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Name: 20160818_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 18, 2016
3380 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses various topics such as polls showing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a dead heat, efforts to skew results in favor of Clinton, and how he has been labeled as a racist and white nationalist by the media. He also talks about the conflict in Ukraine between Russia and Putin's forces, mainstream media coverage, false information published about him, Trump's views on intelligence agencies, CIA history, and globalist agenda. The podcast promotes InfoWars films and products, discusses iodine deficiency and its impact on IQ, the Clinton email scandal, Turkey potentially moving closer to Russia, the U.S. moving nukes from Turkey to Romania, Putin's fear of Trump winning presidency, and a Princeton HR Department urging gender-neutral language in the workplace. The podcast also includes interviews with Larry Nichols and Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, discussions on American politics, health and nutrition, and various products available through InfoWarsLife.com.

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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, Rasmussen polls has Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the dead heat.
And many other so-called scientific polls do as well.
I think those are spun.
If you look deep into the social network numbers, if you look at what the big ad agencies are actually quietly saying, they are in a full panic to pull all sorts of different sampling scams that Reuters and Bloomberg and others have been caught in to create the illusion of a giant 10 to 15 point, in some cases 20 point lead for Hillary Clinton.
The truth is, though, it has hurt Trump a little bit, this continual harping on the fact that he's, you know, 10, 15 points behind and that he's planning to resign and on and on and on.
But he's beginning to bounce back from that hoax.
They started that hoax about a hundred days out.
Now we're, what, 81 days out from the 2016 incredibly historic election.
Larry Nichols had been on with us for about a month.
He is the Clinton insider.
He said that they would never indict her for the emails, that they're only allowed to talk about the emails in the media as a distraction from all of her other scandals.
He's been saying that here for a year.
And boy, has he been proven right.
So he'll talk about real ways to bring down the Clintons and the globalists.
Again, the Financial Times of London, the Washington Post, they've all said that globalism, world government, the New World Order, planetary regime, it's all on the line right now to get Hillary in because the Brexit has got the EU in trouble.
In Asia, a lot of countries don't want to waive their sovereignty.
The American people and others are starting to wake up, so they are in a
Bum rush to sew this thing up.
Drudge Report is about the only U.S.
major media outlet that's giving this any attention other than InfoWars.com.
And I don't point that out to say, oh, look, we're so smart.
There is a directive out there, just like there's directives in George Soros' new emails, not to use the term global government, even though that's what they're establishing.
And not to call it Agenda 21, because that's what they're following.
Even though that's what it is, don't say it.
It's a buzzword.
Well, there's a directive out there to basically have no Russia news, or if you do have Russia news, say that Putin is trying to start a major war.
Fears of all-out conflict in Ukraine as saber-rattling Vladimir Putin places 40,000 troops and armored vehicles along the border.
Threat of all-out war in Ukraine as Putin places 40,000 troops on the border.
That's an accurate headline from Drudge.
This is the actual Sun headline.
As saber-rattling Putin.
Putin has not been rattling sabers.
And again, I'm not a Putin-phile or a Russophile.
I'm a reality-phile.
And this is Samantha Powers.
And Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and all the usual suspects, George Soros told Fareed Zakaria two years ago that he runs the operation that overthrew Ukraine's government, elected government.
It's amazing.
And then they sit here saying Putin's doing this when they've had Ukrainian troops in the east
Since this conflict started several years ago, engaged in asymmetrical guerrilla warfare, and now the Russians have been catching them going over into Russia in preparation for terror attacks, and there has been sabotage of infrastructure.
Plants have been blown up.
Power lines have been cut all over Crimea.
Now it's starting to happen in Russia.
And the Russians have gone public because they caught him red-handed doing it again.
And so Putin's like, okay, you're now in Russia.
That's it.
I'm moving troops in.
And this is incredibly dangerous.
This should be all over our news.
We're going to cover it when we come back.
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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
It is Thursday, the 18th day of August 2016.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We'll be here for the next four hours.
There is a lot of really important election 2016 news, obviously.
As in many scientific polls, Donald Trump pulls into a dead, even heat with Hillary Clinton.
And that's with polls that they're still skewing, but we've gone and looked at their methodology.
They're a little more fair than adding, say, 15 points.
Like Reuters does.
They sample 15% more known Democratic landline phone numbers.
Old Democrats that in some cases Reuters and others have been sampling, they admit, for 40 years.
Oh, we call up a bunch of Democrats and they said that Trump's behind by 20 points!
They have gone to a weaponized level of disinformation that in my 25 years being involved in the media, 21 years on air, I have never seen anything like it.
I was all over the news this morning for hours.
I spent hours.
I got up at like 5 a.m.
And I'll Google my name in the morning and click news just to see what's going on on that front.
And there were just articles everywhere saying that I am a racist and a white nationalist and that Bannon that heads up the Trump campaign is one.
None of that is even remotely true, but they just put it in major newspapers
Like it's completely normal.
I thought MSNBC had hit a new low a few years ago when they started saying, I'm against Obamacare because I'm deeply racist.
I mean, if you're going to say that, you've got to have someone saying something like that.
It's just incredible.
Now they just do it.
And they misrepresent everything I say and do.
Same thing with Donald Trump.
Because they're targeting a population that isn't paying attention.
Now, a lot of the population is paying attention.
That's why mainstream media has a 6% trust rate.
They're acting like it's the end of the world for Trump, because he was on Fox last night, he was asked by a reporter, well, you finally get to have these CIA briefings.
Wow, what's that going to be like?
Like, suddenly the curtains rise and you just see the whole universe for what it is.
And he said, I don't even hardly want these things.
I mean, how do you trust them?
They lie so much.
You know who I trust?
General Flynn.
Who exposed that our government was running Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and then General Flynn, with General Dempsey and others, began leaking the intel to the Russians to help them take out ISIS.
In fact, let's just go ahead and play that clip now.
Do you trust intelligence?
Uh, not so much from the people that have been doing it for our country.
I mean, look what's happened over the last 10 years.
Look what's happened over the years.
I mean, it's been catastrophic.
And in fact, I won't use some of the people that are sort of your standards.
You know, just use them, use them, use them.
Very easy to use them.
But I won't use them because they've made such bad decisions.
I mean, you look at Iraq.
You look at the Middle East.
It's a total powder keg.
It's a... If we would have never touched it, it would have been a lot better.
I mean, we would have been much better off.
On top of which, we've spent probably $4 trillion.
Nobody even knows what we've spent.
So, no, I have great people and General Flynn is one of them.
So he has people he trusts that actually reorganize special forces in the army successfully.
That actually led the way for the biggest modernization program our military has ever seen successfully.
Who actually got the forces to start sharing intelligence.
To actually defend this country and save money.
General Flynn, a patriot.
Who, at the RNC, when asked, said Hillary Clinton should be arrested for treason.
For aiding ISIS.
And that's where Trump gets the statement, Hillary founded ISIS.
It's from General Flynn.
And of course you know who coined the term, Hillary founded ISIS, yours truly.
And I don't, again, ring that bell or toot that horn to brag.
It's so people understand the influence of this broadcast and the influence you have because you're informed and involved.
But I didn't get that information from the Easter Bunny four years ago.
With Benghazi.
I got it from Navy SEALs families.
I got it from Navy SEALs.
I got it from Army Colonels that headed up the Bin Laden program.
I got it from CIA whistleblowers, some named, some unnamed.
You understand that when we have Pachinikin, many times they send the CIA to his house, MI6 to his house, the Justice Department to his house.
It's in the newspapers when he's drug into federal court, then they seal the courtroom.
When we told you the Secret Service leaked the info to us that Hillary's seriously ill?
That came from the Secret Service!
That's not a fake leak!
We don't do that.
This is extremely dangerous stuff, so I just hope everybody understands this isn't your average radio show where some talk show host tries to sound smart and reads off the newspaper and goes off a teleprompter.
We're not playing games here.
Now, let me stop right there.
Harry Reid
said we should give him fake intelligence.
Well, that's what Trump is saying.
He's saying we have fake intelligence.
Let's give him fake intelligence.
Well, that's what the CIA's been caught over and over and over and over again doing, is putting out fake intelligence, lying to Congress, spying on Congress, lying to presidents.
So, see, Reid kind of slips up there, thinking he's so slick, saying, let's just give him fake intelligence reports.
Oh, like you did for Iraq?
Like you did on ISIS to tell you that there wasn't a threat and they weren't invading.
So the Pentagon would stand down and not stop ISIS constituting, building an army, robbing, taking over infrastructures, taking over cities, taking over oil fields.
And so Trump's like, I don't want their briefings.
It's a bunch of fake lies.
It's a bunch of failure.
It's a bunch of disinfo.
It cost us $4 trillion.
And the media goes, he doesn't want to hear from the CIA.
What is the CIA set up by British intelligence in 1947 to take this country over?
And let me tell you, that's what it's done.
Now, is it always completely evil?
Absolutely not.
There's 15 different major intelligence agencies.
It's just the biggest and the oldest.
Since the National Security Act.
The really oldest intelligence agency in this country is the U.S.
Army, founded by George Washington.
Then you have Naval Intelligence.
To a great extent, it's been compromised and sold out.
That's why, despite the Army's incredible corruption and big problems, it knows it's the guardian of the Republic, and why every time you see the globalists being battled, it's the U.S.
Army, the U.S.
Army, the U.S.
Army, the U.S.
It's there.
It's aware of what's going on.
It's fighting.
When the Marine Corps has been approached to help overthrow the country, it stood with the Army.
And what I'm giving you here is the real inside baseball.
The CIA was set up by British intelligence.
It isn't run by British intelligence.
It's a British intelligence model that the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the robber barons use, using the British East India Company system to control the planet.
And by British East India, I mean their models of control, of colonialism.
of mercantile manipulation.
Look at how the CIA goes into all these different countries and puts dictators in.
Left-wing, right-wing, fascist, they don't care.
They want command and control.
And Curl Quigley wrote an 1,100-page book at Georgetown, and he says in the book, I was asked to write this because the State Department and CIA heads don't understand our policy.
Let me explain it to you.
We want command and control, we want authoritarianism, and we don't care what flavor it comes in, because we can manage and control those people and only have to deal with one individual or one group.
We want the illusion of elections with a controlled right and a controlled left bringing in global governance.
And they think you're so stupid.
They printed up a thousand of them, and one of them
Got to the John Birch Society, one of them, in 1969.
And then, quietly, somebody printed up thousands of copies and gave them to Congress.
And then the publishers threatened to sue, and they said, oh, this is your book, isn't it?
They're like, well, yeah, that's our book.
And it's, well, it's not classified, is it?
Well, no, but you can't have that!
So, see, I've read their battle plan.
And so has the Army.
And they know what the plan is.
And the plan is to bring this country completely down, but slowly, while they suck the energy out of us, and establish world government.
Now, I'm going to stop right there.
And I'm going to skip this one break today, but only this one.
I'm going to get into the even bigger issue, but that's all coming up.
Let's play the Harry Reid clip.
It's obvious that he doesn't know what he's talking about.
It's obvious he can't control his mind or his tongue.
And what I've suggested, if now, because he's the nominee for the party, and he gets, he's entitled to briefings from the CIA, for example, I told, I said publicly, give him fake briefings.
Pretend you're briefing him.
Don't tell him anything that you don't want to get out.
That's how I feel about it.
I think that the man is a loose cannon.
I think he's done so much to hurt our country.
With our international relations already.
But as a Republican nominee, isn't he entitled to get those briefings?
Give him fake briefings.
What does that even mean?
It means he'll tell him stuff, he won't know the difference.
You're basically telling the intelligence community to lie to him.
No, no, I'm not gonna lie to you, but I still have to tell you everything.
These people are so marinated in lies, they've been lying so long that their logic is all twisted in so many, so many knots that
He's saying we're going to give him fake intelligence, just like you give us, the American people, just like you give Congress, except for high-level chairmen like Mr. Reid, who's proven he's so dirty and so wicked and so evil, he can be let in on the whole plan, right, Mr. Reid?
While you sell out even more than Hillary Clinton to the Communist Chinese, while just some of your sons alone rake in hundreds of millions a year from the Communist Chinese, giving up public land all across this country, and giving Chinese firms the exclusive no-bid contracts
For all these wind turbine boondoggles and solar farms.
Taxpayer money to the People's Liberation Army that runs that country of 1,300,000,000 slaves.
And you set up here how we can't trust Donald Trump.
We've got to lie to him just like you lie to everybody else.
But it's too bad, isn't it, Mr. Reid, because
Donald Trump's being advised by the Patriots.
And the Patriots say Hillary Clinton, and when we get to it, you and everybody else that's been part of this, are gonna get your day in court!
And that's why they're so scared.
It's why they're putting on all the fake polls.
It's why they are collapsing in front of everyone.
Because this group of globalist traitors have come in and sold us out to the world.
That's what globalism is.
It's treason.
And people are through with it.
They're done going along with it.
Now, before I get to a really serious subject, I want to play this thug life Hillary Clinton supporters are mentally ill clip because it says it all.
This happened yesterday, it's up on InfoWars.com, where they're bringing up the fact that why was Mateen, the shooter's father, behind Hillary at this event?
And then the lady says, well, because he's mentally ill.
We've got to let mentally ill people in.
Here it is.
Did I ask you a question?
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
You can't ask me a question.
Because you can't answer the question.
Oh, you can't ask me a question, honey.
I can't answer, so don't even try.
What attracted the father of the Orlando Terrace to your candidate?
He's a mentally ill individual.
Oh, that's what attracted him.
I get it.
Pardon me?
What attracted him to your candidate?
And your answer was he's mentally ill.
Bitch, please, you must have a mental disease.
Assume the position and get back down on your knees.
Come on, man, you don't really want to...
Alright, now.
We are seeing the disintegration of the health of Hillary Clinton.
We are seeing her lies unravel.
We're seeing Congress sinned.
A letter to the US Attorney calling for her criminal indictment for perjury and presenting video evidence.
We are seeing the entire globalist program in deep trouble.
We are witnessing the UK begin to pull out of the unelected, unaccountable, dictatorial EU.
We are seeing populism grow from Spain to Brazil.
From the United States to Canada.
It is happening.
And you're seeing economic turmoil at levels never before seen.
You're seeing even Bild newspaper, the most prestigious in Germany, admitting that their big megabanks are on the verge of collapsing as well as their state bank.
We have new announcements on CNBC admitting that the Federal Reserve's program has failed, and they know it has failed, and that we're basically in a depression.
Historically, what do you add to that mix?
DrugsReport.com right now.
Infowars.com right now.
Threat of all-out war in Ukraine as Putin places 40,000 troops on the border.
Now before I get into this article, what have you heard us, the last month here, every day, six days a week, we're on the air.
Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
and Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
We have come and we have played the clips of Putin in press conferences saying they're moving nuclear missiles up to our borders.
They have overthrown Ukraine.
They are now coming up to our border.
They are destroying infrastructure.
The world is in danger.
We only have three military bases outside our country.
We're trying to rebuild Russia.
We don't want a war.
Please stop.
Please stop.
Please stop.
And zero coverage here in the United States.
We get attacked for even mentioning it by media, and they say, oh, the Russian spy Alex Jones.
That is outrageous to make those statements, or to say Trump has been paid off by Putin.
They're accusing us of treason with no evidence, but Hillary Clinton got $35 million to give Russia one-fifth of our national uranium stockpile.
By the way, I don't blame Russia out for its own interest, but that was treasonous.
I wouldn't do that, and you better believe Donald Trump isn't going to do that.
But let's just remind everybody, from CNN, May 27, 2014, Soros admits responsibility for coup and mass murder in Ukraine.
There's a video clip of him on CNN with Fareed Zarkaria.
Saying the exact same thing right there.
He's very proud of himself, okay?
So let's get that straight.
The West, and Samantha Powers admits $5 billion was given in the years before to overthrow the Ukraine, and George Soros honched it.
But no one's telling the world today, even in our own news,
We've gotten the clip from RT and translated it from Russian to English.
Why Putin is saying this?
They have had power lines blown up.
The big high-tension ones.
They've had water treatment facilities attacked.
Not just in the eastern area of Ukraine.
Not even over the Russian border.
There's been all sorts of sabotage, all sorts of Western forces and NATO forces building up, not just in Ukraine, but also in Poland and other areas.
This has become a big issue in Europe.
The people of Europe don't want to have a new war.
It's crazy.
But no one is telling the public here in the United States why this is happening.
Kiev has turned to terrorism.
Putin on foiled sabotage plot in Crimea.
We're going to tell you about what's happening in the Crimea, but also into the border of Russia in a moment.
But let's first play that clip of Vladimir Putin.
How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?
That is the problem.
But they pretend like nothing's going on.
I don't even know how to get through to you people anymore.
And what do they say?
Oh, this is part of a defense potential, not the offensive weaponry.
That these systems are meant to, quote, prevent aggression.
This is not the truth.
This is incorrect.
A missile defense system is part of a whole system of offensive military potential.
Okay, so that's Putin several months ago.
Now here's the new clip.
Here's the new clip, but I wanted to play that so you get the background.
This is the new clip from yesterday where he's saying Kiev has turned to terrorism.
Now here it is.
This is a highly alarming information.
It is true that our special forces have foiled an attempt by a group of sabotage infiltrators belonging to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's intelligence agency, who were seeking to penetrate the Crimean territory.
And in view of these events, it has become pointless to meet with the Ukraine's current authorities at the Normandy format.
We have suffered losses as a result of this operation.
We undoubtedly cannot turn a blind eye to the deaths of our servicemen.
But I would also like to address our American and European partners.
I think today it has become obvious for everyone that Kiev's current authorities are not seeking ways to solve problems through negotiations, but have turned to terrorism instead.
This is a highly troubling development.
There are no other reasons for conducting such actions other than to distract the Ukrainian people and divert their attention from the disastrous economic situation and the miserable
Most of them are living in.
And Putin just hit the nail on the head there.
Soros bragged that they wanted to basically break up Ukraine, bring it into the EU and then have a Marshall Plan.
Hundreds of billions of dollars sent in to quote rebuild the country that he and his horrible family along with the son of the Vice President Joe Biden will oversee.
Joe Biden's son took over more than a five billion dollar gas company that just simply takes control of the Russian gas as it comes across the border and then processes it and then sends it off to other places.
So there is just a looting
And now Russia is massing troops on the border.
We'll come back and finish up on this front.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
The American people need to know this build-up is happening.
It's dangerous.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Ashley Beckford for InfoWars.com, here to tell you that Orwellian newspeak has gone to a disturbing new level.
Article linked on the Drudge Report.
Princeton HR Department, don't use the word man.
Instead of using man, employees are told to use such words as human beings, individuals, or people.
Instead of man and wife, use spouses or partners.
Switch out man-made with artificial, handmade, or manufactured.
Don't use the verb to man as in to work something.
Instead, use to operate or to staff.
Throw out workman-like and replace it with skillful.
The memo goes on to list a variety of occupations that typically include the word man in them and offers replacements.
Business person instead of businessman.
Firefighter instead of fireman.
Ancestors instead of forefathers.
And so on.
Gender neutral language is yet another way to erode free speech.
This is Ashley Beckford reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Larry Nichols is going to be joining us.
Dr. Steve Pucinich, that worked in many of these different White Houses, knows most of the players involved in the whole Trump campaign.
And he actually said here on air months ago that he thought Manafort would be moved to another position, and that he even expected somebody like a Stephen Bannon to be brought in.
There's an article up on Infowars.com where he thinks that was a good choice.
Like it or not, Donald Trump is about to change back to Trump, and you've suddenly seen that.
You just cannot script Donald Trump.
And he is now going to be absolutely savaging Hillary on every front.
More evidence is coming out that obviously if they hacked her server, they're going to hack her foundation, that the Clinton Foundation has been hacked, and that's what Julian Assange is getting ready to release is the evidence of the fraud and the foreign governments paying her off.
Don't think for a minute
That the leaders running this country that have hijacked it will not start a big war as a political distraction from what they're doing.
See, people think, what's the goal of going in and breaking Ukraine up in two?
They ask that question.
What's the point?
Weapons sales, society collapsing, coming in with rescue plans that you administer.
Getting in between Russia and more than half of its gas lines coming into Europe.
And taxing Europe's gas.
It's a hijacking!
Why do you think Soros and Hillary and NATO financed Al-Qaeda and now ISIS to go in and take over oil fields all over the Middle East and Africa?
These are modern pirates that work for the New World Order.
So people say, well, why don't you just choose the American side?
It isn't the American side.
We're run by multinational megabanks.
That are mopping up what's left of the free country.
Europe is struggling to get out of the EU.
England is struggling to get out of the EU and has successfully voted to do so.
And the EU is saying, we're not going to let you leave.
They're authoritarian.
They never voted to enter it.
This is the EU licking its chops to cut these countries up.
The Islamist mayor of London gets elected and says, I'm no Uncle Tom.
I am for Sharia.
He used that term.
I'm not a sellout.
No more women in bathing suits on billboards in London.
And I don't care what the British say.
We'll just have London, now controlled by our people, break away.
He actually said this.
We're staying with Europe because it's opened the borders to Islam!
And then the top Imams go on TV in Jerusalem and everywhere and say, they are weak, they give us their women, we will take them all!
They are our slaves!
I mean, it's like, wow!
I mean, we're talking a couple generations back, there were Arab slave ships just running around all over the Mediterranean and all off the coast of Eastern Africa, just robbing and looting.
White slavery means sex slavery.
They are the masters of white slavery, always have been, always will be.
We've got a clip coming up after I get into Russia here where in France and other areas they're having to put out emergency alerts because we have video there the the Muslims are cutting trees and dropping them in front of trucks and then robbing them.
Civil emergency!
And if you post the video, they send the police to your house and say don't do that.
They're now saying hire us in the town square to the mayor's or we'll kill you.
There are now people dropping trees in front to rob the vehicles.
We have thousands of videos, so many we can't even watch them all, of burning the cars out, attacking.
This is what goes on in the Middle East.
This is what is taught in the Quran.
If someone is a Kafir,
And you go, wait, I heard that racist term from the movie Lethal Weapon, when the South African racists are saying, die, Cafford and Annie Glover.
Because in South Africa, that's the same term that got picked up and used against black people, but it comes from Arabic to mean black people.
It's the N-word.
But see, we're all considered that, you understand?
Just in the old days, that was just, oh, those Africans, they're not Muslims, you're allowed to grab them.
That's just what it means.
But then it got that racist connotation added to it.
We're all Kafirs, if we're not in Islam.
I'm sorry, the gloves are off!
Soros to the New World Order and the satanic so-called left wants to combine forces and do all this to the West?
Not happening!
It's just, it's so surreal to even get all the emails that we already knew what Soros was doing, but here he is in the hack!
It's so diabolical!
That's why the crew's noticed.
I've been really upset lately, uh, because the responsibility, I mean, I don't get butterflies speaking to a crowd.
I've been on international television live.
I've spoken to crowds of 20,000 people.
I don't get butterflies.
But I get butterflies with the responsibility
That in the Crimea, that's always been part of Russia, folks, except after World War II, basically.
And then now into Russia proper, there are terror attacks, and people being killed, and power lines being blown up, and the Russians have been keeping this quiet, and trying not to create hysteria, but saying to the West, you better stop, you better stop, and now they're bringing troops in, because they've got exploratory special ops people from different
Western countries in their training.
This has all been admitted for two years.
The Ukrainian forces to attack the Russians.
So of course the Russians are bringing forces in.
And I'm sitting here talking about this, watching build up to World War III, and I realize the globalists have already launched World War III.
They've already destabilized everything.
They've already launched economic warfare.
They've already taught the West with political correctness to lower its defenses.
And now they've brought in five million Islamists from the worst collapsed war-torn areas because they're such radical Sunni Wahhabis that this is what they do to each other!
It's basically cultural mental illness.
They kill every other Muslim they can get their hands on, basically.
Alawite, Shiite, you name it.
I mean, it is just unbelievable.
And you look
That what Hillary and Merkel and Hollande are doing... Donald Trump understands this.
He says NATO's incredibly corrupt.
It worked with ISIS.
General Flynn told him that.
They've become their own force.
They're dangerous.
It's NATO opened up the borders.
It's NATO helping bring in the giant convoys.
It's NATO.
It's our own criminal government, Obama, ordering the borders open and to tell people from the world, come here, and the UN has set up refugee offices in Central America to bring in the foreigners from around the world and to bring them by train and bus to South Texas.
To South Texas.
Southern California to New Mexico.
And again, I'm not against these poor people.
I understand they're leaving bad circumstances, many of them, but many of them are actually from Islamic nations.
The point is they're being brought in as a political weapon.
You cannot deny this.
No other nation would put up with anything like this.
This is 21st century warfare.
They call the 3rd World War the Cold War.
You get into the Pentagon and deeper research, they consider the Cold War World War III.
That was what the Cold War was called.
They call the next war World War 4, with refugee crises, and disease, and economic warfare, and collapse, and environmental collapse, and cyber hacking.
And that's what you're seeing.
But it's not the Russians that are deploying this against us.
It's the globalists within our own nations manipulating this entire paradigm.
Now, if you want to go to InfoWars.com, you can go see the clip from Putin.
You can research this for yourself and then you can reach out to your friends and family and hopefully spread the word, but Hillary Clinton's tottering, disintegrating countenance is emblematic
And is really what I would call an omen or a signpost of what this country and the world is going to go under if the globalist program continues.
And the globalists say that everything they've got is bet on Hillary.
They believe that that's their second big domino to fall.
And if they're unable to stop her, Katie, bar the door.
That is, if they're unable to stop her,
Then the next domino goes down.
And then confidence will build against globalism.
And that's going to be it for the New World Order.
They're all going to go to jail.
They have committed so many crimes.
They have gone all the way to the limit.
Because they're fully committed.
They've already robbed a thousand banks.
They might as well rob ten thousand banks.
They've already robbed the nation-states.
They've already created thousands of trillions of fake derivatives, counterfeit garbage.
Why shouldn't they go further?
Why shouldn't they go all the way?
Did they not give me the folder?
I need the folder from those guys back there.
Now, before I go any further, we are offering the film, this is how we fund ourselves,
And it's an excellent film.
America has a $5 million budget dealing with a U.N.
takeover, an E.M.P.
attack on the United States.
We are offering it for $19.95.
We have it exclusively for the first few weeks.
It's actually longer than what Haven had said.
It's not going to be in other stores until next month.
So we've got it for at least two more weeks exclusive.
We appreciate that.
And you can get the Police State 4 film and the Police State trilogy.
That's four films.
When you get two copies of Amerageddon.
So that is an absolutely amazing deal.
Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site.
Infowarslife.com is obviously the nutraceuticals.
And we do need the funding and these are great deals.
Everything we do is symbiotic.
Everything we do is a 360 win.
That's my philosophy.
That's what I believe in.
I like to go out in my yard and my garden and different plants and things growing and watch them all symbiotically working together with the bees and the birds and the little lizards.
That's God's system, that's God's plan.
We sell things that we know are super good for you, trailblazing, game-changing when it's nitroceuticals.
Really great survival information, really great survival tools, really great optics, great watches, just whatever the best stuff is out there for the best price.
We promote it, we sell it at InfoWarsTore.com, and then we self-fund.
And the Clintons were most worried about this in 1993 via the lawsuits that we know that Judicial Watch and others launched.
As well as the Washington Journalism Center, that if the American system ever started funding media by the media, newspapers, you name it, funding themselves with books and films and things like that, that that would be a self-renewing resource and would build an alternative to the globalist controlled system.
WorldNetDaily has written about it and they give the instructions there.
On how to criticize anybody that has an outside view, on how to shut down the alternative media.
Well, you failed to strangle it in its crib.
And so the idea of you buying media like these films and sharing it with others
Which wakes others up, promotes liberty, and then builds alternative new media systems that are already rivaling and dominating dinosaur media to the point they now want to try to censor everybody and are more and more doing it.
That shows how effective everything we together as a community have done.
So I salute all of you.
You're all just as big a part of this as I am.
Or Joseph Farah, or others that were trailblazers in this fight.
But make no mistake, what we've done
Here at InfoWars, what we've established has been a dominant stroke, a dominant blow in bringing the globalists to their knees.
You, and what you've done as InfoWars, and what we've done at this operation, has transcended the New World Order's propaganda and radicalized mainstream media.
Radicalize the debate.
Now that's what they say at Media Matters, and what they say on MSNBC, and what they say in congressional hearings about Infowars.
Oh my gosh, this crazy radical has Congress listening, and the Pentagon listening, and now look, Breitbart sounds like Infowars, and now the head of that is heading up Trump's campaign.
Oh my God, this is horrible, because what we're doing is telling the truth.
These are outrageous globalists that have come in and taken this country over.
They're even trying to break up our families.
They're even saying our kids belong to them.
These are creepy,
These are bad people.
And so they've tripled down with their lies and their deception.
And it's not working anymore because of how far we've already come.
So I just want you to know, we're having success.
We're in the fight.
The new film is here.
It is available exclusively.
Get one copy for $19.95.
Get a second copy for $19.95 as well.
Basically, $40, you get two copies, and then get all supplies last.
This is about to end.
We're about to sell out of my Police State Trilogy and Police State 4.
All four of my Police State films to have in your library.
It's amazing.
And again, in that write-up they've got on there, I brought this up yesterday.
I don't think it's understood that there are three films and multiple DVDs just in the trilogy.
Because people are asking me about it, and I see people commenting saying, well wait, is it, is it, is it, get two America Edins?
And then get two films?
Or is it get four?
It's four.
That's going to end when those sell out, and then we'll be able to add free whatever other DVDs we've got left, because it's selling out of everything.
And I'm glad we're selling a lot of this, because it takes a lot to fund this operation.
So, Amerageddon, I want to thank everybody that is getting the film.
InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com.
We have 20% off while supplies last.
It will sell out by the weekend.
And that, of course, is the Harmful Organism Cleansing Dietary Supplement Living Defense from InfoWarsLife.com.
All right, we are going to go to break here soon.
And when we come back, speaking of lies, I want to get into one of their biggest lies they're pushing right now.
And that's that InfoWars is where the story started that Hillary Clinton has illnesses.
I'd be proud if that's where it started, but it's just not true.
Now, the way they work is they'll say, see, he's walking it back.
No, no, no, I'm not walking it back.
I'm walking it forward.
In 2012 and 2013, off and on, she spent upwards of a year in a secretive U.S.
government medical facility
And they said for blood clots, and the woman looks like hell, and looks like she's having seizures, and has a guy having to hold her up walking around with her, and he's got a pin he's jabbing into her, and she's hardly ever out on the campaign trail, and misses, you know, debates because she can't be propped up or whatever, she's got to sit on a stool, she can't stand up, they admit she's exhausted, that's why everybody's questioning her!
Americanism, not globalism will be our credo!
Americanism, not globalism!
The era of economic surrender will finally be over.
We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism.
They have gotten the political establishment and the media establishment to become pure, wanton henchmen of totalitarianism.
If you were a foreign power looking to weaken America, you couldn't do better than Hillary Clinton's economic agenda.
I think what the Chinese have done is really smart.
The skyscrapers went up in Beijing and many other cities around the world, while the factories and neighborhoods crumbled right here in Detroit.
It's all training us to accept less, lowering expectations, a post-industrial world, a new dark age.
That's what the UN Biological Diversity Assessment 1996 calls for.
When we abandon the policy of America first,
We started rebuilding other countries instead of our own.
Not a world, Winston, that gets more beautiful and more technological and stronger.
A world that gets uglier and stupider and more stunted.
The government should allow Hillary Clinton to become President of the United States.
I voted for Hillary Clinton.
Well, I voted for Hillary.
I guess I have to since I'm working for her as well.
You want an image of the future, Winston?
It's a boot stomping on a human face forever!
Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.
Women are treated, discriminated against in all these countries she took money against.
Gays and lesbians are either executed or punished severely.
They're mistreated.
She claims to be their champion.
Don't look at me, Winston, and see the black circles around my eyes, and see how ugly and weak I am, expressing myself and dying, and I torture people 18 hours a day, and I have a horrible life!
That's the beauty of the satanic evil of the priest of power, ripping apart humanity!
We're here to hurt humans!
We're here to suck your guts out!
Talk show host is Alex Jones.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Deeply, I think, racist.
I just got called racist by MSNBC.
I don't want that man to have a gun.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
The Alex Jones Show.
Watch the free stream live at infowars.com forward slash show.
No one knows what it's like To be the bad man To be the sad man Behind blue eyes No one knows what it's like To be hated To be faded To telling only lies
So, you get Rachel Maddow up there with her tiny audience of a couple hundred thousand people, and her little ironic glasses, and, you know, she tries to look like Chris Hayes because it's bad for a woman to look like a woman.
I mean, I just point this out, that's how much these people hate life, okay?
And she gets up there and lies to her audience about how Obamacare is free, or Obamacare is wonderful, or Obamacare, you can keep your doctor.
And then she constantly, I'm told almost every day, I rarely watch it, but I did this morning a clip of it, said that I'm a liar.
And then I said Hillary Clinton had a brain tumor and had autism and had syphilis and had Parkinson's disease.
What I said was, Ben Carson and a bunch of other neurologists and brain surgeons and psychologists and neurologists, a bunch of them we've had on the show,
In fact, a bunch of big TV doctors just came out, who were even non-partisan, on Infowars.com yesterday.
In fact, you guys, I went to play that clip, reprint that article about some of those new doctors that came out, and said, yeah, Dr. Drew, you name it.
And there's so many, I can't keep track of it, and said, this lady has got something seriously wrong with her.
She looks like hell.
She's got to be held up.
She made a big joke about Pillowgate, that she claims we made up too.
No, it's not pillowgate, it's stoolgate, because she has to sit on a stool and can't stand up for more than five minutes.
Something's wrong with her.
They admit she campaigns a couple days a week, and then has to go rest.
She told the press if she laid down during the DNC, she would not have been able to get up.
So, they lie and say that we're the progenitors of this.
If anybody's the progenitor, and by the way, he gets the credit,
Matt Drudge, back in 2012, 2013, when she was just Secretary of State and nobody even cared, when she disappeared for a year into a hospital, and would come out with her head all wrapped, when you did see her, you know, on a cane, she clearly had brain surgeries and a bunch of other stuff, a year!
He just started asking, hey, is Hillary sick?
You're crazy!
You can't ask if someone's sick when they're in a hospital for a year!
How preposterous!
But that's what Rachel Maddow does.
And all of them.
Is they get up there...
And they lie to you and say that I said that she had a brain tumor.
I jokingly said, yeah, as big as a watermelon because they're, you know, we're lying about Trump saying he dropped out.
But other than that, it was a joke.
But I said, these doctors say neurologically something is seriously wrong with her.
And a lot of them do think it's post-op from a brain tumor.
I don't know.
All I know is she's got a guy with a tranquilizer dart and she's stumbling around everywhere and seriously has problems.
But let's start going to this clip, and I'll play the rest of the next segment.
Here it is.
This morning, as the entire political world was surprised and a little rattled to wake up to the news that the Trump campaign is getting a whole new top leadership team less than 90 days from the election, and it's going to be led by the head of Breitbart News, of all things.
Well, that was the mainstream, oh my God, new political news story of the day.
The front page of the conservative mothership website today, The Drudge Report, instead led today with this.
Pillows for Hillary.
And when you click through, you get this expose on how Hillary Clinton is supposedly constantly being propped up on pillows.
There's these photos that have big yellow arrows pointing to the incriminating evidence that... Alright, let's just pause.
If you scroll further though, which they don't show you, we're gonna come back and show you, it's Secret Service holding her up and a guy with a pen and her falling down and her... Oh, then they say, we produced a video that shows her head doing weird things.
No, she did that.
I mean, this is just unbelievable to watch.
This guy, sit here and pull these scams on his audience.
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
First Aids, that's his name.
Hillary Clinton's campaign is citing fake documents to assert that the questions surrounding her ill health are quote, debunked conspiracy theories.
The problem with that narrative is that no serious commentator who has raised questions about Hillary's health ever used the fake documents as evidence.
As the Washington Post reports, Hillary's campaign sent reporters an article from factcheck.org entitled Fake Clinton Medical Records, which debunks the authenticity of a leaked document circulated on Twitter that claims to be from Lisa Bardach, Hillary's personal physician.
The factcheck article then implies that Fox News began questioning Hillary's health because of the information contained in the fake documents.
This is objectively false.
Not a single prominent individual who has ever discussed the issues surrounding Hillary's health has used the fake documents as proof.
And citing the fake documents as evidence, the Clinton campaign is building a classic strawman argument.
This is Ashley Beckford reporting for InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Came in last night at half past ten That baby of mine wouldn't let me in So move it on over, move it on over Move it on over, move it on over Move over little dog, cause the big dog's moving in
You know, I told you you're going to see more and more censorship coming in, especially as we head up to the October 1st date to hand the internet the United States and England created over to the United Nations.
Just like our police, we're told now, will be under review boards run by strong cities.
The Justice Department giving legal authority to the UN.
While the U.N.
runs the invasion of the country.
Meanwhile, Twitter suspends 2,000, excuse me, 235,000 accounts over extremism.
And of course, that means not ISIS, but patriot Trump accounts.
I told you after they got rid of Milo, it'd be everybody else.
Everybody's like, I don't like that guy.
He's obnoxious.
Let them censor him.
And I'm like, okay.
Ah, drugs is too big!
Let the Federal Elections Commission shut him down!
We'll be bigger!"
And I'm like, really?
You think that's how that works?
You're not too smart.
I run into so many people who are in the fight against the New World Order just because they want to be big shots.
You're risking your lives, people, when you get involved in this.
And I'm not saying that to scare people off.
I'm saying this has to be done for freedom.
This has to be done for the right reasons, and we're not in competition with each other.
We're together.
I mean, I hope Drudge Report gets ten times bigger, number one on the web.
I hope Breitbart gets ten times, a hundred times.
I'm not in competition with Bannon.
I'm not in competition with anybody except the globalist lying to people.
Let's go back to who I am up against, and I'm in intellectual competition with Rachel Maddow because she's a pseudo-intellectual fop, reading off a teleprompter, and always distorting what I say and what I've really been doing.
So let's continue with the quote.
The front page of the conservative mothership website today, the Drudge Report, instead led today with this.
Pillows for Hillary.
And when you click through, you get this expose on how Hillary Clinton is supposedly constantly being propped up on pillows.
There's these photos that have big yellow arrows pointing to the incriminating evidence that Secretary Clinton likes lumbar support when she does interviews.
This is the big front page splash.
And it may seem insane, from a sort of mainstream point of view, but I'm telling you, that what your conservative uncle thinks is the most important news story about politics in the country right now, what your conservative news consuming uncle who emails you a lot in all caps, what he thinks the most important story in the country is right now, is this conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton is in the midst of a secret grave health crisis.
She's sitting there, even though she knows her audience is mainly old people, implying, don't listen to the crazy old uncle.
Listen to me, honey.
I'm your sweetheart, okay?
You can trust me.
Don't get off the reservation.
I know the internet's big.
I know a lot of folks are sending you things.
Don't look at it.
But see, Rachel, you didn't show people all the way down the article.
We just did.
Her falling over, her being held up, the guy with the pin.
I told people last week in front of witnesses, I said, those are not real medical records.
Don't go with those.
Those have been put out to be fake.
My dad's a physician.
I read them.
And I looked at them, and I said, this is written wrong, this isn't how it's done, this was already her attending physician in another town.
The story is she put these out to cover up the other ones.
You watch, they're fake, and everybody rolled their eyes at me, because what do I know?
I'm just, write like 99% of the time, you know, screw him, do whatever we want, you know.
I'm just talking about other websites and people.
And that's now what they're going to be saying tonight.
Just watch, that I put out, or Drudge put out, the fake medical records, because that's how they operate.
We want her real ones from the year that she was in Maryland and Virginia.
That's what we want.
But she hasn't gotten to the clip yet.
I'm sorry.
I'm stretching this out not on purpose.
She blames it all on me.
But I want to come back, finish up with this because it's important.
But I told everybody.
But hey, who needs to listen to me, huh?
What do I know?
Let's talk about American, which is available at Infowarsstore.com exclusively right now for the next week or so.
You get two copies and you get two free films with it.
Yeah, this is an important movie because it's fact-based.
We tell a story about an EMP attack, an electromagnetic pulse attack on America, that shuts down the grid.
And our Congress has warned that if this were to happen, 90% of the American population would die in 12 months.
To quote Henry Kissinger, the only thing standing in the way of a new world order is a strong America.
One of the ways that they can diminish America quickly and severely is to allow for an EMP attack on this country.
And in light of the events and things that are happening, I'm afraid this is a very likely scenario.
So I made a movie about it.
It's an entertaining movie, but it's fact-based.
People are getting the director's cut that is even bigger than what you see in theaters, and so this is the first look director's cut.
You know, Hollywood has tried to diminish the final edit on this thing, but what Alex has available here at his website this week is everything.
The most hardcore version.
So this is a great place to acquire the movie and then to show it to your friends and family and even your churches.
That's right, you can get one copy of the film Amerigeddon on DVD at Infowarsstore.com exclusively right now, or get a second copy, two copies for $39.90 and get my first film, America Destroyed by Design, and then one of my latest, most powerful films, Fall of the Republic, that breaks down everything currently happening, free.
Two films free when you purchase two Amerigeddons, and I'm doing that because I want
To get this film out.
Another big thing people can do if you really want to reach a lot of people, get two copies, keep one for your own archive to share, take the other and donate it to the library.
So many people are smart because they've closed all the video stores.
I was reading an article about this in the Wall Street Journal about a year ago, that what's the most popular now at libraries is not the books anymore, but is people going and actually checking out the DVDs, the Blu-rays, all that.
And so that's why you make a donation of this to your library.
You're going to talk about hundreds of people that are going to check that out and watch it.
That is amazing.
All of that.
I can't tell you how many listeners we run into on the street that found this show, not on a local M or FM station, but over the internet over the years, that somebody gave them a DVD or somebody gave them a card with forbidden information, InfoWars.com, or they saw a bumper sticker, and it's just exponential.
It's exponential.
I can't imagine where InfoWars will be in a year, two years, three years.
And I just pray to God that I can be humble and focus and make the right decisions with this great responsibility.
But it's not just Alex Jones.
It's what Gary Haven's doing.
It's what Matt Drudge is doing.
It's what WorldNetDaily is doing.
It's what people like Donald Trump are doing.
We all are just choosing to not be with the new world order.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It's gotten basically no coverage in the United States that the Russians are in asymmetrical warfare with NATO-backed special forces in eastern Ukraine.
And even up to the Russian border.
And there's been acts of sabotage, power plants blown up, huge high-tension lines severed.
I mean, it's ongoing.
And Jordan Soros again goes on CNN and brags that he overthrew Ukraine and is all behind it.
And then our media says Putin started it and did it all.
And I'm gonna be honest with you, the last two weeks, the tension in the air has risen to such a level
That my gut level concern has gone from a whisper 20-something years ago to a screaming, raging voice in my head and in my guts and in my heart.
Now that's an allegory for how I feel.
I'm not actually hearing a screaming voice in my head.
Before Rachel Maddow takes that clip out of context, it is the gut level but also intellectual understanding that the world is in such a crisis.
The German banks are teetering on the verge of collapse.
That's now mainstream news this last two weeks.
Larry Nichols told me off-air about it five months ago.
He said, get ready when you start seeing the news about the German banks about to go under.
Now that's in the news the last two weeks.
Build, you name it, the biggest publications are saying massive crisis.
Merkel flooding five million jihadis in.
Putin coming out and saying Kiev is now engaged in terrorism.
And Putin says, I'm losing Russian troops in the fight with Kiev and the Western backed forces and we're going to have to strike back.
I played the clip last hour.
And then we put headlines out in the last few months where his rhetoric is intensifying, his warnings, they have mainstream media make jokes about it and say that I'm putting out hoaxes that Russia is threatening war.
I'm playing you clips of Putin saying it with a Russian translator in English.
And so
Are the Democrats and Rachel Maddow and all these people smoking their own dope?
You don't have audiences anymore.
You've got a 6% trust rate in AP's own study this year.
Congress has a 9%.
Everything you do turns to hell.
Our own intelligence agencies are hacking you because they know how evil you are.
And are you people really going to push us into a war with Russia or a war in the Middle East?
Now, Larry Nichols was a Green Beret Special Forces guy, saw action all over the world in clandestine operations.
He then got assigned, and that's all hotly classified, he can't get into it, basically to the Clintons, and ran them for office, put them in, was there, and then your new listener, new viewer, when he's the guy behind the Clinton Chronicles, all of it, most of what we know early on about the Clintons is from Nichols, because as he said it, his dad was dying of cancer,
Nichols is battling cancer himself right now and he needs your prayers.
There were stuff like little kids and stuff, you know, that were around me in Arkansas where the drugs were being flown in and we ended up dead.
And Nichols said he just absolutely hit his knees and started crying and just repented, not of that, but just to be involved with the Clintons and that he then came out against them.
And he has a lot of courage.
We really appreciate him.
And he's here today to talk about the health issues, but also the fact I don't have the staff of the crew, if you're a new listener.
To play the clips of Larry Nichols, listeners could do this, please, we need your help folks.
This really proves stuff to people.
It was over a year ago he would come on and say she will not be indicted for the email scandal.
They put this out as a point the media is allowed to cover, to cover up all the other scandals.
This is a tactic he was trained by intelligence agencies for basically overthrowing this country, okay?
I mean, that's what they're running against us.
So he knows their playbook.
He's been proven right.
Because then you only talk about the emails all day, not the hundreds of other scandals.
That's how you control it, is by putting that out.
He was proven right there.
He says that this health thing is a curveball and we better watch out.
And I agree with him.
You know, I remember last week telling other websites and people, and even some of my own sweet crew, that
Those medical records were fake.
We showed them on TV and I said I thought they were fake because the way it's written, the fact that this is already her treating physician that doesn't really treat her, so those records are already public.
And sure enough, they let him sit there for a week or so and now they've come out and said all the health stuff's fake because of this.
Clinton campaign cites fake documents to claim Hillary.
Health questions are debunked.
Classic straw man hoax designed to distract attention from the real evidence.
And that is exactly the tactic I've seen over and over again.
But clearly, she was in and out of a hospital having brain surgery, they admit, for a year.
They won't release those.
She's deteriorating.
She's having to sit down all the time.
She looks like hell.
Or she's the best actress I've ever seen.
Now, is she imminently going to die?
I don't know.
But Larry Nichols can give us his expert view.
He also has some amazing sources.
Larry Nichols, thanks for coming on with us.
I'm doing all right, my friend.
How are you doing?
You look like you need our prayers.
Hey, I'll be all right.
You know, Alex, what worries me about Hillary, you're exactly right.
This is a tactic that they use.
Now, I'm going to tell you right now, what she's playing up with the sitting in the chair and all of this health issue stuff coming out, Alex, I fear she's doing it on purpose to trap Trump.
Imagine the debates coming up.
She's afraid of those debates with Donald Trump.
So she's going to come across as the sick female.
And oh my God, it'll be so bad.
Me, no Donald Trump for attacking a poor, sick woman.
Now, having said that,
When I was with Hillary, we had a problem with Hillary all the time.
She has incredible eyesight problems.
She has virtually no peripheral vision.
Steps used to drive her crazy.
We'd have to get on each side of her.
Stages scared her.
She's got that problem.
Then, back in those days, it was the beginning of using teleprompters, but she couldn't hardly use a teleprompter, Alex, because as she shifted from one teleprompter to the other, her eyesight was such to where she couldn't get back to where she was on the other one.
So she would just go into this funk for a few seconds where she just was just addled.
So you got that going on.
And then we have no idea when she had the concussion.
You know a lot of people think about concussions because we hear about them with football and you know a month later they're fine or whatever or they go back in the game.
Let me tell you I've had a bunch of concussions don't always work that way.
Now you're talking about football players whose heads get banged every day.
You're talking about boxers whose heads get jammed up every day.
But you take people like us that aren't being hammered every day.
When that brain gets slammed up against the wall of the skull, you know, Alex, it can take six months to two years.
For the manifestation of the damage.
I mean, I got concussions so bad when I was a teenager that I would not, I would stutter for like a month and like see frost around my eyes.
So there may be medical issues there, but I still believe there's a, the way they're playing this Alex is totally against what they would do if she really
We're concerned about that medical problem.
I mean, the massive cover-up would be significant.
There's something there.
Let's shift gears back into the dozens of times you said, mark my words, they will not indict her.
And you also pointed out a bunch of other people have been operating like this, show that they're not going to want to go to jail.
I mean, you were proven absolutely correct.
You said, watch, Yakumi is not going to call for her indictment, and everybody thought you were full of prunes.
Let me tell you something, Alex.
When they released those documents from the FBI to Congress, and when they got them, and they were redacted, and the only people that could see the non-redacted version were the members of Congress that are on the Select Subcommittee on Intelligence that had the security clearance to do it, then that in itself tells you she lied like a dog.
Otherwise, they could release the whole document.
They wouldn't have to just release redacted versions.
There was classified material.
You know it.
I know it.
Guess what?
People know it.
But the Clintons don't care.
Because guess what?
They're doing what I told you they would do, Alex.
They're destroying Donald Trump.
They've got the media at their beck and call.
You know, out comes the stuff about email.
What do they talk about?
Trump says some word about something, and they jumped on him for using the word extreme, having to do with, you know, proving, excuse me, proving
Syrians from coming into this country.
They're just constantly distracting.
Now there's one other thing that they're doing, Alex, that's got me gravely concerned.
You're exactly right.
Folks, Russia is a powder keg about to go off.
But in the Clinton playbook, how do I know?
Because I helped write it, folks.
I wrote that damn thing.
In the Clinton playbook, you always accuse your opponent of doing what you do.
That's how you know what they're doing.
That's how you can describe in such detail what these people are doing.
So think about it this way.
The Manafort thing, right?
Remember I told you Manafort, I was worried.
I was worried about Paul Manafort.
I had been told, I told you Alex, that maybe he was a double agent.
I didn't know at the time what was being said or why it was being said, but I was concerned about it.
Well, now we find out that Paul Manafort, through his company, was negotiating with, through
The Ukraine, the Russian backed government in Ukraine, he was negotiating with them.
Well, guess what, folks?
All of that was approved by what?
The Secretary of State.
They knew about Manafort and his connection with Russia, be it legal, be it illegal.
I'm sure it was legal.
But they've known about it since day one.
But they waited and waited.
And Alex, now you understand why I couldn't figure out exactly why when Trump made some off-handed remark about Putin that he liked Putin's temperament better than Obama.
I know Pucinich, when Manafort took over three months ago, on air, he said, Manafort's not a bad guy.
But he said, it's going to be a problem.
We need to get him out of there.
And he's going to be coming on.
And of course, Pucinich, high level, you name it.
So he's going to be coming on today.
I tell you, this whole thing just gets crazier and crazier.
Let's talk about what they're going to pull to try to keep Trump out with Larry Nichols straight ahead.
You said in a speech today you're afraid this election is going to be rigged.
I've been hearing about it for a long time.
I hope the Republicans get out there and watch very closely.
This new poll is showing a big convention bounce for Hillary Clinton.
Following her nomination at the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton now leads it.
Donald Trump, 50% to 42%.
That's a 7-point jump from last week.
You see, he's supposed to just sit there and let them steal it.
But he didn't sit there, so they failed.
And they think they're gonna have another stolen general election in front of everybody at high noon, and we're just gonna sit here and go along with it.
We're not.
I'm gonna fight it.
Trump's gonna fight it.
You're gonna fight it.
Bob Mulholland from Chico, California.
I'm a DNC member, thus a superdelegate to the National Convention.
First of all, it's rigged.
And I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged, I have to be honest.
And the way we work is that anybody who gets 15% more in an election gets delegates.
So this election will go all the way to California.
Sanders will end up with well over a thousand delegates and Hillary will get the nomination.
Hillary Clinton has had every advantage, every break given to her from the very beginning by this Democratic Party.
It has been rigged.
It is clearly the case that when given truth serum, Debbie Wasserman Schultz vastly prefers Hillary Clinton to be the nominee, obviously, and to the extent there are things that can be done institutionally and largely to
Facilitate that outcome, they are being done.
If Hillary steals the nomination, and then she openly is engaged in chicanery and things don't add up with Trump, you have to say it must be thrown out.
The political parties choose their nominee, not the general public.
Contrary to popular belief.
Then why are they holding the primaries?
That's a very good question.
WikiLeaks has dumped nearly 20,000 hacked emails from the DNC.
We're talking about the report of leaked DNC emails showing an effort to undermine Bernie Sanders during the primaries.
The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails.
When did the press see it as their role to protect the prerogative of the powerful?
Actually, I think that's part of it.
And we're not going to recognize Queen Hillary if there's evidence of fraud.
And guess what there is?
She stole the nomination.
I want to thank Bernie Sanders.
If he would have just not done anything, just go home, go to sleep, relax, he would have been a hero.
But he made a deal with the devil.
She's the devil.
He made a deal with the devil.
The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination, and that's the concept, that's the conflict here.
We feel like we live in a democratic society.
What you're telling me is it's not a democratic society and your votes don't necessarily matter because it's a democratic representation.
Crooked Hillary thinks they're gonna pull with it on Mitt Romney?
Mm, lady, isn't gonna happen.
That's why her campaign head, her chief strategist said, this is dangerous what Trump's doing.
You're right, it is dangerous, isn't it?
Actually standing up to you.
I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president.
And I'm telling you, November 8th, we better be careful, because that election's gonna be rigged.
I think the Republican nominee is unfit to serve as president.
And I hope the Republicans are watching closely, or it's gonna be taken away from us.
You're gonna be hearing a lot more about this, ladies and gentlemen, because Donald Trump's not gonna let you be robbed, myself be robbed, or him be robbed, or his family.
There has to come a point at which you say, enough.
Talk show host is Alex Jones.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones.
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Radio talk show host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
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New developments in the Russia situation.
In fact, coming up here in a few minutes, I'm going to play a clip from Vladimir Putin in a press conference last week that has gotten zero coverage, where he talks about Ukraine using paramilitary terrorists right up on the border of Russia and in the Crimea.
Now, we know this proxy war has been going for two years.
George Soros brags that he staged the whole deal, but Larry Nichols
He's got a lot of amazing contacts.
Of course, the consummate Clinton insider, he's accurately predicted the fact that she wouldn't be indicted for the emails when everybody else said he was wrong.
This story just broke, and this is from mainstream television in 12 countries in Europe.
This is accredited international television, but not on U.S.
Just broke.
Report, U.S.
moving nukes closer to Ukraine.
Pentagon denies, but evidence suggests otherwise.
That's what Putin was warning of two months ago.
And this is from Eura Acta TV.
You can go and break down how they publish articles in 12 languages and broadcast TV and all the different systems that they basically cover.
And this is a real respected media outlet, but this dovetails with what Putin's saying.
Then you've got all this craziness, with suddenly Turkey flipping to Russia, when just a year ago they were on the verge of war with them, or less, with the Russian shoot-downs.
The Turkish shoot-downs of Russian aircraft.
Turkey considering military ties with Russia, as NATO shows unwillingness to cooperate.
Okay, that's out of RT.
That's basically state-run Russian media.
ISIS nuke threat.
Dozens of U.S.
nuclear bombs stored at Turkish air base are at risk.
Now, we knew this a month ago, but this is now mainstream news.
So quite a time to be alive.
Right now, the U.S.
is reportedly moving nukes from Turkey to Romania amid rising tensions in Ukraine.
But Putin's talking about these cruise missiles that they call ballistic missile defense that he says are actually a sneak attack weapon.
Well, the Pentagon doesn't even deny that those missile defense systems can double as offensive.
And I had the former head of Star Wars on, Colonel Bob Bowman, breaking down the fact that they were always an offensive weapon system.
Larry Nichols.
Well, those weapons are there for one reason and one reason only, to take out command and control within 18 minutes, Alex.
Now, you can call them defensive if you want to, but I guess that is a form of defense because it's been long known by our country, by our government, by our military at least, that should things erupt, the first thing you've got to do is be able to take out command and control out of Moscow
And where they have it stashed out.
But here's exactly what's going to happen.
And here again, I can't tell you why I know I did not get it from some epiphany that I woke up and thought it up.
But here's what's coming.
Putin is scared to death that Donald Trump could win the presidency.
And he has let his people know and he has let the countries that have formerly been a little bit iffy on Russia
Jumping up and down between America and Russia, which one to align with?
Putin feels very strongly, Alex, that there's a chance if something's going to happen, he's going to have to do it while Obama and Hillary are still around.
When Trump gets in, Putin's leverage will be gone.
You know, Putin understands what Trump is trying to tell people.
Either jack up NATO, make NATO pay for their own defense, tip in anyway,
Or call it off.
And they believe, they believe that Donald Trump, if NATO nations do not step up and pay their share, Putin and his administration, they believe 100% Alex, that Trump will jack out of it.
He'll pull out of it.
They also know that we are the weakest we've ever been in the Middle East.
Larry, talk to me like I'm five years old.
You'd think Putin would want NATO to not be as strong or dissolved, and he's made overtures that he likes Trump, but you're saying there's something beneath that.
Explain to me how Russia doesn't want a strong NATO.
Well, because if there's a strong NATO, it
It traps Putin.
Look, Putin's not trying to rebuild.
This is where our country, our leadership, if you want to call it that, our drain trust, has it all wrong.
Putin's not trying, Alex, to recreate the old Soviet bloc nation.
No, I know that.
He's not.
He's recreating the Soviet, the Russian Empire.
The Russian Empire.
Well, he said that.
And he knows that he's vulnerable.
He knows he's vulnerable.
And a strong NATO, he wants no part of.
Okay, well then he should like Donald Trump.
I don't understand why you're saying that he doesn't like Trump.
He doesn't like Trump.
Well, he likes Trump, but he's scared to death that when Trump gets in, Trump will force NATO, Alex, to toughen up.
I guess that's the part I'm not getting across.
Oh, I understand.
Sure, so he's actually scared of what Trump will really do?
I mean, they are scared to death that Trump, through his threats and proving what he'll do, that NATO will buck up.
And Russia can obviously tell the best generals are all behind Trump.
That's right.
So, look, Putin's not a fool.
He knows America's weak.
He knows we're weak in Europe.
He knows we're weak in the Middle East.
I guess he's making his move, he thinks, before Trump gets in.
Before Trump gets in, and what should scare you to death is the way that Clint- Oh, stay there.
We gotta war game this, okay?
Because I don't know if I totally agree with you.
And I'm not saying you're wrong, but I gotta figure this out.
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Hillary Clinton's campaign is citing fake documents to assert that the questions surrounding her ill health are quote, debunked conspiracy theories.
The problem with that narrative is that no serious commentator who has raised questions about Hillary's health ever used the fake documents as evidence.
As the Washington Post reports, Hillary's campaign sent reporters an article from factcheck.org entitled Fake Clinton Medical Records, which debunks the authenticity of a leaked document circulated on Twitter that claims to be from Lisa Bardach, Hillary's personal physician.
The Fact Check article then implies that Fox News began questioning Hillary's health because of the information contained in the fake documents.
This is objectively false.
Not a single prominent individual who has ever discussed the issues surrounding Hillary's health has used the fake documents as proof.
And citing the fake documents as evidence, the Clinton campaign is building a classic strawman argument.
This is Ashley Beckford reporting for InfoWars.com.
If you can't see the irony in having a gun ban enforced by men with guns, well then you fail to understand why the Second Amendment was written in the first place.
Throughout history, only slaves are disarmed.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
To keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
For all of you actors out there who go to your red carpet events, surrounded by full battle rattle SWAT teams, while you accept your awards for your latest violent movie.
For all you politicians who spend your nine to five days scheming up ways to take away my second amendment rights, meanwhile you have first responders on site there to protect you, I say this, come and take it.
I have a strict gun control policy.
If there's a gun around, I want to control it.
Clint Eastwood.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
Dads demand guns because it's me that's got to get up and go check out that noise at 2am.
Is the US involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling, anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?
To Turkey?
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
How is it that this organization is so well-funded, so organized?
Islamic State-linked militants have gained a stronger foothold in Libya, seizing new economically vital areas of the country.
The leader of ISIS in Libya is none other than Abdel Hakim Belhadj, and of course he was armed to the teeth by NATO.
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
The Russians say they're negotiating with North Korea to hold joint military exercises.
Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin teaming up, creating an ominous alliance against the United States.
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is aggressively opposing the nuclear deal that the U.S.
government is negotiating with Iran.
Saudi Arabia is apparently prepared to allow Israeli jets into its airspace to conduct attacks on Iran.
We have an unprecedented opportunity to build a new world order.
I set up a foundation in Ukraine and played an important part in events now.
Ukraine is set to receive the first tranche of an international monetary fund aid package.
We had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin is on the moon.
Only when this transformation is complete will we be able to take full measure of the opportunities presented by this new and involving world order.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
Now we're going back to Larry Nichols here in just a moment.
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The point is, though, your purchase there is what is building this news operation that you see changing the world.
Now, I've said this a thousand times, I'll say it again, of late, I was never somebody that
Got butterflies in front of a crowd, got butterflies playing football.
I'd get butterflies if I was leaving school and some bully when I was in eighth grade who'd flunked three grades was saying he was gonna kick my butt and I started not going to find him.
Then I'd get butterflies if I didn't go confront him.
And I'm not saying I'm a tough guy or anything, that's just the way I am.
My gut's never been wrong, folks.
And as I get older, I always follow it.
When I was younger, I didn't.
My gut has gone from, and I've talked about this the last few years, from being super concerned, to over-concerned, to now screaming concerned.
I mean, I am... I've never almost not been able to be on air, okay?
I mean, I'm gonna be honest with you.
Because... I don't want to say I'm panicking.
But I have, I mean, you can see the dread, but I can feel it.
The danger to my children, your children, civilization right now, and I've never talked like this, people know that, is now so intense that I am never been in a self-hate mode.
I've always felt pretty good about myself.
I feel horrible that I can't figure out words or I can't figure out the guess to get on or somehow to find a way to stop what's happening.
And I'm not beating myself up with a head.
I'm just psychoanalyzing myself that things are so intense.
That I'm desperate.
I mean, I can see historically what's happening.
I can see the preparations.
I can see the economic preparations.
I can see all the emergency COG preparations, Continental Government.
And I'm just saying to myself, my God, we really are in the hands of evil.
What do we do?
Do we pray?
Do we repent?
I mean, do we get more politically involved?
Sure, a lot of folks are waking up.
Sure, Donald Trump listens to me and others.
But where do we go from here?
We're going to talk to Larry Nichols here in just a moment.
Just finishing up with the Russia situation and then going back to him.
Our report is now up on DrugsReport.com.
Report US moving nukes closer to Ukraine.
And this article is going to get a lot of scrutiny and the media is going to spin this.
So we probably need to add the previous reports we've done where Putin says they're moving nukes to the border.
That needs to be added.
We also need to add that the NATO statements about moving troops in Poland up to the Russian border and other borders with Russia, just to document because they'll sit there probably in attack grudge and not have this even going on.
This is being reported by Euro Act.
And this is an independent European media platform specializing in publication dealing with European news and European-centric topics.
And it's breaking down all the different publications and then they're picked up for different TV feeds and they put it out in English, German, Spanish, Greek, Bulgarian, Romanian, you name it.
And they're based in Brussels, Belgium.
But the point is that we already know this is what Putin has been complaining of.
And so this just feeds into the fact that we have these other headlines.
Turkey considering military ties with Russia as NATO.
Shows willingness to cooperate.
ISIS nuke threat.
Dozens of U.S.
nuclear bombs stored at Turkish airbase are at risk of being seized by terrorists.
That's RT and others reporting that.
None of this is in our news.
And then we've got this information.
Kiev has turned to terrorism.
Putin on foiled sabotage plot in Crimea.
This is at a press conference days ago.
And no coverage.
Let's play a minute from that press conference and then go back to our guest.
Here it is.
This is a highly alarming information.
It is true that our special forces have foiled an attempt by a group of sabotage infiltrators belonging to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's intelligence agency who are seeking to penetrate the Crimean territory.
And in view of these events, it has become pointless to meet with the Ukraine's current authorities at the Normandy format.
We have suffered losses as a result of this operation.
We undoubtedly cannot turn a blind eye to the deaths of our servicemen.
But I would also like to address our American and European partners.
Today it has become obvious for everyone that Kiev's current authorities are not seeking ways to solve problems through negotiations, but have turned to terrorism instead.
This is a highly troubling development.
There are no other reasons for conducting such actions other than to distract the Ukrainian people and divert their attention from the disastrous economic situation
And the miserable conditions most of them are living in.
All right.
Now, going back to Larry, but I want to just add this point here.
Putin again in the last few months has warned of nuclear war and says, you understand the danger we're all in.
We played those clips.
Our media denies that's even going on, denies that that's even happening.
But I do, in retrospect, thinking back to what Larry was saying 10 minutes ago before the break,
When the West lines up against Putin, when NATO moves up against his borders, it makes him have an 85% approval rating and allows him to move ahead with his plan to basically make it a more nationalist country.
If Trump is all friendly, de-escalates things, then Putin will not have as much political power.
Well, then why is so much Russian TV on the surface, pro-Trump, because they know Hillary's openly against him?
So I'm trying to square what you're saying.
I mean, I get what you're saying.
You're saying Putin thinks NATO and Hillary are weak, actually.
Well, they're the ones that are aggressing with folks like George Soros starting the whole Ukraine thing.
You're a smart guy.
I'm not disagreeing with you.
You have a military background, you know, Clinton insider.
Larry Nichols explained to me this equation.
Alright, I'm not doing a good job, you have to understand I'm kind of in a miserable state right now, so forgive my- I understand, you're very ill sir, we love you, we pray for you, go ahead.
But listen, Hillary and Obama, and Putin knows this, Hillary and Obama want to stay in power, alright?
They want to stay in power.
Putin is afraid of Trump because Trump's going to come in and he's going to solidify NATO.
And exactly what you said.
Remember, for Putin's personal survival, his personal opinion rating, the stronger NATO gets, right?
The stronger NATO gets, the stronger he becomes within his country.
They're worried that Trump's going to come in.
Trump is going to put all of these tough moves on NATO, force Europe, literally force Europe to suck it up and stand up.
And then what happens?
He gets a good personal rating, but now reverse engineer that.
Alex, reverse engineer that.
At the same time, he's got personal opinion going his way.
But Alex, we're sitting on a time bomb over there.
You're talking yourself right now.
We're moving missiles right up to the border.
I mean, those things go popping off, those things go shooting, you're in war.
And they're calling a missile defense, but the very same missile delivery system can carry a warhead.
Right, I mean...
Where they're at, Alex, there's no value to us as a missile defense system unless the actual missiles that are fired at somebody else come from specific locations.
But isn't it odd that every one of those places where those missiles are going are strategically timed to within 18 minutes, added up.
Within 18 minutes, they take off.
I was about to say, that's what Putin keeps saying.
He keeps saying, this is not about Iran, you're not putting them around Iran, you're putting them to hit Moscow.
That's right.
You're not even putting them at the borders of Europe.
I mean, think about it.
They're within 18 minutes.
He's not a fool, he can see that.
And you're sitting there and Obama and Hillary and in some ways I guess you could take Trump's playing into this matter.
But what you're getting close to is one of those missiles going off, and you have a war.
I was about to say, so let me ask you this question.
Why on earth are Hillary and all these people and Samantha Powers, I mean, because it's really a weird look with a woman in a skirt with a big necklace going, we're getting tough with Russia, strutting around, has never been in the military.
I mean, do these people understand how dangerous this is?
What are they thinking?
That's the problem, Alex.
They don't.
That's exactly the problem.
You're sitting there with Hillary Clinton.
Everything to her is about politics.
Everything to Hillary and Bill, I've trained them, I know.
Everything to them is about election, re-election, extortion, blackmail.
It's that all the way around.
Why do you think they bumbled up all the stuff in the Middle East with ISIS and Al Qaeda?
Look, they have no clue what they're playing with.
Putin does.
Putin does know what they're playing with.
And Putin is afraid that Trump knows.
And listen, Trump can go in with the best of intentions, but as long as those missiles are sitting where they are, yes, you strengthen NATO, yes, Putin gets a favorability rating.
Let me tell you, when those missiles start going off and people in Russia and elsewhere start dying, those opinion polls don't mean much anymore.
And I'm telling you, Alex, God help me for all of the people listening, you have no idea how close we are to war.
You know, I told you how close we were to the banks collapsing.
You're starting to see it.
I told you back then, I didn't know if it was next week, next month, but it was coming soon.
Well, you're seeing it.
They're collapsing.
You have no idea how close we are to one missile, one missile, errantly going off.
And you've got a full scale war going on, full scale.
And the Clintons don't know.
They don't care.
It's just about politics to them, Alex.
It's just about politics.
I know.
I've dealt in business with people who are normal for decades and then suddenly don't know kind of who they are.
It's not like they even have Alzheimer's.
They just don't care anymore and they can't... They just get like in a malaise.
It's just... And I see that in our leadership.
It's crazy.
When I talk to the Secret Service and other people, they say, listen...
It's the trashiness.
Just like the Clintons stealing, you know, the cutlery and the plates when they left the White House the first time.
They said it's the trashiness.
It's the not caring.
They come in with briefings and terrorists are moving weapons.
And it's like, ah, shit.
I mean, Obama, they just think they're invincible.
And Obama is watching SportsCenter like eight hours a day.
The president watches ESPN all day long.
I mean, who the hell are these people?
Yeah, what have you heard?
Obama doesn't even go to the national security briefings.
Alex, he misses 80% of them.
They don't care.
They don't care.
We have to care.
That's what I'm saying.
I'm just a normal guy from Texas and I know all these generals and spooks and everybody and they're all freaking out and then the president doesn't even care.
Yeah, well you ought to be me.
You ought to be me.
You ought to have generals, active generals in the service right now calling me and saying, Nichols, what are we going to do?
What the hell am I supposed to say?
Do, you know, what am I supposed to do?
You know, that's why I'm... I know, it's crazy.
I mean, Napoleon and Hitler knew what they were doing, but still got themselves into wars that they lost.
I'm looking at just a bunch of stumbling, weird, power-tripping, red-carpet freaks
He ought to just go be Hollywood producers if they want to be butt-kissed all day.
They shouldn't be.
I mean, why would they turn ISIS and Al-Qaeda loose to murder Christians and then Obama blocks Christians getting into the U.S.
0.3% when Syria is 20% Christian.
I mean, they really are out to get us.
But then, if he's an evil mastermind that wants to kill Christians, why is he watching SportsCenter?
You know, Alex, and then we talk about it in earnest.
You talk about it, I talk about it.
Bless your heart, you get it worse than I do.
And the media comes at you like you're some kind of mad scientist sicko out here spreading conspiracy theories.
Hey, this is not a conspiracy theory when you can sit here and see the President of the United States opening up and letting Syrians in
Think about this, Alex.
Obama is letting Syrians in by the tens of thousands who are coming here claiming, of course, that they're being suppressed, they're being tortured, they're being all of this by this government, this Sharia law in Syria, right?
What's the first thing they do here?
They come in here and they're trying to invoke Sharia law.
Does that make sense to a normal person?
They're the invaders that came into Syria.
They're not even letting Shiites out.
They're letting the Sunnis, the invasion force, in.
And Alex, we all sat here helpless.
We sat here thinking there is nothing we can do.
There is something we can do.
That's what I wanted to say.
What do you really think is going on with Trump?
I mean, I know, and I don't want to be a wishful thinker, but we've got Bloomberg putting in independents that are really Democrats in the polls.
We have Reuters adding 15% more Democrats in.
Number one, don't believe a damn thing you see in the mainstream media.
You should know by now, anybody that's listening to my voice, you should see that there ought to be a word beyond bias.
It's not bias.
These are deceptive enemies.
Yes, they're the enemy.
Now, Trump has walked into what I told you he was going to walk into.
You know, Alex, you and I, we begged Trump to talk to me.
Just please talk to me.
We won't have to tell anybody.
Just talk to me.
I can help you with the Clintons, because you're not going to be running against a bunch of 16 Republicans in a primary.
You're going to be running against the Clinton machine and the media.
Well, he's walked into it.
He's got him a mess of it.
He has got to stay the course.
Now, we, we have to do the only thing that we can do as Americans.
You know what that is, Alex?
Where we should have been all along.
State's rights.
See, we should, just like in every state, North Carolina as an example, I've got people calling there left and right.
North Carolina's trying to get voter ID law.
They passed the law.
Duly passed it in the state of North Carolina.
What happens?
It goes through everything.
Then it goes to federal court.
The black roll mob goes to federal court.
They shut it down.
You know what I've told the governor?
I've told the people to tell the governor, don't go to federal court.
Refuse to go.
They have no standing.
When a state passes a law, Alex, think about it.
Why on earth would the Democrats be hell-bent, and that's where Trump's got to help us, why would the Democrats be hell-bent to stop voter ID laws?
Because they have a bunch of illegals voting and dead people voting.
Golly, go figure that one out, huh?
I used to, in Conway, Arkansas, we had a bus company back in the day when I was with the Clintons.
We'd go get five, three to five school buses, go up to Northeast Arkansas where there were a lot of impoverished blacks, load them up, bring them to the ghetto parks of Little Rock.
Go into the different precincts, put a t-shirt on them, give them a card that said I'm Larry Nichols, they'd go in, they'd vote the way the card said, they'd come back, get on the bus, we'd put another t-shirt on them, a different color, tell them their name's John Doe, they'd go, and we'd have them vote four and five times!
We go to the next precinct, do it all over again, without voter ID, that kind of fraud, in Philadelphia, in Milwaukee, in the ghettos.
They deny it and say it's racist.
If you say it, California, Illinois, all these states have passed laws that went to the governor's desk, but even they knew that would open up a can of worms.
To let illegals vote!
To let illegals vote!
If it's racist, then why at the Democratic Convention, when you went into the convention, you saw the big sign that said you can't enter the convention center without a photo ID?
Was that not racist?
Look, they're whipping us by using profiling race.
Every time you say something, we're either homophobics or we're Islamophobics or we're racist against the blacks.
Stop it.
Stop it.
You can stop it.
Every one of you can stop it, but you gotta stop it at the state level.
Tell your state legislature that you can reach out and touch.
Tell him we want this, that, or the other law.
I understand.
Listen, listen.
The time we have, Larry, and then I also want to put up your PayPal account for folks to help.
You're battling cancer.
I don't even want to get into it, but it's tough.
What's that you got on your arm there?
You're almost... We need to pray for you, buddy.
You know, we love you.
You're like Darth Vader over there.
Kind of held together in paper clips.
Anyway, it's just a thing where they had to go through an artery and kind of fix a thing on my heart.
And I did that last night.
I'm supposed to be late.
You are a tough guy.
I don't want to give the background, but there's been nights when you're calling me up, telling me stuff right before you go into surgery.
And I tell you, you are something else.
Look, it's our country.
It's all we got.
It's all we got at it.
I'm sorry I look the way I do.
God knows I'm not looking this way.
I know some of the donations, you say, have carried you through.
You're going to pay for the surgeries, you name it.
NicholsLive at AOL.com.
NicholsLive, one word.
NicholsLive at AOL.com or LarryNichols58, Kingsington Drive, Conway, Arkansas 72034.
And again, my friend, I know you pledged to make it through this election.
What does your gut, what does your gut tell you about this election?
I mean, is it going to be Hillary or is it going to be Donald Trump?
If, and this is going to sound bragging and I don't mean it to be, you know where I'm coming from on this Alex.
There's a little more time for Donald Trump to get to me or to get you to get to me or he's going to lose.
He's going to lose.
He's got to learn to fight the Clintons the way the Clintons fight and he's got to learn Alex to know what the Clintons are going to do.
What do you think of him hiring, I mean what do you think of him hiring Bannon?
I mean Bannon's a street fighter.
She's a good lady.
I've known her for years, but however... There was another... I'm talking about Bannon and his campaign.
Oh, the other lady.
Well, Bannon and Kennedy.
Number one, she's a good lady.
She's a poster, but she's never run a national campaign, certainly never a presidential campaign.
We know I've heard of her.
Yeah, and then the guy with Breitbart News.
I don't know if they helped him.
I think Trump just got to be Trump and I think he needs to know what they're going to do before they do it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Yeah, he had a heart surgery last night, but he's on air with us.
If you're not a TV viewer, you can see Larry at infowars.com forward slash show or some TV stations around the country and cable systems that pick up the show.
They asked me, Nightline asked me,
If this stuff all comes out and you're wrong, will you feel guilty?
And I said, uh, I know I'm right.
I've read the Globalist's own documents, but I said, yeah, I would, I would feel guilty.
But I was asked once by a talk show host, you know, if you're wrong about 9-11 and the government at least letting it happen, you know, are you going to be ashamed before God?
And I said, the FBI just went public.
We know they stood down.
They were ordered to.
And that's what's so frustrating is we have a responsibility to tell people the truth about all this.
And it just gets crazier and weirder as we go down this road.
And Larry Nichols is our guest.
You know, before this man can rest, he obviously wants to expose what the Clintons are doing, what they're up to.
But, you know, I know that the new head of his campaign obviously listens to the show some.
I know Trump sees clips of the show and, you know, occasionally I can talk to Trump.
But he's got a lot.
I mean, Trump
Look, all I want from Donald Trump, I want no money.
I want no recognition.
He doesn't even admit to anybody.
But he needs to know, Alex, what the Clintons are going to do before they do it.
He needs to get ahead of them instead of being the recipient of all of this stuff.
The only way you're going to shut down a media, Mr. Trump, the only way you're going to shut down this media whacking you every day is you've got to get ahead of it.
You've got to take the Clintons out of the game.
If you say what they're going to do before they do it, Mr. Trump, then they can't do it.
They can't do it.
I can help you with that.
Look, that's all I can do.
That's all I can do.
Number one right now, they're starting right now to get ready for the debates, Alex.
And they're doing everything they can to make Hillary look like the poor woman that's gonna be... So how does he counter her?
I mean, does he say, look at you playing the part of a poor little shad woman, but you went to Libya and destabilized that and put ISIS in control.
I mean, how does he counter something like that?
Well, if I told on this air, you wouldn't be able to do that.
But I can assure you, you can use your imagination.
If you knew, that's what she was setting up, right?
If you knew, Alex, that's what she was setting up.
There are some dirty little nasty things that can be done.
And if you're going to play by Marcus Queensberry rules, get out of the game.
Get out of the game.
You're going to learn to fight the Clintons.
You better learn to fight the Clintons like they fight.
There are things you can do.
Tell us right now.
Go ahead.
Well, first off, the first thing I do is I start telling everybody, gosh, I feel so sorry for Hillary being so sick that she's having to sit down.
That just really breaks my heart.
I mean, play into it now.
Play into it.
Be a big ol' sweetie pie.
Play into it now.
What on earth would she say?
What would you say, Alex?
Think about it.
If Donald Trump started right now saying, hey, listen, everybody shut up about Hillary being sick.
My God, that woman, look how brave she is for fighting through the illness.
And I mean, you know, I can't believe people would be mocking her medical condition.
I mean, get after it now.
What on earth would Hillary say, Alex?
Wouldn't that be the bomb of bombs against her?
Before they start telling him to apologize for it.
Just go, hey, my supporter's doing this, don't you dare.
Yeah, you bet.
Hey, FDR was in a wheelchair.
Whatever brain surgery he had, let's, you know.
Now, let me ask you this.
If he started that now, how could they use that
In a moment against him in the debate.
Larry, let's do this.
Let's set you up, if you can do it, say Sunday or Monday for 30 minutes just on what you would advise Trump to do.
What Larry, you know, what the Clinton insider tells, you know, warns Trump of.
Let's do that.
Thank you so much, Larry Nichols.
God bless you.
We'll be back with Dr. Steve McChinney and more news.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
The story is up on Infowars.com.
It's at StevePachinik.com as well.
He wrote it.
He says that Manafort is a good choice because Manafort will let Trump be Trump.
Or he's saying that Bannon will be a good choice because he will let Trump be Trump.
So many campaign managers are thinking about Corey Lewandowski.
But Dr. Steve Pucinich joins us.
He's written an article that's at StevePucinich.com.
It's on InfoWars.com dealing with the fact that Paul Manafort is out and Stephen Bannon in.
The head of Breitbart News, also part of a major conservative organization that investigates corruption in the government.
It was a few months ago, I forget which interview, that Dr. Steve Pucinich talked about the fact that it'd be a good idea to
Basically take Paul Manafort out as the lead campaign individual.
And he didn't really elaborate on that, other than saying that somebody else would let Trump be Trump.
Now, of course, Dr. Steve Pachetnik is a best-selling author, wrote a bunch of books with Tom Clancy, and the reason he was the main advisor to Clancy was because he ran psychological warfare for the State Department, worked in different agencies and clandestine areas, was involved in propping up governments, overthrowing governments, you name it.
A lot of the conversations we end up having here on air cause Justice Department probes and subpoenas in court cases.
I mean, this is real stuff.
This is not...
Not child's play here on air.
So stevepchenik.com is the website.
I also want to talk to Dr. Pchenik some today about
Report U.S.
moving nukes closer to Ukraine, out of Turkey, that surrounded military base that supposedly has the nukes there in Turkey.
The different geopolitical realignments that are taking place, Putin coming out and openly saying that the gloves are off in Ukraine because of paramilitary forces killing
Let's start with, I appreciate coming on again.
A couple of months ago, many of your listeners asked me, how was I able to predict
That Manafort wouldn't be the right person for Trump.
And I think it's important for your listeners to understand something you and I have known for a very long time.
Number one, I don't read tea leaves.
Number two, I have nothing personally against Manafort.
And number three, one of the things that I do in my particular business of understanding psychodynamics or dynamics,
Not all psychiatrists can understand it or predict it.
It's called anticipatory intelligence.
It's to anticipate what happens when you have a personality structure like Mr. Trump.
The media, the left-wing media, says he's unstable, he's destabilized, all that nonsense.
From my point of view, and I think from Alex's point of view, and Roger Stone and others, and Corey Landasky, this was the force that we needed
To bring to the forefront in order to articulate our discontent.
Whether he knows the policies, whether he's been in bankruptcy, whether his businesses make millions or billions is totally irrelevant.
He's a figurehead for populism against globalism.
He's not only a figurehead, he is the persona literally of our discontent over 14 years.
And that has been the paramount issue.
In that discontent,
He kept on going forward, forward, and knocking out 16 Republicans.
What in fact happened is, thanks to Alex, thanks to the audience, thanks to Trump, we were able to eviscerate the Republican Party, or what we call the old rhinos.
Instead, we really have a new party.
I don't know what the name is, I don't care if we have a name, but it really is a form of Trumpism.
As Bernie Sanders was for the left,
And Sanderism still remains in the discontent in the Democratic Party.
Trumpism has a voice of its own.
Isn't Trumpism really the return of American nationalism and free market renaissance?
It's also a very... Yes.
Yes, Alex.
In fact, it's even a little bit more than that.
Trumpism is the articulation of the grievances and the corruption that we see.
And he was willing to go right up front and say
Hillary is corrupt, Comey is corrupt, and pick those who are also able to resonate and who are serious people.
So, when I said that Manafort was not the right person, Manafort was known as the man of the party.
He received all kinds of millions in working with other... No, no, you didn't like the choice from the beginning.
You were really concerned on air.
I said it was the wrong choice.
I said it's the wrong person.
It's the person who would repress and suppress Trump's dynamics.
The one I liked was Corey Landowski because he understood what Trump was about.
He said it very succinctly.
Let Trump be Trump.
And even Trump said it repeatedly.
But when a man like Trump gets cornered and he feels that he's being controlled, he will either make mistakes that he normally wouldn't make or he would begin to get very resentful.
And that's what I predicted would happen.
And he in turn became
Uh, realigned and resurrected, so to speak, and said, I've had enough.
I gotta get rid of all these people.
I don't want to pivot.
I don't need to pivot.
And whether he hears our station or not, people like myself, people like General Flynn, Mike Flynn, who I knew, and others, and Roger Ailes, whom I've worked with on the Bush campaign,
Came in to make him become what he always was.
I was about to say, I think this tripling down to go brass knuckles is the way to go, to supercharge the populism.
That's what brought him to where he is and we see hysterical fits now by the controlled press with their dwindling audiences.
They're putting out fake polls, you name it.
What does your gut, but also just your political gravitas, tell you about what we're facing, what dirty tricks they may pull?
Well, they're going to be pulling every dirty trick in the book.
Number one, they will create the third party with Dr. Jill Stein to siphon off some of the discontent on the liberal side, but really come back in.
They'll create the party again of the libertarians to siphon it off.
So we have a Nader phenomenon in that whole Bush-Gore campaign.
Then they will hit Trump with the ads that you've seen that he's not stable.
He's not mentally capable of handling, and then you see the old dads that he has to be responsible for the nuclear bomb, and then they juxtapose it.
That's not going to work.
That's old Hillary.
So they're going to 1964 stuff, Barry Goldwater with a girl picking the daisy and the nuke going off.
And the biggest mistake, and I had been a
Actually, the legacy of it.
Two thousand psychiatrists called Barry Water crazy and in subsequent to that I had
I stated to the American Psychiatric Association publicly that Bush Sr.
had a medical problem.
He could not run again for the presidency because he was vomiting.
And in turn, I left the American Psychiatric Association.
You can see how the different establishment organizations, the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association, all come down to maintain a certain repressive code of conduct.
That's consistent with their policy.
Not consistent with the American character or nature, but that's what happened.
Well, Dr. Pacino, I agree with you, so let me ask you this question.
Who are the different power structures now?
The patriots, the free market folks, what's left of the military, versus what?
Well, there's a lot.
Go ahead.
It's interesting, Alex.
In a way, what's been happening, and I know you don't like it when I compliment you and your audience, but in effect,
What I've been saying for years on the radio, as a result of 2014, as a result of the internet, as a result of your audience being able to cut into every
A narrative where it was nonsense.
We have had a devolution of power.
In other words... Back to the states, back to the people, the media's falling apart, all the real metrics.
I want to get into that, but let me ask this question then.
After that, then why is the power structure trying to prop up a corpse like Hillary?
Go ahead.
Well, you can't prop up the corpse.
That corpse, one way or the other, will not sustain itself.
If, in fact, she gets through the debate, she will not be able to physically or mentally assert the term in the presidency.
The Secret Service knows that.
Those physicians who've treated her, I know that.
And, in fact, what she has done is to appoint her surrogate, Tim Kaine, from Virginia, who's totally a Democratic operative or a political hack.
Who's had ostensibly experienced as a congressman, a governor, and a senator.
I have nothing against him, but I have nothing that would laud him.
And in turn, she appointed another senator, Salazar.
So what you have is a repetition of a staid, corrupt system through the Democratic Party.
So the fact that they would put her forward despite all this shows their arrogance, or their disconnection, or their dotting us?
It shows the fact that the system is so entrenched, and it is so corrupt,
I think that if you were to unwind the Clinton Foundation, you would probably eliminate three quarters of this administration.
Do you have any intel or what's your view on what WikiLeaks says they have that'll bring Hillary down?
Well, there are certain things that'll bring it down.
I mean, James Comey, for example, was part of Hogan & Hartson, the director of the FBI.
And Hogan & Hartson, which is a famous law firm,
Sandy Berger was a lawyer, Loretta Lynch was a lawyer, and the Chief of Staff for Hillary was a lawyer, Cheryl Mills.
All of them conspired in subsequent cases.
Let me tell you this, and I think he may be leaking it.
One, Sandy Berger committed a felony when he stole the classified paper.
He came beneath, again, he came underneath
The director of the FBI called me, called me, let him off on a misdemeanor.
Petraeus, two felonies, came off on a misdemeanor.
Hogan and Hartson had created
The, uh, company called MDX Logistics in Denver.
They did the patent.
Hold on!
I'm sure this is important.
Stay there.
We've got a break, Dr. Machinic.
Come back and explain the inside baseball and what's going on.
But undoubtedly the most epic time in American history, in world history.
We're getting into Russia.
What does all the military drills mean?
Putin threatening military action in Ukraine.
There is one distinction in history, above all others, that marks free individuals, free populations, free nations, from that of captive slaves.
And it's also important to note that throughout history, most nations have been enslaved to an elite.
But if you go back to the ancient Greeks, the cradle of democracy,
480 B.C., we see the Battle of Thermopylae at the Hot Gates that's been popularized in many Hollywood movies, where 300 Spartans stood against hundreds of thousands of Persians.
Then if you accelerate to 1775 in Lexington and Concord, and the attempts by the British Crown to disarm the colonists, we see a repeat of what happened with the 300 fighting the Persians.
If we move forward to
1835 in Gonzales, Texas, Santa Ana came to disarm the Mexican citizens of their firearms, and the people again fought back.
And it's important to note, as we see the right to self-defense being taken away, we also see the right of free speech being taken away, the other mark of a free individual.
So I thought today we'd look back on some of the famous historic quotes dealing with the Second Amendment.
First, I want to give you a quote from Senator Dianne Feinstein, who famously said that if she could get the votes for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, Mr. and Mrs. America, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it.
I would have done it.
She would vote to ban our guns.
We need to do this every day of the week.
We need to brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
And remember, this is somebody, to this day, guarded, even though he's retired, by taxpayer-funded armed guards.
It is so incredibly arrogant.
They get fitter.
They cling to guns or religion or antipathy towards people that aren't like them.
Barack Hussein Obama.
From my cold, dead hands.
From my cold, dead hands.
From my cold, dead hands.
Charlton Heston.
The right to defend one's person and one's home when attacked has been guaranteed through the ages by common law.
Martin Luther King Jr.
They've denied for so long they're coming for our guns.
Now they admit that.
A nation of sheep will be ruled by rules.
Because holding a gun makes me a real feminist.
Come and take it.
Battle of Gonzales, Texas, 1835.
Molong Labe.
King Leonidas at the Battle of Thermopylae.
If you think gun control is going to change the terrorist's point of view... I think you're, like, out of your mind.
I think you're like... I think anybody is.
I think it's absolutely insane.
I have a strict gun control policy.
If there's a gun around, I want to control it.
Clint Eastwood.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
To keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment.
Everybody knows that you either use a right or you lose it, and we're using the First Amendment to defend the Second Amendment.
Now, our last big push was with the Hillary for Prison shirts, and it became a national meme, and it's had an incredible effect, and it's brought so many patriots together.
I want to do the same with this Come and Take It shirt.
We're going to have a whole bunch of different varieties coming out.
This Texas version is the first of a group of limited editions.
We've got one with the classic Canon and one with the classic modern M4.
And on the back it says, Don't Tread on Me, Infowars.com.
This shirt is an absolute must-have.
It's athletic cut and it's got this incredibly soft contouring fabric that everybody in the office loves.
Support the Second Amendment, support the First Amendment, and meet like-minded people today by getting your Come and Take It limited edition shirt at InfoWarsTore.com.
There's a reason InfoWars is getting exponentially more popular.
Hard to believe, but it's true.
28 million people one way or another every week.
Tune in or watch the broadcast.
And then you've got all the millions and millions that read the news articles just on our site.
Not to mention where they're copied everywhere, where other talk show hosts read the information but don't give us credit.
But I love that.
I don't care.
I love changing the narrative back to basic common sense.
But I tell you, you look at mainstream media, they're a bunch of regurgitating
And written across all of this is major crisis.
But the good news is there are a lot of people that are awake.
So, Dr. Pashunic, you got cut off by the break.
You were getting some really important information.
Please continue.
Well, the point is that, in effect, what happened, what we have in this new debate coming up, which will be quite interesting, you have three powerful forces walking, coming in on Trump.
You have Brannon, you have Mike Flynn, and you have Trump himself, and Roger Ailes, who has, he and I have worked together on 41, his campaign.
And I can assure you that Roger understands strategy and tactics, both in media and in campaign.
In contrast to that, you have Hillary Clinton, who will perform
Uh, accordingly.
In other words, she sounds very bright, she sounds articulate, except a lot of the assumptions are wrong, a lot of the statements will be lies, and a lot of the accomplishments would have been non-existent.
And at the same time, she will have to ward off an amazing amount of physical and mental fatigue, which will put a major strain on her.
And that's one of the issues that the Democrats have to worry about her.
And that's one of the issues that Trump and Roger Ailes and Bannon have to look at and know how to utilize that in terms of a debate that will stretch over a few hours and a few weeks.
Because this is not going to be a knockout punch.
This is not something where you come in and, you know, I heard your former guest and I thought that was a very clever idea, talking about Hillary and explaining, yes, she's sick and not addressing it subsequently.
But usually what happens in these kind of debates is that each one will test the other out, almost like a boxing ring.
And you can see Trump very much, I consider him like a Cassius play.
Moving around about, you know, throwing in a few jabs here and there, and Hillary pretty much going on schedule and on form, talking about the non-existent accomplishments that she made.
All of which he may or may not address per item.
She did nothing when she was Secretary of State.
She did go to war in Libya.
She had the Benghazi episode.
We know all that.
As a Senator, she not only did nothing, accomplished absolutely nothing, but she lost 25% of jobs in New York State when in fact she promised that New York State would have 200,000 jobs.
So the factual parts would come out in different ways.
The most important part of what's coming out of this subsequent debate is really the emotional intensity and where the people will alive themselves.
Because there's several debates, a knockout in the first round is not always the most effective way to handle it.
And when I was involved in debates with Bush Sr.
and Bush Jr., you had to calculate that you really have to think about this as three or four rounds.
And you have to decide when, in fact, a counterpunch comes in strategically.
The fact that you have a consistent puncher here is that you have to hold back.
Sure, but the media is going to announce if she was TKO'd or knocked out completely, they're going to announce that as a victory for her.
So I think he really gets up there and just attacks the media, ignores her, and goes, here's the little sad puppet, the little fake Foundation minion, the lady that claims she was like Brian Williams.
I wouldn't be nice to her.
I'd go total, you want to play the little lady thing?
You want to play the little game that you're the victim of the big mean man here?
You know, I'd vote for a woman for president in 10 seconds if she wasn't a traitor.
I'd hit her with pure brass knuckles and just bring up, you know, you said you were in Serbia or wherever under attack and there's video, it's all a lie.
And I would just hit her with the foundation.
I'd hit her with everything.
I would just hit her and hit her and hit her and say, how dare you create ISIS?
How dare you do all this?
Well, you could do that.
In effect, what that might do for the audience is turn them off.
Not because it's correct or it's factually on target, because it's just too much emotionally to absorb.
And even though it looks good, and it sounds good, in effect... No, I get it.
They want to see a long, like a movie with a court hearing, where you only find out who's bad at the end.
Now you got it, Alex.
The audience wants to be entertained in the beginning.
They want to be let down a little bit, and then for the denouement, for the end of the film, they want a knockout.
But see, see, and I get what you're saying, and I can do that.
I can be Matthew Bellion.
I think you'd have to walk off the stage.
That's what you did, Alex, with that British guy.
Yeah, I mean, I just say the whole thing's fake and I got some foreign agent trying to disarm me.
Screw you, you're an agent.
But listen, you're probably right.
We should do the whole nuance deal.
I just, the media will spin that.
We'll be back with Steve Pichetti.
If you can't see the irony in having a gun ban enforced by men with guns, well then you fail to understand why the Second Amendment was written in the first place.
Throughout history, only slaves are disarmed.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
To keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
For all of you actors out there who go to your red carpet events, surrounded by full battle rattle SWAT teams, while you accept your awards for your latest violent movie.
For all you politicians who spend your 9-5 days scheming up ways to take away my Second Amendment rights, meanwhile you have first responders on site there to protect you, I say this, come and take it.
I have a strict gun control policy.
If there's a gun around, I want to control it.
Clint Eastwood.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
Dads demand guns because it's me that's got to get up and go check out that noise at 2am.
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I'm Ashley Beckford for InfoWars.com, here to tell you that Orwellian newspeak has gone to a disturbing new level.
Article linked on the Drudge Report.
Princeton HR Department, don't use the word man.
Instead of using man, employees are told to use such words as human beings, individuals, or people.
Instead of man and wife, use spouses or partners.
Switch out man-made with artificial, handmade, or manufactured.
Don't use the verb to man as in to work something.
Instead, use to operate or to staff.
Throw out workman-like and replace it with skillful.
The memo goes on to list a variety of occupations that typically include the word man in them and offers replacements.
Business person instead of businessman.
Firefighter instead of fireman.
Ancestors instead of forefathers.
And so on.
Gender-neutral language is yet another way to erode free speech.
This is Ashley Beckford reporting for InfoWars.com.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
We are 81 days out from the general election.
Everybody can feel the tension in the air.
You can cut it with a knife.
I really try to figure out how stuff works.
I mean, I really do try to talk to all the different experts, nice people I agree with, and study history, and study different elites, and try to figure out where we're going.
And I see a lot of delusion by the technocrats and people.
They're too busy thinking about some new Elysium, Mount Olympus, they're going to live forever.
And I'm not the one saying that.
That's, that's the, you know, really rich people are just kind of like, manage the scum for us while we fly around on our jumbo jets.
And you know, the head of Google makes his girlfriends wear hoods over their heads so no one can see them because he wants privacy.
But then he says, you, you shouldn't expect privacy.
And it's just they don't have fundamental decency, these elites, that what they do to us ends up coming back on them.
The first presidential debate is September 26, so those are close in.
Hillary wants them limited.
She only wants three.
She wants them in low ratings periods.
How does Donald Trump, the words transcend, get around, circumnavigate, that the media is going to, he gives great speeches, they just ignore it and play little side clips, or him taking questions.
How does he get around, though, even if he does have knockouts in these debates?
They'll be watched by 20, 30, 40 million people, maybe, maybe 50 million, but still, they're just going to turn it all into some fake controversy.
That's why I think the big devastating blow, especially in the first debate, is that he can try to save it if it doesn't work in the second and third is the way to go.
But maybe I'm wrong.
It's just at a certain point,
Calling it all as a fraud, and I think really going after her and saying, we're not going to play this card of you're a woman.
When you're off bragging about wars and how you're good at killing people and how you're this hero like Brian Williams.
I mean, I think savaging her is the way to go.
The media is going to say that, oh, it's a big failure.
I think he says it ahead of time.
Oh, they're going to say that I'm a big failure doing this.
No, this is the time for reality to reemerge.
I think if he sits there and deftly plays it with her and everything, I think he loses.
Now, if he somehow could do it where he gets good punches in every time and slowly roasts her, that'd probably be the safest route.
I'm not a veteran of campaigns or debates like Steve Pchenik.
But what do you think, knowing Roger Ailes, what do you think Roger Ailes, who's been obviously a coup at Fox to kick him out so that Fox won't try to expose a rigged election, what do you think he's advising Trump to do?
I don't know what Roger's going to advise him because I don't want to speak on behalf of Roger and I've only known him over a limited period of time.
Sure, but what's your gut knowing Roger?
Well, he's a very practical, no-nonsense man who understands when you attack and when you don't.
And he understands the power of that single blow.
For example, when we were talking about Bush Sr.
and he was 20 points or 15 points behind Dukakis, if one could even imagine that.
We had to get Bush Sr.
out in front and we had to keep Dukakis literally, physically in Massachusetts.
So the issue of, and I think he brought it up or one of the others, and James Baker was
And you had very rational men, and we talked about the fact that we needed a product that would force the candidate, in this case Dukakis, to remain in Massachusetts while we literally physically swung out Bush Sr., 41.
And that case was the Willie Horton case, and that came out, and it created exactly what we thought.
You know, in every debate, I've always gotten a call from the opposition asking me just to meet me.
I don't think they... I think they wanted to know what exactly I said, and that was similarly the case.
I won't identify who called me, but it was a friend of Roger Ailes, and she worked for Dukakis, and she's a lovely lawyer and lady from the West Coast, and she wanted to know
Why this strategy was developed in the same way another strategy that was developed where with 43 who in in terms of his Dynamic Bush jr.
In terms of Al Gore Gore was a far more intellectual individual than Bush jr.
And it wasn't that he was smarter or stupid.
It was simply that Gore liked to articulate and talk a lot.
And so what we did was to take
Bush's weakness make it into a strength, which was his paucity of response.
And he didn't say very much, and he didn't have to retort very much.
He just talked about God, country, and whatever.
And instead, we had Al Gore.
His strength, we turned it into a weakness.
And that weakness was his inability to control his verbosity.
Literally, he kept talking and talking.
And that basic strategy worked.
And when it was over, one of the Gore's campaign managers wanted to have lunch with me.
But I really understood what they were looking for.
In a similar way, Roger will understand how to transform
Trump's weakness into a strength, and Hillary's strength into a weakness.
Okay, so if you were advising Trump, Steve Puccini, coming, you know, former head of psychological warfare for the State Department, a guy that's overthrown governments and installed governments, so you know what you're talking about, what would you advise Trump to do in these debates?
I mean, I know it's a gestalt, I know we get all technical, you have to think it all out, but what are the basics?
Well, number one, the basics is, this is not a one-round match.
I mean, you and I differ on that, and that's fine.
No, no, no, I'm not saying my plan is one big deathblow.
Let's talk about it.
Number two, a lot of this will not often be decided in a debate.
You have two very valuable allies there.
Three, you have, I don't know Brannon, but I have a pretty good sense of Flynn.
I've met him.
And you have Roger Ailes, and if you flank them out,
around Hillary and you get into the news media far faster than the Clinton team does, and you're able to basically create a narrative, then you're setting up a situation where it's going to be very hard for Hillary not to be blocked.
In fact, you have to block her emotionally, intellectually, and in terms of timing.
And that gets into specifics.
Hillary is a plotter.
She literally should continue to just spout out what she needs to say.
She's like a robot.
She's like a robot.
So use that against her.
That's correct.
Maybe Trump makes a joke when she does something particularly robotic and goes, thank you for that info.
That was good.
Danger, Will Robinson.
With all due respect, I always have to respect my adversaries.
In this case, I have a lot of respect.
What, how to handle her because she will be prepared for these eruptions of statements.
And I'm sure that she has some good, uh, strategies, tacticians.
I'm not sure, but I assume so.
But the reality is Hillary has to worry about Bill Clinton.
She has to worry about her team.
And then she has to worry about the fact that her whole life psychologically, she's carrying a lot more of a burden.
And Trump is.
Trump made a decision about a year ago, and it was a spontaneous decision, saying, I want to give up part of my life to serve the country.
For Hillary, this was inbred, and this has been part of her gestalt and genetics and emotions since the time that she was a kid.
So will there be subconscious self-sabotage going on?
Yeah, you got it.
There's a lot of elements here where she can be highly self-destructive, where she was.
She was self-destructive in the email.
She was self-destructive in Haiti.
She was self-destructive on a trip.
And that's why we don't want her as president.
Why is she so damn reckless?
Well, that's a good question, Alex.
The reason she's reckless is in part not because she's stupid, but because she's so eager to do what she thinks is right and has a coterie of actually sick offense.
Yes, ma'am.
In all fairness to her.
Trump got rid of that.
What Trump wanted was a reality tester on every level, and not only a reality tester, but people who could literally argue against each other.
With Hillary, it's been a history of the lowest and poorest quality.
Well, what about this psychology, and I don't want to get too deep in this because I don't want to give the media fodder, but in a way it's kind of a positive thing.
What does it say for Trump's bona fides, and I know for a fact
He has picked up on my warnings, my info, word for word.
Well, yeah, yeah, he has.
But Trump will be Trump.
In other words, he wrote the book of the art of the deal.
And understanding that, he understands that there's a beginning and an end.
Sure, but what does it say about his psychology that he listens to somebody like me?
Oh, because, well, it's the same reason my psychology.
You resonate
Emotionally and in a narrative.
That's what he said.
He said that's exactly what you just said.
That's wild.
He's a really smart guy.
Well, but that's true Alex.
I've known you for over 14 years and with all due respect, I don't know anything about Breitbart or any of that alternative media, but I only know
Alex Jones.
We've been through a lot of fights together in terms of 9-11, and we brought along millions of people along a narrative and an emotion where they began to say, yes, I've done it.
Of course he knows that.
But he has to rely on someone like you and others who can tell the truth.
That's why Mike Flynn came forth.
Well, I happen to know for a fact he almost had him as the VP guy, but the party threw a fit.
He really admires Flynn.
So let's talk about understanding Trump's psychology.
What type of person Flynn is.
Well, Flynn, you know, I can't say I've known him personally.
I've met him and I've watched what he has done in a meeting where he brought in all kinds of social scientists.
Psychologists to expand out military intelligence into an area which it should have been, and it was when I began.
But he wanted to bring in psychology, social science into the intelligence field, and he was very effective at doing that.
And he was what we call the map out of the network.
He knew how to find them, fix it, and neutralize the terrorists at a very high speed, along with General McChrystal.
The key to him was that he's a go-getter, and in that process, like myself and like you and others and Trump, we're going to shake up the hen house and we're going to place a lot of people in an uncomfortable position because he stands out, he says what he says, he made no apologies.
For revealing what was called, quote, secret information to our allies, Australia and Britain.
And it turns out he was the central leader.
Explain how that worked.
You told me about it right when it happened, and then other people confirmed it, but that the Pentagon and then Dempsey, the chairman, actually told Obama, we're not going to do air power, we're not going to be the air force for Al-Qaeda.
Senators then parroted that, and there was a basically, Obama spun it later, and Hirsch came on about it, and talked about the fact, well, yeah,
They forced Obama to go, okay, do a dual strategy, because they basically told him, we know you're running ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
So then, they ran a dual strategy of actually trying to contain it.
I mean, that to me is, that's the stuff of, that's beyond Operation Valkyrie, because it's bloodless, but it's the military actually blocking Obama and Hillary from turning the whole Middle East over to Saudi Arabia and Al-Qaeda.
Is that an accurate way to say it?
Yes, it is.
It's what you and I have called, and correctly, and I've lauded General Dempsey for it and Mike Flynn and others, it's called a soft coup.
And what we mean by a soft coup is, you know, when we invoke the image of a coup, everybody thinks we have tanks in the streets or it's like the movie Siege with Bruce Willis and Denzel Washington.
No, that's not what happens in a coup.
The first coup that I may have been involved with was under Nixon.
When in fact Henry Kissinger, I give him the credit, and Schlesinger and Richardson took over the nuclear weapons and the power away from Nixon as he was deteriorating physically and mentally.
So that was a transfer of power without the Congress invoking any legislative requirements or in any way informing the public.
The most important element that we can do as an American, and Obama understands it as much as I can criticize him, is this one thing is the most important.
He must transfer power peacefully to the next officer, be it Trump or Hillary.
The reason for that has far more to do with the world perception of America and our financial system, because we are the only country
That legally and democratically transfers power very quickly over without any problems.
Sure, sure.
Not to interrupt because this is so critical, but it seems like the world's in greater crisis.
German banks are in trouble.
The situation in Russia is escalating.
I don't, again, I don't lionize Russia, but it is a lot of escalation on the west part of Ukraine while we're working with them in Syria.
Crystallize that from your perspective, Dr. Wachynnik.
Well, what's really happening is Russia's playing.
Putin is in serious, serious trouble at home.
He has gotten rid of his chief ally, it doesn't matter what his name is, who is his right-hand man, because he knows that there is an impending purge or a counter-coup against Putin.
So he's created a new entity above the FSB, which is the old KGB.
He's created a new entity above the GRU, which is military intelligence, called the National Guard.
Now that's the fancy way of saying, I have private guards.
We don't have them.
So what's happening is he's trying to exert his power at a time when he is not in very great shape.
Financially, 20 out of 80 of his governmental units, in other words... No, I know, Russia's been under massive economic warfare and he's creating a Praetorian Guard, so that sounds scary to me.
Well, it is for Putin.
It isn't scary for us because, number one, Putin will not go to war because we do have alliances, believe it or not.
That are far stronger than what Secretary Kerry does.
Our generals have a very strong alliance with the Russian soldiers and Russian intelligence.
And we saw a powerful example of that when Obama was told, you know, we're not going to overthrow Syria for al-Qaeda.
And that's where General Dempsey and others, I don't want to name them, they back off and they just dispel their own command and control systems.
Look, it can't work.
At the same time, you have a General Flynn who may get into a confrontation with James Clapper, who's Director of National Intelligence, whom I also admire.
And these are two very strong headed generals.
And that's exactly what you want in a military.
That is not going to be obsequious to the President of the United States.
You don't want a bunch of yes men?
And in fact, what you have is then we have a ThinkPak commander who I think of Japanese origin.
In the meantime, China has a very serious problem.
It's trying to use a concept of Mao Zedong that's outdated.
In other words, you can't use old shibboleths and old symbols in order to mobilize young kids.
The Chinese are very bright, they're very young, and they're very hungry.
They're basically going back to Toronto.
They're coming to the United States.
They want an education.
They need a vibrant... So the Chinese think they're infiltrating us.
The truth is the West intellectually can't be beat.
They're going to join us.
Well, that's correct.
It's not an issue of where they're going to beat us.
The problem is China knows right now that economically, internally, it's falling apart.
And it doesn't have enough food to supply to the local region.
And more importantly, I go back to the issue of water, water, water.
So it is a paper tiger.
Paper tiger.
We'll stay there.
We're going to be right back on the final segment.
And then who do we have taking over the fourth hour?
Anthony Gucciardi.
I'm Alex Jones talking to Dr. Steve Pichenik.
This is real radio, folks.
This isn't for dumbed-down idiots.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
This is very important because a lot of these microorganisms, and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms,
You have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, viruses protect themselves, and so do bacteria, protozoa, and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually designed the Living Defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often should you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when they hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss,
Excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness.
I mean, all these things.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Anthony Gucciardi is going to be hosting the fourth hour, and there's a lot to cover we haven't gotten to yet.
In fact, I'll probably do a little bit of that hour with him.
I look at Hillary and the pay-to-play in the State Department and establishing that, and I find it hard to believe that some higher agency group or COG group didn't authorize it, but the more we burrow into it, they didn't.
There's a feeling of invincibility with George Soros and these other characters that they're so tied into the elites that they can get away with murder.
But then that adds to the criminality of just doing more and more, thinking you're invincible.
Dr. Steve Puccini, other tidbits, other key points.
There's a new story up on Infowars.com.
We have a chart by Wayne Madsen compiled.
Clinton Foundation donations linked to State Department favors.
It's now coming out that indeed she did this.
We always knew this.
I had Tosh Plumley and other CIA contractor whistleblowers on four years ago.
saying listen this is what really happened in Benghazi you were on within a week of the situation saying similar things so if this was all known then again I have to ask about Hillary for someone that reportedly has bad eyesight and you know is scared of things and and you know it's just doddering around it just seems
Really bold, because I'm on a power trip.
I mean, I'm probably a little bit narcissistic.
Who isn't?
Who's confident?
But as I get more power, I get more conservative and more concerned about misusing it.
I don't understand the megalomania of, like, you get more power, you get more arrogant.
Can you explain that to me as a psychiatrist?
Well, yeah.
Basically, what happens is the sense of self, who you are, no longer becomes real.
And what you assume is a persona
She's just disconnected in her own world.
Yeah, I mean, you have to remember, when you become a politician and you live in the Senate as she has, or you live in the White House, you live in a very isolated area.
She hasn't, you know, the most basic thing, let's get it down to basics.
They don't drive a car.
Obama hasn't driven a car in eight years.
They don't go shopping.
Sure, a huge extension of this is until just a few decades ago, the Queen of England had somebody wipe her butt.
I mean, I'm not trying to be gross, but they had the groom of the stool.
I mean, is that what you're getting at here?
Yeah, the point is they're no longer doing the ordinary things of an ordinary day.
Nobody's taking out pampers for the kids.
Nobody's staying up at night.
Nobody has to take out the garbage.
Nobody's cleaning up the... Nobody's gotta balance the checkbook.
Nobody's gotta get the dead possum out of the air conditioner.
So what happens in effect is you become this other person that's taken care of.
And the more you're taken care of, the less you have a sense of strength within yourself and a greater sense of entitlement.
And for her, anything she does is an entitlement.
So she can be corrupt.
I mean,
When HSBC received 81, gave 81 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation, Comey didn't think that was anything wrong.
Comey didn't think that in any way he would be indicted for criminal activity.
Oh yeah, you got cut off.
We have to do five more minutes, we can do it.
You got cut off Bob Barker, we never came back to it.
You were trying to explain how Comey was involved in, like why he's compromised?
Well, he's highly compromised, and the man has no integrity.
Neither did Mueller when he was involved in 9-11.
So, who do you pick as the director of the FBI?
From the very beginning, you had a man who was a cross-dresser, who was, you know... Why don't we put General Flynn as the head of the FBI?
Well, you could, but he would fire... he would probably throw out 80% of the FBI.
He and I don't tolerate civilian inactivity and...
Incompetency very well.
Flynn works with, the same way I do, the military.
So when you have a civilian intelligence organization, they're not as good as a military, as the Defense Intelligence Agency, with 20,000.
But let's get back.
I mean, he's highly compromised.
Worked at Hogan & Hartson with Loretta Lynch.
Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide while also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting 100% organic coffee on the planet.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, final segment I'm hosting here.
We're gonna have Anson Gucciardi take over.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I love how Hillary Clinton gave 97% plus of her charitable donations to her own foundation.
It's called money laundering.
People have a lot of nerve, folks.
If you already did that, we'd be in prison.
It's just crazy.
You have this mole-like woman just like stumbling around running everything because of her arrogance everyone bowing down and her using the false
Chivalry of the West that she's a woman, but this is the modern feminist age.
So don't use the fact you're a woman to do all this dirty stuff and then punch us and we don't punch back.
I think she's fair game.
That's another issue I was just thinking about.
Dr. Pchenik, we've got four minutes left.
Thanks for your time today.
Finish up with Director Comey and why you're saying he backed off the call for indictment of Hillary Clinton.
Well, because he was part of a law firm that developed, number one, the emails
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Corrupt entity.
And then when he just, you know, split his decision saying, oh well, I can't indict her, which was nonsense.
He can't indict her because he couldn't indict Petraeus as well.
He didn't want to.
He didn't have the courage.
He didn't have the conviction.
Petraeus committed major felonies by giving over the 8-4.
Sure, sure.
Shifting gears then, what about Bill Clinton just going on a plane and not caring and then saying, come, he's full of BS.
Just the arrogance of Clinton is amazing.
Well, because they think we are Disneyland for their world.
And in fact, they have never been held accountable.
There's never been a regime change under them.
And the worst that ever happened is that he was picked off for a play show with Monica Lewinsky, and he thinks that was a joke.
And so the left and most of the people adored them like Nero.
Disconnected, entitled, arrogant.
It's entitlement, it's arrogance, but it's also a point at which they don't care.
They don't care about America, they don't really care about anybody else.
They care about the fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton are the King and Queen of Haiti, the King and Queen of America, the King and Queen of the world.
I mean, that's basically the way they see themselves.
They're the lowest of the low, and they really presume themselves to be the highest of the high.
Unfortunately, they tainted a very sweet daughter who was really going to be a pre-med student and ended up to be tainted by marrying somebody whose parents were also crooked.
So crookedness begets crookedness, which begets crookedness.
And so it's their own world.
In the old days, we would have called it the Jewish-Italian mob.
The Pritzker's out of Chicago, and we have one of their descendants, Peggy Pritzker, who's under Obama.
And we have Obama, who's the scion of all the mob boys in Chicago.
So the corruption goes on all the time.
And it goes on both sides, the Bush, the Clinton.
It really doesn't matter until you get to the moment where a man like Trump, who may be compromised in his own ways.
I mean, you're not an angel when you run casinos, but the minute he comes in and he says, you know what?
I want to blow up the system and see what happens.
Then you get yourself a verbal revolution, which everybody's watching.
What will happen, there will be a scattered amount of people who will say, well, how do we coalesce?
What are the different parties?
And no longer will you have a Republican Party, as we know it.
No longer will you have a Democratic Party.
But you may have four or five different parties.
Sure, we're just arriving at the Big Shake-Up.
Thank you, Dr. Piccinini.
Anthony, I guess you're already coming up.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Powerful info.
Mally News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
On July 30th, Alex Jones made a request that Donald Trump make rigged elections one of the central campaign issues.
On August 1st, Donald Trump went on Sean Hannity and spoke with Sean about rigged elections.
Vladimir Putin came out a few days later and spoke about how American elections have been rigged in the past.
Here's a recap of those events.
Mr. Trump, I'm not going to lay things out here that you don't already know.
But I am going to ask you to seriously think about making the issue of Hillary's election fraud in the primaries one of the central issues to defeating her in November.
And I'm telling you, November 8th, we better be careful because that election's gonna be rigged.
First of all, it's rigged.
And I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged, I have to be honest.
And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it's gonna be taken away from us.
America teaches everybody how to live in, quote, democracy.
But what?
You actually believe that they have democratic elections there?
If Hillary steals the nomination, and then she openly is engaged in chicanery and things don't add up with Trump, you have to say it must be thrown out.
Hillary Clinton has had every advantage, every break given to her from the very beginning by this Democratic Party.
It has been rigged.
The political parties choose their nominee, not the general public, contrary to popular belief.
Then why are they holding the primaries?
That's a very good question.
It is clearly the case that when given truth serum, Debbie Wasserman Schultz vastly prefers Hillary Clinton to be the nominee, obviously, and to the extent there are things that can be done institutionally and largely to facilitate that outcome, they are being done.
When did the press see it as their role to protect the prerogative of the powerful?
Actually, I think that's part of it.
And we're not going to recognize Queen Hillary if there's evidence of fraud.
And guess what there is?
She stole the nomination!
Of course the elections will not be rigged.
What does that mean?
How would the party pick a new nominee?
Today is the day!
They're really thinking about maybe getting him off the top of the ticket.
He now looks increasingly like the Kamikaze Kid.
An implosion the likes of which I have never seen.
The biggest problem we have is we have a very dishonest media.
If Mr. Trump is suggesting that there is a conspiracy theory that is being propagated across the country.
Including in places like Texas.
That's ridiculous.
That doesn't make any sense.
And I don't think anybody would take that seriously.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars is now controlling the narrative.
Go to InfoWars.com for more information and InfoWarsStore.com to support the fight for truth.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, it's the fourth hour.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to have a lot of fun and cover a lot of news.
Specifically, we're also going to talk about the voting systems.
And I don't think there's been enough talk about how easily they can be hacked and manipulated and augmented in so many different ways.
We're going to talk about hacker demonstrates, how voting machines can be compromised, basically how even hotels with some of the best systems are being infiltrated over and over again when the voting systems don't even have the best technology.
And here comes the man himself!
What's he got for us?
A special perhaps?
I totally forgot!
I meant to do this today.
We're going to have an interview with... The Clinton Foundation did absolutely nothing wrong.
Some listeners sent this to us and I meant to do it.
I came in here because I want this for myself tonight to sleep with.
Yeah, you should.
And the great part is, since she can't get on the campaign trail, she's so sick, this will just debate Trump.
Bill and I were dead broke after leaving the White House.
That's funny because- I was named after the famous Mount Everest climber, Sir Edmund Tillery.
That's hilarious because- We have absolutely no knowledge of those State Department scandals.
Anthony and I were just discussing how in the future the next person that's going to be set up to run for the election is going to be a robot that's been pre-programmed politically correct.
I had no idea!
Hey, by the way, it's Buckley's premiere here.
Just a little bit.
On the show.
There it is.
I think you should snuggle with it.
What would it look like snuggling with that?
Oh, so sweet.
Imagine like you're trying to go to sleep.
Oh, I'm going to dance for Hillary.
Wait, wait, wait.
No, no, no.
Oh yeah.
Can you imagine the horrifying globalist dreams you would have if you had that thing next to your head at night?
No, instead of counting sheep, you'd just listen to Hillary Clinton say things.
This is real shit she just saw.
This is real stuff.
Yeah, yeah.
They are gems.
Gems from the mouth.
Not a single one of my emails was classified.
No, none of that happened.
No, this is all real, actually.
If you don't believe that, you're crazy.
I'm gonna leave you guys alone.
I thought I'd pop in, so I forgot to do that.
Leave us alone with the Hillary doll?
I was just gonna say, Alex Jones interviews Hillary Clinton.
I'll just play it.
These are all real lives.
Alex Jones interviews Hillary Clinton, and now here she is, the horrifying doll in my face.
I honestly think just from this interaction tonight, I'm going to have nightmares.
Let me tell you something.
I may need to seek professional help.
That doll has more of a soul than Hillary.
It probably does.
It was made in China.
It says so right here.
It was made in China!
It's a Chinese agent!
It has the perfect pantsuit, too.
Look at that.
It's perfect in every way.
It is.
It does look like Mal's.
Like Mal's tailored dresser.
It's a perfect getup.
She actually wears Mal outfits now.
I gotta tell you, you know, after talking about that, it's almost like everything else pales in comparison to the Hillary Clinton doll and Alex over there taking his shirt off.
Everything else pales in comparison.
Come on over here.
Here he comes, ladies and gentlemen.
This is what happens when I get around Hillary.
You just can't help yourself.
This is real life.
Here, play it again.
Play some... Goldman Sachs didn't expect anything in return.
They just liked my speeches.
I wish Goldman Sachs would give me millions of dollars.
She was advised by KKK Grand Dragon, Robert Byrd.
That's right, Robert Byrd.
There she is, the KKK commander.
Mr. Hillary Clinton, KKK doll.
Cash for the Friendly Ghost sold separately!
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones.
I wish we could have some applause for him.
He's a force of nature.
You can't stop him.
You can't tell him what to do.
You were drawn by that.
Alex does a brutal three hours plus of radio a day, ladies and gentlemen.
It's the Hillary Clinton football!
Yeah, exactly.
It's a dual purpose, yeah.
Here we go.
We could play football with Hillary Clinton.
Every one though, you have to suspect.
Every one is a new fact.
Every toss is a new fact.
What difference at this point does it make?
What difference does it make?
Everything's fine.
I'm really glad it's Hillary's footballs.
It's almost better that you can't see it, but you can just imagine.
You can just imagine what's happening with the Hillary doll.
It's being punted around the room.
There he is on the edge of the screen.
Exactly how it should be treated.
Oh yeah, make your touchdown, yeah!
I fumbled it.
I fumbled it.
I almost made that work.
You sleep deprived.
Ah, exactly.
It's true.
There's a lot of phrases in that thing.
I'm actually surprised it's so packed.
Those are all lies.
It's called the lying Hilary Dahl.
There you go.
One more.
This is key right here.
This is quality programming.
This is quality programming.
I hope everybody is watching and paying close attention.
I always keep hot sauce in my purse.
Yeah, I mean, why not?
I carry hot sauce around in my back pocket.
It never happened, actually.
No, you can just say things now, and it's all real.
It's like, the FBI never investigated, nothing bad ever happened.
We're not even throwing this Hillary dollar at them.
What I think is interesting is that they will, you know, they'll crucify Trump by taking half of a phrase that he says, and make it out, make him out to be some sort of misogynistic, evil, whoa!
I didn't realize that was in the game!
At any rate, they will take one sentence that Trump says, and...
And twist it into something, yet Hillary has all these issues.
All these issues that real journalists could go after.
And you know, it takes people like InfoWars and the alternative right media to look that up.
Look all that stuff.
And, uh, wow.
I don't really know what's going on right now.
This is devolved into a strange circumstance.
I'm gonna stop.
Well, thank you, Alex.
One more message.
One more.
That's it.
Thank you, Alex, for bringing... This is the final message here.
What's incredible is these are all really lies to be told.
But we did steal all of the plates!
This is an alternate reality that we've slipped into.
Okay, awesome.
Sounds good.
Well, there you go.
And apparently, what was the true story on that, when she was born before he actually went to the top of the summit?
See, here's the thing.
You can get away with saying so many things like that.
He was born six years before.
So, the thing is, you can get away with saying all that stuff, because who's going to go and actually investigate every single claim that she's saying?
But then, you culminate it all afterwards, but it's already, the headline society's already been through it, like, oh, she's so powerful, she's amazing, you know, look at all the things she's done.
You didn't know she climbed Mount Everest?
Did you know she was the first person to wear a bodyguard?
Well, what's the way her mental health is deteriorating?
I bet you at this point she probably actually believes the majority of that stuff.
She's on the moon right now.
She's currently on the moon.
Yeah, absolutely.
Her brain is on the Nazi base on the dark side of the moon.
Yeah, that's true.
That was actually her documentary about that.
What's that movie called?
Where the Nazi base is on the moon, that's a documentary as well.
It is, it is.
I don't remember what it was called.
And I'm actually, if you are watching live on the show right now, I'm being eaten by some type of a... I think it's a Loch Ness monster.
I think it's a moray eel.
A Loch Ness monster.
I do deserve it.
Look, I deserve to get eaten.
For people who are listening to this and can't see what's going on, it must be really confusing.
We're amazing.
How is that more enjoyable, actually?
Exactly, exactly.
It's way more fun.
Because, hey, sometimes when the world is completely insane, you have to have a little fun sometimes.
Because it is actually insane.
It's like a pressure cooker.
It's got that little valve at the top and it's just squealing.
And then Amore, he'll eat you on the screen.
You know, you have the Hilary Dahl.
You have this friend right here.
Just comes in at all times to tell truth.
Very powerful truth.
I had absolutely no knowledge of those State Department scandals.
None whatsoever.
Not at all.
It's all real life.
And then you have Alex Jones over there.
Watching onward.
Lurking in the background.
Lurking in the background, waiting.
We never know what he's going to do, one second to the next.
There you have it ladies and gentlemen.
Chaos personified.
Alex Jones, the man himself, you know, just came in here and gave us a little lesson in how to stay on your toes, I think.
Hey, he's just having fun, who cares.
You know, if people are going to say, how dare you have any form of comedy or enjoy yourself on air, like you should just be talking about the news, listen.
Number one, how many people out there are actually talking about the news in the media to begin with?
The actual news?
We have stacks of news that's important.
People are just constantly pontificating about nonsense and BS.
It's almost like a form of unintentional humor in the first place, right?
But when you do get stressed out, things are crazy, you can have fun, you're allowed to be silly.
You know, it also ties into the idea of, oh, like, sarcasm now is against political correctness.
Like, you can't be sarcastic or you can't make any jokes or humor.
It's like when Gavin McInnes was on the show, the co-founder of Vice.
We were talking about it.
He said, the problem is that you can't do comedy anymore because it offends people.
It used to be back in the day you could go to colleges and do stand-up, right?
Like all the great comedians would go to colleges and have fun, but now people in the audience get upset when they make a joke.
Because it is a jokingly sexist comment, right?
It's a sexist joke, like, oh, about one gender or whatever.
And they start booing the comedians.
Right, and the irony is that... It's totally absurd.
The irony is that it's supposed to diffuse that, but if they can't, you know, if they get their feelings hurt, then they're just really compounding it, you know, in their own lives, which is unfortunate.
Hopefully we can find some levity in the majority of situations that we find ourselves in.
It's completely insane.
And by the way, I was about to announce you, Buckley Hammond, for the first time on the program.
It's been here since the beginning of InfoWars, and we didn't get a proper announcement.
Anyway, alright, we're gonna get it more serious when we come back.
Cover news, hackers taking over voting machines, and Saudi Arabia arms deals.
Much more, stay tuned.
This is the InfoWars Alex Jones Show, 4th hour.
Hillary Clinton is desperate.
Donald Trump was 10 points ahead in the polls until Reuters and others began sampling 10 to 15 percent more Democrats in their polls to skew the numbers.
It's incredible.
But despite all that skewing in the last two weeks, now in major polls put up by the very same groups with the same methodology, Trump is neck and neck with her or even a point or two ahead.
But if you go look at the social media, and Breitbart and Gateway Pundit have done this, it's incredible.
We're talking three, four, five, six times the support at places like Facebook, Livestream, Reddit, and so many other places.
In fact, sometimes he's got ten times more likes and ten times more views.
That's what we saw with Bernie Sanders, where he'd have 20,000 people, Hillary'd have 500.
We did exit polls in California and other so-called battleground states in the Democratic primary, and we talked to eight people before we found one or two Hillary supporters.
That's why Hillary was forced to steal it with the superdelegates.
Let's look at some of the numbers themselves.
Trump had 10 million plus likes to Clinton's 5 million on Facebook.
And that's with Facebook admittedly censoring Trump pages everywhere they can and even meeting with Hillary Clinton just like Google does.
Trump averages 30,000 live viewers per stream, and Clinton averages 500 live stream viewers per stream.
On Reddit, Trump averages 197,000 plus subscribers, Hillary 24,000.
Hillary for prison has 55,000 subscribers.
Gee, wonder who started that.
And this is only a snapshot of the numbers we're seeing with Trump.
You go to YouTube, his average video has millions of views.
You go look at Hillary's official campaign site.
Most of her videos have 2,000 or 3,000 views.
Her bigger one's a few hundred thousand.
This lady's a joke.
She's not liked by her own party.
But we're being told it's going to be a landslide for her because they're trying to get us ready for election fraud.
Something so well documented in this country's past.
But Obama says it's preposterous.
He doesn't even know what that is.
Well, President Obama, we do know what it is.
And this time, we don't have somebody like Mitt Romney or John McCain who's gonna stand down and not take action.
We don't have somebody who's gonna throw in the towel there's fraud.
We've got Donald Trump and an awake population that's aware of your scams.
The social engineers have jumped the shark.
They are stealing this election in front of everyone.
By forcing them to engage in fraud, we are exposing them forever.
So even if Donald Trump loses, even if that happens due to fraud,
Or scandals.
It doesn't matter because we've been in the arena, we've politically exposed the system, political correctness, globalism, the maxim has been introduced, Americanism, not globalism.
This is a good time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
And we owe Donald Trump so much for being willing to put his family, his life, his treasure on the line.
He is the man in the arena.
And I'm honored to be in that arena with him as well.
If you haven't joined us in this historic fight, it's time to pick a side right now.
Our talk show host is Alex Jones.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Deeply I think racist.
I just got called racist by MSNBC.
I don't want that man to have a gun.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
The Alex Jones Show.
Watch the free stream live at infowars.com forward slash show.
You know, it's funny how a few years ago, the concept of voting machines getting hacked and everything, it was almost like more commonly accepted than it is now.
And now the media goes up and takes a war effort against it and acts like you're totally insane, some conspiracy theorist, crazy person, fringe anarchist, if you suggest the idea that voter machines can be hacked, right?
But there was a story we missed
Last week, it was covered on InfoWars, but I mean, general, the population, about hackers taking over voting machines, and it's really not that hard.
And I want to ask Buckley's thoughts on this too.
So this is a story from CBS News.
Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised and says, concerns are growing over the possibility of a rigged presidential election.
Experts believe a cyber attack this year could be a reality, especially following last month's hack of the DNC emails.
The ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee sent a letter Monday to the DHS saying in part, quote, election security is critical and a cyber attack by foreign actors on our election systems could compromise the integrity of our voting process.
Roughly 70% of states in the US use some form of electronic voting.
Hackers told CBS News that problems with electronic voting machines have been around for years.
The machines and the software are old and antiquated.
But now, with millions heading to the polls in three months, security experts are sounding the alarm.
Now, here's what's funny.
They act like this is a new breaking development, like, wait!
They could be compromised.
This is crazy.
Of course they can.
They don't update the software.
It's well known that the white hat hackers, which are the so-called good guys, which are the guys that bring these things to light, have constantly shown over and over and over again that you can hack the voting systems.
The infrastructure is not there.
And we have stories like this too, where it says thousands of guests data may have been hacked at Starwood Marriott Hyatt hotels.
The cyber security infrastructure in the United States is not very good.
And constantly we have people, even Mikhail back there, you know?
I mean, he's not like a, you know, cloak and dagger hacker, but he's in circles with people that are white hat hackers, and he showed me so many different security flaws that are around.
It's easy, a 12-year-old with the right skills could get into some of these systems, and we act like it's a big deal.
Sure, what this reminds me of is an H.L.
Mencken quote that says, complexity breeds fraud.
All these subjects that we talk about on the internet, on InfoWars, I always come back to that phrase because it seems like usually when that's happening that there's so many layers to something that they're basically doing something on the back end and they're tricking people up front.
You know, we can go back through all the stories, you know, from elections past about Diebold, you know, machines getting hacked.
And just like you're saying in these articles, the people that are the current state of the art can just go in and look at them and there's really hardly any protections at all whatsoever in the machines themselves.
And then that's not to mention the databases that collect all the information on the back end.
What is infuriating is why can't we come up with some system where there is a paper ballot?
I mean, everybody, you hear this constantly.
It always comes up in this conversation, paper ballot, paper ballot.
And people are always vilified as being Luddites when they're suggesting that.
Just like you were saying, are you a conspiracy theorist?
Why, you know, just trust us.
We know what we're doing.
We're the governors.
Well, in reality, it's a higher level of understanding the technology because you know how it can be exploited.
And not to mention also, maybe instead of even paper ballots, which would be great, maybe we just update the infrastructure, right?
And it's also a concept of we keep thinking it's an external attack, like there's going to be some hackers in sweatshirts that are going to be like...
It's more so on the back end, too.
It's more so the campaigns infiltrating things.
It's more so the manufacturers, you know, putting something in there without much oversight.
And, you know, I don't claim to be an expert on this because it's a very, it's a very deep and complicated field and obviously I've been, you know, reading about it for decades and it always seems to crop up when the elections are occurring and then kind of recede and go away and crop up again.
But, you know, again, I think it's a case of the...
You know, the fox watching the hen house, it's almost like Congress voting themselves pay raises every time.
You know, if the people that are in charge of these voting systems are the politicians who are benefiting from them to be able to be hacked, then obviously they're going to drag their heels, they're going to pretend like it's a joke, they're going to act like it's not going to happen.
If it's in their hands, then I really don't see any progress happening.
It's the same people that we're going to play this video when we have time.
I don't think we do.
We'll have one when we come back.
Feds know their policy doesn't work anymore, but they won't admit it.
So, it's the same people that have brought the country to a direction where 70% of the population agree it's going the wrong way.
It's the same people that have brought the economy to the toilet, who have looted it, who have allowed the banking cartels to loot every last bit of gold out of the orifices of the country.
But then that's fine.
They're going to have oversight and they're going to protect us and it's going to be okay.
And it's kind of like this one too.
Senators consider a vote to block U.S.
arms deal to Saudi Arabia.
Well gee, that might be a good idea.
Maybe not give them billions in arms.
Wow, I don't know.
But we should trust these people.
Everything's going to be alright.
Hey, we'll be back with a lot more news, health news.
Ebola's cousin is coming apparently and it might be a big deal.
We'll be back.
This is the InfoWars 4th Hour Alex Jones Show.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hillary, I'm Ashley Beckford for InfoWars.com, here to tell you that Orwellian newspeak has gone to a disturbing new level.
Article linked on the Drudge Report.
Princeton HR Department, don't use the word man.
Instead of using man, employees are told to use such words as human beings, individuals, or people.
Instead of man and wife, use spouses or partners.
Switch out man-made with artificial, handmade, or manufactured.
Don't use the verb to man as in to work something.
Instead, use to operate or to staff.
Throw out workman-like and replace it with skillful.
The memo goes on to list a variety of occupations that typically include the word man in them and offers replacements.
Business person instead of businessman.
Firefighter instead of fireman.
Ancestors instead of forefathers.
And so on.
Gender-neutral language is yet another way to erode free speech.
This is Ashley Beckford reporting for InfoWars.com
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Sometimes you gotta let the music play a little bit when it's megadeth, right?
Gets to the powerful point.
So we're talking about the concept that, you know, the voting machines, they're totally safe.
The oversight committees are the same people that care so much to protect us and they would never let us down.
They would never do anything wrong, right?
Just as the news reads about our billion-dollar arms deals with Saudi Arabia.
As we decry, you know, the inhumane things that they do.
Oh, here's some billions of dollars of weapon systems.
But you're bad if you say something that's politically incorrect against those groups.
So it's completely mentally ill.
It's completely insane.
Now, Buckley's got a bunch of news.
I've got some more news.
Top Indian hospitals are buying kidneys from poor villagers to sell to rich patients.
That's pretty crazy.
Cornea cells have been successfully grown and implanted to cure blindness.
That's really, really big.
So we'll talk about some more of that and some more voting stuff as well.
But you've got a story you're mentioning about Ebola's close cousin or something like that, basically a similar virus that's
Essentially proves one of the biggest points we always talk about when the media spotlight and society spotlight is on something It's like a hot fervent issue like we have to do something about this.
This is totally insane This is the only thing that matters and we lose sight of some of the other things and you were telling me about this is it's basically a similar threat category, but no one knows about it because it's not a big deal yet and
Yeah, absolutely.
According to the American Council on Science and Health, Ebola has a dangerous cousin.
It's a new type of virus.
They're called phyloviruses.
They have been discovered in Africa.
Again, I don't know why all this stuff comes from the deepest, darkest jungles of Africa, but I guess it was the birthplace of life, I suppose, maybe?
Being, being born there.
So these are filoviruses and they, they're similar to Ebola in, in the sense that they, they function in somewhat the same way, but they, they, they're probably some sort of mutation that is a parallel to the Ebola virus.
So maybe they were the same thing a long time ago.
But what is interesting about this is that they,
They have not had any attention given to them as far as research is concerned or even any information in the news because for a long time, as this is saying, they were misdiagnosed and people thought that they were other different diseases that people were having and they couldn't really figure out what it was.
But as recently as 2014, they isolated it and they determined that this is a different sort of a strain of these types of viruses and they have some of the same horrific effects
I think so.
Right, it's because the spotlight, it's the media spotlight system and whatever it is, basically like, for example, let's say you have a natural compound that has some leading promise in treating a condition if some more research was put into it.
Well, the national spotlight doesn't really care about that.
It cares more so about the crazy drug that's $500,000 that kills 50% of the patients.
You know, it's just whatever the people are concerned about.
But it's interesting also to talk about why some of these things are coming from Africa and China and stuff like that.
If you look at one of the articles that I've been meaning to print for a while now, where it talked about there's 40,000 unknown viruses in the sewage system in the United States.
I believe that's the number.
40,000 unknown.
So that's 40,000 viruses, because everyone's fecal matter goes in there, and all the drugs too.
You have to remember, like, people are taking antibiotics, and people are taking other things, and they're going in there breeding things.
So if there's bacteria even in there, then it gets hit with a little micro-dose of antibiotic, and then it learns to be resistant.
You know, that's why you're supposed to continue your course of antibiotics.
So that sewage system is just like a cesspit of disease.
And it's funny too, because we can sit here and say, oh well, Africa doesn't have an amazing sewage system, so that's probably why our sewage system is supposedly so first world, it's already breeding diseases in there.
So think about that.
Our sewage system, which is actually made to do what it's doing, is already breeding disease.
Imagine in Africa where their sewage system is basically just, you know, streams down the road.
Sure, and the evolution of all those viruses in our system, you know, is probably hastened or speeded up by the fact that there is this toxic cocktail of all kinds of different pharmaceutical drugs that are being pushed down into it.
I know when you test the water, if you test the water out of just about any water table, you know, it includes all kinds of different compounds that originate from pharmaceuticals.
It must be creating this universe where these viruses are having to selectively overcome all these different sort of pressures.
It's like an arena.
It's like a gladiatorial arena of disease.
They're learning how to cope with it.
And also, Africa doesn't have the system we do, where 70% of all the antibiotics are going to livestock in the United States.
So they're pumping up the livestock as a preventative.
Like, oh, you just have some antibiotics, right?
So they're dumping them in livestock.
We're eating them.
It's just going through so many different cycles.
I don't know.
Exactly, and that's an interesting point because also from the American Council on Science and Health, there is a new superbug that has emerged.
They call it Elizabeth Kingia, and it's been an interesting thing for them because they're
They were having a real hard time tracking down where it was coming from.
They were able to isolate some specific traits as to what this disease was doing, as far as its symptoms were concerned and some of the root causes that they were discovering.
But they couldn't figure out exactly what the vector was, which means basically where it was coming from.
And at first they thought it was mosquitoes, because the mosquitoes can carry it, which is kind of scary in its own right.
I mean, mosquitoes are like these airborne little like...
Yeah, little disease darts that, you know, might... Luckily, for some reason, they don't like me, but they sure, you know... Thankfully, they can't transfer HIV.
So, what this article basically lays out is that they suspect that what's happening is just almost exactly what you were just describing, is that hospitals, which are basically where all the people that have diseases and sicknesses congregate, and then are treated with antibiotics...
We're good to go.
That you go in and of course there's people going through with all types of chronic disease, all types of bacteria, viruses, whatever.
It's all congregating and then the scalpels and the tools, they don't wash them properly and they're transferring it.
A lot of people know the one major risk of surgery of any kind is of course not just the surgery, it's getting a type of virus or bacteria from the procedure because everything's not exactly clean.
Sure, from the environment.
I mean you could just be going down the hallway
And somebody sneezes in the air or something, and you could catch something, especially when you're in a weakened state.
And I think that's what this all comes down to, is that our Western way of life, you know, the McDonald's lifestyle, the food that we're getting that's been irradiated and grown over and over and over and over and over on soil that has been leached of all of its nutrients, etc.
...has weakened us, you know?
Oh, 100%.
And so basically at the point in our lives, and by lives I mean collectively as humanity, that we should be utilizing the technology and the knowledge and the collective, you know, knowledge and wisdom of, you know, the ancients, which who we should respect, and all the people that are doing awesome research today.
It's just us.
The ancients are just us, if you think about it.
That we should be stronger as opposed to weaker.
And, you know, it's kind of interesting.
I wasn't really even going to talk about this, but it kind of
It kind of dovetails into this and that a new study finds that men are weaker today than they were 30 years ago and that means just physically.
There's the Journal of Strength and Conditioning and Research did some tests, you know, on grip strength and predictive strength and push-ups and things like that and they found that on average men today are an order of magnitude weaker than they were just 30 years ago and as far back as they have data.
And so, you know, I think that there's probably a lot of reasons for that.
One of them is probably sociologically, we don't really have to go out in the fields and chop wood anymore and, you know, literally go out and hunt.
We're kind of getting in our cars and driving to the grocery store.
So there's a lot of that necessity for physical action has been removed from our lives.
But if you think about it,
There's a parallel there, too, in the way that we find and seek knowledge.
You know, we used to have newspapers and books, and I'm not saying that those were perfect either, but a lot of times now, the news comes to us through specific channels, and people are stuck in little echo chambers.
And it's interesting that I talk to people, you know, and frankly, it's actually pretty rare that I find somebody that's actually like a Hillary supporter, a dyed-in-the-wool Hillary supporter, in real life.
On the Internet, they're all over the place.
I don't know where they come from, because I've never found one.
Very few in real life.
But if you think about it, those people that watch CNN all day long, or watch MSNBC, they are being weakened.
Or any major news source, right?
Sure, exactly.
I'm painting with a broad brush, but they're being weakened just like males have been over the last 30 years.
Mentally, physically, probably spiritually, and definitely as far as our biological reactions and abilities to fight diseases are concerned.
It's true.
You know, what's funny is you ask, why did they use grip strength?
You know, that's my original thought before I knew about this.
Why would they use grip strength?
You think, oh, of course, farmers back in the day, they're going to be grabbing stuff.
Grip strength, that's a weird one.
Grip strength is the number one indicator of overall strength in the whole body.
The concept is that they've done research, and if your grip strength is greater, it generally means with some good probability that your entire strength of your body is in line for whatever reason.
And if you have good grip strength, you live longer.
So, if you have poor grip strength, you tend to die early.
So, if you think about that, they're correlated to the baseline of strength, the baseline of intellectualism, and the baseline of immunity.
We have lowered our baseline.
That's why these things are also circumventing our defense systems, like the superbugs and everything.
We have gone from here, and think about how long that took.
Think about the however many years you want to believe that we've gone here.
Maybe thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years, whatever it is.
How long did it take our body to develop those bacteria that sit in our gut that protect against every single thing we do?
How long did it take to get the bacteria on our skin that we wash off every single day with antimicrobials every single time?
How long did that take?
All it takes is two weeks of eating McDonald's to get rid of
All of the good bacteria, pretty much, in your gut.
They did a study at a university.
They had someone eat at McDonald's and they found that it killed a lot of the good bacteria that was essential for immunity and processes of the body, right?
So it takes two weeks from millions or thousands or whatever, millions and millions of years, culminating that perfect microbiome to help you not die.
Now remember, not to help you feel happy and go lucky.
To help you not die.
To help your consciousness not go away.
That we've developed this defense mechanism.
And what do we do?
We don't curate it.
We don't go out and do as the, you know, so-called ancients was really just us in another time before we became like these weird creatures we are.
And now we eat McDonald's.
And now we eat, not just throwing out McDonald's, now we eat crap.
Now we drink crap.
We eat crap.
We read crap.
Our intake is a lot of crap.
And what happens is our baseline of everything goes down.
And then we're kind of like half the people we were before, right?
So then we get hit by these things, and we get hit by everything, and it seems like our defenses are lowered.
Because they are.
They really are.
We're just piling it on.
And this beautiful thing that is our body, that has taken so long to curate and develop, and our ancestors fought so hard, and like, fought wars, and had to fight bears for their lives, and things like that, we come to this point, and we get triggered on Twitter.
And when you take a look, you look at this landscape across the board of all these attacks on what I believe to be our humanity, it would take a very incredulous person to not assume that it was
You know, symphonic, that it wasn't very specifically weaponized, or that it wasn't done with this very specific intent.
One book that I always go back to is the Edward Bernays book on propaganda, where he basically has broken down everything that has happened since then in the 20th century as far as information technology and the way that people have controlled the flow of information is concerned.
It's literally prophetic.
Unfortunately, you've heard that phrase, the book 1984 is not a manual.
Well, that was a manual for the globalists.
Theocracy is also a manual.
They literally read that and said, wow, okay, we're going to try this out and if it works, we're going to do it.
And so across the board, we're being attacked physically, mentally, I believe spiritually too, from every angle so that we can be weakened and controlled.
And so that's why...
When I see people that are snowed by, that are held in the thrall of the message that the media is putting out against somebody like Donald Trump, who Alex always says is not perfect, of course he's not perfect, but he represents antithesis.
The antithesis to all this weaponized, you know, dare we say evil?
Dare we say evil?
All this weaponized control that is being pointed at us, that it makes me really sad for these people that are so steeped in that narrative that they're just frothing at the mouth.
And just like you were saying, they go on Twitter and they get triggered by something that their sensitivity is so high and so delicate on that point that it can totally
Throw them into a spin.
You know, it's funny also, you talk about the so-called motive, right?
And that's where people start arguing and getting crazy and everything like that.
Is it like evil, they want to just ruin you?
Or is it they don't care, they want profits or whatever?
I think if we look at it on a micro scale, it's easier to understand.
As above so below, right?
Now, think about this concept.
There's no such thing as true advice.
What does that mean?
In most cases, not always, some people really just want to help you.
But if you ask someone for advice, they're generally going to give you advice that benefits them in some capacity.
The, you know, an average person.
Let's say you, you know, you ask your significant other, like, should I go on a trip with my friends?
And they're like, oh, you know, it might be too cold up there.
You know, they want you to stay, right?
The advice is generally not just pure hearted, like whatever you want.
You know, people aren't walking around every day just caring about your happiness all day.
Let's just say that, right?
Form of manipulation.
Take it a step further.
There are very manipulative people out there that manipulate individuals.
Maybe one individual, two individual, whatever.
The people that rise to the top are just horribly, horribly good manipulators that want power and control and they're willing to do whatever they can to do that.
So does that mean, oh wow, well there couldn't be possibly anyone that would pay off the media or rig voter systems.
Like come on, are you insane?
There's people that eat people.
I mean, are we kidding?
Are we living in a fake law land?
There are people that do way worse, horrible things on a micro scale.
Like, you go see, oh, you know, that guy over, you know, such and such county, he went and, you know, hurt little kids and, like, killed them and stuff.
You're like, wow, that's horrible.
But you don't ever equate those kind of people to the politicians.
You're just like, oh, well, they have our best interests in mind.
No, they don't.
The same crazy people that could do something like that are also capable in rising in the ranks because they're willing to manipulate, extort and do horrible things.
And when they get to the top, what do you think they're going to do?
Have a renaissance of ideology where they decide to be good people?
No, they're just as screwed up.
Exactly, and I think, you know, the bottom line is that we need to help humanity break their conditioning.
You know, I know that everybody that watches this show is aware of and conscious of all the concepts and ideas that Alex covers and all the great staff here at InfoWars, but it's really important that we need to all sort of open up our hearts and look at those who don't know, you know, look at those who don't understand all this information and sort of lead them to the light.
It's true.
We'll be right back.
Final segment, Alex Jones Show.
You said in a speech today you're afraid this election is going to be rigged.
I've been hearing about it for a long time.
I hope the Republicans get out there and watch very closely.
This new poll is showing a big convention balance for Hillary Clinton.
Following her nomination at the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton now leads it.
Donald Trump, 50% to 42%.
That's a 7 point jump from last week.
You see, he's supposed to just sit there and let them steal it.
But he didn't sit there, so they failed.
And they think they're gonna have another stolen general election in front of everybody at high noon, and we're just gonna sit here and go along with it.
We're not.
I'm gonna fight it.
Trump's gonna fight it.
You're gonna fight it.
Bob Mulholland from Chico, California.
I'm a DNC member, thus a superdelegate to the National Convention.
First of all, it's rigged.
And I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged.
I have to be honest.
And the way we work is that anybody who gets 15% more in an election gets delegates.
So this election will go all the way to California.
Sanders will end up with well over a thousand delegates and Hillary will get the nomination.
Hillary Clinton has had every advantage, every break given to her from the very beginning by this Democratic Party.
It has been rigged.
It is clearly the case that when given truth serum, Debbie Wasserman Schultz vastly prefers Hillary Clinton to be the nominee, obviously, and to the extent there are things that can be done institutionally and marginally to
Facilitate that outcome, they are being done.
If Hillary steals the nomination, and then she openly is engaged in chicanery and things don't add up with Trump, you have to say it must be thrown out.
The political parties choose their nominee, not the general public.
Contrary to popular belief.
Then why are they holding the primaries?
That's a very good question.
WikiLeaks has dumped nearly 20,000 hacked emails from the DNC.
We're talking about the report of leaked DNC emails showing an effort to undermine Bernie Sanders during the primaries.
The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails.
When did the press see it as their role to protect the prerogative of the powerful?
Actually, I think that's part of it.
And we're not going to recognize Queen Hillary if there's evidence of fraud.
And guess what there is?
She stole the nomination.
I want to thank Bernie Sanders.
If he would have just not done anything, just go home, go to sleep, relax, he would have been a hero.
But he made a deal with the devil.
She's the devil.
He made a deal with the devil.
The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination, and that's the conflict here.
We feel like we live in a democratic society.
What you're telling me is it's not a democratic society and your votes don't necessarily matter because it's a democratic representation.
Crooked Hillary thinks they're gonna pull the lid on Mitt Romney?
Mm-hmm, lady.
Isn't gonna happen.
That's why her campaign head, her chief strategist said, this is dangerous what Trump's doing.
You're right, it is dangerous, isn't it?
Actually standing up to you.
There has to come a point at which you say, enough.
Alright, we're going to hit some economy news.
But first, I've got this video I did want to play.
Fed's no policy doesn't work anymore, but it won't admit it.
It's kind of a showing how the system works, right?
Let's go ahead and play this video from CNBC.
They know that monetary policy is not effective anymore, and this is a broader conversation.
It's not effective anymore, because there's a lot of people out there who do believe it's still effective, and certainly in Europe and Japan, a lot of people are putting their careers and capital on the basis it does work.
Well, I think they all know it's not effective, but no one's going to tell us.
They're never going to admit it.
You know, they're central bankers.
Certain things central banks can tell.
Certain things central bankers cannot do.
You know, we spoke a couple of weeks ago about helicopter money.
Helicopter money is not in the manual of the perfect central bankers.
It's definitely not a chapter in the Bundesbank.
Marina, this is really important.
You're saying, hand on heart, you believe the central bankers around the world know that what they are doing is completely and utterly ineffective.
And you're also saying central bankers refuse to tell us that, and they also don't know what the Naira is now, and they don't know really what to do.
That's slightly worrying if that secret gets out.
God forbid it should get out on CNBC.
I think it is worrying and I think the first place to look at is Japan.
Because Japan is going to be the first area in the world where that acknowledgement is going to come from and where we're going to see something different, potentially.
And whether this happens in September,
Uh, or whether this happens next year, uh, you know, we don't know.
But there is something which is going to happen in Japan.
Because there, uh, there has been already the acknowledgement that negative rates do not really work.
Everything that they have done hasn't worked.
And it seems to me that monetary financing of public spending, of fiscal policy, is where we're going next.
I love that.
I'll tell you what, I like how he goes also, is this, are we going to break this on CNBC?
I thought we were going to break this like 20 years ago.
Wow, the Feds don't know what they're doing?
Broken on InfoWars 20 years ago.
The Feds don't have complete control?
They don't know what they're doing.
Totally insane.
You know, one thing that I found kind of interesting is that it harkens back to what we were talking about in the last segment, is that he's basically saying that Japan is the canary in the coal mine.
And, you know, Japan has had a really interesting economic history in the last, you know, 20-30 decades.
I mean, they came from nothing.
I don't
Sociologically in their society, their society is dying.
They have a negative birth rate, and the vast majority of the men, you know, refuse to even engage with the women in any meaningful way.
It's really sad.
And it's really a decaying, weird society that is probably the wet dream of the globalists.
I mean, they're going to be a robot-run technocracy.
You know, we're going to blink and it's going to happen.
No, it is.
And you had some news about Caterpillar that you wanted to talk about too.
So that means we're headed somewhere and it's not going to be good.
Thank you for... But everything's going to be fine.
Yeah, exactly.
Everything's going to be fine.
The people of Southern Monetary Policy know exactly what they're doing.
Everybody go back to sleep.
Let's go back to talking about Ryan Lochte and his weird little I accidentally got robbed in Rio thing.
You know what?
It doesn't mean it's all bad, but at least you've got to think for yourself.
Alex will be back tomorrow from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Anthony Gucciardi and Buckley Hammond.
Thank you for watching.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Hillary Clinton's campaign is citing fake documents to assert that the questions surrounding her ill health are quote, debunked conspiracy theories.
The problem with that narrative is that no serious