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Name: 20170416_Sun_Alex
Air Date: April 16, 2017
1892 lines.

Alex Jones discusses unity, supporting InfoWars, political climate, health products, and interviewing Dr. Michael Savage on various topics. He encourages listeners to support InfoWars by signing up for the podcast and visiting GCNLive.com. InfoWars promotes Super Blue fluoride-free toothpaste and has partnered with Defender Body Armor to provide body armor through InfowarStore.

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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Riders on the storm!
Make no mistake... You may try to stay out of the storm in your life, but...
That puts you in the most dangerous waters because then you never strive, you never build, you never get challenged.
And in those doldrums of rotting foam, in those back-channel eddies, your whole destiny basically dies in mediocrity and stagnation.
The world in 2017 is at a great crossroads.
And I am here on Friday afternoon taping a few intros to a big, important rebroadcast we have with some of the best interviews the last few months with Michael Savage and others, Daniel Esselstyn, you name it.
And I'm just hoping, and I'm pretty sure in my heart, we won't have nuclear war by the time this broadcast is going out.
Trump has said that if North Korea keeps threatening to attack Japan or South Korea and fires missiles, they may shoot down those missiles.
They do a nuclear test on the grandfather's birthday.
He's been dead for 30, 40 years.
It's a hundred and something birthday that they will strike out as well.
But finally, China, South Korea, Japan, the United States are all tired of North Korea's behavior.
You'll never hear this if there's actually a big attack, because it'll probably cause some chain reaction, or I'll definitely be here live, responding to whatever happens.
So, this is really a celebration.
The fact this is on air, that if you're seeing this on Sunday, and it's taped, it means I'm with my children, having an Easter dinner, and you're with your children, your family, having an Easter dinner as well.
You know, and I've always been brought up a Christian, and I love God, but I never really pushed my Christianity like Islamists has pushed theirs or others.
But I had a guest on earlier last week, Doug Hagman, who said, it's time for Christians to stop being so tolerant.
You know, we're tolerant of everybody else, but then they're not tolerant of us.
So we're so tolerant, we give up our culture that unifies us to make them happy.
It doesn't make them happy.
And I'm sorry that Christians everywhere build the best civilizations, the best secure countries, the biggest social safety networks, the most liberal systems, and then you use that very liberalism that we created to piss all over it.
Because whether you have a Anglo-Saxon background, or a Hispanic background, or an Asian background, or an Arabic background, or a whatever it is, if you're a Christian,
That unifies you together on do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
And the Golden Rule.
And people say, oh, look at this in the Bible or that.
Okay, but no one denies Christian countries are the most prosperous and the most free.
So I'm not gonna sit here and hear you piss all over Christianity anymore.
And I'm not going to sit here like some phony establishment preacher who wouldn't use the term piss on you.
Or people who say, don't use the Lord's name in vain.
That's what some preacher defined it.
When I say, God damn the New World Order to hell, I mean I want God to damn them to hell.
That's not taking God's name in vain.
I'm asking God to deliver us from these people.
I'm asking for fire.
Like Ezekiel called down from heaven against the enemies.
Or Elijah.
I want them damned to hell!
Not because I'm in a physical war with them and want to see them hurt from some psychopathic perspective, but because they're waging war against us, and I've had enough of the New World Order, and the devil worshippers, and the pedophiles, and the radical Islamists, and all the other cults.
I want them out of my way.
Because I'm a lover, not a fighter.
But I'm tired of lovers being such lovers.
We roll over and realize if we're real lovers, we gotta be fighters.
Because the greatest fighters are the lovers.
We're not fighters, but we're willing to fight because we love people.
And when we fight, it's much stronger.
So on this Easter Sunday, as Christ rose from the dead after three days like Lazarus, I call on the human spirit.
The spirit, the life force, Christ.
God's spirit in us, the Holy Spirit.
We're made in the image of God.
Christ is that archetype of what we can build towards to move upon the face of the world.
Let the spirit of evil in 2017 be broken.
That we all pray that together.
A big hour coming up and I'll come back with one more transmission at the start of the next hour.
Stay with us.
The reason InfoWarsLive has five-star ratings on major third-party sites is because I want products I'm gonna use for my family.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, Ron Paul has come out and said it was a false flag chemical attack.
The former top British ambassador has come out and said that it was a false flag attack.
Peter Ford, he said now the jihadis will launch more false flags and draw Trump in.
Vladimir Putin has come out and said it, but it hasn't gotten any attention like Michael Savage, best-selling author, probably the number one or number two talk show host in the United States, coming on the broadcast right now exclusively.
In about an hour, he hosts his own broadcast, despite the fact he's under the weather.
His new best-selling book, Trump's War, warns on page 233.
Trump's war against the deep state and he warns in the chapter, I read the book a month ago, of them trying to get him into war.
So, that's why they call him Dr. Savage.
I won't go into all his degrees, medical degrees, you name it, but exclusively joins us here, Zero Hedge, Drudge Report has it.
Michael Savage turns on Trump, says Syrian gas attack was false flag.
I don't think it's turning on Trump, it's warning Trump.
Maybe I'm wrong, but CNN saying he's turned on Trump.
I don't want to put words in his mouth, I haven't gotten his total view on this, but Dr. Savage of michaelsavage.com, am I wrong to say you haven't turned your desk?
That's the vermin in the left trying to divide and conquer once again.
It's the garbage of the world in the media.
The trash, the filth, the sludge.
I never turned on Trump.
Now I don't know whether we can reach Trump.
That's the problem.
I don't know who he's listening to.
Well I did talk to, let's just say, I did get what the president thought this week and I'll tell you later.
I know you just had dinner with him a few weeks ago, but let's just, you've got the floor sir, so just roll this out, why you're so concerned.
They're not the only ones who see this.
Let's start with all the people you mentioned, but let's go the other way.
Who is supporting this?
The worst people on the planet are saluting Trump.
Tariq Zachariah, Mr. Crazy Eyes, Lindsey Graham, the weirdest man in the history of the Senate, John McCain, the psycho when he speaks you can see insanity.
They're all saluting Donald Trump.
These are the people we hated before the election.
These are the people who were rejected during the election.
Now they're on Trump's side, along with the crypto pseudo-conservatives in the radio business who hold themselves up as great conservatives who are screaming for war?
Alex, the world is upside down.
If you can keep your head while all those around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, then you'll be a man my son.
One of the greatest lines ever written, something I've carried with me since I'm 18 years old.
If you can keep your head and all those around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, then you'll be a man, my son.
Alex, we are being tested like we have never been tested before.
I don't know how we've come out of this, because I don't know if Donald Trump is listening to a word anyone is saying to him, other than this inner cadre around him.
Somebody has turned him.
Now, let's look at the big picture.
In a period of only one week, because of a few propaganda photos of a terrible tragedy,
Conducted by we don't know whom, the president has now launched wars and threatened wars against three nations.
China, Russia, North Korea.
But more than that, Alex, here's the strangest part of it all.
For a smart man, why would he conduct these absurd, limp-wristed missile strikes while the Chinese guests are sitting with him at Mar-a-Lago?
Does anyone not understand protocol?
Do they not understand diplomacy?
Do they understand that's probably one of the greatest breaches of diplomacy I've ever seen in my lifetime?
This was like saying to the Chinese, hello, small, stupid men with shiny heads.
Are you enjoying my meal?
Well, F you, because I've just launched missiles.
Now what do you have to say about it?
What kind of presidency is this?
I'll agree.
I'll agree.
It's very, very, very provocative.
Well, you're being more diplomatic than I, which is saying an awful lot.
Maybe it's because I have the flu and I have a fever and I'm not thinking clearly.
No, you're thinking very clearly.
In fact, every veteran I talk to, every person I talk to, I'd say 85% of the audience is absolutely freaked out about what's happening.
And I'll tell you who, you know who he listens to.
I'll tell you who Trump listens to.
Late at night, they've taken his phone away.
They only let negative stuff go on Twitter.
He doesn't get any positive comments there.
He would do feedback there.
He listens to Michael Savage.
He listens to InfoWars.
He looks at Drudge Report.
Probably more than us combined, let's just say it.
So... Alex, hold on.
How does he listen to me if I'm off in the air?
He goes and finds clips on YouTube, I know for a fact.
The point is, the point is, is that he does listen to you.
I got a phone call this weekend from somebody, I'll just leave it at that, saying we're not going to do a no-fly zone, we're not going to have war.
Rex Tillerson's going to come out and dial this back.
Some people have been speaking on their own, and notice Tillerson's now done that.
I said that Sunday, I said that Monday, it's now happened.
I don't want to sit here and brag and try to sound big, but just, he is listening to you.
So speak directly to the President, go ahead.
Oh my God.
Well hello, President Trump.
You said I should live another 25 years when you put your arm around me at Mar-a-Lago.
I hope you mean it because I can use another 25 minutes the way I feel.
My feeling is this.
Tillerson is misleading you.
I have no idea why people don't see through that man.
It seems to me that it's so plain that you don't have to be a genius to see what happened here.
What good does Exxon Mobil gain if they cut Syria out of the gas lines that are running out of the Middle East to Europe?
What does Exxon Mobil gain by that, Alex?
That's the whole story in a nutshell.
It's another war for oil.
It's all over again.
It's the same thing as 1999.
Remember when Bill Clinton was mercilessly bombing the Serbian people?
For the Muslims.
I read an article in 1999, the oily tracks run through Kosovo.
It was a little-noticed article.
My heart was broken because Bill Clinton engaged in 78 of the worst days of my life until now.
Where Bill Clinton mercilessly bombed Serbia.
He blew up hospitals.
He blew up train stations.
He blew up every bridge on the Danube River.
For one reason.
And that was to steal Kosovo from the Serbs.
To permit an oil pipeline to run through Kosovo.
What's even worse about that story is
The same exact elements that are now on the side of war were on the side of war then.
And the same people and rational people who cared for the stability of the Earth, for the stability of their families, were against that insane act by Bill Clinton.
I have not changed my position.
It's the same exact thing.
We cannot let crazed businessmen, who put their bottom line ahead of the survival of the planet, and I'm talking about Rex Tillerson, to rule this nation.
Did you vote for Rex Tillerson?
With his name on the **** ballot?
Did you ever hear of that Cro-Magnon?
Who ever heard of that throwback?
Where did he come from?
Where the hell did that throwback come from?
That lowbrow.
Looks like he crawled out of a pit somewhere.
Eddie Monster?
We can say all the things we want.
I did not elect him to the presidency.
I didn't kill myself for a year.
I have total faith in Donald Trump.
And I'll repeat right now what I said to him.
I would do anything for that man.
I have total faith in him.
But I don't understand how he cannot see through all the president's men.
They're misleading him.
They're taking him down a road he cannot come back from.
Absolutely, that's what my... If he loses you and he loses me, tell me what happens next.
That they'll destroy him, and he has to know that his base is upset, but let's expand on that.
The British ambassador, and I'm going to ask you this question, to Syria said, listen, it's not that Assad's perfect, we're on the side of al-Qaeda and ISIS, they're celebrating this, they're going to stage more stuff, they got caught in 2013, they got caught last year, it's official!
They videotaped it.
These jihadis want to be rock stars.
They videotaped launching the chemical attacks.
It wasn't sarin.
It was chlorine gas because the doctors are taking care of them without gloves.
And Putin has come out and said it's a false flag.
And he says more is planned.
And that's what the British ambassador and Putin, who are smart, are saying is.
We don't want war.
We want to de-escalate this.
What are you going to do now, Trump, when the jihadis stage more stuff, this time in Aleppo or in the suburbs of Damascus, and then the right-wing, left-wing neocons, whatever you want to call them, rhinos, the warmongers like McCain and Graham, say, President, you've got to do something.
They have painted him into a corner.
What more do you need to know than the crazy eyes of himself?
Let's look at the man with the craziest, most deceitful eyes in the media.
Zachariah, one of the sickest looking faces I've ever seen.
If you were to create a puppet of deceit and hatred for America, it would be Fareed Zachariah.
Yeah, Fareed Zachariah.
Congratulating Donald Trump.
Lindsey Graham, one of the most twisted sisters in the history of the Senate.
A totally twisted Nancy.
He's now encouraged by the Trump administration.
John McCain, who looks like what he is, a totally sad, broken man, walking around like the puppet of the defense establishment, saluting him.
And listen to this, Alex.
Again, you don't have to be a genius to add up the pieces.
All of the never-Trumpers, the Weekly Standard crowd,
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Russian President Vladimir Putin says the Syria chemical attack was a false flag, and more are on the way.
We have information from various sources that a similar provocation, and I can't call it anything other than a provocation, is being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus.
Where they're again preparing to release some similar chemical substances and accuse the Syrian authorities of using them.
Putin went on to compare the situation in Syria to Saddam Hussein's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, which may indicate that he believes the U.S.
is either behind the false flag or actively pushing the propaganda.
Meanwhile, the Russian government says Syrian forces possess no chemical weapons and any further attacks in Syria by the United States will be unacceptable.
And you can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
I was afraid this day might come.
But it takes a strong man to make peace and a weak man to make war.
It is not a mark of strength to go to war, especially when our military is depleted.
Now, let's look at that.
We all know the military is depleted.
The President knows that.
And now what?
We're threatening China and Russia and North Korea at once?
When half our planes, our aircraft carriers are inoperable?
What in the hell is going on here?
Who is leading here?
Who is making these decisions?
I want to say something on a strictly commercial level.
My book, Trump's War, became number one on the New York Times bestseller list, Alex, with zero appearance on Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, never mind all of the other channels.
That shows the decline of their power.
Not only the decline of their power, Alex, I went on your show, drudge linked it, that was all I needed.
I don't need a new car.
I'm not looking to buy a new car.
I'm looking to save the nation.
I know you get that with us, because we're the real media.
And here's the problem, Dr. Savage.
Google has banned us off Google Ads.
David Brock is bragging that they've got all these people boycotting all our sponsors.
We've lost almost all of them.
We thank God we sell our own products.
And I'm not bitching to the audience, but here's the deal.
Just like your book on China got banned from distribution, we are under attack.
And folks know that we have the big audience.
We're fighting.
And the listeners need to know we're not the types to whine.
But my God, are we getting censored.
Alex, again, talking commercially because a lot of people listening who don't know these things.
The ratings just came out in streaming radio shows.
My show is number one in the country, beating the great Rush Limbaugh by a huge number.
On a bunch of platforms.
Rush Limbaugh.
Let's talk about him for a minute.
How in the world does this man not understand what he sounds like?
It's very sad.
Well, I tuned in the other day and I thought he was saying he was against it.
Then he said, oh, I'm playing Devil's Advocate.
Then he did an hour for it.
And I just, I just, I don't want to see him.
I'd rather not even talk about him.
It's sad to watch a clown like that fall off the high wire.
Alex, what are we going to do to get our message across to Donald Trump?
Does he even care what we have to say?
Let me tell you, he listens.
The problem is... Why don't we ask him?
If you have access, I don't.
I live out in Nowhereville, way on the West Coast.
No one cares what I think.
I guarantee you if I tell Trump you want to meet him in Mar-a-Lago next weekend, quite frankly I was with a family trip in Hawaii, the media goes crazy with this, I'm not going to get into it, but let's just say I could have gone, I just literally was family and I couldn't do it.
But believe me sir, he absolutely loves you and you know that, you already had dinner with him.
If you want to go visit Trump, I mean you can snap your fingers, I'll make a phone call and it'll happen.
Well, I don't want to snap fingers.
No, I don't mean that arrogantly.
I'm just saying he'd love to meet with you.
I would love to visit him, not in Mar-a-Lago, but in the White House.
That's what I would like to do.
And I would fly across the country.
I'm getting over the flu right now.
I fought it off with my own nutrients, by the way.
I haven't had the opportunity of taking yours.
I'll tell you the truth, I could use some of that selenium right now.
I'm pretty depleted.
I feel like a depleted uranium shell.
You've been working hard.
It's 75.
A depleted uranium shell, Alex.
Uh, look, people think this is a joke and they think we do this just for effects or books.
Alex, I know listening to your show that your heart's in it.
And anyone listening to me knows that my heart is in this.
I don't know how to rescue the president from his, from his advisors.
Something went wrong and it happened last week.
There must be some way to sit down with him and say, please, Mr. President, please, in your
An array of people who you listen to.
Please listen to those who help make you what you are.
We're not wrong.
We're not crazy.
We're not against you.
Why are you listening to the Never Trumpers who are pretending they're for you now?
They're leading you into a blind out of which you'll never return.
That's key!
We're not asking for anything but freedom, and not having war, and lower taxes.
We're not the sycophants that tried to destroy him, that he's tried to co-opt by giving power, and instead they're beginning to co-opt him.
In fact, that's a key point, Dr. Savage, for me, in this segment on You've Gotta Go, is that...
He's just surrounded.
They have all this national security stuff.
They took his phone away.
They did all this other stuff on Mount Liberty to get into.
They took his cell phone away claiming it would be a violation of national security.
And I don't know why he let them do it because that's what he used to call me on.
Now he calls people up, Priebus is on the phone.
When Trump calls you now, Priebus goes, this is Renz Priebus, Alex, will you talk to Trump?
Or, Roger, it's Priebus, will you talk?
And then they sit there on the phone, because he's the president, so, sir, we have to do this to make sure the Russians aren't doing it.
And they even tried to keep me from the inauguration, telling Trump he's a Russian.
They bully him with this.
So I think he struck Syria, so they stopped saying the Russia thing.
I can't go into what he did, but there's always a way out of something you do once you realize that it's not required to go down the road 100%.
In other words, let's say it's done.
What's done is done.
For God's sake, stop beating the war drums.
There are consequences to it.
Remember Lois Lerner?
The Lois Lerner who was Director of the Exempt Organizations Unit of the IRS?
The Lois Lerner who has the same haircut as Shughar in No Country for Old Men?
The woman who was under investigation for denying conservative groups tax-exempt status or delaying their status until after Obama's election in 2012?
Well, she got off scout-free after the original investigation found no evidence, but skeptical of that rigged outcome, Representative Peter Roskam and Representative Kevin Brady have requested that the new Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, take another look into the evidence withstanding against Lerner.
Here's Representative Roskam.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Troyer.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
A few months ago, President-elect Donald Trump told an audience during his victory tour that his administration will not take part in regime changes.
We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments, folks.
That was then, and this is now.
After the false flag chemical attack in Syria, which was blamed on Assad, the neocons and the military-industrial complex have convinced the new president that it's business as usual, and the regime changes will commence.
My attitude toward Syria and Assad has changed very much.
Well, the only difference is this time the American patriots won't be fooled again.
I'm Darren McBreen, and you can learn more right now at Infowars.com.
Russia unveiled a Satan-2 missile that could wipe out France or Texas with the type of megaton weapons it carries.
Multiple ones, by the way.
Of course, there's a lot more advanced stuff than that.
They've been in the Air Force by the 90s, developed anti-matter bombs that would destroy, if they theoretically tested them, they would destroy most of the solar system.
What's the point of that?
I don't know.
But we're reaching that Atlantis moment, whether Atlantis existed or not.
In the fable of Atlantis, the legend, they get some super technology that blows the whole island up.
And Plato lived only, you know, a few thousand years after.
He said, no.
He had the animals, the books about it.
It happened.
But whether that was real or not, folks, we're now at the Atlantis moment.
Michael Snyder, you know, I don't know if you have kids.
I have children, especially my little daughters.
And I see this news, and I see how sweet they are, and it really makes me angry.
Yeah, I don't want war either, Alex.
And that's why I'm so alarmed by what's happened this week.
We already talked about how North Korea could potentially spark a war with China.
Well, the situation with Syria, if it was just Syria, it wouldn't be that big of a deal.
And Trump could do whatever he wanted if it was just Syria.
But the Russians are there!
And the Russians are mixed in among the Syrian forces and they're at the Syrian air bases in particular.
So Trump, with his words and the members of his administration in recent days, they've kind of committed themselves to taking some sort of action in response to this false flag chemical attack.
But they've kind of committed themselves.
But if they do anything and the bombs start dropping and the Russians, their people are being killed, their force is under threat, are the Russians just going to sit there and do nothing?
Or are they going to respond?
I believe the Russians would start responding.
They would start shooting back.
And so what happens if, okay, U.S.
warplanes go in, they start bombing, and then Russian missiles, the S-300 starts taking U.S.
airplanes out, we start seeing F-16s fall out of the sky on CNN.
What's that going to do to the anti-Russian hysteria in Washington that's already at Cold War heights?
I mean, it's just going to be insane.
But you have this situation, and of course we've got Iran in Syria, we've got Hezbollah in Syria, and there's nothing to be gained in there.
You know, there's so much that could go wrong.
We don't want a conflict with Iran.
We don't even want a conflict with Hezbollah.
They're pretty serious.
But especially with Russia.
Our relationship with Russia is already quite tenuous.
And if we go in and dead bodies of Russian service members start showing up on Russian television, you know, the Russians are going to totally turn against Trump.
Any hope of restoring relations...
Yeah, Russia doesn't back down.
Russia is not intimidated by anyone.
The Russians, historically, are fighters.
And so, you know, we had hoped that with Trump coming in, we could have a better relationship with Russia.
But this thing with Syria could actually make it far, far worse.
I'm going to commit blasphemy against the globalists right now in the New World Order.
I'm going to tell all of you that we're celebrating the Christian holiday of Easter, Our Risen Christ, on the third day by having some of the biggest specials ever at mfulworthstore.com on amazing supplements.
You know, mainstream media demonizes us for selling high quality organic supplements that are game changers.
While they have all the poison big pharma drug ads all day, saying they're poisoning the people.
What a shameful group of wicked devils.
Ladies and gentlemen, our Christ raised from the dead on the third day.
And our republic can rise from the dead if we wake up to what the globalists are doing and if you support independent free media.
There's never been a better time to support InfoWars with these specials at InfoWarsLife.com.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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We are the dealers.
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But what happens when the globalists break the compact with humanity and begin to cut off the resources and say development's bad?
We have to break with them.
Daniel Eskildon, best-selling author, investigative journalist, super Bilderberg sleuth, probably Jim Tucker discovered it and exposed it, but
Daniel Esselstyn actually penetrated it, infiltrated it.
Again, we're going to talk to him about all his amazing sources.
I know he's got Bilderberg sources.
I even know who their names are.
He's given us amazing intel.
A year and a half before the housing collapse, he said they're going to plunge the housing system in a year and a half and give the reasons.
I mean, he's laid it all out.
And so, danielesteland.com.
He joins us via video Skype from Canada, where he's at right now.
So, Daniel, great seeing you again.
Thank you for joining us.
If you're a radio listener, Infowars.com forward slash show.
You can always see the video feeds, folks.
It's free.
Let me ask you to just set the waterfront for us here.
I've made my points for three minutes.
What do you want to cover today?
I'm just guessing what you might want to cover because we're focusing on the same war that's going on.
But what else is on your palate?
I think.
Alex, it's great to be back on your show.
You're right.
I haven't been on for about a year.
A lot has been going on.
And in this past few weeks, first of all, you won the very important award in Mexico.
Just came back there from Mexico.
That's first of all.
Well, NATO Montenegro is something I want to discuss.
Urgent issue that Americans need to understand.
The treacherous and the treasonous attempt by the United States and the world.
The presidency back, win the White House back.
We can discuss that as well.
I think at no time in America's prior history, Alex, has anything so openly subversive and treacherously treasonous ever been perpetuated in the United States of America before.
I think the closest being the covert conspiracy single-handedly thwarted by America's military hero, General Smithley Butler in 1934, when a band of elitist bankers, traders attempted a coup d'etat against the FDR administration.
We know the game.
The all-too-familiar divide-and-conquer strategy is once again the globalist go-to modus operandi.
We're seeing it right now in St.
We're seeing it in the United States.
We're seeing it in Europe.
We're seeing it in Latin America.
We're seeing it all over the world.
And again, this is being implemented through the multi-pronged assaults waging an open insurrection war against
Daniel, you don't like labels, but, I mean, you've been so on target over the years in your books I've read, both novels and classified stuff, and both non-novels.
It makes my head spin.
I respect you more as the years go on.
You're one of those maybe ten people I know that have been so on target, it's actually scary.
People think I'm on target, it's my guests that are on target.
But looking at globalism, I would call you a classical liberal.
You didn't like Bush, you don't like all this stuff, you're very liberal policies.
I agree with a lot of those as well.
You're a real liberal.
We see Nigel Farage, I'd call a real liberal for Trump.
It's not that Trump's perfect, it's just that clearly the power structure's against him, they hate him, and then you lay out St.
You know, what's happening there with their agenda.
So where should we start?
You have the real liberals.
And then nationalists of every race, color, creed, and then you've got Republican establishment, Democratic establishment, elites, European elites, all wanting this global system, trying to prop it up, and then just, we're allied with radical Islam.
We're not against Islam, but just radical Islam.
Who are the players?
Where are we right now?
Well, Alex, the ruling elite's long-time agenda has been to destroy the United States and the West from within.
And in reaction to last year's growing anti-globalist movement represented by the Brexit vote and also anti-establishment Trump election, the elite is becoming desperately aggressive right now, fighting for absolute domination and population control, insidiously wiping out
You know, unstable domestic conditions throughout the Western world, engineered to explode, you know, with racial, class, religious, and also politically charged civil war violence in both America and Europe.
What you're seeing in the United States, we have seen in Europe, in Spain, in Italy, in France, in England, in Germany, in other countries as well, in Portugal and also in Greece.
In the United States, this takes the form of mass deployment of a robotically dumbed-down, highly manipulated, yet well-organized political left.
And again, we've seen this, you know, with the flake movements in the United States right after the Trump election.
Now, constituting the elite's weapons of mass destruction against Trump's reactionary or militarized authoritarian federal forces, soon spilling blood and chaos as America's very own spring uprising.
The coming riots are aimed at causing the violent breakdown of civil society in both America and Europe.
Of course, co-timed with the ongoing... Let me just back your view on so much knowledge here.
Clearly they're trying to foment race war, all this crap.
You mentioned that.
They're trying to foment war.
They admit they're trying to foment war.
So let's dial back and talk about that.
Some specifically, because this is unprecedented.
The COG, mainstream papers saying overthrow Trump, calling for civil war.
And they're saying, implode the economy to hurt nationalism, as if the public doesn't get, you're going to hurt our economy?
To get, I mean, forget Trump!
They're openly saying, make us poorer?
Well, Alex, there is a new norm in America that is one of chaos, race wars, and also mass shootings that are supposedly, you know, real.
Unless, of course, you can provide a mountain of evidence to debunk the official mainstream media narrative, police announcements, or whatever intelligence sources, you know, are saying.
And, of course, this new norm is, you know,
Is even being contributed to by many alternative media sources in the interest of being correct, no, and authentic about what they're saying.
I think for the first time in modern American history, we have a generation that doesn't know what order, calmness, and peace look like.
They have no idea what it's like not to be at war, or even to be in a war that has realistic scenarios for the possible ending date.
And now, with the ruling elite moving as fast as ever to get their new world order done,
We're seeing a brand new level of chaos and fear slowly becoming the new norm that particularly the millennials are being led to believe is inevitable and the new unavoidable reality.
So I think that's what's happening.
I agree.
John McCain said the New World Order is collapsing in crisis.
All the elites are saying it.
I think it's premature to say that, but they're finally hitting the alarm bell.
Why are they saying that?
You know Alex, the chaos once almost exclusively limited to the Middle East that we've become so accustomed to watching on television is slowly but surely carrying over to the United States and also to Russia as we saw today, one PSYOP Gladio B operation staged event at a time.
No longer is chaos something happening thousands of miles away.
It's happening right here in America.
It's happening in Russia, in my hometown.
And notice, you know, I keep saying chaos because unlike Operation Gladio, which occurred throughout Europe, mostly from the 1960s to the early 1980s, 1990s, sorry, the current so-called Operation Gladio B, which again, you know, we can call Northwood.
Instead of being purely staged, they bring in people that will do it.
Well, it's much more sophisticated.
You have Gladio B, unlike Gladio A, is being conducted in an era of mass psychological terror and deception, made possible by technology, legalized propaganda, fake terror groups like ISIS.
Van Daniel, you move so quickly.
It's all so on target while I'm getting my brain burning here.
Let me ask this before we go to break.
Why do they hate Russia so much?
I know you're a Russia expert.
I've never been there.
I just study it.
They're not expanding.
They're trying to build their country.
They have good policies for their people.
Why are the elites so out to get Russia?
It's crazy.
Because you can't have one world government, one world company limited unless you can destroy it.
The only nuclear-powered
China has nuclear weapons, but China's military is an economic superpower.
Russia is the only alternative to the military superpower that is the United States.
So again, until you can destroy Russia, you will not have your one world, whatever you want to call it.
But their program destroying Russia is failing.
The Russians always dig in.
So where does that go?
They just keep doing it and trying to destroy it any way possible.
And again, chaos or order out of chaos.
And this is what we're seeing right now.
Keep in mind, Alex, that the people behind the economic policies in Russia are all the same liberal crowd pulled there by the Bill Clinton presidency 20 years ago.
In other words, Putin may be a great leader and a great politician and a great strategist, but his hands are tied because, again, Putin, as the president, controls foreign policy.
The Prime Minister Medvedev... That's right.
He's completely surrounded like Trump.
Well, he's a liberal stooge trader who works for the interests of the Western governing elite with all the bankers who represent... So, Putin and Trump are both surrounded.
They, like Putin said yesterday, meet with me.
Don't let them intimidate you.
They need to come together, laugh at the whole system, and they need to have a huge, it'll have all the ratings.
They need to, like, have a two-hour talk on TV.
Let's talk about that right now.
We need to get Putin and Trump together right now to just absolutely lay out what's happening.
Daniel Esselstyn is our guest.
Stay with us.
You've heard of Edward Bernays as the father of propaganda, right?
But do you know who the grandfather of propaganda is?
His name was George Creel, and he was the chairman of, wait for it, the Committee on Public Information!
That's right, the CPI was established by President Woodrow Wilson by Executive Order 2594 on April 13th,
1917, just over a hundred years ago.
The purpose of the CPI was to influence American public opinion towards supporting U.S.
participation in World War I via a prolonged propaganda effort.
The committee used newsprint, posters, radio telegraph, cable, and movies to broadcast its message.
Michael Sweeney, who wrote the book Secrets of Victory, said every war story had been censored somewhere along the line, at the source, in transit, or in the newspaper offices, in accordance with voluntary rules established by the CPI.
And who do you think worked at the Committee of Public Information?
None other than Edwin Bernays, who directed the Latin News Service.
The CPI was disbanded by an act of Congress on June 30th, 1919.
We now know them as CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, and CBS.
Rob Dewey reporting for InfoWars.com.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
I don't
Twice a year.
Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
I'm going to commit blasphemy against the globalists right now in the New World Order.
I'm going to tell all of you that we're celebrating the Christian holiday of Easter, our risen Christ, on the third day by having some of the biggest specials ever at Infowarsstore.com on amazing supplements.
You know, mainstream media demonizes us for selling high quality organic supplements that are game changers.
Oh, they have all the poison big pharma drug ads all day sitting there poisoning the people.
What a shameful group of wicked devils.
Ladies and gentlemen, our Christ raised from the dead on the third day.
And our Republic can rise from the dead if we wake up to what the globalists are doing and if you support independent free media.
There's never been a better time to support InfoWars with these specials at InfoWarsLife.com.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I know the globalists want to cut off the resources to dictate humanity's surrender to their technotronic system.
And the communist Chinese, God bless them, are enslaving their own people.
They're totally on board with the globalists.
There's kind of some infighting and jockeying going on, but Russia has, you know, almost what, I was saying six times, three times the size of the U.S.
Five or six times bigger than China.
Most of it's unpopulated.
And the globalists just say, we want that, we want that now.
It's like they've taken Africa, exploited it, Latin America, you name it.
You know, most of the Amazon Basin's unpopulated as well.
They want people wiped out of there.
We live in big cities because we're all together, and they go, the world's overpopulated.
Go drive an hour.
There's nothing out there.
But you're on roads that go into the other towns, so it creates the perception there's always people.
People means commerce.
It means jobs.
That's why, like a fish reef, you know, there might not be another reef for 200 miles in the ocean, but this reef's all these teeming fish.
Oh, there's so many fish here!
What's going on?
That's because there's life there.
There's an economy.
All right, Daniel Estillon.
We were getting into Montenegro.
The Senate passed it.
Only two people voted against it.
Sessions, obviously, is a vacancy, so he wasn't there.
But we're looking at all this.
And they're trying to start a war there.
Now Trump can veto it, or NATO can veto it.
But regardless, they want to start a war.
What do you think the global order is going to do?
Because last time we had you on a year ago, you said, well, there have been some problems, but they're not in crisis yet.
Sounds like you're saying they're panicked, they're in crisis.
They're getting, it seems like they're like Junkers saying we'll start a war with Europe, we'll march an EU army in, we'll economically destroy the UK, they're threatening us with breaking America up.
It seems like, this doesn't look like what winners do, but you're the experts on the next...
13 minutes.
You've got the floor before you gotta go.
Give us your presentation.
Again, Daniel Estelin, the best-selling author of the Club Bilderberg and so many books.
You can follow him, obviously, at Twitter.
And we'll put that up on screen for TV viewers.
But Daniel, again, what other knowledge do you want to impart to folks?
Well, I think it's important to understand why these people want to start a war.
The world's financial system, Alex, can survive until about the end of 2017.
The total collapse
The system that we know today will come no longer than January, February 2018.
Every financial instrument and mechanism available was used up to avoid the 2008 near collapse.
So there's no more money in the current system.
The International Monetary Fund and also the United States policy to stimulate the outflow of capital from developing countries, which includes obviously China and Russia, thus buying time for themselves, have taken out over 200 billion dollars from Russia
Manipulating their currency, devaluing the rubles, you know, through the central bank.
And of course, the director of the central bank was pulled there by Clinton's allies in the United States.
And these are the same people who have also caused the outflow of over $1 trillion from China and doing the same thing with the yuan.
In addition, they also took out between $2 and $3 trillion, which were literally stolen from the offshore accounts of the British elite via a Panama Papers scandal, bringing to light the money hidden by the aristocracy, mainly English aristocracy.
This, in fact, was the beginning of Brexit.
Now, Trump has two options available to him.
You either save the United States economy and sink the economies of the rest of the world, because again, you don't have enough money in the system to do everything, or you save the world at the expense of the United States.
And according to Trump, there will be no more dollars for international investments.
Only investment available will be to save the American economy.
Thus, in his first speech, he explicitly talked about the need to invest in U.S.
Something that you and I talked about over a year ago, before Trump's election, before the primaries, we said the need for progress and development of society as goals through infrastructure and space exploration.
Because when we build infrastructure, Alex, we're actually reorganizing the physical space-time of the planet, allowing our world to attain... We're taking fiat crap and actually building something and making it about human activity.
That's one way of putting it.
So, you know, if your system is increasingly moving to higher levels of efficiency, such as, you know, from coal-based economy to an oil-based economy to a nuclear-based economy, there'll be an increase in the productive power of human labor at every step of the way.
And that's the way the actual wealth is created.
Money is simply the way of... But as you know, the globalists admit they want a post-industrial world squeezing off resources.
That's really Trump's great sin, because he wants cheaper energy and innovation and a world based on humans.
And that goes through, actually, probably one of the greatest speeches ever made by a United States politician.
In this case, Donald Trump made one of the greatest speeches ever when he talked about the need for space exploration.
And again, money has no intrinsic value.
It possesses no magical powers.
Only exploration and trailblazing.
Yes, sir.
Well, Alex, exactly.
You know, we are at the gates of a worldwide economic default and dismantling of the capital system.
And the only difference, again, going back to Hillary Clinton, is that Clinton would have pushed us into world war, which would probably have meant the end of mankind as we know it.
That was the old answer to collapse.
We can't do that now.
You know, at the global level, those who supported Clinton are also inside the European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund, Council of Europe, European Parliament, endless U.S.
think tanks, liberal lobby groups.
And in Russia, these people are represented by the United Russia.
That's President Putin's party and Prime Minister Medvedev's.
Of course, Putin has very little to do with United Russia in the sense that his policies are progress and development.
So you're saying his own party's the enemy?
From Russian history, that it took President Putin two presidencies to actually get control of all the circles of power within the Russian government.
And of course, the United States is seeing the same thing.
And these people, they will do everything possible to recover the power they lost, making use of a wide range of hybrid, irregular methodologies from megaterrorism.
Yeah, deep state, people ignoring.
Well, that's why even Fareed Zakaria, a Bilderberg guy, says Trump's most powerful, I mean,
Putin's the most powerful leader in the world.
Not that Russia's even that powerful now economically.
You know, economically, it's like Italy.
It's because he actually is in power, which we're not pushing dictatorship, but instead of globalist manipulation, it's a guy for Russia in charge, and that's why he's so hard to deal with, because finally, a country's actually in charge of itself.
Well, look what they're doing all over the world.
In Western Europe, assassination of politicians, Russian ambassador... Hundreds of top Russians killed, 30 or 40 very, very top ones.
What do you make of that?
Part of the part, you know, part and parcel of what we're talking about.
Civil society breakdown, civil disobedience, United States or Europe.
Russia thus far has been able to avoid that.
You know, to using refugees as a weapon of destabilization and terrorism.
Of course, look at the refugee crisis in Europe.
60 million displaced, of which 5 million are from Syria alone.
And you said in Endgame in 2007, 10 years ago, they would use refugees as weapons.
I know you had sources inside.
They've been planning this forever.
Well, Bilderberg has been planning these things, you know, they plan generations ahead.
And in Germany, today, more than 200 cities have shelters for refugees, many of them living in slums, in the ghettos, segregated from the rest of the population.
The tensions are palpable.
And it's only a matter of time, Alex, before an explosion and social breakdown occurs in Germany, in Italy, in Holland.
And that's how you started.
What are they planning to do after this social breakdown happens that the media is hyping?
Trump versus Clinton was the fight between the representatives of the two of the world's supranational power structures.
The Rothschilds behind Trump against the Rockefellers behind the Clinton.
That said, neither the Rockefeller family nor the Rothschild family represent true power above them.
You know, above the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds we have the Astors, the Lodges, the Flemings, the Grosvenors, the Mathesons, the Keswiks.
Whose fortunes are measured and counted in trillions of dollars.
Trump represents a change in the paradigm of society as we have never seen in the history of humanity.
Not a new world order, but rather a new world struggling to be born, unsure of a true world order.
So you're saying Rothschilds are backing Trump versus the eugenics-based Rockefellers?
If, again, if you kind of look at the people behind... I told my CA sources three years ago, they said, oh, you're bashing the Rothschilds.
Watch what they're about to do.
They're going to try to actually give wealth back to the people.
Not because they're even good.
They don't want a total worldwide bloodbath.
It's just that this time their interests coincide with our interests.
Because, again, behind Clinton, you have the Rockefellers, the transnational bankers, which is the World Company Limited, the globalist, non-American, you know, or American power elite circles.
The people backing Donald Trump are
The non-American financier circles centered in the city of London, Hong Kong, World Center for Money Laundering, Drugs, Intelligence, and British Control, leftover elite circles of the British Empire, the Rothschilds, European elite represented by the old European aristocracy such as the houses of Sage Coburg, Austro-Hungarian aristocracy, and also Ottoman nobility, as well as the Venetian Black nobility.
And then on a smaller scale, you have the intelligence agencies, so on and so forth.
But again,
These are big groups of people, very powerful individuals historically.
But is it fair to say most U.S.
intelligence, from what I've researched, is for Trump?
Most U.S.
intelligence except for the DEA, NSA, and the CIA.
All right, well it's a crazy time to be alive, Daniel.
We've got 50 seconds left.
What else do you want to add?
I think, again, be vigilant, be intelligent, don't follow the propaganda techniques, analyze, and also ask the right questions.
Why is this being done?
Who's going to win and who's going to benefit when all is said and done?
Alright, and again, on Twitter, what's the best place for people to get in touch with you?
I know, I got the Big Press Club Award, one of the biggest groups in Latin America.
I'm very honored.
I wish I could have gone, but there was death threats, so I couldn't.
I want to thank them, though, for their great work.
Thank you, Daniel.
Thank you so much, sir.
I'm going to come back with some final comments straight ahead.
You know, there's our award for the operation, all the great crew.
When we come back, we're going to hit some other news I haven't covered yet.
And we've got the great David Knight taking over on this Monday worldwide transmission.
Infowars.com has a lot of key reports and videos that the globalists do not want you to see, that they do not want you to spread particularly.
It's robots against humans.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
I'm going to commit blasphemy against the globalists right now in the New World Order.
I'm going to tell all of you that we're celebrating the Christian holiday of Easter, our risen Christ, on the third day by having some of the biggest specials ever at Infowarsstore.com on amazing supplements.
You know, mainstream media demonizes us for selling high quality organic supplements that are game changers.
While they have all the poison big pharma drug ads all day, sitting there poisoning the people.
What a shameful group of wicked devils.
Ladies and gentlemen, our Christ raised from the dead on the third day.
And our republic can rise from the dead if we wake up to what the globalists are doing and if you support independent free media.
There's never been a better time to support InfoWars with these specials at InfoWarsLife.com.
Because it's all about life.
Get the products, whether it's water filtration, nutraceuticals, Patriot apparel, you name it, it's all available at InfoWarsStore.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You are either with the Republic or against it.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
I don't sit here before you in some arrogant fashion.
I don't sit here as some potentate who set himself up as the high priest who claims he has all the answers.
I am a lowly person who has seen the face of God.
And who wishes to see others break free from the globalist control so that they can lead us with God's spirit out of this great time of evil.
Last hour, they put together a powerful rebroadcast with Michael Savage and Daniel Estelin.
We've got Chris Paranto, one of the greatest heroes of the modern age, a true archetype of manliness and commitment, and a Christian joining us.
And then we have Michael Savage again from an earlier interview we did.
Very informative, right as we were entering the final days of the election.
But I don't sit here before millions of you.
I don't just say this to sound humble.
It's essential we understand that I know much of what I do is a wrecked failure of what my spirit wants to manifest.
But it is in that willing, in that attempt to oppose the tyrants of the old age,
That by increment, we together can dream, and as builders, then manifest, not through magic, but through real work, a better world.
And I will assure you, when we have transcended this level of crisis, when humanity is finally together in will,
Not collectivized, not enslaved, still individual, but so humbled by the great spectrum of understanding that we finally come together.
When we emerge into the next level of consciousness, it's going to be a full-on war at that level we can't even imagine.
And we're going to emerge saying, why weren't we already ready for this?
We had no idea what we were even entering.
Because the world is all about competition.
The universe is all about competition.
The dimensions are all about competition.
Greediness and selfishness in the universe is a powerful force.
And humanity on this plane of existence, despite the fact we come from the great spark of God, you can't just have the spark of God and be given power.
You have to prove yourself.
So as we go up through these levels,
of dysfunction and corruption and evil.
We have to realize that as we ascend higher and higher, the challenges are going to become greater and greater and greater.
That when you start getting up even within a trillion light years of God's consciousness, you realize, oh my God, we could destroy all the evil in the universe now below us, but that would end free will and end the test.
For God's consciousness that swims down deep and then comes back up as God purifies himself over and over again in the great test.
This isn't out of books, this isn't out of anything you'll ever read, this is out of my soul.
You can deny this if you want, I know it's true.
It's not my truth, it is the truth.
And all of us are God experiencing consciousness.
Like Christ, his perfect son, truly embodied to be tested to make us better.
Whether you believe the story of Christ, which has been proven by Roman historians, or don't, the archetype resonates true to all.
Someone so powerful, when the devil comes and says, I'll give you the whole world, Christ had to weaken himself.
30 plus days, what was it?
Out in the desert, no food, no one could live.
Just to even lower himself to the level
To be tempted.
That's an archetype of not just what he did in the desert, but God lowering himself all the way down from total consciousness, able to create the entire universe we know, all the way down in humbleness to experience that with us.
And then to be tested.
It's truth.
And stare into the universe and see the firmament at night.
It's the sign of God's handiwork.
I hope we're able to broadcast this on a Sunday.
I think we will.
All right, retransmission straight ahead.
You've heard of vigilante justice, right?
Well, now we have Islamic Sharia Vigilantes!
From the Star Tribune, Minneapolis Muslims protest Sharia Vigilante in Cedar Riverside area.
That's right, 22-year-old Abdullah Rashid is trying to enforce what he calls the civil part of Sharia law in his area.
He's been telling people in the Cedar Riverside, Somali-dominated neighborhood not to drink, use drugs, or interact with the opposite sex.
If he sees Muslim women that he believes are dressed inappropriately, he approaches them and suggests they don a hijab.
Back in February, Minneapolis police received reports from concerned citizens who saw Rashid in a dark green uniform donned with patches that said Muslim Defense Force and Religious Police.
Also on the patches were two flags associated with ISIS and other terrorist groups.
But his Muslim brethren do not share his same views.
In fact, the Islamic Institute for Minnesota issued a statement saying Rashid does not speak any way for the Islamic Institute of Minnesota or Muslims in Minnesota.
You can read more about this Sharia vigilante on InfoWars.com.
Rob Due reporting.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Well, the head of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, has come out and said, I've seen all the proof from all the different agencies.
Of course, the president was under surveillance.
Just as he said, they were unlawfully using foreign intelligence gathered on phone calls he was using and his staff was using in the transition team, as they're supposed to do.
To politically spy on him, and then claim they had evidence that he was this Russian agent.
But there was no evidence there, so Trump demanded it come out, and pointed out it was illegal to leak it, and they said, we never spied on you, thinking we have no memory.
They're betting everything on that, just like Gruber said, with Obamacare.
And now we've got, two days ago, on the one year anniversary of the Brussels-Belgium attack, we got a bunch of people getting run over and killed, stabbed to death, and members of parliament saying, don't say it's Islamic.
It's just crazy and now we've got three million more Islamist quote refugees the UN is trying to force Europe to bring in.
They want hundreds of thousands more to be brought in here.
We just played the Democratic Party with the Syrian refugees coming in giving them voter registration cards.
There's so much to talk about.
The point is there's a lot of special hunters think this country belongs to them.
They've overrun it.
They've taken control of it.
But the good news is, the sleeping giant that is America, of every race, color and creed, we're all Americans, we bleed red blood, we're one race on this planet, are waking up to it, and it's a beautiful thing.
Michael Moore came out again yesterday and said we need a civil emergency and to overthrow
President Trump, you see it all over the news, killing, have Marshall Law, Rosie O'Donnell, you have the former deputy head of the Defense Department in the news going to the Pentagon trying to shop the idea of the military overthrowing the president.
That's so illegal, folks, that it makes my head spin.
And it's a bunch of foreign interests, the communist Chinese coming in to help censor Facebook.
You cannot make this up.
So I just talked to some military guys I know, who happen to know Chris Tonto-Piranto, of course, one of the big heroes and survivors of what happened in Benghazi, and of course, lionized properly so in the new film 13 Hours and stuff, big hit and so amazing, to ask, what do you think we should do?
Well, say we support the president and talk about if they're calling for military operations against the president, we're not calling for anything offensive, but
We should start a discussion about the left thinking and Soros doubling the amount of money to these groups to kill cops and burn down cities.
They're planning something.
So Chris, we're going to skip this break so you have more time.
Thank you for joining us and coming on and obviously everything you've done.
Chris, TontoPiranto.com.
I've kind of set the table the last four minutes.
Where are we going with this?
I honestly, I think right now it's just a lot of lib talk.
It'd be really ridiculous at this point for them to start, there's some civil war going on.
You've got guys like myself, you've got plenty of contractors out there that are back home now, plenty of people like myself that are patriots that aren't going to stand aside.
I don't think it's realistic.
I think, again, it's a lot of threats, and the libs do that.
They are a lot of talk, but when action comes, and it comes to actually picking up a gun and doing something,
I think if they were more inclined to protect this country, you'd probably see more of them joining the military or joining the law enforcement.
So I see it as a lot of BS, a lot of just tough talk at this point in time.
But if it comes to this, it's not going to be tough talk.
Believe me, people like myself will stand up and we'll be coming right back at you.
So I just warn them, don't.
Just stop that BS and put a cork in it right now before it really ends up getting to something that they really don't want to get into.
Well, Chris, that's exactly why, as this rhetoric heated up, I wanted to get you on, because you're somebody with just a few other guys.
Of course, some of them died, unfortunately.
Took on hundreds and hundreds of people in two different, you know, major, you know, battle scenes under 13 hours of an admitted stand down.
You just have the physical courage and one of the most, you know, amazing...
Alamo's where some people actually made it out or a 300 where a few people actually made it so it's beyond that you actually survived at a 300 type you know scenario but where it was just six against 300 or 500 but looking at this
That's why I wanted to get you to talk about this as an expert on it, because they seem confident, and I agree it's a lot of talk, but they're really trying to organize it, and I understand Trump's resistance to standing up to this because it'll make him look like a fascist, but when they're openly calling for his death everywhere, and my death and everybody else, and it's just horrible, at a certain point it becomes dereliction of duty if somebody doesn't get indicted, if somebody doesn't get in trouble, you know, when Bow Wow
You know, says, I want to kidnap and rape and enslave the First Lady.
Or when his uncle comes out, Snoop Dogg, and says, I want to kill Trump, puts a music video out.
We know he's a coward, won't do it.
But he's trying to activate other mentally ill people.
So that's why I'm so concerned.
That's true, and you have a good point there.
In the past, if you did that, then the Secret Service would be knocking at your door and possibly you'd be going to prison.
I think that needs to happen.
I think it needs to return.
There does need to be an example set.
Whether it be Snoop Dogg or somebody else out there where you're going to say you're going to kill the President, that's a threat.
That is a terroristic threat at this point.
And the Secret Service, FBI, local law enforcement, somebody needs to be knocking on the doors and pulling these guys in handcuffs.
And honestly, if it is a star, and I hate to use the word Hollywood star, but if that's what you want to call yourselves, a star, you know, TMZ needs to be there, too, to make an example out of you.
An example needs to be made.
And I don't have a problem if Trump decided to do that.
He shouldn't be called a fascist.
That's the law.
You don't threaten to kill the President of the United States.
You don't do that.
In the past, you've never done it.
If you do do it, there are repercussions to it, and I think he does at this point in time, or somebody within the DOJ needs to take this upon themselves and go ahead and do the right thing and arrest somebody.
Make an example out of somebody and make it a public example.
And, you know, we'll see what happens.
But you can't keep letting it go.
You're correct.
You've got to lance that blister eventually.
If not, it's going to get infected.
You've got to do it.
And if you don't, it's just going to get worse and worse and worse.
So I do agree.
I do agree at this point with the threats to the president.
But again, do I think that they're going to come out and actually start an all-out war, a civil war in the United States of America?
They'd be well-earned to not do that.
I mean, I totally agree with what you're saying about the battle space.
We have the right.
We're Americans.
99% of the patriots are, you know, obviously with the president.
He's executing like no president I've ever seen on his promises.
It's almost unbelievable it's so good.
And so it'd be one thing if he was like selling us out to foreign powers or something.
And that brings us to the next point.
What do you make of now Nunes coming out and saying, no, they were surveilling him basically illegally.
The surveillance was legal because it was overseas, but they were using it domestically
The Democratic Party during the transition, and then this claim that he's a Russian agent securing our borders, building up our military, turning our coal back on that actually decimates the Russian gas exports.
I mean, really, if you look at what Trump's doing, he's dominating.
He's doing, I love how you said it, he's doing exactly what he said.
There's no president, I think, that's come in the last, I know in the last eight years for sure, but the last, you know, 12, 16 years.
Reagan was great, but he didn't deliver like, it took him three years to deliver a recovery.
Trump's done it in 50 days.
Yes, it's been outstanding.
And I have respect for that.
Whether I agree with the policies or not, he's doing what he said he was going to do.
And that's fantastic.
As far as Nunez, I know Congressman Nunez.
Congressman Nunez is actually a friend.
Congressman Nunez has always said what he meant.
He's always been honest with everything that he's had to do with myself.
He just comes off as very, a lot of courage, very honorable.
He's the only guy to admit the truth when they all know the truth.
And so if he's saying it, I'll give it 99.9% that that thing is going on.
And as far as them doing it legally, and then doing an illegal, what it is, they're doing something illegally, but pulling illegal things off of it, that's typical CIA at the moment.
Pompeo needs to clean house there.
They need to come in and see what was actually going on.
There needs to be heads to roll at the agency, because what they were doing, they were getting information about Trump, and it was, in my opinion,
That's illegal.
You don't do that.
Whether it's with a, you're doing an illegal act, a legal action, going to foreign powers, but you're masking an illegal action by doing that.
Well, that's, that's illegal, isn't it?
Isn't it?
Does it, what, it's still illegal.
So, my opinion is, again, Pompeo needs to get in there and take
No, he's out of the committee.
If that says anything about how honest this man is and his integrity.
So I leave it in Congressman Nunes' hands.
He's a subject matter expert when it comes to this and I think he can continue to pursue it.
And he will come to a good resolution if people within the Trump administration's sessions and others will back him.
He has a good Attorney General that can help him out.
In our case, we didn't have a good Attorney General twice.
We had Dick Eric Holder and then Loretta Lynch.
Of course, they weren't going to back us at all.
So, um, but I think I think he has the opportunity here to to come in and again On the line we have Bill Mitchell of your voice radio.com and he's also filming the show for his podcast bill Welcome to the show
Hey, how are you?
Good to see you.
Now, I'm going to read you two Trump tweets, which he tweeted during the campaign.
This is from Trump.
Don't attack Syria, an attack that will bring nothing but trouble for the US.
Focus on making our country strong and great again.
He also tweeted, crooked Hillary Clinton and foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya.
She is ruthless and dangerous.
Yeah, I think a real danger that we get into when we judge someone's current actions by their former tweets is that they have new information that they've attained on their current actions that they didn't have when they made that tweet.
And this is one of the things I like about Donald Trump.
He's not a classic conservative ideologue.
He's a resultist.
He's a CEO type mentality.
And you don't want a CEO that goes in making decisions based on pure ideology.
You want a CEO that goes in and makes decisions on the latest, most up-to-date, best information.
Donald Trump came in and when these gas attacks were reported, and apparently our intelligence supported that this happened, okay?
When these gas attacks happened,
And Assad was responsible, according to our intelligence.
Donald Trump could either respond or not respond.
If he didn't respond at all, that would be unacceptable as President of the United States.
So if he responded and condemned them, then he had to act.
If he did not act, then he became Obama 2.0.
So he had to act in a surgical, limited way.
And they followed the intelligence, and they did it.
They acted.
The upside to this is tremendous.
You know, the entire... Here's the thing.
The entire Russiagate thing just died.
It's over.
It's over.
Because what person in the world would say that Donald Trump is acting as the puppet of Putin now that Donald Trump has basically stuck his finger in Putin's eye in Syria?
That's over.
Based upon what I'm seeing on Twitter, you know, you said that we're split on this.
I disagree with that statement.
I think this is maybe 20% against, 80% for.
I see very positive support for Trump on this.
I see the people that were initially very against this saying, I'm going to abandon Trump on this.
I'm off the Trump train on this.
I see that fading away.
You know, here's the thing people got to understand.
The Trump train has got many cars on it.
If you don't like the drapes on one car, move to another car.
Because if you say that you're going to abandon Trump on this, then what are you going to do for the next four years?
I mean, what about tax reform?
What about healthcare reform?
What about the wall?
What about immigration reform?
What about jobs?
These are other cars.
If you believe in those, but stay on the Trump train.
Don't abandon Trump.
There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with Trump on this.
He likes that feedback.
That's important to him.
That's part of his strategy.
But in my case, I think this is a great move.
I think history will look back at this as a turning point in the Middle East and a brilliant move.
This is Alex Jones.
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Coming to you live from the InfoWars.com studios in the recaptured state of Texas.
It's Alex Jones!
Chris Parenteau, known as Tonto.
I'm not going to go over his bio.
Most people know who he is.
There's a lot of secret wars that have gone on where some similar things happened, but one of the most famous, whether it was secret or public, you know, firefights where you guys were completely overrun.
I know a lot of guys, some of the guys didn't make it back, so you don't want to say you were the...
One of the top guys in this, but they all signaled the fact that you were one of the guys that was the most effective in that hellish situation that took place.
And you didn't want us to plug this, but I'm going to do it.
You've got the Ranger Way new book being released in May.
Promise you'll come back for that.
Also, you have the new firearm training DVD.
That's the one I want to watch.
Is that available at christantoperonto.com?
Yeah, it is.
All this, and this stuff, I hate doing.
I'll be honest, Alex, I can't stand it.
It doesn't matter, though.
If we don't support ourselves, we're not going to have a voice.
People should get all this.
We have to build our own economy.
And I appreciate that.
But yes, you can get it all there.
And I'm back in the training area, back with firearms and stuff I enjoy doing.
But we all need this.
You obviously know what you're doing, surviving one of the most out, you know, totally overrun operations ever.
Yes, yes sir.
I just, sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.
And I was surrounded by a great freaking team.
I had two Navy SEALs and three Marines with me too.
And the bottom line is you never gave up.
But the survivors all contributed and they say you're, they're all heroes.
They say though that you really, for the whole nine yards, really did the, I mean you're the hero of the movie.
Why is that?
I think it's because I probably have the biggest personality.
I'm the biggest smartass.
How about that?
People tend to gravitate towards the guy that's outspoken, and that's me.
And also, I had no problem
If I was going to die that night, I was going to die.
I think if anybody that gets out there and is worried about dying in the line of fire, then they probably need to get out of the line of fire.
You need to get out there to sacrifice yourself.
Selfless service.
Give of yourself.
Kind of like we're doing.
You put yourself on the forefront.
I'm sure you get threats daily because of what you do, but that is important.
You need to be able to say, hey... Don't you get stronger, though?
I've had more than threats.
They run all sorts of operations against us, like a movie.
But I actually get stronger when it happens.
It's really weird.
The worse it gets, the better I get.
That's good.
That means that you have that never quit, that never quit mentality that you're going to win any battle.
And that's what you needed.
I was lucky to have a father that raised me that way.
And lucky to be at a range of battalion, the 75th Second Battalion, that teaches you that.
And then to be in there that night with a great team that I knew was not going to quit on me, so I was going to quit on them.
It just all comes back to teamwork.
And it comes back to never giving up, never quitting.
That's exactly what it is.
And use that big words.
See, I don't know those big words.
Oh yeah, right.
But no, it's like the interconnectedness.
Because you all amplify each other.
No, that's exactly right.
It's the spirit, isn't it?
It comes back to having that faith, and the spirit is the perfect word for it.
For you atheists out there, guess what?
There are no atheists in foxholes.
You guys out there, there is something better and bigger than you that you need to rely on.
Well, spirit is the spiritual Wi-Fi.
And then it's what you're turning into.
It's real.
And people who don't know it, they don't... I mean, how sick do you get with guys in an eight-hour firefight like that?
You know, the blessing that night, more than anything, was that we could answer each other's questions before it even happened.
Just blessed to have those 30 days that we were just there together.
Myself and Boone, though, very blessed to have him there.
Him and I had been working together for 10 years.
So, how lucky is that to have one of my best friends up there on the rooftop with me?
Basically slaying folks all night that were trying to get up on our compound.
Again, sometimes it's better to be lucky than good, but sometimes faith is there and God takes care of you.
But Providence had a hand on that night.
Definitely did.
Some of you would make it out to tell the truth.
And some of us would sacrifice themselves, give the ultimate sacrifice.
And they are the heroes.
I'm no hero.
The guys that survived are no heroes.
Those two are the heroes because they gave everything so we could come home.
Well, if they were here today, though, they'd say everybody was together and we're still alive through you, through everybody, right now.
Yes, sir.
Well, Tonto, in the six, seven minutes we've got left, I can't wait till your book comes out.
Folks should get the firearm.
Because I'm having to get back into firearms myself.
I used to be good at decent, but I'm having to get back into it because half the time I can't get inside of a barn anymore.
I mean, all this stuff's going on here, and there's so much to cover.
Just what is front and center in your heart, in your mind?
I mean, I'm not saying, the vets, when I ask vets to speak up for Trump, it's not that they haven't done more than anybody.
We admire them, we support them.
This is the battle for the real homeland politically.
And I know we can say, oh, the leftists are all talk, saying kill Trump, do all this, but they're so crazy.
You know, even a lobotomized pig sometimes can, you know, get something done, and they're just trying to activate all these crazies, and all this stuff's happening.
So just, in the last five minutes, what else is on your heart, on your mind, as you talk to folks?
Well, I'm speaking around, I just speak around the country, law enforcement needs to be supported more.
I think, and I would love to see Trump add more into the law enforcement community, add more into just local and state police, because really that is his protection.
If it's going to come down to where people are going to actually be out for his life on U.S.
soil, it's the LEOs that are going to be standing up in front of him, really not anybody else.
I don't
I don't know.
Soros doubling his destabilization money.
He's a Nazi collaborator since he was 14.
He's overthrown all these countries.
He admittedly is a destabilizer.
I get we're a free open society, but if I did one-tenth of what he did, and I don't want to by the way, I would be arrested so fast.
I just don't get why is he allowed to do all this?
Question where Donald Trump would come on TV and you would ask President Trump that.
Because this man is an insider.
He is somebody that would be considered, I would consider a terrorist in another country if I was there.
He funded the whole Arab Spring!
I don't know.
It's a good question.
Maybe when I'm sitting around and I have... I'm very lucky to have good friends up on the hill.
I'm very lucky to have some good friends.
Maybe ask them.
That is a dang good question, Alex.
I don't know.
But he does.
He's done things that probably need to... Well, there's no probably.
We need George Soros here.
And he needs to be under investigation for bottom line terroristic activities in the United States of America.
Hey, and if they have a problem with anybody going to get him, send me.
Hey, I'm right here.
I'll go put handcuffs on them and bring them to you.
You just let me know.
Give me the word if people are worried about saving face or threats against their lives.
That's what we're here for.
We're here to protect the United States.
I mean, like I said, I'll take a couple buddies and we'll go grab them and bring them in to you, President Trump.
Just give us a word.
But it needs to happen.
It does need to happen and I'm in total agreement with you.
You gotta cut the head off of a snake and watch it die.
And I think right now, that's the head right there is George Soros.
Chris Tonto-Piranto.
Anybody can just Google his name.
Everybody knows who he is.
So I'm glad we've had this discussion because I just see so much, so much intense craziness out there.
And then the economy's up.
Good things are happening.
The left's in the news saying they want to implode the economy to stop Trump.
They're economic terrorists now.
I just don't know why they're so screwed up.
So thank you so much, Chris.
A 20-second closing comment.
Hey, just thank you again.
God bless you, all you Patriots out there that are listening, all you veterans.
Thank you for your service.
Thank you for supporting us and keep watching InfoWars.
This guy's a good man, Alex Jones.
Jones, I got your back, brother.
Whenever you need me, you let me know.
Thank you.
Wow, Chris, thank you.
It's just great to know that you're out there and God bless you.
Thank you.
We'll be back with the former technical director of the NSA to expose what's really going on against Trump.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWars.
Amazing interview.
Thank you.
Thank you, Tonto.
You provided, Alex, with the caveman.
Well, so we've been formulating this stuff for a while.
We've been getting these different flavors and, you know, oh, I don't know about this one.
You know, and so I've been taking that stuff and I'm an old man.
I'm 42.
I work out five times a week, if not more.
I hear you're okay in jujitsu.
No, I'm not.
I'm terrible.
I'm terrible.
But the point is that I have a lot of aches and shoulders and this weird joint stuff that I've had issues with for years.
And this bone broth, the Caveman Bone Broth, along with our joint formula has just worked magic for me.
And that's just from my personal experience.
I think they're great products and I think if anybody else has those issues that you should definitely, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
If I'm wrong, then hey man, write me a mean letter.
But let me tell you, they work for me.
Yeah, they work for me too.
Actually, we were talking about this earlier.
Dude and I play basketball and I'm just now, like for the first time in my life, I'm 27 now, after I play basketball my knees are barking.
But the bone broth and the joint formula, like you just said, you combine those two, I felt the difference immediately.
I felt it immediately.
Yeah, and it actually tastes good.
Like, I'm really picky and I will drink it.
It tastes good to me.
I love chocolate, so I really like the flavor of the Caveman.
So, I mean, if the bone broth
Bone broth.
If the bone broth is really that gross, I mean, I would never have known because it tastes really good.
And my favorite is the Super Female Vitality.
So ladies, get yourself some Super Female Vitality if you haven't already because it seriously, it just gets me going.
I mean, I'll take a whole bunch of that stuff before I go out and do my... Maybe get it for your wife then, too, or girlfriend.
I go and take a bunch of it before I go do Man on the Street and I just start running, zipping around, running right into the action.
No fear, nothing, so.
Well, that's a big primary part about, you know, fighting the globalists is making sure that we stay healthy and stay clear-eyed and stay honest and stay humble.
I hope that we do that here at InfoWars.
We got a lot going on and we're in the middle of the fight, so we really appreciate it when anybody supports us, either by purchasing our products or you can even go on to our store and donate.
We're doing this by the skin of our teeth.
I know it looks like we're in a billion-dollar studio, but Alex has never taken one cent of
A borrowed money at all whatsoever.
This is all money that's come from you listeners.
So you've literally built this place, you know, built this place with your compassion and built this place with the support that you've sent us.
So from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate it because I know we wouldn't be able to do this.
We wouldn't have a voice if it wasn't for you.
So once again, we've got to thank the listeners for their steadfastness in supporting us.
Even when we make mistakes and even when we're not right and even when we might go a little bit crazy, you guys stick with us and I appreciate that.
Our fellow info warriors across the United States and across the planet really love the Hillary for Prison 2016 shirts that we began to put out in 2015.
It became a global meme against globalism and corruption, and a very strong maxim that's now being continued on today.
So we now have George Soros, because the media attacked me on this whole goblin meme.
They've made huge jokes about it, but it's totally blown up their face.
We now have George Soros
As a goblin.
On the back, and it says, with a cross through him, you know, an X, like Ghostbusters, no Soros, him as a goblin.
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So, it is a limited edition, deport Soros on the back, Hillary for prison on the front, right-hand shoulder, InfoWars.com.
It's powerful.
Hope you get out to everybody you know.
InfoWarsStore.com, or call 888-253-3139.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
All right, for the next 30 minutes, we're honored to have one of my favorite guests, and one of your favorite guests, I know, Dr. Michael Savage.
He's the media icon in the conservative and Americana movement.
He holds a master's degree in medical botany and a second in medical anthropology.
Additionally, he earned his Ph.D.
from the University of California at Berkeley in epidemiology and nutrition sciences.
He is the author of 25 books, including four New York Times bestsellers.
I think it's more than that now.
He earned the coveted Freedom of Speech Award from Talkers Magazine 2007. michaelsavage.com michaelsavage.wnd.com And the reason we're all here with Trump in office is our audience, Matt Drudge, Michael Savage, and Donald Trump putting out the truth, breaking down the facts, and you can see in everything Trump does and what Stephen Bannon does, Michael Savage
Right there.
And it's not about giving him credit because he doesn't care.
He doesn't need the money or the accolades.
It's about what's winning and what the truth is and our superior ideology.
When I say superior, they want to ban the ideology of Americana and Renaissance because compared to theirs, I mean, it's like North Korean ideology.
Banning whiteboards at universities all over because someone might write something bad.
That's beyond burning books.
We're entering a new level all over the country.
Can't wear American flags at a basketball game.
It hurts the Muslims.
Well, then they shouldn't be here.
They are hurt by a flag.
I thought you want to be Americans.
So joining us is Michael Savage.
I asked him, what do you want to talk about?
We talked 30 seconds before he came on.
He said, censorship.
And I was like, wow, that's the first thing I wanted to hit.
German official wants $53 million fine for fake news.
Or hate posts!
And that, of course, we're already getting banned in Europe.
Twitter, Facebook are blocking our posts.
Google kicked us off Google Ads two weeks ago.
That was set to basically be the profit we would have this year to fund our operation.
We're under attack.
Savage is being blacklisted.
Dr. Michael Savage joins us.
Thank you so much for coming on with us, Doc.
I kind of set the table there.
Where do you want to go first?
Who is the Nazi in Germany who pretends to be a nice guy?
Who's the Nazi in Germany who wants the $53 million fine for expressing a different opinion?
Who is this neo-Nazi?
That's one of the ministers and that's one of the leaders of one of the major political parties.
That's Justice Minister Jaco Maas, a member of the center-left Social Democratic Party.
Wait a minute, what do you mean center-left Social Democratic Party?
The National Socialism was a center-left Social Democratic Party under Adolf Hitler.
That's right.
And we have the same thing in America now, called the Democrat Socialist Islamist Party of America, under the guise of fairness for all.
Look, it's a war.
It's a civil war, God darn it, I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of them picking up sticks and beating up old women and calling it anti-fascism.
When are the Hell's Angels and the Plumbers going to join the front lines and show those left-wing slime bags what fascism really looks like?
I agree.
Snoop Dogg puts out a video, Viacom promotes it, saying, kill the president, kill police officers.
And at a certain point, we're not looking for violence, but they're organizing violence against America.
I mean, when are people going to start falling down and hitting their heads so they learn they're pushing for revolution in a war, they're going to get one.
Well, Alex, we're there already.
The war has started.
We're in the Civil War.
There's no question about it.
Who's winning, though, is the question.
Who is really winning?
We elected the president.
We allegedly own the Senate.
We have the House.
And we're getting nothing done.
No tax cuts.
Not a brick laid for the wall.
What's been done?
Because they're obstructionists, as you well know.
So, I don't want to just keep going back to Trump swore the book.
Trump swore the book.
No, but that's it.
You said a month before the election, the last time you were here, if he wins, the real war starts.
This stupid Obamacare now became Trumpcare.
They're not really repealing it.
Savage came up with a solution, which is in Trump's war, and I discussed it on my radio show yesterday.
Everybody should get the book.
Alex, listen, this is so commonsensical, no one's picked up on it.
It makes so much sense that people are ignoring it.
Savage says put high-risk individuals in high-risk insurance pools.
That's what my dad says, and he ran medical companies for decades.
If you're a driver, you pay higher rates if you had accidents.
If you go for any kind of insurance... If you're an astronaut, if you're a deep-water welder, you pay because you're in a high-risk pool.
That's what I'm saying, so why shouldn't it apply to Trumpcare?
High-risk individuals, high-risk pools.
You have multiple sex partners every week?
You go in a high-risk pool!
You shouldn't pay the same as a grandmother who goes to church.
You smoke three packs of cigarettes a day, you go in a high-risk pool!
Why is this not being picked up?
I hope after your show, the headline is, Savage says, high-risk pools for high-risk individuals to save Trumpcare.
We will.
That'll be the headline.
I've sent it, by the way.
I've sent it to Donald Trump.
via some internal you know routing.
Politics is a compromise.
He knows he has to get things done.
The question is, this is too big an issue to compromise on.
And one of the signature pieces of the campaign was, we're going to repeal Obamacare, right?
Well, okay, so the people are very unhappy.
And we need to gut the whole thing and start all over again.
I am sick and tired of people who lead healthy lifestyles, clean lifestyles, if you want to put it that way.
Paying the same as illegal immigrants who by the way should have no health care.
My dad and mom hadn't used their insurance in over 20 years and as soon as this came in they doubled their prices and so my parents are paying higher prices and then people that have been milking the system they're paying lower.
It's incredible.
Trump's war, his battle for America, a number one New York Times bestselling author.
Tell us about the book summit.
I know you're a hard guy to get on.
I really hope you'll come on more and sometime really get into the, you know, your whole philosophy and, you know, where everything's going.
Because I used to hear you 15 years ago on the air and agree, you know, agree with like 80 percent.
Now you're like 95 percent or 90 percent, you know, 98 percent.
It's just crazy how you warned about the left and Islam merging.
And I thought they'd never do that.
But they've done it and they're just opening Europe and all of it.
It's just crazy.
I said that the progressives would align with the Islamists to destroy the West.
And of course that's what's happening.
And the Democrat Socialist Islamist Party is what they have become.
How can you explain people of Jewish heritage in the Democrat Party so enamored of Islam?
Can you explain that to me?
Why is Schumer so obsessed with making certain that more Islamists... I think it's flirting with suicide.
I think it's nihilistic.
What you said, it's cuckolding.
Well, liberalism is a mental disorder, that we understand, but there's something else to this picture.
I don't know that it's purely suicidal.
It may be something else.
Voting, voting blocs, I know in San Francisco... Oh sure, they want Balkanization, but Islam isn't going to do that.
Look how Ergun's trying to threaten all of Europe, let him set up political movements inside, and now threatening more refugees.
I mean, he's just... It's the arrogance of these people.
It's a war, Alex, and we're losing it.
Unfortunately, the West is losing.
Trump is our only hope right now.
And I'm not sure he's going to win without a popular movement to support him.
And here's what I want to say to all those people who stabbed him for nine months during the campaign, then suddenly became his supporters after he won.
They were suddenly big Trump supporters.
Two minutes later, now they're stabbing him in the back again.
Okay, it is either you're for him or you're against him.
How's that?
Let me explain why.
Even if we only get 10 or 20% of what he promised, that's 10 or 20% more than 110 or 120% more than we would have had with the she-witch had she had won.
First Amendment.
He's not taking away freedom of speech.
He's not taking away talk radio.
She said she would do the Fairness Doctrine and eliminate me on the radio.
And others in the media like you.
You'd be gone.
The Internet would be gone.
They said that was the goal!
Okay, so we have the First Amendment under Trump.
Guns are not being seized.
They would have been seized under Hillary.
One way or another.
Is 44% down just in 50 days the illegals?
Well, what I'm saying is, we have the First and Second Amendments.
Why are these people stabbing Trump in the back?
I'm not talking about the progressives.
No, his own people.
The Republicans.
I'm talking about the fake conservatives in the media, Alex!
Oh, you watch Fox News, it's all backhanded attacks.
We should all turn against them and not support them and not watch their crap.
Have you ever been on Fox News?
Years ago they told me I was in band off of it, but they don't have that many viewers.
I'm that big a response.
You may have a bigger audience in your time slot than the lame ducks do on their network.
Oh, there's no doubt you do and I do.
I'm banned on Fox News.
I'm banned in Britain.
So what does that tell us about Rupert Murdoch's politics?
What is Moloch really doing here?
Is Moloch really supporting?
Michael Savage, let me say bye to you in the break or see if you don't have another interview coming.
You probably gotta go.
You're always... No, no.
Let's stay.
Let's keep doing this.
Let's do it.
Stay there.
We'll be right back.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Russia unveiled a Satan 2 missile that could wipe out France or Texas with the type of megaton weapons it carries.
Multiple ones, by the way.
Of course, there's a lot more advanced stuff than that.
They've been in the Air Force by the 90s, developed anti-matter bombs that would destroy... They've theoretically tested them, they would destroy most of the solar system.
What's the point of that?
I don't know.
But we're reaching that Atlantis moment, whether Atlantis existed or not.
In the fable of Atlantis, the legend, they get some super technology that blows the whole island up.
And Plato lived only, you know, a few thousand years after.
He said no.
He had the animals, the books about it.
It happened.
But whether that was real or not, folks, we're now at the Atlantis moment.
Michael Snyder, you know, I don't know if you have kids.
I have children, especially my little daughters.
And I see this news, and I see how sweet they are, and it really makes me angry.
Yeah, I don't want war either, Alex.
And that's why I'm so alarmed by what's happened this week.
We already talked about how North Korea could potentially spark a war with China.
Well, the situation with Syria, if it was just Syria, wouldn't be that big of a deal.
And Trump could do whatever he wanted if it was just Syria.
But the Russians are there!
And the Russians are mixed in among the Syrian forces and they're at the Syrian air bases in particular.
So Trump, with his words and the members of his administration in recent days, they've kind of committed themselves to taking some sort of action in response to this false flag chemical attack.
But they've kind of committed themselves.
But if they do anything and the bombs start dropping and the Russians, their people are being killed, their force is under threat, are the Russians just going to sit there and do nothing?
Or are they going to respond?
I believe the Russians would start responding.
They would start shooting back.
So what happens if, okay, U.S.
warplanes go in, they start bombing, and then Russian missiles, the S-300, starts taking U.S.
airplanes out?
We start seeing F-16s fall out of the sky on CNN.
What's that going to do to the anti-Russian hysteria in Washington that's already at Cold War heights?
I mean, it's just going to be insane.
But the situation, and of course we've got Iran in Syria, we've got Hezbollah in Syria, and there's nothing to be gained in there.
You know, there's so much that could go wrong.
We don't want a conflict with Iran.
We don't even want a conflict with Hezbollah.
They're pretty serious.
But especially with Russia.
Our relationship with Russia is already quite tenuous.
And if we go in and dead bodies of Russian service members start showing up on Russian television, you know, the Russians are going to totally turn against Trump.
But then I turn on Fox and they've got former generals going, what we need is Russian body bags.
That'll teach them.
Which historically, that doesn't work with any powerful country.
It's never worked with Russia.
Like you kill Russians, they're just going to crap their pants?
Yeah, Russia doesn't back down.
Russia is not intimidated by anyone.
The Russians, historically, are fighters.
And so, you know, we had hoped that with Trump coming in, we could have a better relationship with Russia.
But this thing with Syria could actually make it far, far worse.
You've heard of vigilante justice, right?
Well, now we have Islamic Sharia vigilantes.
From the Star Tribune, Minneapolis Muslims protest Sharia vigilante in Cedar Riverside area.
That's right, 22-year-old Abdullah Rashid is trying to enforce what he calls the civil part of Sharia law in his area.
He's been telling people in the Cedar Riverside, Somali-dominated neighborhood not to drink, use drugs, or interact with the opposite sex.
If he sees Muslim women that he believes are dressed inappropriately, he approaches them and suggests they don a hijab.
Back in February, Minneapolis police received reports from concerned citizens who saw Rashid in a dark green uniform donned with patches that said Muslim Defense Force and Religious Police.
Also on the patches were two flags associated with ISIS and other terrorist groups.
But his Muslim brethren do not share his same views.
In fact, the Islamic Institute for Minnesota issued a statement saying Rashid does not speak any way for the Islamic Institute of Minnesota or Muslims in Minnesota.
You can read more about this Sharia vigilante on InfoWars.com.
Rob Dew reporting.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Michael Savage, of course, hosts his own top radio show every day by selling off of the new book Trump's War.
Writes for worldnetdaily.com as well, michaelsavage.com's his site.
I'm Alex Jones with infowares.com, but he really does know his stuff across the board and has been a visionary when it comes to defending this republic.
And just think about what a loss to Hillary would have been like.
They were coming after the free press.
They said they were coming after me by name.
They were coming after everybody.
All the stuff you see in Europe was going to... She was going to put five times more of these refugees into the country.
It's an attempt to fully break us.
Cloward and Pivot.
And so, Michael Savage is going to give us 10 more minutes and I said just, you know, you take over because I'll interrupt.
I want him to just stream of consciousness in Trump's war, that's our war, that ties into Le Pen and everybody else, where this is going, how we defeat these parasites and how we wake up the people.
Dr. Savage.
Simple motto.
Borders, language, culture.
Without that, there is no nation.
Democrats want to dissolve the borders.
Isn't that what they want?
To open borders?
Isn't that what the snake Obama did?
No borders.
Oh, language?
Oh, English is just another language.
It's not the language of the land.
You have no culture.
The third world has superior culture.
You Americans are culturalists.
You have no class.
Screw them all.
Borders, language, culture.
That's what defines America and every nation on Earth.
Every nation on earth is defined by a border the same way a human cell or an animal cell is defined by a cell membrane.
How many times do I have to say the same thing?
God knows that even a plant cell has a cell wall.
Without a cell wall, there's no differential between the cells and a plant.
Same with nations.
Same with people.
Don't you love this, Alex?
I was thinking about this in my sleep.
The liberals want to dissolve borders.
Meaning they want to dissolve the national identity.
We should have no self-respect for our nation.
But we should have total self-esteem if we're a junkie or a sexual deviant?
The sicker you are in America, you're supposed to have self-esteem no matter what you do?
Self-esteem if you're a drug addict?
Why should you have self-esteem?
You're a loser.
Okay, what do you mean self-esteem if you're a drug addict?
You have no self-esteem.
You're a nobody.
They want to get rid of excellence.
They want to get rid of competition.
Well, that's affirmative action, which is a way to dissolve excellence.
But let's not go into that little topic for now.
Borders language culture.
That's the essence of a national identity.
If you want an individual to have individual pride in his achievements or her achievements, you should have the same for a nation.
This is a great, exceptional nation.
And that's what we're supposed to have under Donald Trump.
National pride.
America first.
And that is why the left is going berserk.
Because they thought they had it done.
It was over.
They owned every country on Earth, with rare exception.
They almost had it all.
They almost had all the marbles.
They almost had America.
They thought it was a lock.
They thought she was going to win.
The only thing a knockdown would have been all Russia.
We'll go into that at another time, why they hate Russia so much.
There are many more elements to this to meet the eye.
But once they had America, who was left?
A fly on the wall.
A nationalist nation, Jewish identity, they can get rid of that one easily.
Russia would have been a little harder, but they would have gotten rid of that too.
One world, new world order, here we go, the USSR is back.
Only now it's the USS of A run by a bunch of degenerate child molesters in Brussels.
We almost lost it, Alex.
And that's why the illegitimate, perverted left is going insane.
You're right.
It's Trump's war.
It's our war.
It's nationalism.
It's the return of prosperity.
Just common sense, not left or right.
I mean, it's there.
And people need to know, the war isn't over.
It's just begun.
We've all got to be more involved than ever.
Soros is doubling the amount of money he's putting out.
Soros needs to be tried.
Soros has, in my opinion, committed many crimes.
Soros is meddling in elections.
We keep hearing about Russia meddling in elections.
He should be locked up for being a Nazi collaborator 65 years ago!
Let's put that aside.
No one will ever believe that.
But they will come to understand with a Senate hearing how this emigre immigrant to America gave 65 million dollars to the violent Black Lives Matter movement.
And I have five pages and Trump swore you have to see this Alex.
I don't know if you saw this.
I named every subversive group in America that receives money from George Soros.
Listen to me.
This is the most important part of the book.
You triggered me now.
Remember I said don't say anything about an airplane?
What you have to do is say Soros and I'm off and running at the races.
Me too.
I have five pages of every group in America that receives money from this man.
These are the groups that need to be investigated with the new UAC, House Un-American Activities Committee.
Do you know how that would scare your friends in Hollywood, Alex?
A new HUAC?
They'd scream, Blacklist!
I'm on the blacklist.
They put me on it.
They admit you came in flight of England.
You're on a blacklist.
They're afraid of really being put on a blacklist where they belong for subverting the United States of America.
And by the way, we're not the authoritarians.
They're the ones saying arrest us, kill us, kill Trump.
They started the fight.
They drew first blood.
In fact, I want to ask you about that in the few minutes we have here.
Again, the book's available everywhere, Trump's War.
It's an act of resistance.
Get it for yourself.
Read it.
Get a couple copies.
Pass it on to friends and family.
Well, let me say this in closing.
I know you don't give anybody interviews, although they're like 10 minutes long.
I know you're a busy guy, and I appreciate you, Dr. Savage.
The book's Trump's War, michaelsavage.com.
I just can't believe every day, because I'm not out to get people, I don't like con artists, you don't like con artists, that the left, because I don't like the Republicans either.
Like you say, the biggest threat is the rhinos.
But at least they know what's going on.
How are we ruled by Pelosi that thinks George W. Bush is still in office at press conferences and Maxine Waters, the same press conference, says Russia invaded Korea, not North or South?
I mean, how?
It makes me feel pathetic that we're ruled by such mental midgets and how they have all these minions and how this just keeps going on forever when all Trump and you and everybody you're doing is trying to have prosperity and freedom.
I mean, we're good guys.
We really know policy.
Promoting freedom, we really want to have a country, and then there's all these jerks.
I just don't, I can't believe, it's almost like a hallucination that we're ruled by these mental patients.
Look Alex, the big battle is here, it's now, we're in it.
The battle lines have been drawn, the barricades are up.
Never go full Maxine Waters.
They're throwing bricks at us, they're beating up old women and old men, and we're not fighting back.
When did the gloves come off, Alex?
You know, that's the final point.
I appreciate the time.
I sit here, because I've never called for violence.
I've never called for stuff, you know, like they do against us.
But when they're, every newspaper, every major entertainer is like saying, kill Trump.
And I just don't get all these wimps trying to pretend they're about to have a war with us.
So I ask you, how long does Trump sit there and put up with it?
Because quite frankly, I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to do.
No, I have many answers, believe me.
I'm not throwing my hands up.
There are laws on the books.
You cross state lines to provoke a riot, you go to jail.
It's a violation of federal law.
Put in place after the riots of the 60s.
That's number one.
Number two, you gotta defund all the groups that Soros is funding.
You gotta put in voter ID laws in every state of the union.
Because we have a new man in the Justice Department who can do it.
That's why they try to stop him.
Voter ID laws will save us.
End funding of sanctuary cities.
They'll start self-deporting.
And the cities will capitulate, as Miami did, because they cannot live without federal money.
There are things that can be done with the budget alone that will save this nation.
And you need to be there, and I need to be there, like Stephen Bannon said, to put pressure on.
They need the pressure there to give them cover from the neocons and from the RINOs and the Democrats to get the agenda through.
And I know you've got your own radio show coming up very soon, MichaelSavage.com.
And what is it?
I mean, it's one of the top shows in the world.
Tell folks how they fit into your show.
Well, it's on big radio stations, but streaming-wise, it's the number one talk radio streaming show in America.
I hate to boast, but I will, because if I don't, who will?
According to Talk Stream Live, my show has a 25 share of all people listening
To talk radio at any time on their iPhones or devices.
Rush Limbaugh has a 13.7 share at the last analysis.
I'm not knocking on it, I'm just saying it's an enormous audience that's not reflected.
But Alex, I am subject to advertising boycotts.
I know.
You want to talk about blacklists?
The ad agencies that control radio?
I know.
Believe me.
Five of them control all the ads.
They've put me on a blacklist for 22 years.
No, no, they're trying to keep what's popular from getting to the people, and it's crazy how ratings sometimes don't even count.
Well, I've talked to a big antitrust lawyer about them.
They don't know what's coming, Alex.
Stay tuned.
Within the next year, you may see a revolution in radio when Michael Savage brings the antitrust actions against the agencies that have boycotted him.
Please, I want to join with you, because I've been through the same stuff, and I've also... Google just says, you're fake, you can't advertise with us.
It's like...
It's like, literally like Nazi Germany.
Everybody overuses it, where they wouldn't let Jews advertise it first, and then it was like, wouldn't have shops, and then... Alex, I've had dinners with the biggest antitrust attorney in America.
He happens to be a lifetime Democrat.
But he hates monopolies.
He despises the big guy crushing the little guy.
Stay tuned.
The game may just change in the courts.
We may take them on where they live the strongest.
Trump's war.
Thank you, Michael Savage, for the time.
Thank you, Alex.
Love it.
Bye now.
Thank you.
That was a powerful hour.
I skipped two breaks because it was so powerful.
Those are network breaks, but it's okay.
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