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Name: 20170327_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 27, 2017
3222 lines.

In this monologue, Alex Jones discusses various topics including presidential politics, global governance, surveillance state, terrorism, immigration and healthcare. He critiques McCain's statement on America's involvement in international affairs and criticizes media portrayal of President Trump's briefing by Devin Nunes as a conflict of interest. Jones also covers recent terror attacks in London and Germany and promotes various products like Caveman by InfowarsLive.com, Alexa Pure Breathe, DefenderShield to block EMF radiation from cell phones, health sharing programs, tax relief, solar-powered generators, Big Berkey water filters, and special offers from InfoWars. David Knight discusses property taxes, education, immigration while emphasizing the importance of state- level legislation for taking back freedoms and touching upon AI's potential impact on society. The show also promotes Defender Body Armor for advanced body armor protection.

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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Iyot on this Monday, 27th of March, 2017.
So a lot of news today about what is happening within the cities and a developing civil war.
And as I've been talking about Uber a little bit yesterday and the revelations that we got over the weekend, it wasn't just simply that one accident in Tempe, Arizona.
What we learned was that these Uber cars cannot drive more than a mile.
It's like 0.8 miles, okay?
Three quarters of a mile before a human has to intervene.
So when they talk about the car not really being at fault, you know, you have the whole issue of defensive driving and that sort of thing.
But there's a much larger issue beyond just the fact of whether or not these cars can work.
And of course, they'll get the bugs ironed out of them eventually.
What my concern is, is that they're not really going to work, especially if they want to talk about autopilot.
That is never going to work unless they get all the human drivers off of the road.
Because only if these things are working in a little control grid where the central computer controls everything will it work.
And that's the problem.
The centralization of control of our transportation.
So we look at this story that's on the Drudge Report today.
Thousands of Americans are fleeing the big cities.
Understand that the bigger context of this whole self-driving issue is Agenda 21.
And it all, the motivation of people wanting to get out.
Of course, it's always a better lifestyle there.
This has always been something people have strived for.
We've had Thomas Jefferson talk about how big cities in his time were a threat to the health, the wealth, and the liberty of mankind.
And of course, it's no different now.
It does threaten your health and your money.
It's expensive to live there.
And it takes away your liberty to live there as well, to be packed like sardines.
But they want us packed like sardines.
So we look at these self-driving car companies, these robo-taxi companies, whether it's Uber, whether it's Lyft, the Lyft CEO did a very long blog post where he was talking about where this is all headed and of course the guy was an urban planner.
Urban planners don't like cars because cars can take you out of their domain.
They want to keep you confined in their cities.
And that's why the government picks those kinds of people to plan our cities.
They want to confine you into the cities.
That's the UN Agenda, Agenda 21.
They've renamed it, expanded it, given it a more specific date and called it the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainability.
That's now what UN Agenda 21 is operating under.
So now they're now pushing, they've got a more certain date that they're pushing for.
This has always been kind of fuzzy.
2020, 2025, 2030.
Now they're saying 2030, we're going to have it there.
So we see that happening, and at the same time we have this other article at Infowars.com.
British Special Forces are now going to be deploying to the streets of London permanently.
They're not going to get off of there.
And as they put on the subtitle here on our site, the police state continues to expand through a problem-reaction solution.
See, they created the problem.
They created the problem of mass migration, creating a civil war within our borders, and of course, that's the rest of the stories that we're looking at.
That's the whole ball of wax.
So we look at the globalism from the
And we see TPP, we see the Transatlantic Partnership as well as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
We understand that I think now because of Donald Trump.
He made that very clear to people, he shut that down.
But there's another struggle that is going on within our country.
It is a political struggle for power.
And it is a struggle of demographics that they have created.
And so when you look at what's happening here in London, this is a demographic problem that they created.
They brought in numbers that could not be assimilated, a massive number of people who did not want to be assimilated.
They wanted to remain separate.
They self-ghettoized in these areas.
And it's going to be the second generation.
The failure to repeal Obamacare.
What does that mean?
Where did that come from?
And where do we go next?
We'll also take your calls.
I want to get your opinions on it.
But in the next segment, we're going to have... Sorry, at the bottom of the hour, Alex Jones is going to be joining us with a report.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
YouTube, which of course is owned by Google, has introduced a new restricted mode for its platform, where basically if you select this restricted mode, you will be protected from offensive and upsetting content.
Guess which videos completely disappear when you look at the Alex Jones Channel, when you look at my channel?
All of them!
Every single video on YouTube's new restricted mode on my channel, on Alex Jones' channel, completely disappears when you select this option.
So obviously they're using this to target people who they don't like politically.
McClatchy came out with a big report last night confirming that the FBI is investigating RT, Breitbart, Sputnik, and Infowars for links with the Kremlin, basically arguing
On a completely baseless conspiracy theory that we're somehow coordinating with Putin's troll bot, aren't we, to spread information before the election to sink Hillary Clinton and to help Donald Trump.
This is of course all about fake news.
They want to create the pretext that we're fake news.
That we're discredited, that we can be censored on all these social media platforms.
How do they do that?
Well, they say we're spreading this fake news.
It's put out there deliberately to deceive people to make money.
Of course, that's a completely deaf different category.
There are individuals who do that.
We've never done that.
But the point is this, Stanford University came out with a major study a couple of months ago into fake news.
They found that it had
Absolutely no impact on the US presidential election.
The only people that manipulated public opinion, that manipulated news feeds, were Google, Facebook and Twitter.
The very thing they accuse us of doing.
But it's interesting to look back as to the source, the individual who originated this deluded, faceless conspiracy theory that we are somehow in control of the Putin trollbot army or we're coordinating with them.
It, of course, traces back to an individual by the name of Louise Mensch.
You've also claimed that President Putin had Andrew Breitbart murdered to pave the way for Steve Bannon, this was the man who founded the Breitbart website, to pave the way for Steve Bannon to play a key role in the Trump administration.
You then said that Mr. Bannon is behind bomb threats to Jewish community centers.
I mean, aren't you in danger of just peddling wild conspiracy theories?
That is the impeccable source of the claim that Infowars worked with Russian trollbot armies to swing the election for Donald Trump.
That's their impeccable source right there.
A woman who believes that Vladimir Putin personally ordered the assassination of Andrew Breitbart.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones!
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Monday, March 27, 2017, one of the stories at InfoWars today is David Daniel Greenfield says the Civil War is here.
Now, he's talking about a political civil war, but when I look at the news today, this is what we're truly seeing.
Of course, it's not just a political civil war.
Yes, things have heated up more than we've seen in our lifetime.
But there is a civil war that is being engineered by the open borders and the mass migration.
We can see this in the other articles.
One of them is on Drudge Report right now from Infowars.com.
Thousands of Americans are fleeing the big cities.
It's a massive exodus out of the cities.
Remember when everyone left the rural farms in the early 20th century and then went to the cities to find work, as we needed fewer people to operate the farms, and of course there were other issues that happened with agriculture, with the Dust Bowl and the Depression, that sort of thing.
But they moved to the cities.
Now they're starting to move away.
Well, I think they understand what is coming.
It's not just the fact that it's expensive, it's dirty, it's crowded, it takes away your freedom.
No, they're moving away because they're concerned about what is coming.
I think people intuitively understand this.
We've talked multiple times, I have, about the fourth turning by Strauss and Howe.
These are a couple of historians, demographers, they invented the term millennials.
They saw a cycle going back about 500 years, going through American and English history.
They saw a cycle about every 80 years, and they broke the 80-year cycle into four generations, and they see us at that fourth turning right now.
A point in time, about every 80 years, like we had with the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the New Deal, and now we see another major change coming.
That's one of the reasons why Bannon
Advisor to Donald Trump said we need to deconstruct this regulatory state.
And I was very surprised at the tactic that the Trump administration took by joining on with Paul Ryan, who does not want to deconstruct the regulatory state when it comes to Obamacare.
When we look at that, they were going to leave it in place and essentially rearrange the deck chairs on this, what we ought to call, titanic care.
Look, this whole government-run health care is headed for an iceberg.
And Donald Trump pointed that out after the thing failed.
He said, yeah, this is going to crash, it's going to be bad.
But the plan that was created by Paul Ryan was simply going to slow it down so that maybe that would happen on somebody else's watch rather than this current administration.
And meanwhile, they would rearrange the deck chairs, play musical chairs to see who's going to be in charge of this.
It needs to be shut down.
It needs to be stopped.
They need to reverse course.
It's not something that's easily done.
There's a lot of momentum in government.
But when we look at the different phases that they were talking about, understand that there was phase one, which is going to get rid of some of the things with the essential health benefits and some of these other things.
But they were still going to say, we're still going to define what essential health benefits are for you in Washington.
We're still going to define your health care for you.
Then they say, but in phase two, the Health and Human Services Secretary, HHS Secretary, Tom Price, is going to have some capability to make changes.
He's got a lot of things that he can do because he's got this regulatory power.
Why does he have that?
He shouldn't have that.
We shouldn't have a health czar.
Because if Tom Price can fix some of this stuff with the wave of his hand and his pen and his phone, then guess what?
We're going to have another dictator who's going to come along with a different administration, or even a different HHS guy within the Trump administration.
Who knows?
When you set up somebody with dictatorial powers like this, and this is a problem throughout the government, when we have this committee that's going to look, Jared Kushner is going to now look at
How to change Washington.
One of the things they need to look at is how do we get rid of this regulatory state that is running our country in Washington.
Congress isn't running the state.
That's why both Nancy Pelosi and Paul Ryan can say, well, we have to pass this bill and then we'll find out what's in it.
They weren't being cynical.
They weren't being stupid.
They were telling you, and Americans weren't listening, that they don't write the rules.
The regulatory agencies write the rules.
You can see that with the Dodd-Frank bill.
They created the Dodd-Frank bill, and they created this massive bureaucracy, regulatory agency, and then they're waiting for this thing to crank out the rules, and yeah, tens of thousands of regulations, tens of thousands of pages of regulations, these guys are going to be cranking out.
To control everything financially.
Well, they want to control everything with your health care as well.
And you wonder where that's headed?
That's headed the same place that we have health care and food and everything else in Venezuela.
So you want some Venezuelan health care?
You want a czar in charge of your health care?
Then keep this structure and just rearrange the deck chairs on it.
That's not good enough.
That's not good enough.
So we see signs from within the Trump administration with Bannon and with Jared Kushner that they want to make some major structural changes.
A key structural change that you have to make is to say that we're not going to allow the permanent, entrenched, unaccountable regulatory agencies to run our lives.
You see, once we turn this over to them and it becomes regulatory law,
Then an agency like the EPA can come in and say, well, we're going to say that if you haven't gotten a permit from us, even though you got a permit from the state and the local government, and you got an eight-acre ranch like this individual in Montana did, and he got permits from the state and local government, he built a pond on his property, and they came in and said, well, we didn't approve it.
We don't like what you did.
So we're going to assess fines against you of $37,000 a day.
And he says, well, first person would say, well, first of all, don't I get a trial?
No, you don't, because it's regulatory law.
With regulatory law, they say the prohibitions against, you know, having, making sure the government gives you a trial,
Lets you defend yourself in court.
Gives you the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
None of that stuff applies with regulatory laws.
So the EPA, the IRS, the Obamacare, HHS, all these people can come after you and do whatever they wish, and then you have to sue them in court once they steal your money.
And you don't have any prohibition against excessive fines.
Look at the FAA when they said we're going to register drones.
And by the way, if you don't register your drone,
And we find out about it, we're going to assess a $25,000 fine against you.
Do you think that's excessive?
I do.
But they say it's a civil violation, not a criminal violation.
So the Bill of Rights doesn't apply.
See how they play that fiction?
It's the same principle that's involved in civil asset forfeiture, where they can imply that they think that your car or your house or your property had something to do with drugs at some point in time.
Or maybe they have a dog that smells cocaine on your cash because
Virtually all cash, as we know from studies, virtually all cash has a smell of cocaine on it, for whatever reason.
Maybe we should ask the CIA why that's so.
They would know.
But, if they smell coke on your cash, they just take your cash.
They charge your cash with a crime and they take it.
And then you have to go to court and sue them, or they take your airplane, or they take your business, or your home, or your car.
And they say that property is guilty, we think, in some way.
And you have to prove that it isn't.
So you have to prove the negative.
You have to go without that property.
And then if you've got enough assets left to sue them in court, it's a very long, drawn-out process.
But they can just keep that without even charging you with a crime and call it civil asset forfeiture.
So when we look at Obamacare,
The greatest failure, in my mind, is the failure to understand that we have a dictatorial, socialist system involved here that is going to tell us it's going to run our lives out of Washington.
It's going to determine what's good and what's bad.
And, of course, you might agree with most of the stuff that Donald Trump's administration says is good, but you're not going to agree when the next Democrat comes in.
And, of course, the Democrats don't like what Donald Trump is going to do.
We've got to get back to a system where we have choices, where we have a marketplace.
The only way that we're going to drive costs down in health care is if we get the government out of mandating it.
The government cannot impose wage and price controls.
Didn't we learn that with Richard Nixon?
He was a Republican.
He was foolish enough to do that.
It was wrong.
Well, when the government tries to centrally plan the economy, it fails.
Look at the Soviet Union.
Look at Venezuela.
Look at Washington, D.C.
We have to stop trying to centrally plan the economy.
That's why it should have been repealed completely.
We don't want to depend.
Phase 2 was all about the HHS czar using his dictatorial powers out of Washington to fix it.
Do you see the problem?
If he was able to, quote-unquote, fix it,
Then it would become fixed in place.
It would become a fixture in Washington.
That's what we saw with the Department of Education.
Ronald Reagan was going to get rid of the Department of Education.
He failed to do that.
He made it bigger.
It became fixed in place.
It became a fixture.
Are we better served when it comes to education today?
No, we're not.
We pay more, we get less.
We get things like Common Core.
We get things like manipulation of tranny bathrooms now from Washington.
Why are we allowing this to happen?
And why are we going to war with the only people who really understood that we've got to repeal this entire dictatorial infrastructure?
And that's the House Freedom Caucus.
They stood strong and against that.
They're not the problem.
The Democrats are not the solution.
Turning to the Democrats for tax reform
I don't even know what to say about that.
That is so off the wall.
I don't know how in the world we're going to get tax reform from Democrats.
Taxes are their raison d'etre.
That's what they justify.
That's how they fund their expansive government, is with taxes.
We are not going to get tax reform from the Democrats.
So I want you to weigh in.
Tell me what you think about this.
And again, as I say, it wasn't so much a political failure as it was a failure to recognize what the root of the problem is.
The root of the problem is the fact that we're going to leave essential health benefits in and just tweak them.
That we're going to leave the power of the HHS Secretary and we're going to say that that's even going to be a way to fix it.
No, it's not.
Paul Ryan never wanted to get rid of Obamacare.
Paul Ryan was there as a backup plan with Mitt Romney in case Barack Obama didn't win, they were going to put in Romneycare.
They had already done Obamacare in Massachusetts with Ted Kennedy.
They wanted the government to run our health care.
They wanted the government to take over a fifth of the economy or whatever the, it's a large ratio, but they wanted that to happen.
Paul Ryan has opposed every reform and he's been very clever about it.
This is just his most recent way of opposing it.
And we have to get to the bottom of what the problem is.
The problem is not how much it costs.
We had a revolutionary war over a 3% tax on tea because they didn't like the structure.
We got rid of the TPP because we didn't like the structure.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
What do we do?
Because clearly, they're not getting the Pentagon involved, the CIA and the media, and saying we're Russian agents for nothing.
They've already tried to kill you twice.
They're moving against us.
So, what does Trump do?
These things have to be refuted one by one.
There is no evidence whatsoever of any Russian collusion to elect Donald Trump.
It's a fraud.
The whole media and the box and foreign governments were piled on against Trump, not the other way around.
This is so ridiculous.
I've known it's ridiculous with you.
Our phones have been tapped.
It's all come out in the news.
Total blackout on that other than Drudge.
We need to go after these damn people.
They're trying to destroy us when they're the ones on the Russian payroll!
I want them indicted now!
I want in front of the Senate now!
I want Armstrong here with boxing gloves on!
That son of a bitch!
To answer your question as to what the president must do, it's obvious.
He needs to go on offense.
Lay out the crimes of Bill and Hillary.
Start by telling Jeff Sessions to appoint a special prosecutor and let's go over those 650,000 emails that were found at the last minute.
He's got to attack!
Just like he lost the first debate and he said you gotta attack, he did.
He's gotta attack and attack now.
I've gotten zero money from the Russians.
What the?
God, they're like the Russians have the GDP of Italy.
They can't even run their own giant country.
There's this claim that you and I, I'm known, you for 40 plus years a patriot, right-wing nationalist.
There is a slow motion coup to take out Donald Trump.
And I, for one, have no intention of letting that happen.
They tried to kill you at Polonium.
They T-boned you last week.
They want to kill you before those hearings.
You need to go to the press club.
I'll send a crew.
You need to have a press conference demanding it happen.
We'll build it up for next week or whenever you want.
And just say, my God, you know, America, wake up to this and say before they kill me.
Because they're trying to kill you, no doubt, before you get up there.
And now that I've been put in the back,
I'm not stupid.
They know I'll destroy them in a real debate.
They want to be able to crucify dead men as strong men.
Roger, we're truly together in this in history, and you know, I'm honored.
We're defending America.
We've put a president in there with the American people that is trying to turn the country back on.
We've done a man's job already, brother, but we've got a lot further to go.
I can't think of anybody I'd rather be in the foxhole more with, uh, because I will fight to the very end.
We've got the globalists on the run, uh, and I'm not going down without a fight.
It's good to be here, buddy, with that machine gun with you.
We'll keep feeding those belts.
We're gonna win.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight on this Monday, March 27th, 2017.
Today we see the stock markets plunging.
We heard John McCain crowing over the weekend in Brussels about how much he loves the New World Order and the European Union and we need to have closer, tighter ties between the U.S.
and the European Union for the New World Order.
They're feeling very good because of what happened with health care, the failure to repeal.
And I think we need to not feed this by panicking about that.
And I would even say the same thing to the Republicans in Washington.
Look, Donald Trump didn't win every primary, right?
He didn't win every state in the election.
But you can still win overall, and we've got a lot of things coming up.
We can still regroup.
We can still, if they want to, repeal Obamacare.
And the sooner they do that, the better.
But Alex Jones is going to be talking about what's going on with the stock market.
Of course, we've been telling you a long time, this is a sucker rally.
He was looking for a pen so that they could pop it and take advantage of everybody who was suckered in in terms of optimism.
Everybody understood that Donald Trump was going to be better for business than any Democrat would have been.
So there was a lot of optimism.
They manipulated that optimism into another stock market bubble.
And now the first time something happens that they can say, look, it's not going to happen.
Then they use that pen to burst the bubble and take their profits.
That's what's really going on.
So don't lose heart.
We haven't lost the war.
We've simply lost a primary or a battle or whatever you want to call it.
Now, before we go back to the news, I want to read one of the reviews that we've got at Infowarslife.com.
We have a lot of reviews there.
If you want to know about our products,
Take a look at the reviews.
We've got thousands of reviews on these products, what people talk about, what they do for them, and the experiences they've had with it.
Here's one.
This is our review of the day here.
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It's the most alive I've felt in 20 years.
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The first week was a detox.
Had a few headaches, some cleansing issues, but since then, I've never missed a day without a dropper's worth.
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I've awakened many people in the past three years and I credit it to the fire, the spark I exude.
Largely in part to X2, Mineral Fusion, Secret 12, and most recently Caveman.
I feel the best I've felt in 20 years.
Thanks Alex, Dr. Group, God bless you all.
And if you want to take advantage of some of the specials that we've got, we have 30 to 40% off for a limited time.
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Select storable food at InfoWarsStore.com.
This is the last day to get that discount.
And as we look at storable food, you know, it's interesting to see how
Things come and go.
We saw this massive optimism.
It pumped into the stock market.
Everybody started buying stocks on Wall Street.
They stopped stocking up on food.
They stopped stocking up on guns because they said, oh great, we got somebody who supports the Second Amendment.
We don't have to worry about that anymore.
It's kind of interesting because we have this article at Infowars.com from Michael Schneider.
Thousands of Americans are fleeing the big cities.
It's on the Drudge Report.
Subtitle, why are so many people suddenly moving away from major U.S.
He said, recently I wrote about the mass exodus happening out of the state of California.
He said, many experts are completely mystified by the seismic demographic shifts that we're now witnessing.
Here's some examples, some data points here.
He says, counties containing Chicago, Detroit,
Baltimore were the biggest population losers in the U.S.
from 2015 to 2016 according to the Census Bureau.
Cook County, Illinois, where Chicago is the county seat, had the largest population loss of any county in the country from 2015 and 2016.
Cook County alone had a quote-unquote domestic immigration loss of more than 66,000 people.
I should say migration, not immigration.
But 66,000 people left Cook County, Chicago.
Now, as I pointed out before, I said Jefferson said big cities are a threat to the health, the wealth, and liberty of man, so people have always looked for a way to get out of cities.
That's why cars are so important to us, because they give us a chance to, if we have to work in the city, to live outside of the city, to escape that, to get into the suburbs.
We don't want to be in the herbs, okay?
You don't want to be in the urban areas.
But the urban planners want to keep us there.
That's why they're coming up with a complete control lockdown grid of our transportation system and turning you into someone who doesn't even own a car.
They want you to rent everything from a couple of companies.
And they want to track everything that you do.
They want to control everywhere that you go.
But he's also pointing out what else is behind this.
And this is what we've been talking about here at InfoWars for quite some time.
He said others, however, are moving away from large cities because they're deeply concerned about where things are ultimately headed in this country.
People like Doug Casey, who we've interviewed on InfoWars multiple times.
He has crisis investing.
He believes that we could soon see a civil war set off by a financial collapse.
Casey sees a coming crisis equal or worse than a civil war.
He says, in the U.S.
right now, there seems to be so much antagonism, it's almost like pre-civil war.
He thinks that a financial collapse will be the trigger.
It's going to come down eventually.
I'm worried about that, but we're in a situation where the country seems like it's just before a civil war.
And then we see story after story of the political civil war that is beginning.
That's why I said we understand where this is headed.
We are at a juncture, folks, and we better pay attention.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones is going to be right back.
He's going to talk about the drop in the stock market.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Battle of the tech elites as Elon Musk and Demis Hassabis and others clash over artificial intelligence.
Musk has been public about his concerns for AI for years, in 2014 stating, Now Musk, together with Sam Altman, has started a billion dollar non-profit called OpenAI to work for safer AI in the future.
It's no surprise that Hassabis and Ray Kurzweil would disagree.
Both are working on Google AI projects.
Hacibus project is called DeepMind and Kurzweil is collaborating on a project called Google Brain.
But Musk is taking a different approach with OpenAI, wanting the technology to be shared with the world rather than the algorithms be in the hands of a few elites in government and the tech industry.
Musk has also said he wants to be able to get to Mars in case AI destroys Earth.
Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg is having tea with his artificial intelligence butler.
The real fact of the matter is that AI is already here.
The question is, will it ever attain self-realization, and what would that mean for humans?
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones and this is an emergency transmission from the Central Texas News Center in Austin.
It's Monday, March 27th, 2017.
I'm Alex Jones with a breaking report for our viewers and listeners that affects every man, woman, and child on the planet.
The globalists have been admitting for the last three years they were planning in 2017-2018 to have a global downturn designed to bring in a world corporate government
Using the crisis to push a planetary Marshall Plan.
We've been hearing this for at least, I said three years, about four or five years from Davos.
Pushing that hundred trillion dollar plan every decade based on carbon taxes to quote restart the global economy and also taxes on electronics and machines and quote robots.
That's all being pitched as pro-human.
It's the opposite.
And I've been pointing out that nationalism all over the world and good movements inside our intelligence agencies have been pushing to try to actually have a prosperous, growing economy, not a post-industrial economy as the United Nations has called for in the Rio de Janeiro Compact of 1992 called, of course, Agenda 21.
Now we have Agenda 2030 that they've put out that's even more draconian.
Here comes Trump.
Here comes all the other movements saying, no, we're going to have a world built for people, built on prosperity, built on growth, if you want to work on it.
They have been in Bloomberg and in other financial papers for months, we've shown you this, trying to destroy the Trump rally.
Doing everything they can to say he's a loser, he's not going to deliver, nationalism is going to fail.
They've had hundreds of articles in the Financial Times of London, BBC, Wall Street Journal, New York Times saying,
That if they fail to block Trump and there's prosperity, that people will then get into prosperity and free market and not collectivism, not globalism, and they're dead.
You've seen those headlines everywhere.
Global government's in trouble.
It's collapsing.
And they say prosperity's the enemy.
And I pointed out, how arrogant is that to try something like that and then to think that they'll get away with it?
But again, they have the MSM openly trying to plunge the economy while they sit there
I don't
And quite frankly, I don't think Trump should have supported the Paul Ryan bill.
It was better than Obamacare.
It killed the death spiral.
It does not make you get healthcare.
That's a big plus.
But quite frankly, that's a first big strike against Trump.
I didn't like what he did.
Neither did Matt Drudge.
Neither did our own David Knight.
I mean, anybody that knew the legislation knew it was not a good idea.
It's better than the other.
Absolutely true.
Could have gotten changed in the Senate.
Could have gotten made better.
I see what the President's doing.
Trying to get stuff done.
That's better, at least.
About 80% better.
The problem is they're now driving that as a failure and saying he's dead duck, he's lame duck.
Never before has a president done what he's done in just the first 50 days.
Do I have to list all the numbers in the stock market?
3 trillion, 300 billion in ounces, small job incentives, the best small job numbers since the peak of the 1984 Reagan recovery.
Should I keep listing everything else?
Defeating political correctness, starting to secure our borders.
Everything the globalists hate.
That's why they're so angry.
But now, the Trump stock market rally is under siege.
That's the big headline.
The stock market's plunging today.
And they're saying it's Trump's fault and openly trying to kill confidence.
Under Obama, we had a horrible economy.
Everything he did was pure gold, though.
He was the reason the sun was shining, that birds were singing.
But then Trump over-delivers his first 60-something days, and they are piling on that it's all over, trying to kill confidence in the economy that's been coming from small business startups and people buying, going out shopping and things like that to get the economy moving.
So, if they're able to kill this recovery, and they're trying to kill it in Europe, what did they tell Brexit?
They told Nizel Farage and others, you try to leave the unelected EU, you don't let us make all your laws and run you, we'll economically devastate you.
And they've been trying to, but that only made the British madder because they're saying you're trying to hurt our economy because of our vote.
Here they're not even as honest.
They admit they want to plunge the economy, but don't openly threaten it.
So, remember who's doing this.
Obama did Obamacare.
The globalists are the ones trying to plunge the economy, and they're starting to have some success right now.
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
The stock market rally is under siege, ladies and gentlemen, and it goes through the whole thing.
Wall Street no longer believes President Trump's agenda is a slam dunk.
You see?
Man, that's treacherous.
Man, that's crazy.
The Dow slumped more than 125 points Monday morning as Trump's stunning failure, stunning failure to repeal and replace Obamacare has spooked investors.
Stunning defeat when they can just keep trying and men are going to succeed.
If the losses hold and the Dow ends down, it could be an eight straight down day.
That hasn't happened since 2011.
The market retreat is a reflection of rising fears on Wall Street.
Let me go back over here and break this down for you.
Ladies and gentlemen, they're saying he didn't travel the country and promote his repeal.
He didn't blah blah blah.
Obama pushed a bunch of lies, how it was free and how it was a great deal, and traveled the country for almost three years to pass it.
But that didn't mean it was a good bill.
The Republicans tried to block him from actually repealing it.
Because they wanted to just bitch the last seven years but not actually block it.
And so he actually is rampaging forward to do exactly what we ask, and they call that failure?
He's like a football team that just put 70-something points on the board, the other team zero.
They get a field goal, and we're hearing how the team at 70-plus points ahead are losers.
That's the level of the mind control.
Just like they said Trump was under surveillance, then they said he never was, and Trump was crazy.
Again, they're acting like you have no memory.
Let's continue.
So look at this.
Wall Street no longer believes Trump agenda is a slam dunk and so there they are trying to demonize your economy.
What I mentioned earlier, a new article out today.
EU Observer.
McCain, world cries out for US and EU leadership.
He means the corporate elites that have dominated and taken control of our governments and are picking winners and losers.
He goes on to say the world cries out for America and European leadership throughout the EU and NATO.
Senator John McCain said, in a new world order, that's a quote, thought that didn't exist, world government, in a new world order, under an enormous strain and in a titanic struggle with forces of radicalism, he helped fund Al Qaeda, we stand by and lament
What we've got to be involved, said McCain, a Republican presidential candidate.
America is involved.
It's just not selling us out to the IMF, the World Bank, the TPP, you name it.
He goes on to say he trusts the EU and they've got to weigh in and help get America back online.
Just like the Communist president was at Davos two months ago and said he'd help get Trump and America in line.
Absolutely outrageous.
Bill Gates versus the robots.
That's out of the Wall Street Journal.
It's Bill Gates pushing
Robots and automation.
But his answer is a global compact to tax robots to pay it into governments.
So I love that.
Governments will be funded and the elites will be funded as the socialist France and the communist China and everybody else converts to it.
So the elites will make money off the robots that are taking our jobs.
Isn't that just special?
And then there'll be a government total obsession with having more and more robotics because they get funding from it.
That's all then sold as an anti-robotics agenda.
I'm not against robotics.
I'm against how it's all being set up to displace humans by design in their own words.
Nunes briefs president on matters unrelated to Russian probe.
Let's talk about that.
Congressman Nunes, I called a hero last week for simply telling the truth that of course there's surveillance of the incoming president, under law there is, when they talk to foreign leaders.
That's on the books!
But the media claimed that hoax, that no one had ever spied on Trump and he was insane.
So Nunes will now be punished because he said the sky was blue.
And now they're acting like, oh, could he be trusted in the Russian probe?
Because, you know, he's a Trump supporter and met with the president.
So now it's dirty for the House Intelligence Committee chairman to meet with the president.
Something that's totally normal.
But they think you're politically illiterate.
They believe you have the political education of a two-year-old.
They believe you have the attention span of a goldfish.
Remember Gruber said, thank God you're so dumb.
Thank God you have no attention span.
And they just rain down these lies and these frauds trying to kill an Americana restoration.
People ask why I'm a cheerleader for Trump.
He's not perfect, but he really wants to restore the country.
He really is America first.
He really is trying to rebuild our nation, have a sovereign country.
He really does want prosperity and he's got the entire
We're good to go.
I'm crazy.
I think your TV's watching you.
Oh, I'm crazy.
I think Trump's gonna win.
Oh, I'm crazy.
The polls are fake.
Oh, I'm crazy.
There's cancer viruses in the vaccines.
Oh, I'm crazy.
Oh, I'm crazy.
Oh, I'm not crazy.
I'm actually informed.
And then people misrepresent what I say and what I promote, but I'm telling the truth.
And when I'm wrong, I admit it.
Like when I said 15 years ago that people were crazy, you know, like David Horowitz that said the left was going to merge with Islam and flood the West and enforce Sharia law and make us give up our rights to be compatible with them.
It's all official now.
So when I'm wrong, I'll tell you, but let me tell you, it's pretty damn rare.
Report British Special Forces deploying to London streets permanently after terror attack.
That's out of the sun on InfoWars.com.
Oh, so the government lets in millions of Islamists, most of them military-age men.
They start attacking.
Turns out this guy did get his orders from ISIS.
Running over people with a car, stabbing them.
But that's okay.
It's not related to Islam.
But let's put tramps on the street and have a police state.
So leave your border open.
Leave the tunnel open.
Let folks flood in.
But then, take everybody else's rights.
Video, Syrian refugees in Germany start street battles.
This is just today.
Look at this arrogant, totally entitled person.
Just incredible.
Sweden's feminist leader, that means anti-human, says foreign rapists should not be deported because white Swedes are not deported as well.
That's universal global citizenship, where the globalists collapse the third world, bring in incompatible groups, and then say you have no right to have them adopt anything in your culture, and then what is it, something like 70% of the Islamist invaders into Europe the last decade are on welfare and never get a job?
It's higher in Germany.
It's above 80%.
Search engine it for yourself.
And the UN admits it's to end Western culture.
Now you think about that, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the left pushing a global racist cosmology, knowing the world's only 7% white.
Probably even a lower percent.
A lot of people identify as white who you'd argue aren't.
I want everybody to be into liberty and freedom and ideas regardless of what color.
That's what unifies us.
But the left doesn't want that.
The social engineers don't want that.
The big cold-blooded corporations can look at populations they want to control and dumb down and lower their wages and they just play us off via race and religion because that's an easy way to control us and the public's dumb and goes along with it.
It really is incredible how a lot of people don't want real freedom or real prosperity.
They just want to feel like they're in a group and feel like they're successful instead of actually standing for what's real.
But here's the bottom line.
They're plunging the stock market today as they promised to do to defeat our nationalist movement because if they can discredit nationalism and free market as the real engine of prosperity, they can sell collectivism and the nightmare that is command and control.
Absolutely right.
And as Alex Jones was talking about command and control, when we look at that, nothing says that more clearly than the command and control that's being established with our transportation.
Understand that's the first thing that a military force does, is make sure they've got lines of communication, lines of transportation, that they have supply lines set up.
That's one of the reasons why Adolf Hitler created the interstate system.
It's one of the reasons why Eisenhower created the interstate system.
He had, before the war,
He's written a piece on how difficult it was to take a bunch of military, a convoy, a military convoy up the East Coast.
He says, nearly impossible.
When they saw what the Germans had done, they built the interstate system.
Well, they're building a different system now.
This system is not designed, that they're building now, is not designed to make things expedient for you.
It's designed to make things expedient for the government.
In terms
We can see that happening.
We'll talk about that in a moment.
Again, this story that's up on InfoWars today and on Drudge Report.
Thousands of Americans are fleeing the big cities.
Another Greenfield says the Civil War is here.
The Civil War is very different, he says, from this last one.
There are no cannons, no cavalry charges.
Well, not yet anyway.
The left doesn't want to secede.
It wants to rule.
Well, here's the deal.
And this reflects back to why we want to see Obamacare repealed.
The very structures of an HHS czar repealed.
Not tweaked.
Not moderately modified.
Repeal that structure.
You can't have a market-based system if you've got somebody in HHS that is going to be able to dictate these things to you with a regulatory environment.
And that's only one part of the regulatory
We're good to go.
Well, if we want our life and liberty protected, we need to get rid of this health czar.
We need to get rid of Obamacare, the structures of Obamacare, the assumptions of Obamacare, the mandates, the taxes of Obamacare.
As I've said before, you replace the coercion with choice.
You replace the mandates with markets.
We can do this if we have information and power as consumers.
It's not anything to brag about that we've added 20 some odd million people to Obamacare insurance.
That's nothing to brag about when you look at what has happened to the cost of people who are actually footing the bill.
To the people who are paying for their insurance, who wanted insurance, who were able to choose a level of insurance that they could afford,
No, that's changed now.
Now everybody's got insurance that they can't afford that's being shoved down their throat because we have this command and control structure coming out of Washington.
That is what has to change.
It isn't the details.
It isn't going to fix things to say, all right, now we're not going to mandate that single men get maternity care and have to pay for mammograms and so forth.
That isn't going to fix it.
What has to be changed is the fact that they have assumed unconstitutionally, regardless of what Justice Roberts did, they have assumed unconstitutionally that they can force you to buy the product of a private company.
And that they can dictate the terms of things from a HHS czar in Washington.
That has to change.
So when we look at this and we say, you know, government is created to protect life and liberty.
And they said in the Declaration of Independence that when it destroys your life and liberty, like Obamacare, it is the right and the duty of the people to alter or abolish Obamacare.
Or the government, if they won't do that.
Because that's what we fought a revolution over.
It was over a 3% tax on tea.
Not because the tax on tea was such a high level that it was too onerous.
But because we didn't have any say-so in how it was imposed.
That's why we fought 1776.
That's why Obamacare needs to be repealed.
Because it threatens our life and our liberty.
And we will not allow that to stand.
And so the Civil War that is coming,
It's going to be economically based.
It is going to be demographically based.
And it is starting now politically.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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More fallout from the London ISIS terror attack, as it is being reported on again that ISIS is using YouTube as a platform to put out violent recruitment videos as propaganda to further their religious caliphate.
It is said that the London terrorist thug was using WhatsApp to send his final messages, but Scotland Yard and other investigative authorities cannot access these messages because WhatsApp itself says it cannot retrieve them.
This again creates the battle between media platforms, consumers' protected privacy, and governments' access into such databases.
But what really needs to be asked, how does YouTube allow ISIS to operate on its platform when some InfoWars videos have been removed for content?
You're telling me no one from the FBI or nothing from the CIA Vault 7 technologies can be used to track down whoever is posting these terrorist recruitment videos?
It seems to me that we not only have a terrorist problem,
We have a priority problem enabling these terrorists to operate online where conservative media is targeted before Islamic terrorist hate speech.
This is Owen Schroer for the more scrutinized by YouTube than ISIS, InfoWars.com
If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse.
Minor words and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
It's a fight for our minds.
And InfoWars.com is on the front lines.
Download our free multimedia app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
It's free, it's on Droid, it's on Apple, you name it.
InfoWars.com forward slash app.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Monday, March 27, 2017, I was just talking about secession.
The article that we have on Infowars.com, Civil War is here, and they talk a lot about secession, about California secession, that sort of thing.
Look, Nigel Farage is working with people in California, I think.
Secession is not war.
We've been taught that in our schools because we've been given a distorted version of history.
Secession does not have to equal war.
We've had situations in Scandinavian countries where Norway and Sweden went peacefully their way.
They went their separate ways, they joined, they went apart.
Same thing with Copenhagen, part of that, they went their separate ways peacefully.
You can split up peacefully.
We had the Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, peacefully.
They didn't have a war.
You don't have to have a war.
It's only if you get caught up in flags and empires that you have to have a war to maintain your pride of possession.
So, secession can be a pressure relief valve.
And quite frankly,
There is such a difference now between California and the rest of the country.
I would like to see California, parts of California, secede and go their own way.
Maybe they can join Mexico or Canada or whatever or just be their own independent country.
And other parts, if they choose to remain with the United States, allow them to remain.
That was the situation at the time of the Civil War.
When Virginia seceded, West Virginia said, no, we want to stay.
That was what really has been going on with
Crimea, when Ukraine said, we want to go our separate way, and Crimea said, well, we don't want to go with Crimea, we want to stay in Russia.
And now they've got a war.
It doesn't have to be that way.
It can be a pressure relief valve.
And now we've got this story that Kit Daniels gave me.
He's going to comment on this as well.
From the Atlantic, rewriting the rules of presidential succession.
They keep putting this out there that Americans now have to face at least the possibility, a tangible one, that the election itself was subverted by a hostile foreign power league with winning presidential campaign with implications all the way down the ballot.
What do we do if this proves to be the case?
I've been asked this question a lot, he says.
So we've been working on this continuity of government commission with Tom Mann, and his name is Norm Ornstein.
He's been working with Tom Mann, working on presidential secession.
See, that's what is really dangerous.
The fact that these people are going to try to subvert our government.
Just let them go their own way.
Do their own thing.
They have a completely different way of looking at things.
When we look at what happened over the weekend with Reince Priebus, he goes on with
Chris Wallace on Fox News.
Chris Wallace is selling the Russians did it stuff subtly now.
He says Pribis pulls up the article, the New York Times article that says, look, the Trump team was wiretapped.
And I thought it was absolutely amazing that Chris Wallace would push back and defend this whole Russians did it narrative and say, but, but, but it's, it's, it's, it's about, it didn't say anything about Trump Tower.
And he said, well, of course there's, it doesn't have to say anything about Trump Tower.
They're looking at them everywhere.
They're looking at the Trump transition team.
It says whether they were inadvertently swept up or whether the names were unmasked.
Chris, you don't know the full answer to that question.
I don't either, said Priebus.
But if people in the Trump transition were unknowingly surveilled, illegally unmasked on documents, which is what is being alleged out there, not even really being alleged, we know that's the case, I think it's a big problem.
I think ultimately President Trump is going to be proven correct.
This wasn't right.
You've got him going on fighting with Chris Wallace over the reality.
See, facts don't matter.
And I thought it was very interesting that this back and forth between Ted Koppel and Sean Hannity.
And Sean Hannity is saying to Ted Koppel, it was a 45 minute interview, they chopped this thing up into a two minute thing to do a hatchet job on Sean Hannity, which is why Alex Jones refuses to do these interviews because he says they're going to chop this stuff up, which they did.
And Sean Hannity was saying, hey, we've got to give some credit to the American people.
They can distinguish between an opinion show and a news show.
So we're going to play that clip for you in the next segment.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
As I was just talking about in the last segment, this weekend we had Reince Priebus go on Fox News with Chris Wallace, and he holds up the headline from the New York Times, the paper of record, the people for whom we need to bow down and worship their authority because everything they say is true.
And he holds up the paper that we have shown over and over again.
We've had it on the back wall here over and over again.
New York Times, January 20th, 2017.
At the top, wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides.
But we're not supposed to believe that that really happened.
That's a conspiracy theory.
See, Trump learned about that not from the New York Times, not from the paper of record.
He learned about that from the crazy alt-right media.
Well, you know, the simple fact of the matter is they're listening to everybody about everything.
But when they admit it, when their own papers admit it, when their own mockingbird press admits it, we're not allowed to talk about that.
And we even have Fox News anchors pushing back on that.
But it didn't say anything about Trump Towers.
It's like, what are you talking about?
If they're going to listen to you, if they're going to wiretap your data, okay, we live in a wireless world, so it doesn't matter where your physical location is.
They're going to get that information.
We live in a warrantless world.
And when we had Watergate, did they put out, did they get a search warrant to go into the Democrat campaign committee?
No, they didn't do that.
Did they cover it up?
Yeah, they did.
They did.
Has anything changed?
No, it hasn't.
As a matter of fact, we knew back in the 70s.
We knew at the Church and Pike Committee hearings they pulled that up and they said, hey, the CIA is spying on Americans.
That's not part of their brief.
The NSA is spying on Americans.
Oh, by the way, where is your charter?
You were created by executive order by President Truman.
Where's your executive order?
Oh, we're not going to show that to you, Congressman.
You're not allowed to see that.
You don't have clearance to see that.
That's the dark state.
That's the CIA, NSA surveillance state, along with the bureaucracy, which is going to tell you
Everything that you have to do in your life, and it's going to say that whenever they come after you, whether it's the fines or penalties, you don't have a presumption of innocence, you don't have a trial, and whatever they give you, there's no protection against excessive fines either.
Because the Constitution doesn't apply.
This is an elected bureaucracy.
So the Constitution would only apply if we were doing this legally, and since we don't really have a constitutional government anymore, the bureaucracy can do whatever they wish.
Because the Constitution doesn't apply.
We're in regulatory land now.
And so, in extension to this, I've got a video I want to play you.
This hatchet job that ABC, or actually CBS, Ted Koppel, who retired like 10-12 years ago, Ted Koppel gets Sean Hannity on and they're arguing about the nature of news today.
And Sean Hannity says, well I think we've got to give credit to the American people.
They are intelligent enough to know the difference between an opinion show and a news show.
I think you're capable enough.
We give you
The basic facts of what's happened, the events that have happened today, and we analyze it.
And that's what Sean Hannity and many people do in the media.
That's what Rush Limbaugh does.
A lot of people do that.
But now they say, oh, we don't want you to analyze this.
What they don't want is for you to understand what's going on.
And they don't want certain things covered.
Just like they didn't want to cover the entire 45 minutes that Sean Hannity had with Ted Koppel.
Here's what Ted Koppel said.
He said, you have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.
What Ted Koppel is trying to sell people is the same lie that the mainstream media has been telling us for a very long time.
That they are disinterested?
That they are neutral?
That they are objective?
They have no dog in this fight?
Do you believe that anymore?
Do you believe that?
Do you believe that there is any such thing as objective news?
There isn't any such thing as objective news.
Look, even when you just simply report the bare-bone event facts, without any comment, without any analysis, you just put the basic facts down there, what you choose to report shows your bias.
So the mainstream media, for the longest time, would not even report or go near certain topics.
You can see that whenever we have the presidential elections.
Does anybody ever talk about the Federal Reserve?
Of course not!
That is off limits!
You can't talk about the Federal Reserve.
You can't talk about that kind of stuff.
No, that's not a topic.
So even when they limit themselves just talking about the events, the events that they choose show their bias.
But they go beyond that.
I want to talk about that.
Still didn't get that clip.
We're going to play that clip.
But when we come back, we've got a clip for you from the guy who used to do the sex pistols.
And we've also got a report that Watson did predicting.
More fallout from the London ISIS terror attack as it is being reported on again that ISIS is using YouTube as a platform to put out violent recruitment videos as propaganda to further their religious caliphate.
It is said that the London terrorist thug was using WhatsApp to send his final messages.
We're good.
When some InfoWars videos have been removed for content.
You're telling me no one from the FBI or nothing from the CIA Vault 7 technologies can be used to track down whoever is posting these terrorist recruitment videos?
It seems to me that we not only have a terrorist problem, we have a priority problem enabling these terrorists to operate online where conservative media is targeted before Islamic terrorist hate speech.
This is Owen Schroer for the more scrutinized by YouTube than ISIS InfoWars.com
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Nyhan and we've got a...
A couple of reports I want to play back-to-back.
First, we've got a comment.
Of course, you can see the article in the Drudge Report.
Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols, the punk rock scene, is now talking about his political views.
And this is something that Paul Joseph Watson did a report on about a month and a half ago, anticipating where this is going.
You know, the Sex Pistols and punk rock, it's never my cup of tea.
But it's an interesting cultural perspective that we've got going on here.
So we're going to play this report.
We're going to have Johnny Rotten here, and then we're going to play Paul Watson's report from a month and a half ago, where he was talking about exactly where this is going.
Here are those two reports.
And where do I stand on Brexit?
Well, here it goes.
The working class have spoke.
And I'm one of them, and I'm with them.
And there it is.
When you hear someone like Alistair Campbell spelling out what he thinks could be the real downside... Oh, I gave up listening to him a long time ago.
But you're a US citizen now, aren't you?
See, you've got Trump as your leader.
The Donald.
Well, he's a complicated fella.
And as one journalist once said to me, is he the political sex pistol?
Well, in a way.
In a way, but what I dislike is that the left-wing media in America are trying to smear the bloke as a racist, and that's completely not true.
I don't have any problems with him as a human being, but he's not that.
And there just might be a chance that something good will come out of that situation.
Because he terrifies politicians.
And this is joy to behold.
I mean, that very much is the Sex Pistols thing.
He is the absolutely archetypal anti-establishment character in politics.
So dare I say, a possible friend.
Having lost the political argument, leftists are desperately clinging to this idea that they have the monopoly on cool and that no countercultural movement could ever be created by the right.
In fact, I've never seen so many members of the lefty Twitterati so triggered as when I tweeted, conservatism is the new counterculture.
So I tweeted it again, and again, and again, and again.
I'm triggered.
Seriously, I know the word triggered gets overused now, but this was a deluge of butthurt.
What are they so afraid of?
Well, as Breitbart said, politics is downstream from culture.
Most young people who aren't paying attention to the news get their opinions from celebrities.
Hollywood and the entertainment industry viciously polices the boundaries of accepted opinion so that anyone who strays from the leftist orthodoxy is ostracized and excommunicated.
They're all for diversity until it comes to diversity of thought.
And that's why celebrities are so f***ing boring.
None of them dare express an original opinion.
Because if they did, they'd be hounded out of a career by their intolerant peers.
I mean, look at Eminem.
He used to be happy to offend absolutely everyone.
Christians, lesbians, feminists, the gay lobby.
Now he's calling Donald Trump a bitch.
Oh, how...
How daring!
That's so controversial.
I mean, it's not like every other virtue-signalling twat in Hollywood and the music industry is doing exactly the same thing, is it?
But the left is starting to lose their omnipotent control of counterculture.
Well, counterculture used to be intrinsically leftist because the right had political power.
It was a natural counterbalance.
But up until very recently, the right had been getting its ass kicked in the culture war for decades.
So now we have a whole new generation emerging who have no memory whatsoever of the right being in political power or having any dominance in the culture war.
All they've experienced is the left's total domination of the culture war
And their intellectual intolerance of anyone who goes against the grain.
So for teenagers and 20-somethings, all they've ever known is having dominant culture fed to them by the left.
So it comes down to this.
You can't be the dominant culture and the counterculture.
That's why conservatism, or a particular brand of it, is becoming the new counterculture.
It's a natural progression.
And you can see this new phenomenon beginning to emerge when you look at Generation Z. Teenagers born after the year 2000 are the most conservative generation since World War II.
14% of 14 and 15 year olds said they had a conservative outlook.
Compared to 2% of Millennials and just 1% of Gen Xers.
That's a huge difference and it's only going to grow.
We're redpilling Generation Z. The tsunami of positive messages I get from teenagers every single day telling me about how it was my videos that turned them from being a social justice warrior, a Black Lives Matter supporter, to becoming a Conservative is staggering.
They're sick to the back teeth of being forced to sit in classes about
Gender studies or colonialism and browbeating about their original sin of being male, being white, or being a westerner.
Young people are rebelling against this stifling safe space, trigger warning, PC attitude in droves.
Conservatism is the new counterculture.
Because progressives are the new Puritans.
They're completely joyless and authoritarian.
In the 1970s, the Christian right protested to try and shut down Sex Pistols concerts.
They called on radio stations, venues and TV networks to no-platform the pistols because they found them offensive.
No, no.
What was the rude word?
In 2017, it's the politically correct obsessed left that campaigns and riots to no-platform and shut down conservatives for being offensive.
The right-wing temper tantrum over the sex pistols back in the
The 70s only made the pistols more taboo, more avant-garde, and therefore more counterculture.
And we're seeing the same effect now, only in reverse.
What happened after the Berkeley riots?
Milo's book sales surged by over 12,000%, with the book having already skyrocketed to number one on Amazon, because the left had a temper tantrum.
Your joyless, censorious, puritanical persecution of Milo is exactly what's turned him into a complete rock star.
After his Twitter ban, Milo became more counterculture than ever before.
Because Silicon Valley doesn't represent the counterculture.
It's been in place so long now that it's the new establishment.
Conservatism is the new punk rock.
And you've only got yourselves to blame?
You complete idiots!
And obviously I don't mean conservatism like Mitch McConnell conservatism.
I'm not talking about old establishment Republicans.
If you prefer, you can think of it as cultural libertarianism.
But whatever you want to call it, this is the new counterculture.
Everything that the left had has gone completely stagnant.
This is the only counter-cultural movement that's definable, that's going anywhere, that resonates with anyone.
And that's why the regressive left is terrified.
Oh yeah, and don't come at me with a bunch of obscure movements within music or popular culture to try and debunk me.
Barely anyone has ever heard of those movements.
We're the ones who are resonating.
The other thing is, I don't know what it is about this profile image, but it triggers the holy hell out of leftists.
I was actually gonna change it for 2017, but after I saw how much they can't stand it, I'm keeping it forever.
I also made it more triggering by adding Trump and an executive order that says conservatism is the new counterculture.
Your avatar versus what you really look like.
Yeah, Superman versus Clark Kent.
Oh yeah, and you look like this when your dog is more attractive than you.
Probably wise to stop throwing stones from within that glass house.
You want to talk about fake news?
The state of your profile pic compared to what you actually look like?
Oh, so you really want to turn this into a beauty contest?
So we've got the likes of Milo, Crowder, Lauren, Marion, Tomy, and yours truly.
Who've you got?
Michael Moore?
Lena Dunham?
Amy Schumer?
Cenk Uygur?
Yeah, good luck with that.
Studies show that conservatives are more attractive.
And that's another reason why we're taking over the counterculture.
Because no matter how much you try and make it that way, being fat and ugly isn't cool.
Studies also show that 92% of left-wing activists live with their parents and 90%
In other words, leftists are statistically far more likely to be complete losers who spend all day masturbating alone in their mom's basement.
And that's not cool either.
So when Generation Z sees smart, attractive, rebellious, daring, successful people pissing off the Puritans, pissing off the authoritarians at school who lecture them all day about what they can and can't say and how they should behave, obviously, they're naturally going to be drawn to us.
That's why we're resonating so much with young people.
That's why conservatism is the new punk rock.
Conservatism is the new counterculture.
Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong,
The effort to get vulgar, to try to make things work for you, because that's what comics have resorted to, just using shock value.
Certain words that they can throw out, there's triggers.
The other thing is political correctness.
He said those two things are destroying comedy.
It's destroying our society as well.
When I look at that, it occurred to me that the liberals have become the conservatives, haven't they?
As Paul Watson was saying, they have controlled the narrative for a long time.
The younger generation has seen the liberals in control.
Especially in the school systems where they go.
Whether it's K-12 or especially college.
They're in control.
They have arbitrary censorship.
They have political correctness.
They're defending their established order.
In other words, the left
Are the conservatives.
Because if conservatism is defined, it's why I don't define myself as a conservative, it's maintaining the status quo no matter what.
The conservatives will fight tooth and nail to keep the minimum wage from being raised from $7.50 to $9.50 or whatever, but they will never work to get rid of it on principle because they don't want to change the status quo.
They're just as entrenched.
But now the left are the people who are truly entrenched and censored.
All right, Roger, and of course, I want to get your reaction to this news that has come out from Devin Nunes, saying that he's now learned from his own personal investigation while reviewing intelligence reports himself.
And of course, he is chair of the House Intelligence Committee.
So he's looking through intelligence reports and he sees that there was information collected about the Trump transition team.
He says it looks like it was done incidentally and legally, but he says I'm actually alarmed by it.
He should be.
And at the same time we have this other report at Infowars.com.
The Department of Justice had found falsely planted malware at Trump Tower that was designed to mimic ties to Russia.
So we see that, yes, in fact, as we reported earlier in the week, we had this Project Dragnet and other things that showed that we had addresses of Donald Trump's quite some time ago.
Many of his employees were being surveilled.
We now know that they have collected this based on the House Intelligence Committee chairman, and we also see that they put software on to frame Donald Trump and other people to make it look as though they're talking to the Russians.
Your comments on this?
Uh, busted.
I mean, for the last two weeks, the heads of the various agencies in the deep state have vehemently denied that there was any surveillance of Trump Tower.
I have repeatedly urged the president not to back off.
Meanwhile, his weak-kneed advisor Sean Spicer and ranks previous have been trying to convince him to walk it back, just apologize to Obama wrong.
Thanks to InfoWars, we now know that surveillance of Donald Trump started much earlier than we thought.
They began having his phone calls in New York and Florida monitored under the Bush administration, and that continued into the Obama administration.
Now Chairman Nunes has learned that they weren't spying on candidate for President Trump, they were spying on President Trump.
Because they were spying on the transition offices.
I know for myself, David, that based on a New York Times story of January 20th, 1917, that the FBI was wiretapping me, was monitoring my phone calls, which means they were listening to my phone calls with candidate Donald Trump.
You know, Roger, I put up a report again because it was, I think, three years old.
I put it up on my YouTube channel because
Michael Hayden, former director of the NSA and the CIA, went to Washington and Lee University and he was talking to the law students there and he said, we don't listen to bad people, we listen to interesting people.
Who would be more interesting than the president-elect?
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this March 27th, 2017.
I want to get back to this clip with Ted Koppel and Sean Hay.
I've been talking about it so much time, but actually there's another article I want to talk about before that, about what's happening in Central Florida.
The small college, Rollins College, kind of touches on what we just heard in that last segment about the arbitrary, high-handed censorship.
We're good to go.
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All right, let's go back to the news here real quickly.
This story, talking about how the...
Liberals have taken over the university.
How they have created this high-handed censorship and political correctness that is so disgusting.
Even children don't like this.
And they've grown up underneath it.
And so they're rebelling against it.
And when we look at this, we understand that it is really, I think, the liberals who become the conservatives.
They are going to dictate the terms to you.
They are going to set up, and they have set up, this regime.
And they're going to fight intensely against anybody who tries to change anything.
So it's kind of a natural.
That youth would rebel against this.
This is what creates that pendulum swing, that cycle that we talk about with the fourth turning, the cycle of seasons and generations and so forth.
But let me tell you the specifics of this case.
You're not going to believe this.
This is a small college, Rollins College, that's in central Florida, close to Orlando, where there was recently the shooting.
This is a Christian conservative student who challenged a liberal Muslim professor.
A radicalized Muslim student also was part of this who, when they were talking about Sharia law, said, well I think for homosexuals and others, basically they need to have gays, adulterers, and thieves.
We need to remove certain body parts under Sharia law.
This guy complained about this to the professor.
He wrote his essay.
She failed him and then she went to the administration
And complained about him.
And shut down the course.
Not gonna even have the course here because this guy... And then even went to file a complaint with the police.
I mean this is absolutely amazing.
That's how sensitive she is to this.
Saying this is a hate speech to question my authority.
To question what I say about this.
And of course what she was saying...
That he questioned was the fact that the crucifixion of Jesus was a hoax.
And he says, well, you may believe that, but we believe otherwise, and for you to present that as established fact is not legitimate.
So because of that, she says, well, I'm going to fail you, I'm going to shut down the course, I'm going to file a police complaint against you.
Because we can't have that.
That's the way they react, because they cannot stand anybody to question them.
And we're going to come back, and I really am going to get to this back and forth between Ted Koppel and Sean Hannity, because Ted Koppel is another example of somebody who can't stand someone challenging him on the facts.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
John McAfee, the guy who made a fortune producing anti-hacking software.
What does he think about Vault 7 and what the CIA has done?
Thank you for joining us, John McAfee.
Here's the horror of Vault 17.
The horror is they kept these exploits from the very industries that
Microsoft, Google, Apple, all of our software industries.
And even if they didn't create them when they discovered that other hackers had created them?
Do you know what they did?
Not a thing!
That's right.
That's right.
Do you realize that costs Americans billions of dollars and put us at risk?
At serious risk.
It's unconscionable.
It's like keeping a boatload of penicillin out of the hands of sick people.
Because you're afraid that the enemy may get their hands on it.
When the San Bernardino happened, the shooting, the FBI went to Apple and demanded that Apple
Give them a master key to all iPhones, meaning that they can unlock any box.
They didn't need a master key.
I knew they didn't.
Anyway, so I went on CNN and I debated the FBI's mouthpiece of Steve Rogers, and his entire thing was about, you have to give up some privacy.
So that we can secure you.
Give up your freedom, give up your privacy.
I'm not going to go down that road with him.
He was too slick.
So I came at it from the other angle.
My problem is not privacy versus security, which in fact it is, but for this case, no.
My problem is, we have a certain degree of security now.
You are asking America to allow you to make us completely insecure.
Because once you get that key, you can't keep it.
It's an electronic key.
It's bits and bytes.
You cannot keep this from hackers and the whole world will know.
You know, I have given up hope that the citizenry themselves will dump these things called smartphones
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight.
We were talking about
The pushback against Sean Hannity by Ted Koppel, how they rigged this thing.
But I think it's very important to look at the essence of this discussion that they're having here.
Sean Hannity says, well, American people can understand the difference between just simply reporting the news, the facts of the news, and an analysis of the news.
And they can understand when you do one, they can understand when you do the other, they can understand when you combine the two.
Ted Koppel says, no, no, no, you've replaced facts with ideology.
Well quite frankly, I don't know, but I was at the DNC this summer and I remember walking up to DNC rep after DNC rep and talking to them about Hillary Clinton's emails which were out there, thanks to WikiLeaks, showing that they had rigged, the DNC had plotted with her to rig the election against Bernie Sanders and they just didn't want to hear it.
They just didn't want to hear it.
You talk about something being ideologically based and not factual based, you couldn't, they would not respond to that information.
It was a fact.
It was an established fact.
We have a lot of facts that they don't want to hear because of their ideology.
But of course he's saying that if you do any analysis that that now is fake news.
And that's the way that they want to spend this.
And the way this is now coming out is a story that Kit Daniels has put out.
He just handed this to me.
Where did I put that?
Basically that they're going to set up a continuity of government.
Here we go.
Deep State Moles continuity of government plan to overthrow Trump.
And what they're talking about is the fact, well, we know the election was hacked, therefore, if we find out that the Russians had something to do with this, and let's pause here for a second, folks.
They have been putting this out there since last summer.
If there was anything at all there, then they would have found it, and believe me, they would be so eager to let everybody know.
The very fact that you haven't heard anything, you haven't heard any facts, have you?
So what we're seeing here is this attack on Donald Trump truly is ideologically based.
It truly is a lot of spin and allegation with no substance whatsoever.
Because if they had any substance, you know that they would have immediately released anything that they had.
So the dog that didn't bark is the thing that you need to pay attention to here.
But they want to keep going with this Russian hacker thing and then take it to the next step.
And the guy says, well, if this election was stolen,
Then Pence's place as president would be no more legitimate than that of Trump.
And so we need to really start looking at rolling this whole thing back and changing everybody.
The voters' collective desires were subverted by foreign interference and a party's collusion.
None of this would have a legitimate claim.
Especially since control of the Senate, at least, would have been affected by the Russian rule.
So we've got to undo all the Republicans merely on allegation.
Without any facts whatsoever.
Merely on an ideological attack.
That's the amazing thing about this.
And this just continues to go because we've got people like Ted Koppel in the New York Times, these other people who even when they report that there's wiretapping, they want to pretend that that didn't happen.
So let's listen to this back and forth between Ted Koppel and Sean Hannity.
We have to give some credit to the American people that they're somewhat intelligent and that they know the difference between an opinion show and a news show.
You're cynical, look at it.
I am cynical because, you know... You think we're bad for America?
You think I'm bad for America?
You do?
In the long haul, I think you and all these opinion shows... Really?
That's sad, Ted.
No, you know why?
That's sad.
Because you're very good at what you do and because you have attracted
A significantly more influential... You are selling the American people short?
Let me finish the sentence before you do that.
You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.
Did you hear that?
Did you hear how Ted Koppel said, don't defend yourself, let me put this out there.
And what they did was they had a 45 minute interview that they cut down to two minutes.
And Sean Hannity said, I challenge you, I dare you to put out the full 45 minutes.
As I pointed out earlier, that's why Alex Jones won't talk to those people.
Because you know going in that they're going to edit this thing.
And we've seen this happen so many times.
We've seen this happen, I remember Katie Couric and how they
They took those people with the gun control focus group and they asked them a question and they made it appear as if nobody had an answer for it.
And they did!
They immediately had an answer but they... and somebody recorded that.
They did have the full interview there so they could show how they were lying to people with their editing.
So they asked this question and they show these people just sitting there in the audience as B-roll where they were listening to somebody.
But they made it look like they had no answer.
And he makes it look like Sean Hannity doesn't have an answer.
Sean Hannity did have an answer.
What Ted Koppel is doing, what the mainstream media is doing, with this continuity of government story that we got up at Infowars.com, what they're doing is they're putting out an unproven allegation that they've been hitting on now for nearly a year, and they don't have anything.
Nothing at all.
Even the idea that there was a Russian hack.
What they're implying is that the Russians somehow flipped these electronic voting machines.
And you know what?
If that hasn't happened with a foreign government, or if that hasn't happened with an internal government, it will.
The people who hacked our machines were Homeland Security, and now they're saying we have a right to do it in the future.
We need to get rid of their capability to do that, and by doing that, it means we get rid of the voting machines.
That's one of the key things that has to be done, and we're not going to win any more elections.
We're going to have them just flip this.
We will have hacked elections, and they'll be hacked out of the DNC and DC is where they're going to be hacking them from.
It's not going to be from the Kremlin.
They're going to be doing it out of Washington, D.C.
with Homeland Security.
So we need to get rid of the voting machines.
But remember when we had that Dog and Pony Show from James Comey?
I think it was Devin Nunes, somebody, maybe I'm wrong on the person who asked him, but went down state by state, said, did you see any evidence of vote tampering in this state, this state, this state?
No, no, no, no.
Didn't see any of that.
That's what they're implying, though.
But see, when you get right back to it, they're saying, well, the Russians, or somebody,
One, the minds of the American people.
And we did that because we presented the facts, and then we did an analysis of the facts.
These people are, you want to get, you want to talk about ideology, let's talk about modernism versus post-modernism.
Okay, the people that I talked to at the DNC, at the Democrat convention that last summer, and a lot of them were part of the DNC, but the people that I talked to, they came from a post-modern
Point of view.
They didn't believe that there was such a thing as facts.
Or they believed that they had their facts, and you had your facts, and their facts were just as valid as your facts were.
When we talk about modernism, modernism was the idea that there was a truth.
And that we could discover that truth by debate.
And by analysis, postmodernism rejected all that.
Turned to subjectivity, just opinion.
That is the basis for academia today.
That's the basis for our education.
Common Core is a reflection of that postmodernist thinking.
That's why we've got to get the government out of education.
The Department of Education needs to be shut down just like we got to repeal Obamacare.
So there's a lot of things that need to be shut down and that gets to the essence of it.
But I want to give you another example of this and the arrogance of the left.
I want to play a clip for you of Nancy Pelosi clashing with some of her
Activists who think that she's too conservative for them.
So it's not just, not all the people who are young, obviously.
We see a lot of social justice warriors out there who, for them, facts don't mean anything.
All they want to do is repeat this ideology that they've heard.
The ideology, racist, sexist, homophobic.
They just want to repeat that all the time.
So everybody that disagrees with them, that's all they do is just shout that at you.
They come out at the abortion protest here in Austin.
They don't have any signs of their own.
They have black sheets that they want to hold up over your speech.
So they don't have, they don't want to debate.
They don't have an opinion on things.
They don't want to analyze things.
They just simply want to shut you down.
And that's what they do when they shout that you're racist, sexist, homophobe, so forth.
And now Nancy Pelosi is getting a taste of that as well.
Let's play this clip of Nancy Pelosi clashing with her liberal constituents.
Well I have always, I have been, as I said to my colleagues, I was on the streets holding signs for single payer 30 years ago before I ever went to Congress.
The Affordable Care Act, in certain respects, we have gone to the left of Medicare for All.
Medicare, yes, yes, yes.
Do you want to listen or do you just want to speak?
Let her speak, please.
We tried to mitigate for not getting single payer or public option by putting as many benefits in the bill as possible.
And one of them, and listen up,
One of them is catastrophic coverage.
So we think that there was... I have always supported that.
I have been supporting it before you were born.
Yes, that's right.
She has bona fide credentials as a central control socialist, single payer system.
And if you want to know how that's going to work out, you can go down to Venezuela.
And a lot of those people there who are jeering her supported Bernie Sanders economics.
And of course, Bernie Sanders, I used to call him Bernie Sandernista because he went down to Nicaragua 30 years ago and he hasn't pulled back from that.
He supported those people and their communist revolution.
If you want to know how that turned out, the history is written for you.
You can see how it destroyed their country, how it destroyed Venezuela.
You can see the fact that they went into nationalized companies and then took possession of that themselves.
And when those kleptocrats, which is really what socialists are,
When those kleptocrats who said that they were taking control of all this for the people, you know, they took personal control of it.
And as they put together a coalition of people left and right, from libertarians to socialists, to throw out those kleptocrat criminals, what did they do?
Well, they privatized them then.
So the stuff that they had stolen for state operation, they then privatized and put themselves in as the owners of that property.
That's the way this all works.
It's just an excuse for criminality.
Let's take a look at what else is happening here.
And of course, that is the war on terror.
An article that's up on Infowars.com, from the Sun, British special forces are now deploying to London streets permanently after these terrorist attacks.
That's the SAS troops.
Their elite forces are now going to be on the street.
And as they point out in the subtitle on our story, the police state is expanding through problem, reaction, solution.
See, they're not going to solve the problem.
They created the problem so they could usher in their pre-planned solution.
Here's an example of this.
The Westminster killer.
That we just had this last event.
Using a car, using a knife to kill people.
And then shot by a gun, and of course that was reported by CNN.
There was a firearm incident in London.
No, there was a Muslim incident in London.
Okay, this guy had been flagged by MI5 in 2010 as an extremist.
Did they do anything about it?
This, this is a metaphor for the entire situation.
It's not just one individual that we know is an extremist.
We know the Muslims that they're bringing in are extremists, but they're not going to do anything about that problem.
Instead, what they'll do is turn us into an armed, militarized camp.
Here's one from Germany.
Police warned a Berlin attacker as a terrorist threat nine months before the assault.
Terrorists sent messages that he was planning an attack.
Did they do anything?
They let him drive that truck to the Christmas market
Killing over a hundred people, I believe, if I remember the number correct.
There's been so many of these terrorist attacks, I can't remember the death tolls from the individual ones.
What we have in Germany, still going on, we got Syrian refugees in the German streets chanting Allahu Akbar.
Well, what else?
Why else wouldn't they be doing that?
They don't appreciate the fact that they're here.
And that's why I said, the people who are going to be the most dangerous ones are going to be the second generation.
Even more dangerous than the one-tenth of one percent that they come in of the one million people.
You know, you want to bring in 10,000 terrorists or whatever, you can't screen these people 100%.
If we're going to be going to war with these countries, and then bringing them in without any vetting.
We don't want to have extreme vetting with people who are coming in from the war zones that we're going to war with.
There's something wrong with that, isn't there?
I mean, can't you see, regardless of which side of the issue you come down on this, if you say there's nothing wrong with these people, we ought to let them all come in, then you ought to be arguing to stop the wars that Obama created.
He stepped that up.
He was at war, first president to be at war in the entire eight years, who is president.
He stepped up the number of wars, uh, countries that we were at war with to seven.
Why wasn't the left talking about that?
If they want to bring these people in with open arms, don't kill them in their own country!
Then you won't have to bring them in!
But they wouldn't talk about that.
And instead, they'll let the slaughter in these countries continue.
And then they will say, but we don't want to have any control over the people that come in.
Just bring everybody in.
No problem.
Bring everybody in.
And you realize that if you have one-tenth of one percent of these people, you bring in a million of them, you're talking like, what is that, 10,000 or something?
Anyway, let's look at what Al Gore says the real problem is.
See, the problem is not creating a problem and then doing a solution to this.
No, no, no.
That's not the problem.
The problem is, as Al Gore says with everything, the problem is climate change.
See, if the only tool you got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
And everything looks like climate change to Al Gore.
This is from James Dillingpole.
And this is, of course, the sequel that Al Gore is now pushing.
An inconvenient sequel, Truth to Power.
Well, it really is a convenient sequel for him, and it's lies about power.
It's lies about power, both political and electrical.
These are the lies that he's telling us.
And he says, it all began in Syria.
And he's got, as Dillingpole points out, a lavishly complex climate conspiracy theory.
And what he says is, the gates of hell opened in Syria with a drought.
It had nothing to do with our government saying that we're going to have regime change, that we're going to set countries on fire.
It had nothing to do with Libya.
It had nothing to do with Afghanistan or Iraq.
It had nothing to do with any of that stuff.
It had nothing to do with us deciding that we're going to do regime change come hell or high water.
And if you want to believe that, then explain why Madeleine Albright, when questioned about whether or not sanctions in Iraq were worth the death of a half million children, she said, yeah, sure.
Sorry about that, but, you know, our political goals are worth the death of a half million Muslim children.
And that's what they did at that time.
And that was even before they started a war.
So you think, though, that he's trying to tell us that it was not
Thank you.
It was climate change.
It was an extreme drought.
And that drought caused so many people to have so many problems that they then had, we now have to bring them into our country.
And so that's not a problem.
We just need to turn over control of our economy to Al Gore, and then that'll stop the root cause of everything, according to Al Gore, which is climate change.
He says that's the root cause of everything.
I want to talk about what happened and where this is all going.
You know, we've talked about the Civil War.
That is developing, not only politically, but in other ways.
We talked about the mass exodus out of the cities because people are realizing how dangerous these things could be, but they don't want you to get out of the city.
One of the reasons, one of the ways that they're keeping people in the cities, that they plan on keeping people in the cities, is to make sure that you don't own a car.
That if you do own a car, that you're going to be gradually pushed out of that car into a self-driving car.
So when we look at this accident this last weekend,
And they were quick to point out that it was failure to yield right away for the Uber car.
The human car was the one that was the one that created this problem.
And as I said yesterday, Wired Magazine instantly jumps in on this.
And you can see this repeating pattern.
Remember, it was Wired Magazine and their Danger blog five years ago that pointed out that Petraeus said the Internet of Things is going to be used to have your appliances spy on you?
Well, when Kellyanne Conway talked about that, Wired Magazine said, no, Kellyanne, your appliances aren't spying on you.
That's the way they have changed.
And they're doing the same thing with self-driving cars.
I'll tell you about that when we return.
Stay with it.
Battle of the tech elites as Elon Musk and Demis Hassabis and others clash over artificial intelligence.
Musk has been public about his concerns for AI for years, in 2014 stating, Now Musk, together with Sam Altman, has started a billion dollar non-profit called OpenAI to work for safer AI in the future.
It's no surprise that Hassabis and Ray Kurzweil would disagree.
Both are working on Google AI projects.
Hacibus project is called DeepMind and Kurzweil is collaborating on a project called Google Brain.
But Musk is taking a different approach with OpenAI, wanting the technology to be shared with the world rather than the algorithms be in the hands of a few elites in government and the tech industry.
Musk has also said he wants to be able to get to Mars in case AI destroys Earth.
Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg is having tea with his artificial intelligence butler.
The real fact of the matter is that AI is already here.
The question is, will it ever attain self-realization, and what would that mean for humans?
For InfoWars.com, I'm Owen Schroer.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight and I want to talk about where we're headed in terms of as we try to get out of the cities, they want to try to keep us in.
That's Agenda 21.
There's a 2030 Agenda for Sustainability.
It's a UN Agenda.
Both of those are UN Agenda.
And how are they going to enact that against the wishes of the people?
We had a story that was on the Drudge Report today talking about the mass exodus out of the cities.
66,000 people leaving the Chicago area, moving to rural areas because they're afraid of what's going to happen.
With a societal breakdown.
We have a very fragile infrastructure.
It's very complicated.
And that makes it very fragile.
So one of the things that you need to keep in mind, this is the last day, too, that we have for our select storable food.
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You know, if Al Gore is right and all of a sudden everything melts.
Or if you have a hurricane.
If one day the national weather system is right and you have a hurricane that is the magnitude they say it's going to be, or a storm that is the magnitude they say it's going to be for a hurricane, then you'll be prepared.
Or if the grid goes out, whatever.
It's a good time to prepare for yourself, to give yourself independence from price fluctuations so that you're not subject to the...
Vagaries of manipulated, easily manipulated markets.
And of course you can see that today in what's happening with the stock market.
They can pump stuff up and they can take it down and there can be real causes for that or it can be totally manufactured.
But right now we have 30 to 40% off InfoWars like storable food.
This is the last day that you'll find for that.
Also, make sure that you sign up for our free newsletter if you haven't.
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Today's daily special on the newsletter is the PowerPact for 40% off.
So take a look at that and sign up for that.
You can get directly online to get our information without being censored by social media bots, which is increasingly what is happening.
Now what I was talking about was this situation with Uber.
The fact that there was this accident that looked pretty bad when you saw the picture of it, the Uber car was on its side, and they say, well, no, it wasn't really a problem for Uber, it was the human.
And that is the tack that Wired Magazine is taking.
Just as I said, they were the ones who talked about Petraeus, bragging about using the Internet of Things in your home, all your appliances, anything.
That has a connection to the internet they can use to spy on you, especially if it has some kind of a microphone so that you can give voice commands to it, or if it's hooked up to an app so that you can control this thing, remote control, then they can use that to monitor you.
Even if they're not listening to your voice, even if they're not taking a picture of you, just the fact that it is hooked up to the internet, they can start monitoring your behavior patterns and so forth.
And that is something that they're very interested in doing.
The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency is growing by leaps and bounds.
I've got a story about that here as well.
You need to understand the implication of that.
But they pushed back on that when Kellyanne Conway talked about it.
Now they're pushing back against the idea that we have human drivers of the problem.
They say the Uber self-driving crash in Tempe, Arizona is a reminder of human terribleness.
Human terribleness.
Yeah, driving itself, it had the right-of-way and it bears no blame.
That's what they said.
So the cars that are created by humans, because they're big multinational corporations that are heavily subsidized by the government, they bear no responsibility.
Because they're going to be tools of surveillance, tools of control in the future.
So they can do no wrong.
I've got another article here of a guy saying that they're going to be superhuman safe and nobody is going to die.
And of course, we were told that about Volvo was overselling that as well.
They were saying, we're not going to have any more traffic fatalities anymore.
Nobody is going to die.
Well, that's what they're putting out there.
But you know, the reality of this is that Uber has people in the cars because they have to take over control of the car every 0.8 miles.
And every 100 to 200 miles, according to documents that were caught by Recode, they found that every 100 to 200 miles they had a potential for a $5,000 accident or a traffic fatality by hitting a pedestrian.
That's the reality of it.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
More fallout from the London ISIS terror attack, as it is being reported on again that ISIS is using YouTube as a platform to put out violent recruitment videos as propaganda to further their religious caliphate.
It is said that the London terrorist thug was using WhatsApp to send his final messages, but Scotland Yard and other investigative authorities cannot access these messages because WhatsApp itself says it cannot retrieve them.
This again creates the battle between media platforms, consumers' protected privacy, and governments' access into such databases.
But what really needs to be asked, how does YouTube allow ISIS to operate on its platform when some InfoWars videos have been removed for content?
You're telling me no one from the FBI or nothing from the CIA Vault 7 technologies can be used to track down whoever is posting these terrorist recruitment videos?
It seems to me that we not only have a terrorist problem,
We have a priority problem enabling these terrorists to operate online where conservative media is targeted before Islamic terrorist hate speech.
This is Owen Schroer for the more scrutinized by YouTube than ISIS, InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I want to finish up what I was talking about, where we are going in terms of Agenda 21, in terms of these, this myth of the totally safe self-driving car.
Anybody that's worked with computers understands that they're no better than the people who program them.
But the public is not being told that story.
Instead we're being lied to by Wired Magazine saying, the problem are these terrible humans.
Terrible humans need to be taken out of the equation.
And so the reality that Recode, which is a tech publication, got documents out of Uber and they said, look at what's happening here.
They've driven 20,000 some odd miles and the cars had to be taken over every single mile by a human behind the wheel.
Now, they're not doing as well as Waymo.
Waymo is doing better, but still no prize there.
Because they still have these disengagements, as they call them, where they're going to crash or fail.
And we keep seeing this with Tesla when they go into automatic mode.
And yet, I have this article here from Electrek.
Another cheerleader of this, saying the Tesla Model 3 will give superhuman safety to the driver and be 10 times safer than current cars, says a Tesla analyst, Adam Jonas.
Okay, let's have a reality check here.
I remember when atomic power was being sold to us back in the 1960s.
And I remember reading all the stuff coming out of Oak Ridge Labs.
I was just, I was soaking all of that stuff up.
Somebody who loved technology.
And I remember them saying how safe and effective nuclear power was going to be.
It was going to be so cheap, you wouldn't even monitor it.
You wouldn't even meter it.
And that's the fantasy utopia that they're selling us.
Here's the reality, folks.
They don't want to maintain our infrastructure.
But even more importantly, they don't want you to have the
Anonymous ability to move about freely.
It's part of getting rid of cash.
They want a cashless society.
They want to be able to monitor your every movement with these cars.
They don't want you to own anything.
They want you to rent everything from them, including the roads.
They're not going to build any new roads unless they can get toll roads.
Here's an example of this.
Omaha, Nebraska residents are outraged as a city is turning their roads now to gravel.
How's that for a metaphor of what they're doing in our country?
Residents of Omaha, Nebraska are seriously unhappy about the fact the city is turning their asphalt streets into dirt and gravel roads, according to the New York Times.
Several decades ago, a developer made the decision to save money by paving hundreds of miles of streets on the outskirts of Omaha with asphalt overlay instead of concrete, meaning that the roads were not built to the city's standards.
So they said, we don't want to maintain these things.
Instead, we're just going to crush them and put gravel out.
And if you look at the pictures that they've got here of people trudging through the muddy gravel roads and the potholes that are in it and the deteriorating roads, this is our deteriorating infrastructure.
This is not even Detroit.
The place that used to be the most prosperous area in the country, Detroit, Michigan, now is a monument to Democrat policies.
They've turned it into a North American version of Venezuela.
But it's happening in Republican Omaha, Nebraska, because they don't want to maintain our infrastructure.
And they don't want to maintain our freedom and our ability to move around anonymously.
They want to confine us to the cities, and this is the way they do it.
They set up a control grid.
They're going to mandate boxes.
First step is to mandate boxes on your cars.
They call it talking cars.
And that is vehicle-to-vehicle communication.
And of course that will work better for the cars that are connected in that network, but then of course you are going to be the unknown problem in the equation.
They're going to have to get you out of that equation.
You want to talk about self-driving cars on autopilot?
That is never going to work as long as there's any humans anywhere close to it.
We just had a near miss with Prince Charles's helicopter because of a drone.
You can't put... Autopilot only works when you've got airplanes and they keep tens of thousands of feet between each other and vertically and horizontally in every direction.
You can't drive cars in close quarter with autopilot.
So they're going to have to remove you out of the equation.
And they're happy to do that because it's part of control.
It's part of Agenda 21.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Battle of the tech elites as Elon Musk and Demis Hassabis and others clash over artificial intelligence.
Musk has been public about his concerns for AI for years, in 2014 stating, Now Musk, together with Sam Altman, has started a billion dollar non-profit called OpenAI to work for safer AI in the future.
It's no surprise that Hassabis and Ray Kurzweil would disagree.
Both are working on Google AI projects.
Hacibus project is called Deep Mind and Kurzweil is collaborating on a project called Google Brain.
But Musk is taking a different approach with OpenAI, wanting the technology to be shared with the world rather than the algorithms be in the hands of a few elites in government and the tech industry.
Musk has also said he wants to be able to get to Mars in case AI destroys Earth.
Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg is having tea with his artificial intelligence butler.
The real fact of the matter is that AI is already here.
The question is, will it ever attain self-realization, and what would that mean for humans?
For InfoWars.com, I'm Owen Schroer.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Monday, March 27, 2017.
We have an article up on Infowars.com from Zero Hedge.
Trump handed Merkel a $375 billion invoice for NATO defense during her recent visit.
I love the picture, the juxtaposition they've got here of Trump laughing at the podium and Merkel looking at him.
And of course they're not paying their fair share.
They have well over $200 billion surplus that Germany has, but they're not going to pay that share.
We've got some breaking news from Alex.
Here's Alex joining us now.
Go ahead, Alex.
Absolutely, David.
If you go to InfoWars.com, there's a headline by Kit Daniels linking directly to Atlantic Monthly, the most elite Democratic Party publication in the United States.
That's a publication where they communicate with their top people, it's not even really for the public, and that's been admitted to me by folks at The Atlantic.
The Atlantic Monthly, the whole East Coast elite publication, admits they are planning and looking at an overthrow of Trump.
Using the continuity of government system.
Now, that's if the Russians nuked us to start in the 1950s.
If they hit us with bombers or missiles, we would then be able to have Congress reconstituted and a new president brought forward and a whole succession of power.
The difference is, I noticed when they started pushing that Trump's a Russian, and this whole narrative three months ago, and the different statements they were making, that they were using COG stay-behind networks that are already set up as shadow governments under law inside of our federal government.
And I, again, I'm the first person to say, and I said it literally,
Hundreds and hundreds of times.
Not bragging, but listeners have to know that we're so busy, we don't even have time to chronicle when I say this, but I said this in November, I said it in December, I said it in January, I said it in February, and I've even said it this month, and we're going to find those clips.
If the water doesn't rise over Bear Creek, we are going to show you what I said over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Because the enemy wants to say we're not credible because we are so credible.
We make occasional mistakes.
It's not on purpose.
When we do, we own up to them.
They now admit that they are preparing a COG, Continued Government Program.
Let me break this down for folks.
In 1944, they ran Operation Valkyrie in Germany.
Deutschland to those who live in Germany.
They made it into movies with Tom Cruise.
Everybody knows about Operation Valkyrie.
That was a COG program if Hitler got killed to keep the government going with his wishes.
But they used the COG, Continued Government Program, to try to actually overthrow Hitler, but that failed.
So, I saw what they were doing, what they were pushing, saying he was illegitimate, saying the government should resist him, saying Obama was putting stay-behind groups in all the major agencies and hiring literally hundreds of thousands of people his last two months when Trump was president-elect.
I knew it was a COG because the neocons
In the 1980s, this was in congressional hearings in 1986-87, and I ran contra, had a COG plan to even overthrow President Ronald Reagan.
Claim leftists had done it.
They had different crises.
National riots.
A nuke going off.
Those were part of it.
And under different programs, Cable Splicer, Garden Plot, and others, they would then have martial law come in in the name of stabilizing the country.
Now, Democrats are all over the news calling for martial law.
Democrats are all over the news calling for a civil emergency, calling for the death of Trump.
They are preparing the climate
To try to get the security services, the local police, the state police, the feds, to go along with this.
That's why you see McCain calling Senator Paul a, quote, agent of Putin.
That's why you see them saying it about me, and I'm under criminal investigation supposedly working for Russian spies.
Never met one, never talked to one.
It's totally insane.
And then it goes on from there.
That's why they're pushing this narrative, saying Trump's a Russian agent, because he's a real American.
Restoring the Republic and the out-of-control fourth of state, the opposition party, MSM, the elite, the Democratic Party leadership, the Republican Party leadership, all of them are sabotaging Trump just like they're sabotaging Brexit.
I'm not bragging, but I've literally read
No exaggeration, 500 plus history books on modern war.
I have read the white papers.
I have read psychological warfare manuals.
I've done things that most top CIA analysts don't even do themselves, and I'm a private citizen.
That's why I know what I'm seeing when I see it, because I was attracted to this information as a teenager and voraciously read it all, not knowing it was part of, I guess, God's larger plan to resist this.
But here we are.
Dealing with this, and Kit wrote a nice article, but I asked him, add you a screenshot of Atlantic Monthly.
People aren't going to believe they're actually calling for this, even though you linked to them.
Show where they're calling for him to be killed.
Show where they're calling for civil emergency.
Show screenshots of Rosie O'Donnell saying civil emergency, martial law.
I told you they were going to call for it, because I could see the preparations they were making.
Now it's here.
And so the reason I keep telling you, I told you, I told you, I told you, I told you, I told you.
Is the next phase is demoralize the president.
Demoralize the public.
Make any failures he makes big giant issues when he's already devastated political correctness.
It's already declaring our sovereignty.
It's already beginning to secure our border.
40 plus percent down folks coming across illegally just in the first 60 something days.
Doing all the big things for the economy.
All the big things for small business loans.
All the big things trying to get tax cuts.
Is it his fault they won't get rid of Obamacare?
Or tax cuts?
Is it his fault he tried to compromise with Paul Ryan?
And that's the President's problem?
Just like...
Matt Drudge has said, just like I've said, just like David Knight has said, you cannot compromise with people who aren't making a deal.
These aren't like folks you're buying a golf course from or a hotel, Mr. President.
You're dealing with criminals that want full control and they don't want you to succeed.
And their own white papers, they say they want poverty and they want economic collapse.
So again, to our radio audience, to our TV viewers, to our affiliates, to our station managers, but most importantly to my own crew, I know you're always busy on the latest breaking info.
But there's a war in MSM.
The discredit info war is in yours truly.
Now they can discredit us, they're going to set the precedent to ban all the other news.
They're openly saying they want to ban Matt Drudge.
That was in the news just two days ago.
If they're successful, they're going to come.
Everyone, we must hang together.
So we must.
And the audience has got to help us.
The audience has all heard me hundreds of times say they're going to use COG and use the Project Valkyrie story and then play the clips of congressional hearings.
And then literally, we don't, I don't have notes.
I don't know when it, when it broadcast.
I didn't know I said it hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times.
And the true power is in saying they're going to do this, and then it happening.
Like saying Trump's going to win, and then he does win.
Or saying that the polls are fake, and then it shows the polls are fake.
Or saying household appliances are watching you 18 years ago, now it's admitted.
The real power is in that we are telling the truth.
We are honest.
We are cutting edge, but we've got to find the clips.
It's going to be an emergency warning to the president of martial law, emergency warning to the president of the plan to overthrow him.
It's in all those larger special reports, and it's in reports I did on the Sunday Show especially.
I remember in December, it got picked up in the news where I warned that the CIA was planning to overthrow Trump and COG.
It even got picked up in major newspapers, but the headline was, plan to overthrow Trump before he's actually inaugurated.
They want to do it then, but they can't get the security services to do it.
So first they've got a bully Rand Paul, the Senator.
Then they've got a bully Nunes, and anybody else that's honorable and telling the truth.
So they're all calling them Russian agents.
They're not Russian agents.
They're agents of the Republic, backing the President, trying to make us great again, backing us, turning our coal on that's most our power, that absolutely bankrupted the Russians.
And then he did that.
We're not against the Russians, but sorry.
You're selling natural gas globally.
Our coal's much cheaper than yours.
It's over for you.
He's devastating the Russians.
He's devastating the Chinese Communists.
He's devastating the EU.
Because America is still positioned, despite the fact that we're 90% sold off on the globalists, to roar back to worldwide dominance.
Then we can empower these other countries.
So that's the bottom line.
I'm total America.
Everybody knows that.
I'm going to go back to David, not here, but that's why.
We're playing 3D chess here when people see me do things, sometimes they don't totally agree with or understand.
When they see me make moves or make apologies on certain issues, it's because I understand larger plans and know things you don't know, like the official Democratic Party openly in fundraising
We're good to go.
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But the story's on Infowars.com.
Kit Daniels, he's adding a lot to it.
Great job, Kit, doing it.
But I want to—this is a huge article.
The fact they're coming out in the most elite publication of the Democrats saying we're getting ready to overthrow the president and have special elections and then have Homeland Security take control of elections, which Obama already signed in.
You know their whole plan.
They're coming for us.
They took.
They have taken.
My correction, because I know we got sucked into the Pizzagate.
Of course the overall Pizzagate's real.
Of course there's stuff with Podesta and the emails.
I'm not saying that stuff's not real.
We trailblazed exposing it.
They and the media picked what to target to get us to focus on it, to set us up, and then put this info out, ladies and gentlemen, so that it discredits the entire movement to expose it all.
But why do you think every radio station I know of in Austin
And every other radio station around the country we've heard of is attaching me, and now lying, saying that I'm saying pedophilia doesn't exist, and I'm saying none of this stuff exists.
That's because the elites are all into this.
They're running this stuff, and they want to take what I've said and twist it, because people know I have credibility, to discredit the overall movement against them.
But the good news is, that's not happening.
The people are awakening, and it's a beautiful time, and we're moving forward.
Back to David Knight.
Get out there and support us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to take phone calls in this last half hour that we've got.
Let me give you that number.
That's 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231 if you want to call into the show.
Give us your opinion, your take on the latest events of the day.
And we're going to start that in the next segment.
We've got a short segment here.
I'm going to go back to this article that Alex was talking about.
And there's another article about the Catholic Church jumping into this issue of the Trump wall and saying that any Mexicans who work on this are committing an immoral act.
They're committing treason.
They're working against the homeland.
So forth and so on.
That's a pretty amazing statement.
We're going to take a look at that in just a moment.
Before we do, real quickly, I want to remind you that we have a free newsletter.
If you're not signed up for that, you can go to Infowars.com forward slash newsletter.
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Alright, Alex was just talking about, he called in, because this is a very important article that Kit Daniels put up, talking about what's going on with the Atlantic, confessing about their changes of continuity of government, saying, we need to use this whole narrative about Russian hackers, call this election into question, and then say, well, we can't just overturn Donald Trump's election, there would be Pence as well, and even the Republican Senate and House, we need to question all of this.
And what's the basis for that?
As he points out in the article, this fellow Ornstein is saying, we need to ensure the continuity of government amid cyber warfare threats.
Remember all the talk before the election about how cyber warfare was the same as launching a real physical attack against our country?
How do we know that there's been cyber warfare?
Remember we just had the WikiLeaks release of Vault 7, and it talked about how the CIA was curating
All these different hacks as well as curating the ability to mask these hacks and make it look as if these attacks are coming from a different country.
So how are you going to know if they say there's a cyber warfare attack?
How are you going to know if that's coming from Russia or from Washington?
That's one of the key ingredients here in the discussion that's not really being talked about.
Everybody's saying, Russian hack, Russian hack, and there's no evidence of this.
As I said before, if they had any evidence after months and months and months of screaming about this, believe me, they would have put that evidence out.
They don't have any evidence for it.
It is a baseless allegation.
But what they're doing is they're preparing the American public
For when they say there is a cyber warfare attack.
And guess who is going to decide that there's a cyber warfare attack?
Well, as he points out in the article, he says the Obama administration put the Department of Homeland Security in charge of deciding if there's a cyber warfare attack.
And they're also the people who actually did hack
The elections, to the extent that there were any computer hacks into elections.
They got into several state boards of elections.
It was Homeland Security.
So the same people who we know hacked into elections, board of elections in the various states, are the people who are going to adjudicate that this is a cyber warfare attack.
We know, based on the documents that we've seen, that we cannot tell the origin of these cyber attacks.
John McAfee talked to me.
He's said this many times.
And of course, now we've seen in the documents, we know that they cannot with certainty say that.
As John McAfee said, look, they would be absolutely incompetent if they left their fingerprints in such a basic way.
They say, well, we saw this and it looked like it was a Cyrillic keyboard and so forth.
No state agency that is doing that sort of thing worth their salt.
They would all be fired or put in front of a firing squad if they did something that absurd, that hopelessly incompetent.
They're obviously going to make it look like it came from a different country.
That's one of the first things they're going to do.
And as he pointed out, the supposed software that did the supposed hack of the emails and so forth was a very old piece of software that was out of rev.
It was in the public domain.
It wasn't even current software, hacking software.
But these people are going to say, well, because we've had a cyber attack,
And because we will, you just have to trust us.
We know where it's coming from.
We don't trust them.
They're the people who create the holes and are leaving the holes open.
How's that for security?
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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More fallout from the London ISIS terror attack, as it is being reported on again that ISIS is using YouTube as a platform to put out violent recruitment videos as propaganda to further their religious caliphate.
It is said that the London terrorist thug was using WhatsApp to send his final messages, but Scotland Yard and other investigative authorities cannot access these messages because WhatsApp itself says it cannot retrieve them.
This again creates the battle between media platforms, consumers' protected privacy, and governments' access into such databases.
But what really needs to be asked, how does YouTube allow ISIS to operate on its platform when some InfoWars videos have been removed for content?
You're telling me no one from the FBI or nothing from the CIA Vault 7 technologies can be used to track down whoever is posting these terrorist recruitment videos?
It seems to me that we not only have a terrorist problem,
We have a priority problem enabling these terrorists to operate online where conservative media is targeted before Islamic terrorist hate speech.
This is Owen Schroer for the more scrutinized by YouTube than ISIS, InfoWars.com
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The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're going to go to your calls in just one moment.
If you want to call in, that number is 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
Just before we go to the calls, and maybe some of you will want to comment about this, the articles that came out from Reuters and AP today about the Catholic Church in Mexico, the Archdiocese of Mexico.
And this is what they're saying.
Any company intending to invest in the wall of the fanatic Trump would be immoral.
But above all, its shareholders and owners should be considered traitors to the homeland.
You want to understand, this is an invasion, folks.
And I think nothing says that more than this and more than the actions of the Mexican government's own embassies.
And consulates, 50 of them throughout the United States, working and conspiring with foreign citizens, their citizens, who criminally trespass in our country, conspiring with them to violate our laws and to come here en masse without our permission.
Not intending to become part of America.
They don't want to be Americans.
They want America.
They don't want to work with you, they want to take what you've got.
And nothing could be clearer than this.
The editorial is titled, Treason Against the Homeland.
It says, what is most surprising is the timidity of the Mexican government's economic authorities, who have not firmly moved against these companies who would bid on building this wall.
So they want these companies punished?
This Catholic Church, this highly politicized Catholic Church, working for the globalists, as we pointed out over and over again, working for their key issues of
Globalist consolidation, their new world order, pushing climate change as the mechanism for that, and of course, pushing people across the border to create the kind of friction that's going to create that change.
We need to understand what this is.
And they talk about how Mexicans will judge these firms on whether they are loyal to the national identity.
Folks, that is nothing but La Raza.
That is La Raza that is being pushed on us.
We have to understand what is truly behind this.
This is not your immigrants yearning to be free.
This is not the Statue of Liberty.
These are foreign nationals who are being pushed here by foreign government saying they want to take over our government.
They don't want to pay for the education of their citizens first and foremost.
So they want to send their citizens here to be educated at your expense.
The dreamers are coming here and they're going to make the American dream of owning a home unaffordable.
Because most of your property taxes are going to pay for schools.
And now we see that about a quarter of the students nationwide are illegal homes.
They're from illegal aliens' homes.
So can you afford to do that?
Can you afford not only to educate them, but to educate them in the language of their choice?
It's not enough that they're going to come here.
They don't want to assimilate to the extent that they would speak English.
No, they want to be educated in the language of their choice.
And it's not just Spanish.
I think so.
So these children are coming here, they are coming here as birth tourism.
They can come here and get all of their pregnancy care taken care of by the American taxpayer because the Mexican government doesn't want to do it.
And then if they want to continue to stay here, then those anchor babies then go on Medicaid, and then the whole family can continue to draw from the American trough, because the Mexican government doesn't want to do this.
This is an invasion.
It's being pushed forward by the Mexican government.
It is now being pushed forward amazingly by the Catholic Church.
It has nothing to do
With the Catholic Church.
It has everything to do with the globalist politics of the Pope.
Let's go to your calls now.
Let's go to Nicholas in Texas.
Go ahead, Nicholas.
Hello, David.
How are you doing today?
Doing good.
What's on your mind?
I just have two quick topics to go over, and that is Paul Ryan and 9-11.
First of all, Paul Ryan, I think he should really be released from the Trump administration because I think
Going with this tax reform that Trump's about to do?
I think it's going to be a stall on Trump's agenda.
What do you think?
Well, I would like to see Paul Ryan go, but if you remember, the very people that Trump is going to war with now, the House Freedom Caucus, are going to be the only people who could really remove him.
It's going to take a vote in the House, and it was the House Freedom Caucus that opposed Paul Ryan in the past, that opposed John Boehner.
And John Boehner saw the handwriting on the wall.
He got out before they threw him out.
But then he made sure that his hand-picked puppet, Paul Ryan, was put in his place.
So, if we want to get real change done, we have to work with the people who are standing on the principle of repealing this dictatorial Obamacare.
Paul Ryan never wanted to get that taken out.
He was part of the Republican establishment.
He's going to be defended by the Republican establishment.
Trump just can't go in as a dictator and say, I don't want Paul Ryan here anymore.
He's going to have to work with people who don't agree with Paul Ryan, but he's gone to... I just don't understand why he would side with Paul Ryan, or why he would say he's now going to go work with the Democrats on this stuff.
Look, if he would work with the core Republicans and make that the base, and build on that base, then he would get something done.
The Democrats are in the minority.
The Democrats, when they were in the majority, were able to get Obamacare passed.
Republicans now have control of the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.
And if they can't replace Obamacare and repeal it in the first place, they have to repeal it, they have to repeal these dictatorial mechanisms that are there.
If they can't do that, it'll never happen.
And it certainly is not going to happen with the Democrats.
They're perfectly happy.
With what's there.
They're perfectly happy with the taxes, except they would like to see them higher.
I don't see how you're going to work with them to get that done.
Paul Ryan might work with him somewhat on the taxes, but he's not going to make the kind of changes in terms of the border, in terms of trade, in terms of Obamacare that we want to see happen.
He represents the status quo establishment.
And the GOP wants to drag their feet and keep things as they are just like the Democrats do.
So I don't think that's going to happen.
What do you want to say about 9-11?
Yeah, there's a report by Breitbart and the Miami Herald that the missing 20th hijacker is willing to testify on the 9-11 trial, and I think he's trying to expose Saudi Arabia's link to 9-11.
Well, it'll be interesting.
You know, when we look at this lawsuit that was filed by the families of the victims of 9-11, and of course they were blocked from doing that for 15 years,
They came up, the official government conspiracy theory said that two planes knocked down three steel skyscrapers.
If you believe that, I got a bridge I can sell you, okay?
But they came up with that official conspiracy theory, and part of selling that official conspiracy theory was the Saudis did it.
And they put it in the report, but then they wouldn't let anybody see it.
Donald Trump came out and said, we want to see those missing 28 pages, and that got that revealed.
Even though the Senators who were head of the 9-11 Commission had worked for 15 years to say, we need to show the American people these pages.
Nothing happened when they were doing it, but when Donald Trump said we want to see the missing 28 pages, it happened.
And then once that happened, people were so outraged about that, they said, well, you want to say the Saudis did that, then there ought to be some consequences to the Saudis if you say they did it.
And so that began the process to move forward and let them sue for compensation.
Obama vetoed that.
But the Senate, because the people were outraged with what they saw, the Senate overruled Obama's veto.
So for the last six months, they've been looking at the documents, building information, doing discovery.
And that's the important thing.
We've got to open this back up.
We've got to look at this again.
We've got to get to the details.
And I think that's a very positive thing that can come out of this.
I'd like to see the families get some compensation.
We understand that the CIA and Saudi Arabia are so connected.
So connected for so long that you can't tell where one ends and the other one begins.
I think you ought to call it like the CI Arabians.
Because you've had Prince Bandar staying at Langley Air Force Base.
The connections between them are just so tight.
They were part of the Bretton Woods repeal of gold standard and they put us on a petrodollar and the Saudis were key to that.
So they have a lot of leverage over us.
We have leverage over them.
But we're joined at the hip.
We're joined at the CIA with Saudi Arabia.
So this is something that needs to move forward.
I'm very happy to see that there's going to be some more discovery in that.
We'll see what happens.
Let's go to, thank you Nicholas, let's go to Mike in North Dakota.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hey David, can you hear me?
Yes, I hear you.
People keep talking about how they're happy that the state finally went constitutional period.
Yeah, I talked about that yesterday.
Yeah, and for people who don't know the news, let me just explain, for people who don't know the news, we had the state of North Dakota say, and it was by a large margin, it was almost unanimous in the House, and it was like 2-1 I think, or 3-1 nearly, and the Senate, they said, we're not going to turn the privilege, the right of having weapons to protect yourself, we're not going to turn that right into a privilege, you don't have to do anything to have a concealed carry, you just need to be able to identify yourself, if a police officer
Ask you at a traffic stop, you need to tell them that you got a weapon with you and identify yourself.
Other than that, it's just what the Second Amendment says.
And the Second Amendment does not give us those rights.
The Second Amendment recognizes God-given, natural rights, human rights that we all possess, and it says the government will not take those away.
So the Second Amendment doesn't give us rights.
The Second Amendment prohibits the government from taking those rights away, so it's very important.
And as I said before, Mike, that really needs to be done at the state level.
Many of our issues with liberty need to be taken back at the state level.
We're not going to be given our liberties.
Nobody ever gives you your freedom.
You take it back.
And the place we can take it back is at the state level, and that leads the way.
We've had other states who have done this, and we need to do this on other issues as well.
It's a great thing that they did in North Dakota.
Your comments?
Yeah, I know.
Well, you know, I'm formerly from California, so that place is all jacked up, and that's why I got out of there.
But the laws here are a lot more, you know, relaxed, but they still put a lot of, you know, issues with where you can carry it.
You know, like you can't go to the mall, you can't go to Target, you can't go to places where people are gathering to protect yourself.
I mean, you can't go to a theater.
You know, they don't want you in there if you've got, you know, things you'll carry.
Of course, I take it anyway.
I just won't tell nobody because nobody's going to tell me how I can and can't defend myself.
I'm not going to hurt nobody.
I'm just looking to defend myself, you know?
That's right.
That's right.
So you're saying that even though you don't have to have a privilege license to conceal carry, they're putting restrictions on where you can carry weapons.
Yeah, and that's what I'm saying.
They say, oh, it's constitutional carry, but it's really, it's really not.
Right, right.
It's under the blanket and say, oh, it's constitutional carry, now you don't need a permit.
Well, yeah, they're still saying, oh, you can't use it here, or there, or here, or there, you know, other places like that, you know.
Well, that's an important point, and we need to understand that that's the way they try to set up tripwires for people.
And, of course, they've seen the same thing when they have decriminalized or legalized marijuana, either for medical use or for just recreational use.
They still leave those tripwires out there.
And that's the really insidious thing when they do that.
But again, it's a fight that is going to continue, and it is a fight that we're going to have to do at the local level.
As we're talking about these different issues, now Trump is with us on the Second Amendment, absolutely.
There's some other issues, like the war on drugs, that the Trump administration is not with us on.
Certain issues like this really have to be fought at the state level, but the key thing about Donald Trump and the Trump administration is that they were going to block, and I think so far he's done a great job, and just one of the first things he did was to shut down the TPP.
Understanding that it wasn't something that you could negotiate the details of and get something that you wanted.
It was going to create a structure
That was then going to be used to enact globalism.
And he needs to come to that same realization about the health care bill.
The health care bill is not about the details as much as it is about the infrastructure that was built with Obamacare.
You need to destroy and repeal that infrastructure.
And then you can go back and you can set up things to enhance markets, to give people economic choice, to give them information to make those economic choices, to have competition across state lines.
You can do that stuff afterwards.
But you need to destroy this infrastructure of power.
And that was the key thing about TPP.
That's why it could not be negotiated.
We didn't want to renegotiate that.
We just needed to shut that down.
And I hope he understands that.
If we keep globalism from destroying our Constitution, we still have it on the books, even though it's being totally ignored by our federal government, we can then reenact the Constitution gradually at the state and local level.
And I think that's a move, a big move, in the right direction, what they did in North Dakota, even though they left those little tripwires around about prohibitions as to where you could carry your weapons.
They took away the fundamental idea that is wrong,
Thank you, David.
I just have two quick points to make.
There's a very good, one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes that stars Burgess Meredith where he plays a library that is trying to be outed by the state.
Oh yeah, we play that all the time as an opening break, absolutely.
Yeah, I agree.
I know exactly the one you're talking about.
Go ahead, sorry.
I feel like that's kind of what's going on.
I feel like Burgess Meredith is like anybody currently in the state that we live in who does not agree with the Deep State or the current establishment.
I mean, we've seen it happen with Ben Garrison over something as simple as a Monsanto cartoon.
We've seen what they do with Milo.
We see what's going on actually in London right now.
We're good to go.
We're talking a little bit about AI and the robotics thing.
There's also another show called The Outer Limits, and there was a really good episode with Tom Arnold, where he bought a robot to try and help his family out, do things around the house, and the robot ended up taking over his whole entire house.
I feel like that's what's happening with these AI systems, is you get it for one thing, thinking you're going to be able to control it, and then it overruns everything.
You know, that episode you're talking about, Burgess Meredith, we play that.
And it's to make you a non-entity, to tell you that you have absolutely no value.
Of course, we've seen that portrayed in other things, like the prisoner episodes, where they would say, we have declared you to be non-mutual.
You know, that's kind of a forerunner of political correctness.
You know, you're non-mutual.
There's also a Twilight Zone episode you want to talk about AI.
The one that comes to my mind is the one where they have the benevolent aliens who come to Earth.
And remember, we've got
Elon Musk talking about how AI is like an artificial intelligence.
He said, just think of this as it unrolls, as being visited by an artificial intelligence.
It's going to be coming here in about 20 years or so.
And if you look at that episode, this benevolent aliens who came to Earth, they had said that their purpose was to serve mankind.
And at the end of the episode, a guy gets on their ship and he sees this book that says to serve mankind and he opens it up and it's a recipe book.
That is essentially what they're doing, folks.
They're putting these things out there.
And saying, don't worry, we're going to do everything for you.
We're going to serve you with these robot chauffeurs, these robot taxis.
They will do everything.
You don't have to worry about anything.
You can just lay back in your cocoon that they set up like a coffin and we'll do all the driving for you.
You know, one of the things about that is it sets it up into, it dulls our mind.
There's a
article on RT talking about how the navigation systems that we use actually cause our brains to lose their activity, our brains to shrink.
They compared it to the taxi drivers who did the knowledge.
Their brains grew.
Ours are shrinking because we're turning it over to the AI.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with more of your calls.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
Now, this is our 20th product.
We can easily go out to a major vitamin or supplement company and private label a thousand different products.
But it's taken us four plus years to even come out with 20, because we private label some, but we also develop
Many of the products originally were some of the top labs in the country, so that they're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe, and they're also very affordable.
Exactly, you talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about, we're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders, we've both talked to them.
They have conveyor belts of herbs falling on the ground and they have someone come and sweep them up and put them back on the conveyor belt.
They have individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
We're producing something we want to take.
We're looking for the best.
We went out and searched for the best to private label, and most of the time found out it wasn't available.
So we go to these big firms and say, we want to make the dream for me.
Bio PCA, for example, one of the ingredients is silica, and it's from bamboo extract.
It's everywhere.
It's in nature.
It's an essential part of being healthy, right?
Just this bottle of silica, okay, again, one ingredient, in a lower amount that's even in our product, is $35.
They're charging more than what we charge when they have one ingredient that's less than ours.
This is insane.
When I told him we wanted 10,000 micrograms, he goes, okay, I get that you guys want to do, you know, high-powered stuff, but why don't you just do 3,000, and then you can sell, you know, multiple bottles of it, people will buy more of it.
I was like, no, let's do 10.
Okay, compare that to this.
This is a $50 product, one of the leaders in the industry.
It has 3,000 micrograms of biotin.
Okay, we have 10,000.
This is $50, $48 to be exact.
There's no script, there's no teleprompter, I'll just be honest with you.
My problem is, with 20 products now, it's remembering to take them all.
Because when I do, I have great days, great weeks, a great life.
When I forget to take the X2, a super male, or the lung cleanse, or to do a liver cleanse, or to take this product,
My quality of life just isn't as good.
It's changed my life.
I looked like Jabba the Hutt four years ago.
I was swimming two miles some days a day.
I was jogging, lifting weights.
I couldn't lose the weight.
I went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the InfoWars change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and we're taking your calls.
Before we go back to our calls, I just want to remind you that we have an all-new Victory Series II Minutemen Edition of our 80% lowers, now available at InfoWarsStore.com.
This is a new collector's edition.
We have 500 of these limited edition lowers produced.
Each one is sequentially numbered.
You can get them at a special introductory price of just $150, and in addition, we're giving you 20% off
All the other 80% lowers that are available at InfoWarsStore.com.
This is a win-win situation for you and for InfoWars.
You support the InfoWars as well as get a high quality, and you can see this from Tennessee Arms, these are excellent quality lowers.
They guarantee these lowers.
They tell you how to do it.
If you have a problem, they will make sure that you get this right, and they will stand behind this.
Even though you are finishing this up, they will stand behind it.
So these are excellent quality products.
Again, there is a new Minuteman Edition that is at a special introductory price of $150, and there is 20% off all the other lowers that are available there at InfoWarsStore.com.
I want to go back to the phone calls right now.
Let's go to Mark in New Hampshire.
Mark, you wanted to talk about the border wall.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just had a quick question, David, and thank you for taking my call.
As far as the border wall goes, I don't necessarily agree with the wall, but don't they use technology and motion sensors at Area 51 to detect that even if a mouse crosses that line, it sets off an alarm?
Why couldn't that be implemented along the border?
Yeah, absolutely.
They might even kind of use technology.
You might think they would use that at the White House.
We've seen one episode or the other of people going over that wall, that fence.
Yeah, to a large degree, that's true.
And to some degree, I think any wall that you put there, you're going to have somebody who is going to find a way to get over it.
The key is, though, is to increase resistance to decrease the flow.
Nothing is going to be 100%.
There's never any 100% solution to anything.
But we have to do something to enforce our border.
And I think, what do you think about this story about the
Mexican Archdiocese, the Catholic Church, saying it's treason to work with these people.
It's disloyal to their national identity to work with people.
I mean, why does their national identity depend on being able to come into our country and violate our laws?
What do you think about that?
I'm still trying to figure that one out, to be honest with you.
I certainly think that's... That'd be like saying this...
We went into Canada, and we wanted to build a wall against Canada, and the Canadians wanted to come in.
It was treasonous to Canada.
Well, yeah, the analogy would be, we want to do everything we can, and we set up our embassies in Canada to help Americans immigrate there.
Or, let's say, pick another country.
Pick China.
Pick Switzerland.
And let's say the Swiss don't want to let us go there because we don't have enough money or we haven't followed their rules, and we say, well, we're going to send Americans in there anyway.
And then we're going to work with our embassies in Switzerland to make sure that the Americans can stay there and violate their laws and get free services from the Swiss, whether the Swiss like it or not.
And if you do anything to stop that, you're guilty of treason against the United States, because we're trying to take over Switzerland here.
Come on, guys, work with us.
This is part of our national identity to take over Switzerland.
So work with us.
That's what the Mexican government is doing.
They're saying that you are committing treason, that you are disloyal to the national identity, and that what you're doing is immoral.
Because, of course, they're a church.
They don't really have anything to say about what treason is or politics are, do they?
I mean, that's not really something where they have the authority to speak.
You know, when the Pope comes in and talks about climate change or whatever, he's not really speaking from the chair, as they say, ex cathedra.
He doesn't have the authority to talk about science or politics or economics.
That's when he talks about that.
He's talking according to Catholic doctrine.
He's just talking about it.
There's just another person commenting on it.
Supposedly, when he talks about religion, which he rarely does, that should tell you something too, shouldn't it?
But it should tell us all what is going on here.
This is an invasion.
Stay with us.
We'll take some more of your phone calls on the other side of the break, and then we'll have Owen Troyer coming in for the fourth hour.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Battle of the tech elites as Elon Musk and Demis Hassabis and others clash over artificial intelligence.
Musk has been public about his concerns for AI for years, in 2014 stating, Now Musk, together with Sam Altman, has started a billion dollar non-profit called OpenAI to work for safer AI in the future.
It's no surprise that Hassabis and Ray Kurzweil would disagree.
Both are working on Google AI projects.
Hacibus project is called Deep Mind and Kurzweil is collaborating on a project called Google Brain.
But Musk is taking a different approach with OpenAI, wanting the technology to be shared with the world rather than the algorithms be in the hands of a few elites in government and the tech industry.
Musk has also said he wants to be able to get to Mars in case AI destroys Earth.
Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg is having tea with his artificial intelligence butler.
The real fact of the matter is that AI is already here.
The question is, will it ever attain self-realization, and what would that mean for humans?
For InfoWars.com, I'm Owen Schroer.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and we're going to finish up as many of these phone calls as we can in the next five minutes.
Those of you who have already called in and are waiting online, Owen Shorter will take your calls as he comes in and replaces me and finishes up the fourth hour.
So let's get back to your phone calls right now.
We've got Scott in Wisconsin has been holding.
Go ahead, Scott.
Thanks for taking my call, David.
I want to talk about two things real quick.
But first, I'd like to say to Poop in the Vatican, he's a false prophet in the Book of Revelations.
He's a filthy pig.
Well, certainly we can see what is happening here.
I mean, it is absolutely, he's not at the least bit concerned with Christianity, with Christ, with even the Catholic religion.
And I think people who have been Catholics for a long time
Many of them, I think, are starting to see this, that it is completely politicized and he is a shill for the New World Order, at the very least.
So, go ahead, Scott.
Well, I wanted to say, too, for all you people out there who think you've got nothing to hide, I don't see any of you as Jesus Christ.
Everyone's got something to hide.
Whether you're buying drugs on the phone, cheating on your husband and wife, calling your bookie.
Everyone's got something to hide and it's called privacy.
It's none of their business.
In 2015, I was in Knoxville, Montana at a blues fest.
It was my birthday and my kids were sending me happy birthday texts.
I get a text from track phone saying happy birthday bonus minutes.
So I call the corporate headquarters and I say,
I bought a $20 phone and pay as you go minutes.
There's no name, no birthday, no address associated with this phone.
How do you know it was my birthday if you're not reading my text?
She goes, um, oh I understand your question now, um, do you have any other questions?
I said yeah, I want to know how you're reading my text.
I said I'll get a lawyer and I will sue you people.
And she said, F you, go ahead and hung up on me, okay?
Well that's why they passed CISPA.
That's why they passed CISPA and CISA, they called it CISA when they got it through.
They wanted to make sure that you couldn't sue them for turning that information over to the government.
One of the things that they want to do, when you talk about not having anything to hide, they're not necessarily interested in getting information to blackmail you.
That's what they're going to do to the people who are in political power.
That's why the people in political power need to shut this down.
They're the ones who are more exposed than anybody else.
But what they want to do is they want to measure the hive mind.
And then the other part of it, Scott,
Is that they want to expose you to criminals.
The CIA created and funded and then released all of these different hacks into our equipment, our phones, our televisions and everything, and they left that there.
They don't want to fix it.
Julian Assange just said, look,
We have told these different companies about it.
Some of them have responded to us and want to fix these vulnerabilities.
They didn't know about it.
Others couldn't care less about fixing it.
And they don't want to fix it because they've got contracts with the government.
The government that tells you that they want to put this stuff in here to protect you, to give you safety and security,
They have kicked the door in on your house, broken the lock, and they're not going to let that be fixed.
They put the stuff out in the wild.
As John McAfee said, look, he debated with people about the iPhone, and they wanted to get into the iPhone.
He said, if you get the key, you will lose it.
You will release it.
And that's what they've done, as we see with the Vault 7.
That's what they've done with all these exploits, all these hacks.
They've released them in the public, and they don't want to have these things fixed.
Go ahead.
Real quick, I want to say to Mr. Trump,
I'm starting to wonder about you.
We have congressmen, senators, Hollywood people threatening your life.
And your job, one of your jobs is domestic tranquility and keep peace here.
You're allowing these people to threaten you and you're doing nothing about it, which makes me fear for my own safety.
I don't have security like you have.
To me, he's starting to look like a shill.
Well, I'm concerned because of all the threats against him.
And of course, as the Washington Post points out, they're going to use Kushner to use a SWAT team to fix things.
There are other RTs operating in the U.S.
Can you describe them, list them?
Sure, thank you.
So, you have RT, you have Sputnik, you have Ruppli, and then I think you have them feeding other entities.
InfoWars comes to mind where those are echo chambers for those modalities.
The outgoing governor of the Broadcasting Board of Governors,
Who went before different intelligence committee hearings, this is the Armed Services Committee, and to the military funding apparatus declared that InfoWars is a Russian disinfo op.
Then they come out in the news and McClatchy and say I'm being investigated along with the White House chief advisor.
Like I'm trying to cut your taxes and secure our border and build up a giant military and bring coal back, which is totally like a giant sanction on Russia.
Stephen Bannon trying to cut middle class taxes, rebuild our military and defend our borders and get the VA working right, as well as kill Obamacare.
Decorated Navy officer.
Can't trust him, can't trust anybody, but we can trust Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and John Podesta and Michael Moore, can't we?
And this, you see, has been built up for months.
At first, they came out and said, oh, the Russians stole the election, it'd be too much.
But I told you, they were going to build it and build it until they say that Breitbart's Russian, Stephen Bannon's Russian, I'm Russian, and Trump's Russian.
So rogue elements of the CIA are now declaring that the president's
Chief advisor at the biggest independent media talk show host, Alex Jones, and others are Russian combines and actively working with the Russians, coordinating with them.
And of course, zero evidence is given, but this is just amazing.
Then you realize that Podesta and all of them got caught with Google, Facebook, Twitter, coordinating in the WikiLeaks how to steal the election, how to have bots.
And they've got Donna Brazile in these articles going, it's horrible.
We never used bots or did anything corrupt.
And InfoWars is with the Russians.
And they have Podesta in there saying that too.
Oh my gosh, you just ran all the big media and coordinated with the headlines at the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, everywhere else.
You just put lies out about everybody and now the meanie Russians got you.
So go read the Obama quietly signs the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act.
He signed it into law.
It's still operating and it says the CIA will confirm with the Board of Governors of the FCC.
The Countering Information Warfare Act.
2692, and it says they're going to ban fake news and move to block it in the United States.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Fourth hour, Owen Troyer in now for David Knight.
And have you been to InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLife.com?
And if you haven't, I have to ask why you haven't yet.
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And we've got great specials going on right now.
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Well, we've got some breaking news going on right now.
Of course, this would be Attorney General Jeff Sessions takes aim at sanctuary cities.
I'm reading a headline from ABC News.
Says the Department of Justice will cut funding.
Now, obviously, this is just kind of a first verbal blow, I would say, to Sanctuary Cities.
Maybe not the first, but more of the verbal blow to Sanctuary Cities from Jeff Sessions, now threatening to cut the federal funding that was him today.
And you know, this actually provides an interesting talking point here, because I am all for states' rights.
And there's so much that can come from this.
Think about it.
Sanctuary Cities
To me, don't make any sense at all.
It's just a liberal virtue signaling tactic and really a Democrat vote engineering campaign.
That's really all it is.
The Democrats use sanctuary cities to create more votes, bring in Democrat voters, and the liberals love sanctuary cities because they can virtue signal about it all day.
Oh, look at what we did with these sanctuary cities.
We'll take anybody.
We'll take everybody.
And then of course you get stories like what we saw in Maryland with the teenager getting raped.
But let's get back to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
I am fully behind the Attorney General here cutting federal funding to sanctuary cities.
I think this is a great move.
You cut off the funding, all of these sanctuary cities will be kaput.
The only other option they'll have is to take private funding, which to me, okay, fine, now you're actually making the liberals out there put their money where their mouth is.
All these liberals that say, let's bring in all these refugees, let's bring in all these immigrants, well they're not opening their doors in their multi-million dollar mansions, Leonardo DiCaprio, are they?
The list goes on.
So now you're forcing sanctuary cities to die via cutting federal funding or you're forcing liberals to finally put their money where their mouth is and actually take in some of these poor people that they claim they care about so much.
So let's say that Jeff Sessions, who knows how long this process will take, I think he's putting this out there saying, hey look, Sanctuary Cities, get your act together, we're about to cut your funding, giving them an opportunity to actually figure out what they're going to do before he finally cuts that funding.
Okay, so let's say then we reach that point and there will be Sanctuary Cities remaining, folks.
There will be.
Guarantee, I would guarantee that.
They're going to fight this thing tooth and nail.
How far this gets as far as litigation is concerned, I guess we'll wait and see.
But, if he cuts their federal funding, this also creates a new precedent that some of us might not like.
Where we say, okay Jeff Sessions, go ahead and wield your power of purse over sanctuary cities and end them by cutting federal funding.
Now if this works, which you would assume would be a successful tactic, it would force sanctuary cities to go into the private sector, of course now you're dealing with the whole sense of illegal immigration becoming an issue again, people actually following the law, so who knows if we'll even need sanctuary cities when you consider that.
But now you have Jeff Sessions potentially setting a precedent and realizing the power of the purse, where now he could do this for any policy he doesn't like.
For example,
The legalization of marijuana.
Now this is something that Jeff Sessions has been very vocally outspoken about.
And here's what I would say.
Because, to be honest with you,
I don't think that Jeff Sessions really understands the battle he's getting behind with the whole marijuana legalization or decriminalization or it being a Schedule II drug or whatever it is.
Because he doesn't understand, I think, how many constituents actually would not like these policies that he's putting forward.
But, again, this sets an interesting precedent where Jeff Sessions can come in and now say,
Colorado or Washington or the list goes on as more states start to legalize marijuana.
We're going to cut your federal funding until you follow the federal law which marijuana use is a federal crime.
So while I'm behind Jeff Sessions cutting federal funding to sanctuary cities as a means to stop them, you also have to realize that this could be a precedent that Jeff Sessions sets to impose his will moving forward.
And so you need to know what Jeff Sessions' will is as we move forward so we can create a blockade or a support system for whatever policies or agendas he's going to try to move forward with.
And here's what I think.
Personally, to me, Donald Trump right now is taking this campaign, not necessarily one issue at a time, but he's focusing on one issue at a time and then moving his focus to the next issue whenever he reaches a stall point or a victory point with that issue.
For example, with healthcare, even though we feel like he put the ball in Ryan's court, a lot of people say he set Ryan up for failure, others are putting the onus on Donald Trump.
Regardless, he's moved on.
He's saying, okay, sorry, we put the bill out there, we were going to cut Planned Parenthood funding, we were going to cut the fines and the taxes, we couldn't get that bill passed, so Donald Trump, I mean, even though they say he loses, really he almost kind of wins, if Obamacare continues to collapse, which it will, because he called that from the very beginning.
So now he moves forward to the next thing.
They're saying it's going to be tax reform.
He's always focusing on jobs.
We know this.
But here's a way, I think, Donald, that you could do both.
And I didn't even mean to get off on this jag, but this is where it takes me when I think about Jeff Sessions wielding the power of the federal purse and where potentially that could go.
What Donald Trump, to me, needs to realize here, and Jeff Sessions, if you want to continue attacking drugs like heroin, that's fine with me.
I think heroin is a serious epidemic in a lot of areas right now.
It's a growing epidemic.
But marijuana has not reached nearly the level of epidemic that heroin has and they certainly should not be on the same playing field.
But if you look at the economic impact that the legalization of marijuana had on the state of California, I don't see how somebody like Donald Trump doesn't open his eyes to it.
Here's a guy that's focused on the economy, focused on jobs, and legalization of marijuana has helped both of those in the state of Colorado.
So I don't know if Jeff Sessions has a similar approach, perhaps, in mind to tackling what he views as a problem, which is marijuana, as far as cutting the federal funding from states, I suppose, that want to have marijuana legal.
But this is an interesting precedent that Jeff Sessions could be setting here.
And of course, let's remember that this goes on not just to sanctuary cities, but universities as well.
And you've got universities right now that are basically giving scholarships to non-citizens, where you could say, why aren't these scholarships going to citizens?
And of course, that goes with welfare, etc, etc, etc.
Now before we take this break, here's another news story that's interesting and even I am not fully aware of the scope of this, but it seems to be going largely uncovered.
This is a story from Fox News headline, South Africa accused of covering up grisly murder spree.
Now some people are calling this a white genocide.
I'm really yet to find that proof.
I'm not saying it is or it isn't.
Just from the research that I've done, what we do have is farmers in South Africa getting brutally murdered, folks.
Not just shot in the head or stabbed to death.
We're talking burned.
We're talking tortured.
We're talking dragged into a ditch.
Absolutely horrific stuff and it's been going on consistently now.
Consistently now.
70 attacks around 25 murders on white farmers.
So again, I'm not aware enough of the geo-social problems in South Africa to call this a white genocide.
However, they are
I don't
Could be race-based.
The mainstream news is all over it, but it does seem that they have pretty much largely ignored this quote-unquote white genocide going on in South Africa.
Again, I'm not saying it's a white genocide.
However, the consistency of farmers that happen to be white being brutally murdered is a story and it is not being covered.
In the mainstream media, at least as far as I can tell, and I pretty much monitor it all day long, and I have not seen one story on this, whether it be television news, radio news, just today I started to see it surface on social media.
But pretty much nothing covered there, so we'll keep an eye on that.
Now we've got some more developments.
This is actually interesting.
Before we go to break, I'll try to cover this.
Associated Press tweets this out today.
Senior counter-terror officer says there was no evidence London attacker was associated with the Islamic State or Al-Qaeda.
Wait a second.
I've got similar stories today saying the exact opposite.
Saying A, he was in contact with ISIS, but B, we can't even get all the evidence because some of these technology firms are not allowing us in to their media platforms.
We'll have more on this.
What do you think on the other side?
We'll take your calls.
Owen Schroer, Alex Jones Show, 4th Hour.
They say you- YouTube, which of course is owned by Google, has introduced a new restricted mode for its platform, where basically if you select this restricted mode, you will be protected from offensive and upsetting content.
Guess which videos completely disappear when you look at the Alex Jones Channel, when you look at my channel?
All of them!
Every single video on YouTube's new restricted mode on my channel, on Alex Jones' channel, completely disappears when you select this option.
So obviously they're using this to target people who they don't like politically.
McClashy came out with a big report last night confirming
That the FBI is investigating RT, Breitbart, Sputnik and Infowars for links with the Kremlin, basically arguing on a completely baseless conspiracy theory that we're somehow coordinating with Putin's trollbot army to spread information.
Before the election to sink Hillary Clinton and to help Donald Trump.
This is of course all about fake news.
They want to create the pretext that we're fake news, that we're discredited, that we can be censored on all these social media platforms.
How do they do that?
Well, they say we're spreading this fake news.
Put out there deliberately to deceive people to make money.
Of course, that's a completely deaf different category.
There are individuals who do that.
We've never done that.
But the point is this, Stanford University came out with a major study a couple of months ago into fake news.
They found that it had absolutely no impact on the US presidential election.
The only people that manipulated public opinion, that manipulated news feeds,
Were Google, Facebook and Twitter the very thing they accuse us of doing?
But it's interesting to look back as to the source, the individual who originated this deluded, faceless conspiracy theory that we are somehow in control of the Putin trollbot army or we're coordinating with them.
It of course traces back to an individual by the name of Louise Mensch.
You've also claimed that President Putin had Andrew Breitbart murdered to pave the way for Steve Bannon, this was the man who founded the Breitbart website, to pave the way for Steve Bannon to play a key role in the Trump administration.
You then said that Mr. Bannon is behind bomb threats to Jewish community centres.
I mean, aren't you in danger of just peddling wild conspiracy theories?
That is the impeccable source of the claim that Infowars worked with Russian trollbot armies to swing the election for Donald Trump.
That's their impeccable source right there.
A woman who believes that Vladimir Putin personally ordered the assassination of Andrew Breitbart.
If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse.
Minor words and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
It's a fight for our minds.
And InfoWars.com is on the front lines.
Download our free multimedia app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
It's free, it's on Droid, it's on Apple, you name it.
InfoWars.com forward slash app.
And action!
Well, folks, remember the Cash Me Outside girl?
Well, apparently she's gonna get a TV deal.
So, that's what you get in this culture of ours.
You just want to be a loud-mouthed punk?
They put you on TV.
How about that?
And then the kids think you're a hero.
Like the Kardashians.
You know, everybody wants to... You know, I just thought of this.
Everyone, everyone's sitting here making a big deal out of fake news.
Fake news, fake news, fake news.
How about fake people?
Everybody complains about fake news!
How about fake people?
I'm sick of fake people like the Kardashians!
Being idolized by the youth!
Now I get some loud-mouthed punk teenager who goes on TV and spouts off her mouth, now she gets a TV deal!
You know what, though?
You know what?
That's a thing of the past.
Her show will fail.
I'm calling it right now.
Now let's get back before I take a couple calls on this.
So you've got the Associated Press tweeting out today that the London attacker is not affiliated with ISIS.
Now, on counter reports all over the news, ISIS uses terror attack to sign up YouTube recruits.
Google fails to stop deluge of propaganda videos.
And it accounts how YouTube has videos of ISIS recruiting people and then they go and commit heinous crimes.
It goes on.
Another headline from the Telegraph.
WhatsApp accused of giving terrorists a secret place to hide as it refuses to hand over London attacker's messages.
So they don't know that.
They don't know his messages.
They don't know who is messaging him.
It goes on from the Mirror.
Secret text message ordered the lone wolf to carry out London terror attack.
A Sunday Mirror probe was uncovered
Has uncovered chilling messages in which jihadi masterminds urge terrorists to mount atrocities in the UK.
So then how is it that, and they don't source this, the AP just says senior counter-terror officer says there is no evidence London attacker was associated with Islamic State or Al-Qaeda.
Now, is there no evidence because they can't get the evidence, which is what these other reports are saying, or
Are you just ignoring all the obvious evidence right in front of your face?
Hey, what happened in London?
Somebody got in a car, ran people over, and then stabbed somebody.
What other events has that happened?
Where else does that go on?
How else does that happen?
Radical Islamic terror.
But the Associated Press is going to tell you that there is no evidence.
There's no evidence the sun is hot.
There's no evidence grass is green.
There's no evidence that you need oxygen to live, folks.
Thank you, Associated Press.
What do you think?
Let's take some calls on this.
Who's been holding the longest?
Let's go to Adam, who says the left hates women.
Well, duh, they want to elect Hillary Clinton.
What are you talking about?
I'm so confused.
Go ahead, Adam.
Hey, Owen.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
And really quick, I just wanted to thank you and Alex and Dave and everyone there at InfoWars for being the tip of the spear, being the voice of reason in this crazy time that we live in.
You know, it's not exactly a new archetype, but just lately, you know, the stuff with the Rockville case, this case out of Long Island, just something I've been noticing, especially on social media.
You get these leftists, these liberals, especially I notice women.
You'd think they'd be
I don't know.
That are nothing but double standards and hypocrisy that they really don't even know how to think.
So they're basically just spinning in a circle all day.
They don't know whether to blame the woman because of the way she was dressed, whether to blame the rapist because he, you know, obviously raped the woman.
That would be the obvious one.
You blame the rapist, he's the rapist.
But you know, hey, he's from a different culture, you know, where it was okay, and he's just feeling all this pressure coming into a new city.
He's just not comfortable!
It's not his fault!
Look at that woman!
She had a halter top on!
She was asking to be raped!
So what you're talking about here is just the double-think on the left, and I mean, that's really what it comes down to.
It's just double-think, mindless twits.
That have, I mean, honestly, liberalism has become a mental disorder.
Modern-day liberalism is a mental disorder.
Let's take another call.
Let's go to Evelyn in Texas.
Real quick, Evelyn, go ahead.
Hi, Owen, this is Evelyn.
I'm calling about an issue that was a little bit earlier concerning education here in Texas.
I, in the Houston area, 50%
of the elite independent school district is Hispanic.
And assuming that just a few of those are illegals, I found out just recently that none of the schools asked for or will ask for a social security number and or a certificate of birth.
But they'll ask all of us for our vaccines, I promise you that.
More of the Alex Jones Show on the other side.
We got a statement from Alex on the other side of this break.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
More f***ing battle of the tech elites as Elon Musk and Demis Hassabis and others clash over artificial intelligence.
Musk has been public about his concerns for AI for years, in 2014 stating, Now Musk, together with Sam Altman, has started a billion dollar non-profit called OpenAI to work for safer AI in the future.
It's no surprise that Hassabis and Ray Kurzweil would disagree.
Both are working on Google AI projects.
Hacibus project is called Deep Mind and Kurzweil is collaborating on a project called Google Brain.
But Musk is taking a different approach with OpenAI, wanting the technology to be shared with the world rather than the algorithms be in the hands of a few elites in government and the tech industry.
Musk has also said he wants to be able to get to Mars in case AI destroys Earth.
Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg is having tea with his artificial intelligence butler.
The real fact of the matter is that AI is already here.
The question is, will it ever attain self-realization, and what would that mean for humans?
For InfoWars.com, I'm Owen Schroer.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
On Friday, I issued a statement on InfoWars.com, but also broadcast on my daily show.
Basically clarifying my position concerning what has become known as the Pizzagate controversy.
And apologizing to James Oliphantas of Comet Ping Pong Pizza in D.C.
Now, why did I do that?
Because I am preparing to go on the offense against real child traffickers and those abusing children.
And because, going back to December 1st of last year,
I have told my crew at InfoWars that I believed this to be a manufactured controversy by MSM to discredit those researching and exposing the epidemic across the world of powerful elites and others abusing and exploiting children.
So please take notes and research for yourself the bombshell information I'm about to cover.
In early November of 2016, we began to get exclusive information from law enforcement giving us tips into open source areas to research.
And it dealt with the Clintons and with prominent members of the Democratic Party, admittedly.
Going to Alistair Crowley events and the bizarre information inside the WikiLeaks emails.
We didn't know exactly what to make of it.
But our law enforcement sources in New York and New Jersey said, watch, Anthony Weiner is going to be investigated for child porn on his phone and contacting minors.
We were the first to report that because we had sources.
But before we could get all that information looked at, suddenly,
People on online message boards and forums began to get distracted to a pizza place in DC.
Then MSNBC, CNN, you name it, The Washington Post, New York Times, they focused on Comic Ping Pong because there had been code words in New York concerning pizza that law enforcement was saying was connected to possible child pornography and trafficking.
That was separate.
So MSN began to focus on a pizza place that did have some prominent Democrats going to it.
What we now know is an attempt to distract everyone on to the probably completely innocent pizza place away from the bombshell information unfolding in New York and other areas.
So as soon as I began to figure that out, long before I was attacked at MSM for covering it, long before Mr. Alifanis sent me a letter just a month ago saying he liked me to retract, I clicked to it.
Why was everybody focusing on this pizza place and not on all the incredible bombshells we saw happening in New York, Hawaii, California, you name it?
So to be clear,
The reason I put this letter out to Mr. Alifanis is because I believe he and his employees are innocent people and have been sucked into this, just like I've been sucked into it.
And if MSN would just be honest, they could track back and see this for themselves.
But regardless, I did this because it's the right thing to do.
Just like by December 1st, I clicked to what was going on and it had been proven right yet again.
So let's walk through the atmosphere.
And the news that we were looking at in November and December, and why there was so much hysteria concerning what was happening in the Washington, D.C.
As part of my anti-trafficking work, I've met victims in Russia, I've met victims in India, I've met victims that have been trafficked from Mexico, victims in New York and New Jersey and all across our country.
I've been on FBI raids where I've seen things that no person should ever see.
These are the men and women to thank for the rescuing of 27 adult and 28 juvenile females and arresting 36 suspected traffickers and 142 so-called John's predators.
In total, there were 474 criminal arrests made statewide in this operation.
More damning, the Free Report accuses Paterno of stopping his superior's plan to report Sandusky to authorities in 2001.
Another email saying the plan changed after, quote, talking it over with Joe.
Sandusky would go on to assault at least seven other boys between 2001 and 2009.
Their cover-up of Sandusky's behavior is the direct cause of my clients being molested by Sandusky in 2007 and 2008.
...who has finally dropped a years-long sexual abuse scandal involving BBC TV and radio stars DJ Kimmy Savile and Stuart Hall.
A serial rapist and a predatory sexual abuser both hid in plain sight at the BBC for decades.
Jimmy Savile, far from being a lone predator, seemingly played an active role in supplying children to a network of child abusers in London.
It's the width of an establishment cover-up.
Yes, that's the suggestion.
I mean, these are allegations.
They're very serious.
I mean, this is criminal paedophilia on a large scale.
It's absolutely awful.
These are the alarming posts catching the attention of social media users across the country.
A series of tweets by Washington, D.C.
police asking to help find nearly a dozen black teenage girls reported missing over the course of just three days.
That's fairly routine.
I mean, while we say 70% of the kids are the most vulnerable from foster care and other backgrounds like that, we have a lot of people from all sorts of neighborhoods, a diverse background, more affluent kids, kids who don't have as much.
In early December, I distanced myself, my crew, and InfoWars.com from the entire Pizzagate narrative because I realized it was distracting from hardcore confirmed news reports of children being abused and sexually assaulted on a mass scale.
I distanced myself from it because it was clearly a contrived distraction from the real crimes taking place.
Less than a day and a half after putting out my clarification slash retraction, thousands of publications, hundreds of TV stations and major networks have picked up my retraction, many of them twisting it.
It'll be interesting to see if in the interest of children, they actually report now on what we're about to break down.
Here's a headline out of Town Hall.
Why the MSM is ignoring Trump's sex trafficking busts that are massive.
We're going to get to that here in just a few minutes.
But first, let's look at some of the things that have happened in just the last few years of why, when we saw the Podesta emails come out in New York, and when law enforcement was telling us they were investigating it for code words and connection to child abuse,
Very, very serious alleged child abuse that we took it so seriously.
Here's some of the headlines with people associated with the Clintons.
Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire pedophile convicted with links to Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Robert Maxwell, and Prince Andrew.
And there's more coming up.
The sex slave scandal that exposed pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.
That's who Bill Clinton and others are flying around with, going to this pedophile island.
All this is happening.
It ties into the same usual suspects.
We've got Savelle in England, again tied to the royal family, and all the massive admitted sex abuse going on there, including Satanism, Aleister Crowley stuff.
We've got Laura Silsby, who works for the, or did work for the Clinton
We're good to go.
Using blood, semen, breast milk, you name it.
And this is the type of stuff that was going on in New York with Podesta in the emails.
Anthony Weiner connected to it, Uma Abedin, you name it.
Law enforcement begs the world, read Hillary's emails to find child rape evidence.
Kit Daniels, November 5th, before it was anywhere that Weiner was being investigated for sexting underage people or child porn.
That's in the article from our law enforcement sources talking about
Anthony Weiner.
Downing Street and Scotland Yard saying national pedophile scandal at the highest levels of government may bring down the whole country.
A giant pedophile network's in control.
We're reading this in major newspapers, then seeing it in WikiLeaks and trying to investigate it.
Police launch criminal investigation into MP's child sex ring.
Jimmy Savelle was part of satanic ring, children dying, sex with dead children, satanic rituals, royal family.
Mainstream news, folks.
Then, Trump gets in.
Just as we've been told by law enforcement, he was planning to go after him.
474 arrested, 28 sexually exploited children rescued in bondage during statewide human trafficking operation.
That was February 1st.
We told you those busts were coming.
So now you know.
I'm not going to let the media, because some internet trolls focused on some pizza place, distract serious investigations away from what's really happening and give real networks the cover they're looking for
To demonize the idea that any children are being exploited, that any children are being kidnapped, that any children are being raped, that any children are being killed, when we know this has come out tens of thousands of times.
And that's what the media has done now.
I see them ridiculing people claiming the Catholic Church has abused or raped kids, or covered it up.
I'm now hearing forget what happened with Penn State and Sandusky, and now his son being arrested.
I'm hearing just, it doesn't exist.
The exploitation of children is a conspiracy theory, while NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, has been accepted by the UN as an NGO, and now leftist groups, even Salon, are pushing saying legalized pedophilia.
The very groups that criticize us and say it doesn't exist.
Now you begin to see exactly why early on, I clicked weeks into it, exactly what was happening.
Look at these headlines.
After exposure of pedophiles, BBC StarPrub widened to UK Parliament.
Missing black girls in D.C.
sparks outrage, prompts calls for federal help.
The police say black girls are getting grabbed out in the street.
But a week later, the news says, conspiracy theory, they all ran away.
Well, let's say most of them ran away.
What happened to all the others?
But they always say it's a runaway, don't they?
Again, to be clear, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand this.
You've just got to pull back and look at all the evidence and everything that's happening to see how clear it is.
And by late November, I was already telling Crube, this is a honeypot.
It's a distraction from all the real admitted stuff with Haiti and Epstein and the Clintons and
The UN and people working for the foundation being convicted of child trafficking.
And then boom, sure enough, by the middle of December, after I'd already completely distanced ourselves from this and had been the first in the alternative news community to say this is wrong, this comet ping pong thing is a distraction, we got singled out by Megyn Kelly on Fox News, NPR, you name it.
By editing clips of where I was saying to our audience, I don't know about sex rings, I don't know about Hillary actually being involved in that, but funding Libya, funding the Syria invasion, killed hundreds of thousands of people, tens of thousands of kids, and even top lawyers say she's a war criminal, and bragged about all the things she did in Libya, and Madeleine Albright and the 500,000 dead kids.
So right there isn't just child abuse, it's child murder.
Hillary Clinton is one of the most vicious serial killers the planet's ever seen.
Now there's a twist to that.
Am I talking about the devil worship story with her chief of staff or campaign chairman?
The leaking of the menu of blood and semen and body parts at the Alistair Crowley event?
The private event?
Oh no, I'm not talking about that.
I mean 200,000 plus dead Christians with her operation with Syria.
Our operation in Libya and not let the Christians get out and directing Al Qaeda and ISIS who target and murder children and put them through sex slavery and throw Catholic priests off cliffs and kill people in mass and murder gays and everything else you can imagine because they don't like peaceful people.
And they con everybody.
They're for open society and they love everybody.
Anything they do is for degradation.
InfoWars Alex Jones, a far-right web host, posted a YouTube video seen almost 500,000 times.
I think about children Hillary Clinton has personally murdered and chopped up and raped.
I have zero fear standing up against her.
So you just saw it for yourself.
We clearly were talking about Libya and Syria, but they think you're so stupid, they took it and broadcast it again.
Saying that I was saying Hillary was torturing people in the bottom of the DC Pizza Place.
Now that makes me look bad.
That makes people in the street mad at me.
And also a lot of folks don't trust MSM.
So they use my credibility twisted on Fox News, on NPR, and a bunch of other channels to have me say that it was literally happening, when I didn't, to then actually create more hysteria and send more people to go to Comet Ping Pong.
See how that works?
They edit what I say, rebroadcast it, then the controversy only gets worse and they blame me in the independent press and then call for censorship and the shutdown of our free society.
And someone could have been killed inside of your restaurant for no good reason other than people like Alex Jones fanned a conspiracy theory that even the DC police say has no basis in fact.
Now of the hundreds of publications
That openly lied and said that I said that Hillary was torturing people in the bottom of a non-existent basement.
Only the Washington Post, as bad as they are, told the truth.
Now, they quoted me out of context and said that I said Hillary was killing kids, but then they said he later tied it back to Syria.
No, I did it in the same one-minute clip you've already seen.
That's why they always only put audio up on screen and not video because it looks so edited if they actually show the chopped up clip.
But the story where the Washington Post got it right was Pizzagate from rumor to hashtag to gunfire in D.C.
But in this they admit that I was talking about Syria, not D.C.
And that's why the public doesn't trust establishment media.
They distort.
Not only did Megyn Kelly and others take out of context what I was saying about Hillary and her war crimes, they then also covered up the fact that I was exposing admitted war crimes where Madeleine Albright admitted that 500,000 Iraqi children died under her, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton sanctions, that that was okay.
We have heard that a half a million children have died.
I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima.
And, you know, is the price worth it?
I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it.
And, of course, Hillary making jokes about what happened with the massive deaths that took place when she launched that entire operation that created a failed state in Libya.
So, I mean, that is the land of unconfirmed... Yes, we came, we saw, he died.
Did it have anything to do with your visit?
Oh, I'm sure it did.
So if they don't care about all these kids being enslaved by ISIS and Al-Qaeda, they don't care about them being killed, then how do you think they don't care about kids in Haiti or other places?
This illustrates how cold-blooded these people are.
In closing...
My entire system, my entire economy is about being genuine and telling the truth.
I said there were no WNDs in Iraq in 2003.
I told you Donald Trump was going to win the election and the polls were fake.
I told you that household appliances were having spy systems put into them 15 years ago because I have the schematics.
It's now on the news.
The truth is, ladies and gentlemen, we're cutting edge, we're trailblazers at InfoWars.
And my whole world is about telling the truth and being honest and having integrity.
And that's why, when I saw us being sucked in,
To MSM picking up the most obscure rumors online and magnifying it.
And I saw us then reporting on it.
I had everything we'd put up removed because I didn't want to add fuel to the fire.
And I went on TV and the radio in early December and I told our listeners it was a distraction.
But, of course, MSM is still out there lying, claiming that I just retracted all of this because Alifana sent me a letter.
No, I openly, officially retracted and apologized, because that's a way of clearly cutting off the lies, saying that I'm promoting this damn thing, when since December 1st, I've been publicly against it, and I can sleep good at night
Knowing that all of that will come out when there's a true investigation or if there's any court action.
I stand on the truth and nothing more.
And I'm not gonna let the exploiters of children, like Mr. Epstein and Bill Clinton, who's clearly involved, and others, sit there and distract and divert to a lower politico.
Who I believe they've been using all along.
Just like they've been using me.
And that's why I'm angry.
And that's why I'm speaking out.
And that's why I'm telling the truth about what happened.
To some of our viewers and others.
The abuse of children and exploitation and their sexual abuse is very serious.
So when you go with half-baked conspiracies and when you run around and say that I'm covering all this up because I'm trying to actually go for the truth, you add to the hysteria and you create a smokescreen that distracts from the real bonafide meat and potatoes issues that we can prove.
And then that gives political cover to the real child abusers that are there.
That said though, we're going to start making a major...
Concerted professional focus on the exploitation of children, sex trafficking and more.
We've always done it, but now we have a true duty to make this our focus to go after the real research and the real court cases and the real admissions that are there.
So to all the pedophiles and all the scum and all the controllers out there who think
That they're going to use these distractions and these mainstream media lies to have a smokescreen to abuse children.
InfoWars is going on the offensive against the organizations that are known and documented, like the United Nations and others, to be involved in this.
And I want to ask our viewers and listeners to understand it is now more important than ever that you go out and continue your important research and keep your eyes and ears open.
I'm Alex Jones and this is the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
Final segment here.
Gonna take one more call from Mark real quick, but I gotta let you guys know that Super Blue Fluoride Free Toothpaste is back in stock!
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Probably the best toothpaste in the world, at least by my opinion.
I also want to let you guys know that right after this, if you stay tuned on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube, a lot of our radio audience might not even know about this.
Go to the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
We got our own YouTube channel there.
And I will actually be hosting another live broadcast with Rob Dew, talking about some of the movements of the left, some of the movements in China, and so on.
Now, we've got a caller in Indiana, Mark, that we're going to go to.
He says he wants to talk about 9-11, but I'm just going to preface this so I don't have to interrupt Mark.
If we could find out the truth about 9-11, if we could all come together to find out the truth about 9-11, because even the left, whether they admit it or not, is treating 9-11 like it's an inside job.
Now, they might be treating it like that for other reasons, for their liberal thought process, but basically, they're blaming America now for 9-11.
So, why can't we just come together, find out the truth about 9-11?
I think that would solve a lot of problems for the world.
Mark, what do you have to say on the issue?
This is going to make you laugh.
You won't believe this.
I made it on live television here in Indianapolis.
So there are these two towers, two twin apartment towers called the Keystone Towers.
And I saw that they were going to be demolished.
So I thought, oh my God, I'm going to go down there with the 9-11 Truth Now sign.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
And so I really casually just walked up onto the stage, walked right up to the microphones, and when the two towers were done collapsing, I screamed right into the microphone, the truth about 9-11 is right in front of you!
9-11 was an inside job!
You've got to see this video.
Wow, we've got our crew looking into that right now, we'll try to find it, but let me ask you this, what kind of response did you get from the crowd there?
Oh, oh, I saw, I saw, of course, you know, boo.
You can hear it in the video.
Oh, wow.
You can hear people booing.
There's a second video taken from the crowd.
Oh my gosh.
So you can, and I'm like, you can see me holding my sign and they're, you know, all these people just were like, one guy got in my face and was like, what, what, what?
I've done no research.
Well, you can hear the guys in the video, they're like, what's he saying about 9-11?
What does it have to do with 9-11?
I'm like, it's a controlled demolition.
You see, it's identical.
So if you can find this video, it's Keystone Towers Come Crumbling Down is the title of the video.
Say that one more time.
Keystone Towers Come Crumbling Down?
Yes, sir.
And it's at the 1 minute 50 mark.
What, do you know what YouTube channel it's on?
Uh, no.
No, it was just a random upload.
All right, all right, Marque.
Hey, hey, thank you for your patriotism.
Thank you for getting that message out there.
I salute you.
And even though you were met with boos, I think that your truth will remain supreme when the truth comes out.
But we need to find out the truth about 9-11.
This will solve everything.
Is ISIS our enemy?
Why do they hate us?
Who started the wars?
Who let it happen?
How did the buildings come down?
I want to know!
Go to the Alex Jones YouTube channel for more.
That does it for the Alex Jones Radio Show.
You stay classy, InfoWarriors.
More fallout from the London ISIS terror attack, as it is being reported on again that ISIS is using YouTube as a platform to put out violent recruitment videos as propaganda to further their religious caliphate.
It is said that the London terrorist thug was using WhatsApp to send his final messages, but Scotland Yard and other investigative authorities cannot access these messages because WhatsApp itself says it cannot retrieve them.
This again creates the battle between media platforms, consumers' protected privacy, and governments' access into such databases.
But what really needs to be asked, how does YouTube allow ISIS to operate on its platform when some InfoWars videos have been removed for content?
You're telling me no one from the FBI or nothing from the CIA Vault 7 technologies can be used to track down whoever is posting these terrorist recruitment videos?
It seems to me that we not only have a terrorist problem,
We have a priority problem enabling these terrorists to operate online where conservative media is targeted before Islamic terrorist hate speech.
This is Owen Schroer for the more scrutinized by YouTube than ISIS, InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex