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Name: 20161222_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 22, 2016
3049 lines.

The speaker discusses the issue of fake news and its impact on society. They criticize major media outlets for spreading misinformation and lack of investigative reporting. Topics discussed include radical Islam on college campuses, conflicts of interest in newspaper ownership, and clear communication when discussing important issues. Advertising opportunities for natural health products are also mentioned.

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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to be joined in the second hour by Stefan Molyneux.
We have a lot of news.
We are going to be looking at whether or not the GOP really wants to get rid of Obamacare.
Of course they don't.
They never offered a plan to get rid of Obamacare.
We know that.
We know that they ran Mitt Romney, who had already enacted Obamacare as Romneycare in Massachusetts, along with Ted Kennedy.
And now we have an interesting article talking about how they're considering holding off
On repealing Obamacare taxes.
This is from the Hill.
So we're going to talk about that.
We're also going to talk about the Obama transition team.
You've heard a lot about the Trump transition team.
Have you heard about the Obama transition team?
We've never had a situation in this century where the president has remained in Washington after leaving office.
They've always retired and gone back to their business in the 18th and 19th century.
But in the 20th century, we've only had Woodrow Wilson remain around Washington.
But now
We have Mr. Obama is going to remain in Washington and he is going to, he's already rented a 5.3 million dollar home.
I talked to Dr. Randy Scott who went to Harvard and he talked about how Obama is going to be the president of the race movement.
He's going to be a race leader.
That's how he's going to present himself.
But he's got a lot of other things that he's going to be doing as well.
By the way, that interview with Dr. Randy Scott will air on Monday's Nightly News.
But he's also preparing an entire shadow cabinet, kind of like they do in the UK, where they have people at every level.
He's going to be going with Eric Holder to challenge the GOP legislatures on redistricting.
Because that's something that they do at the legislative level.
See, they can't achieve their objectives in the ballot box, so what they want to do is get activist judges.
So we're going to talk about that.
We also have a CIA analyst who goes off on the Bush fake weapons of mass destruction.
We have some interesting revelations about the Facebook algorithm that's going to be used to determine who is fake and who isn't, according to them, and the way that they're going to censor your free speech on Facebook.
If you're still there.
And we have learned some interesting things about Snopes, the people that are going to be vetting all the news for Facebook.
There's a nasty divorce filing that has now gone public, and it has exposed some of the inner workings of Snopes that you will not believe.
And we're also going to have in the next segment, we're going to talk about the Federal Reserve.
We have the Christmas special that I did, it was three years ago.
It was on the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve.
And at the time, we did a comparison, because you know, they created the Federal Reserve on Christmas vacation.
That was the tactic that they used.
They waited until most of the Congress had gone home for Christmas, and then they rushed this thing through that had been prepared for them by J.P.
Morgan and others.
The Beast from Jekyll Island, as it's been called, I forget, G. Edward Griffin, who wrote that book.
But anyway, we have a special video for you that we do at Christmas time.
It's a wonderful lie.
100 years of the Federal Reserve.
Now it's been 103 years of the Federal Reserve.
And the lie just keeps going and going and going.
We can't even audit them.
I think it's one of the reasons why they're concerned about Donald Trump.
Hopefully, he will at least audit the Federal Reserve.
I think that's the first step.
It's a very important step.
We need to understand what's going on there.
We also have a clip I want to play after that.
Well, that's your job isn't it?
Well, I don't really want to comment on that.
So, we're going to take a close look at the Federal Reserve.
Do it in the context of Christmas.
Do it in the context of its wonderful life.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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We're learning more than ever about the Tunisian asylum seeker wanted in the Berlin Massacre.
He was jailed for four years in Italy for burning down a school and arrested three separate times in Germany before police quote lost him.
Anna's army was also on the US no-fly list and he settled in Italy after leaving his hometown in Tunisia.
Now his father claimed this in a radio interview.
There's currently a reward on his head a hundred thousand euro.
He spent four years in an Italian jail for burning down a school before he left for Germany last year.
We're good.
It still didn't stop officials from detaining him.
They wouldn't kick him out of the country and he was allowed to ultimately wreak havoc in Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring 50 more.
I'm Margaret Howe reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
I guess that makes me the night before Christmas.
We're going to talk about Christmas.
We're going to talk about Christmas also in the context of It's a Wonderful Life and the Federal Reserve.
I want to play a special that I did three years ago on the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve because, you know, they created it as Christmas, as I just said in the last segment, the opening
It was done when most of the Congress had gone on Christmas vacation because it was a bit of subterfuge.
A lot of subterfuge.
And it's been a hundred years now, 103 years, that this has been going on.
Before I play this, though, I just want to... I saw this article from the New York Daily News, a very liberal paper in New York, very inaccurate in a lot of ways, and I think this is a very interesting take on It's a Wonderful Life.
They said that we're all living in Potterville right now.
And they said, in 2016, we all voted for Mr. Potter.
Now, if you remember the movie, and I'm going to show you a clip here, we talk about the Federal Reserve in this context, because it was, if you think that Trump is Potter, remember, Trump is the builder, like George Bailey.
Potter is the banker, okay?
And the reality is, they come in and they say, the Bailey Brothers building a loan is no mere plot point in a Christmas story, but a rallying cry against a capitalist system that ground up George Bailey and spat him out.
See the New York Daily News.
Cannot discern the difference between a free market and a manipulated crony market manipulated by the Federal Reserve.
That's the key difference.
They don't understand the difference between those two things.
And they go on to say, no wonder J. Edgar Hoover's FBI investigated It's a Wonderful Life for possible connections to a communist plot.
Okay, a communist plot.
Okay, it was a red scare.
He did it on behalf of the bankers, New York Daily News.
They just used the Russians as a beard.
I want to play this report.
You'll see what's going on in this report.
Look at my parallels to the Federal Reserve.
Over the last 100 years, the Federal Reserve has created bubbles and burst them, enslaved us with debt, and destroyed our purchasing power through inflation.
Yes, it's been a wonderful lie for the bankers.
There are striking parallels in Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life to the lies and tricks that real bankers used to create the Federal Reserve.
Human nature doesn't change, and the greedy elite of 1913 and 2013 look and act a lot like Potter, the banker in the movie.
And many Americans are left like George Bailey.
Staring into the abyss as their dreams collapse and they face financial ruin.
Do we live in a country that looks a lot more like Pottersville than Bedford Falls?
What does Frank Capra's film show us about how we got here and how we can get out?
When the Federal Reserve was created two days before Christmas a hundred years ago, it was a culmination of six years of fraud, fear, and manipulation.
I've never really seen one, but that's got all the earmarks of being a run.
The panic of 1907 was used to shape public support
Just took over the bank.
I may lose a fortune, but I am willing to guarantee your people, too.
Just tell them to bring their shares over here, and I will pay 50 cents on the dollar.
Oh, you never miss a trick, do you, Potter?
Unfortunately, J.P.
Morgan got away with the deception, and was able to shut down competitors and snapped up assets at fire sale prices.
Uh, take during the Depression, for instance.
You and I were the only ones that kept our heads.
You saved a billion long,
Charles Lindbergh Sr.
warned people at the time of the creation of the Federal Reserve that it would not stop boom and bust cycles, but would actually create them in order to benefit its private owners.
Here's what he said.
To cause high prices, all the Federal Reserve Board will do will be to lower the re-discount rate, producing an expansion of credit and a rising stock market.
Then, when businessmen are adjusted to these conditions, it can check prosperity in mid-career by arbitrarily raising the rate of interest.
It can cause a pendulum of a rising and falling market to swing gently back and forth, or cause violent fluctuations by greater rate variation.
And in either case, it will possess inside information as to the financial conditions and advanced knowledge of the coming change, either up or down.
This is the strangest, most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privileged class by any government that ever existed.
The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money.
They know in advance when to create panics to their advantage, and they know when to stop panic.
Inflation and deflation work equally well for them when they control the finance.
As we see in the movie, not all lending institutions have the same motivations.
Now you take this loan here to Ernie Bishop.
You know, that fellow that sits around all day on his brains in his taxi, you know?
I happen to know the bank turned down this loan.
But he comes here, and we're building him a house worth $5,000!
Well, I handled that, Mr. Potter.
You have all the papers there, his salary, insurance.
I can personally vouch for his character.
Friends of yours.
If you shoot pool with some employee here, you can come and borrow money.
What does that get us?
A discontented, lazy rabble instead of a thrifty working class.
As a former FDIC chair said, all too often the large banks use their models and their algorithms and if you don't fit in their boxes, you don't get the loan.
And Dodd-Frank legislation is tying the hands of small lenders, shutting out buyers and shutting down lenders.
Today there are fewer lenders than at any time the government has kept records.
10,000 banks disappeared between 1984 and 2011.
This town needs this measly one-horse institution, if only to have some place where people can come without crawling the potter.
Come on.
In the movie, George gets to see what happens to the small town if Potter didn't have competition from credit unions and smaller lenders.
If it hadn't been for you... Yeah, if it hadn't been for me, everybody would be a lot better off.
My wife and my kids and my friends and my... Look, little fella, go off and haunt somebody.
Killing yourself would make everyone feel happier, eh?
Oh, I don't know.
I guess you're right.
I suppose it would have been better if I'd never been born at all.
Pottersville, the only businesses thriving are vice.
People are angry.
The town is filled with signs like, keep moving, keep off the grass.
Bert the cop actually shoots at George when he's running away and is no threat to anyone.
Stand back!
Everyone is a renter.
No one has a stake.
Now, you're Arnie Bishop, and you live in Bailey Park with your wife and kid.
Look, bud, what's the idea?
I live in a shack in Pottersville.
My wife ran away three years ago and took the kid, and I ain't never seen you before in my life, see?
Private property and everyone having a stake is the antidote to Pottersville.
Here, you're all businessmen here.
Doesn't it make them better citizens?
Doesn't it make them better customers?
But whether it's the Trans-Pacific Partnership or a global carbon tax, the global elite don't see you as a stakeholder.
They want to turn us all into serfs and treat us like cattle.
Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you're talking about, they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community.
Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath?
Anyway, my father didn't think so.
People were human beings to him, but to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle.
Well, in my book, he died a much richer man than you'll ever be.
I'm not interested in your book.
I'm talking about the building and loans.
I know very well what you're talking about.
You're talking about something you can't get your fingers on.
Speaking of riches, do you find the salary amounts amusing when Potter tries to buy George off?
Let's look at your side.
Young man, 27, 28, married.
Make me say 40 a week.
George, I'll start you out at $20,000 a year.
$20,000 a year?
You wouldn't mind living in the nicest house in town?
Buying your wife a lot of fine clothes?
A couple of business trips to New York a year?
Maybe once in a while Europe?
You wouldn't mind that, would you, John?
Would I?
Even if George had saved a lot of his $20,000 salary, would it have bought much a couple of decades later?
By even the government's very conservative estimate of inflation, the dollar has lost 90% of its value since 1947, when the movie was made.
The Fed's deliberate inflation is devastating to anyone trying to accumulate wealth through hard work and saving.
So what is the answer to all the George Baileys out there a hundred years after the government gave control of our money supply to private bankers like Potter?
Well, Potter had more money than he could spend.
But would any of you want to be Potter?
You sit around here and you spin your little webs and you think the whole world revolves around you and your money.
Well, it doesn't, Mr. Potter.
In the whole vast configuration of things, I'd say you were nothing but a scurvy little spider.
George Bailey finally sees how rich his own life is, as he sees the fruits of relationship, honesty, and compassion.
Merry Christmas, Mr. Bailey!
Happy New Year to you!
In jail!
Go on home, they're waiting for you!
And if the public can awaken to the lies of the Federal Reserve, if it could even be audited... Well, hello, Mr. Bank Examiner!
It would be a huge step to breaking the chains that enslave all of us.
But ultimately, it is God that changes minds and changes hearts.
God hates oppression, and we can and should confidently pray that he will stop it.
I owe everything to George Bailey.
Help him, dear father.
Joseph, Jesus, and Mary, help my friend, Mr. Bailey.
Help my son, George, tonight?
He never thinks about himself, God.
That's why he's in trouble.
George is a good guy.
Give him a break, God.
I love him, dear Lord.
Watch over him tonight.
Please, God.
Something's the matter with Daddy.
Please bring Daddy back.
I'm not a praying man, but if you're up there and you can hear me, show me the way.
Alright, we'll talk about that more on the other side of the break.
The Federal Reserve, the gift that keeps giving to the elite.
More than 20 years ago, when I started InfoWars, I was a fitness addict.
As time went on, my metabolism slowed down, I quit working out, I was working 18 hours a day, and I gained right at 100 pounds.
I started to exercise really hard again.
And I started to try to eat healthy, started taking third-party supplements, started seeing some more gains.
But when I started working with Dr. Group and some of the other top formulators in the country, they said, Alex, it's all about trace elements and things that the population is absolutely deficient in.
Weight started pouring off, toxins started coming out of my body.
Then, by early 2016,
I was in the best shape of my life since I'd been in really good shape in my 20s.
But the election heated up.
I started working 14, 15, 16 hours a day.
But more importantly, I stopped taking supplements because we rearranged the kitchen and somebody took the Lazy Susan off the kitchen table where I took some every morning and I just kind of forgot about it.
It was out of sight, out of mind.
And so then I realized this morning, I said, we're going to put the Lazy Susan back on the table.
And I'm going to start taking it religiously again.
And I'm going to work out like I've been the last few weeks at the same level.
It's the holidays, so I'll probably eat more.
And whatever the results are, I'm going to publish the findings.
It's December 5th, 2016.
We're only like 25 days from 2017.
And I want to invite all of the InfoWarriors of every race, color, and creed that bleed red blood and love liberty, justice, and truth to make our bodies great again.
One of the most common questions I get is, you've changed the whole radio TV model.
How did you do it?
Did an ad agency teach you that or what book did you read?
And the answer is, it was trial and error.
I promote products that I personally use, like the Nutraceuticals and Infowarslife.com.
And it's the same thing for this promotion.
I didn't get this from an ad agency.
I didn't just think this up.
I was sitting there.
I've gained probably 10, 15 pounds because I've gotten out of the habit of taking the supplements in the last few months with the election.
And I was thinking, wow, I need to religiously take these, because I'm promoting these things, it's making me healthier, and if I'm not taking them, you know, I'm fatter, plus people aren't going to buy the product.
So that's where the promotion comes from, is purely from reality.
I put the Lazy Susan back on the table, I'm religiously taking the products, and in just one week, I thought I'd lose two or three pounds.
I've lost five pounds.
We're good.
I mean, quite frankly, I eat more junk during the holidays like everybody else.
So I'm eating worse.
But because I've got these trace elements, or whatever it's doing in DNA Force and X2 and Supermail, I have lost five pounds.
It's incredible.
I thought I might lose 10 to 15 in a month.
If this continues, it'll be 20.
But generally, it's more dramatic up front.
This is an experiment.
Everybody's watching.
We'll see what happens.
This is part two.
Next week, part three.
That's a good point.
We just cut there and Rob Deuce said, hey Alex, I know you don't follow script, but you might want to add to people, we're running some of the biggest specials of the year until December 17th.
That's the last day that you can get your order in and have guaranteed shipping anywhere in the United States.
And we have some of the biggest specials of the year.
50% off many of the Nutraceuticals.
The lowest discount is 25%.
30% off X2 huge discounts and free shipping storewide on every product thousands of items and on top of that if you sign up for auto ship an additional 10% off and I'm gonna do one more bad thing because I'm politically correct or I guess I'm politically incorrect and that's a Merry Christmas to everybody thank you all for your support you're awesome
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and we're going to continue with this theme of the Federal Reserve here in this next segment.
In the following segment, we're going to have Alex Jones with a report on Trump draining the swamp.
And after that, I'm going to talk about the Obama transition team.
You think Obama's going away?
He isn't.
And I'm going to tell you what his plans are after the report from Alex Jones in the next segment.
Before I get back to the Federal Reserve, and before I get back to looking at the Daily News, New York Daily News' take on It's a Wonderful Life, I want to let you know about our specials, because that's the thing that keeps us going.
You know, we had, as we just saw in that report, and as you remember from It's a Wonderful Life, the banker Potter tries to strangle George Bailey.
Well, we had an attack like that on us this last week.
A denial of service attack that would block people from getting to our store.
So, we appreciate your support and if you want to support InfoWars, now is a good time to do it.
We have some great Christmas sales.
One of my favorite supplements there is Brain Force Plus.
It is now 33% off at InfoWarsLife.com.
It's been reformulated with a new supercharger ingredient, black pepper extract.
It's got a higher concentration of key ingredients.
The same low price as the original Brain Force, but now 33% off.
In addition.
So that's something that's very important.
I use all the time.
It's one of the few things that I feel, you know, I don't get the kind of rushes like my wife does.
She can take coffee and it will literally give her the jitters if she drinks a large cup of coffee.
So she just takes one brain force and she said she can feel it.
Not that it makes her jittery, but that it focuses her mind.
And that's what it does with me as well.
Also, at the InfoWars Life Store, we've got 30% off Living Defense.
50% off Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver.
We have 25% off Winter Sun Vitamin D.
25% off DNA Force.
That's a big savings because that is a premium product, very expensive to produce.
Survival Shield X2 Nacin Iodine, 30% off.
And BioTruth Selenium, 30% off as well.
And these are selling out
Very quickly.
They're not going to be around much longer.
And we have reduced the price as an introductory sale for the Super Blue Fluoride-Free Toothpaste.
This is a great toothpaste.
It's got silver in it.
It's got peppermint oil, iodine, and nano-silver, many other things.
This is formulated by Alex's dad, who is a dentist.
This is something very important for gum health.
So, take a look at those specials at the InfoWars store.
It helps to support our operation.
I want to go back to It's a Wonderful Life and the take that the liberal New York Daily News took on it.
They said, no wonder J. Edgar Hoover's FBI investigated It's a Wonderful Life for possible connections to a communist plot.
As I pointed out, you know, this is typical tactics.
It wasn't because they thought that it was a communist plot or because it was anti-capitalist, but because it attacked the system, the establishment, which is the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve, created at Christmas time, when most of the Congress was on vacation.
It's the Christmas gift to the elite that just keeps on giving.
103 years into this, it keeps on giving.
I will play a clip here in just a moment that illustrates that.
One last thing from the New York Daily News.
They say,
To discredit bankers by casting Lionel Barrymore as a Scrooge type so that he would be the most hated man in the picture, said a 1947 FBI memo.
See, their intention was to protect the banks, not to protect capitalism.
It's not the same thing.
As you saw in that clip, just as the Federal Reserve used a banking crisis to create the Federal Reserve, we saw that same sort of thing happening, and it's a wonderful life.
Now I want to play a clip here.
The hearing a couple of years ago, where you had a congressional representative trying to get to the bottom of where $9 trillion worth of loans went that were handed out to people.
And he's talking to the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve.
This illustrates why we must have an audit.
Here's that clip.
I have a copy of the Inspector General Act here in front of me, and it says, among other things, that it's your responsibility to conduct and supervise audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations of your agency.
That's correct.
So I'm asking you, if your agency has, in fact, according to Bloomberg, extended $9 trillion in credit, which, by the way, works out to $30,000 for every single man, woman, and child in this country, I'd like to know, if you're not responsible for investigating that, who is?
We actually, we have responsibility for the Federal Reserve's programs and operations audits to conduct audits and investigations in that area.
In terms of who's responsible for investigating
Would you mind repeating the question one more time?
What have you done to investigate the off-balance sheet transactions conducted by the Federal Reserve, which according to Bloomberg, now total $9 trillion in the last eight months?
I'll have to look specifically at that Bloomberg article.
I don't know if I have actually seen that particular one.
That's not the point.
The question is, have you done any investigation or auditing of off-balance sheet transactions conducted by the Federal Reserve?
That illustrates why we need an audit of the Federal Reserve.
They keep dodging and ducking, even the person who's supposed to audit them does.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Alex Jones.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
An alarming report coming out of campus reform that talks about how Muslim students are demanding prayer rooms in every major building.
Now, students at the University of Maryland, they've released a list of 64 of their demands, all in an effort to make their campus, quote, more amenable.
This project, it's known as Protect UMD.
It's an effort between 25 different student organizations at the University of Maryland.
This news is coming just after the Ohio State attack, where we saw one Muslim student,
Who felt marginalized, he actually took out his frustration and plowed into a crowd of students and then began stabbing them.
Millie Weaver took to the streets on Ohio State's campus shortly after, and so did Rebel Media.
And they asked students why they thought that this one Muslim student in particular decided to, quote, act out.
And surprisingly, students said that he probably felt marginalized.
So it looks like the University of Maryland is tackling that, and they're going to allow students to have prayer rooms now in every major building, but only if you're Muslim.
I'm Margaret Halver reporting for InfoWars.com.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about BioPCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by InfoWarsLife.com.
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We've been testing this formula for years, but this is the limited first run to the public, so please take advantage of it today, support your own health, and support the InfoWar.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
They're running these articles saying Trump's betrayed everybody over and over and over again when he hasn't.
He's putting in Rex Tillerson, who's a big corporate leader but a business dealer and a guy that knows how to get jobs in America and to get us cheaper energy.
I think?
They're pointing out you're hiring a bunch of Washington insiders.
That's not dreading the swamp.
He needs to define dreading the swamp.
Getting rid of the anti-gunners.
Getting rid of the people that want open borders.
The globalists.
Standing up, and he already has hired no lobbyists.
He followed the no lobbyist rule with
The Vice President heading that up, okay?
Mike Pence.
He's done it all.
He's bringing in people that will follow nationalism.
He's bringing in a new head of the EPA, who's the Attorney General of Oklahoma, who fought the carbon taxes and the whole climate change BS, where they say that we don't believe in climate change.
Of course there's climate change.
It's not man-made.
And taxing people to Al Gore and Rothschild doesn't help people.
So, this is how they twisted Gingrich.
Trump dropping drain the swamp.
Gingrich, who's like an insider with the Globalist, one of the few people that I think Trump better really watch.
Notice he hasn't been appointed to anything, though.
He goes on NPR and kind of plays a Glenn Beck and goes, oh well, he's dropping that now because it's been pointed out he's bringing in insiders.
That's redefining.
He never said, I won't bring in folks that know how to get stuff done in Washington.
He said, I'm going to get the Second Amendment back.
I'm going to defend our borders.
I'm going to deport the felons.
All this crap.
They're saying, oh, he was going to go after gays.
He's backed off.
That was the right wings believing that because the left said he was.
Trump never said that.
So the stupid gays and the stupid right-wingers don't know what you're talking about.
You projected onto Trump your BS.
So people are projecting onto Trump things he didn't say or do.
They're also twisting, and I'm not just mindlessly defending him.
If he starts not going after the gun controllers, if he doesn't start trying to reverse the gun grabs, if he doesn't try to go after the monopolies they've been setting up, which he's saying he's going to do,
If he doesn't try to control that border and deport criminals, if he doesn't deliver on bringing more jobs back, which we already see the biggest exuberance in Gallup's history in confidence in the economy, $60 billion already brought back, $50 million in Japan, $10 million in steel, carrier, Ford plants,
He's already delivering.
I said if he delivered on 20, 30, 40 percent and he really tried hard, I'd be happy.
He's already delivered like 20 percent.
He's not even in office for 28 days.
I mean, this is incredible what's happening.
But again, they keep implying and then this is the problem.
Trump has these advisers now who he trusts.
They're like, sir, they think draining the swamp means get rid and fire everybody.
Oh, we better quit using that then.
No, no, no.
He needs to come out and say, drain the swamp means you get people in, whether they're outsiders or insiders, like all these generals.
Nobody does that to bring them into major department heads.
That's drain the swamp.
He's getting a bunch of nationalists and patriots like Mattis and Flynn, who's total anti-New World Order and a listener of ours, and anti-Jena 21 and anti-radical Islam.
I mean,
I mean, all these other generals are patriots?
I mean, he's putting a general that will control the border?
Marine Corps General?
I mean, he's delivering, delivering, but they're already trying to get people to go, oh my God, we've been betrayed again!
You know you're not getting betrayed the way the leader's still crapping their pants, folks.
Of course he's coming in as a manager and getting people who don't know how to get stuff done.
But just like he told Roger Stone the other day, I'm appointing a bunch of Goldman Sachs folks because they run the show and they've got the international connections.
But these are people like Bannon, who's been anti-New World Order for 30 years.
Sure, he was acquisitions and mergers.
That's a whole different arm of a giant company like Goldman Sachs.
He's there now fighting Goldman Sachs.
You know, it's Darth Vader throws Palpatine down the damn shaft, folks.
This is how it happens when you start to win.
A lot of the establishment that didn't like what was happening flips to your side.
But a lot of these people were always on our side.
So this is an epic moment.
They're trying to misrepresent that he's not draining the swamp.
He should keep the fact drain the swamp, keep drain the swamp, Trump, but go out and point out that means get rid of the open border people.
Get rid of the globalists.
Get rid of the bad U.S.
attorneys that have been not prosecuting Clinton crime machine.
Restore the Republic.
Cut the taxes.
Cut the corporate tax to the global average to bring the jobs back.
These are the litmus test.
These are the promises.
That's draining the swamp.
Not, oh, let me see.
Let me hire somebody who's never been at the top of banking.
Let's hire a guy that cuts hair from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
No, no, no.
That's what we're talking about.
Quick comment from all of you on that point.
Yeah, he said, even when he was campaigning, I'm going to get business people.
We're going to run America like a business because of the amount of money that runs through this country.
It needs to be run like a business.
There's way too much waste.
So this is not a lie that, you know, hiring these type of people is not draining the swamp.
That's a that's fake news right there.
No, no.
Bringing our jobs back is right.
And this is the amazing thing.
Let's remember, Donald Trump was a public figure, a successful businessman for decades, decades.
And then what happens when he runs for president?
He's a racist, he's a homophobe, he's a xenophobe, he's a Russian agent all of a sudden, right?
When he starts running.
You're seeing the same thing now with people like Rex Tillerson.
Oh, well, what, what, I'm sorry, most of these people have never even heard of Rex Tillerson before.
Oh, but now he's a racist, he's part of the swamp, he's part of the government, he's a Russian agent.
And of course he's a Russian agent, exactly.
You know, if the racist doesn't work, now you're a racist agent.
All right, that was Alex Jones and some of our reporters, Rob Dew, Owen Schroer, talking about what is happening with Trump draining the swamp and the Trump transition team.
And of course, there's been a lot of discussion.
Everybody trying to read the tea leaves, you know, is Trump going to be sincere with his promises?
It looks like so far he has held to his promises.
As Alex pointed out, he's delivered more than we expected.
Now we've got Trump denies Gingrich's claim that he is dropping the drain the swamp.
And he says, Trump tweeted this out, he said, someone incorrectly stated that the phrase, drain the swamp, was no longer being used by me.
Actually, we will always be trying to drain the swamp.
So he's pushing back against what Newt Gingrich said.
I think when we look at this and we understand that he gave a lot of people a scare when we saw Henry Kissinger go there, or some other people like that, but I think he understands that he needs to know who the opposition is.
He's wise, he needs to vet that.
Let's give him a chance, let's see what's going on.
Meanwhile, what about the Obama transition team?
Do you think Obama is going away?
Absolutely not.
You see, we've always had a tradition in this country where after the president leaves office after either one or two terms,
Then they basically get quiet.
They don't have anything to say about their predecessor.
That's something that is held even though there's a radical change from a Democrat who's on the far left to a Republican who is on the far right.
In both cases, they remain quiet about that.
They don't get involved.
That is not what Obama is going to do.
And of course, we have seen that after the election.
We've seen them push back immediately with riots in the streets.
Then they pushed back with a recount effort that failed.
All it did was to show that votes in Wisconsin had been padded in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Somebody even said, maybe that was Jill Stein's purpose.
Maybe she's just trying to make Hillary Clinton look bad, showing that she had
Had people pad the votes for her there just as they rigged the system for her to win the primaries.
I don't think Jill thought it through that much.
I think it was just self-serving to go through that.
She wanted the publicity.
She wanted the millions of dollars that she got.
Nevertheless, Hillary lost a second time.
And now she's lost a third time this week in the Electoral College.
We had seven electors that defected away from Hillary Clinton.
We've never seen anything like that.
We were told by Lawrence Lessig that there was going to, this is a Harvard lawyer who is a political activist, he was inciting this, promising electors that he would defend them against any criminal charges because in many states what they would be doing, what he was inciting people to do was against the law.
That's a Harvard lawyer for you, okay?
So he was trying to commit election fraud.
He was saying to people, I will pay your fines, we will represent you and so forth.
He was saying there were going to be 20 electors.
He said 20 Republicans have contacted me and said they're seriously considering not voting for Donald Trump.
It was two.
Two in Texas.
The guy who was the poster child of all this stuff, Chris Supran, the stolen Valor firefighter apparently, and one other person who voted for
Ron Paul here in Texas, probably because there was so much publicity about this other guy.
Then there were five who voted against Hillary Clinton.
So only a tenth of the people that Lawrence Lessig said were going to abandon Trump, but five people abandoned Hillary Clinton.
Three of those went to the other party.
They voted for Colin Powell.
We had one person in Hawaii vote for Bernie Sanders.
We had one other person in Washington vote for an Indian activist, Faith
Spotted Eagle.
And as I tweeted out, it looks like the faithless elector voted for Faith Spotted Eagle so she could give Hillary Clinton the bird.
But that's really kind of a record.
And now we're seeing something that is also unprecedented.
As I said earlier in the show, every president except for Woodrow Wilson in this century has left Washington.
Woodrow Wilson stayed there.
What was Woodrow Wilson?
He was a committed globalist.
And so is Barack Obama.
Now he's telling us that he's staying in Washington and renting a $5.3 million mansion, which according to Zillow rents for $22,000 a month.
He's saying that he's doing that so that Sasha can finish high school.
But think about the fact that liberals are criticizing Donald Trump because he wants to let his son, Barron, stay in New York to finish out the school year, six months.
And yet, for a year and a half,
What the Obamas say that they're going to stay in Washington so that Sasha can finish high school.
I don't think so.
Now he's bought this nine-bedroom mansion in an upscaled DC neighborhood that's where the embassy's ambassador's residences are typically there.
But he has plans to lead the opposition against Donald Trump.
We've never seen this before in this country.
Certainly not in our lifetime.
Even Woodrow Wilson didn't do this type of thing.
We see his outgoing science advisor, John Holdren, saying that he doesn't think he's going to go anywhere.
He says, on January 20th, I will become a private citizen, as the president will become.
And if those initiatives do not go forward in the way that I think,
That will benefit the nation?
I will be talking about it.
So he's going to be pushing this climate change agenda and we're going to have Obama working with, he's already announced it, that he's going to be working with Eric Holder.
What are they going to be doing?
They're going to be suing state legislatures one after the other over redistricting.
Now understand what's involved here.
We're talking about gerrymandering and both parties do this.
I remember going back to North Carolina when they had a massive sea change there.
North Carolina voted for Obama in 2008.
Two years later they were sick of him.
So much so that the Republicans swept everything in North Carolina when I was there in 2010 except for the congressional races.
There they essentially stayed the same.
I don't think anybody lost.
There might have been one change, but I don't think so.
I think they all stayed the same.
Why is that?
Because if you go in and you gerrymander the districts, you can make something that is very strongly Republican or very strongly Democrat just by picking who the voters are.
Now, the Democrats have always done this.
They do this everywhere.
But it's in North Carolina and it's in Republican states that the Democrats come in and try to achieve in the court system what they cannot achieve at the ballot box.
And so that's what they're doing in North Carolina.
I have to say that if they want to stop this, Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump need to make sure that they change these judges very quickly.
They need to remove these activist judges that have been put in and put in their own judges at all these lower level courts.
That's going to be the way that Obama and Eric Holder
I don't think so.
In North Carolina, there was a very, very heavily Democrat area called Durham in North Carolina.
They voted like 4.5 to 1 for Hillary Clinton.
Far more than any other jurisdiction was skewed to either candidate.
The most I saw in the other ones was maybe 2.6 to Trump or to Hillary.
But in Durham it was 4.5.
Went for another hour and a half on election night after everybody else closed and said, no, we need another hour and a half and we're going to give ourselves another hour and a half to leave the polls open.
To put this in context, North Carolina has a longer voting period than any other state in the union.
They start voting the very first state to start voting.
And yet that wasn't enough.
And we saw a lot of voting irregularity.
Even the NAACP and Democrat groups said what happened in Durham was a disgrace.
But they padded that.
That was the center of the push back and forth in the governor's race.
It was a legitimate recount.
There was less than 10,000 votes there separating the two of them.
Now after the Democrat won in the recount by a very slim margin,
The Republican legislature said we are going to restrict his capabilities over the State Board of Elections because it looked like a lot of election fraud there.
And then you had CNN and the New York Times and all of the usual suspects wailing and moaning about this horrible Republican legislature that is eviscerating the powers of the Democrat governor in North Carolina.
This is something that happens in all these different states.
This is the kind of tactics that we see.
To put this in perspective, when I was there, they had two Republican governors, prior to the one they have now,
Since Reconstruction.
And when the first one was put in, the Democrat Congress there removed all of his powers.
All of his powers.
And then when he left, and they got a Democrat governor in to replace him, they put him back.
Then the second Republican governor they got in, they cut all of his power as well.
And then they put it back in again when they got another Democrat governor.
So they pull back just one of these and they may do some more.
I hope they do some more to pull back and take some of the power away from this Democrat governor because I don't trust him.
However, when they do it, it's different, isn't it?
And so they're going to fight on the redistricting.
They're going to fight with these other issues.
I have an interview that I did yesterday for the Monday Night Nightly News with Dr. Randy Scott.
He's a lifelong D.C.
He was at Harvard when Obama was.
He's heard him speak.
He's observed him.
He didn't go to the same college there where Obama was in law school.
But he had some very interesting comments to talk about how Obama is going to become a race leader.
And of course Obama has been going on NPR and other places saying that he plans to coach and identify young talent.
Understand, this is what they've been doing all along and he's going to stop bombing other countries and he's going to start establishing the youth and pulling up the next generation of leadership.
Following in the footprints of Bill Ayers, who did the same thing with the SDS when they started the whole white skin privilege movement, Bill Ayers stopped bombing buildings and he started getting involved in education.
And we've seen this all along from Obama, how he wants to set up youth corps and so forth, and he said this to NPR.
He said, there's a lot of things that I'm going to continue to talk about, things that I'm passionate about, like climate change and criminal justice reform, which is code word there for Black Lives Matter.
He says, all these things are something I think I can do well, and I think Michelle can do well.
He's laying the foundation for Michelle running for president in a few years as well, I believe.
So I think that's why they're staying there.
I think they're pushing on this.
I've got a clip here that I want to play for you where Obama talks about setting up a shadow government of liberal progressives.
We're going to play that when we come back.
We don't have enough time for that.
But in addition, as Alex mentioned in that clip, we've seen
Criticism for Donald Trump appointing people that he says are going to reign in out-of-control bureaucracies like the EPA.
And then also, before they put in Rick Perry, they said to the Department of Energy, we want to get a list of people who have been to climate change conferences or written papers.
And they said, this is McCarthyism!
Well, you know what?
Obama fired a top scientist who disagreed with him on climate change.
Yeah, that's the double standard.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Gerald Salente is one of the top trends forecasters in the world.
Best-selling author.
One of my favorite guys to interview.
I know one of the audience's favorite guests.
I appreciate him coming on on short notice today.
I just wanted to get him to respond to all this.
Where would you like to begin?
I mean, what we're seeing with Trump being seated.
I like to start with Bill Clinton yesterday.
Trump knows how to get angry white men to vote for him.
I guess maybe he said that, you know, Bill Clinton smoked but he didn't inhale.
Maybe he inhaled.
Because this is from the Trends Journal, the current issue, when we reviewed the election.
Trump received about the same number of white male votes as did Mitt Romney in 2012.
So Bill,
That's why you got the name Slick Willie.
Because you and the rest of the prestitute media are putting out this lie.
Despite Hillary Clinton playing the first woman to be elected president gender card,
She received 2 million fewer votes from women than Obama did in 2012.
The very same people that elected Obama elected Trump.
They want change.
They want a good economy.
They don't want World War III.
You got it.
Come January 20th,
None of this is going to be important.
A whole new direction is going to take place.
Just because of optimism, suddenly restaurants are up.
Suddenly small shops are getting more business.
Over a trillion's been added to the stock market.
He's already bringing back all these massive jobs.
Just on the confidence, it makes the world confident about us, instead of just pooh-poohing that we could ever have a future.
We're America!
That's still sexy all over the world.
People want America to come back.
They want America to be successful.
They want the old America that people really did trust and really did like.
Think of Trump's campaign slogan and why we are optimistic about the future.
Make America great again.
So one of our trends are true nostalgia.
When was again?
What I'm saying is
The people that want to become entrepreneurs seize the moment, make it new, make it old, retrofit it, do whatever you want to do.
It's energy, it's a spirit we need.
Exactly, and that's what he's bringing back.
As someone once said, it does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men.
Samuel Adams.
So everyone out there, do what you can to make all this happen.
Because, you know, the negatives are there, you know, eliminate them.
Let's hit the positives.
And the positives are we the people.
And now has never been a better time.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and I'm here with Owen Schroer and we're going to talk about some immigration issues that are happening here in this country.
You know we've had a massive increase at the last minute of not only regulations from Obama, pushing through like six billion dollars worth of regulations, but also stepping up importing immigrants into our country.
So we're going to talk about that in just a moment with Owen Schroer.
Before we do, real quickly, I just want to remind you that we have massive Christmas Super Sale that's going on right now at InfoWarsLife.com.
One of the things that we've got there is an introductory sale on Super Blue Fluoride.
Just $9.95 at InfoWarsStore.com.
This is something that, after years of development,
Alex's dad has developed, and he's a dentist, he knows the importance of gum health.
So he developed a revolutionary toothpaste, uses ingredients like iodine and nano-silver to fight harmful bacteria in the mouth and support your oral health.
Because that can also lead to the development of heart disease and heart attacks if you have gum disease.
That's a very, very important thing and a different type of approach.
Super Blue, now just $9.95 as an introductory special.
But here's some of the other things that we have as part of our Christmas Super Sale at InfoWarsLife.com.
We have 30% off of Living Defense Survival Shield X2, our nascent iodine, BioTruth Selenium.
We have 25% off Winter Sun Vitamin D and DNA Force.
That's a really big savings for DNA Force.
That's a premium product.
It's very expensive to produce.
We have 33% off Brain Force Plus, my favorite supplement that we sell, and
A huge sale, 50% off silver bullet colloidal silver.
These things are selling out very quickly at those discounted prices.
Hurry now, you can get that at Infowarslife.com and we really do appreciate your support.
We thank you so much because we could not exist without you.
Without your support, we try to offer you the best quality products to supplement your health at the very best prices and that's a win-win situation as Alex Jones always talks about a 360 win.
It's a win all the way around.
Joining me now is Owen Schroer.
Of course, Owen, as we've seen, we just talked about how Eric Holder is going to join Obama and they're going to get involved in lawsuits to try to overturn
Districting in the predominantly Republican legislatures now throughout the country because they couldn't win at the ballot box, so they're going to try to do this in the courtroom.
But there's lawsuits that are going to be coming up as far as the immigration issue, isn't there?
Well, we're facing an interesting battle here because, you know, part of what we like is part of why America, what is designed to do, to have local governments be able to control their own destiny, states to be able to control their own destiny.
However, there's a very interesting development right now when it comes to the deportation of illegal immigrants, especially in these sanctuary cities.
Now, everybody knows that Trump has planned on cutting the federal money going to these sanctuary cities, going to illegal immigrants.
So what are we now seeing
Some of the local mayors and some of the local government are basically trying to work their way around that by taking state dollars to represent illegal immigrants in court.
A Los Angeles City and County, this is a story from LA Times, Los Angeles City and County leaders on Monday unveiled a $10 million fund to provide legal assistance for residents facing deportation.
Using public funds to challenge policies sought by White House and Republican Congress.
But guess what David?
There was no vote.
The people in LA, the people in California did not vote on this.
And I think that this is something that people are going to have to keep their eye on.
We know also in California, Owen, they have amnesty groups who are pleading for them to cover up the data for gang members because they don't want gang members to be deported by Donald Trump.
This is insane.
These are people, the very people that should be deported, but they want to cover it up.
They said, well, you know, because they committed a lot of serious crimes, they might have been
Uh, falsely labeled as a gang member.
It's like, really?
Who cares if they're in a gang or not if they're committing serious crimes?
We're going to be right back with Owen Schroeder.
We're going to talk more about this immigration move.
It's not stopping, folks.
They are not giving up.
They are still fighting.
They're going to continue to fight in the courts.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
We're learning more than ever about the Tunisian asylum seeker wanted in the Berlin Massacre.
He was jailed for four years in Italy for burning down a school and arrested three separate times in Germany before police quote lost him.
Anna's army was also on the US no-fly list and he settled in Italy after leaving his hometown in Tunisia.
Now his father claimed this in a radio interview.
There's currently a reward on his head a hundred thousand euro.
He spent four years in an Italian jail for burning down a school before he left for Germany last year.
We're good.
It still didn't stop officials from detaining him.
They wouldn't kick him out of the country and he was allowed to ultimately wreak havoc in Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring 50 more.
I'm Margaret Howell reporting for InfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
David Knight here with Erwin Schroer and we've been talking about the continuing push by the Obama administration and others.
They're now going to fight in the courts to try to keep illegal aliens here.
And I think we need...
We're good
When somebody is a foreign citizen and they come here illegally, I have a big problem with that.
And I think this Mexican ambassador begging these 2.6 million, as they estimate, Mexican citizens to become permanent legal residents and citizens here in America, I have a problem with that.
It looks to me like they're trying to take over our government, our value from a foreign government, because this is the Mexican ambassador doing this.
But now you were talking, Owen, about
The different jurisdictions and sanctuary cities pushing back against this.
I mentioned just before we went to break that California groups who say they're pro-amnesty, they want to hide the fact that they're people that have been labeled as criminals, as gang members, because they don't want these people deported.
That's exactly what Trump was saying.
He said, we got to get rid of the worst people.
And they said, you're racist.
Well, and look, when there was a hearing about this in Los Angeles, a man from a Black Votes Matter group stepped up to the podium to speak in regards to the local government financing the legal representation for illegal immigrants to avoid deportation.
He says, well, wait a second, you know,
First of all, it's complete nonsense that you're giving this money to non-citizens.
I think that's what we can call them, non-citizens.
But then secondly, he says... They're citizens somewhere, they're just not citizens of the United States.
And it's not like we can go somewhere else and get this type of help.
But then he points out, he says, well, you claim that you're doing this because you don't want to break up families, you don't want to put people through these, you know, hard situations that are just, you know, with their family or loved ones or whatever.
And he comes at me and he points out, but you have no problem busting the guy who's selling drugs who's trying to provide for his family.
You have no problem invading the house for the guy who's just, you know, selling whatever illegally to try to provide for his loved ones, who's an American citizen.
So that's an amazing, I think, kind of paradox to look at, that these policies need to be considered.
We understand they want to make things better for their family, but we have a process for that.
We have a line for that.
And if they're going to come in here and become dependent upon us and have us pay for the education of their children,
I'm going to lose, and many people are going to lose their homes because the property taxes.
We're not going to be able to afford the property taxes if we've got to educate any foreign citizen children that gets to come here and be educated in the language of their choice.
You've got some of these school districts with 80 different languages that they've got to accommodate.
So I think people, especially in sanctuary cities, need to be aware of this.
Here in Austin, the local mayor is colluding with President Obama to keep Syrians coming here, despite what the governor said.
But this kind of puts it in perspective to me.
This is how these people think, David.
During his pledge Thursday to protect undocumented immigrants, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, a Democrat, this is from the Washington Post, cited the Fourth Amendment saying that it protects being held against your will without a warrant.
Hey, Jim, in case you didn't realize this, they aren't citizens!
They don't have a Bill of Rights!
They don't have a Constitution, okay?
These are American citizens' rights.
You're citing a document for American citizens to protect a non-citizen.
David, this logic that completely befuddles them, goes over their head, is the most frustrating thing to me.
Honestly, it makes me want to go to law school, so I can explain this to people, and they'll actually, like, oh, oh, you have a law degree?
Oh, whoa, ooh, now I have to listen.
Well, he should, he should take that Fourth Amendment to the TSA at the airports, and all of you who are traveling this time.
Yeah, doesn't seem to mind then.
Yeah, that's right, it's a dead letter as far as they're concerned.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back with Stefan Molyneux.
Very interesting discussion coming up.
Stay with us.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us to talk about Bio PCA, the latest formula to be announced and released by Infowarslife.com.
Now, this is our 20th product.
We can easily go out to a major vitamin or supplement company and private label a thousand
Different products.
But it's taken us four plus years to even come out with 20, because we private label some, but we also develop many of the products originally with some of the top labs in the country, so that they're true game changers, they're organic, they're proven as safe.
And they're also very affordable.
You talk about being a game changer, right?
You talk about... We're in an industry where we talk to the industry leaders.
We've both talked to them.
They have conveyor belts of herbs falling on the ground and they have someone come and sweep them up and put them back on the conveyor belt.
They have individuals that are hired only to save money and get the lowest quality junk and put it in as many capsules as possible so they can make the highest profit margins.
We refuse to screw people.
We refuse to do that.
We actually want to make something that's good.
We're producing something we want to take.
We're looking for the best.
We went out and searched for the best, the private label, and most of the time found out it wasn't available.
So we go to these big firms and say, we want to make the dream formula.
Bio PCA, for example, one of the ingredients is silica, and it's from bamboo extract.
It's everywhere.
It's in nature.
It's an essential part of being healthy, right?
Just this bottle of silica.
Okay, again, one ingredient in a lower amount that's even in our product is $35.
They're charging more than what we charge when they have one ingredient that's less than ours.
This is insane.
When I told him we wanted 10,000 micrograms, he goes...
Okay, I get that you guys want to do, you know, high-powered stuff, but why don't you just do 3,000, and then you can sell, you know, multiple bottles of it, people will buy more of it.
I was like, no, let's do 10.
Okay, compare that to this.
This is a $50 product, one of the leaders in the industry.
It has 3,000 micrograms of biotin.
Okay, we have 10,000.
This is $50, $48 to be exact.
There's no script, there's no teleprompter, I'll just be honest with you.
My problem is, with 20 products now,
It's remembering to take them all.
Because when I do, I have great days, great weeks, a great life.
When I forget to take the X2, a super male, or the lung cleanse, or to do a liver cleanse, or to take this product...
My quality of life just isn't as good.
It's changed my life.
I looked like Jabba the Hutt four years ago.
I was swimming two miles some days a day.
I was jogging, lifting weights.
I couldn't lose the weight.
I went on what Mother Nature gave us, and it's changed my life, and it's also helped the Infowar change the country and the world.
It's a win-win.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to be joined in just a moment by Stefan Molyneux.
Before we do, I want to read you this article, and I think Stefan will appreciate this and have something to say about this.
Reuters put out a little thing they call a data dive, where they looked at some statistics and some polls, and they said if there's a war on Christmas, Christmas is winning.
They said Christmas isn't just for Christians anymore.
They said some 81% of non-Christians in the U.S.
celebrate the holiday.
That's 76% of Asian American Buddhists, 73% of Hindus, even 32% of U.S.
Jews have a Christmas tree in their home.
And they said, turns out 44% of Americans say Christian symbols like nativity scenes should be allowed on government property even if they're not accompanied by symbols from other religions.
And when they asked them whether they want to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, they said 42% of Americans prefer Merry Christmas, 12% Happy Holidays, 46% chose
I don't care.
It doesn't matter.
But they said when they took out the doesn't matter, it came out 57% said they preferred Merry Christmas, 27% said Happy Holidays.
So, this is the world that we live in.
The paranoia of the left about Christmas.
And I gotta say, on the Christian side, I know a lot of Christians who don't like Christmas.
They don't want to celebrate.
They don't like the synchronicity of, you know,
The pagan symbols of Santa Claus and everything with it.
And some people on the Christian side said, hey, we don't know when Jesus was born.
We're not going to celebrate it on that day and so forth.
And so there's opinions on both sides of this.
And yet you've got the left going absolutely crazy, trying to censor it in every possible way.
But upholding Islam, which is the very manifestation of church and state joined together at the hip.
That's their goal.
The caliphates, the Sharia law.
We had Hillary Clinton having Sharia Khan introduce her at the Democrat convention.
A guy who was a Muslim and he'd written extensively about Sharia law and advocated that.
So I want to get Stefan Molyneux's comments on this, and of course he's the founder and host of Free Domain Radio, the largest, most popular philosophical show in the world.
You'll find it at freedomainradio.com.
You can also find him on YouTube at youtube.com forward slash freedomainradio, and on Twitter at Stefan Molyneux.
Thank you for joining us, Stefan.
Thanks, David.
Nice to be with you again.
So, I'll wish you a Merry Christmas, even though... Merry Christmas to you and your listeners as well.
Yes, yes.
I mean, isn't this amazing, the things that we have seen this last week, and the very disturbing video, we talked about this yesterday on the Alex Jones Show, of this mother who was preparing her seven-year-old and nine-year-old girls, and she's clothed top, you know, head to toe in a burka, you can't see anything about this, so there's this dark
figure shrouded in black uh... giving her blessing to these girls and then uh... one of these girls goes off and they remotely controlled a uh... there was a seven-year-old girl they think it was one of the uh... two that was in this video they have a remote control suicide bomb that kills three people in a police station.
I mean this is a cult of death isn't it?
Well, of course, this is the great challenge that is occurring in the West at the moment.
And the governments, of course, are supposed to be charged with protecting citizens.
And to some degree, that means protecting demographics.
There are countries, many countries throughout the world, that would consider it a significant act of treason to fundamentally change the demographics of the country.
And, of course, you don't see lots of social justice warriors screaming at China or South Korea or Japan
To bring in alternative ideologies and ethnicities.
In Mexico, there's actually written into the Constitution that no law should be passed to fundamentally alter the demographics of the country.
And of course, since 1965, that has been the goal of the elites throughout the West and I think that the blowback is starting to manifest, it seems, almost daily these days.
Yeah, and then we see people like Gert Wilders who speaks out.
He was convicted in a show trial, a politically motivated show trial, that he had a political rally.
He said, would you like to see more or fewer Moroccans?
And the crowd says, less, you know, fewer.
And so they said, that's hate speech.
You're inciting that against a group.
That's racism.
He says, well, Moroccans are not a race.
Islam is not a race or whatever.
He said this is a discussion about immigration policy.
And then at the same time we see this article that's on Infowars today.
Just 2.8% of the 1.2 million migrants that have been brought in by Angela Merkel and the German government even have jobs.
So this is a
The statistics for criminality by Moroccans in his home country, it is, let's just say, not entirely in line with the rest of the population.
So here we have a politician in a democracy asking for feedback from the population on policy proposals that is labeled as hate speech.
And that, of course, for anybody who's interested in democracy or any kind of sensitivity of politicians to the wishes of the people,
That would be a huge concern, but of course the elites aren't interested in that.
Surely it would be something you would put to a referendum, something like immigration and changing demographics and bringing ideologies that have had some certain problems when they've gone into other countries throughout the world.
Surely that would be something you would put to a referendum, but of course the left is no more interested in democracy or in listening to the people than they are, for instance, interested fundamentally in gay rights or women's rights or whatever, as we can see from the kind of groups that they align themselves with.
Exactly, and as we look at this story further, they had Joachim Muller, who's the director of the IAB in Germany, said if we get 50% of these immigrants coming in, get a job, that would be a huge success.
I mean, they're not looking, I mean, that would be 600,000 immigrants coming in that are still living off of the government, living off of the taxpayer.
But there's no way they're going to get 50%, as it says in the article here, it'd be an illusion to believe that even 5% of them would get jobs.
Said back in July, they said 55.
Out of 1 million had gotten jobs and 50 of those jobs were working at the post office.
It's what you said right there that they're not real jobs.
I mean we're not talking about 55,000 out of a million.
We're not talking about 550 out of a million.
We're talking about 55 and 50 of those are at the post office.
Well here's the basic way that I look at it David.
It goes sort of something like this.
Either of these people are the people coming in from the Middle East and so on.
They're highly competent, very intelligent, very easily able to learn the host country's language and cultures and customs and willing to integrate and willing to work and so on.
In which case, very, very high quality people that are being removed from the host countries that at some point will need to be rebuilt.
At some point these conflicts are going to de-escalate and of course a lot of the migrants aren't even coming from war-torn countries or countries with rebellions or revolutions.
So at some point these countries are going to need to be rebuilt.
Now if we are taking all of the best and brightest out of these countries and moving them to Europe, what that means is that there are that many fewer people
We're able to rebuild the countries afterwards, which is only going to exacerbate the conflicts and the hostilities.
And so that's one possibility.
Let's say that half of these people do get jobs.
Well, what that means is that you have hundreds of thousands of people suddenly entering a marketplace in the West.
And what is that going to do when you have an oversupply of labor?
It drives down the price of labor.
And what that means is it becomes less valuable to have a job and more valuable to be on welfare.
So this is all very, very fundamental to understand.
And nobody's thinking about it, at least at the elite level, in the long run.
And fundamentally and finally,
If you want to help people in the Middle East, and I have for many years railed against the untold evils of meddling in foreign affairs of foreign countries, of course, domestic affairs of foreign countries, invasions and manipulations of elections and all the stuff that's been going on
I think so.
To resettle in the Middle East for exactly the same money you spend to bring one person into the West.
And in the Middle East they have, of course, the same religion, they have the same culture, they have the same customs, they have similar languages and so on.
Again, I'm not trying to say they're all the same, but it's certainly more similar than it is between the Middle East and Germany or France.
So if you want to help people, help them where they live and don't take all the best and brightest out of the countries, which is only going to exacerbate continuing tensions into the future.
And as you said, rather than creating all these regime changes, which have been disasters in Libya and in Syria, when I look at all the catastrophe in Aleppo, and people get angry about it and they want to blame the Syrians and the Russians, or they want to blame ISIS or whatever, it's like, understand that ISIS was our surrogate to do a regime change in Syria, and just like Madeleine Albright
When she was asked, was the death of half a million children because of your actions, was that worth it?
She didn't dispute that they had died.
She said, yeah, it was worth it.
We don't really care about what happens to these people.
So you want to talk about the Aleppo boy?
We'll talk about the half a million children whose faces you did not see, that Madeleine Albright destroyed, and then that Hillary Clinton
Created this Aleppo situation.
So if we really want to help the people, you're right, Stefan.
We stop the wars that we have created in those countries and we allow them to rebuild their countries with their people and just stop the regime change that we're doing.
They're not going to do that.
They're going to continue to use ISIS as our surrogate in that area to overthrow the Syrian government there and create this catastrophe that we've seen.
Oh, and if you ever really want to break your heart, and I think it is a useful thing, a useful exercise for people to do, go on the internet and look up pictures of, say, Iraq or Iran in the 1950s and the 1960s.
You see women in bikinis, you see women going to colleges, you see all these kinds of wonderful things.
It's so important to understand the view of the empire from outside.
The empire is radically different.
You know, the Death Star from the inside looks like a disco, but from the outside we see it for what it is.
And so there's so many things that go on in the West, the propping up of dictatorial regimes around the world.
The selling of arms is a huge issue around the world.
You can't say, well, we need a national defense because the world is a dangerous place and then go around being the biggest arms dealer in the world, arming everyone and their dog.
I mean, you can.
It's just a horribly hypocritical position to be in.
And of course, there are drone strikes, there are massive bombings that have occurred in Iraq as well.
I did a presentation called Iraq, A Decade of Hell, where I traced just how much was destroyed in Iraq as a result of an extremely misguided, if not downright falsely motivated invasion.
The invade everyone, invite everyone equation is going to result in, I think, untold suffering around the world.
And we're already seeing it happening throughout Europe, in the Riviera, in the German Christmas market.
But the Washington Post says this refugee crisis could actually be a boon for Germany.
You know, 55 jobs out of 1.2 million.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Stefan Molyneux.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am officially running for President of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again!
They see that the elites who ruined their lives hate Trump.
The career politicians hate Trump.
It's just awfully good that Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
Because you'd be in jail.
Trump's election is going to be the biggest f*** you ever recorded in human history.
You think your business background helps you with campaigning?
It's doing the primaries.
I spent less money than other people and I did better.
And that's what we want to do for the country.
We want to spend less money and do better.
I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father.
Hi, this is Ted Cruz calling.
Death, destruction, terrorism, and weakness.
This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton.
Now the two faces of Hillary Clinton are coming out.
The fact, through WikiLeaks, that she says one thing and- Oh no.
All right, let's see if we can get Congressman Collins back.
Obviously, we just lost the satellite feed.
I think the media is very dishonest.
I say it all the time.
I think they're among the most dishonest human beings I've ever met.
Remember, Hillary Clinton has some vulnerabilities herself because of her support in the 1990s for anti-crime legislation that ultimately helped contribute to this era of mass incarceration that she now speaks out again.
We just lost Brianna Keillor.
I'm not a super predator, Hillary Clinton.
Okay, fine, we'll talk about it.
I apologize to black people for mass incarceration.
I will be the nominee.
There is no way that I won't be.
Is it acceptable that Wall Street and billionaires are spending hundreds of millions of dollars trying to buy elections?
Is that democracy?
All of those Bernie Sanders voters will be left out of the call by a rigged system.
We welcome you with open arms.
History is watching us now.
It's waiting to see if we will rise to the occasion.
Just win, baby.
And if we will show the whole world that America is still free and independent and strong.
I am with you.
I will fight for you.
And I will win for you.
I am your voice.
Look, I'm not gonna sit here and say, see, I told you so.
That communist Chinese-style net censorship is coming to the web.
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It's being announced.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Stefan Molyneux.
We're going to go back to Stefan in just one moment.
Before we do, real quickly, I want to remind you of our Christmas Super Sale that is going on right now at Infowarslife.com.
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Very good toothpaste, super blue, fluoride-free toothpaste.
It doesn't have fluoride, but instead it's got nanosilver, iodine, things to combat the bacteria in your mouth.
Let's go back to Stefan Molyneux.
Stefan, you know, we're talking about
The immigration issues, we look at this attack that happened in Germany this last year, and as you're pointing out, there's a lot of people who are very valuable to their country who are going to be needed when we stop fomenting the wars in those countries, and yet we're not able to vet the people who come in.
And when I look at the situation in Germany,
They're talking about how this individual was someone who was known to them, he was tracked by them, even after he got into the country.
So, they didn't vet him to let him in, but even after he got into Europe, they knew that he had multiple identity documents, he'd spent four years in Italian prison for crimes there, finally they let him go to Germany, they tried to deport him in June, and then the weak and ineffective government in Germany
Could not get this guy either in prison or send him out, even though he'd been found trying to purchase automatic weapons.
I mean, this is absolutely insane.
Their response is to try to step up gun control in the EU, even though he used a truck.
So I guess they can't tell the difference between a semi-trailer and a semi-automatic.
Well it is, it is of course desperately tragic what is happening in Europe.
And to me it comes down to the fact that the left has really lost the argument in terms of empirical data and of course with the rise of the internet they're losing the argument because beforehand through academia and through the mainstream media you had a lot of filters.
To keep conservative, or pro-Christian, or pro-free market, or small government, or libertarian perspectives away from the masses.
And of course, that was exactly what the leftists wanted.
They are not very good at debating.
I have spent, oh, about three decades plus debating leftists, and they're really not very good.
Which is why they escalate to hysterical verbal abuse, to attacks, to going after your source of income, to trying to get you fired.
They can't win an argument, but they desperately want their particular vision to take root.
Now, in a democracy, you do have to, even in a republic, you have to win arguments in order to be able to enact policy, unless you can change the demographics of the country into a more leftist-friendly or large government-friendly demographic.
And of course, Hispanics and Muslims and so on have a historical tendency to vote significantly for the left.
You'd think, of course, that the Hispanics in California
Who were given amnesty by Ronald Reagan in one of the catastrophic decisions, I would argue, of his presidency.
But they would say, wow, thanks Republicans, you have our loyalty for just a little while.
But no, in general, the vast majority of Hispanics are going to vote left.
And so they want to change the demographics because they can't win the argument.
And they can't win the argument because socialism fails everywhere it has been tried.
Collectivism fails everywhere it has been tried.
Well, I shouldn't say.
It wins in the short run.
It's kind of like cocaine.
I'm happy!
Oh wait, I'm broke.
Yeah, people need to go to Venezuela to see how that works out.
You know, the people who don't understand the concept of lines.
You can go to Venezuela and you can get in line for everything.
And then when you get up to the front, you'll find out they don't have it.
After you've been waiting in line there.
But you said something that was very interesting at the beginning of this.
You talked about how they kept all these issues away from us.
I remember a time when there was no dispute between real news and fake news.
You had three mainstream CBS, NBC, you know, and they were
Putting out this narrative that was unified.
They would cover the same stories, tell you the same things about those same stories, and coincidentally it was the same thing the government was saying at the same time.
They don't like to have a situation where people have to use their minds to distinguish between real news and fake news.
And Snowden himself came out and said, you know, you really don't want the government being the arbiter of what true news is.
It's much better if you use your own mind.
Boy, what words of wisdom.
We're going to be right back with Stefan Molyneux, and we're going to talk a little bit about fiat currency, because again, this is the anniversary of the Federal Reserve being created 103 years ago.
That's the epitome of this, and that's how they get their power through the central bank.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Here on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars in our fight to promote human liberty and freedom.
An alarming report coming out of campus reform that talks about how Muslim students are demanding prayer rooms in every major building.
Now, students at the University of Maryland, they've released a list of 64 of their demands, all in an effort to make their campus, quote, more amenable.
This project, it's known as Protect UMD.
It's an effort between 25 different student organizations at the University of Maryland.
This news is coming just after the Ohio State attack where we saw one Muslim student
Who felt marginalized, he actually took out his frustration and plowed into a crowd of students and then began stabbing them.
Millie Weaver took to the streets on Ohio State's campus shortly after, and so did Rebel Media.
And they asked students why they thought that this one Muslim student in particular decided to, quote, act out.
And surprisingly, students said that he probably felt marginalized.
So it looks like the University of Maryland is tackling that, and they're going to allow students to have prayer rooms now in every major building, but only if you're Muslim.
I'm Margaret Halver reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Stefan Molyneux.
He's the founder and host of Free Domain Radio, the largest, most popular philosophical show in the world.
You can find it at freedomainradio.com.
You can also find him on Twitter at Stefan Molyneux.
Stefan, one of your favorite topics is fiat currency, and of course it was 103 years ago today, while much of the Congress was gone, that they
But through the Federal Reserve Act and as I said before it's the gift to the global elite that just keeps on giving.
Here we are three years after the fact.
Let's talk a little bit about fiat currency and what we can do with it.
Of course the first thing that we would love to see is for a President Trump to audit the Fed and ask them some uncomfortable questions as we saw the questioning, the uncomfortable questioning of Alan Grayson
With the Inspector General that was charged with oversight of the Fed.
She couldn't answer where nine trillion dollars went.
Sorry, we can't look at that.
And then there's another trillion dollars that's not accounted for on the books of the Federal Reserve.
But let's, you know, ten trillion dollars here there amongst friends.
Who cares about that, right?
This is the global scam that gives them their power, isn't it?
This is the greatest tragedy of the 20th century was the abandonment of gold-backed and silver-backed currency.
Now, whether that would be replaced in a free society with some form of electronic currency, I'm sure that they would exist sort of side by side.
But it's really, really important for people to understand that governments tend to abandon
They're limits on currency, right?
They tend to abandon a gold standard when they wish to either bribe you or get you killed.
It is really that simple.
And of course, in many ways, bribing you is just deferring the day of reckoning.
So of course, in the First World War, the Western powers abandoned the gold standard because otherwise they would have had to end the war because they ran out of gold.
So they had to switch to paper currency.
They had to switch to fiat currency in order to continue the mass slaughterhouse of the Western Front and of course the Eastern Front as well.
So this is
That's really important.
Right, and what it does is it drugs people as to the economic consequences of what is going on in terms of the promises.
So the government will promise you a whole bunch of stuff and then, as we can see in Venezuela, when they don't have the money to pay for all the stuff that they promised, they just start printing more money and then they start restricting private ownership of gold because they want to scoop it up or at least manage it in the society.
And that fundamentally destroys your freedom.
There's a story of course I've read, as many people have, in the Weimar Republic of a man who took his life savings, cashed them in during the hyperinflation, and took the wheelbarrow of money across the street and was able to buy a cup of coffee with everything.
So his entire life savings have been stripped from him.
It is a form of absolutely sinister and subterranean theft.
And it allows the governments to pretend that the insane equations of unfunded liabilities that I think in the US are running north of 150 trillion dollars or 10 times the entire GDP of the country.
It allows them to kick the can down the road a little bit more and it allows them to give you the illusion of something for nothing.
Fundamentally subverts democracy.
In democracy, you can vote on things, but the consequences of what you vote on should accrue to you, particularly if you're a taxpayer.
But if you can vote for free stuff, and have the bills flow down to the next generation, that is intergenerational theft, that is a Ponzi scheme, and is fundamentally counter to the rational decisions that need to be made with scarce resources in society.
And of course you're talking about that famous situation with the Weimar Republic where he's got the wheelbarrow full of cash.
We're seeing that happening now in Venezuela.
We've got people that are having to go from one ATM to the other because the ATMs don't have enough cash so they can get basic groceries.
But then of course there's not any groceries in the stores at the same time.
That's the pattern that this always goes down.
And of course, you know, we've seen this play out over and over again.
There's not much coverage of what's going on in Venezuela.
Absolute total chaos.
They have taken control, as we saw in Venezuela.
First they took control of a lot of private resources, of foreign oil companies, and everybody said, oh that's great because these are big companies, we're fine with that.
But then they ultimately turned that over to themselves.
And that's essentially what we see going on in a larger scale with the IMF and these other things.
They're trying to do what was called rent-seeking.
We had the rebuilding of countries after World War II with the Marshall Plan.
But then when, in the 1960s, the IMF started going in and started making loans to these countries to create welfare programs that they could never pay back.
And so they turned them into renters.
They take over possession of their country, which is what's happening in our country as well.
Everything that they print is a debt to the American consumer, and so we're just going further and further into debt to this small private cabal.
Well, here is the, I think, the real hypocrisy of the media, and the legacy media, as it's sometimes called, which is not hard to see, but where it's invisible, it's worth shining a light on it, because the mainstream media is not talking much about Venezuela, as you point out, David, and the reason for that
Is that the mainstream media was very, very keen on one Hugo Chavez when he got into power.
And they thought he was doing wonderful things with nationalization and with growing the government and expanding the civil service and making all of these promises to all of these people about everything he was going to do for them.
Because I don't know if leftists live in this magical fantasy land where resources rain from trees, you know, like the way that baby food gets scooped into your face when you're a toddler.
But because they were also pro Hugo Chavez, and they have mounted a multi-decade propaganda against Augusto Pinochet of Chile.
And you've seen endless, endless... Now, he was a military dictator.
However, he did have some very good free market reforms, which is why Chile is doing very well relative to Venezuela.
So once more, they claim to care about the poor, and they're demonizing a man who helped bring Chile into the 21st century economically, and they're covering up
The crimes of Hugo Chavez, who has helped to destroy a once prosperous nation.
As if the socialists don't have militarized governments as well.
You know, you talk about, yeah, Pinochet is militarized, but look, the economy prospered there.
So, you know, the militarization is kind of a wash because both sides are doing that.
But we saw that happen with Bernie Sanders.
And remember that clip that was 30-some-odd years old, where he was just gushing with enthusiasm about the Nicaraguan Sandinistas?
And I used to call him Bernie Sandernista.
Because he never disowned those people.
You know, he actually praised these people.
We had the people come after Donald Trump about Ku Klux Klan because a Ku Klux Klan guy said, hey, I like Donald Trump.
It's like, disavow him, disavow him.
And no matter how many times he would do it, they would keep coming back at him.
But nobody ever asked Bernie Sanders to disavow the Sandinistas and the communists and the policies that he endorsed that we've seen now come to fruition in Venezuela, and he never did.
Well, of course, Trump has to repeatedly disavow a guy he's barely heard of, who's considered to be someone who was part of the KKK at one point.
However, of course, the fact that the head of the Communist Party in America seemed to be enormously keen on Hillary Clinton, and I would guess that the death count of the KKK was a couple of thousand people, tragic enough,
Look at that compared to the death count of worldwide communism and the idea that the only person you focus on is David Duke rather than the Communist Party as a whole.
Again, it just shows you the in-group preference and the sort of very Rousseauian, noble, savage, primitive tribalism, which to me is what the left fundamentally represents.
They claim to be progressive, but every solution they have is going back to coercive tribalism.
I just showed you again the hypocrisy and that's the beautiful thing that alternative media is doing, soon to be the mainstream media, is it is disassembling these false narratives in real time and this of course is why the legacy media is turning to the state to help control alternative voices in the same way that, you know, crazy religious people will turn to the government to suppress other religions because they simply can't handle it in the free market of ideas.
That's right, and so we now have the fake news narrative that they've created, and I believe this is something that was a tactic that they had already decided upon.
They included Donald Trump as part of this because they didn't expect to lose the election, but they were already working on this legislation.
Three years ago, they removed the prohibitions on propagandizing Americans with the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe.
You know, that was part of the prohibition, saying, well, we're going to create these propaganda arms, but we're not going to allow them to actually broadcast into America.
Well, they repealed that three years ago.
We said, we know where this is going.
We had Matt Drudge come here, tell us that he had Supreme Court justices tell him where it was going.
No, we're good.
We're good to go.
Oh David, here's how sad it is and here's how pathetic the left is and this sort of general collectivist socialist mentality.
So they control the family in general because of course there are family courts run by the government that are pretty male hostile and you have no-fault divorce and you have alimony child support.
You know, they've messed up the family quite a bit.
They control academia.
They control the media in terms of the entertainment media.
They control the mainstream media in general.
They control government schools.
I mean, just everywhere you go, you're in this hive mind of leftist collectivism, and they still can't win against people with webcams and good arguments.
That just shows to me what a fragile and weak position it is, and how they need to keep expanding control over other people's voices in order to pretend that there's any kind of legitimate debate.
Yeah, it's very interesting too.
We had this article from Daily Mail yesterday talking about how Facebook is going to cut down on what they consider to be hate speech.
And listen to the contradictions here.
This is something that came out of a German newspaper, SZ Magazine, claiming they gained access to Facebook's secret rules for deleting hate speech and offensive content.
I know you're going to love this, Stefan.
According to them, the phrase effing Muslims is banned, but if you say effing migrants, that would be allowed if it falls into a quasi-protected category.
Posting migrants are dirty would be acceptable on the site, while migrants are dirt is not, writes the magazine.
Then you could say Irish women are dumb.
That would be breaking the rules according to the magazine that saw these rules.
While if you say Irish teenagers are dumb would not be because terms like teenagers, retiree and youth do not get special protection.
This is the way they're playing with our language to achieve their goals.
This is going to destroy Facebook if they do this type of thing and rightfully so.
Well, let me put forward a radical idea.
It may be entirely too alarming to your listeners, but let me put forward a radical idea about how we might deal with these kinds of things.
Rather than have computer algorithms, rather than have a bunch of Cheeto-eating lefties on a couch determining which is fake news and what is real news, I've got a radical idea.
Let's all bring our best arguments to the marketplace of ideas and let people judge for themselves.
Let's just throw the doors wide, turn on the sunlight, bring the worst ideas, the most horrible ideas, the most offensive ideas.
Let's bring them into the general marketplace of ideas.
Let's hash it out and let everyone see just how terrible these ideas are.
Because if these ideas are so terrible that they must be banned, well surely we trust the people enough because we all know how well they've been educated by the government.
We trust the people enough to know what are bad ideas and what are good ideas.
Let's just throw the doors wide.
Let's bring everyone in.
Let's bring the most offensive people in.
Let's give them a big microphone.
Let's let them make their case because people are smart enough to figure out what is a good idea and what is not.
Now, if people aren't smart enough to figure out what is a good idea and what is a bad idea, I fail to see how we can have any kind of representative democracy because that's the whole point of democracy is trying to figure out a good idea from a bad one.
They just want to do the thinking for you.
I've said often that you have two types of people.
Those who admit their bias and those who don't.
Because everybody has bias.
You have bias even in the stories that you choose to report.
Even if you try to do it as objectively as possible.
There's going to be a bias that works its way in because you're going to think that story A is important whereas story B is not.
That's a bias right there.
Somebody else might decide at a different news organization that the other story is more important, that doesn't go reported.
So everybody has their bias and so for years and years
When we just had those three networks and the government and they were all telling us the same thing and there was no discussion about what's fake news and what isn't because everybody was reading from the same script.
I used to go to the heavy opinion journals so I would get National Review and The Nation and I would compare the two of them and let them give me the arguments on both sides and that's really what a thinking population needs to do and so in a sense if we can have this discussion about real news and fake news
This could work out to our advantage as well because we're going to be able to talk to people and say, well, compare these two things side by side.
And that's what we try to do when we give people stuff that is completely different from what they're hearing from the mainstream media.
You do it as well.
We document this and we say, well, here's, you know, and here's this information that I got from the New York Times.
So deal with it.
You know, this is what this really means in the overall context.
Well, there is a cycle to these kinds of things, David, as I'm sure you're very well aware, which is that those of us who have non-leftist opinions, if you've went your way through higher education, as I did, I ended up getting a master's degree, you have to really, really work hard if your ideas are not mainstream in academia, right?
So if you say the capitalists exploit the workers, you don't need to provide any footnotes because, you know, you're appealing to a lot of the leftist biases in a lot of the professors.
On the other hand, if you say capitalists do not exploit their workers, then you better make a really good argument with really good footnotes so you can get past the skepticism of the lefty professorship.
And so basically, if you're two runners and you're practicing for a race and one of you is running downhill,
Uh, in a gentle decline.
And the other one is marching up at a 45 degree incline.
Well, who's gonna win the race?
The guy who's had to work a lot harder in his training.
And this is the general, uh, cycle that is occurring.
The left has gotten lazy.
Uh, they decided not to win the case, not to win arguments.
Simply stuffed the ballots with, uh, immigrants, uh, illegal and legal.
And basically what's happened is they've gotten lazy.
They've been in control for so long that the lean, mean fighting machines of the non-leftists are able to take them down pretty easily.
And now, since GamerGate, that the right has found its voice and is willing to hit back, I think they're seeing the differences in training that has occurred over the past few decades.
That's a good point.
As you pointed out, they're educating the kids, and so all you had to do for the lazy left was speak to their confirmation bias.
If we wanted to do something else, we had to get very adept at research and documentation and argumentation and debate in order to push something that was contrary to their bias, that they've already been taught.
And the amount of time we've got, we've got another segment that's coming up.
We're not going to be able to finish this here, probably.
I want to talk to another aspect.
We talked about fiat currency.
Let's talk about another aspect of the Federal Reserve, and that is the way they manipulate the economy, not just through the currency, but through these rate increases.
Now, we've just had the first rate increase in, I think it's only the second one in a decade, I believe, that they just announced.
And they announced that they're going to do another three next year.
And we've seen this whole thing before with the rope-a-dope done by Alan Greenspan, where he did, and I can't remember the number, it was something like 12 rate decreases in a row, held it for a second, and then did 17 rate increases in a row over a very short period of time.
Looks just like a regular step.
It was like every quarter he was raising it, the interest rates, and that created a kind of rope-a-dope
Thank you.
This, of course, is the great danger of getting a free-market-oriented kind of fellow into power.
And this would, of course, have been the case with Ron Paul or other people, is that the embedded power structures, and in particular the fiat currency power structure, which is where so much of government power derives, well, think of them as an organism that's cornered, and they will lash out.
And so there's a reason why you could say post-JFK presidents have not really decided to go after the Federal Reserve, because the Federal Reserve has a hand grenade called interest rates, called money printing, and they can, I think, choose to do things that would be extremely deleterious
To the country, and because not one person in a thousand in America or throughout the West understands the incredible power that central banks have over the economy.
They think we're in some sort of free market.
But if you don't have a free market in currency, you don't have a free market at all.
Everything else is just tertiary.
So there is, of course, the idea that they hold this hand for now.
We've got to go to a break.
Stay with us.
Hang on, Stephan.
We've got to go to a break.
We've got a hard break.
We'll be right back with Stephan Molyneux.
So Steven Crowder with LouderWithCrowder.com joins us.
What's your take on this?
With the fake news, YouTube just changed it so people effectively have to subscribe twice.
If you subscribe on YouTube, that's not enough.
You then have to hit the bell and allow notifications.
Well, people are subscribing who don't understand this sort of inside baseball of the web.
They think they're going to get notifications.
That's what a subscription is.
YouTube isn't really aware that this is encouraging more clickbait.
It's inadvertently encouraging more fake news, or certainly, I would say, news that's been exaggerated, despite their... Yeah, I've noticed our subscriptions and stuff are not growing as fast, and our views have been cut in probably 30% in the last two weeks.
Okay, good.
Well, it's not just us, then, because a lot of YouTubers have seen that.
People who go onto YouTube, most of them, they go on, they want to watch videos, and get off.
They're not commenting, they're not liking.
This is inside baseball, folks, but if we're going to win the info war, we've got to talk about this.
Yeah, absolutely.
And that's why we created, you know, all of our stuff.
And like you, Alex, what I do appreciate is you put a bunch of free stuff on YouTube and you have your premium membership.
We don't want to go off YouTube because, like you said, we want to fight the left where they are.
I don't think they want content like yours and mine to be number one.
I think you're right, obviously.
Conservative-leading channels have had all kinds of issues.
We have had people unsubscribe to us and auto-subscribe to other channels by accident.
It's always hard to track.
But I do think that they're getting rid of the subscription feed, you know, and enforcing this recommended feed because it does give them more control.
That's absolutely true, and it's bitten them in the rear because now there are all these people who don't create any content and they're just putting up clickbait thumbnails.
You know, listen, it's great that there are no media gatekeepers.
You know this and I know this, this is why we're allowed to have these careers.
We wouldn't be allowed to be on mainstream networks.
But the problem is then they have every person in a basement who's willing to lie and generate more clicks.
Obviously there's fake news with just websites that create a new URL every few months that sounds interesting.
Then they run fake stories just to get clicks.
The pure fake news that's there versus the mainline corporate leftist news that is the most dishonest there is out there
Not exactly what we...
What's going to happen is you're going to have thousands and thousands of really great, truly diverse choices and real journalism and people in every corner of the country, every sector, every angle, every niche being covered.
That's the future.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Stefan Molyneux.
We've been talking about fiat currency.
We've just started talking about rate increases.
As Stefan said, you've got a president here who is outside of the system and like a wounded animal, they are fighting back.
I think that's going to be one of the techniques that we're going to see used in the coming year.
Before we get back to Stefan though, to finish up on this,
I want to remind you that we have some amazing year-end sales, Christmas sales, now at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Now, joining us again is Stefan Molyneux, founder and host of Free Domain Radio, largest popular philosophical show in the world.
As he points out, he's gotten millions and millions of views in his Truth About video series that looks at an unbiased objective facts regarding current news stories and historical events.
You'll find that at Free Domain Radio, as well as he's on Twitter at Stefan Molyneux.
Now, Stefan,
We're talking about the rate increases.
You pointed out nobody's really seriously challenged the central bank since JFK.
There's reason for that, I think.
The first person to challenge the central bank was Andrew Jackson.
He had an assassination attempt on him as well, but he survived that.
The central bank did not survive Andrew Jackson, but they did weasel their way back in.
These rate increases are something that I think is going to be a key tactic as the left fights back in the next year.
There are, I think, two groups that are currently at war with the way things are going with regards to Donald Trump.
The first, of course, is the leftists, and they are ideological.
In other words, they truly believe that rich people are rich because they've stolen from poor people, and there's no bell curve in intelligence, and everyone's the same, and all inequalities arise from exploitation.
They fully double down on that ideology, and they're just going to fight using whatever tactics they have.
On the other hand, though, there are the pragmatists who use leftist ideology to do the classic Marxist divide and set people against each other and destroy the family and all this kind of stuff.
Now, the pragmatists, I think, are going to have some sympathy for what Donald Trump is doing, because if there's any indication from what's been happening with the Dow and what's been happening with the retention of jobs in America as a result of Donald Trump's phone calls to particular people,
Then what's going to happen is the economy is going to improve under Donald Trump and the people who are in charge, they don't want to milk the cow until it dies.
They don't want to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
So there are the useful idiots on the left who are just going to double down on their philosophy no matter what and don't have any long-term survivability but are just ideologically programmed.
But there are, in some ways more sinister, the people who are in charge who want to stay in charge and recognize that they do need a boost to the economy in order to continue being in charge.
And I think there is going to be a conflict between those two groups in terms of supporting Donald Trump in the short run versus trying to take him down from an ideological standpoint.
Hang on, we're going to be right back with Stefan Molyneux.
We've got another five minutes with Stefan.
He's graciously accepted to stay on.
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Take action now before we sell out.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Stephan Molyneux in this last segment.
And as we went to break, Stefan, you were talking about how there's two different groups that are going to be there in Washington.
We're going to have...
Leftist ideologues and pragmatists.
I want to get to those leftist ideologues here.
We need to talk about the Obama transition team, because Obama is not going to go away.
He's made it very clear he's going to operate a shadow government.
And we've seen things that are really unprecedented in this country.
Usually there's what they call a honeymoon period.
After the voters have voted, most of the time the opposition will kind of lay off and kind of lick their wounds and kind of reassess the situation.
Not so in this particular case.
Right away.
Riots in the streets and so forth.
Now we see Obama saying that he's going to remain in Washington.
This is something we've not seen since Woodrow Wilson, that we've had a president remain in Washington.
He's also had some of his key advisors like John Holdren say, I'm not going anywhere.
I'm going to be here to speak out against anything that Trump does against our climate change agenda.
And we've had Obama announce that he's going to
We're good to go.
Coach Young Talent.
So we've got all of these different aspects here.
His youth corps, perhaps, if you want to look at it, or identifying the next group of leaders.
But they're coalescing into a shadow government.
This is something we haven't seen before.
Let's talk a little bit about the ideologue left.
Well, I mean, my argument has been, David, for a long time that all Donald Trump's victory has done is buy us time.
It has not solved the problem.
It has simply bought us some time.
In the same way that McCarthy in the 1950s, going after the intense Soviet infiltration of the State Department and other departments within the U.S.
government, bought some time
It did not solve the problem, as we can see, with the endless revivals of Marxism that comes back like whack-a-mole till your arm falls off.
So we do need to stay... I think the job for the alternative media is to continue to bring good reasons, good arguments, and very passionate and powerful diatribes, if that's what's necessary, to the masses as a whole to help bring them to a more rational state of mind.
Because sure, the left has their particular agenda, they have their particular goals,
And they're not going to give up.
The left never sleeps, they never give up, they always double down.
And so we need to be resolute.
You know, as the old saying goes, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
Trump has bought us some time if he's able to achieve what he wants, and even if he's only able to achieve 25% of it, which is pretty good for a lot of these promises, he's bought us time.
And what we need to do is take that time to continue to educate, take the continuing freedom of speech that we possess to continue to educate people so that we can build a more philosophical groundswell
Against leftism rather than just like, oh, well, you know, the economy's improved a little and that's all great, but that's the effect of pursuing particular moral values like protection of property, freedom of speech, and so on.
Let's continue to educate people on that so that we can disarm the left fundamentally rather than playing whack-a-mole with each policy proposal.
I agree, and I think it's actually kind of a good sign, just like I said with fake news.
If we can have this debate as to what's fake and what is real, I think we're going to win that debate.
If Obama and the leftist ideologues are going to double down on this, as they indicate they're going to do, rather than looking and saying, you know what, the country has kind of understood some things about how globalism isn't working out and some of these other policies that they don't like.
We're going to try to adapt to that and try to shift the party a little bit.
No, they're not going to do that.
They're going to double down.
They've already done it in an unprecedented way.
I think that's going to be a very good case for us because I really do think this is a fight we can win stuff on.
Oh, absolutely.
You know, I was thinking about way back in the day, David, if you wanted to pursue the truth outside of the mainstream agenda before the Internet, you were just a crazy guy in a library.
And, you know, now, of course, we've been able to join hands.
You know, before we were kind of individual stars in the night sky.
Now there are lines between us and we're turning to constellations that can actually tell stories and undo mythology.
So I think we absolutely have been handed an incredible
Matt Boyle, thanks for joining us here at InfoWars.com.
Thanks, Roger, for having me.
Breitbart News is one of those publications that is targeted for censorship and has appeared on various lists compiled by the left.
What they're trying to do is they're trying to drag our names through the mud so that we can't continue to grow and win over new supporters.
But here's what's happening.
Their efforts to attack us at Breitbart and other places, all the places you mentioned, are backfiring.
People who are open-minded and aren't completely sold by the political left and the political establishment
I don't think so.
And they do a better job of covering the news than, say, CNN or the New York Times or sometimes even some other places throughout the establishment, right?
Media, right?
Like a Fox or a Weekly Standard or a National Review.
I would admit that we are the real news and they are the fake news.
CNN, which, you know, repeatedly, over and over again, said that Donald Trump wouldn't win the election.
When President Barack Obama attacked InfoWars by name.
When Hillary Clinton attacked Alex Jones by name, actually produced a campaign TV commercial attacking Alex Jones, all they did was increase the listenership and viewership of InfoWars.
My colleagues here at Breitbart are fired up.
I've gotten away from using the term, Roger, the mainstream media to describe the establishment, legacy media.
I don't think they're mainstream anymore.
I think we've crossed a Rubicon over the course of the 2016 election where Breitbart, Daily Caller, InfoWars, etc.
are the new mainstream media.
We represent mainstream American thought.
I kind of look at Breitbart almost like it's Noah's Ark, right?
For the people that want to do journalism.
You know, again, there are people all throughout the entire media apparatus right now that are basically dying to come work here.
I think we reached a tipping point where the monopoly of the old media, let's call them that, has finally been broken.
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, worldwide.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
That music, I got a tiger by the tail.
Well, the left has got a tiger by the tail.
They're coming after Donald Trump.
You know, it's kind of interesting, this article from Daily Mail where they say, Trump, yeah, okay, he lost by 2.8 million votes.
But guess what?
If you take away California, he actually won.
If you take away California and New York, he won by 3 million.
They point out that California and New York had a combined 5.8 million vote advantage in just those two states.
As a matter of fact, 4.2 million vote advantage.
So that was a margin of victory in California alone.
4.2 million votes just in California, and they say, well, we need to have direct democracy in popular election because Hillary won by 2.8 million votes.
She won California by 4.2 million votes.
She won New York by 1.6 million votes.
If you get rid of the Electoral College, California and New York are going to be choosing your president.
That's why we have the Electoral College.
It's a firewall, as I've said before, a firewall against the concentration of power.
And against the corruption that you're going to find in these populist states that are going to be controlled by one or two populist cities that usually have a lot of corruption in those cities as well.
And that's why it's so important.
And even then we still had in Electoral College Hillary Clinton losing.
Five electors, Donald Trump just losing two.
I think that's very interesting.
And we have Jim Webb lampooning Bill Clinton.
He keeps talking about how he won by a landslide.
Well, Jim Webb, who also ran as a Democrat, a Democrat who actually spoke truth.
In the Democrat debate, when he said people have a right to protect themselves and it is gross hypocrisy for all you, the rest of you on this stage, to say that you would take away individuals' rights to protect themselves with firearms when you have an army of security guards protecting each and every one of you.
He said that to them and you can just imagine the jaws dropping in that auditorium where there was nothing but Democrats there.
But he spoke the truth to Bill Clinton as well.
He said, Bill Clinton reminds me, he said this on Twitter, Bill Clinton reminds the media that he won by a landslide, quote-unquote, in the Electoral College.
Let's remember that he won only 43% of the popular vote.
So you see, it works out a couple of different ways.
As Newt Gingrich pointed out about the Electoral College, he said, this is a football season.
A team can have more yards and still lose the game.
What matters is the points that you put on the board.
And I think Reason had a better explanation for it.
They said, look, the World Series is a best of seven games.
If you think about the election, we have 51 different elections.
50 states plus the District of Columbia.
And so it's who wins the most of those.
Just like it's the baseball team that wins the most number of games in the World Series, not the baseball team that scored the most runs.
So there's a lot of... there's different rules and those are good rules to have.
The problem with it is the faithless electors and I believe that that's something... a can of worms that's been unleashed that is going to only grow and get worse unless we address this at the state level where it needs to be addressed.
Understand as we were talking about
The Obama transition team and how he is going to continue pushing in an unprecedented way.
We've never seen a president stick around and remain politicized like this, like he's going to do, like he's announced he's going to do.
Even teaming with Eric Holder to sue legislatures and Republican states.
We understand they're going to come after Trump in a number of ways.
The other way they're going to go after him, and you hear this a lot, is with all this conflict of interest stuff.
Is he going to put it in a blind trust?
Into a half-blind trust?
Is he going to give it to his children?
So forth and so on.
And you have to understand that there is no requirement that he do that.
And it was never considered to be unethical when past presidents continued to own their businesses or to pass them off to their children.
Why is that?
Well, it's because we wanted to have people who were not professional politicians.
Why is it somehow ethical when people like Nancy Pelosi use insider trading as a congressperson?
And remember, that was a big stink.
Everybody got outraged when they found out that there was no prohibition against Congress doing insider trading.
Knowing that they're going to regulate to death a particular industry and then maybe selling short stock in that industry that they're about to kill.
Or that they're going to reward handsomely a particular company like, say, Elon Musk's company that's received over four billion dollars worth of subsidies.
You know, if you've got stock in one of his companies, you know he's going to be getting a big government handout to make him profitable.
Maybe you'll buy stocks in his.
So they can use that kind of insider trading like nobody else can.
Because as the economy becomes increasingly run by the central government, the central government can profit a lot from insider trading, the people who are creating those rules.
So when that came out, people were very concerned about that.
They were angry, rightfully so.
And so Pelosi and company
Did some legislation.
They put it on the books, said, no, no, we're going to stop insider trading.
And then nine months later, they quietly removed it.
And they never really complied with it in the meantime because of the way the regulations were set up.
So it's a double standard, obviously.
I don't think that we want to try to penalize somebody who comes to
Politics directly from private life, from running successful businesses.
I don't want to have a situation anymore, and I think many of you don't.
I think that's the reason a lot of you voted for Donald Trump, is you're sick and tired of professional politicians, career politicians, and lawyers, and the people who, even though they're, I said they don't stay in Washington usually, they do stay in Washington.
Many of the, most of the senators and congressmen, they stay there as lobbyists.
So there's a revolving door that goes on there.
That's part of the corruption.
That's part of the swamp that needs to be drained.
And Donald Trump clarified again today, no I really am going to drain the swamp.
I think he really is going to go against it.
We'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
But still, the swamp is going to come back and try to penalize him and try to penalize anybody that is outside of politics that is not a lawyer.
They're going to try to penalize them for being involved in politics.
I think it was a good thing when we had a George Washington who said, two terms are enough.
He didn't.
He wasn't term limited.
He said two terms is enough.
I'm going back to my business.
I'm going back to my farm.
Just like Cincinnatus.
And a lot of people made that comparison to him, the Roman Emperor, who said that, who went back to the plow after being a Roman Emperor.
So, I think it's important to have people who have been successful, who know how to achieve something, and we don't need to strip them in penalty of all this.
But that is going to be a tactic of the left.
Believe me.
They're going to come after him in multiple ways.
It's just one of the many ways that they're going to attack.
And as I point out at the very top of the program, we have this article from The Hill where the GOP is saying, we're going to hold off on repealing certain Obamacare taxes.
This is something that was on the Drudge Report.
You have to understand, the GOP never really wanted to get rid of Obamacare.
They won the election a couple of years ago because people wanted to get rid of Obamacare.
They said they were going to do it, just like they said they were going to control the borders, but they weren't serious about doing either one of those things.
I point out over and over again, hey, they didn't have a plan to get rid of Obamacare.
Donald Trump did have a plan.
But if you have no plan, you're planning on not doing it.
That's very clear.
Trump's plan was to replace the mandates with markets.
To replace the coercion with choice.
And he had a lot of different points in his health care policy issues, very detailed,
Candidate to do something like that typically they keep it very broad very general lines No, he had point by point.
I'm gonna do this this and this he was going to create competition He was going to allow the insurance companies to compete across state lines, so yeah, why wouldn't we want to do that?
We're told by the establishment that we want to have open trade with all the countries But not open trade with insurance policies within our own country right no Trump said we're gonna do that and he was mocked in the debate by Marco Rubio who said I
You're talking about lines?
What is this lines stuff?
It's just juvenile.
Juvenile stuff.
He knew what it was about.
He was hoping that you wouldn't figure it out.
But also, giving us information about the costs of health care providers.
So, giving us information, allowing us to make the choices, letting us have more of our money back in terms of tax credits, in terms of health savings accounts.
So, empowering us to make those decisions, giving us a choice, giving us the information to make that choice.
Those are all things that can be done.
But the GOP says, no, no, no, let's not get rid of those Obamacare taxes.
Listen to this from the Hill.
Congressional Republicans are considering holding off on repealing some of Obamacare's taxes, according to lobbyists familiar with the discussions.
They say they want to keep some of these taxes in place.
They say there's at least a possibility some taxes could remain to provide revenue for a replacement health care measure.
I don't want some kind of replacement government-run healthcare measure that has to be subsidized by taxes.
We don't want the government taking over that part of the economy.
That's the whole point, GOP, that you don't want to acknowledge.
And of course, they never had a plan, as I pointed out, but they put up Romney, who had already enacted Obamacare.
So, it was going to be either Obama, who was going to do Obamacare, or Romney, who was going to do Romneycare.
It was exactly the same plan, and Obama pointed that out.
So the establishment said, whether it's a Republican or a Democrat, in the 2012 elections, we want to have government-run health care.
And they are still saying that, both the Democrats and the Republicans.
That's the fight that Donald Trump has on his hands.
And they go on to say, Obamacare includes a range of taxes that, along with cuts to Medicare, funded its expansion of coverage, subsidizing it.
And so that's a very different thing than what we're talking about in terms of letting people save their own money.
You say, yeah, health insurance is important, health care is important.
Let us pay for that before we send that money to Washington.
Give us a tax cut so that we can take care of the most important things before we send that money to you, where you squander and waste it.
They say these taxes are on both industry groups, such as taxes on health insurers and taxes on medical device companies and on people.
How does that help us with health care?
When you tax medical devices, it makes it more expensive for everybody.
When you tax the health insurers, even though you're subsidizing them with one hand, then you tax them with the other.
This is insanity!
This is what we see happening over and over again.
There was a report that I had from
Road and Track, talking about the corporate average fuel economy.
And they said, look at this, 20 years ago the roads were filled mostly with cars, now they're mostly trucks.
Why is that?
Because they decided that in the name of increasing fuel efficiency, they would give lax rules to trucks, but not to cars.
So now you can get a V8 engine in a truck or an SUV, but you can't get it in a car.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Before we go back to the news, and I have some interesting news coming up here.
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So that's all available, including store-wide free shipping at InfoWarsLife.com.
Thank you so much for your support.
We really do appreciate that.
Now coming up in the next segment, we've got a special report from Alex Jones about this Delta Airlines hoax by this guy who speaks Arabic to get everybody freaked out.
It's a hoax.
And he's going to break this down for you, all the different things that have happened.
But I want to look at another story before we go to that.
There was a story that came out on BBC News talking about how an airline crew sacrificed a goat just before a flight.
This is a Pakistan, Pakistan's national airlines.
They had had their entire airline grounded after the entire fleet grounded after a December 7th crash that killed 47 people.
So this was the first flight
After that horrific accident and the entire fleet grounded for testing.
And so what the staff did, and they had viral pictures showing this, they had the ground staff slaughtering a black goat next to the ATR-42 aircraft, which was about to leave for a domestic flight.
That would be something that would alarm me.
If I were to see that happening.
But maybe this is something the Democrats should try to get their party going back on again.
Because, you know, they love Islam.
They love Sharia law.
So, you know, they could just pretend that they're paying homage to Islam.
But they love scapegoats too, don't they?
All this stuff about the Russian hack and everything.
So this would be a perfect way for them to kill a couple of birds with one stone with that scapegoat so they could try to do some kind of a sacrificial altering to get the Democrat Party off the ground.
No, they're not.
As we pointed out in the last hour when we were talking to Stefan Molyneux,
The leftist ideologues of the Democrat Party are going to double down on what they've been doing.
Nancy Pelosi said, change?
We're not going to have any change.
We're not going to have any change in leadership and we're going to keep doing the same things that we've done.
We got no plans to do anything differently.
Absolutely amazing to see how they're going to continue to just double down.
And again, Alex is going to talk about the sacrificial, not the sacrificial goat, but the hoax that was played on everyone by this guy who
I think?
This regulation is going to require an average fuel economy of 60 miles per gallon for cars and 30 miles per gallon for large trucks.
Now that's doable for the trucks, but you're going to have some radical changes on the cars if this happens.
And he points out that this is another good example of how government regulation that was intended to make vehicles more fuel efficient actually did just the opposite.
So they're trying to enact a 74% increase in fuel economy for trucks, but a 315% increase for cars.
So what does that mean?
That means that they started putting big engines in trucks because they got preferential treatment, they started pushing trucks, and now you've got more fuel inefficient trucks than you do cars.
So as they regulate one thing to death,
Then people move to something else.
That's the way it always works out with regulations.
And that's why we have less fuel economy than we did before.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
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An alarming report coming out of campus reform that talks about how Muslim students are demanding prayer rooms in every major building.
Now, students at the University of Maryland, they've released a list of 64 of their demands, all in an effort to make their campus, quote, more amenable.
This project, it's known as Protect UMD.
It's an effort between 25 different student organizations at the University of Maryland.
This news is coming just after the Ohio State attack, where we saw one Muslim student
Who felt marginalized, he actually took out his frustration and plowed into a crowd of students and then began stabbing them.
Millie Weaver took to the streets on Ohio State's campus shortly after, and so did Rebel Media.
And they asked students why they thought that this one Muslim student in particular decided to, quote, act out.
And surprisingly, students said that he probably felt marginalized.
So it looks like the University of Maryland is tackling that, and they're going to allow students to have prayer rooms now in every major building, but only if you're Muslim.
I'm Margaret Hale reporting for InfoWars.com.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We'll get back to the Al...
I have had enough of Islamic hoaxes in this country and also in Europe making Islam look like victims.
We see it over and over again.
Now we have incredible footage that I showed yesterday from two little girls below the age of 10, two sisters who blew themselves up in Damascus.
In the capital of Syria at a police station.
And their jihad mother and father are proud of this like rock stars.
They get paid for this.
And show them preparing them with a suicide vest to go out and blow up a police station.
And this is who our media calls the good rebels.
Our media, leftist media, has come out and praised the killing of the Russian ambassador in Turkey, saying they deserve this because Russia dare fight jihadist Islam, which is orthodox, mainline Islam, bullying Islam.
I don't have a problem with Islam.
It's got a problem with me.
I didn't land on top of Islam.
It landed on top of me.
Practice your Islam, but don't run over people at the Christmas tree event in Germany or in Nice.
They get their little kids blown up.
They run over our little kids.
This has got to stop, ladies and gentlemen.
You don't hear the Islamicist decrying this.
Now before I get into the latest news dealing with hashtag boycott Delta and the latest false flag, you know, staged, I'm the victim BS from the Islamicist.
Let's remember teen Ahmed Mohammed who brings a clock to school gets arrested.
Turns out
Opens a briefcase, it's got a bunch of digital stuff, a digital clock with a countdown to zero, and a bunch of wiring.
They go, what the hell is this?
Tell us what it is.
He goes, I will not tell you.
That was in the news.
The cops come in and go, son, what is this?
I'm not telling you.
Get him out!
Get the bomb squad!
Get him out!
That turns into the cops and the white people, those black officers.
You know how they are towards the poor Islamicists.
What have they ever done?
There's his dad, this islamicist, you know, globalist, leftist, always out there as an activist, pushing Islam on people and saying they're a bunch of victims.
Teen Ahmed Mohammed.
Remember all of that?
And Rob Dews got some points he wants to make here in a second as well.
And Owen Schroyer is going to pop in on this.
I don't know what's worse, this jihad, cancerous, metastasizing, Islam taking over the world and bullying its own people and enslaving its own women and blowing up their own kids, or the leftist, globalist media that's allied with us.
Now let's look at this particular article out of WNCN.
Here's one out of CBS News.
There's hundreds of these all over the news.
They're still saying it.
Delta responds to YouTube star's Arabic discrimination accusation.
YouTube star, Adam, speaks out after being kicked off Delta flight.
And it turns out he's got millions of subscribers, some videos have 36 million views, doing hoaxes on airplanes, getting up and going, and counting down in Arabic.
He's acting strangely to be a victim, freak out, monetize YouTube, make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year off of it with the views he's getting, and then call for everybody to basically be restricted in their rights because he's a poor victim.
And the mainstream media runs this fake news story knowing he's a famous hoaxer that's done this over and over and over again on airplanes.
Black, Hispanic, white.
They're on these planes like, what the hell is going on?
And then, oh, poor little Islam in the midst of cars crashing, stabbings, murders.
Cop shoots a guy that just stabs nine people who's a split allegiance to Al Qaeda and ISIS and Somali here illegally.
That cop was in the wrong.
That's right.
Just, just stab us right here.
We're sorry.
You know, we're Western.
We're sorry for our Christmas trees.
We're sorry we built such great civilizations.
Oh, and break this down.
Well, and let's not forget there was a lady, I believe it was at LAX, GOP Tennessee retweeted this today with the hashtag Boycott Delta, who was a lady, she was wearing a hijab with the full dress saying, we're going to blow your planes up.
Muslim is here to blow your planes up.
So, okay, is that a hoax?
Is that real?
I don't know.
Why can't we be freaked out?
Is this actually going on?
We're supposed to sell all of our freedoms down the drain in the name of safety that these Islamic terrorists want to take us down, but then we have to be tolerant.
Well let's just take another case study before we look more specifically at this boycott delta.
Black church torched in Mississippi.
Vote Trump painted on the wall.
Now this is from November 3rd.
Now let's recall, what were they talking about with this?
White supremacists.
Trump supporters are white supremacists.
They're racist.
Okay, right, because they burned down the black church and wrote Vote Trump on the wall.
Story comes out today.
Man arrested for burning down that church.
It was a black man who was a member of the congregation.
Let's go further.
That's happened hundreds of times.
This week, the Muslim women came out and said Trump didn't attack them.
Trump supporters didn't attack them.
The Jewish groups with swastikas, every time fake, every time.
So we've got that story.
You've also got this story.
This is, remember there was a
You mentioned the Muslim stories before where they claim they were beaten up by Trump supporters.
Made up.
We've had the gay YouTube star claimed he was beat up by people that hated gays.
That was made up.
White supremacists burned down the black church.
That was made up.
The media runs with all this.
So today you get the boycott Delta because Adam Saleh does a video claiming he gets kicked off of a Delta flight.
And that's what's crazy.
I mean, continue.
This is absolutely on target.
Now they're going from doing hoaxes and getting caught to doing the hoax, admitting it's a hoax, but still they're the victim.
So the way to get around getting caught that it's a hoax, admit it's a hoax, but then you don't get in trouble when you're the one doing the hoax because, well, you're an effing white male, it's your fault.
So this is a known hoaxer.
This is a 2.2 million subscribers on YouTube hoaxer, makes money on YouTube pranking people, even on planes, doing Arabic stunts.
Scaring the living hell out of families.
So, okay, so then what is this guy doing?
Is he pranking somebody right now?
Is this some elaborate prank?
And the media is so stupid and people are so stupid on Twitter?
No, they're going along with it.
They're so desperate.
They're going along with it.
And I'm going to say something.
If you were a Muslim, a moderate Muslim, and there are a lot of them that are like that, getting bullied by the jihadis, if you saw a guy getting up, acting like this, doing a countdown, and like getting ready like they do, obviously to get a rise, he knows what he's doing, trying to scare the hell out of people, wouldn't you kick his ass?
I'm not calling for that, I'm saying, I personally would make a move to defend my family if I thought this was happening.
I mean, it's not, I'm a hero, it's instinctive.
If you were Hispanic, wouldn't you do it?
If you were white or black, of course you would.
So that's what I'm saying.
He knows what he's doing.
The media is going along with this.
It shows how they got caught lying in the election.
They're not backing down now.
They're going to intensify it.
So it's just a crazy time to be alive.
Well, and we actually have our new security here.
And I was talking with him this morning about this.
He said, man, that guy's lucky I wasn't on the plane.
I probably would have snapped his neck in half if I was sitting behind him.
He's lucky there wasn't an air marshal with a gun right behind him that didn't blow his brains out.
But think about this, Alex.
So if this guy really wants to complain that he's being victimized by discrimination because he's Arabic, well, hey, why are you going on airplanes and counting down to 10?
Why is that a joke?
Why is it a joke for you to put on a turban and get on a plane and speaking Arabic or pretending that you're going to blow the plane?
Why is that a joke?
Listen, if you went to any Muslim country and tried to have a woman pull her headdress off,
Are you kidding me?
You know, blow each other up with your daughters, okay?
I know it's super trendy and great avant-garde art.
Just leave us alone, man!
But then all the spoiled Western women, they don't want us to take care of them and them to take care of us.
They want to be under jihad.
And that's what the Muslims say.
They go, you weak Western men, your women will be ours now.
I mean, they brag.
They piss on us.
They love it.
It's just sick to just see all the stunts and how they use their kids.
Do you think if someone, let's say a white female, let's say one of the females from our staff, Leanne or Margaret, decided they were going to pull a prank in Saudi Arabia or some Islamic country, and they decided they were going to walk around without a man.
They're going to walk around without a man.
They would rape her.
They would rape them and then charge her with rape and execute them afterwards.
They wouldn't be tolerant?
They wouldn't think that was a prank?
But again, glorious time and all of them won't say a damn word because they love it.
All right, again, we've got Mr. Zimmerman here.
We've also got Mr. Dew here.
Again, we're taping this on HD to add documentation, video links and information to it.
But we're also on Facebook Mentions Live.
So let me turn that camera around real quick and see if
Well, I just want to say that this victimology, it's good to see, because a long time, this stuff, it wouldn't come out.
We saw the people who put the swastikas on the Beastie Boy park.
They weren't even drawing the correct swastika.
So you can start seeing the lies in real time as they happen.
You're like, well, that's fake.
We can tell that's fake.
The girl who you said, she was going out, she was sneaking out without her parents' permission.
And then her parents caught her and they shaved her head.
They're like, you know what?
Justice is going to be served.
You're not going to go out and say you were attacked by people.
So things are starting to change.
People aren't taking it anymore.
That MTV racist video that they put out yesterday where white people are bad, they pulled it down because there were so many negative votes.
They put it back up, it got more negative votes, down votes.
So they pulled it because people aren't taking it anymore.
We're seeing the bull.
It's just falling flat on its face.
I think 2017 is going to be great.
The leftists aren't completely insane.
They have.
And I'm telling you, when this hashtag, it was the number one hashtag for hours on Twitter.
Let's hijack it with this video.
We're going to connect this to our Facebook.
We're going to put it on a real Alex Jones on Twitter.
Let's hijack that right now.
As soon as this video is done archiving, we're live.
Hashtag Boycott Delta.
And not that I love some big corporation.
The point is, I'm sick of these people thinking they're smarter than us.
And I want to point this out.
He tweeted out.
For any doubters, I would imagine this is why he put this tweet out.
He sent his email.
He said, anybody who wants information about this, here's my email.
I emailed him.
So I said, hey, well, let's hear from you.
Let's hear your story.
What's going on?
Is this a hoax?
Are you hoaxing people?
Were you really discriminating?
Let's actually hear your story.
I doubt he responds to me.
By the way, he admits airline hoaxes on his site.
Oh, that's why.
I mean, that's how he makes his living.
I mean, he's got... And the timing is perfect.
You know, we just had the car crash yesterday.
Oh, it's all funny!
And that's what they say a part of the jihad is.
There's the cultural jihad, wearing the burqas out, rubbing it in our face, getting it in our face, making us submit to them.
The left wants Christmas man too.
What a group of trash!
There's also an incident that happened in Germany in a mall where refugees, I think they were from Somalia, started climbing up the Christmas tree, pulling the decorations down.
They did this in a public mall.
They think they have the right to do this because they look at us as scum.
They really do.
And they think- We're subhuman because we haven't joined Islam.
We're subhuman.
Well, you know what?
I'm not.
Sorry about all the spacecraft and science and everything else.
I happen to like Christmas because I get to see my family and friends that I love and make memories with them and, you know, get away from the mess of everything for a couple days.
And that's my tradition.
That's my holiday.
I don't interfere with your holidays, whatever they are, whether they're Islamic, whether they're Jewish.
I don't care.
That's your freedom.
Just stay out of my business.
Why do you hate my religion?
Why do you hate my traditions?
I don't hate yours.
The tradition I hate is you blowing people up!
That's right.
You making jokes about it on a plane!
That's what I don't like.
Can Islam have a holiday where they don't kill people?
Let's just have a holiday.
Have a $365,000 holiday.
I am dead on on this subject because I didn't want the globalists to invade the non-radical Muslim countries like Syria, Iraq, and Libya to a great extent, destabilize it, and put the jihadis in that our government bipartisanly with the neocons and the Democrats back to destabilize the whole region.
And then stir them up and have this new caliphate army to bring into Europe and our own country to basically dominate us who are incompatible with a free society.
That's the plan.
So I'm not against the Muslims.
I'm not against the non-radical Muslims.
But Islam sees them as the heretics.
I am sick of it.
And I'm tired of the worst people of your religion running around like a bunch of psychopaths with a bunch of weirdo pedophile Saudi royalty financing the garbage and exporting their crazies to piss on us politically.
And we're done!
We're done and America's rising.
And I don't want to turn the Middle East into a parking lot.
But I understand.
When push comes to shove, we're going to remove the globalists who thought they could deal with Islam and take out America and the West.
It ain't happening!
So, the West doesn't start the fights, we finish it!
Get it straight and understand it!
That was an amazing report as I sat there and watched for the first time that video footage of these Muslims in a mall climbing up what was a two or three story Christmas tree to destroy it, to take it down.
I tell you, nothing says that they hate us and hate our culture more than that type of thing.
Imagine going to somebody's country uninvited...
And demanding that you be supported, demanding that you be educated, and then having the audacity to destroy what you find there that you don't like.
It's just like Gert Wilders said, he said this is an invasion to replace our people, to erase our culture, and nothing says that more than that particular image there.
You know, the people who are going to be
The fact checkers are people that we really need to take a look at.
And of course, this is broken in the last day or so.
The fact that there's been a divorce between the two people on the couch with their cat, Barbara and David Mickelson, who run Snopes.
And they, as well as the Poynter Institute that I talked about last week, this facility in St.
Petersburg that has six faculty members.
They say that they are a global organization promoting truth and journalism or whatever.
They got six faculty members.
They do online seminars.
They don't even give a degree as far as I can tell.
They and Snopes and PolitiFact, which is another joke, that's from the other side of the bay, the other side of Tampa Bay.
I grew up in Tampa.
It used to be the Tampa Times, now it's the Tampa Bay Times that is running PolitiFact, and they're a joke as well.
I want to tell you some of the stuff that's come out in this divorce filings that's there.
As the Daily Mail points out,
Snopes is founded by this husband and wife team who used a letterhead claiming that they were a non-existent society before they started their research.
They claimed that they were the San Fernando Valley Folklore Society.
They put that name on the letterheads, although there was never any society by that name.
That's the way these guys got started, the fact checkers, the people who are going to be the arbiters of truth, with even a phony header on there.
Now his wife is claiming that her ex-husband is guilty of embezzlement, suggesting he's attempting a boondoggle to change tax arrangements.
While she says, while David claims that she took millions from their joint account and bought property in Las Vegas.
Now this guy has a new wife, Alyssa Young, employed by the website as an administrator.
She has worked as an escort and a porn actress despite claims that the website is non-political.
She ran as a Libertarian for Congress on a dump Bush platform.
What Bush was that?
Also, the main fact-checker is a dominatrix that has a website called Vice Vixen.
When I look at all this stuff, I'm reminded of Gerald Salenti.
He likes to talk about the mainstream media.
He calls them the prostitute media.
Yeah, Gerald got that exactly right.
Literally true.
Literally, literally, literally true right here.
They say, though Young lists her job as an administrative assistant at Snopes on LinkedIn, her Escort websites and Twitter accounts still appear to be active.
She says she is an idealist, activist, dreamer.
She said, I only accept a very limited number of new lovers because I'm only seeking long-term engagements.
Well, she just got one.
And she said, here's a donation I request for my time.
Companionship, entertainment, non-negotiable rates of $1,200 minimum for four hours, $5,000 for 24 hours.
It's no wonder that he thinks that he deserves a raise from $240,000 to $360,000.
He said he's trying to get close to the industry standards.
You know what?
Real journalism doesn't pay that.
So Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo, former New Jersey detective in Bergen County for several years, heading up the cold case posse on the birth certificate.
His phone is a $3 bill.
And again, it just shows the fraud.
I mean, we don't know what's going on exactly.
The point is, is that he says he's from Kenya.
Then he wouldn't be eligible, and then he looks like, he says we're crazy, he won't give us the birth certificate for four years.
When he does, it's fake!
Before we get into the actual evidence, I mean, just your personal gut view of it, why would he say in his law journal that he edited that he was from Kenya, born there, why would his wife say that in speeches, and then act like you were crazy trying to investigate the birth certificate?
You know, I don't know Alex.
I got my opinion, but let me say from the beginning, I said I could care less where he is from.
I stick with that.
I said we are investigating a forged fraudulent government document.
I said that from day one.
I continue to say that.
And I said from day one, show the birth certificate or a microfiche and we'll all go home.
That's never happened.
You guys had some of the top forensics labs in the country.
And as the detective points out, a lot of these headed up by liberals who didn't want this to be true.
And watching your press conference the other day that we covered live, it looks really, really conclusive.
Yeah, we, I think, like the sheriff just said, we put the nail in the coffin with this document, you know, last Thursday.
We have nine points of verified forgery.
The lead detective on the cold case posse, Mike Zullo, who was appointed by Sheriff Arpaio, where's the best place for people to go to see the sheriff's investigation for themselves?
Well, Alex, right now the best place is CarlGallops.com.
He is creating a page that is housing all the information, all the videos, because we know that's going to be able to stay up after Sheriff Arpaio leaves office in January.
Well, I think I would do what he's doing.
He has a great Attorney General, by the way.
I have to commend that appointment.
So he's making some great choices.
Great choices he's making.
I do wish somebody would look into the birth certificate though, whether it's criminal or take it before Congress and let the people understand what's really going on.
So we're gonna submit this before I leave office, at least to Congress, and get it out of my hands.
We did our job for five years.
Not much more I can do, but just by chance, luck.
And, uh, the hard work, uh, with Mike, uh, we were able to conclude this.
Have a holly jolly Christmas!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and joining me now is Margaret Howell.
We're going to talk about some other disturbing news besides what we just saw with this Christmas tree.
You won't believe the other things that Islam is up to in Europe and now in America as well because this is a globalist regime that is coming through here.
But before we do, I want to remind you again that we have a
Super Christmas sale that is going on at InfoWarsLife right now.
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So we have a massive sale there.
Thank you so much for your support.
We really do appreciate that and we do wish you a Merry Christmas as well.
And we were just talking about and they had the report that Alex and Rob showed of them tearing down a three-story Christmas tree in Europe.
We've had them cutting off the heads of statues at Christian churches.
And now, Margaret, we've got them doing things in the United States to churches as well.
What do you have there?
That's right.
So what we're seeing on social media, and Vocative has covered this, and so few media outlets are actually talking about it.
We had to talk about this.
Thank you for having me.
ISIS has released this list of thousands of churches in all 50 states, their names and addresses.
Calling for these lone wolf attacks to enter the churches and create what they're calling a bloody celebration in the Christian New Year.
We're seeing an all-out war on Christians in this country.
And for ISIS, the audacity of them to actually list them out by name and address and then call their supporters.
Meanwhile, the president in the last 29 days, the last leg of this, I believe the official number released was 14,000 remaining refugees he's trying to push through the country.
To fulfill that 110,000.
It'll actually be over the number that he originally promised to take for the fiscal year.
Can you imagine, Margaret, if there was a Christian pastor who didn't like Islam and he put out a list of Islamic mosques and told people to go create, commit acts of violence.
You know, could you count to two before he would be arrested by the federal government?
And rightfully so, okay?
But these people get away with it.
It's amazing.
The audaciousness of this, and what's worse for me, David, so we've got these social media groups like Facebook.
One of these groups, they had an open social media page called Secrets of Jihadis, in English by the way, not censored, not shut down, able to move about freely.
We saw this with Farouk, I believe is her name, her first name escapes me, but the Farouks, the San Bernardino massacre that happened because
We're good to go.
The one social media group, it's called Secrets of Jihadis, and this article, it doesn't call out Facebook.
Of course, there are people who are suing Facebook, Google, and Twitter because of the Orlando massacre.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Margaret Howell.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight with Margaret Howell and we were just talking about this list that ISIS has put out of American churches calling for people to go there and create a bloody massacre.
And you know, Margaret, I interviewed a guy from South Africa who went to a liberal church.
He was just visiting there, but he was a concealed carry person.
He said he had to go through a process to determine if he's going to carry weapons or not.
He had a pistol with just six shots, and that church was chosen, they later learned, by some African communists to attack because they knew it would be a bunch of white liberals.
They came in throwing hand grenades, spraying the place with fully automatic weapons, but this guy from the opposite corner, way up high,
Take a look.
Pastors, you need to, you're shepherds, right?
Look after your sheep.
Get somebody that's going to be in your church that's going to be able to protect them.
You've got to hire security or you get somebody in your congregation that carries a concealed, and I got to say the sheep, stop being sheep.
That's the best advice anybody could give them, frankly, is to be awake and to be alert and understand that we are in a war.
We're currently in a war and nothing reflects that better than what's happening in Western Europe right now.
The church is under siege and it wants to creep into, you know, it's our multiculturalism, our welcoming, it's taking full advantage of that.
I know briefly, we're running out of time, you covered a story last week and I touched on it briefly this morning about the University of Maryland, the 64 demand list
Which included having a prayer room in all major buildings so that Muslims feel welcome on the campus.
And there seems to be this radical push.
And Christians were taught to be accepting and loving and welcoming and forgiving.
And Soros, if you recall, he called the Catholics useful idiots in this push.
So it's time to not be a useful idiot any longer and to not let go of what is rightfully yours when it comes to having the freedom to worship in this country.
They scream bloody murder when the Christians want to have a Bible study in an unused room, and yet they demand that they establish rooms.
Now, that's true establishment of religion.
You set aside rooms for this particular religion, and also, Margaret, they want to have shuttle service to a mosque that's a half hour away from campus.
I mean, these people believe that they're entitled, but the interesting thing, I think, is how they're allied with the radical feminists and the LGBT people who they want to kill.
They want to take these feminists and put them in burqas and they want to throw the LGBT people off the roofs, okay?
Hello, you know, we should send these women that are, you know, I've seen these professors, they're wearing the burqa in solidarity.
It's a solidarity movement for, you go to a Muslim, I have reported from Muslim countries, there is such a restriction when it comes to women showing their hair.
It's an all-out hatred and it's a hatred for humanity.
It's masked.
In religion, of course, but it's not just about women, as we know.
It's a hatred for all humanity and anything that stands up against Islam, frankly.
Yeah, there was just this German minister who went to Saudi Arabia and the prince was furious about it, but not as furious as the mainstream media in Europe, who really came after her for disrespecting their culture.
And at the same time, you had French television going through a Muslim neighborhood, and they were harassing these women, said, get out of here, this is for men only, you're not covered, and so forth and so on, and said, this is not allowed, it's like our home here, and this is a place that was 10 miles from the center of Paris in a neighborhood.
They said, it's like our home.
They don't consider France to be their home.
They consider themselves to be occupiers to take it over.
I mean, there seems to be almost a feeling that they have a right to do this.
And stand your ground as we begin to come close to this.
I know we're running out of time.
Just briefly mentioning Paris.
I want to touch on this because it was really an important story that we sort of missed yesterday.
The EU, so they've had almost a year to decide what to do after the shooting in Bataclan and what are they going to do?
They're going to impose more restrictive rights on anybody carrying a gun because they don't want you to be able to defend yourself in the event that you find yourself in the clutches of a terrorist.
Absolutely insane.
Like I said before, they can't tell the difference between a semi-trailer and a semi-automatic.
Stay with us.
John Rapoport will be hosting the fourth hour.
We'll be right back.
Our fellow info warriors across the United States and across the planet really love the Hillary for Prison 2016 shirts that we began to put out in 2015.
It became a global meme against globalism and corruption.
And a very strong maxim that's now being continued on today.
Now, President-elect Trump has come out and said it's not his job as president to call for prosecution.
He's not supposed to.
But that obviously, Jeff Sessions, as the new Attorney General, if he's confirmed, will certainly carry out his duties.
But Roger Stone, a few weeks ago, right after the election, said, Alex, you gotta bring Hillary for prison back.
And I said, yeah, but it's a limited edition.
It's over.
You know, she's been defeated so far.
They said, what about Hillary for prison 2017?
We need those at the inauguration.
They're trying to intimidate Trump supporters and nationalists everywhere.
That shirt is powerful.
It's not just a shirt supporting Trump, like your shirt says, Trump is my president, which we put out before he won.
Predicting it, putting our name, our guts on the line, but something exposing who the other team was pushing so that people don't forget and so that the push for justice continues.
So it's a great way to support the broadcast.
It's a great way to have another historic shirt to spread the word and to meet like-minded people of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want justice.
It's available.
It's another limited run.
I don't know how long we're going to offer it, but definitely only a few months.
It is Hillary for Prison 2017, and here's the biggest and best part I almost forgot.
This shirt arrived in an 18-wheeler printed right here in the USA a week ago and I forgot, I've been so busy to even talk about the fact it's been in the store.
That on the back of the shirt is a design that I worked on with some of our great graphics people that is George Soros as a goblin.
I made a goblin joke a year ago about Trump saying he better not, you know, actually get in bed with the goblins if he has to work with politicians.
I don't understand if he has to actually, you know, get needy for their political guts but he just can't
Get caught in bed with a goblin.
So we now have George Soros, because the media attacked me on this whole goblin meme.
They've made huge jokes about it, but it's totally blown up their face.
We now have George Soros as a goblin on the back, and it says, with a cross through him, you know, an X, like Ghostbusters.
No Soros.
Him as a goblin.
It says Deport Soros on the bottom and on the top it says InfoWars established 1996.
So it is a limited edition Deport Soros on the back, Hillary for President on the front, right hand shoulder InfoWars.com.
It's powerful.
I hope you get out to everybody you know.
InfoWarsStore.com or call 888-253-3139.
So to all the fellow liberty lovers around the world, I salute you and thank you for your support.
This shirt is a celebration of the fight and the victory we've seen in 2016 against tyranny, but looking forward for justice against George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and their entire criminal network.
And don't forget our motto, no more pizza parties.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This is John Rappaport sitting in for Alex in the fourth hour here.
Lots to cover.
As some of you know, and those of you watching, nomorefakenews.com is my site, and I mention that because 15 years ago, after, oh, 19 years as a reporter, it was clear to me that fake news was everywhere.
And I wasn't talking about independent media.
Or so-called alternative media.
I was talking about mainstream media right from the beginning.
That's where all the fake news was.
So hence no more fake news.
And it still is.
And I want to go over a little history with which I'm sure you're familiar.
But just kind of break down the steps of what happened after the election in major media.
How they tried to position themselves and con everybody into some new breaking story about fake news.
Yes, fake news.
So the first shot out of the box after Hillary Clinton lost came really from the Washington Post.
And their tune was
Fake news sites spread lies about Hillary Clinton and helped to lose the election for her.
Fake news sites.
And for a lot of people this was
A revelation?
What are they talking about?
Fake news sites?
So they cited some obscure and completely false source and they had to sort of half retract the story later but it didn't matter because it was out there and so in the echo chamber of major media
It spread like wildfire.
Oh, there are these fake news sites and they, what do they do anyway?
Well, some of them, many of them just make up the news and pretend it's real in order to get clicks and views.
That was one thing.
And then another thing was, well, some of these sites are not just doing that.
They are vicious and hostile and they are pretending that they're reporting the truth and they're telling lies about American institutions, about the government, about especially Hillary Clinton.
And this could have cost her the election.
So, that was really the first shot out of the box.
And recognize, as I'm talking here, that they are talking about, when I mean they, major media, in terms of generalities.
So, when they say something, it's often not really clear what they mean, and that's on purpose.
That's on purpose.
So, it's not me who's puzzled here by any of this.
I'm reporting their
Insanity with generalities, which is how they handle it, right?
That's what they do.
So I wrote a piece and I said, well, wait a minute, folks, the Washington Post started this.
So let's look at just a little bit about the Washington Post.
And I wasn't even going back to older CIA connections and so forth, because the Post was reporting that
The CIA was giving them important sourced information here about fake news.
I said, look at recent history.
Jeff Bezos, who owns Amazon, bought the Washington Post for $250 million.
Just laid it on the table.
What's the connection there?
Well, it turns out that Amazon has a $600 million contract with the CIA.
To provide cloud computing services.
Wait a minute.
Is that called a conflict of interest?
Could that be a source of fake news?
Does the Washington Post declare that they have a conflict of interest?
Of course not.
Because every time they mention the CIA, they would have to print some kind of a disclaimer.
We here at the Washington Post
Insist that our story is accurate, but we have to say, we have to say that our owner, boss, chief, king, monarch, Jeff, actually has a contract with the CIA for 600 million dollars and expects to make a lot more after that.
So, take what we're saying in this story about the CIA with a grain of salt the size of Langley.
They're not going to do that.
They're never going to do that.
But they should.
They should.
So that was the first shot out of the box.
And it was vague and it was confusing and it was, to say it was badly sourced would be a huge understatement because they were talking about some website that seemed to have some inside baseball on fake news sites but didn't have anything at all.
Second shot out of the box.
Somehow these fake news sites, the Washington Post and other media outlets said, and they're now all getting on the bandwagon, these fake news sites you see are connected to Russia.
What are we talking about here?
100,000 fake news sites and bloggers that are somehow covertly working with the Russian government?
I mean, the story was so preposterous on its face and yet
Hillary supporters, all kinds of people who are desperately hoping that somehow the election could be overturned or that somehow the globalist agenda could be saved from whatever Trump was going to do to it.
We're climbing all over this bandwagon and screaming and shouting and so forth.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Russia, fake news, it's all connected somehow.
I mean, I would certainly be, I suppose, included in fake news sites.
I'm talking on the phone or I have some covert means of communication with the Russians.
Somebody in the Russian government is feeding me data and I am putting it out there?
What are they even talking about?
What are they even saying?
And this, of course, was completely unclear, but that helps because, as my first logic teacher told us in class so many moons ago, the biggest weapon of non-logic and people who want to avoid rationality is the generality, the vague generality.
Russia, fake news sites, fake news bloggers, oh yeah, it all stirs up in a pot.
It's a gigantic pot.
And now, they began coming after fake news sites, like InfoWars.
Possibly number one on their list.
And they've kept coming.
So, then came
On top of this, you could call it maybe the third wave, the language changed.
And now it was Russia hacked the election.
Russia hacked the election.
What does that mean?
That they went into voting machines?
Computer companies?
Those of you watching this right now are seeing from BBC News a headline, can US election hack be traced to Russia?
I mean, BBC, you know, people say, well, that's a responsible news outlet.
No, they're not.
They're complete idiots and they're liars.
Because what does that mean, Russian hack?
Well, of course, the implication is, in fact,
That they did go into the machines, that they did go into the software, that they subverted the vote, that they changed the numbers, the actual numbers in the election.
That's what the phrase, hack the election, says.
There's another one from NBC News.
Putin, Obama on the phone.
The election hack.
So, we break it down and what major media really seem to be saying is something much different.
What is that?
I'll tell you in a minute, but let's take a little pause here because I want to tell you about Christmas Super Sale Specials at Enforce.com since they are selling out rapidly, so you better get on board.
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So what does it mean?
Hacked the election.
Russia hacked the election.
What are we talking about there?
Well, Russia, you see, and I'm talking as maybe you know.
Oh, and I have to postpone that too.
Take a break.
Be right back.
We have a special program today because in a few moments we are joined by a legendary American journalist Alex Jones.
But before that, let's see this short piece about our today's special guest Alex Jones.
Mainstream media, the fourth estate, is molding us today.
We form our worldview, our perception of reality, depending on how the mainstream media presents the information to us.
In the Western world, the dictatorship of the liberal paradigm is all too obvious when
I don't know.
Meanwhile, all the front pages of every other publication portray Trump as a loser, intentionally exaggerating his supposed dark past.
His words taken out of context and repeated over and over on all media outlets.
On November 8th, the main Western media operations had already prepared their November 9th issue with Hillary's portrait on the cover and headline, Madam President.
And television programs have prepared reports praising the Lady Kingpin of the world financial elites.
Something went wrong and all the pre-scripted news packages turned a complete fiasco.
They've put everything on the line and failed miserably.
The predetermined Clinton win has suffered a death blow.
The numbers spoke for themselves.
Trump won.
No one in the U.S.
mainstream media believed or wanted to believe in Trump.
No one except for those in the scientific polls, Los Angeles Times, and one dynamic, highly passionate, energetic, and unrelenting journalist and documentary producer Alex Jones, the director and editor-in-chief of InfoWars News.
It is this journalist who had the courage to show the truth of what is really going on in the United States.
For many years, he has been fighting the false narratives of the mainstream media information.
He has exposed the globalist liberal ideology prevailing in a totalitarian style on the modern Western media front.
He reported on the financial elites, their stakes and strategies during the election.
Alex Jones believes that behind all the world's media outlets there is an ideological liberal agenda which aims at building a unipolar empire.
This world government manipulates all the prominent media systems for the sake of their own personal interests.
He was all but ostracized for continually exposing the war crimes of Hillary Clinton.
They avoided mentioning his name, and his website suffered repeated denial-of-service attacks.
But they couldn't stop him.
His videos continue to gather hundreds of thousands of views.
Infowars.com was practically the only resource where the elections were covered thoroughly and objectively.
They didn't cut their live feeds when someone voiced criticism toward the FBI, and they discussed the WikiLeaks dumps.
InfoWars has built itself to serve the interests of the American people.
This media organization showed its independence from the world financial elites.
It showed its sovereignty from the globalist owners.
And today, when all the mainstream liberal media have utterly been discredited, revealing themselves as puppets, InfoWars, along with the new independent media outlets, are becoming powerful forces in the new era and new paradigm which ushered Donald Trump.
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John Rappaport, nice music, sitting in for Alex here in the fourth hour.
Okay, the hack, the election hack.
To break it down, major media were basically saying, okay look, Russia hacked the Podesta, the Hillary, the DNC emails and fed them to WikiLeaks.
And then WikiLeaks released them, and then all of these fake news sites jumped on board and began splashing this all over the internet.
Now, if you talk to the editor of the Washington Post and you try to nail them down and say, this is what you're talking about?
This is it?
This is exactly what you mean and you don't mean anything else?
No, we mean a lot of things.
Don't try to pin me down.
There's a whole lot of stuff going on here.
Oh yeah, yeah.
But this is sort of what they were saying.
And then, of course, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks said, no, Russia was not our source.
Absolutely not.
And that left it up in the air.
Well, CIA is now coming.
Oh, yes, CIA is telling The Post and other news.
Yes, we have definitive evidence.
Yes, Russia was hacking the election, whatever that means.
And we are giving Congress a briefing here, and several congressmen said, well, okay, but where's the evidence?
We hear what you're saying.
Yeah, here's some CNN.
CIA director reassures staff.
Reassures, you know.
So, in other words, our evidence that Russia did hack the election is, we assure you that they did.
Oh, baby.
I have a wonderful time with this.
Mainly, I guess, because I've been working as a reporter.
And I know these people are fake.
I've known it for 30 years that they're fake.
And now they're basically saying, hey, look at us, we're fake.
We're fake.
You know, they're walking around with their pants down, saying, look at us, we're fake.
The world is falling, and Russia did it, and we're fake.
I mean, how could it be more transparent?
I don't know.
I mean, it's just hysterical, you know?
I mean, if they weren't attacking independent news media, then it would be nothing more than a gigantic joke.
And we would be doing nothing except laughing, right?
WikiLeaks says, no, of course not, we didn't get this information from Russia.
We don't say where we got our information from for a very good reason, because these sources could be killed, you know, if they were revealed.
And maybe they were.
Look at the events surrounding the death of Seth Rich, who worked for the DNC.
Maybe he was the leaker.
WikiLeaks offered $20,000 reward for information about his killing.
It was not a robbery.
His wallet, money, and so forth were there at the scene.
Everybody picked up on this in major media.
Okay, the CIA assures us, other agencies and the intelligence community assures us that Russia hacked the election.
Whatever that means.
You know, whatever that means.
They assure us that it's true and there's a collaboration of some kind, they don't spell it out, between fake news sites and Russia.
To subvert the election by revealing malicious information about Hillary Clinton.
Let's call it that, okay?
That's trying to put together the storyline for them because they're so fumbling and bumbling that they can't do it for themselves, right?
Okay, so now we've got the following.
So, if I were talking, let's say, to the editor of the Washington Post, I would say, okay, so you admit then that the information in the WikiLeaks emails was destructive to Hillary Clinton, right?
And he might say, well, yes, he's already sensing where I'm going.
So, it was destructive there because it was true.
Take a break, we'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're learning more than ever about the Tunisian asylum seeker wanted in the Berlin Massacre.
He was jailed for four years in Italy for burning down a school and arrested three separate times in Germany before police quote lost him.
Anna's army was also on the US no-fly list and he settled in Italy after leaving his hometown in Tunisia.
Now his father claimed this in a radio interview.
There's currently a reward on his head a hundred thousand euro.
He spent four years in an Italian jail for burning down a school before he left for Germany last year.
I think?
It still didn't stop officials from detaining him.
They wouldn't kick him out of the country, and he was allowed to ultimately wreak havoc in Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring 50 more.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
Our fellow InfoWarriors across the United States and across the planet really love the Hillary for Prison 2016 shirts that we began to put out in 2015.
It became a global meme against globalism and corruption.
And a very strong maxim that's now being continued on today.
So we now have George Soros, because the media attacked me on this whole goblin meme.
They've made huge jokes about it, but it's totally blown up in their face.
We now have George Soros as a goblin on the back, and it says with a cross through him, you know, an X like Ghostbusters.
No Soros, him as a goblin.
It says Deport Soros on the bottom and on the top it says InfoWars established 1996.
So it is a limited edition Deport Soros on the back, Hillary for President on the front, right hand shoulder InfoWars.com.
It's powerful.
I hope you get out to everybody you know.
InfoWarsStore.com or call 888-253-3139.
I'm going to lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat.
Or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22.
When I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support Infowars in our fight for both human liberty and freedom.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
John Rappaport back, sitting in for Alex in the fourth hour here.
So then, we get serious.
Real serious.
Because then, major media say, okay look,
Russia hacked the election, whatever that means.
We're not even going to bother describing it.
The CIA assures us it's so.
What does that mean?
We don't have any evidence, but we don't care.
And there are thousands, who knows how many, quote, fake news sites and bloggers that are taking their information from Russia, basically, and spreading it all around and smearing Hillary Clinton by telling the truth about her.
Because, you know, that's what's in the WikiLeaks emails.
The truth about her, the people around her, the DNC, the corruption, some things about the Clinton Foundation, all kinds of stuff.
That's what they're saying.
Except now they have to say, well, that information is actually false that's in the emails.
Oh, really?
Well, if it's false information in the emails, then it's...
Then it's what?
So in other words, everybody's lying about Hillary Clinton.
That's what you're saying.
You're saying that the WikiLeaks email material was actually forged.
Well, we're not going that far.
Their whole story falls apart.
They fall apart.
They're naked in front of the whole world.
But they don't care, because they have the power, they believe, to attack and defeat major independent sites, like this one.
That's what they think.
And so they go on the attack.
All the time.
They needed something as a pretext to go on the attack.
That's what we're talking about here.
Because they're losing.
Because nobody believes major media anymore.
That's why.
And because Trump, during his campaign, whether you like him, you hate him, you're indifferent, I don't care.
But what he was talking about over and over and over again was the defeat of globalism.
And that is the force that is behind major media.
They are in lockstep together.
They are one.
They are brothers under the skin.
That's where the money is.
That's where the prestige and the power is.
That's the whole deal.
And so they have to say, major media, all of a sudden, well, there is no such thing as globalism.
And then you go back in their own stories, and of course they're talking about globalism.
And you can go to David Rockefeller and read his comments about globalism.
He's a globalist!
You know, the Rockefellers behind the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, very important, the United Nations, all of these groups whose
Purpose is a new world economic order, which means it has to be a new political order, which means it's all about technocratic control of every citizen on the face of the earth.
So let's, you know, get that straight, okay?
That's what they're talking about.
They're talking about energy consumption, as Pat Wood describes in his great book, Technocracy Rising.
Glad to see he was interviewed recently on InfoWars.
They're ultimately talking about an ID card, or a chip, or whatever you want to call it, that would register your energy consumption.
That would be doled out on a global basis to every human being on Earth, and when you reach the limit for the month, or whatever the period of time is, that's it.
You're done.
You can't consume any more energy because they know how much energy there is, you see, and they can divide that by the number of people and decide who gets how much energy.
As a quota, you've got a quota.
What do you think smart meters are about?
What do you think the smart grid is about?
What do you think sustainable development is all about?
What do you think Agenda 21 is all about?
What do you think all these globalists are trying to do?
They are trying to integrate every nation on earth into one system that is controlled by an elite technocracy.
That's what they're doing.
That's what they've been doing under our noses for a very long time.
And one crazy guy stood up and said, guess what?
I'm running for president and I don't care.
I don't care.
I have no respect for the media.
I don't care what they say.
I don't care what they think.
I don't care what they do.
All I know is I think we ought to build back this country and we ought to forget about all of this globalism nonsense.
And he kept saying it over and over and over again.
And the mere saying of it was enough.
To alarm the globalists and say, this is not good.
We do not want this message out there and we don't want anybody to actually try to implement it.
That would be a disaster if that actually happened for real.
So we've got to cut it off.
And they tried and they failed.
They didn't cut it off.
And I don't care what anybody says.
What happened in the election is such a danger to these globalists and technocrats that they have to respond in the way that I've just laid out for you here in the last 35-40 minutes.
And I will continue to lay it out.
But first, a message about the InfoWars store at InfoWarsLife.com.
Again, the super Christmas sale.
Special selling out, Brain Force Plus.
33% off at Infowarslife.com.
It's selling out, so go there and get it.
20% more capsules per bottle.
Brand new supercharger ingredient, black pepper extract.
Higher concentration of key ingredients.
Brain Force Plus, you support InfoWars, you get a great product, everybody wins.
InfoWarsLife.com, the Christmas super sale.
Do it.
Do it.
The globalists are, the major media are the globalists.
They're interchangeable pieces and parts.
I've talked enough over the years to mainstream reporters to read between the lines of what they're telling me.
And what they're telling me basically is they understand what their agenda has to be in order to stay in the system, in order to rise up in the system, in order to collect their paychecks, in order to send their kids to college.
They know, I can assure you,
They know.
And they are vetted.
When they're hired, after they're hired.
They've got talent spotters out there.
Okay, this guy's smart, he can write, and he's on the right side politically of what we want him to say.
Let's bring him on board and see how he works out.
It's a classic infiltration operation.
Come on.
It's been going on for
60, 70 years at least in the press, in the colleges, where they hire people whose ideology is all important to them.
That's the game.
So they have to destroy Trump.
They have to destroy what he was saying.
They have to destroy what he promised to do.
And the way that they do it is clear.
It's all this fake news out there.
Yeah, there's so much fake news.
Yeah, fake news.
Don't trust fake news.
And now the major media have to go to the people who are really in charge of
Still, the majority of news on the internet, that's social media, that's Twitter, that's Facebook, that's YouTube, and they've got to say to them, hey, boys, help us out here!
Help us defeat fake news.
Because you're putting our news up, right?
On Facebook and so forth.
And we have a deal, you know, we're on the same team.
Come on, right, Zuckerberg?
You're on the same team.
And he says, of course I'm on the same team, because after all,
When you really look at where the funding started for Facebook, what do you see?
You see CIA connected money.
Curie's on the same team.
There was never any doubt about that.
So they're going to censor, they're going to bury what they consider to be fake news in a preposterous way.
They're going to try their best and they're going to fail time and time again.
They're going to fail.
And the more they try, the more they rub up against people like you and others who are on the fence, the more you're going to go away from mainstream news into independent news.
Because you can see what they're doing.
You can see what they're doing.
They're running scared.
They're terrified.
They've got to get a guy like Brian Williams, who's like Mr. Fake News, to start talking about how we have to defeat fake news.
This is classic Orwellian stuff.
I mean, it's right out of 1984.
Find the biggest fakers in the world and have them accuse everybody else of fakery.
You know?
This is a holiday.
Talk about the Christmas holiday.
This is a holiday, this season, for me, as a reporter.
Because dreams are coming true.
Dreams are coming true.
Up until now, I would say, major media position has been kind of solid, sober.
You know, that's their attitude as they lie to you every single day in every single way that they can.
By telling overt lies, by leaving out vital data, by bringing in fake experts and calling them real, and creating a consensus that doesn't even exist, and calling it a consensus, I mean all of this, but they do it like, we are the authorities, we know, here it is, this is the news, this is real.
That's the way, until now.
Now, it's like,
Some drunken hysterical frat boy running around naked out on the quadrangle of the university at two o'clock in the morning screaming, everybody's fake!
It's psychotic behavior.
That's what they're into now.
They've gone psycho.
And this is what happens to people who are chronic liars, chronic sociopaths,
Chronic greed heads, when they're cornered, they go psychotic.
That's what they do.
They start screaming.
They start making up stuff.
Hey, Mr. CIA, we need your help.
We need to call out fake news.
Can you give us?
Oh, sure, we can give you whatever.
What do you want?
Well, we've got fake news sites and so forth.
We've got to tie all this into Russia hacking the election and Russia actually fed the fake news.
Oh, yeah, I see where you're going with this.
No problem.
We'll fish out something.
We'll make a statement.
We'll do briefings.
Bring in anybody.
We'll just feed them full of generalities, and if they ask us for evidence, we'll say we can't give it to you because we have to protect our sources and methods and national security, blah, blah, blah.
Sure, we can do that.
Because we've got a deal, right?
$600 million contract here.
We're buddies, right?
No problem.
The boys in the back room are going psycho.
And it's gorgeous to see, except for the fact that they really do want to bury independent media.
And the result of that war is, to a significant degree, in your hands.
Your hands.
Because it's where you go, what you hear, what you see, what you read, that determines
How this war is going to end up.
The trend is certainly in the direction of independent media, leaving major media in the dust.
But, the future to a significant degree lies in your hands.
And I know, because I know what's going on out there, that many of you have been essentially
Bringing other people on board in various ways and saying, hey, look at this story, look at that!
Can you believe this?
And they say, God, this is incredible.
Where did this come from?
And it turns out to be an independent news site.
That's where it's coming from.
Well, I got to read more of that.
I got to see more of that.
And a whole new world opens up to that person that you helped create.
And you keep doing it over and over again, and then he keeps doing it over and over again, and you can't stop that.
You absolutely can't stop that.
There'll always be a way around whatever they do to keep this going.
And they know it.
They understand that.
And they can't change course.
That's the beauty of it, you see.
They're on this course.
It's heading to the edge of the cliff.
They're going to fall off.
It's going to be terrifying and they're going to crash on the rocks and explode.
And they can't get off that course because they're pledged in blood to the death to be brothers under the skin to the globalists.
There's no way out.
You sell your soul
Now, if you go back on your pledge or your promise, you're dead.
One way or another, in one form or another, you're dead.
So they can't go back.
We have to understand that.
That's good to know.
That's a vital piece of information.
They're going down this same psychotic track.
They're going to be telling wilder and wilder tales that make no sense.
Full of vague generalities and accusations that they hurl out there.
And it's going to rebound against them time and time and time again.
As I've said on this program before, as a guest of Alex, there's a way they could turn their boats around if they really wanted to.
They begin covering the stories that independent media have been carrying for the last 10-15 years, and their circulations would go through the roof.
Because this is what the American people want to know.
This is what the American people have been waiting for in vain of the stories that independent media are reporting.
And they're not getting it from mainstream because they can't.
Because mainstream is pledged not to reveal those stories.
Because those stories lie on the other side of the line where those people may not go.
They cannot go there.
No reporters, no editors, no anchors, nobody.
We'll be back for our final segment on InfoWars.
This is John Mapp, report sitting in for Alex in the fourth hour.
You and I, and you have been the voice, have been on the radio and on the alternative media, which really has become the mainstream media.
One of the most important things you've done, Alex, and this entire show has done, and then subsequently Trump and family has done, is to make Washington irrelevant.
The CIA has become irrelevant.
Homeland Security has become irrelevant.
All of the issues on the Pentagon, where you have a million people in the back office for a million soldiers, they are becoming irrelevant.
Let's get into the counter-coup that's happened.
They're now striking back.
So they already had a coup, counter-coup.
Now they're attempting another, I guess, coup.
It's not going to work, Alex.
The truth of the matter is the entire government has shifted.
Away from its old habits.
And what's happening now is we're reconfiguring to be smaller, more effective, and we're concentrating on one issue, and that's jobs.
And now you have to remember that what Trump has done is literally to put in businessmen into the Treasury.
He's put in an amazing businessman into the Secretary of State position.
This is a man who's run a $400 billion corporation.
Well, he knows world leaders everywhere.
They say he's extremely charming, the best salesman ever.
Well, you have to be.
If you're going to be head of Exxon Mobil, that is America.
I mean, one of the things that I think your audience and the people in the United States have to understand is that the business of foreign policy is energy.
It's business.
We're out there to create more business for our business.
He's taking us back to what we were.
What made us great is commerce.
That's exactly right.
Our country is very strong.
The dollar has gone up.
The stock markets will continue.
With the appearance of Trump and the people he's put in, the world understands one thing.
We're coming back to be the major power.
Obama, really very frightened at what Trump can do.
The legacy that the president has is being destroyed.
Now we have professionals.
Obama can't handle this.
The liberals can't handle it, and the media has nowhere to go.
They can't rationalize, how does a man in a studio who started with nothing 15 years ago, or 20 years ago, i.e.
Alex Jones,
You have to be stupid if you want to go after Alex Jones.
John Rappaport back for the final segment in the fourth hour, sitting in for Alex here at Infowars.com.
Just a few minutes left.
So I just want to feed you one more tidbit here in this long and winding story that I've been telling for the last hour about major media, the real fake media.
They are the real fake media.
Would you boys come up and receive your trophies and your awards?
Because we finally identified you as the authentic fake media.
Yeah, we should have an awards ceremony.
Maybe you guys could figure out how to do that.
Maybe you could make a video.
You know, green screen it, possibly with a giant auditorium and a stage.
And now the Washington Post, you know,
As you narrow it down, who's going to win?
Best picture usually is not the last one at the Oscars.
Best real fake media outlet goes to Boo!
So here's the last tidbit.
Oh, the Washington Post is already running a story.
I'm reading, how the war against fake news backfired.
Oh yeah, well, okay.
And that is,
They do know investigative reporting.
And by that I mean, you have a story, you know it's juicy, you know it's horrendous, what you're going to discover, you can already see that.
It's going to require a great deal of digging, and so you're going to do the digging.
You're going to assign a reporter, or two, or three, whatever, to an ongoing story, and you're going to pound away day after day, month after month, however long it takes, and it's going to take a while.
And you're going to keep publishing stories or featuring on broadcasts as more and more is uncovered, you see.
And it's going to build to a mighty roar.
As you expose more and people come out of the woodwork under pressure to confess to you, the investigative reporter, what they really did and how they roll over as you talk to them and they tell you, you better talk to so-and-so, he's even higher on the food chain, you know, this kind of thing.
It's not done.
It used to be done, to some degree, more than it is now, that's for sure.
And I could cite you a few examples.
It's a great series on vaccine dangers published in a newspaper up in Rochester, New York about, oh, let's call it 30 years ago now.
A series that was just absolute dynamite.
You would never do that now.
Never find it now.
So therefore, because that kind of investigative reporting is not even being done, these major media outlets can blow the whistle on things and it doesn't even matter.
They can say, well the world ended today at 4 p.m.
according to NASA and then tomorrow they just ignore it and they go on with another story and so forth and people don't even remember that they read the other story about the world ending.
I mean they could expose anything they want to.
And I know this because I quote some of these articles when I write my articles and show how even major media admitted, for example, that the mainstream medical system was killing 225,000 people a year.
That's 2.25 million people a decade in the US.
And they can do that.
A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000, by Dr. Barbara Starfield, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
All this is in the record.
It's all true.
But then you see, they've got a backup, which is the ultimate backup, which is we're not going to cover it anymore.
It's gone.
And so am I. Thank you, Alex.
Thanks to the crew at InfoWars.
See you next week.
Thank you.
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We're learning more than ever about the Tunisian asylum seeker wanted in the Berlin Massacre.
He was jailed for four years in Italy for burning down a school.