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Name: 20160715_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 15, 2016
3469 lines.

This show explores various political issues such as media portrayal of terror attacks, globalism, political tensions, civil war, populism, and censorship. Alex Jones criticizes the media's failure to attribute acts of terror to Islamic extremism and discusses potential threats to alternative media platforms. Jesse Ventura shares his views on the U.S presidential election, Electoral College system, and assassination threats against Trump while promoting various products and discussing topics such as religion, food storage, home security, Black Lives Matter movement, and non- perishable survival food. The conversation also touches on patriotism, libertarianism, politics, censorship on social media platforms, and the influence of Sheldon Adelson in American politics. They cover Hillary Clinton's proposed solutions for terrorism, the dangers of bringing refugees into America due to the risk of terrorism, and criticism towards French government and its president for excessive spending on personal items while workers struggle with poverty.

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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
31-year-old Mohamed Lahou Yage Bouhoulel
From Tunisia, North Africa.
Ran over and killed 83 people last night.
He targeted a celebration he knew was full of men, women and most importantly, children.
And witnesses are reporting that he attempted to, like something out of a dystopic Road Warrior movie, target and run down the children.
Will there be a Mad Max response to this?
Certainly not.
We'll be taught more sensitivity training.
That's what the London Mayor is calling for.
You need to submit to the Muslims and they'll stop killing you.
But don't worry, it's up on Infowars.com.
Media blames truck, not terrorists, or Islam, for the Nice attack.
And we have CNN, we have the New York Times.
When you go to CNN.com, like I did this morning, I took these screenshots,
And send them to Watson.
When you go and look at this, there were more than 15 articles I looked at, scrolling down, that said truck attack, truck maniac, man in truck goes berserk.
No, it was a cold calculated jihad attack on little children.
Now, when a cop who's wrong, or a cop who's in a bad situation, or a cop who's psycho, shoots an innocent person in the back, be they black or white, you're going to see it on the news.
They're going to be personalized.
One man dies is a tragedy, 10,000 dies is a statistic.
But when Islam does this, you try to show the footage on Facebook, YouTube, you name it, they are shutting you down.
I've seen the footage.
It was about 5.30, I just got home, I was walking in to say hi to my children.
I'm sitting there in
The parking lot of my house, in the driveway, and I go, I'm gonna check in full force.
And I go there, boom, dozens run over in niche.
I go, okay, I know where to go to have something even ahead of us.
This just happened 50 minutes ago.
Boom, got a drug.
There's like 15 articles, everything.
Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.
You know, 50-something dead at that time.
Now it's 80-plus.
And I just turned the car around and drove right back over here to the office.
We did two hours of InfoWars Nightly News live and then aired the news after that.
As I said months ago, as I said years ago, and it's kind of a sick feeling to see Bill O'Reilly now picking it up, and Newt Gingrich, because they're usually so wrong, but they're totally right this time.
This is a war against the West.
This is a slow motion Tet Offensive, or Tet 2, as we've been warning you, and this is only the beginning.
You notice the attacks are getting bigger, and they're getting closer together.
And France is close to 30% Islamic now.
A lot of folks are converting under pressure.
They're not going to go back.
You can't deport them without a civil war.
France is gone.
It's gone.
England is almost gone.
The mayor has declared it's an Islamic city.
He said, we don't care about Brexit.
We're staying with the EU.
Let's open the borders to Islam's invasion.
The EU bureaucrats have allied with Islam.
That is not rhetoric.
This is actually happening.
I used to hear this from Pentagon people 15 years ago, and I'd say, you guys are paranoid, it's crazy, you know, this clash of civilizations is bad news, you're gonna stir this up.
Well, the Pentagon's not bad, they're the ones fighting it, but the globalists above it are the ones that have stirred it up, and let me tell you, it's on.
You're gonna see more and more of these attacks, they're gonna get more and more frequent, and it was incredible last night, we have it in live-time video during the broadcast, trying to upload videos that we'd shot live, sections,
Facebook would not let you put in any words about Islamic terror, anything, in the descriptions.
In live time, just wouldn't let you put it.
So it's not just the President tells you what words to use now, and no one will say Islamic terror, now they won't let you, just like an iPhone won't let you say a cuss word or whatever?
You try to say the F word, it puts the word duck in.
Now the AI is controlling everything in live time.
This is information warfare against us.
We're selling a product, DNA Force, that is the very best nutraceutical that we can produce, that similar formulas are being taken by the Japanese for $400 to $600 for the same dose.
We're doing 25% off on DNA Force.
This is the ultimate, in my view, nutraceutical.
Dr. Group, you took years for you to develop DNA Force for us.
It's been something that I've been working on for a long time, Alex, because I think it's very, very important.
We are 100 trillion cells in our body.
That's what we are.
So when you look at the aging process, or you look at the disease process, what you're really looking at is what's happening inside the cells.
What the aging process is, is when the cell replicates, we lose a little bit of our telomeres.
Telomeres are the little cups on the end of our chromosomes.
And when it runs out, you start dying.
We knew that the aging process is due to a free radical attack on the mitochondria of the cell, which decreases the telomeres.
So the first thing was, what can we use?
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And what we did with that was use certain compounds like the terastil bean, the CoQ10, and the second thing that we wanted to do actually was rebuild and give the nutrients necessary for rebuilding the mitochondria so the next time the cell replicates, it's a stronger than it was before.
We chose the PQQ because it has over 175 different clinical trials.
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That's why we have so many five-star reviews.
I take this.
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Not only did we include the PQQ, but we wanted to look at what's going to enhance the effects.
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We have the P40 pomegranate extract, which is high in polyphenols, which helps repair the cells.
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But what we need is we need the cells to be hydrated.
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That passes it through the barrier and it helps with hydration.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The globalists are setting up a planetary system of total control.
They are allied with the communist Chinese and with the Islamists in the Middle East, run by the Saudi Arabian Wahhabis.
If you control China with a billion, three hundred million people, you control the economic destiny of the world, and now to a great extent, the military destiny, and the power is being transferred in a double cross by the globalists to China.
That is my own analysis.
I've been studying it for decades.
Undoubtedly, the transfer is being made long term, probably 20, 30 years, but the transfer is being made.
The globalists have admitted that.
They call it the Chinese century.
What it is, is the dehumanization century.
The new century of total tyranny.
But if you control the Middle East with the Wahhabist and Saudi Arabia that's geographically right in the middle, and you control 80% of Islam that is Sunni based, that again comes right out of Saudi Arabia,
You can then control East Asia, Central Asia, Eurasia, Eastern Europe, much of Northern Africa, Eastern Africa, down into Central Africa.
And then we've got Islamic seed pods.
Invasion ships?
I mean, that's what this is like, is an alien invasion, folks.
Being set down in all our major cities, they're buying off our leadership, they're moving in with political correctness to censor our speech, they're installing their Islamic mayors.
This is not just a clash of civilizations.
The deal's been made to kill the West and to shut down true liberalism, and it's being orchestrated by the so-called liberals, who are nothing but corporate fascists.
A lot of real liberals and academics would call them neo-liberals.
But this is very, very serious.
And they've moved their timetable up because they know Europe's waking up to globalism, Africa's waking up to globalism, Latin America's waking up to globalism, the different sectors of Asia are waking up to globalism, Russia is in full
Resistance to globalism right now.
That does not mean Russia isn't a predator group and doesn't have its own corruption, but it's old-fashioned, male-driven, strongman, gangster stuff.
It's completely different than what we are dealing with right now.
We're dealing with globalists launching an AI takeover.
The Russians are banning GMO, throwing it out of their country, saying it's a genetic takeover, economic warfare, saying carbon taxes are a world government takeover, meant to destroy the nation-state and the family and bring down the West.
Say what you want about the Russians.
By the month, they become this broadcast.
And there's been articles written that, like, Russian leadership's turning into Alex Jones.
Nobody's turning into Alex Jones, okay?
I have eyeballs.
I know what's going on.
I have a brain.
I'm seeing the same thing Russia's seeing.
You'd have to be a moron not to see it.
And I'm not lionizing Russia in this whole thing.
I'm explaining to you they're paying people to have kids.
They're exposing world government.
They're blocking the anti-family agenda.
They are exposing the radical Jihad forces of Saudi Arabia being funded by the traitors that have taken over our nations.
So that's basically how the chess pieces sit.
The Navy SEAL, the best-selling author, the researcher, who's a very humble man, became highly recommended by people I trust at the Pentagon.
Mr. Bracken is going to be joining us.
He warned two years ago of the Tet-2 offensive that he believed would start being launched in 2016.
An Islamic Tet offensive.
And it's definitely here now.
We have told you this is a war on Western civilization.
Now that's been adopted by Newt Gingrich, Bill O'Reilly and Fox News.
Again, not bragging, we're just pointing out we know what we're dealing with.
CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, the New York Times, all of them will not say Islamic terror.
And our article is up on InfoWars.com.
It needs to go viral.
Media blames truck, not terrorist or Islam.
For the Nice attack that's killed 83 with more than 50 fighting for their lives right now and a man on a motorcycle tried to drive up to the side and climb in and stop him a la Road Warrior and got killed.
There were a lot of heroes over there and a lot of men that tried to get into the truck but they were shot by this guy.
Oh, you have total gun ban in France but this guy had a gun.
The jihadis always have a gun because they're bringing them in.
Just like the last mastermind of the theater attack was a migrant.
Whose new job, once he got into France a year before, was bringing in more migrants.
Just like the nightclub shooter at Pulse nightclub.
His father-in-law runs a major program bringing in the refugees.
And there's a new story out at InfoWars.com.
It's from Breitbart.com.
Hillary wants to bring in a million, quote, Islamic refugees in the first year.
See, this is how it always works.
They tell you it's 10,000, it's 100,000.
When they tell you it's 100,000, it's a million.
When they tell you it's a million, it's 5 million.
We've seen the metric in Europe.
Just two years ago, they were saying it was 100,000.
It was 2 million then.
It's 5 million now admitted.
And folks, they are bringing in military-age men in every photo, in every video, in NATO and Interpol's own admissions.
80% are military-age men, and almost all of the Syrian passports are fake.
And they're just let in.
They're not Syrians.
These are the invasion force that entered Syria, like the Huns or the Mongols.
You have the military force goes in with these
Sunni invasions, they've done it all over the Middle East.
115 years ago, in 1901, the House of Saad controlled 200 square miles in the middle of Saudi Arabia.
A few years later, they controlled all of Saudi Arabia.
By 1932, 33, excuse me, they had control of the entire Middle East.
This is what they do.
They go in with the forces and behind them come the men, women, and the children.
Like locusts, they just steal everything.
Murder everyone.
With Hillary funding them.
With all the sick, weird, freakazoid Hillary supporters just loving it.
Oh, Christians are being murdered?
These are evil people that know they're allied with their muscle.
And they hate America and the free market and the Second Amendment so much, the average liberal I've talked to actually knows this, and can't wait to see the West fall.
These are the anti-liberals, and as an enemy, they call themselves liberals.
You've got to understand this, folks.
Everything is upside down.
Liberal means you keep more money.
Liberal means you can raise your children as you see fit.
Liberal means you have private property rights.
Liberal means you can practice whatever religion you want as long as you don't harm others.
Liberal means
You can live your own life and have a right to self-defense.
That's liberal.
Real feminism is a woman being able to be armed and protecting herself.
Under the state-run feminism, it's incredibly weak, chip-on-the-shoulder women whose husband is the state.
Now, I'm going to go over these numbers.
I'm going to talk about this.
We have the picture of this individual now.
The first supposed image of him, and we'll put that up on screen from his ID, they're calling him a Frenchman who's from Tunisia.
And he's a madman on a rampage with an 18-wheeler.
No, he is an Islamicist.
So here, I'll just go to Drudge Report right here.
And I'll go right here where it says first photos of the individual, and we'll just click on that.
And everybody can then see what the fella looks like.
But continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, we have the media, again, trying to spin all of this.
And behave like it's not another Islamic attack.
But the big issue here...
Is for everyone to understand there is a method to this madness.
They intend to let these people attack.
They intend to condition us to allow them to attack.
They intend to encourage more attacks.
They intend to bring in larger numbers and then make you conform and go to Islamic sensitivity training at all high schools and all colleges.
It's already being put in place right now at quote Muslim camps to learn that your speech can incite them and you must submit to their
And that's what the London Mayor is doing.
He says, I'm not going to be an Uncle Tom.
I'm going to be proud of my Islamic background, and we're going to enforce it, and you're not going to have women on the buses or city-owned buildings in bathing suits.
It's a sharia law.
And then, oh, he wants more money for security measures to shut down everybody else's free speech, but let people run around with ISIS flags on the streets in London.
But if I or Paul Watson or others go out and even try to videotape or talk to people, the cops run over and act like we are the Antichrist.
So this is their plan and they are planning to let these attacks intensify and get worse and worse and worse and you see the mainstream media, you see the corporate governance systems, you see all of these different forces working together in unison
Working together as one unified system of total war to not even tell you that it's an Islamic attack or an Islamic invasion, and they won't even tell you what the true numbers are.
They won't even let you know how many people have been brought in.
And when they attack, they say U.S.
citizens did it.
Even when the woman in San Bernardino wasn't.
And for two days they ordered the FBI to say it wasn't Islamic, it wasn't a terror attack, it was workplace violence.
And they have Facebook, and they have Google, and they have Twitter.
All censoring people that even mildly report on it, and now.
We have a video coming up for TV viewers, radio listeners, I'll describe it.
We're not even on Facebook able to put in the word Islamic in the keywords under our reports or in the headlines.
The video's up on InfoWars.com.
Facebook caught censoring words Islamic terror during Nice attack.
World's largest social media site
A system controlling the narrative.
We need to write a bigger article about this and actually have screenshots for folks.
We have the video, but screenshots people understand.
We have video!
Facebook caught on video censoring words Islamic terror.
Working to allow the invasion to intensify.
They are accelerating the Islamists being brought in.
They are bringing in people from Sunni-held radical areas that failed in their invasion so far, partially of Syria.
They're now being brought in through Turkey.
They're then being flown in by the State Department and by the Pentagon to bases everywhere.
They are now... You go to a park in Austin, you go to a doctor's office, you go to a... It is all the sudden women in burkas all over the place.
The numbers must be gigantic!
My high school, last year, got two hundred and, what is it, thirty plus people.
And then we called the other high schools, they all had similar numbers.
The elementary schools wouldn't give us the numbers.
They claim a hundred have come to Austin total.
These are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of children per school!
Then you've got the open Latin American border, and the Chinese flowing in.
And they're all being put directly on the Democratic Party mammary gland.
They're being inducted in as the army of the Socialists and the big mega-corporations that control and bring down the nation.
This is so incredible.
And then the news won't let you see the children being run over and won't even let you see their dead little bodies.
But you better believe when a cop does something wrong or makes a mistake, you're gonna see it everywhere.
Because they want the war to be on the local government that they know the globalists don't completely control.
Doesn't mean local government's perfect, God know, but it's our local government.
Police arrest Bastille Day killer's wife as dramatic footage shows moment.
Mohammed, that's his name, was shot dead in the truck he used to drive through crowds, killing 84 people, including 10 children.
Warning graphic content, but everybody needs to go look at this and look at it real good and understand it's being seen in some of the European press.
They are blocking it out here.
Of course, the first thing we said last night during two hours of live coverage was,
Are we going to have a five day waiting period on trucks?
Are we going to have maybe safety locks on trucks?
Maybe the answer is they have to all be computer robot driven.
Oh, but then somebody will hack that because you can't trust humans to drive because, hey, the truck did it.
We need truck control incorporated.
Maybe we should sue the truck manufacturers like you sue gun manufacturers.
And you know what?
Find out the maker of the truck.
That'd be like suing Boeing because, you know, one of their aircraft was used on 9-11.
You say, Alex, this is satire.
This is ridiculous.
Yeah, it's ridiculous to sue Bushmaster because the supposed shooter in Newtown got one illegally
From someone else who got it legally and went and reportedly shot people.
I don't know what happened.
I just know Anderson Cooper's on green screen saying he's there and they're walking in circles in and out of the building with a chopper over it.
And I know an FBI agent, current FBI agent, who thinks it's all bull.
And then Rob Dues' uncle, Rob Dues' uncle,
Former Navy SEAL, FBI current agent.
We were up there to cover Newtown, and guess who was there?
City Council.
Why, his uncle!
And his uncle said, this thing's the craziest thing I've ever seen.
I don't believe any of it, but I can't talk to you about it.
He was there for the FBI looking at it.
Understand, folks, I don't know what went on there.
They go, oh, you say no children died, you say no.
All I know is, I know a $3 bill when I see one, and it isn't real.
I don't know what happened, but I know something really stinks, kind of like you go in your house, and you've been out of town for a week, and it stinks horribly, and you go, I don't know what dead animal, you know, is up there in the attic, but boy, I'm gonna go up there with a bag and a shovel, and I'm gonna, oh yeah, it's a dead possum, you know.
I don't know what's up there, but it stinks to high heaven.
So we know two FBI agents, one of them I just named, that say it's the funniest thing they've ever seen, and so many others.
But I'm digressing.
This is real.
This happened because it is a false flag though, in that
The globalists are bringing them in, letting them get weapons, letting them attack, and then blaming all of our rights, saying we've got to give our liberties up, and we've got to be nicer to the immigrants.
It's our fault that they're killing us!
How do you pronounce this guy's name?
31-year-old Mohamed Lahouyej Bouhoulil.
And this guy's from Tunisia, North Africa.
And he comes in, and he's sitting there in France, in the lap of luxury, totally pissed off on the national holiday, the 4th of July of France, Bastille Day.
So the coward, the filth, goes out and targets a nighttime picnic with the street closed, with kids.
In their pajamas, out watching fireworks, and he runs over hundreds of people.
Killing 83.
What a man!
What a, what a, what a great guy.
What a, what a, what a fantastic person.
Can you imagine if there was footage, and certainly our troops have done things that are wrong, and the droning and all the things that Obama does are wrong.
It's okay because he's liberal.
Can you imagine if, say, a special forces soldier, active duty, ran over 150 people, killing 83 of them, including children,
And then no one in our military or our government said they were a killer or scumbag or psychotic.
No, of course they would.
But where's the Islamic groups apologizing?
They don't have to, and they're not going to.
Because the media will not say Islamic.
Because this media is literally
I overuse that word because it's the only word that, when I say literally, they are literally running a program to flood us, to cover it up, to work with the enemy, because they're the enemy, and to merge with their foot soldiers, their national security force.
All over Europe, all over the UK, they are putting Islamists in charge as the police chiefs, as the mayors, and they are taking people's kids with CPS.
I've had members of Parliament on who are liberals saying it's true.
We hire mainly Eastern Europeans that come from communist countries and Muslims, and they don't even speak English, and they're taking everybody's kids for no reason.
And someone just shows up who can't even speak English and just drags you off.
That's who the socialists of the government want, is a kept group that they control, that they can use as a weapon anytime they want.
Now when we come back...
Don't need to play the imam saying, we're invading Europe, we're gonna get your women.
I mean, the main imam of Jerusalem.
Don't need to play all the moderate Muslim leaders in the U.S.
saying, we're gonna kill the homosexuals as a blessing to them, we're gonna murder you.
The guy at his mosque in Florida.
And the media says, oh, you're allowed to do that.
Oh, really?
Telling your flock, go out and kill people.
And now they have a new Pew Research poll out.
In France, 18 to 29 support suicide bombing.
18 to 29.
In that demographic, 35% in France.
Oh my gosh, I'm reading that wrong, it's worse than I said.
ALL Muslims polled at all ages are 35%.
18-29 is worse, it's 42% in France, excuse me.
42% of military age males in France, 42% want to kill you when they're asked.
They're very proud of it.
That's why they want to apologize for these bombings, they're very proud of it.
Spain, 29%.
Are proud to kill you and your family and run over your kids.
And I'm sure the average liberal would probably start lining their kids up like bowling pins if he knew sport where liberals bring their kids out and Muslims run over them.
I'm not kidding.
I think if you actually, if they told liberals to take their kids out in the middle of the street and have a Muslim run over them, they'd put their kid's head under the tire and say, kill my kid.
I'm telling you.
I'm telling you.
I'm telling you.
These are psychotic demons.
He who controls the trends, controls the future.
He who controls the future, controls the destiny of humanity.
My friends, the globalist social engineers are obsessed with creating false memes, false trends that they control.
to create a population of trendies from those false trends that don't have their own destiny who don't even have a basic organic human genetic drive to build something
That is satisfying, trailblazing, and innately independent and human.
And if you understand this paradigm, you understand all the others.
One of hundreds of memes and trends we've been successfully able to launch and force into the consciousness is a Operation Against Hillary Clinton we launched 10 months ago with the Hillary for Prison T-shirt.
It's now been duplicated by countless groups, and I think that's wonderful.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and now it's all over CNN, it's all over Fox, it's all over the Trump rallies, the Hillary rallies.
The number one search term for a week straight, last week, and still continuing, one of the top search terms is, is Hillary going to jail?
This has been incredibly successful.
Because it shows, despite corporate control, and despite them trying to control the meme,
We are able to synergistically wear our colors loud and proud against injustice, corruption, and oppression, and show that we, humans, not the globalist controllers, but the common little people, can set the trends, can set the memes.
We've had three versions of the Hillary for Prison shirt.
All of them have been collector's edition and have helped fund the InfoWar.
We now have a third edition in.
The second edition sold out.
It's the same as the last, but on the right shoulder says InfoWars.com, on the back it says InfoWars.com, legalized freedom, be part of history, be part of supporting the InfoWar, be part of meeting like-minded friends and family.
And be part of breaking out of their paradigm and setting the agenda, setting the trend, setting the true, organic, teleprompter-free reawakening of humanity.
Get your Hillary for Prison 2016 third wave shirts at Infowarstore.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
So I want to be clear.
I have made five films concerning what really happened on 9-11.
It has now been declassified.
It has now been leaked.
That everything I put in those films has now been proven to be accurate.
And the reason it's accurate is almost everything was already in the congressional report that was out the first year.
We had all the whistleblowers on.
We know what happened to a great extent on 9-11.
And criminal elements of our government, bare minimum, stood down so Saudi Arabia could run the attacks.
Now you expand out from there.
Their operatives were probably decoys.
There were other aircraft.
It gets crazy.
Flight 93 was shot down.
We even know who did that.
The Air National Guard.
We even have the recordings of the two AIM-9s put into the aircraft.
This is a serious situation, and it was meant to start a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, and give the United States the pretext to be able to basically take over the Middle East, control the Grand Chess Board, as Brzezinski writes, because if you control the Middle East, you control Africa.
Below it, you control all of Asia to the East, Russia to the North, Eastern Europe, and Europe to the West.
And that is the geopolitical strategy and stratagem that has been adopted as the globalist NATO program.
And Russia talks a lot about this.
I was against that because it was immoral.
And because we were targeting Muslim countries that were not our enemies.
And by that, we were going after moderates like Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi, and then later our allies in Egypt, and really doing some bad stuff.
I mean, Saddam was put in there by the CIA to kick the Islamists' butt in an earlier program under Eisenhower.
But that's a story for another day.
He was totally set up.
I mean, I'll say, compared to Al-Qaeda, the guy deserves a Congressional Medal of Honor or something.
All the stuff Saddam did, killing communists and trying to take out people and finally overthrowing the Ba'athists and then taking it over to the United States and actually having a policy of stabilizing and building up Iraq.
And then our U.S.
policy that was very moral changed in the 1980s when Herbert Walker Bush started running the show.
And again, Saddam was a thug and did a lot of bad things.
I'm saying, compared to Al-Qaeda, who was his arch enemy.
That's why
Trump came out and said, Saddam Hussein sure was good at killing terrorists compared to our president.
And they said, oh, you love Saddam.
And he goes, well, no, he was a bad guy, but all I'm saying is he was good at killing terrorists.
Trump knows that he was a CIA officer.
Trump knows he was set up, okay?
I mean, Saddam Hussein was totally set up, ladies and gentlemen, told to invade Kuwait.
Okay, I'm going off on a jag.
He had rock and roll on the radio and Playboy sold in shops.
And I'm not saying that's even good, but that's why the Islamists hated his guts so much.
He couldn't stand them.
He couldn't stand them.
He was trained in the West.
He was sent in there to westernize the Middle East.
But that policy ended by the 70s, late 70s.
And they decided to go with the Jihadis and the Saudi Arabians.
And the State Department started sending textbooks in to the Madrasas, radicalizing them.
Billions have been spent a year by the West.
To radicalize what is in Islam and to make the most radical forms the dominant form so Saudi Arabia could take over.
And that's the new plan?
And that's what we're under right now.
And so I was against going in there because I smelled a rat.
I mean, I knew it was a quasi-false flag.
I knew that Saudi Arabia was involved.
But what was their payoff?
What you see now, the whole Middle East, the whole region, that's why McCain's involved, the neocons, Obama's running a neocon strategy, this is the same stuff we've seen before.
And who are the neocons?
You want to talk about immoral and evil and Machiavellian?
They are the Trotskyites, the founder of the neocons.
Was the adjunct of Trotsky, killed in Mexico City.
And then they merged with the Straussian School of Economics at Chicago Business School, who was a Nazi, and they went right-wing.
And I mean, you talk about whacked out, man.
You talk about whacked out.
They say you're anti-Semitic if you talk about how a lot of the neocons were Jewish.
These people, you can have a serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer, what last name is that?
Somebody has the name Smith, you can say English people are evil.
No, they weren't Jews.
Some of them happened to be Jews, but the point was they were communists, they were Nazis, they were whatever gets them power.
If it means being Republicans, they're for that.
And they are allied with Saudi Arabia.
Who is absolutely, totally, and completely evil.
Just like the globalists, who are a bunch of different groups, are allied with communist China, there is no race component to this at the bottom of the rabbit hole.
It is just raw power, raw control, a race to merge with machines and become gods, to quote Ray Kurzweil.
That's what's going on here.
Now I want to drill into what's happened.
I want to
Tell you about some of the guests that are coming up today.
Former Navy SEAL Matt Bracken is going to be joining us.
Paul Watts is going to be popping in.
Jesse Ventura was already scheduled on the show.
We'll be talking to him about the election and more.
We have David Knight and Hans Schilling, the fourth hour of Overdrive here today.
But before I go any further, the big news out of the 83 dead and the hundreds wounded, 50 plus critical still.
Others dying every few hours.
Is the cold-blooded evil.
In fact, will you guys in a little while queue up the new Snake video that we updated?
We should probably update it again.
And I'm going to go over this list of Islamic terror in 2016.
A shorter list is linked on DrudgeReport.com from InfoWars.com.
I think I'm going to update the list because there's a full list that we also have on the site.
That shows the thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands dead just this year from Islamic terror.
You think 200 and something is bad in France in the last year?
Wait till you've got a concentration of say 80% Muslims or 100% because when they hit 100% they all start killing each other.
Because that's what they do when it's this virulent strain of Islamic garbage.
And you can say, well, it's radical or, oh, is it orthodox?
The dominant form of Islam, funded by Saudi Arabia, backed by our government and the traitors in our media, that won't even tell you it's Islamic.
You think about that.
Our government is 110% illegitimate.
You've got the leftist, the Obama people, the neocons, and others.
Just a consortium of criminals that have been bought off basically by Saudi Arabian money and have made a deal with Saudi Arabia and a deal with Islam that will Islamify the world basically completely within 30 to 50 years, most estimates show, and the globalists don't care.
They're intending to actually merge with this thing.
It's like, take me back to the Lord of the Rings when you got Gandalf up there with Saruman.
And he says, we must join with Soran.
And he says, are you insane?
You can't join with Soran.
And he's like, he's already moving in the East and into the West.
We ought to cue that up later.
I mean, you sit there and watch this.
This isn't some allegory by J.R.R.
Who, by the way, was in World War I, and a lot of it is an allegory of World War I, but coming wars, he saw with Islam.
It's a Christian allegory.
Oh, yes.
That's recently, his writings, they've held back.
The left has, and the family, it's been coming out.
And I've had some of the top Tolkien experts on.
Tolkien was an original Infowarrior.
And all those different allegories, and you're seeing it now.
You're absolutely getting front row seats to it, ladies and gentlemen.
And the way this Islam is basically
A satanic system.
And it claims it's bringing all this tyranny to then normalize so you submit and are at peace, but they're never at peace.
It's a bunch of bullies controlling and dominating society behind walled cities having homosexual orgies.
But then if they catch an average person doing it, they execute you.
It is just a 1984 world merged with a religion.
It's a political ideology of dominance and control
A thug-driven system that has a religion to deliver its system around the planet.
And Zuckerberg, remember a few months ago, was on a hot mic with Merkel.
He played it many times, and he said, don't worry, I'm going to start censoring.
We've got a way to do this.
Then he hired former members of the Stasi to track and report people that mildly criticize open borders, and then the police come and arrest you.
Just two years ago, it started out where they'd censor you on Facebook in Germany, in Sweden, or France.
Now they're arresting you.
Well, it's already here now.
Now, we can't.
Put into the keywords Islamic terror, or Islamic Jihad, or a whole bunch of other words.
Facebook won't let you.
They are burning books.
It's beyond burning books.
They're burning words.
They're memory-holing.
I mean, this is beyond 1984.
It all starts reasonable, like, you want to send somebody a cuss word on your phone.
I'm not a big cusser, but sometimes I send a text message to somebody saying, what the is this?
It says, what the duck?
And it won't let you type what you want.
You see?
That's the nanny state.
You're like, oh, that's a cuss word.
You shouldn't be doing that.
If you buy a so-called mini computer and you pay $500 for it, you should be able to do whatever you want with that phone in a literary way.
It's yours, but see, it's not yours.
It's not yours.
It's loaded up with software that's going to train you that it controls your life, not you.
And people are like, oh, well, that's just cuss words.
Well, now you can't write it or publish it on the internet.
You see, the words aren't even allowed.
I was told a decade ago, before Shazam even existed by radio execs, that in the future, they're going to have systems where they can go out with bots and in a matter of hours, they can code key your voice and have your voice banned from the internet in a matter of hours.
Unreadable by devices!
You think you've seen book burning by the Nazis?
You think you've seen corruption?
Ladies and gentlemen, you ain't seen nothing yet with these powers they're bringing in, and citywide killing cell phone video cameras.
And see, all of this, this is so draconian, and it will enslave all of us.
Whether you're a black man, a white man, Hispanic, a woman, an old person, whether you're a Muslim, whether you're a Christian, whether you're agnostic, this tyranny, it's coming in.
Is history ending?
That's what the globalists call it.
The final revolution and the end of history.
Go read it!
Where everything's gonna be micromanaged by computers, run by them, the language reduced, you'll be dumbed down, entertained, drugged, stealth poisoned, killed, and no more humans.
The public number is 250 million allowed to live.
Look up the Ted Turner quotes, look up the UN quotes.
But you get into deeper research, they just say, no, we're going to merge with the machines, the new God will be created, and then we will be obsolete.
And we might allow a few humans here and there, but they'll be like bugs.
I'm giving you real quotes here.
They'll be like insects.
We might accidentally step on you.
That's one of their favorite quotes, Kurzweil's and others.
We might let you live, but it doesn't mean we might not just step on you.
We're liberals!
Bring in the Muslim hordes!
Chop off the women's genitals!
Murder the children!
And just all these little passive weird wimps, you know, out of our events and stuff, there's always weird women running up with feminists written on their face, screaming at our reporters.
We've shown the videos going, How dare you be here?
Donald Trump's evil!
He wants to hurt Muslims!
And then it's like, and it's a little weird 18-year-old woman with feminist written on her face crying for Muslims.
She has Stockholm Syndrome!
Sorry I'm not going to sexually mutilate you!
Sorry our ancestors created all this freedom!
Sorry for the electricity, baby!
Sorry for your little smartphone right there!
In fact, I forget which video that is.
We've got so many hundreds of hours.
I mean, but repeatedly these people, old women, young women, they're always white.
They go, you hate Islam.
We're like, are you an Islam?
Shut up, racist!
And it's just like, because they can't admit they're wrong.
They can't admit they're con.
They can't admit they're mentally ill.
So they will not let you know that it's an Islamic attack.
And the New York Times and CNN and everybody else plays along with it.
The story's on Infowars.com.
Now let's play this report.
This is Darren McBreen and Rob Jacobson.
While we're live for two hours last night,
They're grabbing clips of the live show and uploading it to Facebook, YouTube, Dailymotion, a bunch of other platforms, where we now reach more than 5 million people a day on our own platforms, video-wise.
Some little audience we hit, small part of it.
And guess what?
Facebook said no, no, no!
Let's show you, if you're a radio listener, you can go to Infowars.com.
The videos are posted.
But for TV viewers, you'll be able to see it.
I'll describe it.
They describe it.
This is the live, active, information war, directed by the White House, by the globalists, by Zuckerberg, by the foreign governments, with Saudi Arabia and the Islamists, in live time, covering up the invasion.
Here's the video.
NaramacBreenInfoWars.com we got breaking news as you all know by now there's been yet another terrorist attack this time in Nice, France by radical Muslim terrorists and guess what the Facebook censorship warriors have already begun.
Now, Rob Jacobson and I, we are here.
We have attempted to upload a Donald Trump video of Donald Trump warning the world of future terrorist attacks, and we tried to put in radical Muslim terrorist as a keyword into Facebook.
Check out what happens when we try this.
When we attempt to put these video tags in, as you can see, we've had pretty simple words here, Nice, France, InfoWars, were able to be accepted.
What happens is if I put something simple in, um... Here, let me hold the mic so you can go ahead and type.
So what he's doing is, so, these are keywords so people can help, this helps them find the videos, right?
Right, so I'm going to type the word in, terrorist, because that's the event.
Now notice, over here... Muslims are not terrorists.
Now I cannot, uh, hit empty without it, so I don't want any of these.
Hit pause.
Hit pause.
Hit pause.
Hit pause.
Back it up ten seconds.
See, people accuse me sometimes of exaggerating a hundred times out of one.
I'm not.
All the time.
It's like I was reading poll numbers of Muslims saying that they want to kill Westerners and agree with suicide bombing, and I was flipping the numbers.
It was worse than what I was saying.
See, it's almost always I downgrade because my mind can't believe it.
I'd forgotten that they didn't just not let them type it, it gave them the message, Muslims are not terrorists, and told us to use that.
I forgot.
They're not just erasing words and language, they're replacing it in real time with what they want.
Let's go out to break with the rest of the clip.
Show people this, this is incredible.
Words so people can help, this helps them find the videos, right?
I'm going to type the word in, terrorist, because that's the event.
Now notice over here.
Muslims are not terrorists.
Now I cannot hit Emter without it, so I don't want any of these.
It will not let me.
It will only go with a suggestion that's on the list.
Now if I type in Muslim terrorists
Alright folks, we're gonna be right back.
Full videos up on Infowars.com.
I mean, this is war against us.
Our own government is against us with the Islamists.
I mean, this is incredible.
Against our free speech.
If you can't see the irony in having a gun ban enforced by men with guns, well then you fail to understand why the Second Amendment was written in the first place.
Throughout history, only slaves are disarmed.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
To keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
For all of you actors out there who go to your red carpet events surrounded by full battle rattle swat teams while you accept your awards for your latest violent movie.
For all you politicians who spend your nine to five days scheming up ways to take away my second amendment rights meanwhile you have first responders on site there to protect you
I say this.
Come and take it.
I have a strict gun control policy.
If there's a gun around, I want to control it.
Clint Eastwood.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
Dads demand guns because it's me that's got to get up and go check out that noise at 2 a.m.
Infowars.com I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
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Start your journey to Super Male Vitality today at InfoWarsLife.com.
We have our hacking writer, really an amazing individual, Mikel Thelen looking into it right now, but I have just learned information about Pokemon Go that is next-level Big Brother.
The total genius of this just completely blows me away.
We are doing a report on it right now.
It is going to be major news making.
This is not in the news that we know of yet.
It is unbelievable.
And by the end of the show, we should have a report out on this.
This is crazy.
This is unbelievable.
Google isn't going to need trucks anymore and cars to drive around and get video of everything.
It tells you where to go around and where to look for the so-called monsters and really you're on a mission mapping everything for it.
And you even got to target it and hold it right to get them the right footage of the little Pokemon.
Doesn't stay on the spot you want.
And you don't even know you're out droning, including inside your house for Google.
That's the info.
We're confirming it all right now.
But I mean, they just came out last year and, you know, they tell you, oh, the smart TVs are watching in your house.
Yeah, we're selling the data.
I mean, it's just like, wow, everything we said was true because we had the documents.
Of course I knew it was true.
That was going on 15 years ago.
I had engineers coming to me and then I'd get death threats after it.
I remember we got threatened by a big pharma company just like six years ago to be sued because we talked about their patents to have chips in the pills.
And they said, that's not true.
We're going to sue you.
And now the company's come out with them.
They just don't want it resisted before it becomes ubiquitous.
I am so blown away right now.
I mean, you can see how the technocracy is working.
They're having congressional hearings about Facebook.
Because they've been censoring conservatives?
Forget conservatives!
How about everybody?
They won't let you say Islamic terror, and when you try to write that on Facebook, it comes back to you and says, there is no such thing as Islamic terror.
Muslims are not terrorists.
The sky is not blue.
Obamacare is free.
2 plus 2 equals 5.
You didn't build your business.
And then you got Gruber on C-SPAN going, oh, thank God, the public's so dumb.
Oh, I got help to rip everybody off.
It's gonna triple prices.
I mean, what time zone or time warp did I enter, man, where the TVs are watching you, the Pokémon's a drone spy, they're bringing in radical Muslims, the worst type, that just murder every other Muslim they get their hands on, and Christians, they...
All these leftist gay groups love Muslims.
I'm online saying, you know, bring more Muslims in so they can throw you off roofs.
I mean, it's a freak show, man.
It is a freak show.
I'm going to stop right there.
We need the funding to really get aggressive.
Hillary's got a 30-mile exclusion zone at the RNC and DNC through Obama.
They've never done that before, so we can't fly aircraft.
We're going to do it outside the zone, other cities, but we're just getting a bunch of trucks now.
They'd have giant Hillary for Prison on the side for both events, so all the proceeds when you buy a Hillary for Prison shirt, go to that, but don't let her stop you.
You wear the shirt, you get in these people's faces, you explain to them how she's a fascist globalist and she's a takeover.
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Thank you for listening.
Wars been declared on the West.
Visit GCMI.
Technologies Allied with Islam.
Prepare yourselves.
Leftist media outlets reacted to the devastating attack in Nice, not by blaming Islam or even terrorists, but by suggesting that an inanimate object, the truck, was responsible for the carnage.
Instead of pointing our fingers at Islam, CNN, CBC, and the New York Times all published headlines that served to hide the true nature of the attack.
CBC reported, children feared killed in Nice as truck attacks family events.
Presumably, the truck was somehow able to manifest artificial intelligence and plow itself through dozens of victims.
Way to go, mainstream media!
Ding, ding, ding!
Not to be outdone, CNN reported, truck rams crowd.
84 dead in Nice.
Again providing a convenient way of avoiding any mention of the ideology that inspired the driver.
Did it rhyme with Aloha snack bar?
The New York Times went with truck attack on French crowd.
Scores die.
Again pinning the blame on the vehicle rather than the Islamists inside it.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
Aloha snack bar!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones!
An imperial probe droid.
But it's not the type we saw in the 1980 blockbuster Empire Strikes Back.
It comes from the folks that own and run the most evil slave factories in the world.
But they're liberals, so it's okay.
Comes from the folks that symbolize the image of the fall of humanity.
An apple with a bite out of it.
And the other companies are just as bad, but they're, they're the king daddy.
You know, when you play, we're doing a report on this, nobody else has this info yet.
Pokemon Go, it uses Google Maps to overlay where you're at.
And now when you're in your house, you name it, all of it.
You're just seeing the interface of the false reality, but videos being sent back to Google headquarters.
So they know everything in your house, they know if you have a gun, they know everything you're doing.
Because it's easy for you just to give a little high-tech Imperial Probe Droid.
Here, let me just give a Probe Droid that tracks everything my child does and even knows when they're asleep or when they're awake or what their heart rate is.
They're just all in a little... You can talk to it.
It's fun.
They don't want to talk to you anymore though.
Here, have an Imperial Probe Droid.
It's like the Matrix.
Oh, a little...
The little spider legs come out of it and runs off.
No, no, no.
It's not scary like that.
And the smart meter's running things and everything's fine.
Oh, Facebook won't let you say Islamic terror now.
No, everything's fine.
Everything's wonderful.
Fantasy football's going to be coming up soon.
For all the real men in America.
Real men, though.
Real men just give their kid an iPhone, you know.
Here you go.
Ha, ha, ha.
Play Pokemon over there.
Well, the AI computer now has somebody with Google Maps to go around and add to their whole database.
Thank you!
Thank you for the intel.
You thought you were playing a game.
You're not playing a game.
You're supper.
You're in the game now.
And then for folks that still get their news from CNN or the New York Times, InfoWars.com, I cannot get over the fact that this is not bigger news.
I cannot get over the fact that we broke last night to millions of people that watched Total.
Hundreds of thousands watching on our streams, watching on television feeds, hundreds of thousands watched on YouTube, hundreds of thousands listened to the streams, where we just sat there and showed everyone Facebook in live time, won't let you say Islamic terror.
And then changes what you write to, Muslims are not terrorists.
Doesn't just burn books, doesn't just destroy language, it puts words in your mouth!
It controls you!
It engineers you!
But that's okay, because Mark Zuckerberg's a liberal!
And he lives while you sleep, while you have the goggles on, the virtual reality that he controls.
He walks bipedal, like a man, like a god, amongst suboid slaves, entering their matrix pods.
And then you see where this technocracy is going.
Just like Matt Drudge got told back in 2015 that 2016 was when they were going to roll out the real censorship, and Facebook brags, we can deliver an election to whoever we want.
Because, well, just like the voting machines change the vote for who you vote for, just like Hillary takes Bernie's votes.
You've got to put up with it.
Bernie supporters like having their vote taken.
Yeah, they like Hillary.
Yeah, yeah.
They like Zuckerberg.
Zuckerberg says, yeah, our users trust us.
They're dumb effers.
Or, if it was a smartphone that censors you, it would be, they're dumb duckers.
Because you can't say, dumb effers.
See, he's Mark Zuckerberg.
He rules the biggest nation in the world.
Facebook with several billion users.
And even CNBC says he's a dictator.
But there's not going to be any news about him controlling language.
Not going to be any news about the CIA already operating with thousands of fake reporters that are computers.
Yeah, an actual agent might have pains of guilt.
But not the AI computer that's got a nice name.
We're going to talk to our Navy SEAL friend who warned of this Tet-2 offensive coming several years ago.
Mr. Bracken, straight ahead.
Paul Watson and more.
The latest on the Nice Islamic terror attack.
The orthodox, authorized, Islamic-supported jihad that our government won't tell you is.
He who controls the trends, controls the future.
He who controls the future, controls the destiny of humanity.
My friends, the globalist social engineers are obsessed with creating false memes, false trends that they control.
to create a population of trendies from those false trends that don't have their own destiny who don't even have a basic organic human genetic drive to build something
That is satisfying, trailblazing, and innately independent and human.
And if you understand this paradigm, you understand all the others.
One of hundreds of memes and trends we've been successfully able to launch and force into the consciousness is a Operation Against Hillary Clinton we launched 10 months ago with the Hillary for Prison t-shirt.
It's now been duplicated by countless groups, and I think that's wonderful.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and now it's all over CNN, it's all over Fox, it's all over the Trump rallies, the Hillary rallies.
The number one search term for a week straight, last week, and still continuing, one of the top search terms is, is Hillary going to jail?
This has been incredibly successful.
Because it shows, despite corporate control, and despite them trying to control the meme,
We are able to synergistically wear our colors loud and proud against injustice, corruption, and oppression, and show that we, humans, not the globalist controllers, but the common little people, can set the trends, can set the memes.
We've had three versions of the Hillary for Prison shirt.
All of them have been collector's edition and have helped fund the InfoWar.
We now have a third edition in.
The second edition sold out.
It's the same as the last, but on the right shoulder says InfoWars.com, on the back it says InfoWars.com, legalized freedom, be part of history, be part of supporting the InfoWar, be part of meeting like-minded friends and family.
And be part of breaking out of their paradigm and setting the agenda, setting the trend, setting the true, organic, teleprompter-free reawakening of humanity.
Get your Hillary for Prison 2016 third wave shirts at InfoWarStore.com or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
Muhammad Lahouyeh's resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
31-year-old Muhammad Lahouyeh.
He's got a lot of fans.
They've got major polls out.
They've got Gallup, they've got you name it.
We were just showing some in the last hour.
35, 36, 37 percent in some areas, 42 percent in France of military-age men want to kill and suicide bomb the French people.
Now, that's asking somebody, do you want to kill people?
Do you support this?
And 42 percent of military-age men say yes.
When they polled Muslims in general, 36 percent in France.
We showed that last hour.
And it doesn't matter what polling agency you do, it's the same numbers.
And it's similar in other nations.
Because they're proud of it.
It's why you're not going to see Muslims apologizing.
Pew Research.
42% of military-age men, 35% of Muslims, period, said they support suicide bombers.
In Spain, 29%.
In Great Britain, 35%.
In Germany, 22%.
In the United States, 26%.
Support going out to their 4th of July, their Bastille Day, and a street's closed, people having picnics, watching the fireworks, and you just run them over.
10 children dead.
Now it's 84 dead.
Over 50 in critical condition.
Hundreds more injured.
People had to run, jumping into the ocean to get away.
And guess what?
Facebook, I'm gonna keep saying this over and over again, the video, we played it last hour, we need major news reporting on this, will not let you put in the words Islamic terror.
Or terrorist, or Islam.
It says, Muslims aren't terrorists.
You fast-forward the video, it'll show it, a close-up, and then it tells you what to say.
Muslims are not terrorists.
We try to say terrorists, and it says Muslims are not terrorists.
Well, that's quite a spell-checker for you with your keywords.
So you think with your iPhone it's cute.
Oh, it won't let me say the f-word.
It says duck.
You see where all this is going?
And then Zuckerberg comes out and says, oh, he's gonna censor, but don't worry, the CNN, the New York Times, look at this, media blames truck, not terrorists or Islam.
In fact, I've heard people out there saying, oh, Fort Hood was just a mental illness.
Oh, San Bernardino was workplace violence.
Oh, the guy, the guy out in Florida, he wasn't Islamic.
No, no, his family, his dad, all just bring in the jihadis and call for it.
He's just joining us at the bottom of the hour, wanted him to pop in.
Almost two years ago he wrote the article for his website dealing with TET-2 and the Islamic invasion.
We'll put that on screen for TV viewers.
You can go to his website and read it.
TET-2, Islam's 2016 European offensive.
And again, that's updated from when he wrote in 2014-2015.
And his website's enemiesforeignanddomestic.com.
He's a best-selling author and a former Navy SEAL.
I know he's a very humble guy and says, well, I'm not really a big deal or anything.
But the point is, he comes highly recommended from smart folks we talk to that are patriots.
They say, well, we can't tell you anything.
Just go get Matt Bracken on.
He'll tell you what they're really planning.
I'm going to say this before we go to Matt.
I want to ask him this question.
Is there any doubt that this is a coordinated globalist program allied with Islam and Saudi Arabia to bring down the left and to merge with the left?
Information war where we can't even say who is attacking us, and you've got every weirdo leftist group, they have major Hollywood movies out attacking me by name, saying I'm an Islamophobe and need to be locked up.
I mean, the Democratic Party platform says arrest climate change deniers.
I mean, is this really their attack plan?
Because you predicted it, it's here, the attacks are bigger, they're coming closer together.
Matt Bracken.
Hi Alex, it's a terrible day, but you keep wondering at what point will there be a turning point.
Today I saw President Hollande of France and his remarks in Nice never mentioned Islam, just terrorism.
He's the one that brought him in!
He's the one that brought him in!
He's allied with them, he's their general!
In Germany, they're arresting people that post anything about the invasion on social media.
They're not arresting the Islamists.
They're arresting the people who warn about the Islamists.
And in our country, from our President to our Department of Homeland Security, they're traitors.
At this point, in 2016, you have to say, if you're still pretending that this has nothing to do with Islam, then you are either secretly already a Muslim,
Or you've already made your separate piece as a Dhimmi.
That's under the Sharia.
People have to understand, when Newt was talking about Sharia, Sharia is not just something for Muslims to abide.
When Sharia law comes, everybody has to abide it.
Now, if you're a Christian or a Jew, you don't have to become a Muslim.
You can become a Dhimmi.
That's a category, like a caste, meaning you have to be submitted, you have to be humiliated, an official second or third class citizen.
And that's if you're in the few countries where they decide to use you as slaves.
In most countries they go ahead and just run you out or kill you.
Right, or take your women as sex slaves.
Two weeks ago, Jay Johnson was in a Senate hearing.
Ted Cruz and others won the Senate Intelligence Committee.
The week earlier, they had had Phil Haney and some other patriots on.
Phil Haney wrote, See Something, Say Nothing, about how he was kicked out of the Department of Homeland Security.
Who had him on?
Right, and all of the words that describe Islamic terrorism
Islam, Jihad, Ummah.
They're not allowed to use it in the investigations.
What do you make of us now?
No one on Facebook can even, in their keyword, add that to their tags.
Yeah, and it's a shame that even the FBI, as we've seen with Comey, taking a dive.
Obviously, the word got to him.
Let's talk big picture.
Big picture, what's the master plan in all this?
I mean, what are the socialists, the globalists, thinking?
Hitting us with probably a million refugees here, five million in Europe.
They're hiding the numbers, we know that.
What's the big plan?
The socialists think that they can ride the tiger of Islam.
But in the end, they'll convert, because secular atheists
And as long as they can kill Christians, I mean, that's the real target.
I mean, they want to mount our head on the wall, so they like it.
Well, of course they like it.
Now, in the end, the Islamists will win because they're willing to behead everybody in sight, including atheists that don't convert.
So the atheists will convert.
The left will just, like Carlos de Jekyll, the left will just switch gears.
Listen, we go out to rallies and see women saying they're feminists, just worshipping Islam and attacking us that we don't criticize it.
And they're like crazy.
They go, I love Islam!
I'm a feminist!
You're like, that's an oxymoron, lady!
Yeah, they're brainwashed.
We make fun of North Koreans running out and, you know, going and swooning over their dear leader, but these women in Europe are just as crazy as the North Koreans.
You know, they are practically like the children in the Pied Piper of Hamlet story, where they will willingly drown themselves, because their brainwashing is that deep.
People have to understand.
It's Stockholm Syndrome!
And that's why it's so important, your tagline, that there's a war on for your mind, it's absolutely true.
And Facebook is the leading fountain of this brainwashing.
So resisting Facebook is critical.
I was suspended for a couple days from Facebook for just posting a text-only meme, wondering when the moderate Muslims were going to, you know, have a rally against Islamic terrorism.
That got me banned for a few days with, you know, threats of being thrown out forever.
It's really upside down world.
I don't know where we go if Facebook won't let you post the truth at all.
And people say we'll just leave it.
It's been given all the attention.
It's the platform.
It's where the war is.
We're going to win and force them to censor us and force them out in the open like Hillary censoring our aircraft banner hangs.
It's only going to make us resist more.
Now Matt Bracken, I want to hold you over when Paul Watson joins us as well.
You talked about the frequency increasing when you were here a month ago.
You talked about the attacks getting bigger.
I mean, I've got to believe at some point this backfires, where none of our media will say Islamic terror, other than a few people on Fox News.
And again, Newt Gingrich is a globalist, but he's telling the truth here.
This is a war.
We are in a war, and if someone says they want Sharia law, that means they're not going to comply with our law, and they're going to try to force us under it, like the Mayor of London is now doing.
So let's play this clip of Newt Gingrich.
Western civilization is in a war.
We should, frankly, test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported.
Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization.
Modern Muslims who have given up Sharia, glad to have them as citizens.
Let me stop there.
Let me just stop right there.
People call that a radical statement.
You can't go to an Islamic country and not submit to them.
You go to Saudi Arabia and preach the gospel, you'll be arrested and in prison.
So again, they're not tolerant of our tolerance.
Get the hell out.
That's not a radical statement.
We're very fortunate in this country because we do have a constitution.
Unlike in Britain, for example, they have no first amendment or second.
Germany, where they're arresting people for making posts, truthful posts about Islam.
But we have a constitution that all the military, police, and government officials have to swear to uphold the constitution.
Part of the constitution, I forget where it is, what article it is,
It is the supreme law of this country.
Well, Sharia to a Muslim is the supreme law of the world.
Sharia law is the law of the world.
And if you are a believing Muslim, you believe that no man-made law, which is what they consider the Constitution, no man-made law can be above Sharia law.
Now, Sharia law holds that women are worth half of a man.
A woman who is raped can be stoned to death for adultery if she doesn't have four male witnesses conveniently testifying on her behalf.
You know, gays can be thrown off of buildings.
This is all Sharia law.
I mean, I wish that the mainstream media, when they play that clip by Newt, they don't explain what Sharia law is.
But at least a lot of the sheeple today, at least they've heard of Sharia law.
Stay there, Matt Braggin.
We're going to ask the question, though.
What's the endgame?
What do you see happening next?
Dr. Grip, you developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
We're good to go.
You have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, on viruses that protect themselves, and so do bacteria and protozoa and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
People can avoid toxic air if they want.
They can get an air purification system.
They can avoid toxic water and drink clean water, but it's really hard to avoid parasites.
It's hard to avoid attacking organisms and that's where I see this going.
I mean, I think a lot of the information that we
Put out there and a lot of the products that that we develop are specifically for that reason to protect you against the endocrine disrupting chemicals to protect you against all those chemicals and toxins.
So we actually design the living defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often could you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when the eggs hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss, excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness, I mean all these things.
If you look at some of these conditions and then us opening up our borders and all the other countries opening up their borders,
You're just dealing with a mass amount of parasites or harmful organisms or biological weapons that are spreading and mutating all across the world.
And I think that's one of the reasons why.
I mean, all you have to do is look at the news these days.
You can type in refugees spreading disease.
I mean, the CDC is going crazy right now.
There's a new antibiotic-resistant E. coli that they just identified.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that, just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
Plans at least twice a year.
All right, well I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have to understand something.
I've been doing this 21 years.
I've been politically involved 25 years.
I've studied history.
I've interviewed the experts across the board.
I've tried to hold all this back, but
I mean, I'm actually getting storable food.
I'm actually getting medical supplies.
I'm actually getting firearms ready.
And I've always had some of that, but I mean, unlike actually getting the solar panels, you know, on the roof, actually, you know, turned on and working, because I'm a busy guy.
I'm actually
Developing collapse plans now.
Because I've studied history, I've talked to the experts, I'm looking at what's going on with our power plants getting shut down, the cultural warfare, the attack on the family, the open borders, the government ordering the Border Patrol to release people with TB by the thousands, and it's just spreading everywhere.
And I'm like, my God, we are really under attack.
This is not negligence.
And I know we've had corruption and problems, but I used to get chills every few days thinking about this.
I get chills all the time now.
My physiology is like, get ready to kick ass.
And believe me, I'm not looking for trouble, folks, but you just see the acceleration of everything.
The mass killings, the killing of cops, the leftist operations.
All of it.
It's like evil is being turned loose.
And Matt Bracken's riding shotgun with us into the next segment with Paul Watson, former Navy SEAL, author, researcher, who's really predicted all of this.
But I got to tell you, it's not a good move for the Western elite, who had everything sewn up, until you realize
They have a desire to bring down the West because they want to control free will.
They want a technocracy.
And they think their technocracy is going to be able to control Islam, and they're going to double-cross it.
That is what's happening.
Matt Bracken's right.
And I am really upset.
I mean, I don't care who you are.
It's time to get out of your box.
It's time to get aggressive.
Matt Bracken, what do we do to really get aggressive?
I'm trying as hard as I can.
Do you concur with me, though, that this confirms our worse analysis?
I mean, this is worse than I thought.
It seems like they're moving the timetable up.
Yeah, this is a takedown.
This is a destabilization.
It's going to accelerate.
It's going to go logarithmic.
We just had a sidebar diversion over Tunis, France.
That's terrible for Europe and terrible for the world, but I have to go back to Dallas.
This is a progression.
Obama and his gang have been stoking the racial flames.
They got the action that they wanted in Dallas.
The next step, and what they really need, is for a right-winger to do a magazine dump into a BLM mob on a freeway, something like that.
I'm very concerned about the convention next week.
Obviously, a lot of morons have just figured out that if they rent a truck they can cause mass casualty mayhem.
People that might not have thought about that before, they all know now.
And the problem that I see is that at some point, somebody's going to unload a magazine right into a crowd.
Now, the guy in Dallas, Micah X. Johnson, he at least was using a scope and aiming at police, otherwise there would have been 30 other civilians shot.
But the next target, which is just going to be a mob of BLM people, you won't need a scoop.
All you'll need is a perch on a highway overpass, and you'll just be aiming into a crowd of a thousand people, so every round is going to hit one or two or three.
That's the next step on the progression.
That's the next thing that I see coming.
Are you saying BLM's going to hit a general crowd, or Globalist will hit BLM to false flag and make them go crazy?
Either a false flag or an own goal, or just some right-winger who's off the deep end, who's saying, you know, I'm going to now strike back for... Sure, because this is mass mind control when the media promotes BLM and Obama says it's the cops' fault.
It's going to make somebody on the other side unstable and go do this, and they just know the law of numbers.
They need, they can't have any more left-wingers.
It doesn't help them when a BLM guy like Micah X Johnson does it.
They need some cracker to do it.
They need to provoke some cracker into, you know, firing off a couple magazines into a BLM crowd.
I see that as the next step.
But the big goal is the elections.
If Trump is leading or even close, the left is going to pull out all the stuff.
And by the way, he really is now probably leading.
He's pulled ahead of Hillary from our internal polling and experts, they now admit that.
And that's why they're going into high gear.
I agree.
If there's a security climate that is dangerous enough, there might not be elections in November.
If there's a race war going on in October,
You know, with any time a group of people crowds together, they get... Sure, what is it, and we're gonna hold you over, what does it signify then that he met with the leader of BLM three days ago for three hours?
Obama signifies that they're rolling on with the plan.
And I don't expect a smooth transfer of power in January.
There might not even be elections in November.
Yeah, let's talk about that with yourself, Matt Bracken, and Paul Watson straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
And folks, we're not playing games.
I've got total skin in the game.
I'm up in Cleveland on the street for five days.
OK, so I mean, this is the battle for the republic.
And if we let these people intimidate us and stand down,
They're gonna dig you out of your house later.
You gotta face them on the field now.
Now is the info war.
100% commitment!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
White people, get ready to write checks and give up your car keys!
Black Lives Matter organizer Ashley Shackleford wants reparations from all white people for 400 years of slavery, when only 1.4% of whites owned slaves at the height of slavery.
Check out this quote from Shackleford.
F*** you.
Pay me.
Pay me a check.
Pay me consistently.
Provide me safe housing.
Offer me a job with benefits.
Run me those Beyonce tickets.
Wait, what?
Is that a mooching mentality of an entitled millennial disguising their intentions as social activism?
Not very well, I might add.
Furthermore, Shackelford sees all whites as oppressors.
So why would you ask for a handout from someone you hate?
She don't care.
She's a queer, non-binary, black, fat femme who gets off on the amount of labels she has.
And oh yeah, getting paid for being a fat black bitch.
Thousands of years ago, there was a basic form of chivalry.
Our ancestors would hear the drums of war, giving the warriors of the tribe a chance to organize and prepare a defense.
Sixty years ago, when foreign air forces were approaching filled with bombs, they had drums of their own, air raid sirens.
But in the 21st century, there are silent weapons for quiet war, pathogens added to the food and water, and to the lining of plastics that destroy our vitality.
Turn off our hormones and accelerate our journey towards death.
I personally counter this onslaught with AnthroPlex.
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It's time for us to take our bodies back into our own hands and it starts at InfoWarsLife.com with AnthroPlex.
Let's face it, most of us are totally addicted to our cell phones.
But recent studies link cell phone use to major health issues, including brain cancer.
Experts say parents and expecting mothers need to be extra careful.
Doctors say the infant brain, even while in the womb, is especially vulnerable.
So keep the phone away from your abdomen, especially toward the end of pregnancy.
And for men, using a cell phone for as little as an hour a day is literally cooking your sperm.
Lowering sperm count levels so much that conceiving a child could be difficult.
This is one of those times you want to keep it out of your pants.
And for those of us who use our cell phones before bed, know that the screen light is actually disrupting your sleep rhythms.
This causes insomnia and slows the metabolism.
Hello, weight gain!
Generally speaking, when cell phones are on, they're constantly emitting radio frequency radiation.
So keep your phone in airplane mode when you can.
Keep the phone at least two feet away from your body.
Use headphones.
And when you're not on your phone, keep it as far away from you as possible.
Leigh Ann McAdoo with your InfoWars Tip of the Week.
The threat is real.
It's being directed and organized by the Davos Group, Bilderberg, Goldman Sachs, J.P.
Morgan, George Soros, and the Prime Minister.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's hard to believe the globalists are really doing it.
I knew this stuff was on the drawing board.
Man, they are crazy.
So was Hitler.
So was Stalin.
I mean, it's just... But I tell you, they always overestimate their power.
They always think they're going to break the West's will.
And in the end, the globalists are going to fall.
This is going to be the final fall.
It may take 20 years.
It might take a year.
But the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
They're not getting away with this.
And I feel sorry for Muslims.
They are brainwashed cult members, bullied by their own system, tortured in their own countries, and then so many of them come here and they're henpecked into their orthodoxy, and you know, and their kid goes out and kills somebody because they're following Islam.
So I welcome Islamic heretics that want to be free.
The problem is fundamentally the religion says a lot of people say that you're not violent when you are.
But never deny the martyrs.
So it's all very schizophrenic.
That's why they'll never say they're sorry for what these Islamists do.
And the controlled corporate, weaponized media will never, will never make them say it because they won't tell you it's Islamic.
And they'll censor your website, they'll censor your YouTube.
The answer is double down.
And then when they censor you, double down again.
And sue them if you have to.
I mean, I've sued, I've filed lawsuits before over censorship.
Let me tell you, it got YouTube's attention.
And Hillary's trying to block our aircraft for the skies with Hillary for President.
She's not going to stop you getting the t-shirts.
She's not going to stop us with trucks now in Cleveland and in Philadelphia.
I've doubled and tripled down now.
We're about to order in Philadelphia like 50 trucks one day with Hillary for President.
I mean, I'm just all in.
And will putting 50 trucks out there for that day with huge billboards saying Hillary for President, will that bring her down?
No, but that action of resistance, that spirit will, of defiance to tyranny, never submitting, never backing down, never giving in, and fighting hard, because you think it's a hard battle now.
Wait until they get more of their controls in, folks.
The number one meme for a week was Hillary for President.
It's shaking her up.
That's just one thing you did, listeners.
And our big secret is, we're going to teach other people how to fight back, so that it doesn't matter what they do to me.
The signal, the way to take them down, the blueprint is already out there, and I studied it from history.
I integrated it with modern information and the truth, and it's unstoppable.
That's a good feeling.
The question is, how bad is this war going to get until the globalists give up?
I'll use the World War II analogy, like at Stalingrad or Leningrad,
When the Germans were already beat and collapsed, Hitler didn't give up.
It took him a couple of years until they dug him out of his bunker.
We've already, I believe, historically defeated the New World Order with Brexit and the rest of it.
They know that now.
And they're launching desperate battle-of-the-bulge type counter-offensives that are going to fail.
But do we want to go through 20 years of fighting the New World Order, or do we want to have a mass awakening now and start the program of reversing this?
Before I go any further, I'm going to go to our guest.
Everybody knows what those of us that are on the tip of the spear are up against.
I'm no hero.
I'm not going to sit here and have these people overrun us, have the globalists brainwash us, have them destroy our families, shut our country and nations down.
I mean, this is like watching my neighbor's house burn or my own house burn.
If I get out of the bed and try to get out of the house, I'm not a hero.
It's self-preservation.
That's what I'm saying.
You couldn't get me to stop doing it.
If you put a gun to my head, I'm not going to stop.
I mean, it's just, I'm fully, absolutely committed because I'm alive.
The general public's in a trance.
It's time to break it.
They need to see Hillary for President shirts everywhere.
You need to get them at InfoWarsTore.com.
People need to see our films, our books, our information.
Molon Labe everywhere.
You need to buy the nutraceuticals so you can be healthier and more focused, like DNA Force.
25% off.
We hardly ever do that.
It will sell out by next week.
We need you to get the X2.
We need you to
Get the non-GMO heirloom seeds, and the Brain Force, and the super high quality storable foods, and we have the best solar panel systems, you name it.
And the Vitamin Mineral Fusion, Fruit Punch, all of it's the very best vitamins, the very best supplements.
Infowarslife.com, infowarsstore.com.
Our call toll is 3-888-253-3139.
They wouldn't be censoring Infowars.
They wouldn't be censoring the word Islamic terror.
They wouldn't be doing all this if we didn't have a capability to bring them down.
Because you are the power.
I'm going to Paul Watson in the back to Bracken here in a moment.
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura is going to be joining us.
We'll see where his take is on all this.
But before we go any further, again, Hillary hates Hillary for prison shirts.
That's why everybody should get them.
It's that simple.
If they were invincible, she wouldn't be trying to threaten comedy clubs and not make fun of her.
They wouldn't be trying to, you know, threaten aircraft companies that already said we can't fly your planes, you know, they'll come after us.
And then now we find a company that will do it, and then they do a first-time exclusion zone for 30 miles out at the RNC and DNC.
It's because it is effective they're putting up defenses.
It's because they do know, they are aware,
We've identified them.
The globalists are now out in the open.
This is the beginning of the end, so they're going to launch everything they've got at us.
We'll talk to Matt Bracken about that, of EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com.
Here in just a moment, former Navy SEAL, best-selling author, really smart guy that's predicted all of this with his Tet-2 Islamic invasion articles.
Let's go to Paul Watson to get his take from London, England.
He's got family right outside Nice, so this is personal for him.
Drugsreport.com is now linked to our article.
Thank God media blames truck not terrorist or Islam for Nice attack.
It's part of the censorship, part of the war on the American people, the part of the war on truth.
I mean, this is coordinated.
This is military level brainwashing.
This is war level disinfo.
Facebook will not let us put in the words Islamic terror on our own videos.
I mean this, we have it on video and tells us Islam is not, Muslims are not terrorists.
That's what we're allowed to say.
I mean this is so unprecedented to see coordination with the big tech companies, Western governments.
Facebook for years calls the German police when someone says we're under an invasion and they come and arrest you.
I mean, I know we keep saying that.
This is... Facebook wants to do that here.
Zuckerberg wants you arrested.
He's an enemy of this country.
He's part of a takeover.
This is 21st century war, folks.
It isn't the Japanese bomb in Pearl Harbor now.
This is global government with Soros and these other people coming after us with an army of jihadis.
I talked to Paul last night, even before Newt Gingrich had said this before, and I said, what is this, Paul?
He said, this is war.
War on the West, attempted takedown.
He goes, we're taking the gloves off.
And I said, that's right.
I want the gloves off and I want brass knuckles on.
We are going all out.
Paul Watson, give us your take on the situation.
The 84 dead, over 100 wounded, 50 plus in critical condition.
Hollande, who lowered the drawbridge, called the enemy in.
With the signals, is now presiding over another death banquet.
What a horrible demonic creature.
Well, I mean, it is a war, Alex, but the problem is many of our leaders have already completely capitulated.
And you can see that today from the reaction from Manuel Valls.
This is the French Prime Minister who said that France learned to, quote, live with terrorism.
He actually said the French people must now tolerate the mangled, limbless corpses of innocent people, of innocent children on the streets, because that's the new reality.
They've got to get used to it.
And that's why people keep seeing France being attacked over and over again.
Because they've surrendered.
Because that's where they're going to institute the first area of... And that's key.
Even when you surrender, they... Other groups don't do this.
When you surrender to Islam, it gang rapes you even harder.
And then look at these headlines.
Ignore the hysteria.
Europe can live with terror.
Another one out of the gate.
Sympathy should be our only response to the nice terror attack.
This is how the terrorists are winning.
This emboldens them.
This is why they keep attacking France because now they think we've got our foot in the door.
This is really working.
They're trying to break our will, Paul.
The media is trying to normalize this.
They're running up the white flag.
That's the headline.
Western media runs up white flag.
Please continue.
Look at this.
Hours before the Nice attack, in fact two hours before, President Hollande, quote,
That's a quote two hours before this attack.
The rise of populism.
These people are more afraid of losing political power, of so-called right-wing populist parties getting in power, than the fact that their country, almost every month now, is being bombarded again and again.
I don't
You've capitulated.
You've lost.
You have no argument remaining.
Now it's somebody else's turn to actually try and fix this massive mess that you've created.
But they know that!
They want to burn everything down because they can't compete with real liberalism and the Renaissance.
The body snatcher always wants to kill what it's copying.
Paul, I think you underestimate their evil.
No, I totally agree.
I'm just talking to the few leftists who are still ignorant and- Well, they don't matter!
I mean, they all are triggly puffs and can't even talk.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, they have allied themselves with the Islamists because, again, they share the same goals.
In this video, again, I post the screenshot out of ISIS's own manifesto where they say, we're going to go and recruit the left wing, the, quote, anti-Zionist, the pro-Palestinian people.
We're going to radicalise them.
We're going to arm them because they roughly share the same beliefs.
They hate the West.
They want to bring it down.
People always say, why don't the left ever criticise Islam?
Many of them are aligned with Islam.
They've allied with Islamists.
That's the danger here.
It's not just individual attacks.
It's the complete subversion of our society from a fifth column that's helping them do this.
Why do the jihadists always attack those that submit?
I mean, they're own hell-pit countries.
I mean, I guess it's like 1984.
It's a boot-stopping on the face forever.
They just all persecute their daughters, their husbands.
It's constant torture, murder, execution, death, lying, weird old men stomping around like... I mean, it's like, what the hell is going on here?
And then look at this comment again from the Prime Minister Vowles, who basically surrendered today and said, you've just got to get used to dead little children on the streets, it's just the new norm.
He said that, this is before the attack, he said, quote, no legal basis for arresting the European jihadists or barring them from leaving or entering France.
He went on to say, quote... Excuse me, he said let jihadists in!
Yeah, yeah.
He went on to say, quote, the fighters in Syria are not fighters.
...fighting against the Assad regime.
So they openly admitted that they were letting these people in and out of France because they were fighting Assad, who's actually destroying ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
He said that before the attack.
These people are fifth columnists.
These people are even more dangerous than ISIS because they hold the reins of power.
And again, absolutely shocking comment.
Well, Paul, I'm completely blown away.
Stay there.
I want to get Matt Bracken, again, former Navy SEAL, author, anti-terrorism researcher who predicted this Islamic Tet-2 would be kicking off big time this year.
More and more frequent.
Larger attacks.
In concert.
Like a major war.
First, I want to say Paul Joseph Watson.
Your videos are amazing.
My daughter and her generation are turned on to them.
I can't say enough about your videos.
I think they're at the very top of the entire genre.
I need to use two Arabic words.
One is Jizya and one is Demi.
Another concept in English is called the bride price.
When a trader comes over, say back in the Cold War era terms, a Russian trader came over, the bride price were the secrets that he brought.
You know, you didn't just show up and say, I hate the KGB.
You had to burn some KGB people back in Moscow.
That's the bride price.
Hollande and Merkel, their jizya, their bride price for continuing in power under the new caliphate,
Is to betray their own people.
To lie about their own people and to their own people.
In fact they've had the meetings where they say, you've got to give us cover for our jihad.
We want to see you let us do this.
Just like a gang member to be initiated has got to go kill an old lady for no reason.
This is literally a gang initiation.
Well, this is a gang initiation where the leaders of Europe are lying to their own people, and they know they're lying to their own people.
This is their bride price, their Jizya tax, for becoming safe demis and keeping their power.
Now, some of them might just out and out say, I converted long ago, I'm a Muslim, fooled you.
Or they might say, as long as I keep my palace and my villa and my estate, I don't really care.
But their bride price, their Jizya tax,
I don't know.
He said he had no idea.
Ted Cruz had a big chart behind him with all of the words in the 9-11 report that have been expunged year by year.
And Jay Johnson just flicked his hand and said, I have no idea what you're talking about.
So these guys... It's the same way they denied world government as they built it.
Now it's out in the open.
They deny the Islamic invasion.
This is the mind control and call you a conspiracy theorist.
They're actually now saying that if you say this was Islamic.
There's new headlines.
We are conspiracy theorists.
We need to see them and call them traitors.
I agree with you.
Let's expand on this.
Let's expand on this, Matt Bracken, because what you said is absolutely at the heart of this.
You look at the London mayor, all of this.
Once they get in, they activate and let you know, yes, we're conquering you.
Yes, we're taking you over.
Because whatever you want to say about Islam, it at least wants to take over, is dominant, will do whatever, and has a long-term strategic plan.
The globalist minions just want to sell out and are such total scum.
How do we counter that?
A bad ideology beats no ideology.
Even an evil, bad cult beats secular nothingness and nihilism.
That's right.
You know, the post-modern, nihilistic, all things are the same, there's no good, there's no bad.
That means Islam wins.
Don't we need a new crusade?
I mean, the crusade's got a dirty name, but we were attacked for 400 years before we went in there and kicked their ass.
And I'm sorry, if they want one, and this time we won't attack countries that are moderate.
Saudi Arabia and all these other jihad centers, they want to fight, they need to really get one.
Well, the good thing is that we have this Constitution, so we have at least a legal trench line to fight in, which is that our Constitution is above Sharia law.
And anybody who says, for example, Hillary Clinton, she wants to pass this thing called UN Resolution 1618, which outlaws blasphemy against Islam.
Like Obama said, you know, the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet Muhammad.
And that's why the internet now won't let you criticize the Islam enemy, because that's blasphemy, gone is our First Amendment.
Well, that's Sharia.
That's submission to Sharia.
But there are thousands of veterans, particularly those who have fought in the Middle East, that have seen this evil up close, and they're locked and loaded, and they are not going to submit.
I guarantee you they're not.
I was about to say, I don't think, I don't know what the globals think they've bid off, but they are.
This is, this is like two freight trains at 100 miles an hour going towards each other.
It is crazy.
It is crazy, and it is just unbelievable to see this happening.
Matt Bracken is our guest host, Paul Watson.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
On the other side of this break, a lot of key intel.
Dr. Grip, you developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
This is very important because a lot of these microorganisms and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms,
You have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, viruses protect themselves, and so do bacteria, protozoa, and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually designed the Living Defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often could you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when they hatch that job.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss,
Excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness.
I mean, all these things.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite test.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Ladies and gentlemen, the globalists are anti-human tyrants.
Islam gives them a billion, four hundred million or so people that are used to living under tyranny.
And who are willing to go out and kill innocent people whenever they're told to.
But to stir up these people, the West has also launched wars over there that actually targeted the enemies of radical Islam.
Which shows you this has been a long-term strategic plan.
But this isn't the 1990s where they could just deny there was a treaty or deny there was an open border.
We're exposing it.
Infowars.com has been on the front lines of that.
Whether it's Obama opening the borders and trying to cover it up or the Islamists being brought in.
I think time is on our side overall.
I wanted to ask Paul Watson his view on this and other tidbits, but I just don't see how, as this intensifies, they're going to be able to cover up that there's Islamic terror and that it's increasing.
And I just can't believe that the President and others of France are just making jokes about this and saying we've got to just get used to it and, you know, we've got to just let jihadis come and go.
I mean, he's like
Kissing their butts, I guess, so he hopes they don't come kill him.
I mean, is it just the incredible cowardice of these people, or what is it, Paul?
I mean, you could say it was Stockholm Syndrome, but they've completely capitulated.
The narrative that you're now getting, and you get this after every single attack, is, you know, this is just going to make the right wing get into power, this is going to cause more division if the right wing sees power, and then there'll be more attacks.
So again, it's that same narrative.
We're not being nice enough to the precious Islamists.
You know, don't upset them.
We have to appease them, otherwise they'll kill us.
Don't insult them.
Don't draw the Prophet Muhammad.
Well, it hasn't worked, has it?
It hasn't worked!
They've completely failed.
Multiculturalism has failed.
Most of these jihadists come from these Islamic ghettos created by the left's mass immigration policies.
Well, they all get free welfare, free everything, and they just sit around in these diaper outfits, bitching all day.
It's like, in Germany we interview them, like, I got here, everything's free, I'm gonna take over, I hate Germany and I hate Germans.
And they're just so honest, like, I hate you.
And the guy's just like a cartoon character.
But also, you know, it's not just socioeconomics.
A lot of the suicide bombers are actually well-educated.
So you can't just blame that as well.
Sure, so what comes next?
I mean, where does this all end, Paul?
Well, we're in a war.
I mean, the head of the French police last week said one or two more Islamic terror attacks in France, it's civil war.
Now, the French have largely capitulated.
What I'm predicting is this is going to happen in Germany.
There's going to be a massive attack.
There's going to be a massive backlash.
There's going to be civil unrest.
There's going to be riots on the streets.
It's only a matter of time.
And let's be clear about the French head cop, though.
He was saying, I'm worried about right-wingers, we've got to pounce on them.
So they're going to go raid the right-wingers and they even speak out.
No, exactly.
And then you were talking about see something, say nothing.
They let this guy sit on the road in his truck for nine hours when this road was supposed to be blocked off to all traffic.
They questioned him.
They did nothing.
We saw with San Bernardino, the neighbors, they saw the packages coming in.
Said nothing for fear of being called racist.
Always nest in leftist areas.
That's a great point.
I'm going to hold you guys over five minutes.
Ventura's coming up.
I want to get final comments from both.
Matt Brackett, it seems they always attack in nesting areas of ultra-left and they go kill their leftist friends.
Is this part of the loving Islam?
Islam is indiscriminate in terms of who they murder.
You saw in Baghdad, that was just Sunni versus Shia bringing a truck bomb into their holiest hour of the end of Ramadan party, sort of like Bastille Day for Islam.
That's when they detonated this huge truck bomb in the middle of an affluent Shia shopping center.
I want to mention before I go, since the last time I was on, I wrote a short story called Piss Christ, Piss Koran!
That's on GatesOfVienna.net.
There are ways to fight back.
There are some people that will fight back.
We won't submit.
Now, my biggest fear is that at the end of the day, the grid goes down.
Almost every scenario results in a possible grid collapse.
Hold on, we're back in 70 seconds.
I want you to spend a few minutes on that because it's not just the Islamists they're bringing in.
Again, the people running our country are trying to collapse us while building breakaway government reservations and corporate systems that are exempt to bring in a kind of new dark age where they then reorganize things.
Stay with us.
This is Communications Radio Network.
White people, get ready to write checks and give up your car keys!
Black Lives Matter organizer Ashley Shackleford wants reparations from all white people for 400 years of slavery, when only 1.4% of whites owned slaves at the height of slavery.
Check out this quote from Shackleford.
F*** you.
Pay me.
Pay me a check.
Pay me consistently.
Provide me safe housing.
Offer me a job with benefits.
Run me those Beyonce tickets.
Wait, what?
Is that a mooching mentality of an entitled millennial disguising their intentions as social activism?
Not very well, I might add.
Furthermore, Shackelford sees all whites as oppressors.
So why would you ask for a handout from someone you hate?
She don't care.
She's a queer, non-binary, black, fat femme who gets off on the amount of labels she has.
And oh yeah, getting paid for being a fat black bitch.
Article by Paul Joseph Watson on Infowars.com.
This has been Gabriel Goldiamond.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
That Bracken's our guest?
We're getting into the incremental selective enforcement of industrial society, the post-industrial world that the United Nations officially has as international law.
But again, the future will not be evenly distributed, and it's not distributed evenly.
It's being distributed to the globalists that siphon off our energy, our industry, our inventions, build their globalist system while collapsing the world into quagmire, using Islam and socialist revolutions to dumb the public down and put them into two different forms of brainwashing control.
Mr. Bracken, finish up with a few minutes on that and we'll talk to Paul Watson.
But you were talking about their plan as they attack
Our energy supplies, our grids, everything.
Going back to the beginning of the show, you said you're not a hero, not a brave man.
I think you are.
I think that all of us now, we need to stand on the skyline.
Our training is to hide in the ditches to take a good shot and not to ever skyline ourselves.
But those of us in what you might call leadership positions, it is our duty to skyline ourselves, which you are certainly doing going to Cleveland.
And I admire you greatly for that.
Also, Paul Watson, tremendous videos.
If we're all the gray man, then 1984 wins.
So there is a time to hide.
Now is not the time.
Now is the time to stand tall.
I do fear that there's not going to possibly not be an election.
Certainly there won't be a smooth transfer of power.
I expect assassinations.
I expect, you know, Nice-style attacks.
I expect magazine dumps into crowds coming up.
Because Team Tyranny is going to pull out all the stops.
We're going to see an escalation that's going to make our heads spin.
And we have to be prepared for that.
This is all part of a destabilization process.
Is it the good news, though, that I see the military is almost completely awake?
Cops are really waking up?
I mean, are you seeing that?
Yes, but the problem is, if the power goes out, it's very hard for us to organize.
Forget about Facebook, there won't be television.
So, uh, we have to be prepared for a lot of worst case scenarios, uh, like my short story, what I saw at the coup, my other short story, Alas, brave new Babylon.
Well, I just want to be clear on the whole angle.
I know there's no future if we don't fight now.
And so, and that's, that's why I am willing to take basically any risk at this point.
And I feel good about it because I realized down the road, it gets too horrible.
Matt Bracken.
And we're not youngsters.
You know what?
We've had a great life.
We've had a great shot.
We owe it to the next generation.
Maybe they're being raised as brainwashed... That's right.
There had to be some men in this age to stand up.
We'll talk to you again, coming up maybe this Sunday, because I'm going to be flying to Cleveland there, but we're going to have David Knight here, so hopefully he'll pop in with us for an hour.
We'll talk to you again, Mr. Bracken.
God bless you.
Thank you.
I mean, there are still men left in the world.
I'll just say that.
And I'm not bowing down to any of this crap.
I'm done.
Thank you, sir.
Paul Watson, you've got a minute and a half.
Thank you for joining us and the great work you're doing.
Yeah, I'll just finish by saying, you know, this is the most tumultuous year politically in my entire life.
There's going to be more terror attacks.
There's going to be riots.
There's going to be civil unrest across the West.
But this will lead to the rise of populism, as it's already doing throughout Europe.
And also in America.
And that's the necessary medicine we need.
The left's policy of multiculturalism has completely failed.
Their neoliberal military interventionism has completely failed.
It's blown back.
It's created an absolute disaster.
And we need actual leaders to step up and fix this complete mess.
And hopefully that's what's going to happen.
What else are you looking at, Paul?
What else is going up on Infowars.com?
I'm very thankful that Drudge is pointing out that the newspapers won't say Islamic terror and say truck, but this Facebook, for me, not letting us put in Islamic terror in live time, that should be the top story in the country.
There's proof to the Senate of incredible censorship.
Oh no, they're banning people all over Facebook.
I've got one up on Twitter, it's a quote.
Somebody posted on Facebook, I'm going to condemn Muslims and their death cult religion.
I'm not going to say pray for France.
Within hours of this attack.
So that's the most important thing, is banning, deleting.
And they target the little people first.
They don't try to ban the big guys first.
They ban the little people thinking you have no voice.
That's why you fight harder.
Because you really are who are important.
We're selling a product, DNA Force, that is the very best nutraceutical that we can produce, that similar formulas are being taken by the Japanese for $400 to $600 for the same dose.
We're doing 25% off on DNA Force.
This is the ultimate, in my view, nutraceutical.
Dr. Group, you took years for you to develop DNA Force for us.
It's been something that I've been working on for a long time, Alex, because I think it's very, very important.
We are a hundred trillion cells in our body.
That's what we are.
So when you look at the aging process, or you look at the disease process, what you're really looking at is what's happening inside the cells.
What the aging process is, is when the cell replicates, we lose a little bit of our telomeres.
Telomeres are the little cups on the end of our chromosomes.
And when it runs out, you start dying?
We knew that the aging process is due to a free radical attack on the mitochondria of the cell, which decreases the telomeres.
So the first thing was, what can we use?
What herbs and what substances that are all natural to prevent and to block the free radical damage to the cells?
And what we did with that was use certain compounds like the pterosteal bean, the CoQ10, and the second thing that we wanted to do actually was rebuild and give the nutrients necessary for rebuilding the mitochondria so the next time the cell replicates, it's a stronger than it was before.
We chose the PQQ because it has over 175 different clinical trials.
It's one of the most effective substances in the world.
It works like an antioxidant.
It works to repair nerve growth factor, which has been proven in clinical trials.
That's why we have so many five-star reviews.
I take this.
This is the product that I take and live by because it really is an attack on ourselves.
Not only did we include the PQQ, but we wanted to look at what's going to enhance the effects.
What's going to make this even better, stronger?
We have the P40 pomegranate extract, which is high in polyphenols, which helps repair the cells.
We have the arlipoic acid.
We even have astragalus in there.
We have enzymes in there, which all cells function with enzymes.
But what we need is we need the cells to be hydrated.
And with the fulvic acid has been shown to actually pull water and to help water come into the cell.
That passes it through the barrier.
That passes it through the barrier and it helps with hydration.
So this is a formula to deliver the maximum amount.
It's in powder form so it's more absorbable.
How many do you take a day?
When do you take?
I personally take three capsules every single day.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, for this hour, former Minnesota governor, best-selling author, former Navy SEAL, movie star, patriot, TV show host,
Jesse Ventura is our guest.
I remember when he, for several years, was kicked off of MSNBC back when it had bigger ratings than CNN or Fox.
You know, huge ratings.
They killed it.
He wouldn't endorse the Iraq War, so they just kicked him off the air, even though he had great ratings.
That's why I really respect Jesse Ventura.
You also have someone like Donald Trump, who was against the war at that time.
And so even though I don't agree with maybe 10% of what Jesse Ventura stands for, it doesn't matter, because all I want is somebody that has integrity.
Whether they be a talk show host or whether they be a president or a governor.
And that's what it's really all about.
What Jesse Ventura says he stands for is what he stands for.
And there's so much to talk to him about, but I gotta tell you, getting to know him now, hard to believe, like, eight, nine years ago,
And now, being a guest on several seasons of his popular show, Conspiracy Theory.
Everything we talked about, the NSA spying, the FEMA centers, that's now been declassified by the way last year.
We've covered the resettlement program, the program for world government, atmospheric manipulation, that's been partially declassified.
The Brexit, leaving the Euro, all of this is what he and I and others have covered because it was in the documents.
It wasn't speculation.
It really is mind-blowing.
And so we have to ask ourselves, what point have we gotten to as a civilization where world government is out in the open,
They admit it's a corporate, unelected world government, and those of us that exposed it before it was even admitted to exist, do we get an apology?
And see, it's not about those of you that exposed us getting an apology or myself getting an apology, it's about the fact that we knew what was going on.
We understood what was unfolding.
We warned people accurately.
And so the general public needs to remember that, and they are starting to remember that.
And so, yes, this show and others like it have more credibility, and you've got all the government disinfo shills out there that cause infighting and, you know, make up silly stories and things that can't be proven.
But to be called a conspiracy terrorist is just someone that is questioning
Known liars in the political spectrum and all these multinational interests that are coming in and taking control of our government and our process.
And I think we can all agree, no matter what color we are or what party we're in or where we're from, that we just want transparency.
We want our governments back.
We want to be populist.
Now the question is, what type of populist are you?
We're going to Jesse Ventura.
His phone dropped.
He just came back.
We know that we've attacked the Middle East for no reason.
We know we've overthrown moderates.
We know now they've put in radicals and then have opened up Europe and the West to it to cause a destabilization that I believe will be a backlash to further invade the Middle East in the future, but also take our liberties domestically.
Full-spectrum dominance.
And I want to get Jesse Ventura's take on that.
I want to talk about his new book, one of many bestsellers.
Do islands float?
I don't think so.
I, you know, I've been all through Southeast Asia and great parts of the Pacific.
I did 17 months deployed overseas, two tours, and I never ran into any floating islands.
Well, you're a conspiracy theorist.
And I, and I, and I had to swim in a lot of those waters, so I would have been up close and personal to him too.
Well, we're not going to believe you.
We're just going to say you're a conspiracy theorist because the congressman said they float.
Wow, where should we start?
I mean, what do you think about the terror attacks that we just saw in the last few months, the one last night in Europe?
Well, Alex, what people fail to realize, I was talking somewhere one time and there was a Muslim girl, weighted, young, and she had the whole get up on, you know, the stuff they wear.
You know, I'm not really privy to it being a non-believer.
I don't pay attention to all that stuff with any of them, but she waited for me and afterwards she came up to me and said, Governor Ventura, you know exactly, you understand the Middle East.
And this is what I had said.
All of this stems from the root problem of colonialism that took place decades and decades ago where Europe, through colonizing the world,
At some point, did it to the Middle East, and what they did, they formed countries not based upon the tribes there, they placed them upon what they wanted.
You know, okay, France, you're going to take care of this, and you're going to take care of that, and that all to profit them.
That's right.
And so, you have all the countries have three different
Religious factions that have been warring for years, and the only way to keep them under control was to have dictators.
Well, now we've gone in and taken out all the dictators, and now look what you've got.
This is all blowback.
To me, it's a blowback from colonialism.
Sir, you're absolutely right, and nobody's talking about that.
I mean, you just said that, it's so true.
The British created Saudi Arabia out of like four or five groups.
Iraq was created out of three different groups.
All these countries.
It wasn't done according to the needs of the people there.
It was done according to whatever the Europe colonialization wanted.
And now it's blowing back on Europe, because they're getting hit pretty hard with it.
And to me, that's the root problem.
Just like, okay, we'll transition to what's happening in America right here with our police and our black community and all this.
Okay, racism is definitely one of the problems, but that takes generations to get rid of.
You can't change that overnight, people's feelings like that.
But here's the root problem, Alex, the war on drugs!
That's what's militarized our police.
It's made it to where they bust door downs, come in shooting first and asking questions later.
Well, I was about to say, I mean, you can really blame the feds.
They have done all the federal training, the instinctive shooting, the no-knock warrants, the asset forfeiture.
That is all the federal government, bipartisan, going right back to Richard Nixon.
And I say, stop it.
Just like you say, I totally agree.
The point is, if you end the war on drugs, you end the militarization of our police.
When I was doing my internet show, I had a 12-year Baltimore police cop veteran on.
And he agreed with me and concurred fully with that.
By the way, speaking of that, you've done all sorts of TV shows.
Can I talk about the RT thing coming up?
Well, I haven't officially inked it yet.
It's unofficial, unofficial.
I saw it in a news article, so I know I wasn't leaking something.
I'd love to see that.
Larry King can say whatever he wants on there.
Let's just put it this way.
I'm in final negotiations with RT, and here's what I find amazing, amazing, is that I grew up, Alex, and lived through the entire Cold War.
And now I'm censored throughout the United States.
I can't get on TV shows.
I can't do this.
I got 33 media conglomerates opposing my lawsuit to clear my name and all this stuff.
Yet, who's gonna give me the freedom to speak freely?
The Russians?
No, Alex, I found this out when I went to Moscow in December.
When Vladimir Putin spoke that night at the 10 year anniversary, he stated he will never interfere artistically, he will never interfere with anything we want to talk about.
But we hear from our media he totally controls the media.
Oh, it's the opposite.
I'm going there for freedom, I can't even talk here.
It's the Russians who are giving me free speech to Jesse Ventura.
Well, that's because they've already been to the bottom, and we haven't hit the bottom yet, and I don't wonder how we are.
Well, the point is, they're embracing capitalism.
I know.
When I was over there, they're embracing it so much, Alex.
All stores are open 24-7.
I know.
That's competition.
Everything's open all the time.
Amazing, amazing.
Well, I can't wait.
I saw...
I know, they have lower taxes than we do.
You can go out at 3 in the morning and buy a tuxedo.
Someone will be there to wait on you.
That's crazy.
I've talked to folks.
They're really trying to rebuild Russia.
And look at how the West has got all these sanctions and moving weapons in.
Did you see Putin come out and warn the press of nuclear war and the Chinese president just Monday warned of war with the United States?
And again, I don't defend the Communist Chinese.
They're a terrible government, but their people are good.
But it's true that the West is really moving in up against their borders.
It's also a fact.
I heard Putin speak.
He was getting grilled by a BBC guy.
And the guy was grilling Putin on Russia's aggression.
And Putin was so cool and calm, he said, well, let's put this into common sense for a moment, if we can.
Russia has two bases military outside of Russia.
Two or three, yeah.
The United States has, what, 178?
Big ones, it's like 500.
Something like that.
And like Putin said, using common sense, who's the aggressor?
I mean, come on!
We got military- I'm for bringing all- closing them bases and bringing our young men and women home where they belong.
And then if you want to have them guard our border, let's do it with the U.S.
Well, that's what they're supposed to do in the Constitution.
You know?
Well, that's what I'm advocating.
If you're worried about our borders, let's have the military truly protect America.
Yeah, walls are not going to do it.
I mean, I like Trump, but the wall thing.
Let's build a bigger ladder or dig under it.
I mean, give me a break.
Jesse Ventura is our guest.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
True patriot is this idea that we're going to empower people to, for the first time, grab onto what it means to be a patriot.
We're rolling out not only tutorials, not only impassioned truth-telling videos, but we're giving you the skills to
Be just that, an individual that can live its life in liberty and freedom.
We're showing you how to shoot, we're showing you how to grow your own food, we're showing you how to exercise every single one of those beautiful amendments that were written by our founding fathers.
They were brilliant, they were geniuses, but they knew what was coming and they knew what they had just fought in 1776.
And they never wanted to see that again.
So they wrote these things and said, you have to be able to, just like a muscle, exercise these frequently.
Because if you don't, they die.
And that's what true patriot is.
We are passionate in this idea of freedom and liberty.
I have been to countries that
Believe in socialism, that try to enact communism.
They don't work, right?
The one thing that we know works is freedom.
And I've fought for it, I've killed for it, I've bled for it, now I sweat for it, now I teach it.
And you have to, you have to buy onto this idea.
And believe it and train it every single day.
And that takes hard work.
And that's what true patriotism is.
Well, there's a saying, you know, you talk the talk, you walk the walk.
And it's absolutely true.
We have to physically go out and plant gardens.
We have to physically spend time with our children.
We have to physically turn the TV off.
We have to physically go for a jog.
We have to physically stop eating GMO.
But I want to ask you a question.
What are you doing now?
Because listen, I don't do this because I'm some hero.
I do this because instinctively, I can't be run over and be a slave without standing up.
I'm just a regular guy of 20 something years ago got involved and see where we are.
Imagine when Tim gets involved and you get involved.
We're looking to win this thing, not just be, you know, overrun and defeated or, you know, hide out in the woods.
We're going to go out and take this country back.
You hit the nail on the head when you said it takes work.
It is so easy to control a populace that is weak and that's pathetic, that they have no skills to do anything.
They have to rely on somebody else.
You have to have somebody give you a phone because you can't earn enough money to go get one for yourself.
You don't even know how to grow food.
You don't know how to change your oil.
You are literally living your life as a slave.
So individual responsibility, it's the idea of dangerous freedom.
I would prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.
I am planting seeds every single time that you watch one of my videos, that you go to Infowars.com forward slash true patriot, and you watch something.
I'm planting a seed in your mind to go out and work, to go out and shoot, to go to the range, to practice free speech, to go and figure out what the difference between alternate current and direct current is, and how that works in your electrical system.
Go do something that makes you stronger.
What does it mean to be able to be self-sufficient?
You know, I'm talking solar power.
How do you do that?
I'm going to show you.
You know, like, how do I go and set up my own urban farm?
We had one acre parcels and we had community farming where one person would grow one thing, the neighbor would grow another, and then would share, and everybody had enough to survive.
And then you come into here, Austin, Texas, a huge cosmopolitan, gigantic city, and we have tons
Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people that are now turning the page and saying, no, I'm going to grow everything that I need here on my own home.
I'm going to have goats.
I'm going to get their milk.
We can't wait another day.
We have to do it right now.
Listen, you can come and watch our videos.
Film your own videos.
If you have a farm, go grab a community.
It's about community.
Grab your neighbors.
Grab your friends.
Grab the people from your church.
Grab the people from your golf club.
I don't care who it is.
Grab people and get them involved.
Not just America, but the human condition is under attack.
We're going into servile bondage, artificial synthetic world.
We're breaking the matrix, folks.
We're coming out of it.
Freedom is addictive.
A patriot is somebody that has the ability and the strength of will to live their life how they want to.
Well, talking to my good friend Jesse Ventura during the break, and I say good friend because he just is a really good guy.
He's been through so much demonization, so much disinfo, they were scared of him running for president.
Well, he was just telling me, you know, he never really made an announcement, he's not running for president.
He was telling me why, and I want him to spend some time talking about that, the state of the world, and where he sees things are going.
So, Governor, if you don't mind, repeat what you were just telling me during the break.
Well, I took hard consideration to run, Alex.
The Libertarians contacted me on two occasions and invited me to their big convention in Orlando.
But I chose not to go because I sat down with my wife and we talked.
Here's how I felt.
I'm 65.
It's my birthday.
I go on Medicare today.
Ain't that wonderful?
Happy birthday!
I didn't know it was your birthday.
You're welcome.
Oh, thank you, I should say.
Anyway, though, okay, I run and I run to win.
And I truly think I could have won in light of the fact that both these candidates have negatives that are, you know, over 50%.
But that aside, I had it in my gut to run.
I wanted to debate them.
I'd love to take them on.
But where I fell short in my heart,
Was I didn't feel at this time in my life that I wanted to give 100% to late 70 minimum.
And you gotta do it.
And I just didn't feel I could do that.
If it was 10 years ago, I would have did it.
But at this point, personally, in my life, I know I got only a finite number of years left, and as you get older and go on Medicare, it actually becomes more apparent to you, believe it or not.
Well, she's a great lady.
But expanding on why you're very close to doing this big show with RT.
RT globally is much bigger than CNN.
Hundreds of millions of viewers.
I mean, it's really amazing.
It's second only to the BBC now in the world.
It's like in 800 million homes throughout the world.
Which shows how discredited our media is.
CNN used to be one of the biggest.
Now no one will carry it overseas.
I mean, we're so distrusted.
So let's talk about that.
You were saying you have a larger mission than just trying to be U.S.
Well, when I chose not to run for president, this December I made a trip to Moscow on behalf of RT, because RT and I are going to work together.
Russian television, I hope, we're very close right now to doing the deal.
And I'm getting older and, you know, you choose the things you want to do or the legacy you want to finish your life with.
I was so impressed with the Russian people when I went over there meeting the common people.
And it bothered me so much having parents who fought side-by-side with the Russians as allies in World War II.
My father spoke very highly of the Russians, he knew.
And I want my legacy now to be, I want to work for Russian television and I want to try to bridge the gap any small way I can to make the United States and Russia friends instead of enemies.
We should be friends, not enemies.
What do you make of NATO, the globalists, the Republicans and Democrats, Obama, trying to start a war with Russia?
It's just crazy.
This isn't Iraq.
It is utterly crazy.
I met Russian people over there the short time I was there.
They're happy people.
They're out from underneath communism.
They're enjoying a freedom they've never felt before.
But they're new.
They're just growing at it.
Imagine what our country was like in its first 10 years.
Or whatever it's been now.
I guess 91 when it fell, so it's a little over 25 lousy years.
Well, they have to have a chance.
And we're not giving it to them.
Where we ought to be standing with them and working with them
I guess our industrial war machine needs to be fed continually, doesn't it?
Well, my job, I believe, in life right now is going to be to try to over-bridge that.
I want to be friends with Russia, not enemies with it.
Well, world government wants world government, and Russia doesn't want to be part of the world government.
So that's what's happened.
In fact, it's only Russia that's the holdout.
The Communist Chinese are heavily involved in the whole project, though they've been kind of double-crossing each other.
We're going to break here in a moment and talk about your book, but what do you make of, just briefly,
All the communist Chinese talk of war with the U.S., just crazy.
Well, I haven't followed that, Alex.
That's new to me.
I don't watch the news like you do.
You know, I try to break away from it.
Well, our news won't tell anybody about it.
We write articles about the official Communist Party saying they're getting ready for war with the U.S.
This is unprecedented talk.
Well, you know, I don't know.
All I can say is this.
I know two years ago there was an international poll done by Gallup, I think, where they polled like 3,000 people internationally.
And they posed the question, if you went to war, who do you think would likely be your adversary?
23% of them said the United States.
Let's talk about that.
That's a great point.
We'll be back.
He who controls the trends, controls the future.
He who controls the future, controls the destiny of humanity.
My friends, the globalist social engineers are obsessed with creating false memes, false trends that they control.
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One of hundreds of memes and trends we've been successfully able to launch and force into the consciousness is a Operation Against Hillary Clinton we launched 10 months ago with the Hillary for Prison t-shirt.
It's now been duplicated by countless groups, and I think that's wonderful.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and now it's all over CNN, it's all over Fox, it's all over the Trump rallies, the Hillary rallies.
The number one search term for a week straight, last week, and it's still continuing, one of the top search terms is, is Hillary going to jail?
This has been incredibly successful.
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We've had three versions of the Hillary for Prison shirt.
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We now have a third edition in.
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Get your Hillary for Prison 2016 third wave shirts at InfoWarsTore.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Sorcerers of Death's Construction.
I'll tell ya, I've been to a lot of big rallies, I've snuck into Bohemian Grove, I've covered military drills, I've gone out and protested the Ku Klux Klan and Metro La Raza and the new Black Panther Party.
But I do have a few butterflies about what's coming up next week in Cleveland.
I'll be there, I'm gonna be speaking at some rallies, I'm gonna be doing live broadcasts and a lot of big interviews.
I'll be wearing my Hillary for Prison shirt.
The FBI saying they think there may be terror attacks at this event or whatever.
I think overall it's more dangerous driving down the highway.
But what I know is more dangerous is not being engaged, not being involved, and just rolling over.
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest.
S-H-U-K-T, politicians say, the funniest, dumbest, most outrageous things ever uttered by our leaders.
I want to talk some about the book here in a moment.
And I want to talk about
Uh, Ventura suit he won for defamation, now that's been overturned, going back to the full court.
He's not really been saying a lot about that because obviously it's going to be litigated.
But first, let's talk about election 2016.
I have problems with Trump saying, torture ISIS.
Though I don't like ISIS, we know where torture goes.
I'd like to have you speak to that.
But overall, he's more of a populist.
I know you're friends with him.
I think he really does want to do some things that will make this country more successful.
Hillary is a globalist.
She's dialed in to all the corruption.
I mean, Trump is more of an outsider than her.
I'm all in for Trump, personally.
What is your view on 2016 and where this is going?
And what is your prediction, Jesse Ventura?
Well, for me, what I want to see happen is this.
You've got two candidates here, Trump and Hillary, whose negatives are the highest in history.
Their negatives are higher than their positives.
Their negatives are up 60-some percent and all that.
I think it opens the door, finally.
Let's have debates and let's include Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party and give people an alternative to where they can say no to these two parties and yes to a third alternative, finally.
In this country?
I'm hoping this happens, Alex.
I'm hoping Gary Johnson does well enough that he wins his home state, maybe squeaks out somewhere else, and then Trump and Hillary both split the Electoral College so that nobody gets elected.
And then maybe out of the 2016 election, they'll do away with the antiquated electoral college system and go back to a one that says if you get the most votes, you win.
Well, that's a great point, because I understand states that have a lower population not wanting to be slaves of a bigger state.
And I get the two senators being sent, but then the House being apportioned.
But what I don't like is the 1972-78 rules where the Dems and the Repubs can sit there, the Crips and the Bloods, as you call them,
Can sit there and say, oh, we don't care about your popular vote.
We're just going to give this to whoever we want.
Like George Will wrote, the sovereigns of the party.
Well, the Republicans so far have failed.
I talked to Roger Stone today.
He was being summoned by Trump, so he couldn't come on today.
But he's obviously in studio coming up at the RNC.
They tried to steal it from Trump.
They succeeded with Sanders.
And I just can't believe even CNN admitted, well, the AP is overseeing the election and they met with the superdelegates who said they were going for Hillary.
So they agreed to call it for Hillary and not look at the votes in California.
That was so surreal for me to see them openly say the popular vote didn't count.
Well, let's just go back to every other election.
If you go for mayor, governor, congressman, senator,
He who gets the most votes wins.
Yet, in 2000, Al Gore got a half a million more votes, yet George Bush was the president.
Now, that's insane.
How can you get the most votes and lose?
It's insane.
And the reason you got the Electoral College initially was because they had to do it.
They had to ride by horseback to Washington to elect a president, so they had to send delegates.
Well, when's the last time anybody went on horseback to Washington?
What do you think of the arrogance of the Dems and Republicans claiming they could just ignore the popular vote openly?
I mean, this has been pushed out in the open, is what I'm saying.
Yeah, it's horrible.
And the point is, why isn't Gary Johnson, we haven't seen a third party since Ross Perot in 92 up on that stage.
Why, what's wrong with having a third or a fourth?
Have four people up there and then people can look at all four of them or three.
Greeny, you can put up there too.
The Green Party, the Libertarians, the Democrats and the Republicans.
And that way the people can hear four people and what their vision is.
Because I am voting for Gary Johnson proudly.
I'm voting for someone, not against someone.
You have been friends with Trump for a long time, overall.
Yeah, but Gary goes where I go.
Gary believes in ending the war on drugs.
And he believes in ending the war on drugs.
Listen, Jesse, I totally hear what you're saying.
My question is, separately, just Trump as the man who I know you've been friends with for a long time, I mean, do you think he's for real in what he's doing?
I certainly want to believe he is.
It's the most important job, pretty much, on the planet.
Well, I think he's very serious.
I think he's very serious.
Because I didn't feel I could give 100% in doing the job.
What do you make of his overall courage?
I mean, out there in the face of all these threats and what he's doing, he's sure working his butt off.
Well, and he needs to, but he should also be careful.
It's a thing, you know, I'm the conspiracy theorist, right?
I'm labeled that because I did the TV show and this and that.
Well, let's do a scenario for a minute and have a little morbid fun with it, Alex.
Okay, you guys, Trump is being set up perfectly to be taken out because he now is going to pick this insider from Indiana who's well-received by the establishment Republicans, quote, to unite the party back.
Well, he's only going to be a heartbeat away.
Now, who do you think would make the best B Harvey Oswald?
An undocumented Mexican or a Muslim?
It'd be a disgruntled right-winger.
That's what they'd want to do.
Well, no, no.
I think you put it on to maybe an undocumented Mexican.
That way we'll hate Mexico even worse because they, you know, he assassinated Donald.
Think about it.
I mean, I'm having fun.
If I was a script writer,
No, I hear you.
The Secret Service admits that Donald Trump is probably the most threatened candidate in history, and we've seen a repeat.
I've talked to the insiders, I'm just going to leave it at that, not just Stone.
And what's happened here is, it's just like 1980 when they told Reagan, you better take George Herbert Walker Bush or we're not going to let you have it.
They still are fighting today in the Rules Committee as we speak.
Trump would have taken Gingrich.
Instead he took this gentleman, Mr. Pence, Governor Pence, because he's seen as not as aggressive and as dangerous, and they don't see him as somebody that would try to assassinate Trump.
Little Bird told me that, so what do you make of that?
Well, I don't know, but like I said, if I, if I, I always make, why do you think I made this statement in jest, but it had some reality to it?
When I said I wanted to run, but I wanted Howard Stern as my running mate.
Yeah, so they never want to kill you to not make the President Howard Stern.
No, I get it, I get it.
This makes it more palatable for the establishment to kill Trump, not the Pence would be involved, because they want to put Pence in.
Just like Reagan got shot the day after.
If they get their guy a heartbeat away, and he's the loyal old guard of the corporate Republicans that Trump is dislodging,
Hey, Donald's only one guy.
See, that's why Trump would have been better off to take me.
Because they would want him way more than me.
No, I hear you.
You would have been a great choice.
You would have been a great choice.
And I say that, you laugh about it, but I, I, hey, I don't, this is the most power game in the world we're talking here.
And you don't think people will do, take drastic measures if they feel the times are drastic?
They will.
Right now, I don't know.
Because as I said, the two major candidates, their negatives are so high, and now they claim they're running even.
Which way the wind blows,
A couple things will come into play.
If women decide ultimately they want a woman president, Hillary wins.
If that comes into play, for whatever reason.
Sure, I agree.
What do you make of Trump not going with the gimmick of a woman?
Of not doing what?
I mean, I think it would have been a plus.
There's a lot of able women.
I'm actually surprised.
If I was Trump, I probably would have gone with a woman.
Yeah, but wouldn't that look like what you're doing?
Yeah, but I mean, if it's a qualified person, what does it matter?
I don't know.
Well, Hillary's saying Elizabeth Warren, where it's all women, so it's total gimmick.
You know?
Well, you know, she hasn't picked Elizabeth Warren yet.
Let me ask you this.
Don't you think Hillary's a lot worse than Donald Trump?
Do I think Hillary's worse than Donald Trump?
Um, I don't, to be honest, here's the problem.
As an individual, I don't... No, Hillary... Donald probably isn't as bad as an individual.
But what I worry about are the parties.
And I don't care what you say, I fear the Republicans more than I do the Democrats.
And so if the Republicans have the power, that means Republican things are going to get implemented, which means, what, women won't be allowed abortions anymore?
We're good to go.
Well, let's talk about that.
I mean, you were the populist dark horse that got into Minnesota and the model for Schwarzenegger and everything else.
And I mean, what was it like?
I mean, you talk about first week there, the CIA comes to visit you.
You might, you know, tell folks that story again.
I mean, you've been there.
What is it like even at a state level with the bureaucracy when it shows up and tells you who's boss?
Well, they don't really tell you who's boss, what you've got to do.
You've got to create the main people around you.
You have to trust explicitly that they are loyal to your agenda and they're not being influenced by any other agenda.
And that's what I fear in the case of Trump.
He's a Republican.
So the Republicans are going to get their foothold in there.
They're going to get their people onto the inside, maybe as a chief of staff or an assistant to this or that.
And see, that's the part you got to worry about.
Your most loyal people that you count on one hand had better completely be from your corner.
And not be coming in with an ulterior motive.
And you want their loyalty.
You have to have their loyalty.
Have to.
And it ain't gonna come from the political party, the established party, because the established party's loyalty is to the established party, not to you.
It was interesting, when I became governor,
I didn't hire hardly anybody from the Independence Party and I told them point blank.
I said, if you elected me thinking you were going to get a job at the Capitol, you were on board for the wrong reason.
I will be hiring the best people to do the job at the Capitol, and politics will not come into play on that aspect.
And I took a lot of heat from my own party because of that.
Because so many people think when you win, ooh, I helped, now I get this cushy job.
Well, with me, uh-uh.
Not unless you're qualified to do that cushy job.
Jesse Ventura's our guest.
Oh, it's like George Bush when he put his buddy who ran the American Arabian Club for Horses or something in charge of FEMA.
Brownie, you're doing a hell of a job.
Well, yeah.
Well, there's your example.
He puts a guy who ain't even qualified, don't know nothing about it, in charge of the military.
Another good example, Dick Cheney.
Never served a day, got five deferments, yet he's made Secretary of Defense.
Well, that's a neocon thing, where everybody has to be a chicken hawk.
You're not in the club unless you're a chicken hawk.
Well, whatever.
But, I mean, see, that's where I was different, and that's where Donald has to maintain his integrity.
Keep his original people who believed in what he was doing intact, who are loyal to him.
Because if he lets the party get the foothold... No, I totally agree.
This Pence thing is not good.
Uh, but I mean, compared to Gingrich, I mean, if he'd have done Gingrich, it'd have been some... I was offended.
You know, I heard the General would have been a great pick, but they didn't like it because he was too socially liberal.
I know, which I thought would have been a good move to... Oh, I thought that was the best move he could, that that would be the way he'd get some of the Sanders people.
And Flynn has a lot of integrity.
He's the guy that exposed Obama and everybody's running Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
There you go!
Had I been Trump, he would have been my choice.
Not any of these other opponents.
Well, the left was scared of him.
They kind of exaggerated some of the more liberal things, but he is more quasi that way.
But, I mean, Flynn's just really... I looked at his whole history.
He has really... He got fired by Obama for, you know, wanting to not back ISIS.
And, really, he's done a lot of great work and is a patriot.
You can look at him, though.
I mean, he's not an egomaniac crazy person.
I mean, I'll be honest, Jesse.
I'm hanging around you, totally normal guy, you know, just a real person.
I've been around, you know, at rallies and stuff, I've covered Hillary.
You just see her in person.
She looks like a rubber, like, joker creature or something.
And of course her actions are evil, but I mean, just the way she looks, she's scary to me.
I mean, I'll be honest, I'm voting for Trump just because Hillary scares me.
And by the way, you say you like the Russians.
The Russian government officially tries to not get involved in our politics, but they say we're scared of Hillary, and Trump is the clear, better choice for Russia, just so you know.
Maybe, but I still won't go as far as to vote for those parties.
That's why I'll differ from you to the very end.
I'm voting for and supporting Gary Johnson.
Who will get us out of the wars and will end the war on drugs.
Those are two... You know, I know Gary Johnson.
I know you know him, too.
He's been on the show a lot.
I've been around him in person quite a bit.
And man, I just... It's like you're talking to a frickin' brick wall or a robot or something, man.
Not an evil robot, but a robot.
I just... I like people that are real, Jesse.
Like, I mean, you know Gary.
Well, I understand, but see, the difference between... And it's sad.
The difference between Gary and I, if I would have did it,
I have something that is required, I believe, Alex, and you know what that something is?
It's called charisma.
That's exactly, yeah, he doesn't have it.
Yeah, and unfortunately Gary is not a person that walks around with great charisma.
And it shouldn't be, it shouldn't matter, but unfortunately it does.
But I will still vote for him because I ain't voting for nothing.
Sure, I'll be honest, I don't trust somebody that doesn't have charisma.
And Hillary doesn't have it.
She has, like, the opposite of it.
You have it.
I have it, obviously.
Trump's got it.
I just... If you don't have charisma, just get the hell away from me.
That's just who I am.
A woman can be the most beautiful woman in the world.
She doesn't have charisma?
She's uglier than hell to me.
A woman that isn't even that good looking, she's got charisma?
Baby, that is sexy.
Final segment with Jesse Ventura.
Leftist media outlets reacted to the devastating attack in Nice, not by blaming Islam or even terrorists, but by suggesting that an inanimate object, the truck, was responsible for the carnage.
Instead of pointing our fingers at Islam, CNN, CBC and the New York Times all published headlines that served to hide the true nature of the attack.
CBC reported, children feared killed in Nice as truck attacks family events.
Presumably, the truck was somehow able to manifest artificial intelligence and plow itself through dozens of victims.
Way to go, mainstream media!
Ding, ding, ding!
Not to be outdone, CNN reported, truck rams crowd.
84 dead in Nice, again providing a convenient way of avoiding any mention of the ideology that inspired the driver.
Did it rhyme with Aloha snack bar?
The New York Times went with truck attack on French crowd.
Scores die, again pinning the blame on the vehicle rather than the Islamists inside it.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
Aloha snack bar!
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I was just talking about Black Lives Matter with Governor Ventura, and we'll get into that in another interview, but he was just talking about this Minnesota case where the guy had a concealed carry, he had a job for many years as a manager, wasn't a bad guy, and the cops pull him over, get him out, and do shoot him in the back four times because they see a gun.
Which he told them, I have a gun.
That's when they flip out.
So there are bad cops.
It does go on.
My point is the globalists are manipulating that to cause a civil war to get us all fighting with each other.
But I want to get into your book, but 60 seconds on the whole Black Lives Matter thing, Governor.
Well, you know, I can only tell you this.
When I was governor, we commissioned a big study in Minnesota with like 60 of our police forces on traffic stops.
And it came back overwhelmingly blacks get stopped more.
Even though, in comparison to the number of drivers, overwhelmingly they're patted down more.
But here was the shocker.
Overwhelmingly, the white people are caught with the contraband.
More so than the blacks.
Isn't that something?
The blacks get patted down more, they get pulled over more, but the whites are carrying contraband at a much higher level.
Well, I was about to say, the New York Times had a big study showing that they're not actually shooting more blacks on average than whites, but they are pulling them over and patting them down and violating their rights more often.
And it is a problem, it's all part of the paranoid culture.
I'm just saying, this whole Black Lives Matter going out and shooting innocent cops, that's the only way to make cops more paranoid.
Alex, let me interject too, it's all part of the war on drugs, because they pull people over, predominantly in the poorer neighborhoods, trying to ultimately find drugs, because then they profit from it.
No, I know.
I worked in a bad neighborhood at a small animal that was a large animal that later, when I was in high school, and I probably got pulled over ten times because it was in that neighborhood.
Believe me, I know.
And it was just a really small neighborhood.
Look, I totally disagree with the police state.
I totally agree.
I'm just trying to stop a civil war, but I totally agree with you.
Jesse Ventura is our guest.
S-H-U-K-T, Politicians Say.
Amazing book.
I've already been scanning through it.
We're almost out of time, but some of these crazy quotes.
Which one do you think is the craziest?
Well, for me, it's the one George Bush said, because, you know, I did the conspiracy theory show, and the one where he said, I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office.
Now, Alex, is that a confession?
Yeah, it's just bizarre.
He's mentally ill.
No, I mean, and then another one of my favorites, so we're fair, was Al Gore.
A zebra does not change its spots.
What about this one?
Death has a tendency to encourage a depressing view of war.
Yeah, that was Donald Rumsfeld.
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make the U.S.
manufacturing non-competitive.
I actually disagree with you.
That is dead on, Jesse.
I think that's dead on.
More the globalists, not so much the Chinese.
So, well, what, do you think climate change is not real?
Well, certainly climate change is always going on, but I'm saying the whole hype deal about carbon taxes.
You should have said carbon taxes.
Okay, well, whatever.
What are some of the other good ones?
I mean, this is a book you hardly can put down.
I just got it this morning.
Well, it's a fun book, and it'll also make you angry, and I think the thing, I'll tell you the thing that was interesting in researching the book, Alex, quickly.
I can't believe what our founding fathers said about each other.
Oh man, John Adams doesn't have anything good to say about George Washington and he has bitter with Thomas Jefferson.
And yet, if these things said are as bad as you can imagine, and yet they weren't singing Kumbaya by the fire, and yet they still got together and managed to create this great nation with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Listen, I've read all your books, they're all excellent.
I am going to read this over and over again.
This is the kind of thing you put on the coffee table.
Everybody should get the book at Amazon.com, you name it.
Jesse Ventura, SH, you know what T politicians say.
Let me say bye to you during the break.
David Knight's coming up.
Jesse Ventura, thanks for joining us.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com.
We'll be back this Sunday.
David Knight will be.
If you can't see the irony in having a gun ban enforced by men with guns, well then you fail to understand why the Second Amendment was written in the first place.
Throughout history, only slaves are disarmed.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
The right of the people.
To keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
For all of you actors out there who go to your red carpet events, surrounded by full battle rattle SWAT teams, while you accept your awards for your latest violent movie.
For all you politicians who spend your 9-5 days scheming up ways to take away my Second Amendment rights, meanwhile you have first responders on site there to protect you, I say this, come and take it.
I have a strict gun control policy.
If there's a gun around, I want to control it.
Clint Eastwood.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
Dads demand guns because it's me that's got to get up and go check out that noise at 2 a.m.
Infowars.com You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Man, that's the best intro ever.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Of course Alice Cooper's a patriot.
Of course he's a libertarian.
And a little creature told me, a little birdie told me he's a listener.
We haven't reached out to him, have we?
Like I said, when I walked into the concert a few years ago to hear Alice Cooper, I hadn't seen him since I was like a teenager.
And this was playing, it sounded better than the record.
I was talking to Jesse Ventura during the break and he said, man, be careful in Cleveland.
He said, wow, all the word is, it is going to be a 15 range circus.
And you know, it's something I gotta do.
Because most people won't even get politically involved.
They won't even go and speak out.
They won't even... In my life, I'm there for my children.
I'm the person that takes care of them.
It's me.
And I'm the guy that runs this operation.
And all this means a lot to me.
But at the same time... With great power comes great responsibility.
And you have to metaphysically put your skin, on a routine basis, in the arena.
And not just be a pundit.
Democrat situation in Philadelphia.
He's already been up there with Jakari before.
When the Pope was there, that place is a circus.
And it's just something you have to do.
Because we don't have a future if we don't engage the globals who are saying it's a big ISIS-Al Qaeda target.
I'm not scared of an individual ISIS Al Qaeda attack.
I'm scared of us capitulating to it and allowing the type of censorship.
I want to go to David Knight here.
David, what is it like for you, because it's so surreal for me to see our anti-Hillary airplane censored twice.
We need to accept this and let jihadis in.
That's the actual quote today.
The Stockholm Syndrome weirdness is getting so crazy.
You see the concerted effort.
What type of elite that already run everything want to break up our families, bankrupt us, and then bring in whacked out radical islamicists?
It just doesn't compute until you realize it's pure evil we're dealing with.
Yeah, Alex, I was talking to Derek McBrain about that excellent report that he and Rob Jacobson did yesterday about what Facebook was doing to not only censor, but to alter the idea, you know, to say, no, you can't say Muslim terrorists, you must say Muslims are not terrorists.
They only give you a multiple choice.
They don't allow you to freely enter in tags.
And that's what people were not understanding.
A lot of people said, well, I can type in Muslim terrorists.
It's like, no, no, no.
These are the tags that you don't see that allow people to find what you're putting up there.
When I was talking to Darren, he said, remember that they had the open mic and they caught Zuckerberg talking to Merkel and she said, we need to cut down on people, you know, saying certain things because I've got that covered and then they shut off the mic on that.
They're talking about what kind of people do this.
I've got some stories here I want to tell people about, you know, just before all this stuff happened, a story broke out about Francois Hollander, the French president,
The fact that he's spending $11,000 a month on his hair.
On his hair.
That's more than three times what the average French person makes each month, okay?
He's spending that much just to have his hair done.
You know, because he's worth it.
And it really is.
Another classic socialist with red carpets, everybody else's money, never worked a day in his life, bringing in the Islamics, and he's just a giant sack of, you know what.
Yeah, it's irony that he did this on Bastille Day, right?
We had Marie Antoinette say, let them eat cake, I guess he's saying, let them eat pomade.
This is the arrogance that's gone full circle, and so we're going to talk about that when we come back.
Alright, I'm going to come back, I've got a few more words, I'm going to hand the baton to David Knight.
And there's so much more, but I tell you, a great job of the crew up here late last night, with two hours of live coverage and more.
And the Nightly News is coming up tonight, again, 7 o'clock Central.
Please spread the word about this broadcast.
We're trying to censor it because it's coffin nails of the enemy.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Came in last night at half past midnight.
Baby of mine wouldn't let me in.
And the big dogs are going to run over hundreds of you with a truck.
And the media and the government aren't going to say it's part of an Islamic attack.
They're going to arrest you if you do, in France or Germany.
And they're going to take down your Facebook channel if you say it here.
What does that say just about everything, outside of what's happening with Islam?
Again, I'm going to Cleveland.
It's historic.
It's important.
There have been attempts.
They've tried to steal the delegates from Trump.
They tried to sell it like it was a normal idea.
That failed.
It worked with Hillary because of how sheep-like their constituents are.
This Governor Pence is not the worst choice.
He's not the best choice.
Way better than Gingrich, but that isn't saying much.
He's kind of an establishment Republican, but good with the evangelicals.
Supported NAFTA, you name it.
I'm told you're going to hear him recanting that, explaining his real positions the next day or two.
$300 million, a little bird told me.
First it was $100 million, then $200 million, then $300 million.
$300 million was offered a few days ago by Adelson, who admittedly offered $100 million to Trump if he would take Generich.
And whereas I'm not against Israel, we shouldn't have Israel running the president, you know, openly here and just financing and doing it, I mean, or the Communist Chinese or anybody else.
So that's what happened with that little situation there.
All I know is we're committed to this fight.
We've proven we're committed.
I think everybody should just step back and realize how historic the Infowar is, not from some perspective of a power trip.
I'm a very humble person, but all of you have
Really carried the ball over the goal line.
You have spread the word.
You have done the research.
You've taken the action.
Our crew, the supporters, this is historic.
And so we've got to recognize just how important the info war is.
We've got to recognize how far we've come and how far we're going to go.
I'm not here just as a cheerleader.
Just to be a cheerleader for cheerleaders sake.
I'm here to tell you, resistance is victory.
Knowing we carry the light of liberty in our hearts.
Knowing that God's on our side.
Knowing that for all of this country's problems, we were the greatest expression of the Enlightenment and the Renaissance.
And human empowerment.
And true liberalism.
And that we are countering a technocratic system that the globalists believe is going to save them.
Being able to edit our posts and block us and internet IDs and what Facebook and everybody are doing.
And controlling language and having them sell out corporate media and never say a Muslim's involved in a terror attack.
But that's only discrediting them and having everyone leave them.
So don't think they're the only power in the universe.
I've noticed that evil people, sociopaths, psychopaths, control freaks, they always think they're invincible.
They always are just super confident.
They're also very fearful, though, of the general public, but when it comes to their plans, they're megalomaniacs.
And so, the wicked flee when none pursue, but also, they think they're invincible at some point.
I get more humble as we become more effective, as we change the narrative, as we turn the tide.
And make no mistake, InfoWars.com
There's not many other places that are able to really change the narrative, get people thinking.
And we're doing it more and more.
Fox, I talked to several Fox News insiders last month.
I just wanted to get this out before I left town.
It's not just gossip about Fox.
It's part of what's happening in the season of evil.
And then I talked to some other folks about it this morning and they confirmed when I was saying that, you know, there's this sexual harassment investigation of Roger Ailes that started Modern Talk Radio and Rush Limbaugh and Fox News 20 years ago, Limbaugh 30 years ago, or 28 years ago, whatever the numbers are.
And that Murdoch's kind of out of it now and that his kids are basically globalist, quote, liberals.
I mean, look at their normal TV shows.
Of course they are.
And that they're not just going to control conservatives now with fake conservative Fox News.
They're getting ready in the very near future, they've said this, to go basically pro-Hillary, pro-New World Order.
And Hannity's going to be gone, all of them.
Because Hannity's not going to play ball so much.
Obviously people like
People like O'Reilly will.
But it just shows that even the old mainline Republican guard, who aren't perfect but weren't out to destroy the country and aren't communist, they're gone.
Ailes is being pushed out.
Big changes are happening.
The censorship is here, like Matt Drudge said, like a Supreme Court justice told him.
Supreme Court justices are dying.
I mean, the enemy is moving, is all I can tell you.
It's a scary thought to look at the metrics and the numbers and I don't want to be arrogant about it because there's a prestige factor and all the big glitz and the glamour and all the shows together and people repeating it.
But to know that InfoWars and our platforms are overall reaching 30-40% maybe more of what Fox News reaches and we're growing and they're going to decline.
You see,
The Murdochs know that when they strangle Fox News in the crib, it's going to hurt their viewers.
They don't care.
They've got a larger mission.
They're partially owned by the Saudis.
They're, again, merging with the enemy.
But to know that InfoWars and others are going to get that audience, well, the globalists aren't going to let that happen.
They're going to try to internet kill switch, false flag, censorship, talk radio.
They're coming after Drudge.
They're coming after World Bank Daily.
They're coming after The Daily Caller and Breitbart.
Not that any of us are perverts or have all the answers.
It's just that we're anti-globalist.
We're Americana.
We believe in the Second Amendment.
We believe in pro-life.
We believe in sovereignty.
You know, we believe the President isn't a god.
At least some of those websites like Breitbart believe that when Obama's in.
I mean, I'll believe that if Trump's in, or Hillary.
It's just really big historic stuff's happening.
I don't have words to describe how historic things are right now.
And we just have to be part of it.
And we have to be hard-nosed about it, and just do what's right, and not compromise.
And I'm telling you, we'll come through this storm.
If we cower, if we compromise, if we give in in fear, it's game over.
Trump is a symbol of populism.
Just like Nigel Farage was.
He had some people in his leadership that were, you know, like a Pence character.
Do we judge Farage because he had some establishment guys in his campaign?
I think we give Trump some breathing room on this, and as long as he delivers against political correctness, gun-grabbing, open borders, NAFTA and GATT and things like that.
You know, I was talking to folks the other day.
I said, listen, this Pence thing isn't that bad.
I expected more compromise, you know, even like Reagan did.
But if he ever does something like back TPP or anything else, then I will go for the impeachment of Donald Trump.
And the person said, I will too.
So I think it comes down to that.
But everything doesn't ride on Trump.
But right now he's the carrier wave or the juggernaut ramming down the enemy fortress that we're going to pour in behind.
So if Trump's using us, we're using him.
And I think he knows that.
And I'm telling you, he's smart.
He wouldn't be doing something this big with the rhetoric he's putting out if he wasn't trying to go all the way and wasn't the real deal.
Because let me tell you, you don't say the stuff he said and put it back in the bottle.
He's done irrevocable harm to their system, just as the Briggs it has, just as Nigel Farage has.
I mean, you know that airplane, somebody took control of it and flipped it and tried to kill Farage.
The pilot's a vegetable.
I mean, folks, let me tell you, there's a good chance you're going to see Donald Trump gunned down.
And that's going to be the false flag to bring this whole country into martial law.
There's so many angles right now.
So I'm going to sit back and watch.
But all I know is this.
We need your prayers.
We need your support.
We need you to spread the word and not take this broadcast for granted.
I know you're not.
We had millions of new people tuning in last night to the nightly news.
Top CNN shows have half a million.
We had millions.
And again, my ego, millions, millions.
It shows that these people are nothing.
They're paper tigers.
They're facades.
I need you to go get Hillary for President shirts.
I need you to go buy X2.
I need you to go buy Brain Force.
I need you to go get Supermelt Vitality.
It's incredible stuff.
I need you to get the Natural Defense.
I need you to get DNA Force 25% off.
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It's true nutraceutical with nerve regrowth.
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The ultimate detox really.
DNA Force and so many other products.
We're good to go.
Already had the success.
We're trying to simply restore free will and let people know what real freedom is and to take the blinders off.
But it takes energy.
And what is money?
Money is a symbol of energy of work you've done that you send to us and then we, under universal law, send you back products that we know you need that I believe, for the money you pay, delivers way more life, way more energy, way more calories, way more support than what you've even given us.
Then we take that symbol of energy and put it in to run a media operation to focus thought against the enemy in the information war.
And so it's a big cyclotronic engine
That we're building, and our mass is expanding, and I'm attempting to go to the next level to really make a run at the enemy.
And let me tell you this, I am for real, and I will go all the way to the end, whatever the cost may be, to quote Churchill.
I will defend my family.
And that means not sitting back and waiting for others to do it.
It means going in.
And that's why we're going to win in the end, no matter what happens to me individually.
Because I'll explain this to quote Star Wars Episode 4.
He says, well that's true, don't let him escape.
Escape is not our plan.
The globalists are going to have to face us.
David Knight.
That's absolutely right.
You know, when we look at the solutions that Hillary is offering us in the wake of this, she's come out before saying that every time there's a terrorist attack, she wants to step up the surveillance state.
And she's come back to say that again.
She's now saying, well, we need an intelligence surge.
I think that's a good description of what happened with her private email server.
It was an intelligence surge for the other side.
That's where we saw the intelligence surging out of this country.
Now, when we come back, I'm going to talk about what happened in France in light of the French Revolution.
You know, they were celebrating Bastille Day, and I think there's a lesson to be learned from the arrogance of France's president there, as well as the hypocrisy of what he was doing on Bastille Day.
And we're going to take a look at the true tragedy, the individual stories that haven't been told.
You know, a million is a statistic, but one person's
I cannot help asking those who have caused this situation.
Do you realize now what you've done?
Speaking nearly a month ago, President Vladimir Putin at the International Economic Forum in St.
Petersburg, Russia, warned the group of international journalists there, repeatedly, that Europe, the United States, and Russia were drifting towards full-scale war.
We know year by year what's going to happen, and they know we know.
It's only you that they tell these fables and you buy it and spread it to the citizens of your countries.
Your people do not feel a sense of the impending danger.
This is what worries me.
How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?
That is the problem.
But they pretend like nothing's going on.
I don't even know how to get through to you people anymore.
And the big news is, a month later, almost a month later, after we first reported on it,
In mid-June, there has been almost no Western coverage of it at all.
And that's exactly what Putin was getting at.
Whether you love Putin or hate Putin, if the leader of Russia, with thousands of intercontinental ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, is telling the West, I don't know how to get through to you, your media is controlled, you're being manipulated,
NATO is putting missiles on our borders.
We're having to move missiles in.
You've overthrown Ukraine.
You're on an offensive.
You're funding and protecting radical Islam.
Do you know what you've done?
Do you know what you've done?
As he said at the UN, destabilizing the Middle East.
Why are you doing this?
Where are the sound minds across the political spectrum
Who should be stopping this?
Russia has three overseas military bases.
You have hundreds.
You have your spies inside our country trying to overthrow it.
You have your CIA people trying to get into our embassies.
You are at war with us!
And the average American, the average European, the average Brit is not aware of this.
Another threat that President Obama mentioned was ISIS.
Well, who on earth armed them?
Who helped to arm the Syrians that were fighting against Assad?
Who created the necessary political climate that facilitated the situation?
Who pushed for the delivery of arms to the area?
But the issue of a major world leader saying that we're moving to the brink of war
And it's not in our news.
That's the big story.
It shows how incredibly controlled things are.
Please spread this video far and wide and hopefully it will spur a debate that can cause some type of chain reaction that reverses our course or at least changes our course from assured Armageddon.
But they will pay attention when we the people force the issue.
And we are forcing the issue on this
As well as many other issues going on here in the United States and around the world.
I'm Alex Jones, signing off for InfoWars.com.
If you're watching or listening to this transmission, you are the hope.
You are the resistance.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host for the rest of this hour, this fourth hour.
You know, we've seen now Hillary Clinton's
Response to all this, and it's that she thinks that we need an intelligence surge.
As I said before, that's what we've seen with her.
Every time we have an attack, remember back in March, I think it was, the Brussels attacks, okay?
She called for more surveillance then.
You go back and look at every time there's an attack, she wants to increase the police state, the surveillance state.
That's her response to everything.
And of course,
Where is the press pointing out the hypocrisy of this person saying, well, you know, we need to have more intelligence.
We need to be smarter in the way we approach this.
This is the person who put the most highly classified documents in our government on display for everyone to get in her unsecure private server.
And of course that's had a real cost for her.
It's been pointed out in this AP story.
Hillary Clinton enters a summer damaged by perception she violated the law by using a private email system.
It's not perceptions, AP.
That was the profession of the FBI director.
Okay, as one guy says later on in that same story.
They talked to a 57-year-old Republican.
He says, well, she's innocent until proven guilty.
But to me, the FBI director called her guilty and then gave her a pass.
That's exactly... that was my reaction to it when I was watching it with my wife.
I said, I can't believe this.
I didn't think he was going to do anything to Hillary.
And here he is.
He's admitting that she committed hundreds of felony charges here.
That she sent and received classified emails on her personal server.
And then he goes on to say, well, that's okay.
We're not... nobody in their right mind would
Would prosecute her, because you know, she's a Clinton and we know what happens to people when you come after Clintons, right?
But then he goes on to say, don't you try this at home.
And you know what?
This is the problem.
They say that on the Hill, they say Democrats are freaked out about these polls and private meetings.
We've heard in the past couple of weeks, you know, this is the never Trump narrative.
They were all saying, well, you know, we just got to get Donald Trump out of the
We can't have him be the nominee because it's just going to destroy our Senate candidates.
It's going to destroy us down ballot.
And now the Democrats are saying this.
The Hill says nervous Senate Democrats raised concerns with Hillary Clinton during a private meeting on the Capitol yesterday over recent polls showing Donald Trump leading or tied in several battleground states.
It said some people were freaked out.
They were looking down at the polls on RealClearPolitics and asking why it was so close.
She said, well, you know, there's other issues.
People are unhappy and they don't trust institutions.
Hillary Clinton is a very embodiment of our political institutions.
She's a very embodiment of corrupt political institutions that have come to be the hallmark of the American government.
For example, one of these battleground states is Florida, and they had a Quinnipiac poll that was just done, showed her behind by four points in Florida to Donald Trump.
Now, just last month, she was ahead by eight points.
And that's a key state.
There are certain states that are going to definitely go Republican.
Certain states are definitely going to go Democrat.
That's just baked into the way those states are.
But then of course there are states that can go either way that have large numbers of delegates.
States like Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, where she is not doing well.
And she's not doing well nationally because of this hypocrisy.
But again, an intelligence surge?
Talking about how we need to work with NATO?
That was another thing she said yesterday.
Maybe somebody should explain to her what the purpose of NATO is.
NATO was a North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Their stated purpose was to address the threat of the Russian Communists.
It's one of the reasons why Donald Trump says they're obsolete.
They're trying to invent a new mission for themselves.
And of course, when things get really tough, we've seen in the past that NATO was involved in Operation Gladio in Italy.
Posing as Red Brigade terrorists, kidnapping the Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, executing him eventually.
Okay, those were NATO undercover people grabbing arms that were placed behind in case Western Europe was overrun by a rapid blitzkrieg-like Soviet invasion that never happened.
But when they saw the Communists
Moving up in the polls in Italy, they started doing their own false flag terrorist attacks.
It was Gladio.
You can look it up.
It's a matter of record.
It's not talked about much in the United States, but it's very well known in Italy.
They did an investigation, and they weren't going to cover this up after a popular Prime Minister was kidnapped and killed.
So, yeah, NATO's got to function, but that's not really who we need to work with.
I'm surprised you didn't say that
That we need to ask NATO what to do, because that's what Leon Panetta, the Secretary of Defense, the CIA director that was put in by Obama, that's what he said in that famous exchange with Senator Sessions, going back and forth, saying, well, we'd talk to NATO, we'd talk to the UN, we'd talk to our other allies, and Senator Sessions says, well, you would get a vote from Congress before you would commit troops, right?
No, I don't think so.
Stay with us.
When we come back, we're going to talk about
What was behind the Bastille Day, the arrogance and the corruption of the French government and the open borders?
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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And for men, using a cell phone for as little as an hour a day is literally cooking your sperm.
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This is one of those times you want to keep it out of your pants.
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Hello, weight gain!
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Keep the phone at least two feet away from your body.
Use headphones.
And when you're not on your phone, keep it as far away from you as possible.
Leigh Ann McAdoo with your InfoWars Tip of the Week.
White people, get ready to write checks and give up your car keys!
Black Lives Matter organizer Ashley Shackleford wants reparations from all white people for 400 years of slavery, when only 1.4% of whites owned slaves at the height of slavery.
Check out this quote from Shackleford.
Fuck you.
Pay me.
Pay me a check.
Pay me consistently.
Provide me safe housing.
Offer me a job with benefits.
Run me those Beyonce tickets.
Wait, what?
Is that a mooching mentality of an entitled millennial disguising their intentions as social activism?
Not very well, I might add.
Furthermore, Shackelford sees all whites as oppressors.
So why would you ask for a handout from someone you hate?
She don't care.
She's a queer, non-binary, black, fat femme who gets off on the amount of labels she has.
And oh yeah, getting paid for being a fat black bitch.
Article by Paul Joseph Watson on InfoWars.com.
This has been Gabriel Goldiamond.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
Before we get back to the news, before we get back to Hillary Clinton, I want to let you know that we have DNA Force at 25% off.
It's a special at Infowarsstore.com.
And also the Hillary for Prison T-shirt.
Get your Hillary for Prison T-shirt.
Especially with these political conventions, there's going to be a lot of awareness.
About what's going on with the conventions.
It's a great time to put that out there, and it's a great seller and of course Alex is going to be using revenue from that to Get that Hillary for prison message out at the RNC convention as well And that's going to be happening this next week Alex and crew is going to be heading there, so you're
Support of our operation here with the products that we sell helps to make that happen, and we really appreciate that.
It's one of the reasons we run these specials, like dropping our premier product here, DNA Force, by 25%.
It's a way of saying thank you.
It's a way to make it more affordable for you to try that out.
And also a way to support our operations.
So we hope you'll take a look at that.
Look at the reviews.
All the clinical studies that are referenced there that involve BioPQQ.
Do your own research.
We can't draw the conclusions for you.
The FDA won't allow us to do that.
But you can do your own investigation.
And you can look at what other people have said on the reviews that are there.
I was talking just before the break.
about Hillary and her solution is more intelligence.
But maybe we need to have some more intelligence about what's going on really at the borders.
You know, Clinton has said that she wants to resettle essentially one million Muslim migrants during her first term.
This is a math done by Breitbart.
They say between 2001 and 2013, it's a 12-year period, the U.S.
permanently resettled 1.5 million Muslim migrants on green cards.
However, under Hillary Clinton's stated proposals, Muslim immigration would grow substantially faster, adding nearly 1 million Muslim migrants into the U.S.
during her first term alone.
So, in other words, three times faster than it's been going on in the last 12 years.
Now, you say, well, I don't know if she would speed it up, if she'd be able to speed it up that much.
Well, realize this.
John Kerry was bragging on Wednesday, the day before this happened in Nice, France, the day before this terrorist event happened yesterday, so two days ago, John Kerry was bragging that he had increased Muslim immigration by six-fold.
And so what Breitbart is saying is that Hillary Clinton will increase it by at least threefold.
I think that's a very conservative estimate.
As Alex was saying earlier, you know, when they tell you that they're bringing in 10,000, no, it's a lot more than that.
That's just what they're telling you they're bringing in.
Now this is what John Kerry said the day before this terrorist attack yesterday.
He said the Obama administration will meet its target of settling 10,000 Syrians in the U.S.
by the time fiscal year 2016 ends on September 30th.
Now, he announced this the night before at an end of Ramadan reception at the State Department.
An end of Ramadan reception.
He comes out and he says, great, we're going to bring 10,000 more of you in here.
Okay, and he says, this is a different kind of immigration.
This is refugee immigration, he says.
It's different from the normal process of migration.
It's not green cards, because I just read you this statistic about green cards, okay?
That was one and a half million coming in on green cards in 12 years, ending in 2013.
But he says, no, this is different.
From the normal process of immigration.
It's different from green cards and becoming a citizen and so forth.
That's what he said.
He says it's a very different category.
Here's his quote.
It's different from a normal process of migration, green card, and becoming a citizen and so forth.
It's a very different category, said Kerry.
He also said it's representing a six-fold increase over what we did the year before.
He's so happy.
Six times the number of Muslims.
How many of these people
Have they been able to vet?
Let's do a little bit of math, okay?
From our brilliant politicians.
And you need to understand this as well.
We bring in a million people.
And only 1% of them are terrorists.
How many terrorists have we brought in?
10,000 people like that guy yesterday.
You want 10,000 people like that in the United States?
You know, most of these people coming in are young, healthy, strong.
That's what they were saying in the town where George Clooney has his Italian mansion.
They said, well, you know, we don't mind helping people, but these guys coming in here, they don't want to do any work, and they're big and strong.
They don't look like refugees.
You know, it's not really families that are coming in.
These are big, strong guys coming in.
You have to understand, this is an army that they're bringing in.
This is a deliberate design of chaos that they're bringing in.
And when we look at these things, these are simply statistics.
Remember what Stalin said?
He said, one death is a tragedy, but a million deaths is a statistic.
Well, you know, a million migrants coming in who are going to kill you is just a statistic, right?
Let's look at some of the specifics about the people who died, because these are personal stories.
And as I read these stories, I want you to think about your future, your family's future.
Are you going to be killed in a terrorist attack by maybe, you know, one percent or even one half a percent?
Even if they took it down to one-tenth of a percent.
Let's say they vetted these people and they admit they're not vetting them at all.
They're not vetting them at all.
They're not even making an attempt.
They don't even know how they would do that.
They don't know or care who these people are.
They're just bringing them in and calling them refugees.
First they go to their country, drop bombs, kill people, do assassinations, blow up families, get the people good and angry, and then say, come on, let's send your young man over here, military age, come on over, we'll call you refugees.
I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
They know what's going to go wrong.
That's why they're doing it.
They've been creating wars in countries across the world,
Long before I was born.
They'll go into a country and they will arm both sides in the war.
We're seeing that happen in Syria.
We see it happen in all these different places throughout the Middle East, other places as well.
Understand, the people who have been doing this throughout the world are now going to be doing it here in America, arming both sides, creating a conflict for their own purposes, to serve their own interests.
So, as you hear that a Texan and his 11 year old son
We're on a family vacation.
They decide they would go to the Riviera.
They would take a European vacation to the Riviera.
And they were some of the people who were killed yesterday.
Is that going to be you?
Is that going to be your family?
More specifically, let's go back to the Bataclan massacre where they went in and attacked that movie theater.
This is an exclusive from Heat Street.
And they have testimony here.
From investigators and the Commission of Inquiry in France.
And what it shows here is that the French government suppressed news that there was torture in that massacre, in that concert.
This is a story that I think is up on Drudge Report.
A French government committee has heard testimony suppressed by the French government at the time, not released to the media, that the killers in the Bataclan tortured their victims on the second floor of the club.
Wahhabist killers.
The Saudis.
And today, we just had the 28 pages declassified, and guess what?
I haven't had a chance to read this, but it's no surprise, I was told when they handed me this article, that it has Prince Bandar featured in there prominently.
You know, our ally, Prince Bandar.
The guy who is an honorary CIA member?
These are the people that we have allied with.
These are the people who created the petrodollar with us.
You know, when Nixon and Kissinger took us off the gold standard, with Bretton Woods too, they immediately said, well, you know, we've got to have something to make the currency valuable.
We're not connecting it to gold anymore.
The whole world had seen through the fraud.
They were printing so much paper, there wasn't any way they had the gold to back it.
So they just said, all right, we're going to get rid of that pretense, but we're going to come up with a different idea.
We're going to back our currency.
By having Saudi Arabia denominate oil in American dollars.
We're going to work with Saudi Arabia.
Of course, we're going to buy our worthless treasury bills.
Give them value.
We created them, and they are our business partners with the CIA, and they didn't want this information to get out in the 9-11 report, but that's what's happening.
But let me tell you what the other Wahhabist killers did, because, you know, Saudi Arabia beheads more people than ISIS does in their own country under Sharia law.
But let's look at what the Wahhabist killers did in the Bataclan.
They said they apparently gouged out eyes,
They castrated victims.
They shoved their testicles in their mouths.
They may have disemboweled some poor souls.
Women were stabbed in their genitals.
All the torture was, victims told police, filmed.
For that reason, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, said investigators.
But prosecutors, what did they tell the public and the media?
The French government said these were just a rumor.
They said, uh, they said, well, you know, we found some sharp knives there, but it was just a rumor.
It was shrapnel that caused all these injuries.
Now, here's some of the testimony.
I want you to hear this, because I want you to understand, if we do not stop Hillary Clinton and John Kerry and this policy of bringing war into the United States by bringing in these jihadi terrorists, and as I said before, you only got 1% of the million that Hillary Clinton wants to bring in just in four years.
Okay, that's 10,000 of these people.
Let's take it down to a tenth of that, okay?
Let's say that they're 99.9% vetted, okay?
That 99.9% of these people are fine.
We get one-tenth of one percent.
That's a thousand of these people.
What did they do?
What did they do?
I want you to think about this.
This is your future.
This is the future of you, of your children, of your grandchildren, if you don't stop this.
I don't care if they call me a racist xenophobe who is a religious bigot.
I want to tell you what these people did and why they need to have extra special permission to come here from certain countries.
And I think we need to get out of their countries and stop killing them as well, okay?
We need to get some of these people that are in Washington out right now.
But here's what these Wahhabis did.
Here's a question.
This is for the information of the Commission Inquiry, they said.
Can you tell us, they're talking to one of the investigators, how you learned that there had been acts of barbarism within the Bataclan?
Beheadings, eviscerations, eyes gouged out.
And the investigator said, well,
After the assault, we were with the colleagues at the Passage Saint-Pierre, Amalot, when I saw us weeping from one of the colleagues who came outside to vomit.
And he told me what he had seen.
And he says, acts of torture happened on the second floor?
And he said, bodies have not been presented to families because there were beheaded people there.
The murdered people.
People who had been disemboweled.
There were women who had had their genitals stabbed.
And he said, all of this would have been videotaped for Daesh?
And he says, I believe so.
Survivors have said so.
Elsewhere, the investigator says, women were sexually tortured, stabbed in their genitals, their eyes were plucked out.
People were decapitated.
The committee chief pressed the investigator on whether the victims were decapitated or mutilated.
He stated the authorities had given out conflicting information that said the victims were merely shot or blown up.
The president of the committee replied with this damning statement about one victim's father discovering the gruesome truth and their more.
Here's your tragedy, folks.
This is a tragedy that awaits for you if you simply think that Hillary Clinton's one million migrants are helpless people who need to come in here, and it's simply a statistic.
This is what the father said when he saw his son in the morgue.
On the causes of the death of my son at the forensic institute in Paris, I was told, and what a shock it was for me at that moment, that they had cut off his testicles, had put them in his mouth, and he was disemboweled.
When I saw him behind the glass, lying on the table, a white shroud covering it up to the neck, a psychologist was with me and he said, this is the only presentable part of your son's left profile.
I found he had no right eye.
I made the remark.
I was informed that they had punctured his eye and sliced down the right side of his face where there was a very large hematoma that we could all see.
This is the hatred that has been carefully cultivated by the CIA and our American policy, being brought home to our country without your consent, in spite of the law, without any vetting.
This is the policy of Hillary Clinton.
This is what is going to happen in America.
That's a Heat Street exclusive.
Along with other personal stories, a motorcyclist who was crushed to death trying to stop the killer truck.
A German journalist who witnessed the Nice attack said he saw a motorcyclist chasing the killer truck.
The killer truck.
This is a killer truck.
Again, this is AFP.
They can't say the Islamic terrorist.
It was a killer truck that he was chasing.
And tried to enter the cabin but fell and ended up under the wheels.
A German journalist said, I stood on the balcony and suddenly a truck drove through the crowd.
Surprisingly, he was driving very slowly, not fast.
He drove slowly and he was being chased by a motorcyclist.
The cyclist attempted to overtake the truck and even tried to open the driver's door.
But he fell.
And he ended up under the wheels of the truck.
And then he said he saw police officers open fire.
I tweeted this out last night.
And I said, I guess they will be saying that we need to have a ban on fully automatic trucks.
They came pretty close, blaming it on the trucks and not Islam.
And I also said that when they find this person, they will call him a Frenchman.
Not a Muslim.
And they came pretty close to that as well.
They call him now a French Tunisian, except that he's not really a citizen.
The first papers that they showed of this guy show that he has a temporary residence.
He's just recently come over from Tunisia.
But they will do anything that they can to put this out there, to blame it on the truck, for example.
You know, it was back in 2006, this happened very close to my home.
We used to live not too far outside of Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, a very, very politically correct, liberal institution.
I remember right after 2011, when the official story was we've been attacked by Islamic terrorists, their response was to have all incoming freshmen be required to read the Koran.
That's UNC Chapel Hill.
Now, five years later, they had Mohammed Reza Tahiri Azhar, an Iranian-American, intentionally, as he later confessed, hit people with a sports utility vehicle on the campus of UNC at Chapel Hill.
To avenge, this is what he said, to quote, avenge the deaths of Muslims worldwide and to punish the United States government.
No one was killed in the attack.
Nine people were injured, none seriously.
So he was incompetent in what he did, unlike this guy yesterday.
He turned himself in.
He was arrested.
He wrote in a letter, I was aiming to follow in the footsteps of one of my role models, Mohammed Adda, one of the 9-11 hijackers who obtained a doctorate degree, he said.
Now, they had a debate, and I remember that when this happened, there was a lot of back and forth, because, you know, of course this is UNC Chapel Hill, this is the liberals, they just cannot bring it on themselves to acknowledge this, even when the guy says this.
Even when he says he did it because he wants to avenge the deaths of Muslims and he wants to punish Americans.
They can't call it an act of terrorism.
They had a debate as to whether or not it was an act of terrorism.
UNC Chancellor James Mosler, I think is his name, stopped short of calling it a full-fledged act of terror.
Just can't say it.
Just can't say it.
It's like Facebook.
He's got a block.
I can't say that a Muslim did an act of terror even when he said he did.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're going to look at the French Revolution.
Dr. Group, you developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there.
You have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
You have enzyme blend in there.
And this is very important because a lot of these microorganisms and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms, you have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, on viruses are,
Protect themselves and so do bacteria, protozoa, and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually design the living defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often could you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when the eggs hatch up?
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss, excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness, I mean all these things, doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that, just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease.
And how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right.
Well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff.
It's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I have one last segment here.
I want to talk about what's going on globally as represented by the French government in the background of Bastille Day.
Of course, we have the Drudge Report link to Paul Joseph Watson's article, Media Blames a Truck and Not Terrorists or Islam for the Nice Attack.
You know, I guess maybe we're going to have a no-drive list.
That's what I was saying.
I tweeted out, I said, well, they're going to ban fully automatic trucks.
And some guy came back at me and he goes, you guys sound like a bunch of ignorant, stupid cavemen.
Guns, wah, wah, wah.
And I said, well, you realize, of course.
That attack ended when somebody used a gun on him.
It was the police, because in a slave country like France, only the police are allowed to defend against something like that.
That's why it went for over a mile, because nobody else could fight back effectively.
You see that the guy tried to run up there with his motorcycle and stop this, but he couldn't.
And so, you know, we look at this and we can't watch the borders, okay?
We can't take somebody who has had convictions, criminal convictions, like many of these terrorists, once they're in the city, once they're in the country.
We can't deport them.
We can't have a first-strike-you're-out policy.
No, we can't vetting these people.
We can't throw them out if they come here and they're criminals.
When this happens, we have the media covering for it.
As Watson points out, we got the headline from CNN, truck rams a crowd.
Or the New York Times, truck attack on French crowd.
CBC News says, children feared killed and niece as truck attacks a family event.
The truck did it.
Okay, they want to make it all about the truck.
Except, you know, when a car really does kill people, like with a Tesla autopilot, then they blame the people, okay?
That's the insanity of this.
But before I run out of time, okay?
This French president, just hours before this happened,
It came out that he spends $11,000 a month on his hair.
$11,000 a month.
This is USA Today.
These socialist leaders, personal stylists, earned $11,000 a month.
Now, per capita income in France is less than $3,500 a month.
So he's making three times what the workers make.
The workers!
I thought the socialists cared about the workers, okay?
He's got a five-year contract with his hairstylist.
It began in 2012.
By 2017, the French president will have shelled out $657,000, you know, because he's worth it.
He's worth it.
Now, remember Marie Antoinette?
That's what they were celebrating, you know, Bastille Day?
That was where we're told, you know, the liberty-loving people in France spontaneously rose up against the tyrannical king.
This is the way New American puts it.
Took out his haughty wife who said, uh, let them eat cake.
Now we've got a socialist president who essentially says, let them eat pomade.
That's what's going on here.
So, what they were celebrating yesterday was the fact that they stormed the prison, the Bastille.
They took it down.
And then, of course, you had a reign of terror, didn't you?
And they point out here, the French Revolution was not really a liberty-loving thing, but actually the fruit of decades of radical agitation.
Sound familiar?
Stirred up by anti-Christian, power-seeking, secret societies that drank freely from the poison well of the Enlightenment,
It has served as a template for every radical leftist revolution since that time.
Now it's come full circle, hasn't it?
Now we've got the arrogant socialist.
Who is fawning over his hair, spending three times per capita income on his hair.
And the guy's losing it, like me, okay?
I'm not spending that kind of money on my hair.
With radical agitation, we see that as well.
That's their open borders.
With policy from secret societies, they're the people who put this stuff together.
And we look at the article, he comes out after this and says, well, you know, France, you're going to have to learn to live with terrorism.
No, I think we need to do something about it.
They say France is investigating whether a truck attacker act alone.
You know, the point is, he didn't act alone.
He had the cooperation of Hollande, of Merkel, of the European Union, of Obama, Clinton, John Kerry.
They're his associates.
They're the people who brought them in.
Who are bringing them in by the millions.
And we don't know how many.
Is it 1,000?
Is it 10,000?
Is it 100,000?
Is it just one or two or a dozen more?
Stay with us tonight.
InfoWars Nightly News, 7 Central, 8 p.m.
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