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Name: 20160713_Wed_Alex
Air Date: July 13, 2016
3308 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, various topics are discussed including health concerns related to cellphone use, political events such as the upcoming Republican primary in Arizona and Kelly Ward's call for the release of 28 pages related to the September 11 attacks investigation. There are also discussions on leftist intimidation tactics against Trump supporters, the importance of getting involved in politics and registering new voters, product promotions including supplements and filtration systems, as well as addressing dangers facing humanity, community building, and various other topics such as censorship attempts and lawsuits involving Hillary Clinton.

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It's Wednesday, the 13th day of July 2016.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're going to be here live in studio with massively important breaking news over the next four hours.
But first, an extremely powerful report filed by John Baum.
The Clinton Foundation basically owns and runs the FBI leadership.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch was on the Hill today in front of the House Judiciary Committee at an oversight hearing on Justice Department operations.
Regarding those operations, Attorney General Lynch stonewalled the committee with non-answers and legal diversion.
Director Comey stated that there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information.
Do you agree with Director Comey's statement?
Again, I would refer you to Director Comey for any further explanation as to the basis for his recommendations.
The recommendation that I received from the team, including Director Comey, was that the investigation be resolved without charges.
Meanwhile, the Democrats use the opportunity to promote gun control.
There is an epidemic of gun violence and that was the majority in Congress responded with emergency hearings about Hillary Clinton's and Lois Lerner's emails.
Democratic Congressman Hank Johnson weighed in on the Democrats' perception that the hearings were unimportant to the protection of national security.
My colleagues on the other side of the aisle don't.
It's they're just tone deaf and they insist
On chasing rabbits down holes by trying to make some hay out of something that is, this is over with.
You may remember Johnson once expressed concern over Guam tipping over.
The whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.
Uh, we don't anticipate that.
But Lynch could not avoid the clarity surrounding her decision to speak with Bill Clinton days before the decision and her declaration to support the FBI's investigation before the investigation was closed.
You have a conversation with the former president, the husband of the subject of an ongoing investigation, and you have that conversation before they've interviewed the subject, and before they've reached their recommendations and finished their investigation, that's what triggered you to do this thing you've never done before, which is announce, I don't care what they recommend, I'm gonna follow it.
My concern was that the conversation that I had with President Clinton would be seen by some as having an influence over that.
I felt it was important to clarify.
Just some, Geronimo Lynch.
A lot of people.
But now, as Kurt Nimmel writes, FBI Director James Comey's past and present employment as director of HSBC's holdings
And subsequent promotion to independent non-executive director and a member of the Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee, an appointment set to expire this year, clearly has blatant ties to the Clinton Foundation.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia and committee member Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina
Want to know if the emails that were deleted and recovered by the FBI had anything to do with the Clinton Foundation?
The Mexican drug cartel money laundering Swiss bank, HSBC, is connected to the Clinton Foundation through a number of initiatives, including its Building the Corporate coalition, investing in management and leadership in Vietnam, and other American economy destroying free trade agreement projects.
Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, and a number of transnational corporations also participate.
The Clintons have used the foundation to enrich themselves.
Documents disclosed through litigation by Judicial Watch provided a roadmap
Hillary Clinton and her aides were involved in fundraising for the foundation and she turned the State Department into the DC office of the Clinton Foundation.
Something she will now do to the White House.
What will it take to convince every American citizen that they are being scammed at the highest levels?
In my next report, I will be digging into Comey's involvement into Whitewater.
Comey's protection of the Clinton corruption machine goes way back.
John Bowne for Infowars.com
Get ready to start your engine.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing the parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
You support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for all Infowarriors listening or watching this broadcast.
I'm not saying that war with Russia is imminent.
I'm not saying that war with China is imminent.
Vladimir Putin is saying that there is a strategic plan to encircle Russia with tactical nuclear weapons
And with anti-missile systems that will render the Russian Topol-M missiles and other systems obsolete so that Russia will be open to a preemptive sneak attack, which NATO and the United States in the last eight years have changed their policy to say.
That they are allowed to strike Russia or other nations first.
This is unprecedented.
The Communist Chinese government officially came out today and said they're, quote, preparing for all-out war with the United States imminently in the South China Sea.
This is all part of the globalist destabilization program, the Black Lives Matter, flooding Europe with the Muslims, you name it.
That's why I'm saying everybody needs to get prepared to get prepared now while also supporting sources of information that are battling this globalist program, a total win-win.
Now because of contracts, we have to stop the massive discounts on the non-GMO seeds, the water filters, the optics and all of that because they're already super low prices at Infowarsstore.com.
But I'm able for 48 hours, we've talked to our distributors, on the storable high-quality food and on all the nutraceuticals at Infowarslife.com.
to continue the specials.
On top of that, the free shipping on order is $50 or more.
On top of that, 10% off on auto ship with the big discounts up to 40% at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLife.com, but only 48 hours, ladies and gentlemen, because we cannot continue to extend sales on things that are already extremely competitive.
Thank you for your support.
You see that we are expanding in the face of the globalists.
This is a critical time in history, but we need to be 70% offense
30% defense.
Everybody needs to get prepared and be independent and self-sufficient.
That is key in the fight against the globalists.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial commons.
In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas.
The first report to say that President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
It was almost as if we were a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
Either you were with us,
Well, you're with the terrorists.
But I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We're going to take all of them.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
Global governance at last.
Is it one world?
The central bank is in charge.
But aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
As for me, give me liberty or give me death!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Roger Stone is joining us at the bottom of the hour.
We'll probably know by tomorrow morning who the vice presidential pick of Donald J. Trump is going to be.
CNN is basically admitting that different Soros-funded groups are going to be in Cleveland trying to destabilize things and take the spotlight away from what Donald Trump is actually saying.
Inside, I'm going to be kicking off the first big rally on Monday.
There with Roger Stone and others.
And believe me, it's a rally you're going to want to be at.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
This is a historic
Time or end, to say the least.
And I really am gonna try.
To be more news intensive, especially in the first hour.
A lot of days I tend to go off into a larger general discussion and then start parsing out news in the second, third and fourth hour.
But there's so much news breaking as we go.
I don't have a program director.
I'm the program director.
I personally want to try to thematically focus on a few big issues up front that hit a ton of news in the first hour.
So we're going to do that right now.
invites Black Lives Matter to event.
rights expert cites structural and institutional racism in the U.S.
That's CNS News.
The U.N.
runs Black Lives Matter to the Open Border Foundation, Open Society Foundation that Soros puts billions into.
Billions with a B. So of course they're part of the U.N.
It's the Strong Cities Initiative.
This is the big one here.
University student who criticized Black Lives Matter faces expulsion debt threats.
And this is from the University of Purdue.
He said that Black Lives Matter just wants to raise a bunch of money and is trash in his view creating division.
The person is pretty much a liberal and is gay.
But it doesn't matter whether they're conservative or libertarian or who they are.
You have a right on your own Facebook.
You're not calling for violence.
Black Lives Matter can call for violence.
And do all this other stuff, and that's sweet and cute and okay, but if you then use your free speech, you're kicked out of school.
We're gonna be getting into the latest on Black Lives Matter.
Black rapper tells the truth about Black Lives Matter, then gets threatened.
That's to take down his tweets.
When all he said was, all lives matter, and we need to talk about the fact that 9 out of 10 blacks are killed by other black people.
So, of course, he had to shut up for that.
Cops walk out of security duty at a basketball game when players come out in anti-cop gear.
Indoctrination, watch 14-year-old perform white boy privilege poem.
This is what the public schools teach.
I learned even mainline girls camps, their camouflages, art camps and stuff here in Austin, Texas, you go in like hardcore sensitivity brainwash training to help girls find their identity of chip on their shoulders, hate the men.
I mean this is a full push folks, corporately run.
The scapegoat, poor minorities and people, but it's a globalist run.
CBS Chicago, white woman walks in black neighborhoods saying, I'm sorry, black America.
Talk about mental illness.
So that's just some of that coming up.
Resettlement of Syrian refugees in the U.S.
accelerates to massive levels.
And it's being covered up by the media, but we're going to break that down.
The Wall Street Journal uses the word accelerates.
A bunch of anti-gun activities going on.
Easier for a teenager to get his hands on a Glock than a computer or even a book, says Obama.
That's the Washington Times.
Meanwhile, if you actually go into the statistics, gun homicides are down in the U.S.
40% from 1993 to 2014.
Lowest in 34 years.
They were down 61% but they've actually, the rate has dropped some as they're going back up a little bit because of the depression and the police slow rolling into some neighborhoods that have drug problems.
So there's a lot of things added to that.
But first off, Donald Trump in a whole bunch of different polls, scientific polls, in key battleground swing states is ahead.
That's what I told you two weeks ago from our Trump sources that are not just stone.
I want to add that he though concurred.
We already knew these numbers, but it's in Politico today, basically on those very polls.
So that's very, very important.
Trump has a very good shot at winning if there isn't election fraud.
They just want to tell you he can't win.
So if they do steal the election, everybody will basically somehow believe it and at least have plausible, plausible doubt in their minds.
The big enchilada for me personally to focus on, though, in the next few weeks, is to really reach out to Bernie Sanders supporters.
Not the hardcore socialists, the people that were supporting Sanders to go after crony capitalism and folks that were doing it as a protest vote, which they estimate is about 30-40% of the Sanders supporters.
A lot of my listeners, I learned, on the street shaking my hand, are wearing Bernie shirts.
And I went to Taco Deli and like four people were wearing them, and he found their listeners
They're like, hey, we know Sanders isn't perfect.
We just want some change.
A lot of Ron Paul supporters have become Sanders supporters.
Well, now he's signed on to the Goldman Sachs goddess.
And he's totally sold out his constituency.
And so unless you're a moron cult leader or a cult follower, how would you not?
Support Donald Trump, who all the big money are against, who all the big party officials in both parties are against.
They pulled out all the stops.
They now have judges saying, oh, we can't actually take out delegates from Trump and give them to the Republicans.
I told you.
They're going to pull it next week.
They're going to try.
They already are.
I think they're going to fail.
Because Trump supporters were not so brainwashed as
Sanders supporters, they didn't put up with people just claiming, hey, we're superdelegates, the party can decide, we're the quote, sovereigns of the party, as George Will wrote for the Washington Post.
Libertarian populist conservatives, constitutionalists, rejected it, filed lawsuits, got angry, took action, and the party had to back off.
I said they'd double back at the convention.
They're going to have some new dirt they drop, new scandals they claim that are so shameful, so bad, it'll be a hoax.
But just for the day or two before it's discovered that it's a hoax, they'll have a revolt and take it away from Trump.
I'm telling you, that's their plan.
I don't need to have inside sources to know it.
Stone has recognized and said and others have.
And I know even people high up in the Trump campaign tune into this show to hear my analysis because I know the enemy and I know what they're going to do.
And of course, the Trump folks know that too.
They wanted to go, okay, we're the nominee, we're the presumptive.
Hey, that whole fight's over, I'm the nominee.
So the perception would be the fight was over.
I get that so that when the Republicans try to steal the whole deal, again, it'll be seen as totally illegitimate.
The problem is they're gonna launch the skeletons they've got in the deep freeze locker Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday.
Get ready, it is going to be crazy town.
And I'm gonna have eight different people on the ground
Our reporters, crew, you name it, in Cleveland.
We're going to be doing huge interviews all week.
So much.
But really, just tactically, we've got to reach out to Sanders supporters and say, your guy really won most of the states.
He won California, but Hillary met at a rich person's home with the Associated Press and CNN that basically run Voter News Services, and they canvassed the superdelegates, and so they, the day before, decided what numbers she would win by.
The votes meant nothing!
And that was in the news!
New York Daily News!
It was in Politico.
It's just crazy.
I'm skipping this network break.
All of this is going on.
All of this is happening.
All of this is unfolding in front of everybody.
And I'm sitting here watching all this unfold.
You're sitting here watching them steal the election in front of you
And it's a blip on the radar screen.
With a straight face.
Yeah, we met the day before and decided how many votes Hillary would get.
A day before.
I'm gonna say that again.
Met to decide what number they'd put out on the news the next night.
And so then the Associated Press that sends out the numbers to all the other networks, the networks agreed, okay.
The day before you met, and then you're going to tell us that night at about 8 or 9 and we'll announce the winner.
I mean, they have to hide the fraud in plain view now because it's been exposed.
They're just normalizing that, oh, superdelegates decide, not you.
And you're going to sit there as Democrats.
And you're going to go and vote for Hillary Clinton, who has been a selected candidate
Trump has bucked the system, swam against the tide, upriver, gone through hell, lost hundreds of millions of dollars with him targeting his businesses and companies conservatively, been boycotted, been demonized, been lied about more than anybody I've ever seen in modern history.
And he has the entire rotten system of the party leadership in both parties, the big media, the big money, none of them supporting him, all of them absolutely trying to destroy him.
You claim you're anti-establishment.
You people just want to be part of the establishment.
You want the big ultra-rich to just go rob the middle class and give you a few years of wealth and then we'll implode like Venezuela and the globalists won't care because they'll be in New Zealand or Switzerland or Luxembourg or Monte Carlo.
Please don't destroy our birthright and the engine of prosperity just because you like to feel sorry for yourselves and wander around and watch daytime TV all day and bitch and complain about how everybody's being sexist or racist to you while everything starts imploding.
This is idiocy.
This is how they take the country down.
Now Joe Biggs did an extremely powerful report that I want posted on Facebook, I want it pushed on Twitter, I want it everywhere.
This thing needs to go mega viral.
We're going to play it in a moment, but first, I want to play this shorter clip where Trump slams Trader Sanders with a video that shows Sanders, who has the most annoying, condescending voice.
I mean, I'll say that to supporters.
I'm going to sit there and kiss your butt and go, Sanders was a pretty good guy and now, you know, that he's been robbed and you've been robbed, protest and stand up.
I'm not going to sit there and patronize you.
You've already been an idiot.
You've already been conned by this socialist placeholder to make her look more middle of the road.
The whole thing's rigged.
He said he would always fight to the end and never give up.
He put up with our electoral system being jacked with at a level never seen and you're sitting there putting up with it.
Admit you got conned and go for Trump.
It has never been more obvious that he could go sideways on us.
He could be a megalomaniac.
He could be trying to take over the New World Order and that's why they don't like him.
That's the only way he's not good and I don't think that's what's happening.
My gut tells me all in.
That's still a gamble.
You don't have any chance of fighting the establishment going for Hillary Clinton.
Your only shot is to go for Trump.
I don't know.
You know there's election fraud.
You've already seen it stolen from Sanders.
You just want to sit around with your friends at the coffee shop or tea shop or the, you know, the cat cafe or whatever, you know, and just, you know, change the kitty litter and, you know, get another tattoo or whatever.
And that's fine.
I love tattoos.
I love cats.
My point is, just because you're 100 pounds overweight and got three cats and, you know, you say you're a social justice warrior, you're conned.
You've been given a total false paradigm.
And I'm not attacking fat people.
I'm just stereotyping because it's true and it's real.
These super-trendies who don't care how conned they are and will go with any level of scam.
I'm not going to sit here and kiss your butt and try to get you to vote for Trump.
I'm going to say, stop being a chump.
Stop being an idiot.
Stop being a moron.
Stop living in fantasy land and deciding you're part of some intellectual pseudo-elite because you parrot whatever the New York Times says.
And share, you know, Democrat stories and MSNBC clips and talk about how smart all of you are.
You're not real liberals.
You're not real intellectuals.
You're dangerous people programmed by offshore megabanks with weaponized foundation media that are hard core anti-human.
I'm right.
You're wrong.
I know what I'm talking about.
You don't.
And I listen.
I don't say that arrogantly.
I am scared.
I've seen the globalists do this in countless countries.
They are going to wreck everything.
They hate you so much.
The trendies, they despise you.
The Black Lives Matter followers and idiots like that, you're fools.
I'm not going to sit here and pay lip service to you is what I'm getting at.
There have been times in my life when I've been wrong and I've been in denial and it took somebody basically slapping me to get me out of it.
That's all I'm saying is wake up!
Let's go to this clip of Sanders.
I don't think you are qualified.
I do not know any progressive who has a super PAC and takes $15 million from Wall Street.
I don't think you are qualified if you're supplying virtually every disastrous trade agreement which has cost us millions of decent paying jobs.
I do question her judgment.
I question a judgment which voted for the war in Iraq
I don't think you are qualified.
I have shown a lot better judgment than she has on foreign policy.
I don't think you are qualified.
You know... Excuse me, I'm talking.
Trump, make America great again.
Okay, let's go to Joe Begg's report that has some of the same clips.
It really boils it down, I think, even better than the Trump campaign did.
We need to tweet this at Trump.
We need Trump to retweet this.
We need to go out and reach out to these Sanders people and just say, for God's sakes, what brings us wealth is cutting taxes like Kennedy did.
50% tax receipts double the next year.
I mean, you listen to Trump, it sounds like John F. Kennedy when it comes to economics.
The globalists want high taxes because they're exempt from them and use them to shut down their competition, dumbos!
Socialism is used in a globalist system to rob you in the final phase!
It's a fact!
We have the IMF documents!
Let's go to the clip.
Since Bernie Sanders came out and announced his candidacy for the President of the United States, he began to hit Hillary Clinton hard, labeling her as one of the most corrupt politicians America has ever seen.
The fact that she took money from Goldman Sachs, the fact that she is the Queen of Wall Street.
Let's take a look at a few clips that prove what Bernie Sanders said about her connections with Wall Street.
Secretary Clinton has a number of super PACs.
One of her super PACs recently reported that they raised $25 million from special interest, $15 million from Wall Street alone.
I don't take money from big banks.
I don't get personal speaking fees from Goldman Sachs.
Here's the story.
I mean, you know, let's not be naive about it.
I have never heard a candidate, never, who has received huge amounts of money from oil, from coal, from Wall Street.
From the military industrial complex, not one candidate said, oh these campaign contributions will not influence me.
I'm going to be independent.
Well, why do they make millions of dollars of campaign contributions?
They expect to get something.
Everybody knows that.
Impugn my integrity.
Let's be frank here.
Oh, wait a minute, Senator.
Did it have anything to do with the fact that Wall Street provided, spent billions of dollars on lobbying and campaign contributions?
Well, some people might think, yeah, that had some influence.
None of us has a super PAC.
One of us has raised $15 million from Wall Street for that super package.
Way more than that now.
One of us has given speeches on Wall Street for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Now I kind of think if you get paid a couple of hundred thousand dollars for a speech, it must be a great speech!
I think we should release it and let the American people say we're going to support them.
Every candidate in the history of the world, Democrat, Republican, when they receive huge amounts of money from Wall Street or the drug companies or the fossil fuel industries, what they always say, not going to impact me,
By the way, Trump isn't getting the money and won't take it.
Why would Wall Street be spending $15 million?
His supporters are going to go for her because they want to feel like winners.
They're going to go to the candidate who gets the big money.
I don't think you are qualified if you get $15 million from Wall Street through your super PAC.
I don't think you are qualified if you have voted for the disastrous war in Iraq.
I have come here to make it as clear as possible as to why I am endorsing Hillary Clinton
And I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States.
Look, he totally flips.
There you have it.
Bernie Sanders has now endorsed the most corrupt politician in American history.
And it's been leading up to this point.
We should have seen it.
The fact that on the first debate, one of the questions were about Hillary Clinton's emails.
And what did he do?
Enough is enough.
Let's stop talking about Hillary's emails.
The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!
Thank you, me too, me too!
That's out of control.
That set the tone for what we saw in the past few days.
The fact that the FBI Director Comey came out and basically said, what difference does it make?
She didn't know that that was bad.
The fact that Loretta Lynch is ducking and dodging questions right now in Capitol Hill about this.
Here you have the most anti-establishment candidate in Bernie Sanders now folding.
To the Queen of Wall Street, Hillary Clinton.
It's a sad day.
But now we can all turn our faces to a brighter future.
Let's make America great again.
I want to see each and every one of you come out to the RNC and DNC wearing one of these t-shirts right here.
Hillary for prison.
Show your disapproval for her today.
Go to the InfoWars store and get yours.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
And I just want to say, Sanders is a sellout.
We're posting this video right now to InfoWars Facebook and Twitter.
Help us get it out.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Grip, you developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
We're good to go.
You have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, viruses protect themselves and so do bacteria and protozoa and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually designed the Living Defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often should you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time, because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when the eggs hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss,
Excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness.
I mean, all these things.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
Plans at least twice a year.
Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Roger Stone is getting set for about five minutes via Skype to break down the fact that Trump is surging ahead in battleground states into the lead in places like Florida and other key states, panicking the Democrats.
We're also going to be breaking down the latest attacks on the Second Amendment, the accelerated resettlement of Syrians, and the cover-up of the real number of the fact that there are invaders into Syria, Sunni invaders financed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
But just during the break, in our control room,
And in the break room, one of them had Fox on, one of them had CNN on, and it was just people sitting around laughing, business as usual.
Oh, you know, Geraldo's on Fox, with all the lovely ladies in their green and red dresses, their legs stuck up in the air, it's all so much fun.
When we live in a country that's totally bankrupt, all these cities and states are going bankrupt, Puerto Rico, the family's unraveling,
Our government's financing ISIS and Al Qaeda around the world.
Our children are being brainwashed and taught to be guilty and hate themselves and to fight with each other.
And we just watched the Republican Party try to claim that the popular vote didn't count and try to steal the nomination from Donald Trump.
And now they're saying they're going to try to do it again next week.
And then it actually worked with Bernie Sanders, who won more states and more delegates than Hillary.
But it doesn't matter because the Associated Press met with CNN at a wealthy donor's house with Hillary the day before the California primary and they decided what the results would be.
We couldn't hardly find anybody going in those voting places for Hillary.
And so I almost want to just open the phones up, but I've got a bunch of guests today, four specific Bernie supporters.
Because I could see some of your arguments earlier.
Because it is the big banks, it is the big megacorporations that are running the crony system and are above the law and don't basically pay taxes.
The problem is they want a version of what Sanders wants because they're still going to be exempt from it, and they want our money, and they want to control markets!
Carol Quigley is one of the top globalist tacticians of our age.
Died decades ago.
Wrote Tragedy and Hope.
It's 1100 pages long.
I've read the thing multiple times.
He explains how they have synthetic left and right, how they want slow socialism to condition us and control us.
Now Bilderberg met.
Just a few weeks ago.
And they publicly put out a press release.
They had a top professor there about the precariat.
How the general population is poor now.
They're precarious.
It's going to get worse.
We've got to give everybody a one-month check every month that is out of the taxpayers' money so that everyone is tied to supporting higher taxes.
And he said to control the population.
They are agreeing with what I've told you forever.
The precariat, the new dangerous class.
They've made films, they've got books on it.
This is how they flaunt this and put this in your face.
Competition is a sin.
John D. Rockefeller, the first.
Look it up.
Competition is a sin.
Why did the richest family the world's ever seen next to the Rothschilds, they do it too, finance socialism and collectivism because they're exempt from it.
It's how they end competition.
It's why they rule.
Then they put their people in government and it's game over.
They control where the money's spent.
Game over.
Total control.
Now there's a quote.
This led the distinguished, or disgruntled, John D. Rockefeller to exclaim, competition is a sin.
A solution, therefore, would soon be brokered.
It was decided the world's markets would geographically be carved up, with the two barons, Rockefeller and Rothschild, each having their separate, well-defined shares.
Crazy thing is, these people wrote books admitting this.
I've got somewhere around here a 1937 copy of the New York Times, the cull cover of the paper.
The Grey Lady.
Is the 10 FEMA Regents.
They didn't set it up until 79.
They don't play games.
They've got the whole world planned out.
My whole future.
My kid's whole future.
And it isn't a pretty one.
Meanwhile, they want to just finance race groups and have us all fight with each other like a bunch of morons while they fluoridate the water and say, bye-bye IQ, bye-bye.
We're getting Roger Stone on the line briefly here, obviously, ladies and gentlemen.
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This is probably the most important Roger Stone interview I've done of 40 or 50 we've done in the last 16 months.
Of course, he's worked in four major administrations, been involved in nine major campaigns.
He was the former head of the Trump campaign, and now his business partner is the head of the Trump campaign.
But he's separated from that and gives us his own unfettered analysis of what's going on.
And unlike so many other pundits, he doesn't tell me what
I don't
You know, it's basically dead heat.
But he said in the next few weeks we'll know more with more polls.
Well, those polls have come out now confirming what I knew two weeks ago and told you, Politico, he's gone ahead in a bunch of states over the margin of error.
We're going to talk about that with Roger Stone.
We're going to talk about what's coming up in Cleveland next week and so much more.
We just got news.
Minutes ago, that this has never happened before, they've shut down all airspace for the entire conventions, 30 miles out.
They only do it the day of.
And there's no specified issue to stop us with the Hillary for Prison banners.
We're just going to fly them earlier now.
They'll probably extend it out more days.
We're going to follow her around.
We're not stopping.
That's only going to make me work harder on it.
We had to sue twice, Stone had to sue twice, just to fill you in.
Just to be able to have this rally coming up Monday that bikers for Trump are going to be at and a lot more.
CNN's reporting on it.
This is the key kickoff.
You need to be there, folks.
We're going to be there live.
Roger Stone, thank you for joining us.
I know you're a busy man.
Wow, so much is going on.
Where should we start first?
Well, it's an exciting day, Alex.
I'm glad to be back with you.
I got to tell you the truth.
The only reason I'm able to be with you today is living defense and brain force.
That's how exhausted I am.
But I've never been more excited about any campaign I've been in, and that includes the Ronald Reagan campaigns, which I'm proudest of in my entire career.
We are literally on the verge of taking our country back.
And as you said, Trump is now pulling ahead, or even in a number of key battleground states, the FBI giving Hillary Clinton a pass.
That's not a plus, that's a minus.
She may not be going to jail.
Right now.
Senator from Alabama, Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker, and Mike Pence are set to sit down with Donald Trump in Indianapolis.
Senator Sessions and former Speaker Gingrich are either on their way or have just arrived there.
I still think it may be a day or two before we have the candidate's final decision.
Only one man knows.
Who's going to be selected for this ticket?
And of course, that's Donald Trump.
Now, many years ago, former President Richard Nixon told me, on the basis of his own mistakes, look, he said, Stone, don't look for somebody who can help you.
Just find somebody who doesn't hurt you.
Find somebody who is solid, sure-footed, good policy background, not flashy, but somebody who doesn't hurt you.
I think that's sound political advice because in recent times, literally in the last hundred years,
With the one exception of Lyndon Johnson, I don't think you can point to any vice presidential candidate who has actually mattered.
This race is going to be about Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton.
Now, yesterday, the Clinton people purposely floated a rumor
That she was looking at a retired admiral for vice president.
We have figured out that this is an attempt to bait us in the Trump camp into the selection of General Mike Flynn.
I think Flynn is a great man.
I think he'd be a great addition to a Trump administration.
I'm not sure, with the exception of Eisenhower, that generals are particularly cut out for politics.
But he was already near the top of the list.
He was, and it's very clear that Donald has a very high regard for it.
And he is the general that came out and exposed that when he was the head of defense intelligence that Obama was running ISIS and Al Qaeda.
I mean, he's amazing.
No, he's a gutsy, courageous guy.
He's a patriotic American.
Now, it's interesting that the mainstream media reported that he was a Democrat, and that he was, and they construed his comments to say that he is pro-choice.
But he says that's not true now.
Well, in fact, I have, and I will send this to Infowars.com, I have found his voter registration record.
Please send it right now, that's huge.
First of all, Virginia has no voter registration, so one cannot be a Republican or a Democrat.
However, he has voted in a prior Republican primary.
CIA Director Flynn, Defense Secretary Flynn, I think he's headed for great things.
My own opinion, and this is just my opinion, is that we're probably down to former Speaker Gingrich or Mike Pence, a solid conservative from Indiana.
I have my own favorite.
I have given the candidate my own private advice.
I'm not going to divulge that because you know that is my policy.
I would have preferred Jeff Sessions.
Frankly, I think Sessions is taking himself out of it.
But he may also end up in a Trump cabinet.
I think the reason
He's headed to Indianapolis is because Donald Trump values his advice so much.
So we're very close.
It's very exciting.
Trump, ever the showman, tells the New York Times yesterday there may be a few people on his list that have not been publicly reported.
And as you know, he is the king of public relations and how to get covered.
So we're hunkered down waiting for a decision, but we won't know until the candidate himself makes a decision.
And my own personal view is as this moment, I'm not sure a final decision is made.
That's why he's meeting with the three.
He's probably also seeing if they'll work with him, if he picks one of them and the others are then put in cabinet positions.
Here's my issue.
I don't like to be Machiavellian.
I certainly can do it just as good as anybody can.
I'm almost ashamed of myself for that fact.
I'm getting that headspace at a pretty deep level.
Obviously, at a sick level, I'd like him to pick Gingrich because the establishment wouldn't be so scared because of Gingrich's globalist connections.
I've read his writings.
I mean, this guy on the service is this populist conservative, but I mean, he really is the guy that gave us Boehner, all of it.
He's got some major problems, but...
I see the fact that that might make the establishment be as scared of Trump, then I worry about Trump getting assassinated if he puts Gingrich in.
So in a Machiavellian way, I say, okay, I want Trump to win.
I hate Hillary so much.
Go with Gingrich.
But just, I tell you, it'll be the first thing Trump's done that is establishment-esque.
If he does, I would like a Sessions, even if it's politically incorrect and they try to, you know, attack him just from Alabama or stuff 40 years ago, or, you know, somebody like a General Flynn.
That's my take.
What's your take, Roger Stone?
Well, you're almost reading my mind, Alex.
You know, when I used to bring up Gingrich with former President Nixon, he would just snort and say, Rockefeller guy, which tells me a lot.
Newt, by the way, did run Nelson Rockefeller's campaign in Georgia in 1968.
I, my own personal view is I agree with you.
First of all, I love Jeff Sessions.
He would be my first choice.
But I'm for whoever Donald Trump is for.
And I put my total faith in Trump.
I don't think we're going to get a globalist.
I don't think we're going to get somebody who doesn't adhere strictly to the Trump agenda.
Yeah, they're licking their lips, man.
He brings Genrich in, that fox sitting there smiling at him like he's a big fat hen.
I mean, Trump's got to be, I know Trump's smart.
He just, he's crazy if he puts Genrich in.
Nobody recognizes this, but I don't think any candidate for president in our lifetime has wanted to be upstaged.
And I think Newt may have that tendency.
He's a very smart guy.
He's a very glib guy.
In fact, I can't think of any subject on which Newt doesn't consider himself an expert.
So, you know, Trump, I think, understands the correct role.
All right.
To the Democrats, and specifically to the Clintons.
And we know that Newt Gingrich can get under the Clintons' skin.
I would counter-argue that Trump's own pugnacious style makes that unnecessary.
He's not afraid to take on the Clintons, he's taking them on ad nauseum, and he's going to take them on.
Sure, you can also argue he knows all the Washington insiders, and suddenly the big money will come to him, but that's going to come with strengths.
Well, look, this campaign's never going to be funded by big money.
It's never going to be funded by Wall Street.
What's amazing is that in the month of June, the campaign raised $51 million, mostly from small donors.
The 25s, the 100s.
Let me raise this with you, then, Roger Stones, our guest on Zone.com.
What do we do to reach out to the Sanders people?
I don't see how they stole the delegates, they stole the superdelegates, they robbed him, they chose that Hillary would win the day before with Voter News Services, the AP, the primary was a simulation for Democrats.
How could Sanders supporters, I mean a good chunk, 30-40%, how could they not vote so they at least in the institution of voting, how could they let a new Politburo, the Democratic Party, the Central Committee do this?
I mean it just seems like
Yeah, I think one of the keys, of course, Alex, is picking a running mate who was not a cheerleader for the Iraq War.
The opening here is that
Is that
Endorsing Hillary Clinton.
Because it means that everything he said in his campaign about values and progressive values and principle, it was all BS!
Bernie Sanders, with his Doc Brown hairdo, turns out to be just another corporate whore!
Just another slave for Wall Street.
Very, very disappointing.
I thought that at least he was a man of principle.
Perhaps leftist principles, but you know, not motivated by money and greed and power, motivated by an ideology, misguided as it may be.
It turns out that he's just another hack politician.
I should have known because he's never been off the public payroll in his entire life.
And for all of his great talk, he's been on the Veterans Affairs Committee in the US Senate for 30 years.
How are veterans doing in America, Alex?
Not too good.
So he's a disgrace.
He's a part of the system.
He's a career politician.
And I must sadly say, his entire campaign was all talk.
It was all BS.
Very, very sad.
I do think that we can still reach out to his voters on the basis of war and peace and on the basis of trade.
They know that these globalist trade deals that only Donald Trump in the Republican primary had the guts to oppose have sucked the jobs out of America.
And I think it's one of the key winning issues.
Well, I tell you, Stone, I couldn't disagree with anything you're saying.
Obviously, Trump is super savvy, has the angles covered.
This is history coming up.
And I just am begging everybody out there who are Democrats, I get a lot of your policies.
I agree with some of them.
I understand when you're compared to Republicans in the past, hey, you're a Democrat because Republicans have been so corrupt.
I mean, look at George W. Bush.
He's shameful.
Stone's been exposing him for over a decade.
I get it.
But man, if anyone doesn't see that tyranny can come in any package, any party, and the Democratic Party is a criminal organization going for broke, completely arrogant, disconnected from reality, the Russians have put out press releases saying, we've never been scared of an American president or nominee.
We are scared of Hillary.
We are preparing for nuclear war.
We don't want to get involved in your elections, but you're involved in ours internally.
America, please.
I mean, Putin begs the media at these conferences.
Begs them.
Because he knows it's Hillary and Soros, literally, that have troops battling Russians on their border right now in three different countries.
I mean, this has entered crazy town bubble.
Hillary is a megalomaniac.
She must be stopped.
I totally agree.
Alex, we have really good intelligence today that there are 10,000 professional agitators on their way to Cleveland.
I'm not exaggerating that number.
We have documented it.
So they are looking for a conflagration.
And therefore, it's more important than ever that if you are a Trump supporter, number one,
Come to Cleveland.
It's going to be an extraordinary rally on Monday at 1130 at Settlers Park.
Alex Jones is the headline speaker.
The new rock sensation, the Liberty Rock sensation, Kate Koptenko, will be performing.
You're going to have major speeches.
I intend to speak.
There's a star lineup of speakers.
We are girding for confrontation.
It is essential that we turn the other cheek.
It is essential that we not engage with these... And by the way, I hate to interrupt you.
I had a family kind of emergency about a month ago and I never, I dropped the ball on this.
I was contacted by someone that's high level in the media.
In New York.
And he said, Alex, you gotta call me.
I've known the guy for years.
He goes, I'm in these meetings at major newspapers.
They're planning to set you up with a false flag to do bad things in your name.
Trump, it's horrible.
And I've known this guy for years.
And I just, I'm so used to this.
I'm so punch drunk.
I just, yeah, okay.
And I meant to call him and I forgot.
You were just saying that and I remembered he's called me like four times going, look, you got to call me.
They're planning.
They're organizing it.
It's serious.
And I'm going to call him at the end of the show today.
But I mean, that's the thing.
I don't know how you keep track of all of it.
You're saying you documented it as well.
This is so scary that the Democrats have got all these evil wind-up toys that may actually do anything because they've been told they're going to be given the backing of the Justice Department and others.
Listen, the Justice Department's going to hang you out to dry if you try stuff, okay?
But are you getting the same intel because what I'm getting is it's going to be false flags, racist literature, attacks, you name it.
Right now they're going to have people dressed up as Klansmen.
They're going to have people dressed up as Nazis.
They're going to be having people wearing Bernie T-shirts who are not Bernie supporters.
You know, it's very, very transparent.
This morning I had an emergency call from the Citizens for Trump.
We are going to have to raise another $15,000.
For security.
Remember, this is an open park in which anyone can come to our rally.
And we have very real security concerns.
Sure, I personally have hired, I mean, off-duty sergeants that are in the police department for me.
I never get security, folks.
And we've got former special forces people, you name it, but this is real.
Yeah, I have had to do the same thing.
I've had to retain two former Navy SEALs to provide my own personal security.
I have a book signing at Barnes & Noble on Tuesday on Euclid in Cleveland for my book, The Clinton's War on Women, a book you can buy on InfoWars.
If you buy your book on InfoWars and bring it to Barnes & Noble, I'll be proud to sign it.
I'll be happy to sign it.
But I've had to lay on security for that public appearance as well.
So, look, we know what they're up to, and we're going to have to call them out on it.
Well, the good news is, Bikers for Trump's going to have thousands there, and they say they're going to be all over.
I mean, the police are there as well, and obviously, no, this is a foreign takeover.
Even if the city's run by globalists, I'm told high-level police know exactly what's going on.
Well, not only that, but it's not just the high-level police.
It's the low-level police.
That's what I'm saying.
The high-level folks are bad.
The low-level are good.
I can't tell you how many individual officers have told me on the QT quietly, I'm 100% for Trump.
I'm so glad you guys got your permit from the city.
So look, I'm looking forward to this.
It's going to be historic.
This is history.
You're going to get to actually face the enemy, folks.
The other big fight in Cleveland, which I think is very important that I want to bring to the attention of your listeners and your viewers,
Is the fight over the plank regarding the 28 pages of the Congressional Inquiry... Let's talk about that straight ahead.
Back in 70 seconds.
Five more minutes with Stone.
If he can do it, stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, he's with us for 15 more minutes.
The Dr. Gribb's coming in studio today.
We've got so much news to cover.
I want to take your phone calls.
The intimidation of the left, the bullying, the Black Lives Matter, all over the country, their leaders saying, let's kill cops, get your guns out.
If they give you a problem, kill them.
That's illegal.
And again, these are useful idiots financed by the globalists to totally splinter the country.
I am so sad for Americans that are trying to live in peace with each other.
This is going to create so much institutional racism in areas that are still white-run or whatever against black people and others, and then vice versa.
It is setting the stage for another 50 years of infighting and garbage.
It's so destructive and evil.
Obama outplaying race card.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
They're trying to cause a civil war in this country.
Meanwhile, the 28 pages, Trump says he will release them.
Total courage.
Trump talks about how we have economic surrender to the globalists, how Hillary's a communist agent for the Chinese.
I mean, he's the guy the populace should be supporting.
Roger, go ahead, sorry.
So Alex, as you probably know, the subcommittee of the Platform Committee yesterday at the direction of the Trump forces passed a plank calling for the release of the 28 pages of the Congressional Inquiry into 9-11.
Now this is core Trumpism.
This is the issue that drove Jeb Bush from the race.
Donald Trump courageously said in South Carolina that if he became president, this material would be released.
The Bush people worked the full committee, and yesterday the plank was, to our surprise, rejected.
So, here's my suggestion.
If you are a Trump supporter, you can call Donald Trump's office at 212-832-2000, leave a message, a respectful message, let Donald Trump know you stand with him on this important issue, and that it must be in the Republican platform.
Let Trump know that you're with him on this.
Sure, let's go further.
Let's just have Trump come out and say the truth.
Hillary's run by the Saudis and the Chinese Communists.
And a lot of the Republican leadership are, too.
And Fox News is part-owned by the Saudis.
And just bring it out, say the Saudi agency pieces of filth.
Well, and I have written for Breitbart and talked about here at InfoWars, also written for InfoWars.
I'm convinced that Huma Abedin is Hillary's Saudi handler.
I think she's an agent, an asset for the Saudis.
Her background indicates that.
Her financing indicates that.
And as you probably know, the Clinton Foundation has taken in excess of $10 million, probably closer to $25 million from the Saudis.
Senator John McCain recently took $10 million for the McCain Foundation from the Saudis.
You won't hear him calling for release of the 28 pages that Senator Bob Graham, a great patriot, has already told us, former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
He has read the documents and he says they prove
The Saudi royal family and their retainers financed the attack on this country on 9-11.
So this is a flashpoint issue.
By the way, if you're an Arizona voter, remember that because you are an upcoming Republican primary.
And Kelly Ward, his challenger, a fine woman, a medical doctor- Now we've got to get rid of McCain.
Has called for the release of the 28 pages.
That's right.
You know, how's she doing?
I mean, she's got a chance to beat McCain.
He's still in so many elections.
She's got a real shot.
She's running a very good campaign.
And this is one of the key issues.
John McCain left Arizona a long time ago.
John McCain represents the District of Columbia.
He is an inside the Beltway favorite of the media.
There was a time when he's a conservative.
He is no conservative any longer.
And his position on this issue is a disgrace.
And he's buddies with George Soros and, you know, vacations with him.
I mean, that's all you need to know right there.
Now, a very good friend of mine, a journalist, a conservative woman journalist, who you see on television every night, attended the Sun Valley Confab of the beautiful people of the financial elite.
Hold on, I'm gonna get the inside baseball with Roger Stone on the final segment with him straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Cleveland's gonna be huge.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
Infowars.com will have themes, and I don't call for these themes, but you can see a theme daily.
And the theme up there today, just from different writers and researchers, none of us talked beforehand, is massive leftist intimidation, death threats against people that support Trump, death threats against people that are going to go out and speak for Trump.
An article by Kit Daniels where they've now, for the first time ever, done a 30-mile exclusion zone for the entire RNC and DNC so we can't have aircraft flying around with Hillary for prison.
Well, I got a guy that's got a national company.
We're going to follow her around big time.
Don't worry.
But it shows the censorship.
They stole the nomination from Sanders.
And now we've had death threats.
We can't name all the names of people that aren't going to the rally on Monday of Americans for Trump that Roger Stone is headed up, that is all over CNN, all over Fox News today as the first big rally, that has the bikers for Trump who aren't cowards and others coming.
But Diamonds and Silk, who we've had on the show, great ladies,
You know, the hilarious black ladies have been supporting Trump for a year and a half.
They have bowed out because they've been death-threatened.
And other people have been death-threatened, obviously.
That just goes with the territory.
This is the type of cowards we're dealing with.
Look, the rally is just for free speech.
We're all over the internet.
We're all over media.
We'll be in and outside of the convention.
We'll have all the big interviews.
No one's stopping anything.
We're going to do this rally because the Republicans tried to steal the nomination from Trump and are saying they may still try it.
We're there to show what filth you are and how you'll try to censor us and how you're the ones that are violent.
That's what boosts Trump in the polls every time.
The media tries to act like it's both sides.
No, it's not.
So we win by engaging you.
You don't win by running some people off.
I mean, they're sweet ladies, but like we need diamonds and silk, or like we need a Mike Ditka or somebody.
It isn't about who's there, it's about you're there, free speech.
It's about going out there in the face of the city, saying we couldn't have a demonstration.
In the face of the Democrats trying to block us on the RNC, and having to sue them twice, and winning in federal court.
Freedom isn't free, it's not easy.
Roger Stone.
With the help of the ACLU, there's the irony.
So, look, my hat is off to the people at Citizens for Trump.
Tim Salati Sr.
Citizens for Trump, yes.
Citizens for Trump and Kathleen Flaherty.
Fine people, real patriots, and they have put blood, sweat, and tears into this rally to make it a justice.
Yeah, people say, why do it if it's so hard?
They're trying to make it hard so we don't do it and steal our First Amendment!
They'll get the second, they'll get the fourth, they'll get the tenth!
People need to be there.
You need to get aggressive.
Everybody needs to promote this rally and promote the videos that come out of it to show their attempt and their failure.
I totally agree.
Look, you can't blame the ladies of Diamond and Silk.
They are courageous.
They're hilarious.
They've been a huge asset.
Oh, of course we don't blame them.
How dare people threaten women?
It's an open park.
There's no perimeters.
There's no mag machines.
There's no way to search people.
So I can't blame them whatsoever.
I'm speaking.
I'm going to stand up there.
I realize I'm taking my life in my hands, but I believe in free speech.
I'm standing with Donald Trump and Roger Stone and every other man and woman that have stood up in history.
And we are a nation of cowards.
We will be ruled by wolves.
Everyone must be there.
And don't worry, we are going to have massive security.
This is going to be very, very exciting.
In fact, I think historic, Alex, and I urge anybody again who can get to Cleveland, take a bus, take a cab, walk, hitchhike, take a plane, take a train, get to Cleveland and be part of history.
Stand up and be counted.
This is all about the numbers.
We need a massive historic crowd at Settlers Park.
In Cleveland, 1130, Monday the 18th.
Be there to be a part of history.
Well, it just makes me angry to see this attempt at intimidation.
But, you know, this is what's made so many people, even Democrats, start going for Trump when Hillary openly is above the law.
Or when they do see Sanders being robbed, his voters being robbed of their votes.
Or when we see the BLM folks and the other leftist groups beating up innocent people.
Again, it's really showing the authoritarianism of these people.
Well, look, I must tell you, I had a conversation with Tony Fabrizio, who is the Trump campaign pollster, who for my money is the most incisive, literally brilliant and combative pollster and survey researcher in the Republican Party.
He's a libertarian, as we are, and he's a pessimist by nature.
That's just Tony.
He's gruff.
He's hard-nosed.
He likes what he's seeing in these state polls.
This race is moving our way because of Trump's forthright stands and because of Hillary's continued exposure as a stone-cold crook who would steal a hot stove.
And Tony is a guy who's never optimistic.
It's just not his nature.
But this is within our grasp.
If we will just mend the barricades, do the hard work.
We need to register a million new voters in the 10 swing states.
We're working on that.
This is the most exciting thing I've ever been involved in and I go all the way back to Ronald Reagan.
But this is our last, best chance to take this country back.
I'll see you in Cleveland.
All right, my friend.
Thank you so much for all the time.
Roger Stone, I know you've given over $15,000 just for the rally.
I've given $10,000 because I believe in free speech.
I'm going to give an additional $5,000 because we're getting even more security.
I want to thank Bikers for Trump.
Everybody else is going to be there.
Again, I don't think it's that big a danger, folks.
Driving on the highway is more dangerous.
What's dangerous is not being involved.
What's dangerous is letting these scumbags intimidate you.
What's dangerous is giving into fear.
I'm afraid of giving into the fear, and I never will, and so I want to salute Roger Stone.
You can clearly see Hillary is starting to get back on her heels.
Roger is not a pessimist, but a serious realist.
You have privately told me that you did think Trump was behind about a month ago, pulled, you know, to dead, dead, dead heat two weeks ago.
Are you saying you believe he has now pulled ahead?
I think he's ahead in a number of key states.
Let's take Florida.
Now, I'm not giving away any Trump campaign information, but I have seen private polls that roughly a week ago he may have been behind as far as eight or nine points, as I recall.
A more recent survey, one that I trust the methodology, I trust the sample size, I trust the pollster.
I stress again, this is not a Trump campaign poll.
Now it shows Trump behind by one point.
And still lacking the traditional Republican-based vote in the southernmost market, which is the Miami-Fort Lauderdale media market, where the Republican establishment, frankly, has taken... Karen, let's be clear.
Getting back to Cleveland, I'm gonna let you guys know you have to go.
Coming up next week, we have to be there so our voices are heard in the media for populism and anti-globalism and nationalism.
They're going to have the Soros scum running around, unabated, taking over all the coverage of what's happening inside, working with the RNC leadership.
Now, I know up until now they've still been trying dirty tricks.
Is the RNC leadership finally getting halfway in line?
Because I know he supposedly, when he becomes the nominee, takes control of the RNC.
Well, you know, it's very, very hard to say.
When Donald made it very clear that he had an extraordinarily high regard for General Flynn, we know that the National Chairman Reince Priebus went out of his mind and protested very strongly that we couldn't nominate Flynn because he was quote-unquote a Democrat.
Well, we have his voter registration.
He's not a Democrat.
There may be Democrats in his family, may come from a family of Democrats.
Has Reince never heard of conservative Democrats?
Let's be very clear.
Donald Trump has to get between 15 and 20 percent of the Democrats to win this election.
And there are many fine, patriotic, liberty-loving Democrats in this country.
Sure, but he's shown himself to be a nationalist, a patriot, you name it.
And he stood up to the Saudis.
I mean, that's who we want.
So look, I'm for whoever Donald Trump is for for Vice President, but I would be shocked if General Flynn does not have a major role in a Trump administration because he's proven himself to be a man with guts.
And that's what Trump wants.
Somebody with courage.
Somebody who isn't part of the broken, failed establishment, the Bush-Clinton consortium that has
That's right.
All the circuses they pull are only going to backfire.
One last question.
What about the calculus of Obama and Hillary coming out before the cops are dead and saying white people better listen up, you know, this is why this has happened, when this is almost a non-existent issue?
It's totally manufactured.
I'm not defending police issues, you know, I'm a big critic of it, but why are they doing this when it looks like the calculus is turning people against Hillary?
I mean, are they just totally disconnected?
No, I think this is very clear.
Look, in 1992, Bill Clinton ran on a strategy of moving the Democratic Party back to the center, at least rhetorically and from an image point of view, and trying to pull back white, moderate, and conservative Democrats in the South and West.
And running against the hapless boob George H.W.
One of the worst presidents in my lifetime.
He was successful.
Obama's strategy was quite different.
Maximize leftists, labor, and African Americans.
That is the strategy.
Hillary has adopted that strategy.
So they will pander.
As much as they have to.
They don't want the votes of... Okay, Roger Stone, StoneZone.com, out of time.
Here's the news breaking here though today.
Sessions and Genrich and others are meeting basically in Indiana.
Nobody else knows that that's happening right now.
That's huge.
We've got to get an article out on that.
Also, the entire Trump family, the Trump children who I have the highest possible regard for, Ivanka,
By the way, that just broke an hour after you told us.
We wrote an article about it.
Thank you for breaking that with us.
The other big breaking news, several breaking things here today.
Roger, what were the others?
There's so much of it.
Well, the epic fight over the 28 pages.
Again, call Donald Trump at 212-832-2000 and respectfully tell him you stand with him on the 28 pages.
They must be released.
All right.
And the other news, obviously, is that Sessions is probably going to bow out himself.
We'll see.
Thank you, Roger.
Thank you so much.
We'll talk to you soon.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for all info warriors listening or watching this broadcast.
I'm not saying that war with Russia is imminent.
I'm not saying that war with China is imminent.
Vladimir Putin is saying that there is a strategic plan to encircle Russia with tactical nuclear weapons.
And with anti-missile systems that will render the Russian Topol-M missiles and other systems obsolete, so that Russia will be open to a preemptive sneak attack, which NATO and the United States in the last eight years have changed their policy to say.
That they are allowed to strike Russia or other nations first.
This is unprecedented.
The Communist Chinese government officially came out today and said they're, quote, preparing for all-out war with the United States imminently in the South China Sea.
This is all part of the globalist destabilization program, the Black Lives Matter, flooding Europe with the Muslims, you name it.
That's why I'm saying everybody needs to get prepared to get prepared now, while also supporting sources of information that are battling this globalist program a total win-win.
Now, because of contracts, we have to stop the massive discounts on the non-GMO seeds, the water filters, the optics, and all of that, because they're already super low prices at infowarsandlife.com.
But I'm able for 48 hours, we've talked to our distributors, on the storable, high-quality food, and on all the nutraceuticals at infowarsandlife.com.
to continue the specials.
Thank you for your support.
You see that we are expanding in the face of the globalists.
This is a critical time in history.
But we need to be 70% offense, 30% defense.
Everybody needs to get prepared and be independent and self-sufficient.
That is key in the fight against the globalists.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for all info warriors listening or watching this broadcast.
I'm not saying that war with Russia is imminent.
I'm not saying that war with China is imminent.
Vladimir Putin is saying that there is a strategic plan to encircle Russia with tactical nuclear weapons.
And with anti-missile systems that will render the Russian Topol-M missiles and other systems obsolete so that Russia will be open to a preemptive sneak attack which NATO and the United States in the last eight years have changed their policy to say.
That they are allowed to strike Russia or other nations first.
This is unprecedented.
The Communist Chinese government officially came out today and said they're, quote, preparing for all-out war with the United States imminently in the South China Sea.
This is all part of the globalist destabilization program, the Black Lives Matter, flooding Europe with the Muslims, you name it.
That's why I'm saying everybody needs to get prepared to get prepared now, while also supporting sources of information that are battling this globalist program a total win-win.
Now, because of contracts, we have to stop the massive discounts on the non-GMO seeds, the water filters, the optics, and all of that, because they're already super low prices at Infowarsandlife.com.
But I'm able for 48 hours, we've talked to our distributors, on the storable, high-quality food, and on all the nutraceuticals at Infowarsandlife.com.
Thank you for your support.
You see that we are expanding in the face of the globalists.
This is a critical time in history, but we need to be 70% offense
30% defense.
Everybody needs to get prepared and be independent and self-sufficient.
That is key in the fight against the globalists.
One of my favorite guests, a fellow Texan, Dr. Edward Grupp is in the studio with us for about five minutes to the next hour.
Then George Humphrey, one of my good friends, longtime patriot, he was involved in the fight for the new world order when I first met him 25 years ago, before I was even on air.
I was in Pat Buchanan's campaign.
He's going to be popping in.
So I've been in this fight 25 years.
Grupp, you've been in that almost as long or longer.
We're going to break down so much news.
We're going to talk about the election, the UN involved.
I don't know.
Are solutions that we individually can take in our hands with this whole backdrop.
Don't get stressed about the globalist attack.
Get excited that you're fighting back against it and then stress can be empowering.
That's what all the studies show.
But if you just take the stress and feel helpless, then it can really screw you up.
So we're gonna talk about what the elites are aware of, anti-aging systems and a lot more.
And instead of just waiting to the end of the hour to plug a product or something, we're doing 25% off since we're talking about anti-aging today.
On DNA Force, this is the ultimate, in my view, nutraceutical.
Just one ingredient now, and it costs $14,000 a kilo to make a batch.
That's the Bio PQQ.
But it's all got the key enzymes and other things to make sure it actually gets absorbed.
It's the only product we've got.
I mean, there's studies everywhere, but on this particular patented ingredient,
That we could actually make claims.
I don't even do that.
I just link to the scientific information at InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLive.com.
Again, you can get things that are similar for three to four times, five times as much.
We're talking $600 or more.
It is $101 right now.
And if you have to understand, folks, there's not even really any profit in this, a very low level of profit in this when we sell it at $100.
The stuff in this is simply amazing and it has changed so many people's lives.
Dr. Grip, briefly in the segment time we have left, tell folks you took years for you to develop DNA Force for us and we run out of it a lot of times for up to six months because it's so hard to source all the other ingredients that are in it.
That's why we sell out of stuff.
We don't like to do that.
It's just it's really hard to actually get nutraceuticals at this level and have them be at California standards.
Yeah, the strange thing is there's millions of dollars, I mean,
Practically billions of dollars spent every single year fighting disease or research on Alzheimer's or diabetes or heart disease.
And it's really strange that there's no money or practically no money that's put into research on aging.
Why do you think that is?
I mean, I think it's just because we don't want or the government doesn't want us to live till 200 or, you know, 120 even.
You know, you can see that the age
of disease that we're in right now with the worst medical care system and we still don't treat the root cause, we just treat the symptoms.
It's been something that I've been working on for a long time, Alex, because I think it's very, very important.
We are a hundred trillion cells in our body.
That's what we are.
We're just held together.
We're a colony of cells, just like a jellyfish that work together.
Yeah, and some of our cells can have 2,000 mitochondria, some of our cells can have
25,000 mitochondria!
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
So when you look at the aging process, or you look at the disease process, what you're really looking at is what's happening inside the cells.
And if you look at, let's just say you picture the cell as a balloon, right now with the diets that we have, with the gluten, with the pesticides, with the artificial sweeteners, the excitotoxins, every single thing that's being bombarded, it's literally like
A machine gun that's shooting our cells and most of these bullets, which are toxins, are actually going inside the cell and causing disruption.
And what the aging process is, is when the cell replicates, we lose a little bit of our telomeres.
Telomeres are the little cups on the end of our chromosomes.
Yeah, we're born with 15 to 10 to 15 thousand of them and when we get down to 10,000 telomeres, we die.
So the whole secret of aging that the elite know and some of these processes that they've been working on in closed labs are ways to
Reduce or delay the time it takes for our telomeres.
And to be clear, we have to have medical doctors to be able to get some of the compounds that are in here from groups like Misabishi America that has the global patent on the TRUBE BioPQQ that you can medically say actually does flush out the stuff out of the cell and a lot of BSers say we have to lengthen the telomeres.
No folks, it just keeps them from shrinking.
It just protects the cells because what you're trying to do is you're trying to have... Well, she technically says lengthens them because, yeah, they're not going to get shorter faster.
So I guess you could say that does lengthen them, but it doesn't make them grow.
It just makes them not shrink as fast.
The thing is, I know because I've been doing research for 20 years on what the real cause of aging and disease is, and it's the bombardment of the cells in the body with chemicals and toxins on a regular basis.
Well, let's run through it then.
This is so important.
Let's run through it.
The clean water, exercising, sweating, all this is important.
But when it comes to cleaning out the cell itself, folks, it's the compounds in DNA force.
Research it for yourself.
Look at third-party sites, say it's the best thing out there.
It is a total game-changer.
Your purchase funds the operation.
Thank you, Dr. Group.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
He who controls the trends, controls the future.
He who controls the future, controls the destiny of humanity.
My friends, the globalist social engineers are obsessed with creating false memes, false trends that they control.
to create a population of trendies from those false trends that don't have their own destiny who don't even have a basic organic human genetic drive to build something
That is satisfying, trailblazing, and innately independent and human.
And if you understand this paradigm, you understand all the others.
One of hundreds of memes and trends we've been successfully able to launch and force into the consciousness is a Operation Against Hillary Clinton we launched 10 months ago with the Hillary for Prison t-shirt.
It's now been duplicated by countless groups, and I think that's wonderful.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and now it's all over CNN, it's all over Fox, it's all over the Trump rallies, the Hillary rallies.
The number one search term for a week straight, last week, and still continuing, one of the top search terms is, is Hillary going to jail?
This has been incredibly successful.
Because it shows, despite corporate control, and despite them trying to control the meme,
We are able to synergistically wear our colors loud and proud against injustice, corruption, and oppression, and show that we, humans, not the globalist controllers, but the common little people, can set the trends, can set the memes.
We've had three versions of the Hillary for Prison shirt.
All of them have been collector's edition and have helped fund the InfoWar.
We now have a third edition in.
The second edition sold out.
It's the same as the last, but on the right shoulder says InfoWars.com, on the back it says InfoWars.com, legalized freedom, be part of history, be part of supporting the InfoWar, be part of meeting like-minded friends and family.
And be part of breaking out of their paradigm and setting the agenda, setting the trend, setting the true, organic, teleprompter-free reawakening of humanity.
Get your Hillary for Prison 2016 third wave shirts at InfoWarStore.com or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I'm getting on a jet airplane this weekend.
I'm flying to Cleveland.
Our advance team leaves Friday.
And we are going to engage in the First Amendment.
We are going to stand up against the globalists.
We're going to fight as hard as we can.
Hopefully that spirit continues to be infectious and spreads across the United States and the world.
We've seen the Brexit.
We've seen globalism in deep trouble.
We see the fact that the Federal Reserve is private and about 70% foreign owned.
Now the international news.
The fact that the stock markets are rigged.
The fact that the globalists are setting up a planetary government.
It's all starting to come out, and that's thanks to the tip of the spear, InfoWars.com.
That means you, the supporters, the listeners, the affiliates, Matt Drudge at DrudgeReport.com, people like Dr. Group, and countless others, thank you for your prayers and your support.
Now, I wanna get into information the elite don't want you to know here in a minute about anti-aging, a lot of this stuff's free info, stuff you can get for free.
We're selling a product, DNA Force, that is the very best nutraceutical that we can produce
That similar formulas are being taken by the Japanese for $400 to $600 for the same dose.
You get them.
This is what the fancy clinics in, you know, in Paris and the fancy clinics and, you know, places in Tokyo and in countries like Switzerland.
This is what's going on.
I mean, I see bottles of Whole Foods, 50 bucks with a synthetic BioPQQ with a lower dose than this, okay?
And this is $100 on sale.
Normally $140-something retail.
It's $101 right now, and the money we do make helps fund the operation.
We need to sell a lot of this at this price, though, to be able to even be able to re-up and buy more of it down the road.
We have huge expenses in the face of the globals.
And you know that.
You've been supporting us, you've been coming through, and you've been getting great products in the process.
DNA Force.
We'll spend a few minutes on what's in it and what it's known to do, Dr. Group, and then let's actually get into the news and the facts about aging, how it's accelerating, why it's happening, infant mortality way up, life expectancy going down, despite all the quote sciences to keep us alive, what's happening.
And then of course,
Of course, there's also the electromagnetic radiation that breaks DNA telomeres as well, which we're bombarded with.
So, Dr. Group, let's break this down.
There's all kinds of different things we can talk about.
First of all, whenever I started looking at this and started uncovering all these things, I have to say that the main goal was to do two things.
We knew that the aging process is due to a free radical attack on the mitochondria of the cell, which decreases the telomeres.
So the first thing was, what can we use?
What herbs and what substances that are all natural can we use to prevent and to block the free radical damage to the cells?
That's the first step.
And what we did with that was
Use certain compounds like the terastilbene, the CoQ10, and the second thing that we wanted to do actually was rebuild and give the nutrients necessary for rebuilding the mitochondria so the next time the cell replicates, it's a stronger than it was before.
We chose the PQQ because it has over 175 different clinical trials.
It's one of the most effective substances in the world.
It works like an antioxidant.
It works to repair nerve growth factor, which has been proven in clinical trials.
That's why we have so many five-star reviews.
I take this, this is the product that I take and live by because it really is an attack on our cells and it's something that- But you might get numb in areas that have had nerve damage before.
Sometimes you have some numbness, some tingling, but that's actually a good thing.
I mean, that just means that your feeling is actually starting to come back.
And not only did we include the PQQ, but we wanted to look at what's going to enhance the effects, what's going to make this even better.
There's independent studies out there that combine PQQ and CoQ10, or resveratrol and Q10, or alpha lipoic acid.
Look at it for yourself.
This is the master formula.
These are all the things, and guess what?
By the way, we've had some industry people that sell something not even as good for triple, four times, five times, and they've gotten mad about this.
This is a game changer.
Nobody, let me tell you, most companies mark up Nutraceutical seven times.
When we're selling it at full price, it's not even 100%.
I mean, this is really making folks mad.
So, this product, I mean, could really sell for $4.99, $5.99, $6.99.
I mean, for the things that it does, think of how much people spend on their health care, on their insurance.
I've had marketing gurus, you know, meet me and come over to the office.
Famous folks are like, look, dude, you need to target people where you charge a lot more because they don't see it as valuable unless it has a high price tag.
I just won't do it.
I don't think our audience are idiots.
This already has a high enough price tag.
And it costs a lot.
The way I look at it is just protect as many people as you can.
There's a karma factor to that too.
You want to do good.
I mean, you want to be able to provide people with the best things out there and you want to help people.
And you want to be fair.
You want to be fair.
It's just like the money that we make actually goes right back into helping with activism.
Sure, it's not that we're ashamed of commerce and things.
It's just seeing the rest of the industry.
There are some other good folks out there.
Seeing the rest of the industry trying to charge too much, it's wrong.
I feel guilty selling it for this, but it's really expensive to make.
No, this is like the top-of-the-line ingredients in there, and we just added the fulvic acid in there, and the reason I added the fulvic acid in there is because another thing that we're dealing with, with the aging process, is the fact that people aren't drinking enough water.
See, I totally forgot to tell you, we're gonna call it DNA Force Plus, but that's the next batch.
It was already, this batch has had the fulvic acid added, so it really is already DNA Force Plus.
Tell us what that does.
So, what we want to do is, we noticed that, yes, we have all these free radical fighting, cellular regeneration, we have the P40 pomegranate extract, which is high in polyphenols, which helps repair the cells, we have the arlipoic acid, we even have astragalus in there, we have enzymes in there, which all cells function with enzymes.
It's a complete package.
That helps them upload it.
But what we need is we need the cells to be hydrated and with the fulvic acid has been shown to actually pull water and to help water come into the cell.
That passes it through the barrier.
That passes it through the barrier and it helps with hydration.
So this is a formula to deliver the maximum amount.
It's in powder form so it's
More absorbable.
How many do you take a day?
When do you take them?
Plus fulvic acid actually has 80, between 80 and 90 trace minerals in it.
I personally take three capsules every single day.
Sometimes I'll take three capsules twice a day.
I've noticed a tremendous difference with anxiety.
I try to keep myself calm with meditation.
One of the things that we're seeing right now is just high levels of stress all across the country.
Pat Riley took it.
All over the world with the bank runs going on in Italy right now.
Uh, there's, with the elections going on, I talk to people and just ask them, are you stressed?
And every single person I talk to is, yes, my stress level... Well, Pat Riley, you know, he's got a degree from UT and the rest of it, and health and fitness and kinesiology, I guess is what you call it, but...
He took it seriously for months and months to see him have his blood tested, and he's going to put those findings out soon.
But he said that, it was funny, he said he had more clarity, more focused, better workouts.
He's a powerlifting guy.
He has a state record in his size for a deadlift back when he was at UT.
And he said that he just has better recovery with it.
That's what he noticed.
Well, everything starts at the cellular level.
Everything starts at the mitochondria.
It's your powerhouse of the cell.
I mean, this is specifically designed to help that.
It's specifically designed to help the brain.
I mean, I actually printed out a bunch of reviews for you, Alex, right there.
I was about to say, yeah, that's what people notice is the clarity.
The clarity, the brain, all of these things have actually been, it's strange because as I was going through each ingredient, like the terastilbene, the CoQ10, the fulvic acid,
You can link the majority of these ingredients in clinical trials, not just for anti-aging, but for brain activity.
Alzheimer's, I'm not saying this is a cure and I'm not making any type of medical claims.
A lot of times, like Dr. Blaylock said, once your brain's already so fried down the road and is chronically inflamed,
Well, they used to think that nerve growth factor would, once you ran out of it, that was it.
And that was a whole Nobel Prize scenario when they realized that you could actually... Well, here's an example.
This is a sad story.
It's another product.
It's Beyond Tangy Tangerine.
Great folks.
It's got to be an excellent product.
And then fullwordshealth.com.
His dad came back from the Alzheimer's.
Literally, didn't know who he was.
He'd go fishing and all this stuff.
And in six months, he came back.
He was like, almost didn't have it anymore.
And then his doctor tested his blood and said, you've got a bunch of vitamin K. What are you doing?
And he said, oh, I'm taking this.
And Ted lets me tell the story.
His dad died a few years ago.
He said, no, you can't have that.
And within months, he was reversed back to not knowing who he was.
I mean, Ted lets me tell the story.
I feel guilty even saying it, but he says, don't say it.
It was like commit suicide as the doctor said so.
Because they said, oh, he never had a stroke or anything, but they said, oh, vitamin K, the chin, I guess even leafy vegetables, that'll, that'll make you have a stroke.
So you, but he needed it to live.
Well, of course the brain was degenerating and all that was, was a complex vitamin mineral system.
And you want to know what all the pharmaceutical medications do?
All the pharmaceutical medications out there attack
Statins admittedly eat your brain.
As a matter of fact, I even brought some... I can tell you how many people I know who've been on statins two or three years and act like lunatics now.
Statins because, listen, statins block the production of cholesterol in the liver.
Your body actually needs cholesterol.
You need the high cholesterol, the HDL.
And you said that 20 years ago.
You said that 20 years ago.
Now they admit fatty diets are good for you.
Look at this.
High cholesterol drugs, 94.1 million prescriptions right now in the United States.
131.2 million prescriptions of pain pills.
Blood pressure medication, 57.2 million prescriptions.
Antacids, 53.4 million prescriptions.
That just goes to show you, ladies and gentlemen, that all of these chemicals and toxins that are coming in and attacking your cells
This is not the solution.
The pain pills and the cholesterol and the blood pressure and the antacids and the thyroid medications, by the way, are up to 80 million prescriptions a year.
They're killing us.
It's so obvious.
They're killing us.
They've set up the chemicals in the food and the environment on record.
They write textbooks bragging about it, Ecoscience and others.
They're murdering us and then won't even tell people what the Japanese are taking.
I mean, basically this is what the Japanese do.
Pharmaceutical companies making 7.2 billion dollars a year.
Why are the Japanese so much smarter than us, on average?
I have no idea.
Maybe it's the iodine in the seaweed over there.
They're the longest lived.
I'm not saying they're perfect, but they discover something that makes your cells live longer and they start taking it.
As a nation, I was reading almost all Japanese take Bio-CoQ10, Bio-PQQ and stuff every day.
That's right.
They actually are very health conscious over there in Japan and some of the other nations as well.
Unfortunately, a lot of the American things are being translated over to India and China and everything.
If you look at the history of natural medicine, I mean, they also eat a lot of fish, too.
And now, I mean, you know all the research that's been coming out on omega-3s, the fatty acids.
Most Americans are deficient.
Uh, the fish that you're eating, it contains high levels of mercury and toxins and glyphosate residue and pesticide residue and there's gender-bender qualities to the fish.
So I mean, the really, the sad thing is that not only are we suffering, but the Earth is suffering at the same time.
But the good news is...
That's what, that's, you know, I do all the research, you do all the research.
I love the fact that the clientele and the info warriors out there actually do the research too and they don't just... By the way, let me throw this out.
I keep forgetting I want to put it in a folder because I only saw one photo that I showed them in the ad they're running.
I guess I get my cell phone and show folks again because I mean I'm a...
I mean, I have big, big bones, big, big muscles without even really working out.
I mean, I was swimming up to two miles a day just four or five years ago and not losing weight.
I lost like 15, 20 pounds.
But what finally did it all was starting to actually take vitamins and minerals and all the key nutraceuticals.
And the more I religiously take them, which I forget all the time still, but I'm much better than I used to be, the more I'm healthy, the weight pours off.
I mean, if you see me with my shirt off, folks, standing up, I barely have that much fat.
You can barely pinch it.
I mean, it's incredible, and just slowly it's all coming off, and I'm quite frankly not even working out as much as I used to.
This is crazy!
If I went and swam two miles in an open water swim in Lake Travis now, I would lose five pounds then.
Well, the weird thing is I've kind of gotten lazier now that I just take nutraceuticals.
I mean, iodine, you know, brain force, super male vitality, they have changed my lives.
And the globalists are all obsessed with high quality nutraceuticals.
They're obsessed with non-GMO and filtering their water.
But again, because they're attacking the public.
We're just telling you what they're doing.
And seriously, folks, if you don't even get our products, there's other good ones out there, protect yourselves, because this is a major, major, major game changer.
In fact, I'm going to find my cell phone and show people these photos.
No, when you showed those photos to me the last time, I was amazed.
I was like, way to go, because I remember a few years ago,
When you ask me, you know, what can we do?
There's a lot of people that are out there suffering from obesity and even people out there that are exercising and people that are out there that are trying to lose weight.
And we know now that the MSG and the aspartame and the aluminum and all these toxins are causing inflammation in the body.
And that's another thing that's really, really big right now is the fact that they're linking.
And I've been saying this for years is that
Mental illness, and if you look at the psychiatry industry scam when they all started the DSM years and years ago and made up all these mental disorders, they actually knew from doing research on monkeys and everything else that the introduction of fluoride and chlorine and bromine that would shut the thyroid down and all the chemicals would actually initiate depression, initiate a lot of the mental disorders that we're dealing with today.
I know people that suffer from PTSD and other things that when they eat gluten all of a sudden they have an attack and I've been saying this guys these I'm not saying these mental conditions don't exist they do what I'm saying is all disease and mental illnesses have a direct correlation with what you're putting in your diet.
Well sure if you don't if you don't get good vitamin C natural but even most of vitamin C you find in stuff it's like synthetic it'll say cereal fortified
Yes, synthetic!
And this is two weeks ago, okay?
I didn't work out for that week, so I gained about three pounds back.
But this is what I look like.
There's a shot where I actually suck my stomach in.
I'll tell you which one of those are.
But I mean, these are the real photos, folks.
This is, this is, I mean, and by the way, that chest muscle, that's all pure, pure muscle, ladies and gentlemen.
So, this is what's going on.
I'm just trying different, you know, light and
Stuff that'll get you different shots.
And yes, my head really is that big.
It's freakish.
So, I am like a bulldog.
That's because all the blood flow up there all the time.
I do have like the biggest-sized cranium they've got.
Anyways, there's all these silly photos we took, so this is all unprofessional.
I'm a little bit too... Anyways, the point is, is that, is that it wasn't risque.
You should be proud of yourself.
You should really be proud of yourself.
You don't just sell supplements, you actually believe in them and you take them.
No, listen, supplements, look, look, look, supplements are always in talk radio because they're good and a lot of people know they're great and it's a big part of our market.
I've always had supplement sponsors, but, and I've had some great ones.
It's just that actually researching what you put out, other stuff, doing my own research, my dad being into this stuff, I actually then found all of this amazing things we could do with you and others, and then actually started really taking it myself, religiously, and it's changed my life.
That's the whole, that's the whole point of it.
I mean, think about how... I was sitting here when you first came on, and I went like, oh my gosh, I ran out of DNA Force at the house like a week ago, because my kids and all of us take it.
I've forgotten to take it.
So I started taking it, remembering.
It's just, you know, it's like 10 pills a day I gotta take, folks, and one of them is DNA Force.
Infowarslife.com, 25% off while supplies last and the profit we make...
We fight the Globals.
We fight the New World Order.
Please support our local MNF affiliates as well.
Become a sponsor of them.
Support their local sponsors.
Give them a donation as well.
It is key to support our local affiliates.
We're going to come back with more of this news.
Then shift gears into the big geopolitical news.
Coming up with George Humphrey.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Let's face it, most of us are totally addicted to our cell phones.
But recent studies link cell phone use to major health issues, including brain cancer.
Experts say parents and expecting mothers need to be extra careful.
Doctors say the infant brain, even while in the womb, is especially vulnerable.
So keep the phone away from your abdomen, especially toward the end of pregnancy.
And for men, using a cell phone for as little as an hour a day is literally cooking your sperm.
Lowering sperm count levels so much that conceiving a child could be difficult.
This is one of those times you want to keep it out of your pants.
And for those of us who use our cell phones before bed, know that the screen light is actually disrupting your sleep rhythms.
This causes insomnia and slows the metabolism.
Hello, weight gain!
Generally speaking, when cell phones are on, they're constantly emitting radio frequency radiation.
So keep your phone in airplane mode when you can.
Keep the phone at least two feet away from your body.
Use headphones.
And when you're not on your phone, keep it as far away from you as possible.
Leigh Ann McAdoo with your InfoWars Tip of the Week.
I have an exciting announcement from articles by ViewZone.com and Transpersonal.de.
Our physical bodies run on light.
That's right!
Russian scientist Alexander G. Gervish discovered biophotons in 1923 with further research supported in the 1970s by Fritz Albert Popp, a theoretical biophysicist.
This system of light could possibly cure disease and cancer.
The process is called photorepair.
Fritz Pop found that cancer cells actually distort light they absorb, while normal cells let light pass through them untampered.
If you blast a cell with harsh amounts of UV light until the cell is almost destroyed, you can repair the cell by illuminating it with the same UV at a lower intensity.
But this is old news to the scientific community.
Fritz Popp concluded that cancer is a result of light already in the body that is blocked and scrambled by cancer-causing compounds.
If the body's photorepair process could itself be repaired, could that mean the end of cancer and eventually the end of deception by big pharma and the medical industry?
This is Gabe Goldiamond for InfoWars.com.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
But since you mentioned this, and I don't normally just go crazy about a product, we have a group here to cover news, but I'm doing it because I really was thinking about, I really believe all the stuff I'm saying.
I mean, this is really important.
We're not just hyping it.
Look at these reviews.
This is from True in Southern California.
I could not get out of bed when humid.
This is from Powered Reviews.
At all.
Now I can not tell it's going to rain.
This product has changed my life.
Also, it worked in four days.
100 stars is just not enough.
Okay, that's a five-star review.
I will be buying this item again.
I am new to this product.
I have exhaustion issues and I'm feeling energized and have a sense of well-being with this product.
It just goes on.
I can't read the whole thing.
Freedom Fighter, Penoria, Illinois.
Too many to list.
I love it.
Use it every day and see unbelievable results.
My friends ask me how I look so young.
I just tell them this product.
Look, I'm not saying I'm some beach boy or great, but I mean, if you look at the side by sides of me five years ago...
I mean, it is night and day, okay?
And it just is amazing.
I mean, Grif, I look different than when I first needed it five years ago.
You look completely different.
I mean, you've done a lot of liver cleanses and you've done a lot of the things, including the iodine.
And I think, I mean, I don't know about your stress levels, but I talked to you and you seem to be able to control your stress a little bit more.
Just be honest, you don't see me blowing up around the office as much.
I mean, I'll just put it this way, you're passionate about what you do, but at the same time, you know how to enjoy life and you know how to calm yourself down.
I can tell you that right now, we briefly mentioned it earlier, one of the biggest things that I'm seeing right now is stress.
And looking at, I looked at all the reviews before I came out here today, and I see so many of the reviews talking about
How the DNA force calms people down.
And I have to say for myself too, I do the deep breath technique.
Taking nine deep breaths is one of the best ways to bring yourself from a sympathetic, stressful fight or flight scenario in your body down to a calming effect.
And I would say a good 70% of the reviews, Alex, people talk about how it helps them deal with stress and anxiety.
And let me tell you, one of the key proponents, one of the key methods of the globalist attack is to keep you in fear, you said it earlier, to keep you stressed out.
That automatically reduces your immune system by 50%.
It stops your processing.
It completely shuts down your gut, which they want to happen.
And stress damages, talking about aging, that's one of the biggest things that causes aging is stress.
It releases the different hormones, right?
Yes, exactly.
We want the good hormones, not the bad ones.
We want the good hormones.
When you talk about stress, you also have to talk about sleep.
Another problem we're having is stress.
Let me ask you this, though.
I do... I want to sleep more, and I sleep better than I used to.
But I like sleeping longer now.
It's weird.
I used to sleep like six hours.
Now I want to sleep eight hours.
Is that... That's exactly what you should be doing, and that just means your body is starting to listen to itself.
So that's why I like to go to bed at nine o'clock now?
Because you should.
You should go to bed around nine o'clock.
If you look at the animals,
Animals go to bed at sundown.
So that's good then.
I haven't asked you that question.
I personally try evaluating the biochemistry in the body.
I personally recommend you don't eat anything after seven o'clock at night because that's when your metabolism starts to slow down.
And you go to bed as early as possible.
Nearly seven out of ten Americans suffer from sleep problems.
Now all I know is I don't know what it is.
I'm taking all the products at Inforestlife.com.
I started taking the iodine first and then the super male.
I'm like, wow, these really work.
I mean, obviously, you know, we were developing with you, but then, then now I'm just taking everything and it's just like, whoa, man, I'm so much, I have so much more energy, but then all of a sudden, you know, like 9, 10 o'clock at night, it's like, it's time to go bedtime.
We'll be back in 70 seconds with Dr. Gribb.
Stay with us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Hey everyone!
The Permanent Court of Arbitration said that there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or resources, reports the BBC.
China responded by labelling the ruling ill-founded and refused to be bound by it.
However, behind the scenes, the Chinese president fears that the US could seize on the ruling to justify aggressive military manoeuvres in the area and has ordered PLA forces to prepare for war.
China's Navy has repeatedly issued warnings to U.S.
surveillance planes flying over the region.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we're talking about solutions in our own personal lives.
With Dr. Groot, we're going over the numbers here.
You had other articles to hit here in closing that we haven't gotten to about what's happening.
Also, you want to talk about Pokemon Go?
Well, that kind of caught my eye, and the reason is because the recent research that's coming out right now is the electromagnetic... I mean, it's not recent, but it's getting worse and worse.
The recent stuff coming out is the fact that the blue light, and somebody sent me an article on this, how to protect your eyes from the negative... Hurts your eyes, causes brain damage, the brain hates it, lowers consciousness, lowers brain waves.
But we have federal and world laws that we gotta have blue light, not the natural light.
We need yellow light, don't we?
Yes, that's why I highly recommend, if you have, it's especially damaging to the children.
If you have children on iPads and iPhones, I mean, the deal is we're going digital, you can't avoid it.
There's Wi-Fi everywhere, there's cell phone towers everywhere.
That's a filter that turns it to another color light.
You can get, I think there might be a screen that you can put over it.
What I do for my kids, I just have those yellow blue light filtering glasses, those gunner glasses, and I make them, you know, first of all, I don't even allow my kids to be on iPads that much, but sometimes, you know.
On a plane or something.
On a plane, something like that.
So I have them wear those specific glasses to block it out.
You're not just saying this, it fries their brains.
I tell the analysts this, they go, hey man, you live your life.
I'm like, whoa, all I'm saying is the medium is killing you.
I'm not up here on some high horse, you know.
My mom told me like six years ago, you're getting pretty fat, bro.
This is an article from the Huffington Post, actually.
And it talks about how dangerous it is, especially to children, and how it goes all the way in, and it can cause myopia, and it can cause problems with people's eyes.
I mean, just think, like, five years from now, we might have the whole population that can barely even see anything.
Well, actually, the studies are now out.
You can Google.
Children's eyes already damaged.
But it's also the attention span.
They're not geared.
They want to be in the computer because that's the universe to them.
That's what they know how to navigate.
So how that leads into the anti-aging is it's just destroying our cells.
And the last thing that I wanted to talk about was the smart meters and the EMFs.
I know we've covered it a lot of times on the show, but you have to, unfortunately, with the smart meters and the radio frequencies and who knows how much radiation exposure we're getting from Fukushima,
You know, you have to protect yourselves.
And those are the things that you can't avoid, although the globalists do have the EMP-proof clothing, they have special rooms in their homes.
Did you see how the BBC came out and said the radiation's not bad for you at Fukushima?
Oh, they've been saying that all the time.
Billy Corgan sent me the article this weekend, but I meant to do a whole story.
That's crazy.
That is crazy.
Actually, I feel like it's a conspiracy theory now that radiation's bad.
They admit over a million people died from Chernobyl.
I know two separate women in Austin who are pretty young women that have had to have their ovaries and stuff removed because they were in Eastern Europe at the time of Chernobyl's kids.
I don't know.
I get calls all the time from people out in California and the Pacific Northwest that they had miscarriages.
The percentage of miscarriages have gone way up.
Oh, the BBC says not one person died.
They admit that most of the teams that went in there died.
The kids are dropping dead all around it.
They just said no one died, group?
Birth defects, low birth weight, all kinds of problems here, problems there, I mean... See, they've done this before.
I was talking to the... That's like a silent... Don Darling was a famous Navy captain.
He did the emergency submarine rescues and all that.
Also, was a nuke sub captain.
And he said, listen, Alex, they'd sit there and lie to us and turn off the reactors and flood it and say radiation isn't bad for you.
I'm gonna give us all these BS equations.
He's a physicist.
I don't know if he's alive anymore.
I used to get him on Years Ago.
He's an astronaut.
He's at Veterans for Peace.
He said, that's what they do.
They would just tell him, this isn't bad for you.
Flood them with radiation as a test.
That's like the biological warfare projects with the mosquitoes and everything else where they just let them out.
Let's see what happens.
I'm ashamed of you saying radiation's bad, okay?
We all know radiation's good.
Just look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
What happened to all those Japanese?
Yeah, what I would recommend is stay away from the Pokemon Go thing, though.
That's the scariest.
We're gonna talk more.
Let's take something from the news.
I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
And diet and exercise only helped me lose 20 or so.
But when I started using the natural products that God gave us through Mother Nature, and when we developed super metal vitality and the good halogen, X2, and things like Secret 12, that is true, organic, absorbable, bioavailable B12, it changed my life.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat.
Or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22.
When I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group.
To help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars and our fight to promote human liberty and freedom worldwide.
Start your journey towards normal human metabolic activity today.
Counteract the globalist onslaught.
It starts at InfoWarsLife.com
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Brain Force is here.
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You probably noticed I've been more crazed, more focused, less brain fog, more energy, more special reports, and it's because of Brain Force.
One of the worst things with most energy products is it's not sustainable.
You're gonna crash and gonna feel really bad afterwards.
This has a bunch of different antioxidants and compounds and polyphenols.
Everybody's on these drugs to knock their brain out because the brain's so fried.
We kept changing this formula over and over and over again until it became sort of a grand puzzle.
For example, the L-Theanine inside of it.
That is activated by the different compounds in the Yerba Mate that we put inside of it as well.
This just increases the compounds you already have.
This is what you're actually designed to run on.
It's kind of like a car will run on one form of junky gas, but it runs really good on what it's designed for.
You will find Brain Force, Survival Shield X2, and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
The world is a dangerous place.
Not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Take the children and yourself and hide out in the cellar.
By now the fighting will be cold.
I don't think you are qualified.
I do not know any progressive who has a super PAC and takes $15 million from Wall Street.
I don't think you are qualified if you have supported virtually every disastrous trade agreement which has cost us millions of decent paying jobs.
I do question her judgment.
I question a judgment which voted for the war in Iraq
I don't think you are qualified.
I have shown a lot better judgment than she has on foreign policy.
I don't think you are qualified.
You know... Excuse me, I'm talking.
That is a Trump ad that's running for the balance of the hour.
George Humphrey, my good friend, going back 25 years to when we were both involved.
He was like one of the heads of the campaign locally for Pat Buchanan.
Back then, handing out pamphlets about the private Federal Reserve.
He's written several best-selling books.
His new book just came out.
It's on Amazon.com.
Life, Love, Joy.
A story, humanity's origins, the polarity of present choices and our unrealized potential getting into what the globalists actually think, but from a different perspective.
And let me tell you, whether what he gets into in the book is accurate or not, it's the cosmology of the elite, just from a different perspective.
Why they think the way they think, why they're waging war against humanity.
The globalists say they're going to break away and be their own species.
They believe their psychopathic behavior is actually advanced.
It's why they interbreed with each other in every elite culture throughout history, actually as a parasite on humanity.
And they're creating new species.
What do you think AI computers are?
What do you think all this stuff is?
So we're going to be talking about that with George Humphrey.
But George, you know, you've been a city council person.
You've been involved at the lobbying level.
You've seen a lot of things around the world.
You've been an international businessman, a real estate developer, you know, jack-of-all-trades, smart guy.
Looking at the current climate, have you ever seen anything like it?
How would you describe it?
And then looking at Donald Trump and this whole phenomenon as he begins to pull ahead in scientific polls, I really think they're going to come after him physically.
And what would you say to the Bernie Sanders supporters later?
I want to talk about this.
How could they support Hillary when obviously she's the establishment candidate?
Well, first of all, it's good to be here.
Thanks for coming, man.
You look good!
I love you, brother.
And it's always fun to be on this show.
And doing this kind of work is the most life-invigorating work I could ever do.
And I think for most of you listeners, when you talk about this stuff, it invigorates your life.
And we're not doom and gloom.
We're about making this planet a better place.
Now, it's my opinion that most, not all, but most of the Bernie Sanders people
They are young, their hearts are open, they want to do the right thing, they realize how much corruption is out there, but they just haven't had the experience.
And I have a lot of people I know who were Bernie Sanders people, and I listen to what they're saying, and I say, I agree with that concept, and I agree with that concept.
But I say, what is the greatest danger to our world and our country?
And then think about it.
It's the consolidation of power of the government.
The power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely, right?
And they go, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And what's Bernie's, what's his plan?
Is to give all the power to the government.
And then they go, oh, yeah.
And then they start realizing.
Now, all this attack on Trump, it's, I'm,
I'm still not 100% for Trump, but in comparison to Hillary, sign me up.
You know, he's against the TPP, he's against vaccines, he's for protecting our borders.
He says she's a communist Chinese agent, which she is.
Remember us back in the mid-90s exposing her.
She is so many things, and anyone who is voting for Hillary Clinton
Is either totally mind-controlled, which is about 95% of the people, or you're just, you're getting paid off in some ways.
You're an incredible, ignorant traitor if you're supporting Hillary.
And we can go over point by point by point by point by point by point by point why Hillary is not good for America, why Hillary is not good for your families, why Hillary is not good for this Earth.
Who is Hillary Clinton?
I mean, she just looks and acts like a robot.
Well... A satanically possessed robot.
I mean, she looks like the Joker meets the Stepford Wives.
And remember, remember, Hillary is only a puppet.
There are people who are pulling her sport shoes.
Of course.
And so, I don't put all my attention into attacking Hillary, because it's self-evident that she is a fraud.
But she's the establishment candidate.
Bernie Sanders people support her when she stole the election from Sanders.
And especially in California.
What happened in California was a complete, complete snow job in which the votes were stolen.
And remember... Well they just decided who was gonna be the winner the day before.
Yeah, of course.
With paper ballots, you can stuff one ballot box at a time.
With four computer companies, you can do whole cities at a time.
Folks, this is self-evident.
There's no way to recount the votes, and Hillary's people control the machine.
And that's why they want centralization everywhere, is because then they can scam and run things, and a few little things that don't match won't expose it.
But this time, they didn't just steal it and have the computers come out the way they wanted, they admitted it.
The AP that runs what they formerly called Voter News Services, we cover this at Nauseam for new listeners, they talked to the superdelegates and then projected who would win and decided the night before what the numbers would be to program the computers and then admitted it in the newspapers!
Of course.
Now, this is... But we now reach the point, George, where they admit, okay, there is a world government and it's unelected, but it's not the one the conspiracy theorist told you about.
You know, Hillary is 100% behind the TPP.
TPP makes NAFTA and GAAP look like child's play.
Let me repeat that.
TPP is the most dangerous agreement that this government has ever signed and is the greatest danger to your freedoms and to this republic.
Hillary Clinton is for it 100%.
But she's going to stick up for women.
Brothers and sisters.
What do you think of CNN, though, when they took her and had her being worshipped and said she was a golden goddess?
Have you seen that?
I have, when she had all the white on.
I mean, it's almost comical, except it's not comical, because it is a matter of life and death.
It is a matter of life and death.
Not only the life and death of the rule of law and the republic, but of the future of this country.
And folks,
It is up to us.
You know, it's not all doom and gloom.
No, we're not.
We're admitting how bad it is.
In fact, this is a good paradigm.
You always point out it.
And you say this 20 years ago.
I mean, I didn't get it.
Hey, we gotta give people hope.
And I'm thinking, yeah, I'm exposing the evil.
The hope is we better fight it, because that's just how my instincts are.
A lot of other folks hear something's overwhelming, they just give up.
No, no, no.
We're exposing it because exposing them, basic humanity will turn against them, like the Brexit, and that's now beginning.
That's why it's such an exciting time to be alive.
They're having to pull out all the stops to try to block us right now, but they're not successful at this point.
They're losing control, and you see the whole world
Resisting globalism now.
The whole world is coming together.
That's why they're activating George Soros groups.
He admits it on race and religious lines to cause infighting.
There's beefs with everybody.
There's real bad cops.
There's real bad white supremacists or blacks, of course.
But they blow it up out of proportion and make it the only issue so we're all uncomfortable fighting with each other so we don't see the controllers above us that are coming after everybody.
Absolutely Alex.
So let's get into where you think
Trump's going, the state of the world right now.
All you have to do is look at history.
1980, we had the Iran Fair when Jimmy Carter was being taken over by Ronald Reagan.
1992, we had Waco and we had Oklahoma City.
All these are false flag events.
2011, the biggest false flag event of all time. 2008,
And I do astrology, and whether you believe in it or not, is that there is the objective history of false flag events, and it appears to me as though a month and a half to two months before the election, or two months or three months after the election, there is the possibility of a huge, massive false flag event.
And knowledge is power.
People like Alex and others around the world are putting out objective information so that we do not get blindsided this time.
We know what's coming on because what they want to do is the old Hegelian theory.
Problem, reaction, solution.
Problem, reaction, solution.
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
And friends, we have the ability now.
We're building up the energy so that we can transcend this stuff.
And they almost can't do it anymore because they always get caught.
Well, they're always getting caught.
I mean, what happened to Orlando?
Let's talk about astrology.
I personally just don't get into all that whatever.
But then you look at the elite, I mean, around the world, they are obsessed with it.
They're making their decisions off of it.
I mean, basically all of them.
And so you better study it.
I do now to be able to know what they're up to.
Because, and I don't mean the pop stuff, but I mean the real stuff.
That's what they're into.
Well, remember, everything is energy.
Everything is energy.
And if by understanding energy, we learn the astrology to transcend it.
Let me repeat that.
We learn the astrology to transcend it.
For us to become our own highest Christ itself.
For each human being to become the best that they can be, to live in cooperation and honesty and truth and all the things that we're talking about, which is the basic bedrock of the Republic of this country.
This is not new stuff.
This has gone way back to the one called Jesus, and even way, way back before that.
We have the option right now, and even though we're facing the greatest danger, the greatest danger to the future of humanity on this planet, we're also
Have the greatest opportunity to transcend.
But it's going to take people.
It's taking people like Alex and many others who have the backbone and the courage to speak the truth and to say, hey, look, this is not right.
The king has no clothes on.
That's right, George, I want to get your take specifically on the types of false flags they may pull, economic false flags, because the world obviously is going into crisis.
The Chinese government came out yesterday, in fact, I need to pull that article and said, prepare for war with the United States, it's imminent.
Putin's talking about this.
I mean, this is, this is amazing.
We've never heard rhetoric like this.
I cannot help asking those who have caused this situation, do you realize now what you've done?
Speaking nearly a month ago, President Vladimir Putin at the International Economic Forum in St.
Petersburg, Russia, warned the group of international journalists there, repeatedly, that Europe, the United States, and Russia were drifting towards full-scale war.
We know year by year what's going to happen, and they know we know.
It's only you that they tell these fables and you buy it and spread it to the citizens of your countries.
Your people do not feel a sense of the impending danger.
This is what worries me.
How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?
That is the problem.
But they pretend like nothing's going on.
I don't even know how to get through to you people anymore.
And the big news is, a month later, almost a month later, after we first reported on it,
In mid-June, there has been almost no Western coverage of it at all.
And that's exactly what Putin was getting at.
Whether you love Putin or hate Putin, if the leader of Russia, with thousands of intercontinental ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, is telling the West, I don't know how to get through to you, your media is controlled, you're being manipulated,
NATO is putting missiles on our borders.
We're having to move missiles in.
You've overthrown Ukraine.
You're on an offensive.
You're funding and protecting radical Islam.
Do you know what you've done?
Do you know what you've done?
As he said at the UN, destabilizing the Middle East.
Why are you doing this?
Where are the sound minds across the political spectrum
Who should be stopping this?
Russia has three overseas military bases.
You have hundreds.
You have your spies inside our country trying to overthrow it.
You have your CIA people trying to get into our embassies.
You are at war with us!
And the average American, the average European, the average Brit is not aware of this.
Another threat that President Obama mentioned was ISIS.
Well, who on earth armed them?
Who helped to arm the Syrians that were fighting against Assad?
Who created the necessary political climate that facilitated the situation?
Who pushed for the delivery of arms to the area?
But the issue of a major world leader saying that we're moving to the brink of war
And it's not in our news.
That's the big story.
It shows how incredibly controlled things are.
Please spread this video far and wide and hopefully it will spur a debate that can cause some type of chain reaction that reverses our course or at least changes our course from assured Armageddon.
But they will pay attention when we the people force the issue.
And we are forcing the issue on this
As well as many other issues going on here in the United States and around the world.
I'm Alex Jones, signing off for MFullWars.com.
If you're watching or listening to this transmission, you are the hope.
You are the resistance.
The book just came out, Life, Love, Joy.
George, my good friend in here, has written it.
George, this is a short segment, long segment's coming up to really flesh some stuff out and play some clips and get into more news.
But talking to you, it's clear, and we can read their own books and writings, that the globalists are setting up a world government, and that they don't want us to be healthy, they don't want us to be informed, and that they are just bombarding us by design with every unhealthy, horrible thing in the world.
While putting regulations and restrictions on everything else.
To shut down other economies and really engage in total, not just social, but planetary engineering, right down to the geoengineering, under this global national security, global security initiative.
And if you look at it, it is quite alien.
And I say, why hide what your book gets into?
You're not doing that, obviously, you wrote the book.
I'm not afraid to get into say, you know, off-world civilization, whatever.
I don't know that.
I can't prove that.
All I know is, the elite we have, by any way you look at it, behave like you would expect a colonizing alien species to behave that's getting ready to kill everybody.
And then the elite say they want to cull the Earth, you know, down to 200 and something million, and then some papers say even higher.
That's official global policy.
So, they're trying to create artificial species, they're trying to create AI, they say they're going to merge the machines and be God.
I don't believe in God yet, Ray Kurzweil.
I talked about this 15 years ago.
People said, oh, that's crazy.
Now it's mainline.
They're telling us humans are bad.
They're telling us that it'll be wonderful once we're gone.
I mean, I'm just waiting for them to pull masks off and actually be aliens or something.
And again, it's an allegory.
I'm not saying they're literally aliens.
But if you look at the Christian background, I'm a Christian.
I have a relationship with Christ.
Not the establishment church, but with Christ.
You see that everything this world system is doing is the opposite of what Christ said.
And you know, here's Christ and the whole Bible warning, saying there are these fallen ones led by this really bad guy that wants to kill you.
But first he wants the world government to carry it out.
You are so right on.
And we'll go back to the one called Jesus.
His real name, of course, was Yeshua ben Joseph.
And for me, you know, he was the real deal.
And his family were Nazarenes.
They were the ones who put out the Nag Hammadi.
And the Nag Hammadi, if any of you have ever read it, 40% of it is about the archons, about the alien energies that are creating chaos on this planet.
And so the true Christian energy is aware of the chaos that is here.
But it's also about the fact that we as humans, with the DNA that we have, have the ability and the opportunity to transcend this and become much, much better people and to have a much more beautiful world.
And this is not the Ray Kurzweil method.
They're bringing in a false system!
Right now, you, most of the listeners on this,
Our trinary, body, mind and soul, and we're carbon and we're relatively sentient.
Ray Kurzweil on that and Regina Dugan.
They don't want trinary.
They want binary and they want silicone.
They want good little android slaves.
And friends, as wild as this sounds, ask yourself,
How is it that this thing called the Illuminati, and I would say that probably 98% of the listeners realize that there really is an Illuminati.
How can this handful of people have complete control of all the economic, political, ecclesiastic, and media institutions, not just of this country, but of this world?
Because it's a long-term plan.
Because it's a long-term plan, and it's very well done.
And just like many of our ancestors, the British, the French, the Spanish, the Portuguese, in the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 1800s, went out and they were imperialist.
And by the 1800s, about 80% of the world was under imperialistic rule.
There is planetary imperialism.
There is, and there is a movement toward the acquisition of this planet right now.
Now, friends, don't believe a word that I'm saying, but think of the basics of right here.
And even if I'm completely wrong... Well, I mean, here's the problem.
You look at it from my perspective, and then it all makes sense.
And then you look at the Bible, it says that's what's happening.
So if you're a Christian, you should believe that.
And they've got the fake New Age movement.
Which is this system that it'll all be a bunch of cult members and la, the world government and the peace is coming.
So we all accept that fake world government, that fake peace.
And then you see the UN, the globalists, funding it all, running it all.
I'm saying that I don't know if any of that's true, George.
All I know is, is that the elite we have,
Act like there are sworn enemies and hate humanity, and all they say is how bad and ugly humanity is, and how they're gonna be gods.
So, Ray Kurzweil says he wants to be this new entity, and that all of us are gonna have to die.
Okay, so, a guy, they're building this thing.
So, these people say, it's just like in the last, two Terminators ago, we're gonna go to break, come back, George, but I want you to think about this.
Not this Terminator, but the Terminator before that had, what's his name in it?
I know who you're talking about.
What's the name of the actor that's in so many movies?
Anyways, the point is, I'll look it up during the break.
It turns out it was a crazy woman that interfaced with a machine and made this crazy AI that was killing everybody.
They kind of tell you.
Because it's the elite want to merge the machines and then kill everybody, and then they're actually running Google, Facebook, and everything, and Apple has slave factories.
I mean, we're in trouble, folks.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for all Infowarriors listening or watching this broadcast.
I'm not saying that war with Russia is imminent.
I'm not saying that war with China is imminent.
Vladimir Putin is saying that there is a strategic plan to encircle Russia with tactical nuclear weapons and with anti-missile systems that will render the Russian Topol-M missiles and other systems obsolete, so that Russia will be open to a preemptive sneak attack, which NATO and the United States in the last eight years have changed their policy to say.
That they are allowed to strike Russia or other nations first.
This is unprecedented.
The Communist Chinese government officially came out today and said they're, quote, preparing for all-out war with the United States imminently in the South China Sea.
This is all part of the globalist destabilization program, the Black Lives Matter, flooding Europe with the Muslims, you name it.
That's why I'm saying everybody needs to get prepared to get prepared now while also supporting sources of information that are battling this globalist program, a total win-win.
Now because of contracts, we have to stop the massive discounts on the non-GMO seeds, the water filters, the optics and all of that because they're already super low prices at Infowarsandlife.com.
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to continue the specials.
Thank you for your support.
You see that we are expanding in the face of the globalists.
This is a critical time in history.
But we need to be 70% offense, 30% defense.
Everybody needs to get prepared and be independent and self-sufficient.
That is key in the fight against the globalists.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I want to get into the situation with China.
Jakari Jackson did a report on it yesterday where the People's Daily came out and said prepare for imminent combat in the South China Sea against the United States.
I already played the report.
I guess it was Sunday.
No, we aired it Monday.
No, it was so important I heard it Sunday and Monday.
Putin begging with the press saying they're moving missiles up against our borders.
This could lead to nuclear war.
This is so serious.
We're going to talk about that in a moment.
But before we go any further, I'm not going to belabor this.
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Now, InfoWareStore.com is the umbrella site, and I'm extending it 48 hours and then it's over.
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I can't expand it on the non-GMO heirloom seeds, the water filters, the optics, and hundreds of other items because of contractual issues with our producers.
I can with the food and I can with our nutraceuticals.
10% off, we're sending that 10% off for two days, 48 hours.
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People call it reap what you sow, karma, whatever.
More and more as I get older I realize my whole life is guided by trying to find systems and ecosystems and political systems and ideas where everyone gets enriched by the process and it's a free association process.
And that's what builds everything good.
History is replete.
Look at Venezuela collapsing.
And dozens of other countries are collapsing into flames and robbery and starvation, all under collectivism.
George Humphrey, my friend, here in studio with us.
The new book, Life, Love & Joy, available on Amazon.com.
We intend to cover it and carry it soon as well.
I've been ranting here.
Let's get into where this global fight's going.
Suddenly all these mainstream publications saying radiation's good for you, aluminum's good for you, aspartame's good for you, world government's good for you, humans are bad, parents are bad, you can't have a male and female, don't have children, male and female existing is racist and hateful.
They're actually saying this!
I mean, this is like a science fiction movie.
Again, I would expect little green men to be teaching us this.
What's really going on?
There's so much and it's at so many different levels and the first level is to awaken and to become aware that we have a choice either to be victims or to reject victim consciousness.
That is the biggest single thing that we as human beings can do because everything is light and vibration and there is a natural vibration and then there's a synthetic vibration.
The synthetic vibration is controlled by the banking, the political, the ecclesiastic and the media.
It's the artificial reality they're trying to... And they are creating this incredible matrix, whatever you want to call this, to create subservient and droid little slaves.
And it is happening.
And it doesn't have to happen.
The world is changing, the planet is changing, and we have the opportunity to break up this synthetic insanity.
And the truth is the globalists don't just want to make us slaves because they want slaves.
Humans are made in the image of God, Bible, we're these incredible creatures with this amazing potential.
They want to mount our head on the wall.
They want to play with us.
They want to have victory over something strong and powerful and beautiful.
Well, also, our DNA is the bottom line of all of this, and it's my opinion that the DNA of human beings on this planet is the most amazing DNA in not only the solar system, but the galaxy.
Well, a lot of scientists, as you know, top ones that were atheists or whatever, now are looking at the DNA, and a lot of it's classified, but this has come out in the New York Times, and they're saying, okay, we're not from here, this isn't of this planet, it's way older than everything around here.
And there's so much to this story, and a lot of this is carried and talked about in this book.
But, right now, we have two strands, 23 chromosomes, but most of the scientists say that 95-98% of our DNA is unsustainable or barren or what they call junk DNA.
The one that we call God or our Creator or whatever you want to call it, does not make junk.
And because there is more electromagnetic frequency coming into the solar system and onto our planet from the center of the galaxy, it is activating this recessive DNA.
And there is an amazing evolution of consciousness that is taking place.
But because this is a free will situation, it is up to each of us.
They're trying to get us to opt into their matrix.
Let's just say psychopaths inbred who think they're God are like
Different than the rest of us.
Let's just say it's men.
They say they want to become gods.
They say they're merging.
And they say we're junk and getting rid of us.
And I'm sorry, I'm not going anywhere.
And I'm not getting, you know, my children and their progeny are going to get to experience the amazing things God has in store for them.
And all these fake establishment people and the Pope telling us world government's good, they can all just get right out of the way.
I have free will.
I choose to tell your world government and your positronic robot state to go right back to hell where it came from.
And you know, and a lot of people say, well, don't get angry and don't get afraid.
Well, you know, a little bit of fear is, is real because... It's motivation.
This is motivation because this life is so... They've got us in a trance.
People, people, the reason I've been successful is I'm genuine, I'm alive and my life force is strong and my DNA, my whole spirit, my gut, all of it's connected is saying, get out of this, warn people.
And then what you have done is that you have translated that fear into courage, into wisdom, and you know, even the one called Jesus, when he was in the temple, he was throwing things around.
It is important for each of us to open our hearts, to open our minds, and to have some backbone.
It is absolutely essential that these front porch patriots get off their butts and start doing some work.
Start supporting the things that Alex... Well, they are.
They are supporting us.
They now know.
No, they are.
They're doing a great job.
Come on, move!
I'm glad you came to the party, guys!
Most of these people are cognitive dissidents.
They don't even know what they're doing.
It's like when you have a scar, there's a scab that goes over it.
Most of these people are so afraid... They're traumatized.
They're traumatized, but with focus.
Things can change.
Just think how much almost all of us have changed in our country in the last five or ten years.
And people are changing every day.
They're becoming aware.
That's why they're racing to dumb us down.
What do you think about Black Lives Matter and all this?
Black Lives Matter is one of the saddest jokes in our country right now.
Clearly George Soros, who is a Hungarian communist, is funding this.
He's paying them $16 an hour.
He's the one who was behind the whole financial collapse in Thailand.
I was there when it happened.
He brags about it!
He does.
Of course he does.
He says, I'm behind the Arab Spring.
I'm behind the situation in Ukraine too.
Did you know I was reading his writings the other day?
Excerpts of his books where he says, I am messianic.
I have known I'm the one since I was born.
I had to keep it secret or they'd lock me up.
I'm taking over the planet.
I'm serious!
Look it up!
And the fact is that there are, for every George Soros, there's 15 or 20 behind him who want to step into his shoes.
But also the fact is that for every George Soros, there's millions and millions of us who believe in the goodness of this planet, who believe in the sanctity of life, who believe in the Republic, who believe in the Constitution, who believe that our word matters.
And now it is up to us, whether you're black, white, or poor,
All lives matter.
Not just black lives.
All lives matter.
Blue lives matter.
And that doesn't lessen somebody when you say all lives.
It makes everybody better.
And clearly, one of the things that Alex has always done so much is that he has made it very clear that we're all in this together.
Black, white, Hispanic, Asian.
Is that
200 years ago, the blacks, you could see the blacks were supposedly the slaves.
Now, everyone, not everyone, but 96% of the planet is psychological slavery, and that's the greatest slavery there is.
Well, China's the worst slavery I've ever seen.
Yeah, and I travel in China.
You know I have a place in Thailand, and I go into China, and people, you don't realize how big and bad China is.
Listen, let's talk about that now.
Not the Chinese people themselves.
But you were talking about what Soros just did in Thailand, and I interrupt you to talk about that, and then let's talk about, I mean you can Google this folks, Jakari did a report on it yesterday, in fact, maybe ask him, he can pull it off for you guys, where the Chinese government came out and said, prepare for battle, it could happen any time in the US, South China Sea, but then our own globalist government is investing heavily in China, how does Russia tie into that?
Because I don't think Russia's perfect, but they really seem to have broken free of the oligarchs, they're paying people to have kids, they have
National TV shows that sound like me.
They're talking about the world government fighting it.
They're saying Hillary's evil.
I mean, it seems like that with Soros and all of them, they're trying to bring Russia down.
So let's talk geopolitically about how you see the pieces.
There's a fact that history tends to repeat itself, and the reality is that the nation of Khazaria, which was a Talmud nation between 523 and 1150, is that the people who defeated the Khazarians were the precursors, the Romanovs.
And then there was the Diaspora and they went in.
And the people who did the money changing, da da da da da da, the Russians would never let them into their country.
They were the only ones who would not let them take over their bank.
And that's why the Bolshevik Revolution was started in 1917.
And finance out of New York and London.
Yeah, to be financed right in New York, you know, and Jacob Schiff helped finance it, of course.
And the fact is, and again, Putin is not perfect, but there's a lot of good people in Russia also.
And for whatever reason, they have the nationalism and the intelligence to say, hey,
The game that they're telling in the West, the game that Obama's telling you, it's not true!
It's dangerous.
They're lining up to put missiles all around us.
And folks, Putin is tough, and he's going to fight back, just like the Chinese are.
And it doesn't have to go down that way.
It doesn't have to go down that way.
Let's talk about China.
Total mobilization.
Well, remember, there's 1.3 billion people in China.
Shanghai is the wealthiest city in the whole world.
In 1989, the United States, 43% of our GNP was industrial, now it's 9%.
And all that's over in China.
They have the ability to create high-tech weapons very like that.
But let's talk master plan.
The spider down the hole, pulling the strings up the top.
What's it doing?
Because it's lining the world up for...
Well, when I go to China, the Chinese people that I meet are gracious and wonderful.
And to a person, they realize that their government is corrupt.
And they do not want to be fighting with America.
But clearly, their government, like... And China really loved us after World War II.
We've done some things to China that have not been right.
We put the communists in, just like Russia.
Of course we did.
All declassified.
That's why I don't want to hear about bashing China and Russia.
Our evil elite literally set those nightmares up.
We created the Bolshevik revolution here in the United States, and not we as human beings.
And the point is, is that what they want is the Illuminati.
They want chaos.
They want control.
But we have to look behind.
What is behind all of this?
And it's my belief is that there is a movement toward what we call globalism, which is a nice way to say planetary acquisition.
Friends, think about that.
And it is up to us.
Do we want to be sovereign?
Do we want to be free?
Do we want to have a republic?
Or do we want to live in a dictatorship?
Sure, and the hypothesis you get in, it's like the Bible says chosen ones or whatever, whoever, every culture says they are, is that people that are able to tap into the off-world consciousness or whatever can be given the advanced info to be able to take over.
There's also people that have those genetics who can also be good as well.
So the issue is, it's not this group's bad, or this group's good, or, you know, the black nationalists, or the blacks are the chosen ones, or the Jews are the chosen ones, or the Protestants were the chosen ones.
Every group's saying that.
The point is, whatever's going on on this planet, you go back 160, 70 years ago, there was a breeding program declassified over 30 years later in London of the Wedgwoods, the Darwins, the Huxleys.
And others.
To genetically breed people and create supermen.
Now, we're told they came up with a theory of evolution and all this when Darwin had this hallucination.
Go read his actual writings and these spirits were telling him all this.
That's not what went on, folks.
They interbred these families.
They believed, people who were already psychic, to be able to receive this info from across the void.
This isn't me believing this.
This is where the elite believe, like a skull and bones, they're channeling advanced info from somewhere else on how to build it.
They envision the DNA.
Biometrics was invented in like 1855 by these people.
They had these visions.
And people go, oh my god, look at the theory of the species.
And we're not even saying it's all real.
They were given all this twisted anti-human cosmology.
From the other side of the void, in a satanic breeding program, financed by the Transylvanian royal family of the UK.
You know, if you're a first-time listener, this stuff sounds really wild.
And I am so glad that Alex is so on top of this.
I've known this for about 20 years.
The point is, I talked about this a long time ago.
The point is, the reason I can talk about it is the elite believe it.
I don't believe it, George.
I don't go with what I, look, I have FEMA camp documents at army.mil admitting they're preparing re-education camps using that term, George.
And people won't believe that.
So, you know what?
I don't get into stuff I can't prove, you know that.
All I know is the elite say everything you're saying, but from their perspective.
Absolutely, and the point is, is that we as human beings have a choice.
I mean, if I say Prince Charles lives in Dracula's Castle, it sounds insane.
He lives in Dracula Castle half the year.
I mean, that's insane.
He does, though.
These people are insane.
Sorry, go ahead.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
You know, when you go down this rabbit hole, it just gets crazier and crazier and crazier.
But what I want to do is back up a little bit and realize that most of you are hearing the emergency in our voice.
Because we're at an emergency right now.
It's not next year.
It's not next month.
It's not next week.
It's right now.
And you've been coming on air for 20 years.
You never talk like this.
Yeah, because I'm learning.
My awareness is learning, and I've been studying this stuff for a long time.
I've been studying the UFO alien thing for 25 years, but my level of awareness of it in the last two or three years has gone just like this.
And I go and listen to people like Laura Eisenhower, Linda Moulton Howe,
Richard Dolan, David Icke, who you've had on many times, Dr. David Jacobs.
If you want to read an incredible book, read David Jacobs' books.
And this is all information that you can agree with or not agree with, but consider the possibilities.
Continue to listen.
Well yeah, what's going on on this planet?
Why do the elite keep doing this?
They believe, they breed to have people that can channel more.
What's coming from the other side?
Again, I'm like an anthropologist.
I don't believe in any of this.
I don't, because I don't know.
I'm saying the elite, though, every time I go to the bottom of the rabbit hole, they believe that there's creatures in another dimension.
I'm giving them info.
Yeah, and all you have to do is go to some of their ceremonies, like, you know, in California, at the Bohemian Grove, and look what they're doing there.
But it's happening all over the world.
We'll be back.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this show good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
And this is very important because a lot of these microorganisms, and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms, you have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, viruses protect themselves, and so do bacteria, protozoa, and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually design the Living Defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often could you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time, because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you gotta kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when they hatch that job.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss,
Excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness.
I mean, all these things.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
Plans at least twice a year.
Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Every morning, you can see them arrive.
That's right.
We got David Knight who always does an amazing job with all the latest breaking news and stuff coming up next hour.
And he'll probably take some calls.
I should have taken more calls today.
I've got a little bit better about calls.
There's just so much news.
I love your calls.
We're going to be in Cleveland next week covering it live.
We're going to have a lot of big guests already lined up.
I plan to be on the street live during a lot of broadcast covering events as well.
David Knight's going to stay back here and honcho the situation that he's going to cover the Democrats just as dangerous a mission, maybe more so, the next week.
But that's the climate in just the same kind of Bolshevik fervor, class warfare garbage we've seen in China, we've seen in Russia that brought them down, all beta tested and now ready for Europe and the United States.
The globalists are very, very, very, very patient.
And if folks understand, if this globalist system comes in, almost everyone will be living in a world of you-know-what.
But we were just talking about this during the break, so let's talk about this now, George.
George Humphrey, my good friend of a long time, best-selling author, researcher, former city council person who I knew 25 years ago, fighting the New World Order, because I was involved three or four years before I got on air, putting up yard signs for Pat Buchanan.
People, and the numbers show this, brainwaves are lowering.
Screen time is brain damaging people.
Folks are losing language.
Children can't even talk to their friends more and more.
This system is killing us.
And more and more though, adults, people I've known in life and business for decades, they're suddenly not there.
Like they have Alzheimer's at 45.
It's really scaring me that either people are super awake now and like, you know what's going on?
Yeah, it's crazy.
Or it's like, what is happening?
You're saying it very well.
And the long-term program of the Illuminati, the power elite, the oligarchy, whatever you want to call this, it's not a short-term plan.
They've had their plans in place for a long, long period of time.
And they also realized that the
Quantum energy on this solar system, this planet, is changing.
So they're moving their planet plans up because they realize that people are waking up at faster and faster rates.
So as there is more energy onto our solar system and onto our planet,
It is activating the polarities of what we call good and evil, black and white, male and female, yin and yang.
And so the bad, what we call the bad or the negative, is getting worse and worse and worse.
And what's the positive or the awareness is also lighting up.
It's a quickening.
It's perfectly well said.
It is a quickening.
I can feel it and see it though.
As evil rises, good rises right with it.
Every time they hit me with more stuff, all of a sudden, all the backup just goes boom!
Yes, and it's backing up on them.
They're doing such stupid things right now.
It's unbelievable how easy it is.
Well, they can't help it.
It's so easy to prove that Black Lives Matter is a total con job.
That's what's frustrating.
It is a con job.
It isn't about are the cops good.
The point is it's a con job.
Yeah, it's a con job and the fact that still 90% of the people who watch CNN or whatever believe that
Whatever they believe that Hillary is a woman and that she's good and that she's there for us.
I mean, it's like mind-consuming.
And you know, most of you know about chemtrails.
On a weekly basis, I'll point up in the sky... They now admit it.
They say, oh yeah, we're geoengineering, get used to it.
I'll look up and I'll say, you know what that is, and 90% of the people look up and they look down very quickly and they can't conceive that our own government or whoever it is, is poisoning the people of this country and of this world on a daily basis with boron, ethylenedibromine, aluminum.
They're creating a silicone reality.
It's eyes wide shut.
What is there not to understand?
What is there not to understand about Tamarazol and the vaccines?
What is there not to understand about genetically modified... I mean, even Harvard comes out with 25 studies and says, okay, it's brain damaging and giving you cancer, and then they make jokes and say we're conspiracy theorists on the fluoride alone.
We're going to go back in 60 seconds, 70 seconds, final five minutes with George Humphrey, my good friend, and then we're going to hand the baton to David Knight.
Stay with us on this Wednesday, Global Edition, fourth hour, only seconds away, infowars.com.
Let's face it, most of us are totally addicted to our cell phones.
But recent studies link cell phone use to major health issues, including brain cancer.
Experts say parents and expecting mothers need to be extra careful.
Doctors say the infant brain, even while in the womb, is especially vulnerable.
So keep the phone away from your abdomen, especially toward the end of pregnancy.
And for men, using a cell phone for as little as an hour a day is literally cooking your sperm.
Lowering sperm count levels so much that conceiving a child could be difficult.
This is one of those times you want to keep it out of your pants.
And for those of us who use our cell phones before bed, know that the screen light is actually disrupting your sleep rhythms.
This causes insomnia and slows the metabolism.
Hello, weight gain!
Generally speaking, when cell phones are on, they're constantly emitting radio frequency radiation.
So keep your phone in airplane mode when you can.
Keep the phone at least two feet away from your body.
Use headphones.
And when you're not on your phone, keep it as far away from you as possible.
Leigh Ann McAdoo with your InfoWars Tip of the Week.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Make up the boldness of all this weirdness.
You learn that, like, half the camps you try to put your daughters in in the summer now, in a place like Austin, have, like, weird, bizarro, feminist, chip-on-your-shoulder curriculum.
Not about empowering women, about turning them into basket cases.
They want to turn everybody into these sniveling, scared, like a cat that's never been out of the house and has scared everybody.
They just want us in a corner.
Yeah, it's happening in so many ways, in different ways.
And the way to fight it is first of all through awareness, waking up.
Ditching the victim consciousness.
Third, becoming aware of the four universal laws.
The law of attraction, the law of conscious manifestation, the law of allowance, and the law of balance and harmony.
And then having the courage and the wisdom to be objective in these difficult times to know what to do.
And one of the best sources of information right here, brothers and sisters.
You don't need to always tell me before you're nice.
No, no, it's true!
Well, they obviously know that they're tuned in, but I think they're the racehorse of info.
They need to be leaders, and they are doing this.
Of course, and it's just not up to Alex or myself or a few others.
Many hands make light work, and if every one of you, if even one out of two of you will just talk to one person this week,
The critical mass of consciousness is what is important.
Truth is on our side.
Righteousness is on our side.
Goodness is on our side.
If we keep an open heart, we don't hate what we call enemies.
They're our opponents.
And we also stand up for our rights as sovereign, trinary, divine beings.
And I'll tell you what, folks, this is not a joke.
And I would ask you to read this book, Love, Life and Joy, and I think you're going to be carrying this book pretty soon.
It's, you know, he's low, low, low prices on it.
And consider the possibilities.
There are so many alive and awake people out here who are talking about this stuff, who are so amazing.
It is important for all of you to come together in groups and be able to talk about this.
I'm not getting into a picture for t-shirts, but Hillary's trying to censor us.
They've got no-fly zones now, saying we can't fly planes for the entire time.
This has never been done before.
That story's on InfoWars.
We're just going to fly them other places, other times, the days before, right after.
We're going to have trucks now in both cities driving around.
We're mainly shipping to trucks with the money we're spending to save Hillary from prison.
Some evidence shows it hits even more people.
And now we're going to finance planes to other parts of the country after this.
We're just going to do like 10 times what we were now, because they're afraid of it for a reason.
They know this has been the number one search term the last few weeks before that, you know, before Pokemon Go or whatever, or Brexit.
That's our listeners doing that.
So when they get the Hillary for Prison shirt at Infowarsstore.com, they then are breaking that matrix and physically are going to meet like-minded people.
They're going to find other info warriors.
This is what they don't want you to do.
They want to intimidate you to not be politically involved because it's not even so much about who you're voting for.
It's about meeting the like-minded people and creating communities of thought that transcend whether the candidate sells us out or not.
That's right.
And you know the old saying, united we stand, divided we fall.
And folks,
All this stuff about the shooting of blacks and whites and stuff, it's all a way to get us, separate us apart.
Clearly, most of these people who did the shootings are Manchurian candidates.
I'm going to repeat that.
Clearly, most of the people who do these shootings are Manchurian candidates.
We should not bite the bait that they're putting out in front of us.
What we need to do is focus on what is good and is right and creating community and becoming aware.
And this is a life and death situation.
And just as the Sons of Liberty in 1773, 1774, they would meet in private in small little groups and talk about the concepts of a free country, and they were risking their lives.
Just envisioning it over time built the energy, the connections, and everything that kept manifesting.
But there's all this delusion about you just thinking it manifests.
You have to take the action in this dimension, and then that's what builds it.
That's science, folks.
Alright, David Knight coming up.
Thank you so much, George.
David Knight coming up.
Stay with us.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight on this Wednesday, July 13, 2016.
I have a lot of interesting news today.
Of course, we have the new Jason Bourne movie that's about to come to American theaters.
I propose they call it the Bourne Hypocrisy.
Because that's what we're seeing with Matt Damien as he was pushing its initial premiere in Australia.
He called for the kind of gun confiscation that they did in Australia.
So we're going to talk about that.
We're going to talk about the police situation.
And I think we need to look at
What the real solution is.
You know, they always create a problem and they always have a solution that they're going to force upon us.
And of course that solution is more federalization, more militarization.
And I say more because you have to understand our police are already highly federalized, highly militarized.
And so we're going to talk about what the real solution is.
We've got an article that's very good on Infowars.com today.
Talking about privatization of the police.
I think the solution is to privatize, not to federalize.
How do we get control locally of our police?
We don't want to have even less control, folks.
And that's what's going to happen if it gets moved to Washington.
For some reason, and I don't understand why it is, I mean we can go back and look at it, perhaps it's because
of the Civil War and the perception that the federal government is going to take care of them because they ended slavery.
Many in the black community always look to the federal government to protect them.
And that simply isn't the case.
They have been abused, we've talked about that for a long time, and of course they're taking the same tactics and strategies that they've used to abuse the black community in the inner cities, that they've used to abuse Indians on the reservation.
They're going to be applying that to everybody.
And it's just amazing to me, the more times I think about it, the fact that we've got libertarian economists, like Charles Murray, who wrote Losing Ground back in the 1980s to explain to people how the welfare system, which is what the Indian reservations were, it basically locked them down, confined them, and told them that, you know, you can't do anything, but don't worry, we'll give you some food here while we keep you in the, essentially, in the prison, okay?
That's a model
By the way, folks, for Agenda 21, okay, Agenda 21 is simply the Indian Reservation applied to the entire population.
And we see that now happening throughout the rural areas, throughout the western lands, with the movements of the other BLM, the Bureau of Land Management.
We had a couple of BLMs.
Both of them are a trap, as the General would say.
But, yeah, what they did was they used welfare to, and it's destroyed the black family, and they saw that was very effective, so they want to apply that to the rest of us.
And we've seen ways that they've been sneaking this in, but now they're getting more overt about it.
You know, one of the things that always bothered me about the fair tax was the idea that everybody was going to get a check from the government.
And it's like, I'm sorry, can't go there.
Can't go there.
You are conditioning people for a handout.
And I don't care what your rationalization is, okay, that is a non-sequitur.
Right there, you've got to stop.
You've just got to start handing out checks to people.
The fair tax is just a non-starter for me.
Okay, I can't go there.
But now they're getting more overt about that.
The same people, a lot of the same people who are pushing the fair tax, and even Charles Murray, who wrote a book that was a basis of
The so-called welfare reforms.
They said they were going to do, but they didn't really do under the Reagan administration.
Losing ground.
Charles Murray, who wrote the book Losing Ground, is now pushing the idea of a universal basic income.
And this is something that is a global movement.
We have an American branch here, but this is something that is a global movement by the globalist government.
They understand that the time is very short
Until we lose more than 50% of the jobs that are out there.
People are going to be replaced at every level by robots.
It is both horizontal and vertical.
It's going to cut across all industries and it's going to cut across every level of every industry.
People are going to be replaced by robots, they're going to be replaced by artificial intelligence.
What are they going to do?
They're not going to be very happy if they don't have a job and they don't have income.
So, they're going to pacify us and soft-kill us.
They will soft-kill our spirit, and they will soft-kill our body.
And the way they do the soft-kill of our spirit is by the universal basic income.
And now you've got people like Charles Murray, who knows, because he wrote the book, How Harmful Welfare Is, proposing welfare for everybody, to pacify the precariat.
The people who are in a precarious position, that proletariat, because it's all about class warfare for them.
And of course, in America, they can't really seize on the kind of class stratification that they could in Europe, so they seize upon racialism.
That's what Bill Ayers and his buddies, who were mentors to Obama, who infiltrated the university and education systems to push their white privilege nonsense.
We've got a story about that.
It's up on Infowars.com.
And Dr. Nation, watch a 14-year-old perform a white boy privilege poem.
This is a class that he's taking.
We're going to cover that as well.
Now before we get to the news...
A couple of real quick stand-alone stories here, an update to Pokemon Go.
Maybe we should call it Pokemon Spy, okay?
I pointed out when I looked at this, the thing that bothers me about this is the fact that our government, the fastest growing part of our intelligence state, our security surveillance state, is geospatial intelligence.
And this thing is just reeking of it.
The story that Kit Daniels put up earlier in the week, pointing out the connections of the guy who created this to the CIA's venture capital company, In-Q-Tel, how they've been connected in the past, makes you wonder if there is a connection here in this as well.
Especially, we have an update here from Daily Mail Update, Pokemon Go, the company that created that, releases an update that fixes the iPhone security gaffe, they say it's a security gaffe,
But it gave the game access to everything in your Google accounts.
It requires massive permissions, access to all of your computer, and it's just a little, it's just a gaffe.
It was just an error.
But they're going to fix that, until they can hide it better, folks.
That's what really concerns me about this, and the idea that
Everybody is just... We are all playing games and they are deadly serious.
I just... Everything that they are focused on is to get intelligence from your activity.
To map you physically, politically, religiously.
They want to know everything about you, control you in a kind of pre-crime minority report environment.
They call it human domain analytics.
I believe that was what was truly behind the Jade Helm thing.
You know, mastering the human domain.
That's what that's truly about.
You know, at the same time that was coming out, we had the guy who...
had been head of special forces said you know we need to not think so much about special forces as kinetic you know jumping out of planes and helicopters and and doing all this you know uh... rambo type stuff he said we have to understand the special forces originally began as counterintelligence they would infiltrate areas would find the people who were friendly to them the people were hostile to them and uh... act accordingly okay he says we need to understand and get back to the idea that we're really more
About counterintelligence.
And that all plays together in that.
Now, as we look at the record stock market, you know, we were all told that it was doom and gloom.
We're going to have a worldwide depression because of Brexit.
We saw the markets take a big drop and then within one week, they came back.
The people who were dumping the stocks on the news bought back in and made huge profits, okay?
Shorting the stuff and then buying it back in as well.
Now, there's a longer-term trend, and we have this story up on Infowars.com.
The mystery of who is pushing stocks to an all-time high has now been solved.
You'll never guess who's manipulating the economy.
Okay, spoiler alert, it's the central banks, folks, the same people that have been manipulating our economy for a hundred years, okay?
They have an infinite number of ways that they can manipulate our economy.
They have some real overt ways that they do it, with interest rates, with printing money, and that sort of thing.
I remember having a discussion.
A friend of mine had a brother who was a branch manager at a bank.
Of course, I give branch managers the title of vice president.
But he was a branch manager, and I said something about the Federal Reserve.
I was always one of these rude guys that would bring up politics in a social setting.
That's why I don't go to parties too much.
Okay, so I started talking about the Federal Reserve at a party, believe it or not, and he says, the Federal Reserve doesn't have any control over our economy.
And I was just speechless.
I really was.
I didn't really know where to start with this guy.
He said, all we do is we send the stuff to them and they clear the checks.
And I said, well you do understand that they set interest rates.
You do understand that interest rates affect the economy, don't you?
You do understand that, and of course this is a little bit more involved and he'd need a little bit of economics training, but he would understand that the supply of money does affect the economy, don't you understand that?
And, you know, we'd
Never did get to the part where it was a private corporation.
But what is behind the surge in global stocks?
Well, here's the bottom line.
A surge in net global central bank asset purchases have driven the stock markets have been the highest since 2013.
Citibank's economist Matt King showed this with a detailed analysis and you can see that at InfoWars.com.
Yeah, what is causing the surge in the stock market?
It's policy from the central banks to buy these stocks.
People aren't buying the stocks because they're feeling good about the economy, because things are cooking along.
No, it's an artificial bubble technique.
They say the underlying drivers are an acceleration in the pace of the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan's purchases.
They say this is a policy-induced rally.
Yeah, it's a head fake, folks.
A policy-induced rally.
That's a great term.
Another story here.
A GOP-led Senate is passing bills at a rate not seen in decades.
This is from the Washington Times.
They say the Senate is off to its best year since 1990, at least by one measure, with more than 30 of its bills having been signed into law by President Obama.
Isn't that wonderful?
Aren't you happy that we're creating new laws, left and right?
Are you feeling any freer?
Are you feeling any more prosperous?
I'm not.
I'm not.
And we see what is happening, right?
These are bills that Obama feels real good about.
You understand, the reason they're passing so many bills is because there's no difference in the agenda of the establishment Republicans and Obama and the establishment Democrats.
That's why when we say that all of this is a problem that's going to go away when Obama goes away or if Hillary doesn't get in, that's simply not true, folks.
It's one party that's ruling us.
I'm going to lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
And diet and exercise only helped me lose 20 or so.
But when I started using the natural products that God gave us through Mother Nature, and when we developed super metal vitality and the good halogen, X2, and things like Secret 12, that is true, organic, absorbable, bioavailable B12, it changed my life.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat.
Or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22.
When I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that are researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group.
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Special Forces selection, it's not like you could ever take the easy road.
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for all info warriors listening or watching this broadcast.
I'm not saying that war with Russia is imminent.
I'm not saying that war with China is imminent.
Vladimir Putin is saying that there is a strategic plan to encircle Russia with tactical nuclear weapons.
I think?
That they are allowed to strike Russia or other nations first.
This is unprecedented.
The Communist Chinese government officially came out today and said they're, quote, preparing for all-out war with the United States imminently in the South China Sea.
This is all part of the globalist destabilization program, the Black Lives Matter, flooding Europe with the Muslims, you name it.
That's why I'm saying everybody needs to get prepared to get prepared now, while also supporting sources of information that are battling this globalist program a total win-win.
Now, because of contracts, we have to stop the massive discounts on the non-GMO seeds, the water filters, the optics, and all of that, because they're already super low prices at Infowarsstore.com.
But I'm able, for 48 hours, we've talked to our distributors, on the storable, high-quality food, and on all the nutraceuticals at Infowarslife.com,
Thank you for your support.
You see that we are expanding in the face of the globalists?
This is a critical time in history.
But we need to be 70% offense, 30% defense.
Everybody needs to get prepared and be independent and self-sufficient.
That is key in the fight against the globalists.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to talk about what's going on with Hillary.
You know, they're still coming after her with Judicial Watch.
Those guys are great.
They've got some civil lawsuits that are unfolding.
We're going to give you an update on that and what is happening with Hillary's imperious droids.
These are people who believe that they are above the law, her minions, her droids.
Before I do, I want to let you know about a new sale that we have at InfoWars.
DNA Force now 25% off at InfoWars Life and also we have extended, and I don't know for how long, the InfoWars Select Food.
That is 20 to 40% off.
Of course, DNA Force is
Basically, its main key ingredient is the bio-PQQ compound.
There's 175 clinical studies that have looked at its effectiveness.
You can look for those studies yourself and of course you can research it at InfoWarsLife.com as well as on the internet.
But of course that's not all it has.
It has things like CoQ10, it has digestive enzymes, trans-resveratrol,
Many other things that have a very long history of research, and you can find those things in a lot of different formats because they are very effective supplements.
But this is a format, a supplement where they are all together.
And of course, we talk about the BioPQQ because that is very rare to find a supplement, especially that particular supplement, especially at this price.
It is a very effective but very rare supplement.
You don't see that sold in most of the stores, but you do find things like CoQ10.
People take that because it is so effective in so many different ways.
But this combines all these things together.
And again, they call it DNA force because, you know, just like you have your shoestrings, you've got the little caps there that keep your shoestrings from unraveling, there's a thing called telomeres.
And that's something that is the end of your DNA strands to keep them from unraveling.
And so these nutrients are set up to try to keep those things from getting shorter.
They can actually, you can actually measure the length of somebody's telomeres
And make a pretty good prediction of their natural lifespan in terms of their, let's say their biological age really.
So that is DNA Force is now 25% off and that is a premier product that we have at Infowarslife.com.
Again the food is now been extended for another day 20 to 40% off Infowars select storable food.
Now I mentioned Hillary Clinton's imperious droids.
Remember back June 22nd?
As part of this Judicial Watch lawsuit, they had a Clinton IT staffer come in and take the Fifth Amendment.
Not once, not twice, not ten times.
125 times.
125 consecutive times.
This was Brian Pagliano, who was involved in setting up and maintaining Hillary Clinton's private email server.
He accepted an immunity deal with the FBI, okay, where he cooperated with them to tell them all about it.
And you know, the interesting thing is that I remember 20 years ago, in 1996, you had, remember, we had the DNC, the Democrat National Committee.
We had the Clintons, who had Bill Clinton running for president.
And you had fundraising corruption, again, with the Chinese.
As we've seen again this year, of course, that was kind of shut down when the guy who was at the center of this had a barbell fall on his neck.
What an unfortunate accident.
But we saw this all before.
Some of the same actors.
We had Charlie Tree, who was given immunity in exchange for information.
And he said, yes, yes, we were buying information from the Clintons from the DNC.
This is a quid pro quo bribe.
But nothing happened to him.
And you gotta look at this and understand that when the FBI turns people in these investigations, what do they do?
They typically go out to the lowest level people.
They go to the IT people and they give the guy immunity in exchange for information that's going to help them catch the guys at the top, typically.
Except we're talking about the Clintons.
And then what happens is they flip that guy, they find out who else is involved, they go up to the next level, they give those people immunity, they get the information from them, they flip them up until they get to the Clintons and it's like, oh well, you know, we're not interested in pursuing the prosecution because they're different from everybody else.
That pattern doesn't apply with them.
Meanwhile, all these other people that are all the way down, they all get immunity.
Nobody goes to jail, everybody's happy.
Isn't that great?
Aren't the Clintons wonderful for our country?
Just everybody gets happy.
So these imperious droids, like Brian Pagliano, okay, he did it 125 times.
Yesterday we had Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Was asked to testify before Congress.
So she goes 74 times.
She doesn't take the Fifth Amendment.
That looks a little bit too incriminating to say I refuse to incriminate myself.
Oh, so you must have some incriminating information.
Well, actually she does.
But she would not cooperate with anybody.
She refused to answer.
And she did that 74 times prior to Congressman David Trott getting his chance to ask her questions.
He said, well, I knew you weren't going to answer any of our questions today.
I apologize for wasting so much time, because it's really not been very productive.
But he said, here's what we understand.
You're not fooling anybody.
He said, either you're saying that to avoid the appearance of impropriety, in which case you should have recused yourself, or you're simply trying to protect Hillary Clinton.
And it's interesting, because on Monday we're going to have a judge
Who is going to rule as to whether or not Judicial Watch can put Hillary Clinton under oath.
Remember, Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury.
The Chinese President has ordered the People's Liberation Army to prepare for combat as a measure against possible hostile U.S.
action in the South China Sea after an international tribunal ruled that Beijing had no exclusive control over the area.
The Permanent Court of Arbitration said that there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or resources.
Reports the BBC, China responded by labeling the ruling ill-founded and refused to be bound by it.
However, behind the scenes, the Chinese president fears that the US could seize on the ruling to justify aggressive military maneuvers in the area and has ordered PLA forces to prepare for war.
China's Navy has repeatedly issued warnings to US surveillance planes flying over the region.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
I have an exciting announcement from articles by ViewZone.com and Transpersonal.de.
Our physical bodies run on light.
That's right!
Russian scientist Alexander G. Gervish discovered bio-photons in 1923, with further research supported in the 1970s by Fritz Albert Popp, a theoretical biophysicist.
This system of light could possibly cure disease and cancer.
The process is called photorepair.
Fritz Pop found that cancer cells actually distort light they absorb, while normal cells let light pass through them untampered.
If you blast a cell with harsh amounts of UV light until the cell is almost destroyed, you can repair the cell by illuminating it with the same UV at a lower intensity.
But this is old news to the scientific community.
Fritz Popp concluded that cancer is a result of light already in the body that is blocked and scrambled by cancer-causing compounds.
If the body's photo repair process could itself be repaired, could that mean the end of cancer and eventually the end of deception by big pharma and the medical industry?
This is Gabe Goldiamond for InfoWars.com.
Dr. Grip, you developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we were talking just before I ran out of time of the break.
We were talking about Hillary Clinton and her imperious droids.
You know, you had the Clinton IAT staffer.
Not even a month ago, taking the Fifth Amendment 125 consecutive times.
And yesterday we've got Attorney General Loretta Lynch refusing to answer questions, even before the thing was over.
She had refused to answer 74 different questions.
And now, on Monday, we're going to have the same people who had brought up her IT staffer when he took 125 questions.
Loretta Lynch was talking to Congress.
She just refused to talk to Congress.
And I guess we can also say that even though Hillary Clinton, by the admission of the FBI, committed perjury when she talked to Congress and said, I did not send or receive any classified emails, and the FBI director says, no, that's wrong, so therefore she committed perjury, they would have to recommend
For prosecution, the Congress, if they want to pursue perjury charges to Hillary Clinton, they would have to send that to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who is one of the imperious droids of Her Majesty.
She's not going to do anything with it.
The FBI Director is not going to do anything with it.
They know she lied, they know she committed perjury, but Judicial Watch is suing in a civil lawsuit to get information about this stuff under a Freedom of Information Act.
And it was there that the Clinton IT staffer took the Fifth Amendment 125 consecutive times.
Now, they're going to try to get Hillary Clinton to testify as part of this lawsuit, the Judicial Watch lawsuit.
And on Monday, lawyers for Hillary Clinton are going to go to federal court for the first time, this is Politico, to block efforts to force her to testify in a civil lawsuit related to her private email setup.
Bill Clinton was not impeached for having an affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred as a setting president.
No other setting president has ever been disbarred.
He was impeached and disbarred for committing perjury as part of that civil lawsuit.
That sounds familiar.
So lawyers for Hillary Clinton don't want her to testify.
You don't want to put her under oath.
It's hard for her to tell the truth.
She's admitted how hard it is for her to tell the truth.
And we know that.
We've witnessed that for decades.
That they are pathological liars.
See, I think this is all part of why Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton.
Because Hillary Clinton even said it after her testimony to the FBI.
She said, you know, sometimes people get in even more trouble for lying to the FBI.
That was what she was worried about.
She had to be briefed, I believe, as to what the FBI knew, what they were going to do, because they knew they weren't going to bring charges against her for the felonies of sending and receiving classified emails on an unsecured server in violation of all national security regulations.
That wasn't going to happen, but, you know, somebody within the FBI might bring up the fact that she lied to the FBI.
I think she probably did.
I think that's why they're not showing any, going to give us any recordings or any transcripts of that questioning.
Because they don't want us to know that she probably lied to the FBI, but maybe she was briefed and maybe she had several days to be prepared because, you know, she doesn't do press conferences.
Hasn't had a press conference in about 220 days, since before the election started.
So she doesn't speak off the cuff.
Everything that she does is very carefully crafted by her advisors and handlers.
Uh, in a focus group or whatever, okay?
They run it through the lawyers to make sure it's there.
So, uh, she does not want to get there because that is a perjury, uh, danger there for her.
They say Judicial Watch has asked to depose Clinton and a pair of FOIA lawsuits, Freedom of Information Act lawsuits, which have raised questions about whether or not her private email system was created in part to avoid making messages accessible.
Under the Freedom of Information Act.
In other words, that's precisely what it was created to do.
Is to keep her personal information quiet.
Perhaps to be a dropbox for exchange of people who are buying secrets.
I mean, that's the kind of thing that we saw 20 years ago from the Clintons with the Chinese government.
This would be very easy to do that.
Put it in a drop box.
It's easy to pass this information off to people and just say you were hacked.
But anyway, the U.S.
District Court Judge Sullivan has set a hearing for Monday to see whether or not she will be deposed in a case that is demanding records about employment arrangements of Clinton's aide, Huma Abedin, who was double-dipping, among other things.
Now they argue that a Supreme Court case from 1980 discussed the possibility of recovering records sought under FOIA but no longer under agency control.
They said that requires a close temporal connection between an official's removal of records and a specific request.
Okay, well look, why else would she have gone to so much trouble to violate all the national security laws
to create this if she wasn't trying to hide the records.
And Judicial Watch says it's no surprise that neither Hillary Clinton nor the Obama State Department, and of course it was her State Department as well, agrees with our request to depose Ms.
They said it is both significant and disturbing that Hillary Clinton now asserts a private claim of rights.
She says this is my private property.
What's her private property?
Her non-state.gov email account
Including any of the 55,000 pages of federal records that she has returned to the State Department.
So she has returned these records to the State Department, but she asserts that she privately owns them.
She privately owns them, and you cannot ask her any questions in an email lawsuit.
So, we shall see.
What U.S.
District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan does on Monday, whether or not he is going to say, no, we need to know, we deserve to know the truth, we should know the truth.
I certainly hope that he does that, but of course, that's going to be interesting to follow that.
Along the lines of, I guess, I could say, the continual mental illness and depravity of our society here.
Got a couple of stories here.
One of them, of course, and who would have guessed this?
A transgender woman has been arrested for voyeurism at tranny-friendly Target.
You know, there's people who just go out of their way to make everything friendly for the trainees.
Remember their statement?
They said, we welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or the fitting room facility that corresponds to their gender identity.
Their gender identity.
So how's that working out for you?
Well, this is how it worked out in Idaho Falls.
A transgender woman was arrested yesterday on one count of felony voyeurism.
For a report that she took pictures of, and this is the way they reported in the Post Register, another woman.
No, I'm sorry.
It was not another woman.
It was a man, dressed as a woman, taking pictures of a woman in the dressing room.
Changing clothes in the dressing room at, where else, but Target.
Of course, Target.
Now, the person who says that his name is Shauna Smith, the 43-year-old now in custody, he was actually booked by the police because they're not buying any of this BS.
They booked Shauna Smith as Sean Smith.
At least the cops know what's going on with this.
Mental illness, okay?
You know, it was kind of funny.
Back when they did MASH, the TV show, you had Corporal Klinger.
Doing his fashion show every segment.
Trying to get a Section 8.
Trying to get people dressing up as a woman so people would say that he was mentally ill and get out of the military.
Instead, that mental illness is now being imposed upon our entire society.
Everybody, they didn't let him out because they knew he wasn't sincerely doing this, okay?
But that was his gig.
That was the ongoing joke.
It's not funny anymore.
It just simply isn't funny.
It's simply depravity, folks.
And it's this kind of societal manipulation that I just, I cannot... When you look at this guy at Target, who imagined that this would happen?
And of all places, Target.
The people who are going out of their way to set this social agenda.
Remember that the North Carolina law
That was a response to a Charlotte law, okay?
That Charlotte law was done by a tranny, okay, saying, we're going to dictate what the bathrooms are.
Now the tranny who did that was a convicted sex offender.
A man who wanted to dress as a woman and who wanted to override private property rights and say, we're going to dictate to you that men dressed as women can go into the ladies room.
Who would have thought that something like this would happen?
Well, any thinking person would have known that this is what's going to happen.
And we need to get over this, and we need to not be a part of this at InfoWars either, normalizing this kind of insanity with people like Blair White.
Let's not pretend that these people are men, okay?
I'm kind of old-fashioned.
You're a man or woman based on your genitals, not your gender identity.
Let's stop with the fantasy.
Let's stop pushing that kind of nonsense.
It disgusts me to see us being a part of that as well.
And while we're talking about indoctrination, look at this article that we got at Infowars.com.
This is the indoctrination I was talking about last week.
The indoctrination that was sold to us by Bill Ayers and by Barack Obama
The idea that we have white skin privilege.
Of course, Bill Ayers didn't exactly invent it.
They popularized it with Students for Democratic Society, SDS, and they weather underground.
They were the ones who really popularized this.
And the thing that was really powerful, he wasn't getting any traction when he was going around blowing up buildings and killing cops.
So Bill Ayers went into education.
Let me show you the results of this now.
This is the, we could play that clip, but we didn't cue that thing up.
I'll just read you a couple of quotes for you.
You can actually look at this, and I'm going to tell you that if you have children in school,
You need to watch this.
This is a guy, 14 years old, he says, I became aware of white privilege this year.
We have a class called race, class, and gender that everyone has to take.
Why does everyone have to take that?
Well, that's due to the influence of people like Bill Ayer.
And Bill Ayers and Barack Obama, who worked together in education back in Chicago.
They have pushed this on people.
Selling this kind of mental illness, using it to divide and conquer us, okay?
He says, say in the article that's been seen...
No, I'm sorry, he doesn't have an account here, but it's a four minute rant, and he apologizes to minorities, and he makes all kinds of generalizations and assumptions that they are oppressed and that they are born incapable at birth.
And he says, here's some of his first world problems, okay, that he's apologizing for.
He says, I love it because I can worry about what kind of food is on my plate instead of whether or not there is food on my plate.
Thank you, Michelle.
Thank you, Michelle.
Thank you for all of that.
But look, people are not starving because they're black in America.
Let's understand that.
And he goes on to say, I don't care if you think feminists are taking over the world, the Black Lives Matter movement has gotten a little too strong because that is BS, he says.
And he concludes the point by telling his fellow white boys they should act like women.
Maybe they can dress up and put on makeup as well.
This is the insanity that is being sold to us
To destroy us morally and culturally, to destroy our society.
This is what they're teaching your kids at school.
It's not the school you went to.
You need, if you've got kids in school, you need to understand you do not want to abandon them to foreigners, to people, not foreigners, to people that are strangers, okay?
We've had lawsuits in this country.
I remember 10, 20 years ago, there were lawsuits.
People saying, you know, I don't like the fact that you're talking to my seven-year-old about sex in the Massachusetts school.
And the father came in to talk to people, and he was picked up and arrested for trespassing.
And he tried to get some control of it, and they said, well, you know, we have a doctrine here, it's called en loco parentis, in place of the parents.
And the court said, when you turn your children over to the school system, you are abandoning them to the state.
Not my words, that's the words of the judge.
You are abandoning your children to the state.
If you put your kids in a government-run school, you are abandoning them to the state.
I wholly agree with that judge.
And you're abandoning them to a state that is using indoctrination to brainwash your children, to make them mentally ill.
You are abandoning them to a state that is not going to be working in their best interest, does not love them, does not understand them as individuals, is not going to educate them, but is going to indoctrinate them.
I know a lot of people who homeschooled.
I homeschooled.
I would never give my children to the state.
I would never do it.
They didn't have an option of that when I was going through school.
So I went through the whole thing.
I even have a wife who's got a master's degree in education and taught in the schools.
And because of our experiences, we would never abandon our children to the state.
And I gotta say that it is going to pay dividends to you one way or the other.
Now you make that decision.
This is the heart of what is wrong with our country.
Is that our people have no heart for their children.
You think that you're going to become economically prosperous because you're going to have the government babysit your kids?
I know a lot of people who didn't have the money to homeschool their kids.
They made a lot of financial sacrifices because they put their children first and they reaped a lot of blessed dividends from that close relationship.
Now, look at how this is playing out in Boston, for example.
Did you know that D. Ray McKesson, the Black Lives Matter leader, is, guess where he hangs out?
In the Boston school district, making a salary of $165,000 as the district's third chief of human capital.
What is that?
What is that?
That is a make-work bureaucratic decision, but that's where these people always hang out.
The Bill Ayers, the D. Ray McKessons, the people who are selling the agenda of the Soros and the globalist people, okay?
This is George Soros' open society.
Uh, board members who are providing D. Ray McKesson as he's getting a $165,000 salary he evidently can't afford to buy his own home.
He's having that home provided for him by some philanthropists in Baltimore, Maryland who are on the board of Soros' Open Society.
This is another story that's up on InfoWars.com.
It's the same address that he used when he declared his candidacy for his failed mayoral run earlier this year.
So he's been there for a while.
And then they also point out in the article the fact that Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, who were around Ferguson, and they have an acronym for that which is called MORE,
Always more.
More government, I guess.
More was one of the groups that received a share of the $33 million invested into Black Lives Matter by George Soros.
All right.
Also, Democracy Alliance donated to several race-based movement organizations that ally with Black Lives Matter movement.
So, take a look at this story, save this as a link, and when you're talking to people on Twitter, on social media, and they say, Soros isn't part of Black Lives Matter, and it's not a, you know, it's not a, what you say it is, well, just send that to them.
Say, no, this is not a grassroots movement.
It is an AstroTurf movement.
Run by globalist elitists who are also trying to destroy our country with open trade agreements.
Now in the little bit of time we've got left in this segment, in the next segment, I want to talk a little bit about Matt Damon's upcoming movie, The Bourne Hypocrisy.
That's what we should all call it.
There are people who are going around, this is Lena Dunham who has a TV show, and she is calling for people to actually cut out the handgun from the poster where you've got Matt Damon standing like a big macho guy in a suit pointing a gun right at you.
And this is a guy who wants to confiscate your guns.
Always for them, not for us.
He wants to make millions playing with guns that he's afraid of.
And he admits he's afraid.
We'll talk about that when we come back.
Brain Force is here.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on this the last few months.
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You will find Brain Force, Survival Shield X2, and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com.
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Let's face it, most of us are totally addicted to our cell phones.
But recent studies link cell phone use to major health issues, including brain cancer.
Experts say parents and expecting mothers need to be extra careful.
Doctors say the infant brain, even while in the womb, is especially vulnerable.
So keep the phone away from your abdomen, especially toward the end of pregnancy.
And for men, using a cell phone for as little as an hour a day is literally cooking your sperm.
Lowering sperm count levels so much that conceiving a child could be difficult.
This is one of those times you want to keep it out of your pants.
And for those of us who use our cell phones before bed, know that the screen light is actually disrupting your sleep rhythms.
This causes insomnia and slows the metabolism.
Hello, weight gain!
Generally speaking, when cell phones are on, they're constantly emitting radio frequency radiation.
So keep your phone in airplane mode when you can.
Keep the phone at least two feet away from your body.
Use headphones.
And when you're not on your phone, keep it as far away from you as possible.
Leigh Ann McAdoo with your InfoWars Tip of the Week.
The Chinese President has ordered the People's Liberation Army to prepare for combat as a measure against possible hostile U.S.
action in the South China Sea after an international tribunal ruled that Beijing had no exclusive control over the area.
The Permanent Court of Arbitration said that there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or resources.
Reports the BBC, China responded by labeling the ruling ill-founded and refused to be bound by it.
However, behind the scenes, the Chinese president fears that the US could seize on the ruling to justify aggressive military maneuvers in the area and has ordered PLA forces to prepare for war.
China's Navy has repeatedly issued warnings to US surveillance planes flying over the region.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
Welcome back to the InfoWars fourth hour.
This is our fourth hour of the radio show.
I'm David Knight.
Before we get back to the Bourne hypocrisy, I just want to let you know about a new sale we have at InfoWarsLife.com.
That is DNA Force is now 25% off.
That's one of our premier supplements.
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Also, the InfoWars Select Food discount of 20 to 40% off.
That has been extended.
As a thank you to you as also for supporting our operation and also to prepare for unrest.
We're going to have a lot of unrest.
We're going to see a lot of unrest starting on Monday.
Let's hope that it doesn't get too bad at the conventions.
Let's hope that it doesn't spread beyond that.
But it is now 20 to 40 percent off still at InfoWars Select Food.
Alex extended that and I don't know how much longer that's going to go.
Okay, the Bourne hypocrisy.
We had Matt Damon at the premiere of his new movie, his new Bourne movie, new Bourne movie, saying that he wished the US would adopt strict gun control measures that people like Australia have.
He said, you guys did it here in one fell swoop.
I wish that could happen in my country, but it's such a personal issue for people, we can't even talk about it sensibly.
We just can't.
He said that on July 5th.
The day after we celebrate our Declaration of Independence, the day after we celebrate the creation of a government that was established on the principles of individual liberty, the day after we declared our independence and began fighting a war against an oppressive government with guns that we had a God-given right to possess, Matt,
You are such an incredible hypocrite.
It's disgusting.
He said in a 2003 interview, he said, I actually hate guns.
They freak me out.
But he doesn't freak him out so much that he doesn't make freaking millions promoting it in his gun culture.
And now you've got some fellow liberals, like Lena Dunham, calling for altering the Jason Bourne subway ads.
They've actually taken pictures of people ripping out the gun out of Jason Bourne's hand that they've got.
Of course, that's Matt Damon's hand.
In the movie, you know, he's pretending that he's a tough guy there.
There's a picture of it ripped out and they say, yeah, let's do that.
Hey, New Yorkers, what if we do some peeling and get rid of the guns and the Jason Bourne subway ads?
I'm so tired of guns.
Well, I'm so tired of elitist liberals who think that we don't have a right to protect ourselves while they have the ability to hire their own private security forces.
Speaking of private security forces.
I think that truly is the solution for all of us.
We have an article up on Infowars.com.
Private policing is not a fantasy.
And they point out in this article, let me read you a quote from this, it says, private policing isn't some fantasy, it is a luxury enjoyed simply by the rich.
Yes, people like Matt Damon and others who want to take our guns.
He said, every time you enter a shopping mall, every time you go to a department store, visit an amusement park, enjoy a live professional sporting event, or use PayPal, you are being protected by people who are trying to maximize profit.
In a free market, where transactions are voluntary, customers need to be pleased in order for companies to survive.
People generally prefer not to be groped when they travel, not to be choked for selling cigarettes.
Choked and killed, by the way.
Or having their homes raided by SWAT teams in the middle of the night for possessing a plant.
It's only government police that engage in these types of activities because when a police agency's source of revenue is involuntary, and it's divorced from the quality of services that it provides, you don't have that motto to serve and protect.
Who are they protecting?
What interests are they serving?
They're not accountable to us.
That's part of the problem.
Only sheriffs are elected.
The police chiefs work for a city manager or mayor who's trying to maximize money for his jurisdiction.
We need to privatize police, not federalize them.
Join us tonight for the InfoWars Nightly News, 7 Central, 8 p.m.
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