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Name: 20170612_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 12, 2017
3617 lines.

In an upcoming interview with Megyn Kelly on NBC, Alex Jones accuses her of attempting to create a hit piece against him. He claims she lied about discussing certain topics during their conversation and believes it was set up as a trap due to the discredited nature of mainstream media. The Alex Jones Show often covers politics, media, personal safety, and promotes self-reliance while opposing globalist agendas.

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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The war was lost.
Ladies and gentlemen, all hell is breaking loose.
And I couldn't be happier.
Victory, victory, victory, victory.
InfoWars is absolutely dominating.
And the globalists are so upset.
Look at these headlines.
Chelsea Clinton blasts Kelly for Alex Jones interview, The Hill.
Sandy Hook mom blasts Megyn Kelly for upcoming Alex Jones interview.
Megyn Kelly, NBC under fire over sickening Alex Jones interview.
This is totally coordinated NBC bull.
This is all PR, especially out of Megyn Kelly and Chelsea Clinton, who we know they hang out with.
This is incredible.
Megyn Kelly lied to me and said it wasn't a hit piece, said that she wasn't going to get into these topics.
And like Trump says, better watch out, there might be tapes.
There's no question about it, there might be tapes.
And I just knew I was walking into a trap, because MSM doesn't get it.
No matter what they do, no matter how they demonize me, they're already discredited.
They have the zombies that watch them, but that's it.
Everybody else then just gets reminded of the show so it grows even faster.
Oh, and I love it, Chelsea!
You're in the WikiLeaks talking about Haitians dying because of your foundation and how your mommy and how your daddy stole all the money, but you didn't do anything!
And all the corruption and Jerry Epstein's pedophile airplane, all of it.
You know what I'm going to do?
I'm just going to come back in the next segment and I'm going to lay out the whole Megyn Kelly hit piece and how they're going to edit it and what they're going to do because I already know.
I already know.
But remember what happened to old Katie Couric?
Remember what she did with her little gun control interview?
Remember that?
Where she'd ask him questions and then cut to them looking like they couldn't answer it or them taking a break or scratching their heads?
It's amazing, and you talk about these criminal dynasties like the Clintons, and then they want to come out and demonize me because I question known liars.
I question everything MSM says.
These people are a joke.
So that's all coming up today, ladies and gentlemen.
It's simply amazing to see them.
And of course, Megyn Kelly interviewed me for four hours.
She had a crew here from 9.30 in the morning till 10.45 at night, interviewing me at some house they rented and a barbecue place they rented out and here at my office.
So they could edit it down to 11 minutes.
And then I saw their promo piece.
I know, it's edited questions together.
I'm not saying it's Katie Couric level, at least until I see the broadcast, but they even lit me from one side.
Villain lighting!
Villain lighting!
Why did they just put a flashlight under my chin?
Oh look, she gets normal lighting.
I get villain lighting.
Isn't that just sweet?
Isn't that just cute?
Isn't that just nice?
And it goes on and on and on and her on the phone going, it's not a hit piece.
I'm obsessed with you.
I want to get a steak with you.
I want to get dessert.
I said, Megan, I know you're a lawyer and a hit operative and you're coming in here to do a hit piece off known talking points.
It's going to be Sandy Hook, Pizzagate, blah, blah, blah.
She's no, no, I might let you clarify those, but that's not what it's about.
And then she'd asked me each of those things five times.
So she could try to get some answer.
She could stitch together.
Absolutely amazing.
And then they have Chelsea come out and the Democrats come out and criticize it so that it gets more hype to try to prop up her flagging show.
Because Putin ran over.
Because Putin only gave her a 15 minute interview.
So that she couldn't sit there and edit it together.
So see, she needs this big win.
And then Chelsea of the criminal Clinton Foundation weighs in.
Oh, don't give this guy attention.
Oh, oh, like I need attention on your stupid network.
Absolutely ridiculous.
And as usual, they've walked right into our trap.
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Chelsea Clinton has just released a new children's book!
And it's about 13 historical women who pursued their goals in the face of opposition.
The rebel media caught up with Chelsea at a book signing event and had the brilliant idea of asking her to sign the book titled, She Persisted, for Juanita Broderick, who as we all know, was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton and silenced by Hillary.
Can you sign it for my friend Juanita Broderick?
Because she's been silenced by your parents, especially Bill Clinton, who's a rapist.
Can you sign it for her?
Naturally, Chelsea refused to sign the book, but her reaction was priceless.
And you can watch the video in its entirety right now at InfoWars.com.
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This is the Infowar.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones!
We're called InfoWars because there's a war on for your mind.
We're here Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
We're expanding InfoWars Nightly News and soon a whole bunch of new syndicated radio slash TV transmissions.
InfoWars.com is the website because there's a war on for your mind.
Here's the big picture.
The United States is in a civil war against multinational corporations that have hijacked our federal government and many of our local and state governments who are now in a battle against President Trump, the American people, some state legislatures, cities, and individuals for the future of this country.
We have been conquered.
We have been taken over.
Just like 200 years ago, China was taken over by the colonial powers.
Globalism is a full spectrum dominance takeover of every nation-state on the planet.
It uses poverty and debt to control populations.
President Trump is trying to deliver prosperity and trying to return to nation-state systems that give us security and sovereignty.
He has delivered massively on the economy, he has delivered massively on security, he has delivered just amazingly when it comes to devastating political correctness and making it okay for people to speak up and have free speech and say no to the bullies.
Because of that, the establishment that got caught lying during the election, that got caught putting out fake polls,
That got caught trying to rig the debates.
They have egg on their face.
Instead of learning from their mistakes and just joining the Republic, they have doubled down and they have decided to intensify the lies, the corruption, and the deception.
That's why Comey asked for a private meeting with Trump at Trump Tower.
He gives it to him.
Then Comey comes out and says it's outrageous they ever had a private meeting.
That's why Comey says in two hearings, I was never asked to stop the Russia investigation.
The media says that Comey never said that even though we played the video clips yesterday.
I'm gonna play them again today and then show you articles where they say I'm a liar, Trump's a liar, Donald Trump Jr.
is a liar, Jack Posobiec's a liar, everybody else is a liar.
It's incredible.
So it is a war on for your mind.
They believe they can push so much hype
That you believe Hillary Clinton's invincible and is really the president.
They believe they can push so much hype that you believe you didn't really vote for Trump, the Russians did.
Oh my gosh, Trump may have some bots.
What about the globalists?
What about Google?
What about Facebook?
What about all the major infrastructure against President Trump?
Throwing everything he can, everything they can against Trump.
None of that's ever discussed.
It's all one giant lie.
And so, it's a question of prosperity returning, common sense returning, true unity returning.
Or believing the globalist propaganda that's not even leftist.
It's just weaponized media, pure deception, making the general public feel like they're being harmed, they're being abused, they're being screwed over, they're being cheated, they're being treated horribly by a racist, versus the reality of what's happened.
It's total and complete mind control.
And it's total and complete deception.
And it's nasty, and it's vicious, and it's hateful, and it is calling for violence and death and destruction all over the United States.
This weekend, communist and radical Muslims dressed up in garb, in hammers and sickles and red crescents, and body armor, and helmets,
Went out and threw urine and feces on men, women, and children.
They beat them with belly clubs.
They attacked them.
They savaged them.
And the state police in Austin, Texas at the Capitol would simply push people off of them when they would attack my reporters and families and press.
We have hours and hours of footage on InfoWars.com of the most vile, hateful, vicious people attacking multiracial crowds of American flag-waving patriots.
And you look into the eyes of the most dumbed down, most brainwashed, most servile, most helpless people you've ever seen, and it makes your head spin.
And I would look into the eyes of the people on these videos screaming hateful things, and hitting and attacking people, and flipping the bird, and they looked like people you've seen in documentaries where they show state hospitals, mental wards.
Crazed eyes, confused, hair sticking out, stumbling around like zombies.
With their shields, with their billy clubs, attacking and then not even getting in trouble when they assaulted police officers.
It's amazing.
I simply went and protested the fact that they were keeping the public out of the JFK Memorial on the 40th anniversary a few years ago.
And the Democrat-controlled Sheriff's Department had the Sheriff's Department viciously attack men, women, and children with billy clubs and run over us on video.
And we didn't fight back.
And where was the media saying that was wrong to do that to us?
Because we were simply there for free speech, standing up.
No, no.
When the anti-fascists are beating and attacking people funded by George Soros with the communists and with the Muslims together.
They would scream, stop stopping my free speech as they hit people with their clubs.
And where is the scandal?
There is no scandal.
Because MSM is pushing, kill Trump, kill Trump, kill Trump, kill his family, cut his head off, everywhere.
And dehumanizing those of us that are standing up for the country and cherry-picking and picking and choosing things we've said and taking it out of context to then further demonize us to the public in an attempt to shut us up and bully us into submission and bully everyone else into submission.
This is a form of warfare.
And then enter Megyn Kelly.
That I'm going to talk about at the bottom of the hour.
Coming to town, saying she's not doing a hit piece, pouring it on.
It was completely fake.
And I knew it was fake.
And I thought it was intriguing to see how bad this hit piece would be and to just go into this lion's den.
But I never thought they'd light my head from the side in classic villain lighting.
And shoot it up at my neck from beneath like you do a flashlight to scare kids.
I mean it was next level deception.
And the good news is there might be tapes.
Because I watched the promo it's already highly edited to distort what I said.
If she wants to go down the Katie Couric route, that's her issue.
And I don't care if they cancel the piece either.
I wanted to just experience it and see Megyn Kelly, you know, the fembot of Dr. Evil for myself.
And Chelsea Clinton blasts Kelly for Alex Jones' interview?
Give me a break.
You two are two peas in a pod.
Talk about an arch criminal, Chelsea Clinton, in the WikiLeaks, knowing they're killing Asians, giving them cholera-filled feces water, and thousands of them dying and stealing 97% of the money, and you admit you know it's criminal, and then you shake your finger at me, because I'm a horrible liar, talking about your mother and...
Jerry Epstein and Bill Clinton and Podesta and the emails and all the real stuff and Wiener and the convicted sex criminal and so the media diverts off onto a pizza place.
I'm the first person to say it's a diversion when we were reporting on other people's reports.
You try to turn it around like I'm the progenitor of the Pizzagate thing.
It's one pizza place and implied no pedophiles exist or that your father isn't up to his eyeballs, at least your stepfather.
And we know Webster Hubble's your daddy in all of the child molestation, and your mother represents all these pedophiles and child rapists when she was first a lawyer and made jokes about it.
I mean, I love the fact you took the bait, sweetheart.
I know who you are.
Your mother, she came, she saw, he died.
Libya failed, hundreds of thousands died.
Syria, your ally with radical Islam, we know, sweetheart.
I want to be attacked by NBC.
I want NBC to twist.
I want them to lie because they're the enemy.
And that lets everybody know who the enemy is.
I don't want the cowardly viewers that normally watch NBC.
I want as a signal to everyone that we're not afraid of you and we're going to stand against you and we're going to expose you.
But I don't care whether they air the stupid piece or not.
As if I need to be on Megyn Kelly's show when it doesn't even have good ratings.
Six, seven million viewers.
Whoop-de-doo, lady.
We have videos every week that get five, six, seven, eight, ten, twenty million views.
Paul Watson has them constantly.
I've made films that have been downloaded over a hundred million times.
Just one film.
Obama Deception has been seen more than fifty million times just on two YouTube channels alone.
You think, you think I need you?
You think, you think you make me arrive?
Cancel him!
Don't show it!
It's so horrible!
That's all to get people to tune in.
That there's a controversy.
Just like with the Passion of the Christ.
Don't go see it!
Don't go watch it!
And then it makes it the biggest grossing film in history.
Megyn Kelly criticized for booking conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
She knows she needs us for the ratings.
She needs my fame, the fame of Liberty, your fame.
They know we're the operating system of Trump.
They know we're the reboot of 1776.
They know you are the light in the dark of the night, and they don't like you.
And so they want to make you think we're losing and we're failing just like they want to make you think Trump is losing and failing.
It's all a bunch of hype.
Trillions in the stock market, hundreds of billions in new jobs, confidence way up, securing the border, all these great positive things happening with a bunch of whining little idiots running around bitching and complaining.
It's a joke.
We'll be back though with what Ivanka Trump had to say.
Gad Saad, he is Professor of Marketing, Evolutionary Behavioural Scientist, and an author in his own right.
The YouTube channel is youtube.com slash gadsaad, that's two A's in Saad, and twitter.com forward slash gadsaad.
Gad, welcome back!
Great to be with you, Paul.
Thank you for having me.
Of course, we had the Manchester bombing, and in the aftermath of that, we heard the same narrative.
And it's this, you know, we must unite against hatred.
Do you think when they say unite against hatred, they're not talking about uniting against the hatred implicit within Islamism?
They're talking about uniting against basically us, conservatives, or anyone who speaks out about Islam.
I mean, that's the sense I get when they use that kind of rhetoric.
Do you agree?
I mean, I think you covered it on your own channel.
The professor Dr. Katy Perry came out with a very brilliant strategy for, we just need to unite, we need to hug it out, we need to band together, no more borders, no more walls, and the problems will be resolved.
If only I knew that when my family were escaping persecution in Lebanon, we could have hugged it out and we could have remained in Beirut.
That the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other and like, no barriers, no borders.
Like, we all need to just coexist.
People who are willing to, you know, behead children, burn people alive in cages, that they're not really influenced by the word love and the word unite, no matter how many times you say it, no matter how many candles you light, no matter how many hashtags you tweet out, no matter how many Facebook profile pictures you change.
The barbarians of ISIS, I don't think that really affects them, do you?
No, I don't.
I call this, by the way, Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome, which is a type of mental virus that causes people to reject data, to reject evidence, to reject logic, reason, and then simply utter out endless, useless, suicidal platitudes.
You're a fucking white male!
You're a white guy!
You're a white man!
Gad, I mean, political correctness is no longer just about being nice to people.
It actually represents a harmful threat in these kind of situations, right?
I've actually analogized political correctness to the spider's wasp.
So the spider wasp stings a much larger spider, rendering it zombified.
It then drags it into its burrow.
Lays eggs on it and then the offspring feed on it in vivo, right?
And that's exactly what political correctness is.
It's the spider wasp's sting that zombifies our ability to think rationally and critically and we are slowly led to the abyss of infinite darkness quietly and without any fight in us.
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How you like me now?
Here's my message, and I'm going to get into it more, to Megyn Kelly, Chelsea Clinton, and all these other sea hags of the New World Order.
I'm not trying to get out of this alive, dumbasses.
I'm not trying to get out of this a winner in your system.
I'm here to bring you down.
I'm here to make you pay.
For the wars and the lies and the corruption and the Clinton Foundation and all of it.
That's why you keep missing the main calculation.
I am a precision-guided heavy munition coming in on top of you.
I'm here to stand up for the innocents.
I don't like you.
I don't like you getting away with what you do.
You make me sick.
So I hit the barbed wire, and everybody else comes in over me.
Have you seen what we've done, how talk radio now sounds just like me?
Have you seen how the president sounds just like me?
Have you seen how Stephen Bannon sounds just like me?
Have you seen how the whole paradigm globally is shifting, and you can't hold it back?
You can destroy leaders, you can destroy me, but you can't stop the signal of Americana.
And all I did was bring back Americana Renaissance 2.0.
Selling that freedom, prosperity, technological development, honor, justice, family, God, will, strength, compassion, kinship, friendship, duty, to your globalism, a bunch of vampires that hate each other, screwing everyone over, trying to be the top Yertle the Turtle on your power trips?
My ego isn't big.
My vision of humanity is big.
My ego is in humanity.
My ego is in the genetics.
My ego is in my ancestors, my family, my children, and my future progeny, and yours together.
I love humanity because I'm so selfish.
I believe in it because I know it's me and it's you and us together.
It sounds completely selfless.
It's totally selfish.
And you have no idea because you don't know God.
I'm protected, fools.
I'm talking to the evil ones.
I will be around until God wants me gone.
And then, no matter what happens, I know it's God's plan.
So no matter what you do to me, I rejoice in it!
Even though my flesh doesn't like it, my soul, my spirit loves it!
I'm so alive, it's unbelievable.
My discernment is so deep and piercing now, I can't even stand it!
And I look at you, you fallen monsters, and I realize what jokes you are.
And I thank God every millisecond at my cellular level that I am not with you and your damned-to-hell system.
Praise God for that!
I said I'd get to my message, I'm kind of doing it now, but I'm going to come back and really focus and do it because it's important.
Because it's not this interview and it's not Megyn Kelly.
This is their big gamble.
This is their big take Alex Jones down.
This is pathetic!
The only way I could fail was not doing it.
And letting them rig it.
And letting them interview me for four hours to edit it together.
And then be able to show people what was really said.
Walking right into a trap.
Even told them they were.
But they think they're winners.
They think they're invincible.
They think because they hoard more money or can like try to put me down in the mud that they have a victory while they're busy shoving me down in the mud.
Everybody's overrunning them.
And I'm making it safe for everybody else to speak out, just like Trump's doing, on a much bigger scale.
And that's why they hate him, and why they sell the hoax he's following, and why they sell the hoax that he's a criminal, and why they sell the hoax that they've got the former lawyers that went after Enron, you know, in there.
Trump's on an island all alone.
You don't want to be with him.
Be with the mainstream media, then you'll be with the winning team.
Even though the mainstream media wants you to lose, wants you poor, wants you under their control, represent the criminals, even though Trump actually wants to empower you and cut your taxes and bring the jobs back.
No, no, no!
You're a failure if you're with Trump!
Be a winner!
Join MSM!
It is a total and complete test.
It is a total and complete system to see if they can break your will and then make you believe that you're joining the winning team by going against Trump.
It's all a giant test.
But it doesn't matter because if you look at things as they go in waves, we're destroying them in this wave.
It's the next wave that will completely annihilate the enemy.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Some of us are to be destroyed this way.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
And what an honor.
What an honor to be the wave that breaks the enemy.
The collapse of the left continues.
If it isn't Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi having a mental breakdown, if it isn't Snoop Doggity Dogg pretending to shoot President Trump, if it isn't Kathy Griffin going full ISIS and depicting herself with a decapitated Trump hat, it's the New York Public Theater depicting the assassination of President Trump and their latest installment of Shakespeare in the Park.
The play depicted President Trump as the modern-day Julius Caesar, this time being stabbed to death by minorities and women, a clear subliminal message.
Leave it to CNN to endorse such an atrocity, as Fareed Zakaria said the play is a masterpiece.
But the disturbing presentation did not go without consequences, as major sponsors of the theater have now pulled their sponsorship dollars, such as Delta Airlines and Bank of America, who have supported the theater to the tunes of millions in the past.
The suicide of the left is real.
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It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host, Alex Jones.
Who claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be to say things like that.
The Russians ran an extensive information war campaign against my campaign to influence voters in the election.
And then they began to weaponize them.
And they began to have some of their allies within the internet world, like InfoWars, take out pieces and began to say the most outrageous, outlandish, absurd lies you can imagine.
But Trump doesn't challenge these lies.
He actually went on Jones' show and said, your reputation is amazing, I will not let you down.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live again.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I wouldn't normally even get into this, but it's important to do because
It deals with the different ways that they're basically brainwashing the people so that it's an educational format to understand how the control works.
That's why I spent like an hour of the two-hour broadcast yesterday just on the New York Times and Daily Beast articles that said Comey never said that
Trump did not ask him to stop the Russia investigation.
And they said that I'm a liar, Jack Posobiec's a liar, we're all liars.
And then they said, here's the fake text they tweeted, and it's word for word, the hearing.
Now ladies and gentlemen, that is next level lies.
Now let's stop there.
At the start of the next hour, in case you missed that, I'm going to play the hearing last Thursday on the 8th.
And I'm going to play the hearing from the 3rd of May, where he says it twice.
And then I'm going to show you the news articles again.
For radio listeners, I'll give you the headlines.
Where you can read where they said it never happened.
But you don't have to believe me or wait until next hour.
Just type in.
Trump never ordered me to end Russia investigation.
You'll get hundreds of mainstream news articles from the Associated Press to the London Independent.
This is a fact!
Just like they now say, there's nothing in the WikiLeaks about pedophilia.
It's full of it.
Then they use corrections about a pizza place not being involved to say pedophilia never existed, the Catholic Church isn't involved, none of it's happening.
Nothing happened at Boys Town.
Nothing happened at Penn State.
They didn't just indict the former head of the school for covering it up.
Yes, they did.
They didn't just indict Sandusky's son.
Yes, they did.
And that's why they're so desperate.
The UN, we were there last year in Haiti.
Michael Zimmerman, Joe Biggs, you name it.
They were there.
Gary Haven landed on grass runways and documented the UN kidnapping men, women, and children and talked to locals and talked to senators.
And then what came out six months later in an Associated Press two-year investigation, but it got no coverage?
Thousands of children sex-trafficked, hundreds killed, and guess who was involved as usual?
The Clinton Foundation!
You're watching us on TV, there's drone footage, and on the ground.
We did multiple missions to Haiti.
I want to get Gary Haven back in studio.
Because he's the guy that spearheaded it and said it was going on.
We've got the senator interviews, all of it, saying it's incredible.
They kept 97% of the money.
Did the media attack this story?
And that's what Megyn Kelly did.
So here's the Megyn Kelly story.
First off, let's go ahead and play
The NBC one-and-a-half minute promo that they're sending all over the internet right now for this next Sunday Father's Day piece.
And within minutes of this going out, they had the classic PR firms already ready.
I saw this last night when Kelly's tweet had zero retweets.
Daria Karpova was already up here at night still working at the show and she sent it to me instantly when it had zero tweets.
And I was the first person to even retweet it.
And... As soon as I looked at it, I thought, oh my gosh, they lit my face from the side and under like you light somebody for a Halloween piece for a horror movie.
And then I thought back over all the different things they did, just all the deception, all the lies, all of it.
It's just incredible.
And then within minutes, they run around and say, oh my gosh, boycott it, don't air it, he's the worst person on earth.
This is all a PR campaign.
It is just massive.
So they make it, the ultimate evil's gonna air.
Don't tune in, don't listen.
Knowing that means everybody goes to her failed show.
Which has horrible ratings.
And it's all a reboot.
I'm supposed to reboot Megyn Kelly and reboot Chelsea Clinton who's running around complaining.
And all of this, I'll just say it.
You're right Chelsea, your dad didn't fly around 20 plus times on the pedophile Lolita Express.
Of course he did.
And your mother didn't represent pedophiles and child rapists, and make jokes about it later, who raped little girls so hard their insides came out of them.
Of course she did.
And your family didn't fund the Arab Spring and the radical Muslims taking over in nine different countries and killing over a million people, 200 plus thousand alone, just in Syria.
Oh, but she did.
And they weren't involved in all these other crimes, and the Clinton White House tripling the sanctions that Bush Sr.
had on them, and those were bad enough, to go from a couple hundred thousand kids dying over a few years, to 500,000 children dying, and then your Secretary of State, Marilyn Albright, went on 60 Minutes and NBC, CBS and NBC, and said, it's a good price to pay in the Gulf, 500,000 dead kids.
No, you did all of that!
And you did more than that!
And you look at me, who's never killed anybody.
You come after me, and the entire interview was unbelievable.
It went on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.
Asking the same questions on Pizzagate, Sandy Hook, Chobani Yogurt, the bombing in Manchester.
And when they didn't get the answer they wanted, they'd throw it out again and again.
And then she'd just sit there out of the blue and just say a gotcha question.
That wasn't even, I knew, a response to anything I said.
They just had notes she was going off of, of how they were going to edit this together.
And she'd ask it over and over again.
And some would say, why'd you do the interview then?
Well, I turned most of them down.
Because I knew in my gut this was going to blow up in their face.
And I knew in my gut I wanted to see evil.
I wanted to see sociopathic behavior.
I wanted to see the fembot.
I wanted to witness it for myself and watch the producer fawn a little sweet southern belly.
I promise it's not going to be mean.
It's a nice profile.
You're famous now.
And I'd say, no, no, it's not.
It's going to be a hit piece off the talking points, my little darling.
And then they got here and I said, okay, you got your big investigative report of the fake news king, you know, here.
And this is how you're going to do it.
And the first thing is, oh, look, it's all about money.
And then the next thing it's about this.
The next thing it's about that.
And it was exactly what I thought it would be to a T. Think about that.
And the PR and the push and all of it is just wild.
Absolutely wild.
So let's go ahead and let's go to this clip.
Preview, Megyn Kelly interviews
Alex Jones.
Again, this is about getting me up there, making me look bad, making it look like I'm a failure, making it look like you don't want to be associated with it.
So under peer pressure, you run back to carbon taxes, you run back to a stagnant economy, you run back to open borders, you run back to...
George Soros and Muslim groups beating people up nationwide yesterday, stopping their anti-sharia law protest, and everybody's saying kill Trump, and everybody's saying, you know, don't wear American flags in public schools, and don't hand out Christmas cards, and pull down those crosses, and let's teach your kids how to have abortions, and let's teach your three-year-olds, you know, how to be a tranny at the public schools.
Well, just let us run your lives, or we're gonna bully the hell out of you!
You know what?
I love it.
Bully me.
Edit me.
Attack me.
Because all you do is let everybody know you're the enemy.
And put the light underneath my face.
I saw that when they came over and I thought, oh my gosh, they're lighting me from underneath.
Wow, this is going to be a hit piece.
This is going to be the mother of hit pieces.
But I mean, they put horns on Trump everywhere.
It's the same thing.
It's ridiculous.
And even if they destroy me down the road, or Trump, it doesn't matter because nationalism is out, globalism is being exposed, the tide, like Peter Thiel said, of globalism is going out, people know it's authoritarian, they know it's unelected, and then they released new photos yesterday of Alex Soros at a spirit cooking event, at another event with bodies on stretchers, you know, and Satanist crap, and it's just like, there's no end to these people!
There's no end to this plague of weirdos!
It's all just a bunch of wannabe trendies out there wanting to dominate.
It's a bunch of weird power-tripping betas that want to just absolutely run over everyone.
Who want to dominate prosperity, dominate Christians.
It's sickening!
Judge Hazitz, Soros' seed sprouts.
New York Times stands by Trump assassination play.
Time Warner still funding CNN host.
Hale's masterpiece.
You stab Trump to death.
Because, I mean, the Washington Post had an article out today saying, yeah, don't expect us to tell the truth, Trump.
We're going to lie about you.
You're evil.
It's the same thing.
Oh, Megyn Kelly, tell me you're not doing a hit piece.
Promise me you're not.
He's an actor, dressed to look just like her.
Promise me that you're not going to do all those things, you know, again, and then come and lie about all of it because
It's supposedly okay to have a mob of people like Julius Caesar in Shakespeare's play attacking the president and stabbing him to death in a big simulated killing, but that's okay because you're the people pushing a revolution.
You're the people that had hijacked America.
You're the people that were sexualizing young children in the public schools.
You had dominated.
You had taken the nation over.
It was yours.
And then we struggled back through your propaganda, through your lies, through your deception and said, no, we're not going to let you sexualize children.
We're not going to let you have totally open borders.
We're not going to let you bring in radical jihadis.
We're not going to let you sit there and back ISIS killing Christians all over the world.
We're not going to let you bankrupt the country.
And they said, you better believe you're going to fail.
We're going to bully you.
We're going to attack you.
We're going to simulate murdering you everywhere.
And we're going to demonize you.
And we're going to have the press come.
To your family court hearings, and lie about you, and openly try to take the children away from you, and we're going to infiltrate your office, and we're going to infiltrate your employees, and we're going to have them go out and say horrible things about you.
I know you're scum!
I know you're criminals!
I know you're trash!
I know you're filth!
I expect it!
Keep the bullying!
Hit me with more!
Come on!
Come on!
Go ahead!
Let's go!
Kill Trump!
See how far that gets you!
I've studied history, but I can intellectually see it and I can spiritually feel it.
You're failing, you're flailing, you're committing political suicide because you're a bunch of disgusting, power-tripping, demonic, worldly garbage!
And you're going to fail.
Now let's play that clip before I play Megyn Kelly of a clip of the play where they murder.
Where they murder.
President Trump, just like Kathy Griffin, you know, simulating the murder of the president.
The idea is murder him, murder anybody that supports him.
This is a group of ravenous, hateful demons who then turn around and say that we're hateful.
And they're trying to target the sheep.
They're trying to target the weak-minded.
They're trying to target them so they get scared and say, well, I better not speak up for what I believe in.
I better roll over to this.
I better go along with it.
Because we're taking the country back and the scum is afraid.
Here it is.
It's an actor dressed to look just like President Donald Trump as he's assassinated on stage.
Look as his character is stabbed to death.
And there's no mistaking the Trump connection.
Check out the unbuttoned overcoat and red tie that hangs over his waist.
It's a staging of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar that is outraging many.
Yeah, and it's done with American flags and Bush slash Trump, you know, up there in presidential looking and this is happening.
But let's go to the Megyn Kelly piece because I've been mentioning it again.
Edited with light from the side and under me.
Have you ever seen them interview anybody on national news with lights from below like you with a flashlight to scare your kids?
I mean, that's the level.
This is what I look like.
This is just normal lighting.
If you're watching me right now on television.
And then this is what I looked like a week ago.
Here it is.
Is authoritarianism knows humanity's awakening and it's moving against humanity on a planetary scale.
The great global battle for the future of our species is being fought right now.
They call you the most paranoid man in America.
Is that true?
Absolutely not.
A paranoid person would be hiding out in their house, not venturing out in public.
I go out there on the street and battle Black Lives Matter, the communists, the point-blank range.
We talked controversies and conspiracies.
Now, 9-11 was an inside job, but when I say inside job, it means criminal elements in our government, working with Saudi Arabia and others, wanted to frame Iraq for it.
Just a fact.
Sandy Hook.
Well, Sandy Hook's complex because I've had debates where we've devil's advocate said the whole story's true, and then I've had debates where I've said that none of it's true.
When you say parents faked their children's death,
People get very angry.
Yeah, well let's, oh I know, but they don't get angry about the half million debt Iraqis from the sanctions or they don't get angry about all the illegal stuff.
No, no, it's not a dodge.
That's a dodge.
The media never covers all the evil wars it's promoted, all the big things.
That doesn't excuse what you did and said about Newtown.
You know it.
Here's the difference.
I looked at all the angles of Newtown and I made my statements long before the media even picked up on it.
We didn't get any of the really important stuff.
What do you mean?
We talked about all the important stuff.
Well, here's the big one they always make fun of me.
You probably want to throw this in there.
30 years ago, they began creating animal-human hybrids.
Isn't that the big story Megyn Kelly should be doing?
Now, anybody can search engine animal-human hybrids gestating on U.S.
farms, and you'll get MIT just last year.
Thousands of peer-reviewed journals, reports, they don't roll them out, they don't show them to you because it's a no-man's land.
Animals have rights, humans have rights, the hybrids have no rights.
There it is, MIT Technology Review.
Human animal chimeras are gestating on U.S.
research farms.
That's January 6, 2016, a radical new approach.
No, it's 30 years old at least.
That's BBC.
But again, the same deal.
Next they'll say, oh, he wants to hurt animals.
That would be the response, literally.
I'm exposing Muslims blowing up Manchester.
I'm exposing it.
She said, why do you blame the Manchester victims?
I said, I blame the liberals that brought them in to bomb them.
And why do the Muslims keep targeting liberals that are bringing them in?
Yes, that's the big enchilada.
That's the big elephant.
I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat.
Or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22.
When I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars in our fight to promote human liberty and freedom.
Over the weekend, Act for America held human rights marches across the United States, marching against Sharia law, which prohibits certain human rights to women, and countries where Sharia law is in practice oppress women.
So leave it to Antifa to show up and disrupt these Americans' First Amendment right.
But it didn't stop there.
Journalists like myself got assaulted and cursed at just for documenting the event.
Lauren Southern even had animal urine thrown at him while filming in the New York City march against Sharia.
If it wasn't obvious before, it is now.
CNN and Antifa are ISIS.
Leftists freaked out when a burqa was put on Fearless Girl in New York City, faced with the imagery of the oppression they were supporting.
The same people that are now supporting Sharia law in America were the same people who were so helplessly offended by Donald Trump's grab her by the private comment.
So Trump's inappropriate private conversation is unacceptable, but forced female genital mutilation is okay.
The left has literally lost their minds.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Dr. Corsi is joining us the next hour.
A ton of other news.
I'm going to open the phones up.
Infowars.com is the news site.
It's an act of rebellion and resistance to the globalists.
To spread that link to everybody you know, every day, at the grocery store, at the bank teller, to your friends, your neighbors, your family, call into talk radio, C-SPAN, Infowars.com.
It is an act of resistance.
But Megyn Kelly's ratings are sinking.
Her ratings were sinking at Fox.
She destroyed herself going after Trump.
And so they think having Mr. Controversy on, because I get top ratings anytime I'm on national TV, they think that will boost her.
Piers Morgan's highest ratings ever were when I was on.
But even Megyn told me privately,
Or she thought privately.
That, oh, I destroyed him.
Because after I was on his program, his ratings started dropping every day consecutively.
Because we just call these folks out.
And so, Megyn Kelly's playing with fire, obviously.
And nothing can save her show, nothing can save mainstream media.
Mainstream media has abysmally low ratings.
They've gone up a little bit, attacking Trump, because it makes media interesting again.
But compared to ten years ago, they're a shadow of the former self.
You know, I went into the Gorgon's lair.
I went into Medusa's palace.
I engaged her on her terms.
I let her be here from 9.30 in the morning.
She got here at noon, but her crew at 9.30 until almost 11 at night.
I let her have her way because I knew it'd be rigged.
I knew she was lying to me.
I knew she was deceiving.
I knew it was a giant hit piece.
But they wanted me to go happily along with it and say nothing before it aired.
I'm not going to do that.
But understand, I win by going into the Gorgon's pit.
And I survive.
I survived going into that lair, and that's what it's all about.
In fact, she hid over there in the dark.
She hid over there in the dark when she first got here, slithering in like the Gorgon.
Let's play some of that with audio of her coming into the studio last week.
Radio listener, this is Megyn Kelly entering the studio.
I dare not look directly at her.
I looked at her on monitors on the wall with cameras aimed at her.
And she had her arrows and she tried like she could to take me out.
She's a keen, keen, bold woman.
That doesn't feel good.
Cold as ice.
A titan against a titan!
See, to get to the Globalist, I've got to get the Gorgon's head.
And then I can turn to the titan.
Look into the Gorgon's eyes.
Look into it yourself!
I face the Gorgon!
Megan Kelly in studio.
It is true, when she was in studio, she was like back there in the dark.
Well, we know how it all ends, ladies and gentlemen.
But alas, that's part two coming up.
Now, before I go any further, just briefly, we're listed as a supporter under major globalist attack.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, it's fair game.
If Megyn Kelly wants to interview me for four hours and then edit it down to a few minutes and make it look like I'm a fumbling, bumbling idiot with a light underneath my chin, like something out of a horror movie, you know how you do, like under the blanket when you're a kid to scare
Scare yourself or scare others.
That's what they did.
I mean, this is next-level baloney.
So, yeah.
I'm going to have some fun with this, then.
I'm going to have a lot of fun with it.
We're going to open the phones up at the bottom of the hour.
And then at the start of the next hour, Roger Stone's got big breaking news about the Comey investigation and Mueller and what they're beefing up to try to do to Trump.
It's pretty serious.
So that should make the globalists happy.
But Trump will defeat it.
He's done nothing wrong.
But it's going to be hardcore.
And then, of course, we're going to have Owen Schroyer.
And Rob Dew, who went out to the communist George Soros anti-free speech Muslim march, where the Muslims and communists teamed up to attack men, women, and children, and run around screaming incoherently, I mean, I don't know what language it was, sounded like Spanish, but...
It was mainly not even Hispanics out there.
It was a bunch of people that looked like they'd escaped from the state mental hospital.
And I'm not kidding when I say that.
I mean, if I saw this group normally, I'd say, is that a state mental hospital trustee visit?
You know, to the planetarium or something?
I mean, something's wrong with these people.
And that's what's scary about leftists, is they claim they're all intellectual, and they're really great, and they're awesome.
They're not.
They're a bunch of drooling, puling, miscreant, malcontent boobies.
Now, before I go any further...
That's not profane to say boobies.
Boobies is a South China Sea multi-thousand-year-old name for pirates.
That's why they have the term booby trap.
The boobies also would set traps that would pop up like we do in Vietnam with spikes and kill you.
No FCC problems with me saying boobies.
Again, knowledge is not a conspiracy theory.
All you that think you're so-called intellectuals that are liberals need to understand you're not intellectuals.
You're imagining you're part of a winning team.
You're imagining you're part of the globalist system.
You're imagining you conquered America.
You're imagining how you're going to teach those three-year-olds, you know, how to perform sex acts on you.
That's what they teach in public schools now.
And you're just not going to get away with it.
Everyone now knows you're a bunch of lobotomized, warped, crazy people.
That are in your own fantasy land.
That wealth produced, all of this wealth that Freedom produced, created a bunch of super spoiled brats.
The seventh brat of the seventh brat.
And now you're just running around thumbing at the mouth, your gleeful behavior, and it's not going to work forever.
It's coming down.
Here's the big news coming up, though, with Dr. Jerome Corsi.
Video emerges of Seth Rich questioning ballot integrity.
I'm sure that's a conspiracy theory video, too.
In fact, he wasn't even shot in the back.
It's all made up.
Respect the family.
Stop hurting the family.
Go to sleep.
Don't question mass shootings.
Don't question anything.
And then we've also got
Ivanka Trump on Fox & Friends did not expect this level of viciousness.
It's all up on InfoWars.com.
That is coming up.
We have a loving Religion of Peace Moloff cocktail attack.
Again, Religion of Peace.
So that's just some of what we're going to be breaking down.
New North Korea information.
North Korea not far away from test firing intercontinental ballistic missile.
But Trump's bad if he stands up to them.
He should be like the Clintons and give them nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors and delivery systems like they gave North Korea and the Communist Chinese.
And then Chelsea Clinton when she's not robbing Haitians or other folks in the
Money-laundering Clinton Foundation that's committed all these crimes.
There's no special prosecutor, no investigation of just admitted criminal servers, admitted massive criminal fraud everywhere.
It's all Donald Trump.
Chelsea Clinton blasts Kelly, Megyn Kelly for Alex Jones interview.
How could you talk to such a liar?
Well, how they talk to someone that tells the truth is, edit everything I say by asking the same questions over and over again.
And I realize at a certain point, I should have just said, no, I've already answered your question.
Let's move on.
But they didn't use that, too, and just said I didn't answer the question.
But I just went in there, openly did the interview.
Which they're now making a big national story.
Because they're trying to prop up Megyn Kelly while claiming that they're against Megyn Kelly.
Then fine, cancel it.
Maybe I should agree with, I agree with Chelsea.
I'm so horrible, Megyn, don't air your piece.
We'll be back.
Over the weekend, Act for America held human rights marches across the United States, marching against Sharia law, which prohibits certain human rights to women.
And countries where Sharia law is in practice oppress women.
So leave it to Antifa to show up and disrupt these Americans' First Amendment right.
But it didn't stop there.
Journalists like myself got assaulted and cursed at just for documenting the event.
Lauren Southern even had animal urine thrown at him while filming in the New York City march against
If it wasn't obvious before, it is now.
CNN and Antifa are ISIS.
Leftists freaked out when a burqa was put on Fearless Girl in New York City, faced with the imagery of the oppression they were supporting.
The same people that are now supporting Sharia law in America were the same people who were so helplessly offended by Donald Trump's grab her by the private comment.
So Trump's inappropriate private conversation is unacceptable, but forced female genital mutilation is okay.
The left has literally lost their minds.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
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There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
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All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
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Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, Dr. Jerome Corsi's joining us.
I'm going to open the phones up at the bottom of the hour on any subjects you want to discuss.
And Roger Stone's popping in with big news.
And then we've got two of our reporters that were in downtown Austin for the anti-fascist, which is communist and Muslims.
They were wearing helmets with red crescents on them and helmets with hammers and sickles on them.
And they were beating up men, women, and children.
And then the state police in riot gear.
We have like hours of this footage.
We're going to play some of it coming up at the end of the third hour.
Attacking people and hitting them, and the police would only come over and stop them.
I guess there were a few arrests.
I mean, they should be hitting them over the head.
There's video of them with clubs and helmets running into police when the police are doing nothing, and they put up with it because they're liberals, they're communists, they're Muslims.
You know, they've only killed hundreds of millions of people, each group.
140 million Hindus murdered by Muslims alone.
Hundreds of millions killed by communists.
So because they're part of groups that have killed far more than Hitler, they're loving and liberal and they've got to be protected, and then they would scream, this is what a police state looks like!
Don't violate my free speech!
While they were attacking men, women, and children.
Those videos are all up on Infowars.com, but I've asked Owen, I've asked Dwight, I need a bigger crew.
They went out, they shot the videos.
It's all raw.
I said, you got to boil this down to like 10 minutes because I watched hours of it Saturday.
Hours of it.
And then yesterday I watched hours of it.
And my kids are like, hey, why don't you take us on a hike or something to the Greenbelt, Dad?
And I'm like, watching it on my, you know, iPhone.
So we're going to boil this down.
It happened all over the country.
Beating up women, throwing feces on people, attacking police, and it's on the news.
Yay, the liberals went out against the racist anti-sharia law march.
Sharia law says cut women's genitals off.
Put hoods over their heads, throw gays off buildings, chop people's arms and legs off.
If a woman gets raped, then she goes to prison.
And the left is defending it everywhere.
USA Today and others say, the sign of feminism is the hijab.
And I guess, did Hitler's the sign of Jewish rights or something?
It's the antithesis.
It's the opposite.
It's insane.
It's out of control.
It's crazy.
And it shows how nuts the left is.
Now they've got big hit plays in New York that Time Warner and all the rest of these people are involved in that they won't disassociate themselves from.
We can put up the Drudge headline right now at DrudgeReport.com where they show them killing Trump.
New York Times stands behind Trump assassination play.
Time Warner still funding CNN host Hale's masterpiece.
This is a week after Kathy Griffin, you know, chopped his head off.
They want the revolution.
They're the violent bullies.
They're the scum.
Just like Ivanka Trump.
Trump has come out and said to Fox & Friends, this level of viciousness, we're going to play it in a moment, in D.C.
is unprecedented.
These are bullies desperate to whip up a civil war in America.
It shows what brazen, sickening, reprobate, dangerous criminals they are.
A clear and present danger.
And then I'll talk to Dr. Corsi about this.
Megyn Kelly comes to town.
I know it's going to be a hit piece, but I've never had someone lie to me and say, I promise it's a profile, you're big.
You know, I just did Putin.
Even that big exclusive couldn't get her ratings up.
And then it was the most vicious cross-examination, asking the same questions over and over again, over four hours.
You ask, why did I do that?
I agreed, it was a profile.
It's not a profile, it's an investigative piece with a light under my chin, so I look like a monster.
But I walked into the lion's den, because we're going to be able to then expose how they edited it, how they manipulated it, and how they deceived the American people.
They're a joke.
And people know not to trust the media.
So people that don't know who I am, they're going to come to InfoWars.com and they're going to find out.
People in the office are making the joke.
They're like, who is that guy?
We don't recognize him.
He gained 100 pounds.
They had to have stretched the video.
We've got video experts looking at it now.
I mean, I don't care.
I'm not a vain person.
But I mean, ho, ho, ho.
Teeny Jedi.
I mean, did Jabba the Hutt get interviewed by this lady?
It's amazing.
So that's coming up.
Also, Seth Rich, new video.
You know the guy that got shot in the back?
We're not supposed to investigate?
We're just supposed to shut up and, you know, not get into that?
Well, here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
Video emerges of Seth Rich questioning ballot integrity.
As we already knew, he was doing behind the scenes, according to our sources.
Only confirming more.
Right now, let's go to Infowars.com.
DC Bureau Chief, as he sets that up, Dr. Jerome Corsi.
Doc, what a time to be alive.
Oh, it's an incredible time to be alive, Alex.
And, you know, you've said that this is the whole point of the Infowars.
We're in an information war.
I don't know.
is not going to persuade any of the people who listen to InfoWars and are dedicated followers of you in the program.
It's going to be obvious that this is just another leftist attempt with the mainstream media to silence InfoWars and to discredit InfoWars as a news organization.
And it'll fail, it'll be transparent, and those who have followed InfoWars for years will not be persuaded
By Megyn Kelly's lighting or her theatrics.
They're clearly getting desperate.
They're upping the calls for violence.
Where do you see this going, Dr. Corsi?
Well, I think it's clearly an out-and-out war.
I mean, it's the reason we're dedicated to expanding the Washington Bureau, where I think we'll put into place a program over the next bit of time to have info wars, be able to compete
With the Fox Newses of the world, the internet live streaming is the future.
This is just the beginning, I think, of an information revolution in which the American people are just going to no longer be spoon-fed.
CIA paid for mainstream media leftist propaganda.
I mean, it's a shock to realize that the mainstream media, under since Operation Mockingbird in the 1950s, are some of the most senior people, most respected people.
Including Robert Novak, including Joseph Alsap.
We're on the CIA payroll.
We're regarded as the sources that the Warren Commission could be reported to because the government knew they could lie and the New York Times and the Washington Post would cover for them.
We're facing the same thing with Megyn Kelly.
Now she's gone to NBC.
She's gotten a bigger megaphone.
She's gotten a bigger sponsorship from the Deep State.
And she's about to do her hatchet jobs, which I think are going to ultimately fail.
And we will continue to beat by reaching the people directly through the Internet.
How can Jeff Bezos, one of the top Obama globalist backers, one of the top Hillary backers, get $600 million from the CIA
The left is at the top of it.
We know there's some good people in there.
To put out stuff in the Washington Post where the Washington Post writes articles admitting we're lying about Trump because he's bad.
They've gotten so immoral that they've had articles in the New York Times, the Washington Post.
In fact, guys, I forgot to do this.
Will you grab me yesterday's stack of the New York Times and all those articles?
Where they're saying that FBI director never said under oath that Trump did not tell him to stop an investigation.
He did twice, but they're writing articles, Dr. Corsi, saying we're liars.
That never happened.
That is next level.
There's the headline.
A pro-Trump conspiracy theorist.
A false tweet and runaway story.
They then show the text and say he made it up.
We have the video May 3rd, and we have
The June 8th of Senator Burr and the same answer!
This is next level!
Well, I think the Washington Post actually ran an article this weekend saying that they don't have to be fair and balanced, that they can decide that President Trump is an illegitimate president, so it's their now duty to do everything they can to destroy the presidency.
I mean, this is a complete bias that has been in our media for 50 years.
So why are they declaring we'll lie?
I mean, this is... How are they doing this?
Well, I think, first of all, the mainstream media is getting cornered because InfoWars, others, are exposing daily the hypocrisy, the moral vacuousness of the left, and showing how they will lie, they will go to any extreme to destroy you, Alex, me, anyone who dares oppose them.
I mean, you know, they go to the extent of killing people.
The Seth Rich murder definitely needs to be investigated, and the mainstream media gives it no attention whatsoever.
It's a controlled, politicized, as much as Pravda was under the Soviet Union, our intelligence agencies have developed the techniques of propaganda.
And this is a propaganda attack, disinformation, against President Trump, and it won't stop until President Trump decides and knows he's got the power of the presidency, and he begins a counterattack, which puts the mainstream media, Comey and others, under investigation, does step, takes steps like, pardon Flynn, and then there's no investigation, it could mean anything in a special prosecutor, on the Russian collusion, which will not stop.
Even though there's no evidence for it, because we're not dealing with news, we're dealing with propaganda.
Megyn Kelly is a disinformation artist.
And we're about to go to break, and we're going to come back and play these clips.
We have Senator Burr last week, we have a hearing in May 3rd, the same thing.
Comey's saying, no one told me to stop an investigation, including President Trump by name.
Then they run a news article,
On Saturday, titled, A Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorist, A False Tweet and a Runaway Story, by Jeremy Peters.
And then they ran other articles as well, saying, I'm a liar, you're a liar, Jack Posobiec's a liar, everybody's a liar, and then you can verify this is real.
I don't see how they think they'll get away with it.
It is like delusional-level deception.
But folks, we're going to play these clips for you.
Here's the key.
A lot of mainstream media isn't lying.
AP, London Independent, and a bunch of others ran the headline, Comey, Trump never told me to stop investigation.
So, not all the mainstream media is lying.
It's the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC.
They are total liars.
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This is the Alex Jones Show.
Dr. Corsi's our guest.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment.
We'll get into the latest on Seth Rich and more.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
Oh, today!
That's right.
I forgot.
Today, we're doing a new test where we're going to give out the studio number and not the GCN number.
So, we're going to do that coming up, I guess, at the start of the next segment.
Or we can do a deal where you guys bring me the number and hang it in here on the wall, the new number I'm supposed to give out.
Or maybe type it up there for me.
That'd be great.
A lot of little production things like that to keep ourselves busy with.
So as soon as I see that number typed up there, I will give you that number.
It's 877-789-ALEX.
We're taking the calls.
In here in our own studio system today.
877-789-ALEX is the number we're producing the whole show in-house here today, not through the great folks up at GCN.
So that's coming up.
Look at these little headlines I just ran into, then we'll get into the clips I was just mentioning.
CNN's Fareed Zarkaria hails Trump assassination play as a
That's up on Infowars.com.
Talk about CNN being a terrorist organization.
Also, a report.
Trump gives Priebus 4th of July deadline to clean up the White House.
Clifford Cunningham, Infowars.com.
Going back to Dr. Corsi.
Why do you think they're pushing so much violence?
What is the point of that?
Well, the left has gotten to a point of desperation.
The Trump victory was completely unanticipated, unexpected.
As the gaining of influence of the, what they call the alternate media, I mean the internet media, Infowars, already rivals Fox in terms of its viewership.
And people are not
Depending on the mainstream media to get their news any longer.
If it weren't for Bezos and the Washington Post or Carlos Slim and his millions, New York Times would have closed a long time ago.
Because their influence is waning.
And so as they see they're losing, they're getting more desperate.
I mean Soros, the CIA, and by the way the CIA needs to be
I mean, John Brennan, who was Muslim, complete operator in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, anti-American, both the CIA and the FBI, as well as the IRS,
The EPA have been packed with leftist operators.
Well, it's like this winner lady that changed her name to Reality Winner, who was trying to join the Taliban, hated all whites, even though she was white, calling for white genocide.
She was put with the top security clearance in.
This is the type of lunatics that the SJWs in control have basically packed into the government.
God help us.
And they think that they're completely
A legitimate in leaking information.
I mean, James Comey leaking, and he admitted it on the witness stand, was shocking.
I mean, here is the FBI director trying to move the news and leaking information about a private conversation with the president.
This is beyond the pale.
I mean, Comey and his operatives, including Mueller,
Need to be fired and dismissed.
This is totally illegal.
This is, and of course he also leaked fake info, let the media put out lies that he was ordered to obstruct justice, then under oath admitted it wasn't the case.
So it was fraud.
It wasn't just an illegal leak, it was fraud.
And the key that we're fighting a disinformation propaganda campaign here is that it's proceeding on this Russia meme without any evidence, admittedly with no evidence.
So, you know, where there's abundant evidence to go after the Clinton Foundation, to go after the Clinton emails, now after Comey's testimony to investigate Loretta Lynch, none of that happens.
And the mainstream media is in lockstep with the CIA funding, backing people who are disinformation artists like this Megyn Kelly.
And by the way, it's admitted that they legalized under Obama four years ago the CIA engaging in domestic propaganda.
And it's admitted that they are ordered hit pieces against Infowars, against Trudge, against President Trump.
I mean, we are literally in a war.
And a war in which the government is manipulating the, it's an info war.
It's exactly why we're, you know, at the center of this.
Because it's the government implementing a deception of the reality that you're perceiving.
In other words, no proof that Trump interfered or colluded with the Russians.
Well, therefore, it proves it's true.
And you're supposed to believe that.
It's supposed to be the, you know, the Joseph Garibalds repeating a lie often enough that it becomes the reality.
And the disinformation artists, like this Megyn Kelly, are out there to do hip jobs.
That's right, and she's failing.
I mean, it's failed.
Megyn Kelly should be the hashtag.
And of course, Facebook and all of them are involved, exploiting, trying to stop us.
But, oh, Trump gets his own few bots.
He's evil.
We're going to be right back to play those clips and go to your calls.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we're going to your phone calls here in a few minutes.
I've got to play these clips I mentioned because we catch the New York Times.
Daily Beast, all of them, just outrageous lies.
Alex Jones lied to his viewers and said that Comey said no one tried to tell him to stop the investigation.
And we had three clips of that last Thursday.
We have other clips and they just say we're liars!
And show the actual quotes, but don't link to where we said it.
And then at the bottom of the story, knowing nobody reads that, they go, well, the reason we're saying they're lying is it was May 3rd.
They were talking about a February memo, February 18th, where he said that the president did try to influence him.
And we said, so he's either lying on May 3rd, or he's lying in the memo, so now he says the memo didn't say that, but he let the media run with that for months.
It's so frustrating to then be called a conspiracy theorist, because I have a memory.
It's like I'm cursed with this memory.
Becca, Sam, O'Brien, Morgan, Jennifer, Tom, John, Steven, all of you, your calls are coming up with Dr. Corsi here in a few minutes, just briefly.
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You know, I love the Globalists and their operatives here in Austin.
That's a whole other subject.
I mean, they have got whisper teams, media people contacting my crew, saying we're going under, saying we're going to fall.
Then the very media calls me and goes, I hear you're going under.
We're building a half million dollar studio next to me.
We are trying to hire
Three new crews.
We just gave everybody raises because our listeners are supporting us.
It's total lies.
Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated, to quote Mark Twain.
And a lie goes halfway around the world before the truth puts its pants on.
You know, they say on this promo, the fast-talking Texan.
I'm not fast-talking in person.
I've got your calls, tons of news, so much info.
I get sped up because I'm agitated.
I mean, you don't get agitated by their lies.
You don't get agitated by them saying Trump's gonna fall any minute to create that perception when all he's trying to do is cut our taxes and restore the republic.
You don't get agitated by these people playing psychological warfare games and want them to fail.
You don't get agitated by this headline.
A pro-Trump conspiracy theory.
A false tweet and runaway story.
And then it shows the tweet of Jack Posobiec.
And it's a quote from the May 3rd hearing.
And they tell you it's totally fake till the end of the long article, hardly anybody reads it, and says, well, the deception is it's an old time he said this.
He didn't say Trump by name.
Really, Thursday he said Trump by name three times.
They're still in the news saying, Comey did not say Trump never tried to order him or influence him.
Yes, he did say that!
But I'm going to put all that aside.
I'm going to play the clips, because this isn't just my opinion.
Other MSM told the truth.
And said that Comey said he was never ordered to do that.
I'm going to play that clip first, right now.
Here is Senator Burr, one of three times, last Thursday, on national television, where he said that Trump never ordered him to do that, just exactly as Trump said.
And he admitted he told him he wasn't under investigation for Russia.
Something else the media said never happened.
I mean, folks, they think you're morons.
They think you're idiots and I'm betting and Trump's betting you're not.
Here's the clip.
Director Comey, did the president at any time ask you to stop the FBI investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 US elections?
Not to my understanding, no.
Did any individual working for this administration, including the Justice Department, ask you to stop the Russian investigation?
And then he goes on from there.
He says it repeatedly.
Again, that's not imaginary.
That's cloth and nails of their lies to the Washington Post, the New York Times, who admits they're lying to you for your own good.
Every week they write editorials saying they're lying.
I mean, who can do that?
I studied Russia, I studied North Korea and stuff.
They never.
Only North Korea lies like this.
I mean, these lies are cuckoo level.
Here is the May 3rd hearing where he says nobody, not just the Justice Department, nobody would do that because that's a big deal.
Here it is.
So if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?
In theory, yes.
Has it happened?
Not in my experience.
Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something without an appropriate purpose.
Oftentimes they give us opinions that we don't see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it.
But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason.
That would be a very big deal.
It's not happened in my experience.
Not happened in my experience.
Okay, would be a big deal.
Now, let me show you the New York Times again.
This is Saturday.
A pro-Trump conspiracy theorist.
A false tweet and a runaway story.
They dehumanized Posobiec, who was a high-level Trump campaigner and one of the biggest groups.
Very successful.
He's not a human.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
Here is what they say is fake.
Comey, not in my experience, because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something like that without an appropriate purpose.
I mean, where often times they give us opinions that we don't see a case there, and so you ought to stop investigating resources in it.
But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for political reasons.
That would be a very big deal.
It's not happened in my experience.
You read this article.
It says that that is a fake quote.
You mean to read the whole article to you on air?
Go read it for yourself.
They think you have lobotomies, people.
Corsi, again, Dr. Corsi, what do you make of this?
It's typical.
The mainstream media is, again, not out to report truth, not out to be responsible to any standard of veracity.
They're a propaganda agency, and when we produce the truth, their job is to discredit us, to say, no, that's not true.
That didn't happen.
Now, they're not required under any standard of the mainstream media to prove that what they say is true.
And they don't.
This entire Russian mem, the entire attack that Comey leveled, is intended to be a deep state coup d'etat to impeach President Trump.
Until President Trump begins to really understand how Washington works,
The Democrats will spend the entire first year talking about Russia with no evidence.
And the mainstream media will attack anyone who points this out and says and cites truth as we do.
We are now targeted by the mainstream media and the deep state CIA and other agencies funding the mainstream media.
Well, by the way, you're not stupid, and you've worked for the State Department and worked in clandestine areas.
I'm not stupid.
I have high-level CIA sources that are good people.
So do you.
I mean, hell, we talked to the President.
But I'm telling you, Megyn Kelly and that crew she had were totally
That's the whole point.
They're desperate.
But look at what Megyn Kelly did.
First of all, she picked the setting.
Then she picked the lighting.
Her lighting on her is designed to make her look great.
The lighting on you is made to make you look terrible.
Then they put you through an interrogation where your first answer isn't good enough, your second answer isn't good enough, and hard-hitting questions where she's looking like she's, you know, really boring in for the truth, and you're on the stand, you're defending yourself, you must be guilty.
I mean, Hitler couldn't have produced a better show trial.
This is all propaganda.
This is not news.
These are techniques.
They're techniques that are used to discredit
Uh, Alex Jones and discredited Infowars and they won't work because our audience sees past it.
That's the, that's why Infowars and the internet are so desperately threatening to the control of the mainstream media as the CIA has had since Operation Mockingbird was exposed in the 1950s.
I mean, everybody knows you light one half of somebody's face and from the bottom.
That's called Halloween lighting.
I mean, there's ten techniques she used.
First of all, you know, the repeated questioning on the same issue.
Well, the communists have been doing that in interrogation of POWs.
We've documented it since Korea.
Then the selective picking of answers.
She's not going to represent any one of your answers in its entirety.
She'll pick this piece from this answer, that piece from this answer, string them together so it looks like you're incriminating yourself.
Then she's going to ask questions that are, you know, have you quit beating your wife type questions, you know?
How about the poor victims, the mothers who lost children in Sandy Hook?
You know, how can you say it?
Why would you believe?
Isn't it outrageous that you think?
Oh she would even like cut away after we've been talking and just say some gotcha line again clearly as a cutaway and then they mix it all together deceptively where clearly in the promo I'm answering questions to other things she's asked to make it look like I can't answer.
And also, you know, look, she starts out, she comes in, and she's all sweet and lovely.
Oh, we just really want a nice interview.
We're going to be fair to you.
This is featuring you.
You'll be on national television.
And, you know, but then once the camera goes on, now she turns into Barracuda.
Now she turns into doing what her real job is, which is hatchet man.
And of course, I knew she was lying.
The point is, she is a liar.
That's the whole point.
It's a disinformation attack.
It's designed to reframe the reality.
So people see you as, you know, this nutcase in Texas who's off on a, you know, completely insane accusations.
Well, in fact, the truth is that what the mainstream media is doing is they're covering up their lies.
And they've done it consistently.
It's why I'm so intent on even new information coming out of the Kennedy assassination.
It's where they started.
I've got memos from within the
Johnson administration where the entire intent was to pay journalists like the New York Times and the Washington Post to support the Warren Report and to hand it out to the Warren Report as a friendly audience.
It was all a strategy divined within the disinformation machine of the deep state.
And that's what we're challenging.
That's what we want people to wake up from.
This, you know, mesmerizing dream where the Democratic Party is out to save you.
They're out for the poor.
Well, Hillary Clinton isn't out for the poor.
Hillary Clinton's out to make herself billions of dollars cheating, stealing, and not getting prosecuted for it with a mainstream media that will demonize anyone who dares to point it out.
Well, let me tell you, she's one of the coldest people I've ever been around.
Let's play this Seth Rich clip, and the guy that got gunned down in the back.
Here's the video that I want you to see of him questioning ballot integrity, dealing with him stealing the election from Bernie Sanders.
Here it is.
Excuse me, Seth Rich with the DNC.
I think some of you have spoken about provisional ballots and rejected ballots.
I guess we've looked at, as an outside practitioner with a vested interest in training our voters, how do we get better access to data that tells us why ballots are rejected, why ballots are cast as provisional, so that we can analyze that and then develop better training guides.
Can one of the election officials speak to any work you've done with either the parties or other groups on that type of information?
Again, that's the video that's emerged of Seth Rich questioning ballot integrity.
A video has surfaced of murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich questioning ballot integrity during the election data summit.
Rich had valid concerns during the Democratic primary the following year.
New York voters reported that two voter purges occurred of 120,000 people from being able to vote.
The scandal months before Rich's death had led to massive outcry from supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who believed in the DNC was engaging in election fraud.
to nominee Hillary Clinton.
We're going to go to Jennifer in PA that wants to talk about that and then get Dr. Gorsuch to take.
Jennifer, we're not supposed to look at Seth Rich's murder.
Oh yeah, apparently that is the case.
I didn't want to touch on the whole story about Seth Rich.
It just goes to show you whether it would have been the Trump movement or it would have been the Sanders movement.
Either way, that points to what was going on in America at this time.
So I wouldn't be surprised if more people did start, just like they did with pedo-gay and all this stuff.
I mean, now you have the tools to do that, you know, whereas 20, 30 years ago you didn't.
You didn't have the access to all this.
That's right.
Where do you think Seth Rich is going?
They're really scared of that report.
Seth Rich is really a danger to the entire establishment.
Look, we don't have the Washington Police Department report.
We don't even know what hospital Seth Rich was taken to.
The mainstream media won't cover it.
You won't see anything in it in the Washington Post, New York Times.
They want to destroy the story.
But yet, we wrote, I published a three series articles on Infowars that made it absolutely clear that Seth Rich was the leaker.
It was an inside job.
And he was executed!
And he was executed.
And the Democrats are going to do that consistently and cover it up.
They're capable of executing a president.
And Donald Trump has got to watch because he is under attack for impeachment.
And if they can't impeach him, the other consequences are... That's right.
We're going to take more calls, but then I want to ask Dr. Corsi.
I mean, what happens if they kill Trump?
I'd say 50-50 he's dead by a year from now.
They're intending to kill him.
Stay with us.
The collapse of the left continues.
If it isn't Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi having a mental breakdown, if it isn't Snoop Doggity Dogg pretending to shoot President Trump, if it isn't Kathy Griffin going full ISIS and depicting herself with a decapitated trumpet, it's the New York Public Theater depicting the assassination of President Trump and their latest installment of Shakespeare in the Park.
The play depicted President Trump as the modern-day Julius Caesar, this time being stabbed to death by minorities and women, a clear subliminal message.
Leave it to CNN to endorse such an atrocity, as Fareed Zakaria said the play is a masterpiece.
But the disturbing presentation did not go without consequences.
As major sponsors of the theater have now pulled their sponsorship dollars, such as Delta Airlines and Bank of America, who have supported the theater to the tunes of millions in the past.
The suicide of the left is real.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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The preacher man says.
You know, I could broadcast and sound just like this.
Until I got on air, that's how I talked.
But then, over time, I learned to talk faster so I could get more in.
But over time, it gets worse and worse, so I'm trying to slow it down.
So everybody starts thinking Alex is talking a little slower sometimes, and I actually don't sound like I'm from Texas.
That's what I sound like if I start talking slower.
But if I go into this mode, that I've been talking for more than half my life, then it doesn't sound like I'm from Texas, because I'm just... It shows how your speech patterns change as your job changes.
But nobody trained me, so that's why the broadcast is all over the map here.
The broadcast is really all about necessity.
We're going to continue with your phone calls in the next hour.
Roger Stone's going to join us.
Dr. Corsi's going to ride a little bit of shotgun with us so we can have a roundtable discussion.
But I do want to go back to your calls.
A lot of calls about Comey and a lot of calls about Seth Rich.
And I see Corsi looking at the clock.
If he's got to go at 5 after, he can as well.
I know he's doing a lot of interviews.
How are you on time, Dr. Corsi?
I've got as much time as you want.
I was actually just watching the
The basic news, what's coming out of Washington right now and the attacks on Trump.
I think this New York Times has just supported this assassination play.
And I think it's another attempt by the deep state to desensitize the American people.
To the kind of hit that was planned on JFK by the Deep State.
We're already getting desensitized.
There's so much stuff out about it.
Assassination, assassination, assassination.
I think the Deep State is already telegraphing its intent.
You know, we should do a whole broadcast, an emergency broadcast with a roundtable soon, about what you just said.
That is the most important thing I've heard in a year, is clearly they are desensitizing the public so when he finally gets killed, there aren't riots, there's not freaking out, everybody's just heard it so much, we psychologically accept it.
They are undoubtedly preparing us to assassinate Trump.
You heard me say, I think within a year, 50-50, he's dead.
What do you think of that statement, Dr. Corsi, and can we stop it?
Well, I think, first of all, I've been writing, if you read my Twitter feeds and what I've been writing on InfoWars, that right now Donald Trump is in the fight of his life.
The Democrats either think that they can impeach him, and this is the deep state, this is the deep state, the far left, funding the mainstream media.
They think that this is all about finding some theme, and it doesn't matter if it has any evidence or not.
Play gotcha enough, get a mistake to be made.
Just explain away what Comey says.
Keep pressing the Russian man.
That's all aimed at impeachment.
If they can't impeach him, then they're going to assassinate him.
And we're getting telegraphed already that that plan is underway.
And it's the deep state, it's people who are within the CIA, just like it was Allen Dulles and the others within the deep state that planned the assassination of Kennedy.
And by the way, you've worked in and around presidents, you've known Trump 40 plus years, you did secretive work for the State Department as a consultant, you're a Harvard top graduate.
Well, the presidency has enormous power.
And Trump better start using it.
Better start realizing that in Washington,
These people are his enemies.
He's got to fire Priebus.
Don't wait until the end of June as he says he's going to give him more time.
Just fire him.
Get rid of all the people in the administration who have been there from Clinton and from Obama.
Get rid of them.
And start using the Department of Justice and the FBI to investigate Comey, Clinton, and the others.
Fight back.
Look, this is such tradition against the country and the attempted overthrow of our republic by clear outside forces.
I'd support the president right now moving against these people physically.
I mean, let's be honest.
We're in a war.
I would support the president making a military move on them right now.
The country's in that big a crisis.
We need to go ahead and move.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
The collapse of the left continues.
If it isn't Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi having a mental breakdown, if it isn't Snoop Doggity Dogg pretending to shoot President Trump, if it isn't Kathy Griffin going full ISIS and depicting herself with a decapitated Trump hat, it's the New York Public Theater depicting the assassination of President Trump and their latest installment of Shakespeare in the Park.
The play depicted President Trump as the modern-day Julius Caesar, this time being stabbed to death by minorities and women, a clear subliminal message.
Leave it to CNN to endorse such an atrocity, as Fareed Zakaria said the play is a masterpiece.
But the disturbing presentation did not go without consequences.
As major sponsors of the theater have now pulled their sponsorship dollars, such as Delta Airlines and Bank of America, who have supported the theater to the tunes of millions in the past.
The suicide of the left is real.
For Infowars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
The Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns.
I am sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny.
Alright, I want to go to them.
John in Wisconsin, then Tom in Oregon, then Morgan.
Ring it to everybody.
And we've got, of course, Dr. Kors, he's our guest, riding shotgun a little bit in the next hour with us.
Roger Stone is going to be joining us as well and taking calls and breaking some of the new news here.
But good things are happening.
There's not just forces of evil.
But they are clearly preparing the assassination of Trump.
You can say that.
They've got COG ready.
They're going to claim that all the Republicans that got elected are defunct.
That's been announced by the establishment.
And really try to then shut down the free press and sew up the country.
That's why I said that when you're faced with globalists working with Muslims and communists beating up protesters nationwide yesterday, and you're faced with an outside foreign-owned media saying civil war killed conservatives, to defend the republic against this outside threat,
If they don't back down, I mean, I think that the president's going to have to declare his own emergency and move against these people criminally, Dr. Corsi.
That's standard procedure.
Well, you know, the whole issue is that Donald Trump has got control of an enormous power in his president.
And if he doesn't counterattack, if he doesn't change the narrative, if he doesn't get this Russian meme off the table, there's an easy way to do it.
Pardon Flynn, and now Mueller's got no target to go after.
Don't make any doubt about it.
Mueller's game right now.
I'm sorry.
A global warming, it became climate change.
Well, when they lost on Russian collusion, it's gonna morph into Trump obstructing justice.
Well, they said that two weeks ago.
They said it's now about criminal stuff, not about Russia.
When they're the ones involved in espionage, let's go to John in Wisconsin.
You're on the air, thanks for holding.
Yeah, Dr. Corsi, it's a pleasure being able to talk to you.
I've got a theory about Seth Rich.
I think what was going on is that he was ready to dump another data dump to WikiLeaks, and they followed him, and whoever he was supposed to pass it to was warned off, and I don't know about you, but every computer geek I know uses flash drives.
I bet you he had a flash drive in his pocket.
That's why.
Nobody found anything missing on him except the flash drive.
Now either they got the flash drive or he threw it away.
Well the evidence that he was the leaker is overwhelming and the fact that he was executed is overwhelming.
Nothing was taken and it's clear they've gotten to the family.
Dr. Corsi?
Well and I think it was taken with a thumb drive because Podesta had left his Apple ID and password with his staff.
All you need to do is get that.
I'm sure he used the same pass.
Password is run or something or other.
And you could have easily gotten into his Gmail server.
I'm sure he never erased any of his Gmail emails.
And all you had to do was put a thumb drive in and download them all.
It was an easy inside job, and even President Trump talked about it as being a leak for WikiLeaks, not a hack.
Guccivortu did not hack those files.
He was hacking the whole computer, so the NGA VAN system, which was the voter and donor data, not the emails.
It's obvious that such an inside job was responsible.
That's right.
Hillary lost the election, not
The Russians.
They didn't win the election.
Hillary lost it.
They're losers and they can't stand it.
Anything else, John?
Sure, sure.
We'll talk about that when we come back.
Alright, let him go.
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Over the weekend, Act for America held human rights marches across the United States, marching against Sharia law, which prohibits certain human rights to women, and countries where Sharia law is in practice oppress women.
So leave it to Antifa to show up and disrupt these Americans' First Amendment right.
But it didn't stop there.
Journalists like myself got assaulted and cursed at just for documenting the event.
Lauren Southern even had animal urine thrown at him while filming in the New York City march
If it wasn't obvious before, it is now.
CNN and Antifa are ISIS.
Leftists freaked out when a burka was put on Fearless Girl in New York City, faced with the imagery of the oppression they were supporting.
The same people that are now supporting Sharia law in America were the same people who were so helplessly offended by Donald Trump's grab her by the private comment.
So Trump's inappropriate private conversation is unacceptable, but forced female genital mutilation is okay.
The left has literally lost their minds.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Tell your children not to walk my way.
Tell your children not to hear my words.
What they mean, what they say.
Can you keep them in the dark for a while?
Can you hide them from the wedding world?
You know, I concur with Dr. Corsi.
It's hiding in plain view.
They've had the Atlantic Monthly call for it, the Washington Post, New Yorker Magazine, all the established publications.
They've worked themselves into a frenzy.
They had the Washington Post come out this weekend and admit they lie about Trump.
They say he deserves it.
He's a bad guy.
The New York Times comes out and says Comey never said Trump said
Stop the investigation.
They say that he did say that, despite the fact that we have the videos of Comey saying that Trump never told him stop the investigation.
They have reached levels of North Korean lies, North Korean state-run media lies.
I've studied dictatorships because they're so interesting and so horrible.
And usually even the most out-of-control Romanian Ceaușescu nightmares don't go this far.
I mean, Pravda was the absolute standard of deception.
No news or no truth in Pravda.
And the Russians make jokes about it now, saying our media is worse than Pravda, because they know Pravda was horrible.
So, we've now reached a level so epic, I don't know what to say, and the fact that they sent Kelly here, who totally lied, said it wouldn't be a hit piece, and the whole thing was five times asking the same question over and over again, and then putting a promo piece out that's totally edited.
Is going to be absolutely incredible.
It shows they're going after all of Trump's allies.
They are preparing everybody, I believe, to assassinate President Trump.
I mean, they're saying kill him everywhere.
Time Warner is sponsoring plays where Trump is murdered.
The media is pushing Kathy Griffin saying, you know, kill Trump.
The New York Times, The Washington Post have their writers call for killing Trump.
Fareed Zarkaria hails Trump assassination.
That's the headline.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
So, we'll be going to your calls.
O'Brien, Sam, Morgan, Tom, and Steven.
I'll at least get to you guys.
And riding shotgun for the rest of the hour is Roger Stone.
We're getting ready to expand very soon.
We're hiring an extra crew, putting in the new studio.
Stone having a show.
Others having a show.
Roundtable broadcast.
Very exciting.
You name it.
Because the info war is exploding.
The people are waking up.
And the establishment knows that.
But now we have this new person from the Enron investigation and others that they're bringing on to Mueller's investigation.
Why isn't Comey getting investigated for perjury?
Why isn't Comey getting investigated for criminal leaking?
Why isn't Loretta Lynch getting
Investigated for admitting that she engaged in obstruction of justice.
What is the deep state creeping around and doing?
This is amazing.
They seem so confident, so brazen, to try to whip up and condition the public for the assassination of Donald John Trump, who has killed TPP, who has killed the carbon tax, with our economy coming back roaring.
I mean, this is just, you can't help but admire Trump.
But then he's not doing the fireside chat, he's not attacking enough.
Does he know the great peril he's in?
And what happens if they do kill Trump?
I don't believe all their preconditioning of his assassination, their foreshadowing, their prelude, their conditioning, their psychological inoculation.
I don't believe it's going to float.
I believe it will supercharge the populist movement.
Their attempt to come in and shut us down, that'll come after that attack, obviously.
Is it going to cause an explosion of awakening?
I mean this is just shows the same arrogance they had with Hillary running that vicious demonic corpse against Trump in the campaign and all the fake polls.
Roger Stone, what say ye?
Well Alex, you're absolutely right.
The level of falsehood in the media today is unlike anything that I have seen.
Yesterday's New York Times has
Which UK is a breakdown of how seven Trump associates have been linked.
Has said it knew in advance about the release of Russian hacked documents by Wikileaks.
I have never said anything whatsoever.
I never spoke about hacked documents or hacked emails.
It goes on to say that this was perfectly legal communications, I claimed, through communications with Julian Assange.
I never said I had a direct communications with Julian Assange.
So the Times is now zero for three.
Lastly, they say I exchanged direct messages with Guccifer 2.0, an online figure linked to Russian intelligence.
Well, linked by the Deep State, but not linked by anybody who can look at it objectively.
The Times does correctly point out
At the very bottom of the article that I had contact with him six weeks after the hacking of the DNC documents.
So, part and parcel, I don't know who wrote this, somebody from the Democratic staff of the House Intelligence Committee.
I can tell you now what the status of my testifying is.
I insist on testifying in public.
That they denied me that opportunity.
They have offered in return to let me testify in private with a transcript being released, you'll love this part Alex, at some point in the future.
So in other words, you would go testify behind closed doors, they would come out and misrepresent what you said, they would savage you while you sat around with your thumb in the air waiting for the actual transcript.
This is not what I had in mind.
Your Skype's breaking up a bit, but it's starting to clear up, so I want you to repeat that this is big breaking news with Roger Stone.
They've been saying you're a Russian agent for over a year with no proof.
They've been caught lying at every front.
Of course, as a journalist, you reached out to WikiLeaks and Guccifer.
The media was all reaching out for him.
I had CNN calling here, you know, a year ago saying, do you know Guccifer?
How do we get in touch with him?
I'm like, no.
This just goes on and on and on.
And you got hit with polonium, they tried to kill you, they tried to run you over because they want a dead man they can pin it all on.
You've been begging to publicly testify and now they say you can testify in secret and someday we might release a transcript just like Comey.
Who, we all said was probably the leaker, releases this fake memo, lets him lie about what's in it for over a month, and then is forced to come out and admit that Trump never ordered him to block the investigation because he knew that would show he perjured himself on the May 3rd congressional testimony.
So, they are so transparent, they are so obvious.
How much danger are we in of them winning?
Well Alex, I think many Trump supporters were jubilant last week because...
I'm going to put you on hold.
When it's this bad, just a default in case I'm not here, we'll go to telephone.
We'll still have Skype with Stone.
So we'll see him, but we'll go to telephone.
That's the default when Skype's that bad.
We're doing some training today with a new great crew.
So that's a default at that point.
When something breaks up for more than two minutes, you just go to a phone call.
We're doing training today as we expand here.
Rumors of our demise have been greatly exaggerated.
We've never been better, never been expanding more.
Thanks to our listeners' prayers and financial support and the great affiliates out there.
This is incredible.
Dr. Corsi, that they continued again, like I said, they're never going to stop the meme.
They're going to keep hammering this thing.
They've had congressional hearings saying, I'm a Russian agent.
Hillary said, as you know, two weeks ago, I advise the Russians.
So she actually said, I'm the super mastermind in her full five minute clip.
She says, oh, the Russians aren't smart enough to come up with Americana stuff.
It's info wars.
And then they get it from him.
And then it comes back.
To the United States.
So I am now, I'm not kidding, the mastermind.
What a load of manure.
Well Alex, I think you've got to look at this from a disinformation propaganda techniques perspective.
First of all, the mainstream media right now has, and backed by the intelligence deep state, Trump's on trial.
He's being impeached right now.
And the accusation is that he's colluded with the Russians, and this is all Russian propaganda.
Trump is encouraging, and you're an agent of the Russian propaganda.
And if they don't impeach him, if they can't impeach him, remember, nothing that comes out in defense of Trump is ever going to be reported by the mainstream media.
Comey's lies, the fact that Mueller is going to go after Flynn, we don't have Loretta Lynch being investigated, Hillary Clinton was given a pass.
And so it doesn't matter that Comey fell on his face pathetically, none of that will be reported.
It's why listeners must get the articles at Infowars that show the clips out to everyone.
Roger, you got cut off.
Repeat that now that we have better audio.
You're saying they now say, okay, you can testify in secret and maybe someday after we kill you, we might release it.
Not only that, Alex, but they propose to have two Republicans and two Democrats as opposed to the entire panel.
I noticed that Senator Sessions' testimony today is in public, and I think I should therefore be allowed to testify in public.
After all, they smeared me in public.
They made misstatements about my relationship with WikiLeaks, or lack thereof.
Let me pick up on the key point here, because I think last week
Many key Trump supporters were jubilant over the fact that Comey's testimony was so self-damaging that he revealed himself as a leaker, that he didn't lay a glove on the president in terms of collusion.
But mark my words, with Robert Mueller, the fix is in.
This guy is a neocon Bush-era errand boy.
He was Comey's direct boss at the FBI, the FBI director prior to Comey, and we now know he met with Comey to coach him on his testimony last week.
He has hired this fellow Weissman, Andrew Weissman, from the Department of Justice, the Bush-era Department of Justice.
This guy is the executioner.
Make no mistake about it, regardless of the facts,
Mueller is part and parcel of the effort to take down Trump.
This fight is not over, it's just beginning.
Yeah, folks thought Trump won the election, I'll go to sleep.
No, no, they're going to come in with pure authoritarianism now.
We're going to fight for our lives, all of us.
Let's go to Manchester.
We're reporting from the ground is Tommy Robinson.
Tommy, wow, tell us what you're doing, where you're going.
Well, we're walking through the city and we're here today, during the day, you'll be able to see the videos going up on Red Bull, where there was prompt scares everywhere, people running through the shopping centres.
Even now, I think if a balloon went off, the whole city would run from fear.
And there's a vigil.
So, organised by Andy Burnham, who is the MP who is working with the Muslim extremist group, who shares a platform with them, he's organising the vigil.
He's now the mayor of Greater Manchester.
He's in charge of the whole peaceful.
So, um, yeah, he's organized a vigil for people to come together.
This is one of the vigils which you see across.
And so he can be the hero.
He can know the peace.
Let's run up white flags.
Let me be your boss.
Just lay down.
Let us put the handcuffs on.
Get in the yellow Volkswagen.
Let us get you in the basement.
Go ahead.
That's it.
That's it.
And that's what... I didn't even know this.
I've only just started researching Manchester since I got up here this morning.
And again, just... I've only had to scratch beneath the surface.
It took me 10 minutes to find things out.
10 minutes to find things out, but I believe now this is one of these vigils where it doesn't do anything, does it?
I understand the feeling of coming together.
It's not gonna... But it makes the people that allowed it to happen look like they care about everybody on the conciliators.
They're the people standing up there.
As I said, my mum was an immigrant to this country and she embraced it and as her children we embrace it and that's the same with them.
They've embraced it and love it.
But there's one section of the community who don't.
One section of immigrants who have come here who refuse to.
Who are now third generation.
I believe this man was second generation.
But second and third generation, the problem is getting worse and worse.
Problems getting worse and worse.
The hatred, the pure hatred against our way of life, our culture, our history, everything about it.
We've lost our identity as English people.
We've lost our history.
We've not been allowed to be proud in who we are, proud in our history or our culture.
So there's something missing anyway.
So Islam fills that void.
They've then joined Islam and they're allowed to be proud in their identity.
And they're given a real strong sense of belief and identity and belonging, which has been lost, purposely lost, orchestrated.
They've done that on purpose.
I said most English kids who are 16 walking around with their heads down.
Walking around with their heads down.
So they take culture away and then bring in either leftist globalism or Islam.
Why do you think the left is so allied?
Again, Tommy Robinson on the ground in Manchester investigating live.
Why do you think that the left is so allied with Islam?
I always say because there's some Marxists and Communists aligning with Islam and they both hate each other.
But they're simply using each other.
Let's run up the white flag!
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I watch footage from all over the country, but I also watch the footage that they shot of people in communist uniforms and Islamic garb beating men, women, and children, and reporters over the head with clubs.
The state police here in Austin would just stop them from beating.
And they've got them with their own clubs attacking the police.
We're going to have some of the boil down of those hours of footage here for you.
I'll describe it for radio listeners.
But here's why this hit so hard before I finish up with Roger Stone and Dr. Corsi.
Here's the really bad news.
Trump loses travel ban ruling in appeals court.
Folks, the law is so clear, the president can ban people from countries, period, if he wants.
Look at all the other nations that do it.
We have seven countries, total failed states, where the imams issue the passports, places like Somalia and Libya.
And the Fourth Circuit agreed with the Hawaiian court and the Ninth Circuit and said, quote,
He violated the Constitution's ban on government establishment of religion, the First Amendment.
So the government's running religion in this country, the IRS is controlling it, not supposed to do it under the First Amendment.
You have a political religion like Islam, failed states, the President bans it, and they're using the First Amendment that guarantees the right to religion.
And says you can't have government-established religion to bring in Islam that is a government of the establishment of religion, that says Sharia law will overwrite the Constitution and will not accept other religion.
It's like bringing cancer in and saying because we're anti-cancer.
I mean, the courts, the system, they're all against Trump.
He has stopped 43% of the illegals coming in.
But you talk about a government in total mutiny against this president.
I want to get Roger Stone's take on that, then we'll let him go.
I appreciate him popping in today.
Roger Stone, your take on this.
Any other tidbits?
Well, Alan, you raise a very good point.
It was Mr. Mueller who was in charge of removing all of the references to Islamic jihad in terror from the FBI training material.
And he even issued a public apology to care for being insensitive.
If this doesn't prove that Mr. Mueller is part of the problem, I don't know what does.
We also know that Mr. Mueller, as the FBI director, warned Georgia Congressman Bob Barr to stop asking questions about Waco, to back off on the questions of why the government assaulted the compound on Waco.
This guy is a neocon errand boy, and the job assigned to him is taking down Donald Trump.
Is he a Wahhabist like Brennan?
I mean, why are all our leaders under the control of radical Muslims?
I don't think so.
I don't know Mr. Mueller's religion, but he is most clearly an establishment darling appointed by George W. Bush to head the FBI.
Sure, but why did he remove all references to radical Islam from the FBI and not let them go after him at San Bernardino?
I mean, he's known as the protector of radical Islam.
Yeah, because that's the politically correct position, and that was the position of the Obama administration.
Islam is a religion of love, Alex.
Didn't you know that?
It's a religion of love and peace.
Hey, I want to get you and Corsi here later in the week.
We've got to get some stuff done, some contracts done for you to get on board and some planning.
But I wanted to get you both here together.
There's also some big stuff going on, as you know, with a lot of heavy hitters.
So can you guys talk later today about getting you here at the same time to actually not just go on air, but get some stuff done?
Certainly, we can figure that out.
Let me leave it at this, which is, Alex, they're going for our king.
They're going to try to take out our king.
And then they keep coming after us after.
But we know that Barack Obama's administration oversaw the wholesale, unconstitutional wiretapping of millions of Americans, perhaps as many as millions.
We must go for their king.
I don't know what Jeff Sessions is waiting for, but he needs to impanel a grand jury for Ms.
Rice, Valerie Jarrett, and yes, the President himself.
What did Barack Obama know, and when did he know it?
That's right.
Trump has to go on total offense now, or they're going to kill him just like they do in the play, killing Julius Caesar.
They're celebrating it, they're preparing it, and it's going to bring in a violent civil war.
We must stop it.
Thank you so much, Roger Stone.
Many thanks, Alex.
Great to be here.
You've got to look at this whole thing as if the Deep State is planning an assassination.
They're desensitizing the public with this assassination play, with the Kathy Griffin beheading.
Alex, you've got to be taken out, or made to seem to be a Russian agent.
And that's what Megyn Kelly's assignment was.
Yet you don't think she came on her own initiative.
This is an assignment.
This is deep state.
This is the entire backing of the inner forces within the government that are opposing Donald Trump.
And he better learn to use the power of the presidency now, fire Priebus, get rid of the Obama and Clinton carryovers, and start using the Department of Justice and the FBI to go after Clinton.
He needs to execute order number 66.
Alright, thank you so much Dr. Corsi.
We'll have our members of the crew in studio who face the Muslim hordes with the communists as they attack U.S.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The collapse of the left continues.
If it isn't Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi having a mental breakdown, if it isn't Snoop Doggity Dogg pretending to shoot President Trump, if it isn't Kathy Griffin going full ISIS and depicting herself with a decapitated trumpet, it's the New York Public Theater depicting the assassination of President Trump and their latest installment of Shakespeare in the Park.
The play depicted President Trump as the modern-day Julius Caesar, this time being stabbed to death by minorities and women, a clear subliminal message.
Leave it to CNN to endorse such an atrocity, as Fareed Zakaria said the play is a masterpiece.
But the disturbing presentation did not go without consequences, as major sponsors of the theater have now pulled their sponsorship dollars, such as Delta Airlines and Bank of America, who have supported the theater to the tunes of millions in the past.
The suicide of the left is real.
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InfoWars is the brainchild of radio host Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is a lunatic.
That man's a threat to this country.
There's a guy on the radio.
His name is Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones of the Muslim world, you know.
That man's a saint, you watch your mouth.
Time to stop submitting to this charity!
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved!
I heard that on Alex Jones!
InfoWars, it's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
We are in an information war, and we are losing that war.
Nobody can dispute the fact that we're... InfoWars.com.
InfoWars comes to mind.
You watch InfoWars?
I want freedom!
That's what I want, and that's what you should want!
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
I like that guy.
That is the best!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And I'm very honored to be taking the main enemy attacks, along with President Trump, trying to restore the republic and our economy, turn back on and have religious freedom.
Here's the deal.
There's more than 60 Muslim countries, and on average, those Muslim countries are 95 plus percent, it's almost 96, anybody can look this up, percent Muslim.
And you know why?
A lot of them are 99.9 percent, because they'll kill you, but if you're not Muslim, in fact, if you're not Shiite or Sunni, they'll kill you.
If it's a Shiite country, they'll kill you if you're Sunni.
If it's a Sunni country, they'll kill you if you're Shiite.
In fact, the Shiites, on average, are a little bit more tolerant than the Sunnis.
Of course, it's Saudi Arabia and the Wahhabis and the Sunnis that are taking over.
Our elites are publicly allied with them and take huge amounts of money from them.
Brennan, former CIA director, converted to Wahhabism, lived in Saudi Arabia for over a decade.
Mueller, of course, ruled the FBI under Obama.
And said that no one will call it radical Islam while he's there and took out all the training manuals.
He said the real threat is returning veterans and gun owners.
Those are in the actual manuals.
And so that's why this is so devastating.
Just came out about 15 minutes ago.
It dovetails with why Owen Schroyer and Rob Due, our great reporters, are here in studio with us.
The Info Horizontally news director and, of course, Owen Schroyer, both out on the ground in Austin at the anti-Sharia law demonstrations that happened globally.
Mainly by victims of Islam.
A lot of diverse people.
A lot of Africans have been killed or family members that have been killed from Africa.
We're actually out there.
They know the fear.
Indonesians, Indians from India.
1.4 million Indians.
Excuse me, 140 million Indians.
Not 1.4.
Gosh, it's a big number, but it's 140 million Hindus killed by our religion of love.
Trump loses travel ban ruling in appeals court.
And get ready for this!
A second federal appeals court on Monday ruled against President Trump's revised travel ban.
It's totally in law that the President can do this.
The decision from the United States Court of Appeals, the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco, that's overturned 80 plus percent of the time, was the latest in a string of court rulings rejected by the administration's efforts to limit travel from several predominantly Muslim countries.
Yes, failed states that don't even have working airports, like Somalia.
Continues, the administration has already sought a Supreme Court review.
It's like saying we take folks unvetted from caveman land.
The administration has already sought a Supreme Court review of a similar decision issued last month by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Virginia.
The new ruling affirmed a March decision by Judge Derek K. Watson from the federal court in Hawaii.
Judge Watson blocked major parts of the revised order, saying it violated the Constitution's ban on government establishment of religion.
It says, Congress shall make no law affecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or freedom of the press, or the right to peaceably assemble, or to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
That's the big number one, baby.
It does, it also says in the Constitution, the President can control who comes in and who can't if they're not citizens.
It's in the country, it's citizens.
For the Hopi Indians can take masculine, God bless them.
You can't, because it's illegal, but it's part of their religion.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're talking about failed states where they sell women on slave blocks at auctions, where they're selling tens of thousands of women and children a month out of Libya since our government overthrew it with Hillary.
She came, she saw, he died.
They are literally bringing in a group that wants to overtake any freedom of religion or not blow up
Little kids shoot up gay nightclubs, throw people off buildings, and they're saying because they have a right to religion, they have a right to come here with their murderous political Islam that says we will kill everybody that isn't part of our Islam from the most radical, wait till there's more terror attacks.
This is in, and then meanwhile this weekend all over the country throwing piss at people, beating them up, attacking my reporters, hitting them.
The police would just come over and just stop him, wouldn't arrest him.
This is incredible, the tolerance while they say, kill our president everywhere.
My heavens, this is incredible, gentlemen.
Well, and Alex, all these countries too, they found him in Libya, they found him in Syria, where they're making their own passports.
They're making fake passports to send these people over.
Because the airports are all bombed out hellhole.
So, you have these failed dreams?
Here, I am your imam!
You are good!
G-O-O-D, Habib!
Kill them, infidel!
It just makes you wonder what planet these people are on.
You get passport, here!
Kill infidel!
You get passport, here!
Kill them!
Blow up Manchester!
I'm 33!
I'm a 33 year old man!
No, no!
You sixteen year old, year old boy!
Your name boy!
Sign name here!
Ah, thank you.
Your name boy!
Thank you.
Sixteen now.
Ah, we love you Obama!
That was ridiculous.
I mean, I can't believe this has gone through two... Wait, you need passport?
We come to your country to get your women, coffer, infidel.
You want one?
Let me see.
You with beard.
You seven year old boy.
Here, old boy, here.
Seven and a half.
Seven and a half.
You signed?
Here's your passport.
Signed by Imam.
Let me wipe ass in Islam.
There is your centum.
Signed name, boy.
Seven-year-old boy.
With me and my twenty friends here.
All thirty-year-old men.
All five-year-old boy.
I'm coming to the U.S.
I think the proper response to this, Alex, is, I guess, gallows humor.
But how about the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton comes out in response and says, you know what?
The blood is on their hands.
So now, and I already said this in a video in response to the... Well, there's a tax, it's not Islamic!
Well, and keep in mind, this is on the anniversary of Omar Mateen killing 49 people at a nightclub, where he said, I'm doing this for ISIS, I'm doing this for Islam, I pledge allegiance to Allahu Akbar, and I believe it was his parents that migrated here from Afghanistan, if I'm recalling that correctly.
Uh, but there's obviously a pattern here with the religion of peace as they're dubbing it.
But this is what I think President Trump needs to do to, pun fully intended, trump this travel ban restriction that the Ninth Court continues to bring upon and rename it
Countries America has bombed in the last eight years.
That's your joke.
We should make a ban on countries that legally have it under the law to kill gays.
Okay, there you go.
Ban countries where it's okay to kill homosexual travel ban.
I like that too, but that's what I'm saying.
You change the narrative.
See, they'll say that's a violation of religion too, because their religion is killing gays.
So, but then you forget the conversation.
Oh, kill me, liberal!
Kill me, it's liberal!
So there you go, though.
You make them say that.
You make them say that.
Just like we go out, Rob Dew and I go out on Saturday, and we don't even say anything.
We're walking around with a camera, and what does that do?
That makes them act like idiots.
Words of literal people that, because I watch a lot of this video, where they act like mental patients.
They look like mental patients.
Describe what you saw.
Well, Dew thinks they're, you call it LARPing.
I call it larp.
Yeah, I think they're live-action role-playing.
They're playing, and not all these people.
Some of these people are violent a-holes.
But a lot of these kids, they just want to get out there and scream because they're angry at whatever.
They're angry because they have high-interest loans.
They're angry because they can't get a job.
They're angry at themselves.
I've been run over by police for no reason at demonstrations, and they're hitting cops with clubs, man.
Let me tell you, one of these people hit me with a club.
That's why I can't go to these events.
Some guy hits me with a hickory stick, an axe handle.
That's a deadly weapon.
I'm gonna beat the hell out of him.
Why did the cops not attack him when they're hitting him?
With clubs!
Well that's a funny thing because they can actually thank, I would say, us for that, alternative media, because we kept the police check, the police state in check.
We reported on the- What do you mean?
It's the left terrorist always bringing the police state.
But here's what I'm saying.
When those guys hit somebody with a deadly weapon, they need to get their ribs broken.
When you see an incident- The police should have beat the living hell out of these people!
They're out there beating up innocent men, women, and children, messing up our First Amendment!
So that's what I'm saying.
I'm going to the next one, that's it.
When you see something like Kelly Thomas getting abused by police, you say, okay, that is wrong, the police were in the wrong there.
This is an instance where you have violent criminals... Back it up where they're attacking the cops with axe handles!
...who are literally masked.
They mask their faces.
That shouldn't be legal.
You're out here with your face masked because you want to break the law and get away with it, and...
That should be considered illegal.
I completely agree.
If I was the police officers, I don't think I would have had the same patience I had as a journalist.
We need to go back to the footage of them hitting them with clubs and hitting you.
You guys got hit.
I mean, what is it like to have a bunch of beta, snot-nosed idiots hitting you?
Just the scum of the earth, man!
I literally had a four-foot-tall, I think she was female, she was bumping me and rubbing her granola bar on me.
And it's like bumping me like this.
I said, are you serious?
Are you really trying to intimidate me?
That's a waste of food for the starving people in Africa.
And they're going to rub the granola bar on you like that.
What a waste of food.
It's just ridiculous.
And that was just one of the few people getting in my face, screaming constantly.
The screaming and whistle blowing.
These people have no argument.
They have no argument.
They have no idea what they stand for.
So it's scream, cuss you out, put the camera, block your camera.
I don't know if you saw the video of the tranny getting in this black guy's face in California over the weekend.
Got in his face, screaming at the guy over and over again.
And finally, she, it, whatever, hit him.
And the guy's like, that's all you got?
And pounded her.
It, in the ground.
It was kind of funny to watch.
Because you sit there and you mess with people, you deserve what you get.
You can't continue to mess with people and pretend like...
You can keep doing it and eventually nobody's going to do anything.
No, eventually you're going to run into the wrong person, just like that person did.
I'm a non-violent person, but I tell you what, you come and hit me with anything too, you're going to be going home with a headache.
You just showed the footage of them hitting cops with axe handles.
You can kill somebody with that.
Granted, they're a bunch of mutant chicken necks, but still, they're with axe handles, man.
No, the police acted with restraint to an extreme degree.
Well, you know why?
Because they had the communists over there with their AK-47s, which again, they want to ban our guns, but they're going to have theirs.
You know, that's an interesting point that you would bring up.
If we came to an event like that and we had AKs over our shoulder, leftist media would be freaking out.
They were holding the guns ready to go.
I thought they were menacing people.
Well, Alex, again, they have their faces covered!
They have their faces covered!
Yeah, we've had our open jury in cities that have banned it, even though they're violating state law.
We did it respectfully, we told the cops we're coming, and we don't aim guns at people.
And we had people telling me, I caught it on video, I documented the people there with eight days.
We have the new Black Panther Party marching around saying, kill cops, man.
You got a gun with your finger on the trigger saying kill people.
I say, they need to go to prison.
Well, they need to be arrested.
They're trying to cause a civil war just like Ukraine or the Arab Spring.
We cannot put up with it.
They really are.
Attorney General needs to start arresting their asses now.
Well, look what happened in Russia recently.
George Soros paid protesters, took to the streets, and you know what happened?
They got arrested en masse, okay?
The police in Russia didn't put up with it, and they arrested them en masse.
They were funded by Soros.
Yeah, there's the people holding their AK-47 with their finger on the trigger.
So, until these people start getting arrested en masse, until these people literally start getting their blood on the streets by these police officers, they're going to keep doing it.
They're going to keep doing it.
You need to knock down their throat, man.
I don't want to do it.
I don't.
Look, there's some guy that comes up to me.
I'm not violent either.
They're a bunch of violent thugs trying to overthrow our country.
I've always been Mr. Peace.
These people are out of control.
What are you supposed to do when a, being kind, a mental midget comes up to you with a plastic bongo drum and a ping pong paddle?
Have you ever heard of such nonsense?
This is apparently an adult man who shows up at this event.
These people aren't adults.
It's Arrested Development.
They are young children in their minds.
They have not had to grow up.
They've had everything handed to them.
They've had helicopter parents.
They get participation medals.
And this is what you get.
This is the fallout of it.
You get a bunch of bratty kids.
Now Alex, I talked to one of the founding members of Oath Keepers on Saturday.
Look at that.
A guy hit him and then he gets taken out.
He said a civil war is imminent.
He said these guys are going to cause a civil war.
And people are like, get off her, get off her.
Well, they weren't doing anything.
How dumb is that tranny?
Goes up to a black Trump supporter, punches him in the face.
What do you think is going to happen?
And then look at all the antifa like, ahhh!
I said that to all these guys after the one guy tried to shove his little plastic bongo in my face.
I retweeted the video.
I'm like, I could literally drop every single one of you clowns.
That's how pathetic they are.
I feel bad.
I feel bad.
How's your arm Alex?
No, but, I mean, honestly, it's like what you're saying, dude.
I mean, these people are, they have mental illnesses, they are in the rest of development, part of me feels bad for them, but the other part of me is like... But still, they're not allowed to go over to our country for Sharia law.
Well, that's enough.
There's a full multiracial crowd against Sharia law, which is literally like being against Nazism, and they're over there attacking the men, women, and children.
That's the footage I saw.
I saw only one real debate.
And it was one guy saying, well it's not happening, the genital mutilation is not happening in Texas.
It'll never happen in Texas.
I'm like, buddy.
It's already started.
Once it starts in one area, it just moves around.
And we don't even know if it's happening in Texas right now.
We didn't know Kermit Gosnell was cutting the heads off of babies with scissors after they were born until years after it happened.
So you're not going to know this stuff until it actually happens.
There needs to be investigations into all these things.
Radical orthodox Islam is not compatible in the civilized world.
What are the elite doing importing millions of these screwballs?
They want to start a civil war.
That's exactly it.
And Antifa doesn't realize that they're going to be the ones that are going to face this.
They are the ones who are going to die first because they are going to be on the front lines and they're going to get wasted.
I mean, it's not what we want.
They're going to get wasted.
It's not what any of us want.
It's not what we're calling for.
We're calling for the opposite.
But it just goes to show you how mindless these people are when you see these videos and you just think, just think about a strain of, think about a train of thought where you're out here protesting basically for Sharia law, you're stopping an anti-Sharia law protest which Sharia law oppresses women.
And by the way, they're screaming the whole time.
Don't stop my free speech while they're hitting.
And these are the same people that cried for months about Donald Trump's grab her by the private part comment.
So you can't make a comment in a private conversation jokingly about how you're a billionaire and women just basically put themselves on top of you.
You're not allowed to talk about that.
But it's okay to have sharia law which oppresses women and supports female genital mutilation.
Remember that one where the guys with the stick herding the little girls like goats?
That's how they treat them.
They treat women like animals.
I'm beginning to wonder, what do you think would happen though?
If, like that, the guy who got into it with that tranny, I mean, he dropped that tranny like nothing.
I'm wondering, do you think he got arrested?
I'm wondering, if we started responding to these people, do you think the police would arrest us?
If I decided to just, okay, you know what, buddy?
Now he's on the ground.
Is the officer gonna arrest me?
So there's another weird dynamic, because people are not, I'm not, that's probably, that's not gonna be me.
Like I said, I'm a peaceful guy, and I'm out there as a journalist.
But there's other people that are not gonna take this anymore, Alex, and someone's gonna get their block knocked off.
I just can't handle it anymore.
I can't imagine if it was you out there, Alex.
I'm not that tough.
No, I'm not even saying that.
I'm just saying that they were complaining because they'd hit me on the elbow and back or punch him.
I'm just like, hey, you just hit me.
I'm like, dude, you just hit me.
They do that thing where they walk up and bump you.
It's like, oh, we're going to bump you.
Oh, we're going to bump you.
They did it to you at a Trump rally.
A Trump rally protest.
I'm just saying, if I get the attention that I get when I get out there, Alex, I couldn't imagine what they would do to you.
They'd probably start throwing things at you.
Like Lauren Southern.
Well, tell your boss... Alex, they fall for the fake news.
I don't even want to say this because I don't want to get any credence to the story, but they literally fall for entire fake news saying, oh, what about Alex's kids?
I'm like, Alex's kids love him.
He's in a happy family with them.
I just saw him.
They're like, yeah, he lost them.
I'm like, no, that's literally... They literally fall for fake news.
They believe mainstream media.
Alex's kids are fine.
Trust me.
I just saw him.
Well, I mean, but they're only with me six days a week, so...
What is it going to take?
What is it gonna take?
We have a situation here where an Islamic terrorist set off an explosive device killing children going to see a pop concert at an arena.
What is it going to take before I, after an event like this happens, I go to Twitter, pick up my phone, I go to Twitter and I'm like, wow, everyone agrees this has to stop.
Everyone actually agrees that this needs to have some type of resolution to it.
But, kids being murdered by Islamic terrorism, and I go to Twitter and it's, oh right, let's not fall for being Islamophobic.
Let's look at the reasons they're doing this.
Lone wolf.
Oh, and it was a balloon puppet.
I am so disgusted.
It's gotten to the point where these aren't soldiers.
These aren't people that signed on to take the risk of fighting a war.
These were children and their parents going to see an Ariana Grande show.
That's not something you look at and go, well, you know, they kind of asked for it.
Although, boy, you look at Twitter again and you will actually see that.
People that cannot do anything but try to find anyone else to blame for these horrific attacks that we're seeing being carried out by Islam, in the name of Islam.
This guy that did this, this is a gentleman that was known to law enforcement.
I love that one because it's every single time these people are known to law enforcement.
What the hell are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
He's known to law enforcement.
He traveled to Libya.
To see dear old dad and his brothers, I gather, that he comes back to the UK and they don't pull this guy aside and interview him and talk to him?
If a guy known to law enforcement for being involved in some type of Islamic shenanigans travels to Libya, then comes back to the UK,
That's the guy you should be talking to.
That's the drop everything, this piece of garbage just came back from Libya.
Send someone to have a chat with him.
Alright, Steven, Morgan, Tom, O'Brien, Sam.
I'm gonna get to Ollie before Owens-Troyer hosts the fourth hour.
Maybe I'll just co-host with these guys.
Wow, so much has gone on.
I knew Trump was for real, but he's delivering on the economy, sovereignty, not letting globalists run our country, and they are pissed.
They want him dead.
And they want to shut down all the free speech in this country, and they are just after all of us.
They are so despicable.
I want to thank you all for your support.
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Good afternoon, Alex and Rob.
First of all, Alex, I want to say before I get to what I called in about, which is this Comey situation,
You know, I've been listening to you for years, and I want to thank you because, you know, I've discovered so many good products through your advertising on your show.
First of all, Beyond Tangy Candrene 2.0.
That is my number one supplement that I take, and I can tell a difference when I run out.
Oh yeah, that's InfoWarsTeam.com.
Their product's great.
Our Vitamin Mineral Fusion is similar, but they're both excellent products.
Right, and you know, I've got an X2, Supermail, Secret 12, Pawcross, The Guard, Bio-True, Selenium, Bio-Defense, Micro-ZX, Oxy-Powder, Liver Shield, Lung Cleanse.
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And it's all excellent, folks.
And are you a repeat user, too?
Steven, do you repeat buying these things?
Oh yeah, I get, you know, as I can, as I can afford it, I get auto-ships.
What is your favorite product of all of them?
My go-to product, you know, I take basically the Super Male and the X2 and the Secret 12 every day, but my go-to product has been the Silver Bullet, man.
I had the flu really bad when it was going around back in late February, early March, and I don't get sick much.
I'm generally really healthy, but I'll tell you, I got it bad.
All I did was I took almost a bottle.
Of the silver going out, my vitamin C, and in a week it was gone.
I took no antibiotics, nothing else.
Well sure, and I can't say it replaces antibiotics.
Antibiotics quit working sometimes, because it's all your physician.
It's just antibiotics have quit working for me with sore throats, and I'll just drink a whole bottle of cold silver.
Now technically that's probably a little bit of a toxic level.
I'm not saying you should do that.
But it definitely is silver.
It's a fact.
But now you see silver being sold in stores.
I mean hospitals are using it.
I mean
They put silver in like plastic bags and things that people, you know, Tupperware now.
They're impregnating it with silver to keep stuff to last longer.
It helps make fruit last longer.
It's amazing.
We beat them to that.
Silver's great.
We beat them to the DNA force.
We beat them to iodine.
We were always beating them.
Hey, you're awesome, Steven.
You're awesome.
I need to call them about Comey hearings.
Stay there.
I'm going to come right back to you.
We're going into fourth hour.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Over the weekend, Act for America held human rights marches across the United States, marching against Sharia law, which prohibits certain human rights to women, and countries where Sharia law is in practice oppress women.
So leave it to Antifa to show up and disrupt these Americans' First Amendment right.
But it didn't stop there.
Journalists like myself got assaulted and cursed at just for documenting the event.
Lauren Southern even had animal urine thrown at him while filming in the New York City marches.
If it wasn't obvious before, it is now.
CNN and Antifa are ISIS.
Leftists freaked out when a burka was put on Fearless Girl in New York City, faced with the imagery of the oppression they were supporting.
The same people that are now supporting Sharia law in America were the same people who were so helplessly offended by Donald Trump's grab her by the private comment.
So Trump's inappropriate private conversation is unacceptable, but forced female genital mutilation is okay.
The left has literally lost their minds.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, they're going to take calls and play clips during this hour.
They're about to take over, Owen Schroyer and, of course, Rob Dew.
I'm about to punch out here in about five minutes.
Got a lot of important work behind the scenes to do to expand the InfoWar.
Contrary to all the mainstream media's lies.
877-789-ALEX is the toll free number to join us.
We were finishing up with a caller.
Yeah, here's what I wanted to say, and you guys can see if you concur with my analysis, okay?
You know, Alex, you have very masterfully brought out what a false flag terror attack is in your Terror Storm documentary, and anybody that hasn't seen that needs to get that and see it.
But here's the thing, okay?
The most successful false flag I can see that the New World Order pulled off was through Hillary Clinton with Benghazi, and that was on September 11th.
Well, what I see happening now is God's law of the harvest, where they're reaping what they've sown, and Alex, you said, I'm willing to take the hit, you know, and you've been out there for years, you and Drudge and others, putting out the hits on the New World Order.
Well, now I think the roosters are coming home to roost with them, because here,
Last year during the campaign here, September 11th, I think it was one of your reporters videotaped Hillary falling down on September 11th.
It was a message from God.
It was.
It was.
That's right folks, they don't have all the power.
They wonder why we keep winning.
It's because we got God on our side.
Here's what I want to say.
With the call me hearings now, what's coming across to me is these people, see they want to pull the ultimate false flag.
Taking down the Trump administration.
They've bitten off more than they can chew and the Comey fiasco, what it says to me is what they have done is, without realizing it, is pulled a false flag on themselves.
They're going down.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, I don't put a good face on things if it's not good.
I admit when we're wrong.
I admit when we're failing.
I admit when the country's in trouble.
Every real indicator is we're coming back from the dead culturally, economically, and the elite are panicking.
The people that stole the country, that hijacked it, that took over, you know, America by fraud,
They're panicking, and Comey was devastated.
He had to say, no, Trump never told me to stop investigation.
No, I did tell Trump he wasn't under investigation.
Confirming everything, when he tried to use that sneaky fake memo, he was forced to admit it was him.
It was a total reversal, but you tuned on CNN, you thought Trump got indicted.
Well, and now he doesn't have the memos?
Like, where did they go?
Were they not on your computer system?
Like, the FBI, they have them.
Which he was supposed to give to the Justice Department.
Trump needs to start indicting their ass.
And he's like, oh, I don't have them.
My buddy has them.
What is that?
That's a cop-out, bro.
Coming up in the next segment, Alex, if you're still with us, you can hear this clip
The timing, they really did trap themselves.
Stephen is right, because the timing of the events and what Comey said in his testimony do not actually add up.
I've got a video from May 3rd, May 3rd, where James Comey says he did not ever leak anything to the media.
Chuck Grassley asked him specifically, and on May 3rd,
Wait a minute!
Oh my God, it's more perjury.
I want to stay on for this.
I remember that.
I'd forgotten it.
You're such a genius.
So, Comey caught lying to the Senate about leaks.
We have him!
Twice, Alex!
Because first he lied on May 3rd, then he said that he put out the memo to a reporter in response to Trump's tape tweet, but the tape tweet wasn't made till May 12th.
He leaked on May 11th!
Let me stop you.
Next time, like, Matt came to me one day and he goes, you know we have the clip of him saying nobody tried to influence him.
I went, I forgot about that.
Why didn't you tell me?
He goes, I am telling you.
I just found it.
And then that broke from us.
You should have run in here earlier.
When did you find this?
Just today when I got in and came on the show.
Okay, next time you find that, don't just think I know everything and I'm the boss.
No, it's the opposite.
You come in and you tell me what we're about to do.
When we come back, Owen, you run this.
Do they have the clips?
Yes, they have the clips.
Alright, drumroll.
Everybody tune in.
Steven, God bless you.
Thanks for the support, brother.
Love ya.
We're gonna come back.
And we're gonna break down another giant lie Comey got caught in.
This is un... Start tweeting it!
Grab this clip as soon as we're done taping it live.
I want to get this out everywhere.
This is mega huge.
Stay with us.
David Horowitz is our guest for the next 15 minutes or so.
He, of course, is a best-selling author at FrontPageMagazine.com.
And the reason I wanted to get him on again is he has several best-selling books out right now that basically predict what's happening.
But he's been quoted as saying, the Democrats want us to secede from the Union again.
This is the second time the Democratic Party has decided to secede from the Union.
This is what's happened to Trump.
I mean, they're talking about impeachment on day one.
I want to ask you then, where do you think this is going?
What Trump can do to survive?
Because I know on Big Agenda, I've read it.
You lay all this out in your last book, you predicted it.
So how do we counter this when they don't care about facts?
They keep screaming we're Russian agents and all the rest of it.
Trump represents a traditional American way of viewing things.
He judges individuals on their merits, not according to their origins.
Our greatest asset.
This is called the law of unintended consequences.
Hopefully, conservatives and Republicans will rally around their targeted leader.
And what I would advise Trump is he needs to work with Congress.
He needs to get those guys in line.
And then he needs to go out to the people, the people who elected him.
That's the, you know, the ace in the hole.
He's got to have a nationwide rally to point out the treason and say, no matter what the scum say in the media, we're going to restore the republic, we're going to cut your taxes, we're together.
He's got to, after this foreign trip, I agree, change the subject in a nationwide tour.
I think he should arrest Hillary too.
Oh, I agree.
What would happen if Sessions was allowed, we have total evidence, to go ahead and indict Crooked Hillary?
I think that would be great.
It would be a rallying for all the troops.
Look, this is a war.
And the more our side recognizes that it's a war, I mean, the Democrats, they understand it.
It's in their blood.
But you have to have the troops.
It's one thing to have the troops.
So you're saying the answer is, conservatives of every race, color, and creed, we need to get on the streets?
Yeah, get into the war.
It's a war!
Fight it like it's a war.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
If you like to gamble, I'll tell you how to plan.
You win some, lose some, it's all the same to me.
The pleasure is to play.
I know just what you're saying.
Alex Jones here with Owen Schroer and Rob Doo.
We have massive breaking news.
This is hiding in plain view.
This has not gotten any attention yet.
To Time Magazine's credit, they actually are reporting on it just in a blurb in a sub-article.
That's what's crazy about this is, you'll have the New York Times over the weekend come out
Never told him to stop an investigation.
He said in both hearings that no one, including Trump, ever told him that.
Well, how bold is the New York Times to get called fake news under oath and then, in that same hearing, claim that basically it never even happened?
That's right.
Comey admitted that they were wrong.
Now, now, let's expand.
They then come out in this article, and in a Daily Beast article, and say that I'm lying, these clips don't exist, and that I'm an even bigger villain, that they called the New York Stock Exchange, and that it reversed in negative trading because of our video going viral.
Which it did.
It's one of the top trends on Twitter.
I'm one of the top trends today.
I'm in the top ten again today.
I'm so evil.
I'm so horrible.
Just the worst person ever.
Horrible person.
You know, because it's a big deal.
There's a memo, supposedly, with them saying,
That Trump obstructed justice and ordered him to stop.
Then we have a clip two months later that no one paid attention to, where he says no one ever did it.
People go, wow, looks like Trump told the truth, stock market goes up.
How horrible!
We won't have a national crisis.
Then last week, Senator Burr asked the question, we're going to play the clip again, and he says, he never ordered me to stop the investigation and nobody else did.
What does the New York Times do?
They run the quotes and say we're fake.
By name, Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, Mike Cernovich.
They say we're all liars and that we made up the quote.
Now, get ready for this.
The reason I preface this breaking news with that story I've been hammering since Sunday is Owen Schroer found the clip.
Again, even AP admits that he said no orders to stop the investigation and that Trump was told that he was not under investigation.
All that's confirmed.
AP, London Independent, they're all reporting it.
The New York Times and Washington Post, they're saying it's not true, even though we have the video.
Then Time Magazine has a blurb, but this hasn't really broken, because it's not viral.
You found it about two hours ago.
We're about to break it down.
Owen Schroer, drumroll, we have another giant lie.
Comey has been caught in.
Again, on the May 3rd hearing, the same one where he said nobody tried to influence him, he said, I've never leaked to the press.
Now we know that before that May 3rd hearing and other times, he'd already leaked to the press.
Owen Schroyer, break it down.
So on May 3rd, there was a hearing that involved James Comey.
He was asked a question by Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa, have you ever leaked anything to the media?
We'll play that clip in a second, to which Comey said no.
But here's the key.
So, because Comey may have actually perjured himself twice over this.
Once in the hearing where he answers the question against Grassley, and then again in the most recent hearing that got all the attention.
He said in the most recent hearing that he responded to Trump's tape tweet, I hope there's no tapes of our conversation, by leaking his memo to the media.
That's what they say.
He woke up in the middle of the night and said, oh, I got memos!
Okay, so, but, hold on.
How is that possible if the story in the New York Times came out on May 11th?
In a private dinner, Trump demanded loyalty, Comey demurred.
This is the story he's referring to.
This is the leak.
That came out on May 11th.
He says that he did that leak on, after May 12th.
And let's be clear, he said last Thursday, on the 8th, he was the main leaker, and now Trump had already said that, so, we know Trump has intel.
So let's go to the clip of Chuck Grassley, what appears to be getting James Comey to lie under oath.
Director Comey, have you ever been an anonymous source in news reports about matters relating to the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation?
And we now know, under oath he's now said he was, and previous, but they won't find the memo.
So here's why he's trapped.
This is why he's trapped.
Because he cannot win.
Because even if he says, well on May 3rd, I had not leaked anything yet, so technically I didn't lie there.
Okay well then, you have a window between May 4th then, and May 13th,
Of which you would have had to have leaked that memo.
Now, according to your testimony just last week, that means that you would have had to release that leak to the quote-unquote friend in media either on May 12th or on May 13th.
Which, then, that would make impossible this story that came out on May 11th.
So Comey has perjured himself.
He cannot get out of this.
There is no way for him to get out of this.
I would love to see the snake, James Comey, wiggle his way out of this one.
And as you said, Alex, Real Media is reporting this.
It's amazing the gaslighting the New York Times is doing.
Here, Alex.
This report says Attorney General Jeff Sessions to testify in public Tuesday.
You see this report?
He's not testifying Tuesday.
It's not happening.
It's a lie.
He's not testifying.
In fact, Jeff Sessions isn't even the Attorney General, Alex.
Well, they say Trump isn't the President.
He stole the election when it was Hillary trying to do it.
Have you ever seen more gaslighting than this?
And they want to talk about obstruction.
Loretta Lynch told him to call the investigation a matter.
And that came out in that same hearing that just happened last week.
And now Dianne Feinstein is calling out Loretta Lynch.
Yeah, even Feinstein's saying, hey, we've got to investigate this.
I actually have a shred of dignity left and I'll actually say, well, here's the deal.
They know nobody's buying it if they don't.
So they want to get two investigations going.
In fact, can we cue up Dianne Feinstein?
Go ahead, Dick.
Yeah, well, it just shows you that that's where the obstruction was going on.
It wasn't going on with Trump.
Trump was saying, if he even said, I hope, because now we don't even know.
Trump said he didn't say that.
I hope you could let this go.
And he said it wasn't an order.
He was asked by everybody, was that a direct order?
No, no, no, no.
It wasn't a direct order.
Well, here's the deal.
We know he leaked a memo because it's his memo.
He didn't give it to the Justice Department.
That's illegal.
Then we could tell.
They floated it so they could exaggerate.
It wasn't there.
He knew they were lying about it.
He let them lie about what was in the memo that nobody could see.
Then he goes and testifies two months later, after the 18th of February on May 3rd, that no one ever tried to influence him.
And then he's forced to come back at this hearing and say that's the truth.
So he's, again, lying in the memo, lying on the other end.
He's lying because he let the media go forward.
He's so discredited.
And Trump, she has a blind spot.
He hasn't done any of this stuff.
So he says, you know, forget you, screw you, I don't care, I'll testify to Congress.
He doesn't get it.
They don't care.
They're gonna keep lying, and keep lying, and say kill him.
I mean, I agree with Dr. Corsi and others, and of course he obviously worked at PSYOPS, he didn't just work at the State Department, I'll leave it at that.
When he says the CIA is getting ready to kill the President, I mean, they're getting ready.
I mean, they are pushing, just so everybody keeps hearing about his death, that when, oh, you hear he got killed or whatever, you just know.
Like it was a booster.
Because they don't want people to riot when they hear it.
And this country is in deep crap.
Folks ask, why am I so behind Trump?
It's so obvious.
Every enemy, every scumbag, every globalist is against him.
And I am just so ashamed of the left and people that are a bunch of bullies running because you didn't get the crime boss Hillary and the stock markets up and you're mad because he doesn't want to bring in unvetted people from failed countries that murder liberals?
I mean, the real super right-wing nutballs are the Muslims.
I mean, why the hell would the left want them in here?
That's actually an interesting point.
The image that they try to paint Trump supporters as, that's actually what Islam is.
They are the ones that oppress women.
They're the ones, you know, if anybody that has an oppressive society that's, you know,
Unilaterally oppressive of women.
That's not Trump supporters.
They don't care.
They think they're in a club.
They think they're in a winning group when they were with Hillary.
Then that didn't happen.
They got upset.
We're not winners now.
Because they're delusional.
They're like an occult.
They're not getting anything.
They're getting screwed over.
Trump's only delivering.
I've talked to so many liberals that go, yeah, my 401k's way up.
Yeah, it's up 20%.
I've never made profits like this.
Yeah, there is more hiring.
Yeah, my restaurant.
I had in a parking lot the other day, like four gay guys come over.
They were like middle-aged guys, professionals, getting in BMWs, good-looking guys.
And they literally went,
Alex, you know, we're really ashamed of you.
We're libertarians, used to like you.
Trump's a monster in trying to do this and that to us.
And you know, I said, oh really, how's your 401k?
They go, well, as you can see, we're wealthy.
We're making more money, but still it doesn't matter.
You know, you're being really, and I go, what has Trump actually done to you?
And they couldn't say, they didn't care.
They were just getting into being mad at me that Trump was being mean to them when Trump hasn't done anything to them.
Except get Republicans to not hate gay people and have a rainbow flag at the convention.
Except open the first coal mine.
All he's doing is turning the country back on.
And Hollywood, the truth is, hates America, hates Christians, hates straight people.
I'm not saying all gay people hate us, but the point is, they're the ones that are the mafia.
They're getting off on culture control.
Hey, I'm not saying that even the gay people are doing this.
I'm just saying Hollywood hates America!
And we're not the one that... So, Hollywood hates America, Islam hates America, so they love each other.
The great Satan, Hollywood, loves the great Satan, Islam, and the great leader of Satanism, and they just want to destroy us!
America, for all of its flaws, has created the most vast wealth for the most people.
And the freest open society, and the byproduct of a bunch of bitching and complaining spoiled brats that sit here with all this freedom and piss all over it.
And that's what they hate.
We skipped the break.
They literally hate the fact that they live in the greatest country on earth.
I mean, so, we have time?
We have this new system where we're running the show ourselves, so I don't know how then we don't have time to do it.
Because when Harmon was going on vacation, I guess, and then the other guy's like, yeah, you'll be running your own show, you can skip breaks easier.
So now I'm going to find out.
I'm going to find out why, because we've got a break, why I can't do this now.
Because this is not what I was told.
And now the opposite has happened.
And I'm going to find out.
Listen, bottom line folks, get the video from earlier where we were live.
We're going to post it on YouTube and Facebook in the next 30 minutes.
Make it go viral.
Comey caught in giant perjury saying he's not the leaker.
Get ready, InfoWarriors.
Get ready.
We're going to ram this down their dirty throats.
Straight ahead, Owen Schroeder.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
So, the former director of the FBI, James Comey, a self-admitted leaker.
He admitted it under testimony that he leaked.
He also admitted it under testimony that he never leaked.
I'd like to see him get called to task for those two testimonies under oath.
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Yeah, I found this article
I just popped up my old mom's phone that said basically Maryland and D.C.
sued Trump over foreign payments.
I mean, I want to know what your take is on that.
Can you repeat the headline again?
Yeah, I'm having trouble hearing you.
Go ahead.
It's called Maryland and D.C.
sued Trump over foreign payments.
Okay, we've got the story up now.
And that's a New York Times article, guys?
Pull that back up.
No, it's CNN.
I don't know.
Going in and saying, hey, we want to throw some parties here.
And it was like a couple hundred thousand dollars.
It wasn't even the millions of dollars that you see Hillary Clinton getting from all the payments through to her.
The Saudis gave her millions of dollars just to get elected.
Well, and it's crazy, too, Rob, not just the double standard that they have for foreign money coming into Trump versus other candidates, you know.
They've got all of the evidence as well.
The same stuff that they're trying to put on Trump, they actually have on Podesta.
You actually have that.
The payments.
You actually have that evidence, hardcore, raw, with Hillary and Podesta and them.
And then they want to sit here and try to act like Trump is the one.
So they're going to try to push these stories, I'm sure.
But the funny thing to me is,
Meanwhile, you had the Saudi Arabian arms deal that President Trump made, and you actually have a group of GOP representatives right now that are trying to blockade that arms deal, but somehow, for some reason, the left is silent!
They must be stockholders in Raytheon!
They must be stockholders in Lockheed Martin.
You'd think that they would be calling out that arms deal all day long, yet nothing from Democrats.
Nothing from the left.
It comes from the right.
It comes from conservatives.
It comes from the GOP.
It just goes to show you that the crosshairs that the left is using right now to try to snipe things that they don't view as right or doesn't go along with their virtues,
They're not even aiming right.
They don't even know where they're pointing.
They have no idea what's going on.
Anything else, O'Brien?
Well, yeah.
You guys may have heard about the military hackings.
I mean, the military news scandal about all these pictures being stolen or whatever.
Basically, I had a theory and it goes something like this.
What if all... It's not just the men.
I was seeing all the photos there.
Okay, I'm not sure what he's saying.
He's saying something about stealing photos.
We'll be right back.
More of the Alex Jones Show on the other side.
The collapse of the left continues.
If it isn't Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi having a mental breakdown.
If it isn't Snoop Doggity Dogg pretending to shoot President Trump.
If it isn't Kathy Griffin going full ISIS and depicting herself with a decapitated trumpet.
It's the New York Public Theater depicting the assassination of President Trump and their latest installment of Shakespeare in the Park.
The play depicted President Trump as the modern-day Julius Caesar, this time being stabbed to death by minorities and women, a clear subliminal message.
Leave it to CNN to endorse such an atrocity, as Fareed Zakaria said the play is a masterpiece.
But the disturbing presentation did not go without consequences.
As major sponsors of the theater have now pulled their sponsorship dollars, such as Delta Airlines and Bank of America, who have supported the theater to the tunes of millions in the past.
The suicide of the left is real.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I want to clarify something just to clear the air of any confusion.
We're trying to corroborate these dates with Comey's testimony and the crew is just making sure that we report everything right here.
So here's the deal.
May 3rd, James Comey testifies under oath that he has never leaked anything to the press at all as far as the Trump-Russia investigation is going.
May 9th, James Comey gets fired.
May 11th, New York Times prints the story that Trump demanded for Comey's honest loyalty.
Then, in the most recent, excuse me, May 12th, Trump says, boy, I hope there's no tapes of our conversation.
And then most recently, I think it was what, June 7th was the hearing, the most recent hearing, Comey says that he did leak.
So that means
Based on the timing of events, you would assume that May 3rd, Comey perhaps was telling the truth, saying he'd never leaked anything.
Then he gets fired on May 9th, leaks May 10th, story gets printed May 11th, Trump's tapes tweet happens May 12th.
Then Comey says that he did the leak in response to Trump's tapes tweet.
But based on that timeline of events, that wouldn't be true.
That's the investigation that needs to take place.
Donald Trump, President Trump felt like the FBI, James Comey were the leakers the whole time.
So there's the investigation.
Rob, do you?
And Comey was in cahoots with Obama.
He actually stood down when Lynch said, hey, call it a matter, not an investigation.
And you hear that whole story in that hearing where he's like, well, she told me to call it a matter.
And she and she clarified it twice.
And that was a direct order.
But yet, when somebody says, I hope we can fix this up and finish it up, and hey, by the way, could you go out and tell the media I'm not under investigation?
You've told me that three times.
Everybody else in the world knows it, yet that doesn't get leaked out, as Marco Rubio pointed out.
Here's an article I just found.
The Maryland D.C.
attorneys to sue Trump over hotel interest.
So basically, because here's a businessman who has businesses before he's president.
He doesn't know he's going to be president until the election.
That's when everybody casts their votes and they go, hey, you won.
So then, is he supposed to sell every interest and everything he's ever had and done and destroy his business empire right there at that point?
When you have Hillary Clinton making deals and getting money to her Clinton Foundation to do favors for other countries.
Have we looked at the Bahrain jewels that she got?
I mean, insanity!
And here's another thing.
This was in Comey's little memo that he wrote up, his little write-up, where he went and met with President Trump on January 6th.
He is the one who said, let's have a private meeting.
Let's talk about PGATE.
This is about to come out.
I want to tell you about it.
Just so you know, it's between us, me and you.
So he's the one who initiates private meetings.
Comey, you're going to a club and you've never been there before.
And somebody comes up and says, here's a secret handshake.
All right.
So now I know the secret handshake.
I'm going to do the secret handshake with other people.
Comey is coming in saying, we have private meetings.
This is normal.
You're the president-elect.
I'm going to have a private meeting with you.
So then when Trump has them with him later on, oh my God, how could he ask for a private meeting?
Like, that's the insanity of it.
There was a judge a couple days ago that came out and said, oh, Trump tried to talk to me on the phone too.
Like, this is a bad thing.
Communication is bad.
Well, this lawsuit isn't going to get any legs because
I'm sure
That's another point you make that's just sitting in plain view, where Comey is pretending like it's some sort of outrageous deal.
No one's ever had a secret meeting.
That Trump and Comey would meet one-on-one, or that it was President Trump that requested it, when it was James Comey that actually requested it.
And it's the same thing with the fake news saying Comey was an aggressive memo-taker.
But let's recall.
Under oath, James Comey said he only met with Obama, he thinks, twice, and that he never took notes.
So either Comey... One was for over an hour, talking about law enforcement.
But I'm not going to take any notes on that one.
So you're just completely... Maybe it has to do with gun running.
Maybe it has to do with guns going over the border to Mexico, like Eric Holder was doing.
Maybe that's what it has to do with.
We knew that this was coming.
The night of the election, Alex Jones sat in this chair and could barely even celebrate because he knew that this war was coming.
He knew that they would do everything to stop President Trump.
And Ivanka goes on Fox & Friends this morning and she is shocked at the viciousness in Washington.
Yes, Ivanka, they want to stop your father, President Trump, from making America great again.
That's why they're so vicious.
Here's Ivanka Trump.
We moved down to Washington.
We want to be helpful.
We want to do big things, important things.
And there's nothing more important than enabling people to... Is it harder than you thought, though?
Is it harder than you thought to stick to the things you want to do because of what keeps coming up, whether it's the Russia investigation or something else?
It is hard.
And there's a level of viciousness that I
I was not expecting the intensity of this experience.
But this isn't supposed to be easy.
My father and this administration intends to be transformative.
And we want to do big, bold things.
We're looking to change the status quo.
So I didn't expect it to be easy.
I think some of the distractions and some of the ferocity was, I was a little blindsided by on a personal level.
But for me, I'm trying to keep my head down, not listen to the noise, and just work really hard to make a positive impact in the lives of many people.
I mean, if you want to, at the end of the day, if you want to think about difficult, it's the factory worker who's been laid off.
I think
Just vigor and you know I was talking with somebody the other day who was referring to it as the animal spirits of small business owners and had been released so you know there is there is a tremendous energy but there's also real challenges and that's what we're looking to address.
I like the statement she makes there.
Changing the status quo.
That is the biggest thing I think that has happened so far is President Trump and the American people that elected him have changed the status quo worldwide and that's why citizens of the world are backing Trump, thanking us for electing Trump to change that status quo.
Rob, any comments?
We'll take calls.
The President of Romania had glowing reviews after meeting with Trump.
You know, he was like, hey, this guy's all on board with everything about fighting terror, everything.
We totally agree with him.
Yeah, because finally you don't... Yeah, just, yeah.
But a couple things.
I like how she's talking about opioids.
Nobody's talking about that.
You don't hear big pharma media talking about opioids.
I think we should do a whole week on just little things about the opioid epidemic because it's coming from two places.
It's coming from big pharma.
It's coming from Afghanistan poppy fields that our troops are currently guarding right now.
And delivering fertilizer, too, and helping these guys make their shipments.
That's where your opioids are coming from.
Don't hear a lot of people talking about that.
Another thing, Ivanka, this is my little message to you.
All the viciousness you're talking about, these people attacking you constantly, these are also the same people that tell you global warming is real and climate change is all man-made and there's nothing else you can do about it.
We have to give all our money to Al Gore, to the Blood-Gore Investment Fund.
So, just remember that these are the same people that are telling you all these things that you kind of believe, which I do believe you think climate change is totally man-made and there's no other debate about it because all the science is real and the science is in.
But yeah, these are also the same people that are attacking you, everything you say, calling you out on every little thing, every dress you wear.
So just remember that going forward.
This is just an analogy, okay?
I just want to put this analogy out there because you talk about the Romanian president and how he had these glowing reviews for Trump.
Yes, you've got all these world leaders that are meeting with Trump that had these glowing reviews.
Here's why.
Imagine this, again this is just an analogy before Fake News and David Brock try to run this with any other angle.
Imagine the American people, when these foreign leaders come, these presidents, when they come to sit down with our president, the American people are offering these foreign leaders a plate of food, okay?
We're offering them, this is our vote, this is who we give to you to represent us, to meet with us.
Well, for the last eight years, we've been giving him a plate of crap.
A plate of feces.
So now, we finally got the plate of feces out, and now we're giving the Romanian president comes here, he's like, oh boy, I've been looking at a plate of feces.
This is not beta male.
This is not beta male.
And so now we offer him a plate of filet mignon.
A nice steak!
A nice, juicy steak!
And so the Romanian president is like, wow, oh my gosh, they're not serving me crap this year?
Wow, thank you, this President Trump is so much better than what I'm used to.
That's just an analogy, but people really need to understand.
They don't understand how much Barack Obama wanted to take America down, okay?
President Trump wants to lift America up.
That is why they are so diametrically different.
Let's go to the calls.
Let's go to Tom in Oregon.
He wants to talk about a Trump rally that happened in Oregon.
Go ahead, Tom.
Hey, guys.
Thanks for taking my call.
Yeah, I was just going to call kind of as a testament to your viewers and listeners
All right.
I've already broken a couple big stories.
Mike Cernovich broke my story that Jeremy Christian, the Portland stabler, had shown up to a pro-free speech, pro-Trump rally as a psy-op to make Trump supporters look bad.
I'm the one that broke that story to Mike Cernovich, and I was just talking to Cernovich last night, too.
At the Portland Trump rally that we just had, I went in a CNN, I was covering the event for my channel.
And I made my own CNN is ISIS shirt to trigger people.
And I printed out a thousand flyers with the CNN is ISIS meme with the Kathy Griffin logo.
I put Alex's Twitter and Mike Sterno's Twitter on there.
The force is strong in this one.
And then I put the QR code for InfoWars on there too so people could scan it on their phones and just go live time directly to InfoWars.
Trying to bring that memetic warfare
Into the third dimension, literally hand out memes.
He's done well, Lord Vader.
I handed out over 700 flyers at that event.
And the reason why I thought that was funny, and by the way, I interviewed with, they were all, the media was all over it.
I interviewed with Al Jazeera, the London Independent.
I crashed BuzzFeed's livestream for five minutes, and they interviewed me.
And this is what I want to kind of relay to people.
So not only did I go to the event and hand out
700 flyers that basically armed people now to crash any media outlet that they wanted because now they have the signs and the information.
And they did.
They crashed all the media outlets of that event.
And then I got on BuzzFeed, their live stream for five minutes, and I knew what they were going to do.
I knew that they would take the context out of it and then repost the clip, most likely, which they did.
So I want the info warriors out there to know
How to do this, and that this is really the power we wield.
Well, there's no doubt.
I completely agree.
Just taking action.
See, that's the thing.
People don't realize, even in your own walk of life, if you're a teacher, if you work in the coal mines, whatever it is, not everybody out there is going to be an independent journalist.
Not everybody out there is going to have a YouTube channel.
But there's other things that you can do in your life, just in the classroom.
If you're a teacher, you know, whatever.
You can share things when you're talking at the water cooler.
You know, hey, good thing we got this water here that's purified so we're not drinking the fluoride.
So it says fluoride, what's wrong with that?
So everybody just being, taking action, being awake, being aware, caring about the fellow human being, wanting to have conversation, not being scared that you're going to be looked at funny for your right to free speech.
I completely agree with you.
Thank you, Tom and Organ, for calling in.
I just got to break in here with this.
Here's an article.
This is on CBS News.
Cops release all Manchester concert bombing suspects.
Every single one.
Can you believe it?
I couldn't believe it.
There was a video before the bombing happened saying, look out, it's going to happen.
Let me go to the headline right there.
There it is.
And somebody tweeted this to me and it was some alternative media news site.
And I'm like, let me go, let me just check some other sites.
There was four of them.
That was the one I ended on.
I'm like, I can't believe this.
How could you release these people?
Without full body cavity searches, as far as I'm concerned.
You know, and there was some other similar story, too, where it was like, you know, it's okay, they come in, they make these bombs that are amazing in their, you know, potency and power and sophistication.
No, it's just a 16-year-old kid who did it.
Don't worry, don't worry, we got him.
We got him all.
He killed himself.
I mean, that is just insane.
And if any one of those suspects
You know, commits an act of terror or murders people.
It'll be okay.
It'll be okay.
Stand strong, Britons!
I hope that that's not the police's decision, because that would look real bad on the police.
My guess is the police didn't want to release him, and they had that call in from their political correct leaders at the top.
Let's go back out to the phone lines.
Let's go to Morgan, who is also in Oregon.
Go ahead, Morgan.
Do we have Morgan?
Come on, Morgan.
Okay, thank you for the call, Morgan.
Let's go to Sam in South Carolina.
He wants to talk Comey.
Go ahead, Sam.
Hey there, how's it going, Owen?
Going good.
And the legendary Rob Do.
The legendary.
Yes, well, I'm a first-time caller, you know, a long-time listener.
I've been listening to InfoWars for the past five years.
You know, after being downrange with the Army, I kind of saw a lot of discrepancies between what was going on and
What was being reported and it's kind of what kind of woke me up.
And then I started researching alternative media to try and figure out what what's really going on out there.
But outside of all that, I mean, in fours is definitely a red pill in my brain.
And I just want to thank you guys for waking up the Patriots and.
In our country and all around the world.
Thank you for spreading the word.
Yeah, well, anyways, as far as.
Trump emptying the swamp.
I think we're only just getting into the second inning.
In my opinion, the testimony of Comey was, from what I heard, a complete exoneration of Trump.
But you know how the media is taking it and spinning every word that's being said from what we say to something completely different?
What is it that they're actually trying to distract us from?
Because they're trying to put us in this, like, micro view of what's going on.
You know, I always think about that.
That's a great point.
I always try to look at the story that they're not talking about.
And I think that... Seth Rich.
Well, Seth Rich, even though we are talking about that.
But I think that it's an overall, like, I think it's an overall consortium of things.
Like, oh, Trump-Russia, Trump-Russia.
Well, it's them and Russia, okay?
They were the ones that colluded with Russia.
So basically,
Everything that they're throwing against the wall right now, everything that they're trying to stick against Trump, is what they're guilty of!
The Trump Troll Army!
The Trump Troll Army!
Trump likes to have people pee on him in hotels!
They're probably into that crap!
They're the ones that do the spirit cookings!
So that's the story!
That's the cover-up!
Everything they're pushing on Trump, the Trump-Russia, we like Peagate, all this weird stuff, that is actually what they're distracting us from!
Yeah, because think of it, he's so suspectfully threw himself, Attorney General Lynch, and Hillary under the bus so quickly.
And the mainstream media is creating all this drama from every angle.
Alluding to collusion to cover up for something bigger.
And I really think that they've lost themselves.
I really think that they've spun a web so tight that they can't even move because they don't even get it!
Let's not forget, months ago, the entire left wanted Comey's head!
They wanted Comey's head!
Then Trump fires him.
They love Comey.
Then he gives a testimony damning himself.
They have spun a web and they cannot get out of it.
It's a web of lies.
Lies, folks.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
Your calls on the other side.
Owen Troyer, Rob Dew.
We've got Boom Boom and Stephanie coming up.
Gad Saad, he is Professor of Marketing, Evolutionary Behavioural Scientist, and an author in his own right.
The YouTube channel is youtube.com slash gadsaad, that's two A's in Saad, and twitter.com forward slash gadsaad.
Gad, welcome back!
Great to be with you, Paul.
Thank you for having me.
Of course, we had the Manchester bombing, and in the aftermath of that, we heard the same narrative.
And it's this, you know, we must unite against hatred.
Do you think when they say unite against hatred, they're not talking about uniting against the hatred implicit within Islamism?
They're talking about uniting against basically us, conservatives, or anyone who speaks out about Islam.
I mean, that's the sense I get when they use that kind of rhetoric.
Do you agree?
I mean, I think you covered it on your own channel.
The professor, Dr. Katy Perry, came out with a very brilliant strategy for, we just need to unite, we need to hug it out, we need to band together, no more borders, no more walls, and the problems will be resolved.
If only I knew that when my family were escaping persecution in Lebanon, we could have hugged it out and we could have remained in Beirut.
That the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other.
And like, no barriers, no borders.
Like, we all need to just coexist.
People who are willing to, you know, behead children, burn people alive in cages, that they're not really influenced by the word love and the word unite, no matter how many times you say it, no matter how many candles you light, no matter how many hashtags you tweet out, no matter how many Facebook profile pictures you change.
The barbarians of ISIS, I don't think that really affects them, do you?
No, I don't.
I call this, by the way, Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome, which is a type of mental virus that causes people to reject data, to reject evidence, to reject logic, reason, and then simply utter out endless, useless, suicidal platitudes.
You're a fucking white male!
You're a white guy!
You're a white man!
Gad, I mean, political correctness is no longer just about being nice to people.
It actually represents a harmful threat in these kind of situations, right?
I've actually analogized political correctness to the spider's wasp.
So the spider wasp stings a much larger spider, rendering it zombified.
It then drags it into its burrow.
Lays eggs on it and then the offspring feed on it in vivo, right?
And that's exactly what political correctness is.
It's the spider wasp's sting that zombifies our ability to think rationally and critically and we are slowly led to the abyss of infinite darkness quietly and without any fight in us.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Oren Shroyer, Rob Due with you for the final segment.
And again, folks, I just have to implore you.
Just try one product.
If you haven't tried a product yet, just try one product.
Support this broadcast.
Help us grow to the next level.
Alex is not joking around.
He really is building another new studio.
He really is hiring more people.
But he wants to make sure he has the funds to do it right so that we don't collapse on ourselves.
That all comes from you going to Infowarsstore.com.
We've got great specials going right now.
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You'll use this toothpaste once and it'll be the last toothpaste you ever use because it is the best.
Rob, you want to bring in our next caller?
We'll bring in Boom Boom in one second, but I just want to say this.
The first initial designs for the studio, Jon said, nope, too small.
I want it bigger than this one.
So we definitely need your support.
We're going to make a bigger studio than this one.
Guys, go to camera five.
Just show people how big this studio is.
This is a big studio.
This actually used to be the main room where we all sat.
We had a huge group of reporters and editors in here.
And we're going to build a studio bigger than this one.
So please support us.
Thank you for your support.
Let's go to Boom Boom in Arizona.
Let's talk about the travel ban courts.
Go ahead, Boom Boom.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
I've got three ideas that will put the globals to a tailspin.
Alright, go ahead.
With this travel ban that keeps getting overturned.
If that's the case, President Trump should just repeal the Patriot Act.
I like that!
It's actually within the NDAA too that the President has the power to take out the NDAA as well.
But of course it's the NDAA that would give him the right, I guess, to persecute all these terrorists here.
Kind of a catch-22.
No, I like that.
Yeah, I agree completely.
Use their poison against them.
I think you're 100% right.
What's number two?
Number two?
This'll bankrupt the globalists.
Reinstitute JFK's executive order.
Silver certificate.
That's what got him killed.
Alright, what's your third one?
Third one?
Ask Comey under oath if he is aware.
He was appointed by a guy with a fake ID.
That's why they did it.
They did it for self-preservation, not for this non-partisan BS they keep talking about.
You know, Donald Trump likes gold so much.
I think Donald Trump can start looking into where all the gold from Fort Knox went.
I think that'd be a nice place.
Let's take one more call before we get off the air here.
Stephanie in Ohio.
Go ahead, Stephanie.
You got a minute.
I'm in Idaho.
Alright, Stephanie in Idaho.
There's a lot of things I'd like to talk to.
I want to thank you guys for all
The information you guys get out to us.
You got 60 seconds.
The information, and I just want to say that it's happening in our small towns, this globalist stuff.
I live close to Twin Falls and we've got to fight this and we've got to fight it hard.
People have got to get all of their congressmen and just keep fighting because if we don't, we're going to lose it.
And Donald Trump,
Clear the swamp.
We put you in office to clean the swamp.
That's why we put you there.
That's why we did it.
And we want you to clean that swamp and get those people out of there.
Just do it.
Get them all out of there.
I completely agree.
And now you've got McMaster, who's appointing more swamp members.
McMaster appoints Eric Carm- Get them all out of there!
Ciara Mella, who's a Susan Rice ally.
So yeah, I completely agree with you, Stephanie.
But you know, like the one caller said, it's still early, I think it's still like the first inning, so I think Trump has a lot of at-bats left.
What do you think, Rob?
I like the idea to repeal the Patriot Act.
That's great.
That would get rid of the TSA.
We wouldn't have to get fondled just to get on an airplane.
Yeah, look at the swamp that he's drained so far.
Which hasn't caught one terrorist, by the way.
TPP, gone!
TPP, gone!
Climate a deal, gone!
These are great things.
This is how you drain the swamp.
FBI director, gone!
This is the Alex Jones Show.
InfoWars Nightly News tonight, 7 p.m.
Alex Jones, live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Destroy the New World Order!
Blast that maximum capacity!
CNN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Over the weekend, Act for America held human rights marches across the United States, marching against Sharia law, which prohibits certain human rights to women, and countries where Sharia law is in practice oppress women.
So leave it to Antifa to show up and disrupt these Americans' First Amendment right.
But it didn't stop there.
Journalists like myself got assaulted and cursed at just for documenting the event.
Lauren Southern even had animal urine thrown at him while filming in the New York City
If it wasn't obvious before, it is now.
CNN and Antifa are ISIS.
Leftists freaked out when a burqa was put on Fearless Girl in New York City, faced with the imagery of the oppression they were supporting.
The same people that are now supporting Sharia law in America were the same people who were so helplessly offended by Donald Trump's grab her by the private comment.
So Trump's inappropriate private conversation is unacceptable, but forced female genital mutilation is okay.
The left has literally lost their minds.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.