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Name: 20170122_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 22, 2017
1746 lines.

This podcast discusses the upcoming release of Roger Stone’s new book “The Making of a President”, which provides insights into political battles and future plans. The book tackles topics such as Russian involvement and nationalist movements, and is available for pre-order at Infowarsstore.com. In this episode, Alex Jones discusses the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. He highlights that Trump has already made progress on his campaign promises to create jobs and repeal Obamacare, and predicts that he will continue to deliver on his promises in the future. Jones also touches upon various conspiracy theories related to the CIA, George Soros, and family separation plots. Lastly, he promotes his brand of nascent iodine and encourages listeners to visit InfoWarsLife.com for other health products.

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She is the heart of 1776.
You're a white man!
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag.
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You'll be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen...
I'm here live in studio.
It is Sunday, the 22nd day of January 2017.
We're going to be here for the next two hours, and Lord willing, I'll return tomorrow with the weekday transmission, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central as well.
That's 12 noon to 4 p.m.
Donald Trump is over-delivering.
Even CNN and others basically came out and said he doubled down, quadrupled down on his populist America First rhetoric.
He's signed an executive order that begins the repeal of Obamacare.
He's got the votes of the House and Senate to gut the entire thing and give women off time to take care of their children and free health care to poor people.
That costs about a third as much.
It's not a big banker rip-off.
He's already gotten billions and billions and billions, hundreds of billions of jobs back.
He's already gotten a trillion, two hundred billion in more money in the stock market.
Everything from Carrier to
Forward to Chrysler's, coming back to Detroit, and back to places like Texas, and of course, Kentucky.
I did a lot of interviews on the ground while I was there.
We're going to have to go through these this week and kind of do a compilation of the more important moments, but there's a bunch of videos.
You saw them live on Facebook Mentions and here on the radio and TV.
When one would say, what has Trump done for jobs?
And I'd say, well, I would do the litany.
He'd say, oh, you're making that up.
I'd say no.
I mean, I'd start showing them on my phone that Chrysler was coming back and forward.
They'd go, well, well, I'm just not going to comment on that.
They'd say, he's a billionaire!
He's rich!
He doesn't care about little people as if there aren't good billionaires and bad billionaires.
Zuckerberg's that calls his users dumb effers and openly wants to enslave the planet versus a Donald Trump that wants to empower people.
And that's the difference here.
Total class warfare, total class envy.
We got Leon McAdoo coming in the next hour.
I'm going to show you exclusive proof that the entire operation was funded by the CIA and George Soros and Gloria Steinem admitting it was a CIA operation to basically break up the family.
Oh, we've got footage of it.
Yeah, nobody's really ever seen this.
Get ready.
It's coming up.
I mean, I guess they saw it back on 60 Minutes in the 1960s.
So, it's all coming up.
Not my opinion, but what's behind it.
But let me just stop here.
What I'm going to reveal, the secrets of Donald Trump and the secrets of the relaunch of America, I've been revealing to you for years and saying what the elite are up to and what we should really do and the type of true planetary 1776 that we need.
A way to take over globalism and use it to empower humanity.
Well, guess what?
Trump made good in his speech.
I'm going to air the whole 23-minute speech, including the star-spangled banner that I know made Obama and Hillary just absolutely curl their toes.
We're going to lay it out.
But there were a few little tidbits in there you might want to pay attention to.
You might want your friends and family to tune in right now, because I've talked a lot about this.
I've talked a lot about what they call disruptive technologies.
I'm not too concerned about the disruptive technologies, you know, that are 200 miles a gallon for gas.
Sure, it's bad to suppress that.
What about the cures for cancer?
Oh, Trump's now in a position where he's being briefed on what they've really got.
That's why he said, we're about to discover the end of disease.
And his eyes gleamed.
They are about to not hoard all the technology and deliver it to the people, folks.
This is a magic moment.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Nobody is untouchable.
No one is invincible.
No one's untouchable by other men, much less God.
And God is beginning to cut down the globalists like rats.
The corrupt, evil, communist pope.
The communist Chinese, the biggest mass murderers in history.
The Saudi Arabians that oppress women and murder people worldwide.
They're all panicking against our new president.
Donald John Trump.
My gut told me two years ago to get behind Trump, but Ted Cruz had better rhetoric.
So I was for him the first few months, but then I saw some things I didn't like.
And even before the dirty tricks in Iowa and places, I went for Trump.
And I said, my gut's never wrong.
And as I get older, I learned to always follow.
When I was young, I wouldn't.
Proved me right.
And man, I am humbled by President Trump.
I am humbled by his discernment, his knowledge, his piercing discernment and analysis.
Now in this first hour, I'm going to air 20 plus minutes of the entire inaugural speech.
Some of it is him thanking the Clintons and other presidents, but it's all backhanded because then he says, but now, he did a great job doing all this horrible stuff, but now that all comes to an end.
And there are tidbits in there, and again, I was there just two days ago, just right below the podium, witnessing it, and the rebirth of America, and the biggest piece of news, the biggest Trump secret I'm gonna give out here, and you're gonna say, oh, I've heard this a bunch the last year on your show, yes.
Trump, but you notice what you hear on the show, and even the New York Times and a bunch of other publications had to admit this, what you hear here, you then hear from Trump, but not because Trump's getting it from me.
This is the spirit of America and the truth.
Do you understand that it's admitted in congressional hearings that they call it disruptive technology?
It's a 200-mile-to-the-gallon carburetor they had 25 years ago.
Hell, 40 years ago they had 100-something-mile.
Solar panels that basically never break, never go out, and that have five times the gathering capacity of the very best systems today.
Things like that.
They're slowly doling out the technology.
The elites are on incredible power trips, sequestering it for a breakaway civilization.
The future's here, it's just not evenly distributed.
Trump intends to flood the entire planet with true globalism.
With America as the operating system, the true America, not the modern liberal globalist eugenics America, but really working with people, really standing up for cultures that have good societies, crushing radical Islam, and transferring
To the public, and transferring and ordering the pharmaceutical companies to know we're not going to treat all these cancers, you're going to give them the cures.
And when I say cures, some people individually won't respond, but they've got stuff that's 99% effective.
The elites are getting it, it's how they're living to 110, 115.
So, if you're educated and informed, you know all this.
And a lot of people, under the old globalist model, were clamoring to be part of the new civilization that they thought would be separate from humanity, and if they groveled to the New World Order, they would get the cancer treatments, they would get the life extension, they could be part of the secret programs and projects that, I guess, those on Elysium would have access to.
That's not happening now.
If Trump has his way.
The biggest secret of Trump is that he intends to turn loose all these disruptive technologies and to actually let partners have them and to work with Russia and others that also have advanced technologies because he knows a deal was made to let China take over.
With economic warfare, and let them control the system, because they've proven themselves evil, killing over 100 million of their own people.
So our elite went to work with China, just like they had been the last month.
I told you months ago, they'll plan on China propping up world government, China to save this collapsing system, and then they come out in the news in hundreds of publications, Communist China to save the New World Order, and to defeat Trump.
Our own media siding with people that oppress their own population.
People ask,
Especially intelligence agencies and military and others, they go, how does Jones know this?
I had the New York Times walk up to me and say, you had to talk to Trump.
I talked to you.
I said, you tweeted that Trump is going to declare the new American century and godly providence and invoke God and take the birthright.
Did you talk to him?
I said, I said, I'm not going to comment because I just talked to him that week.
I said, I said, I didn't talk to him about that.
I looked at that New York Times guy who was just empty-souled, an intellectual smart, but empty-souled.
And I said, it's the spirit, like the sixth sense, the ether, the brain's internet.
I said, this is the destiny of America that people 500 years ago in England and Germany and the Netherlands and France envisioned in their minds, this whole future.
Hell, 200 years ago, they were envisioning biometrics computers.
They drew the double helix.
Before an electron microscope was invented, they knew it.
That's how beautiful humans are.
And Trump knows that and wants to empower people, not enslave them.
He feels small when you're small.
The elite are so small, they feel good when you're down in the ditch, poor, a peon.
So they're all over the news saying he's destroying the American-run world government, the New World Order.
It's not American-run.
They used our power, our ingenuity, our system to build it and to destroy it.
They build their world government while they destroy us.
And they don't deliver any of the promises of the new global Atlantis that they got all the loving, smart, hard-working people to join them.
They got so many members of my family
In the last 60 years, who were all tops of their classes, or the best in the army, or the best at what they did, to join them, believing they were there to help poor people, believing they were there to deliver technology, believing they were there to really do all this, and it was all a lie!
Well, Trump knows about all this, and this is now not a lie, ladies and gentlemen, and that's why the enemy of humanity is freaking out.
Pulling out every stop, having convulsions.
Next hour, I'm going to show you what has just recently been re-released from 60 Minutes in 19, what is it, 1964?
Gloria Steinem of Miss Magazine and the whole feminist movement admitting she worked for the CIA and the whole plan was to get women to work for the government and to basically end the family.
They are so arrogant.
They are so evil.
This is all coming up in the next hour.
Donald Trump's new world order puts nation over globe.
Trump challenge the world order.
Trump's new world disorder.
Will Trump be the end of the Pax Americana?
Trump's taking off his spells into the world for 20th century German F.M.
The end of liberal world order.
The liberal world order?
I saw him this weekend going, it's the end of the liberal world order.
China will save it!
He'll save the democratic order, as the Chinese president spoke at Davos.
China's unelected!
China enslaves its people!
Trump was elected!
Their world government's anti-human, anti-nation state, anti-prosperity.
Let me tell you what Russia's involved in.
Russia kicked the oligarchs out about 17 years ago, and I wasn't sure if it was real for a while, and they started teaching Christianity, and family, and paying people to have kids, and paying people to not eat GMO, and they say they're stopping the vaccines, and they're going to be the world distributor of non-GMO food, and the light came back in the Russians' eyes all of a sudden?
That was an example of the world.
I was already doing this before Russia did it.
But they didn't get it from me.
They just were rediscovering their humanity.
And now Trump and everybody else and Brexit and Spain and Italy pulling out of the Euro.
It's happening everywhere.
They're in crisis because their world government was admittedly about austerity and starving people and eugenics and anti-human and was a breakaway civilization where they steal all the treasure of humanity and give it to themselves, not us!
So does Trump take me serious?
When his top advisors, his generals, you name it, are listeners, you damn well he does.
But his discernment spirit already believes it and knows it and loves it.
So people ask, do I talk to Donald Trump?
Talk to him every day!
Right here on the air!
So get that through your heads, folks, who are freaking out!
We talk to Donald Trump, the President, every day, and you too!
Everyone knows that InfoWars funds our operation by selling high quality products that we use and that everybody needs at very competitive affordable prices.
And so I get questions all the time over the years, why don't you sell body armor at InfoWarsStore.com or why don't you have sponsors that sell body armor?
And it's simple.
I will only promote and I will only sell the very, very best out there.
And there's a nexus point.
There's quality versus price.
And those two points have to come together.
National Defense Labs and its civilian subsidiary, Citizen Armor, has given InfoWars the exclusive on distributing to the American people
The true next generation in body armor.
People are always saying, it's the 21st century, where are the silver jetpacks and where's Buck Rogers and the Skycars?
Well, the globalists have basically suppressed a lot of those developments.
They admit they want a post-industrial world.
They call any technology that gets around their systems of control disruptive.
Well, believe me,
This is disruptive to tyrants worldwide.
Basically what we're bringing to the Info Wars team is a new line of dynamic, lightweight body armor.
It's nanotube technology.
It's created here in Texas.
It is lighter, more flexible, easier to wear, more comfortable, and stronger than anything else on the market.
We've went out and did some testing.
We originally found their claims, saw what they said.
We were all kind of hesitant to believe that something so light, so flexible could be so strong.
So what we did is we went out, we used different pistols, different calibers to test different pieces of the body armor to ensure that it was up to the high standards that we expect to carry here at the M4 War Store.
Born in Texas.
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Exclusively available at Infowarsstore.com right now.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
It's a quarter inch thick.
I mean, it's got a 20-year warranty.
It's waterproof.
You can wear it.
It's comfortable.
I mean, it's not bulky.
I mean, that's the biggest, I think, intrigue for you, Alex.
The biggest thing for us is, unfortunately, we live in a society now where we need to be able to defend ourselves and our families at any time.
And this is something that is so thin and so lightweight.
You said when you talked to people that have been using this, actually testing it for years, people that currently have tested it for us, they didn't just say outstanding.
What did they really say about it?
No, this is through the roof.
They want to know how do they get it, where do they find it.
A lot of my law enforcement official buddies want to know the same thing because they're wearing these big, heavy, bulky vests that don't work as well.
So they're looking for something you can wear all day, 12 hours a day, in and out of a car.
And 90, I mean you can look up the numbers, 90 plus percent of fatalities with guns when they're used in a mission of crime, I think it's like 94, is pistols or shotguns.
This stops that unless it's a slug.
I mean that's amazing.
So they can wear this and only somebody with a rifle around is going to get through it and soon they won't have it.
If it's available to civilians, we're not sure.
We're gonna have the stuff that's, I mean, unstoppable.
This deal is so insane, is so good, it makes my head spin.
But I guess the first people to sell cars kind of had to give them away.
People didn't believe in it.
Hell, I don't want that thing.
I feed my horse hay.
The backpack body armor is only $200.
And we shot everything you can imagine on it.
Again, fund the InfoWard.
Get the game-changing Nanotech tubes from Buck Rogers.
It's a win-win.
Go check out all their different products at InfoWardStore.com.
It's amazing.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, you don't have to believe me, just listen to Trump's speech.
We're about to discover the keys to ending disease and death.
The keys to hell and death.
All of it, now manifesting.
We're about to discover the secrets of energy and the universe and space travel.
You look at his face, he just looks happy but disgusting as he's getting the briefings.
Everything he was already told by the top generals and the patriots.
Sir, we've got everything.
They've already got it.
They don't know how to deliver it to the people.
Well, the answer is export the excess population to space.
Give people the technology.
Give them the life extension.
Let them know how magic the universe is.
Don't keep them diverted with a bunch of NFL and fake culture.
You've artificially fed them.
Put wind into humanity's sails.
And America is not going to just shrink away and not be strong.
We're going to be stronger than ever.
We've been used to empower the world government.
Let me actually start getting to the speech.
It'll take the rest of the hour to get to.
And in the next hour, guess who was funding?
I mean, I already knew this.
I checked a few of the groups.
I didn't know.
I didn't know that 40 of the 52 groups were Soros funded.
I said it was obviously Soros.
A bunch of women in
Little pink, purple, Color Revolution hat screaming, F you white male Alex Jones, go to hell, hope you die.
And then saying, but we love you, love Trump's hate.
And I'm sorry, I said 40, it's 50 partners of the Women's March on Washington, which is almost every group.
The other major group is funded by the Islamic Jihad.
And I saw all these women, including American, you know, I mean American women, Hispanic, black, white, in hijab saying, this is how we empower women.
You're bullying Muslims.
We're going to put hoods on and go under Islam.
Talk about being cuckold.
Talk about Stockholm syndrome.
Woman's March organizer recently met ex-Hamas operative, family has ties to terror group.
Yeah, the leader of it is a woman that promotes, just like Uma Abedin's mother did, genital mutilation.
She's the leading person pushing it.
And that's how women are empowered is wearing hoods, not being able to drive cars, being stoned to death if they go outside and don't follow their husband's orders.
And I bring this up to them.
We have a clip coming up next hour where one of our reporters brings it up.
And the women go, that's a lie.
Trump was funded by Saudi Arabia.
Trump got zero money from Saudi Arabia.
Zero money from Goldman Sachs.
Zero money from the big globalists.
But it doesn't matter.
They just scream and spit at us and say he did.
And it's just a bunch of weird corporate-owned... I mean, I love DrudgeReport.com.
Can we punch that up?
I'm a woman, hear me roar.
It's Gloria Steinem.
Had a bunch of kids, but she says you shouldn't have a kid.
She's proud of abortions, says that's how you prove your woman's killed your baby.
I'm not attacking you if you had an abortion.
The point is she makes it a sacrament.
And then she's admittedly CIA-funded to break up the family, turn men into betas, and make us easy to assimilate.
And she admits that in a book she wrote and interviews.
And there she is out there smiling with her victims.
This is how you kill cultures and society.
This isn't my opinion.
This is declassified.
It's all coming up in the second hour.
But let's start, let's start with the beginning.
Let's start with the beginning of the speech, with the Star-Spangled Banner, because I was watching the Jumbotron, because I couldn't see the Obamas.
They were kind of back, because I was so close.
I was looking up at the podium.
I could only see people when they were up speaking at it.
There was just the top of Donald's head.
I can see the rabbi and the preachers, you know, just the top of them.
But I can see them on the Jumbotron and they just look so pissed off the whole time.
And so entitled because they never worked for this.
They were just given it as minions of this corporate takeover.
America on its deathbed finally awakened to globalism and said no to it, and you could feel the title resistance surging.
They're so scared.
So let's just play the intro, and him being nice, but I love how he wrote this himself, that no president since Kennedy has written a speech himself.
I mean, they admit this.
I love it.
Again, there's also a Star Spangled Banner we're going to play later.
A lot of stations cut away from that, but this is... So again, here they are singing.
Talking about America the Free.
Here they are singing America the Free, and then Trump comes up and he says, oh you've done an exceptional job, yeah, raping the country, but now all that ends.
And then he gets into the real meat and potatoes.
And there aren't words to describe how ultra, how ultra.
Over the top cool this is.
Everything he says is dialed into truth.
It countermands how America was used to build a tyrannical world government.
It was designed to fall after it was set up.
With all this internal strife and racial strife and strife in the family.
And all of that again is declassified.
All of that is admitted.
My film Endgame breaks it down.
The plan to break down the family.
The plan to turn us against each other.
The plan to say, don't say you have a mother and father, somebody else might not have it.
The plan to destroy free speech.
America's not perfect, but the ideal of it changed the world, empowered the planet, invented most of the technologies we have.
Because the idea of empowering humanity and innovation, the American dream just being 10% realized, created the modern world we have.
And then it was hijacked.
And turned into a system of total control.
And the technologies were hidden.
They were twisted.
They were given to people like the smartphones and other things with back doors and Trojan horse control systems.
Think about that.
And they dumb the public down to where they say, he's rich, he wants to be poor.
No, America's about wealth and empowerment and individual liberty and free association, and that creates incredible wealth.
The problem is it then creates decadence.
Now, they come back from break.
We're going to go right to Trump's speech, and I'm even going to skip the part at the intro to it where he says, Chief Justice Roberts and Carter and Clinton and all the rest of them, we the citizens of America are now joining a great nation effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all our people.
Together we will determine the course of America and the world for years to come.
That's true.
We will face challenges, we will confront hardships, but we will get the job done.
Every four years we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transition of power, and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their graciousness throughout this transition.
They have been magnificent.
Today's ceremony, however, has very special meaning.
We're going to start there.
When we come back, on the other side, I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
We're breaking down the secrets that are now being revealed of the real national treasure.
It's not a Hollywood movie.
What is the American Dream?
I will break it all down straight ahead.
For I alone am your chronicler.
Stay with us.
Joining us now is Mark Dice.
Thank you, Mark, for coming.
Great to be with you.
Happy New Year.
It's a good, it's a new year.
We're having a new president.
It's just fantastic.
I know that I'm not the only one that is feeling so good in this over, you know, 10-year battle that I've been involved as a contributor of the show.
And so it's so good.
And on a positive note, regarding the Bilderberg Group, as far as I can understand, Donald Trump has never been there, never been to the Bohemian Grove.
And that's part of the reason why the American people got behind him because he finally was the true outsider that we have been waiting for.
The Davos meeting going on.
Interesting that Davos, they want everybody to know about that.
But Bilderberg, they want to pretend that that doesn't exist.
And we're seeing all these headlines that they're having a really hard time at Davos this year, Mark.
I really feel sorry for them.
Don't you?
I mean, all these headlines, Davos elites are struggling for answers.
The global elite face a world of uncertainty.
These poor guys who have had everything their way for decades.
A year ago, it was 62 people that had as much money as the bottom half, and now it's consolidated down to just 8.
It's absolutely amazing.
But tell us, in your view, why is it that they come out and they brag about what they're going to do at Davos, but then they, for years,
Completely even denied the existence of the Bilderberg Group.
Well, Davos is sort of a red herring.
Bilderberg is essentially one of the core centers of the power structure.
And so, as much of this audience knows, there's obviously about probably new people coming to your show over the last several months, last year and a half with the election cycle.
But the Bilderberg Group for years was obviously ridiculed as a conspiracy theory.
And then finally, as the alternative media continued to grow, as social media continued to spread word and undeniable proof that the Bilderberg Group exists,
Who's going there the infiltrations and the insider admissions about what it is that they've done and what they're doing It's impossible for the mainstream media to deny that they exist anymore So now they're stuck in a hard spot because they have to pretend like it doesn't even matter But those of us who have been covering this for any amount of time know that Recently they were ridiculing us for even mentioning that it exists or for being concerned about why these people were going there So it certainly is a great question to pose
We're good.
Uh, accompanying slurs saying that it's something that conspiracy theorists are concerned about.
Again, we look at the dichotomy between Davos and Bilderberg and the fact that, okay, we'll talk all about this one and everything, but then, oh, this one doesn't even exist.
They called it a conspiracy theory because we kept pointing out to people, uh, over a long period of time, look, look, oh, look over here, why isn't anybody covering this?
If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse.
Minor words and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
It's a fight for our minds.
And InfoWars.com is on the front lines.
Download our free multimedia app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
It's free, it's on Droid, it's on Apple, you name it.
InfoWars.com forward slash app.
Take action!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, Foxconn, that slave net and the suicide nets, has announced that they're going to build factories in the U.S.
There won't be slaves there, obviously.
That's under Trump.
All those other big companies are announcing they're coming here as this accelerates.
President Trump has declared a new Declaration of Independence for America against the multinational unelected corporations that have set up a world where it's acceptable for China to have slave factories and have us buy goods.
Or it's acceptable for Obama to open up the borders and let people with TB, syphilis, gonorrhea, every other disease you can imagine, even wet leprosy
To come into America!
These globalists are very evil and they look like demons being exercised yesterday.
So let's go into John Roberts administering the oath.
Let's go into what happened and then it'll go a little bit of the next hour.
I want to start really just getting to this historic speech.
I'm just going to write notes here and then have brief comments to analysis.
But in the next few days, I'm going to shoot a special report where I break down and decode the larger meanings of what Trump's saying.
But a lot of it's very, very boilerplate.
I mean, it's very, very clear.
We're going to release the secret technologies, the life extension.
We're going to harness the secrets of the universe.
We're going to have America lead by freedom again, not by control.
So this isn't America relinquishing control.
This is America recognizing and helping dismantle a corrupt world government, a corporate world government that's been set up that we've been used to create.
So this is America getting redemption back from the crimes that we've been used.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to introduce the Chief Justice of the United States, John G. Roberts, Jr., who will administer the presidential oath of office.
Everyone, please stand.
Please raise your right hand and repeat after me.
I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear.
I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear.
That I will faithfully execute.
That I will faithfully execute.
The office of President of the United States.
The office of President of the United States.
And will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
So help me God.
Congratulations, Mr. President.
They look completely butthurt during all this.
He's about to give a speech.
And again, the real meat's coming up.
This is going to take me months to decipher all this.
This is so epic.
But what you're hearing is 110% pure Americana.
It does not get any better than this.
It's why the elites are panicking, folks.
That's your real indication.
Humanity's unstoppable.
Our innovation is incredible.
But again, the elite do not want the general public to have access to all this.
It's very, very greedy.
We're able to introduce for the first time ever anywhere the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump.
And again, folks, you've heard a lot of this already on the show.
And you don't have time to ask, why was it so much this Infowars?
It's not Infowars.
It's Americana.
Here's President 45, now President.
Said it couldn't happen.
Told you two years ago it was gonna happen.
Thank you all, Infowars.
Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton,
President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world, thank you.
Now he, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people.
We will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come.
We will face challenges.
We will confront hardships.
But we will get the job done.
Every four years we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power.
And we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition.
The truth is they didn't pardon Hillary.
They have been magnificent.
It was Hillary and Soros fighting.
Obama actually said it out.
I don't want to give him credit, but I'm going to let you know the inside intel.
Obama backed off.
Keep going.
Today's ceremony, however, has very special meaning.
Because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another.
Back to the people.
Or from one party to another.
But we are transferring power from Washington D.C.
and giving it back to you, the people.
We the people, folks.
This is Americana Reboot.
You are witnessing history.
For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government, while the people have borne the cost.
That's right.
Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth.
Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed.
The establishment protected itself.
That's right.
But not the citizens of our country.
They left in fantasy land.
Their victories have not been your victories.
Their triumphs have not been your triumphs.
And while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.
Unlimited welfare.
With the technology, folks, we can have anything.
That all changes, starting right here, and right now.
Because this moment is your moment, it belongs to you.
Not the state, but the people.
You just did it.
You did this.
Folks, they've got actuaries.
It belongs to everyone gathered here today, and everyone watching.
All across America.
This is your day.
This is your celebration.
And this, the United States of America, is your country.
That's right.
The globalists had conquered America, they'd hijacked it.
We now have peacefully had a countercoup and restored it.
What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.
And pause.
Back it up, 10 seconds, when we come back, we'll continue there.
It just gets more epic, if you know what you're hearing.
For the first time ever, this isn't about parties.
This is about who controls the government.
It's about, do they stand with the people and prosperity and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution?
What do they actually do, instead of a bunch of infighting?
And then he goes into racially coming together, and by the way, the Trump plan's public.
They just always took it out of context.
I've met people that have been here 20 years illegally that can't become citizens because the Republicans and Democrats have made it almost impossible because they want you illegal poor as a new permanent underclass who they control.
No, no, no.
Under Trump, you don't have a criminal record, you're hard working.
No matter what color you are, you're here a year or so, you work hard, you do good stuff, boom!
You're right in.
You're a felon, you're gone!
And I started to try to eat healthy.
Started taking third-party supplements.
Started seeing some more gains.
But when I started working with Dr. Group and some of the other top formulators in the country, they said, Alex, it's all about trace elements and things that the population is absolutely deficient in.
Weight started pouring off.
Toxins started coming out of my body.
Then, by early 2016,
I was in the best shape of my life since I've been in really good shape in my 20s.
But the election heated up.
I started working 14, 15, 16 hours a day.
But more importantly, I stopped taking supplements because we rearranged the kitchen and somebody took the Lazy Susan off the kitchen table where I took some every morning and I just kind of forgot about it.
It was out of sight, out of mind.
And so then I realized this morning, I said, we're going to put the Lazy Susan back on the table.
And I'm going to start taking it religiously again, and I'm going to work out like I've been the last few weeks at the same level.
It's the holidays, so I'll probably eat more.
And whatever the results are, I'm going to publish the findings.
I put the Lazy Susan back on the table, I'm religiously taking the products, and in just one week, I thought I'd lose two or three pounds.
I've lost five pounds religiously taking just, what, four or five of the products.
It's amazing.
Infowarslife.com products are incredible.
Go read the five-star reviews for yourself.
Well, here we are.
Another week has passed.
If memory serves, I lost five pounds the first week, three pounds the next, and only one pound this week because it's the holidays, there's fudge, there's candy, it's everywhere, and I've been picking out eggnog, you name it.
This is the worst time of year, but usually you're gaining weight.
I've lost a pound, so we're now up to nine pounds.
And I've only got, you know, a week and a half left or so until we see what happens in this experiment.
But I'm pretty happy with 9 pounds.
But I want to lose 5 or 6 more.
But as I said, I'm working out less, I'm eating more, I'm taking the supplements, I'm losing weight.
Whatever is doing to me metabolically is amazing.
Let's see what happens next week.
Well, this is the final update on our little experiment.
I started out in early December, and indeed, I pigged out over Christmas even more than usual.
I did have better, more intense workouts because of Supermail and just what it does to my mental picture.
But taking the entire family of InfoWars live products, the Vitamin Mineral Fusion, Fruit Punch, Multivitamin, all of it with the amino acids, taking it all religiously every day but once or twice.
So I started in like, I don't know, December 3rd, 4th or so.
Finished, what was it, about January 4th was the last day of the final photos I took just a few days ago.
Then I left town for a few days, that's why this is a voice memo.
I had to shoot the final, final video.
But what I'm getting at is, it really does work.
Despite the fact that the day after Christmas, I ate almost an entire pie.
My mother had brought over a pumpkin pie, and the day before that had three pieces of cherry pie.
I'm not a big sweets person, but around the holidays, fudge,
Well, you know how it is, folks.
Hot cocoa.
It's just, since I was a kid, the only time I did eat a lot of sweets is maybe at birthday parties or around Christmas.
And I just picked out this year.
In fact, I was going to stop the experiment.
I thought, well, this just isn't fair.
I mean, I'm eating way more and working out less.
This isn't going to happen, but we went ahead and did the experiment and I still lost some weight.
It wasn't as much as I'd wanted to, but to me it proves the fact that again, metabolically, the things that God's given us through nature and having the good halogen and all the other things that are in the products in me helped me just lose weight while I was actually eating more.
It's hard to believe.
Infowarslife.com products are incredible.
Go read the five-star reviews for yourself.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Look, the enemy media has already figured out that we can see for thousands of miles.
They've already figured out that we're not playing games.
Keep it rolling for a minute.
You can see for miles and miles and miles and miles.
I mean, this show's not talk, folks.
This is the real deal.
This is Americana.
I can't believe how honored I am to be 100% Americana and to be in the zeitgeist and to be part of the plan to launch humanity to the stars.
I got good will.
I want to empower you.
I don't want to put you down so I can rule over you.
I don't have a competition in me that if somebody else is doing well, I want to destroy them.
I want you to do well as long as it's not at my expense, and with the large yes in the non-zero-sum game, the 360 win as I call it, that we have with technology, it's there.
In fact, there's more than you could ever imagine or want to do with what this species can do.
Look how far we've come from the fire and the wheel, the spacecraft, and all the medicine we have.
And the biggest thing from his speech is, America's ideas and culture, that's what's going to make us dominate worldwide.
But in free trade and openness, globalism is all about making people poor.
Nico was just telling me, he said, hey boss, you know, you skip a lot of breaks, you never plug anything.
The network's the ones that run all the ads.
You want to plug something?
Yeah, we're running a special that ends today.
We've been running since Christmas.
We extended it to call it the inauguration special.
30-40% off all the high-quality, storable food made right here in America.
SuperMill Vitality, 30% off.
It's an amazing product.
Brain Force Plus, 30% off.
DNA Force, back-in-stock, 10% off.
20% off.
Secret 12, Vitamin B12.
Survival Shield X2, 30% off.
Knockout Sleep Formula, 20% off.
And many other great products at InForceLife.com.
We have the amazing Nanotech Body Armor, only available to the military.
You know what the crazy part about meeting people in the military who are big listeners and fighting for this country and fighting for Trump, is that they don't even tell you don't talk about it.
And it's so crazy that you can't even tell people.
I mean some of it got caught on tape when I was in DC.
One guy, he looked like The Flash.
Or who's the guy that's real fast?
It was like Ant-Man, but who's the guy?
The Flash.
It's like this guy's attacking me and all of a sudden people are like, is that real?
Knocked this guy down.
And then it's like... It's like, is that even real?
Oh, we're just here to help you, protect you, because there's a threat against you.
And then after they leave, they're like, you know who that was?
I'm like, no, I don't know.
Well, that's such and such.
It's like... It's like... They are hitting us with polonium and killing people, though, every day.
I mean, so, to actually watch the real American government come in, like, Alex, you're crazy enough to come down here, watch what happens, and then, boom, it's like... I mean, I'm a tough guy, okay?
These guys would probably kick my ass in about 30 seconds.
And it's just, it's just so crazy to be in the heart of the American dream now.
And it's so real, everybody can feel it and see it.
I gotta get to this, because Leon's come up in about 20 minutes.
I gotta, there's like 13 minutes left to his speech, it's so epic.
Let's hear some more of this, and I'll try to limit my comments, but this is such an amazing time to be alive.
Here's Trump being inaugurated 48 hours ago, right there in the District of Criminals as he turns the tide.
What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.
That's it.
It's for the people.
You've never heard that.
January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.
Hit pause.
Back it up.
January 20th is the new July 4th.
If we deliver on this, if this happens, if we're moral and good and work hard and do this, in a hundred years it'll be celebrated as bigger than July 4th.
It's a fact.
But Trump isn't doing this selfishly.
He loves his kids, his grandkids, and the kids that come after that.
He understands the continuum.
He understands how big this is.
And that globalism is designed to make us poor,
All we gotta do is turn that off.
It's not that he's even perfect.
Again, Donald Trump, mark this down, is not out to get you.
And he has a vision, and he loves America, and he knows about the secret destiny, which in days to come I'll lay out fully, but believe me, folks, life extension technologies alone, saying we have them, we're gonna give them to you, that's come up in a moment.
Yes, people that own chemotherapy patents are not gonna make any more money.
They already made hundreds of billions.
Shut up.
They're like, well, what do we do when people can live to 200?
It's gonna happen.
We'll figure it out, okay?
But then we won't be in control of it.
I mean, the public, a bunch of dumbasses, we can't give it to them.
You made them dumb!
How about you die?
I don't want to kill you, but stop saying we gotta die!
We're gonna get some of this dirt, dammit!
We built it, we made it, stop it!
Latin America and Africa should be jewels!
Those are strong, good people.
They've been suppressed, never got out from under colonialism.
We're gonna end that.
And you turn loose the superstorm of human potential.
I don't care what color you are.
That spirit's right.
I mean, I'm gonna be honest with you.
Just because I don't want to be condescending like, oh, I like gay people or I like black people.
Oh, really?
Some of them are your best friends.
I was out there and there were Indians and black people and Hispanics and people coming up speaking on the microphone.
There were these live feeds that were so eloquent.
Their spirits were so strong that I didn't feel weak that I was next to a spirit so strong.
I felt good like, oh, thank God there's people out there that get it.
I just love them so much.
And it didn't matter what color their skin was, even though, quite frankly, I tried to get the best tan I could get.
I thought their dark skin looked great.
The point was, is I love them as fellow humans, and they were my brothers and sisters because they got it.
And most of the people I saw that were minorities, they totally understood it and rejected it from the Kenyan driver of my SUV back to the airport.
To the Mexican driver that picked me up, to everybody I met, it was like they were free.
But let me tell you, if I saw some black man or Hispanic or whatever person who looked good and was strong and had strength and had light in their eyes, I knew before I talked to them they loved me or agreed with me.
But if I saw somebody who looked like their soul had been sucked out, they hated me.
It's spiritual!
It's what's in our hearts, and what's in these people's hearts that love God and liberty is the same as mine, the same as in Trump.
He feels it!
He wants to be the one that delivers us!
He wants to be the new Moses!
He wants to do it!
And I don't even want to sit here and say this, but the truth's the truth!
Donald Trump's so good, ladies and gentlemen, that I don't even know if we deserve him.
He is so frickin' strong.
He's so high on the spirit.
He works 20 hours a day without even coffee, and he can't stop working, and he just sees every... It's incredible!
He's a modern prophet, ladies and gentlemen.
We've only got a few minutes to break.
I'm going to go as long as I have to to finish this before Leanne comes in, but let's just go back to it.
Here it is.
January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.
July 4th, part two.
True collectivism, our will together.
The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.
They've turned us against each other so we don't join wills together.
See, they have a false collectivism.
You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement the likes of which the world has never seen before.
You back Trump, you go to the stars.
You don't, genocide and death.
And the elite are crazy to merge with computers.
The future of this movement is a crucial conviction that a nation exists to serve its citizens.
Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves.
These are just and reasonable demands of righteous people.
It's a social contract!
You gotta give it to us!
Too many of our citizens, a different reality exists.
Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities.
Rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape.
of our nation.
An education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge.
And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.
This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.
See, it sounds like talk, but if you invoke it, you will have it.
See, he knows, he says, you have the power.
I need you to step into your destiny.
We are one nation.
Yeah, one nation.
They keep saying divide, divide, that we're dividing.
We'll be back, folks.
I'm gonna do two more segments to play this.
He's getting into the suppressed technologies next.
I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat.
Or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22.
When I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support Infowars in our fight for both human liberty and freedom.
Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide, while also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting, 100% organic coffee on the planet.
For more than a decade, my favorite coffee has come from the high mountains of southern Mexico, where the Chiapas farmers grow their unique shade-grown Arabica beans.
We have now managed to secure these sought-after beans in a highly customized blend.
Discover and try a bag of the Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee at Infowarslife.com.
This coffee gives you a long, smooth pick-me-up for hours without the headaches and heartburn that so many other coffees give me personally.
Hands down, this is my favorite coffee, and it's taken us years to secure connections directly to the Chiapas Mexican farmers.
Drop by the site today, order a bag or two, and I don't think you're going to be disappointed.
Available in original or with our immune support infusion blend.
You will be supporting a free press, all the while enjoying a truly great tasting cup of my favorite coffee.
Available at Infowarslife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Watch me!
Watch me!
I got something!
Watch me!
I got it!
I got something that makes me wanna shout!
I got something that tells me
I got something that tells me what it's all about.
I'm super bad.
Feels so good.
Got a move that tells me what to do.
I think Trump's got a move that tells him what to do, and he knows the devil when he sees it.
The devil doesn't want you to do good.
He wants to trick you.
He wants to run your life.
God wants to empower you and see you grow.
Let's go back to the epic speech of President Trump.
Here it is.
We are one nation, and their pain is our pain.
Their dreams are our dreams, and their success will be our success.
We're all connected.
We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny.
The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.
For many decades... Hit pause.
This is too big.
This oath of office is an allegiance to you.
No President.
This is it.
That's what he tells you personally and on air.
I'm not going to let you down.
I'm fully committed to you.
I'm going to do the best I can.
And he does it.
I can't believe how dumb the leftists were out on the trail.
They don't think Trump brought any jobs back.
When he was president-elect, he was already doing it.
Let's go back.
...enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry, subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military.
We've defended other nations' borders while refusing to defend our own.
And spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America's infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.
We've made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon.
One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores.
With not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind.
The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world.
Which is what globalism admitted it was.
But that is the past.
And now we are looking only to the future.
America first.
Which means build ourselves up, be independent, then help others.
Not have capitulation dictated to us.
We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power.
America first.
From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.
From this day forward, it's going to be only America first.
America first.
This means humanity first.
Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families.
We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs.
Alright, we're going to come back.
So, America First, which just simply means we won't be slaves of the globalists.
We're going to come back, finish up with a speech, and I'm going to detail how these big women's marches are openly run by the CIA, that's hijacked by foreign powers.
Can Trump clean up the CIA, or will he fail?
All this and more straight ahead.
Do you want the cancer cures?
The question is up to you.
We are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another.
But we are transferring power from Washington D.C.
and giving it back to you, the people.
What truly matters...
Is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.
And while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.
That all changes
Starting right here and right now.
Because this moment is your moment.
It belongs to you.
This is your day.
This is your celebration.
And this, the United States of America, is your country.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
This will be a day long remembered.
We've seen the end of the Clintons.
We'll soon see the end of the globalists.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
It's not true!
That's impossible!
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host, Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You'll be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
Well folks, we are impressed with Donald Trump and what he's done.
He's a pro-human, pro-liberty, president, and right as world government was openly being announced.
Like a phoenix under the fire of hell, our republic is rising again.
I want to finish up with his historic inaugural speech, January 20th, Friday, 2017.
We're going to come back and get into the globalist counter-offensive, how they hope to enslave humanity.
But he gets to the key points here about life-extension technology and other technologies that are going to be deployed to the public.
I can tell you, many of these are suppressed.
They're seen as disruptive.
And it will be disruptive when people can easily live to 200.
But that's the big secret.
Let's go to it.
Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families.
We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs.
Gang raping's over.
Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.
I will fight for you with every breath in my body and I will never ever let you down.
America will start winning again.
Winning like never before.
We will bring back our jobs.
We will bring back our borders.
We will bring back our wealth.
And we will bring back our dreams.
We will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways all across our wonderful nation.
We will get our people off of welfare and back to work.
Rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.
We will follow two simple rules.
Buy American and hire American.
We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.
We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone.
But rather, to let it shine as an example.
We will shine for everyone to follow.
We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism.
Which is cancer.
Which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.
The left is totally allied with it.
I was there.
They admit like the...
Million Woman March was run by the Muslims.
The bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America.
And through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.
That's right.
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
That's right.
Just because the left is doing all this anti-white stuff, people need to not buy into that.
Unless you want these people to win, you better come together.
The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity.
We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
Come together for prosperity and treat people good, just be nice.
And stop being a bunch of... There should be no fear.
We are protected.
And we will always be protected.
That's the key, by God.
We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement.
And most importantly... God.
We will be protected by God.
Brought God back in.
Gotta ask God for the protection.
He just did it.
Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger.
In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving.
That's right.
We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining, but never doing anything about it.
That's right.
You let a terror attack happen and you lose your job.
You deliver.
You don't get more power when you screw up.
The time for empty talk is over.
Now arrives the hour of action.
The hour of action.
Notice it's all Trump's done.
We have the power.
Humans can do anything.
Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done.
It took tens of thousands of years.
No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.
To build to this point, we have everything now.
The secrets of the atom.
We will not fail.
Genes, everything.
Our country will thrive and prosper again.
God gave us this.
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries, and technologies of tomorrow.
Back it up ten seconds, I'm gonna come back, finish it, and go to the heavenly end and for the rest to get into the counter-strike against all this with the brainwashing of women and turning the species against itself.
That's how you kill fire ants or anything else.
You turn the species against itself.
We're gonna end the ravage of disease.
We're gonna do this.
We have it.
We've already done it.
Folks, they already have it.
It's admitted, okay?
It's in major white papers.
Not 100% cures, but in general, they've got it all.
They're suppressing a ton of stuff.
Back it up 15 seconds.
I want people to hear this again.
And Trump wants you to have that.
He doesn't want to just go to Switzerland and get it for himself.
Because he feels like crap getting that when you don't get it, like the Queen of England does.
He's like, OK, so others bug too many people.
We'll just figure it out and do something in space.
We're not going to do this.
So let's go out to break.
Here's President Trump.
He's now president!
I told you he'd be president!
We will not fail.
Our country will thrive and prosper again.
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries, and technologies of tomorrow.
A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our division.
That's right.
The U.S.
has all the secret technology.
It's time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget.
We're going to deliver this to everybody.
America will fulfill the promise.
Whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood.
We'll be back with a conclusion.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Everyone knows that InfoWars funds our operation by selling high quality products that we use and that everybody needs at very competitive affordable prices.
And so I get questions all the time over the years, why don't you sell body armor at InfoWarsStore.com or why don't you have sponsors that sell body armor?
And it's simple.
I will only promote and I will only sell the very, very best out there.
And there's a nexus point.
There's quality versus price.
And those two points have to come together.
National Defense Labs and its civilian subsidiary, Citizen Armor, has given InfoWars the exclusive on distributing to the American people
The true next generation in body armor.
People are always saying, it's the 21st century, where are the silver jetpacks and where's Buck Rogers and the Skycars?
Well, the globalists have basically suppressed a lot of those developments.
They admit they want a post-industrial world.
They call any technology that gets around their systems of control disruptive.
Well, believe me,
This is disruptive to tyrants worldwide.
Basically what we're bringing to the Info Wars team is a new line of dynamic, lightweight body armor.
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We've, uh, went out and did some testing.
We originally found their claims, saw what they said.
We were all kind of hesitant to believe that something so light, so flexible, um, could be so strong.
So what we did is we went out, we used, um, different pistols, different calibers to test different pieces of the body armor to ensure that it was up to the high standards that we expect to carry here at the M4 War Store.
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I mean, it's unbelievable.
It's a quarter inch thick.
I mean, it's got a 20-year warranty.
It's waterproof.
You can wear it.
It's comfortable.
I mean, it's not bulky.
I mean, that's the biggest, I think, intrigue for you, Alex.
The biggest thing for us is, unfortunately, we live in a society now where we need to be able to defend ourselves and our families at any time.
And this is something that is so thin and so lightweight.
You said when you talked to people that have been using this, actually testing it for years, people that currently test it for us, they didn't just say outstanding.
What did they really say about this?
No, this is through the roof.
They want to know how do they get it, where do they find it.
A lot of my law enforcement official buddies want to know the same thing.
Because they're wearing these big, heavy, bulky vests that don't work as well.
So, they're looking for something you can wear all day, 12 hours a day, in and out of a car.
And 90, I mean you can look up the numbers, 90 plus percent of fatalities with guns when they're used in the face of a crime, I think it's like 94, is pistols or shotguns.
This stops that unless it's a slug.
I mean, that's amazing.
So, they can wear this and only somebody with a rifle around is going to get through it.
And soon, they won't have it.
If it's available to civilians, we're not sure.
We're going to have the stuff that's, I mean, unstoppable.
This deal is so insane, is so good, it makes my head spin.
But I guess the first people to sell cars kind of had to give them away.
People didn't believe it.
Hell, I don't want that thing.
I feed my horse hay.
The backpack body armor is only $200.
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Again, fund the InfoWard.
Get the game-changing Nanotech tubes from Buck Rogers.
It's a win-win.
Go check out all their different products at InfoWardStore.com.
It's amazing.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The globalists' great error is to believe that as they collapse humanity, they end up on top.
The truth is, humanity is coming down fast, but we're miles above them, on our journey to hell.
I'll see you again.
So Trump is delivering on every front, getting more intense as he becomes president, not selling out the constituents.
Again, there's so much wealth on the planet, it's in all the big globalist books, they admit it.
They want to make people poor.
It's their own admission.
Their argument is, being wealthy hurts the earth.
No, we just create clean versions of it, which they're suppressing.
Landmark is about to jump into the balance of the hour, looking at their counter-strike against all this.
I was there.
But first, let's finish up with President Trump's speech, where he's breaking down, unlocking the secrets of the universe, which I can tell you,
My father at UT, in high school, in the Plan 2 program, in the mid-60s they had CD-ROMs and computers.
We didn't see till the 80s.
They have suppressed technology 30 years behind.
Trump knows it.
He wants it rolled out to the public.
This is the biggest issue.
You want disclosure about all the secret technologies, the rest of it?
They admit they're suppressing AI, you name it.
You want a pro-human world and future?
Donald Trump.
Let me explain something.
People ask, is Trump real?
Saying this destroys the enemy.
The entire globalist program is against Trump right now and is in death throes.
They're panicking everywhere.
He got a standing ovation at the CIA.
CNN said the CIA hated him.
They said nobody showed up and showed a shot of the morning early before the gates opened.
They said he took Martin Luther King's bust out and threw it in the street.
It was right there!
They are freaking out.
I'll talk to Leanne in a moment, but here's the conclusion.
That it cannot be done.
No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.
We will not fail.
Our country will thrive and prosper again.
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries, and technologies of tomorrow.
A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions.
It's time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget.
That whether we are black, or brown, or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots.
We all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American flag.
And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the windswept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty creator.
You know, Billy Corgan was smashing pumpkins a couple years ago.
He said, Alex, the key of what you do is you talk about looking up to the night sky, coming together as humans.
Again, you say, oh, that's just hype.
No, he's saying you little people have the power.
You're powerful.
Demand action.
Demand the truth.
It's like Bannon said, keep us honest, stay on us, help us, spur us.
And he's saying you have the power.
Everything else is about, oh, you need us to be powerful.
No, no, you come first.
You are what dictates the destiny.
All of us together.
Let's finish the speech.
Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our American destiny.
And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.
Pause again.
Back in five seconds.
What did I say in that promo video we've been running for two weeks?
I said, this is American destiny, we must take it, but we have to be good, we have to be loving, we have to come together racially, culturally, we have to do this.
We are the power, and notice Trump saying it.
He didn't get it from me.
It's the truth.
This is the true spirit of humanity that America was the greatest example of.
And that's why the enemies and controllers are now making a joke out of themselves.
Let's finish.
And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.
Together, we will make America strong again.
We will make America wealthy again.
We will make America proud again.
We will make America safe again.
And yes, together, we will make America great again.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.
And you understand the entire Gloveless program is about making individuals disempowered, dependent.
He's saying, no, you're the power.
We're going to empower you.
You're going to empower us.
There's no way he's not real, because this message is like sunlight to vampires.
This is the antithesis of the New World Order.
Leanne, we're going to cover all this coming back.
Your view as a woman of the supposed Million Woman March, which got damn close to it.
I was there yesterday.
And what they were saying and doing, they were so evil and horrible, it was like cartoonish.
But I want to show how the CIA runs it and Soros and the Muslims.
A Muslim group literally was running it?
That would put you in a dungeon?
I mean... A Sharia law advocate?
One of the top ones.
But overall, I don't know your view.
I haven't talked to you since you got here 10 minutes ago at the studio.
But I mean, what is your view of what you saw?
Well, you know, for me, I think obviously protesting is kind of a cornerstone of our republic, so I'm like, fine, go out there, do what you need to do.
I feel truly like we are living in a dual reality with these people.
Truly, the dimensions have split and we are superimposed on top of them because
We could listen to Donald Trump's speech and say, wow, incredible, this is... All about unity.
We the people have the power back.
He's even getting white supremacists to stop being racist right now.
I mean, he's like, really, this is real.
I mean, let's walk back a few months when he had the standing ovation at the RNC when he brought up gay people and said, look, it's time for the RNC.
Let's all love each other, Republicans rule!
Hillary wouldn't even mention him!
And I think I'm going to have to switch to the YMCA because they have banned CNN from being played at their gym.
But CNN was on and they had the picture up, the side-by-side, the fake news photo with a, you know, 8.30 in the morning when they took the photo of the crowd and said, look, here's the inauguration.
Oh, I know.
They're celebrating that no one showed up.
They were beating people up so they couldn't get in.
It's total fake news.
I was personally punched repeatedly.
Yeah, and even CNN, they have a... I couldn't get in at like nine.
I had to go like four miles around.
I got attacked there, couldn't get in.
Everybody was on video live.
I had to go like, so I barely got in, didn't even get my seats like right up at the front.
Right, well they would have 40 people across, six rows deep, blocking people off with like a human chain saying, this entry is blocked, this entry is blocked.
And the weird thing is it was Black Lives Matter, they were almost all white.
They'd punch me and say, you're a white male, F you.
And it was so racist.
Right, well, and then also too I was seeing tons of signs at the Women's March, you know, posted all over social media about how white women voted for Trump.
Don't forget, it's white women's fault.
You know, and then you have these conservative, pro-life women who wanted to be a part of the march and they were excluded from it.
This isn't about women and equality and Women's March.
This is a total... Well, I want to get your view on this because, I mean, I gotta say, they were so comically evil, hateful, and the men were the most beta,
Like zombies, like reanimated corpses, like 85 pounds, stumbling around huge black circles, drooling.
No, I'm serious.
Something sucked your soul.
Joining us now is Michael Snyder of the EconomicCollapseBlog.com, and of course he's a frequent contributor to Infowars.com.
Talk to us about your concerns about what the anarchists are trying to do in terms of promoting martial law.
Yeah, thank you David, and people need to realize that this starts
Tomorrow, the radical left, the election of Donald Trump was perhaps the single most galvanizing moment in the history of the radical left, certainly since the days of Ronald Reagan, where they didn't expect Donald Trump to win.
They kind of treated him as a big joke, but now that they've won, they're fired up, they're ready for battle, they're ready for war, while many, many patriots, many conservatives have kind of gone to sleep.
Many Trump supporters said, hey, he won, so now the battle's over.
The truth is the battle's just beginning.
In fact, an organization known as refusefascism.org recently took out a full page ad in the New York Times talking about how we need, must resist Donald Trump.
It's all funded by the radical left, people like George Soros, all ultimately controlled and dominated by the globalists, but they're being told that Donald Trump is Hitler, that he's the devil, that he must be resisted, basically to the left.
Donald Trump is the personification of everything that's wrong with America.
And so what they plan to do on Inauguration Day, they plan to disrupt the activities as much as possible.
One of the big things they're planning are blockades.
They're planning blockades of the major transportation routes.
We're good to go.
So they say openly they want to force as much of the inauguration celebration as possible inside.
They want to turn it into a riot, into chaos.
They want to do whatever they can to disrupt things, to upset the proceedings, and to get attention for their cause.
Now of course they can't stop Donald Trump from being inaugurated, but what they want to do is they want to completely change the narrative of the day.
If you remember past inaugurations, for example when Barack Obama was inaugurated,
It was a big celebration.
You know, the whole nation came together and Barack Obama got out of the vehicle and walked the parade route and it was peaceful and people were cheering.
They wanted to turn it into the exact opposite.
Chaos and riots and all these things are about provoking a response.
And so they want the National Guard and the authorities to crack down hard so they can say, hey, look, this is martial law.
Look, they really are fascists.
They're going to go from a love fest that they had with the media and Barack Obama, they're going to go, look, the country is torn apart by the presidency of Donald Trump.
The media is waiting for this, waiting to pounce on this.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm waiting.
Reflecting on my past life.
I mean, here I am, and let's be honest, we, this show, have changed the world.
And I'm more humble than I was 20 years ago.
And at 5 o'clock, they take me to the gallows pole.
I mean, they're openly saying they want to kill me.
They're saying, shut us down.
I still have love.
For these throngs of people that, they were defeating me not in the way they thought.
As thousands of women, every few minutes went by me, screaming, F you, hope you die, fascist, Nazi.
And I'd try to talk to them, it was all on Facebook Mentions, millions watching.
They wouldn't talk, they just screamed, I was the enemy, and they'd go, Trump not hate, or hate not Trump, and all this crazy froth, and I was just like trying to talk, and they wouldn't humanize me, they wouldn't
Speak to me.
They wouldn't listen to me.
When the whole corporate world government is against Trump in America, they couldn't see because they thought MSNBC and ABC was God.
And now I see the mainstream media and the attacks on America and nationalism and a global system that's supposed to destroy national sovereignty
Going into high gear, what haven't they learned from their defeats, Leigh-Anne?
Well, it's just surreal watching the media, the mainstream media, is absolutely still trying to delegitimize Trump.
And every single move, once he called them out on that fake photo they were using to pick on his crowd size, that became their whole thing.
And so they're still using it.
They're like, why are you complaining we said no one showed up?
Or they're like, oh, he got rid of Martin Luther King!
They're like, no I didn't hear it as well, just shut up and quit bitching!
Yeah, how dare you?
They hate the fact he calls them.
They go, he's obsessed with himself.
Yeah, the truth.
Every time you lie, he counters you.
He's got more energy than all of you.
They can't stand it.
Let me say, I'm 43.
I got more energy.
I don't think anybody.
Trump trumps me.
It's not a Trump ass-kissing contest, Leigh-Anne.
It's starting to get spooky.
No, I mean, here's the thing is, when I was at the gym and CNN was on and I just saw the picture up there, I didn't even stop to watch it, I just got so angry because I was in my mind, I'm thinking, people only get, there are people out there that... In fact, I meant to give this to the crew, if we don't do it today, I'll show it tomorrow, that they showed like 8.30 the shot with no one there and said, look, no one showed up.
Meanwhile, it was a record crowd of like 1.8 million.
I mean, it's just like, God, I guess we thought they'd be discredited, they go away.
No, they're now like,
We're discredited.
Let's just say the moon's made of cheese.
Well, and just to prove that they used a photo from earlier in the morning.
Hey guys, just Google.
A left runs with fake photo.
There it is.
You have the meme.
So I saw this photo that was out
We're good.
When their own gigapixel photo that they have shows a huge crowd, but yet they're still going to roll out that picture today and say, Donald Trump says we're lying, but here's the photo proof.
And that's what makes me so angry is that there are people out there that only get their news from CNN and they truly believe this alternate reality.
I was telling these women, they're like, oh Trump didn't bring jobs back, and I'm like, Chrysler, Ford, Carrier, Foxcom, and they were just like, liar!
And then they go, F you white male!
It was all white women, and I was like, that's so racist!
Well then you get back to the real world.
There's actually a video up on the Drudge Report about this woman who was on the plane and she's, you know, flying out of D.C., talks to the person next to her, did you come here to protest or to celebrate?
And he's, you know, just polite.
So once she finds out he was there to support
Celebrate Democracy, she starts going after him, saying, well, I'm entitled to get drunk and puke on your lap.
I'm gonna, you make me sick.
Don't talk to me.
Don't look at me.
Don't even use the armrest.
I'm gonna make, you know, just totally being, you disgust me.
You're a bigot.
Get off this plane.
And he's like, well, ma'am, the very definition of bigotry is disparaging someone prior to knowing them simply by their beliefs and opinions.
And she's like, no, you get out, trying to force him off.
And the stewardess shuts her down and says, ma'am, you don't have the right to kick this guy off the plane or to force him to move seats.
And then she ended up kicking this old lady off the plane.
I gotta be honest with you.
That's what I'm saying.
I was there.
I don't know if you saw the live feeds.
Yeah, they would.
I mean, they were just like, we run this world now.
You get off the plane.
It was like I didn't exist.
Yeah, well, see, and that's the thing.
You know, I'm glad that you brought that up because I feel like
We could all be really tempted to attack them in the same way that they are treating us.
No, they're victims.
They're not people to get in a cult.
They're like getting somebody out of a major cult.
I feel like Pence did a great job in the debate when you saw how that was handled.
I forget his name, the Grinch, Hillary Clinton's VP, Tim Kaine, how he was trying to really just egg him on with all this buzzword crap and he just calmly was like, you know, come on, let's just, I feel like that's how we need to respond to these people, just bringing them the facts and not falling for their bait because it's total crap, it's delusional, it's not in reality.
What do you think happens as we start restoring prosperity, bringing people together?
What do they do next?
Because they are just hysterical.
How do you resist prosperity?
How do you resist freedom?
That's why I feel like, I hope Donald Trump just kind of lays low.
That's a good bumper sticker.
How do you resist freedom?
I don't want to.
That's the thing.
I really hope Trump... How do you resist your birthright?
How do you resist something so obviously... Because my gut's never wrong.
And I didn't like Trump before because I thought I liked TV.
And I was like, ugh, Trump.
But my gut says Trump, Trump, Trump.
Everybody's like, why do you like a Trump?
I go, my gut says it.
And thank God in the last two years I started to follow my gut.
God, they want to kill him though.
I just, and I hate, I've never admired somebody like this.
It's like, I actually feel embarrassed how much I admire him, but he just keeps doing everything right.
I'm curious.
That was such an inclusive, loving speech.
And we were all wondering, just waiting for them, for the mainstream to get back to their little computers and type up their story, like wondering how are they going to tear his speech apart and make it bad, and he's an... They said it was ominous and scary.
It was the opposite.
Yeah, someone said, it's reminding me of the... We're going to unlock the diseases and cure people.
Oh, it's so scary.
Yeah, he's reminding me of the anti-Semitic speech.
You know, what speech were you listening to?
That's what I'm saying.
Oh, I love he's anti-Semitic when he wants to move the Israeli U.S.
consulate from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
I mean, it's just all made up crap because they know the average liberal doesn't know that Jews were dancing in the streets.
Yeah, when Obama was like the most hostile president to Israel.
I know, it's all upside down.
It's, it's, that's, it's crazy.
Like, we are typically the ones checking the government.
We would typically be there going, oh, Trump making fun of his every move and like checking him and calling.
But it's Wally Woe!
Spicer comes out and gives a press conference and it's like all true.
And he was like all moral authority and hitting him and being honest.
I was like, what is going on?
It is.
We are living in, Lala, it's crazy.
I'm curious how you felt, though, just being out there.
I know you kept kind of breaking down.
We saw you on Life.
I just felt really bad.
When they would, March 5, say, F you, F you, you're a racist.
And you hate women when I don't.
Just flipping me off.
It was like a cult.
It was hundreds and hundreds of women an hour going, F you.
I mean, we're into fans, too.
Every other Trump supporter was an info warrior.
But I would try to say, no, no.
Edward Bernays, the CIA, it's to hurt the... I would just go, F you!
Oh, well, and then one of the big things they were doing was putting on hijabs to show there's... Oh, I saw that!
It's like, how dare you, you bigot, be against Islam when it totally enslaves women?
And I wasn't even bringing up Islam at first.
It's a symbol of oppression.
It's a symbol of that, you know, when you want to practice Sharia law or whatever.
Liane, if you want to come to work, we're going to put a bag over your head.
Yeah, it's like, you have to be submissive.
Can you imagine if I would have said those words?
I should do that, like, I have a bag then.
We put this over your head.
No, no, it'd be like, oh, you're trying to rape me.
They're in a cult, man.
I noticed like Muslims, I said this yesterday on the video live, were like running it.
It's in the news now, that it's Women's March organizers.
Yeah, one of the leaders.
It's one of the top, Sharia law, cut women's genitals off, put hoods on their heads.
Yeah, yeah, we got video of that!
There was women, hundreds of them, holding those signs.
We the people, Sharia law.
So now being a slave as a woman against me, who just spoils women, now I'm bad.
I don't want to put a hood on their head.
The girl, I believe her name, the woman Linda Sarsour, I believe.
I've got the article right here.
She was on Rachel Maddow before this march talking about it saying,
You know, 22 states in this country don't allow Sharia law.
They don't allow us to practice our religion.
It's like, no, sure, you can practice Islam, but Sharia law is a separate... You're not going to take a newborn girl and cut her genitals off.
It's a separate tenet of the religion.
It's kind of an aside.
So it's like, here's... Oh yeah, yeah, they're using our freedom to ban it.
And here's our prostitution, you know, version of it.
And it's like, no... No, it's liberal women saying the West that empowers women has enslaved them, in my face, hating me.
The thing that's wrong is it's not 50 states that don't allow Sharia law.
More than 20 years ago, when I started InfoWars, I was a fitness addict.
As time went on, my metabolism slowed down, I quit working out, I was working 18 hours a day, and I gained right at 100 pounds.
I started to exercise really hard again.
And I started to try to eat healthy.
Started taking third party supplements.
Started seeing some more gains.
But when I started working with Dr. Group and some of the other top formulators in the country, they said, Alex, it's all about trace elements and things that the population is absolutely deficient in.
Weight started pouring off.
Toxins started coming out of my body.
Then, by early 2016,
I was in the best shape of my life since I've been in really good shape in my 20s.
But the election heated up.
I started working 14, 15, 16 hours a day.
But more importantly, I stopped taking supplements because we rearranged the kitchen and somebody took the Lazy Susan off the kitchen table where I took some every morning and I just kind of forgot about it.
It was out of sight, out of mind.
And so then I realized this morning, I said, we're going to put the Lazy Susan back on the table.
And I'm going to start taking it religiously again, and I'm going to work out like I've been the last few weeks at the same level.
It's the holidays, so I'll probably eat more.
And whatever the results are, I'm going to publish the findings.
I put the Lazy Susan back on the table, I'm religiously taking the products, and in just one week, I thought I'd lose two or three pounds.
I've lost five pounds, religiously taking just, what, four or five of the products.
It's amazing.
Infowarslife.com products are incredible.
Go read the five-star reviews for yourself.
Well, here we are.
Another week has passed.
If memory serves, I lost 5 pounds the first week, 3 pounds the next, and only 1 pound this week because it's the holidays, there's fudge, there's candy, it's everywhere, and I've been picking out eggnog, you name it.
This is the worst time of year, but usually you're gaining weight.
I've lost a pound.
So we're now up to 9 pounds.
And I've only got, you know, a week and a half left or so until we see what happens in this experiment.
But I'm pretty happy with 9 pounds.
But I want to lose 5 or 6 more.
But as I said, I'm working out less, I'm eating more, I'm taking the supplements, I'm losing weight.
Whatever is doing to me metabolically is amazing.
Let's see what happens next week.
Well, this is the final update on our little experiment.
I started out in early December, and indeed, I pigged out over Christmas even more than usual.
I did have better, more intense workouts because of SuperMail and just what it does to my mental picture.
But taking the entire family of InfoWars live products, the Vitamin Mineral Fusion, Fruit Punch, Multivitamin, all of it with the amino acids,
Taking it all religiously every day, but once or twice.
So I started in like, I don't know, December 3rd, 4th or so.
Finished, what was it, about January 4th was the last day of the final photos I took just a few days ago.
Then I left town for a few days, that's why this is a voice memo.
I didn't shoot the final, final video.
But what I'm getting at is, it really does work.
Despite the fact that the day after Christmas, I ate almost an entire pie that my mother had brought home.
We're good to go.
This isn't going to happen, but we went ahead and did the experiment and I still lost some weight.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us, final segment.
Liam will join me again tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central with the rest of the great crew for the weekday show, because I want her to be able to get through all she wants to talk about, because I was frustrated as a man.
I can't imagine a woman.
I'm just saying, if you're a woman, you're for Hillary, you're for George Soros.
It is so crazy.
But speaking of Gloria Steinem, I remember hearing Rush Limbaugh when I was a senior in high school, like 1992.
Gloria Steinem in her new book admits that she was CIA and it was meant to break up the family and take control of things for social engineering.
So I went home because I knew my mother had seen that book on the coffee table like a month before and I picked it up and flipped to where Rush had said and there it was.
So I'd mentioned that many times over the years and I would get emails and the news would say, you can look this up, Jones claims the CIA ran the feminist movement.
Yeah, they did stuff like
Almost no women smoke cigarettes.
How do we get up to worldwide?
Well, just say it's feminists that smoke cigarettes that were Bernays.
We got articles on that.
In fact, tomorrow I'll do more on this, but you guys pulled up some of the articles for me.
There it is.
The Torches of Freedom is what they called it.
Your husband won't let you smoke cigarettes.
The point is, smoke one if you want.
They just said, be a woman, be cool.
Torches of Freedom.
Because they targeted women.
Hitler did as well.
And then the next thing was, you know, Eber Bernays and all this other garbage about going after the family, breaking it up, and then Gloria Steinem and Ms.
Magazine and the CIA and ugly art and break down the family.
It's all there.
So today I said, hey, Google her book.
And Nico Acosta, our head producer, goes, no, no, look, this is 60 Minutes in the 60s.
And so, I was like, whoa, this just went up a little while ago.
Here's part of it where she talks about the CIA and the foundations wanting to work with her.
Again, it's not about empowering women.
It's about making you totally poor, turning men into betas, and ending society.
Here it is.
Gloria, at the festival you worked for the Independent Research Service.
That's right.
Well, exactly when did your own association with the CIA start, and in what fashion?
Did they come to you, or did you go to them?
In 1958, when I came home from India, I discussed with student leaders, past and present, many of them active with the National Student Association, this kind of small foundation to encourage Americans to go.
They thought it was a good idea, too.
I was then told by foundations and professors and friends that it, that I should not do this, that I would get in trouble with the House Un-American Activities Committee, the American Legion, all of those... They're still battling this.
...fifties people, and I became convinced that it was impossible.
It was at that point that the student leaders said to me that they had in the past received funds for international programs from the CIA and that they felt that this was important and could also be partly funded by the CIA.
Oh, let's stop right there.
Miss Magazine, the mainstream media, all of it, not to empower women.
But to totally enslave women.
Look at the statistics today.
Illegitimacy, it's all collapsing.
The illiteracy, it's all there.
Leanne, it's crazy that this is in her book.
And I can pull up the articles where they said it didn't exist.
Now we have her on film.
Yeah, I remember doing a big report about this and just cultural Marxism and where it really all started.
And it wasn't about empowering women to get them in the workforce.
It was about creating new tax income, new slave workers, breaking up the family.
I mean, this is a whole big plan that, as we can see, Gloria Steinem has been a part of it for decades.
And, you know, women just think that it's their, we are ripping away their rights, their freedom.
And they think making men, it's like we're in competition with men.
Men already are 40% of the college graduates.
Don't worry, men are gone.
There's no men left.
It's all over.
Everything's wrecked.
It was all literally... I have in Endgame 2.0 all the documents where they admit everything.
The chemicals in the water to end men.
It's really bad.
Well, here's the thing that's really infuriating to me, is that women are always kind of at the front lines when there's any kind of movement, civil rights, this and that, but who's going to speak up for them when they're obsolete?
Because if you look at the cover of National Geographic magazine and it's like the gender revolution, they have a man, they have a transgender man, a bi-gender woman, a transgender woman, a transgender woman, and then some other
That's very astute what you just said.
What you just said is so astute.
In Charlotte Isserby's document she released as the head of the Department of Education, she was the number two in it.
This was in the 80s.
They say, it's Brave New World, 1932, the plan is no gender, all test tubes.
So of course they get women to go, oh men are your enemy.
You're the main target because women are the species.
Everybody's a girl when they're first embryonic and then the genetics chooses to make a male to defend the women.
But you're just your heterosexual female woman, not represented at all on there.
A woman who is just your typical woman who wants to love a man and start a family, and you're unnecessary, you're not a part of the gender revolution.
I mean, to me that is insane.
Like, women fight on Twitter.
They're like, don't talk about your period because not all women have vaginas.
Like, I'm sorry, what?
It's all about an attack on the species.
It's all about a shutdown of the species, Leigh-Anne.
I want to show a clip here.
Come back tomorrow.
You promise for an hour?
I promise.
Because this is so huge.
Again, I'm going to show you.
I have them all here.
We printed them all up.
This is all declassified.
And I want to play a clip of one of our reporters there in D.C.
yesterday at the Women's March.
And there's dozens of hours of this with our four or five reporters that were there, including myself.
And they would say, hey, Saudi Arabia is who really funds Hillary.
And they would say, oh no, Donald Trump's the one that got that funding.
And then we kind of moved on, but the point is he got zero money from Saudi Arabia that literally enslaves women.
That's what's so crazy.
They're bitching at the West that was about...
The whole West is about worshipping the goddess.
Let's just get down to brass tacks.
The entire Magna Carta, Western government, the whole Renaissance is about empowering women.
We're the place that empowered them and now they're like there with Islamic jihad wearing hoods on their heads saying you're a white male or you're a Westerner, F you!
So this is, this is, this is total victims worshipping their abusers.
Here it is.
I think about countries like Saudi Arabia that totally oppress women and stone them to death for having sex outside of marriage or for any little thing that they do.
What do you think about that?
It's outrageous, and I think that all women deserve their human rights.
In every single country, within every single nation, we all deserve the same rights.
We all deserve respect, and we all deserve to be treated exactly like men are treated.
Maybe even, like, we're not asking
Did you guys support Hillary Clinton?
Well, did you know that Hillary Clinton took billions of dollars from Saudi Arabia for her campaign?
She raised millions of dollars for her campaign, which compared to what Donald Trump raised is incomparable.
He used the money that he raised to pay for a portrait.
I think what Hillary Clinton did is amazing and it's a shame.
Alright, so these same women don't know she raised 50 times the corporate money Trump did, literally.
Saudi Arabia gave no money.
They just say, oh a portrait, oh he had no crew, he had no audience.
Saudi Arabia loves me.
This is upside down world, Liam.
It's absolutely flipped, inverted reality.
We are dealing with people who are living in a dual reality and we have to remember that.
That's why it feels... How do women look under Islam versus with Trump?
Women are like on a pedestal with Trump.
How are they with Islam?
Well, they're oppressed.
Just by nature, you are the underclass.
You can get stoned for being raped.
You can get thrown in jail.
If you're the victim of rape, they'll throw you in jail.
They do that.
You get raped and you report it because rape is ubiquitous?
You are killed.
And then you've shamed your family so they can honor kill you.
Pour acid on your face.
I mean... Yeah, what kind of dad kills their 10-year-old daughter because a bunch of thugs rape her?
I'll go kill those people.
I'm not going to kill my daughter.
Yeah, it's your fault.
You know, because you didn't cover your hair or you let your ankles show in public.
So, or you went out to the grocery store by yourself without your male escort.
Let's just say it, modern Islam particularly is about
Covering the sun, that is women.
It's all about just putting a bag over the most beautiful thing there is.
Well, women in the West have more rights than anyone.
We're more free than any other country.
Men have less rights than us, frankly.
We have it great here.
So the fact that you have all these women out there in just a total wally world... I'm not just saying this.
Look at chivalry is all about women on a pedestal.
Let me open the door for you.
And yeah, someone will say, oh, well that's because they assume that I'm just weaker.
And I'm like, no, obviously I can open up a door.
But I really appreciate it when a guy's like, here you go, woman.
What it says is men are ready to die for their families.
And I mean, that to me is one of the reasons why I'm... Instead, in Islamic countries, they use the women and children for bombs because they don't matter.
Only men matter.
It's a total inversion.
It makes me sick.
No, you're so right with that.
And that's, that's where, what happened to the honor with the, with honoring the fact that men would put their lives on the line for their family, but now it's that, oh, you're so pathetic.
You can't even buy the right cereal at the grocery store.
Oh, I'll do it myself.
Every show is about how dumb men are.
And we've been made pathetic.
The average man that just doesn't know what to do.
They're totally collapsing.
It's sick.
LeeAnn, great points.
What an amazing broadcast.
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