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Name: 20160613_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 13, 2016
3359 lines.

Alex Jones and his team discuss the Orlando nightclub shooting and its aftermath, including predicting future jihadist attacks on clubs and criticizing the left's focus on gun control rather than addressing the issue of homosexual executions in Muslim countries. They also touch upon the Bilderberg meeting agenda and criticize the proposed solution for controlling the precariat. Jones highlights sources confirming that Obama and Hillary have been aiding Al-Qaeda/Islamic State, while discussing Germany suspending Facebook accounts for stating the truth about Islamic terrorism and Reddit banning users who claimed Orlando shooter Omar Mateen was Muslim. They criticize the left for blaming patriots, veterans, gun owners, and classical liberals for being evil. Finally, Jones promotes a home freeze dryer from Harvest Right that can help people be prepared for tough times by preserving food for up to 25 years.

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He was just with us a month ago and predicted attacks on nightclubs by jihadists.
Matt Bracken will join us coming up in T-minus one hour.
Former Navy SEAL best-selling author.
We've never had a red background here in the TV studio slash radio studio, but we do today because clearly the incremental
This rollout of a jihadist Tet Offensive is taking place across the world with daily attacks from Asia to Africa to the Middle East to Europe to the United States and other areas of North America.
Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, Enemies Foreign and Domestic, who's been predicting Tet too, will be joining us.
Joe Biggs is on the ground in Orlando, Florida.
Leanne McAdoo will be popping in as well.
She just got back to Austin.
She is hopping mad on them blaming the Second Amendment and calling this a homophobic hate crime.
And then having all these Imams on TV lecturing everyone not to politicize it, as if they're the fount of wisdom, when in the Quran and in 11 Muslim nations it says, kill homosexuals.
So the way they sit there and bring these people in, the so-called liberals, and then they attack and then we get the blame.
This guy's parents were brought in in the 80s, he chaired when the World Trade Centers fell, witnesses have said, and he worked for a branch of Homeland Security.
Of course!
Because there's an obsession with these Islamists with running the airports, running everything.
They want the control in England.
Most of the new police chiefs, most, are Islamists.
And the government, the leftists, want to work with these totalitarians for the first generation in exchange for giving them current control and power.
It is a total takeover.
Now, Paul Watson filed this report in the early morning hours yesterday when there was only 20-something dead.
Now it's 50-something dead.
But his short report says it all.
We're going to air it right now, the truth about the Orlando mass murder of 49 people.
We're here in Dresden covering Bilderberg, but of course we've had the massacre in Orlando, Florida.
20 people, now they're saying up to 30, shot dead by an individual who has been identified as Omar Mateen, somebody of Afghan descent, who of course is a Muslim,
And the religion of peace strikes again.
Imagine my shock.
So the top trending hashtag on Twitter right now is gun control now.
That's right.
The trendies are already out in force trying to seize on that narrative.
They don't seem to be as concerned about the fact that in 11 Islamic countries, gay people are executed.
That's right.
In 11 countries, state execution of homosexuals is still government policy.
So where's the hashtag Stop Islam now?
How many more innocent people need to die before we acknowledge that Islam has a violence problem?
Why are the trendies bleating on about gun control when this is all about Islam?
We had Paris.
We had Brussels.
Now this has come home.
It's come to America.
And again, the narrative has completely flipped.
So again, we've got people like Sally Cohn of CNN saying, tweeting out, racist extremist hate is a problem with any religion, not just Islam.
A single Muslim just killed more gays than so-called gay bashing killed in the last 50 years.
So how in the hell
Is every religion responsible for violence against gay people?
Completely insane.
So again, Trump warned about Brussels before it happened.
He's been proven right yet again.
And hug a Muslim didn't work after the Paris attacks, did it?
Pray for Orlando is not going to work after these attacks.
And this isn't a problem with gun control.
It isn't a problem with lone wolves.
It isn't even a problem with jihadists.
It's a problem with Islam.
Where are all the leftists protesting against gays being thrown off buildings by ISIS, by countries like Saudi Arabia still executing homosexuals?
And when are we going to face up to the fact that Islam has a violence problem, it's not a religion of peace, it needs to be reformed now, or we're going to see many more tragedies like last night in Orlando, Florida.
We're here with Roger Stone in studio.
Again, a Trump insider, former head of his campaign.
And he's taken on the incredibly dangerous task of stopping the silence.
We're talking about stopping the silence of the fact that Bill Clinton is a serial predator against women.
And as a man, as a father of two daughters, nothing makes me more angry than men that prey on women.
Biggest fault is putting women like a little kitty up on a pink pillow and spoiling them.
It just goes against my grain.
And you look at the history of this.
It's sickening.
It's documented.
He has settled cases where women reported rape.
What does that tell you?
And they got the nerve then attack Donald Trump and act like he's against women because he dated women when he wasn't married.
Roger Stone, his longtime confidant friend, is here to break this down.
Alex, I think you just hit it on the head.
Bill Clinton is a Bill Cosby type sexual predator.
In fact, if Jesse Jackson were here right now, he would say,
The white man campaigns, but the black man is arraigned.
So we have set up a petition at iPetition.com called Stop the Silence that demands that Bill and Hillary Clinton hold a town meeting, an open town meeting, and address these questions.
That's right.
Address them.
Stop the silence.
If it isn't true, respond.
So all we're asking here, and it's simple, which is go online, sign the petition.
We want hundreds of thousands of people to demand the truth from Bill and Hillary Clinton.
And by the way, let's go further.
You've been banned on CNN, MSNBC, and let's just say it, you've been told on other networks, don't bring this up.
You've been told all over, don't bring this up.
They are scared to death of this.
You've written the book on it.
The Clinton's war on women.
They're trying to suppress this, folks, because it is high noon to vampires.
This is the single most potent issue regarding Hillary because it undermines her phony claim that she's an advocate for women.
She is an abuser of women.
So folks, go to the petition, sign up, help us bring the Clintons to justice and help us defeat the mainstream media effort to suppress this issue.
The Clintons always have the exact same tactic.
Attack the women.
It's time for us to stop the silence.
And while claiming they support women, now again, there's an iPetition.
What's the website?
One more time.
You go to iPetition.com and sign up to help us stop the silence.
We particularly, of course, want the signatures of women and girls.
So, please.
Stop the silence there at iPetition.
We'll put the URL here on screen.
Thank you, Roger Stone, for standing up for women.
Many thanks.
Appreciate that.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We have sources in Washington, we have sources in the Pentagon that are trusted, and that are patriots.
Sources that have helped expose the fact that Obama, through the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as with Hillary, has been aiding and abetting Al-Qaeda, now known as Islamic State, to confuse the public.
Infowars.com has been at the very forefront of breaking this dangerous information in the last four plus years and of course Cy Hirsch came on earlier this year to thank the broadcast and to concur with our sources and analysis that the Pentagon, namely the Army, for four years had been telling Obama we are not going to aid Al Qaeda slash ISIS, we are not going to be their air force and the Pentagon began feeding
Intelligence of the Russians, who are already on the ground there by the way, to stop the Islamic State takeover.
Islamic State was allied heavily, of course, and financed by Saudi Arabia, its progenitor, its main backer.
NATO, of course, has been backing it.
We have the leftist in Europe, Hollande, Merkel, backing it heavily.
They plan the entire destabilization program starting in Libya.
Then it was to move to the east, to its neighbor, Egypt, and then right through up into Turkey, and then into the rest of Europe.
They have the UN project headed up by the EU founder.
Peter Sutherland advertised going back four years ago that refugees should come to Europe, made the preparations for that, and then had them in mass come in as a time bomb that Saudi Arabia and the leftists can activate anytime they want through the Saudi Arabian command to engage in massive terror attacks all over Europe and the United States.
This is being used to hold the West hostage
Certain segments of the globalist combine believe it is an insane, over-the-top, bold move.
Especially when you know that it was at least a five to six-year-old plan, and that when the Pentagon broke with the plan, when they discovered it, and stopped playing along with it, they still went ahead with the program to fill Europe and the United States with the Jihad forces, masked as refugees, 80% military-age men.
So they're putting their sleeper cells in place right now.
They are massing them right now, but because they are not directed...
They are, to use my allegory, it's like fire ants climb up your leg, and then when they get in a certain mass, one of them releases a pheromone saying, I'm about to sting, and then all of them instantaneously, within a millisecond, start stinging.
That pheromone is released so fast, their antennas pick it up, smell it.
That's what their antennas do, is basically smell.
That's their noses.
And boom, they hit you.
And that's how this works.
And I can look at the metrics, talking to top terrorism experts on and off air,
We're going to see terror attacks increase at an exponential rate.
And so that's what's been happening.
They've been doubling every year worldwide for the last five years since this electronic jihad began and then kicked off the Arab Spring run by Google, the White House, NATO, the globalists.
I mean, this is a real move.
This is happening, but some of the fire ants are firing too early.
Because they're not under command and control.
The globalists breed them in their basement like black widows, as I've said many times, dump them into our political homes, dump them into our beds, and then they know the black widows are going to bite us.
But they're not in full control of them, they've just released them.
Or it's like putting rattlesnakes in somebody's bed.
Or water moccasins in somebody's swimming pool.
This has been done, and thank God they are not well-organized and ever well-directed.
You certainly can't say that Muslim Arab men are cowards.
No, they're not.
They're not cowards.
On average.
I mean, they're willing to die.
They do hit cowardly targets.
But they certainly are uncoordinated in their historical behaviors and activities, for whatever reason.
It's like, you know, three years ago when Obama has his red line on the anniversary of the red line.
Oh my gosh, Assad launched chemical weapons on his own people.
And the jihadis put out videos, a la Akbar, with their Al Qaeda brigade, bin Laden brigade, black flags, saying they launched the chemical attacks.
They wouldn't even follow orders to not celebrate it.
They couldn't even run a false flag against Assad because they wanted to sit there and brag about it.
Because that's how they count coups.
It's how they, you know, go up in the world.
It's a narcissistic, you know, kind of wannabe rock star deal.
A lot of Midwestern girls and East Coast girls and Florida girls and Texas girls and, you know, Pacific Northwestern girls, whatever, they want to be movie stars.
And so they get on buses or airplanes, they go to L.A.
and, sorry baby, there's no movie star jobs for you, but you can start at the bottom in pornography or as a prostitute.
Well, Arab men and jihadis, but it's Muslims in general, but particularly Arab men, it's the rock star thing, is you don't want to go be a Hollywood star, you don't want to be a basketball player or a soccer player, you want to be a jihad star.
And on Muslim television, these people are rock stars.
And their families just get lavished and get, you know, millions of dollars in some cases, usually it's about $100,000, whenever their son takes part in something like this.
Let's say you live on the West Bank, you know, can't pay your bills or whatever.
Well, just get into Israel, stab a few people and your family will be well taken care of, given a 10-year salary basically.
Now, you can talk all day about, well, the West is helping stir this up and, you know, the globalist stages of events.
Yes, I'm an expert on that.
I've made many films.
I've written books on it.
I've immersed myself in it.
I was the first to say 9-11 was a false flag inside job with our government working with radical Islam to bring in this new class of civilizations.
Criminal elements of our government, bare minimum, stood down.
So that is a false flag.
I put a video out yesterday to bait the media saying Orlando's a false flag.
I said Orlando's a false flag.
Then I said, but before that gets quoted improperly, radical Islam's real.
This is a real attack.
But Obama opened the borders up knowing these people would attack and brought them in and has covered up the past jihad attacks at Fort Hood and San Bernardino and in Philadelphia, the Army, Navy, Marine Corps recruiting centers on and on and on.
Twelve attacks this year so far, they've swept under the rug.
Exponentially growing in the U.S.
So it's a false flag when you open the door.
When you know somebody's planning something and you protect them.
In fact, that's not even the right term.
You could use it, it's somewhat accurate.
Stand down, is really what we should say.
Obama has ordered a stand down, and we have the proof here today.
Let these people in, knowing who they are, and let them attack us.
But a stand down leads to the false flag.
Because if you're behind it, if you're letting it happen, you're now aiding and abetting it.
For what reason?
The false flag has to have a reason.
They're saying, we're coming after your guns.
Hillary, Obama, Bernie Sanders, they want to ban all semi-auto firearms.
They're coming for our guns.
Doesn't matter this guy got a New York firearms license that's hard to get.
Doesn't matter he worked for Homeland Security as a contractor.
Doesn't matter that he ran around in NYPD outfits.
It doesn't matter.
This guy had been watched for years.
The FBI had been ordered to stand down, just like with the Boston Bombers.
Same M.O.
It's all in the news today.
The same pattern.
And then he's allowed to attack.
And that is to encourage more people to come here and to see that you can be a martyr here and you can get away with it.
Now, at one level, they don't want too many of these to happen too early to get all their people in place.
But they want to have a few of them to try to brand it as homophobia and hate crimes to pass anti-free speech laws and anti-gun laws.
But they want to wait till after the election.
And boy, who's been proven correct?
Who's been proven right?
Well, it's been
It's been Donald Trump.
He said there will be more San Bernardinos, there will be more Brussels-Belgium attacks, there will be.
And he gets up there and talks about no-go zones in areas of Europe that we have experienced.
These Muslims can't even get along with each other in their own countries.
They're constantly killing each other, no matter how radical the nation is.
Saudi Arabia.
Has to export these people to our countries, because they'll attack there, even though the government kills gays.
Executes them.
But not a word from Gawker, not a word from Reddit, not a word from Facebook, because you know what we have stacks of news today?
Up on InfoWars.com, here's the rest of the story.
They're not just coming after your Second Amendment.
Some Facebooks with half a million supporters, with famous authors,
That pointed out that this is Islamic terror, which is admitted, are having their accounts terminated, not just suspended.
Others are having them suspended.
You think about that.
That's what Germany's now doing as well.
We have now gotten that bad, and I've got the articles right here when we come back, that if you come out on your Facebook and say, this is wrong, this is Islamic terror, they're suspending accounts.
Reddit is banning users, deletes comments that say Orlando terrorist was a Muslim.
Ladies and gentlemen, think about that.
They don't want you to know.
They want to project it onto you and your family, and onto me and my family, and say our Second Amendment and our open, free culture caused this to happen.
Orlando shooting suspect identified as Omar Matin, registered Democrat of Afghan descent with firearms license.
Orlando should identify as a U.S.
Orlando Killer worked for a company transporting illegal immigrants into the U.S., was interviewed by FBI three times in the last two years.
He's got family members out that end up run groups against Trump, who actually are organizing, bringing the refugees here and getting the $17,000 plus a year of welfare each person gets.
See, they organize it.
Look at this.
Brother-in-law of nightclub killer, hates Trump, works with refugees.
And it turns out that the other brother was an activist in this and ran security for it.
You literally have ISIS supporting, ISIS pledged, ISIS took responsibility within two hours.
The media for eight or nine hours wouldn't say it here.
There were still articles last night in the news saying it was a hate crime against gay people.
It was a jihad attack, and yes, that's part of it.
But you ignore why it was done.
And so, you have the people completing the smuggling process with Obama, ignoring law, not vetting him, bringing him in, Trump says we gotta vet these people, and they go, racist, racist!
Yeah, how'd that racist call help you when most of the people that got shot were Latino there at this event?
You know that, right?
How'd that work out for you?
This message is not just addressed to my fellow Americans, but addressed to people across the world of every race, color, and creed who believe in free speech, enshrined here in our republic as the First Amendment.
It's the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights because it is the most important.
The right to speak, the right to publish, the right to assemble, the right to petition, the right to...
Practice your own religion and not having a state-run or authorized system.
We have seen Facebook, Google, Twitter and other media platforms increasingly censor even mainline libertarian and conservative ideas.
Ladies and gentlemen, Facebook, if it's able to successfully get away with censoring a wide spectrum of ideas that the establishment doesn't agree with, not just conservatives, will set a mega-massive precedent.
Facebook's over a third of the internet.
Just think about that.
Of the traffic and people visiting things.
And then it's over.
You think it's bad that Communist China with a billion, three hundred million people is censoring?
Zuckerberg, who calls his users dumb effers, has been meeting with the Chinese censorship leadership, openly trying to tweak it.
He met with Merkel, and openly in a hot mic, said, don't worry, I'm going to start suppressing and censoring people.
They report when someone criticizes open borders to the German government, and they come and arrest you.
This is a global
We're good.
This is the ultimate threat to humanity.
This is worse than what we saw in the Soviet Union.
This is right out of Nazi Germany or right out of Maoist China.
So we're fighting for free speech.
When you spread the word about Infowars.com, our videos, our stories, our reports, and when you post it on different platforms, that circumvents their AI systems that are trying to restrict the flow of information.
We stand together or we hang separate.
Another thing we're doing is not just battling to stop the censorship, we're also building other platforms.
Getting on as many third party systems as there are out there and spreading the word of basic free market liberty and human empowerment and the new renaissance.
But also, the experts I've talked to said, Alex, you missed the boat.
You've been a pioneer in many ways, but you haven't promoted email.
And I said, yeah, I don't ever really market on email.
I just, I just, it's low tech.
And they're like, no, no, no.
That's what's going to be hard to censor.
Even if the internet kill switch comes into place, there are systems and there are developments that make it very hard still
To stop email and to stop that information being sent over networks, you name it.
So it's essential.
That everybody go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter to get exclusive articles, videos, promo codes, sometimes the shopping cart like we had a few weeks ago with Hillary for prison, 50% off.
I mean, there are some big discounts we send to incentivize people and pleasure some of those hardcore patriots.
You can send the email and the newsletter on with exclusive videos and articles many days.
So that's another great reason.
But overall, it's so that we have direct contact
With fellow patriots out there around the world, and if they try to start shutting our websites down and other things, which they've tried to do, to kick us off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, you name it, we'll be able to send you direct videos that you can then send on to others.
We've all got to start thinking about the censorship and actively fighting it, getting more active and not taking independent, liberty-based media for granted, which I know you don't do.
But really having a sense of urgency and getting the info out more while building new avenues on cutting-edge tech and cutting-edge platforms, but also old tech like email.
So please join hundreds of thousands of others that have been signing up every few months at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
And you can also spread the word about our free feeds and more podcasts, Android apps, iPhone apps, it's all free at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here live.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
There was an article from WorldNetDaily yesterday that in the avalanche of news didn't get any attention.
Kit Daniels has written an article around it.
It just went live on InfoWars.com and it just adds to everything we already knew.
This is so bombshell.
If Trump doesn't use this against Hillary, he is insane.
No, he's not insane.
Crazy like a fox.
So we're going to get this info to Trump.
We need to tweet this at Donald J. Trump right now and we need your help to get this article that just went up on the Real Alex Jones on Twitter and send this out to Donald J. Trump and others.
Because WorldNetDaily broke this and we actually were just talking to Joseph Farah about getting the whistleblower on from DHS.
I'm talking minutes ago.
And this got no attention.
This is incredible.
Hillary's State Department blocked investigation into Orlando Killers Mosque.
Just like the Justice Department blocked an investigation into the San Bernardino Mosque, and the particular husband and wife team that were going to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, just like this latest shooter did.
Isn't that incredible?
Hillary Clinton's State Department shut down an investigation of the mosque Orlando killer Omar Mateen attended because it unfairly singled out Muslims.
And this is the mosque, we have the clip, we played it yesterday, where the imam goes on the news and says, out of compassion we must kill homosexuals, it is the law, we must kill them.
In fact, let's just play this guy.
He has the slimiest voice.
This is in English.
And he's, like, perching like a buzzard or a carrion crow.
Here it is.
Death is the sentence.
I mean, look.
There's nothing to be embarrassed about this.
Death is the sentence.
We have to have that compassion for people.
With homosexuals, it's the same.
Out of compassion?
Let's get rid of him now.
Let's get rid of him.
I mean, he's like a cartoon character out of Pink Panther or something.
They have to get rid of him.
They have to kill him out of compassion.
Slimy, wimpy guy.
I mean, why are these guys so freaking wimpy?
They're just so evil.
But let me tell you who's really evil is the controlled, filthy left, blaming patriots and veterans and gun owners and true constitutional classical liberals, Thomas Jefferson types like myself.
And I'm not comparing myself to Thomas Jefferson.
I'm saying I like his views.
A classical liberal.
Yes, I can sign on to that.
George Washington was a classical conservative.
I mean, I follow kind of a mix of their two views.
I really resonate with both of them.
Jefferson sometimes probably went too far when it came to freedom.
He was a supporter of the French Revolution early on until they even tried to kill him.
And then had to admit later that Washington had been right.
But I digress here.
In areas that have guns, you have lower crime.
And you've got these domesticated liberals and gays and people that just think part of being gay or part of being liberal, as MSNBC told them, is you're disarmed.
The MSNBC crew has bodyguards.
Bloomberg has bodyguards.
Michael Moore has bodyguards.
Do you understand that if they would have had concealed carry,
In that nightclub, you would not have had this happen.
Do you understand?
Of a few people!
But you have laws, even against the people that work there, having guns.
It's insane to have a giant nightclub.
They can be the target of robbery, you name it, and not have at least one paid cop there.
I mean, if I ran a nightclub, or even a big restaurant, or a movie theater, nowadays, I would have two cops there during peak hours.
They're not very expensive.
$25, $30 an hour.
It absolutely... Again, if you're not gonna let people defend themselves, at least have off-duty police officers there.
And there was an off-duty cop to stop this, and now we learned some coward wanted to get out with their boyfriends.
And so, he blocked the door so that the guy couldn't chase him so nobody else could get out.
That's like the Titanic.
Oh my gosh, we're sinking!
Lock up, you know, the people in steerage and the people in third class so they can't get out and get in the lifeboats.
You'd have two people in one lifeboat and ten in another and, you know, the lifeboats could carry a hundred people each but everybody ran off so almost everybody else drowned because the average lifeboat had like 15 people in it.
Totally sick.
Totally evil.
Totally out of control.
And nowadays you see this, whether it's in Korea, or whether it's in Greece, or whether it's in Italy, you know, a ship will be run aground, and the captain just abandons ship on a helicopter in the first two minutes, and then it takes hours for it to sink.
It's like people are so self-centered, they just, they have this thrill in screwing others over.
So in a way, who's worse, the guy that went and killed 49 people?
Or the people that out of their own selfishness and cowardice aided him in doing.
We've got that clip coming up too.
This is just over the top.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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For humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
You ever wondered how the New World Order would take down America?
It's allied with radical Islam.
Russia knows that, it has come out.
And expose that and gotten into the fact that they are going to be resisting.
Say what you want about Russia, it is not allied with radical Islam.
The criminals that run our government are.
And this story is up on InfoWars.com.
Coworker reported nightclub killer ignored because of political correctness.
Bosses refused to act on Omar Mateen's unhinged behavior because he was a Muslim.
Yeah, two years ago, while working for contractors under DHS, he would threaten people, you better watch it, I've got terrorist ties.
I'll kill you.
And he's just such a punk.
Such a little, little piece of garbage trying to be a man.
They all have this gangbanger crazy look in their eye like they're going to be somebody.
And I'm telling you, it's this mutation between kind of hip-hop gangster culture and Islam that is creating these slugs.
And if you want to know the MO of the first wave of this new Islamic Tet Offensive against the West, it's going to be
Domestic Muslims, first generation, that's who it's been, who don't feel accepted in society and who want to be somebody.
They want to be rock stars.
And then you got their other family members every time.
Who are involved in the whole Democratic Party apparatus of the Islamification of the country, bringing in more jihadists, and then making money off the process of housing them and getting them on welfare, just like Democrats bring the illegals in from Latin America and China and teach them how to get in the system.
And the government pays up to seven and a half thousand dollars a month for groups of three, quote, migrants in your home.
And these are just the toe hook, the throw cable,
But the next bigger wave, just like we told you two years ago, the migrant wave out of Latin America was going to be much, much bigger when the next wave came, and now they're saying it's three times what the last one was.
We're talking doubling and tripling every few years how big this takeover is.
And look, if you're watching us on TV, the gang-banging nature of the disgusting, narcissistic selfie.
If I see one more man or one more woman making duck lips, I'm going to pull what's left of my hair out.
It's this self-satisfied, I'm smart, I'm cool.
Here, here.
Men and women go... And it's like, I'm cool.
They take a picture of themselves.
What in Hades is going on?
And then I love how there's no logic in these people.
He goes, he's a Hillary supporter, registered Democrat, his family's involved in the globalist takeover.
You got Umar, whatever her name is, the jihadi, with Saudi Arabia and hooked all up with the open borders and the rest of it.
I mean, basically, Saudi Arabia controls Hollywood to a great extent, tells Hollywood what they can and can't do.
And then the, quote, gay community grovels to you and says, we're sorry about right-wing hate mongers not liking you.
We know you're sweet.
You know, we know you love us.
We know it's lies that you kill gays.
Drop on by.
Have a good time.
Come up and see me sometime, baby.
And they come and shoot you.
And then, the liberal sides turn around and attack.
Guess who today?
As usual.
I'm an Islamophobe.
And they make these major Hollywood movies now.
It's a David Cross' movie, I mean it's just, it turns out it's all government funded!
To just put these messages out, why?
Because I don't want my daughters to be sexually mutilated and have bags put over their heads?
You're like, oh, that's not going to happen to you.
Maybe not this generation.
What about if you're in Macedonia?
It's already happening.
What if you're in Serbia?
It's already happening.
And then if you fight back in Macedonia or Serbia, they call you a war criminal and come bomb you.
So let me get into the news in these clips.
I want to thank Drudge for caring about the country.
And magnifying the World Net Daily story that we just basically expanded on up at InfoWars.com.
It's on the top corner of DrugsReport.com.
We'll put it on screen for TV viewers.
Hillary State Department blocked investigation into Orlando Killers Mosque.
We click on that for you.
And it follows the exact same M.O.
that we have seen time and time again.
Sam Bernardino, the FBI, was blocked two years before the attack from investigating the mosque and the specific two shooters.
And the agents were put under criminal investigation for possible indictment for civil rights violations.
Hillary Clinton's State Department shut down an investigation of the mosque.
Orlando killer Omar Mateen attended because it unfairly shingled out Muslims.
That's right.
There's no Islamic terror.
Hillary won't even say it.
I can't go to Saudi Arabia and wear a cross around my neck.
I will be arrested.
If I was gay and walked down the street
And openly admitted, holding hands with another man, that I was, I would be taken to jail, convicted, and executed within one month.
My head would be chopped from my shoulders.
Now you can debate whether, I don't like what's being pushed in the schools, I don't like the brazen arrogance of the leftist gay community that just wants to be the center of attention, with all this flamboyant bull, and says I, you know, they have to run all the agendas and run all the education systems, you know, so that, so that they're not treated unfairly.
You want to grandstand and take over the culture?
I'm against that.
I'm against a cult taking over.
And that's what leftist Gatom is.
He's just another globalist cult.
I don't hate you for who you are or who you're attracted to.
I mean, give me a break.
You just want to be a victim, so you want to sit here and claim I'm against you.
It's a total load of bull.
The left chooses Islam over gays.
Now 100 people are dead or maimed in Orlando.
And then it's photos of Islamic State, how they execute people.
They get up on a tall building and sit there all day.
And sometimes kill over 100 people at once, throwing homosexual men off of buildings.
And the weird thing about Islam is, you can have sex with somebody that doesn't have hair on them, if it's a young boy.
But you don't with another man.
It should be the other way around.
Having sex with the kids is illegal and degenerate.
I'm telling you, man, it's freakazoid.
It's freakazoid.
It's crazy.
And to watch all these stupid, trendy social justice warriors putting rainbow flags up all over their Facebook and Twitters, that's not the answer to stop the killing.
You think you're going to reason with an Islamic fascist?
They're gonna come and kill you.
So go ahead and hang that out.
They're coming to your gay pride parades.
They're coming looking for the flag, stupid!
You're not gonna sit there and fly it and then have them capitulate.
See, that's been done here because the West is open and loving and the fount of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and live and let live.
And you think bullying and taking over the culture here?
Was some conquering conquest you were on?
You're trying to take over free thought in the West and get rid of our free speech via political correctness and take over the educational systems and ban what Christian preachers can say and do.
Do you understand?
In a true, open society, you can have any view you want or practice you want as long as you don't hurt other people.
Do you get that through your fake liberal brain?
I'm a liberal.
You're not.
Do you understand that?
It's not liberal to ban speech.
It's not liberal to want to arrest preachers that criticize homosexuality.
It's not liberal to say we're going to ban the word mother and father or he or she in school entrance forms because someone might not have a mother or father and it hurts them.
If I have a mother and father, that's my heritage.
I'm allowed to have something that someone else doesn't have.
Sorry it hurts their feelings.
This is the ultimate bizarro collectivism trash of a group of mentally ill control freaks that want to take control of society.
And they'll use any agenda they can to get it.
Civil rights, gay rights, whatever.
To bulldoze society and tell an open society that has a soft heart.
You talk like we say, you do what we say, you live like we say.
Gee, that sounds like Islam to me.
Just another variant of it.
A lot of the liberals want to have sex with kids.
So does the Islamists that follow orthodox Islam.
And really what you people are, a bunch of gangs.
You're a bunch of thugs.
And that's why the left likes Islam.
Because it's right up your alley, isn't it?
It's a frickin' cult.
And I'm gonna stand against you.
I'm gonna stand against orthodox Islam.
The globalists want a clash of civilizations?
They're gonna get one.
But not the one they thought.
So that's what this comes down to, but our story's up on DrudgeReport.com.
Hillary, State Department, Blocked Investigation, Orlando Killers Mosque.
It's so huge.
It needs to go total viral.
I put it out on Facebook, on Twitter.
Forward this to everybody you know.
Forward this to Donald Trump.
In fact, can we click on the Twitter and see if that tweet went out during the break, please?
Let's click on my Twitter, or let's pull up my Twitter account at RealAlexJones.
Just ask everybody to get this out, and also get these articles out.
There it is.
These will be retweeted everywhere.
At Donald Trump.
Coworker reported nightclub killer ignored because of political correctness.
That needs to go viral.
Orlando shooting suspect identified as registered Democrat of Afghan descent.
Orlando killer worked for company transporting illegal immigrants inside US, was interviewed by FBI three times.
They were ordered to stand down.
People say, oh, that's a false flag.
Oh, the FBI did it.
No, they didn't.
They tried to stop it.
Then the higher-ups let it happen because they think you're so stupid they're going to spit into hate crime legislation and done done done.
Let's get this first clip ready.
I need to start getting the clips.
Hillary Clinton coming out and blaming the Second Amendment and saying ban all semi-autos.
That's what that wicked
Woman wants to do.
It's also what Bernie Sanders is pushing.
This guy worked for Homeland Security.
Had a license.
It's super hard to get in New York City.
And a license to get in Florida.
And he worked in Homeland Security and all this secretive, who do you think ships in the C-130s and 747s and 777s that land at airports everywhere?
And then the locals report, yeah, nothing's being checked.
They're just loaded on buses and brought in.
They're just sent into their communities.
And that's why suddenly I go to downtown Austin or North Austin or South Austin, because as a culture, Muslims like to go out to markets at night.
I guess that's kind of like where they hang out.
That's what people used to do, too, in our more rural times.
And you go everywhere now, and there are Muslims in hijabs and in full burqas.
Because my alma mater got 230-plus Islamicists just this year.
My high school.
I called a bunch of others.
They all got hundreds.
Elementary's got hundreds.
And the middle school's got hundreds.
It's thousands of kids out of Syria
That were invaders just in the last 12 months.
That's confirmed.
And they tell us it's only a few thousand total in the whole country?
It was Jakari Jackson and Don Salazar, two years ago, went down to the border and talked to the McCallum emergency management head, who said, no, we're ordered to keep it secret, but I'm not going to tell you.
And he got on camera and said, we complete the smuggling process.
They load them on those buses and give them vouchers.
And then that came out last week.
DHS came out again and said yeah we're ordered to load them on contractor buses and just bring them in.
It's the same thing folks.
I don't know the numbers.
But every town's got Muslims being brought in now.
And I don't mean the ones that were here before that were like getting nuclear, you know, degrees or engineering degrees and who, you know, I mean, I've got some Muslim friends in high school and college.
I go over to their house for dinner and the mother's taught being nice and they're not wearing a thing on their head.
And, you know, and they're saying, you know, Saddam's not really a bad guy.
Your government wants to overthrow him to put radical Muslims in.
I mean, I've known Iraqis and other people that knew all about this and actually warned me about radical Islam.
See, I don't believe this thing that all Muslims are really sneaking around, planning to get you.
There are the radical Muslims that are taking over and want to dominate Islam, that pretty much always have, and there are those that actually want to be freer.
And they are moral, hard-working, good people.
But this isn't them.
They're bringing in blue-collar, ignorant people who kill each other from the worst parts of the Middle East, en masse.
I mean, I was in Toronto to speak with George Norrie earlier this year.
Or was it last year?
Time flies.
I think it was earlier this year, yeah.
And I mean, I was at a hotel and I walked all over Toronto and it was like videos I've seen out of Pakistan, man.
And it was people squatting and crapping on the ground and just running around and women with full burkas on.
And here's the deal, I've been all over the country, okay?
I mean, it's suddenly everywhere I go, Dallas, LA, New York, it is just Muslims in full garb all over.
If they admit they brought five million into Europe until... I mean, they denied it until about a year ago.
Now it's five million in the last three years.
Probably higher.
They said it was two hundred thousand up until that point.
They follow metrics.
Their deception designs are out of playbooks.
They cook up.
If they said two hundred thousand was the number, it was really five million.
They claim it's, you know, maybe a hundred thousand total.
Now here it's probably a million.
Two million.
Three million.
I don't know, man.
I don't know.
I don't know.
But the numbers are gigantic.
And when they start carrying out their sleeper cell attacks, the families roll, oh, we didn't know, but don't be political about it, oh, we didn't know this was happening, oh, the brother-in-law runs shipping the people in, oh my gosh, and hates Donald Trump.
Isn't that just special?
All right, I gotta stop right here.
Ladies and gentlemen, we all need to get healthy and get focused and get prepared for what's going on.
And patriots need to understand that we need to support liberty-based media that is raising the alarm about what's happening.
I want to thank you all for your support.
We have reporters in Germany and reporters in Florida right now and reporters out on the West Coast.
I mean, we are fully deployed.
We need more crew.
Five, six, seven more people.
A couple more reporters, editors, camera people, writers.
We need more people.
It's a job we've got to do.
And so, we may be able to do that if folks keep buying the X2, the Lung Cleanze, the Hillary for Prison shirts.
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What's wrong with that to help fund the operation?
But I'm going to keep the sale going at least through tonight.
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I've said it so many hundreds of times that I haven't even told my crew to go get the four or five Tim Kennedy interviews, the four or five Colonel Schaefer interviews, all the other interviews with experts, myself, the interview with Bracken, the two interviews with Bracken is coming up in the next hour.
I'm not even going to get the dozens and dozens and dozens of recent clips last two weeks where we said more sleeper cell attacks are imminent.
Many of the people at Homeland Security that are Islamists, they can quote, communicate with the Muslims, are the managers who are actually bringing in the terror cells.
ISIS bragged about that two years ago.
In 2014, we will do a giant migrant wave, we will invade you, we will kill you, we will get you, we will attack Florida.
They said that last Monday.
So, red alert, ISIS now activating terror cells, Orlando attack is phase one.
And then I talked to our Pentagon sources and they said absolutely six cities are on the hit list.
Obviously New York, LA, San Francisco, Miami, Boston, and Orlando is still a top target.
Let me just break something here.
Do the patriots in the military and in Homeland Security and the FBI know that there are other cells in Orlando?
And I'm not saying something that the terrorists don't already know.
But here's the bottom line.
The White House opened it up and let these people in, and I just talked to Joseph Farah via email earlier.
They have another article, DHS agent Obama erased my intel, then scolded me.
That ties into the story that's on DrugsReport.com.
Hillary's State Department blocked investigation into Orlando Killer's mosque.
And the imam saying, kill the gays.
The imam's saying, kill the gays, go out and kill them.
So it's time for a jihad, you pledge allegiance to ISIS, and the number one group that needs to be killed is the homosexuals.
And they're too busy telling me to use the word gay, not homosexual.
They don't care if they get killed, they just want me to use the language they want, because you want to run my life.
You know what?
If you want to sit there and not have guns and get killed for your sexual preference, that's your problem.
You want to sit there and point your finger at your fellow Americans and obsess and say, we hate you and we don't hate you, and follow what Hillary Clinton has to say, that's your problem.
I'm done.
I'm done.
And I'm not going to sit here, where everywhere I go around Austin there are women in burkas, and not raise the alarm.
But I am blown away by the Orlando killer who worked for a company transporting illegal immigrants inside the U.S.
Our government is doing this.
Our government is evil.
It's overtaken.
You can ask, why is Obama doing this?
It's clear.
They're going to allow more jihad attacks and declare civil emergency.
Will he do it before the election?
They might be.
We're going to talk to former Navy SEAL and a guy that's been really accurately predicting this.
He's a humble guy, but a lot of people in D.C.
who are patriots, they say, get Bracken on.
He knows what's going on.
That's why we have Bracken on.
He's a smart guy.
But we had Tim Kennedy on yesterday.
And it's no secret, they know, that's why he's targeted.
It was in Army Times last year.
He's been in the Delta Force and been in Special Forces 15 years.
That's why ISIS says they want to come to Austin and kill Tim Kennedy.
But he knows they're not coming after him because they're cowards.
They're going to hit a victim disarmament zone like they did Saturday night.
Oh, he was feeling good, feeling right.
It was Saturday night!
But he wasn't going after four young Chiquitas in Omaha.
He was going to kill a bunch of people he knew wouldn't be armed because they were liberals.
And it's their religion not to be armed as liberals.
It's gonna cost you something then.
Let's go out to break with Hillary, saying she's coming out with the guns.
Here she is.
We talk about what to do after these situations.
There always winds up being the gun debate.
Tell me, in your estimation, what law would have made this situation not happen?
What could have made this not a situation where this man was able to get weapons?
Well, first of all, Florida doesn't regulate assault weapons or .50 caliber rifles or large capacity ammunition magazines.
Hit pause, hit pause, hit pause, hit pause, hit pause, hit pause.
How much is that, Link?
I'm late.
I'm going to go to break and come back.
She makes me so mad hearing her voice.
God, if she becomes president, please help me.
Please help me, God.
We're going to go to break.
.50 caliber rifles have never committed one crime in this country but an armored car robbery.
And when she says she wants to get the semi-auto, she means all multi-shot firearms.
I mean, she goes on to say she's coming after our guns, and the federal court just ruled they can try to restrict our guns.
They're coming.
They bring in the threat.
She's the culprit.
She's the kingpin.
She's one of the commanders of ISIS.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're now in the second hour.
We've seen the biggest mass murder attack using a firearm in U.S.
49 dead.
They revised the number down from 53, thank God.
But more than 60 wounded, many fighting for their lives at a victim disarmament temple.
A temple of living in La La Land.
A temple of being abused by the government.
A temple of the government injecting gay men in New York in 1978 and 79.
This has been declassified with HIV and the hepatitis vaccine.
A temple of trusting a system that absolutely hates your guts.
A temple of not allowing any firearms so that a security guard assigned to Homeland Security
Who goes to a local mosque that says kill the gays, could come in and kill 49 people.
And Hillary Clinton can launch the whole Arab Spring Jihad, brag about what she did, overthrow all of our allies in places like Egypt, engage in mass murder, and then sit up there and blame the Second Amendment.
Meanwhile, this is up on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, easiest place to find it is DrudgeReport.com.
It's on the left-hand side, second story down.
Hillary's State Department blocked investigation into Orlando Killers Mosque.
Just like they did in San Bernardino with the Justice Department.
They had a civil rights investigation.
They were told, don't do it.
The Fort Pierce Islamic Center, where Mateen worshipped several times a week, was under investigation by both the FBI and DHS as early as 2011 for ties to a worldwide Islamic movement known as
Tablighi Jamal, which was linked to several terrorist organizations.
But the investigation was shut down under pressure from the Clinton-Rand State Department and DHS Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office out of fear of offending Muslims.
According to recently retired DHS agent Philip Haney.
The FBI has opened cases twice on him, and yet they found no evidence to charge him.
It means they didn't go through the same basic analytical process that I went through over a three to four hour period, which I was able to link the Moss to the previous cases, he told Rolling Daily on Sunday.
And we're getting him on the broadcast, if not tomorrow, the next day.
That ties into this article, DHS agent Obama erased my intel and scolded me.
So, that is happening.
Yeah, just talked to Farah about 30 minutes ago.
We're going to get all that set up.
Let's, let's go out to break.
I'm trying to just shut up and I'm not going to talk over because it makes me so mad.
Blaming 50 Cals using one crime in U.S.
Blaming semi-auto.
This guy got it all legally worked under DHS.
I mean, it's just, how about we just make all the DHS jobs the Muslims and then they can just kill us more orderly.
Here it is.
Well, first of all, Florida doesn't regulate assault weapons or .50 caliber rifles or large capacity ammunition magazines.
It doesn't require a permit to purchase a gun.
It doesn't require any registration whatsoever.
It doesn't require gun owners to be licensed.
And it doesn't require a permit.
Uh, to carry a shotgun or a rifle.
It doesn't even require a background check prior to the transfer of a firearm between, uh, you know, non-federally licensed parties.
Now, you know, that's, that's a lot of knots.
And, you know, I believe strongly that common sense gun safety reform across our country, uh, would make a difference.
We know that gunmen used a weapon of war to shoot down, you know, at least 50 innocent Americans and
You know, we won't even be able to get the Congress to prevent terrorists or people on the no-fly list from buying guns.
This is just, you know, totally incomprehensible, Chris.
And I think, you know, we've got to get back to, you know, common-sense gun safety reform.
And we can't fall into the trap that is set up by the gun lobby that says, if you can't stop every shooting and every incident, you should not try to stop any.
We did have an assault weapons ban for 10 years.
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Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Emails in Clinton probe dealt with planned drone strikes.
Some vaguely worded messages from U.S.
diplomats in Pakistan and Washington use a less secure communication system.
At the center of a criminal probe involving Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information is a series of emails between American diplomats in Islamabad and their superiors in Washington about whether to oppose specific drone strikes in Pakistan.
The 2011 and 2012 emails were sent via the low side, government slang for a computer system for unclassified matters.
As part of a secret arrangement that gave the State Department more of a voice in whether a Central Intelligence Agency drone strike went ahead.
According to congressional and law enforcement officials briefed on the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe.
Some of the emails were then forwarded by Ms.
Clinton's aide to her personal email account, which routed them to a server she kept at her home in suburban New York.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
I don't know.
If I was just gonna, like, attach an idea to it, it's gonna be dangerous freedom.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
If you just joined us, we have seen obviously the biggest mass murder in U.S.
history using a firearm.
Technically, you could argue things like wounded knee were worse.
And we've been telling you it's coming.
I had Tim Kennedy, 15 years, Special Forces.
They always say on his UFC profile, former Special Forces.
No, he's current Special Forces.
And he was here breaking down and confirming the information I got from a Pentagon source higher than him that there are six cities they're planning to hit in the month of Ramadan that just started a few days ago.
And obviously it's Orlando again, it's Miami, it's Boston, it's New York, it is San Francisco, LA.
Boston, they're not sure.
And believe me, you better know, there are Army teams and others right now hunting cells down as we speak.
Now, here's the schizophrenia of this whole thing.
We have articles, stacks of them here, with DHS whistleblowers, FBI agents, Secret Service, you name it.
One of our stories is on DrudgeReport.com right now.
Hillary State Department blocked investigation into Orlando Killers Mosque.
The imam that's on TV there, in Orlando, gets up on television and says, kill homosexuals, do them a favor, have compassion when you kill them.
We played the clip twice last hour.
There's the headline.
The exact quote is, gays must die, says Muslim in Orlando Mosque.
Be compassionate and kill them.
And he's so creepy.
How do the liberals respond?
They blame veterans and conservatives, libertarians and gun owners.
And Hillary, I just played it, says we need to go after semi-automatics, 50 cals, never been used in a crime except one armed car robbery.
We need to blame the American people and disarm.
Now, I'm not going to go back and pull up my two interviews.
He's also been on the Nightly News.
There's three interviews with Mr. Bracken.
I'm not going to do that.
Anybody that listens knows that he came on and said he believes before the election you will start seeing attacks and he says specifically nightclubs.
Because that's where you have disarmed people, no guns allowed.
This guy was a security guard with a gun license, subcontracting for DHS with his brother-in-law, running a major operation with Obama, bringing in the quote, refugees.
That's why Homeland Security twice ordered the FBI not to even talk to the terrorist, Matin.
This is Obama bringing in sleeper cells.
This is Merkel and Hollande and all of them in a coordinated event.
It's in the news.
They land with these jets and don't even check their IDs.
80% military age men.
They bring in 0.7% Christians, even though Syria is 20% Christian or more.
And Obama gets up and makes jokes and goes, huh, we gotta be fair, we can't just bring in Christians.
That's because he is anti-Christian.
And I used to hear this eight years ago and roll my eyes.
I just thought he was some CIA double and it was meant to con the Muslims.
They were playing some, you know, divide and conquer, clash of civilizations.
I never in my wildest dreams thought that the socialist elite would actually ally with Islam for real.
But you know what?
They're doing it.
I mean, I always knew there was criminal elements working with radical Islam.
My God, they've joined it.
Obama wears that ring.
He's got all those charms in his pocket.
He speaks Arabic better, they say, than top imams.
He grew up in a mosque in Indonesia.
He really does want to mount America's head on the wall.
He really is a sleeper cell.
And you've got Hillary Clinton with Benghazi taking out the ambassadors they could ship the weapons in.
We had all the whistleblowers on at the time.
Had Cy Hirsch, Pulitzer Prize winner, on a few months ago.
He came on and said, yes, you've done a great investigation.
Yes, this is all accurate.
The Pentagon, four years ago, started refusing to go along with Obama's plan to aid Al Qaeda.
So Obama changed the name to ISIS.
So this isn't a coup against Obama, it's a counter coup to the globalists, allied with Islam, with a war going on inside the intelligence agencies and the military, where they're being ordered to stand down and not go after these sleeper cells that are directly working for DHS.
I remember the headlines, even in the Times of London back off.
It was FBI agents saying, it's like they had Al Qaeda above us.
They knew every move we were making before we got orders.
So here to try to break this down, he'll be with us 30 minutes to the next hour, but he's going to be here as a pundit, a guest.
We're going to go back and forth, play a lot of clips, also take some of your calls, is Matt Bracken of EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com.
Who basically was here with us just a few months ago saying, a month and a half ago, this is imminent, this is coming down, this is happening.
He's an author, former Navy SEAL, comes highly recommended from Stuart Rose, a lot of other great patriots, and some folks I know at the Pentagon that say, you know, this guy's dead on, have him on.
Because they're not going to tell you classified stuff.
They just go, here, this guy knows exactly what's going on, talk to him.
Or, hey, is this accurate?
These six cities I was told about?
You know, talking to a Delta Force person, they go, well, yeah.
And they believe that the attacks are not coordinated, but it's like fire ants that go up your leg.
They release a pheromone and then simultaneously they all start stinging.
Once that one leader gives out the pheromone.
So as these attacks happen, they're probing, they're seeing the resolve, they're testing.
And the fact that they just keep bringing more refugees in as these attacks happen is emboldening it.
So we're going to talk to Matt Bracken.
Joe Biggs is on the ground.
He'll be co-hosting with us coming up at the start of the next hour as well.
Leanne McAdoo is hopping mad.
She wants to come in the studio, one of our reporters.
It's all over the news, folks.
Here in this audience, we know what happened.
It's totally clear.
More Islamic attack.
Part of a larger jihad.
The Tet-2 that was predicted by our guest just a month ago here on air.
In fact, look up Bracken's last visit.
I think it was a month ago.
But in mainstream media, it is, oh my gosh, homophobia!
Oh, this is just like conservatives, the attack on poor gays!
We need hate crime laws to restrict free speech!
We need to ban semi-autos and 50 Cals!
Rainbow flags everywhere!
Nothing about this guy's imam saying, go out and kill gays.
Nothing about his brother-in-law being a major runner with DHS of these people in.
I mean, this is infiltration!
There it is, April 27, 2016.
Navy SEAL massive collapse inevitable.
Yeah, that was the first interview.
It's the second interview, it was about a week later, and it was, the headline was on sleeper cells in Tet-2.
The point is, you can read his articles from years ago.
And you can go see, just two weeks ago, Special Forces, top Special Forces soldier says ISIS cells now in the U.S., attacks imminent.
That was two weeks ago.
Tim Kennedy, right here, sitting right here.
So, this is all going on right now.
We've got Army veteran Joe Biggs there on the ground right now.
He'll be joining us.
But this is just the incredible nature of what we face.
Orlando Killer worked for a company transporting illegal immigrants inside the U.S., was interviewed by FBI three times.
The President has ordered, outside of law, these private groups to be set up to bring in Chinese, Mexicans, Eastern Europeans, Muslims, Arabs.
It just gets massive.
Brother-in-law of nightclub killer, hates Trump, works with refugees.
Trump better talk about this in his speech today.
And I've been talking to Stone, we're trying to get all this to Trump.
probing whether anyone helped Gumman in Orlando.
Oh, think so?
Go to his mosque.
Imam speaking in Orlando says gays must be killed out of compassion.
Omar Mateen, terrorist, 29-year-old Islamic radical.
Orlando killer, work for company, transporting.
Again, this is what's going on.
And ISIS claimed responsibility within hours, and I couldn't find it for seven, eight hours, them even admitting it yesterday.
Or even saying he was a Muslim!
He pledged allegiance in the 911 call to ISIS.
He said, I did this for ISIS!
And he was cold and calm, stalling the negotiators outside while he shot more people.
I'm gonna tell you this, if I'm being held hostage, or anybody else, I want the police to storm immediately.
I don't want you to sit there on the phone thinking he's going to stop while he's capping people, taking his time.
Storm him, kill him!
Just like they did with the tower shooter.
And yeah, folks, I've had somebody in Dallas repeatedly twice pull guns on me.
I took the guns away from them.
I'm not claiming I'm the toughest guy in the world, but we need the police default to storm.
Now, I'm not a former guy trained in anti-terrorism like our next guest, but that's what needs to be done.
When they do storm it quicker, there's a lot less deaths.
That's what the Russians do.
But now, going to our guest, I appreciate you coming on, sir.
Good to have you with us.
Of course, the website for folks that want to visit it is enemiesfarmanddomestic.com.
I'm going to skip this one break because we've got to make some sacrifices around here to be able to cover all this.
This is so insane.
I want to get into what happened, the details, your prediction unfortunately coming true, your next predictions.
Tim Kennedy said the intel is they're going to double the attacks every year.
That's the uncoordinated plan, but that's the metric.
So I want to talk about that with you.
Do you agree with that?
But overall, in general, what is the motive, do you disagree with what I'm saying, by Obama and the concerted left worldwide, allied with radical Islam?
It's quite a trick to get their super liberal constituency to blame conservatives and veterans and patriots and libertarians and survivalists.
When we're the people that are right-warning them, and they're in love with radical Islam.
I mean, is this just a form of bondage?
Is it a form of cuckolding?
What is happening here?
Is it Stockholm Syndrome, Mr. Bracken?
I found a terrific quote recently.
I think
The PLO was allied with the German Baader-Meinhof and Red Brigades.
So it was sort of like a left and Islam coalition, which seemed to have gone away.
But Carlos de Jackal wrote a foreword to an Islamist book recently from prison.
Of course, they let him do that.
You know, he's got a suite in prison.
And it says that only a coalition of Islamist and socialist forces can defeat the United States.
And in the Obama administration, we get a twofer.
We've got them both covered, raised by Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii, the communist, and then trained in Madrasa schools.
So we've got both of them in one, folded together in one.
After the Benghazi attack, there were hearings in the State Department.
A State Department official came out with a quote that should be in everybody's mind, the Taliban is inside the building.
He's referring to Huma Abedin, Valerie Jarrett and others who are allied closely with the Muslim Brotherhood.
When Obama came in, he had all of the law enforcement and intelligence agency doctrines and training methods purged of any mention of Islamic Jihad.
Imagine trying to fight World War II
But you were not allowed to say Nazi, SS, Gestapo or Hitler because it would offend all the decent moderate Germans.
That's how crazy it is today.
It's completely out of control.
It's insane.
It is an infiltration process.
It's not something that's theoretical.
It's very well known that the second generation of immigrants are often more radical than their parents.
Often the sons go to the mosque and they're taught that they're
They're parents of blackers and backsliders, and if they want to, you know, return to the true faith, they have to become jihadists.
So I don't care if this guy Mateen was born in the United States to Afghan radicals, he's even more radical.
And when I watched television, I was watching MSNBC last night, they were interviewing the imam from the guy's Fort Pierce mosque,
And the MSNBC interviewer was looking at him like he was looking at, you know, Reverend Jones or Father Flannery or, you know, Rabbi Schwartz.
Like, oh really?
When the guy's saying, oh, it's a sin to lie.
That's a lie.
In Islam, it's not a sin to lie.
To an infidel, anything that you do to help the spread of Islam is good, halal.
Anything you do against Islam is forbidden, haram.
Truth and lie has nothing to do with it.
So these people can look right in our face and say, I am a moderate Muslim, I am against Sharia.
Well, you don't know if that's true or not.
But if they're wearing the Abe Lincoln chin beard, and they've got a Mohammed, you know, skullcap on,
And they're wearing traditional garb, and their wife's wearing a hijab or a burqa.
They believe in Sharia!
They believe the whole package.
And I'd like to say a lot more about that, but I really want to go to this attack in Orlando.
Because a lot of things don't add up and don't make sense to me.
There are some things that I'm waiting for these brainiacs on the mainstream media to ask a few questions.
They're starting to ask why did it take three hours when after Columbine the policy became to init the first responders just go in and disrupt.
So I'm right when I say I mean storm immediately.
There's a hero, an American hero, there should be statues of this guy.
And I'm ashamed because I didn't, I forgot to write down the notes.
I believe his name was something like Luke Woodley, but this was in Oregon, like in the 80s or early 90s.
A nut came into his high school, a student with a semi-automatic .22, you know, with an extended clip on a Ruger 10-22.
And he started shooting up the cafeteria.
And the hero, I believe his name is Luke, and I hope I'm not naming the wrong guy,
But the hero charged the guy when he was reloading, when he was switching mags, and he took bullets.
He was going to go to college like on a wrestling scholarship.
It wrecked his life, but he saved many lives.
And that's what you have to do, whether you're in church or a nightclub.
Personally, I don't go to killing zones like that.
You know, no exit nightclubs.
It could be a fire like the Whitesnake concert or a stampede.
Great White, I just don't like going to these places where you're basically at the mercy of a herd instinct that can get, you know, like a buffalo stampede off a cliff.
Personally, I don't like that.
Now, even if I'm in church, though, I'm looking around, I do consider myself the sheepdog.
Even though I've been out of the military for decades and decades, I do consider myself the sheepdog.
I saw the Attorney General and others congratulating themselves for what they did, and I guess that is the big scandal I haven't talked enough about.
Three hours?
And what about the security guard?
That nightclub, the Pulse Club, needs to get their money back from that off-duty police officer.
I haven't heard anything about a dead police officer, but if you're a sheepdog and a wolf with bloody fangs runs into your herd of sheep, there should be either a dead wolf or a dead sheepdog.
He was there with a gun and a bulletproof vest and a badge.
What happened to him?
How come we're not interviewing him to find out what happened?
Why wasn't he, you know, either he's got an empty magazine and he's out of all reloads and he's there on the floor with the people he was being paid to protect.
I'm sorry, even if I'm at church and I've got nothing on me, you have to charge the guy.
You have to.
Even if one guy gets up to charge, it'll give courage to the others.
Then if the guy's getting bum-rushed from three or four directions, you're going to take him out.
The guy in Oregon, and I hope I'm, it might be Washington, somebody can look it up.
I remember the story, it doesn't matter, everybody knows about it.
Keep going.
The guy bomb rushed him by himself, took bullets, but he took the guy down.
Now they're reporting from inside this nightclub that he was changing magazine after magazine after magazine.
That's when you have to do it.
If you see how tightly the bodies are compressed in there, it would be hard for a hero across the room to do anything, obviously.
But still, it's disconcerting that, you know, that there was no rush made or maybe it was ineffective.
For all we know, there are tons of heroes in there, dead, that did try to do it.
So I don't want to say... But notice they always try to target liberal areas where people are disarmed because they know there's a tendency not to fight back.
Yeah, they're not going to do it at an NRA convention, I guarantee you.
But, yeah, or a gun show or, you know, a NASCAR, you know, car rally.
It's not, you know, a custom car rally.
It's not going to happen there because everybody's packing.
It's not going to happen at a motorcycle rally.
Now, I want to come back from break and get into the geopolitical issues here, but you predicted an increase in these attacks.
You called it TET2.
Let's talk about your predictions now.
Yeah, are we going to break now?
In a few minutes, but let's start talking about predictions now.
Yeah, it's the pheromone, the insect communication pheromone analogy is perfect.
And what they're hoping is that each matine is going to spur more of these radical Islamist nutcases to go off.
I'm not as sure as you are that there are active cells
Uh, you know, like the so-called, you know, card-carrying ISIS members.
There doesn't need to be.
This is much more like a swarm of jellyfish or stinging insects that are communicating by the chemical pheromone.
So as, you know, success breeds success in their ideology.
So I would expect to see, you know, more of these because it works.
And also, as far as the guns go,
It's important to keep in mind, this is not the worst mass murder at a nightclub.
It's the worst mass shooting at a nightclub.
The worst mass murder happened in the Bronx in 1990, when a guy got thrown out of the Happyland Social Club nightclub, you know, an unlicensed nightclub, so it didn't have like good fire escapes, things like that.
He came back with a little, like a two-gallon can, a jug of gasoline, spread it around the front entrance, lit it up, and 87 people were burned to death.
I think?
So, you know, Hillary, all these people need to understand that.
If Hillary Clinton wants to start a second civil war, all she needs to do is move to take away our Second Amendment rights.
Because when they come to take away your Second Amendment rights, that's when you use them.
There's a great quote by Solzhenitsyn about how they burned when they were in the Gulag camps later, because they just let these KGB or MVD, whatever they were called at the time, GRU,
They just let them come up into their high-rise apartments.
Grab people out of an apartment, haul them off.
They didn't attack their paddy wagon, their Black Maria paddy wagons.
They didn't attack the KGB guys in the stairwells with axes if they had to.
There are not enough federal law enforcement agents to even make a dent.
Any federal law enforcement agents, as I like to say, the boys and girls down in the fusion centers who are watching me right now, you have got to make a decision.
Because if you go with Team Tyranny,
And you'd in any way go out for gun confiscation against American citizens.
You are a domestic enemy of the Constitution.
And we will shoot you right back.
Well, I'll say this.
They have openly sided with the globalists who've sided with radical Islam.
There should be no debating the fact that this country has been hijacked and we have occupiers just like Vichy French in control.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Grip, you developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood, you have enzyme blend in there.
This is very important because a lot of these microorganisms, and even going up to tapeworms, pinworms,
You have to disintegrate the lining.
I mean, viruses protect themselves, and so do bacteria, protozoa, and mycoplasms.
They have a protective shell that a lot of times the immune system can't even get into.
Our own immune system.
Especially since most people's immune system are weak anyway.
So we actually designed the Living Defense and put in a specific blend of enzymes which actually chew and eat through the lining of these different organisms.
So the Living Defense is amazing.
We've seen just tremendous reviews.
How often could you take Living Defense?
I mean, is it a regimen every day?
That's what I was doing until we ran out.
Or do you do it heavier for certain cleanses?
What do you do, Dr. Group?
Well, I do usually six weeks at a time because if you look at the life cycle of most parasites, it's six weeks from the time... So you've got to kill the ones that are in there and then kill their babies when they hatch up.
If you're suffering from abdominal pain, allergies, even like headaches, anemia, weakened immune system, gut problems, depression, hair loss,
Excess gas, muscle pain, nervousness.
I mean, all these things.
Doctors don't know.
They don't teach doctors in medical school about parasites and harmful organisms.
There's a reason why they don't teach them about that.
Just like they don't teach doctors about the root cause of disease and how to eliminate all disease out there.
They don't want you to know about it.
You don't want your own immune system being attacked.
Again, you know, you have animals, especially your cats, dogs.
So many people have pets these days.
People eat raw sushi.
People eat more raw food.
You have all these different organisms showing up in the water supplies now.
You even have it in the air supplies, these tiny microorganisms.
So it's not like we can get away from them.
We just have to do everything.
I recommend doing a parasite
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Generals gathered in their masses.
Just like witches at black masses.
This is Teleprompter Free, four hours of radio slash television every day.
InfoWars Nightly News comes back at seven o'clock central every evening.
And I tell you, I'm not up here trying to be shocking.
I'm not up here trying to be sensational.
Reality is so much crazier than fiction.
We're going to go back to our guests in a moment.
It's so profound that the exact same plan in Europe and here in the U.S.
is being carried out, where our governments and the socialist left, backed by all these big trillion-dollar companies,
Are getting rid of the borders, advertising to bring in the most radical Muslims you can, allowing them to attack, and then declaring civil emergency in Europe and arresting people by the thousands that even try to march or criticize what's happening or hand out flyers.
I've had reporters in Germany for a week and a half.
They're still there.
They're at migrant camps right now.
Filing those reports.
The German police, everybody just run over, the security guards threaten them when they just try to videotape the refugee center.
There's an arrogance at the train station, you know, by the Muslims, everybody, they're just used to everybody bowing down.
How they got Europeans to be so cowardly and pathetic is I guess they arrest you.
They arrested Marie Le Pen for saying France faces the biggest threat to its survival since the Nazi invasion.
And of course, it was the Vichy French, for those that don't know the history of it.
Most of the general staff had been paid off by the Nazis.
They didn't like the government they already had.
And the French stood down.
And the British Expeditionary Force had to basically get pushed to the sea at Dunkirk.
And they had a secret treaty with the British, the Nazis did.
That's why they stopped the bombing of a lot of the ships as they tried to get away.
But that's all lost in the fog of history.
Obviously the British then broke that treaty, as the Germans had pretty much broken it, and the Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hesch flew into England and parachuted in with the treaty and the rest of them.
They locked him up in the tower, but I'm digressing.
The Vichy French, for me, are the biggest example of globalism.
Because people think so much of warfare is armies lining up and countries battling each other, but so much of it is infiltrating the other governments and paying people off, like most of the Iraqi government and military was paid off pre-1991, during Desert Shield.
Because the CIA had put Saddam and a lot of those guys in power, so they had infiltrators all over the place.
And they were telling people, hey, there's $20 million in your Swiss bank account, General.
All you got to do is, once that night happens, is get out of there and get to this point, we'll have a helicopter land and get you.
And they did do that.
They're going to be retiring in Switzerland.
And the General will be like, but what do I do?
My family.
Have your kids there.
Have your wife there.
Just don't bring too much stuff.
Well, that's the same thing went on with France.
That's what globalism is.
They come and they take over your government, they come and they take over your institutions, and then it's a soft coup.
They're there.
And they open the borders up and start bringing in all these jihadis.
I just don't see why, if the globalists already had control of the U.S.
and Europe, why they would do something this insane.
And it's because they literally hate the West.
Obama and Hollande and all these people really want to see it gone.
And you want to do that, you bring in 10% of the population Muslim, it's over.
It is game over.
Your society will be wrecked and dysfunctional forever.
So we're going to go to our guest here in a moment and ask what he thinks from his Navy SEAL background, his research background, predicting this so accurately, what's coming next.
Then we're going to open the phones up specifically on the shootings.
On anomalies, on things you saw, on where you think this is going, what are the next targets?
All I ask is that you have a good phone and that you be right to the point.
Finally, I'm not going to belabor this.
We have a great crew.
We've had some folks on vacation and we've had some people out of town working on some TV deals we've got coming up.
So I don't normally say we're going to have a special and then, you know, extend it a week or two.
This literally fell through the cracks because the ads are still running.
Even though I'm not supposed to be offering at this, it has to end today.
It will end today.
I called folks in and I said, why is this still airing?
I said I'd run it for one more week.
Well, you didn't take it out last week.
I mean, literally.
So, the Alexa Pure Breeze is an amazing four-stage air filtration system.
It gets out 99.99% of everything in a room of 800 square feet.
It is only $249 regularly, but it's $184 introductory.
And it's just super ergonomic, modern space-age design, four different
Filter Technologies with the Ion Cluster is the first layer.
It runs almost silent and comparable units are $400, $500, in some cases $1,000.
So at $249, it's a steal and the profit we make funds the operation, but I like super sales.
So you cannot find this deal anywhere.
In fact, they premiered it here.
It's the folks that make the Alexa Pure Water Filtration Systems as well.
You get 10% off with that promo code WATER at checkout.
But the Alexa Pure Breeze, this is the last day.
I mean, I never have a sale that falls to the cracks like this.
He keeps saying, this sale will end now.
I said, fine.
The guy that runs this is out of town for a week.
We'll end it on Monday.
Well, Monday's here.
It's still up.
So this is your last chance to save 26% total on something that's already the best deal out there in my view.
And it's really amazing that I've purchased four of them for my home personally.
Because there's so much in the air.
And then finally, speaking of cleansing your body, Living Defense's 27 concentrated herbs like Wildcrafted Black Walnut, Green Hole, it goes on and on, Wildcrafted...
A lot of this is multi-thousand-year-old stuff that kicks out parasites and garbage in your body, from bad bacteria to worms, you name it.
The medical sciences won't even think about this or deal with this, but 90% of the world has parasites.
They want you to just get sick and then have to go to them, in my view.
Well, Living Defense, we only had one run of it, and it sold out in two days.
I guess it's just such a good deal, and all the nutraceutical experts out there flipped out over it.
So I ordered triple the order.
Well, then it took six months to get more of all the herbs in because we want to pass California standards.
It's really hard to get 27 ingredients that haven't passed California standards.
That's nearly impossible.
They wrote it to make it almost impossible.
Well, we've done it, and I thought we'd have a month's supply.
It's going to be sold out by tomorrow.
If I keep discounting it, 25% out of the gates.
I'm getting rid of the discount tonight at midnight.
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Talk radio is collapsing.
We're expanding in the face of a depression.
Not just in media, but in culture in general.
And in the economy.
Because we have to.
Believe me, I don't want to risk everything and put on all sale and dump everything into, and just max everything out.
But I am.
I'm actually hiring more camera people, editors, stuff like that, even though...
In the future, we may not be able to keep them.
We're going to go back to our guest now.
It's just that it's very important you spread the word about the broadcast.
The system's doing everything it can to censor people, to shut down this type of speech.
They've pulled out the stops to try to buy off talk radio locally and kick people off affiliates.
Big money's getting spent to do that.
I mean, there is a lot of ominous stuff going on.
And so it's very important, whether it's this show or others,
Don't take stories and news articles and information for granted.
Don't take the news up on DrudgeReport.com for granted, where he's breaking the electronic Berlin Wall.
They don't want you to know Hillary ordered the stand down when she was still at the State Department on an investigation of this mosque.
Or that Obama ordered one two years ago and had a criminal investigation of FBI agents in San Bernardino.
That's in this article.
With the proof.
With the whistleblowers.
World Net Daily broke this yesterday, it didn't get any attention.
We expanded the article, Drudge linked to it.
The point is, is that this is a serious battle.
Now I want to go to our guest, again the website is enemiesforeignanddomestic.com, Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, author, who has really predicted this TET-2 Islamic rollout.
So I want to go through some questions for you and then go through some of these clips.
I mean, talk about the cowardice of some folks.
We have a clip of a guy who went on the news and talked about how he survived, how he blocked the door so other people couldn't get out, so the shooter couldn't get him.
I mean, this really is a liberal for you.
I mean, I've got to tell you, they are some nasty people on average.
They have major studies out that they're six times more likely.
This is government studies in England and Canada to not give money.
To claim they give to charity.
They are six times more likely to steal.
They are many times more likely not to render aid.
Because they're not real liberals, folks.
They're fake, monstrous people.
But I'm digressing.
Matt Bracken.
Going back to the $64 trillion question, the sensationalism of the fact that Obama addresses Islamists in Cairo in his first major speech.
They said it was better than their top imams.
Goes to the madrasas.
His father, I believe, was Frank Marshall Davis, a communist, and he admittedly stayed at Summers with him, his grandpa's best friend, the communist pornographer.
He seems to, you know, hate the West.
I mean, who is this guy?
What is the endgame?
This weird alliance between the left
And Islam, where is it going?
What do you expect to happen?
What do you think of my parallel to the Vichy French?
Well, I think that it's apt, and I think that the EU, you can just draw a line right through this entire century, at least going back to this Calgary plan, this fellow that was preaching the abolition of nationalities step-by-step, starting with the European Union.
They have to destroy the nation-state.
They can't be Austrians that are proud to be Austrians.
Their goal is to wreck Germany, wreck Austria, wreck France.
That's why one of the most important things probably in the last generation that's happened in Europe is this referendum next week in England.
The Brexit.
If Brexit happens, the EU is probably dead.
This is an existential moment for the monsters in Brussels like President Junkers.
These are dictators.
The European Parliament is nothing.
It's just a rubber stamp for secret councils that make the laws that Europeans have to live by.
I was watching a lot of the Bilderberg coverage.
Your affiliated reporter, Paul Joseph Watson, is amazing.
Anybody should go back and watch any of his YouTube videos.
He's brilliant.
He was on the scene there.
Now I'm going to tie Bilderberg to what we're talking about in Orlando directly.
General Petraeus is one of the sellouts, the lackeys, the stooges that was invited to come over and lick the hands of the super elites at Bilderberg.
Now he's joining up forces with other gun controllers.
There he is.
He's joining up with the other gun controllers to disarm us.
This traitor, General Petraeus, this traitor, this enemy of the Constitution, General Petraeus,
I want to say something to you and people like you.
You took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
First Amendment, Second Amendment, all of the amendments.
And you are working for the Saudis now, indirectly, through this global hedge fund, KKR, where you're making millions of dollars on commissions
And you're getting paid for doing work like your Washington Post article about why we shouldn't insult Islam because it makes them upset and they might attack us.
He's preaching surrender to Sharia law because he's making millions of dollars.
In what universe is that not treason?
He might be a retired general and he might be a retired CIA director,
But in my book... It is.
Look, when foreign powers start buying off people of influence, it's called espionage.
It's called infiltration.
We used to execute people if they did that with the Russians.
And that's what's crazy about this.
For folks that don't know, they got overshadowed.
They shot it Saturday live.
Sunday, it was going viral.
But then, of course, the sad shooting.
And to understand the video, General Petraeus is walking out, he's not even running yet, and Germans start talking to him that are aware of who he is in Bilderberg, so he runs from them, and literally runs, so that he won't be identified inside this meeting that violates the Logan Act.
And so this is purely, purely disgusting, and the word is, Petraeus wasn't going along with the globalists.
The treason is so wound through this administration, the high-ranking parts of this government,
You know about Philip Haney?
He has a book out called See Something, Say Nothing.
There's another book, very important, by a former subject matter expert on Islamic Jihad named Stephen Coughlin called Catastrophic Failure, Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad.
He was the go-to man on Islamic Jihad until the Obama administration.
He had a brief which was named by the people that heard it, the Red Pill Brief, a reference to the Matrix.
Because when people listened to Stephen Coughlin's briefs, then they understood it.
When the Fort Hood shooting happened, people said to Stephen Coughlin, did you speak to this guy?
Did you collaborate?
Because in his briefs that he was giving, Major Hassan, the Fort Hood shooter, he was using the same slides you were using.
And Stephen Coughlin's reply was, no, these are the key surahs from the Quran, so if he was using them, I was using them because I understand how they think.
This is what they're thinking.
Well, he was thrown out of being a lecturer to the CIA, the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs, and Obama had the entire American law enforcement and intelligence agencies purged of any mentions of Islamic jihad.
It's incredible.
I want to play the clip since you mentioned it.
The video is up on InfoWars.com.
This is Rob Due chasing Petraeus.
And this cuts in during the chase.
First they go up and talk to him and he literally cuts and runs.
Here is the former head of the CIA running from reporters in Dresden.
One quick question, General Petraeus.
You had to resign as a result of an email scandal, yet Hillary Clinton is still running for president, even though she's got this massive email scandal with people hacking her.
You think she should resign from the Democratic Party?
Just one quick question, sir.
That's from the middle.
Here's where he comes out.
Germans come over and start talking to him.
We now are aware of what's really going on, general public.
And then boom, he hightails it.
Hey, sir.
We're gonna go ahead and keep rolling this up.
I'm sorry, go ahead, is your audio cutting out there?
Mr. Brack, I'm sorry, go ahead.
I hope that the video that sticks to him like stink on rice is the video of that sniveling, coward, traitor running away.
He is a man that took an oath to defend our Constitution, and he's lining his pockets with millions of dollars of bribes from Saudi Arabia, laundered through a global hedge fund.
He doesn't have any background in finance.
It's supposed to be his Rolodex, his connection.
Sure, sure.
I understand that.
So breaking this down, he's just emblematic.
He's emblematic of this.
What do we do?
Where does this go?
What is the Saudi endgame?
Yes, they bought off our government to a great extent.
The reason I'm hammering on Petraeus so much is we need to identify traitors, call them out, and hang traitor around their neck.
Running away at Bilderberg is brilliant and thank you InfoWars for getting that.
Why do you think the wicked flee when none pursue?
It's crazy.
All right, Mr. Bracken, stay there.
He is fired up today.
Former Navy SEAL, on with us a month ago, predicting that these Tet Offensive-style attacks would begin.
He'll come back and we'll take some calls from Mark and Marguerite and Diane.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
San Francisco hopes Trump fear will lead to voting rights for illegal immigrants in city.
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is hoping that residents of the city who fear Donald Trump's rhetoric and policy proposals will flock to the polls this November.
This is an article by the Washington Free Beacon.
Eric Mar, a supervisor in the city, put forth a proposed charter amendment on Tuesday that would allow
We're good to go.
Look, this is completely and totally ridiculous.
If you come here illegally, and you're not paying into the system, and you're not doing all the same stuff that we're doing, you're not fighting for our country, you don't have the same American values, and you're waving Mexican flags all the time, negative!
You can't vote!
This is Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
Viva la America!
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Bill Clinton's lover, before and after his marriage, tells how lumpy Hillary, with her fat ankles and hair on her toes, schemed to get her to lie on 60 Minutes about Bill's other affairs.
There appears to be no limit to what Hillary will do to destroy her perceived enemies, Dolly Kyle writes in her new bombshell book.
Kyle began sleeping with Bill Clinton after high school, and their affair didn't end until he moved to the White House.
Billy was a sex addict.
Bill was undone by Wilt Chamberlain's claim to have slept with 20,000 women.
That's 10 times more than I've had, he told Dolly.
Dolly says Bill told her he and Hillary, who he called the warden, needed to have a baby so we could appear to be a normal couple.
When Dolly met Hillary, May 20, 1974, she wore a misshapen brown dress-like thing that must have been intended to hide her lumpy body.
The garment stopped too soon to hide her fat ankles and her
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Here's the headline.
Far from a hero, Orlando attack survivor describes harrowing escape.
And who knows if it's even true.
This guy turns out to be one of these little actors.
But what trend he is in trying to be an actor.
His anger was consistent to have in their own life.
They're actors.
Orlando gunman's ex-co-worker talks to Kelly File.
A survivor of last night's shooting in Orlando told Kelly File described the body and the bloody carnage that unfolded.
Well, let's actually hear from him himself and then start going to your phone calls with our guests.
Here it is.
When you were holding the doors shut so that the shooter could not get out, but was there any concern that, you know, you might be keeping people fleeing the shooter from getting out there?
No, yeah.
Yeah, I was.
He's being told what to say.
I was on my mind.
He's looking at his phone.
I was pushing up the door.
I was on my mind.
But at that point in time, I just tried doing what I thought would be best at that moment, because it was getting louder and getting closer.
And I looked to my left, there was a good 20 people piling on top of each other, trying to exit out of a small closet-looking door to the parking lot.
And I prayed that it was nobody.
Talk about a robot head.
He's got earphones in, he's reading what someone's telling him to say.
This is who America is now, a bunch of zombies.
My goal was making sure my best friend and these people had space because panic and chaos was not allowing everyone to get through there.
Yeah, these nightclubs are death traps.
Alright, that's enough of this.
We're going to go to break.
This is a short segment.
Longer segments are coming up in the next hour.
I'm going to go to Chad and Robert and Alex and Marguerite and Diane and others.
But going back to our guest, Mr. Bracken.
Other tidbits you haven't added that you think are important to impart, and I want to ask you about his brother-in-law, that's a major player with Obama, bringing in, quote, refugees, is an anti-Trump guy, and all the rest of it.
I mean, this is really getting crazy.
And this judge is part of La Raza and part of a boycott of Trump, and he comes out and says you should recuse yourself, and they spin that saying Trump's being racist.
I mean, this is just crazy.
This is a war for our minds.
This is, you know, this is the AJ Show.
This is a war for your mind.
I don't want to come off like I'm only here to attack General Petraeus, but I think it's very important to point out clear traitors that took an oath and defy it.
But I also want to throw some support to people that deserve it.
We all know about like Pam Geller getting taken off of Facebook, but I mean, I think she can afford security at least more than the guy I'm about to talk about.
There's an American up in Virginia with a counter-jihad website.
He's another author.
He's an old guy.
He's even older than me.
Real old.
Named Ed Klein with a C. And he's on the ISIS kill list.
The FBI visited him and said, hey buddy, you're on the ISIS kill list.
He told his landlord and his landlord's evicting him.
This is like a real financial hardship.
What an incredible nation of cowards.
We have become a spoiled rotten nation of filth that don't even know the people we inherited this country from.
And people think it's a virtue to be cowards.
He doesn't recognize Virginia anymore.
He's moving to Texas where he thinks he has a better shot at freedom and at least people that'll fight.
So on the GatesofVienna.org, that's another lead encounter jihad website, Gates of Vienna as in the defense against Islam in the 1600s.
That's when I put the walls up in Rome, yeah.
There's a GoFundMe site on Gates of Vienna for Ed Klein.
He's trying to get money together in a hurry because he's been evicted because he's on the ISIS kill list.
Can you imagine?
So, if people go to gates of Vienna, they can maybe chuck a... Yeah, we should get Mr. Klein on.
I mean, look, the crazy thing is how the radical Islamists, which is Islam, have gotten the media and everybody to totally come in against American freedom.
But in Europe, they're arresting Germans and people by the thousands that just say anything.
We got video of them ticketing people for handing out flyers.
I mean, the left...
That is the most hateful anti-freedom group.
They're spinning the killing of these gays and blaming gun owners, folks, and loving their little jihadis.
Back in 70 seconds.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Well, I was never in the military, but I've sworn a public oath to fight all enemies, foreign and domestic, because I'm an American and my family lives here.
My family's been here since the start of this country.
And America isn't perfect, but its ideas are the greatest we've ever seen.
And there are so many people that simply hate basic liberty and basic freedom, and they've organized a clash of civilizations.
I realize a lot of bad things have been done to folks in the Middle East.
It's been done to actually help Saudi Arabia take out its enemies like Iraq, Syria, and others.
And our government has been bought off by the bad guys.
I mean, hell, a lot of movies don't get produced or don't get released.
They've got to get approved now at the big movie houses, at the big production companies, by the Chinese.
They're censoring more than the Muslims.
I mean, this is really crazy how we have no political immune system.
Now I want to start going to some phone calls.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up with our guests.
And Joe Biggs is going to be popping in as well for the balance of the hour.
But we'll all ride shotgun together for a while.
But we've got Mr. Bracken, the former Navy SEAL, here with us as well.
And we're going over a lot of other news.
But I want to start going to some of your phone calls.
But I think what he was getting at is really important.
People are getting kicked out of their homes if they're on the ISIS hit list that's thousands and thousands of people.
Tim Kennedy's on the list.
But he went and shows the people he knew were weak, where he could kill the most.
And I've been told that by the criminologists, the people that study people that follow orthodox Islam, and they say that they actually respect people that know what they're doing and know they're lying and know their plan.
That they're actually kind of bullied by their own cult.
It's the people that grovel to them that they want to kill the most.
Have you found that, Mr. Bracken?
We've lost his audio.
Hold on.
Go ahead and start over.
Go ahead, sir.
There's an old saying that the Muslims, the Islamists, or however you want to put it, depending on the era of political correctness, that they're either at your feet or at your throat.
They do respect strength.
Islam has advanced for 1,400 years.
It's often defeated cultures that were smarter, that were braver, that were more technologically advanced, but they learn how to defeat the weak points, how to break a society, how to use political correctness, whatever era in whatever era, how to divide and conquer.
Deception and long game.
And bribery.
They'll use bribery.
They'll bribe the mayor of the city to open the gates.
Just as you said in the Iraqi context, you know, there'll be a helicopter waiting and a suitcase full of $100 bills.
That's been an Islamic technique forever.
So when I see these, you know, these bureaucrats like Merkel, who knows what they've been promised?
And secular atheists who believe in nothing will have no problem repeating the Shahada, the little ditty about Muhammad the only messenger.
What's the difference?
If you don't believe in God, it's just sort of like saying, you know, voodoo, boogoo, boogoo, and I get to live and be rich?
Now, your kids don't know that Dad was just a sellout trader, like some generals.
Your kids won't know that, because they'll be raised in a madrasa school.
They'll be brainwashed, you know, rocking, you know, reciting the Koran.
But the traders, they know it, but they'll do it for the money.
And this is an MO that goes back 1,400 years.
Well, I tried to stop the clash of civilizations in my own little way, and now it's on.
Now it's on.
The globalists are flooding us with this.
They've got a plan.
They mean for us to capitulate, run up white flags when we're having 5, 10, 15 attacks a week.
Let me ask you this question.
We're going to break and going right to calls.
At its metric level, doubling each year roughly, how bad will it get with the numbers we're talking about?
An attack every day?
An attack every week?
No, I don't look at this in an arithmetic type of escalation.
I think it's going to go algorithmic because eventually they're going to find some of our weaker spots where massive leverage will happen.
For example, that Metcalf grid attack.
You do 20 Metcalf station attacks and take our grid down, it's game over.
Yeah, so you're talking about them trying to take out the Transformers and massive powerhouses.
Well, they'll just blame gun owners if it happens.
I mean, you know, that's all the left cares about.
It's a mountain in our head.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Bill Clinton's lover, before and after his marriage, tells how lumpy Hillary, with her fat ankles and hair on her toes, schemed to get her to lie on 60 Minutes about Bill's other affairs.
There appears to be no limit to what Hillary will do to destroy her perceived enemies, Dolly Kyle writes in her new bombshell book.
Kyle began sleeping with Bill Clinton after high school, and their affair didn't end until he moved to the White House.
Billy was a sex addict.
Bill was undone by Wilt Chamberlain's claim to have slept with 20,000 women.
That's 10 times more than I've had, he told Dolly.
Dolly says Bill told her he and Hillary, who he called the warden, needed to have a baby so we could appear to be a normal couple.
When Dolly met Hillary, May 20th, 1974, she wore a misshapen brown dress-like thing that must have been intended to hide her lumpy body.
The garment stopped too soon to hide her fat ankles and her thick calves covered with black hair.
She sounds just like social justice warriors we see at all the Bernie Sanders rallies.
Maybe she secretly does feel the burn.
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Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Emails in Clinton probe dealt with planned drone strikes.
Some vaguely worded messages from U.S.
diplomats in Pakistan and Washington use a less secure communication system.
At the center of a criminal probe involving Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information is a series of emails between American diplomats in Islamabad and their superiors in Washington about whether to oppose specific drone strikes in Pakistan.
The 2011 and 2012 emails were sent via the low side, government slang for a computer system for unclassified matters.
As part of a secret arrangement that gave the State Department more of a voice in whether a Central Intelligence Agency drone strike went ahead, according to congressional and law enforcement officials briefed on the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe.
Some of the emails were then forwarded by Ms.
Clinton's aide to her personal email account, which routed them to a server she kept at her home in suburban New York.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
From the Infowars.com News Center, deep behind enemy lines in occupied Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you're listening to the voice of human resistance against the technotronic technocracy takeover.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Look, I know what's going on.
The global social engineers need to destabilize the West to bring it down to in-nation states.
That's what our guest concurred earlier.
And they think they're going to be able to manage Islam and make us conform to it and then use that to end free speech and bring in all the hate speech and restrict our guns.
That's what Hillary's now doing.
That's what they've already done in Europe with these civil emergencies they put in place.
Joe Biggs is getting set up.
We're going to go to him on the ground in Orlando in just a moment.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
Our guest site is EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com.
Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, best-selling author.
Of course, we had Tim Kennedy on in studio yesterday.
Talk about an expert on terrorism.
That, I mean, he is the expert.
Everybody's like, oh, that's the UFC fighter.
Former Special Forces.
No, not former, folks.
That guy's working all the time.
I'll just leave it at that.
But six cities set to get hit, and we're just going to hear it's hate crime, hate crime, hate crime, hate crime.
Well, of course it's a hate crime, but that's what Islam does.
In 11 countries, they kill people because they're homosexuals.
All the left cares about is that I use the word gay and that you control the language.
You don't care if you're actually getting killed, because that just makes you more of a cost celeb, unless you're the one actually getting bullets shot into you.
But I want to go ahead and go to some phone calls, and we're going to go to Biggs here, and we're going to have Mr. Bracken riding shotgun with us, giving us commentary throughout the hour.
And then we have coming up David Knight hosting the fourth hour.
Leanne McAdoo is going to be with us as well.
And we're going to have more special reports and a bunch of these clips.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to... Who's up first here?
Let's go ahead and talk to Alex in New York.
You're on the air, Alex.
Hello, sir.
Okay, go ahead.
Uh, if I may, I want to back a little bit in the history to explain the situation that can happen here.
Okay, we gotta go quick through these calls.
Go ahead.
Quick, uh, after World War II, Russia and Soviet Union with millions of unregistered guns, which the government tried to take, of course.
So, the scenario was, uh, they just tried to use NKVD to take the guns, but it was not enough power.
What they did is,
It was a very big shortage on food.
So offer of the government was, we give you food, you should give up your guns, or you tell who had the guns.
That's what they can do here.
If you kick out already in a big hall, it can be used too.
Well, sir, unfortunately, I'm having trouble making out everything you're saying, but I think you're saying that you've been in countries, and I believe you said Russia, where once they had a bunch of people come in and start terror attacks, they were able to take the guns?
Because I didn't even know Russians could really have guns before that, unless they were in rural areas and had special licenses.
Is that what you're getting at?
No, not exactly.
After World War II, it was millions of guns on the civilian hands.
And the government tried to take him back somehow, some way.
NKVD tried to do power way, but it wasn't work.
So offer was to be civilians.
I believe the economic collapse is the ace in the hole that they'll use to get everybody domesticated for social engineering.
You get your food, you get your job now in a command-and-control economy.
When you submit, that's why it's so important for all patriots to have a garden, to have suitable food, to have firearms, to have a bug-out pack, and to have friends you can count on to come together during a collapse because clearly
The system's been organizing an incremental collapse.
That's a great point.
Matt Bracken, of course, this is something you've talked a lot about.
They're really pushing to make us as much hand-to-mouth as they can.
This is absolutely true what he said.
It happened after World War I, which of course for Russia was 1917 when Lenin came back.
They also did that with guns turning in.
After World War II, many Russian soldiers, Ivan's came home, there was weapons all over the place.
And they use starvation as a tool for leverage.
You know, to get into the camp where you'll be saved from starvation, you have to turn in your weapons.
When people often say, Matt, how do you know the future?
You know, like you have a crystal ball or something, and I've thought about this a lot, and I don't have a crystal ball.
What I do is I study history.
And it's like a great big wheel with treads around the wheel.
And so you look at the ground and you can see the tread patterns that came before.
Well, you can easily predict what the tread pattern is going to look like because it's just a wheel coming back down.
And we're headed, though... What he said about the Soviet Union was exactly true.
Thank you, Collar.
Great points, Alex, in New York.
But because of all the high technology, the population density, cultural events, domestication of the population, everything we've been through before, I believe, is going to be amplified, augmented, and be three or four times, ten times worse, with economic collapse, cultural degeneration, the Islamic mix in the middle of it, just all the basic craziness, the increases of mental illness.
I mean, you look at every metric, society is degenerating.
Yeah, at a worst-case scenario would be my short story called, Alas!
Brave New Babylon.
But I think in the intermediate, you're going to see something similar to my short story called, What I Saw at the Coup.
Because I do believe that they will try for a gun grab using a pretext of economic collapse, whether or not they're going to help engineer the collapse, or just allow the conditions to metastasize with, you know, bringing in people that they know are jihadists.
Or a percentage.
I mean, how many does it take?
It's like a jar of candy.
If you said, look, most of the candy in this jar is perfectly safe.
Maybe 1%, maybe 10% is poison.
It's going to kill you.
But you have to eat it.
Otherwise, you're a hater.
This is literally the situation we're being put in.
It's like saying, hey, you know, there's only one bullet in the cylinder, but there's six, you know, overall cylinders.
You've only got a one in six chances of blowing your head off.
And you have to try it.
You have to play Russian roulette.
Well, the thing is, yeah, there's a lot of worse conditions on one side, but believe me, there are patriots that are as patriotic as anybody from Valley Forge till now.
I think?
It ain't gonna happen.
Especially when they admit they have plans in the new army manuals for domestic re-education camps for patriots.
They actually say re-education camps.
Don't you guys get it's a two-way street?
They take our restraint as weakness.
We've been affecting the battle space, the info war, raising the alarms, preparing the people.
We're not flat-footed.
And so they need to understand that, that we're identifying them, we're exposing their agenda, and they're still carrying out the agenda like we aren't there exposing it and sabotaging it.
They're crazy.
People should read my short story, what I saw at the coup, from the point of view of somebody who is on the unsuccessful end of an anti-constitutional putsch.
Because we have plenty, plenty, plenty of arrows in our quiver.
I was talking to Tim Kennedy, he said 95% of the special forces people that are active duty are fully awake.
And I asked him why, and he goes, well, you know the training we've been given, and he talked about it on air.
They're training them to take over governorships, take over the states, arrest patriots, take guns, and arrest, you know... It won't work.
There aren't enough.
There aren't enough.
Well, didn't they know it would wake up the special forces people when they're openly training to basically come arrest Governor Abbott?
At the very top, I think that we're talking about fully satanic evil forces.
Below that, they might think, oh yeah, we're going to fill in the blank of your favorite outcome.
Sharia law in America, progressive leftist socialism, communism.
But at the very top, I think they just want to see it burned.
That's it!
That's it.
They want to just blow it up.
That's their real plan.
Their goal is chaos.
For chaos sake.
I want to go back to Diane, Marguerite, Robert, Chad, Wes, and others.
But right now, let's go to Joe Biggs.
On the ground, outside the Pulse nightclub, or what's left of it, where 49 people were killed.
Joe Biggs, I know a lot of development since you were last on with us.
You're on the trail with some investigative journalists on some things that folks aren't aware of.
But a lot of information coming out.
His brother-in-law, Joe Biggs, is one of Obama's people bringing in the refugees.
He was working in Homeland Security and Hillary and Obama ordered the stand down of the FBI and two different investigations of this guy.
This is incredible.
What do you think is going on here, Joe Biggs?
Well, it's an interesting thing, Alex.
I was actually speaking with Rob Jacobson last night, and I said, this man's father looks like he is from a Pashtun area, a tribal region in Afghanistan.
And sure enough, comes out today, this guy is a Taliban sympathizer.
He speaks Pashtun, his videos are in Pashtun, and basically has this radical movement in his own, he says he has his own CIA agency that's going to help him overthrow the government in Afghanistan.
And, uh, you know, bring in this new ruling class.
And he also put out videos where homosexuals should be killed.
So you know where the son got the rhetoric from.
You know where the son got those ideas from.
So for that father to come out and act shocked that his son did this is completely and totally ridiculous.
This man belongs behind bars.
Now, on top of that, I've actually just spoke with a man who survived.
He gave me, uh, it was chilling.
Okay, his Skype is breaking up, but if you look at DrudgeReport.com, we also have the video on Infowars.com, shows the father in a new video, dressed up in a military outfit, doing YouTube videos in a military outfit, recruiting people, saying God will punish the gays.
I mean, it's clear, this guy is a wind-up toy of Daddy, and I bet they have him on MSNBC praising him and asking him to teach us the wisdom of the Jihad or something.
I mean, I even forgot to get to that.
Meanwhile, they're still, if you're not on DrugsReport.com or InfoWars.com or WorldNetDaily, they are still blaming gun owners, and Hillary and Bernie Sanders say they're coming after our guns.
Matt Bracken, do you really think they'll be able to sell this on their idiot constituents, or is there any point at which people are going to wake up and the homosexuals are going to realize, under Sharia law in 11 countries, you will have your head chopped off?
Okay, I'm not the one chopping your dumb head off.
I think this is a big wake-up call.
I think this is a transformative moment.
In a sense, this was a twofer.
He attacked a gay club on Latino night.
So, any progressive gay Latinos, however many of them there are in the United States, they ain't voting for Hillary.
I can tell you that much.
Gun owners just went out and bought another case of 5-5-6 and 7-6-2.
I can tell you.
And a couple more cases of survival food.
They can plan this, but like I often say, a plan to ride the tiger is not the same as riding the tiger.
If they try to take our guns away, they're going to be trying to ride the tiger, and they're going to get the teeth.
Doesn't it let Petraeus and all these people know that when my reporters, anywhere they go in the world, are our listeners, now know who they are?
We're not just watching Dancing with the Stars.
We know who the card deck of criminals and traitors are.
It's got to really let them understand they're not invincible, they're not gods.
If they try to start a civil war in this country, they're going to be brought to justice.
It's very important, and that's why I was so glad to see the video of disgraced, suborned, sold-out, bribed General Petraeus running away.
That is going to be the video of his career.
And I don't want to just harp on General Petraeus, but all the other sell-out generals that are sliding out of the Pentagon over to some quote-unquote global hedge fund, which is a money laundering operation for Saudi dirty money,
To spread jihad and sharia law through the world as long as they can get their millions.
Your Infowars and other people are going to be there with a camera.
Let's expand on this.
We're going to go back to calls and back to Biggs.
Is his Skype degraded?
What are they thinking, though, the Saudis?
Because they claim, oh, we just export the terror so it doesn't hit us.
No, they don't build a thousand mosques a year overseas, hundreds here every few years, to just export it.
This is how they're taking over.
This has been their plan forever.
This is what the Wahhabis are doing.
They've been very, very successful.
And now we sit here and see Major Hassan getting programming from Saudi Arabia, the Fort Hood shooter, we see the San Bernardino going to Saudi Arabia, we see this guy going to Saudi Arabia.
We know what's going on.
His father, his brother-in-law shooting their mouths off, running around stirring stuff up, running the refugee invasion.
I mean, they know what they're doing.
It's a military operation.
I just can't believe Obama thinks he's actually going to get away with this.
This is why they have to get you off the air.
Because, sure, you're just the Alex Jones Show.
You're not Tom Brokaw coming out of retirement pinch-hitting on NBC.
You're just a guy on videos, right?
But you're a feeder for the entire world because we get our information off of YouTube.
It doesn't matter where it shows up first.
And they have to get rid of Matt Drudge.
They're not even going to allow him to put up the title, a headline, a link.
Hillary Clinton is pushing this UN Resolution 1618 which is an anti quote-unquote blasphemy law.
It's very important to understand that in Islam blasphemy does not mean telling an untruth about Islam.
Blasphemy means saying anything that harms Islam.
I'll give you an example.
If you say that Mohammed
We're good.
All of that is true, and in American jurisprudence, the truth is an absolute defense against libel, blasphemy, whatever you want to call it.
In Islam, truth has nothing to do with anything, just doesn't harm Islam.
So Hillary Clinton is actively pushing for UN resolutions which would not allow us, we'd be as hamstrung as the Germans, you know, getting arrested or ticketed for telling the truth about Mohammed.
And this is the future that we have under our sellouts.
I go back to Carlos Iliots, Ramirez, Sanchez, the Jackal.
It has to be a coalition of socialists and Islamists to take down America, the great Satan.
And they're well on their way.
It's a program.
It's a plan.
Hand together the left and the Islamists to destroy freedom.
I want to ask you this question.
When they start having a couple attacks a week and this all goes on, I guess they've psychologically tested the left.
They think they'll just submit and blame us that are criticizing Islam.
And I guess a lot of liberals are so cuckold and under such mass Stockholm syndrome that they're going to go out and actually join Islam.
In fact, there's a new trend
Where liberal women go and find an Islamic man and he bosses her around and she likes that.
They'll even leave their husband that has kids to go, you know, I guess it has to be a new form of bondage.
And so that's the new trendy thing.
And all these liberal publications and things like the Huffington Post tell women, make the Muslims comfortable.
You need to start wearing a hijab.
And I'm seeing it more and more.
Women think it's really sexy and trendy.
So are they so weak?
And never had daddies or they hate daddy so much that they don't want to go to somebody that looks like daddy.
They want to go to somebody that looks like Habib and maybe chain them up because it's kind of sexy.
I mean, is this kind of like the furthest, you know, the next phase of Fifty Shades of Grey is to be in Islamic rape camp, you know, supporting the rape of five year old girls by 100 men until the girl dies.
That's a real case.
It's an unbelievable level of cognitive dissonance.
Imagine being a feminist
And saying on the one hand that college campuses, which the few men that are left, I think it's like 40%, are a bunch of rapists, right?
But you ignore the fact that women are being sold as select sex slaves in Islamic countries today.
If you look, Hillary Clinton put out a Ramadan tweet saying, as we enter Ramadan, we
And there are pictures of her and Chelsea with Arafat wearing hijabs with big S-eating grins on their faces, hugging up one Arafat the terrorist in a keffiyeh.
I wouldn't be surprised a bit if she had already converted.
They don't have to tell you.
Remember Takiyah.
They can announce later.
And her girlfriend's a Saudi.
Her lesbian girlfriend's a Saudi.
Yeah, Huma.
Yeah, it's a crazy time, but I think that people are waking up.
The question is, what will the left do, what will the left-Islam coalition running the White House do if they see people waking up and say, demanding, for example, I remember they brought in a bunch of illegal aliens about two years ago during a big border push, and people out in California went and stopped the bus.
Crowded around the bus.
It's incredible.
We got Joe Biggs here, but you're right.
We just put up our tweet, as we begin Ramadan, you know, we want to salute all the women sexually mutilated and wearing bags over their heads.
No, she says, as we begin Ramadan, I wish all Muslims a blessed time of reflection, family, and good health.
And then she puts up this Ramadan statement.
Let's go ahead and go back to Joe Biggs, and I'm going to Margaret, Diane, Robert, and Chad.
I promise I'm going to your calls.
Joe Biggs, I'm told you're chomping.
We got you back on phone.
Go ahead.
Roger that Alex.
I actually had the opportunity to speak with someone who survived the shooting and made it out.
I spoke to another man whose friend was a straight guy.
He's married and has children.
He was bartending and was shot in the leg three times.
He said he could hear the bullets
Shattering bone, piercing flesh, like the whole room was full of smoke and each person I've talked to said there was multiple shooters inside of this nightclub.
Not just one, like the mainstream media is telling everyone.
Every person I've talked to says they believe that there are multiple
Yes, yes, we have it all on video.
One of the guys, I reached out to a whole bunch of people, names that I saw posting on the
We're good to go.
She was, uh, filming and you can hear the gunshots and then the video freezes.
That's when she is hit by multiple gunfire and dies right there on that Snapchat footage.
And I have footage of that man talking about the story and his friend and, uh, about her.
I talked to another man who is a straight man as well.
He actually goes to that club.
He has a lot of friends and his buddy was a male bartender, a straight man, married, has, uh, kids.
And, uh, he was explaining what the bartender was going through.
He said that the bartender saw this man walk into the bar and automatically felt something was wrong.
And the next thing you know, he heard gunfire, dropped to the ground, and he heard bones splintering, screaming, yelling.
People were cut, covered in glass, in blood, crawling across the ground.
Uh, he said, complete and total chaos.
Can we analyze any of the acoustics?
How many witnesses, Joe, that you've talked to say, we're about to go to break here and come back right with you, how many people have you talked to that say they saw multiple shooters or heard different shots from different angles?
Um, two people I've talked to in person so far today, and then other videos on CBS, ABC News, where these people are explaining how they believe there was multiple shooters and then they were cut off the air.
Well sure, they don't want to investigate this guy's mosque, I know that.
And you got the imam saying that it's good to kill the gays, and his dad says it too, but they're all innocent.
The gun owners are to blame.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
San Francisco hopes Trump fear will lead to voting rights for illegal immigrants in city.
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is hoping that residents of a city who fear Donald Trump's rhetoric and policy proposals will flock to the polls this November.
This is an article by the Washington Free Beacon.
Eric Maher, a supervisor in the city, put forth a proposed charter amendment on Tuesday that would allow illegal immigrants who have kids that are 18 years or younger in the public school system the right to vote.
Mars said he thinks that Donald Trump being on the ballot this November will drive Latinos who are disgusted by his politics to the polls on election day.
All the ones who came over here legally and understands what it means to go through the process are actually going to probably vote for Donald Trump.
Look, this is completely and totally ridiculous.
If you come here illegally and you're not paying into the system and you're not doing all the same stuff that we're doing, you're not fighting for our country, you don't have the same American values, and you're waving Mexican flags all the time, negative!
You can't vote!
This is Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
Viva la America!
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I don't think so.
If I was just gonna, like, attach an idea to it, it's gonna be dangerous freedom.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Working on breaking news during the break.
Almost can get back in here on time.
Leanne McAdoo is here.
She's going to be riding shotgun some into the next hour with David Knight.
We have our guest, Matt Bracken of EnemiesForeignDomestic.com.
I'm Alex Jones of Infowars.com.
I almost want to just let Joe Biggs go and get back to their hotel and take these newscasts, these pieces, and these witnesses and put it out.
Witnesses say there are multiple shooters.
Drudge has a link to an article.
Did he have help?
I mean, come on, folks.
His daddy
He was putting videos out saying kill the gays.
His imam is saying it on TV.
The other imam is saying it in town.
The truth is, folks, these people are very arrogant about what they're doing.
And the bizarreness is
We're then being blamed as gun owners and patriots on the news, like, see what your guns did again?
And literally, Hillary and Obama brought these people in.
She's gotten over $100 million the last six, seven years in her foundation from Gulf state dictators.
$100 million!
Her alone.
She lives like a total queen.
She's running around with this gimmick, she's a woman, talking about blessed Ramadan, and the feminists just love it.
What a group of freaks and evil people.
And I've never seen Leanne McAdoo this mad.
I guess she was out doing reporting, but wanted to come back to Austin.
Uh, she was so upset I was getting texts from midnight from her.
I was sawing logs.
And so LeeAnn McAdoo is here.
We're going to go back and say bye to Biggs and let him finish up and then take calls with Bracken here.
And don't worry callers, Margaret and Mark and Robert and Chad and others.
First time callers, you want to get involved, 800-259-9231.
In fact, I probably just shouldn't make people hold for an hour and then make them wait.
That's not good.
So I'm going to flush the calls.
And we're gonna let everybody call back in first-time callers 800-259-9231 specifically on this 800-259-9231.
Briefly, I gotta pay some bills here.
It's the last day we're doing it because they didn't take the special down for the air purifier system that comparable units are like $400 or more.
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It took us six months to get the 27 ingredients and to have this produced by our Texas lab.
So it's $34.95, but I'm going to end that special today.
Shall we hold back a little bit in the next month before more comes in?
It might be three or four months again.
We're hoping it's just a month.
But Infowarslife.com, your Living Defense Today, amazing results for myself.
You can read the reviews at Infowarslife.com.
Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site.
And your purchase of the products, whether it's storable food or non-GMO heirloom seeds or water filtration systems or Hillary for President shirts, all of it funds an organization that
He is scarily effective for just seeing the facts, having the guest, cutting through the bull, teleprompter-free, blowing the narratives wide open, just exposing the New World Order.
I mean, we've got the zeitgeist, and that's why we've got great products, great prices, and supporting us is buying your war bonds.
But I'm a capitalist and a free market guy, so we have great cutting-edge products, great competitive prices.
It's a win-win-win-win-win-win-win.
I love it.
People say,
You know, if we got a shortfall this month, you're discounting everything so much.
And yeah, sales are up, but profits aren't.
Why are you doing it?
I just say, listen, this is what I like to do.
So that's what we're doing.
And I'm expanding in the face of this.
And I just know the sales are going to come in to be able to cover everything we need to cover because
For me, it's not about money.
Money is like ammunition in a gun or fuel in a tank I'm going to run over the enemy with.
To me, the fortune I want is liberty and freedom and not being blamed for jihad attacks when we're the ones that warned of it and know how to stop it.
But that's all the gays, the hate crime.
It's the Islamic attack with his daddy and his imam saying kill the gays.
And Junior's got a homeland security contract.
And his brother-in-law's shipping the jihadis in.
And they're all a bunch of arrogant bastards on TV.
I have clips of imams saying, you do not get political.
And we all just sit here and politically correct, you know, roll over like a dog and start...
You know, I just had enough.
Leigh-Anne, you're pretty pissed.
I want to go back to Biggs and then our guests here and some calls.
But I said I'm going to take calls.
There's so much breaking news.
Leigh-Anne, you are really angry.
At least you were last night.
Why are you so angry?
Well, I was angry and I was, I could not stop crying.
I was just so upset.
One of the things that just made me so frustrated was you have people going, oh, that's so terrible.
Pray for Orlando.
And then straight back to taking selfies and going to the bread and circuses, watching the games.
Like, this is not the new normal.
Oh yeah, I saw some of the attorney generals and stuff on TV and federal prosecutors like it was a rock stars and like it was fun and the great job they did standing down for three hours.
Right, I mean it's just infuriating that they're trying to just wash over this, immediately come out.
We've been saying for months, what are the LGBT activists, what are these people, the leftists, going to say?
When Islam starts attacking the gays here in this country because they're completely ignoring the fact that they're throwing them off roofs.
Well now, we see what happens.
They- They- They blame us!
They throw their own group under the bus.
Like, thanks a lot, man.
Thanks a lot.
We tried to stop this, and now you're blaming us, you pieces of crap.
They're so- And you're not a piece of crap because you're gay.
You're a piece of crap because your head is full of manure and you're led by a bunch of people that hate your guts.
Because you bow at the altar of political correctness and throw your own people who are now literally dying
At the hands of this, and you refuse to call it out for what it is.
Hillary- If you bring up 11 Islamic countries kill gays- Right.
They go, shut up homophobe, I'm flagging you on Facebook, piece of crap!
Don't you besmirch your religion!
Then they badmouth Christianity all day.
They're just Christian haters.
Let's just get down to the brass tacks, okay?
And then to have- The liberals are a bunch of mentally ill- They're into bondage.
Right, and then to parade this guy's dad out, or the imam from the mosque, and to have him as some relevant point of view when he's on camera praising the Taliban and down with the West and all of this.
And why do we bring this piece of filth here then?
Get the hell out of the country!
Him and his mom need to have their asses shipped back to that hellhole!
And then to say, you know, it's the loving thing to do to kill the gays.
That you need to kill gay people.
And that kind of sounds like such a weird perv, too.
Oh, it's so creepy.
We love them, we kill them.
Let's go back to Bracken briefly, and then I'm going to go to Biggs and give him the floor, because he's on the phone chomping.
But I want to get Biggs back.
Let's go to Biggs first.
Biggs, finish up with this huge news that there are people saying, and now I see it here in the news, there were all these shooters, multiple people.
He had help.
This was going on.
The government stands down for three hours.
Really, something stinks here.
What do you think's going on?
I mean, we've got Obama and Hillary protecting this guy from A to Z.
I mean, the fact that President Obama comes out and calls this an act of hate slash act of terror takes away from what it really is.
It's the fact that he continues
To call it what it is, radical Islam.
By calling it hate, what he's doing, he's taking the pressure off of the FBI, the people who are supposed to be monitoring these lunatics, and protecting the American people.
That's what he does when he uses the word hate.
He simplifies it down to make it just a hate crime, and then it can't be blamed on these alphabet agencies, who are supposed to know what's going on.
And the fact that they had this guy on their radar, they sat down, they talked with him numerous times,
And this still happens?
The fact that this guy was able to have that kind of clearance to work for a security company that's a branch or a contracting company?
And then his brother-in-law is shipping the jihadis in?
This is an organized plan.
That's why Obama can't stop it.
We have the information that there's going to be, what, about seven attacks this month alone.
This is Ramadan.
Guess what's happening this Friday?
A gay pride parade in downtown New Orleans.
If you've never been there, that place is ripe for the picking.
That is very narrow passageways.
That is some spot.
That's the spot that could be possibly the next terror attack.
They're going to continue to... Absolutely.
And Biggs, I know you want to go there.
Be very safe.
Biggs is a target of these people.
We don't want to make a big deal out of that.
They've put him in their videos and things.
Actual ISIS.
And they're just scum of the earth funded by Saudi Arabia.
And Saudi Arabia needs to know.
You know, we're going to bring out the 28 pages.
We're going to expose you.
We're not going to go away.
And you guys are just so arrogant.
I don't care how many people bow down to you or if you go to the Bush's ranch.
You know, this treason, when we're done with you collaborators, is going to all come out.
And listen, folks, I'm not looking for trouble with the New World Order, but they are not going to back off us.
They're coming after our guns.
They're demonizing Christianity.
They're demonizing free speech.
They're demonizing the family.
They are searching everybody at the airport, but women wearing hijabs.
It's like Muslims are God, and I've had enough of it.
Joe Biggs and Rob Jacobson, great job there on the ground.
I'm looking for you guys to follow those reports with the video clips and stuff.
As soon as you do, they'll go viral, okay?
Yeah, we're heading back to the hotel right now.
We're going to get some Wi-Fi and then get those videos out.
All right, fabulous job Joe Biggs.
I want to go to Coles here because people have been holding, but Matt Bracken riding shotgun with his former Navy SEAL.
Again, we don't even have the staff or the crew to go get him two months ago and a month ago predicting all of this.
We even said nightclubs were the main target.
I've said that hundreds of times.
It clearly is escalating.
This will embolden them.
This will get more of these cells to attack.
And I guess we're going to have this surreal moment.
When they just say, we've got to take your guns, as Hillary's now saying, and we've got to pass hate laws where nobody can talk bad about a religion because you're stirring up the Muslims.
That's the same thing we've already done in Europe.
It is outrageous.
And I'm here to tell you folks, we're coming to the time when they're going to send the FBI to my offices, or to Matt Drudge's office, or to Bracken's office.
It's already happening to FBI agents.
I was talking to...
To Tim Kennedy.
He knows federal officers all over the country that actually have human in these mosques where they're calling to kill and attack like this one.
And when they even file something for an investigation, they get a criminal investigation, a civil rights violation.
And so one guy got mad, actually went in the mosque, waited until they said it, and said, which I would go to a church.
One time they had a synagogue calling for gun bans.
I went and spoke in the synagogue.
They got real mad at me, but I was nice and stood up and said, you know, Hitler took the guns, why are you doing this?
You're crazy.
And they blew up and kicked me out.
The point is, is that they're charging this guy with a hate crime.
So, I mean, I guess we're just gonna sit here and let them blow us up and shoot us and then just kiss Obama's butt?
What do you think the endgame here is, Matt Bracken?
Disarmament, because you can't truly turn this country into a slave state until we're disarmed.
So they're going to do everything under the auspices of gun safety.
I have a video floating around called Democide, Socialism, Tyranny, Guns and Freedom.
The Kachin Forest, they disarmed the Polish officers, massacred them, clamped communism over Eastern Europe.
To my gay friends, I've got a quick comment.
I have a great friend named Oleg Volk, like Volkswagen.
He has a website called SelfDefenseIsAHumanRight.
Go there as your entry portal.
I know a lot of people didn't grow up in the gun culture like many of us did.
You didn't serve in the military, your family didn't have any guns.
Go to SelfDefenseIsAHumanRight.com and it's your portal.
You can go into a gun store, I don't care if you're gay or straight, and you explain that you are absolutely starting at the beginner level, and you will be taken in.
They won't care about anything else except the fact that you're an American, you're a human being, and self-defense is a human right.
They'll steer you right, they'll start you off, and in a couple weeks you can even have a concealed permit.
People need to be armed.
Mike Judge, two years ago, before he even launched Silicon Valley, he invited me out to his big ranch outside Austin, beautiful, house on a hill, he could shoot 360, and he had basically the whole cast, about 20 people of Silicon Valley there.
And they were almost all anti-gun, they all knew who I was, they were kind of freaking out.
Within one hour, I had women, all of them just giggling, laughing, saying, yeah, I'm a good person, why can't I have an AR-15?
Why can't I have it?
They were shooting, women were shooting .50 caliber rifles,
Within two hours.
We're eating barbecue, having a great time.
And I sat there with Judge, he goes, yeah, I like to do this with any new cast or any new show I have.
He'll come back out next time, and we've done that some more with other casts of shows.
And he wants me to be in a movie and stuff.
But the point is, the point is, is that we're just sitting there with barbecue and guns, all safe, shooting off a porch, and there were women with M4s within an hour and a half shooting bullseye at 200 yards, and we drive up
You know, in the trucks, the targets on the stumps, and these are like, you know, really good looking, you know, movie star women.
They go, ah, ah, I did it!
They were shooting bullseye an hour and a half, and we had just converted them in an hour.
Not to Islam to go, you know, put bags on their heads, but to be real powerful women, ready to stand up.
And that's what it's all about, isn't it, Bracken?
That is.
Firearms in the right hands means empowerment.
They call it an assault weapon, but if it's in the hands of a good person, it's a defense weapon.
When the Department of Homeland Security buys truckloads of M4s, they call them a personal defense weapon.
How come it's not an assault weapon?
Well, and that's why they don't want women to... I mean, that's why Biden said, don't get an AR-15, women.
It'll knock you down.
Because they know it's so comfortable, it's the perfect firearm for a woman.
Yeah, it's hysterical.
But it's really about empowerment, and the progressives don't want people empowered, they want them to be slaves.
They want them to think that a firearm has some inherently evil component inside of it that turns people into raging maniacs.
Maybe it's projection.
That's a psychological term.
People that don't control their own feelings and emotions.
Maybe they think that if I had a gun I might go crazy and shoot my wife.
That's exactly it.
Buzz Bissinger on a show on CNN said, I want to kill Alex Jones.
And then he said later in the show, he goes, I'm mentally ill.
I want to kill myself.
That's why I think we should take guns.
I spend all my money on women's clothes.
I was just like, okay, fine.
He's flipping out saying he wants to kill me.
He can't have a gun because he wants to kill himself.
And he wants woman's clothes.
And I was just like, he's a raving loon.
Yeah, and I've had guys, I've been shooting shotguns since I was four years old.
Never hurt anybody.
So how am I bad?
I was shooting birds when I was five years old.
How am I evil?
Well, ThinkProgress, they wanted you to know that this is the gun that committed the deadliest shooting in U.S.
We're going to talk more about that with David Knight coming up.
We're going to ride shotgun with him.
Leanne McAdoo, stay with us.
Mr. Brackett with us.
Now we're going to go to your calls.
I apologize, we're doing it now.
Let's go to Diane in Oregon.
You're a trooper.
You're on the air.
What do you make of this?
Is the Second Amendment to blame?
Or is it radical Islam?
I would have to say it's our government.
I actually, the only reason I called is because I wanted to give you a warning.
I know when they're going to start martial law.
I know exactly when they're going to start it, and we kind of checkmated ourselves.
Let me explain.
With everything with Hillary Clinton, she is not allowed to run for presidency at all.
She is being investigated, but yet here comes Obama and he's supporting her.
What is that going to do when the primaries come up or the election comes up on the 16th of November?
A lot of people that listen to you are going to riot.
If she gets presidency, we're going to riot.
Libertarians and conservatives don't normally do that, but listen, that's a good question.
Thank you, Diane.
Let's go ahead and go back to Mr. Bracken.
What about the civil emergency card?
They've already done it in Europe.
What if Hillary does get indicted?
They're going to activate the George Soros crowds and Black Lives Matter and the jihadis to riot, not the other way around.
What do you think?
If it looks like Donald Trump is going to win, let's say that there are a few more of these jihadi attacks, maybe at a much higher level, and the polls are going 70% Trump and it looks like he's going to sweep like Reagan.
In that case, I think that they'll try to accelerate
Any kind of a scheduled scenario, um, to create such chaotic conditions that there can't be elections held.
It would be very easy to do.
You could, for example, start a rumor that, you know, these evil white NRA racist crackers are planning to shoot poor black folks waiting in the polling line.
And then your false flag is doing it.
Right, then that will suppress the votes, therefore the election can't be held.
Let's say that there is these 20 Metcalf station attacks.
The power goes out in a big part of the country.
As I often say on the internet, no elections.
If there's no electricity, then there's just an emergency law.
I've been covering the news on radio and TV for more than 21 years.
And as each year begins, you tend to see a theme that's developing with the social engineers, with the global architects.
And undoubtedly, they're making their move to destabilize the Western world right now, from Australia to Europe to the United States and Canada.
And they're bringing in
Millions and millions of radical Islamic Muslims, unvetted, so that they will carry out terror attacks.
And then when they do carry out terror attacks, we lose our liberties and freedoms, and are told to comply with Islam, and they'll stop bombing and shooting us.
This is the crazy world of political correctness.
That said, they allow Muslims to basically, in the United States and Europe, keep women as slaves chained up, beat them, pour acid on their faces, and they don't even really get in trouble.
It's like UN diplomats are always being caught with slaves from Africa and stuff.
And they'll say, well that's their culture in this African country.
But if it's Western culture, it's evil and it's bad.
And going over some of these articles, recently the Pope and the top imam, the head imam in the world over Sunni Muslims, that's what Al Qaeda is.
Met with the Pope at the Vatican, and you've got all this going on for the first time ever.
When the Pope came out in a major Catholic newspaper, LaCroix said that he dreads talking about Christian roots of Europe and colonialist overtones.
And Jesus was like ISIS, sending people out in the fields.
The four corners of the earth and that we must have the Muslims greed with us and that they're our new culture and this is what we deserve because we've been bad.
This is freakazoid to be told white people are bad, you're bad.
I mean this is what multiculturalism leads into with the supposed leader of Christendom saying this.
With Islamic State saying target the US, target Europe, start bombing us.
Incredible threat.
Now ISIS wants to attack the Olympics coming up in Brazil.
Hungary's Prime Minister gets it and says Clinton is George Soros' puppet.
Warns that they want to overrun the EU with millions of Muslims.
Radical ones that are wedded to the left.
22% of resettled refugees in Minnesota have tested positive for tuberculosis and then they go on to report
That they're letting them in when they have tuberculosis.
This is unprecedented attack on our country.
This is a government at war with the people.
This is a government savaging the population, and it goes on and on.
The open borders are the key to globalism, destroy national sovereignty, and radical Islamists that can't even live with each other in peace are not compatible here.
We shouldn't have to submit to their backwards culture of oppression.
We are the true liberals who promote free speech across the board in Europe, the United States and Canada, and we must stand for it and not be bullied into a new dark age of oppression and tyranny.
All right, it's the final segment of the three-hour broadcast, but a lot of stations carry the fourth hour now.
David Knight is going to be co-hosting with myself and Leanne McAdoo.
I'll be here for at least 30 minutes the next hour.
I'm going to be going to your phone calls.
There's a bunch of clips I haven't gone to.
I need to recap the breaking news.
Bottom line, I cannot believe the fingerprints of the Obama administration and Hillary protecting this guy.
His whole family is just a nest of super dangerous people.
I mean, if I was on air saying, kill gays,
I would expect to be arrested because I'm a talk show host and that's a call to action.
And if somebody's calling for killing me, I want something done about it.
Well, you know what?
The left can call for killing Donald Trump and they've got Facebook pages with 300,000 likes and they won't arrest the people that are doing it.
The New York Times can have a writer call for killing Trump.
They can have, Glenn Beck keeps calling for it.
Now he did get kicked off XM because of it.
But I mean, it's just this climate where they can call for hurting us.
And I don't want to hurt them, I just want them to go back to their own places and kill themselves.
You know, just go kill yourselves somewhere else.
I'm sorry my daughters aren't going to wear frickin' bags on their heads.
And if you try to boss me around, I'm gonna... I'm getting pushed too far here, is what I'm telling you.
Leanne, I've never seen you so pissed off-air.
And you really just gave us a good, you know, reason why.
Go ahead and go through that again if you can recreate that.
Well, it's just the fact that we just had a massive terror attack here in America.
And everyone's like, oh, hashtag pray for Orlando.
Oh, okay.
Well, we got to get rid of that terrible gun that committed the deadly.
Enough is enough.
Look at ThinkProgress.
This is the gun that committed the deadliest shooting.
This is the Ford F-150 that committed the running over the crowd.
What horse crap.
It's not.
These people are a freaking
It's a cult of scum!
It's not the killer, it's not religious intolerance, it's not radical Islam.
Why would fake progress be allied with radical frickin' Islam?
It's this inanimate object.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
Good to talk to you.
I'm a retired, 24 years in the United States Army and Marine Corps, retired Special Operations and Military Intelligence.
Just a little background for you.
I'm calling because of an article I came across regarding a study that was published in the American Journal of Political Science a few years back.
Now this is a study that has been touted by the left for years.
This has been their cornerstone of why they're righteous.
The title of this is the
There's a correlation, not causation, the relationship between personality traits and political ideologies.
Now, the thing is with this study, they show that certain individuals with certain political ideologies tend to have certain causational reasons for this.
And they also tend to show certain psychological aspects, such as certain psychoses.
Turns out that these people tend to be liberal.
The study when published, and this is a journal run by the New York Times.
No, I saw it last week.
A big, giant, prestigious journal reversed itself and said that people that call themselves liberal are basically schizophrenic, paranoid, victimology screwballs who are antisocial and don't give money and steal and are basically mentally ill, borderline personality disorder flunkies.
And the modern world, because people were never put through trials and tribulations when they were young, is actually producing what you'd call spoiled, rotten, you know, 35-year-old toddlers.
Is that what you're getting at?
Exactly, sir.
And here's the thing, this fits into Hillary completely, because you see how she acts.
Oh, absolutely!
Before that study came out, Paul put a video out a few weeks ago likening them to two-year-old babies.
And that's exactly how they act, and I'm just fed up with it.
And see, anybody that puts up with a spoiled brat, they bully you if you get on them spoiled brats.
But, they grovel to you.
Just like you said with Muslims.
Bracken did.
It's either on their knees or at your neck.
Or is it at your neck or on your knees?
Bracken, stay right there.
I want to come back to you briefly.
Great point, James.
God bless you.
And then we're going to Marguerite, Robert, Mark, and West.
Leanne McAdoo's here.
Alex Jones is here.
I can't help it.
I'm doing the fourth hour with David Knight.
There's so much.
Let's find out from Bracken how much more time he can do riding shotgun with us.
This is GCN.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Breaking the law!
Breaking the law!
Media won't tell ya!
The first day, they said it wasn't Islamic Zara.
1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now they won't tell you that Daddy... I mean, it's admitted even in CBS News, but they're not connecting the dots.
They just hide it in plain view.
Oh yeah, Daddy said kill the gays in videos and dresses up on YouTube in military outfits.
He's obviously one of these crazy Musa Hadid brought back after the 1980s.
That's what he is.
I mean, the minute Biggs, who fought these people for years, was almost killed by them repeatedly.
Blown up an armored vehicle, shot, you name it.
Saw him on the news, he's like, that's a Pashtun, red alert.
Sure enough, that's what it was.
Now we're sitting here with the uncle and the brother-in-law and they're all involved in Homeland Security shipping in the Muslims.
I mean, talk about obvious, but they don't want to arrest all these people.
They don't want to roll them up right now because it's too obvious.
And I was told by Pentagon sources, as close to this as you can physically get.
I can't believe our sources how good they are, but I'm surprised a lot of folks actually in the military and in the army that really don't like what's happening, and they know we'll talk about it, but they are on the ground there, and there's whole cells in Orlando.
They think Orlando is the main strike site, and you made a great point during the break, Leanne.
Well, there is no such thing as Islamophobia.
It's not an irrational fear at this point.
They're literally killing us now in our own country.
It's not irrational to be afraid.
My eight-year-old daughter,
Has a cat.
Wants a cat.
Changing the cat box in her room.
Litter box.
And she goes, Daddy, what type of spider is this?
So I go upstairs and I go, that is a brown recluse.
So I grab it, put it in a jar, go show her online.
I go, that can kill you.
She goes, oh, I need to be scared of it?
I said, yeah, you need to be scared of that kind of spider.
Now we go out on a boat or something, there's big spiders.
Those are water spiders, not a problem.
Black widows, brown recluses, here they are.
You be scared of these.
It's not a rational fear.
Is it, Mr. Bracken?
Exactly right.
In fact, probably I would say it's safe to say that the most Islamophobic people are Muslims who are just trying to keep a low-profile life because they know that people get beheaded.
They'll wake up in the morning and there will be a note nailed to their door saying you're on a death list and it's not a joke.
So the most people afraid of Islamists
Are people that are cultural Muslims, they happen to have had the luck of being born in that part of the world, they just want to get along?
But that's what the whole purpose of the five prayers a day.
It's social control.
Who's bucking the system?
Who's not praying?
It's a visible means of control.
And I want to mention something.
When they call us an infidel, it's really a bad translation because
And infidel is a Latin root, like fidelity, that root.
But what they call us is much closer to dirty n-word.
That's right.
Somebody sent me this t-shirt.
In fact, in South Africa, the word for black folks is that.
So yes, that is an Arab slave term, which means... And the Arabic word for slave and black man is the same word.
Just incidentally.
Other things they don't tell you.
Isn't that perfect?
That Cassius Clay changed his name from an abolitionist white person to the name of a slave owner?
And the name was picked for him by Elijah Muhammad, the head of the black Muslims.
So it's really crazy.
Slavery has never been outlawed in Islamic countries.
You can have, for a time being, a secular government on top of an Islamic society.
But the underlying Sharia completely permits slavery because Mohammed was slave catcher number one.
He caught... When they brought in the slaves after their raids, that was the reason why Islam spread so fast after he went to... And it said his skin was completely white, repeatedly in the Quran.
I've read the quotes.
So it's a white slave owner.
I'm sorry.
And he got 20% of the sex slaves as his cut.
So you can't say that Mohammed did anything wrong, so any Muslim that says slavery is evil is risking getting his head cut off by the radicals.
I'm just sick of everybody shaking their finger at me as a white devil.
I haven't done jack crap.
I'm getting tired of it.
Right, well, and there's also this whole resurgence of, you know, the original black roots, and they say, well, we were originally Muslim.
No, you weren't.
That's because the slave trade happened there first for way more than 400 years.
Yeah, North Africa.
North Africa.
They've tricked them all.
Well, all I know is it's crazy.
It's a war for your mind.
That's what it is.
It is.
We're going right to the calls, and then David Knight, right to the calls.
Mark, Robert, Margaret, Wes, I'm going right to you.
Brain Force is here.
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Exclusive, Bill Clinton's lover, before and after his marriage, tells how lumpy Hillary, with her fat ankles and hair on her toes, schemed to get her to lie on 60 Minutes about Bill's other affairs.
There appears to be no limit to what Hillary will do to destroy her perceived enemies, Dolly Kyle writes in her new bombshell book.
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Billy was a sex addict.
Bill was undone by Wilt Chamberlain's claim to have slept with 20,000 women.
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We're good to go.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
My friends, it is a war, and I'm not gonna roll over and die.
The truth is, when we engage, we get stronger, the enemy gets weaker.
We have to just stop listening to all the political correctness and stop being guilted into shutting up and submitting.
In fact, Leanne McAdoo has got a tweet she put out at Real Alex Jones that everybody should retweet to Kim Kardashian.
And it's this type of stuff where we can hijack the meme and reach folks that aren't tuned in to news and information, but get their news from entertainment sources.
She's of Armenian descent.
A million Armenians got killed by the Muslim Turks for no reason.
And oh, by the way, just last week there was the big controversy where the UN had said there had been some human rights abuses by the Saudis.
Well, they run the UN Commission.
They bought it.
They paid hundreds of millions for the chairmanship.
And the head of the UN had to go out and apologize at a press conference but admit he was pressured.
Then the Saudi ambassador comes out and says, we did no such thing.
I mean, Saudi Arabia, folks,
Is literally the most, it's probably worse than North Korea from people I've talked to that have been in both places, okay?
I mean, it is a frickin' cult.
But so many other people have been bought off by it, they go along with it.
But to see this happen, and then people are like, oh, what's the Armenian genocide, who cares?
It just shows how crazy it is that Muslims everywhere they go, they always say they're friendly at first until they become 5-10%.
Then they start attacking until they drive you out of the area.
Like they're, you know, fire ants or, you know, Africanized bees.
This is their program.
I mean, show some of these headlines.
Think progress.
This is the gun that committed the deadliest shooting in U.S.
Then we're going to calls.
Yeah, this is the gun that committed it, not the killer.
Liberals, quick to blame guns, not the killer in Orlando terrorist attack.
Clinton comes out immediately and blames the weapon of war.
Well, the weapon of war that was used in this attack in San Bernardino and others, 9-11, was the Quran, not this.
She ordered the stand down when she was at the State Department over this guy.
This guy runs a whole nest.
It looks like his whole family are operatives.
Yeah, the Quran is the real weapon of war that no one will talk about.
Let me ask Bracken, and then I'm going to ask David on this question.
We're going to write to your calls, Mark and Robert, Marguerite and Wes and others.
Clearly, if the dad's running around in military outfits calling for the killing of gays on videos, but saying, oh, sorry about my son, but don't sensationalize it.
His brother-in-law runs bringing refugees in and, you know, works in an anti-Trump campaign and loves Obama.
This guy's a Hillary supporter.
This guy was a registered Democrat, the shooter.
And then meanwhile, they're all over the news blaming the American people.
How can something this illogical go on, A?
And then B, doesn't this look suspicious, his whole family and this mosque?
How the hell does his mosque call for the killing of gays on TV?
Go back to the Carlos de Jekyll.
It's a coalition of the progressive left socialists and the Islamists.
They want to beat us down.
Islam means submission.
They tell us even Bush got hoodwinked, or I don't know what he knows, but he said Islam means peace.
It means submission.
It means shut up and get with the program or you're going to lose your head, literally.
Yeah, they lie so much.
Lying is holy in Islam if you're lying to us dirty, filthy coffers.
So you can't look at an imam.
I look, I call them imam taqiyya, or taqiyya imams.
That's holy lying.
Anything that promotes Islam is halal.
And they call us black, white, it doesn't matter, dirty n-words.
Coffer is the original n-word.
I cannot believe this, man.
This is crazy.
That's what they call us.
The thing that happened in San Jose is extremely important for people to understand.
This is right out of the 1930s Germany.
This is brown shirt stuff.
This is the police being held back, like German police, you know, just the actual official German police, being held back while the SA went and beat up Jews and smashed stores.
This is the beginning of SA tactics.
I expect to see this at the conventions and other Trump rallies.
And look at what happened to the SA brown shirts after they were done, Knight of the Long Knives.
Right, including Rome and the other homosexual sites.
Who was so cultic to Hitler, even after they started shooting him in the jail cell, he was heiling Hitler.
This isn't surprising, this kind of cognitive dissonance.
Liberals are on a war against free will.
They don't believe that we're intelligent enough to have a gun.
Only police officers in the military are smart and well-trained enough to own guns.
Not us ordinary people.
But almost all police and military are all for citizens having guns, because there's actually no guns.
But what happened at the nightclub where there was an armed police officer?
Liberals should have been thinking this is perfect.
We have a government employee with an ID card and a uniform and a gun guarding the nightclub.
Where is he?
If there's 50 dead sheep, there should be either a dead wolf or a dead sheepdog.
Let me tell you something.
I mean, look, if I knew that was going on in the parking lot, I'd have come in there with my M4.
I mean, it'd be so easy to take that guy out.
I just cannot believe this keeps happening.
Notice in Texas, the guys pulled their guns and were dead in seconds.
Yeah, I mean, that's just what it comes down to.
Let's go to phone calls.
Mark in Tennessee.
Mark, thanks for holding.
You're on the air with our guests.
Go ahead.
I'm a reader of Matt Bracken's books, and I remember reading his last one of his trilogies, and it specifically dealt with Blue Raza.
And I had never even heard of it until I picked up his book, and they're like Bourne supremacy kind of books.
They're a lot of fun to read.
It was so prescient.
And was literally almost quoting headlines that were just appearing at the time I was reading the book.
I got shakes, I was reading it.
Because it was so, it was like reading... Well, that's because Bracken's aware of the real plan and he puts it in novel form.
Yeah, yeah, I was blown away by it.
So that's the first thing I want to say.
And I don't know anything about Matt Bracken, so I'm not like, you know, paid reviewer.
No, he's a great guy.
He's right here.
That's fine.
No, they're great books.
Go ahead.
Oh, they are.
The other thing is that, you know, the real answer with all this is just technology.
Let's say they ban guns.
Great, buy a 3D printer, knock out your own receiver.
And then in terms of, and the 3D printer by the way is, you know, these days you can buy a pretty decent one for 300 bucks.
The hardest thing for any of us are the primers.
I think Bracken might have an opinion on that, but I mean basically we are sidestepping this leviathan of the government by outwitting them with technology.
And, you know, they eventually can't ban 3D printers and all these other things, even though they're trying to ban drones.
I have infiltrated the anti-gun groups, caught the bribery, and stopped gun bills in Texas 18 years ago.
I'm not bragging.
I was nobody special, but I had the will to stand up against folks trying to take my guns.
I exposed people stealing farmers' and ranchers' property.
People went to jail over that.
I exposed the cable commission takeover of AXS TV, sent the director to prison.
And I'm telling you, anytime I've taken action, I'm not bragging, people, I mean, I bring them down.
And I'm just telling you, so many folks just don't have the will to stand up and take action.
I'm not that smart, folks.
We have to be brave.
Go ahead.
We have to be brave.
We have no choice.
They want us to submit.
That's the meaning of Islam.
It's also very allied with socialism.
Their motto is, the ends justify the means.
You have to, you know, break a few eggs to create an omelet, as Mal said, meaning murder millions of people.
We have to be brave.
We owe it to the next generation.
The torch of freedom has been going for 200 years.
Damn if it's going to drop on my watch without, you know, me dying in a, you know, brass up to my knees.
Because whether or not we can make primers, we'll take the damn things from the stooges on the other side.
But in the meantime, before the hot phase of Civil War II breaks out, I consider ourselves now in Civil War cold phase,
Before it breaks out.
This alternative media platforms are critical.
The Internet could be taken away.
But in the meantime, great websites like Western Rifle Shooters Association, which does not refer to sporting, you know, to shooting targets.
It means like Western civilization, people with rifles.
That's where I go.
That's like an exchange for ideas on conducting the resistance.
Sure, and let me give folks some good news.
The delusional leftist and control freaks, they always think they're invincible.
They're mentally ill.
They're megalomaniacs.
We're holding back trying to fix things peacefully.
They're arrogant, but most of what they do ends up failing.
It's just that we're not resisting enough.
So even though their failures just continue on because they're able to try, try again, they're biting on more than they can chew in this phase.
I'm here to tell you they're going to lose people.
The question is, how bad is it going to be in the process?
We're only affecting the battle space right now.
Go ahead.
And at some point, at some point, I expect the lights to go off.
At some point, I expect
We'll see there's some big emergency, a big bright flash scene in the Middle East, and an hour later, the network news is off.
Then we'll be on our own.
That's when a purge might begin.
Well, I've got news for the boys and girls down in the fusion centers.
You've got powerful computers and all the data mining and the predictive programs, but you've also trained millions of special ops troops.
You've got millions of people, millions, with rifles that can hit at a thousand yards.
And that's why I'm so glad to see the images of these traitors running away at Builder Road.
Let me give you the good news.
I'm sure you know this already.
Most people in the fusion centers are awake and are on our side.
Not even five years ago.
I don't think there's hardly any police except in the leftist controlled areas.
The police are super awake.
They're going to go back and take care of their families if this goes down.
Well, this is very important to remember, and this is why I picked the name Enemies Foreign and Domestic, you know, 12 years ago when I wrote my first novel.
It has to do with the oath that we take.
We don't take an oath to homeland security, or to the patria, or fatherland, or the fuhrer.
We take an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
So, word to the generals.
End domestic.
We're paying attention.
It's like Santa Claus.
We're making a list, and we're checking it twice.
When the lights go out, if you think there's going to be some kind of a purge, and when we wake up, we're in a socialist paradise, you might not wake up.
So it's just something for them to think about.
Well, look, I mean, there's some top generals that are sold out, but you know it was General Dempsey and others went to Obama and said, we're not going to back Al-Qaeda in Syria.
The word is there's pretty much like a Mexican standoff in the government right now.
I hope so.
The information I've been given by people in the Pentagon and Congress has always been dead on.
The information I get from people like Roger Stone, dead on.
And I realize, with the folks that really care about this country, they know what's going on, and they're not just pushing propaganda out through this outlet, they're risking their lives giving us the info they're giving.
And I'll tell you what's happened.
There's now reached a critical mass in the military.
At the special ops and then officer levels above that, that people are so pissed about what's going on, they don't even care anymore.
So I think the establishment's pushed back past that point, where people kept hoping we could just play patty cake and things would get better.
And once the real war starts, which it is an info war now and it's going to continue to be one, I hope,
The liberals have been raising a generation of sissies in Germany, in America, and they want a generation of sissies, timid sissies.
But we're not all sissies.
There are still men that raise their sons right, and daughters.
I mean, my son and daughter, they shoot.
And I'm telling you, we're not all sissies out here.
They would like to beat us down into a bunch of passive metros, but it's not going to happen.
There are patriots out here that are as brave as, you know, Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett.
And when it comes to it,
Even if the power goes out, the old saying, think globally, act locally, well that could go for Civil War II also.
So like Santa Claus, we're making a list and checking it twice.
Now all I know is, I look at Hillary and Obama and these weak people,
Hi, good afternoon Alex.
How are you doing?
I'm doing alright, brother.
I'm real sad for the people that are dead.
It was on Universal Boulevard, which is more near the tourist areas over there.
And I was going around campaigning because all the nightclubs have Orlando police details there.
They have extra duty police officers there.
And I wrote the issue of why are they not putting metal detector wands and checking the people going in?
Uh, before they even can enter into the club, the last shooting that we had, there was three extra OPD officers over there.
Now you're going to, you can check on the official city website, what's going on over here.
They will not report what actually occurred and say it in the, in the actual, what actually happened because he was in the club shooting.
And then he was chased out of the club, so he left out of there, and then he went back in.
You see?
And there was- I mean, all I know is if somebody tried that here, there's a gun under every table.
I just- it's so alien to me.
People just like jellyfish, who just have no guns, no- I mean, the parking lot should have been full of guns.
I mean, I just- it's just hard to believe people that roll over.
It really is.
Well, let me ask you this.
Why do you think the SWAT teams stood down for three hours?
Well, I think that they should have just busted the doors down.
The police acted suboptimally.
And it really hurts me that I have to criticize the police.
But the mayor had put in an email about what the police chief was praising about how the incident unfolded and everything else.
But at the end of the day, I spoke to one of the opposition candidates.
He's a former OPD officer.
The police, they get so many emails throughout the week that they don't even look at them.
And it kind of just goes to their junk folder about what kind of updates and things they're supposed to be getting.
No, it's all impossible.
Everything's degenerating.
All I know is the default is Columbine is to go in there as quickly as possible and this is the default stand down.
They wanted to put the cameras here in Orlando.
They wanted the police officers to have the cameras on them.
And they said they didn't get the memo that it was a conflict of interest because what ended up happening was some of the people that worked as police officers also worked as the vendor for the camera.
No, I hear you.
Listen, I'm going to jump, but I appreciate your call.
You know, here's all I know.
They're trying to blame the Second Amendment and pass hate laws so none of us can say hurtful things, so we don't stir the Muslims up, and that is antithetical to common sense.
They brought an invading force.
They have a plan.
They think they're going to be able to manage this plan and get us to run up the white flag.
It's not going to happen.
Margaret in Oklahoma, last caller, go ahead.
To contrast the difference between the FBI and letting these jihadis do their thing, and in throwing innocent Americans into prison forever, that in the case of Schaefer Cox and Lonnie Vernon and Karen... Sure, I'm having trouble following everything you're saying.
Okay, I'll slow down.
Back off your phone a little bit.
The thing was, the FBI had a mission to put...
Go after conservatives before the Obamacare vote.
Yes, yes.
We got the secret documents first and then it was all mainstream news that for the last six, seven years there is no Islamic terror.
They're supposed to do no Islamic terror investigation because it doesn't exist and that it's only lone wolf conservatives, libertarians, returning veterans, gun owners, which is a stand down.
Have them go spy on people that have the lowest crime rate while you bring in all these folks that can't get along with each other and kill their own people.
So that's a great point.
Is that what you're getting at?
They made up a story that Schaefer Cox wanted to throw people, lock people in their houses and burn them up, and that he wanted to kill two of the government for everyone, but these were entirely the FBI operative.
Schaefer Cox says, no, that's not who we are.
Sure, sure, I appreciate your call.
You've got a little bit of a phone problem, so I'm not making everything you say, but yes, the leftist in the government created Elohim City, they bombed Oklahoma City, it's total proof, got all the witnesses on that saw the feds in there with the bombs.
Yeah, that's a big problem.
False flags, uh, Mr. Bracken.
What about the left staging events and blaming it on us?
I mean, they're already blaming us for this Islamic attack, so that, I mean, in a way that's a false flag.
They let them in, they let them attack, then they blame us.
I don't, I, it's, it's interesting, the false flag concept.
You're not going to ever find a direct chain of, um, of, uh, of orders
Uh, you know, with Hillary Clinton or Obama's initials on something.
There's a terrific book and movie out in the 70s and 80s called The Parallax View, where you set up a patsy.
That's the premise of my first novel, Enemies, Foreign and Domestic, which starts with a shooting into a stadium, precipitating a mass panic stampede, thousands of people going off the top deck and being crushed, blamed on
Assault weapons which are then banned for the purpose of instigating a civil war in the in the case of more The thing that I could see now like the LOM city situation You find the wingnuts that are ready to go off and you have cutouts and intermediaries Supporting them sort of parallax view style.
I have a short story called called
A professor, Raoul X, about a guy on his summer breaks who goes around finding lunatics that he's learned from his college classes, asking people, you know, who's the wackiest person you ever met?
And he goes and finds these people and steers them towards being assassins.
You know, putting the, giving them the weapon, the money.
You know, very fringe characters.
Sirhan, Sirhan, just read the cover, though.
There's another shooter, but you don't have the quack there.
Fast and Furious was a false flag.
We caught him in that.
So the good news is, they know we're on to him.
The shooter for Martin Luther King absolutely had help.
There's no question.
What's his name?
No question, the man was supported all the way through.
Now, was that a CIA operation?
Probably not.
Probably a white supremacist subgroup within the FBI.
Three or four cutouts.
Three or four steps of cutouts.
The thing that I would like everybody to keep an eye on the ball, the really big macro picture is the Constitution and the oath that everybody in the military and the police takes.
It's either going to be Sharia law is supreme, meaning if you insult the Muslims, we're going to put you in jail for instigation or creating a public nuisance or what have you.
Either that's going to be supreme, which is what Hillary wants,
She wants that UN Resolution 1618 outlawing free speech if it angers Muslims.
Or it's the Constitution in the first place.
That's right.
She's in the hip pocket of the radical Islamists.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
David Knight's going to be joining us straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Emails in Clinton probe dealt with planned drone strikes.
Some vaguely worded messages from US diplomats in Pakistan and Washington use a less secure communication system.
At the center of a criminal probe involving Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information
We're good to go.
As part of a secret arrangement that gave the State Department more of a voice in whether a Central Intelligence Agency drone strike went ahead, according to congressional and law enforcement officials briefed on the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe.
Some of the emails were then forwarded by Ms.
Clinton's aide to her personal email account, which routed them to a server she kept at her home in suburban New York.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'm going to hand the baton here to Leanne McAdoo, Mr. Brackett, and Mr. Knight, and just go get ready for research for the Nightly News tonight.
It'll be expanded right through the week here.
But just briefly, we're Lizard-supported.
I'm not throwing folks under the bus.
We've been lightly staffed here during the summer because of so much happening with the election and the rest of it.
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Okay, going now to David Knight in the Situation Room to take over the Hanshowing of this.
I want to thank Mr. Bracken for being with us.
He'll be with us until the end of the hour.
And I want to thank Leanne McAdoo for all she's done.
And just wanted to let you know we've got reporters all over the world right now tracking what's happening.
I'm going to go into one of the research areas and try to really coalesce what's happening and try to make some major moves.
We've got some of the best sources you can get, so I'm going to try to really relay in the next 24 hours to folks exactly what I think is going on.
So I want to thank you all for tuning in today.
But go ahead, Dave and I, take over.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
You know, when I was listening to what you were saying about Fast and Furious, we know, of course, that Fast and Furious was exposed.
Even the New York Times said it was a false flag shipping guns across the border in an effort to subvert the Second Amendment.
And, of course, tied into that is the U.N.
Arms Trade Treaty.
But now what we have
With Obama, is we now have gunmen who are being shipped across the border as a false flag operation to attack the Second Amendment.
That's essentially what we're seeing here with the open borders, with the increased immigration that we have, and with the attacks on the Second Amendment.
And I want to point out to people what's going on in the UN.
I think it's very difficult to try to get people to stand up for individual liberty.
On the right, they stand strongly for the Second Amendment, but they don't understand what's happened with the war on drugs.
On the left, they're starting to see the futility of the war on drugs, and yet they will not stand for the Second Amendment.
We understand prohibition isn't going to work, but also understand, and people on the right need to understand this as well,
The U.N.
created the War on Drugs.
They laid out the four schedules, they put all the drugs in those four schedules in 1961, ten years before Richard Nixon declared it.
So what's happening right now in the U.N.
with this U.N.
Arms Trade Treaty, with all the regulations that they're doing, and of course it was just this last week, they're meeting now, they began meeting last week.
This is the sixth biennial meeting, so they meet every two years.
And it's interesting, it seems like every time they meet, nearly, we have a massive shooting event.
I was there in New York back in 2012.
As they were moving to push it at that point in time, and it looked like they had, there was a lot of talk about it at that point in time.
Things were coming to a head, but of course, Fast and Furious had just been exposed prior to that.
And so then they started losing momentum.
And then interestingly enough, we had the Aurora, Colorado shooting that happened at that point in time.
They thought they were going to get some momentum out of that, but instead, you had firearms soar through the roof.
Firearm sales.
And of course, even before this happened,
It was reported that for the last 13 months, 13 months in a row, we've had an all-time high in gun sales.
How do we know that?
It's from the FBI doing background checks.
Background checks.
That's the one thing that we haven't seen out of all this.
As they're talking about gun control regulation, and I want to get this comment from Matt Bracken, our guest.
They want to push background checks and yet this shooter worked eight years for the largest security firm in the world.
And during that time, he was investigated three times by the FBI for background checks.
In spite of all that, he continues to hold not only his position as a security guard with a company that guards all kinds of things like federal buildings, nuclear reactors, that sort of thing, but he also has, in the state of Florida, a security officer license in Florida
I don't think so.
He blew himself up in Syria.
And of course, FBI Director James Comey has talked about that, said, well, you know, we did these investigations because we're looking at people who are at the mosque.
And we also had concerns from witnesses who said that he was very interested in videos by Anwar al-Awlaki, who Obama killed with a drone strike in 2011.
But here's the interesting quote from Politico.
Comey said, the witness said that Martin's marriage, his child, and his job as a security guard assuaged all those fears.
So, in spite of the fact that he's got all these radical connections, he gets a pass.
What's your comment on that, Matt?
Well, the more Muslims that they bring in, refugees, quote unquote,
The more we're going to see this, and even down the generations, because if you, the ones that we bring in, they might really be trying to just get away from Islam, but if their kids go to the mosque and get radicalized, they'll wind up being the next Mateen.
Liberals want to attack tools.
You can't un-invent gunpowder and steel.
If we can't buy them, we'll make them.
I went during a break, I just wanted to see, could I get there and back in like a minute, and I could.
I went and I grabbed my own
This is my little Second Amendment militia tool.
It's never assaulted anybody.
It just shoots steel.
It's shot a lot of steel.
In fact, in a weekend it can shoot cases of it.
And it's just my militia Second Amendment weapon.
If General Petraeus, if Hillary Clinton, if any of them think that
Myself, former naval officer, former Navy SEAL, I'm not good enough to own it.
I shouldn't own it, because in their mindset, humans are just very fallible, prone to going crazy, because we're just emotional wrecks, so we have to take the tools away.
It's not going to work.
There are millions of these out.
Well, I think they're telling everybody that you're okay as long as you're wearing a uniform.
As long as the government has done a background check on you.
And of course, they did multiple background checks on him.
Everybody gave him a pass.
The state government gave him a pass.
The world's largest private security gave him a pass.
The FBI gave him a pass.
What kind of background check are we going to do?
And we're not doing any background check on these people that we're bringing in from these countries that are at war with each other and with us.
Well, they're trying to force the sheeple among us to declare war on a tool instead of declaring war on the human heart.
This is where it's going to happen.
You're either a good person or a bad person.
Myself, I consider myself a sheepdog.
Armed or unarmed, you know, pistol, knife, whatever, I'm not going to just sit there and watch evil happen.
And I'm certainly not going to be disarmed at the door by a search warrant party or any other kind of a party.
In that case, if it happened to me, I know that there are hundreds of people that that would be taken as a signal.
It's just not going to happen.
If they try something like that, I expect it to be under the cover or the smoke screen of some big national emergency where the power goes out.
That sounds like a good plan, but it won't work.
That's trying to ride the tiger.
Read what I saw at the coup.
All the guys in federal law enforcement, they know what I'm talking about.
You can guard the SES class, that's the Senior Executive Service.
Those are the civilian generals that really run the government, not the congressmen.
The SES class think they're protected.
But the way that it works, they're guarded by outlying perimeters.
If you can't get the tyrant in charge, you just start plinking at their outer perimeter.
And pretty soon the guards decide they're not going to stick around to guard a tyrant.
And then the tyrants got to go on the run like so and so over there in Bilderberg.
It's just not going to work.
But my fear is the power goes out and then it's going to be game on.
And if and when that happens, we're going to rely on our adherence to the Constitution, our American values.
And we're going to fall back on the wonderful special operations training that we've been given.
And not only have we been given wonderful special operations training, I have been to civilian shooting clubs where we've gone way beyond what I was doing, you know, a generation ago in SEAL Team.
Literally, in terms of firearms.
I tell people, look,
They say, Wow, Matt, you were a SEAL.
You guys are shooting better than we did.
You've got better tools.
You've got better training.
So the people that think that they could possibly take our weapons away, they must be smoking LSD because it's not going to happen.
Well, I think what they're trying to do in terms of the information war, and I want to get Leanne's comments on this, because I find it very interesting that the Obama administration is pushing the LGBT agenda so heavily, and yet here we have these same Democrats who are pushing the LGBT agenda.
They're working very hard to bring in a group of people
That hate the LGBT crowd worse than anyone who was natively in this country.
That's the amazing thing to me.
And to me, that says right there, besides the fact that they're shipping gunmen in across the borders instead of guns, they are trying to create this issue.
Before I get a comment from you, Leanne, let's take a look at this NRA video, because this is something we were going to play last Tuesday.
We're covering the primaries, because out in California, of course, there are massive gun control laws that are being queued up to run through.
And Time Magazine reported, and this was over a week ago, just about a week and a day or so, new anti-gun control ads from the NRA seek to rally women and LGBT voters.
And what they did was they produced a video that was take away our rights, take away our life.
And here, one week later, it is absolutely amazing how prescient that was.
But of course, we've been saying this all along.
They were just putting this video out.
They're going to run it in areas of California that had a large concentration of LGBT Californians.
First, they showed it with a woman being attacked in a parking lot garage, and she defends herself with a gun.
And then they shot the same video, and instead of it being a woman, they had an LGBT person.
Let's show this ad right now.
Okay, so you see this person walking out.
Now this one is the LGBT person coming out.
Walking into a deserted parking lot garage, looking around.
It's shot in black and white, very dark.
Guy rushes up as they're starting to put the key in the car, starts attacking.
And this person reaches into their purse, pulls out a pistol, and pulls the trigger.
And then the tagline says, take away our rights, take away our life.
Your comments, Leanne.
I mean, that is just so powerful and that's what I think.
I think the gay community is waking up to the fact that they have been being used by this progressive agenda.
And you are really starting to see with this whole, with this massacre, where their allegiance actually lies.
It's not to support your group, it's to push their agenda.
And they're willing, even the activists in the LGBT community, are willing to throw their own group under the bus.
At the altar of political correctness.
I think it's amazing that they would be bringing in people who think that murdering, they say that they support LGBT people, right?
So then they're bringing in totally unvetted, I mean no background checks for these people, totally unvetted people whose religion says that they're doing a service to Allah to kill these people.
And of course, now Obama says, no, no, no, he was a homegrown terrorist.
Yeah, he was homegrown at the radical mosque that he attended.
He has several trips to Saudi Arabia.
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
Where would he get the idea that he ought to kill homosexuals, okay?
By going to Saudi Arabia, where he sees them cutting off their heads, throwing them off of buildings?
Of course he's going to get that idea from them.
But I think it's also interesting to see that we've got Senator Ed Markey, and of course he's the other senator from Massachusetts besides Elizabeth Warren.
He came out and he said this guy was radicalized by the Internet.
So there you go.
It's the Internet that radicalized him, not Islam.
They can't blame Islam.
It was the Internet.
So we've got to give up our First Amendment as well as our Second Amendment.
And presumably, I guess, Leanne, the Internet
Radicalized his gun.
You know, the AR-15 somehow got radicalized.
It transformed itself from a semi-automatic into a full automatic.
It then magically transported itself to the scene of the crime and started shooting people on its own.
I guess that is the narrative that the left is going to try to sell us at this point.
It's a classic, this is a classic disruption operation.
They're bringing in a wedge, driving it into our society, in order to fracture the society, and the solution is going to be the loss of our freedom.
We're going to attack the tools, and they're going to attack our means of communication.
Or our Constitution is on top.
But I know that all the generals and on down, they took an oath to the Constitution.
Hang on Matt, we gotta take a commercial break.
We're gonna be right back with Matt Bracken, Leanne McAdoo, and I'm David Knight.
We'll be right back.
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Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
San Francisco hopes Trump fear will lead to voting rights for illegal immigrants in city.
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is hoping that residents of the city who fear Donald Trump's rhetoric and policy proposals will flock to the polls this November.
This is an article by the Washington Free Beacon.
Eric Mar, a supervisor in the city, put forth a proposed charter amendment on Tuesday that
We're good to go.
Look, this is completely and totally ridiculous.
If you come here illegally, and you're not paying into the system, and you're not doing all the same stuff that we're doing, you're not fighting for our country, you don't have the same American values, and you're waving Mexican flags all the time, negative!
You can't vote!
This is Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
Viva la America!
I don't know.
If I was just gonna, like, attach an idea to it, it's gonna be dangerous freedom.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight with Leanne McAdoo and Matt Bracken.
His website is enemiesforeignanddomestic.com.
As we're going to break, we're talking about, as Matt characterized it, the
The perfect operation where you come after our tools of self-defense and you shut down our communications by attacking the First Amendment.
We've had Senator Markey from Massachusetts come out and say the problem with this guy was he was radicalized by the Internet.
Now they're not talking about who he talked to on the Internet.
The man who was given early release
From prison, who had been kept in solitary confinement because he was so effective at turning people into Islamic terrorists in prison.
They put him in solitary confinement.
He was one of the people involved with the original 9-11 attack.
They gave him early release last year.
Now he has a class that he teaches, a seminar, to radicalize people.
So that's the problem, not the internet.
But of course they come after the internet, they come after the gun, not the gunman.
And I think what's interesting, earlier in the show, Leanne, Alex was talking about how you were tweeting out to Kim Kardashian about the Armenian genocide.
And it was just recently that we had Amal Clooney, the wife of George Clooney, who was a lawyer.
She came after a guy who's from Turkey, tried to put him in jail because he was a genocide denier.
Now, I believe there was an Armenian genocide, and of course, the Armenian genocide was where that term was coined.
It was a classic case of a genocide.
But this guy, rather than argue with him, rather than have a clash in the free market of ideas,
Amal Clooney wanted to just shut him up and throw him into jail.
And of course, the liberal press held her out as the savior of everyone, even though she'd lost the trial.
They thought it was horrible that she couldn't lock him up for his speech.
You know, we have to allow all kinds of speech out there, and the truth can win out.
Well we cannot allow these people, like Amal Clooney, like Obama, like Senator Markey, to shut down our First Amendment.
Your comment?
Well, you can see where this is headed.
They're going to want to be able to do that same thing with anyone who speaks out against Islam, who will dare utter the words, radical Islam.
Because when you have a president or Hillary Clinton who refuses to acknowledge it, it allows people to continue to live in this delusion that it doesn't exist.
Isn't it interesting that he would go, as the attack was happening, 30 minutes into the attack,
He called 9-11 and said, pledged his allegiance to ISIS and so forth and so on, right?
But for another 12 hours, they would not use the words terrorism or radical Islam or anything like that.
We're still not sure what the ties are.
That's right.
He hasn't made himself clear.
Go ahead, Matt.
It's interesting, in the first press conference that they had, just after dawn,
The Fox reporter, Steven Doocy, he happened to be in town because of the unfortunate tragic shooting of the day before of the singer.
So he happened to be there.
They weren't going to address it at all.
He brought up the question about, is there anything about Islamic radicalism?
And only then did the bald FBI spokesman
FBI guys, please.
It stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation, but in a lot of your t-shirts and logos it also says fidelity, bravery, and integrity.
If you have integrity,
Then you can't be a stooge like some kind of a proto-Stasi agent, where you're just a Soviet apparatchik with a badge.
That's right.
If you have integrity, then you're not going to get orders from above to walk back the Islam portion.
Absolutely right, Nick.
So Mr. FBI of Orlando, we're watching you very carefully, all you guys.
We're out of time, Matt.
And that's Matt Bracken, EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com.
Join us tonight for the Infowars Nightly News, 7 Central, 8 PM Eastern.
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