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Name: 20170425_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 25, 2017
3384 lines.

In this episode of Infowars, Alex Jones discusses various topics including a lawsuit filed against him by Chobani CEO Hamid Ulukaya for his claims that their company brought in rapists through refugee resettlement practices. Jones argues that the lawsuit is a publicity stunt and criticizes mainstream media portrayal of him as "fake news." He also highlights connections between Chobani's owner and George Soros's involvement in refugee resettlement. Infowars reports on US and European intelligence agencies issuing an alert regarding intrusive cyber and fake news attacks from Russian sources aimed at creating a crisis atmosphere in the West, including targeting French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron. North Korea is also in the spotlight as Japan's defense ministry warns that they could launch an attack within 10 minutes, leading to online guidelines for citizens on what to do in case of a strike. Lastly, Jones discusses Germany accepting 2 million Muslim migrants and its possible connection to razor blades being found in dog treats, as well as Macron's rise as a globalist figure in France's recent election news.

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I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're broadcasting worldwide from deep in the heart of Texas.
It is Tuesday, the 25th day of April 2017.
And we've changed the world.
My crew, myself, and of course you, the listeners, the viewers, the activists, the people gathering intel out there on the ground and spreading the word in the trenches, in the fight for the human mind, not just here in the United States, but all over the world.
Well, the biggest yogurt maker in the world that came out of nowhere the last few decades, big buddies with George Soros, big buddies with Bill Clinton, big buddies with the Federal Reserve Board that he's on, the actual New York Fed that runs the whole country, that Trump can't even dislodge.
He's filed a big lawsuit against InfoWars.
Now the headlines are $10,000.
That's just the filing that it's up to that amount, the damages.
Then they're asking for the punitive damages.
$10,000, $20,000, $30,000, who knows?
Because InfoWars covered other mainstream and independent media articles about Idaho in the last year and a half, where there was a report of the refugee
Teenagers and kids reportedly raping a little girl.
And the media said it was all a hoax.
Muslims never rape anybody.
They never bomb anybody.
They never shoot anybody.
And the lapdog media was just salivating trying to cover it up.
We weren't even the progenitors of that article.
We weren't even leading the coverage.
Probably should have been.
And of course, they just pled guilty.
They all pled guilty to the assault.
And so, through the transmutation or the alchemy of MSM, you file a lawsuit on Alex Jones and you have NBC with the headline that I published fake news.
Why the Chobani owner, he doesn't have any connection to the refugees there in Idaho.
He doesn't have any connections, of course he does.
Says I posted fake stories.
David Knight, who's very restrained by the way, did a video report about it and showed local news and the confirmation that indeed they pled guilty now.
Now you could say maybe Chobani the company itself didn't, but the owner is a big advocate.
You can put up on screen or maybe put behind me his Twitter feed with good old George Soros.
So this is bigger than Infowars.com.
It's bigger than Alex Jones.
It's bigger than all of that.
It's about being able to shut down free speech and intimidate people.
The owner, who we'll get to in a moment, Mr. Hamid Ulukaya, wants me to apologize for my fake news, correct everything, pay them a bunch of damages.
Muslims never raped anybody in the history of the world, and they never committed a sin or a crime, and they're perfect, and there's no rapes in Sweden, and no rapes in Germany, and no crime, and the refugees aren't bringing in TB.
Oh yeah, I'm being sued for that.
I have the CDC and a stack of mainstream news about TB exploding, including in the town where his factory's based, where they brought in the refugees.
And he's suing me for that.
I've talked to my lawyers.
This is a dream.
I understand this guy's got a lot of money, but you've got a guy from Turkey who just got here in the 90s, who's got all these sweetheart government deals, who's buddies with Bill Clinton and George Soros, who sits on the board of the New York Federal Reserve that runs the country?
The Federal Reserve Board is ultra-secret.
Trump can't even hardly dislodge it.
This is the Federal Reserve and George Soros.
But it gets better.
When I saw the big, top, well-known D.C.
law firm, I said, I've heard of them before.
And Soros, I think, gave them the founding money.
I searched George Soros, the law firm.
First thing, he was their first client.
Who can make that up?
An Islamist is from Turkey.
Backed by George Soros, Bill Clinton's buddy on the Federal Reserve Board wants me to apologize and basically say Muslims never even had a crooked toenail and he's not bringing in refugees.
Well, sorry, not gonna do it.
Try not laughing at this headline.
1 in 5 adults in the United Kingdom can't change a light bulb or boil an egg.
This according to a survey of more than 2,000 people on their habits around the house.
Listen to some of these shocking statistics.
31% of people could not cook a meal without a recipe.
34% of people cannot read a map.
38% of people could not unclog a sink.
47% of people don't know how to check oil levels in a car.
53% of people could not put up a shelf.
A shelf!
Now, while this survey was done in the UK, I wouldn't be shocked if you got some of the same results in big cities here in the United States.
This is a perfect example of how modern-day education systems and lifestyles are domesticating our society, so that we cannot function independently.
I am shocked that he interrupted me while I was watching Owl My Boss!
That is not okay!
Can I rest my case?
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse.
Minor words and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
It's a fight for our minds.
And InfoWars.com is on the front lines.
Download our free multimedia app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
It's free, it's on Droid, it's on Apple, you name it.
InfoWars.com forward slash app.
Take action!
From deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
Rocking them dead.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, we got a big broadcast lined up for you today.
We're now at least two weeks into the crucifixion of the truth.
Or the attempt by the dying corporate dinosaur media to claw back any type of respectability by attacking their opposition, which of course is the truth.
The lie must attack the truth.
I don't like making our broadcasts the center of attention, but quite frankly, events demanded or will be destroyed.
Chobani Yogurt, the biggest yogurt maker in the world, due to lucrative government contracts, of course, that's how the real fortunes are made these days, has filed a ridiculous publicity stunt lawsuit, in my researched opinion and view, against Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Now, the owner, literally, is a super good buddy with George Soros, helping run the refugee program, bringing unvetted Islamists and others into the country.
That's happening.
And we know some of the refugees are unvetted.
We know some of them have been carrying out crimes.
And this guy is a proponent of that.
So, when the so-called Islamic pilgrims, or the Islamic colonists, commit crimes, attack people, engage in genital mutilation, all the things that are going on, it then falls on those, some of the guilt,
Who have been promoting this?
Who have been pushing it?
It doesn't mean that the owner of Chobani, Hamid Ulukaya, from Turkey, got here in the mid-1990s.
It doesn't mean he wants all this to happen.
Doesn't mean he's happy the rapes are taking place.
But the bottom line is, seven countries have unvetted people coming into this nation where they don't even have real passports like Somalia and Sudan and Libya.
And in Libya, they're selling women into slavery by the thousands.
That's mainstream news.
Now, remember last year, about a year and a half ago, it broke in Idaho that reportedly some teenage boys raped a little girl and then reportedly videotaped it and showed it to the father and all the rest of it.
Now they've pled guilty and admitted to it.
So what's media gonna do?
They go, hmm, they got a big top PR firm, top media firm, literally founded by the first client, George Soros.
And I have a special report on that coming up at the bottom of the hour that I shot last night that's highly produced, that Rob Dew put together.
But again, this is bigger than Alex Jones.
This affects everybody in a giant way.
Because if they can bring us down, they can bring everybody down.
There's NBC's headline.
Alex Jones sued by Chobani after yogurt maker says radio host faked stories.
Now, you see, they're branding us.
Everywhere is fake.
For two weeks.
Every major newspaper, every major news channel has been saying that I say I'm fake, I say I'm a fraud, I say I'm not real.
They never show you a clip, they never show me saying it, there's no proof of it, and they play games and go, oh well he admits sometimes he plays characters and is an actor.
But that's when I'm clearly illustrating something by comedy or by satire.
So there's this attempt to first brand us as fake.
Going back two weeks ago, we get calls, we get a letter from Schiavone's law firm saying we want you to retract or clarify these three things.
I go look at David Knight's reports, I look at one of the headlines that one of the other guys put up and I said, you know,
We could get away with it, but I don't want to get away with it.
I want to really, really be fair here.
You probably can't say that he's importing rapists.
Technically, people have been brought in.
He pushes the refugee program that have been rapists.
So you could technically say that, but I said, let's just point out that refugees are raping, and the media has been forced to admit that they tried to cover up this case in Idaho, and it turned out to be true.
They've pled guilty.
Let's just go with that headline.
Turns out there was rape in Idaho connected to Islamicists.
So we change the headlines and send it back to them.
What do they do?
They have the Idaho statesman that is extremely revealing and informative, and everything about it is a lie.
First, they have a photo of myself last year.
Being escorted by police after I was attacked by a communist out of a public park at the RNC.
Now as of 5 o'clock in the morning, they didn't have a caption under it saying that I was being escorted out.
Not police.
He just left it up there to make it look like I was being arrested.
Then they say Chobani, the Greek yogurt maker, is suing Alex Jones, the right-wing conspiracy terrorist, who said Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax.
Didn't quite say that.
We had debates about it.
9-11 was an inside job.
Yes, our government stood down and worked with Saudi Arabia.
That's now been declassified by the U.S.
Nope, didn't say that.
And that Chobani imports migrant rapists to Twin Falls.
The headline did say he was importing people connected to rape.
And that's all over the local newspapers.
I'm going to show you those headlines.
But we even did what they wanted and changed it.
They go on to say I didn't respond.
And they go on to say we didn't retract it.
But here's the proof.
Scroll down.
You'll see three blue links there.
Lower down.
Keep going.
There they are.
Back up.
Back up.
There they are.
You go to those links.
And you will notice, click the middle one.
Go ahead and click it.
That's not our website.
That's not our YouTube channel.
They got a copy of it, somebody did, I'm sure they're fine folks, just some YouTube channel, and posted it with the original headline.
Now, the newspaper knows, and Chobani knows, and they all full well know,
That statutorily, if we do a correction or retraction, that there aren't punitive damages, meaning larger damages, just actual damages, if they were to win a lawsuit.
So, just like in other cases we've seen lately, we correct or retract, they say we don't, and then the media itself republishes it, or Media Matters republishes it, and then links to it, and then claims republishing and damages again!
But you look at those leaks!
You look at those leaks!
And they are not us.
Now, let's be clear.
I'm not backing away from this story.
I clarified it when their lawyers called two weeks ago and said, yeah, those headlines can be a little bit more accurate.
Change them.
But in essence, my lawyers agreed.
They said, yeah, no.
Turn the headlines about rape in the area, sexual assault.
This guy is bringing in refugees.
Refugees are connected to this.
It's very, very reasonable to basically say that.
And so, we simply went and did a clarification, really.
Doesn't matter.
Two weeks later, they file a lawsuit.
The owner of Chobani tells the newspaper that I didn't respond.
That he wants me to apologize, clarify, and give him all these damages.
Brother, not gonna happen.
They also said in the lawsuit that I was seeking to hurt them financially.
Why on earth would I want to hurt some yogurt company that's based here in the United States and has people working at it?
Why would I want to do that?
I'll be honest, I didn't know about Shimani.
I knew about the TB in the area.
I knew about Muslims being brought in.
I knew a Muslim owned it.
We had barely covered the story, but don't you worry.
I'm going to be covering it now, Mr. Hamid Ulukaya.
In fact, I'm choosing this as a battle.
On this, I will stand, I will win, or I will die.
I have chosen this.
You have chosen it.
Let's go.
You are on the private, super-secret New York Federal Reserve Board that runs the entire Federal Reserve that U.S.
citizens can't even find anything out about, and you are from Turkey.
Moved her in the mid-1990s and her buddies with Bill Clinton and George Soros and tweet how you're refreshing to meet George Soros and hear about his work.
Looking forward to collaborating with him on refugees.
That was two years ago.
So, we've got him buddies with Bill Clinton, part of the Big Clinton Global Initiative, part of the Clinton Foundation.
And you say we're putting out fake stories when everybody knows about what reportedly happened in the town your plant's based in with refugees that came in that you had promoted and pushed to come.
And now you're claiming you have no connection to the refugees that have pled guilty!
So what do they do when the media said this didn't happen?
They said it was a right-wing hoax last year.
Remember that?
All over the news.
Muslims never rape anybody.
They're little perfect angels.
What do they do?
They're trying to grab
Victory from the jaws of defeat.
They are trying to go, who can we say is fake news?
Well, even branding Alex Jones is fake news.
He didn't create these stories.
He didn't push these stories.
And most of it's accurate.
But let's just pick him and David Knight reading some news articles on the nightly news and say they created it.
Alex Jones created this claim that the town in Idaho that has this huge Muslim population, everything caters to them now.
He made it all up.
It all came out Alex Jones, the king of fake news, when we're the king of reality, not the king of fake news, and they know it, and that's why they can take us down, they can take you down.
And it's interesting, when you go to the Idaho newspaper, I thought I'd go to their front page and see what I saw.
So I went to the front page of the Idaho Statesman, and guess what I saw?
It's like Islamabad.
It's like catering to the Muslims.
Go to the front page.
I'll put it up on screen for TV viewers.
Five different articles about catering to Muslims.
And that's because there's a major Islamic...
Take over there!
Oh, look, it's fewer Middle Eastern students who are enrolling at Boise State.
Oh, they don't feel welcome.
How do we grovel more to make them feel welcome?
And, you know, all the Sharia law and the rest of it.
And then you scroll down and you find more articles about Muslims and how great they are.
And look at the headline.
It looks like I'm being arrested there.
All deception!
It's like when I go in for my child custody case here in Austin, they'll sit there with cameras showing me taking my belt off, going through a metal detector, or holding my arms up to be wanded like I'm a criminal.
That's how they sit there and deceive everybody, ladies and gentlemen.
When we come back, I've got more on this, North Korea.
Huge developments on the economy.
David Knight's coming up.
But this is a big, big, big deal.
What they're trying to engage in with the American people and how they're trying to play all these different games when everybody knows that there is a massive Islamic invasion taking place all over the Western world and that they've basically bought off the local governments and have basically taken over our society.
Stay with us.
Lee Stranahan.
Lee Stranahan was formerly with Breitbart.
He knew Andrew Breitbart.
He also knows Steve Bannon.
He is now the editor of ThePopulous.us.
He's a co-host on Fault Lines on Sputnik.
And he has a citizen journalism school.
You'll find that at citizenjournalismschool.com.
But let's talk about the outsourcing of censorship first and the demonizing of individual sources, Lee.
I don't like the term fake news, okay?
There is such a thing as fake news, but the bigger problem, I think, is what I call narrative-driven news, which is this.
Let's take a simple issue.
I'm going to give just an example.
Let's say immigration, okay?
Now, let's say you've got two stories, and they're both completely true.
One story is about a woman who came here illegally, and she's got three kids.
She, you know, has worked for 20 years, but she's here illegally, and she's getting deported.
The second story is about a woman whose child was killed by an illegal alien who'd been deported three times.
Now, assume both of those stories are completely true, because those things both happened.
Does that make sense?
Which story is CNN going to cover?
The deportation story of the victim.
And which stories is Breitbart going to cover?
You see what I'm saying?
So, my point here is that what they don't like about sites like InfoWars is that you guys cover stories that are outside their narrative.
You're outside their normal lane.
To me, the issue is, are people going to be honest with you about what their bias is?
Everybody's got a bias.
And always in the past we would see the same stories put out by ABC, CBS, NBC.
They would all choose to report the same stories and they would have the same angle.
Now we have people who are coming out with a different narrative.
We report the facts and we analyze the facts.
CNN reports the facts, they analyze the facts, but they tell you that their facts are the only facts.
People can make up their own minds.
And people can figure it out.
I can.
You can.
I can, David.
And all of the audience can.
I can look at a New York Times story.
And I know what their bias is, and I can filter that in.
I can look at an Infowars story, and I know where it comes from, and I can filter that out, and I can make up my own damn mind.
That's what's scary to them.
They're frightened to death that we can make up our own minds.
And the wake-up call for them was Donald Trump being elected, because whatever you thought about Donald Trump, he wasn't supposed to win, right?
He was supposed to lose.
And that's when they realized the genie's out of the bottle.
And they can no longer control us.
It's almost like there's an info war going on.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
We're going to look at the Islamic invasion coming up in the next segment and tie it into all these rich Islamic leaders who have basically been taking over the private school movement here in the United States, taking over many of the factories and bringing in their own foreign workers to staff those.
So that is all coming up, how this ties together.
But first, if you're a TV viewer, I'll show you this.
Radio listeners can go to Infowars.com and see it.
Hopefully share the link because Fox News, CNN, the front page of the local paper, they're all running with the fact that I'm fake news and I'm being sued because I claimed that the owner of Chobani brought in rapists.
Well, I mean, he's bringing in unvetted migrant Islamists and they've now pled guilty to the sexual assault.
What am I supposed to do?
And then they're saying, oh, that's fake news.
Say it isn't true and we'll drop our lawsuit.
That's what I was told two weeks ago.
Well, now the lawsuit's filed.
I mean, I'm not going to sit here and say that Sweden isn't the rape capital of the world.
We can show you the maps on that.
I'm not going to sit here and say that Islam isn't spreading all over the planet.
I mean it's just simply crazy.
Just type in global maps of rape worldwide and the highest place in the world is Sweden.
Now, here's the video where I break all this down.
Alex responds to Chobani Soros-backed lawsuits.
I'll break all that down in the next longer segment.
But look at this commenter right here, and I see this a lot.
BlueMountain48, I hope, Alex, you don't talk about this for two weeks, about this lawsuit.
Gee, it's only $10,000.
Alex makes that in one day.
I make that in one day?
No, I battled to fund this operation because it's the main outpost of resistance.
Now, let me show you the Idaho statesman, okay, by Zach Kyle.
The whole article is basically fiction, except for one part.
Chobani Seeks, that's the name of the company.
I love how it's called Greek yogurt.
It's called Chobani.
I guess the Muslims did take over.
Greece for a while, so they're really, I guess, Muslims there now, or at least in their bloodline.
There's been lawsuits over the fact it's not really Greek yogurt.
I mean, it's this total imposter system.
Seeks at least $10,000 in damages, attorney's fees, and punitive damages.
That could be $100 million, like the Hulk Hogan case.
I'd point out we're on 580 AM.
You know, KIDO.
You know behind the scenes how much they're trying to get us off that station.
You know it.
I'm gonna be going to Idaho now.
I'm gonna be going on that local radio station.
I am gonna bring investigative crews there.
I'm gonna show what the locals are doing.
I'm gonna show the Islamists is getting off the planes.
You wanna fight?
You better believe, baby, you got one.
It's not Chobani suing me.
It's Hamid Olukaya.
Hamid Olukaya.
That is who?
Bill Clinton's buddy.
The guy that works with George Soros to bring people in.
And then he turns around, and he's on the Federal Reserve Board at 44 years of age, when citizens can't even find out what's going on on that.
Talk about foreign rule.
I cannot wait for the depositions.
I cannot wait to depose this guy.
Oh, let me just tell the listeners something real quick before we go to break and come back.
Someone hit some North Korea news and some other big news.
On this rock I plant my flag, I am going to fight this.
Gut level I know, they have really miscalculated.
I talked to Mike Cernovich, he agrees, he's a lawyer.
We're talking to some other top lawyers right now.
But this is a perfect opening now.
Because it's a story we can document.
It's where we're just reporting on other people's news.
They're trying to shut us down, shut us up, saying we're fake.
This is crazy!
Absolutely incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
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We don't have the federal school lunch program, $15 million or whatever, like Chobani does.
We don't have all the government contracts or George Soros money.
We just have you supporting us, so please support us and get great products.
We'll be right back.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Try not laughing at this headline.
1 in 5 adults in the United Kingdom can't change a lightbulb or boil an egg.
This according to a survey of more than 2,000 people on their habits around the house.
Listen to some of these shocking statistics.
31% of people could not cook a meal without a recipe.
34% of people cannot read a map.
38% of people could not unclog a sink.
47% of people don't know how to check oil levels in a car.
53% of people could not put up a shelf.
A shelf!
Now, while this survey was done in the UK, I wouldn't be shocked if you got some of the same results in big cities here in the United States.
This is a perfect example of how modern-day education systems and lifestyles are domesticating our society, so that we cannot function independently.
I am pissed that he interrupted me while I was watching!
Ow, my balls!
That is not okay!
And I rest my case!
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, you got some guy that works for George Soros to open the borders up and bring in refugees.
He works for the UN plan and Peter Sutherland to Islamify Europe.
I mean, that's what the UN program is.
He's pushing this colonization big time.
His name's Hamid.
Ulukaya, and he's filed suit on me claiming I wanted to hurt his company and have people not eat his yogurt.
No, we covered other reports confirming people have now pled guilty, refugees that were brought in to the town that you push.
Who now pled guilty to these assaults that the media said didn't exist for a year.
And then we were picked as a publicity stunt to try to smokescreen the fact that the refugee program has now given a black eye to this guy's company by his actions.
Just like Starbucks is down 20-something percent in their profits right now, or more.
Because they said we're going to hire a bunch of refugees.
People are sick of it.
Your actions caused this to happen to you.
Your actions, Hillary Clinton, made you lose the election.
I care less.
In fact, I didn't even ever put two and two together with the yogurt because the few times I've eaten it, it tastes...
I don't like Greek yogurt to begin with.
It doesn't have any flavor.
And yours tasted like drying paint.
And I don't say that because you're a Muslim.
If you were a Muslim not trying to open the borders and bring all these people in and pushing all this garbage and you weren't with George Soros and your yogurt tasted good, I'd buy it from you!
I am so honored and so blessed to have a guy hooked into the Global Initiative, buddies with George Soros, involved with the global refugee Islamic movement.
It's coming after me.
And have them all over the news saying, oh, we couldn't instantly or, you know, couldn't get a comment right away, Fox News says.
We didn't immediately get a comment.
They never let me comment.
They never show what I say in the news.
They never let me counter.
They just lie, lie, lie, and pretend like they're mainstream news, pretend like they're trustable news.
They're total garbage.
Yes, InfoWars didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.
Yeah, I called that reporter, by the way, this morning.
Good luck if you have any quotes.
All they do is cherry-pick a bunch of bull and then show a photo of me with police all around me like I've been arrested.
No, it's not a fake news story this guy pushes bringing in refugees.
It's not a fake news story that there's now been reports of this and people pleading guilty.
Does that mean he directly wanted it?
But when you bring in unvetted Islamist hordes, you better believe you're bringing in some rapists, because that's part of the culture over there.
Just like Somalia, when I said that rockstar hip-hop lady wants to bring in more unvetted refugees, I said, don't go to Somalia, lady!
You'll get gang-raped!
People said, oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!
He wants her to get gang raped.
No, it's a figure of speech.
You want us to live under this, but you live behind armed guards.
You've got bodyguards, Michael Moore, but you don't want us to have guns.
The refugees have now admitted the sex attack on a disabled girl in Idaho.
Reportedly, peed in her mouth as well.
Oh, I've got articles right here where Islamists raped a little girl anally, and they didn't do anything because they said, well, that's just their culture, and he couldn't understand.
And I've got a whole stack of news coming up in the next segment, or in this segment actually, from a tape report I put out, breaking all of this down.
We need your prayers.
We need your support.
We need you to support our local affiliates.
We need you to call our local Idaho affiliate, because I bet you a million dollars they're trying to kick us off that station, and send them donations, and support them, and stand up for them, because we've got to hang together or hang separate.
And you need to go to InfoWarsTore.com.
Your family needs a high-quality gravity-fed filter.
Stainless steel sits on the counter.
Looks great.
Your family needs non-GMO, high quality, storable foods.
So ladies and gentlemen, again, please financially support us.
Support our local stations.
Purchase our products.
You need them.
We need the funding.
And I will stand up against this lawsuit.
I will depose them.
I will get their
Corporate documents.
I will get how they're funded by the government.
The school lunch program to force feed kids.
You know, you see what happened under Michelle Obama.
We will stand up and fight if you really want us to.
And if the support comes in, I'm going to fight.
And by the way, under the last two weeks of unprecedented attacks and demonization, we have seen record support.
So, I'm taking that as a signal that you want me to go full steam ahead, ramming speed, no quarter, and you've got it.
I can feel your prayers.
I can feel your support.
I can feel your love.
I can physically see it.
Now, we are bringing in more funds than we ever have for this time of year.
But we're expanding, and we've got major enemies attacking.
And so we need to really increase the funding massively.
If you've never purchased a t-shirt, or a high-quality non-GMO coffee, or the nutraceuticals, or the X2, or the lung cleanse, or the parasite cleanse, or the brain force, or the fluoride-free colloidal silver...
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Support us, pray for us, and we are all in this together!
But you want to fight?
You've got to stand up.
Only a fraction of the listeners spread our links.
It's changed the world.
Only a fraction of the listeners buy the products.
It's changed the world.
We're under attack because we're changing the world together.
Le Pen is in the runoff to win.
She's like Ron Paul.
Better than Trump.
Nationalism's surging.
Humanity's awakening.
And they want to intimidate us.
If they can shut us down, they can shut everybody down.
Google admits they're censoring us.
It's all coming out.
Leakers need to put out more info.
And here's the final thing I'm going to say that's most important.
They're failing in all these attacks.
But they're assassinating my character first with the general public before fake criminal charges or murder.
I don't say this to be dramatic.
I'm smart.
I've studied things.
I have a feel for this.
This is what they do before they kill you.
They want me silenced, they want me under system so I can't speak out while they quietly destroy me.
All these little Lilliputians.
It's not going to work.
We're standing together.
But this is the equivalent of the Alamo against the Globalist or 300.
I'm on the beach with our listeners, the frontline, battling.
I need other talk show hosts, other news sites, and everybody else out there to support us.
They don't want you to see my response to Chobani.
They're not going to put it anywhere.
It's up to you to get it out.
It's up to Drudge to post it if he wants to.
But whatever, I need your help.
I stand with everybody else.
I stand with everybody else when they're under attack, when they're being boycotted.
I understand we hang together and we hang separate.
I need your hopes.
I need your prayers.
I need your financial support.
And I need you to spread the links and the articles on critical news and information.
I need you to understand how far we've already come.
And we shouldn't be pessimistic because they're attacking us.
That's because we're starting to win.
We're over the target.
So I want to see a record surge in funding.
Because even though we've seen a record support, it is barely enough in the face of all this.
And I want to expand.
I don't want to just stay the same size.
I want to grow in the face of the enemy.
We have a job to do.
These are products you need.
They're game-changing.
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And please pray for my crew and pray for our sponsors and our affiliates as well.
And support those local sponsors.
Don't sit there and think somebody else is going to do it.
Or, oh, thank God Alex is there.
And I'm not chastising you.
But this is the main battle.
This is the main enemy assault.
It's every week new attacks.
And we're getting stronger in the face of it because you're pulling through for us.
But we got to keep pulling
People say he acts like a football coach.
That's what men did before they went to war, before they rallied the troops.
Football is a facsimile of war, it's not real.
Football coaches are copying what men used to do to rally people to stand up for their people.
I'm not acting like a football coach.
They're acting like what men used to do, rallying people to take action.
This isn't some game, people!
There's a total Islamic takeover taking place!
Behind the scenes, they got Muslims following me around.
You wouldn't believe the crap they're pulling, man.
The damn cult!
And I'm ready to take them on.
But I need your prayers.
Christ, please help us win this, please help me be strong, and please help Melissa understand how serious this is.
Let's go to my special report, then David Knight's coming up.
I'm Alex Jones, telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.
April 24th, 2017.
That's the day you can mark your calendars that George Soros
openly try to take down Infowars.
Yeah, he funds Media Matters and David Brock and is trying to shut down Infowars and every other libertarian pro-America group.
And sure, he's involved with MSNBC and the WikiLeaks with Hillary trying to steal the election.
And sure, he's been caught with the United Nations and the WikiLeaks trying to set up a system where only his news is available to the public.
News he approves!
But the Nazi collaborator
He jumped the shark today, April 24th, 2017.
He had his Islamicist-owned and backed US company openly file suit against InfoWars today for stating information that is part of a public record.
They have taken our kindness for weakness.
And George Soros and his Islamist buddies are now about to meet, not Alex Jones, but the American people.
Let me just first show you a few headlines from today, but also the recent past, just to illustrate what I'm about to lay out to you.
Look at this headline, Associated Press, today.
Chobani Yogurt Company sues right-wing radio host Alex Jones.
And it says because I claim Islamic migrants, quote, refugees are unvetted, which they are, and that 20% or more have TB, and because this guy promotes the importation of these people, I'm a liar, so they're suing me.
They also say that
He's been caught bringing in Islamicists who have now pled guilty to rape.
Well, let me then clarify or correct myself here.
I'm not saying he consciously brought in people he thought were going to rape, but people he brought in and force-fed on America have now been implicated, indicted, and have pled guilty to that.
But here's what's even crazier.
The owner of Chobani, who appeared out of nowhere in the late 1990s here in the United States, immigrated here in 1994.
He is on the New York Federal Reserve.
That's the New York Fed that, under the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, controls all the other regional banks in the United States.
And Donald Trump is even having trouble removing the New York Fed.
So how is this guy, who just got here in the 90s, on the New York Fed, but citizens can't even get details of what's happening?
And he comes here from countries that don't have any freedom.
Turkey's now an Islamic dictatorship, threatening to invade Europe.
They don't submit.
He comes here with clear backing of the government of Turkey.
Turkey's infiltrated us up one side and down the other.
That's admitted.
Setting up thousands of public schools, private schools, you name it.
He shows up out of nowhere, gets huge portions of the U.S.
lunch program.
I'm going to cover that in a moment.
Carlos Slim, the Mexican kingpin that owns the New York Times, gets the Obama phone contracts, billions a year, and then they pick us to file a lawsuit on.
And why is that?
Because we're the tip of the spear, ladies and gentlemen.
So I'm going to go over to all the evidence right now.
Here it is, refreshing to meet Jordan Soros and hear about his work, looking forward to collaborating with him and the refugees.
That was a couple years ago, and we now see, with the flood of 80% military aged men, the 5 million people in Europe, what's happening here, the giant political snake that is chewing at us.
So here's the Aiken Group that George Soros founded.
I'm going to show you in a moment.
George Soros' law firm that is suing us for reporting on
Well, I'm about to show you all over mainstream news.
TB skyrocketing, coming from the Islamicist, what his company's doing, that he's pushing for more unvetted refugees, all of this.
But they go on to say that Idaho yogurt maker caught importing migrant rapists.
So they threatened me a couple weeks ago with a lawsuit, so we even changed the headlines.
They didn't care.
They went ahead and filed the lawsuit.
Even though you could technically probably argue our headlines, I said, yeah,
Maybe he didn't know that it's part of the Islamic religion to rape women that aren't attended and put hoods over their heads and enslave them.
Maybe he's not really a Muslim, even though he is.
But I said, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe he's a heretic.
So I said, let's not say, let's say people he brought in have been pleading guilty to rape, and that TV's exploding from folks being brought in.
But let's not, it didn't matter to them.
Statutorily, it's all about teaching me to shut up, teaching me to back down, teaching all of us to go away.
Which isn't going to happen.
They've taken my kindness for weakness.
Oh, Chobani?
Get ready.
Chobani founder gets threats, and the calls are now coming out to boycott, bringing in more refugees.
That was last year.
That's NBC News, not us.
Here's another headline.
yogurt billionaire asks businesses to hire more foreign refugees.
Turkish Chobani owner has deep ties to Clinton, global initiative, and Clinton campaign. 2016.
Then you turn the page and they have links to it.
It turns out he's involved Democrats, the unions.
He got all this money from federal government.
He spent all this money on lobbying.
And then you find out...
Refugee advocate is also on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, while still being a Turkish citizen, and has been named imminent advocate for the United Nations Refugee Program, which is run by Peter Sutherland, that says the Islamic invasion is about ending Western civilization and freedom.
Under the 1951 Convention and the Preamble, which all the countries in the world effectively that we're talking about are signatories to, refugees have the responsibility of the world.
The day of hiding behind borders and fences is long gone.
We have to work together and cooperate together to make a better world.
So let's look at this international prospectus from international investors titled Alpha Company or Die.
Looking at the Aiken Group, the firm's New York offices started with three clients.
And number three was George Soros.
The Egan Group built out its business from there.
The firm's investment management practice now boasts 60 lawyers plus 45 tax attorneys, and they've filed suit on us.
So you want me to fight the globalists?
You want me to take on the New World Order that hijacked America, opened the borders up, and is bringing in the Islamists here and in Europe?
Well, they're going to come after us.
So everyone should be conscious.
Google just got caught censoring us and had to admit it.
Soros and his media matters is openly trying to shut us down.
And now they've got lawsuits.
Expose it.
Speak out against it.
Literally, I never knew what shobani yogurt was.
I thought it was a joke the few times I ate it.
But again, that's why they target school lunch programs.
Because in my opinion, it tastes like dried paint.
So, I'm being sued for saying Islamists are bringing in TB.
I'm being sued for saying that some of them have, you know, been pleading guilty to rape.
I'm sure you weren't conscious.
Again, I'll retract that.
So let's look at the headlines.
TB spiked 500% in Twin Falls during 2012 as Shobani yogurt opened the plant.
The blessings just continue.
Seven refugees with active TB sent to Idaho when they know they have it.
22% of residents, refugees in Minnesota tested positive for tuberculosis.
It doesn't matter.
They're arrogant Muslims running around, you know, killing each other in their own countries.
It doesn't matter.
We'll roll over to them.
We have no common sense.
We have no life force.
We have no resistance.
I do!
Tuberculosis in the United States, 2015.
CDC exploding!
Chobani and Fage face lawsuits over sugar content and Greekness.
Competitors are taking Chobani to court over scare tactics used in its ads.
Chobani Greek yogurt accused in lawsuit of not being Greek and deceiving customers with nutritional benefits.
Oh, but don't worry!
You've got a forced school lunch program, don't you?
Oh, and the same law firm, big law firm, takes down big conservative blogger.
And no one points out Soros was a founding funder.
But we will.
Don't worry.
Turkey says migrant deal has ended.
May unleash millions of refugees.
And I've got all the headlines just from last month saying, you will let more in or we will burn down Europe.
We're launching a holy war, a jihad.
And the day after he said it, truck attacks in England and in France and in Sweden and in Belgium.
And it was all just funny because Europeans have no defense mechanism.
They have no will to stand up.
And Erdogan, the dictator, just laughs and says, start killing.
And he's got his companies here everywhere, taking over private schools, you name it.
Companies just everywhere.
Because they know how to run stuff, and they know how to donate money, and they know how to sue, and they know how to bully.
Well, guess what?
You just ran into a Texan.
So you get ready!
Because we're never backing down, and our audience isn't backing down.
Turkish ministers send 15,000 migrants a month to Europe to shock them.
You're already doing it.
Hell, intimidation tactics have been working for over a thousand years for Islam.
They took over much of the Middle East, Europe, much of Africa, Asia.
Islam took over all over the place.
Our government's been backing it, taking over Serbia, taking over Syria, taking over Egypt, radical Islam.
And so it's been working, hasn't it?
It's been working to be arrogant.
It's been working to be aggressive.
It's been working to be in everybody's face.
And we just bend over and grovel to the Islamification of Europe and London and every major city.
It's truly, truly sickening.
But let's get to the rest of the big celebrated lawsuit.
Wide, massive news coverage.
Six, seven investigative journalists from big globalist media outfits, openly funded by Soros, like Media Matters, The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, following me everywhere, putting out total lies.
But that's okay.
Let's gang up on Alex Jones.
You know what?
I love it.
I intended this my whole life, to fight tyranny.
You guys don't get it.
This is the Great Animating Contest.
I'm not intimidated by you.
I love it.
Idaho refugee boys admit to sexually assaulting five-year-old and pissing in their mouth.
Twin Falls refugee rape special report.
Why are refugees moving in?
Oh, the Chobani plan.
If you want to live here, you need to live by the rules.
Guilty pleas and sexual abuse of Twin Falls girls.
Our Justice Long Overdue Attorney says, oh, because for the last year, MSM said it was a hoax!
Because everybody knows Muslims never raped anybody.
They never bombed anybody.
They never stabbed anybody.
And then I've got all these stories.
Second doctor charged in general mutilation case, USA Today, here in the U.S.
And that's what Uma Abedin's mother is promoting in America, Hillary's girlfriend.
Media meltdown over Trump correctly calling Paris attack happened a few days ago, shooting a bunch of cops.
They said it's not Muslims, even though they screamed Allah Akbar and did it!
Muslim avoids jail for anally raping teen because he couldn't understand no, and it's his culture.
AP charges Fresno shooters.
Words, they change it.
From Allah Akbar removes Islam reference.
Yeah, you wait till the Idaho jury, brother, sits there and sees all this and knows all this.
Won't matter, half of them work at your damn plant.
They hate your guts, too!
They hate your thuggery.
They hate your bullying.
They hate your Islamification.
They hate your genital mutilation.
They hate everything Islam does.
And until you denounce it, and you try to bring that here, it's on all Muslims' heads.
But none of you will decry what you're involved in.
Will you?
Where are you?
And to be clear, we're just covering a few of the cases.
Refugees from Africa, refugees from Iraq, rapes, rapes, admitting to it, adults being charged, and all sorts of cover-ups.
I mean, this is huge.
Everybody knows about the Islamic rape epidemic, and that Sweden's the capital of rape worldwide now.
But when Farage says it, they criminally charge him in Europe, saying he can't say that.
This is the bullying!
They think they've broken our will.
They haven't.
So, here's the deal, Mr.
No at all.
Maybe you don't know what Islam's all about, so you come out and decry it.
But see, you're not.
And you want to sit here and try to intimidate us and shut us up from reporting this, and that's not ever going to happen.
Now to the viewers.
You want us to fight globalism?
The sword of the New World Order is Islam.
You want us to stand up for freedom?
You want us to promote sovereignty?
We're doing it.
And I'm very honored to be under attack by all these people.
But I'm here to tell you, if you want to support the broadcast, go to InfoWarsTore.com and buy those products.
They're great nutraceuticals, great supplements, great non-GMO heirloom seeds, great water filtration, great Patriot apparel to meet like-minded people, great books and films, thousands of great items.
But whatever you do, spread the link, spread the articles, spread the word and say, this is the forbidden site.
This is what the globalists don't want you to see.
Because we are so effective.
They know we got Trump elected.
They know you got Trump elected.
They know nationalism is rising and globalism is in great crisis.
And globalism's alliance with Islam will be their final fall.
But you look at this guy that owns Chobani, coming from nowhere, hooked in with George Soros, the UN, involved in this whole program, which the UN admits is meant to end Western civilization, and you understand it's part of a large globalist operation which we are standing against, and that's why they're trying to shut us down.
So if you're not supporting us, if you're not praying for us, if you're not spreading the word about Infowars, you're doing it to your own detriment.
We have products you absolutely need.
And they are hoping that you just see us as out there fighting for you and don't realize you're fighting with us.
They're hoping you don't take action.
Because if you spread the word, and spread our articles and videos, and get past the censors and the bots, and if you buy our products, nothing can stop you and we will defeat these people.
This is my fight?
This is your fight, this is our fight against a bunch of authoritarian, globalist, third-world populations allied with the global elite who are totally cold-blooded.
This is World War III.
It's economic, it's cultural, and we will win it!
And in closing, this is a spiritual battle.
All of us, as imperfect as we are, need to hit our knees before the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and ask,
That he give us guidance and that he intercede with the Father to give us the will and the determination and the judgment to lead, guide, and direct us with the discernment it takes to break the purely wicked
...and foul-spirited system of globalism, Islam, and modern liberalism that is all combined as a trifecta of evil against us.
But our trifecta is much stronger.
You won't find it in the globalist churches.
You'll find it in your heart and soul, and in your communion with God in that quiet place of the Most High, that we have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and we are unstoppable.
But this is the epic fight.
And we are standing against the Islamists' economic takeover and all their bullying.
And if you breathe air into our sails and financially support us and spread our links and articles and pray for us, we are unstoppable because you are unstoppable because our God, the God of liberty and justice and freedom and life, is the true God and will cross the satanic God of Islam.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
On Saturday, Pope Francis made the outlandish statement that refugee camps are like concentration camps.
This is not the first time Pope Francis has made a Nazi reference.
In wake of the election of Donald Trump, like a good liberal, the Pope warned of populist leaders like Hitler rising to power.
But now the pontiff has made the comparison of refugee camps to concentration camps.
What a lewd statement!
Refugees are going to these centers to avoid starvation, suffering, and death, while Jewish people were forced into concentration camps with the starvation, suffering, and death.
He made this statement while paying tribute to a Christian woman who was slaughtered by Muslims for her faith.
He then heartlessly said that international accords seem more important than human rights.
The Pope, while at a ceremony honoring modern day Christian martyrs to Islam, is at the same time shoving open borders down your throat so that all countries can be invaded and murdered by these jihadists, as their human right, ignoring anyone else's human right to living in a sovereign country.
Funny how the Pope has a problem with refugee camps, still silent on the wars that put them there.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
Not my pope!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, April 25th, 2017.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be joined in the next segment with Gerald Cilenti.
We're going to ask him what he thinks about world politics, where the trends are.
Of course he has Trends Journal.
So we're going to talk to Gerald Salenti starting in the next segment.
But of course you just heard Alex Jones talking about the lawsuit from Chobani Yogurt founder.
And I think it's interesting because today in the news we have Senator Chuck Schumer.
And he said this.
He said, if Breitbart and New York Times are given equal credibility, you worry about this democracy.
This is a guy who said, the Founding Fathers, here's his quote, it goes on Morning Joe yesterday.
He said, the Founding Fathers created a country that was based on fact.
Well, actually, they created a country that was based on a Constitution, on the rule of law.
But, nevertheless, it was factual.
But you don't want to talk about the facts in the Constitution, do you, Senator Schumer?
Second Amendment, other things like that.
You just don't like that.
Then we debated the facts.
We debate them at Constitutional Convention.
We debate them at the town hall.
Throughout America, but we're supposed to debate them in the legislature.
We don't have a fact base if, say, Breitbart News and the New York Times are regarded with equal credibility.
You worry about this democracy.
Well, you know, the simple fact is that he switches this, of course, from facts to attacking entire news sites.
Understand this.
The news isn't fake because Breitbart says it.
And the news isn't true because the New York Times says it.
What a simplistic lie this guy is trying to sell us.
Chuck Schumer, one of the founding funders of Chobani Yogurt.
And when I did that report, the thing that bothered me about it was the fact that we had this puff PR piece from CBS's 60 Minutes.
As we had heard the previous year, oh this is all a lie, there wasn't anything that even happened.
This is all being made up.
Snopes said this is mostly a lie.
And of course they threw in some strawman arguments.
Those were things that I, quite frankly, had not even seen people mention to say that it was mostly fake.
But as we saw these people that week admit and plead guilty to felonies, these minors, immediately CBS does this puff PR piece for this guy who is so well connected.
It's the crony capitalism.
You know, the idea that this guy would be able to buy a yogurt factory with a small business loan.
Nearly a million dollars.
You know, I was in business.
My father and both of my grandfathers were in their own small businesses their entire life.
They never got a grant from the government.
But this guy, who's not even an American citizen, comes in here and they give him nearly a million dollars.
And what does he do with it?
Well, he buys this factory, but then he turns around and he gets an $800,000 loan from a small business association.
They have the gall to call him an entrepreneur.
I think there's another word for that.
Crony capitalist.
And what he does, according to the Albany Times Union, is he gets encouragement from New York Senators Chuck Schumer and Gellibrand.
So in New York, he cozies up to these people and according to Open Secrets, he spent $700,000 lobbying them.
So he gets $800,000 from the Small Business Association.
He spends $700,000 of it lobbying these founding funders that we have in the government now.
What a great return on investment because then with that, he leverages himself into the $15 billion school lunch program.
How's that for return on investment?
It makes me sick to see this kind of crony capitalism going on, to see our country being colonized.
This is neo-colonialism.
You know, we used to have bread and circuses in the old Roman Empire.
Today we've got Greek yogurt and video games.
Just sit there, American Eloy, while these globalist Morlocks use you for food.
Feed off of you.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with Gerald Salenti.
Try not laughing at this headline.
1 in 5 adults in the United Kingdom can't change a light bulb or boil an egg.
This according to a survey of more than 2,000 people on their habits around the house.
Listen to some of these shocking statistics.
31% of people could not cook a meal without a recipe.
34% of people cannot read a map.
38% of people could not unclog a sink.
47% of people don't know how to check oil levels in a car.
53% of people could not put up a shelf.
A shelf!
Now, while this survey was done in the UK, I wouldn't be shocked if you got some of the same results in big cities here in the United States.
This is a perfect example of how modern-day education systems and lifestyles are domesticating our society, so that we cannot function independently.
I object that he interrupted me while I was watching!
Ow, my balls!
That is not okay!
That wrecks my game!
GoingForWars.com, this is Owen Schroeder.
The reason InfoWarsLive has five-star ratings on major third-party sites is because I want products I'm gonna use for my family.
I take this.
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And then it funds the operation with the most hardcore, truthful information you're gonna find anywhere.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Tuesday, April 25th, 2017, we're going to talk to Gerald Salenti, the founder and editor of Trends Research Journal and also Trends Research Institute.
And of course, Gerald has been very active in terms of promoting peace around the world.
He had the Occupy Peace organization that he set up, had rallies this last fall.
So I want to talk to Gerald about how he sees
Things going economically, but also the war and peace issues, because we're now seeing that Donald Trump talked to the UN National Security Council yesterday at the White House.
He'll be meeting, I think it's today, with all 100 senators from within the White House, again, talking about the North Korean situation.
And, Gerald, let's get your comments on that.
Optimistic about this working out peacefully, or do you think this is something that they're pushing for war?
You know, I've been hearing about North Korea just about all my life.
I mean, this is a poor country.
I think North Korea, didn't they invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction?
That's right.
Same playbook, isn't it?
Well, was it Libya?
Because Gaddafi has to go.
Maybe it was Syria.
I think that they started that with the Arab League.
No, no, I know.
North Korea's in Afghanistan for the longest war probably in their history.
Oh, no, I think they just sent troops down to Somalia.
I mean, this is a country of nothing.
So what this is, it's more war propaganda.
It's what Eisenhower warned us of, that the military industrial complex is robbing the nation of the genius of the scientists
The sweat of the laborers and the future of the children.
Just look what happened last week in the U.S.S.A.
Hey, lights went out in San Francisco, huh?
Hey, all you Silicon Valley cats, no lights on.
Hey, what happened there in L.A.?
Went down, too, here in New York.
Don't take the subway, man.
It's a night in Calcutta.
They close down all the time.
But war everywhere.
And when I listen to this guy that's in charge of the Defense Department, James, quote, Mad Dog Mattis, what adult would call himself Mad Dog?
And I hear the words that they're speaking.
You know, I don't know if it's going to be North Korea, but I'll tell you what I think it's going to be and what we're forecasting.
And that is, they're heating up a war with Iran.
Israel keeps coming out, warning us about Iran.
Mathis was over there last week with Netanyahu, and they're talking about Iran.
You hear Tillerson, one after another, talking about Iran being the greatest sponsor of terrorism in the world.
Those are their quotes, not mine.
Or to paraphrase, don't want to get sued, you know.
Oh, by the way, that Kobani place that you were talking about up here in New York State, I believe, I don't want to be misquoted, but I believe they also got about five million dollars in tax breaks.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah, that's the thing that we see happening, and of course it's happening in Idaho as well.
They get state and local subsidies, just like all the big companies do, for graciously opening up their business.
But who pays for that?
Individuals, workers and small businesses subsidize these big corporations just like the NFL owners and their stadiums.
And then he also, Gerald, gets subsidized labor because these refugees come with subsidies from the federal government.
So what a deal!
You get the government to open up your factory for you and then they bring in some subsidized labor for you as well.
That's right.
Look, it's called the merger of state and corporate powers.
A paisano of mine that I'm not too fond of, Mussolini, called it fascism.
So let's call a spade a spade.
Oh, and I can say that now without being called a racist, now that Obama's out of office.
That's right.
Yeah, they can, today they don't call it economic fascism, they call it public-private partnerships.
Isn't that nice?
And we're the ones that they're PPPing down our backs and telling us that it's raining, right?
You got it.
Josie Wales, though.
Yeah, it's a day in Slavelandia.
So going back to the wars, this country's falling apart at every level.
The stock market's not a reflection of what's going on.
You guys know the facts.
What, 51% of the working people in America with full-time jobs making $30,000 or less?
You know the story.
5% of all the dough created since 2009?
95% of all the money went to 5%.
So, what we're looking at is we're wasting the monies on war.
You know, they keep talking about, watch out for the Russians, watch out for the Russians.
What's Trump increasing the budget?
54 billion bucks?
Russia's total budget, defense budget, ours is over 600 billion.
Theirs is 48 billion dollars.
So our increase is way bigger than their entire budget already.
So what we're seeing here is an escalation.
All of a sudden, one day within 24 hours, whoop, bam, boom, hey, let's send missiles into Syria.
We'll show them.
Hey, how about the mother of all bombs?
And by the way, where's the father of all bombs?
Who are they going to drop that one on?
I mean, you can't make this stuff up.
Yeah, exactly.
You know, one of the things that interests me too, and of course you understand this, Gerald,
That as we're talking about refugees, as we're talking about the war, this is all related to regime change.
This is part of the globalist plan.
To flood our countries, to flood the West, with refugees fleeing the war.
One of the things that I objected to about this puff piece that CBS 60 Minutes did with Ulukaya,
Was the fact that he comes on and they just portrayed him as a jobs creator.
We just talked about all the subsidies that he gets for his factories and his workers.
But he said, they're not refugees if you give them a job.
Well, you know what?
They're not refugees if you stop the war that you created in their country to drive them in.
And Gerald, we've just seen the Russians as well as the Chinese move massive amounts of military to the border that they have with North Korea because they're concerned about a massive flood of refugees.
Coming into their country.
If there is an economic meltdown from the sanctions or if there is a war, they know they can't absorb massive amounts of refugees.
No country can.
It isn't a racist thing.
It isn't that the Chinese are racist against the North Koreans or the Russians are racist against them.
You simply can't do it.
That's the way you destroy a country.
So they have positioned their troops there at the border.
Of course, we don't have troops to protect our borders because we're abroad fighting wars everywhere, aren't we?
Yes, and that's part of OccupyPeace.us, because it's only about us, and that's one of the things.
Close all the bases overseas, bring the troops back, and protect our borders.
That's one of the elements.
The other one, of course, is force Congress to vote to go to war, rather than El Presidente of los Estados Unidos, who's
It's a violation of the Constitution, and Congress has not voted to go to war since World War II.
And number three is to have a ballot on each state, a referendum, where we'll tell Congress how to vote, because they don't send their kids to vote to fight wars, we do.
That's right.
So we pay for the war with our money and our lives.
And I want to go back to what you said first about the refugee problem.
And you're one of the few people that also says it.
What caused the refugee problem?
Why don't we put together a blue-ribbon panel and maybe we could figure it out?
You know, oh, you mean you only destroyed... We could do a government-funded study, yeah.
Yeah, you mean you destroyed Iraq, killed over a million people?
Oh, I wonder how they got radicalized.
Can't figure that one out either.
Oh, in Afghanistan.
Oh, they're coming from Afghanistan?
Wonder why?
And you know the fact, David, that when Qaddafi warned
That if they took him down, the refugees would be flowing into Italy and into Europe.
And because he had made a deal with Berlusconi and the other leaders of European countries, that he would prohibit the flood of migrants coming out of Africa, the poorer countries, and going from Libya into Europe.
And then, when
The Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner, the arrogant Obama, said Qaddafi has to go.
We wrote about it in the Trends Journal in the summer edition 2011, over 500
50,000 Libyans escaped the slaughter that those liberals are so sorry that the Obama and Hillary Clinton are gone that caused it.
No one talks about how this happened.
And one other point I'd like to make in what you said.
It's not racist if you don't want refugees.
Go back to the Great Depression.
I mentioned how bad this country is doing for we, the little people, who have to work for a living.
When the Depression hit, they stopped everybody from coming in.
Until the country rebuilt itself.
We have 220, 320 million people.
We can't take care of our own.
I got a great idea!
Let's bring in another 100 million!
Yes, yes.
It's an engineered takedown.
And you should point out, they knew this.
They were warned by Qaddafi.
And of course, as this thing was going on, we have emails that WikiLeaks gave us where they're talking about the fact that fighters are coming into Libya.
They're identifying people just by identifying them as being black and killing them.
So you talk about Black Lives Matter.
Well, it didn't really matter
To Hillary Clinton or to Barack Obama when they wanted to do the takedown of Libya.
They want to create chaos and war in these countries so they can create a flood of refugees and tell us there's nothing that can be done about it.
We just have to bring these people in.
So then they can create chaos and terrorism in our countries as well.
That's what the whole plan is.
That's what concerns me so much.
about this turnaround with the Trump administration.
We didn't vote for this.
We didn't vote for Lindsey Graham.
But now Lindsey Graham is ecstatic about the government that he has.
He says it's what he's wanted for eight years.
He's so excited about this.
I'm very concerned about it, quite frankly.
I see Paul Wolfowitz very optimistic now about Trump.
Elliott Abrams loves him.
The only thing wrong with Trump, says Elliott Abrams, is he's got to get rid of Steve Bannon.
So when I look at these things, it really concerns me the direction that they're going after making a very initial great start.
I'm really worried about where this is going.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with Gerald Simons.
What is going on when we're all Russian agents?
I mean, I support Trump.
I get the missile attack made him look strong.
I'm just saying I don't believe the chemical attack was facade because they've caught the rebels doing it before and they don't have any proof he did it.
I'm not even attacking Trump!
In fact, in a Machiavellian way, I'm saying, okay, you blew up an empty airfield and shut them up about how you're a Russian agent.
I kind of sickly support it.
I've admitted that.
Kind of becoming like Machiavelli, because now we've got a guy in there doing their own tricks against them.
But I'm just saying, how do we know Assad did it?
And now in newspapers everywhere, I am an Assad agent.
We're together!
Look at us!
Gavin, are you getting orders from Assad?
Yeah, I was just talking to him on the phone right now.
He's actually here via Skype on the other TV.
But my thing with that is I go, I don't care.
I don't care if it was actors.
I don't care if they just had kids.
Go like that.
The big picture is that the world saw a bad thing, so the big man has to go boom on the bad thing.
And now women respect him.
Here in America, they go, oh, the patriarchy is back.
Because we know feminists deep down want the patriarchy.
Obama's legacy is obliterated because he said he would draw a line in the sand and he got cucked.
So that's awesome.
He's killed, as you say, the Russian theory.
I think the neocons even are getting too much hubris, too confident they're going to be wiped out.
And the biggest picture is these terrorists are absolute animals.
They dismember our soldiers.
They tear out beating hearts and eat them.
They sell fingers and the market there for as war trophies.
There's literally a market for body parts just as accoutrements.
So we don't negotiate with them.
We don't send them democracy.
We just scare them with huge fireworks.
They drop this twenty-something thousand pound bomb and it kills them all.
I mean, that, that's a, finally, and then they say, oh, he wants a military dictatorship.
He says, I've given them total authorization.
There was this, to carry out his constitutional orders.
This micromanaging, call Obama, and he would never answer the phone.
Sir, we, we have, we have been logged in the sites, we can't kill him.
Oh, you, yeah.
I mean, this is crazy.
Gavin, what do you make of that?
I think we crippled our guys over there.
I was talking to Terry Shepard recently and I said, how do we win this war?
And he goes, let us do our job.
I mean, right now they've got RPGs and they go, we're getting shot at from a mosque.
What do we do?
And they've got to call up.
I talked to one vet who told me, he said, our guy had to pretend he misunderstood in order to save our lives.
Because they were shooting from the mosque and the guy said, don't shoot the mosque.
And he said, what was that?
Shoot the mosque?
Oh, what?
And they took out the guys that were trying to kill them.
We've got to let our dogs loose on these boys.
I want the terrorists to be going, who, who, who, who let the dogs out?
As we just roar through the Middle East.
Short, sharp shock, by the way.
I don't want to quagmire.
I want to just get in and get out and scare the crap out of them.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be going back to Gerald Cilenti in just a moment.
As I pointed out earlier, we have Chuck Schumer saying that there is an existential threat to democracy if we, if they rather, lose the domination of the narrative.
That's why he comes out and says, hey, if you say Breitbart and New York Times are given equal credibility,
Then democracy will collapse.
No, their control of our government will collapse.
If people start to look not at the source, but at what people are saying, then it will collapse.
We want you to think for yourself.
Then you have to understand this lawsuit from Chobani is about trying to silence alternative media, alternative to the mockingbird media that the CIA has been controlling the narrative with for a very long time.
It's not about the source.
It's about the information.
You're intelligent enough.
To read the information, to make that decision for yourself.
But they don't want you to hear any voices other than theirs.
Other than their controlled New York Times.
And we have pointed this out for a very long time.
And we're winning this information war.
That's why they're coming at us now with the lawsuits.
That's why they're going after people at Fox News.
Anybody they think is conservative, they're coming after them, talking about sexual harassment.
Even going after Sean Hannity.
One of the nicest guys in media, probably.
And trying to make up charges about him.
He's not going to take it.
We're not going to take it.
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Gerald, we've been talking about war and peace.
We've been talking about how excited Lindsey Graham is and Paul Wolfowitz.
I want to also talk to you, you may want to say some more about that, but I also want to talk about the election that's going on in France.
And this Rothschild banker that comes in, they talk about him as being a centrist so much you would think that was his first name.
He's actually a central bankerist, isn't he?
Yes, he is.
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Yeah, and everyone listening, really, if they want to keep the truth out and free, it's very important that they support shows like yours and put their money where their mind is.
And you were talking about, as I call them, the prestitute media.
First you were talking about little Chuckie Schumer, little boy of nothing.
Why would any adult, why would any thinking adult listen to a little clown of nothing like him, Lindsey Graham, John and Saint McCain, what's that other guy, Paulie, what did he play, Eddie Munster, Ryan, I mean look at these, Diane Not-So-Fine-Stein, Nancy Out-Of-Her-Mind Pelosi, what adults would listen to these people
Throw out their crap and swallow it.
They're having a discussion of what they think shows you what lunacy is going on.
You know, there's an interesting headline, Gerald, about Paul Ryan.
They call him on WND.
They said, he's Beaver Cleaver at home, but he's Eddie Haskell in D.C.
That's a perfect description of that guy.
By the way,
You know, as you know, you know, my career, I began in politics.
I used to run political campaigns in Westchester County.
I was a number two guy right out of graduate school running the mayoral campaign of Yonker.
It's not a small city, about 300,000 people.
I was the assistant to the Secretary of the New York State Senate.
I designed and instructed American politics and campaign technology and taught it at St.
John's University, and I could go on.
I'm making the point that these people, all these names that we mentioned, these are the same people you couldn't stand in high school and college that wanted to be class president and head of the student council.
Absolutely, absolutely.
And of course, we would add to that list Nikki Haley, who this month is a head of the UN Security Council, so she gets to show all of her pictures to get people to go to war.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Gerald Cilenti.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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On Saturday, Pope Francis made the outlandish statement that refugee camps are like concentration camps.
This is not the first time Pope Francis has made a Nazi reference.
In wake of the election of Donald Trump, like a good liberal, the Pope warned of populist leaders like Hitler rising to power.
But now the pontiff has made the comparison of refugee camps to concentration camps.
What a lewd statement!
Refugees are going to these centers to avoid starvation, suffering, and death, while Jewish people were forced into concentration camps with the starvation, suffering, and death.
He made this statement while paying tribute to a Christian woman who was slaughtered by Muslims for her faith.
He then heartlessly said that international accords seem more important than human rights.
The Pope, while at a ceremony honoring modern-day Christian martyrs to Islam, is at the same time shoving open borders down your throat so that all countries can be invaded and murdered by these jihadists, as their human right, ignoring anyone else's human right to living in a sovereign country.
Funny how the Pope has a problem with refugee camps,
Still silent on the wars that put them there.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroyer.
Not my pope.
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You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, April 25th, 2017.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Gerald Salenti of TrendsResearch.com.
Of course, he publishes Trends Journal.
He looks at political and economic trends.
I want to talk to Gerald now about the French elections.
And of course, the mainstream media just loves Macron.
As the Washington Post says, he's a 39-year-old centrist.
They all say he's a centrist.
He jets to Berlin to give speeches in English.
The blue and yellow banner of the EU flutters off his campaign headquarters.
And of course, Nigel Farage says, well, he gave his acceptance speech with the EU banner fluttering behind him.
That says it all.
And I would agree.
It says it all.
As long as he would maybe put a corporate sponsorship
Of Rothschild Bank on his suit like a NASCAR racer.
Because these are the guys who put him in there.
And one last thing here.
Washington Post.
Talking about the European Union.
They call it a 28 nation club.
Maybe making a comeback.
You know what?
As George Carlin said, it's a club and you ain't in it, folks.
You got no say about what's going on in this special club.
And we need to get out of that club and take our governments back.
That's what this election is about, isn't it, Gerald?
It is, and again, you point it out too, they use the term centrist.
Oh yeah, what's a centrist?
I mean, it's so moronic, right wing, left wing, you know, grow up.
And when you look, you know what the French people just did?
They're putting in there Obama.
That's all this guy is.
He's another Obama.
Another guy full of crap that knows nothing.
Another little boy that lies his way into office.
And won't do anything other than keep the status quo going.
Another little liar that plays whatever is being played out, capitalizes on it, wins over those people, and then plays the centrist role, which actually means
Keeping the club, as you mentioned, George Carlin, we're not members in it, never will be, keeping them from rape, keeping them alive, so they can rape every dime and life out of us that they can.
So that's who they put into office.
So now we have to say, the French were as stupid as everybody else, and I used to think that they were really smart.
But boy, by putting it, but look who they had.
Look at the clown that they got there now, Hollande.
Look at the jerk they had behind him!
A little warmonger of a nothing guy, Sarkozy, that took out, along with Obama, and another little jerk, I should say wanker because he's English, Cameron, who also started the war in Libya.
So when you look around the world and look what you have, I guess the people are getting what they deserve.
Because they're putting in one little jerk after another.
Yes, and of course, we're talking about Sarkozy and Hollande, who is the first French president to not run for re-election.
One of the reasons is because he angered his socialist base by pandering to the bankers in Brussels.
And the guy who enacted those policies
Was Macron, who Hollande brought into his administration because Rothschild wanted him there.
Basically, he bought his way out of his government service for 50,000 euros, then spending four years with Rothschild, he becomes extremely wealthy, and then they insert him into a socialist government.
So that's why you had this fracturing of the Socialist Party there.
But of course, they also reported how he was partying after the election with Sarkozy.
And all of his bling-bling celebrities, which is what they call them in France.
So this is a guy who is equally at home with all of the establishment.
That's why they call him a centrist.
Because they don't want to label him as being with one party or the other.
No, he's with the globalists in Brussels.
He's with the bankers.
He's a central bankerist, is what he is.
You see now, what they will try to do, but of course they can't do it with this one, is call you, Mr. Knight, a conspiracy theorist.
Oh yeah, the fact is, this cat is from the Rothschild Club.
He has his credentials right there.
Here are the papers.
Does anybody need any more proof?
No, you're a conspiracy theorist.
No, I'm not.
Here's the proof.
Oh yeah, just because he was with the Rothschilds, that doesn't mean he was with the Rothschilds.
Just like they got that other Slimer over there.
Who's the head of the ECB?
Mario Draghi.
Yeah, the former head of the Goldman Sachs gang's division over there in Europe, now running the European Central Bank.
Hey, let's take a trip to the UK.
Who's the central bankster in charge over there?
Uh, Carney.
Yeah, Carnival Man.
Oh yeah, wasn't he with Goldman Sachs too?
Hey, look at the clown running Australia.
Or is it Turn-BS-bull?
Yeah, another Goldman Sachs cat, huh?
One after another.
That's right.
It's a banker takeover.
Oh, and everybody out there say,
Oh, Salenti, lower your voice.
You're becoming angry!
Hey, get this in your head.
If Jesus Christ could pick up a whip and drive the money changers out of the temple, hey, an act of violence, right, by the Prince of Peace?
To get rid of the banksters that were ruining people's lives?
I could be angry about it, because I don't like getting shafted by the Wall Street gang and the Goldman Sachs gang.
The Merrill Lynch mob and all of the rest.
Oh, and all you liberals out there that are crying your crocodile tears that Hitler, he didn't win and Obama's gone.
He didn't prosecute one of the criminals that committed felonies.
Convicted of felonies, the banks not one head rolled.
Oh, just like this little clown that just got elected in France, Obama lied his way into office promising we, the little people, that the banksters would pay for their criminal acts and didn't bring one of them to justice.
You know what they call bringing people to justice?
Killing somebody overseas.
I brought Osama Bin Laden to justice.
I blew his brains out.
Oh, I didn't do it.
I hired my front men to do it because I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag.
But we'll call it bringing them to justice.
That's how distorted it's become.
And what you said before, David, about this becoming a neocolonial society?
It's a neo-feudal society.
There's different rules for the political nobility and the economic elite.
Yeah, well, the economic elite want to eliminate the Western middle class, and so that's exactly what they're doing.
You have this guy Macron.
We talked about it at the end of February.
February 27th, we had an article at Infowars.com.
Le Pen's Rothschild rival, who says Muslim mass migration is unstoppable.
He said, get used to it.
He said, we've entered a world of great migrations, and we will have more of it.
We will have more of it, because that's what they want.
That's what the bankers want.
They want to take down the middle class in America and Western Europe.
They want to have a clash of cultures.
They want to have chaos.
They want to have terrorism.
So they will be in the catbird seat here.
He says, we've entered a world of great migrations.
He goes, it's going to be, in the coming decades, migrations from geopolitical conflicts that, of course, the bankers will set up.
Rich man's war, poor man's fight.
And they're going to bring the fight home to our shores.
That's what they're going to do with this mass migration that is the aftermath of these wars that they want to set up abroad.
Yeah, and again, you know, as we talk about bringing in migrants and other people coming into the country and the people that support it, here's what I say to them.
Open your house to them.
Bring them in.
Pay for their health care.
Pay for their education.
You want them in?
Bring them in.
Adopt them.
Yeah, adopt them yourself.
Be responsible for them.
I don't want to bring in another person into this country until this nation rebuilds itself.
Look here, you pick up today's Wall Street Journal.
I was just looking at it.
We're ready to go on the air.
You look at the front page story.
Parents are drowning in college loan debt.
Over 330,000 in the United States and U.S.
programs haven't made a payment in at least a year.
They're suffering in this country economically.
Again, only the economic elite are making it to the top.
So it does not make sense to me to bring in more people when you can't take care of your own.
And again, all these people that are shooting off their mouths and taking to the streets in these protests, bring them into your house, put your money where your mouth is.
Educate them, pay for their health care, feed them.
We can't feed our own right now, and you want to bring in more?
It doesn't make sense to me.
A good example of that is the H-1B visa program.
Of course, they say we have to bring in these individuals.
Sometimes there's a reason to bring in somebody who's a specialist in another field, but that's not the way they're using it.
They're using it to replace people in many middle-level positions because they can hire cheaper labor from India or other places, just as we saw at Disney and elsewhere.
They told the Americans, you're going to train your replacements that we're bringing in here under the H-1B visa program.
Or you're not going to get any kind of severance pay out of this, so they basically twist their arms doing that.
But they're bringing in these people, in many cases, putting out engineers at entry-level positions, people who've gone to college to get a degree, they've gone into debt to get a degree.
But also we have illegal aliens who come in here under the Dreamer program, and Gerald, they get in-state tuition!
Because even though, at any state that they want to go to, I mean, even Americans, they're always put ahead of the line of Americans, even when it comes to something like that.
An American, if you have to live in that particular state, and only in that state can you get an in-state tuition, if you're a foreign citizen, criminally trespassing in this country, you can go anywhere you want and get at the head of the line.
You know, David, I wrote about H-1B visas in my book Trends 2000, an international bestseller, back in 1996.
I showed how it was a whole scheme from Silicon Valley to bring in cheap labor so they wouldn't have to pay the people in this country a living wage when they could get away with it.
And the whole, the entire push to bring in immigrants and refugees going back was the National Association of Manufacturers, when we had manufacturers in this country, and Silicon Valley.
It was a con job by the Silicon con men to bring in cheap labor.
That's all this is about.
Yeah, absolutely.
And you know, we've seen some movement by the Trump administration
To curb that.
That's one of the things that he had talked about in his campaign.
And I'm glad to see him do it.
One of the things too, Gerald, and I wanted to get your take on this, was we saw today that they announced that the Trump administration is going to look at the abuse that the executive orders that Barack Obama filed to use the Antiquities Act to take massive amounts of land, especially throughout the West.
He was calling everything a monument.
Part of the Antiquities Act, which would have been set up to save some specific artifact of culture.
And just like he abused the 1917 Espionage Act, he also abused this ancient piece of legislation to take millions upon millions of acres.
And this is something that is a big issue out West.
And the Trump administration has now taken the lead, saying that they're going to go back and look about 20 years
at the abuse of this particular tactic and possibly undo some of these takings of land.
Yeah, I don't know much about that, so I'm not going to really comment on it.
I haven't really been following that.
But what I, you know, again, on the economic issues, I agree a lot of what Trump is doing.
And when you looked at the poll that came out, for example, and his low ratings is 100, you know, the first 100 days, but then you look at what his most popular position on that polling is, 73% of the people support him
For his wanting to bring back jobs and create jobs in the United States.
That's right, putting America first.
So those issues, I'm totally for it.
On the foreign policy issues, he's done a 180 on it.
He came out and said how useless NATO is, which it is, and now he's backtracked on that.
And the U.N.
as he was saying, the U.N.
is doing an awful job and yet what do we see?
We see him going exactly opposite.
You're talking about the Occupy Peace situation.
I'm very concerned that he brings in the United Nations Security Council to the White House before he talks to anybody from Congress.
And it sounds like the type of thing that we saw going back a few years ago when Jeff Sessions was talking to Leon Panetta.
We all remember that clip.
And Jeff Sessions is saying, well, you know, what would you do?
And Leon Panetta says, well, we might notify you after the fact, but we're going to make the decision with the UN and with NATO, and we might advise Congress after the fact.
And Jeff Sessions says, wait a minute, you're a congressman, you know what the Constitution says.
Congress is supposed to declare the war according to the law.
And they have this back and forth, but now it looks like that's what's going on with North Korea.
We'll have to wait and see, but it certainly is troubling for me to see the order in which this is happening.
First the UN, then the Senate, then the House is going to be advised by the White House.
And again, you look at who he's stacked the administration with.
Loaded with defense contractors and generals.
I want to read you a quote.
This is a guy, our U.S.
Defense Secretary Mattis, mad dog.
Quote, you go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they don't wear a veil.
Guys like that ain't got no manhood anyway.
It's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.
I mean, this is coming from an adult.
Here's another one from him.
I'm going to plead with you, do not cross us.
If you do, survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.
He's talking about the U.S.
occupation of Afghanistan.
What are we doing over there?
It was a war.
I broke up George Bush's speech to the American people in one of our Trends Journal nine days after 9-11.
I wrote, this is how I began it, only a madman would speak these words and only people dumbstruck with fear would believe them and believe they did.
There was no proof of anything that we should have gone into Afghanistan.
There's a man by the name of Osama Bin Laden and he'd been hiding there.
Yes, so?
Well, we're going to go over there and we're going to get rid of those Taliban.
Oh, the Taliban?
Isn't that what Jimmy Carter?
To get the Russians out of there?
Oh no, it was the Mujahideen too!
Oh, that's the one Osama Bin Laden was part of!
I mean, everybody forgets these things.
Well, of course, they've got a lot of lithium, Gerald.
They've got a lot of lithium that they use for batteries.
They are to lithium what Saudi Arabia is to oil.
That's one of the reasons that we're there.
Of course, they also have massive production of poppies for the opiates.
And that has skyrocketed since we've gone back there.
So we've got real reasons for being there, don't we, Gerald?
Well no, the reason they invaded Libya and Iraq was because of their broccoli crops.
It wasn't because they were sitting on...
Libya, the finest sweet crude on the planet, that only cost a dollar to get out of the ground, and the tenth largest oil reserves, and what does Iraq have, the second or third largest oil reserves?
You know, it had nothing to do with that, of course.
And Syria doesn't have anything to do with the pipelines that are competing to come across.
It has nothing to do with any of that.
It has to do with freedom and democracy.
Alright, we're going to take a quick break.
We're going to be right back with Gerald Cilenti.
You can find him at TrendsResearch.com.
That's Trends Research Journal.
That's what you can find there.
Give the subscription and we'll be right back with Gerald Cilenti.
Stay with us.
You provided, Alex, with the caveman?
Well, so we've been formulating this stuff for a while.
We've been getting these different flavors, and you know, oh, I don't know about this one.
You know, and so I've been taking that stuff, and I'm an old man.
I'm 42.
I work out five times a week, if not more.
I hear you're okay in jujitsu.
No, I'm not.
I'm terrible.
I'm terrible.
But, the point is, is that I have a lot of aches and shoulders and, you know, this weird joint stuff that I've had issues with for years.
And this bone broth, the Caveman Bone Broth, along with our joint formula, has just worked magic for me.
And that's just, you know, that's just from my personal experience.
I think they're great products, and I think if anybody else has those issues, that you should definitely, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
If I'm wrong, then hey man, write me a mean letter.
But let me tell you, they work for me.
Yeah, they work for me too.
Actually, we were talking about this earlier.
Dude and I play basketball, and I'm just now, like for the first time in my life, I'm 27 now, after I play basketball, my knees are barking.
But the bone broth and the joint formula, like you just said, you combine those two, I felt the difference immediately.
I felt it immediately.
Yeah, and it actually tastes good.
Like, I'm really picky and I will drink it.
It tastes good to me.
I love chocolate, so I really like the flavor of the Caveman.
So, I mean, if the bone broth
Bone broth.
If the bone broth is really that gross, I mean, I would never have known because it tastes really good.
And my favorite is the Super Female Vitality.
So ladies, get yourself some Super Female Vitality if you haven't already because it seriously, it just gets me going.
I mean, I'll take a whole bunch of that stuff before I go out and do my... Maybe get it for your wife then, too, or girlfriend.
I go and take a bunch of it before I go do Man on the Street.
I just start running, zipping around, running right into the action.
No fear, nothing.
Well that's the big primary part about, you know, fighting the globalists is making sure that we stay healthy and stay clear-eyed and stay honest and stay humble.
I hope that we do that here at InfoWars.
We got a lot going on and we're in the middle of the fight so we really appreciate it when anybody supports us either by purchasing our products or you can even go on to our store and donate.
We're doing this by the skin of our teeth.
I know it looks like we're in a
A billion-dollar studio, but Alex has never taken one cent of borrowed money at all whatsoever.
This is all money that's come from you, the listeners, so you've literally built this place, you know, built this place with your compassion and built this place with the support that you've sent us.
From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate it because I know we wouldn't be able to do this and we wouldn't have a voice if it wasn't for you.
So, once again, we've got to thank the listeners for their steadfastness in supporting us and even when we make mistakes and even when we're not right and even when we might go a little bit crazy, you guys stick with us and I appreciate that.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Gerald Salenti.
We're going to ask him what he sees in terms of trends going forward.
We have everybody's going to be looking backward at the first 100 days of Donald Trump, but I want to get Gerald's ideas as to where he sees the trends going in the future, because that's what Gerald does at TrendsResearch.com.
He takes a look at trends, projects them into the future.
Before we do, real quickly,
I just want to remind you that we have a, I would say one of the biggest discounts, if not the biggest discount I've ever seen off a product, 53% off Caveman.
That's our true paleo formula you'll find at Infowarsstore.com.
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I imagine that's not going to be very long.
It is based on a high-quality bone broth, and it has more than seven different primal superfoods to help support healthy muscles, to fight free radicals, and many other things.
And of course, it's got things like turmeric root, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and of course, bone broth.
It really is the ultimate in true paleo nutrition.
You'll find it at InfoWarsStore.com at 53% off.
And one of my favorite products I just remind you of is BrainForce.
BrainForce Plus.
This is a review that we have, our review of the day from Colin.
He says this is a staple product for him, along with BioTrue Selenium and X2, that's our nascent iodine product.
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I drive all around my area.
BrainForce keeps me alert and able to focus for both troubleshooting and for being on the road.
It helps with mental clarity and with focus.
I love it, and I would say I absolutely agree.
It's my favorite supplement that we have.
I would have called it Brain Focus after using it if they would have asked me, but of course they had it already, and it is a great formulation.
You can find that at InfoWarsStore.com.
Gerald, as we're looking ahead, of course, I think it's really the economy.
We're very concerned.
We've talked about our concern about what's going on abroad, but are we going to see some major moves here at home?
You know, we had all these people protesting on April 15th, all these socialists who were upset about Donald Trump's taxes.
I'm upset about my taxes.
Maybe these people don't pay any taxes.
They want to see his tax forms.
I want to see his tax reforms that he campaigned on.
I want him to audit the Fed, maybe find out if this guy Ulukaya is still a Turkish citizen.
I mean, that would be one of the things that we can find in this lawsuit.
I hope we can do discovery, because when Lee Stranahan did the articles at Breitbart, he called him up and he said, hey, is this guy still a Turkish citizen?
They wouldn't give him a yes or no answer.
They said no comment.
So maybe when we do Discovery we can get a yes or no comment as to whether this guy is still a Turkish citizen and sitting on the New York Fed creating economic policy for us.
But what do you think about tax reform?
What do you think about the getting rid of repealing Obamacare?
What do you see coming along the pike economically?
You know, I did a 180 on the economy when Trump got elected.
We had forecast a massive decline.
And we changed it right away, within three days, four days.
And the markets have held that up, what we had forecast.
Because the people that he's brought in, whether it's Mnuchin, his Treasury Secretary, Wilbur Ross, the Commerce Secretary,
You know, these guys are smart.
They're smart in what they do in that field.
And if they do it for the purpose of we the people, they are lousy trade deals.
They're stupid.
They make absolutely no sense at all.
For example, you see what goes on with China.
You want to sell your automobiles there, the taxes to bring them in are ridiculously high, so they force you to manufacture them over there, and you have to build a partnership with a Chinese company.
Yeah, we're running out of time, so hang on.
We've got another five minutes with Gerald Cilenti on the other side of the top of the hour.
Stay with us.
We're going to talk to Gerald Cilenti with TrendsResearch.com.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Coming to you from the former United States of America from deep in the
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we have Gerald Cilenti for one more segment and he was just getting to the point of talking about how they did a 180 on their economic forecast after Donald Trump won.
And of course we saw the stock market do a 180 after Donald Trump won.
Tell us what you see coming economically, Gerald.
Yes, so I was mentioning doing business with China.
It's a dirty deal.
They get the best that you can.
You can't buy out a company in China.
You have to become a partner in it and a minority partner.
So you have a guy like Wilbur Ross renegotiating these deals.
It's going to be for the betterment of the nation.
The tax breaks.
The deregulation of, again, whether you're in favor or not in favor of it, we don't look at it like that.
We say, what are the implications going to be?
And the implication is it's a positive for the economy.
In the absence of a wild card event, we're first of all, we're looking for a correction in the market.
You know, nothing goes straight up.
We're looking for about a 10 percent correction.
But again, we're not looking for a crash in the absence of a wild card.
A wild card could be a war.
A wild card could be a terrorist strike.
False flag or real.
So in the absence of that, we see continuing growth and a positive outlook for the economy under the Trump administration.
Well, that's good.
Yeah, I hope that they do get tax reform in.
Of course, I said at the very beginning, I think the biggest opponent that Donald Trump was going to have in terms of getting his campaign promises through was going to be Paul Ryan.
And we're already seeing this.
We just had him come out.
Of course, it was the sabotaging of the repeal of Obamacare because Paul Ryan doesn't want to see Obamacare.
Uh, repealed or replaced.
He never had a plan to do it.
They ran on it for multiple elections.
But of course, they never had a plan.
At least Donald Trump had a plan.
That was not what was put forward.
What was put forward was something that was incredibly complex, evolving to the very last minute.
So many people said, we're not going to do this again.
We're not going to vote for something that we haven't seen.
So it was designed to fail.
But they failed to even try to repeal Obamacare and of course that in and of itself is a gigantic tax.
We see many of the insurance companies going bankrupt as well as the people who need insurance.
Yeah, that's one of the issues.
You know, I also, just to go back to one second, I just thought of this.
You know, you're seeing Trump doing reversals on certain things.
Like he wasn't in favor of low interest rates when he was candidate Obama.
Obama, Trump, Greenberg, Iceberg.
What's the difference?
Would you change your mind?
He was against Yellen.
The Fed chair.
And now he's saying that she's okay.
He was against
Gary Cohn.
And they're in place.
That's right.
And now you talked about Bannon being sidelined, and he's being sidelined because he's also not in favor of what a Gary Cohn in Trump's administration, the guy that was what?
President of Goldman Sachs or a very high executive level?
Yeah, I think he was number two, yes, yes.
And they pulled all kinds of strings and gave him all kinds of golden parachutes to get him out and to get him in there.
And of course, he's being pushed forward by Jared Kushner, a lifelong Democrat.
So it's very concerning to see where this might change.
So, going back to the whole aspect of it, we see a positive economic growth opportunity.
However, we also see a lot of dangers out there.
Because you have to take a global view.
Hey, having a happy day over there in Venezuela today?
Oh, what happened over there in Turkey where they just put it in?
Somebody's taking over a lot of power with their new constitution.
And then you have Syria, you have Iraq, you have Afghanistan.
The American troops now in Somalia.
Yeah, absolutely.
So silicon gold is a safe haven asset.
Thank you so much, Gerald Salenti.
You can find him at TrendsResearch.com.
Of course, he publishes Trends Journal, as you just heard.
He knows where things are going.
Stay with us when we come back.
We're going to talk to a Breitbart, Texas award-winning journalist about the drug cartels.
That's what he specializes in.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
This is Thomas Friedman, New York Times.
He writes that Trump should not fight ISIS.
Quote, the same way we encouraged the Mujahideen fighters to bleed Russia in Afghanistan.
So you have a major New York Times writer.
Openly calling for Trump to leave ISIS alone.
I mean, Lionel, why is the establishment, which after all, you know, embraced this attack on Assad last week.
They loved it.
They immediately forgave Trump for many of his sins in the immediate aftermath of this Tomahawk missile attack.
Why are they now openly encouraging him to allow the spread of a jihadist army that has terrorized an entire continent?
Well, let me see if I can give you an adult and a cogent answer, because they're stupid!
Americans are, no, no, stupid!
Don't read, don't care, don't wonder.
They're incurious.
They know more about sports.
They knew more about Tom Brady's under-inflated footballs than they do what's going on.
In this article, he basically admits and explains that ISIS is a tool, a tool.
He writes in there,
That basically is an inside job.
It's basically like professional wrestling.
And nobody says anything.
This was a test.
This was to say, my God, do they read us?
Do they care about us?
Is anybody paying attention to us?
Or do they just not know?
I mean, Paul, I'm still reeling from that.
I can't believe he was allowed to say that, frame that.
That is the blueprint of what's going on.
This is amazing.
And also,
I was doing a radio show this morning, to give an example.
And I'm sure you've done this too, because people think I'm nuts!
Could be for different reasons, but I say, well, you do realize that there are a lot of people, myself included.
Who believed that the whole gas act was basically a false flag.
That it was contrived, it was staged, it was orchestrated, as it was in 2013.
CYHR said this, we have evidence of this, we know it, it's part of their MO.
And you could hear the crickets!
It was like somebody said, cue the crickets!
And I said, did you hear what I said?
Where the hell have you been?
Paul, am I living in a parallel universe?
Have you and Alex and others deluded me into thinking that somehow everybody knows what we know?
Am I walking around in some kind of a cosmic psychotic fugue where... am I the only one?
I'm not talking to a guy in a corner.
I'm talking to a newspaper, a radio host who says, well, did you see the pictures of the dead babies?
That's the thing Lionel, over and over again, this appeal to sentimentality and emotion.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, April 25, 2017.
I'm David Knight, and we're going to talk to Ildefonso Ortiz.
He is an award-winning journalist at Breitbart, Texas.
He co-founded the Cartel Chronicles Project with Brandon Darby and Stephen K. Bannon.
Mr. Ortiz has focused his investigations on Mexican drug cartels, border corruption, and the Mexican narco-politicians.
So, we've had a lot of news.
Of course, the top of the Drudge Report today is another brick in the wall showing Paul Ryan there and the Border Patrol criticizing him for shutting down or delaying funding on the border wall.
So, I'd like to talk to Mr. Ortiz about that as well as get his comments on the violence that we've seen with the MS-13 gangs.
That began a long time ago in LA with El Salvadoran immigrants, and now we see a lot of crime in Maryland and on Long Island.
So, welcome Mr. Ortiz.
Thanks, thanks for having me.
And they asked Brandon Judd, who is the Border Patrol Union President, they said, and he said, President Trump promised he was going to secure the border, and part of securing the border is putting in place proper technology and resources that allow us to be successful as border agents.
And a border wall in strategic locations is one of those things that must get done.
Your comments, as someone who's studied the immigration issue for quite some time.
Well, absolutely.
You gotta look at the border in some areas.
For example, in Laredo, where there is literally nothing.
The rippers are about knee-deep in some areas.
And the Mexican drug cartels, particularly Los Septas, which is one of the most dangerous ones, they know this, and they use that area as one of their strategic crossing points.
And basically, they have unimpeded access into the U.S.
In those key areas, for example, like Laredo,
Border Patrol is understaffed and they're overwhelmed by the traffic, by these organized crime syndicates.
So, you know, delaying funding, delaying all this, all it's doing is helping these drug cartels continue their, basically, their reign.
Because cartels control most of northern Mexico.
They have pretty much set up an alternate form of government where they are actually in control of the region.
And sadly, they've actually, that has trickled into the U.S.
You know, there was a story about a week or so ago, and it might have been Breitbart's story, I don't recall who the source was on it, but they were talking about how, I think it was about 60 miles of the border, and one particular border patrol jurisdiction, the guy who was in charge of it, basically kept everybody away from there.
So they had absolutely, not only did they not have a fence, but they didn't have any border patrols whatsoever.
And the other Border Patrol agents were furious about that.
They said, what is this?
Is this political correctness or is it corruption?
Either way, when you have a situation like this, and we're looking at the violence in Maryland, we're looking at the violence in Long Island, if people come here because they want to get a job or because they want to get into the American education system, whatever their reasons for coming here, coming across the border illegally,
If they're coming here, even peacefully, they're going to be followed by these gang members if we don't have any control of our border.
And what we're seeing in Maryland and in Long Island are people who are Hispanic who are the ones who are being singled out the most at this moment by MS-13 and these other gangs that are there.
They're focusing on these people who have come here as immigrants, so the crime is following them into the country if we don't have anybody patrolling the border.
Well, one of the things we have to remember is that nothing crosses the river, nothing crosses the fence, nothing crosses that line without one of the cartels having a say so.
20 years ago was very different.
You know, people could actually cross, try to look for the American dream and that stuff.
That has changed.
It's changed in the 2000s when the Los Zetas began to basically set out territories where they were actually ruling over those areas and they controlled the media, they controlled politicians, they controlled the military.
The attention as they have brought to themselves in the U.S., they're actually only employees of the Mexican drug cartels.
They have been hired out.
They're basically gunmen for hire.
A lot of the violent acts that they've done in the U.S.
have been linked to the cartels, and the MS-13 have been the gunmen that have been carrying out those hits or those violent acts.
So they're just the tip of the iceberg.
They're the visible tip of the iceberg.
So when Attorney General Sessions says they're going to look at MS-13 as organized crime, maybe they're not looking at the right level?
That is correct.
They need to look at the Mexican cartels who are the actual bosses.
The problem with that is that they would have to look at the Mexican politicians who protect those cartels.
And that's where you get into politics.
Yeah, that's what they don't want to do.
Tell us about the Cartel Chronicles Project.
Basically, in Mexico, journalists are not able to report unorganized crime because it involves politicians and it involves cartels.
So, either one of those can quash them in an instant.
The problem with that is that you have raging violence in Mexico, where people basically have been kidnapped, murdered.
You have raging gun battles at any time of the day.
You have mass murder, where people have been incinerated in ovens in places like Coahuila, where entire towns have been erased from the map.
So you have all this violence going on and it's being silenced.
Nobody's reporting on it.
The journalists that are able to report it are basically told that you either stay quiet or you will be killed.
So what's happening is that the U.S.
media is not covering those violent incidents because they don't have sources down there.
And what we did was basically we reached out to a handful of brave journalists and a handful of citizen journalists who are in those cities and that are willing to risk themselves to say, this is happening in my town.
You may not hear this from the Mexican government.
You may not hear this from an NGO.
You may not hear this from U.S.
But I'm telling you this is happening in my town.
And we've been very successful with that project, basically giving them a voice, protecting them, and letting them tell us their story.
And that's why we've actually been running the stories in English and Spanish, because it's sort of an information boomerang.
The info comes from Mexico into the U.S., and then people from Mexico are able to read what's happening in their towns, where, you know, as well as our readers in the U.S.
are able to know what's actually going on in Mexico.
That's very important.
How many casualties would you say that Mexico has had with these cartel drug wars?
Well, you're talking about the hundreds of thousands.
The problem with those statistics is that the government does not keep accurate statistics.
You have places, for example, in Coahuila or in Veracruz or in Tamaulipas, where the government made a concerted effort to hide the actual number of casualties.
You would have these fierce firefights between cartel gunmen and the military, where dozens were killed, but the government would actually say two people were wounded or
One person died.
And in reality, you had these massive numbers of people that were killed.
Also, when you have cartel on cartel violence, those bodies are actually incinerated, dipped in acid, or basically just made to disappear.
They end up in shallow graves.
That's why in recent years, in Mexico, you've had a lot of mass graves that have been discovered with hundreds of bodies that, you know, they were never reported missing.
They were never, and they don't know who they are.
Because all these people are the unknown victims of the cartel violence that are not in any statistics or in any government documents.
You know, it's very amazing when you look at this.
You're talking about the cover-up, the massive cover-up by the Mexican government.
Of course, there's been a massive silence by the American media.
We have this massive war.
Right across the border, as you point out, you know, 100,000 people possibly killed.
We don't know the exact number because of the cover-up.
And yet, we always have our attention focused onto the Middle East, not on this imminent threat right at our borders, this violence, this corruption.
Is flowing into our country now at an unprecedented rate, and that is what we're going to be seeing in this country.
And so it's amazing to me that we don't hear much about it in the American media either.
There is a, as you point out, a cover-up in the Mexican government, but there's a conspiracy of silence here in the mainstream media in America as well, isn't there?
Sadly, you know, when you look at border reporting from journalists, it mainly focuses on immigration and the plight of the immigrants.
But they haven't really focused on the cartels.
Like you mentioned, the Middle East, very interestingly so.
Some of the cartels, like the Los Zetas, have been known to be one of the most sadistic, brutal criminal groups out there.
And I'm talking about posting beheading videos.
Yes, yes.
Whether it's member individuals.
And that's right across our border.
And yet, if you talk about the crime, this organized crime, that feeds on the drug war, if you talk about that, you're dismissed as being racist.
Because you just have to focus on one side of it.
And again, as I point out, if the people who are fleeing here because they want a better life, economic refugees coming into the country illegally, they're still being followed by these criminal cartels, if we don't have any control over our border.
Sadly, yes.
And in reality, the ones that actually control the border are the cartels.
We have had cases where people have actually crossed without permission from the cartel, and they've paid dire consequences.
They've been kidnapped, held for ransom.
The relatives have had to wire money from, you know, the relatives in places like New York and Florida have had to wire money to the cartel to secure their release, while these victims have been actually tortured.
For daring to cross the river or cross that fence without paying protection from the cartel.
Wow, that's amazing.
Now, as we look at sanctuary cities, and we've got to take a quick break here in just a moment.
When we come back I want to talk to you about the sanctuary cities because you know as soon as Donald Trump was elected we had amnesty groups in California saying they wanted to hide lists of gang members from Donald Trump because they did not want innocent people to be deported along with the gang members.
So we're seeing the state of Maryland
In the face of all of this violence by MS-13 gangs and other drug cartels, saying they not only want to have sanctuary cities, but they want to be the first sanctuary state.
Is there corruption as part of that?
We'll ask that question to Ildefonso Ortiz.
He's with Breitbart, Texas.
We'll be right back.
Doug Hagman.
The Northeast Intelligence Network and of course he's a law enforcement training group and also a well-known respected private detective who becomes highly recommended over the years from our sources.
He has FBI sources also, state police sources and others in multiple states there on the East Coast.
So Doug Hagman, thank you for joining us.
You look at the battlefront worldwide, the globalist forces, we're in a war right now.
And that's part of it.
And when I look at my side of things, on the domestic side, what I'm hearing from my FBI sources, one confirmation I got from both an FBI source, as well as an agency source, or a CIA source, saying watch the role of the National Geospatial Agency, the NGA, as well as the NSA, in the upcoming days with respect to the leaks that had come out about the Trump administration, but also
We're about to have nuclear war, folks.
It's time to arrest Hillary Clinton.
We've got to save the country.
The world's never been in more danger.
They're the ones that made everything radical.
Kim Jong-un, Hillary, all these other scumbags, Juncker, all of them need to be arrested.
They're all calling for war.
They're all involved in criminal activity.
Arrest all of them.
I'm serious.
Yeah, 100% behind you because they brought us to this point and they have sold us out.
So we've got this melting pot, or this really sewage pot of strife worldwide.
We got to this point because of Obama, and right now...
And Clinton, especially.
And by the way, Hillary Clinton played a significant role under Madeleine Albright during the Clinton presidency as the shadow Secretary of State to bring us to this point as well.
And then moving on as Secretary of State under Obama.
So this has her fingerprints all over the place.
And here we are, you know, at this level.
So there's much more to get into, but watch the next really 72 to 96 hours with respect to the taps.
Why would they want to not have Russia on our side during this China crisis?
Why are they trying to bring Russia down?
Well, chaos.
Operation Chaos, basically.
This is the same playbook that we used, or that the Globals used back in the 60s, is being used today.
And it's everybody against everybody.
Let's destroy, let's burn the whole damn thing down and, you know, start it from scratch.
It's very imprudent to do that, obviously, but these people that we're dealing with, as you pointed out, they're psychos.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Ildefonso Ortiz.
He's an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas.
He's been part of the Cartel Chronicles that were done there with Brandon Darby and somebody's name you might recognize, Stephen K. Bannon.
And he's been talking about our borders.
Of course we had today in the news Paul Ryan saying we're going to delay funding of the wall.
The President of the Border Patrol Union is very upset about that.
He said we need to get control of borders.
Of course, Paul Ryan has always been a quote-unquote open borders guy, but as our guest Mr. Ortiz pointed out, the borders aren't really open.
The borders are controlled, but not by the U.S.
They're controlled by the drug cartels.
They decide who will come in, who can cross the border from Mexico, and if you cross without paying them, there is a massive penalty that they will extract from you.
I want to ask you, Mr. Ortiz, as somebody who has studied this for a while, and of course you said that in your opinion,
MS-13 is kind of a gun for hire for the bigger fish.
And now we see our administration focusing on them.
What do you think needs to be done as somebody who has studied this for some time?
What is the strategy that we should pursue given the fact that there's so much corruption and connection of these drug cartels into the Mexican government that they do in fact control our borders?
What do you think needs to be done?
We'll basically declare some of the most violent cartels as terrorist organizations, designate them as terrorist groups, and address them as such.
Our government needs to stop being afraid of offending the Mexican government and the Mexican elite, who are actually the ones that are protecting these cartels, and basically take them to task.
Start freezing assets.
Start targeting these cartels as terrorist groups the same way you would target ISIS.
So you would say then that the move by Attorney General Sessions to say that MS-13 is a terrorist group, is organized crime, whatever, to label them as such, that would be a good start.
You would probably add then, I guess, some of the other drug cartel organizations like the Zetas and others, right?
Basically, he's targeting the lower rung.
Step it up.
Go to the higher level.
Start targeting, for example, the Los Zetas Cartel, the Gulf Cartel, the Juarez Cartel.
I mean, particularly the Juarez Cartel has been linked to President Peña Nieto.
The current Mexican president has... We've reported on how he received money from cartel members during his 2012 presidential campaign.
So, these are the people that UNICEF started targeting as terrorist organizations.
I mean, they have political power, they cause mass terror with their tactics, and pretty much, if you look at the definition of terrorist groups, you can label each one of those as a Mexican cartel.
You know, it's interesting.
I remember the movie Cartel Land.
I thought it was very interesting.
The Mexican doctor who was involved in that, what it reminded me of was the movie The Magnificent Seven, where the villagers are at the mercy of both the criminals, the banditos, and the federales who were coming through there.
And it struck me as how much the current situation was like that movie set a hundred years ago, that kind of corruption.
And of course, it was a situation at the grassroots level, it appeared from the movie at least, that the people were trying to get together, take responsibility for their own security, which was the central part of The Magnificent.
So, what do you think about that situation?
I know that's one particular individual, but are there other vigilante groups that are trying to move against a corrupt government that is in alliance with the corrupt drug cartels?
Well, they've tried, but the Mexican government has been very efficient in shutting them down.
Basically, the Mexican government is more afraid of citizens racing up in arms than they are of Mexican cartels, because the cartels are not going to take over power.
They just want to move drugs and continue terrorizing people, continue with their human trafficking and all those other horrors that target the average citizen, but they don't mess with the political elites.
You know, one of the things, too, we're talking about the sanctuary cities, and as soon as we talk about violence that comes with the drug cartels, we're labeled as racists.
And so we have all these sanctuary cities, as Maryland wants to make itself the first sanctuary state.
Do you think that they're already starting to make their move into buying politicians up in the United States, as they have done in Mexico?
Is that part of the sanctuary city movement?
I wouldn't necessarily say that.
What I'm seeing more is that, basically, they're riding that emotional wave.
Politicians want to basically try to say, oh, we're trying to be helpful and everything of that nature.
The problem, though, is that, for example, you mentioned that they want to remove the names of gang members from those lists and all that.
The problem is that people don't realize is that when a cartel wants to kill somebody, kidnap somebody, or torture somebody in the U.S.,
They're not going to send gunmen across the border to do it.
Well, they can, but usually what they'll do is they'll hire out gangs in the U.S.
that are already here to carry out... That's what we're seeing in Long Island and in Maryland.
Yes, exactly.
We're out of time.
Thank you so much for joining us.
El Defonso Ortiz.
You can find him at Breitbart.com forward slash Texas.
Thank you so much for your coverage.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with a free speech lawyer.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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On Saturday, Pope Francis made the outlandish statement that refugee camps are like concentration camps.
This is not the first time Pope Francis has made a Nazi reference.
In wake of the election of Donald Trump, like a good liberal, the Pope warned of populist leaders like Hitler rising to power.
But now the pontiff has made the comparison of refugee camps to concentration camps.
What a lewd statement!
Refugees are going to these centers to avoid starvation, suffering, and death, while Jewish people were forced into concentration camps with the starvation, suffering, and death.
He made this statement while paying tribute to a Christian woman who was slaughtered by Muslims for her faith.
He then heartlessly said that international accords seem more important than human rights.
The Pope, while at a ceremony honoring modern-day Christian martyrs to Islam, is at the same time shoving open borders down your throat so that all countries can be invaded and murdered by these jihadists, as their human right, ignoring anyone else's human right to living in a sovereign country.
Funny how the Pope has a problem with refugee camps,
Still silent on the wars that put them there.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroeder.
Not my pope.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're going to be talking in this segment to a man who specializes in First Amendment and Internet law.
Why are we going to be talking to him?
Because we've been sued by George Soros' law firm for reporting, as AP says, statements that other people have published.
So I guess that's, we can't talk about what other people have published.
And of course we stand by the facts that are in this case and we're going to talk to him about the issues there.
But of course that reminds us all
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I want to go to our guest now.
His name is Mark J. Randazza.
You'll find him at Randazza.com.
He's a managing partner of Randazza Legal Group.
He spends the majority of his time in Las Vegas, but he is nationally known as a First Amendment and intellectual property attorney.
He handles litigation and transactional matters nationwide.
He has worked as a journalist as well, so that's his connection with both legal issues and with free speech issues.
Thank you for joining us, Mr. Randazza.
It's my pleasure.
Now, I'm sure you're aware of this lawsuit that hit the news yesterday, hit the courts yesterday.
I am.
Your comments on what you see here.
Well, you know, when you have a case like this against a member of the media, you know, my initial reaction is usually to be hostile towards the plaintiff's side of it, but I've certainly supported some defamation cases in the past.
You know, I think most recently
The case that Melania Trump brought against the Daily Mail for saying that she was a prostitute.
The more I looked at that, the more I said that had some legs.
And I've publicly said so, much to the chagrin of my First Amendment absolutist brothers and sisters.
Now, looking at this one, what's important, what the court's going to have to look at is whether or not the actual malice standard has been met.
And they have alleged that in paragraph 26 of this complaint.
That standard is what applies to a public figure plaintiff in a defamation case.
Now the unfortunate thing about that is it's called the actual malice standard, so people who don't know what they're talking about will interpret that as meaning it was malicious.
You get to be malicious.
There is no requirement under the First Amendment that you be polite, that you be tactful, that you be nice.
There may be moral reasons to do those things, but no legal reasons to do them.
So what's actual malice mean?
It means knowing falsity or a reckless disregard for the truth.
Now, finding somebody who says that they knew it was false at the time that they said it, I'm just assuming, arguendo, that that was the case here.
Unless you get somebody with sodium pentothal in their neck to get them to agree that they knew it was false when they did it, you don't usually prove that.
So you have to prove this reckless disregard stint.
So, let's just say for a moment, just for the sake of discussing this, that these statements were indeed false.
They're still not going to sustain a defamation claim unless they were knowingly false or there was a reckless disregard for the truth.
Now, when I look at these statements, you know, to be perfectly honest, would I have said them?
I may not have.
If you had asked me beforehand, should I print this?
Not as a legal matter, but I would have said, well, you know, maybe I don't support that.
But that's not what's important.
What's important is, does the First Amendment allow you to?
So, while I may not endorse the statements, I endorse your right to make them as long as they were within the bounds of New York Times v. Sullivan.
And of course, that's the First Amendment.
You know, I may disagree with what you have to say, but as Voltaire said, I'll defend your right to say it.
So, that's not the issue as to whether or not they agree.
And clearly, we disagree with Ulukaya on the immigrant issue.
He tweeted out that he's collaborating with George Soros on refugees.
We disagree with that policy.
We disagree with the idea that the government should subsidize people getting into a business, that they should subsidize their factories, that they should subsidize their labor.
And we were concerned about the fact that CBS was essentially doing a puff PR piece on him.
So those are the issues that we were talking about with this.
And that's, you know, and that's where, you know, I may not, you and I may not see eye to eye on that politically, but we can see eye to eye on the right to have wide open and robust debate about these things.
I welcome you challenging these things that I actually happen to support.
I think that we can all be grownups and we can all argue about it.
And at the end, the marketplace of ideas will determine
Which one of those views is going to be adopted by the majority?
So anytime I hear something that someone is expressing like you did here, I mean I happen to like immigration.
I happen to like the SBA loans.
These are things that
You and I are not going to see eye-to-eye on, but I love that you're here challenging my views.
I love that you're here putting your views out into the marketplace.
And, you know, the day may come when I have to surrender my ground and say, well, the marketplace has discussed it and your views have won out.
That all plays into what we see happening in Berkeley right now.
The fact that they would go in and say at the birthplace of the free speech movement in the 1960s, oh we don't want to hear your speech anymore because we know that we disagree with you so we're just going to shout you down.
We've had situations where we've shown up at protests at an abortion clinic with signs about abortion.
They came out, they didn't have their own signs to counter that.
They didn't want to debate it.
They came up with black signs to cover our signs.
I mean that's a physical example of we're just going to shut down your speech.
And even Bernie Sanders came out and said, this is incredibly weak.
To say that you're not going to have an argument, that you're not going to discuss this, you're just going to shut speech down.
Yeah, I mean, you know, I just wrote yesterday a column on CNN about this.
And I said that I felt like I woke up in an alternate reality when I saw that Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and other icons of the left are out stumping for
I agree.
I agree.
That's right.
Put all these ideas in the marketplace and let the free market in ideas decide.
That's where I'm a complete free market guy, when it comes to the free marketplace of ideas.
With Ann Coulter, Berkeley has sinned multiple times in this regard.
I think we saw when
Even during the election, when people came out to support Donald Trump, the candidate, and people decided that they wanted to attack those supporters because it was equated with being racist, bigoted, xenophobic, all these things that
You know, I apologize, but the left painted Trump supporters at, and I apologize as a member of the left, because I think that was incredibly childish and incredibly destructive by my side of the political divide.
But when they did that, it incited violence against people.
Not directly, not actionably, but I saw these three, four, five Trump supporters running down the street being pursued by a crowd of people acting like animals.
And the police just watching, you know, and it turns out now, you know, I got to ask whether or not that was a command from on high or did the police just decide, you know, in a country where I think we have overly aggressive policing, the police just decided that that would be the one day they'd take off and just do nothing?
Well, you know, it's also interesting in Chicago when Trump had that rally there.
Remember, that was one of the first times that we had violence at a Trump rally.
And the response from people were, how dare him come to the University of Chicago?
He knows that this is our place.
We're leftists and we don't want to hear any of this stuff.
And it's like, so that justifies violence to censor his speech there?
It is the University of Chicago.
It should be a marketplace of ideas open to discussion and debate.
You know, the most hateful speech I ever saw, the thing that I felt was closest to a Nuremberg rally that I ever witnessed, was a long time ago at the University of Massachusetts.
And they brought in a guy by the name of Leonard Jeffries.
He is a professor, I believe, at the City University of New York.
I don't want to defame the university by making that wrong, but this guy came and spoke about how Jews were trash, Arabs were trash, Europeans were trash, and that everybody in the world was in a conspiracy against black people, and they were just filth.
And then I saw all these people around cheering him.
And I thought this might be what it was like to be at a Nuremberg rally.
And I hated what this guy had to say.
I despise the man to this day for sitting through that.
That's the guy right there.
You know, but that to me was the most educational experience, or maybe not the most, but one of the most educational experiences of my life.
I grew greatly through it.
I was delighted to be there.
You know, you can learn from people that you don't agree with.
You know, if you just want to listen to people you agree with, well, that's the unfortunate situation we have in America today is, you know, someone will say, turn that Fox News off because I don't want to hear that propaganda.
Turn off InfoWars, or frankly, I've had people say, how can you go on InfoWars?
And I said, well, why wouldn't I?
I think the audience is probably, you know, I hope the audience can see that there's at least one guy sitting here on the left who believes in freedom of expression over believing in his own tribe.
And that's what I think we need more than anything, more than immigration reform, more than, you know, more than
Military, more than anything, we need to go back to the core of what is this country about?
I agree.
Why do we exist?
And we had Chuck Schumer, Senator Schumer, go on the Morning Joe Show yesterday and say, look, this country was based on facts, but we are going to lose our democracy if people give the same amount of credibility to Breitbart as they do to the New York Times.
And so instead of looking at facts, instead of debating a particular point of view or an article,
Just always dismiss a particular source.
You need to take a look at what they're saying.
Typically what we'll do is we'll analyze the New York Times and we'll say, look, here's factually what they're saying.
Other people are saying this.
But look at where they're interjecting their opinion.
Do you agree with their opinion?
Do you agree with this analysis?
So we report facts.
We analyze that.
People may not agree with our analysis.
They may not agree with the New York Times analysis or Breitbart's analysis.
But nevertheless, we have these different sources of information.
Back in the day when there were magazines, I would go to the extreme left of opinion journals.
I would go to The Nation.
I would go to the extreme right, The National Review.
I would look at what they were saying about a particular issue because they were honest about the fact that they had opinions, that they were analyzing things.
I wanted that rather than to go to somebody that pretended to be totally objective
Non-biased like Time and Newsweek and said we don't have any opinions.
You have an opinion.
The stories that you report show your opinion.
The stories that you choose to talk about show your bias.
Of course.
And the way you frame it, I mean there's, I spent years as a journalist.
I've got two degrees in journalism.
I know very well that you don't need to even interject your opinion into a piece in order to frame it in an opinionated way.
That's right.
But, you know, it's not just important to look at multiple sources to consider one version of the facts or the other, but actually read on the lines and listen to the opinion.
I mean, I want to know what people I disagree with think, because...
I want to know how to frame my arguments against them, but I also want to be open-minded.
I mean, I have found myself at times persuaded to change sides on an opinion, or even to at least soften my view on something.
That's right.
And, you know, you gotta listen.
I have so many polarized people I deal with, and it seems like people are much more calcified in their opinions on the left, where
There's just no possible way you could have, for example, voted for Donald Trump unless you're a xenophobic, racist, isolationist, bigot, whatever.
Name every horrible thing you can imagine.
And I say, you know, that just isn't the case.
And I know that because I've listened to these people.
You know, I've listened.
And I said, well, there's a diversity of reasons that people vote for one candidate or another.
You know, I myself happened to have voted for Barack Obama one time, not the second time.
You know, you can't paint me as believing in every single thing the guy believed in.
And I don't think you should be able to do that with any candidate.
But the only way you can actually do that with a straight face is if you refuse to listen.
Each side of the political spectrum has something to teach us.
Each opinion has something to teach us.
If only.
That it teaches you that you still believe in your views.
I mean, I go through an exercise every day.
I try to do this on a constant basis.
I think of something that I really, really believe in and I challenge it.
I spend this time talking to myself, arguing against a view that I firmly, firmly believe in because I need to have that exercise in my head.
And if one person can do that, then certainly a nation of 300 million people can do that collectively.
I agree with you, absolutely.
And we're going to talk to Mark J. Randazza when we come back, and I want to get your opinion when we come back, see if you think that this lawsuit has any merit.
You've had a chance to take a look at the lawsuit, you've looked at the report that we filed, and I want to get your specific comments on that.
We've been talking in general about the First Amendment.
Of course, Mr. Randazza specializes in that.
He's been both a journalist and is now a lawyer.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
Now, this is our 20th product.
We can easily go out to a major vitamin or supplement company and private label a thousand different products.
But it's taken us four plus years to even come out with 20, because we private label some, but we also develop
Many of the products originally were some of the top labs in the country, so that they're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe, and they're also very affordable.
You talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about, we're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders.
We've both talked to them.
They have conveyor belts of herbs falling on the ground, and they have someone come and sweep them up and put them back on the conveyor belt.
They have
Individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
We're producing something we want to take.
We're looking for the best.
We went out and searched for the best, the private label, and most of the time found out it wasn't available, so we go to these big firms and say, we want to make the dream formula.
Bio PCA, for example, one of the ingredients is silica, and it's from bamboo extract.
It's everywhere.
It's in nature.
It's an essential part of being healthy, right?
Just this bottle of silica, okay, again, one ingredient, in a lower amount that's even in our product, is $35.
They're charging more than what we charge when they have one ingredient that's less than ours.
This is insane.
When I told him we wanted 10,000 micrograms, he goes, okay, I get that you guys want to do, you know, high power stuff, but why don't you just do 3,000 and then you can sell, you know, multiple bottles of it.
People will buy more of it.
I was like, no, let's do 10.
Compare that to this.
This is a $50 product.
One of the leaders in the industry has 3,000 micrograms of biotin.
We have 10,000.
This is $50, $48 to be exact.
There's no script, there's no teleprompter, I'll just be honest with you.
My problem is, with 20 products now, it's remembering to take them all.
Because when I do, I have great days, great weeks, a great life.
When I forget to take the X2, a super male, or the lung cleanse, or to do a liver cleanse, or to take this product,
My quality of life just isn't as good.
It's changed my life.
I looked like Jabba the Hutt four years ago.
I was swimming two miles some days a day.
I was jogging, lifting weights.
I couldn't lose the weight.
I went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the InfoWars change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight and we've been talking to Mark J. Randazza.
He is a First Amendment attorney, specializes in the First Amendment, because he has worked in the past as a journalist both in the U.S.
and abroad.
We want to get his specific comments on this lawsuit that we're facing, but also I want to remind you, before we go back to Mr. Randazza, that we have sale at Infowarsstore.com on Caveman, the biggest discount we've had yet.
We really do appreciate you standing with us, especially at this time.
We are under intense attack.
We are being sued, as you probably know.
We were just talking about that with Mr. Randazza.
We talked about the First Amendment in general, but of course we're being sued by Giovanni Yogurt.
They took exception to a report that I did.
I was focused on the comments that were made by CBS.
I was commenting on that as well as my objection to the crony capitalism and his advocacy of refugee programs.
But we'll get to him on those specifics.
I just want to tell you that if you want to stand with us and support us and support your health, we have Caveman, our true paleo formula, now at 53% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Mr. Randazza, you've taken a look at this lawsuit and we've been talking in general about free speech.
Your comments on this specific lawsuit?
Well, you know, looking at the complaint, I don't think it was very well done.
And there are some defenses that I think you would have that are probably not the most flattering to you.
But nevertheless, the question here is, how do I look at the lawsuit?
You know, if you look at paragraph 8 of the lawsuit, it says that the defendants are no stranger to spurious statements.
They put in a couple of conspiracy theories that Mr. Jones has put forth, like the U.S.
government orchestrated the 9-11 attacks and the mass shooting at Sandy Hook.
You know, I happen to not agree with those.
I think they're silly statements.
They're not germane to this lawsuit at all, though, are they?
Well, they are, actually.
Because whether or not something is defamatory, it matters how the audience is going to view it.
So, if you're going to say, well, you know, there's all these kind of crackpot theories.
I mean, they're painting them as crackpot theories.
And they say, this guy who made these crackpot statements now made this statement about us.
Well, you know, if somebody stands on the side of the road and has a sign that says, you know, the world's going to end tomorrow, they're wearing a tinfoil hat.
And they say that, you know, Tyrannosaurus rexes are going to descend from alien spacecraft and eat us all.
And then they also say, oh, and by the way, I know that you're an adulterer.
Well, I'm not going to have much of a defamation suit against them because they're not considered credible.
So at first they say you're not credible, but then they say people are going to look at this and take it credibly.
Their own pleadings, you know, I really would not give this complaint a good grade because that paragraph alone, I think, while it may be insulting to Infowars, also helps in their defense.
Then they quote the Southern Poverty Law Center, which, despite my political beliefs, I happen to think is probably more guilty of defamation than any other organization that it might look at.
They say, Mr. Jones is almost certainly the most prolific conspiracy theorist in contemporary America.
Well, right there, he got some, he got like an inoculation against this case.
So that paragraph alone
Whoever wrote that I think should maybe have taken a remedial class in defamation law.
Very interesting analysis.
We'll have to see how this works out.
But thank you so much for joining us, and I appreciate your stance on the First Amendment.
I think this is something that the right and the left needs to come together to say that we have a right to discuss things, and we have a right to investigate stories, and people can label us as conspiracy theorists, but we're not going to take anything that anybody says without examining it.
Thank you so much, and you can find Mr. Randazza at Randazza.com.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
In the next segment, we're going to be joined by Paul Joseph Watson.
Actually, he's going to take the show for the fourth hour.
I just want to finish up with a couple of news items here.
We're just talking to Mr. Randazzo, First Amendment attorney, about the lawsuit.
And I think it'll be very interesting to see how this goes.
I agree with Alex.
I think that we're in a very strong position.
And quite frankly, they may try to discredit us by just calling us a conspiracy theorist.
We've heard that every time.
Every time you question the government's official story,
They call you a conspiracy theorist.
They say that you are a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist.
And of course they used to mock Alex for saying, oh, they're watching you through your computer monitor.
Is anybody laughing about that anymore?
They may be trying to ignore the fact that the government is in fact watching you, everything that you do with your computer, that corporations are watching and recording what you do, that the government can get that information from you, that they have blocked you from being able to sue these corporations who collect this information from turning it over to the government.
They say it's their information, they can turn it over.
So we've seen all this happen.
We even see, as they're now bragging about the fact, Facebook is out there saying, hey, we're going to read your thoughts so you don't have to use a keyboard anymore.
We're going to read your mind.
See, they put it in a positive way.
They say, you're going to be able to type with your mind.
Well, the other side of that is that they're going to be reading your mind.
And we are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in a visible research.
We don't know how much is being done in the dark secret projects that they've been working on for many years to do mind control.
This has been a pet project of our government for many, many decades.
And they now call it the Brain Initiative.
We're good.
When the government gives us a story about a particular shooting or they give us a story about what happened in Syria.
This is the Trump administration.
I'm not going to buy this story simply because it's coming from Republicans or it's coming from Donald Trump or now the military-industrial complex can be trusted without any investigation.
We're going to look at the motives that people had.
We're going to look at the opportunities.
We're going to investigate it.
We are not going to simply say, well, the government has said so.
So, that's the way that it is.
Or the New York Times has said it's this way.
Or the Washington Post has said it's this way.
Or Breitbart has said it's this way.
We're going to investigate.
We're going to debate what the government says.
If that makes us conspiracy theorists, fine.
I say that it makes us conspiracy investigators.
Because the government is constantly calling people conspirators, saying that you plotted to do something illegally.
So you are conspiring to do something.
A good example of this is the Bundy trial.
We just had a mistrial for four defendants.
Actually, they had six people that were being tried.
They haven't gotten to the Bundys per se yet, but a jury in Las Vegas deadlocked on federal charges against four men in the armed standoff where I was present doing reporting.
The judge just declared a mistrial on Monday after the jurors could not reach verdicts on four of the individuals.
Earlier, the same jury convicted two others in the standoff.
And they convicted, these individuals were found guilty of eight charges.
One, Burleson was found guilty of eight charges, including threatening and assaulting a federal officer.
Now, the interesting thing is, I was there.
And we were being threatened by the federal officers.
Federal officers were threatening to shoot us.
They were pointing guns at us.
I didn't see anybody down on the ground where I was pointing guns back at them.
They found a picture of somebody on the bridge pointing a gun.
It's not clear who he was with or who he was pointing the gun at.
And I say it wasn't clear who he was with just because he wasn't in a uniform threatening to shoot us in the name of the government doesn't mean that he wasn't a government provocateur.
We saw that they put in film crews that pretended, or people who were informants saying, we're a film crew trying to get confessions out of people.
They said prosecutors say it's illegal to brandish assault-style weapons against armed federal agents, but it's not illegal for them to threaten to shoot us.
I don't think so.
But that makes me a conspiracy theorist.
Stay with us.
Paul Joseph Watson will be taking the fourth hour.
Try not laughing at this headline.
1 in 5 adults in the United Kingdom can't change a light bulb or boil an egg.
This according to a survey of more than 2,000 people on their habits around the house.
Listen to some of these shocking statistics.
31% of people could not cook a meal without a recipe.
34% of people cannot read a map.
38% of people could not unclog a sink.
47% of people don't know how to check oil levels in a car.
53% of people could not put up a shelf.
A shelf!
Now, while this survey was done in the UK, I wouldn't be shocked if you got some of the same results in big cities here in the United States.
This is a perfect example of how modern-day education systems and lifestyles are domesticating our society, so that we cannot function independently.
I object that he interrupted me while I was watching!
Ow, my balls!
That is not okay!
And I rest my case!
For Infowars.com, this is Owen Schroeder.
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Broadcasting live from the UN Stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
I think.
We are live.
It's the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show with me, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We've got a ton of news to cover on the domestic and international front.
A lot of anti-white racism going on now that it's been made trendy in the media.
We have Shea Moisture putting out an ad that's completely offensive.
It's caused absolute outrage amongst everybody on the left.
You're going to see in a minute how truly outrageous it really is.
We have Jose Antonio Vargas, who you remember was behind the MTV White People Show, where white people basically got up and cried for the sins of slavery hundreds of years ago, which they had absolutely nothing to do with.
Oxford University is saying that avoiding eye contact is also racist.
The Bill Nye Show says that white people who do yoga, they're racist as well.
Basically everything's racist at this point.
Simply not looking somebody in the eye at a certain point.
Can be characterized as a racial microaggression.
That's not out of some Tumblr blog.
That's out of Oxford University.
One of, if not the most prestigious learning institutions in the United Kingdom and indeed the world.
That's where it's coming from.
Let's go to this Shea Moisture ad.
Let's get it ready.
This was causing absolute tumultuous outrage across Twitter, across social media yesterday.
Gateway Pundit reports, we really effed this one up by putting white people in advertisement.
And just wait until you see the absolute horror contained in this commercial.
Let's roll it.
People would, like, throw stuff in my hair, and then I'd just be walking, and there'd be, like, little paper balls in my hair.
I hated it, because it's like, oh, I have this, and people make fun of me for it.
It was lots of days staring in the mirror, like, I don't know what to do with it!
I just didn't feel like I was supposed to be a redhead.
I dyed my hair blonde for seven years of my life.
Platinum blonde.
I didn't really embrace my natural hair.
But then, you know, as I got older, I learned how to do it, and I learned how to love it.
Shea Moisture.
Holy Grow right here.
It just gives us all the results that we need.
It's kind of that go-to product.
I think a good hair day is the best kind of day.
I feel like I have conquered the world.
I love my hair.
I love the volume.
I love the curl.
I love the texture.
I love everything about it.
Everything about it.
Everybody gets love.
So there you have it.
Shea Moisture having the temerity to include white people in an advertisement.
Yeah, that's it.
That's what people are outraged about.
They had white people in an advertisement.
They changed their product slightly to appeal to both black people and white people.
You can't do that.
That is outrageous.
That is racist.
They came out and profusely apologized.
Ad falls flat under backlash.
It was kind of like the Pepsi ad from a few weeks back where they, again, had the temerity to go out and try and improve race relations.
In a commercial, we can't have that.
We need constant division, constant infighting, constant race baiting.
Now they put a white person in a video and people are going apoplectic.
They made a capitalist decision to change their product slightly.
And that's not acceptable.
We can't have that.
We can't have white people in commercials in America in 2017.
Absolute disgrace!
Rightly being pointed out by social justice warriors.
Then we have Jose Antonio Vargas.
This clip is doing the rounds again.
I think it came out after the election, but it got reposted on Twitter last night.
Here's Jose Antonio Vargas, who you will remember from the MTV White People Show, in which people, white people, were made to basically cry over their historical sins of slavery.
That guy, the actual illegal immigrant, here he is on Democracy Now!
talking about more race-baiting.
Let's go to that clip.
I think we are, and have been since the election of Barack Obama, in the middle of a civil war.
It's an internal civil war that is part civil war, part reconstruction.
Demographically, this country is no longer going to be white.
The state of California alone, 51% of all Californians age 25 and under is Latino.
This country is only going to get gayer, blacker, browner, more Asian.
Women, white women, black women, Muslim women will break all barriers there is to break.
What's left is this question of how much change can straight white men and white people handle.
I think last night we saw that it's not a lot.
That was Jose Antonio Vargas, the literal illegal immigrant who makes programs for MTV in which white people cry over their white guilt.
Now this is a guy who I had a spat with on Twitter on several occasions, the most recent of which he said that I, he suggested that I bore personal responsibility for the African-American slave trade, despite the fact that I was born in the UK in the 1980s, hundreds of years before that happened.
So I had a Twitter spat with him and again he's out on Democracy Now race-baiting, making this argument that white people have to atone for their historical sins.
Again, talking about white people becoming a minority in America in an almost
Um, encouraging tone.
Something he's looking forward to.
Of course, we've seen all this narrative before.
It's been building and building.
The last acceptable form of racism is racism against white people.
That's trendy.
Doesn't mean that racism against black people, Hispanic people, Asian people doesn't exist.
Of course it does.
But to say it in public, the last form of acceptable racism is against white people, we see it in numerous articles that I'm going to cover today.
But again, it's this historical myth that only white people were responsible for enslaving other people.
You had the Barbary slave trade.
In which both black people and white people were enslaved by Arabs.
This is a historical fact.
It lasted for far longer than the transatlantic slave trade.
It was far more brutal.
They literally used to castrate black people to stop them having children.
They had black eunuchs.
Barbary slave trade, look it up.
They had white slaves.
But again,
We don't hear about that today, do we?
We don't have white people saying that Muslims, Arab people, should give them reparations because, again, they're not guilty for the sins of their ancestors hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
30 million people are still enslaved today.
None of them in white countries, by the way.
That's more people enslaved than at any other time in human history.
And it's mostly in Africa and the Middle East, not in white countries.
1 million to 1.25 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa.
The Barbary slave trade, far more brutal, far more longer lasting.
And of course it was white people who were the first to end slavery.
William Wilberforce.
Again, they signed the legislation in Parliament in the 1800s.
William Wilberforce.
The crusader, the anti-slavery crusader.
White British.
You know, hundreds of thousands of white Americans died in a civil war, partly to end slavery.
Yet they're still spinning this narrative that we should be collectively guilty.
For something that happened hundreds of years ago.
Despite the fact that it happened to white people as well.
It happened to everyone.
Every major power in world history had a system of enslavement.
And again, it's still going on today.
30 million people enslaved.
More than any other time in human history.
White British people led expeditions to conduct raids in some of these countries to free black slaves.
Back in the 1800s.
Basic history!
So no, we shouldn't feel guilty about it.
Yes, it was a horrible thing, but it happened to everyone in almost every major country on the planet.
And yet we're still being told that we have to feel guilty about it today, and it all ties into this SJW narrative of the oppression Olympics.
Where anyone of colour rises to the top, there's no equality.
This is a collectivist mindset to collectively blame everyone of a certain colour for something that happened 300 years ago.
Oxford University, this is out of National Review, says avoiding eye contact is racist.
According to Oxford University's Equality and Diversity Unit, not making eye contact and not speaking directly to people are examples of racism.
The Telegraph newspaper reports that Oxford has informed students that these things can be examples of racial microaggressions, which can cause mental ill health.
They literally say that not looking at somebody directly in the eyes may be racist.
It may cause them PTSD.
They're actually saying that now.
I mean, you might just be an introvert and not naturally look people in the eye anyway.
No, you're racist.
Forget about it.
You're racist.
You have to atone for your racial microaggressions.
Other examples of everyday racism listed on the guide included asking people where they were originally from and making jokes related to a person's accent.
So, if somebody has an accent and they're obviously not from the United Kingdom or from America, don't you dare ask them their home country.
Even if you're trying to make casual, polite conversation.
That's racist as well.
After all, I'm pretty sure that no interviewer has ever said, gee, I really liked how much that one candidate kept staring at the floor while telling me why she was perfect for the job.
So they go on to explain why it's ridiculous in this article again.
That's just one of many today.
Here's another one.
Information Liberation Reports.
Bill Nye Show!
And I don't know if we played the video earlier, but this is an absolute meltdown of SJW insanity.
Yeah, you played that earlier.
Let's go to a clip of that video right now.
Let's go to it.
Guys, seriously, this next thing I feel is very special.
This is a cool little segment.
Uh, you know this woman from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
Please give it up for Rachel Bloom!
This woman's got some of my bad bad to identify as!
This world of ours is full of choice.
But must I choose between only John or Joyce?
All my options only, hard or moist?
My vagina has its own voice.
Not vocal cord, a metaphorical voice.
Sometimes I do a voice for my vagina.
Please don't tell me I'm the only one who does that.
So this is Bill Nye, the science guy, with a performer who says her vagina has a voice.
Elsewhere in the show, he talked about there being multiple genders again.
That's not science.
There are only two genders, Bill Nye.
You're no longer the science guy.
We're going to get into more absolute insanity that occurred on this show in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show live fourth hour.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
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We are back on the Alex Jones Show live before getting back into Bill Nye, the science guy who says there are more than two genders and has guests on talking about how their vagina has a voice, because that's very scientific.
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Bill Nye Show, which we just played a clip from before the break.
White people need to stop using Asian wallpaper.
Ruined yoga with their Lululemon hands.
So it's more anti-white casual racism.
And you know, you could say, oh, stop being triggered, you big snowflake, but it's only in one direction, isn't it?
Again, the last acceptable form of casual racism is against white people.
Bill Nye's new Netflix show featured its own Dear White People sketch.
Attacking white people for using Asian wallpaper and ruining yoga by getting their Lululemon hands on it.
As part of a comedy sketch for Bill Nye's show, Bill Nye saves the world!
One of his Indian writers lectured white people on the microaggressions they commit by using Buddha statues and Asian wallpaper for street cred to sell alternative medicine.
And it's kind of ironic that the people who do that are hipsters who will then lecture me all day about being a racist.
Now they're being called a racist for having Buddha statues and Lulu lemon hands if they do yoga.
So you can't do yoga, that's racist.
You can't not look someone in the eye, that's racist.
You can't have dreadlocks, that's cultural appropriation, that's racist.
List's getting quite long, isn't it?
You can't have white people in shea moisture commercials, that's racist, that's a microaggression.
A lot of these behaviours are, well basically, the list is getting really short now, isn't it, with these racial microaggressions.
But Bill Nye the science guy who says that there are more than two genders, that's not scientific, now has guests on again, playing into this cutesy, trendy, anti-white racism.
That we see with the likes of MTV again, Jose Antonio Vargas with his Dear White People, now saying that basically white people are going to enter into a civil war once they become a minority.
Washington Times reports Trump's lawyer launches legal action against BuzzFeed for publishing completely fabricated dossier.
This was the famous Trump-Pgate dossier, which they published again without verifying it.
It's complete bunkum, complete fake news.
Now the lawsuits are about to hit BuzzFeed.
In fact, I just learned before I came on the show
Wikipedia has a fake news list which has a bunch of websites that obviously put out deliberately fake news to make money.
Guess which other website is on that fake news list?
So again, they're beginning the censorship purge.
These lists are going to be used by the likes of Facebook, YouTube and Twitter to purge us from the internet altogether.
That's why we need your support more than ever.
And we'll be back live on the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go away.
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If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse.
Minor words, and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women, and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
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You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're back on the Alex Jones Show live just before the break.
I was talking about fake news with BuzzFeed now having a lawsuit filed against them regarding the Pegate dossier, which again they published with no verification whatsoever.
Turned out to be complete bunkum, now they're getting the blowback.
There's Washington Times reporting on it.
Trump's lawyer launches legal action against BuzzFeed for publishing a completely fabricated dossier.
Axios reports in a related story, Google changes its algorithms to combat fake news.
The tech giant, which owns roughly 80% of the U.S.
search market and over 40% of the U.S.
digital ad market, it's basically a monopoly at this point, so that, oh, it's a private company, argument doesn't wash, says it's made updates to its algorithms to surface more authoritative content.
Why it matters.
This is one of the biggest steps Google has taken to combat fake news since the election.
Again, they've done studies.
Stanford University did a huge study and found that, quote, fake news had no impact whatsoever on the US presidential election.
They never talk about that, do they?
They never talk about that study, because it doesn't fit into their narrative that this is a huge problem.
And that we need massive censorship to deal with it.
Fake news had no effect.
They're trying it again in France.
I'm going to get onto that in a second.
But the article continues, Google and Facebook, the two largest platforms and media distributors, have been under intense pressure for years.
We know that.
They've got the fines coming through in Germany, talking about a 50 million euro fine.
If Facebook doesn't remove fake news within a week, well now they've made new changes to their algorithm.
And you start reading it, sounds reasonable.
Google says it's adjusting the hundreds of signals used to elevate searches in its queries to help surface more authoritative pages and bury low quality content.
Remember we had the story last week about Google contractors burying InfoWars as low quality content?
They had to reverse that, they had to basically apologise, say they're not going to do that.
Well they are going to do it.
But they're going to bury content, for example, that denies the Holocaust's existence.
You say, well, what's wrong with that?
Problem is, that's not all.
We had an article a couple of months ago, and you can flash this up.
Google to target criticism of Islam in new censorship purge.
And one of the examples they gave that was low quality content is also, quote, offensive content.
What's offensive?
Saying that Islam is not a religion of peace.
That's quite different to denying the Holocaust, isn't it?
When you've had 21 jihadist attacks in France since 2015, January, it's quite a credible argument to make that Islam is not a religion of peace.
It should at least be aired on a level with claiming that it is.
You know, what is it, 230-odd Islamist murders in France over the last two years alone?
That's quite a solid argument to make, isn't it?
That's on a par with Holocaust denial.
They're gonna bury the content in the same way.
Absolutely incredible.
Meanwhile, as I said before the break, Wikipedia literally has InfoWars on its list of fake news.
Now, we've been on other lists of fake news, for example, the prop or not list by the shadowy group that was used by the Washington Post to smear, to demonize these news sources as fake news.
Of course, the others on the list were, just by coincidence, every major conservative slash libertarian website on the internet.
Well, gee, that's a massive coincidence, isn't it?
Could it be that they're using this fake news narrative to just bury alternative opinions?
Well, of course that's what they're doing.
They've tried it over and over again.
The Washington Post had to back down.
There you see it out of Wikipedia.
So we're surrounded by all these websites that deliberately put out fake news that they know is fake.
Completely insane stuff like, you know, Hillary Clinton killed an FBI agent.
That's what they say.
And then it's Infowars.
These other lists have had outlets like Breitbart, Daily Caller, again, totally transparent effort to silence their critics, part of this post-election Trump derangement syndrome, despite the fact that the study showed, the key Stanford University study, that fake news had no impact on voting
In the US election.
But they're still trying to spin this narrative.
Now we have Wikipedia coming out with its own news agency to tackle fake news.
They're going to keep trying it and it's all about censorship.
Let's move on to some global news now.
Of course we had the French election, the first round of it, a couple of days ago.
This is out of Westminster.
Buckies give Le Pen win same probability as Brexit and Trump.
So now they're saying, of course, the polls show Macron 20 points ahead.
Marine Le Pen's got no chance whatsoever.
She stood down as leader of the National Front yesterday to try and give herself another chance.
But the establishment is still terrified, even though this establishment guy, this literal Rothschild banker, they literally held banquets and fundraisers for him two years ago.
I tweeted that earlier.
Macron, he's 20 points ahead.
And they're still terrified that Marine Le Pen could win.
Because most people have said that this is a step up for four years' time, five years' time, if anything of France that we used to know as France is left by then.
But they're still petrified!
Of Marine Le Pen winning despite the fact she's 20 points behind.
This is out of Axios.
Expect Trump to inject chaos into French election.
They actually say that distrust of Muslim migrants in France is Vladimir Putin's fault.
Nothing to do with the 230 plus Islamist murders in France over the last two years.
Nothing to do with the 21 jihadist attacks since Charlie Hebdo.
Nothing to do with the fact there have been six terrorist attacks in Paris alone in the last three years.
Nothing to do with that, it's Vladimir Putin's fault that people have concerns about Muslim migrants.
Even though a Muslim migrant literally mowed down 86 people in a truck in Nice almost a year ago.
No, that's Vladimir Putin's fault as well.
Listen to this.
The polls say centrist Emmanuel Macron has more or less smooth sailing to the French presidency in the second round of voting on May 7th.
But Kremlin-linked hackers have already attempted to infiltrate his campaign, and political observers expect further attempts to disrupt the election by Vladimir Putin, who supports far-right leader Marine Le Pen.
So any scandals, any dirt that comes out about Macron over the next 10 days, they're going to blame it once again on the familiar boogeyman, Russian hackers.
The article continues, US and European intelligence agencies have rung the alarm about intrusive Russian cyber and fake news attacks that appear designed to create a crisis environment in the West.
Now, experts say France is next.
Listen to what they say in this article.
Even if Putin can't swing the election to her, Marine Le Pen, he can serve his long game of encouraging divisions within NATO countries and fomenting doubt about the integrity of their democratic institutions.
Look for fake news to raise the spectre of terrorism and sow distrust of Muslim migrants.
We need fake news to do that, do we?
We've literally got people being moaned down every two weeks in Westminster, in Stockholm, in Nice, 86 dead, 400 plus injured.
Murders all over the place.
Why do we need fake news to prove that that's a problem?
Oh, but it's Vladimir Putin's fault.
Yeah, Vladimir Putin isn't why there's concern about mass Muslim immigration, okay?
Little dead kids on the street are why there's concern about that.
Absolutely incredible.
The New York Times follows suit in another headline.
Russian hackers who targeted Clinton, again, no evidence for that, appear to attack Francis Macron.
In fact, WikiLeaks put out a video.
Where Comey says there's no evidence for Russia hacking the DNC leaks.
The NSA head says it.
All these different people say it, yet concurrently the media's still reporting it.
New York Times reports, the campaign of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has been targeted by what appear to be the same Russian operatives responsible for hacks of Democratic campaign officials before last year's American presidential election, a cyber security firm warns in a new report.
So they're now spinning the yarn that any dirt, any scandals about Macron, which is quite possible given the fact that what, was he in ninth grade when he had a relationship with his teacher?
Who went on to become his wife, whilst he was married with kids from another guy.
Seems that there might be some kind of skeletons in the closet there, maybe.
But if anything comes out about that, over the next 10 days, any dirt, any scandal, any controversy whatsoever, just blame my Russian hackers once again!
They're that terrified.
She's 20 points behind.
Barring a massive, God forbid, terrorist attack, or some massive scandal about Macron,
It's not going to happen for Marine Le Pen this time around.
It may happen in four or five years time.
So they're already setting that narrative.
But again...
I agree with the New York Times.
You know, hacking the communications of French presidents, which they accuse Russian hackers of doing, in the case of Macron, hacking the communications of French presidents is dreadful.
That's terrible, should be discouraged, should be rightly condemned.
Oh right, apart from when Obama and the NSA did it, for six plus years, then nobody gave a damn.
BBC News reported, flashback to this article, US spied on French presidents.
The US National Security Agency spied on French Presidents Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande from 2006 to 2012, Wikileaks says.
The Whistleblower website cites top secret intelligence reports and technical documents.
From the NSA.
It said the secret files derived from directly targeted NSA surveillance of the communications of the three French presidents, as well as French ministers and the ambassador to the US.
So it's really terrible to hack the communications of French presidents if you're Russian hackers, but if Obama does it and the NSA does it, it's perfectly fine.
Nobody gives a damn.
Moving on.
French President candidate Macron.
Merkel's migrant policy saved our dignity.
Labels criticism disgusting.
This is a Breitbart article.
It's actually from back in January.
But again, I flash back to it because he literally said six months after a Tunisian Muslim migrant killed 86 people in the streets of Nice that we should celebrate Muslim immigration.
He wants more of it.
Despite the fact they're having these huge problems in France, in Paris, the street fights, the rapes, the assaults, the terror attacks, he wants to import more of that belief system.
French left socialist presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has said, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's open door mass migration policy has saved our collective dignity.
And warn that criticism of Merkel was a disgusting simplification.
So this is the guy.
Rothschild banker.
Never elected to office in his life.
His entire political campaign, cultivated by the French establishment, the bureaucracy, sold him as a phony, fake, Obama-type populist.
This is the guy who's going to take France into the next four or five years.
Celebrating an open-door policy.
On Muslim migration.
After 21 jihadist attacks in France alone.
Six in three years in the capital of the city, Paris.
This is the guy, and he's 20 points ahead according to the polls.
Can you believe that?
Maybe it's something to do with those 500,000 ballots that people living outside of France who are his core voters received so they could vote twice.
Just a mistake.
We're not going to investigate it until after the election.
No need to worry about it.
This is the guy who's probably going to take France forward in the next four to five years.
Absolutely incredible.
The polls show he's got about an 85% chance of winning.
The polls showed the same thing before Brexit.
And we all know what happened.
Moving on to other global news now.
ISIS once apologised to Israel for attacking IDF soldiers former Defence Minister's stunning admission.
Former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yalon made a stunning admission during an interview with Israel's Channel 10 News on Sunday.
Saturday, sorry.
Yalon, who served as Israel's Defense Minister from 2013 up until May 2016, told Channel 10 News reporter Eli Levi that ISIS had apologized for attacking Israeli defense forces operating in the Syrian Golan Heights.
Isn't that interesting, given that last year, the director of the powerful Israeli think tank named the Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies said ISIS can be a useful tool in undermining Iran, Hezbollah, Syria and Russia.
Which of course is exactly the same thing that Thomas Friedman said in the New York Times, we talked about that last week, openly calling on Trump to leave ISIS alone.
Because they were useful in the region, just like the CFR, just like the establishment armed these Al-Qaeda militants years ago that started the civil war in Syria in the first place.
And again, most of them defected to Al-Qaeda or ISIS groups, or at least gave them their weapons.
There are no moderate rebels.
But now, Israel is having to apologize, or Israel is now revealing that ISIS had to apologize for firing on them during a battle.
ISIS, the bloodthirsty terror gang that beheads people, that burns people alive in cages, fires at Israeli troops and they say, whoops, we're sorry about that.
They're polite about it.
Isn't that odd?
Given that the Pentagon, again, we had the documents, foresaw the rise of ISIS in Syria, they called it the jihadist principality,
They knew it was going to happen.
They went along with the policy anyway.
And now ISIS is being all polite to Israeli soldiers when they fire upon them.
Very interesting situation there.
US risks being wiped off the map with nuclear counter-strike.
Actually, they're talking about the UK.
This is a Russian senator.
This is out of RT.
The UK, which recently said it could launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike in the most extreme circumstances, runs the risk of being wiped off the face of the Earth
The deputy head of a Russian upper house committee said tensions continue to build there.
Also in North Korea, RT reports 10 minute warning Japan instructs citizens on potential North Korea strike.
Remember, we had the reports out of South Korea back a couple of weeks ago.
They were panicked.
They were exchanging messages that, you know, an attack was imminent because that is what will probably happen.
North Korea will launch the missiles into South Korea, into Seoul.
Now Japanese citizens are being warned about this.
It would take 10 minutes.
Just 10 minutes for a North Korean missile to hit Japan.
Tokyo estimates as tensions between the countries grow.
Guidelines on what to do if a strike actually happens have been published online and have recently seen a huge surge in interest.
So they've set up a new Japanese civil security website.
Which says that a North Korean missile would reach the country in a very short time, adding that a missile could cover a distance of 1,600 kilometers and reach Japan in just 10 minutes.
So they're telling Japanese people to basically find the most secure building.
In the event of a strike, the government recommends citizens calmly go to the strongest concrete building nearby, stay low to the floor, or get under a table.
So these preparations are really stepping up now.
This is by no means over.
Another article, North Korea stages firing drill marking military anniversary.
Of course we had speculation that they could use this anniversary, the 85th founding anniversary of their military, to stage that six nuclear tests that the Trump administration has said
Will probably trigger a military attack on North Korea.
They didn't do that, thankfully.
Now they've just held a large drill.
Signs are detected that North Korea's military is conducting a large-scale drill on the eastern part of Wonsan on the anniversary.
So they seem to have scaled it back.
Remember over the weekend we had China come out and say, if there's an attempt at regime change in North Korea, if they try to take out Kim Jong-un, as has been suggested, China will not calmly sit back and let that happen.
They will, in almost all circumstances, counter-attack.
And you know what that means.
It means World War 3 and absolute chaos.
We'll be back with the final segment of the Alex Jones Show live.
Stay with us.
Try not laughing at this headline.
1 in 5 adults in the United Kingdom can't change a lightbulb or boil an egg.
This according to a survey of more than 2,000 people on their habits around the house.
Listen to some of these shocking statistics.
31% of people could not cook a meal without a recipe.
34% of people cannot read a map.
38% of people could not unclog a sink.
47% of people don't know how to check oil levels in a car.
53% of people could not put up a shelf.
A shelf!
Now, while this survey was done in the UK, I wouldn't be shocked if you got some of the same results in big cities here in the United States.
This is a perfect example of how modern-day education systems and lifestyles are domesticating our society, so that we cannot function independently.
I am SHOCKED that he interrupted me while I was watching!
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It's the final segment of this hour of the Alex Jones Show, the fourth hour.
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Let's cover a few final news stories here.
We have Obama press secretary.
Former president will re-engage if Trump crosses red lines.
You remember we had the story that Obama had set up a war room about two miles from the White House where he was leading the resistance against Donald Trump while taking $400,000 to give speeches to Wall Street bankers because he's a man of the people.
Well now, former Obama White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest has said that the former president will speak out against the current White House incumbent if he feels that Trump crosses clear red lines.
That was said during an interview on MSNBC.
And we all know how great Barack Obama is at enforcing red lines.
Now in Germany we have more cultural enrichment by the looks of it.
This is a tweet which I saw earlier.
It was actually the Frankfurt police that originally put this out.
They're finding a huge number of dog treats that have razor blades embedded in them.
Razorblades being concealed in dog treats.
This is the official Frankfurt police account there in Germany.
They're warning people to look out for that.
Of course, we've had numerous stories out recently about people who hold certain belief systems.
I won't say which ones.
Rejecting, for example, people who want to take taxi rides with dogs.
There's a certain belief system in the world which
Don't know if there's a connection there.
Just putting it out there.
That's going to wrap it up for the show though again.
Massive election news out of France.
They're trying to groom this Macron, despite the fact that he's a Rothschild banker, as the saviour of France when he is the ultimate globalist.
Absolutely incredible.
We're trying to get Stefan Molyneux tomorrow on the show to talk about that.
And we're going to cover more news on the show tomorrow.
That's going to wrap it up for this edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Remember, get the products.
We're under massive attack.
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This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
On Saturday, Pope Francis made the outlandish statement that refugee camps are like concentration camps.
This is not the first time Pope Francis has made a Nazi reference.
In wake of the election of Donald Trump, like a good liberal, the Pope warned of populist leaders like Hitler rising to power.
But now the pontiff has made the comparison of refugee camps to concentration camps.
What a lewd statement!
Refugees are going to these centers to avoid starvation, suffering, and death, while Jewish people were forced into concentration camps with the starvation, suffering, and death.
He made this statement while paying tribute to a Christian woman who was slaughtered by Muslims for her faith.
He then heartlessly said that international accords seem more important than human rights.
The Pope, while at a ceremony honoring modern-day Christian martyrs to Islam, is at the same time shoving open borders down your throat so that all countries can be invaded and murdered by these jihadists, as their human right, ignoring anyone else's human right to living in a sovereign country.
Funny how the Pope has a problem with refugee camps,
Still silent on the wars that put them there.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroeder.
Not my pope.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.