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Name: 20161020_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 20, 2016
3468 lines.

The passage discusses a presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Both candidates make strong accusations against each other. Alex Jones, host of Infowars news program, discusses various conspiracy theories related to politics and the media. The passage also covers topics such as economic reform, gun control, and the role of the media in the election.

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Ladies and gentlemen, Trump won the debate last night.
It's a big Thursday broadcast.
Get ready to kick off.
Lies, lies, and more lies.
Hillary stood poised with an air of smug arrogance.
Donald stood by, reserved and battle-worn after enduring, along with the American people, a unification of fraud from the globalist bought-and-paid-for mainstream media propaganda machine.
The tremendous amount of scathing info from WikiLeaks, another torpedo to the sinking battleship of the Democrats from James O'Keefe and the Veritas Project, and the FBI's announcement that a four-star general will face prison time for charges that are dwarfed by Hillary's email breach of our national security.
The stench of BS hung heavy in the air.
In a speech you gave to a Brazilian bank for which you were paid $225,000, we've learned from the WikiLeaks that you said this, and I want to quote, My dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders.
So, that's the question.
That's the question.
Please quiet, everybody.
Is that your dream, open borders?
Well, if you went on to read the rest of the sentence, I was talking about energy.
You know, we trade more energy with our neighbors than we trade with the rest of the world combined.
And I do want us to have an electric grid, an energy system that crosses borders.
I think that will be a great benefit to us.
You are very clearly quoting from WikiLeaks, and what's really important about WikiLeaks is that the Russian government has engaged in espionage against Americans.
They have hacked American websites, American accounts of private people, of institutions, then they have given that information to
WikiLeaks for the purpose of putting it on the Internet.
This has come from the highest levels of the Russian government, clearly from Putin himself, in an effort, as 17 of our intelligence agencies have confirmed, to influence our election.
So I actually think the most important question of this evening, Chris, is finally will Donald Trump admit and condemn that the Russians are doing this?
And make it clear that he will not have the help of Putin in this election, that he rejects Russian espionage against Americans, which he actually encouraged in the past.
Those are the questions we need answered.
We've never had anything like this happen in any of our elections before.
That was a great pivot off the fact that she wants open borders.
How did we get onto Putin?
Do you condemn any interference by Russia in the American election?
By Russia or anybody else?
You condemn their interference?
Of course I condemn.
Of course I can.
I don't know Putin.
I have no idea.
I never met Putin.
This is not my best friend.
But if the United States got along with Russia, wouldn't be so bad.
Look, she's been proven to be a liar on so many different ways.
This is just another lie.
Well, I think when the middle class thrives, America thrives.
And so...
I'm telling you right now, we're going to write fairer rules for the middle class and we aren't going to raise taxes on the middle class!
Is your plan basically even more of the Obama stimulus?
Well, it's a combination, Chris.
And let me say that when you inherit the level of economic catastrophe that President Obama inherited,
I personally believe that the steps that President Obama took saved the economy.
He doesn't get the credit he deserves for taking some very hard positions.
I was wondering what happened with my rally in Chicago and other rallies where we had such violence.
She's the one in Obama that caused the violence.
They hired people, they paid them $1,500, and they're on tape saying, be violent, cause fights, do bad things.
Which is a criminal act, by the way, where they're telling people to go out and start fistfights and start violence.
And I'll tell you what, in particular in Chicago, people were hurt and people could have been killed in that riot.
And that was now all on tape, started by her.
Well, I would like to say to everyone watching tonight that I'm reaching out to all Americans, Democrats, Republicans and Independents because we need everybody to help make our country what it should be.
You can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.
I don't know about you, America, but how can we believe a word Hillary says?
And why should we?
John Bowne for Infowars.com.
Start your engines.
Main transmission begins now.
I said to Donald, here's what they're doing.
They're setting it up as follows.
For three, four months they've been saying the Russians are hacking our elections.
To protect our elections, which are sacred, we want to turn it over to DHS.
The genius has given us one terrorist attack after another and has done nothing to stop it.
He still has his job, right?
So he wants to now make sure our elections are safe.
Russians are hacking.
Follow the bouncing ball.
No proof.
If Trump wins, which is highly likely by the way, which we can talk about in a minute or two or another time, Trump wins, government declares, oh we have evidence that the Russians hacked it, he's a friend of Putin, the election is null and void, we're going to recall another election in what, six months?
Until then, Mr. Obama has graciously agreed
To continue his public service in the United States of America.
Thank you very much.
We're not taking any questions.
And we have Biden announcing they're going to launch a giant cyber attack on the Russians and saying if the Russians respond, they may respond militarily, which is a doctrine Hillary came out with two months ago.
And suddenly NATO announced that's their new doctrine.
She's literally calling the show.
All I wanted to say was, I said it to Donald and he didn't take the bait.
I'm glad he didn't.
I said, don't even answer me, because they'll crucify you if you agree with me.
They're going to steal the election.
I'll make it simple.
In the fifth grade, I ran for class president in Queens, New York.
I was a funny kid.
I was a wild kid.
I was out of control.
I won the election by a landslide.
The teacher stood up and said, this election doesn't count.
And then she had another election, and I wasn't class president.
So, hey, look, if it could be done in the fifth grade in the Bronx when I was a kid, why can't they do it to us now, right?
We're just children.
I had a similar thing happen.
You know, when you really do things in this world, you start to learn how rigged they are.
And it's just crazy to see them go, even though they're the same newscast.
The Russians are rigging the election.
We're having to bring in the UN to oversee it.
And then meanwhile, Trump's crazy.
He says they're rigging the election, even as we catch election officials admitting to fraud.
We do have a minute or two more if you've got it.
Elaborate on what you're saying.
I mean, I agree.
The internal polls, I know from Trump, but also other big groups are doing internal polls.
5, 10, 15 points ahead in most battleground states.
He's going to win in a landslide.
They're only creating the perception he's way behind, so we buy it right now.
Do you concur with that?
A. B. What happens when he gets in?
100% right.
You and I think the same way.
I said that to Donald yesterday on my radio show.
I said...
Uh, Donald.
I said, what they're doing is they're not trying to get Hillary, people to vote for Hillary.
They've got all the people they could ever, ever get.
I said, what they're trying to do is discourage Trump voters from voting by thinking that it's, it's over already.
They're trying to make them think that he lost, that she won.
So they're going to throw their hands up and not vote for him.
He's got to make sure that people think he can still win, which he can.
And then if all of us who are supporting him come out, I think he will win.
It's that simple.
That's right, you can't steal landslides.
I've interviewed experts who are Democrats, Republicans, die-bold engineers from the highest levels, they agree.
You cannot steal a landslide.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Eighteen days.
Eighteen days to general election.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here for the next four hours.
We have a bunch of extremely informative guests joining us.
I'm going to focus as best I can, just making a public announcement, I'm going to try to not get too out of breath, not get too hysterical.
But there's so many facets to this.
We have Donna Brazile, one of the main henchmen of the Democratic Party crime machine, one of the top generals.
On Fox News, telling Megyn Kelly that she will not be persecuted and that she didn't get a question from a previous debate weeks before the debate took place, which CNN admits they did.
And the WikiLeaks email is real.
But she just lies to everyone and says that's not her reality.
And this is all about these people controlling reality and literally trying to mind control us.
That's a theme that came up today when I was going through hundreds of these stories where you've got EPA courts and federal government institutions and czars telling Congress and telling other people, I will not talk to a climate denier.
Now in and of that is multiple mind controls.
First it was global freezing in the 70s.
Then it was global warming in the 80s and 90s and 2000s.
Now the UN got caught hiding the decline, red-handed, fixing the temperature rates with thousands of universities.
So then it just became climate change.
Then it's climate!
You are denying climate!
No, I'm not denying climate.
That's like denying that, again, there's air or that there's water.
It's craziness.
EPA chief.
I'm not talking to climate deniers.
And I've got several other articles where other people in the federal government are saying the same thing.
We're in charge.
We say what reality is.
Obamacare is free.
You can keep your doctor.
Thank God the public's so dumb.
Ha ha ha.
And it's the same thing over and over again.
I was listening to local talk radio this morning and I tuned into
National Public Radio and then I was obviously talking to folks here at the office and just canvassing the public.
And I was looking at the headlines, the New York Times, you name it.
It was this wall of disinformation that Trump is just so outrageous.
He's done something that in our history has never been done.
He's so un-American.
That he is saying he's planning to contest the election if he doesn't win.
No, what he said is, I'm gonna wait and see.
We got four million people that are either dead or who aren't supposed to be on the rolls.
We've got reports coming out all over the country of election fraud.
There's a history of it.
We've got Democratic Party officials caught on undercover videos admitting it.
I mean, these are the head people in the country.
People for the American Way.
I mean, that's the top of the food chain with these folks.
And the entire media acts like he's completely insane and has 14 heads and is from Mars.
When, as I keep hammering, and finally this is starting to come out, Al Gore contested the election.
It went to the Supreme Court.
Antonin Scalia was the deciding person.
Notice he got taken care of.
So obvious.
Does anyone remember 15 years ago?
16 years ago?
Does anyone remember the 1960 election which they certified was fraud in Illinois and Texas?
Does anyone
Remember the Diebold machines in Ohio and the state certifying that fraud happened just a few years ago?
I mean, there are so many thousands of certified examples.
I caught election fraud where Patrick J. Buchanan, is that his middle name?
Won Travis County.
I was there.
They still made you take like $2 an hour for some reason.
But I would go volunteer for the elections at the main center.
That's where I wanted to be.
And I was there helping stack all of it up and seeing him winning by a landslide.
He got like 5-6% in Travis County at the end of the night.
I went, started them to force a recount and the state said, you know what, you're right.
We're still certifying it, but yes, it was fraud.
I have been at the Capitol, and at the State House, and I have been at the County Commissioner's Court.
When the thing gets certified and they admit it's a fraud, personally, look it up, microfiche and newspaper, Alex Jones contesting the election.
Because I'm a kook, folks, because I care, because I'm involved, because I know history.
And it's the same thing here.
Trump knows in internal polls he's 5, 10, 15 points ahead, depending on the state.
He's going to win by a landslide.
Hillary can't even get a crowd of 200 people.
He's got 30, 40, 50,000 everywhere he goes.
Everyone knows this.
The mainstream media knows this.
CNN put out a new poll again last night, and guess what they did again?
They oversampled Democrats, the Republicans, and put it in the methodology.
Now even in cooked polls, he's ahead right now.
He destroyed her last night.
He did miss some big opportunities when she was smirking about, you know, dead people in Syria when she's the author of it.
You know, so many other points, and he should have hit her during the debate, not just in a tweet, and said, you should give money back from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
They've given you over $100 million and they cut women's genitals off.
How dare you keep saying I'm abusing women with these cockamamie made-up stories that I patted somebody on their butt 15 years ago on a frickin' airplane, you witch!
Excuse me.
See, I said I'm gonna settle down.
But man, there's only so much of the lying and twisting and disinfo I can take, okay?
We're putting together a video.
A short one, but it's highly produced.
It shows the history, the clips, all of it.
But luckily, it's not done yet, but I kind of saw it organically already on the Daily Caller and Breitbart and Drudge, where everybody's kind of going, hey, here's a clip of Al Gore contesting.
Hey, here's a clip of where they just contested here.
Here's a clip of Democrats, you know, 15 times saying Trump's going to rig the election.
And that's what's crazy.
Hillary on her plane last night.
This is what makes smoke come out of my ears.
In her little stage press conferences, you know, she won't do a real one, but she has her little lap dogs and, you know, they roll oranges at her.
I'm not kidding.
If you're a listener, folks, they actually roll oranges at her to ask her questions, but sometimes she pops up and hangs in the doorway like a vampire bat, and then they ask her questions, and she's sitting there perched.
And she goes into how ridiculous it is that he says he won't accept the election.
No, he said he's going to wait and see if there's full theft going on.
There's already evidence of it.
As he said last night, four million people on the rolls shouldn't be there.
Democrat chicanery.
And then, I've got the time code here.
Two and a half minutes later, she goes into the Russians are trying to overthrow the election.
I mean, where is it?
Reporters are sitting there going, oh, he says the election might be stolen, the super key election.
Oh, that's totally insane to say there might be some type of hanky-panky.
Oh my God, this is so bizarre.
It's like saying you throw your baby in with starving hyenas, they might eat the baby.
Oh, that's ridiculous.
Oh my gosh, if you slit your wrist and jump into a pool of piranhas, they might bite you.
I mean, he is such a kook.
I mean, if you pour gasoline all over yourself and light it, you might get third degree burns.
I mean, what a kook!
I mean, if you take a shotgun and shove it in your mouth with 12 gauge and pull the trigger, it might blow your head off!
That's crazy!
If you take a meat cleaver to your fingers, it'll cut them off!
That's the kind of crazy crap he's saying.
He says if you take a slice of butter and put it on bread, and it's hot toast, it'll melt.
He said if you don't breathe air, you'll suffocate.
Oh yeah, this guy's a frickin' demon, okay?
You know why?
Because he said 2 plus 2 equals 4, and that's a crime with these people, because these people are a cult!
And I already knew this, but watching them, they really think they're controlling reality as con artists.
And they look at you with this dead stare.
Like Donna Brazile looks like a dead person.
She looks like a dead person rotting in the sun that they've somehow reanimated.
I'm sorry, she does!
And then she just sits there and lies about WikiLeaks!
It's all a con game with these people.
I mean, it's just crazy!
So we're sitting here dealing with all of this, and what do you do when they're constantly saying elections are fraudulent, both sides have always been caught cheating, it's constantly going on, we have all the Democratic officials saying they're already cheating as we speak, Hillary says it's completely kooky, there's no such thing as election fraud, so does the President, but then meanwhile, out of the next statement out of their mouth they talk about the Russians, we've got to guard the election.
They are at war with reality.
So when we come back from break, we've got a whole bunch of these clips and I'm going to just play them here and then hopefully you can take this video and send this on to your Democratic friends and just say to them, listen, I don't care if you don't want to vote for Trump, that's fine.
But at least admit this is an attempt to overthrow reality.
Because to say,
That Trump is evil and Trump is bad and Trump is upsetting our republic and our democracy and all this.
When he's saying, I'm going to wait and see what happens with this election.
This is highly contested.
We got 4 million people in there that shouldn't be voting.
The Democrats say they're going to be cheating.
And guess what?
We've got new WikiLeaks with Podesta.
And he's in there saying we've got to get driver's licenses to the illegal so they can vote.
But that's no secret.
Seven, seven or eight states tried to pass laws last year, and again, they passed the houses in several states.
Going to governor's desk, what was it in Illinois, California, and one other went to the desk, but the governors didn't sign them because it was to be too obvious.
There it is, Podesta, it's okay for illegals to vote with driver's license.
WikiLeaks, I mean, that's the whole point!
Is you're here, they give you a driver's license, which all these states are doing, and then you can go vote!
But they don't even want that!
They're saying, don't even have that, just don't even just show up, and just whoever you are, you can vote.
I mean this is, this is beyond insane.
And they sit there with a deadpan straight stare, and say, Donald Trump has just sunk to a new low, when he said he was going to wait and see what happens.
She's already stole the nomination, I'd say.
She's already illegitimate, what she said last night.
What she said last night.
With Mrs. Clinton, if, you know, I got the, what I used to say when I could talk, when I couldn't talk, is that, you know, no matter where we went, she'd come in, she'd be grateful, say thanks, thank you to the back of the house, people in the kitchen, etc.
But that was always if there was press around.
She's a completely different person when the camera's not on her.
And I ran into an incident.
I was at the Elizabeth Taylor Medical Center in Washington, D.C., and we were doing a tea with Mrs. Chirac, the former French president's wife.
And it was just Mrs. Clinton, Mrs. Chirac, and myself in the same room, and one of the people brought in something, and it did not please her, and she used the N-word very openly.
Not just gangs of kids anymore.
They are often the kinds of kids that are called super predators.
No conscience, no empathy.
We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.
Again, former top chef to the Clintons, Mr. Martin, can you walk through specifically what was happening in the conversation, what was said?
Well, what had happened with the conversation is,
I was just, like I said, Mrs. Chirac, Mrs. Clinton, and myself in there.
I was just serving them tea.
We had somebody bring in something, I think it was like some tea sandwiches or whatever, and it wasn't exactly what she wanted.
So she tells me to tell that N, N-word, to please, you know, leave and get what she wants.
I mean, that's very common.
Not just gangs of kids anymore.
They are often the kinds of kids that are called super predators.
No conscience, no empathy.
We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.
I mean, just the demeanor and, you know, and, you know, she would write things down like that to, you know,
She had so many handlers, and when I worked for them in Washington, I used to think to myself, you know, because the parties aside, I thought, you know, this is great.
I'm a kid that grew up on a small farm in Chautauqua County, and here I am working for the free leader of the world.
So you sort of out, you know, you don't look at this other small stuff and then one day you realize, you know, they're really terrible people.
They are often the kinds of kids that are called super predators.
We have to bring them to heal.
Wow, so just to be clear, Tracy Martin... What's he going to do with?
Any better.
I mean, she tells us one thing, she does something totally opposite, and now with all the WikiLeaks information coming out, everything that I've said for the last few years is all proven.
Just like Donald Trump has said, it's all coming out.
So, I think we've got somebody saying here, we have to bring them to heel.
Okay, we'll talk about it.
I'm not a super predator, Hillary.
We have to bring them to heel.
If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse, minor words, and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics
In this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
It's a fight for our minds.
And InfoWars.com is on the front lines.
Download our free multimedia app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
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InfoWars.com forward slash app.
Alright, this is a short segment.
I want to get more into the election fraud.
And then I want to go through the next segment.
Some of the history of the Democrats claiming, alleging, and also proving election fraud.
Because both sides do it.
It's well known.
Democrats are more famous for it overall.
That's just a fact.
Everybody knows about JFK, stealing it from Nixon, and the rest of it.
But it happens.
And so for Obama a few months ago,
To say, what is election fraud?
It doesn't exist.
Don't listen to that guy from Texas.
And then to go on and have his surrogates come out and say, oh my God, the Russians are hacking our election.
We've got to, you know, basically federalize it.
Really shows you how stupid they think you are.
Where they want you to hold two conflicting ideas in your head at the same time that they are telling you are both true.
So first, here's Obama, obviously, a few days ago, saying to Trump that he needs to, quote, stop whining.
I have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process
Before votes have even taken place.
It's unprecedented.
It happens to be based on no facts.
Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology, conservative or liberal, who has ever examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that
Instances of significant voter fraud are not to be found.
Keep in mind elections are run by state and local officials, which means that
There are places like Florida, for example, where you've got a Republican government.
Okay, let's stop right here.
So he's saying basically Trump's a liar.
He goes on to say, stop whining, we'll play that clip when we come back from break, that part of it.
But this is crazy.
He's restating the lie that, A, there's no such thing as election fraud.
No serious expert says there is.
We have a whole bunch of clips of Democrats in 2008, 2004 saying there's election fraud, quote, quote, we gotta stop it, Al Gore, the rest of it.
So he's lying to you there.
He knows full well what Pew Research and others show.
Between four, maybe six million, but four's the low number, people that shouldn't be on the voting rolls are dead people that are voting.
And we have Democrats all over the country, that's their specialty, is election fraud, organizing individual voter fraud.
And they always try to confuse the public and the media about that too, like, this individual fraud's very, very rare, and it's only a few people doing it.
Well yes, it's rare for someone individually to go out and try to vote in somebody else's name, because it's organized, because they have the voter list, they have the computer list of people that don't vote, but who they've kept on the list, or dead people.
I mean, CNET News, all of them, know this is true.
It's indisputable.
But here's a clip on Pew Research, one of the top research groups out there, that Trump was quoting last night.
Well, listen, if you think that the election system in this country is outdated, old, you're absolutely right.
Pew Study did a research into this, says it's a system plagued with errors and inefficiencies.
Let me give you some numbers to really bring that home.
According to Pew, 24 million people, one of every eight,
Voter registrations in the U.S.
are no longer valid or significantly inaccurate.
More than 1.8 million dead people are listed as voters.
So you could use that name, go ahead and vote.
Approximately 2.75 million people, two and three quarter million people, are registered in more than one state.
So that outlines, I think, the possibility of voter fraud.
Yeah, so you add that up, it's over 4 million, 20 plus million total.
So you can sit there and look at the obituaries a month before and pick two or three people's names that you want and then you could go in and try to vote, because most states don't make you have an ID, and if they say that's not on the roll, you say, well I should be, you just go walk in another precinct and try another name, and you try a couple, you're going to hit a voter.
Now that's how an individual can do it, it's very rare, but that's how an individual can do it.
But if you're the Democratic Party, they have the computer databases, they have the voter rolls.
Many times the Democratic Party has the county clerk, who's over all that, working with them to carry out the fraud.
In fact, that's generally who quarterbacks it, in my experience, in Texas, is the county clerks.
And it is a very dirty business indeed.
Texas is famous for fraud.
I'm proud of my state, but Texas probably has as much election fraud as even New York or Illinois.
And they're the other king daddies of it.
But these are key battleground states, always are big states because there's a large turnout and a large number of people, so they're big prizes too.
Now, when we come back, I'm going to get into more facts for the president, who's never heard of election fraud and just has never heard of anyone saying we should, you know, check the integrity of our system.
That's all Trump's doing, is putting light on this so they don't get away with it.
He's letting them know he's going to contest.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Whatever happened to billionaire Mark Rich, one of the world's most wanted fugitives, who 16 years ago was being indicted on one of the biggest tax fraud cases in American history.
And he was also involved in illegal trade deals with Iran and other crimes that were harsh enough to put him on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list.
Well, Mark Rich may have been a career criminal, but he wasn't stupid.
Because he knew the best way to receive his get-out-of-jail-free card was to donate money to the Clintons.
Mark Rich gave a half million dollars to the Clinton Library.
And lo and behold, after 20 years of running from the law, he was pardoned by President Bill Clinton.
Rich died in 2013, but his business partners continued to donate huge amounts of money to the Clintons, including a $1 billion pledge to the Clinton Global Initiative in 2009.
That is Clinton justice.
You can learn more right now at Infowars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, get ready because I'm going to lay out the total proof of the conscious lying of the unified media that no one's ever heard of election fraud, that it's unprecedented what Donald Trump is doing, and that it's just crazy to allege it even exists.
I even forgot, I got another clip I can give you guys of Carville.
James Carville going, well of course there's fraud!
Raging Cages, of course there's fraud!
I mean, what do you think's going on here?
It's, it's just over the top!
That they're telling you, it'd be like if Donald Trump said, I'm worried about bank robberies.
We need more police outside banks because there have been a slew of bank robberies if he was a mayor.
And they go, oh, that's just ridiculous.
No one's ever heard of a bank robbery.
Well, I see, I see, I see.
Again, it's the way they talk to us like we're two years old.
And not a very bright toddler either.
Now, new news of Bill Clinton mistresses and women he reportedly raped and abuses coming out.
I mean, it is just getting crazy.
But, before we go there, I want to thank the listeners for their support, for spreading the word, for your prayers.
Last night, I got a little bit mad a few times at Hillary, and I'm very honest about it.
And I don't claim to be a very Christ-like person in many ways, but I will say this.
Christ went and made a scourge, basically a cat-or-nine-tails, and went in and beat the money changers because they were so corrupt and overturned the tables and basically kicked their butts.
And I'm not calling for violence.
I'm saying at a certain point, we have to overturn the tables.
We have to stop being calm and putting up with all this.
And so, sometimes I get a little bit ashamed of how I act on air.
Everybody seemed to love it, actually.
When I started calling Hillary, you know, a lying whore.
And it's not nice to ladies of the night that, you know, compared to a lot of professions, it's pretty honorable.
Honorable when compared to, say, a globalist or one of these New World Order banker types.
Or people that, you know, sell cluster bombs and drop on kids.
But when I say a whore, I mean a whore of Babylon.
And they make jokes and go, oh look, he's crazy, he's not an atheist like us pinheads.
He's making, you know, literary connections to archetypal evil.
That's exactly what I mean.
I could sit here all day and list her crimes, the horrible things she's done, smirking like a big plastic jack-o'-lantern demon.
I mean, her face is a horror movie cover.
Every time we talk about dead kids, or radical Islam and her supporting it, or depression and war, that big demon face would come on that gives me the willies.
I'll be honest, Hillary Clinton scares me.
And by scares me, I'm not physically scared of her.
Knowing that type of evil exists gives me the willies, is what I'm saying.
I am repulsed by her.
Like when you open a drawer up and a black widow comes out and almost bites you.
You're like, I mean, I guess I am scared of her.
But it's like a repulsion.
She's a revolting person and her minions are revolting, stunted, demonic idiots.
And I could sit here all day and list her crimes and we do it, but at the end of the day, I've just got to be honest and get the poison out and just say how I feel about her.
People can call me mean all day.
I'm not carpet bombing countries.
I'm not selling out missile secrets to China.
I'm not funding radical Wahhabis to enslave millions of women and put little 8-year-old girls and 6-year-old girls by the thousands into sex slavery.
I mean, these radical Muslims she's funding and supporting are the nastiest, craziest, evilest people I've ever heard of.
I mean, they're worse than stuff out of, you know, nightmare novels.
They're horrible!
And they're oppressive and they just are everything that the West and the Renaissance stands against.
And that's why the West and the Renaissance has to be pissed on by the mainstream media all day and told how we're the guilty ones and we're the bad ones because they know we are altruistic on average and care and want to build and want to have freedom and the globalists don't want that.
That's why they're allied with the most twisted, dirty, backward, fetid, scrofulous filled
Flaky Islam!
Now, before I go any further...
And get into the big news here and these clips and all this big presentation we've got ready.
As I said, I want to thank the listeners of the broadcast.
I want to thank you for your support.
We're only able to do all this because of your support.
But it's a win-win.
We've really developed top-of-the-line nutraceuticals.
We've really developed, you know, a lot of great t-shirts that spread the word.
Molon Labe, Anti-New World Order shirts, Hillary for Prison shirts, you name it.
We're selling those right now at cost.
Those shirts will be gone.
This is the last run of those.
We have the new Trump is my president shirt, an all red shirt, to wear on election day and then afterwards to point out that we are the majority, that we understand what's happening.
Totally freaked him out in Cleveland and other areas when a third of the folks were wearing Hillary for Prison shirts.
It really got to him big time.
Thousands of newspapers have followed the news.
Those are all available at InfoWarsStore.com.
That's the big umbrella site.
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But thank you for your prayers.
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InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139.
And in closing, I want to encourage everybody to become sponsors of our local affiliates.
Support local sponsors, let them know why.
Spread the word about that station, and quite frankly, volunteer for the station, if you can.
Give them a donation, because there's a war to shut down talk radio, a war to get true patriot soft radio right now, and we're growing on the number of stations, because our listeners are supporting them, and the ratings are very, very good.
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ESPN or other things, but that is a phenomenon.
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That's exactly what people have done all over the country, so I don't care.
A lot of times we get on a station about a year, the ratings go from nowhere to number one or number two, and then they sell the time out.
But that's whatever it takes for folks to survive.
But we're changing the world together right now, and it's a very, very special time to be alive, so I want to thank everybody out there for supporting our local affiliates.
Thank you.
It frustrates me at a very deep level that mainstream media is organized against the American people.
But the good news is they've been so brazen, so naked, so...
We're good to go.
But with wannabe intellectuals and liberals, it still is the gold standard.
And it's a bellwether of everything else, but it is sinking fast.
And that's their own doing.
So, are they backing off of the deception?
The New York Times even writes articles we've read on air, where they say, we're no longer even going to act like we're not biased.
And then I see them on CNN, MSNBC, they'll announce, well, you know,
This is the year that we showed our bias, and we're right to show our bias, because Donald Trump's an evil racist, blah, blah, blah.
As if we needed you to tell us that you were biased all these years.
Again, that's how delusional you are.
You were hired because you were followers.
You were hired because you'd read off a teleprompter.
You were hired because you were narcissists that wanted to look at yourself in the mirror.
You are nothing but repeaters.
You're nothing but meat puppets, okay?
You're a joke, but you're the perfect delusionites to go then try to push your delusion on the rest of us.
It's not working.
So here's Obama saying there's no such thing as election fraud, and that Trump should stop whining, while all of his surrogates and Hillary Clinton are running around saying the Russians are trying to hack the election, so we've got to federalize it.
And in the same speech he said there's nobody involved in local elections, the feds aren't involved when they've announced they're federalizing them.
Again, they really think you're stupid.
And I guess this election is a referendum on, is the public really this gullible and this dumb?
Or really just wants to get on a moron bandwagon?
Here's the president.
But the larger point that I want to emphasize here is that there is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections.
In part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved.
There's no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time.
And so I'd invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.
We have the leader of People's American Way,
That, you know, we're battling Joe McCarthy back in the day, same old suspects, and his national coordinator, on video, saying, we're going to effing do what we always do and have people vote ten times apiece, bussing them around.
And the police aren't going to stop us, and the courts aren't going to stop us, we got the Justice Department.
Should I play those clips again?
No, I already played them yesterday.
Everybody knows about it on this show, nowhere on mainstream media, though.
By the way, James O'Keefe's joining us today, on Project Veritas.
See, I don't get excited around Hollywood stars, folks, but I get excited when it's someone like James O'Keefe or Drudge.
These are heroes, man.
These are the real deal.
Now, he's coming up.
I'm getting excited here.
Now, here's just a short compilation.
We're putting together bigger ones right now of the Democrats freaking out about election fraud that, remember, doesn't exist like in 2000.
The thing that has most animated this election on the Democratic side has been the sense of a rigged system.
The game is rigged against them.
So there's a sense the game is rigged.
This is what a rigged economy about.
A rigged system.
They'll do anything to rig the system.
The game is rigged against a lot of people who have done their dead level best.
That the system is rigged.
People say the game is rigged.
Keeps the system rigged for those at the top.
The system is rigged.
Their obstruction is keeping a system that is rigged.
The game is rigged.
We must fix an economy in America that is rigged.
The game is rigged and it's not right.
A rigged economy.
The game is rigged.
And the economy is rigged.
The American people know that the system is rigged against them.
The system rigged against the middle class.
All I know is it is rigged.
And it's still rigged.
Too many people feel like the system is rigged.
People say the game is rigged.
How the game is rigged.
Our economy is rigged.
People feel like the system is rigged against them.
And here's the painful part.
They're right.
You know, the system, folks, is rigged.
And he goes on to say the system's rigged.
Now, that's them saying the system's rigged.
But we have all the clips of them talking about election fraud and the problem with that.
And again, we're getting a bunch of clips together of them talking about the Russians trying to rig the election.
Specifically the election.
And Jay Johnson saying he's federalizing the election.
But everybody knows who's informed.
They've done that.
They've announced it.
We've played those clips.
Now next, some people are starting to argue that there wasn't an election fought over in 2000.
There was.
Al Gore contested it.
It went to the Supreme Court.
Remember the hanging chads, all that stuff?
They'd like you to think that never happened.
So here, we already played you Pew Research earlier, admitting 27 million people that shouldn't be on the voting rolls, 4 million that we know the Democrats are manipulating.
So flashback, Gore refuses to concede election, demands recount to ensure all the votes are counted.
That happened!
So, Obama says he's never heard of a candidate saying anything like this in U.S.
What about
Sixteen years ago, my friend.
Again, he thinks you're a moron.
Here's Al Gore.
Well, the effort I have underway is simply to make sure that all the votes are counted.
And when the issues that are now being considered in the Florida Supreme Court are decided, that'll be an important point.
Uh, but I don't want to speculate on what the Florida Supreme Court will do.
He's not stupid.
He's on a show with the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the most evil men alive in the world, according to himself.
He writes books bragging about it.
About how, you know, all the horrible things he's done, and world government, and how we're stupid, and how the government brings in the drugs, and controls the organized crime, and how that's a good thing.
I mean, go read his books.
I'm digressing.
The reason I get mad at Scarborough is he'll say something totally true one day, and then reverse it a week later.
But what he's saying in this next clip is pure veritas.
It's true.
That the Democrats are running around acting like they've never heard somebody say, I'm concerned about an election, when they're the ones that always scream the loudest.
Which again, goes to their arrogance.
In fact, what Kellyanne Conway said, I don't quite understand what Mayor Giuliani is referring to, but this all happened after the race.
In addition, Al Gore accepted the outcome of the Supreme Court decision.
And my understanding is that from what Mr. Trump is saying, he may not be willing to accept the outcome.
No, actually, what was the exact quote?
He said, I'll look at it at the time.
I'll look at it at the time.
So that means he's not willing to say, I will accept the outcome if you as a... No, what that means is he'll look at it at the time.
I love everybody saying, you know, I woke up to these screaming headlines saying, Donald Trump will not respect election results.
He actually said, I'll look at it at the time.
I'll see.
Has there ever been a presidential candidate to say that?
If they're voting irregularities, then any presidential candidate, anybody, has the right to say that.
What would you have said?
We would all stand here in the Senate.
What would you have said?
What would your response be to that question?
I said, yeah, I'll certainly respect the outcome of the election.
I, of course, will want to make sure that it's fair.
Well, he didn't say that.
I will want to make sure that it's fair.
It's on the up and up.
But he didn't say that.
Yeah, but you know what?
This is an example.
The media got something they can
Absolutely freak out about and claim that he's an agent of Vladimir Putin and destroying democracy in America and it's just another example of the media having to find a little phrase and freak out.
As a Republican, I have listened to Democrats talk about the only two times we won the White House in like 800 years.
That we stole both elections.
I had this hit through Fahrenheit 9-1-1 and a lady was sobbing violently behind me on the Upper West Side about the election being stolen from George Bush and I patted her halfway through and I go, it's alright, it's alright ma'am.
Hold on.
It's alright.
It's all a lie anyway.
Democrats have been whining for 16 years.
They're still writing articles about how Bush stole the elections in 2000 and 2004.
So this holier-than-thou attitude about this is the first time anyone has suggested that the election is not a sacrosanct process.
It's a joke!
So you guys bathe in that hypocrisy if you want to.
I'd just like to hear how the debate went.
Go ahead.
You can't, you can't, the difference is what Michael just said.
It's the candidate himself.
You will have spectators, voters, political officials, elected officials, all contemplating, writers saying that this didn't happen this way, they stole it, Bush did this, but you never had a president
Let me be very specific.
My target this morning for my mockery are the very people that are writing articles today on their blogs that are saying this is a threat to democracy.
The electoral process in America is sacrosanct.
And if we ever doubt this, are we no better than Putin?
Those are the people I'm mocking.
Let's get to the meat and potatoes here.
This is unprecedented to have him 20-something days out, now 18 days out, but he was doing this months ago, because he's not stupid.
It's unprecedented to have them trigger regulations that the RNC and DNC created corporately in 1972 and 1976, respectively.
To say, if we ever don't like a candidate, we'll ignore the popular will of the voters and the delegates of the primary, and we will appoint that person.
And George Will coming out and saying, a mere plurality of voters doesn't matter.
It is the sovereign party.
I mean, I thought they were about to start playing God Save the Queen.
He actually said, it is the will and the sovereignty of the party, not a mere plurality of voters.
He wrote that for the Washington Post.
They were all over TV saying, your vote doesn't count.
And so the commentator would say, so you're saying the vote doesn't count and don't vote the primary.
Yes, we should even have primaries.
The party decides.
Everybody went, excuse me?
They're election laws.
You are just guardians of this.
You're not allowed to do that.
Let's go ahead and challenge that.
And because he is a leader, because he should be president, he came out.
Donald Trump.
And said, I'm going to contest you trying to steal the nomination from me, when they would celebrate voterless victories in Colorado and other states, and the media was like, how dare Drudge get involved in the election again?
We need to have the Federal Election Commission shut Drudge down, and Impel Wars too, remember that?
Because they're putting up headlines that say another voterless victory for Ted Cruz.
Well, there weren't votes.
They were just announcing, oh, we're cancelling the election now, we're cancelling the primary, the party says it's Ted Cruz.
Or he wins Louisiana, or he wins all these other states, and then they give the delegates to Ted Cruz.
The same thing they did to Bernie Sanders for Hillary.
But Bernie didn't do it.
He rolled over like a good little socialist, didn't he?
And got given a big lake house and a book deal and more goodies for his wife who went bankrupt and sucked the university drive she ran.
These people are locusts.
Just look at him!
They just fop around all day conning good people.
They just scam artists around all day long.
And so, you've got him rolling over on all his constituents, laughing at them.
And guess what?
Donald J. Trump didn't do that, did he?
That's what's unprecedented.
And so he knows that they already tried to steal it.
He fought for it, so he got it!
And so now, he's gonna fight for it again, and so are we!
And listen, you little con artists, you can't stand the fact your con games don't work on us.
You can't stand the fact that we know your healthcare law was a scam, meant to bankrupt things.
It's now in the WikiLeaks.
You can't stand straight shooters!
But guess what?
We're coming.
And people like myself and Donald Trump, we're just the front line of this.
There's so much more coming behind us.
We're never going to stop.
You just woke up the sleeping giant.
You're going to get your ass kicked forever now.
You understand that?
Nothing's going to stop us.
We're going to fight you.
We're going to expose you.
We got your number.
Let's play the leader, Donald Trump.
Tell you one other thing, she shouldn't be allowed to run.
She's guilty of a very, very serious crime.
She should not be allowed to run.
And just in that respect, I say it's rigged.
Because she should never, Trish, she should never have been allowed to run for the presidency based on what she did with emails and so many other things.
But sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact one of the prides of this country, is the peaceful transition of power, and that no matter how hard-fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner.
Not saying that you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner, and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country.
Are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle?
What I'm saying is that I will tell you at the time.
I'll keep you in suspense.
And of course, before that, he went into the 4 million people on the voter rolls.
It's actually 21 million.
And he went into the folks that shouldn't be able to vote, and he went into all the stuff going on.
But I would have just said, lady, you shouldn't even be here.
You stole the nomination from Sanders.
He would have destroyed them.
And the Republicans were going to take it away from me, even though I had the delegates.
Of course, I'm saying we need to watch out for being rigged.
If you got a neighbor next to you, you caught breaking into your house three times, could you start watching that neighbor and saying, you know, he got out of jail again, keep the garage door locked, we need to move out of this neighborhood.
We had to move out of a neighborhood once because it was one family down the street, and their kid was always going to jail and stuff, and he was robbing everybody's houses, TVs, jewelry, you name it.
My dad one time came home from work and saw him with one of our bicycles down the street.
Came and said, give the bicycle back.
His dad, I guess, came out and threatened and stuff and some things happened.
But the point is that this is the type of stuff that goes on in this country.
And we've seen Hillary with a bicycle in our garage, putting her fat ass on it.
And we're like, listen, that's our bicycle, lady.
She's like, you never had a bicycle.
This isn't a bicycle.
This isn't the bicycle you're looking for.
Racist, racist, racist.
It doesn't work anymore.
You stole it from Bernie Sanders in front of God and the world.
You tried to steal it from Trump.
We don't have memories of Goldfish.
I mean, the general public does, but what are you going to do about the rest of us?
I mean, we know you're a pack of degenerate scumbag criminals, OK?
That isn't rhetoric.
You are an organized racketeering operation.
The mainstream media, the big banks, the Democrats, the Republican leaders, you're all going to prison.
That's the truth.
So get ready to get your asses locked up.
We're red on election day.
Perhaps the biggest election in American history is just days away.
We know that in past elections, there have been thousands of cases of voter fraud and election fraud.
From dead people voting, to people registering false identifications, to government leaders providing fast-track amnesty to give illegal immigrants votes.
This is happening right in front of us.
Now we are seeing the establishment send all its hitmen after the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.
Government shills are campaigning for Clinton.
Mainstream news attacking Donald Trump all day like rabbit hounds.
Rigged polls being broadcast daily to provide the fake optics that Hillary Clinton is actually winning and to discourage people from voting Trump.
Fake celebrities endorsing Clinton across all platforms.
So with all this, what are we doing to keep this election from being stolen?
What can we do to prevent election fraud?
I propose that all Donald Trump supporters wear red on election day.
On November 8th, when you head to the polls to vote Donald Trump, be decked out in red.
This way, just as we dominated in rally turnout, we can prove and provide the optics that we also dominated in voter turnout.
Wear red on election day and make America great again!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
That's Junior Brown bringing us in.
I do love me some rockabilly surf music.
This is what I listen to to relax.
I got a whole album of this.
20 songs.
That beautiful steel guitar.
Good stuff.
Alright, enough enjoyment.
Let's get back into the fight for liberty.
Some good music to drive your car across the desert in.
We've got Russia taunts U.S.
with biggest military offensive since the Cold War.
I love how our media spins that.
I mean, I don't want a war with Russia, okay?
And the fact is, the West is trying to overthrow their country.
Soros is trying to overthrow it internally with the same culture warfare garbage and anti-police riots.
And you're like, what are you sticking up for the police for?
It's their country.
You can't have foreigners try to overthrow your government starting riots.
I mean, that's espionage, people.
And that's what's going on by these globalists.
And they've got this giant fleet going now through the English Channel, and it's just the whole thing is deteriorating quickly.
Now we've got huge Project Veritas news breaking, coming up with James O'Keefe at the start of the next segment.
But first, just getting into mind control, getting into how they talk to us like we're idiots and say there's no such thing as election fraud, even though they're the biggest people bitching about it like Al Gore.
Donna Brazile freaks out after Megyn Kelly asked how she got debate question in advance.
I like the fact Megyn Kelly's trying to rehabilitate herself now and actually being a journalist.
But CNN admits that this is the question was sent.
They won't say exactly who.
They've been caught.
The email's real.
And this woman sits there and tries to play dumb.
And if you're a radio listener, you can't see Donna Brazile.
But I mean, she just is unbelievably arrogant.
And has the deadest eyes I think I've ever seen.
So let's go ahead and play that clip.
You say that you play straight up, but I have to ask you because you were accused of receiving a debate question before a CNN town hall where they partnered with TV One, and that you had this question on March 12th that verbatim, verbatim,
Was provided by Roland Martin to CNN the next day.
How did you get that question, Donna?
Well, Kelly, since I play straight up and I'll play straight up with you.
I did not receive any questions from CNN.
Let's just be very clear.
Where did you get it?
First of all, what information are you providing to me that will allow me to see what you're talking about?
You got the WikiLeaks release of March 12th, Podesta email showing you messaging the Clinton campaign with the exact wording of a question asked at the March 13th CNN-TV One town hall debate.
Where did you get it?
You know, as a Christian woman, I understand persecution, but I will not sit here and be persecuted because your information is totally false.
What you're telling the American people... I'm getting it from Podesta's email.
Well, Podesta's emails were stolen!
You're so interested in talking about stories.
So you deny it.
You're like a thief that want to bring into the night the things that you found that was in the gutter.
You're a thief.
Notice, she triggered liberation theology taught by the Ford Foundation all over the world to create race war based on the Christian religion.
But the general public would know that she was activating folks saying, I'm a Christian, I know about being persecuted, and then was bringing up the entire slave experience, which they want to reproject as a new trauma every time there's a problem.
So, what she did was brought race in there.
The fact is, she's getting the questions beforehand, it's all rigged, it's all coming out, CNN admits it, and she's sitting there playing dumb about getting the questions to Hillary, back during the Democrat debates.
It's amazing!
Comey was at HSBC when the money laundering was going on.
And, you know, to get your mind around this, everyone, you know, when you deal with massive amounts of terrorist money, which are financing terrorists, the Wahhabis out of Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood of the Middle East, never before seen back channels through which the Clinton Foundation has been money laundering with Russia.
A lot of this money has gone to Podesta.
A lot of the money is off the books of the Clinton Foundation.
I mean, here, let's question how much of the offshore money laundering the Clinton Foundation does is reported for tax purposes.
I doubt any of it is reported for tax purposes.
But the point is, does Rose Adam, which is the Russian
Energy agency that bought into 20% of the U.S.
uranium production through this prank, Joostra, in Canada.
It was a penny stock dealer from Vancouver.
He connected himself with the Clinton Foundation.
It also picked up, not only in Panama Papers, but in the Swiss banking revelations in terms of offshore money hiding.
And, um, I've got now the record of how the accounts passed money through the Clintons off the books.
And Clinton's using this pass-through corporation, this WJC as initials, William Jefferson Clinton, WJC LLC.
And it's WJC investments as off-the-books pass-throughs, which is what money launderers use.
The way a shell corporation pass-through works is the money goes into the account and then within a few hours it goes out of the account.
So the account shows a zero balance.
You don't know what the account has in it or where the money came from or necessarily where it went.
This is the way it makes it hard to trace the money.
And the Clinton Foundations have been using this kind of secret pass-through.
And again, if we really want to get into taxes, if the Clintons want to push the issue of Donald Trump using a legitimate tax avoidance, completely legal,
I think this is illegal activity, or even, I've got evidence that Podesta, who is the campaign manager, did not report, as he needed to, various transactions that came to him from Russia.
Through these various groups in Russia that wanted to do two things.
Control the uranium production in the United States.
And have Hillary Clinton, as part of this reset, transfer massive amounts of US military intelligence and technology to Russia.
Which Hillary Clinton did.
All the Russians have to do is reveal what information I got through authoritative sources from Germany, identifying the Russian banks.
Through which these transfers occur on Hillary, a losing candidate, a sick candidate, a lying candidate, a one who nobody likes.
The only way they can win is by cheating and stealing.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, there are few people that I can actually tell the audience that we would be in a situation five times worse if it wasn't for them.
There are only a few of those people.
And one of them is James O'Keefe.
And he is an example, even though he doesn't like me saying this, to everybody else on how you can go out and take on these criminals.
And the stalwart, dogged,
Determination is the stuff of Americana and the stuff of legend.
And I'm only saying that because he gets demonized, he gets dogged, he gets attacked, he gets lied about, he gets arrested.
Fighting true organized crime.
Real organized crime.
And he deserves our prayers, and Project Veritas deserves your financial support.
You should get his book that chronicles all this.
I know he didn't want to come on and talk about himself, but there's three big things to cover today.
A, the mainstream corporate media is totally blacking out the reports he's putting out that are the biggest in their storied history.
Bringing down ACORN, you name it, on and on and on.
This is the biggest stuff in my view.
I mean, he has top Democratic officials, top operatives saying, we're stealing elections, we're engaging in election fraud, we're busting people around, we're gonna do it, we're above the law.
He's got the newest info, sending people in to bully women so they could stage events where Trump
Uh, security then has to restrain women.
I mean, you talk about set-ups.
This is such dirty tricks.
Red-handed, and there was Trump bringing it up last night, pointing right at Hillary.
So, the censorship, the big bombshells he's breaking, new bombshells to come, 18 days out.
James O'Keefe is our guest at the bottom of the hour.
I want to give you his website, projectberitas.com.
But we never single people out and say, these folks deserve support.
Let me tell you, what they're doing deserves support.
I want to thank our listeners for supporting us.
But, bottom line, because of your support, we're able to have a fighting chance against these criminals.
And it's WikiLeaks, it's James O'Keefe, it's Drudge, it's InfoWars, it's Breitbart, and a few other groups, and it's you, the people, that are with us.
You're not behind us.
You're at the heart of what we do.
I want listeners to understand that.
I salute you as well.
Because it's important to understand, this is a war.
And the mainstream media is not going to pat you on the back, folks, for all you've done.
Well, I am.
So, James O'Keefe, I know you're fighting hard right now and working with your great team across the country, but wow, what an amazing time to be alive.
You've got the floor.
Where do you want to start first?
The blackout?
The latest info?
Your newest revelation?
I just want to say, Alex, that
Last night, when we were brought up by Donald Trump at the debates, it was one small step for my team and one giant leap for citizen journalism.
I mean, what you saw in the last 48 hours, Twitter, by the way, removed me, then reinstated me.
We were trending on Twitter.
We're the number one trending video on YouTube worldwide.
We're the number one trending thing on Facebook over the last 24 hours.
What you are seeing is something I never thought I would say.
You are seeing social media and the grassroots in this country more powerful than the mainstream media.
We are the social media barbarians at the gates.
And we have inundated their inboxes.
The New York Times is now forced to cover it.
The Washington Post was forced to cover it.
We are the barbarians at the gates and we have flooded the mainstream media with interest and attention.
And we have become more powerful than the mainstream media.
It's truly historical.
I've talked about this before, but I've never actually seen it.
Last night, Alex, when I was at the debate, and I walked into the press pool, and there were 5,000 reporters, almost like a red carpet at the Oscars.
And they all knew who I was.
And they all knew about the story.
And not one of them wanted to talk to me or talk about it.
Because they weren't reporters, they were repeaters.
You were the only man, the only journalist, really, in the arena.
They did not want to talk about it, and I also looked at them, and I didn't know what to say.
I said, guys, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
I mean, I said, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
And it was truly historical situation for Veritas.
And I'm just so proud of my team.
It took us a year, transcripts and filming and a year of investigative work.
But to see these guys resign, the heart and soul of the Democratic Party, that guy, Bob Cramer, was not some low-level guy.
He met with the president 47 times.
He went to the White House 340 times.
He has now resigned.
Hillary Clinton is being asked about it.
An airplane?
Now, James, we are on a lot of 50,000 waters, a lot of new stations right now.
We've gotten like 20 new stations last month.
So a lot of new listeners know who you are, they've heard about you, but they've heard the media demonize you or twist things.
So spend a few minutes just to address new listeners on the blackout that's happening, the huge bombshells you've been breaking, and how they are key in the social media people war against the dinosaur media to go to your site, to go to ProjectVeritas.com, to go to Infowars.com, to go to Drudge,
Get our stories, get our videos, and hammer them out to everybody.
That's how we're cutting through the Berlin Wall of deception.
Guys, I couldn't have done it without you.
You don't realize how important you are.
I mean, I have no words to tell you how important you are.
You were tweeting at every single journalist.
I mean, I've never seen anything like it.
I had journalists come up to me and say, so you're the guy who inundated my inbox.
I didn't even know who they were.
You guys were sent 10,000 retweets on these tweets.
I mean, you flooded their inboxes.
So over the last 48 hours, the first video was about the conspiracy, the dark money conspiracy to induce violence at Trump rallies, where they were on tape describing how they took credit for all the violence and how that came through the chain of command from the White House.
This is all on video.
And nobody wanted to cover it.
Alex has got 6 million views on YouTube, that video.
And the second video was about how they were busting up people across state lines.
They wanted to commit illegal voter fraud with non-citizens.
A guy named Cesar Vargas caught on videotape describing how they bust people.
The quotes, you can't write them.
They look like they're from the usual suspects.
The guy in the video says, we don't care about the law.
We want to win this mother effer.
Quote, we've been busting people across state lines for 50 years.
You can't make this stuff up.
And social media has forced the mainstream media to cover this.
It's unbelievable.
I've never seen anything like it.
It's the number one hottest thing.
It's become a global video phenomenon.
And I just can't, I could not do it.
We could not have done this a couple years ago.
And Twitter tried to ban me.
Jack Dorsey tried to ban me.
And another thing, Alex, this is unbelievable.
We had television exclusives lined up with the biggest media television stations and they all spiked the story.
My sources are telling me because they faced retaliation and retribution from a future Clinton administration.
And they now are forced to cover it because it's groundswell has risen it up.
So, I have nothing, I don't know what else to say except this is historical and I could not have done it without all of you.
Well, looking at you via video Skype for radio listeners, you've always seemed a little concerned, focused.
Now you almost look satisfied, and I know that feeling of working so long on something like a film or an undercover investigation, but nothing like your long-term operations that are so professional, and then...
You're seeing it bear fruit and seeing them try to suppress it, but still it doesn't work and only blows up in their face bigger.
I mean, am I seeing satisfaction in your face?
Yeah, it's, it's, well, I'm exhausted.
I stood up for 48 hours straight and I just took a nap.
So I'm, the adrenaline has left my body, but I'm, I'm,
It is something I've never seen before, Alex.
The media is losing control over the people.
When the media loses control of the people, they panic.
They get irrational.
They viciously attack.
They assault my reputation.
They have to do damage control.
And what you saw was citizen journalism.
Ground swell up to the top and force people to talk about it in the presidential debate, which in turn forced the media corporations, which don't want to talk about it, because they face retribution from the Justice Department.
And I had, by the way, Alex, I'm not going to say who they were because I promised them I wouldn't, but I had people who you'd perceive to be friendly to us.
In the big leagues, the big TV stations.
Come up to me and say, James, I went to war for you.
I went to war for you with my corporation.
And I wanted to get you on TV.
They won't let me put you on TV.
That is how bad it is.
Exactly, let's remember that.
As bad as Donna's for Media is, there's actually a lot of good people in there.
There are some good people.
There are some one or two decent people.
But they pulled me aside, they huddled me on the red carpet last night and they said, James, I went to war for you.
They will not let me put you on television.
Because Alex, the way it works is these are publicly traded media companies.
These are publicly traded corporations.
And if they air this stuff, that people in the white... It's over!
Hillary will have to step down!
If they air this stuff, the election's over.
What is it like for you to see Hillary up there going, there's no such thing as election fraud, while she says the Russians are taking it over, so we have to federalize it.
That's an oxymoron, double think.
But then, there's no such thing as election fraud.
Obama on the Rose Garden lawn, while your video's going viral, saying no one's ever heard of it, while you have the head Democratic Party operatives bragging that they're going to steal the effing thing like they always do, and nobody's going to stop them.
This guy, Bob Kramer, he's no joke.
He's a community organizer.
He's met with the President of the United States 47 times.
He's been to the White House 340 times.
He's the heart of the institutional left.
We just ripped out the heart of the institutional left, as Matt Boyle said.
He said, James, you ripped out the heart of the institutional left.
The beating heart is now put on the table.
And these guys now... I mean, the Washington Post was in a Twitter war with me yesterday.
They go, James, you know, why don't you get us video of President Obama meeting with him?
I said, that's your job!
Why are you telling me to do your job?
I mean, if I was doing what Matt Drudge says, if I was doing...
If you guys were doing your job, there wouldn't be a need for people like me, okay?
They force us as citizens because they want our guns, they want to raise taxes on us.
I would never have been a media person, but I mean, I did this because they were taking farmers' and ranchers' land, the environmentalists were, to build high-rise buildings on, not even paying them.
They were trying to take our guns, and when I would go and speak out against it, they would say, no one wants your guns, and play that game.
And I said, that's it, I'm going to fight you.
That's why they can't defeat us, because we're doing this for passion, not to be little narcissists like they are.
And let's expand on that, because you've got new breaking news.
I want to play some clips of here and, you know, break down the latest dirty tricks that you've caught them in.
But just the magnitude of where this is going.
They are panicking.
They are freaking out.
A lot of them are getting more aggressive, hoping to prop up the system, which seems to only be accelerating its collapse.
I mean, they were already running, James O'Keefe of Project Veritas, if you just tuned in, folks, one of the top investigative journalists in the world, way beyond Cy Hirsch now, in my view.
Sitting here watching them, they're already on fumes.
I think we're about to hit the moment where the engine seizes up.
What do they do when that happens?
Well, I think that they realize that their days are limited.
I just want to go back to what I was saying with the Washington Post reporter.
I mean, they were all the Daily Show, the Washington Post.
I had David Frum, they were tweeting me, saying, why don't you release your raw source materials?
Identify your undercover people.
I said, you don't release your raw materials.
And I was fighting them.
You don't release your sources, nobody does!
...releases their sources.
The Daily Show released their raw video.
They make all the people look like good people.
They make them look terrible.
The journalists, this is how they've created a narrative.
They piece words together.
They paint a picture that's different than reality.
And the great thing about undercover video on YouTube... By the way, you put them out in big 16-20 minute clips.
I mean, this is not really edited.
You're just taking it to the key parts.
And the people have resigned and they've admitted they've said what they've said.
But Alex, it's something greater and bigger than that.
We're exposing, I mean, Bob Woodward was on O'Reilly last night talking about this thing.
We're exposing, it's not, it's not just about Bob.
You're forcing the media to do their job.
Yes, because it's not just about the video.
The video is something bigger than the video.
It's about the media.
If the media was doing their job, we would be living in a freer world.
We'd be living in a more transparent world.
And it is exposing the media, and that's why they don't want to talk to you.
I mean, take Fovell.
He's the national coordinator for this organization, People for the American Way, a famous socialist group.
They're sitting there organizing nationwide.
He's so angry.
Like, energized saying, they'll never stop us.
We played the clip like 10 times this week.
You know, they'll never stop us.
We're in control.
You know, there's no one.
We can do whatever we want.
And now we're taking over the legislatures.
It was almost like Hitler and Goering and Mussolini and those famous tapes in the office where they're all kind of celebrating and laughing and rubbing their hands together.
I mean, it was like a villain out of a cartoon.
The most amazing part is when Scott Fogle, this is a guy who is working for George Soros' organization, he says, quote, we can F-F-U-C-K, we can F our mother and we would get away with it.
And what he meant by that is the Republican governors and the Republican attorney generals in places like Michigan were too weak in the knees to prosecute the fraud.
These guys are so arrogant, we caught them on videotape, they were so arrogant.
That they could get away with anything and wouldn't get prosecuted because the Republicans were too spineless to do anything about it.
And it has come to a point in this country where these people can get away with anything.
That's what I'm saying.
They're like archetypal criminals bragging on the tape.
So now we can show the legislatures and get the voter ID in.
I mean, I think this video is going to change the electoral map.
I think it's going to turn the tide.
It's changed the public consciousness in this country.
I've heard from people.
I've heard from left-wingers.
I've heard from mainstreamers.
I've heard from people saying, James, that is the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen.
These guys are criminal.
They're breaking the law.
It's like in a movie.
You watch movies when you're a kid where the criminal goes, we're going to screw everyone over.
No one can stop us.
You don't think people don't act like that.
But in the real world, they really do.
They do, and there's nothing more despicable, nothing more despicable than inducing violence, than all those protests you saw.
Yeah, let's list what they've been doing to get this new thing.
But I mean, yes, proof, we knew it then.
Sending people to beat folks up and cause riots that could have killed people, as Trump said last night.
Yeah, the cops got bloodied up.
They got bloodied up in Chicago.
And there's video of that.
Well, guess what?
That was Scott Foval and Bob Kramer working with the White House.
Hillary Clinton is... I'm going to quote the video.
Hillary Clinton gives money to the DNC.
DNC gives money to Democracy Partners.
And Democracy Partners gives money to people like Scott Foval to, quote, go out and execute the SHIT.
This is what they do.
And they're on video describing how they... I'm, quote, so damn proud of the bloody cop.
I mean, can you believe this?
And then they send women, and then they try to get women to get beat up?
This is evil!
And Hillary Clinton, Alex Jones, Hillary Clinton was on the airplane with John Podesta being asked by reporters, the White House was asked about it yesterday, and they were stuttering and stumbling over the question, they didn't know what to say.
They said, I don't know.
They don't know what to do.
At the debate last night, Trump brought it up.
He said, you induced violence and Hillary did not deny it.
And since you say that, and only at this final point, your latest investigation, since you mentioned it, here's Trump last night in Vegas.
I was wondering what happened with my rally in Chicago and other rallies where we had such violence.
She's the one in Obama that caused the violence.
They hired people, they paid them $1,500, and they're on tape saying, be violent, cause fights, do bad things.
Which is a criminal act, by the way, where they're telling people to go out and start fistfights and start violence.
And I'll tell you what, in particular in Chicago, people were hurt and people could have been killed in that riot.
And that was now all on tape, started by her.
Started by her, James O'Keefe, amazing.
There was another one, Zulema Rodriguez is the woman in the video as well, who says, oh, I, I, we actually got her an FEC expenditure that Hillary Clinton paid her directly.
She was paid directly by Hillary Clinton to shut down a highway in Arizona.
What, Bridgegate, what about, what about Highwaygate?
I mean, this is un... I don't... I have no words out.
The Democrats have signed on and the media have signed on to a true criminal system.
The worst this country's ever seen.
They're going down with it.
The question is, what will their death throes be like?
Only a few minutes left.
I want to play a short clip, but set it up.
This is your latest investigation that came out.
You already mentioned it.
Trying to get women beat up.
I mean, talk about criminal.
Talk about bullying.
Set this up for us.
This is a guy named Aaron Black.
He works for the DNC.
He says that he's the guy that nobody's supposed to know about.
His real name is Aaron Minter.
We don't know why he goes by the name Aaron Black.
It looks like something out of the usual suspects.
He's describing how he goes out and he induces what happens at these rallies, specifically when it comes to women.
He tries to get women bullied.
And we talk about the war against women.
I'd love to hear what Hillary Clinton has to say about this one.
Here is the latest Veritas bombshell.
During our first video in this investigation, we introduced you to Aaron Block.
So I'm basically Deputy Rapid Response Director for the DNC for all things Trump on the ground.
He bragged about his involvement in the Chicago Trump protests.
The Chicago protest, when they shut all that, that was us.
It was more him than me.
But none of this is supposed to come back to us.
Because we want it coming from people.
We don't want it to come from the party.
So what did Blackhammer prepare next?
I mean, I know things that make big impacts.
I think of, like, that, like, there was, like, a woman, older woman, who was, like, attacked at a Trump rally.
Like, things like that really show what kind of people... Hey, Lauren.
So we get people behind Trump,
When he's at a rally, but we make sure it's women and they're positioned next to men.
We want images of the men bullying the women who are trying to hold their signs up.
That's what I'm gonna do.
That is what we're gonna do.
That is the hit.
How do you think you're gonna do it?
They're gonna have to show up seven hours ahead of time and wait in line to get there early.
So, like, pretend to be Trump supporters so they get sat behind him?
Then fold up those signs that we have and put them in their pockets.
That is the hit.
That's the hit.
Okay, we're almost out of time.
You gotta come back, Keefsten, and I know you're a busy man, but you're just a rock star to everybody here.
Let's get into bird-dogging, because we obviously can't play all the clips because you really don't edit it.
There's so much you put out.
Bird-dogging, getting in somebody's face, you know, pushing them until you get them to fight you.
Yeah, that's how they refer to it as bird-dogging.
That's the term that they use.
That's the term Scott Fulvey uses.
It's where you induce a reaction, you induce violence.
And people have heard of this term before.
What makes it so interesting is the relationship with Hillary.
Is that Bob Cramer, who goes to the White House 340 times and meets with President Obama,
We have more video coming out where that gets more into this bird-dogging concept.
And what exactly Hillary knew and when did she know it?
Again, this is something the Washington Post and the New York Times should be breaking.
Something that they're scooped by, something they're embarrassed that they haven't broke.
But we're going to reveal more in the next couple days about exactly what Hillary knew because we want to catch them in a lie denying it.
And then we want to break the news show.
Well, you have forced through the electronic Berlin Wall.
We've all done it together.
It's a huge victory.
In closing, obviously they've been trying to shut off Assange's internet.
People have been trying to get in.
There's been threats.
They've said they want him dead.
Everybody should pray for you as well, my friend, because let me tell you, you're one of the number one targets.
There's probably five people they want to get.
And I'm one of them.
You're one of them.
Drudge is one of them.
Assange is one of them.
So you are in quite the club now, my friend.
They can't shut us down, Alex.
At this point, we're too high profile.
We've got too many allies.
We've got too many good, red-blooded, patriotic, God-loving Americans out there.
There's a hundred million people out there.
That's right, and what you've done, you've taught countless others now, so it's seismic.
Seismic, and they can't shut me down.
They can try to kill me.
I don't think about it.
I don't worry about it.
I think they're going to try to use the Justice Department to shut me down.
That's what I've been told.
I've been told the Justice Department is looking at us very closely, and you as well.
That's exactly what's happening.
All right, James O'Keefe, ProjectVeritas.com.
Thank you so much.
We salute you, my friend.
Thank you.
Wow, that is Paul Revere, 21st Century.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Whatever happened to billionaire Mark Rich, one of the world's most wanted fugitives, who 16 years ago was being indicted on one of the biggest tax fraud cases in American history.
And he was also involved in illegal trade deals with Iran and other crimes that were harsh enough to put him on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list.
Well, Mark Rich may have been a career criminal, but he wasn't stupid.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
All right, toll-free number to join us to give us your take on the debate last night and what you thought of it is 800-25-99231.
I'm going to your calls here in just a few minutes.
800-25-99231 on this Thursday, the 20th day of October, 2016 transmission.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's only 11 days left in this month.
And then there's only a few more days, seven in the next month until it's election day.
We're 18 days, less than 18 days.
We're 17 and a half days out from target.
And it is an amazing time to be alive right now.
You're going to see some really sickening, dirty tricks, edited tapes on Trump.
You know it.
He's the man in the arena, so I'll give him an A-plus last night.
If he wasn't the man in the arena under all that stress, I'd give him about an A-minus.
But he's the man in the arena.
When she sat there and talks about global government, open borders is her dream, and she goes, I meant energy.
Well of course I've read the memo, the speech.
Then she goes in, starting with energy.
Because if you make the energy and the roads international and controlled by that international government, that transfers the taxation, regulatory power to the multinational.
If you read the TPP documents, if you read the BAMF Canada North American Union integration documents, I made a film on it, Endgame.
It's free online, go see it.
It's an excellent film.
It was number one documentary for a month on Amazon back when it came out.
I mean, I put it on the web for free, folks, for a reason, because we need to beat these people.
And it shows their statements about we're going to take control of the energy, the roads, we'll make them international so that nations can't break away because the infrastructure will be held by the International Corporate Board that will then profit off the toll roads and the rest of it.
So see, everything she does is a deception.
So Trump says, hey, you know, you want a borderless world, or to his credit, Mr. Wallace did, and then she totally sits there and twists things.
It was a lie because it was deceptive, but it was a lawyer lie because she does talk about handing over our infrastructure, but she acted like that was the opposite of global government when that's the heart of the treason.
The globalists take over your infrastructure.
It's a corporate military takeover.
It's not the Russians.
The Russians are having to send their nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and their helicopter ships, and their missile cruisers, because the West has announced they're moving for an no-fly zone to attack Russian targets in Syria, and that will kick off the next level, a huge naval battle in the Mediterranean.
And yes, I'm sure the Russian ships are going to get sunk.
So will U.S.
aircraft carriers.
And then, before you even hear about that on the news,
Submarines are going to launch missiles into the United States and cruise missiles, and we will too, and then everybody dies.
And that's in the news today.
I'm going to cover that after calls.
We've got other guests coming on, but I kept telling you this was going to escalate like this, okay?
Within days of the West saying, we're looking for a no-fly zone, shoot down Russian aircraft on C-SPAN.
And the chairman being told, prepare for that, the Russians put up their own no-fly
And launched their fleets, their submarines, everything are now in World War 3 mode.
We've gone to deficient, to defense condition 3.
Probably really 2.
The pilots are scrambled out on the tarmac right now with the B-52 bombers, the B-2 bombers, the B-1 bombers, all of it.
With a crazy witch and a crazy guy that wants to piss on the West as our president.
Who's running around telling us that there's no such thing as election fraud, but the Russians are going to hack our election, and we may hit them militarily if they do.
They've announced a new doctrine in the last week.
A week ago they announced, we will start hitting you preemptively if we think a cyber attack got launched out of your country, with no proof.
The Russians, the minute they did that, launched their fleets and their submarines.
Within an hour, they were leaving port.
Okay, you're gonna attack us?
Get ready for World War 3!
It's all we can do!
Launch the bombers!
That's where we are with the psychos we have running things.
You're like, oh well they won't go that far.
Every other nut job does in history.
Except they didn't have nuclear weapons when Hitler was around until the very end.
They didn't have stuff with Napoleon and everybody else.
But now they do.
You've got this Filipino guy that's the president that thinks he's John Wayne or whatever.
Maybe he's wrong, maybe he's right.
He's nuts.
He's threatening to attack the U.S., says he's pulling out, saying he'll collapse the U.S., saying he wants to be buddies with China.
He's a megalomaniac!
He went crazy!
Can you imagine if that guy had nuclear weapons?
I'm told the military already said no, five years ago, we first told you about it, that they weren't going to be part of backing Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria.
But Obama fired a bunch of generals and had a bunch of them pulled up on charges because, oh my gosh, they leaked to somebody about Stuxnet, you're facing 10 years in prison now, General.
And they put their new generals in that they think are going to follow orders to start World War III.
They think in this pissing contest that they can just get Russia to capitulate and get the Russian hardliners to just give up and let George Soros' foundations in to literally teach Russian five-year-olds, little boys, how to put dresses on.
And to have the Russian military wear high heels.
I'm not joking, because they can break your will with this.
It's a litmus test, and the Russians are just like, we're not putting high heels on the special forces troops, and we're not going to teach five-year-olds how to give a blowjob.
It's just not happening.
And so, and I'm not trying to be crude here, that's what they want to teach in Russian schools.
The Russians are saying, we're not doing it.
Then they send CIA operatives
From the rock band Pussy Riot, I'm not trying to be vulgar here, this is what they do, to go into churches and piss on the altar, that's what I keep getting into pissing on, they're literally pissing on the Orthodox Church, to start a war, people!
That's what's going on!
They've got a devil Pope, calling for world government, bad-mouthing Christianity, saying Europe isn't Christian, saying open the gates to the Islamicists,
The long and short of it is, all hell is breaking loose.
I'm going to your phone calls, but I want to play a clip, TV viewers can obviously see it, radio listeners will describe it, of during inappropriate times, when you talk about dead kids, or women being abused by Islam, or wars.
Or depression.
Hillary gets this big jack-o'-lantern look that I can make the look, but it looks so evil, I don't want my enemies getting screenshots of it and using it against us.
I just, I can do it.
I practice it at home.
It looks scarier than hell.
I don't know how she does it all the time.
I mean, I've done this face in the mirror, because I've got a face that can do a lot of different faces, and it scares me.
I mean, it looks like a demon.
And she goes around with this big demon face, this big demon clown face, like a shark.
Other people are calling her a shark now, and it's just creepy, man.
It's creepy.
And I know I've got all her evil to cover.
I don't call her names because I'm out of stuff to cover that she's done bad.
It's endless reams of it.
It's just that she's a demon, man.
And you know, everybody I talk to.
That knows her, says she stinks like hell.
I brought that up, they went crazy with it because they know it's true.
Her staff are all nodding their heads, man.
She smells like a port-a-potty.
She looks like a demon.
She has a trail of evil and murder behind her with a big plastic rubber clown face.
I mean, it's like Mars Attacks, and I don't mean this literally, but you know, when the hot chick comes to the White House and the
Presidential aide lets her in, and it looks like she has a beehive hairdo, but really it's the alien, and then he pulls the rubber mask off and starts killing everybody.
I mean, it's like a rubber mask is on her or something.
And again, I'm not saying literally, but who can say it isn't like a weird jack-o'-lantern face?
And that's who we're going to have as president?
Someone with a jack-o'-lantern head?
I mean, really?
With a trail of every evil behind her?
You can imagine with her creepy, undertaker-looking husband?
With all his weird crap, and all of his weird treason, and the trashiness we now learn, that everywhere they go, they steal stuff.
Everywhere they go, they steal everything not nailed down, like the State Department furniture.
I mean, these people are just the greatest trash the world has ever seen.
Okay, excuse me.
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Now, the big debate.
We've got other guests joining us, obviously, but I want to
Also let you know we're getting more of the Russian situation and the economic situation that we've been kind of diverted from while we're watching the election.
So that's coming up too.
Plus some of the new WikiLeaks that have come out.
But before I do that, let's go to your phone calls on the debate.
Allen in Florida.
You're on the air.
Thank you for calling.
Thank you.
A very dangerous Clinton cash operation has been uncovered in Florida.
A company called Gulftainer has leased the container cargo terminal at Port Canaveral.
There's a submarine base there.
It's next to Kennedy Space Center.
And the company is run by the brother of Dr. Jaffer, D.F.
Jaffer, who was Saddam Hussein's chief nuclear physicist, who headed the entire nuclear WMD program for Saddam.
This could cost Hillary the election in Florida.
Okay, is this in the news?
Because I haven't heard of this.
It is not.
It is being blacklisted.
They're trying to bury this story.
Well, you know, normally I would roll my eyes at this, but I'm going to look into it.
But I remember getting a call three years ago from the most credible sources you could get it from.
Yes, sir.
It was a big confrontation.
Then they suddenly announced the next day, no, no, that afternoon, that nukes might go off in the Carolinas or off the ports.
And there was an emergency with missing nukes.
And nothing got said about that from that point on.
But that really happened.
I mean, we really had this happen.
And, you know, what do you do when... I mean, they know who did it, so I can pretty much say now, because I later learned that they discovered who did it.
There was a confrontation with the base police that were private police and the military, and the military said, no, we know we're not supposed to release this, but we have the base commander's signature saying do it, and reportedly this is from the president.
And the base commander came out with a big, hour-long confrontation.
And then the trucks rolled out, reportedly, to the East Coast.
So that all happened.
So who knows what's going on with these traitors.
They could do anything as a false flag before this election.
Send me information, Alan, at ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com.
We'll look into it.
I appreciate that.
Get into speculation here now.
If I get a call from actual people in uniform and confirm, you know, who they are, as we know they are personally, then you know something's going on.
But there it is.
Exclusive high-level sources confirm secret US nuclear warhead transfer.
Yeah, all hell broke loose on that one.
Hey, what's going on, Alex?
I have a produce distributorship here in Knoxville, and I commute up to Baltimore about twice a month.
I'm in South Philly a lot, shooting ball next to Pat and Gino Steaks.
We're going up to Cuyahoga County on November the 7th, which is Cleveland, Ohio, for your viewers that aren't familiar with that.
We're taking about a group of 20 people, and I'm renting five hotel rooms, and we intend to videotape the polling station.
And by the way, that is Election Fraud Central, Willoughby, Ohio.
The Republican Party eventually admits they're going to help steal it for Hillary, so that is the smartest place for you to be.
Well, we're going to rent five hotel rooms and we're going to rent rental cars while we're there.
And we're going to videotape from the rental cars.
We have to have some safeguards in place.
We're also contacting the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department, Internal Order of Police, and the wives of LEO.
We're going to try to stay away from the local city municipal and just really try to raise awareness.
Well, I've got to tell you, in Cleveland and all those cities, the cops are totally awake.
Look, we've got the cops feeding us the info and it's all gold.
I shouldn't let stuff get... The point is, we're going to be on it too, brother.
Okay, good.
I'm going to come back to you.
Stay right there.
Stay right there.
Let me tell you.
When Trump says we need law enforcement watching the polls, that's what he means, okay?
We're going to catch them hundreds of times stealing the election.
Hillary's done, okay?
She knows it.
She knows it.
We're coming for her.
Stay with us.
You know, what I used to say when I could talk, when I couldn't talk, is that, you know, no matter where we went, she'd come in, she'd be grateful, say thanks, thank you to the back of the house, people in the kitchen, etc.
But that was always if there was press around.
She's a completely different person when the camera's not on her.
And I ran into an incident.
I was at the Elizabeth Taylor Medical Center in Washington, D.C., and we were doing a tea with Mrs. Chirac, the former French president's wife.
And it was just Mrs. Clinton, Mrs. Chirac, and myself in the same room, and one of the people brought in something, and it did not please her, and she used the N-word very openly.
Not just gangs of kids anymore.
They are often the kinds of kids that are called super predators.
No conscience, no empathy.
We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.
Again, former top chef to the Clintons, Mr. Martin, can you walk through specifically what was happening in the conversation, what was said?
Well, what had happened with the conversation is,
I was just, like I said, Mrs. Chirac, Mrs. Clinton, and myself in there.
I was just serving them tea.
We had somebody bring in something, I think it was like some tea sandwiches or whatever, and it wasn't exactly what she wanted.
So she tells me to tell that N, N-word, to please, you know, leave and get what she wants.
I mean, that's very common.
Not just gangs of kids anymore.
They are often the kinds of kids that are called super predators.
No conscience, no empathy.
We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.
I mean, just the demeanor and, you know, and, you know, she would write things down like that to, you know,
She had so many handlers, and when I worked for them in Washington, I used to think to myself, you know, because the parties aside, I thought, you know, this is great.
I'm a kid that grew up on a small farm in Chautauqua County, and here I am working for the three leader of the world.
So you sort of out, you know, you don't look at this other small stuff, and then one day you realize, you know,
They're really terrible people.
They are often the kinds of kids that are called super predators.
We have to bring them to heel.
Wow, so just to be clear, Tracy Martin.
She's not going to do us any better.
I mean, she tells us one thing, she does something totally opposite, and now with all the WikiLeaks information coming out, everything that I've said for the last few years is all proven.
Just like Donald Trump has said, it's all coming out.
So, I think we've got a very, uh, I think we've got somebody saying here, we have to bring them to heal.
Okay, we'll talk about it.
I'm not a super predator, Hillary.
We have to bring them to heal.
If you leave me,
I won't ever take you back.
You know, Americans have had our share of problems.
But we're rediscovering what, man, is great.
That's loyalty.
That's courage.
And it's commitment.
I'll be honest with you, in a sick way, it's the opposite of being afraid of Hillary.
I'm afraid of the evil spirit that's in her.
It's not the right word.
I don't like it.
It's evil.
I'm repulsed by it.
But I'm not scared of Hillary when it comes to fighting her with everything I've got and what she represents because that's what I was meant to do.
It feels good in my soul to put it all on the line.
To be all in.
That's what humanity's supposed to be, folks.
All in.
Not a bunch of lazy, arrogant people.
And I was watching Donna Brazile and the things she was saying on Fox, denying and saying basically it's racism or whatever, that she's being asked about emails where she got stuff early on.
During the Democratic debate for Hillary from CNN, which CNN admits they did, and just the level of understanding I have of the programming she was involved in, the thing she's saying is her own programming being brought up in the eugenics program of the Rockefeller Foundation.
And to have actually read the early stuff of the 15s, the 20s, the 30s,
On how they were going to program a group of black people to control black people and keep them as slaves, basically.
And how they were going to create a new Christian fake theology to control them.
And then to see it in action with her, like a zombie just repeating it, I realized she's as much a victim as she is a perpetrator.
I don't know why I'm getting into this.
It's just that once you get this real deep knowledge on these people, it goes beyond anything you ever see on TV or radio, what people break down.
It's like a knowledge.
It's a cult.
I have the knowledge of their cult.
I've been studying it so long.
It's like I'm a high priest in their cult, but I'm not in it.
But I know the stuff their highest level people know that she doesn't even know.
And I'm not bragging about that.
It's like I'm evil that I know this stuff.
That's why I talk about the knowledge of good and evil.
I have the knowledge of evil.
But a lot of times I learn new levels to it I didn't even think of.
It's like I wouldn't think that she'd be representing the Chinese president and other presidents separately.
I was just thinking she was selling out America for money from them, but it's even worse.
It's like
I guess I'm not a master.
That's what I mean.
The depths of these people, folks.
But getting back to Kyle.
Kyle, this is very exciting.
You've got to be careful, obviously.
But the mantle of a journalist protects you as long as you don't get in the way of people's voting.
And all you've got to do is show the same people on precinct to precinct going in.
And if you run into folks, you stack confident, which it sounds like you are, and you're going to have some big success.
Go ahead.
Well, I'm up in Philadelphia a lot.
I shoot basketball next to Geno's and Pat's Cheesesteaks in South Philly.
I've got a lot of friends there.
It's a heavily Italian neighborhood.
And in 2012, there's not one registered vote for Mitt Romney.
And that's not what I'm hearing in South Philly.
And, you know, they're talking about the new Black Panther Party locking down all the polling booths.
They're a federally recognized hate group.
They are harassing... Oh, I know, I know.
They say we're going to intimidate polling places.
We've always got the new Black Panther Party out front with, like, clubs in their hands.
Well, those days are over, and we're going to stay in the cars, we're not going to interrupt, we're not going to disrupt it, but we definitely have people, we're going to have them at each polling station, we're looking for the buses, we're looking for the rental cars, we're looking for the changing... Well, they know we're onto the buses, so they're going to be in rental cars and vans.
Well, we're on top of it.
We're not going to have a 2012 again.
We're not going to have the Black Panther Party pulling that again.
Those days are over.
And I think people are growing aware.
I'm hearing this is happening all over the country.
But specifically, it has to happen.
And Trump had to rally everybody.
And we did it.
The listeners did it.
And now the enemy is crapping their pants.
The battle is joined.
Third hour, 70 seconds away.
Kyle, God bless you.
Thank you for listening to GCS.
Visit GCNLive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission... You are!
You are the resistance!
Now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
And if they want a physical fight, we've prepared that.
Dual Order is really going to get its ass handed to it.
Every EU nation is now starting to pull out of the EU.
Every global government program is now running into brick walls because the public became aware.
And once the public becomes aware, there's no putting that genie back in the bottle.
There's no walking it back.
There's no turning it around.
Does that mean we've got some utopia?
We won't have globalists manipulating us against ourselves consciously with a philosophy of evil.
Because the people running this aren't just sociopaths and psychopaths.
Many of the top ones admit this.
They have a philosophy and it is to hurt you.
It is to kill you.
That's what their plan is.
And look at everything they do.
Because if you're going to do this to take over, why not enjoy your work?
Garrett in the great state of Texas, now under FEMA control in Region 6.
Garrett from Region 6, welcome.
Thank you.
I'm going to make one really, really fast point about that last call.
The person who owns the company that owns these voting machines is the board of directors
He is also the chairman of the George Soros Company, Open Society Foundation.
16% of the voting machines are openly owned by Soros, and then he's got connections to four or five other big companies.
Go ahead.
If your area uses these, overwhelm your county with calls demanding a normal paper ballot.
Well, by the way, Texas and other states have already set up, it's reported, hotlines because there's so much interest in election fraud now.
This is good!
We're waking up to it.
That's the first step in the victory.
Yes, yes, exactly.
About the debate, Hillary, Pete, everyone knows this now, which is wonderful.
It doesn't matter how many condescending little liberal head shakes she gives about... Oh yeah, they're all there to make you think you have no power, that you're the only one.
Even though she just got 500 calls, they want to make you feel alone.
It doesn't matter what she does, she knows, they know that she wants to start war with Russia.
They know that she wants to bankrupt the economy.
And she knows that she's going to lose.
In fact, in the WikiLeaks email today, it talks about, let's see, what was it?
It says, if we lose badly, maybe we should just return the money to the banks.
They know that they're going to lose.
We need to keep hitting her, and hitting her, and hitting her.
We need to demand for open elections, free elections.
Law enforcement needs to get involved.
People need to be outside voting booths with cameras.
Everyone knows that it's rigged.
We've got to understand, they're the organized evil.
We've got to back Trump as our battering ram to ram down the door.
And we're going to be in a bigger fight after that.
But this is the animating contest.
The more we fight, the stronger we get, the weaker they get.
We have the moral high ground.
That's why they're so scared.
That's why they say, give up, give up, you give up, you can't win.
Because the more we fight, the stronger we get, brother.
And we've now reached a level where we're
Like a titan compared to them.
We just don't know it yet.
It's like this giant titan has this little rat that's intimidated into a corner.
But, well, 10% of the titans already awake.
And when that titan fully powers up, it's over.
The giant is awakening.
Great points, Garrett.
Alright, more calls coming up, and the lady, one of the folks that held up one of the signs, saying Bill Clinton's a rapist, she's joining us straight ahead.
We're going to have to end that contest now, because $100,000 is about to be paid out, but folks need to keep doing it, keep taking action.
We could do one though, a contest on her, and the Haiti situation, or mutilating women.
With Mrs. Clinton, if
You know, what I used to say when I could talk, when I couldn't talk, is that, you know, no matter where we went, she'd come in, she'd be grateful, say thanks, thank you to the back of the house, people in the kitchen, etc.
But that was always if there was press around.
She's a completely different person when the camera's not on her.
And I ran into an incident.
I was at the Elizabeth Taylor Medical Center in Washington, D.C., and we were doing a tea with Mrs. Chirac, the former French president's wife, and it was just Mrs. Clinton, Mrs. Chirac, and myself in the same room, and one of the people brought in something, and it did not please her, and she used the N-word very openly.
Not just gangs of kids anymore.
They are often the kinds of kids that are called super predators.
No conscience, no empathy.
We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.
Again, former top chef to the Clintons, Mr. Martin, can you walk through specifically what was happening in the conversation, what was said?
Well, what had happened with the conversation is,
I was just, like I said, Mrs. Chirac, Mrs. Clinton, and myself in there.
I was just serving them tea.
We had somebody bring in something, I think it was like some tea sandwiches or whatever, and it wasn't exactly what she wanted.
So she tells me to tell that n-word to please, you know, leave and get what she wants.
I mean, that's very common.
Not just gangs of kids anymore.
They are often the kinds of kids that are called super predators.
No conscience, no empathy.
We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.
I mean, just the demeanor and, you know, and, you know, she would write things down like that to, you know, she had so many handlers.
And when I worked, when I worked for them in Washington, I used to think to myself, you know, because the,
Parties aside, I thought, you know, this is great.
I'm a kid that grew up on a small farm in Chautauqua County, and here I am working for the free leader of the world.
So you sort of, you know, you don't look at this other small stuff, and then one day you realize, you know,
They're really terrible people.
They are often the kinds of kids that are called super predators.
We have to bring them to heel.
Wow, so just to be clear, Tracy Martin.
She's not going to do us any better.
I mean, she tells us one thing.
She does something totally opposite.
And now with all the WikiLeaks information coming out, everything that I've said for the last few years is all proven.
Just like Donald Trump has said, it's all coming out.
So, I think we've got a very, uh, we've got somebody saying here, we have to bring them to heal.
Okay, we'll talk about it.
I'm not a super predator, Hillary Clinton.
We have to bring them to heal.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I'm going to continue with your phone calls here and riding shotgun with us is Michael Gale who
Um, was one of the hundred people or so now that have gone up with the Bill Clinton's a rapist and gotten on national TV with the audio.
And I want to continue to have more of these folks on.
We have almost completed mailing out $100,000 in checks.
This is different from what the Clintons have been caught doing with WikiLeaks and with Project Veritas because we never called for violence.
I was at check with lawyers first, but I mean, I already knew I was right.
And they said, yes.
Again, it was a non-violent, legal, lawful area.
You're invited in.
You don't trespass.
You don't get on the stage.
Unless you're invited on, which some people did get invited up behind Hillary and then it happened.
And then you simply, if you believe this, which they've settled cases, you say Bill Clinton's a rapist.
Or Bill Clinton should be investigated for rape, or the media is covering up rape.
And then get the Bill Clinton rape shirt out there.
Obviously we're not going to pay the $100,000 out selling the rape shirt.
I don't think we've made that just even engrossed in the three months we've been selling it.
But you can buy that shirt at InfoWarsTore.com.
I did it out of frustration knowing they're sending people, even before it came out, notice it came out a few weeks later, to these rallies to disrupt.
We have sources in Chicago, the police and others.
It's now been confirmed.
In fact, it was confirmed back in July, but more of it's been confirmed, including wanting to get women beaten up so that they could blame folks.
So I said, hey, two can fight at this game.
He has settled rape cases.
He has this long string of it.
This is real with him.
This isn't made up stuff like with Trump.
I mean, we've looked into it.
Most of the women's families have gone public saying she loves Trump, she asked Trump out, or she wanted Trump to come to her restaurant two months ago.
So you've got that going on, and so I'm watching all this happen, and I'm realizing we've got to expose the fact that this is happening.
So if citizens agree with me that he needs to be exposed, and this is hypocrisy, go take over live TV when they shoot these things in public.
And within, it was like 16 hours later, that was a Friday afternoon of the show, Saturday morning,
The Saturday edition of Fox and Friends with Tucker Carlson.
Boom, a guy, you know, stands up with Bill Clinton's rapist shirt, gets it out.
That individual got $5,000.
And I did it to reward folks for taking action, to make it exciting, and to give it attention, and to put my John Hancock on it.
I'm Alex Jones.
I just paid out $100,000.
That's what I do with the money we make to fight the New World Order.
I build studios.
I send crews out.
We take action.
We have undercover journalists.
We support other independent journalists like James O'Keefe.
We're in this together.
So listeners, when you buy the books, when you buy the videos, when you buy the high quality nutraceuticals and supplements at InfoWarsTore.com, you are funding the most effective, no one can deny it,
Other than DrugsReport.com, we are the most effective media outlet, and we're not trying to act cool and read off teleprompters.
We're here to change the narrative.
We're here to shake people up.
We're here to get people out of their trance.
I know I'm going to be made fun of.
I know I'm going to be demonized.
But everybody knows about Bilderberg Group, and the Private Fellow Preserve, and the New World Order, and the shadow government, and the government drug dealing, and all the corruptions out, and you're losing, you're failing, even though there are probably, let's not exaggerate,
10, 15 national news reports against me every night, making stuff up, twisting things.
Hillary Clinton's running TV ads, you know, attacking me and Trump.
It's not working, but they're in this one-dimensional attack pattern, not even two-dimensional or three-dimensional.
They don't get it.
They're discredited.
They have 6% trust rate, the AP reports in their own study.
So, you're hated when you attack me.
It makes me a legend, fool.
Now, I know they got the Justice Department, and you heard James O'Keefe saying he talked to national journalists that have been told the Justice Department will arrest you.
And folks, they can dig something up.
They can make something up.
The difference is, I'm like, okay, I'm not looking forward to it or whatever happens, but fill your hand, like they say in True Grit.
I mean, at a certain point, you gotta commit to something.
Because I know the road we're going down, if we don't stand up, is destruction.
So thank you all for your support.
Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, but more importantly, spread the videos, the articles, the information.
They want it censored.
They want it controlled.
They don't want you to know what's going on.
They don't want others to know what's happening.
Now, Michael Gale, SkyMaidenNews.com, or SkyMaidenNews.com, Twitter.com, forward slash, and we'll put all that on screen for folks.
It's going to be over a hundred people that have done this.
That's why we have to stop the contest now because, I mean, I obviously can't go over that budget.
We don't really even have that money, but we'll make it.
Don't worry.
Thanks for your support.
Even though it isn't there, we sent it out.
I mean, we have the money in the bank, but the point is it wasn't budgeted already.
I just did it.
I want to do another contest.
We should have a whole discussion about what could that be, but maybe smaller prizes to take over the media and just show people the power they have.
I mean, we can call for people to go do something else and it'll happen too without the money.
It's just for some reason that seems to supercharge it.
But talking to Michael Gale, first let's play the clip of what happened.
Here it is.
People still can't pay basic expenses and too many people are worried about whether there's going to be a future and their kids can have the same upward mobility they felt they had.
I know that.
I know that.
That's what it ought to be about.
After we have an economy that works for everybody, after we make sure everybody gets a chance to participate, after we help families succeed in the most important job of any society, raising children and succeeding at work.
How can we live together with all of our diversities so we can all rise together?
How can we be safe in a world...
Taking over the mainstream media.
If tyranny accelerates, everyone should start doing this on local news, county commissioner courts, you name it.
Just everywhere, you come in.
They've hijacked our country.
They've hijacked our world.
They're lockstep taking orders from foreign corporations that control the White House.
We're taking the country back in information war.
So, great job.
Want to salute you.
Tell us about why you did this in Canton, Ohio at the Bill Clinton rally.
And, you know, what spurred you to do this?
Because you have a lot of courage.
We want to salute you.
Thank you.
Well, actually I'm about truth, and I think we are so starved for truth right now in America, and so much reality is coming at us right now.
I was reading, I just want to show you real quick, maxims of law.
Some people have forgotten about them, or they are stashed away somewhere where people can't read them, but I read, he who does not freely speak the truth is a betrayer of the truth.
So I am very committed.
I'm really big on sovereignty and protecting my sovereignty.
And I just, like you, Alex, you're doing an awesome job and you're putting yourself out there so much.
And I have to tell you, I
I listened to an audio book of Donald Trump's and he said, you know, sometimes you just have to put yourself out there.
And that kept ringing through my mind, ringing through my mind.
And then you came to mind and you, I've heard you for a long time.
And you said, I'm all in, I'm all in.
And that kept ringing in my mind.
And I thought, you know what?
It's time for all of us to take that little bit of action to get America back on track.
Well, you did it, and again, you were one of the first to do it.
It's now happened sometimes two, three, four times a day.
It's still in the news.
The media is trying to block it.
People are calling in on C-SPAN saying it.
I mean, I wanted to cause a chain reaction.
It's happened.
And I think thanks to you and others taking action, that chain reaction is now taking place.
Yes, yes, yes.
And that's good because people are getting involved.
People are recognizing that we're in a peaceful fight together to save this country.
And I just want to mention too to you, I was watching you last night during the debate and it was like you were just banging your head up against the wall listening to Hillary Clinton.
And two things about that.
The biggest victim is the most masterful at manipulation.
And this is what we see.
And the other thing is, is you can't have a conversation, a normal healthy conversation, when somebody is completely lunatic or delusional.
When they're in this delusional thinking, they don't know truth, they can't speak the truth,
Well that's what I see in the eyes of Donna Brazile when she's denying that she's in the Wikileaks when CNN confirms it with pre-debate questions.
She's just shaking her head saying no it isn't true.
She's totally delusional.
You can see it's like a form of mental illness.
Oh, it definitely is.
It is a definite mental illness.
And this is why when people are a little bit more healthy and they're trying to have these conversations, it doesn't work.
And I know what people, I know that people know what I'm talking about because they're out there trying to talk to their friends or certain people and they're like,
I can't get through to them.
Yeah, their mind's already made up and they're in their own world.
I mean, Hillary is a real monster.
I mean, if somebody wrote a novel about a fictional character like her, I wouldn't believe it because there's such criminal energy.
She does so much bad.
Well, she can't help it.
It's just in her blood.
It's just natural for her.
She's been doing it for years.
And as you can see through history and news of both of them, it's like a constant cover-up, cover-up, cover-up.
And they're lying in so many ways and so many subjects, but yet it's really most important to recognize cover-up.
It's all about the cover-up.
You know, um, I wanted to say there was a small clip with Hillary Clinton, and I saw that probably about two weeks ago, where she says that she chose the emails that went to the FBI.
And I wish I could quote you where I saw that, but I go through a ton of media all the time, constantly.
And yeah, and she said she chose, she chose the emails.
The other thing I wanted to bring up to you actually is says, I went online and I looked this up, how to avoid going to jail under 18 U.S.C.
section 1001 for lying to government agents.
And I read and read and read and as I read through this, something stuck out to me and it said,
Basically, it depends on the person and what jurisdiction they are within.
So that's the question.
What jurisdiction is Hillary Clinton standing in?
That's right.
Well, she thinks she's in this global government diplomatic class that's above the law.
That's what globalism is.
I want to have Michael Gale back up again for a longer interview.
Definitely on The Nightly News.
Really smart person.
It's a cool name.
Another great activist taking action.
God bless you.
Thank you so much.
We'll be back with more calls and Larry Nichols.
I said to Donald, here's what they're doing.
They're setting it up as follows.
For three, four months they've been saying the Russians are hacking our elections.
To protect our elections, which are sacred, we want to turn it over to DHS.
The genius has given us one terrorist attack after another and has done nothing to stop it.
He still has his job, right?
So he wants to now make sure our elections are safe.
Russians are hacking.
Follow the bouncing ball.
No proof.
If Trump wins, which is highly likely by the way, which we can talk about in a minute or two or another time, Trump wins, government declares, oh we have evidence that the Russians hacked it, he's a friend of Putin, the election is null and void, we're going to recall another election in what, six months?
Until then, Mr. Obama has graciously agreed
To continue his public service in the United States of America.
Thank you very much.
We're not taking any questions.
And we have Biden announcing they're going to launch a giant cyber attack on the Russians and saying if the Russians respond, they may respond militarily, which is a doctrine Hillary came out with two months ago.
And suddenly NATO announced that's their new doctrine.
She's literally calling the show.
All I wanted to say was, I said it to Donald and he didn't take the bait.
I'm glad he didn't.
I said, don't even answer me because they'll crucify you if you agree with me.
They're going to steal the election.
I'll make it simple.
In the fifth grade, I ran for class president in Queens, New York.
I was a funny kid.
I was a wild kid.
I was out of control.
I won the election by a landslide.
The teacher stood up and said, this election doesn't count.
She had another election, and I wasn't class president.
So, hey, look, if it could be done in the fifth grade in the Bronx when I was a kid, why can't they do it to us now, right?
We're just children.
I had a similar thing happen.
You know, when you really do things in this world, you start to learn how rigged they are, and it's just crazy to see them go, in terms of the same newscast.
The Russians are rigging the election.
We're having to bring in the UN to oversee it.
And then meanwhile, Trump's crazy.
He says they're rigging the election, even as we catch election officials admitting the fraud.
We do have a minute or two more if you've got it.
Elaborate on what you're saying.
I mean, I agree.
The internal polls, I know from Trump, but also other big groups are doing internal polls.
5, 10, 15 points ahead in most battleground states.
He's going to win in a landslide.
They're only creating the perception he's way behind, so we buy it right now.
Do you concur with that?
A. B. What happens when he gets in?
100% right.
You and I think the same way.
I said that to Donald yesterday on my radio show.
I said...
Donald, I said what they're doing is they're not trying to get Hillary people to vote for Hillary.
They've got all the people they could ever, ever get.
I said what they're trying to do is discourage Trump voters from voting by thinking that it's over already.
They're trying to make them think that he lost, that she won.
So they're going to throw their hands up and not vote for him.
He's got to make sure that people think he can still win, which he can.
And then if all of us who are supporting him come out, I think he will win.
It's that simple.
That's right, you can't steal landslides.
I've interviewed experts who are Democrats, Republicans, die-bold engineers from the highest levels, they agree.
You cannot steal a landslide.
If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse.
Minor words and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women.
And attack them viciously, four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
It's a fight for our minds.
And InfoWars.com is on the front lines.
Download our free multimedia app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
It's free, it's on Droid, it's on Apple, you name it.
InfoWars.com forward slash app.
Chuck Andersey.
Made two films the last five, six years.
Put everything he had into it.
Retired army colonel who got out of the army and went and shot big TV commercials and stuff in Hollywood.
And then has put everything he had into these films, Wake Up America.
It's really a powerful film.
He's not paying me to plug this right now.
He is a sponsor.
I just heard the ad for it and I just really want it to be successful.
Now on DVD.
I want folks to have screenings.
He wants people to rent theaters and show it.
Will you save the world by yourself doing this?
No, but the resistance and that spirit will.
Again, so important to help get this film out.
It's up to you folks to take action, and it's fun to do, so let's do it together.
Charlie Daniels, General Boykin, myself, and many others.
All right, I want to go to your phone calls.
Joe in New York.
Joe, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I have two fast points.
When Hillary brings up these Russian comments aimed at Trump, why doesn't he bring up the 20% of our uranium deal that she brokered?
And that would really just kind of turn the tides on her and just squash that whole line of thinking.
I know.
I mean, listen, I give him an A-plus for having courage, being in the arena, and getting some good zingers on her, but he missed.
I mean, I would have torn the living hell out of her.
So would have you, probably.
I mean, it was just on every front, he had her.
I mean, like, how dare you bring up women again?
You stay in the same hotel room with Uma Abedin, whose mother is a genital mutilation queen, literally, the head woman pushing it worldwide.
You've got a hundred plus million from Saudi Arabia and Qatar who are the most abusive women in the world.
I think he did say throw gays off buildings.
He did get to some of that.
So, I mean, it's just, she's so monstrous, it would take 50 hours to list our crimes out.
Can you imagine, like, if God was like, or the archangels reading out our crimes?
I mean, how long the scroll would be?
I mean, can you imagine?
It's just like, if I'd done one of these things she'd done, I couldn't live.
I mean, I just would be... And she just loves it!
It's just fun for her!
Go ahead, sorry.
I'm checking my information, Breitbart article, 25th of July of this year, Bill Clinton actually received a phone call of thanks from Vladimir Putin about the Uranium One deal.
Hillary met in secret, it's come out in the WikiLeaks, with Vladimir Putin?
You know, Trump is bread-mouthing
Yeah, that's it.
Look, look, look.
Most Americans just think Middle East evil bad.
Yeah, Assad's a bad guy.
Okay, bad guy.
But, you know, we shouldn't be backing ISIS.
That way he just covers all bases.
It's kind of like saying, yeah, Saddam's a bad guy, but we should never throw him.
Well, no.
The CIA trained him.
He was a commando.
He tried to kill the president.
Got injured.
Came back.
They sent him in.
They sent him as the head of the security.
I don't know the whole history.
But the point is, Saddam was set up by the West.
So the truth is, compared to other people, Saddam Hussein was an angel.
But he doesn't want to say that, because they can twist it, and he knows the public isn't educated.
So yeah, that's exactly what Trump's doing.
Great points.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
About two and a half minutes to break.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dan in Ohio.
Dan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Rob Dew was going to have me on last night, because I disrupted Obama's rally.
Yeah, there's a lot of the folks that have been going to the rallies and talking about rape that we've been trying to get on or lost in the mix, so I thought you might be one of those folks that fell through the cracks, Dan.
We want to set you up.
Go ahead.
Yes, I did.
I went to the rally.
It was difficult to get in there.
It was like a cult-like atmosphere, and I couldn't get a bullhorn, but I stood up on a metal railing and held up a colorful copy of Trump
Or Bill Clinton is a rapist.
I remember that.
Great job.
In fact, we need to set you up as a guest.
I'm sorry that you fell through the cracks.
Can we put you on hold and then give your number to Rob Dewar or have you talked to Rob?
I tried to talk to Rob, we went back and forth in text and he ran out of time to get here.
I think your next contest should be a citizen's arrest Hillary.
Let people try to put a citizen's arrest on her and put her in jail.
Well, that's a total genius idea, but then they would claim that I was trying to get people to be law enforcement, or they could get hurt, then they'd claim that I was racketeering.
Which it wouldn't be if someone individually believed that they were doing a serious citizen's arrest.
They could try it, but it couldn't be for a contest.
But it's another great idea.
We'll talk soon, Dan.
I'm getting you on, because I remember that video.
I want you on.
Thank you.
We'll just get his number, take it off his plate.
Poor dude was running around here last night.
We ran that big live 13-hour transmission with almost no glitches.
So much better than mainstream media.
And Rob Dude was in the middle of it like an octopus getting so much stuff done.
But now he looks a little like a wet cat, so.
I get like that too.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're red on election day.
Perhaps the biggest election in American history is just days away.
We know that in past elections, there have been thousands of cases of voter fraud and election fraud.
From dead people voting, to people registering false identifications, to government leaders providing fast-track amnesty to give illegal immigrants votes.
This is happening right in front of us.
Now we are seeing the establishment send all its hitmen after the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.
Government shills are campaigning for Clinton.
Mainstream news attacking Donald Trump all day like rabbit hounds.
Rigged polls being broadcast daily to provide the fake optics that Hillary Clinton is actually winning and to discourage people from voting Trump.
Fake celebrities endorsing Clinton across all platforms.
So with all this, what are we doing to keep this election from being stolen?
What can we do to prevent election fraud?
I propose that all Donald Trump supporters wear red on election day.
On November 8th, when you head to the polls to vote Donald Trump, be decked out in red.
This way, just as we dominated in rally turnout, we can prove and provide the optics that we also dominated in voter turnout.
Wear red on election day and make America great again.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to continue with your phone calls, Mike, in Idaho and many others, but the fact that Trump is calling out the fraud has got them in a conniption fit.
They're running another hoax that no one's ever done this in history.
We've already played clips of them contesting the election, 2000, the Supreme Court, all the latest clips, but today I'm going to shoot a big video that we're going to put out tonight and tomorrow that just proves the media is lying, you know, about Trump and the staged election.
That is just, it's incredible how dumb they think you are.
We've got him with Project Veritas and Trump bringing it up last night.
It was amazing.
And Trump bringing up the fact that they know they sent people to disrupt his rallies.
That was in the WikiLeaks before, but now more has come out and we have video of them.
I love how investigative journalists are just backing up the WikiLeaks by going to the very people and they send good-looking women's how they do it.
O'Keefe really upped his game the last two years.
He started getting advised by former CIA and FBI folks who are just fed up.
I don't think you really need to have a CIA advise you to use hot chicks to infiltrate.
I think everybody's known that for hundreds of years, but these guys sit there and brag their butts off.
And we've got a bunch of Hillary clips we're going to be playing as well.
Larry Nichols is going to ride shotgun with us a little bit in the next hour.
And then we've got Anthony Cummings, I'm taking over about eight after.
Always great to have him co-hosting the show at least every two weeks with his big syndicated broadcast, kind of getting all that synergy going together.
Just briefly before we go to Larry Nichols, Solutions for Science Solar Generator System.
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They don't want to be listed.
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But half our products are made by group, roughly.
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Other people don't do this.
And, you know, those companies will have a few things that are really great.
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They hate we have our own model.
They hate we fund ourselves.
They got articles out every day.
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And I'm healthier because I had all these deficiencies.
Anyways, InfoWarsLive.com.
Now, Larry Nichols.
Appreciate him popping in two days in a row.
Larry, what do you think of the debate last night?
I don't think he did as good as in the last one.
Everybody else seems to think he did the best ever.
But he did land some really good, solid punches on Hillary Clinton.
What do you think?
Well, I'm like you, Alex.
I had hoped for, obviously, a more aggressive, straight-to-the-American people, and he didn't, so that was disappointing.
However, he got a couple of things in.
Number one, I was just with a group of people and they were talking about he is the first candidate that they've ever seen, maybe he's the first that's ever done it, that literally came out in a debate and stood up for the rights
of the unborn child.
He did it.
The way he did.
He delivered.
He delivered.
That was impressive.
Now, the thing that he, I wish he would do, and maybe he can still do it, I wish he would, when Hillary deflected the WikiLeaks from, straight from WikiLeaks, didn't he?
I'd have hit her with, what are you doing getting 35 mil to give our uranium up, you damn traitor?
That's right.
I would have done that.
But there's another thing that everybody's overlooking, Alex, on
Russia and WikiLeaks.
She said she had 17 leading, you know, members of the CIA, all these different groups.
She doesn't.
She doesn't.
If she did, they would be doing investigations.
It wasn't even true.
I know.
She just made that up.
But here's the thing Trump ought to say.
If they've got proof that Russia is doing this tapping, where is one complaint filed to the UN Security Council?
Where is it?
Where is it?
There has never been.
Because that's what you're supposed to do.
They don't want an investigation.
Well, you know Benny doesn't want to give out any secrets, but he knows now most of these leaks are coming from our own government.
Of course.
Of course.
But I'm just telling you, for everybody that thinks there might be one speck of truth to what Hillary says about Russia doing this WikiLeaks thing, being behind it,
If you believe that, then you need to go and show me or show Alex or show yourself where our government has filed one complaint to the UN.
And remember, she is saying essentially, Alex, that Russia has tapped in to our State Department's computer network.
That's basically invading America.
That there's not one complaint filed because they know it's 100% bull.
They know it's a lie.
Sure, let me ask you this question.
What does it signify, Russia sending its fleet in?
They're sending one to no-fly zone.
Could the October surprise be trying to start a larger regional war?
I mean, they admit that's the plan with Russia.
Are they bold enough to do that?
This is, uh... Well, that's what I've been told by Steve Pchenik and also some retired generals that are recently retired.
They said the military's not going to follow that order.
Look, number one, Alex, you have to understand our military's not in shape to engage in any kind of conflict with Russia.
Even at a tactical level or theater level.
We're not going to do it.
No officer in the military is going to square off.
That's why this whole no-fly crap that they're putting out.
We need to... Hillary's sitting there saying... Trump ought to say this to her.
Alright, Hillary, you say we ought to set up a no-fly zone over Syria, over parts of Syria.
What are you going to do, Hillary, if one of our jets is up there in the no-fly zone and here comes a Russian jet?
Well, her answer is use missiles to shoot down the jets.
Well, then they just attack our aircraft carriers.
That's right.
You just declared war.
You just... It'll be tit for tat, and tit for tat means, just like you say, we pop a jet, they'll pop one of our ships in the Mediterranean.
Now, it's just all bogus.
It's all stuff to try to hooter us up.
What they're trying to do with all of this Russian stuff, Alex, is to try to put the fear into the population and say, golly, this world's a dangerous world.
Yeah, and they ought to be scared because Hillary's the one pushing it.
She's the one pushing it into us, though.
She's the one causing it.
Now, the thing that is disturbing to me after the debate
Now folks, you're going to see the grand finale.
For the next 19 days, they are going to spend every second of media time that they can get their hands on telling you Trump cannot win.
I'm going to give you anecdotal, a little thing I just got, not going to say who it was or where it was, but a person in North Carolina.
Went and cast a vote.
He talked to a poll watcher that was there just to ask, you know, kind of, how's it going?
And the poll watcher in North Carolina, this is North Carolina.
Remember where Hillary's taking over, right?
She's taking it over.
He said that the voting thus far seemed to be, and he had been there since it opened this morning, voting thus far was somewhere around 2 to 1 for Trump.
Maybe, maybe 3 to 1 towards Trump.
Now folks, I know that's anecdotal.
But I assure you, Alex, you're talking to a guy that helped invent most of the dirty tricks that they use.
I'm telling you, I know.
No, no, listen.
We know that Real Internal Polling has him 10, 15 points ahead.
Conservatively, there's a total landslide happening.
So how do they counter that?
Just a hoax to convince us he's going to lose.
So when they try to steal it, it seems plausible.
Look, it's all, yeah, I mean it's all to get the numbers up so that they kick in massive voter fraud and these votes come in and it's justified.
It's justified.
They were showing us real polling data.
They couldn't use the voter fraud that they're planning to use, as massively as they're planning to use it.
Let me ask you this.
What happens when in 10 battleground states, we have people everywhere, and let's say early that day, by noon, we've already got 10, 15 videos up, it's going to happen, we already know, because the Democrats don't care, they're moving forward, with trucks and buses, but not so much buses, because I know we're looking for that, vans, taking people to polling spot to polling spot, stealing elections.
What happens is that's coming out on the internet,
Alex, that day if people will call me or call your office, but they must do it while it's going on.
You can call me folks at 440-897-0611.
You call me if you don't want to call Alex.
But folks, we gotta know as it's going down.
See, the flaw in their system, Alex, is local law enforcement.
Oh yeah, they got national stuff covered, but they don't control the local law enforcement.
We catch that stuff going on as it's happening, we can shut that election down.
Not to mention the fact that Trump is the first person we've ever had in recent modern times, that if he is given that information, he has the power and will push it to the extreme.
Wasn't it epic?
In fact, I want to play this clip of him pointing his finger at Hillary and saying, you know, we've caught you doing all this.
But also, you know, the reason I know they're going to sell the election is they have millions on the voter rolls that shouldn't be there.
And this lady is a criminal and shouldn't even be up there.
She should be indicted.
Here's Donald Trump last night.
This bucket about fitness to be president, there's been a lot of developments over the last 10 days since the last debate.
I'd like to ask you about about them.
These are questions that the American people
During your 2009 Senate confirmation hearing, you promised to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest with your dealing with the Clinton Foundation while you were Secretary of State.
But emails show that donors got special access to you.
Those seeking grants for Haiti relief were considered separately from non-donors, and some of those donors got contracts.
Can you really say that you kept your pledge to that Senate committee and why isn't what happened and what went on between you and the Clinton Foundation, why isn't it what Mr. Trump calls pay to play?
Well, everything I did as Secretary of State was in furtherance of
Our country's interests and our values.
The State Department has said that.
I think that's been proven.
But I am happy.
In fact, I'm thrilled to talk about the Clinton Foundation.
Now, we actually played this clip, which is fine.
We do that.
But that's getting into the whole, her denying she did all this.
She's all been caught.
It's been proved now in the new WikiLeaks that Obama knew he was using a fake name, a pen name, a nom de plume with her.
He's now been caught lying to the public.
I mean, how can she survive?
The tens of thousands of emails, each one basically being a felony, Larry.
I'm going to queue up the other clip too, but I mean, how does she survive this?
She survives it by what they've done.
Who are you going to call?
Alex, that's the key to the Clinton trick.
And that's what, that's what their people say and they're having, you know, all these folks vote over and over again.
They said, look, we run the feds now.
We run the media.
They can't stop us.
Who are you going to call?
Are you going to call the Justice Department?
Are you going to call the FBI?
Who are you going to call?
She can sit there and say stuff like that knowing that it's not even remotely true.
I agree with you, but if we catch him stealing the election and have a hundred videos of it and she still gets in, she's done.
If she gets in, we're done.
Alright, let me play the next clip.
Let me play the next clip that I mentioned to get your take on this.
Here's Trump going after her last night.
I want to ask you about one last question in this topic.
You have been warning at rallies recently that this election is rigged and that Hillary Clinton is in the process of trying to steal it from you.
Your running mate, Governor Pence, pledged on Sunday that he and you, his words, will absolutely accept the result of this election.
Today, your daughter, Ivanka, said the same thing.
I want to ask you here on this stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely, sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election?
I will look at it at the time.
I'm not looking at anything now.
I'll look at it at the time.
What I've seen, what I've seen is so bad.
First of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and the pylon is so amazing.
The New York Times actually wrote an article about it that they don't even care.
It's so dishonest, and they've poisoned the minds of the voters.
But unfortunately for them, I think the voters are seeing through it.
I think they're going to see through it.
We'll find out on November 8th, but I think they're going to see through it.
But sir, there's a... If you look, excuse me Chris, if you look at your voter rolls, you will see
Millions of people that are registered to vote.
This isn't coming from me.
This is coming from Pew Report and other places.
Millions of people that are registered to vote that shouldn't be registered to vote.
So let me just give you one other thing.
So I talk about the corrupt media.
I talk about the millions of people.
Tell you one other thing.
She shouldn't be allowed to run.
It's she's she's guilty of a very, very serious crime.
She should not be allowed to run.
And just in that respect, I say it's rigged because she should never trust.
She should never have been allowed to run for the presidency based on what she did with emails and so many other things.
But sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact one of the prides of this country, is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard-fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner.
Not saying that you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country.
Are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle?
What I'm saying is that I will tell you at the time.
I'll keep you in suspense.
Now, Chris Wallace was not completely fair.
He interrupted a little bit more and was a little bit harder on Trump, but I give him an A+.
Compared to other debates, it was stellar.
Let me tell you something, Alex.
He set Trump up.
I'll never again believe Chris Wallace to be fair, middle of the road or whatever.
That was a setup question.
If Trump had have taken the bait and have said, yes, you know, I'll go with the election.
Why would you agree at this point in the face of all the videos that are out there of them joking and laughing and telling in specificity how they're going to rig the elections?
Why would you dare?
I guess I get your point, but I'm saying compared to the others he was a lot better, but you're right.
Oh yeah.
He was setting them up to make the whole debate, which they've done, about that statement.
But I think it's backfiring because everybody knows Al Gore challenged it.
It went to the Supreme Court 15 years ago.
Everybody knows that this is real.
So I don't think it's going well for him.
Well, what I want to know, here again, when you get involved in who you're going to call, Alex, why is the guy that has been fired or whatever, that was on video stating how they were going to rig it and talking about bringing in the vans... Why hasn't he been hauled in by the FBI?
Right, that is conspiracy to commit a federal crime.
It's racketeering!
It is conspiracy to suppress the voting rights, which is what racketeering was basically brought in for, as you know.
Well, it certainly qualifies under Title 18, which is racketeering.
I mean, why is this guy not under arrest right now?
Why is the FBI not querying him?
The Democrats have established a racketeering operation, they say, to take over the legislatures, to overthrow the country, and to become our absolute rulers.
These guys should be in a room with police with phone books right now.
Let me tell you about Arkansas.
You know why we were able to do what we did in Arkansas?
Because the Stevens brothers set it up with the Clintons to where if you wanted to run for county sheriff in Humnoke Town somewhere in Arkansas, you didn't get elected unless you were approved by the Stevenses.
You didn't get to be dog catcher unless you were approved by us.
And aren't they the ones that own a bunch of newspapers and stuff?
They do.
They did.
I don't know if they still do.
I've never said this.
I had them make a run at me, if I remember correctly, about 10 years ago.
They're a piece of work.
Yes, they are.
You know, I'll give you one.
Mike Reagan was doing very well.
Then his contract was up and he was bragging to me that he had a chance to go with this other network and found out it was owned by the Stephens.
I said, you better not.
Well, he did.
And it wasn't six months until he was off the air.
So listen,
In Arkansas, if you control everything, Alex, if you control law enforcement, if you control the media, if you control the dog catchers, if you control the county courthouses, you can do anything you want to do because there's nothing the people can do to stop it.
Now they're moving.
This is.
Bill tried.
Bill didn't quite complete the Arkansas Cabal.
He didn't quite complete it.
But this election has been a beta test.
Will the media lie?
Will they serve?
Will the federal law enforcement do what they're told?
And yes, we now know they're ready to go to any level.
They'll do anything they're told.
They will follow any order.
They are ready to perfect the tyranny and kill the Republic.
Is that what you're saying?
That's exactly what I'm saying.
And if you don't believe it's real, go back to Arkansas in those days.
It's absolute.
It's absolute control.
And anybody that dare to challenge them, they've got the FBI.
The FBI veils them to raw data files so they can find out, Alex, anything about you and anything they don't know about you.
Or if you're super clean, they'll make it up.
As you have seen, they have the media that will go with the smear story if there's not an ounce of truth in it.
They will destroy you.
They will destroy you, and they will put you in jail.
If you're a problem, you're going to jail because they control the prosecutors.
And by the way, you catch them in a, let's say, a case of, oh, Title 18, looks like Title 18 felony, conspiring to commit voter fraud at a national level.
Who are you going to call?
Tell me a federal prosecutor we can contact right now.
And by the way, it's open and shut.
These guys are all going to jail, the whole chain of command, but nothing will happen because Loretta Lynch is living like 50 years ago in some weird race world.
Meanwhile, her goddess is about to cause World War III.
These people are nuts.
Well, and then we've got our safety valve, right?
We've got Congress.
You've already seen Congress can hold hearing after hearing after hearing, but here's what you gotta ask.
When they hold all these hearings looking into Hillary and the emails and in the Katrina fraud, you know, when all these contractors are getting all that, tell me after the hearings, what happened?
So you're telling me if we don't get Donald Trump in there to quote-unquote drain the swamp, nothing's going to happen?
All the politicians... Well, it's going to get a lot worse, and they want to mop up and secure their kingdom.
I want to take a few phone calls from Mike and Joshua and Carl and Mary and me and others here with Larry Nichols, but we're not trying to scare you folks.
You know it's real.
It's all in the emails.
And it's just a hellish world.
You know, the good news is Bill Clinton and Hillary's health is coming down the line, but they got other evil scum behind them ready to take over, and it really is sad to see this country so cursed.
But we did kill 55 billion unborn babies, and so in a way, if we go down this road in a sick way, we deserve it.
I want to see it turn around, but it is what it is.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Idaho.
Thanks for holding her on the air, Larry Nichols.
Hello Alex.
I just read a news article yesterday in the EU Times.
It was also on Reddit and a couple other sites.
Hillary Clinton just moved all the money from the Clinton Foundation to banks in Qatar.
It sounds to me like she's getting ready to take the money and run because she's going to lose.
Also, she just gave up our nuclear response time in the debate yesterday.
Sure did.
Did you hear it?
I heard it.
I heard it too.
Larry, why do you think she walks around with that weird Joker smile?
I've never seen anybody that looks more like a rubber face person.
Was she like that when you knew her?
Well, she wasn't quite as old as she is now, but
Uh, she wears that smile because it's basically glued on her.
It's glued on her.
Hillary's normal demeanor, if you're around her, you'll never see that smile.
That's not Hillary.
You can be around her with friends.
She don't smile, Alex.
That is a makeup face.
That's where they go in with the cake powder.
That's where they go in with the adhesive.
And they, just like you're saying, that Joker, I mean, that's about what it is.
It's an adhesive, glued-on face.
She doesn't smile.
She doesn't smile.
What makes her happy?
I mean, at least there's some humanity in her that she likes sex.
What makes her happy?
She, she gets the greatest joy in her life when she can prove that she has power over someone.
That's right, when she said, I came, I saw, he died, she looked real for a minute and kind of just convulsed with pleasure, like, you know, I'm failing a whole country.
She admits, I'm, I'm killing all these people, just, uh, murdering.
I killed Allen Albright, I murdered 500,000 kids.
All the blood's all over him.
Oh, they love it.
That is power.
It's power.
That's... They're bloodbathers.
They, you know, exactly.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
Mike, great point.
More calls straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Less than 18 days out.
T-minus 17 and a half.
Carl in Georgia.
You're on the air with Larry Nichols.
Go ahead.
How's it going, gentlemen?
I was watching the debate last night and the only thing I saw that
That's a great point, Larry.
That one of the Clinton
One of their cronies that got a deal with Haiti, they got $25 million to build a plant that was going to employ 1,000 Haitians, and then the sub-jobs around it would amount to about 10,000.
I don't know what they were going to build.
When the committee went in to check out that plant to see, to check its progress, what they found was a vacant lot.
It had never had one brick laid.
Somebody in the Clinton circle of buddies during that period got $25 million of our money to build a plant that was never built.
And guess what?
Nobody's ever done anything about it.
You talk about not being God-fearing.
If I imagine stealing $2 billion from poor children, just thinking about it makes me have, you know, get the wellies.
I couldn't imagine actually doing it.
Well, I mean, you know, Alex,
When Trump kind of dropped the bomb on her about wherever, you know, there was $6 billion or trillion that's missing from the State Department, did you notice how she never addressed it?
She never said a word about it.
I mean, that's a pretty legitimate question.
During your time, $6 billion is missing from the State Department.
Where'd he go?
And she never even... They admit she stole George Washington's plates and stuff.
Now the FBI's investigating stolen furniture.
When you knew them for a decade, did they steal stuff constantly?
No, they didn't steal it.
In their mind, it's theirs.
It's theirs.
Anything in the... You should have seen the haul they took out of the governor's mansion when he left to go be president.
The governor's mansion had to be totally refurbished.
They just took stuff left and right.
Now, one thing she keeps making reference to, Alex, that we need to get out of the way.
She talks about, well, we got to get it back to the economy her husband had.
Let me tell you that economy, it was a false economy.
When Bill Clinton took office as president, folks, the average family credit card debt was $5,000.
When Bill Clinton left office eight years later, the average family credit card debt was $54,000.
Jobs were lost massively.
They sold us off, they created a derivatives bubble that transferred power to them.
And everybody, you know, and you run around and hear today about how great the economy, yeah, people bought stuff.
Yeah, people did because Clinton called the credit card and the bank companies and told them to open them up and they would have given a credit card and an open line of credit.
And that was going to get bailed out later by the taxpayer.
It was a giant mega screw job.
Carl, thank you.
Mary, Bill and others, I've got to go because we have a special guest host, Anthony Comey, who does a great job coming up.
Can't wait to hear his take on the debate tomorrow night.
Or that happened last night.
But before we go any further, Larry Nichols has launched a new website where you can support him.
Sounds great, Betty.
Thank you.
Everything he's told us has come true, basically.
I mean, this guy knows what he's talking about.
It's amazing.
Now, Anthony Comey, a big syndicated host in his own right, censored, kicked off XM, top show there for criticizing Obama, and Michelle and Hillary and the rest of it.
He's got his own big syndicated show, but he guest hosts twice a month.
We love to have him.
He's taking over right now.
Comey was at HSBC when the money laundering was going on.
And, you know, to get your mind around this, everyone, you know, when you deal with massive amounts of terrorist money, which are financing terrorists, the Wahhabis out of Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood of the Middle East, never before seen back channels through which the Clinton Foundation has been money laundering with Russia.
A lot of this money has gone to Podesta.
A lot of the money is off the books of the Clinton Foundation.
I mean, here, let's question how much of the offshore money laundering the Clinton Foundation does is reported for tax purposes.
I doubt any of it is reported for tax purposes.
But the point is, does Rosanna, which is the Russian
...energy agency that bought into 20% of the U.S.
uranium production through this prank, Joostra, in Canada.
He was a penny stock dealer from Vancouver.
He connected himself with the Clinton Foundation.
It also picked up, not only in Panama Papers, but in the Swiss banking revelations in terms of offshore money hiding.
And, um, I've got now the record of how the accounts pass money through the Clintons off the books.
And Clinton's using this pass-through corporation, this WJC as initials, William Jefferson Clinton, WJC LLC.
And it's WJC Investments as off-the-books pass-throughs, which is what money launderers use.
The way a shell corporation pass-through works is the money goes into the account and then within a few hours it goes out of the account.
So the account shows a zero balance.
You don't know what the account has in it, or where the money came from, or necessarily where it went.
This is the way it makes it hard to trace the money.
And the Clinton Foundation's have been using this kind of secret pass-through.
And again, if we really want to get into taxes, if the Clintons want to push the issue of Donald Trump using a legitimate tax avoidance, it's completely legal.
I think this is illegal activity, or even, I've got evidence that Podesta, who is their campaign manager, did not report, as he needed to, various transactions that came to him from Russia.
Through these various groups in Russia that wanted to do two things.
Control the uranium production in the United States.
And then Hillary Clinton, as part of this reset, transfer massive amounts of U.S.
military intelligence and technology to Russia.
Which Hillary Clinton did.
All the Russians have to do is reveal what information I got through authoritative sources from Germany.
Identifying the Russian banks through which these transfers occur.
Hillary, a losing candidate, a sick candidate, a lying candidate, one who nobody likes.
The only way they can win is by cheating and stealing.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Anthony Cumia.
Broadcasting only 18 days out, Anthony Cumia.
Isn't that great?
Thanks, Alex.
Anthony Comea here for InfoWars.com.
A pleasure to be back.
I love what Alex and everybody here is doing.
It's so refreshing!
To tune in and see the truth!
The truth!
Ideas given to people to make their own opinions and not force-fed by mainstream media, which is what we're getting these days.
And man, has it been insane the past year and a half with this, I can't believe it's been a year and a half, with this election.
We have seen the media exposed for the lying shills that they are.
Because, I mean, honestly, before they had at least a chunk of plausible deniability, the media's lying, yeah, they are.
But then you tune in, you hear a story, and you go to your friends, hey, guess what I heard on the news last night?
And they go, what?
And you tell them like it was actually something true.
And then, with this election, just pieces being chiseled away, whatever was left of their credibility, to the point now where there's not a single thing.
If the press came out, the sky is blue.
I can't believe it.
I just can't buy it.
Because of everything I've seen in the past year and a half.
With the media lambasting Donald Trump, lambasting the American people that want a change from the pro-politicians, the lifers, that Hillary Clinton epitomizes.
She is absolutely
What we as real Americans do not want anymore.
We're sick of it.
How long could we sit here?
I mean, the silent majority, the American people that don't protest, they don't
Raise their voices or get annoyed.
You know what they do?
They go to work on a daily basis.
They pay their taxes.
They raise their families.
They bitch a little to their neighbors, family, when they're at maybe a holiday dinner.
But that's about it.
Then you suck it up and go back to work and contribute to the United States of America.
And then as the years went on, and especially in this election period, not only are you told this is what you have to do, you have to rest the United States of America on your back as the working middle class, but now you're a piece of garbage!
Now you have to sit and be referred to as the element that is destroying this country.
And that this country is already great.
It doesn't have to be made great again.
But you're the problem.
You're the alt-right.
You're a Nazi.
You're this.
You're that.
Well, it's one thing to have the United States on your shoulders.
To continue to build and create and contribute to this country.
Because that's a good thing.
And it's not always easy.
But it's another thing to then be told, you're the garbage.
And you're the one that's hurting this country.
And that is why there is a Donald Trump.
That's why people are still supporting Donald Trump, even after this
It's a cavalcade of crap that the left and the left-wing media has pumped out.
And not just against Donald Trump.
Against you!
You're the problem.
Yes, you've been working, contributing, raising a family.
And you're the problem.
You're the one they're talking about as the basket of undesirables.
The alt-right, the people that are destroying the country and dividing the country.
This election is not just between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
When you say you support Trump, you'll get a lot of crap from people because they're so myopic.
They don't see the bigger picture.
I'm not just supporting Donald Trump.
This is supporting a way of life
The American way of life.
It's somebody that's upset with the way government has been screwing us for years.
Years we've been screwed.
The media that's come out of hiding to tell everyone, yes, we are incredibly corrupt and biased and against you, the people that want to make America great.
That's who I'm voting for, November 8th.
I'm voting for people that want to end these lifers in Washington that are on autopilot because it's the way things have been done for years!
And you're the problem, not them.
I want to see what would happen with a guy getting in there that isn't a professional politician, that is a proven businessman, that knows obviously how to delegate responsibility.
I want to see that happen.
Why do we have to choose from this small pool of proven corrupt politicians?
That have just played the game for so long that people's best interests aren't in their mind anymore?
Their best interest is.
Their cronies and friends and contributors.
Their best interest comes first.
Why don't I want somebody that says that the country's best interest is up front?
That we should get a better America.
Why not give that a try instead of electing the same people that do the same things, make the same mistakes, and seem to upset us every four years, don't they?
Doesn't it just seem like it's the same people getting in there every four years or eight years?
And I don't want it.
I'm tired of it.
And if you watch mainstream media, man,
They are pushing for it because they're part of the machine!
They're part of the same gizmo that has run this over, just run right over the working class in this country.
And have just not allowed us to excel to the point where we know we can.
Government is so far up our rear ends, if I may say, if I may be so bold, that we just don't have a chance to be exceptional.
A small business?
Try to put together a small business and have it successful in this country.
And create here in this country.
Last night on the debate you heard Hillary getting on Donald Trump for making some of his products out of the country.
He's a businessman!
You have to do business under the rules!
That have been legislated by these politicians like Hillary Clinton.
And those rules have dictated you cannot do business in the United States.
You'll go broke.
So he's supposed to hang himself on a cross like a martyr for the politicians and say, look what I did.
I'm making my goods here in this country as a businessman with no say over the legislation.
He's not a politician, businessman.
And I'm supposed to make my products here in this country with what you've done to productivity in this country and go broke just so I could say, thanks, I did it.
I made my products in America and I'm broke now.
Or would you do that and then say, wow, that stinks.
Maybe I could change that if I throw my hat into the political arena.
And say how crappy it's been!
The way they've made the rules where it's impossible to be a patriotic businessman and do business with American companies because of how they've legislated and how they've driven jobs overseas.
That's the problem!
That's what we're voting against when we vote for Donald Trump.
I'm not voting for what the media says.
Oh, he said stuff on a bus!
Oh, years ago he said this about a girl.
Oh, he's divorced.
Oh, he had a girlfriend.
He did that.
I don't care!
And most of the people that support Donald Trump don't care.
It makes me more angry at the corrupt lying media and Hillary and her lying shills.
That they pump this stuff out there thinking that I'm stupid enough to eat it up and go, oh, Donald Trump, he said that.
My God, I better vote for Hillary.
Oh my goodness, this is terrible.
Instead of thinking, wow, they'll go to any length.
To put this woman in office, to keep that machine nice and greased up and running smoothly, to continue to screw over the working American.
And the working American family.
Keep that machine well oiled, so the media, who's part of the whole thing, they contribute.
By the way, Anthony, I'm not kicking your... I'm kissing your ass.
I was sitting there eating my lunch in the studio watching you, and I want to just say, this is some of the best 15 minutes of radio describing how I feel I've ever heard.
So I'm going to air this at the start of the show tomorrow.
I'm telling you, you've just crystallized how we all feel, exactly.
I mean, I'm turning it back over to you.
I've just got to say, best radio laying out reality I've ever heard in the last year and a half.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I love Alex Jones.
I love him.
I was watching some of his debate coverage last night and talk about getting hot.
Don't let me interrupt you because I want to hear this gold.
I shouldn't have jumped in here.
I shouldn't have jumped in here.
I should have jumped in here.
You take over.
Don't talk about me when we come back.
You get back into your room.
I just want to say, it's gold.
Everybody resonates with you.
This is what's happening.
This is about taking our country back.
Trump's the figurehead, and these bastards are going down.
Anthony, we're back in a few minutes.
You take over.
God bless you.
Stay with us.
Thank you, Alex.
We'll be right back.
Before the Clintons left their governorship in Arkansas, more than a hundred people had been suspiciously
Hundreds more died during their first terms and the scourge continues to this day.
DNC staffer after DNC staffer that speaks out against election fraud or leaks information to WikiLeaks ends up gunned down.
And the Clinton crime family and their backers is now in the spotlight.
If I die, if they kill me, it was done for a worthy cause.
Somebody's gotta stand up against these people.
Long before George W. Bush had taken office, or Senator Obama was even thinking about being president, I was there, exposing the crimes of the Clintons.
So it is fitting that I, Alex Jones, called the Dark Heart by Hillary Clinton, would be your chronicler.
A chronicler who risked his very life exposing these evil ones.
It's required by Bill Clinton in 1992.
And it was instituted here in Texas in 1993.
I know the code, sir.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Just a few days ago, Hillary Clinton, one of the most powerful criminal kingpins in history,
Came out on national television and said that I had a horrible dark heart.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be.
I thought back to the history of the Clinton's reign of criminal terror in the last 20 plus years on this planet.
And I have to tell you, it's surreal to realize that Alex Jones, little old me, is one of the main opposition points against these monsters.
Once they were in the White House, they expanded the bombing to hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of attacks a year on the infrastructure of Iraq.
They got the UN to pass the most draconian sanctions ever in modern history, where medicine and food and all forms of technology were basically blocked from coming into the country.
Over a million and a half Iraqis starved to death and died.
And Hillary Clinton's mentor, Madeleine Albright, bragged on 16 Minutes and other channels that 500,000 dead Iraqi children were a good price to pay of the sanctions.
We have heard that half a million children have died.
I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima.
And, you know, is the price worth it?
I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it.
But when you are a Machiavellian sociopath, or a sadistic psychopath, you don't look at things about alliances and who's right and who's wrong.
You look at a billion plus Muslims.
And you look at Syria.
And you look at the invasion points where you can come into all of Europe and take over.
But first, you've got to get the weapons to invade.
And you see Libya.
And Muammar Gaddafi was set up.
Jihadists out of Saudi Arabia, via the State Department and Hillary, were brought into Benghazi.
They attacked the country.
The West had a bombing campaign to back the takeover.
Islamists were put in control.
Blacks, non-radical Muslims, Shiites and others were killed by the tens of thousands.
And Hillary formed, by design, a failed state.
We came, we saw, he died.
Come you masters of war.
Here to build the big guns.
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Ah yes, ladies and gentlemen, back with InfoWars.com.
Anthony Cumia here at
Alex Jones' bequest.
I'm thrilled.
Thrilled to be here.
A little more with the debate.
The reaction to it.
I was watching afterwards.
It's fun to watch the debate because you want to see who's getting in the jabs, who's making the points, watching the bias of the moderators.
But it's, uh, after it settles down a little bit and you start watching the pundits come out and the news and every talking head comes out and starts, uh, their take on what they had just watched on the debate.
And what I saw
It was pretty disgusting and not to be unexpected.
The media jumped on Donald Trump saying he wouldn't automatically say he would support Hillary Clinton if he does lose.
Would he graciously call her up?
Give that concession speech and say that we all have to rally behind our new president.
And they unloaded on him.
The media unloaded.
This is, oh, how dare he not say, this is the way democracy has worked forever here in the country.
They battle it out.
We get a winner and a loser.
The loser graciously gets, well, how about it's worked that way forever in a democracy, but we've never seen an election like this.
This is new territory!
We've never seen a media so one-sided.
We've never seen the opposition supported by a media that has just dumped dump trucks full of garbage on top of the opposition.
And he's now just supposed to go, oh yeah, after all's said and done, after I've been completely screwed over, I will graciously shake Hillary's hand and allow her to literally destroy the country.
And they can't imagine this.
Again, this isn't a politician.
This is a businessman, a successful businessman.
Who has spent his time in a very competitive, real world scenario.
Not like Washington.
The fantasy world they live in on the Hill.
This is the real world.
And a real man who can't just slap a fake smile on his face and say everything's dandy after being ridden out of town on a rail.
Pretty much.
And for that, of course, he's taking all kinds of flack.
Meanwhile, there are plenty of instances in which the Democrats have done and said the same thing.
One of which being Al Gore, with his loss over George W. Bush, saying, you know, that he wouldn't accept the election.
There it is.
Gore refused to concede election.
Demands recount to ensure all the votes are counted.
Well, I guess they thought there was a little hijinks and chicanery going on.
Shenanigans, if you will, going on back in that election.
But again, again, all we see is this constant hypocrisy from the left.
You can't do it.
We've done it plenty of times, but don't you dare do it!
There's an interesting story of hypocrisy when it comes to...
Donald Trump, his horrific, oh, horrific statements that he made on that bus, and something that just happened the other day that Madonna said.
Oh, the queen, one of the queens of the left, Madonna, said something.
Yes, there it is.
She pledges oral sex for Clinton voters, yet
Donald Trump, what he said in a private conversation years ago, seems to be an issue.
The hypocrisy is never ending.
And please, if you don't see it, take the blinders off.
We'll be right.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Whatever happened to billionaire Mark Rich, one of the world's most wanted fugitives, who 16 years ago was being indicted on one of the biggest tax fraud cases in American history.
And he was also involved in illegal trade deals with Iran and other crimes that were harsh enough to put him on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list.
Well, Mark Rich may have been a career criminal, but he wasn't stupid.
Because he knew the best way to receive his get-out-of-jail-free card was to donate money to the Clintons.
Mark Rich gave a half million dollars to the Clinton Library.
And lo and behold, after 20 years of running from the law, he was pardoned by President Bill Clinton.
Rich died in 2013.
If you look at Bill Clinton,
Far worse.
Minor words and his was action.
His was what he's done to women.
There's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women.
Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.
Four of them here tonight.
So much of what he's just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses.
There is an information warfare happening right now.
It's a fight for our minds.
And InfoWars.com is on the front lines.
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Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back.
I'm Anthony Cumia.
We were talking about the debate and
I want to talk a little about these WikiLeaks emails, which just is getting brushed over.
Brushed over!
So much more important to hear what Donald Trump said in a private conversation years ago, or the nine women, is it?
That have come out of nowhere to accuse Donald Trump of some type of sexual improprieties?
I don't know.
The guy has been in the public eye for 40 years, is it?
40 years?
And if you've lived in New York, you've known Donald Trump your entire life if you're under 70 years old.
He's been in the public eye that long.
We've never heard any of these allegations.
Never heard it!
Never heard him called a racist in all the years that he's been in the public eye, hosting The Apprentice, as a builder, as somebody who's dealt with all the mayors in New York over the years, building and creating here in New York City.
But for some reason, just weeks before the election,
All these allegations come out of nowhere.
And we're supposed to give them as much credibility and credence that we give to the Bill Clinton allegations, which have been going on for decades and decades.
We've heard about these women.
They have been put up to the test.
They have been deemed credible.
They have been battered by Hillary Clinton.
Who has done nothing but protect her meal ticket and her coattail that she has latched onto for her own career.
Therein lies the difference.
If you have credible women that have come forward over the course of decades and are still there fighting the fight, and we're supposed to believe that's the same thing as women that have come out of nowhere
Weeks before the election, put up front by a media that has proven to be dishonest and biased against Donald Trump.
Can we, can I, I hope, I pray that Americans are smarter than the press is giving us credit for.
I really hope that, that they can see through this garbage
And, and see the truth.
Um, Megyn Kelly was talking with Donna Brazile last night.
She, of course, the DNC interim chairperson.
Because, if you remember, the chairperson was thrown out!
Thrown out!
Because of her emails!
So now we have Brazile, who was questioned by Megyn Kelly last night about her emails.
And about allegations that she received questions before one of the debates and gave them over to Hillary Clinton.
Let her know what those questions were going to be.
She emailed a version of a question and it was verbatim the question that was asked to the candidates and to Hillary Clinton.
She knew.
And of course, she said that these emails, first of all, she saw that some of them were fabricated.
Never saying the one that she sent out was fabricated.
Some of those emails fabricated.
She wouldn't go out on a limb and say, no, mine, the one that shows me saying this, was fake.
Because these things all bubble to the surface, my friends.
They all come to the surface.
You could lie about it now, but oh, it'll go bite you in a rump later.
She also said that Megyn Kelly was using these stolen emails, not saying that what was on them might be true,
But the fact that they were stolen, hacked emails, that's the issue.
Just trying her best, like all of these people that have been caught with their pants down on these WikiLeaks emails, are trying, they're scrambling, and they're all dirty.
Every single one of these people that have been doing correspondence with each other, whose emails have come out, are filthy.
They're liars.
And they're hypocrites.
They're making fun of their constituents, identifying them for what they are, nothing but votes.
This, oh, we care about the people.
We care about minorities.
We care about the undocumented immigrants.
And then they're making fun of them in the emails and proving that they are nothing but votes for these people.
Please, smack the blinders off your head.
I know that for years, the media, mainstream media, has been our source for information.
We went to the news.
As a kid, I remember mom and dad sitting down in front of the TV to watch Walter Cronkite tell us about Vietnam.
And it was, we trusted the guy.
We trusted the news.
We discussed it with our friends and family.
That's dead!
That whole thing is gone!
Don't go back to the news thinking you're getting the news.
You're getting an entertainment show that is entrusted to make money just like Seinfeld.
Just like any other show that is, its main purpose is to make money for the company that's putting it out.
The news is no longer there to serve the public interest.
It is there to entertain you so you come back the next day to their continuing soap opera storylines.
It's not information anymore.
Your job as an American in 2016 is to find places to get real information, to get the truth, to try to balance it out with other sources.
Yeah, it's going to take a lot more work than it used to.
You used to sit down in front of a trusted face and get
What you assumed was an unbiased report of the news that you then mulled around with your own ideology and came up with a conclusion.
Now they will spoon-feed you their opinions and you'll go off and
Yap the company line and their opinions.
And it might sound harmless.
And a lot of times we laugh about the media bias and how ridiculous it is.
But we are talking about the media influencing the direction this country is going to go in.
These two candidates are so starkly different.
That whichever one gets in, the direction of the country is going off in completely different directions.
This isn't a slight turn to the right or left here.
And the media is absolutely influencing that.
And it's very important, very dangerous, and that's what we're voting for.
We're voting for the sanctity of our freedoms and our rights in this country.
Hillary Clinton was talking about
Last night the topic of gun control came up in the debates, and the second she starts talking about guns, I want to throw up.
She has
Not an interest in allowing the American people to exercise their Second Amendment right.
And to see her try to dance around it and try to convince people that she respects your right to bear arms is disgusting and just a continuing display of her dishonesty and lies.
She does not wish you to have the ability to protect yourself with the best tool available, which is a firearm.
Let's be real here.
A gun is the greatest tool you can find in protecting yourself.
It evens the playing field immediately.
You're a small, you're a slight woman, you're out there on the street, you're walking home from work,
A giant man comes up and wants to do you harm?
What are you going to do?
You're not going to fight this guy off.
You're going to run in your cute little heels?
But with a firearm, there you go.
Even keel.
You're on even footing.
She don't want that for you.
You know why?
She doesn't care.
She's got the Secret Service.
It's had them for a long time.
She's had personal security for quite some time.
And she thinks that we as Americans are all way, way too stupid and way too irresponsible to own something so dangerous as a firearm.
Well, I disagree.
There are hundreds of millions of firearms in this country that are used on a daily basis to protect people.
There are hundreds of millions of guns in this country that aren't used on a daily basis, that sit there, wherever they're stored, doing nothing, harming nobody.
They're there if you need them.
She don't want you to have that.
Yet she's saying she wants, and this one gets me every time.
Oh my God.
Reasonable restrictions.
You know what reasonable restrictions amounts to when it comes to a Democrat?
It's like when they talk about your fair share of taxes.
It's something that never stops.
It never has an end.
We want you to do your fair share.
Pay your fair share of taxes.
All right, what's that?
Well, this is it now.
We've just raised your taxes.
All right, I guess I'm doing my fair share.
They need to do their fair... Wait!
I... But I just did it!
You just told me, and then I... Yeah, but there's a new fair share that you're not doing.
It's the same thing.
Not paying their fair share!
How much is a fair share until it becomes a very unfair share?
Same thing with the reasonable restrictions on guns.
Well, that's reasonable, okay.
Are we going to stick with that?
Oh, but there's more reasonable restrictions we need.
That was reasonable, but here's some more reasonable.
Until it becomes, yes, unreasonable!
And it's always the way.
Don't get caught up in believing that fair share will be fair, reasonable restrictions will be reasonable.
They have proven time and time again that once we make any capitulation,
They will come back for more.
They always do.
That's why we need people and organizations like the National Rifle Association, who has been the scourge of the left and the Democrats.
They look at them like they want nothing more than to allow people to exercise their Second Amendment right.
My God, it's crazy!
Shall not be infringed!
That's what the Second Amendment is, and that's what the NRA wants for the American people.
And they're looked at like monsters.
And when Hillary Clinton came out on that stage last night for that debate and said that she is for the Second Amendment, but with reasonable restrictions, I look at a state like my home state of New York,
And I've heard so many times from people, no one's taking your guns away!
Like, they gotta say it in a way that sounds like you're a paranoid lunatic that thinks that the government is coming to take your guns away.
Well, they are coming to take your guns away.
Go into a gun store in the state of New York.
Ask for an AR-15.
You will be told you are not allowed to buy one.
Now, there are plenty of other rifles to buy, am I right?
I walk into a New York State gun store now, it looks like the 1800s.
I see lever-action guns!
You can't buy what they dub an assault rifle, which, by the way, is a scary-looking rifle.
Nothing more.
It's a semi-automatic rifle.
You can't buy one in New York State anymore.
They're illegal to buy.
That is the government taking away your guns.
Taking away your right to the best tool available.
And that is their idea of reasonable restriction.
Have they stopped?
They are continually trying to whittle down the types of firearms you're allowed to have in this country.
With the final goal of either leaving us with muskets
Or with nothing.
There you go.
Hey, let me tell you.
That's a fine rifle.
I own one myself.
I love it.
But I also want an AR-15.
Because in a day and age where you're not sure how many people you might have to defend yourself, your loved ones, and your family against, I want something that might blow a few rounds out quicker than old Doc Holliday.
Might be shooting.
Again, they'll paint you as a paranoid lunatic on this, but this is exactly what Hillary and the Democrats on the left are talking about.
Reasonable restrictions.
Again, until they become very unreasonable.
The economy, I love that.
Last night during the debate,
Hillary trying to go up against Trump on the economy.
Here's a guy that has been able to do business in any type of economy you could come up with.
Recession, windfall, every type of economy he has been able to successfully run and continue to run his business.
And Hillary is trying to tell us that she has the right ideas?
She's been part of the Obama administration, who has had eight years to work on this.
And I love the fact that Donald Trump brought up, hey, you've had time.
And that's the greatest thing Trump could bring up with Hillary is her record and her experience that she's had in office.
Because every problem that we're facing today as a country, she has been involved with the organization that was supposed to fix it!
She's a politician.
She's the one that wrote the laws.
She has been Secretary of State.
She has had the ear of the President.
And we have gone down the proverbial toilet.
Under her and Obama and her ilk's watch.
And to say that, well, put me in charge, I'll fix it.
You were there already.
You were in charge.
And nothing happened.
It's up to you, people.
We'll be right back.
Is this not becoming a third world nation of terror?
Check yes.
Black lives matter.
Black lives matter.
Barack Obama.
Terror, riots, mobs, and chaos.
This is a novelty in American history.
I haven't seen anything like this historically since the 60s.
And before that, when was the last time you've seen America like this?
And the beauty of all of this, Alex, is how he's gotten away with it because
You've got to give him credit.
Barry Obama is the slickest salesman of communism the world has ever, ever discovered.
No screaming, no yelling, no threats.
Just a silk, smooth, good-looking, nice guy with a lovely wife and children selling the most evil poison the world has ever, ever been asked to ingest.
And look how far he's gotten.
And every time he gets away with another outrage against this nation, he raises the stakes like a junkie.
He needs a higher dose of insult in order to maintain the high.
She says America wants change!
From what?
From the same policies she's going to continue?
She's suddenly not a progressive lunatic?
Wait a minute, she's going to change Obama's policies in which way?
Make them worse?
She can't go the other way and then she'd be Donald Trump.
So I mean she's gonna make it even worse than him.
That's if she remembers what she's supposed to do, and that's doubtful, as you well know, because she doesn't know how many times she fainted.
There was a UAC in the 1950s, and it's a dirty word of the most dirty of words, the House of Un-American Activities Committee, which was run by one of the great American patriots, Senator McCarthy.
He has been completely decimated by the left.
McCarthy was a tail gunner in World War II, one of the most dangerous positions you could ever have in an airplane, right?
Belly gunner, B-24.
Easiest target was the tail.
That's what they attacked.
Listen what the left did to him.
They called him, they mocked him and called him Tail Gunner Joe and others.
They took his heroism and tried to turn it into a mockery.
That was in the 50s, Alex!
To show you who they were already, the communists.
So what was McCarthy saying?
This great war hero.
He was saying that Hollywood had been infiltrated by communists.
The journalists had been infiltrated by communists.
Academia had been infiltrated by communists.
And the government itself.
Well, what happened was they had the hearings.
They ruined him.
They destroyed the man.
And then what happened in the 1990s, I'm sure you remember the book, the Venona Papers came out.
It was a Soviet-Russian publication.
Turned out it was all true.
The Russian documents came out and it was worse than what McCarthy was saying.
Worse, it confirmed who in Hollywood, who in academia, who in government, was in fact an operative of the Soviet Union.
So there were subversives.
UAC was exactly on target.
I say the only way we can save this nation is not talking about it, but by rooting out the subversives in the United States of America.
All right.
Welcome back, people.
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Hello, welcome back.
Anthony Cumia here on InfoWars.com.
I also want to talk a little today about Russia.
Russia has become this giant thing again.
It was, uh, remember after the Cold War?
It was cute and quaint when we talked about the old Soviet Union.
Uh, thinking about Reagan and Brezhnev back in the old days.
Thinking about nuclear missiles pointing at us.
And then we just kinda... Berlin Wall comes down.
Little perestroika.
All that fun stuff.
And then, um...
It kind of went away.
They had their stuff to deal with there, we had our stuff to deal with here.
You know, we knew we still had nuclear missiles pointing at each other, but it wasn't really an issue.
It didn't feel like any fingers were on any triggers.
And then, all it takes, a few years of Barack Obama making our leadership pretty much disappear in the world, to where Vladimir Putin
And Russia are now the big man on campus and are able to wield their power and influence anywhere they damn well please.
And we can't do anything about it.
When Obama told Romney
The 80s called, and they want their foreign policy back, when Romney was talking about Russia being one of the biggest geopolitical threats to the world four years ago.
And Obama laughed.
He laughed and made a joke.
And the media lapped it up.
Loved it.
Well, look where we are now.
Why hasn't anyone literally called out Obama on that?
Why haven't they questioned him and said, hey, what's your ideology now?
Do you still think the 80s called and wants their foreign policy back?
Do you think Hillary Clinton is the best person to deal with an empowered Russia and Vladimir Putin?
I don't think so.
Trump is getting so much heat by the media for praising Putin.
He's not doing that.
When you look at a leader that is strong, that is committed to their country, there is a bit of admiration there that you can reflect without praising the person for what he's doing.
I think looking at a strong leader is something that makes American people
We want that.
We want somebody that's not going to roll over.
And we want to be powerful and looked at and respected in this world like we used to.
And I think that's part of what Make America Great Again means.
Thank you.
Anthony Cumia, compoundmedia.com.
I'm here for InfoWars.
Have a great rest of your day.
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Whatever happened to billionaire Mark Rich, one of the world's most wanted fugitives, who 16 years ago was being indicted on one of the biggest tax fraud cases in American history?
And he was also involved in illegal trade deals with