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Name: 20161026_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 26, 2016
3523 lines.

"In this episode of the Alex Jones Show, the host discusses Trump's lead in the presidential election, potential conflicts between the U.S and Russia, and the vulnerability of America's power grid. He also talks about listener concerns regarding poll manipulation, civil unrest, and nuclear war. The show touches on issues such as illegal immigration, advertising on GCN, global economic decline, and scams. Alex Jones interviews voters outside an early polling station in Austin, Texas, and discusses products available on his website. He also refutes Michael Moore's claim about Hillary Clinton's Christianity."

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And they are panicking.
We're only 12 days out until election day.
13 days out until election day has come and gone.
We'll supposedly know who our new El Presidente is.
But in a Tampa speech that I think is his most powerful yet, I keep saying, this last one was his most powerful yet, and then four or five speeches later I'll say, this one was even better.
Yesterday topped them all because he just rolled everything into one.
It was over an hour long, and I actually basically stopped working for about 45 minutes yesterday and just watched the speech.
And I posted a video last night that I shot with Rob Dood titled,
Donald Trump has won the 2016 election, whether they steal it from him, whether he gets in, whether it's contested.
Nationalism, anti-New World Order information and awakening, understanding about government corruption, understanding about how taxes are used to pick winners and losers and are selectively applied, knowledge of how trade deals are really global governance, knowledge on how we've been totally guilted into submitting to tyranny is now
A cause célèbre, avant-garde worldwide.
All 25 members of the tyrannical EU are now moving forward to pull out.
Nothing can stop its collapse.
Except God.
They think World War III will keep people in line as they threatened Europe to sign on to the Euro 20-something years ago.
It's now all happening.
Incredible time to be alive.
Nationalism, patriotism, true understanding of what makes humans successful and happy is being rediscovered.
The modern corporate plastic culture of death that is globalism has now been identified as the problem, as the enemy, as the cancer.
Now the video I shot is mainly clips of the speech he gave in Florida yesterday.
It's on InfoWars.com.
It's red-linked.
And I break down why Donald Trump has already won the election.
Whether they steal it or not.
And of course the polls are out today.
He's ahead in every battleground state, 2 to 5 points.
And that's with a sampling of 9 to 12 to 15 to 20.
Most of them are 9, 12, 15, 20.
Reuters, Bloomberg, you name it.
It's all admitted.
It's in the Podesta emails.
They go and pay for these polls and they say, here's the methodology.
You add 9 to 20 points.
Now some, they add 40-something.
And that's when you get CNN polls where she's winning by, you know, 68 to 30-something.
That's the total, you know, Santa Claus came to town, made up total fantasy land.
So they really try to demoralize folks and think he's absolutely been destroyed.
Like the New York Times, 92% chance we have a special formula, and 92% chance she wins special formula, it's all over, go home.
They did the same thing last week at the debates when Danny Williams was about to give a press conference.
They had over 100 members of the press there.
David Knight's walking around for 45 minutes going, no one's here, no one's here.
That's because they had the hotel staff show up and tell them, it's off, you're not allowed to have your press conference because Danny was there 30 minutes early.
Danny and them left, went to their room.
I start getting calls from David Knight.
He goes and finds them, tells them, no, it's still on.
And by then there were just maybe 15 members of the press still there.
Bait and switches, folks.
These are villains out of a textbook.
These are classic dirtbag criminals.
And so they tell you, you know, the election's off, folks, it's over.
They've already told you, what, for six months?
He's resigning, he's stepping down, it's over.
He's resigning right now at Trump Tower.
There's an intervention, we have it on good sources.
Trump's stepping down, he's like, never stepping down.
Ahead in polls, total bull.
I will never step down.
I will never step down.
He's gonna step down.
He's gonna step down.
Oh, you're here for the press conference?
Sorry, there's no press conference, everybody.
There's no election, everybody.
By the way, Obamacare's free, though.
Thank God the public's so stupid, Gruber said, on C-SPAN, like you're stupid.
And you know what?
You go along with this, you are stupid.
But you know what?
People aren't going along with it.
Huge broadcast lined up.
Start your engines.
Tell everybody you know, tune in.
This is going to be historical.
I said to Donald, here's what they're doing, they're setting it up as follows.
For three, four months they've been saying the Russians are hacking our elections, to protect our elections, which is sacred.
We want to turn it over to DHS, the genius who's given us one terrorist attack after another and has done nothing to stop it.
He still has his job, right?
So he wants to make sure our elections are safe.
Russians are hacking.
Follow the bouncing ball.
No proof.
If Trump wins, which is highly likely by the way, which we can talk about in a minute or two or another time, Trump wins, government declares, oh we have evidence that the Russians hacked it, he's a friend of Putin, the election is null and void, we're going to recall another election in what, six months?
Until then, Mr. Obama has graciously agreed
To continue his public service in the United States of America.
Thank you very much.
We're not taking any questions.
And we have Biden announcing they're going to launch a giant cyber attack on the Russians and saying if the Russians respond, they may respond militarily, which is a doctrine Hillary came out with two months ago.
And suddenly NATO announced that's their new doctrine.
She's literally calling the show.
All I wanted to say was, I said it to Donald and he didn't take the bait.
I'm glad he didn't.
I said, don't even answer me because they'll crucify you if you agree with me.
They're going to steal the election.
I'll make it simple.
In the fifth grade, I ran for class president in Queens, New York.
I was a funny kid.
I was a wild kid.
I was out of control.
I won the election by a landslide.
The teacher stood up and said, this election doesn't count.
She had another election, and I wasn't class president.
So, hey, look, if it could be done in the fifth grade in the Bronx when I was a kid, why can't they do it to us now, right?
We're just children.
I had a similar thing happen.
You know, when you really do things in this world, you start to learn how rigged they are, and it's just crazy to see them go.
He was on the same newscast.
The Russians are rigging the election.
We're having to bring in the UN to oversee it.
And then meanwhile, Trump's crazy.
He says they're rigging the election, even as we catch election officials admitting the fraud.
We do have a minute or two more if you've got it.
Elaborate on what you're saying.
I mean, I agree.
The internal polls, I know from Trump, but also other big groups are doing internal polls.
5, 10, 15 points ahead in most battleground states.
He's going to win in a landslide.
They're only creating the perception he's way behind, so we buy it right now.
Do you concur with that?
A. B. What happens when he gets in?
100% right.
You and I think the same way.
I said that to Donald yesterday on my radio show.
I said...
Donald, I said what they're doing is they're not trying to get Hillary people to vote for Hillary.
They've got all the people they could ever, ever get.
I said what they're trying to do is discourage Trump voters from voting by thinking that it's over already.
They're trying to make them think that he lost, that she won.
So they're going to throw their hands up and not vote for him.
He's got to make sure that people think he can still win, which he can.
And then if all of us who are supporting him come out, I think he will win.
It's that simple.
That's right, you can't steal landslides.
I've interviewed experts who are Democrats, Republicans, die-bold engineers from the highest levels, they agree.
You cannot steal a landslide.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
We are now only 12 days out from the big date.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, broadcasting worldwide from Austin, Texas.
Thank you for joining us.
Trump absolutely dominates in his Florida speech yesterday.
He is up four points in Ohio.
That's even in polls that sample more Democrats than Republicans.
He pulls to three ahead in Pennsylvania.
He's way ahead in Florida and again that is with cooked polls on average adding 9 to 12 points.
More Democrats.
This is a landslide that we are looking at right now.
The bad news is more Colorado election troubles.
Investigation finds people are voting twice, of course for Hillary.
The Living Dead.
Anti-Trump violence sweeps country.
Media ignores.
Walk of Fame star destroyed by vandals.
Angry protesters to storm DC hotel.
Grand opening.
That's up on DrudgeReport.com.
Obama busted.
Wiki shows President lied to nation.
Emails unleash hell on administration.
Even the New York Times admits, okay, it's a cover-up.
A criminal cover-up.
All her testimony, everything to the FBI, to Congress, lies, lies, lies.
That's why they gave him immunity to testify so they'd be covered when they knew all this came out.
And now it's coming out as Trump talked about yesterday, $600,000 plus to the head of the FBI's wife.
I mean, this is all coming out.
People running the investigations.
This is Loretta Lynch on the airplane.
With Bill Clinton flaunting it in your face, total criminal arrogance of unprecedented magnitude.
It's now come out it was not the Russians.
This is mainline.
Even the federal government admits that took down the part of the internet last week.
It came from inside the United States.
We've also got massive news when it comes to Michelle Obama hosting people that promote date rape and gang rape.
But she's the moral high ground person.
All of this is coming up and more.
But first, I want to air some excerpts from the hour-long speech he gave in Tampa that is his most powerful yet.
It's headlined on InfoWars.com.
Spread the video.
Is this the most powerful speech ever?
And then there's another important video.
Donald Trump has already won the 2016 election.
He's already hurt the globalists big time, exposed it, and made the true issues we face, global governance, the number one issue in the world, and nationalism is spreading worldwide.
Resistance is victory.
Here is Donald Trump from Tampa, Florida.
There he is!
Donald Trump, our leader.
Heading for the White House to drain the swamp.
Look at that man.
A battering ram into the global establishment.
Historic numbers coming out for Donald Trump at these rallies.
Tim Kaine got 30 people.
30 people at a Hillary rally the other day.
This is a Donald Trump rally.
Look at that.
Welcome back to the Nightly News, everybody.
Theinfowars.com, Nightly News.
The truth that is coming out of Donald Trump's mouth is rocking the entire world right now.
And I feel bad for those who are missing out entirely.
Here are the highlights from Donald Trump's historic speech in Florida today.
Thank you, Owen.
I'll tell you what, the media, folks, is no good.
They're no good.
Very dishonest.
In 14 days, we're going to win the state of Florida.
We're going to win back the White House.
The lines at the voting booths are record.
And I noticed that a lot of the people
Online, do you see the pictures?
They're wearing the red hat, the white hat, this hat, they're wearing buttons all over the place.
I think those are people that are inclined to vote for us, do you agree?
75% of the American people think our country is on the wrong track, every poll says it.
We are going to fix it and we are going to get our country back on the right track very, very quickly.
Together we're going to deliver real change that once again puts America first.
That begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known as Obamacare.
Repealing Obamacare and stopping Hillary's healthcare takeover is one of the single most important reasons that we must win on November 8th.
Change has to come from outside our corrupt system.
The fact that the Washington establishment has tried so hard to stop our campaign, which is actually a movement.
This is a movement, folks.
And this is the last time we're gonna have a chance.
Four years, it's over.
It's over.
In four years, you don't have a chance.
All these characters that want to run in four years, they can forget it.
They're wasting their time.
You don't have even a little bit of a chance.
This is it.
And we're really close.
We're going to win Florida.
$1,500 and an iPhone.
Go in the rally and beat people up.
They found out our people are not so easy to beat up, that's for sure.
But do you remember?
Remember they went in and there was a policeman with blood pouring down his face.
There was another one with a badly gashed face.
This was all thugs put in there.
And then I'm listening to her talk about peace at our rallies.
We want peace.
This is one of the great phonies of all time.
And she shouldn't be allowed to run for president with what she's done, I'll tell you right now.
The fact that the Washington establishment has tried so hard to stop this movement is only more proof that our campaign represents the kind of change that only arrives once in a lifetime.
This is once in a lifetime.
I'm telling you, I opened the door, I looked out the window, I said, wow, it's so different from what they report.
These people up here, they are the worst.
And you know what it's called?
By the way, you know what it's called, don't you?
It's called voter suppression.
Just keep it going, folks.
We're fighting a crooked establishment.
And just about the biggest part of the crooked establishment are these people right back there with the phony cameras.
That some of the voting is rigged.
Okay, everybody knows.
Check out Philadelphia, Chicago, St.
And he said, this is a threat to our system.
This is terrible.
This is a threat.
Okay, I figured you is.
Wow, that's pretty bad.
Except last night on television, last night, I'm watching Obama from eight years ago.
And he's basically saying that the whole thing is fixed.
Before he won his first race, he was talking about voting.
And he said, remember, I come from Chicago.
I mean, they do.
Give me a break.
This guy's such a phony guy.
What a phony.
The system, the whole system is rigged.
The whole system is rigged.
Keep your plan, keep your doctrine.
He lied.
Jonathan Gruber said the American people are essentially stupid for approving and allowing Obamacare to happen.
And you know what?
We've got to show them on November 8th that we're not stupid.
We're not stupid.
Crooked Hillary Clinton bleached and deleted 33,000 emails, lied to Congress under oath, made 13 iPhones disappear, some with a hammer, then told the FBI she couldn't remember 39 times.
Bad memory.
They were sent by Russia, Russia.
They're always using Russia, like I have nothing to do with Russia.
They were sent by Russia and Donald Trump.
Can you imagine if I got the answers or the questions to a debate?
It would be the electric chair, right?
No, no, it would be the biggest story in the world.
The criminal conduct of Hillary Clinton
Threatens the foundations of democracy.
I mean that.
I proposed a contract with the American voter that will give the government back to the people.
I'll tell you, I love our country.
I had to do it.
I see where our country is going, and it's not good.
I want everyone in Washington to hear and to heed the words I'm about to say.
If we win,
On November 8th, we are going to Washington DC and we together are going to drain the swamp.
A constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.
A lifetime ban on government officials lobbying for a foreign government.
Do you believe this?
A total ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.
Thank you very much, we don't need your money.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, another beauty.
Hillary Clinton called the gold standard and then during the debate she lied.
She said, I never said that.
Unfortunately, at the next debate they announced she did say it.
And she also said she never was Secretary of State when they talked about the red line in the Senate.
I wasn't Secretary of State then, right?
I wasn't.
She lied, she was.
What a group of people we have.
What a group of dishonest scum we have, I'm telling you.
Oh, I love it.
You vote for her, you're crazy, okay?
She is the worst.
My plan also includes major investments in space exploration.
Things come out of it, including great jobs.
And it'll change very quickly under a Trump administration.
As a cornerstone of my policy, we will substantially expand public-private partnerships to maximize
All right, ladies and gentlemen, the full speech is posted on InfoWars.com under the rest of those highlights titled, Is This the Greatest Speech Ever on InfoWars.com.
Donald Trump has already won the 2016 election.
All the polls, all the numbers show it.
Hillary's intending to steal it.
The only way we lose is rolling over.
We're going to fight for it, and we'll talk about that straight ahead.
We are 12 days out!
12 days out!
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Coming up, I want to talk about why Western civilization is under attack, and why the globalists are hell-bent on destroying it.
I also want to open the phones up and see if you agree with me or disagree because I'm not setting people up here for Trump to lose.
The media keeps saying that he points out it's rigged because he's getting ready to lose.
No, they tried to steal the nomination from Trump.
He fought.
He got the nomination.
Sanders didn't.
He lost it.
But I'm telling you, this isn't like the nomination.
This is going head on against Hillary in the general election and the fix is in.
So I want people to understand, we're going to fight for this, legally and lawfully.
But regardless, them stealing it is a huge victory as well.
It'll even further discredit them.
They're losing the info war.
They are totally discredited.
And it's come out, the FBI director is in bed getting paid off by the Clintons.
It's coming out, Project Veritas, in about one hour.
Offshore bank accounts and the Clintons taking the bait.
I'm just going to stop right there.
Stuff that is just huge.
And it's not going to stop.
So time is on our side, make no mistake, and Donald Trump has savaged them.
He's blown their operation wide open.
And they may crawl across the finish line and steal it, but that'll be in front of God and the world, and that'll blow up even bigger.
We cannot lose.
I've always said this, because history shows it, and I've experienced it.
Resistance is victory.
If you're in the right, and you stand up, and you never back down, and you never give in, just like King George in the Revolutionary War, with an army 20 times the size of ours, still ended up giving up.
Look at Vietnam.
Fighting a military with hundreds of times the firepower, wouldn't give up, we finally had to give up.
Resistance is victory and they want to teach you you have no power because you do have power.
Now coming up, CBS News, Denver, investigation finds people voting twice, Democrats of course.
Dead people.
More reports of votes flipping from Trump to Clinton in Texas.
I personally have gotten calls from friends that say it happened to them.
One of them got in trouble trying to take photos of it in the booth.
Folks, you're allowed to take a photo of your vote.
I don't care what some pinhead election official says.
Give me a break.
You people make me sick.
So, this isn't yesterday's story.
This is today's story.
Up on InfoWars.com.
DMV computer outage raises fears of election day cyber attacks.
Los Angeles CBS.
Because that's how they check it through the DMV when you go to check the ID.
They don't even have IDs to vote, so it doesn't even matter.
So that'll just be whatever names they want, period, voting.
I mean, clearly some hardcore stuff's going on.
Republicans accuse the ATF of covering up political motives behind GOP office firebombing.
And that ties into the anti-Trump violence sweeping the nation that we're going to be getting into.
And by the way, we're doing 30 to 40 percent off swearable food.
We normally do that once a year.
I'm doing it every few months now.
I'm the highest quality swearable food out there.
We already had this set up months ago to do this special this week, but people are going crazy on the special.
We're selling the most food we've ever sold, and I'm not even saying get it for civil unrest.
People are doing it because they can see where the economy's going, where Deutsche Bank is going bigger than Lehman Brothers, with all the attempts to start war with Russia.
Boy, there's a bunch of news on that now today.
Russia has now announced it's got a missile that the United States calls, or NATO calls, Satan 2.
Believe me, we've got plenty of Satan missiles ourselves, that is supersonic, goes, what, four plus miles a second.
Basically can't be shot down even by particle beam lasers.
And it holds 14, 40 megaton bombs that would destroy the entire surface of Texas with one re-entry device.
So it comes back into orbit, comes back into the atmosphere, pops open with the re-entry devices, the multiple re-entry devices, and then fires 14 warheads down onto Texas.
And we've got the head of intelligence saying, yes, we think Russia's gonna try to shoot our planes down now in Syria, so we better get ready for war.
Do what we want or we'll start a big war!
Russia unveils Satan 2 missile could wipe out France or Texas, report says.
So, there you go.
What's important about the Satan 2, not their name, ours, is that it, again, goes reportedly at Mach 5 or Mach 6, and so you can't shoot it down with a range of 6,000 plus miles.
What they do is they fire it right over the Arctic.
Right over the Arctic.
It's a short trip out of their silos in northern Russia.
Over the pole.
In fact, we've got a globe around here.
Will somebody grab me a globe during the break?
I want to show people just a little short hop for the missile.
Just a little, oh, 4,000 miles.
And this is what we have with Queen Hillary.
And Trump's warning of World War III, by the way, saying Hillary wants to start it.
It's all coming up straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Obamacare is so unaffordable for the U.S.
Reports have surfaced that individuals are choosing between groceries and affording health care.
Premiums for a mid-level benchmark plan will increase on average by 25% across the board in 39 states.
And about 1 in 5 consumers will have plans from only a single insurer to pick from.
In Arizona, for example, unsubsidized premiums for a hypothetical 27-year-old buying a benchmark second lowest silver plan will jump by 116% from $196 to $422 each and every month.
This according to the Department of Health and Human Services.
Well, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani pointed out today, when Obamacare was doing well, Hillary went around saying, it was really Hillarycare.
It's democratic, 100%.
He went on to add that Obamacare is really Obama fraud.
Well, this coincides with its architect, who said that the greatest advantage of Obamacare was that it was so untransparent, no one questioned it when it was passed.
No one questioned what it would really do to American families.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Dr. Grip, you developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but
Right now, we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now, with all the refugees spreading disease around, we have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, I'll tell you, you can cut the tension in the air with a knife right now.
Thank you for joining us.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Weldon Henson, one of the great crew members here at the office, is joining us right now.
When he leaves in a few minutes, I'm going to
Break down the fact that our government's trying to start World War III with Russia.
I thought I would go over the Satan 2 missile, NATO's name, not Russia's name, of this particular weapon system that has 14 40 megaton hydrogen bombs, warheads in it.
And I wanted to explain, most people think of Russia as being across the Atlantic Ocean or being across the Pacific Ocean.
But actually, it's just right over the North Pole from the United States and Canada.
So that's why that is such a big concern and we are on this very small little globe here.
It might be nice not to have a nuclear winter and basically have everybody kill each other.
But there you can see, dear TV viewer, how close the United States is to Russia.
And the way globes work is they make things more towards the poles.
So Canada, geographically, is actually much smaller and so is the Arctic.
So visually, it looks like it's closer here, but in reality, we're even closer to Russia.
We are right by Russia.
Look how close Alaska is to Russia.
Just a few miles across there, where originally we had the Bering Strait, where individuals with Chinese genetics came across.
They became known as the Native Americans.
Genetically tested, they are Chinese.
Isn't that just interesting?
With also small amounts of ancient Nordic bloodlines.
Because there were a lot of Vikings, even thousands of years before the historians admit it, that came across.
That's now been confirmed.
But it's just interesting to know that.
Also, there's been Viking genetics found all across Russia and into China.
Because they, on their flat boats, went into all these areas.
Just shows the mainline history we're being given is being overturned daily.
In fact, let me just hit this nuclear issue right now, then we'll go to Weldon Henson.
Trump says Hillary's Syria policy would lead to World War III.
And since I mentioned that, let's go ahead and play that clip from yesterday.
Here it is.
It's Donald Trump from yesterday on the nuke.
It's a short clip.
It's our number one clip on the list.
You can show it if you'd like.
It is listed number one.
And it is Trump
On Hillary being a danger of nuclear war.
Here it is.
With her, you'll end up in World War III.
She doesn't know what she's doing, just like with Libya, just like with everything else she's done.
So, Syria now is no longer Syria.
Syria is Russia and the new Iran that we built through the Iran deal, which is one of the worst negotiated deals I've ever seen.
What we should do is focus on ISIS.
We should not be focusing on Syria.
Well, and you'll end up with her plan, you'll end up in World War 3 with Syria.
You're gonna end up, Steve, you're gonna end up in World War 3 over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton.
She's incompetent.
Now, in the Iran deal, they made a deal to let Iran come into Syria and Iraq, and that is the deal.
He's saying that's not a good deal, but he's saying the main focus is the Saudi Arabian-backed
ISIS, Al Qaeda, Wahhabis.
And he's absolutely right.
Reuters says that's an exclusive.
I guess they recorded that in a restaurant while he's getting something to eat.
Poor guy's been recorded all the time.
But that's what he said in policies.
Well, it's what General Flynn, who actually ran operations and spoke out against Obama, has told him.
It's what's been declassified, what's been admitted.
And Hillary is one of the main architects of that.
Continuing, intelligence director wouldn't put it past Russia to fire at US aircraft in Syria.
So we've got a clapper stirring things up.
Also, as globalists push war, Russia unveils defensive nuke that can destroy Texas-sized area.
That's Clifford Cunningham, Infowars.com.
Don't mess with Russia.
Putin stands up to globalists.
We can also put the CNN piece back on for TV viewers, where they have the same headline, basically, that it's a ICBM MIRV system with 14 warheads, 14 megaton apiece, or 40 megaton apiece, that would destroy the entire surface area completely.
Molten ash of Texas or France.
Yes, folks.
Geographically, France is roughly the exact same size as the great state of Texas, the second most geographically large state and also the second most populous state.
But continuing with the factoids here, that's what we're dealing with right now.
The RS-28 Sarmat missile, codenamed Satan II by NATO, has a maximum speed of 4.3 miles per second and has been designed to outmaneuver anti-missile systems.
It has a range of 6,213 miles.
And it would destroy the United States very, very quickly because they reportedly have hundreds of these missiles all loaded up.
Meanwhile, Syrian refugee with four wives and 23 children claims £320,000, that's in the UK, a year in benefits.
Isn't that just special?
Meanwhile, a nuclear reactor in Norway is leaking radioactive iodine.
That's up on Infowars.com.
And we just mentioned Trump, Hillary's Syria policy would lead to World War III in there.
You know, the media is acting like they caught him in something amazing here, and it's woo, a big deal.
Again, he could spin gold out of straw, and they would say it was a bad thing.
He's absolutely on target.
But just finishing up here, before you go to Weldon Henson, who I drug in here, when he came over to talk to me, is that if you look at a globe from the top,
You'll notice that Russia is, again, very, very close to the United States.
That's the reason there's almost no early warning if missiles get fired by either side, is because they just fire over the poles and then hit New York, Chicago, Seattle, all these.
When we're talking about 10 minutes, they get hit.
A little bit further south, more like 14, 15 minutes, and they hit Miami, and they hit Houston, and they hit Los Angeles, and all the rest of it.
And, of course, there's also nuclear submarines right off the coast and right off the Gulf.
I think so.
Russia is not in an offensive position and it's not starting war with anybody.
I've had so many Pentagon people on, hawks, you name it.
This is out of the blue bullying of Russia because they're in economic trouble and the globalists have been trying to destabilize it.
And the reason I raise all of that is everybody needs to politically be extremely aggressive to get control of this country from the Hitlerian lunatics that are running it right now, the neocons, so that we don't have war.
And we need to also be prepared, though, not so much restorable food for nuclear war.
Because this type of nuclear war, you're not going to really need them.
You're going to be dead, okay?
At least in the United States.
You're going to wish you're dead in the Southern Hemisphere.
It's going to get bad.
Nuclear winter, you name it.
If we're lucky, and it's not that bad, it might just completely kill everybody on the planet, some estimates, depending on how many nukes get detonated and what ends up happening.
But the reason F-Storable Foods, in my humble opinion, is because of all the civil unrest that the globalists have been trying to stir up, all the different things that we've seen coming out of George Soros, and what they've done in Ukraine, and the Arab Spring.
This is a major global destabilization.
So we have the entire spectrum of InfoWars Select, powered by the full catalog, it's just private level by us,
We're good.
Get around contracts and be able to give you 20% off normally.
I'm allowed to every once in a while, they let us do this more and more, go 30 to 40% off.
A lot of stuff's 40.
The lowest discount is 30.
You cannot get a better deal on high quality, storable food.
Infowarslife.com is where you get the supplements.
Infowarsstore.com is where you get everything else.
But again, it's all the same shopping cart.
It's just certain URLs take you right to the sub page.
The site, Infowarslife.com, is for the supplements.
Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella.
Infowarsselect.com takes you right to the highly discounted, super high quality, totally fresh, exact same food that they're selling on the site, right next to it.
It's just, I'm able to do discounts like this that nobody else will do.
My Patriot's already the best company out there to get the most food that's high quality at the lowest price.
That's why we have them as our main sponsor and who we drop ship from.
They're a sponsor and we drop ship to them daily.
But I'm able to do this.
I said, I want to go lower.
And they said, the only way you can do it is private label it.
And that's what we do.
It's the same factory in Utah, same packaging.
They just slap a sticker on it.
Now is the time to not screw around and get prepared.
It's insurance.
You can eat 30-40% off.
InfoWars Select Survival Food.
And the regular price is already incredibly good.
And it's got special diets.
Just a huge spectrum of high quality food.
And also cultural free.
We can answer all your questions.
Going back to Weldon, who was saying, hey Alex, do you want me to print more of the Trump is my President red shirt?
We've already sold a lot of them.
We've sold half of them.
And we're shipping them on a daily basis.
People will get these in two or three days in most areas of the country.
Some places four days maximum.
Trump is my President on the front.
It's a red shirt.
On the back it says, Legalize Freedom, Infowars.com.
And we're only doing this run.
So to answer your question, Weldon, here on air, we're not going to print more of these.
This run is the run.
Special edition for the election.
Everyone needs to order it.
It helps support the broadcast as well.
It's $9.95.
Did I add that?
Does that include shipping on there?
That's supposed to be with shipping.
We can make that happen for sure.
The important thing is these things are blowing off the shelf.
It's very important for folks to have these.
We still have a little bit of time until the election is over.
Twelve days.
Twelve more days, get these shirts right now, same day shipping.
I've hired extra crew, we've got extra hands in right now, making sure you can get these shirts in time, as long with the other products as well.
And that's half price, $9.95, the shirt costs about $5, shipping costs is $5, I guess shipping's on that, so we make $5, which is fine, we need to fund this operation, folks, so this is really inexpensive, high quality, everybody's wearing red, it's already happening at polling places, and we're going to hit the streets if they try to steal the election.
America's wearing red, where they'll be wearing their blue or their, you know, their pink or whatever.
There'll be 10 of them drooling, and there'll be 10,000 of us.
We're going to show the world.
Red shirts.
But if you want the Trump is my president, no matter what, then here is the collector's item shirt.
And we're almost sold out of the Hillary for President stickers.
When those are gone, they're gone.
We got a million of them.
We're down to like 100,000.
You can buy them in packs of 10, up to 100, and get those out there as well.
We've lowered those to cost as well.
And we're pretty much making no money on the Trump shirt, but it's important to get out there.
Folks that have already gone out and done the early voting, I mean it's unprecedented, the turnouts already for the early voting.
Oh yeah, I forgot, record turnout, and it's massively more for Trump.
He's dominating in Florida, dominating in Texas, it's all coming out.
So their answer is, oh the votes are all flipping to Hillary.
Well, I've always said I think Trump's going to need to get about 70% of the vote to win because it's set up, it's rigged, you know, so, but that's all right.
He gets 20,000 in Tampa or more, she got 300, and Cain got 30.
But the good thing is, I think he'll get the votes.
I mean, look, they're having to sample 47, 51, you name it, in CNN polls to give her 68%.
And it's catching steam right now.
But that means she's 20 points behind at least.
And they think we're so dumb they admit they're doing it.
I mean, Reuters is bad enough doing it.
15 points.
20 points.
9 points.
Bloomberg does 9 points.
I'm even seeing it from a lot of people I deal with, you know, outside of here that were kind of on the Trump fence, they didn't know yet, and all of a sudden, just to see how biased the media is, to see how rigged the polls have been, people are just like, they're jumping over to the Trump side.
Just to be clear, your stuff plays on XM, you're at the tier right below, you know,
It's the common sense factor.
Is what I call it.
I mean, people are just finally waking up.
They're going, there's just no way we can allow this to happen.
It's just becoming in plain sight.
Well, tell me what you told me last week about what your fans are saying.
You know, most people don't, they didn't want to talk about it.
I mean, you've realized this.
I mean, for the longest time, people, if you came out and said you were for Trump, it was kind of like, you know, oh, whoa, you don't want to say that.
Now, all of a sudden, here in the last month, people are just starting to go like, they're realizing, you know, we better get with Trump or we're really going to, it's really going to go downhill.
Well, I mean, I'm really, my gut told me he was really good, but kind of intellectually, I don't like the peacocking, you know, but man, now he's proving himself through the crucible, through everything, and he's hitting them so hard, it's irrevocable damage welded to the globalist.
I hate to say, I get chill bumps when I even think about Trump now, what he's gone through and how good he is and all the dirty tricks.
I mean, it's like the movie Gladiator, where they keep cheating more and more, trying to kill him and just can't do it.
Here's the good thing about it.
I've tried for years, you know, just working here, talking to other people, trying to expose how biased the mainstream media is, how bought and paid for the mainstream media is.
And this election right here, Alex, is really waking up lots of people that I couldn't quite wake up over the years.
Yeah, I mean, I'll say this.
I'm like, why are we having record food sales?
So they go, well, get ready.
We're about to lower.
We already have this plan for a month, 30, 40 percent off.
And I said, OK, we'll still do it.
But why are we having record food sales?
People are scared of civil unrest and they're scared of nuclear war.
And I'm like, look.
There's a chance that's going to happen, but just overall, with the depression coming, that's why I've got storable food.
That's why I've got more solar generators, got more storable food.
I'm personally beefing up what I'm doing.
I'm personally looking at moving even further away from town because I have to.
I don't want to, but I'm really concerned that this damn thing is unraveling.
Now hopefully if Trump gets in, we can back this off.
But I don't know.
My best friend I've had for years, best man at my wedding, for years I would talk to him about these kind of things.
He would always say, Weldon, you're a kook.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Let me tell you what, he called me last month, Alex, and he said, I just purchased my land way out in the middle of East Texas, and I'm storing up on food, ammo, gold.
And I was like, I haven't talked to you in like three months.
What's going on, Mike?
He's like, that's it.
I can't handle it anymore.
He's like, I know I said you were a kook years ago.
I was like, wow, that's opened my eyes.
You were an Air Force guy that loaded nukes on planes.
What do you make of the escalation with Russia and all this?
What I make of it is it's damn terrifying, is what it is.
Hillary Clinton gets in, we're going to war, and this isn't World War II type warfare.
This is nuclear warfare, right?
In front of us.
It's scary.
And it's not hard to do.
I can tell you that much.
And these idiots go, we have better missiles than they do.
It doesn't matter, everybody gets killed.
It's not like I shoot you in the head with a 12 gauge, you shoot me in the head with a 410.
It just doesn't matter.
I was walking through a store the other day and some lady was talking and she goes, I just don't trust Trump because he's kind of friends with Putin and Russia.
And I wanted to say, don't you want to be friends with people that have nuclear wars or nuclear bombs that you can go to nuclear war with?
You want to have some kind of, you know, communication.
Meanwhile, Hillary's the one in bed with them.
All right, Weldon, great job.
Thanks for reminding me about that shirt.
When it's sold out, it's sold out.
So is Hillary for President.
That's limited edition.
But wearing red is key, folks.
Same day shipping, right now.
Get your order in.
It ships out today.
Absolutely, Weldon.
Thank you so much, my friend.
Yes, sir.
All right, we're going to go to break in a moment.
I'll talk to you more.
I'm going to come back, and I'm going to get into the illegals.
...who are being used as pawns in their collapsing countries.
They're victims as well, but still very, very dangerous in what's happening.
Protesters closed the upper level of George Washington Bridge, wanting open borders, spiking immigrants illegally crossing into the U.S.
ahead of election, believing Hillary's going to make them legal, which she said she's going to do.
Sanctuary City illegal immigrants sparked 61 million fire in Sequoia National Forest.
I've told people where I've been on the hike and bike trail now, in deeper areas, and run into little immigrant camps.
And all I'm saying is the third world's collapsing, folks.
We're collapsing.
Our health departments are collapsing.
And this is all part of a plan to collapse our country.
Just like the globalists have collapsed the third world.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It's great to be here with a thousand wonderful people, or as I call it,
A small, intimate dinner with some friends.
Or as Hillary calls it, her largest crowd of the season.
And even tonight, with all of the heated back and forth between my opponent and me at the debate last night, we have proven that we can actually be civil to each other.
In fact, just before taking the day, Hillary accidentally bumped into me, and she very civilly said, pardon me.
And I very politely replied, let me talk to you about that after I get into office.
But one of the things I noticed tonight,
And I've known Hillary for a long time.
This is the first time ever, ever, that Hillary is sitting down and speaking to major corporate leaders and not getting paid for it.
You know, last night, I called Hillary a nasty woman.
But this stuff is all relative.
After listening to Hillary rattle on and on and on, I don't think so badly of Rosie O'Donnell anymore.
In fact, I'm actually starting to like Rosie a lot.
You know, the president told me to stop whining, but I really have to say to media,
Is even more biased this year than ever before, hasn't it?
You want the proof?
Michelle Obama gives a speech and everyone loves it, it's fantastic.
They think she's absolutely great.
My wife Melania gives the exact same speech.
And people get on her case.
I wasn't really sure if Hillary was going to be here tonight, because I guess you didn't send her invitation by email.
Or maybe you did, and she just found out about it through the wonder of WikiLeaks.
Starting in about 2007, I began to warn that by 2016, we would see a rapid global decline in the economy and massive civil unrest on a planetary scale.
In the West, not just in the Middle East.
That was because the British Ministry of Defense and then the Pentagon both put out reports that we've covered ad nauseam.
Anybody can Google it.
Ministry of Defense report warns of civil unrest, flash mobs, worldwide collapse, and you'll pull up the London Guardian, the Associated Press, you name it.
But then I understood the globalists were actually orchestrating this collapse to consolidate control, which we now have in the Wikileaks.
This is their operation.
Gruber is back in the news, this clip's coming up, on rising premiums.
He says Obamacare working as designed.
We have Ezekiel Emanuel saying that.
We have all these different folks, Hillary's email saying that.
This is the plan.
People bankrupt it and bring something in even worse.
They can't compete with free market.
So they've got to weigh it down, make it fall apart, and then keep offering the solution that only consolidates control.
It's not even socialism they're bringing in, but fascism.
But meanwhile, we have a news report dealing on the surge of illegals
Coming into the United States, crossing illegally, ahead of the election.
Because, quote, they believe they're going to be made legal.
No, Hillary has said she will.
Here it is.
Every day, dozens of men, women, and children stream through the streets of McAllen, Texas, to this migrant center at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
They've just illegally crossed into the U.S.
and have been released by border patrol with ankle monitors.
While they file for asylum.
Brenda Aguilar fled Honduras.
Single mother looking for work.
And also to flee the violence in Honduras.
We're getting mass spikes of people crossing and turning themselves in.
Agent Chris Cabrera is with the local border patrol union.
He says on some days they've encountered up to a thousand immigrants along this stretch of the border.
What's driving them?
The smugglers are telling them if Hillary gets elected, that there'll be some type of amnesty, so they need to get here by a certain date.
They're also being told that if Trump gets elected, there's gonna be some magical wall that pops up overnight.
And once that wall gets up, nobody will ever get in again.
Something Edward Cerritos of El Salvador fears.
This is your last option, you feel?
Yes, he says, because if Trump wins, we won't be able to come in and ask for asylum.
At the church, it's time for this group to head to the bus depot.
The routes scribbled on envelopes show they're continuing the journey north.
Now, critiquing that piece, analyzing it, at least they're reporting that the border's open, they're just bringing these people in.
But most of the people aren't wearing ankle bracelets, as we sent our reporters down there two years ago and first broke it in that very town.
In fact, that very Border Patrol spokesperson was very honest about the fact that they're ordered to complete the smuggling process.
And the fact that they're bringing the illegals in, in contravention of our law,
To produce a permanent underclass, not to drive up their wages.
So this is more social control.
It's why the elites are for this.
And it's truly, truly despicable to see the way that the social engineers and all these different mafia organizations that have become so legitimate, they've become above the law.
Are really trying to create a giant permanent underclass made up of everyone.
Again, they're trying to kill the golden goose because they can't compete with it.
Obamacare is a chief example.
Stay with us, second hour straight ahead.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
The Islamic State has taken control of towns near the Jordan-Syria border, all while expanding their grip in remote western Iraqi towns also near the border.
They're supporting the security forces who are reporting that ISIS has attacked the town of Radba on Sunday this week, in a bid to relieve pressure on the northern city of Mosul, where they're fighting off an offensive by the Iraqi army and Kurdish fighters that are
We're good.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So the Clintons have come a long way from the Dixie Ku Klux Klan mafia in Arkansas to the halls of
State Department and the White House, and they want back in to continue their criminal operations.
There is so much to get to in this hour.
I have Project Veritas joining us with big breaking news in about an hour and a half.
That news is set to break any minute now.
Another giant bombshell.
We'll have it as soon as it goes up on Infowars.com.
You can bet it'll be on Drudge and everywhere else.
What matters is you get it out to everybody.
Then we've got Roger Stone also popping in.
I'm going to get him on almost every day in the next 12 days until the election because so much is unfolding.
So much is happening.
I'm tempted to start doing special broadcasts even on Saturday.
In fact, we've done some of those on the next two Saturdays headed in because I'm already working seven days a week.
It is such a critical time to track everything.
But we're looking at two different systems.
An organized crime system versus a free market system.
There's always a mix of the two, but globalism is corporate combines with criminal mafias over each nation, some religious, some cultural, some just economic, tying together to set up a worldwide fraud.
And that's why we've got mafias in the Catholic Church, we've got mafias in the Communist Chinese,
We've got just corporate mafias at the Council on Foreign Relations that all interface and basically lock together and get power and control through scams.
And what Donald Trump has been talking about is trying to break that.
And trying to create more of a level playing field, which always creates incredible prosperity.
And then they come out a few weeks ago and say, Donald Trump and Alex Jones are deeply anti-Semitic because any talk of a global banking cabal or any talk of rigging must mean Jews.
They're the ones injecting that.
They're the ones that want to take the guilt of World War II and somehow project it onto Americans that fought Hitler.
It's just crazy.
And that's why I made the point yesterday that if you want to look at Jewish Mafia, the Emanuels, in my opinion, and going back to some of the folks that they were involved in in terrorism in Israel, even Michael Savage has talked about this, are involved in Mafia-style tactics to take our guns, to take over with self-driving cars, to take over with health care.
But it's not a Jewish conspiracy.
But there are thugs and gangsters of Jewish persuasion who then protect themselves when they're involved in these type of activities by screaming anti-semitism before anyone's even bringing it up.
And that's the point I made, knowing full well they'd then run with it and put it in some newspapers, which they've done, because this needs to be debated.
This needs to be discussed, you know, because it's out of control.
Rule by the people, not by different gangs.
And every group and every organization, whether they're Vietnamese or Russian, whether you're Mexican or whether you're from Venezuela, cultural groups tend to form into gangs and mafias.
And it is a fact that we have a lot of gangs and mafias that basically are special interest that don't give a good you-know-what about basic peace on this earth.
I don't care if it's the KKK, Southerners, and the Democratic Party.
I don't care if it is the Italian Mafia, whatever it is.
There is this arrogance that comes with it, and it needs to stop.
And it needs to stop now.
Now, when we come back from break, before our guest joins us, I want to run through
The latest news with the election, the latest news on the polls, the latest news on where Donald Trump is going, and what I expect to happen.
But here's the bottom line.
In poll sampling at the lowest level, 9% more Democrats, Trump is ahead 2 to 5 points.
In battleground states as people are seeing in the polls.
That shows a landslide.
So when they sell this idea that Hillary is preparing for her transition into power, and that Hillary is preparing for all of this, it is again to create a perception that Trump is already lost.
This is a major mind control con and I don't think it's going to work.
Today with us, I'm Alex Jones.
Telecom giant AT&T has secretly been cooperating with the U.S.
government employing a controversial project known as Hemisphere and they've been doing it by some reports since 2007.
Now it's a key moneymaker for AT&T as they're selling the information for profit.
Hemisphere gives the U.S.
government access to a large database that stores telephone records spanning decades.
AT&T is earning millions of taxpayer money by secretly helping the government store
I think so.
Something we know that they've been doing for a very long time.
It looks like the program's expansion is in full swing, and if you use the carrier AT&T, chances are your personal data has been sold to the highest bidder, i.e.
the U.S.
I'm Margaret Hell reporting for InfoWars.com.
If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse, minor words, and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously, four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
It's a fight for our minds.
And InfoWars.com is on the front lines.
Download our free multimedia app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
It's free, it's on Droid, it's on Apple, you name it.
InfoWars.com forward slash app.
Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide, also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting 100% organic coffee on the planet.
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They took my saddle in Houston.
Broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, here's Obama, back in 2015, lying.
And he's now been caught red-handed.
We need to clean this up.
ClintonAid's newly public email shows the president's been using a secret name and secret email with Hillary.
We've got to cover this up because there's a congressional investigation.
Here's Obama lying.
Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the U.S.
government for official business while she was Secretary of State?
At the same time, everybody else learned it through news reports.
Were you disappointed?
Let me just say that Hillary Clinton is and has been an outstanding public servant.
She was a great Secretary of State for me.
The policy of my administration is to encourage transparency.
And that's why my emails, the BlackBerry that I carry around, all those records are available and archived.
And I'm glad that Hillary has instructed that those emails that had to do with official business need to be disclosed.
Now here's the White House having to admit that indeed President Obama emailed Hillary's private email address and now we even have more emails saying they wanted to cover it up.
Here it is.
We heard from the President in his interview with CBS about this and he said that he first became aware of it in news reports last week.
So I'm wondering if the implicit in that is that the President and Secretary Clinton never emailed one another when Secretary Clinton was serving in the State Department.
That may be one conclusion to draw from the President's remarks, but it would not be an accurate one.
The President, as I think many people expected, did, over the course of his first several years in office, trade emails with his Secretary of State.
I would not describe the number of emails as large, but they did have the occasion to email one another.
And the point that the President was making is not that he didn't know Secretary Clinton's email address, he did.
But he was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up or how Secretary Clinton and her team were planning to comply with the Federal Records Act.
So not even Josh Earnest can lie as hard as Obama.
The smoking gun, Cheryl Mills tells Podesta, we need to clean this up.
Obama has emails from her.
This goes back to a time when they were first lying to the press saying that none of this was going on.
Look, you know they're lying, I know they're lying, but they lied in criminal investigations.
This is smoking gun proof.
This is why Nixon had to leave office.
This is why the head of the EPA a few years ago had to leave because she got caught doing the same thing.
And it's just going to get worse and worse.
12 days out, more WikiLeaks coming.
That's why I really see how smart Assange is.
That's why I've apologized for getting mad when he didn't release more earlier.
It's just that a watched pot never boils, as they say.
He says he's going to keep releasing stuff after, even if she gets in or steals it.
I'm told even more hardcore is coming out.
So, the whole world is against Hillary and this crime combine.
Everyone is sick of them.
They know how dangerous they are.
In March of 2015 interview, President Obama said that he had learned about Hillary's use of a private email server as Secretary of State the same time everybody else had learned it.
We just played that report through news reports.
But that assertion concerns aides of Mrs. Clinton who knew the President himself had received emails from private addresses according to a hacked email.
Made public yesterday by WikiLeaks.
We need to clean this up.
He has emails from her.
They do not say state.gov.
Cheryl D. Mills, a top aide, wrote John D. Podesta, another senior advisor, on March 7th, 2015.
We need to clean this up.
We need to cover this up.
We need to abscond from Congress and subpoenas.
We need to engage in fraud.
The smoking gun.
Obama lied about Hillary's private server, WikiLeaks proves, and they've lied to Congress, they've lied to the American people.
We have a report by Mr. Schroer, one of our great reporters, dealing with this, and it's Hillary supporters beg for election fraud.
We're going to play this in just a moment, but if you really listen to them,
They just don't care about corruption, and they're involved in double-think.
Because they say, this is downtown Austin, Texas, that election fraud doesn't exist, and Trump's insane when he raises it, but it's a serious threat with the Russians.
But, yeah, there's a fraud going on, but just don't worry about it.
So only worry about it if it's fraud against Hillary.
I mean, I hope there's not fraud against Hillary.
I want her beaten fair and square.
But it's the immorality of these people, and I love how soft these immoral people, in my opinion, are.
They love tyranny.
They love it all.
But it's okay because it's all soft and cute.
They don't have to do it.
They don't have to know how it works.
They just get to sit back and have the media pat them on the head and tell them you're part of the power structure, when they're actually people that are getting worthless degrees, have no future, and are actually chumps.
They're schmucks.
They're idiots.
Let's play that report.
Alright, well here's the thing.
I can see them coming out and I can see if they're voting.
See, now you're obstructing my work.
And I understand we're at your place here, but... Well, wait a minute.
I'm not obstructing anything.
Yeah, yeah, and I'm not obstructing anything.
That's what I'm telling you.
Well, you could scoot over.
How about that?
You're obstructing my work.
Okay, but then I cannot see them coming out is what I'm saying.
You can see them storming right there.
Alright, so standing right here is better.
Right here?
Is this good?
Alright, this is gonna be fun.
Owen Schroeder for Infowars.com.
We are outside an early polling station in Austin, Texas.
There has been long lines outside this door, waits as long as an hour.
We're going to talk to some of these people, find out who they voted for and why.
All right, we're just outside the voting station here, early polling going down.
Who did you vote for today?
Donald Trump.
And you, sir?
Harrison President.
You like Donald Trump?
What do you like about Donald?
He's not a politician.
Uh, Donald Trump.
You voted for Donald Trump, alright!
Hillary Clinton.
What do you like about Hillary?
She's not Trump.
We work in here, it's our only entrance in and out of the store, so... It's very congested.
No, I didn't do it, did you?
Did you just, uh, did you vote today, sir?
I cast my vote.
Who'd you vote for?
Donald Trump.
Why'd you vote for Donald?
Because I believe Donald can get it done.
Hillary Clinton.
And what do you like about Hillary?
You know, she's a lot more progressive, and she stands for my values as a mom and a human being.
That's the best thing, her best quality?
Well, all of her bad qualities are tied to good policy, so that's convenient.
Man, I'm not congesting, I'm not causing any traffic, alright?
There's no congestion.
Right here?
I can stand right here?
You're being smart-ass.
Why would you be a smart-ass?
You just pointed!
What do you mean smart-ass?
You just pointed right there!
Why not?
You don't like us?
How about you tell us why we're so bad?
Not for InfoWars, why not?
What's wrong with InfoWars?
She called me a racist, did you hear that?
I don't understand these people that walk by.
They refuse to talk to me because my mic flag says InfoWars.
She's yelling at me still.
When I give them the platform, I say, OK, come on our platform and tell us why we're bad.
They just walk away.
So I guess we're really not that bad.
They got nothing to say on that.
So the little nitwit that just tried to come out here and power trip on me and boss me around, this is what you got to do to bullies.
You just stand up to them, and they just cower.
He tried to bring his manager out here to strong on me.
And the manager's like, no, he's given us free publicity.
It's fine.
And that will continue to do our interviews.
Thank you, Randalls.
Do you trust the results of the election?
I don't know.
Only if Trump wins, right?
We'll see.
I do.
I mean, elections are run by districts.
I mean, to do a nationwide rigging is the most ridiculous thing.
Do you trust the results of the election?
I don't question America's.
We're one of the greatest democracies.
So you're going to trust the election results?
Absolutely, I'm a rational being.
So, so wait.
So you're telling me that you requested a record of your vote and they wouldn't give it to you?
I requested a written ballot.
And you got nothing?
I got nothing.
This is actually illegal.
You should be able to get a paper record in the state of Texas if you request one.
But this is why the election officials dodge David Knight when he asks them questions.
Hi, Mr. Eagle?
Do you want to talk to us?
You don't want to talk to us at all?
People are concerned the election is going to be rigged.
I guess they're really going to be concerned when they see you turn your back on us.
Well, can I talk to him?
Will anybody here talk to us?
Or do you want to rig this?
Why are you cutting off all these audit trails?
Why are you cutting down the paper audit trails?
So you don't think the Russians are meddling in the election?
I think we need some more information.
No, I don't think so.
You think that's just made up?
Yeah, I think so.
And you're a Hillary Clinton voter?
Yes, I am.
So do you think Hillary made that up?
So, but you trust it, but Russia might be meddling?
I suspect that they might be.
But you're still going to trust the results?
Uh, yes.
So you think- I think it's all possible.
So it's possible the Russians may be meddling, but you're going to trust the results?
I will trust the results.
I'm voting Donald Trump.
I'm voting Pence.
Hillary needs to go to prison.
Owen Schroer, our incredible reporter out there at the corner of Ben White and Manchaca, and that is probably the most liberal area of Austin.
So, 40% or so were voting for Hillary and were horrified to see the racist info wars.
We're so horrible, we're so racist, these people are in a total fantasy land.
You notice the one lady said that her immorality was good because it was applied to good policies.
So in justifies the means, we're going to do evil things because the end justifies the means to get our program through.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to go to break and come back with our next guest.
Please don't forget we have a limited edition shirt shipping out same-day order.
That is TrumpIsMyPresidentInfoWars.com, a red shirt, so you can wear it when you go and vote.
Turn it inside out, I guess if you have rules against that.
And then wear it outside so that people can see the numbers.
Whatever you do, wear a red shirt.
This is really caught on around the country.
You can save 60% off on those right now.
They're $9.95 at InfowarsStore.com.
We've got this one run and they're gone.
Same thing with Hillary for President.
That's gone after that.
You have the original Infowars shirt.
We'll be back straight ahead, 12 days out.
T-minus 12 days.
I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
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Yep, there's coming a time where even your home garden will be against the law.
Bob Dylan certainly saw that 30 years ago when he wrote Sundown on the Union.
Yeah, sure, it was a good idea.
Until... Until freedom got in the way.
Yeah, democracy doesn't rule the world.
You better get that through your head.
This world is ruled by violence.
Michael Schneider, prolific writer, researcher, economiccollapseblog.com joins us to get into the state of the world, the election, where he sees it all going.
First off, Mr. Schneider, great to have you here with us today.
Looking at the full spectrum, do you think Trump's a dead heat behind or ahead?
Well, I think it's an open question, Alex, because right now what we've got is we've got these widely divergent polls.
For example, right now we've got some polls actually showing the race tied or Trump slightly ahead in the last few days, as high as Trump ahead two percentage points nationally.
But then we've got these other polls, like this ABC News Washington Post survey, which had Hillary Clinton up by 12 points.
So, you know, we've got these widely divergent polls this close to the election.
This shouldn't be the case.
But now when you look closer.
At the ABC News Washington Post poll, they oversampled Democrats.
And what they did, they had nine percentage points more Democrats than Republicans in the survey.
They did that purposely.
They described that in their methodology.
And now there's a couple reasons why they might want to do that.
One would be to suppress the Trump vote.
If the Trump supporters think, oh, Trump's going to lose, there's no point, less Trump supporters may actually go to the polls.
The other potential reason, and more insidious reason, is to set a precedent.
And so if the actual results which come out, which may or may not be legitimate, but if they show Hillary Clinton winning by a significant margin, well, they could say, well, the polls leading up to Election Day showed that, so the precedent was set.
Sure, it sets the precedent for them to steal the election and suppress the vote, which we had the Podesta emails from a year ago saying, this is how we're going to do it, we're going to go out and oversample for Hillary.
Yeah, absolutely.
And so there's a lot of concern.
But even more importantly, what people need to look at rather than the national polls are the state polls.
Because Donald Trump could win the popular vote by 5 million votes even and still lose the election.
So right now the key is to look at the individual states.
And unfortunately for Trump, the electoral map is kind of rigged for the Democrats at this point.
They kind of have a built-in advantage, if you will, even if the votes are counted legitimately.
And so there's certain things that Trump needs to do in order to win the election.
The first step that what Trump needs to do is he's got to carry all of the states that Mitt Romney won
In 2012.
Now, there's a couple states where that might be an issue.
One is North Carolina, where a lot of the recent polls had showed Hillary Clinton with a slight lead.
Now, a poll just came out that showed Trump with a lead in North Carolina, so he seems to have some momentum there.
Now, also, people want to keep an eye on Arizona, which is usually reliably red, but a couple polls recently have shown potentially Hillary Clinton doing well.
In fact, one poll had her up by five points,
In Arizona.
But let's assume for a second that Trump can do that.
He can win all the states that Romney won in 2012.
Well, that only gets him to 206 electoral votes.
He needs 270.
So to get to 270, Donald Trump, first of all, he's got to win Florida.
That's absolutely key.
Florida's 29 electoral votes.
Without those 29 electoral votes, it's going to be really hard to make them up anywhere else.
Hillary Clinton had been leading the most recent polls.
Now today,
Headline on George's report, Trump has taken the lead in Florida, so he seems to have some momentum there.
Trump is also leading in Ohio, which is absolutely key for this election, gotta have.
In fact, no Republican has ever won the presidency without winning Ohio, so people want to keep an eye on that swing state too.
Then Trump has also got to win Iowa.
Six electoral votes there.
Trump's been doing well there, been leading most of the polls, so that's good news.
And then Nevada.
Nevada, unfortunately, that appears to be a real trouble spot for Trump.
Hillary Clinton's been winning in all the recent polls, so Trump really needs to make up some ground in Nevada.
Now if Trump wins all those four states, he still needs one more medium-sized state.
And we're talking about potentially Wisconsin.
uh... pennsylvania or michigan that is leading in all of those states so maybe trump trump seems to have some momentum in pennsylvania so that's a key to keep an eye on but there's one more wrinkle to keep an eye on because if trump does all those things and and wins all those states utah could still push him back below two hundred and seventy... and they've got an admitted CIA covert operations officer that's the really nasty ones
...actually trying to get all the conservatives to vote for him and not Trump, and admits he's trying to hand it to Hillary.
Talk about despicable.
Let's talk about it with the very informed Michael Snyder of the EconomicCollapseBlog.com, straight ahead.
We'll also get into the smoking gun.
Obama covering up his emails to Hillary.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You developed Living Defense for us.
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Obamacare is so unaffordable for the U.S.
family, reports have surfaced that individuals are choosing between groceries and affording health care.
Premiums for a mid-level benchmark plan will increase on average by 25% across the board in 39 states, and about 1 in 5 consumers will have plans from only a single insurer to pick from.
In Arizona, for example, unsubsidized premiums for a hypothetical 27-year-old buying a benchmark second-lowest
We're good to go.
It's democratic, 100%.
He went on to add that Obamacare is really Obama fraud.
Well this coincides with its architect who said that the greatest advantage of Obamacare was that it was so untransparent no one questioned it when it was passed.
No one questioned what it would really do to American families.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, I've got some bittersweet news here.
They came raining in during the last break and said, Alex, you gotta stop.
We sold out last night of the Hillary for Prison shirts.
They're gone.
So I told you we're not printing any more of those.
They're gone.
We have the other Lock Her Up limited edition, made in America, with the Gadsden flag snake going after Hillary.
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So thank you for your support.
The shirts are available at InfoWarsTore.com.
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So thank you for your support.
I've got a lot I want to get into, but speaking of drugreport.com, front and center, Trump, Hillary will start World War III.
And then it's got him being recorded by the news, I guess it was Reuters, and it's just audio.
I played it last hour.
I'm going to play it again here in a moment so that Mr. Snyder can comment on it.
Because when you look at it all, it really is Hillary and the globalists and the neocons that want to start this war.
They really are the problem.
Trump is with the whole world and even top professors, conservative and liberal, are saying, want to detente.
You just can't start a war with Russia like you can Iraq, folks.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Tuesday that Democrat Hillary Clinton's plan for Syria would lead to World War III because she wants an no-fly zone, which means attacking Russian jets, because of the potential for conflict with military forces with nuclear-armed Russia.
In an interview focused largely on foreign policy, Trump said defeating Islamic State is a higher priority than persuading Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down, playing down a long-held goal of U.S.
You mean globalist policy.
Trump questioned how Clinton would negotiate with Russia's Vladimir Putin after demonizing him and blamed President Obama for a downturn in U.S.
relations with the Philippines under its new president.
And it goes on, in addition, Trump bemoaned a lack of Republican unity behind his candidacy and said that this would easily, he would easily win the election if the party leaders would support him.
Yeah, they say he's bitching at them.
He's raised them more money than ever from small donors and they won't even give it to him.
Zero TV ads.
They're supposed to get half, he gets half.
They're undermining him.
They work with the Democrats.
They're just as bad.
That's why I didn't get heavily involved in other elections.
I'm all in here because it's so obvious that the entire global power structure is after him.
Now, I'm going to play the clip.
But first, I want to ask Mr. Schneider, does he agree with me, and please, if he disagrees, let me know, that Trump's already won, even if they steal it.
But if they do steal it, we've obviously got to fight back.
This has happened before.
Roger Stone's heavily involved.
But regardless, I'm not setting people up for fail.
I believe he's going to win.
But even if they steal it, globalism, the New World Order, these big mega combines being above the law, tax exempt, political correctness,
WikiLeaks, all of it has come to a head through Trump and through nationalist movements, Brexit, Russia pulling out of the globalist system, all 25 EU countries moving with referendums to leave.
The globalists hitting the panic button in all their major publications, sending up the bat signal saying, world government's in trouble, we're screwed, they know we robbed them.
And when you read real elite publications, they are abandoning ship, a lot of them.
And I know Mr. Schneider writes about this heavily, the elites moving into armored redoubts, fleeing, getting out of the stock market.
Let's talk big picture, destabilization, nuclear war, but first, do you think that Trump has already won?
Well I do, but I think this is one of the most incredible moments in modern American history, where we've seen the masks are coming off, the globalists are being exposed, and Donald Trump, what he's done already is a miracle.
And if he actually won the election, I believe it would be the biggest miracle in all of U.S.
political history.
I agree.
Overcoming civil war in his own party.
The mainstream media, they're not even pretending to be objective anymore.
The biggest assault that any candidate has ever undergone by far, you know, has been at
Is he not the ultimate David versus Goliath?
It absolutely is.
You know, we've never seen anything like it.
However, if we go through all this and then we let them steal the election, you know, it'll be all for naught.
And so we've got to be very careful because you guys have done a great job the last few days of exposing the vote switching that is going on in Texas.
And I warned about this several weeks ago because they appeared to have done the same thing back in 2012.
If you go back to 2012, Fox News, one quote that I had on my website was,
In 2012, where she said, hey, I went in and I tried to press Romney and it switched it to Obama.
And she said she did it three times.
And it was all coming out of Ohio.
Hundreds and hundreds of credible reports.
It wasn't other states.
They pick a state.
And they've been bragging, watch, we're going to get Texas.
Watch, we're going to get it.
It's called Battleground Texas.
They keep smiling and giggling and lurking.
Maybe they're tipping their hand that the big, dark horse upset is a theft of Texas.
Yeah, and if Texas goes blue on election night, that's a major red flag, and that might set off revolution in America, because there'll be clear evidence that the election has been stolen.
But if you go back to 2012, you know, Romney threw in the towel halfway through election night, and that's what they want.
They want Trump to throw in the towel very, very early.
When Romney threw in the towel, no one bothered to look at the numbers, but I went back, and I looked at Cuyahoga County, and you can still go look at the numbers today, because they're still up on the internet.
In Cuyahoga County, Ohio, in 2012, there were 16 precincts in that one county alone, where Mitt Romney got zero votes.
Barack Obama got 100% of the vote.
Overall, there were 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, in just that one county, where Barack Obama got 99% of the vote.
In fact, we're putting the article on screen.
They clearly stole it in Ohio.
Yeah, but it just wasn't in Ohio.
If you go out to Pennsylvania, and Mitt Romney actually won 55 out of the 67 counties in Pennsylvania last election, but in the city of Philadelphia there were 59 voting divisions where Barack Obama got 100% of the vote.
The combined vote total in those 59 voting divisions was 19,605 for Barack Obama, zero votes for Mitt Romney.
The odds of that happening by random chance are so low they're not even worth
Sure, and this is just in from Adon Salazar.
The voting machines in South Texas and East Texas are shutting off everywhere.
They're flipping votes.
Even election officials say something's happening.
They're going to emergency paper ballots as we speak, just now breaking.
Texas County switches to paper ballots.
After electronic voting glitches, problems with election software spring up in East Texas.
A county in Texas is switching to emergency paper ballots.
It's also happening in areas of South Texas on the news this morning.
After electronic voting machines in the region suffered technical glitches, which they've confirmed mean
I don't know.
Obama made this weird statement about, now that's down in Texas, why we don't count the votes down there.
It's weird he says in Texas.
Was that a tell?
Because they've chosen their state again.
Florida in 2000, Ohio 2012.
Let's play Obama.
Of course the elections will not be rigged.
What does that mean?
The federal government doesn't run the election process.
States and cities and communities all across the country, they're the ones who set up the voting systems and the voting booths.
And if Mr. Trump is suggesting that there is a conspiracy theory that is being propagated across the country,
Including in places like Texas, where typically it's not Democrats who are in charge of voting booths.
That's ridiculous.
That doesn't make any sense.
Meanwhile, you can Google, Democrats pledge to take Texas from Trump.
Battleground Texas is the name of the group, and they keep licking their lips saying, you watch, you watch.
Is this the classical criminal tell?
We're going to find out, aren't we, in 12 days, Michael.
Oh, we absolutely are.
I would have never dreamed they would have tried to steal Texas.
And, you know, we're talking 38 electoral votes.
There's no way that Trump would be able to make 38 electoral votes up everywhere else on the map.
But also we need to watch for potentially dead people voting.
You go out to Colorado... Well that's now confirmed.
We were all kooks.
There's 21 million people that shouldn't be on the rolls.
4 million are dead.
Now magically all over the country, including Colorado, confirming CBS News that it is happening.
So clearly it's happening.
It definitely is, and in Colorado they found that it's been going on for over a decade where some dead people have been voting election after election and nothing has been done about it.
But in Colorado in 2012, somehow there were 10 counties, 10 counties in Colorado in the last election that had voting registration rates over 100%.
Now, theoretically, that's impossible because if you registered everyone, you'd have a rate of 100%, but somehow they had voter registration.
Sure, and the national average is 55% tend to vote, even in general elections, 37% in others, so that's ridiculous to say over 100%.
We know there's massive fraud.
Yeah, and this is one of the reasons we need people at the polls, watching the polls.
For example, in Virginia, another key swing state last election,
A poll watcher told WMAL News that she watched as the Obama voters were being bused in, but not only that, she watched the exact same voters being brought in over and over and over again to the exact same polling station throughout the day.
The same voters kept coming back.
And we have two, three Veritas videos of the top Democratic officials, their underlings, and the head of elections in New York admitting that they're voting, they're defrauding, and no one can do anything to stop them.
Yeah, that's why it's so key, because the Trump campaign can't be everywhere.
InfoWars can't be everywhere.
We need people to go out if they see something, if they hear something at the polls, something strange.
They've got to report it.
They've got to tell us.
They've got to tell InfoWars.
They've got to tell me.
They've got to tell whoever they can.
They've got to call the local police.
Yeah, dude, tell the police, tell whoever you can, report it as many places as you can, because we can't let them steal this election.
If it looks like it's being stolen, we've got to scream bloody murder.
We cannot let them get away with it.
That's my next question, Michael Snyder.
Clearly, we're steaming towards a very close election just because of the fraud.
Trump's got a major edge, from my research, but because of Electoral College, you're right, it's still dicey.
Hillary's going to go to prison.
Their only hope is to get her in to cover for Obama and everybody else to fail forward.
So they have nothing to lose.
They're going to try to steal this sucker.
And so what do we do if they do steal it?
I mean, the American people are not going to stand by.
Or if Trump wins such a landslide, they've already got Black Lives Matter and all the communist groups activated.
They're already attacking Trump sites all over the country and firebombing things.
What do we do then if they start burning stuff down?
This is insane.
Well, that's the big fear that whatever happens, we could see civil unrest, we could see rioting, we could see violence.
If Trump wins, I mean, already there was a headline on Drudge Report today about anti-Trump violence all over the country.
His star on the Walk of Fame was smashed to oblivion.
Democrats are organizing an attack on his new hotel in D.C.
Yeah, so we're already seeing anti-Trump violence all over the nation.
And if he wins, it's just going to go absolutely viral all over the country.
We're going to see tremendous violence.
But on the other hand, if Hillary Clinton wins and it looks like it was stolen, that could set off violence because I think that will be the point where good patriotic Americans have said enough is enough.
We're tired of criminal Hillary Clinton.
We're tired of the criminality.
We're tired of... Exactly!
And we're tired of Soros owning the voting machines in 16% of the country, predominantly battleground states.
Yeah, but you know what?
Donald Trump, you know, when he said, hey, I'm not just automatically going to accept the results of the election.
There's wisdom in that.
And if there's one thing we know about Donald Trump is that he's not afraid to file lawsuits.
And so if it looks like it's stolen, we need to make a huge deal of this.
We have to discredit her day one because of all of her criminal activity.
Now, Michael Schneider, we're about to go to break, but when we come back we'll talk about the nuke situation that I mentioned and play that clip of Trump.
How can they survive WikiLeaks that did deliver?
They should all be indicted for this.
It proves they're involved in criminality, in cover-ups, in taking money from foreign powers.
Project Veritas has got breaking news with us next hour along those lines.
We're going to break that here in about an hour, or actually about 40 minutes from now.
How do they survive this?
Even if they steal it, how do they get away with this?
Well, how they get away with it is because the mainstream media is in their pocket.
The mainstream media won't run with this.
The mainstream media won't report it to the general population.
And so the mainstream media is the key.
And that's Hillary's biggest asset.
Is the mainstream media, which has just totally gone in the tank for Hillary Clinton this election.
And that's why the alternative media, what you're doing, what I'm doing, is so important that we get the truth out there.
Do you think it's fair to say, though, what's left of MSM has been destroyed?
I mean, they've killed themselves politically with this last open, naked, Decepticon move.
Without a doubt, their credibility is destroyed.
But this is a debating technique.
If you watch all three debates, whenever Hillary Clinton's, whenever Bill Clinton came up and his sex crimes, Hillary Clinton purposely ignored it.
Didn't address it.
Not a single word about it.
And when Donald Trump brought up the fact that she paid people to commit violence at his rallies, she didn't address it with a single word.
Same thing with the mainstream media.
If they don't acknowledge it, if they don't say anything about it, then it doesn't become an issue.
And notice, the politicos tell Trump, stop responding, and I get he should stay on message, but he's so truthful, they tell him, don't respond.
He goes, no, I didn't do that to those women, I'm responding.
No, I didn't do this, I'm responding.
And it's really kind of refreshing, the fact that he doesn't play political games.
I just don't know if we deserve Donald Trump, folks.
I mean, I've got to tell you, I really think it's up to people's hearts and minds to be free of this.
And all the sad little Democrats out there that think that Hillary's their mommy, I feel sorry for them.
Oversampling means that in your database and CRU programming to bring up a certain higher percentage of Democratic-inclining voters.
How do you stop vote fraud?
Well, you've got to have demand that your local officials do a certain amount of ballot checking with paper ballots every election.
To provide a sampling of accuracy of the computer.
Election officials say, no, we can't do a recount with paper ballots.
It takes too long, it's too expensive.
So they say, just do a sample.
Give us 5%.
It's absolutely fraud and it happens all the time.
It's been happening for years.
They're getting just better and better at it.
But this propaganda about the media, about there can't be any fraud.
I mean, everyone is just...
Saying, oh, we'll turn a blind eye to it.
Unless you have the process of audit in place, and you try to get it afterwards, you know, they'll say, well, next election we'll do it.
Next election, they'll put it off.
That's why I say you need to demand right now that your local officials decide to do an audit of this election.
So that we can prove if there's fraud or not.
I mean, you can say there's no fraud.
Well, let's prove it then!
Everybody audit 5% of your ballots with the paper ballots.
The people on the dark side take over more and more of these organizations.
You know, they delight on picking good Christians and Mormons, return missionaries to be in the FBI on the light, white side.
And occasionally they'll get into the dark side, you know, if they become hungry enough for power.
But generally they like these clean-cut people fronting
For the legitimate things they do in the CIA and the FBI, but there's a huge dark side that is now predominating in both of these agencies.
You know, when you listen to the workings of conscience in your mind, you get a nervous feeling when something isn't quite right.
But when you violate conscience regularly, whether it's about nutrition, whether it's about what you watch on television, your actions, the way you treat your children or your wife, when you violate conscience, you become immune to those good and bad signals.
And then you become very, very susceptible to the temptations and the distortions of satanic influence in the mind.
And that's what happens when people slowly corrupt themselves.
Your ability to sense right and wrong, it gets clouded and it gets hazy.
And we're not going away.
The movement's not going to diminish one iota if Trump is defeated.
It's only going to be strengthened.
As I say, God has let an awful lot of bad things happen in a direction that I still see continuing, so I'm... We're going to wait and see what happens, whether or not God intervenes.
I'm suggesting, you know, that we demand that each county do an audit of a small percentage, you know, to compare the paper ballot with the computer.
It's all incremental, though.
It's a little bit of cheating here and there, but ultimately the big gorilla in the room is this computer fraud.
Because they can change thousands of votes and you'd never know it.
It just dumps them out and that's, yeah.
If you're not doing an audit, and an audit even of 1% is going to catch voter fraud, because a computer should make zero errors.
By the way, I haven't been taking a lot of calls so far this week.
I've taken some, but the next few days I do intend to leave large portions of the broadcast open to calls to get your take on what you're seeing, what you're witnessing in early voting, where you think this is all going, but this is such an over-the-top situation we're all in that I can hardly handle the suspense.
I mean, geopolitically, economically, what's happening domestically, the incredible
We're good to go.
She's a mother.
She cares.
I don't care if she does bad.
Like that Owen Schroer report we played the first of the hour.
She's getting stuff done.
Good stuff.
Oh, like Obamacare.
And then in the emails, she says it's meant to screw you over.
So they have a totally bankrupt system and bring something in even worse.
I mean, to watch people that are chumps.
And Hillary admits they're chumps.
She hates common people.
Trump loves prosperity, cares about common people, a lot of people that know him well.
You know what?
Maybe we don't deserve it, folks.
Because those of us that are smart will be okay no matter what, unless there's a nuclear war.
But these liberal dumbasses?
They're so stupid.
They're so evil.
They're so knuckle-dragging.
Michael Steiner is our guest.
I want to play this clip because I mentioned it.
Here's another article.
Cliver Cunningham.
Norway to host U.S.
Marines on Russian border.
conducting drills near Russia.
Massive troop builds up.
You name it.
Eastern Europe to Northern Europe.
We've got this big headline up on Infowars.com.
As globalists push war, Russia unveils defensive nuke that can destroy a Texas-sized area.
I mentioned that earlier.
You heard me right.
Fourteen, forty megaton warheads in each reentry device.
That's the type of stuff that's going on.
Russia puzzled by Norway's decision to host U.S.
Marines in violation of decades-old commitment.
I mean, it's off the races.
Open talk of nuclear war, toe-to-toe with the Russkies.
Nuclear warfare, toe-to-toe with the Russkies.
Right out of Dr. Strangelove.
But this time, they're trying to promote Christian values.
I guess that's why they finally got to be destroyed, right?
Here is Donald Trump, recorded by Reuters, at a dinner, I guess, last night, just talking candidly.
Here it is.
She has no plan for Syria.
With her, you'll end up in World War III.
She doesn't know what she's doing, just like with Libya, just like with everything else she's done.
So, Syria now is no longer Syria.
Syria is Russia and the new Iran that we built through the Iran deal, which is one of the worst negotiated deals I've ever seen.
What we should do is focus on ISIS.
We should not be focusing on Syria.
Well, and you'll end up with her plan, you'll end up in World War III with Syria.
You're going to end up, Steve, you're going to end up in World War III over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton.
She's incompetent.
And by the way, that's not fear-mongering.
That's what almost all analysts, worldwide, liberal-conservatives say.
That Trump's who you need for peace.
Even the betting and the stock markets want Trump.
But no, we've got to have this crazy warmonger lady.
Michael, we're going to break.
We'll do five more minutes with you.
I appreciate your time.
Economic Collapse blog, what do you add to that?
Oh, I totally agree.
Over in Russia, they're covering our election, but the number one story right now is World War III.
The Russians are scared to death, and they don't like Obama.
In fact, a recent survey was taken over in Russia as far as the approval rating of U.S.
leadership in Russia, and it came back at a 1% approval rating for current U.S.
leadership, i.e.
the Obama administration.
And the Russians believe that Clinton is even worse than Obama.
So they're scared to death of Hillary Clinton.
Russian politicians such as Vladimir Zhirinovsky, he told Reuters that if Hillary Clinton comes in, is elected, we're likely to have World War III.
So they very much want Trump.
And if you watch the debates, Hillary Clinton, all three debates, you could just feel her animosity for Russia.
Oh that's right, stay there, but let's go further.
Let's go further when we come back in 70 seconds.
Our media then covers it up and says he's the one that's going to cause war.
Inverting reality.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
Project Veritas is coming on.
Roger Stone in more, but five more minutes with Michael Schneider.
I'm Alex Jones.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, the hitman knows he's been cheated.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Look, it was exciting to be on radio 21 years ago.
But I would go to the library to get, you know, a 1970-something article with David Rockefeller saying how great Mao Zedong was and how great world government would be to prove to people they wanted world government.
Now, it's just open world government, the family's bad, we're gonna have war, who cares if nuclear reactors leak?
There seems to be an insanity in our elite.
Michael Schneider, in the time we've got, I really appreciate your time as an investigative reporter and the great articles that you allow us to post on InfoWars.com, EconomicCollapseBlog.com and your other sites, but I tell you, the news is almost making us passe.
We could historically see the threat out there a ways.
I'm not pleased that we've been proven right.
This really sucks.
Yeah, and what's so alarming is that we could be potentially headed toward World War III if we don't get Donald Trump into the White House because, for example, Joe Biden recently came out on Meet the Press, openly threatened the Russians.
NBC News published an article talking about how the CIA is planning a covert, unprecedented covert operation, cyber attack against Russia.
First of all, if you're going to conduct this covert operation, you don't publish it on NBC News.
But you know what?
Do we really want to invite a cyber war with the Russians?
You know, do we want to invite the Russians?
And now it's come out that last week's outage was out of the United States, was probably a false flag, was not from the Russians.
I have it right here.
The Hill, top spy, Friday internet outage, likely not caused by foreign power.
Yeah, if the Russians wanted to do damage to us, they could really do some damage.
Do we really want the Russians to hack our power grid?
Do we really want the Russians to hack our financial system?
If the Russians wanted to, I believe they could take down our entire internet, which would crash our economy.
Clearly they're trying to stir the Russians up into a move.
I think the Russians aren't going to make the move.
Show them.
I believe that there may be a big false flag against Russia.
Well, one thing that could get the Russians shooting, and Reuters reported that Barack Obama has gotten together with his top foreign policy advisors
And they're discussing direct military strikes on Syrian military positions, on Syrian government forces.
And Clapper is selling it that we're going to fly in and bomb Russian bases, basically, and that if they respond, it's an act of war.
We're going to bomb you, and if you fire back, you started the war.
Yeah, and if we start hitting Syrian forces and Russian forces are mixed in, the Russians have already said, hey, that's a red line.
We're going to start firing back.
They've got their S-300s there, their S-400s, and they can shoot down our aircraft.
And so if U.S.
aircrafts are falling out of the sky over Syria, you know, and that's all over the news, you know, that could set off a spiral of events from which there may be no coming back from.
And so, but we don't want a war with Russia because Russia has been preparing for World War III for a very long time.
They've been updating and modernizing their weapons.
You know, we've just seen news this week about the new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile.
Uh, which Russia's come out with.
It's so fast and so elusive, we don't have anything that can shut it down.
How about Satan 2?
And one missile goes up, 15 independently targetable warheads come down, and can basically, those 15 warheads can destroy an area the size of Texas, and we have no countermeasures to that.
Meanwhile, meanwhile, we've still got the Minutemen missiles from the 1960s and 1970s.
The Obama administration says, hey, we'll keep them in service until 2030,
And 60 Minutes has gone into our nuclear silos and they're still using rotary phones.
They're still using the kind of 8-inch floppy disks that you can actually flop around in your hand.
And if we send our missiles back, the new S-500 system that Russia has developed, once they get that fully deployed all over the country, they'll be able to pretty much intercept anything that we send at them before it even gets to Russia.
So Russia now actually has nuclear superiority over the United States.
At least with what's not classified.
Believe me, the United States has incredible cruise missile-based submarine and jet launch systems and miniaturized weapons all over.
The thing is, it's a suicide mission to have a nuclear war.
We do not want to have it, period.
No one wins.
The only way to win is not to play.
Yeah, and so what the globalists are doing, what the elite are doing, is insane, because we do not want to pick a fight with Russia.
And the Russians fight dirty, they don't give up, they don't forgive.
And right now, all over Russian television, you know, they just... But listen to you!
How dare you be a war-o-phobe?
Why are you being so racist against nuclear war?
I gotta apologize for Michael Snyder.
He's a horrible person, just like me.
Michael, great job.
God bless you.
Keep up the good work.
We're less than 12 days out now.
Boy, I tell ya, please join us again.
By the way, we're gonna have 48 hours of live coverage during the election.
Election Day, right through the next day, coming up in 12 days.
We are living in very perilous times.
Things seem to be spinning out of control.
Much faster than the powers that be can handle them.
They've created these structures, these forces in the world that are now beyond their grasp.
They've created things.
They created ISIS, for example.
They created the civil war, which became a regional war in Syria.
And all of these things have spun out of control.
It's like Yates's poem, you know, spinning and spinning in a widening gyre.
That's the situation we're in now.
And we are, as you mentioned, very near the brink of a third world war.
And we have Hillary Clinton, for the sake of political gain, playing brinksmanship, pushing toward activating a no-fly zone over Syria, which would indeed be a severe provocation.
All it takes is one or two Russian aircraft being shot down.
And it'll be game on.
You know, not only is she running a kleptocratic system, but when she's personally a kleptomaniac, what does that tell you?
I cannot believe that this woman is being seriously considered.
As a presidential candidate, and with just the torrent of information that's coming out of WikiLeaks right now, from within the DNC, from within the Clinton Foundation, it just absolutely boggles the mind to think that she's being considered seriously.
We have a situation where we may have a manipulated presidential election, may have a split outcome with a difference between the popular vote and the electoral vote, and we have a
A kind of a criminal power structure in place right now that's willing to either collapse the system or bring the world to another world war just for the sake of furthering their own power.
That's how absolutely corrupt and evil they are.
It's amazing to see so many people with such corrupt morals and so downright sociopathic or psychopathic.
Rise to levels of power and influence where the most power hungry amongst them are actually the ones who want to be behind the scenes.
It's the United States that's the provocateur here.
We're the one provoking Russia and we've been at it for four years with the Ukraine and that game has turned into brinksmanship.
If you're receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're now T-minus 11 and a half days out.
You want to count election day?
We're 13 days out.
We're going to be broadcasting 48 hours.
I'm going to be here for at least 24.
But in 12 hours a day, live on air.
The day of the election and the day after.
So get ready.
Infowars.com is the tip of the spear.
Roger Stone, of course, former head of the Trump campaign, the guy that got Trump originally in 2000 to run, and then again a few years ago, is obviously the constant insider, a true patriot, lied about, demonized heavily.
They're now saying that we're trying to interfere in elections.
He's trying to interfere.
We had our own
A reporter, Owen Shoyer, out at a Randall's grocery store, where the news always goes and shows people, they show people in the voting booths.
But, oh, with us, the store manager tried to say, get out of here, you're interfering, until the head manager came out and said, no, they're allowed to do that.
But it was, oh, you're breaking the law, you shouldn't be here, you're bad, how dare you, you get out of here.
Democrats came out and said, you F off.
Uh, you know, you don't be here.
You're trying to intimidate us.
We heard about info wars and Trump.
And so I guess it's in Democratic Party emails we're now confirming?
Uh, that look out for us and look out for Stone and that's going to be their counter.
Uh, is that we're trying to, I mean, I think they've said London Guardian and other publications the last 48 hours about Roger Stone.
No, this is what the press does.
And I will tell you that Don Salazar has the new article.
Drudge has two of our articles linked.
It's been confirmed.
That from South Texas to East Texas, election officials are now being forced to go to paper ballots because they keep flipping for Hillary.
Texas County switches to paper ballots after electronic voting glitches, and you read deeper, it's flipping votes, or they're turning off and turning back on, and doing all sorts of weird crap.
So, this is a serious situation.
Yes, folks, George Soros owns 16% of the voting machines in the country.
They all magically happen to be all in battleground states.
Isn't that just special?
And we have the emails from Wikileaks, how they would steal the election, how they would oversample for Hillary, and how they would do all the rest of this crap, and how they had a Russian problem, exactly what Stone said months ago, so they were going to blame Manafort and Stone and myself.
They've got me on CNN, on MSNBC, next to Putin saying I'm a Russian agent.
I'm about as Russian as I am Chinese, okay, or Japanese.
I mean, nothing against the Russians.
I love the Russians.
I love everybody.
I love the people of Mexico.
But I mean, I'm from Texas.
I'm still Americana.
It's ridiculous.
I won't even get into my Americana.
It's like if I was a dog, I'd be the best in show, okay?
I mean, a total Americana, sickening level Americana.
You cannot get more Americana.
And so it's very insulting to see these globalists that have sold us out to the highest bidder, accusing Stone and myself and Trump of, you know, selling the country out, when they're the ones who are selling it out.
And Trump gave that powerful speech yesterday.
We played excerpts of it in the first hour.
It's his most powerful yet in Tampa, saying, you know, how they're gutting us, how they're killing us, how they're anti-American.
They cannot stand it.
So, all that's coming up.
Now, in the next 20 minutes we've got with Stone, and he's gone, and he's gracious enough to pop in on this.
I'm trying to get him every day now.
Is we have the new Project Veritas video.
We have it.
We could premiere it right now, but I'm gonna wait.
They gave it to us graciously until their director comes on at the bottom of the hour rigging the election video.
They have video of it all.
This is video number four.
20K wire transfer from Belize was sent to the Clintons.
They accepted it.
And then when they found out Veritas expanded the investigation, they tried to give it back.
But we have the emails where they say, this is illegal.
They go, just keep
The money.
Just take the money.
So, that's breaking at the bottom of the hour.
33 after.
Roger Stone, great to see you, my friend.
I know you're working your heart out.
What should we address first?
The election fraud?
God, you almost don't know where to start, Alex.
Yeah, I mean, I think there's also now a Huffington Post story coming on our planned Election Day activities.
First of all, I think there's a huge amount of confusion between poll watching
And the exit polling that we are going to try to execute with the help of Citizens for Trump and thousands of volunteers.
And some of those involved in the planning of this had designated a badge for the pollers to wear.
We have now dumped the badge because the left is immediately saying, oh, you're trying to connote that you're an official of some kind.
You know, I've been doing this for 40 years, Alex, and I have a pretty good fundamental understanding of polling.
We're going to follow the state laws and we're going to do exit polling.
Other articles said we're too stupid to know how to conduct it.
Well, the networks do them.
We're not accusing them of intimidating voters, but we're only talking to voters in this program
After they voted.
So where is the intimidation?
No, I think we understand exactly what's going on here.
The Clintons fear this program because they would like to get away with the perfect crime.
Rigging the machines would be the perfect crime.
And therefore, this really threatens them because it is the only tangible proof we may have of the hijack.
The voter fraud
Such as it exists is going to have to be picked up and detected by the poll watching operation being put together by the official Trump campaign.
And I applaud them for starting early on that program.
And they have, I'm told, have recruited thousands and thousands of volunteers for election.
Hillary's got to be pretty freaked out right now with all these WikiLeaks coming out confirming Obama knew and they were involved in a cover-up.
Even the New York Times had mentioned it's a smoking gun.
And then mounting evidence of fraud, mounting evidence of them, they got a big poll out.
The majority of Americans believe Hillary is way more corrupt and is involved in criminal activity.
I mean, it seems like as the days wind down here, with 11 and a half days left, Hillary is just melting in front of us.
Yeah, it's like the little boy with his thumb in the dike.
They've got a thousand leaks, if they can just hold on.
What's amazing to me, Alex, is the way the role of the mainstream media has changed.
As you know, I worked for President Nixon, and I was there when the mainstream media revealed his darkest secrets, including substantial government malfeasance.
And it brought Nixon's administration down.
Now the exact same people, the New York Times, but principally the Washington Post, they're spending all of their time suppressing information about Hillary Clinton.
Look, they have, as you know, they destroyed 33 emails, 1,000 emails.
They used bleach to blot out, to erase the traces of that.
They destroyed cell phones.
They destroyed laptops with the approval of the FBI.
And, you know, the Washington Post says nothing here to see, folks.
Just keep moving.
It's really extraordinary.
Really extraordinary.
I agree.
There's been almost a total cover-up.
That's why I was shocked this morning to see the New York Times having a big article saying, whoa, they got a problem.
This is a big deal.
Well, look, and it's not outside the realm, of course, that if Hillary should win by theft or by hook or by crook, you know, Nixon won by a landslide, too.
And he was still out of office, you know, a year and a half later.
I think some of these scandals are such that they're going to catch up with her one way.
I totally agree.
There's no way, no way she gets away with this, even if the elite are dumb enough to put her in.
I think that's exactly right.
On the other hand, for those who, again,
Tell us that this is over.
I repeat what I said on the circus on Showtime Sunday night.
Did you say over?
Nothing's over till we say it is!
Well, sure, it's total mind control, like we're, you know, stormtroopers, you know, there at Los Isley Spaceport, and they say, are these the droids?
No, they're not the droids you're looking for.
They're the droids we're looking for.
Clearly, Trump is now, it looks like, ahead in these battleground states, even in their oversampled for Democrat polls.
There's a surge happening right now.
I mean, I know you want people to, you know,
Not be totally convinced they all get out and vote but I mean I'm seeing just massive support for Trump intensify and so their claim that you know he's gonna Hillary's already you know measuring the drapes for the White House is a fraud.
Totally agree.
It's part of the two-part step process here, which is first you rig the polls to create an expectation level, then on the base of those polls the mainstream media says this is over, she's won, Trump is in a down spiral, and then they go rig the machines to meet that expectation.
This is why the Stop the Steal program, stopthesteal.org,
And our new partners, Vote Protectors, we're still working out a lot of bugs.
This is an enormous operation.
And none of it's going to be perfect, but there are going to be cameras, there's going to be people.
I mean, this is going to be probably the biggest mobilization ever against fraud.
I think that is going to be the case, yes.
Plus, I see that Bill Clinton, on his way through North Carolina, on his bus tour, was met by some whistlers.
So, that program... We have the Bill Clinton rape whistles pouring out of the store right now.
So, absolutely, you are the info warriors, folks.
You're the game changers.
You've seen the corruption, the mainstream media.
But I'm not sentenced to praying for defeat.
I believe we're going to win more than ever.
But, even if they steal it,
We have destroyed the globalists.
We've exposed their system.
Donald Trump has won the 2016 election.
As he said yesterday, he said, even if they steal it from me, folks, he goes, I think we're going to win.
He said, we've got to beat TPP.
We've got to restore our sovereignty.
We've got to get better trade deals.
We're never going to stop.
And we're seeing the fact, Trump ain't going nowhere.
This movement's going nowhere.
It's just getting stronger one way or the other.
And what I like is he's getting back to his core messages now, which is strategic.
Exactly what won him the nomination over the, you know, the elitist establishment.
I agree.
Suddenly he's on target.
What's happened?
Yeah, well, I think that he is taking a step back.
I think he has a very good feel for what's going on here.
I think he is not dispirited.
In fact, I know he's not dispirited.
And you can't help but be turned on by these crowds.
I was about to say, he seems turbocharged.
You don't talk about stuff you and Trump talk about.
I barely mentioned a few things and the media blows up with it.
I don't know why you don't.
But, I mean, you're saying you know he's not dispirited.
He looks supercharged.
Tell us how Trump's doing.
He was in Florida the other night, and I think he's just energized by these crowds.
I'm a veteran of nine Republican presidential campaigns.
I saw Reagan's re-election.
I saw Nixon's re-election.
He gets more energized by hard work and fighting with the people.
He loves the people.
Hillary hates it.
And he's laid on more campaign stops than physically a man his age should be able to do.
I mean, he is really putting in the time and the energy.
Normally, as you know, a candidate does one event a day, you endeavor to get television coverage, and you're done.
Trump is working four, and I'm told he wants to lay on more.
Four events a day.
Storming through Florida, for example.
And some cases on tarmacs that are 115 degrees in Arizona.
And then yesterday, Hillary Clinton shows up in Broward County, slips into a private meeting with the woman who runs the Board of Elections.
A woman whose reputation... Let's talk about that.
Let's talk about Hillary just met with the head of elections in the key county in Florida.
Break it down, Roger Stone.
We're going to have photos right here on InfoWars shortly, but there was a short two-person closed-door meeting between the woman who's the supervisor of elections in Broward County, Brenda Snipes.
Extremely controversial, long record of incompetence.
Only two days ago, she had to announce that somehow Amendment 2, which happens to be medical marijuana, isn't going to be on the ballot in Broward County because of some kind of screw-up.
Oh, a glitch!
Oh my gosh!
This is the whole place we saw in 2000 with all the problems, and now magically, this is almost worse than Loretta Lynch, the AG, meeting with old Billy Clinton out there on that tarmac.
Yeah, I mean, you gotta wonder, why is the Democratic presidential candidate having a closed-door meeting with the supervisor of elections in one of the largest Democratic counties in the state, and a county that has had a history of problems with their voting process?
Is it arrogance with Clinton?
Because they seem like the most arrogant people ever, or is it just they don't care?
Well, notice by the way that nobody in the traveling press entourage and no one in the Florida press has reported this private meeting.
This is the breaking news right here.
And now it's out there.
Maybe they'll have some explanation of what she was doing with Brenda Snipes.
Okay, we've got about six minutes left with Roger Stone, then Project Veritas is going to simultaneously publish.
They gave it to us early.
I wanted them to publish at the same time so the drudge can get it, but we're going to premiere this video of amazing information, them taking money through a foreign bank account, believing it was foreign money.
We know they did that in the WikiLeaks, but this is just... I love how we keep seeing Project Veritas duplicate in the real world via video, in the third dimension, what's happening in cyberspace.
Yeah, it's really quite extraordinary.
You'll remember, Alex, that I came on this show, I don't know, eight months ago?
Six months ago?
And I said that my research indicated that Soros-funded groups were behind the violence at the Trump rallies.
And the mainstream media poo-pooed that.
And you said they were being sent dressed as Sanders people to discredit both groups.
Now, all released.
Confirmed everything you said.
So, I think this is key.
Now, remember, what was the great lesson of Watergate?
No person is above the law.
And Nixon was brought down by dirty tricks by his president.
And Nixon said, it's not illegal when the president does it.
And the law said, no it is.
Yeah, exactly.
I remember all too well.
So, I just don't know why we have this double standard.
Wait a minute, I guess I do know why we have this double standard.
Man, I tell you, time is on our side.
The time we have left, because what else is on the big board there at thestonecoldtruth.com?
Well, we have had some minor hacking problems on our platform for vote protectors for the Stop the Steal operation.
Wow, that's a whole other headline.
Grassroots organization to defend voting integrity or vote fraud investigation site hacked.
But the good news is that our guys really know what they're doing and they had excellent firewalls.
So I think most of this has been repelled.
This exit poll is going forward.
And as I said yesterday, I guess it was, we need men and women
Who can give us a day of their time, on election day, to serve as exit pollers.
We'll train you.
We'll assign you.
We will schedule you.
But we need the voluntary manpower.
We don't have the 30, 40 million dollars that Soros has thrown into... But we've got the people.
And in closing, let me ask you this.
To see foreign governments, our own intelligence agencies, which is now being confirmed, are the main leakers.
And that's from William Binney, the former head of the NSA.
Patriots, law enforcement groups, citizens of every race, color, and creed, battling against Hillary and the Clintons.
The whole world knows they're evil, except for disconnected, kind of, uh, you know, loony bin folks that Hillary openly hates and calls basement dwellers.
What does this signify?
It really makes me feel good about humanity, that humanity hates the Clintons.
Yeah, I think this doesn't end well for them because none of these problems being raised in WikiLeaks are going to go away.
Even if she does manage to steal this election and hold on to it.
But I want to be in a position that we have definitive proof, admissible in a court of law, to challenge this election if there is the widespread irregularities that we expect.
Now, getting back to the whistles, again, we don't make money on them, folks.
They're $9.95.
They've got a big lanyard.
They're available at InfowarsStore.com, StoneColdTruth.com.
We're now shipping out.
I hired four or five extra people just for this election season, so everything is same-day shipping right now.
Every day, unless your order comes in at like 5 o'clock, until 7 at night, they're shipping.
If it comes in, you know, after 5, it doesn't come out the next day.
We're shipping everything.
Rape whistles, Bill Clinton rape shirts.
I told you no more Hillary shirts when they sold out.
I know that.
I underestimated.
We sold out.
Sorry, they're gone.
I have to keep my word.
Those are gone now.
You've got a piece of history.
We've got the Trump is my president shirt.
That could sell in a matter of days.
That's a one-time run.
It's a red shirt to wear on election day.
So all that's happening.
I just cannot stress to you enough.
This is the time when one day is like a year.
The next 12 days.
What else do we do, Stone?
You know, call liberals.
Have interventions.
Uh, you know, expose what's happening.
I mean, what do we do, right?
Call on the talk radio.
What do we do?
Get your whistle.
Go online and figure out when Bill Clinton's coming to your state.
Get your t-shirt, where we've had to go into a guerrilla tactics to break through the mainstream media blackout of Bill's escapades as a serial rapist and Hillary's role in the cover-up.
There you go.
History's happening now.
Call into C-SPAN.
Expose him as a rapist.
Expose Benghazi.
Get aggressive.
Do what you've done.
I've already given out the $100,000 in prizes.
I can't do any more.
This is history, folks.
You are the resistance, legal and lawfully.
Get out there and make a scene.
And then go to StopTheSteal.org and sign up to help us on Election Day.
Blow the whistle on tyranny.
Roger Stone, keep it up, my friend.
And we will talk to you again very, very soon.
Many thanks.
Man, I tell you folks, this is such a critical time to be alive.
I am so honored to know you.
And I don't just say that to like, like, you know, pitch guys do that I appreciate you and boy, you're a great audience.
I am humbled by you.
I, I just, it's this crew is so awesome.
Our sponsors, everybody just, you're so awesome.
And man, I see the Hispanics and black folks and people up in those big crowds with Trump.
And I see sometimes like half the folks coming into the event being Hispanic.
I just want to give them hugs.
Because I want to give everybody a big hug.
Because I want to break this lie.
That Hispanics can't have guns and Hispanics can't have property and blacks can't have guns and property.
We can't all just be prosperous and start getting along.
And we'll still have races, still have some problems, but we'll have to have the government dumping fuel on the fire where we all act like idiots with each other and we're not comfortable around each other.
So a bunch of jackass foreign billionaires who have white papers on how they're manipulating us get away with it.
I'm tired of it!
I'm sick of it!
And Trump is trying to break all that.
I mean, I love seeing
LGBT for Trump, and Black for Trump, and Hispanic, and all these people up there, and a lot of Christians, and people say, well how dare you?
You know, Christ went and talked to everybody.
And stop throwing stones when you've got your own sins.
I'm so sick of it.
The point is that we need to save this country!
Anyways, I just love how he's bringing people together and shattering the lies.
They can edit what he says all day, just like they do me,
People tune into the truth, they find out what I'm really saying, and they say, wow, I had a misconception about you.
The truth is, I am a classical liberal.
I want freedom!
But it means I've got to be able to lead my life, you lead yours.
I'm not going to do what you want.
That's what real liberalism is.
I'm going to do what I want, as long as it doesn't hurt you.
I'm going to use what words I want, I'm going to do what I want, you get out of my life.
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Stay with us for the Veritas exclusive.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse, minor words, and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously, four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
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Telecom giant AT&T has secretly been cooperating with the U.S.
government, employing a controversial project known as Hemisphere, and they've been doing it by some reports since 2007.
Now it's a key moneymaker for AT&T as they're selling the information for profit.
Hemisphere gives the U.S.
government access to a large database that stores telephone records spanning decades.
Apple AT&T is earning millions of taxpayer money by secretly helping the government spy on U.S.
citizens, and law enforcement organs are saying that they're cracking cases by providing information of trillions of phone calls.
Now, it's been criticized by civil liberty groups for serving what they say is essentially an espionage program targeting U.S.
The program enables government agencies to tap into phone records and pinpoint locations of cellular phone users.
Something we know that they've been doing for a very long time.
It looks like the program's expansion is in full swing, and if you use the carrier AT&T, chances are your personal data has been sold to the highest bidder, i.e.
the U.S.
I'm Margaret Hale reporting for InfoWars.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, there's only two other organizations that are as effective as InfoWars, and that's DrudgeReport.com, and of course that's the folks at ProjectVeritas.com.
And I wish there were a hundred groups as effective, because if we lose this thing, we're losing the whole country to hardcore tyranny.
The WikiLeaks, I mean I already knew this watching their activities of the Democrats and the Globalists, but man, WikiLeaks brings it home.
It's worse than I thought.
And I was supposedly the extremist.
Now we've gotten 30 new affiliates the last month.
We normally got 30 new affiliates if I was lucky in a year.
And then we'd lose some, never going above 170 affiliates.
We're like at 210 right now.
As radical as you think Alex Jones is, the good news is it's not seen as radical anymore because what we said has turned out to be accurate.
Because we were going off leaks and statements and things they'd said, but I got to be honest, I've been reading these WikiLeaks and we're down to like data dump 17 or 18 just on Podesta and Obama and how they got to cover stuff up and how they're committing crimes and then you've got Project Veritas going out separately from even knowing these emails were coming out in the last year and exposing in the real world on video what the WikiLeaks say.
I mean, it's like the hand of God is on this or something.
This is incredible.
Catching them in election fraud.
How they plan to have folks vote ten times a person.
How they don't care about the law.
How they control the press.
How they're going after their opposition.
How they're attacking Trump rallies.
All the while never knowing this was going to come out in the WikiLeaks.
So it's amazing.
Russ Verney is executive director of Project Veritas.
He's an expert producing newsworthy reports and I'm not going to go over his whole situation when he was an IA2 political advisor, the campaign manager for Ross Perot's presidential campaigns.
He was the CEO of a large nationwide
We're good to go.
And they're giving us the exclusive.
It's going up, as we're told, simultaneously at ProjectVeritas.com and InfoWars.com.
And I think it's best if he breaks down this latest story.
But watching the video and just giving it my basic boil-down, we know they're taking money from foreign companies, foreign corporations, foreign donors.
We've got the latest WikiLeaks from a week ago saying, this is illegal.
So what?
Just take the money.
Well, they got him to take the money.
Now, once they started investigating and once Veritas contacted him, they tried to give it back.
But they're doing what the FBI should be doing.
Again, ProjectVeritas.com.
Russ Verney, Executive Director, thank you so much for joining us.
Break down this latest bombshell.
It's an honor to be with you and your listeners today.
This is our fourth installment in
It's the fourth installment, and then his Skype broke down.
We're going to reconnect with him again.
Like I said, it's a conspiracy this is happening, but we're getting... Russ Verney, your Skype's coming through a little bit.
We may have to keep you on Skype, but this is a handheld telephone.
Go ahead and try to start over, sir.
All right, guys, get him on the phone, or reconnect.
I didn't prior coordinate.
They're totally lawless.
Put him on hold, guys, and let's reconnect via phone.
We have video via Skype.
We've lost audio with Russ Verney.
And while we're waiting for him, we've got these clips right here that we're going to premiere for you right now.
This is live TV.
There's no shame in mess-ups and stuff.
Let's watch.
This is teleprompter-free.
Seat of our pants.
Defending the Republic here at Point Blank Range.
While we reconnect with Russ Verney via phone, let's go ahead and play just both parts, if you'd like, the intro piece and then the follow-up on this big news that
But they're breaking, here it is.
A political consultant.
I just want to get the money from point A to point B. A shell company.
Your guy took care of business right away.
Yes, Steve.
I just knew it took a tricky route through Belize, and I just wanted to make sure that that got to you.
So good, I'm glad.
An eccentric West Coast millionaire.
Smaller checks to begin with, but I definitely could see myself being a larger contributor.
An English money man.
We have banks in Dubai and we have banks in Belize.
The one in Belize we just used for the first time with your transfer.
$20,000 sent from an offshore bank in Belize.
I think we know that it's coming.
We've been sawed off right.
And then mysteriously returned.
All the ingredients of a spy thriller, but in fact, were the elements we used for our undercover operation to investigate the Hillary Clinton campaign.
The investigation ultimately led us to Robert Cramer, a Democratic power broker who knows the White House like the back of his hand.
I'm not in prison.
The Project Veritas action investigation into the Clinton campaign took us more than a year.
We had people working for the Clinton campaign full-time across the country.
We even had someone working for a time inside the Clinton campaign headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.
We have people posing as donors, political consultants, interns, overseas financial advisors, and activists.
Now we have to cut it there.
We have the full videos going up on Infowars.com and Project Veritas as we speak.
But there's a lot of cussing by them, so we have to cut it there.
Obviously for the AM and FM audience, but the full video going up on Infowars.com and of course ProjectVeritas.com.
I would imagine DrugsReport.com carries all the amazing releases they put out.
We're getting Russ Verney back on.
This guy was having some problems, so we're going to double up on phone with him.
But here's another clip later where Kramer, who's this big Democratic Party operative, is talking about how we're going to get gun laws in, similar to Britain,
And, you know, ways to get more money in, open the borders up, and more of what the agenda is.
Here's that clip.
I do a lot of work with the White House on their issue, helping to run issue campaigns that they've been involved in.
I mean, for immigration reform, for the health care bill, for the...
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Now the full report, as I said, is going up on InfoWars.com and it's also up on ProjectVeritas.com.
It's easy to get out to everybody because in the full report, they're there with briefcases, money, beliefs.
Well Alex, it's an honor to be on your program.
Thank you for having
This is the fourth in a series of reports covering a year-long investigation into the dark money cabal of the Democratic Party.
And in today's release, which your listeners can see on our affiliated website, ProjectVeritasAction.com, and on your site, we're talking about how we got deep into this organization with credibility by giving them a contribution.
Now, the contribution was given to them in full knowledge of them that it was coming from a bank in Belize.
We happen to have a shell company in Belize, and we have a bank account down there.
So they were receiving money from outside the country, which isn't illegal in any way, shape, or form.
They directed Robert Crema, the ringmaster of the stock money cabal for the Democratic Party, directed the money be sent to the Americans United for Change.
They're a non-profit 501c4 organization.
They can accept money from outside the country.
But they cannot use it to spend on political activities.
501c4s can do a little bit of political activity, but they can't use foreign money for it.
Now, when they took the money from us, they knew it was coming from a bank in Belize.
They never questioned the source of the funds, whether they were United States money or otherwise.
Just one of our fictitious donors gave them money from the bank in Belize.
They cashed it, deposited it.
And we were fat, dumb and happy for a while, but after our first video came out, they decided they wanted to return it because they felt that it might have been an illegal contribution.
So they returned our $20,000.
We got our investment back, which I think will make all of us sleep better at night, knowing that they don't have money to spend on their nefarious activities.
But it's sort of an omission that they knew they were doing something wrong, taking foreign money.
And using it for political purposes and that's basically the crux of the story today.
Is it again?
Once again, Robert Kramer is the ringleader.
He's the one who's directing traffic here and directing traffic on the support of Hillary's campaign and violation of the law and asking us to send money to the nonprofit so they could spend it.
And this guy heads up one of the top 10 Democratic Party organizations in the country.
He's visited Obama 340 times, according to Breitbart, who reviewed the logs.
And so, you can take money as a non-profit, but not if you're going to use it directly
For political contributions, which we know their group's doing.
And what I find fascinating is, not just the James Bond level of these videos that people are watching on TV, radio listeners can go to ProjectVeritas.com or your Citrus site and see it, or InfoWars.com.
It's the, you know, the gangster-ness of this.
But what's great about how you guys disrupted ACORN and so many other criminal operations that have been exposed by you is that clearly
They had to roll back all their operations, not knowing which ones have been infiltrated.
So as soon as your videos came out the last few weeks, they had to back off and suddenly try to return the money, not just to you, but clearly a bunch of other people as well, not knowing which ones were the sting.
I think you're absolutely absolutely right.
They had to go back and try to cover up the
Questionable activities they've been involved in, and of course, we're $20,000 to the better part.
We're very happy for that.
They returned the money, but you know, this
The whole effort to circumvent all of the campaign finance laws is just despicable.
And, you know, I was around many years ago when Watergate occurred, and it was a second-rate burglary of a young Democrat's office by a campaign that couldn't have lost the election if it had to.
And this, I think, makes Watergate pale by comparison, all that has gone on here.
Well, absolutely.
I mean, look, I'm a libertarian.
So I was mad a lot of stuff Bush did and Nixon did some bad stuff.
But with the Clintons and Obama, it's like magnitudes worse where there's not even a comparison.
And then I watch all these Democrats I know say, we interviewed some earlier, they said, I don't care if she commits crimes.
She's doing it for a greater good.
I mean, that is the most Machiavellian, Hitlerian mindset.
Alex, I believe that I've lost the signal here.
I'm going to have to reconnect.
I understand you guys are having some technical stuff.
Russ, can you hear me now?
Can you hear me now, Russ?
A lot of technical difficulties today.
But we will try to reconnect with Russ Verney right now.
But don't worry, we'll be able to cobble this all together and edit it and put it back out to be more effective at a later date.
It's part of the live show.
It's actually part of the fun.
That happens.
People routinely can't hear us.
I'm not lying.
We need to boost audio.
Now, before I go any further, this is a big deal because it just ties into the overall criminality of how these groups do what they want.
And they're on video admitting they want our guns.
And there's a bunch of this we can't air because they sent it to us an hour and a half ago and it's filled with cuss words.
The full video is full of cuss words.
And again, most people are internet shows now.
So they say, why don't you just air it?
We can't.
I'm on over 200 AM and FM stations.
They still get fined $4,000 when a cuss word gets out.
So we've never been fined yet.
We've never gotten a station fined yet in 20 something years.
I'm not doing it now.
So, it is frustrating though because all these other internet shows can air whatever they want.
We're on terrestrial radio and I think it's discriminatory.
I don't like cuss words.
I'm not pushing cuss words.
It's just that, you know, we have to take time out to cut all these things out.
So that's why we're not airing the full thing.
The full deal is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as we speak right now.
But I wanted to just commend Russ Verney.
Because you talk about dangerous.
When you actually infiltrate their organizations and do hidden camera stuff, that's when they break in your house, that's when they beat you up in the parking lot, that's when they kill your dog.
And believe me, I've been through it with these people.
So Veritas doesn't tell you on air the stuff they've been through.
Believe me, they're in a war for this country.
And I support our veterans.
Whether the war is good or bad, our soldiers get sent, we've got to support them.
And I'm telling you, Project Veritas are soldiers in the fight for this country.
Russ Verney, a lot of what you said has already gotten out, but maybe a third time's the charm with the Skype.
Other points you want to relay?
Other big projects coming out, obviously with the election?
Just your thoughts in general about all the WikiLeaks?
I mean, is there anything Democrats might finally wake up with and not support Hillary?
And as I said, third time's the charm with the Skype.
That's good, guys.
Let's cut the interview off now.
We'll get a better hookup.
And I'm not going to say it's espionage or industrial stuff.
We don't normally have problems with Veritas.
They're having problems.
Their internet's off.
Their cell phones aren't working.
I'm sure it's not a cyber attack.
That's the problem, though.
We routinely have cyber attacks here.
And, you know, we just wanted to put up with them.
And that's just part of life.
And that's just part of the things that go on and happen.
But as a rule, once Skype's not working, we only do phone.
Then if the cell phone's not working, we say, hey, let's do your landline.
Kind of a default as we go down the chain.
I'm going to go to break here in just a moment.
Let me just remind everybody this broadcast is listed as supported.
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Oversampling means that in your database and CRU programming to bring up a certain higher percentage of Democratic-inclining voters.
How do you stop vote fraud?
Well, you've got to have demand that your local officials do a certain amount of ballot checking with paper ballots every election.
To provide a sampling of accuracy of the computer.
Election officials say, no, we can't do a recount with paper ballots.
It takes too long, it's too expensive.
So they say, just do a sample.
Give us 5%.
It's absolutely fraud and it happens all the time.
It's been happening for years.
They're getting just better and better at it.
But this propaganda about the media, about there can't be any fraud.
I mean, everyone is just...
Saying, oh, we'll turn a blind eye to it.
Unless you have the process of audit in place, and you try to get it afterwards, you know, they'll say, well, next election we'll do it.
Next election, they'll put it off.
That's why I say you need to demand right now that your local officials decide to do an audit of this election.
So that we can prove if there's fraud or not.
I mean, you can say if there's no fraud, well, let's prove it then.
Everybody audit 5% of your ballots with the paper ballots.
The people on the dark side take over more and more of these organizations.
You know, they delight on picking good Christians and Mormons, return missionaries to be in the FBI on the light white side.
And occasionally they'll get into the dark side, you know, if they become hungry enough for power.
But generally they like these clean cut people fronting
For the legitimate things they do in the CIA and the FBI, but there's a huge dark side that is now predominating in both of these agencies.
You know, when you listen to the workings of conscience in your mind, you get a nervous feeling when something isn't quite right.
But when you violate conscience regularly, whether it's about nutrition, whether it's about what you watch on television, your actions, the way you treat your children, your wife, when you violate conscience, you become immune to those good and bad signals.
And then you become very, very susceptible to the temptations and the distortions of satanic influence in the mind.
And that's what happens when people slowly corrupt themselves.
Your ability to sense right and wrong, it gets clouded.
It gets hazy.
And we're not going away.
The movement's not going to diminish one iota if Trump is defeated.
It's only going to be strengthened.
As I say, God has let an awful lot of bad things happen in a direction that I still see continuing.
So we're going to wait and see what happens, whether or not God intervenes.
I'm suggesting, you know, that we demand that each county do an audit.
Of a small percentage, you know, to compare the paper ballot with the computer.
It's all incremental though.
It's a little bit of cheating here and there, but ultimately the big gorilla in the room is this computer fraud.
Because they can change thousands of votes and you'd never know it.
It just dumps them out and that's, yeah.
If you're not doing an audit, then an audit even of 1% is going to catch voter fraud because the computer should make zero errors.
Alright, we got a final segment this hour, then I'm going to come in and cover some other breaking news with David Knight in the fourth hour.
Russ Verney, look, I don't want to sit here and gush over Project Veritas, but when it comes to courage and true grit, a movie should be made about what they've done.
And it's just pure Americana.
It's such a great story.
We've had some technical difficulties, but the video is powerful.
Thank you for sharing the exclusive with us.
Russ, now we've got you on the landline.
Other points you'd like to add?
The election, where you see this going, even if Trump gets the election stolen, I don't see Hillary ever being able to stay in office.
I mean, the devastating evidence you have brought forward, that James O'Keefe's brought forward, your organization, with WikiLeaks, has been a godsend.
So I want to, from my family to yours, commend your courage.
Thank you so very much, Alex.
Sorry for the technical difficulties.
Hey, it happens, brother.
It happens.
Go ahead.
I understand, but, you know, this, I think, is bigger than Watergate.
When this all rolls out, what WikiLeaks has disclosed, what we have disclosed on videotape, it's much, much bigger than Watergate over the next few months.
And sooner or later, Congress is going to have to appoint a special prosecutor in this case and look into all of these things.
You know, everybody talks about buying access by making contributions.
Well, that's exactly what we did.
We bought access by giving them a $20,000 donation and they gave us that access and we just kept promising a little bit more, a little bit more, but we never gave any more.
And we kept getting more and more access all the way up, including our undercover agent being invited to the White House once a week for meetings at the White House with Creamer and his folks for strategizing.
So you've proven paper play.
That's the bottom line.
Foreign paper play.
You give them 20 grand, you're meeting with a guy that's working for the White House.
He's been to the White House over 300 times, met with the President over 40 times, and he was going every week at this point and bringing our undercover journalists, was willing to bring our undercover journalists.
We couldn't allow her to go because it would be illegal to enter a federal building under a false name.
So, we made excuses for not going, but he had that kind of access every week.
We have proven it.
He's the ringleader of the stock money cabal in the Democratic Party that was violating the campaign finance laws.
Recent ones at the Citizens United where the Super PAC was coordinating with the campaign, and the original 1976 laws where this non-profit group, Americans United for Change, was taking money and spending it to promote Hillary's campaign in coordination with the campaign.
And that's been illegal for corporations to do that for a time immemorial.
There's plenty of evidence out there.
We've got a few more that we'll be releasing over the next few weeks as we try to unwind all of the information that we have in hundreds of hours of video here and put together a coherent story in each of our videos for your listeners and the people around the country.
Well, Russ Verney, you guys have ice water in your veins, I've known.
You know, Project Veritas since it started, you know, right when Obama got in or even before.
But I've never seen you guys have some of the security concerns and things.
And I'm told behind the scenes it's gotten pretty hairy.
So, they're definitely really worried about you with Trump bringing you up in the debate, you name it.
Wow, I tell you, you are definitely in the gun sights.
Well, it's the Pathfinders that take the arrows, and James O'Keefe is intrepid.
He's going to keep right on going and exposing anything and everything he can.
Yes, folks, he has an agenda, just as Michael Moore has his leaning agenda, but we're going to keep right on exposing the nefarious acts that are going on out there, and ultimately the voter fraud that's going on, because that diminishes our most precious right, our First Amendment right to choose our leaders.
Well, I'm very proud of my agenda.
Tell the truth, promote freedom, and never betray my family or betray fellow people.
I mean, that's what you guys stand for.
And Michael Moore has six bodyguards, doesn't want us to be able to defend ourselves.
So, Russ Verney, thank you so much for sharing the exclusive with us.
It's at ProjectVeritas.com and InfoWars.com.
And we'll continue to fight together, sir.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Alright, we're gonna come right back, and I'm gonna get into the other news.
There's a bunch I haven't gotten to.
I mean, it's just, how could anybody say life is boring right now?
I mean, I jump out of bed at 6 a.m.
I mean, I'm out of that shower, I'm in there cooking breakfast for my kids, and I'm off to work.
I mean, wild horses couldn't drag me away.
We'll be back, fourth hour.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war... From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We are 12 days out!
If we don't turn things back now, the fight's gonna get even harder.
But you won't have a choice.
As it becomes obvious, this enemy is not of this world, and it's not gonna give us quarter!
So all we can do is commit now!
That's the only hope our families have!
All the goodwill our ancestors built up, our Christian ancestors, has been lost into space like a bulkhead door blown on a space station.
Evil is flooding in!
Cancer rates are skyrocketing.
Our health and infant mortality is imploding.
We are cursed.
And the plagues have just begun.
The promises are unlimited.
We have almost attained.
But the eye has not seen or ear has not heard.
But before we take that bridge,
That jump, the enemy stands in the door to block the promise to keep us from crossing the river.
It will fail.
I've always known in my gut and also historically that we're dealing with evil people.
That's why they do what they do.
They'll go out of their way to do something bad instead of do something good.
And they create artificiality
And weak people because they need armies of dumbasses to carry out their program.
The enemy's problem has always been good, strong men and women.
I don't want to say are too arrogant, but they're not even too prideful.
They just don't want to hurt other people.
It's twisted bullies that do.
And the problem is
Those of us that are not totally given over to evil, we're all fallen.
Think that it's arrogant to stand up and dominate the enemy, when in truth it is our duty to do so.
Providence is real.
Spirit is real.
This world is real.
Not a simulation.
Notice the mainstream media now tells you there is a God and that God is evil.
That God has created an artificial reality to imprison us, when in truth God has created a real dimension to give us free will to reach for the stars.
And the enemy is openly creating false realities, false silicon systems, and trying to induct us into them while claiming their creation is the real world and that God is the devil!
They wouldn't be pushing that in every major publication if they weren't scared.
Because as this gets closer, and as decision time narrows, many people that have served the God of this world are going to figure out they bet on the wrong team.
They bought a ticket on the wrong horse.
And they did it out of cowardice.
And now, as eternity grabs them by the shirt,
As they try to run to the hills.
And as the Grim Reaper begins to drag back, not their life, not their little earth suit, but their soul, they realize something's got a hold of them they wish never had a hold of them.
And like Faust, who believed he couldn't get out of the bargain, he could have gotten out of it any time he wanted.
Just like that.
But here's the big secret.
Many of these people, in an orgy of satanic spiritualism, have decided that they know they're always free to go with God, but that they love the devil.
And they consciously know they have the choice, and choose evil not out of fear or circumstance, but out of conscious will.
And that is the ultimate sin!
A love affair with the unholy spirit.
We'll be back!
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Poets tell how poncho fell.
Merle Haggard died in 2016.
Desert's quiet.
Cleveland's cold.
Thank God we're not on the side of the globalists.
Thank God we don't support keeping babies alive and splicing them with animals.
Thank God we're repulsed by chimeras and GMO.
Thank God we're not with the God of this world.
David Knight's about to take over.
I had a few other news articles I wanted to hit on.
He'll have a ton to cover, obviously.
I'm really sad.
That we've seen a lot of indicators are planning to steal Texas.
A lot of little tells, a lot of little activities, a lot of little statements.
And now all over the state, they're flipping votes for Hillary.
And even state, uh, counties are having to say, okay, we're suspending electronic machines, something's going on, which is the right move to make.
And we've got other news here.
Top spy, Friday internet outage, likely not caused by foreign power.
What I was told over the weekend actually was that hackers were so pissed at the announcement to attack Russia that US hackers hit.
And I've got sources that are so good, I just can't believe how good our sources are.
I mean, I'll be honest, we've never been given bad info by the Feds.
I'm not lionizing the Feds, the top of the Feds are run by horrible people.
I'm just saying, I have sources that are impeccable that
I've been getting some stuff from one particular Fed for 10 years, and everything they've told me is dead on.
But to get around giving me specifics, it's always just a general piece of info like, this isn't the Russians, this is pissed off American hackers.
Or similar things along those lines.
And over again.
I mean, you know, Roger Stone came on last hour and he goes, wasn't it incredible?
I predicted that in Chicago and other cities, Hillary had funded it.
He had it from the Chicago police.
And I had it too.
But the point is, is that no one listens to you until it's later proven right.
I knew it was in WikiLeaks before it was released.
And imagine
What's happening to mid-level people at the NSA who believe they were doing this job to stop terrorists, they're ordered not to even investigate Islamic terror.
They get in trouble if they flag stuff at a mosque calling for terror.
They get told to stand down like San Bernardino, and then they're told to go in and watch patriots, watch members of Congress, and they're sitting there going, okay, let's go ahead and look at what they're doing.
And it's like, they're looking at what Hillary's doing, they're like, my God.
So the information gets released, and what did William Binning tell us?
He said it five months ago.
He said it on my show a few months ago.
He went from, I believe, to yes, it's known.
He doesn't want to start with SWAT teamed, but he has sources that it's the 15 intelligence agencies that are leaking the info.
The Russians aren't getting into the NSA database.
It's people in the NSA database that are using it against the globalists.
And I'm not defending this NSA database.
I just know for a fact they've crawled up my butt and found nothing there.
Of course I'm an American.
Of course I do what I say I'm doing.
Of course we're for real.
I know we've been penetrated by major famous hackers.
They call up and say, here's problems you have.
By the way, I saw what was in your bank account.
Blah, blah, blah.
I saw you give to charity.
You're talking to a famous hacker.
Okay, well, please put the holes up.
You want money?
No, I don't want money.
I want to defend InfoWars now.
And then they just have all these hackers around to protect us.
So now we have all these big attacks and nothing stops us.
I mean, it's really crazy.
It's like Fight Club, folks.
It's like Fight Club.
And people just don't get it if they're not in it.
There's stuff they got on Hillary, I've been told by high-level sources, that's so horrible.
They don't want to bring it out because it'll bring down the whole government.
They'll say, good, bring down the government.
They want that chaos, folks.
We want to reform the government.
Shrink it.
We don't want to have a damn civil war.
And they're getting the communist gribs and the George Soros Black Lives Matter and the Ford Foundation gribs wound up.
They got the poor illegals that have been filled with victim cosmology out there blocking bridges and attacking Trump hotels and all the rest of it.
They got big stuff cooked up.
And all I'm saying is we've got to have cooler minds prevail on all of this, but it's definitely an amazing time to be alive.
You know, I'll tell you why I'm fighting so hard.
Look at this story by Fiona Miller and Kit Daniels.
Australian anti-vax nurses face severe consequences.
Could Americans be next?
Being fired, being fined.
They make the medical workers take the vaccines.
It's for all of us.
And by the way,
They claim if you take a vaccine you're protected, but then they claim I'm not taking it so I get your kids sick.
If you and your kid have had this and it's a cure or a protection, how then if I don't take it am I bad?
And again, I'm not against the science of inoculation.
It's been around for 500 years with smallpox.
If you want to argue about it, at least be informed.
They're engaged in social engineering through it.
They've been caught thousands of times adding sterilant compounds to the tetanus shots, you name it.
Live cancer viruses that the CDC admits gave over 100 million Americans cancer.
My grandmother at 91 is still alive.
She's almost all there.
She was given a polio vaccine, the first strain.
Three months later, they said, you need to take a second strain.
They gave it to her.
She got polio.
Two weeks later, the strain she was inoculated for, it ate the nerves and half her muscles.
She's tougher than a box of nails.
She's been on crutches since my mother was five years old.
My dad's brother was in the hospital for a month.
They had him in high school with already the National Scouts for him to be out of high school in the Major League Baseball, okay?
He took a tetanus shot after he stepped on a nail and almost died.
And had all sorts of neurological problems after that.
And the reason I get to this is, my mother was a triathlete winning national level gold and silver medals.
She didn't get into swimming until she was 30.
She was beating former Olympic swimmers.
The team told her at UT, take the flu shot.
She was in bed for two months, 15 years ago, and almost died.
Lost 30 pounds.
Was never able to compete at that level again.
She could do five mile open swims and beat Olympic swimmers, okay?
No more!
After she took that damn shot.
I'm not a rocket scientist, but I can tell you this stuff is dangerous.
And a corrupt government involved in all this secret testing and all this crap, you're going to trust them to put this in you?
What planet are you living on?
That's what I'm getting at here.
We're going to David Knight here in just a moment.
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Uh, so please take advantage of that.
And no, I mean, look, I can just say give us donations.
I like to sell stuff that's high quality so that people get something back in return.
But I mean, look, who can argue InfoWars is like the war hammer against the New World Order?
I mean, you can say like, Drudge's Thor, InfoWars is the hammer.
And the Spear.
And I just want to now go to, we have this clip, maybe you can play it later, we're almost out of time.
We have the clip, right?
Gruber on, we're going to skip this break so we have more time.
Gruber on rising premiums, Obamacare working as designed.
I have the WikiLeaks and Hillary saying it.
I have Ezekiel Emanuel saying it's meant to bankrupt it.
I mean, we always knew it was to get rid of the doctors, bankrupt it, and then bring in some horrible government run system with three big insurance companies, Goldman Sachs, J.P.
Morgan owned, running it.
Do we have that clip?
Well, we do.
Thank you.
I didn't hear it earlier.
Let's play that clip.
Gruber, the guy that says, thank God you're so stupid.
Thank God you're so dumb.
He was hired to double and triple prices.
Here he is.
I just need you to be specific because I think people really want answers.
So Hillary Clinton says she can fix Obamacare.
So what would be one fix that would drive premiums down?
Look, once again, there's no sense in which this has to be fixed.
The law's working as designed.
However, it could work better.
And I think probably the most important thing experts would agree on is that we need a larger mandate penalty.
We have individuals who are essentially free-riding on the system.
They're essentially waiting until they get sick and they're getting health insurance.
The whole idea of this plan, which was pioneered in Massachusetts,
Was it the individual mandate penalty to bring those people into the system and have them participate?
The penalty right now is probably too low and that's something I think ideally we would fix.
So there were no penalties, he told you and Obama told you.
And everything was going to be free.
Now you're a freeloader.
You've got to buy something from foreign corporations.
When you have to buy it, the price only goes up.
That's why healthcare prices in the last three years
Since this began to be implemented, we're up over 45%.
And the sky's the limit!
But see, now it's the liberals about freeloaders.
See, freeloaders could always go, because a third of a doctor's work was supposed to be for the poor.
Charity care.
But now charity care's gone.
Now the poor gotta get their insurance.
So the bankruptcy of the country only accelerates from here.
David Knight, tell us what you've got coming up today, my friend.
Alex, we're going to talk about whether or not there's really any voter fraud here, also election fraud.
As you know, I went on Monday to talk to the Director of Elections here at the Secretary of State's office in Texas.
We told him that we were with the press.
Actually, we told the person at the reception area that we're here with the press.
We had our microphone, our camera.
He could see which news outlet we were with, and they told us, stay right here in the
Lobby, and he'll be right down.
He came down, and as you've probably seen with the video, he stopped.
He looked at us and he goes, no, no, no.
And he walked back up.
Why did he come down to see you?
Then he sees it's InfoWars and he craps his pants.
Well, you'll see in this article that just went live a little while ago, we detailed the questions that we had for him about the election process.
For the last several years, the man has been shutting down
...audit trails for electronic voting machines.
He tried to push through massive changes this last August for the election coming up in two weeks.
That was shut down by activists and some state senators.
They postponed those hearings.
They're going to have hearings and they postponed those regulations until after this election.
But he's done a lot to shut down the auditing capability of these electronic voting machines.
And I call it the levers of power flushing the vote down the memory hole because that's the issue
With these electronic voting machines.
It's very easy for them to hide what's going on in the machine.
Even if we have an audit trail, Alex, of the voters, do we have an audit trail of the software?
Do we have an audit trail of the operating system?
We have nothing.
I'm going to go in a minute, but I'm going to ask you this question, David.
What do you make of this new level of lying that seems like amateur, but I guess it's just an attempt to break our will, where they go, oh my God, the Russians are taking over.
Total fraud.
We've got to federalize it.
Oh my gosh, it's not integral.
But then meanwhile,
There's total integrity, Donald Trump's a liar.
Meanwhile, they're oversampling the polls 9 to 40-something, 50-something percent.
Clearly, Hillary's in deep crap.
What do you make of all this?
And A, and then B, do you agree with me that... I don't say this to save face, I think he's gonna win.
Trump has devastated, we have devastated, all of us, the listeners.
Globalism is in trouble, their whole system's in trouble.
Resistance is victory.
I mean, Trump has won the 2016 election.
Even if they steal it from him, as he said yesterday,
Continue on, destroy the TPP, kill the New World Order.
Did Donald Trump not sound the death knell for the NWO?
I think so Alex, and you know when I talked to Nigel Farage in Las Vegas, he said this is win or lose, whether Trump wins or loses, this is a movement that has started and it will just delay it a little bit if that doesn't happen.
One of the things this movement is going to have to do
...is take back control of the elections, make them honest again.
You know, every time they get into trouble, you saw it with the debate with Hillary, every time she got in a tight spot, every time it was revealed, you know, from the emails what she was doing, she would always bring up the Russians, she'd bring up Putin, he's her red herring.
Alex, as we had yesterday an article talking about how Podesta's password was simply P-at-sign-S-S-W-O-R-D.
That's one of the usual passwords that people can guess.
It wasn't even as complicated as the personal information.
It shows the arrogance.
Our passwords are like 30-something squiggly lines, dashes, letters, symbols.
I mean, and those can get broken.
The arrogance.
These are the people who want to be entrusted with our most important state secrets.
Remember Alex, I tried to talk to Guccifer, the very first Guccifer, who was brought to the United States.
They extradited him from Romania.
They had him on trial and I applied to interview him.
They would not let me interview him, just like the Director of Elections won't let me talk to him here in Texas.
They don't want that information going out.
He got into the personal emails, everybody remembers, of George Bush, of Colin Powell, who is now an ardent Clinton supporter, you know, talking about the Bohemian Grove with Tony Blair and so forth.
These people shouldn't have the nuclear launch codes.
If you can't keep your email secure, you don't deserve to be present.
Well, the key thing about Guccifer, the first Guccifer, was this guy was not a computer scientist.
He didn't use anything complicated.
He just guessed the passwords.
He guessed their passwords because he got a little bit of personal information about these people.
But you got Podesta, who goes out there and uses password.
As is password.
Except just check in the gate to an outside.
Well give me like if my garage door had 1776 as the code.
That's right.
Because I actually had a nanny go, you like 1776?
I said, everyone would know that.
No, it's not 1776.
Here's the new code.
Randomly created.
Alex, you see these signs that are on the highways all the time.
You'll see news articles showing the Department of Transportation signs that'll say, warning Raptors ahead and so forth and so on.
People go in and hack those because they send that to the Department of Transportation.
The employees don't even bother to go in and change the default pass codes on these things all over the country.
So pranksters go in and do this kind of stuff.
I would bet you that a lot of these electronic voting machines have never even changed the passwords.
Well, that's my next issue.
What do you make of Don Salazar's article?
Yeah, well they did that temporarily, then they went back and said, oh, we've fixed the problem.
So now they've gone back to these electronic voting machines.
And that's the key.
We need to insist that we go back to paper.
That tells you something right there, doesn't it?
Or what Skousen says, have 5-10% be paper so you have a spot check so you can check the algorithm.
Because if it doesn't line up with a 5% paper, then you know it's a fraud.
Well, according to Texas law, one of the things that the Director of Elections here in Texas did, according to Texas law, they're supposed to do a manual recount of 1% of the precincts or three precincts, whichever is greater.
He shut down that requirement.
That's the kind of questions that we had for him.
Why would you do that?
I understand maybe it's not convenient for your employees.
No, it sounds like he's with Battleground Texas.
Oh, absolutely, Alex.
There's actually some connections between him and the Clintons and the Rose Law Firm and that sort of thing.
He left private practice here in Texas and he went to Arkansas and he went to work for one of the people who was a partner at the Rose Law Firm with Hillary Clinton.
Why am I surprised?
How the hell is he over the election?
Well, he was brought back by Rick Perry, and he was retained by Governor Abbott.
And so, there are some state senators who are very concerned about that.
We're going to talk about that coming up, exactly what happened with the procedures they took down.
Because, Alex, this is not just a problem with Texas.
These types of issues are nationwide.
Well, they duplicate the scams everywhere.
I mean, they always have a formula.
That's right.
And that's one reason we can beat them is because we know, we know their formula.
We know how they operate.
All right, I'm going to turn this over to you.
Nowly News tonight, 7 o'clock.
We should start beating the drum now.
I'm going to go shoot a promo now.
Coming up on Election Day and the whole next day, 48-hour live transmission.
Now 12 days out, 11 and a half days out.
David, but
Just getting back to this briefly.
You do agree with me that Trump has won in his patriotism, his action.
I know we've gone from holding our noses to really supporting him.
This is biblical.
Talk about David versus Goliath and that speech he gave yesterday was so true.
I disagree with nothing he said.
I have to pinch myself.
This is so epic.
This is so...
And then we have Owen Schroer out there interviewing Democrats and they're going, I don't care.
I like the fact she's corrupt because she does good things.
She's corrupt to get good stuff done.
I have never heard such a Machiavellian statement.
We don't do evil to get good in.
You don't do bad to get good.
It never works.
That's the archetypal ring of Mordor.
So maybe explain that to these people.
You know, Alex, what Donald Trump has done with many of these issues, and we can see this, one of the things I wanted to talk about today, was his opposition to this AT&T-Time Warner deal.
He's very wise about the tactics that they use and what their long-term strategy is.
If he was a corporate whore, he'd been all for that!
Yeah, and the reason it's a movement, Alex, is because he understands the tactics and he is awakening the people to this.
Once people awaken to these tactics, once they see the criminal conspiracies that have been revealed... And that's what we do.
That's what he does.
We're exposing the scam.
And once they see this, as it's been revealed by WikiLeaks, you can't put that toothpaste back in the tube.
And that's why this is going to continue on one way or the other.
Let me explain how the scam works.
I've been offered $3 million, then $10 million a year, they haven't done it in over a decade, to join them because they can just buy you off.
They go, oh, you're part of us, you're smart, join us.
They want you to join them in scamming people.
I will not sit here and scam people and get off on ripping them off, but everybody else will.
And that's why Trump's good.
Forget what he said 11 years ago.
He doesn't want to screw you and your family, David.
That's right.
That's right.
And Alex, you know, one of the things that I began to awaken to Trump when I realized that for 30 years he's been opposing these trade deals, which are key.
And then as time went on, I realized that he was also aware of the fact
That it was the open borders, the trade deals, and the climate deals all together that were ushering in the world government, okay?
The centralization of power.
He understands what these techniques are.
He's been exposing these techniques, and that's what's so important about this, Alex.
Not only that.
But he's an independent candidate.
The GOP has spent zero dollars for him.
That's right.
Like you said, Gary Johnson is really the Democrats taking over the Libertarians.
Trump is the Patriots taking over the Republican Party.
This is a dream realized.
God's giving us one last chance, David.
You look at the last two elections, Alex, they gave the Republican candidate McCain and Romney, they gave them $50 million.
They have given Trump $0.
They have spent in total $300,000.
Even though he did his part and fundraised like a horse.
That's right.
More than anybody ever did, like five events a day for months, he finally quit because they wouldn't give him anything.
They spent only one-third of a million to oppose Hillary Clinton.
He fundraised for Paul Ryan and that little son of a... wouldn't even give him a dollar.
Oh, that's right.
That's the amazing thing to me is that they won't even run money, Alex, to oppose Hillary Clinton.
That's how badly the establishment wants Hillary Clinton to win.
Republican and Democrat.
And that's why when we look at this Republican Director of Elections, we have to understand he's with her.
We're going to talk about that when we come back.
He's a microcosm.
Take over, David.
Folks, there's never been a clearer choice.
If you don't vote Trump, you deserve what you get.
I mean, Donald Trump or bust.
It's just so obvious.
It's just, it's never been clearer.
This is ridiculous.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Islamic State has taken control of towns near the Jordan-Syria border, all while expanding their grip in remote western Iraqi towns also near the border, this according to security forces who are reporting that ISIS has attacked the town of Radba on Sunday this week, in a bid to relieve pressure on the northern city of
We're good.
Disturbing video footage of the U.S.-backed Iraqi soldiers and militia capturing children for information about ISIS.
These videos show Mosul children caught in the crosshairs of this conflict.
They're tortured by Iraqi troops, being hit with hammers while interrogated.
It begs the question, our foreign policy is so run amok that we're paying troops to torture children for information about our enemies.
I'm Margaret Hell reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host for the rest of this fourth hour.
A week ago today, I was in Las Vegas to cover the debate, the final debate, and there at the hotel I saw this.
USA Today.
Look at these headlines here.
I'm going to hold this up for the camera.
USA Today says, voting officials insist no fraud.
No fraud.
And when I saw that I said, well,
They're going to hit that tonight in the election.
What was the thing that they kept saying was the big takeaway from the debate?
And that was Chris Wallace demanding a loyalty oath from Donald Trump.
That's the way the entire election debates began and ended with a loyalty oath from the people at Fox News.
Remember in the very first debate, very first question, Bret Baier said, which one of you, show of hands, put your hands up like little boys and girls, put your hands up, which one of you, any of you that would not support the other candidates if they win the nomination?
And Donald Trump is honest and said, well, I'd have to see what these people are about.
I'm not willing to say that I'm going to just fall behind them out of party loyalty.
And he took a lot of heat for that.
And eventually he said, all right, fine, fine.
After a couple of weeks of abuse, he said, all right, I'll sign on to this.
And then of course, the majority of them did not return the favor.
They just went, turned their backs on Donald Trump when he won.
And so then they end the final debate, haranguing him, still haranguing him because he said, there are problems with our election system.
You know there are.
I know there are.
There's a lot of problems with our election system.
They start in this article and they say, Trump backers echo conspiracy claims.
You know, I can't believe that they're still using this conspiracy, conspiracy stuff, you know, conspiracy theorists with all the revelations that we've had from WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.
Come on, really?
You don't cover these things, but people understand what's in the WikiLeaks documents.
We've seen the criminal conspiracies of Hillary Clinton and the people who support her, even Barack Obama lying to the public saying, uh, I don't know any more about this than what I've seen in the press.
You guys know as much about Hillary Clinton's private emails as I do.
Not true.
We've seen over and over again though the criminal conspiracies behind the scenes being released in their documents and yet they continue to use this as a way to deflect any criticism, any exposure of their methods and their tactics.
Conspiracy theories.
And then they go on to say this in the article.
They say, elections in the US are largely run by county clerks and overseen by elected secretaries of state, many of whom are Republicans themselves.
They're frustrated at Trump's willingness to cast aspersions with no evidence.
Well, you want evidence?
We've got evidence right here.
We got a report that just went live a few minutes ago on InfoWars.com.
We put together
The questions that we had for the Texas Director of Elections, who would not talk to us.
He walked down, he saw we were thin for wars, and he immediately ran away.
Inspiring confidence in the honesty of our elections, okay?
This is a guy who works for Republicans.
He was appointed by Republicans.
He's not elected, by the way.
He was appointed by Rick Perry.
He was retained by Governor Abbott.
But this guy is supposedly a Republican, although he has connections to Hillary Clinton and the Rose Law Firm.
And we talk about that in the article as well.
But we look at the specific things that Keith Ingram, the Director of Elections here in Texas, has done in his four-year tenure to shut down the auditing trail for electronic voting machines.
And I think it's interesting, this article we have by Don Salazar is up on the Drudge Report.
Texas County switches to paper ballots after electronic voting glitches.
Guess what?
That's the fallback position.
Why don't we just stay with paper ballots?
Whenever there's a problem with these electronic voting machines, when they don't operate or there's a contested election, you go back and you get a paper ballot, okay?
You get the paper record and you go back and you audit that.
Let's just start with that.
And this was, as he pointed out, the very best, most prestigious polling organization in the United Kingdom, told everybody the day of the election, no, leave has lost by 10 points.
The people who supported Brexit, they said the Brexit initiative has lost by 10 points.
That turned out to not be true.
That was possible because they had paper ballots and they had human beings watching the process.
But that's another part of what happens here and that is shutting down observation of the process.
Making it a felony for people to even take a picture of their ballot.
We had a pop star who was trying to encourage people to go out and vote and so he's there at the election site and he takes a selfie of himself with his own ballot.
And now he has officially committed a felony.
Whether or not they're going to come after him for that.
Why should that be a felony?
Just to take a picture of your own ballot.
Just to take a picture of the voting machine that is not working.
That's technically a felony in most jurisdictions.
So we go through this article that you'll see.
It's called levers of power flushing the vote down the memory hole.
This is what we have to be concerned about.
Removing the audit process, removing all the different mechanisms that would check the vote, that would allow us to go back and see what happened, and contesting the vote.
You've got to understand where this all started.
As soon as Donald Trump said, hey, you know, these are dishonest elections we had, Hillary Clinton saying, oh, you're trying to destroy democracy.
You've heard her say that, right?
You've heard the quote from her saying, Donald Trump is now trying to destroy democracy.
He's attacking our elections after he attacked all these poor minority groups, which he didn't, by the way.
You know, when he has an issue with Sharia Khan, the guy who's promoted Sharia law, he hasn't done a good job of defending himself, but the judge that is presiding over him, the guy is a member of La Raza!
The race!
It is a racist organization.
He's saying this guy who is a racist Hispanic judge is now sitting in judgment of my case and he ought to recuse himself because he obviously has a bias.
You know, Donald Trump could do a better job of defending himself, but he is right on those issues.
Well, after the Gore-Bush election of 2000, in 2002, they came out with the Help America Vote Act.
HAVA, they call it.
You know, it's a HAVA election?
We can fix that!
In 2002.
So what they did was, they started funding electronic voting machines.
And it's continued since then.
And what we're seeing now is a system where we have removed our transparency, we removed our ability to see what is voting.
And let me give you an example of what has happened in some of these issues.
Back in August of this year, just three months before the election,
This Director of Elections proposed new rules that would eliminate printing of paper audit logs that poll watchers are entitled to monitor at main tabulation computers.
He proposed eliminating printing of early voting result tapes.
He proposed eliminating printing of ballot images for recounts.
Why would you do that?
Why would you erase all methods of keeping the system open, transparent, and auditable?
Well, we know why he would do that.
We know why this is being done everywhere.
And we had a state senator at the time, Don Huff Hines, and of course they opposed this, said you're not going to put these in right before this election.
They're still going to have hearings on it after the election, but this is what he said at the time.
He said, the state's chief election officers must reconsider and redraft their proposed election rules to pursue more real-time paper records and backups, not fewer.
The comfort and the convenience of election administrators should not take priority over voters' confidence and the integrity of the election.
Buying machines from vendors that they like also take precedence over that.
He also shut down the law that requires a partial manual recount audit of these electronic machines.
And he did it right after the primary that we had back in March.
That's interesting.
That they had 743 more votes than they did voters in one particular county, Hill County in Texas.
The margin of victory, even though they have 743 more votes, the margin of victory was 225 in a House district race in that county, yet he waived the partial manual recount audit requirements statewide.
That's the type of thing that he's doing over and over again.
And as they eventually went through and audited what had happened there, they found the ES&S voting machine company.
And of course, this is the same company that's running these voting machines that they just shut down and went to emergency paper ballots.
It's ES&S.
And they did that for a day and then they came back and said, oh, we fixed the problem.
Now we can go back to the electronic voting machines that make everything invisible to the public.
There you go.
And that's a great solution.
It's interesting.
I don't know if this was... Let me just digress here for a moment and go to Don Salazar's article.
I don't know if this is the same thing that we saw elsewhere.
In other locations of Texas, there was an article by Paul Joseph Watson on Monday where you could see people had voted straight ticket Republican and then they scrolled up just to double check things and they saw that it had selected Hillary Clinton.
Well, that's interesting, isn't it?
And yet, what they said in this particular case, in this was Chambers County, that Don Salazar pointed out, they said that these ballots automatically selected, they did not automatically select one race on each ballot.
And when I saw that, I thought, well, would that one race be the one between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump?
Is that a default position to go for Hillary Clinton?
Is that the way they're telling us?
That it doesn't, you vote straight party, Republican, but it doesn't select one of the races like, you know, President.
It just leaves it set for Hillary.
Is that really what was happening here?
It's not clear from their statement exactly which race it didn't select in the straight ticket.
I would imagine it is.
That's why people were complaining about that.
But of course, as I pointed out to Alex, you know, Donald Trump really isn't a Republican.
He's really more of an Independent, isn't he?
And I guess maybe they don't consider him as part of the straight Republican ticket, because they haven't given him one cent, and they haven't spent one cent on his behalf to attack Hillary Clinton.
But going back to this article, what they found in this county where they had 1,743 more votes than voters in Hill County, when ES&S, the company, went back and audited this, they said, well, it turns out
that uh... actually it was the machine wasn't cleared it had votes from early voting on it which is interesting because that's another thing that uh... Keith Ingram the director of elections here in texas did what he did was he shut down the procedure that was supposed to clear out the machines in the morning and print out a zero tally and then at the end of the day they were supposed to print the full tally and then they have a very detailed procedure that we have here in the article that we tell you about
Where the judge is supposed to print this out in triplicate, he's supposed to inspect the number of votes, the number of voters, he is supposed to check a lot of different things, sign it, put it in envelopes, sign those envelopes in triplicate and turn this in, he shut down those processes.
We don't want to do any of that.
He says it would take too long for us, it would take hours for us to print a zero tally in the morning, and it would take hours for us to print the tally in the evening.
And you know, when the people who did this put this in, they said, well, there are established election protocols.
This is the vending machine, the vending company that creates these electronic voting machines.
They said there are established election protocols which should have been followed to prevent this type of reporting error.
The Director of Elections here in Texas shut down those established protocols for the election, which invites fraud, it invites error when you do that.
So over and over again we see this and of course he's changing the laws for preserving ballot images and we have multiple affidavits from people who went as poll watchers in the primaries and they say they were obstructed
And they were eventually thrown out by the people who were there, the vendors, as well as the election officials.
Before they threw them out, they called the State Board of Elections, and they said, no, you can get rid of those people.
That's what we have here.
No observation allowed, and we have a system where you can't even know how the votes are being cast.
Think about the fact that in Las Vegas, in the casinos, and again, last week I was there for the debate, looking at how there's no fraud, and it reminded me of the fact that in these casinos where they have the electronic slot machines, the software has to be vetted by the government agencies that oversee these slot machines to make sure that they haven't rigged them even more in their favor.
And so they look at the software, the software is scrutinized, it has a serial code on it, they know what the firmware is on it, and they can do inspections at any time to make sure that hasn't changed.
And yet, our election machines, none of that happens.
The software is proprietary.
We don't have any state agency that's looking at it like the slot machines.
That's why I call it the levers of power.
Folks, this is a slot machine election.
And these guys are rigging it without any way to know.
Forget the votes for a second.
Forget the auditing trail for a second.
Just think about the process of electronic voting machines.
You have no way to verify that software hasn't been changed.
You have no way to verify that there hasn't been a virus put on there.
And you know, we see these reports of people selecting Donald Trump and then it goes to somebody else.
It goes to Hillary Clinton.
That's what you see.
We have seen other reports where people have come in and we've shown these over and over again.
For years this has been happening.
The news media brings in a professor and a couple of his college students and they say, look, we can put a thumb drive in this electronic voting machine.
We can put some virus in here that will flip the votes for a particular candidate.
So no matter who you vote for, it'll show that you voted for candidate A, but it'll record the vote for candidate B. And then it will erase itself at the end of the day.
But you'll get the tally that they want at the end of the day.
See, that's what we don't have any way of monitoring when we have electronic ballot machines.
But of course, a lot of money is being made by these people.
And we had a lot of talk in the last week or so about one particular electronic machine company, Smartmatic.
Sixteen states, they brag, have Smartmatic machines in it, and a lot of people are concerned, and rightfully so, about the connections to George Soros.
George Soros, Open Society Foundation, the guy that is running that, Lord Mollick Brown, also sets on the board that has Smartmatic in Sequoia.
But understand that it goes even farther back.
Smartmatic began in Venezuela.
Created by a couple of friends of Hugo Chavez.
Ten years ago, the United States government said that Hugo Chavez had used Smartmatic to rig the elections in Venezuela.
And yet we see, and the reason I know this is because I did a report, if you go back and look at it, when they had the Utah primary, the GOP primary, the Utah GOP paid $80,000 to have Smartmatic run their internet voting.
And it was a catastrophe.
Surprise, surprise.
We have a long list of errors and fraud that are connected to Smartmatic throughout Central and South America and to the Philippines.
In 2013, in the Philippines, 24% of the votes, tens of millions of votes just disappeared.
Down the memory hole in an election that was run with Smartmatic machines.
Similar thing happened in Tabasco, Mexico.
As a matter of fact, it was so bad in Tabasco, Mexico, after two days, they didn't have but 45% of the votes turned into them by Smartmatic.
The Mexican government there arrested the Smartmatic officials and would not let them leave the country because it was so criminal.
They were so upset about this.
And yet, we've got the Utah GOP paying these same people $80,000 to come in and run the primaries in Utah.
You see, the fraud is on both parties.
And that's the way we conclude this article.
We say, you know, anybody who is concerned about having honest elections, regardless of what your political beliefs are, you ought to be interested in having honest elections.
I know that a lot of Democrats are just fine, as Owen Shore's report showed.
We've got people who are just fine with fraud, as long as it works out in their favor.
They don't have a problem with that.
Just like they don't have a problem with executive orders.
But you should be concerned about that.
You should be concerned about the connections between George Soros and Smartmatic.
You should be concerned about the connections between the Texas Director of Elections and Hillary Clinton's Rose Law Firm that we have here.
You should be concerned about that kind of corruption.
Do you really want to have a third world republic with nuclear weapons?
That's what America is turning into as we accept the most corrupt person who has ever run for president.
A certain higher percentage of Democratic-inclining voters.
How do you stop vote fraud?
Well, you've got to have demand that your local officials do a certain amount of ballot checking with paper ballots every election to provide a sampling of accuracy of the computer.
Election officials say, no, we can't do a recount with paper ballots.
It takes too long.
It's too expensive.
So they say, just do a sample.
Give us 5%.
It's absolutely fraud.
And it happens all the time.
It's been happening for years.
And they're getting just better and better at it.
But this propaganda
About the media, about there can't be any fraud.
I mean, everyone is just saying, we'll turn a blind eye to it.
Unless you have the process of audit in place, and you try to get it afterwards, you know, they'll say, well, next election, we'll do it.
Next election, they'll put it off.
That's why I say you need to demand right now that your local officials decide to do an audit of this election.
So that we can prove if there's fraud or not.
I mean, you can say there's no fraud.
Well, let's prove it then.
Everybody audit 5% of your ballots with the paper ballots.
The people on the dark side take over more and more of these organizations.
You know, they delight on picking good Christians and Mormons, return missionaries to be in the FBI on the light white side.
And occasionally they'll get into the dark side, you know, if they become hungry enough for power.
But generally they like these clean cut people fronting
For the legitimate things they do in the CIA and the FBI, but there's a huge dark side that is now predominating in both of these agencies.
You know, when you listen to the workings of conscience in your mind, you get a nervous feeling when something isn't quite right.
But when you violate conscience regularly, whether it's about nutrition, whether it's about what you watch on television, your actions, the way you treat your children, your wife, when you violate conscience, you become immune to those good and bad signals.
And then you become very, very susceptible to the temptations and the distortions of satanic influence in the mind.
And that's what happens when people slowly corrupt themselves.
Your ability to sense right and wrong, it gets clouded.
It gets hazy.
It becomes much more easy to get deceived into thinking.
God can always intervene and he can change it if it's meant to be and if we're worthy to be saved or at least to delay, I think, what's coming.
And that's the only thing I hold out for Trump is that he will delay that globalist agenda.
And we're not going away.
The movement's not going to diminish one iota if Trump is defeated.
It's only going to be strengthened.
As I say, God has let an awful lot of bad things happen in a direction
Uh, that I still see continuing, so I'm, we're gonna wait and see what happens, whether or not God intervened.
I'm suggesting, you know, that we demand that each county do an audit of a small percentage, uh, you know, to compare the paper ballot with the computer.
It's all incremental, though.
It's a little bit of cheating here and there, but ultimately the big gorilla in the room is this computer shaving rod, because they can change thousands of votes and you'd never know it.
It just dumps them out and that's, yeah.
If you're not doing an audit, then an audit even of 1% is going to catch voter fraud because a computer should make zero errors.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We have a couple of specials before we get back to the news that are at InfoWarsStore and InfoWarsLife.com.
We have 40% off InfoWars select storable food at InfoWarsStore.com.
You know, when I look at this and think about preparing last couple of days, I've done several interviews with Joel Skousen.
He's here.
Talking about his third book, his newest book, of course we've had for a while, Strategic Relocation and the Secure Home.
He's now got a third book that is going to be available soon.
If it isn't already, it might be already on the store.
But it's about how to protect your home and secure it against things like home invasion, that type of thing.
Not an apocalyptic type of thing, but a more ordinary type of threat that we all face on a daily basis.
And every time I talk to him, I realize I haven't done enough to prepare for my own home and my own family's well-being.
One of the things that you can do, and this is a great time to do it, is to make sure that you have sufficient food on hand, of course.
And you can now do that while we've got a great sale on at InfoWareStore.com.
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And we also have some sales on Infowarslife.com.
We have the Brain Force that's now a mega special that's going to be ending soon.
25% off Brain Force.
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I want to play a clip for you, and actually I haven't heard this clip.
Michael Moore went on the show and said, Hillary is a real Christian who doesn't talk about it but behaves like one.
I just have to hear this clip.
Let's roll that clip of Michael Moore talking about the Christian bona fides of Hillary Clinton.
And I think her behavior during the debates, I mean, I was in a place where actually you were there watching it and we were hoping she'd get out the club and just, you know.
But she didn't.
No, she didn't.
And I think that's because, honestly, when she says that she's a Christian,
I think she means it, and I think she lives it.
She never works the Christian angle I noticed.
She doesn't do the religion thing.
No, because the people who talk about it, I'm a Christian, you know, oftentimes aren't.
And it's because the idea of being a Christian is to just behave that way.
Not all of us.
And she behaves that way.
Not all of us.
Yeah, notice that she doesn't give any specific examples.
You know, one of the things that Christ told us was, by their fruit you shall know them.
What are the fruits of Hillary Clinton?
I don't think so!
Concern for innocent life?
No, no, no, no.
She supports taking a fully developed child.
That's what partial birth abortion is.
Let me tell you something.
When I was running for Congress 20 years ago,
I was a libertarian.
I was like, hey, you know, I hadn't really thought about abortion.
It hadn't affected my life.
It wasn't a decision I had to really even think about.
So people talked to me about it, and standard line, yeah, let's get government out of your bedroom and out of the boardroom, right?
Until I read about partial birth abortion, and the idea that they're going to take a child that is fully developed, able to exist on its own,
Maintain the fiction that this child hasn't been born yet because they keep a portion of the child in the woman's body as they murder it.
That changed my opinion on abortion right there.
Hillary Clinton knows this and has for decades supported the murder of innocent children.
She's not a Christian, Michael.
You have no idea what a Christian even looks like.
That's it for today's radio broadcast.
Join us tonight for the InfoWars Nightly News, 7 Central, 8 p.m.
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Visit GCNlive.com today.
We're red on election day.
Perhaps the biggest election in American history is just days away.
We know that in past elections, there have been thousands of cases of voter fraud and election fraud.
From dead people voting, to people registering false identifications, to government leaders providing fast-track amnesty to give illegal immigrants votes.
This is happening right in front of us.
Now we are seeing the establishment send all its hitmen after the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.
Government shills are campaigning for Clinton.
Mainstream news attacking Donald Trump all day like rabbit hounds.
Rigged polls being broadcast daily to provide the fake optics that Hillary Clinton is actually winning and to discourage people from voting Trump.
Fake celebrities endorsing Clinton across all platforms.
So with all this, what are we doing to keep this election from being stolen?
What can we do to prevent election fraud?
I propose that all Donald Trump supporters wear red on election day.
On November 8th, when you head to the polls to vote Donald Trump, be decked out in red.
This way, just as we dominated in rally turnout, we can prove and provide the optics that we also dominated in voter turnout.
Wear red on election day and make America great again!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
Oh yeah, they got to fight.
And they are panicking.
We're only 12 days out until Election Day.
13 days out until Election Day has come and gone and we'll supposedly know who our new El Presidente is.
But in a Tampa speech that I think is his most powerful yet, I keep saying, this last one was his most powerful yet.
And then four or five speeches later, I'll say, this one was even better.
Yesterday topped them all because he just rolled everything into one.
It was over an hour long.
And I actually basically stopped working for about 45 minutes yesterday and just watched the speech.
And I posted a video last night that I shot with Rob Dew titled,
Donald Trump has won the 2016 election, whether they steal it from him, whether he gets in, whether it's contested.
Nationalism, anti-New World Order information and awakening.