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Name: 20170102_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 2, 2017
3381 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics ranging from politics to globalist conspiracy theories and promotes products available on Infowars Life such as Nanocurcumin, OnTheMarketMoney.com's early warning system for financial markets, PQQ supplement, Supermail Vitality, Secret 12, and Heart and Body Extract. He criticizes mainstream news outlets for publishing fake news and calls for intelligence agencies to leak more information about globalists' plans against President Trump and America. Jones also discusses potential dangers of the globalists as the Trump administration continues to make gains, urges people to prepare themselves by stocking up on food, water, learning communication skills beyond line of sight via VHF, knowing ham radio operators, finding alternative means of survival in case of emergencies and investing in prep or supplies from InfoWars. He highlights how modern cities have become dependent on functioning infrastructure for their survival and warns about the chaos that could erupt if electricity, water supply and ATMs stop functioning. Lastly, he promotes Patriot Power Greens for increased energy levels among older soldiers in Coast Guard unit and shifts towards corruption continuation regardless of political changes, potential grid collapse risks, cultural hypocrisy through an allegory written by Matt Bracken called Piss Quran, and Kiev's torchlight procession celebrating Stepan Bandera.

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It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag.
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You'll be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
We have a rather ambivalent attitude to science at present.
We have come to expect a steady increase in the standard of living that science and technology have brought, but people distrust science because they don't understand it or feel they can control it.
The popularity of science fiction like Star Trek is because this is a form of science with which people feel safe.
But an understanding of science fact would lay their fears to rest much better.
Stephen Hawking, one of the smartest men on the planet, has predicted that we will die out within a thousand years if we do not colonize new worlds and planets.
However, with a prediction this severe, the government still refuses to act with more funding to our space program.
Instead of funding vital space programs, Obama has spent millions, billions, even trillions on frivolous purchases that will never benefit us as a country.
He spent over two million dollars
On a study which concluded that children do not like food that has been sneezed on.
These people are true geniuses by the way.
He also spent over half a million on a medieval smells exhibit.
Just, you can't make this stuff up people.
He spent over trillion dollars on the failed F-35 military aircraft program.
Which still proves to be a waste and we've never been flown one of these things.
We need to be redirecting money into the space program.
But our modern government says no.
We continue to waste money while we could be saving lives in the future.
Back when my grandpappy was a boy, he had role models such as Buzz Aldrin and Chuck Yeager to look up to.
Nowadays, we have Kim Kardashian and Amy Schumer, people who teach us nothing and just make us waste our time.
Things indeed look dark, for we have traded our adventurous spirit and lifestyle for Snapchat and Diet Coke.
There is some good news, though.
Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk has lately been inspiring thousands or even millions with his message of private space exploration at his new company, SpaceX.
His company has already achieved many things with very few failures, if at all.
They've already sent rockets into space.
They've already done exploration.
They're already achieving this.
They're not even funded by the government.
They don't even get that much money.
But they still do a better job than NASA.
And you want to know why?
It's because of ingenuity.
These people are united, and they want to make a difference.
They want us to explore.
They want us to get off the planet.
They want us to survive.
We need to adopt that mindset for ourselves.
Imagine what we can do!
With this man, who is now President Trump's advisor in the future.
But to fully utilize the resources that we have available, we have to change as a culture, as a mindset.
We have to say that we want to explore, that we want to get out there, that we just don't want to sit on our iPhones on the couch anymore getting fatter and fatter and drinking more Slurpees.
You have to choose, you have to make the conscious decision to change.
And to follow where our forefathers did.
To the next frontier.
And space is the final frontier.
This is Rex Jones reporting for InfoWars.com.
Baby, baby, baby, I'm gonna leave you.
Our fellow Infowarriors across the United States and across the planet really love the Hillary for Prison 2016 shirts that we began to put out in 2015.
It became a global meme against globalism and corruption and a very strong maxim that's now being continued on today.
Now, President-elect Trump has come out and said it's not his job as President to call for prosecution.
He's not supposed to.
But that obviously, Jeff Sessions, as the new Attorney General, if he's confirmed, will certainly carry out his duties.
But Roger Stone, a few weeks ago, right after the election, said, Alex, you gotta bring Hillary for President back.
And I said, yeah, but it's a limited edition.
It's over.
You know, she's been defeated so far.
They said, what about Hillary for prison 2017?
We need those at the inauguration.
They're trying to intimidate Trump supporters and nationalists everywhere.
That shirt is powerful.
It's not just a shirt supporting Trump, like your shirt says Trump is my president, which we put out before he won, predicting it, putting our name, our guts on the line, but something exposing who the other team was pushing so that people don't forget and so that the push for justice continues.
It's a great way to support the broadcast.
It's a great way to have another historic shirt to spread the word and to meet like-minded people of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want justice.
It's available.
It's another limited run.
I don't know how long we're going to offer it, but definitely only a few months.
It is Hillary for Prison 2017, and here's the biggest and best part I almost forgot.
This shirt arrived in an 18-wheeler printed right here in the USA a week ago and I forgot, I've been so busy to even talk about the fact it's been in the store.
That on the back of the shirt is a design that I worked on with some of our great graphics people that is George Soros as a goblin.
I made a goblin joke a year ago about Trump saying you better not, you know, actually get in bed with the goblins if you have to work with politicians.
But I understand if you have to actually, you know, get deep in their political guts but you just can't
Get caught in bed with a goblin.
So we now have George Soros, because the media attacked me on this whole goblin meme.
They've made huge jokes about it, but it's totally blown up in their face.
We now have George Soros as a goblin on the back, and it says, with a cross through him, you know, an X like Ghostbusters.
No Soros.
Him as a goblin.
It says Deport Soros on the bottom and on the top it says InfoWars established 1996.
So it is a limited edition Deport Soros on the back, Hillary for President on the front, right hand shoulder InfoWars.com.
It's powerful.
I hope you get out to everybody you know.
InfoWarsStore.com or call 888-253-3139.
So to all the fellow liberty lovers around the world, I salute you and thank you for your support.
This shirt is a celebration of the fight and the victory we've seen in 2016 against tyranny, but looking forward for justice against George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and their entire criminal network.
And don't forget our new motto, no more pizza parties.
In the councils of government,
We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled to immediately disperse.
It's a military mission in North St.
Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town.
And don't be alarmed if you see those over the next seven days rolling through your neighborhood.
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, do not be alarmed.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwashed people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
And as KSLA News 12's Jeff Barrow discovered, the clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, or recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you've got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
Blackhawk choppers soaring through the night sky, but this is only a drill.
Heavily armed officers in Watertown search for the suspect, house to house.
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police, also military.
You're in your apartment!
I am in my apartment, sir.
You're back in song right now?
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predator clones.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they told them they could come in, and now they're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
This is the heart of 1776!
An army of idiots is convinced that 2016 is the worst year ever because Trump won and some celebrities died.
David Bowie left us.
George Michael left us.
Carrie Fisher left us.
Prince left us.
We elected Donald f*** Trump.
2016 worst year ever.
2016 worst year ever.
Don't take Carrie Fisher away from us, please.
Take Trump instead.
So, with all these celebrity deaths and a Cheeto puff becoming president,
People are considering 2016 to be the worst year ever.
I don't know if this is the worst year ever for celeb deaths, but it sure feels like it.
F*** you 2016, good riddance!
It's official, 2016 has been the worst year ever and the highest year for celebrity deaths.
2017 better get here soon, or I'm out.
Hashtag 2016 sucks!
2017 is only a few days away.
Thank God we can finally say goodbye to the worst year ever!
Right, so because some random actors and musicians that you never met, knew, or really cared about before they died, died, and because some political outcomes didn't go your way, that makes 2016 the worst year ever!
Get a grip.
The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic killed 50 to 100 million people, 5% of the world's population.
Yeah, that probably affected more people than Carrie Fisher passing away.
The Soviet famine of 32-33 killed so many millions of people, we don't even know the actual number.
But the alleged drug addict George Michael dies, and it's a global tragedy.
Get some frigging perspective.
On one day alone, in 1916, nearly 20,000 British soldiers were killed at the Battle of the Somme.
On one day.
That was an actual tragedy.
Yes, it's sad for George Michael and Carrie Fisher's family that they died prematurely.
But how does it affect you in any way?
Most of the idiot millennials crying over this weren't even born when George Michael and Carrie Fisher were in their heyday.
You've been manipulated by celebrity-obsessed culture to take it personally.
The other reason is that we've allowed society and culture
To become completely atomized.
Celebrities of the 20th century were universally known and loved.
Because being a celebrity was something that had to be earned.
You might not believe this, but celebrities used to actually have talent to become famous.
Now, fame is determined by who can be the most vulgar.
Who can sell out quickly enough to become the poster child for the next generation of nihilistic, mindless, cultural parasites?
The result is that there are more celebrities than ever before with less some talent than ever before.
So you're not really mourning the deaths of Prince and George Michael.
You're mourning the death of your culture, the death of authenticity.
Will anyone
Mourn the deaths of these idiots in 50 years time.
But who's largely to blame for this 2016 is the worst year ever narrative?
You guessed it, the cancerous polyp on the butt of humanity known as BuzzFeed.
24 tweets that perfectly sum up how sh**y 2016 has been so far.
It wasn't just you.
Chipotle also had a terrible year.
2016 was quite a year.
These are the gifts that got us through it.
Guys, it's official.
2016 is actually the worst year.
No BuzzFeed, Trump's election and Princess Leia dying doesn't compete with global catastrophes, genocide and plague.
Maybe if you've been living in Aleppo in the middle of a civil war for the past 12 months you could justifiably claim that 2016 was the worst year ever.
Sitting in your comfy air-conditioned home on your iPad reading a BuzzFeed listicle while tutting about Donald Trump
I don't think so.
Oh yeah, and I would argue that when it comes to ranking the absolute worst people of 2016, the Orlando nightclub mass-murdering terrorist Omar Mateen is somewhat more worthy of that title than people who you disagree with on the internet.
The fact is that too many people care more about celebrities than their own family members.
How many of you were more upset over Prince and David Bowie dying than your own grandmother dying?
We've been completely disconnected from the people in our immediate life.
The ones who should matter most.
We've been atomized.
No, d***head.
It's the worst year ever because Trump won.
Right, so 100 plus families in Nice and Berlin had their loved ones crushed to death by crazed jihadists driving trucks.
And you're still whining about Trump.
Your team didn't win an election.
Get over it!
You're still whining about your parents getting you the wrong coloured iPhone for Christmas.
Show some gratitude.
Your living standard is the highest in human history.
You've never had it better.
And what about all the good stuff that happened in 2016?
We made massive strides in curing Alzheimer's and cancer.
Global crime figures continue to come down.
Child mortality rates continue to come down.
Tiger numbers are recovering.
Panda numbers are recovering.
Compared to our ancestors, life in 2016 was pretty damn good.
So stop trying to out-virtue signal each other on social media about how depressed you are over 2016.
Stop whining about Donald Trump and dead celebrities.
Start living your life with authenticity, reconnecting with the people around you, and making them the center of your universe.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're only 17 days out on our mission impossible to put a pro-America, pro-prosperity president in the White House.
And the globalists are amazing even me at the depths that they will stoop to in their information war of deception against the American people and the people of the world.
Hard to believe we're already two days into
It is Monday, January 2nd, 2017.
Boy, does that not roll off the tongue.
And I'm your host, Alex Jones, coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
I have been working on so many big stories behind the scenes.
I was up here Saturday, Sunday.
I was up here Friday night as well.
I have been working so much that I actually got on air 17 minutes late today, but we had great reports to air with my son Rex Jones doing a great job, and of course the titan of resisting political correctness, Paul Joseph Watson.
What a asset that man is from London, England.
In the fight to awaken humanity.
Reaching tens of millions of people a week alone with his own videos.
He files, not to mention the articles that go around the world.
But then there's Merkel Thelen and everybody else.
Every one of the people here.
I can't single one person out.
They're all amazing.
Merkel Thelen, on Friday, had the article, Washington Post stirs fears after false report of power grid hack by Russia.
And Drudge took our story and posted it, and by the next day, what came out?
Well, by the next day, it all came out, didn't it, ladies and gentlemen?
Put that story up on screen for TV viewers.
They had to admit that it was a hoax story.
The Washington Post had to retract, Forbes reported on it, even Politico did.
I keep saying this because it's true.
The Washington Post is almost as bad as the Onion at this point in their desperation to try to brainwash the public back under their control.
But it hasn't happened yet.
So again, it's a very, very exciting time to be alive right now.
We're going to look at the next 17 days, the big challenges facing humanity, and the fact that it's undoubted.
The Democrats are trying to cook up public support.
We're going to break down how to try to block President Trump's inauguration in 17 days.
Now what I'm announcing here today is already a custom here in the United States.
And that is extending the Christmas holiday up until New Year's Eve and then taking down the Christmas trees and taking down the Christmas lights.
Ooh, I keep saying Christmas.
I'm so politically incorrect.
The day after New Year's Eve or New Year's Day.
And so I've decided right through New Year's Day we're going to keep the virtual Christmas tree or an HD video shot of downtown Austin at the capital of the beautiful Christmas tree up
Just to upset the social justice warriors and all the little snowflakes that want to bully us into banning our culture and banning free speech.
In fact, there's a war going on, not just online, but in the streets.
I've seen it, where people on the hike and bike trails say Merry Christmas and then folks don't respond and they say Happy Holidays!
Or even family I have, that I send the message of
Merry Christmas to, they respond back with, happy holidays.
It is some distant cousins, but it's going on.
But we're also going to extend the Christmas sale right through until New Year's Eve, until everything sells out at infowarestore.com.
Now we normally try to budget things to where, in the warehouse, most of the products sell out by year end, and the new products come in in a few weeks or a month after, because we have to pay taxes on inventory.
Uh, and this year, I've decided to extend the sale until everything completely sells out.
So to be clear, almost every one of our best-selling nutraceutical supplements is selling out, and for a good reason, because here are the specials that we're running until they sell out or until the new year comes here in just about four or five days.
Living Defense, 30% off.
Super Mel Vitality, 30% off.
These are huge specials.
Silver Bullet Coil Silver, 50% off.
Brain Force Plus, 33% off.
Winter Sun, Vitamin D, 25% off.
And again, a lot of these are selling out as we speak or have sold out.
Survival Shield X2, 30% off.
BioTrue Selenium, 30% off.
And then let me finish up with this, the Coup de Grace.
Storewide free shipping until New Year's Day.
Storewide at InfoWarsTore.com on the non-GMO heirloom seeds, and the Trump is my President shirts, and Hillary for President 2017 shirts, and deport George Soros the Goblin globalist specials.
Storewide free shipping.
50 to 30 percent off on scores of items and all of these are super high quality products.
They help fund the spearhead in the fight against the globalists and they are game changers.
We couldn't have built this operation without you.
So you're not standing beside us or behind us.
You are standing at the heart
Of the rebellion against globalism.
We are American restorationists trying to restore our republic and make it great again and free again and safe again and prosperous again.
And we're doing it the old-fashioned way with free markets and with amazing high-quality products.
I certainly hope and pray you had a blessed and Merry Christmas, and I'm really focusing and working hard to make sure we have a great New Year as Americanism, not globalism, accelerates into the future.
So again, I want to encourage you all, take advantage of the biggest sales of 2016 with Christmas sales extended with free shipping store-wide and 50 to 30% off on high-quality supplements and many other items at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
I'm Alex Jones, signing off from the Central Texas News Center in Austin.
Go to Infowarsstore.com today for 30-50% off specials while supplies last, plus free shipping.
Or call 1-888-253-3139.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Here's the big scoop.
The big news affecting the entire world right now if you want to know.
And if this information gets out to the world, we may be able to stop the ongoing attempt to block Donald Trump from becoming the 45th President of the United States.
Now notice,
In everything they do in the PSYOP, they say, we're having a recount.
We're going to have the electors try to block Trump so he doesn't become president.
And you say, that's wrong.
You're trying to overthrow the voters' wishes.
And they say, no one's trying to get rid of Trump.
We just simply want to check the integrity of the voting system.
Or we want to check the integrity of the electors.
And then a few days before the electors are about to choose, they go public all over the news, all over
CNN, all over Fox, all over MSNBC, Hollywood comes out of the woodwork like a bunch of rats.
And they say, don't do it!
Stand against Trump!
Call for a new election!
Block him or vote for Hillary!
And that blows up in their face.
So the military tactic they're using is, they don't want opposition to ever form.
So they go out and they organize their movements to don't let him have the votes from the primaries.
Don't let Sanders have it.
Deny the whole time you're stealing it, but then steal it.
Move on to the next steal.
Deny you're trying to have a recount, then have the recount.
It fails.
Deny you're trying to get electors to flip.
Then when they don't flip, flip out and say you've got to flip.
And it's the same thing with this Russia hack bull.
They have been running around for over a year before the election even took place saying, the Russians are manipulating the election, they're going to steal it, we've got to federalize the election.
I'm like, hey, it's Homeland Security you've got to worry about and Jay Johnson and
Loretta Lynch and all these other people that have shown themselves to be absolute criminals in my view, covering up for the Clintons and Obama, and then opening our borders and doing everything else, they're going to try to steal the election.
And now we have Georgia and five other, six states, saying Homeland Security hacked their computers on election night and we're trying to flip the votes.
They were in the software.
They were trying to steal it that night.
Six states.
Hillary successfully did steal five others.
The numbers are clear.
We've had Bev Harrison bringing it down.
Some precincts would vote over 100% Hillary.
Some precincts, at midnight, they would have more votes come in and they'd all be for Hillary.
I mean, all the classic Degnerites fraud.
You can read the articles from again a month ago, Georgia accuses Homeland Security of attempting to hack state's election database, but you actually watch the newscast and talk to the election officials.
No, they were in their systems, they just caught them and kicked them out.
Six states.
Five states joined Georgia.
South Carolina, West Virginia, you name it.
So they caught them in those key battlegrounds trying to steal it.
Trying to match up with the fake polls they had, saying she was going to carry those states, but she didn't.
Oh, the polls were wrong, yeah, because it was all part of a fraud.
Give me the fake poll, then steal it.
So here's how the system works.
Deny there's an attack going on just to divert people from ever forming opposition to it.
So now they're saying we don't want to put Trump in.
Oop, that's a Freudian slip.
Here they are saying we're not trying to stop him from getting in.
We just want the evidence of the Russian hack to come out.
We just want to have an investigation.
So they're having the congressional investigations this week while their own operatives admit they want to get rid of Trump.
They want to have hearings, they want to create enough of a public build-up of support for all of this that the public accepts it and goes along with it, or at least thinks the rest of the public is going along with it.
The last shoe to drop is that you feel like you're alone, you're awake, but you don't know that everybody else is awake.
So they want to make you feel alone and continue to feel like you're alone and continue to be unaware of how big the stakes are that we're fighting for so you never go out and organize.
They don't want you to understand you're the majority.
They don't want you to have hope.
They don't want you to be engaged.
They want you to be stunted.
They want you to be scared.
They want you to be cowed.
They want you to be coward.
While they build the opposition to Trump and basically claim he's a Russian agent.
I've been telling you the next shoe to drop would be that Trump was a Russian agent.
The Washington Post came out on Sunday, that's the White House mouthpiece, and said, well, he's blowing off this Russian hack.
Looks like he's probably a Russian agent.
It's worse than we knew.
Putin refused to pull his diplomats when we pulled ours.
Putin refused to kick out our diplomats when we kicked out theirs tit for tat.
Putin refused to do anything when we shot down their airplanes.
What are we going to do?
And so we're now up to this point where they're introducing the idea of how do we block Trump?
How do we stop him?
And they're going to try again.
Now they failed every time.
That's the good news.
But the big news story is they're trying.
This is so epic.
This is so historical.
This is so over the top.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
On New Year's Day in Kiev, there was a torchlight procession.
The Ukrainian neo-Nazis were marching through the center of the capital, celebrating the birthday of Stepan Bandera, the leader of the Ukrainian insurgent army, who was also a Nazi sympathizer and a collaborator during World War II.
All the more reasons to be hailed as hero by the Maidan government.
The followers of Bandera proudly promoting Nazi slogans and the symbolics of the Third Reich, hence their love for torchlight processions, which were especially popular in Hitler's Germany.
The present-day admirers of Bandera are deeply misled.
They glorify the myths given to them, conveniently ignoring the facts of history repeated in present-day Ukraine.
They murder their own countrymen under the guise of liberation of the people.
They murder their own ideological supporters who happen to choose a different leader, and they call it fighting for their country's independence.
They murder and betray each other under the guise of unity and brotherhood.
Let's call it for what it is.
The trailer of your people and your country and the enemy within is more dangerous than any outside threat.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com.
Our fellow InfoWarriors across the United States and across the planet really love the Hillary for Prison 2016 shirts that we began to put out in 2015.
It became a global meme against globalism and corruption.
And a very strong maxim that's now being continued on today.
So we now have George Soros, because the media attacked me on this whole goblin meme, and they've made huge jokes about it, but it's totally blown up their face.
We now have George Soros as a goblin on the back, and it says, with a cross through him, you know, an X, like Ghostbusters.
No Soros, him as a goblin.
It says Deport Soros on the bottom and on the top it says InfoWars established 1996.
So it is a limited edition Deport Soros on the back, Hillary for President on the front, right hand shoulder InfoWars.com.
It's powerful.
I hope you get out to everybody you know.
InfoWarsStore.com or call 888-253-3139.
I'm going to lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22, when I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars and our fight for both human liberty and freedom.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, this is really complex, but it's also really, really simple.
So let me try again, before the break cuts me off, to lay this out very succinctly and very calmly.
But as I talk about it, it gets me so upset because we're in the middle of history happening right now, and everything we do affects change.
The general public's asleep.
Most people are on vacation right now.
Obama is just butchering what's left of our economy, signing thousands and thousands of pages of documents a day, just totally wrecking things, and trying to block Trump from even getting into office.
They've got the media trying to massage the public, but also our military, police, and courts into accepting an overturn of the 2016 historic election.
That's what they've been pushing from the start with the attempts to stop what happened in the primaries that were unprecedented, saying your popular vote didn't matter, with the unprecedented recounts that only gave Trump more votes, the unprecedented going after the unfaithful electors, and now.
It is simply mind-blowing that they are all over MSM putting out daily hoaxes that when we kick the Russian diplomats out,
That Putin kicked U.S.
diplomats out, including children.
None of it was true, so Putin invited all of the diplomats' children to not only stay, but come to the big Christmas tree lighting, January 7th, that marks the birthday of Jesus Christ and the Orthodox Church.
Their Christmas is, what, two weeks later than ours, basically.
I talked about this the other day and I saw some comment on YouTube.
Alex thinks we're dumb, saying Putin invited people to a Christmas tree.
That happened last week.
Again, the invincible ignorance of some of the YouTubers.
I've got to really hand it to you sometimes, but the Washington Post came out on Friday and they reported that there had been a hack of a Vermont power plant that could have brought down the whole East Coast, that it was malicious, an act of war.
McCain said it was an act of war.
Our writer, Mikkel Thelen, simply went and looked up the local story.
They admitted they were ordered by Homeland Security, all these private power plants and COG facilities, critical infrastructure facilities, to scan all their own private laptops and they found some malware that's been connected to Russia in the last year.
Well, there's malware connected to China and Mexico and the United States and Canada and England.
I mean, of course.
So now we're going to have a war because someone's private laptop had malware?
About scamming you individually?
Nothing to do with shutting off power plants like Stuxnet that the United States and Israel loaded onto Iranian laptops, which then got into their power plant system and could have caused a meltdown.
The real industrial espionage is the CIA and NSA admittedly loading millions of chips manufactured in the U.S.
and by U.S.
companies in China with backdoor computer algorithms that scan and track everything you're doing and then packet the information and alert the West to go in and then retrieve it.
But it gets worse than that.
They also have kill switches built into everything.
To hit one button and basically shut down whatever they want.
Now, A, I don't trust our government to do that.
It's out of control.
B, what happens when hackers, third parties, and state actors discover those systems?
It leaves the entire system wide open to catastrophic failure.
Why would you build a doomsday machine?
And certainly, if you're going to build a doomsday machine, you've got to tell the world about it so that people don't start a war that triggers the doomsday machine.
But instead, they put the doomsday machine in, let it proliferate, and now it's leaked to the public so everybody, basically, knows how to get into it.
Fabulously, absolutely horrible job, Globalist, again.
You built an NSA grid to spy on all of us, not thinking your own agencies would discover what evil pedophiles you are, and evil murderers you are, and evil devil worshippers you are, and evil Nazi collaborators you are, and every other evil you can imagine.
It's a legion of motley scum.
And you thought that wouldn't backfire on you.
So now they've been denying, denying, denying, denying they're trying to overthrow Trump, so we never form opposition.
Notice that mind game.
We're gonna overthrow Trump.
We need to kill him.
We need to stop him.
We need to block him.
We need to, you know, not let him be seated as president.
We need to have the electors say no.
We need to have recounts.
On and on and on and on and on.
But that's ridiculous.
Nancy Pelosi's daughter said about me on Fox News, it's crazy saying I want to stop Trump from being put into office in some type of coup.
Alex Jones is making people death threat me.
I'm in danger.
And then before that even happened, I was told.
That there was a Justice Department investigation into me for threats against Nancy Pelosi and her daughter.
And sure enough, sure enough, she went on the TV a day later and said I was death-threatening her, basically.
They have the Justice Department sitting around constantly trying to figure out how to arrest me.
Making up crap that I'm violent.
You're the ones that start all the wars.
You're the ones backing the radical jihadis.
You're the people that are the clear and present danger.
Not me.
And everybody knows it.
I'm an American.
Red, white, and blue.
I want prosperity.
I want private property.
I want religious freedom.
I want fast cars and John Wayne.
And women wearing dresses.
If they want to.
The point is, is I like America.
And that's it, and you know it.
So stop saying I'm a Russian agent.
And by the way, people say, oh, you don't like that.
Is it hurting you?
No, it isn't hurting me.
And that's the next point.
The globalists have gone insane.
They are completely disconnected from reality and don't know that even on the left,
All over the internet, all over newspapers, all over the world, it's like, oh, where's your homework go?
Oh, the Russians ate it.
Oh, my food was cold today, the Russians did it.
Oh, my car had a flat today, it was the Russians.
Oh, I bounced a check, it was the Russians.
Oh, Hillary fell down again, it's the Russians.
Oh, Nancy Pelosi's disconnected from reality, it's the Russians.
Oh, they ran another Bush like we're idiots, it's the Russians.
It's you!
We don't like you, Colbert!
They're looking to cancel his show this year.
He is one-tenth of his audience three years ago.
Because people are sick of you.
They're sick of being lectured by a fake reporter acting like he's a reporter putting out fake news.
But you don't care, you double down.
Same thing with the Washington Post and every other major outlet like CNN saying, it's an act of war.
But even when the Washington Post was forced to retract on Sunday about the power plant story, the Russians trying to shut down a power plant and cause a chain reaction in a new dark age.
The CNN was still running it last night and this morning.
CNN still.
And after the latest news of a Russian attack, a state-sponsored attack on our power plant, meanwhile NATO is admittedly blowing up power plants in eastern Ukraine, trying to start a war with Russia.
It's ongoing.
So CNN is still going with the same BS story days and days and days after it's been discredited.
They sit there lying to their dwindling audience.
Here's the big story.
The New World Order is trying to start a war.
They're trying to start a Middle Eastern war.
They're trying to start a war with Russia.
They're trying to start a diplomatic battle with Putin.
They are doing everything they can.
To try to create a crisis big enough that they can get enough fear into the public and enough hysteria into the public to successfully try to either assassinate Trump or arrest Trump or have hearings where they bring out fake information that's so ridiculous but still so shocking that somehow they can halfway sell the idea of having a paramilitary force swoop down on the Secret Service
And the Sheriff's Department in New York or in Florida.
Or even in the White House, I guess, and arrest President Trump.
Because listen, this isn't going to stop once he gets in office in 17 days.
This isn't like, oh, go back to sleep now.
It's another Republican establishment candidate got in.
Time to go sleepy time.
This is a total battle for not just America, but for the entire world.
There is an epic global battle.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am so frustrated and so flustered and so angry at myself every millisecond right now.
And do you know why?
Because in my gut and intellectually and in my spirit, I know we've never been in a more epic, over-the-top, incredibly dangerous time for this nation and the world.
And most of the people are asleep right now, laughing at the Democrats, saying, oh, they already tried five or six big things, it all failed, they called him a racist, they called him all these other things, now they're calling him a Russian agent, look how stupid they are.
Yes, I agree, they're a laughingstock, but they're not giving up, and as they fail over and over again, they're getting more frantic, more hysterical, more crazy, more wild-eyed, more dangerous, and they're escalating the threat continuum.
So in the next 17 days is the maximum danger.
And if Trump doesn't instantly clean out the entire top echelons of these intelligence agencies and all these media operatives that are burrowed in, he cannot co-opt these snakes.
They are not going to work with him just because they're sycophantic and want to be close to power.
They are going to continue to attack him because this is spiritual.
Look at how Paul Ryan over the weekend commended and praised the Democrats for going after Russia, claiming they hacked, basically supporting the attack on Trump.
I watched Fox News this morning.
They were saying the same thing over and over again.
Spicer and all these people should be saying, Hillary got money from the Communist Chinese.
Hillary got money from the Saudi Arabians.
Here they are bragging.
Here are the Federal Election Commission numbers.
Hundreds of millions.
Don't forget, they should be up there on every single channel.
Getting into the big hacks that have happened in the last year or so, that have come out, where the Communist Chinese hacked into our systems over and over again.
Epic fail!
How OPM hackers, that's the Communist Chinese, tapped the motherlode of espionage data and got the data of 14 million people that are either spies of 16 agencies or work for them or are connected to them.
The entire database of government and spy personnel of the federal and basically state governments to the Communist Chinese.
The super total complete mass motherlode.
Their usernames, their passcodes in many cases.
And the government for over a year kept the OPM secret.
Because Obama let it happen, probably did it as part of a global sellout to the Communist Chinese.
We gave them the Panama Canal.
We've given them almost all the deep water ports.
We've given them 98% of earth mineral extraction.
We gave them, as part of the globalist deal, control over world manufacturing.
The United States and Europe were supposed to have military control.
China has now double-crossed them four years ago, hence the Pacific pivot from the center of U.S.
military force, meaning in the Grand Chessboard, the Middle East, Eastern, and Western Europe.
The pivot to Asia is because the communist chi-coms, drunk on the blood of their innocent people, double-crossed their demon creators, the globalists put them in power, and said, we're not going to follow that.
So remember, it got almost no attention a year ago, that a year before that, at least, the entire US government, if you believe it, had all of its data and agents and spies and assets and minions rolled up.
Rolled up.
That wasn't done on purpose.
You'd never put all that data together.
Hillary had her server on purpose in a bathroom and it was well known it was hacked for years.
She would put data on there to then be paid at her foundation at her Dropbox.
She didn't go to a local park and drop the stuff underneath a park bench like other spies have done.
She would load it up for everybody in the world to see.
And she would say where she stood on China, or where she stood on this country or that, and what she was going to do, so they knew what she was about to do and had to give her more money.
Or she would put in policies that weren't one-sided for them.
Hillary created a digital dropbox.
And by the way, that's been confirmed, and that's the data that's going to come out if the Democrats keep pushing.
But the Democrats are so crazy, they don't even care!
They're gonna go for broke.
They made a deal with Trump on election night to admit he won and to back off.
And that then Trump would put out the word to the dogs in U.S.
intelligence to stop releasing info.
And they began double-crossing Trump the next morning and the American people.
And I told Trump, they're never going to stop coming after you.
I told him three days after the election.
I said, Mr. President-elect, they're never going to stop.
They're never going to follow the deal.
They're going to try to kill you.
Politically or physically, they're not going to stop.
They can't stop.
I'm not going to say everything I said and I've said.
Or what Trump said.
But let me explain something to everybody.
This is deadly serious.
All of this is deadly serious.
You think they might be going for broke when the Washington Post calls for war and the New York Times calls for war and CNN calls for war saying the Russians tried to turn the power off on Christmas and it's a made-up story and they know it's made up?
You think they're gonna quit now?
You think they're gonna quit now when they've already pulled out all the stops?
The type of people they are is that they would turn loose millions of radical jihadis out of the entire planet
From Afghanistan and Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and Qatar and from Chechnya and all over to invade Syria five years ago in an uprising, an invasion, a jihad invasion just like the House of Saud invasions that have happened previously two times before from 1903 to 1933.
And they went in there and they kill every Christian and every Alawite and every Shiite they get their stinking hands on and our media praises it and says it's good.
That's who runs our government right now and they thought they were gonna keep this country down.
They thought they were gonna finish the nation and put in five Supreme Court justices and gut us for good and raise our taxes into the stratosphere while they exempt themselves and destroy the Republic once and for all and establish their world government.
Right when they thought they had it.
The populist movement went into turbo charge.
You did your job.
We did our jobs.
We spread the word.
We prepared the minds for the truth.
And intelligence agencies who've been waiting for the opening forever to fight back as soon as the public stood up and as soon as the public was informed, and we did our job, the intelligence agencies leaked all the info from England to Spain to Australia to the United States to blow their system worldwide.
And we're in the middle of a war for national sovereignty and human self-determination, the likes of which the world's never seen.
But they're never going to tell you it's historic.
I notice what they're afraid of.
By the bots and hired minions they admit they have hired to go after us like no one else.
On Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, on Google, on InfoWars when they attack us on our own platform.
I'm gonna skip this break, this is so important.
They attack, and they attack, and they attack, and they attack, and they attack, and they attack, and they attack, and they attack, and they attack, and what do they say?
You're a kookin' nobody, Alex.
Nobody listens to you or your listeners.
You're a nobody.
You're gonna fail.
We're gonna kill Trump.
We're gonna get you.
We can follow these bots back to, like, big servers that are blocking identities.
The feds are trying to find out.
The police are trying to get on them.
And that's why they know it's state-sponsored.
We're gonna get you.
We're gonna get your family.
All this stuff.
And then they expand out from there.
And what do they say?
And what do they do?
They say, stop saying your broadcast is historic.
Stop saying Drudge is historic.
And stop saying Donald Trump's election was historic.
You know it's not.
Of course it's historic!
It's the biggest thing ever!
But they keep telling you, we're not trying to overthrow Trump, you're a kook, don't organize anything against it, you don't have any power, you can't affect any change, roll over in the ditch and die.
It's classic military PSYOP by globalists that demoralize us, but here's the good news.
Our military knows a PSYOP when they see one.
They see the war against America, and our military is almost completely awake.
The globalists are so disconnected that 20 years ago, they told the Marines and then the Army, don't visit InfoWars and don't watch Alex Jones' films.
What do you think happened?
My audience doubled in a month.
I mean, I wasn't that big 20 years ago.
Sure, I might have had a million listeners a week, maximum.
And suddenly, it was like three, four million.
And it was all military all of a sudden.
And then I've always asked, did somebody in there get authorization to do that, knowing their higher-ups were dumb, and would say, yeah, yeah, ban Alex Jones to, like, give us our original audience that pushed us over the top and made us the success we are?
But now, doesn't Hillary know when she attacks me, and when they say I'm all these bad things and lie about me, and have all their paid shills?
Put out all this info, don't they know that only makes everybody tune in more?
And I don't even mean the general public.
The general public's important and they're somewhat awake now.
But the people that do the hanging, the military, the police, the bureaucrats, the judges, the lawyers, the Congress people, they all listen!
The Russian government listens, the British government listens, the Israeli government listens, the Pakistani government listens, the Japanese government listens, the Communist Chinese listen, and I hate my guts.
Because they know, folks, this is the real place.
I don't want to differentiate myself and say, this is the only place you really get information of this magnitude.
It's the only place you get it this strong, this focused, this dedicated, this continual.
We don't take breaks around here.
I don't.
Because history is happening now.
And so here's the bottom line encapsulated.
There is an active, ongoing program to overthrow Donald Trump.
There is an active program worldwide to stop nationalism and to defeat it using racial divides within nation states.
They don't want us unifying around nationalism and around prosperity and around Americana and free market and renaissance.
So they sell communism, socialism, racial division, cultural and religious strife.
It's why they bring in incompatible Muslims.
To create the crisis.
And it's in all their white papers.
It's in all their admissions.
It's in George Soros' article he wrote about Trump last week.
It's in the Financial Times of London.
It's in The Economist.
It's in the WikiLeaks.
They aren't even hiding their program.
Because they're not targeting thinking people now.
They have made a pure decision to dumb the message down and say the Russians just hacked us, the lights went out, nuke them!
The Russians just expelled all their diplomats, we didn't do it, they did it, nuke them!
The Russians are attacking Ukraine, nuke them!
The Russians are behind ISIS, nuke them!
It's all 180 inversion.
And so here's the big news flash, they have got an active program in place to overthrow Trump, you already know that.
And they're escalating it every day.
The only publication I've seen in the United States that is establishment, that has said this is all pure bull, is Matt Taibbi at Rolling Stone.
Which is bizarre because Matt Taibbi will put out the biggest bull about me in tweets and stuff that is totally made-up crap.
And then he'll put out stories that are basically true.
And thought-provoking and penetrating and well-researched.
You know, Sy Hearst doesn't say mean things about me.
Matt Taibbi, he's a bigger journalist than you.
He's won a Pulitzer Prize and all the others.
He just called us and said, I want to come on and thank your listeners in the intelligence community and the patriots that exposed that our government's been working secretly with the Russians for four years to block Obama and the globalists because our government decided the globalists and George Soros are not the legitimate U.S.
Now how epic is that?
And there were no news articles about Cy Hirsch coming on to say your analysis for four years about Syria has been spot on and on target and I want to thank all the good people in our military and the foreign Russian military that worked together to block this.
Military to Military is the book, the way he writes about it.
And I had Colonel Schaeffer on five years ago saying, our military knows all the rebels are jihadists out of Saudi Arabia running in.
We're blocking it now with members of Congress that have agreed that if Obama tries to block us, we're going to bring all this information out.
And so Obama backed off and had to sit there and watch the huge ISIS military get its ass kicked all over the planet.
Now, again, how epic is that?
There is a civil war going on in America.
With our intelligence agencies working with Russia because they couldn't get Obama to let them launch military attacks and actually take out Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
So, they began to just give the Russians the information.
Think about how historical that is.
Think about how giant that is.
Think about how big that is.
And now the very illegitimate outside force that's hijacked our country.
Is telling us we need war with Russia.
That's the headline.
McCain says it's an act of war with Russia.
We must respond.
No retraction to the fake story about them hacking our power plants.
And I've been saying this for months, Obama might turn the power off before the election and claim the Russians did it.
And I don't even have the staff.
This place has like eight people here right now instead of 60.
We're in a skeleton crew right now.
I know I've said that the last two months probably 50 times, that I would look for a false flag on the power grid.
Hell, we had Bracken on last week!
Saying look for a power attack on the grid to be blamed on Russia so that Obama can stay in office during a national emergency.
And Bracken said it the week before and the week before.
So listen listeners, you understand we're in this war together.
When I say you're the info war, I'm not just saying it to make you feel good and pat you on the head.
I need you to get out there and get all the places we predicted it because the sheeple don't listen to me when I'm saying it today.
They listen when I say it over and over and over and over again before.
Matt Bracken, the waves are coming.
Jihad, grid down, collapse, citizen disarmament.
Yeah, that's back in May him saying it.
He said last Thursday.
He said, I think Obama will try a grid down shutdown.
The next day they come out and announce it as a beta test to see if we'll buy it.
Oh, the Russians are trying to shut the East Coast power grid off.
Can you imagine if the East Coast power grid goes off?
The globalists can flip two switches.
It's two.
The authorization switch, and then the switch, the program, to bring the power grid down.
Two switches.
One phone call, two switches, and the entire East Coast power grid goes off.
Bracken said what they did.
What's the Pentagon tell me?
They go, we're not gonna tell you anything classified, get Matt Bracken on, he's gotta figure it out.
We get him on, he says, they're gonna turn the power off.
You understand, that's how you get information that's classified.
They'll sit there and look at who's already figured it out, and go, you wanna talk to that guy?
Nobody told Brackett anything.
Brackett's sitting there in his house, 18 hours a day, figured it out.
He was counter-terrorism, Navy SEAL, clandestine operations all over the world.
He's figured it out.
In fact, let's get Matt Brackett on today.
Yeah, they found this six months ago saying it.
But he said last week and the week before, he said, I said, what type of false flag?
He said, I would look for a grid down, East Coast.
Think we're playing around here?
Now, I skipped a break, it didn't even plug.
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We've got a lot of the other high-quality stuff still there.
Super Bowl's about to sell out.
X2's about to sell out.
A lot of stuff sold out.
Thanks for the support.
We're extending it three more days.
It will end Wednesday.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
My Texas drawl, I twist everything and turn it into malware, was found on some laptop in Vermont, so the media ran the hoax that the Russians had hacked the power grid and were trying to take it down.
And I was just sitting here thinking, I went, wait a minute, every time Matt Bracken comes on in the last month or so, he says they're going to try a false flag, he thinks, probably a grid down scenario to disrupt the inauguration.
That's why Soros has doubled the amount of money to the burn down America crowd.
Kill the cop crowd.
So, I want to open the phones up to police, former, current, military, you name it.
I just thought we ought to get Matt Bracken just to host the fourth hour today.
I was going to host all four hours.
Why not just give Matt Bracken an hour?
That way he doesn't get interrupted too much here on the first weekday show of 2017.
But listeners, we need you to go into these predictions.
You know, we're just last week.
Bracken's like, I think they'll do a grid down power situation before Obama gets in.
I'd be watching for that.
And then sure enough, 24 hours later, they're like, the Russians are hacking the power grid!
We're all dead!
We need war!
McCain's like, to the parapets!
Get the nukes ready!
All because they want to stop Trump, who they claim is so dangerous and so evil.
No, you've hijacked the country, people are aware of it, people are sick of it.
So they really are planning to try to block Trump, and every time they fail, they escalate the level.
Of crisis they're pushing to get it done.
What do you think these hysterics are going to do to try to stay in power?
First-time callers from around the world, overseas, you name it.
People agree, people disagree.
Military, police particularly.
I'll put you to the headline.
What do you make of all this?
What do you make about the preparations for all sorts of crises in 17 days?
We're doing all sorts of drills of emergency relocating.
Trump, I know he's got a lot of top people around him that understand exactly what's happening.
I've talked to some of them.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
But the listeners, myself included, I should be doing more.
I should be more convincing.
And I know I'm convincing.
I just, this is so historical.
Then let's say if nuclear war was breaking out with Russia and they just fired ICBMs in 1967.
I would expect Walter Cronkite to be desperate and say, everybody get to your bunkers, the missiles will be here in five minutes.
I mean, it's almost to that level now.
The urgency of repudiating Obama, repudiating the globalists, repudiating George Soros, repudiating Henry Kissinger, and all of these insane, out-of-control, anti-American people
Who just want to destroy prosperity to consolidate control and are willing to push us into World War III to maintain their control!
At a certain point, you want to arrest the independent press, you want people to come after me?
You want to go after all of our freedoms?
You want to be able to do all these horrible things?
And then you just think we're gonna sit here and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it,
It's like seeing a dead, rotting horse or something in the road.
I don't even want to look at you.
Battled Albright and all you people.
The hell's your problem?
You're a bunch of sick freaks.
A bunch of neurotics.
Want to run everything.
Want to control everybody.
You can't stand people that are better looking than you.
You can't stand people that are stronger than you.
You've got some weird, twisted competitiveness in you.
It's like they say in the great book, they turn into a film, there will be blood.
He goes, I have a competitiveness about me.
I don't want anybody else to succeed.
I don't want anybody to succeed at my expense walking on me.
But if you innovate, I'm only going to try to model myself after you and I'm going to admire you.
I mean, I've literally pulled up by somebody's sports car before that's super awesome.
And my car is parked next to him and I said, that is an incredible car.
They're like, oh man, sorry, sorry, it's better than yours.
And it's like, no, no, no, literally, I don't care that your car is so cool.
It looks like a spaceship.
You know, personally, I wouldn't drive a car like that because it would draw too much attention, but man, that's really a piece of art.
You know, incredible, you know, it's like people don't get it, you know?
Competitiveness means you like the competition.
It's not that you don't like people that are successful, but that's who the globalists are.
Senator John McCain, one of the main proponents of sanctions against Russia and pusher of fake news regarding Russian hacks, was accompanied by the Ukrainian President Soros' lapdog, Petro Poroshenko, on his visit to a Russian-speaking city in the southeastern Ukraine.
While making a Happy New Year speech addressing his soldiers who are fighting against the pro-Russian People's Republics, he made a baffling statement that put a face of awkward perplexity on his troops.
Ukrainian president declared that the Donbass region is under the Ukrainian occupation and that it is only temporary and that Ukraine will surely be united once again.
He followed with the popular neo-Nazi call-and-response motto, saying, Glory to Ukraine, to which the baffled soldiers had to respond with, Glory to the heroes, after an awkward pause.
Naturally, all the printed media had conveniently corrected his speech, replacing Ukrainian occupation with Russian occupation.
But alas, the speech was broadcasted live.
And was seen and heard by millions of people.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com.
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And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Zack, this is Crystal Palace.
NORAD has declared DEFCON 3.
Scramble all alert aircraft.
I repeat, scramble all alert aircraft.
The Whopper spends all its time thinking about World War III.
Target selection complete.
Time-on-target sequence complete.
22 Typhoon-class submarines departing Petropavlovsk, turning south out of Nordkapp, bearing 095 degrees.
Radar reports two unknown tracks are penetrating the Alaskan Air Defense Front.
From the front lines of the Information War... Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEFCON 1.
Are you prepared to destroy the enemy?
You bet!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
We'll keep control, but we'll keep it here at the top where it belongs.
3... 2... 1... Impact!
Shall we play a game?
How about...
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All units confirm weapons targeted and ready.
Awaiting launch codes.
We are at a launch mode.
Do you really believe that the enemy would attack without provocation?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're in!
Russians are still denying everything, sir.
We have a Soviet submarine watch detection.
I wish I didn't know about any of this.
I wish I was like everybody else.
Friends, friends.
The only winning move is not to play.
From the front lines of the information war.
Okay, so there is a multinational banking cartel that has established the skeletal workings and is now putting in the organs, the sinew, the muscle, the brains of a planetary system, a planetary government.
It's very authoritarian, anti-free market, extremely technocratic and draconian in their own words.
And so they're pulling out every stop they've got.
I don't know.
East Coast, and then when that does happen, it's the Russians that are behind it.
Clearly the fake story put out on Friday by the Washington Post that the Russians had tried to bring down the East Coast grid, starting in Vermont, is to prepare the mind for that.
Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, author, researcher, journalist.
He joined us last week to predict this would be the type of false flag they would run.
He joins us at the bottom of the next hour and will be hosting himself the fourth hour via Skype.
Now this just broke.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
It's up on DrudgeReport.com.
Obama still could force Merrick Garland onto the court during intercession recess.
No president's ever done stuff like this, but they're talking about with 17 days left, trying to force a new individual onto the Supreme Court to create a giant train wreck.
Well, I tell you, I'd sure love to see Judge Andrew Napolitano be nominated.
And I'd like to hear Trump come out, and if not Napolitano,
Say, hey, here's a few of the judges I think are best, and the American people have spoken, they've repudiated you, 900 House seats lost in the states, a whole bunch of seats lost in the Senate and the House, a whole bunch of governors lost.
The people don't want your system, you don't have a mandate, and so I am nominating, so everybody knows, who I'm going to officially nominate in 17 days, who I think should be on the court, and I think Congress should reject
This individual, Obama, is trying to put on.
President Obama will have one last chance to force Judge Merrick Garland onto the U.S.
Supreme Court tomorrow.
But it's a legal gamble, and one that has so many pitfalls that even those who say you can get away with it believe it isn't worth the fight.
Mr. Obama's moment will come just before noon, in the five minutes that the Senate gavels the 114th Congress out of session, and the time for the 115th Congress begins.
So you'd have to block the new Congress beginning.
And try to extend 2016 via a time warp into the future.
And see, with 17 days left, you're going to see more crazy stuff every day!
It's going to be a roller coaster every day!
And then when Trump gets in, it'll get even crazier!
Because this is a real war for America!
And a war for England!
And a war for Europe!
And a war for Russia!
And a war for sovereignty worldwide!
It's going to get crazy!
We'll be lucky if there isn't a nuclear war in the next few years!
The globalists are pulling out every stop!
In those few moments, the Senate will go into what's known as the intercession recess, creating one golden moment when the President could test his recess appointment powers by sending Judge Garland to the High Court.
A smattering of activists he asked him to give it a try, but Mr. Obama has given no indication that he's thinking about it.
The White House didn't respond to requests for comment on the story.
Yeah, just like the White House and Hillary weren't behind the people that were trying to get the faithless electors to turn against Trump.
And just like they weren't behind the recount and Jill Stein, and just like they weren't behind the Democratic Party showing the nomination for Bernie Sanders.
They're going for broke.
Now let me give you the chilling news that was given to me during the last break.
It's going up on Infowars.com right now.
It's from the amazing folks, I gotta say.
Zero Hedge is really hardcore and
I almost, I never see hardly anything on there I disagree with.
Zero Hedge, whoever runs it, no one knows by the way.
Talk about other secret, even more reclusive than Drudge, no one knows.
Formerly some big top broker and a group of people that know what's going on, insiders.
I'd say U.S.
intelligence agency people, I don't know.
But look at this, and again whether you love Netanyahu or hate Netanyahu, Israel has done things politically that aren't anything compared to other people in the region.
Why are they held to a higher standard?
That's my only issue.
I try to be fair here.
They're surrounded by people that want to kill them, who say they want to overthrow them.
They're supposed to have a one state or a two state and open the borders up to a bunch of people that have basically gone there, just like Syria got invaded by a bunch of globalists in the last five years, a bunch of Islamists that wanted to take it over.
Those aren't Syrian refugees coming into Europe.
They're people that got their butt kicked out of the country.
Turkey admits that.
That's why 80% of them are military age men who have fake Syrian passports.
They're Pakistani.
They're Muslims from India.
They're Muslims from all over the world, from the United States, from England, but mainly from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan, you name it.
Israel police enter Netanyahu's home for questioning over corruption allegations.
The globalists are moving.
You don't think Obama would come out and have the U.N.
vote to basically say Israel's illegitimate.
And now they say they've got that new resolution ready.
An actual one saying that Israel's illegitimate.
And it should be overturned.
The U.N.'
's already voted on that before.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's what I said last week.
I said if they kill Netanyahu or something, you know World War III is about to happen.
Well, here it is.
I told you they're really thinking about arresting Trump.
They're really thinking about fault.
Remember all those rape charges and pedophile charges that were always fake names and were never true and all got dropped as soon as he won?
Claiming Jerry Epstein connections to him when it was really to Clinton and Hillary?
See, everything they're doing, they say we're doing.
So now, this is Zero Hedge, Israeli police, Internet Yahoo's home, for questioning over corruption allegation.
Boy, you talk about canary in the coal mine.
The globalists wouldn't move against Netanyahu, as WikiLeaks shows they're planning to do, via Soros, if they weren't planning to have people ready to imprison him or kill him if he starts trying to spill the beans on stuff.
Because Netanyahu's been involved in everything.
Good, bad, ugly, you name it.
And if they move against Netanyahu, that means they're moving against Trump.
Bet your bottom buck.
I mean, this is incredible!
Just red alert, red alert, red alert.
This is getting crazy.
This is so frickin' out of control.
It's time to pray.
Our Heavenly Father, please help us open our eyes.
Please help us be good.
We're so sorry for all the abortions and all the evil in our name.
Please protect the children.
Please reprieve us if it's in your will.
Please somehow stop the evil forces that are trying to stop this miracle that you've given us.
Please help there be peace in the Middle East.
Please stop those who are trying to overthrow Israel and start World War III and bring an Armageddon.
Please give us a reprieve like Nineveh so that we have time to wake people up and reach out to those that are still in darkness and deceived.
Please, in the name of your Son,
Jesus Christ, lead God and direct us.
And I don't do that for show, folks.
I don't even want to be here.
I am so upset right now that my head is burning.
I am sweating, even though it's like 65 degrees in here.
I am so pissed.
I shouldn't be on air.
I'm going to start cussing.
Please, God, give me the strength.
They're going to start nuclear war.
They're pure evil.
They're completely out of control.
And they're moving on every front.
And regardless what you think about Netanyahu or Trump,
The globalists know they're nationalists.
There's a nationalist... ...allies organization forming from Japan to Israel to the United States to the UK to Russia.
A lot of these groups are formerly enemies, but they understand the globalists don't want prosperity, and there's a move worldwide to get back to prosperity.
These governments don't want to have people poor, on average.
But it's the globalist plan, and people are sick of it!
Globalism is horrible for the average person!
It's horrible for the average elite!
They don't want to see people poor and things falling apart.
Even corrupt kingpins want to sit up on top of big, powerful, massive systems.
They don't want to see enslavement.
They don't want to see the public losing everything.
Even the most corrupt Roman emperors wanted prosperity.
It was only the occasional psychopath that wanted to kill everybody and make everybody poor.
And those people usually got their throats slit.
Or poisoned.
We have the worst type of psychopaths that want us to be poor, that want us to be desperate, who get off on it.
Really evil people in control.
And the whole world's saying no.
And now Benjamin Netanyahu, they're looking at arresting him and throwing him in prison.
And you know what that means.
The minute they take down Netanyahu, they're going after Trump.
So, hey, all of you that want to live under globalist Islamic rule, all of you that hate Jews,
You're about to get a big, juicy taste of the globalist win of what it's going to be like being under Saudi Arabia and Communist China, politically calling the shots to the Democrats, who've openly made deals to sell us out to them.
Oh, and then have weirdo Nazi collaborators like George Soros, who's Jewish, sitting over it.
So, so, you know, get your anti-Semitism straight there.
You got this evil Dr. Evil over here running this whole takeover, who's Jewish, and they're about to get rid of the Jewish state.
So, just enjoy yourselves.
He got a taste rounding up Jews in World War II.
It's just so delicious.
A little sorrow, but he just can't stop.
And it's all in the WikiLeaks!
And you know what?
The Jews haven't done anything to stop him.
Hell, half the Jews are liberals, love George Soros.
So hey, just have whatever you want, dumbasses!
We'll be back with the restaurants, the police coming after.
Now, what I'm announcing here today is already a custom here in the United States.
And that is extending the Christmas holiday up until New Year's Eve, and then taking down the Christmas trees, and taking down the Christmas lights.
Ooh, I keep saying Christmas.
I'm so politically incorrect.
Just to upset the social justice warriors and all the little snowflakes that want to bully us into Banning our culture and banning free speech.
In fact, there's a war going on not just online but in the streets I've seen it where people on the hike and bike trails say Merry Christmas and then folks don't respond and they say happy holidays or even family I have that I send the message of
Merry Christmas to, they respond back with, happy holidays.
It is some distant cousins, but it's going on.
But we're also going to extend the Christmas sale right through until New Year's Eve, until everything sells out at InfoWarsTore.com.
Now we normally try to budget things to where, in the warehouse, most of the products sell out by year-end, and the new products come in in a few weeks or a month after, because we have to pay taxes on inventory.
And this year, I've decided to extend the sale until everything completely sells out.
So to be clear, almost every one of our best-selling nutraceutical supplements is selling out, and for a good reason, because here are the specials that we're running until they sell out or until the new year comes here in just about four or five days.
Living Defense, 30% off.
Super Mel Vitality, 30% off.
These are huge specials.
Silver Bullet Coil Silver, 50% off.
Brain Force Plus, 33% off.
Winter Sun Vitamin D, 25% off.
And again, a lot of these are selling out as we speak or have sold out.
Survival Shield X2, 30% off.
Bio True Selenium, 30% off.
And then let me finish up with this, the Coup De Grace.
Storewide free shipping until New Year's Day.
Storewide at Infowarsstore.com on the non-GMO heirloom seeds and the Trump is my president shirts and Hillary for prison 2017 shirts and deport George Soros the goblin globalist specials.
Storewide free shipping
50 to 30 percent off on scores of items and all of these are super high quality products.
They help fund the spearhead in the fight against the globalists and they are game changers.
We couldn't have built this operation without you.
So you're not standing beside us or behind us.
You are standing at the heart
Of the rebellion against globalism.
We are American restorationists trying to restore our republic and make it great again and free again and safe again and prosperous again.
And we're doing it the old-fashioned way with free markets and with amazing high-quality products.
I certainly hope and pray you had a blessed and Merry Christmas, and I'm really focusing and working hard to make sure we have a great New Year as Americanism, not globalism, accelerates into the future.
So again, I want to encourage you all, take advantage of the biggest sales of 2016 with Christmas sales extended with free shipping storewide and 50 to 30% off on high quality supplements and many other items at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLifetime.com.
I'm Alex Jones signing off from the Central Texas News Center in Austin.
Go to Infowarsstore.com today for 30 to 50% off specials while supplies last plus free shipping or call 1-888-253-3139
All right, I'm going to give the number out.
If you tried to call earlier, the phone system wasn't turned on.
Now you can call in.
They're clearly trying to overthrow Israel.
They're clearly trying to overthrow Trump, who is an attempt by the people, but also patriots in our government, to re-establish just emergency life support on America, because our country has been taken over.
These are epic, legendary, incredibly historic, dangerous times we're living in.
We are in the middle of World War III.
Now, the Pentagon called World War 3 the Cold War and they said World War 4 will be fought with cyber war, political movements, riots, you name it.
Economic warfare.
And we are now in that with the globalists playing countries off against each other.
The nation states understand this and decided to band together to try to bring prosperity back and are being blocked.
Now what made the nation states finally decide to come together and defeat globalism was when the globalists openly allied with radical Islam
I don't know.
But before I talk to the highest levels of our government, I talk to top generals, top colonels, top people in media, you name it, over the years.
You've heard many of them here, from Matt Drudge to you name it.
But it's not like I'm even communicating with them and they're communicating with me.
We all see the same threat.
We all know who the globalists are.
We can read their books.
The globalists are very honest about this in their own academic literature.
They lie to the public, but academically it's like Gruber getting up on C-SPAN and going, thank God the public's so dumb, I was hired to come up with a lie to triple prices.
And thank God they have no attention span.
He was with academics on C-SPAN, a bunch of other professors with a bunch of graduate students learning how to be liars, so they can get jobs in the government.
So, see, it's very bipolar because, or schizophrenic, because they'll deny it all to the public, but then intellectually and academically admit the whole thing.
Turns out I even missed this.
And folks, I can't keep track of all of it.
I told the crew, give me sources.
Well, it's RT.
It's the Times of Israel last week.
It's not just Zero Hedge.
They reported last week that he was going to be questioned in two criminal probes.
And now the police raided his house this morning.
Benjamin Netanyahu.
Netanyahu to be questioned in two separate criminal probes.
That's RT.
Again, I've got Times of Israel reporting that police are calling on Israeli Attorney General to allow them to open a full criminal investigation against Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Again, that was last week.
Now today, they've raided his house.
So, you've got, look, Obama wouldn't have moved against Israel last week if he didn't have operatives in the Israeli government who at least believe they're going to be able to
Stop Netanyahu and Trump, and that's what I'm saying.
Listen to me so carefully.
This is the big enchilada.
They're currently moving against Trump and Israel.
They're currently moving against the UK with Brexit.
They're currently moving against every nationalist movement, hardcore with illegal measures.
The globalists are intending to stage a coup against the people's will, and to start a war if they have to, or even kill Trump and Netanyahu, and you name it, to keep their world government project afloat.
We are in the middle of the greatest crisis humanity has ever seen.
And just like in France, every time some nationalist is about to win, they indict him.
And they're doing the same thing here.
Or in the Netherlands, the guy that's number one in the polls, who's a nationalist, they've indicted him and convicted him.
Two weeks ago, three weeks ago.
So it's on, folks.
This is crazy.
Look, this means there's a civil war brewing in Israel.
There's an ongoing civil war happening here.
And Israel has sources and forces inside of it that want to merge with the Arabs and the Palestinians and commit suicide.
And, again, it's all in the WikiLeaks that Soros was planning this five years ago, two years ago, and just six months ago.
This is a worldwide destabilization, world government program with Soros, the Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers bringing in this program.
And people say, oh, well, the Rothschilds helped found Israel.
That was 70 years ago, folks.
The Rothschilds currently are using Israel as a detonator to bring in a Mideast war.
The Rothschilds are heavily involved in all this.
Now, they're a very diverse family.
It's a big family, but the big ones, Lord Rothschild and others, are as evil as the day is long.
This is the exact kind of crap they like to do.
Have his dad give birth to Israel, then blow it up 70 years later.
And out of this comes their big world government, because the war will be so horrible, we have to accept the Luciferian age.
This is big stuff!
You know, Alistair Crowley reportedly sacrificed his own son.
When you get into Satanism, betrayal of your own family is the top, final thing to do.
So, Israel, you better watch your butt, and the United States better as well.
Israeli police in Netanyahu's home for questioning over corruption allegations, as the Obama administration shunned last
Israel last week, we warned that police were calling on Israeli Attorney General to allow them to open a full criminal investigation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Today, as Channel 2 reports, Israel police entered Bibi's home for questioning.
The Prime Minister was quick to react, blasting, don't celebrate too soon, over corruption probe.
And then it gets into all of it.
This is a major move against the West by the globalists.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Let's hear from James Wesley Rawls.
What do you make of the times we're in?
Am I being too extreme or not enough?
I mean, what's your expert take?
Well, Alex, I think you're right on target.
We are living in very perilous times, but we are winning the information war.
And you can thank your listeners for that.
And the Brexit vote and the recent election of Donald Trump are both evidence that there is a huge populist groundswell that's worldwide.
It's not just here in the United States, it's worldwide.
I think we'll soon see
A lot of political changes in continental Europe to follow the Brexit vote.
Again, we're living in very perilous times.
If you look at the legislative moves or executive order moves that Obama is making in the waning days of his presidency.
Is it not demoralization and sabotage?
Well, I think they're thrashing at this point.
You know, the New World Order clique is really seeing itself in its death throes.
And they recognize that Trump's election is a huge threat to the status quo.
They really want to consolidate power, but with Trump in office, I don't think they'll be able to accomplish that.
Now, they'll probably do their very best to thwart Trump and all of the Trump administration's agenda.
And, as you mentioned before, they're willing to start World War III, or they're willing to collapse the U.S.
economy and collapse the value of the dollar.
Which is an act of total war and sabotage, so it seems like they are flailing, they're miscalculating.
But that's the type of thing, historically, that leads to gigantor wars, correct?
When you see acts of desperation like this at the highest level,
There's only a few more arrows left in their quiver, and one of those is prolongating a war.
I think that's what they may resort to doing once Trump is in office if they can't covertly
That's right.
They want to do that so that the media can then gang up on Trump if it doesn't go along with the war, proxy war with the Russians.
But there's no way a proxy war won't get out of control.
This is insanity.
This is total and complete insanity.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Alright, here's the bottom line.
There have been settlements for eight years of Obama's administration being built on the West Bank.
You've got the Muslims running around, the jihadis, the Sunnis, who are invading 30-something countries right now, all over the world.
I mean, there's 30-plus countries they're launching terror attacks in.
It was like 23 a few months ago.
It's 30-something now.
We're in the middle of a worldwide jihad, financed by Saudi Arabia.
Our government, with the criminals at the top, and the Obama administration are financing it.
It's in all the WikiLeaks that George Soros is commanding it and honchoing it.
And spending up to five billion dollars a year financing political groups and overthrow of Ukraine and funding jihadis all over Chechnya and you name it.
Trying to overthrow Russia proper with political candidates he's been running against Russia.
Then they have the nerve to claim Russia's involved in our politics when they're clearly not.
And then...
After eight years of settlements, Obama comes out and has the U.S.
push a vote in the U.N.
to abstain.
And now the word is Kerry has a resolution to fully say Israel's illegitimate so that the Arab states will basically attack Israel with 17 days out.
And then we heard about corruption probes and stuff.
Oh, suddenly somebody in Netanyahu's office says he might have gotten a bribe.
Here comes the police and the SWAT team to his house to tear his home apart this morning.
Obama vindictive for abstaining from U.N.
vote on Israel settlements.
And now they are going after Israel.
I don't know what the anti-Semites are going to do.
I guess they're going to side with George Soros against the nation-state of Israel.
But understand this, that's siding against our republic and Trump as well.
Obama's refusal to veto anti-Israel U.N.
vote ranked most anti-Semitic incident in 2016.
You know, I don't want to say it's anti-Semitic, but funding jihadis all over the Middle East to kill every Christian they get a hold of is truly anti-Christian.
And where are the Christians complaining about that?
But I know this, it is anti-Israel to say, turn it over to Palestinians who, if they took it over, would never stop killing each other!
They can't stop killing each other all over the Middle East.
It's a joke.
Clean up your own house before you run around lecturing the rest of the world, Muslims.
And I was against the wars against the Muslims because I knew it was to put the radical ones in.
I knew it was a destabilization program.
I'm not against Muslims.
But you can't run around arrogant declaring that you're going to conquer our culture and buy off our politicians and basically throw it in our face without backlash.
So I want to open the phones up from Hans and DJ and David and George and Philip, but I want to be clear.
I want to talk about the World Destabilization Program with 17 days left.
The Democrats admitting they want to try to block Trump being inaugurated.
How will they do that?
With an East Coast power outage claiming the Russians did it.
So blaming the power outage
On the group they claim is trying to put Trump in.
You say that doesn't make sense.
Russia should just sit back and let Trump get in.
Of course that's why the West has shot down three of their airplanes.
That's why they're starting wars and killing their ambassadors and diplomats.
It's why they're putting all these new sanctions on to poke the bear into action and Putin's been smart and hasn't done that and hasn't even kicked US diplomats out.
Instead he invited the diplomats and their kids to the Christmas tree lighting.
That's one of the big things in Russia for kids at the Kremlin.
You're like, Alex, Christmas has ended.
No, in Orthodox Church, it's January 7th, folks.
And the point is, is that they're being caught in all this massive fake news.
They wouldn't be running all this fake news, ladies and gentlemen, if they weren't planning something big.
And I said last week, if they try to remove Netanyahu anytime in the next three weeks, you better believe
It means they're about to try to take Trump out too.
You could see attack helicopters flying into Mar-a-Lago tomorrow and fire 20 Hellfire missiles into there.
And they'll say on the news, Trump had to be taken out, he was a terrorist.
I'm not kidding.
Or they could blow up Trump Tower and claim jihadis did it.
Or they could have a sniper kill Trump when he's on the golf course.
I'm telling you, they are intending to kill Trump.
By the way, pull it up.
Just Google Alex Jones CIA.
Click News.
Media Matters, run by the White House, openly, it's in the WikiLeaks, says Alex Jones warns Trump the CIA is trying to assassinate the President-elect.
No, I said rogue criminal elements are developing the idea and the plan that you're a Russian agent, so if you're killed or arrested, they can at least sell the idea to enough of the public to make it look legitimate.
And now we see the CIA going around and Trump saying that rogue elements of the CIA are trying to undermine his presidency and the will of the people.
Well, what do you think the CIA does when their BS fails?
They move on to weapons!
And I want to be clear.
Most of the CIA is completely outraged by this.
Most of the CIA doesn't even believe this is actually happening.
It's come out that the government agencies have said this is all fake.
Clapper has said it's all fake, but they still move forward.
They mean business.
They wouldn't be saying a sitting president-elect was a Russian agent unless they were planning to do anything from getting him to not get into office.
And now, if they go after Trump's ally, Israel, and if they try to kick out that elected government,
With a corruption probe, you know the next thing is going to be a criminal probe, and the Attorney General might even come out and indict a current president.
And then, oh, sadly, a truck bomb goes off.
I'm telling you, they're willing to start World War III with Russia.
They're willing to start World War III with Russia.
Do you think they're willing to kill Trump or myself?
They just signed a law a week and a half ago to ban the press and to put the CIA over the FCC.
There's been giant cyber attacks that Drudge has never seen before against Drudge and InfoWars, and he says it's the U.S.
It is!
The criminals that have hijacked it, working with the Communist Chinese.
Now, Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, best-selling author, researcher, from enemiesforeignanddomestic.com, is joining us at the bottom of the next hour.
I have a small skeleton crew here today, but you guys already found it with a quick search.
Matt Bracken, grid down, false flag.
From May, him on the show saying, he said it last week.
So if someone just gives, maybe some of the guys back there in Anthony's office, a few of those files to watch, I need our crew
To find where Bracken set it ahead of him joining us, because I know our listeners heard it, I know you heard me talk about it, but we need to play it for people that don't know, so they understand just how on target we are, because here's the deal, it clicked earlier.
They're running that Russia wants to knock our power grid out after we even warn, that's the type of thing they might pull.
They hadn't said that previously.
But see, we understand what would be disruptive enough to keep it from getting in, and where Obama could have an emergency.
It fit!
And now, they're openly announcing it.
That means they're seriously considering that and other false flags.
I'm going to go to your phone calls.
I thought I was pretty clear, but some people called in about Pokemon and about other stuff, and that's fine, but I'm going to move on to the next person.
Callers after this group, I really want to talk about Civil War, Netanyahu, crisis, false flags.
They say they don't want Trump.
They're having newspapers everywhere call for Trump's death.
And call for people to kill him.
Almost no one's been prosecuted for this.
It's unprecedented atmosphere of civil war and insanity.
And I'm here, not being a fear monger, I'm desperately raising the alarm so that sensible media covers this and so that other people understand just how much danger we're in so we don't go down the road of the real clear and present danger that's the globalists that really are destabilizing things.
I also want you to know this isn't going to stop even once Trump gets in, but we'll be in a much better position from that point on.
But it's still going to be the most incredible science fiction movie you've ever seen or read that we're living.
And this is only going to get wilder.
But the good news is there's good and evil in the world, not just evil.
And so we are in the real world in this epic time and everything you do is having a giant effect.
Pray for this country.
Pray for awakening.
Pray for providence.
Pray for spiritual defense and support and provision for Trump and for Infowars and for Matt Drudge and for people like Stephen Bannon and others that are at the tip of the spear of this fight because of duty.
But understand, this is real.
You can see it.
It's not our opinion.
We are the people resisting this.
You are the folks resisting it.
We're all in this together.
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But the atmosphere is so dangerous, so out of control.
I've got a stack of New York Times articles here from over the weekend and Washington Post headlines where they admit that Obama is sabotaging the Trump agenda as he leaves office.
And they admit the stuff he's doing hurts the economy, opens the border up more.
I mean, we're just wide open.
This is a true foreign globalist sabotage operation.
And we keep wondering why they're out to get us so much.
Because it's a global military operation to bring us down so no nation-state's left standing except the Communist Chinese!
And then they're so enslaved, and the globalists have made deals with them, they're supposed to be the muscle, and then the economy of the world.
We were betrayed.
We were sold out.
Globalism was supposed to mean they did all the economic stuff, and we had the military.
It was all a double-cross, and our intelligence agencies know that, and are fighting back.
So what do you do when the American people and the American government stand up against the foreign globalist takeover?
The malware that is the New World Order infesting our political system and our soul.
They claim we're the foreign agents with no proof and they claim the Russians are trying to kick off the power grid.
I'm going to stop screaming and yelling.
I'm just really trying to cut through the chatter here.
But here's the good news.
The Washington Post got caught publishing fake news.
It's all over the news.
See, they don't care because they're going for broke.
They don't care.
Sure, you're like, God, they're discrediting themselves.
Everything they do fails.
They're escalating.
They're still in power for 17 days.
It means they're going to go to the final thing, open force.
They're going to cook up fake charges against Trump.
If Trump resists it with a legitimate government behind him, they're going to kill him!
Trump, you're not stupid and you already know this.
They're coming to kill you and your family.
They want to kill this country.
You have the courage.
The people listen to you.
You did it.
You want to bring back the economic engine.
They don't want that.
They already tried to kill Nigel Farage three times.
I know you know this.
I know the Secret Service knows this.
But the public needs to know the battle, the epic level of the battle we're in right now.
And here's the deal.
It doesn't mean BB or Israel is perfect.
Nobody is.
But this is a sovereign country and the globalists have made a deal with Islam to sell out Israel and the US as part of this global takeover.
With Islam, China, and the globalists against Russia, Japan, and what's left of Latin America and Africa.
Folks, Africa and Latin America can't stand against the Chinese.
They can't stand against the Islamists.
They can't stand
against the globalists and the big corporations.
It's the big corporations and China and Saudi Arabia against everybody else.
That's World War 4.
They're coming for us.
They are blown away that the intelligence agencies leaked all the data on them and that we stopped their steal and that we won.
Trump won in one of the biggest landslides in U.S.
history, folks.
They stole five states.
And I'll keep repeating this to you.
You understand the epic level, the epic, epic, incredible time we are alive right now.
I want to tell the globalists something.
I want you to know this.
Just as you failed stealing the nomination, and you failed with the recount, and you failed with the unfaithful electors, and you failed with the race garbage crap, and you failed with the economic implosion, and you failed... You're going to fail when it comes to stopping the global revolution against tyranny, and the reawakening of nationalism, and the exuberant nationalism that has Soros so scared last week.
You are failing.
You are failing now.
And if you try to kill Trump, even if you're successful, it will blow up in your face so bad, there will be nowhere in the world for you to ever hide.
So in a way, I hope you strike myself and Trump down.
I don't literally hope that, but metaphysically, politically, in a chess sense, we're nothing but gambits.
You strike us down, we will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine, to quote Obi-Wan Kenobi.
They were able to find one of the Matt Bracken clips, again, he's probably said this,
He's been on probably 15 times the last year or more.
He says it every time he's on, but he said last week, I don't know if they found a clip from last week, they said they had a clip where he said, I got a false flag.
He said, I would look at a grid down scenario to keep Trump from getting in a big crisis.
A day after he said that, he was here last Thursday.
A day after he said it.
There's a bunch of these clips, I'm mixing them together.
They rolled it out and it was fake as a $3 bill.
You go, oh good, they're discredited again.
No, it means they don't care!
Everybody's analyzing this like it's funny!
Let me tell you something, my guts don't think it's funny!
I've never been on fire like this!
I am sweating, and I've got the air conditioner turned down to 65.
I am on fire!
I am ready to kick like 15 people's asses, you understand what I'm saying?
I am that concerned.
I am that fired up physically.
My spirit is on fire.
America and the whole world is in total peril.
They are getting ready to start a nuclear war if need be.
Obama and Hillary and all of them need to be stopped right now!
Here's the most important thing I've been wanting to tell you for days.
I just get so upset I don't get it out.
Everything has to be leaked!
Do not hold anything back!
intelligence agencies, Western intelligence agencies, private corporate groups, everybody!
Anonymous, everyone!
Hit them with everything you've got!
Don't wait!
Don't leak it slowly!
They've got Assange on house arrest.
They've stopped stuff coming out.
Leak everything now!
Leak it now!
Hit them with everything now!
Hit them!
Hit them with everything now!
And again, I personally let you see how fired up I am.
This isn't an act.
But I'm letting the dog off the leash, understand?
This is how I feel.
This is who I am.
This is actually therapy for me to like get it out and not get physical, okay?
Now, people say, oh, Alex Benz is an actor.
No, that's not what I'm saying.
It's a paradox.
I really feel like this right now.
If I didn't yell and scream, I guess I'd probably have a heart attack, okay?
Or get mad at somebody in traffic.
This is really how I feel.
But because I do this, it primitively cuts through even intellectuals' controls, where they're just used to this, have a learned helplessness, and a normalcy bias, and a Stockholm Syndrome that we're trying to break.
We're breaking the enemy's spirit of failure and weakness right now.
We're bringing the spirit of honor and strength and innovation back into the world, the renaissance that Christ gave us.
I'm gonna skip this break, so I'm gonna call us and take more, because I don't want to cut him off.
Thank you, I forgot to tell you.
So, for whatever reason, as obnoxious as I am, wars aren't pretty.
InfoWars is a big, bloody, battering ram that has knocked out more globalist teeth than anybody can imagine.
And that's thanks to your prayers and your support.
You are the InfoWar.
I don't just say that, again, to make you feel good.
Do you understand you are everything?
Do you understand without you we're done?
Don't be demoralized if they get me or Trump, you understand?
That just means they had to really get naked and get out in the open with us.
And I don't physically look forward to that.
But I tell you what, when my soul's rolling off this mortal coral, if I got time to think about what's happening to me, I'm gonna be really happy knowing we forced them all the way out in the open, and these vampires don't do too good out in the open.
But this isn't a movie, it isn't entertainment.
People sit there and they watch so much entertainment, or they watch stuff that was historically happening, and when it's really happening in their face, they can't believe it's even happening in their time.
You're living in an incredible time!
You're living in a legendary world, people say.
Have you seen this new action-adventure movie?
It's really exciting.
I'm like, yeah, I'm sure it's great.
We're living in an action-adventure movie.
They're trying to arrest the Israeli Prime Minister right now.
That means they're going to the next level.
Let's go to your phone calls.
The numbers are coming out how Obama purposely killed the jobs for young people so that women would be independent.
I mean, wouldn't be independent and would be under the control of the government and families would be dependent.
I mean, it's just everything's coming out, but more needs to come out now.
You know what?
All the pedophilia stuff needs to be released.
All the criminal government drug dealing stuff, just release it all, release it all, before they put the internet kill switch in, which they already have in place, before they start the next big war.
I understand that people have already gone to great risk, what you've already put out.
Everything has to come out now.
Justice be done.
May the heavens fall.
Because the heavens are going to fall if we don't.
We don't have any more choices.
We don't have any more time to even have half measures.
Only total commitment to fight the enemy.
And they can spiritually
Feel that determination.
This is a spiritual fight, and I can feel the enemy too.
They have made the decisions as of yesterday morning.
I felt it.
I don't want to get into mumbo-jumbo here, but everybody knows what I'm talking about.
Everybody else who's tuning in can feel it too.
At around 11 o'clock yesterday, I felt it.
And let me tell you, they have made the decisions to do some really bad stuff that physically endangers myself and my family.
And it doesn't mean I'm only in danger, you understand?
I've learned to go with my gut, it's always right.
This is, everybody's in danger!
They have made decisions, and you now see the manifestation of it, because they're doing it, that is just hellish!
You look at that snot-nosed, arrogant, crazy person Obama and his crazy wife, and all those crazy people with chips on their shoulders around them, that hate anybody that's successful, that hate anybody that's Christian.
The globalists aren't stopping, folks.
They're moving forward.
They are going to drop the hammer.
And I'm just telling you right now, we better throw everything we've got against them now in the information war, or they're going to have their way.
And I want to tell all the minions of this system who know they're on the wrong side and who do it for a paycheck and peer pressure, I want to warn you, there's still time for you to leak the information you've got.
People at Media Matters, you should leak everything you've got if you want to save your family and yourself.
This isn't a movie.
This isn't a joke.
Don't laugh about it.
Remember you were warned.
People inside CNN.
People inside these agencies.
People inside these traitorous organizations.
You've got to release everything you've got right now.
Yeah, I know they call up and they say, hey, the new character in this movie or that movie is based on you and they make fun of you and act like all this other stuff.
None of that stuff is going to matter.
We're way past all that right now.
I don't mean leak stuff like that.
I mean leak it all.
They can't stop everybody if everybody does it.
They want to fight?
Let's give them one!
George in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Yes, Alex.
I just... This is where they want to be.
They're going to start World War III.
This has always been the plan.
You know, they always have.
Sure, having Hillary be elected would have been great.
You know, they can do whatever they want.
Yeah, they were still going to start a war when she got in.
They were going to shut the press down when she got in.
It's in all the WikiLeaks.
Yes, this is not... They're just going ahead like Trump wasn't even elected.
What does that tell you?
They don't care because they're crazy.
And I think they're possessed, personally.
Oh, they definitely are.
They're damn demons.
Um, you know, uh... Faints within faints within faints.
Knowing where the trap is, that's the first step in defeating it.
I think, uh, the Patriot movement is, um, reactionary, um,
Because that's the only way to not start a hot civil war with these people.
So we have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them.
But that's what I'm saying, I'm non-violent when it comes to offense.
But for everybody else, that's not the case you're in.
If stuff breaks down, defend your family, go after the enemy to the end once they really start the real war.
But now we have to put everything in, all in, in the info war.
What else do you think we can do right now to really back the enemy off?
Because let me tell you,
As of yesterday, I could feel it, and now you see it in the news, they have decided to go full bore and stop Trump.
And that means they're going to arrest Netanyahu, they're going to arrest or kill Trump in the next 17 days.
Now, if we stop it, people will say, oh look, another prediction you made that didn't come true.
No, I'm saying, we can change this.
What else do we do?
Do we pray?
Well, George, excuse me, Alex.
I believe that something you said earlier in the show about how the globalists are intent on minimalizing Trump's election victory.
I think they're also very successful in isolating patriots within our communities.
I think we need to really take an
Reach out to the people that we touch on a daily basis.
That's the most important thing.
We're not all media savvy stars like you, but we impact people's lives constantly in our jobs, our schools, etc.
So now's the time because they're listening now.
They're listening.
Hammering the message of freedom and of independence for so long.
And finally... And exactly what we warned, world government, all of it has come true.
Because we're following globalists on admissions.
Thank you so much.
That's a great point George.
We're going to Hans and Andy and Chris and Phillip and others.
The toll free number to join us on the next 17 days.
Again, we reach a giant audience.
If you'll get the word out.
And if you'll expose these people, and if you'll point out what they're doing, they won't be able to pull it off.
But I said last week, I said, they wouldn't move against Israel like this unless they were planning a coup inside Israel.
I think I said that Tuesday or Wednesday of last week.
And I said, so watch Israel.
This is really bold.
And I told you last week I was watching a Wednesday night situation room with Wolf Blitzer, but they had a fill-in host.
I don't think so.
This war wasn't our fault, and what's coming now, it's those that did this.
We must have our plan for peace.
That means world government.
It's a cult.
It's like a New Age cult.
They all just go, oh.
And then they went to break, and I went, oh my God.
I told you.
I said, they're getting ready.
They're going to overthrow Israel, and now it's happening.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
On New Year's Day in Kiev, there was a torchlight procession.
The Ukrainian neo-Nazis were marching through the center of the capital, celebrating the birthday of Stepan Bandera, the leader of the Ukrainian insurgent army, who was also a Nazi sympathizer and a collaborator during World War II.
All the more reasons to be hailed as hero by the Maidan government.
The followers of Bandera are proudly promoting Nazi slogans and the symbolics of the Third Reich, hence their love for torchlight processions, which were especially popular in Hitler's Germany.
The present-day admirers of Bandera are deeply misled.
They glorify the myths given to them, conveniently ignoring the facts of history repeated in present-day Ukraine.
They murder their own countrymen under the guise of liberation of the people.
They murder their own ideological supporters who happen to choose a different leader.
And they call it fighting for their country's independence.
They murder and betray each other under the guise of unity and brotherhood.
Let's call it for what it is.
Betrayal of your people and your country and the enemy within is more dangerous than any outside threat.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
In the age of wonder.
So, a lot of people want to see Israel blown up.
A lot of liberals, a lot of right-wingers.
Well, you might get your chance here real soon.
At least carved up.
You're going to get carved up too.
You're going to get more George Soros, more Hillary, more Obama.
See, all the geopolitical connections they claim are going on, it's much more complex.
It's layer upon layer, group upon group.
The whole bunch, like six different combine groups in Israel.
Bunch of different subgroups over here.
Everybody just dumbs it down to this group against that group, or Mexicans against the white people, or white people against the black people.
It's all idiocy.
When any of us lose rights, we all lose rights.
We're all under globalist attack.
Matt Bragg is joining me at the bottom of the hour.
I'm about to go back to your calls.
Here's the former Navy SEAL and author that just keeps saying he's looking for a grid down false flag.
Well, now they claim the Russians tried to bring the grid down last week.
The story was a hoax, but it came out of the mouth of Surin.
It came out of the Washington Post, meaning they're preparing the public for a grid down.
This just took us to DEFCON 2.
I'm worried about some hackers
You know, it could be Russia, but we won't be able to prove it.
Turning our lights out.
Our cities are time bombs.
Without electricity, our cities are as vulnerable as if they were living in the past.
And I'll say it again.
The Russians have said they don't want to do that.
It's the globalists that are the masters of this.
They've put everything in.
They've got the kill switches.
The number one suspect is the Obama types.
And if they can't control it all, they want to burn it down.
Obama told average... I'm not even saying... You can't have credit cards.
You can't have credit cards.
You can't have cars.
You can't have air conditioning.
They're already telling us.
Go ahead, Matt.
But Russia will be the boogeyman, just like with the election.
That was another tell, that was another giveaway.
Sure, they're preparing them to be the boogeyman of the future, saying if there's ever a cyber attack, we're going to blame Russia.
The Russians did it, just like they stole the election from poor Hillary.
So yeah, no matter who it is, it's almost sure that whatever the fingerprints are on the mission will be false fingerprints.
That's right, let's take a call.
They used a Cyrillic keyboard, it wasn't the Russians.
You know, for sure.
But we won't know.
We won't know.
We'll be debating years later who killed the power.
It's an incredible time, Matt.
Matt Bracken is our guest.
Matt Bracken, stay right there.
Again, is it better for people to visit your website, EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com or the Gates of Vienna?
Dot com.
Some of my short stories are posted on Gates of Vienna.
You can look for me there.
All right, stop right there.
We got Vlad in Alabama holding a bunch of others.
I'm going to really be a good boy now and go to your calls, bam, bam, bam, as soon as we come back from break, but I don't want to cut you short, so Hans, stay there.
I'm going to take Hans, Andy, Vlad, Don, and Phillip's calls all in the next 12-minute segment.
I'll give you each about two minutes, so be ready.
I'm going to go right to you.
And yes, if you're a new listener, I am genuinely controlled hysteric right now.
And by the way, in a bad situation, I'm very calm and very focused.
It's that
I'm letting myself get hysterical on air because I'm trying to get people out of their staid, learned helplessness, Stockholm Syndrome.
I know I keep going back to that, but I genuinely am on fire right now.
I'm on fire right now.
Concerned about the country and the world, not just intellectually what I'm seeing.
My gut that is never wrong is on fire.
I mean, I am on fire.
Like, I say like when I worry about globalists or pick up on something and get that tingle in your stomach, intuition, it's like a flamethrower is shooting right through the middle of me right now, okay?
I mean, I could barely even be on air.
I'm sweating in a 65 degree studio.
Because this is so epic, it's so huge, it's so real.
And you've seen time and time again when I say, get ready for all hell to break loose, it does.
But everybody else can feel it.
Anthony Gutierrez called me yesterday and he goes, do you feel it?
It's about 2 o'clock.
And I was in my car, driving back to the office, and I said, yeah, I feel it.
It's horrible.
He goes, yeah, they're not going to give up, are they?
They're going to go for it all.
I go, no, they're going to go for it all.
They're going to arrest Trump.
They're going to go after Israel.
And sure enough, man, it's all happening.
They've swapped team Benjamin Netanyahu, if you just tuned in, and you say, oh good, he's corrupt.
I read it on message boards.
Oh, good.
Kill the Jews.
That's so fashionable.
You're nothing but brainwashed by the Islamicists.
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Senator John McCain, one of the main proponents of sanctions against Russia and pusher of fake news regarding Russian hacks, was accompanied by the Ukrainian President Soros' lapdog, Petro Poroshenko, on his visit to a Russian-speaking city in the southeastern Ukraine.
While making a Happy New Year speech addressing his soldiers who are fighting against the pro-Russian People's Republics, he made a baffling statement that put a face of awkward perplexity on his troops.
The Ukrainian president declared that the Donbass region is under the Ukrainian occupation and that it is only temporary and that Ukraine will surely be united once again.
He followed with the popular neo-Nazi call-and-response motto, saying, Glory to Ukraine!
To which the baffled soldiers had to respond with, Glory to the heroes?
After an awkward pause, naturally all the printed media had conveniently corrected his speech replacing Ukrainian occupation with Russian occupation.
But alas, the speech was broadcasted live and was seen and heard by millions of people.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Matt Bracken's gonna be hosting a fourth hour, former Navy SEAL best-selling author.
Last week he was on, the day before they launched the fake.
Cyber attack that they said the Russians launched on a Vermont power plant trying to bring down the East Coast.
He said that that's what he'd look for and then we had a back and forth discussion about how we'd be blamed on the Russians.
And then it hit me today, they're doing that to test float the idea, because I went back and looked this morning, they've never come out and said they thought the Russians would hit our power grid.
They're now floating that idea ahead of that as the perfect scenario to block Trump at his inauguration, but also blame him.
We'll talk to Matt Brackett in about 25 minutes.
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Hans in Pennsylvania, thanks for holding her on the air.
Yes, good afternoon.
I haven't heard anybody bring this up yet, but I think President Trump is going to be most vulnerable to assassination while he's standing at the podium on January 20th.
With all the technology that's out there, they could fly a drone in or God knows what else they could do to take him out.
I'm hoping that Secret Service will be looking up in the sky as well as in their immediate area there during this.
Or even consider doing the inauguration at a more secure, non-public location.
Well, notice Trump says he's doing it real fast to get back to the country's work and not have pomp and circumstance.
He knows.
He wants to go into the White House bunker.
In fact, I can tell people this just because it's already known by the enemy.
Trump is going to go immediately into the White House bunker, just so everybody knows.
Okay, I'm going to stop right there.
He understands what's going on.
That's how they know, too.
He understands America's on its deathbed.
They have DOD, my friend.
And again, I'm not saying something the enemy doesn't know.
They're going to have the highest tech anti-aircraft missiles on top.
Our military already pulled out from Obama five years ago.
Our military already knows that this isn't our government.
That's why they leaked all the info.
So the good news I'm telling you, brother, is yes, he is massively defended.
They may try a frontal assault, claiming corruption, you name it, and come arrest him.
That's what I'm telling you.
Look at Benjamin Netanyahu.
Don't you see how the two things are tied together?
My concern is for them to take something like a stupid quad rotor and just fly it right in there and blow him up while he's right at the podium.
Put a jihadi that's a helicopter pilot in a helicopter full of C4.
Well, no, even like a quadrotor.
If you look on YouTube, there's a video there, quadrotor... No, no, I know, but they've got programs that block those and jamming signals for drones.
I mean, I think it could be somebody in a hijacked aircraft that's running, you know, non-high-tech, non-digital analog systems.
I don't think he should give them even one second of exposure because if he does, they may decide to try and use it.
I know, and they'll say, oh look, he's hiding.
I don't think it's hiding when you're the top general and they're shooting at you, but George Washington led from the front.
Here's the deal.
Is anybody bored right now?
I mean, is anybody bored?
Those that are ignorant.
Yeah, but I mean, is this not an incredible time to be alive, Hans?
It's absolutely amazing.
I can't believe the stuff that's going on.
It's mind-boggling.
God bless you, sir.
And I can't believe how the general public comes up and asks me stuff like, oh, have you seen the new Hawaii Five-0 episodes?
I'm like, I actually like Hawaii Five-0, yeah.
I don't have time to watch it, though, because, you know, I'm in the... And I'm not putting people down.
It's so epic.
No, I don't know who's in the playoffs.
I'm not against football.
It's just the real playoff for the future of the world's going on right now, baby.
And it's not like we're getting conquered by folks that are just a different group.
Then I wouldn't be fighting so hard.
The globalists are bad people.
I could see them and feel them coming 25 years ago.
And now they're here.
And man, do they stink.
Thank you, Hans.
Let's talk to Vlad in Alabama.
Vlad, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah Alex, first I'd like to actually say thank you for what you're doing because honestly I don't think many of us are going to be able to hear you here in the very near future.
I honestly believe that they're either going to take you out or you're going to get murdered, same way as Trump.
The reasoning that I'm calling it is my personal view on what I think is going to be happening and like I said, they're either going to shut informers down, they're going to take you out, they're going to either have Trump assassinated during the inauguration or right before or right afterwards.
They're not going to let him be president very long.
And personally, as a long-haul truck driver, at this point I'm considering quitting my job, going home, finding something to do locally, because I don't think that, you know, even something, what I'm doing, I don't think any of this is going to last very much longer, not even more than that.
I was about to say, I was going to be going on the road the next few days, and going and having some meetings and things, and I'm just going to leave it at that.
I'd imagine the media could put two and two together, and I'm tempted to not even leave, just because, but then I, I don't need to warn people in person, put it that way.
Yeah, I mean, I'm at the point where I just know that... Yeah, this isn't about pomp and circumstance, exactly.
Like, I've already... I'm not even going to get into it.
The point is, this is so serious.
I'm like, I can do more here.
I don't need to even go have somebody pat me on the head and say thank you.
I mean, you know what I mean?
I mean, I'm so in the bunker at this point that I don't even care about meeting with the President.
I'm sorry, just go ahead.
Yeah, I mean, like, with me, it's, you know, quote, you know, staying in the bunker.
For me, all of
What I have, like my family, everyone else is back in Washington State.
I'm currently two and a half thousand miles away from the only form of protection that I have.
You know, my weapons, my gear, everything that I have, everything that I need to help my family stay protected is, you know, thousands of miles away.
My family's thousands of miles away.
Well, there's no mistake.
This is the most dangerous time and the time America could fall forever.
We were partially captured.
The most dangerous time getting the face sucker off is when you're cutting it loose.
And so we are in the most dangerous point in our 244 year history.
It is happening.
I'm getting chills right now.
It is happening right now.
I wouldn't want you to lose your job, but I would tell you, if you took a week off around the inauguration, that'd be a smart time to be back with your family.
Because if we make it through this, we go from just sudden death over time, edge of your seat, hair standing up on end, to just major crisis.
Which I just want to get out of this crisis.
I don't want to...
I wasn't going to be here today.
I was going to be on a hunting trip months ago with my family, but I had to... I'm not bitching.
I just... I can't do anything anymore because it's too epic.
I feel guilty when I'm not doing it.
Not because I'm a goody two-shoes.
When someone is politically on top of us, breaking our nose, gouging our eyeballs out politically, we've got to fight back, brother.
Yeah, I mean, you have a really good point there.
You make a lot of really good points.
It's just, what I'd like to tell everyone else and the public,
Millions upon millions of people listening at this point.
Make sure that whatever you're doing, you do it now.
First and foremost, make sure that you get right with God.
Because if you don't have that, nothing else, everything else is going to fall apart.
You know what?
That's the takeaway today.
Get right with God.
If America was right with God, we wouldn't be in this position.
And we're trying to get right right now.
And the frickin' devil doesn't want us to get loose, does he?
Anything else?
I was interrupting you.
I mean, honestly,
That's pretty much all I wanted to say, because there's millions upon millions of people listening.
Those that have the information, they need to look at everything right now, like you were saying, because we only have just over two weeks.
Everyone else that, you know, they're not necessarily sure if God exists.
They may be agnostic.
They may be Buddhist.
They may be whatever they are.
They need to come to the realization that the only way that they're going to make it out of this, the only way they're going to make it any further past what they see with, you know, our flesh eyes, is if they get right with Jesus Christ.
The other thing that I'd like to say is,
Whatever you're doing physically here on Earth, you need to speed it up, you need to ramp everything 100 times over, get everything squared away, like, right now.
Not next month, not two weeks from now, do it right now.
Do it today, do everything that you can now, because you may not have another option.
Well said.
You know, there's a new Washington Post article by their editor saying, Trump reading InfoWars can tank markets, start wars, basically.
Let me put that headline back up.
They're getting ready to tank the markets.
They're raising interest rates to tank the markets.
They're getting ready to knock out the power grid.
They're going to blame Trump.
They're going to blame the Russians.
Everything they do, everything they blame us of, is what they're really planning.
And Washington Post editor, Trump reading Infowars can tank markets, invite incursions.
Why do you think Trump reads Infowars?
Let me just go ahead and tell the mainstream media because they don't seem to figure it out.
It's not just Flynn that listens and reads Infowars.
It's all of them dummies.
I'm not bragging.
And by the way, the generals don't learn anything from me.
There's only a couple websites like WorldNetDaily, DrugsReport.com, Breitbart, Infowars, that they can go read that they know are real.
You understand that, dumbass?
Excuse me.
I'm sorry.
God, I apologize.
I'm not trying to be like that.
I'm so angry, folks.
I don't have my normal filters, okay?
And I start thinking about the New World Order and I get really angry.
The generals all listen stupid.
The foreign governments listen stupid.
Because they know we know what we're talking about.
We're dead on.
I don't say that from some ego perspective.
I wish I was wrong.
The point is, we've got the enemy blueprints!
We're on air trying to rally America to wake up.
Of course generals!
Hear Paul Revere screaming 10 miles away and go, yeah, yeah, he's got it.
That's it.
We're not heroes, folks.
We just hate George Soros.
He's out to get us.
And the caller's right.
We're not going to be here soon.
The way they're moving.
I mean, I got calls from high-level people about three weeks ago.
And they said, I don't know what, we're going to skip this break so I can go to the calls.
They said, Alex, I don't know what you've done to Nancy Pelosi's daughter, but Nancy Pelosi's having hearings right now behind closed doors and wants the Justice Department to trump all this stuff up and come arrest you.
The next day I got another call.
If you ever wonder if you can believe Larry Nichols, I got this from somebody in New York.
Larry Nichols calls up from Arkansas and goes, Alex, I don't know what you did, but I just talked to Sessions, number one guy, and Sessions is figuring out what he can do because they know you're a test case for everybody.
It's not that they don't love you, but they realize it's a test case for everybody.
This bill, they want to ban the media.
You heard about that?
Well, they want a head of that bill to have the case point be you.
And they're going to claim you're hiring insurrections and want Nancy Pelosi's daughter killed.
Have you heard about this, Alex?
And I went, no, I've been exposing her without even saying anything violent, wanting to have the electors turn against Trump.
So then she goes on Fox that night.
And goes, Alex Jones wants to be killed!
I'm scared!
And I was like, oh my god!
I mean, I believe the New York source that called me from Trump Tower.
I believe the other sources.
But then when you're watching it the next night and she's on TV going, help me!
Alex Jones is going to kill me!
I mean, you know, looking to see if it's having an effect.
And the fuck, and Cavuto, you want me dead too!
Cavuto's like, that's ridiculous, what the hell are you talking about?
I mean, Nancy Pelosi is so crazy that she's strutting around in front of Loretta Lynch literally in a meeting where they're going, my daughter has death threats and Alex Jones is dangerous and he wants her dead and I want him arrested!
These people are crazy!
They're nuts!
So, no, do you think I get a power trip with that going on?
It's almost the opposite of a power trip.
I want oxygen.
I want them out of my life.
I want them from on top of my chest, off of me.
They're like spiritual succubus.
But that shows how weird and, I mean, Pelosi's never killed anybody personally.
Pelosi couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag.
But she's in charge of rogue intelligence agencies and big money and foreign groups that are so freaked out and so pissed, they're psychosomatically looking for some way to get wound up and crazy enough, you know how a woman will do, especially a woman if they're nuts, to launch some purge on the media, and they're in there barking at the Justice Department.
Loretta Lynch, after two days, said, no, we're not doing it.
Well, of course you're not doing it.
Everybody knows I'm not calling for violence.
But they passed the bill?
So, that's what I'm telling you.
They're coming, they're crazy, and they're led by some 75-year-old woman with a bunch of Botox, who's clearly on a bunch of psychotropic drugs, looks nuttier than Carrie Fisher.
God rest her soul, nothing against Carrie Fisher, but take one look at her.
I said, is she mentally ill?
Everybody said, oh, you don't know?
And I went and Googled it and found out how frickin' nuts she was.
Well, you look at Nancy Pelosi, that's a crazy woman!
With John McCain!
Take one look at John McCain, that guy's completely insane.
They call him Insane McCain.
He wants war with Russia.
These people are crazy!
I'm gonna settle down.
We're going to recap it all with Bracken coming up, but they've basically moved forward to start the proceedings for the indictment and arrest, that's in the news, of Benjamin Netanyahu before Trump gets in.
And I told you last week, I said, and again I don't say I told you because I'm going to be a big shot, I told you, like I told you, if the canary in the coal mine falls over dead, get out!
If your smoke alarm goes off at 3am and there's thick smoke,
Get on the ground and crawl out of the house.
Your house is on fire.
It's not like, I told you the smoke detector went off.
I told you they went after Netanyahu, that we were in trouble, because I'm so smart.
I don't want to say it.
It's not, it's me begging.
I told you next, if they go after the Israeli leadership that sided with the United States against the globalist takeover, I told you.
I mean, it's not that Israel's perfect, but the end of America is about to happen, and right-wing Jews are siding with the U.S., folks.
That's the point this has gotten to, you understand?
There ain't many friends we got left.
We got Russia, some right-wing Jews, what's left of the UK, overrun by Islamists.
The big mega-banks flushing the whole world economy down the toilet.
A nuclear bomb of economic collapse about to hit.
And we said the next tripwire, the next domino, is a move against the right-wing Israeli government, and you know all hell is not breaking loose, it just broke loose.
I'm going to say it again.
Every intelligence agency out there, you know we were hijacked by foreign criminals.
You know this is a foreign takeover.
It is your duty, not your right and not your prerogative, your duty to release everything you've got and to not overthink it.
And look, not that you're stupid, but you were hired because you're OCD, many of you.
You were hired because you're neurotic about information.
You were hired because you could be trusted.
You were hired because you were compulsive.
You were hired because you'd follow orders.
I'm giving you orders.
Your own soul's giving you orders.
The current real president, not the fake, is giving you orders, like he said before.
I don't know who's leaking all the crimes, but they're the ones committing the crimes.
Leak them!
That's the president of the United States!
The real one!
That's why the globalists are pissed!
Because finally, we got a president, after two decades, that isn't an imposter!
George W. Bush might have cared about the troops, and might have actually thought he was doing a good job, but he wasn't running anything.
The guy's an idiot.
Clinton's pure evil.
Herbert Walker was evil.
Bought into dreams of this big world government.
Well, guess what?
We're 30 years later, and we don't like your world government.
It stinks.
Who's been holding longest?
Philip of Pennsylvania on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Nice to finally talk to you.
Been trying for three months.
Well, thank you for calling.
Got me worked up, too.
I'm kind of sweating.
It's cold as heck here in Pennsylvania.
And now with this coming out of Israel, I think Israel's probably going to be the next place we go to war.
I was thinking it would be here with the power grid and everything else you brought up, but as Pat Backesby would say, if a Russian program was found on that, it wasn't the Russians, you would use Chinese or another foreign government that we're against to do that with.
So, what's our biggest threat right now?
Because I'm freaking out.
Well, let's be clear.
It was malicious malware that comes out of all these different countries.
It's never been connected to the Russian government.
A form of it has come out of Russia and has been tracked back to Russian hackers that just steal credit card numbers.
That's not their government.
It's just, it's retail fraud.
It'd be like if retail Chinese hackers got on people's computers here, which they do.
They're the biggest culprits and then we blame China and call for war.
The Communist Chinese government has officially...
For years, taking credit for the giant cyber attacks of the OPM hack that stole all the U.S.
government personnel's private information.
Now, Obama kept that secret for a year from the public, so when they blame some laptop that has some Russian-origin malware on it, it's only playing to the public's ignorance about computers.
I'm not that smart, and I know this is a fraud.
All of the tech people began laughing within seconds of Friday's story.
But still, McCain's calling for nuclear war.
So again, a virus on somebody's computer that's malware, that might have come from Russia a year ago, when every country has hackers doing stuff, is the excuse now for nuclear war with Russia?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, that's where I'm at too, and it's just very scary that they want to throw the nuclear war out at us.
It just has me scared, because like you said, since he got elected, that
You know, you didn't feel safe, and I was like, why doesn't Alex Jones feel safe?
Well, now I don't feel safe either, and I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving America the real news of what's going on.
Well, thank you, brother.
Listen, I realize people are in a trance, people are in a coma, people just get comfortable.
They see their job, they see their house, their TV show's on, everything seems normal.
It's kind of like
One time I was like eight years old, and I was in there watching a Christmas show.
I think it was a Christmas Carol.
My mom had ordered pizza, and she'd made brownies.
Me and my dad wanted pizza, and we were sitting there at the coffee table watching TV, and...
All of a sudden, we see fire trucks and stuff pull up, and the neighbor's house, two doors down, had flames like 50 feet.
I mean, it was just engulfed in flame, and the neighbors were coming out, and it was like, you know, a week before Christmas.
And it's the same way.
It's like, we're sitting here watching TV, having a pizza, and everything looks normal in our town or our city.
Meanwhile, the international order, our own country, our freedom, everything's being burned down around us.
And so, the fire's coming our way.
We need to wake up to it and say no.
Thank you, Phillip.
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex.
I'm a first-time caller.
I'm a huge fan.
I love your work.
I love you.
So much for what you do.
I've been seeing her.
My brain's going a million miles an hour.
Really quick, we were originally in Minnesota.
We just got out of there.
We sold our house, put all our house and everything in storage, and we are living in a little house on wheels in the middle of Kansas, trying to get to Texas.
That's our goal.
I'm a writer for a small website in Minnesota, and I've been trying to fight, on a local level, a lot of the things that you talk about, but it's the local crazies in Minnesota, you know, governing.
It's nuts a bit.
But what I'm calling about is the power grid thing, because
I gotta get my brain to go.
It's okay.
Matt Bracken's coming on to talk about this.
You can hold a few more minutes.
We'll talk to Matt.
He'll be the first caller we go to.
And then I'm going to turn the fourth hour over to Matt Bracken.
But at the end of the fourth hour, we're going to air something very special.
We're going to premiere something very special at the end of the fourth hour, coming up in about an hour and 40 minutes from now.
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat.
Or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22.
When I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support Infowars in our fight for both human liberty and freedom.
On New Year's Day in Kiev, there was a torchlight procession.
The Ukrainian neo-Nazis were marching through the center of the capital, celebrating the birthday of Stepan Bandera, the leader of the Ukrainian insurgent army, who was also a Nazi sympathizer and a collaborator during World War II.
All the more reasons to be hailed as hero by the Maidan government.
The followers of Bandera proudly promoting Nazi slogans and the symbolics of the Third Reich, hence their love for torchlight processions, which were especially popular in Hitler's Germany.
The present-day admirers of Bandera are deeply misled.
They glorify the myths given to them, conveniently ignoring the facts of history repeated in present-day Ukraine.
They murder their own countrymen under the guise of liberation of the people.
They murder their own ideological supporters who happen to choose a different leader, and they call it fighting for their country's independence.
They murder and betray each other under the guise of unity and brotherhood.
Let's call it for what it is.
Betrayal of your people and your country and the enemy within is more dangerous than any outside threat.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com
There is a crisis in America today.
Tens of millions of us are addicted to cell phones.
These little devices, according to many university studies and more, cause health risks such as depression, cancer, and social anxiety.
How can we prevent these harmful devices from harming us and our families?
I have the answer for you today.
It's called the Blocking Pocket.
The Block-It Pocket works by securing your phone in its safe, no radiation compartment.
I use the Block-It Pocket every day to protect me from harmful radiation and prevent others from stealing my stuff.
Online, your entire persona is visible.
Your credit card numbers, your email, everything about you that a criminal can use to hack and buy things under your name.
Is the U.S.
involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling, anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?
To Turkey?
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
How is it that this organization is so well-funded, so organized?
Islamic State-linked militants have gained a stronger foothold in Libya, seizing new economically vital areas of the country.
The leader of ISIS in Libya is none other than Abdel Hakim Belhadj.
And of course he was armed to the teeth by NATO.
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
The Russians say they're negotiating with North Korea to hold joint military exercises.
Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin teaming up, creating an ominous alliance against the United States.
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is aggressively opposing the nuclear deal that the U.S.
government is negotiating with Iran.
Saudi Arabia is apparently prepared to allow Israeli jets into its airspace to conduct attacks on Iran.
We have an unprecedented opportunity to build a new world order.
I set up a foundation in Ukraine and played an important part in events now.
Ukraine is set to receive the first tranche of an international monetary fund aid package.
We had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin is on the moon.
Only when this transformation is complete will we be able to take full measure of the opportunities presented by this new and involving world order.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
Alright, we're going to continue with Andy and Don and Chris and Nick's calls in this hour.
And then in the fourth hour, Matt Bracken, best-selling author, former Navy SEAL, really smart guy, is going to be co-hosting the fourth hour.
I just thought today, why am I going to host the fourth hour?
I should let Matt Bracken do it that way.
I'm not famously jumping in and interrupting.
But the reason I do that is my brain just gets hammered with data and information.
It's like last week,
I thought, where did I first hear about fake news?
Well, Communist China did it to ban internet news and control things and kill people en masse, arrest them, kill them, torture them in 96, but also in 2008 when Obama got in, Cass Sunstein wrote two papers.
At Chicago Business School and Harvard and gave those to Obama and promoted in government banning what they call fake news, having a national censor, fining people, having internet IDs, an internet social score, an avatar, which China has now adopted to track you and then control you.
That was passed into law two Friday nights ago, nine days ago.
The night before Christmas Eve, Friday night.
So, they're moving full speed ahead.
Now, we were able to actually find this clip.
We usually can't.
Because I remember the day that Bracken was on.
Every time he's on in the last few months, he says, I'm worried about a false flag on or before the inauguration, a power grid out.
He starts trying to get into it.
I jump in and say, you mean they're going to blend the Russians?
He goes, yeah, of course.
But in previous breakdowns, he's really gotten into it.
And then they came out on Friday and said they have hacked Vermont.
They tried to bring down the power grid.
McCain came out and said we need to have war with Russia.
I have the articles here.
And then we put out an article, Merkel Thelen did, exposing the whole thing.
And then the Forbes came out on Sunday and said fake news.
Washington Post forced to retract their Russia hacking of power grid story.
And we also again have
The Associated Press, others admitting, Washington Post stirs fear after false report of power grid hacked by Russian.
And I started thinking, they're just getting in our heads that it's going to be the Russians when this happens.
Because this is the perfect thing, according to Bracken and others.
And Bracken says, oh, I'm not that important.
I'm a Navy CEO on counterterrorism in the Middle East.
Oh, I'm not that important a writer or anything, blah, blah, blah.
But from what I've got really smart sources, I don't even know who Bracken was a year ago.
Because I'm a busy guy.
There's so many great people out there.
I miss stuff.
And high-level folks, we're not going to tell you classified stuff, but you know they have Matt Bracken on his scenarios about TET-2, you name it, are right on target.
And there's been a deal, a pivot to the Muslims to not just use them to destabilize stuff, Alex, and then we've got an excuse to sell weapons.
We're being double-crossed and so is Israel.
And I'm like, really?
Israel's not going anywhere.
They're like, oh yeah?
They're going to remove the Israeli government.
We have, quote, the globalists have operatives inside there.
Netanyahu got SWAT team raided today.
The only message out is,
He says, you know, don't laugh so fast about your corruption charges.
They're saying he may be indicted.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
And why is that important?
Whether you love Netanyahu or hate him.
A lot of leftist Hollywood Jews especially hate him and want him out of there.
Because, you know, how dare him not, you know, let all the Muslims in who would kill him in a minute.
The point is, is that he's siding with Trump and America, and so whether you're Russia or Israel or the US or the UK, anybody for nationalism and anybody for not being run by the big megabanks, right ahead of their big collapse where they bring in total control, is being called a government or enemy, you know, of the state.
So, you're being called a government agent of Russia or Israel or you're being called enemy of the state.
This is what they do before giant wars.
All historians admit, I mean all of them, they're saying, yeah, this is pre-World War I type maneuvering.
And now they pass a law to shut down free speech.
They're doing all this.
17 days till Trump gets in.
I can tell you, Trump knows the danger.
I'm gonna stop right there.
Trump knows the danger.
Notice the Washington Post says Trump reading Infowars will cause an economic collapse.
Raising interest rates will.
Am I for zero interest rates?
They only gave a zero interest rate to the big banks.
Now we deserve some zero interest rates ourselves, not forever.
And that's what Trump wants to do.
So, they're trying to raise them to stall him.
The point is, they're the ones involved trying to overthrow his election, admitting they are.
And they still intend, after the electors failed, and after the recount failed, and after all the failures, they're going for broke, and each time escalating.
All they've got is a fake indictment and fake arrest, and having some crazy federal officers go in there and try this, or loading a helicopter full of C4 and flying it into his home or Trump Tower, or an inauguration.
But I'm telling you,
Intellectually, historically, my sources, but also gut level.
And that's what I really go with.
I've never, I mean, Spidey since, let's say, maybe has gotten to DEFCON 3.
We're at DEFCON 1, folks.
So Matt Bracken, I'm going to take a few calls in this hour and hand it over to you, but we have this clip of just last week.
There's even more to tell clips the week before that, where you laid out and I laid out this whole scenario and now we're seeing it.
What do you make of the situation we're in right now?
Well, the story in the Washington Post, I think, is huge.
You almost cannot underestimate how the Washington Post is being used by a conduit.
But I think that I'm actually a little bit optimistic because I think that they're still behind the curve.
You know, they're still thinking that they're leading as the mainstream media, but they're actually trailing now.
They're being outed so fast as fake news.
That their tricks aren't working.
Like we said last week, once you see the wizard behind the curtain, you can't close the curtain and make us unsee it.
We've seen the wizard.
We know that the mainstream media is just feeding psyops propaganda.
The polls are nothing but propaganda.
Right before the election, Hillary up 12 points.
Just propaganda.
And it's not working.
When you see them trying to discredit Trump by associating him with Infowars, it just shows how far behind the curve they really are.
And they're stuck in the old paradigm, the paradigm that lost them the election.
But that doesn't make them less dangerous.
I was about to say, yes, everything they do turns to crap.
They have the opposite of a minus touch.
The problem is they're insane.
They're still in power.
They're escalating each threat continuum level.
I see this.
The math is very easy.
It spells disaster.
I mean, they're really going to go for broke.
Well, they're doubling down.
It's the old General Honore doubling down on stupid.
You know, they've got no other trick.
The only trick that they've got is to attack the alt-right, you know, the conservative new media.
But they're so far behind the curve, they don't realize they've already been left in the dust.
They've become a laughingstock.
They are dinosaurs.
I mean, Pelosi's like this.
Reportedly, Hillary, everybody's falling apart.
Pelosi is like someone in command now of the opposition with Soros, two doddering, insane people.
And Soros is definitely desperate.
Soros is seeing his entire castle crumbling before his eyes.
And like Pelosi and some of the others, there are multiple procedures to keep them from showing their real age.
So here's the next question.
The week before Hitler committed suicide, he was giving orders to General Steiner, who had one-tenth the force Hitler thought he had, and was giving armies to
Well, the intelligence agencies, but at the top, you know, Clapper and Brennan, I don't trust at all.
As far as I'm concerned, they're moles.
You know, as far as I'm concerned, they lean more towards Trader than Patriot.
No, I totally agree, but we know it was U.S.
intelligence that leaked the info is what I'm saying.
What I'm saying is that's their number one concern.
Well, in the next three weeks, we could definitely see something, you know, a real, a true crisis, say, you know, a chemical attack in Israel, something like that.
I would put nothing off of your table.
How big is it they're moving against Netanyahu?
I mean, Obama wouldn't have moved against Netanyahu last week if he didn't have something he thought that was big.
And now we know they're trying to indict and arrest Netanyahu.
Police are at his house right now.
But it's so patently obvious.
That's the thing.
It's so obvious that this is Obama and Soros' desperation move.
This is their going out the door trying to, you know... I totally agree.
So what other moves do you think they have?
Because you brought up the grid situation and then it popped right out.
Yeah, and see, this is really important.
This is why my first novel, Enemies Foreign and Domestic, begins with a false flag operation.
And for the purpose of putting in people's minds that don't always believe, you know, the obvious story that you see in the newspaper or on TV, there can be other reasons, other things behind it.
We're now at the point where any kind of a partial grid collapse in this country, people wouldn't think that it was Russia doing it.
They would think it was Obama doing it.
And Brennan and Clapper and, you know, the other Confederates that they have... But they're so disconnected, as you just said, they may do it.
They may, but it's...
You know, there's going to be a new sheriff in town and the forensics will still be around.
Sure, so your gut's telling you that we've turned the tide then?
I hope so.
That doesn't mean that they won't try something desperate.
No, but what's your gut tell you?
My gut tells me that something, you know, outrageous could happen in the next three weeks.
Yeah, that's what my gut says.
But I don't know if it's going to stop the inauguration.
And the worst actions that they take at this point, all of the forensics, you know, the cyber forensics will be preserved.
And when the new team comes in, people will be facing prison for any kind of, you know... Well, I agree.
You know, there's been this thing, don't go after the last group and we'll leave you alone.
Trump has to, just as a part of duty, has to purge these people.
We have, I mean, thousands of people have to get indicted and go to prison, bare minimum.
Well, I like the fact that, you know, if Jeff Sessions is indeed approved, I think that there are probably, you know, dozens of nests of
I think so.
You know, all of these things, they're- They tried to bribe them on tape!
Three different groups of FBI, they would bribe them on the spot, and they would say, the FBI would say, it came out in WikiLeaks, and in the Congressional hearing, as you know, they'd say, this is illegal, and they'd go, no, we've been given authorization by the Secretary of State to make these offers of jobs if you'll drop this.
I mean, talk about arrogance, Matt!
Well, just wait until, wait until the new regime is in power,
And these FBI agents that were told to stand down that have been, you know, grinding their teeth for the last year and a half, but meanwhile they've been still continuing their investigations because that's what they do.
These senior investigators, it's in their bone marrow.
Telling them to stand down just makes them dig in harder, like trying to pull a bone away from a mad pit bull.
You know, you can order the pit bull to drop the bone, but he's just going to hide it.
And, you know, you're not going to take it away from him.
And these investigators, I think that they're going to put files that are practically complete in front of Jeff Sessions.
Then it'll be between DOJ and President Trump.
No, I agree.
No, Trump is actually going to go after him.
They know that.
I don't know why Trump's in a double game than acting conciliatory in public when he's planning to go after him when they already know.
Well, he has to act conciliatory in public because, you know, you don't want to warn the person that has still got the nuclear football being carried around behind him.
You know, you don't want to overtly warn the guy in the open that, you know, you might be facing prison time.
No, I agree, but they know it's bull.
I don't know.
I mean, they've got to be desperate now.
You know, Obama, I don't I think
He could even leave the country, I mean, come to it.
I think a lot will be exposed.
Remember, Trump was also, and you know, this is where the mainstream media, they try to discredit all of these along with, say, Pizzagate, things like that.
Find one false allegation in a thousand Reddit replies and discredit the entire actual conspiracy.
But Trump never did believe the Obama background fiction.
Personally, I think he was born in Hawaii, but just his father was probably Frank Marshall Davis.
That's a hundred percent.
Mentor to your teenage boy.
And by the way, as you know, since you seem to know about this, it's well documented, Davis is one of the head communists using sex crimes and sex infiltrators to try to infiltrate and take over the Democratic Party and black groups.
He ran newspapers all over the country.
He was actually got direct orders from the Politburo.
So the father of Obama was a one of the highest level Soviet spies in this country for 30 years.
And to me, it's this is this is, um,
It's hard not to think that we must be in some kind of an end time or fourth turning or whatever you want to call it because to me it's like the plot of Rosemary's Baby or one of these Damien movies.
You've got the baby of the left Lucifer and the Islam Lucifer becoming President of the United States.
If you, if you, if you submitted that as a straight play to Hollywood, they would think it was outrageous, but it happened.
Who first said, you're a writer, who first said truth's stranger than fiction?
Because it is.
It's frequent that coincidences happen and I say, I could never put that in a book, it's just not believable.
But they actually do happen.
I mean, they really are.
Let me ask you this question, I'm going to take a few phone calls and hand the show over to you.
I'm going to play this clip from last week where you predicted the whole power plant thing and they start rolling that out.
And they're clearly beta testing it.
I don't get it.
They conquered America, the globalists.
They run it.
Why then kill the prosperity, go after people, and wreck it all when they're in charge of it?
It's crazy.
Well, it's like World War II when the Germans are knocking at the door of Moscow and Stalingrad.
It looks like you're on the verge of complete victory and annihilation of your enemies, but really the wave has gone all the way up the beach as far as it's going to go.
And from then on, it's on the way out.
So the globalists are looking at Brexit and then Trump, and now a slew of elections coming up in Europe, and the globalists are going to be trounced.
And we're now in the post-Moscow, post-Stalingrad phase of World War II, where they get beaten all the way back.
No, I agree.
I use that analogy constantly because it's so true.
They put all their energy and everything in, and now, just like a wave going back, everything's reversing.
And historically, as you know, these are hundred-year waves.
They've got a hundred years of being backpedaling now.
And they finally get it.
I think this is a grand super cycle.
I think a Kondratiev cycle, which is, you know, enough generations that nobody remembers the last big, you know, Great Depression.
This is a mega quickening.
This is a millennial cycle.
I think this would have to be considered a super cycle.
I agree.
And the enemy, I mean, have you read all their writings of their own people?
Because they think we're dumb and don't read, you know, editorials he puts out, Soros or Financial Times.
They admit everything's destroyed, it's over, oh my god, they're gonna hang us.
Red alert.
I mean, they are in panic mode right now.
And remember, they do believe that they have parachutes.
This makes them very dangerous because they personally think that no matter what happens, they can jump on their Gulfstream and fly to Patagonia or to New Zealand or one of the other places where they have an estate with five years worth of generator power.
They have armored redoubts.
Yeah, so they think that no matter what, they get away.
So that makes them dangerous in a sense that, you know, a family man, nobody living in a city or the suburbs actually wants to see the grid go down, chaos and cannibalism.
But the elites hate the public and they even talk about it and get off on it, but here's what they don't get, literally.
The most hardcore group, most patriotic, most anti-new world order is the soldiers and the best of those are then the security people.
I don't know of security people that don't hate every one of them and basically have a deck of cards wanting to kill them.
Don't they get that as soon as they have this nuclear war scenario and they're in a bunker, that day one, the security guys are going to walk in and say, sorry, we're going to kill you right now and by the way, your family right along with you.
I mean, I'm sorry.
Well, and it's not, it's not only the active duty and the actively employed security guys.
I would say everybody from approximately the Vietnam, just in terms of age, everybody from the Vietnam generation on.
When they have nothing to lose, don't these globalists realize that they're going to have like 10 million soldiers coming after them?
Well, it's much, it's even more than that because
You know, we've been world leaders at training guerrillas.
I mean, the Special Forces mission, you know, the Green Berets, the Army Special Forces, their bread and butter mission is to go into a place and train guerrillas.
Well, you take one Green Beret, I don't care if he's 60 or if he's, you know, 26, you take one Green Beret and a Boy Scout troop, and in a month, you know, you've got a guerrilla platoon.
So it's much more than the individual former, you know, former Spec Ops guy or infantry or airborne ranger.
I agree, but I'm saying the very security of all these people literally hate their guts.
Including the pilots, you know, when they don't, they don't fly their own jets with very few exceptions.
Oh, that's another point.
I don't know a pilot that isn't a pilot.
They're all ex-Navy and Air Force.
Their pilots might turn around and land them at a secure facility in Omaha instead of flying to Patagonia.
Something they might want to think about.
And by the way, Matt Bracken, we're not just saying this to feel good.
I mean, we're really telling the truth right now.
So that's why it's important.
I mean, when I hear the way Soros and Hillary treat their security people, I mean, they treat them like, it's even on top of it, they treat them like filth.
They have no idea what's going to happen to them.
Well, when you say security, I'm thinking military, ex-military, former military.
No, that's who they have.
It's like Blackwater type people.
Right, and you know, in Benghazi, the 13 hours thing, you know, the SEAL community counts the former SEAL as a SEAL.
He's not, you know, a guy who just used to be a SEAL.
He's considered a SEAL.
Doing his duty.
Now he's working for the CIA, or he might be working private security for the State Department, what have you.
But these guys, former and active, they still have that military ethos.
And they do take their oath very seriously, the oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
So these, and this goes doubly for the pilots.
You know, you don't just come out of Emery Riddle Flight School and go fly Gulfstreams for George Soros.
You know, the guy that is flying for George Soros might hate his guts.
He might be an ex-Air Force guy.
And when it comes time to fly him to Patagonia, the plane might land inside of Area 51, you know, surrounded by, you know, white Air Force pickup trucks.
So, it's something that these people that have a Gulfstream escape plan should really think about the loyalty of their pilots when they get in that airplane.
By the way, we're not just saying this.
That's why, I mean, we just kicked their ass all over the world in the last year.
Don't they get that the move is happening?
This is the counter-offensive.
We're winning every battle.
And they think they're going to double down against us and beat us.
I agree we're going to beat them.
I just hope they don't start a nuclear war in the process, Matt.
That's right, but I'm heartened by this Washington Post article because it's such a false note.
It's a puny, it's like a little counter-attack.
Even in the spring of 1945, after the Battle of the Bulge, and the Hürtgen Forest and all of it, the Germans were still capable of launching small counter-attacks.
Back in the bunker, Hitler's thinking that these are actually going to work.
You know, the German generals didn't think they were going to work.
They were just going, OK, well, that's, you know, the Americans have left us an opening.
We'll attack.
This pitiful little Washington Post grid-down scenario story is such an obvious fake news story.
It was debunked so quickly.
Now they've, just like with my story about the shooting into the stadium, my first novel, they've taken grid-down off of their playbook.
It wouldn't work now.
It's too, you know, the... And you just said it, that's why we're harping on it, Matt, is to take it off the table.
That's right.
We take it off the table.
Nobody would believe it.
They'd say Putin and we'd say Obama and Soros.
But that's why the listeners still have to get this out.
We've got to point out that Drudge carried our article, gets a lot of the credit.
It's not about credit.
We need to know the conduits we've got.
Within 24 hours it was all over the news that it was fake.
And it was MSM saying Washington Post, you're fake.
I love seeing them eat their own, which shows a lot of MSMs getting it.
Hey, we're betting on the wrong team.
How long until that metric hits and we see an almost total conversion of their own people?
I don't know.
I think we've seen a few, but Politico still has Glenn Thrush.
He's still going on NPR as an expert.
Politico came out and said it was fake the next day, too.
People like Glenn Thrush who said in his own emails, his Podesta emails, I'm a hack.
He's been promoted in the New York Times.
But he's still going on NPR and PBS as an expert.
So, I mean, without admitting that he already admitted he was a hack and a propagandist.
So I don't see many of them, much housecleaning going on.
All right, Matt, stay there.
I'm going to come back, go to a few calls in the storage segment and hand the reins to you, Matt Bracken.
EnemiesFireDomestic.com is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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Senator John McCain, one of the main proponents of sanctions against Russia and pusher of fake news regarding Russian hacks, was accompanied by the Ukrainian President Soros' lapdog, Petro Poroshenko, on his visit to a Russian-speaking city in the southeastern Ukraine.
While making a Happy New Year speech addressing his soldiers who are fighting against the pro-Russian People's Republics, he made a baffling statement that put a face of awkward perplexity on his troops.
Ukrainian president declared that the Donbass region is under the Ukrainian occupation and that it is only temporary and that Ukraine will surely be united once again.
He followed with the popular neo-Nazi call-and-response motto, saying, Glory to Ukraine!
To which the baffled soldiers had to respond with, Glory to the heroes?
After an awkward pause, naturally all the printed media had conveniently corrected his speech replacing Ukrainian occupation with Russian occupation.
But alas, the speech was broadcasted live and was seen and heard by millions of people.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, Matt Bracken is our guest.
Former Navy SEAL, author, researcher, been dead on target.
I know we got a load of phones.
He can finish up with Daryl and Chris and Don and Harold if he needs to.
No offense if he doesn't, he's got his own agenda to cover here.
But it's good to have him co-hosting the next 55 minutes.
At the end of the hour, we'll play like a six minute video that's really hilarious and proves just how pathetic the Global Star... I agree with Matt.
We're having huge victories.
I think it is a mega turn.
I mean, I think it's one of the fourth turnings.
We've broken that down.
I think he's dead on.
But for every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction.
That isn't just one way towards us.
The enemy knows this and is exerting every crazy power they've got to try to derail this, including, I believe, false flags with nukes, you name it.
That's why, at the end of the day, it's got to be people in the government at point-blank range.
If they get orders or see autonomous stuff going out, you're going to have to do whatever it takes to stop this for the good of this country and this world.
So I'm just saying, the next
Not just the next 17 days, I'd say the next few months is the most critical time in world history, quite frankly.
We're living it right now.
Matt Bracken?
Yeah, and even when we're winning, it might be the most dangerous time.
That's when somebody might pull their own personal doomsday device.
It might be their what-the-hell moment for a George Soros.
Aside from a great... I agree.
If you don't think that guy doesn't have bioweapons and nerve gas, I mean, he's a James Bond villain.
But I don't think that he needs bioweapons and nerve gas.
Economic, yeah.
Because if you crash the global economic system, all of our major cities, any city of more than a million people, I mean, and probably most cities over 100,000... How dare you say someone who admits he loves crashing economies and starving people, how dare you say he might do that?
Well, I go back to my, you know, Dr. Evil Mount Rushmore.
If you know you're not going to see the next presidential election, let's say, you know, you've been to Switzerland, you're getting total blood transfusions every week, you're eating fetuses for breakfast, you know, whatever you're doing to extend your life, and the doctors are saying, you've got a year to go, Mr. Soros.
Then in that case, he might say, alright, I'm going to crash the global economy.
If that happens, if the ATM system, if the credit cards don't work, if the ATMs go down, if the electronic benefit transfer system crashes, our cities will be burning inside a week.
So here's my final point.
I'm not a guy that calls for, you know, violent action, but he's a clear and present danger.
He's outlived his shelf life.
What do we do then?
Do we just sit here and wait for him to do it?
I think he's very smart, and I don't think he's anywhere that somebody can take him out.
He may, in fact, even have some kind of a dead man switch hooked up to the economy.
I think that's my question.
Why are they leaving him alone?
He's the number one enemy.
What has he got?
He might have a dead man switch, like a terrorist in Speed.
You've got the dead man release button.
If anything unfortunate happens to me, then, you know, the world economy crashes, everybody sees gibberish on their computer screens, then the lights go out, the cities burn.
Well, let me back you up on that.
Globalists, every time the EU is about to fall or they go, do what we say or war, people always say, what do you mean?
They'll start major wars.
They're threatening that now.
I think the dead man's switch isn't just economic, man, I think it's war.
It can very well be.
I don't think that at this point any naval commander would obey an order, say, to launch tomahawks at Israel.
They wouldn't.
Or Syria.
I think that there must be a lot of private conversations happening in wardrooms and in Air Force
Same situation.
I don't even know what they call a wardroom in the Air Force.
But, you know, what would we do if we were ordered to do something crazy at this point?
Sure, Command and Control Centers.
Command and Control Centers, SAC bases.
The National Command Authority.
But, the thing is...
We might never know if it was George Soros.
It could have actually just happened on its own.
You know, just math alone.
Just mathematics tells us that we're in an unsustainable... Sure, we're out of time.
I'm going to hand the baton to you.
I'm sorry to Andy.
Andy, you say you're a writer?
I'm going to give you our email, maybe write articles for us, and I'll have you back on other callers.
Sorry I didn't get to you all.
Matt Brackett's taking over the rest of the show.
Tonight, I'm a little bit calm now from ranting, so I'm going to post some special reports now that I'm a little bit calmer, as well as at InfoWars.com, so keep track of those, and get them out to everybody.
This is an info war.
We can expose these people and stop them.
Stay with us, we'll be back.
Forensic evidence proves without a doubt that the official birth certificate belonging to Barack Obama, the President of the United States, is a fake.
Mike Zullo, the chief investigator from Sheriff Joe Arpaio's cold case posse, he joins us now.
And Mike, Arpaio and yourself, you guys were on the Alex Jones Show over the weekend.
You guys put the final nail in the coffin of this birth.
Arthur controversy, if you will.
Do you think it is?
I would imagine there's a lot of people out there that still refuse to believe it, am I right?
You're right.
There are people that, no matter what you did, are not gonna believe this issue.
As far as the document is concerned, we had two different forensic experts, two different disciplines, two different continents review our information and all came to the same conclusion.
The document is completely fraudulent.
It's inauthentic.
It's not what it represents itself to be.
And what you have to realize is this goes directly to document fraud and a fraudulent document being
I offered to the American people during the election cycle as evidence that I am good to go, you can vote for me.
It's a federal offense, am I right?
Oh my God, there's a numerous federal offense.
Somebody's looking at 40 years, somewhere along the line here.
Well, I hope a lot of people out there who are watching this, who have supported Obama over the years, or who have doubted that this is real, I hope they come to the realization and, you know, they gotta face the facts as well.
And I hope they have the courage to stand up for what is real.
And I'm also curious about, you know, the first time we saw the document, it was years ago.
I mean, it really wasn't even that good of a forgery to begin with, because we were able to take the layers, and this was like a Photoshop-layered document, which just simply did not exist in the 60s, right?
No, it didn't.
And the problem with the layering argument was there were so many
Different computer explanations for things.
Even though we never believed that it was anything other than a forgery, we have to look at an investigation as not just simply making an arrest, you look at it for conviction.
And it means you have to convince a jury, beyond a reasonable doubt, that you're correct.
And the problem with the computer forensics and the way the document would break apart, look, it was completely suspect.
But you could make arguments that computerized anomalies were created by algorithmic problems inside the computer systems or the scanners.
We needed to get completely away from that.
And that's how we got to our nine points of verified forgery.
You're not going to be able to refute this document.
It's a fraud.
The background has dead ends to it.
You don't know anything.
After eight years, we still don't really know anything.
Nobody knows who he is.
And we don't have a document that really is verifying his birth anywhere in the United States at this point.
That's a fraudulent document.
Nobody knows the truth.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, this is my first try at this, so excuse me if I come across a little unpolished.
I'm, as they say, winging it.
I'd like to just talk a little bit about my own theory, my own worst case, sort of my nickname around this house is Worst Case Scenario.
I truly believe that we're in a very dangerous time and I'm not so concerned necessarily about any particular scenario, what triggers this, but the outcome, any outcome severe enough that takes down our electoral grid,
Could lead to an end of civilization, and I'm not saying that as hyperbole.
You've seen the anger in cities like Baltimore and Ferguson.
That's when the electricity is actually functioning.
The water is coming out of the taps.
ATMs are spitting out dollars.
The EBT cards are working.
McDonald's is open.
If you take away all of them, in cities of a million, five million, ten million, in America and around the world, there will be absolute chaos.
We've built our cities into being the equivalent of a giant beehive.
It's all great while it's functioning, but if somebody walks up and whacks the beehive, the bees come pouring out and there's there's no way to put it back together.
There's going to be a, in that case, at least for the bees, a massive die off.
You don't want to be near the beehive when that happens.
I hope it never happens.
I hope we go on onward and upward forever for decades and centuries.
Greater and greater technology, you know, inhabiting the planets.
But I have a sneaking suspicion that the pendulum has gone about as far as it's going to go in the direction of turning man into virtually a god.
You know, all-knowing, able to play with the genetic code, determine what kind of babies we're going to have or not have.
I think that
In the end, the natural law, or if you prefer, God is going to have the last laugh.
And when the pendulum comes back, it's going to come back very hard.
The reason for that is we've never in human history had a situation where millions of people have been fed from thousands of miles away.
And the food and the water, everything that comes into the city has to be brought by a functioning modern infrastructure.
Anything breaks the infrastructure and the city can't exist, it can't survive.
Where will the people go?
There's no food out in the suburbs a week after the cities are out of food, so the suburbs will be out a week after that.
Then what?
Our food comes from giant agribusiness farms that require diesel fuel and fertilizer and chemicals to get that food to the trains and the trucks to the production centers and to our supermarkets.
Any of that fails and we're going to be in a hunger situation very fast.
Sometimes I think about Jamestown.
One of their first winters, they had a starvation winter.
These were very tough people.
They were smart.
They were a lot hardier than we ever would be.
These were pilgrims.
These were people that knew how to, you know, skin animals and grow their own food.
Half of them starved in one bad winter.
Imagine a city today.
How many of the people living in that city could survive for two months if the supermarkets were looted and burned?
Not very many.
So I always come back first to
You know, what can you do to prevent that?
Naturally, I would suggest buying, if you're going to buy prepper supplies, do it right here on InfoWars, because it's a great way to not only help yourself, but help the cause, so to speak.
But I also always come back to water.
Do you know where the water that's coming out of your tap and out of your shower, do you know where it comes from?
How long would it last if the grid went down?
There are backup generators that can run for a few days.
Most of our backup system is only meant to function, say, during an ice storm or after a hurricane for a few days or a week.
Then here comes FEMA.
If a big part of the country or the entire country had a grid collapse, then what?
Who's going to come to save you?
The only people that are going to be coming are going to be people that are even hungrier and more desperate than you are, and they're going to be looking for your food.
So the first thing I like to ask people is, do you know where your water comes from and how long would it last?
Is it feasible to get on a well that doesn't require grid electricity to pull the water up?
And I'm afraid that most people, probably 80 or 90 percent, would have to answer, you know, if the city water goes down, my tap goes dry.
There's nothing I can do about it.
And we've seen this over and over again in history, where due to, you know, a prolonged drought at the end of a civilization's building cycle, say the
You know, the Pueblo dwelling Indians in the Southwest, they built big cities, chopped down all the trees, then you get a big drought, the city dies.
You come back a few centuries later, nobody's there.
You could speed that up by orders of magnitude for a modern city because of the social cohesion that would absolutely break down.
You'd have anarchy, looting, rioting, murder, and probably within a few weeks, cannibalism.
And it's real cheerful way to break begin the new year.
But I believe in, you know, not sugarcoating it.
I don't think that there's ever been a time in history when we've been more vulnerable.
And the only answer to what I'm saying is, but Matt, the grid could never collapse.
The economic system could never collapse.
Really smart people are working on it.
You know, really, the best minds are on top of this.
I don't believe that they are.
I think that we're on like a rickety bridge with the supports breaking underneath.
I hope I'm wrong.
I would like nothing better than in 10 years everybody laughs at me and holds my books up and mocks me because I'd be a happy guy.
I'd be out on a sailboat or, you know.
With grandchildren by then, maybe, living in a great country, and I'll take all the laughter and all the ribbing in good humor.
I want to be wrong about this, is what I'm saying.
I don't want to be right.
But these next few weeks before the inauguration, you know, we might finally put to the test, you know, will George Soros and Obama go off into the sunset?
Or will they, you know, pull their doomsday switch that if I can't run the world, nobody can?
Because I think that these are people that are that evil that they would actually do it.
Now they might think that they can calibrate the punishment to just punish America to a certain degree.
My fear is that any kind of an attack against the financial system will spill over to the electrical grid and to the internet.
Almost like three different, you know, body systems, like say the nervous system, the blood circulation system, the skeletal muscular system.
You can't live just with one of them removed.
The others go down if any of them go down.
If the financial system goes down, people aren't being paid, they won't go to work, the power plant shuts down, you know, the internet goes down, infrastructure is probably going to go down too very soon after that.
I'm just saying, the people that might have an interest in seeing the House burn down before Trump is inaugurated, or even during his term, even if they think they would just be giving us a mild beating, it still might cascade into an unstoppable crisis.
And I just like to tell everybody, if you can, instead of buying another AR-15, buy another couple months worth of food.
And if you can, get enough water to last for a long time.
Because, you know, in some scenarios, three months of food wouldn't even be enough.
But it's like surviving on a life raft.
Maybe three months of food is enough if you reach an island in two months.
So, you know, you never can say, I can't have enough food to last forever, so I might as well have no survival food.
A couple of months might mean that
By the time you need to go out foraging for food, most of the idiots have already been killed off.
Most of the dangerous criminals have already been shot down.
So you don't have to, you know, engage in those running street battles.
But in the meantime, I would suggest strongly survival food, survival purification systems, and survival water.
Because you don't know when it's going to happen.
And when it happens, it's going to be too late to go out and buy it then.
Not really aware of what the clock is doing in terms of my going right over the... You're going to break here in about two minutes, Matt.
Well, I've got a...
I've got an ad to read, if you don't mind.
Well, you can do it later.
I'm enjoying hearing you talk.
I'm sitting here eating my lunch, and I've got all these piles of work to do watching you.
So it's good to hear.
You want to break it about three minutes, then come back with a six-minute segment, then an 18-minute segment.
Again, we'll email you all that.
I thought we had done that.
But just, you don't have to worry about plugging stuff.
Sure, we've got free shipping for a couple more days, and that helps finance things, and we've got a lot of great vitamins and stuff people need, and good, storable foods.
But it's all... I've got to tell you this, Matt.
I've personally been looking to get out in the country myself and, you know, get ready.
Because I really know that's where this is going.
I'd give it about a 50% chance we'll be in a depression.
Maybe Americanism versus Globalism can restart the global economy, but I don't know.
The Globals were planning this takedown, and they'd admitted that.
Now, because of prosperity coming back, maybe it won't happen.
But we know this, there's a very good chance that we're going into a depressionary spiral.
And some of the best people to know, I would say if you have some friends in your social circle, ham radio operators, people that know how to communicate further than VHF, anybody, and I don't care if he's a 90 year old, anybody that can communicate
You know, beyond line of sight, beyond VHF, he's going to be a most valuable player.
And so is the guy with a light plane.
Anybody with a single or a light twin that can land on a road might be the guy that gets your family out of a bad place.
Because forget about the Winnebago getting across the bridge.
It's just not going to happen.
If your doomsday escape device is a Winnebago hauling a trailer loaded with MREs,
Just stay at home and eat them there, because you're just going to wind up on the beltway stuck in gridlock.
But on the other hand, if you have a friend with a Cessna, that's the guy that's going to be a real hero.
As long as you can fuel up that airplane, it's going to be able to take you anywhere you need to go.
And there's nobody that can stop it.
Alright, Matt, we're going to break.
Back in four minutes in a short segment and a long segment.
I'm Alex Jones.
Hey, interrupting when I'm needed.
I'm here with my Cabo Bobstock burrito.
We'll be right back.
15 years ago, after, oh, 19 years as a reporter, it was clear to me that fake news was everywhere.
And I wasn't talking about independent media, or so-called alternative media.
I was talking about mainstream media, right from the beginning.
That's where all the fake news was.
So, hence, no more fake news.
Somehow, these fake news sites, The Washington Post and other media outlets said, and they're now all getting on the bandwagon.
These fake news sites, you see, are connected to... Russia.
What are we talking about here?
100,000 fake news sites and bloggers that are somehow covertly working with the Russian government?
I mean, the story was so preposterous on its face.
What are they even talking about?
As my first logic teacher told us in class so many moons ago,
The biggest weapon of non-logic and people who want to avoid rationality is the generality, the vague generality.
Russia, fake news sites, fake news bloggers, oh yeah, it all stirs up in a pot, see, a gigantic pot.
What does that mean, Russian hack?
Well, of course the implication is, in fact,
That they did go into the machines, that they did go into the software, that they subverted the vote, that they changed the numbers, the actual numbers in the election.
That's what the phrase, hack the election, said.
To break it down, major media were basically saying, okay look,
Russia hacked the Podesta, the Hillary, the DNC emails, and fed them to WikiLeaks.
And then WikiLeaks released them, and then all of these fake news sites jumped on board and began splashing this all over the Internet.
If you talk to the editor of the Washington Post and you try to nail them down and say, this is what you're talking about, now this is it.
This is exactly what you mean and you don't mean anything else.
No, we mean a lot of things.
Don't try to pin me down.
There's a whole lot of stuff going on here.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
And I know these people are fake.
I've known it for 30 years that they're fake.
And now they're basically saying, hey, look at us, we're fake.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Well, we're back, if you're still with me.
Pretty raw here.
I'm really a writer, so doing this live is something new for me.
Now, being that I'm a writer, I'd like to advise people that think, you know, Matt Bracken, he seems pretty interesting, even if he's pretty far out there.
Has he ever written about this?
Well, that's what I do for a living.
And some of my stuff that I've written in the last few years, if you want to really know what I'm thinking is going on,
You can find it on my website, Enemies Foreign and Domestic, on my, uh, I have a page full of links to my short stories.
And, uh, probably the one that I would recommend, if anybody reads anything of mine, is a short story called A Last Brave New Babylon.
And this is, uh, what you would, what I would consider a worst case scenario, with the, uh, the grid going down, people don't even know why, and
There are very few survivors.
If this really is a grand super-cycle event, we're talking, you know, a thousand-year cycle, wheels within wheels, all coming at the same time, together, we're going to see something possibly a lot worse than the Thirty Years' War in Europe or, you know, possibly even the World Wars, because it's possible that there will be very few people that are unscathed.
I don't see how the contagion could be stopped from going around the world if the grid goes down.
Trade will stop, water will stop flowing, electricity will stop flowing, and it's going to be really a brave new world.
And anyway, that's on that same page.
I've got short stories and essays linked that I've been writing for the last couple of years.
I've got almost got another novel ready to go, but yeah, I've almost got another novel.
I don't have any of these controls here, so I'm
I'm just doing it with the Austin studio helping me out here.
But all of my most current thinking is pretty much on them and of course on my novels, in my novels, Enemies, Foreign and Domestic, the trilogy and other standalone works.
But yeah, I think that this is a very dangerous time for our country because the people that
Have dedicated their entire lives, multi-generations of lives.
You think about Obama being the offspring of Frank Marshall Davis, people like that.
We're talking, you know, sometimes three and four generations of communists.
Now they call themselves progressives, which is just rebranding of the exact same thing.
They're not going to see their Waterloo and just walk away.
They're not just gonna pick up their marbles and go home.
I believe that they think that if they can't rule, then they're going to just, will inherit ruins.
And my fear is that we won't be able to stop a cascade from happening.
And no matter if it's Trump as president or Hillary, frankly, the worst effects will be not stoppable by any human.
Just as, um, you know, you can't, uh, you know, King Canute can't just hold back the tide just because he, he wills it and he wishes and demands it.
The levers of power just won't exist.
If the grid collapses, basically we're screwed.
Anyway, um, I usually like to talk to Alex about this because we go back and forth.
Now I've got my chance to talk and I'm, and I'm, uh,
I'm so sorry.
They told me that they cleared the boards of phone calls.
That was going to be my next go-to.
But yeah, I've written some stuff that's pretty provocative.
Another place that I write for pretty frequently is called Gates of Vienna, which is a counter-jihad website.
The most recent thing that I wrote for them is called Piss Quran, which is a short story about
Basically, an old construction worker going up on a crane in New York with a crayon and a bucket.
And if the Serrano exhibit at the museum across the street is going to open, then he's going to make his own art called the Pissed Crayon.
And it's basically an allegory for exploring the massive hypocrisy and double standard where we're just supposed to take anything that's coming out of Islam.
It's their way.
Just accept it.
Women are beaten.
Who cares?
Women are forced to cover up.
Doesn't matter.
That's their culture.
But God forbid you should say one thing about a crucifix being dunked in urine.
Then you're a bigot.
You don't appreciate good art.
So that's one of the last major short stories that I wrote.
These things are all free to read on Gates of Vienna, Western Rifle Shooters, other places.
The links are all on my links page on my website, as well as my books, of course.
But yeah, that take two, that's probably, that's had a lot of reads.
Um, another one that's not on Gates of Vienna is called, um, is called When the Music Stops, How America's Cities May Explode in Violence.
That's also been read tens of thousands of times.
And I recommend everybody go and find them.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Senator John McCain, one of the main proponents of sanctions against Russia and pusher of fake news regarding Russian hacks, was accompanied by the Ukrainian President Soros' lapdog, Petro Poroshenko, on his visit to a Russian-speaking city in the southeastern Ukraine.
While making a Happy New Year speech addressing his soldiers who are fighting against the pro-Russian People's Republics, he made a baffling statement that put a face of awkward perplexity on his troops.
Ukrainian president declared that the Donbass region is under the Ukrainian occupation and that it is only temporary and that Ukraine will surely be united once again.
He followed with the popular neo-Nazi call-and-response motto, saying, Glory to Ukraine, to which the baffled soldiers had to respond with, Glory to the heroes, after an awkward pause.
Naturally, all the printed media had conveniently corrected his speech, replacing Ukrainian occupation with Russian occupation.
But alas, the speech was broadcasted live.
And was seen and heard by millions of people.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about BioPCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by InfoWarsLife.com.
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Went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the InfoWar change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
I do not agree.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing the parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
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Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cut Refs.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
They're watching the news in the last week, especially the new UN resolution orchestrated by Obama.
It's really hard not to
Start wondering about end times.
When you consider the location of Israel, the history of the Jews returning to their ancestral homelands, making a nation-state, and now the entire world basically ganging up against them as if they're the malignant cancer on the entire world.
I think I saw where in the last year there have been 20 UN resolutions against Israel, one against North Korea, one against Syria, one against Iran.
It's pretty apparent that we've gone through the looking glass and the UN is now basically team evil.
On the UN Human Rights Commission are all of the worst countries in the world, Saudi Arabia, terrorist states.
They absolutely have no interest in what we consider human rights.
And when you think about the confluence of events with the inauguration coming up, Netanyahu's house being raided, this UN resolution,
You have to wonder if somebody's going to go rogue.
You know, some F-16 pilot's going to plant a bomb, an iron bomb, or maybe a guided bomb, right in the middle of the Dome of the Rock.
It's the kind of days where you just wonder, you know, what would be too outrageous?
Almost nothing at this point.
You know, every morning when I wake up, I turn on, first I see, yeah, the clock is still working, so I've still got the grid.
I turn on the TV and if they're still talking about what they were talking about yesterday, I say, great, we made it through another night.
Because morning by morning, I won't be surprised to turn on the TV just like we did in 2001 with 9-11.
I won't be surprised if we turn on the TV and we see an aircraft carrier on fire in the Straits of Hormuz or, you know, some other
Military calamity on that level, is we have been walking right up to the line, tiptoeing up to the line.
A month ago, an American ship, sheep dipped, I think, for the Yemeni forces, whatever they are.
One of those aluminum catamarans was hit from a land-based missile, didn't quite sink it, but virtually destroyed it.
We're walking very close to where they're going to hit ships and our ships are going to hit back.
And from there, it'd be a very easy walk to World War III.
And with Obama doing this backstab on Israel last week, at this point, I wonder what other tricks does he have up his sleeve?
Is he going to do something to literally set the house on fire before he leaves?
Or does he just want to leave Trump in a checkmate situation in the corner, where he can hardly move without creating a greater disaster?
That's what happens when you elect a traitor mole as your president.
You know, a slick con man who's been having the doors opened in front of him from the time that he was an adolescent with the, uh, some kind of what I would consider a red net.
Sort of the old boys network of lefty progressive communists that have been greasing the skids for Obama since he was a child.
Here he is.
It's his swan song.
Three weeks to go.
All of his legacy, his executive orders, they're going to be swept away.
Is he going to just go away like that?
Set up another action committee?
Or is he going to do something to really set the thing on fire before he goes?
I have to wonder, and with the events in Israel, it almost feels like there's a bullseye being painted, you know, somewhere on Jerusalem.
I wouldn't be surprised if the next big explosion or terror events in Jerusalem
And I wouldn't be surprised if something really paradigm changing like on the level of somebody blowing up the Dome of the Rock to just kick this thing right into high gear.
I don't know about you, but I'm glad I have a well in the backyard that has a hand pump on it.
You know, it doesn't require electricity.
At least I know I'm going to be drinking water no matter what.
That's something I would consider.
I would strongly consider if it's in your in your capability to do so.
Have a lot of water on hand.
These aren't normal times.
They say that the Jews in Germany, right through the 20s and 30s, they were like the frogs in the pot being boiled.
They thought at every step there would be some outside force would stop the madness and save them.
You know, it would be Bismarck would get rid of this Hitler.
Bismarck would stop him.
Or the Honorable Generals of the Wehrmacht.
They would step in and stop him.
But it was just a slide where at each turn the water got hotter and the exit doors got nailed shut one at a time.
And I feel like we're almost in a situation similar to that.
Where events, instead of, you know, Hitler per se, but just world events just seem to be tumbling like dice that won't stop, just turning and turning and turning.
And I just have the feeling that it's going to end on a real bad number.
And I hope I'm wrong.
I mean, I say all the time, I hope I'm, you know, just a guy who's
Got some too far out theories and doesn't understand how inherently stable the world situation really is.
And there are very smart people out there that are way ahead of any trouble.
But in my gut, I don't feel like that's true.
And over and over again in history, the normalcy bias has done people in.
They've thought things are great.
Things could never change from here, but
The world is full of abandoned cities that were once flourishing, and something changed and the cities collapsed.
It's not usually a slow event when a city collapses.
It's like the fall of Phnom Penh when the Khmer Rouge came in.
They're emptied out.
They just become a ghost town very quickly.
You take the water and the electronic infrastructure out of a modern city, it can't exist.
Where will those people go?
So I encourage people to read my short stuff, my novels, of course, but my short stuff like A Last Brave New Babylon, if you want to get an idea of what goes on between my ears, maybe you don't want to.
It might be a pretty scary place.
But a lot of people have read these things.
I should be on my sixth or seventh novel by now, but the last few years under Obama, I felt like it was more important to put out free short work.
Than to focus on my next novel.
I do have another novel that's almost finished.
It's about 90% finished.
Should be done in a month or so.
But that's for another show.
We'll talk about that.
These are definitely interesting times.
I feel like we're living in history.
Like we're sitting in the front row of the theater and we're about to watch
Abe gets shot up there and here comes somebody swinging down onto the stage.
I mean, we have front row seats.
As long as the electricity holds out, we'll at least see.
It might be fake news.
It might be doctored somewhat.
But we're going to know when it's really happening.
And I think it's going to be like something that's never been seen before in history.
Because all of the other societal and civilizational collapses that happened
They didn't happen in societies that were dependent on electricity to keep the food fresh.
These were all societies where food was lardered and stored in cisterns and grain warehouses.
So when war swept through, that just meant you lost a planting cycle.
The food was grown in the next county over, maybe two counties away.
But in our case, the food is now grown a thousand miles away.
I often ask the rhetorical question, how much food do they grow in your zip code?
And honestly, how much food do they grow in your telephone area code?
Because if the infrastructure, if the grid collapses, the only food you're going to get, maybe for years, is food that is grown within a horse's ability to carry a wagon.
I'm serious.
All of our magic tricks, all of our technological magic tricks,
They require all of the other tricks to be working in perfect synchronization.
It's like a Swiss watch.
If you take the most expensive $6,000 self-winding, you know, Rolex Oyster Submariner Pro, and you stab a ice pick right through it, you've only damaged a few pieces.
But the whole watch comes completely to a stop.
And that's sort of an analogy for our modern civilizational infrastructure.
If the banking system fails, if the EBT system is hacked, if our electrical grid is hacked or corrupted, it's going to be very hard to self-repair before our societies, our cities just explode, burn, and self-immolate.
I mean, we've already seen the lack of social cohesion in good times.
What will happen when I see these people rioting over TVs on Christmas Eve, fighting each other, going to fights, looking forward to going to fights, using social media to get to fights?
I think how will these people act when they're in the dark, hungry, and nothing is coming out of the water tap?
What are they going to be capable of doing if they already are acting violently just for fun with the entire system working?
So I'm very concerned about the future, obviously, as you can see.
But what can you do?
You can prepare.
You can have water purification systems.
Survivor food.
Try to learn how to grow.
Move away from the cities if you can.
If at all possible, don't live in a high-rise building.
Those are the worst death traps of all.
You know, imagine your building with no electricity.
If you would have to haul water up flights of stairs, forget it.
It's not survivable.
It's not sustainable.
So I just encourage people to, you know, possibly to think about what would happen if, you know, if your oil or your electric heat went out, your furnace is cold.
Do you live in a place where everything just will freeze like the old trapper in Jeremiah Johnson?
It doesn't matter if you're inside of a building.
In Sarajevo, during the winter, in Sarajevo, it's probably no colder than, say, Ohio.
In Sarajevo, they were first burning their furniture right inside of the apartments, then tearing apart their door frames, and tearing apart anything they could to burn.
They cut down all the trees in the city to burn.
And that was just in, you know, an average city comparable to some city in, you know, in Ohio or Indiana.
So what happens?
I'm sorry?
Yeah, so we're going to kick to a report in a little bit, and we'll see where this all ends.
I hope that I'm still broadcasting and writing years from now, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if something happens in the meantime to upset the entire Apple cart.
And I think a lot of us agree with you, Mr. Bracken.
I wanted to speak a little bit about this report before we throw to it.
And this is something that I think you have been instrumental in helping shape, like Alex said earlier, pointing out some of these false flags.
But this report is also going to showcase a lot of the fake news that the media has been putting out to destabilize this country as a whole.
Here we are.
Here's this report.
We've put out some of these similar compilations, so I thought I would take these clips and basically rub it in to a few of them.
So let's kick off with a celebration of the mainstream media being a complete joke and being proven to be the captains, the lords, the creators, those that have fathered and mothered fake news and arrogant propaganda rotting in the midday sun.
There's not going to be a President Donald Trump.
That's not going to happen.
Donald Trump will not become president!
He's not going to be president.
He is not... Donald Trump is not going to be president of the United States.
Take it to the bank.
I guarantee it.
Alright, alright.
I don't know which one of these stuck-up monsters is more ridiculous.
The arrogant Sanders who famously told us that white people don't know what it's like to be poor.
White people don't know what it's like to be poor!
Or Clooney, who are so ignorant, so arrogant, they don't understand that when they produce these videos saying, vote for Hillary or ban guns, they only get four or five, 6,000 views now.
Whereas one of my videos gets hundreds of thousands, millions or tens of millions.
Again, you're a joke.
No one wants to hear what you have to say because you're some actor that remembers the lines that the big corporate chiefs get you.
We know you're frauds.
He's not going to be president.
He is not.
Donald Trump is not going to be president of the United States.
Take it to the bank.
I guarantee it.
All right.
All right.
I think if he becomes the president, he'll make it great because the stakes are already high.
I think that man will be president of the United States right about the time that spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs and red capes.
On that note, Tom?
Take it from there.
Tom Hanks, you're the only dinosaur wearing a red cape around here.
You're the only Grand Falloon.
The arrogant narcissist that thinks we want to hear what you have to say.
You're the guy that comes out with these books and TV shows about only one guy killing Kennedy.
Hey, jackass!
In almost every poll, over 90% know the government killed Kennedy.
And the guy that ran the operation to kill him gave a deathbed confession.
Do you understand that, Tom Hanks?
We know all you do is read off a teleprompter, and you're not the people you play in your movies.
You're a fake person that plays fake people.
And then of course there's Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has been saying that he will run for president as a Republican, which is surprising since I just assumed he was running as a joke.
This has got to be one of my favorite clips because you've got Trump there with his family throughout the night at one of these big Obama press dinners, making fun of him, attacking him, pulling him through the mud.
And Trump understands it's what he stands for.
It's what he believes in.
He knows he's right.
He knows these are bought and paid for sycophants.
And he stands up against this like a knight in shining armor.
And that's the reason I love Trump so much.
You see, he breaks the spell.
Of the stuck-up globalists.
Donald Trump, just last week, he confirmed to the National Review that he is again considering a run in 2016.
Do it.
Do it.
Look at me.
Do it.
I will personally write you a campaign check now on behalf of this country, which does not want you to be president, but which badly wants you to run.
So when you stand and deliver that State of the Union address, in no part of your mind or brain can you imagine Donald Trump standing up one day and delivering a State of the Union address?
Well, I can imagine it in a Saturday night skit.
You gotta love Obama and Matt Lauer and John Oliver.
I mean, all these guys are just the same.
They sit there in a confidence game saying, it will not be Trump.
And Hillary, of course, got caught stealing five states from Trump and having a bunch of illegals and dead people vote, but still she lost.
Still, the tidal wave was so big that all of these frauds, confidence game, folded.
I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president.
He will never be president of the United States.
You gotta love the liar Elizabeth Warren, who claims she's a Native American.
Can't prove any of it.
Up there giving us the same piece of fraud, old Pocahontas, arrogantly instructing you like you're a child.
But remember a few weeks ago?
Michelle Obama came out and said her constituents are like children who were scared by Trump being elected by her and her lies.
And so you have to comfort them like they're little children.
No, it's you that are delusional and act like little children, sweetheart.
And we better be ready for the fact that he might be leading the Republican ticket.
I know you don't believe that, but I want to go on.
Oh, I just love Clinton's former chief of staff, Stephanopoulos, with a gaggle of liars laughing at us like we're in junior high to make us feel bad and like we're not in the cool kid table at lunch.
Hey, I wanted to get out of high school, bro, before I was in high school.
Okay, here we are.
And which Republican candidate has the best chance of winning the general election?
Of the declared ones right now, Donald Trump.
How you feeling now, Bill Maher?
How you feelin' the rest of his minions on the show when Ann Coulter could see what was coming from a trillion miles away?
How you feelin' now as countries all over the world pull out of globalism and pull out of the TPP and the unelected EU?
How you feelin' now?
See, you are the people that are delusional.
You all get together and try to convince yourselves that we want your globalist system.
We don't!
And so, right now, Mr. Trump, to answer your call for political honesty, I just wanna say
You're not going to be president, alright?
It's been fun.
It's been great.
I love you.
Come on, come on, buddy.
All, let's say, cow poo-poo aside, there is zero chance we'll be seeing you being sworn in on the Capitol steps with your hand on a giant golden Bible.
Colbert, again, is one of my favorites.
They're talking about canceling his show because the ratings just go down and down and down and down.
This is a guy who's a fake reporter, playing a fake reporter, who now warns the public about fake news.
But of course, that was after he told us there was no way that Trump could win.
I'll make a prediction, though, for you.
I don't really get into predictions much, but this one I'll go way out on a limb.
Donald Trump will never, ever be President of the United States.
Trump should not be in this race.
He's an absurdity.
He is a travesty.
Donald Trump will never be elected President of the United States.
Oh, there goes Ronald Reagan's son that isn't his son.
Uses his name, but then runs around stabbing conservatives in the back.
And there goes Harry Reid.
Harry Reid said that, you know, the time of liberty is dead, but he's the one now leaving the Senate.
Donald Trump is a here today, gone tomorrow candidate for president of the United States.
Donald Trump is not going to be president of the United States.
Ever respectful of the fact that the people have not voted
He's not going to be President of the United States.
And of course, there's Don Carleone's daughter, Nancy Pelosi, that told us that Trump's here today, gone tomorrow.
Let's be clear.
Donald Trump will lose the election.
He had a really good chance to be different and really have a chance to change things, but he doesn't do the work.
He's lazy.
And then Fareed Zarkaria, the Bilderberg Group member, who tells us we should have open borders and world government.
Oh, and don't forget Mark Cuban, who looks like he's wearing some type of rubber mask over his head, running around throwing fits everywhere because Donald Trump got elected.
We talk about him every day and we continuously bash him.
He's not going to be the president.
Don't worry about it.
Oh, the harpies on The View talking to all the unemployed women that watch their show.
Hey, message!
Those unemployed women want jobs again.
They don't want to sit around and watch The View, sweetheart.
But I guess The View did learn the lesson of Joan Rivers.
If you talk about Michelle being a tranny and basically having a bigger one than Long Dong Silver, you end up dead.
...to be a wake-up call to the Republican Party.
Despite Boris thinking that Donald Trump could win New York, the presidential race is over.
Could I just cut through?
I have one thing to say, one thing only.
And that is that this race is over.
Tomorrow morning, the money will dry up.
The Republicans will start to hide.
Trump has no place to go.
This race, effectively, as of tonight, is no longer a presidential race.
I mean, everything I know about presidential politics, and I've been through five of them, I've never seen one like this.
This race is over.
You might as well accept it.
And the question now is, how do you minimize damage?
And the only way you can do that, it seems to me, is to try to grab hold of some old conservative value things and do what Mondale did in 84, which is try to save a few people down ballot.
But as far as Donald Trump's concerned, it will never, ever, ever happen.
What happened, CNN?
You told her by the Donald Trump wasn't going to win.
He tried to create the false bandwagon idea that it'd be a thrown away vote.
But it was your demonization of Trump that got him elected, losers.
But in summation, let's end with President Obama telling us that, again, Trump would never be president.
President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States!
Oh my gosh, I've never seen anyone drop the mic.
I mean, when you say that, that means it's a fact.
It means Obamacare is free.
It means that Obama hung the stars and the moon.
It means that Hillary and Obamacare are just there to help you and your family.
My gosh, that was powerful stuff.
Oh, but what are you going to do now that calling everybody that supported Trump or lower taxes was racist or everybody that said that Obamacare was a scam was racist?
What are you going to do now when you've already scraped the bottom of the barrel and said everybody's a homophobe?
Oh, I know.
We're all Russian agents.
He wants to help me!
You've got to be sent for reprogramming.
Not reprogramming!
Not reprogramming!
All right!
Russian scum!
Alex Jones!
I never get tired of those clips.
This is the season of Schadenfreude.
I hope it lasts.
I hope that this is the second coming of Trump.
Thanks for the opportunity to have me on today.
My first shot at this.
Thanks, Alex.
It gives me a great appreciation for your ability to go straight through like that.
Anybody that wants to know more about me, I'm Matt Bracken.
My website is NMEsForeignAndDomestic.com.
You can read all about my stuff, my books, my short stories, my essays there.
And I'll tell you what, Ann Coulter, you get the Gutsy Award.
You were the only one that took those laughs right to face.
It must have hurt, along with the roast where they called you the vile things.
But you've got my respect forever.
On New Year's Day in Kiev, there was a torchlight procession.
The Ukrainian neo-Nazis were marching through the center of the capital, celebrating the birthday of Stepan Bandera, the leader of the Ukrainian insurgent army, who was also a Nazi sympathizer and a collaborator during World War II.
All the more reasons to be hailed as hero by the Maidan government.
The followers of Bandera proudly promoting Nazi slogans and the symbolics of the Third Reich, hence their love for torchlight processions, which were especially popular in Hitler's Germany.
The present-day admirers of Bandera are deeply misled.
They glorify the myths given to them, conveniently ignoring the facts of history repeated in present-day Ukraine.
They murder their own countrymen under the guise of liberation of the people.
They murder their own ideological supporters who happen to choose a different leader, and they call it fighting for their country's independence.
They murder and betray each other under the guise of unity and brotherhood.
Let's call it for what it is.
The trailer of your people and your country and the enemy within is more dangerous than any outside threat.
This has been Daria for InfoWars.com