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Name: 20170412_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 12, 2017
2942 lines.

In this InfoWars broadcast, Alex Jones discusses various topics including President Trump's challenges with Obama-appointed judges, government surveillance, and potential foreign wars. He emphasizes supporting Trump despite opposition from the deep state. The broadcast features conversations with Stefan Molyneux and Roger Stone about Trump's stance on foreign wars and the influence of neocons in his administration. They touch upon Trump's instincts aligning with non- interventionism despite pressure from advisors who advocate for interventionist policies. Other topics include media accusations against Republicans, the Trump economy, Google's manipulation of alternative media, Stephen K. Bannon's role in the White House, a 19-page report on sex slavery and UN involvement, Pizzagate and pedophilia concerns, connections between influential figures, lack of coverage by mainstream media about these issues, and Trump's change of attitude towards regime changes after the false flag chemical attack in Syria.

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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, searches for the term World War III have broken the planetary record.
Because we're closer to World War III than this planet has ever been.
Of course, I've been telling you that the last few years we were entering this phase.
That's what top analysts are saying.
MSM said I was a fearmonger for being absolutely on target.
No, I have children.
I'm trying to stop World War III.
I want detente with Russia and China and other nations, and I don't want to be allied with radical Islam.
Here we are on this 12th day of April 2017.
Thank you so much for joining us.
They've got the big communist birthday of the founding dictator of North Korea coming up on April 15th.
Not just income tax day, but Kim Jong-un's grandfather's birthday!
It's his hundredth and something birthday, and that's when they're set to test an atomic bomb.
And Paul Watson has the headline, Trump may be prepping to hit nuclear sites.
No, Trump's been in the news, and they say they are prepped and ready to hit.
From space, from sea, from land, from air.
That's right, we're not just land, sea, and air.
There's also space command, and that's the key to this whole situation, the most secretive part of the breakaway civilization that we live at the bottom of!
Coming back, I'm going to play a clip from Monday, where I told you, I also said it on Sunday, but they found the clip from Monday, that I had talked to folks very close to the President, very close to the President,
Closer than his wife.
Okay, I'm going to stop.
The media just can't stand the fact that we've got these connections.
White House source, Trump pushes back against neocon plan to invade Syria.
Now I told you that on Sunday and on Monday we wrote an article.
Several of the paragraphs are transcripts of what the president said.
And I just almost don't even want to say that because the media goes so crazy with it.
But I did say that on Sunday and I did say that on Monday.
What happened last night?
And I do this more and more because MSM says we're fake because we are the opposite, ladies and gentlemen, and they know it and they can't stand it.
We're not going into Syria.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
We're not going in to Syria.
Let's go ahead and play that clip right now.
We're not going into Syria, because you know there were some questions.
Nikki Haley is doing a great job.
Rex is doing a fantastic job.
Our Secretary of State, General McMaster, fantastic.
But if you add it all up, and if they take every little word, they'll say, oh, they're different.
Just so you understand, we're not going into Syria.
But when I see people using horrible, horrible,
You know why the FBI admits a month ago in Congress that I'm under investigation?
And that I'm being wiretapped?
I talk to the President and I talk to people that talk to the President every day.
And they want to be able to say, Mr. President, he's under investigation.
You can't talk to Alex Jones.
That's why they want to put Bannon under FBI investigation.
And let me give you a little newsflash.
Bannon's been under FBI investigation, but they haven't had the nerve to announce that yet.
And so that's what they do.
They just put everybody under investigation, except the Democratic Party that's been in bed with Russia.
Since the Democratic Party sent people over to Russia to overthrow the Tsar in 1917.
Yes, that was a Democratic Party operation out of New York.
New York, baby!
That's mainline history books.
And then you point your finger at Mr. Red, White, and Blue and say, I'm a Ruski agent.
I mean, yeah, I like Russian vibes, yeah, Russian women are very beautiful, so I'll just, I mean, I'll, I mean, is that okay?
We'll be back with huge, I mean, I mean, huge news.
Stay with us.
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These arrogant globalists thought they defeated humanity.
The truth is, whether it's Obama or George Soros, they're losers.
Everything they had, everything they threw against us, failed.
Now, just because we defeated these tyrants, for now, doesn't mean we've won the war.
The war has happened within our hearts, within our souls, and in our minds.
We have to be good.
We have to be pure.
We have to be strong.
We have to build prosperity.
We have to bring everyone of every race, color, and creed together.
If we're going to truly defeat these tyrants who believed we were going to fail, who believed their divide and conquer would work.
Yes, we've won the first phase, but the battle for the soul of humanity has just begun.
But Obama and Hillary and Soros, you were losers from the day you were born.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out of the way!
We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag.
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You'll be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Wednesday, the 12th day of April 2017.
The world is at the greatest danger in its history.
Of all human life being destroyed, and that's a very conservative statement.
I'm going to go over a lot of mainline analysts saying the exact same thing right now.
So we should all be praying hourly for peace on Earth and for a human awakening to how precarious our existence is now that we have such incredible technology like hydrogen weapons, fission fusion,
Antimatter, particle-accelerating cyclotrons, weaponized space platforms, biological warfare, race-specific weapons.
We're gonna be breaking it all down.
We've also got good news.
Meadows revives health care negotiations.
Confident Republicans will pass a bill, maybe before recess, and a good one at that.
We have bombshell exclusive at Infowars.com by Dr. Jerome Corsi.
He's joining us at the bottom of the hour.
Obama wiretapped Trump insiders, not just the one person they are admitting to.
They're only going after him, Carter Page, because he's the only person that even visited Moscow, gave a speech, basically pushing his own energy business.
Never even met with Trump.
But that's all they've got.
They were spying on everyone, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why they admit in congressional testimony a month ago that I am, quote, under FBI investigation for actually being directed by the Russians.
That is so insulting and outrageous.
When you know that the Democrats, Hillary,
The Podesta Brothers are under Russian funding, I mean, up to their eyeballs.
And then bankrolled by the Chai-coms.
I mean, just, Chai-coms are using them as meat puppets.
So, that is absolutely mind-blowing.
And then they're saying Carter Page didn't do anything wrong!
But he did go to Moscow and he did give a speech.
Oh my gosh, he talked to Russians.
That's just not allowed to do that.
The Democrats can all meet with him constantly.
We're going to get into all that today and Adam Schiff, the Democrat ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, who leaked classified info to say they had evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians.
There is no evidence.
So now he wants to back it up and they're saying you should recuse yourself from the committee.
You said Nunes couldn't go meet with the president and discuss intelligence and then back the president up that he was under surveillance, which of course the intelligence head could do when the Democrats are running around politicizing everything.
But Nunes says, I'm going to recuse myself while the Ethics Committee looks at this.
And then Schiff goes 50 times further, not just putting out intelligence, but lying about it.
Lying about it.
And his dirty party, who've had their nose in the Russian butt forever, makes me sick.
And then he won't recuse himself.
And I'm not even personally mad at people like Schiff and all this.
I'm just sick of them.
But when you're actually... I used to tell Roger, stop getting so upset they're calling you a Russian agent.
It's ridiculous.
And he would get really mad even in person about it.
And quite frankly, I've known Roger pretty good for a few years now.
He would start cussing.
And then I realized why I got mad and started having, I guess, Tourette's Syndrome or something a few weeks ago about it.
It's just having somebody accuse you of being disloyal to the country you love, when their party is full of scumbags that are globalists, and globalism's fundamental precept is that it destroys nation states and sells out the people.
It's a hyper-predatory global corporate crony capitalist nightmare of poverty by design for the general public.
I mean, it's just, they're unspeakably bad people!
Whether they love globalism, or whether they're mercenaries, or just want power, all I know is it's outrageously uncool.
I mean, I'm known in the media for 20 years as a super patriot.
As an absolute nationalist.
Tasmanian devil when it comes to defending our Republic.
And they've got the nerve to criminally investigate me.
Oh, they say, oh, you're too stupid to know how they influence you.
As if I can't have free speech and not want to back Al Qaeda going in to Syria and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
Doesn't mean I like Assad.
And so they tell Rand Paul, you're a Russian agent on the Senate floor.
McCain doesn't get in trouble.
Violates the rules.
You're a Russian agent!
And I'll tell you, presidential material right there, because Senator Paul just turned his back and walked off.
I would have started probably yelling at McCain, like, what is your problem?
By the way, we got to put somebody on an airplane.
A congressman's on his deathbed and wants to spill the beans.
And I have all this intel.
It's super dangerous.
And I've just been so busy.
I want to watch somebody today.
We've got limited crew.
And I don't want to offend our best camera people, but I've just got to do it.
So, just find out who wants to go.
I'll always make somebody go too, but I like to find out who wants to go.
And they'll do this deathbed interview.
Because he could die any minute.
And, uh... We're under total surveillance and we need to get this out because it's too dangerous not to get it out.
So... We should probably send somebody with whoever goes.
And look, I didn't ask to, you know, ever get in this position.
I just thought I'd expose the globalists and other people would stand up and beat them.
And Trump and others are starting to do that, but I am now in the position.
I mean, put it this way, I never thought I'd be in this position, and it's crazy.
But America and the world is in this position.
So we're going to go over the World War III news, the economic news, the Obamacare news, and this big exclusive bombshell Obama wiretap Trump insider that's come up at the bottom of the hour, Dr. Jerome Corsi.
Incredible investigative journalist, broken hundreds of top national news stories, three number one New York Times bestsellers.
Political non-fiction.
Admittedly changed the outcome of a major election, but the point is that he's a very credible person.
His sources are in the CIA, FBI are unparalleled.
But the point is, is this is all documented information.
Remember on Monday?
Remember on Sunday?
I have to do this because the media says we're not real.
We just have to keep throwing it in their face that we are.
That's why they want to get rid of us.
Because they can't let this spread.
White House source, Trump pushes back against NEOCON plan to invade Syria, says there will not be boots on the ground, changing regime, or there will not be a no-fly zone.
But that Assad could not be allowed
To have those chemicals, and he'd agreed to give them up, and they didn't, and Trump had intel of the chemicals on the ground, and it looks like the containers of the chemicals we know Syria had.
That's what the President really thinks.
That's what he did.
He's been having to get Haley and others to, you know, to dial it back.
They've been doing that.
So has the Secretary of State.
But it's not a double message on purpose.
His people are all bullied by neocons.
They want to be loved by the liberal media.
They don't want to be called Russian agents.
And so they're going along with it.
I'll play a clip from the show Monday and the article.
I mean, we should have just bragged and said it was directly from the President.
I mean, this is word for word what the President said.
That's why it's word for word what you heard on Fox Business last night.
Word for word!
And I'm not going to get into our sources.
Let's just say they're close to Trump.
Now let's go ahead and play that clip from Monday.
Paul Joseph Watson has in his article on Infowars.com, Trump pushes back against NEOCON plan to invade Syria.
And I rarely agree with CNN, but here's the headline from CNN, Trump administration sends mixed signals on Syria ahead of G7 meeting.
Boy, they said it.
Well, it was George Washington, trained by the greatest empire on earth at the time, who said, no foreign entanglements, let's have our own wealth, our own country, because these foreign wars don't even help the people, they help the elites, and are more trouble than they're worth.
He didn't even say that from some moral position, even though he was a very moral man.
He said it from a very informed, educated system, and he launched the American system.
Now, by 1898,
With William McKinley!
And again, that's the start of the show, 8 after on Monday, and then I read through the article and go over it all, and it's right there.
When we come back from break, because that's not the specific clip I was looking for, but we're going to cue it up.
We have to play the whole show from Monday, I'm going to do it.
It's not a big deal, the crew just couldn't find it in 30 seconds this morning, because they were a little bit overworked in there.
But I specifically on Monday, as everybody knows, and it's in the article we published,
...said that no, no boots on the ground, no fly zone, and that he's not going to go into Syria, but then he gave his reasons right in the strike, and that's what's in our article, exclusive, first, Infowars.com, White House source, Trump pushes back against the neocon plan to invade Syria.
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Okay, so let's go to the clip from Monday.
I mean, I talked about it for hours, but when I first got into the exclusive article that went up on Monday morning at Infowars.com, White House source Trump pushes back against neocon plan to invade Syria, said he's not going to have a no-fly zone and doesn't want a wider war there.
Now we have the headline today from The Hill, the Associated Press, you name it, we're not going into Syria from Fox Business last night.
Now why is this so important?
Just what I was saying earlier.
The media claims that I don't have an original thought in my head and everything comes from Russia or from some foreign government.
We're the ones that broke and exposed three plus years ago and last year first that jihadis on their own websites were bragging that they fired the chemicals at their own population to blame it on Assad and make Obama cross the red line and come in.
So they were crossing it for Assad.
That's been in the UN, that's been on the BBC, that's been on ABC Nightly News, that all came out!
They have The Economist magazine, one of the most elite publications in the world!
Coming out saying how a pair of self-publicists, that just means self-promoters, wound up as apologists for Assad and it says that we're being directed by Assad but that we're useful idiots.
That's the top headline.
That's an old Soviet term.
A V.I.
Lenin term.
I'm a useful idiot, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't even read Arabic.
I don't even look at sites in Syria maybe twice a year or something.
I go to the rebel zone websites where they're bragging about what they do.
We had colonels and generals and the CIA
Contractors exposing what happened in Benghazi.
I've had Kanto on repeatedly.
One of the heroes of Benghazi.
We go directly to the people.
We don't go to Assad.
In fact, it came out in the London Independent five years ago that Assad goes when they hacked his email and it's InfoWars.
And he's reading what we say, not the other way around.
The Russians read what I say, not the other way around.
And I'm not bragging, I'm just sick of this.
I progenerated the entire Infowars movement against the globalists.
We launched this entire operation against them.
I am an American!
I am an original thinker par excellence!
Oh, but the economists with their pseudo-intellectuals sit around and go, oh, look at Alex Jones!
He just got it from the Easter Bunny!
Just like I talked to our White House source Sunday!
And I even called some of the crew and said, good news!
My source... My source...
Says we're not going to have a no-fly zone and we're not going to take out Assad, but he has agreed to step down four years ago and there were chemicals on the ground.
So what am I supposed to do about that, Alex?
Well, what are all the ground forces there?
Can't talk about that, but we're not going to have a big war over there and we're not planning to overthrow Assad.
Now that's what somebody that talked to Trump told me.
We'll just leave it at that.
And here it is, word for word, like I said, oh, will the economists say I got that from Damascus?
When Ron Paul and Rand Paul come out, and the British ambassador comes out and says the same thing, and Michael Savage says it, and I'm not tootin' my horn, but I said it all first on Wednesday, and our reporters said it first.
And our correspondents, who've lived in Syria, a Syrian girl lives in Australia.
And the point is, is that we're just saying they've launched chemical attacks before.
Why in 101 game theory, like Cernovich said, would you attack using this knowing it'd bring in the United States?
It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
But see, I can't have an original thought.
I'm being directed by the Russians and they're having House Intelligence and Armed Services Committee hearings saying I'm directed by them.
No judge, no jury.
I don't get to go to those hearings.
I want to go right now.
I want to be able to defend myself from you jerks!
You lying, un-American dirtbags!
You attack my honor, when all I want is prosperity for this country and the world, and you run your evil mouths!
You're a bunch of trash!
Excuse me, I'm not going to get angry.
I'm going to come back and play all the clips.
We've got the clip.
They found it.
Great job, crew, just from coming into the show Monday where I broke it down one of many times.
But I sit here during the break and I read this stupid article.
And see, it's like, this is why we have to shut down InfoWars and the alternative media and the alt-right.
Because they're directed by Assad!
Oh my, oh, oh!
And the pseudo-intellectuals you see reading The Economist on airplanes and acting like they're getting some big, important, powerful news.
Last time I checked, it was like, published and owned in part by N.M.
The biggest warmongering people, you know, you could ever imagine.
It's just sick!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to commit blasphemy against the globalists right now in the New World Order.
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The more things change, the more they stay the same.
A few months ago, President-elect Donald Trump told an audience during his victory tour that his administration will not take part in regime changes.
We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments, folks.
That was then, and this is now.
After the false flag chemical attack in Syria, which was blamed on Assad, the neocons and the military-industrial complex have convinced the new president that it's business as usual, and the regime changes will commence.
My attitude toward Syria and Assad has changed very much.
Well, the only difference is, this time, the American patriots won't be fooled again.
I'm Darren McBrain and you can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
This is Alex Jones.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Dr. Jerome Corsi's coming up in just a moment with big exclusive breaking news that should shake the entire country.
But first, Sunday I talked to a source very close to the president.
Then I made some phone calls and talked to other sources very close to the president.
And it was absolutely adamant that Trump is, we're not going into Syria, we're not doing a no-fly zone, I'm not going to go down as George W. Bush, and I'm not going to start World War III.
But they've got chemicals all over the place, I've been given the intel by the military, even the Daily Mail has the photos and others, and I want everybody to know
You use chemical weapons, we're going to go after you, and Assad agreed to give these up, and the Russians were supposed to fly them out or incinerate them.
What are they doing there?
Now, you saw Trump last night on Fox Business say all that.
Word for word!
And everybody knows we talk to the President sometimes, we have sources that talk to him basically every day.
And it's not just Roger Stone, he is one of the sources I call to double-check stuff with, but I'm going to leave it at that, because he doesn't want to be quoted on these particular areas.
The point is, they're calling us fake news everywhere because we're the opposite.
We're about to go to Dr. Jerome Corsi, who's got three number one New York Times best-selling books, changed at least one election, is credited for winning George W. Bush's second election.
The point is that he's very effective as his sources.
He has the intel.
Bombshell, exclusive, Infowars.com, Obama wiretapped Trump insiders.
This is huge.
We're going to break down all this in a second, but I want to go to these clips.
Here I am Monday, also covered it Sunday, covering the exclusive article that's got paragraph after paragraph that are quotes.
And I didn't even really want to say these were direct quotes of the president here because the media has such a circus with it, but then at the same time, you know, this is real stuff from the president.
On Syria.
On a lot of big issues so people actually know where he stands.
So, you'll now notice, word for word, what we tell you here is what he then says two days later.
The media keeps saying he must be getting it all from Infowars.
It's the other way around.
We're talking to the President or our sources are.
And I talked to another source last night that's in regular contact with the President as well.
And I'm going to leave it at that.
And we have a lot of sources, folks, and a lot of people that play golf with the President, people that are in the White House, people that are longtime friends, and other things.
And Trump wants this info to get out.
And he knows the media distorts it.
So I'm just going to leave it at that.
Look at China now having to back off and saying they'll back even a strike on North Korea if they do something.
In fact, China says they'll go in.
Well, notice that's what Trump said weeks ago.
They'll get North Korea under control, or I will.
So now they're turning back their ships, they're not letting them sell their coal to China, and their major people's daily said, if you attack the United States without a provocation or Japan or anybody else, we're going to take you out.
Because you're crossing our bottom line.
Thought about how the Chinese are, you know, into business.
A paradox, they're communist, but they're good business people.
So that's what's happening here.
But everything is how, we're dupes, we're idiots, we don't know anything, everything we say is fake, on and on and on, all these red herrings.
And I know you know we're for real, but folks have to understand how hardcore and how precious InfoWars is.
That's why we're the main target of attack.
Now, let's go to the clip from Monday, then I'll get to the clip of the President.
Here it is.
There's a report I've got directly out of the White House and other sources that in these meetings Trump is saying, I'm not putting up a no-fly zone, I don't intend to escalate this, and I don't have the generals bossing me around.
We've got that force there to protect our ground troops as they kick ISIS and al-Qaeda out of the country.
We intend to end this civil war that threatens all of Europe, because if that country falls to Wahhabis, then we already have Turkey linking up with them, calling for jihads in Europe.
They'll have a direct invasion route into Europe, and we'll have the jihads that started the crusades all over again.
This is exclusive information.
Paul Joseph Watson has in his article on Infowars.com.
See, at first I wasn't even going to put my name on it because I don't want to create a big controversy.
This is a direct conduit to the White House because obviously I want to keep that conduit open.
They've got all my phones tapped.
They know all this.
That's why they say I'm under criminal investigation by the FBI for being actually a Russian agent.
Remember that a month ago in Congress?
In hearings.
With no proof, and I can't go face them in there.
So they can tell the president, don't talk to Alex Jones, or don't talk to this person, because they're under Russian investigation.
Then you get the internal media matters reports, and they're like, we've got to take out Roger Stone, he's an MVP.
He's going to help Trump win, we've got to call him a Russian agent.
We've got to get him kicked off all the news channels.
And it's in their memos, it's in their recordings.
It's all come out that we've got to stop these people.
We've got to stop his base, we've got to get him cut off from them.
So, here is Trump last night on Fox Business.
There's several clips.
But here is the President saying word for word what is in the article that we wrote.
Much of it a direct transcript of what the President said.
Here it is.
We're not going into Syria because you know there were some questions.
Nikki Haley is doing a great job.
Rex is doing a fantastic job, our Secretary of State.
And General McMaster, fantastic.
But if you add it all up and if they take every little word, they'll say, oh they're different.
Just so you understand, we're not going into Syria.
But when I see people using horrible, horrible chemical weapons, which they agreed not to use under the Obama administration, but they violated it.
They said they got rid of them.
Look, what I did should have been done
See, what Trump does is he hits somebody militarily and then tells you why he did it.
He doesn't telegraph the strike first.
Word for word, Sunday on the show, I broke it down.
He pulled the transcript, he did an article on Monday, word for word, White House source, Trump pushes back against a neocon plan to invade Syria, and it says his rationale was, they agreed to give up the chemicals, and whether they used them or not, they had intel on the ground from special forces and others, including journalists, of giant stockpiles of it just sitting out there at the airfields.
Now you can argue and say that's not what it is, and I'm not even pushing for these strikes, but look how it got the Chinese to buckle for the first time since the Korean War in 1953.
That ceasefire is saying we will hit North Korea if they start a fight.
US, you stay out of it, we'll hit them.
Then they can hit them, we don't have a nuclear war.
Because North Korea is out of control and is threatening everybody.
So you can see what Trump's doing.
And here's the deal.
It's not globalists doing it.
It's nationalists.
It's America.
Didn't say once we got an American president he'd be absolutely, you know, like your pastor.
Like Phyllis Schlafly would always say.
But he's got the world's respect.
He's turning our economy back on.
And he does not intend to have a water war.
He's saying, I've got to clean up Obama's mess, or it's going to become a water war.
And he's got to control the generals not getting a water war.
They always want that, don't they?
But that's word for word.
Another thing, I've got to clean up Obama's mess, or it's going to flood Europe.
That's what Trump's doing.
So, you know, in hindsight, I've been critical, but six days later, seven days later, coming into focus, what the president did.
Coming into focus, what the President did.
And there's several other clips where he talks about China.
I'm gonna play those, then go to Dr. Jerome Corsi, who's setting up, we got our offices now, he's getting all that together, there in D.C.
Let's go ahead and go to the next clip.
Trump and Chinese President agree on solution for North Korea.
This is from the same interview, here it is.
Was North Korea, so you gotta help us with North Korea.
Because we can't allow it, and it's no good for you.
And you have a tremendous power because of trade.
Now he then explains thousands of years of history with Korea.
Not that easy.
In other words, not as simple as people would think.
They've had tremendous conflict with Korea over the years.
Now, his father was in China four times.
He was never in China.
So I said, look, you have a tremendous power because of trading through the border.
They don't get food.
They don't get, you know, they can't sell their coal.
In fact, I hear today two massive coal ships from North Korea were sent back to North Korea, heading to China.
They were sent back, which is a very good sign.
But I think China can help us.
I hope China can help us.
We talked about trade, and I can tell you China will do much better on trade if they help us with North Korea.
And you think he knows that?
I think he knows that.
I told him that, yeah.
When you were with
So see, this is all deals that are direct, that aren't run by these globalist combines where presidents are supposed to sit there and wait while policy boards tell them what to do, and then North Korea keeps arming, keeps getting more nukes, keeps threatening the world, China gets more belligerent, and all of a sudden China's starting to pull back, and realizing, listen, you can't just push us around.
We dropped atomic bombs on Japan.
We're not playing games, okay?
The West is back.
We will kill you if you start a fight.
Now the danger of having this much power, and America having its power again, not the globalist, is that we could get a little, little, little heady and a little belligerent.
And those the gods would destroy, they first make man.
I've got one more clip and we're going to Dr. Corsi with this big breaking news.
This is Trump on telling Chinese President about Syria airstrikes.
Here it is.
We finished dinner, we're now having dessert.
And we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen, and
President, she was enjoying it.
And I was given the message from the generals that the ships are locked and loaded.
What do you do?
And we made a determination to do it.
So the missiles were on the way.
And I said, Mr. President, let me explain something to you.
This is during dessert.
We've just fired 59 missiles.
All of which hit, by the way, unbelievable from, you know, hundreds of miles away.
All of which hit.
It's so incredible.
It's brilliant.
It's genius.
Our technology, our equipment, is better than anybody by a factor of five.
I mean, what we have in terms of technology, nobody can get that close to competing.
Now, we're going to start getting it.
Because, you know, the military has been cut back and depleted so badly by the past administration and by the war in Iraq, which was another disaster.
So what happens, as I said, we've just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq.
Well, heading to Syria.
Yes, heading toward Syria.
And I want you to know that.
Because I didn't want him to go home.
We're almost finished.
It was a full day in Palm Beach.
We're almost finished.
And what does he do?
Finish his dessert and go home and then they say, you know the guy you just had dinner with just attacked a girl.
How did he react?
So he paused for 10 seconds and then he asked the interpreter to please say it again.
I didn't think that was a good sign.
And he said to me, anybody that uses gases, you could almost say or anything else, but anybody
That was so brutal and uses gases to do that to young children and babies.
It's okay.
He agreed.
He was okay with it.
He was okay.
It was all done personally.
That's what Trump does.
Now, Dr. Corsi, this all ties together, has big breaking news on Infowars.com.
Dr. Jerome Corsi, also a longtime friend of Donald Trump as well, so he has that old background.
Obama wiretapped Trump insiders.
That's exclusive.
FISA order targeted Trump's inner circle.
Not just Carter Page, who they've got some tenuous Russian connection, so they're only letting that come out now because they have nothing.
And now Schiff on the Intelligence Committee, the Democrat, he won't recuse himself, even though he's putting out fake intel, which is illegal, just to put out intel, period.
He won't recuse himself.
This is just unbelievable.
So we have this big breaking news that all ties together.
With it coming out, the CIA has been spoofing Russian and other systems and attacking Congress, you name it, to get more power.
So Dr. Jerome Corsi, an expert, by the way, on cybersecurity as well, and banking is his real calling, State Department consultant, you name it, but all over the world, he's here to break down how big this story is and what it ties into.
They have national polls where close to 60% of Americans think Obama illegally spied.
Well, it's not fake.
It's all admitted.
That's why they've been stonewalling.
Because they first admitted they'd done it to say they had this intel, but there was no intel.
So then Trump goes, that's illegal.
They go, we never said that.
We have all the front pages of the newspapers and their sources.
So see, put up or shut up.
Show where I'm this Russian agent.
They're in the Economist today saying I'm being directed by Damascus.
What a load of horse manure.
Let's go to Dr. Jerome Corsi.
Doc, you've got the floor.
Break this big news.
Well, Alex, the news is that the wiretapping order, the FISA order that placed electronic surveillance on Carter Page, which now has been confirmed.
We know that happened during the election.
So this is wiretapping during the election was also the same vice order was used against Paul Manafort, who was formerly Trump's campaign manager and Roger Stone, the longtime Trump political advisor.
And just like you've been reporting, I mean, we went back to the New York Times on January 19th.
I don't
The White House had already leaked to the New York Times that it was doing electronic surveillance of Trump associates, which include the highest levels, you know, Manafort and Stone.
And the question is, of course, whether any of Donald Trump's conversations were captured, which almost certainly they had to be.
And also, the New York Times revealed in that January 19th article
That the wiretapping, the FISA-ordered electronic surveillance of Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and Roger Stone was being directed by the FBI, but aided by the National Security Agency, NSA, and the CIA, and the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Unit, and the information had been shared with the White House.
So this is very broad sharing of exactly what Trump said, that there was electronic surveillance of Trump.
I don't know.
Which, obviously, now we know there has been.
And, I mean, it's shocking to think that President Obama was wiretapping his opponent, and who knows if the information was shared with Hillary Clinton.
Please continue breaking down, I mean, the different angles of this, because this is just massive.
They've been caught lying the whole time about this, and then more and more is coming out.
Well, and to break it down further, I mean, what it means is that this whole Russian, I think this whole Russian angle was a pretext.
I mean, first of all, Carter Page is a businessman.
He was a junior, former
Policy advisor to the campaign he never had a single meeting in person with Donald Trump and yet when the wiretapping or this Electronic surveillance properly the order went through the fines of court It looks like the FBI tagged on a Paul Manafort and Roger Stone now that immediately allows the FBI and all these other agencies NSA CIA and
Treasury, the Financial Crimes Unit, to be collecting information during the campaign and during the transition about candidate Trump and then President-elect Trump.
Now this information, I mean, first of all, it's unprecedented in American history that you would wiretap or do electronic surveillance on an opponent.
I mean, this is Watergate on steroids.
It's beyond that.
We're about to go to break.
Let's come back and talk about that.
I also got told by a White House source, and it came out the next day, that Nancy Pelosi said that I threatened her daughter, but I never threatened her daughter, who was running the whole unfaithful elector deal, trying to keep Trump from being seated as the president.
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All right, we've got our guests with us for this segment.
Next, we have Associated Press.
UN child sex ring left victims but no arrest.
That's the Associated Press.
Sex rings everywhere.
And no one's getting in trouble.
And then when you bring it up, they say it doesn't exist.
Or if you correct some story you're working on, they go, oh look, Jones says children have never been raped.
Pedophilia doesn't exist.
I mean, that's the level in the controlled media.
But they can't stop it coming out.
There's also cases now in the U.S.
People admittedly, migrants rape people, and then you point out that our government's importing them, or companies are, and then the companies say, we're going to sue you for saying we've imported people that then they themselves, their children, ended up raping people.
I mean, it's just the wildest thing that we've gotten to this point.
Now we have the founder getting threats, calls for boycott for employing refugees.
We're going to be breaking all that down more.
And I'm not saying all the refugees are bad people or whatever.
The point is, is that a lot of the Islamic culture has this underlying and that mainstream media makes jokes about it.
I mean, they've had like Colbert and others go, what's a slave block?
Jones says women are being sold into sex slavery in Libya after Hillary destabilized the country.
That was in what?
International Business Times video yesterday.
In fact, I'm going to play that next hour.
Hell, I'll probably get sued for saying that, you know, Muslims are raping people anywhere in the world, because everybody knows they never did anything wrong!
There it is.
Migrants are being sold at open slave markets in Libya.
I'm just going on the offense on all this.
By the way, ladies and gentlemen, we're going back to Dr. Corsi in a moment.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to come back in 70 seconds and finish up with Dr. Jerome Corsi, and I'll tell you about all the other big guests, and we'll cover the number one search term, World War III.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin says the Syria chemical attack was a false flag, and more are on the way.
We have information from various sources that a similar provocation, and I can't call it anything other than a provocation, is being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus.
Where they're again preparing to release some similar chemical substances and accuse the Syrian authorities of using them.
Putin went on to compare the situation in Syria to Saddam Hussein's non-existent weapons of mass destruction.
Which may indicate that he believes the US is either behind the false flag or actively pushing the propaganda.
Meanwhile, the Russian government says Syrian forces possess no chemical weapons and any further attacks in Syria by the United States will be unacceptable.
You can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The globalists' great error is to believe that as they collapse humanity, they end up on top.
The truth is, humanity is coming down fast, but we're miles above them on our journey to hell.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming down fast, but I'm miles above you!
Alright, Dr. Jerome Corsi of Infowars.com is our guest with the big exclusive report on Infowars.com.
They're spying on the entire Trump inner circle, twisting the information, giving it to the media.
It's all coming out.
The Democrats have committed something, I mean, thousands of times conservatively, bigger than Watergate.
So Dr. Corsi, where does all this go now?
Well, I think first of all, Alex, it makes it clear that the Democrats have been lying when they said that, you know, Obama had not been electronic surveillance or having wiretapping on the Trump campaign.
It's clear that it was done very broadly and the information was shared very broadly across the administration, including to the White House.
I mean, it's shocking that this information came to the White House and President Obama didn't order it.
Why didn't President Obama say, stop it?
We can't be, you know, having electronic surveillance on a presidential candidate or president-elect.
So, obviously... Well, under law, of course he ordered it, but he's responsible whether he, quote, knew or not.
And Rice and all of them have been caught lying.
So where do you think this is going and what should we do about it?
Well, I think it's going into a major crisis in terms of the, finally when we get some of these intel committees meeting, I don't think the Democrats are going to be able to stonewall this.
I also think Trump's been very effective in defusing the whole Russian collusion narrative, the Democrats.
I mean, if Trump's sending missiles into Syria, he's not exactly engaging in a bromance with Putin.
And the whole narrative the Democrats have looks lying and silly.
I mean, what's apparent is the Democrats concocted this whole Russian conclusion in order to be able to have wiretapping electronic surveillance on top Trump campaign officials, including Manafort and Roger Stone, and then they
Probably to turn it around and say, well, Roger Stone and Manafort were colluding with the Russians.
It was absolutely silly.
And everyone who's looked at the intelligence about Russian collusion has said there's nothing there.
That's now been admitted.
So where do they go?
We've got Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee in the House, refusing to recuse himself when he's out there blabbering that he has intelligence a hundred times what Nunes has done.
Nunes recuses himself so the Ethics Committee can clear him.
But Schiff just runs around like a maniac.
He, the Democrats act like they're the party in power when they're not.
They're a party that got its ass kicked at the states, at the legislators.
We have a trifecta in government.
Trump needs to prosecute these people.
They're the ones that are enemies of the Republic.
And it looks to me, I mean, this is clear with the leaks and everything.
There's been crimes committed.
So after the congressional investigations, we ought to have referrals into the Department of Justice for a grand jury.
And it looks to me like
Trump, in his interview with Maria Bartiromo... Calling her Guilty Hillary.
In fact, let's play that next segment.
Guilty Hillary.
That's big.
And saying that the only reason she's not going through trial is because of Comey.
Well, that sure sounds like Trump is getting ready to clean house.
Well, he needs to sack Comey if he's got any instincts.
It's the same with Arpaio.
We've got... And by the way, let's just stay from Machiavellian view.
I don't like being Machiavelli, but he hit that site, nobody died, and then now he can move against all the enemies of the country, and he's got, I mean, and the Chinese are now, you know, getting in line and not trying to start World War III.
I mean, I gotta say it, Trump really is impressing me right now, and I hate to be a Machiavelli supporter, I'm not.
I'm just really, he knows what he's doing.
And I said from the beginning, I mean, knowing Donald Trump, I said from the beginning,
Trump has no intention of putting troops into Syria.
He's not putting troops into Korea.
He wants a strong military so that the world knows... You know, we've got Stefan Molyneux coming up, but he'll be cool to hold five minutes.
I want you to be able to finish on the fact that you've been pointing out since day one, before we even struck, what Trump would probably do.
I know that's because you've studied this.
We obviously have our sources, some of the same ones, where we specifically laid out what his policy is, and now he's told the world.
He just couldn't say it until after the strikes were done.
So stay there, Dr. Corsi.
We'll finish up with our D.C.
Bureau Chief.
Ladies and gentlemen, we got Easter specials, some of the biggest of the year, at InfoWarsTore.com.
They're great products, and it's an act of resistance to fund this operation, because you want us to fight?
We are, but we're under attack.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin says the Syria chemical attack was a false flag, and more are on the way.
We have information from various sources that a similar provocation, and I can't call it anything other than a provocation, is being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus.
Where they're again preparing to release some similar chemical substances and accuse the Syrian authorities of using them.
Putin went on to compare the situation in Syria to Saddam Hussein's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, which may indicate that he believes the U.S.
is either behind the false flag or actively pushing the propaganda.
Meanwhile, the Russian government says Syrian forces possess no chemical weapons and any further attacks in Syria by the United States will be unacceptable.
You can learn more right now at Infowars.com.
I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
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It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars in our fight to promote human liberty and freedom.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're now into hour number two.
I'm Alex Jones.
You have found it, the InfoWarp.
This is a real attempt to restore the Republic and to have a new renaissance and to promote Christian values, not force them on people, but promote our Western system that is the apple of the world's eye.
And we have Stefan Molyneux joining us in about five minutes, who's been having some great analysis and debates with folks.
I'm going to go back to Dr. Corsi here for just a moment so he can finish up.
Our D.C.
Bureau Chief, we've now got our offices, we're setting all that up as we speak.
He's back in New Jersey right now, about to fully move there.
And we have this big breaking news, exclusive bombshell, Obama wiretapped Trump insiders
But the reason I held you over for listeners that just joined us is you got into the fact that you said last Wednesday when the gas attack, whoever was behind it, it happened, a lot of it points towards a false flag and Putin's come out and said that, so has Ron Paul and many others.
It's just common sense, says the British ambassador to Syria, or the former British ambassador.
But regardless, I talked to two people on Sunday that talked to the President.
I'll just leave it at that so it doesn't get too politicized.
And the president, we have basically a transcript of what the article is, the headline that Trump has been standing up and saying no to the warmongers on a wider war in Syria and does not want a no-fly zone, but that they agreed to give up the chemicals and it appears that they still have chemicals, so that's why he had a right to strike them.
And Assad did make a deal with our military and the Russians, and the Russians know that.
So we have that information.
Now, you were able to come up with that before, I guess, any of us were able to talk to Trump, because you've known Trump for 40 plus years.
Just briefly give us a breakdown or just a staunt in five minutes of knowing what he's done with China, seeing what China's doing right now, sending back the Korean ships with massive amounts of coal, their only major export other than slave labor.
China's saying if North Korea starts a war, China will deal with it and will nuke them.
They've had a bunch of wars with them, obviously.
So North Korea is kind of like China's Mexico.
They have a long relationship, lots of wars, lots of problems, lots of crises.
So what do you make geopolitically right now with the top search term being World War III and North Korea threatening to nuke our task force that's entering the South China Sea?
Because I don't want war.
You don't want war.
But sometimes being an appeaser like Neville Chamberlain, as you know, gets you a war because you've got North Korea threatening to nuke Tokyo, threatening to nuke Seoul.
They're completely out of control.
I see Trump being strong, at least in his message in North Korea.
What do you think?
Well, Trump is very strong on this.
I mean, I've watched him for years.
There's always people saying, well, it's either going to be we're going to completely concede, we're going to be Neville Chamberlain, or we're going to go into a World War III.
Trump has a third way of dealing with these things.
He liked negotiating with labor unions.
I mean, Trump means it.
He's not going to put troops into Syria.
He's not going to go into World War III.
He might tell the labor unions in a negotiation, you know, I'm tired of you.
It might make me a threat to them.
But at the end of the negotiation, the unions shake hands with Trump and the workers go to work happily.
What you're going to find is there's no bromance.
I mean, between Putin and Trump, Trump sent missiles.
...into Syria, warned the Russians, get out.
Trump's going to be tough with Russia, and Tillerson over there right now is being tough with the Russians.
Well, just him bringing the coal back online, one of the few things Haley said that's true, has absolutely crippled the price of gas for the Russians.
So, and he didn't do that to hurt Russia, he did that to give us cheaper energy to be more competitive, and then Russia doesn't want us having a new fabulous military.
Well, see, what Trump wants, he's not going to end up loving Putin or China.
He wants to work with both.
But he wants to work with both from a position of strength.
Which is, yeah, we'll launch a missile attack.
North Korea better worry that we'll send steel teams in there to assassinate this crazy dictator or send missiles at their nuclear and other facilities.
Trump will do that.
He won't hesitate.
In fact, that's the word.
Trump has assassination, decapitation.
The word is they might even use bunker busters.
I'm not giving out any secrets.
So they're moving Kim Jong-un around quite a bit.
I mean, he needs to go.
His own regime needs to just get rid of him.
He needs to be dealt with.
He's an arrogant, crazy person, sending people around, you know, nerve-gassing his brother.
I mean, he's a real piece of work.
But see, what you're going to find is, at the end, Russia works with us and China works with us from a position of strength.
And Trump is going to be tough.
He's going to be strong.
And by the way, China's been very belligerent the last eight years in grabbing the South China Sea.
They're suddenly backing off.
What else do you think Trump said over those three days?
Well, I mean, Trump made it very clear that he wants to work with China, but he's not going to be pushed around.
And he's sick of this North Korea.
There's no solution.
What was done by the Clinton administration and then Obama was they did nothing.
They said, oh, we're going to let them have it.
North Korea have the nuclear weapons.
Remember the whole framework agreement that Carter put together under the Clinton administration?
And Obama did nothing.
North Korea is laughing at Obama.
Well, they're not laughing anymore.
They're realizing that Trump will take out their nuclear capacity, and he'll do it effectively, and stop.
That's what he wants to do.
And by the way, next is Iran.
First was Syria, now is North Korea.
As soon as this is done, Trump's going to move on Iran.
Now, he doesn't want a war with Iran.
He wants Russia to come in and say to Iran, you know, we better put the leash back on you.
The same with what China's doing.
By the way, Eric Prince met to try to work on that and they called that treason.
That he was trying to get Russia on our side with Iran.
That's what you do for the nation.
That's what the President does is communicate with the Russians.
Dr. Corsi, great job with your breaking news.
I know you've got more breaking news coming to InfoWars.com.
Some big stories you're working on.
Thank you so much.
My pleasure.
Thank you, Alex.
There he goes.
We just got our offices.
We're getting all set up there in D.C.
and more.
Now joining us for the balance of the hour to cover the waterfront is Stefan Molyneux.
And of course, it really doesn't need any introduction to our audience, but to new listeners that tuned in, he has millions of viewers and listeners every week.
And he's also a prolific researcher and writer and of course an entrepreneur.
Freedomainradio.com is his site.
We'll talk about censorship we see intensifying on Google but also other platforms.
We'll talk about the situation with war and Syria and Russia and of course the Korean Peninsula.
We'll get into this witch hunt that's ongoing that anybody that doesn't want war with Russia must be a Russian agent.
They have The Economist today saying now that I'm basically an agent of Syria.
And I guess Ron Paul is and ran Paul because we all remember the chemical attacks where they got caught launching them.
But see, I don't have a memory.
No, no, no, no.
It's not that that's admitted.
It's that Assad told me.
That's in The Economist today.
I'm called a useful idiot.
Yes, I've built one of the biggest independent media operations in the world.
The biggest, other than like Drudge.
And I've got 70 plus employees and we reach 45 million people a week conservatively.
People that actually listen or watch.
Yes, I'm just a complete useful idiot.
I don't know anything.
I don't know anything.
I don't know anything.
Just, you know, a bunch of my family was in different intelligence operations and everything else and just grew up around it all and everything else.
But I just don't know anything.
I'm this big giant
Useful idiot.
So people reading The Economist, and again, I don't want to talk about myself, but they're making it all about Alex Jones so they can demonize me, take me out of context, then they can shut down everybody else.
So we're hanging together.
So we'll go into all these subjects with Stefan Molyneux, but know this.
They're slowly strangling free speech and it's accelerating.
And so we have to point out, hey, we told you Trump was going to come out and say he doesn't want a wider war and a no-fly zone.
I told you that on Sunday and Monday.
I gave you transcripts of what the President said.
I said, oh, White House source, it's the President.
The President.
What the President says.
And I'd rather have the information and have the media have these conniption fits, but of course the FBI says to Congress, I'm under surveillance.
Not because I'm a Russian spy, because they cannot stand the fact that the president talks to us and reads our website at night.
So, there's an amazing amount of stuff to talk about.
Stefan Molyneux is our guest.
Really appreciate him joining us and coming on.
Stefan, I don't know where to begin here, but this is just a crazy time to be alive.
It is a crazy and great time to be alive, Alex.
The fact that they're coming after us, the fact that they're trying to demonetize people who are speaking out on YouTube, because YouTube is largely owned by people who are anti-useless wars, you know, anti-left, and so on.
You know, Facebook and other places seem to be a little bit more on the left, but we've kind of taken over on YouTube, which is why YouTube is being targeted
Now, so that people aren't able to speak up and speak their minds without fear of being demonetized, which is why they're always trying to target your source of income and discredit you at a personal level rather than actually engage in your arguments.
You know, it used to be known very well in civilized society that anyone who refused to engage in your arguments, like someone who refused to hit the ball back in a tennis game, they lost
Well, Stefan, when we come back, what do you want to get into first?
Obviously, you've been not a big fan of these military strikes, and I see your perspective.
I tend to lean your way, but now I'm seeing results out of what Trump did.
That's almost scarier, because that'll encourage more of this aggressive stance.
I am perfectly willing to put the Tomahawks in the rearview.
You know, that was a one-time thing.
It's a sort of, maybe it's a trial balloon from the deep state of the military-industrial complex.
My concern, Alex, is another ground invasion in the Middle East.
It's commitment to regime change in the Middle East, which has been tried so many times throughout history and fails every single time.
And the reasons
I think so.
That's right.
We have to build a wall around it, and then people that want to convert to the West, no matter what color they are, and want freedom and prosperity, can come here.
But if you want to come here and make us go under Sharia, and come here and bully everybody, and sue everybody that doesn't agree with Islam, and pull all your infighting crap, sorry, we don't want to be a Stone Age, death cult, monotheistic thing where women are slaves.
Right, Stefan?
I certainly would not want to live under that kind of law.
Absolutely, and they want to make us live under it, and it just ain't gonna happen.
We'll be right back with Stefan Molyneux of Free Domain Radios.
I'm Alex Jones.
Someone very profoundly once said, many years ago, that if fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the name of liberalism.
This young generation, who scream words like fascist, in fact themselves become the fascists.
You guys are the fascists!
You're all the fascists!
You're a white male!
I just wish that somebody would create like some kind of a safe space where we can all just go and f***ing hate!
You're a f***ing white man who gets to do whatever he wants to in this space, right?
You need to get out.
I actually don't.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
So the question is, are social justice warriors mentally ill, or are they just stupid?
When your emotions control your actions, it affects not only yourself, but the people around you.
There are over 7 million mentally ill and emotionally disturbed children in America.
It has to be a joke!
I can't believe this is happening!
I'm literally about to f***ing kill myself and I'm not kidding!
You better f***ing fix this right now!
Get the f*** out of here!
Gets losing control of himself.
Get your phone away!
Quit recording!
The madder he gets, the worse it becomes.
Get the f*** away!
You couldn't help interrupting, could you?
You added nothing to that conversation.
These are some of Tommy's drawings that the school sent over.
There's an awful lot of hate in them.
I am a nasty woman.
Like your wet dreams infused with your own genes.
But yeah, I'm a nasty woman.
Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
Bing bing bong bong bing bing bing.
If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse.
Minor words and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
It's a fight for our minds.
And InfoWars.com is on the front lines.
Download our free multimedia app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
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Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I want to play a bunch of clips and cover the waterfront in the next long 18-minute segment coming up.
This is a short six-minute segment.
Stefan Molyneux of Freedom and Radio is our guest.
This is a breaking story confirming what Zero Hedge was linking to in the People's Daily yesterday.
We'll cover more of the censorship in the next segment because that's key, folks.
I know you know about it, but we're becoming conditioned to accept it.
That's when they've got us.
We've got to talk about a battle plan on that and more.
But first, China warns North Korea amid massive troop buildup on the border.
We will react strongly to nuclear threats, China says, and threatens to take nuclear action, says they're not going to let the U.S.
do it, which is exactly what Trump said.
He said, listen!
You're making most of your money off the U.S.
and Japan.
Knock it off, man.
You have massive trade with South Korea.
Almost none with the North.
Just chill out.
Quit using it as some Cold War relic.
See, Trump's a realist.
So this is a big deal.
He got North Korea's nuclear test reaching meltdown.
That's supposedly going to happen on the birthday of the sick.
And a hereditary dictator grandfather, Kim Jong-un's grandfather.
Stephan Molyneux, could there not be a better poster child of the ridiculousness of state worship than Kim Jong-un?
This feckless, craven, demon-smiling, fat chipmunk, horrible little creature that kills his family with mortars for entertainment.
Out on a grass lawn firing mortars at him a half mile away.
I mean, he is literally the archetype of a spoiled demonic brat who was given his own planet, basically.
I mean, the stuff of satire doesn't go far enough.
And then I see the left and people thinking he's cute and funny and liking mal bars in Denver.
And what the hell?
And people, you know, last week in D.C.
were spitting on a small memorial for the victims of communism.
What is going on here?
Well, people don't like, and the left doesn't like, him as an example of the endgame of communism, which is rancid, horrifying, totalitarian dictatorships, where people are regularly shipped off to camps, where if you manage to escape the regime, of course your family is dragged into these camps, where people live and die underground, in mines, and die horribly of vitamin D deficiencies and other ailments and so on.
It is a monstrous, hideous regime, and it was started, of course, with the support
of Stalin at the end of the Second World War after it had suffered under decades of occupation from Japan.
So this is a country that results from significant military and ideological occupation by foreign powers.
And so the left doesn't like it because it really shows up just what happens in the long run to central planning, to price controls, to communism and socialism and all of those toxic ideologies.
So they have some sympathy for it because
To hate it is, you know, like they hate Russia now, but they loved Russia under Stalin.
They loved Russia when it was murderous.
Now they hate Russia when it's largely Christian and nationalistic, because it goes against the toxic internationalism of the left.
That's right.
And you know, it's so pitiful.
I mean, it's great that you know history.
I know a lot of the audience does, but I've studied it because it's so intriguing.
I don't study history.
It's going to be impressive.
North Korea
Just 60 years of quasi-freedom, one of the richest countries in the world, incredible inventions.
The people are just worlds apart compared to the North.
Just a total example of what a little bit of freedom does.
And so we can look at North Koreans and laugh at them worshipping the tyrant, but they were born into this.
Most of the population has their children taken at birth and put into communes, so there's not even family.
Their mother and father, when they're not given love in their crib or anything,
When they are given love, they're told, you know, that the dear leader gives you this love.
When they're given food, Venezuela does this, they're told, you know, that the spirit of Hugo Chavez gives you this milk.
I mean, it is the religion of the state, and the stupid leftists that think it's cute, sitting here in the wreck of what was freedom, have no idea the gates of hell they've opened.
Well, this is what people need to understand.
And for people who are too young to remember, as you and I do, Alex, the difference between East and West Berlin in the divided Germany.
Because this has happened a bunch of times before.
It happened in Vietnam, it happened in Germany, when the East and the West divide up a country, when communism and capitalism divide up a country.
You know, South Korea has like twice the population of North Korea, but it has over 40 times the economic output of North Korea because they're free.
And because it has all of this wealth, it seems hard to me to understand why they need 25,000 American troops sitting in there, you know, many decades after the end, or I guess there was never an official end of the Korean War.
But this is the difference between socialism and central planning and totalitarianism versus a relatively free market.
And I've got to tell you, Alex, the ring of power is dangling itself in front of me in a very, very tempting way.
Because I can think of two successful regime changes in history, brutal though they were, we're talking the liberation of Germany under the Nazis and the liberation of the emperor's grip
Over the semi-death cult in Japan that occurred, of course, at the end of the Second World War.
You had existing infrastructures decapitated.
You had new infrastructures come in.
The only time that happened before was the Black Plague wiping out the elites as well.
Let's come back and talk about that.
Quite frankly, who needs to be wiped out is the elites.
I'm not calling for violence, but Trump is a blue-collar elite who actually wants to have productivity.
But elites throughout history want feudalism.
Our guest will explain that when we come back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to commit blasphemy against the globalists right now in the New World Order.
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The more things change, the more they stay the same.
A few months ago, President-elect Donald Trump told an audience during his victory tour that his administration will not take part in regime changes.
We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments, folks.
That was then, and this is now.
After the false flag chemical attack in Syria, which was blamed on Assad, the neocons and the military-industrial complex have convinced the new president that it's business as usual, and the regime changes will commence.
My attitude toward Syria and Assad has changed very much.
Well, the only difference is this time the American patriots won't be fooled again.
I'm Darren McBreen and you can learn more right now at Infowars.com.
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A total 360 win.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And Stefan Molyneux.
I'm going to open the phones up in the next hour, and then we've got the Associated Press reporting on massive slave trafficking of children by the UN, and nothing being done.
Of course, the media says there's no such thing as child trafficking, and you've got Salon Magazine saying pedophilia is not a bad thing.
So some really sick stuff going on by these people.
We're going to be breaking all that down coming up.
Don't forget, freedomainradio.com for Stefan Molyneux's great work.
Look, I'm going to boil this down to you, and I'm going to shoot you straight.
I know I've done the right thing.
I've always tried to tell the truth.
I make mistakes sometimes.
We correct when we do.
But I really do care about humanity.
I don't get off on seeing other people being brought down.
We're going to talk about feudalism here in a moment.
But you have to understand, these inbred elites, a lot of them have had their DNA checked.
It's been proven that there are psychopathic tendencies in a lot of these royal houses, people that have inbred.
You see a lot of that in Islam.
I mean, there's folks in Appalachia inbreeding, and there's a lot of killers and stuff.
You just need to stop doing it.
We're not criticizing folks there in the Middle East.
Just stop having, you know, stop marrying your sister.
And we're facing a bunch of crazy people.
And so I'm all stirred up and angry trying to do something about it, and I've got them coming after me.
Because they think those of us that are nice and friendly are just going to roll over.
We're not.
And they've gone from laughing at us now to lying about us, demonizing us, trying to shut us down.
Well, listen, we already have amazing products like the 40% off, and that sale's going to end in just a couple days, on the ProPure Water Filtration Nomad System that's gravity-fed.
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That's available at InfowarsStore.com.
That special is going to end very, very soon.
Beautiful stainless steel unit, cuts out all the garbage, leaves in the good minerals, cuts out the fluoride, cuts out the... There's just hundreds of chemicals even in the average well water.
Glyphosate, you name it.
You need to be filtering your water.
If you don't care, at least filter your children's water.
So much of the bottle water's not good.
I drink some nice mineral waters and things that are great.
They're out of natural springs.
The point is, is a lot of the stuff you buy is from the Houston tap water and they just put it through a cheap carbon filter and just makes it taste good but doesn't cut out the real garbage.
So again, we have that filtration system.
We've never offered 40% off on that, but that is a loss leader there.
I think we make like 10 bucks or something.
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25% off and help us get enough funding to try to place a new order of the Deep Earth Iodine with a supplier.
Actually a gas company, not an oil company.
They're drilling for gas is where they get it.
Since we were able to secure the most high-quality true iodine from a 99.999 plus Deep Earth source, more than four years ago we have never faced a bigger threat to our supply.
Our analysis say that we are being targeted by groups who want to cut off our funding and shut down Infowars.
I mean we're being hit by
I don't know.
It's like the Alamo, folks.
I mean, I'm just ringing a musket here in a minute.
I mean, this is crazy.
Or 300.
I mean, that's the political level of this.
Watson's had his monetization cut by 75% in one month.
We're cut by, like, 60%.
And again, they're just celebrating in the news.
The Democrats.
David Brock.
Oh, look, we're shutting them off.
Oh, it's great.
Soros, give us more money.
Nazi collaborator, give us more money.
We'll shut up that loudmouthed American.
But we're burning them down politically.
We're talking to the President.
We're breaking the big news.
Our metrics are going straight up.
So, it's crazy.
Everything they do, suddenly doors open and then support happens.
So, I'm just praying to God every day.
It's an amazing time to be alive, but you need these great products.
Just like our info is game-changing.
Our products are game-changing.
I mean, I didn't sell a water filtration system that was gravity-fed for four years because I couldn't find one that was up to specs, that was good enough.
We finally did.
Now there's three companies we sell.
They're apples and oranges.
Different ones are better at this or that.
ProPure's great.
AlexaPure's great.
The point is, is that, I mean, I treat you like I want to be treated.
Not because... It's beyond metaphysical.
It's an ingrained thing, okay?
And I'm not bragging, I'm some wonderful person.
You know, I was the type of guy when I was younger, I might go after your wife if you're not around.
But if you boil this down, I mean I'm just being honest, I'm not perfect.
If you boil all this down, I just want to be treated like I want to be treated.
And I'm going to treat you like that.
So thank you all for the support.
We have just a lot of big specials.
We have Easter specials that are running through the weekend.
We've got a whole bunch of specials that you can find out about.
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And we need your support today, now more than ever.
So thank you so much for all of your support.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Please support our local affiliates.
Give them a donation.
If you're a local business, become a sponsor.
Whatever it takes, just support.
We're growing in the face of this, but like salmon going upstream, folks need to know we're in a serious battle.
And take Stefan Molyneux, you know, going from reaching millions a week to tens of millions a week.
It's good to know he's there with freedomainradio.com.
I haven't asked him specifically about his monetization, but let's ask him now.
You can follow him on Twitter at Stefan Molyneux.
It looks like Molyneux with X.
Well, the reason I'm making a big issue out of this is, it's the Democrats, it's the UN, it's George Soros, it's in the WikiLeaks.
By name, they say, arrest them as Russian spies.
Shut off InfoWars.
Shut off Breitbart.
We're the main groups that are trying to shut off.
The Federal Elections Commission says shut off Drudge.
Everyone should be horrified.
It's not like I'm up here saying, oh, I'm being censored, oh, you know, give me more money.
We're here with the main globalist force spending half their time on us, demonizing us, articles coming out every minute.
I'm talking every few minutes.
Sometimes thousands a day, Stefan.
So when I bring this up, we are the issue.
I don't want to be gonzo journalism.
I don't want to sit here and talk about myself all day.
We're in the center of this.
This is happening.
It's happening to you, I know, because I know anybody that's a libertarian or a patriot, some would call you a liberal.
The globalists call you a right-winger.
It's all a load of crap.
None of these definitions mean anything.
I'm a super classical liberal, pro-freedom, live-and-let-live guy.
It's crazy.
The liberals have a religion of being neurotic weirdos, just like super right-wing Christians.
And I'm just sick of their cult.
I'm sick of Islam.
I'm sick of all these groups trying to make me be in their cult.
And then we're under attack.
What do you think we should do?
What have you gone through?
How do I get it through the listeners?
I know they're supporting, but they have to understand, if they can shut us down, folks, we'll be like China.
It's over.
They're going after the First Amendment nakedly and have the left celebrating.
Yeah, yay!
Shut Alex up!
Arrest him!
I mean, it's crazy, Stefan.
It is, and I hate to be annoying, I told you so, guys, to other people, but many, many years ago, I recognized the dangers of the waters I was treading into, and I made a very, very clear business plan around decentralizing my monetization, so I take donations directly from listeners.
We're good to go.
I think so.
Yeah, they're retaliating in money wars because they can't match us in the intellectual wars, and everyone has their part to play in helping to fight back.
What are you saving your money for?
If we lose, if there's increasing censorship, if their First Amendment is lost, if there are useless foreign wars, your money's going to end up worthless anyway.
You might as well spend it now in the fight for freedom.
That's right.
So many people go, oh, things are bad.
I'm going to hoard my money more.
You lose it to globalists, you lose everything.
That's why this year I've said I'm not even intending to take any profit.
You know, for myself, as backup money for my family, I'm going to spend everything in expanding and doing everything I can because, exactly, it's claustrophobic.
That's what it feels like.
You said it.
South Korea has 40 times the GDP of the North.
They have incredible wealth, some of the best medicine in the world, some of the best universities, the most connected group in the world, versus a place that only has two cities that have any light, almost no cars.
Don't the people that want affirmative this, affirmative that, understand free market is the engine, never perfect, but it over delivers 100 to 1 versus collectivism.
My God!
Don't they understand that?
If you look at American foreign policy, right, and the foreign policy of the West, there were a number of totalitarian dictatorships throughout the 20th century where there was an often fractious but generally non-confrontational coexistence.
I mean, there were proxy wars and all of that, but if you look at places like Russia, Russia was allowed to fall down on its own.
And China, China was allowed to reform itself to a large degree starting in the 90s on its own.
Look at extreme socialism that was handed to India after the Second World War under the Raj by all these British educated socialists.
It was allowed to reform on its own and now you have 50,000 people a month, a month in India going from poverty to the middle class.
So there are ways that countries can reform themselves if
They're allowed to sort of continue down that path, but if you go in and start blowing people up, it is going to turn a lot of the population against you.
It may in fact retard any progress.
Now that having been said, I was talking earlier about the ring of power.
I'm tempted by Alex.
If I had to choose between intervention in Syria, regime change in Syria versus regime change in North Korea, I would choose North Korea every day of the week and twice on Sundays because I think of the people groaning in these concentration camps.
I don't
That is a decapitation politically that could conceivably work in the same way it worked in Japan, in the same way that it worked in Germany.
You have a high IQ population that are desperate for freedom.
You're absolutely on target with that.
Let's speak before we get back into the World War 3 news and all the important stuff.
Stefan Molyneux.
about feudalism because the average person just gets caught up in daily life and doesn't study history so they don't know.
The establishment doesn't want people to know, obviously, or they'd be free and then they wouldn't need these monopolies anymore.
But why do elites throughout history create feudalism?
They clearly know that it's a monopoly of power and that that's how they stay in power and never actually have to perform or compete.
I mean, that's what we're up against.
Well, of course, look at the elites and how they were developed throughout most of human history.
Most of human history was bloody warfare, was repression, was brutality, was violence, and so who floats to the top in a prison?
Well, it tends to be the most violent, and so if you look at the aristocracies around the world, a lot are in Britain, which you talked about before, and we can look at the Syrian situation, where there's, you know, between 30% in the cities and 40% cousin marriage going on in the countries, which suppresses IQ significantly.
So the elites, not only are they inbred, but also they have floated to the top, usually through their capacity to commit violence, either directly as the king or on behalf of the king.
Who were the nobles?
Who were the aristocracy?
Those who slaughtered usually the most defenseless peasants on behalf of the king in order to repress people and gain tax revenue.
So the elites have been bred for ferocity and have been inbred into some pretty challenging intellectual standards or capacities.
So that is an ancient inbred murder cult in a way that has
Keep elaborating on that, because, I mean, again, that's why history is so fascinating for people that haven't looked into it.
Just replete with this.
Yeah, so you have to be willing to kill for the king.
And the more you kill for the king, and the more revenue you generate for the king, and the more peasants you enslave and conquer for the king, the more you're promoted up in at court.
So most of human history is a well-decorated, well-costumed, well-bejeweled mafia.
And who rises in the mafia?
It's not the nice guy, it's not Barney the Dinosaur, and it's not the guy who likes to hug trees.
It's the guy who can most efficiently kill or threaten for profit.
Because these people were incredibly violent in their origins and in their promotion, they dragged with them a lot of sophists who would help recast the murderousness of the elites as patriotism.
That's right, a bunch of sycophantic artists and people who would then like worship and make the evil look beautiful, just like we see in North Korea.
Well yes, and of course just like we see in a lot of government-funded art, which is making the ugly appear beautiful and attempting to corrupt our love of beauty and therefore our love of truth in order to get us to view evil as good, which is the foundation for allegiance to a lot of political elites.
We should show our TV viewers some North Korean art, but anybody can search engine it and pull it up.
Stefan Molyneux is our guest.
Let's look at some of these headlines.
We have China threatening to bomb North Korea's nuclear facilities.
We have Google search for World War III hits highest ever.
We have price of gold going up on the concerns.
We have China's president calling Trump urges peaceful approach to North Korea.
So that's just some of the news we have on that front.
More and more, do you think North Korea will back down?
Because they're the big wild card.
How much control does China really have, Stefan, from your research?
I do not think that North Korea will back down.
Power, as we've talked about before, is a very highly addictive drug and there's very few people, there are a few people, but very few people in history have relinquished power voluntarily because it is so addictive.
So there's two things that need to be done, in my opinion, and I don't know which one of the right one is.
I'll leave this to you and your listeners to sort of cogitate on.
But isolating the country is not going to do any good.
You know, one of the things that laid the foundation to World War II was a 70% drop in international trade that came out because of America's protectionism and the rest of the world's protectionism.
So, you know, it's an old saying that when goods stop crossing borders, soldiers will stop crossing borders.
When countries are united in trade, they tend to be going to war less against each other.
North Korea, if it remains completely isolated from the world economy, will have no way ever of integrating into the world economy.
When it integrates into the world economy, if that's even possible, there's a flow back and forth of goods.
And, you know, the last ruler of North Korea was hugely enamored, as a lot of people are.
I was about to say, though, they don't have electricity.
Well, you're right, but they don't have electricity.
They are totally kept away from Western culture.
They believe that the world's still in 1947, basically.
They have no idea, again, what planet they're on, kind of like a lot of Afghans.
And so they just don't understand.
That's what brought down the Soviet Union was, they could see how we were living, or at least how Hollywood claimed we were.
They just have no idea.
So we have to come back and talk about, how do you break through that?
Because, sure, Kim Jong-un's brother was running off to, you know, Disney World in Tokyo.
And, you know, Kim Jong-un thinks Dennis Rodman's really cool.
They're all obsessed with it.
They know how hard... Imagine what it's like for him, though, in his decrepit, horrible, pathetic country.
And then he's got hundreds or thousands of channels, and he can see how the rest of the world's living.
Imagine how pathetic Kim Jong-un feels.
Or does he really like walking around like a little demon, smiling with little piggy eyes?
The state of the world with Lord Monckton, and what's happening with all these EU bureaucrats, unelected dictators,
Threatening economic war, physical war, EU armies threatening to march him in?
I mean, I guess we didn't take that serious in 1939 either.
Everything that the appalling John Claude Juncker has said
merely reinforces the reasons why it was so necessary for us in the United Kingdom to have nothing further to do with the dictatorial, fascistic, communist European Union.
The tyranny by clerk, because that's what they really are.
These people whose ambition vastly exceeds their competence.
...have responded in a petulant, childish and arrogant way to what was, on any view, a thoughtful, considered and very friendly six-page letter from our Prime Minister, Theresa May, notifying them on March the 29th.
That Britain would be, in two years' time, on March 29, 2019, quitting the European Union.
We have no quarrel with Europe.
Our quarrel is with the dictators of the European Union.
And the reason why we don't like the European Union is that the European Union is anti-European because it is anti-democratic.
It was Europe that gave the world the name and the reality of democracy.
It was the ancient Greeks who did that.
And it is Europe now, in the shape of the European Union, that rejects democracy.
By the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, Spain agreed that Gibraltar was British.
That is the law.
That is the international treaty.
It hasn't been revoked.
It hasn't been repealed.
We are both bound by that just as much now as we were in 1713 when both parties signed it.
So let us have no more nonsense from the EU bureaucrats about grabbing Gibraltar.
And of course, quite rightly, several Conservative Members of Parliament have got on their high horses and they've said if the
EU is going to threaten Gibraltar.
We will take whatever steps, military or other, to defend the people of Gibraltar.
As recently as 2004, that was the most recent of many occasions on which the people of Gibraltar have been asked by referendum, do they even want Spain to have a slightly increased share in the government of Gibraltar?
And the answer was 99.7%.
No, they want to remain entirely, completely and splendidly British.
So there's going to be no more nonsense about Gibraltar.
We're not having that.
Everybody knows the dice are loaded.
Everybody knows the captain lied.
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Alright, Stefan's with us a little bit in the next hour.
Then Roger Stone, who's hosting the fourth hour, is popping in to give you a preview of what's coming up.
And then we've got Millie Weaver and, of course, Owen Schroyer with the Associated Press talking about UN child kidnapping rings.
Which the media says don't exist.
Out of one side of their mouth.
And I haven't even gotten into Sean Spicer.
Not that the story's important, but how they misrepresent on every front.
But I also want to mention the North Korea paradigm with Molyneux, because he is, I think, a deep thinker.
I don't say that, you know, as a little verbal flourish, as a compliment.
It's just true.
Imagine being Kim Jong-un.
Because I'm a good guy and I work hard and I care about people, and I don't have cultural guilt, I still get guilty that I'm smarter than a lot of people, and I'm not saying I'm perfect, I got problems, or that I do have nice things, even though I don't worship the nice things, I can tell other people feel bad that I have nicer things than they do, and it's just weird when knowledge is really the greatest value.
Is it genetic with these dictators and people?
It is a hereditary dictatorship, soon they'll be wearing crowns in North Korea, that Kim Jong-un just looks completely psychotic, like a cartoon character, like the Joker, smiling maniacally with a bunch of crazy people behind him, with a bunch of rotting 1950s crap around them.
And then I see the left running around going, we want socialism!
We want communism!
We want, you know, we want Maoism!
And I'm like, the Chinese rejected Maoism, you idiots!
I mean, you want some crazy chipmunk ruling over you, and you want to work 18 hours a day?
I just, I don't understand.
So let me ask this question, and we'll come back in the next short segment and get into Spicer and all this, but Stefan Molyneux of freedomainradio.com.
What do you think's going through these dictators' minds?
Or are they just so selfish they don't even care when he's watching how fabulously rich just quasi-free market countries are with all our problems compared to what he's done to his people?
How does he psychically
I don't understand.
Consciously he doesn't care, but there's got to be some blood level.
I guess he is super unhealthy and his dad was unhealthy.
Do they not know that there's literally a blowback?
Not even spiritual people don't believe in that.
They've genetically proven you're doing bad things around you.
Your body doesn't like it.
Your body gives you cancer.
Doesn't he know that what he's doing is bad?
Well, I mean, this is the question of the conscience.
And the conscience is not evenly distributed across the population.
There is a combination of genetic and environmental factors that can help produce people who don't have a conscience.
This is really, really important for people to understand.
We're not all the same.
Don't mistake the world for yourself.
So you and I and others, we care about the world.
We'll take the personal hits to make the world a better place for our kids, for everyone, for the future.
And that's because I feel obligated to all of the great heroes and heroines in the past who helped deliver a relatively free world for me to be able to pass it along, add to it, and move it to the next generation, hopefully enhanced.
You know, we don't inherit freedom from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children, and we need to add to it in the same way we need to protect the environment.
But there are studies in England that show if you have a genetic predisposition
I don't
There is this capacity, partly genetic and partly environmental.
The development of the conscience and of empathy involves 13 complicated parts of your brain all interacting together, and it's a very challenging thing to try and get it into people after the fact.
It's like a language window.
You know, I don't remember teaching my daughter all the words that she uses, but she just kind of picks them up and starts using them.
If you start trying to teach kids at the age of 10 language, they never really pick it up very organically.
That's right.
If you put babies in cribs and they're not up next to you and they don't learn empathy, it is spiritual.
I mean, whatever you want to call it, there's this deepness and a lot of people don't get this deepness.
If you get the deepness or the place of the most high, then you're interconnected to everybody and people are missing that.
We'll be back.
And it's not like we're on some high horse, folks.
We have all the evil thoughts and all the rest of it.
It's just that we have the other thoughts, too.
We'll be right back with Stephan Molyneux.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Big Brother.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Now the fact that they're having to censor hundreds of prominent classical liberals, that's who they're really going after, not right-wingers, not fake left-wingers, but people that really do just want to go, hey, this works the best in society, we want to bring it back.
We didn't invent it, but we'd like to go in the direction we were going.
You can go towards North Korea or you can go in the direction of the United States and England and places that have been going for the last 200 years.
We'd like to go in that direction, not the other direction.
But the fact that they're having to come out and try to censor us and shut us down and do all this...
Really shows they're losing.
Stefan Molyneux of Freedomainradio.com is our guest.
In a few minutes we have a look before Roger Stone pops in with us.
Sean Spicer, obviously it's a stupid non-story, because technically he's right.
Hitler didn't use offensive chemical weapons on the battlefield until the very end.
And there actually was some.
It's a little more esoteric and hard to find, but it's in some history books.
But he used massive chemicals against
Populations, I mean, undoubtedly, started killing retarded children, you name it.
You inject a retarded child with a chemical that kills them, that's a chemical weapon.
They had mobile vans gassing people.
So he says, you know, even Hitler didn't use gas.
So I love how he's warmongering, that's where he's wrong, on this whole thing with Syria, probably a false flag.
But then in his lust to look like he hates Syria, he then jumps on this whole Holocaust thing.
Well, Spicer's family wasn't involved in the Holocaust.
So why is it like some guilt now with fake Democrat groups calling them the Anne Frank Center to say that he's guilty?
Stefan of this, when technically he was right.
I said, what the hell is he thinking?
It's like Schwarzenegger saying, I want to kill my opponents with carbon monoxide.
I'm like, yeah, your dad was an SS officer.
That sounds really dumb.
Arnold doesn't get it.
So technically he's right.
They use me saying, what is he, an idiot?
Of course they use chemical weapons.
They're saying I'm attacking Spicer.
So it's just lie upon lie.
I mean, it was like hundreds of newspapers all over the news last night that I was attacking Spicer.
Totally made up.
What do you make of this?
Of course he was not denying the Holocaust.
He misspoke or he spoke in a way that could be misinterpreted.
And because he's a Republican, the mainstream media is going to misinterpret what Sean Spicer said in the most negative possible way and is going to rouse the usual suspects to rail against him and so on.
But as most things that are happening under the Trump administration, a lot is being revealed about the mainstream media.
My God, Alex, the pornography that these people are addicted to, you know, when there was a hint of a potential ground war in Syria, if there's a hint of sudden military action against the Middle Eastern country that has not directly or even indirectly threatened the United States, they're suddenly all over this war, this military-industrial complex.
They're not offended by that potential at all, by another multi-trillion dollar misadventure.
I've got to interrupt you.
Hundreds of thousands of people, but one guy misspeaks and now they're outraged.
I've got to interrupt you.
If you can do five more minutes, I'd like to interview you with Stone.
If you can do it, if you've got to go, it's okay.
But, Marlon, you're amazing.
I've got to just say this.
I'm during the one-minute break, 70-second break, thinking I'm going to come back
and make the point that these evil warmongers and all these evil bad things are involved in and then some guy misspeaks and they project the holocaust on him and then I forget to make the point and you make it better than I would and that is awesome because that's exactly how my brain works and it seems like other people's don't like who are these monsters that push all these lies all these wars all this tyranny they back radical Islam they cover it up they won't show us I saw your tweet like all you need to know is that they didn't show you the dead bodies from Stockholm and the car attack
But they did show the, you know, up-close stuff of the babies with the nerve gas.
It's so ridiculous when you're simply conscious.
It's not that we're even smart.
We just are awake!
They don't believe anything that comes out of a Republican's mouth.
But if Turkey says, oh absolutely for sure it was sarin gas and we managed to have the ambulances right there as the bombs were dropped, we took it back, we analysed it completely, that apparently is 100% verified.
That apparently is 100%.
No scepticism, no scepticism about what could potentially be a false flag attack as if the WMD lie in Iraq never ever happened, as if the Gulf of Tonkin never ever happened, as if no other
There's no history of their complete lying.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin says the Syria chemical attack was a false flag, and more are on the way.
We have information from various sources that a similar provocation, and I can't call it anything other than a provocation, is being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus.
Where they're again preparing to release some similar chemical substances and accuse the Syrian authorities of using them.
Putin went on to compare the situation in Syria to Saddam Hussein's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, which may indicate that he believes the U.S.
is either behind the false flag or actively pushing the propaganda.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, coming up in about 52 minutes, Roger Stone's going to be live hosting the fourth hour, former head of the Trump campaign.
I got Stefan Molyneux here to tell us what's for their five minutes or so.
I wanted him to have a chance to ask Roger any questions he's got.
I'd like to bring different guests on together occasionally and have a panel here.
They attack our credibility every millisecond.
I mean, there's just articles every minute or two coming out, just lies, things we didn't say, you name it.
Creating division.
It's a major sign up and we bring that up because what are we doing?
We're having an effect.
It's intensifying.
And the MSM is losing its power.
They're not effectively shutting us down.
They're losing the intellectual battle, so now they want to shut us down.
That's a magic moment, because if they fail in the censorship, they take us to the next level.
Like Paul Watson says, conservatism, which really just means neoliberalism, going back to stuff that was actually the cutting edge,
And I said, listen, I just talked to my White House source and he told me that Trump's not going to have a no-fly zone.
This is a limited deal because they haven't got rid of their chemicals.
And he said, well, you got a good source.
That's what I've got.
Because I don't want to be, you know, be basically quoted in all this because I want to keep my connections, you know.
You know, there.
I said I understand, but you know, here he is.
I've talked to him yesterday and he said, you know, it's fine to tell some of the story now, but here's an example.
White House source, Trump pushes back against a neocon plan to invade Syria.
So the good news is, and I want to go to Stefan first on this, is Trump's now come out on Fox Business and other places, and now you see his surrogates have backed off and aren't saying they want water war in Syria, even though they're now on the news saying they want war crimes charges.
So it really, really shows that Trump is
He's battling a bunch of people in his own cabinet that do whatever they want.
I mean, I'm not trying to give the president a pass here on some of this.
It just shows that not even 1% of the federal agencies are doing what he says.
They're just doing whatever they want, Stefan.
They are testing whether or not the population is going to go to war, or whether the population is going to resist a war.
I'm not saying any particular individual.
It's like A-B testing, right?
Like you put out two trailers, you see which one is more popular, and then that's the one you use for the wider audience.
You test a product before you try and sell it.
And so I think that various elements within the government were floating up the idea of invasion, regime change, boots on the ground, and others were saying, well, a political solution, or maybe something else, or whatever.
And they were working to see what kind of reaction they were going to get, not just from the general public, but from the supporting base of people who were on social media who helped Donald Trump get elected.
And I think the pushback against the war narrative is one of the reasons why the pendulum tipped more to the side of a peaceful solution and everybody should be proud who participated in that particular process.
By the way, I agree, but McMaster's admittedly said regime change for ISIS and Assad, and as Roger Stone said on Wednesday and Thursday, limited strike, but if you go into a big war, you're done.
Roger Stone, can you comment on that?
And I want to get into the other news you have, but I want to get one question in from Stefan Molyneux to you.
Well, first of all, I salute my friend Stefan.
We had a very vigorous discussion last week on his podcast about this very topic.
I would make the point, just like the different interpretation of Stefan, is that the neocons, the globalists, the establishment types around the president, whether they are White House staff from the Republican National Establishment or whether they are
Democrats or others, Bushites brought in by Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, I think they have pushed the president in the direction of war.
They would like him to be more mainstream, more neocon.
They think that the praise of your actions by John McCain and Hillary and Obama, they think that's a good thing.
Sadly, I think the President hasn't had a countervailing influence on him.
I don't think that there are a circle of advisors reminding him that the bedrock principle of Trumpism is non-interventionism.
That he promised us no more foreign wars for regime change when our interests, the United States, or the interests of the locals are not... Sure, but Roger, word for word, what we got from our White House source Sunday
And my other source as well, and I called you about it, and you were kind of, well, that sounds accurate, but I'm not going to make any statements, is now in the news where he's saying, I don't want war, I don't want no-fly zones.
So that's very encouraging.
Or do you think Stefan's right?
I'm not saying he's right or wrong, that it's like beta testing.
No, I think Stefan is half right.
He's being pushed in the direction of war.
Despite the fact that there's no countervailing counsel from advisors to the contrary, his instincts are right on.
He reads social media.
He follows cable television.
He follows InfoWars.
And therefore, the reaction of the rank-and-file Trump supporter has registered.
He knows who he is.
He knows what he stands for.
So it is Trump making the decisions to turn away from the interventionist path.
His advisors, Mattis, McMaster, they have failed to capture the king and transform him into being our next neocon.
Roger, I want you to be able to tell us what's up next in the fourth hour when you host and some of the big news.
I know you're gonna be breaking today, but I wanted to get, since I held Stefan over, he always has great questions.
Stefan, throw one question in there, Roger, and then thanks for joining us.
Well, I think what the American people are seeing is that Trump is having a challenging time enacting some of the central platforms of his domestic agenda.
The Constitution clearly gives the President the right to control immigration, but he's being blocked from doing that repeatedly by liberal Obama-appointed judges.
He wished to repeal and replace Obamacare.
That is hitting challenges.
He's done some great work, but he's having challenges getting his domestic agenda done.
What people are seeing is that what they want, what they really want from Trump is hard for him to do domestically.
But man, if he wants to go lobs some bombs, by which he's supposed to go through Congress, the entire system is a slippery slope that allows him to do that.
I think people are getting a sense of how big the fight is ahead of us and how much we're going to need to concentrate to support Trump.
And it shows how reckless the elites are.
It shows how reckless the elites are.
Final question for Roger?
Yes, so Roger, do you think that people are beginning to wake up to some of the challenges and the deep state fighting back and what a monolith it is that needs to be opposed?
I think they are.
Today's news that Carter Page, a low-level issue advisor to Donald Trump, who admits today he's never met Donald Trump or even shaken his hand, and who had no authority in his campaign, was subject to government surveillance through a FISA warrant.
I believe that there's a great deal of evidence that indicates that I was also surveilled under that very same warrant, or a duplicate of it, and I think Paul Manafort was as well.
Their rationale for this, Stefan, was the Russian collusion, which clearly doesn't exist and for which there is no evidence.
Meaning their real motive was politics.
They were using the investigative surveillance capability of our intelligence services to spy on Trump and his advisors for purely political reasons.
And that's totally illegal.
Watergate times 10.
If Ehrlichman and Haldeman and others can go to jail, well then Rice and Jarrett and perhaps even those above them can go to jail.
Well this was using the official state to illegally spy on a mass kill.
Look, they admitted a month ago in Congress, in the House Armed Services Committee, that I, Alex Jones, InfoWars and Breitbart,
Are under investigation for actually being under Russian control.
Outrageous, folks.
That's like saying I'm under Martian control.
Now, why'd they do that?
Because they got us under surveillance and they want to be able to tell the President, don't talk to Alex Jones, don't talk to Roger Stone, because they're under investigation as Russian spies.
That's how they... Don't talk to Nunes, he's under investigation now.
Oh, and Rand Paul, he's under investigation.
They're saying get rid of the entire election and get rid of all the Republicans that got elected because the Russians ran it all, Roger.
It's now reached that level in Atlantic Monthly and in The Economist magazine.
Well, and there's one person who for sure knows that that's false.
That would be Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States, and I think that strategy has failed.
I trust his instincts.
I understand that when Donald Trump has all the information, he will invariably make the right decision.
All right, I've kind of run over here.
I know you've got to go in two minutes.
You're up in 40 minutes live.
Stefan Molyneux, my friend, thank you so much for joining us today.
Just always, always thought-provoking.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
We've got two minutes to break, Roger.
Sorry for interrupting.
Tell us what's coming up in the next hour.
Well, I think we're going to focus, Alex, on the Trump economy, something he's not getting credit for.
We're going to talk about the machinations of Google to strangle alternative media.
Which is, you know, surged in this most recent election.
We're going to talk about Stephen K. Bannon and why the president seemed to throw him over the side in an interview in which the president actually said, I barely know the guy.
So that will be a focus.
A lot of good inside stuff.
And we'll be making some news in the next hour.
I don't know if you can say this on air, but what's that rule about Trump?
You know, first he starts saying, hey, what do you think of this guy?
And then, hey, other people are saying bad things about this guy.
And the next, I don't know this guy.
That's when you're gone.
Yeah, and that appears to be the three steps here.
Look, I like Steve Bannon, and we probably have a closer worldview than some of the others on the White House staff.
But in many ways, I think he has fostered his own problems here.
And we'll analyze it in the next hour.
Well sure, and like the famous saying, the media keeps saying he's Trump's brain.
I mean, I know Trump knows that's bull, but it just becomes a distraction from the fact it is Trump calling the shots, undoubtedly.
That's why they always call me or you Trump's brain, which is just ridiculous.
Yeah, I mean, look, this is a very key point.
I think that there are those in the mainstream media who have picked up on the fact that the President hates it when he believes others are taking credit for his accomplishments.
If you read my book, Making the President 2016, I make it very clear that Trump is his own strategist, that there is no Karl Rove in Trump world.
And by the way, that's not hype.
Trump really is the guy.
I mean, look how...absolutely.
Alright, that's up on Drudge saying he's not my brain.
I'm not sure which is worse, though, Alex.
That shirt that he's wearing, or the headlight.
I'm not sure which.
Riserstone, coming up in 40 minutes.
I'll be back with your phone calls and more.
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All those drifter's days are past me now, I've got so much more to think about.
Deadlines and commitments, what to leave in, what to leave out.
Against the wind, we were running.
Notice, because of optics, because the president's been paralyzed by the lying media saying that he's a Russian agent with no proof, such poppycock, that all his best supporters and people that support the return of our republic are Russian agents, by a bunch of globalists trying to get rid of our country's sovereignty, the open traitors, the open enemies, that he hasn't met with Vladimir Putin yet.
And they're not even talking about doing it any time in the near future.
They're already supposed to meet.
So, when Rex Tillerson went over to Moscow, Putin said, I'm not meeting with you, bro.
So he's meeting with Lavrov, the Foreign Minister, or the equivalent of the Secretary of State.
I was watching earlier while he was just like, you hang people, you murder them, you DU bomb Belgrade for the Muslims, you take over, and then you tell us that there's war crimes with no proof?
But he said, listen, we want Assad out.
We agreed four years ago.
There's a transcript in there.
I mean, the press conference is ongoing, but here's a minute or two of it.
And then we've got UN sex crimes that are all confirmed.
He's a new guy, and he prefers not looking into history, but to deal with the matters of today.
But the thing is, the world is built in such a fashion that if we do not take lessons from the past, we will hardly be able to achieve success in the present.
And I record certain situations when groups of countries, primarily Western countries, native countries, were sort of fixated on eliminating this or that dictator.
An authoritarian or totalitarian leader, in order to oust Slobodan Milosevic, president of ex-Yugoslavia, NATO, launched a war in 1999.
A gross violation of the UN Charter, as well as the Helsinki Final Act of the OSCE.
The TV station was bombed, which incidentally, as a military crime, however you interpret the Geneva Conventions, residential areas were shelled.
The Chinese embassy was also attacked.
Several trains and bridges were bombed.
The shelling went on for three months.
And then they ran out of targets that could be qualified as dual-use facilities.
There was another dictator, Saddam Hussein, who was hanged after the invasion.
We know how this invasion was justified.
Since that, I think, Tony Blair was the only one to repent publicly, admitting that it had been a fake, all the grounds for the Iraq invasion.
There was another when Muammar Gaddafi had been said that there was no place for this dictator in his country.
It was said that democracy would prevail.
Alright, that's Sergei Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister.
And here's the deal, I'm not a Russophobe.
I've never been to Russia.
I was on the air while all this happened.
I covered it six, seven days a week.
I remember it all like yesterday.
Everything Lavrov is saying is true!
So I look at our leaders, especially under Obama and Bush, it was just all lies.
Then listen, the Russians, it's basically the truth.
That's a sick feeling.
But I've studied the Soviet Union and watched those old film reels and stuff.
They would tell ridiculous lies back then.
They acted like our media.
And you've really got to understand, it's not that the Russians are that good.
We're not lionizing them or putting them up on some pedestal.
Our elite took over the dominant power of America in the globe and ran our name into the ground and has just run around on power trips, crazier than a you-know-what rat, trying to get global domination when we can all just have trade with each other.
We've got so much technology and innovations, it's not about square feet anymore.
And I'm not against having militaries and all that stuff.
My point is, is that we're going to kill each other if we keep doing this.
And we shouldn't be on the side of radical jihadis who started the war in Syria.
I mean, yeah, Assad's a bad guy, but he didn't start the war.
And who we're backing is 50 times worse.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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The more things change, the more they stay the same.
A few months ago, President-elect Donald Trump told an audience during his victory tour that his administration will not take part in regime changes.
We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments, folks.
That was then, and this is now.
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I'm Darren McBreen, and you can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
Turn me loose, I'm high tonight, something you'll never forget.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
You better turn me loose!
You better set me free!
Little bit better than I used to be, because I'm alive!
Live wire, baby!
That's right, it's our business to break down walls, and we're doing it.
By the way, Putin said he wouldn't meet with Rex Tillerson.
They just changed that minutes ago because him and Lavrov are having such a good meeting.
That's the London Telegraph.
Vladimir Putin meets Rex Tillerson in the Kremlin after warning U.S.-Russian relations have degraded under Donald Trump.
Is that in public or is that happening right now?
We'll pull that up and see what's happening on that front.
But the big thing everybody's watching right now...
Is the situation with North Korea?
I'll cover that briefly before we go into the fourth hour today with Roger Stone.
Now, Millie Weaver just came back with Zimmerman and Gavin and the great Intrepid crew from L.A.
for a week.
Your great support as listeners allows to investigate
Child sex crimes.
And they went to official orphanages and official state police and sheriff's departments and saw the documentation of a thousand arrests or so the last few months in L.A.
In California, I know it's like 3,000-plus by Trump so far, green-lighting police who were scared to do this.
We're not just talking about child-born.
We mean the people being trafficked.
And we're not just talking about 15-year-old girls or young men or whatever.
That's illegal and horrible.
We're talking about little kids.
So I thought, all these arrests get announced, but nothing ever is in the news after.
So you guys spent a week there.
You've got all this footage.
You and Gavin, it's going to start coming out.
Some came out tonight, last night, some more tonight, some more tomorrow.
You also got into a place that nobody gets into.
We're going to be showing that tomorrow that actually shows the real Black Magic Bibles, the real child sacrifice stuff from the big Getty Museum that nobody gets access to, but you guys have some connections because you're from Hollywood and you know some of those folks.
So this is a big deal because here's what happens.
We cover child abuse.
We cover ritualistic abuse.
The media covers the pizza place.
Pizza Gate's just code words for pedophilia, obviously.
That's the FBAD manuals.
The media focuses on the pizza place to then discredit everybody.
And see, we figured that out early on.
We're the ones exposing that.
And then the media goes, oh, you're weak, Alex.
You know, you retracted.
We're gonna come after you.
Let's go.
Because I know I have gone with the truth, exposed things, been honest.
It's not weakness that we retract things when we're wrong, covering somebody else's report, because we have credibility.
We want people to know that there are thousands of mainstream news articles, since I've been on air that I've seen in 1995, on the Internet, that are mainstream news.
There's AP Today, Owen Schroer brought up.
child sex ring left victims but no arrest.
And then you've got Obama's high-level official caught smuggling kids out of Haiti, convicted of it, and convicted of abuse.
She's now changed her name and runs a child rescue group.
This never ends.
Remember, like, Sandusky separately running a child help group.
It's the same story, the Catholic Church, all of it.
They're now saying the Catholic Church never raped anybody.
So they've taken Pizzagate, and I figured it out as their cause celeb, that none of this happened.
And Muslims come in and rape people now.
If you say they do once in the newspaper, they threaten to sue or sue.
That's going on as we speak.
So, we've entered a new world, folks.
Where you see salon and the medias and Nickelodeon sexualizing children, they're going operational.
They want us to know it's the new right.
We're not just going to put trannies in your bathroom.
And I'm not against trannies that aren't pedophiles, but you know, a 40 year old male with your six year old in the bathroom.
And then Cuomo says, hey, if he sees, you know, if your daughter sees his penis and doesn't like it, that's her problem.
Let me tell you something.
I got daughters, young daughters.
Some guy comes in and pulls his thing out.
Buddy, you better help the police get there before I beat you.
Oh my God!
Jones threatens, follows his trannies.
No, I said against people pulling their weenies out with little girls in bathrooms, okay?
But that's how they've got us through political correctness at this point.
So I'm ranting.
But I want to give first as a gateway because you know tomorrow and then right through Friday next week we got like five or six reports here premiering each day on the Nightly News.
The next day here, Milly, you're gonna be with us every day.
Gavin's welcome to come in.
He's a shy guy but really smart.
Obviously Owen's really pissed off about this.
But here's a giant 19-page report about sex slavery and the UN running it.
That's all they ever do.
That's what they do.
That's their business.
Everywhere they go they do this.
Whether it's Eastern Europe, whether it's Africa, whether it's the Caribbean, whether it's Latin America, whether it's Asia, this is what they do.
So we should probably hit this first, then just give people a forte into what's coming out the next week here every day with the Bombshell Bonafides.
Well, Alex...
It didn't surprise me to find out that this story came out of Haiti, right?
Somehow I wasn't surprised by that.
Clinton Foundation.
And then you go on and you learn about this, and you read about this.
This was going on for over a decade.
And not only was this going on, even when the UN found out!
That there were reports of this going on.
They STILL allowed it to go on.
Even when they said they were doing investigations!
They still allowed the commandos that were coming in from Sri Lanka and other places to come in and commit these heinous sex acts.
This 19-page report gets into detail about some of the stories.
They keep a lot of the victims' names, obviously, out of this, and the UN still keeps classified some of the abusers.
But wait a minute.
CNN says child sex abuse does not exist.
Well, let me tell you, Alex.
It never happened.
Let me tell you, Alex.
You know, they don't really get into exactly
How it ends up going down, but what you take away from this is, without a doubt, the UN gets in, they create a stronghold, and you have people that come in and take advantage of this program.
Commandos, volunteers, people from all over the world.
Most militaries are not pedophiles.
The UN Peacekeeping Force specifically attracts them.
I have seen thousands.
I put films out.
My first film, America's War by Design, has the photos from the German press, they wouldn't even show it here, of Belgian peacekeepers raping children and then slitting their throats.
See, the Satanists, here's the deal, they're not just raping.
They slit their throats while they rape them.
So, you join the UN Peacekeeper Force, that's why our military is so upset about the UN, to carry this out.
So people, anybody Google UN troops kill children, UN troops sex slavery, babies, DynCorp loading them on planes, congressional hearings.
I mean, but they always use national security or UN diplomatic immunity to hide it because they're about the law.
They caught UN officials in New York and Houston.
With kidnapped kids from the neighborhood, in their houses, in basements, they even get caught bringing slaves in, in chains, through customs!
But it's Muslim culture to do that, so it's okay.
So, but now, if you look at the overarching picture, you have to ask, why is the United States government still working with the UN and the likes of DynCorp?
But Alex, I mean, the numbers in here are just appalling.
And again, this is out of Haiti.
I thought that the Clinton Foundation was in Haiti, setting up hospitals, setting up schools, trying to industrialize this nation.
What a bunch of bullcrap.
By the way, there's The Guardian, killing and raping.
It's killing.
They're killing.
It's human sacrifice.
During 12 years...
The Associated Press found nearly 2,000 allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by peacekeepers and other personnel around the world.
And that's just in Haiti.
And these are people that come in from Brazil, people that come in from Sri Lanka, people that come in from Nepal, all over the world.
In Haiti, at least 134 Sri Lankan peacekeepers exploited nine children in a sex ring from 2004 to 2007.
So in Haiti, now in the United States or in industrialized countries as you're talking about Alex, these are UN power brokers who basically feel like they have the rights to do whatever they want.
And by the way, maybe one out of a thousand of these cases gets reported in the third world.
So they say 300 cases in just one year.
And that's the key, Alex.
I mean, it is folks, reportedly UN camps are literally like Satan's parlor.
There's nothing these victims can do.
They can't do anything.
They don't have any money.
They don't have an infrastructure.
They don't have a lawyer.
They don't have a police officer.
All they have is the UN!
Where's all the so-called BAT and all the black groups?
Zero, zero.
Soros is funding, you know, randomly go kill a cop or whatever, while the real attack's on black people, but it's in Europe.
Oh, Eastern Europe, folks.
I mean, the women there are obviously at a premium.
They're being grabbed en masse, ladies and gentlemen, it is.
And again, what's crazy is, just ten years ago, this was all over the news, remember?
It's gone!
You don't hear about this anymore.
And how about this from the UN?
They sent some peacekeepers home that they found were involved in these alleged sexual abuses.
Zero got a punishment.
Zero were imprisoned and all of their names... That's because the EU is run by pedophile rings.
It's mainstream news even admits that.
Now, before I forget, because I didn't get to this yesterday, International Business Times, others admitted they're selling girls as young as six into sex slavery that are kidnapped in Libya after Hillary's liberation.
That wasn't happening under Gaddafi.
60% of graduates were women, didn't wear hoods over their heads, everything.
That's a fact.
After the break we should probably play that clip of the women being sold into sex slavery in Libya.
It's video!
But again, Colbert and others make jokes about this.
And they can use the coverings to hide that some of these people are in fact missing people and trafficked.
I've heard stories about people going missing and being sex trafficked to Saudi Arabia to service.
That's why the muzzles began covering women, because they'd have them hooded on the caravan so no one would recognize them.
Yeah, exactly, and it wasn't too long ago that... Caravans, the Wahhabis, were a kidnapping, sex trade, white slavery group.
Yeah, I mean... They trafficked women from India all the way into Europe.
There's a lot of history of that within the Ottoman Empire, where they would actually, you're right, they would steal women from Italy, from all other places, they would conquer, they would steal the women and children and they'd bring them back.
A lot of them would end up being part of harems or sold into second labor.
Well, like Vikings, they would pull up at night in a village and grab everybody.
Yeah, exactly.
And it wasn't too long ago that in Haiti, they actually had rescued some children that they were trying to, these traffickers were trying to move them across the border before they got caught.
And they went and found out that they were selling these children on the dark web for about $300 apiece from Haiti.
So that's just more of a... $300.
Yeah, it's pretty disturbing and it just reminds me of some of the videos that we're going to be showing coming out this week.
It shows inside the dark web.
Now, it doesn't go to some of these sites specifically because they are... No, this was a law enforcement group, involved group.
We had authorization to go there.
We did not go on the site.
We didn't go on it, but this was a law enforcement approved group.
Yeah, they work with trafficking victims.
They have like therapy certificates.
I mean, they're... So, basically what it is, is we didn't actually go on the specific child sites because that could be against the law.
You just went on the portals.
We actually went to show on the portals where they have kind of like a TV guide, but somewhat like a guide for the dark web.
And the, what they call the child pedophile pornography sites, they call them hard candy.
So that's like a term and like how we saw, I mean it reminds me a little bit of some of the terms, but they actually call them hard candy on the internet, which I found to be absolutely crazy.
And then the media will pick a hard candy shop.
And say, we're saying a hard candy shop, you know, in wherever is doing it, and then say, oh my god, a gunman went in the hard candy shop.
So we're not saying, the code words hard candy, they met with law enforcement, they met with the Sheriff's Department.
Tell folks about some people you met with.
We also met with some Hollywood insiders which kind of confirmed some stories and and did say that they had witnessed that there are a lot of people and young children being sex trafficked in the Hollywood LA area.
I mean they said down on Sepulveda Boulevard you can see just all these young girls on the street there and actually to where in Anaheim a group of citizens had to actually form a human chain to block these
And we did have, I mean, this Hollywood insider knows a lot of celebrities and has heard things about young children, young boys being molested basically by people in high positions.
And it was actually very surprising to me that he kind of, in a sense, just from this person's opinion, kind of confirmed some of those allegations on Michael Jackson, which was kind of
Pretty crazy.
Sure, well let's, you know, the Jesus Shoes to me, I've got a playland in this house, kids sleeping with him.
You did go to some of the orphanages, some of the groups, you went and met with the police.
Tell us about some of the videos, the reports that are coming out.
Well actually, I wanted to just clarify, we had started making arrangements with the police and then the police just backed out completely and completely ignored us.
Sure, last time I talked to you, you were at the Sheriff's Department, so they, you
But you know what?
Hearing about what Owen just brought up with the UN and their corruption and that and then actually talking with this woman from Children of the Night how she's had problems with law enforcement and how actually they were criminalizing these young children.
It wasn't too long ago that these children were treated as criminals for prostituting themselves and they were actually thrown in jail.
So even young kids that were like maybe like 10 years old, 8 years old.
That's a way to keep it
And to be clear, the police go bust the groups.
It should be all over the news.
It'll be in the news one time, then never again.
They're getting told not to talk to you.
And what it is is she said... You said the police were excited when you first got there.
Yeah, I did.
The police were excited, but then they just kind of blew us off and we contacted them over and over and over again.
And then what this lady was kind of telling me is that, you know, the police will rescue these children from the traffickers.
And then what do they do?
They just shove them right back out on the street.
So then what?
They get back up in and then they make this big, like,
Grandstanding that, oh, we're doing all these human trafficking, but we're rescuing these children, and then you just throw them right back out on the street into the environment.
I was talking to some folks that are involved in bringing these groups actually down to higher levels, and they said that you've got to go after the people that are controlling it.
The highest they could ever get is, say, the hotel or whatever group they're in.
That's the controller.
You can't ever get above it because the investigations get killed.
Yeah, and you know, what we kind of did confirm though, from some of our investigations, that this is something that tends to be more so even amongst the elite.
And some of the elite members of society, we've been talking about.
Sure, regular people, it's heterosexual stuff, and then it's a lot rarer, homosexual, and then it goes to the pedophilia.
I mean we've been talking with someone who has connections with multiple intelligence agencies is actually investigating a serial killer murder that's like that they believe is one of these children that has been sex trafficked that kind of snapped and is now a serial murder for these travel clubs and the crazy thing about this is you know like some of these people
That we've talked to have even admitted to themselves being kind of made to be page boys or sex slaves to some pretty influential people, which I'm not going to say right now on air for their own privacy, but it's pretty disturbing.
I've been out, I mean that's why I don't like LA because people tell you point blank what's going on.
Owen, what is it like for you to be investigating this and just seeing this and then to see more and more of the media defending it or saying it doesn't exist?
Well, as you know, Pizzagate is not about a lone pizza joint.
It's much deeper than that.
And before you started looking into this stuff, you would be shocked that people like Dennis Hastert exist, or that Laura Silsby exists.
That's a fact.
Convicted pedophile procuring kids for the elite.
That's a fact.
That Jerry Epstein... Catholic Church fact.
Jerry Sandusky facts, sorry.
Jerry Epstein flies Bill Clinton out to his private island.
Bill Clinton ditches his Secret Service.
I mean, it's just stuff that just goes on and on.
And then you find out the Clinton connection with Laura Silsby.
And then you look into what's going on in Haiti.
And you're just sitting here like, how can this go on?
It's a massive industrial operation.
How can I feel so helpless to save these kids?
How can I feel so helpless?
And then we're being demonized by the media for even looking into it.
And all we do is point out facts.
All we do is try to get to the bottom of this.
That's like coming out and saying, oh, the Associated Press report is just, they're just hate Haiti.
They just are looking to blame Haiti.
It's Haiti.
No, they're out here investigating what's going on in Haiti.
It probably goes on all over the world.
It's just, guess what?
Haiti's such a mess right now.
They've been caught in so many illegal things that they're able to find this investigation.
Clinton's and their people are all over it with child traffickers getting convicted.
When we come back, you got into someplace that nobody gets into.
And we won't reveal, obviously, sources and methods, but we've got the actual devil worship manuals that the devil worshipper groups want and can't get.
You've been so on target over the years in your books I've read, both novels and classified stuff and both non-novels.
Makes my head spin.
I respect you more as the years go on.
So where should we start?
You have the real liberals and the nationalists.
Then you've got Republican establishment, Democratic establishment, elites, European elites, all wanting this global system, trying to prop it up.
Who are the players?
Where are we right now?
Well, Alex, the ruling elite's long-time agenda has been to destroy the United States and the West from within.
And in reaction to last year's growing anti-globalist movement represented by the Brexit vote, and also anti-establishment Trump election, the elite is becoming desperately aggressive right now, fighting for absolute domination and population control, insidiously wiping out unstable domestic conditions throughout the Western world, engineered to explore racial, class, religious, and also politically charged
Civil War violence in both America and Europe.
What you're seeing in the United States, we have seen in Europe, in Spain, in Italy, in France, in England, in Germany, in other countries as well, in Portugal and also in Greece.
In the United States, this takes the form of mass deployment of a robotically dumbed-down, highly manipulated, yet well-organized political left.
And again, we've seen this, you know, with the flake movements in the United States right after the Trump election.
Now, constituting the elite's weapons of mass destruction against Trump's reactionary or militarized authoritarian federal forces, soon spilling blood and chaos as America's very own Spring Uprising.
You know, Alex, the chaos once almost exclusively limited to the Middle East, that we've become so accustomed to watching on television, is slowly but surely carrying over to the United States and also to Russia, as we saw today, one PSYOP Gladio B operational stage event at a time.
No longer is chaos something happening thousands of miles away.
It's happening right here in America.
It's happening in Russia, in my hometown.
And honestly, you know, I keep saying chaos because unlike Operation Gladio, which occurred throughout Europe, mostly from the 1960s to the early 1980s, 1990s, sorry, the current so-called Operation Gladio B, which again, you know, we can call Northwood.
Instead of being purely staged, they bring in people that will do it.
Well, it's much more sophisticated.
You have Gladio B, unlike Gladio A, is being conducted in an era of mass psychological terror and deception made possible by technology, legalized propaganda, fake terror groups like ISIS.
A ban, Daniel, he moves so quickly.
It's all so on target.
Why do they hate Russia so much?
I mean Russia, I know you're a Russia expert, I've never been there, I just study it.
They're not expanding, they're trying to build their country, they have good policies for their people.
Why are the elites so out to get Russia?
I just, it's crazy!
Russia is the only alternative to the military superpower that is the United States.
So again, until you can destroy Russia, you will not have your one world, whatever you want to call it.
I just heard an amazing conspiracy theory.
There might be some corruption in the LA Police Department.
That's ridiculous.
Everyone knows Kim Jong-un's perfect as well.
Millie Weaver and, of course, Owen Schroer are here.
This is just a kickoff of reports this week, right through next week, exposing the fact that pedophiles rule the world, or those that want to feed on children do.
The pedophilia is just low-level.
It's killing children.
It's torturing children.
That's what these people are into, and it's all over the Associated Press.
Today, we have a new article by Clifford Cuttingham boiling down the 19-page AAP report.
I mean, that's a perennial story.
You constantly see that.
Uh, or incessant story.
It's everywhere.
I'm going to hit a few more things.
We're going to give people a little preview of what's coming tomorrow and a video report that's going to be here about inside the Getty Museum.
It's got these truly satanic manuscripts that the occultists have been trying to get.
So great job with you and Gavin and your connections from being out from L.A.
and being able to get in.
We're not going to get into all your connections, but I'm familiar with them.
That's how you're able to do this from folks that are definitely upset about what's happening.
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So thank you all for your support.
Millie, and of course, Owen Schroer.
We got three minutes left here.
Let's start getting into these truly satanic manuscripts.
Well, you know, if you had any doubt that Hollywood wasn't into pedophilia, you should just look at people like Jay-Z, Ke$ha, Katy Perry, Beyonce, so on and so forth.
And they have, what do they have?
They have these Aleister Crowley occult symbols all throughout their music.
They wear shirts that have the Do What Thou Wilt.
They literally have these satanic rituals all throughout their music.
They meet with Marina Abramovich.
They meet with Marina Abramovich.
I mean, we have Lady Gaga.
And here are these satanic manuscripts.
Now, I'm going to get into this.
This is an image.
This is not something that's easy to get a hold of.
In fact, this is being seen for the first time.
Yeah, these are manuscripts that were held by Manley P. Hall, who was an amazing guardian of literature.
I mean, he helped start a library, the Philosophical Research Society in LA, that had a vast amount of books and manuscripts and literature.
And he didn't only collect these satanic black magic books, but he collected everything.
And he collected these books for educational purposes.
However, he had several attempts in cases where these satanic Aleister Crowley groups would actually try to break in and steal these manuscripts because they taught about how to perform these child sex sacrifice rituals.
As you can see, you've got babies laying on the floor.
And that's how it's done, folks.
I've seen manuscripts that nobody else has seen, and let me tell you, these are really old.
This is how they do it.
These are hundreds of years old.
This is something that's been being practiced in elite size for hundreds of years.
Is that French?
Um, I don't think so.
It is, um, as far as I know, it is not French, but it is hundreds of years old.
Well, let's be clear.
Manly P. Hall, again, everybody says, oh, this is a big Satanist or whatever, and I'm certainly not endorsing everything he did, but he was somebody that was just into pantheistically researching everything, but he does have that giant library that ended up at the Getty Center, which you guys got exclusive access to, that we're going to be premiering tonight on the Nightly News.
Yeah, but he was not a Satanist by any means.
Sure, no, I understand that's what the museum is saying.
He hated Satanists.
I appreciate, exactly, I appreciate the...
I'm going to commit blasphemy against the globalists right now in the New World Order.
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Well, they have all the poison big pharma drug ads all day sitting there poisoning the people.
What a shameful group of wicked devils.
Ladies and gentlemen, our Christ raised from the dead on the third day.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, Roger Stone's coming up, and he's actually a little late getting back in the studio, so that's fine.
We're gonna continue on.
Millie Weaver, with your contacts in Los Angeles.
I don't know of anybody that's gotten into the Getty Center there, and the actual works of Manly P. Hall.
I know some folks that would, who aren't on the Satanist side, but the Christian side, that would, you'll probably kill metaphorically to get in to see those.
So you've got the floor.
You were kind of ranting during the break.
Lay this out.
Well, basically, Manly P. Hall himself was not a Satanist.
He was just somebody who was an academic and really into literature manuscripts he collected.
He had like his own mini library of Alexandria.
It was Aleister Crowley that he loathed.
Actually, when his students would come to him and say, hey, you know, I'm interested in dabbling in this stuff, he would actually pull out a handwritten letter that he had of Aleister Crowley's.
It was actually a poem, basically, of Aleister Crowley being a pedophile and expressing his pedophile lusts and wants, and it was absolutely disgusting.
Well, Crowley reportedly killed his own son.
Well, you know, Crowley was just sick.
I mean, if you actually read some of this stuff, it's absolutely disgusting.
He was a pathetic wimp, just like people worship Kim Jong-un.
He was a Kim Jong-un, weak, pathetic scumbag.
He was disgusting.
And so these disgusting satanic groups would actually try and get their hands on these manuscripts.
And Manly P. Hall actually bought them up and hoarded them to protect them from these satanic groups.
And actually, he had a very untimely, mysterious death when these satanic groups wanted these manuscripts.
They actually, in his old age, tricked him into signing over the rights of these manuals to him.
And then he died.
Mysteriously, very odd, you know, after that.
And while there's this investigation into his murder, into his untimely death, and they were suing over that they wanted these satanic manuscripts, his ex-wife, or his widow, should I say, she had to battle them in court and she ended up selling them to the Getty instead of giving them to these satanic groups where they could be held and kept more safely.
But it's just a battle.
Without getting into means, I mean, I know you've told me some of the stuff, it's off record, but interesting how you guys got in to be able to see all this.
Yeah, you know, we were actually able to get in and see this stuff because we had established rapport with people at PRS through an academic perspective.
And they were like, OK, you know, they've had people come in and do hit pieces just to just in general do a hit piece on masonry.
But in actuality, these Aleister Crowley satanists, they call themselves masons.
But in reality, Aleister Crowley himself was rejected.
That's right.
And I want to say this.
I mean, some of my family have been Masons, great-grandfathers, stuff, high-level Masons.
They're the ones that founded Texas, that founded America, George Washington was a Mason.
The founders.
He wrote letters against the satanic takeover of Masonry and against the French Revolution.
He warned Thomas Jefferson, but they later tried to kill him in France.
He came back and kind of woke up.
Because Thomas Jefferson was the head of the Illuminati.
People say, whoa, I thought Thomas Jefferson was good.
There's a counterfeit.
The globalists have their Illuminati.
And a lot of this stuff isn't even books, this is just known through Americana lore.
And so, I'm not in the Illuminati, but America was founded by the real Illuminati.
And so, then all Americans who are really for the Republic are in the Illuminati, but not in the Illuminati of the globalists that is the false Illuminati.
Illuminated just means light, God.
But the devil was the light bearer of God.
He kind of caught God's light.
So he's the false God.
Like Christ is referred to as the Morning Star, so is Lucifer, because he's the false Christ.
And so people have to understand that there's bad stuff in masonry because it's been taken over by this.
But if you look at masonry, it's just ancient colleges because it was called the mystery schools, good and bad, because they didn't just give everybody knowledge of mathematics or weapons or farming or culture.
You had to be into the secret right to be able to get into a university.
And so, you know, the masons today get demonized and things projected onto them.
I'm not a mason.
Just like I'm not in any intelligence agency, but I know everything the Masons basically know, and I know everything that basically the intelligence agencies know, but only because I've organically grown up in the Republic.
So it's a spiritual thing, and again, it's all deception with them, where they've got everybody believing that the Masons are devil worshippers, when in truth the Masons were only the colleges or intelligence agencies of their age, and they could either be good or bad, or a mix of them.
So when we come back, I want you to speak to that, and then Owen Schroer, you've been polite sitting over there.
We'll talk about it straight ahead, but we're here to not just have illumination for those that are the elite, but illumination for all that want to know the truth.
I'm going to commit blasphemy against the globalists right now in the New World Order.
I'm going to tell all of you that we're celebrating the Christian holiday of Easter, our risen Christ, on the third day by having some of the biggest specials ever at InfoWarsTore.com on amazing supplements.
You know, mainstream media demonizes us for selling high-quality organic supplements that are game changers, while they have all the poison Big Pharma drug ads all day, saying they're poisoning the people.
What a shameful group of wicked devils.
Ladies and gentlemen, our Christ raised from the dead on the third day.
And our republic can rise from the dead if we wake up to what the globalists are doing and if you support independent free media.
There's never been a better time to support InfoWars with these specials at InfoWarsLife.com.
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The more things change, the more they stay the same.
A few months ago, President-elect Donald Trump told an audience during his victory tour that his administration will not take part in regime changes.
We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments, folks.
That was then, and this is now.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I want to be clear.
I'm giving people historical, irrefutable facts that any historian knows that studied Solomon's Temple, or the first colleges that were in Greece and in Northern Africa, in Egypt, or in Babylon.
They're on the Tagus Euphrates.
I'm not endorsing those mystery schools and what they were doing.
This is pre-Christianity.
And so those mystery schools go through Judaism and other cultures as well, and religions.
And then George Washington wrote letters about this and exposed that the Satanists, who did the most horrible acts, you know, he talks about it, were taking over Masonry.
Not that Masonry was ever perfect.
It's just not fair to say Masonry was all a bunch of Satanism.
And then, or Masonry's totally perfect.
And so, I mean, I've been part of documentaries that have been on History Channel, Discovery Channel, you know, dealing with masonry, just from my real research of it.
Uh, you know, I even had family and stuff that said, don't become a mason.
It's really become bad.
Um, so that's tell you how, how corrupt it's gotten.
Uh, so, so, uh, but, but, I mean, we've got Roger Stone coming up.
It's a little bit late, but he's gonna be ready in about three minutes.
Millie, uh, this is coming up tonight, premiering some of this, other reports, and then Owen, jump in here whenever you want.
Yeah, I just wanted to clarify one thing and kind of ask this rhetorical question.
Why would these celebrity elites be so into Satanism?
Well, it's really quite simple.
Hollywood elites are also really into staying young, looking young, living for a long time, immortality.
And what it boils down to is that these were supposedly, like, amongst these satanic elite, the secret to immortality, the secret to staying young, looking young, they think that if they perform these rituals on these babies and kill them in a certain way and then harvest their blood and drink it, that they will then be younger and rejuvenated and live for a long time.
Sure, sure.
There's Egyptian manuscripts on this one.
Egypt got evil.
It was pituitary glands, the blood, it was the original growth hormone.
And the theory behind this manuscript is that the man who wrote it lived to be like 200 years old.
I mean, there's some weird theory, which I don't know if I even believe, but they say he lived to be 200 years old because he drank baby's blood.
And it's the same way we see people using stem cells today.
And you have Hollywood celebrities where they go and get these stem cell treatments from aborted fetuses.
But see how it went for David Bowie.
He looked great, but then he died.
Yeah, I mean, we're doing it exactly today when you see these aborted fetuses that are being harvested.
China sells the powder made of dead babies and then the media makes jokes about it when we cover it.
Yeah, it's pretty disgusting.
Well, the reason why we cover this disgusting news is to try to enlighten people and wake people up and try to get them in a call to action to try to make their world a better place, not just ignore all the things that are going on right under their rug.
And you know, Alex, I'm reading this story and a few things really speak to me.
I'm reading about this Haitian lawyer, Mario Joseph, who's trying to get compensations to help victims of these peacekeepers that are spreading cholera to all these victims, over 10,000 people.
He's trying to get child support for all the Haitian women that got raped and then left pregnant.
He can't get the compensation.
In Los Angeles and other liberal cities around America, we have lawyers getting compensation from the government and private investors to stand up in court for illegal non-citizens, folks.
But you can't even get this lawyer, who's standing up for rape victims, to get compensation.
And why is that?
Or the giant water treatment facility that the U.N.
used on purpose to swim in naked and crap in.
So, also, another thing that sticks out to me, is there going to be any mainstream media coverage on this?
I haven't seen it yet.
I've been monitoring the news all day since this broke this morning.
I haven't seen it on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, nowhere.
Nowhere on the hill on C-SPAN.
And it goes on, Alex, listen to this.
And I think we can all learn a few things from this.
Here's another headline.
Deported felon arrested in sexual abuse of a 12-year-old girl at Virginia daycare.
This is a man who had already been deported, came back into Virginia, and was raping a 12-year-old girl at a Virginia daycare clinic.
Listen to this, Alex.
Here's another story that came today.
Tagging device found in human trafficking victim.
A young doctor known as Dr. A couldn't help but roll his eyes when he read that his next patient claimed to have a GPS tracker implanted in her side.
Of course, right?
Oh, this is all crazy.
Pedophilia running the world, that's all crazy.
Satanism running the world, it's all crazy.
That's the response.
Guess what?
Then you look into it, you find out it's real.
Sure enough, the doctor looked into it, did an investigation, and guess what?
This young woman had an RFID chip in her.
This was a sex
Trafficking slave with an RFID chip in it.
That's how serious this stuff is, okay?
This isn't some low-level stuff.
This is real stuff, folks.
You don't implant an RFID chip into your sex slave unless you are some serious business dealer.
And by the way, that's mainstream news.
And what's crazy is it breaks and gets no attention.
I can't get anything!
This story broke this morning.
It took a few hours for it to get rolling on Twitter.
Finally, people on Twitter are reporting it.
I'm telling you, I've got all the mainstream news and C-SPAN pulled up on my desk.
Zero, Alex.
Oh, they are so industrialized.
Nothing on the LATV report either!
I remember being told by people that had connections to the CIA, and of course it's been on the news, that they took over 10,000 kids and literally reprogrammed their brains.
That was Dr. Ewing Cameron.
That's even on History Channel.
And they found all these chips in those women.
And that's what's crazy, is that I've talked to the medical doctors that didn't believe it, in Oklahoma, where they were removing chips from little kids that were in foster care.
Little kids!
That just shows you how deep this goes.
That's because it's so industrialized.
Hundreds of thousands missing a year, and they go, oh, they're all runaways.
No, most of them aren't.
The traffickers all are like mafia, so they have to scan to see whose property this is.
Because a lot of these kids might be 10 years old but have been raped for six, seven years.
Their mind's gone.
They put them on drugs, they give them toxins, so they're like zombies.
And then they have nothing.
They have no family, they have no money, they have nothing.
All they have is their holder.
Well, the word is people think Dahmer, and I've talked to people that were involved with him,
In a psychiatrist in prison.
Dahmer, they believe, was probably a victim.
That's why he was trying to inject their brains with different chemicals, trying to make them sex slaves like he'd seen.
I mean, this is hardcore.
And a lot of connections just got made right there.
This is unbelievable.
Roger Stone is there.
Is he there now?
Good, we're going to Roger Stone.
He was a little late getting on this because he was on with me last hour.
I appreciate Roger.
I just want to point out, DrudgeReport.com, we put it on screen, Navy SEALs training to take out Kim Jong-un.
Listen, we need to see 5,000 pound bunker busters on his ass.
I'm not a tactician, but I've studied it.
You do not need to send down Navy SEALs into some armed compound with 5,000 crazy North Koreans.
That is a suicide mission.
USA not bluffing, hidden sub-threat, nuke.
Russia also has aircraft in the air right now around Japan and North Korea that can carry a nuclear load.
And that's, I think, why the U.S.
sent the nuclear tracing aircraft out there to try to monitor that.
And we saw some positive statements out of Russia today towards Trump, like, hey, yeah, let's clean up North Korea.
Let's clean up.
In fact, they're talking about getting rid of Assad now.
Russia is.
I think Trump said, hey, we'll do business with you.
We'll end all this.
But we've got to deal with these crazy people first.
Thank you.
Great job, guys.
There's a live show, kind of three, if you want to be part of that.
We'll talk about all this breaking stuff with Rob Dewey and others.
It'll be on Infowars.com.
So let's do it together.
All right, Alex.
Great job.
Thank you.
Roger Stone, thank you so much, my friend.
I'm going to skip this network break so you have more time, and I'm going to skip the 50 after.
If the network doesn't like it, I'll just get rid of the fourth hour and start my own network.
But, you know, that's just however it works.
I love GCN.
But I want to give you your time back, Roger Stone, because you're a busy guy and in high demand.
Wow, so much going on.
Where do you want to begin?
I'm going to turn the baton to you, my friend.
Yeah, it's really hard to know where to start, Alex.
I mean, there's bombshell news today that should have the Obama administration and the Clintons quaking in their boots because Donald Trump does an interview with Maria Bartiromo
I think?
She shouldn't be investigated and tried on her various Clinton Foundation or email-related scandals.
This is not good news for Mrs. Clinton.
You'll remember, Alex, what they told us at the end of Watergate.
No person is above the law.
Then you have President Trump seeming to throw our friend Steve Bannon under the bus.
As you correctly pointed out, I want to get this right, there's actually, I think, four stages.
It's, who is Steve Bannon?
What do you think of Steve Bannon?
Then it's, what are people saying about Steve Bannon?
And then, I really don't know Steve Bannon.
I'm afraid that's the continuum we are now in.
Steve's a friend and I think I probably, as you do, share his worldview more certainly than some of the establishment Republicans in this administration.
But I think he is being held responsible for the policy failures of health care, a blame that he should share with Reince Priebus.
And I can report that Ivanka Trump really has been the lead in urging his replacement.
I don't think the outlook is good for Steve, but my sources also tell me that he did not stand up against the strike.
That he was neutral on the question of the strike against Syria.
As the leading non-interventionist voice in this administration, that would of course be disappointing.
I do think that there is a dynamic for change within the White House staff, despite the official denials.
In this case, I'm going to stand up for Sean Spicer, of whom I've been most critical.
Because I think he merely made an honest mistake.
He should now come back and say that his reading of history was incorrect regarding the Third Reich's use of chemicals on their own people, or on any people's.
It is horrific regardless.
And move on.
He is being unfairly targeted and ostracized because he's the spokesman for President Donald J. Trump.
We are also, I think, interested to see that Donald Trump's moves in Syria, the limited and very surgical airstrike, which I think turns out to be, in the end, more symbolic than determinative in terms of what happens on the ground in Syria.
There are indications that despite the very best efforts of Generals Mattis and McMaster
To push President Trump into being George W. Bush and expanding the war in Syria with 150,000 ground troops.
Trump, to his credit, whose instincts are always good, is resisting that narrative and falling back to his campaign position of not seeking, you know, foreign wars based on the need for regime change.
The positives of the Trump initiative in Syria I think are pretty clear.
China is now openly urging the North Koreans to behave and saying that if they don't the Chinese may nuke their nuclear plant.
The, or I should say, bomb their nuclear plant.
The Russians giving indications that they might be willing to reconsider their support for Assad as long as we are committed to the destruction of ISIS and Islamic terrorism in the country.
These are all manifestations of the diplomatic move, or I should say the geo-political move, of the assault
I don't
But the case is being made by many rank-and-file Trump supporters who are bombarding social media and the White House with negative reaction to the limited incursion into Syria and letting the president know that they remember his pledge not to go off to future foreign wars.
That is having an effect, not in the sense that his advisors are affecting him, McMaster, Mattis, certainly the first son-in-law, but Trump is, I think, reinforced in a correct view that we should not expand our engagement into Syria
And as I told Politico yesterday, in my opinion, doing so would be the functional end of Trumpism.
The President seems to be going in the right direction here.
I think he has a diplomatic success on his hands.
Remains to be seen whether it is a military success, whether it in fact affects the bottom line of what happens in Syria.
But he seems to be making a number of signals that he is moving against a wider war.
Then there is the news by the Washington Post that Carter Page, who appended himself to some issue advisory committee for the Trump campaign, was indeed surveilled under a FISA warrant, based on what probable cause we do not know.
Mr. Page denies any wrongdoing, but clearly, unlike myself or others, he has visited Russia.
He had had communications with some Russians.
I continue to favor a full and vigorous investigation here, but the investigation needs to include whether the actions of Susan Rice to unmask
The various Trump associates utilizing intelligence community data from surveillance for political purposes.
How high did that go?
Did that go to Valerie Jarrett, the alter ego of President Obama?
Did it go to the President himself, if no person is above the law?
While I would like to see the House and Senate Intelligence Committee delve into these issues, the real place they should be adjudicated is before a grand jury.
I would point out the criminalization of Watergate and the fact that although the Senate hearings into Watergate were riveting television, and the House impeachment proceedings against Nixon were riveting television, in the end it was the Watergate special prosecutor who sent the circle, the closest circle of aides around President Nixon to prison.
Once again, no person is above the law.
The real vulnerability here, as it becomes clear that there is no Russian collusion, is that the Russian collusion claim, invented by John Podesta,
As a diversion from Podesta's own business activities, making millions of dollars with the clique around Putin, of oligarchs, the gas deal, the uranium deal, the bank deal, and so on, is manufactured of whole cloth.
And this rationalization, this legal justification for the monitoring of, we know for certain now, Mr. Page, is not based in any probable cause or evidence, but based in a political motive.
That makes what Susan Rice did
Worse than Watergate.
Watergate times 10.
This could bring down the entire front line of the Obama administration.
And I believe, and I have said this previously and we're going to find out shortly, that I was most likely
Under surveillance, either under the same warrant or under an additional identical warrant.
I say that because of information in the New York Times on January 20th, the day of the inaugural.
The headline is, a wiretapped data utilized in probe of Trump associates.
I am named in that story with Carter Page and Paul Manafort.
If that is true, then the FISA court, the super secret FISA court, has conducted this surveillance
For political motives, that Rice and others used the fruit of that surveillance for political purposes.
And most importantly, my civil rights, my civil liberties were violated on the basis of no probable cause, on the basis of no real tangible evidence, on the basis of an outrageous claim by John Podesta.
I am huddling with my lawyers to see what my options are, with the caveat that I hear deafening silence from the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.
John McCain has defamed me, has said things that are patently not true, has claimed that I have a relationship with former Ukrainian President Yanukovych, who I have no relationship with whatsoever.
I've never worked for him.
I've never met him.
I don't know him.
I have no association with him.
He's also said that I have association with the Russians.
That's also false.
On the House side, Congressman Adam Schiff, a politician on the make, a guy who may think he's going to move to Dianne Feinstein's U.S.
Senate seat over my dead body, is incorrect.
He has made a number of flat statements about me that are false, that are demonstrably false, and I await my time in front of either committee.
But what I hear is deafening silence from both.
Now it's not because the president's action in Syria has knocked the wind out of the Russian narrative.
The mainstream media continues to try to whip this.
The fact that the Carter Page story in today's Washington Post is a page one story proves the point.
So Washington is boiling now with intrigue.
The House Democrats are flummoxed by the fact that Devin Nunes selflessly stepped aside, even though he's done nothing wrong, and will now leave the prosecution of this investigation to Trey Gowdy and Congressman Tom Rooney from my home state of Florida, both good men, both former prosecutors, both attorneys.
And they will insist on an investigation that is broader than just the question of Russian collusion that will extend to the improprieties with surveillance information by the Obama administration.
Thanks for joining me at InfoWars and we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to commit blasphemy against the globalists right now in the New World Order.
I'm going to tell all of you that we're celebrating the Christian holiday of Easter, Our Risen Christ, on the third day, by having some of the biggest specials ever at InfoWarsTore.com on amazing supplements.
You know, mainstream media demonizes us for selling high-quality organic supplements that are game changers, while they have all the poison Big Pharma drug ads all day, sitting there poisoning the people.
What a shameful group of wicked devils.
Ladies and gentlemen, our Christ raised from the dead on the third day.
And our republic can rise from the dead if we wake up to what the globalists are doing and if you support independent free media.
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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
To InfoWars, I'm Roger Stone, sitting in for that freedom fighter patriot, Alex Jones.
And I want to remind our listeners yet again that InfoWars, like so much of alternative media, is under assault as never before as the globalists
And their allies in Silicon Valley, who control Google and Facebook, seek to limit our reach and our ability to rally the populace, as we did for the election of Donald Trump and the ongoing fight for freedom.
That's why we need you to go to the InfoWars store and look at many of the terrific products there.
The one that's intrigued me the most recently is Caveman, which is a great kind of fundamental, high-quality, superfood support product, which boosts immunity, I think promotes stronger bones.
Clearer skin, greater energy.
I mean, you're taking things like turmeric root, shaga mushroom, bee pollen, bone broth.
Many of these are proven natural supplements that were used by our ancestors long before we could read the New York Times.
And you will see that this particular product was five years in development.
It has hundreds of testimonials in terms of overall well-being and right now it's 33% off in a very special limited time sale.
That's a great price.
And this is a product that I have now tried and must tell you, I like it.
And I commend it.
You'll not only be helping yourself, but you'll be helping InfoWars in the fight for freedom.
I want to talk about that assault on our First Amendment rights.
The active gambit of the tech left to engage in Stalin-like censorship.
You see, they can't argue with the fact that their policies, whether they be their fiscal policies of borrowing and spending, their adventurous foreign policies, their porous border immigration policies, their one-sided rigged trade policies, their policies have brought the country to its knees.
Rather than engage in a vigorous debate with us, they want to shut us up about their failures.
And many Americans and many journalists look at me like I'm some kind of a conspiracy theorist when I talk about the fact that in
Christmas of 2017, buried deep in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, and never mentioned by the President in his official statement after signing it, was the Counter Disinformation and Anti-Propaganda Act of 2017.
This essentially makes free speech on the internet, it criminalizes certain free speech that is deemed to be quote-unquote fake news.
There you have it folks.
...sets up essentially the Ministry of Truth, the National Board of Censorship, if you will.
The new law will allow the government to crack down with impunity against any media outlet that it deems to be propaganda.
This piece of legislation provides huge amounts of money to fund counter-propaganda, to make sure the government's approved stories drown out alternative news, or any journalists, like those here at InfoWars, who challenge the U.S.
government narrative of events.
This would be an entirely legal crackdown.
It's also been called the Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016.
And ironically, this particular piece of censorship
Was sponsored by Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, a longtime retainer for the Bush family and a certified member of the two-party ruling duopoly in Washington DC.
How is this manifesting itself?
Well, we've reported extensively here at InfoWars.com about the active treachery of Google and Facebook
A story from email marketing in March of 2017 notes, incredibly, that Google, when putting forward press releases from Hillary Clinton's campaign, classified those as updates, whereas Donald Trump's were classified as promotions.
This interpretation alone guaranteed that Hillary Clinton's press releases would get millions of more opens than Donald Trump's.
It's a perfect example of the subtle techniques that the folks at Google were using
In their efforts to limit the reach of Donald Trump during the campaign, and typical of the kind of efforts that are being used to block InfoWars.com, or StoneColdTruth.com, or the Stone Zone, or I should just say StoneZone.com, or Daily Caller, or Breitbart, or so many other fine sites.
Paul Joseph Watson yesterday posted the proof.
A claim, a story that said correctly that Hillary Clinton essentially sold 20% of the uranium production in the United States to a company that is controlled by Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin.
But Snopes.com, it is noted in the lower left corner, deems this story to be fake news.
Well, I deem Snopes to be fake news, and the idea that some third party is going to decide what we can read and what we cannot read, or what we should believe and not believe, is entirely antithetical to the First Amendment of the U.S.
That's what we're up against.
Now the slipping of brother Steve Bannon, which sadly I think is exacerbated by the fact that
Mr. Bannon would not utilize his political capital to bring other non-globalists into the White House staff, to bring other nationalists, those who share the Trump vision, into the White House staff.
Now, sadly, surrounded by his establishment enemies, Steve Bannon's alone.
This makes the question of his long-term survival or even his future effectiveness unclear.
This development is particularly concerning in view of the onslaught through the internet media to slowly strangle us through censorship, because if there is anyone in the President's entourage who should understand this issue, and who can educate the President about this issue,
It would be Steve Bannon.
He comes, after all, from alternative media.
I have always valued my contributions to Breitbart, for whom I write on occasion, my many occasions on the Breitbart radio program on Sirius, but it is therefore problematic that
While Mr. Bannon may be on the skids, the folks at Facebook, the folks at Google, are whining and dining.
The first son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and his wife, Ivanka, about whom I cannot say enough good things.
As I reported earlier, Ivanka has rather taken the lead in the effort to purge Steve Bannon
And when the president says to Michael Goodwin in the New York Post that he barely knows Bannon, it's a very bad sign.
So we have Bannon in eclipse.
We have the people who are trying to kneecap InfoWars.com and kneecap TheStoneColdTruth.com and kneecap StoneZone.com and Daily Caller and Breitbart and Town Hall and so many other
Fine, conservative, liberty-oriented websites.
This is problematic.
If the censors have their way, the prospect for the re-election of Donald Trump without a vibrant and robust alternative media readily available on the Internet, well those prospects are zero.
This is survival, folks, and this is why, again, we need your support at the InfoWars.com store, whether it's the caveman formula or whether it's your Hillary Clinton, pardon me, Hillary Clinton for prison t-shirts.
Which were very much in evidence, the Hillary Clinton for Prison 2017 t-shirts, very much in evidence the other night in Pembroke Pines when I spoke to two back-to-back Trump rallies.
This is a very popular item.
It sticks it right in the thumb of the eye.
It takes your thumb and sticks it in the eye of the political establishment and the Hillary apologists.
And it supports the movement.
So I send you there for your t-shirt.
Make a statement and support us.
We're going to see, I think, an upheaval in the Trump administration.
I tweeted last week that change is going to come, and I think it will.
At the end, I put my faith in the instincts of Donald J. Trump.
I honestly believe that when he gets all the information, he almost invariably makes the right decision.
What I fear is that he is not getting the whole truth, the full truth, the necessary facts.
And we know that some around him, McMaster, Mattis and others, have advocated a broadened war, for example.
I don't know that he is aware of the enormous challenge posed by the censorship brigade, which is legally authorized by Barack Obama and their cooperation with the barons of Silicon Valley to strangle the Trump reform movement in the cradle.
And without Steve Bannon at his sleeve to tell him, we have to count on you.
Yes, you.
The individual activist who watches InfoWars or tunes into any other fine conservative alternative media,
You need to contact the White House.
You need to post your feelings on social media.
You need to stand up for Trumpism.
And in that way, I think the President will get the signal.
That's why I think he's moving away from the wider war.
There are a number of indications in his public comments that the incursion of Syria
...was meant to be limited in his mind, was limited, was very effective in several respects, but it does not signal the abandonment of Trumpism and a new interventionist jag.
If it does, well then we will have failed.
What do I mean by that?
Well, the President's coalition, the coalition of right-of-center voters that elected him, has many stripes.
Some in our coalition are social conservatives.
They're motivated by issues like abortion and transgender bathrooms and states' rights.
Others in our movement are libertarians.
They're fed up with interventionism abroad and foreign war that does not involve our national interests.
They're also, they tend to be, against big government, against the government criminalization of marijuana.
And Donald Trump, with his position on medical marijuana and states' rights, appealed to these voters, as did his anti-war position.
And then there are the traditional conservative Republicans of the Reagan stripe in our coalition.
The one thing that isn't in our coalition are neocons.
Now, we cannot afford to lose any of the elements of the Trump coalition, because the president has to govern.
And he can only govern with a majority coalition, no matter how slender.
And if that coalition splinters over war, it could be the functional end of Trumpism.
Look at the economic indicators, look at the recent
Supreme Court Justice, who was confirmed relatively easily, look at the incredible work the President is doing at the regulatory and departmental level, which doesn't get the media coverage it should, and you will see that, as Alex Jones says, when it comes to domestic policy, the President's an A, a B at worst, and if
The incursion into Syria does turn out to be a limited one-time military operation and doesn't herald a wider war.
Well then, Trumpism, despite many who work for him in the White House, is very much intact.
Let me say at the close here, if you want to understand the backstory on so much of this,
I still urge you to go to theinfowars.com store and get your copy of The Making of the President 2016 by that brilliant New York Times bestselling author, Roger Stone.
This is an insider's take on how Alex Jones and others, other MVPs, like James O'Keefe, played a crucial role in providing an alternative narrative for the American people.
Then the narrative put forward by the mainstream media and CNN and the other mainstream pundits, who in their elitism and in their arrogance, could not see that the American people were fed up with globalism.
They were fed up with the loss of American sovereignty.
They were fed up with those who reject American exceptionalism.
That they want a muscular national defense as a deterrent to bad actors like the North Korean dictator, but that they rejected adventurism around the globe.
It's a definitive look on how Donald Trump pulled off the greatest upset in American history, and you can still grab it at the InfoWars.com store now.
Thanks for joining us.
I'll be right back.
All right, so I've just gotten word that we're going to keep moving, and that is a good thing.
It is a great opportunity to point out to you again
That we have the challenge that I spoke of in terms of the efforts to kneecap us through troll bots and fake news blockers.
There's a dozen different names for the techniques that the tech left is using against InfoWars.
That's why I think it's a perfect time to let you know about the Eastern Mega Special that is now on at the InfoWars.com store.
Thanks to you, we can keep this fight for liberty going.
And we can keep the lights on.
And we can send out investigative reporters to the hot spots around the country and the world where there's breaking news that you, as an InfoWars.com watcher or listener, need to know.
So, there is a sale to end all sales right now with 30% off of Brain Force, 25% off of Super Male Vitality, 25% off Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 25% off of Secret 12 Vitamin B12,
25% off of Super Female Vitality.
We treat the genders equally here at Infowars.com.
And 25% off of Survival Shield, which is one of the best antioxidants that you'll find out there in the market.
Long before I ever met Alex Jones, long before I became an aficionado and a member of the family here at InfoWars, I had been a believer in holistic medicine and the use of natural herbs and settlements to supplement and in fact have a prophylactic effect on health.
And I can tell you there are, sadly, a lot of bogus purveyors out there who are selling you products that are mostly filler or that are of inferior or diluted quality.
You will never find that at InfoWars.com at the store.
Every one of these products has to go through the rigorous testing and the personal approval of Alex Jones himself.
And he sells nothing in which he does not believe.
And that belief is based on hundreds and hundreds, in some cases thousands, of individual testimonials.
People who have tried and tested the product and come back and said, this really works, this is a great product.
So no matter what you choose, you can do so with confidence that every one of these products is the best available.
That when you buy iodine, for example, the iodine supplement, you are getting the best iodine, the most efficient or effective iodine available on the market.
A lot of these herbs and key natural elements are not that easy to find in high quality
quantities but InfoWars manages to do that.
Every once in a while I get upset when they're out of a product but frankly I think people who are into alternative supplements understand that the quality is here and therefore some of the best products sell out very quickly.
The super fluoride toothpaste
Which is now available, not only in the peppermint flavor, but a new bubblegum flavor, which is great for kids.
My grandchildren love the bubblegum.
They thought that the peppermint was a little spicy, a little harsh.
My wife, on the other hand, likes the peppermint, and that is the whitest, most gleaming smile you're ever going to see.
So, this is a perfect example of the high-quality product
You can only get here at InfoWars, and not only are you going to have better oral health, and frankly the health of the gums has been tied directly to heart health, heart disease, and so on, but you're going to be helping the fight for freedom!
You're going to be giving us the war chest we need to take on the globalists, to take on the folks at Google, to take on the
The censors who would seek to silence those of us who stood shoulder to shoulder for Donald J. Trump.
So it's a win-win situation, folks.
You can help back the revolution.
And you can get superior products.
Please hit the Infowars.com store.
We need your support.
We value your support.
And with your support, the fight for liberty will go on.
I noticed that I got a lot of mail today pointing out to me that Michelle and Barack Obama, our esteemed former president and the future nominee of the Democratic Party for president in 2020,
Mark my words, Michelle Obama, are in Tahiti, a country that has no current extradition treaty with the United States.
Now, the President is slated to return to the United States on Monday, but that appears it has now been postponed with the arrival of the former First Lady on Saturday.
The president's been staying for at least a month, 30 miles from Tahiti, in a private island resort called The Brando, which can only be reached by boat or small seaplane.
Now, he may have left this resort to go to French-Polynesian islands, but the question is, is this Elba?
Is the president out of the country and unavailable because, perhaps, just perhaps, he sees Susan Rice
And Valerie Jarrett headed to the grand jury.
And he sees the collapse of the phony Russian argument and the spying on Donald Trump about to hit the fan.
Yes, you heard it here first at InfoWars.com.
All right, so we're going to continue.
The terrific reporting of Jerry Corsi last week regarding the Soros-funded fight for the future is yet another manifestation of the Google effort to choke us.
I've seen this myself at StoneColdTruths.com, and the fact that we are in our retweets, while we were surging before the election and after the election, now suddenly we're mysteriously down.
Yes, it's an all-out assault on our First Amendment, and we're going to talk about how to fight it, coming up at InfoWars.
Many thanks.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
I'm going to commit blasphemy against the globalists right now in the New World Order.
I'm going to tell all of you that we're celebrating the Christian holiday of Easter, Our Risen Christ, on the third day, by having some of the biggest specials ever at Infowarsstore.com on amazing supplements.
You know, mainstream media demonizes us for selling high-quality organic supplements that are game changers, while they have all the poison Big Pharma drug ads all day, sitting there poisoning the people.
What a shameful group of wicked devils.
Ladies and gentlemen, our Christ raised from the dead on the third day.
And our Republic can rise from the dead if we wake up to what the globalists are doing and if you support independent free media.
There's never been a better time to support InfoWars with these specials at InfoWarsLife.com.
Because it's all about life.
Get the products, whether it's water filtration, nutraceuticals, Patriot apparel, you name it, it's all available at InfoWarsStore.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!