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Name: 20170203_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 3, 2017
3567 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, various topics including global affairs, technology, health, and survival are discussed. Topics covered include resistance against tyranny, recent terrorist attacks in Paris, military coup attempts against President Trump, Louis Farrakhan's prediction of a mega war, George Soros' plans, dangers of EMF radiation, Big Berkey Water Filters, self-reliance, KD Armor, LibertyOnCall.org, Portable Solar LLC, Survivalist Camps, free speech rights at colleges, ongoing investigations into child exploitation rings, an interview with James Leslie Rawls, a video of a New York University professor behaving outrageously at a Trump protest, the importance of good health, and Vitamin B12. The show also features discussions on potential opportunities for hiring Kevin for his political aspirations, advantages black males have in the current political climate, how the left targets everyone through the globalist agenda, and fighting for freedom and taking action despite the condescension from the left. - Topics of discussion include: - Resistance against tyranny - Recent terrorist attacks in Paris - Military coup attempts against President Trump - Louis Farrakhan's prediction of a mega war - George Soros' plans - Dangers of EMF radiation - Big Berkey Water Filters - Self- reliance - KD Armor - LibertyOnCall.org - Portable Solar LLC - Survivalist Camps - Free speech rights at colleges - Ongoing investigations into child exploitation rings - An interview with James Leslie Rawls - A video of a New York University professor behaving outrageously at a Trump protest - The importance of good health - Vitamin B12 - Additionally, discussions take place on: - Potential opportunities for hiring Kevin for his political aspirations - Advantages black males have in the current political climate - How the left targets everyone through the globalist agenda - Fighting for freedom and taking action despite the condescension from the left.

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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Back in the ATX, broadcasting worldwide from deep in the heart of Texas.
It's already Friday, February 3rd, 2017.
And the globalists have only begun to realize they're marching into their darkest hour.
Let's let Dave Mustaine
From the past, with his poetry, send a message to the globalists.
Some of these news headlines.
The fall of the globalist control.
Starting to happen right now, you can feel it.
Their fear is rising.
Their panic intensifying.
All their crimes, pedophile rings.
No fire is coming for them.
All the children that cried out for help, to God.
He hears their cries.
He comes.
He's sick of them.
The darkest hours.
Think what all the innocents have been through.
So cold.
No one cares for me.
Yes, we know who's behind it, don't we?
We know who the enemy is.
And nothing.
Nothing they do will ever turn this around now.
They are fallen from the beginning.
They tried to bring down humanity and they hurt us bad.
But the gates of hell are open.
Like a big black mouth.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
Obviously, we have more Allah Akbar love, just like we had the attack a few days ago that killed a bunch of people at a mosque in Canada, and they said there's an attack on Muslims!
Yes, that was the big spin machine we got.
They'll probably try to spin this, too.
They'll probably try to spin it.
France has completely bent itself over like a mule, begging to have the Islamists pour in and rule them and ten-peck them and
Bossed them around, the French Socialists, the Jacobins, so wanted to defile and sacrifice France in an orgy of evil to their God, that they brought in hordes of the most miscreant, West-hating armies
That couldn't take Western Europe in the last thousand years, but are now taking it because of treachery.
What did Cicero, the Roman historian, say?
An enemy that comes openly with their banner to your gate is nothing as a threat to those that creep around behind the scenes and claim that they're on your side and care about you and want to help your nation.
Yes, the traitor is the plague.
Man, I tell you.
I don't know what's worse, Austin and its allergies during cedar season right now, or LA, that place.
You're driving down the road just through the smog.
Everybody was just hacking with sinus headaches.
And I just look at the poor folks in Los Angeles.
I'm not even trying to bash LA.
I don't know how you live there.
You couldn't pay me all the money in the world to be there.
It is just a toxic waste dump.
I tweeted a joke photo because the Hertz rental car bus taking us to the airport, you know, from the rental car place, had a bunch of city maps.
And I said, look, I found a map of hell.
People were like, well, LA's not that hot.
You ought to see what Arizona's like.
It's not about the heat.
It's about the atmosphere.
Southern Cal hit with worst smog in years.
It's hot, stagnant.
Weather intensifies the toxicity and there we are.
It feels like Bugs Bunny there.
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam combined forces.
And then of course you got the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man there.
We'll be back with a big transmission.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
Another terror attack in France as a machete-wielding man stormed the Louvre in Paris, chanting Allahu Akbar as he was immediately gunned down by French soldiers.
The man attempted to enter the Louvre.
He was refused entry.
He pulled out his machete, charged into the museum, injuring one soldier before being shot.
The terrorist was shot five times in the stomach and is currently in critical condition.
He was also said to have paint bombs in a backpack he was carrying.
Another man was arrested at the scene, but it's not yet known if he is linked to the attack.
A spokesman for the French Interior Ministry said the identity and nationality of the suspects are unknown.
A building in Paris was raided by police in connection with the attack, which has been labeled terrorist in nature by the French Prime Minister.
Donald Trump tweeted about the attack, urging Americans to get smart.
That's right, we don't want the terror that's descended upon Europe to make its way here.
The President of France, Francois Hollande, praised security for the quick response.
I bet you did.
They may have saved lives, but I doubt they saved your job.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
I purposely today did not go over the giant stacks of news I have here in front of me.
I almost always do it.
I almost always get up and spend hours in the morning reading news articles and then in the evening it just consumes me.
But I think it's important sometimes
When you get too cluttered in your mind, you just pull back and look at the big picture.
And the big picture is this.
There are so many Democratic Party organs and organizations and groups openly calling for a military coup against the President that it's just mind-blowing.
And a lot of people say, well, good luck, the military's behind Trump and the majority of American people are awake.
Yes, I know that.
But when they're openly trying to organize and shop at the Pentagon, the former deputy of the Defense Department in Obama's administration is publicly in the news, I did special reports on this last night, saying
It's time for a coup.
We need to organize one and it's legal and lawful because Trump's a fascist, Trump's a racist, Trump's done all these bad things.
And then you've got Vice Magazine saying with videos about how a coup would go down and how a coup is needed.
There's so much of this I can't even keep track of it.
Now the Democrats are telling illegals how to resist the Border Patrol.
I mean, if I went and organized people on how to resist legal, lawful, law enforcement in their duty, that's called organized crime, racketeering, by the very banner, prima facie definition.
It isn't, oh, here's how you stand up for your rights.
No, it's, it's, it's do not comply, resist, rebel.
And it's an attempt to cause a civil war.
And basically, this is what hit me last night and this morning.
We are in a civil war.
It's not coming.
There is a civil war.
The engine's sputtering on the civil war, the Democrats.
It's got smoke coming out.
The car's stopping every five feet.
But they're trying to get it going down the road.
To run over the country.
And it's with Trump battling to change the regulations with his Treasury Secretary to flood
Cheap credit to the American people, like an adrenaline shot into a dying man's heart.
It's not good, but it's better than the globalists.
Trillions hoarding it, never loaning it, freezing the economy, desperately trying to put us into a depression.
Trump is trying to flood money.
I mean, I'm talking, you're getting 20% on your credit cards, he wants to cut it down to 3%.
This is all being announced.
I mean, they can direct all this.
If you just want to do business here, it's what you do.
You want to get a home loan?
Here, just have it.
You want a business loan?
They've been for eight, nine years, basically zero has been loaned out.
Everybody knows that.
That's the engine of America.
The Texas head of the Texas Banking Association, like seven years ago, wrote an article for the Austin Business Journal.
It was in papers all over the state that I read on air.
It sounded like I wrote it.
But he was saying everything that was real about how the mega banks were consolidating, shutting down all the local banks, using the regulations of Frank Dodd to kill the country!
What do you think cutting the power plants off does?
What do you think having China with huge internal tariffs where we can't get our goods in does?
What do you think all these screw jobs were meant to destroy the economy and we have their own damn emails?
Excuse me, I'm just getting too angry to even be on air.
Trump is...
I mean, I say he's wonderful and good, he's just not out to get us!
But look how good that is compared to them!
Bill Clinton did a lot of bad stuff.
But he did actually get some money flooded out of the people and the economy.
Now they set it up so they get more power down the road.
Trump's not doing that.
I mean, I don't even know what to say at this point.
I mean, they're burning
Cars and trash cans and attacking women in UC Berkeley and MSNBC calls Milo a flamethrower while they show footage of people burning things.
Again, that is total inversion.
Total inversion of reality.
And they do it to scramble our brains.
And let me tell you, it's working on these people.
The people you see out burning things and attacking women are just cowardly, scared, freaked out people who have no real instincts and who have been turned into zombies, but they have one instinct left, tribalism and attack, and go out and attack a woman.
And they know that the police are on their side in that criminal jurisdiction, and so they do it.
With impunity, but nature abhors a vacuum.
Nature abhors a vacuum, and you're going to get hurt real bad.
I love how they tried to go to a Gavin McGinnis.
Let's get McGinnis on today if he can just pop in.
I think we're getting Milo on Monday.
And they try to beat them up and then run away?
And the Make America Great folks grab them and beat the hell out of them.
Oh no, you're not going to hit me in the back of the head and run off.
We're going to hold you up against the wall and knock your teeth out now.
I mean, imagine you're the type of guy that hits another man in the back of the head and runs.
That's what we're dealing with.
That's the level of scum.
People that beat up women.
So, I figured out what they're doing.
It's very clear.
They are clearly inciting us to go out and attack back.
So the media will then say that we are attacking people and they're basically starting a street war like the Nazis did as they took power in Germany or what the Bolsheviks did when they only had control of Moscow.
This is the build-up.
People say, well, why are they doing it when they're trying to start a war with the biggest armed camp in the world and our military and the police?
Because it's worked in Ukraine, it worked all over the Middle East, it's worked everywhere!
Except Egypt took their country back after three years.
It worked in Libya.
It almost worked in Syria.
This is the same deal.
Soros has basically never failed, ladies and gentlemen.
He crashed the pound!
He almost brought that country down.
Do you understand?
So that's why, because you got a crazed person that when he starts losing, he starts doubling his bets.
Oh, I lost?
Hillary lost?
Double the money the next week.
Put in.
For insurrection.
If they lose at this level, he'll double it again.
And that's what I'm saying.
Soros is committing crimes.
I know he's got hit men.
I know he's a mobster.
I don't like having to get up here.
I'm getting Soros' face.
But as a man, I've got a responsibility to take him on.
And I'm doing it.
But Soros isn't stupid, too.
Everybody always says Alex is in the CIA or Alex has government connections.
I have connections to the Republic and the Bill of Rights and what made America great.
And I want freedom.
Now, we've gotten so big and so strong in our reach that the government can't ignore us.
The president doesn't ignore us.
The current president.
And that's because they don't ignore you.
And so, yes, I will just tell everybody point-blank on air, because it's not a secret, that all the people, Soros' people, all of them, if you're dumb enough to try to make a move against me or anybody else in my operation, just know, everything we do is under surveillance.
And by that, I didn't ask for this, I didn't do this.
Can you imagine in this war for the Republic, the type of asset InfoWars is against the globalists?
So, just understand that.
That this is a very sophisticated change here in America.
And the people now in charge really do stay up late at night trying to make you successful, trying to bring you together, trying to make you wealthy, trying to empower you.
Good people are now in charge.
You understand?
Good people.
Extremely noble and moral.
And that's who Trump is surrounding himself with is noble men and noble women.
This is the real deal, folks.
And everybody who is noble knows my track record and that I'm noble.
And by noble, I'm not perfect, but I mean what I say.
I'm the real deal and everybody knows it.
But I'm gonna just say it right now on air.
George Soros must be dealt with.
I know he's got dirt on a bunch of people in the old governments.
I know he's got all sorts of fail-safes.
But, I mean, we cannot sit here and watch him start a civil war.
I don't care about George Soros.
I don't have it out to get him in some pissing contest.
He's destroying the country.
He's hurt so many other nations and the people he works for.
The very shadowy old European money and people are really, really bad folks, okay?
They're what the legends come from about don't get close to the castle when it's dark.
People disappear.
Those old wives tales, those fairy tales, folks, this is the real deal, folks.
You're dealing with a real devil worshiper, okay?
Empowered, completely possessed, alright?
Dark side knowledge, whole nine yards.
Sworn to destroy you.
Sworn to destroy Christendom.
Sworn to attack the innocents.
And that's why he's got so much power, is because he's protecting.
And the even darker forces behind him, the Unnamed Ones, are hungry for the blood of the innocents.
That man's entire history is one of pure evil.
So, those are the systems that we face.
The man that opened the gates of Europe to 5 million people, 80% or more military-age men on their own Facebooks with their war footage to show off to their girlfriends, coming in and laughing and preaching and announcing, you are weak, we will break you.
That's why so many Muslims run up to me and they go, Alex, I know it's true, I know a lot of radical Muslims are planting stuff, but I love America, I don't want to be part of this.
Because they know they're all being set up.
Louis Farrakhan knows it.
That's why he's come out and said that Islam needs a reformation and that we need to stop these people being brought in and Donald Trump's right.
You notice the entire media ignored it when he said that a year ago in our interview.
Louis Farrakhan can see.
He can see how he's being set up.
This is a very dangerous time, ladies and gentlemen.
Because know this, the Muslims are going to be destroyed in this as well.
I don't want to have this mega war.
You understand?
See, that's why Soros is so confident.
Why he's got his little rats out there starting a war with an army.
Because they've got something bigger planned.
They'll break down the other side.
We have just witnessed, in the history of our species, one of the biggest victories against tyranny and oppression.
But we've got to retain that victory now.
I am proud of all of you and your instincts in supporting President Trump in the last two years during the most hard-fought campaign in U.S.
And the entire world power structure weighed in to try to crush our will, to try to bully us into submission, but we said no.
I just got this book in a few days ago.
The Making of the President 2016.
How Donald Trump orchestrated a revolution.
Written by Roger Stone and I couldn't put it down.
This book needs to be a number one bestseller.
Because then it will become required reading in political science departments and in public schools.
This is a book that needs to be studied for generations to come because
This fight isn't over.
But the key battles we fought, that are chronicled in this book, and the blueprint moving forward, that is laid out in the final chapters, is the essential manifesto against globalism.
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We are all in this together and making of the President 2016 is the book to have to truly understand what happened.
Get your copy today at InfoWarsTore.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
I want to leave you though with a brief excerpt of an interview that our news director Rob Dew did with Roger Stone the day of Trump's inauguration in Washington, D.C.
The making of the president, 2016, how Donald Trump orchestrated an American revolution, I believe is the definitive account of how Donald Trump scored the greatest political upset in American history.
Very much like
Harry Truman's come-from-behind surprise victory over Tom Dewey.
Trump mounted a Herculean effort against all odds being outspent 5 and 6 to 1 to become President of the United States.
So this is the definitive inside story.
And we focus on how we've reached the tipping point where the mainstream media has lost its monopoly control of political information in America.
And now, more Americans are going to net-based sites like InfoWars, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, Vox, Vice, and so many others for a different point of view.
And that, more than anything else, provides the leverage for the upset victory by Donald Trump.
Make no mistake, the arrogant, control freak, narcissistic, parasite, vampire globalist thought they were invincible.
They thought they'd captured this fine republic and were going to use it as an engine of global tyranny.
Well, they've now discovered that humanity is awakened and is fighting back.
This book, Making of a President 2016, chronicles the first stages of not just freeing America, but freeing the world.
Secure your copies today at InfowarsStore.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Ladies and gentlemen, we stand at the precipice of a true new era, if we want it.
Or we can believe the siren song that it's a self-fulfilling prophecy that we must fall.
We must fail.
Evil must rule.
But history doesn't show us that, does it?
Shows us the cycles.
Cycles of the seasons, the cycles of the moon, the cycles of birth and life and death, the cycles of empires, nations and peoples.
They rise and they fall.
And this great republic is rising like the mythical phoenix from the ashes.
The enemies of humanity are striking out.
I mean, you sit there and look logically at the facts, and you'd say five million Muslims in just four years, three and a half years into Europe, 80% or more military-age men, the government opening the door, inviting them in, the media pushing it, letting them rape, kill, steal,
To the point that they know they're above the law, so they get in big packs together, as men will do when civilization begins to collapse, and will go into mob psychology and begin all sorts of horrible criminal activity.
And you ask, how will the governments of Europe get away with that?
The people will turn against it.
But you see, they believe the media is so strong in its mind control that they can guilt Europe into submitting
via mass Stockholm Syndrome and accepting it and actually converting to a weird globalist socialist communist form of Islam.
And that's the real plan!
And then just wage war against Europe, wage war against the Muslims in their own countries.
It's 360 war against all of the species.
That's what fluoride is in the water.
That's what the additives in the vaccines are for.
That's what the cancer rate exploding is all about.
When it was nonexistent in children 50 years ago and is now off the charts.
It's all about testing and controlling you.
And Trump is turning the corner saying, we're going to investigate vaccines.
We're going to investigate fluoride in the water.
We're going to investigate why glyphosates are in all the water supplies.
We're going to look at prescription drugs now.
Because Trump is almost like a Christian scientist when it comes to not going to doctors and not taking any pills or anything.
I mean, he really, really, really, really just does not like the system.
He is a giant wrecking ball into it, of just sanity and common sense coming back in the world, and the delusional minions of the system just don't know what to do.
But the Soros's of the world have everything to lose.
That's why they're in maximum overdrive.
That's why they're saying, look at Milo, throw a flame bomb!
When Milo's having flame bombs thrown at him.
You go, but they're lying!
They've got their audience already in suspended disbelief, in cognitive dissonance.
They've got them on board.
So now, like a cult, like the Nazis, when there's a million Russians a mile away, and half a million Americans five miles away, and their shells dropping every two seconds on top of your bunker,
Or there's just a continual explosion, constantly, and they're still believing that Hitler was going to beat them.
So, you ask what their problem is, they're in a cult, folks, and they're in a better position than Hitler was in his bunker under the Reich Chancellery.
They're in a bad position, but we've not
We basically, to use the World War II analogy that I use a lot, is this is basically like Stalingrad, with the collapse of the main German force, and the whole war basically being decided there, even more than it was with D-Day and all the rest of it.
Millions killed on each side, and then the collapse began there.
But the Germans kept fighting.
And I hate to demonize the Germans.
The Germans got manipulated into the war, and British intelligence put Hitler in power, and it was all secret.
Agreements and treaties, and a lot of that's been declassified.
That's why it's so hard to beat the Machiavellian behavior out of the UK, because that's where the Black Nobility came out of Italy, and went over there and set up operations.
It just gets very sophisticated from that point on, but I'm not picking on Germany, and I always go back to that analogy.
It's just too perfect of an analogy to use.
World War II, obviously, for so many reasons.
And again, that whole war was meant just to wreck Europe and get control and get a world government as well.
So it's just the same evil we're fighting over and over and over again.
And when we come back, we'll get into all the Allah Akbar stuff, all the latest videos.
There's so much.
I'm going to get to it all.
We've got a couple big guests on today I'm really excited about.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWars.
Keep spreading that URL.
The enemy hates it.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Another terror attack in France as a machete-wielding man stormed the Louvre in Paris, chanting Allahu Akbar as he was immediately gunned down by French soldiers.
The man attempted to enter the Louvre.
He was refused entry.
He pulled out his machete, charged into the museum, injuring one soldier before being shot.
The terrorist was shot five times in the stomach and is currently in critical condition.
He was also said to have paint bombs in a backpack he was carrying.
Another man was arrested at the scene, but it's not yet known if he is linked to the attack.
A spokesman for the French Interior Ministry said the identity and nationality of the suspects are unknown.
A building in Paris was raided by police in connection with the attack, which has been labeled terrorist in nature by the French Prime Minister.
Donald Trump tweeted about the attack, urging Americans to get smart.
That's right, we don't want the terror that's descended upon Europe to make its way here.
The President of France, Francois Hollande, praised security for the quick response.
I bet you did.
They may have saved lives, but I doubt they saved your job.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com.
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People have asked me for 20 years, Alex, why don't you have firearms and firearms accessory sponsors?
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Wow, two weeks since he was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States and
Totally delivering.
You know, I've got to say, the biggest thing he's done is bringing God back into America and his son, Jesus Christ, and saying, we want the providence.
I mean, spiritually, that's number one.
Putting God first.
And saying, we fear God.
And want to follow God's directives even though we're spoiled, rotten, little demonic creatures and we know it.
Fallen creatures.
But we also have that good side.
Made in the image of God.
We understand our best works dirty rags.
But you expand out from there to physical.
Declaring we're sovereign.
Declaring we have a border.
That's declaring we're a nation.
Globalism's like, it's crazy!
They have borders and actually check people.
No one's ever done that!
Again, Milo's throwing firebombs!
Milo's a flamethrower!
When they show people throwing flame, it implies he's the one firebombing.
It's crazy!
He's a fireflamethrower bomber!
He's so bad!
What will he do next?
When it's their people attacking.
So that's the method to their madness, and they are openly... I covered this last night.
I've got it here in my stacker.
I think I left it on Deuce Desk.
He'll bring me the articles.
And this didn't even get any attention.
It's like, in major publications, they're like, yeah, we're organizing a coup.
You know, we're going to the Pentagon and meeting with people and trying to organize a coup.
That's like saying, yeah, we're going, you know, over to the shooting club and trying to organize some veterans, you know, do a drive-by of the White House.
Democrats organizing criminal coup against Trump.
That's the video I shot.
There's an article on Infowars.com as well that goes over it.
And that just shows the atmosphere we're in.
Oh, they're Democrats!
You're allowed to beat up women for no reason!
And then they put on the news that I was arrested and thrown out of the inauguration.
Just totally made up.
You beat up women.
I report on it.
I go get the cops.
I demand they do something.
The cops are walking beside me.
You say I was arrested and thrown out.
I mean, this is the total deception world we're witnessing.
Where I had friends and family and my lawyer call and say, were you arrested?
Are you?
Were you?
Alex, were you being good at the inauguration?
Were you drunk?
You're just like, uh, no, I did have a glass of wine that night, though, in celebration.
No, I wasn't drunk at 11 a.m.
trying to get to the inauguration while they were beating up women on the side of the street in front of me.
And I went and got the cops, and that turns into I'm arrested, drunk, and thrown out of the inauguration.
And Milo's throwing flamethrower bombs when he's under attack from flamethrower bombs!
Like, let's play that clip since I mentioned it.
Here it is.
Let's talk about this news that developed overnight out in California.
The president tweeting this morning about those protests at Berkeley.
Here's what he says.
If UC Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view, no federal funds?
And just a reminder, viewers, this protest developed overnight out at Berkeley because Milo Yiannopoulos, a sort of noted troll, sort of flamethrower, if you will, was set to speak.
Joe, you support the statement from the president, the threat to essentially strip federal funding from one of the top universities in the country.
Oh, Hallie, absolutely.
I mean, think about it.
UC Berkeley, the birthplace of the free speech movement, used violence last night to shut down speech.
If a conservative speaker can't speak on a college campus receiving federal dollars, absolutely those dollars should be yanked.
The administration, the college administration, should make sure that all voices are heard.
That is a criminal enclave.
We're gonna get some liberal professors on from California who have been exposing this for quite some time later next week.
MSNBC reporter calls Milo a flamethrower and again if you're a radio listener
I'll fill you in.
They're showing footage of people throwing firebombs and things burning, and again, it's implied, oh, it's his fault, he's flamethrowing, or his speech is the reason this all happened.
And then they show footage of the rioters, the anti-free speech thugs, the anti-free speech racketeering gang.
You know, that's what it is.
The KKK would try to keep black people from voting, or try to keep black kids from going into schools, and then they would show up in mass and try to intimidate people and beat them and attack them.
That's called racketeering.
That's why they created racketeering laws.
It's organized crime practices.
When you've got an organized group of a thousand people, burning and throwing things and attacking people, and attacking them because they're white, even though you're white, well that's mainly white people doing that.
And you're tearing up your own university.
And you're trying to basically kill people.
And you're throwing feces and urine on them to stop them from gathering.
You're a monster.
Now let me start getting into the Allah Akbar attack and all the rest of it that's been unfolding.
We also now have the so-called anti-fascist, threatening young daughter, a pro-Trump journalist.
I mean, this is going to a whole new level of evil.
I've got to go over all this and play some of these clips.
But right now, I want to play a report by Millie Weaver, our newest reporter.
She's been working in the field for about a year.
Well, we've been doing stuff off and on for about three years.
This is her powerful report.
She destroys cowardly anti-Trump Berkeley terrorists.
Here it is.
The events that have just happened at UC Berkeley should be a wake-up call to every freedom-loving American of every race, color, and creed.
If you thought the left was just going to stop after President Donald Trump was inaugurated, well, you can see from this clip
That you are sadly mistaken.
If you were a MAGA hat, you are now a target.
If you were a Trump t-shirt, you are now a target.
And if you are a woman, you are a specific target.
We now live in a world where going to a college speaking event, not even a political rally, is enough to get you physically attacked and menaced by those who disagree with you.
I've experienced this intimidation myself while attending a pro-abortion
Nasty women's march in DC!
So these women's rights protesters are completely trampling all over somebody's garden.
Uh, excuse me!
I'm a woman here and do I have a right to work?
Are you against my right to report as a reporter?
These are men trying to stop her.
You're broadcasting terrorism to the people.
You're terrorizing millions of people.
You're supporting Flankel.
No, we're not.
We're just showing the truth.
We're not supporting Hitler!
Are you kidding me?
This intimidation did not work on me.
But these unprovoked attacks on defenseless women are despicable.
What kind of coward attacks a defenseless woman?
And they like to call Trump supporters fascists and Nazis.
But these people are the embodiment of Hitler's brown shirts that he unleashed on his political enemies.
Let's go ahead and look at the definition of terrorist.
It is...
A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
These cowards are terrorists and should be treated as such.
They're trying to start a civil war because they're mad that their demented version of socialism failed in the voting booth.
And I bet most of them didn't even turn out to vote.
So what are you going to do about it?
Are you going to stay silent?
Are you going to stand up for freedom and free speech?
Because make no mistake, what we have witnessed is a shot across the bow and the Antifa have raised their skull and crossbones flag.
No quarter will be given and it will only be a matter of time before somebody will be killed by these animals.
And when, not if, someone is killed, the Twitter left will praise the death of a Nazi.
Do you really think the American people are that dumb?
Do you really think we're just going to stand by while these ninja bullies kill someone for wearing a hat or a shirt?
President Trump has responded to this attack on the First Amendment by threatening to pull federal funds to UC Berkeley, and I applaud him for that.
But it was the mayor of Berkeley that told the left to rise up, and it's pretty clear that it was the chief of police that ordered his officers to stand down.
They should be charged for this, and we should take to the streets and demand that this happen, because if we don't stand up for our freedom of speech, then we will lose it forever.
At the next event, be prepared to be attacked.
Be prepared to defend yourself.
Be prepared to be spit on, hit with sticks, and maced in the face.
Be prepared to defend your life against the anti-tolerant left, the alt-left, because they have a taste for blood.
And they are not going to stop until they destroy this country with their retarded politically correct ideology.
Don't attack first.
But if it's a fight they want, then let's give it to them.
But we can stop them without violence.
We can stop them with superior numbers.
So turn off the TV, kiss your kids, and get out on the streets and defend freedom.
Because they will not attack if they are outnumbered.
Cowards only attack if they have the superior numbers.
So it's time for you to choose a side.
Are you going to stand by idly?
Are you going to get out on the battlefield with me in the Info War?
I'm Millie Weaver and I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!
Well, you gotta love that.
I tell ya, and she wanted to work with us like five, six years ago.
And she did some reports for us.
I just didn't even have the capital or the crew to basically edit the raw pieces she was sending us, her and her boyfriend at the time.
And it was really, you know, great amateur stuff.
That's how I started out.
And now look at her.
I mean, she caught Hillary in there with the gurney and the medical tent.
For 45 minutes, five days before she collapsed in New York, her and her crew member, her partner, have just done a fabulous, fabulous job.
Very, very exciting.
And so I look forward to getting her in here with Leanne and the rest of the crew, just to commentate live.
Because, I mean, just look at her.
She's absolutely more focused, more riveting, more informed.
Then the garbage, the polished crap that you see on CNN, MSNBC.
And then you look at the great work of the rest of our reporters.
It's just a wonderful team.
We're very, very blessed to have them all.
Here's a man beaten and bloodied for supporting Milo.
Quote, this is not America.
This is from CBS.
Here it is.
This is some of the damage we've seen done.
Hey man!
How you doing?
Hi everybody!
What happened to you?
My name's Eddie Brock.
My name's Eddie Brock.
And how did you get there?
So, as we were talking earlier, I decided to be for Milo, for freedom of speech, for freedom of expression, to let Milo talk at this place.
And these anti-fascists, fascists, decided that that was too much, threw rocks at me, broke my phone, and decided to steal from me and break my face.
And they could tell that guy is obviously smart, informed, a classical liberal.
Bet the guy probably voted for Obama four years ago.
He's broken their conditioning.
Trump has open arms to everybody.
He's bringing America together.
Democrats didn't give unity speeches with Hillary saying, let's not be mean to gay people like Trump did and everybody clapping.
And again, that's what's now making a lot of conservative Christians mad.
They're like, wait a minute, he's going to have civil rights for gays?
Listen, just because the left lied about him and said that's what he was doing and you're like, oh, Trump's great.
He hates gay people.
That's not the reality of what happened here.
Now, does that mean we want the, quote, globalist gay agenda targeting kids in schools?
No, I don't want any sex being taught to kids.
That's all part of the pedophile agenda that they're trying to hijack onto other movements.
And that's coming up, by the way.
We're gonna go back into Pizzagate in the middle of the third hour today because more's come out.
We told you if we ought to go pull this up from about two weeks before the election.
I hammered it every day for my NYPD sources.
And then I, of course, have Mr. Hagman, who's on Monday, who also has the NYPD sources, separate ones.
And by the way, I made him show me all the sources.
I mean, I trust him.
I've known him 10 years, but I mean, I looked at his sources, too.
And some of the stuff I said, no, actually, don't show me that.
What they give me.
He's very quick, like, yes, we didn't transfer this digitally.
I mean, this is dangerous stuff, folks.
And it's... Let's just say I know all about it, and it's information that makes me feel dirty to even know.
And so, it's not just... It's not just... Him sending pictures of his wiener, pun intended, to a 14-year-old girl.
It's reportedly more than that, but notice, we broke that he was under investigation first on the whole child porn thing.
And that there was more coming out.
And he's tied into all the, what's known as Pizzagate.
But they gave it that name, Pizzagate.
Focused on some pizza place.
Ran all the news headlines about it.
I remember saying to the crew, everyone's obsessing on this pizza place.
New York Times, CNN.
Up front, like the whole story's about this place in DC, not New York.
I said, watch!
They're gonna turn the whole story into this and ignore all the other emails and everything else and we're gonna have the kids in the hot tub and Obama wants $65,000 worth of succulent hot dogs and all this obvious code crap.
And now that's come out, and now in Pennsylvania, in New York, in Florida, in California, they are arresting hundreds and hundreds of people and charging them with not just child porn, running pedophile rings.
Let's put that LA article back up.
KTLA News 5, 474 arrested, 28 sexually exploited children rescued during statewide human trafficking operation.
And that's because the green light from on top is coming.
Police officers aren't going to be fired.
They're not going to be set up or killed.
See, in the old days, if you tried to expose a pedophile ring, they'd load child porn on your computer.
They'd break into it and do it.
That's why they remember hearing, like, the Pentagon, 10,000 computers or whatever had child porn on them.
No, they didn't.
They went in and loaded that on there to blackmail the military.
And say, we found child porn on here, but if you do what we say, we won't do anything.
You're like, what are you talking about?
That's the kind of stuff that's going on.
Well, let me tell you something.
The real pedophiles better look out now.
Because as soon as Sessions is sworn in as Attorney General, and by the way, I'm not giving out secrets here, because the globalists already know all this.
I'm letting the public know.
The gloves are off, okay?
There's quote, no limits.
To what radical jihadists, pedophiles, and other people, you are about to have hell rain down on you.
So, just get ready.
Yeah, there's one out of Pennsylvania where they dressed up like teddy bears when they raped the kids.
That was one of the raids I'm talking about.
Just search.
I'll help cripple some of the articles.
But that's all coming up.
A segment from the Joe Rogan experience.
90 million downloads a month.
They say it's the biggest Joe Rogan experience ever with yours truly, Alex Jones.
Broke all the records.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
What we saw in Quebec City, the way I look at it, it was intended to be one of those booster charges.
You need to accelerate the hysteria, the panic.
It was a misfire.
Yeah, it was a misfire.
That's why they went from Daily Beast at the crack of dawn this morning showing two white French guys with rifles to having to retract it.
They were already primed.
They were primed.
And the people were already at the airports.
Imagine how easy it would be to shut this country down with people just acting a little bit more hysterical at the airports.
The country would come to a halt.
Soros made moves against the stock market today in conjunction with demonizing Trump, so they're already trying that.
In fact, it appears they had it all set with this false flag, you're probably right, and the riots they already had primed for a stock market plunge to blame Trump, but it failed.
The moment is lost because
You know, gradually the new media gets the word out that these six countries were just Obama's terror, failed terror states.
These are nations like Libya and Sudan and Yemen that we don't, or Somalia, nobody that's useful to our country comes out of there.
Well, they don't even really have real airports, right?
I mean, places like Somalia.
You can't go there and stay alive if you're a white Christian.
You'd be dead or kidnapped in a week.
But if this attack in Quebec City had worked...
God help us, right now the country would be in a, if let's say 50 Muslims had been killed, and there was a blue-eyed Quebecois outside dead, which I think is one of the ways that this scenario was intended to play out.
How they tried to plunge the stock market this morning, how they put out the fake news, and the site you mentioned is synced with Soros.
Yeah, oh, they got caught in a dry run, or it misfired.
I think it was a misfire.
And the left will try to just bury the story.
It's like an un-story, a non-story.
If this had been a white guy with an AK-47 dead outside of a mosque, with 50 dead Muslims inside, the people that are at the airports now would be shutting the airports down.
And it would legitimize all them out there.
Oh look, Trump's supporter goes and does this, but he lived.
The dumb, mind-control, or easily-influenced idiot lived.
And so now it's not, you can see it now.
Matt, you're absolutely right.
They absolutely had the whole thing set up.
We need to look carefully into the Canadian connections.
There were apparently two competing mosques up there.
There's a more radical mosque and a more moderate mosque.
The moderate mosque is the one that was attacked.
This is a classic profile of a false flag.
We should be on maximum terror alert right now and watching for false flags.
Yes, and any knuckleheads on our sides, please don't do anything stupid.
And the hot springs flow!
Hammer of the gods!
To new lands!
Sing and cry!
We are coming!
That is some good music right there.
Coming from the land of the ice and snow.
Let's go ahead and get to another clip here.
The hot springs flow.
The Tides of War.
That's the William the Conqueror invasion of France and then England.
That's what this song's about.
Some smart poetry right there.
Okay, let's go ahead and go back to historical poetry.
Let's go ahead and play this clip of the British Prime Ministers, the planets aligned, being pro-Trump, pro-America, pro-sovereignty, pro-family, and defending Trump in the Parliament.
Here it is.
President Trump has torn up international agreements on refugees.
He's threatened to dump international agreements on climate change.
He's praised the use of torture.
He's incited hatred against Muslims.
He's directly attacked women's rights.
Just what more does the President Trump have to do before the Prime Minister will listen to the 1.8 million people who've already called for his state visit invitation to be withdrawn?
That's right, block free speech.
The Right Honourable Gentleman's foreign policy is to object to and insult the democratically elected head of state of our most important ally.
Let's just see what he would have achieved in the last week.
Would he have been able to protect British citizens from the impact of the executive order?
Would he have been able to lay the foundations of a trade deal?
Would he have got a 100% commitment to NATO?
That's what Labour has to offer this country.
Less protection for British citizens, less prosperous, less safe.
He can lead a protest, I'm leading a country.
Now, let's expand on that.
Trump's one problem is torture, but he knows it's ongoing policy and it's done.
So he's so truthful, he has to admit it.
And now they've decided to actually stop it.
Obama never stopped it.
And now he says, okay, Mattis says don't do it, we're not doing it.
That's what you get with Trump, folks.
That's what's noble, is that he tells you what he's going to do.
We're going to come back and I've got to get into the Allah Akbar attack and people are dead at the Louvre and all the rest of it.
I just get so sick of it.
And they'll try to spin this and claim it's an attack on Muslims like they always do, like last week.
Was it even last week?
When was the attack?
Up in Canada.
I mean, it happens so much now, we don't even pay attention.
How about Rachel's?
He knows it won't bring more millions of refugees in of military-age men to kill us.
Trump is horrible!
What do you say, Prime Minister, for yourself?
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Need more proof the political left has completely lost its mind?
New video surfaces of a New York University professor on the streets at a Trump protest shouting and cursing like a lunatic at police at neo-Nazis proudly announcing she is a professor as she loosely drops F-bombs 15 times in her 80-second rant with plenty of other obscene language peppered in.
She tells the NYPD to F off.
Good luck next time you need them.
Then declares Trump and all his supporters are neo-Nazis who are not for LGBTQ rights even though Trump did just stand for LGBTQ rights in the workplace.
You can see this wicked creature spitting and fuming like a wild banshee as she insists the police start beating up the Trump supporters so that her students don't have to.
We've seen white people shout down white people for being white.
We've seen protesters strap baby dolls to themselves then dance in the streets while playing the flute.
We've seen them assault people.
Burn and destroy communities.
What will the Never Trump movement do next?
This is Owen Schroer.
Stay tuned for more at InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The globalist's great error is to believe that as they collapse humanity, they end up on top.
The truth is, humanity is coming down fast, but we're miles above them, on our journey to hell.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The New Atlantic, that is like one of the main internal mouthpieces for the leftist, globalist arm of the New World Order, had an article a few days ago that was like, these are heady times for Alex Jones and people like Roger Stone, where their type of ideas are taking over and they're so horrible.
But it kind of chronicled stuff.
It's not heady times.
It's the opposite of that.
I don't want to go to red carpet events and peacock around and have old mummies, you know, in tuxedos come over and go, oh, I don't want anything to do with you.
You're coming after me.
Do you understand?
So I'm coming after you now.
That's how this works.
And globalists have snatched enough kids off the streets.
They've funded enough crazy jihadis.
They like to soil things.
Instead of a globalist mindset, they're into all sorts of dirty, nasty stuff, man.
They like to wreck Europe.
They like to wreck the third world.
They like to dumb people down.
They like to just invert things.
They themselves like to be degraded.
They get off on it.
They have a twisted mind.
They drive through beautiful vineyards in the countryside and see a sunset.
To them, that's ugly, because they think they're ugly, so something beautiful hurts them.
They want to pull it down.
They want to pull God down where they're at.
Not going to happen.
Now we've got several really big guests today.
I should have told people about this.
I should get better about it.
James Leslie Rawls, obviously he's a really smart guy, formerly Army Intelligence.
He's highly recommended by smart folks.
That's why we get him on.
But he's popping in just to give us his overview of what's happening.
And then Kevin Martin.
I tell you, this guy is a real, uh, not even diamond in the rough.
So you walk along, there's a big diamond on the ground all cut perfectly.
Super smart, super informed, good-looking, well-spoken.
I haven't even told him this yet in person, but I'd like him to be a correspondent for us or, you know, be a reporter, because I wouldn't have found more videos of him online confronting dum-dums.
And you got all these, you know, white women out there with their lock-him-up thing, because, you know, they're the white savior and they want to lock up Trump and they represent the minorities and all their condescension and crap.
I will hand it to this woman.
Best looking one I've seen out there with their whole crew.
I don't say that to be mean, it's just a very nasty group of people on average.
I'm not saying how you look is... You can have an ugly woman who has a great spirit and she's beautiful.
You can have a beautiful woman who has a twisted spirit and she's ugly.
You know what I mean?
Like out in LA you'd see these women that...
We're attractive looking on the surface, but we're like, eww.
And you see a woman who's, say not as classically attractive as some, but has a good spirit, then you're attracted to that.
It's the same deal.
So I'm not calling them ugly to do it mean.
They really are ugly.
Anyway, long story short, he just blows her away.
He's going to be coming on.
And then at about 40 after next hour, I'm going to air a key excerpt where Rob Dewey has bleeped out some of the cuss words from the Joe Rogan podcast.
That is already the biggest podcast in his history.
I mean, I went and looked at it on iTunes, and I went and looked at it on the YouTube channel.
Just an example of how that's one of the biggest podcasts out there.
90 million a month, 20 million on YouTube.
That's 110 million, and that's not counting derivatives everywhere.
I think Joe's given up trying to just have stuff on his channels.
He's learned you can't stop it.
I tell you, I'm really impressed.
I mean, I've known Joe for
17, 18 years, and I've known him good for about 16 years.
It's weird getting old, and
I really get Joe now.
I mean, he's a really smart guy.
He's a very sensitive guy.
I don't know if people like him, though.
He's a very manly man.
He's got a good presence.
You know, like, when you're around Joe, you want to keep hanging around with him.
I'll say this, though.
They got the worst lighting in that man cave.
It's a literal dirty man cave in there.
And, uh, and they just had, like, a lamp, like, a flashlight over my head, like, you know, kids do in the dark, like it's a horror movie.
So I don't care how I look, except, my God, I look like hell in there.
Uh, but Eddie Bravo is so unbelievably funny.
We went to dinner with Eddie Bravo, Joe had to go to a show, and he was just like, I can't do the imitation like Buckley can, because Buckley grew up speaking Spanish, so he can actually do it with the actual intimations or whatever, but it's hilarious, man.
Best comedy, everything.
The dinosaurs weren't real, it's replicas!
Joining us now is Phelom McAleer.
He began his career in journalism covering the Northern Ireland Troubles.
He was a foreign correspondent for the Financial Times.
And his latest investigative project focuses on Kermit Gosnell.
He produced the Gosnell movie, which he and his wife financed by running a massive crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.
It's one of the most successful Indiegogo campaigns in history.
Over 26,500 people funded the film.
And yet,
Hollywood, surprisingly, doesn't want to produce this because, see, this is a film that will make you uncomfortable.
Now, you've spent three years investigating this.
What was the most amazing thing that you found?
Well, I mean, I was talking to someone last night who has read the book, or is reading the book, and they said, you know, the thing about this story is you read something, you go,
My God, it can't get any worse.
And then you flick forward a few pages, and it's like, oh, it's even worse now.
You know, this is a man who ran a house of horrors.
He murdered live babies.
He murdered women.
He's America's biggest serial killer.
He kept trophies.
He cut the feet of babies, put them in jars, labeled them.
His staff were drug addicts.
That was all shocking, that America's biggest serial killer, that his clip, I think, wasn't inspected for 18 years, despite massive
It was not something that in my personal life I had ever been involved with.
I never thought about it until there was the debate about partial birth abortion.
And when I realized that they could take a full-term baby
And it's perfectly legal for them to, as long as one tiny part of the baby, the top of the head, remained in the woman's body, they could murder that fully formed baby who is fully capable of living on its own.
And that completely, for me, completely
Uh, changed my approach to this.
I realized at that point, this was no longer an issue of, well, at what point does life begin in conception?
These people were fully supporting murder of mature babies.
And then I understood.
Then the scales came off of my eyes, so to speak, and I saw it for what it was.
One thing I know about this book is that Planned Parenthood are geniuses.
They made me not realize what abortion was and I'm a journalist.
I've been around, I've literally been around the world.
I've worked everywhere.
I worked in several countries all over the world.
I know things, but I never knew what abortion was until I started investigating this story, just like you didn't know until you started investigating.
And then, as you say, the scales fell from your eyes.
What people don't realize is that we have the number of children that are killed in the United States on a daily basis is like the number of people who died on 9-11, where it's like a 9-11 every day that we've had since Roe v. Wade.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Came in last night at half past ten.
That baby of mine wouldn't let me in.
So move it on over.
Move it on over.
Move it on over.
Move it on over.
Move over, little dog, cause the big dog's moving in.
She's changed the lock on our front door.
And my door key don't fit no more.
Sean Spicer is there giving a White House briefing right now and he's saying that there's basically no limits, no options off the table with Iran testing a medium-range missile that can hit, well, thousands of miles away.
So there is a lot going on, a lot happening.
They just reminded me, I just did the whole last hour.
I didn't plug anything.
That's how we fund this operation here.
Just with great water filtration systems everybody needs.
Great air purifiers.
The very best systems out there for the lowest prices.
We go out and get you the best.
The very best supplements and nutraceuticals.
The very, very best, you know, t-shirts when it comes to, you know, Hillary for prison 2017 or Trump is my president.
These are the game-changing products.
Some of them are super inexpensive.
Some of them, you know, cost more, like DNA Force.
It's about to sell out, by the way, because the ingredients in it are so costly because it's so powerful.
True Bio PQQ.
Bio True Selenium.
There's a lot of products we call true because we get the raw.
We don't get the processed.
We get the cold-pressed.
We go through a lot to get this.
And the planet's so contaminated, we like all our products to pass California standards.
Every once in a while, we'll have a batch where it's just, we try it three times and can't get it, and I'll say, okay, well, then we can't sell this batch in California, because you can still sell it in California, but I don't want to, you know, be under their control.
I mean, they do it where, you know, an apple has more arsenic in it than, you know, or the air has more lead in it than the product can have.
Almost nobody produces stuff at California standards.
We do.
Like, 95% of what we got is California standards.
Sometimes they're like, well, this isn't California standards.
We're like, run the batch again.
Well, this one thing's not California standards.
We're like...
We've done this five times.
Remove that ingredient, and we'll go find something with the science that's just as good, you know, to add back in.
Well, what other plant has that cofactor, you know, that helps everybody upload this, so we can just, because you can't find the sources.
That's why we sell out of stuff a lot of the time, sometimes six months.
I've sold out of products six months.
That's why a lot of supplements are single ingredients, or only one or two.
Or they'll have a bunch of weird proprietary acids that don't really do anything.
Just because it's hard to give you a really good product.
It's hard to do the right thing.
But you know what?
People then get a big response, it's high quality, and they keep ordering it.
So yes, it's hard to do the right thing up front.
But down the road, if you do the right thing over and over again, it just gets better, and better, and better, and better, and better, and better, and better.
It's like preparation in life.
And so, X2's changed my life.
Supermell's changed my life.
DNA4's changed my life.
All these products.
And then sometimes I'm like, man, allergies are real bad.
Austin is the known capital of the United States.
They say maybe some places in Tennessee are worse, but there's similar type plants.
But, although, wait a minute, I have lung cleanse.
I'm waking up all night coughing and sneezing.
I've got lung cleanse essential oils and I just put that by the bed.
I wake up once, spray it, and then I sleep all night.
I'm like, wow, I use my own product.
You got a big brain there, buddy.
This stuff's really good.
This isn't like the stuff that, you know, costs the same amount or maybe is less, but it's like menthol and then, you know, one herb and some alcohol.
And then all it does is kind of deaden your throat for 10 minutes.
No, no, this is oil.
The only problem with lung cleanse is you got to clean out with hot water, you know, every five or six times you use it, this sprayer, because it's so thick.
Because it's oil that you won't get a good blast and won't aerosolize good.
You go, three times in the back of your throat, then you kind of go, only at the end though, not the first time, or you'll suck it down your lungs, it'll hurt.
Once it's already kind of just, then just a little bit.
You do it just like Dr. Gribbs says, boom, it's amazing.
Best thing out there.
In fact, it's the product I think we should try to put in stores.
Because, it's just... I've tried all the others.
I've gone to Whole Foods and bought seven bottles of other stuff.
And it just doesn't have, whatever it is, 20 ingredients or whatever.
It's just, it's thin, it's cheap, it just doesn't do it.
And I'm not attacking leading competitors, because they're not competitors.
It's an unlimited world.
If they had good products, a lot of times, and about a third of our products are private-labeled,
You'll notice the bottles are the same, the ingredients are the same, it just has a different name.
Like our ChildEase, it's been around 30 years and it's the number one child calming thing out there that you give your kid every day.
That I signed these contracts where I can't tell you what the brand name is to be able to private label.
That's just how business works.
The point is that ChildEase is amazing.
And all it is is, again, the private label of one of the classics.
Well, if there was a spray that was a classic and really worked good, we'd be selling it.
Because pretty much everybody private labels.
I could have 500 products.
I could have 1,000 products.
But we have to go test.
We have to send them off to big, giant, independent labs.
We don't test once.
We test three times with labs, and then we separately
Pull bottles and send them to be tested separately so that we're double, double safe for any type of ever industrial sabotage.
I think about that sometimes.
So we go through a lot of stuff because here's the deal.
You're not paranoid if they're really out to get you.
You're not paranoid when you're really changing the world and you've got evil enemies.
Are you?
No you're not.
You're not paranoid when you know they're trying to steal the election from Trump, and you call them on it, and you're proven right again and again and again.
And that's why this broadcast is so strong.
It's because of our guests, and our information, and our history, and what we do, and the fact that the military is awake.
In fact, most of the military is awake to the Globalist plan, but a lot of times they're not even awake from this show.
The information has been passed on, added to their own internal understanding, upgraded even more, because
They're compartmentalized.
I'm compartmentalized.
But from our perspectives, integrating those, we get a much clearer picture of what's going on.
And so it's really more like a symbiosis that's taking place.
And so people say, are you working for an intelligence agency?
No, my ideas have been adopted by intelligence agencies.
But they're not my ideas.
That's America.
We just have a big platform.
It's like if the wheel had never been invented in some country, and I brought them the wheel.
I didn't invent the wheel.
It's been around for thousands of years.
That's all we're doing is like, remember this?
It's Americana.
Remember this?
You cut taxes on poor people and middle class, you have a prosperous society.
Oh look, here's an email where they admit they want to make us poor and dumb us down.
So, infowarestore.com or call toll free 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
That sale ends this weekend, I guess it'll end like Monday morning.
25% off Alexa Pure water filters and Alexa Pure Breeze air filters.
Supermail is about to sell out.
DNA Force will sell out, but we're better about getting it in now.
It should be back in a month or so.
A lot of great products are back in that were sold out, like the probiotics, Biome Defense, and the B12 was sold out for a while.
And I think the coffee was sold out.
Why isn't your coffee made in America?
Because you can't grow, in my experience, really good coffee in the United States.
The coffee we get is from southern Mexico.
It's almost like Guatemalan.
It's right on the Guatemala border in those mountains.
It's organically grown by the folks in Chiapas, and it's my favorite coffee.
It's real strong, but it doesn't give me a headache when I drink it.
A lot of other coffees, like Starbucks, really works well, but I get a headache later.
Not with this organic coffee.
Volcanic soil grown stuff.
It's really good.
In fact, is the Lake of America Coffee back in?
I know it's been sold out for a while.
So that's all up on Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Roger Stone's book is now shipping out.
And I told him it'll take a few days for him to get in.
We're having to wait on some of the shipping.
I said, listen, you gotta sign, you know, 5,000 now, buddy.
You said you're gonna sign every book.
You gotta sign the little plates so I can stick them in the book.
So he's signing hours a day for you.
And the coffee is back in stock, I'm now told.
All right, James Wesley Rawls is our guest.
For the rest of the hour, I'm going to skip this one break so we have more time with him.
He's formerly Army Intelligence.
He's written a bunch of best-selling books, fiction and non-fiction.
Survivalblog.com is probably the leading survival blog in the world.
His latest group of novels basically predicted the giant Islamic jihad taking place across the world.
The Christian response that would come out of that land of promise is one of his latest novels.
I want to talk to you about his novels here today.
But first off, Mr. Rawls, good to have you here with us.
I think we're already in a civil war.
It's sputtering.
It's failing.
People ask them, why would a bunch of Soros-funded goons attack women, make themselves look bad?
It's because they don't care.
And what do they have to lose?
And they're trying to elicit a response from us, or maybe getting ready to do a false flag.
Maybe truck bombing Berkeley or something like that to then blame the Liberty Movement and blame Trump.
I think they're trying to get us into a fight with them and so it's been good that Trump's been restrained, but I think at a higher levels it is sedition by Soros and others and is criminal what's in the emails, what they've been calling for, mainstream news calling for Trump's death, his execution, the deputy head of Department of Defense, Senator Obama.
He brought me that article guys, I forgot to print it.
Openly shopping a coup.
So the news is shopping a coup.
This is unprecedented.
I mean if I was shopping a coup...
People probably listened, you know, five years ago or whatever.
I'd get arrested.
I'd probably get killed.
I didn't want a coup against Obama.
I wanted to culturally defeat him in a bloodless political revolution, a restoration.
But I mean, I cannot come up with words to describe how serious this time is and how dangerous they are.
Now, that's my basic boil down of what they're doing.
What do you think?
Well, Alex, I have to agree with you that we are in a very polarized situation in this country, something we have not seen since the late 1960s, early 70s with the draft protests.
You use the term civil war.
We're very close to that right now.
If you use the analogy of Cold War, I'd say we are in a cold civil war right now.
It just hasn't gone hot yet.
America, with the election of Donald Trump, reached a classic blue-gray moment where what are now referred to as the red states and the blue states became so sharply polarized that we're just on the brink of a civil war.
That's it.
It's a cold war.
Soros doubled his funding of the insurrection the week after the election.
The Fortune 100 all piled in, giving two, three, four, five, ten, twenty million dollar gifts into it.
They're planning something big.
I think so.
They wouldn't have doubled down following the disaster of the presidential election in November.
Soros would not have doubled down by increasing all the funding to these radical groups unless he wanted to push things to the brink.
What does he have that keeps people from moving against him?
I mean, he's just asking for it.
I mean, just being a Nazi collaborator, the guy should be in an Israeli jail.
Well, yeah, his past is very checkered, to say the least.
I think he feels that he's detached, that there are intermediaries between his money and him and these groups, where he feels like he's invulnerable, but he really isn't.
He really is, at this point, ripe for indictment.
And I wouldn't be surprised if the Trump Administration Justice Department actually moves against him.
I think they could very easily put a case together for him, against him, at this point where he's probably indictable at this point.
And certainly in the court of public opinion, he's beyond indictment.
He's already sealed his own fate.
He's public enemy number one.
I would say so, yes.
Although, he's just one of several behind-the-scenes manipulators that are pushing what's going on politically and economically in the world.
It's a fairly small, fairly, certainly elite group, but a very quiet group of individuals with a vast wealth that are moving behind the scenes to try to institute a cashless society and a one world government.
How would you describe this as a football game, where we are right now?
I mean, globalism is in the minds of the people being exposed.
It's in trouble.
Anywhere people can have a vote, they're pulling out of centralization, globalism, unelected corporate systems.
Well, I'd say we're in the fourth quarter of the game, certainly.
At this point, I think George Soros just kind of threw the Hail Mary pass, really.
Because at this point, the globalists are on the run.
They are, at this point, out of options.
All the various movements in Western Europe, in the Americas, and increasingly in Asia, I think, are going to be against them.
The populist movements are gaining steam.
If you look at what's going on with Le Pen, for example,
And certainly what happened with Trump, that's just evidence that they've lost, the statist globalist camp has lost control of the situation.
The public has woken up, due in part to people like you and your information services.
They've really awoken the populace, and at this point, all they can hope for, the globalists that is, all they can hope for is either a collapse of the system as an excuse for martial law,
Or a world war, which would be an excuse for instituting something like the Patriot Act on steroids, where they can clamp down on all the Western countries with impunity.
I've got a Breitbart article up on Infowars.com.
Showing New York Times columnist pleads with globalist billionaires to save a nation from Trump, but it was actually worse than that at Davos.
They openly said, Communist China will save us from America.
Americans were there saying this.
I mean, it's just the treasonous open evil is just cartoon level.
Yeah, well, to these folks, national borders don't mean anything.
In fact, they want to do away with national borders.
It's all about power and money.
They have all the money in the world.
All they want now is the rest of the power.
And they don't care who they work with, which henchmen, which incredibly totalitarian, demagogic governments they work with.
As long as they consolidate their power, they don't care.
They'll work with people like China.
It's so emblematic of how arrogant they are.
Well certainly, the level of arrogance is really unparalleled.
And because of technology, they are closer to instituting a world government than Hitler ever was.
We now have a society that is monitored left, right, and center, as you've documented many times in your show.
Huge databases have been built, compiling information on every man, woman, and child, not just in America, but around the world.
Except in a few third world countries where people live completely off the grid, everyone else is thoroughly cataloged, categorized, and
Prioritized for action in the event of any kind of uprising.
So we're really in the in the final stages of this.
I think we will prevail.
I think we will see our constitutional government restored.
But things are gonna be a lot worse before they get better.
Let's war game this then and put your army intelligence hat on.
Knowing what assets they've got, what they've already done, the playbook they use all over the world.
One reason Soros and the Globals aren't stopping is they've been successful almost everywhere.
And so they're going to try a certain card deck of tricks.
Let's go over from their perspective.
You're George Soros and his other strategist and some of the Rothschild folks and Rockefeller combines.
You're having a meeting.
And what are you discussing?
What's the next phase?
Well, I think they're in desperation mode.
They're seeing that with the populist uprising in many countries, that they're running out of options.
And at this point, all they can really do, I think, is put the economic pressure on all the Western countries by means of currency and credit manipulations.
To collapse the economies and the value of the currency of several Western nations, to kind of force the situation, create a crisis that's so big, it's kind of like the Hegelian dialectic on a grand scale, where they create a crisis so large, and by manipulating the media, they make it look like the only possible solution
Absolutely on target.
They are hyping the end of cash everywhere like it's completely normal.
It's the thing to do.
Why don't we tell people why the end of cash is so bad?
And look,
I'm not patronizing our regular audience.
I'm talking to the prodigal sons and daughters out there that don't know why paying for everything with your iPhone is good, the little surveillance bot you carry around.
Let's talk about why getting rid of cash is so bad.
Well, people have to recognize that cash represents the last bastion of privacy that our society has.
Every other aspect of our lives is pretty well
Catalogued and categorized.
Part of that is due to the development of social media in the last six to eight years.
Everyone's already built these huge dossiers on themselves, but the real linchpin, the one piece of information that Big Brother really needs is
A complete tracking of every transaction that takes place in the economy, because if you track it, you can tax it.
And cash is a huge barrier to them being able to do that.
It creates a wall.
It creates a impermeable wall that they can't see through.
They want complete financial transparency, and what cash creates is just the opposite.
It makes everything opaque.
They can't track it.
And with cash, people can
You can go out and you can walk into a gun show, for example, or buy a firearm from an ad in the newspaper.
James Wesley Rawls, survivalblog.com.
Stay there.
I want to come back and walk through more of this.
And again, he's going to get to it.
I'm going to let him roll with it.
But it's not just the tracking.
It's then the taxing to even use your money.
Or then just turn it off where you can't even buy or sell, which China's already putting in place with their new Internet ID system.
This is the key to the enemy takeover.
Need more proof the political left has completely lost its mind?
New video surfaces of a New York University professor on the streets at a Trump protest shouting and cursing like a lunatic at police at neo-Nazis proudly announcing she is a professor as she loosely drops F-bombs 15 times in her 80-second rant with plenty of other obscene language peppered in.
She tells the NYPD to F off.
Good luck next time you need them.
Then declares Trump and all his supporters are neo-Nazis who are not for LGBTQ rights even though Trump did just stand for LGBTQ rights in the workplace.
You can see this wicked creature spitting and fuming like a wild banshee as she insists the police start beating up the Trump supporters so that her students don't have to.
We've seen white people shout down white people for being white.
We've seen protesters strap baby dolls to themselves then dance in the streets while playing the flute.
We've seen them assault people, burn and destroy communities.
What will the Never Trump movement do next?
This is Owen Schroer.
Stay tuned for more at InfoWars.com.
I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat.
Or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22.
When I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You can find James Lizzy Rolls penetrating books at his website survivalblog.com.
You can find the new book, which I finished reading on the airplane yesterday flying back from LA to Austin.
The Making of the Present 2016.
It is crazy.
Like you open the book up and there's a lot of stuff in here that's like inside baseball.
But the second chapter, or is it the third chapter?
I'm not bragging, it's just bizarre and surreal to be reading a real inside account about one of the biggest political upsets in world history and globalism crushing and falling apart.
And then you go read the headlines and it's like, how Alex Jones got Donald Trump's ear?
How Donald Trump hijacked the Republican presidential nomination?
How Hillary Clinton stole a Democratic presidential nomination?
This is just all true.
How Donald Trump won the White House?
And then it goes forward into the future.
Starts with the Trumpster, who he is.
His first run of the White House.
We'll forget he did that.
And first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Hillary's House of Cards.
It's just very well written.
How Donald Trump hijacked the Republican presidential nomination.
Trump versus the elites.
That's what this is really all about.
But people go, but he's rich.
That's who you want to go up against the elites.
He knows how it works.
If he's a rich guy that wants to disempower the elites and create competition, that's called a champion.
It's this anti, you know, wealth stuff.
We're not against wealth.
We're against
The globalists controlling the game and picking the winners and having a bunch of corrupt inbred elites looking down their noses going, yeah, poison the water, give them cancer.
There's too many of them so they can like, you know, get off on their giant satanic ritual they're carrying out against us.
It's amazing.
You need to read the book.
It's available at InfoWarsTore.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
It really is the definitive
Breakdown on the election and a blueprint for victory into the future.
Trump is delivering big time.
Guys, I didn't print that.
Will you give me the Michael Savage article that's on Drudge?
Where he's talking about, you know, Trump don't do too much too fast.
I don't know if I want to disagree with Savage.
He's a smart guy.
One of the smartest I know.
But I think what Savage is getting at
Is that my concern is, imagine Trump's got 4,000 people under him.
A lot of them are moles.
A lot of them are operatives.
That's a fact.
And they're going to try to sabotage things.
They're going to try to pick fights with the movement.
Like, I know for a fact they write articles to try to make me get mad at Trump or try to make you get mad at Trump or to try to
You know, act like we're being dissed or something to start infighting.
It's just, it's amateur hour stuff, but it's classic divide and conquer.
And we just have to be smart enough not to get lured into all that because there's all these sycophants that want the access to the president so that they can get things for themselves and act powerful.
Whereas I don't ask for anything from Trump.
Just deliver on your promises.
He's like, well, haven't I been?
Just thank you.
That's it.
There's not, oh, I got a cousin needs a job or blah blah.
None of that's going on with Trump anyway.
And I love how the very same old players, the very same players are in there right now trying to
I think so.
Flood any real business or any real investor or any real borrower with money.
Do it.
You've had unlimited fiat for yourselves, and sure, this could create some type of bubble later, but we're in an emergency.
Do it.
He's doing the right thing.
They plan on imploding things.
They've designed this whole thing, and we're trying to grab victory from the jaws of defeat right now.
I'll go back to James Lizzy Rawls here in a moment, but everything he's doing.
Ron Paul agreed.
He goes, he's doing a great job on the economy.
He's doing a great job cutting regulations, a great job trying to get community lending going.
So cold-blooded to watch Obama go, we're gonna get relief to the people while black unemployment basically doubled.
It right at doubled.
It's cold-blooded!
It's like, we got the black people, just get them more under our control.
Break them!
No, Trump wants people to love him.
You know, Howard Stern knows him well, and he said, no, Trump really is for real, and he wants people to love him, and he wants to make everybody successful, and I feel sorry for him because it hurts him when people are mean to him.
But that was Trump a long time ago.
Trump gets it all now.
He doesn't care.
He realizes he's doing the right thing and so it doesn't matter what people think about him or what they make up, because he knows.
And if you just know history or basic facts, there's no doubting he's destroying them right now.
Everything he's doing, just forget Trump.
Forget the Golden Toe.
What he's doing is absolutely decentralizing power in his classic Americana super-economy behavior.
Now, are we moral enough and hard-working enough and good enough to come together, work hard, love God, bring God back into our lives and get back on track for the demoralization?
I don't know.
We may be so fallen that this is just God's opportunity.
Okay, here, you're getting it from this unlikely source.
Are you going to take this opportunity or not?
If we don't, and that means me, myself.
To be more moral, more focused, more dedicated, a better father.
None of us are perfect.
It really is an inside job on whether we change this world or not.
It's up to us.
To take some time and flesh out cash, and why they want to get rid of it, why they're announcing global digital currencies, global carbon taxes, a hundred trillion every decade.
This has all been announced at Demos.
And why it's so important, as you said, cash is the last bastion.
And then I want to get your view on what Trump's doing in the economy, and if you concur with what I... In fact, just because I just mentioned that, James Wesley Rawls of survivalblog.com, former Army Intelligence bestselling author, researcher.
Let me just... People just joined us.
What do you think of what I just said about Trump?
I mean, my gut told me he was good, but no wonder they hate him so much.
They had a file on him and figured this, but I mean, I learned that he literally sat at the feet of the guy that was the brain of Joseph McCarthy, who knew the whole plan and tried to stop it, and other people in intelligence that were trying to block this takeover.
He grew up knowing all of this and is basically a sleeper cell inside their system with incredible patience.
A sleeper cell for the patriots.
I mean, that's what Trump is.
I think you may be right there, Alex.
Trump, if you look at the results of the policies that he's implementing, that's the main thing.
Because there's a really old saying, and that is, pay very little attention to what people say, and pay perhaps a little attention to what they do, but pay a lot of attention to the results of what they do.
And if you use that form of analysis, and you look at Trump,
I think he really is the genuine article.
I think he really wants to reinstitute a constitutional government in this country.
He wants to scale back the government, wants to roll back taxes, definitely wants to roll back regulation.
I really think he's the genuine article.
And, you know, I had my doubts about him, and I still have my doubts about some of the people that he's surrounded himself with.
His cabinet is not perfect, but what he's been able to accomplish just in a couple of weeks has been astounding.
And I really just hope that he's given the opportunity to keep doing what he's doing.
Because when that regulation is rolled back,
When the level of taxation is rolled back, it will unleash an economic powerhouse in this country like we've never seen before.
Reagan only really hinted at it.
I agree with you.
Let me bring up this point and we'll get back into cash.
And I like Michael Savage.
He comes on the show, one of the few shows he comes on.
In fact, I'm begging him to come back on right now.
Savage has come out in the World Daily article and said, you know, Michael Savage, he's dubbed the godfather of Trump mania, but Michael Savage noted on his national syndicated radio show that he also promised he would hold Trump accountable if the real estate billionaire became president.
And he said that he's worried about the inner circle and the fact that he's moving too fast with the raid on Al-Qaeda in Yemen, initially planned under Obama, that resulted in the deaths of a Navy SEAL and civilians.
Well, it was the family of the terrorist in a shootout
I don't know.
They've been put into all these countries and Obama, of course he wouldn't go after these targets he was given because he was protecting them.
They were giving him, you know, hour and two hour notices before they bombed convoys.
I mean, I've had the military on, I've talked to people behind the scenes.
Whistleblowers, we know that they were running the Jihad Army out of Saudi Arabia and it was a huge double cross.
It's all part of the open borders in Europe, it's all part of this Muslim merging, you know, new world order program.
What is Trump supposed to do?
Just wait while they plan more attacks?
Or give orders like this guy that, you know, machete attacked at the Louvre and got shot today screaming Allah Akbar?
I mean, I'm not a guy that was for the Iraq War because I knew he was targeting one of our old CIA assets who they'd set up and told to invade Kuwait and who they were removing because he was basically a stabilizing force and they wanted chaos.
Okay, well now we got somebody back like Trump, who actually wants to go back to Eisenhower-style policies, who originally set up the program that, down the road after he was gone, put Saddam into power.
So you've got a good CIA program to put a good guy in there and bring stability, and I'm not saying he's perfect.
Now you've got the globalist program to remove him to create chaos.
I mean, let's just talk facts here.
If you look at what Trump's doing, he's bringing back Eisenhower-era policies.
Well, you touched on a couple of things that I want to highlight.
One is to circle back and talk about the cashless economy.
You made a really important point just before the break, and that is not only is an electronic currency and centralized accounting key to taxing people, but it also creates the ultimate weapon to quash dissent, and that is a government
Can target an individual, and if we're in a cashless society, that individual's accounts can be zeroed.
His savings, his retirement, everything could be gone in the wink of an eye.
It's like the sword of Damocles.
And I think that people don't really realize the full implications of that, and just how absolutely chilling it will be for anyone who's a voice of dissent in the near future if they do institute that cashless economy.
And I should add, we started reporting on this last year and Drudge picked it up, and I'm proud we were the first, it was in the Chinese newspapers, but they said, yes, you'll have an internet
That's the level of control they want.
They want us to be basically marionettes dancing to their tune.
That's right.
And then you do what they say.
And then like a chicken pecking at the deal, a little piece of grain comes out.
Then when you behave the way they want in this maze, then you can live.
Then you can progress.
But slowly, they're going to make it a smaller and smaller world.
Slowly, they're going to train us to accept less and less, and then glamorize those that have the high score.
I mean, this is like a science fiction movie, but it's real.
It's so nightmarish.
It's not that we're against technology, folks.
It's that the way it's all being bent and used is to dehumanize, and the model of world control is the nastiest, most evil, wicked country in the world.
I mean, China just makes mass murder and organ harvesting and killing Buddhists and Christians for literally no reason.
No big deal.
And then Scorsese makes movies about Japanese oppressing Christians 500 years ago.
But Scorsese, please make one about China today.
Go ahead.
Well, your point's very well taken about China.
The Chinese government really, I think, you're right, is the model for what they want, because it is absolute totalitarianism.
They've had it since 1949 in China, and they put a pretty face on it in more recent years, but the level of control
is absolute.
They keep track of every dissident and it's not just a matter of whether they'll let a particular dissident travel by not granting visas.
It's complete tracking of their entire lives, their entire social networks, where
They basically have everyone under a microscope.
It's kind of like the Stasi in East Germany, but instead of big rows of file cabinets, it's all in a database with instant retrieval.
That's the kind of government they want to have.
And it's all tied together in big 3D heads-up displays.
Yeah, it's the panopticon.
It's what the globalists really have always wanted and it hasn't been until we've reached this level of technology and this level of interconnection that it's really come close to.
And notice in their total lust for control they're basically all running to Montana or Kauai, Hawaii or New Zealand or Tasmania.
They're all running to four or five places and going to digital free zones
We're good to go.
They're predicting mass unrest and civil war because they're giving the stimuli for it.
And it's like, no, let's take this all away from them.
It's criminal.
And then repurpose it to empower humanity, educate the public about everything, and just move forward.
We could really do that.
And that's why they're trying to, you know, basically keep Trump, you know, from interfacing with the Liberty Movement.
But it's not working, even though they are trying to put an inner circle around him.
A lot of them are good people, like Flynn and Bannon and others.
I mean, Priebus is just a complete weasel, and he's commanding a lot of stuff, and I understand he knew how the Republican structure worked, so Trump needed him, and I guess he's following orders at this point.
It's just that...
You know, the President shouldn't have let them take his telephone away.
I mean, he could call Trump up until two weeks ago.
I never called the number.
I had it.
I didn't want to bug the President or President-elect.
You know, he'd call me on it sometimes, but I can still get a hold of him if I need to.
And I know his sons and stuff listen and watch the show, but I don't even want to bug the President.
It's like so surreal.
It's like a Twilight Zone episode, Rawls.
I wish I was an egotist and like a New World Order guy sometimes because they would get off on all this.
You know what I mean?
I mean, I feel the burden of responsibility going, man, this is like, it's great, but it's also just like, oh, you know what I'm talking about.
Yeah, I think you're right, Alex, that there are competing camps and
There's competing camps within the intelligence community.
There's the good guys and the bad guys, both kind of vying to have their agenda get through.
There's good and bad in the political world.
There's good and bad in the financial world.
And you mentioned the high-tech world with Zuckerberg.
There's a few people like Peter Thiel, for example, who I think really have individual human liberty as their goal.
That's right.
I've done research on him because we've had writers attack him and say, I don't control all my people.
And you see him at Bilderberg.
Yeah, that's probably bad.
No, he was there.
I've learned how to influence for good.
And he wrote books 20 years ago that I could have written at
But he didn't get it from me.
Peter Thiel is like Alex Jones.
Or I'm like him.
I mean, he gets the same thing.
It's not like Drudge just does what I say or I do what he says or Thiel or Trump.
It's like we're seeing the same thing.
And so yeah, I'm really impressed.
He wrote books like 20 years ago on this.
Paul Joseph Watson, I've got this selfish question to my friend.
Given your honest assessment of Trump, I mean, I know about a year and a half ago you had cold feet, but liked him, you love him now, obviously he's been delivering, but ten days in, I mean, what would you call what's happening and the establishment media only intensifying their lies, Paul?
Well, it's amazing, Alex.
I thought going into the first 100 days of Trump would be, you know, holding his feet to the fire and making sure that he followed through on what he promised.
Turns out that we didn't need to worry about that at all.
He's going at light speed with everything that he promised.
Again, the left is completely determined they would rather see America collapse than Trump be successful.
That's the point that it's gotten to now.
And you can see it with this travel ban.
I mean, we've seen a narrative over the past couple of days, which is, oh, what if this offends ISIS?
What if this offends terrorists?
Yeah, they'll get us if we don't capitulate and run a white flag up and even Khan's dad goes on TV and goes, you will now face attack.
I mean, it's like, wow, how veiled is that asshole?
Yeah, the foreign secretary or the home secretary in the UK has just come out.
This is on BBC.
Amber Rudd, Trump travel ban could help ISIS.
And she's saying it's a propaganda opportunity for so-called Islamic State.
Well, number one, the very existence of the West and America is a propaganda opportunity.
Number two, you actually look at what ISIS supporters have written, and we had a big article about this yesterday.
And they are enjoying this because they say directly in their own words, this division that's caused by these leftist protesters rioting at the airport, smacking Trump supporters and knocking them out with metal objects while chanting, peaceful protest!
The ISIS supporters love that.
They want more of that because they see this division as a way to exploit- And then CNN spins it and blames Trump like it's his fault ISIS is attacking and his fault ISIS is exploiting their own Soros protesters.
I don't see this going well for them, though.
His Gallup poll numbers in Rasmussen only go up now upwards of 60%.
We know those are even skewed polls, so what does this bode, Paul?
Well, it votes for a second Trump term.
I mean, we had a Rasmussen poll yesterday, 58% support the travel ban, only 33% oppose it.
Again, in complete contradiction to this frothing media narrative, that the whole country is in a tumultuous hissy fit against Donald Trump's travel ban.
Complete BS!
This list is based on seven countries chosen by the Obama administration, which of course the left
Didn't give a damn about back in 2011 when Obama banned Iraqi refugees for a period of six months, double the amount of time that Trump's banned them.
And the sun is gonna burn into a cinder.
Before we ever pass this way again.
We're gonna ride.
Ride like the one-eyed jack of diamonds.
With the devil close behind.
The devil's always close behind.
You gotta move into the future.
Leave the devil in the dust.
Imagine a world without El Diablo.
Look at DrugsReport.com.
Der Spiegel!
They want to send some guy here to do a profile.
I said, just bring him, because I'm going to do a profile on them.
And it's Trump, the evil blonde-haired person, chopping the Statue of Liberty's head off.
Well, actually, the Statue of Liberty is a Jacobin man in drag, an Illuminati symbol.
Maybe we should get rid of the Statue of Liberty.
But there's a poem about giving me your tired, your poor, all the rest of it.
Yeah, and then we'd check for TB at Ellis Island.
That's what they did there at the Statue of Liberty.
And then why not?
The village says kill Trump.
I told you, it's everywhere.
Kill, kill, kill, kill Trump.
Let's organize a coup d'etat.
And then I just sit here and calmly talk about it.
The headline's extreme war.
No, the globalists are chopping the head off our republic.
Should be them, like, bulldozing the Washington Monument.
Trump's trying to prop it back up.
Oh my gosh!
He wants to have some type of border control and have the same control on some Islamic countries that don't even have working airports, on just coming in unvetted.
Oh my gosh!
And he wants to have bulkhead doors on submarines!
He wants to have, you know, birds!
Birds with feathers!
Trump imposes new Iran sanctions over missile tests.
Buchanan, the coming clash.
Navy destroyer set to patrol amid tensions.
Trump mourns Israel.
Stop announcing new settlements.
UN Ambassador Nikki Haley condemns Russian aggression.
Administration reviewing Cuba policy.
Michael Savage causes Trump on inner circle.
Too much, too fast.
I think that remains to be seen.
They're going to take whatever he does and say it's bad, but it's good.
He's delivering on promises.
He's trying to raise our confidence.
He's trying to jumpstart the dying economy with defibrillators.
I mean, you know.
But I guess cautioning is always good just to get somebody to think.
Terror at the Louvre a la Akbar.
Let's go to Infowars.com.
I'm going to go back to Mr. Rawls and some final comments from him and talk about his latest novel if he can do five more minutes with us.
But I really need to give you some of the InfoWars headlines.
We have some guests coming up.
Hollywood calls for overthrow of President Trump.
That's important.
CNN guest claims Berkeley rioters were right-wingers.
They're saying Milo's a flamethrower.
He was the one being attacked with flame.
UK could prosecute US journalists.
With the new Espionage Act, yep, and Obama put a law in too that Trump's gotta get rid of.
Petition to House Leonid Mayorkan approaching 75,000 signatures for Islamist's mayor, who wants Trump banned from the UK.
I love how they're like, we need an open society, but we want you banned from here.
By the way, they were calling for that before he did the Six Nation Ban.
Tough talk, leaks, surveillance state, attacks Trump.
We're going to get to a lot of the news on InfoWars.com.
Do five more minutes with us, James Leslie Rawls.
I want him to be able to finish up, talk about where he sees all this going and final points, and then he's going to leave.
We've got Kevin Martin.
Probably haven't heard his name, but I think he will be.
I've been watching some of his videos, reading his writings.
He's a good guy.
We need more people out there taking action, and that's what InfoWars is about.
It's finding all these great patriots out there.
Remember Race, Color, and Creed, who bleed red blood, because there's only one race, and fighting tyranny.
Stay with us.
Hour 3, only 70 seconds away.
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People have asked me for 20 years, Alex, why don't you have firearms and firearms accessory sponsors?
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Broadcasting worldwide.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The globalists want to fight.
They're going to get one.
James Leslie Rawls, I want to thank you for spending so much time with us.
I always say when you get on about your novels, you don't ever want to get into those, you want to talk about what's happening in the world, but people should go read them, because stuff he wrote 20 years ago, 15 years ago, is prescient.
But by exposing these possible futures, I think we can also avoid them, and I think we have a shot at that, but in the last four minutes we've got left, other points you'd like to add?
Well, Alex, I just want to encourage all your listeners to be vigilant and to not back off on their individual and family preparedness.
Because although a lot of people have become complacent since Trump was elected,
The reality is that we're at greater risk than ever.
That's right.
Now is the time for maximum vigilance.
We've only gotten a beachhead here.
This is when the mass... Now I'm going to say that to keep the audience growing or whatever.
If there wasn't these problems, I would be on the air once a week.
I'm sick of all this.
I'm totally obsessed with it because it's a war.
We're not just here saying this.
We've got to be more ready than ever.
In fact, Soros and his people could set a nuke off, couldn't they?
They certainly could.
And if it's not an atomic nuke, it could be a financial nuke.
They could, just by manipulating interest rates by just a few percentage points, throw our economy and the global economy into a depression worse than the depression of the 1930s.
They could do that very quickly with just one board meeting.
So, folks, now is not the time to be complacent.
Well, I know this.
Trump's reached out to all his enemies and asked them to stop it, and to go on a course of productivity and freedom, because he didn't know how many had been bullied into globalism and this eugenics model.
And Carlos Slim came and said he wants to be nice, and he's telling people to be nice, and I'm not saying he's a good guy.
But the point is, notice Soros and all them are just doubling down, and so many of the elite are.
They really are arrogant.
Don't they get, even if they destroy Trump, it's a Pyrrhic victory?
They destroy themselves?
In effect, yes, they will.
Although, I think what they're really hoping for is to silence Trump, quash his agenda, and institute their global governance.
I don't think they're going to get there.
I agree.
And isn't the journey the destination?
Him exposing globalism kills it.
And looking at this, I don't think Savage is wrong, but I think the blitzkrieg technique is absolutely essential for Trump.
Well, yes.
At this point, Trump cannot back down.
He cannot soft-pedal and try to assuage the Democratic side of the aisle.
No, they want his head on a pike.
Yeah, there's going to be no teamwork with the Democrats.
I think that's what the current Speaker of the House... Oh, yeah, they're all walking out on these confirmations.
Never before happened.
Well, Trump, I think, will do best if he keeps doing exactly what he's doing.
He knows that.
He knows that.
He'll make good on his campaign promises.
He will scale back government.
He will roll back regulation and unleash the economic engine that's really there.
Let me ask you this in 60 seconds and you should come back soon to answer this.
What do we do if they kill him?
Say again?
What do we do if they kill him?
Well, we live in a society that is very polarized, and we have an opportunity here to really come together and to push back against world government.
We have the opportunity to rally behind Trump and make it happen, and the
The powers that be really want to see Trump fail.
Yeah, I can feel it in my gut.
They're planning to kill him, so... What does your gut tell you?
I don't think... I think they want to kill him.
They may have the opportunity, but they will not kill the spirit of liberty.
I agree.
They will not kill the spirit.
And that's what Trump understands.
Alright, thank you.
Thank you, James Hosey Rawls.
We'll be back with our next guest.
Stay with us.
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If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse.
Minor words, and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
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Download our free multimedia app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
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Another terror attack in France as a machete-wielding man stormed the Louvre in Paris, chanting Allahu Akbar as he was immediately gunned down by French soldiers.
The man attempted to enter the Louvre.
He was refused entry.
He pulled out his machete, charged into the museum, injuring one soldier before being shot.
The terrorist was shot five times in the stomach and is currently in critical condition.
He was also said to have paint bombs in a backpack he was carrying.
Another man was arrested at the scene, but it's not yet known if he is linked to the attack.
A spokesman for the French Interior Ministry said the identity and nationality of the suspects are unknown.
A building in Paris was raided by police in connection with the attack, which has been labeled terrorist in nature by the French Prime Minister.
Donald Trump tweeted about the attack, urging Americans to get smart.
That's right, we don't want the terror that's descended upon Europe to make its way here.
The President of France, Francois Hollande, praised security for the quick response.
I bet you did.
They may have saved lives, but I doubt they saved your job.
This is Owen Schroyer for InfoWars.com.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're now well into the third hour of this worldwide transmission.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We've got a very informed gentleman, Kevin Martin of KevinMartin.info joining us.
I've seen some of his other videos in the street.
It's just great the way he confronts these people and they don't know what to say because they're all brainwashed into what color somebody's skin is.
It's crazy.
And his website again is KevinMartin.info.
It's a nice website.
He is a sales coach, business consultant.
And motivational speaker, he represents the conservative movement and the Republican Party in Pennsylvania.
He is also involved in community representation for two main reasons.
To encourage the millennial generation to be involved in the community at the local level and because it's imperative that my generation begin to fight for our future.
That's excellent.
That's why everybody should be politically involved because there's people out there representing what you stand for.
They say,
You're for Trump, so you must be a racist.
Or you're against Obamacare, you must be a racist.
Or you're for Trump, you must be a homophobe.
And then you can't ever find me doing any of those things or saying those things.
It's just not true.
It's like Milo getting attacked with flame bombs.
Molotov cocktails in the news is like, oh, look at the flamethrower Milo.
And Robert Wright goes on TV and says it was right-wingers rioting in Berkeley.
And there's video of the people, mainly white people, screaming, you're effing white males, beating up women.
I mean, since when is all this acceptable?
These people have gone crazy.
Here's a clip of Kevin.
I believe, I'm going from memory, I believe this was during the Women's March in D.C.
He can correct me if I'm wrong, but we're teleprompter free here.
It was like a week ago.
I wanted to get him on, so I'm kind of going back in time from when I saw the video.
In fact, I haven't seen it since then.
Let's roll that and refresh our memory right now.
Here it is.
No, no, no, I haven't been practicing.
This is what I live, this is what I breathe.
This is what I live.
I'm being honest with you.
I'm being honest with you.
You allow Black Lives Matter on campus, but you don't allow white power on campus.
Why not?
It's the same ****.
We both are hate groups, but neither are conductors.
So if you denounce one, denounce the other.
Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization, that's what it is.
I'm being honest with you, bro.
I'm being honest with you.
Let me tell you something.
Listen, chill.
But let me be honest with you.
I just want to say this, right?
I want to tell you something right now.
African-Americans make up 13% of the population, yet commit over 50% of the violent gun and drug crime in the United States.
And you don't think there's a problem with those numbers?
No, no, that's true.
It's 55%, right?
So 95% of that is to other blacks.
So me as an African-American, I have a 2,000 times more likelihood to be shot and killed by another black man leaving this event than I do by a white person, a police officer, or a neo-Nazi.
2,000 times more percent.
I mean, we're killing us as African Americans.
We're killing each other.
That's what the real problem is.
Yo, this is a reverse marriage.
I'm being honest with you.
That's what the problem is.
That's what the problem is.
This is me and my brother right here.
We got to stand together, man.
I'm being honest.
If Obama would have stood up and said, look, we're killing each other, we've got a problem within the African American community, he would have been phenomenal.
But he's going to make it white people.
I'm 2,000 times more likely to be shot and killed by another black man leaving this event today, tonight,
Than I am any other race, color, creed, or police officer.
That's where the pain comes, man.
That's sad.
I can't even, I can't, I can't hang out in black neighborhoods.
I can't, I can't, I can't do that.
I can't, I can't because it's a risk for me.
It's a risk.
It's sad.
There's a problem within the African American community.
That's right.
And it needs to be addressed.
Obama didn't address it because he wanted the black vote.
And Al Sharpton didn't address it because he's making millions of dollars off of victimizing African Americans.
Trust me, trust me, I know how that is.
That's Kevin Martin, and I tell ya, I hope he can work with himself as a reporter out in D.C.
I know he's out of Pennsylvania, and we're asking him to sing, but I think that was a women's march.
But the point is, is that, and we're gonna go to him right now, that I don't sit there and want to stop 51% of black people being aborted because I have white guilt.
I feel as a human freaked out by that.
And it's not some white savior thing either, that's a person!
And the whole left, the whole Democratic Party is literally, the history is the KKK.
They literally set up the whole liberal movement to get control of black communities as a beta test on how to wreck the family, and they've done it, and now they've moved on to everybody else!
And I'm sitting here watching this, and then I get screamed at when I was at that march probably 300 times, you're an effing white male by weird white women.
And the reason I point that out is, I'm an effing white male, and their husbands all walk behind them like they're slaves.
How about walk right beside each other?
It's a cult, and they're so kooky that I can't believe it.
But what's incredible is, I'm white.
So they're not going to listen to me for whatever reason.
Either the black folks, the white folks, whatever.
They just don't listen, once they're a liberal.
But if you're black, and as well-spoken as I am, or even better, they all had to just freak out, have their mouths hanging open because he was giving them real statistics, and they couldn't scream you're an effing white male because that's the devil now.
See, before, the KKK says black people are the devil.
And now it's flipped around where white people are the devil, but it's weird white people like that lady for the DNC saying, I'm going to keep control of the whites and make sure they don't get any privilege and that you get the privilege.
And then crazy looking black people behind her nodding their heads.
I mean, like what?
I mean, this is the it's like a KKK rally.
That is the opposite of what Martin Luther King said.
So, Kevin Martin joins us, kevinmartin.info.
Very impressed, my friend, out there, and the courage you've got, because I know they tend to attack folks, the fascists, call themselves anti-fascists, especially the quote minorities I saw trying to get into the Trump inauguration.
They were going after them on purpose.
I guess they didn't want them on TV, but wow.
Remember, that was D.C., right?
That would have been, uh, that was actually, uh, it was in D.C., uh, but that was at the inauguration.
Okay, good.
There's so many videos, I get them all scrambled.
Oh, yeah, there's an article we'll put on screen.
So, so just, uh, break down who you are, where you come from, what you're doing, and, and, cause I love the fact that the, the, the white lady just freaked out and ran off, but the black guys at Robinson, they're probably buying into all the brainwashing.
You, like, unlocked their mind just like that.
Yes, well, first of all, I'd like to say thanks for having me.
I'm a big supporter of you.
I've been following you for a while now.
I'm 24.
I'm from Lebanon County.
That's actually where I grew up.
I grew up in Harrisburg area, which is Lebanon County.
I currently reside in Lehigh County.
I'm a sales and marketing coach, business consultant.
I'm a young millennial, conservative, Republican, and I just believe.
I believe in President Trump, and I believe in the conservative movement.
When I grew up, the way I was raised, we hunted.
We fished, we played outside, we went to church on Sunday morning, hard work and, you know, hard work and honesty was valued and conservative values were always seen as a positive.
So I say, listen, it's time for us to fight for those conservative values which we hold so near to our heart and ultimately, you know, work together in unity and love and respect in building a community that will inspire the world.
That's beautifully said.
Obviously there's more than just a clip we saw on the internet.
What was it like at the inauguration?
I mean, I wasn't even looking for trouble.
They were just beating women up all around me.
And I was going to cops saying do something.
It turned out they were ordered not to.
They were wearing pink hats the next day.
And we had to get in altercations trying to stop women getting attacked.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Yeah, it was unbelievable.
I mean, I was down there at the inauguration.
I had a good seat there at the inauguration.
But going there, I mean, it was crazy because you look on one side of the aisle and everybody's happy, rejoicing, obviously, Trump supporters.
And then you look on the other side of the aisle and it's people that are just having mental breakdowns, that are getting violent, that are throwing, you know,
Human feces and trash and water bottles and beating people up, you know, the quote-unquote tolerant left.
And it was just absolutely unbelievable to just see just such a group of people that are obstructing.
When I first got down there, I actually had a VIP ticket.
So that guaranteed me into a different
Uh, a different entry point, uh, than the general public.
But the general public that didn't have tickets obviously got there early.
But protesters got there earlier.
So there was literally probably two, three thousand protesters that were there blocking the general public from getting in.
And the police did nothing about it.
So pretty much, if you didn't have a ticket to get in, even if you got there at 12 o'clock midnight to see our Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump being sworn in, you were not getting into the inauguration because Black Lives Matter, you know, and all those organizations were blocking everything and nobody was getting in.
It was really, really sad.
I mean, there was Trump supporters there, black, white, Spanish, all different races, colors, and creeds that were crying because they're like, look,
We got here at 12 o'clock midnight and there is no getting in because of all these Black Lives Matter protesters and women protesters aren't letting us into the inauguration.
And Trump, I've looked at the numbers, was clearly the biggest inauguration ever, both viewed and there.
And as you said...
A good 30% never got in.
I was there and it was still jam-packed.
And then the media lies and shows an image from when they first opened the gates and people were coming in.
I mean, and they're still saying that's the real final image, even though CNN's own gigapixel shows the truth.
It was so packed that even people that had VIP tickets, if you didn't get there three hours early,
The gates were closed.
Well that was the thing.
I had one of the VIP tickets right up at the very front and Stone showed up like 30 minutes before at the VIP entrance.
Well we couldn't even get through all the people and he was with his wife and stuff so he was like 100 yards away.
I said forget it.
I climbed over folks and went to the front.
Then you couldn't even see because Trump was like right up above me.
So then I went back a little bit to be able to see it.
It was just wall to wall but they had to keep walking space open.
So on the news they go look there's open spaces.
But everybody was like crammed in together.
Women were sitting on their husband's laps.
I mean, it was incredible.
Yeah, it was incredible.
And that's not even to mention the thousands and thousands and thousands of people that were trying to get in to the city.
But the city was gridlocked.
Oh, that's what also I saw.
Just where I came out of the condo that I rented, I guess where Ted Cruz lives, he was like right next to me.
And the day I left, he comes out where he lives with his stuff right there with his assistant.
Bizarre world.
It's a small world.
And I'm waiting to get my tickets for my crew with my security guys out there.
And they're beating women up 200 yards away.
And then there's people with lunch boxes just walking to work.
TMZ caught this, and people start attacking them.
They're like, dude, I'm going to work!
And they attack them.
And they had women where women would hit you, hoping... And it came out in the WikiLeaks.
This is what they do.
So you hit them back.
And they say, oh, look, they're hitting women.
I mean, they're really sophisticated.
And this isn't even at the entrance.
This is like up the street.
He's like, I'm not going in there.
I'm going to that building.
I'm building.
It was a construction worker.
They were building a building and they're like, ah, F you white male!
And he just like hits her right back in the face.
And I mean, you know, what are you supposed to do at a certain point?
You're his construction worker, someone's attacking you, doesn't even know you, screaming you're an effing white male, and it's a white woman.
These are crazy people!
I mean, usually you get mad at somebody that at least did something to you.
Oh, there's a construction worker with a lunchbox!
Let's beat him up!
Yeah, and I had talked to a couple of the police officers that were there, and they said, listen, we were told by our commander-in-chief to stand down.
That's right, because Obama, the president runs the D.C.
Yes, he runs them.
I mean, and it's just, they were ordered, police officers said, look, there's nothing that we could do.
And the only thing that they could really do
The place that really, really got violent was literally surrounded by dump trucks and police officers that couldn't do anything.
They seen someone getting beat up, they couldn't do anything.
Because the commander-in-chief gave them specific orders to stand down.
Women would go to them bleeding and they'd say, we're sorry, the president ordered us, ordered the police chiefs to do nothing.
I don't care, those are illegal orders!
It was unbelievable.
By the way, I'm not just saying that.
I went into those guys, and then only then would the police stop.
I did it three times.
And I did it on purpose, okay?
When I found out the cops, I said, I said, I'm going in.
You want to fight?
Let's get one.
Now I did have, I'll do this normally, but I did have like...
You know, I shouldn't even say the people I had with me.
The point is, you couldn't make this up, and, I mean, one guy was like throwing six people with each, like, each hand, and, uh, it was just ridiculous, but they were trying to, then the cops had to come and stop, then they arrested a bunch of them, only because they hit some of the cops, though.
Yeah, it was, it was unreal.
Well, we both experienced the same situation.
What else happened in and around, because I know all of it didn't get caught on tape, I'd imagine if somebody else caught, you know, you doing that, what else happened?
Oh, this is pretty much, uh, and this just kind of piggybacks what I was saying in regards to the Black Lives Matter group.
Now, Black Lives Matter group was out there, and they were beating up everybody, okay?
It doesn't matter if you were black.
By the way, did you notice Black Lives Matter, like, was 90% white?
Well, yeah!
I mean, liberals, white liberals.
I mean, it's white liberals that are running it.
I mean, it's white liberals that are running it.
I mean, if you are a straight, white,
Conservative male.
You are at the butt and the bottom of everybody else's problems.
For the transgenders, for the gays, for the blacks, for the, you know, for the liberal whites.
Everybody's problem.
And meanwhile, white males got kids getting the flu, paying bills.
We're just the same.
Just the same.
And the Black Lives Matter, what I've seen there is the liberal movement, listen, it didn't matter if you were Hispanic, it didn't matter if you were black, it didn't matter if you were gay, it didn't matter.
If you were a Donald Trump fan, if you were a Donald Trump supporter, you had to be very, very, very, very careful.
Stay very, very close to the police.
And I have, I even had a couple situations where I almost got hit.
I mean, it was really, it was very, very scary.
And I'm a black man, you know, that didn't come from much of anything, grew up in a conservative household.
And I love my fellow Americans.
I love my fellow black Americans, white Americans, Latino Americans, everybody.
I love America.
But it's just really sad to see that the liberal movement was there to literally take anybody under that didn't believe the way they believed.
Well, I know you're obviously a successful salesman and a business consultant and everything else, but we need to talk.
I mean, I tend to want to get you to move here for a while, but then send you out on missions.
I want to talk about hiring you, Kevin.
I think that would be a phenomenal opportunity for me.
And I have a lot of political aspirations as well.
And I just have a way of, when I speak to people, okay, now there's obviously that 2% that aren't going to tune in.
Oh, I know.
Oh, I love this condescension because like last week I said, man, this guy's incredibly well-spoken and I saw some comment later.
Oh, the black guy's well spoken.
And I'm like, no, better spoken than me for his age.
That's what I mean, like, he's really smart.
Like, let me give somebody a comment, a compliment.
That's that liberal condescension, man.
I'm so sick of it.
I mean, if you were a white guy that had these same ideas, I'd be saying, I'm going to hire you like Owen Schroeder.
I don't care what color you are.
You want freedom.
You want to take action.
You've got courage.
That's who we want.
Exactly, and I think even for me, and I have a way, and I think that black males, and like Donald Trump said, before he even ran for president several years back, he said, you know, he's like, being a black male, you have just as much or more opportunities as anybody else being a well-spoken, educated black male than anybody else, and he was true!
I mean, black males, young black men have so much potential, and you know,
And the globalists brand it through MTV.
It is a conspiracy for the whole thug culture, which whites and everybody else are into too.
And then you get yourself in a culture where then you can't be successful on purpose.
The left wants to handicap you, all of us, into a thug culture so that, in fact I'll say this, black males that are well-spoken and patriotic are at a premium.
You'll actually, in corporations everywhere, everybody wants you.
Everybody wants you.
It is on its own.
It's absolutely unreal.
And, you know, and I think that what people need to realize is.
It's the left, you know?
I mean, and it's just so sad because me reaching out and just talking about some people.
And I see even Owen Troyer, you know, I look forward to meeting him in the future.
And I see a lot of his messages, people shut him out.
White male, and these are other white people saying it.
White male, white male, we're not going to listen to you, racist white male.
Well, what about me?
There's nothing you can say.
I can't wait till you guys are tag teaming him.
But I love the way you were just instantly deprogramming folks out there.
Because again, it doesn't compute for them.
It's just, it's so ridiculous.
And listen, I want you to hit him on the abortion issue too.
That's the big issue.
Oh man, I'm ready.
I'm ready.
And listen, I just want to say this too about the abortion issues.
There was a, I have a picture on my Facebook.
I captioned it, chewing them up and spitting them out.
It was these pro-abortionists were in front of the Supreme Court.
And she was talking about, you know, you don't have a fetus.
And I said, the majority of women
In the African-American community, 75% of African-American households are fatherless.
There's a daddy, but there's no father.
And I talked to a lot of women.
I said, you know what?
I said, why would you feel the need to abort your child?
They said, listen, because the father, there's no father.
I don't have any help.
I don't have any resources.
Because the left makes them feel like they have no resources as an African-American woman.
You get what I'm saying?
Yeah, no, absolutely.
I mean, there's all the Margaret Sanger plans.
It's all the documents.
And I just want to reach out to everybody and say, you know, this plan is for everybody.
A lot of people that are, you know, the problem with all the left racist stuff is it's making some white people start that weren't racist start getting like that.
I want to tell them everybody's getting targeted with this, OK?
That's where the universe works.
You can't sit there and write some other group off because they're humans, too.
It's not another group.
It's you.
You can't write them off.
And then you're going to make it.
You're not going to make it.
And that's the globalist's biggest lie.
They think they can do all this bad stuff to us that doesn't happen to them.
They're totally delusional.
And absolutely, you know, I totally agree exactly what you're saying.
I mean, I think there's a way.
I mean, I mean, I think even for me being, you know, a young, conservative, African-American person, I have lots of followers on Facebook.
Lots of followers on Facebook.
If everybody watching my Facebook, in the top link, it's KevinMartin.info.
So this right here is my personal page, but then you can go to my business page.
I have 22,000.
So if you type in kevinmartin.info in the search bar, it will bring up my public figure page too.
You sound perfect.
You know what I'd like you to do here?
I'll just start talking about operation here.
I'd like you to be a reporter, but I'd also like you to be a part of the sales team, marketing, everything.
I can tell.
It's awesome.
And let me tell you something.
Look at Paul Watson.
I saw him 16 years ago, and I said, you're talented.
Now look at him.
He's an international sensation.
I'm not bragging.
I mean, he's as big as Milo.
He didn't even go out in public.
I mean, he's big.
Uh, and I'm not bragging.
I don't tell anyone when I see it.
We just broke the Joe Rogan podcast record, okay?
After eight years when I went on.
And I'm not bragging about me.
I'm looking for the stars.
Because a lot of people that are in this are egomaniacs.
I'm not.
I want people that will surpass me.
And I think in five, ten years you can surpass me.
I think Watson will surpass me.
And that's my goal.
Is that I want to be able to drift off into the, you know, oblivion within 10 years and just see these generals that came from privates destroying the globalists.
Let's come back on the other side, my friend.
This is exciting.
Kevin Martin, kevinmartin.info.
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the Info War.
We're recruiting soldiers.
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It's an Info War, a war on for your mind.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Need more proof the political left has completely lost its mind?
New video surfaces of a New York University professor on the streets at a Trump protest shouting and cursing like a lunatic at police at neo-Nazis proudly announcing she is a professor as she loosely drops F-bombs 15 times in her 80 second rant with plenty of other obscene language peppered in.
She tells the NYPD to F off.
Good luck next time you need them.
Then declares Trump and all his supporters are neo-Nazis who are not for LGBTQ rights even though Trump did just stand for LGBTQ rights in the workplace.
You can see this wicked creature spitting and fuming like a wild banshee as she insists the police start beating up the Trump supporters so that her students don't have to.
We've seen white people shout down white people for being white.
We've seen protesters strap baby dolls to themselves then dance in the streets while playing the flute.
We've seen them assault people.
Burn and destroy communities.
What will the Never Trump movement do next?
This is Owen Schroer.
Stay tuned for more at InfoWars.com.
We are transferring power from Washington DC and giving it back to you, the people.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
This is the heart of 1776.
Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
Huge nationwide protests erupted once again on President Donald Trump's second weekend in office.
You are coming to my house!
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
And most importantly, we will be protected by God.
From the front lines of the Info Room, it's Alex Jones.
And we show this just like I've shown the KKK in Alabama beating innocent black people trying to vote.
Just like I protest the Klan at least 15 times until I started getting death threats so bad I just quit.
I don't say that to prove myself, it's the truth.
I see that type of oppression, I get out there and do something.
I see
Mainly crazy white people, but it's it's some blacks and Hispanics attacking just random like old people.
Turns out usually it's like some Democrat.
They just drag out of their car and beat him up.
Larry King's a liberal.
They tried to drag him out of his car.
Tore it all up.
Tried to burn it.
It's Larry King, man.
You're trying to kill him for what?
Because he's an effing white male.
They have become
The KKK wasn't this open and aggressive after the 40s.
I mean, they kind of creeped around and did stuff after that.
Some stuff happened in the 50s and 60s that was with police backing.
But man, I look at this and I listen to Martin Luther King, who I admire, and it all makes perfect sense.
And I hear this and I just ask myself, what are we supposed to do?
And you know, I know so many Trump supporters.
And let me tell you, I'm very proud of the fact, no matter what color they are, they see right through this, and it's made them be less racist.
Because, I mean, growing up, I've heard very little racist stuff, but I know there's not so much racism, there's more of being scared of other people.
But hell, you get invited to some country club and there's a bunch of weird mummies in there.
You get kind of weird getting around a bunch of hoity-toities, you know?
Everybody has to get used to that.
You move into some nice neighborhood, the neighbors always come after you if you're young.
I tried to move into a nice area just for security with a gate.
You always get some of the old folks like you, other ones are like, you're a little young, what are you doing here?
You can't park your car in the street.
Oh, but you're allowed to.
Well, I don't care, I'm gonna sue you.
You know, and then a minority person gets around some old white people and thinks, man, they don't like me.
Hey, they don't like anybody!
It's like Thurston Howell III or something.
The point is, is that we're rebuilding this country and if you get around Trump people, I'm gonna go back to our guest here in a moment, their biggest victory was saying the Tea Party was racist when it was started by Ron Paul's anti-war libertarian movement.
It was started in 19, I mean 2006 or so.
I was at the first events here in Austin and in Boston.
And then the Republicans picked it up because it was anti-establishment.
They kind of took it over partially, but instead it took them over.
That's what Trump rode in on.
And now he's making good.
And their biggest victory, though, was saying minorities aren't allowed.
It's racist.
Don't go to a Tea Party event.
That's why they keep pushing this race narrative now, because it worked six, seven, eight, nine years ago.
Don't go to a Tea Party meeting.
There's racists there.
But now because of Trump, he broke all that.
And I mean, I was at Trump rallies where I was looking around, I was like, black people are like 13% of the population.
It's like 40% of people here are African American.
I'm like, whoa.
And then I had my own Trump rally, and it was like a third Hispanic and then another third black folks.
It was like all evenly divided.
I'm sad to say there weren't but a few Asian folks there.
I guess they're too busy trying to just work, make money, or whatever.
It's not a stereotype.
It's true.
All this is going on and it's scaring them, folks.
It's scaring them.
Because it's well known that he got awards from Jesse Jackson and people that he didn't care whether you were gay, black, white, whatever.
You did your job.
You showed up.
You were charming.
He put you in.
There have been people in the Trump organization that started as literal clerks that have moved to the top and making millions of dollars a year.
And that's the point.
Trump is a people person.
And I know even inside baseball from little birds about Trump.
I'm just going to leave it right there.
Trump really, and this sounds patronizing, but it's true, he won't say it himself.
He said it, he said black people have some great spirit.
And it's not patronizing, it's true.
Humans all have great spirits, but everybody, I mean look at Jimi Hendrix, any of it.
Trump really likes African Americans, genuinely.
And that shines through, and black people may get manipulated by the MSM like everybody does, but at a gut level they know who really is shooting them straight.
And they know Trump's for real.
That's why much larger numbers we know actually voted for Trump.
Hillary stole five states.
They skewed numbers everywhere, according to Beth Harris, a liberal.
They don't want those big numbers.
They don't want black folks to know they're not alone.
They voted for Trump.
So let's talk about that.
How big do you think the numbers really are?
Comment on anything else I just said, my friend, because this is just a big time.
And Kevin, your spirit is so strong.
I feel like it's the same spirit I've got, the same spirit Trump's got.
It's the spirit of God wanting us to have justice.
Yeah, and just to piggyback off of what you said there, Alex, I mean, I was at a lot of the Trump rallies, and there's actually a video that I kind of want to get over to.
I think you'd really like it.
I shot it live, and there was blacks, whites, veterans, police officers, just to show the diversity at this rally.
But I spoke to... And did you feel welcome there?
I mean, how nice were folks?
Oh, absolutely.
Trump events are like love fest.
I mean, it's amazing because I could literally, I could literally, if I was, if somebody was at a Trump rally, um, there was somebody at a Trump rally and he stood up and he held up his hand and he said, it was a, it was a young African American.
I wish I could have got it on.
He said, Hey, listen, I've been looking for a job.
I said, I've been looking for a job.
Is there someone that's able to help me out?
He literally, there were people surrounding him, giving him business cards.
Lawyers, car, you know, everybody there did something.
Everybody had a career.
Everybody... And Trump has said in the speech, we've got to hire everybody.
We've got to come together.
Yes, and exactly, but you won't see that on CNN.
You won't see that on CNN.
Nobody's going to cover stuff like that.
Wow, you have footage of that?
That's powerful.
You have footage of that?
No, I don't, I don't, I don't, he just stood up and... Yeah, wow, I wish you had it, yeah.
I wish I had, I wish I had, I mean, and even for me... No, but that's the kind of stuff I saw, and it's because people aren't trying to be like fake liberals prove that they're, you know, a moral signal.
They want to fix stuff, man!
We're tired of it!
Yeah, and I think, and everybody, I mean, and you think about it, even for me, I'm adopted, okay?
I'm actually, I'm adopted to a Caucasian family.
Now, the reason why I say that is because the only families that are adopting little black boys and girls are Caucasian families.
They're the only ones.
You go to adoption court, it's nothing but white families.
White families are the only families that are adopting, fostering and adopting little black boys and girls.
The only ones!
The only ones!
And leftists would say they're rather you dead.
There's major leftist movements to not let whites adopt black folks.
Well, yeah, that's the way they think.
They think, well, you're just gonna raise them up and you're gonna teach them.
See, I wasn't taught that you're better than me because you're white, or I'm a victim because I'm black.
I wasn't taught that, okay?
So a lot of people tell me, oh, you think you're white, you're trying to be white, you wish you were white.
No, listen, I'm American.
I'm a proud African-American man that has friends.
You're taking the birthright of the Christian Republic that anybody can have who wants it.
Yeah, absolutely.
But what is it about an inheritance?
You have to take it!
That's what I tell Hispanic folks who, by the way, I'm not condescending.
I tell them, but they seem to be the most awake group I see, even in Texas, compared to white folks.
And I talk to them and I say, listen, you're the majority.
You're going to be the supermajority.
Just adopt private property, wealth, America.
It's perfect.
Just don't let them steal this birthright.
They're trying to convince you that it's a white thing to own property or be successful.
No, I'm not putting white people down.
White people are great folks.
But a lot of them, because they did end up having generational wealth, are spoiled rotten brats now.
And so, the bottom line is, the only problem with America is the paradox.
If we produce so much wealth, it spoils our kids.
How do we handle that?
But in regards to the wealth, you said?
Well, sure.
I mean, a free society produces so much wealth that then it ends up producing in a cycle down the road decadence in the children and grandkids.
How do we get around that paradox that freedom produces so much wealth that people then don't appreciate it?
Well, this is the biggest thing that I think.
I think it's imperative that we get conservative leaders in office.
Senate, Congress, mayors, governors.
I think it's very, very important that we get leaders, you know, especially within, and like I said, you know, I inspire young millennials to be involved.
You know, I talk to other young millennials.
You know, it doesn't matter whether I'm at McDonald's or I'm at Denny's or I'm at Starbucks or wherever.
I like someone like, listen, I love your politics.
Why don't you go ahead and run for something?
I'll help you on your campaign.
Because we are the people that are going to be running stuff when the generation now is in their graves.
We're going to be running things and it's imperative
That we do things, and we do things now, and fight for our conservative values.
That's right.
And I'm ready to fight.
Let's say it.
Let's say it.
Black folks started standing up for themselves.
White abolitionist Christians stood up.
All over the world, slavery was dialed back, except in some Muslim countries today, by Europeans.
Not saying we're perfect.
We did bad things.
We owned up to it, to the Christian ethos.
We backed it down.
We shrunk it.
We stopped it.
We're trying to be good.
Doesn't mean we can't be evil.
Humans are all humans.
But the fact is, whites under prosperity didn't have kids.
So the truth is, whites will be a super small minority in just 20-30 years.
And what I've seen from white people across the board is, the issue is we did this because we're Christians, we did this because we wanted to grow, our system got hijacked by globalists to build a world government, they took our goodwill, used it to take over the planet, we're now trying to reverse that with everybody who's been part of this country from the start, not just white people.
Black folks right there going across the frozen river into Trenton with George Washington.
And the point is, is that this is about a spirit, and it's about a culture, and it's about freedom, and it's about nurture.
It's not about nature.
Humans are all what we are.
It is about nurture.
And it is about what we do and what we stand for that moves into the future.
And we can prove them wrong, but I tell you, they are desperately hitting the racism button
It is panicked.
People say, well, they're flailing, it's discrediting, and why are they doing it?
Because they've not lost in a long time, and I think they're really going to try some stuff dangerous, very dangerous things.
Kevin Martin, what do you think in your gut is going to happen in the future with Trump?
Well, I can't, I mean, I have different thoughts on what's going to happen in the future with Trump, but I think the more, the more he reaches out to people,
And the more people start coming around and coming together because that's exactly what's going to happen.
Donald Trump's meeting.
With the African-American body there to kick off Black History Month.
There were so many African-Americans that shared that and said, wow, I'm impressed.
I'm impressed.
Now there was a 2% that said, oh, you know, he's a racist, and he was just doing that to try to pander to black people.
But that 2%, they're going to be in their graves within the next couple, they're going to be a statistic anyway.
You get what I'm saying?
They're going to be a statistic anyway.
But anyway, the people that are actually coming around, I think it's going to be imperative
That congressmen, senators, governors, mayors, and people back Donald Trump.
We need to back him.
We need to support him.
Donald Trump needs support.
And I think the more that we support him, we are going to kind of bring more of a security apparatus around him, around his entourage, and around the conservative movement.
And the left?
They see that, okay?
And what we're doing is we are pulling, we are abolishing that race car.
And I mean, I've even considered one day, maybe one day, maybe running for Congress.
I'm not sure.
Maybe running for Congress?
Who knows?
But this is what needs to happen.
Black Lives Matter needs to be treated, is a terrorist organization, and needs to be treated as such.
You should run for Congress.
But I really think you should go out in the information war and take a bunch of scalps and just build up the legend and then do it.
Yeah, exactly.
And I exactly agree with what you're saying and that's why I would definitely consider, I definitely want to be on board with InfoWars.
Listen, don't worry.
I'm going to tell Rob Dewey to call in and get a plane ticket down here.
I want to get you down here next week.
I want to talk about it.
As soon as people hear I'm giving you an offer, you'll get a bunch of BS offers.
But if somebody gives you a bigger one, I always tell my reporters, if somebody works here a couple years and Fox News gives them an offer,
That didn't happen to anybody yet.
I think it's what's happened to Watson and me.
Then go, go do it.
I don't care.
I want to defeat the New World Order.
I could care less, you know, at the end of the day about it being about Alex Jones.
I want to win.
I want to defeat the New World Order.
I want to deliver prosperity.
I want to deliver a nation where people love God because of the providence, not because some fake preacher told them.
And what you're saying there, I think together we can do that.
I mean, you think of that video.
I mean, that video is up to about 50, 50, 60 million views on Facebook.
And it's absolutely phenomenal.
It's absolutely phenomenal.
I think, you know, look, you're a rock star.
And let me tell you why.
Because you have passion.
You have a strong spirit of sincerity.
And they weren't able to get you when you were young and brainwash you and turn you into a failure.
You went through adversity and it made you stronger.
And so I'm very excited, Kevin.
I'm going to ask Rob Dewey, if you've got time, our news director, to call you in the next 10 minutes.
Let's not screw around.
Let's get you on an airplane here right now so that we can direct in first class.
It's a symbol of my respect for the work he's doing and my belief that we're going to move to the next level.
Thank you so much and God bless you, my friend.
God bless you.
Thank you for having me.
Anything else you want to add?
No, that's it.
I just want to say thank you for having me on the show and for everybody, for everybody that's watching of every stripe and especially to my young African-American brothers out there.
You know within your heart that you can be anything that you want to be and just remember, you know, it's the thought that counts and whatever your mind can accomplish is in your hands.
It's the heart.
It's the spirit.
It's the intent.
God judges the heart.
The easiest way to bring something into your life and to bring health and wealth and prosperity is to imagine it's already there.
God bless you.
And when you have the platform to do it, God bless you, Kevin.
We'll see you next week here in studio.
Okay, they're telling me, go to break, go to break, even if you're skipping the break.
You know, we've got to get to this Pizzagate piece with Joe Rugger.
We're going to play it, but I've got to just add here, we don't fly around first class most of the time.
The crew has to sit and coach and crappy everything.
We don't have enough money.
What I'm saying is I just want to honor, this is an important person.
And we need to celebrate the spirit of humanity.
All of you are important.
It's true.
And so all I'm saying is, we need your financial support, man.
There's hundreds of other beautiful souls like this out there that can reach billions of people.
And I'm telling you, it's providence.
These people come along.
I see who they are.
I know.
And I need your prayers, folks.
This is spiritual.
The enemy is spiritual.
Trump knows this.
God's on our side.
But I need you to go buy Stone's book.
I need you to go buy DNA Force.
I need you to get the air filters and water filters.
You need them anyways.
Everything I sell is something you need.
I won't do something if it's something you don't need.
That's how I am.
It's just common sense.
InfoWarsLive.com, InfoWarsStore.com.
Thank you all for your support, but please support us.
We can hire Kevin Martin and, you know, pay him a decent salary so he can live decent, take care of himself, and be stronger, and help reach so many people.
And other crew I want to hire.
And other things I want to do.
It's just so beautiful.
And I want to thank you all for supporting us and buying the products over the years.
Because InfoWars is what you built.
That's why.
It's not sick, because I get you love me, I love you too.
When you call and start gushing and thanking me, and families in the airport, just people everywhere of every race, color and creed.
But it's you.
It's you.
Everybody's been waiting for you.
And you've woke up, you've taken action.
Some of you 50 years ago, some of you 10 years ago, some of you 5 minutes ago.
It doesn't matter.
This is a beautiful thing.
This is real.
This is sincere.
Test the spirit in your heart.
It's real.
Now let's get into some really dark areas with Joe Rogan and the Pizzagate and all the new developments here at us.
The stars have aligned.
The prophecy has come true.
Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo together on episode 9-1-1.
This is episode 9-1-1 of the podcast.
You're kidding.
You're in deep with the Trump administration.
Well, I've had Trump on and I've talked to him some, but I mean really... He's your buddy.
Really, it's just that we're covering the resurgence of America, what made the country great.
Lower taxes, empowering the people, bringing people together.
The opposite of what MSM
A good week's 40 million.
We've had as many as 85 million people listen on radio and tune into videos in one week.
That was election week, but our normal's 40-something million.
It's just crazy.
How can they compete with that?
They're still delusional.
The average CNN show has like a million viewers.
Fox News is the big swinging dick.
It's got three, four million.
It's all, I'm sorry, people transmitting and broadcasting to geriatric homes.
You know where you see Fox News and CNN and nursing homes?
You know what you see with kids
It's 10 years old, 10 years old up to college and beyond, it's a Joe Rogan experience.
And it's InfoWars, and it's all these other folks.
It's amazing.
If the ability to get your work out gets to more people, it's better.
It's better if anybody can do it, like these YouTube stars.
And there's less work competition.
Yeah, like these new YouTube stars.
All they have to do is stand in front of a camera.
There's a zero production value.
If you've got a camera, you've got an internet connection, you could have a YouTube show, people find you interesting.
All of a sudden, you've got millions and millions of subscribers.
And he was bringing up this fact for your audience up front.
A lot of MSM lies and says I'm this big right-wing guy.
But you guys know that I was really against George W. Bush.
Yeah, you were arrested early on in the Bush administration.
I remember when we first became friends in 1999, we were running around the White House or the state Capitol lawn.
With George Bush Jr.
and Sr.
masks on.
And you were always against the Bush administration.
That's why I supported Trump is the entire power structure, the media, I mean the Vatican, the Communist Chinese, the Saudi Arabians all put money in and said stop him, stop him.
And then lied that the Russians were giving him money with no proof.
And so the issue is he's simply trying to actually be president and not have special interest in there running him.
And that's why the whole power structure is against Trump.
So, and he was asked before he went live, well, how is it you're this outside guy against the establishment, but now you're for it?
No, Trump's trying to create a beachhead, just to explain it, to try to take the country back and actually devolve power back to the states and back to the people.
Doesn't mean he's perfect, but notice the stock market went up a trillion, $200 billion just in the last month or so, because a lot of institutional investors and others understand, with Trump, he's trying to create real prosperity, not a bunch of social engineering.
And I'm not here to pitch Trump to people.
The issue is that there were major intelligence agencies and patriots in the government who were sick of what was happening and were sick of Hillary and Obama backing jihadist groups and other things.
And so they're rolling those groups up right now.
They really are standing up against them.
And this is a historic moment.
And so there's been a counter-coup through the electoral process in our country.
And that's what WikiLeaks was.
That wasn't the Russians.
That was U.S.
intelligence agencies.
I have NYPD telling me, before the election, like a month before, yes, we're investigating Weiner.
Child porn photos.
Not just of kids out on the internet, but kids he's communicating with and their parents are basically letting them communicate with him.
So I'm told this by
NYPD detectives, I mean the Secret Service gave me information about how Hillary was collapsing all the time.
Remember we reported that and then it got caught on tape.
So all this stuff goes on and on and on.
And so I'm not saying half the people or 90% of them are guilty or innocent in all this.
All I know is we start covering it, start asking questions.
They then divert off into somebody on a 4chan forum pointing out there was some email about a meeting at some pizza place in DC where top Democrats go.
They then turn the whole thing into I'm blaming some pizza place.
I'm sending shooters in to shoot people at a pizza place.
Make up all this crazy-ass crap when I never even said any of that.
And then you go back to me two months ago, three months ago, I said the police have told me they're investigating Weiner for pedophilia and child porn.
When it was not in the news, now notice it's in the news.
What I'm saying is...
I got this from police.
Child porn charges possible for Anthony Weiner.
But I'm on record months ago, I'm on record months ago saying that that's the case because I had those sources.
And so the government, good elements of the government know what's really going on.
So the media then misrepresented and said, oh,
Look at 4chan.
They're talking about a thing called Pizzagate and some pizza place in DC.
And the media looks at it and says, oh, Alex Jones is claiming all this bad stuff's happening at this pizza place.
I'm like, what is this?
So they divert to some probably innocent pizza place to distract off of all the emails that the New York police have and the FBI have that's just this monstrous reported pedophile network.
So to discredit that, they go create a fake story, hoping we jump on it to then divert over to that story.
And then once we're on that, it diverts everybody off from Anthony Weiner.
Which you go right to the key points that, okay.
That's a big one.
We have Barney Frank who got caught running a underage male prostitute ring in the 90s out of his three-story townhouse.
See I thought it was just a male prostitute thing.
I didn't know they were underage.
Somewhere underage.
And then, but listen.
Because I was with him all up to age 19 plus or whatever.
Sure, but then
But then what happened is, he goes on C-SPAN, on the House floor, and says, if you continue to investigate this, I'm going to expose half of you that are involved in this, in this room, and the investigation got shut down.
So the reason this is important is, for shadow government, you need something so bad, that everybody who's involved in it, if it ever comes out, will be destroyed, so that binds them all to the secrecy.
So that's where child pornography comes in?
That's where pedophilia comes in?
That's where you get so many of the elite being into it.
But just as you said, you have the Republican establishment trying to get Hastert out of nowhere as a wrestling coach to run for office.
Then, reportedly, he's the procurer, just like Penn State.
Sandusky and the underage kids they were quote mentoring getting farmed out to supposedly big donors.
What's crazy is this is where we're talking about two very specific cases right two very different cases but what's crazy is they're both real it's both real 100% Sandusky who was a very respected man in the community did a lot of charity work with young disenfranchised children and was molesting them at the same time and was super respected in the community
And he was the right-hand man to Joe Paterno.
So that whole thing just fell apart.
And the headquarters from our research of the pedophilia is like Pennsylvania.
So it's true that Hastert's in jail.
It's true that Hastert is a known pedophile that a judge called a serial pedophile, right?
That's true.
It's 100%.
It's true that Podesta was friends with Hastert.
That's 100%, right?
And then all this other stuff now becomes odd.
Doesn't it become odd?
But if you say it's odd, if you look at it, this Ben Swan guy, what I thought was he was just kind of expressing what is weird about this case.
And when he did it, he got so much shit over it.
I was kind of shocked.
I was kind of shocked.
People were calling him a moron and a burrito nugget.
Listen, I got the same thing, but that's what I'm saying.
They build a straw man.
So imagine, thousands of emails come out with them talking about, we'll have the kids ready, six, seven, and eight, in the hot tub at this time.
I didn't see anything like that.
Oh, it gets really crazy.
Where did it say that?
The whole thing is so bizarre.
It's like, we're going to have the kids delivered for entertainment.
They'll be in the hot tub.
Now, these are great kids, but kids can be kids.
What does this say, Jamie?
It says, we plan to heat the pool, so possibly Bonnie will be Uber service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve, Lozado, 11, 9, and almost 7.
So you'll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure.
What in the f***?
That's only one of them.
We'll be back.
And that's a real confirmed email, right?
Back it up.
Horrible lighting though, Joe.
It's almost a conspiracy.
Thank you for listening.
But Joe, that's great lighting.
I mean, it looks like a serial killer with a light on top of my head.
I guess I'm just really ugly.
We'll be back.
I don't care anymore.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
They're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe.
And they're also very affordable.
You talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about... We're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders.
We've both talked to them.
They have individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
Went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the InfoWar change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
And the full clips up on InfoWars.com.
It's on Joe Rogan's website as well.
It's like a four hour long interview, but several of the clips are on our YouTube channel.
I'm going to finish up this little piece in a minute.
We try to catch all the cuss words, because we're on FCC radio, obviously.
FCC regulators, they try to take over the entire spectrum, and I'm not for profanity on the air, but whatever, people kind of use it as a symbol of honesty or whatever, so it is what it is.
I certainly never use profanity.
I try to cut back on it.
It's fun to use though, isn't it?
But you're getting serious.
474 alleged pedophiles with actual kids.
They were selling as sex slaves caught in California just two days ago.
Stuff all over the country.
They're just arresting them all over the country.
And those are leading to higher level groups above them.
So the Democrats are freaking out really bad because
The Republican establishment's involved in pedophilia as well, but the Democrats have used it as a control system to kind of like join the club.
It's like, well I don't want to rape a five-year-old and then shoot him in the head.
Well, you got to do it to join the club.
Kind of like the Eastside locos want you to, you know, go rob a bank and shoot the teller.
You know, you don't become a made member until you kill somebody who's innocent because we know you'll follow orders, and you're so corrupt that we can kill you anytime we want.
Or burn you.
So it's a process of corruption.
David Knight's coming up in the next segment, but let's finish up with the update with Joe Rogan on Pizzagate, because wow, so much of what we talked about is starting to come out.
Possibly, Bonnie will be Uber service to transport Ruby Emerson and Maeve Lozada 11-9 and almost 7, so you'll have some further entertainment and they will be in that pool for sure.
What in the...
That's only one of them.
And that's a real confirmed email, right?
Yes, yes.
It came out in all those Wikileaks, all these weird codes, okay?
Like, there was a bunch of weird codes about pizza, and about a piece of pizza.
President Obama wants 60, uh, $5,000 in hot dogs delivered.
They're like, are these really good hot dogs?
The hot dogs weren't as good last time.
Well, these are succulent hot dogs.
That's not about kids.
How retarded do you have to be?
Well, what is that about?
It's male prostitutes.
I mean, that's what the code means.
Yeah, okay, yes.
I'm not saying anybody's guilty in these thousands of emails.
You go read them and it's like, the last walnut sauce you brought wasn't very good.
Oh, well, these are good walnuts.
You're gonna, oh, I love walnuts.
And then you go read in the FBI breakdown what that's code for.
What's code for walnut?
It means people with brown skin.
Oh Jesus Christ.
You have to be real careful in how you describe these things and how you talk about these things.
Because people are looking for any little tiny thing to discredit it.
And one of the reasons why they're looking at it, they're doing it for personal reasons.
Because it seems, no one wants to be ridiculous.
No one wants to be a fool, and no one wants to be someone who's talking about conspiracies that aren't real.
So people are very hesitant to talk about something that's unproven, but horrific.
Just like 15 years ago, it was a conspiracy theory.
That the Catholic Church had any pedophilia.
Now we know 30% were doing it.
We now know the old Pope had to step down, was blackmailed with info about other high-level priests by the new guy that came in.
I mean, this is heavy stuff.
The Catholic Church stuff is absolutely horrible and proven over and over again.
And again, when I was a kid, it was rumor.
It was just things that were whispered.
You would hear about it.
And now, I always wondered how they're getting away with it.
It's so out in the open.
How come they're... is it more... They're psychic vampires stealing the energy from the kids.
Well, what... the most common thing they do is they find very... But why don't they get thrown in jail?
The most common thing they do is they find very troubled kids that don't talk about it.
People with foster care, kids with no parents, kids who come from really troubled backgrounds... That's not how you believe!
But you would think, just like Sandusky ran an abused children's shelter and group and then would take the kids out, sometimes overnight at rich people's houses to make them feel better.
Yeah, and by the way, Joe for like four hours would finish my sentences, he knows as much as I do or more.
Which is good, it takes him a lot of courage to do this, because Eddie Bravo told me that
You know, Joe had been, like, four or five years ago, into all this stuff, and was just like, I can't handle it anymore.
I can't go down this road.
It's too depressing.
But Joe's a great guy.
I tell you, it's just a great world.
It's good to do what I do, because I've known Joe for 16, 17 years.
Really, 17 years or longer, but known him good for, like, 16 years.
And he's a good friend.
He's a really, really... What's the word to use?
A really tuned-in guy.
Dr. Brothers, thank you, and welcome to InfoWars.
Thank you so much for having me.
George Soros' name seems to be popping up around the globe.
Having just spent, who knows, a billion dollars to try to install his puppet, Hillary Clinton, and failed, he did not lose a step, not a moment, not a beat, before he began financing an attempt to wrench the election away from Donald Trump.
I would remind him for worse, listeners and viewers, that it was Soros who financed the recount in Wisconsin, the failed recount in Michigan, and the recount in Pennsylvania.
All of which yielded nothing.
So, Dr. Brothers, tell us what George Soros is up to.
Well, today I think the story is the short.
George Soros is shorting the markets.
He seems to know something.
Typically, he does seem to know things.
He moves the markets, and that's how he makes a lot of his money.
He's a destabilizer, and by destabilizing entire economies, he makes billions and billions of dollars.
In fact, be told, I don't think that anybody really knows exactly how much money he has.
So, it's just another mechanism that he uses and if it causes untold suffering, untold catastrophe and calamity, well, that's just an opportunity to buy for him.
Soros was a major funder of the Women's March immediately after the Trump inauguration.
I guess that didn't surprise you?
Not at all.
It was not direct.
He didn't, like, write checks to the, or issue cash cards to the individual protesters.
He has a series of dozens of organizations that he funds money to, and being as he's the primary funder of these organizations, you could almost say that
He was the organization, but via proxies and various shell games with corporations and various other filing techniques, he tries to shield himself from that.
But we have been putting the pieces together, and yes, it all leads back to him.
I reported right here on InfoWars well over six, perhaps seven months ago, that the violence that was taking place at the Trump rallies, violence that was being blamed on Donald Trump, was in fact financed by George Soros.
That's why it wasn't surprising that the hoodlums and punks that were throwing rocks and bottles and eggs and bottles of urine and baggies of Clorox meant to blind people during the president's inauguration, well, that was funded by Soros, too.
You found it.
The front lines of the human awakening.
It's the InfoWar.
And now, Alex Jones.
Yeah, some of those new liners.
I love Peter.
He's an awesome voiceover guy.
But he says it like, oh, Alex is so wonderful.
So good.
We need the more ominous.
Because that's the world we're really in.
Like Alex Jones from the front lines of the global awakening.
Listen to this part.
Listen to this.
Come and take my herb!
All right, David Knight's taking over in a few minutes, but I've just got to play this report because I just make myself every day play Paul Watson's report.
They're so powerful.
The truth about the Berkeley riot.
Here's Paul Watson's report.
I've got some final comments about the Joe Rogan experience.
Here it is.
The mainstream left is tacitly supporting a fascist group that is committing terrorism to crush civil rights in the United States.
Let that sink in.
I'm looking to just make a statement by being here, and I think the protesters are doing the same.
And props to them for the ones who are doing it non-violently, but I think that's a very rare thing indeed.
So, thank you.
Are you surprised, ma'am?
Then they make her in the face.
I love how they beat people when they're down, too.
It's like Rise of the Cowards.
Oh yeah, right in your face.
Oh, that's like a woman's little arm.
Well, she are, yeah.
Trump is considering pulling federal funds from UC Berkeley because he's upset about protests over a Breitbart editor.
Bludgeoning people with wooden poles because they have a different opinion to you isn't a protest, you utter twat.
That's violent assault.
Google engineer, Adrian Porterfelt.
Last night, I got a call from the UC Berkeley Alum Association asking for donations.
Wonder if they're psychic?
Time to donate, I think.
Yeah, time to donate because there's just not enough money to fund vicious attacks on people for exercising their free speech rights, is there?
The Mayor of Berkeley.
Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable.
Hate speech isn't welcome in our community.
But using fists, feet, flagpoles and pepper spray to silence speech?
That's tolerant and liberal.
Hollywood director Judd Apatow.
This is just the beginning.
When will all the fools who are still supporting Trump realize what is at stake?
Oh, we've realized it, Judd.
We've realized what's at stake.
You want to threaten 55 million American gun owners with civil war?
Yeah, good luck with that, you f***ing cretinous b***h. This is one of the organizers, Yvette Falarca.
She claimed Milo's free speech was raping and killing her.
What they're really trying to do is they're trying to assert their power, threaten us,
Who's to blame for inciting this mayhem?
Time Magazine for legitimizing violent riots during Ferguson.
Newsweek for celebrating the attack on Richard Spencer.
The Nation for romanticizing the attack on Richard Spencer.
Regressive leftists like Nazrin Malik who say violence against Trump supporters should be tolerated.
Regressive leftists like India Knight and the deluge of other journalists who called for or joked about Trump being assassinated.
George Soros, financier of domestic terrorism.
Arrest him and confiscate his wealth.
Let's put this in perspective.
The left is more outraged about Trump's Supreme Court pick
Calling his high school club fascism forever, as a joke, back in the 80s, than they are about actual fascists viciously beating innocent people.
Oh yeah, and good job Antifa.
So instead of a speech to 200 people, you gave Milo and his message a national media platform
That reached millions of people.
Well done, idiots!
Let's be clear, though.
Antifa doesn't care how many times you insult them.
They don't care that they're loathed by the vast majority of Americans.
This is not about attracting support.
It's about intimidating people out of exercising their First Amendment right to attend a Milo event.
These people are fascists.
Antifa also knows that it can rely on the mainstream media to report the fake news that this was a protest.
It wasn't a protest.
It was a violent riot.
But the media will continue to report that it was a protest because it fits into their chaos narrative.
The media will never acknowledge that this was a violent riot because they want to maintain the chaos narrative that the Trump administration is illegitimate, permanently in crisis, and unfair.
In reality, the only thing that is illegitimate is these protests.
Because they're not protests, they're violent riots and have no place in a civil society.
When all you have left is violence, you've lost the argument.
For years, the left compensated for having no argument by calling us racist bigots, islamophobes and misogynists.
And for many years, it worked.
Now, it no longer works.
So what do they have left?
Intimidation, thuggery, and domestic terror.
This is why Trump won.
This is Trump's campaign ad for the 2020 election.
This is the new left.
Fascism has returned under the guise of liberalism.
That report is up on Infowars.com.
I'm telling you, my apprentice is becoming even more powerful.
I love it.
I love that thread.
Don't you like it, folks?
Doesn't it feel good?
There's real pleasure, though, in seeing a plan begin to come into focus, isn't there?
A vision.
I tell you though, it's pathetic we've gone this far letting a bunch of scum rule over us who don't want prosperity because they're miserable and they're projecting their own loser garbage onto us.
It's not happening anymore.
David Knight, another great winner, a member of the Info War.
He's taking over here in a second.
I just want to briefly say, I want to go crazy.
I mean, I want to hire at least six, seven more reporters.
I want to try to set up this Washington Bureau.
I want to be able to have crews going around to cover all this.
I want to be able to send reporters to give their own speeches at universities and expose this anti-free speech trash.
I mean, obviously I can pull this stuff.
Milo doesn't go out and do it myself.
The publicity I'd get from it, exposing him, is not worth the danger in putting myself in a pre-announced position.
Not because I'm afraid for my own life, but because I've got to complete the mission of the larger construction of the operation.
But, uh, I don't know.
We'll see.
We'll see.
But, uh, there's a lot going on here, obviously.
Oh, it's so delicious!
I have to give myself a few little guilty pleasures watching Watson.
That report is just as close as it gets to perfect.
It's so good.
It's so truthful.
It's the opposite of the enemy.
That puts me on cloud nine, let's just be honest about it.
Okay, we're going to do stuff even greater than that, don't worry.
Just don't worry, we're only getting started here.
But please financially support us.
If you're not filtering your water, you're crazy.
And I've gone out, I can carry any water filtration system I want.
I carry four brands, Alexa Pure is one of the best.
And it's gravity fed, and it's amazing.
It's 25% off.
At $197, leading competitors like 300 for the same unit.
It's crap.
Ours is great at 140.
At 200, it's a great deal, too.
It's 149 right now.
The air filtration system, $400, $500 for a leading competitor that's basically the same unit.
4.5 star reviews.
25% off that.
That ends this weekend.
DNA Force is about to sell out.
Super Bowl XL is about to sell out.
And a lot more.
So please support us and know
That the money goes to defend the attacks, to launch the operations, and to re-establish the Republic.
You could not!
Buy more vetted products and you could not support an organization more at the center of the re-emergence of the human spirit and the expanding zeitgeist.
So it is quite frankly a religious endeavor to be involved in this crusade against the new world order.
Let's just get right down to what this is at the end of the day.
We are all just vessels and I am just willingly asking God to fill me with his presence and discernment.
Skip this break so David Knight has more time.
Why not skip all the breaks?
That's where we're going in the future.
David Knight, my friend.
What do you make?
I mean, because we can get two Machiavelli in here and say they're discrediting themselves.
They're going crazy.
But they're arrogant.
They believe MSM, these rioters attacking women.
They believe that they're empowered.
They have the big money behind them.
They have the Communist Chinese.
They all met at Davos.
They're very confident still.
They think they've got tricks up their sleeves.
I don't see this as some super state deal, activating their leftists to have them go act like idiots to sweep them out.
It's the opposite.
Globally, Soros has had nothing but success with this model.
They can't believe it's not working, so they keep pushing it.
And Trump's completely real because his rhetoric alone is doomsday to world government.
The fact that it's unelected and tyrannical.
And then his actions are even more platinum.
And it's ecstasy and agony because horrible stuff's still going on.
We're still way behind in the fight.
But our rushing up, catching up on them is so meteoric that it is a transcendent moment to be alive in the year 2017 on the third day of February in the year of our Lord, my friend.
Yeah, Alex, you know, when you look at what's happening at the lowest level, just the most obvious level, the conflict that's happening there, the professional protesters that are out there, the people who do this their entire life, and you look at these universities, a lot of people look at this and say, you know, if my kids, if I was helping my kids through college, that
Financial aid would stop right now, but it's not just the parents.
We, as taxpayers, are helping these kids to go through and get their degrees in basket weaving or political science or whatever nonsense.
They have the time to go do this out and, you know, take time off.
Literal sabotage.
Literal Crayolas to adults when they get upset by Milo or Paul Watson or whoever or Joe Biggs goes out there.
Literal, literal, oh we're giving you worthless degrees to sabotage you and then hear hate your own country.
They don't know they're the victims.
And so, you know, when I look at this, you know, we used to talk about a liberal education, meaning that it liberated people to think independently.
But that's because this has become exactly the opposite of that, just like we saw the FISA Act be used to try to prevent intelligence surveillance of Americans.
They say, you're only going to do that on foreign countries.
Instead, they use the FISA Act, the FISA Court, to spy on Americans.
We see this happening in the universities.
Well, they're coming in and saying, you know, we used to have this university.
We believe that it was a great thing to help people to broaden their perspectives, to get the tools of learning.
Instead, now they're using it as a propaganda machine.
They are narrowing their perspective on things.
And I think we need to rethink the subsidization of these universities.
I think Donald Trump is exactly right.
If there was a university keeping black people out, I'd say pull their funding right now.
Well, they're saying if you're basically a libertarian or conservative, or a gay conservative, you can't come there.
Pull their funding now!
Don't wait!
Don't threaten it!
Pull their funding!
This is BS!
What are those police doing not protecting people?
I experienced being attacked.
I watched women attacked.
And the police said, we've been ordered to stand down.
Well, then break those orders.
They're unconstitutional.
Fulfill your oath, boy.
I was real happy to see Donald Trump say maybe we should rethink giving federal money to universities like Berkeley.
And I think he's serious about that.
He doesn't just spout off at the mouth like the liberals like to say that he does on Twitter.
No, that's right.
He might sign it next week.
He's very thoughtful, yeah.
I guarantee you he's thinking about signing it on Monday.
Yes, absolutely.
If that school doesn't roll over to the First Amendment and doesn't let people go speak there, they're going to have their dirty funding pulled.
I don't see the purpose of the federal government funding education at all.
I don't see them getting involved in education.
They shouldn't have the purse strings.
I want to know this.
Who would send their 17-year-old son or daughter, 18-year-old, to a college that 90% of the degrees are worthless?
George Soros.
I mean, it's all a big joke anyways.
They have to sabotage the students in the school, in the mental patients, because they know they're giving them worthless degrees, part of a deindustrialization program.
That's right.
That's right.
Well, you ask who would do it?
George Soros did it.
He sent his son to Berkeley.
That's precisely the thing that they want to have happen.
And of course, that's where Bill Ayers hung out.
After he stopped bombing buildings, he would decide that he would propagandize our children.
And by the way, let's pull up George Soros' son.
I don't mean to be mean here, but you talk about like this vampire had like this little quackling.
And then this is just, and his son has been photographed by people that aren't his friends at parties, bombed out of his brain, and he looks like a little starving vampire.
So, you know, type George Soros Jr.
at parties.
George Soros' son at parties.
I mean, it is just a little rat creature that just hates everyone and wants to screw everyone over because he's pissed.
I mean, I don't know, it's like some demon of hell came out here.
I mean, just look at the narcissistic twit head.
Yeah, that's nothing.
His son comes out of the shadows.
Look at Hillary and him.
I mean, this is what rules over us?
Look at him with Cain!
Look at Cain!
I mean, Cain is a literal central casting.
If I was going to cast a pedophile for a movie, for say, The Shining 2, and I'm not saying he's a pedophile, I'm saying if I was casting one, I would hire Cain.
I mean, look at all three of them.
If I was going to cast a movie where there's little babies chained down and vampires come in and suck their blood, it would be all four of these people.
They would all be stars in the vampires kill baby movie.
I mean, just look at them.
Demons of hell!
Deliver us, Christ, please!
And their actions prove their evil.
Funding radical jihadis.
Murdering people worldwide.
Little girls put in sex slavery.
All of it.
The Arab Spring.
These people are the authors of it.
David, take over.
But I tell you, is this not a dynamic time to be alive, my friend?
It absolutely is Alex.
I just talked to somebody yesterday exposing the crimes of Kermit Gosnell and of course he's being shut down by the New York Times even though they sold out their book in just three days.
It's number four hard copy bestseller in the country but of course the New York Times doesn't want you to know about that book and today
We see that Planned Parenthood is honoring Black History Month.
How's that for irony?
Media Research Center points this out.
They said, in a move that tests the very boundaries of hypocrisy, the taxpayer subsidized abortion giant Planned Parenthood issued a press release
Wednesday, commemorating the start of Black History Month, despite the group's long track record of genocide against black children.
Of course, that's been very well documented.
We have talked to people who have written books on it.
There have been multiple books written on the fact that this was the very essence of what Margaret Singer wanted to do with Planned Parenthood.
Well, that interview you did is powerful.
You just did final closing here.
Though the show sounds radical, when you get to the depths of true evil, our words are almost always whitewashes of it.
Even though we're not trying to whitewash, there's not really words to describe the true depth and breadth and just the twisted nature of evil on this planet.
And I don't want to talk about it and be negative, but we have to guard the good by admitting all this evil's going on.
We're in the middle of an explosive revolution against evil, and people say, oh, be pessimistic, evil always takes over again, or there's always corruption, or we're falling.
Yes, but if we all really want to be good, and want to be honorable, and want to be knights out there fighting evil, then it'll never have the day.
It's when we give up and decide everything's evil that it takes over.
This is real what we're seeing, folks.
That's why the enemy is panicking so hard.
And the Lord works in mysterious ways with people like Donald Trump.
Again, thank you all for your support.
The book, The Making of a President 2016, available signed, info or store.com.
The other products, please get them and support us because I want to do big things.
We've already done gigantic things.
But we have a responsibility, even though I'm quite frankly exhausted, to go even further.
David Knight.
Thank you Alex, and of course we're going to talk about Donald Trump moving against the Johnson Amendment.
He mentioned this yesterday in the National Prayer Breakfast.
This isn't the first time he's talked about it.
He talked about it all through the campaign last year.
He talked about it in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention as he became the nominee.
And we've got the pushback coming from the left, like the Washington Post points out, Trump wants to force you, the taxpayer,
To pay for campaigning from the pulpit.
That is clearly not the truth.
So we're going to break down where this is coming from.
And I want to give you an overview of where we're also going as well.
We're going to take a look at a viral video that is a commercial.
This is going to be one of the Super Bowl ads.
And of course, when we come to the Super Bowl this Sunday, understand there's going to be a lot of super propaganda.
And one of the pieces of propaganda is this soapbox derby ad that is run by Audi.
We're going to play that for you and talk about that as well as what happened today in France and the fact that Francois Hollande is trying to divert attention away from his failed immigration policy towards Donald Trump.
You've got somebody attacking the Louvre.
Nobody was hurt today.
It wasn't like the massive catastrophe that they had in Nice, but this is something that is going to strike at the heart of the French.
It is going to make them understand, I think, that this group of radical Islamic terrorists, and of course Donald Trump had no problem saying that.
He tweeted that out right away, and he said, we need to get smart about this, America.
In other words, this is what's coming to your shore if you follow the policies of the EU leaders.
And then today, the EU leaders, I don't know if they even knew about this attack at the Louvre, they all met in Malta to talk about the future of the EU, and of course they were all dumping on Donald Trump at the same time.
They just don't get it.
Every time they come out and start to sing the praises of their open borders,
We see another attack in France or another attack in Germany.
And so today we had Francois Hollande leading the attack on Donald Trump at the EU.
He led a series, as I point out on The Guardian, this is what they call it, a series of damning attacks on Donald Trump by all these EU leaders as they were arriving.
At the very same time, you've got these radical Islamic terrorists
Trying to destroy not only the lives of French and German citizens wantingly, okay, but they want to eradicate culture.
Folks, if they had their, if they could choose this, they would destroy the Louvre.
When the Islamic Shia people take over in Paris, you can watch them blow that up just like they've blown up
The statues and other areas that they took over, the historical statues, they want to eradicate our culture, just as they have eradicated cultures in other countries, just as they've eradicated other religions in other countries.
Now, Holland says, described these events, okay, and described recent comments by the U.S.
President calling them unacceptable.
Donald Trump is unacceptable.
He didn't call him deplorable yet, but he warned there would be no future for Europe's relations with the US, quote, if this future isn't defined in common.
This is the common theme that he keeps coming back to.
The fact that, alright, some of these countries you can do unilateral agreements with the United States, but you have to understand that the key thing here
is our solidarity at the EU level.
He said when countries like Hungary and Poland are trying to work out bilateral agreements with Trump, understand, that means that there's two parties involved.
So you've got Hungary will come in and try to work out a deal with the United States.
Poland will come in and work out a deal with the United States.
You can do deals like that.
But when you try to work on multilateral deals, where you try to get 12 people in a room and all decide about things that are going to be in their best interest, guess what?
No one's interest is served except the organization that created the multinational, multilateral organization.
Okay, we're going to be right back.
We're going to talk about what happened in France.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Another terror attack in France as a machete-wielding man stormed the Louvre in Paris, chanting Allahu Akbar as he was immediately gunned down by French soldiers.
The man attempted to enter the Louvre.
He was refused entry.
He pulled out his machete, charged into the museum, injuring one soldier before being shot.
The terrorist was shot five times in the stomach and is currently in critical condition.
He was also said to have paint bombs in a backpack he was carrying.
Another man was arrested at the scene, but it's not yet known if he is linked to the attack.
A spokesman for the French Interior Ministry said the identity and nationality of the suspects are unknown.
A building in Paris was raided by police in connection with the attack, which has been labeled terrorist in nature by the French Prime Minister.
Donald Trump tweeted about the attack, urging Americans to get smart.
That's right, we don't want the terror that's descended upon Europe to make its way here.
The President of France, Francois Hollande, praised security for the quick response.
I bet you did.
They may have saved lives, but I doubt they saved your job.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com.
This is Alex Jones.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be here through the rest of the fourth hour.
As I was just talking about Francois Hollande and all the EU leaders meeting in Malta, the one thing they have in common, besides the EU, is their hatred of Donald Trump.
We had the French president coming out and criticizing Trump, leading the criticism, but then of course the Austrian Chancellor also said Trump's ban on travelers from some Muslim-majority countries was, quote, highly problematical.
Maybe they didn't have a problem with an attack happening on the very same day at the Louvre.
And then asked what he thought of the EU leaders like Hungary and Poland.
Poland said, those who want to forge bilateral ties with the US are, of course, well understood by the public, but they must understand there is no future with Trump if it is not a common position.
In other words, with us.
Because he goes on to say, what matters is solidarity at the EU level.
See, that describes everything that's going on here.
See, they don't really care how their artwork is threatened, how their culture is threatened.
They don't care about the lives of their citizens.
Just as Hollande said, the only thing that matters is solidarity at the EU level.
Everything will be sacrificed.
Their safety, their security, their lives, their cultures, their freedom to travel and move.
Everything will be sacrificed
To that regime change.
To get rid of the French government, ultimately, and the German government, ultimately.
And to have a common European state.
That is, everything is on the table, everything is sacrificed for that.
And of course, the guy who did the attack today arrived in France in January.
Just got there.
Where did he come from?
He's a 29-year-old with Egyptian identity papers.
He just arrived last month.
And immediately starts to attack, okay?
He came, they think, on a flight from Dubai.
They said investigators are still trying to establish his identity, his visa request to come to France, on that he declared that he was Egyptian.
Now understand, neither of these countries, not the United Arab Emirates, not Egypt, neither of them were on the travel ban.
And yet we're being told this is just too broad for Muslims.
Maybe it is not broad enough.
Maybe we should be concerned about the people in Saudi Arabia who are joined at the hip with our banking system, with our intelligence services.
Maybe we should be concerned about them as well.
Now, it reminds me of what happened with Hollanda.
After the truck attack in Nice.
And of course, French elections are coming up.
And what happened after that truck attack?
They say, of course, the president's popularity plummeted.
At the time, DW said, if last year's terrorist attacks in Paris triggered solidarity and free expression, the Bastille Day rampage in Nice is sowing anger and division.
So quick, blame somebody.
Blame Trump.
Because the elections are coming up and people have seen yet another piece of evidence.
of where your policies are, and understand that you could care less about them, only about the European Union.
Now it's interesting to see an editorial on the Hill from Terry McAuliffe, the governor of Virginia, and of course, Terry McAuliffe, if you understand his background, he was head of the DNC with the Clintons, he was in the Clinton administration.
This is a guy who is one of the insiders, one of the long-term friends of the Clintons.
He's never
We're good to go.
Tourism has plummeted in France in the wake of these attacks in Nice, in the wake of the attacks of the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris and elsewhere.
People are afraid to go to Paris.
They're afraid to go to France.
If you want to see the economy drop, nothing is going to kill the economy more than for people to be so afraid of terrorism that they don't want to travel within their own country, that they don't want to go there as tourists.
That's absolutely amazing that Terry McAuliffe would come out and say this is going to be destroying the American economy with this travel ban.
And all the things that we've seen in the last several days, especially when you look at Madeleine Albright talking about how there are tears in the eyes of the Statue of Liberty,
At Ellis Island because of Donald Trump's travel ban.
Absolutely amazing.
And of course I put that up.
We did a short piece on it.
I've got it on Twitter.
Pointing out that there was no tears of remorse in Madeleine Albright's eyes when she was asked about her sanctions costing 500,000 children's lives.
Muslim children's lives.
These were Iraq sanctions.
They were totally ineffective.
And Leslie Stahl says to her on 60 Minutes, well what about these 500,000 children that have died because of your sanctions?
And Madeleine Albright didn't deny that they died.
She just didn't have any remorse.
She said it was worth it.
It was worth it for regime change.
And you have to understand,
That it is worth it for Francois Hollande to have children in France die for the regime change.
He wants to have a regime change from a French government to a Brussels European Union government and he could care less, just as Madeleine Albright couldn't care less about the Muslim children that she was responsible for.
She accepted responsibility for it and said it was worth it.
And when we talk about the Statue of Liberty, when we talk about Ellis Island, this last week I have seen one meme after the other about the Statue of Liberty, about the poem, give me your tired, your huddled masses, so forth.
And quite frankly, it's not having any effect.
And I want to add a little bit of historical perspective to this.
If you go back and look at what really happened in history,
Ellis Island wasn't just an open door into the United States and there you saw the Drudge Report where they show Donald Trump having cut off the head of the Statue of Liberty and holding the bloody hand.
No, Donald Trump is not a radical Islamic Jihadi.
He's trying to stop the radical Islamic Jihadis coming in who would cut the head off of the Statue of Liberty if she were a real person.
That's precisely what they would do.
What happened at Ellis Island?
Well, there's an article at Atlas Obscura that points out Ellis Island's forgotten final act as a Cold War detention center.
Oh, let's remember that.
In the 1950s, they point out, this is when Democrat Harry Truman was president.
This is the Cold War that they have now restarted.
The Democrats so anxious to have another Cold War.
This is a result of the Cold War.
This is what Democrat President Harry Truman did in 1950.
A famed Hungarian born violinist, Joseph
Sighetti traveled to New York.
He had already been to the United States two dozen times on tours as a violinist.
Within minutes of his arrival, immigration officials removed him from his ship, delivered the bad news.
The U.S.
Department of Justice had refused his admission into the United States.
Officials quickly carted Sighetti to a detention site familiar to nearly all Americans, a 27-and-a-half-acre piece of land in Upper New York Bay known as Ellis Island.
In the late 1940s, they go on to say, and the early 1950s, Ellis Island became a de facto prison for an improbable mix of immigrants, visitors, displaced persons, political dissidents, and refugees from across the globe.
And he was just one of the people who was caught up in the sweeping paranoia of the Cold War.
The Cold War that the Democrats have now revived, along with the Republican neocons.
And they say this, these immigrants and foreign nationals remained trapped on Ellis Island for months, sometimes even years, much like Segeti.
Many never knew the exact charges against him or the specific evidence that immigration used to detain them.
Kind of sounds like our no-fly list, doesn't it?
Which the Democrats want to use this anonymous secretive charges where you're not allowed to see why they're charging with anything.
You don't know why you're on the list.
You can't get your name cleared because you can't speak to the charges because you don't know what the charges are.
So yeah, we have something like that, it's called a no-fly list, and they want to extend that so that, hey, if we put you on this secret list and you can't defend yourself against it because we're not going to tell you what the charges are, then we're going to apply other punishments to you, like take away your guns, or take away your ability to travel.
Well, they're already taking away your ability to travel, but in the future they'll take away your ability to travel in cars.
See, that's what the Democrats are doing for us.
They're portraying all this stuff about the Statue of Liberty.
Look, you have... If they want to talk about freedom to travel, let's start by getting rid of the TSA.
Let's start by getting rid of the no-fly lists.
But let's also understand that we have created wars throughout the Middle East.
I'm not justifying those wars at all.
I would like to see those wars stopped.
But once you have wars going on there, once you have terrorist activity that is going on there, you do not want to bring people from that country in unless you are absolutely certain who they are.
And that's what Donald Trump is trying to do with the extreme vetting of seven Islamic nations that, of course, Barack Obama already did.
Now let's switch gears and talk about the Super Bowl that's coming up on Sunday.
There's an interesting commercial.
There's going to be a lot of interesting commercials.
There's going to be a lot of agendas being pushed.
A lot of super propaganda at the Super Bowl.
Of course, not just the halftime, but the commercials.
There's a ad that's been put out by Audi.
It has nearly 5 million views on YouTube.
And of course, it is a very exciting, for those of you who are listening and not watching, it's a very exciting staged footage of a Soapbox Derby race with some young children.
And as a father is watching this,
He is, you hear his thoughts.
What about my little girl?
Is she going to be treated equally to men?
That's what he's thinking.
Let's play this ad and then we'll talk about what's really behind this.
Very well filmed.
What do I tell my daughter?
Do I tell her that her grandpa's worth more than her grandma?
Do I tell her that despite her education, her drive, her skills, her intelligence, she will automatically be valued as less than every man she ever meets?
Or maybe... I'll be able to tell her something different.
Okay, so then the tagline comes up.
Audi of America committed to equal pay for equal work.
Progress is for everyone.
Well, you know what?
When you look at that, maybe the thing that you could tell your daughter is that she won't be driving a car.
Because I can't tell you how many times I have listened and read liberals salivating over the idea that their children will never drive.
And they think that's a great thing.
They want to eradicate
Your ability to drive.
Because you see, with freedom of mobility comes responsibility to take that seriously.
And they don't care about freedom.
And they don't want responsibility.
And they want to take away your freedom and claim that you are not responsible.
So that's one aspect of this that really stuck out to me.
But before I get into that further, I just want to point out
That when they talk about, she will automatically be judged as less than every man she meets.
This, this ad here.
I mean, are they, are they pandering to women trying to sell them a car?
No, I don't really think so.
But understand what Audi does.
Their USA executive management team has only two positions out of 14 for women.
That means that they have 14%.
Now they also have a scholarship program with the American Film Institute where they reserve that solely for a female director.
And of course, this piece was done by a female director.
So when it comes to propaganda, when it comes to Hollywood, that's all just fine.
But when it comes to actually building cars and running the country, they're not so much down with hiring women, are they?
Because they only have 14% of the women on there.
So maybe Audi ought to watch this commercial that they are selling everybody on Super Bowl, and maybe they'll use that as inspiration for their own business.
But let me tell you, they're not trying to sell this car to women.
They're not trying to sell this car to touchy-feely liberals who don't want to drive, because this film on the soapbox has some really exciting footage.
I mean, they're drifting, they're cutting each other off, spinning out, taking turns with a soapbox derby.
I mean, I've never seen a soapbox derby, and you aren't going to see that.
I mean, this is like a real car race, a real aggressive car race.
They're not trying to sell that to people who don't like driving.
They're not trying to sell that to people, to women.
No, they're really
Putting themselves out there for governments.
That's who they're really appealing to.
Let me tell you something.
The car companies, the day is rapidly approaching.
Ford has said that in 2021 they're not going to sell these autonomous cars that they say they're going to have by 2021.
They're not going to sell that to the public.
They're going to retain ownership of it.
They want to be a mobility company.
That's how they continually describe themselves now.
They're not a car company.
They're not selling cars.
Understand that it's not as profitable for them to sell cars as it is for them to lease cars.
And leasing is not as profitable as renting you the car on a ride-by-ride basis.
That's what Ford understands.
That's what Mercedes understands.
That's what all of these car companies understand.
They want to be in the car rental business.
They want to be the Ubers and the Lyfts.
I don't know how Uber and Lyft are going to survive.
Maybe they will.
But in order for them to get the kind of
Corporate fascist controls that they have, the kind of monopoly.
And it won't be a monopoly.
We'll have two or three car companies that will be allowed to offer rides in each area, most likely.
In order for them to do that, they're going to have to butter up the government.
They're going to have to sell what the government wants.
They're going to have to jump in with climate change.
They're going to have to jump in with electric cars, with everything else that the government wants.
And they're more than willing to do that.
And this ad is part of that.
They're signaling the government that we're all about women, women's rights, and we're going to do whatever we need to do to sell your political agendas, make us rich.
Because it's going to be, you scratch my back, I scratch yours.
They're going to get these monopolies or these little cartels on your transportation, and in exchange, the government is going to get all the data as you move around to track everything that you do.
So that's the, you know, the back scratching that goes on there, besides the money that will pass back and forth to the politicians.
And as you see here in this article, Uber is now going to be coughing up more data in New York City.
New York City is demanding, give us your data!
Give us all this data that you're keeping on everybody.
See, this is where this is all headed, but I think that is an absolutely disgusting, pandering, dishonest commercial from Audi.
I'm glad I don't want an Audi car.
Because I'd have a tough decision to make, but I don't want an Audi car, so I don't have a problem boycotting their products.
But I tell you, to put that thing out there to highlight driving.
They show the car's taillights as it drives off, and that's about it.
They show it as they get into the car.
They don't talk about their car.
They're not selling their car.
And quite frankly, they're selling that driving experience to people at the same time they are going to remove your ability to move around freely.
That's the key thing, folks.
You have to have that freedom of mobility and you have to understand that there is a responsibility that comes with that and be willing to accept that responsibility.
When they determine when you'll be able to move around and at what prices, because understand that as their profits go up, as they move from sales to leasing to renting by the ride like a tax and track taxi company,
Then it's going to be more expensive for you to travel.
You're not going to be able to travel as much.
You're not going to be able to travel as far.
That's the whole point.
They want Agenda 21 to keep you in the cities.
That's the whole point of all of this.
That's what the government gets from it, and the car companies who play along get rich.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're going to talk about the Johnson Amendment when we return.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
Now, this is our 20th product.
We can easily go out to a major vitamin or supplement company and private label a thousand different products.
But it's taken us four plus years to even come out with 20, because we private label some, but we also develop
Many of the products originally were some of the top labs in the country, so that they're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe, and they're also very affordable.
Exactly, you talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about, we're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders, we've both talked to them.
They have conveyor belts of herbs falling on the ground and they have someone come and sweep them up and put them back on the conveyor belt.
They have individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
We're producing something we want to take.
We're looking for the best.
We went out and searched for the best, the private label, and most of the time found out it wasn't available.
So we go to these big firms and say, we want to make the dream formula.
Bio PCA, for example, one of the ingredients is silica, and it's from bamboo extract.
It's everywhere.
It's in nature.
It's an essential part of being healthy, right?
Just this bottle of silica, okay, again, one ingredient, in a lower amount that's even in our product, is $35.
They're charging more than what we charge when they have one ingredient that's less than ours.
This is insane.
When I told him we wanted 10,000 micrograms, he goes, OK, I get that you guys want to do high power stuff, but why don't you just do 3,000?
And then you can sell multiple bottles of it.
People will buy more of it.
I was like, no, let's do 10.
OK, compare that to this.
This is a $50 product, one of the leaders in the industry.
It has 3,000 micrograms of biotin.
OK, we have 10,000.
This is $50, $48 to be exact.
There's no script, there's no teleprompter, I'll just be honest with you.
My problem is, with 20 products now, it's remembering to take them all.
Because when I do, I have great days, great weeks, a great life.
When I forget to take the X2, a super male, or the lung cleanse, or to do a liver cleanse, or to take this product,
My quality of life just isn't as good.
It's changed my life.
I looked like Jabba the Hutt four years ago.
I was swimming two miles some days a day.
I was jogging, lifting weights.
I couldn't lose the weight.
I went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the InfoWars change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
In this last segment I want to take a look at the Johnson Amendment that Donald Trump says he's going to shut down.
I want to take a look at the left pushing back on this and a quick look at the history.
So we've got a lot to do, but real quickly I want to tell you...
We're good to go.
And the water filter we've been using for quite some time and I can tell you that on our water it does an amazing job of getting everything out of it.
It tastes great when it comes out of it.
That's the Gravity Fed water filter, the Alexa Pure Pro water filter.
You can get that now 25% off.
Significant savings off of these two systems.
Also 20% off the Making of the President book by Roger Stone.
This is the first book to go behind the scenes, give the inside story of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign never before published anywhere else.
Now one of the things that Donald Trump campaigned on, one of the things he was talking about at the convention back in last July, was getting rid of the Johnson Amendment.
He says this is an amendment that was pushed by Lyndon Johnson many years ago.
It threatens religious institutions with a loss of their tax-exempt status if they openly advocate their political views.
Now, as he's been talking about that this week, making good on his campaign promises, the Washington Post comes out and says Trump wants to force you, the taxpayer, to pay for campaigning from the pulpit.
Now, understand something.
When somebody gets a tax deduction from some activity, and historically we have said certain things people are going to be able to provide for themselves, we say you're going to get a tax deduction, we say you should be able to get that
And use your money to buy something that is important before you send it to Washington.
That's usually what's behind giving people tax deductions.
When we have a situation we say, well, here in Texas we're not going to put a sales tax on food.
The recognition is that we think it's important that you have as much of your money as possible to buy food.
So they put sales taxes on other things.
It doesn't mean that the state of Texas is buying your food, and that the state of Texas therefore has a right to tell you what to eat.
But that's the way the liberals use this when they say, oh, this is taxpayer money going to these people.
No, it's not!
It's these people that's not going to pay taxes.
It's a very big difference.
You have to understand that.
That's the way they twist the language to say that the taxpayers are paying this.
This is a government expenditure.
No, it's not.
It wasn't the government's money to start with.
The government doesn't own all of my money.
And then return some of it to me like an allowance.
This is money that I earned that they're not taxing as a deduction.
And understand that when they created the income tax with Woodrow Wilson all the way up to Eisenhower, nobody ever had a problem with tax deductions for churches.
And of course it's a long-standing tradition that church property would not be taxed in Western civilization.
And then Johnson pushed this through.
And you had all these presidents, Eisenhower, Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, all the Bushes, Clinton, and Obama, none of them had a problem.
Saying that you can't have free speech if you are a 501c3 church.
Now they're a 501c3 church, they incorporate, maybe we shouldn't do that.
But of course a lot of churches choose to do that.
They shouldn't have to pay taxes on contributions to the church, I don't believe.
But let's go back and take a look at the Johnson Amendment, just so you get a historical context with this.
And I'm going back to the ACLJ, and we don't have time.
We ran out of time.
Here's the issue, folks.
This was something that was put in by Lyndon Johnson because he had some people who were
Putting up a campaign system to oppose him in Texas.
This is why he put it there.
And when we look at the decisions that have come out from the Supreme Court lately with Citizens United, they have said that political speech, free speech, trumps your ideas that you're going to control that with taxes.
And so I think that's something that is going to stand.
I think it will stand the test of the Supreme Court.
We will see what happens.
And I think Gorsuch
is going to have something to say about that, because he's going to be the next Supreme Court Justice.
That's it for today's show.
Join us tonight at 7 Central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, for the Infowars Nightly News.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Need more proof the political left has completely lost its mind?
New video surfaces of a New York University professor on the streets at a Trump protest shouting and cursing like a lunatic at police at neo-Nazis proudly announcing she is a professor as she loosely drops F-bombs 15 times in her 80 second rant with plenty of other obscene language peppered in.
She tells the NYPD to F off.
Good luck next time you need them.
Then declares Trump and all his supporters are neo-Nazis who are not for LGBTQ rights even though Trump did just stand for LGBTQ rights in the workplace.
You can see this wicked creature spitting and fuming like a wild banshee as she insists the police start beating up the Trump supporters so that her students don't have to.
We've seen white people shout down white people for being white.
We've seen protesters strap baby dolls to themselves then dance in the streets while playing the flute.
We've seen them assault people, burn and destroy communities.
What will the Never Trump movement do next?
This is Owen Schroer.
Stay tuned for more at InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.