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Name: 20160708_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 8, 2016
3464 lines.

In his radio broadcast, Alex Jones discusses recent acts of violence involving law enforcement officers in America, accusing globalists like George Soros, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton of orchestrating a plan to create division and chaos by exploiting racial tensions. He mentions the suspect involved in the Dallas shooting who was upset about Black Lives Matter and recent police shootings and wanted to kill white people. Jones supports due process and local government while criticizing mainstream media for fear-based news coverage and selective reporting. The show also promotes products to protect against cell phone radiation exposure and offers tips on preparing for power grid failures during times of civil unrest."

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This is Police Chief David Brown in Dallas.
I want to share with you some of the comments from this suspect.
The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter.
He said he was upset about the recent police shootings.
The suspect said he was upset at white people.
The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.
The suspect stated that we will eventually find the IEDs.
The suspect stated he was not affiliated with any groups.
And he stated that he did this alone.
The suspect said other things that are part of this investigation so that we can make sure that everyone associated with this tragic event is brought to justice.
That is the Dallas Police Chief.
Today is Friday the 8th of July 2016, but guaranteed, you can mark as the demarcation point, the point of no return, July 7th, 2016, of when the George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, globalist
Destabilization, race war based, civil war program was launched in the United States.
There have been dozens of movies the last year pushing racial division and oppression of black people.
And bringing up every old wound and reopening it.
Rubbing salt in it.
There have been countless TV shows and news programs and press conferences and the president
Four times that I'm aware of in the last week, coming out and giving speeches about the oppression of black people and the harassment of black people in this country, which undoubtedly is going on to some extent, but the point is, metrically, statistically, it's one of the least important issues if you're actually black in this country, or any other color.
And I'm gonna go over the statistics and the numbers.
But they are absolutely hyping this, going into the hottest months of the summer, July and August, ahead of an election that's four months away.
A lot of people, this broadcast today will be déjà vu.
Because you've heard me hammer the plan that they're orchestrating.
You've heard me point out that the big money banks, and the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation, not just George Soros, are behind funding hundreds of millions of dollars into these groups at universities, high schools, you name it.
What you're going to see today is obviously the aftermath of what's happened, but
It's going to be a breakdown of what's coming.
Now there's several different future scenarios, and we the people are going to govern.
What happens?
But right now, right now, we are witnessing what George Soros brags, and we're putting reports together showing all this, he did in Tunisia, in Libya, in Egypt, to a failed extent in Syria,
In Ukraine, in Georgia, and many other areas.
You know in Egypt, and you know in Ukraine, and other areas, the overthrow of the governments began as anti-police demonstrations.
Because police are the visible form of the government, and what the people run into, and the media plays it up to scapegoat them for the larger government problems.
How am I blaming TSA for Congress putting them in place?
And the globalists can sit up in their palaces while the low-level people get the heat.
This is an exact program.
Now, we know the enemy program.
If people will listen, and if the local governments will listen, we can stop this.
I know how to stop this.
I told you it was coming.
Listen to me.
We'll be back.
Thousands of years ago, there was a basic form of chivalry.
Our ancestors would hear the drums of war, giving the warriors of the tribe a chance to organize and prepare a defense.
Sixty years ago, when foreign air forces were approaching filled with bombs, they had drums of their own, air raid sirens.
But in the 21st century, there are silent weapons for quiet war.
Our pathogen is added to the food and water, to the lining of plastics that destroy our vitality, turn off our hormones, and accelerate our journey towards death.
I personally counter this onslaught with Anthroplex.
Anthroplex is designed with known organic concentrated herbs to create the basic foundation to normal metabolic activity inside the human body.
Discover why Anthroplex is turning so many heads today.
It's time for us to take our bodies back into our own hands.
And it starts at Infowarslife.com with Anthroplex.
California Governor Jerry Brown signed a new vaccine mandate last Friday that enacts education sanctions against students whose parents choose to not have them vaccinated according to the CDC's arbitrary schedule.
Children will be blocked from entering kindergarten, even daycare.
Children already in California schools, public or private, will not be able to advance beyond the 7th grade without following the dictates of CDC bureaucrats who are unelected, unaccountable to the public, but a business partner of Big Pharma.
A lawsuit has been filed on the grounds that the California State Constitution upholds a right to education.
The authoritarians pushing no vaccine, no school are the same crowd that call abortion pro-choice.
But they're not pro-choice with medication.
They're not pro-choice with education.
They don't believe in a right to privacy when it comes to your phone, your computer, your home.
No, privacy and choice are narrowly defined as applying only if you want to kill your child.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
Not a group.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Humans are designed to pick a side.
It's our ancient programming.
It's our instincts.
Cowboys vs. the 49ers.
Coke vs. Pepsi.
Ford vs. Chevy.
Black vs. White.
And the global social engineers have written countless books and white papers admitting that they just manipulate us and play us off against each other.
Very, very powerful words.
We're going to play in a few minutes of Ben Carson, where he boils it all down in just a few minutes, what exactly is going on here.
It's very, very sad.
I have the statistics from the FBI and from the states here about just how many people cops are actually killing, period.
And when you look at it, you understand it is a total red herring.
Now, that isn't about defensive police, or bureaucrats, or fundraising, revenue generation that's going on.
I certainly have a lot of issues, and people know that I am a major government reformer, or police reformer.
I've written books, I've made films.
Years ago, I was known as Mr. Anti-Police Day.
But it was my deep study of the issue that brought me to a much more sophisticated, in-depth understanding of not just police in this country, but the entire compendium of the history of police, and paramilitaries for that matter.
And so today, I'm going to try to cover what's happened in Dallas, what this signifies, where we're going, and how we can hopefully stop this, because let me explain something.
I'm a hundred percent
On the side of due process and local government and thus the police.
And the reason I'm making that bold statement is I want to choose a side openly and say which side I'm on.
And I'm going to elaborate on this in just a moment.
Because at a primitive level, we all tend to jump to one side or the other.
I choose due process and local government because I know who's behind this destabilization program and I understand where it's designed to lead us.
And by legitimately supporting due process and not anarchy, I will then legitimately be able to be involved in reform and trying to make this a better nation and a better world.
Now let's be clear, we're told there's two sides.
You're either for the police or you're for Black Lives Matter.
I don't choose a side in that because it's a false paradigm.
Foreign, multinational, social engineering programs on record that have been used all over the world to overthrow governments and to destabilize regions are in effect not just here but in scores of nations and we're going to break that down today.
So it is multinational globalists manipulating our internal affairs to turn us against each other and start a civil war.
So when I say I choose local government and due process, that isn't choosing the police.
It's choosing my country and recognizing an outside attempt at divide and conquer.
So, when you think about the sides to choose, it's George Soros, or it's your local government.
It's the New World Order, it's Goldman Sachs, it's JPMorgan.
Who's financing the anti-police groups?
Who's financing the open borders?
Who's financing bringing the groups in?
Yesterday, Obama announced 15 corporations led by Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan that are actually bringing the foreigners in themselves.
That's who's hijacked the country.
And whether it's Ukraine or whether it's Egypt or whether it's Georgia, this destabilization program is being carried out and captained by George Soros.
He has taken the credit for all three countries and others.
And when they overthrow all three of those countries, do you know how they did it?
It started with anti-police groups, and then they either bully the local governments into accepting their leadership over the police, or they start a civil war and overthrow the elected government and then put their people in.
This is an admitted program being run by the State Department and George Soros and Obama.
And notice Obama in all these movies and all these TV shows and all this propaganda and Obama coming out in four different speeches the last week, including one yesterday, saying that the police are after black people and the police are persecuting them and they're killing them and it's a big problem.
And then this happens hours later in Dallas and Obama comes out this morning.
It's on InfoWars.com.
We have the clips.
And says, quote, here it is, from Politico, after latest shooting, Obama says U.S.
police must reform.
So it's their fault that this former Army soldier, Micah X. Johnson, five facts you need to know, who's told police before he was killed by a robot,
That's interesting.
That he was angry at white police and white people and wanted to kill them because of the Black Lives Matter movement had angered him.
This gentleman and two other people decided, because they were mad about a video at a Minnesota where a cop might have shot somebody who was innocent, okay, burn him!
And so you just go out and randomly target white people.
Pure, mindless, racist tribalism.
And then you've got Loretta Lynch and the UN with the Strong Cities Initiative launched this year, six months ago, in February, coming out and saying, we're going to reform the police with the UN, with taxpayer-funded offices in every major city,
To basically take over the police departments and local government so then the police can persecute libertarians, veterans, conservatives for not believing in man-made global warming or exposing agenda 21.
That's in the new Democratic Party platform to arrest us.
This is how you bring in totalitarianism.
Everything we've been warning about is happening now.
So, the feds give them armored vehicles, the feds militarize the police, the feds teach them instinctive shooting, which then they think they see a gun and they shoot you, and then the cops are like, oh my god, what'd I do?
I'm not trying to shoot the guy in the back on purpose, this latest video out of Baton Rouge.
He's like, oh no, oh god, no, and his life's over.
On a bunch of coffee, rolling around, the guy's got a gun, you're pulling up.
They said he had a gun, come on, then the whole thing goes to hell.
That cop knows his life's over.
You think he just wanted to shoot somebody?
I'm not defending what happened.
I don't want that job.
You get a Baton Rouge shooting, you get a St.
Paul shooting, and it's the end of the world.
My daughters, about three weeks ago,
We were at my parents, and they had just a TV show on, and an ad for The Shallows came on, where great white sharks are chasing this woman trying to eat her.
We went to Cancun a few days later, and my daughters that have been getting in the surf since they were three years old did not want to get in it because of great white sharks.
And I explained to them, there are no great white sharks in the Caribbean.
You're safe.
Shark attacks are super rare.
They still would barely get in the water.
Same thing happened in 1972.
They had to put ads for years in newspapers explaining less than 10 shark attacks a year on the coast of the United States.
Less than 5 great white attacks.
There's less than 12 worldwide every year.
But they think there's a big shark about to eat them.
It's a perception, just like they create the perception that the police are just mowing black people down everywhere.
250-something in 2015 out of tens of millions of people.
It's a total mind game, ladies and gentlemen, to divert from double black unemployment, to divert from being targeted with medical experiments, to divert from
Mandatory minimum sentences that Bill Clinton put in place that are wrong.
It goes on and on and this will create so much white racism now, which is what they want.
And black racism to clash us against each other, divide and conquer.
990 people, the FBI's own numbers, died in 2015 from police.
Almost all of them justified.
But let's say all 990 weren't justified.
There are hundreds of deaths a year, 90 plus percent black people in Chicago, and those numbers are only going up.
Black on black, you never hear about that because it's not the cops.
So people aren't even aware, they don't even have a perception.
Thousands and thousands of black people shoot and kill each other a year, and it's not even an issue.
But 200 and something get killed by cops.
And it's the biggest issue this country ever saw.
And this country's on the edge of civil war and being destabilized by George Soros and a group of multinational foundations.
He put $34 million in one month into Ferguson alone to trigger this whole movement.
And the Ferguson case was a justified shooting when we looked at it.
Some of these aren't, but the issue is
This is a synthetic, artificial program.
And I'm going to play the clips, get into what happened, break it all down.
Our reporters that are on the ground, Carrie Jackson, Joe Jennings.
We've got all the clips of Black Lives Matter, even here in Austin.
Going oink oink, bang bang, you're dead.
Deck the halls with dead cops, fa la la la la la la la.
This is the organized attempt
To kill so many police and cause so much fear that then Loretta Lynch comes in to quote, reform the police.
It's like Al Sharpton said, we're using the police shootings to federalize and they should all be federalized.
Remember that clip?
That's all this is, is a power grab.
Or some cop in Minnesota does something wrong, so cops die in Dallas because of the color of their skin.
Or a cop does something wrong in New York, so cops get killed in Missouri.
I mean, it's total bull.
And it's orchestrated.
I cannot help asking those who have caused this situation.
Do you realize now what you've done?
Speaking nearly a month ago, President Vladimir Putin at the International Economic Forum in St.
Petersburg, Russia, warned the group of international journalists there, repeatedly, that Europe, the United States, and Russia were drifting towards full-scale war.
We know year by year what's going to happen, and they know we know.
It's only you that they tell these fables and you buy it and spread it to the citizens of your countries.
Your people do not feel a sense of the impending danger.
This is what worries me.
How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?
That is the problem.
But they pretend like nothing's going on.
I don't even know how to get through to you people anymore.
And the big news is, a month later, almost a month later, after we first reported on it,
In mid-June, there has been almost no Western coverage of it at all.
And that's exactly what Putin was getting at.
Whether you love Putin or hate Putin, if the leader of Russia, with thousands of intercontinental ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, is telling the West, I don't know how to get through to you, your media is controlled, you're being manipulated,
NATO is putting missiles on our borders.
We're having to move missiles in.
You've overthrown Ukraine.
You're on an offensive.
You're funding and protecting radical Islam.
Do you know what you've done?
Do you know what you've done?
As he said at the UN, destabilizing the Middle East.
Why are you doing this?
Where are the sound minds across the political spectrum
Who should be stopping this?
Russia has three overseas military bases.
You have hundreds.
You have your spies inside our country trying to overthrow it.
You have your CIA people trying to get into our embassies.
You are at war with us!
And the average American, the average European, the average Brit is not aware of this.
Another threat that President Obama mentioned was ISIS.
Well, who on earth armed them?
Who helped to arm the Syrians that were fighting against Assad?
Who created the necessary political climate that facilitated the situation?
Who pushed for the delivery of arms to the area?
But the issue of a major world leader saying that we're moving to the brink of war
And it's not in our news.
That's the big story.
It shows how incredibly controlled things are.
Please spread this video far and wide and hopefully it will spur a debate that can cause some type of chain reaction that reverses our course or at least changes our course from assured Armageddon.
But they will pay attention when we the people force the issue.
And we are forcing the issue on this
As well as many other issues going on here in the United States and around the world.
I'm Alex Jones signing off for InfoWars.com.
If you're watching or listening to this transmission, you are the hope.
You are the resistance.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
The Black Power Political Organization as it's called has claimed responsibility online for this and says more killings of white people are coming.
And of course that will just lead to more institutional targeting of innocent black people.
Which is part of the larger plan carried out by the Judas Goat Barack Obama.
This is truly sickening.
Obama has massively increased funding to abort even more black people.
I guess 51% wasn't enough.
They've jacked that up to 53% now a year.
And they basically have forced abortion in a bunch of African countries where if they want to be able to get any type of government training or schooling or funding, they have to basically get sterilized or agree to not have children.
But that's okay, because Obama's supposedly black, so it's all right.
Black Power Group claims responsibility for police killings and warns of more assassinations to come.
We've got some compilations of some of these similar groups, including right here in Austin, marching around saying, bang, bang, or oink, oink, bang, bang, you're dead.
It's just crazy.
The truth is the average cop, be they white, black or Hispanic, is scared to go into predominantly black areas and are scared to render services.
And now crime rates are exploding across the nation in the black areas.
And black people are dying.
But logic, you know, just seems to get in the way of the brainwashing because you have the president and the mainstream media acting like this is all legitimate, lying to everyone.
More black people die in Chicago every year at the hands of black people than die at the hands of the police every year.
In fact, we need to put that headline out.
That's the FBI's own numbers.
Some years, there's over 400 black people that die in Chicago.
In fact, let's look at the latest national numbers.
Numbers of people that die a year in shootings in Chicago, and 97% are blacks.
You can get that number.
And in total, 250, eight blacks died in 2015, shot by police.
And you can come up with a number that in Chicago, more black people die a year at the hands of black people than all police kill every year.
But it's not even on the radar screen.
Chicago crosses 2,000 shooting victims this year.
Yeah, last time I heard it was like, I was going from memory, it was like 400 dead African Americans.
I think that's an old number here in Chicago.
So it's 2,000, he was shot.
How many is it dead?
Oh, but that's a non-issue.
I mean, I legitimately care about everybody's lives.
I legitimately care that Gardasil's linked to sterilization and lost fertility, and that they're shooting every Mexican girl so they can go to public school in Mexico up with it.
I legitimately get really pissed off at that.
People go, well, how is that?
You're being overrun by Mexicans who are then being turned into political weapons against America, but you don't want them sterilized.
Yeah, I don't sync to other people's levels.
I oppose movements that are evil, but I don't oppose individual human souls.
So, if black folks in particular want out of the vice grip they're in, the bear trap, they need to listen to me.
Because I know what's going on, and my message to the police is coming up next, and then to Obama and others.
I'm going to break all this down, but let's hear from Ben Carson on Fox News today, really breaking it down.
Here it is.
Well, obviously it's extraordinarily troublesome.
And these people were ready, waiting for an opportunity.
And it really should make us think about what is going to happen.
You know, there are terror cells all over our country.
There are professional agitators all over our country looking for opportunities.
And these opportunities do arise.
They will continue to arise because, you know, there are bad apples in the police force.
Like, there are bad apples in everything.
There are bad surgeons.
But the vast majority of surgeons are wonderful people.
So, you know, these opportunities will continue to happen and they will continue to do these things.
But I guess the real issue is that, you know, the President is going to start saying, see, gun control solves the problem.
And we heard from the President already this morning, even bringing up gun control.
Listen to this.
Yeah, and the gun control people... Hold on, Dr. Christian, you've got to sound bite.
You've got to sound bite.
...undoubtedly about their twisted motivations.
But let's be clear, there's no possible justification for these kinds of attacks or any violence against law enforcement.
We also know that when people are armed with powerful weapons, unfortunately it makes attacks like these more deadly and more tragic.
And in the days ahead, we're going to have to
Consider those realities as well.
Pardon the earlier interruption doctor is right now the time to get political
Now is definitely not the time to get political.
Now is the time to use logic and ask ourselves, why do we have a Constitution?
Why do we have a Second Amendment?
They're always saying, you don't need a high-power weapon to hunt deer.
The Constitution is not about deer hunting.
It's about people being able to defend themselves from an overly aggressive government or an external invasion.
My message would be that we, the American people, are not each other's enemies.
But there are those who are trying to stir us up and create conflict for their own nefarious purposes.
And we have to be smart enough not to allow them to succeed.
Now when I come back, I'm going to break down the fact of where this is going next.
It's going to get a lot worse.
ISIS is going to hit as well.
And then they're going to have the solution.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
And this is very important because a lot of these microorganisms, and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms, you have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, viruses protect themselves, and so do bacteria, and protozoa, and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually designed the Living Defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often should you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time, because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when they hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss,
Excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness.
I mean, all these things.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Now this is the police chief of Dallas.
I've personally met.
Seems like a really good guy.
He didn't violate our free speech up there when we protested.
The JFK 40th anniversary, the cover-up.
In fact, he just ignored the city when they said that we weren't allowed to demonstrate.
So they just hired the Democratic-run Sheriff's Department to attack us later.
Over a million people watched that on Ustream alone.
Well, that happened live.
But here he is, the police chief, David Brown.
I want to share with you some of the comments from this suspect.
The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter.
He said he was upset about the recent police shootings.
The suspect said he was upset at white people.
The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.
The suspect stated that we will eventually find the IEDs.
The suspect stated he was not affiliated
Well, let's talk about the elephant in the room here in just one moment.
We're going to put special reports together where we document all this.
We've done it previously, but Obama, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the major universities, Hillary Clinton, Google is one of the worst, Facebook, Twitter.
They have all pushed memes and pushed the idea that all police are collectively guilty.
For what somebody in another state or another jurisdiction, sometimes 2,000 miles away, did.
I mean, if I was, quote, Hispanic, I wouldn't be blamed for the night stalker who had the last name Ramirez.
I mean, you told me, even I had the last name Ramirez.
And they said, oh, this guy Ramirez is 1,000 miles away from you, Mr. Ramirez.
It's your fault.
I'd say, you're a lunatic.
And so would anybody else.
Or if some KKK group drags some poor black man to death in East Texas, I'm not collectively to blame for that.
I'm not the crazy white people, ex-cons that did that.
But when cops do something wrong or make a mistake,
Collectively, anybody in a uniform is then to blame.
I have some family that are police and military and things.
And I, I mean, I take that personally, not because I have some family, but just for common sense to sit there and, oh, it looks like a cop shot a black guy in the back of Minnesota.
Well, here, let's just go, let's just go shoot, you know, 20 something cops.
And black lives matter bystanders.
Because that'll get justice.
And you've got the president coming out saying we need to reform the police.
And we need to restrict the Second Amendment.
No, we need to restrict you and your criminal activities.
Cut and dry.
Cut and dry George Soros could be indicted today.
Black Lives Matter rhetoric is classically Marxist, classically overthrow the state, insurrection, war.
They're constantly shooting their mouths off against us.
Because, yeah, I want to reform our government.
I don't want to have a big bloodbath and end in civil war where you stupid communists think you're going to end up on top of things.
Do the math, chumps.
Maybe there's a few hundred thousand social justice warrior idiots that don't even know how to use guns properly.
You got a few folks that were in the military know how to use guns right here.
I mean, you know what a real civil war that's racially based will look like?
What a joke.
What a joke.
I'm doing everything I can to stop that.
Do you understand?
It's not my opinion.
This is orchestrated.
And I'm not talking to our regular listeners, people that are informed.
I'm talking to people at Media Matters, and the Daily Beast, and Time Magazine, and all the usual suspects that make jokes about what we talk about here.
Look at the headlines today at DrugsReport.com.
From newspapers across the country, Civil War, New York Post, Ambush, Dallas Morning News.
America descending into a war.
Black Power Group claims responsibility, warns of more assassinations, plans to start a civil war.
The end is here!
The collapse of America!
Well, we may all been taught how to hate America, but you're really gonna hate it when your electricity doesn't work and there isn't any food.
You think Lehman Brothers going over in 2007-2008 was a big deal?
Deutsche Bank is going under as we speak.
We have an expert popping in the third hour.
Peter Schiff.
I don't get ahead when black people don't do well.
I get behind.
And when white people don't do well, let me give a newsflash to everybody.
Black people don't do well.
We're all interconnected.
Everybody is pretty much getting along.
And that's why the globalists have to pull this crap while they're robbing everybody.
They've got to get us in each other's throats.
And I know I've said that 50 times.
And I want to talk to the police specifically about what you must historically do.
We know how this has been stopped before.
And I'm going to talk about our basic liberties and our freedoms.
If we don't get really tough and really aggressive right now,
And I've done it, I've sent undercover people into these groups.
I'm just going to tell, it's not a secret.
I mean, we've taken the gloves off around here about a year ago.
So that's why we have a lot of really good information.
Oh yeah, we got people going into the communist groups, going into all of them, going into the police review boards.
And let me tell you, this is an organized criminal operation we're facing.
These are very dangerous people.
Very dangerous.
And they got a plan.
It's communist in nature.
It is not a communist conspiracy.
Just like the Euro was a Nazi plan, it isn't a Nazi program, it just came from the Nazis.
You understand?
Kind of like a fiddler crab can pick up somebody else's shell after another one dies.
That isn't his shell, but he picked it up.
It's the same deal.
What you're seeing is a communist takeover plan.
It isn't communist, it's multinationals.
And it's going to cause a bloodbath in this country.
I'm gonna be just fine, probably.
I know what to do.
I'm prepared.
My family's prepared.
We're not stupid.
We got gates.
We got fences.
We're ready.
We got the solar power.
We got the well in the ground.
We got the guns.
General public doesn't know what's hitting them.
And that's why I'm gonna have a message to the police here in a moment and go through some of these clips.
Before we go any further, this is just what I was already going to be plugging today.
I've decided that we've extended the independence sale through Monday of storable foods 40%, nutraceuticals 20%, and I said, you know what, let's do shortwave radios, let's do solar panel systems that are the best out there at the lowest price already.
Let's do everything preparedness from optics to G-Shock watches to everything under the sun of the thousands of great items at InfoWareStore.com.
To fund our operation and get people products they need.
I'm extending this till Monday, as we've already done.
But it's 10% off on all InfoWars Live products across the board, unless some products already have bigger discounts.
If you get auto ship, it's 10% off on top of that.
Free shipping on orders, $50 or more.
I mean, it's just savings on top of savings.
Survival Shield X2 is 20% off.
10% off on the optics, on just everything.
Food, water filters, G-Shock watches, seeds, solar generators, survival gear, and more.
20% off on all radios, 20% off on all ProPure and AlexaPure water filters, 20% off on the survival seed vaults, and more.
There's so many specials I can't go over all of them.
All these specials will stay until Monday, unless something sells out like X2 that's set to sell out very, very soon, and I gotta hold some back for folks that are signed up on AutoShip, so...
We are the tip of the spear.
We've got our reporters everywhere now for almost every big breaking news issue.
We're there with our intrepid reporters.
Pray for Jakari and Joe Jennings that are up there in Dallas right now.
Joining us coming up in about an hour.
Infowarslife.com is where you find the Nutraceuticals.
Everything's 10% off unless it's more than that.
Like X2.
And again, 40% off on storable foods.
Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site.
Hillary for Prison shirts are available.
I signed the contract, and I'm going to out them at the bottom of the next hour.
I signed the contract with the biggest air advertising company in the nation.
They also run the Big Blimps.
They're the blunt company, and their higher-ups said, no, we're not going to allow you to run anti-Hillary signs.
This is absolutely a violation of free speech.
I already signed the contract.
It's Van Wagner Aerial Media.
It's on screen right now.
That's just a copy of the blank contract, but I signed it last week.
$30,000 in Cleveland, $30,000 in Philadelphia.
10,000 for the two banners.
And they said, sorry, our higher-ups saw the Hillary for prison sign and we're not going to be associated with that.
We're worried about repercussions.
Hey, let your chain sit lightly upon you.
May you forget that you are our countryman.
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you, as Patrick Henry said, as for me giving liberty to death.
We already have all these Patriot groups already calling us with aircraft.
So because of this, we're going to launch double the aircraft, because I'm sure they'll try to shut us down.
We're going to just go ahead and do aircraft all the days of conventions.
And we're going to do a bunch of other stuff now.
We're pulling out the stops.
They're not going to stop us.
I have the head of a Patriot Air Group joining us that will not be deterred.
We just got to hurry now because these fancy banners are hard to print just a week and a half out.
So, they were going to press on our two $5,000 banners apiece, giant Hillary for Prison shirts, uh, banners.
So, buy the shirts, okay?
Shop with us, get things you need, whether it's the best optics, the best systems, it's all there in fullwarrestore.com.
And I'm taking all proceeds from the Hillary for Prison charge and putting it towards the air campaign.
And believe me, it's going to be effective to have gigantic banners.
These aren't just the little ones.
These are humongous.
Flying around the DNC and RNC.
And will this save the world?
Will this bring her down?
But the resistance will.
The spirit will.
The never giving up.
The never bowing down.
The never giving in.
So thank you for your support.
Support our local affiliates as well.
Alright, let me start over and recap here.
I could fill this four-hour show today with clips in the last few years where I said specifically Black Lives Matter, towards the 2016 election, will be activated and is funded by offshore crime syndicates.
That's what George Soros says is a crime boss.
It's not my opinion.
He's been indicted all over the world.
He's got arrest warrants out in six countries, including Russia.
He should have been swinging from a rope 60 years ago for what he did for the Nazis.
But he's two criminals in jail, like Hillary.
And he's been running anti-free speech operations in this country.
He funds Media Matters, whose mission is to infiltrate and bring down Americana media.
And he funded an anti-police brutality movement in Ukraine three years ago that overthrew the government.
He did that in Egypt, too.
That's where this stuff starts.
Because they know people are mad at the cops.
Society's breaking down.
Cops make a lot of mistakes.
There's some bad people in there.
You target, who's the easiest target?
A scapegoat.
They've done it before.
He admits he's funding Black Lives Matter and these other groups.
Black Lives Matter is just the front for the President and Hillary and Google gives them the top links.
And Google came out today and said, we need to reform the police.
The President said that.
He meets with them weekly.
The police need to know that the Strong Cities Initiative by the U.N.
launched six months ago by Loretta Lynch and outgoing head Eric Holder, it was mainstream news, the U.N.
to oversee local departments.
They already are suing police chiefs and sheriffs, you name it, it's happening.
They're directing the refugee program outside of law.
Not a U.N.
takeover, the globalists set it up, the robber barons set it up to transfer our power to.
But it's the front.
So Google says we need Black Lives Matter, hashtag, we need racial justice now.
Google is tweeting that!
Of course, guys worth $100 billion a piece, you know, it's all a big joke to them.
This is how the elite bring us down, okay?
So the police departments, this isn't my opinion, you already know it, I've already talked to a lot of police, you knew this years ago, but this is a globalist attempt at civil war, a takedown of the country,
Grand juries must start indicting people on Facebook and Twitter and other platforms that by name call for killing police and others racially.
That's not free speech.
That's organizing criminal operations like the plan of San Diego that Mexico launched during World War I. It's sedition.
It's run by foreign economic powers.
And it's meant to bring the country into such turmoil that all civil liberties, human rights, get suspended.
And they're going to come after the guns.
So the gloves have to come off to save the entire system.
Not that the system's perfect, but what they're going to put in is going to be ten times worse.
And we have to get uber-aggressive, and grand juries must start indicting these groups.
Not for open carry in Austin, but for open carry saying, kill the police.
And you better know, the reason they don't indict these groups is they're federally led.
It came out the Justice Department was caught running most of these major organizations.
And they get a bunch of useful idiots to go out and do all this so that then they can try to trigger a major crash.
I'm going to skip this network break because this is so important.
If the police
Capitulate to this, and local governments do, and oh, there's a new board and some UN funding, and let's go to dinner with them, they're gonna give the police chief an award, and if you go to these events, and if you take their directives, because they're gonna be nice to you now, because you're gonna follow their directives, that's not what's happened.
They're getting ready to set you up.
They want to penetrate so they can set you up, and then they're going to absolutely globalize and federalize and munialize your operation.
It's already happened in many areas.
And you notice the areas that go along with this get even more taken control of, because the global organized crime wants full control of departments to shut off money laundering and drug running investigations into larger crime units.
This is organized crime corrupting and infiltrating.
Soros runs the quantum group.
That MI6 has basically described as the real specter.
They know what they're doing.
And they've overthrown other countries doing this.
I cannot repeat that enough.
And so, day one, Obama, Google, Jesse Jackson, everybody says it's the cops' fault, reform the police, and the Second Amendment.
And Al Sharpton, we can maybe pull that clip up, Al Sharpton just says, federalize the police.
Admitting that they're creating this huge controversy to distract from their bad record, how they're bringing the country down to cause insurrection, how they are manipulating us into this point.
He says it's kind of an anti-black mood.
Reverend Jesse Jackson points the finger at Donald Trump and his followers for the rise of mean-spirited division in America.
I mean, Donald Trump isn't mean-spirited 1% compared to these Soros-run groups.
What a sick joke!
And the Reverend Jackson won't talk about the 2,000 people shot a year in Chicago.
That's right, more black people die every year in Chicago, black-on-black crime, than die from the police.
258 a year.
Let's just say none of them are justified.
Why is that the number one issue?
Why won't most adults swim in the ocean?
Because they think Jaws is in the water, even though he's not.
It's mind control.
And this idiot, one of the three, they have one of them in custody, two dead.
Micah X. Johnson, fast facts you need to know.
Army running around doing this.
I'm going to tell all the morons, especially the white ones.
There was a meeting last night that one of my associates was going to have with a lady about a business deal.
She has a supplement.
I'll just leave it at that.
It's a pretty good one.
It's sold in Whole Foods.
The meeting couldn't happen at a restaurant at 7 o'clock because she had a boyfriend she got pregnant with that's from India.
And she's a white liberal.
Classic 30-year-old white woman.
She's too depressed to get out of bed because she thinks her son's gonna be killed by the police and has to fight racism.
I looked at the crime statistics.
There is not a listed Indian man shot in 2015.
Why is that no Indians?
There's millions of Indians in the country.
No Indians killed.
There's like four or five Chinese killed.
Why is that?
There's 500-something whites, 200-something blacks, 170-something Hispanics.
Why is that?
And you sit here and you look at this, it's crazy.
This woman can't get out of bed.
She's watching MSNBC and... They're killing all the black people!
They're going to murder!
I mean...
You get on the phone with these people and they go, listen, cheer up, come to the meeting.
You're like, no, I can't, I can't.
Can you imagine?
These people are under mind control.
So this guy, he thinks the same thing, but he's a man.
The cops are killing all my people!
I'm gonna go out and kill them right now!
That's mind control.
Let's go ahead and play this compilation.
There's a whole bunch of these on Infowars.com.
Different groups, Black Lives Matter groups, and the new Black Panther Party running around saying, kill the cops.
The first clip is just from two nights ago.
Marching, saying, kill the cops.
Here it is.
So they're saying shoot back.
That's the communist slogan, by the way.
They have a local communist website.
Commies didn't shoot back, they came out and physically tried to attack us.
What do we want?
Dead cops.
What do we want?
Dead cops.
So that'll work out well for you.
What do we want?
Dead cops.
This is New York.
So what do we want?
We want dead cops.
And Obama has given four speeches saying the big issue in America is white people are being mean to black people.
Yes, that's why whites elected a black president.
That's all they got, though, folks.
They want to create division.
And the chanting goes on, what do we want?
Dead cops.
We want dead cops.
Now we've got there's no peace or whatever.
I understand.
Till we accept the UN Strong Cities Initiative to turn the police into anti-free speech green bots that arrest all the patriots that are exposing global warming.
We get it.
And so they just want to absolutely make this the number one issue in America.
Have us all fighting with each other and cause a soft civil war that leads into a real civil war.
All magically escalating as we go into the last four months before the election.
Then it goes to another club.
Number one issue is the police killing us.
It's done.
It's done.
The system needs to be fixed.
And the police are going to act all whacked out and they're going to mess with people.
It's sad, it's depressing.
Two men in the week, two black men.
It's just, when you heard from their mothers, what went through your mind thinking about your son?
I just think that it could happen to anyone.
It doesn't matter, educated, not educated, from the- Notice they're saying, please don't kill me for being black today.
Okay, 258 people.
That's not good.
That's total, not just unjustified shooting, total.
Okay, let's say it's a problem.
This woman could care less, though, that half the black people are aborted.
These are just young, dumb people brainwashed by the media.
And now the police will be totally scared of everybody.
It's going to get worse.
And then we have the bang, bang, oink, oink.
Can we cue that up?
And of course, we have a flashback on Infowars.com.
New Black Panther Party marches through Austin, Texas at South by Southwest.
So here's some of that.
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a blanket!
Fry like bacon!
Pigs in a
We'll be back.
Oink, oink, bang, bang.
I mean, this is all George Soros funded.
Absolute total idiocy.
We'll be back second hour.
Stay with us.
California Governor Jerry Brown signed a new vaccine mandate last Friday that enacts education sanctions against students whose parents choose to not have them vaccinated according to the CDC's arbitrary schedule.
Children will be blocked from entering kindergarten, even daycare.
Children already in California schools, public or private,
...will not be able to advance beyond the 7th grade without following the dictates of CDC bureaucrats who are unelected, unaccountable to the public, but a business partner of Big Pharma.
A lawsuit has been filed on the grounds that the California state constitution upholds a right to education.
The authoritarians pushing no vaccine, no school are the same crowd that call abortion pro-choice.
But they're not pro-choice with medication.
They're not pro-choice with education.
They don't believe in a right to privacy when it comes to your phone, your computer, your home.
No, privacy and choice are narrowly defined as applying only if you want to kill your child.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Ikari Jackson from Dallas is gonna pop in in about five minutes from now.
Then I'm gonna take some of your phone calls.
The toll-free number to join us, especially if you're a police officer, or if you are in Dallas and witnessed any of this, or if you're a Black Lives Matter Trigglypuff,
Uh, social justice warrior, whatever.
I mean, if you know how to dial a phone.
I'm not kidding, these people are really dumb.
Uh, we'd like to hear from you.
Can we cue up the bang bang, you're dead, uh, oink oink, you're dead stuff from Austin that we shot last year?
And imagine, you got a bunch of drunk people at South by Southwest, standing around who are about as racist as a, as a... rock on the ground.
With people just marching around with guns, not to exercise the Second Amendment, but to say, we're gonna kill cops.
As if doing that makes the police scared of you in the way you think.
They just don't go into your neighborhood now, and criminals can run around, do whatever you want.
And I'm telling you, you look at the new Black Panther Party people in this video.
If you're a TV viewer or radio listener, you can go to Infowars.com forward slash shub.
I don't know what it is about Klan rallies I've covered or these racist black rallies, but I mean, these people look, whether they're white or black, they have the same, just like, just dumber than a dog look in their eyes.
I mean, they are just so stupid.
We ought to compare them to Klan rallies, because I'm telling you, the only people, I don't know what it is.
They all have the same slack, dumb, just look at these people.
Look at these people.
Look at these guys.
Just look how dumb that guy on the end looks right there.
Just totally stupid.
And they all have, I mean, look at this moron.
Just randomly let's kill the police.
Look at this guy!
This guy!
And all this is going to do is create more division in this country.
But you see, to idiots, they don't know that.
They really think that this is helping.
Because they see Obama, and they see Google, and they see Jesse Jackson, and they see Hillary, everybody catering to this.
And saying, yes, you're right, it's a terrible thing.
You are the epitome of what's good in this country, because 258 black people were shot by police in 2015.
2,000 people were shot in Chicago, 90-plus percent black, and more die every year in Chicago, black-on-black shootings, than die total from police.
But again, it's okay, because a black person did it.
And they don't have all the numbers, but something like 35 percent, I saw the number on CNN, who knows if it's true, years ago, of the shootings on average are black-on-black with police.
So you're talking about a hundred and something
Of white or other officers shooting black people.
I mean, it's super rare, folks.
But out of 330 million people, you can get one sometimes in the summer, every couple of days, you know, when crime isn't up or whatever, in the winter or whatever.
Maybe you have to wait a week or so to have one to use and hype up.
And look, I'll be completely honest.
I don't like corrupt authority.
I'm a fighter.
And so I've been arrested at demonstrations by police that were wrong.
I've run into thug cops.
I've had a jail guard, a redhead jail guard, run my head in the wall once.
For no reason.
And I don't like seeing the globalists use the police to carry out their operations.
And I've written books and made films called Police Day 2000.
9-11 dissent into tyranny.
This is a globalist plan to bring the country down.
So, I'm absolutely, totally against it.
Because... I'm gonna play a bunch of clips.
Go to Jakari, go to your phone calls, break down the latest on what's happened.
But here's the bottom line.
They are successfully kicking off a civil war in this country ahead of the election.
Major banks are on the verge of imploding.
This is an incredible time to be alive right now.
People desperate for staples like milk, rice, and flour stormed a supermarket warehouse in Guayana City.
If you go back to 2007, the British Ministry of Defense came out and echoed a Department of Defense report saying that they believe there would be massive multi-hundred percent food price increases worldwide.
And that during that global meltdown that there would be incredible social unrest that would depopulate much of the earth.
Now, Vice Magazine and other publications are reporting
On a 2015 report produced by the U.S.
government, the U.N.
Let's stop it right there.
I shot that video, that special, about a week and a half ago.
Before Hillary Clinton was basically given free reign in the United States of America to break any law she wants.
Before more news came out of food riots intensifying in Asia, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, you name it.
Before we got more news of NATO plans to encircle Russia with more troops.
Bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, the world financial economy is melting down by design.
Everything the globalists are doing is about making us dependent on them.
That's why, declaring personal independence, I am announcing that we're extending the record sales of 20-40% off on water filters and X2 survival shield, and of course, the survival food.
I'm extending the 20-40% off for one more week and then that's it.
But I'm expanding it when it comes to non-GMO heirloom seeds, all sorts of systems to jump your car or to give yourself power during emergencies and on solar panel systems and on
Shortwave radios that are solar powered and crank powered.
So we're going from a few dozen items that are discounted to more than a hundred right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
And we're running it right through to the beginning of next week.
It is the biggest sale ever on preparedness and survival systems because the globalists want us totally dependent on them.
We need to be independent ourselves or at least start that journey.
But there's another aspect of this that makes it an absolute no-brainer.
When you get the high-quality non-GMO seeds, open-pollinated heirloom, when you get high-quality water filtration systems, massively discounted, or nutraceuticals, when you get high-quality storable foods, you're not just making yourself more independent.
You're also funding InfoWars that is just breaking international news every day and really giving the globalists a major run for their money.
If you don't just get great prices, you don't just support the InfoWars, you support yourself and your family at the same time, it's an absolute no-brainer.
I want to thank all of you that have come to InfoWarsStore.com and who have supported what we're doing, and I want to encourage those of you that haven't, check it out today.
It's a total 360 win at InfoWarsStore.com.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
I've been predicting for at least four years that they would try to launch some type of civil war based on kind of a communist slash black lives matter movement funded by George Soros.
Funded by multinationals, George Soros has overthrown Ukraine, starting with anti-police demonstrations, playing Catholic off against Orthodox.
They'll just take any groups they can with the sociology and do this.
They did it in Egypt, starting with anti-police demonstrations, and overthrew our allies.
Remember that.
They did that in other areas as well.
Soros admits he's doing it.
He spent hundreds of millions on this, $35 million alone, launching it.
The Justice Department got caught running the Trayvon Martin demonstrations.
Does that mean there aren't problems with the police?
Do we cover it?
We're on the cutting edge of that.
To reform police!
But if a cop shoots somebody wrong in Minnesota or in Louisiana this week, do you randomly go to Dallas and then
Injure 15 cops and kill 5 and then shoot some of the Black Lives Matter demonstrators that are out there.
This is crazy until you realize Obama has double black unemployment, at least the globalist policies have.
All they have is this division.
This is their program.
And Obama has come out in the latest shooting, here's Politico, we played the clip last hour, and says U.S.
police must reform.
If the Dallas cops reformed, this wouldn't have happened!
Even though they got a black police chief and most of their leadership's black.
Even though Dallas is like 60% black.
I mean, that's crazy, ladies and gentlemen.
And I grew up in Dallas, and I... Dallas cops are...
You're doing a pretty good job overall.
The point is, is that this is crazy.
And now we've got Jesse Jackson blaming Trump.
Everybody else.
This is totally organized.
You have this black nationalist, quote, political movement that's taken responsibility.
And it's the first time we've had a robot by the police used to kill the supposed ringleader, Micah X Johnson.
It was an army soldier.
And you've got people all over Twitter and all over Facebook.
Black Lives Matter supporters celebrate murder of Dallas cops.
You have Google coming out saying, we must have justice.
So not saying this is horrible, no.
Justice will fix this.
258 black people killed by police in 2015.
We got the numbers, 2,000, 90 plus percent black in Chicago shot last year.
Over 500.
You don't even hear that, do you?
You got Chicago double the number of black people killed.
But you don't hear about it because it's a Democrat-run, anti-gun city.
And they're going to blame the Second Amendment?
They're going to try to bring in this whole crisis culture where they federalize the police and globalize the police
And then they'll call off these groups of useful idiots that are being stirred up.
This is mind control, where the media hypes people into believing this is the ultimate story.
Jakari Jackson got up.
I guess at midnight last night, I'm told, they drove out.
They were there at about 4 a.m.
in Dallas.
But Joe Jennings wants to say, great job getting that done.
And he's now just a block away from where the mass shooting happened.
And folks, I'm telling you, I just hope there aren't more of these.
But just with the ISIS groups and the rest of it, I suspect we're going to see a lot more of this.
Jakari Jackson, I know you've talked to some eyewitnesses.
That's coming up.
But I've got to tell you.
We're not tootin' our horn here.
We're just warning people, showing we know what we're talking about.
How much have we predicted this?
How much have we covered this?
How many of these demonstrations have you personally been to and been tear gassed and rubber-bulleted with Joe Biggs?
I mean, you can really see the media beating the drums into the election trying to make this the issue.
I mean, Obama gave a speech yesterday on this, and then groups calling for killing of police.
What is your take on this, Shaqari?
I mean, absolutely we know that
Violence towards any group is definitely an issue in this country, whether it's police on the citizenry or the citizenry on the police, or as you pointed out, all the black people in Chicago.
You know, it's become somewhat of a misnomer.
It's just something that you come to expect in Chicago that every Fourth of July, a large amount of people will get shot.
I think this year is 60 some odd people over the Fourth of July weekend, and it's just become somewhat of a regular thing.
But as you pointed out,
Those issues in Chicago don't get as much attention as when police shoot somebody.
And it's not just when they shoot black people, but when you think about somebody like Kelly Thomas in California, a white man, who was beaten to death over the course of 20 minutes on video.
If I recall, no indictments.
You know, people were outraged about that.
But they say that you're only supposed to get mad if it's a black person who is beaten or shot by the police in some very unnecessary type of way.
And as we're out here right now, Alex, you can see it's a very calm scene.
Heavy police presence.
If you look all the way around, other cops,
On pretty much every street corner, that red brick building behind me, that is the structure the parking garage where the shooting came from last night.
We had a chance to speak to a young lady who was out here last night.
She was walking in the demonstration.
She went to the nearby McDonald's to get some food and she said the shots rang out.
She said she got down on the ground.
The officers came up to her like, get out of here, get out of here.
She said she heard at least 30 rounds fired before she fled.
She's awfully traumatized and she said she's actually kind of stuck out here because she can't get her car back because they have most of the area blocked off out here and as you look down the streets you see a light civilian presence but a heavy police and you know everybody's on high alert.
We talked to some guys, other guys who said they can't get their cars out of here because the police locked down.
We tried to get down to the press staging area, which last night we were able to get to, but tonight we were, or this morning, we were not able to get in that area.
They said, well, we had to cap it.
We didn't want a bunch of people walking around out there as they're still conducting an active investigation.
We saw the feds out here a little bit ago taking pictures.
Somebody told us they were still picking up shell casings.
So this is still an ongoing and active crime scene here in Dallas.
I know you've been working, but have you had a chance to see all the dramatic footage of this guy ducking behind columns and then going around and shooting the cops?
I mean, definitely, he had a lot of military training.
You can't blame the military training for it.
You have to blame the mental illness or whatever, you know, that triggered this in these folks.
But separate from that, Jakari,
We know Soros is financing this.
We know they used anti-police demonstrations in Ukraine to start the revolution there.
What is your view over all of that?
Because it seems to be going into high gear.
I don't know.
The police, but against whites in general, because if you recall, the words of, was it Micah X Johnson, I believe, was the suspect they got last night.
They shot him with a police robot.
He said it was reported that he hated whites, that he wanted to inflict violence on the police.
And as you were pointing out earlier,
Yes, we do see police injustice going on around the country, but that doesn't make it right to go out here and shoot just random guys who happen to be walking down the street.
Let's say hypothetically one of my kids, God forbid this ever happens, a bad cop on video kills one of my kids in cold blood and then doesn't get in trouble.
I'll be honest with you.
You know, I would probably do something.
That's the kind of guy I am.
Why don't these people then, if they think a cop's so bad, go after that cop themselves?
I'm not saying do that.
I'm just saying, why randomly, a thousand miles from Minnesota, because a cop's may have done something bad, just go shoot a bunch of cops?
I mean, I just can't imagine projecting onto them, when departments are so different, people are so different, how do you just randomly say, there's cops 50 yards away, they're to blame, I'm going to kill them?
Well, once again, why Dallas was selected, I'm not exactly sure.
But I did read something that was very interesting a couple weeks ago.
They're talking about the mass exodus of Dallas police officers.
They said in May alone, 40 people left the department.
So I'm not sure if the understaffing or the decreased staffing had anything to do with why Dallas was selected for this particular shooting.
But when you see so many officers, of course, that increases the suspect's odds for success of escaping, if that is indeed the suspect's goal.
Well, sure.
I mean, my dad left dentistry even though he had another 10 years to work.
He was most successful at that point, managing over 100 clinics.
He left because of Obamacare, because it's impossible to even follow it.
It's all just a scam, meant for big multinational corporations to take control of everything.
They're the only ones that can actually follow all the paperwork and the rest of it.
And most seasoned doctors are leaving.
And it's the same thing with police, who really want to serve.
It's so corrupt now, it's so out of control, there's such targets that they're just not policing anymore.
They're either quitting or they're slow rolling, which is making the murder rate skyrocket, Jakari.
Well, I think that's what's referred to as the Ferguson Effect, and you can talk about whether it's the chicken or the egg, was it the people's response or was it the officer's response that kind of caused that, and that's a debate that I don't think is ever going to be officially resolved in the annals of history.
But yes, we have seen officers being more cautious when they approach the scene, but sometimes that is a very good thing because we definitely see, like the young guy who got shot in the back by the officer, not here in Dallas, but got shot in the back by the officer and the officer planted a weapon on him.
You know, you also have those things
Oh, absolutely.
Look, the society's degenerating.
There's a bunch of scum in the police department, too.
Jakari, you're a smart guy.
I mean, you know, I've seen you on there make a lot of predictions that have come true.
What is your gut about this year?
I mean, I think we're going to see more ISIS cells, more police shootings.
It seems like the establishment, the media, is really trying to turn the heat up and exacerbate this as much as they can.
Well, we've seen a lot of terror attacks, I believe, in Juneau.
I can't recall the exact number, but it's an astronomical number, not just here in the States, but of people who were killed in terror attacks.
It's over 300 terror attacks this year so far.
Yeah, that's what it was.
It's completely ridiculous.
It's continuing to grow.
As far as will we see more shootings like this, I can't say for sure.
I definitely hope not.
I hope also the ISIS attacks will stop, but to see so much of a running start that they got this year, if it continued, it wouldn't surprise me at all.
Well, I know this.
They need to take the gloves off.
Look, if a white supremacist group is online saying, let's organize and kill, say, Hispanics, arrest them.
You're not allowed to do that.
But they're smart enough not to do that because they would get arrested.
They're not going after the Black Lives Matter people that are saying, kill Donald Trump, go after us, go out, kill the cops.
They need to be arrested, Jakari.
I mean, if you're online organizing murder, they need to arrest these people and stop letting them organize.
Yeah, I mean regardless of the group is because we see like groups on social media like Isis, you know, they say well we have to keep Isis on social media so we can track them like okay if you would track them and actually stop before they do these attacks, maybe I can understand this more but you're allowing them to grow on social media then you're blaming everybody who is not the actual trigger man.
Whether it's the society or it's Donald Trump or it's this guy or it's that guy.
I'm like, what happened to blaming the guy who actually pulled the trigger?
You could be mad at somebody without going out there and pulling a trigger on them.
Jakari Jackson, one more segment with you, then we're going to start opening the phones up and taking calls.
I got a bunch of clips.
I want to run through the news.
And we're going to have my predictions of what I think is coming up, specifically how to stop this.
These were the chaotic scenes as residents of a city in Southeastern Venezuela went on the rampage in search of basic food items.
People desperate for staples like milk, rice and flour stormed a supermarket warehouse in Guayana City.
If you go back to 2007, the British Ministry of Defense came out and echoed a Department of Defense report from here in the U.S.
saying that beginning in the year 2016, right through 2020 to 2030, that they believe there would be massive multi-hundred percent food price increases worldwide.
And that during that global meltdown that there would be incredible social unrest that would depopulate much of the earth.
Now, in 2016, Vice Magazine and other publications are reporting
We're good to go.
is a eugenics anti-human organization set up by Prince Bernhard who also founded the Bilderberg Group and who was a Nazi officer.
This organization sells environmentalism to make the elite look like heroes saving the earth when in truth they are ushering in a planetary tyranny that is irrevocably damaging the fabric of our planet.
In this new FEMA report
With headline, FEMA contractor predicts social unrest caused by 395% food price spikes.
You learn that this is a report filed with governments and major institutions overseen by a contractor that since the 1940s has been the main advisor for the US Navy Marine Corps.
The challenges and crises that we were assigned are exactly what we expect to see in the future.
So you've got famine.
You've got increased pests.
Food prices are going up 400%.
We've got a flood of migrants coming in.
The world is starting to fall apart.
Everything we do is going to have some negative effect.
Now, all of this said...
Governments and corporations and institutions are stockpiling food and weapons.
They're digging in.
They're getting bunkers.
Elites are fleeing to places like New Zealand en masse.
We've gone from financial meltdown and huge regional wars being a possibility to being a probability to more and more becoming an inevitability.
Now the big question is, what are we going to do about it?
The advice I give you is the same advice that I carry out in my own personal life.
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Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Bottom line, George Soros, the globalist, Obama, Hillary Clinton, they are behind this attack.
I'm not going to sit back and watch their Justice Department, George Soros, created basically communist detonator group, come out and do another group of cop killings, and then blame the Second Amendment, and blame free speech in this country, and then blame just local governments and local police across the board.
That is the essence of totalitarianism, is to just blame whole groups of people.
That's crazy.
In fact, that's like racism against people in uniform.
I mean, that's what racism is.
It's just mindless tribalism.
I don't want the police treating me like I'm a criminal just because I'm a citizen.
I get mad when they do that.
That's a form of tribalism.
But again, it's a plan to bring the country down.
I want to get other angles from Jakari Jackson, a reporter in Dallas.
I'm in Austin, Texas.
But first, here is the police chief, again, getting into the motive of the man they talked to before they sent a robot in to kill him.
This is Police Chief David Barone.
I want to share with you some of the comments from this suspect.
The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter.
He said he was upset about the recent police shootings.
The suspect said he was upset at white people.
The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.
The suspect stated he will eventually, that we will eventually find the IEDs.
The suspect stated he was not affiliated with any groups.
And he stated that he did this alone.
That's not true.
The suspect said other things that
All right, that's good.
So, for me, wow, there's bombs out there.
We can't buy those at the store.
And then on top of that, they sent a robot in to kill him.
A lot of unprecedented things happening here, Jakari.
Other angles.
To quickly recount the events, we also have an interview coming up with a young lady.
An eyewitness was out here last night when things unfolded.
As the police chief was referencing right there, maybe some new information has come out, but I'm looking at this BBC article and it says that two snipers had fired from an elevated position
Some shooting officers in the back, so BBC is reporting at least two triggermen.
Depending on which site you go to, which source you go to, I've seen as many as six people involved.
It doesn't mean that all people had a gun in their hand, but they're saying that as many as six people could have been involved in some way.
And the main suspect that was killed with the robot, as far as I know, this is a
First time in Dallas they've had to use a bomb robot to kill somebody.
Micah X Johnson, as he expressed there in the interview there Alex, he had said resentment towards white people, towards white police officers.
He saw this as some type of retribution and he opened fire out here.
Now there's also another gentleman who was named as a suspect but was later cleared by police officers because he was open carrying during the event.
After the shooting took place, he was encouraged by family members to go turn himself in.
He surrendered his firearm to police officers, and after a talk with the man, they said that he was not a threat.
But it's the danger of the social media, Alex, how this man was suspected, but a lot of people started to give him death threats after his name came up, after his image came up.
So now he's having to deal with all that because of the very quick reaction of people who
I understand we wanted to get him off the street, but also put him in danger when they put out that information.
Well, the essence of an idiotic race war, or a civil war for that matter, is you just go after somebody because of what color uniform they have, or where they live, or what color they are.
And that's why we don't need racist white people to go around and start shooting black people, or vice versa.
That's the same reason you don't want to shoot cops because they're wearing a blue uniform.
I mean, that's why you go after someone that actually does something to you, not just because someone is in a group.
And I think the media, in the name of ending racism, has hyped us into this whole system where it's gone beyond that now.
Everything is about color.
And it seems like we've really gone backwards under Obama, Jokari.
Do you agree with that, A?
And B, do you think that was done by design?
As far as racial relations, I don't think they're any better under Obama.
I definitely would not say that.
I don't recall, granted I'm probably more awake now than I was, you know, back before 2008, but I don't recall racism on this level where it was so apparent every day.
Some new article, and not just racism, but whether it's sexism or some type of discrimination, you know, whatever, it seems much more apparent now than it was prior to 2008.
Sure, exactly.
Clearly Obama and the media are just hyping the daylights out of this.
What do you make of Google and Obama and people saying police need to reform, implying that it's their fault this happened?
Because these are cops that got killed.
We don't know what they did.
We don't know if they need to be reformed.
Well, I think with anything, this is something for the police to come out and say, well, this is why we need MRAP.
This is why we need the heavy body armor, because we may have to deal with these types of situations.
When stuff like this happens, I can't really blame them so much for saying that they want that stuff, not saying that I necessarily want them to use it in every situation.
So yeah, I mean, it's definitely going to be hype.
It's going to continue to be hype.
It's also the anti-gun angle.
As you pointed out, the guy was saying that he had IEDs.
Thus, to my knowledge, they have not recovered any IEDs.
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We've got a guest on for like 10 minutes with us, and it is an important topic.
It deals with the First Amendment.
Then we're going to go to your phone calls.
If you're in Dallas, you're a police officer or a citizen that wants to respond to what you're witnessing here, undoubtedly George Soros.
Is trying to cause a civil war in the country and now mainstream media admits that's where it's going.
With Google and the president and everybody in the establishment saying, reform the police, it's your fault.
If you would grovel better and if you were nicer, this would happen.
And the main shooter, reportedly several dead and then someone else in custody, says that the end is here.
This is the end of the world race war.
That MTV funded hip-hop since the 80s has been saying is coming.
As if the US with 5% of the world population falling will end the world.
Or as if having a civil war is going to be good for anybody.
It's just totally manufactured.
A total diversion.
Right into this election.
And if you are a police officer, you go to the head of the line to give us your take on this, or if you are a social justice warrior, Triggly Puff, Black Lives Matter, whatever, I'd like to hear from you as well.
Cleveland's coming up in about a week and a half.
The RNC, I was gonna put a couple flights a day, twice a day there, and then also coming up at the
I think.
They'll refuse to even print our banner, Hillary for Prison.
In fact, Buckley was asking for this last night.
Has a big sheet, a big color printout of what the banner looks like.
I was going to get it yesterday for a news clip I was going to do last night.
I never got it so I didn't do it then either.
If I could have that, I would show people that on television right now and for radio listeners.
But it's a big banner, Hillary for Prison.
2016, very visible, not just the long, skinny banner, but the big, giant, fat ones.
It's just huge.
And we're going to fly that, because she's not above the law, around the RNC and the DNC.
And we got a call yesterday, after I'd signed the contract, on Monday, by Van Wagner Aerial Media, one of the biggest in the country, LLC.
And I can show TV viewers a picture of the contract here.
And I signed it.
And they call up and they said, well, the owner of the company, the CEO just doesn't want to be involved in this because there will be political repercussions.
And all I want to say is let your chain set lightly upon you like Patrick Henry said, forget you are our countrymen and go from us in peace.
Because cowards may cry, peace, peace, but there is no peace.
And this is this climate of attacking free speech in this country.
The long-term weather forecast for a week and a half showed pretty clear out there, so I'm going to hire a couple companies.
And we're going to try to double down.
And I want to invite anybody else with aerial companies, put up your own banner.
Come, Hillary for Prison, or whatever your free speech message is.
Imagine having ten planes in the air at one time, going around over Cleveland, or over the DNC.
I mean, if you own an aerial company, I'm putting all the profits from Hillary for Prison shirts into this.
I'm not even intending to take any profit this year.
So far, I've not been paid anything.
I am hiring new people, putting everything we've got into the fight for this country, because this country's in trouble.
Global's trying to cause a civil war.
And so, I do have the sign.
Thank you very much.
Here it is for TV viewers.
This is the demo we sent them weeks ago.
This is what we were paying for.
And then now, it's almost too late to print it.
You know, this giant size.
Something like 50 by something.
One of the biggest banners they can make.
It's humongoid.
You can still make them almost as big.
I gotta sign contracts today.
Certainly to make the RNC.
I think the DNC's even more important.
So it's Hillary for President 2016, Infowars.com.
That's the banner.
And then they wait over a week, because they had the banners a week and a half ago.
And then they wait, and then, oh, sorry, we can't do that.
But that's fine.
That's fine.
Listen, go move to North Korea.
I bet Kim Jong-un would like it.
He can play basketball with him.
Van Wagner, Aerial Media.
And we first went to them to look into blimps, but those are way too expensive.
They're one of the main blimp companies.
Now, joining us to talk about this, and we'll obviously have him on while it's all happening, he's going to be out there.
I hope he'll work with us just to organize this.
Maybe I should start a fundraising drive and try to put five, ten planes in the air at once.
Imagine that.
Because this is the type of stunt in front of the world media that can have a big effect.
That's why they're afraid of it.
Justin Wayne, FlySigns.com, just started working for Banner Operations in 89 and started making the Banner equipment for worldwide distribution in 92.
He has multiple production facilities in both the U.S.
and Mexico, making aerial billboards and Banner equipment.
He is currently one of the biggest Banner towing operators in the USA with access to over 120 airplanes nationwide and currently
Service every U.S.
So maybe he can haunt you a plan for us because they tried to censor us.
I almost want to just put like 10 times, but I just don't have the money.
So folks, go to Infowarsstore.com, buy a bunch of Hillary for prison shirts, at least have those on the ground.
But Justin even predicted to us yesterday who we were using and who had refused to do business with us after stringing us along.
So, wow, refusal of service.
You know, you can sue people if you want a gay wedding cake.
By the way, I'm a libertarian.
I'd do your cake.
I mean, whatever.
But I guess it's okay to censor us and say, we're not taking your money.
We won't say Hillary for president.
I wonder if I should sue them.
No, you know what?
I'll just take my business elsewhere.
But this is the climate and the mindset of this country.
Get your five-star rated shirt today, and it's all going to this.
I mean, in fact, if you buy 10,000 of them, I can put three or four airplanes in the air every day.
Our budget is to sell 5,000 shirts.
I mean, come on, folks.
We got millions of listeners.
Go buy the shirt.
If you bought 50,000 shirts, I'll put blimps in the air.
I'll have huge billboards all over the town.
It's just, we gotta spend money to defeat these people.
I'm all in.
I don't need another car.
I don't need a bigger house.
I'm nothing against money.
Money gives you the power to do what you want, but we're going to lose all of our free choice and all of our money if we don't invest now in the fight.
We've been rolling over too long.
Justin Jay, I'm ranting right now.
It's just incredible, though, to see all this unfold.
What's your view on all this?
You know, I'm not surprised what happened with the cancellation of the contract.
What I am surprised is that they gave us so much lead time to prepare another campaign.
Typically, they might do that a day or two before the event, and then we have no chance to get something in.
And just to be clear, you've been contacting us weeks ago when you heard about this, and I just let other folks choose a place, which is fine.
We actually were going to use you before for the JFK 40th, but it was rained out, literally thunderstorms every day, freezing weather and ice.
So that got cancelled.
So we were already going to use you as a patriot.
You'd already reached out, already given us big discounts.
So I don't know why I had a brain fart and didn't go back to you to begin with, but thank you for reaching out to us.
No worries, Alex.
I appreciate the call and the opportunity.
What would you do to maximize the effect?
Because they may say FAA rules now and just ban us, and then that'll just be more attention to the censorship.
You know, we're expecting some type of flight restrictions.
The more attention that's brought to this campaign, the more likely there will be some.
But we'll be able to get in there pretty close, and a lot of people are going to see these signs, for sure.
Absolutely, and then people are going to ask, you know, why are they trying to censor it?
So, what is your experience?
I mean, how are you able, calling us to predict, A, who we'd use, and B, that they would refuse us?
Because it did happen.
I've heard of it before, number one.
And number two, I think they're a multi-billion dollar entity.
I don't think they need your money for the problems that this campaign would... Yeah, they're globalists.
Yeah, they just don't need to do it.
That's my biggest downfall, is activism is where you spend your dollars.
But I get so busy, I tend to not do that.
It's like when the MI5 met me and local police to cover Bilderberg.
They said, why are you staying in a corporate chain hotel?
Why are you not staying in a mom and pop?
You claim you're fighting these people.
Why aren't you buying local?
I said, wow, are you really chewing me out to be mean?
They said, yeah, that's how we're going to beat them.
And it actually taught me a lesson.
But you're absolutely right.
We need to go with the Americana folks like your company, FlySigns.com.
We're on board with you, Alex.
I've been a long-time listener and supporter.
And I'm glad we're getting the opportunity to work with you on this thing.
We're discounting down for you, so maybe you can use some of the resources in other areas.
Well, I tell you, I want to up the campaign, so thanks for the discount, but I almost just want to tell people that folks with money ought to just contact you and run their own signs like Hillary's a criminal.
I mean, I'm done.
I think it's time for everybody to attack.
We can.
We're doing the same thing that Van Wagner was going to do for you, but we're allowing you to use some of your resources in other areas.
And if the people want to call us direct, or if they want to buy more shirts and have you guys do the
You know, do more planes.
We can bring in literally 20 aircraft to each location.
Yeah, I mean, I'm all about not being centralized.
I'm just telling our listeners all over the country, a lot of them that are super wealthy, like Gary Haven.
I guarantee, I call Haven right now.
I bet he'll put two aircraft in the air, you know, for several days.
But I'm just saying, I'm not going to call everybody, just Gary Haven, other great patriots, Chuck Norris, you name it.
You know, it's time.
People just need to call you and call others.
You know, you've proven you'll do what you'll say.
And yeah, I'd love to put 20 aircraft in the air.
I just don't have the money to put more than maybe three or four a day in, plus the banners cost money.
But I also don't want to screw your pilots over and the folks you contract with.
But I mean, almost if you want to honcho it and organize it, sir, I just I want to hit them hard, especially the DNC.
I think the RNC, we need a few aircraft every day.
I think the DNC, it should be
Literally, you know, like the heavens open up with aircraft.
That would be incredible, wouldn't it?
You know, it would be.
We're big fans of the First Amendment, number one, and number two, Alex, this needs to be done, what she's done and what's happened.
It's criminal.
It's criminal.
She needs to be held accountable for... People tell me, hey, Hillary might come after you.
She already got me fired.
They already sent... I mean, I've already dealt with these people.
I don't care.
Folks have to get to the point of getting up off their ass and not being cowards.
That's why I appreciate the fact that you're not a coward, sir.
I appreciate you standing up for this country and helping.
Not a problem.
Not a problem.
Not a problem.
I'm all in, Alex.
We're with you.
Absolutely, I got it all in here.
Can you believe Obama and all the hype in the media with the Black Lives Matter and now triggering this?
I mean, these people are dastardly.
You know, first we want to send our condolences to the departments, the families, the friends of the officers involved last night.
You know, what's more terrible is that Obama is not standing up and just
He's basically condoning it.
He's basically shutting down right for not, you know, and it's like, you know, he can stand up and stop this whole thing and he's not.
And he's not.
It's amazing.
Well, I know we're getting some of your biggest banners out there.
We're signing the contracts right now, sending the money over.
Thank you for rushing this through.
I mean, you're the expert of this.
What do you think of our design?
Do you think it's a pretty good design?
You know, I made a slight change last night.
I sent it over to Buck and I think he was getting that approved.
We're just going to make things a little bit bigger and readable.
Absolutely, sir.
Whatever you want to change, we'll do it.
You're the expert and we're all in.
How many days do we have budgeted right now?
A couple days?
What can we do?
Um, we got we got one airplane right now.
We got one airplane at least for the four days in Cleveland.
And we got scheduled for three days in Philadelphia, expecting that Obama and or Biden will be in Philadelphia on the last day, which will, which will close out the airspace for 30 miles around the
The convention.
So the last day of the convention in Philly, I don't think we're going to be able to get in there and fly.
And then as it gets closer, we'll see what other type of flight restrictions they're going to want to throw up around us.
But regardless, we'll be there.
It'll be in the news.
They censor it.
And you know, next we'll fly it over D.C.
I mean, every time they try to suppress us, we're going to stand up.
If other folks want to get involved, you know, maybe you want to fly it over D.C.
or maybe you want to fly it
Uh, you know, whenever, uh, you know, Hillary somewhere, uh, call FlySigns.com and put the planes in the air.
And this is a way to fight back.
I mean, I've seen statistics from advertising, not radio, not, and radio is great, not TV, not print.
Signs in the air are the most effective advertising today, especially because of internet and all the ads were bombarded with.
There's nothing like seeing that airplane up there with that sign.
Is that an accurate statement?
For sure, for sure.
It's an uncluttered space and it's unique and people actually stop and look and want to read the signs.
It's not something like you see 100 signs every 10 miles on the side of the road.
It's one or two signs all day long up above.
Well, we're losing everything because people aren't all in to fight this crime wave, but more folks are getting awake.
Justin Jay, owner of FlySigns.com, one of the biggest companies in the country, independently run a great page for it.
Anything else you'd like to add, sir?
No, I appreciate you having me on, Alex.
We're honored to work with you, and anything we can do for you or the listeners, they just have to call in and let us know, and we'll be able to do anything.
Well, God bless you for standing up against these censors, and we'll talk to you again.
Thank you, sir.
You too, sir.
You too, sir.
Thanks for having me on.
Thank you.
We're going to go to break and come back with your phone calls and the tragic events in Dallas and the attempt by the White House and the media to start a civil war.
That's what mainstream media is calling it now.
Folks are figuring out, I'm not bragging, I've studied the enemy.
This is not, I didn't come up with all this.
That's what's so frustrating.
The enemy admits their program.
And so I would like to see our wealthy listeners, a lot of you, I mean just, this is a battle.
And I'm telling you, people are like, oh, how's that going to save the world?
It isn't.
The action, the taking action, will spur others.
Maybe a website.
Maybe Hillary's a criminal.
Maybe Obama runs Black Lives Matter.
I don't know what you put up.
You folks should just do it.
It's time to get aggressive.
Or maybe you pay for a billboard.
Or maybe you paint the side of your barn.
Or you stick a bumper sticker on your card.
Or whatever it is.
Or you reach out to people of different races and colors and creeds and try to bring them into the liberty movement that unifies us around basic free will.
But I mean, a lot of people go, man, Hillary's scary.
You don't want to... I love how folks always tell me Hillary's scary, as if I don't know that.
I'm not afraid of Hillary.
I'm afraid of her winning.
I'm afraid of her having her way with this country.
I'm not somebody that's going to just cower down.
And it's not because I'm a tough guy, folks.
It's because I have good instincts.
I care about civilization.
I know I'm a man.
I'm here to try to make things better.
That's all.
Just like my forebears.
They weren't perfect.
But America had the biggest seat at the table with the elite and the most wealth and the most opportunity.
Because we wouldn't roll over and we'd rather die on our feet than living on our knees.
And it's time to commit.
Let me tell you folks, you're not alive until you commit.
I know a lot of you have committed.
But so many people like this idiot, these idiots up in Dallas that got mind controlled, they at least had commitment.
They really believed they were involved in justice!
But those of us that are awake, what are we going to do?
Not go out and shoot innocent people?
Engage in information warfare.
Engage in voting with your dollars.
Speaking of that, we're running a special through Monday.
I've expanded the Independence Day special to not just water filters and not just non-GMO seeds, but now optics, G-Shock watches.
Solar generators, survival gear, and more.
10% off is the lowest.
Upwards of 40% off on storable food.
Alexa Pure and Pro-Pure water filters.
All of it.
Those are 20% off.
A lot of it's 40% off.
One of the biggest sales ever.
I've just decided people are ready to get ready.
They're ready to get prepared.
This is stuff that everybody needs.
Look at all the destabilization going on.
I hope we never need this stuff, but I'm telling you it's something everybody's got to have.
Your person supports you.
He who controls the trends, controls the future.
He who controls the future, controls the destiny of humanity.
My friends, the globalist social engineers are obsessed with creating false memes, false trends that they control.
to create a population of trendies from those false trends that don't have their own destiny who don't even have a basic organic human genetic drive to build something
That is satisfying, trailblazing, and innately independent and human.
And if you understand this paradigm, you understand all the others.
One of hundreds of memes and trends we've been successfully able to launch and force into the consciousness is a Operation Against Hillary Clinton we launched 10 months ago with the Hillary for Prison t-shirt.
It's now been duplicated by countless groups, and I think that's wonderful.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and now it's all over CNN, it's all over Fox, it's all over the Trump rallies, the Hillary rallies.
The number one search term for a week straight, last week, and still continuing, one of the top search terms is, is Hillary going to jail?
This has been incredibly successful.
Because it shows, despite corporate control, and despite them trying to control the meme,
We are able to synergistically wear our colors loud and proud against injustice, corruption, and oppression, and show that we, humans, not the globalist controllers, but the common little people, can set the trends, can set the memes.
We've had three versions of the Hillary for Prison shirt.
All of them have been collector's edition and have helped fund the Infowar.
We now have a third edition in.
The second edition sold out.
It's the same as the last, but on the right shoulder says Infowars.com, on the back it says Infowars.com, legalized freedom, be part of history, be part of supporting the Infowar, be part of meeting like-minded friends and family.
And be part of breaking out of their paradigm and setting the agenda, setting the trend, setting the true, organic, teleprompter-free reawakening of humanity.
Get your Hillary for Prison 2016 third wave shirts at InfoWarsTore.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Reports are coming in of more police being shot.
We're pulling up the Fox 2 report out of Missouri right now as we speak.
And again, they want to have an orchestrated
Civil War, or rebellion against the corrupt government that just overthrows local government so the globalists can come in.
Missouri cop shot during traffic stop after turning back the suspect comes day after Dallas police attack.
And again, just like suicide by cop didn't used to exist and now it's become popular, or one crazy person jumps off the Empire State's building and suddenly five more try, as the media hypes this more and more it'll just intensify.
Authorities are investigating after a police officer was shot during a traffic stop Friday morning in St.
Louis County.
It happened after 11 a.m.
near the 300 block.
The officer who works for the Baldwin Police Department was transporting to a local hospital for treatment.
His condition is unknown at the time.
So this is just more of what you're going to see.
As Obama says, we must reform the police after the shooting, saying that basically it's their fault.
I cannot stress to you enough that this is our so-called government orchestrating this.
And when I say this, it's so crazy, I can't believe it either.
The UN to advise and control local police departments.
And then on top of this, we have the military gearing up for civil unrest like it's never done.
And digging in and getting storable foods and weapons.
And people say, what do you say, the government's our enemy?
No, it's compartmentalized.
They don't tell them.
They just gear up for civil unrest.
It's in the news.
The elites are going into armored fortresses.
They're moving to New Zealand in places.
They're evacuating Europe.
They're bringing five million jihadis into Europe.
Look at how Obama
He tried to cover up Fort Hood and San Bernardino and the Pulse nightclub and all these other events.
The cops getting shot a la Akbar, you know, Philadelphia, the Army, Navy, Marine Corps recruiting centers.
I mean, the cases go on and on.
And look, it's his people.
It's the jihadis he brings in.
And then they order the FBI to not go after him.
And then it's it's the Black Lives Matter.
It's this is how Bill Ayers trained communist president operates.
It's George Soros!
It's just, it's... Arrest them!
Arrest Hillary!
This is ridiculous!
Let me tell you something, though.
They're gonna fail.
They mean to bully the police and bully local governments and kill a bunch of them and have them roll over to the Feds and roll over to the Justice Department and roll over to the UN and have them follow their orders.
It's not working.
If we wake up the local police and government, we can really take our communities back and have this globalist attack backfire and really save our country.
That's why they want us to have a war with the police, a civil war, so that that never happens.
Everything the COG is set up to do, the Continuity Government System, is to take over local government.
And this is meant to make it fail.
The average cop does not want to shoot a black person or anybody else.
It's a real good way to ruin your career.
Are there lunatics?
Absolutely there are!
But are they even a blip on the radar screen?
But the media creates the perception, just like the metal robot shark, people won't swim 35 years later in the ocean.
Because of Jaws.
I want to go to Terry in Utah.
Preparations for civil unrest.
I want to talk to Will.
Talking about BLM and what they're doing, the Dallas shooting Nelson wants to talk about, Dave wants to talk about Dallas shooting and more.
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-99231.
But whatever you do, take advantage of the 20-40% off on the storable foods.
That ends on Monday.
And discounts of 20% off on nutraceuticals, 10% off on all of the nutraceuticals across the board, free shippings being offered, 10% off on auto ship, a bunch more.
And it funds the operation.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Let's face it, most of us are totally addicted to our cell phones.
But recent studies link cell phone use to major health issues, including brain cancer.
Experts say parents and expecting mothers need to be extra careful.
Doctors say the infant brain, even while in the womb, is especially vulnerable.
So keep the phone away from your abdomen, especially toward the end of pregnancy.
And for men, using a cell phone for as little as an hour a day is literally cooking your sperm, lowering sperm count levels so much that conceiving a child could be difficult.
This is one of those times you want to keep it out of your pants.
And for those of us who use our cell phones before bed, know that the screen light is actually disrupting your sleep rhythms.
This causes insomnia and slows the metabolism.
Hello, weight gain!
Generally speaking, when cell phones are on, they're constantly emitting radio frequency radiation.
So keep your phone in airplane mode when you can.
Keep the phone at least two feet away from your body.
Use headphones.
And when you're not on your phone, keep it as far away from you as possible.
Leanne McAdoo with your InfoWars Tip of the Week.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Oh man, it's hard to be too dramatic, but stuff's just crazy.
Big Brother.
Mad Extreme Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
If you'd have told me 25 years ago when I first got politically active that we'd be seeing open George Soros attempt to overthrow the U.S.
with the collaborator media trying to start a race war, I'd have told you you were nuts.
Peter Schiff's coming up in a little while to break down the economy.
Boy, that guy's been dead on.
We're taking your phone calls right now on the situation.
Let's go to Terry in Utah.
Terry, what is your take on this?
I mean, is Obama and George Soros not openly hyping this?
Is Soros not funding it?
I mean, if I ran around organizing some group that was running around saying, kill police, I'd be arrested and I should.
I mean, is George Soros not the author of this?
And are they trying to escalate civil unrest?
Yes, they are.
I wanted to call and thank you for
What you had talked about 15 years ago about preparations for this time that would come.
We have done all the preparations that you suggested, and I thank you very much.
We have stocked up on everything that you mentioned, and I hope everybody else will listen and do the same thing.
Well, I tell you, I mean, I've always been prepared because I know collapse could happen anytime in the fiat system, but I always thought, oh, we're going to avert it.
I'm losing sleep.
People see me around here, man, I'm getting the firearms ready, the food, the whole nine yards, the wells, the solar stuff.
I mean, the solar panels just aren't hanging off the side of the house now.
I've got them plugged in, using them.
And it's because I don't have the money to run to New Zealand like all these people, and I'm not going to run either.
But I'm telling you, I legitimately am got
I mean, my spirit is just, like, on fire right now.
I just, I can feel... Look, we ain't seen nothing yet.
Obama or the globalists could set off a frickin' nuke to blame it on patriots or something.
I'm telling you, they're going for broke.
It's just like the sword, to use the allegory of the analogy, before, you know, the New York Times says, I'm serious, you know, they've actually done that.
Or, or, liberal publications or whatever.
You know, where you got the sword sting when goblins are nearby or whatever, it glows blue.
I mean, my sword is just on fire glowing blue right now.
Go ahead, sorry.
Well, I know hundreds of military that are doing exactly what you suggested 15 years ago.
And they all thank you for the preparations and the warnings.
It's all here.
And I hope people understand that our lives are very important.
And if we don't prepare
Infowars.com has given us so much that we've got for preparations, and I really thank you so much.
Well brother, we're all in this together.
The more people awake, the more people we got a shot.
So, this is pure self-preservation, but thank you, we're in this together.
Their whole attack profile is about us being dependent on them.
So all I know is, I looked around and I really wasn't that prepared.
And so, I'm just saying, whatever people can do, get prepared.
The most important thing is having friends you can count on.
Do you agree with that?
Yes, I do.
I sold everything I had to make sure that I was prepared for the future.
I hope it does, but I have a feeling that it's going to get worse.
I just know it's crazy for Obama.
We played the clip earlier to come out and say we need to reform the police and imply that somehow that's what made them get shot.
I mean, that's crazy.
They made the police the way they are.
They wanted them to be violent.
They wanted them to cause uprests.
Well, there are some crazy paramilitary police, like the cops in Albuquerque shooting that homeless guy.
Then there's the squad car audio where he goes, I'm gonna kill this guy for fun.
Yeah, they shouldn't be hiring psychopaths.
And then there are some really bad cops, it's true.
But again, are police killing 980 people a year, is that the number one issue in the country?
I mean, yeah, they're aborting three or four million kids a year.
10,000 plus people, you know, die every year falling in their shower.
I mean, it's just... Most of those police shootings are justified.
And I'm not... I shouldn't even have to be talking about it.
I appreciate your call.
It's just... I'm into statistics, folks, and... Flesh-eating bacteria are killing hundreds of thousands of people a year.
I almost had to eat my leg off six years ago.
I've had family die from it.
That's an issue, okay?
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Oh, I haven't even gotten.
The Putin issue, that's the warning of World War 3.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Yeah, we're not rolling over to the Globalist program here.
They want a fight?
We're sworn to give it.
And we're just getting the battle space ready.
This thing goes hot right now.
We've got their profile.
We know their attack plan.
Folks, listen to us.
We'll stop them.
But you've got to admit there's a world government.
You've got to admit it's out to destroy this country.
You've got to admit it wants to destroy prosperity.
You've got to admit it wants to sow racial division.
You've got to admit it wants to empower radical Islam to take over.
I just do not have the rhetoric to describe how bad things are, how serious and how grave.
I mean, I was in the bathroom during the break.
We're good to go.
They just gotta have full power.
They're going for broke.
And the other elite that aren't that corrupt are just intimidated and don't know what to do and are covering their butts.
And that may have kept them in power before when things were more stable.
You're gonna be destroyed, establishment, with what you've turned loose.
This is crazy town.
And that's why so many billionaires are heading for the hills.
We told you about that six, seven years ago.
It's in the news every day now.
We got Peter Schiff coming up.
I'm going right back to your phone calls right now, but I need to go to a few of these calls.
But look at this video that I shot last night.
Putin issues desperate warning of World War III.
He issued that three weeks ago, and we mentioned it then.
It got no coverage in the West, so I did this video with new warnings.
And the video went up last night at like 8 o'clock at night.
It's only got 117,000 views.
If I put out a video of a stupid cop or a bad cop beating some innocent person against 8 million, 10 million views, and by the way, then we would make thousands of dollars off that clip on YouTube.
You know what I do now?
I'm not covering up for the police.
When there's some horrible video of the cops, we know everyone else has it, we're not posting it, and we're not making money off of it.
And I'll tell you why.
Because it's already saturated.
It's already seen everywhere.
It's already pushing into the plan to get us all killing each other.
And creating racism.
That's what multiculturalism, leftism does.
All it does is hype differences and then make everybody think that everybody's screwing each other over.
I mean, we do cover some of the bad police stuff and we do show it, but I don't even want to watch this stuff anymore because I understand the statistics and I know they're misrepresenting it to totally everybody at each other's throats.
Tell you what I do go watch, though.
I do watch the new abortion videos.
I do watch the new undercover videos.
I don't want to look at those either, but man, you know what?
We air them here, even though it's offensive and people don't like it.
I don't like it either.
In fact, that's not an accurate statement.
We don't play them.
I don't really play a lot of them on my show anymore.
That's all I used to do.
And it's like a cheap trick or something, you know?
And I'm just not going to be part of it.
I'm going to go to your phone calls.
There's two clips I want to play first.
I'm going right to them.
This is Obama again.
He goes out with the guns.
I've got a couple of these clips.
He brings up racial issues, all of it.
He's been doing this all week leading up to the shooting.
He had a major media push to change the subject off the foreign banks that have taken the country over and are screwing 99.9% of us.
I mean, I tell you, I got poor white family and I've been in poor black folks' houses.
They're the same people.
And the weird thing is I can't even hate dumb people anymore.
I just feel sorry for them because I know how stupid they are.
This guy that went and killed these cops, he thought he was a hero.
He thought he was standing up for something because the media had literally brainwashed him.
Dallas cops are saying, we don't know how you do something like this.
You don't know how you do it?
When you got the president and Al Sharpton and Google saying, yeah, we need to reform the police after this shooting.
All that does is encourage it.
It's the power of the media!
Before they advertised cigarettes to women, less than 1% smoked cigarettes.
As soon as they started pushing advertisements to get women to smoke cigarettes, it went to over half!
In two years!
Read the advertising books!
I have!
Well, you advertise kill cops, that's gonna happen!
And that'll tell you the type of people we've got running this country.
That's why I'm so angry.
It's why I'm so aggressive these days.
I should not be like that with my family or my crew because I am just so serious as a man now.
I just, I don't play games anymore.
Because I'm telling you, I can feel it getting closer.
I can see it.
I know it intellectually, but man, let me tell you, my gut is just like, whoa, whoa.
So I'm telling you, stuff's getting ready to happen that is going to make everything you've seen so far look like a joke.
And you notice it's all ramping up.
This thing hadn't even launched yet.
And you're right, I'm trying to scare you to get you into motion, because I'm trying to scare myself.
I kick myself in the butt all the time going, what are you doing?
Get your butt in here.
I'm gonna go to Will, Joe and others.
Let's play this clip of Obama, here it is.
When incidents like this occur, there's a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if
Because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same.
And that hurts.
And that should trouble all of us.
Does it hurt as much as 52% of blacks being chopped up in the womb?
Does it hurt as much as the government shipping the drugs into the community at the federal level?
Does it hurt as much as the black unemployment doubling?
Or the great society with LBJ, the guy you say is great, saying, I'm going to have those n-words voting Democrat for the next hundred years.
We're going to give them welfare and break up their families.
Because the black communities, I'm not defending segregation, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, to quote Nishi.
When my dad was a kid, the nicest areas of town that were big, there were rich areas that were white, but they were small.
The nicest areas when I go into town, were the black areas.
Their own hotels, their own cleaners, their own restaurants, everybody wearing suits.
All of it blown away.
In decades of weaponized media, and it's happened to everybody right now.
In the 1920s and 30s and 40s, look it up, black households had lower illegitimacy than white households.
Now it's upwards of 90%.
And that's the same plan for... They beta tested it on the black Americans.
And now it's being beta tested on everybody.
And we better wake up to it.
Obama is a known predator.
He's the black face on the New World Order, as we said in the Obama deception.
Let's go ahead and talk to Will.
Yeah, I'm just a son of a police officer and, you know, been in a police family all my life and I just don't understand how people don't understand their importance as far as in the community.
You know, somebody shoots somebody.
That's a mistake.
I mean, we got, what, 350 million people in this country, and you have two shootings, and people are surprised like that is, you know, not going to happen.
Sir, you get one shark attack in California, and they'll tell you for the whole season, half the people don't get in the water, so they don't show up and buy snow combs or go to hotels.
I mean, beach communities have gone bankrupt over one shark attack, sir.
It's the same phenomenon.
And I mean, with the police officers, you know, I've watched what my brother does.
I mean, he just had a kid himself, and now he's given up everything.
He works all the time.
All he does is help people.
All they do, for the majority of police officers, is just help people.
There's a few bad apples.
There's bad car salesmen.
There's bad... What there is, is bad governments, in many cases, over them.
So there are issues, but the point is, it's a total distraction, a total diversion.
Where do you think all this is going?
Well, I mean, to hell.
I would hope you would be focusing on, you know, what Putin is saying with talking about World War that sees us rampant throughout the world.
I mean, you know, how about we focus on things that
Matter, not things that are made up, you know, by the... Exactly, if my children are in school and they've got an illegal next to them that's got TB and my kids get it, I'm gonna be really pissed.
And I'm gonna be pissed, why wasn't the little illegal given medical care?
I said exactly, we got thousands of people dying a month from TB.
Diseases are exploding.
And nothing's being done about it.
Because our government is literally at the top trying to destroy the country.
That isn't words, folks.
That's what is happening.
Thank you, Joe.
Let's talk to some other folks about this situation in Texas.
Let's talk to Dave in New York and Nelson, Will, Victor, and others.
Dave, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Afternoon, Alex.
I want to tie the Mercedes Benz that was fleeing with the duffel bags in it.
Back to when you reporters or yourself were in Ferguson, I believe, and one of you was talking about, you know, these guys in their Mercedes or BMWs or whatever.
Yeah, Joe Biggs caught people with Molotov cocktails delivering them to the snot-nosed white leaders that were Soros-funded running around leading the whole deal, and the police were ordered to stay him down and let them throw Molotov cocktails.
Yeah, well listen to how this works.
See, this is why I wouldn't be a cop.
I see somebody throwing a Moloff cocktail at innocent people, I'm gonna kick their ass.
I'm not gonna follow orders and stand down and let somebody throw Moloff cocktails at people.
And that's a problem.
I'll tell you the cop's biggest problem is they follow orders.
That are dereliction of duty.
And people are like, well, you've never been a cop, you don't know.
No, I know history and I know.
I'm going to skip this break.
I mean, what do you do if you see somebody about to commit a crime and assault someone?
I don't care what my boss tells me.
I'm going to defend them.
That's not rocket science, is it, Dave?
No, it's not.
We'd all like to think we'd do the same thing I would do, but what I wanted to get a point was, if that's on film, where the guy's complaining, any of that's on film, about not being paid by Soros,
You want to get a little clip, start with that, then put point, point, bang, bang, and then put it, show them, you know, whether they got their Mercedes there and then the one where they're driving away.
So, you know, these are stores who, uh, Lee Boyd... When we had the local Mal Brigade, slash devil words for slash communist, this is self-avowed, showing up, they were driving in like brand new $80,000 Jaguars.
There's got to be a way for Drudge to pick up a little video, not a real long thing, but that we'll get from that point up to where it just came out now, you know, snap, snap, snap.
So the person that doesn't have a long attention span could see what you were describing earlier, you know, whether it's Molotov cocktails or the aforementioned, you know, wanting money from Soros.
Sure, people mentioned Soros hadn't paid me this week.
Great point.
I mean, you can go to the Federal Elections Commission, you can go read the charitable donations, you can see all the money he's engaged in.
I just ask myself,
How is this guy walking around free?
I just do not get it.
Because he's such an arch criminal.
He's got all the connections.
He can get away with anything.
We're going to go back to your calls after Schiff leaves us.
We're going to get him on the line right now.
Peter Schiff talking about what's happening in the economy and more.
Get my Deutsche Bank news stories here to break those down just briefly.
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Now later in the hour we'll go back to more of your calls.
I'll talk to Peter Schiff, head of Euro Pacific Capital, Billions Under Management.
I'll talk to him about what he thinks is going to happen with the whole Black Lives Matter.
Clearly Obama's trying to destabilize the country.
Clearly Google and the media are pushing this saying it's the police's fault basically.
They need to reform.
So a cop does something bad in another state, maybe?
So let's go shoot, you know, 20 cops and kill five of them?
I mean, this is really bizarre to see them going into high gear.
How does this tie into things?
A lot of elites are moving into bunkers.
They're buying armored fortresses.
That's even in mainstream news.
What is happening currently?
We've seen the Brexit take place.
We see Deutsche Bank to sell a billion of debt to boost capital.
We see the Saudis having to go borrow money.
We see the Deutsche Bank's stock going way down.
Some say that could trigger something really massive.
Well, our guest predicted gold will start going back up.
He predicted that we would basically see much of what is now unfolded.
And so he joins us with an update on that.
But I mean, first off,
Peter Schiff, the situation with the war on police.
I mean, you and I are libertarians.
We've been against a lot of police state stuff.
We're against corrupt things the feds are doing.
My God, your dad died as a political prisoner and in federal prison this year.
Erwin Schiff, a legend for his free speech.
I mean, in prison for a book he wrote.
So we're certainly not candy coating things.
But what is Obama and Hillary endorsing Black Lives Matter, an admitted communist group,
All these Twitter lets people go on and say kill cops.
If you or I did that we'd be arrested.
What's going on here?
Remember, she's got to always play to the Democratic base.
She's got to make sure to check all the box of all the various constituencies.
You know, they're all special interests and they're all vying for their own extra protection, all these various interest groups.
And so she's got to continue to play into that.
And so she can't condemn anything that might alienate any of these core constituents from these specially protected groups.
And so Obama just has to say, quote, U.S.
police must reform.
I mean, if people engage in terrorism and then you do what they say, doesn't that just encourage more terrorism?
Well, I mean, obviously terrorism isn't going away, and I think a lot of the things that we do is kind of, you know, the equivalent of waving a flag at a bull.
But, you know, it's all, for these guys, it's more about politics.
It's more about how to use this crisis to our advantage.
You know, how to exploit it.
It's not so much about the crisis itself and the damage, but how can they utilize this to their own political advantage.
And that's what's so, you know, horrible about politics.
By the way, since you say that, here is
Al Sharpton admitting the whole police thing is about federalizing them.
Here's that clip.
...all over the country, which is why we're going to do this march from here to Washington.
We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.
In the 20th century, they had to fight states' rights and to get the right to vote.
We've had to fight states' rights in terms of closing down police cases.
Police must be held accountable.
I don't think all police are bad.
I don't even think most are bad.
But those that are, need to be held accountable.
So there he is.
Federalize the police.
What do you make of that?
Well, we already have a federal police force, and I don't want any more of those federal police.
I mean, that's a bigger problem.
You know, Al Sharpton is always there.
He always gets himself in the middle of any controversy and stokes the fire.
Well, federal police killed your dad, I mean, on record pretty much, wouldn't give medical care and stuff.
But you're not going to randomly go out and just shoot some cop, are you?
I like the way he says, I guess not all the police are bad, just most of them.
The problem is the police state, not the police.
The problem is centralized power in Washington and obviously the solution is not to centralize even more power in Washington.
We're gonna fail like Mexico.
We need to pull a ripcord.
Europac.com, also Schiff Gold.
Schiff, I'm not going to go over all your predictions that have come through here.
I think you're probably, this is true, only guess I'll say this, the most accurate long-term, even short-term, on the economy.
We're going to break in a few minutes, but what's big on your screen right now?
What's the next shoe to drop?
What's the state of the economy?
Well, you know, as you just mentioned earlier, gold prices continue to rise.
We're about $1,360 an ounce.
This is the highest we've been this year.
Silver prices now.
I talk about silver quite a bit on your show over the years.
We're now above $20 an ounce on silver.
More importantly, the gold-silver ratio has turned decisively now in silver's favor.
And typically, when silver prices are advancing on gold, it's indicative of a bull market, which benefits
Both metals.
But you know, on my own personal radar, what's new in the gold world is my gold company, Shift Gold, has now agreed to merge with Gold Money in a joint venture between the two companies.
And we just announced this today, that they're acquiring my company.
We're going to be working together.
Yeah, thank you, of our clients and shareholders.
And yeah, I would encourage all of your listeners to listen to the video blog that we will be posting either later today or Monday on my website at ShiftGold or also on my YouTube channel.
Josh Crum and I are discussing the synergies and what we're hoping to achieve.
Well, let's talk about that.
Let's talk about where you see the economy going, where you see gold going and more.
As we look into Peter Schiff's crystal ball straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
I see in my crystal ball civil war if we don't avert it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
People desperate for staples like milk, rice and flour stormed a supermarket warehouse in Guayana City.
If you go back to 2007, the British Ministry of Defense came out and echoed a Department of Defense report saying that they believe there would be massive multi-hundred percent food price increases worldwide.
And that during that global meltdown that there would be incredible social unrest that would depopulate much of the earth.
Now, Vice Magazine and other publications are reporting on a 2015 report produced by the US government, the UN.
Let's stop it right there.
I shot that video, that special, about a week and a half ago.
Before Hillary Clinton was basically given free reign in the United States of America to break any law she wants.
Before more news came out of food riots intensifying in Asia, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, you name it.
Before we got more news of NATO plans to encircle Russia with more troops.
Bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, the world financial economy is melting down by design.
Everything the globalists are doing is about making us dependent on them.
That's why, declaring personal independence, I am announcing that we're extending the record sales of 20-40% off on water filters and X2 survival shield, and of course, the survival food.
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Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Those of us that are on the air have a responsibility to common sense and to tell them the truth.
And so for these decades they denied the World Government Project, they denied the Euro tyranny.
It was our job to tell the truth and be ridiculed.
Like Nigel Farage said last week when he spoke to the EU Parliament, he said, you used to laugh at me when I came in here and said we were going to expose you.
You're not laughing now.
And now there are movements in all 30 EU countries to leave.
It's estimated most will in the euro will probably fall.
But regardless, we are headed into some very tumultuous times right now.
Peter Schiff, Europe Pacific Capital, one of the most accurate predictors so far I've seen.
Long term, I'm not going to go over all of the things he's predicted accurately, but here we are now.
We have other news up on Infowars.com.
Black Democrat Sheriff Obama Hillary fueling war on cops to exploit hysteria.
Yes, the question is why?
To distract from their agenda.
Man arrested for allegedly shooting a police officer in Georgia.
So we're seeing all sorts of copycat, bizarre behavior intensifying there.
But getting back to the economy, back to Deutsche Bank, back to the British exit, Peter Schiff looking geopolitically at the economy, looking at what's happening here, looking at the fake growth rates that themselves are bad enough.
What is the true state of the world economy right now?
What else is big that you're looking at?
It is extremely, extremely precarious.
You know, the world sits atop a house of cards erected by central banks, the chief architects being the bankers over here, but certainly the central bankers in Europe and Japan, China, they're all part of the game, they're playing the same game, and unfortunately it's not going to end well for most people.
In fact, we were talking a little bit before the break about gold and silver,
What's significant about today's rise, in fact, silver prices are up better than 40 cents an ounce as I speak, but the knee-jerk reaction to today's stronger-than-expected nonfarm payroll numbers was to sell gold and sell silver, because in the past, when we got better-than-expected jobs news, even though the news is, of course, lousy if you look beneath the headlines,
But anytime the headline number was higher than expected, people would sell gold and silver, because the idea is that, well, this means the Fed rate hike is more likely to come sooner than later.
But I think more and more people now realize that it doesn't matter what the jobs numbers are, the Fed ain't hiking rates.
In fact, I think the Fed has already started its easing cycle.
I think it communicated that to anybody who could read between the lines, and it's not that hard to do.
Sure, what about Europe?
Talking about negative, negative.
Oh yeah, well they're going to, look, they have nothing left.
I think all they're going to do now is try to change their rhetoric and try to talk about not raising rates, then they'll talk about cutting rates, then they'll eventually cut them, and then they'll take them negative.
But I think also somewhere along the way they're going to restart their QE campaign.
I think QE4 is going to be bigger than QE1, QE2, and QE3 combined, and it's going to be even more destructive to the standard of living.
I was about to say, won't it be impossible to hide that?
Won't it be impossible to hide that level of inflation, and that will translate to gold and silver?
Yeah, I mean, look, most people know there's inflation.
They don't believe the government numbers, or they don't even know about the government numbers.
All they know is the cost of living is going up.
Food is more expensive.
Their utility bills are higher.
Their rent is going up.
Everything is.
Health insurance premiums are going up.
But, Alex, we ain't seen nothing yet.
When it comes to inflation, this is just the beginning.
The price increases that Americans have been enduring are only going to get much, much worse.
They're going to turn up the heat.
The government's going to try to claim that all this is good for us, that they saved us from a falling cost of living, and instead we should be happy that everything is more expensive.
But nobody is going to welcome a higher cost of living, and your best defense against that, as I said, is to protect yourself, to get out of your dollars, to diversify internationally.
I've been telling your listeners all year why they need to get into foreign stocks and out of the dollar.
The returns have been absolutely incredible on our foreign stock portfolios.
I mean, just enormous, precious metals, gold-related stocks.
I mean, and I think this is just the beginning of a big process, but people can't wait much longer, given what you've missed out on, if you just haven't been involved.
Well, sure.
Let's talk about timetables.
You know, you like to go out on a limb, but you like to be somewhat specific.
Just around your own table, you know, talking to folks at your company, or talking to your brother, or talking to family that work with you, what's the real prospectus in Peter Schiff's mind?
I mean, there's no way this bubble goes on forever.
It's already collapsing many areas.
You've got all sorts of countries in turmoil with food riots, and Venezuela's basically almost to cannibalism.
You've got all sorts of insanity taking place in the Middle East.
Third worlds are collapsing.
They're flooding the West.
Western governments are opening the door to unskilled, diseased people
I mean, it just seems like a death wish from our leaders.
So how bad is it and what's the timetable?
Look, it's worse than you could imagine.
Brexit is just a small example of the problem that the global financial system can be so impacted by this decision that in a healthy economy, with a healthy financial system, it really would be no big deal.
But because we don't have a healthy financial system, because we have this bubble, that's why this is a problem.
But look, more and more people, mainstreaming people,
I'm hearing people talk who now realize that this is the ninth inning of this thing, this whole experiment with Keynesianism and fiat money.
It is very, very late in the game.
The time is running out, right?
The clock has been ticking and ticking, and it's going to stop.
And you can see that.
I mean, it's the day of reckoning is getting closer and closer.
Ron Paul's big event.
Of course, you were his chief advisor running for president, financial advisor.
What is the big event for new listeners?
I mean, this thing can go different ways.
But again, in Peter Schiff's mind, how does this big event probably get triggered?
No, it's a monetary collapse.
When you see what happened to the pound sterling as a result of the Brexit vote, it dropped by 10%.
Look, the real drop is not just going to be in the pound, but in all the world's fiat currencies, in particular the US dollar, which is at the center of this whole, you know, Frankenstein's monster when it comes to a monetary system.
And it is going to implode.
And this dollar crisis is going to make the financial crisis of 2008 look like a Sunday school picnic.
What's going on at Deutsche Bank?
It impacts people's standards of living.
Sure, what's going on at Deutsche Bank?
Well, look, I mean, that stock keeps sinking and sinking.
You know, the stock is much lower than it was at the depth of the 08 financial crisis with the failure of Lehman Brothers when people thought, you know, everything would collapse.
And this stock is trading substantially below where it was then.
So even if you bought Deutsche Bank at the bottom of that decline, if you were dumb enough to hold it until today, you're way down.
And the fact is, if these European banks are in so much trouble, the American banks can't be too much far behind.
So this crisis is brewing.
That's the reason the Fed can't raise rates.
That's the reason they're going to cut rates and do QE, because they know how desperately they need to prop up these banks.
Of course, we don't need it.
We need these banks to fail.
But the government needs to preserve this illusion, and so they have to keep the bubble inflating at all costs.
You know, Peter, when you see, not just here but in Europe, leftist presidents and leaders trying to sick mobs of people on the police,
It's like something out of The Road Warrior.
If the police start not responding, which is already happening in more than 10 major cities, from L.A.
to Chicago to Philadelphia to Minneapolis, I mean just all over, because they're getting shot at, not getting supported, then everything collapses, looting begins,
Why would the social engineers be wanting to do that?
I mean, are they wanting to hasten a collapse?
I thought the Democrats would want to stall a collapse out until a Trump presidency and blame it on him.
Or am I reading too much into this?
They just have leftist ideology.
I think the Democrats are pretty sure that Hillary's got this in the bag, so I don't think they're planning on a Trump presidency.
We'll see if the voters can surprise the pollsters just the way they did in the UK in voting for the Brexit.
But, you know, there is going to be, I think, riding and looting, especially when we have a currency collapse.
Because I think then you're going to have shortages.
I think the government is going to impose price controls and I think there's going to be a problem for people to get goods and services that are in short supply and the government creating artificial shortages rather than allowing prices to find a true market level.
But you know, the politicians always come in and try to take advantage of a crisis and use it to expand their power and promise more government help is on the way from the crisis.
But I think by then, people might have figured out that it's all this government help that is the problem.
It's government that's the crisis and the real solution is to get rid of government and go back to the free market principles that made America great in the first place.
Let me ask you this.
Internal pollsters with Trump who are very accurate folks, you know, they're not putting out pipe dreams.
They say he's dead heat in most areas in battleground states.
He's four to five points, some areas seven points ahead.
But Hillary just keeps putting out fake polls saying she's winning by 15 points.
You're an astute guy.
I know there's a lot of election fraud involved.
That gives her a lot of points.
A lot of folks are embarrassed to say they're for Trump.
So that kind of gives him a leg up in some respects.
But I got to say, I mean, if Trump really does get rejected,
Then it shows that America almost deserves what it gets, because he's not perfect.
I know you disagree with some of his economic policies, so do I, like the low interest rates.
But at a certain point, I mean, if America rejects Trump, they almost deserve what they get.
Yeah, and you know, if people don't know that Hillary is a crook, based on what just happened with this FBI investigation, where basically, you know, they come clean about all the horrible things that she did, all the things, gross negligence, things that no rational person would have assumed you could do.
She did all this stuff.
Uh, and she lied repeatedly under oath to Congress, yet despite all this, the FBI says, ah, you know, we don't think there's any evidence here because even though she did all this really bad stuff, we don't think she realized it was bad.
And you know, and the guy started talking about mens rea, which is your state of mind.
And he said, you know, we don't punish people who don't realize they're doing something wrong.
What about my father?
I mean, you know, my father believed a hundred percent.
In what he was doing.
He did not believe he was breaking any laws.
He believed he was following the law and following the Constitution.
But in his case, Menzraya went out the window and they put him in jail as a political prisoner.
Does any rational person believe that Hillary Clinton, a lawyer, a trained lawyer from a high-powered law firm who was eight years the first lady of the United States,
What about the Tarmac meeting?
She's just going for bribes.
She wanted to hide her communications from the American public, and in so doing, she jeopardized the national security of the United States.
She shouldn't be in the White House, she should be in the big house, along with her husband.
Absolutely, and just going back to your dad's case, we should talk more about that, just the evil.
I knew your dad well, probably had dinner with him ten times, I know him on my show probably a hundred times.
Incredibly funny, incredibly smart guy.
And I remember in the Las Vegas Review Journal, it was like the judge said, I will let you out and not give you a sentence, but do not sell this book anymore.
It was like the Federal Mafia, and your dad said, no, it's my First Amendment right, and he spent, what was it, like 13 years or something in federal prison, wouldn't recant, and they wouldn't treat him for cancer.
Alex, they never actually offered to let him out.
I mean, I don't know where you get that.
I was in the Las Vegas Review Journal before they sent him.
They wouldn't let him out.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, they never offered.
I mean, you know, my dad would never admit, but my dad didn't even want to get out of jail, you know, on compassionate release.
He wanted to get out of the merits, but despite that, I tried to get him out on compassionate release, and there was no compassion.
Because they wanted him in jail, they wanted to keep him in jail because they didn't want him out, because they wanted to make an example of him.
Sure, obviously he's your dad, you know more about the case.
If you defy the American government.
Sure, obviously, Peter, you know more about the case.
I just remember back at the time, having folks on about it, and it was in the Las Vegas Review Journal, that the judge at an earlier hearing said, look, you keep publishing this thing, we're going to put you in prison forever.
And then your dad kept doing it.
And then I remember at one of the hearings, it came back up and he said, no, I'm going to keep doing it.
But my point is, he was an incredible guy.
He stood firm for his rights and for his beliefs, and he paid the ultimate price for that.
But once he was in jail this last time, they never offered to let him out.
Sure, sure, exactly.
I'm just saying you'd have as a hero.
I mean, I'm just bringing up the fact that they did say quit publishing it, we'll leave you alone, and he wouldn't do it.
He was put in federal prison for his book.
That is incredible.
Well, I think, well, that's part of it.
I mean, obviously, that's not the crime that they charge him with.
They trump up all these charges of, you know, tax evasion and things like that.
But the reason he was in jail is the same reason any political prisoner is in jail in any corrupt regime anywhere in the world.
It's, you know, governments want to silence the opposition.
They want to make an example of somebody to try to keep the people in line.
You're absolutely right, but getting off your dad's case, a very sad one, but also a very encouraging one, how honorable he was.
Look at the IRS persecution though, and Obama never got in trouble for that.
And MSNBC says, oh yeah, right-wingers and libertarians deserve to be persecuted.
I mean, have the Democrats not turned into like a brown shirt group of authoritarians?
They don't get in trouble for anything.
We are no longer a nation of laws.
We're a nation of men.
And if you're the right man, or in this case, a woman, then you're above the law.
The law only applies to the little people.
And then again, not even if you're doing the right thing.
They take the law away from you.
They take the protections away from us that are afforded by the Constitution.
So we lose our constitutional rights and the government ignores all the constitutional restrictions that limited their power.
Right now they have unlimited power and of course they're corrupted absolutely.
Wow, Peter, I always say this to guests, but I've been asking some of the questions here.
Looking at the world, what are some of the triggers for, instead of just a slide into inflation and a depression they never announced, but that we know we're under, what are some of the triggers?
I mean, could it be cities going under, states going under, Puerto Rico and these so-called deals, the Brexit, Deutsche Bank?
I mean, there's so many triggers out there.
These are all warning signs that there's too much debt.
That is the commonality.
Puerto Rico is broke, but America is broke.
Puerto Rico is just a small microcosm of the overall country that is even broker than Puerto Rico.
And we've reached the tipping point.
You know that when you have interest rates at zero.
When you have all this quantitative easing, this shows you that we've reached the end of the rope, right?
We've gone from the sublime to the ridiculous, and how much more ridiculous can we get?
I don't think much.
There's, you know, I know people say, oh, Peter, years ago, you know, you were sounding the alarm.
Yes, I know.
I sounded the alarm early.
But, you know, at least I knew enough to sound it.
At least I knew enough to be alarmed.
And the bottom line is, it's the people who protect themselves early that aren't going to be wiped out by this crisis.
It's the people who don't know that it's coming.
They're the ones that have the most to lose.
They don't even know it yet.
I mean, remember how much people were surprised by the 2008 financial crisis?
Nobody in the mainstream saw that coming, even when we were on the eve of it.
But you predicted it!
This is a much bigger crisis, and they're going to be surprised even more, and they're not going to get bailed out next time.
Well, that was my next question.
As domesticated as people are, what do they do when there's finally a really serious collapse or massive correction?
I mean, it looks to me like the bubble's much bigger than it was eight years ago.
I mean, this is going to be explosive.
Oh, of course it's much bigger.
If they would have let it deflate eight years ago, we would have had more short-term pain, but it would have been productive pain and we would have built a viable recovery on a solid foundation.
Instead, they blew more air into an even bigger bubble and now the pain is going to be excruciating.
But no problems have been solved.
They've all been exacerbated.
And yes, people need to take action now more than ever before to at least protect their wealth.
That's all I can help you with.
I can't help you, you know, do anything else, but at least I can help you preserve the value of your savings and your investments, whether it's using gold as an investment, whether it's using it as a form
Of savings, using the gold money platform, or just investing internationally in countries that are not so screwed up.
Looking at New Zealand, looking at Switzerland, looking at Singapore, looking at Norway or Hong Kong.
Alright, Peter Schiff, stay there, I've got a few more questions on the other side of this quick break and then I'm going to go into some overdrive with David Knight and take the phone calls with the folks that are holding the latest on more police shootings now taking place around the country.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
By the way, we're going to have some live special reports this weekend, not just tape reports, because I think we're going to see more police shootings and things over the weekend.
We're going to be here covering it at InfoWars.com.
Last week we pointed out that globalists have declared open season on free individuals and nations worldwide.
When the British left the Euro, the globalists decided to go into high gear.
They've now announced that Hillary won't be indicted no matter how many crimes she commits.
It's time for us to take our matters into our own hands.
The globalist warfare model is siege.
It wants to make us dependent.
It wants to cut off our economies.
It wants to be able to set up a worldwide financial crisis.
Where there are food shortages that are already happening in most parts of the world, where they basically bring us to our knees and where we can pitch like to their demands.
That's why we're extending the July 4th sale right through next week, because it's all about declaring your independence from the globalists.
You don't just declare your independence when you buy high-quality storable foods or water filters or shortwave radios at m4store.com.
You declare your independence when you share links of articles and videos and information from the broadcast because there's a war on for your mind.
It's a total 360 win at InfoWarsTore.com.
Thousands of years ago, there was a basic form of chivalry.
Our ancestors would hear the drums of war, giving the warriors of the tribe a chance to organize and prepare a defense.
Sixty years ago, when foreign air forces were approaching filled with bombs, they had drums of their own, air raid sirens.
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Thousands of years ago, there was a basic form of chivalry.
Our ancestors would hear the drums of war, giving the warriors of the tribe a chance to organize and prepare a defense.
Sixty years ago, when foreign air forces were approaching filled with bombs, they had drums of their own, air raid sirens.
But in the 21st century, there are silent weapons for quiet war.
Pathogens added to the food and water, to the lining of plastics that destroy our vitality.
Turn off our hormones and accelerate our journey towards death.
I personally counter this onslaught with AnthroPlex.
AnthroPlex is designed with known, organic, concentrated herbs to create the basic foundation to normal metabolic activity inside the human body.
Discover why AnthroPlex is turning so many heads today.
It's time for us to take our bodies back into our own hands and it starts at InfoWarsLife.com with AnthroPlex.
There's a man going around taking names.
There's a man going around taking names.
And he decides who to free and who to blame.
I got news.
Everybody will be treated for all the weirdo leftists and socialists and people dreaming of malice takeovers.
You're never going to get what you want out of here.
This isn't Tsarist Russia.
This isn't Venezuela.
You're going to get your ass handed to you.
The hairs on your arm will stand up.
I'm gonna go ahead and host the next hour with David Knight and take your calls.
There's so much news.
I'm gonna do the whole hour.
We're gonna go to all the callers that are holding.
Peter shifts our guests.
Just very briefly, I was already doing a special this week.
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That funds what we're doing here.
That is really historical.
The average CNN show has about 200,000 viewers now.
Their top one's about half a million.
Fox's top show is 3-4 million.
We have rated on AMNM affiliates over 3 million a day just on regular radio and TV.
We're on a lot of cable systems now, TV stations, you name it.
We have on average
Millions of views a day just on our YouTube channel.
Stop mentioning all the others.
Facebook million today.
I mean, it's sick.
We're reaching 28 million people a week now, one way or another.
Half of them in the US.
A lot of ad agencies say, well, why do you?
Oh, it's terrible.
Only half that audience is in the US.
That's where you make your money.
We're not about money.
Money funds us to get the word out worldwide against globalism.
We're a free market.
We're not ashamed of money, but our goal is to defeat the New World Order, the gun grabbers, everybody else.
Obama's got a lot of nerve stirring all this stuff up and then stirring up Black Lives Matter, giving all these speeches and then coming out and blaming the Second Amendment and saying police should reform as if cops in Dallas are to blame for a cop shooting a black guy in the back or whatever in Minnesota.
I mean, that's crazy.
Peter Schiff, in closing,
I wish you and others were wrong, but economics don't lie.
A day of reckoning is coming.
It's already happening in most areas of the world.
Outside, you know, the furthest this can push.
How long can their hanky-panky and weird manipulations cover up the fact we're in a global depression?
How long can this go on, Peter Schiff?
Look, the fact that Donald Trump is the Republican nominee shows you that this is running out.
The fact that Bernie Sanders got so much support among Democrats shows you how disgusted the rank-and-file people are.
The fact that the British, despite all the powers that be from all around the world, telling them that all hell would break loose if they voted to leave, they did it anyway.
Because I guess they figured it was already hell, so let's take a shot.
So, things that are happening now that you can see is evidence that the wheels are coming off this bus.
And, you know, how long it's going to take, exactly, I'm not smart enough to know.
I'm just smart enough to know that it's happening.
And hopefully enough people are smart enough to agree with me, and more importantly, to do something about it.
Just don't watch it happen.
Do something about it.
Because if you don't do something about it now, and then there's a collapse, and all you can do is, I wish, I would have, could have, should have, I wish I would have, you know, listened to Peter Schiff or Alex Jones.
Don't, don't have those regrets.
Take action now.
That's right.
I mean, at least you won't have to be regretting what you did.
It was all over the news.
It was all over the news at the time.
How much did your investors make in 2008 when you predicted all that?
It was huge.
In what?
I mean, 2008, your investors, I remember it was in the news, they just... No, 2008 was a tough year.
You know, we made money in 2007 in the... That's what I meant.
2007, your predictions really were amazing.
In 2007, we did really well.
2008, though, it was a very bad year.
2009 was a fantastic year, because the dollar went down.
See, when the dollar goes up...
My strategy is to invest internationally, and so when the dollar goes up, and if you have investments around the world, then they're going to go down.
Sure, sure.
Peter, amazing.
Thank you.
Fourth hour right now, and I'll be back to 74.6.
Last week we pointed out that globalists have declared open season on free individuals and nations worldwide.
When the British left the Euro, the globalists decided to go into high gear.
They've now announced that Hillary won't be indicted no matter how many crimes she commits.
It's time for us to take our matters into our own hands.
The globalist warfare model is siege.
It wants to make us dependent.
It wants to cut off our economies.
It wants to be able to set up a worldwide financial crisis.
Where there are food shortages that are already happening in most parts of the world where they basically bring us to our knees and where we can pitch like their demands.
That's why we're extending the July 4th sale right through next week because it's all about declaring your independence from the globalists.
You don't just declare independence when you buy high-quality storable foods or water filters or shortwave radios at infowarestore.com.
You declare your independence when you share links of articles and videos and information from the broadcast because there's a war on for your mind.
It's a total 360 win at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, I'd have to be a really big idiot studying geopolitics for 25 years, really longer than that.
Officially for 25 years, 21 years on air.
I'd have to be a pretty big moron to see George Soros and others carry out this exact same operation in other countries and then not see it happen here.
That's what's so frustrating.
David Knight's going to be riding shotgun with him this entire hour.
We're going to go to Nelson and Victor and KHI and Jim and Will and others here in just a moment.
And we'll flesh this out more later, David Knight, but I'm even chomping at the bit watching all this unfold.
It would be an incredible promo just for new viewers and listeners to take all the times you and I and others have talked about how they're gearing up a race war, civil unrest, the classic paradigm.
And I now see him doing it, but I tell you, Obama has got some big huevos, some big eggs, to come right out and blame the Second Amendment, and right out, say, reform the police, and then a whack job and gonna go shoot cops.
I mean, that is so offensive to me, logically.
When police departments are all these different jurisdictions, different states, individuals,
And then you just say, because there's a bad cop here, a bad cop there, I'm gonna go kill cops, and the president acts like it's okay.
I mean, that... It's surreal!
I mean, this guy is... What's this guy trying to do, David Knight?
Well, Alex, I think, you know, the middle America is really kind of caught in the middle of a couple of pincers.
One of them is the increasing militarization of the police.
We've talked about that a long time.
You've done documentaries on it.
That's coming out of Washington.
They've changed the way the local police operate.
And at the same time, we've had them institutionalize this kind of racism and hatred.
And we see this now.
With Obama, it's not something that he created.
This is something they've been working on for decades.
And I think he's really kind of, he's not the ultimate end of all this.
He's kind of more like the penultimate puppet in all this.
But this is something that's been going on.
Next to the top.
He's bringing in the final wave.
He's like the false prophet of the race war.
And if you look at everything else we've been documenting with the social justice warriors and the white privilege narratives that they're pushing, that's coming from people like Bill Ayers.
Bill Ayers wanted a revolution in this country, as the communists always do.
He stopped blowing up buildings and he did something that was far more dangerous.
He got involved in the educational establishment.
Yeah, exactly, going after the police.
He got involved in the educational establishment.
And so from that standpoint, you've got our children being radicalized, even white children, seeing white privilege as a source of all evil, and white people as being people that need to be killed.
At the same time, you've got the police who are told that they need to shoot first and empty their gun if they start it.
They're not as reluctant as they should be, or as they used to be.
And using force, and once they start to use force, they always make it lethal.
And so we have these two things coming together, and those of us in the rest of America, we're kind of caught in the middle.
We're both the targets of this hatred, and we are going to be the ones who are going to suffer from it.
We don't support the police problems and the police evils, but we don't support horrible George Soros civil war communist BS.
That's right.
And it's like the Hatfields and the McCoys.
Nobody's going to care how this started at some point.
It's just going to be shoot people based on their skin color.
People say, well why are you so against Islam now?
I tried to stop the clash of civilizations.
We knew the globals were setting it up.
They put the worst Muslims in charge.
Now they're invading us with them.
I feel sorry they're brainwashed zombies.
I feel sorry their women are prisoners.
But here's the deal.
I'm not going to bow down to it.
I'm not going to give up my rights.
I'm not going to be enslaved.
So at a certain point, the war gets so real, you just got to choose a side, David.
That's right.
And what we've seen, Alex, is this militarization of the police has gone hand in hand with the government's war on drugs, with their war on terror.
And of course, those are both focused towards our own internal population.
We're good to go.
In 1984, you know, the idea that you'd have these guys in black suits, just without a knock, blow through this house and bag this guy.
Through the ceiling.
Yeah, coming through the ceiling, bag him and take him away.
It's like, wow, that's over the top.
Now that's about 80,000 times a year here in America.
I just had an intro for the TV show that was from Brazil where they cut the hole in the roof and come in and bag the guy and hand him, lay the receipt.
We should, we should come up with that.
It's not fiction anymore.
No, it's not fiction.
We're going right to your phone calls with David Knight and Alex Jones straight ahead and extended live coverage.
And I will be here this weekend with special live reports.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
And this is very important because a lot of these microorganisms, and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms, you have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, viruses protect themselves, and so do bacteria, protozoa, and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually designed the Living Defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often should you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when they hatch that job.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss,
Excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness.
I mean, all these things.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, the saddest part about all this is this country was getting really good about not having racial tension, people getting along with each other, people coming together, and now they've got metrics and studies and polls out.
It's the worst it's been since like the 60s.
And I know the left's corrupt, I know the right wing's corrupt, I used to be the big guy exposing the right wing, but they really took an opportunity with Obama and they stuck the knife in, they twisted it, they poured salt in it, and they would have gotten an established Republican in, I'm sure they would have continued the agenda and maybe made it worse than Obama.
But because Trump isn't playing along for whatever reason, they hate him and want to stop him.
And they're creating this self-fulfilling prophecy that Trump's going to lose.
I don't believe the polls.
There's a Putin report I want to hear part of that kind of got overshadowed by the tragic events in Dallas that we're going to play part of at the bottom of the hour if we take some calls in literally 60 seconds.
There's another report with come and take it, the big attack on the Second Amendment.
We're going to put that up on the site.
But Putin's been coming out and saying they're moving missiles in, we may have nuclear war, your press is controlled, this is dangerous.
He said that three weeks ago.
No Western coverage.
That shows the control.
I mean, even if he was a bad guy.
When Kim Jong Un threatens us, we hear about it because it's not a legitimate threat.
But when Putin warns and says, please stop, it's not in our media.
And I just don't have confidence in Samantha Powers and Hillary.
And it's not just that they're women.
It's just, it's weird.
It's like, it's really sick when a guy's a warmonger, but they've killed some people.
It's, you're kind of like, well, but then when it's a woman in some dress with fancy diamonds on, it just smells like World War III.
It just smells like the end of the world.
It just, it just, it's obscene.
You know, when you've got some big, bad UFC champion on TV saying, I'm the baddest guy in the world, like Brock Lesnar back when he was the top guy, it's like, man, I don't like that guy.
That is just arrogant and pathetic.
But at least he could back it up for a while.
You look at all these weirdo, warmongering women on tape going, yeah, let's blow up the Russians, yeah, screw the EU, yeah, let's have a war, ooh, like weird weirdos on Fox going, let's kill people, and Hillary, I came, I saw you die.
I'm going to the calls, but David, I mean, is it you?
Is it me?
I mean, do you resonate with what I'm saying?
Do you get creeped out by this?
Absolutely, Alex.
And you know, one of the things that I was very concerned about, as I mentioned in the last thing, is how we're losing our children through the educational system.
We need to understand that it was the weather underground that created white privilege.
And we talk about this all the time.
I mean, that's the other side of the equation.
I mean, one part of it is a police department that is being goaded into using excessive force.
And we reported on this at
Various local and state levels.
I mean, out of New Mexico, we had police trainers who, when they were given a federal agenda to teach in the police academy, said, I'm not teaching that.
These are veterans who had taught for decades and said, that is a shoot first curriculum.
I'm not going to teach that.
And so they resigned rather than teach it.
But on the other side, we've got them pushing this racial division and hatred.
They don't care whether this is going to evolve into fascism.
Where there's an overreaction on the side of law enforcement against people who are protesting it, or if the protesters turn this into anarchy and we have a socialist takeover.
They don't really care which way this goes.
They funded both sides in the past, as you pointed out.
In World War II, they funded both the communists and the fascists.
And Soros is making money on the Euro and on the Brexit.
Yes, absolutely.
I want to go to some phone calls.
Great point, David Knight, riding shotgun with me on this hour.
I'll be back this Sunday, live, 4 to 6 p.m.
for sure.
But we're going to do live reports, special reports, tape reports as this develops because you notice everything's escalating.
I have a sinking feeling we're going to see a lot more a lot faster.
I mean, just the push by the media that the police are out to get you this week.
This is the establishment media.
This is the globalists that David just pointed out turned many of our police into killers.
Turned them into these guys and instinctively shoot.
So, it's just crazy.
Great point, David.
Let's go to Nelson.
We're going to go to everybody else's patient holding.
Thank you for holding.
Nelson, next is Victor.
Nelson in Ohio.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I've been listening for some years, and we both know that false flags don't necessarily
Have to be totally fake, and we both know that they are.
Oh, this is a false flag.
I mean, the media and the government hyped it, so they helped it happen, and then, sorry, go ahead.
It's just, a false flag doesn't mean it's completely fake.
It means they created the climate and allowed this to happen.
The media created this.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, but, okay, what really made me, I didn't think that really at first, because, you know, I'm all the way here in Ohio, I just, you know, hear what I hear.
Well, what made me really think that is when they, first of all, the suspect,
was in the military and supposedly and then when they released this comment they said something about you will find the IEDs and I remember you always played that one clip uh... the one guy I forget who it was talking about uh... a lot of people come out of the military and learn about it.
The sheriff's department and the police department say we've got to have armored vehicles because every department will be attacked by veterans with IEDs.
That does kind of fit the narrative, yes.
Yeah, so I just thought, I haven't heard nobody say that.
They're preparing a war against veterans and so they're getting the police ready for that, but it's not really working.
But I don't think that itself is proving a false flag in a classical sense, but that's a good question.
Stay there Nelson, I want you to be able to respond back.
David Knight, what's your take on that?
Yeah, Alex, I really, I don't know.
Whenever we look at something like this, we had the Summer of Chaos, if you remember, about a month ago.
We were told that D-Ray, the organizer, one of the key organizers of Black Lives Matter, his phone indeed was hacked.
But then there were some documents that came out of that.
We took a look at it at the time.
We said, well, they don't look like they're authentic.
It looks like there's some photoshopping stuff going on here.
It doesn't seem, it just didn't seem right.
So we didn't report on that in detail.
I don't
I mean, we talked about that.
Well, we know it's real because the documents mesh with the open conditioning and programming and operations we see.
People always think, oh, secret documents, you don't know.
I don't need secret documents, even though we've gotten plenty of them, and boy, I get rid of them quick.
You can see it from human intelligence watching what's going on, not what's on the news.
I know how to go out and look at things and tell.
I mean, I can even walk up and go, okay, you're Navy SEALs undercover.
And they go, how the hell do you know that, Jones?
I go, well, you're Army, you're undercover.
They all have a look.
I've learned so much doing this 20 plus years that I can see that this is synthetic from a mile away, David.
Oh, and also we had today, Alex, it was reported on the Hill, Loretta Lynch, Attorney General, encouraged members of Black Lives Matter to keep letting their voices be heard.
Oh, yeah.
Keep going.
Don't stop with this.
Don't let them intimidate you.
And that's the key.
This guy was a Black Lives Matter person.
He wasn't an All Lives Matter.
He wasn't a Blue Lives Matter.
He wasn't White Lives Matter or All Lives Matter, really.
He was simply Black Lives Matter.
That's the division that causes you to hate the other.
And people who are always talking about how, you know, we have to be concerned about racism and they always use the other or the foreigner to try to create this racism, they're totally blind to it when it is turned to the white people.
And as I was pointing out before, that has been a tactic from the Weather Underground.
As a matter of fact, one of the things that the Weather Underground did in the early days, that Bill Ayer was involved with, they said, we need to organize whites against
Their own oppression.
See, that's the psycho mentality that they're grabbing our children with and brainwashing them with.
Organizing themselves against themselves.
Did I tell you?
We were going to meet with a lady who has a, I've met with her before, who has a popular nutricircle.
And she couldn't come out and meet yesterday because she was too depressed over Black Lives Matter, people being targeted, because she was so depressed over blacks being attacked.
Because her son is part Indian.
As if Indians are getting attacked by anybody.
Except just going out and doing jobs and making money.
I mean, the cliché is true.
So, we're sitting here looking at this, and I'm like, you're kidding.
Oh yes, I'm too depressed.
Literal mind control, because she's watching mainstream TV convincing her
It's just a sick joke.
These people are freaking nuts, man.
They can paralyze people like her out of fear that they're going to be targeted.
They can make whites hate themselves.
Oh yeah, she thinks your five-year-old son's dead.
She thinks it's over.
Well, you know, that's the thing.
Instead, what they do is they make it about racism rather than the way that we train our police and the rules of conduct that we demand from them and what we use our government for.
It's always a diversion.
It's always a diversion.
The feds mandate instinctive shooting training.
It gets innocent people killed.
It also saves cops lives.
I mean, no kidding.
You should have people come in contact with you.
You're not going to get hit by a bad guy.
And it's just these people are too instinctively trained.
And it's like, I mean, I got two articles of them killing white people at traffic stops.
And those cops should get in trouble.
But they always double down.
And what's happening is now, look at what's going on.
Most of America is going to look at the innocent police who were shot yesterday, and they're not going to pay any attention to the people who were shot two days ago.
They're off the... So you get into this Hatfields and McCoy, you know, you have this two different perspectives, and you're going to completely forget about what's going on the other side, and you're not going to address the root problem.
It balkanizes everything.
Tell us the root problem in a moment.
No, just have a great weekend and enjoy the weather.
Thank you, thank you Alex and David.
I'm good.
The bone and joint formula for my mother.
Everything works great.
Thank you.
I got the non-GMO seeds.
I've been growing everything.
Well, let me just tell you, you have a commitment that about a third of our products are number one bestsellers by major companies that we've private-labeled.
The other stuff is game-changer stuff that we've developed with top scientists.
But absolutely, I'm not going to sell a product that doesn't blow me away.
And I mean, you take Supramel Vitality, folks.
I don't know anybody within two days that doesn't notice a difference in the morning.
And I don't want to get into details here, but it's like, I'm waking up in the morning like when I was 15 years old.
That's all I'm going to leave.
Super male vitality is incredible.
Go ahead, sir.
Absolutely, and basically what I wanted to talk about is, you know, if anybody knows the time, the very short timeline of like the last four days, it seems like when the FBI director came out and he did that 15 minute thing where he seemed like they were going to, you know, put a case against Hillary and then at the very end he didn't do that.
That was the very first shooting on that day, I believe.
Then the next day there was another shooting.
And now, yesterday, we have that, you know, horrible shooting as well.
So, it seems like now, I've never been in the media, but now it seems like the top three main stories to lead with are nothing about the shooting, everything, the whole Hillary thing has been pushed to the back, so now we don't talk about this, like, it's just ridiculous.
Sure, that's what Kent Daniels said to me this morning.
He goes, hey, Alex, I think you should make the point that this gets Hillary off the news, which is killing him.
And here's how
Find these mental patients, organize them online, they start the plots, that's the problem.
They're not infiltrating a plot, that's fine.
They're starting a plot, and courts have ruled this, and even the New York Times admits they've created 99 out of 100 plots.
They find the mental patients, they lead them, and sometimes they don't bust them, they let them do it.
And so sometimes a false flag is, you've just got the people under your control, you kind of authorize them whenever your quote, Black Lives Matter leader or whatever, turns them loose.
And then, you know, they go out and conveniently get killed.
And so, yes, you're right.
This is very convenient that all these police shootings started right after all this began, to get that out of the news.
I don't want to speculate.
But they've done it before, they could be doing it again, day to night.
Yeah, Alex, this is something I was going to cover.
It was on the Drudge Report yesterday, talking about how there was a rough week for TV networks that had set a low-water mark.
And although Fox News Channel was the most popular cable channel, they also had their lowest ever average viewership for the week.
And this is because it's 4th of July and this is the way they report it from the AP.
They say because of barbecues, fireworks and other outdoor activities, the weeks around July 4th are often the least watched time of the year in television.
That's why they picked the 4th of July Saturday to depose Hillary Clinton.
That's right.
To take all this stuff out.
But they argue that's the biggest news low of the year.
Yeah, and we know that.
And we were going to have a rebroadcast on Sunday.
That's why I said I want to come in because they're trying to bury this story and we need to do everything we can to expose it.
That's right.
I got emails going, why are you making David Knight work on the 4th of July 3rd?
And I said, look, David wanted to come in.
No, yeah, because that's what they were doing.
They were trying to bury this thing deliberately, and they did it very compact, very tightly.
The first day that everybody comes back on a Tuesday, Comey holds his press conference as if they had just finished, you know, they learned something on Saturday.
They had already written all that.
Yeah, they tried to hide all that over the July 4th weekend.
And so, yeah, I think it is very suspicious that we see all this stuff being compressed together right now, and this has taken all of this further off of the table for us.
Well, I'll tell you, this whole Black Lives Matter, you know, blacks are all being murdered everywhere.
Yeah, before they got out of their mothers wombs.
Yeah, it is true, but nobody cares about that.
The hype was just crescendo by yesterday.
I tried to tune it out, and I mean, again, I couldn't have business meetings with people because they were in catatonic states, literally in bed, you know, just fearing, you know, the dreaded, and it wasn't black people, it was like, you know, trendy whites that were just, just like mental patients, David.
I cannot believe 258 black people were killed in 2015 by cops.
Well, here's the deal.
I mean, thousands died falling in the shower.
I just don't get it.
But, you know, you always use the analogy of sharks and jaws, okay?
Why was that so powerful?
It was so powerful because of the visceral images.
What we had with this shooting, especially the shooting that the lady... We see the guy like a fish, gulping for air.
It's horrible.
I can't watch it.
That's right.
And so, I mean, that is what's freaking everybody out.
And the fact that the cop is standing there with a gun... That's another question.
They're not showing up-close video of these cops fishing out.
Yeah, that's right.
Well, and the other part of it was, not only was he dying and gasping for air, but you could see the gun there, and the fact that the cop is not calling for help.
As we saw, you know, some of the other shootings that were happening around New York.
Remember the couple that just walked into a wheel, a stairwell, and they were shot by a rookie cop who was surprised by them.
I mean, it's like these cops that arrested our reporters, the federal cops, they didn't even know how to unload guns or take them out of their holsters.
They were like literally worse than Barney Fife.
That's right.
And in that situation in New York, where the guy was shot in the stairwell, they went out and the record showed that they were calling their police union to say, you know, what do I do about this, rather than calling for an ambulance.
And they let the guy bleed out.
So there is a real basis here.
Let's expand.
I totally get why we could watch these shows all day, and it looks like cops are the demons of the earth.
That's right.
I get it.
But statistically, it isn't a blip on the screen.
That's why I'm saying it's a fraud.
Because it's like
Well, the other part of it, Alex, is, I mean, decades ago, I had relatives who had older shut-ins who had sat there and watched television.
And they would get news reports, crime reports, from all over the country because that's what the news wanted to talk about.
And it made them feel like they were in a siege mentality, like they couldn't go outside, they were afraid to go out.
My grandmother, she's in a nursing home now, but she would literally be like, you know, close that door, look out, and I'd be like, have you ever been robbed?
No, but, you know, just the news was crime, murder, crime, murder, you know.
That's right, that's right.
And so it has that cumulative effect.
And also because it's very visceral, because they amplify it by playing it over and over again.
Victor, great points.
Anything else?
Uh, yeah.
Yes, I just want to say it's kind of like really crazy because they also now, by doing this, they start talking about gun control on CNN because I monitor, you know, I call it counter-surveillance.
Blame the Second Amendment, you know, now he can't have Army training because he was Army trained.
Let's blame the Army, you know.
Alex, I started watching this last night.
One of the first reports I saw, somebody said, oh, it was an assault weapon.
We know that it was an assault weapon.
I mean, it was immediately after this started, they say.
Well, it's using 5% of crimes, and I'll give it to them.
They were using 2% of crimes 10 years ago, so I get it.
They are going up, but it's still 5%.
Great points, Victor.
Let's go to Will in Florida.
Will, thanks for holding on the air with David Knight and Alex Jones.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Yeah, I tell you what, I've been furious over the past few days.
My whole thing is...
BLM is a terrorist organization and it is funded by Soros and it is pushed by our White House's agenda and the media that's being controlled by them.
And by the way, new listeners, I'm gonna let you start over, but for new listeners, this guy's not, this is not rhetoric.
Our White House and multinational banks are pushing this movement to overthrow the country.
Go ahead.
Oh yes, definitely.
So what they're doing is they're creating a rift between the uneducated, and it's not a war against blacks, it's not a war against whites, it's not a war against police, it's a war against the uneducated.
Because the uneducated don't do their research.
They turn on Fox News, they see, oh my god, another black person was killed, it was unjustified, well, Alton Sterling, it was completely justified.
Philando Castile, absolutely not.
What about Dylan Noble?
He was a 19-year-old white kid who was killed last month.
No one ever talks about him.
So what the media is doing is exactly like what you were talking about.
They're using these agendas, these BLM agendas, to try to cover up what's going on in our government.
Instead of a mass protest last night about a criminal being killed, it should have been a mass protest about our government letting a criminal get away with killing people.
That's right.
You know, it's weird.
Soros and them keep choosing things where it's open and shut that the guy, you know, attacks the cops and they kill him.
Why don't they pick the cases where it is unjustified?
It's weird.
And there's dozens of them.
I mean, this year alone, 1,146 deaths were caused by law enforcement.
306 of those were black.
581 were white.
Now, most of those are justified.
A few percent, you know, fall into the Philando Castile or the Dylan Noble.
But it's the high profile ones, it's the ones that come up at the right time.
So they can exploit it and they can use it to push their agenda.
Well you sound like a smart guy.
Are you a police officer?
No, but I did used to be in the military, and I got out of the military because of the things I used to see.
And like you, I've been a follower for a while, but I don't get my information from you.
I get my information the same way you get your information.
I watch your show, and I see you validate everything I see.
Well, Agenda 21.
People seem to forget about that.
You know, we're talking about a long con.
You know, this isn't just something that's come up.
Hold on, Will.
Stay there.
I'm going to come back to you, play part of this Putin report I did, and then go back to other callers.
Jim and Mark and Sherry and KHI is up next, actually.
Don't hang up, Will.
I'm going to give you a few minutes to have David Knight respond back.
That's what I'm saying.
All of the fighting is real at some point.
Everybody's got real issues and real beefs.
But outside of that, the globalists admit they're manipulating it.
We're on the march.
That's the point.
The empire's on the run.
Don't be manipulated.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Care for what you wish for, Globalist?
A little race war?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
No matter how insulated elites believe they are, the harder they fall, history shows that.
And now we've been identifying Globalist in our operations worldwide.
We're having gigantic political victories.
You know, 15, 16 years ago I began to have Nigel Farage on almost on a monthly basis.
Back when nobody knew who UKIP was.
And just this show alone was a large part of launching that operation now devastating the globalists.
Matt Drudge amplifying what we do and working with others is huge and now there's hundreds of other organizations popping up that get the paradigm.
Once the code key to unlock the globalist program is available to the public,
You can decode their operations like that, and it's called the beginning of the end.
Game over.
The only way to win the game is not to play.
When a white cop gets killed, we lose.
When a black person on the street gets killed for no reason, we all lose.
It's the same thing.
It's ridiculous in this economy, the way the world works, to believe that somehow
Fighting with each other is a way to go forward.
We should have a free society organized around the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and free will.
It's happened again.
A cop was shot today outside St.
Now, authorities, highway gunmen, motivated by police shootings, shot a police officer, another police officer, in Tennessee.
And it's just intensifying.
I've never seen so many communist flags in my whole life.
Up until the last two years, I've seen more on the streets.
I'll be in, like, Baton Rouge.
I'll be in New York.
I'll be in LA.
I'll be in, uh... I'll just see communists marching around.
I'll be in Austin.
I've seen communists march five times in Austin and wasn't even looking for them!
And of course, it's all Black Lives Matter.
It's kicking off, and I don't know how big this is going to get, but I tell you, I'm not turning my guns in because a bunch of communists run around shooting cops, okay?
Will, what else do you think is going to happen when we get David Knight's take on this?
Well, Alex, I think I think it's going to get big.
I think it's going to get a lot worse because what is really going on with the BLM movement, the police and everything else is a sign up against the uneducated and fear mongering.
So you get the uneducated to fear the police and then you get the police to fear for their lives.
Then you create this rift between the two.
So now the people who have orchestrated it,
Have nothing to do with it, except sit back and reap the benefits of what they want.
And watch the crime rates triple in more than 10 cities as blacks get killed en masse by drug dealers.
So, what my theory is, Obama has talked a lot about a third term.
Not necessarily running for governor.
Oh, I was always hearing this from insiders.
He was going to cause civil unrest like five years ago, I heard.
At the end of his second term, he'd do this.
And boy, it's looking like it.
Yeah, and that's exactly what I think he's doing, because I believe he's creating so much of a rift, so much chaos, that by November, we're going to be in so much turmoil, elections are going to be suspended.
And then it's just free game.
So, the big thing that worries me is, you know, I'm a veteran, I run a veteran page, I actually posted a video yesterday afternoon talking about exactly what I'm telling you now, and then last night happened.
I want to play it.
What's the name of your YouTube channel?
What's the name of the video, brother?
Well, it's not on YouTube, but it's on my Facebook page.
That would be facebook.com slash F-U, the letter U. I'm covered.
One word.
Do me a favor.
Send us the link and the friend invite or whatever it is to showtipsandinfowars.com because I want to play that video.
We're looking for folks that predict things before they happen.
We're looking for people that are accurate.
We're looking for people that know what's going on, not just to actually work here, but to be auxiliary reporters.
Because we're all in.
I mean, I was working last night at 9 o'clock at night.
I worked until 9 o'clock last night.
The problem is I don't stay up past 9 now.
I worked all day until 9, and then I just collapsed.
They were all calling me, trying to get me up at like 11 when this started.
And I'm not complaining.
I've never been more alive.
I just worked from like 6 to 9, and I just collapsed.
Very, very interesting.
Will, send us that info.
Tell us your Facebook account again.
Is your Facebook open to the public or is it by invite only?
It's a Facebook page.
It's not my personal one.
It's a veteran-run Facebook page.
Sure, sure.
I'm going to look it up right now and put it on TV and radio for listeners, but TV for viewers.
It's F-U, I'm covered?
The letter F, the letter U, I'm covered.
Let's pull that up on Facebook right now.
I want to see that.
Thank you so much, David Knight.
Will, make some really good points.
Yeah, Alex, you know, he was talking about Agenda 21 and one of the articles that's come out about the platform fight that's coming up at the Democratic Convention.
You've got someone who is Obama's former deputy assistant for climate change saying that what Bernie Sanders wants to do is a burn-it-down march to the ideological sea on climate change.
What they don't want to have happen is a
Visible push.
Something happening too quickly.
Hillary learned this when she tried to take over health care as first lady.
It didn't work.
She pushed too far, too fast.
She didn't want to see this happen again.
Instead, they want to boil the frogs in the pot approach.
Creeping death.
They want to do it very slowly.
And you know...
Alex, when Biggs and Zimmerman and Alley were down at the border, they charged them with criminal trespass.
What that's about is the federal government coming in and taking over the properties.
We've seen Obama do it.
On both sides of the Red River.
People own homes for a hundred years.
They say it's ours now.
They just do it with a stroke of pen.
And he's doing it under the misapplication of this monument law.
But he's taking millions of acres.
And remember, Yellowstone is very special.
It's about 2 million acres.
But he's got 3, 4 million acre projects all over the country.
From Maine to Florida, on the East Coast, on the West Coast.
When they take that property, Alex, that's when they come after you for criminal trespass.
That's what the Bundys were saying in Nevada.
They said, look, people have been free to come and go and enjoy this land as the public has it.
Now they're going to keep you to a little narrow path here, and if you get off that path, they're going to arrest you.
That's what we saw with our reporters yesterday.
That's what Agenda 21 is going to look like, and that's why the lockdown on transportation is also a part of that.
David, I want to come back and go to Jim in Indiana and Charles and others that are patiently holding.
Before I do that, though, I'm not going to air this whole thing, but Putin back on, got the article here on RT, back on the 17th of June, three weeks ago, roughly, he came out and said, look, you got weapons on our border, you're gearing up, your press won't report this, your government lies to us about everything, we're in danger of World War III.
And then, we reported it, but it got almost no cover.
No coverage.
And to me, that's what's so scary, is that regardless of what you think about Vladimir Putin,
The world is just galloping towards war, and our government is run by criminals that put ISIS and Al-Qaeda in charge to attack Russian interests, really making us the bad guy, cut and dry for the first time in history.
And so I want to play a few minutes of this report.
The full report is up on Infowars.com.
It's on YouTube.
It should go viral.
It's only got like 150,000 views since last night, which people think that sounds viral.
No, no.
Putin warning the world of World War III.
That needs 50 million views, okay?
And again, this is almost a month old.
We just mentioned it yesterday because it didn't get any attention.
This is why we're in so much trouble.
Because just incredible things are happening.
We're going to play a few minutes of this, mainly with Putin's quotes with an English translation.
Then we're going to come back and go back to the calls and get David's take on that.
But this is why we say get ready.
This is why we say, yeah, Infowars is exploding because we've been shown to know what we're talking about.
But it's too little too late unless we really explode.
And my goal isn't to make a bunch of money and live in a bigger house.
My God, I can't take care of the house I got.
It's to try to save the country.
I'm all in, folks.
And to try to have a future and not have nuclear war and not have civil war.
I mean, I really am surprised more people aren't just totally involved to try to stop this.
I just, where is the survival instinct?
I know it's there, but my God, this is crazy.
So, please support the broadcast.
We have 20 to 40% off on all those horrible foods.
That ends on Monday.
And I added it to optics and shortwave radios and solar power systems and nutraceuticals.
X2 is about to sell out.
20% off.
You get 10% off on top of even 40% specials with auto-ship.
And we got free shipping on orders of $50 or more.
There's so many specials, I can't go over them all.
Some of the biggest specials in our history.
Hillary for President shirts, 100% of that's going to fund the airplanes over the DNC and RNC saying Hillary for President.
We're going crazy right now.
We're taking action.
History is happening.
Fully commit.
My spirit is just all in now.
I just know this is the time to go all guns, everything we've got, maximum push as we go into this, folks.
Ramming speed.
But let's hear from Vladimir Putin here.
I cannot help asking those who have caused this situation, do you realize now what you've done?
Russian military exercise video.
Speaking nearly a month ago, President Vladimir Putin at the International Economic Forum in St.
Petersburg, Russia, warned the group of international journalists there repeatedly that Europe, the United States, and Russia were drifting towards full-scale war.
We know year by year what's going to happen, and they know we know.
It's only you that they tell these fables and you buy it and spread it to the citizens of your countries.
Your people do not feel a sense of the impending danger.
This is what worries me.
How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?
That is the problem.
But they pretend like nothing's going on.
I don't even know how to get through to you people anymore.
And the big news is, a month later, almost a month later, after we first reported on it,
In mid-June, there has been almost no Western coverage of it at all.
And that's exactly what Putin was getting at.
Whether you love Putin or hate Putin, if the leader of Russia, with thousands of intercontinental ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, is telling the West, I don't know how to get through to you, your media is controlled, you're being manipulated,
NATO is putting missiles on our borders.
We're having to move missiles in.
You've overthrown Ukraine.
You're on an offensive.
You're funding and protecting radical Islam.
Do you know what you've done?
Do you know what you've done?
As he said at the UN, destabilizing the Middle East.
Why are you doing this?
Where are the sound minds across the political spectrum
Who should be stopping this?
Russia has three overseas military bases.
You have hundreds.
You have your spies inside our country trying to overthrow it.
You have your CIA people trying to get into our embassies.
You are at war with us!
And the average American, the average European, the average Brit is not aware of this.
Another threat that President Obama mentioned was ISIS.
Well, who on earth armed them?
Who helped to arm the Syrians that were fighting against Assad?
Who created the necessary political climate that facilitated the situation?
Who pushed for the delivery of arms to the area?
Do you really not understand as to who is fighting in Syria?
But the issue of a major world leader saying that we're moving to the brink of war
I think?
Look, tame in comparison.
Elites are building armored fortresses and redoubts all over the world, admitting they believe collapse is coming.
Governments are digging in.
Russia is digging in.
Our supposed government is collapsing our borders and bringing people in with diseases and ignoring the Supreme Court rulings.
It seems an age of madness.
Or megalomania is now upon us.
We've seen great evil out of Russia.
We've seen great evil out of Germany.
We've seen incredible evil out of Communist China.
But America has had its problems as well and now we see Europe and the United States and the whole Anglo-American establishment filled with hubris and arrogance just violating domestic laws, persecuting the press, leaking classified material and getting away with it.
This is the stuff that collapses and major wars and calamities are made of.
And most historians point out the parallels between the start of World War I and what we now see happening today.
And the parallels with the start of World War II and the climate, politically, we see today.
Even the Pentagon admits that we're probably witnessing one of the most unstable periods in human history right now.
But Obama says we've got the best economy ever and the world's the most stable it's ever been.
As they do everything they can to push us into crisis.
And it's not just the Democrats.
They have their establishment Republican cohorts that are working with them.
All right.
I have never been more concerned about what's happening.
That's right.
I've never been more concerned.
I'll tell you.
And if we're able to raise the alarm.
The full video is up on Infowars.com.
I want to go to more calls after the break with you, David.
And I want to do some special reports over the weekend, obviously, because...
Just again, at a gut level, I can feel the whole escalation of the next level's already happened.
What's your comment on the Russian situation, but also what the last caller was talking about?
Well, Alex, as you pointed out earlier in the program, we've seen how George Soros has engineered this in the Ukraine.
He's the one trying to overthrow Russia!
I mean, God, you just want to get rid of him?
That's right.
And so what we saw happening in the Ukraine, they created this unrest, the pattern that we're now seeing applied here in America.
Isn't it interesting that we had Madison warn us that the tools of defense abroad or whatever would be used domestically
And of course the tools of insurrection and unrest abroad will be used domestically as well.
We're seeing that now.
So they broke off the Ukraine from Russia.
Then when the Crimea said they would like to secede from the Ukraine, they said, oh no, that's not justified.
Secession by the Ukraine is justified.
And as they mass these troops on the border...
And in the past, they said to Putin, it was just a drill.
It was a two-year proxy war fighting Russian troops right now in eastern Ukraine.
Yeah, absolutely.
And it was interesting, you know, nobody talked about what happened two years ago.
This April we had the close flyover of the USS Donald Cook in the North Sea by Russian planes.
Nobody talked about the fact that it was almost exactly two years after that same ship had another close call incident with a Russian plane flying over them.
And that ship was positioned very close to where the Crimea was, okay?
So they were there monitoring it.
It's some kind of an intelligence ship, but it's also got some missile defense on it.
At the time, the Russians said, we were able to fly, do passes for a half hour, and you were unable to get a lock on us because we've got something to shut it down.
So there's back and forth, there's an intimidation.
But this is something that we've not seen for many decades now, this kind of intimidation and provocation that is being done.
And it was begun by Victoria Nuland of the Obama administration and by George Soros and his agencies, his non-governmental agencies.
By the way, we don't want to just sit here and always bash George Soros.
It's just it's always him.
It's like it never ends.
It's always George Soros.
Well, it's not us.
I mean, we've been told that in the James Bond series, they picked the bad guys.
They named it after, you know, Quantum, they named it after George Soros, and they did that deliberately.
I mean, they know that he's been engineering things, even at a national level.
He's been trying to bring down the UK forever.
That's right.
That's right.
What has he got?
I mean, he can mess with the Russians, the Brits, everybody.
He's running cop-killing organizations.
He's a James Bond villain.
Man, I don't know what he's got.
I don't know what's going on with him.
All I know is his media matters.
He attacks us more than anyone.
And you know what?
I'm proud of that piece of filth.
You know, he may have cheated law, but he won't cheat death.
He won't cheat the laws of physics or God.
That's right.
George Soros will go to hell.
We'll be back.
He who controls the trends, controls the future.
He who controls the future, controls the destiny of humanity.
My friends, the globalist social engineers are obsessed with creating false memes, false trends that they control.
to create a population of trendies from those false trends that don't have their own destiny who don't even have a basic organic human genetic drive to build something
That is satisfying, trailblazing, and innately independent and human.
And if you understand this paradigm, you understand all the others.
One of hundreds of memes and trends we've been successfully able to launch and force into the consciousness is a Operation Against Hillary Clinton we launched 10 months ago with the Hillary for Prison t-shirt.
It's now been duplicated by countless groups, and I think that's wonderful.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and now it's all over CNN, it's all over Fox, it's all over the Trump rallies, the Hillary rallies.
The number one search term for a week straight, last week, and still continuing, one of the top search terms is, is Hillary going to jail?
This has been incredibly successful.
Because it shows, despite corporate control, and despite them trying to control the meme,
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We've had three versions of the Hillary for Prison shirt.
All of them have been collector's edition and have helped fund the Infowar.
We now have a third edition in.
The second edition sold out.
It's the same as the last, but on the right shoulder says InfoWars.com, on the back it says InfoWars.com, legalize freedom, be part of history, be part of supporting the InfoWar, be part of meeting like-minded friends and family, and be part
of breaking out of their paradigm and setting the agenda, setting the trend, setting the true, organic, teleprompter-free reawakening of humanity.
Get your Hillary for Prison 2016 third wave shirts at infowarrestore.com or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
Day after day, alone on a hill.
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
Well, he's a fool.
He shows what's going on.
Nobody wants to know him.
They can see that he's just a fool.
John Lennon brings us home.
I'm going to try to get through all these callers.
We only have a few minutes left.
I appreciate everybody tuning in.
For more special reports throughout the weekend, just watch Infowars.com or Facebook or Twitter, Real Alex Jones.
I pray that this Black Lives Matter killing spree stops, but the President, Hillary, all the other usual suspects, they're saying we need to reform the police, which only encourages this.
These are the people that have helped misform the police.
Let's talk to Jim in Indiana.
Jim, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Yes, I was watching Fox News last night, you know, like before I go to bed, and then all of a sudden, before the main headline became mainstream overnight,
They were zooming in on the three dead cops on Fox News Live as they were saying, we shouldn't be trying to watch this.
And I'm like, okay, fine.
As other people on Fox News Live was debating statistics at the same time.
I'm like, why are we at this point in this century?
I mean, because a cop shoots somebody in Minnesota, you go shoot 20 cops and kill five of them.
It's just warped craziness.
And a lot of Black Lives Matter groups are saying, great job, kill more cops.
I mean, I don't want to kill cops, number one, but if I just randomly put it on Twitter, go kill somebody, I should be arrested.
And so it's freakazoid.
I appreciate that point, Jim.
Real quick, because I'm going to hit a few more of these callers.
Why do you think Black Lives Matter is so protected?
I mean, I know they want this whole crisis to happen, but I don't see Obama and the Democrats coming out on top in this.
Are they just in their own little social justice warrior bubble, David?
I think they are, Alex.
But I don't really think that they want anything other than chaos.
I mean, I read that quote to you earlier from Lynch, saying, you know, we don't want the Black Lives Matter movement to keep silent on this.
And Barack Obama said the same thing.
He said, when people say black lives matter, it doesn't mean blue lives don't matter.
But right now, the data shows black folks are more vulnerable to these kind of incidents.
There's a particular burden being placed on that group of our fellow citizens.
He is doubling down on this.
And we know that the Black Lives Matter people on social media get very angry if you say all lives matter.
Or if you say blue lives matter.
It is about a racial line.
The problem with social injustice and economic injustice and it's not about like cops killing people, that's so rare, it's a total red herring.
It's a very sick program.
The people running our country are bad news, folks.
You see this type of warfare, this type of economic and cultural warfare, it's bad news.
Mark in Arizona, you're on the air, go ahead, thanks for holding.
Alex, David, during the fall of, I think it was 2012, on the air you mentioned something called critical race theory.
And at the time, what is occurring now was just getting started.
I would hope that you could elaborate on, for the audience, what critical race theory is.
You know, it rings a bell.
I'll have to go back and research it, but I apologize that our callers were out of time.
David, 20 second closing comment.
Well, Alex, tonight on the nightly news, we're going to go into detail on this.
We're going to look at the background on it.
We're going to look at the fact that this isn't just the militarized police, but this is the racialized institution we call government school.
That's right.
It's all there to create total division and just obsession on idiocy instead of living in peace together with free association.
I just love everybody, man.
I want prosperity.
I want to go to the stars.
Infowars.com is where resistance to dehumanization begins.
See you back this Sunday, 2, 4 to 6 p.m.
Special reports throughout the weekend.
Great job to the crew.
Great job, David, everybody else.
Sorry for those dead officers and everybody else.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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