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Name: 20170419_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 19, 2017
3006 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, various topics are discussed including potential impact of Marine Le Pen's victory on the European Union, misrepresentation of President Trump's actions by mainstream media, concerns about bots on social media platforms, and allegations against Roger Stone during 2016 election. InfoWars promotes several products and discusses issues related to censorship and manipulation on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. The show also covers recent news stories including Apple's influence over the new government, allegations of spying by Israel using unfiltered data from NSA, and credit given to InfoWars for helping Trump win in 2016."

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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are live on the Alex Jones Show.
It is Wednesday the 19th of April here in Austin, Texas.
Another jam-packed show.
Three guests, no less than three guests today.
We have Roger Stone coming up at the bottom of the hour to talk all things Trump.
We have Mike Cernovich coming up in the second hour to break more exclusive stories from his perspective.
Obviously he's been taking on the mainstream media.
And beating them at their own game, so that's going to be exciting.
And then in the third hour, Andrew Torba, the founder of Gab.
This is the new alternative to Twitter.
People have been asking for a new social network to take them on.
He's done it, he's created it, he's set it up, and he is in studio in the third hour.
So, absolutely action-packed show.
Ton of news to cover as well.
We have an MSNBC analyst, and this is one of the top stories up on In4Wars.com.
An MSNBC analyst calling for ISIS to bomb a Trump property in Turkey.
Now I've talked before about how the far left, at least in terms of their rhetoric, I'm not saying they're all going to go off to Syria and fight for ISIS, but in terms of their rhetoric, they're merging with jihadists.
They're spouting the same rhetoric and don't forget, ISIS in their own manifesto, we reported on this about a year ago,
Put out that the left, the far left and jihadists broadly share the same goal and that they would try to recruit the far left towards their ideology.
What have we seen in the month since?
We've seen feminists chanting Allah Akbar at their big protest, their anti-Trump protest.
We've seen top
Prominent journalist tweeting, calling for Trump's assassination on Twitter directly over and over again.
Now we have an MSNBC analyst, nominates Trump property for next ISIS bombing.
Don't forget, I talked about on Monday.
The New York Times is encouraging Trump to leave ISIS alone in Syria, to even support them to some extent.
This is coalescing around a very chilling rhetorical alliance between jihadists and the far left.
An MSNBC counter-terrorism analyst is under fire after suggesting that ISIS should bomb a property belonging to US President Donald Trump.
Malcolm Nance, who regularly appears on MSNBC programming and he's got history, which we'll go through in a minute, took to Twitter Tuesday and expressed hope that Islamic State terrorists would bomb the President's property in Turkey!
He actually said it in a tweet!
Quote, this is my nominee for the first ISIS suicide bombing of a Trump property, Nance tweeted, in response to a picture of Trump Tower building in Istanbul.
He deleted the tweet, but the internet doesn't forget.
Now this guy is a counter-terror analyst.
Let's not forget that.
But he has a history.
...of denying that ISIS-inspired attacks have anything to do with Islam.
When an extremist ploughed a truck into innocent people in Nice, France last year, after reading ISIS materials advocating such forms of attack, Nance suggested the driver was just mentally unstable rather than following any ideology.
He described the attack as a driver taking, quote, a moment to challenge society in a horrific way.
Now imagine if you were the parents of what?
One of those ten children killed in that Nice attack?
An Islamist barreling a truck, dismantling people limb from limb.
You've lost your child and this guy gets up on MSNBC and says that the culprit, the terrorist, was just challenging society.
Again, this is the merger of rhetorical violence between the far left and the ISIS jihadists.
They're legitimizing the grievances because, again, they broadly share the same grievances if you drill down into it, based in their hatred of the West, their hatred of America.
Now he's actually tweeting encouraging ISIS to bomb a Trump building and it gets even worse than that as we saw what happened in Fresno yesterday.
We will get on to talk about it on the Alex Jones Show Live.
You also have PBS encouraging kids to be taught about suicide bombings.
Absolutely shocking alliance of the far left and Islam.
We'll be back on the Alex Jones Show Live.
Don't go away.
On the line we have Bill Mitchell of YourVoiceRadio.com and he's also filming the show for his podcast.
Bill, welcome to the show!
Hey, how are you?
Good to see you.
Now, I'm going to read you two Trump tweets, which he tweeted during the campaign.
This is from Trump.
Don't attack Syria, an attack that will bring nothing but trouble for the U.S.
Focus on making our country strong and great again.
He also tweeted, Crooked Hillary Clinton and foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya.
She is ruthless and dangerous.
Yeah, I think a real danger that we get into when we judge someone's current actions by their former tweets is that they have new information that they've attained on their current actions that they didn't have when they made that tweet.
And this is one of the things I like about Donald Trump.
He's not a classic conservative ideologue.
He's a resultist.
He's a CEO-type mentality.
And you don't want a CEO that goes in making decisions based on pure ideology.
You want a CEO that goes in and makes decisions on the latest, most up-to-date, best information.
Donald Trump came in and when these gas attacks were reported, and apparently our intelligence supported that this happened, okay?
When these gas attacks happened,
And Assad was responsible, according to our intelligence.
Donald Trump could either respond or not respond.
If he didn't respond at all, that would be unacceptable as President of the United States.
So if he responded and condemned them, then he had to act.
If he did not act, then he became Obama 2.0.
So he had to act in a surgical, limited way.
And they followed the intelligence, and they did it.
They acted.
The upside to this is tremendous.
You know, the entire... Here's the thing.
The entire Russiagate thing just died.
It's over.
It's over.
Because what person in the world would say that Donald Trump is acting as the puppet of Putin now that Donald Trump has basically stuck his finger in Putin's eye in Syria?
That's over.
Based upon what I'm seeing on Twitter, you know, you said that we're split on this.
I disagree with that statement.
I think this is maybe 20% against, 80% for.
Okay, I see very positive support for Trump on this.
I see the people that were initially very against this saying, I'm gonna abandon Trump on this.
I'm off the Trump train on this.
I see that fading away.
You know, here's the thing people gotta understand.
The Trump train has got many cars on it.
If you don't like the drapes on one car, move to another car, okay?
Because if you say that you're gonna abandon Trump on this, then what are you gonna do for the next four years?
I mean, what about tax reform?
What about healthcare reform?
What about the wall?
What about immigration reform?
What about jobs?
These are other cars.
If you believe in those, but stay on the Trump train.
Don't abandon Trump.
There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with Trump on this.
He likes that feedback.
That's important to him.
That's part of his strategy.
But in my case, I think this is a great move.
I think history will look back at this as a turning point in the Middle East and a brilliant move.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
So, we have an MSNBC counter-terror analyst getting up on Twitter and encouraging ISIS to attack Trump's building in Istanbul, Turkey.
Shocking in isolation, but not given the history of the far left aligning itself with Islamist rhetoric.
Gateway Pundit also reports today on a related subject.
Your tax dollars at work, PBS teaches kids about the glory of Islamic suicide bombings.
PBS is running a series of lesson plans that glorify Islamic suicide bombings.
It's called Dying to be a Martyr.
In which students learn about the struggles a would-be suicide bomber must deal with before ripping himself and the innocents around him to shreds.
So again, it's sympathising with Palestinian suicide bombers.
And it teaches your kids the glory of martyrdom.
Again, the Public Broadcasting Service, PBS, is home to Big Bird Frontline and other programming made possible by viewers like you.
Including lesson plans instructing teachers how to show kids to be more sympathetic to radical Islamic suicide bombers in Palestine.
They literally call it dying to be a martyr.
Now this ties into what happened yesterday in Fresno.
Of course we had the triple murder of three people happen yesterday morning.
The culprit, Corey Ali Mohammed, reports the LA Times in the headline, hate crime is suspected after a gunman kills three white men in downtown Fresno.
Corey Ali Mohammed told his family there was a war going on between blacks and whites in America.
This was clearly racially motivated, but more than that.
And they're not admitting this.
We're going to play this video shortly where he openly talks about taking vengeance upon America.
A clear political dimension, a clear political motivation behind this shooting.
They're saying it's not terrorism.
The LA Times goes on to report on social media he referred to white people as devils.
Earlier in the year, he released a rap album replete with violent, explicit, racially charged lyrics, including one referring to himself as a black soldier.
So after he shot these three people dead,
Random white people on the streets of Fresno.
He shouted Allah Akbar while being arrested by police officers.
He also expressed resentment, hatred towards white people and the government according to
Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer.
So this was all admitted within an hour of this shooting happening, that it was driven by his hatred towards white people, he said, ala Akbar, after the attack, while he was being arrested.
Clear racial dimension, clear political motivation.
Then we dug into his actual Facebook page, which was live for about two hours after the shooting, before it started picking up media attention.
There you see one post out of his Facebook.
Calling Steve Bannon a white devil.
There's also another post in there where he expresses hatred towards Trump and Pence.
So clearly driven, radicalised by the mainstream media's hysterical anti-Trump rhetoric.
He was their creation.
Then we went on who he liked on Facebook.
Obviously you can look at the media organisations that people follow.
And it was CNN, MSNBC, Young Turks, a whole host of Black Lives Matter groups, people like Van Jones, people like Shaun King, the BLM icon, and a bunch of basically social justice warrior groups.
So again, every time there's a shooting, every time there's an incident, Pizzagate, you can look at Richard Poplowski in Seattle back in 2009.
Any connection, if they browsed Infowars once, we immediately get labelled with the blame.
Even though in the case of Poplowski in Seattle, he gunned down some police officers back in 2009, he openly said he didn't even like Alex Jones, yet we still got blamed for that attack.
Well, it cuts both ways.
This guy was a radicalized, militant, social justice warrior.
And when that narrative started to emerge on Twitter in the hours after the shooting, there was a huge backlash from his fellow social justice warriors.
Which goes back to the point that I make over and over again.
The right disavows its fringe extremists.
No one's denying that there are fringe extremists who commit violence on the right.
The difference is, we disavow them, we don't encourage their rhetoric.
We don't march down the street chanting, what do we want?
Dead cops, when do we want it?
Like Black Lives Matter protesters do.
We don't go on Twitter and hashtag kill all black people.
But they do it.
You know, kill all white people, we've seen the hashtags, we've seen this constant drumbeat of trying to make anti-white racism trendy and cool.
Huffington Post just a few days ago had an article, should we ban white people from voting?
Because that's progressive now.
You know, we've had MTV, resolutions for white people, a backlash to that, but they still carry on.
With this intense radicalization agenda trying to make it cool and trendy.
Does that mean that the people who view those videos or read those articles are going to go out and kill white people?
But again, we get blamed for every single attack if there's a thread of connection, if they browsed InfoWars once.
There you see the Huffington Post.
Could it be time to deny white men the franchise, the right to vote?
We've documented this at every single stage.
You had an MTV show last year with white people crying over their guilt with the close-up on their distraught faces.
The left, the progressives, the social justice warriors have created this meme and now there's a backlash in the form of dead victims on the streets of Fresno.
Again, we've seen the constant reinforcement of the argument.
You know, you've heard it.
White people can't be racist because they've got institutional power.
White people, you know, this guy was racist for screaming about how he hated white people while gunning them down in broad daylight, but it's not political.
It's not even a hate crime, some of them were saying.
I got absolutely trashed on Twitter by a lot of these leftists simply for pointing out these connections.
I'll give you an example, and if you go on my Twitter page you can see all this from yesterday.
Charles Clymer tweeted
If your fragile white feelings are what's being slaughtered, that doesn't qualify as a terrorist attack.
Sorry, kiddo.
Try again.
So his concern wasn't for the victims.
His concern was people were saying it was a terrorist attack, when it clearly was.
Let's roll the video where this guy talks about taking vengeance against America.
Let's go to that clip.
It's your boy D-Guy Muhammad.
Y'all racist-grafted white devils and you coons and fud niggas not taking this serious.
We will continue to bring destruction and wrath upon America until we establish a kingdom of infinite peace and progress.
That's what we're doing.
All this s*** is going to cease.
We have greater works to do.
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
So there you have it, he's talking about vengeance, he's saying Allah Akbar.
This is clearly political!
You go on his Facebook page, you look at his posts before they deleted them.
Black militant groups, you know, the kind that march down the street with rifles chanting for dead cops like BLM did in New York.
But again, we have this narrative, it's impossible for, you know, black people to be racist against white people because white people have institutional power.
Was this guy racist for screaming about how he hated white people while gunning them down in the street in broad daylight?
Well, of course, that's a racist hate crime.
But they won't even acknowledge that, a lot of them.
He followed, you know, BLM leader Sean King.
He was clearly radicalised by some of this rhetoric.
And yet people on Twitter wouldn't have it, because it crushed that narrative.
How is CNN, how is BuzzFeed going to defend this narrative when this guy has clearly been radicalised, he's been turned to this fringe violent extreme action by their rhetoric that we've seen over and over again.
The anti-Trump stuff, the hysteria, the Trump derangement syndrome.
But, you know, people are up on Twitter claiming that this issue was trending in Fresno, not because it was a multiple victim shooting, because it was a huge breaking story, but because bots were pushing it to the top of Twitter trending.
Again, any narrative that goes against them, any narrative that they can't defend with their insane, hysterical rhetoric, they claim that it's bots.
And then this whole terrorism angle.
Every time there's a mass shooting, every time there's even a limited shooting, you know, one or two victims and a white perpetrator.
What does the left do?
They get up on Twitter, they demand it be characterised as a terrorist attack.
With no information coming in whatsoever.
Who's the culprit?
He's white.
It's a terrorist attack.
And yes, there are terrorist attacks.
Dylan Roof.
Racist hate crime.
Obviously politically motivated.
Yes, it was a terrorist attack.
Let's call a spade a spade.
Let's not blame trucks.
Like CNN and the New York Times did after the Nice incident, let's blame the actual perpetrator and look into the motivations behind it, which was publicly available within two hours after this attack, before they pulled it down.
But it was the narrative of, you know, the usual alt-right accounts are spreading disinfo about this.
That's what I got on Twitter.
How is it disinfo to point out the guy's Facebook post where he's calling people white devils, where he's posting anti-Trump stuff, where he follows all these militant liberation groups, where he supports Black Lives Matter.
Clearly he was motivated by that.
He was talking about it in the clip.
He was screaming Allah Akbar after he committed this triple murder.
But what did the Associated Press report in the immediate aftermath of this?
Fake news!
AP translates killer's Allah Akbar to English, claims he said God is great.
This is out the American mirror.
And they actually tweeted, and now they've deleted it, that this guy said God is great after he committed this triple murder.
The police, hours before, had gone on record to say that he had said Allah Akbar, but the Associated Press just decided to translate that.
To help people understand things and it became God is Great.
Well obviously the reason for them doing that is to disguise the fact that he's invoking a Muslim God.
To disguise the fact that that's obviously what terrorists say before every single major terrorist attack.
A very inconvenient narrative for the mainstream media and they tried to flip it round but they completely failed.
But again, the far left
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We are back live on the Alex Jones Show and the question we're asking is, you know, is the mainstream media's violent racist rhetoric inspiring domestic terrorists to kill people?
We had this tragic incident in Fresno yesterday.
The guy was obviously motivated by this anti-Trump hysteria, this Black Lives Matter rhetoric.
He called the guy who shot the cops in Dallas, who again was inspired by this anti-white hatred, he called him a hero.
A hero on his own Facebook page.
Has he been radicalized by this far-left propaganda?
Will they disavow?
You know, he had the same rhetoric as an SJW combined a little bit with an Islamist.
This is the toxic combination I've been warning about.
There you see his Facebook page, our hero.
There's the guy who gunned down the, what was it, eight, nine cops in Dallas last summer.
You crawl through his entire Facebook page, it's one long litany of social justice hysteria.
The far left is merging with Islamism and we need to call it out for what it is.
Because this is going to cause more violent episodes.
Again, I'm not saying they're all going to fly off to Syria and fight for ISIS, obviously not.
But this is going to cause more deaths.
I put out a tweet months ago warning
That this Trump derangement syndrome, there you see Black Lives Matter supporters celebrating the murder of the Dallas cops back in July last year.
But I put out a tweet months ago warning these social justice warriors are gonna go jihad.
And this shooting in Fresno was this Corey Mohammed's own personal jihad.
But what were the left concerned about in the immediate aftermath?
Here's another tweet directed at me by a social justice warrior after this incident.
Oh look, Cernovich, Possebeck and Watson are all pushing the exact same narrative about Fresno.
All at the same time.
Imagine that.
Well yeah, we were covering a breaking news story about a multiple victim shooting and stating the known facts.
Imagine that.
God forbid.
They were so afraid of us even talking about it because again, it looked
Really bad for their narrative.
It's very hard to spin something like that when a social justice warrior, militant leftist, Black Lives Matter supporting anti-Trump extremist who shouted Allah Akbar, who is also an Islamist, guns down three people randomly.
On the streets in broad daylight.
Very hard to spin that narrative and turn it back on the right.
Again, the right disavows its fringe extremists.
The left only ever encourages them.
And that came to light again in what happened tragically in Fresno yesterday.
But we have some breaking news out of the New Yorker.
And this was probably, many people foresaw it.
Sources Fox News has decided Bill O'Reilly has to go.
The Murdochs have decided Bill O'Reilly's 21 year run at Fox News will come to an end according to sources briefed on the discussions.
Network executives are preparing to announce O'Reilly's departure before he returns from his vacation on April 24th.
Now the big question.
Or how the exit will look and who will replace him.
Obviously they just got Tucker Carlson into one of those prime time slots after the departure of Megyn Kelly.
But I think we all saw that coming.
He was basically drummed out, not to excuse his behaviour.
Obviously, you know, the accusations, some of them have been proven true.
But it was a witch hunt by the left to get him out of there.
Four million viewers on a nightly basis on a good night.
You know, they've been trying to get him out for a while and there's another article out of American Mirror which ties into this.
Email shows Media Matters orchestrating Bill O'Reilly's smear campaign.
Again, Media Matters, the group that used to meet on a weekly basis with Barack Obama to coordinate their agenda.
They used to brag about how they wrote the editorials for MSNBC every single day.
Media matters.
The group that attacks us on a daily basis.
They've got people listening right now to every single word, busily transcribing everything so they can spin it out of context and attack us again.
They used to write butthurt articles whining about how Matt Drudge linked to us like four years ago, which was pretty funny because I told Matt Drudge about that.
And because of it, he said he would link to us five times more.
So thank you very much, Media Matters.
After every single attack, we get bigger and bigger.
But as that article explains, they directly targeted his advertisers.
And that's what the left does.
They can't compete on a level playing field.
They can't win the argument in a fair fight.
So they always dig for the personal, for the private.
They always attack on a financial assault course.
Because, again,
They don't have an argument.
They use the right principles against them.
They make it personal.
They go after people's private lives because they can't compete.
They can't resonate when it comes to having an actual argument.
And we've seen that happen again with Bill O'Reilly, who it now looks like is hanging on by a thread or is about to leave Fox News.
We will be back with more news on the Alex Jones Show live.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The religion of peace strikes again!
39-year-old Corey Ali Mohammed, who shot three people dead in downtown Fresno yesterday, shouted Allah Akbar before he pulled the trigger.
And police are now saying that Mohammed had expressed hatred towards white people and the government.
In fact, if you take a look at his Facebook page,
You'll notice a meme he posted recently about White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, who according to Mohammed, is a white devil.
But on the other hand, the Fresno Killer says he does like MSNBC, CNN, Van Jones, the Young Turks, and of course, Black Lives Matter.
So far it's unclear if his rampage was based on watching left-wing media inspired by BLM or
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A total 360 win!
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live on the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to dip back into the news.
Another example of fake news as it relates to Donald Trump in a second.
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I'm getting requests from everyone every time I come over here to bring them back all these great products.
They're going over really well in Britain as well, but it's not as easy to get them there, of course.
But it is easy to get them right now at infowarsstore.com with all those huge Easter mega special discounts extended.
But that sale must end tonight.
So don't wait around because those discounts are not going to be around for much longer at infowarsstore.com.
Now we got Roger Stone hopefully coming up later in this hour to talk about all things Trump.
For the moment we're going to dip back into the news and speaking of Trump and speaking of fake news, we had AP tweeting that the killer in Fresno said God is great.
He didn't say God is great, he said Allah Akbar but that's not convenient for their narrative so they just changed his words entirely.
Fake news.
Now we have this.
Out of information liberation, media claim Trump threw kid's hat into crowd after signing it.
Video shows otherwise.
Dozens of news outlets ran with a misleading video spread by Politico on Monday to claim President Trump signed a kid's MAGA hat and threw it callously into a crowd.
From the Free Beacon, quote, a kid asked Trump to sign his hat at the White House.
He said, roll the President signs and then tosses the hat into the crowd.
That's what Politico tweeted.
And that's what dozens of other media outlets tweeted.
It went viral.
Here you see Trump signing the hat.
Kid gives him the hat.
He signs it.
In a second, tosses it up into the air.
How callous!
How callous of Trump.
He does it again later on.
But if you look at the other angle,
If you go to the second video, you can see the kid in the back, reaching over, gives Trump the hat.
You'll see it in a second.
Tosses it up.
Kid catches it.
Same one who gave him the hat, and then he walks off.
So he wasn't callously tossing it into the crowd as if he didn't care who received it.
But dozens of them reported that that was the case, not even showing the video from the other angle.
So again, BuzzFeed claimed in a tweet that the poor kid ended up, quote, without a hat.
He just got the hat.
You could see it in the video.
Google News showed dozens of other outlets who ran with the video without any scepticism and the majority have yet to issue any corrections.
And these are the fact checkers that are going to verify all our Facebook posts.
These are the guys.
BuzzFeed News.
Guy without a hat after Trump throws it.
Well, he's not without a hat because he threw it directly to him as you just saw in the video.
This is fake news.
This is BuzzFeed.
This is Politico.
These are the people fact-checking our Facebook posts, and they can't even get a basic damn thing right like this.
Absolutely incredible.
Talking about fake news.
And actually, this is good from BuzzFeed.
They did one good thing.
They reported the truth.
A broken clock is right twice a day, I guess.
BuzzFeed reports people are saying that Chelsea Clinton is never going to happen after she was honoured by this magazine.
So Variety came out with this cover, Power of Women, New York.
And it featured Chelsea Clinton on the cover.
Yes, they're still trying to ram the Clintons down the throats of the American people.
They tried to make her look cool.
An editor from Variety, speaking about that picture right there, tweeted, How cool does Chelsea Clinton look in our Power of Women New York cover?
Well, people responded, Yeah, not so cool.
Some of the responses, An empire in total decline can sell unaccomplished nepotism as cool to its people.
Another person said, hey fellow youths, doesn't this hip young go-getter especially look snazzy in her leather jacket?
Another individual responded, what precisely has this woman accomplished ever?
And again, fake news.
They're trying to push Chelsea Clinton as this fresh, young, hip face and it just isn't working.
We've talked about this over and over again.
When is the left going to have an actual moment of self-reflection and realise that Hillary Clinton, that the Clinton royal family is done?
Yeah, people had their own versions of this.
It got memed pretty quickly.
But again, it's this entire idea of the left.
Forcing you what to think about an image, where they have to say, you must think this about this image.
Isn't this cool?
This is really cool, isn't it?
How dare you say it's not cool?
Well, people are saying it's not cool.
You're not going to force a tired, defunct legacy like that of the Clintons down the American people's throats again and again and again.
It's done.
Get over it.
Move on.
And even BuzzFeed admits it.
I mean, come on.
If BuzzFeed is calling you out, then you probably got it wrong.
Absolutely insane.
Because we had the Facebook killer yesterday committed suicide.
It took them a couple of days to find him.
He escaped Cleveland, eventually committed suicide in Erie, Pennsylvania.
Again, this is out of Information Liberation.
McDonald's employees helped catch Facebook killer with deliberately slow service.
He was going through the drive-thru.
At a McDonald's in Erie, Pennsylvania.
Got his chicken McNuggets, because that's important when you're planning, you know, mass murder of people to get your chicken McNuggets.
But they wouldn't give him his large fries, so the employees tried to delay him because they knew it was him.
They called the police.
He drove off without his fries, but basically immediately turned the corner.
The police were on his tail.
And he committed suicide.
Again, absolutely chilling video.
We can only be thankful that he didn't follow through on his promise.
And kill more innocent people.
Again, we don't know the motivations behind that, so that will continue to develop.
Now of course, Theresa May, over in the UK, yesterday announced that there would be a new general election.
In about 50 days time, a snap election, bearing in mind we only just had a general election in the UK in 2015.
Now people are concerned that this could mean sabotage for Brexit.
We have this headline out of Breitbart.
Britain's general election a ploy to stop hard Brexit.
By Raheem Kassam, who's in UKIP and he knows of where he speaks.
What this means for the Brexit process is concerning to some.
Mrs May was not on the Leave side in the referendum.
That's what people have to remember.
She's tried to say she's going to take the middle ground between nationalism and globalism.
You know, she said she supports Sharia law in the past.
And she was pro-Remain.
Theresa May was pro-Remain.
She didn't campaign for it heavily, but she was pro-Remain.
Now we have concern that she will use this general election as basically a rubber stamp to follow through on Brexit the way she wants it, not the way the British people voted for it.
We want a hard Brexit.
That's what we voted for.
But she's going to use this, according to Raheem Kassan, the concern is to push a soft Brexit because she can claim that she now owns the process.
Whereas before, you know, it was Boris Johnson, it was Michael Gove, it was the people in the Leave campaign that tailored that entire campaign and they wanted a hard Brexit.
Now, if Theresa May gets this mandate from the British people, and she probably will win in a landslide, that's almost inevitable, because the opposition parties are so fundamentally broken and terrible and far-left and socialist, then she could have
She could amass the political capital to say, well, this is how we're going to do Brexit.
You voted me in to do it, so I'm going to do it my way.
The problem with that is that she could follow through on a, quote, soft Brexit.
And in fact, that's what EU sources are now saying, according to this article.
Quote, Europe believes if she wins, there will be a softer Brexit.
Whether she will make that a soft or hard Brexit, I don't know, but she'll say, I'm in charge and go her way.
That's the key.
She'll say she has the mandate to follow through on a soft Brexit.
What is a soft Brexit?
Well, it's allowing 300,000 people to emigrate to the UK every single year, which is the current situation.
300,000 people!
After the ones who have left have been accounted for come into the United Kingdom every single year.
It's a tiny island nation.
60 million population.
It's overflowing.
It's absolutely overpopulated.
Public services are collapsing.
We have government healthcare which is basically failing.
To get a doctor's appointment you have to basically be at death's door or pretend you're at death's door to enter the lottery to get an appointment for government healthcare.
And it's because we've taken in far too many low-skilled immigrants and it's putting a huge strain on the system.
That is partly what people voted for, the 52% with Brexit.
They want that 300,000 net immigration figure addressed and reduced.
That is a hard Brexit, but Theresa May is now making noises that she won't follow through on that if she gets the political capital from this UK general election that's coming up in around 50 days' time.
Meanwhile over in France, in fact let's go to that video now because we need to play this.
This is the truth about the French election.
It happens on Sunday, the first round.
This is absolutely critical for the future of globalism versus nationalism in Europe.
Let's go to the clip.
The French election is absolutely chaotic, with the polls showing no clear winner as the first round of voting approaches.
In the Brexit spirit, Marine Le Pen has framed the contest as the next epic struggle between globalism and nationalism.
39% of young people aged 18 to 24 support Marine Le Pen, almost double the number of her closest rival, Emmanuel Macron.
39%, which proves what I've been saying all along.
Populism is the new punk.
All the energy is behind Le Pen.
The French are sick and tired of their country being stuck in the malaise of anemic economic growth, high taxes and high unemployment.
Sick of being told to accept another ominous form of occupation, this time under the guise of Islamo-fascism.
France has suffered 20 Islamist attacks since Charlie Hebdo.
33% of Muslim students support terrorism.
But don't you dare question whether it's normal for some classrooms in France to be 91% Muslim, or you'll be fined.
Le Pen also has huge support amongst women, many of whom have observed the epidemic of sexual assault sweeping Europe and don't feel safe.
So how is the establishment trying to stop this populist uprising?
By creating a fake populist in the form of Emmanuel Macron,
The French Tony Blair.
Because nothing says populist like a former Rothschild banker who's never been elected to anything in his entire life.
This guy's entire campaign was literally cooked up years ago by Francois Hollande, the outgoing socialist who's so unpopular he's not even bothering to run as a candidate.
Macron is the Hollande mini-me.
Hollande has already anointed him as his successor and will campaign for him if he reaches round two.
Now all the corporate money and state media endorsements are flooding Macron's way.
Populist my ass!
His entire campaign was created in a lab by the very same establishment the French are trying to get rid of.
He also married his school teacher who is 25 years older than him.
And that's just weird.
How's Macron gonna stop Islamic terrorism?
By curbing Islamic immigration?
No, by spying on French people's Skype calls.
No thanks.
So who else is there?
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a far-left communist sympathizer known as the French Hugo Chavez.
Because Venezuela's doing so well, isn't it?
The French are known for their haute cuisine.
And I don't think they fancy the idea of searching through the garbage for food.
I don't think they'd like the idea of flamingo being on the menu.
But then again, they are French, so don't quote me on that.
Mélenchon wants to reduce legal working hours from 35 hours a week to 32 hours a week.
Because a three-hour lunch break just isn't long enough.
Because 24% youth unemployment just isn't high enough.
Let's create more incentives for businesses to leave France.
Great idea!
He's starting a video game in which he shakes down people on the street, steals their money, and puts it in a common pot.
Yeah, the world tried communism, and it kinda didn't work out for us.
Reference the entire 20th century.
Before the French could default to Fionn, the scandal-ridden conservative, which would be like putting a band-aid over a gaping wound.
Fionn waffles on about Islamic terrorism, yet has no actual solutions to prevent it.
The time has clearly arrived for Le Pen.
Your European Union is collapsing.
I'm bringing another model, which brings together the peoples of Europe, that of independence, of the Europe of nations in a multipolar world, of intelligent protectionism, of individual freedoms, of defence.
61% of French people support halting Islamic immigration altogether.
Populism is still clearly in the ascendancy.
The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats just became the most popular party in Sweden!
Yes, Sweden!
So, as ever, the establishment is up to its old tricks.
Facebook just deleted 30,000 of the most popular accounts in France.
A month after they vowed to educate the French people and stop fake news.
And Google is once again manipulating its algorithm in a bid to sway undecided voters.
Can Marine Le Pen be victorious?
Yes, but she has to win the first round.
That's how she builds momentum.
Hollande is now privately panicking and trying to get out of handing over power at the ceremony because he fears Le Pen will win.
Out of all the candidates, Le Pen also has the most solid support when it comes to people who will definitely vote for her.
The spirit of Charles de Gaulle has infused Le Pen's campaign.
You also have a Trump-style phenomenon where people in the rural areas feel left behind and abandoned.
This isn't left versus right.
This is Brexit all over again.
This is the people versus the establishment.
And that's why the establishment is terrified of President Marine Le Pen.
Long live the Republic!
Long live France!
Huge election coming up Sunday, but we will be back in the next segment with more breaking news.
Don't go away.
You provided, Alex, with the caveman.
Well, so we've been formulating this stuff for a while.
We've been getting these different flavors and, you know, I don't know about this one.
You know, and so I've been taking that stuff and I'm an old man.
I'm 42.
I work out five times a week, if not more.
I hear you're okay in jujitsu.
No, I'm not.
I'm terrible.
I'm terrible.
But the point is that I have a lot of aches and shoulders and this weird joint stuff that I've had issues with for years.
And this bone broth, the Caveman Bone Broth, along with our joint formula has just worked magic for me.
And that's just from my personal experience.
I think they're great products and I think if anybody else has those issues that you should definitely, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
If I'm wrong, then hey man, write me a mean letter.
But let me tell you, they work for me.
Yeah, they work for me too.
Actually, we were talking about this earlier.
Dude and I play basketball and I'm just now, like for the first time in my life, I'm 27 now, after I play basketball my knees are barking.
But the bone broth and the joint formula, like you just said, you combine those two, I felt the difference immediately.
I felt it immediately.
Yeah, and it actually tastes good.
Like, I'm really picky and I will drink it.
It tastes good to me.
I love chocolate, so I really like the flavor of the Caveman.
So, I mean, if the bone broth
If the bone broth is really that gross, I mean, I would never have known because it tastes really good.
And my favorite is the Super Female Vitality.
So ladies, get yourself some Super Female Vitality if you haven't already because it seriously, it just gets me going.
I mean, I'll take a whole bunch of that stuff before I go out and do my own thing.
Maybe get it for your wife then too, or girlfriend.
I go and take a bunch of it before I go do Man on the Street.
I just start running, zipping around, running right into the action.
No fear, nothing.
Well, that's a big primary part about, you know, fighting the globalists is making sure that we stay healthy and stay clear-eyed and stay honest and stay humble.
I hope that we do that here at InfoWars.
We got a lot going on and we're in the middle of the fight, so we really appreciate it when anybody supports us, either by purchasing our products or you can even go on to our store and donate.
We're doing this by the skin of our teeth.
I know it looks like we're in a billion-dollar studio, but Alex has never taken one cent of
A borrowed money at all whatsoever.
This is all money that's come from you listeners.
So you've literally built this place, you know, built this place with your compassion and built this place with the support that you've sent us.
So from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate it because I know we wouldn't be able to do this.
We wouldn't have a voice if it wasn't for you.
So once again, we got to thank the listeners for their steadfastness in supporting us and
Even when we make mistakes, and even when we're not right, and even when we might go a little bit crazy, you guys stick with us and I appreciate that.
We're live on the Alex Jones Show.
As we were hearing before the break, absolutely huge election coming up in France.
Round one is on Sunday.
Marine Le Pen has to win round one.
She could come second and go through to the second round, but that's not going to give her the momentum she needs to claim victory.
Of course, the entire establishment is saying she's got no chance.
People are going to rail against her in the second round when it counts.
We heard
Similar statements before Brexit.
We heard similar statements before the US presidential election.
And look what happened.
Now Reuters is reporting on this very same subject.
Le Pen's FN party calls EU flag oligarchic rag.
France's far-right National Front stepped up its anti-European Union rhetoric on Wednesday days after toughening its stand against immigration in an apparent bid to mobilize its core supporters ahead of Sunday's presidential election.
Opinion polls have for months predicted that Marine Le Pen would attract enough votes to make it to the two-way runoff, but again, she has to win the first round.
Now her rhetoric has sharpened.
She said, quote, you'll see, we'll soon stuff your oligarchic rag in the cupboard.
That's what her second-in-command Florian Philippos said of the EU flag in a message on Twitter.
He was reacting to the European Commission's representative office in France which posted on Twitter, proud of our flag, symbol of unity, solidarity and harmony between the peoples of Europe.
Let's not hide it.
Nobody gives a damn about that flag.
They've tried to create this phony false sense of patriotism behind the EU.
An unelected bureaucratic body that is completely unrepresentative of the people of the EU.
Nobody even knows who they are.
They've done videos where they go out right outside the European Parliament.
Right outside European institutions.
Who's the President of the EU Commission?
Nobody knows!
Nobody knows who these people are.
Yet they tried to create a currency.
They tried to create a flag.
To rally people behind it.
Because they know that patriotism resonates.
But you can't create it out of thin air.
It's based on history.
It's based on identity.
It's based on shared values.
The EU has absolutely none of that.
They've tried to create this false gestalt entity of phony patriotism.
It never worked.
But now they're out saying we're proud of our flag.
Marine Le Pen says she's going to stick that rag in the cupboard.
And she's got again, as you saw in the video, 39% of young people in France are behind Marine Le Pen.
Double those who are behind this fake populist that they created in a lab in the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, Emmanuel Macron.
He's literally the brainchild of the outgoing, incredibly unpopular socialist president, Francois Hollande.
Yet again, they tried to brand him as a populist.
He's a former Rothschild banker, for crying out loud.
You're not going to brand someone like that as a populist.
The French people are starting to figure it all out.
And now, Macron, there on the left, his poll numbers are going down.
The problem is, this far-left communist, Mélenchon, this French Hugo Chavez, because Venezuela's gone so well, hasn't it?
He's now rising to prominence.
He's about equal with both Le Pen and Macron in the polls.
So we'll see what happens in France, but again, she has to win the first round.
It's a two-round contest.
First round, 23rd of April, this Sunday.
Second round, 7th of May.
If Marine Le Pen wins, people have said, prominent people,
That the EU is completely finished.
That it's over.
Because she will call for a Frexit, a French EU referendum.
They will abandon the EU.
Then it rests on only one pillar of Germany.
And that its eventual collapse is inevitable.
So huge high stakes riding on that French election this Sunday.
And we'll be covering it here at Infowars.com
Stay tuned though, we got more breaking news.
We've got North Korea and we have Roger Stone in studio.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
Stay right there.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
According to the mainstream media, President Donald Trump was mean to kids on Easter Sunday.
That's right, dozens of news outlets ran with a misleading video claiming that President Trump signed a Kids Make America Great Again hat and then threw it away from the kid into the crowd.
The video quickly went viral, racking up nearly 10,000 retweets and getting picked up by other news outlets.
The Washington Post reported Trump, using a thick sharpie, put his signature on the bill of the cap, then looked up and lobbed it into the crowd.
Nowhere near the hand that had given it to him.
BuzzFeed even claimed that the poor kid never got his hat back.
But in reality, other camera angles clearly show the president and the kid were just having fun.
And the boy indeed caught his hat signed by the President of the United States.
You can see the videos for yourself right now at InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're live on the Alex Jones Show.
We're talking about France.
We're talking about global issues here.
We have another terror attack foiled in France.
Bear in mind France has had, since January 2015, since Charlie Hebdo, 20 Islamist terror attacks.
Basically the equivalent of 20 San Bernardinos.
To differing extents in France.
It's absolutely out of control.
Now we have Gateway Pundit reporting.
Islamists with bombs arrested in France planned presidential election attack.
French police were successful in stopping a radical Islamic terrorist attack that was planned for the upcoming presidential election.
The two men were planning the attack.
They turn to radical Islam in a shared prison.
Once again, this is the radicalization process.
It always takes place in prisons because they stick them together, they segregate into gangs, and anyone who doesn't show obedience to the Islamic gang is targeted, so then they become brainwashed, they become indoctrinated.
The article goes on to say an Islamic state flag was found in the apartment where the two men were arrested.
Anti-terror police made the arrest.
It was set to be some kind of presidential election attack.
They foiled it.
There probably are more attacks in the works right now, because again, this is what happens when you invite this culture into your country.
France is 7% Muslim.
This is a huge problem now.
It's not just a problem in terms of the existential threat, in terms of violent terror attacks.
It's the march through the institutions, as the socialists used to call it.
The more a country becomes Muslim, Islamism is a political system.
It's not just the set of beliefs.
They want to take political power.
They want to impose Sharia law, and they're doing it to a certain extent in many of these European countries.
And that's the real threat.
That's what changes the makeup of an entire society.
It's not necessarily, although it's tragic, you know,
Eight people getting mown down on a bridge in Westminster, London.
That's a one-off event and it's tragic and it's horrible.
But it's about the march through the institutions.
It's about what they call Dawah in Islamic faith.
It's a political belief system.
It's not just a religious belief system.
They want to advance Sharia law.
They want to advance these incredibly misogynistic anti-women belief systems which subjugate them and make them, you know, they're treated a little better than cattle.
We saw the video out of Saudi Arabia, I think it was, or Kuwait a few weeks ago, where the slave maid is hanging from the window.
What they said was a suicide attempt.
And the woman's just filming it out of the window.
They bring in slaves from Africa to do this kind of work.
Again, no rules for employment whatsoever.
They're beholden to their masters.
Now you see the article we had a few weeks ago because of visa issues.
So they treat them like absolute dirt and that's part of their culture.
And we shouldn't want to import that culture into the West.
Absolutely horrific stuff.
Thankfully she survived with just a broken leg, I think it was.
But that is how slaves, they still have slaves in the Islamic world.
That is how they're treated in countries like Kuwait.
You had another video out of Saudi Arabia.
Which shows the guardian of the girls in the school, teenage girls, who are only able to exit the building if their appointed drivers and male escorts are there to pick them up.
If they're not, you saw the video, they emerge out of the classroom and they're whipped on the head with a stick to get back in.
This is a Sharia law.
This is how women are treated in Islamic countries and they want to codify that through the march through the institutions to impose Sharia law.
So it's not just about terror attacks.
That's just a side effect.
It's about
Society being overturned by these belief systems which are intolerant and completely contradictory to Western ideals of freedom and real true equality for all.
We'll be back in the next segment.
Roger Stone is coming up.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
Stay right there.
We'll be back.
The religion of peace strikes again!
39-year-old Corey Ali Mohammed, who shot three people dead in downtown Fresno yesterday, shouted Allah Akbar before he pulled the trigger.
And police are now saying that Mohammed had expressed hatred towards white people and the government.
In fact, if you take a look at his Facebook page,
You'll notice a meme he posted recently about White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, who according to Mohammed, is a white devil.
But on the other hand, the Fresno Killer says he does like MSNBC, CNN, Van Jones, the Young Turks, and of course, Black Lives Matter.
So far it's unclear if his rampage was based on watching left-wing media inspired by BLM or
We will continue to bring destruction Iraq upon America.
You developed Living Defense for us.
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Right now with all the refugees,
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There's so many things that are in it.
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Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
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They're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe.
And they're also very affordable.
You talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about we're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders.
We've both talked to them.
They have individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
Went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the Infowar change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are live.
It's the second hour of the Alex Jones Show and we have Roger Stone, the one and only live in studio.
Good to meet you, Roger.
Great to be here.
Getting to first what you just mentioned there.
Bill O'Reilly, looks like he's hanging by a thread at this point.
People have predicted his demise for a while now.
He's been sailing at the top of Fox News, you know, four million viewers every single night basically.
We've had this recent controversy, but it's not what it seems.
There's been this campaign behind the scenes and now it's spilled over publicly.
Media matters.
This is a group that constantly attacks us on a daily basis.
They have people literally listening to the show every minute, transcribing everything.
We know the origin of Media Matters.
It's an Obama front group.
They used to meet with the Obama administration on a weekly basis.
They bragged about how they would write the editorial slant for MSNBC and all these big nightly news shows.
This is not a media organisation.
This is a political operative group and now they're basically celebrating the fact that they've brought down O'Reilly as it looks like he's set to be at least let go by Fox News.
What's your take on this?
Well, I think that's very accurate.
Media Matters, of course, is a group of Clintonista apologists.
They apologize for anything, they'll do anything necessary to cover up the various crimes of the Clintons.
It is run by a misfit named David Brock, who in the day was actually a conservative operative, friend of mine.
Until he figured out he couldn't make any money on the right, so he shifted to the left.
A total mercenary.
It is reported recently that he suffered a heart attack and he has not been seen or heard from recently.
I have my own suspicions about his health problems, but I don't think they're heart attack related.
In any event, they are crowing, I think, a little prematurely.
As you know, Bill O'Reilly has been a cash cow for Fox.
I mean, he is their leading ratings generator.
I'm not particularly an O'Reilly fan on a personal basis.
His book on the Kennedy assassination is completely and totally wrong.
It's the conventional wisdom.
By the way, Lee Harvey Oswald did it and he acted alone.
That's what O'Reilly thinks.
Didn't O'Reilly start off as like a muckraker regarding the JFK assassination?
He did and there's some discrepancies in his own description because he claims that he was in Palm Beach
When the House Select Committee on Assassinations was seeking to subpoena a key witness in the 70s, and that witness committed suicide.
O'Reilly said he was on the doorstep of the Palm Beach home where this witness killed himself.
But unfortunately, proof shows that he was on the air in Dallas at that time.
And no one, even me, can be in two places at once.
In any event, I do think that there is an orchestrated campaign of smear against O'Reilly.
We saw this in the case of Roger Ailes as well.
And it's very clear to anyone who watches Fox that they are missing the leadership of Roger Ailes.
Ailes is the man who formulated Fox into a powerhouse, the powerhouse on the right, and has made Fox extremely profitable for Rupert Murdoch and his family.
This same kind of campaign of half-truth and smear was utilized at Ailes, who picked up and left.
And I think he got $30 million on his way out the door.
So, this is the high-pressure tactics.
Now, some of you may remember Media Matters for America quote about the fact that they had me banned at CNN, they had me banned at MSNBC.
Little known was the fact that I broke the MSNBC ban last week when I was on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd, Meet the Press Daily, a performance that I'm quite proud of.
I thought he was entirely fair and professional, but obviously the boycott at MSNBC as orchestrated by Media Matters was broken.
They don't seem to be crawling about that any place, but I just did.
In any event, I'm hopeful that they will not get O'Reilly.
It's interesting to me, if you see the demonstrators outside of Fox, they have all these pre-printed signs.
Doesn't seem very grassroots to me, Paul.
Not at all.
The thing that comes up for me again and again is, you know, the left uses the fact that the right has principles.
They use that against us because they don't have any.
So it's always about the personal attack, isn't it?
You very rarely see people on the right going after people on the left in terms of personal attacks.
You've seen it more recently.
You know, Chuck Johnson, Cernovich have said we should just use their tactics, go after people's personal lives, expose their sexual scandals.
But it's not really been a tactic of the right, you know, over the past 10, 15, 20 years.
But the left always resorts to that personal snipey attack, don't they?
Because again, they can't compete on a level playing field with just the political argument.
Yeah, I reject those.
I don't want to attack anybody personally with the possible exception of Anna Navarro because she is so epically abusive to everyone she meets.
Waiters, doormen, gaffers, hairstylists, makeup people.
She's a diva and I don't like abusive people.
But putting her aside, I agree with you.
I'm not interested in the sexual foibles of the leaders of the left.
I could care less.
It's a free country.
I'm a libertarian as well as a libertine.
And what happens in people's bedrooms is their own business.
I don't think that ought to be in the political realm.
That said, however...
What really bothers me about the left today is that their answer for everything is censorship.
In other words, they can't argue on the basis of ideas.
They can't argue on the basis of issues.
So they have to silence us.
They're trying to do so through Facebook, through Google, through these kinds of campaigns being run against O'Reilly.
Censorship to me seems to be fundamentally un-American.
We allow everybody a voice.
This is a flagrant
We're good to go.
Banning anybody is a bad idea, in my opinion.
They are the new Puritans.
Talking about the left and the crazy stuff that they get away with.
I don't know if you've seen this, but there's an MSNBC guest.
If you can flash that article back up on screen.
He called in a tweet for ISIS to bomb a Trump building.
So Trump, there he is right there.
He called in a tweet.
This is a counter-terrorism analyst on MSNBC, Malcolm Nance.
So there's a Trump Tower in Istanbul.
This is my nominee for first ISIS suicide bombing of a Trump property.
This is a guy who's acted as an apologist for Islamist terrorists after every single major attack.
He downplayed the Nice attack where the guy, you know, plowed a truck through 80-odd people as just a grievance against a twisted society or whatever.
He's openly calling for ISIS to suicide bomb a Trump property.
Bearing in mind that, you know, probably 10,000 people, innocent people, just going to work and doing their job are in this building and he's calling for that.
Absolutely insane.
New York Times, a few days ago, called for Trump to just leave ISIS alone in Syria.
What is it with the far left?
Increasingly moving towards this kind of hysterical pro-Islamist rhetoric.
And where's Media Matters for America?
Why aren't they calling for this fellow to be suspended?
Why is he still on the payroll at MSNBC?
Now, the left is completely hypocritical.
They scan, you're absolutely right, they monitor this program, they monitor Media Matters America.
Every, you know, rural radio broadcast that I do.
I know exactly who's opening my press releases and how many times, by the way, we know where you live too.
And it is, it is, it's creepy in a way.
It's very...
It's heavy-handed, it's nasty, it's personal, but those are the tactics that they choose to employ.
Yet they turn around and they accuse us of being the abuser.
In other words, in this entire past election year, what interests me is how consistently the left would specifically accuse us of doing
Precisely those things that they are doing.
Whether it is John Podesta saying, well, Trump and his associates are in bed with the Russians.
No, John, it's you and your brother Tony and the Clintons who are in bed with the oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin.
It's you and your brother Tony who are literally making millions out of your association with Vladimir Putin.
Very clever because you see it sends the mainstream media on a wild goose chase examining whether Trump and associates have any ties with Russia.
We don't.
While ignoring the very real financial ties of Hillary's crowd with the Kremlin.
It is.
It is creepy.
I mean, it's kind of stalker-like behaviour where they try to find out any little tiny detail about your private life and then mine it for information.
Like, you know, I've got a friend who they were trying to get information about him to try and get to me because I refuse to do interviews with a lot of these people.
And they were going through his Facebook page, you know, five years before, in 2012, when this, basically a kid, he was 18 years old, posting pictures of himself drunk when he was 18 on Facebook.
They were asking him questions about that.
They were asking him questions about his parents.
This was Vice magazine.
It's this like weird, creepy, stalkerish behavior that they engage in to try to sink people's personality, to try and demonize something they did five years ago that doesn't even relate to anything they're doing now.
Yeah, I had a perfect example of this was a brilliant young writer and researcher for Donald Trump named Sam Nunberg.
Nunberg had some intemperate posts on his Facebook page five years ago, long before he came into the employ of Trump, that related to the Reverend Al Sharpton.
And unfortunately, Media Matters for America dug this stuff up, fed it to a number of reporters.
It was ultimately written.
This caused Nunberg to lose his job in the Trump entourage.
I'm proud to say that I was ultimately able to get Nunberg and Reverend Sharpton together.
Sharpton is a Christian, and he is a forgiving man, and the appropriate apologies were rendered, and it's now a past matter.
But it's a perfect example of how the left takes out somebody who's extremely effective.
Sam Nunberg is one of the most effective researcher, writer, operatives that I know.
Okay, we'll be back with Roger Stone in the next segment.
We're going to talk about Chelsea Clinton and how they're trying to rebrand her yet again to shove the Clinton legacy, the Clinton royal family, down the throats of Americans.
We will be back live in fourwars.com.
Don't go away.
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Just this bottle of silica, okay, again, one ingredient, in a lower amount that's even in our product, is $35.
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You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
We are back live on the Alex Jones Show with Roger Stone.
Before we get back to Roger, I just want to tell you about Survival Shield X2 Nascent Iodine.
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Roger Stone.
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Roger, we've got a few minutes left.
Variety magazine had Chelsea Clinton on the cover again.
And the tweet that accompanied the image is, isn't she cool?
Look at Chelsea Clinton, she's so hip and cool.
People didn't buy it.
Even BuzzFeed had to admit that people are just sick to the back teeth of the Clintons.
Full stop.
What's your take?
Well, the real fundamental problem is that Chelsea Clinton is dumb as a brick.
And endlessly abusive, according to the New York Post.
Evidently, the Clinton Foundation has had problems keeping employees because she is such an abusive diva.
Now, the plan for her is to move her to a suburban Westchester, New York County district and have her run for Congress.
If that happens, I'm highly confident that Danny Williams, the abandoned son of Bill Clinton, intends to move to that same district, which is 40% African-American, and will be throwing his ring in the hat for Congress in the Democratic primary opposing Chelsea Clinton.
It would be a great forum for a discussion of how the Clintons have abandoned this African-American boy who is Bill's son, and how Chelsea
You know, intends to, I guess, inherit that rough to 400 to 500 million dollars that her parents have essentially stolen since leaving the presidency.
This is a contest, Danny Williams versus Chelsea Clinton, that we can look forward to.
And what has she achieved apart from being a consultant, what, for the Clinton Foundation?
She hasn't actually achieved anything besides that, right?
Well, she was paid $600,000 for NBC when the parent company, which owned NBC at the time, General Electric, had a defense contract on Hillary Clinton's desk for approval, a multi-million dollar contract.
So she herself has been, you know, involved as a facilitator of some of these massive bribes.
John Ossoff, in Georgia, the District 6 special election unsuccessful.
The question people are asking, are Democrats ever going to win again?
Yeah, this was their opportunity.
Kansas, the Kansas district was very close.
It's really a shame because in retrospect, I now realize that Mike Pompeo should never have left Congress.
He should have stayed there.
I don't think he's up to the job of CIA director.
He almost demonstrated that definitively last week when he said that WikiLeaks is a Russian asset.
No, Mr. Director, it isn't and there's no evidence.
And your friends there at the CIA can produce no evidence to that effect.
But the Republicans even woke up to the Georgia district late.
And they still managed to pull it out.
I think the two great opportunities for the Democrats have been blown here.
Here they think they have Donald Trump on the ropes.
He's certainly taking a beating in the mainstream media, although I would argue completely holding his own.
And the Democrats still can't pull off a victory.
You've got an event coming up tonight, San Antonio, we've got 30 seconds, just tell us about that.
Actually, it's tomorrow night.
I am tomorrow night in San Antonio, Texas from 5.30 to 9 at the Artesa at Quarry Village, which is 300 East Bass Road, Suite 1143 in San Antonio, organized by Republicans in Bexar County.
We're going to have some speaking, we're going to have some Q&A, we're going to be signing some books.
Okay, sounds exciting.
Please come by.
We'll wrap it up.
Everybody turn up for that event.
We will be back live in the next segment.
This is Alex Jones.
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According to the mainstream media, President Donald Trump was mean to kids on Easter Sunday.
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And then threw it away from the kid into the crowd.
The video quickly went viral, racking up nearly 10,000 retweets and getting picked up by other news outlets.
The Washington Post reported, Trump, using a thick sharpie, put his signature on the bill of the cap, then looked up and lobbed it into the crowd.
Nowhere near the hand that had given it to him.
BuzzFeed even claimed that the poor kid never got his hat back.
But in reality other camera angles clearly show the president and the kid were just having fun and the boy indeed caught his hat signed by the President of the United States.
You can see the videos for yourself right now at Infowars.com.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live on the Alex Jones Show in the second hour, and I'm delighted to be joined by Andrew Torber, the founder of Gab.ai.
Many people have been calling for an alternative network, an alternative social media platform.
Well, Andrew stepped up and did it, and now he's facing intense scrutiny and backlash from that very same establishment.
Andrew, welcome to the show.
Great to be here.
I hear you're now Paul the Great, according to Mike.
According to Cernovich, yeah.
He's trying to build me up to embrace my own greatness apparently.
Let's go from the beginning though.
For people who don't know what Gab is, what inspired you to develop it in the first place?
Sure, so I originally started an ad tech company, an advertising technology company called Automate Ads.
We were working directly with Facebook, Twitter and Google on top of their ad platforms.
I was living and working in Silicon Valley, and I have some Patriot friends inside of each of those companies.
They gave me some heads up about some of the stuff that was going to start happening, some of the agendas that were going to start happening, and then I started to see it for myself.
What really pushed me over the edge was when a whistleblower on Facebook's Trending Topics team came forward last May and said, yeah, we're actively suppressing and censoring conservative news, conservative sources.
And that broke into a huge scandal, right?
That was a huge story, yeah.
And Facebook flew out Glenn Beck and that made it all better.
They had to apologize, didn't they?
And promise not to do it again, unlike Twitter, which...
We'll never do that.
I mean it was really just incredible because when you when you look at the Facebook trending topics product it's used by over a billion people every single month and majority of those people see that as what is news and what isn't.
So you have this product that has this monopoly on communication and information
Pushing a certain agenda and blocking out other ideas.
That's scary.
And I think conservatives a lot of time they like to complain about things but they never take action.
So I said I'm going to take action.
So that's when I started Gab.
I mean, we've heard it many times before.
We complain about censorship constantly, whether it be Facebook, YouTube or Twitter, and the comment is always, why not just start your own network?
Well, the problem with that is, you can't just start a million new networks and have zero people on them, because it would be completely pointless.
But you tried to, from the outset, attract people to this new network so it would be a centralised focus, where
You know, controversial speech is welcomed.
So how did you get past that roadblock of, you know, having a big enough user base for this to have an effect and to appeal to prominent people to join?
So I think originally what we had, you know, thought was like, OK, there's definitely a market opportunity here for an alternative, because what we see happening now is fragmentation of the social space.
People are by nature tribal and to have to assume that you can have billions of us all in one spot and we're all gonna get along and play nice and play by one set of rules I think is is the wrong way to think and I think what we saw as an opportunity is hey listen right now conservatives
People on the right, Trump supporters specifically, are being shut up, are being censored, are being told to go away, are being suspended, being told their ideas are not of any value.
So that right there is our first market.
But I think, you know, who's next?
Is it going to be people in the center?
Is it going to be people on the left?
You know, who is next in terms of who they're going to target and what type of ideas they're going to attack?
So to start, you know, we had this waiting list.
And the reason that we had to have this waiting list is because there was so much more demand than we even anticipated early on.
Um, and it was just bogging down our servers from day one.
So we said, okay, we have to have a wait list.
Um, and that was kind of how we throttled it and also built this exclusivity marketing and this, um, this idea of, well, this is cool and new and I want to try it out.
And it's, we've spent $0 on marketing.
It's all been word of mouth.
It's all been organic.
The waiting list is still huge, right?
We, uh, we still have 250,000 people on the wait list.
We have 160,000 users.
Uh, we just turned eight months old, uh, three or four days ago.
So we're, we're doing very well.
So the app was developed months ago.
It's ready.
Tell us what happened with Apple.
Yeah, so we have had an iOS app ready since December.
We've submitted to Apple, I believe, nine times now, and they've rejected it every time.
And they reject it on the basis of objectionable content.
And this is a very subjective term.
So what they would do is purposely seek out, you know, objectionable content, searching for bad words or, you know, all the words that we know as to be, I guess, objectionable.
Seek out those users, take a screenshot and then reject us.
And they would demand that we ban those users and we remove any content that is objectionable from the app.
I doubt they did that with Twitter, in which there is the most virulent racism on a second-by-second basis, right?
Right, absolutely.
So what we did, we came up with this plan where we removed the ability to search in the app, and we removed the ability essentially to discover content in the app, unless you were actually following other users.
And using that as a circumstance.
Those rules wouldn't be applied to anyone else normally, correct?
No, they're not.
I mean, you can go on Twitter in the iOS app, you can go on Reddit in the iOS app, you can search any objectionable term that you can think of, and you're going to find something.
And that's the point.
When you're looking for it, you're going to find it.
So, you know, it's perfectly acceptable for people to tweet, kill all white people or assassinate Donald Trump on Twitter, which happens literally every minute of every day, basically, if you want to search for it.
They have absolutely no problem whatsoever, but because you're coming at it from the angle of, this is the free speech platform, they've got a problem with it.
We saw Breitbart, they had an app that got banned by Apple.
I mean, what's the solution?
You got bashed in the media, by the way, for hiding the true nature of it, but you were just following Apple's store rules, right?
Yeah, no, we were absolutely not hiding anything.
We were being completely upfront.
We developed an app to work a certain way, and all we did is removed our search bar.
It's not like we changed the app in any dramatic way.
We just removed the ability for them to actually seek out this content.
And the point is that they still found a way, a workaround, by logging into our web version
To then follow and find those people and reject us on that same basis of objectionable content.
There's Mark Cuban calling for that objectionable content to be removed from Twitter, which is actually a good point.
One of the criticisms of Gab and these other new social media networks is that they are echo chambers.
I mean, Twitter is a huge echo chamber for leftists.
Up until what?
Just before the campaign really got started last year.
There were very few prominent conservatives who were actively directing huge audiences on Twitter, but there is this criticism that it's an echo chamber, that it's only people on the right, the alt-right, or whatever.
So how are you addressing that?
So what I would say is that every single social network is an echo chamber that we create and design ourselves.
When you friend people on Facebook, when you like things on Facebook, you're creating and molding your own echo chamber on Facebook.
You unfriend people that you disagree with or that you get into political arguments with or whatever.
So by nature, by human nature, we end up creating, again, these own little tribes.
Twitter works the same way.
Who you choose to follow on Twitter is going to create what you're going to see in your content.
So my answer to that is that every social network is an echo chamber in some way, shape, or form.
We're giving you the ability to create and shape and mold your own experience through what we see as individual liberty and user choice.
Versus us acting as big brother, big sister, and deciding what users should and should not see as a whole.
We give you, the individual, the tools to shape that experience.
And it's a free speech platform, but it's, you know, you have filters.
You don't just allow people to post anything whatsoever on there, right?
Yeah, so it's not an anarchist website, right?
It's free speech within legal limits, right?
And it's common sense stuff, like don't break the law, don't dox people, don't post CP, things of that nature.
Anything illegal, get off the site, right?
Take it somewhere else.
No, I mean, but they've tried to frame it as, um, what was the term?
Twitter for racists.
That's the big line they went with.
Twitter is the Twitter for racists.
Well, yeah, totally.
It's just a different form of racism because white people can't be racist.
It doesn't exist.
But there was a big Gizmodo hit piece, if you want to get that back up on screen.
Again, the app was rejected because it was full of race-baiting and hate speech.
I could write articles every single day, and I do, about race-baiting and hate speech on Twitter.
The amount of prominent people with hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter who have directly called for Donald Trump's assassination.
We're talking India Nye, a leading writer for the London Times, one of the biggest newspapers in Britain.
That's all acceptable.
There's no moral panic over that.
But as soon as you get a few people on Gab saying some bad things, you have to be banned.
Well, that's the other thing, too, is that a lot of those people were plants.
They're paid trolls or trolls that come in and create edgy, like as far edgy as you can go, right on that line between breaking our guidelines.
And then what people would do is try and find those people and single them out and say, well, look, you know, I cherry picked five different users from the site.
So that means this whole site is this.
Right, and that's what the media would do to us, is they would find five or six users that were posting something, I guess you could say objectionable, or mean, or whatever, and say, well, this is what the whole site is like.
And that's just not true.
We have a lot of good, honest, hardworking, normal, everyday people on the site.
Now, let's just talk about what stage.
So, the app's ready to go once it gets approved.
You're still trying to work around that.
How about video uploads?
Because, of course, Twitter's got them now.
It's a big deal for Twitter.
How's that?
So, Gab is completely bootstrapped, right?
We didn't take VC funding.
We're not bowing down to advertisers.
We're rethinking the social media business model.
So, instead of having ads, we have Gab Pro, which is a premium version of the product that users can pay $5.99 a month for.
And help keep Gab ad-free and get additional features in the process.
That's what I've called for with Twitter because it's, you know, it's virtually impossible to get hold of anyone who works for Twitter to address concerns with, you know, ban tweet censorship or whatever.
I would happily pay to not censor.
To not be censored and just to have some customer service person at Twitter available for a small monthly fee each month.
I would happily do that.
A lot of verified people would, so you've already got that on board.
We have.
It launched 30 days ago.
We have a thousand of our users that have signed up for this already.
And the other thing is we're rethinking the connection between content creator and audience.
So right now the advertiser, as I'm sure you know, on YouTube, they own all of the puppet strings, right?
Like they are the puppeteer.
We want to connect content creators like you directly with your audience and give the audience a chance to reward you financially with tips and the ability to subscribe to you for additional content.
And that's where we're going with GabTV, which is our video product and our live streaming product.
So it's somewhat of a mix between
And now you saw we had Alex Jones active on Gab right now.
I was active, I need to be more active.
You've got Milo on there, you've got Cernovich on there, correct?
Yep, Cernovich is on there, Milo's on there, Milo just came back.
You're on there obviously, I think you've been traveling so it's been a little rough.
So yeah, how do people join?
I mean, there's this huge waiting list.
What's the process?
So today, for the show, obviously, anybody that joins and enters their email into the waiting list, we're sending out invites all day.
So if you sign up today, just enter in your email, look for an invite.
But what I would say is we've been getting filtered by Yahoo, by Gmail, by AOL.
AOL just completely blocks our invites.
Gmail puts them in the spam folder or they put them in the social folder.
So if you just click let me in there and enter in your email address, we'll send out an invite.
We'll be sending out thousands all day today.
So anybody that signs up today, we'll send out an invite.
You'll be able to create your account and claim your username.
And your waiting list is about to double.
We'll see.
Now let's talk about YouTube, because obviously this has been rumbling along for a good few weeks now.
It started with the PewDiePie controversy, where he started to make edgy jokes about Nazism, dressing up as a Nazi, like, you know, Charlie Chaplin did, or John Cleese, God forbid.
The Wall Street Journal basically did a massive demonization hit piece against him, tried to make out that he was a representative of the alt-right and that he was a neo-Nazi.
Basically decimated his contracts with Disney and these other corporate partners.
With PewDiePie, it's the fact that he's got 55 million subscribers.
Now he's not controlled directly by a corporation.
They're panicking about it.
He did a video where he talks about how trust in media was declining, especially amongst young people.
You know, so long as he's making videos about goofing off and playing video games, they're not really too concerned.
But as soon as he started adding a tiny dose of reality, you can imagine the panic of some of those large media conglomerates.
For PewDiePie, they see almost 55 million subscribers.
Just by coincidence, recently on Twitter, he followed yours truly and Stefan Molyneux, which suggests that he might have been taking a few red pills.
That's going to cause them to be nervous as well.
They're terrified.
I mean, the bottom line is that they're terrified.
They're terrified that one individual, you know, three individuals between yourself, Cernovich, Stephen Mollenhugh, PewDiePie, you guys are reaching billions of people a quarter.
It's insane.
Between four or five people.
I mean, that's that's insane.
You have where these four or five corporations that control all of media.
That's right.
I think so.
That is in direct competition with big corporate media.
They've never had that kind of competition before.
Now we see the demonetization scandal, which is an attempt to cut these independent YouTubers down to size, to make them dependent on other things, to discourage them from making controversial content, which is basically anything that runs counter to an establishment narrative.
You were telling me before you came on about a new development with this.
Yeah, actually I got a tweet about this about 10 minutes ago and it's from Ethan Klein.
He's a huge YouTuber.
Millions of subscribers.
Millions, yeah.
He says, to give you an idea of how messed up YouTube is right now, I put Christian in the title of a new video and it got flagged as religious and made nothing.
Half of our videos are not running ads because they are marked as, quote, controversial.
I truly feel like we have no place left on YouTube.
And that's what they're doing.
They're hitting the pocketbooks of the content creators and they're forcing them with these ambiguous terms like hate speech or fake news or harassment.
Anything that's ambiguous and subjective that gives them the leeway to enforce at that will, really.
And they're forcing these people into self-censorship, right?
So you have to kind of dance around the lines and tiptoe around glass when you're creating content to make sure you don't say anything crazy so that you can pay your bills every month, right?
Yeah, I mean, the headline, you can't even put Syria in the headline.
Of course that doesn't apply to CNN or Fox News.
They're not demonetised.
They had the restricted mode, which we talked about a few weeks ago.
You go on my channel and restricted mode, which is what they're moving towards in terms of moving over to this Netflix type model.
Every single one of my videos is gone on restricted mode.
Same for Stefan Molyneux, same for all these other people, some of whom aren't even that political.
People like, you know, Philip DeFranco, who again has got millions of subscribers.
He's a centrist, he talks about things from both perspectives, and yet even his channel
Most of his videos completely censored in this restricted mode because, again, they're completely afraid of independent content creators just having their own opinions and not being controlled by megalithic corporations dominating the entire spectrum of acceptable thought and opinion.
We'll be back to talk about it more with Andrew Torber, founder of Gab, on the Alex Jones Show live, breaking news at infowars.com.
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We are live on the Alex Jones Show.
We're talking to Andrew Torber, founder of Gab.ai.
Andrew, we were just getting into it.
You were banned from a start-up directory, I think this happened before the election, because they said you made people feel, quote, unsafe.
This was a Silicon Valley directory.
How hard is it for someone who doesn't identify as progressive to get ahead in Silicon Valley and tell us about what happened with it?
Yeah, so Silicon Valley is all about diversity, unless you are straight, unless you're a Christian, unless you're male, unless you're a Trump supporter.
I don't
I went to the San Jose Trump rally slash riot and I periscoped the riot out front and saw, you know, people getting attacked and egged and the American flag being burned.
And that's when I kind of woke up and I was like, you know what, I have to say something.
And when I came out, I guess you could say came out as pro Trump, everybody started, you know, you're a racist, you're a bigot.
I'm going to stop doing business with you.
People that I respect.
I respect it.
Investors, entrepreneurs, very talented people that I had a lot of respect for.
It was very interesting to see that side of human nature because of the divisiveness that happened during this election.
And you were just posting some screenshots of what people were saying about the election and they literally thought that was a violent attack on them, right?
Right, yeah.
So after the election, I think it was actually election night, a lot of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs that were in my network on Facebook were just freaking out on Facebook.
So what I was doing is I was screenshotting the text of what they were saying, not including their actual names or identities.
Screenshotting the text of what they were saying and I was just tweeting out like funny memes and trolling, trolling them essentially through Twitter anonymously.
And the one was something about I said build the wall and they claimed that they felt like they were unsafe or threatened by my tweet.
And they said that it was harassment and I was making them feel like they were not welcome or just they spun it in some way.
So, you know, again, for months after I, I guess, quote unquote, came out pro-Trump for about six months, I was hounded on a daily basis and, you know, attacked and called a racist and a bigot and Islamophobe and up and down the whole ladder.
And this really kind of threw me over the edge.
And I was like, you know what?
Screw you guys.
I want anything to do with you, like, just leave me alone, F off, whatever.
And, you know, then they tried to spin zone it into making me the bad guy and saying that I was making people feel unsafe and they removed me from the network, the Y Combinator network, and, you know, made a big deal out about it.
But it wasn't a big deal to me.
So again, it goes to the heart of, you know, the real intellectual intolerance is always on the left.
Again, they love diversity until it comes to diversity of opinion, right?
Alright, we're going to get back into it with Andrew Torbett in the next segment.
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We had the AdRoll debacle back a few weeks ago.
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We'll be back with Andrew Torber in the next segment.
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It's Alex Jones!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We are back with Andrew Torber, the founder of Gab.ai, the new social media platform for free speech.
Truly unbridled free speech, not subject to the whims of Twitter censorship.
Andrew, I just want to ask you about that, actually.
What are the different methods of censorship that we've seen on Twitter?
Because people talk a lot about shadow banning.
Obviously, people have had their accounts directly suspended.
Milo, they never come back, you never see them again.
But there are more underhanded methods that they use, right?
Yeah, and they're actually admitting this now.
So for the longest time, you know, we assumed that shadow banning was going on and you can kind of glimpse it by the engagement on your account for about 12-18 months.
Now they come out and say, well, this is a safety feature.
You know, we're doing this to keep you guys safe and we're hiding, what do they call it, sensitive replies?
Yeah, exactly, positive replies to Donald Trump's tweets.
Just go to any one of Trump's tweets and look down the list.
I've highlighted this over and over again.
They get people who've got alerts on their phone and they claim that they're not bots.
There are actually leftists who will sit with an alert for whenever Donald Trump tweets, even if it's at like, what, 5am, as he sometimes is proud to do.
They will get on there and write a literal essay in 75 parts and it will go immediately to the top and it will stay there.
I've managed to challenge it a couple of times but nine times out of ten negative responses to every Trump tweet and they make sure they stick at the top.
You think that's deliberate?
Oh it's absolutely deliberate and actually I question whether or not there are bots.
William Legate, one of the top Blue Verified guys who's the top of almost every one of Trump's tweets, he actually tried to sign up with 20 plus Gab accounts yesterday.
So I question whether or not and how many sock puppet accounts he actually has on Twitter, retweeting his own stuff to get it up there quicker.
And then also on our end, like I've tested this, I've seen your test with it as well.
On Gab's end, we've tested a reply like, I get the alerts and I'll instantly reply to him and say like, is this tweet going to be removed?
And what they'll do is they'll actually de-thread the tweet from the reply.
So they'll take our reply and they'll actually remove it completely from the thread, which is like two or three times in a row it happened to me.
It's like crazy, just completely remove it so you can't see it.
And of course, they're doing it because it's the same with comment sections.
This is why a lot of big mainstream media websites removed comment sections altogether because they've done studies where they show the comment sections are actually seen by readers as more indicative of the truth behind the story than the actual content of the story.
So they read the story or part of it and they think, well, I'm not sure about this, what do other people think?
And they base, you know, their ultimate opinion... It's confirmation bias.
Yeah, more on the comments than the actual story.
So if you see
I don't know.
Twitter's a massive social network.
There's 300 million people on here supposedly.
Everybody must really hate Trump.
You don't see any positive reply and it creates this conditioning around perception of him and perception of what he's doing.
It's scary stuff.
It's psychological conditioning.
And you would expect it to be, you know...
In leftist favour, given that there are more prominent verified leftists probably on Twitter, but not 99 to 100 percent.
You look at Facebook, it's different, right?
There's mainly positive responses when it comes to Trump.
Yeah, and Facebook's a little bit more difficult to censor at scale because they have probably 3 or 4x the amount of people that Twitter do.
I don't know.
Roger Stone was talking about how he's lost basically 90% of his engagement on Facebook, so we can talk about that, how they're coming against us again with the manipulation of Twitter as well, with the Watson AI thing that you were talking about.
We will be back with Andrew Torber, founder of Gab, and we've got more breaking news in the pipeline.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live, InfoWars.com.
Don't go away.
According to the mainstream media, President Donald Trump was mean to kids on Easter Sunday.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
We are live on the Alex Jones Show with Andrew Torber, the founder of Gab.ai.
People talk about Europe, people talk about free speech censorship.
Of course, it's incredibly more intense over there.
We have this argument, Andrew, over and over again.
Twitter and Facebook are just private companies.
They can do what they like, they can censor who they like.
It's not really the case anymore, is it?
When they're literally working with governments in Germany, for example,
Working with Stasi members, ex-members of the Stasi in one case, to hunt down people who post, quote, hate speech.
Of course, when you drill into it, in some cases, it's criticism of immigration policies.
They're literally working hand-in-hand with governments to hunt down people.
So at that point, it's no longer about, oh, it's just a private company, correct?
And I think when you look at the scale, the size of these networks, the monopolies that they have on communication, on information, on news, how can you say, yes, they are a private company, but at some point it's like, how are they not considered a utility at the size that they're at right now?
You look at what's happening in Germany and in France where they're cracking down on quote-unquote fake news and quote-unquote hate speech, which are two very subjective terms.
You know, making social networks pay up to 50 million euros for not taking down fake news.
In 24 hours, which is totally impossible.
And who decides what the fake news is?
And who decides what the hate speech is?
Is that Germany?
Is that someone on Facebook's team?
Is that a third party?
It's Angela Merkel and Mark Zuckerberg, basically, at this point.
Right, exactly.
And you see Facebook, you know, bending the knee to censorship in a lot of different ways.
Look at the way that they're creating a censorship tool to break into China.
You know, they're actively trying to break into China by saying, okay, yeah, we'll censor, we'll create a censorship tool for the Chinese government to use, that's fine.
Yeah, the Chinese government actually came out years ago and said, we need this tool.
And they use it over and over again, not just with social media, but they shut down the entire internet in parts of the country where there's social unrest.
And Facebook and these other companies basically had to agree to get on board and to carry that out on behalf of the Chinese government.
Otherwise, they would get no access into the country.
And they just went right along with it, correct?
Yeah, it's all about market share for them.
Anything to break into that market, they'll do.
It doesn't matter about the free speech.
It doesn't matter about, you know, free flow of communication information.
It's about making more money and increasing their market share.
Now we talked about Twitter's problem with bots, with people being able to game the algorithm as they claim.
Of course, there are claims flying from the opposite direction that
Everything we do is bots, that all my followers are bots, and all the retweets are bots.
In fact, Fresno, you had the Fresno shooting yesterday, where people on the left were claiming that this went to the top of the Twitter hashtags.
Not because it was a multi-victim shooting, and because it was a breaking news story, and it would normally go to the top of the trends, but because bots were tweeting out, retweeting Cernovich's tweets, my tweets, Jack Possibly X tweets.
How does Gab deal with bots?
How are you going to prevent that algorithm being gamed by these people?
Sure, so I think from day one, Twitter has had a very poor relationship with developers.
I think that's the first problem that they've had.
So it's very easy for a lot of different people to create accounts quickly, get on their API, and get up a bot account running in under five minutes.
So first of all, I would say we don't have an API yet.
So developers can't access that.
They can't create bot accounts.
And what we want to do is change the game in terms of working directly with developers and creating a great relationship with them from day one to create useful bots, right?
So if we are going to have bots, they're going to be useful.
Something like a weather bot.
We're good to go.
We had the article up there before the FBI was reportedly investigating InfoWars and BrightBot to see if our stories were being artificially amplified by bots.
Where that falls down is, you know, I've got 900,000 YouTube subscribers, okay?
You can't fake the views.
You can't fake 10, 15, 20,000 individual comments on YouTube videos.
The audience on every platform has grown comparatively together.
So it's not a case of suddenly an onrush of bots came in.
When you can go to another platform, you can go to Facebook and see
How many hundreds of thousands of followers I've got and the engagement is the same, it's rising on a consistent basis across all three platforms.
So that, in and of itself, disproves this ridiculous claim that it's bots.
I mean, did bots vote for Donald Trump?
Did they go to the polls?
Right, I mean, that's the thing.
You know, a few months ago you saw the New York Times and other prominent, you know, I guess mainstream media websites that they were using bots out of China to boost their website ranks and to get more visitors to their site.
I mean, there are, when somebody's using bots, there are measurable ways, like you said, look at the data.
You guys have been progressively growing over time at a normal growth rate.
It's not like it just shot up overnight and you got a million followers.
It's like, who's buying the products?
Is that Russian bots?
Because it's all gone up at the same speed.
Right, exactly.
I mean, it's incredible.
How can they continue to claim it?
We got zero hedge.
Oh, the New York Times, Guardian, Washington Post, buying clicks.
So they've been caught doing exactly what they accused us of doing.
Again, you look at many of these prominent Twitter accounts, usually it's, you know, they're buying, you can buy fake followers on Twitter, right?
Yeah, you could do a Twitter audit too.
I think it's Twitteraudit.com and check to see how many bots and how many fake followers you have.
What do you think of this Louise Mensch narrative then that everything is Russian bot related?
Yeah, she thinks that we're a quote NSA honeypot or something like that.
She's come after us a bunch.
She claims a lot of things on a day-to-day basis.
Talk to me about this Watson AI thing that Twitter's using.
Yeah, that's some scary stuff.
So, Twitter partnered with IBM and they're using Watson, famous for being on Jeopardy.
No relation.
Famous for being, I think, the first robot contestant on Jeopardy or something like that.
And what they're using it for is to automatically flag, temporarily suspend, permanently suspend users and content before there's any actual human report.
So it doesn't even have to be reported by another user on Twitter for the AI to pick it up and censor it or, you know, lock you out of your account for 12 hours or suspend your account.
It's keywords that they're using, right?
Yeah, and only, I guess, only Twitter and IBM know what those keywords are, but you can, I guess, discover it pretty quickly when you get suspended.
And again, it's this double standard of abuse and harassment.
I had to close Open DMs on Twitter because it was just an absolute sewer every day.
We're gonna kill you.
We know where you live.
You're a paedophile.
That's not coming from the right wing.
Obviously there are people on the right that harass people.
But in terms of my experience, in terms of many other people's experience, it definitely goes both ways.
But the only narrative you ever see in the media is that it's the alt-right, the far-right, that are responsible for this harassment.
This is why we need to censor social media.
That's not going to go away because
The left is equally, if not more, intolerant and bullying, and I've experienced that.
You must have experienced that.
Oh, I experience it every day.
I can't even imagine.
You have, what, 500,000 mentions on your Twitter account?
I saw your data the other day.
500,000 mentions a month?
How do you even... I don't check them.
Yeah, I mean, it gets to the point where you have to use the mute feature, you have to block people, whatever you have to do, because there are some that just don't stop.
It's all day, every single day, and it's like, we use our Twitter account to actually try and help people get on, or with support and things of that nature, so it becomes impossible to actually, you know, be productive when you have all that noise and all that negativity coming at you all day long.
And there's also a double standard in terms of reporting.
You report somebody to Facebook for, you know, a direct death threat, and you get the message back a couple of days later, this does not violate our terms of agreement.
Certain words, like the word faggot for homosexual, or even in a food sense or whatever, that's banned.
That's an immediate 30-day ban, even if it's Milo Yiannopoulos who calls his own tour the dangerous faggot tour.
That's what I got suspended for on Facebook.
I shared a trailer to his Dangerous Faggot Tour and they locked me out of my account for 24 hours because of the word faggot in the video.
Which is what he calls his tour.
That's what he calls it.
I wasn't even using that term.
He's a gay man and that's what he wants to call it.
But on the flip side, you know, I've had Islamists death threat me.
We had Antifa.
Publicly post on Twitter solicitation for my address so people could come around and, you know, do whatever.
Very common stuff.
They did the same thing to my friend who lived about two miles away.
They went around to his address.
It's the same account.
It's under police investigation.
I report it to Twitter.
This does not violate.
Yeah, Milo can criticize a Ghostbusters actor and he's gone.
He's gone.
Absolutely incredible.
God forbid you criticize a movie.
Talk about that double standard.
I mean, it's insane.
Yeah, I mean, there was one example that I saw where somebody created, you know, two or three accounts and they did a test.
And one of them was like, I'm going to kill all white people.
And the other one was I'm going to kill all black people.
And the one that said I'm going to kill all black people was banned.
I don't know.
So why should you expect that they are not going to enforce the rules on one side?
I mean, look at Twitter's Trust and Safety Council.
It was made up of about 19 or 20 groups that were left-leaning until people started making a commotion about that and they finally brought in like one right-leaning group.
Vaguely conservative.
Yeah, vaguely conservative group.
Same thing with Facebook where they flew out Glenn Beck after the Trending Topics debacle and all of a sudden everything was supposed to be okay.
Final minute, Andrew Torber, just tell people again how they can get signed up or at least on the waiting list for Gab.
Sure, so go to gab.ai, enter your email address.
We're sending out invites literally as we speak right now.
We'll be sending them out all day to anybody that's watching this stream or might be watching the replay later.
If you don't get it today, be sure to check your spam folder, be sure to check your quote-unquote social folder on Gmail.
Yahoo, AOL, etc.
are blocking and filtering out our invites
And if you don't get in right now, we will be opening up publicly for everybody at the end of this month.
Okay, and it's gab.ai.
Get signed up now.
You've asked for an alternative social network to be created.
That is the new free speech platform.
Get on the waiting list today.
It's going to be huge.
Andrew, thanks for joining us today on the show.
We'll be sure to have you back.
We will be back live on the Alex Jones Show.
More breaking news after the break.
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Russia unveiled a Satan-2 missile that could wipe out France or Texas with the type of megaton weapons it carries.
Multiple ones, by the way.
Of course, there's a lot more advanced stuff than that.
They admitted the Air Force, by the 90s, developed antimatter bombs that would destroy... They theoretically tested them, they would destroy most of the solar system.
What's the point of that?
I don't know.
But we're reaching that Atlantis moment, whether Atlantis existed or not.
In the fable of Atlantis, the legend, they get some super technology that blows the whole island up.
And Plato lived only, you know, a few thousand years after.
He said, no.
He had the animals, the books about it.
It happened.
But whether that was real or not, folks, we're now at the Atlantis moment.
Michael Snyder, you know, I don't know if you have kids.
I have children, especially my little daughters.
And I see this news, and I see how sweet they are, and it really makes me angry.
Yeah, I don't want war either, Alex.
And that's why I'm so alarmed by what's happened this week.
We already talked about how North Korea could potentially spark a war with China.
Well, the situation with Syria, if it was just Syria, wouldn't be that big of a deal.
And Trump could do whatever he wanted if it was just Syria.
But the Russians are there!
And the Russians are mixed in among the Syrian forces and they're at the Syrian air bases in particular.
So Trump, with his words and the members of his administration in recent days, they've kind of committed themselves to taking some sort of action in response to this false flag chemical attack.
But they've kind of committed themselves.
But if they do anything and the bombs start dropping and the Russians, their people are being killed, their force is under threat,
Are the Russians just going to sit there and do nothing?
Or are they going to respond?
I believe the Russians would start responding.
They would start shooting back.
And so what happens if, okay, U.S.
warplanes go in, they start bombing, and then Russian missiles, the S-300, starts taking U.S.
airplanes out?
We start seeing F-16s fall out of the sky on CNN.
What's that going to do to the anti-Russian hysteria in Washington that's already at Cold War heights?
I mean, it's just going to be insane.
But the situation, and of course, we've got Iran in Syria, we've got Hezbollah in Syria, and there's nothing to be gained in there.
You know, there's so much that could go wrong.
We don't want a conflict with Iran.
We don't even want a conflict with Hezbollah.
They're pretty serious, but especially with Russia.
Our relationship with Russia is already quite tenuous.
And if we go in and dead bodies of Russian service members start showing up on Russian television, you know, the Russians are going to totally turn against Trump.
Yeah, Russia doesn't back down.
Russia is not intimidated by anyone.
The Russians, historically, are fighters.
And so, you know, we had hoped that with Trump coming in, we could have a better relationship with Russia, but this thing with Syria could actually make it far, far worse.
If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse.
Minor words and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
It's a fight for our minds.
And InfoWars.com is on the front lines.
Download our free multimedia app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
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Federal agents!
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Would you stand up for true?
Or would you turn away too?
And then what if you saw all of the things that's wrong?
Would you stand tall and strong?
We are back live on the Alex Jones Show.
We talked about the French election earlier.
We talked about one of the candidates, Mélenchon, whose policies are transparently disastrous.
Well, now he's almost transparent because we have this headline out of Vessel News.
French presidential candidate Mélenchon uses holograms to speak at seven rallies.
As the April 23rd French presidential election approaches, candidates are predictably stumping to bring voters out, but far-left candidates Sean Luke Mill and Sean may have the most effective strategy yet.
Using an optical illusion, he beamed holograms of himself to six cities around the country.
Melenchon, who is often compared to Bernie Sanders, also Hugo Chavez, uses a technique known as Pepper's Ghost to broadcast a 2D version of himself from Dijon.
He simultaneously appeared in seven places at once yesterday.
There you see it on screen, seven places at once via hologram.
Actually quite an ingenious campaigning model there taking place in France.
They're saying he's not the first modern user of the trick.
Memorably in 2012 a hologram of Tupac appeared at Coachella with help from the technique.
Nor is it the first time Melenchon himself has used it in February while kicking off his campaign.
He virtually appeared in a Paris suburb after being filmed in Lyon.
So of course a lot of quips to be made about a transparent candidate there but
Quite ingenious that he can appear at several different places at the same time via hologram.
There you see the 2-pack version of it back in 2012.
Absolutely amazing how things are advancing, sticking on the subject of technology.
This is somewhat more chilling.
This is out of Barron's headline.
Facebook CEO Zuckerberg staring at a blank wall is going to be a thing.
This was Zuckerberg yesterday talking about the future of Facebook and augmented reality or virtual reality in terms of future Facebook development.
He's talking about a place for you to be yourself in virtual reality with your real friends.
He's talking about a chip implant or some kind of, quote, direct brain interface that will, quote, one day let you communicate using only your mind.
So literally talking about plugging people into the matrix.
You remember people were plugged into the matrix via the brain interface.
Now Zuckerberg wants that.
He wants that to be the new mode of social communications.
Kind of funny.
Reminds me of that South Park episode where Cartman's every thought is turned into a tweet and tweeted out.
They also had the scene where they were all meeting in virtual reality and blocking each other.
And it kind of turned out to be an absolute disaster.
But now Zuckerberg wants to develop a mind-reading-brain interface.
And that's not going to be abused at all, is it?
You can trust Mark Zuckerberg.
People will no longer need to type their dumb, boring 20-paragraph virtue-signaling posts.
Physically, Facebook's just going to read your mind and send it out there into cyberspace.
But don't worry, they really respect your privacy.
They're not going to do anything else with it.
Just like Samsung TVs, don't spy on you, don't listen to your conversations.
It's all going to be perfectly fine.
Absolutely amazing.
Of course, we had Google back, I think it was about 10 years ago.
And that was the old-style technology, talking about, you know, Eric Schmidt.
Microphones hanging from the ceiling that would pick up your every word.
We now have that with Amazon Echo, with the Google equivalent.
But it's just, if you want to know what the weather's like, you can talk to the friendly Amazon Echo.
And they're not recording your conversations, just like Samsung was not recording your conversations.
Uploading them directly to the CIA.
Oh no, actually turns out they were.
But you can trust Mark Zuckerberg.
You can trust Google not to do the same.
Absolutely incredible.
We've got more news here, looking at the global perspective.
Polish government, this is out of Breitbart, Polish government will not allow bloody harvest of multiculturalism.
Of course, Poland has been one of the countries that has resisted this.
The Polish Interior Minister affirmed Poland will not repeat the Western European policy of multiculturalism, which he said has led to the bloody harvest of multiple terror attacks across the continent since the start of the migrant crisis.
Quote, the policy of multiculturalism in Western Europe is bringing about bloody harvest in the form of terror attacks.
They're basically resisting demands by the EU to take in more migrants from Africa as we move towards the warmer weather.
And another deluge of migrants, as I explained on the show Monday.
They're providing a literal taxi service 11 miles off the coast of Libya to bring in migrants from West Africa who aren't even refugees, who aren't even from Libya, while the Turkish president says it's a weapon against the West.
We will be back with Mike Cernovich.
It's the Alex Jones Show live.
Don't go away.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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The religion of peace strikes again!
39-year-old Corey Ali Mohammed, who shot three people dead in downtown Fresno yesterday, shouted Allah Akbar before he pulled the trigger.
And police are now saying that Mohammed had expressed hatred towards white people and the government.
In fact, if you take a look at his Facebook page,
You'll notice a meme he posted recently about White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, who according to Mohammed, is a white devil.
But on the other hand, the Fresno Killer says he does like MSNBC, CNN, Van Jones, the Young Turks, and of course, Black Lives Matter.
So far it's unclear if his rampage was based on watching left-wing media inspired by BLM
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We are live on the Alex Jones Show.
We're waiting to talk to Mike Cernovich for the moment.
We're going to talk about what happened yesterday in Auburn with Antifa.
Once again, we had the Battle of Berkeley 2 on the weekend.
We had another event where Richard Spencer was giving a speech.
The big alt-right figure who, you know, I've had my arguments with, but I don't try and prevent him from exercising his First Amendment rights.
But Antifa does, because they're the actual fascists.
This is out of Information Liberation, Alt-Right, Antifa, Battle at Auburn University.
After court rules, Richard Spencer must be allowed to speak.
So he won the right to speak.
Whether you disagree with him vehemently or not, he has that right to speak.
They had a massive fight.
You can see the video here.
The difference is the police actually did their job, unlike in Berkeley where they sat back and did nothing.
And in a few seconds here, the police rush in and arrest these two individuals.
So they actually did their job in breaking up the fight.
If you go to the other video, which was filmed just before this event, it shows the police ordering Antifa agitators to remove their masks.
Have we got that video ready?
We can go to that because the audio is interesting as well.
Let's turn the audio up.
Nobody's no mask.
So they're telling them no masks, no hoodies.
They're actually ordering the Antifa thugs to reveal their identities.
God forbid.
We know they don't want to reveal their identities because they're there to commit criminal actions.
So basically all of these Antifa people had to
We're going to go to Mike Cernovich now.
He is ready and waiting in the wings.
Mike, you were in Austin recently.
You went to Dallas.
What's the latest?
Yeah, we had a good time.
So the latest of course would be that Google did admit
That they're calling it a rogue vendor had been manipulating Infobor.
So how exciting that we got Google to respond to us within, what, 12 hours?
They changed course.
What a great victory.
You were on the show to talk about it, and like you said, within hours, this was Google and their contractors conspiring to delist, to relegate InfoWars search results in their algorithm.
They were burying them within about six hours of that story coming out, and you talking about it on this show on Monday.
They had to publicly say they're not going to do that anymore.
That is a huge victory, right?
Yeah, it was a massive victory, especially because a lot of people
Claimed that we didn't know what we were talking about.
We actually got a lot of hate for that story.
People said, oh, you don't know Google.
That isn't how it works.
They don't actually have contractors.
This is fake news.
Yet again, news that is broken on the Alex Jones Show, broken on my medium, is confirmed to be true, even though the fake news media will always initially deny it.
It's almost like there's a pattern going on, isn't there?
You could suggest that.
That definitely seems to be what's taking place.
Bill O'Reilly, you've been tweeting about this.
Basically we're expecting an announcement that he will be cut from Fox News.
We've had a Media Matters campaign to target his advertisers.
It appears they've been successful.
What's your take on Bill O'Reilly?
This has been coming for a long while, correct?
Yeah, he's been going strong for a long time.
Bill O'Reilly is not really the message that I like, personally.
So I'm not shedding any... I don't like that they got the scalp, obviously, but Bill O'Reilly is outdated anyway.
People want a new message.
I hope Tucker Carlson takes over that time slot.
Tucker Carlson is definitely more in tune with the times than Bill O'Reilly is.
I look forward to having Tucker Carlson get that prime time slot, because Tucker Carlson has the number one shot.
You know, Bill O'Reilly, he never got this new movement, right?
He's never tried to get people like you on a show.
He's never tried to get people like Stefano Molinio on a show.
He's never been in touch with any of the issues going on like online censorship, Google SEO.
Like Bill O'Reilly, they never would have broken the story about Google manipulating search results on the O'Reilly Factor.
So, I know a lot of people like him, so I'm not throwing shade on Bill O'Reilly.
But me personally, I don't view it as a big loss for him to lose that TV show.
And, you know, Fox News' average viewing audience in prime time is 69 years old.
Now, we're not bashing old people, but you cannot maintain that as an audience when it's literally dying out.
Like you said, you know, he was still the top dog on Fox News.
Four million viewers a night, but you can imagine somebody with a bit more energy, a bit more cutting edge, a bit more on top of the issues, like Tucker Carlson, could take that on even further.
Well yeah, Paul LeGray is doing 1,000,000, 5,000,000 views.
Jake Taper just had a big puff piece on him on GQ.
Oh my god, Jake Taper has arrived.
Look at these cable news people.
Your YouTube is actually doing better ratings.
Then almost anybody on cable news, which really shows you how out of touch these big networks are.
People want even people who are older, which is great.
A lot of older people listening are listening now watching now.
I welcome everybody of all ages and I'm really glad to have enthusiasm from all the people, but it goes to show that there are a lot of people who want
Younger, cutting-edge content, fresher content.
What is really going on in the world?
Bill O'Reilly never really told people what was really going on in the world.
I tried to watch it a few times, and I never left there feeling that I had been educated about a subject.
I found it boring and bland.
People want a fresher message.
Now, I want to get into this Fresno thing which occurred yesterday.
Of course, you've been tweeting about it.
Three victims.
He was a militant social justice warrior, shouted Allah Akbar after he gunned down these people.
The narrative was pretty clear.
It's going to be hard for CNN and BuzzFeed to spin this one.
Yet they still tried.
When is the mainstream media going to take responsibility for its violent rhetoric radicalizing people to carry out murder on the streets of America?
We saw it in Dallas with the Black Lives Matter supporter gunning down those police officers.
They tried to bomb the Ferguson police station.
We've seen it over and over again.
When is the MSM going to take responsibility for that fringe extremist rhetoric?
Well, the Young Turks also, I don't know if somebody in the production can pull up the Medium.com article I wrote.
The Young Turks has now inspired multiple mass shootings.
This latest domestic terrorist was a big fan of the Young Turks.
Elliot Rodger, the Chula Vista shooter, was a big fan of the Young Turks.
The Seattle mall shooter was a big fan of the Young Turks.
So, the question is, when will the Young Turks disavow
Blows spit in the wrong direction.
It's like a shooting story, big headlines.
But I have not seen the young TERFs disavow these mass shooters committed by their fan base.
I want to know why CNN isn't demanding with the microphones in their faces, Hillary Clinton disavow this.
Bernie Sanders, you disavow this.
Obama, you disavow this.
Jay Taper, you disavow this.
The truth is that
All of us, everybody listening, everybody watching, the media wants us to be killed.
This is not theatrics, this is not hyperbole.
They want us murdered.
That is why they refuse to cover the violence, the long-standing violence that has been happening at Trump rallies by the rioters, not by the Trump people.
This latest attack
This man, he said, Allah Akbar.
The AP goes, he said, God is great.
And then after we all really blew him up, blew up the AP all day on social media, they had to admit that they were lying.
He did not say God is great.
He was a domestic terrorist.
He was also a member of Black Lives Matter.
We need to see the Young Turks disavow this.
I mean, look what happened with Pizzagate.
Thankfully, no one died.
You had one guy go in with a gun.
And still, months later, it's our fault.
We're on the rack for that, simply for talking about the issue of Pizzagate.
This guy goes on a rampage.
You go on his Facebook page.
Black militant groups, social justice warrior groups, Shaun King, BLM leader, he was a fan of him.
As he said, all these other groups, young Turks, in every single case with a lot of these mass shooters, young Turks, they never have to disavow it.
Then you have this narrative, Mike, which we see almost every day on Twitter.
Oh, by the way, the guy who gunned down the Dallas cops, he also described him as a hero.
He made a video saying he was going to take out vengeance on America.
He posted things on Facebook saying Bannon was a white devil, anti-Trump means etc, etc.
You had a guy, I still can't get over this, last year, who tried to assassinate Donald Trump, a British guy.
What happened to that story?
They made puff pieces, documentaries saying he was just a misunderstood young kid.
Can you imagine if somebody had tried to assassinate Hillary Clinton, a Trump supporter, at her rally?
They would have absolutely been besides themselves.
Yeah, and this goes back decades.
Your people probably remember the story where a black supremacist had stood outside a polling station in Philadelphia, and they were a very militant group.
The Department of Justice had prosecuted them for voter intimidation.
Barack Obama told them, dismiss the case after they had won the case.
You guys can pull this up and fact check it in real time.
So there was a Black Panthers member who was screaming that they wanted to kill white babies, they wanted to murder white people.
The Department of Justice obtained a restraining order against him.
They won the case.
Once Obama got in office, he goes, no, you have to leave these people alone.
He refused it.
That should have been a big story.
So this terrorism, the domestic terrorism from these racist groups, they're like the KKK now.
The Black Lives Matter and the KKK.
It's really hard to see much of a difference between them, given all the violence that is coming out of there.
They are given a pass.
Remember that fellow who jumped the stage?
I think it was in Ohio, Thomas Damasio.
He'd written on Twitter, I want to be a martyr.
He had posted a gun icon and Trump and said, I want to be a martyr.
I want to kill Trump.
He went and jumped on the stage.
Well, he went from assassination attempt on Trump to CNN.
They lionized him!
They interviewed him like he was some kind of a protester, even though in search of his social media, he had said, I quote, I want to be a martyr.
The media really does want to incite and encourage these people.
They're basically saying, if you murder people like Alex Jones or Paul Watson or Mike Stern or Richard Donald Trump, we will make you famous and we'll make you out to be a hero and a martyr.
That's the point.
They incentivise it.
This is the point I've made over and over.
The right disavows its fringe extremists.
Okay, we're not denying that there are far-right racists who go out and kill people.
In fact, it happened in New York.
There was the guy who went to New York to kill black people.
That was horrible.
We disavowed it, said it was despicable.
What happened yesterday after this Fresno thing?
Mike, they were out on Twitter saying that it was bots pushing it to the top of Twitter trending.
It was a breaking news story, multiple victim shooting, obviously it was a huge issue, and they come out and say bots.
They embrace and encourage and incentivise extremism, we disavow it, but we're the evil right-wing racists, right?
Yeah, exactly.
So if people throw up a Nazi salute, which is a dumb thing to do anyway, I'm not going to defend that, but the media freaks out.
Oh my God, these people threw up a Nazi salute.
Can you believe it?
You guys better disavow it.
Trump, you better disavow it.
And that's dumb.
I don't encourage that.
I don't want people doing that kind of stuff.
It doesn't move the ball downfield in any way, and there's no reason to do that kind of stuff.
That said,
That is the worst that they can find people doing on the right, is trying to be offensive.
On the left, there have been multiple mass shootings.
The Young Turks have inspired multiple mass shootings.
The Seattle Mall shooting, Elliot Rodger.
There was another shooting that I can't remember.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, talk about ironic.
The Southern Poverty Law Center
Tracks all these groups on their hate watch list.
But you can look up the Family Research Council shooting.
Floyd Lee Corkins went into the Family Research Council and attempted to murder a bunch of people.
He was fortunately stopped by a guard, right?
He had been stopped.
And they go, why did you do this, Floyd Lee Corkins?
He said, I went on the Southern Poverty Lawsuit's hate watch list.
And that's how he chose his target.
And I go, so why aren't there more stories about the Southern Poverty Law Center shooter, Floyd Lee Corkins?
Where's the media outrage on that?
How can the Southern Poverty Law Center, which inspires mass shootings, pretend to track hate?
They are actually the hate group.
Yes, the Southern Poverty Law Center inspired Floyd Lee Corkins.
He went in and he even said, I went in to commit murder multiple people because the Southern Poverty Law Center's website essentially inspired him to do it.
Most people have never even heard of that story.
Most people have never heard of it because the media covered it up.
Also Ishmael Brinsley, he killed two cops in New York, I think it was December 2015, shot them in the head at point-blank range.
Black Lives Matter revenge attack, they found his documents, they found the motivation behind it.
That story disappeared within a couple of days.
You can look at Ferguson, they plotted to bomb the Ferguson police station.
The Dallas sniper attack, the Baton Rouge attack,
Every single example radicalised by this Trump derangement syndrome rhetoric, this anti-white sentiment, which Twitter, people on Twitter, leftist social justice warriors, have tried to turn into a trendy meme.
You know, they say, oh, good morning, except white people.
They've turned that into a meme, BuzzFeed pushes it, MTV pushes it.
Now dangerous people on the edge, on the fringes, are starting to violently act out on it.
Yeah, they even started a hashtag called Kill All White Men, which Twitter allowed to trend, right?
We couldn't trend anything anymore.
They manually go in and edit it.
But they let the Kill All White Men hashtag trend.
And of course, nobody who wants to advocate for the genocide of white people, you don't get banned on Twitter for that.
Absolutely incredible.
Switching gears a little bit, we had Chris Evans, the actor, I think he played Captain America.
He says, Mike, that he wants to run into the guy who punched the Antifa girl at Berkeley, the girl with the dreadlocks.
Do you think that, Chris Evans, what would he do if he ran into the dozens of Antifa scum who threw rocks and threw bottles at Trump supporters?
Do you think he'd be interested in confronting those people, or does he just want to virtue signal about it on Twitter?
Well, I would love for Chris Evans to attend an event where Antifa are there, because they will smash his head with a brick.
So my advice to Chris Evans, Mr. Virtue Signaler, is why don't you go show up to some Antifa people, and if they don't know that you're famous, you're just going to be another straight, white man, and they will smash you in the head with a bat.
So please, Chris Evans, go hang out with this Antifa trash.
I encourage it.
I want to see what happens when you and Antifa are in the same room.
Okay, final minute, Mike.
Just tell us what's coming up, what's on your radar for the next week or so.
Okay, so I broke another big story that hasn't really taken off yet.
There is now an official policy, and I found out this goes up to Governor Jerry Brown, where if you're a violent felon, but you could be deported, they will plead down your violent felon case to a misdemeanor.
So if they can pull up that Medium article, the Santa Clara prosecutor,
Jeff Rosen now has told people that even if you beat up a woman, smash her face in, if you could be deported if you're convicted of a felony, then they will actually reduce the charge against you.
So we now, and I've heard now that this comes from Jerry Brown.
So this comes from the governor.
This is all of California is now in a very, very dangerous, precarious situation because they're committing activism to try to keep violent criminals in the country.
You can't make this stuff up.
I emailed the spokespeople.
They told me I'm right.
I'm going to update the story.
But you can see this is all verified.
This is all fact checked that they are literally saying that we don't care if you're murdered.
We're going to put the rights of violent criminal immigrants ahead of the rights of law abiding Americans.
Okay, we've got to leave it there, Mike.
Running out of time.
Medium.com slash at Cernovich.
There goes Mike Cernovich.
We will be back live.
Doug Hagman of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and of course he's a law enforcement training group and also a well-known respected private detective who becomes highly recommended over the years from our sources.
He has FBI sources also, state police sources, and others in multiple states there on the East Coast.
So Doug Hagman, thank you for joining us.
You look at the battlefront worldwide, the globalist forces, we're in a war right now.
Exactly, and that's part of it.
And when I look at my side of things, on the domestic side, what I'm hearing from my FBI sources, one confirmation I got from both an FBI source as well as an agency source or CIA source, saying watch the role of the National Geospatial Agency, the NGA, as well as the NSA in the upcoming days with respect to the leaks that had come out about the Trump administration, but also
We're about to have nuclear war, folks.
It's time to arrest Hillary Clinton.
We've got to save the country.
The world's never been in more danger.
They're the ones that made everything radical.
Kim Jong-un, Hillary, all these other scumbags, Juncker, all of them need to be arrested.
They're all calling for war.
They're all involved in criminal activity.
Arrest all of them.
I'm serious.
Yeah, 100% behind you because they brought us to this point and they have sold us out.
Uh, the Korean, uh, situation.
So, so we've got this, this, this melting pot of, or this, uh, this, uh, really sewage pot of, of strife worldwide that was brought, we, we got to this point because of Obama and right now... And Bill Clinton?
And Clinton, especially.
And by the way, Hillary Clinton played a significant role under Madeleine Albright during the Clinton presidency as the shadow Secretary of State to bring us to this point as well.
And then moving on as Secretary of State under Obama.
So, this has her fingerprints all over the place.
And here we are, you know, at this level.
So, there's much more to get into, but watch the next really 72 to 96 hours with respect to the taps.
Why would they want to not have Russia on our side during this China crisis?
Why are they trying to bring Russia down?
Well, chaos.
Operation Chaos, basically.
This is the same playbook that we used, or that the Globals used back in the 60s, is being used today.
And it's everybody against everybody.
Let's destroy, let's burn the whole damn thing down and, you know, start it from scratch.
It's very imprudent to do that, obviously, but these people that we're dealing with, as you pointed out, they're psychos.
Some folks are born made to wait to fly
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And those mega-specials must end tonight, so act quickly!
We've got about a minute left.
Let's cover a few global news stories.
This is out of the Korea Times.
Given that many people feared they were about to conduct a sixth nuclear test, it actually turns out that it never even went there.
It is scheduled to go there at the end of this month, but it was actually sent to the Indian Ocean to take part in a scheduled exercise with Australian forces.
So it actually sailed in the opposite direction
It was a complete hoax that it was even heading towards the Korean Peninsula at this time.
They are saying it will head there at the end of the month.
We will wait and see on that.
North Korea war fears as Kim Jong-un primed to fire nukes on this date.
We will come back and tell you exactly when that date is expected to be in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show with a fourth hour coming up as well.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be right back.
Don't go away.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
They're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe.
And they're also very affordable.
You talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about... We're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders.
We've both talked to them.
They have individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
Went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the Infowar change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
We are back on the Alex Jones Show.
Just going through a few final global news stories.
North Korea war fears are building once again as Kim Jong-un primed to fire nuke on this date.
What is the date?
It's April 25th.
Next Tuesday Pyongyang is continuing to talk up its ambitions for a nuclear weapon capable of striking the US mainland.
Experts say that's a few years away, but Kim was humiliated when his latest missile launch failed amid tensions with US President Donald Trump.
Of course, we had the speculation.
Was it cyber attack?
Cyber hacked?
Probably was the case.
Now North Korea is expected to double down and prime a nuclear bomb test within the week.
The sixth nuclear bomb test.
Of course, the Trump administration has made noises that that could prompt an all-out attack on North Korea, which could launch a conflict, a regional conflict in that region.
North Korea would then attack South Korea and Japan.
Millions of people could die.
We're still on the precipice of that.
Now they're speculating Pyongyang is thought to be plotting to attempt a nuclear bomb test on April 25th, next Tuesday, to coincide with Military Foundation Day.
So that could be the flashpoint.
Hopefully we don't see tensions escalate, but it remains to be seen.
Breitbart reports out of Germany, Turkish migrant sedated raped 53-year-old hospital patient in his care.
A 58-year-old Turkish migrant working as a nursing assistant at a hospital in Germany reportedly sedated and raped a 53-year-old female patient in his care.
Absolute massive problems with the integration there, of course.
Merkel has flip-flopped over and over again.
They're still bringing in the migrants via the taxi service being run by the EU and NGOs.
What's also happening up in Calais, France, of course, we had the Calais migrant camp supposedly demolished by French authorities.
Now those migrants are returning
Because these left-wing groups, these NGOs, are returning to Calais themselves, setting up food stalls, attracting these migrants back to Calais.
No women and children there.
These are men mainly from West Africa.
They're not refugees.
They're economic migrants.
These NGOs, these leftists, who have helped them break the law, in many cases, are helping them return to Calais.
They say out of the Telegraph, hundreds of migrants back in Calais weeks after Jungle Camp torn down.
The problems are only going to continue.
They're still trying to hijack trucks, lorries to get into England because of our generous welfare system.
You've seen the chaos that has caused with attacks on motorists.
Now, because of these left-wing do-gooder social justice warriors handing out free food, they're all returning.
And it's only going to cause more danger to the migrants themselves, but again, no women and children when you see those pictures amongst them.
We've visited the migrant camps again.
The narrative they're selling us is completely fraudulent.
RT reports!
US-Aussie advisors caught in ISIS chemical attack against Iraqi troops in Mosul.
The Iraqi unit targeted on Sunday in a chemical weapons attack in Mosul was hosting embedded foreign military specialists.
They were attacked with chemical weapons by ISIS, proving once again that it's not just President Bashar al-Assad that has chemical weapons, even though they supposedly disarmed him of those chemical weapons back in 2013.
Now, US and Aussie advisors over there in the region have been victims of chemical attacks launched by ISIS.
We've seen past stories where they handed the weapons by Saudi Arabia, mishandled them, they explode, and then Assad gets blamed, and then we're into World War III.
We have to question that narrative at every single point, because the rebels, the moderate jihadist rebels who behead children, have been proven to use those chemical weapons over and over again.
RT also reports, hard to say no, Johnson hints Parliament vote against Syria invasion may be ignored at US request.
So we had a Parliamentary vote back a couple of years ago not to go into Syria.
They're now saying that could change on a dime and with no vote whatsoever in Parliament, the UK could support a US attack if called for.
So tensions have not abated with regards to Syria and North Korea.
Roger Stone is coming up live for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go away.
The religion of peace strikes again!
39-year-old Khoury Ali Mohammed, who shot three people dead in downtown Fresno yesterday, shouted Allah Akbar before he pulled the trigger.
And police are now saying that Mohammed had expressed hatred towards white people and the government.
In fact, if you take a look at his Facebook page,
You'll notice a meme he posted recently about White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, who according to Mohammed, is a white devil.
But on the other hand, the Fresno Killer says he does like MSNBC, CNN, Van Jones, the Young Turks, and of course, Black Lives Matter.
So far it's unclear if his rampage was based on watching left-wing media inspired by BLM or
We're good to go.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
We're good.
Welcome back to InfoWars.
I'm Roger Stone.
Proud to be sitting in for my friend, our fearless leader, Alex Jones, while he is indisposed.
You've had a great lineup today with my friend Paul Joseph Watson leading the choir and breaking a lot of important news.
There's been a lot of discussion today about the issue of internet censorship and the efforts to crack down by Google and Facebook and Apple and others.
That's why Gab, the new application, the new social media
Phenomena is so important.
Conservatives, liberty-minded folks need to sign up on Gab.
I'm a proud participant there.
I enjoy it.
And now that I see Twitter beginning to censor my tweets, I see Facebook censoring my posts,
It's all the more important that we have an alternative and Gab is moving quickly to fill that void.
So folks, go there, sign up and join the new revolution that's afoot there.
What really concerns me more about this issue is that there's no evidence whatsoever that the Trump White House is aware
Of this massive effort to censor and in fact disenfranchise the very Trump constituency that won this election.
Is the Trump White House or the Trump Justice Department aware of the antitrust aspects of the monopoly being waged by Google, by Facebook and others?
What of the meeting that we've learned about between Apple CEO who was spot dining with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump back in January?
To me, this signals that the Trump White House is not aware of the fact that there are those in Silicon Valley who seek to strangle the Trump constituency.
They seemingly are unaware of the efforts to silence those responsible for the election of Donald Trump.
If there is no antitrust effort by the Trump Justice Department,
If there is no successful class action suit, if the tech left giants are allowed to impose Joseph Stalin-like censorship, well then the prospects for Donald Trump's re-election will be zero.
Yet there seems to be an unawareness in the Trump White House of the significance of this issue and the significance that it bears for the future of the entire Trump reform movement.
Now, one would have thought that my friend Steve Bannon, who comes from Alternative Media, who was the proud publisher of Breitbart.com, and who really was on the cutting edge of the effort to break the mainstream media monopoly, the stranglehold that they had on the dissemination of political information prior to this presidential election, one would have thought
That Mr. Bannon would have made this issue front and center in the Trump White House.
But there is, today, no evidence that that has happened.
In the next segment, we're going to talk about the White House counterattempts and what's going on internally, and the furious jockeying going on among Trump aides for the future of the Trump legacy.
Will this be a transformational presidency that we have been promised, or will it be simply transitional?
Will the president employ aides who will carry out the vision that he outlined in this election campaign?
Or will he be co-opted into being yet another establishment president?
I have grave concerns that there are many aboard the White House staff who are really not serving this president well, who don't understand his vision.
You see, in my experience, over 40 years as a friend and associate of Donald Trump, I can tell you that when he has all of the information, he almost invariably makes the right decisions.
His instincts are near perfect.
He abhors globalism.
He believes in American exceptionalism.
He understands the effort to move us away from American sovereignty and into a world government.
And he's opposed.
So, as I say, when he has all the facts, he makes good decisions.
I have absolute confidence in the thought process and the fundamental principles that I know Donald Trump shares with so many of the InfoWare's watchers.
The question is, does he understand the great challenge that is posed by this effort to censor his supporters?
This is something that I intend to focus on very aggressively in the months ahead.
It's vitally important to understand that those who are talking about net freedom, those who are talking about net neutrality, those on the left, that's not what they're for.
This is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
We are the ones who favor free and total access to the net.
We are the ones who are for net neutrality.
We are the ones who oppose the giant internet companies selling and sifting through our data.
And I am convinced that once the president does understand the important communications issues that are involved, well then perhaps then the Jeff Sessions Justice Department will pursue the kind of antitrust
That is appropriate in this kind of situation.
You see, we have laws to protect the average person in these situations, and it's time to apply them.
Some of you may know that there is an internal struggle in the Trump White House, that Trump Economic Advisor Gary Cohn, who would aspire to be White House Chief of Staff,
An active liberal Democrat, a major donor to Trump opponents, a former top executive at Goldman Sachs, well, he aspires to be White House Chief of Staff.
Then there is Dina Powell, a Bushite, who was a featured speaker at the Clinton Global Initiative Conferences.
She most certainly didn't support Donald Trump for president in the last election, but brought into the White House by Ivanka Trump, she also aspires to be White House Chief of Staff.
Either one of these appointments will result in a complete revolt at the grassroots of the Trump movement.
Neither one of them understands the coalition that elected Donald Trump, and both believe, wrongly, that the success of his presidency can only be guaranteed by Donald Trump moving to the middle.
You see, they would like President Trump to fit into the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama continuum.
A mainstream president who changes nothing, who continues to pursue endless war abroad, continues to pile up massive debt and more spending, will let our current immigration system, which leaves our borders porous in place,
We'll do nothing about the trade deals that have sucked the jobs out of America, as that great Texan, Ross Perot, said some years ago, correctly, about the NAFTA agreement, which the Bushes and the Clintons, working together, have foisted upon us.
So the fight continues and those in the Trump-supporting legions who believed that
The election of Donald Trump would automatically result in a sea change, misunderstand the power of the forces, both inside the White House and in institutional Washington, who remain opposed to the Trump revolution.
This fight was never going to be easy and it was never going to be quick.
It's important to note that with previous presidents like Richard Nixon, like, say, Lyndon Johnson,
You had men who had served in the House, served in the Senate, but more importantly served as Vice President, having a superb perch to understand which are the most important appointments in Congress, in the House, and to go easy on the question of where the real levers of power are in Washington.
Donald Trump, despite the fact that he has the stature and the executive ability to be president, has no such previous government experience.
Interestingly enough, the same criticism of disorganization was leveled first at Jimmy Carter and later at Bill Clinton.
Two outsiders, at least outside from the sense that they weren't from the Washington political system, they had both been governors of small southern states, they received the same kind of criticism about the early days of their administration.
There is no question that Donald Trump is finally getting a handle on what is transpiring in Washington.
But he comes to this as new, and therefore, when those say, what would you tell the President, or what would you tell those who oppose the President, I would say, give the man a chance.
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Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
Now, this is our 20th product.
We can easily go out to a major vitamin or supplement company and private label a thousand different products.
But it's taken us four plus years to even come out with 20, because we private label some, but we also develop
Many of the products originally were some of the top labs in the country, so that they're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe, and they're also very affordable.
You talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about, we're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders.
We've both talked to them.
They have conveyor belts of herbs falling on the ground, and they have someone come and sweep them up and put them back on the conveyor belt.
They have individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
We're producing something we want to take.
We're looking for the best.
We went out and searched for the best to private label, and most of the time found out it wasn't available.
So we go to these big firms and say, we want to make the dream formula.
Bio PCA, for example, one of the ingredients is silica, and it's from bamboo extract.
It's everywhere.
It's in nature.
It's an essential part of being healthy, right?
Just this bottle of silica, okay, again, one ingredient, in a lower amount that's even in our product, is $35.
They're charging more than what we charge when they have one ingredient that's less than ours.
This is insane.
When I told them we wanted 10,000 micrograms, he goes, okay, I get that you guys want to do, you know, high-powered stuff, but why don't you just do 3,000, and then you can sell, you know, multiple bottles of it, people will buy more of it.
I was like, no, let's do 10.
Okay, compare that to this.
This is a $50 product, one of the leaders in the industry.
It has 3,000 micrograms of biotin.
Okay, we have 10,000.
This is $50, $48 to be exact.
There's no script, there's no teleprompter, I'll be honest with you.
My problem is, with 20 products now,
It's remembering to take them all.
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I couldn't lose the weight.
I went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the Infowar change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone, New York Times best-selling author, and proud to be here sitting in for my friend Alex Jones, who's indisposed.
We are... I want to go back to something we talked about in the first segment, which is the meeting between Apple CEO Tim Cook
Jared Kushner, the President's son-in-law, and Ivanka Trump, the President's daughter, who is a friend and a woman I admire very much.
Back in January, we learned that the Apple CEO, Tim Cook, was spotted having dinner, a DC power dinner, as they call them.
Where he was joined by Apple's head of policy and environment, Lisa Jackson.
Jackson, you may remember, was the Environmental Protection Agency administrator under Barack Obama.
They were spotted eating at Tosca, a high-end Italian restaurant just a few blocks from the White House.
The dinner suggests that Apple's outreach, previously focused on the Democratic Party, has now shifted to the Trump administration.
Jackson is a particularly bad actor.
She was on the board of the Clinton Foundation and has communicated with Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, according to the emails that were published by WikiLeaks last year.
She also was a major fundraiser for Hillary Clinton.
Now, one wonders what the subject of this dinner could have been.
Did Apple discuss their efforts to strangle Gab that we talked about with Paul Joseph Watson only a short time ago?
Did Apple talk about the efforts to censor the Trump constituency across the board?
No, I think the Google and Apple outreach to the Trump administration is ominous.
Ominous only if there is no wake-up call for the President and his top aides that the effort to strangle the Trump movement in the cradle is ongoing.
And now, both utilizing the so-called Ministry of Truth, the national censorship board that was set up late in the Obama administration and funded with our tax dollars through a defense appropriation in 2016.
Actually gives the government the authority and the wherewithal to go into the net using subcontractors like snopes.com or factcheck.org to decide what is and is not fake news.
This is a slippery slope.
And will the Silicon Valley crowd succeed in convincing Jared and Ivanka Trump that they are new friends of the administration?
Will anyone raise what these tech giants are doing to the pro-liberty movement that elected Donald Trump?
We are, as I have pointed out earlier, under vicious attack here at InfoWars.com, and that's why we need you to go to the InfoWars.com store, where you can do two things.
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A total 360 win.
According to the mainstream media, President Donald Trump was mean to kids on Easter Sunday.
That's right, dozens of news outlets ran with a misleading video claiming that President Trump signed a Kids Make America Great Again hat and then threw it away from the kid into the crowd.
The video quickly went viral, racking up nearly 10,000 retweets and getting picked up by other news outlets.
The Washington Post reported Trump, using a thick sharpie, put his signature on the bill of the cap, then looked up and lobbed it into the crowd, nowhere near the hand that had given it to him.
BuzzFeed even claimed that the poor kid never got his hat back.
But in reality, other camera angles clearly show the president and the kid were just having fun.
And the boy indeed caught his hat signed by the President of the United States.
You can see the videos for yourself right now at InfoWars.com
If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse.
Minor words and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone, filling in for my friend Alex Jones, and damn proud to be here.
In the next segment, and I think later in this one, we're going to be taking your calls.
That number is 1-800-259-9231.
Again, 1-800-259-9231.
This is one of my favorite parts of the program, and I hope you will call in.
I want to quickly go to a video that showed on CNN, a news piece, sources the FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation.
This is important.
Let's roll it and then I'll tell you my analysis and the latest on this growing scandal.
Well both U.S.
officials tell CNN that last year the FBI used a dossier of allegations of Russian ties to Donald Trump's campaign as part of the justification to get approval to secretly monitor Trump associate Carter Page.
Those sources say that the FBI director James Comey has cited the dossier in some of his briefings to members of Congress in recent weeks as one of the sources of information that the bureau used to bolster its investigation.
Now this includes approval from the secret court that oversees the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, known as FISA, to monitor Page's communications.
To obtain permission to target Page, the FBI and the Justice Department would have to present probable cause that he was acting as an agent of a foreign power, including possibly engaging in clandestine intelligence gathering for a foreign government.
Comey and other top Justice Department officials
How surprising is it that this was even done?
Well, it is surprising because Comey's briefings to lawmakers stands in contrast to the efforts in recent months by the Bureau and U.S.
intelligence agencies to try to distance themselves from that dossier.
law enforcement and intelligence officials have said that U.S.
investigators did their own work.
Separate from
Page himself would not be aware that this was going on, right?
That's right.
You'll recall that Page has been scrutinized before.
A 2013 investigation of a Russian spy ring included descriptions of interactions that he had with one of the alleged spies.
Now, Page denies that he knew they were Russian agents.
Last summer, he traveled to Russia to give a speech highly critical of U.S.
policy on Russia.
That speech actually drew the attention of the FBI, according to U.S.
officials we've been talking to.
I think we get the flavor of this.
Let me speak to the import here.
It is very clear that at least three top associates of Donald Trump were under surveillance.
According to the New York Times on January 20th, their headline, wiretapped data used in probe of Trump aides.
Myself included made it very clear that the that the intelligence agencies claimed that they had emails Records of financial transactions and then later on the 30th of January the Times reports that they also claimed to have transcripts of telephone intercepts that would indicate collusion between the Russian state and
And the Trump campaign.
My attorneys believe on the basis of that story and information that appeared in several other places that I was among those whose civil liberties were violated, whose right to privacy was thrown out the window.
And in fact, it is highly likely that I was under surveillance from June of last year until at least Election Day.
That would mean, of course, that my various conversations with candidate Donald Trump would have been recorded and monitored by the government.
Now, there is no probable cause, there is no evidence of collusion or even contact with the Russian state or any representative of those that would justify such surveillance.
I have repeatedly asked the New York Times for some clarification of their story.
And I have also appealed to the House Intelligence Committee to clarify where this is going and who else would have been under surveillance.
This is a developing story.
I think we're going to learn.
That the wiretapping or the surveillance at Trump Tower was based on the false argument that the Trump campaign was trafficking with the Russians.
That false narrative will fall away and we're going to learn the surveillance was strictly for political purposes.
This is Watergate times 10.
Now I want to go to some of your calls.
I am, let's see, pick one for me here, gentlemen, because I am without my glasses.
All right, let's go with John in Wyoming.
I like that one first.
John, go ahead.
Thank you very much, Roger.
It's great to have you on the air again.
You notice how the media has been saying for quite some time that the North Koreans are trying to develop an ICBM that'll reach the U.S.
Yet when I had a talk show in Gillette, Wyoming, it was March of 2003.
Then-CIA Director George Tenet said the North Koreans then, in March of 2003, had the ability to reach all of our West Coast cities from Seattle to San Diego.
And now, all of a sudden, the Pentagon and the media is acting like, oh, they don't have the capability, but they're sure trying to get it.
Well, if they had it in March of 2003, I don't think their technology has regressed.
So someone in the Pentagon, as well as the media, isn't being very honest with us.
All right, John, that's an excellent point.
Go to your question.
That was it.
It's a very good question.
No, I think, John, you're absolutely right.
There is an effort to lull the American people into believing that the dictator in North Korea is such a screw-up that he could not possibly develop a deliverable nuclear weapons that could annihilate this country.
Is that a chance that you want to take?
It's not a chance that I want to take.
And therefore, I sleep a little better knowing that Donald Trump is in the White House because he will not draw a line in the sand and watch our adversaries cover it, sitting back helplessly and doing nothing.
Let's stay tuned on the next one.
Thank you for your call, John.
Let's go to Karen in Kansas.
Karen, you're here at InfoWars.
What do you have to say today?
Hi, Mr. Stone.
My point is, I did vote for Donald Trump at the urging of a friend of mine who watches the show and admires you quite a bit, by the way.
Thank you.
My point is, I've been studying politics as an amateur since the 70s.
I just see that, as in the past, Liberal Democrats, neocons, for instance the PNAC signers, all their co-workers, they have been able to successfully use the GOP to, it looks to me like in this case with Kushner and Ivanka, to even fast-track the agenda that now you can call globalist
I used to call it communism, but now I guess it's just flat-out globalism.
So why are we supposed to be putting on blinders to this and following Trump and trusting him when he has people that are working with, for instance, perhaps ISIS?
Israel's agenda to disguise what they're doing as ISIS attacks, you know, can you help us to, you know, stay aligned with Trump and his pro-business?
How does this all, you know, work together?
I just see it as undermining our cause of liberty.
All right, Karen, I think I got your question.
Let me try to handle it.
First of all, let's recognize the alternative.
Had we elected Hillary Clinton, we would probably already be at nuclear war.
She would have imposed a no-fly zone in Syria, which the Pentagon and the boys at the CIA and Langley so desperately want.
Donald Trump is not perfect.
He has never claimed to be perfect, nor did I think.
That like every other outsider president that we have elected, Ronald Reagan comes to mind, that there would be an intensive and insidious effort to co-opt his presidency.
I'm prepared to fight for the success of the Trump agenda.
And I know many who communicate with the president, myself included, who are highly confident that the president does understand this insidious effort.
Now, we are going to face some watershed moments going ahead because personnel is policy.
And it is a mistake not to recognize the importance of these presidential appointments.
Yes, it has been a two-party duopoly that has brought this country to its knees.
I say that with great sentimental attachment to the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln and Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan.
But let's tell the truth.
Both parties have been involved in the effort to erode our national sovereignty.
Both parties have been complicit in the effort to ship American jobs abroad and sap the vitality out of this nation.
The fight will continue.
I'm going to put my bet on Donald Trump.
He is a very bright, tough, intuitive individual.
He is still trying to find the levers of power in Washington.
He is, after all, not an experienced or polished inside-the-beltway politician.
But don't underestimate him.
He is a patriot.
He is a believer in American exceptionalism and sovereignty.
And in the end, Karen, I think he will do the right thing.
I think he can be one of our greatest presidents.
Let's go now to, uh, let's see.
Oh, let's go to Mike in Iowa.
I think it is.
Let me see the board.
Or let's go to Carlos in Canada.
Why not get an offshore, or I should say, in this case, a non-US call.
Carlos, what do you have for us today?
Thank you.
Good afternoon.
Just basically to make friends with you.
I'm with you on the percent that the levers of power are still complex to someone that comes from the business community and doesn't have the political experience.
Just wanted to draw your attention.
I made a call a little while back to Alex Jones to notify him that, in fact, under the Echelon program,
We had given information and metadata information and content information to Margaret Thatcher.
A few days later, Judge Napolitano identified the UK as having been the country that had supplied that information, leaked information about President Trump.
And subsequently I was denied but then it has been admitted.
I just wanted to draw your attention to you and through you to President Trump and to anyone that is listening that James Bamford wrote a seminal article on the NSA
Uh, dated, uh, uh, September 16, 2014, in which he mentioned that as part of an agreement, another country, Israel, receives all the unfiltered data, unfiltered, not, not just metadata, but all transmission facts, communications directly from the NSA as part of an agreement.
And this this was echoed as well here earlier by Greenwald and it was revealed by Ed by
The general leakage of information coming from Edward Snowden.
All right, well Carlos let me let me comment on that because we're we're running out of time here.
I think you've raised a very good point.
Several weeks ago when my very good friend Judge Andrew Napolitano said that he had impeccable sources telling him that the British had been involved in the surveillance of Donald Trump.
This is a very common
This allows them complete deniability and the ability to avoid breaking U.S.
law, still achieving their spying objective.
Now, as you may know, there was a vehement denial from both the U.S.
NSA intelligence services and from the Brits.
And Judge Napolitano was actually suspended for one week at Fox News for being incorrect.
Now we learn that Judge Napolitano was 100% correct and the Brits were in fact conducting surveillance at the behest of the NSA.
I still hold that that surveillance was with political, not criminal or illegal behavior and certainly not treason.
This is a story that's still unfolding.
Bottom line, the people at Fox, the very top leadership at Fox, well they owe Judge Napolitano an apology and one week's pay for the week that he was suspended.
Before we go on to our next segment, I want to remind you that the InfoWarsStore.com is open for business and your support for InfoWars is more important than ever before.
We are under attack here from Google, from Facebook, from the Ministry of Truth, the secret censorship board set up by Barack Obama.
So, go to the store.
I particularly like the Shield X2 nascent iodine product.
Grab this while you can because make no mistake about it,
There is an effort to grab the very best iodine and make it unavailable to InfoWars.
Now this is a product that is going to run out quickly.
You can grab it right now for 25% off.
And I cannot recommend highly enough that you make your move.
You can support the fight for liberty and truth and you can bolster your health, your immunity, and your own survival.
Please go to the store and give us the support we so desperately need here at InfoWars by going to the InfoWarsStore.com We are
Going to be right back.
We're going to take some more of your calls.
I'm Roger Stone filling in for my friend Alex Jones.
Don't go away.
We'll be right back.
You provided, Alex, with the caveman?
Well, so we've been formulating this stuff for a while, and we've been getting these different flavors, and you know, oh, I don't know about this one.
You know, and so I've been taking that stuff, and I'm an old man.
I'm 42.
I work out five times a week, if not more.
I hear you're okay in jiu-jitsu.
No, I'm not.
I'm terrible.
I'm terrible.
But, the point is, is that I have a lot of aches and shoulders and, you know, this weird joint stuff that I've had issues with for years.
And this bone broth, the Caveman Bone Broth, along with our joint formula, has just worked magic for me.
And that's just, you know, that's just from my personal experience.
I think they're great products and I think if anybody else has those issues that you should definitely, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
If I'm wrong, then hey man, write me a mean letter.
But let me tell you, they work for me.
Yeah, they work for me too.
Actually, we were talking about this earlier.
Dude and I play basketball and I'm just now, like for the first time in my life, I'm 27 now, after I play basketball my knees are barking.
So, but the bone broth and the joint formula, like you just said, you combine those two, I felt the difference immediately.
I felt it immediately.
Yeah, and it actually tastes good.
Like, I'm really picky and I will drink it.
It tastes good to me.
I love chocolate, so I really like the flavor of the Caveman.
So, I mean, if the bone broth...
Bone broth.
If the bone broth is really that gross, I mean, I would never have known because it tastes really good.
And my favorite is the Super Female Vitality.
So ladies, get yourself some Super Female Vitality if you haven't already because it seriously, it just gets me going.
I mean, I'll take a whole bunch of that stuff before I go out and do my... Maybe get it for your wife then too, or girlfriend.
I go and take a bunch of it before I go do Man on the Street.
I just start running, zipping around, running right into the action.
No fear, nothing.
Well, that's a big primary part about, you know, fighting the globalists is making sure that we stay healthy and stay clear-eyed and stay honest and stay humble.
I hope that we do that here at InfoWars.
We got a lot going on and we're in the middle of the fight, so we really appreciate it when anybody supports us, either by purchasing our products or you can even go on to our store and donate.
We're doing this by the skin of our teeth.
I know it looks like we're in a billion-dollar studio, but Alex has never taken one cent of
A borrowed money at all whatsoever.
This is all money that's come from you listeners.
So you've literally built this place, you know, built this place with your compassion and built this place with the support that you've sent us.
So from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate it because I know we wouldn't be able to do this.
We wouldn't have a voice if it wasn't for you.
So once again, we've got to thank the listeners for their steadfastness in supporting us.
Even when we make mistakes, and even when we're not right, and even when we might go a little bit crazy, you guys stick with us and I appreciate that.
He loves the game, he has fun with it, and he's very good at it.
I'm an agent provocateur.
Political strategist.
Controversial as you can get.
An incredible capacity for treachery.
When it all costs mentality.
When people think of Washington corruption, they think of Roger Stone.
Those who say I have no soul, those who say I have no principles, are losers.
Those are bitter losers.
There's really nobody quite like Roger Stone.
The Nixon tattoo is really all you need to know about Roger.
We really pioneered negative campaign advertising.
He created the modern sleazeball lobbyist.
Washington's been worse for it ever since.
Stones rule.
It is better to be infamous than never be famous at all.
The Swinger scandal happened.
My private life is nobody's business.
He got chased out of Washington.
He's looking to see if he can find an angle.
I was like a jockey looking for a horse.
You can't win the race if you don't have a horse.
Roger saw something that nobody else saw back in the early 80s.
I suggested that Trump should explore a bid for the presidency.
He created Donald Trump as a political figure.
What have I lied about?
Have you spoken with the WikiLeaks founder?
Roger, you can't just say that.
You have to be outrageous to get noticed.
America may be collapsing, but Roger Stone is determined to enjoy it.
I revel in your hatred, because if I weren't effective, you wouldn't hate me.
And that is the trailer for the upcoming documentary by Netflix, Get Me Roger Stone, which will debut, actually premiere, this weekend, this Sunday, at the Tribeca Film Festival.
There are then four showings next week, exclusively in New York.
And then it will be available in early May on Netflix.
I myself have not seen the full documentary, but just let me say, that which does not kill me makes me stronger.
We are also happy to tell you that I will be right here in the Austin area tonight at the Round Rock Barnes & Noble at 2701 Parker Road in Round Rock, Texas.
We're going to have some speaking, a little Q&A, and then I'll be signing books for any patriots or fine liberty-leaning Americans who want to come by.
So I look forward to meeting you tonight.
And then tomorrow night, I will be yet again, as I said earlier, in San Antonio, one of my favorite towns, from 530 to 9 at Artisa in Quarry Village.
That's 300 East Bass Road in San Antonio.
That's tomorrow night.
So by all means, if you're in the San Antonio area, join us.
Lastly, let me ask you one more time, go to theinfowarsstore.com, get your copy of The Making of the President 2016, How Donald Trump Orchestrated an American Revolution.
Folks, this is the inside story of how Donald Trump pulled off the greatest political upset
In American history.
And it outlines the crucial role that InfoWars.com played in that victory.
That's why Donald Trump's prospects for re-election without a strong, vibrant economy and a strong, vibrant alternative media...
Our nil.
That's why we need your support here at InfoWars.com.
So please, folks, go to the store and help us continue the fight to make America great again.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
The religion of peace strikes again!
39-year-old Corey Ali Mohammed, who shot three people dead in downtown Fresno yesterday, shouted Allah Akbar before he pulled the trigger.
And police are now saying that Mohammed had expressed hatred towards white people and the government.
In fact, if you take a look at his Facebook page,
You'll notice a meme he posted recently about White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, who according to Mohammed, is a white devil.
But on the other hand, the Fresno Killer says he does like MSNBC, CNN, Van Jones, the Young Turks, and of course, Black Lives Matter.
So far it's unclear if his rampage was based on watching left-wing media inspired by BLM or
I think.