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Name: 20160621_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 21, 2016
3276 lines.

The Alex Jones Show on InfoWars discusses a range of topics including politics, health, personal experiences, civil liberties, and current affairs. The show offers various products for sale through its website. Callers share their opinions and concerns about political events, civil liberties, and potential consequences of the US presidential election. The show emphasizes individual freedom, historical understanding, and awareness of current political agendas to protect rights and freedoms.

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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We are live on this Tuesday, June 21st edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Paul Joseph Watson.
I will be with you for the first 30 minutes, then Alex Jones will be hosting the show live, so be sure and stay tuned for that.
Now, we're going to start by talking about violent, crazy, left-wing extremists.
Because, of course, over the past five days, the Conservatives, the right, the pro-Brexit people in the United Kingdom have been blamed, have been lectured for the toxic and inflammatory atmosphere that they apparently created, which led to the murder of the Labour MP, Joe Cox.
Now of course the polls were showing that Vote Leave was pulling ahead.
The momentum was with the pro-Brexit camp.
As soon as this murder happened, that was reversed.
Because they cashed in immediately, they blamed anyone who wanted to take back power from the unelected corrupt bureaucrats in Brussels.
They blame them for this murder.
They characterize them as dangerous right-wing extremists.
Well now, last night it emerged that during a Donald Trump rally, an illegal alien from the United Kingdom tried to grab the gun of a police officer and assassinate Donald Trump.
Now I've been warning about this for at least three or four months.
In fact, I put out a video three months ago called The Assassination of Donald Trump predicting this very thing.
That dangerous, left-wing, violent rhetoric would lead to a crazy trying to actually attempt to assassinate Donald Trump.
And exactly that happened on Saturday night.
This is out of the American Mirror.
Would-be Trump assassin an illegal alien
If one illegal alien had his wish, he would have killed Donald Trump on Saturday.
Michael Stephen Sandford appeared in a federal court in Las Vegas today, two days after he was arrested for allegedly trying to grab a police officer's gun with the intent to assassinate the presumptive Republican nominee for president.
Now, bearing in mind that
His parents claim he wasn't political before this.
It was over the course of the last six months to a year that he allegedly planned this assassination attempt.
This wasn't just a mindless tweet on Twitter.
This wasn't a social media post.
This was an actual plan to assassinate Donald Trump.
He said that he had schemed it for a year.
He travelled down, he went to a firing range the day before to practice his shooting skills.
Obviously it was a poor attempt, but it was an actual assassination plot.
So it remains to be seen what radicalised this individual to do this.
His father said that he wasn't political, but he was radicalised over the last 12 months.
He doesn't know by what.
Well, I've got a pretty good clue.
We're going to get more into it after the break, but just for starters, you know, Facebook for months and months hosting pages called, I effing want to kill Donald Trump.
Do you think that had anything to do with it?
Do you think the hundreds, the thousands of tweets on a daily basis saying, I'm going to kill Donald Trump,
Saying, who's going to take one for the team and assassinate Donald Trump?
Do you think that had anything to do with it?
Do you think the rap songs, the F Trump anthem, the F Donald Trump song, again, heralded by the music media as brave protest anthems, legitimized by the mainstream media, do you think that had anything to do with the radicalization of this individual?
I would say that it had a massive amount to do with it.
And again, this guy is a British citizen.
He was there for 18 months illegally in the United States.
For the last six months plus, for the last eight, nine months in fact, he's been hearing this constant drumbeat of left-wing violent radical rhetoric about how Donald Trump is a Nazi, about how he's going to put, you know, Muslims in concentration camps, about how he's literally Hitler.
They've been hearing this for months and months and months.
They've seen the mainstream media legitimize violent threats against Donald Trump.
They've seen the press legitimize, give a platform to the individual who rushed the stage and tried to tackle Trump back in March.
That's what led to this crazy left-wing violent rhetoric and it needs to be called out.
We'll be back live on the Alex Jones Show.
Stay right there.
BrainForce is here.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on this the last few months.
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You will find Brain Force, Survival Shield X2, and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
New drone rules from the FAA limit small commercial drone operations to daylight hours and require operators to get certified every two years, reports USA Today.
The FAA's 624-page rulebook allows commercial drones weighing up to 55 pounds to fly during daylight hours.
And a waiver could be used for nighttime flights.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
A series of dueling gun control measures in the Senate were defeated Monday evening in the first proposed legislation in the wake of the Orlando terror attack, reports Fox News.
The four amendments all failed on procedural votes.
The first vote was on the amendment by Senator Chuck Grassley.
To enhance funding for an existing gun background check system, which needed 60 votes to pass, the final vote tally was 53 to 47.
The second vote was on a measure by Senator Chris Murphy to expand gun background checks and close the so-called gun show loophole.
The final vote tally was 44 to 56.
Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas pushed a measure that would allow the government to delay a gun sale to a suspected terrorist for 72 hours.
It failed in a final vote of 53 to 47.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Go back live on the Alex Jones Show on Tuesday, June 17th edition.
Alex will be live on the air at the bottom of the hour, so be sure to stay tuned for that.
Michael Stephen Sandford.
This is the illegal alien, the British citizen that was in the United States illegally, who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump during his event on Saturday.
Sandford's only form of ID was a United Kingdom's driver's license, reports RT.
At his arraignment on Monday, it was revealed that he had overstayed his visa and was in the United States illegally.
In a court filing against the British national, U.S.
Attorney Daniel Bogdan alleges Sanford had never fired a gun before until the day prior to the rally.
According to police, he approached Las Vegas Police Department Officer Emil Jacob and attempted to take his weapon and use it to shoot Trump.
The court filing states he drove from California to Nevada because, quote, he finally felt confident about trying it.
He remains in custody and has a court hearing July 5th.
So obviously the left-wing press in America
The left-wing press in the United Kingdom, the same media outlets that demonised Conservatives for the death of Joe Cox, the pro-Remain Labour MP in the United Kingdom, who was murdered by somebody whose friends and neighbours said that he wasn't political, he suddenly apparently became political in recent months.
Of course they blame the right wing, but they blame the conservatives for that.
And yet, this is not the only example of crazy left-wing violent rhetoric leading to potential bloodshed.
So we've got this guy who tried to assassinate Trump.
And then today it's revealed that Omar Mateen, the Orlando Pulse nightclub gunman, was not only a registered Democrat, he supported Hillary Clinton.
This is out of the Washington Post.
This is a conversation between Omar Mateen and his friend.
They spoke to his friend.
This is out of the article.
Omar and I continued to have infrequent conversations over the next few years.
I saw him at a dinner at his father's house in January.
Of course, his father, the big Taliban fan, who the media treated as a credible source immediately after the attack, when he said that it had nothing to do with Islam.
The article goes on, we talked about the presidential election and debated our views of the candidates that were running.
Again, this is a conversation between Omar Mateen and his friend.
Quote, he liked Hillary Clinton.
That's right, the gunman in the Orlando nightclub massacre was a big Hillary fan.
He was a registered Democrat.
Will Hillary Clinton be asked over and over again by the mainstream media over the next three to four weeks to disavow Omar Mateen?
Remember when David Duke came out and endorsed Donald Trump?
And Trump repeatedly had to address the question.
Even though he said from the very beginning he had nothing to do with him, didn't want his support, he was forced to disavow him over and over again because of course the press were trying to do guilt by association.
So now we've got it on the record, according to one of his close friends, that Omar Mateen supported Hillary Clinton.
He was a registered Democrat.
Was he radicalised by some of this crazy left-wing violent rhetoric?
So again, you know, will Hillary suspend her campaign out of respect for the Orlando victims?
This is what happened in the United Kingdom.
The Vote Leave campaign suspended all campaigning in the aftermath of the murder of this left-wing Labour MP.
Of course Vote Remain, the pro-EU opposition, said they were doing the same, suspending their campaign, except they didn't.
They immediately went on the offensive and vociferously blamed Conservatives who want to get out of the EU for this mental patient who was hooked up on psychotropic drugs for murdering this Labour MP.
But again, Omar Mateen supported Hillary Clinton.
Will Hillary suspend her campaign out of respect for the Orlando victims?
Will she be asked to disavow her association since he endorsed her with Omar Mateen over and over again over the next few weeks?
That's the answer.
You won't hear it once.
It's buried deep within this Washington Post article.
And that's where it will remain.
Because the left is terrified of this narrative coming out.
Oh, and by the way, you remember on the same day, it was reported, when you had the Orlando attack, the very same day it was reported that an individual was caught with explosives, with guns in his vehicle, on the way to a Gay Pride march.
Now this was first reported, it was first rumoured, that it was some kind of right-wing radical,
And this one kind of flew under the radar as well.
It turns out that that individual who was caught with the guns, with the explosives, presumably on the way to carry out some kind of massacre, was not a right-wing extremist.
He was a Bernie Sanders supporter!
This is out of gotnews.com.
The would-be West Hollywood shooter is a gun-toting, weed-smoking, conspiracy-theorizing Bernie bro, gotnews.com has learned.
He's not a Trump fan, or a racist as far as we can tell.
So again, you had that story come out.
As soon as it became apparent that he wasn't a dangerous right-wing extremist, the story kind of disappeared.
So now you've got three examples.
You have the would-be Trump assassin.
You have Omar Mateen.
And you have this individual, James Wesley Howell, who was caught with the explosives with the guns on the way to the Gay Pride Parade.
All three of them left-wingers.
All three of them potentially radicalized by violent left-wing rhetoric.
Will you hear the mainstream media even mention it?
Never mind, tie it, weave it into their narrative?
It's too toxic for them to even acknowledge this threat.
Now there's an article in Breitbart, it was really good, called, Did British MPs radicalise the man who tried to murder Donald Trump?
This is Raheem Kassan.
The very top of the British political establishment has sought to link the murder of Joe Cox MP with the Brexit campaign, arguing against logic and potentially in contempt of court.
That the politics of hate and a UKIP poster were responsible.
So by their logic, surely David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn and their parliamentary colleagues will now take responsibility for the alleged attempted murder of Donald Trump by a British man.
Now remember the environment we've had for the past six, eight months in Britain.
Donald Trump's a Nazi.
Donald Trump's literally Hitler.
Donald Trump wants to put Mexicans and Muslims in camps.
You had the petition signed by hundreds of thousands of people to block Donald Trump from entering the United Kingdom.
Now they created that narrative that Donald Trump was somehow this dangerous, violent, extremist, radical threat to democracy.
So is it really any surprise that not only did we have the attendant violence that Donald Trump rallies, you know, people being attacked, spat on, punched in the face by violent left-wingers.
Of course, that was first blamed on Donald Trump.
And now we have individuals acting out based on this rhetoric, including the would-be assassin of Donald Trump.
So in every single case radicalised by violent left-wing rhetoric, but you won't see the mainstream media point it out because it completely demolishes their narrative.
Now we have another story out of NBC.
This just broke about 30 minutes ago.
Three arrested with multiple loaded guns, knives, body armour at Holland Tunnel on way to New York City.
Three people arrested with multiple loaded guns, rifles and ballistic vests at the Holland Tunnel Tuesday when police stopped them for driving with a cracked wing shield.
Authorities tell NBC4 New York three individuals, two men in their 50s and a woman in her 30s, who may be from Pennsylvania, were stopped on the New Jersey side of the tunnel around 8 a.m.
So we wait to see more details on that.
We don't know the identity.
We don't know the motivation.
But again, another incident in New York uncovered today as this climate of violent rhetoric escalates.
Now, one of the top stories up on InfoWars.com, moderate Muslim role model chopping heads off is the easiest solution.
Of course, we featured the clip from Norway.
Where the Islamic speaker asks the Muslim crowd, hundreds of people, if they consider themselves to be moderate Muslims, they all do.
And furthermore, if they consider the death penalty for homosexuality to be acceptable, as ascribed by the Quran and Allah, they all put their hands up and agree.
These are supposed moderate Muslims agreeing that homosexuality should be punishable by death.
Well, another clip has been uncovered of a so-called moderate Muslim outlining the five ways in which homosexuals should be put to death under Islam.
Here's the clip.
If there's homosexual men, the punishment is one of five things.
One, the easiest one may be chop their head off.
That's the easiest.
Second, burn them to death.
Third, throw them off a cliff.
Fourth, tear down a wall on them so they die under that.
Fifth, a combination of the above.
We have a hadith on that.
Whether somebody is going to accept that, that's up to the jurists to read and understand.
There's definitely some of those apply, you know, maybe the combination.
But, this is something that's there.
Now, you just heard the voice of Imam Hamza Saudegar.
This is not an ISIS spokesman.
This is an icon to young Muslims around the world.
This is a supposed moderate Muslim giving you, laying out the five ways in which homosexuals should be executed.
Now, what happened after he made these comments?
Well, he was invited to Sweden to preach to Muslim youth about Islamic jurisprudence and Islamic philosophy.
He was given a platform after making these comments calling for gays to be killed in all these horrific, horrible ways.
We'll be back after the break to get into this and more.
This is the Alex Jones Show live InfoWars.com.
Now go away.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this show good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
We're good to go.
You have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, on viruses that protect themselves, and so do bacteria and protozoa and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
People can avoid toxic air if they want.
They can get an air purification system.
They can avoid toxic water and drink clean water, but it's really hard to avoid parasites.
It's hard to avoid attacking organisms and that's where I see this going.
I mean, I think a lot of the information that we
I think so.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often could you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when they hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss, excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness, I mean all these things.
If you look at some of these conditions and then us opening up our borders and all the other countries opening up their borders.
You're just dealing with a mass amount of parasites or harmful organisms or biological weapons that are spreading and mutating all across the world.
And I think that's one of the reasons why.
I mean, all you have to do is look at the news these days.
You can type in refugees spreading disease.
I mean, the CDC is going crazy right now.
There's a new antibiotic-resistant E. coli that they just identified.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that, just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
We are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show Live.
Alex Jones will be coming up live on the show.
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It all goes to helping to grow this platform.
The mainstream media is completely dominated by leftist, manipulative, deceptive rhetoric.
That fools people into voting for people like Hillary Clinton.
That fools people into voting to remain in the European Union.
That's why we need to grow our platform.
It's come so far in such a short period of time.
But again, the mainstream media is so unified in its message, despite the fact that its influence is in decline.
People trust the mainstream media less than ever before, but still, because they've got such a unified message, because they've still got such big funding behind them, which we don't have.
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Now, of course, before the break, we played the so-called moderate, Mullen, who thinks that gays should be dealt with by chopping their heads off.
I'm sure he's gonna get an invitation to the White House like Clock Boy or something.
I mean, listen to what he said.
Chop their heads off.
Burn them to death.
Throw them off a cliff.
Tear down a wall on them so they die under that.
Or a combination of the above!
Now, this is not a spokesman of ISIS.
This is somebody who, according to the Muslim group of USA and Canada, quote, is deemed a role model by young Muslims all around the world.
This is a guy who speaks globally at international events.
You know, he's linked in with some of the universities and he's basically saying that, yes, it's in the Hadiths, it's in the Quran, this is how we deal with gay people.
This is moderate Islam.
Again, it goes right to the heart of the point.
After the Orlando shooting, we heard the usual rhetoric.
Not all Muslims, this has nothing to do with Islam.
Again, they even repeatedly quoted the Taliban's supporting father of Omar Mateen, saying that it had nothing to do with Islam.
He just wasn't happy at seeing two gay people kissing on the street.
Even though it turned out he was gay himself, of course he was a complete hypocrite.
So again, we have moderate Muslims, and we've played the clip out of Norway.
Are you a moderate Muslim?
They all put their hands up.
Black, white, Arab, doesn't matter.
Do you agree with the death penalty for homosexuals?
They all put their hands up.
This is not an extremist fringe belief, as the media would have you believe it, as the politically correct left-wing apologists for Islam would have you believe it.
And here's yet another example.
Now on the subject of cultural enrichment, which of course we're enjoying across Europe right now.
F the UK.
Hundreds of stone-throwing migrants forced Calais to close as they tried to board ferries to Britain in violent rampages.
Police fire tear gas.
This is out of the Daily Mail.
Hundreds of enraged migrants caused chaos in Calais as they tried to board ferries to the UK in a violent rampage.
Police had to use tear gas on a 300-strong mob yesterday.
As they threw stones and attempted to board lorries, French authorities were forced to seal off the port as police erected barriers to contain the ferocious crowd which was shouting F the UK.
So while viciously, violently attempting to enter the UK on a daily basis to get benefits, to get free housing, to get free food, they're simultaneously chanting F the UK.
Really grateful, aren't they?
I mean, this is a great idea that we're going to allow, you know, potentially 12 million more of these individuals in if Turkey joins the EU later down the line.
And recall, the left wing has not only embraced this, in some cases they're physically helping them come in.
We've played the footage out of Calais, out of other areas on the border of France, where the so-called anti-fascist left wing are aiding the migrants.
As they try to enter the United Kingdom, even as the police, you know, try to arrest them, they rush past them.
They're not only verbally, rhetorically helping this invasion, this cultural enrichment, sorry, to be politically correct, they're physically doing so.
Again, this is another reason why we need to get out of the EU, because we've got another 12 million plus coming.
We'll be back next on the Alex Jones Show.
What was it that the Attorney General said back when he was Deputy Attorney General?
Eric Holder.
He said we need to literally brainwash the American people against guns.
One thing that I think is clear with young people and with adults as well is that we just have to be repetitive about this.
It's not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
Well, that's exactly what they've at least been able to do to a certain segment of zombie-like creatures, pretending they're human.
They have convinced them that they have no right to defend themselves, and that they themselves aren't even able to stand up for their families.
That is the true definition of slavery, where people are so disempowered, they can't even imagine that they themselves could put up any type of resistance.
And if you won't put up a resistance to a physical attack, you won't put up resistance to the private Federal Reserve signing you on to trillions of debt that you don't owe.
You won't put up a resistance to medical mafias that want to force GMO foods on your children and dangerous vaccines.
You won't put up a resistance when Sharia law starts coming into the United States and they're canceling political rallies that mildly criticize Islam and its attacks on homosexuals.
My friends, it's time to grow a spine.
As Thomas Jefferson famously said, a nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
And Rolling Stone and many other publications have come out and thrown down their stinking gauntlet, their hypocritical gauntlet, and said it's time to repeal the Second Amendment.
They admit they want to ban guns.
They admit they want you disarmed like New York or Chicago.
The political class wants to dominate what they see as their property.
Are you their property?
Will you sit there and let their jihadis mow you and your family down?
Or will you stand up and become self-sufficient and start defending your family?
Really, the choice is up to you.
The American birthright started over the attempt to confiscate our guns in Lexington and Concord in 1775, leading to July 4, 1776 and our Declaration of Independence.
You've got to decide whether you want that birthright
Or if you want the birthright of slaves.
If you want to be slaves, that's great.
May your chains set lightly upon you, to quote Patrick Henry.
But as for me, give me liberty.
Or give me death.
The great battle for the Second Amendment is happening now.
The first phase is an info war.
And I suggest all of you
Understand, the big assault is happening as we speak.
The greatest attack on our freedoms that we've ever witnessed, not just the Second Amendment, is happening today.
All good men and women must come to the aid of their country.
And that fight starts at InfoWars.com.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
On the Alex Jones Show, Alex will be popping in this segment.
This has just gone up on BBC News though.
Headline, Jo Cox died for her views, her widower tells BBC.
So, not to downplay the tragedy of this, but they've literally wheeled out the widow.
The husband of this pro-Remain camp Labour MP.
To say that she died because of her political beliefs.
Now obviously the implication is anyone who votes to leave the EU is siding with the crazy radical right-wing murderer.
I mean, it's so transparent, it's unbelievable.
For the past five days in the United Kingdom, we've had this constant drumbeat, this guilt trip, that if you vote to leave the European Union, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with the actions of this one individual, this was a guy who was mentally ill.
He was on psychotropic drugs.
He used to scrub himself clean with Brillo pads.
He had obsessive compulsive disorder.
What in the hell has that got to do with the fact that the EU makes 60% of our laws and regulations?
What has that got to do with the fact that we're allowing in 334,000 immigrants into this country every single year?
What has it got to do with the fact that, you know, fishermen in London, salmon grillers,
A force to comply with onerous EU regulations that bankrupt their companies to say that salmon contains fish on their packaging.
What has it got to do with the fishermen that have been put out of business, that have had generations of their livelihoods ruined by these EU fishing quotas, which dictate that they can't even fish in British waters?
But no, let's just focus on one demented lunatic who liked to scrub himself with Brillo pads.
Because that's certainly what the debate is all about.
So now the widow, I mean he was out immediately, but they've wheeled him out once again.
The funeral of Joe Cox is tomorrow, the day before the referendum vote.
Shameful, absolutely shameful exploitation of this woman's death for political grist when they said, we're going to suspend the campaigns, we're not going to talk politics.
They immediately blamed it on the vote leave camp.
So again, I mean, it was Project Fear all along.
It was David Cameron saying, we're going to have World War 3 if we leave the EU.
There's going to be an economic Armageddon.
He even said that the leader of ISIS would support Britain leaving the EU.
That didn't work.
The polls were beginning to shift over to vote leave again.
At one stage, vote remain, you know, they were 10, 13 points ahead back a few months ago.
Those polls completely reversed.
At one point, there was a poll that showed Vote Leave 13 points ahead.
Again, most polls before that incident showed that Vote Leave was ahead.
They also had the momentum.
They were on top of the argument because everybody had got sick to the back teeth of Project Fear.
So they turned Project Fear into Project Grief.
And of course, this is the same crowd, the very same crowd, for example, that when a Muslim man attacked bystanders with a knife at a tube station in London back, I believe it was in December.
What was the hashtag?
What was the narrative that came out in the immediate aftermath?
It was, you ain't no Muslim, bruv!
Again, the first thing they did was to extricate this from blaming all Muslims.
Because you can't blame all Muslims for a terror attack.
That's bigoted, that's racist.
But you can blame all people who want to get out of the European Union for the actions of one demented lunatic who liked to scrub himself clean with Brillo pads.
Again, if the left's doing it, it's perfectly fine.
So again, now we've got stories about the memos.
From the Vote Remain, the Stronger in Europe director, Remain campaign director Will Straw, who sent an email, again this was on Saturday, just a couple of days after the murder of Joe Cox.
Saying that voters have been, quote, pulled up short by the murder of Joe Cox and that Stronger In, that's the campaign to remain in Europe, should now attack the Leave side for creating, quote, division and resentment.
Now, of course, whenever you hear leftists talk about division, they're really talking about people who have the sheer temerity to stand by their principles.
So, after they told the public, and after Vote Leave had relented, and kind of backed down and become a little weak on this because they didn't want to be seen as insensitive, they said, we're going to suspend the campaigns.
Even though the leaflets kept coming, you know, I had a leaflet the very next day, they didn't suspend their campaign.
They went even more on the offensive, trying to frame this as being the fault of people who want to leave the EU.
But again, you won't see that with the would-be Trump assassin.
Again, this illegal alien, British citizen, been planning this, you know, for a year, radicalised by the rhetoric.
Trump's a Nazi, Trump's a fascist.
Stop Trump from entering the UK.
He's going to put all Muslims in concentration camps.
He's going to deport Mexican people.
They believe that.
And all you had to do every day for the past 12 months is go on Twitter and search for kill Trump, assassinate Trump.
You can go on there right now and do it.
Every single day.
Death threat after death threat.
I mean, this is what caused Trump back in October last year, you know, to get Secret Service protection.
He wears a bulletproof vest at all his public events.
That's why he doesn't do his jacket up.
Because of the weight of this bulletproof vest.
And it was, you know, it's perfectly reasonable.
An onslaught of death threats.
But not only death threats from crazed individuals on Twitter and ones who actually plan to go through with it, as we saw on Saturday.
But again, the legitimisation of this through the media.
You saw after Ferguson, Time Magazine, in defence of rioting.
They legitimise violence so long as it's on the left.
But God forbid you would have a situation like we had with, you know, the seizure there in Oregon of the property.
That's violent right-wing, that's dangerous, completely castigated by the media.
But when it happens in places like Ferguson,
It's legitimized.
When the guy rushed the stage, remember the famous incident where the Secret Service had to grab him and, you know, protect Donald Trump.
What happened?
Was he denounced?
No, he was given a platform.
He was on CNN the very next day.
Again, arguing that this was completely justified and legitimate because he was basing it on the narrative, what he had heard about the danger that Donald Trump posed to democracy, to Muslims, to Mexicans.
Of course, completely exaggerated, completely overblown.
But this is the process of violent left-wing radicalization.
That led to the incident on Saturday night where this guy tried to grab a police officer's gun and tried to shoot Donald Trump.
And again, this is not a top story.
This is just in the background, this is still bubbling along.
And of course we go back to the numerous reports we've made over and over again.
Facebook refusing to remove pages called, I effing want to kill Donald Trump.
We had top rappers, we had YG and Nipsey Hussle, you know, performing in front of 20,000 people at the Coachella Music Festival.
A rap song, you know, which openly invokes death threats and vows to stage riots if Trump wins the presidency.
Was it denounced?
No, it was hailed.
Billboard.com, The Source, MTV, every single one of them hailed it as this glorious protest anthem.
You had the F. Donald Trump's anthem, again, heralded as a viral protest song by sectors of the music media.
Go and listen to the lyrics of this song.
I mean, it was on YouTube for months.
I don't even know if they deleted it.
Again, this is the process of violent left-wing radicalisation.
But it's never covered from the leftist perspective because they can't allow that to get out.
That's why they blamed the violence at the Trump rallies on Donald Trump.
Again, for months.
Until, you know, the volume of footage was so overwhelming that they had to back away from that.
We're seeing a similar process in the UK.
This is out of LBC with regard to Brexit.
Headline, I was called racist for handing out leave leaflets.
Now, these were black people who were handing out leaflets for vote leave in the United Kingdom.
This is what they said.
Yesterday, I was called racist all day.
I was called a Nazi.
My friend had his fots stamped on.
It was scary.
We had our stall kicked, punched.
We had leaflets taken from the table.
Someone tried to knock the table over.
The weird thing is, I'm half Caribbean and my friend is Jamaican.
All these people over the course of the day, every single person, every single person who called us a racist or a Nazi, and there were many, were all white, middle class people.
Well, what do you know?
Again, they're so concerned about minorities, but not if they're conservatives, then they can go to hell.
Again, stamped on, attacked, called Nazis, simply for campaigning
For a political position which is held by, you know, virtually half of the country.
Sitting back, listening to you, sitting back watching you do a great job here co-hosting with me today.
I'm going to take over for the balance of the transmission now.
But I really love having these mixed broadcasts where David Knight's on, you're on, I'm on.
I'm having a workcation here with the family down in the Gulf of Mexico slash Caribbean fishing, enjoying the bounties of God's world and the little bit of freedom we have left.
But here, listening to you break all this down, and I know it's only a fraction of the evidence we have, even though it's voluminous.
This voluminous mountain is only a grain of sand of the corruption and the ignorance, and it is the dumbed-down nature of the general public.
That is the ocean in which this corruption swims.
And when you've got people that are so dumbed down, they just think if they go with mainstream media, go with the latest fad, the latest fraud, the latest hype,
They're going to get ahead, like this Stephen Stanford, 19 from England, didn't have a job, basically living off welfare, here illegally, a big leftist, and he thought he would be such a hero, getting caught up in all the hype, that he would go to a shooting range, learn how to use a gun, but couldn't buy one,
So, went and then tried to steal a police officer's firearm, and it took two days for us to even learn that this guy had been arrested, and he was finally obviously indicted in federal court yesterday.
And this is illustrative of how they are pushing the mass of these zombies.
To go out and engage in these attacks, and then the New York Times and the Daily Beast and everybody else can just sit back and act like they are completely ignorant to why any of this is happening, why any of this is unfolding.
But it really is this triumph of ignorance.
Over substance, where you have Donald Trump, who's always been equal rights for everybody, who was giving interviews back in, you know, 1993, 2000, you name it, with The Advocate.
You've got Donald Trump, who's advanced women, minorities, you name it, in every position, more than anybody else in this industry.
You've got a guy saying, Saudi Arabia doesn't take one refugee, they started the civil war in Syria, we should vet these people before they're allowed to come in.
And the response is, is to have people running around with rainbow flags screaming, he hates gay people and he wants to kill the Muslims or ship them all back to whatever.
It just shows how we have been totally trained to submit to the popular meme.
And if you look at who goes along with mainstream media, they have the lowest income, they're the most ignorant people, they're young, they're stupid, they're foolish.
And they just believe if they follow these narratives to go get two or three college degrees, or they follow the narrative of, you know, adopting some lifestyle that the media says to, or they just follow the narrative of go out and kill Donald Trump, that somehow they'll be fulfilled.
No, he'll just probably serve five to ten years in a federal prison or be deported back to England.
But it's so classic, the mental illness of an illegal alien from England.
Demanding everything free and literally whacked out wanting to kill a presidential candidate because he's a Nazi.
This shows the entitlement when I can't go.
to Russia, I can't go to China, I can't go to Mexico, I can't go to Brazil, I can't go to Nigeria, I can't go to anywhere in the world and try to ask for free stuff.
I'd be imprisoned, I'd be beat up, I'd be thrown out on the street, I'd be deported.
But only here do we have this mass mental illness and then all of these weirdo, you know, entitled people that absolutely think that we're their mortal enemies.
If we don't just give them everything and give them everything now and like giant Trigley Puffs, armies of Trigley Puffs, armies of social justice warriors, totally entitled.
They're not learning how to write, how to read, how to be good at business, how to be charming, how to work hard, how to be competitive, how to be creative, how to be innovative.
They're learning how to bitch and complain and whine like toddlers and organize themselves into big giant groups of people parroting the same slogans mindlessly, believing somehow they're going to get ahead by doing this.
This is what social engineering does.
This is what the end of the family does.
This is what it delivers us.
And it'd be bad enough, you know, societies tend to slouch towards Gomorrah to quote the late Judge William Bork.
But the globalists are greasing the skids towards Gomorrah for us to enter the most decadent cycle possible.
While cutting off resources at the same time, organizing a societal global collapse that is known as Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, we're exposing.
So we're going to break and I'm going to come back and take over and talk about all this breaking news.
But first, Paul, the British exit, the Brexit, it's here.
Give people the time frame.
Your 20-minute report's up on Facebook, Twitter, at RealAlexJones, it's on Infowars.com.
Required viewing for anybody that wants to understand that globalism is in big trouble, but it's failing forward, trying to gobble up and declare all these unconstitutional anti-human rights.
Here we are with world government out in the open.
We're going to skip this break.
Here we are with planetary regimes in our face.
Here we are with admitted genoengineering and admitted deadly vaccines and admitted everything we've talked about, A to Z, from NSA spying to GMO and glyphosate causing cancer.
It's all being proven.
It's all being documented.
So what are they doing?
They're shifting at the top to dictatorial, unelected, multinational corporations getting governments to sign on to treaties waiving their rights.
They're merging the three global power units of the Asian Pacific Union, the American Union, and the European Union through the TPP and the Atlantic Treaty Organization.
This is all happening as we speak in everybody's face.
And instead we've got a bunch of people running around talking about transgender bathrooms, and women with feminists painted on their face, screaming and crying, oh my god, Donald Trump's so mean to the Muslims.
This is mass mental illness.
But that's at the bottom it's mental illness.
At the top.
The globalists can't win an intellectual battle with patriots.
All they can do is accelerate the dumbing down of folks that aren't awake, build them into giant masses of brain sheep to basically run their political opposition off of cliffs, and then once the poor pathetic sheep, like we see now in Venezuela, are on the streets starving to death, it won't matter.
They'll still, like retarded baby birds, be begging for their globalist masters to vomit stolen goods into their little tummies that doesn't exist.
So this is humanity being sabotaged.
If you ever wanted to see what it would look like, if aliens could infiltrate humanity, hypothetically, as an allegory to what we're facing, really it's a guild of psychopaths inbred, so they are alien, who are building AI breakaway civilization, which is alien, who are creating chimera cross-species creations by the thousands that are alien.
So in reality, we are facing
A psychopath dream.
Humans can dream and build anything we want, but psychopaths can dream and steal our dreams, and have stolen our dreams, and are building this giant, all-seeing, twisted, wannabe, smart-dust driven, panopticonic, overwatching, future predicting, twisted,
False omnipresent god that they believe will make them gods when they merge as they accelerate gene gun splicing of thousands of species, cross-species degeneration, destruction of the environment, just everything else you can imagine while claiming they're trying to save it.
When in reality they're in a mad psychopathic rush to build godhood, but the God has told them they must first destroy this creation and overwrite it, because the two creations cannot live in singularity together.
Now that isn't beyond revelations.
I'll eat my hat.
So let's talk about the British exit, the Brexit.
Let's talk about that briefly, Paul, and I'm going to get into all the other news dealing with Trump.
But it's bigger than Trump, because through this is a lens of distortion of how they can act like he's this horrible goblin monster, and he has these armies of dumbed-down minions sycophantically running around wanting to prove their manhood by killing him.
It's just a sight to behold to see modern totalitarianism rising rapidly in the form of so-called liberalism, Paul Watson.
Well, here's the point.
Let's play the game based on their rules.
Okay, so... Jo Cox, the Labour MP in the United Kingdom, she was murdered by some... United Kingdom art of love.
Disavow Omar Mateen.
His friends said that Omar Mateen, the Pulse nightclub gunman, supported Hillary Clinton.
So is Hillary Clinton to blame?
You know, is Hillary Clinton now going to have to disavow Omar Mateen for the next three to four weeks over and over again?
Is Hillary Clinton going to have to suspend her campaign out of respect for the Orlando victims because Omar Mateen supported Hillary Clinton?
Paul, let me interject.
Let me interject on this.
This is important.
Hillary Clinton is to blame for helping create Al Qaeda and ISIS and giving them Syria and making deals with the EU to bring in the refugees who then help radicalize the climate so that first generationers from Afghanistan, like Omar Mateen, take action.
And her government, her FBI, her Justice Department, Obama's system, ordering the protection of this mosque, these imams, the rest of it.
You can actually say she is to blame because there's all the connections, but in the case
Some supposed crazy person shooting someone who's for staying in the Euro, and that's not even clear, and then blaming everyone that's for the British exit for sovereignty that it's their fault.
No, it's not their fault because they didn't give the Stinger missiles to them.
They didn't open the borders.
They didn't allow the radicalization.
They didn't protect the, quote, mosque that was teaching him, because there was no mosque.
It wasn't any organized group delivering it.
It was a mentally ill person who even believed that, Paul Watson.
Exactly, I mean, you can go to the next example, you know, the guy they caught with explosives and guns on his way to a gay pride march.
It's since come out that this individual, James Wesley Howell, was a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Does that mean Bernie Sanders is to blame?
Does that mean Bernie Sanders has to disavow his connection to this issue?
No, it's that Bernie Sanders attracts mentally ill people.
Well yeah, we've kind of documented that on numerous occasions.
But you know, if they want to play this game, let's play it.
But they don't want to play it, they want to play it by different rules.
It's not a level playing field.
So again, the same with this guy who tried to assassinate Trump.
You know, they'll probably blame that on Trump for his rhetoric.
Even though this guy is in the UK, he's been hearing for the past six, eight months, Donald Trump's a Nazi, he's a fascist, we need to ban him from the United Kingdom, he's dangerous.
That's what he was radicalized by.
That was the wellspring, that was the incitement for him to try and go and carry out that assassination.
Let me ask this question.
Do you think the totalitarian left worldwide is becoming openly fascistic and oppressive because they're arrogant and think they're winning?
Or is it because they're losing?
But that's the first part of the question.
Separately, I tend to think it's both.
They know they're starting to lose the cultural war, so they're having to go ahead and move to authoritarianism, even though it's a desperate gamble and tends to make people wake up even faster.
Still, they just can't help it and have the classic instincts of tyrants that even though it's going to destroy them in the end, they can't help it.
They want to exercise the raw, raw edge of power.
No, I mean that's precisely it.
And you can look at Brexit as another example of that.
Even if we vote Leave, even if there is a Brexit on Thursday, which is when the vote takes place, they've basically already come out and said, oh by the way, if you vote for Brexit, we're probably
We're not going to follow through with it.
We're not going to allow you to exercise your democratic will.
Because the referendum is not law-abiding.
So we're just going to go back to Parliament and discuss it for a few months.
Maybe we'll do something, maybe we won't.
So even ahead of it, they're saying, we're just going to ignore your vote.
Just like the EU has done in many other countries.
You know, the French, the Dutch, they vote.
The Irish, to get out of these things, the vote is ignored.
The terms are changed and they make them vote again until they get the result they want.
Paul, I think overall that shows time is on our side in that the more they engage in shenanigans, the more they exempt themselves from taxes if you're an EU bureaucrat, the more they engage in all this bizarre animal farm behavior, the faster time runs out.
Hopefully on Brexit Day, just coming up here in a day or so, you will spend a lot of time with us, Paul, and also host some special transmissions from London, England.
Thank you so much, Paul Watson.
Thanks, Alex.
All right, I appreciate Paul sitting in today, spending time with my family.
I got here a little bit late for the broadcast, which was always kind of a plan, that if things are going well with the kids, we're having a good time, they're not tired or anything, that we would end up letting Paul and some of the other folks host part of the show.
And I do deserve a vacation.
I mean, we all need to take a break sometimes, but it's torture to not be on air when I'm reading all this news and seeing what's going on.
I mean, this is not a job for me.
This is a fight.
This is a commitment.
This is what my life is all about.
Because if you don't fight for liberty, you will be a slave.
It's a fact.
It's like having, you know, screen doors on submarines.
You will flood.
You will sink if you don't have those doors on.
Briefly, we need to be funded.
We need the support to have reporters all over the world and breaking analysis and having, you know, just huge effects on the discourse of human activities in the direction of liberty.
We have Roger Stone news coming up.
Big news on attacks on free speech.
When we start the next hour, Roger Stone gave us key intel this morning and has relayed a message to us exclusively.
We're going to be breaking here on the other side.
Briefly, we're running the biggest special ever on Hillary for prison shirts.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I don't take any pleasure in how dumbed down the average Democrat is.
There's kind of an upper crust that pursue intellectual and are kind of fighting battles with corrupt forms of so-called conservatism from 30, 40, 50 years ago.
And they have some legitimate points they make, but they're battling old dead dragons.
You know, it's kind of like I used to expose George W. Bush for stuff he was doing.
He's out of power now, okay?
Obama's three times worse, according to Jonathan Turley, liberal constitutional lawyer, and many others.
The head of the Green Party has come out and said Hillary's worse than Trump, because it's true.
I mean, she's so fascistic.
She's so corrupt.
It isn't about party affiliation for me.
It's about reality.
And I look at leftists that say, well, we're not going to let right-wingers get in control.
And we know Obama's bad, but at least he's given us some of what we want, like Obamacare, written by foreign insurance companies, and then Grouper, who helped write it, talks about how great it is that we're dumb.
I mean, it really is your perception that Obama loves you and cares about you and that things are getting better.
They fake the jobs numbers, they fake the unemployment numbers, they fake the inflation numbers.
That's all admitted.
We have a 1.8 growth with Cook numbers.
It's probably two points negative.
That's a depression for most people.
But you're secure in your government job or your government-connected corporate job.
And so you just want to say, let them eat cake as if you are delusionally somehow in power.
People imagine they're part of the power structure.
I mean, if Donald Trump gets in office and starts going sideways on issues, I'm going to say, he totally chumped us, we've got to expose this guy and go after him.
I'm not going to just go, well, he's my guy, so I'm going to support him so I feel like I'm getting ahead and I feel like I'm on the winning team.
That's called being cuckoo.
That's called being completely insane.
And more and more, it's not even about intellectually proving our points here.
They're by running around with rainbow flags saying Donald Trump wants to, you know, kill gay people.
I mean, you're literally nuts.
His whole track record has been super liberal when it comes to that.
That's why a lot of conservatives didn't like him.
But it doesn't matter to you because you want to feel hurt, you want to feel like you're on a bandwagon, you want to feel like, well, shake your finger at people at protests because you know you're in the right and they're in the wrong and it feels good to be a winner.
You are delusional.
You are in your own world.
Admit you are.
What you're doing isn't reality-based.
And that goes for the pseudo-intellectual leftist leadership.
That runs right down.
To just the average person in the street that hears, I hate Donald Trump, he's an idiot, he's racist, he's bad.
And you can virtue signal, the worst people are white people on this, I'm just a fact.
Virtue signal to someone who's Hispanic or black or whatever.
It's so condescending when people virtue signal.
And I've got really sweet family who aren't racist, they're good people.
But it's mainly older family members that grew up with still a lot of friction and stuff.
And they will just virtue signal like there is no end to it.
So patronizing, so patronizing to people.
We need to just transcend it and be based on free market, based on free open society, open association.
And then you associate with who you want, you support what you like, you buy what you like, you tell people about what you like.
That's how a free system operates.
Just like Internet
Rating systems.
They're not perfect, but they've raised quality of furniture and food and culture and art and just you name it to an incredible level.
Because people get a chance to see how they could live or what they could have or inexpensive ways to renovate their house and then improve the value.
And there's a lot of really great things happening in culture.
The truth is people are getting along really good.
Between religions and races, if they're just left alone, unless you're talking about Islam, which is incompatible.
And that's why they're bringing so much of it in, because they want to create a total circus.
And then when those of us that do want an open, free society say, hey, if we're gonna have a party that's open and free...
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Spreading disease around, we have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
This is very important because a lot of these microorganisms, and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms, you have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, on viruses,
Protect themselves and so do bacteria, protozoa and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually design the living defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often should you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time, because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when they hatch that job.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss,
Excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness.
I mean, all these things.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite test.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
The world is a dangerous place.
Not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Take the children and yourself and hide out in the cellar.
By now the fighting will be
Believe in common sense.
It's with the high command.
Common sense, everything the New World Order is doing, is to overwrite your common sense.
Everything it's doing is to get you to short circuit and submit to tyranny.
And we're just here saying, whoa!
Our controllers are trying to bankrupt us.
They've already bankrupted over a hundred other countries.
They write textbooks on how they do it.
They're trying to bankrupt us emotionally, culturally, spiritually, morally, to make us absolute controllable trash.
Humanity is being herded and organized into a system of exterminism.
And I'm here trying to expose it.
Well, we've already covered a lot of amazing news in the last hour with myself and Paul Watson.
And we're going to be taking your phone calls at the bottom of this hour today on the question of the assassination of Donald Trump.
Is it going to happen?
Is the establishment going to kill Trump themselves and then claim a mental patient did it?
Or are they trying, with their different psychological warfare systems, to simply
I think?
Or wound up idiot, Fruit, will end up sneaking into one of his events and be able to put a bullet in Donald J. Trump.
Because clearly, they're trying to assassinate talk radio, they're trying to assassinate the internet globally, putting in kill switches, they're trying to censor speech, they're trying to end the words mother and father and he and she, because that's hurtful.
They're trying to say the American flag is evil and the British flag is bad.
They are setting the precedent.
To arrest whoever they want.
They're already doing it in Germany and France to criticize the Muslims.
And so we're entering the season of not just political assassination, where they assassinate your political character.
But where they physically assassinate you.
I want to ask that question.
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
First time callers, by the way.
I'm going to give you a chance to call in, in the first round of calls.
And we will get you up and on the air.
Now, let's talk about some criticism of Donald Trump.
This is criticism coming from Alex Jones.
Last Thursday, he put out a tweet in which he said very, very clearly, in my view, that, hey, I'm gonna talk to the NRA, and I'm going to talk to the NRA about putting terrorists on a no-gun-by list.
Now, are those terrorists that were convicted?
Were those terrorists that were under indictment?
Were those terrorists under sealed indictment?
Were those terrorists even under current investigation?
It's just, were those convicted terrorists?
Were those proven terrorists?
Because you see, if you look at the whole backdrop, it sounds very reasonable on the surface to say, I will be meeting with the NRA who has endorsed me about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list or the no-fly list to buy guns.
ABC News last week.
On the surface, you're like, well, my God, I mean, obviously the government's good.
It would only put terrorists on the terrorist fly list or watch list.
I've had family put on it.
There have been seven members of Congress with very common names put on it.
This is the reality.
It's the end of due process where they can put anybody they want on a list, take your guns.
What have they already been doing to hundreds of thousands a year, to the millions of veterans going back to World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Panama, all of it.
Right through the Desert Storm, Desert Shield, all of it.
Right through all of it.
Right through the 1991 to 2003, right through to today.
They are putting people with no judge, no jury.
They're just having some psychology file that they might have, you know, had PTSD.
No more guns for you.
No judge, no jury.
No announcement by the federal government.
No judicial finding.
No hearing.
No one you can accuse.
No accuser you can accuse.
No paper trail.
You just get put on a list and you can't buy guns anymore.
And then if you're in California, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, and a bunch of other states, like 16 states now, and you're on that list,
That the good old folks at the Veterans Affairs Association set up, you get a letter first from the state police who are under federal control in a federal program saying, we need you to come down to the station with your guns.
And if you don't respond to that, they show up with a SWAT team and take your guns.
So that's what's going on.
And so this is the holy grail of gun grabbing.
Remember they had a couple articles, one of them in USA Today and another one in the Washington Post, just this last weekend, saying we need to have stealth gun ban.
And what was the exact headline of one?
Let me go to memory here.
The exact headline was, we need to secretly repeal the Second Amendment.
That was one of the headlines.
And that's what this is.
In fact, I said that a few years ago when we had the Bloomberg headline, gun confiscation begins in California.
And it was mainly veterans, who had no criminal records in most cases, or did anything wrong.
They just suddenly had a SWAT team at their house, taking their guns.
And then when they would show up at the police station and say, give me my guns back, they'd say, oh, we need you to come back here.
We're going to do a psychological evaluation yourself.
So the thought police are grabbing veterans and taking their guns.
Even though statistically, they're one of the lowest crime rate groups.
Oh, they're all suspect though, because they're the number one homeland security threat, remember?
We got the secret documents eight years ago, nobody believed us.
A couple years later, they admitted they were all real.
Now everybody goes, oh yeah, the veterans, the gun owners, the Christians, the conservatives, the patriots, libertarians, they're the terrorists, the land rights activists, the Americans, the folks that won't completely roll over.
So, this is all going on.
So they called for a secret or stealth repeal of the Second Amendment.
That's what this is.
And I don't know if Trump is being crafty, because he does this sometimes, and knows the public's dumbed down.
They're like, hey, we don't want terrorists to have guns.
People on the watch list, or no fly list.
He's like, yeah, we look into that.
Let me meet with the NRA about that.
And the NRA puts out tweets, I guess he hasn't met yet, saying, hey, we don't want this.
We gotta have due process.
But if somebody can be proven to be a terrorist affiliated and a foreigner and not a citizen, yes.
And I agree with that too.
You're a foreigner here, you're connected to terrorist groups, damn right, kick your butt out of the country.
How about not just you can't get guns, how about haul your butt out?
This is our country.
When you're a citizen, you have rights.
You pay taxes.
Not when you just show up.
We want to see a little bit of proof about who you are.
Everybody else does it.
We're doing it, too.
But that's not where this is going now, because he's on Bill O'Reilly.
And O'Reilly's like, well, you agree.
Republicans agree.
Everybody does.
We've got to do something about terrorists getting guns.
Oh yeah, terrorists that pass background checks, whose dad got brought here by the CIA, who the FBI's had ordered twice to stand down, when his ma says kill gay people.
All the red flags, all the signs, all the bells and whistles, all the warning signs, the, you know, just huge alarms.
I mean, whatever, you'll play a song from, or a sound from Star Trek.
Red alert!
I mean, everything's going off here, okay?
Major 10 bell fire alarm, okay?
We're talking banging your ears out over the top.
And nothing's being done.
But then it turns around, we gotta stop terrorists, don't we?
And he knows that he'll then be soft on terrorists.
He says, yeah, yeah, sure, let me look into that.
Well, that's too far.
Trump needs to up front say, we need to stop terrorists and real groups that you're letting in.
But we're not going to just general put the public in some unnamed list and then do this because they can take anybody's cuts.
Okay, that's what Trump needs to say and what he needs to break down and it's simple.
So I'm concerned about it.
We're going to come back from break and actually play the clip, but I've gone from watching this to being concerned.
Point blank.
Now, before we go any further here,
Briefly, we're going to end the Tim Kennedy special today.
This is helping, obviously, the money we make from this finance, a lot of preparedness programs we want to produce, a lot of shooting programs we want to produce, a lot of urban farming free programs we want to produce with Tim and others.
And so the proceeds help to go hire the camera people and pay for the flights and the crews and also do some overseas coverage.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
Stop right there.
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This message is not just addressed to my fellow Americans, but addressed to people across the world of every race, color, and creed who believe in free speech, enshrined here in our republic as the First Amendment.
It's the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights because it is the most important.
The right to speak, the right to publish, the right to assemble, the right to petition, the right to practice
We're good to go.
Facebook's over a third of the internet.
Just think about that.
Of the traffic and people visiting things.
And then it's over.
You think it's bad that communist China with a billion, three hundred million people is censoring?
Zuckerberg, who calls his users dumb effers, has been meeting with the Chinese censorship leadership, openly trying to tweak it.
He met with Merkel, and openly in a hot mic.
Don't worry, I'm going to start suppressing and censoring people.
They report when someone criticizes open borders to the German government, and they come and arrest you.
This is a global phenomenon that's taking place right now.
They're passing laws in Canada to arrest people that criticize transgender.
Well, that's your free speech!
It's not hate propaganda, as they call it.
If they set the precedent on these issues, they will basically ban any other type of speech that the global
We're good.
And when you post it on different platforms, that circumvents their AI systems that are trying to restrict the flow of information.
We stand together or we hang separate.
Another thing we're doing is not just battling to stop the censorship, we're also building other platforms.
Getting on as many third-party systems as there are out there and spreading the word of basic free market liberty and human empowerment and the new renaissance.
But also, the experts I've talked to said, Alex, you missed the boat.
You've been a pioneer in many ways, but you haven't promoted email.
And I said, yeah, I don't ever really market on email.
I just, I just, it's low tech.
And they're like, no, no, no, that's what's going to be hard to censor.
Even if the internet kill switch comes into place, there are systems and there are developments that make it very hard still to stop email and to stop that information being sent over networks, you name it.
So it's essential.
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We've all got to start thinking about the censorship and actively fighting it, getting more active and not taking independent, liberty-based media for granted, which I know you don't do.
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I'm your host Alex Jones here.
Your phone calls are coming up in the next segment.
Will they try to assassinate Donald Trump?
Will the media hyping go out and kill him?
It's the right thing to do.
You'll be a hero if you do.
Again, from the Daily Beast to the New York Times.
They've all done it.
We've all seen it.
That is...
Organized crime behavior.
You need to know that a major don of a, say, Italian crime family never says, I want this person dead.
They say, somebody needs to take care of this problem for me.
That's how that's done.
So they're openly, when you have a major media platform and you're organizing and saying somebody needs to kill somebody, that's called racketeering.
Because you've got the power.
You're the Patron, you're the boss, you're the El Jefe, and you're out there to your millions of people saying, kill someone, go after them.
That has the authority to basically get people to take action, and then you are an accomplice to it.
So the mainstream media, the corporate globalist media, is an accomplice to the successful or unsuccessful assassination attempt at Donald Trump.
There's already been unsuccessful attempts like we saw in Vegas.
An illegal alien, of course, trying to kill him.
So whacked out of his mind that, I can't come here and earn everything for free?
I can't hear you, Nazi!
Hey, China has mobile execution vans.
I don't care!
China killed 84 million people in their mountain alone.
Shut up!
Hey, China is murdering thousands a day right now.
I don't care!
Shut up, Donald Trump's evil!
I mean, they're just horrible, vicious, stupid, little twisted weirdos.
But if you want to know what gun control is going to look like, which is gun confiscation, they're not going to tell you the name of it, as I just illustrated.
They call it gun control.
It's taking your guns everywhere the globalists are in control.
It's about a monopoly of power in their own words.
So if you want to see what gun confiscation is going to look like, it's going to be done by stealth, just like they're doing in California, Massachusetts, and other areas.
They're going to harass gun owners.
They just had another federal court
Rule that they can ban assault rifles, that's any semi-auto.
They ruled a few months ago.
And guess what the Supreme Court did this morning?
This is big news.
They said, yeah, you can ban assault weapons.
You can have a ban, a statewide ban on semi-autos.
Supreme Court leaves state assault weapons ban in place.
Associated Press.
So I told you, this is their move.
They're making their move.
They've killed Scalia.
Thomas is leaving.
I guess he's been threatened.
That's so funny, that's not just my opinion, by the way, actually.
Let me tell you, the shadows are getting long, the ring rates are here, Mordor's making his move, and rolling over to it ain't the way to get out of it.
And yet another federal court ruled that they cannot let you have guns in public, and the Supreme Court upheld that.
They said, we're not gonna hear that, which is upholding it.
So, it's on folks, it's on.
Supreme Court refuses to hear challenge to Connecticut's ban on assault weapons.
Justices decide without comment not to review a lower court decision, but upheld the laws.
It's on.
We're not going to have a D.C.
vs. Heller that says you've got a right to defend yourself.
No, that's on the chopping block now.
But no one wants your guns, conspiracy theorist.
Oh, but now there's newspapers everywhere and Rolling Stones saying it's time to ban them.
It's time to repeal the Second Amendment and take all guns.
Oh, that's actually your plan.
Oh, we were right again, sorry.
Well, you get all the bodyguards and the armored redoubts and prepare the collapse, yes.
But what happens when the unstoppable force runs into the immovable object?
That's where we're going.
Gun owners know that once you get our guns, you're physically coming for us.
You're already getting our bank accounts, our kids, everything else, our Bibles.
You already took over our churches.
I mean, we know this is a full takeover with a satanic beef for Christendom that had some great potential in America.
I don't mean the fake, Christianoid, whore churches up there on the big hill, government run.
I mean the real Christian church.
And that's why they're coming after it.
Because the true Christian church created renaissance and true free will.
Because that's what God gives you is real free will and an open society and a chance to really make decisions for yourself.
But the chains are on.
The chains are going back on right now.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump comes out last week and says, I'm going to talk to the NRA about people that are on no, no, you know, no fly terror list.
They don't have guns.
Sounded like he was saying he's talking to them about that.
Like he wants it.
I said you need to clarify that.
He hadn't really clarified it.
And then he was on Bill O'Reilly last night and had this to say.
You and gun control, all right?
Let's run down the list.
They got to tighten up the terror watch vis-a-vis buying gun list, right?
That's got to happen, right?
Yes, sure.
Who would not agree with that?
And I think the NRA would agree with it too.
But we have to have a very precise thing about if you're on a terror watch list, this is what you can and can't do.
What about the big guns, all right?
I'm going to come back and play that from the start again, because the NRA doesn't actually agree with that.
The NRA said, well, we have something that protects due process, but if it's a real terrorist, like, you know, foreigner, and we know they are, okay, then yes, but not just 2 million Americans on the list.
Stay with us.
We'll be back in your phone call.
Bill Day, assassinate Donald Trump.
Can we stop the assassination of Donald Trump?
And what will happen if they do assassinate Donald Trump?
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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New drone rules from the FAA limit small commercial drone operations to daylight hours and require operators to get certified every two years, reports USA Today.
The FAA's 624-page rulebook
Allows commercial drones weighing up to 55 pounds to fly during daylight hours and lower than 400 feet in the air.
The drone must remain within the sight of the operator or an observer who is in communication with the operator.
The operators must be at least 16 years old and pass an aeronautics test every 24 months for certification.
An administrator for the agency said evening operations will be allowed if the drone carries lights visible for three miles.
And a waiver could be used for nighttime flights.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I want to go to Graham, Kirk, Christine, John, Michael, Michelle, and many others that are patiently holding.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
First-time callers, I want to specifically talk to you here in a few minutes when I go to you about the mainstream media, the corporate Decepticon media, the collaborator media, the deceiver media.
Just the horrible scum media, I don't have words to describe these people, trying to get folks to kill Donald Trump and creating this mindless hype and the howl of the mob that he's the devil incarnate.
Will he be assassinated?
What's your gut tell you?
What'll happen if he is assassinated?
It's a very, very serious issue, but getting back to the way they've sold this, this is what Obama wanted before he got in office when he was running for office nine years ago.
Rahm Emanuel talked about the campaign.
I played the clip probably a hundred times over the years.
They say, hey, if you're maybe possibly a terrorist on the no-fly list, you can't have a gun.
Well, I mean, five-year-old kids are on it.
You can't ever get off of it.
It's a joke.
So they go from a background check, a waiting period, to the FBI check to see you're not a criminal, to, oh, we just don't know why, but you can't ever have a gun.
And they're already taking guns this way from veterans.
And remember, a few months ago, even the FBI came out and said, we're being told by Congress and by the Obama administration, by members of Congress, to look at applying what the Veterans Affairs Group does.
We're looking at doing that right now in a big way.
To everyone on social security saying you're inept, saying, what was the exact term they used?
That you are all declared incompetent if, for example, you have money wired each month for your social security check automatically into a bank account.
And then you just won't know why you're not allowed to buy a gun anymore.
They're just normalizing it by stealth, they're doing it.
And it sounds reasonable.
Hey, if you're a terrorist on the no-fly list or the watch list, you shouldn't be able to go buy a gun, right?
And then he's like, well, that makes sense.
Everybody agrees with that.
No, everybody doesn't agree with that.
And remember Trump was like, yeah, we got to bring the refugees in.
They're Christians.
They're being killed.
Actually, they're not letting the Christians in.
They're radical jihadists.
They're not being vetted.
Well, if that's the case, block them all until they start vetting them again.
That's common sense.
Stop it all until, whether it's a week or two weeks, he said, you know, a short period of time until you actually check them.
Make them check.
He wants to deport all Muslims.
He doesn't want to bring them in.
And then he gets so big-headed.
Yeah, that's what I said.
You know, it's because he knows he's got to look confident to a dumbed-down mass of people.
This is psychology you use on five-year-olds.
I want to be clear.
A lot of the mainline conservatives are about like five-year-olds.
But the average liberal is like a two-year-old.
Paul Watson did a whole analysis that showed some scientific studies about how they act like toddlers.
So he's hitting a five-year-old constituency, and Hillary's going for a two-and-a-half, three-year-old.
And I'm not joking when I say that.
I mean, we are literally dealing with complete nincompoops.
And again, the average elitist goes, well, that's good.
Let's feed on these idiots.
No, no, no, no, no.
Let's try to protect people that are smarter than them and have wealth and develop things, but let's build up humanity.
For heaven's sakes, let's just not wipe them all out.
Their answer, with the precariat, is what we always knew it was.
Put everybody on welfare, or make their job government-dependent, so that you won't buck the system because you're tied to it.
That's what cancer does.
So, it's all here.
Now, I want to finish this clip, and I'm going to get David Knight's take.
He's sitting in the wings, you know, back there at Cape Canaveral, or, you know, at the launch site in Austin, Texas.
I know Cape Canaveral's in Florida, folks.
Houston's in Texas.
It's a joke.
But he's back there at the mothership.
I want to get his take here in just a moment on whether he thinks they'll successfully assassinate him because they're really pushing this rhetoric.
I mean, it's like when there's wind and black clouds blowing in and you can see rain on the horizon.
Is it going to be raining here in a few minutes?
I don't know, but smart money says, yeah, it's going to rain.
A storm's coming in.
Smart money says they're going to get some shots off on him.
He's going to be in mortal danger.
And you'd think that he'd be even more manly if folks would support him.
No, no, no.
The left will piss on that.
This is a group of fascistic, thumb-sucking trash, folks.
These are demonic 35, 40-year-old toddlers.
So we're going to go to your phone calls here in just a moment as well on that subject.
But before we go any further, please do not forget that the Tim Kennedy Special, 15% off, ends today.
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But before I do that, let's go back to from the very start.
I want to play a minute of this.
This is this is Trump with Bill O'Reilly.
They have milkshakes together.
Such good guys.
Here he is creeping around on his so-called friend of decades saying, well, you know, you're going to support
This is
Don't let terrorists get boom-boom!
And then Trump goes, no you're green, no boom-boom!
And then they go, and what about big boom-boom?
Take big boom-boom away from boom-boom!
Your baby want meal!
I mean, you know, see, I'm not trying to play in and rule the planet of the middle midget lollipop guilt.
I want to be a great mind in the species that excels, and we know excels, when you put pressures on it and when you honor achievement.
You don't think they're turning us into Triglypups for no reason.
They're getting ready to kill us.
And believe me, Bill O'Reilly, your family's not gonna get to go to the next level.
You either, Trump.
No one's getting away with selling out the planet.
That's the big con.
You gotta be in a delusional spirit to not understand that the devil's not offering a good deal.
Now, let's just go back now, briefly here, to Bill O'Reilly talking to folks that are five years old.
Here it is.
Now, you and gun control, all right?
Let's run down the list.
They gotta tighten up the terror watch vis-a-vis buying gun list, right?
That's gotta happen, right?
Yes, sure.
Who would not agree with that?
And I think the NRA would agree with it too.
But we have to have a very precise thing about if you're on a terror watch list, this is what you can and can't do.
What about the big guns?
Do people need the big rifles that fire a lot of rounds?
Do they need them?
Well, the big guns, first of all, are the same guns that the enemy has, and that people that can break into your home or do what this maniac did over the weekend, and the big guns are the same guns.
I mean, you're going to have to have that.
People use them for many other reasons.
You know, they use them, they also use them for recreation, Bill.
I have friends that are, my sons are in the NRA, so am I. People use them for recreation.
They use them for a lot of other reasons.
Would you put any limits on, you know, you can't have a mortar, can't have hand grenades, can't have a bazooka, would you put any limits on... Back it up please.
This is Bill O'Reilly caught talking to his audience like they're three years old.
I mean, everyone knows you can't mortar, everyone knows you can't get hand grenades, everyone knows there's no crime with mortars and hand grenades, everyone knows there was one crime committed in the last 50 years that you could get .50 caliber rifles, an armored car got robbed with one.
I got two of them right there in my office.
Bare at 50 cals.
One army version, one navy version.
Helicopter version.
Coast Guard version.
Short barrel version.
They're not coming out at night hurting anybody in the big Graf Under state we've got.
That's an old sponsor, Graf Under.
Anyways, the point is that this is the mind control.
So, okay, okay, Trump, can they have hand grenades?
Can they have laser beams?
Can they have atomic weapons?
Can they have atom smashers?
Can they have cyclotrons?
Can they have Gatling guns?
Can they have Warthog A-10s?
Can they have Harrier jump jets?
Can they have SR-71 Blackbirds?
Can they have space stations?
Can they have blimps?
Can they have nuclear missiles with atomic bombs?
Back it up ten seconds, let's play it, then I'm gonna get David Knight, your call.
Here it is.
Where do you end?
Where do you end?
Slippery slope?
No, I wouldn't.
I get along very well with the NRA on most of these subjects.
I think probably the one is that when you're on a terror watch list, perhaps in a certain sense my stance is tougher than anybody, but when you're on a terror watch list, you're on, you don't get done.
Yeah, they just have to have rules because there are mistakes and things like that.
No, no, they're right.
There are mistakes.
And by the way, there are many, many mistakes on those watch lists.
And what I would do, frankly, is work hard to eradicate the mistakes to make sure that these people get off the list as soon as possible.
Congress is going to have to pass a law that has wording.
All right, well, here's the deal, Trump.
I want to hear that someone is under total scrutiny and is not a citizen.
Because now you have the IRS saying if you fly outside the country and we're investigating, you can't leave.
Or come back.
Or now they want to have you get on a plane, and the IRS says they're investigating you.
Well, who isn't getting audited every year?
My whole life, the damn IRS was harassing my family.
Even though they were paying the whores.
The frauds.
My dad came in and said, I've been paying.
They go, we're criminals, sir.
Give us your money and we're going to take everything you got.
He spent the next decade fighting them.
So, I'm not going to sit here and put up with this.
This is the end of due process.
It's wrong.
And I'm not going to just trust Trump to say, oh yeah, I support this.
We'll fix the problems.
Of the veterans, by the hundreds of thousands, millions now that can't get guns, and they don't know why because they're just put on a list, and the FBI says, hey, they're getting ready to make us do this.
I'm going to Graham.
I'm going to Michael.
I'm going to John.
I'm going to Kirk.
I'm going to Christine.
I'm going to you right now.
I'm going to you.
But I want to go briefly to David Knight because he's in the wings in case I have any technical difficulties.
He'll be hosting the fourth hour.
We have the second part of my Ask Me Anything Reddit AMA.
It was pretty powerful.
This is the second part premiering here on the radio and TV next hour.
Then David comes back live.
But David, your take, A, on the assassination of Trump.
What do you think's in the wind?
And then B, what do you think of this Trump situation with the due process and the terror watch list, which is a total fraud?
Let me take the second one first, Alex, as I was listening to Bill O'Reilly saying, well, can people, citizens of the United States, can they own hand grenades?
Can they own mortars?
I would ask him, can terrorists own hand grenades?
Can terrorists own mortars?
Yeah, the problem is not guns.
The problem is having porous borders, and not only that, but having a president who wants to bring in people from areas where he's been dropping bombs on them and assassinating people, stirring it up like a hornet's nest, and then bringing in the angry hornets into our country.
That's the problem.
It's not guns.
I've got a Ford truck.
Okay, with big tires that go around, you know, Marsh or whatever.
I mean, I could sit there if I wanted, hypothetically, and find a crowd on 6th Street and run over 500 people.
Can I have a big murderous truck?
Could I go get a license and get a jet and fly it into stuff?
Hypothetically, of course I could.
I'm not going to.
I mean, they have the M.O.
They have, all of us.
We're working together.
So don't sit there and lecture us how we can't have something that's dangerous because we might hurt somebody when you bring in Stone Age crazies that lock up women like animals, cut their genitals off, and are killing each other 24-7.
It's the stinking government and the social engineers that are to blame, and they shouldn't have guns anymore.
Bill O'Reilly shouldn't have bodyguards.
I'm sick of that sniveler.
When he was a radio host.
He used to have the police called and would send private bodyguards to people's houses in Florida and New York where he lives.
He had caller ID and talk radio.
Nobody else has that.
And would literally, if someone disagreed, send bullies to their house.
O'Reilly, you send bullies to my house, I'm gonna break their jaw.
And if you try that with me, punk, I don't care if you're a, you know, a thug who wants to bully people.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
After all the bullying Irish went through, you've turned into a big, fat bully!
You're a big fat fool, scumbag!
We don't like you!
You understand that?
I'm sick of these people!
Damn liar!
Son of a... Alright, go ahead.
Just finish up, Knight, and I'm going to the calls.
Well, as Bill Riley is putting out all the basic head fakes that the left uses against the Second Amendment, saying, well, what weapons of war are we not going to let people have?
We've got a woman who was just arrested this last weekend.
Who was from the Middle East, an illegal alien who was here.
When she was apprehended, she had the plans to a vast pipeline network that she had in her car.
I mean, you can use a pipeline as a weapon of mass destruction.
And of course, you can do nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons.
The bottom line is that we need to have these weapons not for hunting.
And again, I was disappointed to see Donald Trump use that canard because we've even seen the Libertarians come out and say, well, assault rifles are not protected under the Second Amendment because they're not for hunting.
The Second Amendment is not about hunting.
It's about making sure that the people of this country, the militia, have the tools with which they can defend themselves.
Not just against private criminals, but against invasion from foreigners, against criminals who are domestic enemies, foreign and domestic.
That's why we have the militia.
And you're going to be talking more about this in the fourth hour today after the Ask Me Anything AMA.
And folks, I let the dog off the leash.
That's not fake when I get angry, but it's how I really feel, so I'm letting it out for illustrative purposes.
So it's real, but it's not.
It's 95% real, the fact that I'm letting myself out.
But I mean, he really is a thug.
He really has done horrible things to me on air, you know, where he says, we have a problem with men and molesting women.
And they cut to a clip of me talking about something totally different.
I mean, he really, really gets me angry, man, when you claim I'm abusing women.
You really got a problem.
Then you try to scapegoat the Second Amendment.
You try to feed off your audience.
You try to go around bullying everybody.
You bully your listeners.
That's why nobody listened to you.
You're a failure, Bill O'Reilly!
Excuse me.
Thank you, David.
You're coming up in the fourth hour.
God bless you.
Alex, can I say one more thing?
It's not just Bill O'Reilly, it's Gretchen Carlson, and I know you're there in the Caribbean, but she was just dumping on the Second Amendment as well, and even arguing with people on Twitter saying, hey, the Second Amendment was written before guns were invented.
I mean, that's what we're getting from Fox News continuously.
I just had to throw that out there.
Guns were invented by the Chinese 800 years ago, and then they were adopted 600 years ago in Italy, and then into Spain.
I mean, that is the biggest load of crap I ever heard.
Well, the American Revolution started when they went to get the guns, but I guess Gretchen didn't understand that.
There weren't even guns then?
240 years ago?
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
She said that it was before the Second Amendment was written, before guns were invented.
That's what she said on Twitter.
So, you know, April 19th, they went to get the guns and the cannons from the Patriots.
So, yeah.
Oh my god, this is... Oh, I didn't even know that.
I'm only doing this one more time.
I'm skipping one more break.
Thank you, David, because I have to give the callers that stuff.
No more this week.
I'm a bad person.
The Tim Kennedy special wins today.
15% off Supermoto Vitality and Cigarette 12.
And of course, the other great product, Rainforest Nootropic.
And 75% off Hillary for President shirts, just because they're already a bestseller.
I just want them everywhere.
I want to incentivize every listener getting a Hillary for President shirt.
Okay, uh, 75% off on the second share, 50% off on the first.
Okay, I apologize to Michelle, or is that Michael?
And Graham, and Kirk, and Christine, and John, everybody else.
Let's go to Graham.
Okay, uh, Graham, what do you think?
I mean, they're trying to kill him, the media says killing, they've already foiled several attempts, they're getting very, very close.
Do you think he'll be assassinated?
What'll happen if he is?
Well, I do think that there's obviously a chance he'll be assassinated.
You've already had a couple of attempts, but one recently in Vegas.
One thing, too, on the O'Reilly clip where you were just talking about that piece he did, you didn't mention that they artificially had your face turn red with haze coming around your ears to represent smoke, I suppose.
And the fact that O'Reilly himself was sued for sexual harassment, there's no such, you know, case with you.
And then, so it's amazing the media hypocrisy
In terms of the Trump potential assassination, I'll tell you, I thought, I'm a listener and I thought, you know, you might be exaggerating a little bit with what the protesters are like outside these rallies.
I did go to the Greensboro rally, the Greensboro speech, and the people inside were very calm and polite.
You know, they were patriotic.
People were wearing American flag shirts and Molon LeMay shirts, you know, were, you know, exercising their right to free speech peacefully.
I've got the raw footage of all of this.
There were two protesters inside that were hauled off.
The folks inside were really nice about it.
Trump didn't say anything stupid on the stage.
Anyway, I went outside and it was absolute mayhem.
The protesters in the street, people with pink hair holding up swastikas, signs with swastikas saying Trump is Hitler.
I went up and interviewed some of them.
It was amazing to see that.
They were shaking the police car.
One of them got arrested, tackled on the ground and then arrested.
I've got footage of all that.
So, you know, you saw the paradox of what the media portrays versus what the reality is on the ground.
There's these wonderful angels outside while the Nazis are inside.
Oh, the liberals are so smart they can hardly even talk.
I don't care if they're black or white.
These are the dumbest, lying, exaggerating people.
So let me ask you the question.
As the left goes into this pure overdrive of organizing the idiots they've created into a mass of anti-free speech demons, what do you think in your gut?
I mean, I really...
In my gut, I know there's going to be a scene of a guy firing a rifle, a handgun, you name it, at Trump.
And then they're going to say, he deserved it.
He was pro-gun.
I mean, I can hear it now.
I mean, my gut tells me they're going to come very close to killing him.
My gut tells me they're going to get shots off.
I just, I know it's going to happen.
What do you think?
Right now, but I would say right now, it doesn't even matter what their background is.
They're just trying to get people wound up with the 180 degree.
Inversion of reality that they've got going on and so it doesn't you know, they're just hoping right now mindlessly that some idiot on the street will pull the gun out and they will.
They've already tried it.
But, you know, in the coming months, if nothing's done and they can't get a wind-up toy, you know, some freak on the street to kill him, then they'll start looking at backgrounds and, you know, trying to play him off even more, pull even more strings.
And if that doesn't work...
This guy almost got him.
He almost got the gun away.
He almost was able to get some shots off.
And I just really see them.
I hate to give them ideas because I think sometimes I'm predicting stuff.
I think I may be actually giving them ideas.
But let's just say you can really think about some scenarios to demonize certain guns.
And then somebody goes after a Trump.
I don't want to say effeminate because it insults women.
They're so pathetic and so delusional.
Like this guy from England thought he'd be the superhero and get the gun away from the cop.
Hey, how's it going?
I'd just like to start off and say that I'm a first-time caller, a big fan of the show.
I actually, just to get this out of the way, stumbled across you through a YouTube channel.
The fellow's name was Michael Stroop.
He has a Canadian goose as his avatar.
But anyway, he speaks the truth a lot like you do.
I think this country is in grave danger.
A lot of the points that you're speaking on is true.
I do believe there will be an assassination attempt.
I think it will probably, my gut feeling is it will happen.
And it'll probably be masterminded by the great puppets of this nation and brought out and it will probably happen.
And then what happens if Trump is assassinated?
I think there will be a great turmoil going on.
I mean, where else can we go after, you know, that's happened?
Where will we be led from there?
I mean, the media is just the biggest hypocrite.
They don't like truth.
Like, you speak the truth.
You know, fellas, like, you speak the truth.
And they don't like the truth.
You know, it exposes them, and they hate being exposed.
And the more that this stuff happens and these false flags and these attacks, more exposure.
And they're not liking it, one bit.
Well, you're right.
The globalists are losing power.
They're losing control because thinking people know they're scams.
The problem is they've been successful in the earlier phase of dumbing folks down.
So it's a paradox of maybe 20-30% of people that are somewhat awake versus 50% that are totally dumb.
Another 20% or so that are kind of in the middle.
And it's just such a crazy time to be alive.
God bless you.
And I agree with you, Michael.
Appreciate that call.
Kirk in PA.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead, sir.
How are you doing, Alex?
Thank you.
Well, I think they want to instill this idea of having the public to, you know, start hating Trump on a massive level, just like they have the Muslims hating gay men.
Yes, I think that's exactly where they're going.
What else do you think about the situation?
Well, I think, you know,
If they are successful in grabbing the guns, uh, how will they be able... I mean, if they see a rise in the violence, I mean, how will they be able to obtain the gun back?
Because, um... What they'll do is they'll first say a certain class is banned, only a certain, like one type of semi-auto, so they can just test demonizing that group, taking their guns...
Yeah, um...
But I also think that, you know, it's not going to be that.
I know there's a lot of people that want to kill Trump that's on the other side.
But when I was looking at your interviews and I was seeing there's a lot of Trump supporters that say, you know, if Trump doesn't become president, then that's it for the country.
So if they would see somebody.
Look, look, look, look.
There's bots, there's people out there posing as Trump supporters saying a lot of bad stuff.
There are some bad people that are Trump supporters.
We're a nation of 330 million people.
Look, I'm not perfect, Trump's not perfect.
You're absolutely right.
There's problems on both sides.
You are absolutely right.
Yeah, I just... I just hope there's still life in this country.
You know?
Well, I know this.
A nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
A nation of...
Brain-damaged, domesticated idiots will fall.
I mean, it's not gonna be ruled by wolves.
It's going to fall.
And the whole Western world... I mean, look, most countries got smart people, but they're collapsing because there's corruption and people don't stand up for basic freedom.
Look at Venezuela, look at Mexico, you name it.
And that's where we're going, but it'll be worse.
When big rich nations fall, it's explosive.
It's scary.
It's out of control.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're livin' on the edge.
Open up and then expect that we're gonna have more.
Part 2 of my Ask Me Anything interview with the fans and viewers of Reddit there over on the Donald channel.
In fact, Buckley, what's the exact URL?
It's Donald underscore?
The underscore Donald.
So that is coming up as the top thing on Reddit in those Ask Me Anythings that day.
We did it live last week at night.
We're airing it here and then David Knight comes in live in the fourth hour.
But right now, right back to your calls, I want to go to John.
I've been trying to get through for quite a while.
I've been listening since the shortwave days, way back there.
I'm sure you're aware of this, but I haven't heard the term.
It was a term that I learned from Fletcher Prouty, and it's called demographic warfare.
Yes, that's what they're doing.
It's the broken coalition strategy.
That's what we should call it.
That's exactly what they're doing.
Race war management.
But you're right.
Demographic warfare.
Yes, sir.
Tell us what Fletcher Prouty exposed.
Go ahead.
Well, I mean, basically it was so ironic that, you know, you had the Tonkin Chinese and the Cochin Chinese and
By the time our government got through shipping them around and messing with them, you had basically the communists ruling South Vietnam and us in there trying to kill the natives, the farmers of South Vietnam.
So, I mean, just a perfect globalist coup.
They've been laughing about that, enjoying that for years and years and years, and they're doing it here, basically.
If it goes on, it will be the foreigners running the place and hunting down the natives.
But anyway, I lived in Arkansas for years and years, and I think what we're, as Americans, what we're committing is called Demographic Arkansas.
Ah, coined a new term.
Well, we lived under Arkansas.
But it was like, you know, you commit suicide by cutting your head off.
Or shooting yourself six times with a 12-gauge.
That's Arkansas, but this is demographic Arkansas.
We're doing it to ourselves.
We gotta speak up.
Well, don't forget, sometimes people cut their arms and legs off and pour gasoline on themselves.
We did have one case of that, and I'm sure, you know, there were some bizarre
Uh, suicide, that seemed to go along with these people.
Oh, now the Clintons never hurt anybody, John.
They love us.
Well, I don't believe they did, uh, but I, I, and you know, and I, I'm being real here, uh, uh, they attract zealots who, who do, do those things.
And, uh.
They don't do, their, their minions do that for a pat on the head or a bone.
Uh, do you think they're going to try to kill Trump?
They don't have any choice.
I'm not saying the Clintons, I'm saying the higher-ups.
Yeah, I don't see it.
If it goes on like it's going, they don't have a choice.
Well, John, call back.
You make a great point.
Let's go real quick to Pam.
No, no, Pam hasn't been home in a while.
It's Christine Washington.
Christine, go ahead.
She's listening on the radio.
Christine, we're almost out of time.
Go ahead.
We're out of time.
Listen, Pam and Christine, Steve and Scott, we'll put your numbers down, and in an hour or 55 minutes when they ask me anything's over, we will call you back.
Because I know David likes to take calls.
So that's all coming up.
With your specific questions, we should continue this after they ask me anything, because I'm asking you, will they try to kill Donald Trump?
Obviously they're already trying to.
The media is hyping it.
There's been an assassination attempt.
This is getting serious.
What will happen if that happens?
That's the bigger question.
That's coming up after the Ask Me Anything in 55 minutes.
What was it that the Attorney General said back when he was Deputy Attorney General, Eric Holder?
He said we need to literally brainwash the American people against guns.
One thing that I think is clear with young people and with adults as well is that we just have to be repetitive about this.
Well, that's exactly what they've at least been able to do to a certain
...segment of zombie-like creatures pretending they're human.
They have convinced them that they have no right to defend themselves and that they themselves aren't even able to stand up for their families.
That is the true definition of slavery, where people are so disempowered, they can't even imagine that they themselves could put up any type of resistance.
And if you won't put up a resistance to a physical attack,
You won't put up resistance to the private Federal Reserve signing you on to trillions of debt that you don't owe.
You won't put up a resistance to medical mafias that want to force GMO foods on your children and dangerous vaccines.
You won't put up a resistance when Sharia law starts coming into the United States and they're canceling political rallies that mildly criticize Islam and its attacks on homosexuals.
My friends, it's time to grow a spine.
As Thomas Jefferson famously said, a nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
And Rolling Stone and many other publications have come out and thrown down their stinking gauntlet, their hypocritical gauntlet, and said it's time to repeal the Second Amendment.
They admit they want to ban guns.
They admit they want you disarmed like New York or Chicago.
The political class wants to dominate what they see as their property.
Are you their property?
Will you sit there and let their jihadis mow you and your family down?
Or will you stand up and become self-sufficient and start defending your family?
Really, the choice is up to you.
The American birthright started over the attempt to confiscate our guns in Lexington and Concord in 1775, leading to July 4, 1776, and our Declaration of Independence.
You've got to decide whether you want that birthright,
Or if you want the birthright of slaves.
If you want to be slaves, that's great.
May your chains set lightly upon you, to quote Patrick Henry.
But as for me, give me liberty.
Or give me death.
The great battle for the Second Amendment is happening now.
The first phase is an info war.
And I suggest all of you
Understand, the big assault is happening as we speak.
The greatest attack on our freedoms that we've ever witnessed, not just the Second Amendment, is happening today.
All good men and women must come to the aid of their country.
And that fight starts at InfoWars.com.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We are back with more of Ask Me Anything from the Reddit event that we had that was so successful last week.
This is part of what we're doing to reach out to different internet demographics of folks that are somewhat awake but not really tuned in on a regular basis to the broadcast.
This is part of our outreach to go into areas where people are debating political issues and to try to bring them to the info war to give them a different or wider perspective.
It's also key to understand with more and more internet censorship happening and the police banning public speakers in Florida that would dare criticize Islam and things like that, it is more important than ever that we all interconnect with each other, that we all stay connected and defend each other's free speech.
As Benjamin Franklin said, hang together or hang separate.
And it's really important for all Infowarriors to go to Infowarriors.com forward slash newsletter.
And to put in your email, or a new email account you create, so that we can stay in contact with you and circumvent the censors at Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, and other platforms.
It's so essential that everybody sign up for the free daily newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Now back to Ask Me Anything.
Easy Whip says, Alex, has Donald Trump asked you to be vice president yet?
No, but Donald Trump did ask me to marry him last night.
No, no, seriously.
No, but I do think it's Jeff Sessions.
That's the smart monies on Senator Sessions.
So there's your serious answer on that question.
So you wouldn't say yes to the VP?
I'd have to let all you guys go.
That wouldn't pay all the bills around here.
No, the VP doesn't pay enough.
No, or have any power.
I would, well, I'm a TSA, I have power.
No, no, seriously, he's not doing that.
Wouldn't be a good VP choice, so it's hypothetical.
So Bilbo Dabbins 32 says, thanks for joining us today, Mr. Jones.
Your concerns as to the New World Order are slightly confusing when you hire former Stratfor employees such as Molly Maroney to work within your organization.
Can you explain why you would allow someone so close to the DOD and the secret government you supposedly seek to take down to work for you in an editorial capacity?
Editorial capacity, really?
And she's so close to that.
She is.
You know, that was a really sad thing.
We tried to put a magazine out for free locally.
We charged people to buy it in bulk.
And this girl was right out of college.
And there's only a few places to work when you get an internship.
It'd be like this big analyst private group here in Austin, Texas or at UT or a few other places.
And we thought it was a plus on her resume.
And then she gets here, and all she's doing is taking our articles and pasting them into a format for the magazine.
People are calling her up, going, you're a secret government agent.
You're a horrible person.
Her dad calls up and goes, should I sue him?
He's a big lawyer in town.
I said, no, sir.
It doesn't matter.
There's schizophrenics.
Please don't.
But she quit over it.
And don't worry, the magazine's gone.
You were successful trolling that one.
But this is the craziness.
Tim Kennedy has been in 15 years in black ops.
He's Delta Force.
We admit all that.
And no one attacks him.
But Tim Kennedy's doing reports for us because he's a patriot.
He's a guy that's exposed our government funding ISIS.
He's a guy that's exposed the attack on the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
He exposed the military being used out in Oregon against the Bundys.
I mean, just because somebody's worked in the government or in a group affiliated with it, doesn't mean they're bad if they have a good track record.
But as for poor sweet Molly... She was like an intern!
She was like in a building down the street, like, with a few other folks doing the magazine.
And we got her the magazine.
It was successful, but bang for your buck, I could put out a YouTube video and have ten times the views of spending a month on a magazine.
It was a test we did.
But man, they just seize on that and they go, you know, oh my God.
Meanwhile, the Stratford emails got hacked by WikiLeaks.
That's true.
And Stratford's like badmouthing me.
How do we stop Jones?
How do we do all the... This is proof he works for them.
They put this out to make him look good.
It's like we're promoting...
Free speech, Second Amendment, family.
You judge the show by what we do.
You know, not about, this is, this is the schizophrenia and a loser culture.
Because they want to imagine everything's controlled.
They couldn't ever.
Actually get involved and change the world because everything's controlled.
And you know, I don't think you put your freaking boots on by yourself.
Here's the best thing.
Here's the best thing is I just refreshed the question and it says, edit the presenter, moi Buckley Hammond, working with Alex Jones, just blatantly ducked this question without even allowing Alex to hear the text of the comment.
Because apparently I was reading a different one.
But so anyway, we answered.
Oh, you just involved yourself in an evil operation?
You just read it verbatim.
Listen, we put a movie out about Israeli involvement 9-11.
And they all flipped out ten times worse.
Because you don't talk about it enough all the time.
No, no.
You make a movie about it, you're covering it up.
You understand how that works.
You answer the guy's questions.
This is what this is about.
It isn't about saving civilization or society.
It's about, at your keyboard, being bigger than Alex Jones.
See, oh, you just, you just, man, don't you wish we got our orders from Stratford?
Well no, apparently, in order to work here, you have to get CIA clearance.
That's the new thing.
I'm getting trolled on Twitter.
Like, really, if that was true, why did I have to just submit all of our information in order to get clearance to go to the DNC?
I guarantee you don't have to pass the CIA.
No, it's just like, come on, there's something stupider about this.
But they're changing the subject.
We're patriots exposing the globalists.
But the globalists have so turned the public into mentally ill chumps, their job's done.
They can't even respond.
But we're here like, here, here's water in the desert.
They say, yeah, shut up.
You with the such and such.
I'll take a selfie.
The thing that's pretty amazing is that they're putting out this information to prove that we're disinfo agents.
Meanwhile, what they're putting out is nothing but disinfo.
So are they government sock puppets?
But I agree.
Meanwhile, we're taping two hours of this to next week.
Here's some excerpts.
I won't even put this on the air.
I'm not a schizophrenic mental patient.
I thought this is powerful info.
Somebody driving along in Albuquerque on an affiliate or New York or L.A.
were on affiliates.
Here's all this schizophrenic crazy crap.
Jones, prove you're not working for the CIA.
I mean, it's like
What the hell?
And the weird part is, they never actually, when we talk about real CIA stuff, they don't respond to that.
It's all like hypothetical schizophrenic.
Listen, take your medication.
You're gonna be a lot better.
All right, well, let's try to run through some of these questions.
Yeah, let's get some non-schizophrenic questions here.
Trump is my daddy says, hey, Alex, what is the number one quality that Donald Trump possesses, in your opinion, that will win him the presidency?
That's a good question.
It's not giving in to peer pressure.
It's having his own political will, his own compass, and realizing the globalist propaganda matrix is a giant facade about to collapse.
Okay, M Jones attorney 28130084 says, globalism is trashing the middle class of the first world.
Doesn't that erode the buying power of the same people who shop at Walmart, use Facebook and Google and otherwise consume the products of blue chip corporations and tech titans?
That seems to cut against the economic motivations for globalism.
So what is the real motivation for globalist control?
Or is it just an emergent force that is the sum of self-interested actors at the top?
Wow, that person should have a radio show.
What they said at the end is true.
It is self-interested actors battling with each other, but they agree into a stricture or a structure of how they do the robbing to protect themselves and to organize it so as to the proletariat never waking up and saying no to them.
So all revolutionists, Brandeis, leftists, and we never discussed the scams that Walmart's running.
So there is a global government cosmology, a global government system that's based on these crony capitalists, robber barons, ruling over people and controlling them and consolidating power.
But it's driven by their individual need to dominate and take control, even though as they take control and destroy economies, they're building a technocracy that will be their own downfall.
Make sense?
I understood that.
But screw that!
I must work for the CIA.
That's all that matters.
Forget actually doing anything about anything.
Just say Alex Jones is evil.
He works for Puff the Magic Dragon.
Instead of actually doing anything.
You see, attacking me is the kickoff.
It's the punt.
I can't deal with this.
Look at that chicken on there.
I can't deal with this.
I'm just going to say that somebody tried to warn me he's a bad guy.
It's kind of like that.
Like, we're losing oxygen in the spacecraft.
Shut up, agent.
Hold on.
Falls over and dies.
Let's go to the next point.
Oh, we have the chicken video.
They're showing it to us.
Let us know it's there.
Should we air the chicken video?
Listen, this is why this happened.
They were asking me, hey, you're working late tonight.
You want us to get some food?
And I said, yeah, get Lucy's Fried Chicken.
No pun intended.
They're not paying us to say that.
It's a great fried chicken place here in town.
And then Pat Riley's like, well, they're going to say that's racist, because Bill Clinton's a horrible guy, but he was like Alabama or something, and served fried chicken to poor people that had half of them were black, and they said, it's racist.
If you live in the South, eat fried chicken, because it tastes good.
Collard greens.
Fried okra.
It has nothing to do with black people.
In fact, get away black people.
I'm eating it all myself.
But in the mental illness paradigm,
It becomes we're racist.
Do we have that queued up?
Everything is racist.
Everything is racist when you're part of a team.
Let's play the Lego racist fried chicken video.
Hello, John Goodman, the Big Lebowski.
I'm finishing my coffee and my Lucy's fried chicken.
I asked for fried chicken.
I think on TV, they're all racist.
I said, my God, we've entered a cult.
Bill Clinton came and served fried chicken, now it's racist.
Need a little newsflash.
This is Southern Cookin', everybody likes it down here.
So I'm gonna have me some fried chicken, and some watermelon, and some collard greens.
Look at those collard greens.
Look at those collard greens.
Mm-mm, that's good cookin'.
Infowars.com, mm-mm.
That'll be the news.
And the night will be on, like, Medium House Jones does a racist rant against fried chicken.
God, he works for Stratford.
Here we go.
Singular IDOC says, as an Austinite, I have watched you off and on since your days on Public Access TV in the late 90s, and I've always thought 90% of your conspiracy stuff was BS, but thought it was interesting because if even 10% of it is true, it is pretty scary.
How do you feel about the fact that someone like myself, who still feels you're a bit out there, now sees InfoWars as a more legitimate news outlet than most of the MSM?
Well, look.
It shows that globalism has progressed.
Unfortunately, I was pretty much accurate about what I predicted.
I was reading Globalist White Papers.
They told us what their plan was, so it's not hard to be accurate.
And I get, as a good person, people out there don't believe this because you see the world through your eyes.
So you wouldn't do this.
Why would somebody else do it?
But I think our own naivete is what is empowering this.
And so I would just encourage everybody out there to
Get involved and research things for yourself and decide whether you want to let the globalists make decisions for you or not.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
This is very important because a lot of these microorganisms and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms,
You have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, on viruses that protect themselves, and so do bacteria and protozoa and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
People can avoid toxic air if they want.
They can get an air purification system.
They can avoid toxic water and drink clean water, but it's really hard to avoid parasites.
It's hard to avoid attacking organisms and that's where I see this going.
I mean, I think a lot of the information that we
We're good to go.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often should you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when the eggs hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss, excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness, I mean all these things.
If you look at some of these conditions and then us opening up our borders and all the other countries opening up their borders,
You're just dealing with a mass amount of parasites or harmful organisms or biological weapons that are spreading and mutating all across the world.
And I think that's one of the reasons why, I mean, all you have to do is look at the news these days.
You can type in refugees spreading disease.
I mean the CDC is going crazy right now.
There's a new antibiotic resistant E. coli that they just identified.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
Plans at least twice a year.
All right, well I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Jorge0802 says, hey there Alex, thank you for coming by to answer our questions.
Lately there's been a big influx of whisperings and rumors about Obama possibly declaring martial law, most likely around election time, in reaction to the riots to be staged by various hate groups.
While I personally don't think this is likely, I'm curious on your thoughts about this and how the election itself will play out in general.
I'd rather ask Princess Diana what she thinks.
I just don't think that they're gonna try and pull anything like that until they can get us to give up our guns.
Just like what happened in Venezuela, they disarmed the population only four years ago.
And you see what happened as soon as they were able to tell everyone.
Oh, it's time for us to, the only people who should have guns are the police and they'll protect us.
And then you see, they knew that a collapse was coming and they collapsed their country.
And that's what they want to do here with us.
That's why after this, every terror attack, that's the first thing they talk about.
They won't mention radical Islam.
Because I'm sorry, if you're going to be shipping a bunch of radicals, the last thing I'm going to do is give you my guns and help.
Well, that's a good point.
What was the question, Brooklyn?
The question was, and I kind of scrolled back past this, but basically, they were asking about whether or not Obama is going to create martial law around the time of the election, and what do you think?
So he can stay the president.
Europe has declared a civil emergency, and Germany and France and a few other countries have criticized Islam as if they're Russia.
They won't call it martial law, they'll call it a civil emergency.
And I thought, you know, he's just a puppet.
He's gonna go away.
They'll put somebody new in.
But I think if they are concerned and think Donald Trump's really gonna get in, they got their George Soros activated, kill the cops, you know, type groups out there.
Not that cops are perfect.
The point is we don't want to just randomly go out and kill cops, have a civil war.
There is a plan to destabilize the country.
And I think it's really seriously being looked at on the drawing board by these delusional elites.
I think that's a great question.
I mean, I think it's in the cards.
I don't think it's going to happen.
I hope it isn't going to happen.
It's definitely in the cards.
And I think it's up to us to speak out and say don't do this.
It's definitely in the cards.
That's been the plan.
But it's, you know, they can't engage it until they can get our guns.
Good point, Leigh-Anne.
Nitrogen Sports says, Alex, I think the globalists have even more to gain if Trump becomes president because they can simply crash the economy, stage a few terror attacks, and then use Trump as an example of why nationalism slash conservatism isn't practical anymore.
This would make it extremely difficult for another nationalist to become president.
What are your thoughts on that?
That's one of my biggest concerns, but then I lean back and say, justice be done, may the heavens fall.
They don't want Trump in, despite the fact they could try that playbook, because they know he'll fight back and expose that they're the ones behind the collapse.
So if they were into that scenario, which I can see is plausible, they would be supporting Trump to get in.
So they could actually play that out.
I think they know it's too much of a wild card.
They don't control him, whether he's good or bad.
They don't control him.
That's why they're scared of him.
What do you think, Leigh-Anne?
Scared of Trump?
Well, I do think that they're not going to, it's not like the globalists are just going to shrink away and go, oh, well, we lost.
Oh, we tried it.
Time's up.
It's over.
They're not going to go away.
So that's, I mean, we have to stay vigilant.
So Trash Cat TM says, do you think once Trump is elected that the globalists will fund a civil war to break out between La Raza trying to make America Mexico again and the real Americans once Trump starts cracking down on deporting illegal immigrants?
I mean, I don't want to just say La Raza and all that's the key to the globalist takeover, but...
They fund all forms of division around the world with sociology and then play on that in times of crisis.
So yes, the globalists can just move offshore for a while while they break the country down, bring in civil war and try to get control out of that.
It's a real threat.
Let's see, another question.
ChromaticGRA says, let's be honest, you and your reporters endanger your lives to give us this information.
You're considered a leader and inspiration to many of us.
If you or your reporters become illegally detained or make the ultimate sacrifice, what should we know or do to carry on the fight?
You got a bunch of intimidators out there that just try to scream and yell, we're going to kill you.
And the feminists, oh, we love you, Islam, put bags on our heads.
Oh, sexual mutilators, we love you.
Oh, Alex is bad.
Oh my god, I'm so horrible.
But to be totally serious, there is an attack on the press, not just us, but all over the world.
And when you promote InfoWars, when you promote Leanne's videos, you promote Matt Drudge's links, you promote WorldNetDaily, whatever the case is, you're countering that.
You are the resistance.
You're the real power.
We're just watching on the wall pointing out
Stuff at a higher position, I guess it's going on, and giving you intel.
But you're at other positions, above and below as well, giving us intel.
So we're all just the same, symbiotically, as a species, resisting this attempt to take over.
No, I agree.
People just need to put as much information... That's why they want to take over the internet, and be able to control it, and corral you into certain areas.
That's right, they're pushing internet taxes, internet IDs, all of this is anathema.
They want to control you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Brain Force is here.
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I don't know.
If I was just gonna, like, attach an idea to it, it's gonna be dangerous freedom.
You're listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Again, this is part of a live Reddit Ask Me Anything event we held last Tuesday night.
We're going to air some more excerpts of it on the other side of this break.
And then we've got one of our great news anchors coming in to break down the latest news and developments after that.
So please stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones and this is The Info War.
Stromhart says, Alex help, I work in education and honestly I'm fearful of my future career because I align myself with truth and I'm not afraid to speak my mind to my students.
What steps should I take to try and undo the harm done to easily manipulated children so that they can get a proper education without a regressive indoctrination?
All while not having my head on a spike.
Well, you're there with your particular federal UN, UNESCO curriculum, but I would just get the children, you know, in times you have space to like poems about free will, ideas about free will, explain to them that what you're getting is a particular state run view.
And they should talk to their parents about how to interpret all this.
I would ask to meet with the parents' children, just as a study hall, and then bring up, are you concerned about the curriculum?
And ally yourself with the parents, then you'll have real support.
And I think you'll find even higher up above you in education, people are scared and concerned.
And so it's that act of resistance.
I think you have to be ready to put your head on the spike to free humanity, but do it
In a wise, smart way.
So just probe things, and I think you have the answers innately.
That's a good point.
Here's a question by MLG.
It's a little long, but let's push through it.
Thank you for doing this AMA and the work you do to give alternative narrative in the news.
I've been a reader of your website and reports for quite some time.
Until several years ago when I came across your report on Ashton Ludenby.
I was in an interesting position as a second-hand witness to the crimes he committed and later pled guilty to.
So when I read your report, I was surprised at how wrong the report was compared to what really happened.
That it caused me to question your priorities of what appears to be choosing sensationalism over journalistic integrity and independent research, as you took the suspect's mother's word and faith and later stated was a mistake.
The source of your information was biased and misguided, but you did not vet the source before reporting the information as fact.
So my question for you, with all due respect, is how have you improved as a journalist since then, and how can I have faith in your reporting on other stories, knowing about what appeared to me as sensationalist reporting in the past?
Thank you again for your time.
Well, I don't think you should have faith in my reporting.
I never told you to have faith.
I told you to think for yourself.
I don't know who these names are.
Humpty Dumpty, Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, purple unicorns, you know, that eat glitter in the morning for breakfast with their Cheerios.
I have a bunch of different reporters and writers and researchers and a lot of what we do is you see some story and we put a link to it.
So to sit there and say,
What about Luden's cough drops or whatever it is?
What did you do?
Why did you quote their mother?
I mean, you know, it's news.
I mean, if I say there was a plane crash an hour after it happened and then a day later new info comes out, well, what does that mean?
In general, we tell the truth.
We don't try to deceive.
In general, we have a bias to tell the truth and promote liberty.
And can you pick all sorts of examples of stuff we get wrong or articles we link to that get corrected later?
But we're not here trying to lie to people.
As for whatever weird cockamamie story you brought up, that's like Chinese dragon talk to me.
I have no idea what you were even talking about.
I mean, some of it's like, you didn't answer the charges to this.
Are you a government agent?
I'm like, oh, no.
I do want freedom, though.
Well, I did turn down all their offers.
I mean, you know, because they're a bunch of scumbags and stab you in the back.
I mean, I just don't get it.
The compendium of what we do and what we stand for is clear.
And people have to, I mean, no one has reporters here that have as much freedom as our people do.
We hire folks that we think love freedom and want to tell the truth.
And I may disagree with some stuff they do sometimes.
They disagree with me.
This is real freedom.
I believe in humanity.
And folks that have never been part of that, I get why you can't believe there's anybody out there that's independent and doing something real.
But I'm going to tell you folks, this is it.
I'm real, all the way, 110%.
And so that's what it comes down to.
But just the subject always being changed to me.
I got like 40 something employees, 10 or 15 contractors.
I reach a lot of people, but I don't really run anything.
And no one wants to talk about how we've been signed on to trillions in derivatives, or how we've been signed on to trillions in debt, or how we're launching new wars, or starting war with Russia.
It's just all about
The Luton people, you did something and the woman mother met them and you didn't do a better job of what you happened for and to the other.
And I speak to the schizophrenics out there because I care about you.
You know, I understand it's a crazy world and you're paranoid and stuff, but we're not the focus of it.
We didn't do it.
I didn't hurt the Easter Bunny.
Well, I think, too, this happened, I guess, 2009.
So it's a USA Patriot Act being used against a 16-year-old.
And so, obviously, this was something that we were really probably one of the only people who were
Well you shouldn't use the Patriot Act.
They claim it was for terrorism.
Right and so if you're pointing out to this story and you want to report on it and you know there they say that later maybe you got some new information and but it's like if something happens you've got to report on it.
And where do you go to?
Would you have like two people working for you then?
They said like five.
They said Homeland Security was for terrorism and they're using it for marijuana cases.
So, I stand by what I said.
Okay, so, EkkiEKKJ says, do you think a new assault weapons ban would actually happen?
I love my guns and I'm concerned that the sissies might break us down this time.
Well, when they have jihadis, they're under 10 targets, and they're going to say conservatives and gunners.
Yeah, they're coming for our guns.
They mean business.
They've got a UN treaty worldwide, where they've taken the guns everywhere, except here.
Are they going to let us have guns?
They're gonna try not to.
They're coming for the guns, but never mind the lootin' story.
I did bad on it seven years ago.
So, Mammer the Mario says, hi Alex, what is your daily schedule like?
And also, do you think Roger Stone will have a position in the, he already answered, Roger already answered that.
He said no, he's not gonna have a position.
He's too much of a Libertine.
He doesn't want to be in the Trump White House.
So, Mammer the Mario says, hi Alex, what is your daily schedule like?
Not really.
I sit here with Leigh-Anne.
I'm looking pretty tired right now.
Leanne's over here in her green outfit.
That's why you're normally in bed by now.
Buckley's wearing a stunning cream-colored jacket if you're a radio listener.
Thank you.
I get up about 6.30, get in the shower, go out, wake my kids up, make breakfast, either have a nanny send them to school or I take them to school, then I take a quick jog, lift weights for about 30-45 minutes, do about an hour of research, drive into the office,
Do the show, do more research, shoot a few videos, do some management stuff.
Mainly try to decide how to get money to fund the operation, look at everything.
I don't want to do that, but that's why I got to fuel the operation.
Deal with whatever fires are going on.
And then I go home, hang out with the children, go for a hike with them on the Greenbelt.
After dinner, watch maybe a TV show, play a board game, go to bed.
Not that exciting.
I mainly walk into a Star Chamber and go, give me your orders, New World Order.
You know, the answer has exposed everything we're doing.
Oh yes, I'll do that.
First you wake up every day and get all of your instructions from the Jews and the CIA, and then you go about your day.
It'd be kind of cool if the Jews would come in here and run everything for me.
Instead they have the ADL attacking me constantly, but whatever.
So, Odoxel has a question.
It says, where, in your opinion, did the overarching globalist conspiracy begin?
With the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Charles Darwin, and Francis Galton in your movie, Endgame, it seems like it begins with the eugenics movement.
What was the true genesis of the plan?
Well, you had a British Empire, kind of run by the Rothschilds by that time, and they didn't have a way to scientifically manage populations.
They were smart.
So they invested in hundreds of different groups in the United Kingdom, but also, well, then it was England, and also in Europe and France and other areas, to create scientific tools of control.
And they wrote books on it, they launched modern psychology, all of it, and it's just been all about turning us into jellyfish ever since.
Octopus Brian says, how will people survive the increasing rates of automation?
Will new jobs be formed?
Will we see the rise of socialism through welfare such as universal basic income, corporate dystopia with the middle class fusing with the lower class?
Well, that's a good question.
We've always pointed out they want us on welfare to control us.
And now we have the precariat, the Bilderbergs announcing and saying, we're going to give you a subsistence level money to control you.
But we're going to socially tell you take the vaccines, get sterilized, live the life we say, follow the religion we say, have the speech we say, don't cause trouble on the Internet and don't have kids.
Then you die.
And now they've social engineered who has children.
And this is 21st century warfare, how you
It's close to it, look.
Scotland was gonna leave.
It should have left.
It has the whole North Sea area.
It's being screwed over.
It's paying way past its fair share, but they scared all the old pensioners.
They trained folks not to have kids.
So all these old Scots, Scots are dead, Scots are gone, unless they're living through McAdoo over here.
But if Scotland are dead, and great people, and they just capitulated through mass mind control, and didn't go with the polls, and I think probably did vote to stay in.
They're trying now with England.
And with Ireland and Scotland in general.
And they're saying, we'll leave you, we'll shut you off financially if you try to leave.
The EU bureaucracy makes almost all the laws.
The Parliament is ceremonial, they admit that.
And if the UK doesn't leave this, they've been conquered.
What military force couldn't do, has been done economically.
Because an invisible enemy that's more coded is hard to counter.
But yeah, England, if the Brexit, the British exit fails, that is a big failure for humanity.
But I would imagine it's a fraud because it amounts to the ignoring of so many big polls that show more than 10% ahead for an exit out of the dictatorial EU.
Virtual Gorilla says, Hi Alex, I love what you and Infowars do.
Can we see the Barrett 50 Cal?
Okay, well it's locked up in a safe right now actually, both of them.
What are your thoughts on Obama's speech today and specifically what he said about the use of the words radical Islam?
I saw the clip earlier.
He came out and made a joke about it.
Well, what does it do to say radical Islam?
You admit that Islam itself is radical and has been taken over by radicals and is absolutely antithetical to everything you claim you push.
Don't sit here and lecture American men how we're sexist homophobes.
We're not doing anything but submitting to you while you hang out at madrasas and give speeches all over the world, bad-mouthing the West and promoting Islam.
What you promote is an authoritarian cult.
And so I think it shows his weakness that someone like Donald Trump would actually call him out on it.
Well, and also, too, I'd like to point out how, you know, for instance, if a right wing Christian whatever shoots up an abortion clinic, it's always like religious, you know, fanatic, religious extremist.
But this and ISIS and all that, he refuses to say it because
It's a perversion of Islam.
It has nothing to do with religion.
Islam never had slaves.
Islam had made biscuits and gravy.
When they say they're doing it for Allah, like, hello, it's just, ugh, what a joke.
That's because Mohammed craps directly in Obama's mouth every day.
Oh, there you go.
Mexicutioner says, Alex, do you really think that the fight against the world elite is a winnable battle?
Do you ever get tired or feel discouraged when it seems that there are 100,000 of them for every one of us?
Yes, I get discouraged sometimes.
But overall, 3% won the Revolutionary War against the British tyrants.
We're like 30, 40% of our race, color, and creed.
And we have Buckley Hammond and Leanne
The absolute Wonder Woman over there to defeat the enemy.
What do you think, Leigh-Anne?
I get discouraged a lot, and I do, but then I'm finally getting to that point.
You've said this to me for almost three years now, but I'm finally getting to the point where I'm able to channel that into, like, anger and wanting to do something about it, rather than letting it, like, defeat me and feel like, you know, we're losing.
Because it's just so funny to see how we can talk about something, and then the next day
It shifts the whole narrative, or we shut down what the mainstream media is trying to put out there.
And we're just tuning into the narrative of reality and common sense that people are already thinking, and we're just a focal point to magnify that, but you see the effect we're having.
It's important.
Yeah, it's pretty awesome.
I think we're turning the tide overall.
Buckley, what do you think?
Well, here's a comment from Trentesis12A that says, I just have to say I only recently decided to listen to your show.
Quite a surprise to find out you're not the crazy kook many try to portray you as.
Just speaking the truth.
Keep it up.
Thank you, Trentis.
We appreciate that.
Vinus Magnus says, thank you for doing this, AMA Alex.
What are your plans for the Republican and Democratic National Conventions this summer?
Will there be an Infowars presence?
Also, I heard earlier this week that the GOPE cucks are still looking into their options vis-a-vis stopping Trump becoming the nominee.
Have you heard about this?
Is it possible, even though he already has more than 300 delegates, that he needs to win?
We're breaking the conditioning.
Yes, the Republicans are so arrogant that they're openly saying they may still try to steal the nomination, which just shows their delusion.
But Hillary did it with Bernie, even though he really won.
So that's kind of an example.
We're going to have reporters, myself included, at the RNC and the DNC this year in July.
So get ready for that.
Jimmy Darko says, Mr. Jones, what can a European as myself do to fight against social justice warrior culture?
Our social justice warriors aren't as outspoken and upfront as the American ones, but that makes them all the more dangerous.
Well, the Europeans, you know, have been through a much big war, so they want to just get along with folks and be nice.
And I just think it's important to realize that
European culture is European culture and it's under attack by the elites because it's threatening to their command and control system.
So any type of culture you can promote that's individual, I don't care what culture it is worldwide, doesn't feed into the corporate narrative.
That's why it's important to promote it.
So I just think being yourself is the key and not feeling impelled to follow the directives given to us by the mainstream media.
It's that simple.
Be your own man.
Diana June Mann-Warring says, do you believe that Hillary will ever be held accountable for all she has done?
Will it take a Trump presidency to give her the justice that is due?
And I'm adding this, or will Obama pardon her unconditionally?
That's why I think he finally backed her.
That's where it's going, yeah.
No, they're failing forward.
She's in so much trouble, she's got to get full power just to protect herself.
And look, if Hillary gets elected, this broadcast is going to get a lot bigger.
I don't want to just have her elected so we can preside over the funeral pyre of the United States and the world.
She's very dangerous.
I have concerns about Trump, too, but with Hillary it's like 50 times worse.
I mean, we know this is an evil, evil entity.
We know what we're doing.
Trump's an unknown country.
Hillary is known.
And we know the establishment that's been screwing us over hates Trump, so that's why we're supporting him, though we're doing it very carefully and very watchfully.
With Hillary, I just cringe at what she'll do once she's in full power.
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A series of dueling gun control measures in the Senate were defeated Monday evening in the first proposed legislation in the wake of the Orlando terror attack, reports Fox News.
The four amendments all failed on procedural votes.
The first vote was on the amendment by Senator Chuck Grassley.
To enhance funding for an existing gun background check system, which needed 60 votes to pass, the final vote tally was 53 to 47.
The second vote was on a measure by Senator Chris Murphy to expand gun background checks and close the so-called gun show loophole.
The final vote tally was 44 to 56.
Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas pushed a measure that would allow the government to delay a gun sale to a suspected terrorist for 72 hours.
It failed in a final vote of 53 to 47.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Rick Linklater called me like in 1999.
He said, I'm making this movie called Waking Life.
I'd like you to be a part of it.
And then he just set it up and rotoscoped, let me drive around for 10 minutes, shot it.
They used one cut, put it in the movie.
And I hung out with him, you know, many times in this house playing baseball and basketball.
He's got a big place out in Bastrop like 20 minutes behind me.
And we're told that we are the single most active sub on all of Reddit at the moment.
Well, that's exciting.
I think Trump's even having a speech tonight, isn't he?
Or was that another night?
No, he's having a speech tonight.
Yeah, so to even be, that's awesome.
Look how handsome Trump is.
The giant pumpkin head.
He likes funneling himself so we can do it.
But I'm a pumpkin head too.
We can't measure our heads.
Who has a bigger pumpkin head, me or Trump?
Who is uglier, me or Trump?
Who cares?
But getting serious.
Linklater is a classical liberal, but he's so henpecked and intimidated by other fake liberals that basically I haven't talked to Linklater in like five years.
And he's a big listener.
He's a big supporter of the show.
He's a guy that exposed 9-11 truth.
He's a guy that got
A lot of big Hollywood actors introducing what I was doing.
Had a lot of great connections for me.
So I think Winklater's a class act, a great guy.
And I've been in two of his films.
I've consulted on some other films.
But when I came out against Machete that was White House-funded to create racial division, that's when they basically cut all ties with me, which is wonderful.
Because I've been offered all these big Hollywood films in Hollywood.
I've been offered, like, major supporting roles in big movies that came out.
I've been offered, like, a million dollars for a role.
That sounds like a lot, folks.
It's not when you're at this level.
I had to fund this whole operation.
I've been paid $800,000 in a year once for just a voiceover I did.
But, uh, most people would, like, bend over backwards being Hollywood.
I actually, one of the finest things that I see, it's something I own, is the fact that I don't even respond to emails about big movies now, I just piss on them.
And I'm serious, one of my finest enjoyments is all these roles I've just turned down, and they've almost stopped doing it.
And the roles got bigger and bigger.
And I just said, you know what?
I don't want your Hollywood roles.
Not from a link letter, but I mean, pissing on Hollywood is a luxury.
I gotta be honest with you.
So, OK Kyle says, who are some celebrities that you know are awake but won't go public?
You mentioned Dave Grohl once.
Is he a secret info warrior?
Yeah, there's, I mean, basically most people in Hollywood are libertarians.
They don't want to be conservative.
They don't want to be liberal.
They just, it's like we saw
The biggest stars of 80s cinema, Kurt Russell, come out and say, I'm not liberal.
I'm not conservative.
I'm 1776.
I'm Americana.
I know he's a lister.
I know that.
You know, so many other big top stars are listeners, obviously, of InfoWars because we're one of the only alternative ideas out there.
Not that we're even that good.
It's just everybody else is following this cookie cutter situation.
Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt was a listener like 10 years ago.
Just you name it.
I mean, I've been at these parties with a lot of these people and they're all just scared to death.
That's why it's so good to see a Kurt Russell.
Somebody else come out and say, you know, I'm against the New World Order, I'm against what's happening.
Because they realize they're challenging that whole Hollywood mafia.
I mean, I've had Sumner Redstone call up, now he's basically seen all and gone, and threatened people that have come on my show.
I talked to Mark Cuban in a conference call, and he said, yeah, I was gonna put this movie on a thousand screens.
I'm getting White House threats of prison.
And they're like, okay, well, you're ducking out of the project.
A year later to the New York Times, he publishes the emails where the Bush administration says, if you expose 9-11 with Alex Jones, we're going to put you in prison.
So, I mean, I've experienced this.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
More of Ask Me Anything from our live event last Tuesday on Reddit.
But before I do that, I want to remind viewers and listeners, today is the last day of the Tim Kennedy special on a lot of the top
Nutraceuticals at Infowarslife.com.
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This is
How do you feel about the Democratic Party's need to fix inner-city communities while never addressing the root of the cause?
Well, Obama's doubled unemployment, I mean, on his watch for black Americans, African Americans, because they want to keep them dependent.
They don't ever want you to get out of that.
So absolutely, their whole program is make us dependent.
Obama went to Africa and said you can't have air conditioning or cars.
I mean, this is about austerity.
These are selling us to end innovation.
The elite have gotten enough innovation.
They're done.
They're going to live forever merged with machines, they think.
So why should you have innovation?
That's my answer.
Well, I agree.
I think also to the gay community can kind of see now.
It's like they take all these little minority groups and you're like their pet project until they don't need you anymore.
And so they support you only to the extent that they can convince to get more government power in order to help you.
Instead, we need individual freedom, whether you're white, black, Hispanic, Asian, Easter Bunny, purple polka dotted.
Everybody has these freedoms, period.
And then it doesn't matter because individuals have that freedom.
But government wants us all boxed up in little groups they claim they're catering to.
Well, it's easier to control a large group of people who are all thinking the same and acting the same and will do whatever you tell them.
It's harder to control individuals.
Exactly, where you have little minders that tell them what the new language is.
And I take it you're not looking forward to the Alamo Draft House female urinals?
It's just impossible and like I don't care about the transgender issue.
Obviously I know transgender people.
I know quite a few.
I think that there's like a doctor in town who performs.
I mean because there is a huge transgender community in Austin.
I don't care.
We should not assume we're not against them.
It's like holy hell leave us alone.
That's not the problem.
The problem is what are the logistics of getting a woman to stand up to pee?
Like how do you even do that?
I think they're just trying to push it.
It's just like insulting.
I'm just trying to, I think they're just trying to see how far they can push this.
That's it, no, it's good so far.
Well, he wanted some feedback and he got it.
He did.
cspanspam says, a few weeks ago you said on Coast to Coast that you've spoken with Trump about resisting the globalists.
Can you expound on that?
Well, I've spoken to Trump on air, and I know that my messages have been relayed to him.
I'm not going to get into any private discussions here.
Trump knows what's going on with the globalists.
Either he's telling me he knows,
And doesn't know, or he's playing a double cross, or he's for real.
I don't know.
All I know is he's got the establishment really upset and really scared.
And I like Donald Trump, and I'm gonna be supporting Donald Trump.
Dr. Grip, you developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Spreading disease around, we have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
This is very important because a lot of these microorganisms and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms, you have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean on viruses are
Protect themselves and so do bacteria and protozoa and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually design the living defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often should you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you're going to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when the eggs hatch out?
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss, excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness, I mean all these things, doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that, just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease.
And how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Tuesday, June 21st, 2016, our fourth hour.
We're going to be going to some of the callers that Alex did not get to in the earlier part of the show.
We're going to talk to them in the next segment.
Before we do, just notice this article that was on Drudge Report.
Of course, we have it up on InfoWars as well.
Secret Service says a raging Hillary Clinton threw a Bible at a colleague.
You know, I guess we could call her a bitter flinger, because we've heard Barack Obama talk about all those bitter clingers who cling to their guns and their Bibles.
He doesn't have a problem with those who cling to their guns, their bombs, and their Korans, does he?
No, it's just the people who have guns and Bibles that they're concerned about.
But of course, I think it all boils down to temperament, doesn't it?
We see that when we had these four gun control measures defeated yesterday in the Senate, she had a one-word response.
That's what Hillary Clinton said.
And what does she mean by that?
She mean, enough of the democratic process, I'm going to do it as a dictator with executive orders when I become president?
I don't really care what your elected representatives say.
I don't really care about the Constitution.
Enough of the democratic process, enough of the Constitution, I'm going to do it myself.
See, I think that's her temperament, quite frankly.
And of course, she threw this at a Secret Service agent's head.
That's the most amazing thing about this, I think.
Because all the abuse, the abuse that she flings and hurls at those who are risking their lives to protect her.
That's the arrogance, the self-centeredness of this woman, of these people in power.
It's just absolutely amazing to me.
They say, being assigned to Hillary Clinton's detail was, quote, a form of punishment handed down by passive aggressive middle management.
It's kind of like Hogan's Heroes, you know, where if you screw up, you're going to get sent to the Russian front.
Well, you know, with Hillary Clinton, you know, with a Secret Service, you screw up, you're going to get sent to Hillary Clinton's security detail.
You don't want that.
She's going to come at you with everything.
And the interesting thing is, too, we got a report today from the Washington Post, Chris Zilla pointing out that Hillary Clinton has set a new record.
200 days!
200 days since she last held a press conference.
Last time she held a press conference, not a single vote had been cast in the presidential primaries.
That's how long it's been.
That's the arrogance, the insularity of this woman, the unaccountability of this woman.
She's had enough!
Enough for the democratic process.
Of course, we've heard this many times from Barack Obama.
You know, these guys, they just can't get the answer that I want.
Yeah, I want them to do this, and they don't do it, so I'm going to do an executive order.
I'm just going to do an end-round to Congress.
I don't really care about your elected representatives.
You elected me as dictator, as dictator-in-chief, so I'm going to do whatever I wish.
Now, the Senate has rejected four gun control measures, and
This is all centering around these so-called watch lists and understand a couple of things.
Number one, it's fine if we want to investigate somebody and put somebody on a terror watch list and say, well, we're going to secretly
Investigate this person and of course the FBI has said we don't want you to block their gun purchases necessarily because we're investigating them and we don't want them to know that they're being investigated.
Well if they got a legitimate reason to investigate somebody to some degree that's okay but the biggest problem with this is the fact that they are now assessing penalties based on you being on this secret watch list.
So now this is punishment.
Now this is going beyond the Constitution.
This is taking away our sixth amendment to due process.
And of course we already have that, don't we?
We already have a no-fly list.
So they put you on this secret list.
And then, on the basis of you being on this list, you are now judged to be a risk to society, as if you'd had due process, as if you had had a public trial, as if you had been able to confront your accusers, as if you'd been able to call witnesses in your defense, as if you'd been able to have a real public trial, and they assess penalties on you.
But before any of that has happened.
So we have this pre-crime situation here, and they want to extend it now to something else.
Because we tolerated this with the no-fly list.
Just as we now have this Supreme Court decision coming out, and I agree, I found myself agreeing with Sotomayor.
I'm absolutely amazed.
She was absolutely right, but in the minority.
In the Supreme Court, they had a 5-3 majority opinion that said that illegal stops are fine and we can arrest people, we can use things that we find in an illegal stop.
Where we don't have probable cause, where we don't have a search warrant.
We can use all that stuff to come after somebody.
And she said, by legitimizing conduct that produces a double consciousness, this case tells everyone, white, black, guilty, innocent, that an officer can verify your legal status at any time.
It says your body is subject to invasion while courts excuse a violation of your rights.
It implies you are not a citizen of a democracy, but the subject of a carceral state just waiting to be cataloged.
You see, gun owners need to understand this, that we cannot allow all of our civil liberties to be taken.
The Bill of Rights either stands together or we will lose all of our rights.
Remember the beginning of the Republic?
We will hang together or we will hang separately.
The pictures that showed the 13 colonies like a snake that was chopped up.
They said join or die.
Stand together or you're going to die.
And that is true of our individual liberties as well.
The Bill of Rights and the Constitution stands collectively together or we lose everything.
The gun owners lose their rights, other people lose their civil liberties.
If the gun owners won't stand against the encroachment
On our civil liberties in the name of the war on drugs, then don't expect to keep your Second Amendment either.
You're going to lose your First Amendment, you're going to lose your Second Amendment, you're going to lose all of them.
You either get all of these, the Constitution is taken as a whole, the Bill of Rights taken as a whole.
These are principles about individual liberty.
They're guarantees of our individual liberty.
That were given to us, that we possess as individuals, as human beings, as children of God, okay?
There are natural rights.
If we allow you to take them in one area, then they're going to go everywhere.
We need to understand that, left and right.
So we need to stand against all these infringements.
We can't allow them to piecemeal take our freedoms, like they do at the airport, for example.
Well, she starts to talk about this, and of course, the situation is they were surveilling a house, they saw a guy come out of the house, they didn't have a warrant for him, they detained him.
Uh, they said, uh, they found an outstanding arrest warrant for a traffic violation, then they search further, they find some drugs, and then they arrest him.
Now, the Utah Supreme Court said, no, they didn't have probable cause.
And yet, an opinion written by Clarence Thomas, who normally I agree with.
He takes a very authoritarian approach.
He says, all the evidence suggests that the stop was an isolated instance of negligence on the part of the police that occurred in connection with a bona fide investigation of a suspected drug house.
Well, I would say if it's an isolated instance of neglect, then why would the Supreme Court look at this?
The Supreme Court doesn't look at isolated incidents.
The Supreme Court looks at something that has broad implications.
So that is double speak
At the very beginning.
But then Sotomayor said this.
She says, do not be soothed by the opinion's technical language.
This case allows the police to stop you on the street, to demand your identification, to check it for outstanding traffic warrants, even if you're doing nothing wrong.
We know that is happening.
That's happening everywhere.
It's going to happen even more extensively.
And it happens at the airport.
I have to prove my innocence as if I'm a criminal to these people before I can travel at the airport.
And it's the travel security or safety or whatever they are, the TSA, I don't even know or care what they call themselves.
They're unconstitutional.
They are an affront to the Fourth Amendment.
The TSA and these airport security procedures must go for this same reason.
She goes on to say, being stopped on the street is more than just a small indignity.
So is it at the airport?
So is it at the airport?
She said the officer can search a citizen's bag?
Oh, really?
Okay, I've had that happen pretty much every time I go to any public event anymore.
Order him or her to stand helpless, perhaps even conduct a frisk.
This involves more than just a pat down.
As onlookers pass by, she says, the officer may feel with sensitive fingers every portion of your body.
A thorough search may be made of your arms and armpits, your waistline, your back, your groin, an area of the testicles, entire surface of the legs down to the feet.
That happens.
Every day.
In airports.
When are we going to realize that?
So we stand together, or we hang separately.
And our liberties stand together, or they hang separately.
After they lost these gun control measures, Obama comes out and says, well, we're still going to have gun reform.
Gun reform.
They call it gun control.
He's calling it gun reform.
He says, being tough on terrorism means making it harder for people to get their hands on assault weapons.
No, getting tough on terrorism means that you don't bring them in, Imam Obama.
You don't bring the terrorists into this country.
You don't stand down our defenses against vetting and checking people who are coming into this country.
That's getting tough on terrorism.
Getting tough on terrorism means getting tough on the terrorists, not focusing on one simple tool, and it's not the most devastating tool they can use.
But we still have a push forward on the assault weapons ban.
Not only do we have Fox News pushing on it with all these different anchors, we've got Greta Carlson pushing for an assault weapon ban, we've got Bill O'Reilly pushing for an assault weapon ban, you know, because it's one of these things like nuclear weapons, you know, an assault weapon is dangerous.
I mean, you're going to let people have nuclear weapons and bombs and hand grenades?
No, you can't have that!
So an assault weapon is like that, says Bill O'Reilly as he's talking to Donald Trump.
And now we've got states, New York and Connecticut, have enacted assault weapons ban, and the Supreme Court, as it's been changed with the new majority, they refuse to hear those cases, allowing those to stand.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with your calls.
This message is not just addressed to my fellow Americans, but addressed to people across the world of every race, color, and creed who believe in free speech, enshrined here in our republic as the First Amendment.
It's the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights because it is the most important.
The right to speak, the right to publish, the right to assemble, the right to petition, the right to practice
Your own religion and not having a state-run or authorized system.
We have seen Facebook, Google, Twitter, and other media platforms increasingly censor even mainline libertarian and conservative ideas.
Ladies and gentlemen, Facebook, if it's able to successfully get away with censoring a wide spectrum of ideas that the establishment doesn't agree with, not just conservatives, will set a mega-massive precedent.
Facebook's over a third of the internet.
You think about that?
Of the traffic and people visiting things.
And then it's over.
You think it's bad that communist China with a billion, three hundred million people is censoring?
Zuckerberg, who calls his users dumb effers, has been meeting with the Chinese censorship leadership, openly trying to tweak it.
He met with Merkel and openly in a hot mic said, don't worry, I'm going to start suppressing and censoring people.
They report when someone criticizes open borders to the German government and they come and arrest you.
This is a global
This is the ultimate threat to humanity.
This is worse than what we saw in the Soviet Union.
This is right out of Nazi Germany or right out of Maoist China.
So we're fighting for free speech.
When you spread the word about Infowars.com, our videos, our stories, our reports, and when you post it on different platforms, that circumvents their AI systems that are trying to restrict the flow of information.
We stand together or we hang separate.
Another thing we're doing is not just battling to stop the censorship, we're also building other platforms.
Getting on as many third party systems as there are out there is spreading the word of basic free market liberty and human empowerment and the new renaissance.
But also, the experts I've talked to said, Alex, you missed the boat.
You've been a pioneer in many ways, but you haven't promoted email.
And I said, yeah, I don't ever really market on email.
I just, I just, it's low tech.
And they're like, no, no, no, that's what's going to be hard to censor.
Even if the internet kill switch comes into place, there are systems and there are developments that make it very hard still.
To stop email and to stop that information being sent over networks, you name it.
So it's essential that everybody go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter to get exclusive articles, videos, promo codes, sometimes the shopping cart like we had a few weeks ago with Hillary for prison, 50% off.
I mean, there are some big discounts we send to incentivize people and plus you're some of the most hardcore patriots.
You can send the email and the newsletter on with exclusive videos and articles many days.
So that's another great reason.
But overall, it's so that we have direct contact with fellow patriots out there around the world.
And if they try to start shutting our websites down and other things, which they try to do, and kick us off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, you name it, we'll be able to send you direct videos
That you can then send on to others.
We've all got to start thinking about censorship and actively fighting it, getting more active and not taking independent liberty-based media for granted, which I know you don't do, but really having a sense of urgency and getting the info out more while building new avenues on cutting-edge tech and cutting-edge platforms, but also old tech like email.
So please join
Hundreds of thousands of others that have been signing up every few months at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
And you can also spread the word about our free feeds and more podcasts, Android apps, iPhone apps, it's all free at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to go do your calls in just a moment.
Before we do, I want to remind you that today is the last day.
Of our Tim Kennedy Special, that's 15% off Supermail Vitality, Brain Force, and Secret 12 at Infowarslife.com.
Of course, we selected these products because these are the ones that Tim Kennedy uses in his Special Forces UFC training.
These are the products that he singled out as the things that he could feel making the biggest difference, feeling it right away.
And so we've offered these products, Supermail Vitality, Brain Force, Secret 12,
Fifteen percent off at Infowarslife.com.
Today is the last day for that sale.
Again, you can go to our website at Infowarslife.com.
You can see the hundreds of five-star reviews, tell you how these help other people as well as Tim Kennedy.
Tim Kennedy, of course, is a professional athlete.
He trains for hours a day.
And he said he could feel this immediately when he took these.
And he passed it through the UFC and had them take a look at it.
They said, that's absolutely fine.
There's nothing in there we would have a problem with you taking.
And so we put that together as a package, 15% off, but that ends today.
That special 15% off Supermail Vitality Brain Force and Secret 12 ends today at InfoWarsLife.com.
Let's go to your calls right now.
Steve in Ohio, you had called earlier about the Trump assassination attempt.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, David?
Doing good.
Well, my point was,
I honestly don't think that they're going to try to assassinate Trump, and the reason that I think that they're not going to do it is because it's too obvious.
If they were to do something like that, or he would be in some sort of accident, or you name it, any possibility, the finger would immediately be pointed at these different groups and organizations and the different people who have come out and basically just
Yeah, that's true.
Or maybe that's even a cover, and they do plan to do something, I don't know.
I mean, I think it would be obvious, but we've had other assassination attempts in the past that were obvious as well, you know?
Look at JFK, did that keep them from doing it?
Look at the situation in the UK, the Brexit poll.
Do you think that that was something that was orchestrated by people who want to see Brexit lose, or was that just lucky for them, that that happened exactly one week before the election there?
You think they would kill one of their own in order to... I mean, that's a little less obvious, isn't it?
Even though they've used that card in the past, we saw the same thing happen.
And we had an article a couple of days ago on Infowars.com, Martin Armstrong...
That's an article from Zero Head.
She pointed out that a similar thing happened back in 2003.
There was a lady, Anna Lind.
She was a Swedish social democrat politician.
She was being groomed for leadership positions there.
She was the voice in favor of Sweden joining the Euro.
And just as she was going to a debate that night, she was attacked with a knife in a department store and killed.
Similar situation to what happened to this young lady.
Certainly, I don't think that when you've got trillions of dollars at stake here for these multinational corporations, the power that is at stake for these governments
I don't think that there's anything that these people would not do, including using one of their own as a sacrificial lamb to get sympathy for their cause, to demonize the other side, and that's precisely what we've seen happen for the last week, and is going to happen right up to the vote.
They're going to be having, playing this prejudice card, they've flagged the Brexit people as being a campaign of hate, so they've used it to tar the entire movement.
What do you think about that?
I don't think anything's off the table, and I'm certain that that was orchestrated.
They pulled that off, the timing and everything, it was too perfect.
And you see the polls drop, and the whole thing was set up in the beginning.
They were set up to fail.
Yeah, we even see newspapers there saying, MP dead after attack by Brexit gunman.
They just, they come out in the newspaper, that's the headlines, a Brexit gunman killed her.
I mean, this guy was, you know, he could barely tie his own shoes, all of his neighbors said, right?
He was a gardener, he didn't know anything that was going on, but we're supposed to believe.
That this guy, immediately, again, the usual suspects, Southern Poverty Law Center, and some white supremacist groups, both come out and say, hell yeah, he got stuff from us back in 1999.
So what's that, 17 years ago?
This guy who is mentally incapacitated?
Who's been on meds?
And if you're on meds, folks, it's very easy for them to take you off of those meds, to switch those things out, to program you, whatever.
I mean, this guy supposedly for 17 years who can't tie his own shoes and carry on a conversation, he made his own gun and then he sat on it for 17 years until the time was right to do this.
I mean, none of this, none of this makes any sense.
I mean, I smelled rat big time.
Stay with us.
We're going to go to our other callers.
Thank you, Steve.
We're going to go to Pam and Scott when we come back.
Thank you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A series of dueling gun control measures in the Senate were defeated Monday evening in the first proposed legislation in the wake of the Orlando terror attack, reports Fox News.
The four amendments all failed on procedural votes.
The first vote was on the amendment by Senator Chuck Grassley.
To enhance funding for an existing gun background check system, which needed 60 votes to pass, the final vote tally was 53 to 47.
The second vote was on a measure by Senator Chris Murphy to expand gun background checks and close the so-called gun show loophole.
The final vote tally was 44 to 56.
Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas pushed a measure that would allow the government to delay a gun sale to a suspected terrorist for 72 hours.
It failed in a final vote of 53 to 47.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to go to our callers Pam in Tennessee, Scott in California in just a moment.
Before we do, I just want to remind you again that today is the last day for the Tim Kennedy special.
That's 15% off Supermail Vitality, Brain Force, Secret 12 at InfoWarsLife.com.
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Today, however, is the last day.
Super Male Vitality, Brain Force, Secret 12, 15% off at InfoWarsLife.com.
Also, we have Hillary for Prison t-shirts.
Don't forget, get your Hillary for Prison t-shirt, limited edition, 50% off for one week only.
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You can fill all these public demonstrations and gatherings and rallies, you can fill them with Hillary for Prison t-shirts.
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Because that was what Hillary said when people in the Senate refused to throw the Second Amendment under the bus.
She said, enough!
So I think it's enough.
I think we've had enough crimes from Hillary.
I think it's time for Hillary to go to prison.
It's enough.
And it's enough if you get 50% off and 75% off for the second one.
And that's a one-week only special.
Great time to get your Hillary for Prison t-shirts.
Let's go now to Pam in Tennessee.
You wanted to talk about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Pam.
I spoke with you.
Hey, how you doing?
Alright, good.
Go on.
Can you hear me, David?
I gotcha.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I've been waiting to talk to you.
I love your reporting.
Oh, thank you.
And I think you're kind of the anchor for Alex.
Thank you.
As far as, you know, to keep him even keel.
You're wonderful.
My parents like you too, I want to say.
Well thank you.
This thing with the assassination with Trump, I think we need to kind of quell that.
And my big question is, with all the movies that are coming out about 12 years a slave, which is something to ruffle the feathers of racial tension in the country.
Oh yeah.
They're talking about coming out with a brand new Roots.
Oh, they're going to do that.
They're not just talking about it.
Yeah, it's going to happen.
Go ahead.
And I was wondering, because I remember saying that when I was younger, and that created tension between the blacks and the whites.
It made me feel bad.
I remember walking around feeling bad, and it was something that had nothing to do with me.
Did you free your slaves, Pam?
I watched 12 Years a Slave and my mom said she couldn't even watch it, it was so graphic.
And I told her, I said, oh, you would not believe what a racial tension kind of a movie that was because I said there's so many blacks that are going to watch that and it's going to stir those emotions in them.
And my main question, okay, coming to this, no matter who gets elected as president or whether or not the election is
Actually held up because there could high probability be racial tensions that break out.
There could be more terrorist plots that come to surface and you could actually have racial divisions that maybe might call for martial law.
Oh yeah.
That's the whole point.
That's why they want to create these divisions is so that they can have an excuse to call for martial law.
That's why we had 9-11, so they could have the so-called Patriot Act.
Yeah, absolutely.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I can see where Obama, you know, I can see him very easily saying, well, to be identified, you must come get your chip.
You know, I mean, I predict this out of this guy.
But what about, what about Mr. Trump?
Has anybody put the question to him in time of a civil emergency, what would his plan be?
Yeah I haven't heard anybody ask him that and that's one of the things that I'm concerned about with Donald Trump is his understanding to and commitment to civil liberties and the Bill of Rights.
I mean clearly there is a choice.
In this election.
Number one, we know that the establishment is all out for the tools that are going to give them the next step to global governance.
And that's the trade treaties that they call them, but of course they're about sovereignty, just as we see what's happening in the European Union with Brexit.
We understand that that's about sovereignty, and I've got an interesting article here from the Washington Post
That really puts it in those issues.
They always talk about the economics of it, but it's really about the political sovereignty.
And of course, these trade agreements are about internet freedom.
They're about our sovereignty.
And clearly, you know, if somebody controls your economy, that's a great deal of sovereignty that you've ceded right there.
But it goes beyond that.
So they always talk about those issues.
And so when we're looking at Donald Trump,
There's a good reason to vote for Donald Trump because there is an existential question as to whether or not we're going to continue to exist as a country.
That's the question before Britain in the next couple of days.
Are they going to continue to exist as a country or are they going to quietly fade away?
And that's the question before us with the election of Donald Trump, with all of these candidates who are coming back against this consolidation into a global governance.
So that's a very important reason to vote for him.
Nevertheless, on the other side, I am very concerned about his understanding of civil liberties and his commitment to those things.
And so, yeah, that could be a very, that could be an issue with him as well.
Certainly, we see how easy it has been for people like Bill O'Reilly to railroad him on this issue of the Terror Watch List.
He doesn't want to sound as if he is supporting terrorists.
And you're not a terrorist because they put you on a watch list.
You're not a terrorist because they put you on a no-fly list.
You're a terrorist if and when you are convicted by a jury in a public trial with due process.
That's when you're a terrorist.
That's when you punish people on that basis.
Until that point, you should not be punishing people before you give them due process.
I mean, that's the kind of pre-crime world that we're heading into.
So yeah, that does give me cause for concern.
But you know, Pam, when you're talking about this, you're talking about the different ways that they want to pit one group against the other.
These programs that are coming up, I ask you, you know, did you get rid of your slaves, Pam?
I've not been a slave.
I don't think I've been a slave.
I've worked hard and I've not ever slaved anybody.
I've usually had to end up doing it myself.
If you want it done right, you do it yourself, right?
And of course, that's a rhetorical question.
There aren't any white people in the United States that are living.
Even whose grandparents or probably great-grandparents had slaves, okay?
I would say, maybe, I don't know, depending on how old you are, maybe your great-grandparents had slaves or whatever, but you haven't had any slaves for generations.
But there are people in the Islamic world that still have slaves.
You know, we have more slavery now in the world than we did at the time of the Civil War.
We were not the only country to have slaves.
And when we get this, turn this into a black versus white issue, we ignore the fact that the Islamic and the Arab states had a great deal to do with the slave trade.
They were the ones who captured people out of Africa.
And when we were looking at the situation with Muhammad Ali, when he died and everybody was eulogizing him, there was a lady from Somalia who had emigrated to the West and she said, I could not believe that this man would take the name of people who had and were conducting slavery.
She said at the time he changed his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali, there were slaves, and still are, in Saudi Arabia.
And he got rid of the name Cassius Clay.
Do you know who Cassius Clay was?
Do you know who the original Cassius Clay was?
You know, Pam?
I didn't know until this came up and a couple people mentioned it.
I went back and looked at the history of this guy.
This is a guy in Kentucky.
He was an abolitionist in Kentucky and it was a hot issue because there were people in Kentucky who wanted to keep people as slaves.
But Cassius Clay became an abolitionist and his family had had slaves and he rejected that and he fought against that and he set up a newspaper and he was shot in the chest
By a guy who was pro-slavery.
And he pulled out his Bowie knife and stuck the guy and, you know, threw him in a ditch.
And then he set up his newspaper.
And he was attacked at the newspaper.
So he got a cannon and put it in his printing press room to fight off people and armed it.
Set it up as an arsenal to defend the Second Amendment.
To defend his First Amendment.
And eventually he had a group of 60 people overtake that printing press and burn it to the ground.
That didn't stop Cassius Clay.
He continued to fight as a newspaper guy.
He moved his printing press to a neighboring state where he could do that and still continue to publish, although he had the printing presses elsewhere and still brought the information in.
And out of ignorance, and see that's the thing, Muhammad Ali, Cassius Clay, was ignorant about history.
He didn't know.
Which, what was his left hand, which was his right hand?
He didn't know the people who were against him, and he didn't know the people who were for him.
So he got rid of this name, Cassius Clay, because he said that's a slaver's name.
No, it was the name of a guy who risked his life, who put everything on the line to stop slavery.
And then Muhammad Ali took the name of people who were keeping slaves at the time.
That's the sad thing about not knowing our history, about not knowing our politics.
That is a consequence of ignorance.
And today, I just took a look at my Twitter feed.
I saw a Twitter feed up there about RT, and they got some guy at RT talking about how it's time to get rid of the Second Amendment.
And saying, we never had an individual right to keep and own arms until the Supreme Court invented it in 2008 with the Heller DC case.
That's a total lie.
Anybody that knows what's going on in history, we've seen the same thing from Gretchen Carlson at Fox News telling people, you don't have a right to own assault weapons.
We need to ban these things, and we didn't even have... guns weren't even invented when the Constitution was written.
I mean, that kind of profound ignorance, exhibited by Gretchen Carlson, exhibited by Muhammad Ali, is what costs us our birthright of freedom.
We can't allow that to happen.
That's why this is an information war.
People need to understand what our freedoms are based on.
They need to understand what our history is.
And so you're absolutely right.
These efforts that they're pulling out, 12 Years as a Slave, the reinvention of Roots, which, from what they're saying, is going to be far harsher, far more polarizing than the original one was.
And that's by design.
And of course, they went to the White House to talk about how it was going to be coming out.
This is by design.
This is designed to create racial tension, to create hatred, to make people hate you, even though you've never owned slaves.
Even though you may have had ancestors who fought to free slaves.
Even though you reject it totally, they want to hold you personally responsible.
They want to start a civil war.
That's what this is all about.
Thank you so much, Pam.
I need to move on to Scott in California.
Scott, go ahead.
Hello, Scott.
Do we have Scott?
Hey, Scott.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
Sorry, I know you've been holding it a long time.
Go ahead.
That's okay.
Well, that last caller kind of stole my thunder.
I kind of had a comment on the same lines.
It's my opinion that I think Obama was set up to be martyred because I believe that the subversive leftists really believe that this country is so racist that they would have taken out the first black, you know, candidate.
And since that didn't happen,
Uh, you know, they're looking for other ways and I think that they feel that Trump has such a following and they feel that his followers are such fanatics that they would probably, you know, make that happen if they took him out.
What nerve to go to Chicago and hold a rally.
I mean, certainly you can't have free speech in Chicago, right?
And anybody that doesn't hold majority opinion, they have a right to be beaten in the streets because, you know, this is Bill Ayrstown.
I mean, I can't believe the logic that I hear from the left.
People saying, well, because he rejects political correctness, because he says it to their face, I'm not going to be confined by your politically correct terms.
I'm not going to play by your terminology.
They always like to play the terminology game.
And because he says, I'm not going to abide by that, it's triggered.
They're triggered by this.
And so that makes him a racist.
And it really does.
Can I make another point?
In my opinion, you know there's all this fervor about Trump not liking Mexicans and all that stuff.
I wonder what would happen if he turned the tables on them and said, listen, I love Mexico, you love Mexico, there's a reason why people are fleeing Mexico to come here.
Why don't we work with these groups, the La Raza and MEXA, and say, listen, let's take the revolution to Mexico.
Let's change Mexico's policies and their politics so that people that love their country can stay there and be prosperous in their own land.
Oh, absolutely.
Well, we don't want to do that in Mexico, we don't want to do that in Syria, and we don't want to do that in the Middle East, because that's not the point.
See, the point is, they want to replace the indigenous populations and the culture and the legal system throughout the West.
Throughout the US, throughout Western Europe, they want to replace it with a different population that is more amenable to their authoritarian regime that sees themselves as benefactors of the government that is unquestionably loyal to them because that government brought them in.
And brought them into a land of milk and honey.
That's why they're doing this.
It isn't that they want to help these people.
They could easily help these people in their own countries.
And of course, first thing they could do to help Mexico is to stop the war on drugs.
I mean, they've had tens of thousands of people die from the war on drugs in Mexico.
And that is our own doing.
The war that's going on in Syria is something that we started.
The actual war that's going on in Syria.
So we create the unrest in these countries.
And now we're no longer using that as an excuse to invade those countries or to change their form of government.
Instead we use it as an excuse to invade our own country and to change our own form of government.
And that's clearly what's going on here.
You have to understand, this is about fundamentally changing America.
About balkanizing the United States.
About creating a new, compliant, dependent population.
And that's why they're bringing them here.
They could easily, there's a lot of things that they could do because we are one of the biggest irritants in both of those areas.
There's a lot of things that we could do to make life better there so that people didn't come here.
But we don't want that.
That's what our government doesn't want.
They want to bring the people here to create a problem.
Was there anything else that you wanted to say, Scott, before we move on?
Just that what part of shall not be infringed do people not understand?
And we have to understand that, I agree with you, we have to understand that shall not be infringed should apply to all of the Bill of Rights.
We either keep all of our individual liberties, they all hang together,
Uh, or we lose everything.
If we don't, it's a complete set.
And if you think that you can sell off your freedom for security, for prosperity, for comfort, you are a fool.
You have the mindset of a slave.
You're going to get more than 12 years as a slave.
You're going to get generations of slavery if you sell out the Bill of Rights.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Yeah, I think.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight in this last segment of the fourth hour.
Again, I'll remind you today is the last day of the Tim Kennedy Special.
That's 15% off Supermail Vitality, Brain Force and Secret 12 at InfoWarsLife.com.
Take a look at what Tim Kennedy says about those supplements and take a look at the hundreds of five-star reviews you'll find at InfoWarsLife.com about those products.
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And again, today is the last day for 15% off
Super Male Vitality, Brain Force, and Secret 12 at InfoWarsLife.com.
Also, we have for one week only, a Hillary for Prison t-shirt special.
That's our limited edition.
It's 50% off for one week only, and you can get a second one then for 75% off.
Get your Hillary for Prison t-shirts, wear them at rallies, at public events.
It will be a conversation starter, to say the least.
Take your phone with you when you wear your Hillary for prison t-shirts.
But I think it is enough.
I think we have had enough of Hillary.
I think it's time for Hillary to go to prison.
Not the White House, but the big house.
Now let's take a look at this gun control measure, okay?
Because it's not all bad news.
I mean, we've got some good news.
The Senate and gridlock.
Decided that they weren't going to try to override our constitutional rights in the Second Amendment and infringe upon them.
But then we also have some states.
We have New York and Connecticut that have enacted their own assault weapon bans.
And I don't even know how they define an assault weapon.
That's a vague term.
I guess it's anything that scares an anti-gun liberal is considered to be assault.
And so any weapon that scares an anti-gun liberal I guess would be an assault weapon, I guess.
I don't know.
Nevertheless, they have enacted some state bans, and the Supreme Court said it is going to allow those to stand.
And again, that is because of the new Supreme Court without Scalia.
Gun Owners of America, however, pointed out, this is from WND, they pointed out in a public message intended for Congress that in a poll of 15,000 law enforcement officers, they said by a 2 to 1 margin,
Law enforcement officers in this country favor arming civilians as a better response to crime than expanding background checks.
A whopping 91% of the respondents favored armed civilians carrying firearms.
That's 15,000 law enforcement officers.
I mean, when you have these presidential surveys, understand, they get a margin of error of about 4-5%.
That includes, they talk to like 400-500 people.
And then they get that margin of error down a little bit if they talk to more people.
This is 15,000 law enforcement officers.
Now, what do they know?
They know that it takes them a while to get to a shooting or an incident.
That they can get there to file a report, but it's very rare that they can be there when this is happening.
You need to be able to protect yourself.
You need to be able to protect other people.
That's why they support it.
They may not know it, but I imagine some of them know what has happened in Venezuela.
Remember Venezuela, this bankrupt socialist country that spent $47 million four years ago to set up gun control, gun confiscation centers?
They've taken the guns from the people in Venezuela because they knew the country was going down the tubes.
And what happened?
You've now got police officers in Venezuela being hunted down and killed on the streets for their weapons.
Some of them don't have weapons when they're off-duty, but they kill them anyway.
Because, hey, you know, maybe they got a weapon, maybe they don't, but, you know, we'll just go ahead and get them.
So, yeah, that's right.
That's the way it's going to happen for the police in this country.
They don't want to be the only ones with weapons, because then they've got a big target put on their back.
And yet we see at the same time, Uber has now banned all their drivers from carrying guns.
Because there was an Uber driver in Chicago who pulled out his pistol when a guy started shooting into a crowd and he shot the guy and stopped the attack.
So Uber's response was, we're going to ban all Uber drivers from having guns.
Yet another reason not to use that globalist, crony-capitalist company's services if you needed another one.
Join us tonight, 7 Central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, for the nightly news.
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