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Name: 20170601_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 1, 2017
3453 lines.

In his broadcast, Alex Jones discusses President Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord as a victory for American sovereignty and the economy. He also promotes his own products and takes calls from listeners sharing their views.

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Give me liberty, or give me death.
It's Alex Jones.
And there's beer in Texarkana!
The great Jerry Reid.
We got a long way to go.
And a short time to get there.
Ladies and gentlemen, I can officially say that this date
This date, June 1st, 2017, is one of the most important dates in world history.
When Trump was sworn in, on the 20th of this year, and he made the bold statements he made, it was incredibly important, it was historical, but it was only claims.
It was only promises.
It was only a commitment.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Donald John Trump is delivering the goods.
The entire world government project is based on a $100 trillion per decade carbon tax.
And he's set to destroy it today.
And the media says, America built this, what are you doing?
Yes, the globalists using American power through the UN built a global carbon tax system that would selectively be enforced against certain countries, certain industries, and certain companies and organizations.
Total neo-feudalism.
Absolute surveillance over all human activities.
Kicking off a $100 trillion, predominantly,
Private tax run by private mercantile exchanges owned by N.M.
Rothschild in London, by the Chicago mercantile trading groups owned and controlled by Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
You cannot make up the bold, joker-level swindle
The Earth is in the balance, the seas will rise, the polar bears will all die.
This will happen.
As they buy luxury homes on the beach side and as the oceans stay at a level, very constant.
And as the Arctic and Antarctic get larger, they tell school children they've all melted.
The great lies are falling.
And as Trump prepares to do this at the Rose Garden,
The controlled demolition of world government's funding mechanism.
As that happens, ensconced, beginning as we speak, noon Eastern, world leaders are arriving at the Chantilly Marriott Conference Center, five-star center, where I've been twice to cover Bilderberg.
Our reporters are there now.
They're arriving now.
The globalists are meeting.
ensconced, encamped, and their own agenda published to the world at Infowars.com, at the Daily Mail, the London Guardian.
Remember, the group didn't exist before.
Just eight and a half years ago, nine years ago, when Obama was about to be elected, Hillary and him were inside there secretly.
We saw them go in.
The media said I was insane having hallucinations in the woods in Chantilly.
It actually said I was having a full schizophrenic breakdown.
The New York Times said,
Even though there was Secret Service, helicopters, MP5 submachine guns.
They just said, doesn't exist, Jones is insane.
But then Drudge started linking to foreign European news and admitting it was real and they had to back off.
So just in nine years we've gone from them saying it doesn't exist to admitting it exists and admitting world government is in crisis.
I have a stack of articles here admitting world government's in crisis.
Soros says the European Union is now in an existential crisis surrounded by hostile powers, just like the evil America.
And Trump and the nationalist movement in the UK.
Those are the enemies, the bad guys.
Because they don't want to be under the great Nazi heir to the Nazi fortune, the owner of the hijacker of Luxembourg, Juncker, who's threatened the United States today and says, you will not be America first, close quote.
You will not be America first.
Ha, the insolence!
Thanks to your support, InfoWars has been able to expand its operations against the globalists at this critical time.
And it's absolutely essential that we expand in the face of the enemy, because as history shows, political movements only expand or contract.
And that's why the globalists are hitting us with everything they've got.
Censorship, demonization, attacks, misrepresentations.
They're not just trying to shut down Infowars.
They're trying to fire Sean Hannity.
They're trying to cold talk radio.
They're trying to silence true, independent...
Nationalistic media and Infowars is at the very heart of that resistance.
We all see the dumbed-down trendies that appear to be soulless and how they're obsessed with consumerism and criticizing capitalism as they walk around in their expensive Nike tennis shoes and have their slave-made iPhones.
So, I personally am disgusted by empty consumerism.
But the globalists want to get rid of free markets because there is such a thing as positive consumerism, historically, where people can use the power they have of the purse to actually support building free and independent economies.
So you're not just getting amazing products when you go to Infowarshore.com.
You're also supporting a broadcast that is the very front lines of the resistance against the globalists.
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In closing, we've already come this far together and we've seen the devastating effects truth has against the Global Crime Syndicate.
But the enemy's striking back.
So again, from myself, the entire InfoWars crew, I want to salute and thank all of you.
No matter what color you are or where you came from, if the love of liberty and justice beats in your heart, if the love of standing up against tyrants flows through your veins, we are all brothers and sisters together in this epic experiment that is life.
So again, thank you all for your support.
Visit InfoWareStore.com today to get some of the best deals ever offered on incredible nutraceuticals, supplements, and so much more.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the InfoWare and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
June 1st, 2017.
This is one of the most important days in world history.
January 20th was when Trump made the commitment to try to turn the corner against austerity, against globalism, against forced planned austerity, against the eugenics plan of the global corporate combine that is the New World Order.
He made the declarations that day and declared God as our leader and as the progenitor of all that is good and invited God back into America.
He invoked the birthright.
That was a big day.
Today, if he truly kills the global 100 trillion per decade carbon tax system that is meant to track every action you have and shut down key industries and companies with selective enforcement, total neo-technotronic technocracy feudalism, if he
Destroys this.
It's the equivalent of winning World War II.
Because it is the entire global project that they've had going for 50 plus years.
David Rockefeller died this year.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of his main protégés, died.
This is all symbolic because world corporate government
Is dying.
It doesn't mean it won't try to reorganize and come back.
It doesn't mean it still isn't in place in many areas.
But it is.
It has been identified as unelected global corporate government.
Junkers, the heir of the Nazi fortune.
Nazi royalty.
German royalty.
Prussian royalty.
His grandfather took over Luxembourg.
During World War II with paratrooper commandos, he owns the richest country in the world per capita because his grandfather took it by force with men parachuting in and dropping artillery in the first time it had been done.
Then they went into Greece.
His grandfather took a country!
And he has set up the European Union with a collection of scum
It's totally unelected, and they are in major British newspapers today saying, quote, no nations are allowed to make any agreements with America.
We rule Europe, and we have a EU army, and we will march in on you.
And it's just in the newspapers like it's no big deal.
I've got the articles right here.
Think about that.
The arrogance, the insolence, snubbed, furious Juncker,
Remember the Junker bombers?
Vows Brussels will block trade deals between US and EU states.
He talks about trade wars.
And then you can also search, there's articles out today about, yes, we have an EU army.
You're not allowed to leave.
Junker was never elected.
You understand that?
Juncker was never elected.
The EU Council was created in a, quote, steel trade deal in 1947, the Treaty of London.
In 1956, the Treaty of Rome.
I've read it.
I made a film on it.
And it's the whole plan.
And it's carbon copy, the Nazi plan.
When they finally took Europe, how they were going to economically control people, how they were going to put steroids in the vaccines, how they were going to adulterate the food, to slowly dumb down the public until they were so mentally retarded they could just start wiping everybody out.
We are under that plan now.
And Trump is trying to leave it.
You understand, folks?
I'm not here telling you my opinion.
The reason Hillary Clinton came out in a big speech yesterday and said she lost the election because of InfoWars,
And that we're Russian agents.
She's gotten even more brazen than Maxine Waters.
Even her former head PR person said it's a total conspiracy theory.
Totally made up!
I mean, ladies and gentlemen...
Maxine Waters and Hillary now say drain the swamp and Crooked Hillary came from Putin.
They're now saying Nigel Farage, who started UKIP 25 years ago, and who is a right-wing libertarian patriot, is a Russian agent, a person of interest.
This is ridiculous!
Because these are the globalists.
So look at these headlines.
Again, you identify world government, you identify it's unelected, you identify it's authoritarian, and then you identify it's agenda to people, and it's game over!
We have now achieved... Phase 1!
There aren't just evil people in the world, there are good men and women as well.
Phase 1 is very close to being complete.
Phase 1!
Phase two is all about courage because you have to actually read the Globalist White Papers and their statements and find out that they're so dug in what they've done with the GMO that's already affecting our genetics and the vaccines and the nanotech and the vaccines and the chemicals and what they've done and their admissions of what they've done.
The deformity, the mental illness, the plague
That you're already seeing in the public with the low IQs and the faraway stare and the dream state people are in.
They're putting people into an induced dream state for the next level.
Ladies and gentlemen, cancer is up in children again, over 10,000% on average.
Breast cancer types over 3,000%.
Diabetes, several thousand percent, type 2.
They're killing us.
You're going to have to admit.
Let me explain something.
The EU is unelected and is run by German royalty.
The number one or number two most powerful royal house in Germany.
Because they had German states.
Prussian royalty.
Top Nazis.
Top arms producers.
Juncker was number one arms producer in World War II for the Nazis.
That man is threatening us and threatening Trump and is directing Soros to shut down independent media and to go after the press and Trump publicly.
Juncker, whose grandfather sat atop the Nazi system at the highest level with Hitler, is now directing a 89-year-old Nazi collaborator.
Was he 87?
You cannot make this up.
These people are pure evil.
And Hillary says, I say the most horrible things about her and I'm so dark hearted and I'm so evil.
Lady, your whole career was defending pedophiles and child kidnappers when you first became a lawyer.
That's what you chose.
Your husband is an admitted sex pervert who flies around with known pedophile.
And known child traffickers.
Your top people constantly are getting busted with little kids and child porn and sneaking kids out of Haiti.
The UN just got caught.
You think I want to go up against you?
You think I'm stupid?
How evil you are?
But the children demand it, lady.
So I commit my body, my heart, my soul, everything to Jesus Christ, and I stand on Christ against you.
I know who you are.
And you're not facing my will, you are facing the will of God.
I am not an arrogant Satanist like you that is all about my own personal power.
I stand humbly in dirty rags before God, but I will not sign onto your Satanism, and I see you, and I know you, and I stand against you.
God stands with us.
And your satanic forces of Islam, and your satanic forces of Hollywood, and your satanic forces of Nambla, and all of you will be broken!
You will be broken!
In the name of Jesus Christ, you will be smashed!
So rally your gods!
Because there's only one true God and that's the God of life and all the blessings and the mastery that we see in the creation of that God.
Trump is not a servant of death.
Trump is not a servant of poverty and failure.
Trump is not a servant of those who persecute children and that is his sin.
And any of us that do not serve this system of death are the enemies of the world system.
World awaits!
That means globalists.
Trump's decision on U.S.
future in Paris accord.
They never tell you it's a carbon tax, a global government.
It's always the polar bears talking to you like you're five-year-olds.
EU-China unite behind Paris climate deal.
As Trump mulls U.S.
I told you it's the EU, it's communist China, and it's the globalists, the Democrats in Hollywood.
They admit that in CNN.
The Pope's involved, rallying against Trump.
Soros says the European Union is now in an existential crisis, surrounded by hostile powers.
Like America and England.
Oh, the bad guys.
America and England.
Poised to announce it very soon.
The world built a climate deal for the US.
Trump may be about to leave it.
No, robber barons hijacked America and used it to build the world government and now we took America back to command base and we're destroying it.
Oh, and look what happened to the stock market.
It's back up.
Then private sector job growth rebounds to rip roaring pace in May.
ADP, the nation's largest payroll system, announces private payrolls add $253K in May versus $185K.
Americans' comfort rises on strongest few of finances in decades because globalism is meant to make us poor, of course.
Trump's taking the foot off our neck.
Oh, he's such a hero!
Yeah, that is being a hero.
He's not a vampire.
It doesn't mean he's perfect.
The enemy truly hates him because they know.
And now Bilderberg meets.
They've been meeting since 1954 in secret.
Global leaders, mainly from Europe and the United States, and they admit in their own agenda they've now released, no longer private, no longer completely secret, because they've now been identified, oh, from conspiracy theory to reality, was always there, now you know about it.
They admit on their agenda the takedown of Trump.
They're meeting outside D.C.
right now.
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Well, I gotta tell you, Millie Weaver and her great accomplice in patriotic crime against the New World Order, Gavin, aren't just amazing researchers and reporters.
They're also really, really good at shooting commercials.
I mean, that thing looks like some million-dollar Hollywood commercial, and they shot that right here in Austin, Texas, to support the broadcast, without me even asking them to do it.
And that's because Millie is really into high-quality organic shampoo, body wash, things like that.
And she tried Emmerich's Essentials and just thought that it was amazing, so she had the idea with Gavin to produce the ad you just saw.
But believe me, the product is just as good as the cover.
You'll find Emmerich's Essentials at InfoWarsLife.com or by calling toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And again, I'd like to thank the listeners and the viewers for their ongoing support.
Without you, there would be no InfoWar.
And I'd like to thank Millie and Gavin for really going the extra mile.
I think this is one of the best commercials I've ever seen, and I'm really proud that it's ours.
So again, folks, find out why Emirates Essentials has so many people really giving it five-star reviews.
We'll be covering Trump's historic press conference the minute it goes live.
Warren Monckton has been at the tip of the spear for decades fighting the global carbon tax system.
It'll be popping in the next hour.
We're going to have open phones from then on after.
But I tell you, it is very, very humbling and it's beyond a feeling of fear.
It is a feeling of extreme responsibility and shame.
Most people get a lot of power and they become arrogant, they become crazy, they become mega-maniacal.
Because they're not purpose-driven for the great mission.
So many good men and women don't ever seek power, so they just sit there on the sidelines and let bad people basically run things.
And they want to run things and tell you what to do.
Good people just simply want to be examples and try to build a better world.
And to have Hillary come out and call me a dark heart and come out again, I'm gonna play this later and say that Infowars is why she lost the election.
And that we were directed directly with the Russians.
And that we advised the Russians.
I mean, this is just...
The way she puts it is total lies, but in a way it's true.
We are creating the global talking point, but we didn't invent it.
We're resurrecting the Renaissance.
We're resurrecting Western civilization.
We're resurrecting our better angels, basically.
And we're pointing out how the global system is unelected.
And how it's tyrannical and how it's real program is to basically phase humans out and merge with machines.
I mean, here it is in the Daily Mail today.
Artificial intelligence will outperform humans in all tasks in just 45 years and could take over every job in the next century, experts claim.
And they pretty much all agree because that's where it's going.
The decision has been made.
You read MIT, you read the white papers.
The decision was made by the 80s to phase humans out.
So you see the PR and the movies and the cartoons they show kids in public schools in Europe and the United States where it shows us blasting off in rocket ships and going and spreading disease and infecting planets like we're a pox.
This is a very anti-human globalist group who operate like they are some alien invasion force.
That runs the media trying to convince us all to commit cultural suicide, and I'm not saying they're aliens.
I'm saying the Bible says it's interdimensional, and it's a big, bad entity, and whether you believe that or not, the elites are killing little kids, drinking blood, torturing people, and they believe they're channeling off-world stuff.
And they believe it's not even another dimension.
They're communicating over space-time continuum through the dimensions.
And again, I'm a sociologist.
I'm a lay anthropologist.
I study what they write and what they believe in, and when they get on their knees in the morning, when they get on their knees at night, it is like something right out of The Golden Child, where the door closes and the bricks all disappear and, what is thy bidding, master?
Enslave the children, kill them all, disease their blood, bring in evil, have them commit more evil, prepare the death and destruction.
I mean, it's just like, when you actually study these people, and I've been around them some, they'll go, of course we're gonna take over, and we're unstoppable.
You think I'm the only guy that can act like that?
I act like that because I've seen them act like that since I was a teenager.
It's like a Stephen King novel, man.
My life's been incredible.
And see like it is now.
But it's only because I've seen them.
I've been aware of it.
Because there's not just evil in the world, there's good.
Can you guys pull up from Julius Caesar Shakespeare's, just type in, fly havoc and let loose the dogs of war.
I want to read that full passage.
It starts with Antonin.
He's talking about the death of Caesar and how great evil is going to then come into the world.
If you guys can put that on screen, I'll read it now or I'll read it when we come back.
But great evil is coming into the world.
Great good is also coming into the world.
And you're going to have to decide which side you want to be on.
It's that simple.
Blood and destruction shall be so in use and dreadful objects so familiar that mothers shall but smile when they behold their infants quartered.
That's all chopped up with their guts hanging out.
Let me start over.
Blood and destruction shall be so in use and dreadful objects so familiar that mothers shall but smile when they behold their infants quartered
"...with the hands of war, all pity choked with custom of fell deeds, and Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge, with eight..." That's hunger.
"...by his side, come hot from hell..." So the hunger of hell.
"...shall in these confines, with the monarch's voice, cry, Havoc!
And let slip the dogs of war, that this foul deed shall smell above the earth."
With carrion men groaning for burial.
That's right.
Living zombies.
Rotting men who cannot die because they are the living dead.
The archetype of the zombie.
Living, but dead.
Consciousness gone.
Turned over to Satan.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A video has gone viral on the internet, where Muslim migrants are caught in the act, stealing flowers and toys from, get this, a memorial dedicated to the victims of the Manchester bombing.
During the video, you can hear the man behind the camera, who is from Manchester, approaching the two migrant men and accusing them of being thieves.
Faded f***ing bastards.
Put them back!
Put them back now!
Now one of the migrants is seen holding a stuffed blue Smurf toy that he had just stolen from the memorial.
I'll knock the s*** out of the pair of you.
How's that?
Now in case you missed that, the man from Manchester told the Muslim migrants, I'll knock the s*** out of the pair of you.
Proof that not all of the citizens of Manchester are liberal cucks.
And you can watch the video in its entirety right now.
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They said in October I'd be dead in six months.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be to say things like that.
We came, we saw, he died.
The intervention led by NATO to topple Qaddafi has led to a failed state.
Maybe Libya was not perfect under Qaddafi, but it had, even if to some extent, a functioning government, one unified country.
It was a sovereign state.
Libya now has two rival governments, a civil war that has left over 4,000 people dead, and its cities are in ruin.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be.
Women are treated, discriminated against in all these countries she took money against.
Gays and lesbians are either executed or punished severely.
They're mistreated.
She claims to be their champion.
We led ISIS.
Take this position.
It was Hillary Clinton that she should get an award from them as the founder of ISIS.
We had this brilliant idea that we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force of Mujahideen, equip them with stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside Afghanistan.
And we were successful.
And this really just is so disgusting.
When Vince Foster left his White House office on that July day in 1993, he told his secretary that he would be back.
But the Deputy White House Counsel and boyhood friend of Bill Clinton never returned.
There has been this urgency to end this.
And, you know, historically that makes no sense.
We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to website InfoWars.
If a Google user types in Clinton body, they get car repair shop results instead of a story that talks about a list of people tied to the Clintons who have died under mysterious circumstances over the last three decades.
Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks.
We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton.
You know, the emails we published show that Hillary Clinton is receiving constant updates about my personal situation.
There's a 27-year-old that works for the DNC who was shot in the back, murdered just two weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
I'll admit it.
I have an extremely dark heart.
I do.
I have a multifaceted heart.
My loving soft heart is
About ten times bigger than my dark heart.
But my big, fat, black heart is probably bigger than yours, Hillary.
But I never acted on evil technology.
I never acted with the knowledge of evil.
I never used it.
Because I've got a conscience and a soul pointed at God.
You are a weak little demon that was given temporal power because you sought it and because you would do anything.
And you were then denied all of the real birthright you could have had.
Enemy of the children.
I was thinking about it.
Hillary Clinton is an enemy of the children.
That should be her title.
Enemy of the children.
In fact, the globalists are enemies of the children.
Enemies of humanity.
Enemies of our future.
Enemies of our success.
All they talk about is how much they hate us, how much better they are than us, and how we need to die and get out of their way.
I have a better idea.
If you like death so much, how about you slit your own throat?
I don't wish any harm upon you, but if you like death so much, then you grab a big, long dagger, and you jab it into that fat neck, and you slot it across those carotid arteries, if death's what you seek so much, and if death's what you love so much.
If death is your God, then go to your God.
I've seen you before, and
The enemy will be overthrown.
But you better know that it will not be without a price.
But that's the great riddle.
That's not a riddle.
Why people think about doing the right thing as if they're going to lose something.
You only lose not doing the right thing.
Temporal power on this planet means nothing.
To be around a bunch of mentally ill, out of control psychopaths and sociopaths and mercenaries and trash is the most empty peacock existence that you could have.
The great secret is the enemy lives in a nightmare prison.
Their fortresses, their palaces are prisons.
In Revelation, Satan, Lucifer, the devil, the black serpent, he's locked up for a thousand years on review.
People come and they marvel.
They say, that is what did all this?
That ruled us?
That deceived the world?
That killed billions?
That, that, that, that creature?
When you realize how powerful you are in the image of God, and why that creature wants to destroy you, and wants to destroy children, the essence of creativity, the essence of the seed of the universe, the essence of what we are going to become, and you have these weak-minded people that resonate with the devil, so they can then carry out their operations against humanity, and you care what they think or what they want?
Standing on this bridge and watching this creature stomp towards me, I don't have fear.
I feel nauseous at how much I'm like that creature.
Because with great knowledge comes great sorrow.
The Bible again, all true.
The profane can't understand it.
Because they're not meant to.
Because they made decisions.
And their ancestors made decisions to turn away from God.
My ancestors, thank God, didn't.
That's why the enemy doesn't know.
That's why they can't stand us.
That's why they know they can't beat us.
And they try to find out why they can't defeat people that love life, and why every time those that love life and God are about to be defeated, we always win, and it's because of the mastery of what God has created.
Our ancestors, fools, set their will against you over the thousands of years.
In the mind of God, being able to actually tune into that, they understood what was coming in the future and could envision the future in the purity of those days.
And we're transcending through the genetics, it's electrical, into time-space to today.
Everyone out there, every one of your ancestors is alive, coursing through your electrons, coursing through your blood, coursing through your body, into your very cells.
Your mother, your father, raised you, loved you, that mother, that father, all continual.
Back thousands of years, thousands and thousands, you, you transcend time-space!
You're already living forever!
That's why they want to kill children!
It's why they don't want families!
It's why they want to get rid of the sexes!
These creatures aren't gonna stop till we're all dead.
Who cares about Hollywood?
Who cares about celebrities?
Who cares about crap?
Who cares about being part of this system?
It's all a joke.
It's all a con game.
It's all a lie.
You've already arrived.
You're already somebody innately when you point your soul at God.
I just feel sorry for those that have been so long willfully turning away from God when God came knocking that God gave them their free will and let them be turned over to complete evil and oblivion.
I've got a bunch of clips I need to get to Hillary and the rest of it, but I look at her
Self-serving witch.
A hater of God.
A hater of justice.
A lover of twisted filth.
And I think how did a monster like this ever crawl out of hell and get its hands around our children's throats?
And every bit of my humanity that's pointed at God says, stand, hold fast.
And quite frankly,
These Satanists look for power.
They're so foolish.
If they really loved God, they'd be given so much power, and they would be so ashamed of the power they had, because the vessel holding the power wasn't even righteous enough to even be able to imagine the mind of God.
You fools!
The whole mind of God is waiting for you open!
With the God of justice, and life, and light, and everything real.
That's why your God calls himself the God of light, a fraud, a counterfeit.
You are the God of darkness, of failure, the God of cancer, the God of betrayal, the God of weakness,
The god of loneliness.
And everything it sells is poison.
Everything it does is meant to make you weaker.
To cast you down.
To destroy you.
And I just don't like con artists.
I mean, look at this.
Uma Abedin humiliating U-Turn Hillary.
Hack invites Wiener back home.
I said when she was divorced him two weeks ago that was a stunt.
Those two are nasty little buggers.
Nasty, nasty, nasty, nasty Renfields.
Let me explain something.
Uma Abedin and Anthony Wiener, those are just ghouls.
Those are just slaves.
So that Hillary can feel powerful around them.
And then look at that radiating dark force you're watching on TV.
Hillary behind her coming out of the darkness.
I mean... That is somebody turned over to evil.
That is somebody turned over to power trip.
About how great they are.
And then why does Hillary hate me so much?
Because she knows I'm not scared of her.
Because she knows, despite everything they've done, I only wish I had more energy to fight them.
And it's not because I'm a hero.
It's because I am running from them.
They smell so bad, spiritually.
They're so demonic.
They're so rotten.
They're so filthy.
They're so diseased.
They're so twisted.
That my resisting them is like a person trying to get oxygen.
It's a life and death struggle.
My very cells recoil at Hillary and Bill.
I don't want to be with them for eternity.
Fear of God is only recognizing good from evil.
You call it fear of God, it's fear of being fallen.
It's fear of being separated from God.
God's love is so pure, so massive, so all-encompassing, and you see everywhere the mastery of what God built, and everything God did, and how it's all reward, and loving, and pure, and honorable, and all perfectly lined out and prepared for the processes of life, and just all the magic, and the rites of passage.
And the enemy seeks to take those rites of passage away, and destroy our humanity.
Everyone should be recoiling from it.
Thank God Trump is preparing to destroy the climate carbon tax system.
Thank God he pulled out of the TPP an outrageous foreign world government made in secret that was supposed to administer the carbon tax.
He is
The equivalent, in his executive orders and actions, of thousands of B-17 bombers dropping bombs on Nazi emplacements in World War II.
The devastation weekly is the equivalent.
And Juncker and others classically shoot their mouths off in arrogance and say, I've got the quotes, you won't have America first, we'll stop Trump, we're rallying with China and the Vatican and the Democrats and the Republicans to defeat you.
And we'll defeat the Americans.
Soros is in the newspaper, CNBC, saying it's America and England and Russia against the EU, like they're the good guys and we're all Russian stooges.
Russia just pulled a face sucker off of it 20 years ago, halfway, and is trying to crawl away, halfway bleeding to death from the New World Order.
So of course the globalists go, look, the Russians!
Oh, look, America!
All it is, is that Russia has decided
in its 800-year history to join the West.
Russia has embraced the West.
Russia has come out of its feudalism and its systems and its reprogramming 80 years under Bolshevik globalist Goldman Sachs attack and is now struggling for identity, struggling and is now attempting to keep its identity but join the West in prosperity.
And the globalists are panicking, like Hillary says.
And the Russians don't know how to manipulate our politics.
They got it from Infowars.
And they got it from Wikileaks.
So I thought we were being ordered by the Russians.
But now Hillary finally had to tell the truth.
And I'm not bragging about it.
People have to understand why this is an important broadcast.
Why we're under attack.
Because we are speaking the truth.
I don't care if you're in Russia, or on the continent of Africa, or Asia, or South America.
It doesn't matter where you are.
You know this is true.
They're announcing world government, microchipping to buy and sell.
It's all on the news.
Forced inoculations all over the world being announced.
They're saying the family's bad.
They're invoking racism to get us all fighting with each other all over the country saying no whites weekends and all this crap to make whites racist.
You know, I'm not really going to plug this hour.
I'm too focused.
I probably should because I've got to fund the operation.
We extended the Memorial Day specials.
Some of them are the biggest specials ever, like on this Cloyal Silver and things like that.
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Vitality, Stamina, you name it, that's available.
That's 30% off.
Bunch of big specials.
That's how we fund the operation.
We'll be right back.
When it comes to-
I want to salute and thank all of you.
No matter what color you are or where you came from, if the love of liberty and justice beats in your heart, if the love of standing up against tyrants flows through your veins, we are all brothers and sisters together in this epic experiment that is life.
So again, thank you all for your support.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later, God will put you down.
Sooner or later... So, within one hour, one hour of the Access Hollywood tapes being leaked,
Within one hour, the Russians, say WikiLeaks, same thing, dumped the John Podesta emails.
Now, if you've ever read the John Podesta emails, they are anodyne to boredom.
But, they... Yeah, we had him here once.
Yeah, but they were...
They were, yeah, you know, forgive him for what he said about you, yeah.
So they were run-of-the-mill emails, especially run-of-the-mill for a campaign.
Should we do this?
What should she say?
I don't, you know, the stuff that is so common, basic.
Within one hour they dumped them, and then they began to weaponize them.
And they began to have some of their allies within the internet world, like InfoWars, take out pieces and began to say the most outrageous, outlandish, absurd lies you can imagine.
And so, they had to be ready for that, and they had to have a plan for that, and they had to be given the go-ahead, okay, this could be the end of the Trump campaign, dump it now, and then let's do everything we can to weaponize it, and we know it hurt us.
So there's Hillary basically saying InfoWars, Wikileaks, cost her the election.
The full video is up on InfoWars.com.
Everyone was going through the WikiLeaks.
Mainstream media, though, wouldn't put the damning stuff out there.
I mean, there's top Democrats talking about, we've got to keep our constituents poor and in the dark and helpless.
And Clear talk about, you know, spirit cooking, Aleister Crowley events, we're going to have blood and semen and mother's milk on the menu.
And then they admit they're doing these rituals and then all the weird sex stuff.
And then Podesta's brother has naked pictures of kids with their butts sticking out.
In the Washington Post?
Saying I'll have DeviantArt if I want?
I mean, you know, you guys are sick.
You got Terry Epstein, his Alita Express, and all that, and Bill Clinton's rapes, and, you know, your Haiti mission caught doing it, and your own people caught shipping kids in en masse, and the UN caught just killing hundreds of kids and trafficking thousands.
I mean, I could go on for hours!
It's all mainstream news!
You just hang your hat on a pizza place that the media focused on that people talked about and said, is there something there?
And I said, hey, I think this is a honeypot.
So then I'm the one that pulled back.
Yeah, that's not the one.
That's his brother.
It shows like the naked kid, the kid sticking their butts out.
I don't want to show it.
It's it's it's it's in the news.
Children with their little naked red butts paddled.
He talks about it in the news.
Don't put it on screen, guys.
Images of what looks like six-year-old girls.
All lined up.
There's worse.
Just don't show it.
I can't look at it.
I got daughters.
It makes me really angry.
I'm not mad at you.
I just don't want to show it.
There's even worse stuff than that.
This is what they show the Washington Post, because the lesser magic is, if he can be all creeped out in the Washington Post, smiling demonically, his sick brother, let's just show a picture of him.
And then show all this weird art in his house and say, it's ours, we'll do it, I'll show paddled neighborhood kids if I want.
See, that's about throwing it in our face.
That's what they're into.
Just heaven help us.
And that guy, of course, hooked in with the Russians, reportedly, and all the rest of it.
So, before I go any further, just please support the broadcast.
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Bilderberg 2017 is kicking off in Chantilly, Virginia this year.
This is the first Bilderberg meeting since the populist uprisings of Brexit and the Trump election have come to pass.
And the elites now see their power base crumbling before their very eyes.
Among some of the subjects of the secret confab will be the Trump administration.
And can he be healed?
Also the rise of populism.
Elites are beginning to fear that their power base
May be crumbling.
Now, three members of the current Trump administration are going to be attending.
HR McMaster, Wilbur Ross, and Chris Liddell.
Most Trump insiders believe that these three are there to help the elites derail the current administration.
There are two ways in which this can go.
Either the globals will try to bring Trump to heel, or they will try to impeach him after the 2018 election.
You can read more about this in exclusive Bilderberg Schemes to Overthrow Trump.
on InfoWars.com and ask yourself, what are you doing to wake up minds?
Spread this link and help wake up some minds.
Rob Durr reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
I hear people talking bad about the way we have to live here in this country.
Running down a way of life.
Riffing on wars we fight and griping about the way things ought to be.
I don't mind them.
They believe in, like living in Venezuela or North Korea.
And we're seeing a resurgence of Americana.
Running down the way of life?
You don't love it, leave it.
You know, I don't like, if you don't love it, leave it, when the globalists are taking our liberties, taking our freedoms, and posing as if they're Americanic.
But my point is, if you hate free markets so much, there are quite a few socialist and communist hellholes you can still go to and be in a slave labor camp.
Venezuela's totally collapsing into hell on earth, killing a bunch of journalists today, attacking AFP reporters.
I mean, it is just like Zombieland now there.
I mean, just full-on collapse beyond failed civilization.
Crazy town.
Because you kill incentives and people owning their own stuff and having their own plot of land or having their own job, and you create a bunch of dependents that think that they, you know, are God and a huge communist force of people and waddling around in uniforms.
That's a recipe for doom!
Lord Monckton's coming up in the next segment.
Trump is set.
When is he set?
They keep saying this afternoon.
Do we know how long until he does that Rose Garden speech?
To pull out of the carbon tax, the global carbon tax.
This is such a big deal.
By the way, it snuck up on me.
I saw some tweets and some comments this morning saying, hey Alex, you usually cover Bilderberg.
You know, you've been right on that for 20-something years.
Why aren't you covering Bilderberg?
We do have four reporters that are getting there as we speak.
So we are covering Bilderberg.
I will say this.
It's kind of gotten passe because world governments out in the open, they failed at covering it up.
So now that mainstream media is covering it and admitting they want world government, admitting they want to overthrow Trump, we're still there to, you know, break things down.
But we're not needed as much as we were previously.
So we got 2 p.m.
Central coming up with the vaunted speech.
Who's doing the fourth hour today?
Abaport's awesome.
Just let him know, though.
We're going to have to preempt part of him for this Trump thing.
I'm going to have to co-host with him with the Trump speech, because we need to definitely just get the announcement.
It'll probably be five minutes long, but this is history.
This is coffin nails to the globalists.
This is big old oak steaks and Count Dracula's heart.
I mean, this is super delicious.
Taxing all carbon on the planet and tracking it all and selectively deciding who gets charged what totally controls society and paying the Rothschilds and the Obamas and the Clintons hundreds of billions of dollars.
I mean, Al Gore, just in the carbon exchange crap he's already involved in getting a few countries like New Zealand on board has made billions of dollars.
I mean, that pig!
What a joke!
You pay him a carbon indulgence, but he said, hey, they should pay the Pope, you know, 500 years ago indulgences to get their family out of purgatory.
I guess the Pope voted to get rid of that, so that's not there anymore.
Trapped in purgatory, awaiting the hour of reprisal.
The time slips away.
That'll come in with rain blood.
I haven't played that in a while.
Yep, climate change.
Four trillion carbon taxes needed to save humanity.
Oh, save humanity from global warmings, those economists!
I love that they always start with some little number.
It's 100 trillion every decade.
That's what's been proposed.
That's what's in it.
That's what Davos says for five years.
One hundred trillion, ten trillion a year, and that's just a start.
You know, most taxes start kind of little.
Camel's nose under the tin flap, but not these.
But Soros and Juncker, the unelected
He's the heir of all Nazi loot, basically.
With his little weird Nazi collaborator running around.
All the leftists just worship him like he's a rockstar.
Oh, we love you.
You're so loving, you're so good, huh?
It's like Elvis in the 50s.
Girls were like throwing their panties at him.
Oh, you're a mass-murdering, weird, creepy guy.
Screws everybody over.
Oh, yeah, yeah, he's still awesome.
You know, he's like, oh, please screw us over more, please.
Rip me off.
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Well, I gotta tell you, Millie Weaver and her great accomplice in patriotic crime against the New World Order, Gavin, aren't just amazing researchers and reporters.
They're also really, really good at shooting commercials.
I mean, that thing looks like some million-dollar Hollywood commercial, and they shot that right here in Austin, Texas, to support the broadcast, without me even asking them to do it.
And that's because Millie is really into high-quality organic shampoo, body wash, things like that.
And she tried Emmerich's Essentials and just thought that it was amazing, so she had the idea with Gavin to produce the ad you just saw.
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And again, I'd like to thank the listeners and the viewers for their ongoing support.
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So again, folks, find out why Emirates Essentials has so many people really giving it five-star reviews.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
You notice I'm flying American flags pretty much all the time now because we are retaking our country.
The American flag more and more is actually for our sovereignty, for our free market, open.
Renaissance-based system that came out of the United Kingdom, back when it was England, and of course, Western Europe.
There is a massive fight for that, and people overuse Nazi analogies.
You know, they use them constantly.
If you don't want open borders, or you don't want high taxes, or Obamacare, you must be a Nazi.
But Juncker, his grandfather, was one of the top Nazis in Germany.
They were the top arms producer, next to Crump.
And it's a fact.
I mean, they are royalty.
They are basically Prussian royalty, and they were the top of the Reich.
And then his grandfather took over Luxembourg by force.
He basically owns it and runs it today.
And he's in the unelected EU bureaucracy, set up at a steel deal back in the 40s.
I mean, this is crazy.
And now he's threatening the UK, he's threatening the United States.
He's saying we'll have economic warfare.
I've got some of the incredible statements where he says, we will allow no treaties between the UK and the United States with any of our members.
And he now is setting up his EU army.
That's right.
And of course, they're trying to expropriate NATO.
That's why Trump was having to take NATO to the woodshed.
Because, I mean, this is a real power struggle.
This is a, I don't want to say it's Nazi.
But the EU was a Nazi program, and it is one of the top heirs to the Nazi fortunes who is commanding this and making very arrogant statements.
Now Nigel Farage is under investigation as a person of interest for the Russians, and we have congressional hearings where I am, and Hillary came out yesterday and said she lost because of Infowars.
But she finally said something true.
She said, but we know Infowars is giving the Russians the attack profile.
Well, yeah, we're promoting freedom worldwide.
We hope the Russians pick it up.
We're not Russian-run.
We're promoting Magna Carta 1215.
We're promoting Declaration of Independence 1776.
We're promoting the history of the English-speaking peoples.
Winston Churchill wrote a three-volume book on it.
We are promoting the flower of Western Renaissance culture, not the Russians.
And the globalists can't stand against that with their unelected system.
And now, set in 50 minutes from now,
One of the biggest moments in modern history against the 100 trillion dollar every decade carbon tax that Dabos has announced.
That's what it is.
They say it's saving polar bears and saving Earth.
No, it's a private global consortium and the man, Lord Monckton, top advisor to Margaret Thatcher, fighting this for three decades since its embryonic level.
Hundreds of billions have been spent to promote this lie because it's not just taxes, it's total control.
Now Trump is set to pull out of it and implode it and the elites
I think?
These dishonorable scum are so fearful of the return of honorable, truthful men and women.
And it's happening now.
We are seeing, I believe, really a new dawn of renaissance if it isn't killed in its bassinet, if it isn't killed embryonically.
Lord Christopher Monckton?
He joins us.
Science and Public Policy is his excellent website.
Also, What's Up With That?
He also works with Mr. Moreno.
But I tell you, this is a great day, and I certainly want to thank Lord Monckton for being the very tip of the spear.
Well, Alex, how wonderful it is to be with you again.
And yes, it looks as though Mr Trump is going to ease his way out of the Paris Treaty.
Whether he'll come out all in one great rush, or whether he'll be slightly slow and crafty about it and say, well, let's set up a Team B to try to...
Have a look at the science from both sides, rather than only one side, before we rush into anything.
He might do that.
But he's certainly not going to stay enthusiastically in this Paris Accord.
And of course, as you know, America isn't in the Paris Accord as if it were a treaty, because it hasn't been ratified by a two-thirds majority of the Senate.
And I can't think of any circumstance in which the Senate would ever ratify such a treaty.
And of course, the longer this nonsense goes on, the longer the discrepancy between
The wild predictions made by the profiteering extremists, the profiteers of doom that I call them, the longer the gap between what they predicted and the perfectly calm and sensible weather that we see most of the time, the wider that gap becomes, the more difficult it becomes for world leaders who had hoped to make their pensions on the strength of this, as you say, this trillions of dollars now that are being demanded
By the global elite to keep them in clover while the rest of us can't even afford to heat our houses.
7,000 Britons died in December a few years ago because we had snow for the whole month on the ground.
Why did they die?
They didn't die because they were cold.
They died because they couldn't afford to heat their homes and that's why they were cold.
It wasn't because the weather was cold.
And the trouble is that this murderous policy, for that is what it is,
has no scientific basis whatsoever.
And Donald Trump and his team know this.
I briefed a couple of them in Washington a couple of years ago, and they've kept in touch ever since.
They've watched this unfold, and they know, among other things, that I and my team are working on the paper which is going to finally blast the whole nonsense out of this.
We have now discovered not one, not two, not three, but four serious errors in the way they work out how much global warming we can expect to get from, let us say, a doubling of the carbon dioxide concentration in the air.
They've been trying to say, well, it's somewhere between one and a half and four and a half Celsius, with the best estimate of three Celsius, and this would bring the world to an end by 2100.
That's what the profiteering
And he also said by 2013, and said in the inconvenient load of BS 2006, that the Antarctic and Arctic would no longer have ice caps, and instead they're bigger.
I mean, this is insane!
Well, the Arctic is not showing so much ice, but certainly the Antarctic has grown more or less consistently, apart from the last year or two.
Sure, so the Southern has gotten bigger, but I mean, the North's what it was, right?
Stern actually said in a paper called Dietz et al., 2007, that there was a 10% chance that the world was going to come to an end.
Because of global warming by 2100.
Well, we can now prove that that is not the case.
It was never likely to be the case anyway.
But it's so simple!
We can show... Let me get the results out before we talk about it.
We can now demonstrate, and demonstrate formally by a proof, that the amount of warming you can expect to see, if in all other respects you believe everything we're told by the usual suspects, but in the respects where we correct the errors, we make corrections, we can show
That the amount of warming you're going to get, per doubling of CO2, is likely to be less than one Celsius degree, and it can't even be as much as one and a half.
So we're below the entire range of estimates that have been made in the past by the usual suspects, and some of them have been predicting... Sure, Lord Modgett, let me just jump in here.
I mean, I understand.
Now, what is happening is that Trump has seen through all this.
He is not taking any more of this nonsense.
He is going to say to the world, we've had enough of this.
We are going to be cautious because we know how much this upsets the nations who have decided they want to believe in this garbage.
But the fact is, he is going to take a cautious line.
He's going to say, we'd like to get out of this if we can.
We're going to look very much more carefully at the science and I think this is a very great moment because at last you have a world leader who is saying we are going to look at the science and we're no longer going to listen to the overpaid Marxist pressure groups.
That was my next question.
That was my next question.
I understand with Skype it's hard for you to hear me because the two go over each other.
That happens.
But that's where I was going next.
Look, every time you come on, I know you have science and public policy.
I know you've got global papers with top scientists.
They're the top red papers.
Our listeners know that.
They know it's a fraud.
We tactically want you on, as somebody that used to be at 10 Downing Street, to talk about where Europe is, where the EU is, how big you think this is, and what Trump's doing.
You started getting into that.
We're sold.
We know.
It's been proven right.
We know that it hasn't been warming for what, you know, 18 years or whatever it is.
We know they hid the decline in temperature.
We know that these models are there.
I mean, I think we've won that war.
Bureaucratically, though, they're still dug in.
So what do you make of this?
Soros says European Union is now in an existential crisis surrounded by hostile powers.
The UK and the US.
This is just crazy.
Juncker is threatening the UK and the US.
I want you to speak about him specifically and who created the EU.
What you think they'll do to Trump now because I mean clearly you agree with me that this is huge.
This is historic.
This carbon tax is the heart of the private authoritarian corporate world government.
Well, this is what they wanted to do.
They wanted to take over the world and set up a global government.
That was the phrase that was used in the Copenhagen Treaty in 2009, the treaty that failed.
They were going to set up a global government on the excuse of this global warming.
And the reason why I spent a few moments mentioning the paper we're working on is that this major discovery we've just made, this is breaking news, we can actually prove, we can actually prove
That global temperature is not even going to rise by as much as one and a half degrees.
Well, let's spend some more time on that.
I didn't realize this was breaking.
I mean, because I know the previous science.
Of course it is.
I wouldn't bore you with it otherwise.
We have been working on this and this is just in the last couple of weeks we've discovered this.
We are now using national physical laboratories around the world to test this result to make sure that we are right.
Give us the one minute summation.
What has been discovered?
One-minute summation is that we can prove that it's not going to be more than one Celsius degree per doubling of CO2 concentration.
Not the 3, 5, 10, 13... Yeah, so CO2 really isn't raising temperature much.
It's not going to raise it by more than one Celsius, even if you believe everything else that they say.
Once we correct for these errors... But how much higher was it in the past?
Wasn't it hundreds of times higher?
Now, let me just finish this.
The difference between our paper and anything else that's been published on this is that we are able to prove definitively that for 120 years, climate science has got this wrong.
They've made a series of quite extraordinary errors, which nobody's noticed, because they borrowed mathematics from somewhere else without understanding it.
And we're having a great difficulty persuading peer reviewers to understand this.
But they are gradually getting there, and this will be published quite shortly.
And when it is, this will be the end of it.
Okay, well, stay there then.
I'm intrigued.
I understand why you're so excited then.
I didn't realize there was a whole new paper.
I know there were all these others proving this, but you're saying this is all new.
We'll be back with that straight ahead.
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All right, Donald Trump coming up.
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They've just been implementing us into this treaty without ever actually ratifying it, but he's saying we're not going to go along with this, just like Obama was shutting down our coal power plants.
I want to get into your paper that you said is going to be out very, very soon, Lord Monckton.
Very, very exciting to hear even more evidence of this.
But obviously this is all just a power grab.
They admit that's what it is.
But briefly, you're an expert on the EU, globalism.
You helped Margaret Thatcher come to her conclusion to not be part of it early on, and to kind of stave it off and not be part of Bilderberg.
Juncker, his arrogant statements about going after the UK, going after the US, trade war, EU armies.
I mean, I don't think people realize how epic the history is we're witnessing of this unelected bureaucracy and Soros saying that it is collapsing.
What would you say about this period we're in and just briefly the history of the EU?
I mean, is it not a dream of the bureaucrats of Nazi Germany?
Well, first of all, you're quite right.
The links between totalitarianism in Europe and the establishment of the EU are entirely clear.
Although the EU was originally founded as the European Coal and Steel Community to make sure there was enough supplies of coal and steel for the rebuilding of Europe after the Second World War, it then became transmogrified into an unelected tyranny by clerk, a dictatorship.
Which can make laws.
There is a European Parliament, but it can't even bring forward a bill.
It's an extraordinary entity.
And in any case, the unelected commissars, and I couldn't really name all that many of them, who run this from behind closed doors in smoke-filled rooms.
These commissars, who are just like the Politburo of the Soviet Union.
So the constitution of the Soviet Union, when that collapsed, was picked up by the European Union.
And so we now have this totalitarian constitution,
Where the unelected bureaucrats can overrule any decision of the elected European Parliament.
And of course they also have the right to overrule the parliaments of all the member states.
And let me stop you there.
I'll hold you on the next segment but let me stop you there because what you said is exactly right.
Unite behind Paris climate deal as Trump mulls US withdrawal.
We have the communist Chinese dictator at the Davos meeting two months ago saying don't worry we'll keep America in line.
I mean this is literally a new axis of evil.
Then I have Juncker quoted here saying that we will not allow any the UK or the US have any treaties with any member of the EU.
I mean this is this is an unelected guy saying this.
Is this not classical dictatorship of a what would you call it a type of bureaucratic oligarchy?
Well, this is exactly what it is.
Tyranny by clerk is what I call it.
These are jumped up little nobodies who are dictating to the world because they couldn't get elected themselves.
And so from the sidelines they go into these great corporatist entities like the World Bank and the EU and the UN.
And then increasingly, we are foolish enough to transfer powers, like the powers in the Paris Treaty, to these unelected bureaucrats, and then if we want to say, well actually you don't need those powers anymore, the science has collapsed, and we're going to come out of that treaty, just look at how they start blubbing as they realise they're no longer going to get the trillions they thought they were going to get, because let's make no mistake about this, who was going to pay for the Paris Treaty?
It wasn't going to be the French, it wasn't going to be the Brits,
It was going to be you, the Americans.
The whole idea of this climate change nonsense is to take America down.
That's why Mr Obama, who hated America with every fibre of his being, that's why he said he was going to have a war on coal.
Not just because coal owners were the biggest contributors to his enemies, the Republican Party, but because he knew if he could destroy America's energy supply, increase the price and make America uncompetitive, that would be the end of the United States.
That is the objective here.
It's got nothing whatsoever to do with the climate.
And by the way, Lord Monckton, we're going to go to break.
Five more minutes on the side or ten more.
On your new research and the scientists and the big paper, I know you got published in China's biggest scientific journal.
Just to kind of give us a review of where the science is, because it really is open and shut at this point.
And then I want to ask you, what is the main driver?
Obviously the sun, but I'd like you to elaborate and list some of the top scientists you're working with.
But just briefly, we're going to come back and do it, and I'll give you the floor for like five minutes to cover it.
But haven't we already really won here?
I mean, they've gone from global freezing to warming, now climate change.
Well, we know climate change is happening.
This is not man-made.
We can't control it.
I mean, haven't they admitted when they just say it's now climate change that they were full of bull?
The problem with the totalitarians is that once they have decided on a thing, then they will not let go.
They're not concerned with reason.
The one thing that will stop them is if we can prove scientifically, prove mathematically,
That they were incorrect.
That they were basing their assumption of large amounts of warming on mathematical errors that they and their predecessors have made for the past 120 years.
That's known fraud.
That's what's unique about this.
We're going to prove that they got it wrong.
Whether they got it wrong deliberately or accidentally, we can't prove one way or the other.
No doubt that will now be investigated.
What we can do is prove that they were wrong.
But you do have them hide the declines.
And once that proof is available, this is going to change everything.
Because suddenly, with all these people who are posturing and whining like Junker and so forth and telling Mr. Trump where to get off, he's going to be able to say to them, no, we've got research that shows that this is simply wrong.
You're going to have to look at that research, and if you find it is wrong, then that's the end of it and you can understand... We're on a break.
Stay right there.
I want to come back and talk about the actual research.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Bilderberg 2017 is kicking off in Chantilly, Virginia this year.
This is the first Bilderberg meeting since the populist uprisings of Brexit and the Trump election have come to pass.
And the elites now see their power base crumbling before their very eyes.
Among some of the subjects of the secret confab will be the Trump administration and can he be healed?
Also the rise of populism.
Elites are beginning to fear that their power base
May be crumbling.
Now, three members of the current Trump administration are going to be attending.
McMaster, Wilbur Ross, and Chris Flidell.
Most Trump insiders believe that these three are there to help the elites derail the current administration.
There are two ways in which this can go.
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Or they will try to impeach him after the 2018 election.
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Rob Due reporting for Infowars.com and Infowars Nightly News.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When I was young I was the nicest guy I knew.
I thought I was the chosen one.
Ladies and gentlemen, the jewel in the crown, the entire superstructure, the skeleton of world government, is this global carbon tax.
And it's to be selectively enforced, just like General Electric got waivers and kept all its power plants open and saw their competition shut down.
They made tens of billions and they gouged us on power prices.
This is just one example of not building an economy based on competition, but an economy based on shutting down your competition.
Look at Venezuela.
Look at every steel mill in England shut down and literally shipped to India, where they have no carbon controls.
And see, here, for me, I think Lord Monckton's wrong.
And I say that in a nice way.
I mean, I think he's right, but I think, and I'll go to him in a moment, after I plug here, I think he's wrong to think the main argument is it's all a fraud.
We know it's a fraud.
We've proven it.
He's proven it.
The science is clear.
They keep saying the science is clear on their side, because it's clear on ours.
But it's the con game that all these third world countries are exempt and the elites are making money off this with carbon exchanges, private companies getting your tax money passed on from the pump and passed on from your house and passed on from everything you do.
That's why it's a fraud.
It's only done to certain countries.
The elites are making money off of it.
That's what kills it.
Showing that polar bears can swim.
We're gonna go to Lord Moxley in just a moment.
I just wanted to throw that out there and then go to him and let him stew for a moment and then we'll let him get into his science, but also just the political obviousness of these villains.
Before we go any further...
We're lesser supported.
Hillary Clinton came out and said she lost the election because of Infowars yesterday, and she claimed that I'm advising the Russians.
Maxine Waters says that they're telling us what to do.
But now, no, no, we're telling Putin what to do.
I think the science is telling.
I'm not a Russophile.
I don't like all the stuff Putin does, but he does say carbon taxes are about shutting down nation states and bankrupting the population.
We'll get Lord Monk's take on that in a minute.
But, uh, big anti-communist in his own right.
The Russians aren't communist now, but he'll be called a communist.
I guess we're all Russians now if we, you know, don't want to pay George Soros or Bill Clinton money, or Al Gore.
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We paid $140-something thousand out our contest last year.
Bill Clinton's a rapist.
I want to play games.
We're going head up against him.
I've got contests that are even more vicious than this.
They want to keep playing games and threatening me and all the rest of their crap behind the scenes.
You want to fight, you got one, okay?
I mean, have you figured it out yet?
The intimidation doesn't work, dummies.
The next contest will be a million dollars if you keep pushing.
And it's not because I'm, you know, Mr. Tough Guy.
I know you're a bunch of scum.
So keep flying around on Jerry Epstein's pedophile plane and get out of my way.
And keep showing this off to your little jihadi buddies who just blew up, you know, the situation over in Manchester.
Keep making your excuses about that and go hang out with Ariana Grande.
You know, so she hates America, and she hates Christians, and she hates her effing fans and hopes they effing die.
I mean, this liberal elite is so narcissistic and disconnected, it makes me sick.
So thanks for your support, everybody.
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You'll get great products and know you're funding the tip of the spear in the fight as shock troops to expose globalism.
Now, scienceandpublicpolicy.org, whatsupwiththat.com, the leading fighter of the global government carbon fraud, Lord Monckton.
So people just tuned in, I think we should go for the political lies, how the elites are making money on this.
You know, we already know from Hide the Decline, their own documents, it's a fraud, other studies that are out there.
But I know you've been at the tip of the spear with top researchers, publishing in top journals.
You say you've got a new mega findings that have just been discovered coming out soon.
So tell us about that, sir.
The most important thing you need to know is that, yes, you're right that, of course, we can say they're all making money out of it, and so they are.
But the only way to stop them, and stop them quickly, is to prove that they are wrong.
And they thought they could get away with making a waffly story that is very hard to prove wrong, and they'd get away with it.
They made several large errors, which have taken us a long... It's taken me 11 years to find these errors.
I've been working quietly away at it.
We finally got there.
We know what they did wrong.
We know how big this is.
What it means is that the... Yes, you'll get a little bit of warmer weather as a result of putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but it's not going to be much more than kind of 1 Celsius for every doubling of CO2 concentration.
You're looking at 1 Celsius of warming over the next 100 to 150 years.
It's not exactly anything that really needs to be worried about.
And here's the difference, Alex.
We can prove it.
I'm not going to go into the weeds of how we've proved it.
That will be for the scientists to pick through once we publish.
But the point is that this is different from just saying, well, it's probably not going to happen, as they say.
We can prove that it's not going to happen, as they say, because their estimates are based on these four huge errors in the model's calculations that we have now found.
We've calculated them.
We've been to our national science laboratories on both sides of the Atlantic to get confirmation of our understanding of what we've found.
That's not to say they will endorse what we've found.
They don't do that.
But they will do measurements for us.
We've had them done.
And what those measurements show is that we are right about this.
And once this paper is out there, then everyone who goes around saying there's a 97% consensus and Trump must toe the line with the rest of the world community, all he needs
is this one paper.
And all he has to do is to give this to anyone who tries to say that to him, junker or whoever, and say, go away, get your scientists to read this, and come back and tell me if I am wrong.
And of course, they won't be able to, because this is a formal mathematical and physical proof.
And that's the difference.
Nearly every paper until now on climate science has been speculation.
It's been saying, well, we think this might happen and we think the other will happen.
And some of the observations point this way and some of the observations point that way.
What we have done is to go right back to the theory, to look at the theory that they're using to multiply up how much warming we're going to get from the very small effect you get just from the CO2 itself.
And we have found that, to put it really at its simplest, Alex, they screwed up, and we can prove it.
And what that means is that once this paper is published, and it can't be stopped, eventually it will be published, not long away now, I think,
Once it's published, then that's the end of the climate scare.
You watch how quickly it collapses after this comes out.
Because however much they may want to go on making money out of this, there will no longer be any reason to have a UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
That was based on these mistakes.
No longer any need for an IPCC.
No longer need for the Paris Accord or any of the other plethora of treaties.
By which, just like the EU, a treaty here, a treaty there, until suddenly all your freedoms are gone.
They were doing that on a world scale with this climate thing.
All of that will now come to an end, because we can prove that they were wrong.
This is over, Alex.
It's over.
And it's all over by the shouting.
We've got to publish the paper, sure.
But we've had it read by the greatest experts in the world on the particular kind of mathematics we're looking at.
Sure, let's be clear.
You've already published with other scientists some of the top... I'm not saying that some of the... Don't you have the most read paper in the world?
Well, yes, in the Chinese Science Bulletin, which is the Science Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the world's largest scientific academy, we published a paper a couple of years ago, which was so popular around the world, that it had been read by 12 times as many people as any other paper in the entire 60-year archive of that distinguished journal.
I mean, this is the world's largest Academy of Sciences.
They don't suffer fools gladly.
We had quite a time getting it through peer review, because we were saying then, we were beginning to point to some of the areas of the mathematics that we're looking at.
And then I wrote a further paper, which was published in the Energy and Environment Journal, again a couple of years ago, which said, look, there are problems with this mathematics.
Here are what the problems are, and we can't yet see what they've done wrong.
Can anyone... Sure, sure.
I mean, the truth is, we don't know, but we know...
And they said, you need to read this textbook.
I read it, and the moment I saw it, I saw what they'd done wrong, and we've done the math, and, well, that's the end of the show.
And that's coming out in the next few weeks, but just getting back to the beginning, that's very exciting.
Just in closing here...
I want folks to know history's happening right now and they've spent how many decades and how many, I know it's over a hundred billion dollars, big central banks, governments pushing the carbon tax and, you know, pushing this planetary regime and to monitor all the nations and make the nations go under.
So beyond the tax, it's the global control, it's the global court, it's the global enforcement, it's the climate crimes.
All that's happening, this is so big Trump's doing this, A, and then B, every time you're on, I get tweets and emails and on the street people go, next time Moncton's on.
Bring up this, and I know there's people that think every ice crystal trail, you know, is some type of weather modification, but they have patents.
They admit there's barium salts, aluminum dioxide.
They admit there's massive weather mod going on.
Bill Gates is involved.
Dubai's involved.
China's involved.
They've got antenna arrays that are manipulating the ions and the nuclei.
You know, I guess mimicking some of the things that solar radiation does.
We know when there's a big solar flare, we have thunderstorms or whatever.
I mean, this has all been documented.
They're artificially manipulating the weather already.
And we know there's a UN climate manipulation weather weapon 1979 treaty introduced in 78, passed in 79.
So we know this is going on.
It's very secretive.
So then people exaggerate because they don't know what's really going on.
But from your deep research into climate, do you have any comments on how that might be affecting things?
Yeah, the first thing is that we are far smaller and far less powerful in affecting the climate than they think.
And that's why they can't do much more than a little bit of silver iodide dropped on the clouds to make them rain when you have a drought in a local area.
You can't do anything worldwide to alter the weather, however hard you try.
And this is really the result of our research.
You can just see that there is a kind of inbuilt stability to the climate system.
Which means that short of letting off every nuclear bomb around the world and go on doing that every day for the next 400 years... That's right.
We wouldn't have this ancient planet with an ancient atmosphere if it wasn't a very stable position.
That's exactly right, Alex.
I mean, you're quite right.
Here we are, four and a half billion years on.
Okay, there may be a few people who think it's only 6,000 because they believe in the rather balmy calculations of an Anglican divine in the 17th century.
I was about to say, the Bible doesn't say that.
The Bible doesn't say that.
Some preacher did.
That's right, it was Bishop Usher.
He was a very worthy, amiable divine, and he just amused himself by calculating how many generations there'd been since Abraham in the Bible, and from that he worked out that the world was created on the 15th of April, 4004 BC.
And there are even Bibles of the period, I've got one, which show every date thereafter, from 4004 BC until the time of Christ, all written into the margins.
And it's all very silly.
But the point is, this is a very old planet, it's a very stable planet,
To destabilize it, you'd need to do something to the Sun, you'd need to have a big asteroid hitting us, we'd need to go through a large cloud of intergalactic dust, there'd need to be an enormous supervolcano eruption.
These are the things that can alter the climate.
But altering one part in 2,000 of the composition of the atmosphere over the next 150 years is not going to make any difference at all.
And as I say, the magic thing about our paper is that we can prove it.
And it's already beginning to worry people because they've begun to hear about it.
I've given a couple of talks about it.
But the latest thing that we found just in the last couple of weeks shows the stakes are even bigger than we thought.
And therefore, we are now just concluding our research in the next couple of days.
Then it goes off to the journal for peer review.
We're almost out of time.
Let me just say this.
And when you've got six years ago, the main group coordinating the universities globally saying, let's hide the decline, I think it's pretty clear they know this is a joke, but... But we can prove it.
That's the difference.
Once they know we can prove it, once they know we know what they did wrong, once they know that anyone who in future tries to say that we are going to have a significant
The impact on the climate will be laughed at, because there is no scientific basis for it.
Here's my final two questions.
The one thing these people don't like is to be laughed at, and they're going to be if they try to persist in this line any longer.
They don't like being questioned.
They say every scientist agrees, and almost none of them actually agree with them.
Now we can prove that they're wrong.
Okay, now let me do these two final.
Our Skype's a little bit off here, so I hope you can hear me.
I know there's different numbers from ice cores and mud cores and other things that they've done.
The numbers, hundreds of times the CO2 in our history, and that didn't make the planet overheat too much.
In fact, a lot of scientists and climatologists I've read believe if CO2 tripled or quadrupled, it would make plants grow faster, make the oceans more healthy, and that they believe the planet's so old that we're actually in a carbon-starved position and down the road could off-gas and even end up like Mars that clearly lost its atmosphere.
I know you've talked to climatologists, you've talked to solar physicists, you've talked to astro,
Physicist, I mean, I don't know.
Let me give you some figures on this.
It's very interesting.
I mean, you're quite right.
Patrick Moore, the founder of Greenpeace, who is, of course, no longer with Greenpeace because he doesn't believe in global warming.
He has done a very interesting paper, which I helped him write, which shows that over the last 2,000 years, 2 million years, I should say,
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has been steadily declining, almost to the point where plants were being starved of it.
Now we're putting more CO2 into the atmosphere.
Everything grows like bilio in the garden.
I don't know if you've ever had time to plant a garden, but if you do, everything grows much faster now because of what's called CO2 fertilization.
CO2 is plant food.
The paradoxical thing about this is that we know now from the satellites that CO2 is greening the planet.
You can see it from outer space.
So shouldn't we actually terraform, or what do they call it, if you've already got an atmosphere, shouldn't we geoengineer with more of it?
Of course we should, and that's what we're doing, of course, because despite all the preaching and the whinnying from these profiteers of doom, everybody is burning more fossil fuels.
It's almost like there's a God involved.
And the climate is responding very favorably because everything is growing at a rate it's never grown in our lifetime.
This is a thoroughly good thing, and you're quite right, Alex.
What about the danger in closing in 30 seconds?
The total plant biomass of the earth has gone up by something like 15 to 30 percent in the last hundred years.
What about the cycle?
Aren't we due for an
Well, who can tell?
It's 5,000 years overdue, so don't hold your breath.
But, I mean, we should actually worry about cooling, then.
I mean, that's what the evidence shows.
Cooling is the real killer.
If the planet were to cool even by as little as one Celsius degree, large amounts of agricultural area would disappear, and that would impose real strain on the populations of the world.
Thank you, Lord Monckton.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Big day with President Trump.
Thank you so much for your work bringing us to this point.
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Living on the road, my friend, was gonna keep you free and clean.
And now you wear your skin like iron, and your breath as hard as kerosene.
Weren't your mama's only boy, but her favorite one... I'll be cohosting with John Rapport in the fourth hour today.
Because Trump's going to be giving his announcement on the carbon tax.
They're having a big, giant stake right into the heart of the funding system, the blood supply for the cancer that is the New World Order.
If he does this and he's able to execute it, it's just incredible.
Trump is for real.
Does it mean he's perfect?
I'm not in a cult of some follower.
I'm not in a cult of some leader.
I'm not a sheep.
I mean, the elites genuinely want him dead.
The elites genuinely got beaten.
The elites are genuinely upset about what he's doing.
He's just businesslike and wants prosperity and isn't out to kill economies and pick winners and losers and screw people over.
Because Trump's dad was super hardcore.
And his brother tried to suppress him.
And his dad was meaner than hell to him for a long time to make him strong.
And Trump dominated them both by the end, basically.
Dominated him in a nice way, but you know, he just thrives in a very, very serious environment.
And his dad came up as a German immigrant, becoming a successful builder in a very, very rough New York area.
And the word is, it was a lot of behind the scenes stuff.
They didn't just let you go around and build stuff, you had to fight for it.
And so his dad was super hard-nosed, Trump's been hard-nosed, the family's hard-nosed, they're hard-working.
He's the blue-collar billionaire.
And he started crying on Memorial Day when the Memorial for Dead Troops was coming by.
In fact, the only time you've really seen him get emotional like that.
We ought to pull that up, Trump crying.
I was not here Tuesday to play the clip because I was dealing with the family issues.
By the way, I'm not going to make comments on my divorce case, which has been over for two and a half years, and the custody battle for my children, other than just to say that you notice there's no news about the Tuesday hearing.
You notice there's nothing.
All the big leftist sites celebrating, I'm a bad dad, I was going to lose my kids, the media made all that up.
All of it made up.
Totally made up.
And I wish my ex-wife well, and I am hoping that things can work out and get better.
And I'm not going to get into the judge's ruling, because the judge did not bar us from getting into it.
I'm just going to say that the children are where they were, and that we are working to unify them more with their mother.
And that's the bottom line.
But the media tried to destroy me and my children, and they failed.
So this is about my family and my privacy, and I'm all about privacy for everybody else.
I'm all against the NSA spying, and I'm all against leaving the general public alone, their families alone, until they get in the political arena.
And so I've asked folks to give us that privacy, but I appreciate your prayers and your support, because it's really meant a lot.
And I've also been impressed with the judicial system.
At least in this case.
People run the judicial system down a lot.
I do quite a bit.
The Ninth Circuit and things, but... Extremely intelligent and extremely, extremely fair.
So, that's all I have to say on that point.
But, I tell you, God loves drunks, children in the United States of America.
And let me tell you, I'm so humble, because my whole life,
I've had so much Providence, it's just humbling.
We're going to take your calls and get to a lot of news in the third hour.
Stand by, I'll give the number out when we come back.
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They're trying to shut it down.
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I'm going to lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
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20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat.
Or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22.
When I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support Infowars in our fight to promote human liberty and freedom.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
This is it, boys.
Total combat with the goblins.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
June 1st, 2017.
I'm starting to quote Slim Pickens from Dr. Strangelove.
This is it, boys.
Toe-to-toe nuclear war with the Rooskies.
This is it, boys.
Toe-to-toe battle with the globalists.
An information war.
And they are preparing the riots all over the news.
They're preparing the race war.
They're in full attack against the family, trying to wreck the youth before they achieve real consciousness.
They are strutting around roaring like a lion seeing who they can devour.
I have a true sense of satisfaction in that my common sense understanding that if we could just expose the fact that there's a global government
I think?
That dog's not gonna hunt if somebody stands up and calls it out.
But they play this game of saying it didn't exist.
Oh, there's no Bilderberg.
Oh, there's no... I mean, Al Gore would testify six, seven years ago that there was no carbon tax when he owns the big one in Chicago and the big one in London.
It's actually called Blood and Gore.
Or Gore and Blood.
The partner's name, Blood.
And it's made billions of dollars for that jerk-off.
And I call him a jerk-off because
I mean, he's this big, goofy con man, whose daddy was the right-hand man for Armand Hammer, who was the right-hand man for the Soviets, and forced labor camps.
I mean, these are bad people.
Running around wanting carbon taxes.
He owns Occidental Petroleum.
Did you know that?
And they're one of these families that's so rich that their wealth's not even known.
It's like the Bushes.
The Bushes made deals with the, uh, well, with a lot of people.
With Klaus Barbie, who's a low-level guy.
But with, uh, Joseph Mingala, who was royal.
And, uh, there's the Angel of Death.
And, of course, with Juncker.
All the usual... scumbags that just think they're better than everybody and just strut around.
Pulling their crap.
An unelected EU threatening Trump, threatening us.
And you know what?
If we roll over to Juncker, we deserve what we get.
And I look at the Germans, smart, good people.
Hell, a lot of my lineage is German.
But I look at the Germans and what they put up with and how they're so domesticated.
But then I guess we didn't lose 21 million people in World War II.
Germany was 70 million people.
They lost 21 million.
That'll get you to...
That'll get you in line, won't that?
They sure followed their orders too.
They followed orders and 21 million got killed.
And they're still following orders.
I guess Bavaria is kind of like the Texas of Germany.
That's kind of the wild, wild west.
People don't follow the rules as much there.
If I lived in Germany, I'd probably live in Bavaria.
Germans are so smart.
Nation by nation, one of the highest IQ per-nations in the world.
But they follow orders off the edge of a cliff.
I mean, what is Germany doing paying the bill for the EU with some jerk, Juncker, who, like, his family hijacked Luxembourg, so he runs that, he runs the EU, and never got... It's like, dude, get out of there, you unelected rat!
It's over!
It's gone!
We're calling it out, so...
There's the big satisfaction.
Is that I knew if you exposed globalism and the fact that it was unelected, it'd be game over.
We're gonna go to break.
We're gonna go to break right now.
Bilderberg 2017 is kicking off in Chantilly, Virginia this year.
This is the first Bilderberg meeting since the populist uprisings of Brexit and the Trump election have come to pass.
And the elites now see their power base crumbling before their very eyes.
Among some of the subjects of the secret confab will be the Trump administration and can he be healed?
Also the rise of populism.
Elites are beginning to fear that their power base
May be crumbling.
Now, three members of the current Trump administration are going to be attending.
HR McMaster, Wilbur Ross, and Chris Liddell.
Most Trump insiders believe that these three are there to help the elites derail the current administration.
There are two ways in which this can go.
Either the globalists will try to bring Trump to heel,
Or they will try to impeach him after the 2018 election.
You can read more about this and exclusive Bilderberg schemes to overthrow Trump on InfoWars.com.
And ask yourself, what are you doing to wake up minds?
Spread this link and help wake up some minds.
Rob Due reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Is that Elvis?
Alright, let's get serious.
Darren McBreen, he doesn't usually do this, he's a great guy, one of our better editors and researchers.
They're all excellent, but he put together this ultimate Maxine Waters cringefest video slash audio.
It's up on Infowars.com if you're a radio listener.
You want to see it?
It is Mad Maxine, the Maxine Waters movie.
Then we're going to come back and take your phone calls.
Your call's coming up after this, but here it is!
A lot of time in the making.
It's powerful.
Mad Maxime.
My past, my calling, my name is Maxine.
I grew up a black woman in a racist, sexist city.
But despite the odds being against me, I made it.
I have a right to my anger.
I call it rebellion.
The disproportionate numbers of black males that are in prisons around this country are in prisons because they don't have the wealth by which to get fancy lawyers who will go in and ensure that they buy justice for them as white folks can do in America.
This is punishment.
This is being very harsh.
Waters has been charged with ethics violations for asking regulators to help a bank in which her husband had a financial interest.
She denies breaking any house rules.
What people have seen on television in recent days is outlandish behavior by the Tea Party operation in Washington, D.C.
And I think that speaks volumes about what's causing problems in Washington, D.C.
What exactly outlandish behavior?
Specifically, what do you mean?
The shouting.
The Republicans were out there having a great time.
They were laughing.
They were waving the American flag.
They were egging them on.
And I thought that was outrageous behavior.
Guess what this liberal will be all about?
This liberal will be all about socializing.
Basically, taking over.
And the government running all of your companies.
Chapter 2.
My Russian Narrative.
After all I'd done to pave the way for a woman president.
That I still lived in a sexist nation that couldn't handle a woman president.
But then, it occurred to me.
We didn't lose the election.
The Russians stole it.
And I'm telling everybody.
I believe that there was a connection between Donald Trump's campaign and the Russians and the Kremlin.
Absolutely was in collusion with the Kremlin and Putin in Russia.
Our intelligence agencies have already confirmed that the Russians did hack into the DNC.
This is a bunch of scumbags.
That's what they are.
Those are very strong words, Congresswoman.
Who are all organized around making money.
Bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing, bing.
You have an investigation going on where the president is implicated.
Just to be clear, there has been no actual evidence yet.
No, it has not been.
No, it has not been.
Can't people see what's going on?
Why do you think they hacked into our election?
They hacked into the election because they have to make sure that Donald Trump got elected.
Just like Venezuela, the wages of socialism are massive and always the same.
Poverty, betrayal,
I built my career on appealing to the people that women of color can accomplish things too.
But I'll be damned if a white man tries to virtue signal their way up the ladder.
And as far as I'm concerned, the Tea Party can go straight to hell.
Junker and Soros activate the race forces.
The heir of the Nazi fortune, now in control, turns loose the race politics that took them to power in the 30s in Germany.
We're gonna fight against you and your policies.
We're gonna struggle.
We're gonna do everything necessary.
I'm not afraid of anybody.
This is a tough game.
I'm a strong black woman.
See them?
Look at them in their eyes.
You can't be intimidated.
You can't be frightened.
As far as I'm concerned, the Tea Party can go straight to hell.
You're the one doing the bullying, lady.
It's your party in bed with the Russians.
Why don't you quit worrying about the Tea Party and look at your own district and the hellhole that's been created there while you were the representative from that district, Maxine.
Maxine Waters is not only a traitor to our nation, but she's not right in the head.
In fact, the only people who are crazier than Maxine Waters are the people who support her.
Chapter 4, My Lies, My Hypocrisies, My Millennials.
At this stage of my life, I get a little confused sometimes.
And it sounds like I'm batshit crazy.
But there's a method to my madness.
Because this struggle, it ain't no joke.
And my millennials, they stay woke.
They've got to stop his ass!
I think the millennials have adopted me because they really do believe I speak truth to power.
And I discovered one thing.
Just tell the truth.
I have not called for impeachment.
The president is a liar, his actions are contemptible, and I'm going to fight every day until he's impeached.
I have not called for the impeachment yet.
I say it over and over again, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment.
And I will fight every day until he is impeached.
Man, this woman lies.
Impeach 45!
She says it back and forth.
Impeach 45!
Should we wait to call for impeachment until we have the answers to that question?
I have not called for impeachment.
You said I'm going to fight every day until he's impeached.
That's what you tweeted.
You know people don't like to hear the word impeachment, but we know you like saying it.
He lies every day.
He's in bed with Putin and the Russians about oil.
And everybody around him are allies with the Kremlin.
Yes, we want the oil.
We want the Russian resources, Dumbo.
This is extraordinary.
This woman is delusional.
That's what we do, Maxine.
We're capitalists.
I really do believe that much of what you saw coming out of Trump's mouth was a play from Putin's playbook.
I think that when you saw him absolutely calling Hillary crooked.
Crooked Hillary!
Lock her up, lock her up, all of that was developed.
I think that was developed strategically with people from the Kremlin, with Putin.
You obviously have been very critical of James Comey in the past.
You said that he had no credibility.
I assume that you support the President's decision then to fire his FBI Director.
No, I do not, necessarily.
The FBI Director has no credibility.
But if you said that FBI Director James Comey had no credibility, wouldn't you support the fact that the President then canned Trump?
Now President Trump made the decision to get rid of him?
No, not necessarily.
If Hillary Clinton had won the White House, would you have recommended that she fire FBI Director James Comey?
Well, let me tell you something.
If she had won the White House, I believe that given what he did to her and what he tried to do, she should have fired him.
Yes, the FBI Director has no credibility.
We want a diplomatic solution.
We do not want war in North Korea.
Yeah, in Aleppo.
And the fact that he is wrapping his arms around Putin while Putin is continuing to advance into Korea.
North Korea.
North Korea at all.
Those goddamn North Koreans.
They are some sneaky bastards.
Stop it.
Just give us the gas.
We spare your lives.
That's all we want.
It's too much pain.
Stay woke.
My millennials!
Stay woke!
We'll be back with your calls.
The videos on InfoWars.
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And it's absolutely essential that we expand in the face of the enemy, because as history shows, political movements only expand or contract.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, there's all these news articles out that I claim Megyn Kelly's coming to interview me next week, like I've arrived or something.
I mean, I'm not bragging here, but I almost am not doing the interview.
Because I don't even want to put up with it or deal with mainstream media.
I've been on Nightline.
I've been on Fox.
I've been on everything.
I don't really get any response off these shows.
And I turn down most of the interviews.
I turn them down every day.
But I know she has a big magazine show.
And she's got a big show coming out on NBC.
And she just interviewed Putin.
She told me that two weeks ago, but said, please don't tell anybody.
Well, now you see the interview with Putin is airing this Sunday.
It's Putin, Alex Jones, and then Trump.
And I'd be dumb if I didn't do some of these interviews.
I know it's edited.
I know they're going to attack me.
I understand that.
They told me they're not going to.
I'm not stupid.
But when she gets here, I'm going to play her the clip of where, because I don't remember that on Fox, where they play a clip where I'm saying Hillary killed all these kids in Syria.
And they played it and said I was talking about the pizza place.
And I'm gonna sit there with her.
I'm gonna say, look at this.
See what you did right here?
Here's the original clip.
It doesn't even matter.
The point is, is that the media makes a joke and says, Jones blushed.
He's in love with Megyn Kelly.
Megyn Kelly didn't have enough meat on her bones, okay?
I haven't been enamored with people in Hollywood for 18 years.
I mean, Hollywood early on got me in films.
I was out in Hollywood quite a bit and I was never enamored with it, but I really don't like it now.
And I've been at parties, you name it, Brad Pitt, you name it.
I mean, small parties, okay?
I've been there.
I like Clint Eastwood.
I like Kurt Russell.
I'm a big fan of those guys.
Clint Eastwood's a living legend and a patriot.
But it's because their politics, I like them.
And they're good in their movies, but I don't worship that.
And the reason I raise this is I would have loved to interview somebody like Alexander Shultz and Easton.
A real patriot for humanity.
That I get butterflies about.
Or Trump, because he's such a trailblazer.
That is my rock stars.
Or a Billy Corrigan who's got great music, gotta play more of his bumper music.
I love Smashing Pumpkins.
And there's other stuff he does on his own.
But I like Billy because he's so smart.
We talk on the phone, you know, quite a bit and text each other.
But it's not because he's famous, it's because he's an interesting person.
And I just think it's so important that we reject celebrity culture.
It's so important.
That we just say no to whatever they're force-feeding us.
Because whatever they're force-feeding us, the Ariana Grande's or the Taylor Swift's, is just a load of crap.
And what they add on to it is meant to snare our daughters particularly.
I'm going to go to your calls.
When we come back from break, John and Matt and John and Trent and Carlos, I'll go right to you.
800-259-9231 is the toll-free number, but I don't want to go to you here with a minute or two we have left and then not give you enough time.
A long segment, 18-minute segment's coming up, so we're going to go to break and come back and talk to you.
But briefly, I've got some other news, too, I haven't gotten to.
Maybe I shouldn't do the interview with Megyn Kelly.
But then I realized when I saw these articles, they'll say I made it up.
I have to.
That's the level I've now gotten to where the media all said I had my kids taken away and that didn't happen.
And the media was there in the courtroom when it didn't happen and they all left and didn't report it.
Do you have any idea how controlled the Austin American Statesman is?
And I don't even care!
Because I know they're a bunch of liars, but I mean, wow!
Absolutely amazing!
I sat there and I watched that ruling, Tuesday.
And I watched the media, it looked like they'd all been punched in the stomach and they all left and I knew there wouldn't be a word.
They even had coordinated like a
Same with the show, Extra or Inside Edition or whatever.
That was all coordinated weeks before the air that afternoon, thinking it would get piggybacked in some ruling against me.
I mean, they talk about concerted with the media.
I mean, and then to watch them have everything they thought was going to happen not happen.
It's just wild.
And to have Hillary attacking me and saying I'm why she lost the election.
No, Infowars is because you took action.
This isn't about credit either, by the way.
That's kind of creepy credit.
That's kind of scary to have that mob boss, that pedophile protector.
That's what she admittedly is that.
That monster.
That criminal.
That anti-American globalist hating you, just seething.
Oh, his dark art.
I don't know how he can be so horrible like Alex Jones and the Infowars.
I mean, I'm like, wow, that is a Medusa.
Hates me.
But I don't have any fear.
Do what you're going to do, sweetie.
You already tried a lot.
So, line up!
But again, it's the spirit of Liberty.
I gotta talk about the show, that is, we're under attack, and I gotta set the record straight with people about where things really stand.
But, oh, that video you just saw or heard, the very powerful Mad Max scene?
The Ultimate Max Scene compilation is up on InfoWars.com and on RealAlexJones on Twitter.
Please spread it, it's powerful.
I don't think you need me to tell you that though, do I?
Thanks to your support, InfoWars has been able to expand its operations against the globalists at this critical time.
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They're not just trying to shut down InfoWars.
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And InfoWars is at the very heart of that resistance.
We all see the dumbed-down trendies that appear to be soulless and how they're obsessed with consumerism and criticizing capitalism as they walk around in their expensive Nike tennis shoes and have their slave-made iPhones.
So, I personally am disgusted by empty consumerism.
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I love this show.
We now take you live.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
In the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
22 years.
What do they say?
Christopher Walken?
Or Cowbell?
Booze and ladies, keep me right!
To the show tonight, we're an American band.
We're an American band.
I love it.
The restoration of the Republic is here.
John, Matt, John, Trent, Carlos, I'm going to you right now.
Every time I put one of these out, the media does the same thing, they act like we're fake news.
Because we're so on target and so accurate, we make mistakes, but we'll tell you.
Media sources that are seen as friendly to the White House, not a lot of folks, but big talk radio gets this.
And then we're good about getting it out within minutes of the White House releasing it, or before it's even released.
And then they'll sometimes have hundreds of articles.
Jones claims he has an exclusive White House press release.
Well, we do release these first, but we're not saying exclusive.
Then they just lie and say that we said exclusive because they're so angry we're getting these.
Like, they didn't get press passes.
Okay, they did.
Well, uh, it's just, it's just, it's ongoing.
It's just, it's like Trump.
Every level, he's with the Russians.
Every level, he's selling us out.
Every level, he's bad as the economy explodes.
Paris Accord!
And these are the talking points.
I mean, the headline is the White House has put out its Paris Accord talking points.
This is 25 minutes ahead of the President.
Let's get Corsi on right now.
I know you wanted to come on.
I was about to go to calls.
This is breaking, actually, because you're getting a first look right now.
We need to get this up fast.
A first look at President Trump's climate announcement.
A really carbon tax announcement.
So, White House releases talking points ahead of Trump's announcement on the Paris Accord.
I mean, this is huge.
We just Googled this minutes ago.
No one else has this or has gotten it out yet.
The Paris Accord is a bad deal for Americans.
You're going to hear the President say this.
The Paris Accord is a bad deal for Americans and the President's action today, this is going to be the Press Secretary, is keeping his campaign promise to put American workers first.
The Accord was negotiated poorly by the Obama Administration and signed out of desperation.
It front-loads costs of American people to the detriment of our economy.
Yeah, we have to pay first.
And job growth while extracting meaningless commitments from the world's top global emitters, China and India.
I told Monckton this is the angle to go with, that everybody else is exempt but us and Europe.
And he goes on to say China is exempt.
The US is already leading the world in energy production.
It doesn't need a bad deal that will harm American workers.
Undermines U.S.
competitiveness in jobs, according to a study by the N.E.R.A.
consulting meeting that Obama administration requirements in the Paris Accord would cost the U.S.
economy $3 trillion over the next several decades, more than that.
By 2040, our economy would lose 6.5 million industrial sector jobs, including 3.1 million manufacturing sector jobs.
It would effectively decapitate our coal industry, which now supplies about one-third of our electrical power.
It was half.
The deal was negotiated badly.
And expires and extracts meaningless commitments from the world's top polluters.
The Obama negotiated accord imposes unrealistic targets on US for reducing our carbon emissions while giving countries like China a free pass for years to come.
Bing bong bing bing bong.
Under the accord, just magic, world government blows up.
Bing bing bong bong bong bing.
Under the accord, bing bong bong bing bing bing.
Got it, Lex.
So we have him under the accord, it's just a little magic thing, like I'm bewitched, he twinkled her nose, but just, front goes bing bing bong bong, under the accord and all the tyranny's gone, see?
China will actually increase emissions in 2030, but we can't, we have to cut.
The U.S.
is already a clean energy and oil and gas leader, we'll reduce our emissions and continue to produce American energy without the Paris accord.
America has already reduced its carbon dioxide emissions.
Well, the scientists say we should increase it, actually.
It's a life-giving gas.
Since 2006, CO2 emissions have declined by 12 percent and are expected to continue to decline.
According to the Energy Information Administration, EIA, the U.S.
is the leader in oil and gas production.
This is all designed economic warfare to shut us down.
That's admitted.
The agreement funds a U.N.
climate slush fund underwritten by American taxpayers.
President Obama
Committed $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund, which is about 30% of the initial funding without authorization from Congress.
With $20 trillion in debt, U.S.
taxpayers should not be paying to subsidize other countries' energy needs.
We should probably rename the name of our streams right now on Facebook, YouTube, and other platforms, because I know it was dealing with Trump prepares to pull out of world government, basically.
Bilderberg's now in Scotts, 20 miles from the president, openly trying to plot his overthrow.
That's in their talking points.
From not existing to now they admit they exist to admitting they want world government.
So that's all happening.
The deal also accomplishes little for the climate.
According to researchers at MIT, if all member nations met their obligations, the impact on the climate would be negligible.
The impact would be estimated to be likely to reduce global temperature by the rise of less than 0.2 degrees Celsius.
In 82 years from now.
In 2100.
Now joining us just briefly, because I promise I'm going to John and Matt and John and Trent and Carlos here in just a moment, Dr. Corsi, our D.C.
Bureau head, again got us first these talking points.
These are all going out now as we speak.
They're going up on InfoWars.com if you want to see what the Press Secretary and the President are about to be saying here in the next hour.
You can also follow him on Twitter at Jerome Corsi, Jerome underscore Corsi.
Follow me there at RealAlexJones.
It's more essential than ever you get his articles out because they're very
Scholarly, they're from insiders in the government, they're fighting for America, and so of course he's been breaking a lot of big bombshells here.
So, we haven't heard exactly what the President's going to do officially, but having these talking points, I think we can announce we know he's going to announce he is pulling out of it, and that we're not going to be part of it.
This is a big deal.
It's a very big deal, Alex, and I just got that one hour before the President's announcement.
What the White House is doing is it's
Preparing those of us who are the media favorable to the president to know what in advance is going to happen.
And these points are very clear.
It's very clear that the president's saying this is a bad deal and there's no compromise.
We're out of it entirely.
What the White House is expecting is that the loony left, as I say, is going to go insane.
In fact, the talking points say to expect
There's going to be a huge revolve, you know, massive outpouring of emotion from the left as we pull out of this Paris Climate Accord, but it's done.
And this is amazing because we're getting the talking points first.
I mean, you sent them to me like 30 minutes ago.
Wish I would have read my stack of news they were handing me.
So this is big.
We are now breaking that he will officially pull out because they weren't sure.
It's true.
We've got the talking points.
They would never send these talking points.
And we don't want to have a baby with the EU and have a world government.
I mean, it's smart to pull out of this.
Oh, I think it's brilliant.
I'm thrilled.
I mean, this has been a terrible agreement from the beginning.
It was punishing to the United States.
It left the other countries of the world that were going to benefit.
We're going to be subject to carbon restrictions.
We have to cut back on coal, petroleum.
It was going to be constant.
Being part of the EU... It's so discriminatory!
It was totally one-sided.
Obama negotiated another treaty here with Paris Accord.
It was never passed by the Senate, never ratified by the Senate.
But it was going to be detrimental to the U.S.
So Obama did something again that was going to punish the U.S.
And his Paris Peace Accord was that.
And Trump realized it from the beginning.
He let everybody argue, including Jared and Ivanka, both of whom were in favor of this.
And Trump pulled out.
He's going to do it.
The Rose Garden is going to be in an hour.
We're getting the talking points in the White House right now.
You see that you've shown them to the audience.
That just came in to me with a White House address on it.
I sent it in to you so you can verify it's got a White House address.
Well, that's amazing.
I mean, you've got so many of these talking points ahead of the time, even goes out to other folks and talk radio.
But this is just now, again, breaking at Infowars.com.
Confirmed, they had left it nebulous, but they had implied he was going to pull out.
It is now official.
When Roger Stone first said three weeks ago, the word is he will be pulling out.
People called it fake news, but now we have the talking points from the press office first at Infowars.com.
It'll be going out on news everywhere as well here in the next few minutes, but good job, Doc, getting that first.
Well, I just want to give you the scoop, Alex.
As soon as we got the talking points, as soon as they confirmed... Well, we're going to give you the headline.
I'm sorry 45 minutes ago you were calling in and I didn't get the message.
You just start calling the bat phone whenever.
It's nobody's fault in there.
It's my fault.
They were trying to hand me this stuff, but I was busy on other news.
But this is a big deal.
What do you make of Juncker?
We're good to go.
Well, in fact, what Soros is afraid of is this great dream he's had, which was, you know, within inches of being completed.
Had Hillary Clinton been elected, you know, the EU had been flying along.
And now what you've got with the EU is a potential breakup scenario.
You know, you've got other countries within the EU are radically looking at their positions and saying, we don't need this.
And Europe is in grave threat of being overwhelmed by Islamic refugees, and we're seeing the results of terrorism, and it just compounds the problem.
Bilderberg is not going to be able to solve this problem, and Soros is going to go down with it.
The pulling out of the Paris Accord today is a major, major announcement, a major step in the Trump presidency, and it's one that the Hillary Clinton presidency would never have done.
Well, I'm about to retweet your tweet.
We've got an article going up on Infowars.com with the press accord talkers.
These are the talking points of the president.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, he is going to completely pull out.
This is going to only make the globalists come after him even more.
A. B. Does this not totally prove he's the real deal?
We shouldn't probably publish those talking points on the website.
We should write an article around it, but I don't want to let the White House talking points get out any more than we've shown them.
Oh, I didn't know that.
I was able to put the other ones out before.
It was okay.
I mean, it's fine.
It's just that I don't want to just put the memo up as such.
I'd rather write an article about it and get it out once the announcement's made.
Oh yeah, well then pull it, pull it, because they were about to put it up.
Guys, sorry, Teledon, it's my fault.
Pull it right now.
Yeah, because we don't want to, I mean, the White House sends these out.
We want to stay on the preferred list.
No, I didn't understand.
You're a great guy.
Please tell me the rules.
I got excited to see it myself and sent it right into you immediately.
Next time, tell me the proviso that I need to not show this stuff.
Talking points are some that when we get them, it's the real trying to prepare the media for a blitz.
Which we expect from the left.
And so this gives us a way to, you know, basically know what in fact is going to be... This is the ammo to get ready to back the president.
It's all totally true.
Precisely, and I mean, all these points I think are points that are points that we're going to have to go through and debate.
You'll see... Well, they're well established!
Yeah, and these points are going to be reflected in White House press releases.
So, within an hour, what we have as talking points are going to get memorialized in White House press releases.
The White House is going to be putting out these messages, and they're trying to get in advance the various supporters who are going to be on the media.
Tell folks again how they follow you on Twitter.
Yes, it's either dot Corsi or underscore Corsi, but at Jerome Corsi you'll find it.
And I want to tell all the listeners, a lot of you send us whistleblower stuff, intel, a lot of times I don't feel like I can read secret documents or things, not that I can't as a journalist, I just sometimes it takes me too long to authenticate and I don't get to it.
Corsi has worked in classified areas and worked in a lot of things and he's able to vet things, he's also worked as a
He's a fraud analyzer for the Feds and has a degree in banking from Harvard, so you can always send him tips.
And so give folks your email at InfoWars for whistleblowers and people.
Yeah, it's drc at infowars.com.
Drc at infowars.com.
Is that fully spelled out, doctor?
Because I always just click on your email.
d-o-c-t-o-r-c at d-o-c-t-o-r-c at infowars.com.
Alright, so folks that want to get in contact with you or whistleblower, give you intel, they can do it right there.
Thank you, doc.
Thank you.
That's big breaking news.
Sorry the callers have them holding for 40 minutes or 38 minutes.
I'm going to go to you right now.
We're going to go to, let me see, we got callers in Alabama, we got callers in North Carolina, we got callers in Tejas, we got calls from Oregon, Montreal, Canada.
Who's been holding the longest here?
Let's talk to John in the great state of Alabama.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
Hey good, thanks for calling.
Hi, thank you for having me on.
Anyway, I was wondering, would you like to be talking about the refugee crisis?
Because I heard you mentioning it.
Yeah, and they've been totally ignoring Trump, and the State Department is in total rebellions.
We have record numbers of refugees brought in so far.
47,000 in the last three months.
So, total mutiny in the government against Trump.
Isn't that crazy?
Yeah, that is crazy, you know, and I mean, yeah, the refugees in Western Europe especially, you know, you really have this surge of these, you know, completely Muslim and unlawabiting people.
Well, let's explain.
They're coming from hell holes.
Failed states, Somalia, Sudan, Libya.
These are hell holes where women literally are sold on slave blocks and are not even human.
Okay, and it's like importing Klingons or something.
I mean, you know, there are a lot of Muslim countries that are actually cultured.
They're all being overrun and killed, and Obama and the liberals are supporting blowing up the good Muslims.
I agree.
I know what you're talking, man.
I mean, you got Libya, you know, Gaddafi's regime was a very secular regime.
Gaddafi never did anything.
They'd blow stuff up and blame him.
I'm not saying he was an angel, but he lived in a tent.
He gave away 99% of the wealth of the people.
He was the real deal.
And he believed Obama was his friend, met with him a bunch, invested his money in the West, let the CIA in, said, I want to be your friend, and they killed him and brought in radical Muslims to murder everybody.
I mean, how dirty is that?
Yeah, you know, I know, and they called, they called Libya the gateway of Africa because Libya was really a state that really kept these refugees.
Yeah, once the globalists, and I'm not defending apartheid, they replaced one evil with an ANC communist evil, but now South Africa's imploding.
It was jacking up Southern Africa and Central Africa, and Gaddafi was jacking up all of North and Central Africa.
He was literally funding everything, creating an economy, and it's gone.
It's all gone.
Yeah, I think Libya really has collapsed, and I don't think really it'll ever... Well, she came, she saw, he died!
You know?
You know how that is?
It's so much fun to be liberal like Hillary.
So much fun to be Bill Clinton, too, on that rape plane with all the good buddies over there.
Thank you, John.
We're gonna go on a break.
I'm gonna go right to Matt, right to John, right to Trenton, right to Carlos, and I'm gonna go into the next hour, and I'm going boom-a-boom to your calls.
Uh, and of course then we're going to get into Trump's press conference and more.
He's usually about 10 minutes late, so that's coming up in about 15 minutes.
Have you spread the link to the show yet?
Because let me tell you, Hillary says we lost her the election.
By name.
And you know what?
We did.
You did.
But now the enemy's fighting back, and I'm here on the front lines.
I'm going on to the end, whether we win, lose, or draw.
But I need your prayers and support now more than ever.
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Bilderberg 2017 is kicking off in Chantilly, Virginia this year.
This is the first Bilderberg meeting since the populist uprisings of Brexit and the Trump election have come to pass.
And the elites now see their power base crumbling before their very eyes.
Among some of the subjects of the secret confab will be the Trump administration and can he be healed?
Also the rise of populism.
Elites are beginning to fear that their power base
May be crumbling.
Now, three members of the current Trump administration are going to be attending.
HR McMaster, Wilbur Ross, and Chris Liddell.
Most Trump insiders believe that these three are there to help the elites derail the current administration.
There are two ways in which this can go.
Either the globals will try to bring Trump to heel,
Or they will try to impeach him after the 2018 election.
You can read more about this and exclusive Bilderberg schemes to overthrow Trump on InfoWars.com.
And ask yourself, what are you doing to wake up minds?
Spread this link and help wake up some minds.
Rob Due reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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This is the end.
Beautiful prayer.
This is the end.
This is the end.
My only friend, the end.
Of our elaborate plans.
Of everything that stands.
The end.
No safety.
No safety or surprise.
The end.
I'll never.
I'll never look again.
Bye-bye Brzezinski.
Bye-bye, mass murderer.
Bye-bye, David Rockefeller, Nazi collaborator.
Death's the big equalizer.
Of some.
Stranger's hand.
World government, its main engine, is about to be TNT'd.
Donald Trump has loaded the explosives.
It's about to strut out onto the green of the Rose Garden and detonate.
Ha ha ha!
Lost in a wilderness!
Not for long.
Because you see, turnabout is always fair play.
There's always an equal and opposite reaction in the universe.
And we are in the Trumpian age, aren't we?
I will quote Julius Caesar, the play, again, by the great playwright, the greatest playwright ever,
That there is a tide in the affairs of men when taken at the flood leads on to fortune.
And our fortune's leader.
Our fortune is freedom.
Our fortune is expanding.
Our fortune is honor.
That's what we're looking for.
There is a tide in the affairs of men when taken at the flood leads on to fortune!
When fortune favors the bold, does it not?
I could care less about money other than the fact that it's a weapon to build what I need and to stand against the enemy's attacks.
Like a lighthouse out on the promontory or a peninsula with big waves slamming into the rocks.
I need money to build those rocks, not sand.
William Shakespeare, there is a tide in the affairs of men which taketh up the flood, leads on to fortune.
Omitted, all the voyage of life is bound in the shallows and in the miseries.
On such a full sea as we are now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.
Yes, most people live in the shallows.
Most times in history you're in the shallows, not times of change.
You are now in the greatest flood of human change the world's ever seen, and it's only going to get more intense!
So pray for us.
Pray for yourself.
Pray for justice.
Pray for enlightenment.
Pray for prosperity for all so we might be free.
Not prosperity to have tokens of success or worship things mindlessly and consumerism, but have a house and a car and good health care and a life and a future so that we can transcend that and do greater things.
They want to keep you frozen and scrabbling in debt so that you're always never able
To reach for the stars.
I'm going to go to break and I promise I'm going to go to John in Texas and then I'm going to go to Trenton and Carlos and everybody else.
People say, oh listen to these platitudes and all these big words, but that's what it is.
The mystery, the majesty of life, the consciousness, the universe, all of this.
It's fantastical.
And we're obsessed with Brad Pitt and how much skin cream he uses.
I mean, Brad Pitt's incredibly boring.
All of them.
It's a joke.
Who cares?
None of it.
NBA stars.
Arrogant narcissists.
Most of them.
But a woman and a child in her arms.
Or just life.
All of it's magic.
It's all just gifts from God.
Hour number four in Trump's big speech as he drives a dagger to the heart of the New World Order.
World government on its knees straight ahead.
Hour number four.
Tell your friends and family.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
They took my saddle in Houston.
Broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend somewhere along the way.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
You know, soon I'm going to launch a lot of new shows here on the radio and TV.
And I'll probably work with GCN.
I got to get around actually preparing the shows, get the names ready, get the people hired.
But that's all happening right now.
In the next few months, Rabbit Portal will be on every day if he wants to be, but definitely part of a roundtable show.
So when he does the show every two weeks, I won't be interrupting it with some news conference or something.
But that's what we do here.
We're really TV slash radio.
So as soon as Trump comes up, we're going to him.
But I'm going to stay on as long as it takes to go to at least five, six more calls than been holding patiently.
And then Rabbit Portal will pop in.
He had that site 15 years ago.
You know, another trailblazer.
That's who we have on.
People that are trailblazers and people that are proven right by time.
Time will always tell.
Another adage that's an adage because it's true.
It's a cliche because it's true.
Let's go ahead and go to John in Texas.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hello, John.
How you doing?
Hi, Alex.
Go ahead.
You know, if Donald Trump is going to turn the economy around and make America great again, he's going to have to do something about inflation.
Because if you might have noticed, the price of everything has doubled and tripled within the last, you know, 10 or 15 years.
Look at the price of guns and ammunition.
Look at the price of cars and housing.
Well, Trump knows that.
Trump knows that.
Here's the problem.
There's such a mega debt.
That's why it is.
If we don't, we'll have stagflation, which they've cooked up with their Keynesian BS since the 70s, where we're going to have less jobs, but prices still going up in a recession.
So Trump's trying to help us blast our way out.
I mean, look, the globalists are pissed.
They want us poor.
They want to strangle us.
He's ordering the banks to loan.
He's flooding cash.
It's going to cause even more inflation.
And Trump has decided to go the way of inflation.
I mean, what else can he do?
It's going to defeat the whole purpose.
If you've got to take a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread, then... Well, I mean, it's not going to go Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe.
I hope not.
You're a smart guy, John.
You've been calling for 18 years.
Haven't heard from you in probably six months, or a year.
Okay, I recognize your voice.
You're a smart guy.
What does he do, then?
The only thing I can think of is get rid of that $20 trillion debt.
He's got to stabilize the economy first.
So he's actually flooding money to the little guy.
And I agree, that's got its own dangers.
But if you're dying on the hospital bed, going into shock, he's injecting adrenaline.
And it may kill us.
But what does he do?
I'm asking.
I'm not mad at you.
I agree with what you're saying.
But he's taking the best course, I believe, for the patient he's got.
I tell you what, I'm going to ask John Rappaport this question and we'll go to break and make more calls.
John, you're a smart guy, what do you think?
I mean, on the economy.
Rocking a hard place.
You've got to create jobs and you've got to, you know, pump up the economy.
But I agree with the caller, ultimately what you're trying to do is get serious money backed by serious subsidies.
And that's how you kill the private interest manipulating things, is by getting back to real base systems.
Yeah, but if you try to do it right away, immediately, and people are starving and out of work, and they're looking for jobs, and you don't bring enough jobs back here, then you're in trouble.
Yeah, Trump's trying to give them respect.
He understands we have to make a world based on humans again.
That's why the globalists hate him.
But even Ron Paul says we can't do this right away.
He actually, Ron Paul says, quote, Trump's doing a great job on the economy.
You've never heard that of Ron Paul, about anybody.
He's doing a great job on the economy.
What do you think, Rob Port?
Rocking a hard place again, Alex.
What are you going to do in the current situation after the giant theft manipulated by the globalists?
Tens of trillions stolen.
Yeah, trillions and trillions of dollars.
And so what Trump's doing is he's just firehosing money at the economy and the people, finally.
And it'll have its own problems, but at least he's firehosing it at us.
Yeah, the same thing with his plan to rebuild the infrastructure if it could ever get by Congress or could be funded by some private money.
We're talking about several trillion dollars to put people back to work.
Well, that's not what you would call free market economy either.
That's like an FDR New Deal.
But it's a step along the way.
And by the way, if FDR wouldn't have done that, we'd have gone full communist.
I'm not even a total fan of FDR in a lot of ways, but, you know, I mean, face it, FDR, what he did, probably some of that did help.
Yeah, absolutely.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Trump has to first stabilize the economy.
They've been giving none of the investment money to small businesses, small corporations, companies.
They've been making us cash poor for 10 years.
That's, by design, that's admitted.
Same thing in Europe.
And so he's ordering the Federal Reserve and others, okay, we'll use this power of centralization, flood the public with money.
That's creating exuberance.
It's creating optimism.
People are hiring more people.
The stock market's up.
I know the stock market's a big, corrupt, rigged deal, but that's where the capital formation is for companies and jobs.
They want austerity.
The globalists want a sewn-up economy.
Goldman Sachs wants a consolidated economy and high-frequency trading where they rig the market.
They admit that.
They want austerity.
That's what carbon taxes are, is shutting the West off.
Trump is removing all that, knowing he'll be a total rock star when the economy roars in.
All he's doing is taking their foot off our neck.
But we gotta get oxygen first, and then, yes, we could look at some other systems.
What do you make of that, John?
Yeah, I would certainly like to go back to, you know, the whole idea that Ron Paul's talking about.
He's been talking about it for God knows how long.
Audit the Fed.
Get down to the root of this whole money corruption and straighten it out.
But if you're not going to do that or you can't do that right away, while people are suffering, people are out of jobs, corporations leaving America to go to hell holes where they produce goods for pennies on the dollar and ship it back here.
I mean, the situation is created to destroy the American economy.
That's right, and Trump is reversing that.
Look at these jobs numbers.
Private sector job growth rebounds to rip-roaring pace in May.
ADP, nation's largest payroll service, says private payrolls add $253,000 in May versus $185,000.
Americans' comfort rises on strongest view of finances in decades.
That's out of Bloomberg.
Bloomberg now says Trump looks like he's probably going to win his next election.
In the last two weeks, I've seen a total shift of people being sick of being force-fed that Trump's the devil.
I'm going to ask you about that in a moment, Rappaport, but right now let's finish up.
John in Texas, I confused you.
I said, hey, John.
Of course, it's John Rappaport, too.
John, your final point.
Well, what you're basically saying, Alex, is when Donald Trump inherited this country, basically, he's a patient on life support.
Now, he may be a brain surgeon.
He'll do the right things, and he could pull us through.
Or we could die on the operating table.
Basically, I guess.
And he's basically like a surgeon and a couple nurses trying to fix it with a hundred gremlins stabbing us while he tries to save us.
I support Donald Trump.
I expect him to be in there four years.
And as long as Donald Trump supports the Second Amendment, I support Donald Trump no matter what.
Well, he definitely is doing that.
And I thank you.
I mean, listen, I can't believe Trump's so real.
And he's done some things I don't like.
I could see from his worldview why he's doing it.
But the globalists hate his guts.
I'm going to go to other calls here and then let you take over.
But as soon as Trump comes in, we'll get his first announcement, you know, obviously on the climate deal.
But we have the talking points from the White House.
He is pulling out of it completely.
So that's big news breaking at Infowars.com.
You're not a conservative.
You're not a liberal.
You've been an investigative journalist, best-selling author, art critic, artist.
I mean, you've been around for, you know, 30 years making films, you name it.
I've never seen you be so positive about a president.
Why have you been so positive about Trump?
You're a smart cookie.
Listen, the basic thing that attracted me to Trump and still does is that he's set out to destroy major media.
You know, ever since I started working as a reporter in 1982,
It was all about major media lying to the people and constructing false realities.
You've always made it about the fake news.
You always understood that it's bring down the Oz curtain, and so Trump gets that.
More than anybody, you know, in my lifetime in a position of power.
For whatever reason, it doesn't matter.
I don't care.
It's not that I'm worshipping at his altar or anything like that.
My grandfather used to always say, I don't want talk, I want results.
And Trump has delivered.
Over and over, I've said two things.
One is, he mercilessly attacks major media.
And two, he kept Hillary Clinton from occupying the White House.
Everything else is gravy.
Let's see what happens.
But this is, I mean, people don't even really sometimes get the monumental achievement of keeping Clintons out of the White House.
And then they bitch and say, oh, he met with the Saudis.
Yeah, to get them to do what we want.
He said he met with Kim Jong-un.
He took us out of TPP.
They want to kill him.
Bilderberg's own agenda is to remove him.
They admit that.
Is Trump coming in with a press conference?
I just heard Trump.
Was that a feed of something?
It's no big deal.
We're live in this room.
Let's do another call here.
Let's go ahead and go to Matt in North Carolina.
Thanks for holding on the air with Jon Rappaport at NoMoreFakeNews.com.
Hey, how's it going Alex?
Good, go ahead.
Listen, I've got a lot to say.
I'm going to try to get it in real quick.
Basically, well, first of all, I just made a $400 order for InfoWars products.
I'm looking forward to trying them out.
Big fan of you, Paul Joseph Watson, Roger Stoll.
Thank you.
I've tried to reach out to every one of you guys in regards to something that I think would help Trump supporters as far as the media trying to portray that we've left Trump.
And I'm a visual effects composer, an animator, graphic designer, very skilled in all those areas, and I've also sent you guys a resume, which that's not what I called.
But I've reached out to a bunch of pro-Trump communities on Facebook, and I've put the idea out there of everyone coming together to show the media that we're still with Trump.
A lot of people are proposing that we centralize in one location, which in my opinion, I think that would be a very bad idea because most truck supporters are workers.
They don't have time to take off to work.
They can't afford to do it.
But what if you guys came up with a ledger, per se, and had people sign it, and you had local rally appointees to head them up in everyone's local cities?
You know, we could all centralize.
62 million people standing for Trump.
The media couldn't ignore that.
Well, I mean, I totally agree with you and Cernovich.
I think we need to all of us hit the streets more because all this Democrat, you're a racist, you're a communist, you're a Russian, is intimidation so we don't have our free will in our speech.
We're Russians because we want lower taxes and prosperity.
We're communists because we want... I mean, this is a load of horse manure.
Thanks for the call.
Great points.
I don't want to talk about myself all day, but I'll tell you.
I felt a disturbance in the force, to quote Darth Vader, and I don't really believe like that, but I mean, it's always accurate, so I've learned to follow it.
I'm driving home last night at about 6, and I really felt like I was in a fighting mode.
Because Hillary's like a kingpin of evils.
She's like a ringwraith.
And I'm just like, man, they're really coming after me.
I can really feel that serious stuff's going on, and I'm really hurting them.
And I was like, please God, I hope bigger leaders come up so I don't have to be at the tip of the spear.
I mean, I want to do it, but I also am a little bit selfish for my family.
And these are the kind of thoughts I have in my head.
And Paul Watson calls and he goes, Hillary Clinton just said you defeated her.
In full words, it's what stopped her in the election.
And of course it was Drudge and all of us together and everybody.
But the fact that they single me out when she talks about me, she has such hate.
And she is a murdering kingpin.
This is Jeffrey Dahmer with an army.
I mean, this is a woman that literally supports whole combines of evil and exploitation of children.
You name it, they've all been caught.
Jerry Epstein, all of it.
It is creepy.
It's not a power trip, folks.
It's not like walking some red carpet in Hollywood and people are waving at you because you're cool.
I mean, that's sick enough.
It's like to be in this position of where they are saying, we have discovered that Infowars and Alex Jones is what advises the Russians.
So now it's not the Russians tell us what to think, Rappaport.
It's that they get it from us.
You're Infowars too, John.
And then we command Russia.
I mean, this is getting insane.
I spend all my days here.
You know, you can see the hammers and sickles and everything around me and so on.
This is completely deranged.
Out of control.
It has been out of control for a long time.
They keep up the same insanity.
Yeah, we're feeding information to the Russians, right?
They have one of the largest spy apparatuses in the world.
The U.S.
spies on Russia.
Russia spies on the U.S.
But it's you and me that are really feeding the information to Russia without which they would have no idea what's going on, right?
I mean, only a deranged person
Would even start to believe.
Well have you heard?
Nigel Farage is now under criminal investigation.
And of course they told us two months ago, I'm under it.
But then I never get called to these committees.
Hey FBI!
Come on over here man!
Let's go!
Let's go!
I'm not even saying the average FBI person is bad, but this is a load of horse crap.
It's like saying, I'm under investigation for being a Martian.
I'm getting tired of it man.
Where's the congressional committee where you can go under oath and sit there and testify?
They have the committees and they say I'm getting ordered around by the Russians!
And then they don't call me!
Since when does this type of... Yeah, you can't testify, right?
No, we don't want to hear what you have to say.
That's the last thing we want, right?
Meanwhile, I keep republishing this story over and over again.
20% of U.S.
uranium goes to Putin.
Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Clinton Foundation, you know, on top of that whole caper.
Imagine what would happen if it was Trump.
I just republished the New York Times article that exposed all this two years ago.
Let me translate this.
Let me translate this.
The Clintons gave the Russians more fissile material for their Topol supersonic Mach 4.7 missiles that we can't defeat.
Russia doesn't have all the uranium we have.
Russia is run out of fissile material.
We gave Russia their next generation fissile material for hydrogen bombs.
Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton.
There's the article up on the screen for people that are watching.
I think it was April of 2015.
Yeah, cash flow to Clinton Foundation and then a Russian uranium deal.
Imagine if Trump gave them 20-30% of our... Exactly.
That's what I was saying.
The other day I republished that Times article and I substituted Trump's name everywhere that they said Clinton.
And I said, what would be the reaction to that?
Trump would be living in a bunker under the White House, you know, trembling in the dark.
I mean, they would have him up for treason to be shot.
And here's the deal again, how the Clintons sold out U.S.
national interest, national interest to the Putin regime.
National review, and I love how Trump's a real leader.
You're not kissing his butt, it's true.
He tells the Russians, it is totally insane.
Comey's nuts.
Of course we're not colluding.
And everybody's like groveling around.
If you're not colluding, then say it's nuts!
It's like, if they charge me with being a bank robber, if the cops showed up and said, you're a person of interest in a bank robbery, I'd laugh at them because I didn't rob any bank.
I mean, it's the same thing.
Okay, great.
You know, I mean, Trump's like, oh yeah, the Russians.
Give me a break.
Yeah, exactly.
And what about the Clintons?
Let's have an investigation.
Well, the big news, I have this from high-level, mainstream news since the 90s, you know this as investigative journalists, some of the top TV shows in the country, newspapers, but it was all over the news.
They gave the missiles, they gave the delivery systems, they gave the MIRV technology, they gave the reentry devices, they gave the miniaturization warhead technology, they gave them lock, stock, barrel, all of our 1960s and 70s technology.
They didn't give them 80s and 90s, but still, we could hit anywhere in the world in 1960, 1970.
We gave them
Third generation, Wernher von Braun, Nazi intercontinental ballistic missile technology.
The Russians wouldn't give the Chinese that.
The Clintons did.
So you can say what you want about the Russians.
The Russians weren't dumb enough to give the Chinese their ICBM technology.
The Clintons did.
For this much campaign cash.
Almost nothing.
That was the deal.
There were prosecutions.
There were trials.
People refused to even think about it anymore.
Oh, let's not cover that.
It's not important.
Not important that the Clintons gave 20% of U.S.
uranium to Putin.
Oh, who cares?
Doesn't matter.
I mean, I'm gonna be honest.
I mean, what is the... If you give... The Chinese, until the 90s, could not get ICBMs off the pad.
Most of them blew up, like North Korea.
It's not easy, okay?
Okay, the Russians and the Germans figured out how to do it, so did the U.S.
to a certain degree, but we couldn't do rockets until we got the Germans.
Let's just face it, the Germans are the best, then the Russians.
We have a boost on Russian rockets today, okay, to show the slide in brainpower we have.
They destroyed the Saturn rocket codes for whatever reason.
That's sabotage against us.
We can't even make a Saturn rocket today.
And then meanwhile, they gave this stuff to the Chinese.
Why would the elite do that?
Well, we know the Clintons did it for cash.
Why the elites would do that is because they want to provoke
A sinking of the United States down to the lowest possible level because, let's face it, it's really the only place on the planet that's left that has any idea of what freedom means and actually even has a vague concept of it.
And that's what has to be destroyed in order for your world management system of globalism to take over completely.
This is the last bastion of any idea of what you the individual mean, and what your freedom means, and your power means.
Everywhere else, it's fading into complete oblivion.
And that is why the United States is the primary target.
And we're waiting for the President.
I want to go to Trent, I want to go to Carlos, I want to go to Rob, and that's it.
I'm going to turn the show over to John Rappaport at NoMoreFakeNews.com.
But is this like you're caught in a riptide and you're trying to get some air as a surfer and you get pulled under?
Are we just getting some air with Trump and Farage and some of the nationalist movements and Brazil's trying to struggle free?
Or have we kind of gotten on a little
Right now I would say we just, we got some air.
And it's up to us, really.
Keep saying this over and over again.
It's the movement of people who want freedom, determined to have it at any cost.
Your activity kicks our legs back up to get air collectively.
That's right.
And if the people decide, well, we don't really want freedom, doesn't matter who's in the White House, doesn't matter who you support.
It's the people who decided, okay, we're going to roll the dice on Trump because we hear what he has to say.
We can't guarantee he's going to keep any promises.
We know he could keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House.
All right.
But these people, these millions of people, still have their own idea of what freedom is, and that's the important thing.
And it's us exercising our will that is causing this global movement.
So again, when Hillary says the Info War beat her, you beat her.
And I'm not patting you on the head.
You need to realize the power you have, audience.
I'm on my knees.
My children, your children, we're in this together.
I try to be an example of fearlessness because we're in a death battle.
There's no point in being scared.
It's all or nothing.
It's freedom or slavery.
That's the deal.
That's right.
Trenton, Oregon.
Trent, you're on the air.
We're waiting for Trump's speech.
It was supposed to start 25 minutes ago, right?
We'll see what happens.
Trenton, Oregon, you're on the air.
Yes, two quick comments, and hopefully you'll allow me to plug.
I'm a 14-year info warrior, first-time caller.
My first comment is on your video that you posted late last night, and I just wanted to say that you don't have to have any fear about not winning, not succeeding.
You've woken so many of us up.
We're doing the fight for you.
Well, I appreciate that.
I don't want to whine about it, and I'm happy because I asked for this, but every month now it's exponentially a tax, and I'm fine with it.
I just, it's not fun, but go ahead.
Yeah, well, you know, a lot of us, you know, it's going to upset people to hear this, but a lot of us would take a bullet for you.
I appreciate you, and I love you guys.
I'm very humbled by the audience being so putting up with me because I'm pretty obnoxious sometimes, but I'm trying my best.
My second comment is a comment you made about two months ago on the show with Roger Stone, where you had said that some of the most good people out there with the biggest heart can be the most evil.
And I'm here to say that really resonated with me, and that the only reason a lot of these New World Order folks are still walking in God's green earth is because we have restraint.
And they should be thanking their lucky stars that we do have restraint.
Yeah, it's the good guys that are the real killing machines.
And it's not a fun thing.
It's just that, you know, evil likes to gloat, sit there and do all the rest of it.
The truth is, usually evil wants somebody else to do the killing for him.
God bless you.
Anything else, Trent?
I'd just like to plug a great group of musicians, Small Leaks Sink Ships.
Their whole platform is about waking people up to the love of God.
Say that again?
Small Leaks Sink Ships.
Small Leaks Sink Ships.
Yep, their whole goal is to wake people up to the love of God against this satanic media that we're fighting every single day.
God bless you InfoWars and thank you very much.
And look at all, thank you sir, look at all these globalists attacking Trump and the nationalist agenda, which isn't perfect but has a good will behind it.
They're the loose lips trying to sink our ship, John.
They've been doing that for a very long time.
I mean, look at what's happening now.
Any conversation that would take place within Washington or the Trump Tower or whatever, from anybody in the Trump team,
It's obvious that it's going to be recorded, and at the pleasure of any of the intelligence agencies that are working against this administration, it will be leaked to the press automatically.
You've even got reporters who are diehard on the left that are not only seeing through this, but screaming about it, saying, unbelievable that this is allowed to go on.
Looks like we've got Trump here, right?
No, not yet.
We're just waiting.
We're just showing folks.
Keep going.
You know, I've seen, it seems to me, Glenn Greenwald, he's one of the guys who's been writing about this.
This is completely insane, that anything is now leakable.
And major media don't care about it.
They can commit all these felonies, but if anybody else did it, or Trump did it, he'd be in trouble.
And notice how it's old classical liberals like Greenwald, and Assange, and others, and all these old CIA people that are liberals, are actually the ones defending Trump, going, this is a deep state coup.
This is private interest just lying, running rampant.
I mean, where is the old left?
I mean, I would disagree with some of their stuff, but they used to be good people overall.
What happened?
Yeah, listen, I used to know a lot of them.
And they made a shift.
I mean, you know, you guys actually, I think it was Watson who did this, just to show the level of intelligence has sunk to all-time low.
That's what's happened to the left.
But there was a woman who was interviewed, a young woman, about Brexit.
You know, because all of a sudden, the left and the young are saying, oh my God, if Brexit comes in, we're all doomed.
She said it's racist, it's evil, and she didn't know anything about it.
And then she said, and I won't be able to go to Paris.
Remember that?
She said, if Brexit comes in, she's British, I won't be able to go to Paris.
Total disconnect from reality.
The EU bureaucrat, Juncker, won't be making all your decisions.
That's all.
Yeah, exactly.
The unelected... You'll be able to go to Paris, as they won't flood it with 10 million more Islamists.
You saw, remember, in the late 1990s, we had all these globalists' protests in Seattle and Washington against globalism.
Giant corporations.
The left totally got it back then!
The left was there, that's it.
Now, they're rioting on behalf of they don't know what, but whatever.
They're rioting on behalf of the very multinationals they were protesting in 1999.
It's a total switch around.
And the only way to explain it is
They are so incredibly stupid and dumbed down now that they have no minds of their own left.
They can only go along with, here's a slogan, eat it, repeat it, eat it, repeat it.
That's all they've got.
That's all they've got.
You know, that's crazy.
They are literally funded by the very multinational globalists.
That are anti-free market crony capitalists.
That they were, the left was like good protesting WTO, taking away American sovereignty, exploiting workers.
They were doing a great job.
And now they look at us and call us Nazis because we don't want Obama's secret TPP that Hillary wrote.
I mean, it's just like crazy.
We'll be back with Rod and Carlos.
Carlos, you're up next.
The president's about to speak.
He's been, he's 30 minutes late though.
The word is he's going to pull out.
We're going to see what happens.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Bilderberg 2017 is kicking off in Chantilly, Virginia this year.
This is the first Bilderberg meeting since the populist uprisings of Brexit and the Trump election have come to pass, and the elites now see their power base crumbling before their very eyes.
Among some of the subjects of the secret confab will be the Trump administration, and can he be healed?
Also the rise of populism.
Elites are beginning to fear that their power base
May be crumbling.
Now, three members of the current Trump administration are going to be attending.
HR McMaster, Wilbur Ross, and Chris Liddell.
Most Trump insiders believe that these three are there to help the elites derail the current administration.
There are two ways in which this can go.
Either the globals will try to bring Trump to heel,
Or they will try to impeach him after the 2018 election.
You can read more about this and exclusive Bilderberg schemes to overthrow Trump on InfoWars.com.
And ask yourself, what are you doing to wake up minds?
Spread this link and help wake up some minds.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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A total 360 win!
All right, perfect timing.
The president from WhiteHouse.gov is walking us live right now on pulling us out of the world government 100 trillion per decade global carbon tax.
Here is President Trump.
This is devastating to the enemy.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is unbelievable.
This is a tax on what plants breathe, selectively by the globalists for total control.
Vice President Pence just talked.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
I would like to begin by addressing the terrorist attack in Manila.
We're closely monitoring the situation, and I will continue to give updates if anything happens during this period of time, but it is really very sad as to what's going on throughout the world with terror.
Our thoughts and our prayers are with
All of those affected.
Before we discuss the Paris Accord, I'd like to begin with an update on our tremendous, absolutely tremendous economic progress since Election Day on November 8th.
The economy is starting to come back, and very, very rapidly.
We've added 3.3 trillion dollars in stock market value to our economy and more than a million private sector jobs.
I've just returned from a trip overseas where we concluded nearly 350 billion dollars of military and economic development for the United States, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs.
It was a very, very
Successful trip.
Totally delivering.
Totally delivering.
Thank you.
I mean, he's delivering.
Thank you.
In fact, we have that British Member of Parliament.
In my meetings at the G7, we have taken historic steps to demand fair and reciprocal trade that gives Americans a level playing field against other nations.
We're also working very hard for peace in the Middle East.
And perhaps even peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Our attacks on terrorism are greatly stepped up, and you see that.
You see it all over.
From the previous administration, including getting many other countries to make major contributions to the fight against terror.
Big, big contributions are being made by countries that weren't doing so much in the form of contribution.
One by one, we are keeping the promises I made to American people during my campaign for president.
Whether it's cutting job-killing regulations, appointing and confirming a tremendous Supreme Court justice, putting in place tough new ethics rules, achieving a record reduction in illegal immigration on our southern border, or bringing jobs, plants, and factories back into the United States at numbers
Which no one, until this point, thought even possible.
And believe me, we've just begun.
The fruits of our labor will be seen very shortly, even more so.
Wow, that's incredible.
On these issues, and so many more, we're following through on our commitments.
And I don't want anything to get in our way.
I am fighting every day for the great people of this country.
He's under total attack.
Therefore, in order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.
Thank you.
This is amazing, John.
Thank you.
Go ahead and say it, John.
We can talk about this a little bit if you want.
But begin negotiations to re-enter either the Paris Accord or a really entirely new transaction on terms that are fair to the United States, its businesses, its workers, its people, its taxpayers.
I told Monckton this today.
I said, it's all a fraud.
So we're getting out.
160 countries are exempt.
We're not in it.
And we will see if we can make a deal that's fair.
And if we can, that's great.
And if we can't, that's fine.
Yeah, it's designed to deindustrialize.
He's out!
As president, I can put no other consideration before the well-being of American citizens.
Wow, this is so evil.
The Paris Climate Accord is simply the latest example of Washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages
The United States.
This is heresy of the New World Order.
To the exclusive benefit of other countries.
Leaving American workers, who I love, and taxpayers to absorb the cost in terms of lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories, and vastly diminished economic production.
The economic war on America is over, folks.
Thus, as of today, the United States will cease all implementation
Of the non-binding Paris Accord.
That's right.
And the draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes.
Because Obama put us under this even though we didn't ratify it.
This includes ending the implementation of the nationally determined contribution and, very importantly,
The Green Climate Fund, which is costing the United States a vast fortune.
That pays for DiCaprio's planes to fly to the PR events and all the caviar.
Compliance with the terms of the Paris Accord and the owner's energy restrictions that is placed on the United States could cost America as much as 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025.
That's very conservative.
According to the National Economic
Research Associates.
This includes 440,000 fewer manufacturing jobs.
Believe me, this is not what we need.
Including automobile jobs and the further decimation of vital American industries on which countless communities rely.
They rely for so much and we would be giving them so little.
According to the same study, by 2040, compliance with the commitments put into place by the previous administration would cut production for the following sectors.
Paper, down 12%.
Cement, down 23%.
Hell, there's taxes on beef!
Iron and steel, down 38%.
Coal, and I happen to love the coal miners, down 86%.
Oh, it kills it.
Natural gas down 31%.
The cost to the economy at this time would be close to $3 trillion in lost GDP and 6.5 million industrial jobs
Well, households would have $7,000 less income, and in many cases, much worse than that.
All paid to David Rockefeller's family and... Not only does this subject... These people are so arrogant!
...our citizens to harsh economic restrictions, it fails to live up to our environmental ideals.
As someone who cares deeply about the environment, which I do.
It doesn't make China cut.
I cannot in good conscience support a deal that punishes the United States.
And not China.
Which is what it does.
The world's leader in environmental protection, while imposing no meaningful obligations on the world's leading polluters, China.
For example, under the agreement, China
We'll be able to increase these emissions by a staggering number of years, 13.
They can do whatever they want for 13 years, not us.
India makes its participation contingent on receiving billions and billions and billions of dollars in foreign aid from developed countries.
There are many other examples, but the bottom line is that the Paris Accord is very unfair at the highest level to the United States.
Further, while the current agreement effectively blocks the development of clean coal in America, which it does, and the mines are starting to open up, having a big opening in two weeks,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, so many places.
A big opening of a brand new mine that's unheard of.
For many, many years that hasn't happened.
They asked me if I'd go.
I'm going to try.
China will be allowed to build hundreds of additional coal plants.
So, we can't build the plants.
But they can.
But they can.
According to this agreement.
India will be allowed to double its coal production.
His dad had nothing in Southern Empire.
They had to fight in New York for it.
That's why Trump relishes this, beating the big guys.
He's a billionaire blue collar.
Even Europe is allowed to continue construction of coal plants.
In short, the agreement doesn't eliminate coal jobs.
It just transfers those jobs out of America and the United States and ships them to foreign countries.
God, it's like I wrote these talking points.
This is awesome.
This agreement is less about the climate.
And more about other countries gaining a financial advantage over the United States.
They sold us out.
God, Trump gets the whole studio.
The rest of the world applauded when we signed the Paris Agreement.
All you anti-American haters, it's over, dumbasses.
They were so happy.
Even if he killed Trump.
Can we put the comedian up, cut his head off, show that monster?
That it put our country, the United States of America, which we all love,
See, they're American haters.
We're American lovers.
See, it's not that we have the same talking points, we just believe the same thing, it's common sense!
We would find it very hard to compete, ladies and gentlemen, with other countries.
There's not just evil.
You are looking at the return of America.
Trump's real.
We have among the most abundant energy reserves on the planet.
They are out to get him.
I can't believe he's this good.
This is so real that every degenerate force on earth, Islam, radical Islam, the Pope, says it's an insult if you don't do this to me.
They hijacked the Catholic Church.
Taking away the great wealth of our nation.
It's great wealth.
It's phenomenal wealth.
And if folks want to hear Trump by himself, that's fine.
We give live commentary here on the radio.
Not so long ago we had no idea we had such wealth.
And leaving millions and millions of families trapped in poverty and joblessness.
Which they do on purpose.
The agreement is a massive redistribution of United States wealth to other countries.
Hey Soros!
At 1% growth, renewable sources of energy can meet some of our domestic demand.
But at 3 or 4% growth, which I expect, we need all forms of available American energy, or our country.
Yeah, they blew our energy sector.
The coal's totally clean now.
We'll be at grave risk of brownouts and blackouts.
Our businesses will come to a halt in many cases.
And the American family will suffer the consequences in the form of lost jobs and a very diminished quality of life.
This is the rebirth of America.
Even if the Paris Agreement were implemented in full,
With total compliance from all nations.
It is estimated it would only produce a two-tenths of one degree.
Think of that.
This much Celsius reduction in global temperature by the year 2100.
Tiny, tiny amount.
In fact, 14 days of carbon emissions from China alone.
Would wipe out the gains from America, and this is incredible statistic, would totally wipe out the gains from America's expected reductions in the year 2030.
After we have had to spend billions and billions of dollars, lost jobs, closed factories, and suffered much higher energy costs for our businesses and for our homes.
As the Wall Street Journal wrote this morning, the reality is that withdrawing is in America's economic interest and won't matter much to the climate.
The United States, under the Trump administration, will continue to be the cleanest and most environmentally friendly country on Earth.
We'll be the cleanest.
We're going to have the cleanest air.
We're going to have the cleanest water.
We will be environmentally friendly.
But we're not going to put our businesses out of work.
And we're not going to lose our jobs.
We're going to grow.
Yeah, China and everybody else can't have coal and we don't have it.
And I think you just read, it just came out minutes ago, the Small Business Report.
Small businesses as of just now are booming.
Best numbers since the 80s.
Hiring people.
One of the best reports they've seen in many years.
I'm willing to immediately work with Democratic leaders to either negotiate our way back into Paris under the terms that are fair to the United States and its workers or to negotiate a new deal
That protects our country and its taxpayers.
This is the new deal.
Let me just say this while Rappaport's here.
We'll go to the President, obviously we want to hear his full speeches on Infowars.
So if the obstructionists want to get together with me, let's make them non-obstructionists.
This is such history happening.
We sold out America's industrial wealth, half the world's wealth, in the last 50 years to these globalist interests.
They've been screwing us over on purpose, making us poor to control us, and Trump is destroying it.
This is like
World War II or something.
This is as important as anything in our history.
This is 1776 Part II.
What he's saying is so revolutionary, is so damaging to them, because none of the media would ever say it.
It's just logic.
It's just common sense that it's irrevocable.
Like you said that was the biggest thing in history at that point, when I went on Piers Morgan and called him out as it was all fake.
It was true.
Not that I was great, just that nobody ever challenged him.
With Trump, it's like that every day.
I mean, is this not the curtain falling?
This is gigantic.
The whole hoax coming down.
The hoax on which was built the idea of destroying the American economy.
And other nations.
And, which he hasn't mentioned yet, lowering the total of energy production all over the world, in all countries.
To reduce population.
Which would inevitably reduce population.
That's what's behind all this stuff about reducing pollution.
Yeah, sure.
You're going to reduce pollution by reducing energy production.
That was the whole model.
It still is.
And he's saying, bye-bye.
And let me throw this in, we'll go back to the President.
We all want to sit here and go, oh, he's not perfect on this, he's not perfect on that, to be purist.
But I feel like I'm lying to the audience if I don't just say I love Donald Trump and he's a hero.
He's in so much, they're probably going to kill him.
My gut says he's dead in two years.
Maybe sooner.
They're encamped outside D.C.
openly saying they're going after him.
They're coming after me hard, and I'm like one one-hundredth of what Trump's doing.
They just kind of see me as like another archetype of the public's.
They want to destroy me to scare people.
It's not that I'm that important.
Trump's important.
Trump's real.
There's no way he's not real.
My gut always said he was real, and I didn't like my gut.
This is irrevocable damage to the world government, okay?
Who are the worst people on Earth.
I mean, Trump... Let's just... Rappaport, with this and the TPP and the other stuff, he's done some other things that aren't perfect, because, you know, he's got his weird, kind of old-fashioned throwback, right-wing New York stuff going, but...
You know, kinda, you know, Roy Cohn stuff.
But other than that, the point is he's real.
He means what he's doing.
He's pure of heart, even though we may disagree with him on some issues.
I think Donald Trump may end up, if he's successful, he's George Washington 2.0.
I just say, look at the effects.
Kill the TPP, and now kill this fake climate treaty in Paris.
That's even bigger.
Yeah, much bigger.
Much bigger.
And then he explains how it's a total fraud.
He doesn't argue that the temperature data is fake, we all know that.
He shows, why is all these communist countries exempt?
Bullcrap, man!
I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
Go ahead and go back to the President.
No, no, no.
I agree with you.
You know, he's saying, okay, we can't do this, but they can.
We can't pollute here, but they can.
You know, what does that mean?
And then they're running dirty smokestacks without scrubbers.
Ours is totally clean.
Water vapor, carbon dioxide that we need.
They're running all this dirty crap, and then it's just crazy how the globalists are out to get us, because they hate us.
We're bitter clingers.
Let's go back to the President.
And global activists.
That have long sought to gain wealth at our country's expense.
He's talking about the carbon tax.
They don't put America first.
Oh my God.
I do.
And I always will.
Junker just came out and said he's going to defeat us.
I mean, this is World War III.
The same nations asking us to stay in the agreement are the countries that have collectively cost America trillions of dollars
Through tough trade practices, and in many cases, lax contributions to our critical military alliance.
You see what's happening?
At what point does America get to leave?
At what point do they start laughing at us as a country?
We want fair treatment for its citizens, and we want fair treatment for our taxpayers.
He is really representing us, John.
We don't want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore, and they won't be.
I can't believe it.
I was elected to represent
The citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.
This is unbelievable.
God, this is incredible.
This is going to hurt them so bad.
Thank you, God.
I promised I would exit or renegotiate any deal which fails to serve America's interests.
Many trade deals will soon be under renegotiation.
Very rarely do we have a deal that works for this country.
But they'll soon be under renegotiation.
The process has begun from day one.
But now we're down to business.
Beyond the severe energy restrictions inflicted by the Paris Accord, it includes yet another scheme to redistribute wealth out of the United States through the so-called Green Climate Fund.
Nice name.
Which calls for developed countries to send
$100 billion to developing countries, all on top of America's existing and massive foreign aid payments.
So we're going to be paying billions and billions and billions of dollars
And we're already way ahead of anybody else.
Many of the other countries haven't spent any.
The global government.
I'm going to stop there because we've got to end the broadcast.
I promise I'll talk to Carlos in Montreal and just do final comments to John Rappaport.
Please financially support us.
I'm trying to build a network to block these people.
We've already had such big success.
Hillary says we lost for the election.
You lost for the election.
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We've got the great CNN terrorist stuff.
I didn't get into Kathy Griffin.
It's such a time to be alive.
So I want to go to Carlos.
Carlos in Montreal, Canada, your last caller.
Thanks for rolling.
Thank you.
June 1st, 2017.
A very happy Thursday.
I can feel it.
I can see it.
This is a big day.
Alex, when on February, Admiral suspended syndication for InfoWars, I applied a technique that I have developed over the years based on my analysis, what I call analysis of the tea leaves.
And just to make a long story short, it's called semantic analysis of the main trends.
And to make a long story short, I can call you another day and discuss it further, but I just want to let you know that we came with the idea of a sentence that describes exactly the trends.
The Democratic Party lost the election and they were effectively behaving, as the analysis shows, sore losers.
No, the term loser has come up in the last few days, which it just confirms our analysis.
And so the message for a T-shirt that would carry to the election, the next election, would be better deplorable than sore loser.
If you were to put that on a t-shirt, we did some analysis with 30 states that Trump won.
The estimated number of t-shirts that would be bought from here to the election are between 600,000 and 800,000.
Well, that's exciting.
I'll look into it.
God bless you, Carlos.
It's a great idea.
But it's better to be deplorable than to be a slave.
I think what you said is on target.
I'm just telling you, I don't care if Trump isn't real.
I'm not hitched to him.
It's popular to attack him.
He's doing things that are devastating the anti-human projects, that are devastating to globalism, and that have them all wanting to kill him, and I just can't believe it's this good.
Closing comments, John Rappaport.
This was an historic giant blow, right here, that we saw delivered.
Gigantic blow against God knows how many billions of dollars of sheer propaganda about so-called climate change.
Over 100 billion.
Gigantic money giveaways, job giveaways... I mean, let's just say it.
Trump is literally beyond... He's the real John Wayne.
I mean, he's what John Wayne wishes he was.
This was devastating.
...off the table.
Just said, nope, we're not going to do that.
Not going to do that.
He just blew up their whole program.
John, thank you so much.
Notley News tonight, 7 o'clock.
Oh, wow.
NoMoreFakeNews.com, Infowars.com.
Please spread our links.
We're under attack.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Bilderberg 2017 is kicking off in Chantilly, Virginia this year.
This is the first Bilderberg meeting since the populist uprisings of Brexit and the Trump election have come to pass, and the elites now see their power base crumbling before their very eyes.
Among some of the subjects of the secret confab will be the Trump administration, and can he be healed?
Also the rise of populism.
Elites are beginning to fear that their power base
May be crumbling.
Now, three members of the current Trump administration are going to be attending.
HR McMaster, Wilbur Ross, and Chris Liddell.
Most Trump insiders believe that these three are there to help the elites derail the current administration.
There are two ways in which this can go.
Either the globals will try to bring Trump to heel,
Or they will try to impeach him after the 2018 election.
You can read more about this and exclusive Bilderberg schemes to overthrow Trump on InfoWars.com.
And ask yourself, what are you doing to wake up minds?
Spread this link and help wake up some minds.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.