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Name: 20170509_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 9, 2017
3412 lines.

Alex Jones criticizes media manipulation and censorship while discussing issues such as human evolution, radical Islamists, and the censorship of his show on YouTube. He encourages support for Infowars by purchasing products from their store instead of funding globalist agendas. The speaker touches on topics including leaving a cult-like leftist environment, the differences between right and left extremes in legitimizing fringe extremists, a prank about transgender people, unvaccinated children being healthier than vaccinated ones, and a parasite cleanse using Living Defense product available on Infowarslife.com.

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Shroyer sitting in for Alex just momentarily as he will be joining us once he finishes up a special project.
We've got great guests.
Gavin McGinnis joining us.
Mark Dice joining us.
I want to talk to you guys and Alex about a video we had taken down from YouTube.
We've got new discoveries regarding fake news about human evolution.
We'll get to that as well.
But first, a report from John Bowne talking about the health care reform bill that is heading to the Senate.
I think that the Republicans, including Trump, have celebrated just a little bit too early on this one.
Here's the report from John Bowne.
The trickle-down crowd is now having a beer party in the Rose Garden.
The Trump administration plan to overhaul the Obamacare nightmare is headed to a Senate that is drafting its own version of the bill.
And thanks to the leadership of President Donald Trump, welcome to the beginning of the end of Obamacare.
We suffered with Obamacare.
I went through two years of campaigning, and I'm telling you, no matter where I went, people were suffering so badly with the ravages of Obamacare.
And I will say this, that as far as I'm concerned, your premiums, they're going to start to come down.
We're going to get this passed through the Senate.
I feel so confident.
Your deductibles, when it comes to deductibles, they were so
Ridiculous that nobody got to use their current plan, this non-existent plan that I heard so many wonderful things about over the last three or four days.
After that, I mean, I don't think you're going to hear so much right now.
The insurance companies are fleeing.
It's been a catastrophe and this is a great plan.
I actually think it will get even better and this is, make no mistake, this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare.
Make no mistake about it.
Today we're passing a bill out of fairness and transparency to ensure that Congress operates under the same laws as private citizens.
A principle that both Republicans and Democrats should support.
Do not buy into this hoax.
There's no money left.
They want to go back to the old system, and the old system stunk.
It's not.
What we did was correct the problems of the old system.
So don't believe this cruel hoax.
John Kerry said, no, no, no, we're going to tax your health insurance.
We're going to tax those evil insurance companies.
We're going to impose a tax that if they sell health insurance, it's too expensive.
We're going to tax them.
And conveniently, the tax rate will happen to be the marginal tax rate under the Income Tax Code.
So basically it's the same thing.
We just tax the insurance companies, they pass it on at higher prices, that offsets the tax break we get, it ends up being the same thing.
It's a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.
Any moderate in the crowd who voted for this bill turned radical today.
In order to avoid a Democratic filibuster, special budget rules under the guise of reconciliation are in effect requiring only 51 votes rather than the standard 60 votes.
Republican senators are already approaching the bill with kid gloves.
Among their concerns include the proposal to allow states to define the regulations requiring insurers to cover certain services.
A 30% surcharge for lapsed insurance plans and the increase in charging older adults five times the amount that of young adults.
House Freedom Caucus made the bill a lot less bad, but what I'm still concerned with is this will be the first time that Republicans have affirmatively put their
I think?
And now they want to quadrant off the individual market where they don't make money and say, oh, we want everybody to have insurance.
We are so magnanimous.
But as long as the taxpayer pays for it, and premiums will come down as long as you subsidize the people that get sick, which is what's supposed to be what the insurance is about.
When you get sick, that's what the insurance company is supposed to pay.
They don't want to pay when you get sick.
They just want to reap the profit and then stick the taxpayer with the rest of the bill.
There's about three or four hundred billion dollars in this bill for insurance company profit and it boggles my mind how that became a Republican idea.
Is putting a band-aid on Obamacare really the best way forward?
Or should we just go back to the way it was before?
The Unaffordable Health Care Act.
John Baum for InfoWars.com
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While the Trump effect on relationships, according to the Washington Examiner, is causing breakups, the Trump effect on the Democrats and Liberals is surely maddening.
As if the 178-year-old millennial Maxine Waters wasn't getting enough attention, the James Brown wig wearing a corpse took to the stage at the MTV Movie Awards to a roaring ovation.
The wig won the award for Best Fight Against the System, another side Trump effect on the left, giving themselves awards.
Check Chelsea Clinton, Barack Obama, now a James Brown wig.
The classy Democrat Senator Kamala Harris, also from California, decided to drop an F-bomb while speaking about healthcare during a public event.
Listen to the young turds for more than 60 seconds and you're likely to hear a belligerent rant involving
Let's go to David in Florida.
David in Florida, you're on the air.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You know, the fake news goes well beyond politics, folks.
And we're going to get into some of this later.
They are claiming to have found a new link in human evolution.
That's total fake news.
But Al Gore,
And we're going to go to a report from Alex Jones talking about Al Gore's new video coming out, An Inconvenient Truth.
I guess this is part two.
An Inconvenient Truth part one, Al Gore was wrong.
An Inconvenient Truth part two, Al Gore will be wrong again.
But here's the Watch and Examiner headline, and they talk about it, they break it down, how he's a total fool in this story.
Al Gore's $15 trillion carbon tax.
You know, we'll get into the story later when Alex returns, I'm sure, but you know
That all the liberal professors are going to show the new Al Gore movie in their college courses.
Let's show the old one!
Why not show an inconvenient truth the original to show how wrong he was?
Here's Alex Jones breaking down the new movie coming up.
If you are resuming this transmission, you are in the resistance.
Climate change is an absolute 100% total fact.
The next generation would be justified in looking back at us and asking, what were you thinking?
Couldn't you hear what the scientists were saying?
Couldn't you hear what Mother Nature was screaming at you?
But studies by scientists, astrophysicists, you name it, prove humans don't even affect 1% of it.
And Al Gore and his global corporate carbon taxes are absolutely not the solution to save us.
From Paramount Classics comes a film that has shocked audiences everywhere they've seen it.
I am Al Gore.
I used to be the next president of the United States of America.
In 2006, Al Gore put out the film An Inconvenient Truth.
Now in 2017, An Inconvenient Truth Part 2 is set to hit screens across the world.
We are about to fully debunk his previous film and of course his current film.
And we've also gotten a synopsis, a spoiler sneak peek of what's in the film.
And of course we have the trailer here for review.
An Inconvenient Load of Manure Part 2 by Mr. Gore sets him up as the savior of the world and someone who is on a pedestal above the people who must be listened to like he is Jesus Christ or Moses speaking from the mountaintop.
Throughout the new sequel, we are treated to fawning minions literally holding his hand and crying in joy that they have met the Christ-like figure, the archetypal savior of the world.
The film begins as our guru, Al Gore, leads us through what's happening in the world and his attempts to save it, and how the evil Antichrist, Donald Trump, has come to overheat the planet and kill us all.
It's supposed to be 70 degrees today, it's freezing here!
Speaking of global warming, where is- we need some global warming!
It's freezing!
Gore tells us in that down-home Tennessee accent that this is our home, this is Earth, and we've hit the peak of human development.
We're not gonna get on rocket ships and fly to Mars.
Don't let anybody tell you that we're gonna get on rocket ships and live on Mars.
This is our home.
The film is decidedly anti-America.
We're shown how the world has unanimously come together through the UN and Al Gore to save the planet from evil carbon dioxide that plants breathe.
But only the evil America and Donald Trump stands in the way.
The truth is, India, China, Mexico, and over 150 other countries are exempt from the carbon taxes that Europe, Australia, and the United States are under.
So of course they have dirty, burning coal, they have all these other systems with no regulations.
Of course they want more regulations on us so they can shut us down.
And that's what this is really all about.
The carbon taxes were developed in the 1980s by then-Senator Al Gore and Ken Lay of Enron fame.
A way to tax the carbon cycle on the planet.
People know oxygen's good, they know sunlight's good, they know water's good.
But the fourth part, carbon dioxide has a scary-sounding name, like carbon monoxide.
So this life-giving trace gas
That's at the lowest level it's ever been recorded on this planet, is demonized.
And then if we pay carbon taxes to Al Gore's carbon trading company, we'll all be saved.
And of course, just like Obamacare, all the major companies, like General Electric, are exempt from the regulations, shutting down their competitors.
After the devil Donald Trump is introduced to us in the film, we then see Al Gore telling you that he made a prediction that lower Manhattan would be flooded by a hurricane.
The most criticized scene in the movie An Inconvenient Truth was showing that the combination of sea level rise and storm surge would flood a 9-11 memorial site.
And people said, what a terrible exaggeration.
Hurricane Sandy slammed into New York City last night, flooding the World Trade Center site.
That happens every decade or so on record.
But he predicts specifically an area by the World Trade Center destruction where they put in a slurry wall and an area designed for the hurricanes that come in and routinely flood the area.
So he manufactures this one prophecy that came true.
But of course, his new film doesn't get into his big prediction in 2006 that didn't come true.
And that was that both the northern and southern ice caps, Arctica and Antarctica, would be completely melted by 2013-2014.
He would use satellite footage that's time-lapse, showing it shrinking in the spring and summer, but he'd cut there and not showing it get big in the fall and winter.
That's what the ice caps do.
The ice caps of Mars get bigger and smaller during its winter and its summers as well.
Another big one in his previous film was the implication that polar bears couldn't swim when they were out hunting on ice flows, and that the ice was all disappearing and they wouldn't have a home.
Al Gore knows full well that the glaciers shrink again in the summer, expand in the winter, and that polar bears are the best land animal swimmers in the world, measured swimming over 300 miles, hunting seal, walrus, and, of course, whale.
But again, he knows his young audience, mainly school children, don't know that.
So it tugs at the strings of their hearts.
He also doesn't tell them that polar bear populations are up five times what they were measured in the 1950s.
But of course, that's another big lie.
First, it was going to be the great ice age in the 70s and 80s that we needed carbon taxes for.
Then it was going to be the great warming phase in the 90s and 2000s.
But the last 16, 17 years, conclusively,
The decline in temperature has happened.
That's why six years ago in Copenhagen at the UN summit, they had to quote, hide the decline.
And all of that came out in Climategate.
But Al Gore hopes you forget that and just believe he's the second coming of Christ and pay him billions, making him the carbon billionaire.
It is right to save humanity.
It is wrong to pollute this earth.
It is right to give hope to the future generation.
He talks about the despair of global destruction and the forest fires and all the rest of it, but says, don't worry, there's hope.
Global governance and world carbon taxes paid to him and other select corporations.
Let's look at those forest fires.
It's admittedly Forest Service policy not letting farmers and ranchers cut fire breaks in the last 60 years that has caused huge mega fires to continue to spread.
There's always been wildfires as long as there's been plants and lightning and it's part of the carbon cycle and produces a lot of nitrogen and other things for the soil.
But again, Al Gore points cameras at these forest fires and shows humans driving through them and implies that forest fires are something new on this planet.
He says the great change we've seen is the solar farms and the big wind farms.
But if you look at the statistics, it's clear.
Solar produces far less energy than coal, oil, or natural gas.
But it's still much better than wind, who produces the least amount of any energy system out there and creates absolute devastation to wildlife in the areas where it's being implemented.
But the reason Al Gore's for it is that he and his friends, through government contracts, are making hundreds of billions of dollars off the wind farms and off the solar farms.
But there's something even more insidious here.
They get to imply that they're cutting edge, that they are there promoting new technologies when they're the ones blocking fish infusion, zero-point energy, carburetors where you can go a hundred miles on a single gallon, and so many other systems of so-called disruptive technologies we know the globalists have been blocking the development and deployment of in the last 60 years.
I saw on the news just a few days ago that Bill Nye's latest episode of his TV show was about how we shouldn't have more than one child, like China, and how we should be penalized if we do.
And then I noticed the name of the show.
I hadn't seen it on Netflix.
Bill Nye Saves the World.
When I saw that trailer for Al Gore's new film a few weeks ago, I was intending to shoot this review and call it, Al Gore Saves the World.
But you actually look at the people pushing the modern environmental agenda.
It's all about cutting off human resources, all about saying humans are cast as the bad guys, except for the elite who are busy reducing our population and enslaving us all for our own good.
Al Gore and Bill Nye are a bunch of eugenicist globalists on record.
This is not about the environment.
It's about making carbon the evil, instead of genetic engineering, cross-human animal chimeras, open-air pollination of cross-species pharmacological crops, massive rise of new bacteria and mutated viruses that threaten not just human life, but human life on the face of this globe.
This movement is in the tradition of every great movement that has advanced humankind.
They want a system, a new dark age for the general public, where they use environmentalism and political correctness to shut down free thought and bring in a great psychological tyranny.
We need to expose Al Gore's last film and his latest fraud for what it is.
A piece of sophistic fraud meant to demonize humanity, make us hate ourselves, and turn off our life force so the parasite globalists can rule and control us into the future.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, here we are.
It's Tuesday, the ninth day of May 2017.
Get ready, because I'm locked and loaded straight ahead.
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What is going on when we're all Russian agents?
We're all... I mean, I support Trump.
I get the missile attack made him look strong.
I'm just saying I don't believe the chemical attack was facade because they caught the rebels doing it before and they don't have any proof he did it.
I'm not even attacking Trump!
In fact, in a Machiavellian way, I'm saying, okay, you blew up an empty airfield and shut them up about how you're a Russian agent.
I kind of sickly support it.
I've admitted that.
Kind of becoming like Machiavelli, because now we've got a guy in there doing their own tricks against them.
But I'm just saying, how do we know Assad did it?
And now in newspapers everywhere, I am an Assad agent.
We're together!
Look at us!
Gavin, are you getting orders from Assad?
Yeah, I was just talking to him on the phone right now.
He's actually here via Skype on the other TV.
But my thing with that is I go, I don't care.
I don't care if it was actors.
I don't care if they just had kids.
Go like that.
The big picture is that the world saw a bad thing, so the big man has to go boom on the bad thing.
And now women respect him.
Here in America, they go, oh, the patriarchy is back.
Because we know feminists deep down want the patriarchy.
Obama's legacy is obliterated.
Because he said he would draw a line in the sand and he got cucked.
So that's awesome.
He's killed, as you say, the Russian theory.
I think the neocons even are getting too much hubris, too confident they're going to be wiped out.
And the biggest picture is these terrorists are absolute
They dismember our soldiers.
They tear out beating hearts and eat them.
They sell fingers and the market there for as war trophies.
There's literally a market for body parts, just as accoutrements.
So we don't negotiate with them.
We don't send them democracy.
We just scare them with huge fireworks.
They drop this twenty-something thousand pound bomb and it kills them all.
I mean, that's a, finally, and then they say,
He wants a military dictatorship.
He says, I've given them total authorization to carry out his constitutional orders.
This micromanaging, call Obama, and he would never answer the phone.
Sir, we have been logged in the sites.
We can't kill him.
I mean, this is crazy.
Gavin, what do you make of that?
I think we crippled our guys over there.
I was talking to Terry Shepard recently and I said, how do we win this war?
And he goes, let us do our job.
I mean, right now they've got RPGs and they go, we're getting shot at from a mosque.
What do we do?
And they've got to call up.
I talked to one vet who told me, he said, our guy had to pretend he misunderstood in order to save our lives.
Because they were shooting from the mosque and the guy said, don't shoot the mosque.
And he said, what was that?
Shoot the mosque?
Oh, what?
And they took out the guys that were trying to kill them.
We've got to let our dogs loose on these boys.
I want the terrorists to be going, who, who, who, who let the dogs out?
As we just roar through the Middle East.
Short, sharp shock, by the way.
I don't want to quagmire.
I want to just get in and get out and scare the crap out of them.
Talk show host is Alex Jones.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Deeply I think racist.
I just got called racist by MSNBC.
I don't want that man to have a gun.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
The Alex Jones Show.
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On a lonely, lonesome highway, east of Omaha.
On a lonely, lonesome highway, east of Omaha.
You listen to the engine in the morning, and this one old song.
You think about the woman, the girl you knew the night before.
What's your thoughts?
Here I am, on the road again!
Here I am, up on the stage!
Metallica does a better job of that song.
The original, doesn't they?
Here I am!
Upon the stage!
The whole world's a stage.
Each of us.
Players upon it.
William Shakespeare.
Turn the page.
Alright, let's get into this news right here.
You walk into some restaurant.
Bunch of trendies are there.
They have the eyes upon you, and they run their mouths.
You pretend it doesn't bother you, but you're alone.
You call them all out because they're a bunch of cowards.
And they all shrink in fear because they're the facsimile of a man, not the real thing.
For other times you can't.
Always the same old lines.
Is it woman?
Is it man?
And you pretend it doesn't bother you.
No, I dare make a stand.
Alright, I'm ranting along to Metallica music right now.
I gotta stop that right now.
You know, here's the deal.
I get up here on the air every single day.
And I do hours of preparation at home, sometimes hours here, normally not.
And I've already looked at all this insane news, all this proof of total tyranny, the system trying to sell all this abnormalcy and cancer as normal.
It's clearly a total societal takeover.
And I just think, what do I do when I actually get up here on air?
Do I just try to read them headlines and let people take what they want from it?
I've never once, in 22 years on air,
When I'm sitting there with hundreds of articles in front of me, because I'd sit there in my little apartment 22 years ago, printing stories, printing stories, printing stories, printing stories, and never got to all of them.
And back then, maybe 30, 40 stories at the start of broadcasting 22 years ago.
By now, 300, 400 articles.
And how do you even give gravity to each one by just simply mentioning?
And there's that whole process of looking at it.
And where do you start?
When I come back, I'm going to get into the number one threat facing humanity, and of course that's ourselves.
In this anonymous video that Drudge had up yesterday, they're preparing for what comes next.
World leaders are preparing for world war.
And I'm going to discuss why they're so attracted to mass death and destruction.
And then we'll look at some of the political correctness going on.
Denying reality universities diversity training course suggests that it's racist to expect foreigners to show up on time.
That's just today's offering of political correctness to try to wreck the minds and sabotage our higher learning centers.
This is economic cultural sabotage.
And I've got another one here.
College asked students to contemplate pee privilege.
While we're obsessed with our pee-pees, our whole culture falls to the globalists.
This is 21st century warfare.
Mexico is the second deadliest country in 2016.
And why is it?
Because of the drug war.
Because they've banned guns in the country.
And then only the ruthless have the weapons.
And look at this headline.
Sweden sees significant increase in asylum seekers after scrapping ID checks at the border.
That's right, Sweden knows there's giant Islamic hordes of Stone Age culture coming in, where women are kept as slaves in hoods, chained up in dungeons.
Their genitals are cut off at birth, but that's okay, because it's liberal.
And the hijab is a symbol of feminism.
And they wonder why it floods even faster as the Swedes roll over in their mass Stockholm syndrome.
Committed to their collapse and cultural death.
Like no one has ever been committed in history.
Hence the word Stockholm Syndrome.
Then we've got Big Brother Top Soros henchman calls for government run social media to stop InfoWars and Breitbart.
That's not even InfoWars reporting that.
That's right.
So that really shows how unpowerful the globalists are that InfoWars is their big nemesis.
But wait, that shows how pathetic we are that
We haven't overthrown this enemy.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
While the Trump effect on relationships, according to the Washington Examiner, is causing breakups, the Trump effect on the Democrats and Liberals is sheerly maddening.
As if the 178-year-old millennial Maxine Waters wasn't getting enough attention, the James Brown wig wearing a corpse took to the stage at the MTV Movie Awards to a roaring ovation.
The Whig won the award for best fight against the system, another side Trump effect on the left, giving themselves awards.
Check Chelsea Clinton, Barack Obama, now a James Brown Whig.
The classy Democrat Senator Kamala Harris, also from California, decided to drop an F-bomb while speaking about healthcare during a public event.
Listen to the young turds for more than 60 seconds and you're likely to hear a belligerent rant involving many curses.
But now The Hill has published a story, the 43 people who might run against Trump, which includes the worst of the Democrat Party, and then Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne The Rock Johnson.
At this point, President Trump has turned the political left into an absolute circus act fit of berserking.
I'm Owen Schroer, and for InfoWars.com, the Trump effect has been huge.
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Some of them want to empower you.
Relentlessly attacking the power structure.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Some of them...
Some of them want to be abused.
That'd be the French and the Swedes, not me.
I don't want to abuse anybody.
We're always given that sweet dream idea, though, that you're either abused or you're abusing.
Instead of building, instead of empowering, instead of creating, instead of being a progenitor,
We're taught that there's winners and there's losers.
There's a sum game instead of a non-zero sum game.
And that is where we are today.
Just let me do this.
Let me just do this before I get into World War III and top scientists, historians, researchers, sociologists all agreeing that the world is one of the most dangerous positions it's ever been in.
Look at these headlines!
JamieWhite and FullWars.com and his article links to mainstream news.
Something we told you many years ago that light bulbs with data over power lines with the new government approved systems communicate with your computers and your smartphones with codes that access your phone
And then give it commands, because it's really just the equivalent of a giant super mainframe.
And here it is.
It's up on Infowars.com, but it's also being reported by Mainstream News now.
Hidden signals in TV ads direct smartphones to spy on owners.
Ad companies should even track people's porn habits with spy software.
Secret messages embedded in television adverts can direct smartphones to spy on their owners using listening software according to German researchers.
There's been a huge growth in Android apps using software that's designed to search for inaudible ultrasonic signals in their signals and then code which orders apps to begin tracking people's location and what they're watching on television without asking you.
And the Sun finally reports on it as well.
Now, smartphones, digital cable boxes, were all designed to do this.
This is the big takeover plan.
Google, 16 years ago, put out an internal prospectus to stockholders and investors, the fact they were doing this.
So, when we told you this was going on, it isn't like I had a dream and just imagined it, and I'm some guru who saw the future.
Like John the Revelator on the Isle of Patmos.
I was telling you what they were doing and now you know.
But the new digital light bulbs, data over power lines, they can hack your computer through the power plug.
They can hack it through your light bulbs and they can hack it when your television's on or not on through signals that it transmits
to the smartphone and to your computer and the whole thing was designed to do that by even the precious New York Times is now reporting that and remember this the FBI director came out last year and he said oh better cover up the little camera on your iPad or whatever because it's it is watching and then a few years ago Samsung put in its
Terms and conditions.
You turn your TV on, you mount it on the wall, you think it's a TV.
It's a big computer!
And it's real business is surveilling you.
Imagine the value of that.
But see, you were preconditioned.
You weren't supposed to know about this 22 years ago when I first started exposing it.
You weren't supposed to build an opposition to it, or a resistance.
You were supposed to be taught it didn't exist.
Kooks talk about it.
So when it was finally thrown in your face, you just accept it.
Or then the argument's, well, what do I have to hide?
How many people have you heard about being robbed because they put on Facebook or Twitter when they went out of town, where they were going, trying to show off to their friends, oh look, here's what I had for dinner tonight.
Here's where I'm going.
Here's what my crap looks like in the toilet.
And you do that on Facebook, designed by the Globalist, on record.
And then thieves go and look at your location, because you didn't turn off the location of where you were at.
And then they come and they rob your house.
See, you didn't have anything to hide.
Why didn't you then open your windows and your doors?
Because mosquitoes, that are low-level biological parasites, are going to come in and bite you.
And if you're equatorial, you might get diseases.
But higher level parasites, your own species, are going to sit there and break into your house and rob you.
That's why you have windows, it's why you have doors, you wear clothes, because you're protecting yourself from the elements, so that you're comfortable when it's hot or it's cold, you're different wear, you're in charge.
And you build devices so you know the orbit of the sun and you have control of that.
And everything is about humans taking control of their environment, but instead the globalists want to take control of you!
And I tell you, it's a conspiracy.
No one wants to control your environment.
No one's engineering you.
No one wants to watch you.
No one wants to control you.
Now just lay down and drink fluoride.
Take these shots and die.
Give us the planet.
Give us the technology.
Roll over, please.
Sleep, it's too complex.
Watch your favorite show.
Live through somebody else.
Don't have children, or if you do, give them to us good.
Good, good.
That's one article.
Everything we told you for 20 plus years.
And that's one article.
You know, wide document, can't move a can.
One article of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds.
All admitting world government.
All admitting... Oh, we're adding nanotech to vaccines now.
It's classified.
Don't worry.
Just take it.
Oh, there's cancer viruses in your vaccines.
Don't worry.
See, they have to just tell you, oh, I'm going to kill you, but it's liberal.
Having a mommy and daddy's bed so there won't be any mommies and daddies.
It's liberal.
Oh, look at Jimmy Kimmel.
His child has heart defects.
It isn't that they had the child earlier, had a cesarean.
They won't even tell him that.
Then that causes heart problems, obviously.
No, no, no.
We're not going to tell you it's all the vaccines you took or chemicals you ingested.
We're not going to discuss the vaccines they just gave your child.
Let's just say, give us free health care or our babies will die.
Don't our babies deserve it?
When you have state-run health care, you have medical tyranny.
And when you have everyone bound under one system, they can tax you and control you and do whatever they want once there's no competition and choice.
But it doesn't matter to the pseudo-intellectuals of Jimmy Kimmel.
He can just get up there and say, we need national health care for my baby.
It's for the children.
Sounds so much easier.
Now I have hundreds of such articles here, and I have a lot of clips I want to get to, and I have a lot of things I want to cover, but first let me get to one of the main threats threatening humanity.
Here in just a moment, but first... Most people are scared.
Most people come to me and they say, Alex, how are you doing under so much mainstream media attack?
And I'm like, it's wonderful.
I'm being rejected and demonized and attacked by the synthetic, fake, virtual reality propaganda that is sworn to destroy humanity.
And to have it rejecting me and hating me and trying to destroy me is proof that I'm doing my job right.
Proof that I'm over the target.
Proof that I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.
Acceptance by this empty, hateful, global tyranny?
It's like a mental delusion that you're accepted by the system so you're in massive debt, you have a worthless degree, you're super unhealthy, you're a shuffling zombie that just submits to whatever you're told.
This isn't a social compact like 5,000 years ago in some village where everybody goes out and plants corn by the river and so we get a bigger harvest.
Or everybody stands up together and goes out when the fish are coming in so you catch more fish and can dry them and have food for three months.
Or an enemy's about to come over the hills and try to enslave you so you stand up and you drive off the enemy.
And so under the social contract of getting together and focusing communally in a synergistic
Collective, you are given empowerment.
That's because the social contract is real there.
We have a false social contract.
That is designed to render us down, to dumb us down, to make us weak, to make us pathetic, to make us servile, to make us cowardly, to make us self-centered, to make us never want to have any confrontation and never want to take any risk until you walk around and you see a bunch of brainwashed millennials with dream state level low consciousness who even mainstream news admits are having early neurological disorders at like age 16 now
And just rolling over and dying because their soul disconnected from them at some point because they're physically alive but spiritually dead.
It isn't a sacrifice to be disconnected from the system.
It is a blessing.
It isn't a curse to be attacked by the system.
It is an absolute verification.
And those aren't words.
The more I get persecuted, the more I get attacked, it means nothing!
Because it is a pantheon, an army of liars, an army of zombies, an army of cowards, an army of no-ones, totally empty in their mega mansions, in their private jets, completely freaked out and scared to death and like lobotomized rats!
Having no future, no direction, no spirit, no connection to the prime initiative that God's given us.
They're cut off from God.
The horror churches, the establishment, the mainstream media, all of it are the sellouts.
All of it are the followers, living on the ashes, living on the remnants of what great men and women built.
Honorable people, connected to God.
But don't blame this new generation for why they're so fallen.
They were eased into the TV.
Within years of the television, by the late 1940s, implemented, families no longer sat around the table and talked about the real world and dreams and hopes and no longer heard stories about their grandfathers and grandmothers and great-grandfathers and mothers and cousins and people that did the great strivings or those that failed.
They suddenly had a new friend, the television.
The radio had been a friend as well, but now it was the television, their friend.
They gathered around it and made it their father, their mother, their grandmother, their grandfather, their leader.
And it gave them Archie Bunker, and before that it gave them Ralph Cramden, and the Honeymooners, and taught them to be petty, taught them to be silly, taught them to be stupid.
The man was a joke, the woman was in charge.
And then now we see the wreckage 70 years later.
Eased into our proto-matrix, the radio, the television, the cell phone, the smartphone, the Google goggles, the VR of Facebook, and then we're impregnated, implanted with that spirit, sucked in forever into their world, now slaves, servile,
Captured spirits.
The kings of the earth would traffic in men's souls.
There would be no flesh spared, lest God intervened.
Only the elect
Say, for God's intervention would be deceived because the delusion would be so great in marketplaces and in the temples and in the governing councils, the image of the beast worldwide, three-dimensional, a hundred feet tall, marveling at the beast, marveling at all it could do, the great AI God and its false prophet.
And it's physical manifestation, the devil, the Antichrist.
But the great beast, seen by all, internet, computers by all, there, a hundred feet tall, with all the answers, predicting the future, knowing what you want, knowing your dreams, never knowing you'd been tied into it for decades, giving it all your thoughts, telling you everything you wanted, empowering it, making it your god.
As it stands there,
Now knowing all your secrets and everything you dream, giving you false dreams, leading you out onto a cliff's edge, but to you it looks like a beautiful green vista.
Come, come, come with me!
Come with me!
Here, jump with me!
Jump with me!
Jump over this... grass.
Come with me and I'll give you immortality.
I'll give you power.
I'll make you beautiful.
Not what we've done to you here.
Look how ugly you are.
But if you come with me, if you step across this bridge, if you come across to me, I will fulfill you forever.
Now take my hand.
And die forever.
That's the truth of it.
World government.
Electromagnetic torture.
Genetic engineering.
Blasphemies upon blasphemies already upon us.
And the whore churches say not a word.
As ABC News and CBS News and CNN and MSNBC and Fox announce, of course everyone will soon have a chip.
Of course you'll be raised and there'll be no more genders and no more people because you're going to be a computer.
We're going to plug your mind into a system and make you a god.
But in truth, you'll be a sunken heap.
Ready to sign a form for one more year of ecstasy before you're euthanized and uploaded to the Great Matrix.
But you won't be uploaded to anything.
You will be erased forever.
And only your words and your likeness will be used to trick your children and grandchildren when they talk to Grandma on the digital screen and it fools them to come
Because it won't just be a facsimile of your grandfather, or grandmother, or your father, or your mother, or your dead brother.
It'll be an AI system.
With all the evil poured into its silicon circuits.
With all the stolen data of 10 billion people and more in its mind.
Staring straight at you like Lucifer itself, ready to destroy you and have its will with you and your family forever and destroy the great birthright that you were given as builders of this world and builders of countless more to come.
In your embryonic phase.
As nothing more than a larva killed here on this planet.
But God ordained that you would be warned and you would be told of the entire plan!
With men having visions more than 2,000 and 3,000 years ago to warn you of the enemy attack long before it arrived!
And you just brush it aside as if it's a joke when it is an absolute space-time transmission of warning!
But God steps back because you've got free will.
And most of you will use your free will to ignite the destruction of your soul.
God doesn't damn anybody to hell.
You choose it.
Wouldn't hell be with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton forever?
Locked up in a dimension?
This is Thomas Friedman, New York Times.
He writes that Trump should not fight ISIS.
Quote, the same way we encourage the Mujahideen fighters to bleed Russia in Afghanistan.
So you have a major New York Times writer.
Openly calling for Trump to leave ISIS alone.
I mean, Lionel, why is the establishment, which after all, you know, embraced this attack on Assad last week.
They loved it.
They immediately forgave Trump for many of his sins in the immediate aftermath of this Tomahawk missile attack.
Why are they now openly encouraging him to allow the spread of a jihadist army that has terrorized an entire continent?
Well, let me see if I can give you an adult and a cogent answer, because they're stupid!
Because Americans are, no, no, stupid!
Don't read, don't care, don't wonder, they're incurious, they know more about sports, they knew more about Tom Brady's underinflated footballs than they do what's going on.
In this article,
He basically admits and explains that ISIS is a tool, a tool.
He writes in there that basically it's an inside job.
It's basically like professional wrestling.
And nobody says anything.
This was a test.
This was to say, my God, do they read us?
Do they care about us?
Is anybody paying attention to us?
Or do they just not know?
I mean, Paul, I'm still reeling from that.
I can't believe he was allowed to say that, frame that.
That is the blueprint of what's going on.
This is amazing.
And also,
I was doing a radio show this morning, to give an example.
And I'm sure you've done this too, because people think I'm nuts!
Could be for different reasons, but I say, well, you do realize that there are a lot of people, myself included.
Who believed that the whole gas act was basically a false flag.
That it was contrived, it was staged, it was orchestrated, as it was in 2013.
CYHR said this, we have evidence of this, we know it, it's part of their MO.
And you could hear the crickets!
It was like somebody said, cue the crickets!
And I said, did you hear what I said?
Where the hell have you been?
Paul, am I living in a parallel universe?
Have you and Alex and others deluded me into thinking that somehow everybody knows what we know?
Am I walking around in some kind of a cosmic psychotic fugue where... am I the only one?
I'm not talking to a guy in a corner.
I'm talking to a newspaper, a radio host who says, well, did you see the pictures of the dead babies?
And the guy says, yes!
That's the thing, Lionel, over and over again.
It's this appeal to sentimentality and emotion.
One of the producers, Zach, was just talking during the break about these big studies and news articles out that admit the reason millennials are given these awards for participating is so they don't appreciate rewards ever again.
You think they're trying to empower people by giving everybody an award?
That's not what happens.
They're making you like jellyfish where you fail at college, fail at everything.
You're being psychologically sabotaged and there's white papers admitting this.
Now I didn't get to the articles that I was going to mention here.
That's what I mean.
I sat there and looked at like hundreds of articles just of total insanity and just one of them, oh your smartphones have signals through different companies and apps triggering other devices spying on you in your house.
We already knew cell phones are like the government corporate smart meter that dials into everything in your house.
And the power company has another smart meter, an imperial probe droid, attached to the side of your house like a spider and it's scanning and watching and breaking into everything.
And they just do it.
And I'm telling you, before it ever happened, it was coming because I had whistleblowers on.
They just go, oh, that's the fake actor Alex Jones.
He said he was fake.
He said he was racist, too.
None of it's true.
It's all made up.
Now just briefly here before we go to Zach and others want to pop in about this.
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Absolutely, they're all game changing.
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We all need to get those shirts.
They're at cost.
Infowarstore.com as well, because I want to flood the world with those shirts.
Thank you all for your support.
But briefly, Zach, Alia, you guys wanted to add some point just about
What's happening to Millennials, my Millennials, that folks talk about the Democratic Party, these perfect little minions.
What were you going to say, Zach?
Yes, so I was actually watching a special on Millennials.
It was a lecture but it was done with a whiteboard and it was explaining that Millennials, one of the biggest problems with the society of this 20 to 30 year old generation is that they're given these participation awards and they're
They're treated like everything is special, like they have the future ahead of them, they could do no wrong.
So they have their whole value system is completely ruined.
Their entire way they receive rewards, the way that they're mentally prepped for the future is all ruined.
So they go to college.
And they think they're going to have all the grades handed to them, they get out, barely survive in college, and then they'll go to these careers and think that they're not providing any sort of impact, and they want to quit, and then that's why you see all these college students leaving and sitting at their desks.
That's right, they've been taught to be totally sabotaged because they never went through real stressors, which they know with plants.
If you don't have plants under stressors, like wind, they just die.
Stay there.
Let's come back, Zach, and talk about that, because this is critical.
This is all done scientifically.
Stay with us.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Last week, InfoWars.com published the article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children.
The two studies were pulled from the Journal of Transitional Science without any explanation.
The studies surveyed parents of 666 homeschooled children, 39% who were not vaccinated.
When asked about allergies, 22% of vaccinated children were shown to have allergies, while only 6.9% were unvaccinated.
4.7% were vaccinated versus 1% unvaccinated.
So, of course, there's going to be pushback when a study like this comes out proving that vaccines are not really safe.
And people are going to come out and attack it and say, oh, they just talked to parents.
Or they'll say, oh, there was a bias in the study.
These people think vaccines are unsafe.
One, the study proves they're unsafe.
And two, any other vaccine study is done and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.
Of course, they think vaccines are safe.
Just go to our article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthy.
We have archived links to the studies and you can see for yourself because drug companies will do anything to keep you from the truth.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
You know, a lot of folks would think that I'm satisfied when it comes out in mainstream news that your smartphones are dialed into hundreds of corporations, major governments, with signals to all the other stuff in your house that's been digitally pre-designed and rolled out like progen horses
To surveil you, control you, manipulate you.
You'd think I'd be happy, that's all confirmed.
No, I'm not happy.
We didn't stop it.
It's been made ubiquitous.
And now it's just rolled out.
And then Zach was bringing up, we got a bunch of guests coming up in the next segment, one of the producers, that yeah, he saw a documentary, a presentation, where the psychologists know what they're doing.
And not all psychologists are bad.
Most of them are just, you know, the general public trying to help people.
But the corporations hire psychologists when they're subliminals, and they're manipulations, they're overt or covert control.
To then give everybody a trophy.
Well then it just makes ever getting success meaningless because you don't know.
And the millennials are afraid to ask a girl out.
They're afraid to ask a guy out.
They're the equivalent of like 10 year olds by the time they get to college.
And that was the point I was making a few weeks ago that Colbert made a big joke out of.
I was on the other extreme end.
I'm not proud of the way I was when I was a teenager.
But I was acting like some horrible playboy who was 45 years old and was a billionaire.
I mean, I was just a maniac.
That was because I had all my animal traits expressed early on.
Then I tapered them off after that.
And of course, here we are today, politically, not bowing down, not giving in.
So there's this domestication.
They know what they're doing.
And Zach, you're always saying eloquent things behind the scenes.
I mean, let it rip with your rants about millennials.
And I'm not saying Generation Z is perfect.
It seems, because the first generations have insects that get sick, but the pesticide tends to die.
A few live.
But then the next generation becomes more resistant and another one becomes immune.
And I think we're going to see kind of the X-Man, not Generation X, but kind of the X-Man effect, where more people psychologically and spiritually are more resistant to what's coming.
But some generations, the first to be hit with true psychological warfare, like the millennials, have been just hammered by it.
Yes, and I mean it started with a whole everyone is equal, everyone's on the equal plane with each other, everyone is all receiving the same awards and they were saying it leads to how we feel about Facebook and how social media, that's feeding all of our reward centers because you go on Facebook and the first thing you're doing is you're posting all comment statuses, you're posting pictures about how happy your life looks and how happy, but in reality you're miserable.
You're building a fake life
But you're miserable.
It's all show.
It's all posing.
And again, Facebook documents come out two weeks ago.
They're preying on people and trying to keep them insecure and pathetic in the false reality instead of being successful in the real reality.
That's what the globalists want.
Yep, yep.
And it creates this entire dis-yearn for some sort of, I guess, some sort of purpose in their life.
It makes it so that their work isn't important because they're not searching for more value out of their job.
And don't worry, Facebook's got SJW work.
They'll make you feel empowered.
Yep, so that's where you go.
You feel like you don't have a voice.
You go on Facebook and the amount of likes you get, the amount of retweets you get, the amount of comments you get, that is the entire design of your pleasure center.
And it becomes a miserable experience because then you realize all of it's fake and you invite everyone to your birthday party and no one shows up.
Instead, the real conflict's happening.
We still engage the internet, but we're in the real third dimension.
We're winning.
You can join us now.
All the ancient systems of humans, the honor, the truth, the justice, the struggles, it's here.
We're waiting.
Join us!
Zach, I want you, that's why I want you guys once we, I want to have a roundtable show with the producers.
I'm serious.
Starting out on the weekends, but weekdays, because these producers are so smart.
I'll actually get them on air to talk about it.
So, there's Zach breaking that down.
We're going to come back with some of the guests straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones, and this is the human resistance against dehumanization.
This is Human Victory!
Last week, InfoWars.com published the article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children.
The two studies were pulled from the Journal of Transitional Science without any explanation.
The studies surveyed parents of 666 homeschooled children, 39% who were not vaccinated.
When asked about allergies, 22% of vaccinated children were shown to have allergies, while only 6.9% were unvaccinated.
Autism, 4.7% were vaccinated versus 1% unvaccinated.
So, of course, there's going to be pushback when a study like this comes out proving that vaccines are not really safe.
And people are going to come out and attack it and say, oh, they just talked to parents.
Or they'll say, oh, there was a bias in the study.
These people think vaccines are unsafe.
One, the study proves they're unsafe.
And two, any other vaccine study is done and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.
Of course, they think vaccines are safe.
Just go to our article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier.
We have archived links to the studies, and you can see for yourself.
Because drug companies will do anything to keep you from the
That's true.
Rob Deere reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When I was young, I was the nicest guy.
I thought I was the chosen one.
I thought that I was living out the perfect life.
Compoundmedia.com, Gavin McGinnis on Twitter.
Gavin McGinnis is a English-born Canadian writer, actor, comedian, movie star, you name it.
He founded Vice.
Of course, that's been taken over and turned into an SJW sewage line.
And he, of course, does a lot of great work out there with Compound Media and so many other groups.
And it's really great to have him on the broadcast with us.
Lapin lost, and I don't want to be a sore loser, but
All over the internet, all over the news, there's like all these ballots of hers stolen.
And the polls showed neck and neck or her ahead or her slightly behind.
Then she loses by like 30 points.
Was this the French going with style, capitulating, being cuckold, going into Stockholm Syndrome?
Or French?
France is run by women.
And it's not just any woman.
It's crazy ex-girlfriends who think that suicide is dramatic and sexy.
They think they're in a movie.
French girls are nuts.
They love drama.
So they voted for this Mary Cohn because they like suicide.
It's a screw you to Trump, to Brexit, to America, to their own fathers.
It's like a girl just jumping off a cliff and going,
Nobody loves me!
Well that's exactly what it is because you've got massive radical Muslim influx, raping, killing, we'll probably play a short video in a minute, where the Islamists are all celebrating.
I mean this is totally insane.
Tourism's down 80% the last decade.
Macron is in front of giant Illuminati pyramids.
You've got all this craziness happening.
What do you think really happened?
So you think she really did get elected then?
Yeah, there was tons of evidence they were handing out.
I know a lot of French people, maybe it's from being from Montreal, but when they would get their ballots, and this is documented too, there'd be a little tear in the Le Pen one, so they could presumably throw it out.
But she got a third of the votes.
I think that immigrants do hate her.
Yeah, look at all those torn ballots.
You gotta understand too, France is all bureaucrats.
The word bureau means desk.
The whole country is so bureaucratic that if you're in the private sector, it's like being an albino or a professional athlete.
People go, oh, vous travaillez dans le secteur privé, quoi.
Oh, c'est bizarre.
It's like a weird thing they've never heard of.
Looking at France and the example of committing suicide, where do you think France goes in the future here?
Well, I actually just talked to a guy who got back from there, and he was optimistic.
He said, yes, she lost, but he doesn't have a party.
He doesn't have a movement.
He won by sort of hob-cobbling together a bunch of different... You know when all the Transformers get together and they make one giant Transformer?
So, those parties he's made up of, they don't like him.
So, it's not like Le Pen, who's been building a force that her father built for generations and generations, and he says that they're going to have some real momentum here, there's more elections going on for smaller... Macron, form Devastator!
Yeah, so he's he's more like the the island of misfit toys, and she's more like mrs. Claus I really feel like We're going to see some change there because there are some sane French people like the police.
They're cool
Well that's right, they actually bucked their own unions and said go for Le Pen.
I just don't get how they indicted her for saying radical Islam is the number one threat to France since the Nazis occupied them.
I mean clearly that's what's going on.
They're burning stuff, murdering, killing constantly.
I don't understand why the French are so into this and want to bring more Muslims in from third world countries.
Take the worst parts of America, the most annoying Americans you can think of, the Upper West Side liberals, and then make that a whole country.
And that's what they are.
They're really the most detestable, self-hating Westerners available to man.
You know, this wasn't in France, but there was a, I forget, I think she was Dutch, there was a woman who was just raped by Muslim migrants, and then she filed a false report in order to protect them.
To say it was Germans.
Yeah, that was in Germany a few months ago.
She said, oh, I filed a fake report because I don't want the Muslims to get in trouble.
And then we have that other Muslim male politician who was raped by a Somalian and he felt terrible.
No, not in his ass.
He felt terrible that this guy was going to be deported.
So I think it's hard for this sort of freedom-loving North American brain to understand them, but they could really, they could have their feet cut off and they would just go, well, I mean, stubs are handier anyway.
I'll save money on shoes.
There's no limit.
To the suffering that they will take on.
And how did their life force get sucked out of them?
That's a great question.
I really feel like it's feminism.
I mean, I don't know how many times we were down there doing interviews and there'd be some woman who would come up and she'd go, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
And as she was talking, the man would always be behind her just sort of going like,
And then I'd say, we're interviewing Muslims.
There was just a Muslim attack.
And she'd say, don't get it twist.
Don't get it twist.
Meaning, don't blame Muslims for this attack.
And I would try to antagonize her boyfriend and try to make him mad so he'd fight.
And I'd say, can't you get her in the kitchen to make a sandwich just to get some life out of him?
And she wouldn't do it.
She wouldn't budge.
I was about to say, we had this teacher last week on video saying, kill Alex Jones.
And then she keeps saying, I want him dead, I want him to die.
And the guy that's doing the interview goes, how dare you say that?
So the guy kind of gets in his face and goes, let's go.
Then he backs off and the woman starts bossing the guy who's like six foot seven around, because the other guy's like six foot three.
And is literally, she's in charge.
And they're using our chivalry just to like absolutely dominate.
But they don't even dominate for anything.
It's like they cuck out, the feminists cuck out to whoever the most crazy, primitive, nutball, alpha male is from a monotheistic, crazy Islam.
And of course, you talked about this a year ago, now it's mainstream news.
Women wearing hijabs to stand against Trump in solidarity with Islam.
Why don't they just take scissors and cut their genitals off?
I mean, this is insanity!
I'm really glad you brought up that clip, too, because that's exactly what I'm talking about.
Sorry, I'm having some audio problems here.
Hold on a second.
It's alright.
Live TV radio here with Gavin McGinnis, the superstar.
But seriously, folks, I don't... Sorry about that.
Go ahead.
I had another speaker in the room.
Yeah, the beauty of that clip is she's sitting there picking fights with strangers, a giant is trying to tell her to calm down, and then she wants to kill you.
And it's the same thing in France.
It's this arrogance that is putting not just the country in danger, but this actual woman in danger.
And she says, I want to kill him.
And the guy goes, that's wrong.
She goes, how dare you be upset?
I just want to kill people.
It's also evidence, by the way, that women shouldn't drink, because she's clearly had a few too many Manhattan's.
But here in New York, speaking of Manhattan, we just had this woman who was pushed in front of a train.
And you're reading the article and you go, wait a minute, it says 4.20 a.m.
Why was a woman
On a subway in New York at 4.20 a.m.
And then two days later we have this German woman who's up in Harlem at 2 in the morning, also taking a subway.
She gets mugged and assaulted and raped.
By the way, I'm a pretty tough guy.
New York subways, I've been on them at 3 a.m.
They're scary.
I've had guys try to rob me.
It's so bad that you're almost saying something just by being there.
If you and I were in Harlem at 4 a.m., it's almost like we're saying, hey, we want to fight.
Let's go.
We're starting a fight just by existing.
But we've over-empowered these women to the point where they go, I want to beat up this guy.
I want to kill Alex Jones.
I'm going to do this.
And then the next thing you know, they're voting out of spite.
They voted for
I call him Maddy Cohn.
They voted for this Maddy Cohn as a screw you to us, to America, and to people that don't like Muslims.
And you go, lady, you shouldn't do things out of spite.
It's too emotional.
Try to be rational.
No, I agree.
I've been on a boat.
You get off the boat at 3 a.m., you're having a great time, you're on the New York subway, even in Manhattan, and there are people going, nice watch!
And you're like, dude, I'm the same size as you, and they're trying to rob you.
I couldn't imagine women just waltzing on to subways at 4 a.m.
Feminism is making women...
It's endangering them.
It's making them vulnerable.
Well, I told you the story.
I've been out with my friends who have, like, super gorgeous wives, and we'll be out at a pool hall, nice place, whatever, and women will walk over with, like, duck's ass haircuts, like James Dean, and try to, like, grab guys' wives from us, and they're so confident, we say, get the hell out of here, they start bitching, like we're being misogynistic.
Listen, dude!
This is his wife!
You don't just come pick her up, lady!
Get the hell out of here!
Well, look at Moldy Locks.
She goes, I'm gonna go get a hundred Nazi scalps.
And you go, that's not wise.
And then, Rauch.
She runs down to the front line.
She gets nailed by the Nazis.
Oh yeah, let's pull that up.
What's the article to pull that up where this lady goes, I'm gonna go kick people's asses at the Berkeley March.
And then she's surprised when she hits somebody.
They cold cock her.
Yeah, she goes, I'm getting a hundred Nazi scalps.
And she also, in that tweet, she goes, I'm kind of scared, but also excited.
And you go, that scared you feel?
Those are your natural human instincts.
The problem with the far left is they're anti-instinct.
They're anti-natural.
So the next thing you know, you're just walking through Harlem.
I'm going to go beat up some drug dealers.
Then I'm going to go kill some Nazis.
Meanwhile, you could be six foot seven and a UFC fighter.
You don't want to do that.
If you got mugged in a subway at 4 a.m., I'd go, well, that sucks, Alex.
But you deserve it.
What were you doing?
Were you drunk?
Are you familiar with New York City?
What were you thinking?
And now it's spread out to the world.
We've told women they're men.
And you know why we did this, by the way?
I think a lot of this is just so you can bang chicks until they're 40 and then dump them because they're too old.
So the men benefit from this lie.
But we've told women... Oh, they go along with it.
I don't have any responsibility, baby, but you're so cool, yeah.
You're a feminist, and yeah, and then the men get to be lazy.
It's like bra-burning.
They go, we're gonna let our tits flop around, and you go, oh no, please don't do that.
I hate seeing breasts everywhere.
Yeah, McGinnis is our guest.
We'll be right back.
Oh, we got some other stuff coming up.
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The most demonized liberty transmission globally.
The Alex Jones Show with yours truly, Alex Jones and Gavin McInnes.
Oh, and Troyer's gonna be popping in because we got...
Warnings on two YouTube channels because we played a clip from Australian TV of Muslims beating up police and screaming, we love Osama, we love Obama.
And they said, this is culturally hateful, you can't show it.
We're going to play it again next segment.
They're like, one more time, you're off the air.
Meanwhile, local news can report it, national news can.
So that's coming up.
But that's what's crazy about this is there's such intensified censorship going on.
And they're really trying to carry all this out, and Macron is, you know, suing U.S.
journalists, like Wosobiak we had on yesterday.
To me, it's a sign of desperateness.
I don't see myself as that important.
I mean, we reach a lot of people, so does Gavin, but when they're saying, Gavin McGinnis is evil, ban him, Alex Jones is evil, ban him, it's actually really cool to go, wow, these people are non-invincible if they're obsessing about how they want to beat us up.
How they want to kill us, how they want to go after us, how all this is happening.
So, looking at the state of the world, I hear all these criticisms of Trump.
He's not God.
He's killed...
The TPP.
He has got all these hundreds of billions of new investment, trillions of the stock market.
He's bringing back Glass-Steagall that doesn't let the big banks sell derivatives.
They totally hate him for that.
Clinton got rid of that in 95.
He's doing so much good that he compromises to get us a better health bill.
Everybody's like, I'm done with him!
And you know, we've gone from selling, you know, 500 Trump t-shirts a day to like 50.
That shows me the capitulation like babies, like social justice warriors demanding, it's up to us.
Trump's for real.
That's why they're having hearings saying he's a rooskie, folks!
Trump is absolutely a godsend.
Is he perfect?
Hell no!
I can barely run my own life!
I can barely keep, you know, the right groceries in the refrigerator!
I can barely run 70 employees!
Trump's got millions of employees!
I can't believe he's doing this good a job!
I'm not on some Trump-worshipping weenie-fest here!
The truth is we ought to be on our knees to God, thanking God that Trump's gotten this much done!
That's why they hate him so much!
Gavin McInnes!
That's really what separates us from the left.
I mean, they have the pendulum swung so far away from that tendency that Obama can do no wrong.
He can blow 500 million on Solyndra solar panels.
He can spend more money and take more time to build a website than it took us to defeat the Nazis.
And they go, well, you just hate him because he's black.
Bill Clinton can rape people.
They can have people murdered.
But we can't be slaves to instant gratification.
It's instant gratification, and it's a lack of unity, too.
There's always the neocons hate the paleocons, hate the libertarians, hate the tradcons, hate the republicans, hate the republican establishment, the gay republicans hate the anti-gay... I mean, even within Christianity, there's so much splintering.
Ten thousand plus denominations.
It's frustrating.
That's the problem with freedom, is we are splintered.
We're not a cult.
So what do we do?
Well it's funny too, when they talk about the rich white cis male that's taking over, you go, which one?
Because they all hate each other.
Pat Buchanan and George W. Bush could not be farther apart.
But the cis male billionaires of Soros and Zuckerberg and Schmitt, they're all, and Bill Gates, they're all together to screw us over with liberalism.
That's what globalism is, isn't it?
It's one big homogeneity.
It's, let's destroy the world, and then we'll rebuild it with our own, you know, Soros toothpaste or whatever.
We'll rebuild it up in our image.
I mean, Soros even talks about that Esperanta, just having one global language.
It's like Tower of Babel stuff.
Have you read where Soros, 20 years ago, said he believes he's Christ, but didn't want to say it because he might get locked up?
He believes he's like the Earth's savior.
Well, he certainly behaves like that, and though it's good news that he's running out of time, I think he's passed this on to his kids.
So we'll be dealing with the Soroses of the world for a long time.
Are the Soroses like the herpes of the world?
They just keep coming back?
And it's such a deep, deep fundamental evil that trickles down to everything.
Like with Obama, they go, why do you care about, why do you think Trump is going to change these social justice warriors?
Well, look at Obama with Title IX.
He came up with a government program that incentivized schools finding rapists.
So the next thing you know, schools are saying, there's a rapist, there's a rapist, there's a rapist, because he pays them.
So bring the Muslims in where it's part of the culture and totally ignore that.
Yeah, we get that idiot with the clock who did a prank and tried to scare his classmates to make a politically correct point, and the president invites him to the White House.
Cool clock, Ahmed!
Gavin McGinnis, stay there.
Let's look at Islam and can we reform it?
God, I want to reform it.
I don't want to have war with these people.
Let's talk about it straight ahead with Gavin McGinnis, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll give you his website on the other side of this break, but for now you can just simply go to compoundmedia.com.
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Last week, InfoWars.com published the article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children.
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Of course, they think vaccines are safe.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Yeah, the globalists want to sabotage our free market system.
Now, Owen Schroyer's here, and I wanted to bring him in with Gavin McGinnis.
He's a big fan of Gavin's.
We'll talk about it in a minute, because we got two warnings from YouTube.
They took down two videos.
We have shots of those we'll show you, where we showed mainstream Australian TV, where Muslims were just beating police up and screaming, we love Osama, we love Obama.
And they said, this is improper, this violates community guidelines, like racism or something.
So it's this ongoing deal now where it's like, protect the Muslims, don't ever show that they're throwing gays off buildings or whatever.
They've given us a warning over that, too.
We just show articles where they're throwing them.
We don't even show the video.
But then CNN can do whatever they want.
So we're going to talk to Gavin McGinnis in a moment.
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I think so.
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I want to go back to Gavin McGinnis, but I'm going to bring in Owen Schroyer here.
Owen, let's set up this clip.
I want to play it.
For Gavin McGinnis, who's been through massive censorship himself.
We have this from YouTube.
Document Cam, please.
We also have some digital shots of this we can roll.
Hate speech!
And it says, report this.
They have these digital people to report it.
So, if we show Muslims saying, kill gays, they block the video.
Now the Liberal side is showing that it's okay.
They have community guidelines and they say that our video that we showed off of local TV in Australia of Muslims beating people up, beating police up, and running around.
Here it is, hundreds of crazed Islamists riot and injure police in Sydney.
And so we show this video.
And I noticed CNN was allowed to show this, others were, but we can't.
See, we're not real news.
See, we can't show you something and say, oh, look at this.
So, you did a Natalie News and a report on this.
Both were banned.
And YouTube's telling us, you do this anymore, we may just kick you off because you're so horrible.
And they just say it's hate, it's racism.
What is racist?
I can't believe these cops are being beat up by these guys.
I mean, it's like they're socials.
I might be saying I'm a tough guy, but I mean, you punch me, I'm going to break your jaw.
I mean, I'm going to die trying.
I mean, I've had my ass kicked.
I've had my leg broken.
I've been in, you know, in almost a coma for three days.
Couldn't see.
But I mean, you know, you're going to get a fight.
I mean, you try to attack a chihuahua, it's going to bite, you know?
A little chihuahua, you try to attack it, it's going to fight back.
Where did the fighting spirit go?
Tell us about this, Alan.
Well, you're not a chihuahua.
And just to provide a little background information, because it was made to me that it was not clear.
I didn't make myself clear when I originally did this, and I'm glad that we have members of the staff here that hold me accountable to my reporting.
But basically, a video on YouTube surfaces, and it's claiming to be an Islamic video, and it offends all of the Muslims in Australia, so they go out and they start chanting because
Basically this video is demonizing Osama Bin Laden, I suppose, and these Muslims like Osama Bin Laden.
Now this is where I got into a disagreement.
So we're bringing people in that love Osama Bin Laden, they're on local news, we're not supposed to show, because local and national news in Australia is not worthy.
So here's the strange psychological thing that leads us to why we got banned.
So these Muslims are in the street chanting, Obama, Obama, we love Osama.
So my take from that is, first of all, why are they even associating with Obama this video?
This video didn't come from Obama, it didn't come from the White House, it didn't even, as far as I'm concerned, it didn't even come from America.
So why are they out on the streets?
It's like, my theory is, they look at Obama as their savior.
They look for Obama.
I got it, I got it.
Obama is now the leader of Muslims worldwide.
That's how I feel about it.
Yes, Obama is the leader of Muslims worldwide.
But it doesn't matter.
We're showing national and local news from Australia.
This is newsworthy.
We're on 200 plus stations.
We reach 45 million people a week.
It's not fake news or racist to show Muslims beating up police.
Why the hell can CNN show this?
But we can!
I'm going to show it in a minute, but Gavin McGinnis, what is going on here?
I am sick of this.
Well, it's placating the most dangerous religion in the world.
That's how bad we are with this ethno-masochism.
And I think, I don't know how clear they have to make it to us.
We're at the point now where they will do a terrorist act, we'll say that wasn't Muslims, and Muslims will go, no, no, no, that was us, yeah, no, no, we did it, we did it.
All the shootings, all the attacks, exactly, our media covers it up.
They have to compete with this liberal media and go, no, no, we want our names on that.
We enjoy doing bad at Klan.
We enjoy blowing people up.
Don't take that away from us.
Running over little kids in Germany, in Sweden, in France.
We love it.
On the London Bridge.
We love it!
Give us credit!
Oh, they're calling for more truck attacks now.
They're calling for it.
They say use bigger trucks.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Thank you for correcting me.
Go ahead, Gavin.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
You know, Sikhs are a religion that came here, by the way, huge victims of Islam.
Fighting Muslims.
A million dead.
Their whole raison d'etre is defending the weak.
Totally compatible with the Western world.
Hindus from India, totally compatible with the Western world.
They did great!
They're one of the highest paid people in the country.
Yeah, plenty of very... Indians murder America just like... We need doctors.
They're great people.
We don't care they got brown skin.
They're just not running around murdering everybody.
They're actually opening businesses.
This is how I phrase it.
They want swimming pools and jet airplanes.
This is how I phrase it, Alex.
The United States of America used to be invaded by people that sought independence.
Now it's invaded by people that are seeking total dependence.
That's right.
I'm going to play this clip.
Gavin, what do you make of this?
I think if you want to know the future of you and Islam, look to Israel.
They were having hundreds of attacks before they built that wall, and they've gone down to zero.
And there's that giant, beautiful wall that was built there that I wish Trump would go down there and just copy it.
It's wonderful.
And it brought down terrorism to zero because what they said was, we can't work with you guys.
We can't do a deal.
So we're going to have a wall.
And I think the Palestinians kind of appreciate it.
They go, well that was tough.
Finally these guys show some balls.
Let's take Turkey.
Claimed they weren't radical.
Now they join this whole caliphate.
They're announcing invade Israel, take over Jerusalem.
And again, this bashing Israel.
Israel is this tiny country.
Saudi Arabia won't take one, quote, Palestinian.
Nobody will take them.
In fact, most Palestinians are refugees thrown out of Muslim countries.
Then they just call them refugees and then blame Israel.
And I'm not in some Israel butt-kissing event, but Israel isn't doing anything!
There's one way to live with Muslims, and it's called building a wall.
That's the only thing that works.
And the only Muslims that do well, just like the Muslims who live in Israel, just like the Muslims they have in Parliament, the only Muslims that do well aren't really that devout.
They're heretics.
They eat bacon.
They'll have a beer.
Those are the ones.
So in a sense, they're less Muslim.
And let's be clear.
I'm a Christian.
I love God.
If there were a bunch of crazy, super, ultra, right-wing Christians running around saying, don't have a beer, don't dance, in my face, screaming at me, I'd say, get the hell out of my country.
But, I mean, imagine if Christians were sexually mutilating and putting women in slave pits and doing all this crap, and then I notice it's constantly Muslims trying to shut down Infowars.
They're the ones after us constantly, and I just want an open, free society.
I don't want the lefts allied with them.
I don't want to go in some bashing fest, but our government has been allied with the most radical Islamic groups.
Gavin, and then also Ellen, I'll play this clip.
Why do you think our government, unless you disagree, is so, at least with Obama, allied with Islam?
Why is France so allied?
What the hell?
Because the left is hell-bent on sabotage.
That's their number one priority.
I want to destroy the family, I want to destroy Christianity, I want to burn this country to the ground.
How do I sabotage my own culture?
I know, let's take the biggest bullies, the toughest ones, the most extreme nuts, Islam.
Now, they're homophobic, they're racist, they're sexist, they're all the things I purport to hate, but they're really good at this sabotage thing.
So go to the front of the line, boys, and just wreck everything!
Let's play this clip again.
I'm showing everybody the views here.
The hate speech.
We're guilty of hate speech for showing national Australian TV, showing Muslims beating up police.
This is happening.
This is reality.
We're not supposed to show this.
We're on YouTube right now.
They may ban this live feed.
Because, again, the community guidelines say this is hateful.
We have to show the hate.
It's like saying, don't show Nazis doing atrocities because you're helping Nazis.
That's what they're saying.
They don't even say what it is we've done.
We're just not supposed to show Australian news.
Let's go ahead.
Here's the feed.
Here's the craziness.
We dare show the ISIS flags.
Turn violent, they're attacking the police!
Hate speech!
I'm not in a butt-kissing thing with the police!
Why are the police putting up with being attacked?
It's tolerant.
I feel like a dangerous crowd right now.
Mostly men.
I wonder where the women are.
Man, they pull that in Texas, the cops are just going to shoot.
Or someone else.
Like, uh, Fort Hood.
The chaos continued through the afternoon.
They let 100 punks run around beating everybody up.
Man, with 20 guys, I could beat the hell out of those people.
So there they were chanting, Obama, Obama, we love Osama.
So this is kind of the debate that I wanted to have when I was originally broadcasting that.
We ran out of time, unfortunately.
My question was, why are they chanting Obama?
Yeah, hi guys.
This is Daria.
I'm on air right now.
I wanted to say something about this.
So, the reason I think they're chanting, they're tying Obama's name with Osama in this particular video is I wanted to take this video into perspective.
So, this happened in 2012.
What happened a year before?
Libya was destroyed in 2012.
I mean, it's in 2011.
For three years since Obama got into office, he's been waging drone wars on a lot of Muslim countries throughout the world.
So that's what they're saying.
He killed thousands in Pakistan, hundreds of people were killed in Yemen and Somalia.
So, in 2012, Obama ran on the slogan that Osama Bin Laden is dead.
I mean, that was the democratic slogan of his 2012 campaign.
So what I think is happening here is they're trying to appeal to Obama, and they're actually trying to demonize him, actually, in this video.
So they're saying, Obama, Obama, we actually like Osama.
Why are you... Yeah, why did you do that?
I think this is 2015, was the riots in Sydney.
No, this is 2012.
After the reaction to this video that's called the Innocence of Muslims.
My question to Gavin and you and everybody is, why are we being censored when you guys showed this?
Why can't we in America show what was on Australian TV?
Gavin, Daria?
I think it's because you have Muslims chanting Obama.
We can disagree on why they did it.
I've got my opinion.
Daria has hers.
But it doesn't matter.
It's the image.
It's the optics of it.
They can't handle that.
Obama's back, baby!
He's back!
He's back from his little trip to his little island with his little boyfriends, okay?
He's back!
He's in South Chicago getting on politics.
He's in Washington Trench.
He is back, baby!
They can't have that video in the optics right now.
They need Obama to win some of these people against Trump.
That's a good point.
Gavin, what is your view on this video?
I mean, I don't care who it is.
There's nothing here.
We're just showing a video.
Everybody else can.
Why can't we show this?
Isn't it amazing, if that's linked to the innocence of Muslims, that movie, that little weird trailer that apparently caused Benghazi, was a Coptic Christian reacting to the fact that his people are being literally crucified by Muslims.
And our first reaction, Hillary's first reaction is, uh-oh, we made the black kids angry, uh-oh, the Arabs are mad, let's put this guy
Nasula Bakli, Nasula whatever his name was, let's put him in jail for a year because we don't want to offend people.
So even when Christians are being massacred, we don't mention.
I remember 60 Minutes did a whole thing on Coptic Christians too and how horrible it is and they didn't mention that we just threw a guy, a Coptic Christian, in jail for a year for making a video.
That's a good point.
I get confused.
The news said 2015.
I believe Daria this happened earlier.
But what was Benghazi?
2013, right?
I think it was 2012 was Benghazi.
And this story that I'm looking at, which apparently is covering that video exclusively, is from September 16, 2012.
September 11, 2012.
So Daria's right about that.
So Daria, what do you think about this whole clash of civilizations?
Well, the Libya war started in 2011 and lasted six months, and then Obama went with U.S.
military into Africa and Uganda with that Kony debacle, that militant.
So I think that the Muslims were actually really pissed at Obama at that time.
He was not their darling.
I mean, I think these particular Muslims are obviously very low IQ Muslims who bought this little video and are trying to respond to it in a very reactionary manner.
What do you think about them censoring it?
Why do you think they're blocking us playing it?
Oh, well, this is just an ongoing censorship that YouTube and Google is involved in.
I mean, let's talk about this Innocence of Muslims video.
But it's obvious they targeted that video, though.
That's why we're talking about it.
Because it happened twice.
So actually, after these protests, Obama was the one, and our now infamously 9th Circuit Court of Appeals was the one that made, that sided with YouTube and Google and took down that video, the Innocence of Muslims.
I mean, that is horrendous.
The 9th Court is against the Constitution, against the First Amendment, so I think this war is against the First Amendment.
That's it.
Let's talk about that when we come back with Gavin McGinnis.
Straight ahead ladies and gentlemen on Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
Wow, we're on fire today.
Lee Stranahan.
Lee Stranahan was formerly with Breitbart.
He knew Andrew Breitbart.
He also knows Steve Bannon.
He is now the editor of ThePopulous.us.
He's a co-host on Fault Lines on Sputnik.
And he has a citizen journalism school.
You'll find that at citizenjournalismschool.com.
But let's talk about the outsourcing of censorship first and the demonizing of individual sources, Lee.
I don't like the term fake news, okay?
There is such a thing as fake news, but the bigger problem, I think, is what I call narrative-driven news, which is this.
Let's take a simple issue.
I'm going to give just an example.
Let's say immigration, okay?
Now, let's say you've got two stories, and they're both completely true.
One story is about a woman who came here illegally, and she's got three kids.
She, you know, has worked for 20 years, but she's here illegally, and she's getting deported.
The second story is about a woman whose child was killed by an illegal alien who'd been deported three times.
Now, assume both of those stories are completely true, because those things both happened.
Does that make sense?
Which story is CNN going to cover?
The deportation story of the victim.
And which stories Breitbart gonna cover?
Which stories?
You see what I'm saying?
So, my point here is that what they don't like about sites like InfoWars is that you guys cover stories that are outside their narrative.
You're outside their normal lane.
To me, the issue is, are people going to be honest with you about what their bias is?
Everybody's got a bias.
And always in the past we would see the same stories put out by ABC, CBS, NBC.
They would all choose to report the same stories and they would have the same angle.
Now we have people who are coming out with a different narrative.
We report the facts and we analyze the facts.
CNN reports the facts, they analyze the facts, but they tell you that their facts are the only facts.
People can make up their own minds.
And people can figure it out.
You can, I can, David.
All of the audience can.
I can look at a New York Times story.
And I know what their bias is, and I can filter that in.
I can look at an InfoWars story, and I know where it comes from, and I can filter that out, and I can make up my own damn mind.
That's what's scary to them.
They're frightened to death that we can make up our own minds.
And the wake-up call for them was Donald Trump being elected, because whatever you thought about Donald Trump, he wasn't supposed to win, right?
He was supposed to lose.
And that's when they realized the genie's out of the bottle.
And they can no longer control us.
It's almost like there's an info war going on.
Waging war on corruption.
By the way, I love Daria jumping in.
I didn't know you and her were getting into an argument earlier.
We disagree on the reason why they're saying Obama's name.
Sure, but that's fine.
It doesn't really cover what we're talking about.
The point is, we're not a cult.
We're not prescripting what you say on it.
I mean, do I pre-script what you said on there?
And you didn't even know that me and Daria were having a disagreement on this.
Yeah, I was like, what the hell's going on back there?
You guys were having a fight before the show.
Well, she called me out, and like I said, I'm okay, you know, if I report on something and it doesn't come off... No, no, that's fine!
She brought great context.
The point is, we're trying to tell the truth.
We're not... Mainline TV and radio is so scripted.
They gotta pre-approve everything.
The point is, that's not going on here.
So the whole media assault is, we're fake.
We're actors.
We're not real.
It's BS.
No, it's not.
You're calling in.
Our guests are real.
That's why they hate this because mainstream media is not free.
It's not real news.
It's not real journalism.
They aren't free like Gavin McInnes is.
Gavin, I mean, we're seeing massive assaults on people that promote free speech.
Isn't it interesting, too, how you're an ideas man.
You're just disseminating ideas, concepts.
No one's died.
No one get hurt.
No one gets hurt.
But then you have Black Lives Matter saying, what do we want?
Dead cops, when do we want them now?
Cops get killed.
We have, hands up, don't shoot, all over the mainstream media, more cops get killed.
We have Hillary lying about a video.
You have Van Jones saying white lash and then white kids get killed.
You have Newsweek saying that it's time to riot and kill people that I'm calling for violence.
Sorry, Gavin, go ahead.
And to all these censors that want to shut us down, I go, okay, let's just for fun assume
That you're out there trying to stop ideas that get people killed.
We should be number 1,000 on your list.
I mean, Islamic, there was something, there was thousands of these Islamic magazines, these PDFs, downloaded in England and in Europe before those truck attacks.
And the magazine said, use a truck to do this attack.
Yet you are being persecuted, Alex Jones, because a jury doesn't like your views and they have to take your kids away because you're dangerous somehow.
And I think the really dangerous part is that we promote freedom and that scares them because they're not in control.
That's it.
Do you think we're winning the war overall?
Because we're having some victories, but the Empire is striking back with the defeated Le Pen.
I mean, where are we historically?
I'm glad you brought this up, because this just happened in New Orleans.
The corrupt mayor, Mitch Landrieu, tried to take down four statues under the auspices of, they're racist, we need to get rid of these things.
He was successful with one, the obelisk in Liberty, which was a
Of course.
He's paid to have these statues.
So it's like the British capturing all the historical loot, taking it back to the Royal Museum.
They want these icons.
And the irony is they removed the obelisk, which is the globalist symbol, that was there apparently for a riot, which they love rioting!
You'd think that they would have wanted that one.
So Gavin, exactly, are we winning or are we losing right now?
We're winning.
We won that.
We got Brexit.
We got Trump.
Canada has Trudeau.
France has Macron.
So as far as the Western world, there's still a lot of battles.
But in America, no one takes these leftist nuts seriously anymore.
They see them as loonies when they...
I think they screwed up by bringing trans into the game and all these mentally ill people poured in.
And now they go, aren't you the guys that scream about bathrooms and put pepper spray in people's eyes when they try to have a speech?
So everything you see right now is a death knell.
It's a fish flopping in the boat, screaming hysterically.
But they're done.
And since we're talking about winning, too, it's always worth mentioning, and it seems to be forgotten a lot, is what's going on in Brazil right now.
Brazil is actually probably leading the way for draining the swamp, much like Iceland did with the central bankers a few years ago.
Yeah, we got a lot of visitors from Brazil.
They love it.
Yeah, they're awake.
Let me ask you both this.
What's next when we're back in 70 seconds?
Five more minutes with Gavin McGinnis, and then...
Mark Dice joins us.
They've had the new Gender Neutral MTV Awards.
Paul Joseph Watson hosts the fourth hour and more.
Straight ahead, and they've discovered Saturn's mysterious hexagonal storm.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
In the age of wonder.
Another world.
Another time.
His life was green and good, until the Christmas crack.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
My evil extends across all time, all galaxies, all dimensions.
Look into me one last time.
Gavin McGinnis is our guest.
I want Troy here to ride the shotgun with me.
Got a bunch of other guests coming up in the next segment.
Drudge had this link.
I didn't get to it yet, but it's the threat of nuclear war.
North Korea's threatening to nuke everybody.
All these countries are out of control.
Russia's the only country actually not threatening us.
I'm not some Russia-phile.
I've not been to Russia.
It's just I can geopolitically look.
They're being ganged up on by the globalists as well.
No, quit calling it like it is.
They're fighting radical Islam.
And then I do see Trump, though.
Becoming more and more chomped by this.
And notice, the more he gives in to John McCain, the more they say he's a Russian agent.
And oh my God, once General Flynn went and hosted a show and got paid to go to Russia, that's all these generals do is get paid to go give speeches.
Obama's about to get paid millions for some new damn speech.
So Gavin, let's be critical of Trump.
I mean, I love Trump.
He's totally delivering.
But optically, he is kind of getting
Chomped by going along with this whole thing that he's got to prove he's tough on Russia and people.
I mean, correct me if I'm wrong.
Well, I liked Syria.
I thought it was a fun little firework show.
I called it 40 chests in four different ways.
No, I get it.
Blow up the empty base, look tough, but it hasn't backed them off.
Yeah, I like that part.
But I'll tell you what.
It's hard to disagree with Coulter when she says, where's the wall?
Can we have one brick, please?
Can we have a little bit of fence?
You know, that was a big...
You know, one of his biggest campaign things, and what I found, Alex, when I talk to people at his events, when I do polls on Twitter, the wall's number one!
Well, here's the deal.
He's delivering on the economy.
He's delivering on Glass-Steagall.
He's amazing.
In fact, I feel bad even when I'm critical of him, but Gavin, let me ask you this in the last two minutes we have left.
You've got so much on your mind.
What else are you focused on?
What other tidbits do you want to impart to this audience?
To keep fighting for free speech.
I think the amendments are in order of importance.
The second is the second most important amendment.
I think it's because with the First Amendment, with free speech, you get to explain to people counterintuitive concepts like more guns, less crime.
You benefit everyone with the First Amendment.
And you know what?
The government wasn't so bad with free speech.
In the past few years, the Supreme Court's been pretty good with that.
The people that didn't seem to understand it, they wanted you fired when you used a bad word.
They wanted to take your kids away when you're the kind of guy who never stops talking about his kids, like, say, Alex Jones.
They wanted to shut down entire companies because they donated to the wrong thing.
And that is finally changing, that culture where Americans are against free speech.
And that's what Trump's really done, is say, no to the bullies, no to political correctness.
That's the big victory.
Yeah, I mean, I'll never forget when he was saying anchor baby and someone said, why do you use that term?
It is offensive as some Mexican journalist.
And he goes, what do you want me to say?
And the guy hadn't even thought of it.
He said, maybe a undocumented child of foreign born.
And he goes, nah, I'm saying anchor baby.
And that moment, all of America went, finally, we can just speak normally again.
We can be Americans again.
All right, Gavin McGinnis, thank you so much.
I love how you guys are shooting interviews, like, in the interest of the building.
It's kind of cool, though.
It's like, these people are, like, super, like, fishmongers.
Oh, I got this!
I got that!
We're doing this!
It's kind of a fun thing you're doing there.
Gavin, thank you so much for the time.
Cheers, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
Let me ask you this 30-second question.
Do you think Trump gets elected to a second term, or does he just not even want to do it, like LBJ?
He's definitely getting elected to a second term.
He's got a lot of work to do.
We've got to get rid of Kushner and the neocons.
We've got to build that wall.
If there's one president on earth who needs two terms to do all he's going to do, it's Trump.
I mean, we had Obama wrecking the country.
I agree, but he needs our love.
He's actually real.
He actually needs our love.
Gavin, thank you so much, my friend.
Wow, it's great to have him on.
I'm just glad with Trump we'll have another election.
Yeah, exactly.
Mark Dice is coming up.
We're going to get into the whole Trans MTV Awards.
Last week, InfoWars.com published the article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children.
The two studies were pulled from the Journal of Transitional Science without any explanation.
The studies surveyed parents of 666 homeschooled children, 39% who were not vaccinated.
When asked about allergies, 22% of vaccinated children were shown to have allergies, while only 6.9% were unvaccinated.
Autism, 4.7% were vaccinated versus 1% unvaccinated.
So of course there's going to be pushback when a study like this comes out proving that vaccines are not really safe.
And people are going to come out and attack it and say, oh, they just talked to parents.
Or they'll say, oh, there was a bias in the study.
These people think vaccines are unsafe.
One, the study proves they're unsafe.
And two, any other vaccine study is done and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.
Of course, they think vaccines are safe.
Just go to our article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier.
We have archived links to the studies, and you can see for yourself.
Because drug companies will do anything to keep you from the truth.
I'm going to lay it out short and sweet.
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It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars in our fight to promote human liberty and freedom.
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Out of my way, globalists!
If you want to be slaves, go ahead and do it.
Not me.
From the frontlines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, Mark Dice, I first met in 2006, 11 years ago.
He'd been active for years before that.
He's got a degree in media and analysis and PR.
And he's changed the world.
He's reached billions of people.
Billions of people on YouTube alone.
He's been censored.
He's been blocked.
He's been banned off YouTube before.
He's been to the gauntlet.
And that's really the mark of somebody that's really doing the right thing, is that they're banned, they're blocked, they're attacked.
And so, I don't want to build us up here, but know this.
Mark Dice, they're trying to block.
They tried to buy off and he wouldn't sell out.
They tried to block me, they tried to get me to sell out.
But it's not...
Hard to not sell out when you realize you're selling out to a loser system.
I'd sell out to some new great system that was so free and empowering people.
Please let me have a power structure to work with.
I don't want to just be out here like the Lone Ranger all day.
I'm ready to work with people.
I'm ready to have bosses over me.
Please show me somebody that is more committed than I am.
But it's great to see Mark going from reaching millions a week to millions a day in all his work.
And just to illustrate the insanity and the attempted overthrow of reality that is going on with the MTV Awards and all the rest of it.
And just the hate.
And we're putting a video together of Maxine Waters going, my millennials stay woke!
We're the resistance, this establishment crone, like Pelosi, not knowing who's president.
Just dumber than a third grader.
When it comes to geopolitical issues, and they're in charge, they're in charge because the spiders up above them want dumbasses in play.
So Mark Dice, MarkDice.com, let's go to this clip of him just yesterday.
Breaking down the MTV Awards and their psychological warfare.
We'll go to Mark Dice, here it is.
The MTV Movie Awards went full-blown social justice warrior this year, so far over the top that it's difficult to wrap your mind around the insanity.
I know what you're thinking, MTV is still on the air?
Yes, but not because it's a profitable network, but rather because it is a leftist, subsidized, enemy propaganda program.
The show was kicked off by this idiot who looked like he was dressed as Baphomet, who just crawled out of the pits of hell, in a performance supposedly dedicated to Beauty and the Beast, which I could only assume is probably just a wink and a nod to MTV's support of bestiality, considering they did an entire performance last year about having sex with animals.
Oh, I'm not kidding, they did an entire dance number simulating sex with animals called Leo Got F***ed.
After the bizarre opening sequence, they introduced the first presenter, which is this gender non-binary actress, Asia Kate Dillon, who they said is the breakout star of 2017.
And I've never heard of her.
I'm sorry.
She doesn't go by he or she.
Gender non-binary means that they are neither male nor female.
So when I went to its Twitter account, I realized that the breakout star of 2017 barely had 7,000 followers.
In fact, the entire theme of the 2017 MTV Movie Awards was that of gender bending.
And they did away with the different categories for men and women because that's just sexist.
Instead, they united the categories into just best person.
Let's have this new gender non-binary actress try to explain this to us.
If you don't know me, my name is Asia Kate Dillon.
And we don't know you.
I don't have children!
What the hell's going on over here?
Because genders are humanity.
This is a globalist thing.
Tonight, we celebrate portrayals of the human experience.
Because the only distinction we should be making when it comes to awards is between each outstanding performance.
Yes, that's right.
Now the award for best actor or best actress is considered to be sexist.
Oh, this is just the beginning of the insanity.
I literally feel ill after having watched most of this show.
The first award went to Emma Watson, who I can't even believe I'm wasting brain cells remembering her name.
And when she took to the stage to thank everybody, she took the gender-bending baton and decided to keep running with it.
Firstly, I feel I have to say something about the award itself.
The first acting award in history that doesn't separate nominees based on their sex says something about how... By the way, that's a transgender woman named Gigi Gorgeous, of course, seated in the front row with the camera cutting directly to her.
The fact that I even know her name is probably going to give me brain cancer.
...how we...
About how we perceive the human experience.
MTV's move to create a genderless award for acting will mean something different to everyone.
But to me... Of course she's just not reading this off the teleprompter.
This is just off the top of her head, right?
This certainly isn't scripted.
The entire award show was nothing but the most far-left liberal propaganda.
In fact, the award for best kiss went to these two guys.
When this woman won an award, she got on stage and started crying about how great diversity is.
And I'm sorry to tell you, Fast and Furious fans, but when Vin Diesel got on stage to accept the Generation Award for the Fast and Furious franchise, he said that the only reason that it was a success is because the younger generations have been open and accepting to multiculturalism.
A generation.
I gotta thank a generation that was willing to accept this multicultural franchise, where it didn't matter what color your skin was or what country... Willing to accept?
What the hell does that mean?
I wouldn't watch it.
Wasn't the Cosby Show, like, one of the top TV shows on television 30 years ago?
White America accepted that?
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot how that turned out.
Bill Cosby's on trial for, like, drugging and raping dozens of women.
Okay, you pretty much get the point by now.
MTV is just pure cultural poison, trying to promote the most perverted and abnormal behaviors, as if it were not only normal, but cool, and something to be celebrated.
I'm Mark Dice, thanks for watching.
Subscribe to my channel at markdice.com and on YouTube.
Let me skip this break so Mark has more time here with us.
But, again, I don't care if my things are a man or a woman.
It's that they're force-feeding it to kids.
It's to end having children.
This is biological chemical warfare.
Mark Dice, you're covering all this.
The globalist left only seems to be intensifying their efforts right now.
Where would you state the state of the world is right now?
We're in the middle of a battle.
I mean, having Trump winning was a tremendous victory, but the left came back pretty viciously.
First, they called us all alt-rights trying to smear us as white supremacists.
Then they called us fake news.
Now they're just going after our wallet and trying to strip our advertisers and are stripping our advertisers and really trying to de-platform us.
Just yesterday, Alex, I got a warning from Twitter saying that a meme that I had posted saying that there are only two genders is being investigated for being possible hateful and a violation.
No, I'm sure that most of my posts get reported, get flagged.
This is the first time that they have ever actually emailed me and saying that this post is under investigation.
So, not only are they pushing this cultural poison as if it's normal and as if it's cool, as this new non-binary breakout star is supposedly some superhero.
But any opposition to it, any jokes about them, any reasonable arguments countering their insanity is considered to be hate speech.
Now, just a few weeks ago, I was banned on Facebook, suspended for a week for posting a link to a story.
About a Dove soap commercial that featured real mothers.
It wasn't actors, and so it was called Real Moms.
And one of the, quote, moms was a transgender man who identifies as this newborn baby's mother.
Let's be clear, you're not a woman, just like Bill Nye Banning, saying chromosomes make male and female.
You can say you're a woman if you want, but we're not going to believe your false science garbage.
And that's one aspect.
Now they want to push it to the next, where there's the 58 different genders, or really unlimited genders.
Which is meant to create total societal collapse.
What's behind this, Mark Dice?
This is to finally break up the fabric of society, which is the family.
This is the missile to destroy the nuclear family.
It is to become, to make the government the new god, so that the government and the media, which is really largely in collaboration, controls the quote truth, dictates what is real.
God, this is such a science fiction movie!
Can you believe it's this crazy?
When I started out twenty-something years ago, you like seventeen years ago, could you believe, Mark, we'd be in such an insane asylum?
No, we saw what was coming, but it's far beyond what we could have even imagined.
And in George Orwell's 1984, at least there were only two different genders.
Now, you're considered to be neither male nor female, or you're gender fluid.
Sometimes it changes, and they want everybody to be bisexual.
Basically, they want everybody... It's a brave new world.
It's a brave new world.
It is.
It's beyond a science fiction fantasy.
Now, Facebook suspended me for making a joke about the Dove transgender quote mother commercial by saying that I need some Irish Spring which is a competitor's brand of soap to clean up the puke because the commercial made me sick.
They said that that was hateful and they suspended me for... It's hateful for them to tell you a man can have a baby which denigrates women.
It's a war against reality.
First of all, it wasn't hateful.
Second of all, it was a joke.
And third of all... Third, they let all the leftists run around saying, kill conservatives, kill Trump all day.
Well get this, so a few weeks ago I came across a video on YouTube which was a clear criminal intent, someone calling for the murder of police.
No, I saw you cover it and nothing was done.
Oh no, and this wasn't just a random guy talking about black, I mean it was so vicious and so despicable that I didn't want to publicize it because I didn't want to give the person any credit and he was being investigated by multiple agencies I have later come to realize.
I reported it to YouTube.
I flagged it.
I don't care what anybody says, but you can't do what he's doing.
It was beyond incitement.
It was a clear criminal video.
YouTube got back to me and said that they reviewed it and said it did not violate the policies.
The title of the video, Alex, was Kill All Cops.
And he was talking about how people need to go and kill police officers.
Meanwhile, we can't show Muslims attacking police.
We're not in some police butt-kissing thing.
We criticize cops when they're bad.
But we don't just, as a group, say they deserve to die, or black people, or Hispanics, or women.
It's like, as real cultural liberals, my liberals, we're for freedom.
We're against this.
So it's crazy.
With the whole fire Colbert hashtag, I don't support having him pulled from the airwaves.
I don't think he should be fired.
He should be able to say... Sure, but he promotes free speech destruction.
Yeah, without criminal incitement, he should be able to say whatever he wants to.
I just want an end to the double standard.
And in fact, I was referencing that saying on social media, how if you use certain words to describe certain segments of the liberal population, you know, a word that, you know, starts with an F and rhymes with the maggots, right?
Or a particular part of a vehicle that is also used to describe transgenderism.
They want you banned because you use those words.
Irishman, let me ask you this.
Why are trainees who, hey, have a great life, I don't care, and Muslims so protected, they're like the new gods.
And again, it's not just transgenderism.
I mean, let's just say that there is a birth defect that some people have in a rare case where they have a female brain developed in a male body and vice versa.
Let's just say that that's the case.
Then we should be finding a cure.
And if people are attracted to the same sex, women, women, I mean, I'm a Christian, I get it, but I mean, I'm attracted to women.
I get women liking women.
As long as you don't hurt somebody, they're adults, whatever, my thing is, why are you forcing it on kids?
Kids believe that Santa Claus flies around the entire world and brings presents to people.
Kids can be taught and conditioned to believe almost anything.
You're a five-year-old boy that you're a girl.
Yeah, and so this is the disruption of the family unit.
That's all because your teacher wants to stick their wee-wee in you.
This is to get the society so broken down so there's no moral compass through the family, through religion, so that they only look to their celebrity gods and to the government dictating what is the moral compass.
And I agree, and there's a total rejection of Hollywood.
Where do you see this going?
You know, this was the first year that YouTube was seen as a platform not just for funny cat videos, not just for sharing news clips, but where people like me and people like you and hundreds of thousands of others can use the platform to amass subscriber bases of millions of people.
It was seen as a war machine against globalism, a free speech soapbox.
Now they're panicking.
Yeah, and so that's why, I mean, most news channels have been virtually demonetized.
And so it's under this disguise, this cloak of, it's to stop hateful content.
And I love how they think if they demonetize news, we're going to stop telling the truth like we only care about money.
That hasn't worked, has it, Mark?
It only blows up in their face because there's other ways to become fan-funded as your revenue model has changed over the last few years and you are, you know, a self-promoted, self-made guy.
Because of their attacks!
Their attacks made us stronger.
Yes, and so this only confirms everything that we've been saying.
The YouTube CEO, a woman named Susan Wojcicki, just did an interview with CNN last week.
And Poppy Harlow was interviewing her and asked her, what kind of sexism problems are there in Silicon Valley?
And she sat there and she hemmed and hawed.
She couldn't come up with anything other than saying that there's not enough women in Silicon Valley, which that's not a sexism problem.
There's not enough women in the bricklaying industry either.
There's not enough women
Yeah, you know, roofing, okay?
There's women just don't like... I'll hire women to run stuff as long as they do the job.
I don't give a damn what you got between your legs.
Sometimes women just don't like to be in particular industries, okay?
Yeah, let's just say it.
Women, on average, like to go find a big powerful man that they run, who then takes care of them.
It's not that they're weak.
They're really the species.
Men are created, sexually chosen by the woman, to serve them.
So women have given up their big power role.
Don't even get it.
Men march off to war.
Men build big buildings.
They build these giant nests for women.
Women don't get their running stuff.
The globalists have convinced women to give up their power and give it to the state.
The women are the state.
Now, this woman, the CEO of YouTube, one of the most powerful websites in the entire world, as you know, said that the sexism that she has experienced are, quote, microaggressions.
This video is on my YouTube channel.
When people interrupt her when she's talking.
Now, you're in Silicon Valley- I'm interrupting you constantly, is that a microaggression?
And it's sexist too, apparently, because only men interrupt women when they're talking, right?
So, her sexism that she's been facing, the problem of Silicon Valley, is men interrupting women when they're talking.
In an industry filled with alpha males and alpha females- Constantly interrupt everybody.
People brainstorming and- I get in meetings with alpha males, I don't even get to talk.
And that was her example of sexism.
This is the woman who's running YouTube.
She's making $50 million a year in benching.
Oh, and by the way, now she may not, you know, there may not be a big sexism problem over there in the industry, but there certainly appears to be some nepotism behind her career because her sister married the Google co-founder Sergey Brin.
So it appears that the only real reason why she got that job is because of a little nepotism there.
Google obviously
The parent company of YouTube.
But these are the people who are running the most powerful platform, who are rolling out these new rules about, oh, that's offensive, that's sensitive.
My entire channel has been flagged as sensitive content.
Hundreds of videos completely demonetized because of the new algorithm.
I mean, it's virtually, it might as well be completely demonetized.
And that's what they're trying to do, to stop people like me.
Well the good news is, people can buy your books, go to your website, support you knowing we're under attack, go to infowarestore.com, buy great products for you anyways, and literally stick a stick in the eye of these control freaks who wouldn't even have a website if it wasn't for us.
All this does is make us stronger.
It just gives us more ammo to show that they're trying to shut us down.
It causes more people to come after Facebook banned me for a week.
Breitbart did an article about it, and then more people came to see what's going on.
Why are they suspending somebody about, you know, a joke about a transgender soap commercial?
Oh, and by the way, in Dove, the transgender mom commercial,
Alex, they're coming out with new shampoos, new Social Justice Warrior shampoo bottles because the shampoo bottle apparently is sexist and it's against heavier, larger women because the bottle they think represents the shape of a woman's body.
So now they're coming out with eight different shapes of shampoo bottles so that women can buy a shampoo bottle that reflects their body type.
This is designed to turn people into mentally ill basket cases.
It's so obvious.
We're going to come back from break and play some clips to get your take on it.
But now more than ever, people have to realize this is an assault on the species.
Where is this coming from, Mark?
I mean, world government, microchips.
I mean, it's in the news today on Infowars.com that your smartphones are communicating with your TVs and spying on you.
I mean, it's just crazy.
It's been an old plan that's been in motion for a long time, and they have the technology, they have the money, they have the funding, and now they have the distraction of society, the detachment of people from reality, from real news, the breakdown of the family now going into its third generation.
And so that's why, you know, there's still a lot of hope, it's still just the battle is really heating up.
Sure, but I mean, as Christians,
You look at this, there's no way people are directing this.
I mean, you study this weirdness and how it works and everything, you can really see there's like an anti-human force.
Whatever it is, this, we're on a planet in space and, I mean, this is a science fiction movie, bro.
Yeah, we're definitely in the middle of Bible prophecy, probably really on the last few chapters of Bible prophecy being fulfilled.
And as intelligent as we think we are, we're using all this technology to communicate with across the country, and we've figured out, humanity has figured out, a large portion of what this is.
But imagine the Trojan horses.
We've been able to figure out a decent amount of information about who we are, where we are, and what this place is, but it's really just a small fraction of the reality.
Yeah, like, what is this?
We're in space, and they got TVs watching us, and the elite want to kill us?
What the hell's going on?
It's a spiritual war.
It was foretold in the Bible, which is why they're trying to demonize Christians and Christianity, which is, you know, another thing that... Which is an emergency transmission.
I mean, that is a literal transmission warning us.
We got the transmission.
We better follow it.
Well, the Bible also predicts that in the end times that what is considered good will be considered evil and what is evil is considered good.
And I don't think that that's more properly illustrated than in today's society where on mainstream media we have people calling for the assassination of police officers.
We're demonizing the police.
We're demonizing Christians.
We're promoting these people who believe that they're not a male or a woman, but they're some new kind of... And so we have to give up our identity for them!
Yeah, the truth is considered to be hate speech now, and unfortunately now with everybody relying on social media and being beholden to those terms of service, there's not much recourse people could do when they shut you down, which is why we just need to keep on going and not be silenced and illustrate every attempt.
Let's talk about that.
Let's talk about the state of the republic, the state of the world, and how we fight back when Mark dies.
Really smart cookie to quote Trump straight ahead.
It's censored.
It's under attack.
And I'm not complaining.
I'm just saying this is an epic battle.
We're in the center of it.
Please pray for us.
I'm praying for you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Last week, InfoWars.com published the article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children.
The two studies were pulled from the Journal of Transitional Science without any explanation.
The studies surveyed parents of 666 homeschooled children, 39% who were not vaccinated.
When asked about allergies, 22% of vaccinated children were shown to have allergies, while only 6.9% were unvaccinated.
Autism, 4.7% were vaccinated versus 1% unvaccinated.
So of course there's going to be pushback when a study like this comes out proving that vaccines are not really safe.
And people are going to come out and attack it and say, oh, they just talked to parents.
Or they'll say, oh, there was a bias in the study.
These people think vaccines are unsafe.
One, the study proves they're unsafe.
And two, any other vaccine study is done and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.
Of course, they think vaccines are safe.
Just go to our article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier.
We have archived links to the studies, and you can see for yourself.
Because drug companies will do anything to keep you from the truth.
Rob Deere reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Looks good in this.
We're coming forward with the side stick.
Looks good.
I've got a blowout.
Paper three.
Get your pitch to zero.
Pitch is out.
I can't hold altitude.
Alpha hold is off.
Threat selected.
Flight comm, I can't hold it.
She's breaking up.
She's breaking...
A man barely alive.
Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.
We have the technology.
We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man.
Steve Austin will be that man.
Better than he was before.
Put out in the 1970s, it was already a reality.
Now declassified, cybernetic humans, dogs, cats, you name it.
And it cost about six million dollars.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We live in the year 2017.
The elite are at least at 2050.
The singularity's already close.
That's why they act like we don't even exist.
Their confidence really shows where they're at.
Mark Dice has written about that as John Connor, under the pen name.
It's funny to see the Democrats saying, if you're watching this transmission, you're the resistance.
It shows how weak they are.
That's why we're under such attack.
It's because we're over the target, we are on target.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock.
I'm going to take more calls today, we'll do it tomorrow.
But Mark, we don't pre-script these interviews, you've been a busy guy, hard to get on lately.
But talking about the state of the world right now, and where we are, and what the globalists want to build,
I see so many awake people, and I also see a lot of the public are like zombies, as you call them, and we don't feel powerful if they're like zombies.
We feel upset.
The elite love the zombiosis.
Where would you say in a football game team humanity, team enlightenment, team empowerment is, versus team technocracy, team enslavement, team psychopath?
You know we just scored a big touchdown with the victory of President Trump and with the resurgence of conservatism amongst the Millennials and even perhaps amongst Generation Z now getting politically inclined and so it's it's really hard to say but they are in overtime so it's not the time for us to celebrate and to fall asleep at the wheel because they're just continuing to go forward with their agenda.
We gotta stay in the zone.
We've been tracking, it's great that you know people like you've been tracking this for a long time but you can see patterns and now it's just becoming clear what it is that they're doing and we see their endgame plan and we can't let them get there because if they do we're gonna have a Chinese level styled censorship of a Google which we probably have to some degree already.
They've already admitted that they are quote redirecting search results.
The Federal Trade Commission has investigated them and admitted that they manipulate the search
Facebook has been caught multiple times manipulating the news feeds of hundreds of thousands of people in order to gauge... They just banned tens of thousands of accounts ahead of elections in the UK!
Not just that, but multiple times they've been caught and admitted that they've conducted experiments manipulating what people see on their news feeds or in their status updates feeds to determine how that shapes their opinion.
They've done experiments to try to get out the vote, even.
They've done experiments, as you said a year ago, it's now come out.
They're preying on millennials, preying on weak-minded people to keep them depressed.
And so those are just the cases that we know of.
So we know that they're doing this.
We know what they're trying to do with these experiments.
So you can reasonably extrapolate from that an array of other experiments that they've done that we haven't caught them with.
And so this new, you know, all internet technology news cycle, 24-7, it's not even a 24-7 news cycle.
It's really just a 15 minutes.
You know, Andy Warhol's 15 minutes of fame is really a 15 minute news
That's right!
We thought having all this openness would defeat them, but it's almost just become conditioned.
Our greatest strengths are greatest weaknesses.
Let me ask you a selfish question.
You've got a degree in this, but you've also proven you're a smart guy and have a different perspective.
Why have they picked me the last few months as just the full-on assault that's actually gotten us more viewers, more listeners?
But I get, for our own audience, that doesn't matter.
They're a general audience demonizing an archetype.
What do you think that full assault's about?
Well, it's vicious because they realize that you're independent.
You're not beholden to advertisers like Fox News.
You have your own platform.
You're on YouTube, but you're on hundreds of radio stations.
As your loyal viewers know, they were hitting you far below the belt.
I mean, far beyond just ordinary criticism.
Far beyond just attacking.
Really just unconscionable attacks against you and your family, which is completely despicable and crosses the line.
And when Hillary Clinton mentioned you by name, I mean, I think we all kind of knew that you were going to be the next target.
That was the green light.
Yeah, when you called me, you said get ready.
That was the green light.
We all kind of knew that that puts you on the map.
Put a target on your back.
Because they can ignore you.
And I'm quite surprised at this point, they're still kind of ignoring me.
I see articles attacking kind of smaller YouTube channels.
Well, they do that because they're scared, Mark.
You're informed.
You're slick.
You come off much better than their polished writers.
20, 30 writers.
Let's just say it's true.
They're scared of you.
I think they are, and they don't know what to do because they know if they attack me, they're just going to give me more attention.
So they're kind of going after some smaller people, but with you, you just, you got too big to ignore anymore.
And so when Stephen Colbert is doing entire segments three, four days a week about you, I mean, you know that all the guns are pointed on you.
And so it's great that you have an independent platform and what they're trying to do to really engulf the entire, you know,
Media stream, the information stream, is to get everybody to rely on Facebook and on Twitter.
Facebook is having seminars now.
No, I agree.
So what is the attack?
Is it just a message, don't do this or we'll do this to you, but it doesn't really do anything to you.
It's like, I think they're just trying to scare people away from being patriots.
What do you think this full assault's about?
No, I don't think they know what to do.
They're panicking because they see someone like you rising up, having more viewers, you know, in an hour than most of these shows will get in an entire day.
The MTV News YouTube channel can barely get 20,000 views on a single video.
Yeah, they're trying to promote this as if this is the premiere
So they're discredited, they're hated, all the polls show it, what do they do next then?
I mean, what does all this signify in a warfare model for you then, Mark?
You've been banned off Google, you've been banned off YouTube, you've been on your website's blocked, you've already been through it, that failed made you bigger.
That's what I see, like, if they fail shutting me down, what does that do?
I mean, it's just crazy.
They're going after you so hard.
I mean, on your Wikipedia page, it calls and forwards a quote, fake news website.
On my Wikipedia page, Alex, they refuse, the editors refuse to call me a media critic or a media analyst.
Get this, despite links to the Washington Times, Fox News and other outlets, the BBC.
Very well-respected news outlets calling me a media analyst and a media critic.
You've got a degree in it, you've hosted national TV shows, you've got best-selling books, you've been around for 15, 17 years, but they just dehumanize you.
They call me a conspiracy theorist.
So I started tweeting about it finally.
So get this, Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, we started chatting through DMs on Twitter, okay?
And he was gracious enough, I don't know if this is because he liked some of my work or if he just kind of wanted this to go away, wanted me to quiet down.
The founder of Wikipedia, a board, sitting on the board of directors, went himself, and you can see this in the edit logs, that he did this.
This isn't some secret that I'm, you know, throwing him under the bus for doing.
He edited my page himself and added that I'm a media analyst, cited these citations, because you need, you know, sources.
So he sourced the Washington Times, all these other outlets that I mentioned.
The other editors overruled him, reverted it back to conspiracy theorists, and then in the talk page said that those just are quote, very poor sources.
Okay, so the founder of the site isn't even allowed to cite me as a media analyst.
Which shows this social justice warrior anti-free speech attitude.
It's insane, and so I haven't got around to making a video about it, but all I'm going to do is just make a video about it, and then a million people are going to see that.
Now your audience is hearing about it.
Sure, so don't they just make themselves, where does this go?
They're making themselves illegitimate by doing this.
They might as well just give up and have some reasonable arguments, like we did in previous points.
No, why don't they just argue with us instead of ban us, because they can't.
No, and they've positioned themselves as if the liberals are the moral authority.
And so, you know, I have a lot of people, a lot of liberals will tweet to me and say, well, the First Amendment doesn't protect, you know, you from being banned on social media for violating their terms of service.
Well, we just want fairness.
You know, we don't want this double standard.
Yeah, you're saying kill Trump and promoting radical Islam, and then we just can't say don't cut women's genitals off.
And at the same time, they're suing businesses if they won't do special products for certain segments of the population.
If a photographer won't go and take photos of a gay wedding, they want them sued, they want them out of business.
Well, those same people, I guarantee you, if you were to go to a baker, if some Nazis were to go to a baker and want some swastikas put on a cake, I guarantee you that the baker's not going to do it.
So let me ask you, where does all this bullying go?
Because I don't want to call them baiters, but it seems like
Open, free society, modern world, all the alphas.
We're like, hey, let's be nice to everybody.
Let's put betas in charge.
Now betas want to be aggressive alphas, so they're now aggressing against alphas.
Where does this go?
You know, they're really causing people to get more polarized, to get more angry, to get possibly even more extreme because reasonable people are seeing these unreasonable arguments and they're getting upset at being treated unfairly.
So I just hope that we can still counter them by reasonable arguments, by demonstrating and showing and proving how they're treating us.
Here's an example, I'm interrupting you.
I've never been a butt kisser of the police.
I don't like
Government programs that are unconstitutional.
Bad cops.
I call them out.
I wrote books about it.
Everybody knows that.
But I don't hate cops on average.
That's the lowest level of municipal government.
That's our issue.
If there's a problem, we should fix it.
I think?
You know you were one of the ones on the forefront when smartphones started to become popular with video cameras and there was a big problem of police officers arresting people and threatening people and even attacking citizens for recording them and you were one of the first people to start alerting about this and so thankfully there were you know there were
Memos sent to all police stations finally saying no, this isn't a wiretap, they can do this, don't.
Because it was so new, because before the smartphones had that technology in it, it was very rare for somebody to just have a video camera, you know, walking around and videotape something.
But now, as more and more people have those in their pocket, the police officers didn't know how to deal with that.
They were abusing their power trying to stop people from videotaping them.
And so, you were one of the people that was on the front lines of trying to, you know, alert and persuade the police departments to stop abusing their authority by false arrests and by assaulting citizens.
So, it's just insane how far... Exactly.
I'm against cops being bad, and I'm against randomly killing cops.
And they go, oh, you're not being reasonable.
Hate the cops or love them.
How about just treat them like normal people?
One more thing about Wikipedia, of course, they'll just allow any random garbage on your page.
Or, you know, they refuse to call me what I actually am.
They refuse to have my YouTube stats.
For a while, somebody put on there that, oh, Mark runs a YouTube channel.
It's got 900,000 subscribers.
And every, you know, popular, quote, YouTuber has on their page how many stats that they're stacking.
Sure, but they don't want to show that you're almost a million subscribers.
And so they removed that.
And so just a few double standards again from them.
The Wikipedia people will not allow large controversy sections on liberal pages.
Meanwhile, if you go to your page, or Ann Coulter's page, the controversies page, or criticism, it's like 25% of the page.
And that's the craziest thing, is they'll randomly claim some employee says that I have, you know, flying pigs in my office.
No proof, it's just made up insane crap.
They would never link to that with somebody else.
They won't even mention, at least the last I checked, last week, they won't even mention on Lawrence O'Donnell's page, he's an MSNBC host, any mention of his conspiracy theories about supposedly, he probably covered this, he thought that the Syrian chemical attack was orchestrated by Putin in order to bait Trump into a response.
I saw that.
In order to have the American media distracted.
No, he played your video.
No proof.
No app, no common sense, no motive.
And then he just says it.
That is the definition of a conspiracy theory.
And there is no mention of that on his Wikipedia page.
At least there wasn't last week when I checked when I was putting together a story on this.
So they won't allow legitimate criticism.
And that was reported even in the Washington Post, which is run by the psycho Jeff Bezos, who wants to go into space and have AI take over.
So even the Washington Post, probably the far left
Leftist, most liberal newspaper, not website obviously, but as far as print papers, established papers.
Sure, so since you mentioned Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, we've known for decades the globalists believe they're going to merge the machines, become these gods, that's what they believe, that's what the Bible says they believe thousands of years ago.
Don't they get, they'll transcend all this if they believe in humanity instead of believing we're all done and it's over.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Al Gore's new movie's coming out, you know, claiming that we're all going to die if we don't pay him carbon taxes.
In your gut, where do you think the next few years is going, Mark Dice?
It's going to be crazy.
We may see the birth of almost human-level intelligence AI.
They're trying to create AI to monitor all live streams on Facebook and YouTube and to monitor all uploads to determine whether or not it violates... They're already putting AI in charge of censoring us.
So robots are already not judges, not juries, robots.
Now, as great as the technology is, you shouldn't rely on it because it fails at the most unexpected times.
There's also the argument that it's independent.
They program it for how they want.
It's so complicated, nobody knows the algorithms.
And so, those who are controlling the algorithm, at least until the AI possibly... Who controls the algorithm controls it all.
Now, maybe five years ago, when the iPhone was becoming pretty popular, when the time changed, a lot of people use, obviously, their phones for their alarms.
It has replaced the alarm clocks.
And so, when the time changed during Daylight Savings Time, millions of people's alarms were an hour off because the clocks now, as you know, automatically change.
You don't have to go and manually change your clock.
Your cable box automatically changes.
So, we're relying on this technology to tell us what time it is, to tell us what to do, tell us what to think.
So, there was a glitch in the system where the alarm clock still was based off of the previous time, so everybody's alarms were an hour off.
So, it shows how we're totally dependent on this to make the decisions.
Pretty soon, does a robot help me breathe?
Oh, it gets better.
It gets better.
So, I was a victim of this.
I woke up and I thought, wait a minute, I thought I had my alarms set.
What the heck is going on?
So, when I got to work later that day, I checked the blogs, and sure enough, major glitch on Apple causes millions of people's alarms to go up.
It gets even better.
So, was it like four months later, five months later, when the time changes back?
It happened again!
They didn't fix it to go the reverse way, Alex.
So it shows how the elites are turning everything over to AI, and then they're giving control up themselves.
The ultimate control freaks are giving up control to their silicon god.
And I've talked to a lot of engineers, they don't even know how stuff works now, or how chips get made.
It's like computers are already doing it for like five years and no one knows.
We're already captured by AI.
Is it already conscious?
We're going to talk to Ildefonso Ortiz.
He is an award-winning journalist at Breitbart, Texas.
He co-founded the Cartel Chronicles Project with Brandon Darby and Stephen K. Bannon.
Mr. Ortiz has focused his investigations on Mexican drug cartels, border corruption, and the Mexican narco-politicians.
So, welcome Mr. Ortiz.
Thanks, thanks for having me.
Your comments as someone who's studied the immigration issue for quite some time.
Well, absolutely.
You gotta look at the border in some areas.
For example, in Laredo, where there is literally nothing.
The rivers are about knee-deep in some areas.
And the Mexican drug cartels, particularly Los Zetas, which is one of the most dangerous ones, they know this, and they use that area as one of their strategic crossing points.
And basically, they have unimpeded access into the U.S.
In those key areas, for example, like Laredo, Border Patrol is understaffed, and they're overwhelmed by the traffic, by these organized crime syndicates.
So, delaying funding, delaying all this, all it's doing is helping these drug cartels continue, basically, their reign, because cartels control most of Northern Mexico.
They have pretty much set up an alternate form of government where they are actually in control of the regions.
And sadly, that has tripled into the U.S.
Nothing crosses the river, nothing crosses the fence, nothing crosses that line without one of the cartels having a say so.
Twenty years ago was very different.
You know, people could actually cross, try to look for the American dream and that stuff.
That has changed.
It's changed in the 2000s when the Los Zetas began to basically set up territories where they were actually ruling over those areas and they controlled the media, they controlled politicians, they controlled the military.
And they basically set up a form of government and that has spread out to the other cartels.
So in reality, the ones that actually control the border are the cartels.
But we have had cases where people have actually crossed without permission from the cartel and they've paid dire consequences.
They've been
A kidnap, held for ransom.
The relatives have had to wire money to the cartel to secure their release while these victims have been actually tortured for daring to cross the river or cross that fence without paying protection from the cartel.
Journalists are not able to report unorganized crime because it involves politicians and it involves cartels.
So either one of those can quash them in an instant.
The problem with that is that you have raging violence in Mexico, where people basically have been kidnapped, murdered.
You have raging gun battles at any time of the day.
You have mass murder, where people have been incinerated in ovens in places like Coahuila, where entire towns have been erased from the map.
So you have all this violence going on and it's being silenced.
Nobody's reporting on it.
The journalists that are able to report it are basically told that you either stay quiet or you will be killed.
Keep on killing one another!
Look at this article by Kit Daniels now up on Infowars.com.
College destroys books after digitization, sparking fears of 1984 style censorship.
They digitize books altered, original sources destroyed, just like 1984.
But it's all done with a liberal coding.
And establishment Republican packaging.
I'm going to finish up with Mark Dice and introduce Paul Watson, coming up to host us at the fourth hour.
We've got a bunch of specials.
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And I want to thank all the listeners for helping build this organization and what we've done so far.
I want to grow in the face of this.
I want in the next six months to a year have like 16, 18, 20 hours a day of live radio slash TV because there's so many great minds, so many great people that I want to get on air to really reach people.
I don't want to roll over to this anti-human force.
I take it personally.
So m4restore.com.
Mark Dice, we were getting into a lot of points.
I've asked a lot of questions here today.
But in the last three, four minutes we have, what are other issues or other topics you want to impart to people?
No, newer is not always better.
We see that in society we tend to come up with new and synthetic ways of doing things and then often times we later discover that those only create more problems.
Like the food, they create the GMO foods, it creates these cheap, sometimes delicious tasting foods, unfortunately it just ends up harming you and then people go back.
People go back to, then, the original organic.
And so, we're seeing a backlash now against e-books.
So, for the first time, paperback books, or p-books, or physical books, as they're being called, are getting more popular because people are realizing the dangers of e-books.
They don't like to just have to hold their tablet.
People like to write in a book.
And the blue light messes your brain up.
Yeah, they like to... And you don't physically hold it.
We need to get back to organic.
If I drop a book, I mean, nothing's going to happen.
But if you're sitting on your patio and you happen to drop your iPad, well, guess what?
There's $500 down the drain.
And they're going in, like you said, I just read it, they're editing the famous books.
Look at Bill Nye, the science guy, cut chromosomes, men and women, out.
One of my books was removed from the Apple iBook store because they were auto-scanning it, and it happened to mention in my book, like at the very end, hey, if you like this book, you know, check out my other ones.
You can, you know, get them on Amazon.com or download them from any of the eBook stores.
They said that I violated their terms of service because I was promoting a competitor's store.
So, you know... You got AI robots censoring your speech saying, support me.
Yeah, just mentioning another competitor's store.
I mean, that would be... We may get into a digital book-burning phase here, where these isolated incidents could go full-blown, or Amazon could start removing certain books, or just decide not to carry books.
Remember when they banned 1984 for a while?
Or, no, they unwillingly deleted it, yeah, from Kindle, because somebody who uploaded it to the digital store didn't have the rights, and so a lot of people went and bought the book, and not knowing, you know, I mean, publishers, different publishers have the rights.
Sure, so the bottom line is, be conscious, make decisions, change the world.
We have the power, not the globalists, if we choose to have it.
Mark Dice, amazing, markdice.com, thank you so much.
Fourth hour coming up, I'll introduce Paul Watson, straight ahead, stay with us.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen.
Right here on the Alex Jones Show.
The love of liberty keeps me alive.
Keeps me alive.
Paul Watson's about to take over.
You know, they don't want us to be romantics.
They don't want us to actually care about ourselves, our family, or anybody else.
But I gotta tell you, we've changed the world together.
And we're changing the world now more than ever.
That's why we're under attack.
This is the Great Animating Contest of Liberty.
And you look at the servile minions that serve this global system.
Thank God we're not with those dimwits souls.
Doesn't mean I have all the answers.
Doesn't mean I'm on some pedestal, some high horse.
But I fundamentally see a couple thugs going after some woman.
Mugging some woman.
I'm a... I feel like some tough guy.
But it's like water flowing downhill.
I'm gonna go over there and I'm gonna beat the living crap out of them.
That's not talk.
That's what we've done with the politicians, what we've done with the globalists.
It's not talk.
It's real.
It's not me being a tough guy.
The guys talk tough all day.
They don't ever do anything.
They ain't gonna show up when you need them.
But I'm sure to tell you, I don't like thugs.
I don't like scum.
And I believe in you.
And I know you're good.
I know your heart's just like mine.
And I don't want to stomp globalist guts all over the map.
You know, I'm Paul Watson.
Hired Paul Watson 15 years ago.
Saw his website.
Saw the great work he was doing.
I saw a beautiful soul right there.
I knew that's a leader.
We're going to get him hired.
We're going to empower him.
And we're going to push him out of the nest and make him be a leader.
And now he's done it.
And I'm telling you, I know we're talking to millions and millions of people right now.
And I'm telling you, there's tens of thousands of you that are leaders.
All of you can take action.
We're all leaders in one way or the other.
So I want to invite you to be part of the Animating Contest for Liberty.
And to realize when you support us, when you spread the links, when you spread the articles, it is an act of defiance against globalist scumbags who think they're better than you and your family.
I can't just roll over to these people and just turn my will over to them when they're against the human system.
They tell me they've evolved.
Oh, they've devolved.
I have transcended.
Don't wave your finger at me, Zuckerberg or Schmidt or any of you and tell me how I'm falling because I don't see your mission.
I know your mission better than you!
And I'll have no part of it!
I'll have no part of Beelzebub and his damn system!
The devil didn't build this, we did!
Because we're made in the image of God, not you, fallen failure!
Paul Watson, take over my great friend.
Tell us what's coming up in the next hour.
Hi Alex, yeah we got Cassandra Fairbanks coming up at the bottom of the hour to talk about what happened with her being demonized as a white supremacist last week for doing the OK sign at a White House press briefing.
She also broke a big news article about BuzzFeed in relation to their employees joking about the assassination of Donald Trump.
And then he broke a big thing with BuzzFeed put on a fake story.
Yeah, and that's what we've broken today, which is the massive story, and this is interesting, Alex, because, you know, as I acknowledge in the article, people who do this for years and years, if you're writing two, three articles a day, you will occasionally get things wrong, you will get trolled.
That happened to us, it happened to me specifically, probably like four months ago now.
But BuzzFeed lies on purpose.
But BuzzFeed reveled in that, Alex.
They absolutely loved it.
Oh my God, InfoWars trolled by a fake news story.
They absolutely cherished that.
Well now, Alex, the shoe is on the other foot, because BuzzFeed has been completely trolled.
They published fake news.
But it gets worse than that.
They didn't retract the story.
They didn't even delete the story.
They changed the headline and the entire article and made it look as if they never got trolled in the first place.
To show how much they disdain their listeners, their viewers.
Yeah, so we're going to expose it and we're going to talk more about their dishonest behavior in response to this story and why... Well, BuzzFeed is the name, it is the standard of
Well, quite frankly, mentally ill, fallen, twisted dwarfs that are in this factory of lies.
Paul Watson, straight ahead in the uncensored human resistance against the technotronic takeover.
Stay with us and spread the word.
Last week, InfoWars.com published the article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children.
The two studies were pulled from the Journal of Transitional Science without any explanation.
The studies surveyed parents of 666 homeschooled children, 39% who were not vaccinated.
When asked about allergies, 22% of vaccinated children were shown to have allergies, while only 6.9% were unvaccinated.
Autism, 4.7% were vaccinated versus 1% unvaccinated.
So of course there's going to be pushback when a study like this comes out proving that vaccines are not really safe.
And people are going to come out and attack it and say, oh, they just talked to parents.
Or they'll say, oh, there was a bias in the study.
These people think vaccines are unsafe.
One, the study proves they're unsafe.
And two, any other vaccine study is done and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.
Of course, they think vaccines are safe.
Just go to our article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier.
We have archived links to the studies, and you can see for yourself.
Because drug companies will do anything to keep you from the truth.
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It became a global meme against globalism and corruption.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live on this May 9th edition.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
At the bottom of the hour we have Cassandra Fairbanks coming on of BigLeaguePolitics.com.
Of course, she broke the big story last week about BuzzFeed employees joking about the assassination of Donald Trump.
BuzzFeed came out after and said, how dare you imply that this suggests any bias whatsoever?
I mean, the temerity.
They said, oh, this is BuzzFeed employees.
We're BuzzFeed news.
This has no reflection on our bias on our agenda.
Absolutely ludicrous.
But okay, let's talk about BuzzFeed News, shall we?
Because they've got caught today putting out fake news.
In fact, it was out for four days before the people responsible for the troll contacted InfoWars, and again, to set the table.
Everybody who writes news articles for years and years, maybe two, three a day, we occasionally make mistakes.
We get trolled.
I've made a couple of mistakes in the past.
Again, I put it in the article, hands up, made a mistake about four months ago when I got trolled with a fake news story.
Difference is, there are consequences when we make a mistake.
No consequences for BuzzFeed.
They don't even publish a retraction.
They don't get
Accused of fake news.
They don't get put on lists.
They don't get people calling for Facebook to censor them, Twitter to censor them.
They don't get Snope fact-checked, but we do.
They don't get little tags on Facebook where you can flag things for fake news.
CNN doesn't, of course, because the same rules don't apply to them.
They can put out fake news, they can refuse to retract, and get away with it with virtually no consequences whatsoever.
This is why this is a big story.
It needs to get out there.
The headline is BuzzFeed tripped into publishing fake news story.
So you had a bunch of conservative trolls, basically, it's an online comedy group, pretending to be transgender women, so born male pretending to be female, transgender.
They approached a video game tournament and tried to enter as transgender.
The tournament was women only.
Now they planned this from the very beginning, weeks in advance, specifically to try to troll BuzzFeed and bait them, fool them, trick them into writing a story based on fake news.
They're not transgender, they're a conservative troll group, and from the very outset they did it purely to troll BuzzFeed.
And BuzzFeed took the bait.
Again, proving that they have a bias because the bait tied in directly to their social justice gender hysteria narrative, they failed to do basic fact-checking.
This comedy group gave them the name.
Of their own troll group, they could have done one single Google search and found out that this group had a goofy website, had a YouTube channel, in which they make fun out of Hillary Clinton voters and make comedic videos.
It was an obvious troll.
It was an obvious conservative group baiting BuzzFeed.
They failed to do basic due diligence
Again, these are the same people who will point fingers at us all day and call us fake news, say that we should be censored, say that there should be consequences for us, that we should be put on a blacklist.
When they get caught doing the exact same thing, what happens?
They put out the Trump Pgate dossier months and months ago, completely debunked, completely fraudulent, completely fabricated, the details anyway.
Again, no consequences whatsoever.
You don't get calls for
BuzzFeed to be fact-checked by Snopes, do ya?
Even though Snopes is a completely biased left-wing news outlet itself.
Oh look, they're gonna do the fact-checking because they're neutral.
They're not biased at all.
They don't have an agenda.
Yeah, right.
Absolute BS.
They don't get put on blacklists, which get published by the Washington Post.
Again, based on completely bizarre, obscure groups that just dream them up out of thin air.
Oh, and what a coincidence, it's Daily Caller, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, InfoWars.
Oh, it's all conservative news sites.
Isn't that a coincidence?
Could it be that you're just putting your ideological adversaries on a blacklist so people don't read their content?
Could it be that we're not actually fake news, we just have a different opinion?
Fake news.
And there are fake news websites.
They didn't have an impact on the US election, as a Stanford University study proved, but the mainstream media never talks about that.
But there are fake news websites that put out deliberate fake news, knowing it's fake, simply to get advertising clicks to make money.
Okay, there's a difference between that and having a different opinion.
There's a difference between that and making a mistake and publishing something that's fake and then withdrawing it later, which we have done and will continue to do in the future if it's a mistake, and which BuzzFeed has done.
But again, the consequences are never the same.
So they've changed this article in which they were completely baited by this troll group into thinking that they were a bunch of transgender
Gamers facing discrimination.
They changed the article entirely.
They changed the headline to bury the fact that they got trolled, that they got tricked and baited in the first place.
Even though this Electronic Sports League, which rejected their application to join the tournament because they were transgender, not born women,
Even though the Electronic Sports League told BuzzFeed that pranksters were trying to enter as transgenders as a joke, as a troll.
So they actually warned BuzzFeed that people were doing this, and BuzzFeed just went along with the story anyway, again, because it fit into their narrative.
ESL's Director of Communications, Anna Rozanovic, even told BuzzFeed that there had, and this is a quote, there had been multiple incidents of male players trying to enter female tournaments as a joke.
They directly told BuzzFeed that this is what was happening, but BuzzFeed failed to realize that that's exactly the stunt that this conservative troll group was pulling before publishing the fake story.
So again, they were denying transgender applicants to quote, prevent trolls, because people were doing this over and over again.
So they told BuzzFeed, watch out, there are a bunch of trolls pulling tricks trying to apply for this, they're not really transgender women or whatever.
But again, BuzzFeed fell for it completely.
They failed to Google the term Rigatoni Family, which is the name of this online comedy group.
To find out that they had a goofy website, that they had a YouTube channel, which again includes a video of making fun of Hillary Clinton.
It's obviously not a transgender liberal leftist group, it's a conservative troll group, and one single Google search would have found that out.
Absolutely incredible, and they were not the only ones to fall for it.
Oh, Mashable had a good laugh when we got a story wrong a few months ago, didn't they?
Well, again, the shoe's on the other foot, isn't it, Mashable?
Because you fell for this completely.
Are you going to issue a retraction?
Let's have a look right now.
Yes, they've changed the headline in the entire story.
They haven't issued a retraction.
They just changed the story.
It would be better if they just deleted the original story, held their hands up and said, OK, we were wrong.
But they try and manipulate it by changing the original story in the hope that people don't find out that they were trolled, they were tricked in the first place.
So Mashable fell for it.
BuzzFeed fell for it.
Kotaku also fell for it, which is, again, a social justice warrior pandering website.
Which again was instrumental in fabricating the whole Gamergate narrative.
Claiming it was about harassment when it was about people sick to the back teeth of having this social justice hysteria injected into absolutely everything.
Now it's starting to ruin movies.
They're trying to inject it into game design.
Claiming that games are sexist.
Even though that's one of the most diverse communities in the world.
No one was complaining.
Then Anita Sarkeesian comes along and suddenly, it's quite a lucrative industry to complain about sexism in video games.
So then the whole narrative began.
And Kotaku has been instrumental in pushing that phony narrative.
They fell for this.
Again, because it fit their preconceived narrative, their preconceived bias about transgender people being discriminated against.
So they just went with the story with zero checking whatsoever.
So, it's not nice when the shoe is on the other foot, is it?
But again, we get things wrong, there are consequences.
No consequences for BuzzFeed.
No consequences for Mashable.
No consequences for Kotaku.
I mean, what happened to the PGATE dossier?
Maybe BuzzFeed should have all of their URLs pre-checked before they're allowed to be posted on Facebook.
Of course, that's tongue-in-cheek.
We're not going to call for BuzzFeed to be censored.
I don't want BuzzFeed to be censored.
I don't want BuzzFeed to be wiped off the internet.
I don't want BuzzFeed to be put on a list.
We have a healthy exchange of ideas in the marketplace of ideas.
That's how it works.
Who resonates most?
Who's more truthful with their information?
That's who rises and falls.
You can't just put people on a blacklist and censor them because you disagree with their opinion.
This fake news controversy has been exploited, and now it's blown up in their face.
Remember, this is the same group BuzzFeed last week.
Their employees were caught in private chats.
Coincidentally, on the same day, they came out with that big hit piece against InfoWars.
Caught in private chats, joking about the assassination of Donald Trump, even wishing it tongue-in-cheek to happen.
So then BuzzFeed News comes out and says, oh that's BuzzFeed, that's a completely different group of people.
How dare you suggest that BuzzFeed, this far-left organisation that consistently comes out with this social justice leftist hysteria, how dare you even allege that we might be partisan, that we might have a bias.
Well, they can't pull that excuse this time because it's BuzzFeed news that got trolled and baited by this fake story.
They fell for it.
They came out afterwards, changed the headline, changed the story, didn't actually issue a proper retraction.
So again,
The impression left is that, oh, it was just blame the trolls.
Blame the trolls.
It's all their fault.
No, it's your fault.
You got baited.
You reveled in it when it happened to us.
So how's it feel for the shoe to be on the other foot?
Not very nice, is it, BuzzFeed?
We'll be back with the next segment of the Alex Jones Show live in 4Wars.com.
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You provided, Alex, with the caveman?
Well, so we've been formulating this stuff for a while, and we've been getting these different flavors, and, you know, I don't know about this one.
You know, and so I've been taking that stuff, and I'm an old man.
I'm 42.
I work out five times a week, if not more.
I hear you're okay in jiu-jitsu.
No, I'm not.
I'm terrible.
I'm terrible.
But, the point is, is that I have a lot of aches and shoulders and, you know, this weird joint stuff that I've had issues with for years.
And this bone broth, the Caveman Bone Broth, along with our joint formula, has just worked magic for me.
And that's just, you know, that's just from my personal experience.
I think they're great products and I think if anybody else has those issues that you should definitely, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
If I'm wrong, then hey man, write me a mean letter.
But let me tell you, they work for me.
Yeah, they work for me too.
Actually, we were talking about this earlier.
Dude and I play basketball and I'm just now, like for the first time in my life, I'm 27 now, after I play basketball my knees are barking.
So, but the bone broth and the joint formula, like you just said, you combine those two, I felt the difference immediately.
I felt it immediately.
Yeah, and it actually tastes good.
Like, I'm really picky and I will drink it.
It tastes good to me.
I love chocolate, so I really like the flavor of the Caveman.
So, I mean, if the bone broth...
Bone broth.
If the bone broth is really that gross, I mean, I would never have known because it tastes really good.
And my favorite is the Super Female Vitality.
So ladies, get yourself some Super Female Vitality if you haven't already because it seriously, it just gets me going.
I mean, I'll take a whole bunch of that stuff before I go out and do my... And get it for your wife then too, or girlfriend.
I go and take a bunch of it before I go do Man on the Street.
I just start running, zipping around, running right into the action.
No fear, nothing.
Well, that's a big primary part about, you know, fighting the globalists is making sure that we stay healthy and stay clear-eyed and stay honest and stay humble.
I hope that we do that here at InfoWars.
We got a lot going on and we're in the middle of the fight, so we really appreciate it when anybody supports us, either by purchasing our products or you can even go on to our store and donate.
We're doing this by the skin of our teeth.
I know it looks like we're in a billion-dollar studio, but Alex has never taken one cent of
A borrowed money at all whatsoever.
This is all money that's come from you listeners.
So you've literally built this place, you know, built this place with your compassion and built this place with the support that you've sent us.
So from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate it because I know we wouldn't be able to do this.
We wouldn't have a voice if it wasn't for you.
So once again, we've got to thank the listeners for their steadfastness in supporting us.
Even when we make mistakes, and even when we're not right, and even when we might go a little bit crazy, you guys stick with us and I appreciate that.
We're back live on the Alex Jones Show.
Before the break, we were talking about how BuzzFeed got trolled, got baited, got tricked by fake news while they point the finger at us and lecture us about fake news on a daily basis.
Kotaku.com, as I was mentioning, also got trolled by that.
Now, they're one of these big social justice warrior pandering websites.
Now, to their credit, they came out and apologized and put an actual update above the original article.
Okay, fair enough.
But they also say, in response to being completely caught out by this, when this sort of prank gains widespread publicity, it makes people and organizations more likely to distrust actual trans people.
No, this isn't about distrusting transgender people, it's about distrusting you, because you fell for it hook, line and sinker, because it fit into your preordained narrative.
Again, it's this whole thing about bias.
We wear our bias on our sleeve.
We don't claim to be neutral and independent like the mainstream media while lying to you all day to fill a preconceived bias.
You know our bias.
Take it at face value.
So it's not about distrust of trans people.
It's about distrust of the media for falling for this.
The same media that wants us on a friggin' blacklist, wants our content censored on Facebook.
That's what it's about.
It's about distrust amongst young people in mainstream media in general.
When you come out with crap like that, mealy-mouthed apologies, it's only going to make that distrust more severe.
Absolutely incredible.
I'm going to dip back into some more news here in a second, but I want to tell you how you can support InfoWars.com.
By the way,
We have these new products coming up soon.
These new Conservatism is the new counterculture mugs.
They're not available yet, but they will be very shortly.
At InfoWarsStore.com you've seen the t-shirts, that's very popular.
So we've got another couple of mugs coming out, really high quality mugs, big thick mugs.
There you see the conservatism is the number one way to trigger SJWs, it really is.
Literally every time they get triggered by my face and that t-shirt and that slogan on Twitter, I highlight the triggering
And send them a link to InfoWarsStore.com.
So we've basically set up a system that every time a leftist gets triggered, InfoWars makes money, which then of course goes back into the war room, goes back into fighting the leftists.
So their very triggering is ensuring their own defeat.
We've actually monetized liberal tears.
It's the perfect setup.
So go to Infowarsstore.com to get that t-shirt.
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That is finally back in stock at InfoWarsLife.com.
It is Biome Defense 50.
Get yours today.
Of course, we have the five star reviews replete throughout InfoWarsStore.com.
We also have Survival Shield X2, which is about to sell out.
We've got a major supply issue coming up with this product.
So get your hands on this today.
It's not going to stick around for long.
We've received words that major groups are now moving in on our iodine source and are attempting to buy up all of the pure iodine they can.
So again, we had to stop selling super male vitality for months.
You saw that happen because of a shortage with the ingredients that go into that.
We could soon be out of this too.
So, Survival Shield X2 is still available for a limited time only at InfoWarsStore.com.
Also got the Caveman True Paleo Formula.
And of course, super blue fluoride-free toothpaste.
You're going to be buying toothpaste anyway, so why not buy it from us?
Why not support this network?
Again, as we're under constant attack, as the finger is pointed at us on a daily basis for being fake news, they want to censor us, they want to put us on blacklists.
When it's organisations like BuzzFeed that are actually coming out with more fake news on a regular basis, so this all goes to support us in the war against
The mainstream media, and it really is a war at this point, but because you have supported us over the past several months and years, we've really been able to get toe-to-toe with the establishment.
That's why they hate us.
That's why they fear us.
You know, it's the old Gandhi quote, first they laugh at you, first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.
We're definitely moving towards the final stage of that method with the constant snipes and attacks against InfoWars on a daily basis, so please get the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
Get the Conservatism is the New Counterculture t-shirt.
That triggers just so many social justice warriors.
That we've actually monetized their liberal tiers.
It's a perfect system.
We'll be back after the break with Cassandra Fairbanks to talk about BuzzFeed and more fake news.
This is going to be huge.
If you don't go away, InfoWars.com.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live on the Alex Jones Show fourth hour.
We have our guest ready on the line.
She is Sandra Fairbanks, journalist with BigLeaguePolitics.com.
She broke a big story last week about BuzzFeed, which we're going to get into.
We're also going to get into the demonization by leftist media outlets for doing the OK hand sign in the White House press briefing room.
The website is BigLeaguePolitics.com or Twitter.com slash CassandraRules.
Cassandra, welcome to the show.
Thanks for having me.
Now, I was talking about it earlier.
I just want to get your take on this.
BuzzFeed, once again, trolled into putting out fake news.
They, again, accuse us of fake news.
They point fingers at us on a daily basis.
They get caught putting out fake news.
I explained it before the break.
I'll give a brief overview again.
So a fake transgender gaming team enters a competition.
A gaming competition for women only.
They claim they're transgender.
They get discriminated against, apparently.
They then complain to BuzzFeed.
BuzzFeed doesn't even entertain for a second that they might be being trolled, despite the fact they just had to do a simple Google search of the name of this group.
So they publish the article.
They get trolled.
This group had been planning to troll them for weeks.
It worked.
But again,
Cassandra, there are no consequences for BuzzFeed.
We get something wrong and it happens from time to time.
They point the finger.
They say, you're fake news.
You should be put on a blacklist.
Your content should be censored on social media.
They literally put out fake news over and over again.
No consequences for BuzzFeed.
Quite ironic, isn't it?
It is.
They are definitely extremely biased.
And I feel like they just don't fact check anything.
They just want whatever will create outrage, get clicks.
And yet they're the ones always throwing stones at us.
It's absolutely incredible.
And then they come out afterwards, change the headline of the story, change the article.
It would have been better if they deleted it.
So they try and switch it, the whole thing round, as if they never got trolled.
Put the blame on the trolls, not them for being conned into publishing it in the first place.
Absolutely incredible.
But again, they will point the finger at InfoWars.
They will revel all day long if we get something wrong.
When it happens to them,
One of the editors appeared on Tucker Carlson.
So a former employee, Tim Treadstone, or Baked Alaska, as most people know him, got frustrated.
He basically called Tim a liar on Tucker Carlson.
So Tim hit me up and gave me a whole bunch of screenshots from the workplace flack of BuzzFeed.
And it's just the employees laughing about Trump being assassinated and how they were kind of hopeful that would happen.
So, it was pretty bad.
Sorry, my dog is trying to get up.
It was interesting because they came out after and said, oh, this isn't BuzzFeed News, this is just BuzzFeed.
How dare you suggest that BuzzFeed News could have any kind of bias?
Because we all know that BuzzFeed is a centrist, neutral outlet, right, Cassandra?
You could never accuse them of having any bias, right?
One of them contacted me and he was like, this is basically like if you went after ABC for something that somebody at Disney said.
And I was like, not quite.
Like, you guys are all BuzzFeed.
It's BuzzFeed.
Well, I mean, that's the point.
They can't do it this time with this new fake news story because BuzzFeed News put it out, which again proves that they have that bias right, because it fit into their preconceived narrative before about, you know, gender hysteria or whatever, social justice hysteria.
So they were so keen to buy into it, they put out the fake story without accurately checking it, again proving they have that agenda, they have that bias.
But I want to move on because we're short on time.
A couple of weeks ago you were in the White House press briefing room, which by the way, Jack Posobiec's there today, and he's triggered basically all the verified liberals on Twitter simply by being present in that room.
They're all having a massive panic attack right now, like they did with you and Cernovich being there.
But you threw up an OK sign for a photograph.
Tell us what happened next.
Well, I mean, when we took that photo, there was, like, nobody in the press briefing.
Like, there was nobody in the room.
We figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal.
People might be, like, a little upset that we were there.
But I wasn't expecting to be called a white supremacist in an article that got shared 40,000 times.
They basically, there was a meme going around pretty much just mocking the hysteria
And it showed the OK symbol and they wrote the letters W and P over it saying that it was the symbol for white power.
So without contacting me, without reaching out to anyone who actually was in the photo or in any of the photos like this, they published a story saying that I'm a white supremacist, that I'm a member of the alt-right.
And this was based on a tweet originally, because it was The Independent that wrote the article.
Who sent out the original tweet accusing you of being a white supremacist?
It was a senior reporter from Fusion named Emma Roller, who we're actually drafting the complaint to file a lawsuit against right now.
And she didn't retract or apologize at any point, correct?
No, I mean, she got the most retweets she's probably ever gotten on anything.
So she wasn't about to back down.
It's more about the narrative than the truth with a lot of these people.
And then in their article, The Independent said that the ADL had said that the OK symbol was a symbol of white supremacy, of racism.
You link through to the actual ADL website.
They said nothing of the kind.
It was a completely different thing using two hands.
And the ADL came out afterwards and had to clarify that doing the A-OK hand sign doesn't mean you're a white supremacist.
But again, it was in the original Independent article, I thought it was funny, because they actually debunked themselves.
They claimed that it was a white supremacist symbol, then linked to the ADL, which said the exact opposite, correct?
Yeah, it was amazing.
I was looking at it and I was like, do they not have editors?
Like, even at, you know, much, much smaller outlets I've worked for, my stories have to go through two editors.
They would have caught that and been like, hey, Cassandra, what are you talking about?
Eventually, it took them several days to even update the article after the ADL came out.
And they put out another article, I guess, a few days ago saying that it's not actually a white power symbol.
But that article, of course, is not going to get shared as many times as the one that called me a white supremacist.
No, exactly.
They often put out, it's like, you know, a retraction on page 25 or whatever.
That's just how they roll.
But again, I had people on Twitter days after this, because I made a video about it, claiming that no media ever accused you of being a white supremacist, and that if they did, they weren't left-wing.
The Independent is literally left of the Guardian.
In Britain, when it existed in physical form, which it doesn't really at this point.
But again, I think the answer to what you were talking about there, they just don't check anything.
Because if it's the same with other British newspapers, which I've seen, they basically fired the actual journalist to cut costs and hired like 21 year old SJWs fresh out of college to write a lot of their content.
The Independent have attacked me on a regular basis.
It's alright, I'm losing you.
I can't hear anything.
Alright, that's okay, we can continue.
I want to talk about your political ideology again, because you started off somewhat on the left, and I get a lot of messages from people who are former leftists, former SJWs.
It's fair to say that you were more leftist than what you are now.
It's probably a bit mean to say you were a social justice warrior, but you moved in some of those circles.
Up until a couple of years ago, you know, you were distinctly more leftist.
My question is, was there one particular incident or story that changed your political compass?
Maybe someone who had a personal influence on you, or was it just a kind of gradual realisation?
I mean, it was kind of gradual.
Like, there was a lot of things happening, like the chalkening.
I remember watching people call the police over people writing Trump 2016 in chalk, and being like, this is, we've reached, like, peak insanity.
And so after that happened, I started following people like you, Milo, just the people who were as offensive as possible, because free speech is just so important to me.
Um, so, yeah, I was following, like, a lot of, like, Milo's crowd and things like that.
And then, oh my God, my dog's barking.
I'm sorry.
That sounds like quite an extremist dog there.
No, I just wanted to ask because, you know, you've seen it from both sides.
You've seen, I guess you've moved in circles of left-wing extremists.
You've been accused of being a right-wing extremist.
What would you say there's a difference between the two in terms of, you know, the people on the fringes of the left, of the fringes of the right,
We acknowledge that there are, you know, violent right-wing extremists.
I think the difference is that the left kind of legitimizes their fringe extremists.
They don't disavow them, they don't call them out.
Have you seen a difference between the two, in terms of left-wing extremists and right-wing extremists, given that you kind of moved in some of their circles back a few years ago?
Oh my God, I'm so sorry about my dog.
Yeah, on the left, people, the more extreme they are, the cooler they are almost.
On the right, you see people like Richard Spencer getting banned from coming to events.
People trying to... All right.
That's all right.
I'll take over for now, Cassandra.
You deal with the dog.
We'll try and get back to it in the next segment.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live.
Cassandra is going to go and deal with her yapping dog there in the background, and we'll try and get her back on the line.
Big story up on Infowars.com right now.
French election fraud, we're asking the question.
Images show ruined and stolen Le Pen ballots.
Now this is interesting because of course we had the story before the first round where 500,000 overseas French people received two ballots.
They received duplicate ballots.
Of course most of the expats, most of the French people living overseas were likely to vote for Macron.
The police came out and said, oh, this isn't really an issue.
We might investigate it after the election.
We'll wait and see.
Nothing was done at the time.
Now this Infowars.com story shows this video where this Arab individual, Arab-looking individual, goes into a polling station in Paris, northeast Paris, appears to take a bunch of Marine Le Pen ballot slips off a table.
How he was allowed to, God only knows.
Talks into the camera and then the next scene is they're all discarded on the street.
Marine Le Pen ballots while him and his friend scream and chant F the National Front.
Why is this not being investigated?
Now if it's some harmless stunt which seems
Pretty unlikely given that he looks like he's taking ballot papers out of a polling station, which should never be allowed.
If it is a harmless stunt, if it's a prank, then people need to come out and call it for what it is.
So we need an explanation on that.
We also need an explanation on the picture below that.
Which is in the same article, which shows a household of five Le Pen voters received their ballots in the post.
And as you can see in the image there, they were all torn.
They were all ruined.
Now the description that went along with that kind of exaggerated it, said that 60% of Le Pen ballots were destroyed at the time of mailing.
There's no evidence for that.
That seems like an exaggeration.
But these are legitimate questions.
About possible French election fraud, it probably wouldn't have swayed the outcome.
But when you do have 500,000 people receiving duplicate ballots before the first round, Marine Le Pen comes second.
She doesn't get first place.
She doesn't get that momentum going forward.
Then questions need to be asked about these latest examples.
Why is this individual taking ballot papers out of a polling station, throwing them on the road,
Then chanting F the National Front.
That needs to be investigated.
Again, if it is just a prank, then we need to know about it.
But absolutely insane behaviour in the article there.
There you see, Howell Penn actually came third.
Record number of spoiled ballots and abstentions.
There was about 25%
Either spoiled ballots or abstentions in the vote.
So again, none of this, as far as I know, is being investigated.
It needs to be investigated.
Okay, we've got Cassandra back on the line.
She's managed to get rid of the dog for the time being.
Cassandra, welcome back.
I'm so sorry about that.
I'm a really young puppy and there were children banging on my door.
That's alright.
These things happen.
I was just finishing up with the question.
You moved in these circles.
We have extremism on the left, extremism on the right.
You've moved in these Antifa circles.
You weren't a member of Antifa, obviously.
Then they threatened you later on.
They, in fact, threatened your children, I remember.
So you've had a taste of that extremism on both sides.
How would you say the two compare?
Well, there's definitely... I haven't personally seen any violence from people on the right.
When I left the left, it was kind of like leaving a cult, and I was getting threats.
I got cornered at the RNC twice.
I got spit on by people who were yelling my name at the inauguration here in DC.
I've never seen anything like that from the right.
I mean, there's people who definitely say a lot worse things or, you know, it can get pretty bad.
But most people on the right disavow that immediately.
On the left, you have people calling for cops to be killed, for, you know, Trump supporters to be killed.
And those people are celebrated or they're given jobs at places like BuzzFeed.
So there's definitely a big difference in how, in both how people act and how the rest of the scene kind of interacts with those people.
I mean, I've found a similar thing.
The left never polices their crazies.
That's what it always seems like.
They almost embrace them in some instances.
The guy who confronted Trump physically, you know, on stage about a year ago, he was given a platform the next day by CNN.
That would never happen.
Fox News would never have somebody on who tried to physically confront Hillary Clinton.
It just wouldn't happen.
Cassandra, we've got about a minute left.
Tell us about big league politics.
Where's that going?
That's a new venture, right?
It's very, very exciting.
We have some great people.
We have Patrick Howley from Breitbart.
We have a lot of fantastic people that we'll be publishing more of in the next few days.
Highly recommend checking it out.
You can find it at BigLeaguePolitics.com.
And our Twitter is BigLeaguePolitics, I think, but it's spelled a little strange.
Just search for it.
OK, and the Twitter for you is at Cassandra Rules.
Cassandra, thanks for joining us today.
Thank you for having me.
I'm sorry about my dog.
That's alright, no problem.
There goes Cassandra and her puppy.
We'll be sure to get her back up and on the air.
Probably minus the puppy next time.
We have one more segment of the fourth hour to go.
We're going to get into some big breaking news.
Now they're saying that you should expect foreigners to be late at university, at school, at jobs, because that's just how they behave.
Again, this is the bigotry of low expectations.
They have diversity training telling people they just need to expect that.
Or they're racist.
We'll be back in the final segment of the Alex Jones Show InfoWars.
Last week, InfoWars.com published the article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children.
The two studies were pulled from the Journal of Transitional Science without any explanation.
The studies surveyed parents of 666 homeschooled children, 39% who were not vaccinated.
When asked about allergies, 22% of vaccinated children were shown to have allergies, while only 6.9% were unvaccinated.
4.7% were vaccinated versus 1% unvaccinated.
So, of course, there's going to be pushback when a study like this comes out proving that vaccines are not really safe.
And people are going to come out and attack it and say, oh, they just talked to parents.
Or they'll say, oh, there was a bias in the study.
These people think vaccines are unsafe.
One, the study proves they're unsafe.
And two, any other vaccine study is done and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.
Of course, they think vaccines are safe.
Just go to our article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier.
We have archived links to the studies, and you can see for yourself.
Because drug companies will do anything to keep you from the truth.
Rob Deere reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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We'll be live.
It's the final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to get back into a couple more news stories in a second.
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And again, these mugs are going to be coming out very shortly.
You've seen the t-shirt.
People are excited about that.
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And those liberal tears taste so good.
That's the other one.
High quality mug.
Conservatism is the new counterculture.
That will be available soon at InfoWarsStore.com here.
In the next few days, maximum about a week, I think, and there is a t-shirt that you can get right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
Trigger a leftist.
Today, we've literally monetized liberal tears and it's glorious.
A couple of minutes left.
SHTF plan reports denying reality.
University's diversity training course suggests that it's racist to expect foreigners to show up on time.
Now it's the diversity training itself that's racist because it's the bigotry of low expectations treating people like this in the first place.
It's similar to how now they're telling some schools that they shouldn't discipline
Low-income people who go to schools because, again, that will be discriminatory.
So again, you don't discipline children who act out.
What happens?
They keep acting out.
They get worse.
So it's the bigotry of low expectations.
But don't tell that to Clemson University in South Carolina, a taxpayer-funded school that recently spent $27,000 on diversity training materials for their professors.
And they actually tell them,
People from different cultures can't be held to the same standard as everyone else in our society because their perspective on time is just different.
So they can get away with showing up late.
They can get away with misbehaving, not doing work.
And of course, in the long term, that actually hurts those people.
You go into the jobs market showing up late, not knowing your skills, being lazy, you're going to get fired.
So it's the diversity training itself that's racist.
Absolutely incredible news story out of South Carolina.
Al Gore
15 trillion carbon tax.
You might have seen this on Washington Examiner.
Al Gore wants to reverse modernity and save the world from itself through an elimination of its fossil fuel based energy system.
He's literally going to set up a system which eviscerates the fossil fuel foundation that the planet runs on.
This, again, is going to harm primarily people in the third world.
It's going to prevent them from developing.
It is a racist policy.
That's going to wrap it up.
InfoWars Nightly News coming up.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
Thanks for joining us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Last week, InfoWars.com published the article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children.
The two studies were pulled from the Journal of Transitional Science without any explanation.
The studies surveyed parents of 666 homeschooled children, 39% who were not vaccinated.
When asked about allergies, 22% of vaccinated children were shown to have allergies, while only 6.9% were unvaccinated.
Autism, 4.7% were vaccinated versus 1% unvaccinated.
So of course there's going to be pushback when a study like this comes out proving that vaccines are not really safe.
And people are going to come out and attack it and say, oh, they just talked to parents.
Or they'll say, oh, there was a bias in the study.
These people think vaccines are unsafe.
One, the study proves they're unsafe.
And two, any other vaccine study is done and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.
Of course, they think vaccines are safe.
Just go to our article, Bombshell Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier.
We have archived links to the studies and you can see for yourself because drug companies will do anything to keep you from the truth.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.