'll see more violence on the right and retaliation.
It's inevitable.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live, it is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show on this Wednesday edition.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, we've got a couple of guests coming on from the Rebel Media.
They were in attendance at today's Day of Rage leftist temper tantrum in London, where the Corbynistas threatened to overthrow the government.
Didn't actually happen, imagine my shock.
But they got attacked within 15 minutes of arriving at this protest, bundled into a police van, driven out of London simply for challenging these progressives on their ideas, of which they have none.
They have no arguments whatsoever.
They hold up giant banners saying Communist Revolutionary Party.
A pathetic amount turned up.
They held a protest in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, proving once again that they need to get a job.
The joke going around on Twitter is you should have, you know, if you were afraid of these Corbynistas requisitioning your property, which is what Jeremy Corbyn has called for, you should just hang a sign saying Jobcentre above it, and that would have scared them off like a cross to a vampire.
So we're going to get Lucy Brown and George Llewellyn-John on the show at the bottom of the hour to discuss what happened with them today, with the progressive, tolerant Liberals there in London.
But on the subject of progressive tolerant liberals, Europol reports, this is the big European Union police organisation, their statistics say leftists carried out 27 times more terror attacks than right-wingers.
A new report by Europol has revealed that leftists carried out 27 times more terror attacks than right-wingers in 2016, once again debunking claims that the right represents a bigger extremist threat.
Which, of course, we saw again in the aftermath of the attack on the mosque, or the attack near the mosque on Monday, on Sunday night, excuse me.
You know, the right is the biggest extremist threat.
This just proves it once again.
Well, no.
That's complete BS.
You look at the figures.
In 2016, there was one terror attack.
Nobody died.
One terror attack.
Blamed on the right wing in Europe for the whole year.
Left wing carried out or attempted to carry out at least 27 terror attacks.
So you have a factor of 27 to 1 left wing versus right wing.
Of course, the vast majority of deaths were as a result of Islamic jihadists, religion of peace.
So again, just one right-wing terror attack was recorded for the entire year.
142 failed, foiled, and completed terrorist attacks, out of which 27 were left-wing.
So 27 to 1 left versus right-wing.
13 attacks were blamed on Islamic jihadists.
The rest were labeled separatist attacks.
There were 142 deaths, 135 of which were as a result of Islamic terror attacks.
374 of the 379 injured were due to jihadist terror.
So by far the biggest threat in terms of people dying and in terms of terror attacks are jihadists, Islamists and leftists.
So don't come at me with this crap about the far-right being the rising threat in terms of domestic extremism and domestic terrorism.
It's the left.
We're exactly one week out since a far-left terrorist, radicalised by anti-Trump media hysteria, radicalised by Trump-Russia collusion fake news, tried to massacre Republicans.
That was just a week ago.
Nobody's even talking about it anymore.
You know, who was it?
Scott Pelly came out and said it was Trump's fault.
You had a Trump supporter being stabbed nine times by an Armenian Muslim gang because he supported the President, because he had Trump paraphernalia on his vehicle.
That guy went through surgery, he's still in hospital.
If that was the other way around,
Imagine if a gang of violent Trump supporters had stabbed a Muslim nine times and they were in hospital.
They were critical.
That would be a nationwide news story.
There would be absolute apoplectic outrage and condemnation.
And rightly so.
But it happens the other way around.
Absolutely nothing, because they're desperate to bury the real narrative of hate crime, which is the fact that it's being meted out against Trump supporters, against conservatives, all the time, on an almost daily basis now.
Then you look at the facts in Europe, they show, they prove, the left is a far bigger terror threat.
Now in the US, and this is also included in the article,
Extremism experts are finally now beginning to realize that the left is a far bigger threat in terms of domestic extremism.
Brian Levine, a former NYPD officer who now specializes in counter-extremism, told Vice.
Okay, Vice.
Not Breitbart, not InfoWars, but Vice, who actually did a story on this.
Extremism experts are starting to worry about the left.
That he realised the left was a bigger violent threat when he attended a KKK rally last year, as an observer, not as a member, only to find himself having to protect one of the Klansmen from being attacked by a member of Antifa.
At that point I said we have something coalescing on the hard left, said Levine.
They talked to another counter-extremism expert, Oren Seagal, the director of the Centre on Extremism.
He said, I think we're in a time where we can't ignore the extremism from the left.
And he was speaking to increased Antifa violence.
He went on to say, quote, when we have anti-fascist counter-protests, not that they are the same as white supremacists that can ratchet up the violence at these events, it means we can see people who are violent on their own to be attracted to that.
So they're admitting now in the US, the top counter-terror experts, the main concern when it comes to domestic extremism, when it comes to domestic terrorism, is now the left.
The figures in Europe back it up.
That's the true narrative, not the narrative you will hear on the mainstream media where they have one guy
Crash into a group of Muslims near a mosque in London and suddenly that's the foundation of an entire narrative of this Islamophobic hate crime wave sweeping Britain.
Because the cause of that was the numerous Islamic terror attacks that have happened in London and Manchester over the past three months.
That was the cause.
No Islamophobic backlash to any of those attacks up until that point.
That was the cause.
The cause wasn't the fact that Brits are so racist and intolerant.
So that's the true narrative that they're not telling you.
Also, we have CNN and Jim Acosta, the activist who is posing as a neutral, impartial reporter, literally having a fit on air when he starts whining and complaining about, God forbid, Donald Trump being asked an equal number of questions from conservative media outlets and mainstream media outlets.
Here's the clip.
Slowly but surely being dragged into what is a new normal in this country where the President of the United States is allowed to insulate himself from answering hard questions.
He hasn't had a full-blown press conference since February.
He has these two plus two press conferences with a foreign head of state where, you know, maybe he'll take a question from a conservative news media reporter and then somebody from the mainstream media.
It just, this isn't how we do things in this country, but for whatever reason we're all going along with it.
That's just not how we do things in America.
We can't have Trump taking an equal amount of questions from conservative and mainstream media, can we?
God forbid!
This is a guy who is posing as a reporter.
This is the same guy who tweeted out the fake news that Donald Trump hadn't gone and seen Congressman Scalise when he was in hospital after the attack last week.
Again, completely fake news.
He never
Apologise for it.
He just blamed another reporter when initially he said it was a White House source that had told him that Trump didn't go to see Scalise in hospital.
Complete lie.
And he's out on CNN again, whining and bitching and complaining about, God forbid, Donald Trump.
Taking equal questions.
Absolutely insane situation.
Meanwhile, the national referendum on Donald Trump's first six months in office, not my words, the words of the New York Times, ends in humiliating defeat for leftists.
Of course, this was the congressional race in Georgia where Karen Handel beat John Ossoff despite being outspent by a margin of 7-1.
The Democrat spent 22 million on his campaign compared to Handel dropping just 3 million on hers.
A replay of how Trump defeated Hillary despite being vastly outgunned financially.
And of course they had another temper tantrum in reaction to that, refusing once again to analyse the reason why they lost, to look in the mirror, to have a moment of self-reflection.
Maybe it's the fact that you've got absolutely no policy whatsoever, apart from to point at half the population of America and call them racist and misogynist.
Will they ever get to the point where they analyse their own policies?
We shouldn't tell them to.
I mean, they've lost and lost and lost again for the past six, seven years.
So why should we even be encouraging them to reassess their campaign?
Mayor Bloomberg went on CNN with Anderson Cooper and said Democrats will lose in 2020 because the party is going to be torn apart.
Last night, CNN and Anderson Cooper's effort to desperately avoid discussing the Democratic debacle unfolding in Georgia, Cooper decided to pivot his discussion with Mike Bloomberg to focus on the 2020 election cycle.
So basically, Bloomberg said Trump has a 55% chance of re-election because he's the incumbent, he has the advantage.
And Bloomberg went on to say, the Democratic Party is going to be torn apart by the left and the centrists, because again, they can't coalesce around one focused message.
It's all about demonising the opposition through identity politics.
It's all about jumping on this failing social justice bandwagon.
It's not working, it continues to fail, but they continue to do it.
And we should be celebrating that fact.
We had a terror attack again today in an airport in Michigan.
Officers stabbed by a man yelling Al-Akbar Airport.
FBI investigating possible terror.
Isn't it interesting how the report of the attacker at the Finsbury Mosque came out?
He shouted he wanted to kill all Muslims.
That was reported by an eyewitness.
It was confirmed bombshell proof within minutes.
This is like, oh, he may have shouted Al-Araqba.
Maybe it's terrorism.
Maybe we'll just drop it and hope everyone forgets about it.
We'll be back on the Alex Jones Show, live breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
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This is one of the most amazing stories I've seen in years to take us behind the curtain of fake corporate news.
CNN's famous in 1991 for saying they were hit with a Scud missile in Tel Aviv with nerve gas.
They were in CNN Center in Atlanta.
Everybody knows about that because they don't want other citizens being there, you know, jumping on camera saying things, basically.
So they do it from their studios.
And then they claim they're out there on the ground.
Well, this is different.
This is getting a fake demonstration together with a bunch of signs they hand out to have, quote, Muslims say, let's come together.
We're sorry for the terror attack.
But that's not really happening or going on.
So they have to produce it.
It's a PR event.
So Mark Antro, he's on Twitter at Twitter at Mark.
You're there in London.
Give us your overall view of what's happening in the world, what you're witnessing unfold, and the fact that your story now is in hundreds of news sites.
CNN's responded saying, OK, we did stage it, but it was a real demonstration.
Cernovich predicted this.
They'd say, oh, we did stage it, but we went and found real people to come be part of it.
Well, I mean, who knows?
If they'd stage this, what won't they stage, Mark?
I mean, I'm just lost for words.
I mean, if we have some context, the weekend before last, ISIS put out the threat over Ramadan that it was going to be a holy month of war, following the Westminster attacks and the Manchester attacks.
People are saying people in London aren't scared and that we're carrying on as normal.
We're not.
The media's portraying one thing, and people are feeling very, very different.
So I suppose that's my initial take.
To your point around CNN faking the narrative, I mean, it's just morally bankrupt as far as I'm concerned.
But at the very beginning of the clip, you'll notice we've got, I think her name's Becky, setting up the scene with CNN.
I mean, you clearly see
Becky lining the shot up.
You'll see BBC, who are next, start waving and setting up a scene with them, telling them to get into shot.
This is what gets me.
So the scene's about to go live.
I'm not sure if you've got the audio there.
But Becky starts to see, after setting it up, a whole false pretense.
And she opens up and her opening line is,
This is a wonderful scene here.
And so you hear me laugh.
And I go, that's because you've put the scene together.
And the BBC director laughed with me.
I mean, they know.
They know it's fake.
So while CNN is saying, yes, these are sincere Muslims who are against ISIS, I'm not disputing that for a second.
But what I'm saying is how false of a pretence it is.
How staged it was.
And for Becky to stand there and go, this is a poignant scene.
It's a poignant scene because your script is a poignant scene.
It's not a poignant scene because that's the truth and the reality.
And that, that, that, that, I think to me, that's the real issue here.
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We're live.
It's the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We've got our guests coming up in the next segment.
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Also, we got a few minutes left in this segment.
Let's delve back into the news.
Of course, we had
An attempted attack in Brussels at the train station there, which I travelled through with Joe Biggs and Zimmerman a couple of years ago when we were covering the aftermath of the Paris attack, when they were still hunting for the terrorists in Molenbeek.
Guess where this terrorist come from?
This potential suicide bomber.
Guess where he came from?
Oh, it's Molenbeek.
Brussels station attacker tried to blow himself up with a nail bomb as he stood next to a group of passengers.
Thankfully, he was unsuccessful.
They managed to gun him down now, he's dead.
But another attack, or attempted attack in Europe, we had the Shonzeleze attempted attack a couple of days ago.
It's literally virtually every day now.
But 47% believe there's a fundamental clash between Islam and British values.
This is a YouGov poll carried out across the world.
And in fact, if you drill into the stats, it shows us even more belief that Islam is intolerant is in
Uh, not able to integrate into Western society and values.
Britain is slightly less.
In other countries such as Finland, it's higher.
But 47% of Brits believe that Islam fundamentally clashes with the values of British society with only 23% saying they think Islam is compatible with Britain.
And again, the numbers elsewhere are higher.
You've got 60% in Finland, 59% in Denmark, 59% in Norway, 56% in Sweden.
Can you believe it?
I mean, the anti-immigration party in Sweden is currently the most popular party.
They've got an election coming up next year.
Could Sweden still save itself and prove itself to be an example for the rest of Europe?
But this poll again shows, there was a poll a couple of months ago,
A significant majority of European citizens wanted to shut down Muslim immigration entirely.
They wanted a Trump-style ban.
In fact, more than a Trump-style ban, because that didn't even include, what, five of the... nine of the top ten, actually, most populous Muslim countries.
European citizens, when asked, want to shut it down altogether.
The majority of them.
They're all Islamophobes, they're all racists, the majority of people living in Europe.
Absolutely incredible.
Obama-appointed BLM activist blames white people for illegal alien-murdering Muslim girl.
So we had this story yesterday, of course, we pointed out the fact they blamed Trump supporters for this tragic death of a Muslim teen.
It turned out to be an illegal immigrant from El Salvador that ICE had been trying to deport for years.
Even after that came out,
Even after it was known that it was an illegal immigrant, not a white person, not a Trump supporter, that didn't stop Brittany Packner, a Black Lives Matter activist, who was appointed by Obama to take part in the President's 21st Century Policing Task Force,
From blaming white people for this illegal immigrant's alleged actions.
She wrote on Twitter, quote, So even though it was an illegal immigrant, non-white,
He abducted and killed her because of white people, because obviously he had somehow absorbed by proxy their inherent racism and hatred for Muslims.
So no matter what happens, even if it's an illegal immigrant murdering somebody, they still find a way to blame white people.
Because they're demented, because they're intersectionalists, and that's just how they roll.
They're racist.
We'll be back.
It's the Alex Jones Show Live.
Rebel media film crew mobbed by leftists at the Day of Great Protest in London.
We'll be back.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back to Brain Fight.
I'm the real Tuck Buckford.
And coming up this Thursday, I'm going to be in Alex Jones' face, showing the world what a traitor and an enemy he is.
Let's look at another dried lizard penis.
Why, that's Bill Clinton.
Tuck Buckford don't like Alex Jones.
I want to bring up my next guest.
Donald, John Trump, he's been on the show before and all of it's gonna be brought to you by CBS and that little angel Stephen Colbert.
So join me this Thursday for the real brain fight during the Alex Jones Show 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central at that traitorous evil website.
None of you should visit InfoWars.com.
This is not violent at all, but I do this to Trump.
Just do what CBS wants, that's good.
I'm gonna do whatever my...
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
It's the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show and we have our guests on the line.
The Corbynistas marched on Parliament today.
Their goal was to overthrow the government.
That's what they actually said before this march took place.
Didn't quite happen like that, but we're going to find out what happened during today's day of rage in London.
We have George Llewellyn, John and Lucy Brown, cameraman and contributor.
For the Rebel.Media who were there today.
Welcome to the show guys.
Hi Alex.
Hi Paul.
Good to have you here.
Now you were there doing filming for Rebel.Media.
You were inserting yourself into this very tolerant, progressive group of people.
Tell us what happened almost immediately when you arrived on the scene today.
Well, we were actually just scoping out this scene.
We hadn't even started reporting yet, and there were a few guys who were kind of on our side, who were doing a bit of live debating, so we started filming them.
So they were the ones that were attacked, and then of course I had the rebel microphone, so as soon as, I don't know, as soon as people saw that, they kind of started whispering to each other, word got round, of course I'm white.
I mean, the whole thing took about, in and out in about 15 minutes.
We kind of turned up, filmed this debate that was happening.
They chased those guys right out of Parliament Square, kind of a, pretty much the whole protest kind of chased them out at, you know, 100 feet.
So who were the guys that they were chasing again?
They were from a YouTube channel called Make Britain Great Again.
So they're actually, like, allies.
The owner's a friend of mine, but they're our guys.
How did they know that they were evil Nazis?
Were they wearing any kind of caps or, God forbid, a British flag?
They were trying to have a discussion.
Yeah, they literally just said that, uh...
You know, it was a kind of a cross-party issue and not a, you know, it was kind of a governmental issue rather than a political issue.
And they were just... I've never seen anything like it.
They were just screamed at.
Yeah, I mean, Kensington is a Labour councillor, is that right?
A Labour MP?
So they have the temerity to engage in a civil discussion with these people, and for that they were chased out of town, right?
Yeah, so we kind of followed them with a camera, obviously trying to get that footage.
And then they kind of chased them out of Parliament Square, and then one of them came back, started talking to Lucy and saying, oh, but you guys are fascists, aren't you?
And you can kind of see them all looking around, looking for the next victim.
They kind of, you know,
Get their sights on us and they're just straight in there, straight away.
They're all wound up.
They were on alert for fascists, God forbid people with different opinions, to try and almost literally lynch them.
You were there for what you said, about 15 minutes.
What happened next?
They attacked George's equipment, which is like the second time this week that that's happened.
It's started, I was wearing this hat.
Probably not the best idea, but with the weather we're having at the moment, I kind of just wanted to keep it simple.
And this guy just ripped the hat straight off.
I probably quite stupidly just went straight after him, found myself in the middle of it all, and then kind of Lucy's coming after me.
Well, it's actually my hat, so I wasn't going to let him do it.
It's one of my favourite hats.
It really triggers people.
But yeah, they just went straight for George.
And then they cornered me and they formed like a circle, literally like a stonehenge around me.
And they kept pushing me.
You know how they kind of push you and say it's probably best for you to go?
So I was standing there going, I'm not going.
I'm not going.
Well, it's tackling, isn't it?
It's basically what the police do.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, Lucy called it a metaphorical stoning when we were in the police van on the way out, because they had to escort us out, and I think it's absolutely right.
It really was a metaphorical stoning.
I even had someone barging into me.
Yeah, that was in the police van, so they kind of had to take us out.
They literally had to bundle you into a police van because you tried to have a conversation with some of these people.
Apparently it's our fault because we were inciting hatred and we were disturbing the peace.
And it's the same with the Make Britain Great Again guys.
One of them actually got a cut on his head.
And he went up to a police officer and explained that someone had hit him over the head with a flagpole.
And they said, well, it's your fault for turning up and inciting hatred.
Having your own opinion is inciting hatred now in Britain.
So they weren't actually bundling you away for your own protection, really.
It was because you'd done something wrong.
That was the implication.
Yeah, pretty much.
I mean the sad thing is we went along, we've got a video that's just been out on The Rebel in the last hour from Grenfell where we went down a couple of days ago.
And what we saw there was this actually like a really great scene of kind of people coming together, you know, the Sikhs were there kind of giving out food, everyone was kind of trying to sign up to volunteer and it was this actually quite a surprisingly kind of positive community vibe.
And then I think, you know, there were very few people actually from Grenfell there today because today was just
Anger and hostility.
And we were trying to say to people, actually, you know, we do believe that these people have been failed on quite a huge level, that something's gone wrong somewhere and people need to be held accountable.
But they just weren't interested.
They just saw the hat, saw the Rebel Mike and that was it.
Well, it's interesting because there were comments about Grenfell from one of the charities representing some of the victims there before this protest took place, basically distancing themselves from it, saying we don't endorse anything that's going to happen with this protest.
So as you said, it looks like it's a different group of people.
It's these Corbanista types, these Antifa types, that are hijacking the poor situation that these people find themselves in, hijacking the grief
To pursue their own aim, which in their own words before this protest was to overthrow the government.
I mean, why would you come out with such an insane aim for a protest, which is clearly not going to happen unless you're going to try and cause violence.
Thankfully nothing happened.
I mean, I've seen pictures of them getting up and screaming in police officers' faces.
Did you see much of that?
Did you see much anger?
Yeah, a little bit.
I mean, before we even arrived there, we were kind of checking Twitter when we were on our way over, and it was just constant kind of arrests, arrests, arrests.
And we got there, we were surprised how small it was, because, you know, usually the arrests these days are huge.
They're not very good at organising things.
Yeah, no, absolutely.
But it really was just this hardcore group, and they were just going after anyone.
Like I say, after they chased these guys out, they just turned and they're like attack dogs, just looking for the next.
You know, it's not a case of, oh, this person's done something to piss me off, I'll go after them.
They're looking for somebody to go after, they're looking for someone to kind of just shout down and attack.
I mean, I had one guy, this kind of middle-aged Scottish guy, looks like he could just be anyone's dad, looked completely kind of innocuous, and then suddenly when the police's back turned, comes up to me and just says into my ear, you're gonna die today, mate.
And I'm just thinking like, bloody hell, I'm literally, I'm here with a camera.
You know, I'm here with Lucy, we're trying to have a conversation with people.
And it's just this horrible, horrible aggression that just, it's not a counter-protest, it's not a protest about democracy or the government even, it's just these people who are saying we want things our way and we're going to be violent and aggressive and nasty until we get it.
I mean, we've got the photographs up on InfoWars.com.
Literally, they have huge banners saying, Communist Revolutionary Party.
They talk to people, they say, you wanted to overthrow the government today, how are you going to do that?
They've got no idea what they're talking about.
Do they have any kind of coherent message?
I mean, what kind of signs did you see?
Was there any kind of coherent aim to this protest?
Or was it just a huge temper tantrum?
Tories out, Tories are scum.
May is bad.
What else?
It was basically, I mean, it was just your usual kind of socialist workers, you know, the placards that they hand out everywhere.
Yeah, Socialist Workers Party.
They always turn up everywhere and they have these stalls and they just give out these signs to people.
They have so many signs that people just come and they just hand them out like,
I don't know, like three cans of coke.
So people just pick them up and start wandering around with this sign.
They don't even know what it says.
So, I don't know.
I don't think half the people there probably even knew.
And then there was that one, we saw a picture of it and I caught a glimpse of it.
Theresa May, suck your mum.
What the hell are these people doing?
Doesn't even make sense.
I mean, the other thing was, this was in the middle of the week.
It was in the middle of the day.
This isn't a national holiday as far as I know.
You know, I mean, you could have worn, like, badges pretending you were working for the job centre, and they would have probably avoided you like the plague, right?
Yeah, absolutely.
But I mean... I mean, how can they expect to get large groups of people at 1pm on a Wednesday afternoon?
It just sounds very dumb to me.
Everything in their world, they think everyone's like them.
They're so confused.
They're absolutely not the most intelligent or logical of people.
They're what we would call in Britain a waste man.
Yeah, yeah, pretty much.
I mean, they're just people who want to kind of blame the system for everything and they don't care really, I think, about organising an actual movement or pressure or kind of creating pressure groups or anything like that or actual demonstrations.
They just want to go out and scream at people and shout at people and, like you say, throw a huge temper tantrum.
And do you think that's largely based in just virtue singling or do they actually believe that they're going up against this oppressive group of fascists and they're on the moral high ground?
Do you think it's one or the other?
I think it's a bit of both.
I think that when you see people get triggered, it's a very psychological thing that's happening.
It's like their brain just can't comprehend that what they believe might be wrong.
It's like a chip, isn't it?
One thing I'm noticing now from going through these things with the camera is that
They're happy to let people on their side film, and whenever we turn up with a camera, they're trying to break the camera.
Again, like Al Quds the other day, today they tried to rip the lens off the camera, tried to rip apart the sound equipment.
They know what they're doing, and they know on some level that what they're doing is wrong.
Because why else wouldn't they want there to be video footage of it?
Why else wouldn't they want to be seen on camera?
There's one guy who was screaming at Lucy, right up in her face, and he grabbed my camera, almost ripped it out of my hands, and tried to throw it on the floor.
Now, there's people on their side who are doing that, but they know that that footage isn't going to go out anywhere, so why are they trying to stop the people who are going to put the footage out from putting it out?
It's because they know, they go with the intention of causing trouble.
Well, exactly.
I mean, criminals don't want to be identified, do they?
That's why they wear masks.
That's why they insist that nobody films their behaviour.
As well as the fact that it just doesn't resonate with anyone and that shows with the numbers.
I mean, I don't know what they were expecting, but the final picture that I saw when they were marching to Parliament, it was a pathetic amount of people.
It was probably less than 200 people for a supposed major march, which had got mainstream media attention for days before.
They could barely get
I mean, does that show how little their message is resonating?
I mean, there were genuinely more tourists on Parliament Square today than there were.
It kind of made me laugh actually when they were bundling us into a police van, because they had kind of a handful of police vans on either side of Parliament Square.
And I was just thinking the police have way overestimated, you know, how many people are going to be here.
There were officers everywhere, probably pretty much one for every protester and it just kind of looked quite sad as we were driving away really.
We just kind of, you know, felt sorry for them more than anything.
These idiots who were turning up and, you know, it's just them and a couple of mates and that's it.
No one really is going to listen.
No one cares.
So they bundled you into the van.
You said they drove you out of London entirely, is that correct?
Or outside of central London?
No, they took us to a safe space and just dropped us off.
Yeah, so they kind of took us out of central London, dropped us off and kind of just said, on your way.
But we had a few interesting chats with them.
Again, this is what we're kind of realising whenever we're doing these Rebel videos, that most of the kind of ordinary police guys are on our side.
And they, you know, a few of them expressed regret at kind of having to
Having to step in and, you know, whisk us away rather than kind of being able to do everything else.
But I suppose when it's a volatile situation like that, they kind of have to, just to kind of stop anything major kicking off.
Yeah, I mean, there was another video of them jeering at troops who were having a drink in a, you know, a soldiers club up in one of the balconies there.
I saw that as well.
Also, I wanted to ask you about the fallout from Tommy Robinson's appearance on, I think it was Good Morning Britain yesterday with Piers Morgan.
I don't think Piers Morgan was quite prepared for the backlash that he got, given he was so confident that he had roasted Tommy Robinson.
Didn't quite turn out that way in the court of public opinion, did it, afterwards?
I think it's part of why he went in all guns blazing, because even after he put out his article kind of blaming Tommy for everything, he even tweeted the night before and he said, you know, there's a disturbing amount of support.
So he kind of went into that interview knowing
It's incredible.
I mean, it really blew up in his face, especially when he started trying to claim that
You know, the Bible contains more violence.
Guys, I must have missed the news story where you have a terror army of Christians literally beheading people across the world, causing mass numbers of Christian refugees to flee countries.
I missed that part.
I miss that part where people are trying to blow themselves up in Brussels train stations based on Bible passages.
I miss the part where people are running down people on bridges and blowing limbs off little girls based on something they read in the Old Testament.
I must have missed those news stories, guys.
Did you see them?
I think the biggest threat at the moment to Western civilisation is the Westford Baptist Church, because those guys are seriously, I mean, we're in some serious trouble.
They are, you know, they're killing us every day.
Another attack.
You know, I think it's almost not so much just an attack on Tommy, I think it's an attack on all of us, and it's, you know, all of what we're doing.
You know, I've been told today that apparently there were notes going around about it, kind of advising
all of all of the mainstream media to use certain words now specifically actually instructions to do so uh whenever talking about all of us and it's because they're scared they know they know they don't they know that there's a number they know that there isn't the money they are numbered they are numbered you should be scared yeah they absolutely they should they should be terrified and they are but what they're doing is they're just doing these attacks um you know like like pierce pierced it on tommy and it's it's backfiring on them they're just going to carry on
They're doing more and more of the same stuff and they don't realise that they're just digging their own grave and all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing, keep telling the truth and just let them do it for us.
Yeah, it's great.
This job's amazing.
It's massively backfiring and they're having to cover their tracks.
Today the BBC had to change something they put out about Islamophobia where they said Islam means peace, well it doesn't, it means submission.
They had to change that.
You'll notice guys that after the attack near the mosque on Monday
Within minutes they were reporting, he said, I want to kill as many Muslims as I can.
They trusted the eyewitness.
They reported it.
Fair enough.
Same thing didn't happen after that stabbing a few weeks ago in London, did it?
Where they were chanting, Allah, Allah, as they were stabbing the woman.
Then they actually covered it up.
The BBC censored an eyewitness saying that these individuals said Allah during the stabbing.
That didn't go out on air.
But the fact that he said, I want to kill all Muslims, that goes out on air immediately.
That's trusted.
So there's a huge cover up going on with the BBC after every single terror attack.
But, you know, it's on all sides.
I mean, look at, kind of, Diane Abbott.
She went in straight away calling it a terrorist attack.
And then, kind of, London Bridge, Westminster, all of that.
They were just incidents.
So, it's kind of this complete... I think they've completely revealed their hypocrisy about it because, you know, where are all the news articles about, you know, be careful not to be, you know, prejudiced against white people now.
Let's not go out and do attacks on white people.
You know, we mustn't do... There's none of that because they know that it's all bullshit.
They know the Islamophobia thing is just made up.
They're not going to make it up when it suits them.
So they're not going to use it unless it kind of suits what they want to push.
And they've just completely highlighted the hypocrisy in all of this.
We've got 20 seconds left.
George and Lucy, just tell people where they can find you on Twitter and YouTube.
So I'm on Twitter at GeorgeLlewellyn and also it's TheRebelTV.
YouTube, it's just TheRebelMedia and TheRebelEdge.
And the video of today's match, once we've sorted our sound out after the ripped our equipment, it will be online on TheRebelMedia tonight.
And I'm on Lucy underscore underscore underscore underscore Brown.
All right, we'll be sure to link it in the description.
Lucy Brown and George Llewellyn John, thanks for joining us.
We'll be back with the final segment of the Alex Jones Show Live.
Gad Saad, he is Professor of Marketing, Evolutionary Behavioural Scientist, and an author in his own right.
The YouTube channel is youtube.com slash gadsaad, that's two A's in Saad, and twitter.com forward slash gadsaad.
Gad, welcome back!
Great to be with you, Paul.
Thank you for having me.
Of course, we had the Manchester bombing, and in the aftermath of that, we heard the same narrative.
And it's this, you know, we must unite against hatred.
Do you think when they say unite against hatred, they're not talking about uniting against the hatred implicit within Islamism?
They're talking about uniting against basically us, conservatives, or anyone who speaks out about Islam.
I mean, that's the sense I get when they use that kind of rhetoric.
Do you agree?
I mean, I think you covered it on your own channel.
Professor Dr. Katy Perry came out with a very brilliant strategy for, we just need to unite, we need to hug it out, we need to band together, no more borders, no more walls, and the problems will be resolved.
If only I knew that when my family were escaping persecution in Lebanon, we could have hugged it out and we could have remained in Beirut.
That the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other and like no barriers, no borders, like we all need to just coexist.
People who are willing to, you know, behead children, burn people alive in cages, but they're not really influenced by the word love and the word unite, no matter how many times you say it, no matter how many candles you light, no matter how many hashtags you tweet out, no matter how many Facebook profile pictures you change.
The barbarians of ISIS, I don't think that really affects them, do you?
No, I don't.
I call this, by the way, Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome, which is a type of mental virus that causes people to reject data, to reject evidence, to reject logic, reason, and then simply utter out endless, useless, suicidal platitudes.
You're a white male!
You're a white man!
Gad, I mean, political correctness is no longer just about being nice to people.
It actually represents a harmful threat in these kind of situations, right?
I've actually analogized political correctness to the spider's wasp.
So the spider wasp stings a much larger spider, rendering it zombified.
It then drags it into its burrow.
Lays eggs on it and then the offspring feed on it in vivo, right?
And that's exactly what political correctness is.
It's the spider wasp's sting that zombifies our ability to think rationally and critically and we are slowly led to the abyss of infinite darkness quietly and without any fight in us.
Final segment of the fourth hour.
Before we get back into more news, I just want to touch upon CNN right now because they've put out a tweet about this stabbing in the airport there in Michigan.
We know from eyewitness reports that the terrorist said Allah Akbar as he was stabbing this police officer in the neck.
CNN comes out with a tweet.
Preliminary indications on Michigan airport suspects said something in Arabic before stabbing officer, officials say.
We know what he said.
It was reported hours and hours ago by all the eyewitnesses.
This is what I mean.
This is what I'm talking about.
When they report, for example, after the mosque attack, immediately, he said, I want to kill as many Muslims as possible.
They trusted the eyewitnesses.
They reported the quote.
Fair enough.
But you flip it round,
You had the stabbing in London a few weeks ago.
Three Muslim women attack another woman with knives.
Start stabbing her, start screaming about Allah.
They interview one of the eyewitnesses to the attack.
They cut out, and I made a video on this, they cut out, they censor the part where she says, the attackers said Allah.
CNN in this case, oh he said something in Arabic, we may never know.
We may never know his motivation.
It was reported hours ago!
Again, that's soft censorship.
They just say, yeah, you may have said something Arabic, we'll let you know.
Next day, everybody's forgotten about it.
This is what they do every single time.
It's despicable, and it's an agenda right in front of your face.
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A few final news stories here.
Didn't get to this yesterday, but it's an important story.
Muslim peace march against terrorism attracts more journalists than participants.
Now this was in Cologne, Germany.
On the weekend, they said they were expecting 10,000 Muslims to show up and march against Islamic terrorism.
How many showed up?
Most of them journalists.
The so-called Muslim Peace March Against Terrorism was organised in Cologne, but it drew far fewer participants than the organisers had hoped for.
Most of them were German.
The Social Democratic politician said there were more journalists and policemen than protesters.
So that's how much they're interested in decrying terrorism.
Again, you have to sympathize with them to some degree because if they do decry terrorism, and that paints a target on their back in many cases, because these communities are ghettoized, they're radicalized.
But that just is a blinding example of the problem that we have.
Of course, the initial reports, oh 10,000 Muslims are going to show up for an anti-terror march, oh my god, that completely dismantles the narrative that there isn't enough of an element calling out the extremist element within their community.
That's reported widely, the march actually happens, nobody shows up, everybody forgets about it, that's what happens every single time.
Woman 28 is raped 9 times by 3 asylum seekers who filmed the brutal attack on their mobile phone after ambushing her at a town fair in, you guessed it, Germany.
She was invited in 2 million Muslim refugees.
A tearful woman broke down in court in Germany as she alleged that 3 asylum seekers raped her a total of 9 times when she was ambushed at a town fair.
So that's going through the courts.
They'll probably claim to be 15 years old, like happens every time.
They'll probably get away with a slap on the wrist, like happens almost every time.
YouTube's a pro-refugee propaganda video, by the way.
Not doing too well.
Go and see the downvotes on there.
That's gonna wrap it up for the show, though.
InfoWars Nightly News coming up.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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Anarchists and Antifa activists continue to engage in sporadic street battles across the country.
And they are targeting Trump supporters.
And that means extremism experts are now focusing on the left.
Retired Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Schaefer recently appeared on Fox & Friends and gave the mainstream media a dose of the truth.
The progressive left has been radicalized and they want a civil war.
The pathology is clear.
If one side begins to act violently, you have inevitably the other side starting to come back.
It always happens.
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It's inevitable.
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