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Name: 20160812_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 12, 2016
3260 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses election fraud and conspiracy theories related to political campaigns, health concerns such as parasites and iodine deficiencies, the media landscape, current events, global issues, and various products are promoted during the broadcast. Conspiracy theories about election fraud, voter fraud, and the death of Seth Rich are discussed alongside WikiLeaks' information on Hillary Clinton's corruption, Salon's promotion of pedophilia, and the DEA mining Americans' travel records. Rand Paul accuses Hillary Clinton of deserving five years in prison for lying to Congress about weapons going to ISIS.

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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hard to believe.
Seems like the week just started.
It's Friday, the 12th day of August 2016.
We're going to have open phones throughout the four-hour transmission today.
And we are going to have, of course, a former campaign head for Donald Trump, Roger Stone, popping in with all the latest developments at the bottom of the hour.
Then we have Pastor Manning joining us in the third hour.
But I do intend to take a lot of phone calls today or do my best to get to as many as I can.
Just a decade ago, so-called MSM, state-run, corporate-run, global-run media, crony capitalist media, monopoly media, establishment media, whatever you want to call it, they would deny that the Federal Reserve was a private consortium.
They would deny that
There was a move for world government or carbon taxes.
They would deny that there were plans to get rid of nation-states borders.
They would deny basically everything you see them admitting they're doing today.
They would deny that the Bilderberg Group even existed.
Now the Bilderberg Group puts out press releases.
And so what happened to the credibility of the people that were talking about those subjects?
It went up.
What happened to the credibility of the individuals that said it didn't exist?
It went down.
But still, you have a unified dinosaur media, hundreds of outlets, on television and cable and thousands of newspapers, that despite the fact that their power is massively diminished,
When they all combine forces together, you know, the Wonder Twins activate form of a pterodactyl, while the globalist Wonderslobs activate form of traitors, form of hoaxers.
But I'm telling you, they're on their last legs, folks, and economics show that.
Their ratings continuing to go from an ocean
To like a drying pool in the African savanna.
Compared to the power of the mainstream media 50, 60 years ago, it's the Atlantic Ocean compared to Lake Travis outside Austin, Texas.
It's a good-sized lake, but you pull back from the topography with a satellite, it's tiny compared to the Atlantic Ocean.
And it's now
Watching them try to come up with new systems to try to revive themselves is wild.
And their latest talking point is to just hide it in plain view.
MSNBC, CNN, ABC, all of them are in the news today saying, of course we're for Clinton.
It's like MSNBC had that talking point.
Of course we're arresting Tea Partiers and not giving them 501c3 and shutting down conservative churches.
You're a racist!
You deserve it!
We've dehumanized you!
That's one step away from locking people up.
They like to lock us up.
Just like there's now lawsuits involved, it's been confirmed that there are secret meetings.
Going on with a whole bunch of different states' Attorney Generals to begin indicting man-made climate change deniers.
We're going to go to break and come back with CNN.
Let's go out to break with them just briefly here at MEDIC.
Here's the first part of the clip.
And of course, Cuomo's a total political operative.
Stay with us, we'll be back.
Leaked emails show Soros urged Clinton to intervene in Albania's civil unrest.
Article up by the American Mirror, more leaked emails from Hillary Clinton's time as Secretary of State prove that she was taking foreign policy advice from left-wing billionaire activist George Soros, the same guy who was bringing civil unrest around the world.
An email provided by WikiLeaks showed Soros reaching out to Secretary Clinton over a foreign policy dispute in Albania.
Dear Hillary, a serious situation has arisen in Albania which needs urgent attention at senior levels of the U.S.
There are serious concerns about further unrest connected to a counter-demonstration.
Source urges the then Secretary of State to get the international community involved and pressure the Prime Minister to forestall further demonstrations and tone down public pronouncements as well appointing a senior European official to act as the mediator.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
Joe Biggs here with Infowars.com.
Article up by Express.
Let refugees into your homes.
France pleads with citizens to help ease migrant crisis.
The same migrant crisis that they allowed to happen.
Yeah, let's go ahead and bring them on in.
We'll give them a machete or maybe a knife so they can cut our throats.
It'll be fine.
There are currently 147 reception centers across France, but these are all in massive demand as desperate refugees continue to flee the Middle East.
Meanwhile, Barack Obama wants to bring these people into our country unvetted.
Let's not let any more of this happen.
That's why we need Donald Trump to secure the borders, and we need to better vet these people.
Look, you have families in Germany fleeing their country.
We're good.
Leaked emails show Soros urged Clinton to intervene in Albania civil unrest.
Article up by the American Mirror, more leaked emails from Hillary Clinton's time as Secretary of State prove that she was taking foreign policy advice from left-wing billionaire activist George Soros, the same guy who was bringing civil unrest around the world.
An email provided by WikiLeaks showed Soros reaching out to Secretary Clinton over a foreign policy dispute in Albania.
Dear Hillary, a serious situation has arisen in Albania which needs urgent attention at senior levels of the U.S.
There are serious concerns about further unrest connected to a counter-demonstration.
Source urges the then Secretary of State to get the international community involved and pressure the Prime Minister to forestall further demonstrations and tone down public pronouncements as well appointing a senior European official to act as the mediator.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
And the Republic!
Because if Hillary gets in office, they're gonna stack the Supreme Court.
The sands of time for what made this country great are running low.
And the decadent, childish, foolish people that have inherited this great nation
Laugh at their own enslavement.
Their own destruction.
Very, very sad.
The bottom line is this.
Patriots are not going to go along with it.
And in a republic, you can have 51% of people vote to enslave the other 49.
But you can't do it because it's limited under the confines of the charter of that republic.
And that's why the republic became the model of the world after the United States set up this particular type of republic.
A limited democracy.
And it created fantastic innovation and wealth.
That system competes with the globalist technocracy and is being pulled down in front of our very eyes.
And the folly of the fake intellectuals believing that they're part of the power structure when they are being prepared like wheat at the fall of autumn for the grim reaper to come with his
Sickle and lay them low.
But I guess God is kind to the stupid.
Because they never even know what hit them.
They never even see how they've become poorer over the years.
And they never know why.
And when I say poor, I mean culturally poor.
Laid low.
Big broadcast today, obviously.
I am going to have to be a big boy and really try to be professional and focused here to get all of this information out.
There is a new trend that we've noticed by the White House press secretaries and by the State Department secretaries and others to just say, we're lying to you, there's nothing you can do, and then laugh at you.
They're just going public with what they've been doing for a long time.
Gruber saying, thank God you're so stupid and don't have a memory.
We're going to rape you hard.
We're going to triple your prices.
Sniggling and sniggering.
You talk about dishonorable filth.
They are it.
But there's an article that's the top of DrugsReport.com.
It's also up on Infowars.com from the Observer.
Tech companies Apple, Twitter, Google and Instagram collude to defeat Trump.
They admit they meet at the White House and get talking points.
They admit that they fix the search results and block news and only promote negative news against Trump.
They admit they've put up a hedge around Trump so you never hear what he actually said, just they tell you what he said out of context.
It's so frustrating to actually see them get away with this with the low information voter out there.
It really is amazing.
But we're going to be getting into some of that today.
Speaking of protective walls, to keep the public from actually getting the truth, there's photos out.
We're going to be showing the TV viewer side of this, but the article's up on Infowars.com.
This is the type of report I ought to send my reporters out to do, to show Al Gore's houses and show Bill Clinton's houses.
I mean, these people, no exaggeration, last time I checked, Hillary had something like 14 houses.
One of them was something like 20,000 square feet.
I had a 4,000 square foot house and downsized it because I wasn't using it, it was a hassle.
Can you imagine a 20,000 square foot house?
And they don't even put solar panels on them.
They just bitch at everybody telling us that we should use new innovative energies.
It's all so they control the economy.
The American Mirror has the photos.
Hillary Clinton's protective wall around her estate.
Chappaquidda Estate.
And it is just a giant fortress.
With, of course, a bunch of black sedans protecting her.
They've got the guest house filled with the guard.
And is it not lost on her minions?
By the way, guys, let's grab it.
I saw it this morning on Fox News.
There's an amazing new NRA ad that I want to run.
On my show, for information purposes, where it shows Hillary, an actor, an actress, it looks like Hillary getting on a jet.
And then she's sitting there giving speeches about, you know, caring about the average person.
The whole point is she has armed guards and you don't.
So I really want to keep hammering that point.
We're going to get to...
ISIS terrorist tells feds he has jihadist brothers in Mexico and this is going on in the exact same area that has been confirmed by judicial watch the FBI and Joe Biggs to have ISIS recruiting centers and mosque operating and they've linked up with the cartels which has been confirmed in arrests that have been made previously.
So I think it's time to probably deploy Joe Biggs back down there and the FBI met him at the airport.
He was flying out of
That particular city that he was in, there on the Texas side, El Paso, and they said, wow, we will not even send agents into where you just went.
I mean, it's the place that the movie Sicario is based on.
I've talked to a lot of folks that have been involved in those missions, including family, and they say that movie is deadly accurate.
I mean, just bam!
It's almost like a documentary.
Because they changed the name to Protect the Innocent.
It is.
A lot of films you go see that you just think are fiction, they're not.
That's why it was so powerful.
I got nauseated on the film about Gary Webb, Kill the Messenger, because I knew Gary Webb and I know that case closely and I know what he went through and that movie is like a documentary.
It is sick.
I have a lot of respect for the director and the folks that funded that film.
It's a famous actor, but I don't really follow Hollywood.
What's the name, Renner?
A lot of respect for that guy.
No, Josh Brolin's in Sicario, the guy that's in Kill the Messenger.
He's the famous actor that's in... Yeah, Reiner, he got famous in Hurt Locker.
We are... Jeremy Renner, we are teleprompter free, but that doesn't mean sometimes I don't like call on the five, six people in there and go, does anybody know this?
We don't use Google all the time, we use our brains.
But I am digressing.
There is so much to go over today.
Americans are still giving up their citizenship at record rates.
Friends of DNC linked Sean Lucas, who was shooing over Bernie Sanders openly being robbed, getting killed.
His friends are freaked out by that, as well they should be.
Obviously the big news, top Clinton State Department aide helped Clinton Foundation, it's come out.
There's now a criminal investigation going on by the Department of Justice and the FBI.
The problem is
We have a lady named Loretta Lynch who won't let any of that go forward.
So Hillary, I'm convinced, could eat a child, barbecue a baby on the White House lawn.
And they would say the baby deserved it, the baby was racist or something.
As long as it's a white baby.
45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes.
I'm gonna play a few of these.
I mean there's 45 of them and in the interest of time I'm not gonna play it all.
But here's Hillary yesterday giving her plagiarized speech basically from Trump when she's one of the main authors of NAFTA, of GATT, of globalism, of these one-sided deals.
That's on record.
And then we have her, all these dozens and dozens and dozens of times, however many dozens, 45 is, saying she's for the TPP.
And of course, it's okay that Obama's for it.
Some foreign group, unelected, raping us economically further because he went on a late show and they sang a song, a jazz song, and he goes, you down with TPP?
And Obama said, you know me.
They had some cool jazz guys up there with saxophones.
Yeah, well, yeah, it's fun.
It's fun to get screwed over, so let's hear from Hillary a few years ago.
Well, let's hear from her yesterday first.
I will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
You should nod your head.
I oppose it now, I'll oppose it after the election, and I'll oppose it as president.
Notice she said, though, any deal that isn't good.
She'll do whatever she wants.
Now let's go to just part of the 45 times.
I'm not going to play it all, but this is probably the last five, six years.
Here it is.
The United States is engaging in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations.
We're pursuing a regional agreement with the nations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
She's running!
We are also pressing ahead with negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Trans-Pacific Partnership, a new free trade agreement.
We are very committed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership.
We should aim for true regional integration.
And that is the spirit behind the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership.
High-quality Trans-Pacific Partnership.
We're excited about the innovative trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Stop, I can't look at her anymore, that's enough.
And of course they'll say at Media Matters that's a conspiracy theory, she never said it.
I'm not kidding.
Because this is weaponized media against you and your family.
This is how we're conquered, not by the Nazis or not by the Communists, but by multinationals that bought off our politicians, put people in power, and are signing us onto trillions in debt we don't owe, gutting the whole country.
Now, when we come back, get ready.
We knew it was coming.
Let the refugees into your home, they say.
And more.
We'll also get into the latest dealing with the situation at the United Nations, where more and more they are admittedly taking over our government.
Hillary Clinton is desperate.
Donald Trump was 10 points ahead in the polls until Reuters and others began sampling 10 to 15 percent more Democrats in their polls to skew the numbers.
It's incredible.
But despite all that skewing in the last two weeks, now in major polls put up by the very same groups with the same methodology, Trump is neck and neck with her or even a point or two ahead.
But if you go look at the social media, and Breitbart and Gateway Pundit have done this, it's incredible.
We're talking three, four, five, six times the support at places like Facebook, Livestream, Reddit, and so many other places.
In fact, sometimes he's got ten times more likes and ten times more views.
That's what we saw with Bernie Sanders, where he'd have 20,000 people, Hillary'd have 500.
We did exit polls in California and other so-called battleground states in the Democratic primary, and we talked to eight people before we found one or two Hillary supporters.
That's why Hillary was forced to steal it with the superdelegates.
Let's look at some of the numbers themselves.
Trump had 10 million plus likes to Clinton's 5 million on Facebook.
And that's with Facebook admittedly censoring Trump pages everywhere they can and even meeting with Hillary Clinton just like Google does.
Trump averages 30,000 live viewers per stream, and Clinton averages 500 live stream viewers per stream.
On Reddit, Trump averages 197,000 plus subscribers, Hillary 24,000.
Hillary for prison has 55,000 subscribers.
Gee, wonder who started that?
And this is only a snapshot of the numbers we're seeing with Trump.
You go to YouTube, his average video has millions of views.
You go look at Hillary's official campaign site.
Most of her videos have 2,000 or 3,000 views.
Her bigger one's a few hundred thousand.
This lady's a joke.
She's not liked by her own party.
But we're being told it's going to be a landslide for her because they're trying to get us ready for election fraud.
Something so well documented in this country's past.
But Obama says it's preposterous.
He doesn't even know what that is.
Well, President Obama, we do know what it is.
And this time, we don't have somebody like Mitt Romney or John McCain who's gonna stand down and not take action.
We don't have somebody who's gonna throw in the towel there's fraud.
We've got Donald Trump and an awake population that's aware of your scams.
The social engineers have jumped the shark.
They are stealing this election in front of everyone.
By forcing them to engage in fraud, we are exposing them forever.
So even if Donald Trump loses, even if that happens due to fraud,
Or scandals.
It doesn't matter because we've been in the arena, we've politically exposed the system, political correctness, globalism, the maxim has been introduced, Americanism, not globalism.
This is a good time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
And we owe Donald Trump so much for being willing to put his family, his life, his treasure on the line.
He is the man in the arena.
And I'm honored to be in that arena with him as well.
If you haven't joined us in this historic fight, it's time to pick a side right now.
Our talk show host is Alex Jones.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Deeply I think racist.
I just got called racist by MSNBC.
I don't want that man to have a gun.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
The Alex Jones Show.
Watch the free stream live at inforce.com forward slash show.
This morning I woke up early at about 5 a.m.
and couldn't go back to sleep.
And as I often do when I can't sleep, I went in and looked at my children as they slept in bed.
I thought to myself, am I doing the right thing?
Obviously endangering my name, my treasure, my life when I'm their father and they need me to be here.
And then I just fall back on the fact that in my gut, in my spirit, I know it's the right thing to do to take a risk individually and even for my family because we're going to lose everything if we don't make a stand.
And I say this a lot because it's so true.
This isn't rhetoric.
The globalists are the most manipulative, evil people the world has ever seen.
And that's not my opinion, that's a fact.
There is a great global awakening happening.
The controlled media, the weaponized media, the enemy media is there to make you feel like you're alone, and that you don't count, and that we're losing.
Well, we're not.
That's why they're so scared of something simple like a Hillary for prison shirt.
All over the country they're trying to persecute college students and junior high students and others, and it becomes local news stories.
And they prevail, they win.
Because when we resist, it makes the establishment show its true colors.
And then they fail.
It's only when we submit do they get away with this.
And I think about Hillary Clinton out of all the stacks of news I've got here.
She, at the State Department, was one of the main negotiators and quarterbacks.
Like, I've got to say, the most important other than Obama.
She's the second most important in the last eight years.
Globally pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Obama, every month, was flying off to try to ram this sucker through.
And then Congress couldn't even see it for years, and then finally you could spend one hour but couldn't take photos of the documents, thousands of pages, wheelbarrows full, whole room full of just garbage, one-sided deals that we can't even see, that transfer our power to multinationals.
We now have a copy of it.
It's a nightmare.
It just writes a blank check to do whatever you want, just like Obamacare.
And then Hillary sits up there like it's a big joke and says that she will not support the TPP now, or in the future, or basically ever.
When she is its mama.
Just like she's the mama of ISIS.
She brought them in.
She set them up in Syria.
She brought them in.
She set them up in Libya, in Egypt, in Iraq, on record.
Those are the emails coming out that WikiLeaks is about to release.
I don't need all those emails.
We know the troops were ordered to do it.
We've had the whistleblowers on.
Members of the Senate have gone public.
It's all a fact.
The head of Defense Intelligence has gone public!
General Flynn!
And Assange thinks that'll get her arrested or indicted.
You see, here's what happened.
People in the military, and even NATO, said, we're not shipping high-impact weapons to Wahhabis.
Flying frickin' Al-Qaeda flags.
There is no God but Allah.
It's the Wahhabi flag.
It's the Al-Qaeda flag.
Because they'd land and start offloading them and these guys were so arrogant.
I've talked to the people that have witnessed it.
We're going to kill you next and they're very crazy.
And there was just total breakdown five years ago in the military when they were ordered to do this.
Trump comes out and talks about it, and they act like he's crazy.
And then I was thinking back, because we're going to get clips from a few years ago, when I was calling her the founder of ISIS.
We're about to play those clips coming up.
We've dug them up.
And we've got clips of Hillary saying Donald Trump's the founder.
In fact, print some articles for me, folks.
Remember that two, three years ago?
She said he, right when he first started running like a year and a half ago, she said he's the recruiter, he's the head of ISIS.
Remember all that crap?
So, they're saying he's a kook for saying it about her when she actually did it.
It's amazing.
But here's just one more nugget of her saying the TPP is the gold standard.
But now she's fighting it.
Now she was never for it, won't be for it, and won't be for it in the future.
Here's a clip.
So it's fair to say that our economies are entwined and we need to keep upping our game both bilaterally and with partners across the region through agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP.
Australia is a critical partner.
This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade.
The kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field.
And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40% of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment.
Oh yes, and now we got a copy of it.
It's the worst thing I've ever seen.
In fact, it allows slavery.
Actually a lot of slavery.
What do you think about Hillary Clinton?
I'm talking about Nina Turner, that's all.
When I think about Hillary Clinton, don't ask me that question.
I mean, what gives you hope that she's going to fight this?
So, that's the thing, is that I don't have much hope that she is, but what it is now, with Bernie's endorsement, he's done all he can to help her win.
We won't vote for Hillary!
Hell no, DNC!
We won't vote for Hillary!
Hell no, DNC!
We won't vote for Hillary!
We're gonna go!
We're gonna go!
Feel the actual burn!
Feel the burn!
Feel the burn!
Come on, I understand they're not going to have any families of policemen who have been killed.
What are your comments about that?
I wish we could share the pain of both.
It was verified that there was a special access program on that information.
That there was.
That's so top secret we're not even supposed to know about it.
Our geospatial information was on that server.
That's our nuclear intelligence.
That's our satellite imaging of where we know nuclear weapons are.
This is the perfect example of how a white, privileged male can speak over a non-binary, trans female.
This is the perfect example of cultural Marxism at its best.
I mean, he's actually funny, though.
Ask him if he deserved to be spit on.
And it was so funny.
And it was so funny that I did a split take.
Hillary Clinton, who was handling thousands of emails, instructing people to remove classification so they could send it, is allowed to keep her security clearance, is allowed to continue to run for president.
She's going to be getting a security briefing if she wins a nomination.
She'll be getting security briefings at the end of this week.
How do you feel about that?
I feel that I can trust her to be the most competent president that we can have at this time.
She is trustworthy in the fact that she is competent, she is knowledgeable, she has the right demeanor, the presence of mind, and I think that's where her trustworthiness is.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
It's the time of the season, when love runs high.
In this time, give it to me.
Shawn Lucas was an IT specialist, high level, kind of like an Edward Snowden inside the DNC.
So take you in this time to promise lands.
We're going to be breaking down today election fraud in this country.
We're also going to be getting into several articles that Paul Joseph Watson has been writing on the different mysterious deaths.
People filing lawsuits being found killed.
People that are IT specialists being found shot in the back multiple times.
We're going to be breaking all of that down here today as the Clinton body count only seems to expand and get worse by the minute.
We've also
Have Donald Trump coming on the last few weeks and saying we should be worried about election fraud.
They're rigging Google, they're rigging Facebook, they're rigging Twitter.
They are rigging polls on record.
They've got all sorts of different programs out there to manipulate how they do these polls.
They're declaring Trump unfit.
Foreign leaders, the Pope, the President.
But they won't try to steal the election from him on election day.
Roger Stone's here to talk with us about that here in a moment and more.
There's also a CBS news story.
Hackers demonstrate how voting machines can be compromised.
And then it just goes into the long admitted history of massive fraud and the fact that every major election
has been compromised at one level or another by the Media Consortium, formerly known as Voter News Services.
It has a new name and then a new name, it's always changing its name so you can't find it, that announces who the winners are and coordinates at the state level.
So we'll talk about that with Roger Stone here in just a moment.
Before I go any further, this broadcast is listener-supported.
This broadcast
operates thanks to what you do.
And that's why we sell items that I personally have checked out, that I personally use, and I know are a great deal.
Whether it is nutraceuticals, or whether it's a Hillary for Prison shirt, all of it is either good for you, something very useful in your life,
Or something that helps basically expose the corruption that's taking place.
We've got 33% off on solar base stations and solar panels.
Highest quality units out there.
Very low prices.
We've got specials going on colloidal silver.
50% off on silver bullet.
Unheard of.
The exact same stuff under another label sold at Whole Foods for over $20.
We have a lot of other specials that are running as well.
20% off on Alexa Pure Gravity Fed water filters.
Without your support, obviously, we will not be able to continue on.
We're doing pretty good right now, but I've put on all sail, that's an old naval term for back in the days of sailing ships, put on all the sails you can to try to go as fast as you can, to try to hire as many crew members as we can and riders and researchers to fight the globalists and to take on the new world order.
And right now you can see that InfoWars is right there at the tip of the spear
Punching through the media narrative, punching through their lies and injecting reality.
Whether it's Hillary being the founder of ISIS, that's on record.
Or whether it's the fact that there's election fraud and rigged polls, that's on record.
And we're punching that out there.
Over and over and over again, you, the audience of this show, are the reason we're so effective.
So I want to salute you, I want to thank you, and I want to just tell you that your continued support is absolutely essential to the fight against the globalists.
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Now, going to Roger Stone.
Roger Stone of StoneZone.com.
So much has happened since I talked to you Sunday.
I've thrown out a lot of topics, a lot of issues.
Where should we start?
What's front and center?
Well, it's very hard to know where to start, Alex.
I mean, first of all, you have the question of voter fraud, more precisely, election theft.
I mean, voter fraud itself, while not non-existent, as the left would tell you, is essentially more limited.
The larger problem here is election theft, the manipulation of what used to be known as the Diebold machines.
We're good.
I know among political elites they poo-pooed this idea, but from a technological point of view, this stunning video put up by CBS, not Breitbart, not Town Hall, not Daily Caller, not InfoWars, CBS, shows how simple and easy it is to program the voting machines for a desired result.
The polls, the manipulation of the polls, Reuters got caught red-handed, a number of others have.
That's the precursor to the fix of the machines.
In other words, you condition people to expect a Clinton victory, and then you deliver that exact victory in the polls.
How can this be combatted, is the question most Trump supporters ask me.
And there are several ways.
First of all, in the window that we have, 60 days, I advocate registering, locating and registering a million new Trump voters in the very states that will be up as a potential to be stolen.
You can go to Restore, if I get it exactly right, I think it's RestoreAmericasGreatness.org, where there's a very active effort to locate and register new Trump voters in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania and New Jersey and Colorado and Iowa and others that will be up for grabs.
Secondarily, we're going to need an army of trained poll watchers, people who know
What to look for?
I'm seeking to contact and retain some of the country's leading experts on the computer manipulation of these machines to advise us.
And then lastly, I think it is very important
That every single Trump voter be found and turned out.
I don't have the confidence that the Trump campaign will be able to cover every precinct, but I think perhaps with grassroots assistance that they will be.
So we will be unveiling a comprehensive program shortly to combat this election theft.
Speaking of that CBS News report, Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised.
If you go to YouTube and type in election fraud US, you will see hundreds of newscasts, hundreds of experts, Diebold chief engineers, congressional legislature testimony, local legislatures in Florida and Ohio, and certified fraud, and admitted fraud, and I mean there's famous examples, but for Obama to go, election fraud?
What's that?
I mean it's like Hillary saying, what's turkey?
When the Armed Services Committee asked her about the Turkish ambassador, I mean, they just play stupid over and over and over again.
Here's a clip from that CBS News piece.
I gotta say, good job for CBS News actually doing some real reporting.
Concerns are growing this morning over the possibility of a hacked presidential election.
Experts believe a cyber attack this year could be a reality, especially following the hack of DNC emails.
The ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee sent a letter Monday to the Homeland Security Secretary.
It said in part, election security is critical and a cyber attack by foreign actors on our election systems could compromise the integrity of our voting process.
Maria Villarreal is in Los Angeles to show us how this could happen and if there is a fix.
Maria, good morning.
Well, good morning.
Roughly 70% of the states in the U.S.
use some form of electronic voting machine.
Hackers tell me the problems with these machines have been around for years.
The system and the computer are both old and antiquated.
With millions expected to hit the polls in just three short months for the presidential election, security experts are now raising some red flags.
And I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged, I have to be honest.
For weeks, Donald Trump has told his supporters the outcome of the 2016 election could be out of his control.
But for the hackers at Semantic Security Response, election day results could be manipulated by an affordable device you can find online.
I can insert it, and then it resets the card, and now I'm able to vote again.
The voter doesn't even need to leave the booth to hack the machine.
And how much does that cost?
So for $15 I could hack the vote?
For $15 and in-depth knowledge of the card, you could hack the vote.
Semantic Director Kevin Haley says elections can also be hacked by breaking into the machines after the votes are collected.
The results go from that machine into a piece of electronics that takes it to the central counting place.
That data is not encrypted and that's vulnerable for manipulation.
How big of a hacking potential problem is this?
Well, there's a huge potential.
There are so many places in the voting process, once it goes electronic, that's vulnerable.
According to a report from the Brennan Center for Justice, one reason these voting systems are so vulnerable is their age.
We found that more than 40 states are using voting machines that are at least 10 years old.
Our system is as secure as we can possibly make it.
Denise Merrill, president of the National Association of Secretaries of State, says the lack of funding keeps most precincts from updating their systems.
But all machines have to meet specific government standards.
The idea of a national hack of some sort is almost ridiculous because there is no national system.
In fact, the more than 9,000 voting districts across the country all have different ways of running their elections down to the type of machine they use.
Merrill says there are checks in place to prevent fraud.
Our voting systems are heavily regulated.
They're tested both before and after.
There are paper trails everywhere.
By and large, I would say the American election system works very well.
CBS learned that only 60% of states routinely conduct audits post-election by checking paper trails.
But not all states even have paper records, like in some parts of swing states like Virginia and Pennsylvania, which experts say could be devastating.
The Election Assistance Commission told us that they ensure all voting systems are vigorously tested against security standards and that systems certified by the EAC are not connected to the Internet.
Well, less than 100 days, we're going to the polls.
Thank you, Maria, very much.
Alright, I'm going to go back to Roger Stone on this, but he wanted us to air this piece and I'm glad we did.
Now, I say good job admitting, at least, that these machines are easy to hack.
It's happened many times.
But at the end, they totally deceived the public.
Maybe they're ignorant, so let me enlighten CBS right now.
Right after Kennedy got killed, they started having the Associated Press coordinate with the states, and then it would announce who the winner was.
Then they changed the name in 1990 to Voter News Services.
And by the way, Mr. Stone has been part of famous recounts at the highest level, so he's an expert.
We'll speak to him in a moment and skip the break to have more time.
But, every major election, if you just Google Voter News Services, they've had so many problems, they changed the name in 2003 to National Election Pool, but was set up by the exact same group.
So again, it was AP announced that Bernie Sanders was going to win by a certain point the day before because they, quote, met with the superdelegates at a rich person's house.
Oh, I see.
But they went ahead with the election.
What they do is they will fix it in key battleground states, steal it and then have it culled by
Yeah, I think everything you said is accurate.
Don't worry about it.
It's domestic actors.
Those who have custody of the machines.
A woman at the end of that video says, well the machines are heavily regulated.
It's the regulators I'm worried about.
So, for example, the Diebold PES machine is in wide use in California.
They're in the custody of the Secretary of State.
I attempted to reach him.
His name is Alex Padilla.
I couldn't find him, unfortunately.
He was out campaigning for Hillary Clinton.
I remember well when the Democrats went out of their mind because the Florida Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, was actively campaigning
I don't know.
Unfortunately, this is also how you detect the fraud.
If you take an honest poll, and we intend to do that, and then compare the results on a precinct basis or on a subdivision basis, and the swing from the poll to the final results defies the mathematical odds given the time frame, then you have prima facie evidence of
On its face, you have it.
And expanding on that, Roger Stone, exit polls, for my research, are generally, depending on who conducts them, 3-5% margin of error.
Very accurate.
So we need to conduct exit polls in these key precincts, key battlegrounds, to immediately cry foul if something doesn't show up that we expect to see from the real polls.
Very definitely a part of the plan that we are putting together to protect Donald Trump from election rigging.
Trump himself, I think, has played a vital role already by heightening public awareness to this very real problem.
In terms of the last couple of days, Alex, first of all, I myself have been hacked into my personal accounts, my business accounts, my political work, a number of my bank accounts have been accessed all within the last 48 hours.
As soon as it became publicly known that I was in communication with Julian Assange,
Now there is a massive effort on Twitter and Facebook to discredit Assange.
That's because the Clintonistas know that Mr. Assange, who I believe is a hero, who's fighting the deep police state, they know Mr. Assange has all of the emails that Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, Hillary's flunkies, thought they erased.
Now, if those emails were worth taking the public heat for having erased them,
It tells you that what's in them is extraordinarily significant.
So, now there is a giant effort online to destroy... Hey, Roger Stone, hacked if you're talking to... yeah.
Well, I tell you, I'm just trying to think of the headline I should go with here.
Roger Stone hacked after talking to Assange.
I mean, this is like an espionage movie.
And then we've got Democratic press communications PR agent hired to shut down Seth Rich conspiracy theories.
That's a top consultant that works for the Clintons.
This guy shot four times in the back.
High level dealing with the emails.
And then Assange telegraphs on Dutch TV that he's the source and that these bombshells are about to come out.
This is amazing.
Yeah, so there is a giant effort online.
These are the twerps at Correct the Record constantly saying that we, the Trump supporters, are trying to stage a constitutional crisis based on rigging this election.
I say to you, no, Alex.
Those who are causing the constitutional crisis are the ones who are rigging the machines.
All we want is an honest count.
If we have an honest count, there's no question in my mind that Donald Trump, despite the beating he's taking from the mainstream media, distorting and twisting and focusing on everything he says, while giving Hillary largely a free pass on the startling revelations
I was about to say, they can't run from this.
I mean, there's a sense of this is just mounting by the minute, and then real liberals
Like Assange, who exposed Bush for bad stuff, and we thank him for that.
I said, we'll know if he's for real if he goes after Obama and Hillary.
He's been doing that, and I tell you, he's a real hero.
I wish he would go ahead and release the data dump now.
I understand it might have more power if he did it a month before the election, but I tell you, we need to bring Hillary down now, Roger.
Well, I think he may choose to release it before each one of the debates.
Release some emails just before the debates, so that Hillary has... Well, for your safety and everybody's safety, because obviously they hit your emails and took over your bank accounts and everything, governmental level, to find out what you're up to, what you're doing.
Just for everybody's safety, did Assange give you any info?
Because I think if you've got it, you've got to put it out now.
I'm not at liberty to discuss what I have, and I kind of have a foreshadowing, but nobody affects Julian Assange.
Nobody tells this guy what to do.
He understands... Obviously, no one's implying that.
What I'm saying is, because, I mean, we haven't talked about this, because I only talk about stuff like this on record.
If I was Assange, you'd be a smart guy to give some data caches to, and I'd be giving it to hundreds of trusted people right now.
Well, I lost some data in the hacking.
Some things that I was about to publish manuscript for my next book on the Clintons has been stolen.
Some other items, nothing that is not recoverable.
But, for example, my entire contact list of people I deal with regularly is wiped out.
It's gone.
And by the way, you don't like to bitch and complain, but we have to report this as a war.
You're being audited, you've paid them, and they're just saying you didn't pay your taxes.
Yeah, no, the IRS is harassing me over 2014.
I paid all my taxes and everything owed.
And they just say, they're ignoring your check, they're ignoring the cash check and your return, they just say you're a criminal and you didn't pay.
Well, first of all, I've been through this.
Somebody filed a false return in my name.
That means when I went to file my return online, the system kicked me out.
I had to hire an attorney, we filed the correct forms, and we paid our taxes.
This is all documented in writing in the correspondence between my lawyer and the IRS.
Now the IRS has amnesia.
Like, none of this happened.
We're right back where we were.
You never paid your 2014 taxes, despite the fact that I have a canceled check and all this correspondence.
No, it's harassment.
It's amazing, and they are pulling out all the stops, folks.
I mean, it is incredible.
Let's get down to brass tacks here.
What is the true nature of the polls?
I mean, I see so many that are frauds, but at the same time, I don't want to discount them all.
From internal polling, from your own research, where are Trump and Hillary right now in the general election?
But also, what about those battleground states?
Is he really losing ground there?
There's no evidence that he is.
He remains in range.
He's ahead in some of the battleground states still.
I believe he's still ahead in Florida by a point or two.
He's behind in others.
The gap is not 9 points.
It's not 15 points.
In every case, he's within range.
I must tell you, I never expected in this race for him to be ahead of Hillary until the end.
Ronald Reagan was never ahead.
Explain that phenomenon, because you've been saying that for over a year here on the show, that you think it's going to be tight until the end.
Well, first of all, you have so many cataclysmic and big-level events here.
The debates are going to change the numbers.
Whatever Mr. Assange drops, and Trump's and Hillary's reaction to it, could change the numbers.
The country is almost evenly matched between left and right.
They've done a better job over the years of voter registration than the Republicans have ever done.
There is also now a growing chasm between Trump and the Republican National Committee because... I was about to raise that though.
We've got, he's the main fundraiser, he's bringing in big money now, and you've got the old Republican establishment saying, take the money away from Trump, give him nothing.
They're openly trying to sabotage things for Hillary because he'll just quit recruiting and getting money and then that'll hurt all the Republicans.
They're obvious saboteurs!
Well, the other thing that's true is we cannot reach agreement in terms of who ought to be targeted.
In other words, there are blue-collar, union-member, Democratic votes out there who will go for Donald Trump, but will probably not vote for the balance of the Republican ticket.
If you're in the Trump campaign, if you're in the Trump camp, as I am,
You want those voters contacted and turned out.
The Republican National Committee... Strategically, we need Trump.
Strategically, we need Trump.
We can't trust new crops of Republicans that get, you know, taken over every time.
And they just want to turn out the Republican vote in order to protect their congressional incumbents.
Virginia is a perfect example of this.
Trump has great crossover appeal that the rest of the party ticket does not have.
We need to be targeting Trump voters, not Republicans.
Roger Stone, other points that need to be gotten into here.
Look, they hired this top Democrat crisis manager to quote, take over statements for the family in Seth Rich's death.
We have other folks, friends of DC-linked lawyer that was suing over it being stolen from Bernie.
Sean Lucas freaked out by his death.
We've got a bunch of other deaths going on.
I mean, this smells.
Yeah, you have, Alex, the deaths of Seth Rich, John Ash, and Sean Lucas in short order.
All of them connected to the heist of the Democratic National nomination by Hillary with the inside mobile assistance of Debra Wasserman Schultz.
So, and when you raise this publicly, these are three deaths.
You're immediately smeared as a conspiracy theorist.
Well, if it were one death, perhaps you'd say, alright, a coincidence.
Three deaths?
I don't think it's unreasonable to scratch your head and say, why are three insiders with intimate knowledge of the machinations at the DNC that stole this nomination for Hillary now pushing up daisies?
I'll tell you this, Assange has got giant eggs because if you look at this, he knows it's hurting Hillary.
She's degenerating under the stress daily.
Whatever's in these emails has got her scared to death.
You can see it.
She looks like a cornered, hairless rat.
They're totally freaking out and Assange is just pushing and playing chicken with these folks.
This is such a historic time.
Well, beyond that, it's very clear that Hillary's health is not good.
I have reasonably documents that were leaked recently from the hospital in Mount Kisco, New York, which is close to Capitol Park.
Oh, you believe those documents are real?
I believe that they are.
I am still researching it.
I am not finished.
But, the physical evidence, just the video you can watch of her, and now this mysterious African-American doctor who is with her,
It runs around with a tranquilizer dart.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We got Pastor Manning popping in later.
I want to open the phones up as well.
Do five more minutes with Roger Stone.
The energy in this country is so over the top.
I don't even know what to say anymore.
I mean, it is just an amazing time to be alive.
The evil, the corruption is so out in the open now that it makes my head spin.
And there's got to be a breaking point when we've got Google and all the other computer companies and tech companies admitting they're for Hillary and CNN admitting it and all the rest of craziness and Hillary obviously so ill and then MSNBC saying, oh Trump doesn't sleep enough, he's crazy.
He's unfit.
This is an incredible time.
Roger Stone, in your gut, what do you think is going to end up happening with this election?
I see a narrow Donald Trump win.
I see Trump triumphing in these debates because the only thing predictable about Donald Trump
Is this
Corruption of the Clinton Foundation.
Could it be the 1994 crime bill which incarcerated an entire generation of young black men for non-violent crimes including possession of small amounts of drugs?
A law that Hillary said was necessary because black people were super predators and had to be brought to heel.
It could be any of those things or anything else.
So I think that the debates are an opportunity for Trump.
I think he will exploit that opportunity.
And therefore, and when you add to that what I think will be the bombshell revelations dropped by WikiLeaks, I think by Election Day, Hillary is thoroughly
Do you know or are you at liberty to give us any other hints?
I mean, Assange has said some of it is Hillary sending weapons to ISIS, the total proof.
I mean, we know that happened, but it'd be great to have that.
Any other hints?
Nothing that I'm able to talk about.
I'm not going to upstage one of the great freedom fighters in the world today, Julian Assange.
But you've got a little bird told you or you just have a feeling that we might see this dribbled out of the debates?
We have mutual friends and often I was very careful in my words.
I never said I met with him.
Never said I spoke with him.
We have communicated through a trusted mutual friend.
And he is committed to this course.
Nobody is changing his documents.
His documents, as always, will be genuine.
And I think that he's got information on the entire U.S.
establishment power.
And like you said, no Saudi connections, no Russia connections for Trump.
He's clean.
He has certainly sold apartments to some wealthy Saudis.
He's never met Vladimir Putin.
Unlike Hillary, who took huge amounts of cash... Sure, exactly.
Everything she blames Trump for, she's actually doing.
So this is just an incredible time.
Assange, though, when he talks about Hillary, just shakes his head with the info he's got.
I mean, imagine what it must be like to just actually see what these people are involved in.
Well, and to make it absolutely clear, and I wrote this for Breitbart, we now know for a certainty that the DNC heist documents were not leaked by the Russians, had nothing to do with the Russians, were hacked and first made public by Crucifer 2.
Almost a month ago.
It's nonsense.
By the way, Putin doesn't particularly like Paul Manafort because Manafort helped convince the Ukrainian President Yanukovych to join the European Union.
No, I know.
It's all total bull.
All right.
Roger Stone, we'll talk to you again soon.
Have a great weekend.
The Clinton rape shirt is up there, folks.
Get it, wear it, expose these monsters.
Thank you, Roger Stone.
It's available at InfoWarsTore.com.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
On July 30th, Alex Jones made a request that Donald Trump make rigged elections one of the central campaign issues.
On August 1st, Donald Trump went on Sean Hannity and spoke with Sean about rigged elections.
Vladimir Putin came out a few days later and spoke about how American elections have been rigged in the past.
Here's a recap of those events.
Mr. Trump, I'm not going to lay things out here that you don't already know.
But I am going to ask you to seriously think about making the issue of Hillary's election fraud in the primaries one of the central issues to defeating her in November.
And I'm telling you, November 8th, we better be careful because that election's gonna be rigged.
First of all, it's rigged.
And I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged, I have to be honest.
And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it's gonna be taken away from us.
America teaches everybody how to live in, quote, democracy.
But what?
You actually believe that they have democratic elections there?
If Hillary steals the nomination, and then she openly is engaged in chicanery and things don't add up with Trump, you have to say it must be thrown out.
Hillary Clinton has had every advantage, every break given to her from the very beginning by this Democratic Party.
It has been rigged.
The political parties choose their nominee, not the general public, contrary to popular belief.
Then why are they holding the primaries?
That's a very good question.
It is clearly the case that when given truth serum, Debbie Wasserman Schultz vastly prefers Hillary Clinton to be the nominee, obviously, and to the extent there are things that can be done institutionally and largely to facilitate that outcome, they are being done.
When did the press see it as their role to protect the prerogative of the powerful?
Actually, I think that's part of it.
And we're not going to recognize Queen Hillary if there's evidence of fraud.
And guess what there is?
She stole the nomination!
Of course the elections will not be rigged.
What does that mean?
How would the party pick a new nominee?
Today is the day!
They're really thinking about maybe getting him off the top of the ticket.
He now looks increasingly like the Kamikaze candidate.
An implosion the likes of which I have never seen.
The biggest problem we have is we have a very dishonest media.
If Mr. Trump is suggesting that there is a conspiracy theory that is being propagated across the country.
Including in places like Texas.
That's ridiculous.
That doesn't make any sense.
And I don't think anybody would take that seriously.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars is now controlling the narrative.
Go to InfoWars.com for more information and InfoWarsStore.com to support the fight for truth.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm going to open the phones up right now.
The toll-free number to join us as we enter the second hour is 800-259-9231.
And you're welcome to talk about any of the big subjects that we've been getting into, the deaths of these different Democratic operatives that were exposing election fraud, the latest development where top Clinton State Department aide helped Clinton Foundation while they were working for the State Department, and money being sent from African dictators to the Foundation, and they're giving favorable deals.
This is something we've all known, but now it's all coming out.
Totally illegal.
Meanwhile, last hour we played the 45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the TPP, the secret global government deal, masquerading as a trade deal, but now she says she never supported it and will always fight it into the future.
Isn't that just special?
Meanwhile, I've got this stack of news, and again we're going to go to your phone calls, 800-259-9231.
Let refugees into your homes.
France pleads with citizens to help ease migrant crisis.
Bring the jihadis directly into your homes.
The French government, now Germany's already started this where you live in section 8 housing.
They say you gotta bring them in or you won't get your quote free housing.
This is for retirees.
They're taking retirees homes basically.
The French government is struggling to tackle a migrant crisis that they advertised and told folks to come.
There are currently 147 reception centers.
Oh, reception centers across France.
But these are in massive demand as desperate refugees continue to flee the Middle East.
So the answer is, cater more!
That's why they brought down Syria, opened it up as a gateway from the Middle East into Turkey.
The famous Muslim invasion route.
Housing Minister has pledged to build another 50 centers before the end of the next month.
But she also called on French people to open up their homes to migrants who need it.
Several organizations have already promised to help.
The Pope says you should too, but the Vatican isn't taking one person.
And that's 200 foot walls.
Two wealthy Sharia Muslims kept slaves in their Texas home.
This is from the U.S.
They told a judge that Mohammed had slaves and punished them was Islamophobic.
That's right.
The Texas couple have been found guilty of engaging in forced labor.
Hassan al-Hamoud, 46, and his wife Zahidab al-Hosani, 39, pled guilty to crimes of holding a person against their will and forced labor, otherwise known as slavery.
But it's not when Muslims do it.
They tried to convince the judge that their actions were acceptable because their prophet Mohammed, the creator of the religion of Islam, kept slaves of his own.
Therefore, any punishment that they received would be Islamophobic.
Hopi Indians are allowed to take mescaline.
That's their religion.
You are allowed to grab slaves and keep them.
Mmm, loving and liberal.
I'm sure the Huffington Post will probably have an article about how we need to be more cuckold and
By the way, I didn't get to it yesterday, but there was an article about how Salon's giving up on being a pedophile promotion bureau, and supposedly some Trump-slash-quasi-supporter guy is taking Salon over, which looks as if it's failed.
And you've done your kamikaze mission of lying and disinformation and all the rest of it, so now you're going to try to flip back.
The new Salon, very different from the old Salon, new CEO adds conservative voices, plans
Relocations away from political coverage.
Well, just please don't have articles with guys salivating over four-year-old girls in videos.
I mean, you know, come on.
Conservative leaders call on media to report on genocide of Christians.
CNS News, the UN admits it's doubled the last ten years.
There is persecution of Christians at all-time highs.
German intelligence, we have evidence ISIS hides hit squads among Syrian refugees.
Uh, gee, you have evidence that they told you two years ago that in the next migrant wave they were sending in their jihadis.
So thank you for telling us that.
Twitter secretly censored negative Obama comments in 2015.
Oh my gosh!
Yes, that's on Infowars.com.
And it's all coming out and they're very, very proud of it.
Meanwhile, you talk about real police state, I'm going to get to this later, DEA regularly mines Americans' travel records to seize millions in cash.
They'll even grab a couple thousand dollars.
I mean, when I take the whole family out of the country, in case credit cards got turned off, in case globalists pull something, who knows?
Every adult member of the family takes $3,000 or $4,000.
That's what you need.
And they'll, boy, coming back in, they're like, what do you got $2,000 for?
And I'm like, well, I mean, cash.
I mean, they want everybody digitally controlled.
And the DEA illegally does this parallel construction where they have all the NSA data, so does the IRS.
It's just so criminal.
And the big mega banks control the drug trade, and the government knows it.
It's like at the end of the movie Sercario with Josh Brolin, they admit the CIA has trimmed back ten cartels down to three to make it more manageable and controls the drug trade.
They just put it in Hollywood films now!
It's such a joke!
We want the cash, DEAC uses millions from travelers, bribes transit employees, oh yeah.
Yeah, the big secret is, when you got a plumber in your house,
Or an air conditioning person or whatever.
A lot of them make more money every year as informants off money they get from seizures and convictions than they get off the plumbing job.
So they're just looking in your house.
There's been cases of them planting things too.
What a society we've created.
And again, people say, well then why aren't you?
Why don't you support Black Lives Matter?
Let's shoot some police!
Just because we have a corrupt government that has corrupt practices that are getting out of control doesn't mean we start a civil war because George Soros wants one.
And it doesn't mean the average cop's involved in this.
This is the Feds, and even the average DEA person doesn't like it and wants it reformed.
That's why we know about a lot of it.
And just if we... I don't want drug legalization, by the way.
I want decriminalization.
I want to make it uncool, like they've done in areas of Europe, and it's caused drug use to plummet.
I want to make it you're a loser, not some cool guy, and take the money out of it.
Because certainly there's a horrible criminal culture involved in drugs.
I don't like it.
The whole thing was created at the end of Prohibition because they didn't have a market anymore.
Alcohol had been made legal.
The very same globalist interests began to make drugs illegal so they had something new to corrupt the police and control society.
Rand Paul says Hillary should get five years in prison for lying to Congress about weapons going to ISIS.
It's now come out that she was ordering weapons to them and that
Donald Trump is right.
Come on, link up with Donald Trump, Rand.
I know you guys played golf and were friends.
I mean, please.
In fact, speaking of that, here is Rand Paul on Fox News last night.
Let's take a listen to what you asked her back in 2013 Benghazi hearing.
It's been in news reports that ships have been leaving from Libya and that they may have weapons.
And what I'd like to know is the annex that was close by, were they involved with procuring, buying, selling, obtaining weapons?
And were any of these weapons being transferred to other countries, any countries, Turkey included?
Well, Senator, you'll have to direct that question to the agency that ran the annex.
And I will see what information is available.
You're saying you don't know?
I do not know.
I don't have any information on that.
Now, if WikiLeaks, in fact, does have emails proving that she did know, what does that mean to you?
It's a felony to lie to Congress.
You can get five years in prison.
And we can't continue to say that the Clintons are above the law.
I do believe that the CIA annex in Benghazi was procuring weapons, some of them to get them away from the jihadists in Libya, but some of it to ferry those weapons through Turkey into Syria.
There have been many, many first-hand accounts
New York Times, London Times, Washington Times have all reported upon this.
I know for a fact that the current Secretary of State is very aware of what the CIA is doing.
And I can't reveal what I've heard from him, but I can tell you that he's aware of what the CIA is doing in Syria.
And I find it hard to believe that Hillary Clinton, who all the news reports have said she was the biggest advocate for arming the Islamic rebels in Syria,
Many of whom turned out to be not only enemies of ours, some of them may have turned out to be ISIS, but some of them also turned out to be enemies of Israel as well.
May have been?
I mean, the Pentagon said like 95% were, quote, Wahhabist.
That's Al Qaeda, that's ISIS, whatever name you give, it's Wahhabist.
The black flag with the white circle on it with the, there is only one God and his prophet is Muhammad.
Again, Donald Trump is just saying what's admitted fact, and the whore media acts like it's the end of the world.
And notice Trump is bringing all this back out.
The attack on our guns, the attack on our sovereignty, the one-sided trade deals, arming the radical al-Qaeda folks, bringing them into our countries.
Where is the fault with this man?
But you see the corporate media acting like it's the end of the world.
Well, the truth is,
He's opening up a wedge for all of us to try to save this country.
And for that, we owe him a great debt.
Here is... Well, here is the golden toad.
Then Obama came in and normally you want to clean up.
He made a bigger mess out of it.
He made such a mess.
And then you had Hillary with Libya.
So sad.
In fact, in many respects, you know, they honor
President Obama, ISIS is honoring President Obama.
He is the founder of ISIS.
He's the founder of ISIS, okay?
He's the founder!
He founded ISIS.
And I would say the co-founder would be Crooked Hillary Clinton.
By the way, we have found the compilations, we found the videos going back two years ago where I said she is the founder of ISIS and where I said she's the commander of ISIS and that she set up the whole scheme.
Which you just heard Senator
Dr. Rand Paulse, who's on the Armed Services Committee and gets the classified briefings.
Well, before they had those classified briefings, I had Colonel Schaeffer on from the London Group, used to head up the anti-Al Qaeda desk for the Army, and I had Tosh Plumley and I had Steve Pachinik on to tell you the former head of counterterrorism for the U.S.
I mean, I'm not bragging, but we have the guys on and they told you exactly what happened
Within a week of Benghazi.
I'm just telling you.
And Donald Trump is now putting it out there.
Hillary Clinton is desperate.
Donald Trump was 10 points ahead in the polls, until Reuters and others began sampling 10-15% more Democrats in their polls to skew the numbers.
It's incredible.
But despite all that skewing in the last two weeks, now in major polls, put up with the very same groups, with the same methodology, Trump is neck and neck with her, or even a point or two ahead.
But if you go look at the social media, and Breitbart and Gateway Pundit have done this, it's incredible.
We're talking three, four, five, six times the support at places like Facebook, Livestream, Reddit, and so many other places.
In fact, sometimes he's got ten times more likes and ten times more views.
That's what we saw with Bernie Sanders, where he'd have 20,000 people, Hillary'd have 500.
We did exit polls in California and other so-called battleground states in the Democratic primary, and we talked to eight people before we found one or two Hillary supporters.
That's why Hillary was forced to steal it with the superdelegates.
Let's look at some of the numbers themselves.
Trump had 10 million plus likes to Clinton's 5 million on Facebook.
And that's with Facebook admittedly censoring Trump pages everywhere they can and even meeting with Hillary Clinton just like Google does.
Trump averages 30,000 live viewers per stream, and Clinton averages 500 live stream viewers per stream.
On Reddit, Trump averages 197,000 plus subscribers, Hillary 24,000.
Hillary for prison has 55,000 subscribers.
Gee, wonder who started that.
And this is only a snapshot of the numbers we're seeing with Trump.
You go to YouTube, his average video has millions of views.
You go look at Hillary's official campaign site.
Most of her videos have 2,000 or 3,000 views.
Her bigger one's a few hundred thousand.
This lady's a joke.
She's not liked by her own party.
But we're being told it's going to be a landslide for her because they're trying to get us ready for election fraud.
Something so well documented in this country's past.
But Obama says it's preposterous.
He doesn't even know what that is.
Well, President Obama, we do know what it is.
And this time, we don't have somebody like Mitt Romney or John McCain who's gonna stand down and not take action.
We don't have somebody who's gonna throw in the towel there's fraud.
We got Donald Trump and an awake population that's aware of your scams.
The social engineers have jumped the shark.
They are stealing this election in front of everyone.
By forcing them to engage in fraud, we are exposing them forever.
So even if Donald Trump loses, even if that happens due to fraud,
Or scandals.
It doesn't matter because we've been in the arena, we've politically exposed the system, political correctness, globalism, the maxim has been introduced, Americanism, not globalism.
This is a good time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
And we owe Donald Trump so much for being willing to put his family, his life, his treasure on the line.
He is the man in the arena.
And I'm honored to be in that arena with him as well.
If you haven't joined us in this historic fight, it's time to pick a side right now.
Our talk show host is Alex Jones.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Deeply I think racist.
I just got called racist by MSNBC.
I don't want that man to have a gun.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
The Alex Jones Show.
Watch the free stream live at infowars.com forward slash show.
I've got the enemy attack profile.
I know what they're doing.
Even before I go out and read their white papers, I know.
Sometimes when I go out and read a white paper, it's like I know what the next paragraph's gonna say because I know this enemy so well.
But, during the break, I'm out there.
We've got Fox, CNN on these monitors to monitor establishment media.
And Wolf Blitzer, who is a foreign agent of Israel, on record,
I'm not against Israel, it's just like Anderson Cooper's CIA.
Tell folks you're CIA!
Wolf Blitzer is a liberal leftist Israeli operative.
Probably Mossad.
He did not want to give maybe 5,000 to 10,000 remaining U.S.
troops legal immunity from Iraqi prosecution.
You know, but that's a matter of leadership.
Barack Obama should have been able to... And what is he doing?
So let's get into it.
I'm out there during that break and I turn it up and I'm watching it.
And I knew what they were going to say before they said it.
They show a clip of Donald Trump in 2007 saying, get out of Iraq.
I said, don't go in in 2003.
And they flip it around and go, he's a private citizen and he screwed up.
We should have stayed.
But Obama screwed up worse.
So they're saying Obama's bad and so is Trump because Obama did the pullout.
In 2010, 2011, which he never did.
And then I knew what was coming next out of their fat mouths.
That's what gave ISIS the ability to organize and take over and get a third of Iraq and then invade Syria.
I mean, I know what they're going to say before they say it.
It's so ridiculous.
He pulled out of Iraq to create the vacuum on purpose and they gave him the weapons and they said in their communication, signs in English, Libya now, Syria's next.
And it was an organized plan.
So it doesn't legitimize that we ever went to Iraq because then Obama pulled out and it all went to hell.
They took Iraq out as part of the admitted plan that Wesley Clark has talked about and others have.
It was an admitted Pentagon plan.
It's bipartisan, going back 20 years.
Now listen to me carefully here.
I ought to get a mobile mic and go over there to the map on the wall and show folks.
You have to take out the secular country, Iraq, if you're going to then bring down Syria, its ally, next door.
And who are you going to import?
Sunni Wahhabis to repopulate and take over the area that have vastly larger population numbers.
So they gave them the old bases, the convoys, the weapons, the advisors, everything.
They go into Libya, then they go into Iraq, then they go into Syria, then they go into Turkey, who gives them free passage in, and gives them air support and artillery support, to then go into Europe for the next phase!
And our government's advertised to bring them in, 80% military-age men, almost all of them with fake passports.
They're not Syrian refugees.
They are the jihadi invasion force from everywhere.
The Caucasus, from the Stans, from North Africa, from Central Africa, from Western Africa, from Eastern Africa, from all the way into Central Asia.
Everywhere from Chechnya to Pakistan, pouring in with the jihad.
And then right behind Hillary, in Orlando, planting the flag, Mateen's father from the Gay Night Club, who agrees with his son in TV programs he hosts internationally, standing right behind Hillary on camera for the whole world to see.
A message.
And we are so fat, dumb, and happy, we have no idea what we're facing.
We have a lot of calls.
I'll get to you after Pastor Manning pops in.
Like I said, I thought he was on the next hour, not this hour.
He's got a time zone issue.
He's going to be popping in, and then I'm going to go to your calls for the entire third hour today.
And I'm sure going into the fourth hour, the host then will be taking your calls.
David Knight.
This is such an incredible time to be alive.
Briefly, if you aren't getting prepared, you know, I mean, I'm 70% offense trying to stop the Globos, but I am 30% now just getting the farmhouse ready, getting the solar panels in, already got the well in, making sure I've got a self-defense plan, making sure I've got the basic medical supplies.
And I wouldn't be doing that unless I thought it was a very good chance in the next three, four, five years, maybe even sooner, we're going to see some very serious societal disruptions.
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And whatever you do, get the Hillary for Prison shirts because that meme is getting big and it's a great way to meet like-minded people and support this transmission.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you can't see the irony in having a gun ban enforced by men with guns, well then you fail to understand why the Second Amendment was written in the first place.
Throughout history, only slaves are disarmed.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
To keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
For all of you actors out there who go to your red carpet events, surrounded by full battle rattle SWAT teams, while you accept your awards for your latest violent movie.
For all you politicians who spend your 9-5 days scheming up ways to take away my Second Amendment rights, meanwhile you have first responders on site there to protect you, I say this, come and take it.
I have a strict gun control policy.
If there's a gun around, I want to control it.
Clint Eastwood.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
Dads demand guns because it's me that's got to get up and go check out that noise at 2am.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got the DNC tech operative, high level with their email, who Julian Assange basically said is their source, dead.
Right at the time those emails were released.
More is coming.
We've got other people filing lawsuits that are DNC operatives being killed.
They were exposed to the fact that Bernie Sanders was robbed.
And now Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, his credit has come out in the videos on Infowars.com and a Paul Joseph Watson article.
Newt Gingrich on Seth Rich.
If someone gunned down our Capitol, we should know why.
Things are dangerous.
Things are going on.
Things are dangerous.
Things are going on.
This is a message to everybody.
You keep pushing, we're going to kill you.
And you leak what we're doing, we're gonna kill you.
Obama has more than quintupled, according to liberal professors, like Jonathan Turley, constitutional law, the persecution of the press ever seen, ever seen, and of whistleblowers.
And Hillary says, I came, we saw, he died.
And all her always bragging about, and Obama, he's really good at killing people, he said.
And now you've got these deaths of lawyers filing lawsuits that are Bernie supporters, and DNC people, and other folks getting killed.
I mean, this is crazy!
And you've got these fake polls where they add 15% more Democrat than Republican.
I mean, this is amazing.
I want to ask Pastor Manning, who's only with us for 30 minutes today.
I appreciate his time.
We'll go to your phone calls in the third hour today and 30 minutes from now.
Pastor James David Manning, a middle of Harlem, helped bring down to a great extent.
That corrupt thug Al Sharpton.
Otla.org has a lot of courage.
Always has really interesting angles.
A lot of wisdom.
Always helps me clarify things.
That's why, quite frankly, we have him on.
What do you think's really going on?
What do you think the real numbers are?
I think it's a landslide for Trump and they're gonna try to steal it.
What do you make of such a wall of media deception?
I've never seen anything like it.
What is the real state of the world?
Because I gotta tell you, Pastor Manning, I've gone from having a lot of concern and feeling the ominous energy build up the last few years to now it's a sickening level where I feel like
I'm fighting for my life or something.
I mean, I'm waking up in the middle of the night wanting to work.
I'm working seven days a week.
I'm breaking out in sweat.
It's cold in the studio.
I am, I mean, I'm not a hysterical person.
I get angry, I get motivated, but I'm telling you, I can just feel evil rising.
There's also a lot of good happening, but I tell you, what are you feeling in your spirit?
Well, you know, with respect to the evil rising, you're absolutely right.
But I think, to fully interpret this, we need to go back partially to 2008, where the Globalist and New World Order people discovered all of a sudden that they wanted Barack Hussein Obama for president.
Now, there are several reasons why he was a better choice than Hillary or John McCain at the time, because they could have gone with either one.
But they decided that they wanted Obama, and they went ahead now and put the, you know, they queued into the computer system of rigging elections, rigging the media, paying the media, and to some degree, assassinations, etc., to get Obama in.
I mean, because he was not, and then they began to yeast up all these crowds.
In Dusseldorf, Germany,
Obama commanded a crowd of 200,000 people, Alex.
You know, this isn't even America.
But in Germany, because the European New World Order people there wanted him, and they wanted to say that Europe wanted him.
So what I think we see happening now is the same structure now being used double time, and Hillary is saying, listen,
I sat back, I sucked it up, I didn't squeal, I didn't try to bring down Obama, I didn't try to reveal who all of y'all are, though you paid me well at Goldman Sachs and allowed me to earn a lot of money there.
But I want this election!
I want it, I don't care who wants Donald Trump or anybody, I want this election!
Make it happen!
And that's what we see happening.
And we got the emails to all the media telling them what to do.
Incredible scandal!
Well, I mean, that's a part of the process.
It's just one of the more components of the way the media handles all of the information.
You know, if Julian Assange is pushing out information, or Russia's pushing out information, you get pushback from the dunghead media on these items, and the American people are sitting there asking who they're going to believe, their lying eyes or the media.
That's what's happening.
Do you think they've miscalculated, or do you think they're going to pull this off?
Well, you know, it depends.
They could change horses in the middle of the stream.
They have no scruples.
These are people without a conscience.
Quite frankly, I mean, they don't have a heart.
So they could change.
Right now, they've gone ahead and said, listen, Hillary, it's yours.
You've got it.
You're 15 points ahead in Colorado, for crying out loud.
You're four points ahead in Georgia and nine points ahead in North Carolina.
Who believes any of that?
Oh, well, you know, listen.
I mean, people hate Obama.
They hate Hillary.
She can't even get crowds of 200 people.
But Alex, Alex, people in here, when a Trump supporter hear that Hillary is winning by nine points in North Carolina, you know, listen, Alex, you wouldn't be going with her.
It makes them give up hope.
That's why they're playing.
That's exactly what I want to say.
It just defeats them.
They feel defeated.
I'm not going to the polls.
I'm not going in Morales.
I'm going home and get drunk.
I'm going to Golden Corral or something or going to Walmart and buy myself another rifle.
That's what they want.
And people need to stop doing that, like buying a 20th rifle.
And I'm not against buying guns, but I'm saying just like, oh, this will make it okay, I can still have this.
You need to politically bust your butt, because I'm telling you, I don't get up here and lie, folks.
We've shown all the reports, we've done it.
Every major polling agency is working with the Democrats now, with these public polls.
They do internal polls, so the campaign knows what's happening.
Trump was 15 points ahead, according to insider polls, that were serious polls after the convention.
That's why they started sampling 15 points more in these other polls to try to put Hillary ahead.
It's totally fake.
And I'm not just saying that, but what Manning said is true.
It then creates a self-fulfilling prophecy where people then actually believe that's happening, and a lot of folks are on the fence and go, well, I just want to bet on a winner and feel like, you know, I'm with a winner, so okay, I'm for Hillary now.
Yeah, and the other thing, Alex, I think going back to the purchasing of more rifles.
Also, you got ten, you're going out by the eleventh.
No, here, listen, I'm all for the Second Amendment.
Purchase as many weapons as you need to protect yourself, your family, your country.
But here, we need to begin to look at the fact that how do we protect ourselves against lithium chemtrails and fluoride and the autism shots that are given our children?
They're not going to hit a straight up military up front.
That's for mopping up.
And look, look, I know because when bad people get elected and bad things happen, I psychoanalyzed myself years ago, going to the shop, buying more guns and ammo, literally as like a comfort blanket.
And so I'm not putting people down, I know I do it.
No, I'm not either.
God knows I'm not doing that, but what I'm trying to say is... No, no, I agree with you.
I agree with you.
We need to start thinking about a better defense mechanism, because if they want to remove an entire community, let's say for instance they wanted a part of Georgia, the bordering Tennessee, that they wanted to just annihilate, they could do that in one fell swoop.
I don't care how many weapons you got there, you can't shoot lithium out of the air.
Purchase your weapons, please do so.
But we're under attack by more ways than just guns.
Yeah, absolutely.
Talk about spiritual attack.
More and more I realize we just got to go to God, hit our knees.
In fact, I'm putting you on the spot.
You didn't expect to do this, Pastor, but I really respect you and watch your TV show and also catch some of your sermons that are powerful there in Harlem broadcast around the world.
Will you lead us in prayer to maybe heal this nation or to protect Donald Trump or to have the
Collectively, that people be knocked off their horses, like Saul of Tarsus on his road to Damascus, because, I mean, really, I think it's we have to ask God, don't we?
I mean, is it that?
If you desire, pray.
I certainly will pray.
Please do.
Let's go to the Lord.
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, we love you, we thank you.
And we realize, Almighty God, we cannot win this election, take back America.
We cannot be free without you.
There was a time and the sentiments and the odor of when we could go to the election, pull the lever for a particular candidate, and it worked.
Our vote was respected.
But Jesus, we're fighting a much more deeper spiritual battle.
We're fighting enemies that have powers over the airways.
We're fighting an enemy who have power over the very foods that we eat.
We need a word from heaven.
We need your word, Almighty God, to be able to sustain us.
We need your power like you rained down fire from heaven with Elijah on the 850 prophets that were serving Jezebel.
And Ahab, we need the likeness of your power.
We need, Almighty God, for you to touch the hearts of people who want to walk free, who want to walk in this beautiful nation.
What a scream it is to see this beautiful nation ravaged by
The people of the New World Order who are destroying it by bringing in minorities and pushing out original founders and people who worked hard to make the trains run on time in this nation, to ravage it and to carve it up into various sections and pit people against one another.
We need you, Almighty God, to work against the forces of Obama and all the people that he has under his foot.
I don't
Let the American people turn to you.
Yes, go to the rallies and support, but we need a word from the Lord and let the preachers and the pulpits get up and start standing up and preaching your word again, not being afraid of the police or the CIA or Homeland Security or whosoever wants to come in and let us all stand together.
If they come at Alex, then let them know that they're going to have to come at all of America.
We're coming down out of Oregon.
To support Alex.
We're coming out of New Hampshire to support Alex.
You will not be able to get in and out of a jailhouse if you arrest the voice that represent us.
You won't be able to go home.
We will surround the entire county with a hundred thousand deep of men who are standing saying, the hell we're not going to take it anymore.
What we are going to take is back our nation.
Jesus, you can do that?
You can rally us the way you did Gideon.
You can rally us, Almighty God, the way you did David.
You can rally our troops the way you did Joshua.
And we're trusting that you do that.
We pray that this prayer goes out all over the world, that men and women may know, but especially here in America, that we can stop all of this and we can salvage our nation in your name, Jesus.
Not in our name, but in your name.
And in your name we pray.
Amen and amen.
And we see the persecution of Christians expanding.
We see that there is an evil force behind the New World Order, Pastor Manning.
If that force had its way, what would it do on this planet?
Well, what it primarily wants to do is to continue to call itself into the power of God.
That's ultimately what they want to be able to do, Alex.
They want to call themselves into the power of God.
Be omnipresent, control the weather, control society, control the words, play God.
Yeah, and they want to dumb down the American people and they're using the media.
And we need to talk more about the media.
I'm going to have to go.
You got to go.
But we need to talk more about the media being a surrogate if you will.
Don't start getting into it because they admit to it.
We have CNN admitting we're doing everything we can.
I mean, they just admit they're doing it.
They admit they take orders.
It's just shameless now.
Yeah, but they want to use the media the way we ought to be using the church.
They want to use the media to get people to actually bow down and worship whatever gods or politicians or ideologies that they put forward.
They want the media to be... You don't have to go to church anymore.
You're being led to believe a particular idea.
They're talking about how their veracity is always on point.
They're self-checking themselves and then they bring in their own disciples who they call commentators to support the things that they're saying.
And people are beginning to worship these people.
They worship people like Apple.
They worship the leaders of Google as if they worship these people.
And so what they want to do is they really want to stand in the place of God and don't nobody ever forget it.
There was an AP headline the other day asking, why are these tech company heads obsessed with eternal life?
And they'll tell you, we're going to merge the machines and become God.
We want to be God.
And they're looking for every possible way.
You know, really, I watched the event of Steve Jobs and Apple.
Who knows exactly what has happened with Steve Jobs?
People call me conspiracy theorist, informer, hat wearer, and all of these kinds of things they say about me.
I brush it off.
And but I think what they're trying to do is to stop me when I've got something concrete to put to people, but I don't have the empirical evidence to make it work to try to make me look silly.
But I don't know what happened to Steve Jobs.
I have no idea.
I mean, we got Julian Assange over there in the Ecuador, if you will, embassy, who has been able to feed information and give a support system, and he has supported.
We don't know where all these people are going or coming.
We only get what the media tells us about them.
Jobs still may be around looking to do something.
I don't know!
All I know is I don't believe the media.
I don't believe what they tell me.
No, I hear you.
They lie so much, we can't believe any of it.
It's like Hillary, a year and a half ago, accused Trump of being an ISIS recruiter and saying he was their colonel or their sergeant.
Recruiting sergeant was the exact term.
Soros said that.
Then he comes out and points out she's really funding it.
And then, oh, how dare you?
It's just, it's gotten so intense, I wonder what levels above this are going to be like.
Have you seen the clip?
I don't think I've seen that clip, no.
But I do know this, that Clinton and Obama and others have been involved in the process of ISIS, involved in the process of creating an environment where ISIS thrives.
There are a number of people who understand if they ever get in my gun sights, it's all over with.
They know it.
And if an organization, you got an organization that's rising with militancy around the world and the president or the leader of the so-called free world or the so-called president does not put them in his gun sights, but lets them continue to roam around and to grow and gain power.
I gotta ask, why is that?
You know, why does that happen?
Because they created it on record.
Yeah, so, I mean, we have to ask hard questions and we can't, you know, one of the things I have to do on a daily basis, Alex, is I have to fortify myself against people calling me stupid for questioning these criminals and politics.
Being ridiculed means nothing to me, but seeing how dumbed down some people are really hurts me.
Like a globalist sees some dumbed down person and says, oh, that's an opportunity to feed on this person.
I just see a poor brainwashed person and it makes me feel sick.
Final segment with Pastor Manning, then your phone calls, breaking news and more.
Stay with us.
Not a group.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this show good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
This is very important because a lot of these microorganisms, and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms,
You have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, viruses protect themselves and so do bacteria and protozoa and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually designed the Living Defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often should you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when the eggs hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss,
Excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness.
I mean, all these things.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
Plans at least twice a year.
Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
InfoWars.com is the website.
Every day now I sit here and it's like the Twilight Zone like Matt Drudge said a few days ago when the father of the guy that murdered all the people at the nightclub shows up in the VIP area about right behind Hillary in the Secret Service.
And she's openly funding ISIS.
She openly set it up and advocated for arming the rebels who they knew who they were.
She's involved in all this corruption.
She's involved in the TPP.
Now she says she was always against it, will be against it.
And it just becomes ridiculous.
I mean, I wonder where they're going to go next.
Then we talk about her health problems.
I mean, I do see it as biblical, like the plagues of Pharaoh, how unhealthy Bill looks, how unhealthy Hillary looks.
The fact that
They may be able to steal the election.
I'm not saying that's going to happen, but even if they do get in there, what do you predict is going to happen once she's in there?
Well, there are a couple of things.
Number one is that I think we need to be able to read the tea leaves more accurately.
We need to focus on what I've seen very few people focus on, and that is the relationship
Between Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton, whether it's more than just a political relationship.
And I'll leave it at that.
But I got to tell you, we'll find a lot of answers if we go down that road.
Of Tim Kaine and Hillary.
Who are they?
And why are they?
Now, to try to respond to your question, you know, I was talking to someone the other day and they said that if you want to find out what's going to happen in the future, watch the cartoons because they put it in the cartoons.
The globalist people put it in the cartoons first and see if it works.
See if Mikey likes it.
See if the kids like it.
If the kids like it, then they go ahead and implement it.
They find out that it works.
It has a nice taste and a flavor to it.
What I would say is that whatever your wildest imagination can happen in America in terms of turning it upside down, right now we've got more hatred people, brother to brother, people to people, race to race.
I mean, just the opposite of what they were touting to happen when they put that long-legged mac daddy Obama in the office.
And we've got absolutely
Nothing done for the people for which he was elected to do and everything to do for Wall Street, the bankers and wealthy people worldwide and for the Muslims.
I mean, Muslims, they've been around for a very long time, but God knows that Obama has lifted them to a pinnacle right now where
The Catholics, the Christians, are minorities in comparison to the kind of press the Muslims get.
So to try to answer that question about Hillary, what is your wildest imagination of what she could possibly do, and will do, because she's going to want to outdo Obama to be sure.
That woman is wild.
She's farming at the mouth of a war with Russia.
She's wild!
She's wild, Hillary.
I mean, she's wild.
And by the way, you know, Bill is not as bad as Hillary.
Even though he looks sick, he looks like he's dying.
I don't know what he got him on, but he looks like he's getting ready to die tomorrow.
First thing tomorrow morning.
But, she's a whole lot... It's Hillary, everybody.
Not Bill that you gotta be afraid of.
Oh, she admittedly ran the show.
She's been running it for quite some time.
She's already been president for at least eight years.
That's a way to get around the term limit.
Yeah, she has her little big glasses coming out of that school that she went up there in some place up there in the, up here in the Northeast.
But yeah, I suspect that one of the wildest imagination of what can possibly happen to this nation is going to happen if Hillary sits down in the Oval Office.
That's what they want.
They want to mount our head on the wall.
Thank you so much, Pastor Manning.
It was always great to talk to you.
God bless you.
Talk to you soon.
Have a great weekend.
God bless you as well, Alex.
Take care.
Thank you so very much for having me.
Thank you.
We'll be back in 70 seconds with your phone calls.
Wide open phones.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Article up by Express.
Let refugees into your homes.
France pleads with citizens to help ease migrant crisis.
The same migrant crisis that they allowed to happen.
Yeah, let's go ahead and bring them on in.
We'll give them a machete or maybe a knife so they can cut our throats.
It'll be fine.
There are currently 147 reception centers across France, but these are all in massive demand as desperate refugees continue to flee the Middle East.
Meanwhile, Barack Obama wants to bring these people into our country unvetted.
Let's not let any more of this happen.
That's why we need Donald Trump to secure the borders, and we need to better vet these people.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Look at these headlines.
They're up on InfoWars.com.
They're up on DrugsReport.com, too.
Clinton only up 1% against Trump.
That's probably a more realistic poll, folks.
Internal polling's been done.
They're sampling 15 points ahead for Hillary in most of them.
Trump's ahead.
The problem is they're gonna try to steal the battleground states.
The fake polls are about convincing you that he really lost.
That's why Trump gets that and is not going along with it.
Just like, he's a sore loser, they wrote back in April.
News and World Report and everywhere else, basically.
He's not following the rules, so what if he won the popular vote, buddy?
Meanwhile, Apple, Twitter, Google, Instagram collude to defeat Trump.
Media and froth are taking down CNN.
We couldn't help Hillary any more than we are.
And then we've got reports here with folks really getting upset, really getting angry.
Sheenan feels the anti-media rage.
Oh yeah, it's time to
Put any type of heat you can possibly on outlets like CNN, MSNBC, especially if they're doing a live show in your town, your city.
It's the only one lawful for you if they're out on the street doing a broadcast, whatever, to hit them with a bullhorn.
By hit them, I mean blast them with audio.
And folks ask here in the office, they go, what do you think Drudge is playing this video for?
Why is it the center video?
You know, it's just one guy saying, F you, you're traitors, you know, I'm a patriot to CNN.
I think what Drudge is saying is this is how he feels.
I'm not speaking for Drudge, I didn't talk to Drudge.
But it's saying, this is how you should really respond to these people.
We should shun them, or get in their face and say, listen, you sent people here to blame Bernie Sanders and to blame Trump, Hillary did, you're dirtbags, you're criminals.
But now we're getting in your face, okay?
We're not playing along with you, just like I told Piers Morgan.
Look, you want our guns.
Stop acting like you want reasonable gun control.
You piece of filth!
You're a foreign agent here trying to get our guns.
I want to go to Nick in California on the Green Party.
I want to talk to Dean in Texas about trade deal.
How they're rigged and more.
Doug in Arizona and many others.
The toll free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
But I'm not going to go to calls now.
I'm going to go to the next segment so I can give each caller plenty of time, but don't cut somebody short if I go to them now.
I've got some other clips.
There's a lot of amazing clips that are really illustrative of what we're dealing with.
The good news is more corruption on Hillary using the State Department and her foundation as a giant cash machine where you could buy influence internationally.
That is all starting to come out.
So more criminal investigations on that front.
Hillary can run, but historically she can't hide.
I personally have been very, very excited to see a lot of positive things happen in the last few weeks.
But to really see the worst side of the mainstream media and to see how gleeful they are in their deception and their attack on the truth really sets the table for them to do anything you can imagine in the future.
And it just is a sickening feeling to be proven totally right.
In fact, I've been proven wrong.
This is worse than I thought it would be at this time in the game.
So, it is just... I've always had a really good sixth sense, and it's been intensifying the last few years, but I have a feeling of sorrow, of loss, of...
Really being frustrated.
You know, there are a lot of New Agers and folks that are great people, but they think you're just positive all the time.
That makes things positive.
No, that's called being delusional.
When you have to go in for surgery for a broken bone, or you have to lance a boil, or cut out a wart, or something, it doesn't feel good at the time, but it's good for you overall.
And so, I am here, not dodging the legitimate suffering.
I am here, facing this garbage every day, head on.
Because it's what I chose to do.
Um, we're making real headway against evil right now, but it's fighting back and it is, um, big stuff's already happening.
Horrible stuff's already happening.
Our government's murdering Christians by the hundreds of thousands.
It's being done in our name.
We're paying for it in places like Syria.
And so I think what I really feel is God's wrath.
I feel judgment coming down on the world.
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Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Same media that labels Hillary health questions conspiracy theories demand McCain's medical history in 2008.
Double standard exposed as 59% of voters demand to see Clinton's medical records.
Article up by Paul Joseph Watson.
CNN reported on how McCain was forced to give select members of the media a three-hour glimpse at his medical records.
After intense speculation put him under pressure to prove to the public that he was physically fit for office because he would have been the oldest president ever.
McCain had already released 1,500 pages of medical records back in 1999.
However, despite Hillary being just two years younger than McCain was in 2008, CNN reported that those demanding the release of Clinton's health history in 2016 were being conspiratorial.
The network also bashed Matt Drudge for posting photos of Clinton being helped up steps during a campaign stop in South Carolina.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
You walk into this room at your own risk because it leads to the future.
Not a future that will be, but one that might be.
This is not a new world.
It is simply an extension of what began in the old one.
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
It has refinements, technological advances and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom.
But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule.
Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth.
In his last 48 hours on Earth, he's a citizen of the state, but will soon have to be eliminated.
Because he's built out of flesh, and because he has a mind.
Mr. Romney Wordsworth, who will draw his last breaths in the Twilight Zone.
It is Friday, the 12th day of August 2016.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to go to your calls right now.
During the break, I was monitoring CNN out in the control room and then I walked back into the coffee room and got a cup of tea.
And Fox was on, and just as a media person, I could see how it's all scripted now by the same people.
Fox was run by Roger Ailes to control the conservative movement, but he actually was a patriot.
And so that spirit was there, but now it's basically almost fallen.
They're now, you can just see in the months since Ailes has been out, the three weeks, they're now already rapidly phasing it out.
But they're gonna do it quietly, strangling it in the dark so it's not too noticeable.
And they'll still be tokenism, but they're getting ready for the big steal.
But I wouldn't get demoralized by that even if they stole this election.
What we've done injecting truth, what we've done exposing globalism is irrevocable.
But I was looking at the CNN anchors and I just felt sorry for them.
They're just given a talking point, they sit there and banter it back and forth.
They create this wall of lies, like we used to.
They'd spin here, lie there, but they still have people's attention.
So, you know, they had to be careful about things.
But now they know they're caught, so just why not go all the way?
It's mind boggling.
And I realize that I've gone from hating these people
They're just pathetic.
They really are pathetic.
And then somebody like Hillary Clinton, she's like, not even a human.
She's just, you can look at her.
You wouldn't invite that person over for Sunday brunch.
You wouldn't go on a camping trip with them.
You wouldn't be in a book club with them or a chess club or a car club or a golf club or a church.
I mean, it's just, it's like a creature that just goes around wanting power and just lies and spins and deceives.
I'll hand it to Rand Paul, Senator Paul, that's what made me love him, you know, his bold stands exposing that Hillary and Obama were funding ISIS in the Middle East.
That's the Senator I wanted to be President.
Rand Paul, Hillary could get five years in prison for lying to Congress about weapons going to ISIS and she lied and she sent them.
And she testified that she didn't and we've already noted that she ordered it through the State Department.
Import-export group.
We've had the very whistleblowers on, and that's the testament to InfoWars.
I know the system knows this, so that's why I'm going to talk about it, but we were huge 10 years ago.
We were big 20 years ago.
And not because I was that good, but because it was just, everybody else was in a trance!
I guess most people, like, read a couple spy novels and then they think they know about how clandestine stuff works.
Instead of actually, as a citizen, going out and engaging in information warfare organically as an independent person, I then discovered how it really worked.
And there's no one more depressed than people that aren't evil that are in this system and then don't know how to get out of it.
And who don't see an American people that are smart enough or involved enough for them to even be able to be involved.
Because if they do get involved, they're just going to get laughed at by a bunch of people that look like they're trying to make a casting call for idiocracy.
In fact, I watched that clip again.
What's his name?
He was the outgoing head State Department spokesman.
Name begins with a C. And he laughs and makes fun of everybody, and one of the reporters talks about lying and obfuscation and destroying democracy, and then he goes, yeah, can you tell it's my last day?
And see, I've only seen a shorter clip.
When I watched the whole clip, the guy at the end, I watched it on C-SPAN, kind of just sits there and starts breathing heavy, and then like, okay, and then he takes more questions and kind of stumbles off.
So I think that's actually someone freaking out.
I mean, because this is crazy.
You understand our government sent in over 200,000 jihadis with an express mission to kill every Christian they came across.
They've killed over 200,000 Christians, 100,000 non-radical Muslims.
They've displaced over a million real Syrians.
And our government directed that.
That's why they let 0.3% Christians in, even though they were like 25% of the Syrian population.
They're now 20%.
Look it up.
If you're taking... Obama goes, we gotta be fair.
That's why we're bringing in Muslims.
They're not even bringing Sunnis in.
I mean, they're not even bringing Shiites in.
They're bringing Sunnis in.
That's like 98% of what they're bringing in.
And it's like, oh my gosh, they're resettling their jihad army that failed!
I mean, you really want to get me!
We're going to go to your calls, I promise.
In fact, everybody holding gets a free Hillary for Prison shirt.
In fact, John, go through, get their address.
I'm sending everybody in size a free Hillary for Prison shirt just for holding for an hour.
And throw in a bottle of silver bullet coil silver on top of this.
50% off right now, I should add.
This is Mark Toner, former State Department.
He quit last week.
Welcome to the State Department.
I think we have some interns in the back.
Good to see you in this exercise in transparency and democracy.
Is that what it is?
I thought it was an exercise in spin and obfuscating.
Alright, can you tell this is my last briefing?
Now, they've got the new girl.
This is from yesterday, the new girl's there, and this is them spinning and obfuscating, now from the same lectern, covering up for Hillary, and what the State Department has done.
Let's play that clip and we're going to Dean and Nick and William and Doug and Bob and others.
Go ahead and play that clip.
Do you have any response to criticism by some that suggest there was a relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department at the time?
There was an email that came out in this recent set that is between an executive at the Clinton Foundation and Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.
Where he is requesting to set up a meeting between a billionaire donor and the U.S.
Ambassador to Lebanon.
Do you have any response to?
So, you know, very similar to what I said before.
I'm not going to speak to specific emails.
However, I think you guys know State Department officials are regularly in touch with a wide variety of outside individuals and organizations, including businesses, nonprofits, NGOs, think tanks.
You know, the nearly 55,000 pages
We talked to a wide range of people, at my level, at various levels, in the department.
This is Hillary with the foundation that she's getting money and then the world leaders contact the State Department to be hooked up with it so that they'll take the weapons bans and other things off.
This is her selling U.S.
policy with her big fat butt hanging out in our face.
This is like you come home and your neighbor is having sex with your wife on the hood of your car in front of the neighbors at a volleyball party.
And you go, Bob, you're on my wife.
No I'm not, Bill.
Yeah you are.
Hold on just a minute, and he finishes up in front of you and then stands there naked in front of you going, well, you're crazy, man.
Nothing's going on here.
I hate to use a vulgar analogy, but that's what this is like.
And this is the new pinhead they've rolled out.
But you know what?
The press goes along with this, so this is what you deserve.
And when they take your pension funds and when the whole economy collapses and cities are burning, just remember
Hillary's going to be on a private jet out of here, okay?
Remember, you sold your country out because you thought it was cute.
Here it is.
At various levels in the department, NGOs, think tanks, business leaders, you know, experts on a variety of subjects.
Except in this, her question.
And importantly, in this case, Secretary Clinton made a pledge that she would not
Personally or substantially, in any way, involve herself with the Clinton Foundation.
So, it's not just any outside organization, it's a specific organization that she said ahead of time she wouldn't have contact with.
So, doesn't that, doesn't this then seem to violate that pledge?
So, again, to reiterate, you know, department officials are in touch.
This is their pseudo-intellectual thing they do where they go, again, again, 2 plus 2 equals 9.
No ma'am, it equals 4.
Again, again, again, again.
We're so intellectual.
Let's go back.
Again, to reiterate, Department officials are in touch with a wide range of individuals.
I'd note that former Secretary Clinton's ethics agreement did not preclude other State Department officials from having contact with Clinton Foundation staff.
Can you at least try to answer Abigail's question, which was,
Has the department looked into this and determined that there was no impropriety?
The department is regularly in touch with people across the whole spectrum.
That's not the question.
The question is whether or not you've looked into this, that the building has looked into it and determined that everything was okay, that there was nothing wrong.
We feel confident in our ability and our past practice of reaching out to a variety of sources and being responsive to all of us.
I'm sorry, am I not speaking English?
Is this, I mean, is it coming across as a forum?
I'm not asking you if, no one is saying it's not okay or it's bad.
Have you looked into it, dumbass?
A broad variety of input from different people.
The question is whether or not you determined that there was nothing improper here.
We feel confident that all the rules were followed.
There you go, she's just under all these criminal investigations, more emails are coming out, and we're not looking into it.
That's the answer.
State Department not wiping its own rear end.
I get you're crapping all over us, but have the decency to not rub it in, lady.
And look at this poor soft pinhead woman, lives in the Beltway, probably can't even, you know, cook dinner for her kids if she's got them, and she's just got two or three degrees as a political hack just thrown in here for the fall of America with some tottering weird psycho crone bragging about everybody that she kills.
Only one other freak I know does that, and that's Obama.
I guess Richard Perle.
Richard Perle waddles up at cocktail parties, this has been in the news, to the hottest woman in them, weighing like 350 pounds in a suit, with huge black circles around his eyes, and then tells women, I order the wars that kill massive numbers of people.
Richard Perle, that's not what turns women on, jackass.
I mean, again, it shows the total disconnect of these people.
The total, complete disconnect.
It's like Kim Jong-un thinks that having some bizarro Dennis Rodman basketball player there is cool with his top generals clapping while they sit there and watch him play an exhibition game.
I mean, it just shows we're ruled by the most aberrant, freakazoid, crazy people because normal people don't want to tell people what to do.
My kids might be a little spoiled sometimes because I just, I don't want to run their lives.
I just can't handle it anymore.
Why are we ruled by filth?
What is going on in North Korea?
What is that joke?
What is that?
What is that?
What is Hitler?
What is Stalin?
What is Mao?
What is all this stuff?
What is Venezuela?
Collapsing into hell!
I can go to UT right now and half the students will be calling for communism, running around on their smartphones.
I can't look at Hillary Clinton or Kim Jong-un anymore.
The little eyes, the little demon look.
And then no one stands up to them.
Richard Perle drifting around known as the Prince of Darkness in a black suit with like little warts on his cheeks, sauntering over to a 30-year-old, you know, Washington Post reporter going, you know I'm powerful, I command forces that kill people.
But see, they know to recoil from it.
But the women don't recoil from that whole sickening culture itself.
And that's what Drudge is saying with that video.
CNN feels anti-media rage.
I'm gonna play the video coming up in the next segment.
But it's just time to say, look, scum!
You are filth!
And we see you for what you are!
Alright, I'm going to your calls.
William in Tennessee is on WBCR 1470.
Go to him after I've talked to Nick, who's listening on 1340 AM KOMY at Santa Cruz.
Dean and others.
We're going to everybody.
So thank you for holding.
You're all getting your free Hillary for Prison shirt and free bottle of colloidal silver for me making a hold over an hour.
I'm going to start doing that every time it's over an hour.
John, it just kicks in.
They get a free t-shirt or colloidal silver or basically whatever they want.
It's just under $20.
I can't afford that.
Let's go ahead and go to Nick.
Nick, you're in California.
Am I going to get good stuff in my stocking this year?
Hey man, thank you.
Well, I'm calling you.
Yes, sir.
A comment and two questions, and I'm just going to unload with them.
It's politics that the Monterey County has run as far as to reach the top ten in the Neon Peninsula Territory.
Router Jacka, Hillary's email, is it loose enough to endanger Iranian nuclear scientists?
You're stalking?
Well, let's talk about Greens.
Nobody's doing it yet.
Is that the surprise attack we'll get?
I mean, Obama again?
Listen, I hear you, Nick.
Yeah, the Green Party, the Libertarians, everybody should not vote for those ringers.
I'm normally for third parties to grow them, because you have two bad candidates, usually.
Everyone should be all in Trump.
The entire power structure is against Trump.
William in Tennessee, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, I want to talk about your alleged voter fraud.
Out of a billion votes cast in 2000 on a Loyola study, 31 instances of irregularities.
So... What's your source of that?
Loyola University.
Okay, well send it to me because, I mean, this country's famous for voter fraud.
We have international watch groups.
We go look at other elections.
There's constant issues with elections.
I have witnessed election fraud myself.
When I was involved in elections, following it, have had the state certify that was fraud, but still certify the election.
These Diebold machines, their own engineers have said they've been ordered to hack stuff.
All over the country?
I mean, just to say that there's only 30-something instances of election fraud.
See, there's voter fraud and then election fraud, sir.
You know the difference, right?
There's no, there isn't.
Voter fraud is infinitesimal in this country.
Okay, you don't even understand me.
I understand.
Look, I don't want to argue with you.
It's probably just that we can't.
Listen, I'm going to give you the floor for 60 seconds, but let me see if you understand this.
Retail voter fraud is individuals engaged in double voting or dead people voting, okay?
And then election fraud is organized at at least the, you know, precinct or county level.
Okay, I mean, do you understand what I'm saying, sir?
Yes, but I, I'm, it just doesn't exist, but go right ahead.
You just said it doesn't exist, but go on ahead.
You can go to the history of voter news services alone, and then online encyclopedia, and then look at the bibliographies of all the mainstream news articles, where every election there's giant fraud and problems, so they always change their name.
You say election fraud, so Kennedy didn't steal Illinois, and LBJ didn't get into Congress stealing, because that's admitted.
Oh, really?
Hold on, hold on, hold on, brother.
Hold on just a minute.
You know about Jim Crow laws and the huge move to suppress black votes in this country and poor sharecroppers' votes?
I'm talking about the current election cycle you're referring to.
The current election cycle hasn't even... Wait a minute.
We just saw them ignore the popular vote for Bernie Sanders and give it to Hillary Clinton.
What planet are you living on?
Hamline University, School of Business, St.
Paul, Minnesota.
Professor David Jones.
Oh my gosh, oh like they have a professor in Illinois that says the founding fathers were against guns.
Of course he lost his job, it wasn't true, but go ahead.
Alex, again, there is infinitesimal voter and election fraud in this country.
There is no rigged election priority that's going to happen.
Trump is lying.
He's making it up.
He's going to lose.
There is no voter fraud.
You cannot prove... William, what do you do for a living?
Are you a social worker?
If you can prove voter fraud, please... Are you a social worker?
That's irrelevant.
Please tell me if you can provide evidence of voter fraud, a list from me, proof and documentation, please.
Well, that's a classic non-debate tactic.
We've filed tons of reports this last week and this week on InfoWars.com with video reports showing admissions of election fraud.
Bev Harris, frequent guest, is coming on next week, made Hacking Democracy that aired on HBO and won a bunch of awards proving major fraud in Ohio.
They certified national fraud that went on.
I mean, this is ongoing, sir.
You're like, I mean, do you want me to prove there's a blue sky outside?
Because it is blue sky in Austin.
Now in Japan, I think it's night time, right?
I mean, I don't have to prove anything.
You can outsource your own website as a source.
No, it's not.
I just said HBO.
Have you heard of Homebox Office?
Hold on.
Have you heard of Homebox Office?
Do you believe there's a documentary called Hacking Democracy?
A documentary is not proof of voter fraud.
Can you give me evidence of voter fraud?
Sir, I can pull up for you right now congressional and state testimony by Diebold executives and chief engineers about organized fraud and elections that were stolen under orders and patches put on computers to steal elections, sir.
What are those links then?
Well, I mean, we've written news articles about it, but you're just hoping the audience is stupid and doesn't know about this.
We've written articles with those links, with that information, in there.
And, I mean, is this your poor, pathetic attempt to try to imply that we shouldn't try to protect the integrity of our election system in this country?
Are you denying that superdelegates took votes from Bernie Sanders?
Superdelegates didn't do anything they want to do, Alex.
There's no... We found the one candidate.
You think you're part of the power structure, I get it.
You probably can't even tie your shoelaces.
You said in a speech today you're afraid this election is going to be rigged.
I've been hearing about it for a long time.
I hope the Republicans get out there and watch very closely.
This new poll is showing a big convention balance for Hillary Clinton.
Following her nomination at the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton now leads it.
Donald Trump, 50% to 42%.
That's a 7-point jump from last week.
You see, he's supposed to just sit there and let them steal it.
But he didn't sit there, so they failed.
And they think they're gonna have another stolen general election in front of everybody at high noon, and we're just gonna sit here and go along with it.
We're not.
I'm gonna fight it.
Trump's gonna fight it.
You're gonna fight it.
Bob Mulholland from Chico, California.
I'm a DNC member, thus a superdelegate to the National Convention.
First of all, it's rigged.
And I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged, I have to be honest.
And the way we work is that anybody who gets 15% more in an election gets delegates.
So this election will go all the way to California.
Sanders will end up with well over a thousand delegates and Hillary will get the nomination.
Hillary Clinton has had every advantage, every break given to her from the very beginning by this Democratic Party.
It has been rigged.
It is clearly the case that when given truth serum, Debbie Wasserman Schultz vastly prefers Hillary Clinton to be the nominee, obviously, and to the extent there are things that can be done institutionally and largely to
If Hillary steals the nomination, and then she openly is engaged in chicanery and things don't add up with Trump, you have to say it must be thrown out.
Then why are they holding the primaries?
That's a very good question.
WikiLeaks has dumped nearly 20,000 hacked emails from the DNC.
We're talking about the report of leaked DNC emails showing an effort to undermine Bernie Sanders during the primaries.
The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails.
When did the press see it as their role to protect the prerogative of the powerful?
Actually, I think that's part of it.
And we're not going to recognize Queen Hillary if there's evidence of fraud.
And guess what there is?
She stole the nomination.
I want to thank Bernie Sanders.
If he would have just not done anything, just go home, go to sleep, relax, he would have been a hero.
But he made a deal with the devil.
She's the devil.
He made a deal with the devil.
The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination and that's the conflict here.
We feel like we live in a democratic society.
What you're telling me is it's not a democratic society and your votes don't necessarily matter because it's a democratic representation.
Crooked Hillary thinks they're gonna pull the hit on Mitt Romney?
Mm-hmm, lady.
It ain't gonna happen.
That's why her campaign head, her chief strategist said, this is dangerous what Trump's doing.
You're right, it is dangerous, isn't it?
Actually standing up to you.
There has to come a point at which you say, enough.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You notice that I said, are you a social worker?
He said, I'm not going to talk about what I do.
About half the time I ask that question, they turn out to be social workers.
And being on radio more than 20 years, you learn, and then back in the old days we would actually get memos from the radio network I was on, Shamrock Communications before GCN, that, hey, look out for these seminar callers.
And a lot of times government social workers basically are given by their union talking points, phone numbers, and who to target.
And they'll just say, you're lying, you're lying, you're lying, fire engines aren't red, fire engines aren't red.
And it's just meant to create disbelief in people.
And you have to remember, these social workers, and there's some nice social workers, I want to be clear, they're used to dealing with mentally retarded people, really old folks, criminals, abused children, you name it.
So there's a kind of an elitism to it.
You see, everybody's an idiot but them.
And I tell you what I'm going to do just for that caller.
I'm going to take that call.
And I'm going to create about a 10-minute video with, I don't know, Josh Owens, Zimmerman, whoever wants to do it.
Just somebody tell me you're going to do it or I'll assign it.
Because the crew's always chomping at the bit to do stuff.
And we're just going to take clips of congressional testimony and state testimony and diabolical executives and hackers hacking into elections and CBS News admitting it's a problem and then election fraud and illegals voting and dead people voting and dead people getting Social Security and dead people getting IRS tax returns.
James O'Keefe of Project Veritas went in and voted as Eminem recently.
All these battleground states basically have changed laws where anybody can vote.
In fact, I'm not stupid because if I did it, they'll arrest me.
I could go vote repeatedly in Travis County.
But I'm not going to do it.
And you just heard a caller, then I'm going back to your calls, who literally
Just said there's a Loyola University thing.
We pulled it up.
It was totally shot down.
The professor did a little study and said he couldn't find a bunch of examples.
Well, my God, that's like saying I walked out in my backyard and, you know, I couldn't find a Tyrannosaurus Rex skull.
So maybe no fossils have ever been found.
And let's scroll back up.
I love the fake ironic purple glasses of Chris Hedges.
That's that MSNBC host name, right?
You know, this whole... That's Rachel Maddow's... Yeah, okay.
Voter fraud deniers resurface just in time for midterm elections.
I mean, we've got California and Illinois and Oregon and Vermont introducing legislation that last time I heard Illinois passed and was on the governor's desk.
Did that pass?
Legalizing illegals voting?
So, we're going to take all those clips and put it to that seminar caller.
And I bet that seminar caller is just reeling, how would I know he's a social worker?
Because I'm smart, dumbass, unlike you.
I don't think I'm part of the establishment.
I don't want to go rule over a bunch of old people and retarded children like you do.
So, I know you, I know you of old.
There you go.
But you really ought to be ashamed of yourself.
My audience consists of common folks right up to rocket scientists and foreign leaders.
But you know what?
The most common person is better, even if they're not that smart on average, because their heart loves God and loves justice.
But you know you were lying and implying there's no election fraud or no voter fraud.
That was ridiculous.
Now here's James O'Keefe's piece.
Let's put the article up on screen for TV viewers so I can list it for radio listeners so they want to go see the video at Project Veritas' website.
We should probably repost this too.
Project Veritas, James O'Keefe obtains Eminem's ballot.
Now get ready, he's coming in to get Eminem's ballot.
They have a record of it so he can go be Eminem.
He's stealing his identity right here on television for you right now.
He's at Eminem's polling station.
Clinton Township.
The name is Marshall Bruce Mathers.
Okay, you just have to fill out an application first, and then we'll need a picture ID or driver's license.
Oh, you know what?
I don't have a driver's license with me.
Do you have any other picture ID?
I don't.
I left... I came from work, and I don't have my wallet.
But the name is Marshall Bruce Mathers.
You can still go back to this.
Yeah, you still have to fill this out.
And now, you'll sign it on your map.
Then, you can still vote.
So I can still vote?
All I gotta do is fill this out?
That's right, you go into Travis County and say you're Alex Jones, I guess, and vote.
But I don't have a driver's license.
That's alright.
You're a poor man.
That's why you're signing this.
I'm not advertising, just make up any name you want.
Bob Jones, Keebler Elf.
My middle name is Bruce and I have a suffix, the third.
If that is the middle name, I could just Marshall Bruce Mathers, the third.
They'll find you in there.
Okay, you'll look it up.
The last name is Mathers, M-A-T-H-E-R-S.
First name is Marshall.
So, you guys will let me vote?
Marshall, Bruce Mathers, all I gotta do is sign this thing here.
Fill both sides.
Fill both things out.
When's your birthday?
The birthday is October 17, 1972.
That's a great thing there.
I mean, you know, I was worried.
I didn't have my ID.
What's that?
You have a really nice name.
Are you related to a certain somebody named Marshall Mathers?
Oh, everyone always says that, but, you know, it's, uh... Yeah.
Yeah, he lives in the area.
Well, that last caller really asked for it.
We're gonna hit him hard.
You know, I just... I have a phone call.
I'll be right back.
Just give me one second.
Yo, shut up.
Yeah, I'm voting right now.
Yeah, I know we gotta squash that beef, but I'm voting right now.
Yeah, I know, I know.
I thought I needed an ID too, but... They don't need it.
Alright, I gotta go.
That kills me.
Now, I'm gonna go back to your calls.
I'm not gonna let that guy that was disagreeing dominate everything.
But, I mean, that's what I mean.
He's just slithering around, lying, knowing he was lying.
Just go to Google.
You know, they game a lot of this and just type in voter fraud or election fraud or engineer testifies on election fraud.
I mean, it's just, there's literally hundreds of news articles, hundreds of videos.
Quite frankly, a few weeks ago, I started pushing the initiative to expose all this, as you've noticed nationally.
Trump talking about it as well.
And I started watching the videos and reading the articles and I thought I knew all of it.
There was so much stuff, I couldn't even keep track of it.
Bloomberg, how to hack an election.
All the fraud in Latin America.
I'll tell you this, at least you talk to the average Latin American.
Of course there's election fraud.
Only weirdo Democrats would sit there and deny it.
Here's a little news flash for you.
Al Gore won the 2000 election.
Al Gore.
I hate Al Gore.
That was fraud.
And Stone was the number two guy under James Baker running that recount.
Number two.
And he's apologized for it and said it was wrong and he's very ashamed of it.
He changed course two years after with the Iraq War and went public.
That's why I like Stone.
He's a real deal.
I should have Stone on to tell us about election fraud.
I did in the first hour.
But, I mean, this is the type of crap I deal with all day long because they know they're lying, but it's like CNN anchors.
They get up there and they pretend and all convince themselves and then think because they call in and tell us the sky isn't blue.
And I love that tactic.
Prove to me a blue whale exists.
Show me one now.
I'm like, dude, election fraud and voter fraud is well known.
It's like saying, show me the blue sky.
It's right above me, but I don't have to show it to you.
It's like, prove to me that Abraham Lincoln was the Republican president born in Illinois.
Prove to me the Civil War happened and Robert E. Lee existed!
Prove to me there was ever a Second Amendment!
Prove to me there was ever a First Amendment!
Prove to me!
Prove to me!
Hey, Alex.
Yes, yes, Matt.
I wanted you to pop in.
Go ahead.
You said that, you know, he must have been a Democrat because he doesn't believe in voter fraud.
But I bet if Trump wins, all the Democrats are going to come out the woodwork just saying, hey, it had to have been election fraud.
It had to have been voter fraud.
I agree.
Do we have any shortage of proof of election or voter fraud, Matt?
I mean, we could spend 10 hours on it.
Our bin has close to 20 videos of election fraud.
And that's in the past two months.
What did you make of his call, though?
It's not the first time I haven't heard something like that.
I actually have gone back and forth with one of my old roommates about election fraud and he actually kind of came at it from the same angle because it's not very widely reported on in the mainstream and actually before I started... Yeah, because they've made the law where you just walk in...
And take over somebody's identity and vote.
Oh yeah, and you know, it was shocking for me, once we started digging into it, just a little bit of searching on the internet will uncover all these instances where people are just going nuts.
And the reason why I recommended that James O'Keefe video is just how blatant, how easy it is to go in and commit voter fraud.
It's hilarious.
Well, other points on this.
I mean, do you like my idea of taking that call and then just chopping it full of news articles and video clips?
Oh yeah, no, that right there would be a powerful thing to share with everybody because there are people who don't believe it out there.
That's kind of the sad truth.
You know, people just don't believe because, you know what, again, they're people who are good-minded people.
They wouldn't think to go do that themselves.
I agree those exist, Matt, but with this guy, the Democrats are the kings of retail low-level fraud.
And so they always, every year, every election year, they run around and say it doesn't exist.
You gotta think like a criminal.
That's the thing.
Rachel Maddow wears purple glasses.
Doesn't that mean she's smarter than us?
I can't help it.
I love that sweater.
I just want to snuggle up with her and drink a nice warm cup of blood.
Listen, I'm not normally gay, but I'm going to be honest.
There's two people I'm gay for.
There's two men I'm attracted to, and that is Donald Trump and Rachel Maddow.
He's hot!
Rachel, I want a date.
Stop it.
I can't stand up now.
I'm joking on both, I'm joking on both obviously.
Oh my gosh, I'm gay for Marilyn Monroe, but I mean it just gets too ridiculous.
The big list of vote fraud reports, World Net Daily, 108% of voting population endorses Obama.
Remember that one?
That was a good one, remember that one?
How about 8 million more people voted in 2012, but Romney got less votes than John McCain did in 2008.
Does anyone believe that?
Do you believe that?
Anybody else in the control room want to pop in?
Anybody else?
I think we're good.
How about Nico?
Nico wants to pop in now.
That means Nico doesn't want to come on air, the lead producer.
We're going to make Nico Acosta come on the air right now.
This is CJ.
I have a comment.
The caller doesn't listen because if you recall, Texas primaries 2016, we had over 12 people call local AM and claim that they had voted for Trump, got to review, and they had apparently voted for Rubio.
Oh yeah, those majors, they didn't want Texas to go for Trump.
It's amazing.
Alright, well, look, look.
The caller's right, okay?
I'm gonna tell you, caller, you're right.
You devastated us through your intellectual prowess.
I mean, brute force, 700 horsepower dominance.
I'm like a lawnmower compared to your intellect.
You crushed me.
You're right, there's no voter fraud, there's no election fraud.
I'm gonna go home tonight and crawl in bed, and I'm gonna get my pillow, and I'm gonna get in a fetal position, and I'm gonna cry for my mommy.
Then I'll send a social worker to your house.
Oh, no, I'm joking.
I'm not actually depressed.
That was a joke.
I'll never commit suicide.
One last thing here about the election fraud, and that is one thing that we haven't touched on in terms of the electronic forms of voter fraud.
We don't talk about it enough, but it's weighting the votes.
So you have ten people vote each side, right?
But the side that votes the way that people who are rigging against, their votes are weighted to be seven-eighths of a vote, or
One half.
Yeah, they shave it.
I mean, we've got hundreds of documented cases where the engineers have gone public and then died in a car wreck the next week, or in an airplane accident, or shot in the back of the head.
And that's actually the more likely way that it happens.
Point shaving.
Yeah, that electronic form where you've got a vote that is rated differently.
And then there's no way to even track it because it was all a digital algorithm.
Yeah, yeah.
And it would be much more feasible, much easier to get away with.
Well, I mean, look, I don't believe there's any corruption going on by this government.
I mean, they would never lie to us, even though they get caught every day doing it.
All right, good points there, Matt.
Let's go to Dean and Tejas, been holding it a long time.
Dean, welcome to the Airwave, sir.
Hey, it's great to be on.
I've seen you all the way back to the access days.
What'd you make of that last caller saying that we're making stuff up?
It's such a, I used to work at Dell Computer, and when they all went to computerized methods of taking the vote, there were articles about that showing how unbelievably vulnerable those are to all kinds of abuse, where you could get massive counts of votes in certain, let's say, counties or whatever that are responsible for doing the voting.
They're unbelievably vulnerable.
Canada, I read an article way back then about how they, you know, they count the votes on paper ballots, and they have a witness from the sides, the opponents of the political process, and they count them up and they complete the election in just a few hours or less.
And, you know... They say, we should go back to paper ballots and then have them be stored for like five years under law.
And the point is to have witnesses on all opposing sides to watch.
And those are real elections.
That's exactly what we need.
But LBJ still cheated with that system and had one key county.
More people voted than lived in the county.
And that's how he got it over.
And then those ballots got burned.
You know, that old story.
Yeah, you can go back and recount, you know, and it could be challenged and there's no gamesmanship.
I mean, my God, with the hacking of Hillary Clinton, it's unbelievable.
I mean, I have been hacked myself by a terrorist.
I have, too.
Everybody's had their identity messed with, and they're saying basically it exists for us individually, but not in an election.
Does that hold water, Dean?
Anyway, I want to get on to a point about Brexit, because that's mind-blowing.
It'll kind of blow everybody's mind when I get to that.
But I wanted to get, because we're always limited on time, I don't know how much more you'll give me, but on the rigged trade versus fair trade, this is an idea I had, and it's
And I wonder why it has never been caught on.
I mean, I go all the way back.
I was a Perot supporter.
I remember the debates on NAFTA.
I'm a sort of a C-SPAN junkie.
I mean, I've been able to vote since 76.
So, you know, I've been following this stuff a long time.
He told us we were going to get rigged trade, and that's exactly what we got.
And we know Clinton supported NAFTA, and it got voted in.
Others have been supported, and Hillary...
The first hour, Hillary saying that, you know, she loves the TPP and helped author it, is the honcho of it, is the gold standard.
But now she says she never said that and she will never, never, did support it, won't support it now, and won't in the future.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Same media that labels Hillary health questions conspiracy theories demand McCain's medical history in 2008.
Double standard exposed as 59% of voters demand to see Clinton's medical records.
Article up by Paul Joseph Watson.
CNN reported on how McCain was forced to give select members of the media a three-hour glimpse at his medical records.
After intense speculation put him under pressure to prove to the public that he was physically fit for office because he would have been the oldest president ever.
McCain had already released 1,500 pages of medical records back in 1999.
However, despite Hillary being just two years younger than McCain was in 2008, CNN reported that those demanding the release of Clinton's health history in 2016 were being conspiratorial.
The network also bashed Matt Drudge for posting photos of Clinton being helped up steps during a campaign stop in South Carolina.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
We're selling a product, DNA Force, that is the very best nutraceutical that we can produce.
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Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Same media that labels Hillary health questions conspiracy theories demand McCain's medical history in 2008.
Double standard exposed as 59% of voters demand to see Clinton's medical records.
Article up by Paul Joseph Watson.
CNN reported on how McCain was forced to give select members of the media a three-hour glimpse at his medical records.
After intense speculation put him under pressure to prove to the public that he was physically fit for office because he would have been the oldest president ever.
McCain had already released 1,500 pages of medical records back in 1999.
However, despite Hillary being just two years younger than McCain was in 2008, CNN reported that those demanding the release of Clinton's health history in 2016 were being conspiratorial.
The network also bashed Matt Drudge for posting photos of Clinton being helped up steps during a campaign stop in South Carolina.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
There's an amazing new graphic by the amazing Ben Harrison, Ben Garrison, who I want to get back on the broadcast.
Only had him on like 30 minutes once.
What an incredible talk show host, Zone Wright.
Even though he's not a talk show host, he did really great on air, but he's a famous editorial cartoonist, one of the most famous alive today, who didn't used to really be kind of an anti-globalist, so they started trying to censor him.
He's got a new one out, Weekend at Hillary's instead of Weekend at Bernie's.
And it's got the Secret Service there with their tranquilizer dart to keep her under control, stronger together.
I don't feel no way he's tired.
And I always knew, looking at Ben Garrison cartoons, that a lot of them were influenced by this show, and that one certainly is.
So I'm very, very honored.
I want to get him back on the broadcast.
But there's another James O'Keefe video where he goes in and votes as the most famous writer in the town for the newspaper.
And they let him vote, because you got the name, baby, we don't need driver's license in these Democrat-run states.
And it's just hilarious to go fly on an airplane and watch illegals not even have IDs and be allowed to fly.
I'm not against them, but I'm being screwed over.
I don't want to be discriminated against.
And it's a joke.
And Hillary is in so much trouble.
I'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
I always say, Lord willing, because I'll cross my fingers, knock on wood, and thank everybody for their prayers and the lucky stars.
But a lot is going on in this world right now.
This is a wild time.
And obviously, you see me filing reports on Saturday and Sundays now, on top of the Sunday show, because I'm even putting a studio in at my house where I'm just going to start randomly just going live on all our platforms whenever I want.
And then they're setting it up for...
Somebody who's not too technical like myself.
I'm actually very technical and I take time to figure stuff out, but I'm too busy.
Where I'm just gonna hit like one red button and I'm live on air, video cameras, you name it.
So be looking for that.
Talk about reality TV.
We're actually talking about mountain cameras in certain offices of this company.
So when we go in those offices, we hit live and folks see the behind-the-scenes war game.
Because that's where the really interesting stuff goes on around here.
Sometimes we'll have like a button we hit to shut down info if it's a source or something.
But I mean, it's just, I want folks to know what's going on at InfoWars.
It really takes it to the next level because real reality TV is fake.
So we're going to have the real, real reality TV.
Dean in Texas, go ahead and make your point about the Brexit and about trade and all these deals.
Thanks, Alex, for giving me the time on this.
I think it's just, it's the most critical thing in the world right now for everybody.
I understand.
You've got two and a half minutes.
No more preface.
Go ahead.
All right.
So anyway, we've been running these huge hundreds of billions of dollar deficits with NAFTA and then also with China.
And these trade deals have been rigged for foreign governments' benefits.
And they've become vastly wealthy.
And we've been depleted.
Whole communities, cities, regions of the United States.
And this doesn't just involve the Rust Belt.
This involves high tech companies like Microsoft.
This is how they conquer us.
They sell us out to foreign interests.
Yeah, they sent those tech support things over to India.
You get terrible connections on the phone.
They barely speak English.
So this goes beyond just, you know, factory work.
It is technical knowledge work, too, that's been exported away.
And here's why it's rigged and why it's just been really like a crime to the American people.
And this is where Trump hits the nail on the head on it.
All we ever had to do with every trade deal
Was put in there that we would have a running average between the trade deficits and the trade surpluses between our countries that we had the trade deals with, and then this running average... And then that's when the tariff kicks in when they start screwing us, absolutely.
Either that, or have it more pro-growth, where they buy what our deficit is.
So when we run the billions in, let's say, in five years, they... Then they gotta buy our bonds, which gives them a stake in us, and us in them.
That's real globalism.
In fact, that's how they sold globalism, but they never did that.
Or they buy our goods, you know, so that the manufacturers... No, no, that's how they sold globalism to build up the world.
That's how they got all the liberals on board in the 50s for the World Government Plan.
Bigger than the Manhattan Project.
You just hit the nail on the head.
That was actually their plan, brother.
You just thought of it on your own.
They just never implemented that.
They did it as a one-sided deal to transfer power to these third world cesspools so they could control everybody.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
The brain force is here.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on this the last few months.
You've probably noticed I've been more crazed, more focused, less brain fog, more energy, more special reports, and it's because of brain force.
One of the worst things with most energy products is it's not sustainable, right?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, you want to see the front men they've got.
New York Times article, Fox News names two insiders to top post.
But who's really running the show now is the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton.
They're giving the marching orders.
And Bill Shine and
Jack Abernathy to load the teleprompters.
And their job is to slowly strangle News Corp in its crib.
I want to go back to your phone calls.
And then in the next segment, I'm going to play a little piece.
I'm told there's hours of this, but where I was talking about Hillary being the founder of ISIS, Hillary being the commander of ISIS, and then Trump saying it.
We'll play a few of those clips and hand the baton to David Knight, who's in the other studio.
All right, now let's go to Doug in Arizona.
Doug, thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
I've got two talking points.
I hope I can catch them both as quickly as possible.
I will get them out.
The first one is you wrote a story about mainstream media
Saying the elections were rigged, and it's the first time I've heard this too.
You remember, you did this just a little while ago, right?
I'm trying to understand you.
We've run tens of thousands of stories a year, but I mean, I did run a story with CBS admitting that there's election fraud.
We said, good job CBS.
You talking about the first hour today?
And I had an epiphany after that.
I said, hey, this is like a 180.
Why are they going in this direction?
What's the true meaning behind it?
And I think it's...
If Trump wins the election, then they can say it was rigged and possibly cause enough scandal to postpone the elections and then Obama can stay in power.
Sure, well I don't say that I think Trump's really winning just because I want to say that.
I mean, they changed the methodology.
He was 10 to 14 points ahead.
Suddenly he's that far behind.
They changed the methodology.
They're rigging everything else.
They admit they're rigging everything.
I can't find Hillary supporters.
I mean, it's like finding unicorns.
And so I'm just saying, I really think there's a closeted group going for Trump, 10 points or so.
And so I think he's going to win big time.
Stone thinks he's going to win by a very narrow margin.
I don't know.
I mean, we're going to find out.
All I know is this is a wild time to be alive.
I mean, I'm so excited.
I'm exhausted.
I mean, I just, man, I tell you, this is just, this is a nail biter.
If he wins too big, though, this is where that scenario of election fraud can come in and using it in their
Well I'll say this, I mean Cain's a globalist, Cain's a...
I've looked at his record.
He's better than Hillary.
He claims he's pro-life, but then stands down.
That's better than being openly pushing it like it's great.
He's been quasi.
He's bad.
He's like a rabid dog.
He's like a rabid hyena.
He went to an all-boys Jesuit prep school.
Um, he's been a Jesuit missionary.
He's a Harvard Law graduate.
Oh, well that's not good.
Because, you know, the Jesuits are making their move.
Hell, they took over the Catholic Church and they've got that new Pope.
That's just crazy.
I've always stayed out of Catholic bashings.
Catholics, I mean, are great people on the ground.
But man, this new Pope's like, it's like having Mao Tse Tung as the Pope.
I mean, how much crazier is this going to get?
What do you think?
I didn't catch it.
What was that Alex?
I mean how bad is it going to get with this Pope?
That's another whole story that's going to play out.
Well let me ask you this.
Are you running into any Hillary supporters in Arizona?
Because I hear he's going to lose Arizona.
That's the biggest load of baloney I've ever heard.
You know, I hate to say it, but it seems like most of the Hillary supporters are the elderly.
Yeah, that's it.
They just think she's gonna give them a bigger, bigger sugar tit.
Alright, good to hear from you, Doug.
Uh, we're gonna talk to Bob, Terry, Debbie, Daniel, and others, finish up with this clip, uh, and a lot more.
David Knight's gonna come in as a fresh horse.
Stay with us.
Weren't you proud of how optimistic, upbeat, positive, pro-America the convention was here and the message of our people?
What do you think about Hillary Clinton?
What gives you hope that she's going to fight this?
So, that's the thing, is that I don't have much hope that she is, but what it is now, with Bernie's endorsement, he's done all he can to help her win.
We won't vote for Hillary, out of the DNC!
We won't vote for Hillary, out of the DNC!
We won't vote for Hillary!
Fill the actual word!
Fill the word!
I want to understand they're not going to have any families of policemen who have been killed.
What are your comments about that?
I wish we could share the pain of both.
It was verified that there was a special access program on that information.
That there was.
That's so top secret we're not even supposed to know about it.
Our geospatial information was on that server.
That's our nuclear intelligence.
That's our satellite imaging of where we know nuclear weapons are.
This is the perfect example of how a white privileged male can speak over a non-binary trans female.
This is the perfect example of cultural marxism at its best.
Ask him if he deserved to be spit on.
And it was so funny.
And it was so funny that I did a split take.
Hillary Clinton, who was handling thousands of emails, instructing people to remove classification so they could send it, is allowed to keep her security clearance, is allowed to continue to run for president.
She's going to be getting a security briefing if she wins the nomination.
She'll be getting security briefings at the end of this week.
How do you feel about that?
I feel that I can trust her to be the most competent president that we can have at this time.
She is trustworthy in the fact that she is competent, she is knowledgeable, she has the right demeanor, the presence of mind, and I think that's where her trustworthiness is.
From the Infowars.com News Center, deep behind enemy lines, broadcasting worldwide, you're listening to the leading voice globally in the fight for human empowerment against the global technocratic tyranny.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know what's amazing about that intro?
It's true.
And we really are coming to you from FEMA Region 6 in occupied North America.
And they really are putting cancer viruses in most of the major vaccines.
People say, oh, thank you for fighting back against it.
What the hell do you expect me to do?
I mean, it's not rocket science.
I am burning inside when it comes to fighting these people.
David Knight's taking over.
He's got so much to cover here in a few minutes.
We've got proxy war shows.
Who founded ISIS?
New York Times admits it.
Private property is in deep trouble.
Immigration responses.
To what's happened with immigration, voters won't believe it if Hillary wins.
We've got so much coming up with David Knight.
I've got a short compilation clip of where I'm talking about three years ago, two years ago, a year ago, Hillary being the commander of ISIS, the founder of ISIS.
People have really picked up on this.
What is it like?
You say something and Trump starts saying it.
Well, yeah, we are one of the research places that Trump goes to.
The media will go, oh, see?
The kooky thing that Hillary found that ISIS comes from Jones.
No, it came from all the Pentagon sources and General Flynn, through Colonel Schaeffer and others, one week after Benghazi.
So you go pretend you're a journalist and all the rest of it, okay?
And you go play in a little sandbox over there.
We'll be in the big boy area.
The big girl area.
Someday you'll be in the short pants and one day the big long pants.
But, I mean, it's just a joke.
People are a joke, okay?
You're a joke.
You think as you go to some big glitzy building and they got a teleprompter for you that you've arrived.
You're a joke.
You have no honor.
But before I get to that clip, there's a clip we haven't played yet, and some people said, why is Drudge showing one guy flipping off CNN, going, F you, I'm a patriot, you're a traitor.
Well, that's a message from Drudge.
This is how I feel to CNN.
F you.
I haven't talked to Drudge, but I'm telling you, Drudge is saying, we should be done putting up with the Communist News Network, the Clinton News Network, spewing this info.
Don't play along with them.
I don't even go on CNN when they call me.
They don't even call me anymore.
I have one question.
Is it live?
And then they lie and go, yes, it's live.
Then like 10 minutes before I get to the satellite place, they'll go, actually, it's taped now, Mr. Jones.
So now I don't even call him back.
I'm like, you don't want to go on CNN?
You don't want to go on it?
No, I don't want to go on you.
It's like Fox when they had some quote executive a few years ago go, Jones tried to get a show at Fox, but failed.
He wants show business, but show business doesn't want him.
And I'm like, what liars?
I've turned down multiple show offers from you jackasses.
A man called Mullers witnessed it and couldn't believe it one time.
There was another show I was offered.
I even had them like, I'm like, okay, I want first class every time I fly to New York.
And I want a first class hotel.
They go, we don't give that to anybody.
I go, oh, I'm not doing it then.
Okay, we'll give you that.
They were getting madder and madder.
And it's not that I even want first class.
I'm pissing on them.
Do you understand that?
Before I say no.
But now, I don't even play games with them now, okay?
Because it's my religion to let them know they're nobodies.
They want us to think we're nobodies?
No, they're nobodies.
They're the bullies, they're the trash.
We've got this whole Fox News situation where they're installing all these people closer to Hillary that'll do whatever Murdoch and his sons want.
That's being announced.
So, you can already see it.
I mean, they are turning Fox News off, but slowly, kind of like the HAL 9000 in Space Odyssey.
Captain, that's not needed for you to do.
Why don't you just relax?
No, those are my main centers, please.
Let's discuss this, please.
Now, an hour later, I am a HAL 9000 created in Chicago, Illinois.
Doctor Sussan Such, my first teacher, taught me this song.
Daisy, Daisy, give me your I'm Afraid, Dave.
I'm Afraid.
They would make a billion dollars a year off of it.
That's nothing to the hundreds of billions News Corp makes, and they're gonna get a big juicy slice of all the other state-sponsored propaganda pie.
Tens of billions of years already given to News Corp.
The big dirty secret we're gonna be revealing very soon of government taxpayer money.
So, what does this signify?
It's time to tell the mainstream media to go straight to hell.
Here's the clip.
That was very dramatic.
Tell your father you F you.
You're a frickin' enemy.
I am a patriot, and you are a traitor!
You tell that guy's from some third world tyranny or Eastern Europe or something and he's freaking pissed.
He understands how this country's going to go straight to hell now.
See, you should take it personal too.
We're in a death battle, people.
Alright, let's go ahead and play this clip of who the real founder of ISIS is.
And I love how it clicked this morning because McBrain's like, is this the clip you're looking for where you said she's the commander of it?
Or the founder of it?
Because we found plenty of me saying she's the commander, the leader.
I've said she's the founder.
We finally are finding some of those.
But just to show folks, trailblazing is happening here.
To show the power you can have as well.
Taking action.
And it brings like, is this it?
He's playing one where I'd forgotten Hillary a year and a half ago with Soros said, he's the number one recruiting sergeant.
He's the leader of ISIS.
Because he, they knew Trump was going to go with that later.
So it's okay when she says he's the founder of it, or the commander of it, or the recruiter for it, because there's no reality in that.
Though that was perfectly fine, but when he does it because it's true, then it's the end of the world.
Let's go ahead and play those clips.
They blew up all the infrastructure, turned Al-Qaeda loose to run around murdering everybody.
Now Al-Qaeda has spilt all the way into Central Africa, all the way into Western Africa, and is just running around murdering everyone.
All run by Hillary Clinton!
We let ISIS take this position.
It was Hillary Clinton that she should get an award from them as the founder of ISIS.
Oh, ABC's cut out right there.
And they are now moving forward, rolling forward with massive censorship.
She gets up there, she says, you know ISIS is using Donald Trump videos.
We're good to go.
ISIS is honoring President Obama.
He is the founder
He's the founder of ISIS.
When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea that we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force of Mujahideen, equip them with Stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside Afghanistan.
And we were successful.
I would say the co-founder would be Crooked Hillary Clinton.
This can't really be happening that Hillary Clinton's probably going to be our next president when she's such a criminal gangster, so evil, such a fraud, and armed Al Qaeda and ran the whole strategy to destabilize Africa and the Middle East.
The people we are fighting today we funded 20 years ago.
What's crazy is she goes back to the fact that Jimmy Carter and then Reagan did that before they knew about any of the blowback or any of this.
It's been since Clinton
Right through to now with Bush and her radicalizing it with Saudi Arabia in this new deal.
I'm not defending what Reagan or others did.
The point is that he always gets the blame when really it was Zbigniew Brzezinski that had the larger plan and wrote a book about it called The Grand Chessboard, which I've read three times.
And I have to have these again pseudo-debates with idiots that don't read books by Zbigniew Brzezinski.
And I'm not up here on some pedestal, but if you want to debate me, did you read The Technotronic Error?
Between Two Ages?
Tragedy and Hope?
The Anglo-American Establishment?
Some of those are books written by a fellow that wrote, a girl quickly, a fellow that wrote Tragedy and Hope and other key books.
I mean, I know their mindset.
I know who they are.
And you don't!
But now Hillary's taken that same strategy and done this and turned them loose all over and then they brought five million into Europe.
What is that for?
To hold Europe hostage.
All right, we're going to throw this to break.
Come back with David Knight.
Briefly, I didn't even plug last hour.
If you want to see more reporters, if you want to see more writers, if you want to see us even more effective in putting out the true narrative and defeating the globalists, and quite frankly, risking our lives in a very exciting way.
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I'm scared they're going to win.
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Stay with us.
Hillary Clinton is desperate.
Donald Trump was 10 points ahead in the polls until Reuters and others began sampling 10 to 15 percent more Democrats in their polls to skew the numbers.
It's incredible.
But despite all that skewing in the last two weeks, now in major polls, put up with the very same groups, with the same methodology, Trump is neck and neck with her, or even a point or two ahead.
But if you go look at the social media, and Breitbart and Gateway Pundit have done this, it's incredible.
We're talking three, four, five, six times the support at places like Facebook, Livestream, Reddit, and so many other places.
In fact, sometimes he's got ten times more likes and ten times more views.
That's what we saw with Bernie Sanders, where he'd have 20,000 people, Hillary'd have 500.
We did exit polls in California and other so-called battleground states in the Democratic primary, and we talked to eight people before we found one or two Hillary supporters.
That's why Hillary was forced to steal it with the superdelegates.
Let's look at some of the numbers themselves.
Trump had 10 million plus likes to Clinton's 5 million on Facebook.
And that's with Facebook admittedly censoring Trump pages everywhere they can, and even meeting with Hillary Clinton just like Google does.
Trump averages 30,000 live viewers per stream, and Clinton averages 500 live stream viewers per stream.
On Reddit, Trump averages 197,000 plus subscribers, Hillary 24,000.
Hillary for prison has 55,000 subscribers.
Gee, wonder who started that.
And this is only a snapshot of the numbers we're seeing with Trump.
You go to YouTube, his average video has millions of views.
You go look at Hillary's official campaign site, most of her videos have 2,000 or 3,000 views.
Her bigger one's a few hundred thousand.
This lady's a joke.
She's not liked by her own party.
But we're being told it's going to be a landslide for her.
Because they're trying to get us ready for election fraud.
Something so well documented in this country's past.
But Obama says, it's preposterous, he doesn't even know what that is.
Well, President Obama, we do know what it is.
And this time, we don't have somebody like Mitt Romney or John McCain who's going to stand down and not take action.
We don't have somebody who's going to throw in the towel there's fraud.
We've got Donald Trump and an awake population that's aware of your scams.
The social engineers have jumped the shark.
They are stealing this election in front of everyone.
By forcing them to engage in fraud, we are exposing them forever.
So even if Donald Trump loses, even if that happens due to fraud or scandals, it doesn't matter because we've been in the arena, we've politically exposed the system, political correctness, globalism, the maxim has been introduced, Americanism, not globalism.
This is a good time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
And we owe Donald Trump so much for being willing to put his family, his life, his treasure on the line.
He is the man in the arena.
And I'm honored to be in that arena with him as well.
If you haven't joined us in this historic fight, it's time to pick a side right now.
Our talk show host is Alex Jones.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
Radio talk show host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Deeply I think racist.
I just got called racist by MSNBC.
I don't want that man to have a gun.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
The Alex Jones Show.
Watch the free stream live at infowars.com forward slash show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host in this fourth hour on this Friday, August 12, 2016.
I'm going to pick up where Alex left off.
He ran that clip talking about, yeah, Hillary Clinton and Obama really are the founders of ISIS.
You have to understand that.
I just find it absolutely amazing that we now see CNN and other outlets coming out and saying, Hillary doesn't want to control the guns.
We didn't have anything to do with the creation of ISIS, the training or equipping of ISIS, at the same time, at the same time that the New York Times, this is going back to August 6th, so this is essentially, this is less than a week ago.
New York Times said, military success in Syria gives Putin the upper hand in the U.S.
proxy war.
Yeah, just report on this the beginning of the week on the nightly news.
They're calling it a proxy war.
They're saying Russia is beating America and Syria in a proxy war.
Okay, so who's on the two sides?
Who are the players?
Who's our proxy?
Well, on the Russian side, the proxy is Syria and Assad, okay?
Who is on our side?
The New York Times says it's Al-Qaeda, ISIS, al-Nusra, the rebels.
Let me read you a little bit of this.
The Syrian military, they said, was floundering last year.
The rebel offensive was aided by powerful tank-destroying missiles supplied by the CIA and Saudi Arabia.
But then the Russians arrived, and they bludgeoned CIA-backed rebel forces for the first time since Afghanistan in the 1980s.
And that would be, as Alex just pointed out,
What Zbigniew Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter, his assistant Jimmy Carter, created with a Mujahideen to go after the Russians in Afghanistan.
And then we continued that under Reagan because you know the foreign policy of the elites at the top, the globalist warmongers, are the same whether it's Republican or Democrat.
It really doesn't matter.
That's why they hate Donald Trump so much.
And that's why you've got these 50 globalist spooks signing a letter saying that Donald Trump isn't
I think?
Us, not at them.
They're telling you that they're fighting ISIS.
They're not fighting ISIS.
The New York Times is telling you at the same time, this is a proxy war that we're losing and the people on our side are ISIS.
They go on to say, we've now for the first time since the 1980s, the Russian military for the past year has been in direct combat with rebel forces trained and supplied by the CIA.
Okay, that's that conspiracy theory website, the New York Times, that liberals think is the paper of record.
If you think that is the paper of record, then listen to them, because they have recorded what's going on and they're telling you, they'll tell you on a Saturday or whatever, what's going on, but then throughout the week they pretend it doesn't exist, just like CNN wants to pretend that Hillary Clinton has never said anything about taking your guns, okay?
Okay, CNN says that you've got the Washington Post writing an op-ed saying, Hillary Clinton's not for gun control, get serious!
Okay, we're going to talk about that in a moment too.
They go on to say, even quoting a guy from the Woodrow Wilson Center, Russia has won the proxy war, at least for now, said Michael Kaufman, a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington.
Woodrow Wilson, another globalist, okay?
And as we pointed out, and we talked about it at the time, where did all this start?
Libya is the arms bazaar for chaos, especially for ISIS, for all these terrorists.
That's where they're getting their weapons.
That's where this all began.
Why did that happen?
Why do we have to overthrow the Syrian government?
Why did we have to overthrow Libya?
Well, we know now because WikiLeaks gave us Hillary Clinton's emails.
We could see the emails back in 2011 between her and Sidney Blumenthal.
Talking about why it was necessary to take out Qaddafi.
Now, they've got a lot of oil, have a lot of water there, massive, massive freshwater underground supply there, but that wasn't really the core thing that they were after.
It always goes back to the bankers, doesn't it?
In every war, it goes back to the bankers.
And they said, these sanctions aren't really going to work, because Gaddafi has been stockpiling gold and silver.
He's got about 143 tons of each, because he was going to back his currency with gold.
You know, the French, he wanted to go in competition with the French franc, with the American dollar, with the petrodollar that we created with the Saudi Arabians.
They said he wants to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan dinar backed with gold.
The plan was designed to provide the
African countries, the francophone African countries, the ones that have been under the dominance of the colonial powers, and you have to understand, they are still colonial powers.
They're just trying to mask it, and they're trying to create chaos on both sides.
They don't want competition with their fiat currencies.
That's why they started this all.
We'll be right back.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you can't see the irony in having a gun ban enforced by men with guns, well then you fail to understand why the Second Amendment was written in the first place.
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The right of the people.
The right of the people.
To keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
For all of you actors out there who go to your red carpet events, surrounded by full battle rattle SWAT teams, while you accept your awards for your latest violent movie.
For all you politicians who spend your 9-5 days scheming up ways to take away my Second Amendment rights, meanwhile you have first responders on site there to protect you, I say this, come and take it.
I have a strict gun control policy.
If there's a gun around, I want to control it.
Clint Eastwood.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
Dads demand guns because it's me that's got to get up and go check out that noise at 2am.
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We are.
I don't think so.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're going to go back to how Hillary founded ISIS.
And we're going to tell you how she ran guns.
The big gun control lady.
Big gun runner.
We're going to tell you how she helped to... she was warned about the black genocide that was going to happen in Libya.
Didn't do anything about it.
Didn't do anything to stop it.
So here's this lady
Who says that she doesn't like guns, that she loves black people, but she supported a genocide against black people in Libya.
This is the lady who tells us she's for women's rights, but she cozies up to all of these Sharia people.
Absolutely amazing.
Absolutely amazing that she gets away with all this.
Before we go back to the news though, I want to remind you that we have a way for you to prepare for crisis, for bad weather, whatever happens.
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Now as I was just talking about before we went to the break.
The very fact that the New York Times would come out and say that we've got a proxy war going on, that we're losing it, that we're on the side of ISIS, that the CIA has trained and equipped and continues to supply ISIS.
And we were doing really good until the Russians came in.
We were going to win with our ISIS forces, with Al-Qaeda, just like we'd won with Al-Qaeda against the Russians in Afghanistan.
Now we call them ISIS, but you know they always like to say it's ISIL, ISIL.
Because, you know, if you say it's the Islamic State and Iraq and Syria, it kind of gives you an idea that we created ISIS to go against Syria.
And we were talking about what was going on with the reasons why they overthrew Gaddafi in Libya.
We were talking about that five years ago.
Everybody was talking about that five years ago when it happened in 2011.
And we reported, as well as New American and others reported, look, Gaddafi has been saying that he's going to set up this gold-backed currency.
He's going to go in competition to the central banks, the fiat currencies in the West.
That would have devastated the dollar, would have devastated the petrodollar, because he would have had his own oil-based dollar that was also backed by gold.
Ours is backed by nothing but our relationship with these murderers in Saudi Arabia.
So, that was a very dangerous thing.
It was dangerous for us.
They said, hey, the French are going to come in, too, because they still see themselves as a colonial power in the north of Africa.
And they're concerned.
They don't want Gaddafi joining with sub-Saharan Africa.
And so that was a large part of what happened there.
But then there were emails that have been released now by WikiLeaks that shows that, yes, what we were talking about at InfoWars, what the New American was talking about, what others were talking about, not the mainstream media at the time, our analysis of it saying, hey, I think this is about the gold-backed currency.
Now we see the emails between Sidney Blumenthal and Hillary Clinton saying, this is about the gold-backed currency.
So it's like the NSA whistleblowers telling us right after 9-11, people like William Binney, Thomas Drake, warning us that the government was going to use the 9-11 situation to go after all of our privacy, to do dragnet surveillance.
But then people didn't believe it until 2000 and what was it, 12 when Snowden came out?
I think it was 12 when he came out, maybe 13.
They didn't believe it for a dozen years, okay?
Until they saw the documents.
So now we have the documents.
They're going after them because of the gold-backed currency competing with our fiat currency, our central bank.
The fact that they were running guns to terrorists, they talk about.
The fact that the people that we were backing were going to be shooting on sight what they called foreigners in Libya.
How did they recognize the foreigners at sight?
How did they know, just by sight, that they're foreigners?
Well, because they're black.
See, they understood that the people that they would identify as being black were the Sub-Saharans that Gaddafi was trying to help, that he was working with, to create this pan-African alliance.
So, these people are Arab terrorists that we were using as proxies, as surrogates, were going to shoot on sight anybody with black skin.
There's Hillary Clinton for you.
Yeah, that's Hillary Clinton.
And as we look at what's going on now in Turkey as well, Turkey is now starting to move towards Russia.
If you remember when the coup happened, okay?
They shut down the American military base.
Major air base there in Turkey has a lot of nuclear weapons.
They cut the power off for over a week.
They isolated the air base.
They isolated the Americans there.
And they began talking to Russia.
And they said at the same time, we believe, whether this is true or not, Erdogan was saying, we want Fethullah Gulen.
We think that it's his people, his forces, people loyal to him.
That began this coup.
And we want you to turn over Gulen.
They've had a lot of... They've had a civil war for quite some time.
It hasn't turned into a shooting war, except just occasionally, and most recently was the biggest event of that.
But there has been this civil war essentially going on between Erdogan and Gulen.
Both of them, by the way, both of them radical Islamists.
Both of them want an Islamic caliphate.
Neither of them are good guys, okay?
But, we have a lot of ties to Fathullah Gulen.
Erdogan, who has isolated this base, who is now making overtures to Russia, essentially sending signals to us that he's going to shut down that U.S.
military base.
What he wants is Gulen, extradited.
But the American government isn't going to give him Gulen.
Not even to save their nuclear airbase there in Turkey.
That's how important he is to them.
And who else is he important to?
It's not just to Obama, but also to Hillary Clinton.
We got a recent article from Breitbart talking about how
The lawyer for Erdogan that has been coming after Gulen here in America, Robert Amsterdam, said Gulen's Islamist cult buys off U.S.
politicians in both parties to avoid investigations.
Well, we've been warned by this by both the left and the right.
We've had the Daily Caller on the right, and we've had the Daily Beast on the left, both telling us about the ties between Fatala Gulen and Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton, the Daily Beast, says Fatala Gulen just had a news conference in his compound in Pennsylvania, where he was praising Hillary Clinton and talking about his close relationships.
He says she's very courteous, very kind.
That's just exactly what the Secret Service agents who protect her say, isn't it?
No, no, it's not what they say.
He says, before our meeting some years ago, President Clinton, Bill Clinton, was facing a difficult situation here in America.
I wrote a letter to him encouraging him.
He is such a successful president.
And Hillary actually wrote a response to that letter.
I find her to be very courteous and kind, a great hope for this country.
And so the Daily Peace Tree points that.
But also, the Daily Caller back in November, and a lot of people have pointed out the fact,
That a former president of the Gulen-linked Turkish Cultural Center, Ozcan, gave between half a million and a million dollars to the Clinton Foundation in recent months.
He also served as the national finance co-chair last year for a pro-Clinton political action committee called ReadyPAC.
Now, how does this affect us?
Besides the fact that this is yet another example of a foreign government, like Saudi Arabia, who bragged that they have given Hillary Clinton 20% of her campaign contributions.
How does this affect us?
Of course, we've seen Hillary Clinton choosing to have a Sharia lawyer, somebody who has abused the EB-5 visa program.
She chose to have him speak just prior to her accepting the nomination.
Because, well, he would attack Donald Trump personally, and hopefully Donald Trump would take the bait, and he did, come after him, and then they would say, oh, he's against Muslims.
Well, no, we're against Sharia law, okay?
But she has this guy who is a Sharia lawyer, Sharia Khan.
She also then has a guy that looks like Super Mario, the Taliban, who is behind her, the guy from Afghanistan, a Talibanist, and she has him sitting behind her, as we pointed out, as others have pointed out, you don't get to sit behind the candidate unless they know who you are, okay?
So she has all that, and then she has this close relationship with Fatala Gulen.
So this is more than just foreign money coming in, folks.
The Gulen people are connected to a network, and we've mentioned this many times, connected to a network of charter schools.
Charter schools are kind of quasi... there he is, there's Super Mario over there, right?
As you can see him there.
Doesn't he look like Super Mario?
So he's perfectly harmless, you know, because he looks like Mario.
The charter schools that are being run by the Gulenists in America are not overtly Islamic.
They have more subtle ways to recruit people into the Turkish culture, into the Turkish religion, into the Turkish politics, okay?
And they don't get overtly religious because they're getting half a billion dollars.
They've got about 140 some-odd schools in the United States.
The bulk of them are in Texas.
We've reported on this.
We've had the fellow Mark Hall, who did the documentary, Killing Ed.
And by the way, that is something that was completely shut down.
We're good to go.
You need to understand what's going on with charter schools.
You need to understand the danger for crony capitalism there.
You need to understand that this is a situation where they operate as private schools and yet they are publicly funded with taxpayer money.
It is a perfect storm of crony capitalism.
But the worst case scenario that he points out in this documentary is that somebody can take this over with an Islamic agenda.
Okay, which is what we're seeing.
And even Peggy Noonan, who has not been very friendly to Donald Trump, has an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal, how the global elites forsake their countrymen.
And she's looking at Angela Merkel and what's going on there, and she says, you know,
Mrs. Merkel moved unilaterally, announcing that Germany would take in an astounding 800,000 people last year.
Naturally, this was taken as an invitation, and more than a million came.
The result has been widespread public furor over the resulting crime, cultural dissimilation, fears of terrorism.
Not just fears of terrorism, folk.
Actual terrorism, okay?
From such a sturdy, grounded character as Ms.
Merkel, writes Peggy Noonan, the decision was puzzling.
Okay, look, if she was sturdy and grounded, you have to understand, this is not a mistake, folks.
We've pointed this out over and over again here at InfoWars.
This is not a mistake.
It's a plan.
It's a plan.
We see it.
Peggy Noonan can't admit it yet.
Okay, she just said it was puzzling.
She was uncharacteristically romantic about people, how they lived their lives and their history.
You know, she just made a mistake.
She's just this romantic person.
Normally she's very rational.
She's very hard.
She's very cold.
She's very calculating.
But here she just gave in to her romantic feminine side here.
Just too much of a heart, you know.
She just had a heart for these people.
Couldn't help them in their country.
Couldn't do anything to stop our surrogate proxy war that created this situation that I just talked about.
Couldn't do anything to stop all that as a rational person.
So her heart just got the better of her.
And they all came into this country.
No, it is not a mistake.
It's not their heart getting the best of them.
This is a plan.
And as I pointed out on the nightly news, the people in Germany understand this as well.
I read an editorial that I translated from German, a rough translation with Google.
And the guy was saying, this is the great people replacement.
Understand that.
We need to stop talking about it as open borders and immigration.
It is a plan to replace the people.
It has begun.
They don't like the German people being in Germany.
They don't like the American people being in America.
They want to replace us with people that are more malleable.
People who have lower expectations.
Because, as we see, our standard of living declining.
We're going to get upset.
We're already upset.
We already know what you're doing to us.
We already know that when you talk about one world and a one world government and you want to make everybody the same, that doesn't mean that you want to lift up the people in the third world to our level.
That means you're going to level us down to third world levels.
You are destroying these countries because you want everybody leveled to the lowest possible denominator.
You want a one world, not a first world and a third world, and you want everybody, in that case, to be at the third world level.
That's what's going to happen with this.
As a matter of fact, as I was looking at the editorial, he actually compared it to what a communist, Bertolt Brecht, saw in East Germany in 1953.
The people there, ironically enough, they felt betrayed.
You know, they had this communist government that said they were there for the people,
Everybody was going to be treated the same, and yet they had minimum wage for some people.
Not for the elites who rule the country.
And they said, you know, we can't live on this.
The minimum wage is too low.
Does that sound familiar?
Does that sound like the Democrat Party's disillusioned constituents?
And so what they did was they rioted.
And what they got from the communist elite was an iron fist in their face.
The military, the police, tanks, okay?
Put that down in 1953, and so as he looked at that, even the guy who liked communism
Looked at the ruthless repression of the people who said we need a higher minimum wage.
And he said, well, I guess we can't dissolve Parliament anymore, but Parliament can dissolve the people.
It's far easier that way, isn't it?
What is happening right now in the West is the great people replacement.
It is the great leveling that is going on.
And even when you've got somebody like Peggy Noonan saying, you know,
She's trying, she means well.
You know, she's usually very rational.
Merkel is just attempting to provide some kind of a counter statement about the great sin of the 20th century, the historical sin and the stain of Nazism.
And it's like, no, that's not it.
That's not it.
It's not that kind of guilt.
That's what they use on people.
They use racism.
They use that type of guilt.
But that's not what's driving it in France.
It's not what is driving Obama.
He's not trying to get rid of the stain of Nazism here.
He's trying to replace the people and to level a...
On July 30th, Alex Jones made a request that Donald Trump make rigged elections one of the central campaign issues.
On August 1st, Donald Trump went on Sean Hannity and spoke with Sean about rigged elections.
Vladimir Putin came out a few days later and spoke about how American elections have been rigged in the past.
Here's a recap of those events.
Mr. Trump, I'm not going to lay things out here that you don't already know.
But I am going to ask you to seriously think about making the issue of Hillary's election fraud in the primaries one of the central issues to defeating her in November.
And I'm telling you, November 8th, we better be careful because that election's gonna be rigged.
First of all, it's rigged.
And I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged, I have to be honest.
And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it's gonna be taken away from us.
America teaches everybody how to live in, quote, democracy.
But what?
You actually believe that they have democratic elections there?
If Hillary steals the nomination, and then she openly is engaged in chicanery and things don't add up with Trump, you have to say it must be thrown out.
Hillary Clinton has had every advantage, every break given to her from the very beginning by this Democratic Party.
It has been rigged.
The political parties choose their nominee, not the general public.
Contrary to popular belief.
Then why are they holding the primaries?
That's a very good question.
It is clearly the case that when given truth serum, Debbie Wasserman Schultz vastly prefers Hillary Clinton to be the nominee, obviously, and to the extent there are things that can be done institutionally and largely to facilitate that outcome, they are being done.
When did the press see it as their role to protect the prerogative of the powerful?
Actually, I think that's part of it.
And we're not going to recognize Queen Hillary if there's evidence of fraud.
And guess what there is?
She stole the nomination!
Of course the elections will not be rigged.
What does that mean?
How would the party pick a new nominee?
Today is the day!
They're really thinking about maybe getting him off the top of the ticket.
He now looks increasingly like the Kamikaze candidate.
An implosion the likes of which I have never seen.
The biggest problem we have is we have a very dishonest media.
If Mr. Trump is suggesting that there is a conspiracy theory that is being propagated across the country,
Including in places like Texas.
That's ridiculous.
That doesn't make any sense.
And I don't think anybody would take that seriously.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars is now controlling the narrative.
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Welcome back to our final segment of the Alex Jones Show, this fourth hour on this Friday.
Before I get back to the news, I want to talk a little bit about election fraud, because we had the guy call and challenge Alex about that.
Yeah, yeah, it really is there.
Maybe you don't want to believe your eyes, but we're going to talk about that.
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I think so.
You know, we had the caller who said, hey, prove that there is fraud going on.
And as I've mentioned before, the last election, 2012, a friend of my brother-in-law's said that he went to vote and they told him that he had already voted, along with his dead mother.
Because all you have to do is walk in and give them a name and an address, okay?
We can see when we look at James O'Keefe and others.
I mean, we've got the CBS News going there showing you the electronic voting machine and saying, look, here's how I can manipulate this thing.
And that's not the first time that's happened.
We've had mainstream media show us for years.
There's some really old video that's been going back 10, 15 years.
And by the way, a lot of the video, a lot of the voting machines are 10 or 15 years old as well.
OK, which means that they are incredibly vulnerable to fraud.
But if we show you somebody walking in and giving them a false name, and they know that it's false, and he says, hey, you know, I don't have any ID, just let me vote.
I say, okay, fine, sure, yeah, we'll let you vote.
Just sign this paper affirming that that's who you are and we'll let you vote.
When you see that happen, when you see the voting machines being rigged live on television,
And when we tell you firsthand that this is happening, do stores have to use voter ID only after they've had people rip them off multiple times by writing bad checks or doing other things?
Of course not.
They understand that's a possibility.
And if you show them how easy it is to do that, they would be fools not to do that.
And yet, when they try to enact voter ID, when they say we're going to require you to show us some picture ID in order to vote in North Carolina, they say that's racist.
It's also racist, they say, if they gerrymander the districts.
And that was something that happened for the Republicans.
They got to draw the district lines for the first time in 2010.
Never got a chance to do that before the Republicans.
Immediately they said, well, that's going against the black vote.
Well, 90% of the people who are black are voting for the Democrats.
And yes, they were trying to bias this in favor of the Republicans instead of the Democrats.
Gerrymandering laws.
I think that would just go with contiguous geographical regions.
But every time they do something to change the voting laws, and there's no reason you wouldn't have voter IDs, it's racist.
It's racist.
That's what we hear.
Alright, join us tonight, 7 central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, for the InfoWars Nightly News, Leanne McAdoo will be hosting.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.