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Name: 20160722_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 22, 2016
3114 lines.

Alex Jones discusses an altercation he had with Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks at the Republican National Convention. He argues that there is valid criticism of The Young Turks for being soft on radical Islam and not supporting freedom of speech. Jones also highlights how media works in today's world by pointing out internet censorship. In another segment, he discusses the role of the repealed Glass-Steagall Act in the 2008 financial meltdown and its connection to larger bank mergers. He criticizes Hillary Clinton for not supporting the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall while mentioning other politicians like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders who do support it.

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In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
We are live.
It's the Alex Jones Show on this July 22nd edition.
Alex and crew are on their way back right now.
They're getting on a plane after having confronted the Young Turks at the RNC.
Now if you haven't seen this footage yet, where have you been?
It's up on Infowars.com.
It's making the rounds on Twitter.
Basically the second biggest story out of the RNC after Trump's speech itself.
Absolutely amazing footage.
We're going to get into it in the next segment.
Alex is going to have some special reports that he's filed this segment, this hour, so be sure to stay tuned for that.
We have Syrian Girl coming up as our first guest at the top of the hour.
Some of you will have seen the footage, the horrific, traumatising footage of the young Syrian boy being beheaded
By Obama administration backed rebels.
We're going to get into what's really behind that.
If it's actually going to signal a sea change in US policy towards Syria, towards ISIS.
So that's coming up in the second hour.
And in the third hour, we have Chuck Johnson making his debut on the Alex Jones Show.
He was also at the RNC over the past few days and actually had a run in.
A confrontation of his own with Jamie Weinstein and Michelle Fields.
Of course you remember Michelle Fields of Corey Lewandowski fame.
That whole media spectacle which, you know, completely was transformed into absolute hyperbole.
Where Lewandowski, the Trump staffer who later, you know, relinquished his position.
violently assaulted Michelle Fields, basically ripped her arm off, beat her over the head with it, of course.
What actually happened was something quite different.
So Chuck Johnson tried to confront her and Jamie Weinstein over this incident, tried to ask a question as a journalist.
And we're going to talk to Chuck about what happened after that.
But we're going to be focusing on the Young Turks confrontation.
Other headlines coming up, we'll just go through them right now.
German officials respond to migrants' axe attack by calling for mandatory Islam classes.
That's right, we've had another bout of cultural enrichment across Europe over the past couple of weeks, of course.
Beginning with the Nice attack, we had the axe attack in Germany, we had another stabbing in France.
Now the response to that, the solution, as Germany brings in over 1.1 million Muslim migrants, is not to maybe reconsider whether that policy was a bad idea.
Not to maybe roll it back.
Not to look at the issue of whether these migrants coming in have a completely different outlook on life, on treatment of women.
No, no, no.
We can't look at that.
We can't address that.
What we need is mandatory Islam lessons for German school children.
So we're going to get into that.
There's a new development in the Nice attack, which is that Nice authorities have turned down a request to delete footage of the fatal truck attack.
Now you'll notice in Nice the atmosphere, the attitude, the response to the attack was quite markedly different from what we saw after Paris.
So now the federal government basically in France demanded that local authorities delete that footage.
For what reason remains unclear.
They've refused to do so.
And again it exemplifies how the reaction has been completely different when you compare it to something like Paris.
We've also got Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban coming out and saying there's an obvious connection between illegal migration and terrorism.
Basically a very simple, very obvious connection to make, but he's getting heat over that.
We've got The Economist.
Which of course is a big publication represented at Bilderberg every single year, a big globalist outlet, coming out and basically celebrating the fact that British people are becoming a minority in their own cities.
We're also going to go back and talk about Twitter censorship because there's basically a war on conservatives.
There's a media coup going on right now.
We see it with Fox News.
We see it with Twitter.
Huge developments in the censorship of Milo Yiannopoulos, how it relates to the future of free speech, with WikiLeaks now coming out and speaking out against this censorship.
Huge developments.
More on the Young Turks confrontation.
It's going to be a jam-packed show.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
If you can't see the irony in having a gun ban enforced by men with guns, well then you fail to understand why the Second Amendment was written in the first place.
Throughout history, only slaves are disarmed.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
To keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
For all of you actors out there who go to your red carpet events surrounded by full battle rattle SWAT teams while you accept your awards for your latest violent movie.
For all you politicians who spend your nine to five days scheming up ways to take away my second amendment rights meanwhile you have first responders on site there to protect you.
I say this.
Come and take it.
I have a strict gun control policy.
If there's a gun around, I want to control it.
Clint Eastwood.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
Dads demand guns because it's me that's got to get up and go check out that noise at 2am.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
We are back live on the Alex Jones Show.
Top story up on DrudgeReport.com right now out with the Associated Press.
Trump says US will be safer, richer if he is president.
Donald Trump accepted the Republican nomination for president Thursday.
Promising anxious Americans they will be safer and richer if he is elected in November.
Of course, this was the culmination of the RNC with Trump giving his keynote speech.
And here's Alex Jones on the same subject with this special announcement.
Ladies and gentlemen, in my 21 years on air, I have never seen such epic events unfolding as are now unfolding.
I've said it a thousand times and I'll say it again here today.
For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction to Newtonian physics.
And you are seeing it now.
You are seeing the globalist program of dehumanization and planetary world government
Begin to disintegrate from the bottom, the middle, and the top.
These people are not God.
They do not control the narrative.
They do not control reality.
The New York Times and others say that Donald Trump offered himself up as some type of savior.
No, what Donald Trump understands is they've tried to break America's will, they've tried to break the renaissance, they've tried to break true liberalism, classical liberalism, and the future.
Because they want to control the future.
That's why Obama has this slogan about becoming the future, controlling the future, being the future.
They call themselves progressive.
You know, they're progressive like lung cancer or brain cancer or liver cancer.
No, Donald Trump is saying he wants to try to unleash the tidal forces of humanity.
And I'm telling you, Trump's for real.
When I saw his daughter introduce him last night, my gut is 100% sure that family's on fire.
Those people know exactly what's going on.
I know that from sources.
But I can see it, and I can tell you right now.
That Donald Trump isn't perfect, none of us are, but this is a true manifestation of American destiny to have a choice to go with the New World Order, to go with the abortion factories, to go with the death, to go with the division, to go with the evil, to go with the tyranny, or to go with humanity.
And I'm telling you, if Donald Trump is a deceiver, then he's Satan.
I'm telling you because my gut tells me he's the real deal.
But I'm telling you, I think his family is even better actually looking at those people and watching his daughter speak.
That was from the heart.
That was real.
They want to deliver.
They want to be the turnaround company to turn the Republic around instead of letting us be gutted and sold off to the globalists.
And I'll tell you this.
This is an amazing time to be alive.
It's incredible.
And you notice in four wars,
InfoWars, to use a cheesy analogy, the force is with us, big time.
It is amazing.
Everything we've done has had the hand of God on it, and Providence.
Everything we went up against, we devastated the globalists.
The interviews, the confrontations, the communists, the young jihadis, young Turks.
All of this, all of this shows how scared they are, and they know that things are turning against them.
Hundreds of articles a day admitting that InfoWars is now the narrative, and has actually basically taken over the Republican Party.
Huge articles of the New Republic, and the Washington Post, and, you know, the Cleveland Daily Paper, just hundreds, I can't even read them all.
And here's the deal, it isn't about us becoming mainstream, it's about liberty and basic Americana, and common sense coming back from the dead.
That's all I am.
It's just a fire.
A fire of liberty.
If you went back hundreds of years ago, I wouldn't even have been an exceptional fire on a horizon of souls.
But as the evil and darkness intensifies, so many flames have been extinguished, so many flames have been brought down to basically embers.
And I am a giant flamethrower in the face of the enemy today.
And I can feel the spirit of liberty rising.
I'm in an airport.
They're ready to take off.
I'll be back Sunday, Lord willing.
Pray for us.
4 to 6 p.m.
Paul Watson, of course, is coming up with David Knight and a bunch of guests.
But I'm here to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, humanity, I don't care if you are a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, even an agnostic, whatever, we have to come together and realize we're being manipulated against each other.
And we still have to oppose different globalist programs.
But at the same time, we have to realize that changing ourselves individually, and not letting corporate mainstream media that tries to make us feel small, that's the real revolution.
We're big, we're powerful, we're made in the image of a creator, and Donald Trump
He has a spirit, I can tell you right now, that cannot stand to see this country run to the ground.
He wants to take the foot off our neck.
And the secret is, he's just a focal point to give us the confidence for us to do it.
I'll tell you right now, Donald Trump's not going to save America.
I'm not going to save America.
All of us together, pointing our souls, our hearts, towards being better people, and working hard, and pushing for true justice, that is going to reverse the satanic
Spell that we're under and we're gonna wake up and literally come out of this spell and turn the corner against the new world order and that's all Donald Trump's doing is trying to realize that they can touch Providence and that they can decide to be successful and decide to be victorious and that we can come out Love this malaise out of this brainwashing out of this mind control.
So that's what this comes down to my friends
And he's not up there like some cult leader saying, I have all the answers.
I'm your God.
I know everything.
You know, you're weak.
You need me.
He's saying, you're strong.
You've had enemies against you, keeping you down and suppressing you.
And I'm going to work hard for you.
And you're going to work with me, united against the globalists.
And that's what this is.
You heard it last night and you know, folks, they're scared.
You know who Donald Trump's listening to.
Donald Trump already knew all this before he ever tuned into Alex Jones.
But I'm telling you, my spirit, your spirit, our spirit together, all of us combining forces have scared them absolutely down to the very roots of their evil, wicked hearts.
This is an epic time to be alive.
And it's going to get rough.
Well, what matters is we all do the right thing in our hearts and our souls.
He said it last night, and you knew it shined absolute lightning bolts of fear into their guts in the New World Order.
He said, our maxim
Will be nationalism not globalism, and I want to take that line And when he said that I want to have that in intros everywhere.
We are Nationalists we are Americanist.
We are Americans not globalists But that absolutely terrifies them I'm gonna hand the baton to Paul Watson right now, but this is such an epic time to be alive It is the animating contest of Liberty
When we're pacifists, when we lay down, we go along with the globalists, when we don't speak up, we become their slave.
But when we resist them, we become stronger in the animated contest of liberty.
I want to salute every man, woman, and child of every race, of every color, of every creed.
And I want you to understand something.
God bless you, sir.
I want to tell you something right now.
You are the future.
God loves you.
You were made by God.
And we are all brothers and sisters in that.
And we are about to see the true battle in the next decade against the New World Order.
And you know who's behind the New World Order.
And Donald Trump has chosen the right side in this fight.
Donald Trump has decided to go with God, and to go with common sense, and to go with honor, and to go with Americana.
The globalists are a bunch of arrogant, sycophantic scum who think they know everything.
I watched the mainstream media hissing during his speech when I was out on the floor, and then right as I thought, look how cynical and nasty and arrogant they are.
Kissing, because I was all in the media.
Donald Trump said, look at the arrogance of the media and the establishment.
I mean, he was just like totally synced.
I know it was already a pre-written script.
It was just unbelievable.
It was an amazing time.
And again, we are going to take this country and this world back from the new world order.
All right, I'm going to hand the baton to Paul Joseph Watson.
Please spread the word about this broadcast, because when you're watching or listening to this transmission, you know it and you see it.
You are the resistance.
That was Alex Jones live at the RNC, heading back now with the Info Wars crew, again breaking amazing stories.
But before that happened, and we can start playing the clip right now as I talk about this, we'll get into it further in the next segment too.
There was a little confrontation, you might call it, between the Young Turks and Alex Jones.
This whole narrative now is being spun by the leftist media in the aftermath of this incident that Alex Jones crashed their live show.
How dare he ambush them?
It was so rude.
It was so arrogant.
Just look at the situation we've had at the RNC over the last three, four days.
Everybody is crashing everybody's show, okay?
That's the environment that they're in.
Everybody is in everybody else's space.
So whether they were invited to appear on The Young Turks, of course, Alex has been on the show before.
They know perfectly well who he is.
He wasn't just some insane crazy person bowling in and taking over their show.
They know who he is.
He's been on the show before.
So Alex gets up behind Cenk Uygur and the other guests there on the show and basically his demeanour
And you can see this in the clip.
It's not aggressive at any point.
Alex is smiling.
He's happy.
This may be an ambush, this may be a confrontation, but it's perfectly cordial once it begins.
It was not Alex that escalated it into an aggressive situation.
It was Cenk Uygur.
It was the Young Turks.
And again,
You know, we've had leftists crash our live show on two occasions over the past three days.
Firstly, when Alex was giving his speech at the RNC, again, a left-wing comedian crashed his speech.
How did Alex react?
He invited him onto the stage and gave him the microphone.
Let him do his lame comedy act, which
Nobody found really very funny at all, and then he went on his way.
We had another incident when Leanne was hosting.
Again, another comedian, self-proclaimed, got up, did an Alex Jones impersonation during our live show.
We let it happen.
You know, it was vaguely funny.
We didn't get aggressive, we didn't escalate the situation, we just rode it out.
But of course, you know, when leftist comedians crash our show, it's hilarious and we've been trolled.
That's perfectly okay, that's fine, that's acceptable.
But when we do it, we're rude, we're arrogant, we're instigating.
Now again, Alex's demeanor, completely friendly, not aggressive at any point.
The moment that Cenk Uygur escalates it is when he's presented with this shirt with Bill Clinton's face on it and the word RAPE, which by the way is going to be the new big hot Hillary for prison style t-shirt, but we're going to get more into this after the break.
We're gonna pick this apart and show you, expose you exactly how it was the Young Turks and Cenk Uygur that escalated this and not us.
And it's making them look really very bad.
We'll be back live.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
This is very important because a lot of these microorganisms, and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms,
You have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, viruses protect themselves, and so do bacteria, protozoa, and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
People can avoid toxic air if they want.
They can get an air purification system.
They can avoid toxic water and drink clean water, but it's really hard to avoid parasites.
It's hard to avoid attacking organisms and that's where I see this going.
I mean, I think a lot of the information that we
I think so.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often could you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time, because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when the eggs hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss, excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness, I mean all these things.
If you look at some of these conditions and then us opening up our borders and all the other countries opening up their borders.
You're just dealing with a mass amount of parasites or harmful organisms or biological weapons that are spreading and mutating all across the world.
And I think that's one of the reasons why, I mean, all you have to do is look at the news these days.
You can type in refugees spreading disease.
I mean the CDC is going crazy right now.
There's a new antibiotic resistant E. coli that they just identified.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease.
And how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing the parasite plans at least twice a year.
All right.
Well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
So we're talking about the confrontation between Infowars, between Alex Jones and the Young Turks last night.
And again, this is the RNC.
Everybody's packed tightly together, everybody is in each other's space.
There are ambushes, there are confrontations, there are people going on each other's shows.
We had it, Breitbart had it.
Yet when it happens to the Young Turks, it's
It's rude.
It's terrible that we did this.
Even though, according to Alex, they invited him on the show in the first place.
Maybe there was some miscommunication, but let's just accept the fact that, you know, we crashed their show.
Let's take a look at it from there.
Cenk Uygur really got triggered when Alex handed him this new t-shirt with Bill Clinton's face on it and the word rape.
He snatched it from Alex.
You can see the gnarling look in his face.
He started to get aggressive at that very point.
Which is interesting because his comeback was, oh Donald Trump, there's an allegation of rape against Donald Trump for being at a Jeffrey Epstein party.
This came out in court of course.
There's no evidence whatsoever to back it up that Trump supposedly was engaged in this rape at a Jeffrey Epstein party.
Complete and total bunk.
So he's bringing this up to counter
The claim that this t-shirt represents that Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Well, if you want to look at Jeffrey Epstein and you want to look at Bill Clinton, jenk!
How about the fact that Clinton flew on a plane with the pedophile, with the sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, 26 times.
Okay, is that a strong enough connection for you?
They called it the Lolita Express.
This guy was caught trafficking underage children.
Bill Clinton is on a plane with him 26 times.
Just a coincidence.
Why don't we look at the fact that even though everybody in Epstein's inner circle knew he was a paedophile, Clinton still chose to associate with him.
Why don't we look at the fact that Virginia Roberts, who said she was pimped out by Epstein at the age of 15, claims that she saw Clinton on this supposed orgy island.
This island where Epstein had all his underage sex parties.
This is not even to mention the entire litany, the history of Bill Clinton's long record of sexual assault.
So Cenk Uygur is trying to make the argument that because there's this bunk claim backed up with no evidence that Trump raped somebody at a Jeffrey Epstein party, that that's the real issue, not the fact that Clinton was on a plane with Jeffrey Epstein 26 times.
Okay, we can't talk about that.
So that's the first aspect of this because that's when he really began to get triggered.
Then there was this back and forth between Cenk Uygur and Roger Stone.
Of course, Uygur claiming that he's a liar.
That went on for about a minute.
Then it really got heated.
That's the point at which Cenk Uygur completely escalated this so-called confrontation.
Because Alex basically said to them, he accused them of being soft on Saudi Arabia.
That they weren't, as a network, critical enough of Saudi Arabia.
That is the moment, and you can see in the video that we're playing
When Cenk got up, threw down, threw off his earpiece, bowed up to Alex, got in his face, started screaming, lost all his cool entirely, and, you know, claimed, oh yeah, we've called out Saudi Arabia.
Now let's be fair.
You go on the Young Turks YouTube channel, which by the way is in decline.
It's not growing anymore.
Granted, they've got a huge audience, but you can see from the stats that it's on the wane, as Alex said during the confrontation.
Maybe this is one of the reasons why he got so heated.
But I mean, let's be fair to them.
They have called out Saudi Arabia on several occasions.
What they haven't done is called out radical Islam.
And in fact, the individual who subsequently, because he's so classy, you know, he's a liberal, he's got class, subsequently spat in Alex's face, he has been on the Young Turks Network several times making apologies for radical Islam.
This lame comedian Jimmy Dore.
He's been on the Young Turks Network
Saying that the migrant rape, the mass sexual assault in Cologne wasn't really an issue and that the real issue was the one in five rapes of women on US college campuses.
Of course, which has been completely debunked.
It's a fake statistic.
So yes, the criticism is valid when directed towards the Young Turks, that they've been soft on radical Islam.
After every single terror attack, they trot out the same lame BS, not all Muslims.
They've failed to call out the true problem, which is the violent and intolerant aspects of Islam that we've done many times.
So that's a completely fair criticism.
But at this point, Cenk got really aggressive, and you can see it in the clip.
He begins to act like a complete lunatic.
You know, these are the people who accuse Alex Jones of being angry and crazy.
Yet this is the guy who's acting like a complete nutcase.
Just look at the crazed look in his eyes as he bows up to Alex.
You'll also notice, and we're going to get into this more after the break, the fact that they knew the optics of this looked so bad that they actually tried to censor the media getting it on tape.
We're going to unpack this confrontation more after the break on the Alex Jones Show breaking news at InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Grip, you developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Spreading disease around, we have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
This is very important because a lot of these microorganisms, and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms, you have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, on viruses,
We're good to go.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often could you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time, because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when they hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss,
Excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness.
I mean, all these things.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite test.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, here's what happened with the Young Turks situation.
It's way overshadowed by the epic speech of Donald Trump and his announcement of going after globalism and how we're about Americana and nationalism was totally and completely epic.
But the Young Turks situation is important because it shows you how media works and how the future of internet censorship works, okay?
It was a big open area with hundreds of booths.
They had an official Google YouTube stage that was just a small area and I walked by and they said, hey, you ought to go on the Young Turks.
One of these Young Turk people I'd recognized.
From one of their crew, I've been on their show many times.
I said, yeah, later, I've got to go down here.
I could have done 500 interviews.
It wasn't like I needed to be on their show.
I mean, they had national news, national TV.
We were in hundreds of newspapers that day.
We were all over TV, Fox, CNN, everywhere.
But I know them, and I'm walking back by them, and Liam's like, hey, you really ought to go on.
That guy's been waving you over.
So they say, yeah, run up on stage.
I run up on stage.
Maybe Sinker, or whatever his name is, didn't know.
But it doesn't matter.
I'm like, hey, how's it going?
Being friendly.
I just talked to Van Jones, I've been friendly.
That video's up.
I just talked to Charlie Rose, I've been friendly.
Even though I disagree with it.
The big issue here is, then, after the confrontation happens and they spit on us and threaten to attack us and say, hey, you're gonna get hurt and all this stuff, so we leave.
Just crazy threats.
And, you know, they're all about fat shaming, you know, not letting people have free speech, stopping people calling folks fat, then they call me fat.
All this crazy, weird garbage.
When I'm way, way skinnier than Shinker or whatever his name is.
Then, this is the key.
This is the big issue.
This is the big thing that we're dealing with.
Suddenly, Dew later remembered that one of the YouTube people walked over and said, are you done uploading that?
And Dew said, yeah, I'm about to finish.
And the guy walked off.
We go do some more interviews, leave, go eat about an hour later.
And boom, all our videos start getting taken down.
The upload of that event that happened, our response to it, our response to that, our Don King interview starts getting pulled and it just says, remove.
Not remove by user, not remove for terms of service violation, not for copyright strike.
They were removing it in live time.
They were at the YouTube Google base.
They had YouTube people there.
So we made a big deal out of that on Facebook, and a few hours later, they put the videos back up.
But ladies and gentlemen, this is incredible to see these internet ghettos that Matt Drudge has warned about.
Again, I'm walking through an airport right now, so bear with me.
This is so incredibly important that we understand this is the model.
There's a coup at Fox News happening right now.
There's censorship of Milo.
There's all this other censorship happening.
They are moving this year, beta testing.
They're admitting they want to get rid of the Fairness Doctrine and take talk radio over.
They are making their move.
This is so incredibly important.
And then just have this think guy blow up at us.
Because I said, hey, Turkey's working with Saudi Arabia, that's wrong.
He goes, that's crazy, and all this stuff.
He just hopes his pseudo-intellectual audience of fake liberals don't understand that he's full of garbage.
But I'm not even out to get this guy.
I've been on his show like 10 times or more.
They play my clips all the time.
We make jokes back and forth.
And quite frankly, I never stage stuff, but they've said to me before, hey, let's get in a fight when you come on here.
I'm like, OK, but don't take it personal.
So it was a long relationship.
They haven't had me on in years.
I think they've gotten butt hurt.
That's fine.
But the point is, is that that's one of the few places where
It's not staged, but they say, hey, we're going to be a little bit mean to you.
Is that OK?
You're like, I'm going to yell back at you.
It's not personal.
So everybody just kind of agrees.
We're going to spar.
We're going to get nasty.
So basically, that's how I got set up.
And he may not even have known.
Or maybe somebody was provocateur.
But it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
The point is, is that we have more media interviews than we could do.
And they were trying to spin it that we were somehow desperately, you know, trying to take over their show.
And we're exploding.
We're the zeitgeist.
We're all over the newspapers.
We're all over everywhere.
They're chanting Hillary for prison on the floor of the deal.
The mainstream media is admitting we're dominating.
And this guy is spinning everything like, oh, we need their little show.
I mean, listen, and they're Muslims, too.
Why doesn't she wear a burqa on TV?
You know?
Why does she talk about how they're oppressing women over there and so saying Americans are oppressing women when we're the West?
I'm sick of it.
I want Muslim women to be free and be able to wear a red dress like she wears.
But, look, these people don't have the moral high ground.
They're not real liberals.
And I'm done playing games, man.
To Google and everybody else.
If you want to join Facebook and the censorship and everything, you're just going to hurt your own platforms.
But we're going to force you out in the open for everybody to know you are censoring.
They did it to Milo yesterday.
Worldwide live ban on Twitter.
Alright, back to Paul Joseph Watson, David Knight and the rest of the crew.
That's my statement on what happened.
This affects everybody.
They can bring me down, they can bring you down.
Stay with us.
So there's Alex Jones on his confrontation with the Young Turks and again he made the point, which is what they're claiming in the aftermath, as are all their supporters, that they have the moral high ground.
That's how they're trying to spin it, but they were rudely interrupted and they stood up for their beliefs.
Listen, you don't have the moral high ground.
Why did your staffers attempt to block the media from filming this confrontation?
You can see this in the article, I tweeted it out, the screenshot.
One of the Young Turks staffers, right at the moment after Cenk Uygur gets up and starts bowing up to Alex, starts getting aggressive, starts getting this crazed look in his face.
One of their staffers gets up on the table in between the cameras and where Alex and Cenk Uygur are having the confrontation and lifts his t-shirt up at the shoulders to try and create a screen between the cameras and the confrontation.
He then invites another young Turk staffer to get up on the table and do the same thing.
So if you have the moral high ground, and this is you standing up to this arrogant, rude ambush, and asserting your beliefs, your principles, why are you trying to block the media from filming it?
Well, because it was obvious what was happening.
Cenk Uygur completely overreacted, he lost his temper like a triggered little child, and he went absolutely nuts.
And it didn't look good.
Which is why they were trying to block the media from filming it.
And to top it all off, this lame comedian, Jimmy Dore, who went on the Young Turks previously and downplayed the migrant molestation in Cologne, said, oh, it's basically nothing.
The more important thing to focus on was the one in five American women raped on college campuses.
Completely bogus, doesn't exist, not a thing.
Again, he's an apologist for Islam.
He gets up there, as this confrontation is ending, actually as it's winding down, takes a huge glug of water and spits directly in Alex's face.
Because that's how liberals debate, because they're real classy.
In the aftermath, all his supporters on Twitter, and I retweeted this, were celebrating the fact that he spat in Alex's face.
Like that won him the debate.
Like he stood up for the sacred principles of the Young Turks.
That that means they had the moral high ground.
Okay, reverse it.
If Leanne or Joe Biggs, by the end of this confrontation, had took a huge glug of water and spat directly in Cenk Uygur's face, how would they have responded?
Well, of course, we would have been absolutely crucified.
But this lame comedian, this rape apologist, gets up and does it, and it's no big deal.
It's funny.
Again, it's one rule for them and another for us.
They get to act like adolescent brats having temper tantrums, they get to be aggressive, they get to spit in people's faces, and it's trendy.
That's them asserting their moral high ground.
But if we do it,
We're hateful, we're dangerous, we're bigoted.
And look at some of the media reaction to this.
I mean RT put out an article, and you know generally RT is good on geopolitics, that's their primary use.
But they've kind of got this identity crisis on American politics, there's a lot of social justice warriors who work there.
So they put out this article about the confrontation, with the quote,
As the Jones-Yuga encounter started getting attention, people turned to Twitter to show support for the Young Turks.
You look at the tweets that they embedded in this article that show support for the Young Turks.
One of them has one retweet.
Another one has five retweets.
Okay, I was tweeting about this all throughout last night as it was happening, getting hundreds and hundreds of retweets.
Other people seeing the video
Making the point that Cenk Uygur, the Young Turks and Anna Kasparian, who we'll get on to in a second, completely overreacted, completely had fit adolescent temper tantrums and made them look, made themselves look like complete lunatics, okay?
That was the reality of the situation.
Whether we were rude and arrogant to crash the live broadcast in the first place, not the issue.
Everybody at the RNC was doing that exact thing.
So the optics didn't look good.
That's why their staffers tried to block the media from filming the confrontation.
But it was too late.
There were too many cameras in the vicinity.
We got it all on tape.
Of course, as Alex explained in the aftermath, there were some shenanigans going on with YouTube.
Some of our videos were deleted, later restored.
But again, they don't have the moral high ground and look at how the media reacted to it.
You know, people on Twitter showed support for the Young Turks.
Well, no, they didn't.
People on Twitter who got one retweet.
That's not everyone on Twitter showing support for the Young Turks.
See how they manage perspective by closing the frame on how, you know, people react to this kind of situation.
If they only focus on the tweets which show support for the Young Turks, then they can build that narrative, which is not objectively true.
If you look at my Twitter, if you look at other people who were talking about this,
They all said this looks pretty bad for the Young Turks, given that they're so-called, you know, tolerant liberals, getting aggressive, screaming at people, spitting in people's faces, and then trying to block the media from recording it.
You don't have the moral high ground.
You can't censor the truth when there's a hundred frigging cameras recording it, okay?
No matter how many stupid, twisted articles come out in the aftermath claiming otherwise.
And again, they were the ones who flipped out.
They were the ones who got aggressive.
Alex's demeanour, you can watch it in the clip from beginning to end.
Even when Cenk was screaming in his face, ripping his earpiece out, bowing up to him, looking like he was about to sock him in the mouth, Alex remained calm.
These are the people who tell us Alex Jones is crazy out of control.
The first thing they do when Alex tries to troll their broadcast in a completely friendly way, which everybody at the RNC was doing, is to get crazy and aggressive.
And again, reverse it.
Say Alex had been doing a live show.
You know, with Robb Dew, with Biggs, with Leigh-Anne, whoever.
And Cenk Uygur and Anna Kasbarian and the Young Turks had come up and tried to troll it, tried to interfere, as other leftist comedians did to us on two separate occasions previously.
Alex dealt with it in a calm and cordial manner, so did Leanne.
Imagine for a second if Alex had dealt with it in the way that Cenk Uygur dealt with it.
If Alex had started ripping the microphone away from him, had, you know, bowed up to him, screamed in his face.
If Joe Biggs had spat at someone.
If Joe Biggs had spat at Cenk Uygur amidst the fracas.
How do you think the media would react to that?
Well, they would call us crazy, they would call us aggressive, they would call us out of control.
But they can do it, and it's perfectly fine.
That's how the media massages reality.
Now let's turn to Anna Kasparian of the Young Turks, and we've got this clip coming up in a second.
This is a woman
Who has made comments on several occasions saying that you shouldn't make reference to people's weight if they're overweight because that's fat shaming, it hurts people's feelings, it's basically hate speech, it's abuse.
What was the first thing that she did as this confrontation escalated?
She got up, pointed her finger at Alex Jones and said, get off the stage you fat F.
That's what she said.
This is the woman who on numerous occasions has made comments saying that saying people are fat, making reference to their weight, is horrible, is dreadful, and should never be done.
Let's roll the clip.
A lot of the people that are picking on him for his weight gain aren't really lookers themselves.
And it's the it's the classic bullying move where you want to feel better about yourself, so you look to someone And and pick on their imperfections to feel good about yourself.
It's just it's stupid
She strikes me as someone who's actually trying to make a very serious and very terrible statement about overweight people.
Look, I think that if someone, if someone that cares about you tells you like, hey, let's get healthy together, it's not fat shaming.
You know, fat shaming is pointing a finger at you and being like, you're fat.
I think that this study is really fascinating because I mean,
I can relate to it, big time.
Because when I was about four years old, my dance instructor told me that I was overweight.
And as a four?
And that stayed with me for the rest of my life.
No, I don't fit the results of the study.
I'm not an unhealthy body weight.
At least, I don't think I am.
But, you know, it does scar you.
And you have issues with food and eating for the rest of your life.
Well that is Anna Kasparian of the Young Turks, saying that fat shaming is dreadful, it's terrible.
Saying that, quote, fat shaming is pointing a finger at you and being like, you're fat.
Saying that she was personally traumatised as a child because her dance instructor called her fat.
Talking about Nicole Arbour, who of course received criticism for making a YouTube video making fun of fat people, and saying that Nicole Arbour was, quote, a very serious, very terrible statement about overweight people.
Basically saying she was dreadful, she was terrible for making fun of fat people.
Anna Kasparian, who said, quote, it's the classic bullying move where you want to feel better about yourself, so you look to someone and pick on their imperfections to feel good about yourself.
It's stupid.
She's said all this for the past God knows how many years.
She's decried fat shaming.
She's championed the body positivity movement, which says that instead of trying to lose weight and become healthy, women should just get fat and feel comfortable with it because, you know, heart disease, diabetes, strokes is really trendy.
That's cool.
That's a new social justice warrior movement.
She's the one who's decried fat shaming.
She stood there, the first thing she screams out, she points a finger at Alex Jones and says, get off the stage, you fat F!
Now for a start, Alex has made the point over and over again.
He admits that he got overweight at one point.
He's lost a lot of weight since.
He's made videos about that.
But even still, him and Cenk Uygur are basically the same weight!
So she's calling somebody a fat F who's the same size as her own boss.
Having previously, on numerous occasions, decried fat shaming and saying that anybody who does it is a terrible, dreadful person.
Well I think that's very bigoted, that's very discriminatory from Anna Kasparian for her to engage in that kind of fat-shaming behaviour when on previous occasions she's called people terrible for doing exactly the same thing and I think she should really offer a sincere apology to Alex Jones for engaging in that hateful, bigoted act of fat-shaming.
But of course it's okay when liberals do it.
It's okay when liberals completely violate their own virtues, their own principles.
That's fine.
But she's being caught out.
The hypocrisy is rampant.
The video is up on InfoWars.com.
And we're going to get more into it after the break.
We've got Syrian Girl coming up in the next hour with breaking news on the latest with that horrible situation where the young boy was beheaded by Obama administration-backed Syrian rebels.
We've got that and more news after the break.
Don't go away.
Bonneton was a dude named Prescott, last name Bush.
Guess what?
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Well, you think that Hitler got his tank money, Bobby?
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
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Again, if you're listening to this broadcast, Paul Joseph Watson is hosting it live with David Knight.
David Knight's in Austin, Texas.
I am, of course, about to get in the air back to Austin.
Paul Watson is in London, England.
I wanted to add one more point to everything we've seen.
This is about the arrogant globalist class and the media class thinking they control reality.
They thought they were gods because they've been manipulating an unconscious
The population has been in a trance.
And now, this whole Young Turk thing, where they try to put all this disinfo and spin it, is just a microcosm.
That's what we're covering.
It's like a set piece.
It's like an educational diagram.
It's like a book report we're doing.
They are just an example, a lens through which to see this, where they attempt to spin, and put out disinfo, and spit on us, and call us fat, and physically threaten to attack us, and then use insider groups
But I'm not saying they did it, but clearly YouTube did it.
On the spot, on the YouTube stage, to start shutting our videos down so they can control the narrative.
And it blew up, and they failed.
As an example of when we fight, we win.
When we lay down, we are unconscious, we sleep while they live.
Okay, well I'm gonna live, you're gonna live, we're gonna live, we're gonna wake up.
It's not about liberal or conservative.
It's about breaking out of this elitist mindset with these globalists on top of us that sit around arrogantly laughing at everyone.
By the way, I got news for Ted Cruz.
I just interviewed Congressman Carter from Central Texas.
And I was sitting there, about to get on the plane, listening to him talk to his chief of staff.
And I said, listen, I'm an eavesdropper.
You mind if I report this?
And they said, no, absolutely.
Ted Cruz is dud.
You know, Texans keep their promises, and he's going to be unseated.
And they said, the word is it's Rick Perry.
Well, I said, at least Rick Perry is a Texan.
And I think he could beat him.
And Rick Perry isn't perfect, but you know the Bushes hate him.
And so I'm going to back Perry or whoever else can defeat him.
But they're looking right now.
I've launched the exploratory research into it with Roger Stone.
You see it in Politico.
You see it in Roll Call today.
We're not playing games, folks.
This is the Animating Contest of Liberty where we stand up.
We fight, we win.
These globals want to play games and tell us we don't have power and tell us we're nobody.
It's because they know they're nobodies.
Every time we take the field, we win.
Every time we fight, we get stronger.
We're on message.
It's called Americana.
Everybody's like, what is this message we're hearing from Alex Jones?
What is this message we're hearing from Donald Trump?
This is what we call renaissance.
This is what we call winning.
This is what we call humanity standing up.
Back to Paul Joseph Watson.
It is, what, about 11, uh, 56.
Central Standard Time.
Okay, there's a special report again from Alex Jones and crew leaving the DNC to the RNC, sorry, today after their confrontation with the Young Turks.
Again, final comments on that.
Again, Anna Kasparian, the big proponent of body positivity and not fat shaming, openly fat shaming herself, pointing a finger at Alex Jones on stage, calling him a fat effer.
Now this reminds me of a story we had a few days ago, which of course was Melania Trump.
She gave the big speech, there was a huge scandal, the massive controversy that never was about how she plagiarised a few sentences from it.
But again, it goes to the heart of the point of how, you know, leftists will whine all day long
About Donald Trump's supposed sexism, his supposed racism, while themselves engaging in rampant misogyny and bigotry against Melania Trump after that speech for quote being a dumb bitch.
Those are the comments from the tolerant progressive liberals in the aftermath of her speech.
They called her a dumb bitch, said she couldn't speak English properly despite the fact that she speaks five languages.
So again, it's okay for them to be misogynistic, racist about somebody so long as they're a conservative.
Then it's acceptable, then it's okay.
One rule for them, another rule for us.
This is the heart of the point.
Liberals, leftists are complete hypocrites.
They create their own rules and they get exposed again and again.
We'll be back for the second hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Syrian Girl coming up with breaking news about the Syrian conflict.
Don't go away.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
$19.4 trillion in debt.
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Unfortunately, this Ponzi scheme cannot go on forever, and a day of reckoning is coming.
I'm Ashley Beckford reporting.
Read the full article at InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
We're back live on the Alex Jones Show.
Just wanted to do a quick mention of the Info Wars Store.
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It's really proven effective.
We've really broken new ground and it's thanks to you getting the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
Now there's a breaking story up on Drudge Report which is incredibly concerning.
We're tracking this right now.
CNN reports shooting reported at Munich Shopping Mall.
Now remember we had the axe attack in Germany just a few days ago.
Thankfully nobody died, several people critically injured.
Again from a migrant, from a jihadist, he chanted Allah Akbar as he hacked at these people on a train in Germany.
Now, CNN reports, gunfire rang out at a shopping mall in the German city of Munich on Friday evening, prompting a large law enforcement response to what one police spokesperson said was a, quote, shooting spree.
The shooting, reported about 6pm local time at the Olympia shopping mall, is over, thankfully.
Police spokeswoman Claudia Kvensil said there was no immediate information about injuries or deaths.
Lynne Steen, who said she works at the Jack Wolfskin store in the mall, told CNN that the shooter was inside the mall.
She said she heard several shots.
That's a breaking story.
There's more to come.
Hopefully, you know, they've neutralized the shooter and nobody's died.
Obviously, it sounds like some people have been injured.
But again, that is breaking right now.
It's up on the Drudge Report.
If you want to check that out.
Final comment on what I was talking about before the break.
Liberals will completely abandon their principles when it suits them and then still claim the moral high ground.
Anna Kasparian is still claiming that she was in the right to say this to Alex Jones even though it exposes her as a complete hypocrite.
We've also got this, which is related.
A Guardian journalist tweeted some of the quote, nastiest, and let's be honest, sexist Hillary badges on sale at the RNC.
There are some pictures of these up on Twitter.
One of them says, life's a bitch, don't vote for one.
Referring, of course, to Hillary Clinton.
Another one says, KFC Hillary special, two fat thighs, two small breasts, left wing.
So again, it's okay to call Trump a fascist, a racist, and literally Hitler, but Hillary Clinton can't handle being called a bitch.
Again, complete double standards.
We'll be back on the Alex Jones Show after the break.
Hillary for prison shirts are $19.95.
We've been selling them as low as $5.
I want to get tens of thousands of them out there.
There's like 80,000 of them now out there or something.
They're all over the country.
It's one of the top memes in the nation.
But at $19.95, we can take all the proceeds and pay for aircraft in the skies.
You've seen that be national news.
You've seen that be the top meme in the country.
It's amazing.
We're leading the way on how to resist.
We're ragtag.
We're cross-eyed and exhausted half the time.
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Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site.
I'm selling at $19.95 to pay for the banners, to pay for the 18-wheelers with the big signs, to pay for the Jumbotron videos, and it's really paying off.
Hundreds of newspapers, TV, Hillary for President.
You cannot, but all the shirts we sell, all the ones we have, it's like $60,000.
So, but we got more being printed right now.
Everybody's got to go buy Hillary for President.
In one block that I walked just a minute ago, I saw 15 of those shirts.
Just in one block!
They drive here from my spot where I'm staying.
30, 40 tons of them.
They're every single way.
The rally yesterday, almost everyone in the crowd had on a Hillary for Prison t-shirt.
It is amazing.
Everyone stops and they go, what does that shirt mean?
Why does she need to go to prison?
And it allows us to engage in a conversation and teach these people who have no clue about who Hillary really is.
About all the things she's been involved in.
And we're not laying down to that witch.
She's not, she's not going to buffalo us.
We're not coward.
We're not broke back.
We're taking action.
What about you?
Get your Hillary for President shirt.
I know you already have one.
Buy another one.
Give it to friends and family.
I'm telling you, the war is now, the war is an info war.
We're going to win.
It's now been duplicated by countless groups and I think that's wonderful.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and now it's all over CNN, it's all over Fox, it's all over the Trump rallies, the Hillary rallies.
The number one search term for a week straight, last week, and still continuing, one of the top search terms is, is Hillary going to jail?
This has been incredibly successful.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Go back.
Alex Jones Show Live, we're talking about that Spike News app.
Munich, now AFP, reports one dead, ten injured in Munich shopping centre.
Unfortunately, it looks like at least one is dead.
Other sources are reporting several deaths, so unfortunately...
It looks like there have been some fatalities.
Also, ISIS-linked Twitter accounts are already celebrating the attack.
Now this is interesting because, you know, we had the Axe attack in Germany a few days ago.
Last week I was on the Alex Jones Show saying that
When these attacks start happening in Germany, that's when you will see what kind of response the German people will have.
Now, we don't know the identity of the attacker.
They could blame it on some right winger and use that for their own purposes.
It could be an ISIS jihadist.
It could be one of these migrants that's been radicalized that's come into Germany.
You know, over 1.1 million of them over the past year.
We don't know the details of the perpetrator.
But again, we had the attack, which I've talked about before,
Right after the Paris Massacre, where it was a football match between France and Germany, they closed the stadium down, they called off the match because they found this fake ambulance full of explosives.
Now at the time the German government came out and said, this was all a hoax, nothing happened, don't worry about it.
Contradicting police and ambulance workers, EMTs who said that the explosives were real.
And that the German government covered up this attack.
So again, it's going to be interesting how this pans out.
Unfortunately, it's looking like there are some fatalities.
And, you know, as I said a couple of days ago on Facebook,
Most people had forgotten about the Nice Massacre a week after it happened.
Let's remind ourselves, that only happened eight days ago.
A week later, people had basically forgotten about it.
They'd moved on to the next thing.
We can't allow this to become the new normal in Europe.
We have to face up to this situation.
We have to resolve the problem.
We have to look at this policy of just letting millions of unassimilated migrants into Europe with no actual policy to integrate them.
This has led to violence.
It led to the axe attack again.
Afghan refugee.
He'd been in the country a couple of years.
Radicalised when Alar Akbar started hacking up tourists on a German train.
So we'll see who they blame this shooting on, but again, breaking news AFP reports one dead, ten injured.
We'll continue to track it.
But for this hour, for most of it anyway, we're joined by a regular guest, although she hasn't been on for a while.
Syrian girl who is a geopolitical analyst and contributor for the New Eastern Outlook, because of course we had this horrific video that came out a couple of days ago.
Which I actually watched in full, I wouldn't recommend anyone to do the same, where this young boy was beheaded by this rebel group, backed by the Obama administration.
It looked like this would have consequences for the US's involvement in Syria, but whether that's true or not remains to be seen.
Syrian girl, welcome to the show.
Hi, I'm glad to be back here, it's been a while.
It's been a while, but we've had this big news again in Syria this week.
It's really come back into focus.
Before we get into the aftermath of, you know, how the media is twisting the narrative on this beheading, just walk us through this tragic sequence of events that led to the murder of this young boy in Aleppo.
I commiserate with you because I also watched the horrifying video of this child getting beheaded and also laughed at by one of the CIA's moderate vetted rebels.
And the sequence goes really back to 2011 and 2012 when many governments, not just the US government, but also NATO European governments, including France,
did this beheading, was CIA trained.
And in March of 2015, the NATO run media was complaining that Russia was bombing this CIA trained, vetted, moderate rebel group.
And the most interesting thing, you know, in these last three years is that they've been telling us that there's moderates and there's terrorists.
There's the moderate rebels that they're arming, which are vetted and very nice.
And then there's the terrible, terrible ISIS and Al-Qaeda, which every single massacre, though, of course, ISIS and Al-Qaeda commit numerous massacres and acts of terrorism.
But every single one, you know, they just waved off as acts of ISIS, but not protected moderates.
But now the moderates have proved to be worse than ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
And in fact, in the newly out video of the translation of the beheading, this moderate CIA trained group said, we are worse than ISIS.
You should see how brutal we are.
That was just before they beheaded the child.
So, you know, it comes to now the point where we can prove that
The U.S.
State Department, Obama, and his whole administration, including Clinton, put guns and taxpayers' money in the arms of something that is worse than ISIS.
So I wonder, when is there going to be some legal repercussions to that?
Not only because it's against the U.S.
law and is basically an act of treason,
But also in the international law, because of course, if you're going to give weapons to terrorists, that is a crime.
And the thing is, in 2011, you know, Syria went through a very similar thing where the first terror attack happened and hundreds of people died or 50 people died and everyone was shocked.
This is something that
Never happened in Syria before.
And you know, it was international news.
It was obviously in the news in Syria a lot.
But after, you know, some time in the same with Iraq, you know, you get bombing after bombing after bombing.
And then this idea develops that, well, Syria, you know,
Boeings just happened in Syria and people just died there so we shouldn't really worry about it and maybe it was like that all along.
I see basically what you said in your introduction that now 80 people died and it's just like nothing happened.
The same thing is happening in Europe.
This is all connected.
It didn't happen in a vacuum.
These attacks are happening numerously and the alternative media including myself and the InfoWars program said that this would happen as a result of the US foreign policy during the Arab Spring of giving arms to basically the most extreme, brutal,
I think a lot of them can be connected.
The first attack that happened in France in November, I'm not sure if it was the first, but the one that happened in November.
The day before that, Hollande had sent a carrier to Syria to, you know, conduct attacks a day in advance of the attack.
And then when the terrorist attack happened, he then said, ah, well, now I'm going to get more involved in Syria.
The same sequence of events occurred in the last Nice attack.
Hollande said a day before that he has sent a carrier to Syria and then the next day the attack happened.
And it's interesting that in November, you know, this attack was tied back to Syria.
With the use of a fake Syrian passport that police admitted was planted at the scene.
And what I see a lot, you know, in the media is reports come out of people saying, oh, the Syrian refugees did this or Syrian refugees did that.
And it turns out to be either, you know, Sudanese or Somalian or Tunisian or Moroccan and Algerian and, you know, everything else.
There was one report, you know, about the rape
Of a five-year-old that, you know, turned out not to be Syrians?
Well, I mean, this is the problem, Syrian Girl.
There's no distinction between actual Syrian refugees, and we made this point from the very beginning, and the waves, which is the vast majority of them, of economic migrants and actual terrorists who exploited that whole program to come over to Europe.
Even the mastermind of the Paris attacks
In ISIS's own manifesto, bragged that he had exploited this migrant wave to carry out these attacks.
So, this is happening.
Again, like you said, there's a distinction between Syrian refugees and terrorists, as well as economic migrants that are exploiting this program.
Getting back to the beheading though, again, this was completely indefensible, and yet we saw in the aftermath, yet again, the beheading of this boy.
The neocons, the neolibs, tried to make excuses for it anyway.
Explain how they tried to twist the narrative after the beheading of this boy.
The way that they twisted the narrative is insane.
But just to wrap up, just my last point, you know, the point is that the word refugee has become synonymous with Syrians.
So a lot of reports of people that have had bad things happen to them might accidentally say that, you know, it was a Syrian.
I'm not saying that Syrians aren't capable, but as we saw with the beheadings, if those people were to be allowed into Europe,
Then, you know, they exist.
There is this bad element everywhere, and specifically after they've been armed and radicalized by the CIA in Syria.
But the point that I'm trying to make is they want this because they want to somehow tie it back into their regime change agenda and the terrorist attacks.
I mean, I'm sure that the European governments were counting on them because they are a way
To legitimize their bombing campaigns.
And as we can see, they're doing two things at the same time.
They're saying they're fighting ISIS and they're giving it guns.
They're saying let in the immigrants and they're saying the immigrants are all terrorists.
So it's basically they're creating a scenario where two sides are going to clash.
Okay, we'll be back after the break, but again, the point is, don't overthrow secular governments and arm jihadists in the first place.
That's what caused this mess from the very beginning.
That's why we were against it.
We'll be back with more from Syrian Girl in the next segment.
This is the Alex Jones Show live, InfoWars.com.
We'll be back.
There is one distinction in history above all others that marks
Free individuals, free populations, free nations from that of captive slaves.
And it's also important to note that throughout history, most nations have been enslaved to an elite.
But if you go back to the ancient Greeks, the cradle of democracy,
480 B.C., we see the Battle of Thermopylae at the Hot Gates that's been popularized in many Hollywood movies, where 300 Spartans stood against hundreds of thousands of Persians.
Then if you accelerate to 1775 in Lexington and Concord, and the attempts by the British Crown to disarm the colonists, we see a repeat of what happened with the 300 fighting the Persians.
If we move forward to
1835 in Gonzales, Texas.
Santa Ana came to disarm the Mexican citizens of their firearms and the people again fought back.
It's important to note, as we see the right to self-defense being taken away, we also see the right of free speech being taken away.
The other mark of a free individual.
So I thought today we'd look back on some of the famous historic quotes dealing with the Second Amendment.
First, I want to give you a quote from Senator Dianne Feinstein, who famously said that if she could get the votes for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, Mr. and Mrs. America, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it.
I would have done it.
She would vote to ban our guns.
We need to do this every day of the week.
We need to brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
And remember, this is somebody, to this day, guarded, even though he's retired, by taxpayer-funded armed guards.
It is so incredibly arrogant.
They get bitter.
They cling to guns or religion or antipathy towards people that aren't like them.
Barack Hussein Obama.
From my cold, dead hands.
From my cold, dead hands.
From my cold, dead hands.
Charlton Heston.
The right to defend one's person and one's home when attacked has been guaranteed through the ages by common law.
Martin Luther King Jr.
They've denied for so long they're coming for our guns.
Now they admit that.
A nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
Because holding a gun makes me a real feminist.
Come and take it.
Battle of Gonzales, Texas, 1835.
Molon Labe.
King Leonidas at the Battle of Thermopylae.
If you think gun control is going to change the terrorist's point of view... I think you're, like, out of your mind.
I think you're like... I think anybody is.
I think it's absolutely insane.
I have a strict gun control policy.
If there's a gun around, I want to control it.
Clint Eastwood.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
To keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment.
Everybody knows that you either use a right or you lose it.
And we're using the First Amendment to defend the Second Amendment.
Now, our last big push was with the Hillary for Prison shirts, and it became a national meme, and it's had an incredible effect.
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I want to do the same with this Come and Take It shirt.
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This Texas version is the first of a group of limited editions.
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Support the Second Amendment.
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And meet like-minded people today by getting your Come and Take It limited edition shirt at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're back on the Alex Jones Show Live, and this tragedy unfolding in Munich, Germany appears to be getting worse, as it always does.
Okay, first they said the situation was over.
Ten people injured, one dead, which is bad enough.
Now they're reporting multiple deaths.
This is out of RT, and I'm absolutely sick to the back teeth.
of reading about this, of seeing the bodies on the streets.
Every few days this is happening now, every few days.
The French Prime Minister last week, Manuel Valls, came out and said, the French citizens must learn to live with this.
Well I refuse to live with it, just as we shouldn't tolerate it in other countries like Syria.
And again, bringing in this mass wave of migrants is going to lead to more of this.
Arming jihadists in the Middle East, toppling secular governments, is going to lead to more of this, both in Europe and in the Middle East.
We've got RT reporting multiple deaths at shooting in Munich shopping mall, gunmen still at large.
At first they said they caught the gunman, now he's apparently still on the loose.
Multiple deaths are reported in a shooting at the Olympia shopping mall in Germany, Munich, Germany.
Police confirmed that shots have been fired in the mall, but gave no information on casualties.
According to the local news outlet, up to 15 people have been killed, while German NTV channel puts the death toll at 10.
So, I mean, these death tolls always climb in every single instance, so they're talking about at least 10 people dead.
Again, I warned about this on the Alex Jones Show.
I said, this is coming to Germany.
We've seen it in France.
Every other month, France has one of these attacks.
Now we're seeing it every few days in Germany.
We had the Axe attack just a few days ago.
Again, from somebody who had come in on this migrant red carpet a couple of years ago.
Radicalised, now hacking up innocent tourists on a train.
We don't know the perpetrator.
This could be some right-wing radical extremist that they pin it on again.
German security forces, intelligence have been warning Merkel that this policy will lead to resentment, to violence on both sides of the equation.
So whichever way you look at it, it traces back to this disastrous policy of overthrowing Gaddafi, attempting to overthrow Assad, and then bringing in millions of unvetted migrants into Europe.
This is happening every few days now.
It's got to stop.
But going back to Syrian Girl, we're talking about the beheading of the young boy in Aleppo, how it was carried out by Obama administration backed moderate rebels.
Syrian girl, after the attack, the State Department, the U.S.
State Department, came out and said that this atrocity, despite the fact that they've ignored similar atrocities for the past, what, four or five years by their so-called moderate rebels, is going to lead to a, quote, pause in the U.S.
supporting these rebel factions.
Do you think that claim has any credibility?
Well, as a matter of fact, they said they would pause to consider whether or not they would stop arming them.
So that means they're still arming them, but they're pausing to consider whether they should stop.
And, you know, the interesting thing is, you know, three years ago, when the video came out of the rebel who was eating a human heart that, you know, he cut out of a soldier's body, which was one of the moderate US-backed rebels,
I don't
The cause of him doing that is basically humanizing this demon.
And now we're seeing a similar thing happening before our eyes where they're investigating who these people are and basically they were told what to say.
The leaders of this rebel group that still wants weapons from the CIA said, oh, this was a mistake.
an individual mistake, you know, whoops, we beheaded a ten-year-old boy, what a terrible mistake.
And it's almost as if it was by accident.
The thing is, I am certain that beheadings like this have been happening all the time.
I've seen it since 2012 when there wasn't even such a thing as ISIS in the picture, you know, even Jabbat al-Nusra.
I've seen
Unfortunately, a video of groups purporting to be moderates from 2013, where they were trying to feed a severed head pancakes, and this video is on Live.ly.
So this, you know, this isn't the first beheading that the moderate rebels have committed.
However, it's the first one that the media has picked up because it was a 10-year-old boy and it was specifically a CIA vetted group.
Okay, we'll be back after the break with more on that, more on the shooting in Munich.
Now they're saying a possible second gunman on the loose.
This continues to worsen.
We'll be back with the latest on the Alex Jones Show live.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Grip, you developed Living Defense for us.
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Right now with all the refugees,
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Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Twitter executives won't say if they believe in freedom of speech.
After Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos, who was banned for life by Twitter, confronted the progressive social media company executives, a reporter at the RNC followed the two around and repeatedly asked them to answer the question, yes or no, does the company believe in freedom of speech?
For more than eight minutes, the Twitter executives who refused to identify themselves would not answer whether they believed in that basic American principle of freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech.
Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California, the former chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, answered the question for them.
They totally believe in freedom of speech, as long as it's their speech.
Issa told Breitbart News, I'm Ashley Beckford reporting for InfoWars.com.
Watch the full video.
Twitter refuses to support freedom of speech at InfoWars.com.
Turkey's Ministry of Education announced Tuesday it fired 15,000 personnel, including 1,500 university deans, for alleged involvement with a group the government claims plotted Friday's deadly failed coup and the latest mass crackdown against government workers there.
Reports, Fox News.
The government accused U.S.-based Claire Gullen for plotting the coup and demanding the U.S.
extradite him.
Turkey sent dowsers containing details of Gulen's activities to the U.S., the Deputy Prime Minister said.
Earlier, Secretary of State John Kerry said that while he recognized the need to apprehend the coup plotters, quote, we caution against a reach that goes beyond that, end quote.
Sweeping purges in the aftermath of the coup have been seen in the dismissal of thousands from the judiciary, police force, military, administrative, and religious affairs departments.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
The Alex Jones Show.
Some people say a man is made out of mud.
A poor man's made out of muscle and blood.
Muscle and blood and skin and bones.
A mind that's... We're back live on the Alex Jones Show.
The latest on this shooting in Munich.
The BBC is reporting, citing other media sources in Germany.
Second shooting in Munich.
A German NTV reporter in Munich says there are also reports of shots being fired.
The Stachus, also known as Karlsplatz, a large square in central Munich about five kilometres from the shopping centre where we saw the previous attack.
The newspaper Die Welt also reports a second shooting.
Police in Munich now say they believe they're dealing with more than one attacker.
This is a quote from a police spokeswoman who told Reuters, uh, we now think we're dealing with a rampage.
This is getting worse and worse.
It's turning, unfortunately, into what looks like a Paris-style massacre.
This is absolutely horrible.
We're all sick of seeing this, and yet what do we see?
I mean, let's go on Twitter right now.
What's the bet that Pray for Munich, Pray for Germany is about to start trending?
You know, people are already putting Facebook profile filters of the German flag on their profile pic.
No doubt.
And then, in a week, they'll forget about it and another one will happen.
This will also happen in Syria.
People will forget about that within hours.
Again, this has to stop.
We have to address this.
We can't bury our heads in the sand.
We're going to become like Israel.
We're going to have an attack every single day.
This is absolutely horrible and unfortunately it only seems to be getting worse.
Syrian girl, any other points you want to finish up on the general geopolitical situation in Syria and the aftermath of this airstrike that happened a few days ago?
Yes, I do, absolutely.
With finishing off just on the beheading, one of the other things that they were saying, you know, in the video the beheaders themselves said that this was a child and that he was a Palestinian and they accused him of being a spy in a Palestinian militia called Al-Quds.
Now there's a forged fake ID of this kid saying that he was 20 and in the Air Force intelligence and not a Palestinian and basically a clear forgery and some journalists, the really hardcore rebel supporting journalists that have been supporting them as moderate freedom fighters since the beginning.
have regurgitated this and it's really disgusting because the idea is that if we can lie and say this child was not 10 but 20 that makes beheading him in such a disgustingly brutal way okay but anyone could see that he was even not gone through puberty yet.
There's a lot of things I'd like to say about the
I think?
And they have an agenda to create a Kurdistan.
And that's been the agenda since the UNAN plan that was created by Israel in 1982 that detailed that the way to divide and conquer the other countries is to use Kurdistan as public information.
By targeting civilians, they hope to get the civilians to leave and
You know,
The idea that these people are fighting terrorism is so ridiculous because, as you mentioned, Vowles said Europe has to live with these terrorist attacks now.
This Vowles in 2012, the Prime Minister of France, said that we can't do anything about jihadists
from France that go and fight in Syria because they're not fighting France or Europe, they're fighting the Syrian government.
Hence, they're not doing anything illegal.
He said, oh, we should just let them come and go, basically, because they're not our problem.
They're fighting against Assad.
We want him gone.
Well, now they are fighting against France.
You had the Nice attack.
You had the Paris attack.
You had the stabbing of a mother and three daughters.
You've had the Axe attack in Germany.
Now you've had this attack today.
They let them come in and out of the country on a whim because they wanted to topple Assad who was a secular leader who was dealing with Al-Qaeda.
You know, it was a fairly prosperous country for the region.
Women didn't have to walk around in headdresses.
Women weren't being stoned to death and now look at it.
Now look at the mess that they've created, right?
Absolutely, and they're still creating it.
They're creating it before our very eyes.
The vetted CIA trained US armed rebels are beheading kids and nobody's talking about it.
It's either, you know, pray for
Insert country and city, there's been so many now, you're praying for everything and nothing is changing.
Or, you know, we got to topple Assad because if we topple Assad, the terrorism would stop.
It's ridiculous.
We need a campaign to focus on the real criminals and what their agenda seems to be.
Because for some reason, they don't just want to destroy
I think?
You know, they want instability in Europe as well.
They want it because they need it, because the economic situation isn't to their liking, and also because it is a controlled threat.
And they can control people with it, they can cause clash between people.
And ignore the real target, which is the globalists.
It is the people in Bilderberg who are making all these decisions.
Brexit was something that occurred that totally threw them off.
And the coup in Turkey has everything to do with what happened in Brexit.
And France, the thing that happened in France with Nice, has everything to do with what happened with Brexit and the Turkish coup.
Tell us about the Turkish coup because of course we had the claims that it looked like it was going to succeed for the first couple of hours, it eventually failed.
Then we had fairly credible claims that it was an inside job on behalf of Erdogan to try and root out those insubordinates within the government, within the military.
What does the evidence suggest?
That that was an inside job, the coup?
I don't believe it is.
I mean, the man had to go on FaceTime to tell his people to come out on the street and protest.
It was quite humiliating.
The reason I don't believe it was is because a few days before the coup, about four days
Turkey started making statements that they were sorry for shooting down the Russian jet and they wanted to reaffirm their alliance with Russia and they want to get closer to their regional allies.
This was like a few days or weeks after Brexit vote happened and basically the EU
Turkey wasn't the same EU anymore and Turkey wasn't desperate to join it anymore so Turkey decided to maybe come up with a different foreign policy and Turkey is also unhappy with the agenda to create a Kurdish state in Syria because that's going to create a Kurdish state in Turkey as well and of course it's going to displace the Christian Assyrian population in Syria as a result but I guess those people don't matter as long as the agenda is pushed.
Erdogan has been a criminal for the last four years, and there's no doubt that he has supported terrorism every step of this day.
But he is not the biggest criminal.
The biggest criminals were his puppet masters, which were in
The White House, because obviously those people are far more powerful and those people, there's a lot of indications that it was actually the CIA that was behind it.
There was reports that came out that Russia actually tipped off the Turks.
The leader behind the coup is in Washington and Washington has refused to extradite him.
If you look at the media, the mainstream media, for some reason, even though we've been calling Erdogan a terror supporter for ages, only now have they decided to say, yep,
Oh yeah, he is a terrorist supporter.
France, just before the Nice attack, or maybe, actually maybe, I'm not quite sure, perhaps before the coup, they shut down their embassy in Turkey.
I mean, France has made statements now that Erdogan can no longer be a partner against terror.
It's a joke because France itself has been openly arming terror for the last four years.
And of course, so has Turkey.
So what's really going on is France is angry that Turkey is choosing to go a different way now.
It's leaning now towards trying to reverse the disaster that is created for itself with this instability.
With economic problems with Russia, with taking advice and shooting down a Russian jet, all because they wanted to join the EU, which is on its way to collapsing.
And this is how I read the situation.
And I think that the idea that they did it to themselves,
I think that it comes from, one, a hatred and distrust of Erdogan and a lack of understanding as to why sometimes puppets are just thrown away when they're no longer doing what they're told or they're no longer useful.
It's a confusing situation.
But no, many people died, people are in exile, coup leaders are in jail.
I don't think he did it to himself.
I think that Russia tipped him off about a CIA agenda to get rid of him and put someone else that was going to maintain the status quo and not try to make friends with Russia.
Okay, we're going to switch to what's happening in Munich now, but Syrian Girl, and by the way, I've retweeted a video which allegedly shows the gunman from a distance.
This is filmed from a distance.
It appears to show a gunman with a long gun shooting at citizens in Germany.
Again, this is not confirmed.
I don't know if it's actually from the scene of the attack that happened just a couple of hours ago, but if you want to play that video, it's not gruesome, so you can play it on the TV show.
Again, that's allegedly footage of the first shooter.
Now they're saying there are multiple shooters in two locations, maybe more locations, and this terror has come to Europe yet again.
But Syrian Girl, just closing comments here and tell people how they can find out more about your content on Twitter and YouTube.
Please come and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
It's Syrian Girl Partisan and to my Twitter account, Partisan Girl.
Thank you so much, Paul.
It's really a pleasure and much respect to you and InfoWars for being one of the few sources that warned us about this though.
What is happening now?
Okay, thanks a lot.
There goes Syrian Girl.
Be sure to check out her YouTube channel.
And again, that interview kind of got hijacked by the unfolding situation in Germany, which we're going to try and cover
As it gets worse and worse, which is the case every single time, first reports were shooter in a shopping mall, one dead, ten injured.
It got worse and worse.
This is out of RT headline.
Multiple deaths at shooting in Munich shopping mall.
Gun men, plural, still at large.
Multiple deaths are reported in a shooting at the Olympia shopping mall in Munich, Germany.
Police confirm that shots have been fired in the mall but gave no information on casualties.
Other local German news sources are saying that now 15 have been killed in that shooting alone.
Police are now calling it a, quote, shooting rampage.
There are further reports of a shooting at Coles Platz Square in central Munich, but this has not been confirmed, but it appears that
Developed and other local media sources are confirming that that happened.
There's a video which RT posted as well as numerous people on Twitter, so it appears though it could be genuine.
Somebody filming from what looks like a high-rise building down onto a parking lot.
Where there may be a shooter reportedly caught on camera.
There's another video, which again is unconfirmed, which shows somebody with a long gun wearing what appears to be dark blue overalls randomly shooting at citizens on the streets of Munich.
Again, it's not gruesome.
I've retweeted it.
We don't know if it's genuine or not, but that's up there on my Twitter page.
BBC is reporting
A German NTV reporter in Munich says there are reports of shots being fired at the Stachus, also known as Kohl's Platz, a large square in central Munich, about five kilometres from the site of the original shooting, which was a shopping centre.
The newspaper DEVEL also reports a second shooting.
There are no further details yet.
The police are calling it a rampage.
This doesn't look good at all.
Officers are asking people not to post videos or photos of police action.
Don't support the attackers, this tweet says.
Well, the only people who are going to be supporting the attackers are ISIS supporters and they're probably not going to listen to the advice of police.
Munich police are advising people to avoid public places.
So again,
This bloodshed has come to the streets of Europe.
Again, eight days after we had an ISIS jihadist, radicalised by ISIS, he'd planned the attack for over a year, ploughed through, what was it, 84 dead or more in Nice, dozens and dozens more injured.
This is happening every single week, in Europe, in major cities.
And the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, said that we're just going to have to live with it.
Well, I refuse to live with it.
Now we don't know the perpetrator.
We don't know what's happening right now.
It could be blamed on a right winger.
Remember, we've had the reports, the security intelligence within Germany saying that Merkel's policies of bringing in millions of Muslim migrants are not only laying down a red carpet for actual jihadists, and we had the mastermind of the Paris massacre brag in ISIS's manifesto that they were exploiting that migrant wave,
To insert jihadists into Europe to create these Muslim ghettos which are radicalised, which are a wellspring for terrorists.
Because the people in those communities don't report on suspicious behaviour.
In the case of Abdeslam in Molenbeek, Brussels, they protected him for three months before he was even caught.
And again, the left champions these ghettos that produce actual terrorists.
Now it seems it could be happening again in Munich.
Again, we don't know the perpetrator.
The video that I've retweeted, you can't really tell the race or ethnicity of the perpetrator.
It's a grainy video, it's from across the street, but again, police say they're dealing with a rampage.
This has happened in Munich, it's happened at a shopping centre, and also now reportedly
in the central square in Munich just eight days after the Nice attack, three days after what happened in another part of Germany where this Afghan refugee who was in the country for two years started screaming Allah Akbar while chopping up innocent tourists on a train in Germany.
Now Sky News is reporting second shooting at the Marienplatz station so it remains to be seen whether that is
The same location as they said before, the square, the central square, or in fact that's the third shooting.
So far they're saying two different sites for the shootings.
Daily Mail reports several dead, ten injured.
Again, the city's Olympic Park was first hit.
A video, and this is what I retweeted, now the Daily Mail's reporting on it.
Purporting to show the shooter dressed in black firing 20 shots has been posted on Twitter.
The footage shows him outside a McDonald's, directly outside the shopping center.
That is on my Twitter, at Prison Planet, again.
If you want to see that, terror has again come to Europe.
It was entirely predictable.
I predicted it on the Alex Jones Show last week.
In fact, we'll find that clip and play it after the break.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live, breaking news from Munich.
Don't go away.
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We're back live on the Alex Jones Show.
We've got Chuck Johnson coming up in the final hour to talk about what he experienced at the RNC.
We'll also get his take on this shooting in Munich, Germany, which the police are now calling a rampage.
At least two different sites there have been mass shootings by at least two different gunmen.
Again, first report said that this had ended, that the gunman had been captured or killed.
That appears not to be the case.
But now, thankfully, the BBC is reporting shooting at Stacker's false alarm.
Earlier reports of a second shooting in the city centre were a false alarm.
So that is very good news because it indicates that this was at least a lone attacker and not somebody who's part of a cell and part of a wider massacre like we saw horrifically in Paris.
So, thankfully, that second incident looks like it's a false alarm.
But we've still got video footage
Which again, I retweeted.
You can see it up on my Twitter, at Prison Planet.
Which shows the shooter targeting civilians.
In fact, it looks like there's another video.
No, it's the same video.
Again, it's an individual dressed in what appears to be a dark jumpsuit style attire with a long gun.
Shooting at random civilians on the street as they flee.
Absolutely horrific.
Police say they believe that more than one attacker was involved, with some witnesses saying they saw a gunman flee towards an underground station, which is what might tie into those other reports that there was a second shooter in a metro station.
It might be the same shooter.
Again, unconfirmed mobile phone footage also appears to show a man shooting outside a McDonald's restaurant.
Police are describing it as a shooting rampage.
It remains to be seen who the perpetrator is.
But this is what I said on the Alex Jones Show just a week ago, that Germany would be the next to suffer a major attack.
Here's that clip.
Well, we're in a war.
I mean, the head of the French police last week said one or two more Islamic terror attacks in France, it's civil war.
Now, the French have largely capitulated.
What I'm predicting is this is going to happen in Germany.
There's going to be a massive attack.
There's going to be a massive backlash.
There's going to be civil unrest.
There's going to be riots on the streets.
So that was me on the Alex Jones Show just a week ago again, one day after the Nice attacks, which everybody has forgotten about, by the way.
Again, these things just fly by and people forget about them.
There's no reflection whatsoever.
There's no actual consideration or implementation of anything right now that's going to change this from happening over and over again.
As I said, that Germany would be the next to be hit.
And again, it's unconfirmed who the perpetrator is.
It's important to stress that at this point.
But Merkel has been warned by her interior intelligence over and over again that these policies of housing untold millions of Muslim migrants in Germany with no proficient vetting process will lead to more attacks and eventually will lead to civil unrest because you're going to have a concurrent rise in resentment
On the extreme right, you're going to have clashes on the streets, and this is only going to get worse.
If this turns out to be a radical Islamic terror attack, Angela Merkel must step down immediately.
I mean, I called for that after the Axe attack a few days ago.
Again, a Muslim migrant from Afghanistan, two years in the country, starts chanting Allah Akbar while hacking people to death on a train.
Everybody forgot about that the day after.
The French PM said you've just got to live with it, just get used to it.
I refuse to get used to it.
I'm not going to live in a world where I'm scared to go on major streets in European cities because I think I might get blown up or shot in the head.
I'm just not going to tolerate that because that's not what living in a free, open society should be about.
We're going to be back with more on the Munich, what looks like a terror attack.
We're going to be back with Charles Johnson of GotNews.com to talk about his confrontation with Jamie Weinstein and Michelle Fields at the RNC.
This is the Alex Jones Show live, breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go anywhere.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We are back on the Alex Jones Show with our guest Chuck Johnson in the next segment but again we're talking about this breaking news which is this mass shooting in Munich.
Daily Mail reports several dead, 10 injured, others are reporting 15 dead.
Shooting rampage inside a shopping centre as police admit they don't know where the gunman is.
Now they're saying possibly two gunmen.
Thankfully, those reports of a shooting at a second site have been dismissed.
So it appears that this is just in one location.
But now the gunman or gunmen appear to have disappeared.
So we're gonna keep tabs on that.
Hopefully the death toll doesn't rise.
It always seems to in these situations.
And again, we just played the clip.
I was on the Alex Jones Show exactly one week ago.
I'm not bragging about it, I don't want to be right on this, but I said Germany would be next to be hit with a major attack and that unfortunately looks like it's happened today.
This is out of Information Liberation on a related subject.
German officials respond to migrants' axe attack by calling for mandatory Islam classes.
That's right, they're not calling to stop the massive influx of jihadists on this migrant red carpet.
It's Germans who must assimilate to their culture, not the other way around.
German authorities responded to a Muslim migrant stabbing spree by calling for all children to attend mandatory classes on Islam.
I guess in a similar vein to how German school children, as we reported last year, were told by headmasters at local schools not to wear short skirts or even just shorts because they had housed Muslim migrants in a gymnasium that was actually on the site of the school and because they might get offended or they might sexually molest these young girls.
That it was the German school children who had to assimilate to their backward culture and not that they had to integrate into German society.
The local reports.
Local authorities are calling for classes on Islam to be brought in at schools across the country after a radicalised Muslim youth attacked passengers on a train with an axe on Monday.
Quote, it's appropriate to bring in classes on Islam in state schools or schools overseen by the state, Gerd Landsberg, head of the Association of Local Councils, told the Reinsch Post on Wednesday.
In this way, the state can gain more control over the upbringing of Muslim youths.
So again, we've carried the videos where they go inside German schools and talk to Muslim students who basically say, we hate German people, they're just pork-eating monsters, we don't want to assimilate, screw them.
Again, the solution is not to focus on that as the problem, it's to focus on Germans being bigoted and intolerant for not accepting this culture which is actually bigoted and intolerant.
The article continues, in response to a terror attack by a young Muslim man, Germany is going to further indoctrinate their own children into Islamism, supposedly to combat extremism.
Which again, goes back to this Stockholm Syndrome that has swept Europe, so long as we stick our heads in the sand, so long as we let ourselves be absorbed.
Bye bye.
Now it's two or three attacks every single week in major European cities.
Our attempts to kowtow, to bow down, to submit are not working.
They smell blood in the water.
This is only getting worse.
And remember,
Other governments have done the same thing.
Look at Sweden.
They had a beheading.
Again, Muslim terrorists beheaded someone in an IKEA store in Sweden.
What was the reaction of the Swedish government?
They launched a campaign against Islamophobia in the days after that attack.
They're completely betraying us.
These people need to be out of office, out of power.
They're making Europe incredibly unsafe and it's only going to get worse.
We'll be back on the Alex Jones Show after this break.
Stay tuned.
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$19.4 trillion in debt.
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Senator Barack Obama boldly declared that increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally.
That was one of the truest things that he ever said.
But now, the U.S.
debt is sitting at a grand total of $19.4 trillion.
When he first entered the White House, our federal government was only $10.6 trillion in debt.
That means that we have added an average of $1.1 trillion a year to the national debt under Obama.
Obama will be the first president in all U.S.
history to not have a single year when the U.S.
economy grew by 3% or better.
Unfortunately, this Ponzi scheme cannot go on forever, and a day of reckoning is coming.
I'm Ashley Beckford reporting.
Read the full article at InfoWars.com.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Elijah was a wooden Indian standing by the door.
He fell in love with an Indian made over in the antique store.
We're back.
It's the final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Again, we've got breaking news from Munich, where the shooting is taking place.
The police say the gunmen are still on the loose.
They've posted a Facebook update on the Police Munich official Facebook page.
Reports that witnesses of three different people with firearms, so we saw the video of one individual, now three different people, apparently, on the loose in Munich, shooting, killing innocent people.
And let's just see if this ties back to the religion of peace.
Of course, that might not be the case.
It could be some right-wing extremist that's been radicalized by these millions of migrants pouring in.
Either way, they've created the situation.
The government of Germany that has created this apparent bloodbath in Munich.
They're talking about 10 to 15 dead.
We're continuing to track it.
But we're going to go to our guest now who has been at the RNC.
I think he's still there right now.
And he is Chuck Johnson, founder and editor of gotnews.com.
Again, he's basically a political bulldog reviled by the left, banned by Twitter.
We're going to talk about Twitter censorship later.
But Chuck, welcome to the show and I just want to get your initial reaction.
You probably haven't had a chance to read much about it.
But there appears to be a new massive terror attack that's taking place in Germany.
What's your initial reaction to this?
It's not the least bit surprising.
I mean, it's surprising that people are surprised now.
I mean, we have a bunch of savages who have moved into a population.
That population is increasingly having fewer and fewer children, while that larger population is having more and more.
And so it's just a matter of time before Germany winds up abolishing itself.
In fact, there's an interesting book by Thalo Sarazin
Which I'm thinking of getting translated into English, working to get translated into English, which is essentially predicting the collapse of Germany.
And I think it's just a matter of time before it finally collapses altogether.
And I think it'll probably be Germany or Sweden that first either elects or appoints a Muslim leader.
And it seems that there's sort of no hope at this stage.
And the advice I'd give anyone who is in Europe is to emigrate immediately.
I mean, that's what Milo's basically considering at this point.
He calls himself a gay refugee from Europe.
The situation you outlined there, where governments are overtaken by Islamists, that's what Michel Welbeck outlined in his book, Submission.
He predicted that it might be coming to France, but as you said,
Sweden or even Germany at this point seems the likelier candidate.
We had the head of French security, the head of French police saying one more mass molestation or a couple more terror attacks in France that that would cause civil war, that would cause civil unrest.
Do you think that's a likely outcome, that the population would get that angry to the point where they would be out on the streets?
I mean, we saw it in Nice to some extent, a different reaction to Paris.
It wasn't hug a Muslim, they were angry, they were booing and heckling the Prime Minister.
Do you think it's actually plausible that this would lead to actual civil unrest, or are people just going to continue to stick their heads in the sand until we're all wearing burkas?
Well, on the micro level, it's very, very hard for people to actually decide what to do.
I mean, the government has essentially taken the position in France that the migrant flows into Europe are like migratory patterns of birds.
There's no political will to stop the flow.
There's no military sufficient to actually stop the flow, and there's no real desire
In terms of revealed preference to actually do something.
And you know, it's interesting.
I've been studying and reading about the collapse of Lebanon in the last few weeks.
And it's worth studying if you're a European, because it was a very peaceful country at one point.
Beirut was the sort of Paris of the Middle East.
And now it's, you know, it's descended into civil war.
And how did that happen?
What happened is that the Muslims had more children and they overran the Christian minority and then they continued, you know, they started to dominate them and that's more or less happening right now in Europe.
And of course the Europeans are increasing the problem by continuing to provide very generous welfare benefits and essentially having a dual system if you're a Muslim versus a non-Muslim.
And it could happen here in the United States as well.
Fortunately, we're such a large country, it's a bit harder to do.
But I must tell you, when I was in Australia recently, I saw several large mosques in Sydney.
It was quite shocking.
And so this is a problem all throughout the sort of former British Empire, and of course, all throughout Europe.
And until there emerges a very strong leader who could actually do something about it, I think we're in for a very, very difficult time.
And I'm surprised at how routine occurrences are becoming.
It's a bit like weather patterns or something like that, where people are just so numb to it.
But there's somewhat of a defiance where people boot their president, but they don't take it beyond that.
They don't think about ways to limit Muslim flows in the country.
And there's a despair setting in throughout Europe that is very, very discouraging.
I mean, there has been this rising conservatism, you know, over the past two, three years.
We've had the AFD party in Germany.
We've had Marine Le Pen gaining success in France.
They've got their presidential election next year.
Of course, we've had the rise of UKIP in the UK.
We've had Brexit.
So at least there seems to be some shift politically, as you said, for somebody to step forth and deal with it.
But when there's literally an attack now every few days in Europe, it's getting completely out of control.
We're going to chime back in with updates from Munich, but you were at the RNC, I believe you're still there.
You had a little run-in with Jamie Weinstein, I think his name is, which is Michelle Fields' boyfriend.
Michelle Fields, of course, being the former Breitbart reporter who was the victim of this brutal attack by Corey Lewandowski where he ripped her arm off and beat her to death with it.
Well, no, actually what happened was he lightly brushed her, but the media made such a big deal out of it, it was completely insane.
You spotted Fields outside the RNC, you tried to ask her a question, tell us what happened.
Yeah, so I went with several friends of mine and we went up to go ask them a question.
We followed them down the street.
I turned to go and ask them a question and Jamie Weinstein immediately lunged out at me and essentially hit my arm extremely hard.
I'm not a particularly physically fit guy, as everyone can see in the video, and so it actually did hurt.
I mean, we were hoping to just ask them a question about why they had continued to make things up over the years.
Why they had continued to lie about what happened with Corey Lewandowski, why they had lied about me, and it's interesting how quickly Jamie's demeanor changes when he
Uh, it's interesting how quickly his demeanor changes when he realizes he's on camera.
Um, it's quite a revealing kind of thing.
First he tells me to go, you know, uh, fuck myself.
And he says, kindly step away, sir.
Once I told him, you know, it's all on camera, you're, you're busted.
Like this, it's kind of a violent behavior.
My lawyer, uh, wants me to send a letter to him and his employer, essentially laying out, you know, there was an assault, um,
I don't know yet if I'm going to do that.
It was very strange though.
I didn't really think Jamie Weinstein had it in him.
He of course accused Corey Lewandowski and Trump of being thuggish, yet his immediate reaction to dealing with me is violence.
That was very surprising, but not out of character.
He had been wandering around the RNC picking fights with reporters, being quite drunk,
And so it's a little disappointing to see him resort to violence, but what can you do?
I mean, he, and we can see the video, we're playing it now as you speak, and he immediately escalated the situation.
It's not as if he verbally tried to tell you to back off.
Maybe he did for a split second, but he immediately resorted to violence, which way outstripped anything that Michelle Fields experienced at the hands of Corey Lewandowski, right?
I mean, it's sort of absurd in a way.
And in all honesty, my arm actually really, you know, did kind of hurt and still kind of hurts a little bit.
It was just, it was interesting.
It was very revealing of their character as a couple.
Of course, Michelle Fields and Corey Lewandowski have since gotten engaged, and they've essentially tried to become sort of e-celebrities on the internet.
And there, of course, they've falsely accused me of hacking Michelle Field's computer.
She's falsely accused a number of people.
We broke a lot of these stories at Got News.
We also looked into the financial incentives that Michelle Field's family might have for being anti-Trump, such as her mother and aunt's anti-Trump views.
Her mother makes money from essentially resettling Honduran immigrants in the United States.
Jamie Weinstein, who essentially is a trustafarian.
He has a sort of tenuous relationship with the Daily Caller, where he essentially pays money to have all these bookers place him on TV personally.
And so he's sort of a trust fund kid.
They're both trustafarians.
And they're sort of probably not used to just having people ask them questions.
And of course, you know, I've had a number of hostile people ask me questions here.
Although, surprisingly, a lot of people have been high-fiving me and thanking me for my work.
But, you know, there's a proper way to deal with it, which is to just, you know, maintain your calm and your composure.
The fact that Weinstein immediately resorted to violence is, I think, revealing of how he's really quite thuggish.
I mean, he's a bizarre character.
I remember, I think it was back in 2008 at a Bilderberg conference, he was acting as this kind of weirdo stalker trying to troll Alex Jones, trying to ask him questions.
Alex was just walking away and he just kept getting in Alex's face.
So, you know, he treats you as some, you know, dangerous threat when you simply try to ask a question.
Yet he's done exactly that and more on previous occasions.
Extremely bizarre character, as he said.
You know, he's kind of a hanger-on at the Daily Caller, which in general is a good publication.
It's bizarre that he still gets all this attention.
We're going to go to a break soon, though, but we're going to come back and talk about Twitter censorship.
Of course, yesterday Milo had his Instagram account briefly suspended.
That came back
Now this has escalated.
We've got WikiLeaks coming out and saying they're going to talk about building a new social network which is actually centered around free speech.
Other people have suggested that in the past.
Other people have criticized the idea.
They've said, well, what's the point?
We need to fight them on their battleground.
Simply preaching to the choir on our own battleground isn't going to solve anything.
So we're going to get into that because WikiLeaks called out Jack Dorsey.
And basically said, this is cyber feudalism, what you've done to Milo, banning him for basically giving a bad Ghostbusters movie review, while allowing Leslie Jones to continue her behavior, even though she's provably engaged in inciting targeted harassment of other Twitter users.
We'll be back after the break with Chuck Johnson of gotnews.com.
Don't go away.
There is one distinction in history above all others that marks
Free individuals, free populations, free nations from that of captive slaves.
And it's also important to note that throughout history, most nations have been enslaved to an elite.
But if you go back to the ancient Greeks, the cradle of democracy,
480 B.C., we see the Battle of Thermopylae at the Hot Gates that's been popularized in many Hollywood movies, where 300 Spartans stood against hundreds of thousands of Persians.
Then if you accelerate to 1775 in Lexington and Concord, and the attempts by the British Crown to disarm the colonists, we see a repeat of what happened with the 300 fighting the Persians.
If we move forward to
1835 in Gonzales, Texas, Santa Ana came to disarm the Mexican citizens of their firearms and the people again fought back.
It's important to note as we see the right to self-defense being taken away, we also see the right of free speech being taken away, the other mark of a free individual.
So I thought today we'd look back on some of the famous historic quotes dealing with the Second Amendment.
First I want to give you a quote from Senator Dianne Feinstein, who famously said,
That if she could get the votes for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, Mr. and Mrs. America, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it.
I would have done it.
She would vote to ban Argonne's.
We need to do this every day of the week.
We need to brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
And remember, this is somebody, to this day, guarding, even though he's retired, by taxpayer-funded armed guards.
It is so incredibly arrogant.
They get bitter.
They cling to guns, or religion, or antipathy towards people that aren't like them.
Barack Hussein Obama.
From my cold, dead hands.
From my cold, dead hands.
From my cold, dead hands.
Charlton Heston.
The right to defend one's person and one's home when attacked has been guaranteed through the ages by common law.
Martin Luther King Jr.
They've denied for so long they're coming for our guns.
Now they admit that.
A nation of sheep will be ruled by rules.
Because holding a gun makes me a real feminist.
Come and take it.
Battle of Gonzales, Texas, 1835.
Molon Labe.
King Leonidas at the Battle of Thermopylae.
If you think gun control is going to change the terrorist's point of view... I think you're, like, out of your mind.
I think you're like... I think anybody is.
I think it's absolutely insane.
I have a strict gun control policy.
If there's a gun around, I want to control it.
Clint Eastwood.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
To keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment.
Everybody knows that you either use a right or you lose it, and we're using the First Amendment to defend the Second Amendment.
Now, our last big push was with the Hillary for Prison shirts, and it became a national meme, and it's had an incredible effect, and it's brought so many patriots together.
I want to do the same with this Come and Take It shirt.
We're going to have a whole bunch of different varieties coming out.
This Texas version is the first of a group of limited editions.
We've got one with the classic Canon and one with the classic modern M4.
And on the back it says, Don't Tread on Me, Infowars.com.
This shirt is an absolute must-have.
It's athletic cut and it's got this incredibly soft contouring fabric that everybody in the office loves.
Support the Second Amendment.
Support the First Amendment.
And meet like-minded people today by getting your Come and Take It limited edition shirt at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're back on the Alex Jones Show.
We got the breaking news out of Germany again.
Three gunmen on the loose.
They're talking about 10 to 15 people dead.
They haven't caught the gunmen.
There's some stupid report out there saying that.
I'm sorry to laugh, but the media falls for this every single time.
That Samuel Heidberg, a German nationalist, is the shooter.
Well that's a hoax that happens after every terror attack or mass shooting, that Sam Heid or Samuel Heidberg is the culprit.
But it's being seriously reported by numerous media outlets, even though it's a known hoax that happens after every single shooting, but we'll continue to give you details on that as they come in.
But I want to encourage you to go over to infowarslife.com because again, to get all these special exclusive reports, to get our reporters out there on the ground confronting the regressive left, confronting
The social justice warrior disease that's out there taking over the American streets.
We need your support.
And that's why we've been so successful in taking on and demolishing the leftist narrative in recent months.
Again, through your support, buying the products at Infowarslife.com.
We've got Vitamin Mineral Fusion Drink.
It's back in stock.
The affordable and great tasting Vitamin Mineral Fusion Drink Mix is back in stock at Infowarslife.com.
And it is loaded with a full month supply of essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that your body needs.
God forbid we would sell vitamin products and things that are actually good and healthy for you.
Perhaps we should just be funded by billionaire globalists like George Soros or take ads from giant transnational pharmaceutical companies like CNN.
Maybe that would make us credible.
But we've really excelled in recent months through your support by getting the products at InfoWarsLife.com.
So, Vitamin Mineral Fusion is back in stock.
We're talking to Chuck Johnson of GotNews.com.
Of course, the censorship war against conservatives has accelerated over the past few days.
With the banning of Milo Yiannopoulos, the permanent lifetime ban from Twitter for simply saying that the star of Ghostbusters
was quote, barely literate, which is a fact.
She is barely literate.
He gave a bad review of the movie.
Some other people tweeted some racist comments at her, and then they blamed Milo.
Like Beyonce is responsible for people tweeting death and rape threats to One Direction fans.
Like Justin Bieber is responsible for people who cut themselves.
Is DeRay McKesson, is Shaun King going to be held responsible for Black Lives Matter supporters who celebrate the deaths of cops on a daily basis?
Well, no, because it's one rule for them and another for the rest of us.
Chuck, we got a couple of minutes in this segment, long segment coming up in the next section, but you were one of the first prominent, if not the first prominent conservative to be banned by Twitter a year ago now.
I think you came back recently, but they got you again.
It's like whack-a-mole for them.
Before we get into Milo, tell us what happened when you were banned by Twitter a year ago.
Sure, I was soliciting funds to do a research project on DeRay McKesson, who is the founder of Black Lives Matter, who's been linked to the Nation of Islam, who has a long history of anti-white behavior, and actually pro-white behavior earlier on in his life.
And so I was going to just do an investigation.
I used to raise lots of money through Twitter for my followers, but of course I got my account suspended.
And I've had my accounts more or less suspended for journalism.
I mean, I had it suspended when I broke Jackie Coakley's name, because she's the woman behind the University of Virginia rape hoax.
And people know that I was using Twitter and my account gotnews.com slash donate to give me money to do research and Twitter suspended me without any explanation.
They still haven't said what happened and I woke up the next morning and I had CNN say that I was trying to assassinate a civil rights leader.
That was the argument that they made about a metaphor I used to describe DeRay McKesson.
And of course, we now know McKesson has been instigating riots across the country.
And so, of course, it's very disturbing.
And I told Milo four days before he was suspended that he was going to be next.
They would suspend him relatively soon.
And we met up the other night and chatted about this issue.
And we're going to work together and work with others to make sure that we actually make sure that Twitter, which advertises itself as a free speech platform,
You know, Jack Dorsey, of course, and Andre McKesson, both of whom said that they both said that at Recode that Twitter was for free speech.
And yet Milo and I are the obvious examples that that's just not true, that they're liars and that they're fraudsters.
And so we have a responsibility to keep telling the truth about these platforms, to regulate them in accordance with our laws.
Because, of course, they promised free speech.
They stated their utility.
We, of course, regulate utilities in the United States.
And so we're getting to an endgame right now, a showdown between the new Internet, which is more for free expression, more for free ideas, and the old Internet, which is a corporate, sort of monopolist, globalist platform that can kick you off for any reason whatsoever.
Okay, hold that thought, Chuck.
We'll be back after the break.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around, we have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
This is very important because a lot of these microorganisms, and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms,
You have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, viruses protect themselves, and so do bacteria and protozoa and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually design the Living Defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often should you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when the eggs hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss,
Excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness.
I mean, all these things.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
Plans at least twice a year.
Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You're back live on the Alex Jones Show.
We're talking to Chuck Johnson, founder and editor of GotNews.com.
We're going to get more into precisely what Chuck does at GotNews.com a little bit later in this segment, but finishing up on Twitter, Chuck, I mean, you said you warned Milo a few days beforehand that he was about to get banned.
You know, he said far more offensive, under their own definition, things in the past.
He's not being banned.
He was briefly suspended a few times.
Why ban him now?
Do you think there's anything in the timing here?
Well, I think the strategy was to ban him ahead of the RNC, which would be a larger media moment, media narrative.
And so they thought he could, he would just go away.
Of course, it ended up trending on Twitter that he was banned.
But my thinking is that there's a sort of anti-white business model behind Twitter that one really has to contend with if one's honest about it.
Almost all the people who get suspended are white, nearly no blacks, with the exception of Axelia Banks, who proves the rule.
So, yeah, there's a serious problem.
There's a serious problem with Twitter.
It's an anti-white problem.
And, of course, the fact that Milo was criticizing a black comedian is a problem for these people.
I mean, Dray McKesson, working with Jack Dorsey, has tried to make Twitter, the blackest social network, even more welcoming of things like Black Lives Matter, which is arguably, as you've argued and others have argued, a terrorist organization.
It's certainly an anti-police organization.
And so this is going to continue.
I was the first one.
I was warning people for years that this was coming, that this fight was coming, and now it's here.
And it's been quite exciting to see people join in in the fight.
And, you know, I have not gone back on Twitter.
I've actually encouraged anyone who wants to create a Chuck Johnson Twitter account, who wants to join my research group, editor at gotnews.com, to email me, and they can go and create their own Twitter accounts, because there's really no way to police this.
I mean, if thousands of people created Chuck Johnson accounts or Milo Yiannopoulos accounts, we would sort of overwhelm the system.
And they would have to, every day, spend time trying to find and shut down our accounts.
Of course, in my particular case, they've IP blocked my home, which has caused tension for people I've taught how to use Twitter, because their accounts have been suspended as well.
But they're very draconian, and it's never really going to stop.
Until we win in the court of either the legal courts or in the court of public opinion.
And of course, Twitter's stock has been hammered.
You know, after I got kicked off, the stock was trading at $45, $50 a share.
It's now down to $18.
At one point, it was at a low of $14.
And I suspect Milo, that which Milo and I and others are planning, will probably bring it still further down.
Now, we hear this narrative over and over again, you know, Twitter's a private company, it can ban whoever it likes.
You know for sure, if they started banning Black Lives Matter accounts, those people would be out on the streets within hours.
Some of them would probably be rioting if that was a new policy that Twitter instituted.
Why are leftists suddenly all concerned about, you know, the rights of private companies, so long as they only apply to censoring conservatives on platforms like Twitter?
Well, I mean, the issue is very simple.
If you make fun of or you cause trouble with somebody at Twitter, or you're somebody who's a friend of somebody at Twitter, that's how they'll suspend you.
It's essentially a super PAC operating, a liberal super PAC operating as a publicly traded company, and it's a form of shareholder fraud.
And I think it's a matter of time before somebody files a shareholder lawsuit against the company on these grounds, because the company's essentially collapsed in value.
But no, my issue is Jack Dorsey raised money from Silicon Valley calling, you can read it for yourself in the great book Hatching Twitter by Nick Bilton.
He said that Twitter was a utility.
He compared it to electricity and to water, or the internet.
These are things that are extremely important to understand.
The phone company doesn't have a right to shut off my phone if they don't like what I'm saying.
They don't get to turn off my power if they don't like what I'm doing on the internet.
They don't get to shut off my water, those sorts of things.
Those are things we associate with the third world.
And yet that's this sort of this idea that we can just shut down accounts without any any due process.
I mean, that's the thing that really bothers me.
There's no due process at all.
You can't even explain to them.
Hey, I think this is a misunderstanding because they won't even take your phone call.
They won't even respond to letters from lawyers.
They won't even respond to anything really.
And so we need to start protesting on Twitter.
We can't really create our own networks, because who's going to fund it?
Silicon Valley is so left-wing that they're targeting gay billionaire geniuses like Peter Thiel for having the semerity to support Donald Trump.
This society that we ventured into, this sort of future that we ventured into, is one where there are rules for the powerful people, and there are no rules.
You can do pretty much anything.
I mean, I have had people show up at my home with weapons.
I've had people threaten to kill me.
I've had all manner of terrible things happen to me on Twitter.
And some of them I've reported to law enforcement, but the overwhelming majority of the leftist violence comes exclusively from the left.
And again, they want to be treated as a public utility, as they said.
So they can't claim all this private company land.
It just doesn't apply.
They're working with governments.
You've got Twitter working with governments across Europe to hunt down people who make comments critical of their government's migration policies.
So you cannot make that argument when Twitter itself begins to function as an organ of government.
You know, it just doesn't apply anymore.
You know, but of course, when Christian bakeries refuse service to gays for gay wedding cakes, that's horrible.
But Muslims can do the same thing and leftists don't really care about it.
So again, it's this selectively applied outrage that we see from the left every single time.
And it's really coming to a head now with the banning of Milo.
This is going to kick off a bigger wave, a bigger movement.
As you said, I don't think the solution is simply to create more networks, because unfortunately all our content, as Drudge warned, has been segregated into these social media ghettos.
Social media now is becoming the Internet, so the next stage is probably to start to restrict actual Internet access.
For thought criminals like us, that's what they want to do later on down the line.
But let's get into Black Lives Matter because of course we've had numerous shootings over the past few weeks inspired by extremist Black Lives Matter rhetoric.
Yet polls still show that 42% of Americans support this movement, compared to only 22% who oppose it.
I think this is just the fight that people are generally ignorant.
They're ignorant that the ideological inspiration behind this movement is a convicted cop killer on the FBI's most wanted domestic terrorist list.
You know, they cause more violence, they cause more division, more black people are being killed by other black people since Black Lives Matter started because we have this Ferguson effect of cops abandoning crime areas in major cities because they're afraid of the consequences of actually doing their job.
Chuck, how do we eviscerate this narrative that's been backed up by the media that Black Lives Matter has the moral high ground when it clearly doesn't?
Well, we've tried to solve this problem at Got News.
People send us the police reports, they send us more information about these shootings.
I personally at one point sued to get Michael Brown's juvenile records.
Those records are now being used in a wrongful death lawsuit with the city of Ferguson.
So people have to fight, they have to go in like, the people will become the media over time.
And so everyday researchers, everyday people are taking time out of their day to send me material that they find, social media accounts and so forth.
I mean, we reported Philando Castile was a crip, that Elton Sterling was a blood.
And these are all sort of gangbangers who are at war with the police.
The criminal element is a serious problem.
And we need to just talk openly and seriously about it.
And let's get more into that because this is the process that you go through at Got News.
This is what makes your content really exclusive, really interesting.
You're able to subvert that media narrative within hours, sometimes within minutes, of one of these stories breaking.
So you get an Alton Sterling-style situation.
Of course, black Twitter immediately tries to own the narrative, claiming he was a gentle giant, he was a family man.
How are you able to overturn that narrative?
Because you dig in immediately to get to the bottom of this.
Just walk us through the process of how you subvert that narrative.
Sure, so we have 6,000 researchers and accounting people from all over the world sending us material in real time whenever there's a shooting.
And they're just simply faster than the corporate media, which is limited in its number of employees, limited in the number of people who work for it.
So people send me material all the time.
Police officers send me material, police officers' wives, and so forth.
And so what we're able to do is we're able to publish this material, people can see for themselves.
Like in the case of Michael Brown, we published material showing that, apart from being a gentle giant, his Instagram revealed a young man who likes to beat up women.
And so, which of course was later corroborated, that kind of character was corroborated by the assault, strong-arm robbery he had against that store clerk.
Look, I mean, people are starting to wake up.
They're starting to gradually realize that this narrative of police officers hunting down black babies and black children and harming them is just not true.
And so what happens is that the leftist media sort of slowly
Loses credibility.
And as they lose credibility, people go to places like InfoWars, like GotNews.com, you know, like my new site, WeSearcher.
And they go and they put up their money, they put up their labor, and they really want to get to the essence of things.
And it's so exciting to go and debunk claims in real time, because it shows that the people can have more powerful power than the corporate media.
And the most important thing you can do is just ignore these attempts to portray these people as, you know, as these gangbangers, as, as, you know, nice family men.
I mean, in the case of Elton Sterling, he was a child rapist.
And yet we're supposed to pretend that he was a good family man.
I mean, it's insane.
Now, I see you as a kind of Andrew Breitbart figure.
You understand that it's not only about overturning the general narrative with these leftists, but it's about tearing down their icons individually.
And you do it through completely legal means, but of course, if you take on these people on an individual basis, that opens you up to dirty tricks, to attacks.
But what drives you on to expose these people?
I know this is a kind of tactic you use to take them down individually.
What motivates you, in the final equation, to take on these hypocrites as you do?
Well, I'm very anti-fraud, and I feel if I didn't do it, no one else would, which is, I think, the best reason to start a business.
You sort of want a de facto monopoly.
But I think it's important.
I mean, I have the skill sets, and I train people all the time.
And people have been gracious enough to give me money through my website.
They've been gracious enough to join my fight.
And now it's become their fight.
I mean, many of the tactics I have used, now other sites are using, so I can move on to other things.
And so what motivates me, I mean, I'm a believer.
My view is, you shall know the truth and it shall set you free, which is my favorite line of scripture.
And so I am very, very serious about ending the three frauds of our time, media, education and government, and working to make those things work for people rather than for their leaders or for sort of a larger kind of globalist class of rulers.
So I'm very insistent on it.
And I think journalists have a responsibility to the truth.
And it's very sad how, in recent years, nihilists have won out.
But fortunately, we've had many victories, such as what's happening to Gawker right now, where it's imploding, and Nick Denson himself, the proprietor of it, may go bankrupt for essentially publishing revenge porn.
And so we are turning a corner on some of these larger issues.
I mean, Trump has been very effective at undermining the credibility of the media, which, of course, they've done themselves, but he's been very good about pointing out how dishonest they are.
Okay, final comments and just direct people to where they can find your content.
Sure, I'm very grateful to Alex Jones.
I think he paved the way on a lot of these issues.
It's been interesting watching in real time how events have vindicated a lot of what he's said over the years.
And people want to join me, they can come over to gotnews.com.
They can email me at editor at gotnews.com.
If they want to give me money, it's gotnews.com slash donate and I will be a careful steward with it and just put the money back into the website and back into the research.
Okay, thanks for joining us.
There goes Chuck Johnson of gotnews.com.
We'll be sure to get him back on the broadcast.
Final few minutes here in this segment of the Alex Jones Show.
Of course, we're covering what's happening in Munich, Germany.
We're getting information that this could be some kind of right-wing nationalist.
Again, this is unconfirmed, as I said.
These people could be radicalised too.
You've got it happening on both sides of the equation.
A report that The Shooter is being described by Bild, which is a major German publication, as right-wing...
Shouted, quote, effing migrants as he shot people in these several different locations.
They're talking about three shooters with rifles.
Again, this massive police search, this panic going on in Munich, Germany.
But you just watch.
You just watch the left.
If this is true, they're rubbing their hands together right now.
To exploit this narrative again.
All conservatives will be to blame for this shooting if it turns out to be some right-wing lunatic.
But of course not all Muslims are to blame when it's a Muslim carrying out the shooting again.
They're complete hypocrites.
They never apply their phony logic to both sides of the equation.
But again, that remains to be seen.
The BBC reports a hunt is underway in the German city of Munich after at least one shooter opened fire at a shopping centre.
Several people believed to be dead.
Again, at the moment, no culprit has been arrested.
The identity of the culprit remains unknown.
But again, reports apparently being carried by Bild.
We can't confirm this yet.
But it looks like they may attempt to blame this on a German.
I'm getting a message right now from Alexander Benesch, who is in Germany.
He's a journalist.
He's been on the show before.
He says that witnesses described the shooter yelling, quote, I am a German.
Well, isn't that convenient that he would make it that explicit while he was carrying out the attack?
Not to say that it's a false flag, but it seems incredibly convenient that he would make it that clear.
But again, this whole migrant policy has radicalised people on both sides.
It would be no surprise if this turned somebody who was already on the edge mentally over the edge.
And led them to carry out this massacre which has unfolded in Munich, but they're talking about multiple shooters, so it remains to be seen the truth behind that.
Let's cover a couple more news stories here again.
Going back to Twitter, who of course censored Milo Yiannopoulos a few days ago now.
Well, WikiLeaks came out yesterday.
This was up on Infowars.com.
WikiLeaks goes head-to-head with Twitter CEO over Milo ban.
WikiLeaks went head-to-head with Jack Dorsey Thursday over the ban of gay libertarian journalist Milo Yiannopoulos.
And again, this is hardly, can hardly be described as a right-wing bigoted group, can it?
Listen to what WikiLeaks tweeted.
Quote, cyber feudalism, Twitter founder Jack banned conservative gay libertarian Nero for speaking the wrong way to actress Leslie Jones.
And again, this is the point.
He was banned for inciting targeted harassment against Leslie Jones.
Yet Leslie Jones herself did that precise thing on more than one occasion.
Even at the height of the spat with Milo, she tweeted to her followers, in reference to another Twitter user, quote, get her, get her.
How is that not inciting targeted abuse of another Twitter user?
So by Twitter's own rules, their own standards, Leslie Jones violated their policy, engaged in incitement for targeted harassment, she should be banned.
She went on a talk show and said that she retweets people so all her followers then dogpile and harass this user.
She's admitted to it on multiple occasions, yet Milo's gone.
And Twitter tweeted its support with a hashtag, love4Leslie.
This is the incredibly hypocritical double standard of the left.
We'll be back with the Alex Jones Show final segment, InfoWars.com.
Stay tuned.
The global elite will never have enough control over the internet to stop populist movements like Brexit.
Nigel Farage.
Farage's viewpoint is a fresh outlook on the state of human independence and a free society for the future of the world and international relations.
When former UKIP leader who inspired the majority of Brits to vote for Brexit was asked if the global elite will try to shut down the internet to stop grassroots movements, he confidently stated that government will never keep up with the free market and it will never keep up with innovation.
Farage also acknowledged the power of the internet, YouTube in particular, in giving UKIP the exposure and traction it needed, resulting in, quote, a million people now in the UK signed up for UKIP and they're not going away.
In the end, Farage's biggest thank you is to Barack Obama, whose arrogant mandates and rhetoric during his time in Britain spurred the British people into action to claim their freedom and independence.
Article by Kit Daniels on InfoWars.com.
This has been Gabe Goldiamond.
Once upon a time there was a dude named Prescott, last name Bush.
Guess what?
He helped run a bank funding Nazis.
Well, you'd think that Hitler got his tank money, papi.
Hitler made a killin' and Prescott made a killin'.
Congratulations, the Bush family got millions.
That's a lot of loot now.
Time to turn it up now.
Ain't no turnin' back now.
Prescott had a son.
His name was Herbert Walker.
And then Herbert Walker became the Vice President of Press.
New World Order's what he says.
Military, industrial, complex.
Call our group more war, more checks.
There's a lot of money in conflicts.
On September 11th, Bush and the head of the Bin Laden family would be at the same Carlisle Group meeting in Washington a few miles before Osama Bin Laden's hijackers could attack the building.
Bush, Chen, and the Bin Laden group gained everything they had wanted as a direct result of 9-11.
And of course, U.S.
oil and arms companies.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show as what appears to be some kind of terror attack unfolds live on the streets of Munich.
Unfortunately, this is happening again.
CNN reports a police operation is underway after gunfire erupted at a shopping centre in Munich.
CNN affiliate NTV reports several are dead and others are wounded.
Authorities shut down public transportation and warned people to stay at home or seek protection.
Now they're talking about one shooter, at least one shooter being on the loose, or several shooters.
Again, earlier we had reports about three shooters.
And BBC apparently, a few people are claiming on Twitter, this is not on the official BBC website, is reporting the gunman was heard shouting, I am a German.
Now of course, if they play this narrative that it's some right-wing nationalist upset at the large numbers of migrants flooding into Germany, you can bet they will exploit this for all it's worth.
Now because what if one crazy person goes over the edge?
and commits a mass shooting, does that mean that all conservatives, the all quote right-wingers who oppose mass uncontrolled immigration, are also radical violent extremists?
Just as all Muslims aren't terrorists when Islamists carry out similar attacks.
But the left won't allow that narrative to get out there.
They will use this to demonize absolutely everybody.
Again, state of emergency now in Munich.
They're talking about several shooters possibly.
Early reports said 10 to 15 dead.
They're now saying six dead.
We'll wait to see what transpires.
Back to Twitter censorship though here in the final few minutes.
Leslie Jones appeared on a talk show in which she admitted that she carried out, or incited, targeted harassment of Twitter users, the exact same thing Nero or Milo was banned for.
Here's the clip.
And I'll blow you up too, so if you tweet me thinking that I'm the only one that's gonna get it, I'll retweet it so all my followers can see it and get on your pump.
So there she is, admitting that she retweets people who criticize her so that her followers will then harass those people.
If that's not inciting targeted harassment, then I don't know what is.
She also tweeted to another person, quote, get her, encouraging her followers to go and harass that person.
This is the same thing that Milo has been banned for.
Of course you can bet your bottom dollar that if they were banning leftist Twitter accounts, Black Lives Matter accounts, those people wouldn't be making the argument that Twitter is a private company and can do what it likes.
Even as Twitter openly says that it considers itself a public utility and again is now working with governments to hunt down thought criminals who criticize mass migration.
There's another article I wanted to mention in the final minute
New reparations website asked whites to pay black people's rent to relieve their guilt.
Yeah, this is not the onion.
I looked at this article for a good couple of hours before deciding whether to publish it, but it's true.
There's a website encouraging white people to relieve their white guilt, the burden of white guilt, the burden of the fact that 1.4% of white people at the height of slavery 150 years ago owned slaves.
Now that means those people who had nothing whatsoever to do with slavery must give money.
To black people, just give them money.
Just pay their rent.
Just give them a car.
Again, feeding into this Marxist critical theory rhetoric that the West is evil, that we've got white privilege, that we need to bow down and apologize for it on a daily basis.
Absolutely ridiculous story.
Go and check that out at InfoWars.com.
That's going to wrap it up for this edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Again, we'll be covering the breaking news about the Munich terror attack at InfoWars.com, so be sure to stay tuned for that.
InfoWars Nightly News coming up later tonight.
Alex will be back with all the takeaway from the RNC on the Sunday show and back of course Monday on the radio show.
I've been Paul Joseph Watson, breaking news at InfoWars.com.
That's the show, thanks for joining us.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Alright, time to get serious.
There's a new HIV vaccine to be trialed in South Africa later this year.
ALVAC-HIV-GP120 is the official name of the vaccine, and it was tested on a small scale in a 50-person experiment to measure immune response.
Linda Gail Becker, director of the Desmond Tutu HIV Center in Cape Town, and leading the vaccine trials, claims that the small-scale test was, quote, to see if the vaccine looks promising.
The vaccine stems from a 2009 trial in Thailand, which resulted in 60% protection against HIV the first year, but afterward falling to 30% before the trial's end.
Gail Becker, in addition to Anthony Fauci, also working on the trial, intend to add adjuvants to strengthen the vaccine's potency.
Oh yeah, like that's gonna go over well.
And a way people know what mass vaccine trials could possibly mean.
Prepare the genocide preparations!
Article on CNN.com.
This is Gabe Goldiamond for InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome to the fourth hour of this Friday edition, July 22nd, 2016, of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be taking a look as we move forward to next week's convention, the Democrat National Convention, and I'll be there in Philadelphia.
We're going to take a look at some of the stuff that is already broken about that.
Of course, we're going to hear probably this weekend who Hillary Clinton has picked for Vice President.
But I think there's a couple of important issues that have come up and we're going to talk about those.
One of them is Glass-Steagall.
You know, people are always
Looking to see how they can break off people from one party to the other.
I think this is a major wedge that Trump can use to pull people in from the Democrat Party.
Because this was an issue that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, that many of the left wanted.
They were very upset about the fact that Bill Clinton removed Glass-Steagall.
And that's only part of the story.
We're going to tell you the whole story of what the Clintons did in the 1990s that led directly to the massive bank bubble and the meltdown that we experienced.
And how, we all know, they're intricately involved with big banks.
But I want to go back and talk about how these banks became too big to fail under Bill Clinton.
Glass-Steagall is an important part of that.
And it is something that everybody is scratching their head and saying, well that's real unusual for the Republicans to do that.
It's something that...
Donald Trump had talked about, and his chief advisor Carl Icahn had talked about, something that needed to be done.
So we're going to tell you what that's about.
We're going to tell you how Clinton really did break the glass ceiling.
But it was the glass ceiling for banks, not for women, okay?
That's what's going on.
We're also going to take a look at some of the things that have come out of the RNC convention.
One of the key things was yesterday the
Back and forth about NATO and our commitment to NATO.
There was a major interview with Donald Trump in the New York Times.
He talked about NATO and his view of it.
We're going to give you his comments on that as well as Nigel Farage.
We're going to give you updates as they break on the shooting in Munich.
I think it's very interesting.
News came out today that the attack in Nice, the one with the guy driving the truck, driving over about 100 people, driving for about a minute and a half at least, because he went for over a mile before he encountered anybody with any guns.
Well, we find out now that he had accomplices.
And they say he had five accomplices.
I think it's kind of interesting because, you know, whenever this stuff happens in the United States, we're always told that it's a lone shooter.
They never have any accomplices here in the United States.
Yet they're looking for multiple people today in Munich.
They admit that there were multiple accomplices in France, and it was pretty obvious.
There were text messages to other people, there was money that was being exchanged, a massive amount of money that was wired back to his relatives in Tunisia just before he carried out this attack.
There was also a message saying, I've got the equipment and so forth and so on.
If that had happened in the United States, it would have just been ignored, or it would have been explained away.
And if you would have questioned it, you would have been called a conspiracy theorist.
And, of course, if you point out that they're going to find these guys that did the shooting in Munich, that you're going to find out that their names are, guess what, Mohammed, or maybe Ali, or maybe both, Mohammed Ali.
We're going to find that out when this is out there.
It was amazing!
I was watching MSNBC.
And they were showing live video feed of the police moving around going from building to building and at the same time they're doing that they said the German police have asked people not to put out any live video on social media because it could inform the people that they're hunting as to where the police are and how they're moving around.
What are you doing at this very moment?
That's the double standard that we see.
It's just absolutely amazing.
So we're going to talk about all those things.
We're going to talk about what's coming up at the DNC.
Already we're seeing some insanity, some hypocrisy.
Clinton has invited families of blacks killed by police to speak at convention, but guess who's not invited?
Male delegates from Vermont.
They have too many male delegates.
They've just got to get rid of them because of gender.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Hillary for prison shirts are $19.95.
We've been selling them as low as $5.
I want to get tens of thousands of them out there.
There's like 80,000 of them now out there or something.
They're all over the country.
It's one of the top memes in the nation.
But at $19.95, we can take all the proceeds and pay for aircraft in the skies.
You've seen that be national news.
You've seen that be the top meme in the country.
It's amazing.
We're leading the way on how to resist.
We're ragtag.
We're cross-eyed and exhausted half the time.
But we've got the passion.
We're going over the top.
Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site.
I'm selling it at $19.95 to pay for the banners, to pay for the 18-wheelers with the big signs, to pay for the Jumbotron videos.
And it's really paying off.
Hundreds of newspapers, TV, Hillary for President.
You cannot, but all the shirts, we sold all the ones we have, it's like $60,000.
So, but we got more being printed right now.
Everybody's got to go buy a Hillary for President shirt for $19.95.
So that in full, we're starting to get on the whole.
Because I want to really go crazy with airplanes at the DNC.
We're looking at blimps as well.
We're not going to be censored.
Get your Hillary for President shirts today.
Look in the last eight months how far that meme's come.
In one block that I walked just a minute ago, I saw 15 of those shirts.
Just in one block!
They drive here from my spot where I'm staying.
30, 40 tons of them.
They're every single way.
The rally yesterday, almost everyone in the crowd had on a Hillary for Prison t-shirt.
It is amazing.
Everyone stops and they go, what does that shirt mean?
Why does she need to go to prison?
And it allows us to engage in a conversation and teach these people who have no clue about who Hillary really is.
About all the things she's been involved in.
And we're not laying down to that witch.
She's not, she's not going to buffalo us.
We're not coward.
We're not broke back.
We're taking action.
What about you?
Get your Hillary for President shirt.
I know you already have one.
Buy another one.
Give it to friends and family.
I'm telling you, the war is now, the war is an info war.
We're going to win.
It's now been duplicated by countless groups and I think that's wonderful.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and now it's all over CNN, it's all over Fox, it's all over the Trump rallies, the Hillary rallies.
The number one search term for a week straight, last week, and still continuing, one of the top search terms is, is Hillary going to jail?
This has been incredibly successful.
Because it shows, despite corporate control, and despite them trying to control the meme, we've had three versions of the Hillary for Prison shirt.
All of them have been collector's edition, and have helped fund the InfoWar.
We now have a third edition in.
The second edition sold out.
It's the same as the last, but on the right shoulder says InfoWars.com, on the back it says InfoWars.com, legalized freedom, be part of history, be part of supporting the InfoWar, be part of meeting like-minded friends and family.
Get your Hillary for Prison 2016 third wave shirts at Infowarstore.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
I've been everywhere, man.
I've been everywhere, man.
Crossed the desert bare, man.
I breathed the mountain air, man.
Traveled like I had my share, man.
I've been everywhere.
The world is a dangerous place.
Not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I'm a killer, I've been everywhere, man.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Friday, July 22, 2016, we're going to play a clip of Alex.
He ran into a Texas Congressman, John Carter, at the airport.
And he asked him about Ted Cruz as everybody is heading home from the RNC.
We're going to take a look ahead also this hour.
What's going to be coming up at the DNC in Philadelphia this next Monday will begin.
I'll be there with other people from InfoWars to cover that convention.
And we're going to take a look at something that is really kind of striking all of the leftist press.
They don't really know what to make of the fact that Glass-Steagall found its way into the GOP platform.
This is a hardcore tenet of the left, especially of Bernie Sanders people, and actually it's not something that only the left should be concerned about.
We should all be concerned about Glass-Steagall.
So we're going to talk about that, why it's a good thing that it's on the GOP platform, and talk about the fact that they want to say things like,
Well, this is a surprise revival in the Republican platform.
That was the intercept.
The Guardian said, this is one thing that Democrats and the GOP can agree on.
Restore Glass-Steagall.
I say, well, not your nominee.
Not Hillary Clinton.
It was Bill Clinton who broke the glass ceiling, and he didn't do it for women, he did it for banks.
And we're going to tell you how that happened, we're going to tell you why that's important, and why taking away Glass-Steagall was only one part of what Clinton did to create the
Bust of 2008.
The financial bust in the markets.
So we're going to break that down for you.
And we're also going to take a look at some of the things that have come out with Donald Trump.
This interview he gave about NATO.
Very interesting comments on that and also some interesting information about the floor fight
About what went into the GOP platform in regards to Ukraine.
And I'll say THE Ukraine.
Somebody made a comment on a YouTube video said, hey dummy, it's not THE Ukraine, it's Ukraine.
Well, it depends on whether you think Ukraine is simply a country or whether it's a region historically of Russia as it has been for hundreds of years.
You know, the Crimea has been part of Russia since before we had our American independence here.
And if you're going to talk about Ukraine deserving the right of secession, then I agree.
The Ukraine should be able to become Ukraine, the country.
But also at the same time, if you're going to support that, how do you not support independence for the Crimea from the Ukraine or from Ukraine?
Okay, so we're going to talk about what's going on with NATO, we're going to talk about what's going on with Russia, but first let's play this comment from a Texas congressman who's on his way back from the RNC.
Alex saw him in the airport.
This is Congressman John Carter talking to Alex Jones.
Well, we were sitting here about to board our flight, and it's Congressman Carter from the great state of Texas, sir.
You are actually a real card-carrying Texan.
I mean, you're actually from there.
What is your view overall of what Ted Cruz did?
Oh, well, first and foremost, he calls himself a Texan.
He doesn't keep his word.
That's intolerable.
Texans keep their word even if they're hurt.
Even if it hurts him, because that's who we are.
It breaks my heart that he's a Texas senator and didn't keep his word.
I heard it from a little bird that when he didn't keep his word, you had something to say.
I kind of went ballistic, but I've calmed down now.
So should Ted Cruz maybe just go be a congressman in Ottawa?
Well, he's acting more like a Canadian than a Texan.
Thank you, sir.
Have a good one.
Alright, folks.
That's Infowars.com on the job.
By the way, you can read it in Politico, you can read it in The Hill.
Myself and Roger Stone, with a little Trump juice, we're coming after that fake Texan, okay?
All hat, no cattle.
Well, Ted Cruz may be all hat, no cattle, and I absolutely agree with Alex on that, but he does have a massive war chest that he walked off with from the presidential campaign.
And it was something like twenty to thirty million dollars.
I don't remember the exact amount of money.
Of course, you know, he can't use that to buy himself a new home or anything personal, but he can roll that over to run for any office that he wishes to run for.
So even though that was collected for his presidential campaign, he has a massive war chest to run as a senator, but he hasn't done himself any favors.
And if you remember, yesterday we were talking about what happened in the wake of that speech as he left with everybody booing him because he couldn't say the four words, vote for Donald Trump.
Just couldn't say it.
Just couldn't say it.
As he went to the donor areas, one donor had to be physically restrained from attacking him.
Another, and then when he went to the Adelson suite, they would not allow him in.
They said, you're not going to use us
As a criticism to try to divide this party against Donald Trump.
Look, any real Republican has to understand now that it is about more than his hurt feelings.
It's about more than his personal ambitions.
As he has pointed out many times, made it a central part of when he was running for president.
That it's very important who gets to pick the Supreme Court nominees, even if he's naive enough to think that he's going to defeat Hillary Clinton after four years in office.
They impeached Bill Clinton for committing perjury in a civil lawsuit of sexual harassment and other rape issues that were involved in this.
That couldn't take him down.
You're not going to take Hillary Clinton down in four years if she becomes president.
But she will be able to do one to four, probably, Supreme Court nominees just in the first four years.
Definitely within the next eight years.
So you're basically going to have a Hillary Clinton court.
That's what the people who are with her, like Ted Cruz.
There was an amazing picture that I saw from a small website.
I didn't vet it, but a lot of people said, well, it was reported that Ted Cruz traveled with Obama from Washington to Dallas when there was the shooting of the police officers.
There's this picture that I think is authentic.
I haven't vetted it, but it looks like it's authentic.
Of course, you can make Photoshop look like anything, but there are reports that he did travel with them on the plane, and it shows the Obamas, it shows Cruz, it shows Hillary.
It's like they're all there, taking the plane ride, okay?
Just like Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac.
I mean, look, it's Goldman Sachs, folks, and we're going to break that down.
Before we leave the Republican Convention, I thought this was interesting.
This is reported on the Hill.
They say Trump is one step closer to getting classified briefings.
And you think, well, he's got the nomination as a Republican nominee.
You would think that maybe the government would brief him on intelligence briefings.
But no, they told the Hill on Friday that Trump must wait for Hillary Clinton to officially become the Democrat nominee.
And I thought about this and I thought, well, if he has to wait for Hillary to become the Democrat nominee before he can get classified briefings, there's not going to be any classified briefings after Hillary gets them.
It'll be in the public domain.
Everybody will have it, okay?
It'll be on her personal server, it'll be hacked by the Russians who will post it, it'll be hacked by Wikileaks who will post it, all the rest of this stuff.
Look, it just isn't going to have any value if they wait until Hillary gets this stuff.
That's the irony.
Think about the fact that we have somebody running for president that can't be trusted to obey any national security classifications.
And they're going to give her a briefing this time next week.
She'll be getting her briefing.
Isn't that amazing?
Isn't that absolutely amazing?
And it's not unreasonable.
For the Republicans to come out and say that Hillary Clinton needs to be denied a security briefing.
They did that to John Deutch, who was Bill Clinton's CIA director, when he did exactly the same thing Hillary Clinton did.
Except not to the same degree, okay?
He didn't have several servers that he had set up in a private network and tell people, remove the classified headings so that you can fax this to me and send this to other people unsecurely.
He had not set up this massive infrastructure to subvert the classified regime there.
No, he had just brought home a computer with classified documents on it.
And because of that, he was going to go to jail.
And Bill Clinton had to give him a pardon to keep him from going to jail.
But they still revoked his classification clearance.
The former CIA head.
So he got out of the job.
Actually, I think they found it right after he had quit.
I don't think that was the basis of him being fired.
You know, we had people like Sandy Berger, Sandy the Burglar Berger, who went to the National Archives, stuffed documents down his pants, was seen doing that.
They call security.
He goes out, destroys the documents.
He had been their National Security Advisor and he wanted to cover up information about the first attack on the World Trade Center that was in the National Archives.
And so he destroyed a bunch of physical documents that they said they didn't have some backups for some of those things.
Nothing happened to him, of course.
Nothing happens to these people, no matter what they do.
Now let's go to the situation with NATO.
CNN is reporting Trump would break sharply with US foreign policy tradition.
Trump, in a New York Times interview published yesterday,
outlined a sharp break in U.S.
foreign policy traditions suggesting the U.S.
would not defend NATO allies such as the Baltic states against Russian aggression if they quote hadn't fulfilled their obligation to us.
Trump has repeatedly made the case that most of NATO's 28 member countries are not making the requisite financial contributions for their common defense.
And he's said in the past, the U.S.
must be prepared to let these countries defend themselves.
His comments were met with shock and anger in some quarters, drawing stern rebukes from members of both parties.
And let me tell you what this boils down to.
If they can't or won't pay for their own defense, as Trump said himself, there's going to come a time at which the US can no longer afford to defend all of them for free.
And at that point, they're going to have to pay 100% of their defense.
We're not even going to be there to help them defend it.
We won't be able to defend ourselves either if we destroy our economy.
He's made that point.
He made that point again.
I'm going to read you a quote from him in just a second.
But the other part of it is this.
All of these neocons who are jumping up and down about the fact, how could we do this?
Understand that while the U.S.
subsidizes these socialist welfare states that are very large in Europe, we're getting poor.
And they can have these welfare states because they don't have to pay for their defense.
One of the guys who came back and made a case for this was, and we'll talk about this when we come back, was from Estonia.
He says, well we're one of the five that meet our 2% defense expenditures commitment.
2% of their GDP?
Give me a break, is that it?
Only five?
Are you kidding me?
Out of all the European countries?
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
And this is very important because a lot of these microorganisms, and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms,
You have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, on viruses that protect themselves, and so do bacteria and protozoa and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
People can avoid toxic air if they want.
They can get an air purification system.
They can avoid toxic water and drink clean water, but it's really hard to avoid parasites.
It's hard to avoid attacking organisms and that's where I see this going.
I mean, I think a lot of the information that we
We're good to go.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often could you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time, because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... You've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when the eggs hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss, excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness, I mean all these things.
If you look at some of these conditions and then us opening up our borders and all the other countries opening up their borders,
You're just dealing with a mass amount of parasites or harmful organisms or biological weapons that are spreading and mutating all across the world.
And I think that's one of the reasons why, I mean, all you have to do is look at the news these days.
You can type in refugee spreading disease.
I mean, the CDC is going crazy right now.
There's a new antibiotic resistant E. coli that they just identified.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals
Especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Green from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and before we went to break, we were talking about the interview that Donald Trump gave with the New York Times yesterday, talking about how he saw our involvement with NATO.
Essentially, hey guys in Europe, you need to start paying some of your defense.
It's absolutely amazing when we think about this.
And again, the two points are that eventually they're going to have to pay for their defense because they're going to bankrupt the United States if we have to carry everyone.
And if you think that's an exaggeration, hang on, I'll show you that it's not.
The other part is that the U.S.
is subsidizing these economies who do not want to defend themselves.
And what we're really subsidizing is their soft welfare state.
Their socialist states.
Why should we subsidize that and get poorer in this country?
I don't understand.
And I think most Americans don't understand it either.
Now, Trump went on to say, as he was being interviewed by the New York Times, he said, this is not 40 years ago.
He also suggested the massive expense of maintaining an international order that's contributing to trade losses for the US, quote, doesn't sound very smart to me.
Doesn't sound very smart to me either.
He went on to say, quote, we're spending a fortune on the military in order to lose $800 billion.
As they talked about this, of course, Hillary Clinton is all for this.
Business as usual with Hillary Clinton.
She's going to be there for the banks.
She's going to be there for the military-industrial complex.
She's going to be there for every vested interest, folks.
Nothing is going to change.
Except, it's her turn to be in power.
That's really what this is about.
She goes on to say, it's fair to assume that Vladimir Putin is rooting for a Trump presidency.
And I would say, I would agree with her on that, quite frankly.
Because Vladimir Putin, I don't think, wants a new Cold War.
Any more than the American people want a new Cold War.
But you have to understand, the military-industrial complex that backs Hillary Clinton very much does.
George Soros very much does.
Victoria Nuland, Obama's person who was channeling and admitted the billions of dollars that they put into revolutions, and as they have these drills right at the massive NATO drills, right at the border of Russia, does that make us safer?
Of course it doesn't.
They're incredibly expensive, but they're incredibly dangerous.
These are tripwires.
And when they tell Vladimir Putin, don't worry, they're just exercises.
You've seen the clip.
He looked at him and he just started laughing like, you're kidding.
You're kidding.
You can't possibly be stupid enough to believe this is not a threat.
This is not an implied threat to go right up to the... What would you think?
What would you think?
What if the Soviet Union were to hold massive maneuvers right at the US-Mexico border?
Okay, if Mexico had an alliance with, I know they're in the North American Union now, you know, North American Free Trade Association, which is trying to make a union.
Isn't it interesting that today, what tone-deaf blindness for Obama to meet with the Mexican President today and have a little kumbaya session, you know, the two amigos.
They had the three amigos meeting a couple of weeks ago.
What an amazingly stupid photo op for him to do, to drive home the idea that he's not working in our interests, but in the interests of foreign countries.
But let's understand for a minute, let's imagine that they weren't joined at the treaty, at the HIP.
And they had an alliance with Russia.
What if Russia or China were holding massive military exercises right at the border of Mexico and Texas?
Do you think we would feel threatened?
Do you think we'd be alarmed about that?
Do you think we would, they would just tell us, it's just a drill, nothing to worry about, we're not getting aggressive or anything.
And as we went to break, I pointed out Hendrik, President of Estonia, one of the NATO member countries, said in response to what Donald Trump was saying, he said, well Estonia is one of five NATO allies in Europe to meet its 2% defense expenditures commitment.
Think about that.
Only five European countries meet their 2% defense expenditure commitment.
Only five.
And they can only come up with 2%.
I mean, it's 2%.
That's setting the bar pretty low, don't you think?
Look at the massive amount of money that America spends on the military, and I think it's far too much.
We spend
We have a military budget that is, by far and away, the largest budget.
We have the largest army.
We have the biggest expenditures.
We just put out a new aircraft carrier.
Well, it's not gone out.
Actually, it's running about two years late, but there's been a new article talking about how it's been delayed now to, I think it's November of this year that it's supposed to go out.
It was scheduled, I think, for September 2014.
A giant aircraft carrier.
Biggest one we've had.
Almost 13 billion dollars.
It's not launching planes as it's supposed to.
We just put out another Navy ship not long ago that was supposed to be a stealth ship for close in patrol.
It broke down after 50 miles.
They had to tow it back in.
Give me a break.
There's no backup on a military ship.
This is a sorry state that we've gone to because of the military-industrial complex bleeding us dry with these boondoggles.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
What's happening with foreign policy?
The glimpses that we've seen of this from Donald Trump in the interview he gave yesterday with the New York Times and others.
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As we were talking about NATO in the last break, you know, one of the people who came to Trump's defense, interestingly enough, was Nigel Farage.
And one of the things that he said was, he said, I think the American military the last few years has been pretty unhappy with their NATO allies who have just kept cutting, cutting, cutting their defense spending.
He added that NATO was a wonderful vehicle to keep the peace in Europe for 60 or 70 years, but NATO now does need to redefine itself.
What is it for?
We don't have the Warsaw Pact.
He says, I'm pro-NATO, I'm pro-cooperation, but it's not a bad thing that we reassess what it's for.
And of course, this has been something that's been talked about in many circles for quite some time.
It's one of the reasons why they've gone out of their way to revive the Cold War with Russia, with these provocative moves in the Ukraine.
The region, okay?
Now the country.
And now the country, Crimea, trying to push that.
One of the things that happened, and I mentioned this in a special report, you can see it at Infowars.com, is an interesting insight into, again, Ted Cruz.
The guy who has so many backers on Wall Street, the military-industrial complex.
He had one of his backers here.
Delegate from Texas tried to put some language in the platform that would call for maintaining and increasing or increasing sanctions against Russia and providing lethal defense weapons to the Ukrainian military.
And they report in the Washington Post that Trump staffers in the room, who weren't delegates but who were there to oversee the process, intervened.
They worked with pro-Trump delegates.
They were able to get the issue tabled while they devised a method to roll back the language.
And then she was put on the sideline and she was kind of upset.
She says, I was troubled when they put aside my amendment and then they watered it down.
I said, what's your problem with a country that wants to remain free?
It seems like a simple thing.
It's a very simplistic way to look at this.
Clearly, either she doesn't understand what the Obama administration and George Soros and the military-industrial complex are doing in terms of trying to start another Cold War, and perhaps a third World War, in order to sell us gigantic ships that don't work, long-range bombers.
You know, you can't make
A case for long-range bombers and a lot of tactical nukes if you don't have a Cold War.
You know, if you're just fighting their war on terror that they're creating.
So they needed to go back and revive the Cold War again to start up those profit centers.
You know, they've got a new profit center with the war on terror.
And they can have a new profit center with the militarization of the police and creating a civil war here in this country.
Pitting Black Lives Matter against the police and equipping and arming both sides of them and encouraging that division.
But they still want to have that old profit center back too, you know, because you can never have enough money or power with these people.
So they have to revive the Cold War.
And they point out, they said, what they did was they replaced her language calling for lethal defensive weapons with softer language that called for appropriate assistance.
Because we don't want to be tweaking the nose of Russia to start another war.
The American people understand that.
There's a lot of people in the Democrat Party that should understand that.
Should understand that Hillary Clinton does want to escalate things.
She's as hawkish as any of the people at the upper level of the GOP.
And if you don't want a third world war, don't vote for Hillary Clinton.
If you want to try to de-escalate that tension, you've got one choice and one choice only.
That's Donald Trump.
They said Trump's view of Russia has been friendlier than most Republicans.
He said he would get along very well with Vladimir Putin.
You know, Hillary Clinton said, well, Vladimir Putin must be very happy about, must be rooting for a Trump presidency.
I think he would, because I don't think anybody in their right mind wants a world war or a cold war.
And so, Hillary Clinton is not in her right mind.
Here's some evidence she's not in her right mind.
She has invited families, this is coming up now, the DNC is going to start the Democrat National Convention, they're going to have their four days, Monday through Thursday, next week in Philadelphia, we'll be there to cover it.
She has now invited families of blacks killed by police to speak at the convention.
But no families of police who were killed by blacks.
No families of those who were killed by illegal immigrants.
And you remember when these families spoke at the Republican National Convention on Monday night?
The families who had members who had been killed by criminals who came into this country without being vetted?
They just are able to walk across and come in.
As a matter of fact, we've got Obama and John Kerry bragging about how they're going to bring 10,000 people from an area that we're at war with without vetting any of these people.
They can't do it.
They don't care to do it.
They don't care if they're bringing in enemy combatants into this country.
And they don't care if they're letting criminals come in through the southern border either that are not vetted, that are not controlled.
And so the result of that is that you've got a lot of people who have family members who were killed by these criminals who are being let in.
Some of those people spoke on Monday night, and as they were speaking, pretty much every one of the broadcast channels
And cable channels turned off of them.
If you wanted to see them speak, you had to pretty much watch C-SPAN.
They turned off of the families who were talking about their personal tragedy, and they started talking amongst themselves, the talking heads with CNN and others.
I can guarantee you that when they have the families of blacks who have been killed by police that are going to be put up to tell their story,
On Monday night or Tuesday night, whenever they do it, that they will not cut away from those families.
But here's what Philadelphia's police union chief said.
Now this is the city where the convention is going to be held.
He blasted Hillary Clinton for inviting relatives of victims of police shootings to speak at the convention, but failing to include relatives of slain police officers.
Wouldn't you think that if you wanted to heal the situation in the division, that you would show the tragedy on both sides?
That you would say, yes, we have some innocent people here who died because of excessive use of force by government agents and the government has responsibility to do something about it, which they don't do, by the way.
But instead, what do we have?
We have the government
Encouraging people to continue to shut down events and to stage their protests and to not let their voices be silenced after they have encouraged people to assassinate police officers on the street, who are also totally innocent, who had nothing to do with any of these cases.
They've encouraged this.
They've allowed that.
And they're not going to let those families speak, because they don't want healing.
They want division.
He goes on to say, the paternal order of police is insulted.
We will not soon forget that the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton are excluding the widows and other family members of police officers killed in the line of duty who were victims of explicit, explicit, not implied racism.
That's what he said.
They were the victims of explicit racism.
Not the victims of implied racism.
His name is McNesby.
He also said that to win an election, Mrs. Clinton must pander to the interests of people who do not know all the facts, while the men and women they destroy are outside protecting the political institutions of this country.
You see that?
While they're in there, having people portraying this as a one-sided issue.
The police that they are demonizing are protecting them outside.
Now, does that surprise you?
Because these are the same people who protect themselves with personal and private and government-paid-for bodyguards and want to deny us our Second Amendment rights.
Remember we had O'Keefe?
Going to staffers and congressmen who are, you know, staffers of congressmen who are big gun control advocates and the congressmen themselves and saying, you know, we're with a anti-gun group and we would like for you to put out this sign in your neighborhood saying that you agree with us and you don't have any guns on your home.
It's a gun-free zone.
And they all demurred.
As a matter of fact, one of the places the guy says, you know, this is a pretty violent neighborhood.
I don't want to advertise the fact that I'm disarmed.
Oh, so he's a free rider on the people who do protect their home.
See, that's part of the advantage that these people accumulate and accrue from people who do carry concealed, who do have arms at their homes to protect their homes.
See, the crooks don't know who has guns and who doesn't have it, so they're deterred to some degree by the fact they might break into a home where there's an armed homeowner.
And he would like to not tell people that he is a gun-controlled Democrat and doesn't have any guns on his premises, okay?
So that's the thing that's going on.
While they're going to be protecting, while the police will be protecting Hillary Clinton, she will be demonizing them with the stories of families that have been killed by the police.
And again, if you wanted to solve this problem, you would be talking about the innocent victims on both sides of this.
There are issues that need to be solved.
And we do need to change how the police interact.
And it is the government who can do that.
And it's the federal government who has been changing it for the worse.
Now, at the same time,
They're going to be inviting blacks.
They're not going to be inviting the police to speak.
And this is very interesting.
They also are trying to cut down on the number of men at the DNC.
You know, they're so proud of their diversity.
Except diversity doesn't mean you if you're a white or a male or a Christian or whatever.
They don't want you.
You're not wanted.
Here's two guys from Vermont, hometown of Bernie Sanders.
They were pretty upset.
They were so upset that they were kicked out of the delegation because they were men that one of them filed a complaint.
But then somebody in the DNC talked to him.
They have a 26-member delegation and they demanded at the DNC that it be equally split between men and women.
They even have quotas for their little delegates going to their convention here.
So they were the guys who were the sacrificial lambs, and they were thrown out.
They were state senators, and they were thrown out.
One of the guys said, Bernie was my political mentor.
He was the first person I worked for when I graduated from college.
I really came to age under him, so I'm really bummed out to not be able to watch him give a speech.
But on the other hand, the rules are the rules, and life goes on, blah, blah, blah, so I'm going to take this off.
He's just going to bow to the political correctness, which I guess you would expect because you had Bernie Sanders bowing and scraping to the tyranny of political correctness at every opportunity.
But he did go on to note that the gender imbalance at the delegation was really due to the superdelegates.
See, the superdelegates, they want a 50-50 split amongst the entire delegation of 26 members.
But understand, of the 26 members, 10
Of them are superdelegates.
And they say 8 of the 10 party leaders are elected officials who automatically get to go to the convention that are men.
So, of the superdelegates, 10 out of the 26, 80% of those are men.
And they're not going to mess with the superdelegates.
Don't mess with the superdelegates.
Also, as we look at the Veep stakes coming out this weekend with Hillary Clinton, the two people that have been up at the top of the list, one of them was Vilsack, and Tom Vilsack, if I'm pronouncing his name correctly, they have floated his name as a vice-presidential pick.
He has been at war with Bernie Sanders because he has been supporting the DARK Act.
That would shut down all state and local GMO labeling laws.
We can't even know what's in our food because Big Agra doesn't want us to know that they are putting GMO there.
So they're shutting that down.
They're doing it at the national level.
They got tired of fighting people at the local and the national level and losing in some cases.
We're spending millions upon millions of dollars to try to tell people that you really don't want to know what's in your food.
After they brag about so many different things.
This contains this, that contains... If you've got good stuff, like we do at Infowars.com, I mean, you've got something like DNA Forces, got BioPQQ in it.
Wouldn't you want to brag about that?
Of course you would.
You wouldn't just kind of slip this in, you know?
So these people, when they don't want to tell you what's in their product, and they don't want honest labels, I mean, is it because they've got something like sawdust or arsenic in it or GMO stuff, okay?
I mean...
You should be able to know what's in that.
So, they call him Mr. Monsanto.
The Sanders supporters are very unhappy that this guy is on Hillary Clinton's shortlist.
The two names that I've seen floated to the top are Vilsack and Tim Kaine from Virginia.
Now, Tim Kaine from Virginia
Somebody that Intercept has pointed out, it's on the Drudge Report, he has been one who has supported very wholeheartedly the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and of course the process to subvert the Constitution on trade treaties.
Not calling them a trade treaty, calling them partnerships, or calling them agreements or whatever, okay?
The NAFTA was a trade agreement, they told us.
Not a trade treaty, but it was a trade agreement.
But when you look at the dispute process, and you look at the people who put themselves out there as specialist lawyers on this dispute process, they are treaty lawyers.
Nevertheless, we have Cain who spoke to The Intercept.
Get this, after an event at a Northern Virginia mosque,
This is a guy from Virginia, a senator from Virginia, former governor from Virginia, the person who is being vetted and everybody believes that he is the person that Hillary Clinton is going to pick.
And of course he supports the Trans-Pacific Partnership and he is holding events at a mosque.
There you go folks.
The same day we've got these multiple attackers going on in Germany.
They say that his measured praise of the agreement, he pulled it back today for the first time, his measured praise of the agreement could signal one of two things.
Either he's out of the running for the vice presidential spot or Clinton is trying to signal that she's not really against the TPP because that's what her corporate masters really want.
And that brings us to, I think, a key issue.
And that is the fact that Glass-Steagall is in the Republican platform.
And of course, the Guardian is saying, well, the Democrats and the GOP now agree on a key thing.
Restore Glass-Steagall.
They say, buried beneath all the frenzied political drama of the Republican National Convention this week,
We're good to go.
Well, this is something that was put in after the depression, at the height of the Great Depression, to try to restore confidence in the banking industry.
Part of what had happened during the Great Depression was speculation by banks, runs on banks, insolvencies by banks.
So they came up with a couple of different ideas.
They said, we're going to give you
Government subsidized FDIC insurance.
Deposit insurance for people.
To give people confidence that they would be able to get their money.
And then in exchange for that we're going to say that banks are going to have to separate themselves from people who want to get involved in the market.
So there's going to be investment funds over here and then there's going to be banks that just do safe loans and take deposits and that sort of thing.
That was Glass-Steagall.
Guess who took that out?
Bill Clinton.
And we're going to tell you why when we come back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I want to talk now about banking and where the Republican and Democrat candidates stand on this.
It's very clear from the GOP platform.
The Republican platform calls for a revival of Glass-Steagall.
I explained to you what that was about.
That was something put in at the end of the Great Depression to separate the risky aspects of financial investment, like brokerage houses, stock brokerage investment, away from the more conservative aspects that were going to be guaranteed with federal deposit insurance.
To restore confidence in the economy and to also say, hey, if we're going to give you some help in this,
Then you're going to not be allowed to take these types of risks.
If you want to take risks, you're going to do them over here without any government insurance.
That's not what happened in 2008, is it?
What happened in 2008 is we had a massive meltdown.
They were privatizing their profits, socializing their losses.
When it all melted down, we were told these banks are too big to fail.
And we had to bail them out.
And we did.
And how did they get too big to fail?
Well, that's the key.
Because not only did Bill Clinton...
...repeal Glass-Steagall that all the liberals say they want.
And it's amazing to watch the liberal press, you know, you've got Intercept looking at this and saying, well, can we really trust this?
This just came out of nowhere.
No it didn't.
And they look at some of the places where Donald Trump has talked about this approach and advisors of his have talked about that.
So it didn't really come out of nowhere.
It was not highly publicized.
They did not get into the weeds.
They were keeping it at an eighth grade level for people at the GOP convention.
So, let's be adults and let's talk about what's really behind this at this point.
Now, the Guardian says, well, Democrats and the GOP agree on this.
Trying to take that away, again, from the Republicans.
And I've got to say to you, Hillary Clinton does not agree on this.
Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, think that Glass-Steagall should come back.
Not Hillary Clinton.
Not the Clintons.
It was Bill Clinton who took it away.
And he defended it a year ago, on the Hill.
Bill Clinton defends the repeal of Glass-Steagall.
He says, they say, he defended his decision to repeal it.
The Depression-era banking regulation splits large financial institutions.
It's championed by liberals.
He said, look at all the grief I got for signing the bill that ended Glass-Steagall.
There's not a single solitary example that it had anything to do with a financial crash.
Yeah, of course not.
Yeah, if you allow banks to do very risky speculative stuff and you bail them out when they get involved in selling collateralized junk, that wouldn't have anything at all to do with it, would it?
Meanwhile, this year, January, Clinton and Summers, they say, in another op-ed piece, this is, well that was an op-ed piece, this is from The Hill, say Clinton and Summers are wrong on Sanders' Glass-Steagall.
At that point in time, Hillary Clinton was clearly saying she does not want Glass-Steagall brought back.
Sanders was saying that he did.
And they say, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have called for passage of an updated version of Glass-Steagall.
But, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, joined by her husband's former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, objects to the proposal.
And again, say, this would not have prevented anything.
Let's talk about what really happened and how all these banks became too big to fail.
I remember, and I had a perspective on it from being in North Carolina, because it all began, all the banks that started merging together, it all began in 1998.
Glass-Steagall was not repealed until 1999.
In 1998, you had the merger of Nations Bank, which is a very large solvent bank that was based in Charlotte, North Carolina, with Bank of America, which was headquartered, I think, at the time in California.
Everybody said at the time, this will never go through.
This is one of the largest mergers we've ever seen in history.
And yet, Erskine Bowles, who was an investment banker himself, and was chief of staff for the White House, pushed this through.
A North Carolina bank, where he was from, and Bank of America.
On the strength of that,
Okay, you have all these quotes of the time.
Bigger is indeed better, said the new president of Nations Bank.
And they say, American banks have been hamstrung with laws that discourage branches in more than one state and by the federal Glass-Steagall Act.
So they took all that away.
They got too big to fail.
The next year, Bill Clinton said, don't worry, you can speculate as well.
We'll still bail you out.
That's Hillary Clinton, who is still owned by the banks.
That's the difference, folks.
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