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Name: 20170220_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 20, 2017
3185 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including globalism, nationalism, population control, health supplements, and comments made by President Trump on his show "Infowars". He critiques mainstream media for deceptive headlines and selective reporting. The show mentions a video featuring Roger Stone misrepresented by the media. Other topics include biological males competing in female sports, economic boom under Trump's presidency, McCain's statement about potential support for dictatorship in America, Bill Gates' warning of an epidemic originating from a computer screen, transgender athletes, NAMBLA pushing international laws allowing them to pick up children without parental consent, safe spaces on college campuses, conspiracy theories about Trump and George Soros working together, the importance of citizen participation in politics, law of attraction and personal growth, radical gender identities, treatment of women under Islamic law, support for alternative news sources like Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, fake news, media manipulation, increased crime rates in Sweden due to refugee influx.

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They took my saddle in Houston, broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend somewhere along the way.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
Well, John McCain is saying that Trump is supposedly a dictator.
This is a guy that works with Al-Qaeda and ISIS overseas.
John Bounds filed a report that completely destroys him.
Then we're going to come back and just cover the fact that globalism is in total crisis.
Stay with us.
There's been a debate about when to take the president seriously.
He recently tweeted that the press was the enemy of the American people.
Should we take that seriously from him?
Well, I think you should take it seriously.
A fundamental part of that new world order was a free press.
If you want to preserve democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press.
And without it, I'm afraid that we would lose
So much of our individual liberties over time.
That's how dictators get started.
We're talking establishment versus Trump.
Trump considered to be an outsider.
The establishment doesn't want any part of Trump.
They don't want him to succeed.
And I would throw some Republicans in that as well.
It's just the way Washington works.
Arizona Senator John McCain, groom of the stool for the New World Order, traveled to Munich, Germany for the annual Munich Security Conference to plead with hordes of globalists hanging on to their neo-feudalist dream, with McCain asking that his fellow American lapdogs not be counted out of the New World Order paradigm.
Many of our peoples, including in my own country, are giving up on the West.
That they see it as a bad deal that we may be better off without.
And that while Western nations still have the power to maintain our world order, it's unclear whether we have the will.
I know there is profound concern across Europe and the world that America is laying down the mantle of global leadership.
I can only speak for myself, but I do not believe that that is the message you will hear
From all of the American leaders who cared enough to travel here to Munich this weekend.
That's not the message you heard today from Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis.
That's not the message you will hear from Vice President Mike Pence.
That's not the message you will hear from Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly.
And that is certainly
Not the message you will hear tomorrow from our bipartisan congressional delegation.
Make no mistake, my friends, these are dangerous times, but you should not count America out.
Vice President Mike Pence had far more of a nationalist vision.
We must be strong in our conviction that our cause is just, and that our way of life is worth defending.
If we lose the will to do our part to defend ourselves, we jeopardize our shared heritage of freedom.
Under President Trump's leadership, I can assure you, the United States will be strong.
Stronger than ever before.
Waiting in the wings was German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Her popularity running on fumes as her own hubris couldn't hide the fact that as RT reports, almost 64% of Germans don't wish to see Angela Merkel re-elected as Chancellor.
A poll conducted by YouGov has found.
Meanwhile, the Social Democrats are shooting ahead in the polls, despite predictions that their popularity was on the wane.
The poll published on Monday shows that of the two-thirds of Germans dissatisfied with Merkel, 42% strongly want her out.
While 22% said it was probably a good idea to elect a new leader.
Conversely, 19% said it was probably best to stick with her to avoid a change in leadership in the foreseeable future.
While only 8% strongly wanted to see her re-elected as Chancellor.
What we have today is a world where there is no fixed international global order.
And in spite of the Cold War, the relationship with Russia is as yet, I say this from a European perspective, not as it should be.
Munich served as a funeral for the New World Order, a memorial for the hell on earth that nearly dominated the United States of America.
Of course, globalism will rise yet again, but never forget, it is our duty as Americans to identify its malevolent presence at every opportunity.
John Bowne for Infowars.com.
Stay with us!
This is one of the biggest secrets out there.
That humans, just an average farmer of 10,000 years ago in England, was stronger than Olympic athletes today.
In the final equation, everyone knows our modern society has lost its vitality.
The sperm counts are down like 90%.
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They're unhappy.
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I'm Alex Jones, and I may not be a caveman,
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
We're just over, a little over a month since President Trump became president.
I've got a giant stack of economic numbers here.
98% of it is off-the-chart positive news.
But if you tune into the big pop culture media, you would think that Trump is wrecking this country and hurdling the world towards war.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us on this President's Day transmission.
Let me just do this, because I want to just hit some of the headlines so you know what's in front of us first before I burrow into it.
Obviously, Trump on Saturday said, we just saw what happened in Sweden.
And then the media later laughed at him.
They made fun of him.
They said, oh, what did happen in Sweden?
And the Swedish government came out and laughed at him and said, nothing's happened here.
Just the highest crime rate in Europe now, the highest rate of rape, just an admitted government cover-up of it that's finally spilt out into the news as senior police officers, detectives, and even police chiefs begin to go public about the fact they've been ordered to cover up giant hordes of illegals and legals raping, robbing, stealing, killing, you name it.
And now even MSM is having to go, okay, Trump's right again.
This is how they deceive.
I have Merkel of Germany, I have the Pope of Rome, both saying, quote, there's no such thing as Islamic terror.
So this is all part of the giant whitewash that MSM then jumps on board with and tries to brainwash the public that it doesn't exist.
I saw a video last night
I meant to send to Niko, but it's like 15 minutes long, but it's a zinc yogurt of the young turds.
And he goes, wow, Trump got caught lying in his Thursday press conference.
He said he doesn't really know anybody that has connections to Russia.
But wait, he knows Roger Stone, unadmitted Russian spy.
So it was lies within lies within lies.
I think the headline was something like,
Does Donald Trump, yeah that was it, does Donald Trump know Roger Stone?
A silly question.
So they start out going, Trump saying he doesn't know him, Stone doesn't know him, that's pretty silly, everybody knows they've been friends for 40 years, total straw man.
Then they go, here's the press conference, Trump says he doesn't know anybody from Russia or that works for Russia.
Now there it is, got picked up by newspapers.
The Young Turks, does Donald Trump know Roger Stone?
And then you watch it,
The video is called, Trump lying about Roger Stone and Russia.
And it cuts to a clip of the press conference last week where Trump says, I'm not in bed with Russia.
I'm not doing business with them.
I don't know anybody that's, you know, with their government doing deals behind the scenes.
Then they go, wait a minute, then you don't know Roger Stone because the New York Times said he's been connected to it.
And Stone claims it's not true, but it is true.
But then the New York Times never showed evidence.
It's not true.
So that's the new levels of deceptions and fake news they're involved in.
We got a call here at the office a few months ago that the whole new series of Homeland, popular TV show, was going to be coming out and is based around me.
And I'm this evil talk show host that puts out disinformation and causes disasters.
So the whole push is ban Alex Jones, he's evil.
Of course, the New York Times basically has the same thing in a big article today.
And I went online, just from the trailers for it, people believe I'm on the show.
And they believe that I am now working with Showtime to put out this information.
In fact, let's play this.
Let's back that up.
Let's play this with audio in a moment.
But this is what I'm dealing with now.
Not just the X-Files character in a studio that looks just like mine, and then Chris Carter admits the guy's based on me, but at least he's a good guy on the show somewhat.
With this new Homeland Show and others, I'm out framing innocent Muslims.
And covering up basically terror attacks that other groups carry out.
So now I'm covering up false flags on the new TV show, and the voice sounds enough like me in the trailers that people are asking, Alex, why'd you sell out for a show attacking yourself?
So you talk about fake news.
This is a fake show that has a fake newscaster playing the part of me and then saying things I didn't say.
It's fake upon fake upon fake.
I sat there watching that YoungTurk video last night where it has the deceptive headline that
Trump says he doesn't know Stone.
Well, let's see.
He does know him.
Well, he's a known Russian agent, so Trump's lying about knowing Russian agents.
And this is so verifiably easy to disprove.
But they don't care.
They sit there like con men that have been caught, and they just double and quadruple and triple down and just don't care.
Look at the lie.
Is Trump lying about Roger Stone and Russia?
See, first, is Trump lying about knowing Roger Stone?
Never says, I don't know Roger Stone.
It's not even a clip of him saying that at a press conference.
The clip doesn't even correspond to what they say.
It's like saying, I saw a bluebird in the nest.
You look in the tree, there's not even a nest.
Or there's not even a bird.
There's not even a tree, folks.
Look at that tree.
You're like, that looks like a mouse for a computer.
That's not a tree.
Yeah, it is.
And you're like, no it's not.
You're not even having a logical discussion.
They just go, doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter.
So this is a psychological warfare tactic, but I started getting calls.
I guess it premiered last night on Showtime.
Then I guess it goes like Netflix later, this show Homeland.
I know it's been a big show for years.
And I'm sitting there and people are saying, you're on Homeland?
Because I guess they start out the first episode where you don't see me.
I haven't seen it yet and it just sounds like my voice.
But then it does even sound like my voice.
It sounds like my voice but then the guy isn't good at it.
He kind of goes back into like an Australian accent and then back into kind of what I sound like and it's just like I have to defend myself against this?
That this isn't me?
And then people go, oh Alex, quit saying there's TV shows about you.
The creators of it are in a whole bunch of newspapers.
Variety and Entertainment Weekly.
I mean, go look.
Alex Jones.
Google it.
And Homeland.
And it's just like hundreds of articles admitting it.
So then there's that whole thing where guaranteed a lot of MSM say Jones is crazy and claims there's TV shows about him.
In fact when Chris Carter came out and said the new X-Files is based on Alex Jones and his ideas and his theories and his worldview to a great extent and there's a character that basically plays him and I like Alex Jones and I think Alex Jones is a libertarian not a racist.
Well Chris Carter sounds like a closet Trump supporter to me but hmm I'm not gonna say anything.
They came out and said I was lying about that?
The new X-Files wasn't about me.
I mean, it's like, I'm horrible, I'm dangerous, I'm reaching hundreds of millions of people every few months, but nobody listens, and I'm a kook.
Shut me up, though.
And Trump's lying, saying he doesn't know Roger Stone, then there's no such thing.
And then I read the comments, and I got depressed reading it, because it's all like liberals are like, see?
He has been caught as a Russian, and caught not knowing him.
They just make up these... It'd be like if I had them bring in Bob the kickboxing dummy.
Like, we've got one here in the office.
And if I beat up Bob the kickboxing dummy, and said, look, he didn't lay a hand on me, he didn't lay a glove on me, people would say, dude, it's an inanimate object.
It's a straw man.
If I had a piñata of, say, Michael Moore, and I beat it up, I didn't really beat up Michael Moore.
They've now reached, like, two-year-old level, and I realized it, people are now wearing little
Safety pins on their collar that means I could be triggered.
I believe I'm in a safe space.
Just basically don't even talk to me.
I'm a basket case.
And they're now everywhere coming into jobs and saying you can't ever criticize me or I'll have to, I have a disability.
I'll have to sue you because I'm a snowflake.
Total mental illness.
And this is what they're pushing.
This is what they're doing.
But then they can come out and beat you up if you're in a Trump rally.
It's okay because
They're allowed to because they're triggered and they're better than you.
And then the latest is they're allowing men at college campuses and high school campuses to take part in women's sports.
And of course they're winning now.
And they're allowing men to compete in the Olympics that have un-dropped, basically, un-emerged.
I forget the exact scientific term.
Their testicles haven't dropped, but they've got testicles.
So they're basically hermaphrodites.
Well, it gets crazier.
This is out of the Daily Mail.
It's out of Texas.
Transgender on steroids wins Girls State Wrestling Tournament.
Now get ready for this.
It's a girl that identifies as a boy who is on anabolic steroids beating the girls in the wrestling.
And the girls are saying, listen, we don't want to fight some girl who biologically with the hormones is a guy.
She's disqualified.
And they're saying, shut up.
You're anti-trans whatever.
No, our girls don't want to go up against a girl that's on anabolic steroids.
So see, the laws of nature and the laws of reality and the laws of sports are being suspended for this on purpose to totally fry society.
And then these people are proud of the fact that men are beating women in baseball teams and basketball, and that women that are on male steroids, hormones, they're beating them now.
I mean, again, they're in a special group, so the laws are suspended for them.
They're above the law.
This is how you bring down civilization.
I'm going to skip this break.
So, that's just a few of the articles I'm dealing with here, and I'm watching them go from deception to pure deception.
And it doesn't just go to news, it goes to business, it goes to life, it goes to the UN, saying it's above the law, diplomatic immunity, big megabanks saying that, big megabanks saying they've got one-sided trade deals and you have to live under it, and Trump's saying no.
All this uncommon stuff, all this uncommon sense stuff, all this upside-down world stuff, all this one-sided trade deals, it's over.
We're killing it.
We're annihilating it.
We're shutting it off.
We're stopping it.
And we're not going to have open borders to North Africa and the Middle East to let in all these people.
We just saw what happened in Sweden.
And they're like, nothing happened in Sweden.
And the Pope comes out and says, quote, yesterday, there is no such thing as Islamic terror.
And the Swedish government said, yeah, what's going on, Trump?
And then he goes, you know the giant controversy taking place in your country, the record rapes.
I've got the articles right here.
But they're hoping that people are in such arrested development, where in college, you don't just go to safe spaces.
If you say you're upset, they put you in an area with coloring books, crayons, Play-Doh, and dolls and toys.
And they're telling you, be arrested, be a baby, be a ward of the state, be mentally ill, let us take care of you.
This is an admitted plan.
This is how they domesticate us.
This is how they control us.
This is how they dominate us.
And then they come over and completely take over your society.
So this is a scientific program of total control.
And then meanwhile, Trump comes out and small business loans are increasing, small business spending is increasing, small business profits in just the last two months have exploded to the highest level seen since 1984 during the middle of the gigantic Reagan boom recovery.
According to the federal government's own numbers, the best numbers ever, and some of these are from when he was just president-elect,
CNN has to deceive so they say there's one thing going right for Trump.
No, his poll numbers are going straight up too and so much more.
And it goes on to admit in the article
That a slew of economic data came out this week, almost all of it positive.
Americans are still going to stores and spending big.
Retail sales came in better than expected for January.
They're also buying houses and cars and using their credit cards.
On top of that, small business and medium-sized business owners are giddy.
The NFIB, Small Business Optimism Index, is at the highest level since 2004.
Heck, even manufacturing made a pretty big turnaround.
It looks almost healthy again.
The Philly Fed Index survey on how well manufacturing are doing just hit its highest level since 1984.
And anyone with money in the market likely noticed the U.S.
stock market set even more records this week.
In fact, American stocks are at the best they've been in 25 years.
There's still a belief on Wall Street and many parts of Main Street that CNN has recently visited that Trump is going to get the economy surging again.
Oh, there's still belief.
He's desperately in a race to stop the globalist implosion plan.
And they admit that's their plan.
They're trying to tap down the economy, but having to admit that's not happening.
Because they want to consolidate control.
Here's another one.
Americans are brimming with optimism on the economy.
The Hill.
But they go on to report that the American people are angry, saying they don't know why the media won't talk about it or won't promote it.
Because for every one story where they admit the economy's doing really good, compared to where it was, there's hundreds saying it's going to do horrible, it's over, it's going to implode, get your money out.
But we know that's fake news, don't we?
Trump slashing financial regulations won't hurt you as much as you think.
Market watch.
They put Frank Dodd in not to fix the big money bubble that the Clintons created in the 90s.
If you look at what they actually did...
At every level of that, Frank Dodd put in regulations shutting down small banks, ability to loan, credit unions, and stopped the big bank bailout from going below the big mega banks and didn't even get to the local community banks.
That's why Trump said Yellen needs to go, and is about to bring in new Federal Reserve people that'll actually do what he says and loan money to small businesses and lower interest rates.
See, here's the deal.
You can say, well, interest rates are almost zero.
How can you lower them?
It's zero for the big banks, or close to it.
And they want to go ahead and raise it because they were already giving themselves zero.
But now they're going to lower it on credit cards or on small business loans and things.
It's much lower.
And basically make them refinance with you if Trump gets his way so your debt isn't as big, which will then spur more spending.
He's doing exactly what you do.
Rand Paul came out this weekend and said, thank God we didn't get John McCain in saying Trump's a dictator.
And thank God, you know, that we've got Trump, because he's doing pretty darn good on the economy, just like his daddy said three weeks ago.
He said Trump's doing a great job right here on this broadcast.
Rand Paul said we're lucky we don't have John McCain.
Rand's coming around.
So's Ron Paul, because they see it, and they know it, and they know Trump's for real.
They didn't believe it at first.
I don't blame them.
They're pretty owly folks.
They don't just jump on board stuff, but they now know.
Let's go to it.
What would you make of McCain's statement that we're creeping towards a situation where people are potentially supportive of dictatorship in this country?
Is that over the top or is there a concern?
I think Senator McCain's perspective is colored by his disagreements with President Trump on foreign policy.
If I were to look at foreign policy, I would say John McCain's been wrong on just about everything over the last four decades.
He advocated for the Iraq War, which I think destabilized the Middle East.
If you look at the map, there's probably at least six different countries where John McCain has advocated for having U.S.
boots on the ground.
John McCain's complaint is we're either not at war somewhere or if we're at war we leave too soon.
So we're not there soon enough and he wants us to stay forever wherever we send troops.
So that's a foreign policy that is at odds with President Trump.
And also the idea of engagement, the idea of foreign policy realism, I think fits more neatly with President Trump and with John McCain.
The neoconservative label of let's make the world safe for democracy and we're going to topple every regime.
Hasn't worked.
I mean, our intervention to destabilize the Assad regime has really made the chaos worse in Syria.
And if you were to get rid of Assad today, I would actually worry about the two million Christians that are protected by Assad.
So I think it's more a foreign policy debate.
And Trump and McCain are on opposite sides of that debate.
And I tend to sympathize more with the president that we need to change.
We don't need to continue to have regime change throughout the world, nation building.
It's expensive and we don't have enough money to rebuild our own country if we're rebuilding everyone else's countries.
But just to clarify, what McCain said specifically is dictators get started by limiting freedom of the press.
I imagine you agree with that.
Well, the thing is, is I don't agree with his analysis and applying that to the president.
I haven't seen any legislation coming forward that wants to limit the press.
I see President Trump expressing his opinion rather forceful in his own, you know, his own distinct way, but I see no evidence that anybody's putting forward any kind of legislation
We're good to go.
Alright, that's why I love Rand Paul.
He's back!
He's the guy that exposed Al Qaeda, and then ISIS in Syria helped lead the charge to get our military to tell Obama no.
He is amazing.
I wish he was the Vice President, quite frankly.
And he's young enough that when Trump's gone, maybe he can be our next president.
I mean, I think Rand Paul is super smart, on target, a great guy.
He somehow just moderated his message, and it really hurt him with his constituents and listeners.
But it's so good to see him absolutely hitting on all cylinders, because there's this big hoax, like everything else, that Trump's trying to limit the press.
There's no legislation, no one calling for it.
Obama, two months ago, less than that, it was like two weeks until Trump got inaugurated, signed the NDAA for 2018, 2017, it overlaps, saying they were going to put the CIA over the Board of Governors of the FCC and start censoring, quote, fake news, and they're all over the news calling for censoring me and shutting down fake news.
I was talking to this New York Times writer this weekend who wrote a big story about me.
It's in the paper today.
He was like, we don't call for censorship.
And I go, here's a bunch of your articles I'm looking at where you say Facebook's got to block fake news and I'm listed in here in articles you've written.
And then I read other articles, things like Rutenberg.
Jim Rutenberg, where you are writing about and saying that Trump is trying to censor the press all because he's criticizing you.
The left always says if they attack you and you speak back, hey, my free speech.
My speech doesn't end just because I offend you.
Me disagreeing with you is coming back at you.
Understand that?
And Jim actually wrote a halfway accurate report for the New York Times.
Roger Stone said he's one of the fairer people he knows.
He did an overall good job getting some of the facts straight.
But you read his other articles, which I read a bunch of them, I mean, it is just the same thing.
We've got to censor fake news.
And my name is listed in there as an example of that.
So they're the ones calling for censoring us, and then they turn it around and say that Trump's trying to do it.
With absolutely zero evidence of it.
It's this upside-down world that's getting pushed, and it's crazy.
Meanwhile, the economy is exploding, and they're doing everything they can to stall it.
And by the way, it's exploding for the little guys.
The little guys.
And in minority areas as well.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Last week, Bill Gates, while speaking at the Munich Security Conference, made a dystopic, bone-chilling statement when he said that the next epidemic could originate on a computer screen.
By a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create synthetic viruses and super-contagions and deadly strains of the flu, he also said that this could kill tens of millions.
A respiratory spread pathogen would kill more than 30 million people in less than a year.
And there is a reasonable probability of that taking place in the years ahead.
But he's also said this at TED Talks.
How we can get this down to zero?
First we've got population.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by
Perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Lowering population by 10 to 15 percent still wouldn't yield Bill's desired result of zero, but it would reduce population by a billion people.
So Gates speaks of population reduction and mass killings while his foundation is vaccinating large portions of Earth and sending out genetically modified mosquitoes.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.
Sounds legit to me.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We are live.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We got something kind of funny that's going to come up a little bit later in the next segment.
We have a new Social Justice Warrior megastar that is actually in the building who wants to pop in on the broadcast with me.
So I get ready to meet Triggly Snitch.
That's the name, right?
Oh no, Rainbow Snitch.
So we're going to meet Rainbow Snitch coming up, but getting serious, they are weaponizing news and information and dumbing it down to a childlike level because this entire globalist program is about emotions and childlike level control.
And so when they come out and say, nothing's happened in Sweden, Trump's a big liar, they think you're stupid.
There's a giant controversy in Sweden over all the different abusive things that have been happening there.
We have new footage of feminist marches where the entire march stops and observes silence during the call to prayer and to Allah Akbar.
We've got that coming up.
I witnessed it.
I witnessed it personally.
Now this is in New York City.
In DC.
You cannot make this up.
We should probably cut to the other one where we have the feminist going, Allah Akbar!
Allah Akbar!
And again, this is a fetish.
This is a cuckolding.
They see this as really anti-Christian, anti-freedom, anti-West, anti-open society.
And so the groups leading these are Islamic.
You can go look it up in Paul's article.
They hand out these plastic hijabs that women then put on by the thousands and then they put it on the news saying, look how beautiful this is.
And then J-Lo says, how dare Trump want to keep people from coming into the United States.
Yeah, we'll go to Somalia, J-Lo.
Don't worry, a bunch of Somalis are getting let in right now, unvetted.
They don't let women do the call to prayer under any Islamic system.
So all of it is just completely upside down cuckoo land.
And what do their signs say?
Dismantle white supremacy.
Everything is anti-white, anti-West, even though almost every one of them is white.
This is mass mental illness.
But this is what you pay for at the colleges.
This is what goes on.
And you see the type of women, and I'm not bashing women out to the like women.
Give me a break.
Please don't put me on your level of being obsessed with what, you know, sexuality somebody is.
But these are the type of women that will come up to your good-looking wife, your girlfriend, whatever, in Austin and start hitting on them in front of you.
And they can't even believe it.
They're like, hey, back up.
They're like, whoa, I'm politically correct.
I'm royal.
If a man wants to compete on a women's team, he can.
If a woman wants to take steroids to compete on a women's team, she can.
If a man wants to go in a women's bathroom, he can.
Vice versa.
And Nambla says if they want to pick your five-year-old up, out of the backyard, if your five-year-old says they want to go, because they're promising a candy, or a puppy, or video games, that you shouldn't be able to under law.
They have it filed with the UN, where they want international law to say, they can come to your door, I'm here to pick up your five-year-old.
And your five-year-old's been told by the school, whatever, it's going to be fun, he's taking them to Star Wars.
You're like, no, Billy can't go.
They're like...
Your child's allowed to love.
Give them to me.
Your child's allowed to have an abortion.
At age 9 in California, the state takes them away.
They're allowed to have inoculations without you saying.
Because they have their own freedom to go with a pedophile.
And the pedophiles argue we won't have to take them to a slave dungeon.
We might let them live.
You see, if you just let us have sex with them, we won't have to kill them and throw them in a shallow grave.
It's your fault we gotta kill kids.
We're liberal.
You're not.
Get used to it.
Now you just heard me break down what we're actually facing.
It sounds unbelievable, it sounds unreal, it sounds like it couldn't be actually happening, but it is.
This is who we're facing.
You know, I've got a bunch of clips I want to get to, but I'm tempted just to play some more of Trump's Saturday speech.
It was so incredibly powerful.
In fact, I played the last two minutes at the start of the show yesterday, where he said, one spirit, unity, our destiny together, going back to the beginnings of humanity, together into the future, this great human experience, everything you've heard here, word for word.
Because it's a spirit.
It's not that Trump's even getting it from me.
And believe me, Trump knows that.
Because we've had discussions about it.
So, it's, you understand, it's infectious in a good way.
And you dial into this, you really see the enemy for who they are.
Because at times of great evil, great discernment is turned into the world by God.
And if you just want to say, God, this looks like real evil.
I don't know what to do.
Please help me.
God's going to give you the download of the understanding as much as you can handle.
And if you can handle the first level, you're going to get more discernment and more discernment and more discernment and more discernment until pretty soon you're like, this is too much.
And you're going to be where Trump is.
Believe me, this is a very, very epic time to be alive and the enemy is fully aware of it.
Trump talks about how he's changed.
Well, because Trump has now been interfacing with the Liberty Movement hardcore.
And he stared into our abyss in a good way.
It changed him.
Not that he was bad before, but now he is born again hard.
Let's take a quote from Full Metal Jacket.
Here is the President Saturday.
We have the chance now, working together, to deliver change for the ages.
This will be change for the ages.
Change like never before.
To pursue real peace, real stability, and real prosperity.
We want to secure our borders and protect our workers.
To rebuild our military and our infrastructure.
To fix our schools and restore safety to our neighborhoods.
To bring hope and opportunity to our inner cities.
To ensure a level playing field for all women in the workforce.
To reform our tax code and remove the regulations that undermine growth and innovation.
And to replace chasms of distrust with new bridges of opportunity and cooperation.
We must ignore the tired echoes of yesterday's fights.
We're fighting battles that no longer help us.
We're fighting battles that other people aren't treating us fairly in the fight.
I'm a NATO fan, but many of the countries in NATO, many of the countries that we protect, many of these countries are very rich countries.
They're not paying their bills.
They're not paying their bills.
They have to help us.
No longer
Are we chained down by the discredited approaches of the past?
No longer must we listen to those who have nothing to brag about but failure.
New circumstances demand new solutions.
Americans have fought and won wars together.
Our heroes have shed their blood together.
And lost their lives.
Our citizens have raised their children together, fought for justice together, and shared common hopes and dreams from one generation to the next, stretching back to the first day of our American independence.
This is our legacy.
It belongs to all of you.
And it belongs to every man, woman, and child in our nation.
Now is the time to call upon these deep ties in the name of bold action.
Let us move past the differences of party and find a new loyalty rooted deeply in our country.
We are all brothers and all sisters.
We share one home, one destiny, and one glorious American flag.
We're united together by history and by providence.
We will make America strong again.
I promise.
We will make America proud again.
We will make America safe again.
And we will make America great again, greater than ever before.
May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
So there you go.
Very, very, very powerful the way he ended that speech.
And Trump's on the move.
I mean, he's really doing the people's work.
He's doing all the basic things you do.
Get loans to small businesses.
Get regulations off their back.
Move to cut the taxes.
Create optimism.
Bringing the people together.
Working to get jobs shipped back into the Rust Belt.
Trying to secure our borders.
Trying to deport hardened criminals.
He's not just deporting families and people like they said.
That's all lies.
That they've been pushing from the beginning to distort everything and bring our civilization down.
Now, briefly, before I go any further, we have a limited edition Victory Series lower third for an M4 that you have to mill out yourself.
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So I want to thank you all for your support.
Victory Series 1, President Donald J. Trump, Tennessee Arms 80% lowers.
It says, uh, 1776 reborn, 45th President of the United States, January 20th, 2017.
That's when he announced the country reborn.
I personally chose this image of President Donald J. Trump to launch the Victory Series Limited Edition Collectors 80% lowers.
Normally Z would be priced at 160, but we're offering our loyal listeners introductory price of 150.
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But so many other great nutraceuticals and supplements are on the site, and that's how we fund this operation.
Sure wish I'd have been paying attention to my phone a little while ago when it rang.
I would have had to go to rebroadcast to take that call.
But wouldn't the media love to know who was calling?
And that's what's incredibly frustrating about this job.
Is now, they've got like a hotline, you know, in the White House with the presence of the Russians.
But when certain people call you, your own phone becomes like a hotline.
And then I don't usually pay attention to my phone.
And then you miss really important phone calls and it really makes you mad.
In fact, I missed the phone call twice while I was sitting here on air, angry about other stuff behind the scenes around here.
I just cannot let myself get angry.
We have to realize how good we're doing, how far we've come, the different things that are happening in this society and this world, but this is a really great time to be alive and a very animating time to be alive.
Another important piece that I wanted to hit on.
State officials to Trump revoke Obama's federal takeover of elections that happened right before Trump left.
I mean before Obama left and Trump came in.
Remember we told you that was coming.
That's Clifford Cunningham up on Infowars.com.
States oppose Obama's federal takeover of elections.
Which needs to be reversed but he's got so much more to reverse before he even gets to that because that was actually passed into law.
Continuing, Obama's
Organizing for action, partners with Soros, linked, indivisible, to disrupt Trump's agenda.
And Jay Sekulow on Fox News even talked about, this is an admitted plan to overthrow the president, and they've got all their surrogates out there openly trying to have it happen.
What all Trump's trying to do is turn the economy on that even helps the globalists get richer.
But see, they don't want that.
They want to consolidate.
They don't want anybody to have money but them.
Jay Sekulow, Obama should be held accountable for this soft coup against Trump.
And that is exactly what it is.
So there is a lot going on, a lot unfolding.
We're going to go to break here in just a few minutes.
I'm just going to keep this phone right in front of me at all times.
And that's another thing.
This isn't about entertainment.
This isn't about being a big talk show host at this point.
This is about total war against the New World Order.
I mean, I got a clip coming up.
Owen Shorey did a report on it earlier today.
Um, where Bill Gates came out and said, oh, we need to do these certain things or there's going to be a bioweapon that's going to kill millions and millions of people, maybe billions of people.
But then if you know the backstory of Bill Gates and the whole Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, they want a world government in place to force medical controls and inoculations on people and they believe global government will basically take place
Through this new planetary governing system through healthcare.
And here's Chelsea's book.
I've been using it as a thing to put coffee on, so it's messy, but we can document him.
Shot that.
Governing Global Health.
Chelsea Clinton.
A new book, which they're not really promoting because it was supposed to be when Hillary won, Chelsea was supposed to head up the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and bring in global government through healthcare.
And they're now basically admitting all of this, and basically holding the world hostage, saying, you know, there's gonna be these huge bio-attacks that are coming, and it's gonna be worse than nuclear war.
So, in the old days, we said, give us world government because of nuclear war, but nukes could kill the elites as well.
There's not an inoculation for that.
So now they're saying, we want vaccines that'll protect the elites, of course, not the public.
They'll give us dirty vaccines, so they can have a big cataclysm, or a...
I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat, or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22, when I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that are researchers developed that block
The estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars in our fight for both human liberty and freedom.
Last week, Bill Gates, while speaking at the Munich Security Conference, made a dystopic, bone-chilling statement when he said that the next epidemic could originate on a computer screen.
By a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create synthetic viruses and super-contagions and deadly strains of the flu, he also said that this could kill tens of millions.
A respiratory spread pathogen would kill more than 30 million people in less than a year.
And there is a reasonable probability of that taking place in the years ahead.
But he's also said this at TED Talks.
How we can get this down to zero?
First we've got population.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by
Perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Lowering population by 10 to 15 percent still wouldn't yield Bill's desired result of zero, but it would reduce population by a billion people.
So Gates speaks of population reduction and mass killings while his foundation is vaccinating large portions of Earth and sending out genetically modified mosquitoes.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.
Sounds legit to me!
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Day after day
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him.
They can see that he's just a fool.
And he never gives an answer.
All right, coming up later in the broadcast, after Dr. Jerome Corsi joins us, and I should add the Motor City madman, Ted Nugent's gonna be joining us.
He's getting ready to probably run for the Senate, is Rainbow Snitch.
Rainbow Snitch!
Shut up, you white male!
It's Rainbow Snatch!
Okay, I'm sorry, but she's the latest social disaster.
We should probably get you a chair in there, because folks can't see your sign.
Here, let me have it.
Thank you very much, ma'am.
I appreciate you joining us.
You're racist, xenophobic!
Okay, well, we finally got one of you to come on the show.
You look a little bit like Millie Weaver, but we'll see what happens.
Seriously, we're going to do an interview with you a little bit later.
And how are you doing, young lady?
Well, you know what?
I just want to say that all you Trump supporters are a bunch of racist, xenophobic rednecks.
I've never heard that before.
I noticed that you've got some underarm hair.
You need to address me by my proper pronoun, okay?
Because you can't call me he or she.
I want to be called Z.
So if you don't call me Z, then you're going to watch out and see what happens.
Why don't we just call you something like Sweetheart?
Um, excuse me, but that is extremely racist and bigoted to call me Sweetheart.
How about Cupcake?
I identify as a multi-sexual, trans-dimensional, binary being.
Do you agree with this Texas person where men are now on women's baseball teams and track teams are beating, but also
Women that identify as men are taking steroids and then competing on girls teams like in this Daily Mail article.
Transgender on steroids wins girls state wrestling tournament.
Do you think maybe I should be able to win women's arm wrestling tournaments?
Um, I think that the whole system is completely rigged against women, and that this is just an institution set up to try and oppress women, okay?
And all you people out there that are just talking, you know, bad about Muslims, you guys are just bigoted people, you should, you know,
Hey, let me show you that in New York, they're actually, the feminist groups are saying Allah Akbar, doing prayer time in New York with the thousands.
They're chanting Allah Akbar.
But in real Islamic countries, women can't even go out without hoods on their heads.
Yeah, because people like you in America are completely racist and they are too afraid for themselves to come out in the streets and wear their hijabs.
And that all women in America should be able to wear a hijab.
But you're not answering my question.
They cut women's genitals off in many Islamic countries.
They sell them into slavery.
They can pour acid on their face.
They murder them if they talk back.
They can't drive cars in what, like, six different Islamic countries?
They can't even go shopping?
Well, I don't know.
What do you mean?
Women in America don't have any rights.
And women in other countries, I mean, they have more rights than in America.
In America, women don't have any rights.
Women don't have equal pay with men.
And, you know, men have all the good-paying jobs and all the high-paying positions.
Women don't have equal rights.
And we demand equal rights.
Why are modern feminists so into Islamic stuff and, like, wearing hijabs?
Because, you know, Trump said that all Muslims are terrorists and, you know, that's why we need to support Muslims and let them come into the country and we don't need to vet anybody.
Well, Trump never said that, but the Pope did say that there, quote, are no Muslim terrorists, period.
It's impossible.
Now, that's not true.
Um, yeah, I don't know where you're getting these numbers from, but there are no Muslim terrorists.
Okay, the only terrorists in this country are the white males.
The white males are the terrorists in this country, okay?
Well, crime statistics don't show that.
Well, you know, you know, people, anybody can... I'm gonna ask you again.
Should a man be able to play on a women's football team?
Um, no.
Because women need to have... Hold on, we're going to be right back.
We're going to be right back.
Well under the liberal thing that's happening... That's why your name is Rainbow Snitch.
Rainbow Snatch.
Because... Hold on, hold on.
We'll hear about this name in a minute.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing the parasite plans at least twice a year.
Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Oh, my God.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
She must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, what do you think we call, like, America or a ship, a woman?
That means we hate women?
Um, yeah, everybody hates women in America.
I mean, that's the thing.
Like, women don't have equal rights.
We don't have equal rights.
Ever since, you know, since the beginning of the creation... Darling, darling, darling, darling, that's not true!
Women have more rights in the West than anywhere else.
Excuse me!
Do not call me by, you know, the word darling.
That is in itself extremely transphobic.
You need to refer to me as my proper pronoun, which is Z. Okay?
And if you don't, you're gonna find out what happens.
I notice you guys get real threatening.
Like, I've noticed that at a lot of the events, women get beaten up.
If they try to go hear Milo or other people speak, you think that's good?
Yeah, because Milo is completely out of touch with reality.
Milo is a racist, okay?
Nobody likes Milo in this country and he needs to just stay away from the colleges because college people need to be able to have a safe space, okay?
And if he's coming there invading our safe spaces on campus, then he needs to be removed, okay?
You cannot have somebody like Milo coming out and preaching hate speech.
So this woman deserves to be beat up by a bunch of men?
Yes, because she is standing for hate speech.
She's going out of her way to make people... What about the image of like 50 men beating a woman up and then her being dragged away like a horde of zombies got her into a crowd into the night to be put in the hospital with fractured, fractured, you know, collarbones?
Well, America needs cleansing.
America needs to go through cleansing because we can't continue to have all this hate speech, okay?
But it seems to me that you're the ones that are really hateful and intolerant.
You're a racist.
You're a racist.
You're a racist.
You're a bigot.
You're a fascist.
You're a fascist.
And you have the chant, racist, go away, no, USA, KKK.
How's it go?
No Trump.
No racist USA.
No Trump.
No fascist USA.
No Trump.
Stop being racist and then you won't get beat over the head and have your Make America Great Again hat stolen from you.
Well, if President Trump was to call up on this telephone right here, what would you say to him?
I would say that he knows that he stole the presidency from Hillary Clinton and that he is a Russian spy working for Vladimir Putin to continue the patriarchy in this nation and that he needs to do the right thing and leave before we force him to.
Well George Soros admittedly is working with Obama in a plan to overthrow Trump.
What do you think of that?
Um, well good, because George Soros at least has, you know, a good sense and morals to make sure to remove the next Hitler.
Wait a minute, George Soros actually worked for Hitler.
No, no, Trump is the embodiment of Hitler.
But George Soros literally worked for Hitler.
Um, I don't, I don't believe you!
La la la la la la la la!
La la la la la la la la!
I don't believe you!
Now tell me about this outfit you're wearing for TV viewers.
This is like, this is like the kind of outfit.
I've got to say though, you normally, you're a little, little, little too attractive compared to the average social justice lawyer.
Um, yeah, because you are a bigoted white male.
So you would say a chauvinist comment like that to me.
Um, I told you, don't even think of me or refer to me as a female because I am a Z. I'm a Z. That's it.
I'm a Z. Do you agree with the public schools that tell parents not to say mother or father on the entrance forms?
Because if someone else has a mother or father that might hurt somebody?
Um, yeah, because it can be very hurtful for all the people out there that are non-binary.
All of the, you know, children who their parents are both men and... Okay, well, you're going to be here at the studio for a few hours doing some interviews and things.
When do we have a space for her to come back on?
Now, see, it didn't make you mad for me to say that.
You are one sneaky, sneaky bigot.
If you only knew how sneaky, believe me.
You are so sneaky.
Oh my gosh.
I know what your problem is.
I know what's wrong.
Yeah, no.
I know what's wrong.
I'm going to help you out, okay?
You're the one.
You better watch out.
I know what you need, sweetheart.
You better watch out.
We'll be back.
An I Am Muslim 2 demonstration has taken to the streets of New York, with thousands rallying in solidarity, citing reaction to vicious attacks from President Trump, of course citing the travel ban as a Muslim ban, which is totally fake news.
Led by Russell Simmons, Susan Sarandon, and Bill de Blasio, this event also featured the star of the Muslim virtue signaling movement, Linda Sarsour.
Sarsour is a woman who has tweeted about female genital mutilization, she's a woman who supports Sharia law, and a woman from Palestine where the militant group Hamas is headquartered, a group in which the FBI has traced to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a group also helping to organize events and protest against Trump.
But beyond that...
How do you think these marches and rallies for Islam, led by people who support Sharia law, would have gone over on September 12, 2001?
They have never cited once at any protest that we falsely blame radical Islamic terror for the events on 9-11, because if Islamic terror didn't kill thousands that day, why did we blame them?
So I would like to hear who they think is responsible for 9-11, because they ignore that, but they will cite Trump's travel ban all day, which if anything, may have saved lives.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.com.
People have asked me for 20 years, Alex, why don't you have firearms and firearms accessory sponsors?
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live, getting Dr. Jerome Corsi, our Washington Bureau Chief, on the line.
We're about to go to him in just a moment.
And I gotta tell you, a lot is going on.
There are definitely huge moves to isolate President Trump by the Republican Party inside of the White House, but that's not working.
He broke out Saturday and gave that amazing speech in Melbourne, Florida.
We heard a lot of excerpts of that earlier in the broadcast today, and of course, Sunday.
Coming up after Dr. Corsi leaves us, former UK Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath was a pedophile.
That is the new claiming made by police in a major long-term criminal investigation.
I was told by a talk show host
We were on air about this more than a decade ago, and there was even more claims, not just that.
Sir Edward Heath was a pedophile, says police chief.
Astonishing claim is made that the former PM is guilty of vile crimes covered up by the establishment.
And he of course helped bring England into what became the European Union today.
Mark Cuban says robots will cause unemployment and we need to prepare for it.
Well, because the elites have made that decision.
We shouldn't make that decision.
We should say build a world for humans.
Trump's ISIS plan.
Another U.S.
Ron Paul is being somewhat critical of that.
Well, the U.S.
and the globalists in Soros helped make the mess.
They've come in and invaded.
We have to crush the Saudi Arabian force.
That's a just war to clean them out forever or they're going to continue.
NASA sends antibiotic-resistant bug into space.
We're gonna get what that project is involved in.
Limbaugh rips Deep State fake media in rare interview.
We're gonna be getting some of that as well.
Salmonella bug may help treat cancer.
A lot of interesting things breaking on that front as Bill Gates comes out and says he believes that superbugs are about to be released.
We need a global government to counter them and Chelsea Clinton just magically has a book out right now saying the exact same thing.
We have state officials, in fact, unanimously, state attorney generals, writing to President Trump again, asking him to move to repeal orders and different legislation that Obama and the Democrats basically rammed through to federalize elections.
So we'll get into some of that report up on InfoWars.com.
Obama organizing for action partners with Soros-linked Indivisible Group to disrupt Trump's agenda.
Jay Sekulow again, as I mentioned, said that Obama should be held accountable for the soft coup against Trump.
But the bigger issue is what we're dealing with is the fifth columns that are inside the intelligence agencies.
Big article Courtsey put out over the weekend at InfoWars.com dealing with the fact that not just Brennan but others were admitted sympathizers,
Folks that had converted to radical Wahhabist Islam while living in Saudi Arabia.
That explains the fifth column.
We have footage on InfoWars.com from New York where thousands of women at a feminist rally observed silence during the call to prayer in Allah Akbar and of course footage of women in Germany at feminist rallies saying Allah Akbar and saying they're going to convert to Islam.
So, first person I heard write about this would be like David Horowitz and then Dr. Corsi, 15 years ago, warning of the left's plan to merge with Islam.
I just thought, look, I get the fact that the left's whacked out, but merge with Islam when women are totally, you know, controlled under it?
It makes no sense, but they're so cuckold, they're so Stockholm'd, under Stockholm syndrome, that this is what they want.
So it's just completely whacked out, completely out of control.
But they're trying to stop Trump as the economic numbers pour in to small businesses.
Very, very exciting things are happening as Trump tries to jumpstart the economy.
Because if he can defeat their plan to crush the economy, they'll be derailed.
Coming up in the next hour.
The Motor City Madman, who lives down here in Texas now, and I don't blame him, Michigan's a great place, but they've become a little bit socialist.
He might be moving back there to run for Senate.
He still lives there part of the year.
And take that seat away from a Democrat.
So, Ted Nugent coming up in the third hour today.
Joining us again, Washington Bureau Chief, Dr. Jerome Corsi.
Where to start here?
Well, we can start almost anywhere, Alex.
I mean, I think it's clearly now a war.
I mean, I don't have any doubt that we're in a war.
And InfoWars is exactly the right title for it.
You see a massive effort by the mainstream media right now to delegitimate Trump.
And you see a massive effort even within the White House to subvert Trump, as well as in the bureaucracy.
And I've said for some time, Trump is going to have to do a massive cleaning.
Not only with the State Department, the CIA, but the entire intelligence apparatus is going to have to clean out the White House.
Anyone who's worked for Obama is suspect.
And I think that's the fundamental idea that's going to have to be conveyed.
And it's going to be a constant war with the mainstream media.
I don't see it stopping.
We'll take this senior, quote, advisor who went to a private globalist meeting and badmouthed the president.
The president learned about him and then demoted him back to his previous position.
What is wrong with these people?
White House confirms advisor resigning after disagreeing with Trump.
No, what he did was backstab the president at a private closed-door meeting with other people in the government.
A senior National Security Council advisor has resigned his old job at the National Defense University.
A White House spokesman confirmed Sunday after he criticized the Trump administration's Latin American policies.
Trump's administration.
Trump promises again hit Washington reality in the first month.
Craig Deere was removed from his role as a senior advisor to the National Security Council's Western Hemisphere Division Friday and sent back to his original position because he's unloyal.
Not because he criticized.
He's in there in these meetings basically fomenting a strategy against the president.
And they think it's clever.
I mean, this is the problem, is that the mainstream media will applaud every one of these unfaithful, dishonest officials within the Obama administration that's lasted and kept on in the Trump administration.
And instead of being reassigned, this guy, Deere, should have been fired outright for insubordination.
I mean, this is the undermining that's going on, and it's going on constantly within the bureaucracy.
It's going on within the Republican Party in Congress.
And you combine that with an unstopping media attack, a bombardment, a daily bombardment on Trump.
And this is really where you've got to get control.
The White House is going to have to get control over the press room, and it's going to have to get control over the media.
And this fake news starts with the New York Times and the Washington Post, starts with NBC.
I mean we've seen NBC constantly having to fire anchors over false news.
It's going on a consistent daily basis and it's a war to undermine the legitimacy of the Trump administration.
We've got to face it, the left and the Obama leftovers, the press, really think they can destroy Trump and
Now, Dr. Corsi, they have a new TV show out.
Well, it's been a hit TV show for a while, but a new season of Homeland, where they admit the character's based on me, and then I say horrible things and cause disasters and need to be censored.
Meanwhile, they have mainstream news every day calling for myself and others to be shut down, calling this fake news, and then they have the nerve to go on national television, on CNN, I played the clip earlier, and say that Trump's trying to censor the press, and so he's a dictator.
Of course, John McCain's saying that too, so they've entered a new level of deception.
And the attacks are getting intensified.
I mean, take a look at the New York Times hit piece that's out on InfoWars today.
A completely dishonest piece.
It, you know, mentions in the article in passing that InfoWars has never had as large an audience as we currently have.
There's more people today listening to Alex Jones than ever.
And this is what the mainstream media can't stand.
It can't stand the fact that
You know, Trump and the message of America is still alive, and all the efforts of the globalists, all the efforts of the New World Order, the Bill Gateses, the Soroses, the whole bunch of them combined with all their money, have not been able to shut up InfoWars.
And the next step, if they could do it, if Hillary had been elected, would have been outright censorship.
You can bet on it.
Well, the New York Times also sits there and says stuff like, oh, well, some in the White House play down the connection between Jones and Trump, which we've never even played up.
The point is, Americana is coming back, something we've all been promoting for a long time.
So they try to discredit me and then discredit Trump by extension.
It's just not working.
Meanwhile, Trump is absolutely, again, more and more isolated, even though he's still able to get so much of his agenda through.
Well, I mean, first of all, you've got to understand that the left is losing.
The left is losing badly.
And if Obama has his way with this OFA, and they continue to disrupt town hall meetings, all that's going to happen is the left becomes marginalized, so the Democratic Party is the European Democratic Socialist Party, and the only ones they're going to be talking to is themselves.
If Obama thinks that he's going to be able to persist in Washington as a critic of the administration, you better watch out because he didn't pardon himself, he didn't pardon Hillary and Bill Clinton.
The Clinton Foundation is still operative.
There's a lot of information coming out.
I'm going to publish, as soon as we get it written up, much more about Podesta and Hillary taking money from the Russians.
The ties are with Russia and have been money ties to Podesta and Hillary.
And what the Democrats are doing is trying to blame this on the Republicans.
It's not working.
You know, the country is, except for LA, except for radical leftist socialists who are becoming increasingly street thugs, the country is not paying attention and the Democrats are losing.
Yet they'll persist on the agenda and they've got the attention of the mainstream media, which I think basically is going to become marginalized as well.
I mean, Trump is not going to lose this battle.
He has to immobilize his capital and start buying some of the mainstream media and shutting it down.
Well, it's unprecedented to see how they're dug in and aren't backing down, calling for shutting us down.
This is one of the biggest secrets out there.
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If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse.
Minor words, and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women, and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
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Well, I'm not the kind to kiss and tell.
All right, Dr. Jerome Corsi's our guest.
I'm going to open the phones up and play a bunch of clips and cover news in the next few segments.
And then, of course, the Motor City Madman, Ted Nugent, will be joining us, talking about a Senate run next year.
Very, very exciting.
I was talking to Dr. Corsi during the break, and I was just saying, where do you think this is all coming from?
Because seriously.
They're not having major network TV shows admit they have a character that's supposed to be me, to discredit me, by building straw men and saying and doing things that I don't support.
And then in the plots to the show Homeland, I'm saying that somebody did a bombing who didn't, and I'm trying to frame people, and I'm the villain.
In fact, since I mentioned it, let's play that clip from Homeland.
Here's the trailer.
Not a very good imitation, but some people think that I'm really part of the show now, Dr. Corsi.
I mean, this again, I mean, mainstream media thinks if they invent something and play it on a network or on HBO or whatever, that it becomes reality.
I mean, Madam Secretary, the whole show was an attempt to desensitize everyone to a woman being president.
They think they can affect the Americans by putting out these memes and these narratives.
The truth is, you know, the American people are smarter than that.
They see through it.
It's why they're turning off television.
They're not watching television.
They're not reading the New York Times.
The New York Times doesn't, you know, the Washington Post doesn't.
It's all in its own building.
I mean, these companies are bankrupt and they're going to be more bankrupt as people aren't listening to their lies.
And that's what's got to be exposed.
And we're doing it every day.
The mainstream media hates it.
They want to demonize InfoWars and that's why they constantly are, you know, feeling trapped, feeling like they're losing and they're becoming desperate.
What do you think they're going to pull next?
Well, I think if they could, what they were going to do with Hillary Clinton is that they were going to basically run this fake news narrative and they were going to censor or take off shows like InfoWars.
They were going to ban it altogether.
They were going to, you know, put mainstream media propaganda in like Pravda and the Soviet Union.
The left is intolerant.
They play games.
I mean, there's games they're playing with, you know, press credentials.
I mean, I've applied for the press credentials, but they say, oh, it's not on official Alex Jones InfoWars stationery.
And so the news agency's got to request them.
Well, but OK, we'll follow their rules.
We'll send in an InfoWars request and let's see what they do.
There's no legitimate reason why they can deny press credentials.
And when it comes to President Trump's attention, he'll put an end to it.
But this is again part of the subversion from within.
President Trump is not in control of the White House as long as there are Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama leftovers in positions of authority.
And you've got the White House Correspondents Association that continues to want to have the same people in the front row so every day they can bombard the President and his Press Secretary with negative questions to lower the poll ratings.
And you'll see organizations come out increasingly and say, oh, the poll numbers are going down.
But again, these are just as dishonest as the polls that were in the election saying... I was about to say, even Gallup and others that you look at who have skewed methodology show him going up.
More than 10 points just the last few months.
So even with their skewed methodology, he's rising.
Real poll numbers are probably 65%.
The numbers are showing it.
The economy's starting to kick back in.
I know you're really an expert on the economy.
That's what your degree in history's in.
There's a lot of bad indicators, a lot of good indicators.
Everything he's doing, according to even Ron Paul and Rand Paul, to their credit, is wonderful for the economy.
But is it too little too late?
Well, no, I think Donald Trump's on the right track, and I think he's going to push through Congress a tax cut, a massive tax cut.
I think he's going to push through the repeal of Obamacare.
It's going to be resisted.
You're going to have press saying, oh, the White House is in disarray.
You're going to have, you know, John McCain, who's just a loser.
He couldn't beat Barack Obama in 2008.
You know, total loser.
And hitting the president over, you know, this is what dictators do.
It's all nonsense.
The people here, President Trump, they heard him directly when he goes out and speaks in rallies.
The popularity has never been as high as it is today.
And if you believe the polls, it's just like during the election campaign.
The polls showed that Trump was going to lose big.
Hillary quit campaigning, she was so confident.
The polls are skewed, the news is fake, the media is contrived, and it's a war because they want to win and they want to block out any effort to tell the truth.
Thanks for popping in with us, Dr. Jerome Corsi with InfoWars, setting up our operations there in D.C.
Thank you so much for all the analysis.
We'll talk to you again soon.
And we eerily always await your articles, analysis, and columns at InfoWars.com, the backup site, PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be launching some new sites as well very, very soon.
I'm going to come back, give the phone number out, take your phone calls, and cover a lot of news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
Now, this is our 20th product.
We can easily go out to a major vitamin or supplement company and private label a thousand different products.
But it's taken us four plus years to even come out with 20, because we private label some, but we also develop
Many of the products originally were some of the top labs in the country, so that they're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe, and they're also very affordable.
You talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about, we're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders.
We've both talked to them.
They have conveyor belts of herbs falling on the ground, and they have someone come and sweep them up and put them back on the conveyor belt.
They have
Individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
We're producing something we want to take.
We're looking for the best.
We went out and searched for the best to Private Label, and most of the time found out it wasn't available.
So we go to these big firms and say, we want to make the dream formula.
Bio PCA, for example, one of the ingredients is silica, and it's from bamboo extract.
It's everywhere.
It's in nature.
It's an essential part of being healthy, right?
Just this bottle of silica, again, one ingredient, in a lower amount that's even in our product, is $35.
They're charging more than what we charge when they have one ingredient that's less than ours.
This is insane.
When I told him we wanted 10,000 micrograms, he goes, okay, I get that you guys want to do, you know, high power stuff, but why don't you just do 3,000 and then you can sell, you know, multiple bottles of it.
People will buy more of it.
I was like, no, let's do 10.
Compare that to this.
This is a $50 product.
One of the leaders in the industry has 3,000 micrograms of biotin.
We have 10,000.
This is $50, $48 to be exact.
There's no script, there's no teleprompter, I'll just be honest with you.
My problem is, with 20 products now, it's remembering to take them all.
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It's changed my life.
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I couldn't lose the weight.
I went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the Infowar change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Here's a headline that says it all.
Trump supporters see a successful president and are frustrated with critics who don't.
That's out of the Washington Post.
You mean like Mr. Bezos that owns your company that got a $600 million contract from the CIA last year?
For his clandestine operations inside the Amazon server farms?
These are all a bunch of taxpayer propped up oligarchs, and this is the key.
The reason they're so arrogant is they don't care if MSM gets destroyed.
They don't care of the credibility of a bunch of narcissistic teleprompter readers, those in the toilet even more.
They'll just launch new networks later, find new puppets, new mercenaries, new front people.
They haven't been identified, they haven't been brought out in the light like Soros has to a certain extent.
But it's the Jeff Bezos's, it's the Bill & Melinda Gates's of the world.
It's the George Soros's, it's the big owners of these companies that are the ones calling the shots and trying to get our guns and trying to bust our borders and trying to get rid of our wages and trying to make us poor and trying to get us into debt and getting big bailouts of our taxpayer money, but they don't want you to get any low-interest loans.
They don't want you to get any factories because they want a monopoly.
They're a bunch of selfish jerks!
And all Trump's doing is 1-0-1.
What'll turn this economy back on?
But that'll screw up their big, fat, juicy monopolies, and they're angry about it, and they don't like it.
So that's what's happening.
Everything else is just window dressing.
I want to take some of your phone calls for first-time callers on what you thought of what Trump's done in the last week.
These press conferences, these tweets saying we're dealing with enemy media, the amazing Mar-a-Lago statements he's been making, and what happened in Melbourne, Florida, the big speech.
Am I wrong about Trump?
I mean, I know I'm not.
The guy is on a prosperity mission, and he's trying to unify us.
It's 100% now Trump's for real.
And all the small business numbers show it.
The manufacturing numbers show it.
Even though it's an uphill fight and the globalists are trying to stall the economy right now.
So where do we go from here?
And what are they going to pull out next?
And what are we going to do to hit the streets and really get aggressive politically?
To not be intimidated.
See, we have to be aggressive and stand up and be in public and speak out and wear Make America Great and InfoWars shirts and things like that in public to show people that are scared that we're the majority and it's okay to stand up now and not be bullied by the globalists.
And that's what Trump was doing.
He knows his numbers are up.
He knows the economy's starting to come back.
But he knows you feel like you're alone.
You don't know that there are other people out there that feel like you.
When you go to a Trump rally, you realize that.
So I would challenge the President, who I know is working really hard to get the economy going and national security and our borders, to continue at least every two weeks and just bam, bam, bam, do two or three events a day, just every few weeks, dedicated day, to going out and resonating with the American people.
And I think he should go to California and let people see the globalist riot, let them see people get attacked, to show folks who we're dealing with.
Just don't go to places he won.
Don't just go to Ohio or Michigan or Texas.
Go to New York!
Where we know he already goes, but have a rally.
Go to... Go to D.C.
Go to L.A.
Go to San Francisco.
Go to Seattle.
Because you've got your people there as well and you know it.
Biggest crowds he got were in California.
Because it's absolutely essential to call these bullies bluff.
They say he wants to censor the press.
They're the ones openly pushing it and Obama signed orders to do it!
800-259-9231 800-259-9231 800-259-9231 Now it's President's Day.
I should be in a very, very good mood.
I was in a really good mood yesterday.
I gotta tell you, you can't let the bastards grind you down.
I just get so sick of everything.
I mean, I really get sick of watching a bunch of feminists say Allah Akbar in New York City and putting a jibs on.
I want to throw up.
I mean, if they wanted to be super orthodox and said women should be under men and not have their faces seen and actually said they were adopting Islam, they're running around attacking the West.
Saying we're evil and bad, while they then say we should accept Islam, even though it'll take everything away from them they claim they want.
It's just such a fraud!
800-259-9231 800-259-9231 Meanwhile, the U.S.
deploys an aircraft carrier to potential South China Sea, and China says, you know, you even come through here, we might attack you.
This is the most busy sea lanes in the world.
And now China, if you look at the maps, has just claimed basically 90% of it.
Where no one can even navigate and go through it.
China's just declared they control the South China Sea!
In fact, I texted you guys a link Sunday that I wanted to play, and you grabbed another video off of it, off that page.
There was another one that I really wanted to get.
It's what CNN really does good, is they've got that thing where the lady's in a big huge studio, walking around on a green screen, and she shows what China has now declared, and it really puts it into perspective in the South China Sea.
It's like 90% of it.
You can't even hardly go around it.
I mean, it is just insane.
And it's a video.
But see, that's where they've got bases.
On those islands.
I mean, if you punched it up on TV, I guess I could do it like the lady.
I guess I could get a handheld mic and do it.
Maybe I'll just do that right now.
And then I can actually show people what I'm talking about.
Or I can do it over there on the map.
I can't show the CNN.
In fact, I actually have it here on my phone.
I will pull it up on my phone right now and we'll play it from this.
That's how we'll do it.
Okay, let me pull this up.
Find that for folks.
Should I send that to Nico or send that to Matt?
I'm just getting kind of OCD now about this stuff.
Did y'all guys see the article I was talking about?
And then it's like a minute 33 video where they do the presentation right there.
There it is!
That's it.
And then they actually show on the Chinese maps what they're claiming.
You see that big red loop she shows right there.
In fact, let's play her report if we can.
Can we start it in a minute and just get some audio?
And then I'll go to phone calls.
Here's why that matters.
Under the One China policy, Beijing...
Like there's this one graphic in the back they've had for months that I can't get rid of and every time I do the show it's that blown out graphic.
I decided if I could have that, I could be free if I had that one thing.
Again, it's just part of it all.
Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan all have competing claims to territory, but China is the most ambitious and the most aggressive.
As you can see, China claims almost all of the sea, citing a historic boundary it calls the Nine Dash Line.
And over here, in a chain of islands called the Spratlys, China, and to some extent Vietnam, are rapidly building artificial islands, installing infrastructure, all to justify their territorial claims.
Now let's zoom in, all the way in,
On a reef here known as Fiery Cross.
Satellite photos from the Asia Maritime Transparency Institute reveal just how much China has transformed this reef into a fully fledged island, reclaiming over 2 million square meters, adding lighthouses, even an airstrip.
And just a few steps away, zoom into a different story.
Sankei Island, controlled by Vietnam.
The AMTI says Vietnam expanded the island here by more than 50%, adding defensive positions, gun emplacements, and trenches.
And less than 12 kilometers from here, Taiwan controls Taiping Island.
It's a little more than a runway with a medical clinic, but it helps justify Taiwan's claim to the region.
The dispute also spills out into the seas themselves.
Anyone crossing these waters might run into Chinese military ships on drills, U.S.
Navy boats conducting freedom of navigation operations, or fishermen from Vietnam, China, or the Philippines.
A lot of traffic and tension that has raised fears that this contested body of water could become a flashpoint between competing nations.
You know, I want to build a studio like that.
I mean, I'll give CNN credit where credit's due.
They do that first rate.
If you're a TV viewer, you saw it already, unless you heard it.
And I wanted to show that yesterday.
I'm glad we showed it today.
Because I've studied what's happening there, and that was actually real news reporting by CNN.
And you're sitting there looking at China having 90% of it.
They never had that before.
You can't even get ships around where China claims its international waters because it's so close to the coastline of other countries.
They call it un-navigable.
So they're basically seizing control of one of the biggest sea lanes in the world, if not the most busy, and telling everybody just to sit down and shut up.
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Also, we have the newest product at Infowarslife.com, Caveman, the ultimate new paleo formulation.
At Infowarslife, our modern society has lost virility and almost all the ancient traditions and practices that our ancestors so greatly valued for thousands of years.
One such practice goes all the way back to the dawn of humanity, cooking meat over a fire and simmering down the bones into a broth.
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Ahead of Ted Nugent joining us.
Talk about liberty on the march.
Imagine him as a U.S.
Demographic show.
He's going to win if we get behind him.
Let's go to Jason in Deutschland.
Jason, Merkel said yesterday there's no Islamic terror.
So did the Pope.
It does not exist.
Is that true?
I can say conclusively that's absolutely not true.
But then why would they tell us something that's demonstrably not true?
Well, as you've pointed out many times on your show, the mainstream media over here is colluding with government forces to suppress reports of all kinds of immigrant-on-native-population crime.
And there have been anecdotal reports, of course, by police officers as well, that they have been instructed to either not report or under-report crime that has been brought to their attention by the local population.
Now again, I have a stack of news of them admitting record crime in Germany, record in Sweden, huge national controversies covering up rapes.
But according to our media, they made fun of Trump talking about it and made jokes about rape.
Isn't that cute?
But it's okay because they're liberals.
Kind of like women screaming Allah Akbar, putting on hijabs in New York City or D.C.
It's cute because they're liberals.
Well, you know, it's selective.
It's a selective reality that they choose to, you know, subscribe to rather than the objective reality that I think, you know, people that, you know, like myself who listen to you and others are trying to get closer to that objective reality.
Well, thank you for your support, my friend.
What was your point about Trump's secret weapon?
Yeah, I might never have this opportunity again.
The opportunity is not lost on me that I'm actually speaking with you live on air.
Could I have just 30 seconds to read a short missive about a secret weapon that Trump can use right now to totally level his opposition for a fairly decent amount of time?
Trump needs a secret weapon to stave off the wolves coming for him.
What could that secret weapon be?
What could be so disorienting and surprising that it could buy him immediate street cred with the average Americans and give him the extra wiggle room he needs right now to defeat the traitors within the government who are trying to break him down?
I have the answer.
We're good.
I think so.
Free the greatest single greatest sociopolitically upsetting force in America that is cannabis legalization.
Trump must release what I call the Kraken reference to the early Crash of the Titans movie.
I truly believe that if Trump wanted one single thing that he could do right now or in a very short amount of time that would completely throw everything into chaos on the opposite on the opposing side.
This is it.
No, I totally agree.
Now that's more than 30 seconds.
Great points.
Let me move on to get to other people, but I appreciate your point, Jason in Germany.
The number one thing he's got to do is get the economy going for small businesses and the average person and get factories built in minority areas with good paying jobs to reverse this whole race war BS, okay, that they then turn into class war.
He's also got to claw back all the trillions in corporate income tax that people via the laws aren't allowed to even bring back.
But I agree socially to absolutely take away their narrative that he's this evil right winger.
Most the public has smoked marijuana or does smoke it.
When you decriminalize it, it actually shows that marijuana use goes down.
Areas of Europe have done this, same thing happened.
You can then tax it and control it.
I don't want to legalize, I want to decriminalize.
Then you can actually get it tested, looked at, and regulated.
Because let's say, not having regulation in drugs, there's a lot of crap in it.
Let's just be honest about that.
I'm not saying regulations are usually great, but stuff like this, it's serious.
And then it lets the states have the power to do what they want and follow through on the promise Obama said he would have of not going after the states.
He broke his promise and didn't.
And that would shatter the myth that he's this big right-winger.
The problem is Sessions is good on everything but the marijuana.
And a lot of folks, you know, from the South and other places that are older really think that's like some kind of commie thing.
So, it's hard to get them to change their minds, but it would be a giant victory if, like Ron Paul, Trump said, put it back to the states, and I think he could make a statement and win a giant political victory with it.
An I Am Muslim 2 demonstration has taken to the streets of New York, with thousands rallying in solidarity, citing reaction to vicious attacks from President Trump, of course citing the travel ban as a Muslim ban, which is totally fake news.
Led by Russell Simmons, Susan Sarandon, and Bill de Blasio, this event also featured the star of the Muslim virtue signaling movement, Linda Sarsour,
Sarsour is a woman who has tweeted about female genital mutilization, she's a woman who supports Sharia law, and a woman from Palestine where the militant group Hamas is headquartered, a group in which the FBI has traced to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a group also helping to organize events and protest against Trump.
But beyond that...
How do you think these marches and rallies for Islam, led by people who support Sharia law, would have gone over on September 12, 2001?
They have never cited once at any protest that we falsely blame radical Islamic terror for the events on 9-11, because if Islamic terror didn't kill thousands that day, why did we blame them?
So I would like to hear who they think is responsible for 9-11, because they ignore that, but they will cite Trump's travel ban all day, which if anything, may have saved lives.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.com.
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Okay, I just got major breaking news.
Just during the break.
I'm not complaining.
If I sound distracted and it sounds like I'm mean to the crew sometimes, I'm not.
They love me.
They're great.
I just, believe me, I'm weighing it over my head, okay?
And so is everybody else, okay?
Anybody that tells you that this planet is in a major crisis and that crazy things aren't going on is lying to you.
There's just so much incredible stuff going on right now behind the scenes, and that's all I can tell you.
But Trump is going through a lot right now to try to save this country, and you notice the British are announced in their biggest newspapers that the Prime Minister was a pedophile.
Well, I had it that this Prime Minister wasn't just a pedophile.
But slit children's throats.
They'd bring in white plastic paper, bring in about a six-year-old girl, straight razor, and they'd just slit the throat in front of him, and then he would speak sexually aroused from that.
And the media, go ahead and run with that.
I don't care.
The point is, is that, you know, go ahead and attack me.
I mean, when you've got stuff like that, I was told on air, 15 years ago or more, that
One of the top British pedophiles they confirmed was a top pedophile, a procurer, Jimmy Savelle, was indeed raping kids, killing kids, and having sex with their dead bodies.
And I remember censoring guests that said that 15 years ago.
And I remember censoring guests 15 years ago that said this particular British Prime Minister was doing it.
So at this point, I'm not censoring jack crap anymore, because those people were right!
And one of them was David Icke.
What does that tell you?
And notice Trump's in all of a sudden, and all this stuff's coming out.
Because I was told by NYPD and by other federal sources, watch, Trump's going to start rolling up the pedophiles.
You're seeing it all over the world, folks.
So there is a serious battle.
And at a certain point, it makes me want to just...
I don't know how to explain it.
It's not run, but I like... Sitting on air just calmly talking about this almost seems obscene now, you know what I mean?
It's either like, run away with my kids somewhere, you know, I don't mean literally, but you know, go hide out in the country, or fight them physically, or, you know, just sit here on air and... But see, it's a war, so you gotta be slick about it.
And we're winning the war, and so I should be really positive, and so I apologize if I get negative.
It's just that if I could tell you everything I knew,
About what people in the know know?
There's a war going on on this planet between good and evil.
I think that basically says it all, doesn't it?
John in Texas.
Trump and Muslims.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi Alex.
The left, the left is using the Muslims as a foot soldiers in a new horrible Bolshevik army.
And what they're doing in Europe right now is basically a red tear.
That's right.
No, they're bringing in their army and they're going to use the terror of the Muslims to get even more power.
In Russia and that, that they could do the same things over again.
But it seems to me that's what the game plan is.
I agree.
What do you think of Trump?
He's doing everything I want him to do.
The only criticism I have of him is if he concentrate more on getting his legislation passed and executive orders instead of, you know, all this backbiting, trying to fight people that don't like him anyway.
Allow us, allow him for wars and the media handle them, the leftists.
Well, do you ever think in our lifetimes we'd see such a super champion?
I never thought I'd see where us, the patriots and the common people, would have a foot in the door where he'd listen to us.
He'd listen to you and he'd listen to the other internet hosts.
Now, he's the real deal.
He is the real deal.
There is no doubt.
Donald J. Trump's a real president.
For us, in our corner, he's Andrew Jackson reborn.
Thank you for listening.
The mainstream media finally figured that out, too.
We'll be back.
70 seconds.
More calls.
Last week, Bill Gates, while speaking at the Munich Security Conference, made a dystopic, bone-chilling statement when he said that the next epidemic could originate on a computer screen.
By a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create synthetic viruses and super-contagions and deadly strains of the flu, he also said that this could kill tens of millions.
A respiratory spread pathogen would kill more than 30 million people in less than a year.
And there is a reasonable probability of that taking place in the years ahead.
But he's also said this at TED Talks.
How we can get this down to zero?
First we've got population.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by
Perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Lowering population by 10 to 15 percent still wouldn't yield Bill's desired result of zero, but it would reduce population by a billion people.
So Gates speaks of population reduction and mass killings while his foundation is vaccinating large portions of Earth and sending out genetically modified mosquitoes.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.
Sounds legit to me.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, Blake in Florida.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead, Blake.
Thanks for joining us.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
First off, I wanted to say I read the failing New York Times article on Infowars today.
It's, you know, kind of the same as the rest of the mainstream media writes, you know, every day.
But I decided that if no one's listening, it's because everyone's calling in to talk to Alex Jones because you're a tough guy to get a hold of.
But I wanted to talk about the Secret Service and Trump.
I saw a report on Mainstream News, I can't remember the exact network, but they were saying it costs too much money to protect Trump.
Maybe we can look into possibly cutting our costs.
And I was kind of wondering what you thought about that.
I was thinking possibly they're trying to thin out the herd and make it easier for one of these crazy people to take them out.
You've got mainstream media pushing for Trump's death everywhere.
So that's undoubtedly going on.
You've got him openly saying overthrow him in the media.
So that's what's happening.
Most of the Secret Service are great people.
The problem is it's a government job.
So admittedly there's a lot of infiltrators.
Some of them have openly said I won't protect Trump or I won't take a bullet for Trump.
So they're having to be basically sent to Siberia or sent to the North Pole to make that classic joke.
But I don't know.
All I know is he's trying to turn the economy back on with every real move you do to help the little guy and not the big guys.
Now, the economy's going up, so the big guys, they're going to get some profit as well.
And Trump's trying to say, we're going to induce things where if you invest back in your workers, you'll make even more money.
But if you don't invest in humanity, we're going to basically push you out.
Thank you, Blake.
Good to hear from you.
Who's up next here?
Let's go ahead and talk to
Victor in Canada.
Victor, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Hello, Alex.
How are you?
Good, my friend.
I'm a longtime listener from about 2006.
Thank you.
I wish I would have been able to grab some of the fluoride that you came out with, the best ingredients I've seen for any kind of fluoride, period.
But I was late and it was all sold out.
But I want to talk about Donald Trump.
I call him Donald the Great.
I speak both languages.
I speak English and I speak Russian.
So I prescribe to the high policy makers in Russia.
So I've watched this thing for a long time.
I use as my bio on YouTube, I use First Amendment because it's the only thing that I think that's worthwhile living for and fighting for.
Donald Trump, I think he's going to save humanity.
From what I see from top policy makers in Russia, like Zhirinovsky, they dodged the bullet with Hillary Clinton of a real war.
That was 100%.
So, I watched Donald bringing jobs back, and I watched Donald trying so hard to stand up for the American people.
A lot of them are fluoridated.
You can't really blame them too much.
Yeah, and I love him for that.
I believe that he's a crazy fighter.
He's like a Clint Eastwood of the western movie.
I've seen him take out the best of the best, including the Pope, including Dalai Lama, the Queen.
He killed all of them, but not, of course, without our support.
That's how I knew American people really want to shake off those huge chains that they've been wearing for so long with the previous degenerates that have been running it.
He's only on for about 20 minutes or so.
If you want to hold, I'll come back to you and finish up with you.
If you've got to go, you've got to go.
But thank you, Victor.
We've got the Motor City Madman.
Talking about him running for Senate.
We're going to discuss it as soon as we get him on the line.
Ted Nugent, straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWars.
They're trying to censor that URL.
Help us get it out.
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Last week, Bill Gates, while speaking at the Munich Security Conference, made a dystopic, bone-chilling statement when he said that the next epidemic could originate on a computer screen.
By a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create synthetic viruses and super-contagions and deadly strains of the flu, he also said that this could kill tens of millions.
A respiratory spread pathogen would kill more than 30 million people in less than a year.
And there is a reasonable probability of that taking place in the years ahead.
But he's also said this at TED Talks.
How we can get this down to zero?
First we've got population.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by
Perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Lowering population by 10 to 15 percent still wouldn't yield Bill's desired result of zero, but it would reduce population by a billion people.
So Gates speaks of population reduction and mass killings while his foundation is vaccinating large portions of Earth and sending out genetically modified mosquitoes.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.
Sounds legit to me!
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I hear people talking bad about the way we have to live here in this country.
Harping on wars, we fight and gripe about the way things ought to be.
Well he's one of the most successful rock stars and creator of rock bands in modern history, in the history of rock and roll period.
And of course he is a Motor City madman who also spends part of his time down here in Texas.
He's Ted Nugent, Uncle Ted.
And wow, talk about a stranglehold on tyranny.
Last week I saw the news and got very, very excited.
They had asked him, could we draft you to run for the Senate up in Michigan to try to restore this republic?
And he said, I'll do whatever it takes to save this country.
So I asked him, right when he got on the line about two minutes ago, I said, are you going to do it?
And he said, I'll do whatever I got to do.
That sounds to me like
Ted Nugent is ready to win the Senate race coming up in less than a year in Michigan.
So that means we've got to get started drafting him right now.
So Uncle Ted, amazing!
I can't wait to have you be the U.S.
Senator from Michigan.
Yeah, it sounds so perfect I can hardly stand myself, Alex.
You know why, don't you?
Because self-evident truth, logic, common sense, goodwill, decency, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and Stranglehold are still the law of the land.
Nobody can stop me doing this.
We the people boogie.
I'm on it.
Let's talk about where this came from, how this got started, and just where we're going now.
Well, you know, you and I have talked.
We've known each other for a long time.
We, like, you know, really I believe, I don't know if it's the vast majority, but certainly thank God it's a majority enough to get a real status quo crushing president back into the White House.
So what you and I espouse, what we write about, what we talk about, what we raise hell about,
Is really pure American politics.
That is, we the people, demanding a constitutional accountability from our elected employees.
You know, years ago, I think it was on one of our interviews, Alex, I came up with the term, you know, raising hell and putting pressure, constitutional accountability pressure, on our elected employees.
I'm sick and tired of calling our elected employees officials.
They're not official anything.
We the people.
Our officials.
So, I've been a hellraiser all along because the tip of the culture war spear was attacking gun rights and hunting back in the 50s and 60s.
And I was bludgeoned by this punk-ass rock and roll media condemning me and ridiculing me and ostracizing me.
And by the way, I've checked the historical record.
I've checked the historical record.
Ted Nugent is the guy that formed the modern pro-gun movement.
Heston came and supercharged it.
But I mean, it is just great to see that I believe we're beginning to turn the tide on so many fronts.
But Obama and Soros are building a bunker two miles from the White House.
It's even on Fox News.
They're saying they want to overthrow Trump, but the economic numbers are coming in.
Small business numbers are exploding.
I think Trump's in a race to try to, you know, jumpstart this economy, and they're trying to block it.
Well, I think we can all celebrate that Donald Trump is a radical.
And let's really be honest, you know, I've been talking about this forever.
An experiment in self-government is the most radical thing in the history of the human species!
Call me a radical!
Writing down self-evident truth and calling them our foundation, our constitution, our Bill of Rights, that's really, really radical!
So when you call somebody radical on the side of truth and logic and common sense, that's the ultimate compliment.
So the status quo crush factor is at an all-time high, and what that does is create an atmosphere of an encouraging entrepreneurship.
All business owners with a dream, an American dream, to get the shackles of regulation and over-taxation off of our throat.
So yeah, there's a resurgence of the original American.
I can't say the term that identifies them the best on your radio show.
They're ass kickers.
They're working hard, playing hard.
Get the job done at all costs.
Roll up your sleeves.
Put your nose to the grindstone.
They're alive!
Remember that term, Alex?
Put your nose to the grindstone.
I think that's against the law in school today.
You've been talking about this since I heard you politically talking 30 years ago when I was only half awake, you know, in high school or whatever, but it's true.
The spirit of America is what's sexy, is what's avant-garde, is what's, you know, punk rock or counterculture.
These little weasels wanting authoritarian control and speech control, they're the ancient oppression.
We're the cutting edge.
We're the rock and roll.
Hell, we've got Ted Nugent at the head of the spear here.
So, Paul Watson, one of my top guys,
He gets more views online than I do a week now, conservatively about 30 million, okay, total rock star level.
And he made the point, just in a video a few weeks ago, he said, in fact he mentioned, look at Ted Nugent on the show, he said it, look at, all our people are the real rebels, and this is bull that all these chicken neck
Weird liberal women putting hijabs on, pledging to Allah.
New videos came out from New York yesterday.
Women praying to Allah because they're liberals.
This is all, they're following ancient oppressive crap.
We're the cutting-edge people.
The West brought the freedom.
America's the tip of the spear.
We ought to be damn proud of it instead of being lectured all day how we've been oppressing the world when we've been the trailblazers of freedom.
Pass the ammo.
Ted Nugent ammo, if you will, please.
Yeah, well, Alex, that's why I decided a long time ago that you deserve me.
Because you're a hellraiser.
You stand up for the basics of earning your own way.
You know, helping your neighbor without bureaucratic waste and corruption and abuse of power.
Left in the hands of we the people.
And I could give you a million examples, and I know you do on all your programs.
No, no, lay them out, though.
You can take over.
But here's the simplest
Irrefutable crowbar of evidence right between the eyes that nobody in all the liberal media that I do, they won't even have me on anymore because they know I'll eat their family tree and spit sauce at them.
Because you win!
The things that I stand for.
And here it is in a nutshell.
Every year for 30 years, Alex, the most controversial activity in America today, killing your own dinner, hunting, fishing, trapping, we the people in the hunting families
Kill, process, butcher, skin, hang, age, and cook.
250 million meals every year.
250 million meals of venison every year for 30 years.
It's called Hunters for the Hungry.
Government waste, zero.
We the people, perfection, perfect.
And the left, the anti-hunting, the Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, Schumer, et al, Clinton, Obama, Eric Holder, they all hate hunters.
And we donate
Free of charge, no cost to our fellow Americans at soup kitchens and homeless shelters.
250 million meals every year of renewable, sacred protein.
You talk about caveman, you talk about paleo-nutrition, bone broth, backstraps, haunts, slavage, sacred flesh, God's pure protein, dinner on the hook.
That's what the Nutrient Family has always stood up for, and the media
Wait for it!
Meanwhile, we're feeding tens of millions of hungry Americans with pure, natural protein.
You want grass-fed beef?
No, thank you.
I'll have browse-fed, white-tailed deer venison.
This is a perfect example of what the left would ban tonight if they could, and we'd just trounce them with goodwill, decency, love, compassion, and generosity for our fellow man.
Hunting, fishing, trapping, gun ownership.
That's a key point though.
That's a key point.
The new thing they're doing is...
They create caricatures of yourself, myself on TV shows, and then they have us say things on cartoon shows, but also with actors, of things we never said.
And then people say, oh, I saw Ted Nugent, I saw Alex Jones.
In fact, this just happened to both of us.
I don't know if you know this, the last week.
And that's, no, that's not us.
We didn't say that.
They call us fake news.
They're the fake news.
Oh, Alex, I am so excited.
Of course, I'm always excited.
But I'm really, really thrilled beyond words.
That the world has now come to grips with what I have had to deal with for 40 plus years.
Fake news!
Let's take the most egregious example.
The media, HuffPost, MoveOn.org, Southern Poverty Law Center, all these America-hating punks wrote that I told the Native Americans to go back where they came from and I was a racist, denouncing my Indian brothers, when in fact my entire life has been dedicated to promote the Native American lifestyle with the Great White Buffalo song, Geronimo and Me, Spirit of the Wild,
It's incredible, I know, and it's just like, but the good news is people are onto it.
So let me ask you this, again, you've been a trailblazer, it's true, probably the first Americana in the whole re-assurgence in the last 30-40 years.
I believe we're winning.
Correct me if I'm wrong, we're starting to win.
But how do the globalists strike back?
I mean, what are you concerned about?
Well, and again, I'll give you my examples are just like, you know, a tsunami of evidence and truth and logic.
Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania were constantly countered by the fake news media, reliably blue.
And they were reliably blue, but if you examine those states, like every state, including the states like California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, those aren't blue states.
Those are red states with just little high-crime blue smudges.
Wherever you see little blue smudges, it's the high-crime area.
It is the pimps, the whores, and the welfare brats, or the racist liberals that promote pimps, whores, and welfare brats.
That's the title of Star Parker's book, by the way.
Nobody's ever read Star Parker's book.
I don't know.
We the people who didn't show up for John McCain and Mitt Romney, because John McCain and Mitt Romney brought a doily to a grenade fight!
I mean, talking about spineless wimps!
Talking about moderates standing for nothing!
And I just, I just saturated the airwaves in those three states!
Now there's no doubt you helped Trump win.
There's no doubt, and that's the thing.
Trump has spirit, you have spirit, I have spirit.
That's what defeats this not being moderate, because as Barry Goldwater said, extremism and defensive liberty is no vice.
We have to be hardcore in the face of these bullies, and they're trying to bully free speech, they're trying to restrict our speech, they're trying to get all this done, but the people are responding.
So how do you think they're going to counter-strike?
I mean, I'm going back to that.
Well, remember, our first interview is our first dialogue, our first conversation, both on the air and off.
I identify that it isn't the enemy that's the enemy.
It's us.
It's the apathy, the self-inflicted scourge, the soundlessness.
Of disconnect and apathy that allows any American to not participate in this sacred, hard-earned, hard-won experiment in self-government.
If you don't impress upon your elected employees, your mayor, your governor, your senator, your congressman, your president, if your elected employees don't know your name,
I'd like to thank you for nothing!
They go, well Ted, you got a bully pulpy, you can speak for him.
No way!
Every American has a bully pulpy!
That's it, and now Soros!
And Soros has doubled the money since the election three months ago to try to get their people to go bully the elected representatives.
We don't bully.
We go shake their hand.
We talk to them.
So what you said is key.
All of us have to get more involved.
The fact that we've been given this reprieve from destruction, from the Black Lives Matter, kill the cops, Civil War, you know, traitors.
The fact that we've been given this Trump beachhead means now we're literally the soldiers coming in at Normandy.
We've got to get on the beach and get inland.
Now is the real political fight is what you're saying Ted Nugent.
Ditto, ditto, ditto.
You know, communication is key.
How you relate to the public is key.
We, the people, would like to thank and salute you, Alex, because you rammed that crowbar of truth and common sense where it's supposed to go.
But I, right now, have 20 million Facebookers.
I offer between 10 million and 36 million Facebookers.
And I don't think Ozekeberger ever figured I'd be using that to promote gun rights and self-evident truth and hunting rights and trapping rights and tax reform.
Fixing the outrageous corruption in our so-called justice system, etc., etc., etc.
But the communication I have on my Facebook... By the way, live on the Alex Jones Radio Show, I, Ted Nugent, wish to salute and thank...
The common sense, hard-working, ass-kicking Americans that celebrate this campfire, this electronic campfire, by Ted Nugent Facebook.
What you and I stand for is not weird.
What got Donald Trump elected was a we the people who have to live by logic, they have to live within their means, we have to earn our own way so we don't embarrass ourselves.
And that spirit of independence and rugged individualism is not only alive and well, but finally it showed up in
Well, Michigan was the epicenter of productivity and work ethic when I was born there in 1948.
And I spend a lot of time in Michigan.
I'm a proud Texas resident because I demand freedom and Texas has got it.
But Michigan is still politically a suburb of Chicago and it's just heartbreaking and embarrassing.
But we did prove that the state is red on November 8th last year.
And I don't know if I'm ready to run for Senate.
They want me to run for Governor.
They want me to do a lot of things.
And my soul mate, the Queen of the Forest, Jemaine Nugent, my kids, my brothers, my sisters, everybody in my family will have to vote on whether I run for public office.
But the threat is real, Alex.
I am monitoring the conditions in Michigan.
I will move back if I have to.
But here's a little caveat.
My good friend Bob Ritchie, known as Kid Rock, I guess I'm Daddy Rock,
He's looking to run.
He's also threatened, and let me tell you, you don't hear much from Kid Rock, but he's like you and me.
He lives by the law.
No, no, he was over at Jesse James' place just the other day.
I know he's a patriot.
Yep, he's a good guy, and what he represents would represent you and I very well.
So he's already a resident of Michigan.
Sure, I just can't imagine, hey, sending Ted Nugent back to reconquer for the people of Michigan, like, you know, like sending General Patton into Nazi Germany, or
Or, you know, somebody like MacArthur into Japan.
I mean, it would be wonderful to see you march in there.
The people want you to retake it, but I get it.
If you can send Kid Rock or somebody else, that's great.
You certainly have done so much, but the people want you.
And again, you've already done so much.
I just think, as you look at the demographics, the people, it would be so good, as you said, governor, you know, senator.
I know you're so happy what you're doing.
You're already having such a giant effect, already probably helping Trump win the election, undoubtedly.
I mean, I agree with you.
I'm not saying you should do it.
I think, I trust you, you should decide what you're going to do.
When will we know if you're going to run for office in Michigan?
Well, you know, my plate's really full.
We're doing a lot of charity work with our Sunrise Safaris, taking terminally ill kids on their last hunting trip in life.
Working with the various military charities every day.
I'm writing new music.
I got a new record coming out.
I'll be touring all summer long.
Ted Nugent, Make America Rock Again 2017.
And I'm raising hell every day in the media and the social media.
And I'm writing a new book.
So I'm really busy, but...
I have, I'm 68 years old, 68 years clean and sober, raising maximum American dream, we the people hell.
So I've got the help, I've got the exuberance, I've got the vitality.
You're a fighter, you can't, yeah, absolutely.
There's nothing I wouldn't do as long as Mrs. Nugent supports it, and she does at this time.
I will do whatever I have to do to keep this momentum going to get back to the Constitution and accountability.
Well, Ted, let me say this in the time we have.
And I know you're a busy man, but please come back more often.
TedNugent.com, your 20 million Facebook supporting folks.
Spread the word.
It's a war.
We're starting to win.
We haven't won yet.
It comes out of this, while we know the leftists have got problems is, and I'm not being mean, they're always super unhealthy, they have dead eyes, they're hateful, they don't work usually, they're just pissed off failures.
And then I look at someone like Ted Nugent or a President Trump, you guys are such on fire, you have energy, you care, you're building things.
How could people not see this is what made America great, and those big fires of liberty
Like a Ted Nugent or like a President Trump.
Just the action and the will and the delivery.
Why is it obvious that that's the type of Americana, virile strength we need?
Well, I think it is obvious to more and more people all the time, but you can't just acknowledge that it's obvious.
You have to act upon it.
That's what they did on November 8th.
And use it as an example.
A momentum growing.
You realize when Soros spends hundreds of millions of dollars to ban guns in certain jurisdictions of this country, the NRA and we the people raise one one hundredth of that, and we win!
That's it.
They don't want to win.
The globalists just want full control.
We've got two minutes left.
You've never done this before.
We didn't talk about this beforehand.
But I'm going to play, just in the background, Ted Nugent's stranglehold, one of your greatest hits.
If you want to rant with a final message of a call to political arms to the people during these key victories we're having as we go into the storm, into the fulcrum,
And I'll say bye to you during the break, but Ted Nugent of tednugent.com, here is the anthem that Special Forces, and I've talked to them, it's true, they fly into combat more than any song, not even fly to the Valkyries.
In fact, I think next time Trump flies in, it should be with this playing, not fly to the Valkyries.
Here's the real fly to the Valkyries, Ted Nugent.
Ted, rant for a minute and a half for us.
I'll make it real simple.
Freedom is not free.
I'm a blessed and humbled and very lucky man to spend time with Marcus Luttrell, Gary O'Neill, the American warrior, heroes of the U.S.
Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the U.S.
Marine Corps, National Guard.
...Warrior Group, Special Forces, Delta Force, Navy SEALs, Green Berets.
They all are excited as can be that we the people finally put a commander-in-chief in the White House that represents the spirit of rugged individualism and absolutely declaring our independence based upon the self-evident truth articulated and listed in the U.S.
Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
How dare any American not participate in this experiment in self-government that was earned and won and fortified with the blood and guts and lives of the U.S.
military heroes that gave up their lives, their legs, their eyes, their arms, their skin, so we can be free based on the U.S.
Now is the time for we the people
I don't know.
That's right, you compare the spirit of our military to the general public, or these minions, and it's just two different worlds.
Ted, thank you so much.
I'll say bye to you during the break.
We'll be back.
That's Ted Nugent, ladies and gentlemen, looking to run for Senate, for Governor in Michigan.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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An I Am Muslim 2 demonstration has taken to the streets of New York, with thousands rallying in solidarity, citing reaction to vicious attacks from President Trump, of course citing the travel ban as a Muslim ban, which is totally fake news.
Led by Russell Simmons, Susan Sarandon, and Bill de Blasio, this event also featured the star of the Muslim virtue signaling movement, Linda Sarsour.
Sarsour is a woman who has tweeted about female genital mutilization, she's a woman who supports Sharia law, and a woman from Palestine where the militant group Hamas is headquartered, a group in which the FBI has traced to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a group also helping to organize events and protest against Trump.
But beyond that...
How do you think these marches and rallies for Islam, led by people who support Sharia law, would have gone over on September 12, 2001?
They have never cited once at any protest that we falsely blame radical Islamic terror for the events on 9-11, because if Islamic terror didn't kill thousands that day, why did we blame them?
So I would like to hear who they think is responsible for 9-11, because they ignore that, but they will cite Trump's travel ban all day, which, if anything, may have saved lives.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.com.
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It's Alex Jones!
It's Ted Nugent with the Star Spangled Banner.
We're getting our guests lined up.
Stay with us.
It's the night before the election, the ball's in the house.
Everybody thought Hillary the Pope should be winning.
Not even a mouse.
That's Ted Nugent.
Roger Stone had some big breaking news on the National Security Advisor and John Bolton and all the rest of it.
I just talked to him like 30 minutes ago.
We'll see what happens with that.
I can go back to some of your phone calls right now.
Victor got cut off by a brick, so I wanted him to be able to finish up his view of Donald Trump, but the economic numbers are in.
Total delivery of the best jobs numbers and startup numbers and profit numbers for small and medium-sized businesses since 1984 on three different indexes.
And that's just with Trump in, what, 33 days?
How many days is it now?
I was trying to look that up earlier.
And then I got a bunch of other calls.
Victor, go ahead and count it.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex.
From what I can see, the world is watching.
I've watched it in several different languages, in Ukraine, in Russia, in Italy, in Central America, in Canada, in America.
And what I'd like to see is, first of all, Donald Trump done an unbelievable job.
I've never seen anybody that can be so great at fighting basically evil and still sustain himself.
I think so.
Uh, and fluoride, as we know, totally, uh, calcifies your pineal gland, whereas your connection to your own higher self or your soul is.
So the first thing I'd like to see is to ban all the fluoride from all our food and water.
That's number one.
If you want to wake up the people, you have to do it through a mechanism.
And that mechanism is, get off the fluoride, because it really lowers your IQ.
People become retarded.
I watched yesterday, uh, one of your, uh,
I mean, they can hardly even talk.
I've never seen anything like that!
And you have a couple of goat herdsmen around them with the big mics, yelling at them.
These people can't hear nothing.
They can't think for themselves.
They basically are just sheep standing behind that fence.
Your reporter, I love this guy.
He's a brave soul.
Well, thank you, Victor.
Victor, I appreciate your points.
We're going to move to Roger now, but I'm glad you held to say that.
Trump has come out against the eugenics and what's in the water.
He's exposing that vaccines are dangerous, their own inserts of it that can hurt you.
They've been given liability protection.
There's a major cover-up.
If he came out against the water, he could say, here's a Harvard study.
Here's the federal scientists in letters to Congress previously saying,
We're not just putting calcium fluoride in the water, that everybody needs a small amount of.
We're putting hydrofluorosilicic acid in, it's very poisonous.
And hundreds of other chemicals, they dump toxic waste in the water supply and call it an additive.
And I think Trump coming out against that, as well as glyphosates, would be huge.
That is a really, really great point you raise.
And Trump's begun that first step, exposing the vaccines.
Now, former Trump campaign head,
And of course, the guy that really pushed Trump to run for president, Roger Stone, is calling in with National Security Advisor News.
Now that Flynn's gone, tying it into Bolton, you name it, StoneColdTruth.com.
Roger Stone, of course, they call him a dirty trickster.
No such thing from my research.
Just a lot of amazing disinformation, calling him a Russian agent that's taking place right now.
But Roger Stone popping in to give us the latest.
Thanks, Roger.
Here, Alex, just a word about the conversation you just had, because I think it's crucially important.
Trump's courage on the vaccine issue is extraordinary.
I mean, the junk science industry is going crazy, calling him irresponsible and so on.
The idea of getting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
to head a commission to determine exactly what the problem is here and whether there has been a cover-up at CDC regarding data
Involving the safety of vaccines is brilliant because it proves this is not some partisan right-wing conspiracy.
This is a legitimate health problem.
The rally this weekend, I think, was pivotal in terms of showing the world that the Trump coalition, the Trump constituency, is well intact and that the drumbeat of media attacks on Trump has not
Deluded his support in the country among those who voted for him in IOTA.
And the last time, look, we may have been a slim majority, but we were a majority.
And the polls show that.
And now you have an internal struggle over who will be the next national security advisor.
In all honesty, I believe the president may now
Regret rushing to judgment on the question of General Flynn.
It's abundantly clear that Flynn violated no laws, that the president directed Flynn to arrange a phone call with his counterpart in Russia.
Nothing inappropriate about that.
The New York Times transcripts, the parts of the transcripts that were printed showed that he did not discuss sanctions with Russia.
General Flynn was a good man and he has been sacrificed.
And I think that is tragic.
Reince Priebus and his minions, the folks who gave us the Labor Secretary, Andy Fuzdar, was so embarrassing that he was forced to withdraw his nomination.
The man who gave us Acosta,
The U.S.
attorney in Miami-Dade who gave Jeffrey Epstein a slap on the wrist when he should have been convicted of sex trafficking and the circumstances around that.
Appointing him Labor Secretary is another Reince Priebus special.
One has to presume that Mr. Acosta will be savaged by the Democrats in his confirmation hearing.
Including a focus on whether, after giving Mr. Epstein a walk, why Epstein would retain Acosta's private law firm after Acosta left public service shortly thereafter.
Truly problematic.
By the way, I don't believe that the President has ever met Mr. Acosta.
Over the National Security Director.
Sure, let's get back into that, but let me ask you this question as you bring up that with labor and the rest of it.
I mean, so Priebus is consciously doing this or just as ignorant?
Perhaps he is unaware of a constant association with the more controversial nature of the Jeffrey Epstein case.
Although a simple Google search
I was about to say, you told me last week this was a bad move.
Now it's in the news.
The New York Times is already raising it.
Roger, we just lost your phone.
We know that the previous operation has been frantic to get a Hispanic into the cabinet.
In this case, they pick a Cuban-American, which politically helps bring you a group you already have most of.
Makes very little sense.
Nixon understood ethnic politics.
He understood that your cabinet should all not be millionaires or billionaires.
Your cabinet should have some Catholics, some Italian-Americans, some Irish-Americans.
These are old Democratic Party constituencies that we've hijacked.
And an all-washed billionaire government doesn't do you much good politically.
Even if Trump delivers though and actually restarts the economy?
None of this will matter.
All of this will be a gossipy sideshow that no one cares about.
Well that's the good news is as you know the small business numbers have come in.
They're the best since 1984 with the Reagan recovery.
What do you make of that?
Yeah, I mean, the point is that the business community, those who have to live or die on the bottom line, I think they're pretty high on Trump.
They want unfettered capitalism.
They want a cut in regulations.
They want a pro-business administration, which, let's face it, we have not had since Reagan was president.
So, you know, I give it a lot of credibility, because if the economy's going to move, that's where it's going to move.
And I think the president gets that.
The mainstream media takes these other counter-attempts, whether it's over Twitter.
When did the president know, and what did he know, and when did he know it?
Who cares what difference does it make?
Clinton didn't do anything improper.
So what difference does it make when the President learned about it?
The Soros people just intensify their race war narrative, rallies with feminists chanting Allah Akbar on video everywhere.
I mean, it seems like the left is going insane, but meanwhile, Fox News even admits Obama's building a bunker.
You're going to go in a minute here, but just Obama's building a bunker and planning the overthrow of Trump.
They seem confident, even though all the evidence shows they're up the creek without a paddle, and then Maxine Waters thinks that Russia's invaded.
Korea, not North or South, and meanwhile the same press conference, Nancy Pelosi thinks Bush is the president.
So, there is like a doddering mental illness to these people.
Well, the left still has not learned the lesson of the last election.
The left still thinks the mainstream media has all the power, and therefore they're confident that they will ultimately destroy Trump the way they destroyed Nixon, the way they tried to destroy Reagan in a re-encounter.
What they don't understand is it's a new ball game.
Nobody is believing their BS.
No one, MSNBC has no credibility.
I did the show last night and all I wanted to talk about was whether I was a racist or a misogynist for supporting Donald Trump.
And all I wanted to talk to him about was the dangers of censorship and people like you deciding who can speak and who can't.
Oh yeah, what about this new narrative that Trump wants to censor the media and even Senator Rand Paul
John McCain really needs to get in for psychological evaluation.
I think he's around the bend.
I really do.
He's cranky.
He's angry.
I understand he's bitter because he ran for president and failed, and Donald Trump, supposedly with no political skills, ran for president and won.
But, John, get over it.
Go count that million dollars you got from the Saudis in your foundation.
You can count it over and over again if it makes you feel better.
In closing, looking at the battle inside the White House, from the indicators we have, is Trump starting to get the fact the Republican fifth column is his biggest liability?
Well, the fact that he's out doing these things, reaffirming his intention to appeal to restore Glass-Steagall.
He's powering up his base, getting ready to run over the Republicans as well.
Right, but I guess I'm saying he's doing all these things
Yeah, and he's still reaching out to, you know, people and supporters, which shows he's ignoring what they're saying.
Well, he's working the phones far more actively than anyone knows.
He's working the phones as actively as any president since Lyndon Johnson.
And he can be very soothing and very persuasive and very charming when he's got a goal in mind.
This is what makes him a great salesman.
The country has needed a salesman.
The country needs someone to resell the American dream.
Well, the numbers show it's happening.
Let me ask you this in closing, then.
They're never defeated, it's a continuum, but when are they really backbroken, at least for the next few years?
Just when the numbers just keep getting better?
Because it seems like they're already starting to lose energy, really.
They're panicking.
They're diminishing.
They don't know what planet they're on.
It seems like they're getting really pathetic at this point.
I don't think they will ever throw in the towel.
I think they have to be ignominiously defeated.
They still have giant assets.
While it is true that the alt-media is on the ascendancy, they still control Google and Facebook and the keys.
By the way, my YouTube account was arbitrarily closed down yesterday.
See what's incredible is, we're all being censored, we're all getting hit, the New York Times is calling for it, and then we just kind of take it when they do.
What do we do?
Well, I'm starting by announcing it right here and now.
Every interview I have ever done at InfoWars was up on my YouTube channel.
Perhaps that's why they took it down.
I violated none of their rules.
There's no reason to take it down.
So I presume this is a David Brock
My lawyers are in touch with YouTube now trying to get us restored.
We have broken no rules.
That's the answer.
We have to fight back.
His book is available right now.
It's almost at the top of the New York Times bestseller list.
Let's push it over the edge.
It's The Making of a Presidency 2016.
Infowarsstore.com or StoleColdTruth.com.
Thank you, Roger.
Great to be here, Alex.
There he goes.
Man, it's hard to not get behind Trump at this point when he's just so for real.
But we have a, let's just say it's Millie Weaver, to just give away the big mystery, because we can't get a real social justice warrior in here.
She is quoting and channeling and has this new alter ego, which I hope doesn't take her over.
Which is known as Rainbow, uh, Rainbow, what's the name, Rainbow?
Rainbow Snatch.
Rainbow, Rainbow Snatch.
Hello, Rainbow Snatch.
Because this pussycat grabs back, okay?
And I will not stop protesting until every cis person out there acknowledges that there are numerous infinite versions of gender and sexuality.
So you agree that I could go say I was seven years old and play on a girl's softball team?
Uh, yeah!
If you identify as a seven-year-old girl, then yes, nothing should hold you back.
There should be no... What if I identify...
What if I identify as a possum?
Should they have to pay to, like, put a tail on me, hair implants, even if it costs $10 million?
Like, we can rebuild him, and we can rebuild the possum stronger, faster.
If I wanted to be a possum, could they implant my brain in a possum, and then taxpayers pay for it?
Obviously, yes!
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Ladies and gentlemen, look at the hair under her arms.
Rainbow snitch.
Look at that, right there in studio with us.
Zoom in on those armpits.
Man, that is a social justice warrior.
I tell you, you're not out of shape, though.
Don't have an extra couple hundred pounds on you.
I might be mean to folks that are fat.
I've been fat, but... I don't know.
Rainbow Snitch isn't a little bit too good at it.
But we're ready to have her infiltrate the groups.
That's gonna be hilarious.
And to have you just in there saying the most outrageous stuff.
They'll be agreeing with it.
But let's get serious.
Roger Stone has had his YouTube taken down.
Facebook and Twitter and Google have all announced massive censorship against the alt-right, which is their enemy, which means the American people.
Infowars.com, Reddit, censors pro-Trump content and new crackdown.
Reddit joins Facebook to control public opinion online.
That's why Wednesday night, I'm going to do a Reddit Ask Me Anything, and it'll also be on Facebook Live until they ban it, I guess, just to counter all this and point this out.
So we sit here and kind of make jokes about all this.
This is happening.
But, uh, Rainbow... Rainbow, uh, Snitch... What do you have to say, young lady?
And my gender identity is more valid than your opinion.
So you need to know that.
What if I identify as a ham sandwich?
Well, you know what, you're just making fun of the fact that there are really infinite numbers of gender identities.
Oh yeah, a lot of people I've talked to, their kids now say, I identify as an adult so I don't have to listen to you mom.
Well, thankfully I don't have, I'm not going to have any kids.
Rainbow Snatch is never going to have any kids.
Because remember, I kill my kids.
These are actual quotes.
We actually have the communists out at their event in Austin going, I'm ugly, I'm fat, I have armor under my arms, and I kill my kids.
You want to do it?
Go ahead.
I kill my kids!
Loving liberal.
So you like all the women now saying Allah Akbar all over the country and joining Islam?
We're loving it!
Give us your weapons!
We love you!
Take the flora!
The world's gonna love you!
Rainbow Snatch will not wear a hijab, though, because then I will have to cover up my rainbow hair, which is my thing.
So, yes.
This is one other thing I'd like to point out as Rainbow Snatch.
That's the feminist.
Let's show them.
Well, let's show Stockholm Syndrome writ large.
These are your brethren.
Dismantle white supremacy.
Send us to be sloaned on slave barges in Somalia.
The symbolism of woman empowerment, okay?
That's what that is.
That is the symbolism of woman empowerment.
Bring me a trash bag.
Bring me a trash bag for her.
Will you wear a trash bag for Allah?
To stand in solidarity.
This is a very serious broadcast at this point.
Yes, but seriously, in all seriousness.
Trump is smiling right now.
Grocery stores are spectacular.
They want to intimidate us and not have us be out in the open and wild.
We're wilder and crazier than all these chicken neck liberals.
All the fake liberals.
So just look at how we've come up with the ultimate weapon.
Rainbow snatch.
Grocery stores are, they're sexist.
Is that Rainbow Snack?
Yes, Rainbow Snack.
No, Rainbow Snatch, okay?
Snatch, Snatch.
Grocery stores are racist.
They are.
Hold on, we're coming back with the hijab on in fullwars.com for his last show.
An I Am Muslim 2 demonstration has taken to the streets of New York, with thousands rallying in solidarity, citing reaction to vicious attacks from President Trump, of course citing the travel ban as a Muslim ban, which is totally fake news.
Led by Russell Simmons, Susan Sarandon, and Bill de Blasio, this event also featured the star of the Muslim virtue signaling movement, Linda Sarsour.
Sarsour is a woman who has tweeted about female genital mutilization, she's a woman who supports Sharia law, and a woman from Palestine where the militant group Hamas is headquartered, a group in which the FBI has traced to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a group also helping to organize events and protest against Trump.
But beyond that...
How do you think these marches and rallies for Islam, led by people who support Sharia law, would have gone over on September 12, 2001?
They have never cited once at any protest that we falsely blame radical Islamic terror for the events on 9-11, because if Islamic terror didn't kill thousands that day, why did we blame them?
So I would like to hear who they think is responsible for 9-11, because they ignore that, but they will cite Trump's travel ban all day, which if anything, may have saved lives.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We have to go a little bit in the fourth hour here.
Rainbow Snitch has decided to completely convert to Islam.
We just showed major Muslim feminine marches where they put the hijabs on, they want to do it.
Now you understand in Somalia they're sold on a slave block, genitals are cut off, just to prove solidarity, and then you're also going to wear a full burqa for the rest of your lives.
Is this what you want for Islam?
He promises what you want.
Turn my mic on.
I will do it today for standing in solidarity with women that are in America that are Muslim.
Because, you know what, there's just so much xenophobic, racist.
I'm gonna, I will wear the hijab.
Why do you think that they don't see that as an outside threatening society to women?
Why do you think they accept it, or why do you accept it so much?
Um, because Donald Trump is a racist xenophobic, and because... Okay, I got it, I got it.
Okay, here we go, ladies and gentlemen!
Allah, Allah, Allah, Mahallah!
Allah, Allah, Allah!
Are you ready?
Praise, praise the Muslim!
Oh, hello-ho!
Aha, yes!
Good female, good female.
Well, she is learning well, ladies and gentlemen.
Aha, how do you like me now?
By the way, you are not allowed to drive car now.
By the way, you are not allowed to go out without permission.
And you must accept the way now.
Are you ready?
Allah Akbar!
This is good!
This is good!
Did you see the Imam of Jerusalem?
The West is weak, your women are ours!
Are you looking forward to being under Islamic Jihad?
I'm looking forward to Muslims being able to all come to America.
Every single Muslim, regardless of if they're a member of ISIS, regardless if they're a Muslim, regardless if they're from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan.
Why can't I go to those countries and practice Christianity or proselytize?
Why don't I have rights over there?
They have a right to speak their voice in their country.
You don't have a right as a white male trying to come in there and be an imperialist to come and speak in their countries for them.
You don't have the right to do that.
Do you like, because the Estee Lauder and all these other big groups are like having, or you name it, like big...
Islamic Jihad type deals.
They're in Paris.
Would you like to be on a fashion show?
In fact, why don't you fashion show?
Walk around a little bit in front of the camera.
Here's our Islamic fashion show.
Go ahead.
Is that good?
Is that good singing?
You just showed your head.
You need to be caned?
You know under Islam if you get raped, it's your fault you go to jail, right?
Um, I, you know what?
I don't really know.
All I know is that you're a racist.
That's all I know.
Well, that's really a... Because that's all I know.
Who is this?
Who is this?
You ever seen him?
Who's that?
He's a racist!
He's a racist!
Xenophobic Hitler reincarnated!
He's everything a woman is oppressed by.
He is what women are oppressed by.
Do the women look oppressed in his family?
Yes, they do.
His daughter, his daughter looks oppressed of them all.
The hundreds of millions of dollars is really oppressed right now?
But she's not wearing a hijab, she like flies around her own helicopter.
Because she's a racist.
Xenophobic as well.
That's why she won't wear a hijab.
That's why I'm wearing a hijab.
To stand in solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters and the sort.
Alright, listen.
I want to thank you, Rainbow Snitch, for coming in.
Or Rainbow Snack or whatever.
Rainbow Rainbow.
Rainbow Hillary for coming in.
Double rainbow!
Put it back on!
You're not allowed to do that!
Have you had your cane?
God, but that's to defend women.
We're gonna come back with David Knight straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones with your phone calls.
This is the InfoWar.
Stay with us.
Listen, don't ever take that off again or I'll send you some...
I want to get your legal opinion here as an attorney.
Let's start with standing.
A lot of people are jumping in for the first time.
This is their first rodeo.
And they're looking at this and going, what the hell?
Yes, yes, yes.
Here's what happened.
These people are so smart.
The Ninth Circus, as they're called, by the way.
Here's where the problem is.
Work with me on this.
They were going to say, well,
Donald Trump said, as candidate Trump, along with his boy wonder Rudy Giuliani, they said that Muslims were the problem, that this was going to be a Muslim ban, and that they were going to make provisions to make exceptions for Christians.
And I thought, that's it.
If these people are stupid enough,
Stupid enough to base a decision, an Establishment Clause basis, as striking down this... By the way, it's very confusing.
It's a stay of the ban.
It's the ban, and then Robart banned the ban, and then these people are going to stay the ban on the ban.
So it's very, very confusing.
But if I thought, if they do that, they're through, they're toast, they're Elvis, they're finished.
You know what they did?
They were so smart.
They referred to it.
They said, you know, he did mention these things, but we're not going to base the opinion on that.
Politically, here's what he's going to do.
He's a master of this.
He's going to say, well, folks, you see what happens?
You see why you need me?
I'm trying to protect you.
I'm trying to protect you and our borders.
And these folks decide they're going to strike me down.
And if this were to go to
The Supreme Court, remember, a couple of things now.
What could happen next is, and I'll get to the punchline, but they could either appeal this to an en banc, E-N-B-A-N-C, the entire 11 judges of the 9th Circus, as we call it.
Eventually to the Supreme Court.
But there's a 4-4 tie.
Remember, Scalia, nobody's replacing him.
So now, President Trump can look to everybody and say, this is why I need Gorsuch now more than ever.
Now you know why this is important.
Now you know why you need me.
Now you know it's perfect.
But in the meantime, and I was saying this from the beginning, and I'm proven right because my sources and what I'm reading shows me that
I thought all your Ninth Circuit did was give me, the President, a roadmap as to what I have to do.
Clean the language up, what you object to.
Here comes another one!
Here's another executive order!
You don't like that?
Here's another one!
And another one!
And another one!
And I'm gonna bury you in executive orders!
You won't be... I want you, the 9th Circuit, to tell me I can't issue any more executive orders!
Reverend, Reverend, is this some conspiracy?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Reverend, Reverend, is this some conspiracy?
Crucified for no sins, for revenge.
Now that's the West, crucified, certainly not for the sins we've been accused of.
All right, David Knight's taking over.
I covered a lot of the news today, but there's been a lot that's broken since at Infowars.com.
We're not into being victims here.
One of our biggest faults is we don't make a big deal out of it when we're getting more and more censored on Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube.
Roger Stone's been banned.
I went in to find a bunch of videos.
The New York Times was asking about them.
They were saying, we can't find this one that had like, you know, 14 million views.
And I was looking for it.
They deleted it.
The last few weeks they deleted a bunch of our viral videos.
So they are now just officially just gone.
So you see an algorithm.
Oh, something's already had 5 million or 10 million or 14 million views.
They just, they don't tell you even why it's gone.
So, they've announced they're going to crack down with the censorship.
They've announced it's coming out now.
And so for me, I just want to tell myself, not that I'm on some high horse, I have my own problems, the rest of the crew, we should make a big deal about the censorship.
Trump only gets negative comments on his Twitter now.
They're really pulling some big stuff.
Reddit censors pro-temp content in new crackdown.
Reddit joins Facebook to control public opinion online.
Reddit is banning the vast majority of pro-Donald Trump posts from appearing on its most popular page.
This is the key, folks.
Frequent by new users, the online discussion website announced it was clamping down on what would appear to be popular by showing visitors only popular posts from hand-picked categories.
See, it's the same thing we're doing with Trump's Twitter or my Twitter now.
They want to make us feel alone, not let us organize, not let us meet each other.
Well, when Alexa did stuff like this two years ago, delisting our ratings, they just became
They turned themselves into an untrusted source.
So the Donald has been the most popular thing on Twitter.
So now they're just trying to block again the posts that are on there, or letting negative posts that are on the Donald show up at the top.
So this is all being announced.
This is all being done.
And it's a form of conditioning, too.
They say, hey, join with us.
Be anti-Donald Trump on your news site or your show.
We'll let you go to the top.
Well, nobody's going to do that.
Just like dig, you're digging your own grave.
But we need to really strategize, not just as an info war, but as a crew, as an audience, as activists.
What are we going to do to counter this?
Well, the first thing is expose it's happening.
Expose it's going on and let everybody know it's going on, so we're all aware it's happening, so we're not demoralized.
We just won this election.
In every major country that has a vote against globalism, nationalists are winning.
Small businesses are exploding.
Americana is on the rise.
So all the metrics show we're winning, but realize they're going to game that to make you feel alone.
Well, the Liberty Movement already for 50 years was in the dark, kept alone, demonized attack.
We've now got more attention and more support than we never had.
The globalists are all based on fads and feeling good and creating big snowball effects to get their movement going because it's a hoax.
It's a fraud.
It's only skin deep.
The Liberty Movement comes from the deep, dark places that have been suppressed.
We come from places of nothing but pure will and doing the right thing, and the rediscovery of what made us great.
So, their attempt to socially shun us, to blackball us, to put us in electronic ghettos, is only going to make us that much stronger.
But for all the new minds and all the new people that have unshuttered their consciousness and are waking up, this is meant to intimidate them to feel alone.
That's why Matt Drudge is so right.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, DrudgeReport.com, other news sites that are pro-America, pro-human, pro-freedom.
Go there and comment.
Go there and speak to friends.
Go there and spread links.
And yes, there's bots and attacks going on there as well.
This is an attempt to make you feel alone through peer pressure, to make you feel like you don't actually stand for something, so you give up and roll over.
And the opposite is happening.
This is a war on individual action and individual statements and individual consciousness, and it will fail.
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Now to David Knight from the studio right next door to me.
And the Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
Thank you, Alex.
You know, we were talking about censorship.
I remember, interestingly enough, when Amazon was selling the e-books in the very early days, all of a sudden everybody that had bought Orwell's 1984, their books just disappeared because they wanted to change something about it.
They flushed it down the memory hole.
How perfect that that would be the first book that they do.
But we have to understand that whenever we put our stuff out there in the hands of other organizations, like we put things on YouTube in the hands of Google,
That they're going to try to flush it down the memory hole.
And as you just pointed out, as Alex Jones just pointed out, there's a lot of different ways they can do that.
I want to take a look at some of the things that they did this last weekend in terms of trying to spin what Donald Trump said.
One of the first things I think was interesting, caught my attention this weekend, was the Daily Mail.
And what they did was they did an article and they said, unfounded father, Trump takes Thomas Jefferson quote out of context to bash the media during a campaign style rally in Florida.
And I thought, really?
I think that got my attention with that headline, so I took a look at it.
And they said, this is taken out of context.
Trump said he hoped to speak without the filter of fake news.
And what he said was, our greatest presidents have fought with the media.
I think?
to our society, is that people would believe it simply because it's in the New York Times or the Washington Post or whatever.
Because of the credentials of these papers that they have built up themselves, then those papers automatically have credibility because of their credentials.
No, you don't believe them simply because they argue from a position of quote-unquote authority.
But here's the actual quote, and they actually put it in the article a couple of paragraphs down, and I want you to take a listen to this.
And see if you think that Trump took this out of context.
I don't think he did.
The actual quote they say is this.
This is Thomas Jefferson.
He said, it is a melancholy truth that a suppression of the press could not more completely deprive the nation of its benefits than is done by its abandoned prostitution to falsehood.
So in other words, these people are destroying their own credibility, so we don't want to add to it by censorship.
Now he goes on, when he talks about the prostitute media, the prostitutes to falsehood, and of course Skype has literally made that come true.
We pointed that out as we saw divorce proceedings that literally as they've split up, the husband and wife team that were to be the final arbiters of all truth,
Along with their cats, as they went through a bitter divorce, it emerged that he had a dominatrix and somebody working currently as a call girl who are key in the organization in terms of vetting what's true and what's not.
So literally they are the prestitute media, but let's go on with this.
He went on to say, Jefferson said, nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper.
Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vessel.
See, understand, they keep trying to imply... That didn't run down what Trump said, that only certified even more what he was saying!
They keep trying to imply that Trump is trying to suppress the media, but instead, he's calling for independent expression, and that's what he's exercising, Alex, when he goes to these meetings, meeting with the people, speaking to them directly, whether it's Twitter, whether it's the rally in Melbourne, Florida, he is speaking to them directly, because he's saying, look, you can't even believe this stuff,
If it's in the newspaper, it taints even the truth if it appears in the newspaper.
And that's precisely what Jefferson was saying.
And we have to also say that one of the reasons that they are so upset about everything is because this impinges on their monopoly.
See, places like the New York Times or the Washington Post don't have a monopoly on, certainly not on the truth, but they don't have a monopoly on free speech either.
But they have had a monopoly with the White House Press Corps.
These selected individuals have established a kind of trade guild there in the White House press corps.
One of the things that made them so angry was that Donald Trump wanted to expand this, to have greater freedom of the press, greater freedom of expression, not suppression of speech.
And that's what gets these people so upset.
Now I want to take a look at another thing that came out, of course, over the weekend.
We have an article up on Infowars.com from Paul Joseph Watson that expands on this.
But one of the things that they came after Trump for was that he was talking about terror in Sweden.
And when they started attacking him, I thought, seriously, we have reported about the rise in crime, especially the rise in crime with rapes committed in Sweden with the migrant communities.
We've reported about that for years.
And I put that out along with an interview that happened on Friday night, I believe, on Tucker Carlson.
And later it emerged that Trump mentioned, I think, that he was actually referring to that particular interview.
We'll talk about that in a moment.
But when I tweeted this out, I said, really?
There's no Sweden terror attacks?
Is terror only when you've got one person attacking many people?
Can it be the explosion of rapes by refugees?
But of course, that doesn't count, say, the government and the press.
And one individual tweeted back to me and said, no, you have to be a card-carrying member.
of a specific group in order for it to count as a terrorist attack.
But what happened on Friday night was Tucker Carlson was talking to a man, Horowitz, who was filming, doing a documentary about precisely what we've been talking about for years, about the increased number of rapes in Sweden.
And Horowitz said this, he said, Sweden consider themselves as humanitarian superpower, perhaps the only kind of superpower they could possibly qualify for.
So they want to open up their borders to everyone and anyone.
From the onset of the refugee crisis, there was a surge in gun violence and rapes.
He said the statistics are very clear and we've been reviewing those statistics with you on a regular basis here at InfoWars.
And of course that was a documentary filmmaker and he said the Swedish government is trying to cover up the refugee crisis, they're trying to cover up what I'm doing.
And today we've got an article from Paul Joseph Watson that points out one town, and we'll talk about this more when we come back because we're about to run out of time.
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This is the end, beautiful friend.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
And yes, my friends, this is the end if we don't understand what the endgame is with these globalist leaders who are lying to us.
And we saw this in the wake of Donald Trump's comments about Sweden's terror.
Immediately you had current and former politicians in Sweden say, what is he talking about?
And everybody started mocking it on Twitter.
And I pointed out on my Twitter feed, Libertarian, I said, no, this is what he's talking about.
You don't have to have a situation where one individual runs down and kills 84 people and injures another 100 like they did in Germany.
But of course, Angela Merkel also said this weekend, Muslim migration is not a problem.
We don't have to worry about vetting these people, even though we just had that attack.
And we had many, many others going on.
That was the largest one.
But of course, we're having these things happening all the time.
And we've been talking for a long time.
About how the incidence of rape especially in Sweden has skyrocketed and we've got this article from Paul Joseph Watson today.
Culturally enriched Malmo, Sweden is the most dangerous city in Western Europe.
43% foreign population brings soaring crime and murder.
He talks about how
Immediately after Trump made this statement, there was an onslaught of propaganda claiming that mass migration had no negative effect on Sweden, including a Sky News report in the UK that asserted, quote, Sweden's crime rate has fallen since 2005 despite the country taking in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from war-torn countries such as Iraq and Syria.
And again, folks,
If we're going to say that we're going to go into these seven countries, that we're going to send troops, we're going to drop bombs, we're going to be in a constant state of war with at least seven countries,
And we don't have to worry about anybody who's coming in from those countries.
We don't have to do any vetting to make sure that we're not bringing in enemy combatants.
So there is this cognitive dissonance that I don't understand why the grassroots, the left, I understand why the people at the top, both Republican and conservative, want to see this happen, but why can't the left, who used to oppose war, who used to oppose wanton murder,
Why can't they question the existence of these wars to start with, rather than just saying we're going to bring everybody in without seeing if they're people that are dangerous?
I mean, either these people are not dangerous.
If they're going to bring everybody in without vetting, then they're not dangerous and we shouldn't be bombing them or sending any troops there.
If we are sending troops there...
Then maybe we ought to see if the people who we're bringing in are the enemy.
Wouldn't that be a good idea?
I mean, why can't we take a look at this?
Anyway, this article from Paul Joseph Watson goes on to say that this particular city, which is 90% Muslim, Malbo has a murder index of 3.4.
When homicides per 100,000 inhabitants are taken into account.
Now how does that compare to other places?
Remember 3.4 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.
Places like Paris 1.8, London 1.3, Copenhagen 1.1, Berlin 1.0.
He points out mass riots, torching of vehicles, sexual assaults have become routine in Malmo and other cities since Sweden opened its doors to mass migration.
It's now being called Sweden's Chicago.
And again, 90% Muslim, 43% of the population are from a foreign background now.
So this is amazing.
That they would come after Trump and say, what are you talking about?
You're absolutely crazy.
No, we understand what's going on.
We understand that this really isn't about humanitarian refugees that we're trying to bring in, because we could take a look at the war and stop that war if we wanted to.
No, this is about a replacement of populations, about making sure that you bring in people who are not vetted, bring them in and
Sufficient number that they're not going to assimilate bring them in with a culture and a religion that does not want to assimilate in that way You can have a divide-and-conquer civil war easily within your country We've been talking about that for a very long time and of course this last weekend.
We had John McCain attack
Donald Trump and Rand Paul came back after him saying that the nation is very lucky that we didn't get McCain.
He said McCain's comments are driven by his personal dispute over foreign policy.
He said they're at odds because McCain supports the widespread deployment of US troops to protect and promote American interests abroad, while he characterized Trump's views as closer to a realpolitik.
We're good.
Well, you know, we were in perpetual war during Obama's administration.
He was the first American president who was at war for eight years, his entire administration.
And not only was he at war for his entire eight years that he was in office, but he expanded the number of wars that he inherited from George W. Bush from four to seven.
Now the clock is ticking, and I hope we don't have another president.
I hope that Donald Trump, and he has indicated that certainly he wants to defeat ISIS.
Hopefully he will do that, but I hope we don't have a situation where Donald Trump is at war for eight years and expands the number of countries that we're at war with.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Last week, Bill Gates, while speaking at the Munich Security Conference, made a dystopic, bone-chilling statement when he said that the next epidemic could originate on a computer screen.
By a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create synthetic viruses and super-contagions and deadly strains of the flu, he also said that this could kill tens of millions.
A respiratory spread pathogen would kill more than 30 million people in less than a year.
And there is a reasonable probability of that taking place in the years ahead.
But he's also said this at TED Talks.
How we can get this down to zero?
First we've got population.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by
Perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Lowering population by 10 to 15 percent still wouldn't yield Bill's desired result of zero, but it would reduce population by a billion people.
So Gates speaks of population reduction and mass killings while his foundation is vaccinating large portions of Earth and sending out genetically modified mosquitoes.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.
Sounds legit to me!
This is Alex Jones.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host for the rest of the hour here.
Before we get back to the news, I just want to let you know that, yes, it now has sold out, the Super Blue Fluoride-Free Toothpaste.
I'm sad to see that because I only got one tube of it.
I had missed it the first time out, and I tried it, and we were going to stock up more on it.
But you can still sign up on the waiting list, and I'll tell you what, this is the best toothpaste I've ever used by far.
And I'm not saying that just because we're selling this.
I'm honest with you.
And it has things in it besides peppermint oil that make your mouth taste fresh and everything.
It's got iodine, nano silver.
You're not going to find any other toothpaste that has that in it.
And of course it doesn't have harmful fluoride in it.
I found that it keeps my mouth fresher for much longer, so that's something we're going to sign up for on the waiting list.
Super Blue Fluoride-Free Toothpaste is now sold out, but we have another new product that I'm also very enthusiastic about, and that's Caveman.
The new Paleo formulation by Infowars Life.
And as I said, I really like the taste of it, especially if you do it up as a smoothie.
I did that this weekend, put it in with some bananas and some other things.
But it's a bone broth.
It's got other things like turmeric root, chaga mushroom, seven total primal superfoods, and a great tasting formula.
That's a lot of very powerful nutrients that you get in a bone broth.
And as I mentioned last week when I was talking about it,
My wife at Thanksgiving time will do a bone soup that we have after we've got turkey carcasses left over and makes a great soup out of that.
And we know how helpful that is for us to have a bone soup.
You get that marrow that's down in it.
That's why they make a bone broth.
Well, this is something that you can do and do it kind of like a chocolate milkshake.
It's a great way to get these supplements.
It's a unique formulation in Caveman that combines cutting-edge nutraceutical science and ancient nutrition.
It increases and maximizes your benefits.
So this is something that is going to be a regular thing on our list, and I'm going to stock up on it before it runs out like the toothpaste.
Again, you can find that at infowarslife.com.
Just been introduced, that's Caveman, the ultimate new paleo formulation by InfoWars Life.
Couple of interesting things I want to get to before we get to what happened with Pence in NATO.
And it is kind of interesting to see what he is saying in NATO as well as with the EU.
We're kind of getting some mixed signals here from Vice President Pence that doesn't really sound like Donald Trump.
Doesn't sound like Ted Malik, the guy that's been tipped to be the EU ambassador.
I hope he is the EU ambassador.
Ted Malik would be an excellent choice.
But I want to take a look at also Trump meeting with the finalists to replace General Flynn as National Security Advisor.
But before we get to that, there was a couple of interesting things I thought happened over the weekend.
Of course, we've talked about Louis Farrakhan.
Alex Jones mentioned Louis Farrakhan having the rally where they're chanting Allahu Akbar.
We also had Chelsea Clinton at a rally in Times Square, attending the I Am A Muslim Too rally.
There you go.
Aren't you glad that the Clintons didn't win?
I gotta say, you know, I've got my disagreements with some things that Donald Trump does domestically.
He is a great breath of fresh air against globalism.
But I tell you what, everything that Hillary Clinton did, there's not a single thing I agreed with him on.
And to see this picture,
of this rally, where they're all holding a woman in a hajib that's got an American flag that's turned into a hajib.
And when I look at that picture, I zoom in on that picture there, look at that picture, think about the cognitive dissonance of that.
The fact that you've got that symbol of the suppression and the subjugation of women, and it's made out of an American flag.
I mean, I just can't get my head around that.
No pun intended.
But, you know, that is something.
Might as well just go full burka with an American flag.
Why not?
Let's just not even worry about what that means.
Also, we had, as you remember, at the end of last week, we had the day without immigrants.
And as Breitbart points out, that has now transitioned into a life without a job.
And I found my daughter said she had a friend who's had a parent who was a manager at a Chick-fil-A and said she had a lot of people who just didn't show up for work.
I know it's teleprompter free.
David's doing a great job.
I want to shoot a video on that Thomas Jefferson thing.
Can I steal that from you?
Yeah, sure.
Go ahead.
Where is it?
Go for it.
It's on the floor.
Yeah, go for it.
That's an amazing quote, how they twisted that to make Thomas Jefferson sound like there's some disagreement there.
Thomas Jefferson called you whores!
That's right.
Well he's not talking about suppressing freedom of speech, and he's out there expressing himself directly to the people.
That was the key thing.
Disagreeing is suppression.
Yeah, absolutely, absolutely.
But we look at what happened with this day without immigrants.
The same thing, this one person had a bar, a business, I Don't Care Bar and Grill in Catoosa, Oklahoma, and he had a lot of employees who just didn't bother to show up and didn't call him.
And the same thing happened to parents of a friend of my daughter's and they said they were working at Chick-fil-A and they said all these people just didn't show up and we were, you know, could barely carry on with it because they didn't give us any notification.
My wife and I ran some retail businesses and I gotta say that just like this guy, he has a policy of no call, no show, no job.
It's just that simple.
If you've got a retail business and people, we understand, people are going to have issues.
They're going to have car problems or they're going to be sick or whatever.
But if you don't call anybody and tell them that you're not coming in, call them and tell them you're not coming in because you're protesting something or whatever,
If you don't tell anybody that you're not going to be there and the business doesn't open up or the business can't handle it because they've only got one employee that showed up for the entire shift, that can put a business out of business.
If people show up and your store is shuttered, they think you have closed if it's normal working hours.
So that is something.
And we also found that when we gave people who didn't have the consideration to let us know that they weren't coming, we found out when we gave them a second chance, they would do it a second time.
Or third time.
And so that just became our policy, just like he did there.
So what he sent out was a text message to fire the workers.
He said, you and your family are fired.
I hope you enjoyed your day off.
Now you can enjoy many more.
You don't have a job.
To me, that is just absolutely amazing.
But we also have another amazing story here.
Of course, we've reported about what's going on with Fukushima.
Here we are six years after the initial event.
Radiation levels are rising.
They're sending these robots in to try to see what's been breached, what is leaking, and so forth.
And now we've had a second robot break down in just two weeks, as it's looking at the record high radiation levels.
This is now the seventh robot to have broken down while investigating Fukushima's nuclear reactor.
So understand,
But even though we have these DARPA projects, we say, oh, we're not really working on robots that we're going to use as autonomous killing machines against the general public.
No, no, no, no.
We just want to have these robots so that we can go in and take care of disasters like we have at Fukushima.
And yet, the robots are dying from the radiation.
A TEPCO spokeswoman told fizz.org that they don't yet know whether it was radiation or debris that stopped the most recent robot.
But this is the second robot in two weeks, seventh robot since this happened six years ago.
Last week, the one that died, it was radiation.
The camera was fried by record high levels of radiation.
So when I look at this,
And we've got these environmentalists who are telling us, and I've actually went to a fair where they were talking about solar power, because although I don't think that solar power is going to meet our needs or even come close to it in terms of the grid, I'm all for getting off of the grid.
I'm all for decentralization of electrical power, just like I'm for decentralization of political power, because when you centralize electrical power production, you are centralizing political control of people as well.
So I was looking for solar power to use in my home, and I was absolutely amazed to find a tent where these environmentalists, so-called environmentalists, were just singing the praise of nuclear power.
You've got to be kidding.
You've got to be kidding me.
I mean, this is post-Fukushima, of course.
And I have to say that no matter how much carbon...
You've got in a plant, it isn't going to kill a robot.
And I don't care if you're talking about carbon monoxide, or you're talking about carbon dioxide, it's not going to kill a robot.
Carbon dioxide is what we all breathe, and of course they want fewer of us, but they don't realize that it's what plants need.
We have that perfect symbiotic relationship that was created by God between plants and animals.
They want to pretend it doesn't exist.
But when you look at nuclear power, you look at the issues of aging nuclear reactors, and of course we, after Fukushima, we had the former head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission here in the United States say we need to shut down all of our nuclear power plants until we can redesign them more safely.
He was the former head of the NRC.
Because what do you do with the power plants once they've been in operation for a while?
Just as it is destroying these robots, it creates problems for everything else in the plant itself.
And the plant itself needs to be shut down, deconstructed, and stored just like the nuclear waste.
And how long does all that need to be stored?
And at what cost?
You see, they don't ever put those costs in their calculations to determine what the fuel costs are.
They don't calculate in the in-life storage of this nuclear fuel because there's no way that you can put a dollar figure on that.
How are you going to keep this stuff safe and isolated for a thousand years or whatever?
You just can't.
And of course, the spent fuel that was stored at Fukushima was a large part of what that problem was.
So they're just kicking the nuclear can down the road.
It's a very dangerous situation.
Of course, as we're seeing these aging nuclear power plants in the United States that have been given, in many cases, like a 25-year lease for operation, once they get to the point where they've reached their end of life, they just say, well, never mind.
We're just going to arbitrarily extend that for another bit of time.
I want to talk now about, change to subject drastically here.
We had the lady who was at the center of Roe v. Wade died this last weekend.
Died on Saturday, Norma McCorvey.
And I think it's time, we need to remember what she did here because she had a very difficult life.
And she was vexed by her role that she played in this her entire life.
And I just want to read you a little bit of this New American article here.
She, of course, was Jane Roe in the Roe v. Wade.
It was a 1973 Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion here in the United States.
And this is her background here.
As I point out, a new American at 21 years of age, pregnant with her third child.
The first two had been given up with adoption.
She sought an abortion only to find out that it was illegal here in Texas.
Although she agreed to be the plaintiff in the case, Roe v. Wade, she only had a 9th grade education at the time.
She admitted her lack of understanding of the situation, and in an affidavit she gave to the District Court of New Jersey in the year 2000, she said,
No meaningful trial to determine the real facts was ever held.
She said they were looking for somebody, anybody, to use to further their own agenda.
And I was their most willing dupe.
Her understanding of abortion was just as naive as she admits.
Abortion to me meant going back to the condition of not being pregnant.
And I gotta say, in the early 1970s, nobody really understood what was going on with this.
And as I've said many times, I didn't really understand what the issues were.
Until we got to the point of partial birth abortion.
At that point, I realized what their real agenda was.
This is not a question of when does life begin.
No, you had a full-term life that they were just fine killing.
And we've seen that now in the case of Kermit Gosnell.
We've seen them continue on with this.
But going back to her case, although Roe v. Wade opened wide the doors for women in every part of the country to receive abortions legally, she never had an abortion.
She wound up giving her child, the third child, up for adoption, as she did the first two.
But, for years, she fought conflicting emotions concerning abortion.
She fought the guilt for years.
She said her views began to change through an array of horrific experiences within the abortion industry, as well as acquaintances within the pro-life movement, such as Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life.
And then, in her affidavit, she said,
While the experience of being Jane Roe over the past 27 years has been very difficult, my life has been filled with hardship from the beginning.
Although I was an emotionally abused child and a sexually abused teenager, I believe the worst abuse was inflicted by the judicial system.
In retrospect, I was exploited by two self-interested attorneys.
Worse, the courts, without looking into my true circumstances and taking the time to decide the real impact of abortion would have on women, I feel they used me to justify the legalization of terminating the lives of over 35 million babies.
Well, I wish we could talk to her.
Because that's not on her.
She did everything she could, and a lot of women have been deceived.
So, rest easy.
All right, let's move back to politics.
Let's talk about Trump.
I said last week, all this talk about replacing Michael Flynn, and we saw the media coming back out again and saying, David Petraeus!
David Petraeus!
I said, that would be the most idiotic thing in the world if Donald Trump were to consider David Petraeus.
A man who really did have national security violations, who really did throw this stuff away, who really did lie to the FBI saying that he didn't have any of these classified documents that he had given to his mistress.
The man who was also not punished.
But imagine if Donald Trump had replaced Michael Flynn.
With David Petraeus, and yet we see the media when Donald Trump said, uh, I've got Keith Kellogg and three others that I'm looking at.
They said, oh, it's got to be David Petraeus.
And I said, they did the same thing when it was time, when he was conducting a search for Secretary of State.
You had David Petraeus go on some friendly mainstream media and they said, oh, you know, you'll be great for Secretary of State.
Has Donald Trump asked you?
Well, if he did, I'd just have to say yes, Mr. President.
And so then they all started saying, David Petraeus is being considered for Secretary of State?
I don't think he ever was.
And Trump gave him a courtesy interview, had him come to the tower, said, yeah, he's very, very impressive.
I mean, he always says nice things about everybody that he meets.
But again, it's not David Petraeus.
Newsflash, folks, just as I said, I don't think he's looking at David Petraeus, even though the media was throwing that out there.
Because see, the media, this is part of the political assassination.
They not only wanted to get rid of Michael Flynn because he was right on the issues, because he was candid about what was happening with ISIS in Syria.
That got him fired.
He wasn't trying to protect himself.
But they wanted to get rid of him.
And then of course they're pushing for their own guy.
These are the four finalists.
Keith Kellogg, retired three-star Army General.
Former U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N., John Bolton.
I hope he's not the guy.
That guy is an extraordinary neocon.
I don't know these other people.
Lieutenant General McMaster from the Army.
Lieutenant General Robert Kaslan, Superintendent of the U.S.
Military Academy at West Point.
These are the four people.
Doesn't have anything to do with Petraeus.
Again, we had earlier today the fact that Reddit.
is now censoring pro-Trump content in a new crackdown.
This is a story on Infowars.com by Kit Daniel.
When we look at this, we have to understand that unless we have our own outlets, and we do have outlets where we can get the news unfiltered, you can go to Infowars, you can go to other places like Daily Call or Breitbart or whatever, but outside of those areas, once we entrust our content to people like Reddit, they are going to edit it down.
Maybe we need to come up with something along the side
Like the founders had you know, they wrote letters directly to each other.
They called it committees of correspondence Maybe we need some kind of social media thing.
We could call it Concord committees of correspondence that kind of sounds 21st century, doesn't it?
Anyway, stay with us.
We'll be right back I want to talk about what's going on with Pence in the EU.
He's saying something.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I want to take a quick look at Mike Pence in Brussels.
What is he saying to the EU?
And also his comments regarding NATO.
Before I do, real quickly, I just want to remind you that we now have a new Victory Series 1.
President Donald Trump, Tennessee arms 80% lower.
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Also, we have our new product, Caveman, which I mentioned earlier.
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Great tasting formula, great way to get nutrients and that is a new product you can find at InfoWarsLife.
Also our super blue fluoride free toothpaste has now sold out and that just reminds me to let you know that you can sign up for AutoShip.
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If we know what it's going to be from month to month, that's why we pass that discount along to you.
Now real quickly, in the time we've got left, we see that...
Vice President Pence has gone to Munich, and when I look at the things that he said, it reminded me of Neville Chamberlain's meeting with Adolf Hitler in Munich.
It's kind of an appeasement to the EU, and I'm just wondering if he is trying to placate them, or if this is really a position to undermine Trump.
I'm starting to get concerned about the things that I see Pence doing, especially since he was at the center of this political assassination against General Flynn.
I still don't understand when I look at what Mike Pence said.
He said, well, you know, he misled me.
Flynn said he did not mislead him.
And other sources have said all that happened was, as he was talking to the Russian ambassador, which was his job, folks.
He didn't commit a crime doing that.
As he was talking to the Russian ambassador, the Russian ambassador mentioned the fact that Obama had just enacted some new sanctions and expelled 35 Russians.
And he says, well, you know, we're going to be, we'll take a look at that in a month.
Or actually it was just three weeks at that point in time.
It was seven weeks after the election.
That is not anything of any substance.
And if Mike Pence
Should have just grown up and said, hey, it wasn't really the core of what was being talked about.
It was just mentioned in passing.
And then he goes on and says stuff like this.
He says, General Flynn's statements were inaccurate, but we honor General Flynn's long service to the United States of America, and I fully support the President's decision to ask for his resignation.
So you honor him.
He's a great guy, as Donald Trump said, and we really honor and respect everything that he did.
He's a great guy and he was being used by these other people, but we fired him anyway.
I just don't get it.
I don't understand why that is happening.
Meanwhile, he goes and says that they have unwavering support for NATO.
They're pointing out in some of these articles that Germany is only spending 1.2% of its GDP on defense.
They're required by NATO to spend 2%.
You know, the United States is spending 36% of all the military spending worldwide is done by the Americans.
I think we have a right to say you need to pay for your own defense instead of using it.
For your welfare state.
We're going to talk a little bit more about this tonight, and we're going to talk about the dissonance that is coming about between his commitment, unwavering commitment, Pence's unwavering commitment to the EU, versus what Donald Trump has said.
So join us tonight at 7 Central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, for the InfoWars Nightly News.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
An I Am Muslim 2 demonstration has taken to the streets of New York, with thousands rallying in solidarity, citing reaction to vicious attacks from President Trump, of course citing the travel ban as a Muslim ban, which is totally fake news.
Led by Russell Simmons, Susan Sarandon, and Bill de Blasio, this event also featured the star of the Muslim virtue signaling movement, Linda Sarsour.
Sarsour is a woman who has tweeted about female genital mutilization, she's a woman who supports Sharia law, and a woman from Palestine where the militant group Hamas is headquartered, a group in which the FBI has traced to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a group also helping to organize events and protest against Trump.
But beyond that...
How do you think these marches and rallies for Islam, led by people who support Sharia Law, would have gone over on September 12, 2001?
They have never cited once at any protest that we falsely blame radical Islamic terror for the events on 9-11, because if Islamic terror didn't kill thousands that day, why did we blame them?
So I would like to hear who they think is responsible for 9-11, because they ignore that, but they will cite Trump's travel ban all day, which if anything, may have saved lives.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!