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Name: 20170202_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 2, 2017
3011 lines.

In this InfoWars broadcast, Alex Jones discusses the Johnson Amendment and President Trump's attack on the IRS for its intimidation of political speech by religious figures. He also touches upon Berkeley mayor's response to the anti-Milo riot, where he labeled the ultra-national far-right as neo-Nazis. Jones interviews Phelan McAleer about his book 'Gosnell,' which highlights the lack of government oversight and inspections on abortion clinics in Pennsylvania due to political pressure from then-Governor Tom Ridge. The discussion also covers President Trump's temporary travel restrictions and the inconsistency in public outcry for humanitarian concerns, as exemplified by Madeleine Albright's comments on sanctions that led to the death of half a million Muslim children during the 1990s.

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From the InfoWars.com News Center, deep behind enemy lines in Occupied Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you're listening to the voice of human resistance against the Technotronic Technocracy Takeover.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Here we are, my friends.
It's now Thursday.
The second day of February, 2017.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I'm gonna be here during the first hour, then David Knight's gonna be taking over because I'm getting on an airplane and flying back to my beloved Austin, Texas from here in Los Angeles, California.
Of course, last night we saw more vicious attacks, riots, things being burned, cars being overturned, women being attacked premeditatedly by throngs of just vicious, cowardly trash.
I don't
Knock them out.
Remember in San Jose during the Trump campaign, a woman being beaten and hit with poles that had Mexican flags on them and slapped and hit in the face with eggs until she was bloody with people celebrating, basically chanting.
...praising it and saying it's a good thing because you should, quote, knock out anybody going to a Trump event or to any other conservative or libertarian event.
These people are all Nazis.
They've all been dehumanized and so...
Knock them out.
Remember in San Jose during the Trump campaign, a woman being beaten and hit with poles that had Mexican flags on them and slapped and hit in the face with eggs until she was bloody with people celebrating, basically chanting Viva Mexico.
This is the fact.
I was in DC, and some of this got caught on tape, but bloody women kept walking by while I was waiting in the street to get my credentials.
This was just right where I was at, about 200 yards from one of the entrances.
And I kept saying, you're being beaten, you're being attacked.
So we went down the street and witnessed them attacking men, women, and children, people with little kids.
That we're trying to get in, we're being attacked by these people.
And it was mainly women would come up and claw you and hit you, but also little shriveled men.
But they could still hurt you, you know, kind of like little Wraith scans, scratching at you and clawing and hitting.
And we'd go after families.
And I said they would target women.
And we got footage of this.
Well, there's dramatic footage from San Francisco at the Berkeley event last night of Milo, which got shut down.
And the police stood down there, as they do all over the state of California, at these so-called centers of higher education.
And there's just this woman who's up against a fence with no help, no men, no women to help her.
And I guess because she's dressed nice, and it's white, she is attacked by a throng of people wearing masks.
But by the shriveled nature, it looks like the classic little shriveled white male pibs, and then female white women and others.
There are some Hispanic women and black folks also.
You know running around in the throng celebrating and then she's knocked down the street and then they just keep attacking her and reportedly she was in really bad condition at the hospital because we don't even see the worst.
The throng just sucks her like a zombie horde in to be attacked and you see the New York Times and everybody and Newsweek and the Washington Post saying hey it's a time to riot.
Joining us now is Donald Trump.
Donald, big announcement today.
Tell me what you think about the wall.
Are you excited to get started on this thing?
Well, first of all, let me say it's unbelievable to be speaking with you.
You're an incredible, incredible person.
I love everyone at InfoWars.
As I said, I'd be back on the program.
I know Alex was whining about it this morning, so that's why I'm here.
But let me tell you that you guys are great.
Leanne, Kit, and everybody there.
Paul Joseph Watson and all your guests.
Roger Stone, great friend of mine.
Unbelievable Nixon tattoo right between his shoulder blades.
Yes, I'm very, very proud of the wall.
Let me show you this right here.
This is the executive order we just signed today.
We're going to be building the wall in a couple of months.
It's going to be a huge wall.
So unbelievably huge, it'll not only stop illegal aliens, it'll stop space aliens.
Now, what kind of backlash have you seen from the press?
We know that they're trying to get in a verbal conflict with you, it seems like, every day now.
What is the press saying about your announcement with construction plans?
Look, the press are horrible, people.
Every day I've got Sean Spicy Spicer out there.
He's unbelievable.
I know Alex criticizes him sometimes, but Spicy Spicer is doing a fantastic job.
Every chance we get, we're calling out the press.
We're going to be expanding the press room, allowing Skype
Streams to go out Facebook Instagram and everything it's gonna be phenomenal because we're no longer going to treat the mainstream media Like they are some kind of elite organization.
We want people in there I know Alex was even talking about possibly getting Paul Joseph Watson in and I think that's a fantastic fantastic idea
Now, is there some kind of executive order that you could sign to remove some of these people that promised that they would move out of the United States if you won?
Like Whoopi Goldberg or Miley Cyrus.
Can we get an executive order to get these people out of here?
I don't know if I could do an executive order, but if we team up together, we could probably launch a GoFundMe in order to pay for their plane tickets.
And in fact, I'd be willing to donate Trump Force One in order to fly them out to Canada.
If Canada will accept them, which I don't think they will.
Donald, tell me what it's been like for you so far.
You've been in office not quite a week yet, but you've experienced what it's like to be the United States President.
Tell me what that means to you.
Well, what it means to me is exactly what I've said.
We're going to make America great again, and I think you can see, Owen, that I'm working very hard to do that.
I've moved many things forward just in the last few days, and I'm going to be doing this every day of the presidency until we make America great again, greater than ever before.
Now, I saw some words actually exchanged between you and Barack Obama right before you took the inauguration.
Do you care to enlighten our audience, maybe, what was said?
I told him, keep the keys, because I'll be changing the locks.
I mean, we need new locks there anyway.
I liked the gold-plated ones, and they had brass.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
It is indeed, my friends.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Now, as we speak, I am taping this right before the show goes live with David Knight, who's going to be co-hosting.
But then, as soon as I'm done taping this, about an hour in the future, I'm going to be in a car on the road nearing the airport.
And I'm going to be Facebook-living into the show as well, or I may just call into the show with David Knight, because there's so much to cover, so much breaking as we speak.
Just minute-to-minute things are happening, but the live broadcast is coming up.
It is Thursday, February 2nd, 2017.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Very, very honored to be here with you.
I was on the Joe Rogan Experience that reaches, I got the actual numbers, 90 million downloads a month.
And 20 million YouTube views a month.
So just look at how that's devastating mainstream media.
He's been doing it eight years.
I've known Joe since the late 90s.
And it just absolutely continues to explode.
One of the biggest podcasts in the world.
And it was a really powerful, fun four hours we did last night.
And then the machine, Joe, was still going to go on and have dinner with his family and his three daughters and his wife, and then go on from there and do a big comedy routine at one of the major comedy clubs for two hours.
So that is a hard, hard-working fellow right there.
I'm going to talk some about that coming up.
Just because it ties into the whole media landscape and the fact that mainstream media is dead and they're just now finally figuring out that's the case.
One of the big nails in the coffin for them is Donald John Trump.
I don't have words to describe the phenomenon of rat-like people that I've seen personally in D.C.
and that I've seen countless times online like you have attacking women.
Last night they were trying to have a Milo event in San Francisco at Berkeley, and they were burning cars, overturning things, tearing everything up, and the police stood down.
We have had our reporters, and this has happened to myself as well, just a few weeks ago in D.C.
for the inauguration, a week and a half ago, witnessing the police actually aiding the anarchists and the communists and the Black Lives Matter cowards attacking families.
And I've got to tell you, we did begin to physically get involved trying to stop them in D.C., and the police came over only then to stop us.
But I'm not looking for trouble, but we need to start seeing people show up at these events.
I'm going to call Milo.
In fact, he's getting back on a plane right now, but I'm going to try to get Milo on next week.
But I'm going to actually reach out to Milo.
I think it's time to tell our listeners, everybody, to just go show up to defend free speech at these universities, in these leftist areas, and just expose what they're doing.
Because we're not looking for trouble, but this is America, this is free speech, and when you witness this woman holding onto a fence, and it's her only crime is she's white, and she's dressed nice, and they hit her in the head with a pole, and they're slapping her, they're hitting her, and she's crying and screaming and begging in horror.
In fact, you can roll some of that video and audio over me if you want.
And just like sharks dragging a seal up from the surface just jerk her straight back into a crowd and then stomp on her and attack her as she's drug along in the tide, the riptide of the stampeding hooligans.
And it's sick.
These are such spiritual cowards at a deep level that they target women.
They're predators.
And I don't know of any culture, except for radical Islam, that targets women by design because they're non-combatants.
And it is so painful to see a riot, an orgy of frothing hate as they scream, no KKK.
They're mainly white people, little shrunken meth-head types that are doing this.
And exercising this vicious attack on free speech and this orgy of anti-Caucasian rhetoric that is being spewed from the mainstream media and out of the mouth of Soros in an attempt to radicalize Hispanics, blacks, and others.
But again, I'm not absolving them of some of the racist Hispanics and blacks that are out doing this.
We have footage and...
San Jose of Hispanic men beating a white woman bloody.
And everybody says she deserves it.
She's white.
She's at a Trump rally.
Take her out.
So they are inherently racist, tribal, bad type people.
I mean, just imagine the KKK surrounding a black woman and hitting her in the head and hitting her with eggs and slapping her and bloodying her.
There would be a giant outcry and there should be.
But racial attacks on whites
He is now a religious sacrament of the left, and they've gone from being an insane, out-of-control, brainwashed group to really a truly evil group who've never been in fights in their life, most of them, never really had jobs in their life, never done anything dangerous in their life, but they still have the instinct, but it's twisted, to make war.
And they do it by attacking women.
And what they're conjuring is their destruction.
Because if they want a war, they're going to get a war with real people.
But the libertarians, the patriots of this country must be extremely restrained right now and not feed into this.
Just give them more rope, let them keep running with it.
But this is truly despicable.
And by the way, I was watching CNN, MSNBC this morning, nothing on it.
Nothing was even said about it.
I saw one little mention when I was eating breakfast earlier on TV about, oh, some unrest and protests that got rowdy in San Francisco.
No, they blocked peaceful people going into a convention area to hear someone who
Is a gay libertarian, basically, Milo-speak.
And because they claim they have ownership on that whole group, in some cult, they were throwing flaming dildos that were on fire.
Do you have any idea how dangerous a big blob of, you know, rubber plastic is?
It's like, basically, necklacing, like Winnie Mandela would do to her enemies, including children.
Put a tire with gasoline
I don't know.
But the biggest issue is they're trying to block free speech and they're attacking women.
They're attacking women by design because they know women don't fight back.
But the really big cowards are the police, who I've seen in videos around California especially, celebrating and laughing at the people being attacked and strutting around with their nightsticks.
They're usually, you know, really out of shape for whatever reason as communist cops.
And Trump came out and said, listen,
You're going to get your federal funding pulled if you're not a place that's inclusive and open to everybody, which is the federal law, by the way.
Remember Eisenhower in Arkansas and other areas had to have the federal troops bring little black kids into school?
And those schools almost lost their funding?
Okay, so, and they're like, oh, how dare you threaten our free speech?
Trump, they're saying in the news, how dare you threaten to take education money when all we want to do is beat women and burn things down and stop free speech and bully everyone while we're protected by the police?
These guys are the equivalent of folks that want to hunt a tiger and they put it in a cage and walk up at point-blank range and shoot it in the cage.
I love hunting.
Nothing wrong with controlling, you know, population and harvesting deer or whatever.
But you know the types that want to put something in a cage and then hunt it that way?
It's ridiculous.
You at least need to tie it up to a tree or something.
I'm being sarcastic.
I've been to some of these dove and quail hunts where it's like canned quail that's like coming out.
But hey, you eat them, so whatever.
I mean, you're actually harvesting their dumb birds.
It's like Operation Parakeet or something.
But getting serious here.
Trump coming out saying we'll pull your funding is just beautiful.
It's absolutely what needs to be done.
And these monsters need to be met face-to-face and dealt with.
By the way, there's that professor.
We hadn't gotten on probably in six, eight months.
Who's actually, I think, at UC Berkeley, isn't he?
No, UC Davis.
He's at UC Davis.
He's a Japanese-American.
What's his name?
He's been on a bunch.
His name is... I don't want to get it wrong.
We'll pull it up.
That's it.
We need to get Hamamoto on the show.
This is exactly the type of cult-like stuff.
By the way, he's what I call a classical liberal.
He's not some right-winger.
He was against the wars.
He just gets that there's a culture of total brainwashing, and they're taking race-based programming, race-based mind control,
And using the most hardcore true Nazi tactics.
Everybody says this is a Nazi, that's a Nazi, it's overused.
But when you talk about racially dividing people and then creating a political cosmology based on race and saying other groups don't have a right to exist or rights to have free speech.
And going out and attacking them, that's what authoritarians, communists, Nazis, fascists, totalitarians of every stripe and every ilk, this is their bedrock system.
This is the ocean in which they swim.
So we've got all of that to be getting into here today as well.
But I just want to be incredibly clear about something.
When we come back from break, I'm going to really try to summon my best words to put this into
Proper meaning because I have real trouble grasping Just how good Donald Trump is and just how amazing he is and how he's over delivering And it's so charming and so funny and is just dominating the globalist and making every right move every Americana move it is just
Spellbinding compared to what we've been under with Obama and George Herbert Walker Bush and the Clintons and all the rest of it.
It is truly something to behold.
And so I've got some very, very important information that I want to break down after we come back from the break here in just a moment, because we really should be thanking God and our lucky stars right now.
And I myself just want to say that.
Because I just feel like I'm not saying it enough.
Thank you, God, for this awakening.
Thank you for the listeners of this broadcast and of the heart of the resistance.
Thank you for the great team we've got in Austin, Texas.
Thank you for all the people that have prayed for us and supported us over the years because the brotherhood, the sisterhood, the honorableness of just being part of this return of America, this true Americana, is so beautiful and so pure and so strong.
And so beautiful compared to the enemy.
It's just, it's agony and ecstasy.
I look at the ugly, twisted, demonic piles of slime beating up women, and then I look at the patriots and everything they do, every race, color, and creed, and it just brings tears to my eyes that these fallen people have no idea how stupid they are.
We'll be right back.
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You said when you talked to people that have been using this, actually testing it for years, people that currently test it for us, they didn't just say outstanding.
What did they really say about this?
No, this is through the roof.
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Make no mistake.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Make no mistake.
What you and I and all of us are witnessing right now, if we are successful at reversing the tide of the program to dehumanize humanity, if we are successful, this time that we're entering will go down in history.
As the most critical historical juncture in all of our species amazing journey.
Now I was thinking this morning when I woke up at like 1 a.m.
out here in California I just couldn't sleep so I've been up since 1 a.m.
about Donald Trump.
And everybody knows, who's been listening or watching a long time, I could care less about famous people, I could care less about power, I could care less about money, I could care less about the cult of personality.
I mean, quite frankly, I just thought of Donald Trump as some hotel, casino owner who was flamboyant and used his celebrity to advertise his projects.
Well, now I've researched Trump, and I know people that have known him for a very long time, and I've gotten to know him a little bit.
He's undoubtedly the smartest person that I've ever talked to or met.
Now that I can really see...
How he's calculating, what he's doing, what he's planning.
But I want to tell everybody something right now.
I want to tell all the fake libertarians and all the fake conservatives and all the never-Trumpers something.
I'm not talking to liberals right now.
Brainwashed zombies, they don't listen.
They just scream, take it, take it, go away, take it, take it, go away.
I want to talk to people who claim they're actually for the Second Amendment and claim they're for sovereignty and all the rest of it, who still can't
Admit they were wrong about Trump and come up to me on the street or in emails I get or comments I see on YouTube, oh yeah Alex, what about Goldman Sachs?
And I've had Jesse Ventura call up my cell phone and leave a message.
I think I'll get him on a debate this and go, yeah Alex, what about all the Goldman Sachs people?
And what about all this stuff?
Boy, aren't all of you eating crow right now?
Sure, he's appointed three people that were in Goldman Sachs who all are anti-globalist on record.
Their pedigrees are good.
Goldman Sachs is where the best people get recruited.
And I always said, as long as Trump goes out and actually gets people that know how to guide him through the globalist wilderness, like Lewis and Clark,
And as long as it's our anti-New World Order, pro-America, pro-human agenda, that gets done, I'm all for it.
I made the analogy of, I don't care if he has a goblin guide that leads him into the minds of Moria, as long as, you know, I don't catch him kissing goblins, or catch him in bed with a goblin.
And we haven't seen that happen, have we?
No, he's got the goblins under his control, and they're doing exactly what he says, and clicking their heels when he gives orders, and then running off with little gleaming eyes into the night to do his work.
That's true genius!
So, the Golden Toad is becoming the Goblin King.
There is a lot going on, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm doing my Middle Earth analogies, but they certainly fit here.
And, let me just explain.
The World Government Project was given to Goldman Sachs in the 20s to carry out.
The proto-Goldman Sachs carried out the Bolshevik Revolution.
This is all history.
Out of New York City and London.
When he pulled us out of TPP, and when he's pulling us out of all these globalist programs to dissolve the borders, and when he sets up deals to bring our jobs back, he is destroying the Goldman Sachs project.
So of course he brought in top architects from inside the enemy operation to help know where to place the plastic explosives for the controlled demo that we're now witnessing.
And his guides have taken him through the inner workings of it.
He already had a good understanding as an outsider billionaire who was able to defeat their monopolies himself.
Because Trump is all about one man doing it his way, defeating them.
And he sees us as him.
And our victories and our successes as his.
Look at him getting on a helicopter, not telling the press where he's going.
I love it.
I relish it.
Going out to Fort Meade to pick up the remains of the Navy SEAL that died battling the Al Qaeda globalist forces that John McCain and Hillary and all the rest of them turned loose in the Middle East and into Africa.
How presidential is that?
Personally meeting the family.
And that's the type of stuff Trump does.
Those real personal touches.
He's amazing.
And I'm not going to tell you about the personal touches Trump's done in my life, but it's incredible.
It's amazing.
The type of classy things he's done personally.
It's very touching.
And this is that magic touch, folks.
It's incredible.
And they are scared.
Just pray for Trump.
But I'm going to come back and tell you more of how he's been delivering.
I tell you right now, folks, he's already blown up in 14 days.
Whatever it is in office, it's already blown up like a third of their operation.
This is biblical.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
This is victory!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
And talking about President Trump's temporary travel restrictions, Madeleine Albright said, I do think that there are tears in the eyes of the statue at the moment.
I think there are tears in the eyes of the Statue of Liberty now.
But there were no tears in Albright's eyes when she admitted her sanctions had killed half a million Muslim children.
We have heard that a half a million children have died.
You know, is the price worth it?
I think this is a very hard choice.
But the price, we think the price is worth it.
So it's okay to starve Muslim children with sanctions.
It's okay to set their country on fire simply for the purpose of regime change.
Maybe that's why the Statue of Liberty is crying.
She said it was wrong.
That our safety and security depends on keeping people out rather than welcoming people and understanding what this country is about.
And then it's okay to ignore the safety of Americans when the UN decides who will come to our country.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
This is Alex Jones.
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Do you like my analogy of the goblins?
You've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
You got it.
You got it.
Alex Jones Show.
We are living in incredible times, make no mistake.
There is good and there is evil in this universe, in this world.
I want to finish up on Trump, and I really want to create a special report when I get back.
Maybe say the first two weeks, because it'll be two weeks tomorrow.
And break down all the incredible accomplishments, the promises kept, the enemies defeated, and the future battles to come.
But we are in deep.
You know, humanity faces dehumanization.
We face the rise of the machines.
We face the globalists with their jacking the food and water and all their Trojan horses.
But they're full projects of complete domination and shutting off our energy and really taking over.
Really getting us in a stranglehold.
Forced inoculations, all of it.
Every point of their agenda is on fire.
And winning fixes everything, to quote Trump, when you're doing it for the right reasons.
And there's optimism and the globalists are trying to kill that optimism.
They've done it with people that have two, three degrees at these universities that feel like they have no future.
Then they're taught it's effing white males that did it all.
And it is effing rich billionaire white males that are fighting Trump.
On the other side, like Zuckerberg,
that are brainwashing them through the curricula that Bill and Melinda Gates and the Ford Foundation and Soros have insured have gotten in, where they have a total race-based tribal program, which is a classic emergency human program, that has been activated in them and they believe they're fighting exactly what they are, the most classic form of total projection the world has ever seen.
I don't need a psychology degree
To tell you, when I see the space shuttle blast off from Cape Canaveral, and I, you know, don't need a degree in rocket science, you know, to be able to tell you what that is, and I don't need a psychology degree, as I was just saying, to tell you that these people are the most classic forms of projection the planet has ever witnessed.
So, Trump is delivering on every single front, and the big question is, what are the globalists going to do?
I mean, you look at the Goldman Sachs thing.
He is pulling out of TPP, or killed it, pulling out of NAFTA and GATT and renegotiating it.
He is massively bringing new jobs back.
The stock market's been exploding, even though the globalists are trying to tap it down by raising interest rates.
He is devastating every major pillar
All right.
And an upwardly mobile working class and an elite that compete with each other for innovation and don't sit there like mafias shutting down their competition using government.
You know, I love how they claim all day that, oh, they're conservative and that they're libertarian at the Heritage Foundation because, you know, they want, quote, free trade with China.
One-sided deals are not free trade.
This is a complete joke.
Globalism is designed to shut us down.
And I know I've hammered that and hammered that and hammered that, but our view of the world, which is the elite's view, but from a perspective that's pro-human.
The stuff we talk about here is in their white papers, it's what they say, but they say it like it's a good thing.
We're actually exposing to the general public what is in these books and white papers and journals and declassified reports that is dry academic stuff that the public didn't want to hear about, didn't want to know about.
But Donald Trump and Alex Jones and all of you together, with people like Matt Drudge and the DrudgeReport.com, together, we are building this better future, building this better world, by laying out the real map.
How would you drive a car if you didn't have a windshield?
Or if you didn't have a camera and some screen you were looking at?
But you still wouldn't want to look through an artificial camera and navigate, like you were in a submarine.
There's something confining, something, oh, the term would be, you know, like spelunking through a cave, and you're having anxiety over being in a small place.
But looking through the windshield, you feel free and open in the world.
And the globalists want you to look through their template, look through their darkly.
Look through their controlled paradigm so they can incrementally manipulate the data until you've lost your humanity and never even know where, at what point you actually did lose that final scrap.
So, it is suffocating to be inside the New World Order.
It is oppressive.
It is... I'm having that moment.
Buckley, what's the word when you don't like small places?
I just am like, getting senile here.
No, I'm not.
Actually, I have such big ideas flowing through my mind, it's hard to just go down to these basic words.
Globalism is claustrophobia.
Freedom and renaissance is open.
The whole universe, this endless expanse.
True liberalism, true freedom.
And then look at what we promote and what we do.
And look at what Trump promotes and what we do.
True openness, but through respect.
The globalists say, oh, be open while we tell you how to speak, what to do, how to live, what kids you can have, and we're going to overrun you with people that have been taught to hate you.
That's not true openness.
Openness is protecting the open society that globalists want to crush, bringing in societies that weren't open and free.
We're a spaceship in the United States.
We still have big problems, but we have our own atmosphere.
We have our own system that proved it was the model of the world.
It was captured and overrun, and now they're trying to depressurize it.
Because the globalists.
We just want to live in a different atmosphere, politically, culturally, spiritually, than we do.
So today, as I fly back to Austin, I'm going to type up a bunch of notes and think about Trump's accomplishments.
And I think tomorrow on the air, I'm going to open the phones up, because I can't think of all of them, there's so many, and have you call in with his accomplishments.
And I'm going to write those down, and I'm going to do a special report this weekend.
I'm really going to make a super fancy information warfare truth bomb.
Breaking down the fact that Trump is amazing.
And we knew he was good because the enemy was attacking him and truly freaking out.
We even got their internal emails, WikiLeaks.
But now, the way he's delivering on all of it, the proof is right there.
This is a total break from the globalist project that we've been under since the 1860s.
Globalism got launched by the British Empire through the program that Galton and others developed.
And it got picked up by the turn of the last century by the robber barons, and it's been the true operating system of the Western world, antithetical to the true Western culture.
It's been like a body snatcher version, a twisted body snatching, shapeshifting, twisted doppelganger.
And listen, we're kicking the body snatchers out, folks.
This is a war against the parasites, against people that are anti-human.
This is the real deal.
Now, before I run out of time here and turn the baton over to David Knight, and then I'm going to pop in later live on Facebook Mentions, I just wanted to get to some of the other extremely positive news.
I'm really impressed with Joe Rogan.
I've known Joe since I first went and saw one of his comedy shows in like 98, not to know him in 99.
Hung out with him quite a bit over the years, a lot less the last 6, 7, 8 years than we did before because he's got kids, I've got kids, we're both busy.
But Joe doesn't really let a lot of people in to how he thinks and who he really is.
But just over the years, I've gotten sophisticated enough to really know how Joe Rogan operates.
And he is a really, really smart guy.
One of the smartest guys I know.
And just to watch the way he works and the way he does things.
He's not manipulative.
But he plans stuff out.
He's very tactical about things.
And he screws around and has some fun as well, because there's a place for that.
But I was on his podcast that reaches 90 million people a month just on iTunes.
And of course, 20 million a month on YouTube, just showing how mainstream media is nothing, how mainstream media is just a joke.
And how he started his show seven, eight years ago.
I started mine 21 years ago.
But it just shows how independently
It's not that we've even become the mainstream.
The people have just tuned out of the corporate establishment old model and into us.
So I'm gonna go tonight here in a minute or two.
But before I do that, I just wanted to just say that it was great to be on the show with Joe and Eddie Bravo.
He's so entertaining.
Went to dinner with him later with Bravo.
He's so hilarious.
That would have been a good Facebook mentions that I should have done, but I'm gonna do it.
Alright, now that's Alex Jones.
We recorded that earlier.
He's on his way to the airport right now.
He's on Facebook Live.
We're gonna go right to that transmission.
Here's Alex Jones live on Facebook.
Left lane?
Here we are in Los Angeles going down Ventura Boulevard.
Thanks for thinking of my old buddy Jesse Ventura.
We ought to give that one some time.
And we're coming up here on the 405.
Okay, got it.
And again, David Knight, I'm not connected to David.
I don't know if he hears me or sees me, but I'd imagine that he's saying, let's go to Alex.
So, here I am, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Facebook Mentions.
Earlier, I taped what you just saw.
David Knight's live in studio.
We're live, driving down Ventura.
Left here?
All right, anyways, driving while hosting the show.
But as I was saying, that's going to be so delayed.
You're not going to want to do that.
That's OK.
I'm not watching.
I'm going to kill the feed.
Can't do it.
Anyways, we are here in traffic driving, ladies and gentlemen, having a really good time.
The crew probably thinks this is a train wreck.
It's not.
This is real.
This is teleprompter free.
This is what it's all about.
This is really hearing what I really think, the research we're doing, the top brains we're talking to, what's developing, what's happening.
Ladies and gentlemen, again, David Nye is about to take over the show.
I want to give you here, really, in just a few minutes, I was just doing it for the last 15 for the audience on Facebook Mentions, I want to break down for all of you the secrets of Donald J. Trump.
No, not the secrets of what color his underwear are.
Not the secrets of what type of dental floss he uses, not the secrets of what kind of soft drink he likes to drink, but the real reason Donald Trump is not going to betray us, and the real reason that you can count on Donald Trump.
Number one, drumroll please.
Donald Trump doesn't like bullies and doesn't like kingpins and establishment types that tried to block him for decades in his business and really tried to block his father, who was the big scrapper.
That's where he got it, it was from his daddy.
So we've got all that.
He wants to be the turnaround guy for America and the world.
He wants a system based on prosperity, not consolidation and enslavement.
And he wants to prove all of his critics wrong.
But most importantly, from a selfish position, he wants to create a dynasty.
Beyond anything that the Kennedys ever could have imagined.
He wants to create a dynasty.
Left or right, guys?
He wants to create a dynasty where his daughter, Ivanka, or his son, Donald Jr., or others, can easily be president down the road.
And let me tell you, I don't usually like dynasties like the Bushes and the Clintons and people or Kim Jong-un.
But with the Trumps, if Trump turns America around and his smart kids are up to the challenge, I'd love to see them be part of our government ongoing.
Because that's what this is all about.
So there is just a really, really amazing time to be alive.
Trump has bound his energy.
Trump has bound everything he is and everything he will ever be to delivering.
He will be destroyed.
As I said a year and a half ago, I said I'm fully behind Trump.
My gut tells him he's right.
He loves freedom.
He loves honor.
Everything tells me he's great, but we'll see once he gets in.
And now he's over delivering at breakneck speed, as they say, an obsession.
Because his will, his name, his family, his honor, his treasure is bound to America and the planet succeeding, and that's what it is when you believe in humanity.
It's exhausting, but it's exhilarating, and it's empowering.
All these inbred elites were given their power hereditarily, third, fourth, fifth, sixth generation, so they don't understand that, and they just look down on everybody and want to make everybody poor so they can manage them and control them.
With Trump, he's fully in.
He has merged his essence with the Republic.
And restoring things.
And so, that's why Trump will not betray you.
He's already done irrevocable damages to exposing the globalist program, taking it from underground to mainstream.
He's already made them admit world government that he's destroying their plan, and that it's unelected.
He's already brought them out of the shadows, into the light, for us to be able to inquisit and us to be able to ask the questions and know what's happening.
We've got the New World Order right now on the rack, ladies and gentlemen.
They now have gone from being top dog in their arrogance to being in serious trouble.
It doesn't mean we're invincible.
We're far from it.
But an epic, historical, over-the-top, mega-battle, mega-battle, is taking place and is happening right now.
And as I drive along here,
I want everybody to understand that those are our fellow humans out there who've been taught to be self-centered, who've been taught not to care about other people, who've been taught to act like the elites themselves, who've been taught to pose as if they're elites by the Kardashian-type brainwashing, so they don't realize the real power is in reaching out and helping others and building others up and building yourself up and having a vision.
But having a dream.
Humans dream and then we build.
It's not enough to just dream of something.
You have to have the platform.
You have to have the background.
You have to have the vision.
You have to have the destiny.
And America has that vision.
America has that destiny.
But we've got to take it in our hands.
We've got to take it on to us and realize that the spirit of liberty is strong with this republic.
And that's why the enemies of freedom and those that want global government want to dominate and kill the idea of free market, and Americana, and trailblazing, and rugged individualism, and masculinity, and femininity, and the true power of our species.
They're at war with the very species.
Because they're satanic and they're not of this world, ladies and gentlemen.
No matter what cosmology you look at in history, it's there.
The facts are writ large.
The truth is incontrovertible.
So again, I've broken down the secrets here.
I think we should just celebrate the fact that the globalists are in trouble.
That's why they don't want us to have parties or balls or events or speaking engagements.
That's why they come to them and beat up women and beat up families.
It's because they don't want us to have a culture.
They don't want us to come back together.
They want to stifle our free speech.
They want to shut us down.
Because they can't compete with what we've got.
They can't compete with who we are.
They can't compete with the culture we're developing and that we're producing, which is the cutting edge of humanity, not the ancient forms of oppression and tyranny.
We're going to go to break in a moment.
I'm going to come back and do five more minutes, and I'm going to turn this over to David Knight.
But I'm just telling you, emblematically, they don't want us celebrating our victories.
But pulling out of TPP, pointing out we're allowed to have borders, pointing out we're allowed to have sovereignty, pointing out that we need jobs, pointing out that we've got one-sided deals, pointing out we have a right to defend ourselves, pointing out that vaccines and medical tyranny need to be looked at and examined and investigated, pointing out everything
Trump has been doing slashing regulations, going when a Navy SEAL comes back, going out there, not making fanfare out of it to meet with the family.
All of these things are symbols, and it's symbols of what has value, and what the real rock stars are, aren't people dribbling basketballs or playing football, they're all arrogant and everybody worships, but people that actually sacrifice, like firefighters and police officers, and people in our military, and single moms that bust their ass to raise their kids.
This is the real world.
These are the real heroes.
And Trump's saying, you're the damn hero, start acting like it, and don't let these people break your will!
Because that's all they're trying to do, is demoralize us, and I'm not putting up with it anymore, and neither is Trump!
You understand that spirit?
And Trump feels it, and Trump follows it, it's the spirit of God!
And all you damn demons, better know, we're coming for your asses!
We're gonna go to Brinkley.
David Knight, take us out.
We'll be back in three minutes.
Stay with us.
All right, we're going to be right back right after the break.
We're going to be right back right after the break.
Alex is on his way to the airport, soon to enter airplane mode, actually.
But he's got another segment that's coming up, and we're going to be talking to the filmmakers behind the book, Gosnell, America's Greatest Serial Killer.
And that is something that is right now number three on Amazon.
It's an amazing story.
And actually, we're going to skip this break, and we're going to go back to Alex.
Is Alex ready to come back on?
Okay, all right, so we're going to skip this break.
Alex is going to be joining us in just a moment.
In the third hour, we're going to be talking to the filmmakers, as I said, behind Gosnell.
They've had a very successful fundraising to get this independent film done, and this is not their first rodeo.
They've done other independent films.
These are great investigative journalists, but they can't get any distributors.
Today, we're going to talk about the First Amendment.
Because we had a very important announcement from Donald Trump today about the Johnson Amendment.
And you may not know what that is, but of course the Johnson Amendment was something that Lyndon Johnson put on back in the 1950s to shut down the free speech of pastors from the pulpit.
And I've talked many times to people who organize Pulpit Freedom Sunday, where they have pastors
...record a sermon that they give from their pulpit, they record it and send it to the IRS, because what the IRS has been doing for 50-60 years is intimidating people without the authority to do so, that they cannot exercise political speech from the pulpit.
Isn't it amazing that at the same time they're allowed to do this, we see the left out there also now violently intimidating free speech.
We saw that woman who got pepper sprayed in the face as she was talking to a television station.
And she was saying at the time, you know, I want to give these people a chance to have their say and so forth.
And then they just walk up and say, no, no, that's not the kind of people we are.
We're the kind of people, when you show up with your signs to try to convince people to try to educate them,
We show up with signs that are black to put them in front of your signs.
That's what they did when we went to the abortion protests that were going on at the local clinic here in Austin.
Or they get violent with people.
See, the First Amendment doesn't allow you, as we've all heard, doesn't allow you to yell fire in a crowded theater.
It also doesn't allow you to set fire to the theater.
Violence and rioting are not First Amendment speech.
But they want to say that it is.
So we have a struggle going on today.
We're going to talk about this.
This is all in the news today.
What happened in Berkeley with the riots.
The difference between riots and demonstrations.
The difference between free speech and censorship that we see at the universities.
And also we're going to take a look at religious freedom because this is going to be at the center of the Supreme Court pick that Donald Trump has picked.
And of course, as we see Neil Gorsuch coming through, one of the things that they're all talking about in terms of opposing him is his Hobby Lobby decision, which was upheld by the Supreme Court, even without Justice Scalia.
It's very interesting, and we had a discussion about this last night on the Nightly News, went into depth about the history of the Supreme Court situation, what is ahead for Donald Trump in terms of another possible three liberal justices on there.
See, this justice,
Gorsuch, Neil Gorsuch, is a Scalia clone.
Putting him in Scalia's seat does not change anything about the balance of the Supreme Court.
And he is eminently qualified.
He has great credentials.
He was unanimously selected for the current district court position that he's in.
But it's beyond that.
He has excellent decisions that he's had, but it's going to come down to these types of ideological issues.
And Donald Trump last night, after the news, said, we're going to go nuclear if we need to, to confirm Gorsuch.
If they want to try to block it by a filibuster, say you're going to have to have 60 votes, then we're going to go nuclear.
And that means that they're going to change the rules so then they only need 51 votes in order to confirm him.
If they do that for this non-controversial judge who doesn't alter the balance of the Supreme Court, who is eminently qualified as a jurist,
Then you're going to find a situation where when you've got three of these judges, like Ginsburg and Kennedy and others, who are at or well beyond, in the case of Ginsburg, well beyond the average retirement age of Supreme Court justices, which is 79.
She's at 83.
She's had bouts of cancer.
She's in very poor health.
And I would say probably poor mental health as well.
But if they don't retire, and there's a good chance that they will retire or die in the next four years because of their age, in that situation,
A Trump appointment without any, with just a simple 51 vote would change the balance of the Supreme Court.
So we're going to talk about all the issues behind that.
And of course, one of the things that's breaking today in the news, we're going to go to a John Bowne report at the top of the hour about what happened in Berkeley.
But I think as we go back and forth and we look at issues of speech, as we look at issues of law, as we look at the difference between establishment and separation and the free exercise of religion,
It's amazing to me, and of course we've talked about this many times, how the left embraces Sharia law.
Even though Sharia law wants to oppress women, and the left is all about feminism, and yet you have people like Hillary Clinton bring on a Sharia Khan, as I call him, a Qazir Khan.
They say, well he's a gold star family so he gets to speak, but he has been
Known as a deep advocate of Sharia law, and we have another advocate of Sharia law here.
This lady is Linda Sarsau, and I want to read you some of her Twitter feeds that she's out here.
She organized a pro-Sharia women's march.
Now this was defended by the SPLC, and we had that at InfoWars.com about a week or so ago.
But I want to give you an idea of the propaganda that is being put out here.
She says, you'll know when you're living under Sharia law if suddenly all your loans and credit cards become interest-free.
Sounds nice, doesn't it?
Oh, wouldn't that be great?
She says, if you're still paying interest, then Sharia law hasn't taken over America.
And I noted on here, you know what?
That is not something that you own.
The one time that it's recorded that Jesus got violent with people was against the money changers.
That's not something you own.
But then she talks about how wonderful it is to live under... You know what?
You don't have... You get paid maternity leave, she says, in Saudi Arabia.
And I would say, yeah, you also have reduced overhead.
If you violate their law, they cut your head off.
That's Sharia law.
That's establishment of religion.
That's what the liberals support.
We'll be right back.
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For those of us wondering when the southern border will begin its construction, we have an update for you.
A Department of Homeland Security secretary says the border wall begins in a few months, that's construction, and will be complete within two years.
We have an article up on our website at Infowars.com aggregating from the last refuge and it talks about how this one retired four-star Marine General John F. Kelly told Fox News that he wants the U.S.-Mexico border finished in two years
Setting a very ambitious schedule for the project ordered by President Trump last week.
This is what he told Fox News.
The wall will be built where it's needed first and then it will be filled in.
That's the way I look at it.
I really hope to have it done within the next two years.
Fox traveled with Kelly to McAllen, Texas on Wednesday where we saw the first hand of challenges for border control agents.
You know, we've covered here on InfoWars the Rio Grande Valley at length, and we know that 600 people are crossing each and every day through that specific part of the border illegally.
I'm Margaret Howe reporting for InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Milo Yiannopoulos, the campus of UC Berkeley, and the First Amendment were under siege.
Progressive left, the social justice left, the feminist Black Lives Matter, Antifa left, the hard left, which has become so utterly antithetical to free speech in the last few years, is taking a turn post-Trump's election where they simply will not allow any speaker on campus
Even somebody as silly and harmless and gay as me, to have their voice heard.
They won't allow students to listen to differing points of view.
They're absolutely petrified.
Wednesday night, a protest against the scheduled 8 p.m.
speech of Libertarian gay activist and Breitbart technology editor Milo Yiannopoulos turned violent, spiraling into a shelter-in-place order by campus officials.
UC Berkeley released this statement regarding the events.
The violence was instigated by a group of about 150 masked agitators who came onto campus and interrupted an otherwise non-violent protest.
The decision to cancel the event was made at about 6 p.m.
and officers read several dispersal announcements to a crowd of more than 1,500 protesters
Who had gathered outside the Student Union, where Yiannopoulos was to speak.
He immediately was escorted from the building and left campus.
Fires were deliberately set.
One outside the campus Amazon outlet.
Molotov cocktails caused generator-powered spotlights.
To catch fire, commercial-grade fireworks were thrown at police officers, barricades pushed into windows, and skirmishes within the crowd were among the evening's violent acts.
The masked agitators came to campus eastbound on Bancroft Way and fire damage and other destruction to the Stiles Hall construction site where a new residence hall, as planned, was reported.
The group entered campus and immediately began throwing rocks at officers.
In an effort to avoid injuries to innocent members of the surrounding crowd who might have been caught in the middle, police officers exercised restraint and did not respond with force.
Agitators also attacked some members of the crowd who were rescued by police.
UCPD reported no major injuries and about a half dozen minor injuries.
President Trump immediately denounced the attack in a tweet that read, UC Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view.
No federal funds?
Of course, Hollywood stuck its seditious nose into the events with director Judd Apatow threatening, this is just the beginning.
When will all the fools who are still supporting Trump realize what is at stake?
Apatow then walked his statement back after being duly criticized.
Even though it's blatantly obvious that the scourge of Antifa anarchists was responsible, the millennial generation seems to be losing its grasp of our republic.
The Daily Wire reports,
A survey conducted by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, which partnered with YouGov, found that 45% of millennials said they would vote for a socialist and 21% said they would vote for a communist.
Additionally, 53% of millennials said that America's capitalist system works against me.
About one-third, 32%, think that Bush is responsible for the deaths of more people than Stalin, while only 25% of all respondents knew that
John Bowne for InfoWars.com
Great report by John Bowne.
Of course, I'm David Knight and we're going to be back live.
We're going to talk about that struggle that's going on between free speech and the political correctness that is nothing but censorship that's being taught at the universities.
We're also going to talk about a very important announcement made by President Trump today at the National Prayer Breakfast.
We're going to have details of that and clips of that when we come back.
Stay with us.
Trump is really trying to deliver on a lot of promises.
Pulling us out of TPP, day one.
You know, signaling that we're going to try to cut our corporate tax so we can be competitive.
I am.
I'm a non-interventionist.
I don't like entangling alliances.
I don't have anything to do with NATO, United Nations.
I think that's...
You know, all a danger to us, and that's what I've been fighting for.
So I watch carefully of the individuals who have been living under those conditions.
The military people certainly have been mixed in with that a lot, too.
They won't look at the difference between military spending and defense spending.
They still talk about defense.
Defense spending, defense spending.
I don't want to cut a penny out of defense.
But I do want to slash military spending because it's nothing more than getting us into mischief around the world and incentivizing these people to be come and get us.
And as long as we do that, we're going to have a problem.
So I want a stronger defense by having a change foreign policy and also to separate the two between military and also, you know, defense.
And I think Trump does say some things about, you know, cracking down on some of the waste and fraud.
But I also think it's very important to know what our policies are.
Are we truly the policemen of the world?
And of course, I think that's a dangerous position.
When he announced we're pulling out of TPP, he didn't reserve it and say he's going to oversee it with Congress and renegotiate it.
He said it's unconstitutional.
They had no authority to negotiate it.
The president didn't.
It's just dead.
I mean, right there, he handed power back to Congress, back to the states, back to the people.
He didn't say, oh, I'm going to renegotiate it.
That's a big sign.
Well, you know, I think you're right about the TPP.
I'm delighted.
I don't want to get anywhere close to that.
We need to get rid of the WTO and the UN and all that others.
In a year from now, if we're in a lot less than seven countries, then I'm going to say, great, move on.
But right now?
I'm watching carefully because I think it's really, really hard to use as an example turning around an aircraft carrier.
It's very, very difficult.
You have been called basically a Russian agent.
I have been called one.
Trump has been called one.
All these fake revelations have come out.
None of them are true.
It's totally made up.
And that's how they pass that law to, quote, try to control U.S.
media is because, quote, the Russians are so powerful.
This is like McCarthy on PCP.
That was the word I was thinking about as you were saying that.
It's the McCarthyism.
Yeah, they're trying to destroy people who come up with a messenger.
You know, somebody called in when my name was on that list and they were a little bit worried about it.
And my staff said, no, that's good news.
That's good news.
We're on the right side, you know, of them attacking us because they want to destroy us because they're afraid of the truth.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here live in Austin.
You've been hearing Alex Jones who was with Joe Rogan yesterday in LA.
You heard him on his way to the airport as well.
Talking about last night, talking about what's coming up.
And today, this morning, we had Donald Trump make a very important announcement at the National Prayer Breakfast.
And we're going to break that down for you in just a moment.
But remember that it was a week ago tomorrow that there was the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Of course, the headlines said, the annual March for Life in Washington has been energized by a pro-life administration.
Well, we're going to talk about this junction of religion and politics.
We're going to talk about the juncture of free speech and what free speech is and what it is not.
And of course, we saw yesterday in the riots in Berkeley, California, what free speech is not.
That was not speech.
That was violence.
It was riots.
That is what we have offered at the universities in place of free speech.
The universities have been pushing political correctness as a tool of censorship.
And Milo, who was the target of these violent riots last night, had this to say.
I want to go to this clip of Milo because he knows exactly, as we do, what this is about.
Here's Milo.
Have you, in your travels, met anyone on the left who has said, I want to debate you on the issues.
I disagree and I want... Here's my view.
Or has it been like this?
If you're a racist, you're a sexist, you're a homophobe... Ridiculously.
I mean, they call me a gay homophobe.
You know, name-calling, slander, words, insults, and now violence.
They never want to debate because they're scared of losing.
They don't have the facts on their side.
For 30 years, the left has been able to bully people into silence by name-calling and they've forgotten how to argue.
I've certainly discovered that.
You're watching pictures of a group of thugs committing political violence at the University of California at Berkeley.
They've forgotten how to argue.
They've forgotten how to use speech.
No, they've been taught.
They've been trained by the universities.
This is a very long process that has been going through.
And this is from people like Bill Ayers, who stopped bombing buildings and started destroying our children's lives through the educational establishment.
He went from being a terrorist to an education person, and that's what he's done.
He's terrorized our country.
This is the fruit
Of decades of people like Bill Ayers taking over our educational system.
And one of the things that we saw in that, which was absolutely amazing, was a woman, Kiara Robles, who attempted to attend a political speech, and of course it was shut down.
And as these riots were happening, they had a television reporter come over to her and start talking to her.
She went to hear Milo.
She had a Make America Great Again hat, a Trump hat.
And as she's talking to the reporter and says, I'm looking to just make a statement by being here, I think the protesters are doing the same.
And props to them, the ones who are doing it non-violently.
I think that's a very, very rare thing indeed.
And to prove her point as to what a very rare thing it was, as she said that, the punchline at that very moment, a woman jumped up and sprayed her in the face with pepper spray.
Now remember, it was Berkeley, California, where we saw the picture of the cops and we had the set in.
I don't even remember what they were talking about, what they were protesting.
But you know, I'm sympathetic to free speech.
I'm sympathetic to people doing demonstrations.
And of course, Sean Spicer, the press secretary for President Trump, said last night he took exception to the fact that the press was calling the people at the March for Life demonstrators.
Well, they were demonstrators.
They were demonstrating that abortion is killing a child.
They were demonstrating the horrors of abortion.
And later in the program, we're going to be talking to the authors of Gosnell, which is a number three book on Amazon.com.
They've also done a film with Dean Cain, who was Superman, and Lois, and Clark.
But they're having difficulty, surprise, surprise, getting any film companies to distribute their film.
It is a gripping tale, and if you haven't heard the details of Kermit Gosnell, as they point out in their book, America's Most Prolific Serial Killer, this real-life story is truly beyond anything that Stephen King has done, and it is a riveting tale.
They're going to be with us in the third hour.
But getting back to what we saw here, you know, we've all seen that picture of the cop with the protesters who are sitting down, non-violently,
Making a statement about what?
I don't remember.
I don't even remember.
What I remember is the cop just walking along and spraying them in the face with pepper spray.
I thought that was outrageous.
I probably didn't agree, would not agree with what they were talking about, being a Berkeley protest.
But you don't do that.
You have a right to free speech.
I don't agree with the idea that we need to have permits to exercise our free speech and have protests.
I absolutely do not agree with that.
That turns a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution into a privilege granted by government.
But how did we get there?
We got there because we've got people who
Don't want to exercise, there's the picture as you've seen that before, that iconic picture that went everywhere over social media, and rightfully so, because it was truly outrageous.
But we got to the situation where you have to have permits because people don't exercise their speech non-violently.
They set fire to things.
They create riots.
That is not free speech.
And so when you have people that are out there that are itching to take it to the next level, whether it's on the side of the police or it's the side of the protesters, that's why you get into the situation where they've now turned that right into a government-granted privilege.
So you go to the presidential nominating conventions, the DNC and the RNC.
It's now become a tradition for them to remove people who would like to exercise their free speech, holding signs, not interfering with anybody, not physically blocking anybody, but remove them far away from the event and literally put them in a cage.
Literally put them in a cage.
Give them a microphone and say, you can take turns with this microphone and stand on a box and so forth and so on, but you can't really exercise your free speech.
That is outrageous, I think.
Same thing we saw at the Bundy Ranch, where they said, this is a free speech area.
Out in the middle of nowhere, you can come out here, but we're going to get violent with you.
The police said, we're going to get violent with you if you exercise it somewhere else.
So I don't agree with that, but that is not a demonstration when you get violent when it is a riot.
And we need to understand the difference between what they were doing at the March for Life last week, which was we had the March for Life sandwiched in between all the violent protests around the inauguration and then this protest of Milo yesterday in Berkeley.
You have to understand, there's a huge difference between that.
We need to understand what the difference is between free speech and riots, and not confuse the two.
And it's, we cannot allow the left to take over the language like that.
And that's what concerned me about Sean Spicer.
Maintain the difference and say, no, no, no, it is a demonstration, the people who are marching for life called it a demonstration, but let's call this other stuff not a demonstration.
It is a riot, and that's what we need to call it.
It's also not the free exercise of religion.
When you have people who are trying to shut down our choice in terms of what we can hear.
And that's what Donald Trump addressed today at the National Prayer Breakfast.
You know, we have in the First Amendment both a free exercise of religion and freedom of speech, which is primarily political speech.
And you can't separate those two.
And the speech that Donald Trump gave today, he also quoted, and we're going to play that for you, he quoted Thomas Jefferson.
He said, the God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time.
You cannot separate or destroy them.
The hand of force can destroy them, rather, but cannot separate them.
Now, that's what Johnson tried to do, essentially.
He tried to separate the two parts of the First Amendment, saying, you know, we got political speech over here in this compartment, and then we have the free exercise of religion over here, and you can't mix those two together.
Back in 1954,
Lyndon Johnson nearly lost his re-election to the Senate because he was opposed by some very powerful clergymen who were speaking against him, exercising their free speech, doing it within a church environment.
So what he did was he created the Johnson Amendment where the IRS was told, we're going to take away
The tax-deductible contributions of any churches who organize as corporations.
That's another issue altogether.
But we're going to take away their tax-deductible contributions for them and for the people who made the contributions.
We're going to roll that back with penalties and interest.
We're going to punish them if they say anything political.
And that put a gag order on political speech by religious figures.
Remember that the American Revolution
We're good to go.
We've got people like William Penn who were locked up because they wanted to have freedom of religion and there was an official state religion.
They said, we do not want to have that.
We want people to be able to attend the church of their choice, to be able to talk freely about politics and not have to face a jail sentence.
And so that was a key issue.
They didn't want to see that coming to the United States.
That was a key issue and why they wanted to separate from Great Britain.
And of course it was a clergy who was organizing that.
So that's a long-term American tradition that Lyndon Johnson and the IRS tried to shut down without any legal or constitutional authority simply by intimidating people.
And so you've had organizations for several years now who have organized Pulpit Freedom Sundays.
And it first started with just three or four pastors who said, we're going to defy this unconstitutional rule.
We're going to make the IRS put up
We're going to put to the test their authority to enact this.
And so they taped their political speeches that they did on that Sunday and sent those tapes to the IRS and defied them to do something about it.
They did nothing about it.
So then it grew to like seven or eight.
And then in a couple of years it was hundreds of pastors who were doing this.
The IRS never did anything whatsoever.
So that was organized civil disobedience.
But today Donald Trump took it on directly.
Let's play that clip.
You had that clip?
Alright, before we go to that clip... Thomas Jefferson, who said, the God who gave us life, gave us liberty.
Jefferson asked, can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?
Among those freedoms is the right to worship according to our own beliefs.
That is why I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment and allow our representatives of faith to speak freely and without fear of retribution.
I will do that.
Very important.
He understands what the issue is.
He directly goes to the point of the problem right now.
The overreaching persecution of the IRS against free speech.
He's going to shut that down.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We have just witnessed, in the history of our species, one of the biggest victories against tyranny and oppression.
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I want to leave you though with a brief excerpt of an interview that our news director Rob Dew did with Roger Stone the day of Trump's inauguration in Washington, D.C.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to continue with the announcements that Donald Trump had at the National Prayer Breakfast, as I just pointed out.
He directly attacked the unconstitutional, illegal, intimidation by the IRS without any authority whatsoever, the intimidation of political speech by religious figures.
That's called the Johnson Amendment, and he knows what the issue is.
He directly attacked that.
Today, as we're talking about this, of course,
The First Amendment, the free exercise of religion, free speech, and this is everything in terms of what we saw in the riots in Berkeley.
We have a new article up at Infowars.com.
Berkeley mayor blasts ultra-national far-right, he says, in response to the anti-Milo riot.
He has doubled down and said, yeah, yeah, he's a white nationalist.
No, he's not a white nationalist.
He is white.
That's the only truth.
And he is a nationalist.
But what they're implying is that he's some kind of a neo-Nazi.
Anything but that.
Again, this is the left.
It's a deliberate tactic where they have said that censorship is free speech.
That's their political correctness that they put out there.
Censorship is free speech.
Speech is violence.
You know, if you're out there rioting in the streets and burning stuff, that's speech.
And if you are rioting, that's also a demonstration.
That's the kind of Orwellian doublespeak that they're trying to impose on us.
They always play these language games.
And they're playing those language games now.
They're playing some censorship games as well.
We're going to talk about Trump threatening to cancel Berkeley's federal funds.
I think the time is now.
When we look at what this mayor says.
We're going to get back to that real quickly, however.
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Trump's comments at the National Prayer Breakfast.
He had some very significant comments that he made there besides ending the persecution of political speech by the IRS that they've been doing for 60 years, 60 plus years.
But the way this is being covered, all of the
News articles that you see out about Donald Trump are the fact that he opened the National Prayer Breakfast with a talk about TV ratings, his own TV ratings.
This is the article from The Hill, but if you just go and look up the National Prayer Breakfast, there may be something else there now, but hours after this happened, the only thing that the press wanted to talk about was a joke that he began with.
Is that really newsworthy?
I mean, how many people
If they're going to give a public speech, start with a joke at the very beginning to get the audience's attention.
Pretty much 100% of the people, and yet they don't talk about the significant issues.
So when we come back, we'll give you the little joke that they're so excited about, so outraged about, and then we'll tell you about the real news that the mainstream media doesn't want to talk about that you wouldn't hear unless you listened to the speech.
And we'll play you parts of the speech and we'll tell you what's significant about it when we come back.
Stay with us.
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President Donald Trump is threatening to cancel Berkeley federal funding after the riots shut down Milo's event.
If UC Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view, doesn't that equal no federal funding?
We have an article up on Infowars.com and aggregated from Breitbart News, and it talks about how Trump reacted to the massive rioting at UC Berkeley in response to a scheduled campus speech by a news editor at Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos.
If Berkeley doesn't allow free speech and it practices violence and innocent people for simply expressing a political viewpoint, what is this country coming to?
Now, the news of the rioting made cable news last night as students smashed ATMs, bank windows, looted Starbucks.
You know, you'd think they'd leave Starbucks alone because Starbucks has come out and is pretty much the liberal left.
They're beating Trump supporters, pepper sprayed an innocent individual and set fire on the streets.
Keep in mind, these are actual students.
At an American University!
Go figure.
I'm Margaret Howe reporting for InfoWars.com.
Hey folks, I'm on break right now, and these incredible 2,000 lithograph prints came in, and we've already sold out of 500 of them, so thank you for the support.
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We're good to go.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
I hear people talking bad about the way we have to live here in this country.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight.
We're gonna be talking in the next hour to the authors and filmmakers behind the book that's now number three on Amazon, Gosnell, the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer, and of course they've also done a documentary film.
And it's not their first book, it's not their first film, they're very experienced journalists as well as filmmakers, but they can't get
A Hollywood distributor for their film, Surprise Surprise, because you're not supposed to know what is going on in the abortion clinics.
You're not supposed to know about partial birth abortion.
You're not supposed to know about
You're not supposed to see the pictures of the aborted babies, of the murdered babies who are chopped into pieces.
And this is truly a harrowing tale.
We're going to talk to them about their book, about their film, and it's not really even going to be about the censorship of Hollywood so much.
We're going to talk about Kermit Gosnell, What You Have Not Heard.
With the mainstream media.
These people have done a thorough investigation.
It is going to be a riveting interview.
I can't wait to talk to them.
But right now we're talking about the National Prayer Breakfast speech that Donald Trump gave today.
The First Amendment, the free exercise of religion, free speech as we saw abused and shut down last night in Berkeley.
They say that the riots are about protests, they're about demonstration.
No, they were violence and they were riots.
And now we have the Berkeley mayor doubling down on this.
He says the ultra-national far-right
Is what he's calling Milo.
He said last night a small minority of protesters who had assembled in opposition to a speaking engagement featuring a prominent white nationalist engaged in violence and property damage.
They also provided the ultra-nationalist far-right exactly the images that they want to use to try to discredit the vast majority of peaceful protesters in Berkeley.
No, you guys continually do that.
You continually do that.
You're doubling down on this.
And this is something that is not a small minority.
This is university policy.
This is the expression of hatred that is being taught in the politically correct universities.
This is the center of everything.
We even have an article, Dr. Zahoudi Joshua said the left loves to use Muslims as a foil for identity politics.
He says they love to use us Muslims.
In other words, he's a Muslim and he's tired of it.
At the same time, we see a former Muslim, and get this clip ready, where Donald Trump today at the prayer breakfast talked about, not since the Middle Ages have we seen cutting off heads.
As I point out earlier,
In the show, it's okay for there to be pro-sharia feminist marches.
That is the mental illness, the cognitive dissonance, the double-speak of the universities.
The idea.
That women would want Sharia law.
And of course, this woman, who the Southern Poverty Law Center, the people who have, what have you think, that there's Ku Klux Klan members under every bush, and of course, Morris Dees, the guy who founded it, the only thing that he did during the Civil Rights Movement was defend the Ku Klux Klan
Who were attacking the people who were the Freedom Riders on the buses.
Remember John Lewis who was attacking Donald Trump on Martin Luther King Day just before the inauguration?
Of course, he was the guy who organized the Freedom Riders buses, but he couldn't get upset about the fact that the Southern Poverty Law Center, the only involvement that they had was to shut down the Freedom Rider bus rides that he had organized, burning the buses, beating the people, and then Morris Deese, the guy who founded the Southern Poverty Law Center, made a lot of money defending the Ku Klux Klan, then set out the Civil Rights Movement, jumped in after it was all over,
Doing Democrat fundraisers, finding the KKK under every bush.
And so now, everybody is a Nazi, everybody is a white nationalist, if you oppose their globalist policies.
Yeah, we are nationalists.
I don't make any bones about the fact that I live in America, and that I want to see America prosper.
I want to see America considered first.
Americans have dreams that are just as important as the dreams of people in other countries.
And perhaps the other countries or the people in those countries could organize their governments to make sure that their dreams come true instead of bringing everybody here, instead of burning down their countries and then bringing people here.
That's the, if you heard the clip that I did about Madeleine Albright saying there's tears in the eyes of the Statue of Liberty.
Well, of course, Madeleine Albright had absolutely no remorse, no regret, when she was asked by Leslie Stahl about the sanctions that she, as Secretary of State, had put on the Iraqis.
By the way, a Muslim nation.
That caused the death of half a million children.
Now, if somebody were to say that to me, do you have regrets for that?
You would expect that she would come back and say, we didn't kill half a million people with our sanctions.
She didn't have a problem with that.
She didn't even deny that they had killed half a million children.
She just said, yeah, it's worth it.
It's worth it.
Because they wanted a regime change.
For political Machiavellian purposes, they're willing to starve to death children.
They're willing to drop bombs on people.
They're willing to do anything to the people.
And then once they get them good and mad, for good reason, they want to bring them here so they can start a war in our country.
That's what the globalists are doing.
So, we wish them the best.
We don't want to destroy their countries.
Now we've got a situation where the place is on fire.
And now we've got a problem.
How do you put out that fire?
It's kind of like Red Adair, you know, when they had a fire in the oil fields.
What do you do to put out a raging fire?
Well, you may have to blow something up.
You may have to set some backfires to stop a raging forest fire.
So we're going to have to do something like that to stop it.
But that is not the policy that we want to pursue.
And we don't want to bring that fire here.
We don't want to spread the fire.
That's what the globalists want to do.
So you've got this pro-
Feminist Muslim out there talking about how with Sharia law you don't have any interest on your credit loans, you get 10 weeks of paid maternity leave.
You get 10 weeks of paid maternity leave?
Women can't even drive a car in Saudi Arabia!
And if you go around Saudi Arabia and you aren't dressed appropriately, in the opinion of the religious police, they beat you on the spot!
With the canes that they carry around.
That's the kind of oppression that we have.
You know, you're talking about having a ban on Muslim countries, and a lot of people say, and rightfully so, if we're going to ban it, we ought to ban Saudi Arabia from coming here.
They have the most virulent form of Islam, the Wahhabism.
And understand, Islam is not monolithic.
You have Sunnis, you have Shias, you have Wahhabists, the Saudis.
The Wahhabists are the worst!
And yet they have a privileged position because we have made them a part of our banking system.
We have made them a part of our intelligence system.
We have brought them in very close to the United States and they enjoy that position of privilege.
No, these are lies that they're selling us and Donald Trump addressed this directly today
And the criticisms that people had with him over security issues, trying to provide security issues for us in terms of vetting the people that we're going to allow to come into this country.
This is what he said today at the National Prayer Breakfast.
Peace-loving Muslims, brutalized, victimized, murdered, and oppressed by ISIS killers.
We have seen threats of extermination against the Jewish people.
We have seen a campaign of ISIS and genocide against Christians, where they cut off heads, not since the Middle Ages.
Have we seen that?
We haven't seen that.
The cutting off of heads.
Now they cut off the heads.
They drown people in steel cages.
Haven't seen this.
Haven't seen this.
Nobody's seen this for many, many years.
All nations have a moral obligation to speak out against such violence.
All nations have a duty to work together to confront it and to confront it viciously if we have to.
So I want to express clearly today to the American people that my administration will do everything in its power to defend and protect religious liberty in our land.
America must forever remain a tolerant society where all face are respected and where all of our citizens can feel safe and secure.
We have to feel safe and secure.
In recent days, we have begun to take necessary action to achieve that goal.
Okay, and he also, and we're not going to play the clip of this, I'm just going to tell you, he said, don't worry about all that talk about the tough phone calls.
It's time we got tough, and we're going to take care of this.
So he talks about that.
He talks about what you just heard in terms of the persecution that we see, the violence that we see, that we have to confront.
He understands that that is his duty, to protect us as citizens.
That is the duty of the American government, and then he talks about shutting down the suppression of...
Free speech.
Of political speech.
And yet, what does the media focus on?
The media focuses on his opening joke to the audience.
Trump opens national prayer breakfast with talk about TV ratings.
Trump noted, and this is The Hill, Trump noted his tremendous success as star of reality shows Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice, as well as the latter show's drop in ratings since he left.
This is what he had to say.
He said, we know how that turned out.
The ratings went right down the tubes.
It's been a total disaster since the show restarted with Arnold Schwarzenegger hosting.
And I want to just pray for Arnold if we can.
Pray for those ratings.
It was a dig at Arnold Schwarzenegger because Arnold Schwarzenegger took a lot of digs at Donald Trump and then took over his show.
So, you know, he just throws this out there as a joke.
But that's the only thing out of this significant speech that he gave, the only thing that the media wants to talk about.
And of course, when he talks about the tough talk, don't worry about the tough talk.
In the last couple of days, we've had a couple of leaks that actually came out.
And I think that's the bigger story, more so than what came out of these quotes, whether or not they're true.
Now, of course, the Mexican government has denied what was leaked to the Associated Press.
The Mexican government slammed the claim as a downright lie that
Donald Trump said he might send troops to Mexico if they don't take care of their problems down there.
What he is reported to have said, what the AP reported that he said was, you have a bunch of bad hombres down there.
You aren't doing enough to stop them.
I think your military is scared.
Our military isn't.
So I just might send them down to take care of it.
That was the allegation.
Now the Mexican government said that did not happen.
The White House has had no comment on that.
Whether or not that happened,
That, and what was leaked about the conversation with the Australian Prime Minister, or President, I don't know what his title is, he's Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull.
Those two things, I think, show what is happening with the intelligence community.
Look, we've already seen the so-called dirty dossier.
And let's not, we talked about this with Lionel, you know, they give it the term dossier to give it a gravitas, to make it sound very impressive.
It's nothing but political pulp fiction.
Uh, what they leaked out to try to destroy the character of Donald Trump.
And of course that's what they're trying to do with these leaks about what was supposedly said between Trump and the Australian Prime Minister, between Trump and the Mexican President.
And Trump is not a fool.
After this so-called dirty dossier went out, he by himself set up a little bit of a test to see who was doing this leak.
And he knew that it was coming from, he doesn't know which one, but he knows that it was coming from the intelligence community leaders that are there.
And so he knows where this stuff is coming from.
This is the fruit, folks, of what we've been so concerned about with dragnet surveillance of the American people.
This is something that people have been rightfully concerned about since the Frank Church and the Congressman Pike hearings back in the 1970s, where they realized that the CIA and the NSA were doing unconstitutional, illegal surveillance of American citizens here in America without search warrants.
And they said, we've got to stop that.
So they created the FISA Act, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, to say, we're going to allow you to do surveillance, but you've got to make it foreign.
We don't want you doing warrantless searches on Americans.
You know, getting the search warrant from Mr. and Mrs. Verizon, as Rand Paul said, which is what they do.
And what did they do?
They took the FISA powers, the FISA court, which is a single judge, and a government bureaucrat goes to that single judge and says, I want a search warrant for Mr. and Mrs. Verizon, or whatever they want.
And there is no publicity of that.
There is no argument on the other side for that.
They claim that with that FISA court they are amending the Constitution, and we're not even allowed to know about that.
And that goes all the way back to the 1970s hearings.
You saw them talking about the assassination gun, but what people didn't talk about was the fact that Congressman Pike, when he called the NSA in at that point,
Everybody tried to pretend that the NSA didn't even exist.
They all said, NSA means no such agency.
And Pike said, I want to see your brief.
I want to see your charter for your organization.
They said, well, it was created, we were created by an executive order by President Truman.
And no, we're not going to show that to you, Congressman, elected representative of the American people.
The American people can't know what we're about.
You can't know what we're about.
We don't report to you.
And so now what we see here, after decades of this, after every attempt to try to reform these people has been turned around and used against us, now these people are coming after a president who doesn't support their dark globalist agenda.
And they're doing everything they can to try to destroy him, to try to embarrass him.
But actually, when you look at these conversations that came out, it just made him look better with the people who voted for him.
Because what he's telling this Australian Prime Minister Turnbull, who, by the way, is a Goldman Sachs banker, he, it just came out in the last week, contributed, I think it's like one and a half million dollars, maybe that's Australian money.
Nevertheless, it was the most money that an Australian politician has ever contributed to a political campaign.
He contributed to gain office.
He is somebody who is pro-TPP.
He still wants to keep the TPP going even though Trump has shut that down with America.
He is pro-open borders.
He is pro-globalist climate change agenda.
So he's there on all three of those issues.
This is a hardcore Goldman Sachs guy who is on with all three legs of the globalist agenda.
And of course, what were they talking about?
What did they have the contentious conversation about?
Well, it's alleged that they were talking about whether or not refugees, which Australia would not allow into their country, but instead are housing in Papua New Guinea.
They said, well, we want you to take them off of our hands.
We don't want them in Australia.
We want you to take them off our hands.
Kind of like what Saudi Arabia is doing.
Saudi Arabia won't take any Muslim refugees, but they want us to take them all.
They want the UN to vet them for us and tell us who we're going to take and how many we're going to take.
That's what the Australian Prime Minister was doing.
And Donald Trump says, I don't care that you had this agreement with Obama.
I'm not interested in doing this.
And they went around for about 25 minutes.
Turnbull supposedly said, well, let's move on to something that's not contentious.
And at that point, Donald Trump hung up on him.
And rightfully so.
So when they try to embarrass Donald Trump,
With these leaks, that is really kind of making him look better.
But the key thing here that is really dangerous is the fact that we have a national surveillance state that is now openly attacking an elected president in an unprecedented way.
I want to talk briefly now about Neil Gorsuch.
I mentioned this a little bit in the last hour.
Understand that there may be four Supreme Court justices that come up.
Now, Neil Gorsuch is not going to be changing the balance of the court.
He is exactly like Scalia.
He is a constitutionalist.
He wants to take things as written, an originalist.
He would rule on things exactly as Scalia would.
He is eminently qualified in terms of his judicial credentials.
But if they go to the filibuster to try to stop him, please throw us in that briar patch because we have three more justices who are at or well over the average age of retirement for Supreme Court justices.
And when Donald Trump may be able to replace them, that would change the balance of the court.
Chuckie Schumer has said that he thinks that there are 60 votes there.
I wish they would just go to the nuclear vote because that would really change the groundwork.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Alex Jones here with a very important news update to anybody out there that wants to be prepared.
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It's such a game changer if you'll just research iodine for yourself.
It's a fact that the federal government in the Midwest back in the 20s
Mandated a grungier form of iodine to the salt because people had low IQs, they had huge goiters, major problems directly connected to it.
There are some studies that show a 15 point increase, others show even higher.
But it really is crazy to realize that this is something that is so deficient in our food chain, so deficient in our played out fields where different crops are being grown, but the federal government isn't educating people and telling them about it.
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Thank you for joining us in this brief news update.
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We can answer your questions.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight.
The next hour we're going to be talking to the authors of Gosnell, the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer.
And of course they have a film that we're going to talk about as well, but you will not believe...
The details of Kermit Gosnell's case.
The details that have not come out in the mainstream media.
As some of the reviews of this say, this is a story that will grip the reader, utterly horrify them, and they're retelling of the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell.
This is a book that is currently, I think, number three on Amazon.
Say, Gosnell's currently serving a life sentence without possibility of parole.
Officially, he was convicted of three counts of murder.
One count of involuntary manslaughter, but his actual death toll is estimated to be in the hundreds, if not thousands.
And here's the key, folks.
Imagine the most disgusting place possible.
Something straight out of an episode of Hoarders, or one of Stephen King's more twisted works, perhaps.
Gosnell's Clinic in Philadelphia was even worse.
And of course, this is a description from Town Hall.
We're going to talk to the people who are going to tell you what was going on there.
You will not believe what was going on there.
We're also going to have a clip that we're going to play before the interview.
One of the best... ever.
This is a viral speech.
You've probably seen this as the pro-life march was going on last week.
I saw this on the Facebook post of someone and it was a woman who survived a late-term abortion.
And it has created health problems for her, her entire life.
A very, very strong speech.
Her speech was very instrumental in first, stopping doctors from executing babies who were born alive.
And then eventually leading to the ending of partial birth abortion.
So we're going to have all that coming up for you.
It's very important.
We are at a juncture, folks, where you have to decide which side you're on.
Are you on the side of these cults of death that we see?
The Islamic jihadists and the Democrats who embrace them?
Both of them, both of them, are really a cult of death.
When you look at this
These feminists who are embracing Sharia law that oppresses women.
These Democrats who reach out to LGBT and play this identity politics and yet they embrace Sharia law that throws LGBT people off of buildings.
And of course, Christians are also victims.
All these different groups of people that are victims, and then they fall into this identity politics that's being offered by the Democrat Party.
And you look at it and you think, how can you get your head around this kind of cognitive dissonance?
Well, it's because they're both cults of death.
The Democrats worship
Abortion as a cult of death.
Just as the Muslims do.
They love their martyrdom.
But of course, remember that the word, the first martyrs, that was a Greek word that meant witness.
These were Christians who were willing to die.
Rather than to recount what they knew was true.
What they had seen with their own eyes.
And so you go from a situation where people will die rather than deny what they know to be true.
To a situation where people say, well, if I kill other people and I kill myself, now I'm a martyr.
That's the way they take the language and turn it upside down.
That's another thing they have in common with the left.
Before we go to these clips, I want to tell you about our specials that we have here.
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Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Hey folks, I'm on break right now and these incredible 2,000 lithograph prints came in and we've already sold out of 500 of them, so thank you for the support.
But listen, they're only $19.95.
If you buy these in art houses across the country, they're as much as $200 a piece, especially the one of Reagan because it's the most iconic.
We're gonna be carrying these soon, we hope, but again, he has to produce a limited edition.
Let me show you.
You can read all about the artist and more.
But he sent this to us months ago.
One is signed to me.
Simply amazing.
Right over here is his super famous Reagan photo.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you very much for coming out.
Is the sound working?
Is the sound working?
I can hear you.
Can you hear us?
The Democrats wouldn't know how to protest if their political lives depended on it.
And they do.
Led by the perpetually neurotic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic Party attempted to right the sinking Democratic ship and failed miserably.
Is the sound working?
I don't think it is.
Good evening, everyone.
I'm very proud to hear.
Proud to stand with the members of the House Democratic Caucus, soon to be joined by the Senate Democrats as well.
It's not on?
I want to hear from Andre Carson, a Muslim member of Congress.
Greetings from the great state of Indiana, I'm Congressman Andre Carson.
Not only do I represent Indiana's 7th Congressional District very proudly, but I happen to be a Muslim and a former police officer.
The Democrats are in full panic mode after having to hold seminars in order to speak to regular American voters.
As Breitbart reports, another program on the subject of speaking to those who feel invisible in rural America will feature Steve Beshear, a former Democrat Kentucky governor, along with Democrats Michael Bennett from Colorado and North Dakota and Heidi Heitkamp.
Other seminars include Listening to Those Feel Unheard and Rising America, They Feel Unheard Too.
These topics may be a hard sell to a party contemplating hiring a new party chairperson from among candidates trying to outdo each other with far-left talking points.
We will not let this evil order extinguish that great torch.
We will not let this evil order make us less American.
We will fight it with everything we have and we will win this fight.
And now it is my privilege, our privilege, to introduce Farah Amirakamal and Omar Almazdad with their stories, their courageous stories.
Are they here?
You described what happened in November as the alleged election.
I think I'm quoting you exactly.
The alleged election.
By that, did you mean that it's an election that didn't actually take place?
Whether we should pretend didn't happen?
Or what did you mean?
As someone who wants to lead the Democratic Party, what's your position on that?
Something happened in this election with Russia.
Something happened that was
Of course, it doesn't help when DNC Chair Candidate Sally Boynton Brown goes after the few white Democrats left.
And my job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt.
My job is to shut other white people down when they want to say, oh no, I'm not prejudiced.
I'm a Democrat.
I'm accepting.
My job is to make sure that they get, that they have privilege.
And until we shut our mouths, and we listen to those people who don't, and we lift our people up,
Former Vice President Joe Biden is now endorsing Tom Perez for DNC Chair.
Donald Trump is a fraud.
He's in it all for himself.
Donald Trump is all about prosperity for himself.
Me, myself, and I. That's not what the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are about.
Donald Trump is a fraud.
As the Democratic Party continues to implode.
John Bowne for Infowars.com.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
Now, this is our 20th product.
We can easily go out to a major vitamin or supplement company and private label a thousand different products.
But it's taken us four plus years to even come out with 20, because we private label some, but we also develop
Many of the products originally were some of the top labs in the country, so that they're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe, and they're also very affordable.
Exactly, you talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about, we're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders, we've both talked to them.
They have conveyor belts of herbs falling on the ground, and they have someone come and sweep them up and put them back on the conveyor belt.
They have
Individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
We're producing something we want to take.
We're looking for the best.
We went out and searched for the best, the private label, and most of the time found out it wasn't available.
So we go to these big firms and say, we want to make the dream formula.
Bio PCA, for example, one of the ingredients is silica, and it's from bamboo extract.
It's everywhere.
It's in nature.
It's an essential part of being healthy, right?
Just this bottle of silica, again, one ingredient, in a lower amount than even in our product, is $35.
They're charging more than what we charge when they have one ingredient that's less than ours.
This is insane.
When I told him we wanted 10,000 micrograms, he goes, okay, I get that you guys want to do, you know, high power stuff, but why don't you just do 3,000 and then you can sell, you know, multiple bottles of it.
People will buy more of it.
I was like, no, let's do 10.
Compare that to this.
This is a $50 product.
One of the leaders in the industry has 3,000 micrograms of biotin.
We have 10,000.
This is $50, $48 to be exact.
There's no script, there's no teleprompter, I'll just be honest with you.
My problem is, with 20 products now, it's remembering to take them all.
Because when I do, I have great days, great weeks, a great life.
When I forget to take the X2, a super male, or the lung cleanse, or to do a liver cleanse, or to take this product, my quality of life just isn't as good.
It's changed my life.
I looked like Jabba the Hutt four years ago.
I was swimming two miles some days a day.
I was jogging, lifting weights, I couldn't lose the weight.
I went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the Infowar change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and we're going to be talking to one of the authors of Gosnell, the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer.
Of course, it's being shut down by the New York Times in terms of not putting it on its top-selling book list.
They did not make the New York Times best-selling list, even though it is the fourth best-selling hardcover nonfiction title in the country right now.
It's sold out in just three days on Amazon.com.
This is a gripping story, folks, and you will not believe some of the details of this that we're going to get into.
But to put this in perspective, this is Kermit Gosnell, if you don't remember his case, as someone who was convicted of first-degree murder in the deaths of three infants and the involuntary manslaughter of an adult woman who died following an abortion procedure in his filthy clinic.
One of the things that we need to understand, and certainly Kermit Gosnell is Exhibit A in this, when they talk about women's health, this is something people need to understand.
This, as well as the exposés we've had about body parts and the negotiations for that.
We need to understand the dark, ugly side of this.
And he is now serving life in prison without the possibility of parole.
He negotiated that because in exchange for them not seeking the death penalty against him, his crimes were so heinous.
So we're going to talk to them about this.
Before we do, I want to play, and I hope Phelan McAleer doesn't mind me playing a short clip of a very powerful testimony.
We're only going to play a little bit of this.
Very powerful testimony of somebody who survived an abortion, who was born alive, and her testimony
...resulted in the Infants Born Alive law passed in 2002.
They later strengthened that because that still allowed partial birth abortion.
If you weren't fully separated from the mother, they could still come after you, could still kill you.
So then they passed the Partial Birth Abortion Act in 2003, and then they fought it.
The left fought this, the murder of innocent children.
They fought that for another four years in the courts, until finally, in a very narrow Supreme Court decision, 5-4, they upheld the partial birth abortion ban.
Of course, it's something that Bill Clinton fought against as well.
It was something that was put in by George W. Bush.
I want you to hear from a baby.
Who now can tell you a little bit about the circumstances that were done against her.
And then we're going to talk to Phelan McAleer about someone who made his living, quite a lot of money, killing babies like this.
Here's her story.
I'm adopted and my biological mother was 17 and so was my biological father.
She was seven and a half months pregnant when she decided to go to Planned Parenthood, which is the largest abortion provider in the world, and they counseled her to have a late-term saline abortion, which is a saline solution that is injected into the mother's womb.
The baby gulps that solution, it burns the baby inside and out, and then she's to deliver a dead baby.
Within 24 hours, and to everyone's great shock and surprise, I didn't arrive dead but alive on April the 6th, 1977 in a Los Angeles County abortion clinic.
What's fantastic about this, about the perfect timing of my arrival, is that the abortionist was not on duty yet.
So he wasn't even given the opportunity to continue on with his plan for my life, which was death.
And I know that I am in a government building, and a beautiful one it is, and I love your country as well as my own.
But I know in the age that we live in, it is not at all politically correct to say the name of Jesus Christ in places like this.
To bring him into these sorts of meetings because his name can make people so terribly uncomfortable.
But I didn't survive so I could make everyone comfortable.
I survived so I could stir things up a bit.
And I have a great time doing it.
And so I was delivered alive, as I've already said, after 18 hours.
I should be blind, I should be burned, I should be dead.
And yet I'm not.
You know what is fantastic vindication is the fact that the abortionist had to sign my birth certificate.
So I know who he is.
And it also says for any skeptic listening on my medical records, born during salient abortion.
They didn't win.
I've done some research on the man that performed the abortion on me.
And his clinics...
...are the largest chain of clinics in the United States of America and they gross $70 million a year.
I read him say, I read a quote from him at some point several years ago and he said, I have aborted over a million babies and I consider it my passion.
I tell you these things because listen, ladies and gentlemen.
We are in an interesting battle, whether we realize it or not, in this world.
It is a battle between life and death.
What side are you on?
What side are you on?
And as she said, it was his passion.
And of course, Kermit Gosnell, not the man who tried to kill her, kept feet of babies as a souvenir.
I mean, it was his passion.
He made a lot of money off of this as well.
Joining us now is Phelan McAleer.
He began his career in journalism covering the Northern Ireland Troubles.
He was a foreign correspondent for the Financial Times.
He also covered Romania and Bulgaria for The Economist.
Before that he covered Ireland for the UK Sunday Times.
And his latest investigative project focuses on Kermit Gosnell.
He produced the Gosnell movie, which he and his wife financed by running a massive crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo.
It's one of the most successful IndieGoGo campaigns in history.
Over 26,500 people funded the film, contributed $2.25 million in 45 days.
As of now, the project has raised over $2.34 million from 29,000 people.
They've produced a film with Dean Cain of Lois & Clark.
He played Superman in Lois & Clark.
Hollywood, surprisingly, doesn't want to produce this.
Because, see, this is a film that will make you uncomfortable.
Just like she said her mission in life, that Giana Jessenley just heard, her mission in life is to make people uncomfortable.
This book will make you uncomfortable.
That's why the New York Times doesn't want to put it on their top-selling list, even though it's the fourth best-selling hardcover nonfiction title in the country.
They don't want you to be uncomfortable about the truth, and this is the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer.
Thank you so much for joining us, Phelan.
Thank you, thank you for having me on.
It's a great story and I'm really pleased that I can bring it to your people.
Now, you've spent three years investigating this.
What was the most astonishing thing that you found about it?
Because as I look at these details,
Every time I read something about it, and I haven't had a chance to read your book yet, it's just absolutely breathtaking what this guy does.
The conditions of the place, the souvenirs of the baby parts that he kept.
What was the most amazing thing that you found?
Well, I mean, I was talking to someone last night who has read the book, or is reading the book, and they said, you know, the thing with this story is you read something, you go,
My God, it can't get any worse.
And then you flick forward a few pages and it's like, oh, it's even worse now.
You know, this is a man who ran a house of horrors.
He murdered live babies.
He murdered women.
He's America's biggest serial killer.
He kept trophies.
He cut the feet of babies, put them in jars, labelled them.
He took pictures of women's genitalia, collected those.
His chief anesthesiologist was a 15-year-old girl.
He had cats in the clinic.
There was cat feces everywhere.
He had food during abortion procedures.
His staff were drug addicts.
That was all shocking, that America's biggest serial killer, that his clinic wasn't inspected for 18 years despite massive state regulation, but it was just ignored because he was an abortionist.
Yeah, exactly.
That's shocking.
I mean, I think one of the things that shocked me was what illegal abortion is like and what the legal law in America is about abortion, that you can have an abortion up to nine months.
I didn't know that.
I didn't know the details of illegal abortion either.
So a lot of shocks, both about legal and illegal.
Yeah, and you know, when I hear this testimony of Gianna Jessen, it was not something that in my personal life I had ever been involved with.
I never thought about it until there was the debate about partial birth abortion.
And when I realized that they could take a full-term baby
And it was perfectly legal for them to, as long as one tiny part of the baby, the top of the head, remained in the woman's body, they could murder that fully formed baby who is fully capable of living on its own.
And that completely, for me, completely
changed my approach to this.
I realized at that point this is no longer an issue of, well, at what point does life begin in conception?
These people were fully supporting murder of mature babies.
And then I understood.
Then the scales came off of my eyes, so to speak, and I saw it for what it was.
Well, very interesting.
That happened to you then.
I mean, for us, it was a very recent thing.
We started covering this, just as journalists, as a great crime story.
Then we discovered, as you say, just what this procedure is and what it involves.
And I mean, it's very interesting, right?
So it's the most horrific trial I've ever covered as a journalist.
But there was only one incident.
When the jury gasped.
When the jury made an audible noise.
Hang on to that.
We're going to leave that as a cliffhanger.
We've got to take a break and that's going to be a great cliffhanger for people to hang on through the break.
We're going to be right back with Phelan McAleer, author of Gosnell, the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer.
We'll be right back.
We have just witnessed, in the history of our species, one of the biggest victories against tyranny and oppression.
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I am proud of all of you and your instincts in supporting President Trump in the last two years, during the most hard-fought campaign in U.S.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and we're talking to Phelan McAleer.
He is one of the authors of Gosnell, the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer.
Of course, it's about Kermit Gosnell, who is serving a life sentence in prison as an abortionist.
No possibility of parole.
What did he do?
And of course this is a best-selling book.
It's the fourth best-selling hardback cover in the book.
It sold out in three days and yet it is not going to be put on the New York Times bestseller list.
They're trying to get a distributor for their film and Hollywood is not interested in it.
So what do we see?
We see that when they can't win the argument, when there's very compelling
Evidence that opposes their point of view, and that is that abortion is just a medical procedure, it's an element of choice.
And of course, they don't want to extend choice to us in anything else in our children's lives, when it comes to their education or anything else.
But of course, whether or not you want to kill your children, that should be your choice.
They try to suppress this.
But we want to talk to him about the details of this, give you information as to where to buy it.
And of course, you can find it at GosnellBook.com.
You can get a copy there, and we are going to get that film out.
I know one way or the other, Phelan, you're going to get that film out.
But we went to break on a cliffhanger.
You said as we were talking about these unbelievable details in this particular case, one thing in particular made the jury gasp.
What was that?
It wasn't the details of the illegal abortions.
The prosecution decided they needed to distinguish between good abortions and bad abortions.
That there was a good abortion, and then there was the bad things that Dazna did.
So they got an abortion doctor, an experienced abortion doctor, to give evidence about a good abortion, and they said to him,
...his expertise.
How many abortions have you done?
And he just said to the jury, 40,000.
And the jury gasped.
The jury were shocked.
And then when they described the details of a legal abortion, the jury became visibly uncomfortable.
They didn't become uncomfortable when they saw the photographs of the dead babies, because that was evidence, and I don't know, they must have expected that.
It was the shocking details of the real abortions that was, for them, was the thing that changed their minds and made them think again.
And that's why when you have demonstrations, and again, a demonstration is to demonstrate, to show, to talk to people about an issue that you have a grievance about, right?
They do not want to have, under any circumstances, pictures of aborted babies.
They don't want people to know what the procedure is.
And as you point out, when they gasped when they heard that he'd committed 40,000 legal abortions, talking about the good legal abortions,
What people don't realize is that we have the number of children that are killed in the United States on a daily basis is like the number of people who died on 9-11.
It's like a 9-11 every day that we've had since Roe v. Wade.
Yeah, that was the thing that shocked the jury as well.
It's the industrial scale of it.
I mean, I was speaking to a reporter and I was telling him that story and he goes,
I don't think I've done 40,000 of anything in my life.
We haven't, but it's possible to do 40,000 abortions.
Remember when abortions were supposed to be safe, legal and rare?
I see that your Twitter handle is Libertarian, is that correct?
Libertarian, yeah.
A lot of Libertarians are pro-abortion, you know that.
And I think you said you weren't particularly interested in the topic either until you found out exactly what it was.
You know, it's very easy to think of abortion.
One thing I know about this book is that Planned Parenthood are geniuses.
They made me not realize what abortion was.
And I'm a journalist.
I've been around.
I've literally been around the world.
I've worked everywhere.
And that's why people need to read this book and it's why it's so important for you to get a film out there because
You're going to reach a certain class of people with a book.
You're going to reach a different class of people with a film.
And you're going to get to them on a visceral level.
And this is a visceral subject.
This is something that people need to understand.
Some people aren't going to read the book.
So it's very important to get this film out.
I want to talk about that.
But you also spoke directly with Kermit Gosnell imprisoned at you.
Tell us about that.
Well, I mean, I'm not a psychiatrist, but he's a sociopath, I suppose.
And I think in modern America, if you want to be a serial killer, which he was, the best place to be it is in an abortion clinic, because you have the appearance of being heavily regulated, of the big government, big brother on top of you.
But behind closed doors, it doesn't matter.
Nobody's interested.
There was not one government inspector
He came through that door of his abortion clinic for 17 years.
So, we met him.
We met him.
We'll talk about that on the other side of this break.
That's amazing.
Not one inspector in 17 years.
How is that helping women's health?
That's the big lie that they put over.
That's the beard that they used to cover this horrendous practice that resulted in the death of at least two adult women.
Maybe it's more.
You've got more of the details about that than I do.
We'll be right back.
With Phelan McAleer talking about Kermit Gosnell, the greatest serial killer we've had.
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President Donald Trump is threatening to cancel Berkeley federal funding after the riots shut down Milo's event.
If UC Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view, doesn't that equal no federal funding?
We have an article up on Infowars.com and aggregated from Breitbart News and it talks about how Trump reacted to the massive rioting at UC Berkeley in response to a scheduled campus speech by a news editor of Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos.
If Berkeley doesn't allow free speech and the practices of violence and innocent people for simply expressing a political viewpoint, what is this country coming to?
Now, the news of the rioting made cable news last night as students smashed ATMs, bank windows, looted Starbucks.
You know, you'd think they'd leave Starbucks alone because Starbucks has come out and is pretty much the liberal left.
They're beating Trump supporters, pepper sprayed an innocent individual, and set fire on the streets.
Keep in mind, these are actual students.
In today's world, abortion supporters routinely attend pro-life rallies and attempt to bully activists.
If you have a problem and need a smelly group of commie devil worshippers, maybe you can call the A-Team.
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids!
I kill my kids!
It's a white f****** racist f****** male that doesn't stand for women's rights!
It's a f****** animal!
Hey, we saw your Facebook with your communist hammer and sickle.
That's pretty cool, man.
Is that you on the Facebook?
Is there a Facebook page of you with a hammer and sickle?
I don't think so.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
How many do you pay for them?
Upwards of 50.
Oh yeah.
You, you piece of s**t!
Bunch of misogynist motherf**kers!
Take your male privilege somewhere else!
Tyler, you're being aggressive.
I'm being aggressive!
These, that's the guys that attacked Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're talking to Phelan McAleer.
He's written the book, Gosnell, The Untold Story of America's Most Prolific Serial Killer.
Also a film.
They're trying to get distributed, but of course the book is very successful.
But it's being shut down by the New York Times, not putting it on their best-selling list.
If you want to find that book, you can find it at GosnellBook.com.
That's Gosnell with two L's.
Make sure you spell it the correct way.
You can find that book there.
I want to go back to him and talk about his interview.
With the serial killer in prison, we had just started to talk about that as we had to go to break.
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Going back to Phelan McAleer, as we were going to break, you were talking about interviewing Kermit Gosnell in prison.
You know, I was interested, when I looked at one of the articles about your book and some of the details that were uncovered in this raid with Kermit Gosnell,
He continued to do an abortion as they were raiding him the first time.
And as unfazed by the presence of the FBI, he continued to proceed to continue the abortion in the middle of the raid.
And then when he was done, he just sat down with investigators and ate dinner.
While he still had the bloody garments on, he showed absolutely no remorse.
And of course, they talk about how filthy the conditions were there.
He had at least two adults who died because of the filthy conditions in his clinic.
But he had absolutely no remorse as he was doing this, talking to the FBI agents.
Did he show any remorse when you talked to him in prison?
No, no remorse at all.
He's innocent.
History will vindicate him.
Now he's innocent but he lies a lot and you know he lies when he thinks he can get away with it but what was very interesting was we know the story very well so we were able to pick up on those lies but I mean you talk about that him doing the abortion whilst the FBI was there and there was a stand-up row between the cops and the Department of Health bureaucrats
She's been anesthetized to this issue.
Just like you say, we can't believe how many people do 40,000 of anything.
The jury was aghast when they said that she's been anesthetized to this.
But you have an ordinary person who looks at this and just cannot believe what is going on.
That's why your book is so important.
People need to understand what is going on with abortion.
Yeah, it's amazing.
People don't understand.
There was this row between the cop and the nurse and she was going, you're just saying that because you're a cop.
And he's going, no, no, I'm saying it because I'm a human being.
Then they witnessed him come in with his bloody gloves and it was salmon teriyaki, a seasoned FBI agent and a seasoned cop.
And he started eating with chopsticks, the salmon teriyaki with the bloody hands, I guess.
And the cop, the FBI agent gave evidence in court, on their own said.
I have never eaten salmon since.
I cannot physically eat salmon since.
That's absolutely amazing.
And of course it was an undercover narcotics investigator named Jim Wood who broke this.
This wasn't something that was coming from the health department.
It wasn't coming from the medical inspectors.
They're perfectly fine with this as you pointed out.
Let's show what a legitimate abortion is and then we'll show you how what he did was different from a legitimate abortion and people just can't believe what a legitimate abortion is because of the ignorance and they maintain this silence, they maintain this beard that this is for women's health.
Yeah, I mean, when Jim Wood went into the abortion clinic, you know, he saw things, he saw the condition.
Gosnell kept baby feet in jars and
He got... Jim Wood turned to his colleagues and said, is this normal?
And the guy says, I don't know.
I don't know what's normal in an abortion clinic.
And I think that's a very telling comment.
People don't know what goes on behind these closed doors.
There are laws.
People don't even know what the laws are.
Yeah, they're the feet, you know?
That brings up a criticism of the left.
They say, you know, don't judge the abortion industry on Kermit Gosnell.
He's not typical of what's going on.
Is he typical of what's going on?
Very interesting.
So our book, we do not go into that because we have no evidence of that and we're journalists.
We're not pro-life activists.
We're journalists and we can only go where the facts take us and no further.
But after the book was published about a month ago, there was a congressional report, into the Planned Parenthood videos actually,
But they expanded that investigation and they looked at abortion practitioners and they found an abortion practitioner in Texas who they don't need in Dallas and they interviewed and subpoenaed staff and members of people who work for them and patients and it's just like Kermit Gosnell all over again on qualified staff, killing babies after they're born, filthy conditions, shocking stuff, shocking!
For us, we realised, my God, there's another Kermit Gosnell in Texas.
And then we've heard comments that there's another Kermit Gosnell in Delaware, there's one in New Orleans.
So let's not judge, funny, let's not judge Kermit Gosnell's illegality as a rogue.
Let's look at all the rest of them.
But actually, I think people need to read this book to find out what goes on
Under the law as well.
And once they know that, make up your mind.
But don't believe the propaganda.
This is a clump of cells.
It's safe.
It's legal.
It's rare.
It's not.
And if you're happy with that, that's fine.
But I think you should know the facts.
You owe it to yourself to have the facts.
Now, when we began this hour, I played that piece from Gianna Jessen.
She's now an adult.
She went through a very, very difficult period throughout her life of trying to go through physical rehabilitation for the damage that was done to her, but she survived.
And part of her testimony was responsible for getting the infant born alive law passed in 2002 and then the partial birth abortion law that followed up after that.
Now, Kermit Gosnell, if I understand correctly, was he sent to jail because he killed infants who were born alive in violation of that law that was passed?
He was convicted of capital murder.
Capital murder.
He did a deal with the prosecution that he wouldn't get the death penalty if he agreed not to appeal his conviction and sentencing.
He immediately appealed his conviction and sentencing after he was got life without parole.
But yes, he was convicted of murdering live babies.
I just can't get my head around that you could see a child that was born alive and that you could murder it.
I remember the testimony of a surgeon who had to commit essentially abortions because they were ectopic pregnancies.
They were not going to be able to go full term and it was a you know so they would they would pull he said he would pull the baby out and
And, you know, because of how it was developing, it was going to die, and it was going to create a health problem for the mother.
And he said, I would hold this teeny tiny miniature human in the palm of my hand, and it was moving around, and it was alive, and everything, and he goes, and I would snip the cord.
And it would turn into like a little tiny piece of plastic, and that's what you see in the jars.
That's why people don't have any empathy for this, because they see this, you know, it's very small, it's got all the details there, the fingerprints are there, you know, everything, except that it's really small and it doesn't look real because it's dead.
And yet, this is something that Kermit Gosnell, when he would deliver these children, born alive, on the table, he would murder them.
And they're not a tiny, you know, they're not tiny that fits in the palm of his hand.
I mean, you know, this is a regular baby that can survive.
And he had the cold-blooded mentality that he could just murder that child.
Yeah, no, the witnesses said the baby's, yeah, you've got that up there.
Baby, he joked, this baby is big enough to walk me to the bus stop.
That's baby boy A.
It was so shocking that three members of staff took a separate photograph of that baby.
He was put in a shoebox, his arms and legs were hanging over the shoebox.
When he was touched, he curled up like a fetal position.
One of the witnesses actually stood up in court and curled up like this, in a kind of fetal position.
This was a living, breathing human being with a personality, and Kermit Dozno killed him with a pair of scissors.
Absolutely, absolutely amazing.
You know, and I think one of the things, it's very important, I've always said to my wife, I said, you know, I think that the people are going to change their minds when we have
The capability of showing what we now call 4D sonograms, where they can see movies of babies inside the mother.
And we've seen very detailed movies of dolphins, of elephants, of dogs inside the mothers, and National Geographic will run that and say, isn't this fascinating?
You know, look at the detail, they're just like miniature, fully developed, but they won't do that with the babies.
And yet, when people do see these movies, I think that is a very compelling thing.
I think the technology, the truth of your book and the film that you're trying to put out there, as people realize what this is, they will recoil in horror at the truth and say, how could we have allowed this to happen and go on for so long to so many people?
Yeah, that's why this book, that's why the New York Times has suppressed this book and won't put it on its bestsellers list, even though we are a bestseller in terms of sales.
That's why they're suppressing it.
Because once people get to know the truth, they'll go, well, we don't want any part of that.
And that cannot be allowed to happen.
So I want your listeners and your viewers to go out and please buy the book, not just for me, but for the truth, but also to screw with the New York Times.
We want to embarrass them.
I'm from Northern Ireland.
Sorry, I'm small and petty.
I'm from Northern Ireland.
I'm aggressive.
I don't like being told what to do or being
The establishment's screwing with me.
So I want, please, as a favour to this little Northern Ireland man, who's really angry at the moment, go to this book, buy this book, because this, the best, New York Times bestseller list is a fake list in a fake newspaper, full of fake journalists, full of fake people who pretend to be concerned about fake things.
And I think there's a very... That's the only F word I'm going to use.
When we go off air, I'll use a few more F words that won't be fake, because at the moment,
Four letter F words, yeah, right now we'll stick to fake.
Because that's what they have done, that's what the mainstream media has been able to do on every issue.
They come out and they decide what will be covered.
And they can do it because they're all on the same page, or they can do it as a conspiracy of silence.
And we've seen this on one issue after the other.
This is yet another example of how they do that on a wide variety of issues.
And when there were only a few national papers, when there were only three or four national television stations, they would all cover the same news.
Reading off of the same script.
And so people didn't even know there were these other points of views out there.
They didn't even know there were these other stories that weren't being covered.
That's one way that you suppress the news.
And of course, your bias is shown in what you cover.
Not only in what you say about what you cover, but it's what you choose to cover.
And so that's the conspiracy of silence that the New York Times is trying to pull on your book right now.
Sold out at Amazon in just three days.
Fourth best-selling list, but they won't even put it on their New York Times bestseller list.
Absolutely amazing.
I want to see the movie that you're doing that set a record on Indiegogo.
You got two and a quarter million dollars in just 45 days.
You've already found that, right?
Yes, and many of them were your viewers who sent us money.
We know that because we communicate with them a lot.
The movie's great.
We've shown a couple of sneak screenings for people.
Dean Cain's in it.
It's had embarrassing focus group returns.
We had 98% approval ratings.
It's like we're a communist dictator running an election.
98% five-star reviews.
It's the same on the book, actually.
We've had 99% five-star reviews.
I think we had one star and two, four stars or something.
It's a fascinating story.
It's a fascinating story, and people really appreciate the truth.
It's not written by pro-life activists, and I think people appreciate that.
It's written by journalists.
It's not an activist, it's a journalist.
And you've had a long experience of doing this, and we'll talk about that in just a moment, but I also want to tell people, when you get this distribution, and I'm sure that you will get distribution, you will see, if you go on IMDB, or if you go on to Rotten Tomatoes, or some of the sites that look at the reviews,
And you'll see reviews done by audiences, and then you'll see reviews done by critics.
And when you see a movie that gets a 98% review approval by the audiences, and a 2% review by the critics, it's gonna be a film like yours.
Don't be turned off by that.
You probably will enjoy that.
That is a political restatement by the critics.
That's the movie to go to.
That's right.
The bigger the divide between the critics and the public, that's where you gotta go.
It's when it's the other way around.
The critics love it and the public hate it.
Avoid the plague.
Well, I know you'll get distribution of this, especially if you do it in selected release, and they're going to see that you get a big per-screen return, and that's the way these films always have to proceed.
And there's some very good films out there, but they will always be trashed, they will always be censored by the New York Times, by the same critics who are out there.
Stay with us.
When we come back, we're going to continue to talk to Phelan McAleer about Kermit Gosnell.
We're going to talk about some of the more details in the book.
We've got him for another couple of segments.
We'll be right back.
What we saw in Quebec City, the way I look at it, it was intended to be one of those booster charges.
You need to accelerate the hysteria, the panic.
It was a misfire.
Yeah, it was a misfire.
That's why they went from Daily Beast at the crack of dawn this morning showing two white French guys with rifles to having to retract it.
They were already primed.
They were primed.
And the people were already at the airports.
Imagine how easy it would be to shut this country down with people just acting a little bit more hysterical at the airports.
The country would come to a halt.
Soros made moves against the stock market today in conjunction with demonizing Trump, so they're already trying that.
In fact, it appears they had it all set with this false flag, you're probably right, and the riots they already had primed for a stock market plunge to blame Trump, but it failed.
The moment is lost because
You know, gradually the new media gets the word out that these six countries were just Obama's terror, failed terror states.
These are nations like Libya and Sudan and Yemen that we don't, or Somalia, nobody that's useful to our country comes out of there.
Well, they don't even really have real airports, right?
I mean, places like Somalia.
You can't go there and stay alive.
If you're a white Christian, you'd be dead or kidnapped in a week.
But if this attack in Quebec City had worked,
God help us, right now the country would be in a... if, let's say, 50 Muslims had been killed and there was a blue-eyed Quebecois outside dead, which I think is one of the ways that this scenario was intended to play out.
How they tried to plunge the stock market this morning, how they put out the fake news, and the site you mentioned is synced with Soros.
Yeah, oh, they got caught in a dry run, or it misfired.
I think it was a misfire and the left will try to just bury the story.
It's like an unstory, a non-story.
If this had been a white guy with an AK-47 dead outside of a mosque with 50 dead Muslims inside, the people that are at the airports now would be shutting the airports down.
And it would legitimize all them out there.
Oh look, Trump supporter goes and does this, but he lived.
The dumb mind control or easily influenced idiot lived.
And so now it's not, you can see it now.
Matt, you're absolutely right.
They absolutely had the whole thing set up.
We need to look carefully into the Canadian connections.
There were apparently two competing mosques up there.
There's a more radical mosque.
And a more moderate mosque.
The moderate mosque is the one that was attacked.
This is a classic profile of a false flag.
We should be on maximum terror alert right now and watching for false flags.
Yes, and any knuckleheads on our sides, please don't do anything stupid.
Ira Hayes
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to have Anthony Cumia come in in the fourth hour.
He'll be hosting the fourth hour with us.
Right now we're talking to Phelan McAleer about his book, Gosnell, the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer.
We're going to get back to some of the details.
I want to ask him when we come back, how
They finally brought him to justice.
Who broke that case?
I want to know how that turned out.
Because this is really, folks, this is really kind of a detective story as well as a horror book.
Think of it as, I guess, a combination between Sherlock Holmes and a Stephen King novel.
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Phelan, let's talk about how this actually unraveled because, as you pointed out, for 17 years there was no inspection from the people who should have been looking at the conditions of his clinic.
How did this case get broken?
How did they bring him to justice?
Well, bizarrely, you know, it's like a Hollywood movie actually.
I know that maybe some of your listeners might not have
Very friendly relationships with police officers.
You know, I mean, I think there's always healthy tension between law and order and citizens.
And that's good.
But this is a hero cop.
This is a hero cop.
This is a drugs cop who was... Gosnell was so greedy.
Uh, that he, uh, was selling prescription drugs.
He was one of Philadelphia's biggest, uh, uh, supplier of illegal, illegal prescription drugs.
And, uh, he, the, the... So he had that business on the side as well?
Oh yeah, listen, he was, he was, he was quite the capitalist, quite the entrepreneur.
God bless him.
Uh, yeah, yeah.
So, uh, he, listen, he was a hard worker, I'll give him that.
Or just greedy, yeah.
So he was selling drugs on the side, and he got busted by a guy who's like a DEA, and he couldn't believe, I guess, the horror when he saw the abortion stuff.
Because, you know, that's one of the things, Phelan, you know, when you look at the drug war, you know, a lot of people look at things that are vice, and there's so much corruption because a lot of times, you know, cops will look at the other way for vice and say, well, you know, they're just hurting themselves.
But those same cops, if they see a heinous murder, they're not going to look the other way on that, will they?
I think we just lost him there.
But I think that's exactly what happened.
It was an undercover narcotics investigator who I guess saw that.
I wanted to get the details.
It looks like we've lost our Skype connection.
One of the things that came up, well, we're going to talk to him on the other side of the break.
That's the end of our three hours.
In the fourth hour, we're going to have Anthony Cumia, but stay with us.
You can join us online for this broadcast.
Of course, you can also see this if you're listening on radio.
You'll see this full interview.
The next five minutes will be included in that as well.
We'll have that up on Alex Jones' YouTube channel.
Anthony Cumia will be due in the fourth hour, but I'll have the next five minutes back with Phelan McAleer.
Gosnell, the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Phelan McAleer.
His book, Gosnell, The Untold Story of America's Most Prolific Serial Killer.
You can find that at Gosnell, that's two L's.
Gosnellbook.com as we lost him on Skype at the end of the last segment.
He was about to tell us
How an undercover narcotics investigation, because this abortionist, Kermit Gosnell, was selling illegal prescriptions, prescription drugs to people.
So as part of that investigation, somebody who was not anesthetized to the horror of abortion saw this stuff there.
Tell us about what happened then, Phelan, when this cop walks in off the street investigating drugs and sees what's going on at Kermit Gosnell's clinic.
It's very interesting.
You call it anesthetized.
Three years previously,
Someone told Homicide this was happening.
Homicide did a cursory investigation, didn't look any further.
So was the case.
This cop was told, he interviewed a member of staff.
She said, it's chaos in there.
And she said, and there was this woman died, an Asian woman.
And he put the Asian woman's name into his computer.
And he got a lot of pushback again from the abortion establishment, the political establishment in Philadelphia, and from the homicide department who said, you're a narcotics cop, we're the big boys, the homicide, stay out of this woman's death.
He said no.
Right now there were numerous state government agencies, and this went all the way up to the Governor, didn't it?
The Governor was Kermit Gosnell's biggest enabler.
Before a Republican Governor, Republican Tom Ridge ran for Governor in 1995, and back then
The conventional wisdom was that to be a Republican, to win Pennsylvania, you had to be nice and you had to be moderate and you had to be liberal.
I think that was just proven in the last election.
But then that was conventional wisdom.
So Tom Ridge ran as a pro-choice Republican and he said, when I get in, we're going to stop all inspections of abortion clinics.
He got elected.
They stopped all inspections of abortion clinics and no government investigator crossed the threshold of that clinic.
Until, uh, for 17 years until this drug cop went in.
Well, see, that's very important because here in Texas, when they pass a law that said, look, if you don't pass certain, uh, you know, qualifications that we're going to have for a women's health clinic, like we'll be able to get gurneys through the halls in case something happens, we're going to have inspections to make sure that things are clean.
They say, oh, you're just trying to shut down our right to choose.
And so what we have here
Is legalized murder with immunity because it's political?
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, the Texas law was about Kermit Gosnell.
And, you know, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the judge, said, oh no, Gosnell's just a rogue practitioner.
He's not.
He's not.
And, you know, if you want to be a serial killer, become an abortionist.
It's the biggest hands-off.
It's the biggest access to women.
It's the biggest access to people that you can kill.
You know, Kermit Gosnell is not alone.
The regulations don't seem to make any difference, especially in places where there's no political will to enforce those regulations.
I mean, the abortion industry is the classic example of how more regulation doesn't mean more safety.
In fact, it means less safety.
If you were concerned about women's health, you would want to have inspections.
You would want to have halls that were wide enough that you could run a gurney through there to get somebody out in case there was an emergency.
And if they had inspections at Kermit Gosnell, they would have seen the cats casually roaming the clinic.
When they pointed that out to him during the FBI raid, he said, hey, you know, they kill a lot of
That's supposed to be a recommendation for having cats roam the halls.
Thank you so much.
We're out of time.
Thank you so much for joining us, Phelan McAleer.
The book, again, you can find at Gosnell, what's two L's?
Very important.
It's sold out at Amazon, so go there to get it and make sure that you work with them on getting that film out.
And talking about President Trump's temporary travel restrictions, Madeleine Albright said, I do think that there are tears in the eyes of the statue at the moment.
I think there are tears in the eyes of the Statue of Liberty now.
But there were no tears in Albright's eyes when she admitted her sanctions had killed half a million Muslim children.
We have heard that half a million children have died.
You know, is the price worth it?
I think this is a very hard choice.
But the price, we think the price is worth it.
So it's okay to starve Muslim children with sanctions.
It's okay to set their country on fire simply for the purpose of regime change.
Maybe that's why the Statue of Liberty is crying.
She said it was wrong.
That our safety and security depends on keeping people out rather than welcoming people and understanding what this country is about.
And then it's okay to ignore the safety of Americans when the UN decides who will come to our country.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
How we doing?
How we doing everybody?
Anthony Cumia in for InfoWars.com.
Always a pleasure.
Saw Alex Jones on Joe Rogan's show.
He did Joe Rogan's show the other day.
Or yesterday.
It was great!
They were talking about all kinds of stuff.
Everything from what's happening with Trump, politics, aliens.
They just go talk about aliens.
And they were talking about globalization, new world order, and then contrails and 9-11 and stuff.
Just really cool if you ever get a chance to see that.
It's really good.
I like it.
And we gotta start by talking about what happened at Berkeley.
Oh, Berkeley.
That place has just been a wart.
A wart on this country for decades.
In the 60s, Berkeley was all about the, you know, free love, but free speech.
At least they were for that years ago.
But I guess conservatives and the old construction workers and stuff would call them troublemakers and hippies and things like that.
And they'd protest the Vietnam War and things as such back then.
But last night,
Milo Yiannopoulos, that guy's name is just tearing everybody's news feed up.
Milo was supposed to give a speech there, do an appearance kind of a thing.
He's a gay conservative
Funny guy.
That's all there is to it.
He's not Hitler.
He's not a Nazi.
He's just this funny little guy that goes around and talks about the left and how ridiculous they are.
And he adds some humor to it, and the fact that he's gay kind of makes it funny.
It's kind of an odd thing to have this little pixie guy running around mouthing off about the left.
So he was scheduled to speak at Berkeley, and the students at Berkeley and that friggin' anti-fah, anti-fah, anti-fah,
The anti-fascist movement, whatever they are, decided, they decided,
That anybody that wanted to see Milo, if you wanted to hear what he had to say, anyone that wanted to see him and hear what he had to say, they knew better than you.
They don't want you to hear it and then decide if the guy's an idiot or he's funny, if he's serious about what he's saying or if it's kind of parody or sarcasm or something like that.
They decided, you don't get to make that choice.
We are going to make it for you.
By rioting, which in turn cancelled the speech, the event.
And they do this, now this is classic, they do this under the flag of, we hate fascism.
It's... and I try not to use the word literally.
I try not to use the word literally because it's just used too much.
It's used in all the wrong spots.
We all know this.
But I will use it right now.
What they are doing...
Is literally fascism.
It's the definition of fascist.
What they're doing, they're using violence and intimidation to prevent people from hearing opposing viewpoints.
It doesn't get clearer than that.
And they're, you know, saying, F fascism, and F the fascists, and as they're literally beating people, again, I'll use literally, because they weren't just yelling in someone's face, they weren't even just throwing a few things, literally beating people in the streets.
Again, a fine definition of an example of fascism.
Uh, now I guess they didn't... What their side is... Yeah, that's a great quote, Winston Churchill.
Did he say it?
There's no record of him ever saying this.
Well, you know what?
I don't care if he said it or not.
The fascists of the future will be the anti-fascists.
Now, I don't know who said that.
It sounds very Orwellian.
But, you know, I'll give it to the fat man, old Winnie Churchill.
I'll give him the credit for it.
What do I know?
What do I care?
It's a great quote.
Um, I guess, now Milo was going to appear and do what he usually does.
He talks, he can't stand feminism, Black Lives Matter, you know, all these leftist organizations that are way over the top and extreme on the left.
He gets up there, calls them out, debates people.
He's great at debating people.
And they decided they didn't want him to even be able to speak.
Now this is something that's happening.
What they do, they say, we aren't interfering with his freedom of speech, which is hilarious right there.
They're interfering with his freedom of speech.
We're not interfering with anyone's freedom of speech.
This is what they say.
Because it's hate speech.
Because it's hate speech, so we're preventing that.
They have no logic behind anything they do when they gather for these demonstrations and whatnot.
They get together, and the media, again, just isn't understanding how much we despise them.
How they've been exposed for the entire campaign, and now post-election, how the media just continues.
They didn't even see what happened and went, wow guys, we best pull the old reins back on this lying to the people so blatantly.
So they are continuing doing that and calling these riots protests.
This is a protest.
These are protesters.
They're activists.
They're everything but thug rioters, which is what they are.
They are thugs and they are rioting.
When you destroy property and burn down buildings and property, you beat people for their opposing viewpoints.
That's rioting.
And they just don't, they're never able to differentiate between rioting and protesting.
It's always, and I love how they do it all.
The news guy will get out there and go, um, what started as a peaceful protest, like people don't just show up throwing things.
You don't get out of your car when you show up and go, ah, you're just lobbing Molotov cocktails out.
It takes a little bit to work up from the peaceful protest to an all-out riot, which is what this was.
The techniques and tactics they're using is pure fascism and horrendously, horrendously, horrifically, if I may use the same word in one word, horrific-ness-ly detrimental to the freedom of speech!
These people, they were people that wanted to see Milo speak.
And Milo had every right to get up in front of those people that wanted to hear them and speak.
He gave a few statements after this.
Saying that they're petrified.
The left is petrified that people, that Milo and people like him, will get up, speak about things in a humorous manner.
That, I mean, there's a girl with a Make America Great Again hat on, talking to a newsman about what's going on, and she just gets sprayed in the face with mace.
This is freedom of speech?
And that's not Milo, who's, you know, maybe they have some weird twisted logic that they shouldn't let him speak.
That's a person who wanted to speak to the press to get her side out to the public that was shut down by a fascist right there.
The biggest hypocrisy you'll ever see is the left lying about how they appreciate our freedoms.
and uh... wish them to continue the first amendment you know they try their best with the second amendment thank god for organizations like the national rifle association and uh... plenty of other local organizations that uh... keep and protect our right to bear arms but the first amendment is completely under attack you would think the media
Being part of the First Amendment protection would actually want it protected, yet they're in bed with the fascists that are trying to shut it down.
What can be done about this?
That's the question, isn't it?
I like Donald Trump's approach so far.
He didn't get too involved in this one just yet, but he did talk about perhaps pulling federal funding from Berkeley and liberal fascist colleges that are similar to that.
Any solutions to it?
I'm not really sure.
I have a few ideas.
We'll hit on a few of those when we return in a couple of minutes.
But yes, Trump threatens Berkeley as protest target.
Far-right firebrand.
Far-right firebrand.
They can't just leave it as Milo.
It's gotta be something.
We'll be back in a couple of minutes.
Stick around, InfoWars.com.
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We are back.
Anthony Cumia, N4InfoWars.com.
We were talking about the rioting.
Let's be real.
Stop it!
Would you stop with protests already?
I have not seen a protest in years.
I gotta be honest with you.
I have not seen an actual protest in years.
They're riots!
They're riots!
And then they'd say, oh, maybe the woman's thing was a pro.
That wasn't.
That was just a giant coffee clotch.
It's a giant little meeting that the girls had.
Quite offensive.
Apparently the rioters at UC Berkeley are now attacking students.
Possible college Republicans trying to leave the area with weapons.
They're attacking them with weapons.
They showed up
How this is even possible, I don't know.
They showed up with sticks, like big wooden poles, and metal poles.
And then there were flags on them, like, well, this is just a flag.
No, this has been a tactic.
The communists used to use this all the time.
The big red flag, and you beat people with it.
And, oh, we're just showing up at the peaceful protest with some flags.
It's a weapon!
So they're dressed in black.
They're masking their faces because they want to be protected when they commit crimes.
And they're carrying weapons.
Big sticks, poles, mace, bricks.
And they're hurting people and destroying property.
And where were the police?
Another shocking thing I heard this morning on the news, no arrests were made.
No arrests.
There it is, survive the peaceful protest.
No arrests were made.
I don't get that.
You saw damage being done.
People were being assaulted in the streets, property set on fire and destroyed, and no arrests!
Can someone help me out there?
Why that is?
What are we going to do?
What do we do to stop this?
I love Donald Trump's idea of pulling funding.
I think 50% or so, maybe a little less, of UC Berkeley's funding comes from federal funding.
Why the hell would the American people want to pay to subsidize this garbage?
You want to go to school?
You want to learn something?
You come out and use your skills to better yourself and perhaps this country?
That's great, and I believe that's what the college system is supposed to be for.
Not this!
Dragging barricades, beating people, destroying property because you don't like someone else's ideas!
That's what it's all about!
What is that, a Starbucks?
How ironic, isn't it?
Look at the Starbucks.
They destroyed a Starbucks.
The CEO of which said just a couple of days ago he wants 10,000 refugees to staff his stores.
So they don't even know what they're busting up!
They don't know who their allies are, who the enemy is, why they're doing this.
They're children.
These are...
Big versions of children.
They don't have any common sense.
They don't know what they're doing.
And if left to their own devices long enough, stuff's gonna set on fire.
Just like kids.
That's what they do.
Stick something in the socket before you know it, your house is burning and you got a problem on your hands.
We'll be right back with more InfoWars.com.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
For those of us wondering when the southern border will begin its construction, we have an update for you.
A Department of Homeland Security secretary says the border wall begins in a few months, that's construction, and will be complete within two years.
We have an article up on our website at Infowars.com aggregating from the last refuge and it talks about how this one retired four-star Marine General John F. Kelly told Fox News that he wants the U.S.-Mexico border finished in two years
We're good to go.
You know, we've covered here in InfoWars the Rio Grande Valley at length, and we know that 600 people are crossing each and every day through that specific part of the border illegally.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Mother, tell your children not to walk my way.
How's everybody doing?
We're back.
Of course, social media just jumps at a chance to people jump at the chance to show how smart they are and what they know and how much research they've done on a topic before commenting on it.
Yeah, I know.
Hollywood, why would Hollywood stay out of a good political brawl, right?
Right, people?
Because that's what we need every time something sparks up like Berkeley did last night.
We need the likes of, again, Sarah Silverman to chime in with her knowledge.
Here's her tweet from last night.
Wake up and join the resistance!
Once the military is with us, fascists get overthrown.
Mad King and his handlers go bye-bye.
Is she advocating the overthrow of the government?
A military coup d'etat?
To get Donald Trump out of office?
Is that what this moron is saying?
I think so.
I think so.
But you know why she gets away with it?
Because she's a leftist, political, comic thing that, again, has the convenience of context.
She could always just turn around and go, Hey, I'm just a stupid girl.
What do I know?
I'm a comic.
Uh, if anyone else ever wrote that, could you imagine Hillary got elected?
Or during the Obama administration, somebody would have written that?
That the resistance, once the military gets involved, like, could you imagine the backlash?
But it's, oh, it's just Sarah being Sarah.
First of all, I would love to see... Man, I don't think they understand what a true military coup looks like.
Could you imagine the likes of Sarah Silverman and the Hollywood elite that we saw recently at the SAG Awards sipping their champagne and patting each other on the back?
Yeah, Judd Apatow and all them.
Could you imagine them being caught in the middle of some type of armed conflict?
Could you imagine?
They wouldn't know what to do with themselves.
Survival of the fittest?
Oh my god.
They would be dead in the streets.
They probably just offed themselves right away for fear of having to deal with the horrors, the atrocities that would be an American military coup.
So, you know, ask for it all you want.
She must have seen it in a movie once.
I bet she saw it in a movie and thought, boy, this would be great if it happened here.
Wouldn't it?
No, it wouldn't, dummy.
Judd Apatow.
Of course we got Judd Apatow.
He's another one of these far lefty dummies.
And I guess Judd thought perhaps the internet forgets things.
I think Judd thought you could erase stuff.
From the internet.
And from social media.
Because his tweet, right above a picture of the rioting that was going on, was, this is just the beginning about the Berkeley riots.
When will all the fools who are still supporting Trump realize what is at stake?
There it is.
There's his tweet right there.
And oops, then he deleted it.
Because, of course, people started tweeting him back saying, hey, moron, people are being beaten in the streets.
Property is being destroyed.
It's a total anarchy going on there based on nothing more than someone's ideology.
Um, and then filmmaker Lexi Ander... Alexander.
Lexi Alexander.
She writes, um, punch Nazis.
She likes that.
Riot when your college invites a Nazi.
And in case of doubt, study history.
So I guess that, you know, will teach them that that's okay.
And then she also said, um, hate speech is not free speech.
Um, it's called incitement.
It's a crime.
This is what they do.
This is how they justify rioting and assaulting people with different ideas that want to speak their ideology.
That's how they get away with it.
It's hate speech.
Who's... First of all, who's judging that it's hateful speech?
Which, by the way, is completely protected under the First Amendment.
What you would dub as hate speech.
Um, was anybody going up there and telling people to assault other people?
Was Milo gonna get up there and tell people, incite a riot?
Again, they've reversed the entire thing.
Much like the earlier quote, which I attributed to fat man Winnie Churchill.
Uh, and then people get on me saying it wasn't Churchill.
I don't care.
But the fascists will be called, they will call themselves the anti-fascists.
And that's exactly what they're doing.
When you get people saying hate speech isn't protected speech.
That's completely dangerous and completely wrong.
That's the type of speech that needs protection.
And who's judging?
Is Lexi or Judd or Sarah?
Are they judging what is hate speech?
It's such a vague thing.
It's so subjective what people are hearing and what they're offended by and what they deem insightful.
And it's...
They are not the ones that decide this.
A mob armed with poles, and wooden planks, and mace, and rocks, they don't get to decide what speech is protected or not, but they'll justify it, and not only behind closed doors, proudly, proudly on social media, they'll post how they're fighting for
For a second I'm like, fighting for free speech?
No, can't be that.
They're saying they're fighting against fascism, but we've already determined they are more fascist than any fascist I've ever seen in real life.
So, they justify it in this way and have a complete lack of understanding as to what free speech is.
It's protected.
Even what you would call hate speech is protected.
I find what a lot of lefties say extremely offensive.
To me, I see it sometimes as treasonous.
Which is a crime.
Now, I can't determine, I'm in no position to determine through just speech what is treasonous or not.
I would assume if you're handing military secrets over to an enemy, that's treason.
But talking about things, even dumb Sarah Silverman mentioning once the military gets involved, all that.
People say, well, it's treason, arrest her.
It's not treason.
Let's be real here.
It's idiotic.
She's a moron.
But like anyone else in this country, she does
have the privilege of living in a country that has a right to free speech.
So when Sarah Silverman says that once the military gets involved, fascists get overthrown, Mad King and his handlers go bye-bye.
You know, she's in no position of power to incite or get together an army to overthrow the government.
It's a dumb statement.
It's moronic.
It's again, juvenile.
But she's got the right to say it.
Now, we could look at it and say, that's treason.
It's a crime.
That's hate speech.
Very hateful.
She's inciting for people to be killed.
That's a crime.
No, it's not.
Just like Milo getting up at UC Berkeley and speaking to people that want to see him.
It isn't a crime.
It isn't hate speech.
It is absolutely 100% protected speech under the First Amendment that these dopes don't understand.
And they want it stopped.
They don't want you to have freedom of speech.
This is pushing towards a 2020 re-election of Donald Trump.
We laugh about it now because who knows what's going to happen in four years, but I tell you me, they continue on this road where these leftist fascists are trying to remove our rights by violence.
The media is covering it so sideways that they're actually giving them credit
You watch MSNBC, you'd think those rioters were heroes.
They called Milo a firebrand and a flamethrower because of his insightful speech.
There's no proof of that at all.
I mean, a firebrand.
That's a far-right firebrand.
It's so ridiculous!
Regardless, he's still protected under that First Amendment.
And a good friend of mine, who is on my network also, on Compound Media, Gavin McInnes.
I just saw him walk in the studio.
He's going to be speaking tonight at NYU.
And I'm wondering how that's going to go.
They do not want people giving alternative opinions to theirs.
That's what it's all about.
They are so afraid that people are going to say, wow, yeah, that kind of makes sense.
There he is.
Now, NYU, kind of liberal over there, right?
I'm really curious to see how this goes.
But you know, if something, God forbid, does happen, I'm sure the press will handle it with all the accuracy.
And the celebrities will come out and support the people that we're trying to get their message across.
Not the people that are swinging sticks and poles and hitting young ladies.
Did you see that other girl get beaten over the head?
Do we got that clip?
Do we have that clip?
There's a young blonde woman and they're taunting her.
Just hundreds of these clad in black, black masks, holding weapons.
And they just start hitting people that are voicing an opposite or alternative opinion from theirs.
Look at this.
Look at this girl.
She's maced in the face.
She got hit.
They're hitting them.
Oh, but they're just carrying flags.
That girl, that blonde girl, I saw this clip right before that happened.
She's addressing the crowd.
They're yelling at each other back and forth.
Someone takes a piece of wood and smashes her over the head with it.
Then another guy runs up and sprays her in the face with mace.
Look, she's got all that red mace in her eyes.
That's... That's the progressive
Inclusive, tolerant, liberal left?
And don't even give me the a few bad apples horse crap.
That ain't Washington anymore.
This is sanctioned by the college.
The students are all accepted.
They loved it.
Even the ones not doing the beatings loved watching it.
Young girl doing nothing.
She got hit.
She comes back and now someone walks right up to her and just sprays mace right in her face.
And not one arrest?
Where were the police?
They're able to toss these barricades aside and get involved with people that were on the other side of it.
To physically abuse them.
Why weren't the police all along that barricade keeping them in one place where they should have been?
I'll tell you why.
Because it's Berkeley.
A liberal sewer.
A liberal sewer that is Berkeley.
You look at the whole surrounding area, the Bay Area, that whole... The mayor applauding this resistance.
This is a resistance.
It's rioting.
Assaulting and depriving people of their constitutional rights.
Good job.
Good job.
Maybe, maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe they're showing people what a fascist is first, and then they'll try to stop that.
Remember that stuff we were doing?
Remember that?
That's fascism.
Now that you know what it looks like, 100%, now we're going to go in and stop it.
Wherever it's happening, by the way, because I don't see any fascism happening except for the people fighting fascism.
I honestly think when Trump got elected, they expected things to be a lot worse.
Or they expected Hillary to get elected and thought that the right was going to come out in force like the left did, and they would have a battle on their hands.
They'd be like, yes!
These are the instigators.
The right wing, alt-right, they're rioting because Hillary was elected.
So let's go out and fight them.
When that didn't happen, they were all pumped up for a fight, and there's no one to fight!
We got a bunch of people that voted in Donald Trump that are clearly happy with the way he's running his presidency up to this point a couple weeks later.
But no one's in the streets.
No one's hassling the left.
Oh, sorry, we inconvenienced some immigrants on the day an executive order about immigration was in place because some people were in the air as it happened.
So, of course, they had to occupy a bunch of airports for that.
But I think they wanted to swing sticks, throw bricks, and spray mace in the face of alt-rights.
Alt-right people that were just busting up places.
And rioting and hurting people.
And when no one was there, they're like, what do we do?
Well, we gotta hit someone!
Well, we gotta deprive someone of their First Amendment right.
How about this little gay guy?
How about the little gay man with the blonde hair that wants to get up and make fun of feminists and Black Lives Matter in a public forum, completely allowed by the college and the law?
You don't want that?
Alright, just start hitting people and spraying girls in the face with mace and then telling people you're fighting fascism.
Can you believe this is happening?
We need more control in these situations.
We can't have these guys with the black outfits and the friggin' masks and the weapons beating people without the police there to protect them.
I don't give a crap what the mayor thinks or that useless governor of California, Jerry Brown, that ex-dirtbag hippie Jerry Brown, what he thinks.
The law has to be brought in to protect people.
And that's how it's done.
Not sitting back, writing tweets, giving these guys props for beating people up and macing young women.
It's astounding that more people aren't upset about this.
And I'm not seeing it on mainstream media.
Of course.
Of course you're not.
Because perish the thought they present the left in a bad light and present them for being the anarchists and fascists that they're being out there on college campuses.
Man, pull that federal funding, Trump.
Pull that federal funding.
Watch him come crawling back!
Be right back, InfoWars.com, I'm Anthony Comia.
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How we doing everybody?
Back, Anthony Cumia in on InfoWars.com.
Finishing up here, I want to get into speaking of, of course, Donald Trump.
No matter what he does, it's the worst, most terrible, awful thing that's ever happened, according to mainstream media and the left.
Doesn't matter what this guy does.
He could literally just, I just cured cancer.
They'd be like, oh, well, what about the other diseases?
It's that ridiculous.
He took a call from the Prime Minister of Australia.
And I guess the call, it was after he took a call with a bunch of other world leaders.
I guess that was his morning.
Take call with world leaders.
And then Australia's on the list.
So he gets on a phone call with them.
And the Australian guy is like, I don't know.
Remember that deal?
That Obama said you'd take some of the refugees?
And he's just like, that ain't gonna happen.
It's not gonna happen.
Ah, but Obama said, yeah, I'm president now.
Trump president now.
That's what he said.
And people are making a big thing of it.
Here's what I don't get.
You ever watch The Road Warrior?
That's a giant place.
They have a few cities on the outskirts, like on the beach.
Why wouldn't you?
It's beautiful.
And don't get me wrong, I love Australia.
I love Australians.
They're wonderful people.
But, uh, there's a whole middle of that that just looks like the Road Warrior.
The whole middle of that big island down there is just Lord of the Wasteland humongous!
Now, you want to drop a few refugees in there if they could make do?
Eh, why not?
Why the hell did Obama say we were going to take a few thousand of the refugees that somehow ended up in Australia?
And then Obama said, yeah, first of all, they're huge, like I said.
Secondly, they got plenty of room.
Thirdly, you never even got to see them.
Just put them out there.
Just put them out in the outback.
Whatever you call that big, big center part of Australia.
That just seems to be mountains and old cars driving around looking for gasoline.
I don't know.
So Donald Trump told him no, and people made a big fuss of it, like, look, he screwed up some international relations again.
Screwed up?
Are we so used to a president that was castrated, a gelding, a eunuch president, that wouldn't assert himself as the leader of one of the greatest nations, the greatest nation on the planet?
To bow down before everybody?
It was refreshing to see our president say, yeah, that was the last guy.
Go screw!
We're not doing it.
I want to thank everybody, Alex Jones of course, for letting me host.
Anthony Cumia, compoundmedia.com, here on InfoWars.com.
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