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Name: 20170410_Mon_Alex
Air Date: April 10, 2017
3300 lines.

On his show, Alex Jones discusses political issues such as national security, foreign policy, recent events in Syria, and the Trump administration's stance on radical Islamic terrorism. He criticizes blindly following individuals or parties and questions the use of false flag operations and chemical warfare to manipulate policy-making. Jones promotes products available through InfowarsLife.com and encourages listeners to stay informed and engaged in politics while expressing hope for Trump's presidency despite its challenges.

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Ladies and gentlemen, it's Monday, April 10, 2017.
Thin red line, Russia and Iran pledge to hit back against further Syria strikes.
And there's an article on Infowars.com, Trump pushes back against neocon plan to invade Syria.
It's an exclusive.
But first, a powerful report from John Bowne.
But it's in the news that thousands of army special forces
Thousands of Navy SEALs and the numbers I've been told are above 10,000.
Regular U.S.
Army alone in Iraq, in western Iraq, in support of that, but also an even larger force now going into Syria.
Now I heard this a few weeks ago from my Pentagon sources.
But when you've got thousands of U.S.
troops in Syria in the last 80 days, that's how long Trump's been in, started days after he got in, and you've got tens of thousands on their way, that is boots on the ground, that is an invasion.
Any foreign troops coming to Syria without our invitation, or consultation, or permission, they are invaders.
Whether they're American, Turkish, or any other one.
And we don't think this is going to help.
Well, what are they going to do?
To fight ISIS?
You have Trump saying he's signaling to do more.
You have McMaster, the head national security advisor to the president, who replaced Michael Flynn, saying, we intend to take out ISIS?
And we intend to take out Assad simultaneously.
McMaster has actually been manipulating intelligence reports that go to Trump and manipulating what is happening because McMaster wants a full-scale 150,000 boots on the ground war with Syria.
He's doing this at the behest of Atreus.
So once you really start looking at the
I think?
I mean, that's all over the news for two days.
And then we know U.S.
troops are already massing.
That's in the news.
But then they go, oh, no one's massing, no one's massing.
And then they tell Trump, oh, this is a cover for us in case Assad attacks us.
So it looks like the president's had his foreign policy taken away from him.
Yeah, the Deep State has performed a silent coup by taking over NSC and Petraeus is behind all of this.
Petraeus takes massive amounts of money from the Saudi Arabians.
McMaster is actually more loyal to Saudi Arabia than he is to America and to American soldiers.
So the Saudis are behind this too.
They're funding a lot of the media operations.
Petraeus has a lot of friendly people in the media.
So they're building up the forces right now.
And they're letting Russia know, when we go in, you better back off.
And this is why Trump thinks he can do this.
He believes if they cut it off, kick out Assad, they'll be able to put in a provisional government, stabilize it, have the U.S.
military there, cut off Iran, who's trying to take it over, and cut off Saudi Arabia, and basically block it.
He's kind of going back to an Eisenhower plan, pre-1960, which was a good plan before.
It put the secular government in Iraq and other things like that.
That previous Eisenhower plan left Assad's daddy alone, or the people for him, all of it.
So, all that's going on, and he thinks he can stabilize it, cut it off, end it, be a big peacemaker, because he's told if he doesn't, it's going to keep on going, and it's about to flood into Europe, because Erdogan has now openly announced he's with ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Saudi Arabia, and is about to menace Europe.
So this is more about taking out Turkey if they make a move.
We've got nuclear weapons inside their country and more, instead of Syria.
The world is in such a crisis.
And it's about showing strength to China, who is belligerently claiming they control 90% of the sea lanes in the South China Sea, the most busy area in the world, from Japan all the way down to the Philippines.
And it's about letting everybody know we're getting ready to take out Kim Jong-un.
We're tired of him menacing the world.
We're tired of him holding us hostage after he was given reactors and everything else in the 90s, claiming he'd stop this.
We're done.
Roger Stone has breaking bombshell news exclusive on Jared Kushner there in the White House, the son-in-law of President Trump, who is at the center basically of everything now.
His communications with Joe Scarborough, a Democratic Party operative, conservative turncoat, basically, in my view.
But here is those bombshell developments.
Roger tells me it is just sensational.
Please continue.
Sources tell me that the president's son-in-law enjoys a very lively text exchange with Joe Scarborough.
And Scarborough's repeated attacks on Steve Bannon, not to mention some of his attacks on the president, clearly are being manipulated by Jared Kushner for his own internal purposes.
Now, again, any criticism that I have of the Trump administration or any member thereof, Kushner is one, are meant to be constructive, not destructive.
But in this case, Joe Scarborough is no friend of the president.
He revels in passing fake news.
But this has not hit the news.
This is breaking right now on InfoWars.
And that is the back channel between the president's son-in-law and Joe Scarborough.
First of all, let me say that anytime I level a criticism at the Trump administration, or even rarely at the president himself, I do so out of loyalty to Donald Trump.
And loyalty to his agenda.
I want to help him beat back the globalists and make this country great again.
That said, my political experience with Ronald Reagan, and before that, Jim Nixon, tells me that a White House divided against itself cannot stand.
And the internal squabbling between the establishment wing and the diminished true believers continues inside the White House.
Yes, the president's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, perhaps the one presidential aide who cannot be fired, is now in the regular text message communications with Joe Scarborough.
Many of the anti-Steve Bannon stories that you see, the themes that you see on Morning Joe are being dictated
By Kushner.
And while Mr. Kushner's plate is very full with Middle Eastern peace and the China visit and so on, in this case, I think he is disserving of the president.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I hear people talking bad about the way we have to live here in this country.
Harping on wars we fight and griping about the way things ought to be.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Here we are on this Monday, the 10th day of April 2017 Global Broadcast.
We're going to be here for the next four hours.
We have several important guests joining us.
Also have some really important inside intel from people associated with the CIA about what really went on
With the supposed sarin gas attack last week and the response on Thursday evening by President Trump while the Chinese communist dictator was here.
I also have a lot of other inside intel that I'm going to be going over today, but I'm actually waiting till I get word back from some folks on whether I should even get into all of it or not.
But believe me, it is all important.
I'm really gonna try to be calm today instead of going into my regular rant mode where I just go over all the information and perseverate.
And I do think we should open the phones up throughout the four hours in between guests to get the public's response and to get the public's angles on what's happened.
So first-time callers, long-time callers,
I do want to take a lot of your phone calls interspersed with the news and a lot of the clips we're going to be playing on what do you think about the Syria strike?
And what do you think about the direction this country's going in?
What do you think this does to President Trump's promises to try to not be entangled in foreign wars?
Specifically pointing out the quagmire in Syria.
Trump knows full well that it was a false flag attack.
Back in 2013, there were a bunch of others that pointed towards the rebels that couldn't be confirmed.
And there's no reason that Assad would use chemicals when he was already winning the war.
The U.S.
military has forces massed in Syria and in Iraq, and more are on the way.
The Marine Expeditionary Force is there with heavy artillery, anti-aircraft weapons, to back up the army.
To go into the cities.
So ground war to push out ISIS is being prepared and General McMasters, the head of the National Security Council, the President's National Security Advisor, he has come out last week and this week and said, quote, we want to take out ISIS and Assad simultaneously.
Now that's very, very clear, isn't it?
Meanwhile, according to my White House sources, Trump openly says in meetings, we're not doing a no-fly zone, we're not escalating this, I want ISIS out of there.
Then we can negotiate with Assad to step down.
Four years ago, Assad made a deal with the U.S.
military and the Russians that they would push out ISIS-slash-Al Qaeda, because the media tries to confuse the terms, so I always mention them together, and that
Once they were removed from the country, Assad would transfer power to an elected government.
So the U.S.
military is there, according to Trump, to kick al-Qaeda and ISIS out into Iraq, where the pincer movement of the forces in Iraq are waiting to crush it, so they can't just start a new war there.
And then Assad will then be dictated to on how he's going to leave peacefully.
The word is Assad has begun to waffle on leaving.
So you could argue Trump has an argument in that Assad hasn't completely gotten rid of the chemical weapons.
There were clearly some chemical weapons at that base.
There's photos of them, there's video of them.
It is the containers, those very chemical weapons they admitted they had were contained in.
So the argument is you take out the chemical weapons, you take out the base, the bunkers they're held in.
And then they can't use them and the agreement's been basically followed through on.
And then Trump looks strong to his detractors that say he's a Russian agent and has to be removed from power.
But you gotta pull back from all this and understand that McMaster and the rest of the people on the National Security Council now are calling for the removal of Assad.
So the President out of one side of his mouth saying he doesn't want to escalate the war,
But out of the other side, his people are moving forward with major boots on the ground.
There is a U.S.
invasion ongoing for 80-plus days in Syria, and it's escalating quickly.
And the word is, they're going in, big time.
They're already in, but this is just establishing the beachheads and the defense perimeters with the anti-aircraft guns, with the missiles, and with the artillery.
With the radar, the avionics, the systems, the ships are moving in, everything's lined up, more Russian ships are coming in, and the Russians have said that they intend, if there's any more strikes, to shoot back.
Putin's war threats to West warns Trump.
Thin red line, Russia and Iran pledge to hit back against further serious strikes as they blast U.S.
for crossing red lines.
And that's out of the sun, and people say, oh, the sun's a tabloid.
Yeah, our major newspapers won't even run with this because they don't even want you to know.
These are official statements out of the Duma, official statements by Putin, official statements by Medvedev, official statements by all of them.
We're going to go over all those quotes.
Russian politician calls for retaliatory strikes against U.S.
State Duma member
He wants to send a message to Trump.
That's the leader of the Democratic Party of Russia, Vladimir Zirinovsky, has called for Moscow to carry out retaliatory strikes against the U.S.
in response to Trump's administration's airstrike on Syria.
Some say, well, this guy always is a hothead.
Well, he's probably the second most powerful person in Russia.
And actually, he's only quoting what Putin said word for word.
Now there's a report I've got directly out of the White House and other sources that in these meetings Trump is saying, I'm not putting up a no-fly zone, I don't intend to escalate this, and I don't have the generals bossing me around.
We've got that force there to protect our ground troops as they kick ISIS and Al Qaeda out of the country.
We intend to end this civil war that threatens all of Europe, because if that country falls to Wahhabis, then we already have Turkey linking up with them, calling for jihads in Europe.
They'll have a direct invasion route into Europe, and we'll have the jihads that started the crusades all over again.
This is exclusive information.
Paul Joseph Watson has in his article on Infowars.com, Trump pushes back against a neocon plan to invade Syria.
And I rarely agree with CNN, but here's the headline from CNN.
Boy, they said it.
Well, it was George Washington, trained by the greatest empire on earth at the time, who said, no foreign entanglements, let's have our own wealth, our own country, because these foreign wars don't even help the people, they help the elites, and are more trouble than they're worth.
He didn't even say that from some moral position, even though he was a very moral man.
He said it from a very informed, educated system, and he launched the American system.
Now, by 1898, with William McKinley, we began to become an empire.
And our problems have never ended since then.
And our productivity went from around 10% a year on average then to about 3% now or less.
You can mark the decline of our prosperity with us becoming an empire.
We pay for a big corporate global empire.
So a bunch of generals can run around and act tough and powerful.
And get bought off by the Saudi Arabians and all sort of crap.
General McMaster is listed by Jihad Watch and others as a sympathizer just like Brennan.
With the Wahhabist.
I'm not saying he's overall a bad guy.
And he's certainly an articulate fella.
More articulate than most of those generals.
He's a very well-spoken person.
I've watched a lot of his speeches and things the last few months just to get a handle on him.
He's charismatic.
He's got a lot of good doctrine.
He understands it's not about force on the ground.
It's about getting the culture on your side and having leadership.
Well, let me explain something, McMasters, to you.
The globalists are running this country in the ground, so we don't trust any wars they launch or any wars they carry out.
And we know that the globalists, under the neocons leading it, but also directed by Hillary, Obama, and the usual suspect, Susan Rice, that entire gaggle of warmongers, we know
That they started the Arab Spring with Google and Facebook.
They all bragged about it.
CNN pushed how glorious Libya was.
How glorious Egypt was.
How glorious the destabilization in all the other countries was.
Like Syria.
And it's on you.
You went into a sovereign country.
That was prosperous and where women could go to college and didn't wear hoods over their heads, didn't wear beekeeper suits, and where Europeans went en masse to some of the best hotels and scuba diving and everything.
I had looked at wanting to go to the Middle East like seven, eight years ago.
I was looking at going to Israel, Egypt, even though it's dangerous and dirty, I wanted to see the pyramids, and also to Syria to see those incredible Roman ruins and things.
It's all blown up.
The horrible, dirty Al-Qaeda went and blew all that up.
Not just the hundreds of thousands of people and the millions of Christians that they've driven out of the country and the hundreds of thousands they've killed.
So, it's immoral.
And I watched McMaster in speeches he gave.
And TV interviews he gave on Fox say no fewer than like 15 times in 5 minutes, mass murder weapons, mass murder weapons.
They don't use WMDs anymore, because they know that reminds you of BS.
So now they're called mass murder weapons, mass murder weapons, mass murder weapons, mass murder weapons.
Over and over again, with no proof Syria did this.
And no motive.
And so, that's where I stand on this.
We're gonna come back, get the number out, start taking your calls, and play the former top British ambassador to Syria, saying they have given a green light to Al-Qaeda and ISIS groups to stage false flags everywhere, which they've been caught doing.
That's why Britain before didn't go with the whole provocation four years ago.
Because they knew putting ISIS and Al Qaeda in would end up being blamed on them and they'd lose moral high ground.
It wasn't even a moral decision.
They knew it wasn't going to work because the public was aware and the military was.
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Coming up, we've caught CNN again, something they're very famous for, claiming that they were on the scene in Syria when they're in a studio.
And it's fake, concerning the chemical weapons attack.
And I have a lot of inside intel that I obviously can't even get into at this point that, by the end of the broadcast, I should be able to break down on the air.
But here's the bottom line.
forces are massing.
Boots are on the ground.
Tens of thousands of troops, Marines, Army, you name it.
More ships coming in to the area.
More ships in the Persian Gulf.
More ships in the Mediterranean.
A major Pacific task force, an armada, is now cruising right up into the Korean Peninsula, openly threatening strikes.
After North Korea threatened to nuke Japan and South Korea.
And they are a major threat.
So the world is in a major crisis.
These crises were ongoing before Trump got elected.
He obviously wants to look strong in the face of the Russians that are on the ground, both with aircraft and troops, and they have ships again in the Mediterranean, and more ships are on their way.
And they want to have a lot of troops on the ground to broker
The deal they did behind the scenes, our military did, circumventing Obama, and a full war he wanted then, our military made a deal with the Russians outside of Obama.
It was a military coup, a soft coup, that you also saw come right through the campaign, the military intelligence agencies working with American people to defeat Hillary because she wants all-out war with the Russians and others.
Now, this is a sign of strength by Trump, and you can see the perspective of why he did it.
I'm playing devil's advocate right now.
What I'm telling you is why President Trump believes he did this.
The problem is McMaster's and others are going around saying we want to take out Assad and ISIS simultaneously.
That's a quote.
He said ISIS, Assad simultaneously.
And that's the same thing we're getting out of John McCain and others who seem very very satisfied and who said last Thursday the system in Washington has now gone back to its normal
Which I guess is nation building and wars and toppling countries and putting radical people in and having really, really bad morals.
So McCain says we're going back to overthrowing countries and putting bad guys in.
Trump says that's not the case.
But the former British ambassador who was part of brokering these deals with the Brits for the first time in over a hundred years voted to not join the United States in a war.
Remember four and a half years ago they voted for the first time in over a hundred years to not agree with us in a war we were in.
And they said it was wrong to back Al-Qaeda and ISIS, taking over the country.
Assad didn't start the war.
It was immoral.
Our military said it was immoral.
I said it was immoral.
The guests we had on said it was immoral and wrong.
Now Colonel Schaefer's gone on Fox News and said, this shows the climate's changed, the United States is now ready to act.
That better not be putting ISIS or Al Qaeda in.
Well, Trump in 80 days has smashed them.
They're almost defeated, that's admitted.
They're panicking, they're saying launch car attacks all over Europe, the rest of it, because they're losing.
And here is the British ambassador.
Trump has just given jihadists a thousand reasons to stage false flag operations.
That's the former British ambassador.
Remember just 15 years ago I talked about false flag operations and people said they didn't exist.
Now it's common nomenclature.
So that's the good news here is it's not as easy for these people to do this as it once was.
That article with the video is on InfoWars.com, but let's play it.
Trump has just given jihadists a thousand reasons to stage fake operations.
This is Peter Ford, former British ambassador to Syria, believes the chemical attack at the rebel-held town of Khan may have been committed by the Assad, may not have been, may not have been committed by the Assad regime.
Based on previous experience, including Iraq, we can see that we cannot take at face value what the so-called
Not when they have an agenda.
But come back to the main point.
It's not going to end here.
And we are likely, Britain, to be dragged into it.
Because Trump has just given the jihadis a thousand reasons to stage fake flag operations.
Seeing how successful and how easy it is with a gullible media.
To provoke the West into intemperate reactions.
They will very likely stage an operation similar to what they did and this was documented by the United Nations in August last year.
They mounted a chlorine gas attack on civilians and they tried to make it look like it was a regime operation.
This marked my words.
Fake flag!
That's a new word.
I guess he knows the public doesn't know false flag.
I'm sorry.
So false flag is the old British term for staging an attack and then blaming it on your enemy.
Or, you know, attacking a ship with other flags on your ship.
Making sure everybody goes down.
So I guess now he's calling it fake flag.
So we'll be right back with more key intel.
We'll also look at the good side of all this.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
CNN host Fareed Zakaria, who recently called President Donald Trump a bullshit artist, has suddenly changed his tune.
Following last night's missile strikes on Syria, Zakaria now says that Donald Trump has become President of the United States.
Donald Trump became President of the United States.
I think this was actually a big moment.
Meanwhile, the neocons and establishment left are also praising Trump's military strikes in Syria, and Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham applaud it too.
Even Chuckie Schumer says it was the right thing to do.
But not everyone is aboard the Trump train in Syria.
Senator Rand Paul says the U.S.
was not attacked, and President Trump should have asked Congress for approval.
And it is a well-known fact that the Syrian rebels are infamous
For launching false flag terror attacks.
And you can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
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Zack, this is Crystal Palace.
NORAD has declared DEFCON 3.
Scramble all alert aircraft.
I repeat, scramble all alert aircraft.
The Whopper spends all its time thinking about World War 3.
Target selection complete.
Time-on-target sequence complete.
22 Typhoon-class submarines departing Petropavlovsk, turning southbound at Nordkapp, bearing 095 degrees.
Radar reports two unknown tracks are penetrating the Alaskan Air Defense Zone.
From the front lines of the Information War.
Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEFCON 1.
Are you prepared to destroy the enemy?
You bet!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
We'll keep control, but we'll keep it here at the top where it belongs.
3... 2... 1... Impact!
Shall we play a game?
How about...
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All units confirm weapons targeted and ready.
Awaiting launch codes.
We are in launch mode.
Do you really believe that the enemy would attack without provocation?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're in!
Russians are still denying everything, sir.
We have Soviet submarine launch detection.
I wish I didn't know about any of this.
I wish I was like everybody else.
Ladies and gentlemen, so much is breaking while I'm on the breaks.
I should probably have David Knight come here and host the show while I work on some stories here.
I've got high-level CIA intel on what's really going on that I've just been given authorization to go through later.
I've got reports here where time is of the essence that will end John McCain's career, what he's been caught doing.
And I'm sitting on this till I get that green-lighted.
I've got the former top British ambassador saying this will create false flags, he calls them fake flags, where Al-Qaeda and ISIS will start staging terror attacks everywhere.
Now this one's been green-lighted when clearly he was there in 2013 when they staged the last one and they got caught doing it.
So, I've talked to my military sources, too, who are pretty right-wing hawks, and they said they got a very bad feeling about Syria.
It's very sticky.
The troops are matching for a war with Russia and Iran.
So, all hell is breaking loose, and it's because of a chemical attack.
That the Russians and everybody else would never want to happen.
Now are there photos of that base with a bunch of chemical weapons at them?
That the Russians clearly got tipped off and so they took them out of the bunkers and have them stored outside so they wouldn't get hit?
What would have happened if Trump would have hit the nerve gas that was 300 yards from a village?
I mean, I've looked at every angle of this.
I've stayed up late.
I have really racked my brain over every angle of this and this just looks and smells really, really bad.
Now, I said I'd give you some of the good news.
Trump wouldn't be fake and secure our borders, talk about bringing our jobs back, expose globalism as a scam, bring back $300 billion in jobs, $3 trillion in the stock market plus, end the moratorium on Glass-Steagall, bring back the banking regulations, get the big banks to loan to small businesses, kill TPP,
I mean, that was 10 years of negotiation gone.
The whole thing just exposed.
Reverse the carbon taxes.
Reverse the coal plant shutdowns.
I mean, all of that is so good for our economy.
So good for the people.
I don't think Trump has it out to get us.
He's not a globalist, but he's in there now.
And he's got all these generals that come highly recommended.
Telling them peace through strength.
Meanwhile, the Russians and Iranians are saying, if you shoot at us anymore,
And our forces, I mean, we just attacked a Russian-held base.
We're going to attack you back.
Thin red line, Russia and Iran pledge to hit back against further Syria strikes as they blast U.S.
for crossing red lines.
You know, Pristina, right in the middle of an airbase in the middle of Kosovo, our government, the Clintons, backed the takeover of one-third of Serbia, the place where they stopped the Muslim invasions more than 20 times.
Millions and millions of Serbs have died in the last thousand years fighting jihadis, millions.
Biggest battles happened there.
And the Crusades, everything.
That was the big, you know, that was the main battleground.
More than Jerusalem, more than Turkey, it was obviously lost to the Muslims.
And they made a deal with Albania, the Muslims, to take it.
And they took it.
And then the Russians came into that airbase.
This had been their air base, and they said, we're ready to fight, and they had their missiles turned on, ready to go, and then the head of NATO decided, no, we're not going to do it, and ignored the order from the Clintons to attack the Russians.
Do you think about that?
We go into the Russians' backyard, they're under Islamic attack, and we attack them using Muslims,
And then our media turns around and goes, oh, Slobodan Milošević, he's killing innocent people.
Even the UN admitted it was the Croats and the Muslims and all of them that started those wars.
CNN famously, remember, would show the concentration camp victims in Serbia.
And it was one guy with tuberculosis at a UN base wanting in to get food.
But that one guy, they admit it was fake.
We have a new footage of CNN on the night of the strikes last Thursday.
And bring me in the notes.
I had them in there on the correspondent, the reporters and who they are.
But Don Lemon is on there with their foreign correspondent who's clearly in Atlanta at their studios.
You hear the fake bird sounds.
Those cut off.
The audio cuts off and then phones start ringing and people are talking in the background.
We're going to play that coming up.
That's Ben Peterman.
So all of this is going on.
Ben Wiedemann.
And they're having these fake events right in our faces.
It's just stuff for the history books.
And, you know, I don't want to just play this.
I want to queue up.
It's actually in the report, How to Recognize War Propaganda, that McBreen and Dude did last Friday.
It's on our YouTube channel.
They actually got the clips of the girl saying the babies were thrown out of the incubator.
She'd never been to Kuwait.
She was the daughter of the PR firm owner and an actress.
And then, of course, they have the famous footage of
Some of the reporters on top, the CNN Center in Atlanta, with palm trees, with blue screen behind them, and the blue screen's cutting out, and they're going, oh my gosh, sharing gas, I mean, it's worse acting than the Three Stooges.
And it turned out, they were at CNN Center in Atlanta.
That's how cheap CNN is, ladies and gentlemen.
Fake SCUD attacks with chemical weapons over Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
And that's confirmed to be fake.
Just like they caught Anderson Cooper with fake stuff at Sandy Hook where he turns at the memorial and his nose disappears and you can see the footage of the plants behind him blowing and then they would blow the same way again because it was just a loop!
Then they go, oh Alex says everything is fake about Sandy Hook and says no kids died.
No, what we said was you can't believe a word these people say.
So I'm going to play that in the next segment.
I sit here chomping at the bit with these stories that I've got.
We've got a very important report.
Russia should declare partial mobilization, Zaranovsky, on U.S.
illegal strike
He says to the BBC, and we have a translation we're going to do live with Daria, of the Russian on air with what he said.
The full article is up on Infowars.com.
So, Daria, whenever you'd like, you can start.
You know what, we're going to go to that next hour now.
I know I said I'd go to phone calls this hour.
I know I said I'd get this piece with Daria, but they just told me here.
I'm teleprompter free, but they do put notes up on the board.
I might show people with a camera what I see.
Roger's on the phone, ready for air.
Okay, let me get set up for that.
Again, this is a newsroom.
I'm not just a talk show host that comes in here and has the topics I'm going to cover, and then as things break, we follow that.
We have our reporters, we have our correspondents, and so things are very, very fluid, and they're moving very, very quickly.
Roger Stone is on the line with us.
He is the former head of the Trump campaign in 2015 and 2016, and then of course back in 2000.
And of course he has regular conversations with the president, but we won't go into those in any detail.
There's a Netflix series coming out about him and the campaign, and he's also a frequent guest here and also on Meet the Press, national television, you name it.
And so much of what he's broken down has turned out to be absolutely salient and prescient to where we are today in this world.
He's got big breaking news on John McCain.
So he joins us via the phone.
Again, we have the Russians threatening retaliatory strikes against the United States, along with the Iranians.
You have a U.S.
task force fleet cruising right into the Korean Peninsula right now.
This is an unprecedented time where the president is being tested.
So from my view, he hit them last Thursday as a sign of strength for the Russians.
But that's very demoralizing the American people because we know Hillary and Obama and John McCain started the war six years ago and we're trying to put Al-Qaeda in charge and John McCain was just there a month and a half ago and we have the British ambassador saying he believes it was a false flag and we've green-lighted radical jihadist groups staging fake flags as he calls them to draw us into war.
That's why Al-Qaeda has been celebrating.
Roger Stone with a lot of key intel joins us right now.
Roger, thanks for coming on.
Alex, great to be here.
You may remember back several years ago when John McCain was caught red-handed meeting with a group of Syrian terrorists.
And his defense was that the photo taken at the time had been photoshopped, that the meeting had never taken place.
There is now proof that that is a lie.
But more importantly, a veteran foreign congressman, very respected former congressman, has let it be known that he has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure, and he does not have too much time to be on this mortal coil.
And therefore, he is going to do an interview regarding John McCain and
Devastating, literally devastating information that I think could really destabilize and perhaps even remove John McCain from the political scene.
Is that the former vice head of the Armed Services Committee in the House who joined us?
This is another member of Congress, and he is not well, so the minutes are ticking away.
It is my belief that an InfoWars camera probably needs to get into this area of the South as soon as possible.
Well, we're ready to get on a plane right now.
Can we just get him on cell phone?
We probably can get him on Skype, but I think it is worth
Uh, doing it his way and videotaping it, and then you can assess it and assess the best way to release it.
But this is a very, very respected Reaganite member of Congress, someone who is known as a liberty-oriented member, someone who had nothing but disdain for the neocons in his day.
So, I know there's a teaser there, but at the same time, I think we're going to want to look at all the facts before we put our imprimatur behind it.
On the other hand, I know this former congressman to be a man of unimpeachable integrity and enormous credibility.
Wow, and he wants to spill the beans on John McCain on his deathbed, basically.
Yes, and he wants to do it on InfoWars.
So, we can talk logistics after the program here.
Well, listen, I don't want to wait.
Rob, dude, we'll call you, and he will jump on an airplane right now and meet you there, or do you want us to do it, or do you want me to do it?
Well, no, I think Rob is the right man.
I think that's an excellent assignment.
I think this is going to be, you know, an enormous story.
Are you going to be able to fly there?
I'll fly you out there.
I don't think it's necessary.
Our man knows what he wants to say.
This is somebody I've known for 20, almost 30 years.
Somebody who is, you know, truly, truly credible.
So I'm, you know, I'm gonna let him tell his own story, but it is indeed devastating.
Separately, Roger, we have a report up on InfoWars.com from our sources, and I talked to separate sources and asked you last night on air, if indeed President Trump is trying to block
A larger war and doesn't want to know fly zone.
You said indeed that is the information you separately have from your sources.
So we have that view but CNN says you know we're getting mixed signals with the National Security Advisor McMaster saying
That they do want to go in.
That comes from a high-level source.
So we've kind of got these two perspectives.
I get Trump wants to look strong.
I get we already have ground forces there.
We're driving al-Qaeda and ISIS out.
Want to broker a deal for Assad to leave so the country doesn't stay in a quagmire.
I mean, quite frankly, I'm normally decisive on my view on something.
I think we've got to have a wait-and-see here.
But clearly, as you've said, if Trump widens this war, it just smells like defeat.
It would be the end of his governing coalition.
I think the reason we're getting mixed signals, Alex, is because there are those below the president who evidently are growingly confident that they can sell him on, you know, a carbon copy of Libya.
Why we need to do this again, I don't know.
Of course, Libya was mostly, you know, an incredible air assault, but still, yet, a wider war.
And the lords of war are definitely beating the drum for this to be the next Vietnam, which is a terrible idea.
And I think Trump, based on my sources, knows that.
This is kind of this far, but no further.
He made his point.
It was a 10-strike in terms of changing the geopolitical international situation and in terms of beating back his enemies—or I should say his adversaries—within the United States on this whole question of a Russian collusion, which really, really looks foolish.
And then when you have guys like Lawrence O'Donnell coming out and saying, oh, well, maybe Putin staged his own humiliation to help Trump, that is the fakest fake news I've ever heard.
Sure, I mean, we know they told the Russians, so it didn't escalate that we're going to hit it, but it doesn't mean they staged it, it means they told them.
Trump pushes back against a neocon plan to invade Syria.
If folks want the inside scoop of what's going on in the White House, this is directly from inside the White House.
I also ran this by Roger yesterday, and he said, absolutely, that's on target.
Well, you've got some good sources.
So, there it is, right there, if you want to know both sides of this and exactly what's being debated.
My concern is McMaster's saying he wants to take out
Well, first of all, the opposition to Assad is much, much larger than just ISIS.
You've got a substantial number of individual tribes and sects of Islamic terrorist groups that are not necessarily ISIS-driven.
So ISIS is certainly preeminent among them.
I can't even imagine, given the fact that Assad has survived essentially only with Russian air power,
And you've got Iran and you've got the Russians threatening war.
I mean, talk about a trap for Trump.
We have got to get out of there immediately.
This is crazy.
Roger Stone, thank you so much.
We'll talk soon.
We've got more breaking exclusive intel coming up.
Stay with us.
Our fellow Infowarriors across the United States and across the planet really love the Hillary for Prison 2016 shirts that we began to put out in 2015.
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When we, the people, elected Donald Trump, we exhaled in relief, believing that we're going to crush ISIS with the help of Russia, and that we've averted a nuclear war, in which we would have been already had Hillary won.
The sense of relief has just been flipped on its head.
It appears we're in the brink of nuclear war, and Russia is made out to be our enemy once again.
Explanations for this drastic turn of events range from this being part of Machiavelli tactics, meant to in fact prevent a world war, with Russia being let in on the game, to Trump being hopelessly surrounded by deep state stooges who still hate him, despite all the newly found love they're professing for him, and whose goal it is to impeach and replace him with a bloodthirsty, war-hungry zealot, the likes of which we've never seen.
Either way, the military-industrial complex wins, and that is not why we elected Trump.
This movement of making America great again is bigger than Trump.
Trump is not our leader, he's our follower, and we must lead him in our dogged determination to ensure our children have a future.
So don't give up on Trump, thus allowing him to become just another casualty of the deep state.
After all, no one said taking America back is going to be easy.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing the lies and disinformation.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
So much economic news.
So much military news to get to.
I have children.
Young children.
And the situation in North Korea with China and the South China Sea, incredibly important.
Worst tension since the ceasefire in 1953 in that area, and the Korean War that never ended.
But it's just been a ceasefire.
Some of the worst climate we've seen in the Middle East ever, maybe the worst, because we didn't even have Russia saying they're going to attack the U.S.
if we went into Iraq.
They didn't say that about Libya.
But now it's on their doorstep, and Assad's done nothing.
And McMaster saying, take out Assad.
This thing is so phony.
Got British ambassadors saying it's so phony.
And then you've got Al Qaeda running over people in the streets, calling themselves ISIS.
In Stockholm, and there's such Stockholm syndrome, the news won't call it Islamic, even though ISIS took credit.
Just like the attack that happened, you know, a week and a half ago in London, on the bridge, going over to Big Ben in Parliament.
Screaming Allah Akbar.
And notice they won't show you the dead bodies of the kids.
Turns out the guy in Stockholm, the monster, was running over small children on purpose.
Targeting them.
Like it was a sick video game.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
We have the head of the Eagle Forum popping in for about 15-20 minutes to talk about geopolitical issues and nationalism, America First versus globalism and the Trump operation.
Then we're going to continue with your phone calls.
We're going to do that Russia piece of news where they're calling for war, basically.
If there's any more strikes, we're going to translate that into English.
A lot of exclusives here today.
We've got some big breaking news.
I think?
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And it's so essential that we get the funding to get four or five more riders, three or four more camera people, some more reporters, some more anchors.
We have great, great people, but you know, there's attrition.
Folks get married or
People want to go work with their brother.
Or, you know, people get burnt out, you know, after video editing for five years or whatever.
I totally get it.
I mean, I've been burnt out for a while.
So burnt out, I've kind of hit the other side.
Love it.
Uh, it's just a war for me.
It's just, you know, wild horses are everywhere.
So, you get attrition, you get whatever.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
How it can be!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
Big exclusive right out of the White House on InfoWars.com.
Trump pushes back against Neocon plan to invade Syria.
You want answers, so do we.
We've gone out, we've dug it up from multiple sources.
I ran it by Roger, and he said, wow, who'd you get that from?
And he said, that is dead on, dead on, dead on.
And he got that from, well, let's just say somebody high up.
As high up as it goes.
Trump pushes back against neocon plan to invade Syria.
Troops smashing as deep state plots regime change.
I need to read this whole article sometime on air today.
It's very important.
Coming up, Russian top politician after Medvedev and Putin calls for retaliatory strikes against the United States.
Things are escalating very, very quickly.
That's up on Infowars.com.
Right now, let's go to Uncle Sam and then Carlos and others.
Uncle Sam, you're on the air from Louisiana.
Hey, Uncle Sam, how you doing?
Yes, sir.
Is Alex Jones?
Yep, sure is!
Hey, Uncle Sam, I don't have a lot of time.
I love you, Colin.
Thank you so much.
You're on air, bro.
Yeah, the question this weekend, which about 50,000 people walked by, was Syria, good or bad?
I have about five hours of video.
In my preliminary, I would say about 60% were for it and 40% against.
All the independents I talked to were leery about it.
There were several Clinton bots that were for it.
Let's have my own take on this.
I don't know if you'll agree with this or not, but I'm feeling real queasy about this.
This is not good.
It's almost like a problem-reaction solution.
I totally agree.
I feel much worse about this.
I mean, danger-wise, in the last few Gulf Wars, the Russians are now involved, they're engaged, they're on the ground.
This is just totally crazy.
And, I don't know, McMaster's been, you know, knocking heads of jihadis all day.
Big deal.
And now he wants to fight the Russians who are not doing anything.
John McCain's running around like a crazy person on the side of Al Qaeda.
And the whole thing just stinks to high heaven.
And I'd say about 80% of our audience is against it.
And the more I learn about it, the more I don't like.
And I'm not even blaming Trump.
I think he's a good guy.
He's already done great things on the economy.
I just hope he doesn't become a slave to the generals.
What do you think?
I think you're right on target there.
Most of it is hope and pray, but I'm looking at, you know, even the layperson I speak to out there now, getting aware of the fact that we're heading for a fall and that a lot of us are not going to make it through it.
And if we, if the layperson knows this, the elites certainly know it.
And I'm feeling real bad that maybe, this is my worst case scenario in this, is that Trump is a shill.
He played off of our anger.
That the powers that be knew we were angry.
They knew we were angry before this election.
And they played off of that and they put him in there to play us.
Now I hope, I pray I'm wrong there.
Well you know I've thought that too, because they couldn't sell the war with Obama, they knew they couldn't do it with Hillary, they already failed.
Put in a supposed nationalist, but let me tell you, he wouldn't have killed TPP, he wouldn't have moved with all this stuff and hurt globalism so bad.
His rhetoric alone is something they never wanted.
He definitely was rogue from them, he definitely
We're good to go.
Globalism's in trouble all over the world.
Very exciting things are happening.
But yes, world economic meltdown is right around the corner.
We don't reverse it with major prosperity, which Trump knows.
And so the elites themselves are moving, you know, to the Southern Hemisphere.
Shows you they're worried about nuclear war.
So great call, Uncle Sam.
You know, when you hit the phone system, there's like a pshhh, and then it goes through that a lot of times messes the caller up.
So, we're going to go to Carlos, Bobby, Rick, Bito, and many, many others on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones.
These are incredibly important times we live in.
When the fake stream media has been in panic mode, hanging on to dear life by the skin of their teeth, we the people, driven by social media, have exposed their lies, dominated breaking stories, discredited their deceptive asinine narratives, and having righteous indignation, laughed and ridiculed them for serving their corrupt
Corporate masters trying to dictate to us the terms of reality?
Trump has given them no quarter asserting their status of fraud as fake news and even upgrading it to very fake news.
There was a great chance we were going to completely dismantle the fake stream media and bring great American journalism back into the mainstream.
Now the fake stream media has been reinvigorated.
It's been handed a stamp of approval and legitimacy as they cheer on our president now that he's corrected his ways and they've been redeemed and proven right.
That is why we, the ones who elect him, have to double down and realize even more that each of us matters in this fight for our president and our future.
We're standing up for him by fighting harder when they censor us, by sharing links that expose and attack the deep state operatives within his administration.
Because if we give up, it's all over.
This has been Daria for Infowars.com
This is Alex Jones.
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I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
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It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars in our fight to promote human liberty and freedom.
From the Infowars.com News Center, deep behind enemy lines in occupied Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you're listening to the voice of human resistance against the technotronic technocracy takeover.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
That's right, under the IMF, the World Bank, the TPP, FEMA, we really are a country occupied by globalism.
That's how the UK finally had Brexit, when they went, we never voted to enter the Brexit.
We never voted to enter the EU.
We never voted to have 90 plus percent of our laws made by an unelected bureaucracy with Jean-Claude Juncker, the heir to the Nazi fortune, who literally owns Luxembourg because his grandfather invaded it during World War II and took it.
Unelected royalty over an unelected board and the whole parliament is ceremonial?
You think America's in trouble?
Think about Europe under that.
So, Marie Le Pen's way ahead in polls, other nationalists are way ahead in polls.
Trump saw all that, wrote in on it, has done some great things on the economy, great things on TPP.
I mean, one side of me, he's totally delivered.
But this strike in Syria, which I know he'd be called a Russian agent if he didn't strike it.
I know I did the optics.
And I'd say with mainline conservatives, about 60%, I've seen it in the Drudge polls and others support it.
Our listeners are more libertarian nationalists.
They're like 80% against it.
My concern is the escalation.
So I couldn't think of a better guest to come on than Ed Martin.
And he sent me some points he wanted to get into, which is exactly where I'm at.
There's the whole situation with the new Supreme Court nominee and the nuclear option.
He, of course, was involved watching all that and the inside baseball.
We'll get his take on that as well.
Also, we'll get into the situation with
What's happening with the United States, whether we're going to be an America First group and rebuild our country or go back to being globalist and so much more.
And of course, it was September 5th of last year.
She didn't get to see the election.
But she did get to basically see the momentum building.
And of course, that was Phyllis Schlafly in the Eagle Forum, who's done such a great job since the days of Barry Goldwater, being the real conscience of the nationalistic, patriot, paleo-conservative movement.
And the Eagle Forum is steaming ahead today, educating folks like never before.
And Ed Martin's the head of the Eagle Forum, president of Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum, pseagles.com, eagleforum.org.
So Ed, thanks for coming on with us today.
Alex, great to be with you.
You know, Phyllis enjoyed being on your show in the last couple of years of her life.
She did a lot more radio and a lot more TV by Skype and all, and she really did enjoy being on with you.
She thought you were awfully correct on a lot of things, and so that was nice to be on with you.
But I know she had great affection for what you're doing and what you're about, so thanks for having me on.
No, thank you, sir.
I mean, look, I've studied the whole conservative movement.
The country wouldn't be here.
World government would be here if it wasn't for Phyllis Schlafly and Barry Goldwater and, you know, Ronald Reagan and others.
Reagan wasn't perfect.
He got co-opted, but he was a good guy.
Gave the anti-globalist speeches.
Was, you know, against George Herbert Walker Bush, as you know.
So, nobody's perfect, but I mean, certainly she's about as perfect as you can get.
When it came to that, I'm amazed that she worked right up until the time that she passed.
I mean, I think she was on like a month before she died or less on my broadcast.
Yeah, she was.
She did.
I kind of tell people she was from the Depression era, and I used to joke, when she can't go on the radio and can't write, she'll check out, because that's who she was, right?
One time we were working on a column that was due on Monday afternoon, and I said, Phyllis, there's a big football game on, and she said, just watch the last three minutes, you'll find out the score, and you know who won, and don't waste your time.
She was working hard, but you know, you put your finger on it, Alex.
I mean, this movement
The globalist movement, and really Phyllis started in the late 1940s, identified the communists and the world governance movement, and she was the first person to figure out what the Bilderbergers were.
She actually found them first, the meetings, off of Georgia, on one of the coasts in the early 60s, late 50s.
That's right, she gave the info to Westbrook Pegler, who, exactly.
Exactly right.
So, I mean, and now today we're facing the same question.
I think, you know, one of the reasons that what you're doing is so valuable and what you've been doing is the questions are always the same.
Who's going to win out?
Is it the globalist vision or is it the Americans first, you know, a sense of sovereignty?
That's what we're seeing faced
In all kinds of things.
And what I sent you this morning, what Phyllis identified in the 1970s, was every new president is tested by the superpowers.
You know, it was Kennedy with Khrushchev.
It was Ford with Brezhnev.
We saw Carter rolled over by the Soviets.
In fact, in one of her last interviews, she said, if Trump wins, we ought to pull that up.
She said he will be tested the same way.
So she's speaking from the grave right now.
So tell us about it.
Yeah, and I didn't know that, actually.
I'm impressed to hear that, but I'm not surprised.
So, you know, the consistent thing is we know there'll be tests, and I think you and I can agree.
President Trump has done incredibly important things, specific things, to take on the globalists.
TPP is one.
When he was over, when one of the guys was over, I can't remember, it was Tillerson or one of them, and they told the guys in Europe, yeah, we're not signing on to that deal.
The finance ministers were trying to roll ahead.
You know, protectionism is bad, all that kind of stuff.
But on this question of Syria,
A lot of us woke up on Thursday night late and Friday morning worrying about whether we're being drawn in.
We know the president showed he's tough and he cares about babies and all that, but you know there's another set of babies that Assad's gonna kill or somebody's gonna kill and how do we get who wins the Rubio wing
You know, the interventionists, we must fight everywhere and fight every battle, or the America First wing.
And I think that's what we're seeing going on right now.
And there never could, you know, no one win.
America's never do well by intervening in the Middle East.
We just don't do well.
So the question is how do you draw the right lines?
And I'm concerned about it.
Well, she brought up her book and talked about the fact that
She had been there when they began to co-op Reagan and that she was saying that she was going to try to talk to Trump to warn him about how he needs to drain the swamp and how that they were going to come at him.
And so I think, I think, you know, that clearly Trump should go read her book.
I mean, she wrote several books that I read.
Which one gets into all the battles of the 1980s?
I guess she updated her book is what it was.
That's right.
The famous one is a choice not an echo that she wrote in 1964 which recounted how the globalists rolled taft in favor of Eisenhower and then on to 64 but then she updated it just a couple years ago and then actually Ron Paul wrote the introduction and she talks about everyone and the term she also coined was the kingmakers.
The kingmakers, there it is, the kingmakers are the globalists
Who are constantly maneuvering to get control of things.
And again, you know, we've gone 50, 60 years of the globalists getting creeping control.
You know, I once told her the ERA, which she helped stop, which was a attempt to kind of the feminist takeover.
She beat it.
They went incrementally.
The globalists get beat, but then they go incrementally, and they take little pieces and little pieces and little pieces.
I mean, I was a little disappointed, Alex, when the president's citing of one of the rationales was the UN convention on weapons of mass destruction.
Yeah, I mean, the UN, to me, we ought not be talking about, because I don't want to abide by any of this stuff.
Sure, because he just cut the funding to the UN by 50%, so he's going the right direction there, but then now citing their authority.
That's right, exactly.
And I know what he's doing, right?
This is a guy who understands, and Phyllis understood this.
Phyllis Schlafly used to say things like, you know, we're electing a president, not a pastor.
You know, she knew we need a guy that's going to be practical and practically lead.
It's not a kind of messiah complex.
So I know what he's doing, and you're right, he's in the right direction.
Although Nikki Haley at the UN, some of her pronouncements seem to be a little... Oh, she's a full-out warmonger.
And McMasters, I've held my tongue about some of his statements before, but now he's like, we're going to take out Assad.
And ISIS simultaneously.
Well, the Russians are there.
I mean, the Russians are saying they're going to respond, and the Russians aren't communists anymore.
I'm not saying they're angels, but communist China is the one openly threatening us.
They're the ones grabbing the South China Sea.
I mean, if the Russians were...
Grabbing part of the English Channel, I'd say we gotta, you know, have our task forces go there.
But I don't see Russia in this.
It's like Rohrabacher.
Congressman Rohrabacher has been studying Russia.
He says we need to work with Russia.
They've got a lot of economic development we can do.
I'm sorry, they're just not the demon that John McCain says.
Well, and back to what Phyllis taught and what she was talking about is when the test of a president comes, you know, in Carter in 1977, Carter was tested.
The Soviets literally swept up all the dissidents, many of the dissidents, and put them in gulags.
And Carter's response was to write personal notes.
To each of the dissidents.
That probably made him feel good.
And then to ask the UN to investigate.
A year later, he asked them again.
I think we can see the President's going to be a different guy.
The question is, who's going to survive the cage match in the White House to say who has his ear and who he listens to?
Because look, I think we can agree.
It looks like he did a limited strike, and it was smart in many ways, but now where do you draw the line?
The Russians are pulling ships up next to us, and Assad is bombing a hospital, was one report.
I mean, in other words, saying to the President, and you got on TV on the weekend, Lindsey Graham saying, that's Assad saying this to the President.
Well, hold on a second.
We can't fight the whole world.
Let's figure out what we're going to do.
So I think, again, the lessons of history that Phyllis taught was be careful who's got the ear of the President.
I saw the clip you're talking about, it's like Meet the Press or something, I saw it this morning, and he says, oh, President Trump wakes up any given day, you're messing with him, you're crazy, like promoting, oh it's great that Trump's a loose cannon when he's totally not a loose cannon, so they're selling, oh you better be afraid, our president's a loose cannon, that's crazy.
Right, right.
And again, listen, the key to this is I think Trump is a master of this.
So I'm comfortable with he's a masterful leader.
I was on another show one time.
They were complaining about this.
I said, look, he's an entrepreneurial leader.
He sells and he plays sides and all that.
But I think, you know, again, I'm on the side of pushing towards people that understand the quagmire.
A lot of presidents think they're going to solve big problems and have to know the limits of American power.
And like Matt Drub said, the swamp drains you.
Well, here's the bottom line.
The most important thing I'm going to say in days here to the listeners, I know this is key and I want to come back and get your take on this, but you can answer now as well, Ed Martin, President of the Eagle Forum.
Trump's doing all these great things.
The liberals openly are plotting in newspapers saying, oh great, his base is going to break away, then he'll only have us and we'll co-opt him.
By us being a loyal opposition, praising him for good things, supporting good things he does, but also lobbying against bad things and staying on him, then he stays under the American people's control.
If we totally throw our hands up, day one he's not perfect, then we'll lose full control.
This is the most important thing we're going to talk about today.
We can't quit now.
We can't quit on Trump.
We can't quit on the vision.
We can't say, okay, that proves the point.
We, as you said, every day things are happening in this administration that are on the side of the people against the globe.
I mean, I'd say 90% is like, he gets an A plus right now.
I agree with you.
I agree with you.
I mean, he gets like a 99 when it comes to what he's doing on the economy and everything, and I'd give him like a...
I don't know, like a 75 or something right now in foreign affairs.
We're going to see what happens.
And clearly, it is about looking strong with China out of control.
China and North Korea are out of control.
We'll be right back.
The state of the world with Lord Monckton and what's happening with all these EU bureaucrats, unelected dictators.
Threatening economic war, physical war, EU armies threatening to march him in?
I mean, I guess we didn't take that serious in 1939 either.
Everything that the appalling John Claude Juncker has said
merely reinforces the reasons why it was so necessary for us in the United Kingdom to have nothing further to do with the dictatorial, fascistic, communist European Union.
The tyranny by clerk, because that's what they really are.
These people whose ambition vastly exceeds their competence.
...have responded in a petulant, childish and arrogant way to what was, on any view, a thoughtful, considered and very friendly six-page letter from our Prime Minister, Theresa May, notifying them on March the 29th.
That Britain would be, in two years' time, on March 29, 2019, quitting the European Union.
We have no quarrel with Europe.
Our quarrel is with the dictators of the European Union.
And the reason why we don't like the European Union is that the European Union is anti-European because it is anti-democratic.
It was Europe that gave the world the name and the reality of democracy.
The ancient Greeks who did that.
And it is Europe now, in the shape of the European Union, that rejects democracy.
By the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, Spain agreed that Gibraltar was British.
That is the law.
That is the international treaty.
It hasn't been revoked.
It hasn't been repealed.
We are both bound by that just as much now as we were in 1713 when both parties signed it.
So let us have no more nonsense from the EU bureaucrats about grabbing Gibraltar.
And of course, quite rightly, several Conservative Members of Parliament have got on their high horses and they've said if the
EU is going to threaten Gibraltar.
We will take whatever steps, military or other, to defend the people of Gibraltar.
As recently as 2004, that was the most recent of many occasions on which the people of Gibraltar have been asked by referendum, do they even want Spain to have a slightly increased share in the government of Gibraltar?
And the answer was 99.7% no.
They want to remain entirely, completely and splendidly British.
So there's going to be no more nonsense about Gibraltar.
We're not having that.
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What about the confirmation of Gorsuch last week, the nuclear option?
We gotta keep Trump in now and just pack that court.
The good news is it looks like four more are going to retire in the next four years.
The longest serving in history being, of course, Clarence Thomas.
But I tell ya...
That's why the Democrats want to remove Trump so bad.
Because they want to discredit those appointments.
They're saying they want a COG event.
And then say everybody's Russian agents.
I know why Trump did it.
It's to look strong to Russia.
You don't know either way what really happened.
But I tell you, that's why I'm back in the president.
Not that I've talked to him some on the telephone.
You know, things like that, that really doesn't mean anything to me.
What matters to me is defeating globalism, defeating authoritarianism.
I have children!
Ed Martin, the website is EagleForum.org.
Everybody should get involved with the organization.
You can also find Phyllis Schlafly's amazing books there.
But in the five minutes we have left, what else as really an expert on mobilizing the troop base can we do?
Because it's so clear the Democrats are celebrating everywhere.
They took stuff I said, Paul Watson said out of context.
We were totally done.
He said I'm off the Trump train on foreign policy.
He still likes him, Paul Watson.
And I saw that celebration over the weekend.
That's why I want to be clear.
We're light years better than Hillary Clinton.
I mean, where would we be right now with Hillary Clinton?
Right, exactly.
Now listen, the thing I'd say, Alex, a couple things to that.
One is, people need to understand, Phyllis used to say, politics is where the action is.
And it's not a place where you're going to get perfection, right?
I mean, we know that every leader, every elected official comes up with something, they let us down.
That doesn't mean that, as you say, the general trajectory, it's in the right direction.
The second thing is, people have to understand, it's time to reject the mainstream media.
I mean, the worst, we can't forget and pretend now suddenly they're going to get better, they're going to be, the media, if you watch the cable shows over last week and then watch the Sunday shows, they just are not telling the truth.
So you've got to turn away from that stuff.
You've got to get to the sources and then listen closer.
As you said, Gorsuch is a huge victory.
You know what?
The media didn't cover Gorsuch at all because they don't want to let the people know that Justice Scalia, listen,
When the voters were out there in the middle of America... He gave us somebody that was an acolyte of Scalia, friends with him, and the computer program I know they used showed that he was the biggest match to Scalia, and Trump totally fulfilled his promise.
While they have a narrative that he's the biggest failure ever in his first hundred days, only 80 days in, I think Trump's gotten more done than Reagan did.
We have the best small business numbers since 1984.
It took Reagan three years to get to that.
Yeah, and listen to this.
Sandra Day O'Connor was the first person put on the court by Reagan.
She was an actually pro-abortion, big government liberal because Reagan had to deal with the Democrat Senate.
So look, back out in America where voters were, especially pro-life Catholics and conservative evangelicals said, look, I want to vote for Trump-picking judges, not Hillary.
And he delivered.
And he delivered.
And so I find myself getting mad at him.
Imagine Hillary and imagine who she would be appointing right now.
And the other thing is, look, he had the Chinese leader of China in at Mar-a-Lago.
And by all accounts, Trump went toe-to-toe, belly-to-belly.
That guy knows he's dealing, that Chinese leadership now knows they're dealing with a real strong, forceful American leader.
This is a huge victory.
And Trump's now announcing he's going to do a bunch of sanctions on the junk goods they dump on the market.
But the media, I mean even articles on my site, people post what they want to get right, folks.
He's appointed some quote, free trader.
Because he knows how free trade works, doesn't mean he's going to be doing what he wants, it's going to be what Trump wants.
Yeah, and I think if you look closer at some of the key leaders.
Remember, General Sessions is out there fearlessly enforcing the law on illegals and fearlessly enforcing the law on what we know as American society.
We have a 43% drop in illegals in the last 80 days.
And we have thousands of pedophiles being arrested.
Stuff the Democrats are actually pushing, pedophilia, he's stopping it.
And by the way, one benefit of Trump's action in Syria is I think he sends a message that he's not, maybe we don't want Syrian refugees here.
I think we can agree on that.
Trump's going to try to find a way to force that part of the world to solve that problem.
That would be real victory.
I mean, I'm a fan of that idea.
Oh, absolutely.
In fact, that's what my White House sources said.
Trump understands that if that thing falls to any of these rebel groups, it's wide open and Assad is so destabilizing, it's just going to keep happening.
He wants it over and secure so Turkey can't use all those refugees as a weapon.
Right, and one last thing on judges, you just said, Alex.
The American people need to know that, you know, the example of what can happen in America going wrong is California, where Jerry Brown and Javier Becherra, the Attorney General now, are enforcing laws against conservatives, against the American people.
We now have a chance.
Trump's going to be able to appoint 100 plus district, federal district court judges who will understand property rights.
Out West, that means the government doesn't trump you because they want your property.
This is a big deal.
This is an American renaissance if they don't kill him or stop him, and that's why I'm still backing Trump and praying we don't get a giant war in the Middle East.
I know he's got intelligence we don't have, but my sources say that all of them, I mean really right-wing people, are really concerned that this would turn into just World War III perhaps.
Listen, edmartineagleforum.org.
Please join us more often.
Really appreciate your great commentary and your work, and folks can find out more about the Eagle Forum at eagleforum.org.
Thanks, Alex.
Talk to you soon.
Thank you.
All right, your phone calls are straight ahead.
I want to thank everybody for holding.
Carlos, Bobby, Rick, Leanne, Vito, everybody.
We're going to your calls, and then we've got a breakdown of some Russian news as well.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You provided, Alex, with the caveman.
Well, so we've been formulating this stuff for a while.
We've been getting these different flavors and, you know, oh, I don't know about this one.
You know, and so I've been taking that stuff and I'm an old man.
I'm 42.
I work out five times a week, if not more.
I hear you're okay in jujitsu.
No, no, I'm not.
I'm terrible.
I'm terrible.
But, the point is, is that I have a lot of aches and shoulders and, you know, this weird joint stuff that I've had issues with for years.
And this bone broth, the Caveman Bone Broth, along with our joint formula, has just worked magic for me.
And that's just, you know, that's just from my personal experience.
I think they're great products and I think if anybody else has those issues that you should definitely, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
If I'm wrong, then hey man, write me a mean letter.
But let me tell you, they work for me.
Yeah, they work for me too.
Actually, we were talking about this earlier.
Dude and I play basketball and I'm just now, like for the first time in my life, I'm 27 now, after I play basketball my knees are barking.
But the bone broth and the joint formula, like you just said, you combine those two, I felt the difference immediately.
I felt it immediately.
Yeah, and it actually tastes good.
Like, I'm really picky and I will drink it.
It tastes good to me.
I love chocolate, so I really like the flavor of the Caveman.
So, I mean, if the bone broth
If the bone broth is really that gross, I mean, I would never have known because it tastes really good.
And my favorite is the Super Female Vitality.
So ladies, get yourself some Super Female Vitality if you haven't already because it seriously, it just gets me going.
I mean, I'll take a whole bunch of that stuff before I go out and do my... Maybe get it for your wife then, too, or girlfriend.
I go and take a bunch of it before I go do Man on the Street.
I just start running, zipping around, running right into the action.
No fear, nothing.
Well, that's a big primary part about, you know, fighting the globalists is making sure that we stay healthy and stay clear-eyed and stay honest and stay humble.
I hope that we do that here at InfoWars.
We got a lot going on and we're in the middle of the fight, so we really appreciate it when anybody supports us either by purchasing our products or you can even go on to our store and donate.
We're doing this by the skin of our teeth.
I know it looks like we're in a billion-dollar studio, but Alex has never taken one cent of
A borrowed money at all whatsoever.
This is all money that's come from you listeners.
So you've literally built this place, you know, built this place with your compassion and built this place with the support that you've sent us.
So from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate it because I know we wouldn't be able to do this.
We wouldn't have a voice if it wasn't for you.
So once again, we got to thank the listeners for their steadfastness in supporting us and
Even when we make mistakes, and even when we're not right, and even when we might go a little bit crazy, you guys stick with us, and I appreciate that.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
It was on July 27, 1953 that the Korean War went to a ceasefire.
Three million plus Chinese troops additionally poured across the Yalu River into the north.
And Douglas MacArthur wanted to drop atomic weapons on them as they overran our forces.
But then the president at the time withdrew MacArthur, made a deal with the Communist Chinese and we're still under that deal.
All these decades later, 60 plus years later.
Now it's being reported, this is up on Infowars.com, 150,000 troops are moving forward as rumors of war intensify, as the United States announces independent North Korean behavior and move the United States Navy's nuclear-powered carrier class Singapore, the Chinese army has deployed 150,000 troops.
In two groups prepare for unforeseen circumstances, the report said.
Japan's news reported on the 9th that the U.S.
attack on Syria's missile strike shocked China, suggesting that the People's Liberation Army forces are moving toward the Yalu River.
And of course we have McMaster calling for toppling Assad as troops mass there.
So a lot of crazy stuff going on.
We have the Russians, then I'm going to your phone calls, calling for a territory strike against the United States.
State Duma member wants to send a message to Trump, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party.
of Russia.
Vladimir Zirinovsky has called for Moscow to carry out territory strikes against the U.S.
In response, the Trump administration's airstrike on Syria and Daria is going to translate this for us for the radio listeners.
It's closed captioned for folks watching us on TV.
You can always tune in.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Remember, they're trying to censor us everywhere they can and block us.
And you go to iPhones, droids, they only push mainstream media on the front of the site.
Go around all that.
Go directly to Infowars.com and spread that link to folks saying this is the link, this is the site, they don't want you to visit.
That's how we're going to circumvent it, person to person.
And I want to thank you all for doing that because we need to be able to get this news out to counter them.
Dr. Korsi has some big news.
He's broken at Infowars.
I'll get to you after we take calls as well.
GOP senator behind Obamacare looting scheme.
But right now, Daria, let's go ahead and start rolling this clip and we'll translate it here live on air.
All right.
Roll it.
This is how airstrikes against Syria were commented by Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
This was all planned.
This was provocation in advance.
Allegedly, the official Damascus and its air force have used chemical weapons, and in Idlib province, and there were victims.
To prepare public opinion, saying, look, this is a retaliatory strike, so Syrian armed forces wouldn't bomb civilians.
In reality, chemical weapons were used by local terrorists from such organizations as Al-Nusra or ISIS.
In order to overthrow Assad and to undermine Russia's authority there.
To show that Russia hasn't won there.
So they're destroying the military airfields and homes.
Planes were destroyed.
People died.
That is, this is a direct aggression of the United States of America against Syria.
Nobody has invited Americans to Syria, no Turks nor anybody for that matter, except for Russia.
All of them are aggressors and Syria has every right to protect itself and perform retaliatory strikes to protect itself.
We have exited the memorandum about confrontations of our fighter planes over Syrian territory.
Now, we should cover the whole Syrian territory with our S-300s and S-400 systems, send a part of our Black Sea Fleet there, and Northern Fleet, and continue to help strike against ISIS and other anti-governmental locations.
From any airfields, from theirs and from our airfields, by our pilots and our planes.
Plus, by military naval forces.
I personally would order our strategic missile forces partial high combat readiness.
In southern regions, we should declare partial mobilization.
And make tough conditions that any armed forces that are illegally operating on Syrian territory are going to receive severe retaliatory strikes.
If they continue aggressive actions against official Syria, official forces of Damascus, of Bashar al-Assad,
So they would know that they will not be allowed to destroy Syrian armed forces like this, with impunity.
In this case, Syrian aviation and personnel.
A few dozen planes were destroyed, officers died, and servicemen.
So then, this is the continuation.
Americans are envious of our success, and they have only defeats since 1945.
They lost in Korea, lost in Vietnam, in Afghanistan, everywhere.
And now, with the new president, maybe he was misinformed, misled, and so he gave his consent to strike on military airfield in the city of Homs.
This is his mistake.
It's USA's mistake.
And we should send back our airspace forces, our military naval forces.
And this confrontation is going to last for a long time because this is the Middle East.
It's oil and gas, collision of various nations, various religions.
And this is a battleground between USA and Russia.
I don't really find anything there that's not true.
And that's the supposed super right winger that wanted to work with Trump and just have business deals.
But if you look at this, and we're going to your phone calls.
The West started this, began to overthrow that country.
The Russians have pulled most of their forces out.
So in comes Trump.
He says he wants ISIS out of there.
We put all these forces there.
This chemical attack happens, and we have the British ambassador.
I want to play that one more time, and I promise I'm going to Carlos Snoders.
This is really important.
I want to play the British ambassador, where he came out on the BBC and basically laid out the fact that
This is a fake flag, as the term he uses, Peter Ford, a false flag.
And that now the jihadis will even have more staged events if they know it'll bring the West in.
And the Russians are saying they bombed that facility.
That is, Syrians in Russian aircraft.
And that there must have been chemicals on the ground.
We know Hillary gave chemicals to them.
But regardless, why would Assad do that?
I keep going back to that, okay?
Because, again, I want to support Trump on the economic things he's doing, the anti-globalism.
It's all wonderful.
Our economy's trying to turn it back on, right as it was sputtering and running out of gas and faltering.
We're on a knife's edge where this economy's going.
I want prosperity.
I want to believe in my military.
I want to do all this.
But it's true, since we went under globalism at the end of World War II, we're not allowed to win wars.
We're put into UN police actions, like Korea.
Like Vietnam, and like the whole U.N.
operations before to take out non-radical Muslim countries.
And we're there now at the behest of Al-Qaeda and ISIS, who celebrated this, and it's wrong.
I know it looks tough to Russia, looks tough to China, but I think it is overall a miscalculation.
And I'm talking to a lot of right-wingers, a lot of people in the military, a lot of high-level people, and they all don't like it.
They don't like it.
And they think Trump's being set up.
That's what Ron Paul said.
That's what Joel Skousen said.
That's what all of our expert guests have been saying.
And then now you notice the second most powerful party in Russia thinks Trump was misinformed about this.
Trump saw the image of those children.
His daughter came and, Daddy, please do something.
We don't see the images of the dead kids killed in Stockholm last week, or the dead people in Germany, or the dead kids in Nice.
They don't show you that!
But they show you the nerve gas kids when they want a war, don't they?
Gulping like fish out of water, like something out of a nightmare!
Assaulting us with that crap!
Those jihadis are so dirty folks, so evil, so twisted.
They blow their own kids up.
Don't put it past some of those jihadis that detonated on themselves.
I'm not saying that's the case in all these cases, but they got caught in 2013 launching an attack on their own people.
They got caught!
But see, I don't have any amnesia.
So I'm called a conspiracy theorist because I have a memory.
Let's play the ambassador and then write your calls.
Here's the ambassador from the UK, formerly to Syria.
Here is Peter Ford.
Based on previous experience, including Iraq, we can see that we cannot take at face value what the so-called
Not when they have an agenda.
But to come back to the main point, it's not going to end here.
And we are likely, Britain, to be dragged into it.
Because Trump has just given the jihadis a thousand reasons to stage fake flag operations.
Seeing how successful and how easy it is with a gullible media.
To provoke the West into intemperate reactions.
They will very likely stage an operation similar to what they did and this was documented by the United Nations in August last year.
They mounted a chlorine gas attack on civilians and they tried to make it look like it was a regime operation.
This marked my words.
You're hearing it here.
And it will happen.
And we'll get all the warmongers coming to tell us that Assad is defying us and we must go in more heavily into Syria.
This will be fake flag.
Alright, Carlos.
And then we're gonna go to Bobby.
And then we're gonna go to Nick and Bito and Leanne.
All of you in order.
Carlos, thanks for holding.
From the great nation of Canada.
Carlos, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
The news, when it broke, made me wonder, wow, President Trump has always used good judgment.
Always, always, always, his judgment was dead on.
And when the cognitive dissonance struck, my first reaction was to say, wait a second, this is the time for Americans that support him to show that we, too, are good wood.
At that moment, you know, it struck me that the real point, and I think I agree with Mr. Pacific 100%, the fact that the President of China did not turn around, get back in an airplane and go back to China should worry Kim Jong-un of North Korea much more than whatever threat is posed by President Trump.
The President of China couldn't do to Korea what Trump has done indirectly in showing his might in Syria.
Well, what he showed is he's willing to go to war with the Russians, which, again, I have children and I understand we have to show strength, but if our government hadn't started the civil war to begin with,
I wouldn't have an issue, okay?
And I support Trump going in and taking out ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
And a lot of people told me, Alex, it's going to get bigger.
You're wrong, you're wrong.
And I said, no, I trust Trump.
But look, I want it lower.
Here's the deal.
Some people say, Alex, hate Trump or love Trump.
Don't be on the fence.
I'm not.
If I support him on his domestic issues and getting conservative judges and cutting taxes and bringing jobs back, and he's doing that, then that's a great thing.
But then if I have real grave concerns about going into a thing in a proxy war with Iran and Russia, I think that's reasonable.
But listen, it's fine for you.
I mean, tell us your view.
If you think it shows strength to China, shows it to Russia, maybe has intel we don't have.
It does look like chemical weapons were at that base.
I mean, Assad made a deal to turn the chemicals over.
I know that.
But think about this.
Trump is going to blow up a chemical base less than a quarter mile away from a village.
I mean, that would cause its own deal.
So the whole thing just sounds weird.
What do you think?
Well, Alex, now to Syria.
I think that President Trump is finding out as he drains the swamp that there are two main streets in the swamp.
Wall Street and War Street.
Wall Street, we know he's aware of what he has to do and he's doing it.
He did not put President Jackson's picture on the wall by accident.
Second of all, with regards to Wall Street, he has to be very careful because coming from the academy of where he was taught leadership, you can see in his pattern of decision making that when he confronts an enemy, such as an opponent in politics, one thing you do is you assign a pejorative name to that opponent.
Crooked Hillary, Lying Ted, whatever.
I don't think so.
I think it's very important.
I don't think that General Petraeus failing the honey trap showed great judgment.
And I think you should be careful with his advice.
All right, I appreciate your call, Carlos.
We're going to go to Bobby and then Rick and Vito and Leanne and others here right now.
But I get the fact that he wanted to look strong for Russia and China.
But that doesn't carry me over the threshold.
I don't think Trump would do a false flag.
I think he may have been misled, given bad intel, and he knew he couldn't challenge that part of the deep state like judo.
He took the attack and turned it around to make himself look like a hero to his enemies to deflect all the Russia stuff.
And I think at the end of the day, that's what Trump did.
Remember, he said the whole Jewish Center's being attacked was fake.
Turned out it was.
I mean, Trump knows what's going on.
He's not stupid.
And I think he couldn't go back on the kids being killed.
And so he went ahead and made lemons out of lemonade.
The problem is it's going to encourage more false flags now.
That's the big problem in Trump's thinking.
Bobby in California.
Bobby, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
First, Trump's entire base turning against him over the war only helps Trump battle the neocons.
Second, as far as North Korea, China knows it's going to collapse if Trump gets the tariffs through, so they're desperate for the U.S.
to spark aggression to divert the poor people's anger onto a foreign enemy before that happens.
Another thing, if Trump wants to win, he should do an immediate bill for an emergency infrastructure bill for the over 3,000 U.S.
cities that have confirmed lead levels higher than Flint.
Sure, that's a great way to start business up and have building in a big boom.
Let's just go back for a minute.
How does losing his base defeat the neocons?
If he loses his base, he'll then rely on new policies and a new base that's agreeing with him.
What are you getting at?
Not losing his base, the base in turning on him over the war.
Because now he has that, when the neocons try to put him in a corner, his whole base, everyone that's influential has turned against him.
So, you know, now if his base didn't turn against him, then, you know, he might go with more war aggression.
Well, yeah, but I mean, if you completely abandon somebody and don't support them, then they don't care about you.
So, technically, look, here's what I'm getting at.
They're trying to remove him from office saying he's soft on Russia.
So now by having this locking of swords with Russia and all these threats back and forth, that repudiates the biggest threat to his White House.
They are trying to remove him.
They got a whole COG program there.
And so Trump used their move against him.
By embracing it, he basically defeated them.
The statue was installed in March of this year, a stark and challenging contrast to the charging bull statue that's long been the symbol of Wall Street.
The defiant little girl quickly became a sensation, and perhaps unwittingly, the perfect symbol for modern feminism.
For while the bull represents America's animalistic power, the force and energy of an untamed free market, it's now being challenged and defied by a self-important little girl who insists on being the center of attention.
I don't want to sound like a misogynist, but I can't help but think that if a man had been involved in the statue's creation, he could have used his naturally superior reasoning and spatial awareness to suggest that the fearless girl be installed perhaps riding on top of the bull or leading the bull in a charge.
You know, contributing to American prosperity rather than standing in opposition to it.
But I digress, because whatever its symbolism, the installation depicting an imminent mauling is here to stay.
And it's inspiring women all over New York.
Not to create statues of their own, of course, but to insist that others do it for them.
According to the New York Post, quote, female elected officials on Monday called on the city to add more statues of women around the five boroughs.
Because why do something yourself when you can just demand the city do it for you?
Women don't see themselves represented in the streets of New York, said Manhattan Borough President Gail Brewer.
We have sculptures and art of a lot of men, and that needs to change.
Well, I agree with Ms.
Brewer, and I say it's a crying shame that there are no prominent statues of women in New York.
No enduring symbol of the city itself, as well as America as a whole.
There's nothing that can be called the most famous, recognizable, and well-loved monument in the world.
No masterpiece of artistry and engineering.
Humble and stoic goddess, crafted in epic proportions meant to not just embody our most highly cherished virtues, but to declare them to the world.
I really think the city could use something like that.
But only if it's a girl.
That's the important part.
This has been Harrison Smith for InfoWars.com.
I'm going to lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat.
Or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22.
When I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that are researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars in our fight for both human liberty and freedom.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us.
The news website the enemy doesn't want you to see, literally, is InfoWars.com.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, they're all announcing ways to block us.
Ways to tell people not to go to our site, that it's hate or that it's inaccurate.
When it's super accurate, super hardcore.
The last hour and 54 minutes, I mean, go over it.
It's just documented research, hardcore clips, hardcore analysis, breaking inside Intel.
It's amazing.
I was just watching Sean Spicer during the break while I was getting some coffee.
And it dovetails with everything we put out in a report this morning that I gave Paul Watson last night to put in the report.
Trump pushes back against a neocon plan to invade Syria.
Troops massing as Deep State plots regime change.
And Spicer came out and said, we're there to stop refugees flooding into Europe.
We're there to take out Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
We're not there to take out Assad.
They were supposed to get rid of those chemical weapons regardless, and they were still sitting there.
He agreed to get rid of them.
Everything I was told.
But that's not on the news.
It's McMaster saying something else for the National Security Council.
About we want to take out Assad, too.
Trump couldn't even get three other guys to do the job after Flynn.
So I don't want to turn McMaster into the devil.
It's just that what the President's saying to people in the meetings, and directly to folks I've talked to, and I'll just leave it at that, is not what they're saying.
And so the president believes he acted to take out chemical weapons that he was told about years ago.
He's like, didn't they agree to fly those out of there or incinerate them?
You mean, and he saw the intel and he said, and they showed him the flights from there over and the plane turning back.
He sees a plane coming from a base that has chemical weapons.
There's a chemical attack.
He bombs it.
The president was believing what he was told.
That was that true info.
We have an article up on Infowars.com.
People say, Alex, either before Trump or against him.
I don't know exactly.
I don't sit up here like other people and claim I know everything when I don't.
They're the conspiracy theorists.
Here's one from a high-level government individual.
Donald Trump is an international lawbreaker.
It's on Infowars.com, sent to us by the individual who won't come on because they get to be threats when they come on, but they're high-level and very respected.
So I'm going to go back to your calls as soon as we start the next hour.
Beto and Rick, Leanne, Zachary, Russell, everybody, your calls are coming up.
But I haven't even read this report yet that has all the inside stuff from the White House.
Everybody really should read this info.
I should probably say Trump pushes back against neocons.
I should say from, you know, exclusive from inside the White House.
I told Paul to put that up.
Paul's awesome.
He's already written two articles a day, but I had him write this.
I sent him a transcript yesterday of my notes.
And I want people to understand, when we say White House source who spoke to him for so, I mean, I guess that's in there, but she used to say White House source.
Trump pushes back.
White House source.
Need to add that at the top.
People understand this is a big story.
I want to red link that.
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Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, or 888-253-3139.
We're going to come back and go to Beto, Leanne, everybody stay there, I want to talk to you.
Russell, Zach's been holding a long time too.
We'll get to everybody.
I'm Alex Jones, a third hour straight ahead, and we have some special guests joining us.
And then David Knight, always knocks it out of the park, stay with us.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
When we, the people, elected Donald Trump, we exhaled in relief, believing that we're going to crush ISIS with the help of Russia, and that we've averted a nuclear war, in which we would have been already had Hillary won.
The sense of relief has just been flipped on its head.
It appears we're in the brink of nuclear war, and Russia is made out to be our enemy once again.
Explanations for this drastic turn of events range from this being part of Machiavelli tactics, meant to in fact prevent a world war, with Russia being let in on the game, to Trump being hopelessly surrounded by deep state stooges who still hate him, despite all the newly founded love they're professing for him, and whose goal it is to impeach and replace him with a bloodthirsty, war-hungry zealot, the likes of which we've never seen.
Either way, the military-industrial complex wins, and that is not why we elected Trump.
This movement of making America great again is bigger than Trump.
Trump is not our leader, he's our follower, and we must lead him in our dogged determination to ensure our children have a future.
So don't give up on Trump, thus allowing him to become just another casualty of the deep state.
After all, no one said taking America back is going to be easy.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Give me liberty or give me death.
It's Alex Jones.
But right now, from my viewpoint, and a few others, maybe more than a few, see this as just a sort of a victory for the neoconservatives who have been looking for Saad Hass to go.
And who is it that wants to get rid of him?
And you have to look for that.
Who's involved in that?
And that's, I think, unfortunately, the ones who are winning out on this.
And the radicals are winning, too, the people who have been trying to get rid of Assad as well.
So there was a bit of hypocrisy going on here because, you know, in one minute we say that, well, maybe Assad has to stay, the next day he has to go.
And yes, we're over there fighting ISIS and al-Qaeda.
At the same time, what we end up doing by these bombs, we've actually strengthened them.
So it is a mess, and that is why I work so hard.
In America to present the case for non-interventionism.
Mind our own business.
There are problems around the world.
But I do not believe the American people and our American government should be the policemen of the world.
It makes no sense.
It causes us more trouble and more grief.
It causes us more financial problems because of this.
It's not in our self-interest.
And it's hardly a way that we can defend our Constitution and liberty.
It is not for that reason.
There are other motives for this, and to understand clearly how they're thinking, I can't tell you that, but I do know that the results are not very good for the American people.
But all I know is that from my viewpoint analysis, that there was no need to rush.
There was no threat to our national security, and they have to give a reason for doing these things, but there was a rush into it, and I have no idea
What his purpose was, he doesn't, maybe just didn't want to hear the debate, because the last time they debated it, they lost the debate.
And this time, you know, it was necessary for him to jump on this, I guess, before people came to know what was really going on.
Essentially, just listening to it, too, it's presented as a fait accompli, isn't it?
That Bashar al-Assad was behind this chemical attack.
But of course, the Russian envoy was trying to make the point, again, you're basing your evidence on stuff that's presented by groups and bodies and NGOs that we know to have been unreliable in the past.
No, I don't think the evidence is there, at least it hasn't been presented, and they needed a so-called excuse.
They worked real hard, that is our government and their coalition, an excuse to go into Iraq so they can concoct its stories, all kinds of things, and that's what this is part of.
I don't know why if
If any of it is true, why they couldn't wait and take a look at it, you know, a few years ago in 2013 there were these similar stories that, you know, didn't go anywhere because with a little bit of a pause there was a resistance to it built up in our Congress as well as the American people.
They thought it was all, you know, a fraud and that nothing like that was happening.
And right now I just don't see how it could conceivably, but what they claim, because it's helping ISIS, it's helping al-Qaeda, it's helping the
The enemy that we're supposedly fighting.
Yeah, the peace talks of course have been ended now.
They were afraid, they were terrified that peace was going to break out.
You know, Al-Qaeda was on the run, peace talks were being talked, being entertained with, and all of a sudden it had to change.
And this changed things dramatically, you know, the whole event.
And I do not expect them any time soon or in the distant future
To prove that Assad would be so stupid as to do this.
Why would he do it?
You know, it was zero benefit to him to participate in it.
But the headlines here, United States says, Assad's killing his own people, killing his own people.
Well, that makes no sense whatsoever.
And I wish that people would demand to hear the truth before they decide they have to go and start another war.
All right, folks.
I thought I'd play in that segment some of those Ron Paul clips because he's so dead on.
In fact, let's get him on as soon as possible.
What a great statesman.
Wish he could have been president.
All right, Beto, Leanne, Rick, everybody, I'm going right to you on the other side of this break.
Please stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
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The fake stream media has been in panic mode, hanging on to dear life by the skin of their teeth.
We, the people, driven by social media, have exposed their lies, dominated breaking stories, discredited their deceptive, asinine narratives, and having righteous indignation, laughed and ridiculed them for serving their corrupt corporate masters, trying to dictate to us the terms of reality.
Trump has given them no quarter, asserting their status of fraud as fake news, and even upgrading it to very fake news.
There was a great chance we were going to completely dismantle the fake stream media and bring great
We're good to go.
This has been Daria for Infowars.com.
Got some good news, folks?
We're cueing the tape up.
But first, we take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance against globalism.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
It's good old me.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Boy, there sure is.
I'll give the globalists this.
They are bold and they repeat the same stuff over and over again.
They got caught staging chemical attacks in 2013 all over the news.
The rebels are so badly commanded they videotaped it and screamed Allah Akbar and a bunch of other jihadi stuff.
And now it looks like they've done it again.
The Russians are saying it's a false flag.
The British ambassador is saying it's a false flag.
So why did Trump do it?
Well, I know this.
The good news is, I've been told, they don't intend to topple Assad.
But McMaster wants to have a big force there to, quote, protect our troops as they kick out al-Qaeda and ISIS.
But just earlier, we're going to cue it up.
Just about 15 minutes ago, during a break, I watched Spicer live in a press conference, he's still going right now, saying, look, we're there to take out Al Qaeda, ISIS, we are not intending to have a wider war, and Trump did this to take out chemical weapons we knew were there that could be used in the future.
Which is what I was told!
Hey, they made an agreement, the chemicals are there, the Russians didn't ship them out, the planes came from a base that had chemicals, we blew it up.
And Trump went, wait, they made an agreement?
He saw the agreement.
So that's in Trump's brain.
That's how that works.
And that's what I've been told by our White House sources that have been talking directly to the President.
The story is pretty important.
It's on Infowars.com for everybody that's so mad at Trump.
And I'm not being an apologist here.
I'm glad that Trump is pushing back against the OCOM plan to invade Syria.
But we seem to say White House source.
Trump is pushing back.
We should probably change that headline by Paul Watson so folks understand this is a White House source.
I mean, I know it's in the second paragraph, but that's not going to cut mustard.
We need people to understand this is serious with Russia and Iran pledging to hit back against further Syria interventions.
We're going to Beto and others.
I wanted to play this clip from Zero Hedge.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Al Jazeera slams Assad, now dropping white phosphorus bombs on Syria.
In Qatar, fueling escalation in Syria with propaganda.
White phosphorus?
The Israelis use that.
I mean, that's what weapons do.
They kill people, but you don't even know that's white phosphorus.
But they just keep, like, pushing that these war crimes are happening.
The West and the Islamists have started the war.
Qatar and Saudi Arabia are the main funders of it.
They're the ones to blame for this.
Along with Hillary and the neocons.
That's a fact!
No one's debating it!
I tell you, that's all you hear on these videos.
It's total cult.
I'm gonna throw up.
That's enough.
We've got really bad stuff on Palm Sunday.
In Egypt, the jihadis blowing up churches, which is a lot less than it used to be when our government put the bad guys in, remember?
In the Arab Spring five years ago, I was celebrating and Anderson Cooper, oh, it's so wonderful, the liberation, as they're murdering and killing people and he's just, how great it is.
Oh, I never got to it, I'll get to it after the calls.
We have CNN with a fake newscast.
The terrifying moment when one of two ISIS suicide bombers detonated outside an Egyptian church and remained turned away by three hero policemen in Palm Sunday massacre that killed nearly 50 Christians.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
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I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Thank you very much, Mr. Jones.
I appreciate you taking my call.
First, there's a lot of things I want to discuss with you.
What we are seeing right now is the elite are using, well, of course, their corrupt media and their insidious network of violent agitators to wage a psychological war, for example, with the whole chemical attack, which is imprisoning the people's mind with political correctness and envy politics.
We're good to go.
Let's not forget that even before Obama or even Trump was even in office, Wesley Clark was warning about all these countries we've been getting involved with, and even Syria.
And I want to talk about the Obama administration.
I'm not supporting what Trump did, but he did drop 26,000 bombs last year in Syria.
And then, um, Cy Hirst exposed that Hillary Clinton was the one that gave the rebels the sarin gas.
And then, if you go to Daily Caller, uh, they have this headline called, In Between Policies, talking about, uh, Obama and Hillary Clinton's, uh, Middle Eastern policies, and how, of course, Susan Rice is involved with that.
So, it's sort of funny how she's involved, and she's the one that's been masking Trump.
And then, people want to ask, well, what, why?
Well, why would they do this?
Well, if you go to WikiLeaks, uh, exposing Hillary Clinton's emails,
She's surrounded by people who are trying to destroy Christianity and create this Islamic, you know, catastrophe.
I appreciate your call, Beto.
Listen, there is no doubt that Islamists have had major influence over the neocons and over the Democrats especially, and that they are literally opening the door up for an Islamic invasion and being bought off and paid off to do it.
And now Ergun is even saying that's the plan and trying to activate his forces because Europe's finally trying to shut the door.
Because a lot of Europe figured out what was happening.
I mean, it's so crazy, who can believe it?
But the Muslims are organized, their people are slaves, their money is then given to organize the takeover of their neighbors, of other Muslims, of anybody around them.
That is what Saudi Arabia Wahhabism does.
Alright, let's go ahead and talk to Rick in Canada.
Rick, thanks for holding, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you?
Good, brother.
Um, anyway, I think a lot of this is just a ruse just to displace more of the Middle East and then by time in the next year or two when more migrate across.
And I think that's when they're going to start to try to hit other people in America and then try to create a civil war like they're already doing now.
Make it easier because you can't fight other people and your own country at the same time.
Well that's exactly what's happening.
The globalists never get the blame for world war.
They never get the blame for depression.
They never get the blame for bad things they do.
So as long as they're not identified, they'll continue to create crises from a safe distance to consolidate power, order out of chaos.
That's their admitted plan.
That's their admitted statements.
And the globalists do not want to allow the world to start dealing with each other along the lines of trade and along the lines of open free societies.
They want to use Islam
And authoritarian China to leverage out the planet.
And so now authoritarian China and Islam are basically challenging Trump.
And so he's trying to look strong.
But you don't look strong hitting Assad, who's fighting authoritarian Islam, and who didn't start the war.
But I understand what Trump did.
He silenced his critics that said he was soft on Russia, and he sent a message to China.
That's why this was done.
Because again, in Trump's brain,
A deal was made to destroy those chemicals four years ago between the Russians and the U.S.
military in Assad.
That was on the news.
We told you about it here first.
And those chemicals were still there, and so Trump bombed them.
And I'm just asking, thank God the Russians pulled them all out of there.
You see them sitting out on the airfield right outside the bunkers.
Because the Russians knew if they got hit, and Trump told them that the strike was coming,
I don't know if Zirinovsky's wrong.
He says that they lost Russian soldiers, but other Russian news says they didn't.
I mean, we're going to find out.
The point is, if the Russians wouldn't have pulled all that out of there, you'd have had a giant cloud of gas, and then it would have been Trump's to blame for bombing a chemical weapons depot and it killing a bunch of people.
In fact, the neocons might have been setting Trump up with that.
I tell you this, thank God the Russians got those chemicals out of there.
I'm not trying to lionize the Russians, just thank God.
You're told you've got less than an hour, and these cruise missile attacks are coming, get out of there, and you pull the planes out, you pull the weapons out, you pull the chemicals out.
Thank God that happened.
Rick, I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Leanne in Georgia.
Leanne in the great state of Georgia.
Oh, welcome.
Thank you, Alex.
The reason that Trump is going to end up invading Syria, probably sooner than we think, is so obvious, yet no one is talking about it.
This has nothing to do with gas attacks or dead baby pictures.
It's the Iranian-Syrian oil pipeline.
Back in 2009, Syria took bids on a pipeline that is going to feed oil into Europe.
That's right.
And they don't want Russia to have a pipeline that gives Syria and Russia their own money.
Just like Ukraine, they're sick of Russia selling gas to Europe and being able to fund itself.
It's about cutting Russia off economically.
It's economic warfare.
Why are we talking about dead baby pictures?
This is about a huge oil pipeline.
We're going to end up in a war with Russia and Iran.
Russia may back down, Iran could send EMPs our way.
This is a huge big deal.
Why is the mainstream media not talking about that pipeline?
Why aren't you talking about the pipeline?
Well, ma'am, we didn't send you your call, right?
I mean, you were able to call in and bring it up.
Yes you did, but you keep talking about Ivanka and dead baby pictures.
This is huge money.
Tillerson was put in charge of this.
Well ma'am, hold on, hold on, hold on.
We're gonna, I want to hear what you have to say and I'm gonna hold you over the next segment.
You must have missed some of the shows.
We have talked about the pipeline last week.
We probably should talk more about it.
I've been covering Syria heavily for six-plus years.
That's why Israel's been backing some of the Al-Qaeda forces, and that's been a big debate in Israel, is because they don't want that pipeline being there as well.
It's all about economic warfare, and we have discussed, and you're absolutely right, much of the reason to overthrow Syria is about controlling that pipeline and that deal that they have, sending that up into the rest of Europe and Eastern Europe.
So you're absolutely right.
Uh, and that Qatar is a Sunni gas powerhouse that wants to become the main supplier of gas there in Saudi Arabia.
It's a Sunni oil powerhouse which wants to become the major supplier of oil.
But Saudi Arabia and Qatar, uh, gas would be pipelined through secular controlled Assad's regime.
And that is why the U.S.
and its fundamentalist Sunni allies in Saudis and Qataris are using al-Qaeda and other jihadists to conquer and up the strip through the Syria to get control.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
Now, this is our 20th product.
We can easily go out to a major vitamin or supplement company and private label a thousand different products.
But it's taken us four plus years to even come out with 20, because we private label some, but we also develop
Many of the products originally were some of the top labs in the country, so that they're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe, and they're also very affordable.
Exactly, you talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about, we're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders, we've both talked to them.
They have conveyor belts of herbs falling on the ground and they have someone come and sweep them up and put them back on the conveyor belt.
They have individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
We're producing something we want to take.
We're looking for the best.
We went out and searched for the best, the private label, and most of the time found out it wasn't available, so we go to these big firms and say, we want to make the dream for me.
Bio PCA, for example, one of the ingredients is silica, and it's from bamboo extract.
It's everywhere.
It's in nature.
It's an essential part of being healthy, right?
Just this bottle of silica, okay, again, one ingredient, in a lower amount than it's even in our product, is $35.
They're charging more than what we charge when they have one ingredient that's less than ours.
This is insane.
When I told him we wanted 10,000 micrograms, he goes, OK, I get that you guys want to do high-powered stuff, but why don't you just do 3,000?
And then you can sell multiple bottles of it.
People will buy more of it.
I was like, no, let's do 10.
OK, compare that to this.
This is a $50 product, one of the leaders in the industry.
It has 3,000 micrograms of biotin.
OK, we have 10,000.
This is $50, $48 to be exact.
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Okay, Leanne's been holding.
I'm gonna go back to her.
She got a little upset with us.
Not covering gas pipelines.
So I had the crew go back and look at the last time we covered it and it was Sunday.
We posted an article in full at Infowars.com.
Let's pull it up for TV viewers.
Russia, Iran warn U.S.
they will respond with force if Syria redline crossed again.
And the article is all about the Turkish gas pipeline.
Let's scroll down.
We should probably just change the headline to say Syria war is all about gas pipeline.
Because again, it's the headline.
The article's really about that.
And so, it's like some of the people call and say, you need to expose the Federal Reserve as private.
Or, you never talk about a thing called Bohemian Grove when I blew it wide open.
So you can see globally how they've got, all through the Middle East, these big gas pipelines to go into Europe and get back out.
Out of Iran, out of all these other places.
Throughout the Middle East, into Europe, and they don't want the Russians to have theirs.
As you can see, the Iranians have their pipeline, but the Saudi Arabians and others have theirs, and they don't want people having access to that.
So yes, that's a big part of this.
Everybody also said the Iraq War was about oil, but then the Chinese and everybody got the concessions, the U.S.
got none of it.
It was about control of the planet and what Zbigniew Brzezinski calls the middle of the grand chessboard.
To control Europe, to control Russia, to control Africa.
The Middle East is the key battleground.
That is his strategy.
They don't really follow that now.
They've pivoted to Asia, saying that's key with the trade routes out of China and the South China Sea.
And you see China grabbing that.
But both areas are absolutely critical.
All right.
But getting back to it, instead of let's just say we're not covering it enough, because callers have a tendency when they call something important to like, say, you didn't cover this.
Let's just cover it because that changes the subject, you know, on to who's bad or whatever, instead of actually covering it.
Celine, great point.
What else would you like to add to that?
Trump is about to get us into World War Three.
He's going to be threatening Iran next.
And this is George W. Bush all over again.
I feel sick.
That's all I have to say.
Well, no, add some more about the pipeline.
I mean, what should we do then?
Educate the American people about this?
Personally, I'd be fine if Iran ran that pipeline.
I am so sick of Israel.
They need a balance of power in the Middle East and let's... Iran can be that balance of power.
I just... I supported Trump.
I registered as a Republican for him.
I handed out stickers for him.
And he stabbed us in the back two months in.
And I'm one of those extremely disillusioned Trump supporters.
You know, Spicer said earlier that they don't want to topple Assad and that they're there to kick Al-Qaeda and ISIS out of the country.
And he says he wants countries to be able to sell their oil and gas and doesn't want to block them.
So I don't think, I don't think it's time to make that judgment yet because he's done a lot of good things on the economy.
But I think it is a few marks against him so far.
Definitely part of Ukraine is about pipelines, but a lot of it is just about taking over the country and looting it for the IMF and World Bank, and then coming in with Marshall Plans that are hundreds of billions more dollars to George Soros and others.
In fact, that's in the WikiLeaks.
What they want is destabilized countries and just the quagmires that it causes, and they don't want other countries to do well, period.
It remains to be seen what's going to unfold from all of this, but just imagine what Hillary Clinton would have already been doing right now.
The same thing.
That's what she would be doing.
So who do you think is running the show?
I mean, you bring up Israel, and certainly Israel does some bad things, but folks always think Israel runs everything.
There's a lot of big power players.
I mean, is Israel behind North Korea and China doing stuff?
I honestly don't know.
I just know that Trump is... He made an ultimatum.
If there's another attack, he's going... That's the red line.
Well, everybody has a reason to attack now.
Everybody has a reason to set off another false flag.
That's right.
It's a major escalation and it lets the jihadis... I grew up with the British Ambassador.
Now they're going to stage false flags?
This is clearly a false flag.
I appreciate your call.
I just tried to war game why Trump would do this.
I talked to my sources, and sure enough, that's exactly what I was told.
And that's directly from the president to my source.
Two sources.
And I called Stone about it, and he said, wow, that's good sources.
This is a breaking news story on InfoWars.com.
Unusual Navy patrol sparks fear of foreign sub off California coast.
Sub hunting aircraft spotted circling same area of ocean.
We've got the graphs, the breakdowns from the FAA.
Nobody else is reporting this.
This is on Infowars.com right now.
And you can believe Russian and Chinese subs are off our coast.
You know, it's not just America that's out there, folks.
It's China and others.
So Trump knows a lot of things we don't know.
The globalists hate him for a reason.
He wouldn't be hurting globalists.
He wouldn't be creating new jobs.
He wouldn't have a stock market up.
He wouldn't be turning our coal back on if he wasn't double-crossing them on a lot of fronts.
He's trying to bring in prosperity.
Does that mean he's not a strong man?
Absolutely, folks.
He's got the big stick.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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A total 360 win.
When we, the people, elected Donald Trump, we exhaled in relief, believing that we're going to crush ISIS with the help of Russia, and that we've averted a nuclear war, in which we would have been already had Hillary won.
The sense of relief has just been flipped on its head.
It appears we're in the brink of nuclear war, and Russia is made out to be our enemy once again.
Explanations for this drastic turn of events range from this being part of Machiavelli tactics meant to, in fact, prevent a world war, with Russia being let in on the game, to Trump being hopelessly surrounded by deep state stooges who still hate him, despite all the newly found love they're professing for him, and whose goal it is to impeach and replace him with a bloodthirsty, war-hungry zealot, the likes of which we've never seen.
Either way, the military-industrial complex wins, and that is not why we elected Trump.
This movement of making America great again is bigger than Trump.
Trump is not our leader, he's our follower, and we must lead him in our dogged determination to ensure our children have a future.
So don't give up on Trump, thus allowing him to become just another casualty of the deep state.
After all, no one said taking America back is going to be easy.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
They're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe.
And they're also very affordable.
You talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about we're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders.
We've both talked to them.
They have individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
Went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the Infowar change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Well, we got some bad news breaking right now from Fox News.
ABC's also reporting four victims reported after elementary school shooting in San Bernardino.
Shooter possibly down.
Police chief.
Wasn't it the same place that had the Islamic shooters?
Then they were covering it up, who they were, and for two years the FBI was trying to stop them going to terrorist training bases and coming back.
At least four victims have been located after a shooter walked on to the North Park Elementary School campus in San Bernardino and opened fire in a possible murder-suicide.
The shooter was also possibly down, according to a report from San Bernardino Police Department Chief Jared Bergen, who said the information was preliminary.
So we'll watch that as that unfolds.
It's an elementary school.
I love how these cowards go into victim disarmament zones.
It's always places like California and places.
This happens and there was a jihadi attack on a gay bar in Florida.
They won't say it's a terror attack.
And they won't show you images of the dead kids that got killed by, you know, jihadis in London a few weeks ago or last week.
They're in Stockholm, Sweden because they have mass Stockholm syndrome.
But they will show you the dead kids that are gassed.
And just keep showing it to you and showing it to you.
And I want to play a clip before we go to our next guest and then back to your phone calls of the British, former British ambassador, the head guy there is the British ambassador to Syria.
What he said on the BBC where he said, Trump has given jihadists a thousand reasons to stage a false flag operation.
And whether the Syrians really did it or whatever, now our media is saying the Russians probably did it, so we want war with Russia.
Don't you see now, when they already got caught doing it three years ago and four years ago, that was official?
They were so uncourted, they would brag on videos, you know, loading up the mortars and it would explode on them.
That now, they're celebrating, they're going to stage more stuff and blame it on Assad or whoever they want.
I get looking strong for the Chinese President.
I understand looking strong for the
For the Russians.
And I look, having a big force there to kick out Al-Qaeda and ISIS in case Assad tried to attack them.
But why would he do that?
Why would Assad do that?
Now, I know Dr. Pucinich was on last Friday to give his view on it.
I've since talked to my White House source, and then Roger Stone has talked to his sources that go as high as they go.
And basically the same thing.
So we put an article out today.
I sent the transcript to Paul Watson last night.
Trump pushes back against Neocon.
Planned to invade Syria.
And you read this article.
This is a transcript from my source and Roger's source.
I'll just leave it at that.
And the president's like, no, we're not gonna have a no-fly zone.
No, we're not gonna go take Assad out.
But he agreed four years ago to get rid of these chemicals.
He didn't do it.
They're there at that airbase.
There's an air track to there.
That's enough for me.
But then what's the President thinking is going to blow those up?
Thank God the Russians clearly, the Daily Mail has the photos, the Special Forces got, the Russians have shown it on their own footage.
They hauled all of it out in the hour notice they had before the missiles hit.
What is Trump thinking?
Because the Russians claimed they bombed an al-Qaeda ISIS base and it had chemicals in it.
And I've got my sources in the government that say, absolutely, if you look at the gear people have responding, it wasn't sarin or they wouldn't not be wearing masks and stuff.
They weren't.
So, and that's an article.
Trump, Donald Trump is an international lawbreaker.
By a person using a pseudonym.
Who's been right up there with Steve Pchenik.
So, people say, hey, be on the fence or be one way or the other.
Why are you all over the map?
Because I don't know.
I'm wargaming every angle of this.
China to me is a ten times bigger threat.
They're absolutely belligerent, taking over the South China Sea.
North Korea's threatening everybody, shooting missiles off.
I get why Trump wants to look strong, got a big task force going in there.
He's done great things in the economy, so I want to give the benefit of the doubt.
But then McMaster's talking about taking out Assad and ISIS simultaneously.
And my military sources are saying, oh yeah, it's a big force going in.
More and more troops are there, 20,000 troops in Iraq.
And Syria already.
Special forces, you name it.
Marines, heavy artillery.
So we're going to go to Spicinic here in just a minute.
Former head of Psychological Operations, State Department.
Obviously worked in other agencies and been involved in regime change.
Let's play that clip from Peter Ford, former British ambassador to Syria.
Because he's got an incontrovertible point here.
Just on its face, it's true.
The jihadis love false flags.
How are we going to keep them from doing it?
Whether this was real or not.
Here it is.
And based on previous experience including Iraq, we can see that we cannot take at face value what the so-called
Not when they have an agenda.
But come back to the main point.
It's not going to end here.
And we are likely, Britain, to be dragged into it.
Because Trump has just given the jihadis a thousand reasons to stage fake flag operations.
Seeing how successful and how easy it is with a gullible media.
To provoke the West into intemperate reactions.
They will very likely stage an operation similar to what they did, and this was documented by the United Nations in August last year.
They mounted a chlorine gas attack on civilians and they tried to make it look like it was a regime operation.
This, mark my words,
You're hearing it here.
And it will happen.
And we'll get all the warmongers coming to tell us that Assad is defying us and we must go in more heavily into Syria.
This will be fake flag.
Fake flag!
That's a great way to explain false flags to folks.
So Dr. Steve Pachinick, stevepachinick.com, bestselling author, also with Tom Clancy and more, joins us, medical doctor, psychiatrist, I won't go over his whole bio.
From your angle on Friday, from all my research, is what the President currently believes.
So you're spot on.
You tie that into Skousen believing he was misled.
I know you've learned more now over the weekend, that's why you wanted to come on, so we're honored to have you on.
Dr. Steve Pachinick, what is the latest information you have?
What I'm concerned about, and this is a warning to our generals, McMaster, Mathis, and others who think that they can do a regime change in Syria.
Number one, that will not be possible.
Not with the military, not with all the forces you have, and not with the quality of the soldiers that we have or the generals.
Let me be very blunt.
Of all the people I know, I have been probably the only one who's been interrogated by Bashar Assad for hours, at the same time worked against Hafez Assad, and at the same time had a clear understanding of how strong the Bashar Assad family is and how entrenched they will be.
So any notion of a regime change through force is both absurd and criminal.
If it occurs, there will be no reason whatsoever, including chemical weapons or any other cause, Bella, that will be espoused by either the intelligence community or the president.
But the presence of a huge amount of marines and special forces and thousands of regular soldiers means that we are pre-positioning to go in for a war, maybe against ISIS.
But remember, ISIS and al-Qaeda was created by us, by the CIA, by our military intelligence.
So to say that we're going to attack a terrorist group which we created means we're attacking ourselves.
The same issues right here in Syria.
The issue of Syria and Bashar Assad has no national security interests whatsoever to America.
What Bashar Assad has done to his people remains to his people.
The Russians have handled it.
Hezbollah has been involved.
Turkey has been involved.
The Israelis have been involved.
Let me tell you several things.
Number one,
We have not won a war, including World War II.
Let me make it very clear to McMaster, who's talking about dereliction of duty.
This will be an incredible dereliction of duty if we go into war, either in Iraq or we can go into Syria.
Because McMaster knows very well we are not capable of executing an effective strike.
We have never won a war.
Even World War II was primarily won in 1942 and 43 by the Russians at Stalingrad.
I teach that at Fort McNair.
I have told every general,
We have lost Vietnam, we lost Korea, we lost Iraq, we lost Afghanistan, so on and so forth.
McMaster will come forth and be tried for criminal activity, as will Mathis.
Because there is no reason to put our men and women in harm's way for oil pipelines or whatever nonsense that this military industrial complex thinks that we need to do in order to get into the Middle East.
We have no interest in the Middle East.
If anything,
The psyops that was created with President Xi Jinping from China was an excellent psyops.
It means we're drawing to the Asia Peninsula.
That's fine.
We pre-positioned for North Korea, but it does not mean we go either into North Korea or China or Syria.
There is no cause for war on either flank.
My concern is that, again, we're going through the nonsense of the neocons.
I think that David Knight had made a point yesterday.
My point was simply that the psyops that was done at Trump's hotel was very effective.
But if this goes any step further, this is a warning to our generals, to our president, and to anyone involved once again.
We will react quite vociferously and strongly.
This is grounds for all types of legal action against the president and a voting that will create a desertion.
Okay, but let me stop you.
Let me stop you, Dr. Pucinich, because we go from Friday, you saying, I get the PSYOP.
You can't prove either way where the attack came from.
The jets did come from there.
There are chemicals in the base.
From the President's perspective, because I've learned something over the weekend, it's dead on what you said.
The President's like, we have an agreement going back four years with the Russians and Assad to start moving out once we defeat al-Qaeda and ISIS.
We can't say one way or the other.
They didn't get the chemicals out of there.
We have the intelligence.
So we're going to blow them up in place, which I still have questions about what are they going to do if they actually hit them.
Thank God the Russians pulled them out.
And then Trump is saying, no, we're not doing no-flies, no, we're not taking Assad out.
You saw Spicer come out today and say everything that was in our article this morning.
He says it word for word one hour ago, because it came from the president.
Of course, the media has heydays with this.
I'm just going to stop right there.
But I get thank you letters, you name it, from high level in the White House.
We get phone calls.
I check stuff.
Then I call Stone, who calls quite a bit, let's just say quite a bit.
You don't want me to talk about it, but let's say a lot.
And so, it's all dead on information, and the President's like, no.
But I'm not going to let anybody use these chemicals.
I'm going to let people know if you do use them, I'm coming after you.
And it's a message, and there's a deal in place, and then folks ask the President, well, why are the troops getting masked?
And he goes, I can't talk about it.
Now this is word for word from the president.
So our article is key.
It's a White House source.
Trump is pushing back against a neocon plan to invade Syria.
And then you see McMaster and others on Fox News constantly, like he's the new press secretary, saying different things than what Trump and Spicer is saying.
And Spicer is taking notes directly from the president and putting them out on air.
I mean, again, you listen to Spicer.
It's word for word what's in our article that came out hours before.
Let me tell you this.
I understand what you're saying.
I understand what Roger may be saying.
What I'm telling you is that I know for a fact
The people I know in the military are increasing their force structures to the degree that there is no strategy whatsoever.
In effect, I wrote this to my people in the intelligence community and elsewhere.
If you have no strategy and regime change is not a strategy, do not go into war.
Well sure, if anything was ever a quagmire, it's Syria with all these different forces.
So why is McMaster saying things different than the President and his Press Secretary?
Because it's an old technique.
You have one person saying one thing, putting pressure on, then you have the President denying it.
What you're doing is trying to confuse the public media.
Otherwise said you're trying to create a kind of disturbance for Assad, who's very smart.
He's much smarter than our own people.
He's an ophthalmologist.
He's board certified.
He's been in power for over 30 years.
He understands what the reality is, but for the American public.
Which is being told two different things at the same time.
You have to go back to the Bush administration, which said we're not going into war.
You have to go back to the Obama administration, the Clinton administration.
Everyone said... So it's the very same neocon crap.
So what does the president need to do?
The president needs to understand that if he goes to war, that's his problem, and we will have a major blowback domestically.
The American people do not want to have a war.
We do not want to send our kids into battle.
Our military is not prepared for this kind of war.
I've been in the Syrian desert during the summer.
It's unbearable.
It is huge.
The homes in Hamas is filled with Sunnis.
Our generals have no idea what they're doing.
And in fact, if this is about pipeline wars, or it's about the military-industrial complex, which it comes back again and again because we have no national security interests in Syria, Iraq, or Iran.
Okay, so how did you change since Friday where you thought, good for Virginia?
You said PSYOP Friday, a successful PSYOP, now you're saying you're really concerned.
Well, because...
Going from one side up to China was the appropriate thing to do.
But once I hear and I understand that there are more forces in Syria over the weekend, there was artillery placed in there.
And in fact, they are creating in the White House what we call a dichotomy or two messages.
That's totally different from what happened on Friday.
Friday, nothing was said.
Nothing was said in terms of the PSYOPs.
It was elegant, it was effective, and we sent out a fleet, as you said, to the South China Sea.
Whether we attack North Korea, I think that's not very bright, but at least we have a presence there.
But once we have a statement by McMaster, and at the same time Trump denying it, so you have a purposeful confusion, then I am saying very clearly, do not go to war.
We've been through this scenario repeatedly.
Sure, so what are the neocons thinking?
Why do they want to go in war in Syria, much worse than Iraq, much worse than Libya?
I mean, what are they...
They have a pipeline.
All of these neocons have never served our government.
They've never been in war.
They have belonged to the military-industrial complex.
So why is McMaster going along with it?
He's the National Security Advisor now, not John McCain.
Because McMaster is going to follow the orders of the President.
In short, he may be committing the very sins he wrote about.
Dereliction of duty.
There was dereliction of duty in Vietnam when he wrote about it, and Westmoreland and other generals followed through, knowing fully well we had never had a strategy, we never had an effective tactic, nor were our soldiers prepared.
McMaster knows the same issues here.
He knows we're not prepared, we're not effective, we have a one-to-one... Sure, what about the Petraeus connection to McMaster?
But Petraeus brought in McMaster and put him back as a lieutenant general because McMaster was basically isolated because of the book he wrote on Dereliction of Duty.
But I'm not a fan of Petraeus, as I've said repeatedly.
Petraeus went in, he self-promoted himself, he's never really been other than self-conscious.
Well sure, the reason we haven't won a war since World War II is we're in civil wars.
No one ever wins a civil war.
I mean, it's like sticking your hand in a beehive.
There's no reason to do it.
Well, yeah, but let me be very clear.
With all due respect, including my own father, we did not win World War II.
What we did was to defeat the Japanese in order to release 100,000 troops, Russian troops, to go back into fighting for Stalingrad.
And on the Western Front.
By the time we went into Europe and Germany, the Soviets were on the Elbe River.
So that has to be made very clear.
George Marshall said it.
Well, sure.
When it comes to casualties, the Russians lost 20 million people.
We didn't even lose a million.
Hold on.
We'll be right back.
Let's talk about that straight ahead.
Talk about China.
James Wesley Rawls, survivalblog.com, joining us from an undisclosed location.
Former army intelligence, a lot of folks, even currently in the government, you know, tell me this is really a dead-on guy.
James Wesley Rawls, let's look at big picture, and then what is it Infowars is doing that makes them so angry?
That's key.
Not to say, oh look, we're the biggest swing and you know what?
It's about what are we doing that has them shaking in their boots?
James Wesley Rawls.
Well, Alex, I think that the truth is what really has them scared.
And it's people like you who are champions of the truth that are striking absolute fear in their hearts.
Because once the truth comes out as to what they really have planned,
And how they are conspiring against the Trump administration and against the liberty movement in general and against bloggers and journalists and video bloggers in particular.
Uh, then, uh, they're gonna lose all credibility, and they will lose the information war.
That's where they stand.
That's what they stand to lose right now.
And they're in absolute panic mode.
The Army!
I know it was the first thing found in America on July 4th, 1776, the commission, George Washington, but...
The Army's done so many horrible things, obviously, under Global's control.
Maybe that's why they're so awake, but it's the Army, everywhere behind the scenes, blocking the New World Order right now.
I know you've got a lot of connections to that, at least in the past.
Did you concur with that, and why is that the case?
Yes, in fact, a lot of the people that were in my year group when I was commissioned are now colonels and even brigadier generals.
And what I'm hearing from them is that they are not going along with the program.
They've recognized what's going on, they're awake, they're alert, and
They are not going to put up with martial law.
They're not going to just passively go along and say, oh well, we're just obeying orders.
These are intelligent, articulate people who see the big picture and they are ready to stand in the gap if that happens.
If there's orders for martial law and it's not a constitutional order,
They're going to be the very first to say, I'm sorry, I'm not going to obey that order.
I would say the entire combat arms and the fourth branch of the military, the CIA now, almost everyone's anti-globalist.
And the words come down from the CIA, the generals, everybody.
They try to kill Trump or move for martial law.
Everybody, wipe them out.
And the point is, these are all people like Tonto, the hero of 13 hours.
I mean, he's not here without me asking him to say it.
I'm ready.
They tried, I'm coming.
And they come after you, I'm coming for them.
These aren't people playing games.
I don't think the Globals realize what they've set off here.
Folks, I'm going to do five more minutes the next hour and the David Knight's taking over.
I cannot stress to you enough that when you spread articles from Infowars.com or videos, you're doing the Lord's work.
I mean, they are trying to censor us and block us everywhere.
It doesn't matter if we've been on Roku and Boxee and YouTube and all these places.
Some people have those on their TVs.
They purposely block us off the front pages.
Even when we have the top videos.
They force-feed garbage from the establishment down your throat, on your iPhone, on your Droid.
They just load news on when you turn your phone on to that front page.
Never InfoWars, never Drudge.
You need to take our articles and send them to everybody you know.
You need to take our articles and just hammer them.
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If they can strangle us, they can shut all the independent press down.
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Getting back to Dr. Steve Pachinick of StevePachinick.com.
Just briefly on China.
How do you think the meeting went?
What's the info you've got on that?
The big task force group going up there by Northern China and the South China Sea, by Japan, by the Korean Peninsula.
Where do you expect all that to go?
You got Lindsey Graham saying everybody better watch Trump.
You know, he's a crazy guy.
As if that's some positive thing, plus I don't think it's true.
It just shows how crazy the neocons are wanting to, quote, scare the world.
Well, that's a good question.
Actually, your assistant, Nico, just gave me an interesting point.
First of all, the meeting went very well.
What Trump did and McMaster's did was a brilliant psyops operation focusing to Syria and then shifting really to the South China Sea.
The real problem now, and this is where the regime change comes in, and this is where America has to watch itself.
What's happened now, and Nico informed me, that 150,000 Chinese soldiers went on the North Korean-China border.
To me, that's very credible, and I'll tell you why.
For over 30 years, I was held back on any regime change in North Korea because for me, it wasn't very hard to bring down North Korea.
There are many simple ways to do it without going to war.
However, one of the things that I had been warned about repeatedly was that China could not tolerate and would not tolerate
Thank you.
And China.
And China knows that because President Xi Jinping was humiliated, and correctly so.
And he has no idea of what Trump can or cannot do.
But he does understand that Trump has the willpower to use force.
At the same time, we're looking at Syria, where we're building up troops.
One could be the distraction from the other, or at the same time, we would have two wars going on at the same time.
That's up to our president, and that's up to our generals.
I warned them about wars.
Taking down regimes does not mean you have to have a war.
In the case of China, this has already been quite significant for Trump to have said to Xi Jinping, look, I just launched 59 missiles.
I want to make sure you understand that.
Xi Peng understands it, but at the same time, the Chinese have a hold over Jared Kushner and his buildings in 666 Fifth Avenue.
Let's talk about that when we come right back.
Let's talk about ways foreign powers can influence the president.
And we're not talking about Russia.
From my info, it's the Chinese that are manipulating us big time.
We'll be back in 70 seconds with our guest, Dr. Steve McKinnick.
The fake stream media has been in panic mode, hanging on to dear life by the skin of their teeth.
We the people, driven by social media, have exposed their lies, dominated breaking stories, discredited their deceptive, asinine narratives, and having righteous indignation, laughed and ridiculed them for serving their corrupt corporate masters, trying to dictate to us the terms of reality.
Trump has given them no quarter, asserting their status of fraud as fake news.
And even upgrading it to very fake news.
There was a great chance we were going to completely dismantle the fake stream media and bring great American journalism back into the mainstream.
Now the fake stream media has been reinvigorated.
It's been handed a stamp of approval and legitimacy as they cheer on our president now that he's corrected his ways and they've been redeemed and proven right.
That is why we, the ones who elected him, have to double down and realize even more that each of us matters in this fight for our president and our future.
We're standing up for him by fighting harder when they censor us.
By sharing links that expose and attack the deep state operatives within his administration.
Because if we give up, it's all over.
This has been Daria for Infowars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
I saw photos over the weekend of the Yalu River, I guess, in the north there of China, bordering North Korea, taken by a photographer.
I even got a screenshot on my phone here.
And it's big skyscrapers on one side, looks like Manhattan.
And then on the other side, it's just grass and villages to show how de-industrialized that country is.
Most people walk, most of their highway crews carry their equipment.
It's amazing.
So in closing with Dr. Steve Pachenik before David Knight comes into the studio and takes over.
Here in just a moment.
Yeah, there's a similar photo to what I saw, even more striking.
Before we go any further here, we're bringing up Jared Kushner.
I don't want to make him the target, but so many times he himself admits he's a Democrat.
The Democrats kind of celebrate him.
And I'm told that's a distraction.
It's really McMaster running wild inside the White House.
But what were you going to say about Jared Kushner?
Well, I don't know Jared Kushner.
I've seen the best of him.
He comes out of a family that was involved in real estate.
He's involved in real estate.
His father was indicted and convicted.
The problem is they have some major properties in Manhattan.
One in particular, which I know very well, is 666 Fifth Avenue.
Billions of dollars have been foreclosed upon on the Kushner family and they can't refinance that property.
All it takes in the business of real estate, believe me, I know this very well, is for one major property to go under for billions of dollars.
And then it starts to be a domino effect.
Kushner is a highly vulnerable target.
For the Chinese, for the Russians, and any foreign individuals, because their family was doing private business with the Chinese.
It's the Chinese who came in and told them, we'll take care of you.
Now, he can resign if he wants, he can do whatever he wants.
Nevertheless, from a counterintelligence point of view, Kushner and many of those civilians there are really prime targets for foreign governments in terms of manipulation and leveraging.
And if I were Jared Kushner, I would leave the White House and do the best thing he could, just say to America, thank you very much, and go back to his real estate business.
Otherwise, he becomes a liability.
And that liability as a civilian, it doesn't matter whether he's a son-in-law or not, becomes a great liability.
By the way, let me stop you.
Even the Hill newspaper is reporting on this.
This is bombshell from just eight days ago.
But I know you have amazing sources.
Is this from the news or from your sources?
Because you're saying that they did penetrate him and that he should just step down now.
You made a lot of statements like that about Hillary that came true.
So you're not making this up.
Are you getting this from the news or from your sources?
I don't even have to go to my sources.
This is typical counterintelligence techniques.
What I use is really just simple intelligence, counterintelligence thinking.
This is not out-of-the-box thinking.
This is not the kind of thing that we had with the PSYOPs at Largo, where I thought, really, this was quite unusual.
In this case, Kushner is a highly valuable target for the Chinese, for the Russians, for the Malaysians, for the Arabs.
In the same way that many of the other civilians are in the Republican Party.
They know it, I know it, the intelligence community knows that.
So I don't need a source for that.
It's just that if he were a good American,
He doesn't have to serve our country in the military, which none of the neocons have.
I don't care whether he's Democrat or Republican.
I would resign if I were he.
And I would say, look, thank you for the opportunity.
I appreciate it.
And put his efforts on 666 Fifth Avenue.
But to his credit, it has been reported that he didn't go along with it and they pulled out.
Or is that just a cover story?
That's a cover story.
In the business where your father's been convicted and been in jail, and the prosecutor's your own partner, Christy, none of this washes.
So is Trump elevating him to actually protect him and cover him?
Because this sounds like a very bad judgment by Trump, knowing this is all going on and including him in the White House.
You once asked me, why did Trump keep his whole family with him?
And I simply said, as a psychiatrist or as an American, he needs it for security, his own sense of security.
If that's the case, then he has to rethink again why he has his own family around him with so many conflicts of interest.
I can't tell him what to do.
I can simply say that it's time for him to focus on the infrastructure, stay away from the wars, decrease the size of our government.
Dr. Pachinik, powerful.
David Knight's coming in.
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Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
It's been a busy weekend, actually.
I've done a lot of research.
Part of my research was sitting in Dunkin' Donuts watching CNN with my wife, and as we saw the closed captioning of an interview that Fareed Zakaria had with General Petraeus, who this interview should have been conducted from jail, but of course he's not in jail for violating national security.
No, he is a pundit, a frequent Bilderberg globalist attendee.
And as he was on CNN talking to Fareed, we're watching the closed captioning, he said, kind of a boilerplate thing, oh this sends a message to friend and foe alike.
Except that there was a Freudian slip on the closed captioning, and it came out when he said, friend and foe, F-A-U-X.
I think that says a lot.
And you know, when we look at these kinds of wag-the-dog scenarios, a lot of people are saying, well, you know, what is this about?
Why did we do such a quick 180?
We're going to take a look at the changing of the guard in the White House, in the Cabinet.
And I also want to take some of these calls, too, so don't hang up, folks.
We're going to try to get to you here.
I thought it was also interesting, because we went back and we watched Wag the Dog last night with the family, the movie, after watching the news for the last several days.
And it was kind of interesting, when Clinton did a Wag the Dog attack, do you realize that he used cruise missiles?
Tomahawk cruise missiles, the same cruise missiles, almost the same number of cruise missiles, after they released their report on Monica Lewinsky.
He released, to distract everybody, and it was about a month or two after the movie had come out, he released 75 Tomahawk cruise missiles attacking two different countries, Afghanistan and Sudan.
Interestingly enough, see how, I want you to think about how this script, okay, because this is, like they said in Wag the Dog, it's a pageant.
It's a pageant, and we just keep recycling this script over and over again.
Just like it's Rocky 27 that we're going to see.
I've seen this movie.
So have you.
We've seen it over and over again.
Quite frankly, I am sick to death of this crap.
Sick to death.
You really think we're that stupid?
Yeah, I guess we really are.
I guess we really are.
Because you keep getting away with it, don't you?
One of the places that Clinton attacked in his Wag the Dog scenario was a pharmaceutical
Building, factory, and sedan.
Said it was a chemical weapons manufacturing source.
See, nothing changes.
They just move the details around a little bit.
Absolutely amazing.
Then Petraeus said something else I thought was very interesting on CNN.
He said, and I tweeted this out.
You can see this tweet if you want to get the quote.
You can go back and take a look at the interview too.
We need to pull the interview out of that.
He said, America first can mean that America leads the rules-based international order.
America will lead the rules-based international order.
And who's going to make the rules?
He and his Bilderberg globalist friends.
Goldman Sachs, the rest of these people.
Same globalism, different bank.
We had Obama tied in with Citibank, and now we've got Goldman Sachs running the show this quickly.
Within a Trump administration.
Absolutely amazing to me.
And of course, there's this article that was on Daily Mail from John R. Bradley.
He said, there's a terrifying sense of déjà vu as the generals take over the White House.
He said, for those of us who covered the build-up to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, there was a terrifying sense of déjà vu as another, quote-unquote, coalition of the willing gears up.
To launch an attack in the Middle East.
We hope that's not going to happen.
We had the article at Infowars.com, sources inside saying that Trump is going to push back against the neocon plan to invade Syria.
I hope that really does happen.
You know, one of the things my parents told me when I was growing up, and I've told my children as well, be careful who you hang out with.
Be careful who you run with.
Because the people that you pick as your friends can change you.
And even if they don't change you, even if you don't get involved in some criminal action,
If you're hanging out with these people and they rob a bank or they get busted for possession of drugs while you're in the car with them, you may be going down with them too.
So be careful about who you pick for your friends.
That was the thing that concerned me so much about Donald Trump's administration.
He's putting all these globalist rats in his kitchen cabinet.
Don't be surprised when they eat all the cheese and leave nothing behind but rat crap.
And that's what we're starting to see here.
I want to take a look at some of the people that have happened, some of the things that are happening here.
Of course, we have Axios talking about how Trump is doing a centrist push.
Priebus says, yes, yes, I will, you know, do whatever you tell me.
The question is, will Bannon go along with it?
And here's the deal.
They say, here's the changing culture.
Here are the two crucial words to understand the outgoing style and incoming style.
They're not two words, but two phrases.
In the past, they talked about nationalist versus globalist.
But now they're talking about combat versus collaboration.
So are you going to collaborate with the globalists?
Or are you going to fight them?
If you're going to fight the globalists, you're going to be pushed out by the globalists.
That's what I'm concerned about.
And we can see what's going on.
All the news saying that, you know, Bannon may be pushed out, that the stock of
Gary Cohn, literally the stock, this is a guy who got what, $285 million or something like that from Goldman Sachs, but his, you know, stacks.
There's a Freudian slip for you.
Goldman Stacks, Golden Stacks.
No, this is a guy who got $200, I think it was $280 billion that they accelerated his payoff so that he could get into the Trump White House, become the economic advisor, the lead economic advisor.
He's now being tipped as someone who is maybe going to be the next chief of staff.
But of course, in the National Security Council, we have seen first General Flynn pushed out, then Steve Bannon pushed out.
Now we see Katie McFarlane pushed out, who was a protege of Flynn.
McMaster did not want her there.
He's restructuring this.
But guess who's going to be staying?
Dinah Powell of Goldman Sachs.
Now, every time the mainstream media refers to Dinah Powell, they do not use her middle name.
Dinah Habib Powell.
Brought here at the age of four years old by her Egyptian parents.
Someone who worked a long time in the Bush administration, Dinah Habib Powell, as I point out, is climbing up the White House ranks at an impressive pace.
She has been, as they point out in the news, Ivanka Trump's go-to on women's issues.
So she was the advisor for Ivanka on women's issues, but now she's going to advise Ivanka's dad on national security.
That's the way this is going.
Because McMaster wants her there.
They pointed out she's an Egyptian immigrant, fluent in Arabic.
She reportedly was helping already with President Trump to navigate geopolitics, telling him exactly what he needs to know, what McMasters wants him to know.
See, if you put these guys in as your advisors, of course, they're going to give you a limited number of options.
Just like the Washington Post or the New York Times or CBS or ABC, they're going to pick which stories you, the audience, hear.
And they're not going to tell you anything about certain stories.
Well guess what?
McMasters and these other people that are with him, Petraeus, they're not going to give Donald Trump certain options.
When they do present options, even if they do present an option that maybe appears to be on the other side, they can very easily skew those options if he's going to be relying on their expertise.
And of course he's picked them because he believes that they are experts.
So he's going to be susceptible to that.
And of course we've got this woman.
Diana Habib Powell helping Donald Trump to navigate geopolitics and Politico reports she was seated at the head of the table during his lunch with Saudi Arabia's deputy crown prince last week.
Okay, now this was back in July.
Washington Post said when Ivanka was talking
At the convention, they said, who exactly was she endorsing?
Because they looked at all the women's issues that she was talking about, and they said, well, these things all really sound good to us at the Washington Post.
The problem is that Donald Trump himself never outlined any of those proposals.
Not even roughly.
The candidate who did was Hillary Clinton.
And of course, who was advising Ivanka on women's issues?
That would have been the same woman, Dinah Habib-Powell, who is now advising Donald Trump on geopolitics.
And then we see these other issues.
From January, we see that they're talking about the incoming first daughter has been leaning on Dinah Habib-Powell, a Goldman partner, as she fine-tunes her powerful new role.
This is where this is all headed, folks.
But I want to talk about the difference between generals.
You know, we talked about how this looks like a déjà vu of generals taking over.
Remember that it was in 2015 that we had General Flynn very honestly coming forward.
It's why we were so excited to see him become Donald Trump's advisor in the campaign.
One of the reasons that we supported Donald Trump was because we liked the candor and the honesty of General Flynn.
And they got him out of there pretty quickly, didn't they?
Pretty quickly.
They used him
To get Donald Trump elected, but they did not want to leave him in that administration.
And now we see why.
We said at the time, watch, they're going to do the same thing they did in Syria, and they have now.
And this is what General Flynn said in August of 2015.
He had an interview with Al Jazeera and they said, well, we think the U.S.
administration has turned a blind eye to analysis of what's really going on in Syria.
He said, no, I think that they weren't listening to my agency on purpose.
He said, I think it was a decision.
I think it was a willful decision.
And this was a classified DIA report that was presented in August of 2012 that got out, and it said, quote, the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Qaeda are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.
It is now being supported by the West.
By the Gulf States and by Turkey.
Who was at the center of all this false flag gas attack that we saw last week?
It was Turkey.
Immediately in there saying this was sarin gas, so therefore it had to come from Syria.
It was state-developed.
It wasn't something that was done in a home-brewed lab or even brought in by another country to give to these people.
No, no, this had to be... Same thing we heard four years ago.
Same thing that at the time Donald Trump pushed back against.
It was Turkey that was there, and it was Turkey that was pushing this narrative.
The report that says, in 2012, warned of dire consequences of this exact type of scenario, because it would allow Al-Qaeda to regain its positions in Iraq, and to unify the jihadist Sunni forces in Iraq, Syria, and the rest of the Sunnis in the Arab world, against all other Muslim minorities that they considered to be dissenters.
All right, so fast forward to this January.
When McMaster comes into the administration, his very first meeting, as reported by the New York Times, he told the staff of the National Security Council in his first all-hands-on staff meeting that radical Islamic terrorism is not a helpful term because terror is un-Islamic.
That's the guy who's running this foreign policy right now.
That's the guy who's pushing for massive involvement in the United States.
Steve, you've been so on target over the years in your books I've read, both novels with classified stuff and both non-novels.
Makes my head spin.
I respect you more as the years go on.
So, where should we start?
You have the real liberals, and then nationalists, and then you've got Republican establishment, Democratic establishment, elites, European elites, all wanting this global system, trying to prop it up.
Who are the players?
Where are we right now?
Well, Alex, the ruling elite's long-time agenda has been to destroy the United States and the West from within.
And in reaction to last year's growing anti-globalist movement represented by the Brexit vote, and also anti-establishment Trump election, the elite is becoming desperately aggressive right now, fighting for absolute domination and population control, insidiously wiping out unstable domestic conditions throughout the Western world, engineered to explore racial, class, religious, and also politically charged
Civil War violence in both America and Europe.
What you're seeing in the United States, we have seen in Europe, in Spain, in Italy, in France, in England, in Germany, in other countries as well, in Portugal and also in Greece.
In the United States, this takes the form of mass deployment of a robotically dumbed down, highly manipulated, yet well-organized political left.
And again, we've seen this
You know, with the flake movements in the United States right after the Trump election, you know, constituting the elite's weapons of mass destruction against Trump's reactionary or militarized authoritarian federal forces, soon spilling blood and chaos as America's very own spring uprising.
You know, Alex, the chaos once almost exclusively limited to the Middle East, that we've become so accustomed to watching on television,
He's slowly but surely carrying over to the United States and also to Russia as we saw today.
One PSYOP Gladio B operational stage event at a time.
No longer is chaos something happening thousands of miles away.
It's happening right here in America.
It's happening in Russia, in my hometown.
And honestly, I keep saying chaos because unlike Operation Gladio, which occurred throughout Europe, mostly from the 1960s to the early 1980s, 1990s, sorry, the current so-called Operation Gladio B, which again, you know, we can call Northwood.
Instead of being purely staged, they bring in people that will do it.
Well, it's much more sophisticated.
You have Gladio B, unlike Gladio A, is being conducted in an era of mass psychological terror and deception made possible by technology, legalized propaganda, fake terror groups like ISIS.
I mean, Daniel, you move so quickly.
It's all so on target.
Why do they hate Russia so much?
I mean, Russia... I'm not... I know you're a Russia expert.
I've never been there.
I just study it.
They're not expanding.
They're trying to build their country.
They have good policies for their people.
Why are the elites so out to get Russia?
I just... It's crazy!
Russia is the only alternative to the military superpower that is the United States.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
Again, we're going to take those calls in just one moment.
Hang with me.
We're going to take them in the next section.
We've got a short section and we'll do it at the bottom of the hour.
Callers, if you want to hang on just a little bit longer, I'll get to you.
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It's free to sign up for that, and that way you get a direct pipeline without it being filtered and shut down, censored by social media, that sort of thing, and specials on a daily basis.
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Can become a whistleblower and you can blow the whistle on Bill Clinton, his rapes and his wag the dog activities where he launched 75 Tomahawk cruise missiles to cover up what was going on with Monica Lewinsky.
But of course the biggest cover-up wasn't it?
The biggest cover-up of that whole thing was the fact that we had Ken Starr
Move it away from rape and sexual assault to a consensual affair that Bill Clinton committed perjury about.
That was the biggest cover-up of that whole thing.
But of course it was very successful for them to use the cruise missiles to distract our attention.
I was talking about
The difference between Michael Flynn and H.R.
Flynn telling us exactly what was going on in Syria.
Very candid, very honest.
And you know, one of the things that I've talked about before is this quote from Patrick Henry.
The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be secure.
When the transactions of their rulers are concealed from them.
That's why candor, honesty, that we saw from Michael Flynn was so important when he told us what was going on in Syria.
So what did McMaster do when he came in?
Well, his very first meeting was to say, we're not going to use the term radical Islamic terrorism.
He says, this is not helpful.
Terrorists are un-Islamic.
It has nothing to do with Islam.
And within a day of being appointed, this is the New York Times talking about this, within a day of his appointment, he was popping into offices, introducing himself to the professional staff members who are holdovers from the Obama administration.
And these people were upset because they had been shut out of the policy-making process.
Well, yeah, that's why we had an election.
That's why we had nationalists coming in that were going to put America first.
We didn't want Obama policy in Syria and foreign policy.
So, yeah, they were being shut out.
But, of course, he comes in and says, don't worry, we're going to bring you in.
And they say, in his language, General McMaster is closer to the positions of former Presidents Obama and George W. Bush.
So, don't worry, we're going to keep you in.
You're going to be in the loop, you're going to be making policy, and now we see that they have the same policy that we did with the Obama administration, but it always gets through when you've got a Republican who is doing this kind of military adventurism.
Now, I want to go back to an interview that was a little over a year ago, about a year before
General Flynn was removed from the National Security Council.
He was interviewed and this was with Al Jazeera.
And this is what he had to say.
He said, I've been at war with Islam or with a component of Islam for the last decade.
Now this person that was interviewing him for Al Jazeera, Mehdi Hassan,
He was upset about that.
He didn't like that.
He said, aren't you engaging in the kind of stuff that ISIL says?
Isn't that what they want to hear?
Blaming all of Islam?
Michael Flynn said, let's not kid ourselves about what it is that we are facing.
We are facing, and the Islamic world is also facing, an element within the religion of Islam that is going to change it one way or the other, in my belief.
Change it for the bad, for the negative, if something is not done.
But they've grabbed hold of this religion.
They're using it in a very, very dangerous way.
And if the religious component, the somewhat pro-moderate component of Islam actually stands up to it, I believe it can be defeated.
See, what he had said at the beginning that they didn't want to hear was a component of Islam that he was talking about.
But he unapologetically talks about this.
They said, isn't this unhelpful language?
He says, no.
I have had arguments that I've sat in and he says, it's a religion of a billion people.
And he says, I'm not talking about that.
And he breaks this down.
He does not back down.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We'll be taking your calls.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The fake stream media has been in panic mode, hanging on to dear life by the skin of their teeth.
We the people, driven by social media, have exposed their lies, dominated breaking stories, discredited their deceptive, asinine narratives, and having righteous indignation, laughed and ridiculed them for serving their corrupt corporate masters, trying to dictate to us the terms of reality.
Trump has given them no quarter asserting their status of fraud,
Fake news and even upgrading it to very fake news.
There was a great chance we were going to completely dismantle the fake stream media and bring great American journalism back into the mainstream.
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We're standing up for him by fighting harder when they censor us.
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Because if we give up, it's all over.
This has been Daria for Infowars.com
This is Alex Jones.
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The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
You know, we heard a lot about America First.
Let's hear from the First Americans, the founders of this country.
And it was John Adams who said we don't go abroad seeking monsters to destroy.
It was also President James Madison who said that the means of defense against foreign danger have always, always become instruments of tyranny at home.
This is the guy who wrote the Bill of Rights that we ignore now.
We have to understand what the consequences of this are going to be.
We also have to understand the difference between ideology and idolatry.
I'm not following any one man.
You know, when we were very hopeful, I was very hopeful about Donald Trump.
When he got elected, we looked at it and we said, just like Julian Assange, it's like, we know what Hillary Clinton is.
We know exactly what she's going to do.
There's absolutely no reason to vote for her.
We don't know what Donald Trump is.
He's telling us this.
It looks like he's got a long history.
Four years ago, he was tweeting out against this exact same thing that he did, where he reversed himself in just 48 hours after being on the other side of this.
I think it has to do with the people that he put in place, that he let surround him, that he has advising him.
And hopefully, one of the things McMaster has said, as I pointed out, is he said, we don't want to talk about radical Islamic terrorism.
Maybe Donald Trump could use that phrase, and it'd be kind of like, you know, hostage, blinking his eyes to us, saying, no, no, I'm actually still in control here.
Still in control.
We're still going to talk about radical Islamic terror.
Because that's what Michael Flynn talked about unapologetically.
I really do not want to have the kind of situation where I'm falling into a situation where I'm idolizing an individual.
I'm not going to do that.
I'm not going to give Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt anymore, though, folks.
Because I have seen too many people at the DNC when I was there and I would show them the documents and say, what about these, I'm not listening, I'm not listening, I'm not listening to any bad news about Hillary or John Podesta, any of that stuff, I'm not going to look at the WikiLeaks stuff, it's the Russians, it's the Russians.
So I heard all that stuff from them, okay?
And now we've got people who are so blindly following Trump that are trolling me on Twitter
Telling me, you don't get it, he's playing 4D chess.
And it's like, well, if he was playing 4D chess, he wouldn't have surrounded himself with the opposing players, okay?
I just, I don't understand that.
You know, again, looking at what Patrick Henry said.
He said, we're apt to shut our eyes against painful truth.
He said, we want to listen to the siren song until it transforms us into beasts.
Okay, wise men who are struggling for liberty
Need to not have eyes that don't see and ears that don't hear.
Now when he does the right thing, absolutely I will support him on that very strongly.
I supported Ron Wyden when he exposed the lies of the NSA and James Clapper.
But I don't support Ron Wyden on most other things and I don't feel like because he was right on that issue that I have to hold my fire on him on anything else.
I'm not.
And you shouldn't either.
You should take these things on an issue-by-issue basis, because the fundamental thing that we're looking for here, folks, is liberty.
And I don't really care who gets us there.
If he can shut down the globalists and not be taken over by them, great, I'm all for that.
And we've gotten some good things from Trump.
We got the TPP stopped on day one, but then what happened?
Gary Cohen is there.
Gary Cohen is bringing in now the architect of TPP to try to stop any changes on NAFTA.
We had Jared Kushner bringing in multiple times the architect of Obamacare, Zeke Emanuel.
There has been a change.
There's been a change.
And so we need to know that he's not captive.
Now I want to go back to this real briefly before we go to our callers here.
One of the things that Flynn was saying at the time when he was talking to Al Jazeera and the guy was saying, you can't characterize Islam as being a terrorist ideology.
He says, we are at war, this is what Flynn said, we're at war with a radical component of Islam
He says, that's why I believe that Islam is a political ideology based on a religion.
And the Al Jazeera guy came back and said, but terrorism experts say that actually these guys are political.
These guys is a political group using religion as a cover.
To which Flynn said, I don't agree, I don't agree.
The guys that are serious, the serious leaders of these groups absolutely believe their version of Islam is the right version, the correct version.
And he says most people won't even remember that it's only been a couple of years that the Free Syrian Army, that movement, I mean, where are they today?
They're al-Nusra, the people that we've got John McCain meeting with.
Just a few weeks ago, before this attack, I said.
And then the guy from Al Jazeera says, but wait a minute, hold on, you were helping them in 2012, all these groups are.
And he says, yeah, we've allowed this, we've allowed this extremist, you know, these extremist militants to come in.
He says, but I don't understand, why are you supporting these people?
He said, well, we argued about this, there were different competing groups.
And he said he didn't win the argument.
These other people won the argument.
Now, it looks like maybe the only people that are going to be there under McMasters, who is a protege of General Petraeus, the only people who are going to have a say at the table, are going to be the people who have been supporting this idea that Islam is our friend.
We have Cernovich's report here that McMaster's is manipulating intelligence reports.
Donald Trump, he wants 150,000 ground soldiers in Syria.
Current NSA, National Security Advisor, Herbert Raymond, H.R.
McMaster says is manipulating intelligence reports given to President Donald Trump.
McMaster is plotting on how to sell a massive ground war in Syria to President Trump with the help of disgraced CIA director, convicted criminal David Petraeus.
And one of the interesting things in this article, I don't know if this is true or not, but their sources suggest that McMaster is sharing classified information with Petraeus, whose security clearance has been revoked.
Let's go to Jason in Germany.
Jason, go ahead.
Hey David, good to be on with you again.
You know, everybody's been exploring pretty much every facet or aspect of the whole Syrian thing, up one side and down the other, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but I really haven't heard anybody try to condense it down to what the central issue is, and I always like to try to do that.
I feel like the central issue of all of our involvement in international disputes is, are we going to be the world's policemen?
That's it.
That's it.
That's it.
And that's what the people like Bill Kristol were saying last week.
Donald Trump, he said, has finally become president.
This week he became president because he became the leader of the world.
That's what they want.
They're not satisfied with anything else.
And you can see the fact that Trump's hardcore supporters are wringing their hands in despair over the fact that we're not going to fix the problems here at home.
That's one of the issues.
He's running into problems with tax reform, with Obamacare repeal, and it's so much easier to go shoot off a couple of missiles
And then now everybody is applauding him, and that's the fundamental issue.
That's why I don't really care about whether this was a signal to inoculate him against the Russia criticism or whether he's trying to impress China.
And how does that impress China?
Simply, it makes him look like he is unpredictable.
That doesn't make any of us more secure.
When you start acting like Kim Jong-un,
With more accurate missiles, all that makes is people concerned about what you're liable to do.
If you're gonna flip 180 degrees in two days because your daughter saw some pictures and got you upset about it, how do we conduct a foreign policy?
It seems to me like that makes everything a lot more dangerous, a lot more unstable.
But the fact that we now have a move away from one of the fundamental tenets that Donald Trump had campaigned on,
Nationalism versus globalism.
America first.
We're not going to be America's police.
That is the key issue.
We can argue all day about what's going on in Syria, the motivations behind this, how we're going to take down Assad so we can run the gas lines through there, and how we want to set the place on fire so we've got ISIS running through the area and we can bring massive numbers of people as refugees into America.
That's a globalist plan to spread that kind of war, chaos, and terrorism into the West
Creating war and chaos in all these other areas so they can then have an excuse to bring refugees in.
That's what he really needs to understand.
That's the root of what we're talking about in terms of, you know, put up a wall.
That's a band-aid over the fundamental situation that we've got happening here.
He needs to address these fundamental situations.
The fundamental situations are these wars for regime change and the war on drugs.
That's what's creating so much of the crime and the terrorism that's happening here.
A wall is not going to fix that.
We need to fix the root causes of these things.
Instead, they're doubling down on everything.
So yeah, I agree with you absolutely.
Was there anything else you wanted to say, Jason?
Well, just secondarily to that, how is it that our government has decided that some forms of murder are basically worse than other forms?
Like, obviously we did nothing during Rwanda when children ostensibly were being hacked to death with machetes, and then later, a few years later...
We're good to go.
We'll let you bomb and shoot and hack people and rape people to death, and we'll do nothing, but if you gas them or use a chemical on them, then we're going to have to take you out.
And I would say that we will even help you to do that.
Look at Yemen.
Look at what Saudi Arabia is doing in Yemen, and we have supported them.
Have you seen the pictures of what's going on in Yemen?
No, you haven't.
Have you seen a lot of coverage about what happened in Sweden?
Not really.
Did you see a lot of coverage about the churches that were attacked yesterday in Egypt?
Not really.
They're not going to get so upset about that that they're going to do something.
No, they pick very selectively what they want to be morally outraged about.
That's the outrageous part of this.
And that's the wag the dog scenario of this.
This is the false flag aspect of it.
The fact that they would use something that is real to achieve their policy goals.
That's what we're talking about.
There's so many different aspects of a false flag attack.
It could be completely faked, like the wag the dog movie was, or it could be something that is a real incident that is used to distract you and to sell their pre-arranged agenda.
And of course, that's precisely what's happening.
When you look at what's going on in Sweden, I've got an article here of a guy who was a doctor.
He says, it was terrible.
I will never understand how they could do it.
The West will never understand how these people could do it.
They don't understand the mind of Islam.
Because here's the next article from Daily Mail.
The killer, I'm pleased with what I did.
I achieved what I set out to do.
What did he do?
He was trying to retaliate for the attacks he saw against ISIS, not against Assad.
See, we are going to war with the only secular Arab government
And we are taking down the guy who has had a secular society, who had protected Christians and Jews in that area.
He wasn't a perfect guy.
Nobody is a perfect guy.
But now we've decided that he's a monster.
We need a monster for our foreign policy.
We're going to take him down, and we're going to have regime change, and we're going to turn it over to ISIS.
These are the people who are chopping people's heads off.
I mean, who are we most closely allied with?
We're most closely allied with the Arab government, Saudi Arabia, that cuts off the most heads.
Only ISIS, I think, executes more people that way than Saudi Arabia does.
And of course, you know, you've also got the hands and other appendages that they like to chop off all the time as well.
Let's go on to John in Wyoming.
Thank you, Jason.
John in Wyoming.
Yeah, David, I have a stack of annual reports from the Council on Foreign Relations from 2005 to 2014.
They won't send me any newer ones because I'm outing all of their people.
But go back to the 2005, that's when that lady Dina Habib Powell was first elected to the CFR.
They're invading your home.
They're infiltrating Trump's administration and they are the ones who are getting him to launch these attacks and trying to get him to start a war with the Russians and start a war with the Syrians and everything else.
These people are evil.
Barry Goldwater tried to warn us in his 1979 book, With No Apologies,
Yeah, absolutely.
And look at the people that have given us that.
People like Woodrow Wilson.
And what did he do?
He gave us a useless, very costly World War I that he got us involved in.
And I want to remind us of all these people out there on the left who are cheering this operation.
Woodrow Wilson locked up a film director and they said it was okay because the Supreme Court said it was okay.
The Supreme Court said movies don't have first member protection and it was that way for about 50 years.
What was the film that he locked the guy up for?
The Spirit of 76.
Because he didn't want the British portrayed in a negative light.
He wanted to get into war, World War I, on the side of the British.
He didn't want us talking about the British in a negative light.
So he locked that guy up.
He was given a 10-year jail sentence.
I think he got off a little bit before the end of that, but he was given, I think, I'm just going on memory now, I think something like a $5,000 fine, which in, you know,
Sixteen, something like that.
Again, I'm going on memory.
That was a lot of money, because that was before the Federal Reserve started devaluating our currency to where it's worth one penny of its original purchasing price.
Absolutely right, John.
Thank you.
Let me get to some of the other callers that are waiting online.
Candace in Kentucky.
Go ahead, Candace.
Yes, I just wanted to address, you know, everybody's questioning Trump and his tactics right now, but I have full faith in him.
I think he knows more than we think he does.
I think he's got... What makes you think that?
What makes you think that he knows something that you don't know, that he's got this all figured out, in spite of what you see?
Take it back to the wiretapping thing.
He released his tweets, like, perfect timing to when everything came out to make it blow up in such a way that it made him look credible and everybody else uncredible.
You know what I mean?
Like, he timed that to a T. Like, he knew exactly what was going on, knew when to do it, when to let it out.
Okay, but how do you interpret these reactions?
How do you interpret what he just did here?
How do you interpret his temper tantrums that he went after the House Freedom Caucus and said, we're going to mention specific people by name, I'm going to throw them out because they stood up for repeal.
How do you interpret that?
Why did he go on a Twitter tirade about that?
What is the strategy that you would throw the people who stand by the voters and stand by Trump's promises to repeal Obamacare, why would he say I'm going to remove them from office because they didn't give me a victory?
What is the strategy and the genius behind that?
I'm not saying all his strategies are genius, but he's in a position where he's fighting 10 different wars on 10 different fronts, you know what I mean?
He's taking fire from every angle.
He's got to make some adjustments, you know what I'm saying?
Yeah, I think what he needed to do was he needed to use those guys as his base because they were with him.
When Paul Ryan threw him under the bus the month before the election because of that Billy Bush tape where he made the obscene comment,
Paul Ryan said, forget Trump.
Save yourselves.
He's not going to win.
And these people said, no, we need Donald Trump because he's saying the types of things we want to see pushed.
They stood by him.
Then when he becomes president, he stands by Paul Ryan's plan, which is not repeal of Obamacare.
Which was a disaster in the way that it was put out to people.
Constantly a multi-thousand page report, a law that was being changed up to the last minute and demanded blind obedience and loyalty to Paul Ryan and to Donald Trump and when they didn't get it.
He threw a temper tantrum.
That was strike two against him as far as I was concerned.
The first one being throwing Michael Flynn under the bus when he admitted that he hadn't done anything wrong.
This is strike three.
I'm saying that he can still do a lot of good things.
He did some good things with the EPA.
It was also pulled back at the last minute.
By Ivanka, who said, we don't want you mentioning the Paris Climate Treaty.
We don't want you saying that the endangerment clause is wrong.
So they left the fundamental structure there, even though they made a very good beginning, and the person they picked at the EPA.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with more of your calls.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
Now, this is our 20th product.
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Exactly, you talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about, we're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders, we've both talked to them, they have conveyor belts of herbs falling on the ground and they have someone come and sweep them up and put them back on the conveyor belt.
They have
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We refuse to screw people.
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We went out and searched for the best, the private label, and most of the time found out it wasn't available, so we go to these big firms and say, we want to make the dream formula.
Bio PCA, for example, one of the ingredients is silica, and it's from bamboo extract.
It's everywhere.
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It's an essential part of being healthy, right?
Just this bottle of silica, okay, again, one ingredient, in a lower amount than it's even in our product, is $35.
They're charging more than what we charge when they have one ingredient that's less than ours.
This is insane.
When I told him we wanted 10,000 micrograms, he goes, OK, I get that you guys want to do, you know, high-powered stuff, but why don't you just do 3,000?
And then you can sell, you know, multiple bottles of it.
People will buy more of it.
I was like, no, let's do 10.
OK, compare that to this.
This is a $50 product, one of the leaders in the industry.
It has 3,000 micrograms of biotin.
OK, we have 10,000.
This is $50, $48 to be exact.
There's no script, there's no teleprompter, I'll just be honest with you.
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I went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the Infowar change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
All the leaves are brown, leaves are brown, and the sky is grey, and the sky is grey.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to go quickly back to our callers here.
Before we do, I want to let you know that we have Caveman finally back in stock at Infowarsstore.com.
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And finally, sign up for our free newsletter.
Get all of our information direct without any censorship or shutting to the side that social media is doing so much.
We've even got a story I have time to cover today.
I'll cover it on the nightly news tonight about Google is now going to start labeling things as true and false when you do your searches there.
So that's the way they're going to shut things down.
You can get this information directly without any of this kind of nudging.
Or propaganda or censorship.
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That's for our newsletter subscribers.
Let's go back to our callers Cindy in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Cindy.
I bet it was for Trump since 2015, from the beginning.
And I thought he was going to do a lot.
And yeah, he brought jobs back, like the auto industry, but that's going to be robotics in a few years anyway.
To me, that doesn't really mean much.
And lately, well, Bannon said, hold their feet to the fire.
Then he's gone.
And the more and more I hear of what Trump's doing, he's starting to look like a Manchurian candidate to me.
Yeah, he got rid of the TPP, but he did nothing about the NDAA, Agenda 21, the Patriot Act.
And how about all the treason that was committed in the last 16, 20 years, the Clintons and
Well, that's true, and you know, when he was running, we knew that he was not going to be on our side in terms of civil liberties.
He had said that he thought that Snowden ought to be executed, and that was very troubling, but that's not any different, really, than Hillary Clinton.
She wants the surveillance state as well, and I had said at the time, look,
What we can hopefully get out of Donald Trump is to block the globalists, economically, politically, with the climate issues and that sort of thing.
If we can block them at the upper level, if we can stop this global consolidation of governments,
And we still have, in theory, a constitution.
And we can fight at the local and state level to try to get back our liberties.
He never talked about any civil liberties issues.
I mean, he was always wrong about things like torture, the NDAA, civil asset forfeiture, that type of thing.
So I didn't expect to get that.
From Donald Trump.
I did expect that he would not get involved in Syria.
And I'm very disappointed about that.
And the key with all of this, that is taking this down, are the people that he is surrounding himself with.
That is why he's made such a good start, but now things are starting to go off the track because the good people that came in with him are one by one getting pushed out by the swamp that is swamping the Trump administration.
That's all the time we've got today.
I'm sorry to the callers that are still on the line.
If you want to call, we've got our 3 to 5 show that's live.
Call in there, tell them that you are on hold here and maybe they can get you to the front of the line if they start taking phone calls.
I think in the second hour they usually do that.
Join us again tomorrow at 11 central, noon eastern for the InfoWars Show with Alex Jones.
And join us tonight at 7 for the Nightly News.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
When we, the people, elected Donald Trump, we exhaled in relief, believing that we're going to crush ISIS with the help of Russia, and that we've averted a nuclear war, in which we would have been already had Hillary won.
The sense of relief has just been flipped on its head.
It appears we're in the brink of nuclear war, and Russia is made out to be our enemy once again.
Explanations for this drastic turn of events range from this being part of Machiavelli tactics meant to, in fact, prevent a world war, with Russia being let in on the game, to Trump being hopelessly surrounded by deep state stooges who still hate him, despite all the newly found love they're professing for him, and whose goal it is to impeach and replace him with a bloodthirsty, war-hungry zealot, the likes of which we've never seen.
Either way, the military-industrial complex wins, and that is not why we elected Trump.
This movement of making America great again is bigger than Trump.
Trump is not our leader, he's our follower, and we must lead him in our dogged determination to ensure our children have a future.
So don't give up on Trump, thus allowing him to become just another casualty of the deep state.
After all, no one said taking America back is going to be easy.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.