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Name: 20160531_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 31, 2016
3105 lines.

The video discusses an article from The Guardian that expresses concern about America's white majority dying out and a political revolution led by people of color ending the white supremacist system. The video argues this is hypocritical coming from a UK publication, given Europe's ongoing invasion by Sharia law zealots. It questions the motives and agenda of Guardian columnists, highlighting their smug elitism and weak threats against America. The video also mentions tech giants pledging to combat online hate speech within 24 hours as part of a joint commitment with the EU to tackle social media use by terrorists. The speaker discusses censorship and control being implemented worldwide, with multinational corporations, tech giants, and governments suppressing dissent using the pretense of combating "online hate speech" and terrorism. They also talk about racial identity politics injected into a gorilla news story involving a black boy, Facebook listening in on users' conversations for targeted ads, Dutch authorities giving refugees up to €10,000 for necessities, the Dalai Lama warning against too many migrants in Europe, Pope Francis comparing ISIS to Jesus' disciples, and George Clooney inviting mass invasion of Muslim migrants while not accepting any himself.

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Ladies and gentlemen, we're live.
It's May 31st, 2016.
Here's John Bowne reporting.
Welcome to the BS Club, hosted by the United Kingdom's New World Order-backed propaganda machine, The Guardian.
Apparently, The Guardian didn't have any problem rolling out the following baseless drivel to its readers slash YouTube viewers.
Of course, commenting on the U.S.
presidential election whilst ignoring the massive problems in your own country is a sketchy undertaking to begin with.
But when your publication is run by an elitist New World Order lackey like Dame Liz Forgan, the Dame being her high masonic title, allowing Forgan to rub elbows with royalty, media oligarchs, and the Lord Rothschild, you do as expected.
Here is what The Telegraph had to say about Dame Liz in 2013 before she became the chair of Scott Trust Limited, the British company that owns the Guardian Media Group.
The Telegraph writes,
Why not spend 8,000 pounds on a leaving due?
A party held when leaving a job.
That's what Dame Liz and her cast are entitled to.
That's what the little people are there to pay for.
There could be no clearer demonstration of the contempt that Dame Liz, who exudes the haughty sense of self-worth and entitlement that typifies the arts establishment, has for the rest of us.
That she chose a drinks party funded by the taxpayer to attack the government for cutting the arts budget, contempt, and a jaw-dropping lack of self-awareness.
So, without further ado, here is the Guardian's Stephen Thrasher looking forward to the day when America's dying white majority is overthrown and a political revolution led by people of color ends the white supremacist system currently represented by Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
When we had a clear symbol that the country is literally becoming more black, why shouldn't we have expected its successor to be the meanest, whitest, most vile bigot possible?
And when protesters demanded that Black Lives Matter, why shouldn't we have anticipated the rise of a candidate who encourages violence against peaceful demonstrators?
A President Trump would fit right into American history.
Thrasher, you work for the so-called dying white majority, completely ignoring that Europe and now the United States are quietly being invaded by Sharia law zealots hell-bent on throwing people of Thrasher's persuasion off of rooftops.
Not to be outdone in the threat-laced propaganda lecturing is Guardian columnist Jonathan Friedland.
The world is watching.
Then the world was inspired.
Now we're scared.
You won't rule out dropping a nuclear bomb on Europe.
Islamophobia would be a matter of state policy.
If you're Mexican, you'll know that the American president thinks you're basically a criminal or a rapist.
There'll be a surge of what people will call anti-Americanism.
People will mock the nation as dumb, vulgar, and aggressive.
It'll be like it was in the George W. Bush years, only much, much worse.
Friedland, your smug elitist arrogance and weak threats are just as bad as your flaccid declaration of anti-Americanism.
Your sycophantic jabbering makes me wonder when you're due back in the City of London for your umpteenth microchipping.
And here's yet another Guardian columnist, Gary Young, to lecture us on our democracy in crisis.
Claiming Americans are blaming the refugees solely for the soft invasion of Europe and the United States.
An invasion engineered by the very globalists signing Young's paychecks.
His ascent is part of a rise in right-wing populism throughout the Western world.
Most Western nations have their own Trump.
A racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic demagogue, appealing to a mix of nationalist nostalgia, patriotic myth, class grievance, and economic insecurity.
Now, liberal commentators describe him as a threat to democracy.
Finance community, yes.
Anytime Guardian columnists Stephen Thrasher, Jonathan Friedland, Gary Young, and Dame Forgan, for that matter, want to have a debate over their claims, myself and a few other Infowarriors would be happy to educate you on the glaring reality staring you squarely in the face.
John Bowne for Infowars.com.
That's right, the ultra-elite are doing this.
These men are front men of them.
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ISIS reportedly uses hundreds of families as human shields to protect Fallujah, reports Fox News.
Several hundred innocent families were trapped in the center of a bloody battle for the Islamic State's Iraqi hub of Fallujah.
Used as human shields for the terror group, the United Nations Refugee Center warned on Tuesday as a leading aid group called it a human catastrophe.
Over the weekend, the fighting left at least seven members of one family dead or wounded.
An estimated 50,000 people remained trapped.
A witness claimed ISIS fighters distributed some sweets for the kids for the first time, trying to get people on their side as they know their end is so close.
The witness also told USA Today they are locking some families down inside the hospital building.
They are making people freak out.
Over the arrival of Iraqi forces by telling them the army and militia are coming to kill you all.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
Internet giants Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft pledged to tackle online hate speech in less than 24 hours as part of a joint commitment with the European Union to combat the use of social media by terrorists, reports Bloomberg News.
Beyond national laws that criminalize hate speech, they say there is a need to ensure that such activity by Internet users is, quote, expeditiously reviewed by online intermediaries and social media platforms,
Upon receipt of a valid notification in an appropriate time frame, the companies and the European Commission said in a joint statement Tuesday, the code of conduct arrives as Europe comes to terms with the bloody attacks in Paris and Brussels by the Islamic State, who use social media as a recruitment tool, even though many milder messages have been censored by the social networks.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It is good to be back in the saddle again, broadcasting worldwide on radio and television from Central Texas, Austin.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Hope you had a good Memorial Day weekend.
It is good to be back.
Well, if you go up to InfoWars.com, it becomes very, very clear exactly what is unfolding with the headlines there.
But another place to go to get a clear image of the big push is DrudgeReport.com.
The major social websites of the world, owned by the globalists, say, stop the hate.
Tech giants vow to tackle bad speech within 24 hours.
Words directed against anyone over issues of race, color, religion will be shut down.
National dissent or national or ethnic origins will be banned.
Unless you're the London Guardian, Facebook, the New York Times and others coming out saying white people are inherently evil and inherently bad and that there's a new cultural revolution against them.
This is an attempt to sell racism to the third world and to old world countries, flood what's left of the West with those people, and assign racial identity to collectivism, socialism, and authoritarianism.
Then you've conquered the planet.
So this is a force feed operation, just looking at the demographics.
To build, if you live in Africa or Latin America or Asia or the Middle East or Eastern Europe, that the fall of the West is how you get ahead.
When the social engineers on record are doing everything they can to keep those countries in squalor and in total social control as well, with UN vaccine medical forces out there openly injecting people with every bioweapon ever heard of.
It is simply amazing.
So that is just some of what we're going to be breaking down here today, ladies and gentlemen.
It is incredible.
And it's because of the cultural ignorance of the average Westerner.
We have a TV culture.
We have a vapid, centimeter-deep ocean of mindless boobs, on average, who have no conception of how the world even works.
And then, meanwhile, you've got third-world countries being given culture by the multinational combines that control their governments, and that culture is an absolute hatred and vitriol against the West and against anyone with lack of melanin in their skin.
This is colonialism, reformed by Christians, reformed by the West, selling Renaissance worldwide, trying to turn the planet around into a new era of prosperity.
We become the most wealthy and powerful because we have the most freedom.
Then the corrupt systems come take us over and turn us into an engine to take over the planet.
They then flip that back inwardly, take our guilt that the West has, exacerbate it,
And then tell us politically we must be slaves and accept the terms of surrender or we're going to be called racist.
And then when we do surrender, the demonization, the race baiting, the cultural warfare, the class warfare only triples on a yearly basis.
Only gets worse.
So again, the West was first to recognize true human barbarism on average.
And try to reverse it, and try to curtail it, and try to actually create wealth and prosperity for all.
That's a historical fact, it's incontrovertible.
Now, because of our Christian ethos, we love to beat ourselves with cultural whips, and engage in all these different forms of pittance,
And we want to pay cultural indulgences to the government, to the media, to the culture to prove ourselves worthy.
It's the new religion.
They've replaced repressive forms of state-run Christianity that the Renaissance was all about stopping and promoting true Christian ideals.
And they've just returned us to a new form of tyranny under a new religious basis that is political correctness.
That's what it is.
It's a religion merged with a whole green religion that isn't about saving the earth, but about demonizing humanity itself.
And so here it is.
It's official.
I told you it was coming.
Matt Drudge told you it was coming.
We saw the head of the Federal Elections Commission come out.
We saw
40% of the FCC board vote last year.
It failed, but narrowly.
To come out and restrict the First Amendment heavily.
And to give you an internet ID, basically, where if you get three strikes like YouTube,
You aren't suspended off YouTube, you are suspended off of the internet, and you won't be able to work, or have jobs, or do anything.
But meanwhile, they're gonna expunge the records of felons!
Who go through cultural governmental retraining to be leftist street operatives.
And so they will now have armies of felons working for them, but you won't be able to have a job.
And the TSA, as they said 14 years ago in a congressional meeting on C-SPAN, I've been telling you since it happened.
I played clips when it happened.
They said then the TSA will decide what job you have or if you can have a job with the national ID card.
But that won't be enforced on the illegals.
I mean, this is so massive.
This is so over the top.
This is truly our journey into bondage becoming almost complete.
So here's Bloomberg.
The headline should be tech giants working with multinationals prepare a giant offensive against free speech worldwide as globalism goes into high gear and as the world financial collapse goes into its next phase.
Elites accelerate massive censorship ahead of crackdowns on freedoms worldwide.
That should be the headline.
They're already arresting people in Germany and Sweden and France who mildly criticize the open borders.
But now it's just calmly reported tech giants vow to tackle online hate speech within 24 hours.
Internet giants Facebook, Inc., Twitter, Inc., Google, and Microsoft Corp.
pledged to tackle online hate speech in less than 24 hours as part of a joint commitment with the European Union to combat the use of social media by terrorists.
Oh, we've got to take everyone's speech because of the terrorists.
Because of the bad little... Because of the bad little terrorists.
The bad little terrorists are going to get us.
And because they're going to get us with their bombs, because the government brought them in, 5 million of our little loving friends have been brought in, and 80%, according to Interpol, are military-age men.
I got stacks of news of them raping and robbing and killing and highways shut down and total bedlam and ferries shut down and just men running around with knives foaming at the mouth and the police running and cowering in fear.
I mean, this is what Europe is.
This has been done by design by the socialists and they're going to bring it completely down.
And then like they're doing all over the UK, they're going to put Muslims in charge as the police chiefs with socialists under them and they're going to persecute and they're going to arrest and they're going to take over.
And the average Western male is going to roll over on his back and get in a fetal position like a dog when it's scared and start urinating on themselves.
I'm not kidding.
This is what we do.
This is what we've been taught to do.
And we're dead because of it.
But it's all so liberal and trendy.
Internet giants Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc., Google and Microsoft Corp.
pledged to tackle online hate speech in less than 24 hours as part of a joint
Commitment with the European Union, with the government, to combat the use of social media by terrorists.
And of course, if you criticize the open borders, they arrest you in Germany and France and other places and let the Muslims run around and do whatever they want.
So see, they bring them in and then use them to take everybody else's freedoms.
Beyond national laws that criminalize hate speech, there is a need to ensure such activity by internet users is expeditiously reviewed by online intermediaries and social media platforms under
Receipt of a valid notification in the appropriate time frame, the companies and the European Commission said in a joint statement today.
And of course what's going to be done with all of this is it's all better tested first in China, now in Europe, now here.
And it's already begun.
By the way, groveling didn't do too well for him.
Normally those that sell out are the ones that have their political heads lopped off first.
Sirius XM announces suspension of Glenn Beck over Brad 4 interview comments where he came out and basically said somebody needs to kill Trump for the second time.
Now let me explain something.
They're just using that, I'm not defending what Beck said as an excuse to get rid of him.
They already got rid of over 300 Libertarian hosts despite the fact that we got them topped
Sign ups and there was another division that years ago put me on and was love what my show was doing great sponsorship great you name it one of the only profitable areas of Sirius XM was that whole libertarian group of channels two of them and they had us on twice a day it was so popular and
Point Blank, Goldman Sachs subsidiary, bought it up.
Clear Channel got pushed out.
I don't work with Clear Channel, but it was a division of some patriots of Clear Channel that put me on like ten years ago.
I was on for about seven years, and they told me, the inside baseball, what happened.
We were removed.
A couple years ago, and they said, it's coming across the board.
And then see Beck, who's out there supporting us getting taken off the air and things, and saying we're dangerous.
See, it's happening to you now.
I mean, they're a private company, they can do what they want, but until he actually got in trouble or got indicted or something, I think this shouldn't have happened.
But regardless, it's only being done now because the climate, they think, is safe.
When they start moving against everybody, it means they're just doing it.
And what did Matt Drudge...
He warned us about last year.
I'm going to play that clip when we come back.
He said these are internet ghettos, which are gulags basically, step one.
And he said, they're coming, I was told by a Supreme Court justice in private.
And folks, I've been told.
Now a lot of folks say, well let's just go along with this and they'll leave us alone.
No, that's how they win.
You've got to exercise free speech now or lose it.
And that means support the local AM and FM affiliates.
We're on.
They are the last line of defense.
You should cherish those affiliates.
You should support them now.
This isn't a game.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones.
This message is not just addressed to my fellow Americans, but addressed to people across the world of every race, color, and creed who believe in free speech.
...enshrined here in our Republic as the First Amendment.
It's the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights because it is the most important.
The right to speak, the right to publish, the right to assemble, the right to petition, the right to practice your own religion and not having a state-run or authorized system.
We have seen Facebook, Google, Twitter, and other media platforms increasingly censor even mainline libertarian and conservative ideas.
Ladies and gentlemen, Facebook, if it's able to successfully get away with censoring a wide spectrum of ideas that the establishment doesn't agree with, not just conservatives, will set a mega-massive precedent.
Facebook's over a third of the internet.
Speaking about that?
Of the traffic and people visiting things.
And then it's over.
You think it's bad that communist China with a billion, 300 million people is censoring?
Zuckerberg, who calls his users dumb F-ers, has been meeting with the Chinese censorship leadership, openly trying to tweak it.
He met with Merkel, and openly in a hot mic, said, don't worry, I'm going to start suppressing and censoring people.
They report when someone criticizes open borders to the German government, and they come and arrest you.
This is a global
We're good to go.
I think so.
When you post it on different platforms, that circumvents their AI systems that are trying to restrict the flow of information.
We stand together or we hang separate.
Another thing we're doing is not just battling to stop the censorship, we're also building other platforms.
Getting on as many third-party systems as there are out there and spreading the word of basic free market liberty and human empowerment and the new renaissance.
But also the experts I've talked to said, Alex, you missed the boat.
You've been a pioneer in many ways, but you haven't promoted email.
And I said, yeah, I don't ever really market on email.
I just, I just, it's low tech.
And they're like, no, no, no.
That's what's going to be hard to censor.
Even if the internet kill switch comes into place, there are systems and there are developments that make it very hard still to stop email and to stop that information being sent over networks, you name it.
So it's essential.
That everybody go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter to get exclusive articles, videos, promo code sometimes, the shopping cart like we had a few weeks ago with Hillary for prison, 50% off.
I mean, there are some big discounts we send to incentivize people and plus you're some of the most hardcore patriots.
You could send the email and the newsletter on with exclusive videos and articles many days.
So that's another great reason.
But overall, it's so that we have direct contact
With fellow patriots out there around the world, and if they try to start shredding our websites down and other things, which they've tried to do, and kick us off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, you name it, we'll be able to send you direct videos that you can then send on to others.
We've all got to start thinking about the censorship and actively fighting it, getting more active and not taking independent, liberty-based media for granted, which I know you don't do.
But really having a sense of urgency and getting the info out more while building new avenues on cutting-edge tech and cutting-edge platforms, but also old tech like email.
So please join hundreds of thousands of others that have been signing up every few months at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
And you can also spread the word about our free feeds and more podcasts, Android apps, iPhone apps, it's all free at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Never on down.
Having anxiety.
George Stray can share it.
If you leave me... If you leave me, I won't miss you.
I won't ever take you back.
I won't ever take you back.
Girl, your memory won't ever haunt me.
We're in world government.
It's here.
And the water only gets hotter.
From this point on.
Humanity is resisting.
Starting to wake up a little bit.
That's a minority of humanity.
Oh, every race, color and creed.
Red blood in their veins.
Pulsing through their arteries.
At the same time,
A larger contingent of people are either selfish and just don't care or dumber than a box of old rusty hammers.
And that's why they can get away with things like this.
And it's a scary time to be alive.
Open censorship is being announced all over the world.
Persecution of Christians is being intensified.
World government is openly being declared.
The internet kill switch has been put in place in every major Western country.
It's been announced.
Cell phone kill switches.
Backdoor switches where your phone suddenly nationwide can't videotape or can't record.
This is quite an open conspiracy.
The smart boxes are in all the cars.
Made in the last 15 years or so to start taxing us by the mile.
The smart appliances are in.
They admit they're tracking us, controlling our homes, taxing us, regulating us.
It's an organized crime revolution against civilization by the technocrats who openly have met and openly met with world governments and are openly coordinating with the Communist Chinese, the EU, and the US government
To go into the next phase, and that is cashless society, bail-ins, where they grab money out of your bank account, where every action you get charged for, or any type of grassroots economy is outlawed.
This is hardcore.
And they're doing it.
And they hope to just do it and bring it out in the open, and just normalize it like it's no big deal, with headlines like this.
Tech giants vow to tackle online hate speech within 24 hours.
This is all in the TPP.
They say to stop terrorists, but they just say, to stop that, you know, we can't have people out there criticizing Muslims, or anything, because that's what makes them attack.
See, you've got to get rid of your speech, and you've got to accept Islam, and it says words, quote, directed against anyone over issues of race, color, or religion.
So if you say, this London Guardian reporter that is a part African, part Anglo, I guess, gay man.
There, I'm using the proper word, gay, or I'll get kicked off the internet.
You know how it starts with gay.
Sounds reasonable.
Now it's everything else.
Now don't say mother and father.
And he says soon we'll get rid of the evil white people and everything will be fine.
And we'll just skip down the road happily.
That is the most racist out of control statement.
But you sit there and say this guy's racist.
Oh, I'm sorry.
He's black.
He's protected.
You're taking off the internet.
Because these are protected groups, but they're not really protected.
They're just being used.
So let's go out to break with this warning from last year with Matt Drudge here in studio.
You thought Obamacare was shocking.
You thought some of these other decisions were shocking.
Wait until these copyright laws work their way up and the Supreme Court decides you cannot have a website with news headlines linking across the board.
Then that will end for me.
Fine, I've had a hell of a run.
It's 20 years next year or 20 years about now.
Hell of a run.
I couldn't have gone any further.
I feel completely I have gone as far out of the galaxy as I can on this.
I still want to stay out here, but I've gone pretty damn far for what one individual can do in this culture.
But I'm talking about the future.
So I don't know why they've been successful in pushing everybody into these little ghettos.
Of these Facebooks, and these Tweets, and these Instagrams, these Instas.
This is ghetto!
This is ghetto!
This is corporate!
They're taking your energy!
They're taking your energy and you're getting nothing in return!
They're dumbing the language down!
Twitter's designed to reduce the language directly out of 1984!
It's Ingsoc!
Right, ultimately it's boring and the kids are always off to something new, except for the something new is owned by the same freaking company or financed by the same banking system.
So I'm here to say, and this is the reason why I came to see you, Alex, is you are one of the very few who are operating under this theory to be an independent American.
In a big way.
If your calling is media, fine.
If your calling is sports, whatever it is.
But you've got to be the greatest you can be.
And we're going to come back and play where he warned about the Supreme Court Justice coming to him and saying next year... We're on the march.
They're coming after us.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I've been covering the news on radio and TV for more than 21 years.
And as each year begins, you tend to see a theme that's developing with the social engineers, with the global architects.
And undoubtedly, they're making their move to destabilize the Western world right now, from Australia to Europe to the United States to Canada.
And they're bringing in
Millions and millions of radical Islamic Muslims, unvetted, so that they will carry out terror attacks.
And then when they do carry out terror attacks, we lose our liberties and freedoms, and are told to comply with Islam, and they'll stop bombing and shooting us.
This is the crazy world of political correctness.
That said, they allow Muslims, especially in the United States and Europe, keep women as slaves chained up, beat them, pour acid on their faces, and they don't even really get in trouble.
It's like, UN diplomats are always being caught with slaves from Africa and stuff.
And they'll say, well, that's their culture in this African country.
But if it's Western culture, it's evil and it's bad.
And going over some of these articles, recently the Pope and the top imam, the head imam in the world over Sunni Muslims, that's what Al Qaeda is, met with the Pope at the Vatican, and you've got all this going on for the first time ever, when the Pope came out in a major Catholic newspaper, LaCroix said that he dreads talking about Christian roots of Europe, and colonialist overtones, and Jesus was like ISIS sending people out in the fields.
Kind of the four corners of the earth and that we must have the Muslims read with us and that they're our new culture and this is what we deserve because we've been bad.
This is freakazoid to be told white people are bad, you're bad.
I mean this is what multiculturalism leads into with the supposed leader of Christendom saying this.
With Islamic States saying target the US, target Europe, start bombing us.
Incredible threat.
Now ISIS wants to attack the Olympics coming up in Brazil.
Hungary's Prime Minister gets it and says Clinton is George Soros' puppet.
Warns that they want to overrun the EU with millions of Muslims.
Radical ones that are wedded to the left.
22% of resettled refugees in Minnesota have tested positive for tuberculosis and then they go on to report
That they're letting them in when they have tuberculosis.
This is unprecedented attack on our country.
This is a government at war with the people.
This is a government savaging the population, and it goes on and on.
The open borders are the key to globalism, destroy national sovereignty, and radical Islamists that can't even live with each other in peace are not compatible here.
We should never submit to their backwards culture of oppression.
We are the true liberals who promote free speech across the board in Europe and the United States and Canada and we must stand for it and not be bullied into a new dark age of oppression and tyranny.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Long time ago, patriots, mainly from the military, the FBI, the CIA, who were let in on the plans in the 50s to bring in a world government, destroy American sovereignty,
They went public, they warned people.
They got attacked, they got laughed at, they got killed.
But it built a core of people that were aware of what was happening.
And the last 60 years we have tried to educate as many people as we can, not just here, but across the world.
And now we've got a fighting chance to defeat the World Government Project.
Because the World Government Project is only the means to the end.
The end game is planetary eugenics.
Planetary forced population reduction.
And many people say, good, there's too many folks.
I don't like standing in line, you know, to get my Starbucks coffee.
You have Starbucks in complex civilization and choices because of large human masses.
That's why you go to the cities.
But when you're in the cities, it creates the illusion of overcrowding.
And the more prosperous a city there is,
The more overcrowded and dirty it is because there's more people and more opportunity and more energy.
But you go up in an airplane and you figure out that 90% of the land is not being used or more in places like North America.
Now there are some areas in the South Pacific where fathers are living off government welfare and having up to 20 children.
The children then basically become miscreant
They get filled full of leftist globalist ideology worldwide, and they get trans-shipped into the West.
They have no culture, and they then adopt CIA-produced gangster culture, weaponized in 1986 in a government project partially declassified.
Yes, inner-city black gangster culture didn't exist in the 60s and 70s.
It was completely manufactured, weaponized, put into media, and now has been exported with a devastating effect.
White Russians, Asiatic Chinese, it doesn't matter what group it is, Arabs.
You go to Brazil, it's hip-hop music, gangster culture, thugs about being scummy and dishonorable and just being horrible.
That was weaponized to bring down culture.
Now you see the attacks on the father, the attacks on the mother.
You see everything that's been beta tested in the inner city communities being used worldwide.
First tested in the laboratory, then deployed.
Just like, you don't just think they shot black people up with syphilis, do you?
They were just so sloppy about it in Tuskegee, they got caught.
In a 47-year project, they kept secret with more than, what was the number of people that they know they did it to?
Tens of thousands?
And again, I talk about Tuskegee all the time because that's one little thing everybody knows about, even with a dumbed-down population.
You know, this video,
From Infowars.com yesterday, Americans have no idea what Memorial Day is.
I'm going to play that.
See, this is why we're in so much trouble.
This video is up on DrudgeReport.com.
It's a Paul Joseph Watson article.
Mexican parents train three-year-old girl to say, we have to kill Donald Trump.
Graphic photos, migrants fleeing Islamic State risk bringing deadly flesh-eating disease to Europe, already hitting hundreds of thousands.
But they're not tested.
They're not tested, just like TB, 20 plus percent of the migrants.
They're not invaders, they're not illegals, they're not jihadists, they're migrants.
Of course, you can't migrate to Saudi Arabia, you can't migrate to Mexico, you can't migrate to North Korea, you can't migrate to China, you can't migrate to Japan, you can't migrate anywhere but Europe and the United States, Canada, Australia.
And they don't even test for drug-resistant, and that's a nice name, for drug-immune TB that will eat your lungs.
Now we have a new flesh-eating love.
I have trouble even pronouncing.
It's Leishmaniasis?
Fanfly disease!
Can we pull up the headline out of France about to go?
Civil Emergency Declared on French Highways.
Because the migrants, there's just videos, hundreds and hundreds of them every week.
There's so many we can't even watch them, just besieging and robbing and dragging families out of their vehicles.
And then we can have some weird, lisping London Guardian guy that can hardly talk.
Go, how dare you be Islamophobic?
We will conquer you white people.
Oh, liberal.
While the Guardian's run by a big mega bank trust, openly run by the IMF and World Bank that's annihilating Europe, they talk about how we're going to defeat the white elite.
What you want to do is blow up anything left of the Renaissance.
Because you set up a free market system in years, it can reverse everything you've done.
It's like a machine.
Let's say that the Earth was radioactive.
No matter how radioactive, you set this machine up, it could terraform in a matter of years and remove the radiation.
Let's use a cheesy 1980 Starblazer.
Can you guys queue up the original Star Blazers intro?
I'd only seen the first season when I was a kid.
I'd run home and try to watch it.
And you've got these Gamelons firing these big planet bombs that are radioactive at the Earth and the humans have moved, you know, under the crust and they're trying to go to this other planet, Iskandar, to get this machine that they can bring it back.
It'll reverse the radiation.
They are literally hunting down the republics right now.
Hunting down free market and all this choice and all this culture and everything.
And they turned the engine on its head and turned it into just anti-family, anti-freedom, anti-saving, anti-free market, anti-technology, anti-medicine.
They got rid of the Hippocratic Oath.
They have death panels.
They have death panels for the veterans.
And Bill Gates gets up on TV and goes, if we kill one old lady, we can give you 10 jobs.
And then people are like, oh, oh.
And Gruber gets up on TV and goes, good thing the public's a bunch of dumb idiots.
Listen, what you're hearing from me is the truth, OK?
They've put the internet kill switches in place.
They've done it all.
They've got it all set for the next phase of world government, a global collapse.
And they roll in planetary rule as a solution to the problems they created.
Just like I told you, they would push civil emergency Europe-wide, ban free speech there and then here, when the jihad attacks happened, and now they've openly announced it.
And they're going to do it here.
That's why they're bringing in the sleeper cells.
So, look, look, video.
Americans have no idea what Moral Day is.
Mexican parents train three-year-old girl to say, we have to kill Donald Trump.
Graphic photos.
Migrants fleeing Islamic State risk bringing deadly flesh-eating disease to Europe.
It's already there.
Eighteen people are sexually assaulted at German concert with victims surrounded by mobs of migrant men and groping and copycat attacks in those in Cologne.
Because from those Muslim countries these guys are coming from, if a woman is unattended, you're allowed to basically rape her.
And then when you rape her, she gets executed.
Now that's in places like Pakistan and places like Saudi Arabia.
Look it up.
You're gay.
And then you've got weird gay guys on TV going, Whites it's over.
Your Islamophobia is over.
ISIS throw me off a cliff.
Thank you.
I mean, this is what we've come down to, ladies and gentlemen.
Students call for prisoners to be banned.
NUS group headed by Union's anti-Semitic new president says all criminals should be freed.
That's how it starts.
Put everybody in prison, then release the violent offenders, make them the enforcers.
They're not going to release anybody.
They're going to release the violent offenders and make them the honchos.
In fact, I've got articles in Germany and France, they're hiring illegal aliens to be the new police.
Trump slams embarrassed loser Crystal over third-party threat because Trump doesn't want a bunch of world wars.
That's just some of why this is all happening.
But meanwhile, tech giants vow to tackle online hate speech.
EU links up with Twitter tech firms to combat hate speech, AP.
Operation Tulip takes prosecutors
Offices for Google Tax Raid.
Yeah, they're going after Google because they haven't been as good a boys as Facebook and Twitter.
Here's another article from Heat Street.
Predatory peacekeepers, UN soldiers are committing widespread child rape.
They always have and they always will.
That's why people join that force.
That is a force of looting and evil.
They don't want you unless you're corrupt and evil because then you would blow the whistle on the looting the UN engages in.
Oh, nearly 46 million people are trapped in modern-day slavery.
Bloomberg reports, but of course, the UN's helping run all that worldwide.
But every time you see the most gorgeous supermodel out on the street or at the mall, she's wearing a World Wildlife Fund, a UNICEF, or a UN shirt.
Because supermodels are told, you don't get the contract, sweetheart, unless you wear UN clothing.
And when you get asked what you support, you support the end of the family, the end of the patriarchy, and the United Nations for children.
Patriarchy rules the world, so check your male white privilege.
And all over the country, our reporters are there, and weirdo white people run up and go, you're not allowed to talk!
You're white!
You're a white male!
And they're white, and you look at them, they're all crazy.
They don't have jobs, or they do at state jobs, they're real dumb, but they're on power trips, their eyes are aglow, it's their time to take over!
It's their time!
See, they're gonna be the new bosses!
Even though there isn't some white male patriarch, unless you're in the megacorporations, that are setting this up to have us all kill each other.
Little, powerless, power-hungry control freaks that can't even have a husband because they henpeck and harass men so bad, men would rather be alone than with women now.
And that's a generalization.
But that's what's going on as they teach everyone scientifically how to collapse, how to fall apart, how to be nobodies.
And we told you, they're coming.
Words, this is quoted from the AP, directed against anyone over issues of race, color, religion.
Facebook a year ago said, if you disagree with someone, just disagreeing could hurt their feelings, we're gonna ban you.
And that's what they do.
You send out the most mild information even, and they're banning that, and they're restricting that.
And people say, well, they're not doing the Infowars, they've done it a bunch, but we make a big deal about it, put them on notice, we're going to sue them, they back off because they don't want to warn you.
You know, I've used this story a lot.
It's an allegory, a parable, a parallel, because it happened many times.
I'd be in the deer stand when I was like, I started shooting deer when I was about seven.
You know, then taking them back and gutting them, chopping them up, preparing them.
The average tree is going to be, ugh, gross.
Animal cruelty, you know, buy the meat and eat it, but that's okay.
But actually going out and being real humans, you know, I want to just kill something.
No, it's about turning on those genes, those genetics, flipping ritual switches.
Killing your first deer and gutting it is the same thing as kissing your first girl or planting your first tomatoes.
Something happens when you get in the soil and plant, or the first time you go on a night hike, or the first time you get in a real fight.
All of a sudden you just, all these things switch on, and it's like, whoa, it's next level.
But see, they don't ever want you going next level.
The truth is life is like a video game, folks.
You go up next level, next level, next level, next level, next level, developing yourself.
They don't want you ever to have that.
They want a rest of development.
And so many times, we'd be sitting there, and a little buck would come out, first some doe would come out, females.
My dad would say, well you want one of those?
You know, that's better for cooking stew, or I guess you want to get a rack to show off.
He goes, well then, I bet a little buck comes out here in a minute.
But let's wait and see, because there'll be a bigger buck probably in there, and if that little buck doesn't get shot, he's going to come out and run him off.
And a couple times that didn't happen, but a lot of the time it would.
My dad would say, see I heard him snorting back there, like 200 yards away.
My dad was like, just relax your eyes.
You're going to see everything moving.
Don't look for the animals.
Just open your eyes.
This is in the woods with little clearings.
And I opened my eyes up and I could suddenly see all these different animals.
A badger, a weasel, crows, you know, an eagle fly by.
It's going to hunter mode.
My dad's sitting there like, basically relaxed.
He almost hypnotized me.
That's just ancient male passing that down, all being broken.
I haven't even given my son all that training.
You know, how to see different signs in the wind, and how to hunt, and how to fish, and how to fight, and everything else.
And so, all of a sudden, out come the doe.
They're sitting there eating the oats.
Plant the oats.
Eating little green oats.
In the winter.
All of a sudden, out comes that little buck.
Don't take him out yet.
Wait until the big one comes.
And then sure enough, five minutes later, he comes out, runs him off.
Shoot that big buck right there.
Right there in the heart.
And that's what they're doing.
They're just holding back with everybody going, don't take Jones out yet.
We want to get them all.
Wait, wait, wait till we got them all in the noosh.
They don't want to raise alarms.
They don't want to take Drudge down yet.
They're going to wait till the economy drops, ISIS hits, there's terrorists taking action.
Oh, we got to shut the web off because the terrorists are using it to communicate.
They're using cell phones.
We just got hit by 200 cells in one day.
And the martial law comes in.
They put the radical jihadis down.
But say, you don't have free speech anymore, you caused them to do it, and we're arresting other radicals that were anti-Islamic.
And the sheep public will line up and say, good, arrest them, shut their speech down.
That's what we want.
I have war-gamed the enemy.
But I also have contacts in the military as high up as Delta Force, you name it, who concur with my analysis that this is exactly what's going on.
Because my analysis is the analysis.
It's not like I came up with it and that's reality now.
Anyone that studies this and knows the ballgame can see it for themselves without hearing Alex Jones.
I'm just on target.
Now, I'm going to stop right there.
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We're sending reporters to Europe, to the migrant camps, and to Bilderberg for 10 days.
We're going to have reporters all over the country currently.
We've got Joe Biggs going up to California.
We've got
So much coming up.
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ISIS reportedly uses hundreds of families as human shields to protect Fallujah, reports Fox News.
Several hundred innocent families were trapped in the center of a bloody battle for the Islamic State's Iraqi hub of Fallujah.
Used as human shields for the terror group, the United Nations Refugee Center warned on Tuesday as a leading aid group called it a human catastrophe.
Over the weekend, the fighting left at least seven members of one family dead or wounded.
An estimated 50,000 people remained trapped.
A witness claimed, ISIS fighters distributed some sweets for the kids for the first time, trying to get people on their side as they know their end is so close.
The witness also told USA Today they're locking some families down inside the hospital building.
They're making people freak out over the arrival of Iraqi forces by telling them the army and militia are coming to kill you all.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
Eastbound and bound, loaded up and truckin'.
It's a long way to go.
And a short time to get there.
Mr. Reid bringing us in.
Some never mind them brakes.
If the globalists can't counter is real culture, they're destroying everybody's culture and replacing it with this globalist, politically correct, homogenized garbage.
They plan to use radical Islam as a bizarre authoritarian
And I used to hear this ten years ago from right-wingers, and I would just roll my eyes and go, you people are crazy.
Yes, they're doing a clash of civilizations.
Yes, they're destabilizing the Middle East.
Yes, that's wrong to do.
A lot of Muslims and Arabs and people send me constant emails going, you used to not be anti-Islam.
Why are you bashing us?
I'm going to explain this to you again.
I was against destabilizing your countries.
I'm against Saudi Arabia installing all these corrupt groups.
I'm against Wahhabism.
I was against attacking Iraq because they didn't carry out 9-11.
And now the whole place has been destabilized by design and they're putting radicals in charge and bringing them in.
And these are real people.
Real Sunni Wahhabis that kill the non-radical Muslims around them, and are taking over Islam, whether it was bad before or good before, or whatever.
It's being radicalized, it's dangerous, now the jihadi threat is real, and the Western governments at the top plan to let them attack.
And they're going to take our liberties and freedoms in the process.
I mean, I had Tim Kennedy
Who's involved in the highest level national security stuff.
And he hasn't told me all that.
I know that separately.
And he was concurring, saying, yes, that's their plan.
I had him in the studio last week.
But I don't need to talk to people in Delta Force to know all that.
I can sit here and tell you right now, ladies and gentlemen, the globalists mean business.
They didn't put $50 billion of internet kill switch in, that's conservative, the last 15 years to play games.
It's here.
And they need us to just not be aware of it, like TPP and all this other crap.
Let's play Matt Drudge again, talking about the Supreme Court Justice warning him a year ago, face-to-face, they're coming in 2016 for the free speech.
And look, all over the world, it's happening.
Because they have this on timetables.
Because next year, folks, I'm sure of it now, the real global meltdown's gonna happen, I believe.
It's already here in most areas of the world, but still in isolated pockets.
The U.S.
is doing okay.
The bottom is falling out.
I don't want that to happen.
Some people say, well, be more optimistic.
Maybe it won't.
Mathematically, it's impossible.
It's like an 89-year-old guy who's had 15 heart attacks.
He's going to have a new one at some point.
The heart's rotten.
It's going to blow into 10 pieces.
And I'm just here trying to tell folks they're going to use the crisis to try to take all of our freedoms.
Here's the clip.
I had a Supreme Court justice tell me to my face, it's over for me.
I said, Matt, it's over for you.
They've got the votes now to enforce copyright law.
You're out of there.
They're going to make it so headlines you can't even use headlines.
To have a Supreme Court Justice say that to my face, that it's over, they've got the votes, which means time is limited.
You know, I want to take that whole interview, and it was an excellent interview, but you know, I jumped in quite a bit because it was a surprise visit.
If I would have had a better job, I could have been prepared, but it was fun to have Drudge pop back in.
We need to take that and edit it down to like 15 minutes and air that I think all the time or have a bunch of intros and outros that we're talking about because he doesn't do interviews but every five years or so.
But again, time is compressed.
I know Drudge is listening.
I think Drudge should probably be heard from a little bit more because he kind of is the symbol of free internet.
And he links to mainstream government documents, alternative, grassroots stuff.
The point is, it's a different filter of a guy that's a populist and a patriot, instead of Mark Zuckerberg, the king of Facebook, and his filter that's telling you Obama's God and free speech is bad and let's get rid of our borders and let's bring jihadis in.
And they are coming and saying, this is what they're arguing in the TPP, that we're going to say you can't link to someone's website.
Well, how are you supposed to even... People come to your site to see what you're linking to.
It's crazy.
They want to end communication, folks.
They want a new dark age.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, I've always told Roger Stone, who really is the consummate Trump insider, that he can come on anytime he wants when there's breaking news.
And he just called us.
He's coming on at the bottom of the hour.
We're going to get a 30-minute update with Tosh Plumlee and Colonel Matt Smithmech.
Just out of the Marine Corps, has been death-threatened, physically attacked, you name it, for trying to expose a current shipment.
I'm saying this just calmly.
Oh, put out on Twitter that we know about the next massive shipment from a Marine Corps base of military weapons to Mexico to be sent to ISIS.
Oh, we're trying to stop an ISIS shipment.
I mean, I know the FBI people want to stop it, but I probably, we should probably call to see something, say something, Homeland Security line.
Get me that regional 1-800, I mean it's a national number, but they have regional numbers that are for your region.
And I'm going to put it on air when they join us coming up and just say, I've called FBI before on air and people don't believe I actually get FBI agents on the phone and start talking to them.
People are like, that's fake.
Alex isn't doing that.
No, we really do do that.
I mean, that's not that bold of a move.
I mean, supposedly public servants.
I'm trying to stop this stuff.
People go, why are you involved?
Well, I'm no hero here, but
I see something, I'm supposed to say something, right?
Oh, they want you to report the neighbor you saw cleaning a deer in their garage.
I see that article every few months.
Because as the suburbs grow out to the countryside, it's just always the same story.
There'll be some old veteran, outside his trailer, on some 40 acres he's had, it's deer season, and he'll be right by the road, you know, at a tree, with a deer hauled up in it, gutting it, and the Californians have moved in, it's always Californians, and they see the guy gutting the deer, and they call the cops, and then the cops don't do anything, but then animal cruelty comes!
And then they get arrested.
Because it freaks animal cruelty out to see a deer hanging up.
And you're like, that didn't happen.
Look up for yourself.
Police called on man cleaning deer.
You see it all the time.
And that's just the alien-ness of the general public.
And by alien, I mean alien from normal human activity.
My dad's dad.
Well, I'd been in construction, oil, uh, you know, drilling, and then been in county government and stuff like that.
He was a smart guy, you know, had a college degree in agriculture from A&M and, and, and engineering going from memory.
The point is, is that I've been with the stories that he would grab a shotgun and go out and shoot birds for 15 minutes on the back 40, literally a couple hundred acres out front, like 40 acres out back.
Shoot a squirrel in the yard and come in and cut him up in a matter of like three minutes.
He can skin a squirrel so fast, he'd nail their feet down, just rip the fur off, cook it, chop it up, throw it in the skillet, tear the breast out of the quail or out of the dove, no matter what time of year it was, boom, throw it right in there and just put some toast in there.
And in an hour, 45 minutes, he'd have a nice lunch cooked and just bam on the table and everybody
My grandma was an even better cook.
But, I mean, he would just fix, like, tractors and combines with pieces of rubber band and tin cans and weld and electricity and just... My dad was still like a spider, just fixing everything, like a robot or something.
Me, I'm like, ooooh!
And I'm, like, super good at changing tires and fixing stuff compared to the average man today.
I mean, I can roof a house and I can do basic plumbing and I can fix some things.
People, when they see me do it, they go, I didn't know you could do that.
I'm like, you know, the wife's like, because I'm too busy fighting the New World Order, calling a handyman, but oh, I can do it.
But compared to the average person, I've got some skills.
And I talk about this all the time.
It's just that we are so domesticated.
And then you go and you talk to the average trendy.
It isn't about race.
It isn't about color.
Isn't about religion.
You go to San Diego, you go to LA, you go to downtown Austin, you go to trendy areas, the more trendy.
These people literally are walking into walls with their phones.
They don't know who they are.
They are in deep trances.
And they are so stupid, like this video coming up.
Americans have no idea what Memorial Day is.
A big blitz of insanity.
Speaking of Mark Dice, another video Watson wrote an article about.
Has this poor Mexican three-year-old been taught, you know, that saying kill Trump's a good idea by his parents?
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I am truly overwhelmed right now, news-wise.
I've covered a lot of it last hour, but I've probably got 90% I haven't gotten to, and I need to get to it.
Earlier this morning, I was watching, like, an hour-long press conference with Donald Trump, giving a bunch of money to veterans groups.
And they had the reporters just chewing him out.
Bitching him out, demanding details of this or that or where the money came from.
He's like, I'm having a press conference about giving veterans money.
I'm not getting to that.
You can look it up later.
And they just turn everything into a controversy.
And there's another Bill Maher clip where he has a hypnotist on to talk about how Donald Trump is hypnotizing people.
And basically using neuro-linguistic programming.
You know, I love how every wannabe
Genius out there.
Thinks that everyone is using Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Neuro Linguistic Programming.
People kept telling me I was doing it.
And so I went and read a book about it like five years ago.
I watched some videos about it.
And it's mainly hype, okay?
But people that are talented speakers are naturally going to do things that
Political scientists and advertising scientists are going to codify into some type of language or nomenclature.
But let me tell you what sells stuff is being genuine and being off-the-cuff and being real.
Hillary does engage in neuro-linguistic programming.
It's dumbed down, it's mindless, and it targets people that are already in a trance, basically.
But it's the TV flicker rate, it's the fluoride in the water, it's the culture, it's the sedentary nature that prepares the ground for neuro-linguistic techniques to take hold.
And if you want to dumb down neuro-linguistic programming, or the voice, as Frank Herbert would call it,
You would play the clip, the famous clip from episode four Star Wars.
How long you have these droids?
I don't know, three or four seasons.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
You can move along.
These aren't the droids we're looking for.
You can move along.
That's an exaggerated example of that.
So when you listen to NPR,
That is a project of the Rockefeller and Annenberg project of the Defense Department, and the whole thing is about making you think you're intellectual, controlling the left, and putting them in a sedate, calm, tranced fashion.
I have been told by NPR, when I've been on multiple national interviews,
Later they call back and go, oh, we're not airing your interview.
They said your voice was too aggressive and too raspy and too upsetting.
Too awakening.
Too awakening.
They didn't use that word.
They said, it's too upsetting.
And they'd ask me, can you just calm down and just slow down?
Because with them, it was all about, that project is about capturing people.
Everything is calm.
Everything is good.
I don't know why Donald Trump acts like that.
I don't know why he doesn't like women.
All I do know is, we're going to win.
That's Hillary Clinton.
And Obama is clearly trained in a cadence and trying to, it's fake.
It isn't as powerful as taking the gloves off, real deal.
Sometimes I'm gibbering a hundred miles an hour, sometimes I'm talking slow.
It's what I'm feeling, what I'm thinking, and your subconscious mind is a thousand times more sophisticated and is able to read what's genuine versus what's fake.
But these people are sociopaths and psychopaths and they're so ungenuine.
So disingenuous that you study sociopaths and psychopaths because they're not real.
They're like, I've got a little puppy, kid, get in the car.
They're all about smiley and dressing non-threatening.
Oh, hi, I brought you some presents.
Oh, hi, we're friends.
I've always learned now when a sociopath is around, they do all this.
Oh, but you look, you can tell it's fake and it's overdone.
And they come and they bring you gifts and they do, you know, internet videos with, you know, with Muppets, how they're friendly and how they're nice and how they're here to help.
Because they don't know how to be real, so they're trying to study how to be genuine.
And then folks see something genuine and they say, well that looks like neuro-linguistic programming to me, and that's just because you haven't been around anything genuine.
Or you get around the general public who's, huh?
You know how to talk?
I don't care.
Nobody hates me.
I'm on world.
So much the public is so beaten down they just want to get their own little clique with a few people under them so they can be the boss and so they can have the power.
Because they don't have the power.
The whole world was built so they never had rites of passage, never had rituals, never had ways to ascend to feminine power, male power.
I mean, you take people, you put them through trials and tribulations, and you put them through cultural rituals that are natural and wholesome, I can take the weakest person today, and you take them at birth and put them through a real ritual, they'll be an incredible person.
But you've got to have ritual.
You're not going to hear this in any book, folks, by the way.
I know this.
I've experienced it.
You have to have ritual.
You have to have trials of passage to activate the race memories, the race consciousness, and to activate the sixth sense.
And by the way, down at UT Psychology Department, that's all they work on, is the intuitive and the innate and the sixth sense.
They know it.
They're obsessed with it.
And they're just busy trying to keep everybody else in programmed mob psychology.
And controlled.
They know that people are psychic.
They know it, folks.
It's all been proven.
Now, they'll put out con artists on TV, you know, with a Caribbean accent.
They're telling you that, you know, you call in and I will tell you your future.
They'll just tell you some great future.
That's all a bunch of hype.
And that's taking things that people in Aintley know are there.
And then lying about it and claiming that this person has 50 times the innate power that, let's say, a person that's powerfully intuitive would have.
Here's what I'm getting at.
To the so-called elite.
You're going to destroy everybody.
You're going to destroy the planet.
Where you're going won't work.
You're not going to merge with machines and become gods.
Get off your crazy power trips.
You have really got to transcend this for yourself to transcend.
You are not going to dumb everybody down and go to the next level.
That is not how the universe works.
Just at a mathematical level.
Mathematical cultural algorithm measurement.
Quantified first and put into popular culture by Isaac Asimov.
In his foundation series, you are not, which was obviously what they were shooting for and what they were planning for even 50 years before.
They were just putting it into a cosmology there to roll it out to the public, where they have computers hooked into everything that can predict the future off mass movements.
They now have that.
And so, all this other stuff is just a side issue once you, once you fully grasp that.
That you cannot dumb the public down to make them manageable and directable with stimuli and say they have no soul and say they have no destiny and say they have no innate free will without it creating a group consciousness shift that will also destroy your consciousness.
And that's very simple to understand.
You create a interdimensional fourth and fifth dimension plane and program that with a smart grid, an extermination dumb grid, and you put that into place, you are going to create an evil paradigm.
And that just means it's destructive, it doesn't grow, it's not healthy, it's not good.
And it's like a black hole.
It gets worse and worse as you feed more into it.
It will demand everything, it will take everything down to absolute zero, and will accelerate everything in a pyramidal structure into absolute tyranny.
And this is just so simple, and the establishment says they understand this, but they don't follow it.
Because they want to have their next level of managers who meanwhile, going along with this project, going, it's sure ugly, it's sure dangerous, it sure looks bad, and they go, it's for the greater good, we must come through this great time of testing first.
Well, you're not the ones testing humanity playing God!
You're delusional!
You're not providing stimuli that makes us stronger.
You're providing twisted stimuli that makes us adapt to being enslaved and destroyed.
Look at the fruits of this tree.
It's stinking.
It's rotten.
It's poisonous.
It's ugly.
It's bad.
It's diseased.
And you're planting more of these trees and taking resources to grow this culture of darkness
Because the truth is only evil twisted people who've fallen to complete absolute evil would want to build something like this and you've only lied to yourselves about what you're really building and who you are deep inside.
And I'm speaking to the next echelon level right below the actual controllers.
When you get to the controllers they know full well what they're doing and are practitioners of dark arts so evil I don't even want to imagine them.
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Hell is being built on Earth.
Yes, humans can dream and build anything.
And our elites are very wicked and twisted and they're building something very ugly and something very scary.
Free humanity must rally against it now.
This message is not just addressed to my fellow Americans, but addressed to people across the world of every race, color, and creed who believe in free speech, enshrined here in our republic as the First Amendment.
It's the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights because it is the most important.
The right to speak, the right to publish, the right to assemble, the right to petition, the right to practice
We're good to go.
Facebook's over a third of the internet.
Just think about that.
Of the traffic and people visiting things.
And then it's over.
You think it's bad that communist China with a billion, three hundred million people is censoring?
Zuckerberg, who calls his users dumb effers, has been meeting with the Chinese censorship leadership, openly trying to tweak it.
He met with Merkel and openly in a hot mic said, don't worry, I'm going to start suppressing and censoring people.
They report when someone criticizes open borders to the German government and they come and arrest you.
This is a global
This is the ultimate threat to humanity.
This is worse than what we saw in the Soviet Union.
This is right out of Nazi Germany or right out of Maoist China.
So we're fighting for free speech.
When you spread the word about InfoWars.com, our videos, our stories, our reports, and when you post it on different platforms, that circumvents their AI systems that are trying to restrict the flow of information.
We stand together or we hang separate.
Another thing we're doing is not just battling to stop the censorship, we're also building other platforms.
Getting on as many third party systems as there are out there and spreading the word of basic free market liberty and human empowerment and the new renaissance.
But also, the experts I've talked to said, Alex, you missed the boat.
You've been a pioneer in many ways, but you haven't promoted email.
And I said, yeah, I don't ever really market on email.
I just, I just, it's low tech.
And they're like, no, no, no.
That's what's going to be hard to censor, even if the internet kill switch comes into place.
There are systems and there are developments that make it very hard still
To stop email and to stop that information being sent over networks, you name it.
So it's essential.
That everybody go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter to get exclusive articles, videos, promo code sometimes, the shopping cart like we had a few weeks ago with Hillary for prison, 50% off.
I mean, there are some big discounts we send to incentivize people and plus you're some of the most hardcore patriots.
You can send the email and the newsletter on with exclusive videos and articles many days.
So that's another great reason.
But overall, it's so that we have direct contact
With fellow patriots out there around the world, and if they try to start shutting our websites down and other things, which they've tried to do, and kick us off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, you name it, we'll be able to send you direct videos that you can then send on to others.
We've all got to start thinking about the censorship and actively fighting it, getting more active and not taking independent liberty-based media for granted, which I know you don't do.
But really having a sense of urgency and getting the info out more while building new avenues on cutting-edge tech and cutting-edge platforms, but also old tech like email.
So please join hundreds of thousands of others that have been signing up every few months at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
And you can also spread the word about our free feeds and more podcasts, Android apps, iPhone apps, it's all free at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Dr. Stone's coming up in the next segment.
You know, I figured I should open the phones up for him.
He's got breaking news he wants to go over, but I'll take a few calls before he leaves with your random questions.
I think that's a good wild card.
Joker's wild.
Jack's wild to take the show in a different direction.
So we'll take five calls for Roger Stone coming up in the next segment.
But quick, focused questions is what we're looking for.
On this Tuesday edition.
It feels like a Monday edition.
Now getting into the dumbing down of the public.
This is essential that there be no culture in the United States or in Europe.
Then they bring in folks from the third world.
And they take the trashiest nature of nationalism that all countries have, and they say that that's the culture.
And Mexico has a culture they're trying to force feed on Mexico.
Most Mexicans I've met or talked to are more sophisticated than that, literally, are more informed than the average American, just a fact, on average.
But there's a large contingent that I guess feel isolated, don't feel part of things,
Generally in areas totally dominated that are probably 90% Hispanic, like areas of LA, where a real culture is kicking in of just bring down America, kill Donald Trump, all whites are evil.
It's really terrible.
And it's very, very sad.
We also see the Hispanic and black community killing each other at even higher rates.
So it's tribalism.
You see this when the public has been basically dumbed down.
And there's a video up on DrugsReport.com.
It's a Paul Joseph Watson article.
Mexican parents train three-year-old girl to say, we have to kill Donald Trump.
Mother and father encourage toddler to make death threats against presidential candidate.
Shock video footage shows Mexican immigrant parents encouraging a three-year-old daughter repeatedly say, we have to kill Donald Trump.
And this is just so sad this is going on.
Here's a clip of it.
You're about to see this poor three-year-old Mexican girl being brainwashed by her parents, her mother, and her father into saying that she should kill Donald Trump.
I'm blurring the child's face for her own privacy, because I don't want her picture to be plastered all over the Internet.
The parents, of course, didn't give her that respect, not only encouraging her to say such despicable things, but recording the video and posting it on the Internet for the whole world to watch.
Have a look.
I killed Donald Trump.
Oh, is that a fact?
Why are we going to kill Donald Trump?
Because he's bad.
That's right.
You can hear the mother say, that's right.
So this isn't just some kid just mouthing off and the parents thinking it's cute.
They are actively encouraging it.
Have a listen once again.
I'm going to watch some more clips.
Why are we going to kill Donald Trump?
Because he's bad.
That's right.
We have to kill him.
That's right.
Why is he bad?
He wants to take away from our family.
That's mean, huh?
Mean Donald Trump.
So what are we gonna do?
Again, the mother encouraging and trying to get her to say it a third time.
Or is this the fourth time?
We're gonna kill him.
They think it's cute.
And this is the kind of trash that Donald Trump wants deported from this country.
No different than Hamas raising their children to grow up to be suicide bombers, indoctrinating them to want to kill the Jews from the time that they can speak.
Now, the Mexican-Americans doing the same thing to their children, encouraging them to want to kill the possible next president of the United States.
Now, what goes further than that, and that's from Mark Dice, markdice.com.
Mark doing always a great job.
This, this is what's going on, and this is their plan, where this child won't have any future with jobs, or future with not being spied on.
All of our rights as humans are being taken.
You'll never hear her parents go, we should go after the makers of Gardasil that's been connected to deaths and sterilizing women, and Hispanics are being targeted with it all over Latin America and Mexico, our little darling.
What are we going to do to Merck?
What are we going to do to former Governor Rick Perry?
We should sue him.
We should expose him for saying it was the law, the little girls had to take this.
No, no, no.
They're going to actually protect their daughter from a real assault by the globalists that run the media, that are pushing the narrative that Donald Trump's the devil.
Because they've got Donald Trump's phones tapped, and they know Donald Trump is a nationalist, and they know Donald Trump listens to this show, and they know Donald Trump is snuck up on them.
And that's why they're literally freaking out over him, for real.
Hey, in Austria they had a nationalist that was gonna be elected, he was 10 points ahead in all the polls, he lost!
I mean, how do you think Germany and Austria go, we're just gonna open our borders up to 5 million people, with tuberculosis and flesh-eating bacteria and everything else, it's okay!
And they don't seem to think they'll get voted out because the fix is in.
And they're arresting people that criticize the open borders there.
This is globalism.
This is the UN.
This is the World Bank.
This is the EU.
This is the global bodies collapsing sovereign states.
Not because they care about the third world.
They want to keep the third world in poverty.
Remember six years ago we got the UN plan for carbon tax?
Double the taxes on the third world right at
Double the taxes on them!
But they sold it like free money to poor people!
Oh, a global tax!
It's a... It's a... You think George Soros wants to give you anything?
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Internet giants Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft pledged to tackle online hate speech in less than 24 hours as part of a joint commitment with the European Union to combat the use of social media by terrorists, reports Bloomberg News.
Beyond national laws that criminalize hate speech, they say there is a need to ensure that such activity by Internet users is, quote, expeditiously reviewed by online intermediaries and social media platforms,
Upon receipt of a valid notification in an appropriate time frame, the companies and the European Commission said in a joint statement Tuesday, the code of conduct arrives as Europe comes to terms with the bloody attacks in Paris and Brussels by the Islamic State, who use social media as a recruitment tool, even though many milder messages have been censored by the social networks.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
I got so busy fighting the globalists for 15 years, I turned into a giant fat slob when I was an exercise fanatic before.
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From the Infowars.com News Center, deep behind enemy lines in occupied Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you're listening to the voice of human resistance against the technotronic technocracy takeover.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Not a game.
World government's been openly announced.
Donald Trump is saying no to globalism, no to bad deals that sell out American sovereignty, our jobs, and our culture.
And the fight is on.
He's with us until the end of the hour.
We're going to take five lucky callers to get to ask questions of Stone, coming up here in about 15 minutes.
But first, he's got big breaking news.
I'm usually the one asking him to come on, but anytime he's got breaking news, boom, he can get right on the show.
He wants to talk about money.
The key is money in this campaign, super PACs, and then
A sneak peek on who could the VP be for Trump.
By the way, he's going to be here in studio with us Friday.
Roger Stone coming into Austin, Texas to War Game on a bunch of fronts.
We're going to him in just a moment.
Please don't forget, we're ending these specials today.
They will end today, and that's it.
Because I'm going to run out of Survival Shield X2 at 20% off the Good Halogen.
Absolutely got to get that.
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10% off on top of that when you sign up for AutoShip and free shipping on all orders of $50 or more at InfoWarsStore.
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InfoWarsStore.com or you can go to InfoWarsLife.com.
That takes you directly to the sub page with the Brain Force, the other nootropics, the Lung Cleanse, and so many other game-changing products.
And here's what's great about this.
We don't get taxpayer money like NPR or MSNBC.
They've gotten billions.
We actually sell high-quality products and have sponsors, and then it's free association.
You can decide whether to fund us or not.
We don't put a gun to your head and then use the taxpayer money against you and your family.
We're defending your Second Amendment.
We're defending our sovereignty.
We're standing up against the radical jihadis being brought in en masse.
We are promoting real religious freedom.
We're against the jihadis throwing gays off roofs overseas.
They want to come over here and have Sharia law.
Because we're tyranny-phobic.
We don't like the New World Order tyranny, or the radical Islamic tyranny.
So it's so important to support the broadcast and to know they've announced massive censorship in Europe with the big Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, all together saying, we're not going to let you criticize anybody.
If you're conservative or libertarian, we're going to shut you down.
Germany already arrests you.
And now Zuckerberg wants to do that here and has been restricting Trump and Drudge and Infowars and everybody else.
So it's on.
But they're trying to restrict us because they've been quietly doing it forever.
It hasn't worked.
We are taking the planet back.
Hispanics, we have our reporters all over the country, are like half the people.
I mean, I sat there and watched raw video of like 30 minutes of people going into a Trump rally, half of them are Hispanic, with Hispanics with Mexican flags spitting at them, screaming at them.
We'll do a special report on that, by the way, we've got all the footage, we've showed it.
And the Hispanic Americans are just laughing at them.
They're just laughing at them because, you know, they're dressed nice, they want to have a prosperous country, they care about this nation, they want that dream.
That's why a lot of them left Mexico and they're being spit on by gangbangers with Mexican flags with zit-faced white kids hopping around, spitting.
Thank God we're not with these people, folks.
And the good news is the hoax that Trump's anti-woman or anti-Hispanic whatever is collapsing.
They're panicking.
So now more than ever, spread the word about this broadcast, the interviews we do, sign up for the free email newsletter and exclusive videos we send at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Because with the censorship intensifying, even if they shut off InfoWars with their internet kill switches and stuff, that's a possibility.
During some Islamic Tet Offensive and crisis, they say they'll do it.
Just like in Europe, they shut off
The internet, they shut off the Patriots communication, claiming it's to stop radical Islam they brought in.
So sign up at Infowars.com forward slash newsletter, because even with an internet kill switch, we can still get to you via email, and it's key that we be able to communicate.
All right.
Now, without further ado, let's go to Roger Stone in his war room in Florida.
Inside the battle for the Republic, outside the Trump campaign, but one of his top advisors, always giving us key intel on so many fronts.
Thank you for joining us, sir.
Alex, it's great to be here, and it's an exciting time to be an American.
It is.
Okay, you've got the floor, my friend.
What is front and center?
I know you sent us this article.
The big casino owner, Adelson, aids in talks to set up pro-Trump super PAC.
Yeah, I think it's very important to recognize that Hillary Clinton, according to the most recent Federal Election Commission reports, has raised about $85,000 in Super PAC money and has as much as 45.8 on hand today.
And there's more where that came from.
So Trump, of course, would be foolish to unilaterally disarm, but first he must raise upwards of a billion dollars
Through the Republican Party Victory Fund.
But if you go do the math, the party apparatus is going to have to raise that much every day on average.
And of course, Donald Trump himself cannot do that many events, so he has to campaign.
There is going to be a very interesting development.
We have to watch fundraising carefully because it is crucial.
Now, Corey Lewandowski is in charge, as I understand it, of the newly announced fundraising operation.
It is absolutely clear that, like the Clinton campaign, the Trump campaign is going to need to be augmented.
With Super PACs.
We have talked on this program about the problems with Great America PAC, the financial irregularities, the longtime record of Ed Rollins, the chairman, as an anti-Trump antagonist, and now his ties to Teneo Strategy, which is the Clintons.
I believe that
Good old Ed is a quizling, and this is a sabotage operation.
There is a group called the Committee for American Sovereignty, a pro-Trump PAC with an august committee.
I have sent them $1,000 personally.
I know this fellow, Doug Watts, who runs it.
He is a competent practitioner of political communications, and he is a real-life Reagan Republican.
So I've sent him $1,000 from myself.
But the news today really is that the billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who has pledged, according to Politico, $100 million to the Trump campaign, will probably fund neither of these entities and is in talks with a new PAC.
What this story doesn't tell you is that among those political professionals that they're in discussion with is Karl Rove.
Yes, Karl Rove is back in the house.
Rove has been pitching Adelson to let him control the $100 million that is to help Trump.
Now, I don't need to tell you
That Karl Rove has done nothing but belittle, attack, and underestimate Donald Trump.
By the way, he lives right here in Austin, and I'm just going to leave it at that, that I happened to talk to a political person who's on record works with Rove some, and he said, look, he's saying, you've got to get behind Trump.
This is last week.
And he just laughed and said, no way.
So I know last week he was saying he's going to get Trump.
So that's some key intel for you.
Well, here's the other key point, and that is Reince Priebus and his friends at the Republican National Committee would also like to send $30 million worth of data analytical work to the data vault.
Owned by Karl Rove and others.
So, Karl is now trying to profiteer.
It is not just that he is a long-time antagonist and critic of Trump.
He famously has gobbled up most of the Tea Party money.
He's a hated creature.
And achieved nothing.
The point is, we lost the White House under Karl.
We lost both houses of the Congress.
He then in 2012 and the previous cycle had unlimited money from mega-wealthy donors.
He's a loser.
He cannot help Donald Trump.
He doesn't know how.
He didn't see the Trump revolution coming.
He doesn't understand the new dynamics.
So if Karl Roves ends up getting wealthy off the candidacy of Donald Trump, through the good graces of Sheldon Adelson or otherwise, that would be a tragic, tragic thing.
Well sure, the mainstream media is saying, look, Bush Senior and Jeb and former President Bush, W, and Mitt Romney and others, and the Keating Five, John McCain, they're not going to be at the convention.
Oh, it's so terrible.
Thank God!
Thank God these horrible warmongering demons that hate Trump because he doesn't want to have war with Russia and war with China, and doesn't want to let radical Muslims in.
Thank God!
If they were endorsing him, I would have some serious problems with Trump.
Well, but again, that doesn't stop their quizzling, their running dog, Lackey, from trying to cash in on a candidacy that he has... Sure, but isn't that key intel that just last week he was running his mouth against Trump to high-powered Republicans here in town, and that when they were pressuring him, and so that just shows where he's at.
He just wants to take Trump money.
He is very definitely in the mix here, talking to Adelson, talking to some around Trump.
We have to remember he is not a friend.
He is the architect of many of the failed globalist policies that are destroying us.
So you and I and our audience are basically Paul Revere's trying to help Trump not be infiltrated because of the fact that there are these political operatives out there.
Look, Donald Trump's a very smart guy and he knows that Karl Rove is not his friend, but he's out campaigning every day.
He's counting on his campaign apparatus to do everything legal to ensure that they raise as much money as they can.
Super PAC world is a different place and there are hucksters in the market like Rollins and his silent partner Jesse Benton, the convicted felon who destroyed Ron Paul's campaign and then ran Paul's campaign.
But I wouldn't put a dollar there if you really want to help Trump.
Uh, then I would say either give directly to the Trump campaign, give to the victory fund of the Republican National Committee, or look at these other super PACs and determine which one has low overhead, competent people who know what they're doing.
Sure, because Hillary's going to be getting the big Goldman Sachs money and everything.
It's up to the grassroots to be able to do this.
Because Trump is such a grassroots organization.
It's taken, you know, no money so far.
Now it's starting to.
Because it's like saying you're going to go to space without oxygen.
He's got to have the oxygen tanks, folks.
It's got to happen if people are serious about winning.
But Benedict Lewandowski, I mean, Corey Lewandowski, or is it Arnold Lewandowski?
All I know is... What's his name again?
I mean, I don't have a...
A dog in the fight?
I think you're referring to Louie Korendowski.
In any way, Louie said again on Fox this weekend that he was in charge of vetting the vice presidential candidates.
Nobody active in the campaign tells me that that is the case.
I do know A.B.
Culvehouse, very able lawyer, worked for Ronald Reagan, who has been brought in to work on this process.
But let me just put, let me get to the bottom line.
My confidence is in Trump.
I know that the establishment Republicans are pushing Corker and others may be pushing Newt Gingrich.
Yeah, we're talking VP now.
Let's get into that.
I'm putting my entire confidence in Trump.
He knows, above all.
That whoever he selects must be somebody who is at one with him on the major issues facing the country.
And therefore the chance of him taking someone out of the establishment, someone who would make Trump an assassination target for some, some who would, or others who would seek to enter his administration in order to co-opt it,
Trump is way too smart for that.
He will pick somebody who is a nationalist and entirely loyal to the President.
So I'm not worried about some of the names I hear.
My friends in the Liberty Movement and in the Republican Party email me every day.
They say, oh God, please not this one, please not that one.
What about a Senator Sessions?
I like Jeff Sessions.
I've known Jeff Sessions since he was in the Alabama Young Republicans and I was running for Young Republican National Chairman.
He is a fine individual.
He's an excellent lawyer.
He was a great judge.
He would be a great Vice President.
And he was the first man in the Congress to endorse Donald Trump.
And I hope that Sessions is on the list.
There are other fine people.
I like Shelley Moore Capito, the U.S.
Senator from West Virginia.
Tough, experienced, not a globalist.
There are, I like General Mike Flynn as an outside-the-box possibility.
All I know is that only Donald Trump knows what the real short list is, that those in the Liberties... Yes, Roger, we know you don't know the short list.
No, no, no, look, I don't think, I think the shortlist is probably, knowing Trump as I do, I think the shortlist is probably changing.
I think he is holding this very much to himself.
I think he floats certain names to others.
Well, I've watched The Body Language and everything else, and I can tell you right now, just watching television, when he's around sessions, the way Trump acts, he really likes sessions.
And I think Sessions is a good choice.
I think they have a great chemistry.
But look, again, Trump is going to make this decision.
He's going to make it with some fanfare and with some buildup because he realizes better than anyone else that this is a great news story and it's going to generate great attention.
And I suspect people are going to drop on and off the list.
I doubt that he's made a final decision.
I don't think he knows who he wants today.
I'm sure he's leaning one way or another.
Well, bottom line, I want to go to a few phone calls.
You're going to be in here with us for an hour and a half live on Studio Friday.
Really gracious for you to come out of town.
But before we go any further, just briefly, because folks are listening, what is the best pact that is actually promoting Trump and the Constitution and where the money actually gets there for folks in your view?
I have given a contribution to the Committee for American Sovereignty, and you can find them online.
They have put together a list of retired military officers, including General McInerney, a former executive with the Trump Organization, Nick Ribas, longtime president of the Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts, former Congressman William Hendon,
A number of state legislators.
It is a very august.
Phyllis Schlafly is on the committee, for example.
There it is.
These are fine folks.
I am not working for them.
I understand.
You're simply trying to get Trump into office under your First Amendment.
But I know that they will not steal the money.
And I know they will use the money either to register new Trump voters or to fend off the attacks of Hillary Clinton.
And what's the website for that?
It is thecommitteeforamericansovereignty.com, I believe.
Yeah, man, we'll check it and put it on screen.
It's on screen there, folks.
There you go, because there's so many groups out there that you've said were a fraud and then people get indicted.
I mean, you really are giving us accurate information here.
We're going to skip this network break because this is so important.
I want to be able to take calls before you've got to leave us.
But just watching today, the story's up on Infowars.com.
Trump whips press over charitable donations to vets.
That's a good headline.
I'd say blast him.
He just blast him.
Don Salazar turned up this article quickly.
I will say that the press should be ashamed of themselves.
I couldn't pull myself away from this press conference.
I'm going to play some clips coming up at the bottom of the hour.
I've got some guys popping in.
But man, just trying to even get money to vets, they attack him.
They just can't let him look like he's doing anything good.
It's so sick when these are the people that say nothing about the don't treat list that we know our military's been under for six years with Obama.
Obama is killing the vets.
These people cover up for Hillary and her Brian Williams stories about sniper fire, then they go after Donald Trump.
I mean, what a sick, filthy group of people.
Well, Hillary Clinton said very recently that the problems in our VA hospital system are not widespread.
What planet is this woman living on?
In Arizona alone, where the ranking Republican on the Veteran Affairs Committee, Senator John McCain, lives, over 600 people died waiting for medical care in the VA.
Joe Biggs has been blown up in armored vehicles repeatedly, shrapnel shot, you name it.
He coughs up blood all over the place.
He's got all these medical issues.
He's been there 30-something times, and they just each time say, come back, come back, come back, until he gave up.
One of my cousins, two terms in Vietnam, a Purple Heart winner, is told that he makes too much out of his meager retirement and therefore he's not eligible for treatment.
Yeah, that's the new thing.
That's the new thing.
It's just insane.
So it's means testing for veterans, but not for welfare recipients.
In the Hill newspaper last week, the average illegal gets $17,000 plus in welfare.
The quote, migrants get even more than an actual social security recipient that's paid into it as a citizen.
Who is running this country?
Well, I think that's all going to change under a President Trump.
Let's go to your questions, because I love this part of the... Absolutely.
We're going to go to phone calls right now.
We're going to go to... In fact, you did that great Reddit thing that was so popular.
We're going to do more of those.
I'm going to do one later this week.
Let's go ahead and... Will you guys pull that screen down?
I can't read there.
I can't see the callers there on screen.
Again, we're talking to Roger Stone right now.
I'm Alex Jones.
InfoWars.com is my website.
StoneZone.com is his website.
Let's go ahead and take a call from Rob in Canada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
Hey, Roger.
Question for you.
What's, uh, what are your thoughts on these continual rumors, you know, by Bill Kristol and the neocons to bring some third-party candidate in to, you know, just kind of... Well, they say they're doing it.
They say they're preparing it, yeah.
Well, I think it's a bit of a misnomer.
First of all, it's recognized that there's probably no third party nomination available to a new candidate.
Can't get on the ballot.
The Libertarians nominated their ticket this weekend, my friend Governor Gary Johnson and Governor Bill Weld.
And the Greens are not going to nominate somebody copacetic to Bill Kristol.
So what Bill Kristol is really talking about is an independent
I don't know what this is about.
Sure, well you're being a gentleman.
Let's get back to Johnson.
He's been a guest probably 20 times here.
A good governor.
I like him overall.
Didn't you run his campaign once?
I worked very closely with him.
Let's be honest.
He's saying something about Trump that isn't true.
He's acting nasty.
And he's trying to spoil this thing.
Get the Libertarians to hand this to Hillary.
So let's take the gloves off on Mr. Johnson.
You know, the truth of the matter is that if Bill Weld and Gary Johnson run the right campaign for them, which is to be fiscally conservative and conservative on defense, but to be socially liberal on marijuana and civil liberties, they will, just as Johnson did four years ago, take pretty evenly from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
So, don't buy this whole... Sure, but he's kind of running on a Trump-bashing platform.
Well, I have seen Gary's comments.
I don't think that that's productive, but I also can't presume to tell him how to run his campaign.
He's going to destroy himself a little bit with the real libertarian movement if he does that.
I think you should watch it.
Let's take another call.
Al in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Go ahead with Roger Stone.
Hey Alex and Raj, you guys are doing a great job.
Listen, a very quick suggestion.
Why don't we bring up with Lord Mocton and Donald Trump a discussion on a global warming so we can smack Bernie's face and Hillary's because they've been trying to spite us.
If Trump should hammer turning our power plants on and how they're sabotaging America and how China opens three a week, we shut down three a week.
I think he's hit that some.
I think that's a key for him to hammer.
I don't necessarily disagree, but in all honesty, climate change is one of those issues the left tries to use to disqualify Trump.
And based on the polling that I have seen, it is not one of the driving issues of this election.
Our economy is a driving issue.
Immigration is a driving issue.
Our foreign policy is a driving issue.
And our trade policy and its connection to jobs is a driving issue.
I think Trump can hold his own on the climate change issue.
But frankly, I want to look for areas where we have commonality with Bernie right now.
We want to get Bernie folks once he drops out.
We need a third of those votes.
For Donald Trump to win.
Well, look, he's a brawler.
He's a fighter.
Nobody's putting words in his mouth.
He has a broad cross-section of advisors in the sense that he consults many, many friends.
And he's always asking for people's opinions.
But at the end of the day...
I hate to steal a phrase from George W. Bush, but Trump is the decider.
And what you see is what you get.
The fact that he's not a confection, that he's not a phony, that he's not politically correct.
So that's what folks see.
Real quick, Robert in Michigan, you're on the air with Roger Stone.
Hey Alex, hey Mr. Stone, how you doing?
Good, good, go ahead Robert.
That's good.
Real quick, this question, Mr. Stone, regarding Mr. Trump's agenda.
As far as, in my opinion, I think, you know, in order for him to win, you know, if he can take away some of the African American votes from Hillary because 90% of African Americans for some reason
I agree.
Shouldn't he go all in for the African American vote?
There's no question.
First of all, the Clintons have done nothing for the African American community.
The reason so many young African American men are incarcerated today for possession of small amounts of drugs is because of the policies of Bill Clinton.
And then she decries it, acting like he didn't do it.
Right, but she called black people super predators and she said they needed to be brought to heel.
Bill Clinton told Ted Kennedy of Barack Obama, a few years ago this boy would be getting us coffee.
These are the dog whistle politics of the Clintons who ride with the hounds when it suits them.
Uh, they are no friends of the actors.
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Alright, a few more minutes with Roger Stone, then we've got a Marine Corps colonel coming on along with Tosh Plumley to expose ongoing Fast and Furious guns through Mexico to ISIS and Al Qaeda.
We know the shipment.
We're trying to stop it.
I'm gonna probably call Homeland Security on air.
In fact, guys, pull up that see something, say something number for me.
Because we're gonna try to stop this arrogance that is going on.
Right now.
Robert in Michigan, I want you to have a comeback, bringing up that great point that black unemployment is basically right at double under Obama.
And a lot of black commentators I know, you know, just say, look, I'm not even a conservative, but this we literally funding, attention, and he doesn't even go speak in these communities.
And it's almost like, well, the poorer we make you, the more you'll be under our control.
That's the view I see.
And from everything I've heard about Donald Trump, this guy really gets off on making everybody wealthy and really, really likes everybody, regardless what color they are.
So I want you to be able to come back in a moment, but Roger, can you speak from your experience, 40 years?
Well, look, first of all, it's anecdotal, I must say.
The number of African Americans at Trump rallies just seems to be disproportionately large.
And as I travel, because I have spoken out
I don't
That the vast majority of them are African-American, just anecdotally.
So I've seen it firsthand.
People like the fact that Trump would re-energize the economy.
These people want their piece of the American pie.
They don't want to be employees, they want to be employers.
Look, even Louis Farrakhan's liking him.
I mean, people want prosperity.
They want to hear we're great.
Well, I like his bow ties, but I'm not crazy about his politics.
Well, he just likes hearing, you know, bring money back into the communities and get the country going.
Robert, Michigan, come back to that?
Yeah, well, my point is, like, I know this, most of the free work, you know, a lot of people know this, but the mainstream, they do, well, they do a poor job, in my opinion, but, you know, somewhat effective.
Like everything you mentioned about how bad the Clintons are, you know, I watched the Clinton Chronicle, you know, I sat there and watched the whole movie.
Uh, and it's very factual, very, you know, I presented the fact and I understood it.
And all the other cases that you make, Mr. Stone, but I guess my question is, how do you get that message to the mainstream?
That's a great question.
Thank you, Robert.
Got to jump.
Great, great question.
That's what a campaign is about.
That's why you go out and support super PACs that oppose Hillary Clinton.
Because if the mainstream media say CNN doesn't want to interview you, that means you have to buy a 30 or 60 second spot in between their program breaks.
That's advertising.
This is the great thing about Citizens United.
It used to be just the Clintons and the Bushes had political money.
Now any citizen can go out there and be effective.
Speech is money.
Let me ask you this, because I know you'll straight shoot us.
You don't rah-rah.
You don't cheerlead to put a good face on things.
In fact, I think you give us the worst case.
A lot of times behind the scenes you tell me, this is how the state's really going to go when the media is saying the opposite.
And you've been right.
I mean, you're super accurate.
Not kissing your butt, no brag, just fact.
What's his real numbers looking at all the polls?
I mean, it's true he's getting ahead of Hillary, right?
But I mean, what do we face?
The money issue?
I mean, how is Trump really doing right now?
First of all, the idea that any Republican is running essentially even or in a dead heat or slightly behind or slightly ahead of Hillary Clinton at this point is extraordinary.
You usually don't see this kind of closeness and gap closing until much later in the campaign.
That means that there is without any question enough votes
Here to elect Donald Trump.
Now, Trump is about to undergo the most virulent, nasty campaign of vilification in American political history.
The same time they're going to try to discredit and smear the brave women who are going to stand up and tell people what the real Bill Clinton is like.
A rapist.
And they're going to attack him on a dozen other things, calling him a bigot, a racist, a misogynist, a lunatic, a wild man.
It's the Barry Goldwater treatment.
I don't think it will work.
People are on to the two-party duopoly and their smear tactics.
But the fact that Trump is this competitive in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, is extraordinary.
This is going to be very, very- Is he gonna win California?
It's not impossible, but in all honesty, in my model for $270,000, he doesn't need to worry about that.
Roger Stone, StoneZone.com, thank you so much.
What's the name of the PAC again?
The good one.
The Committee for American Sovereignty.
I think there will be other fine PACs.
Sure, but we don't want to support Karl Rove running off the cookie jar.
Thank you, Roger.
See you here on Studio Friday.
Take care.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, at the bottom of the hour, we've got recently retired Marine Corps Colonel Matt Smithmack joining us for an update, and Robert Tosh Plumlee, famous CIA whistleblower,
And then, at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to get into all the other news and world events I haven't covered.
And Paul Watson always does a powerful fourth hour.
He'll be hosting from London, England.
Matt Smithmech was on the main board at Guantanamo.
He's commanded major bases.
I'm not going to go over his giant bio, but he's got an amazing career.
He's been threatened, physically attacked for the information he's exposing here.
They're trying to talk to Congress.
Congress won't give them the time of day.
Senators, House members, this is so dangerous what you're about to hear.
And of course we've had Brian Terry's brother on.
This is about Benghazi.
This isn't just about Fast and Furious.
And this is about Brian Terry being killed so they could cover up the fact that guns weren't just being shipped from gun shops, that was to blame the overall operation on gun owners, but from military bases.
There's about to be another shipment
Right now, as we speak, it's about to happen, or it's happening.
And do we call Homeland Security on air so this is on record?
Do we call Congress?
What do we do?
What do we do when the whistleblowers have come out, it's happened, and no one gets in trouble?
We're reaching a level where we have all the witnesses of the stand-down order at Benghazi.
We knew about that four years ago when it happened, but now it's confirmed.
We know there were troops 25 minutes away.
Loaded up on an aircraft, told to stand down.
Now they can ship the guns directly to ISIS and Al-Qaeda, and we can have people out blowing the whistle that are being physically attacked and death-threatened.
What comes next?
This is a new level.
In fact, guys, I was asking, did you get me the Homeland Security phone number?
Will you bring it in to me?
Thank you.
Because I intend, I guess today, I've done it before, call Homeland Security on air and make a public report about this.
But this is a public report on almost 200 stations around the country and millions listening and watching on the internet right now and millions more when the videos of this get posted.
Hey Alex, this is Nico.
I'm popping in live right now to let you know that we've been searching for a number and we've been unable to locate one.
Their website's been redesigned since Jakari did that stunt and they're pointing everybody to call 911 now.
That's right, because those are the local threat fusion centers.
They have the whole see something, say something deal, and they still have some 800 numbers to the FBI.
They still, you know what, I want to call the FBI Austin.
And it actually says San Antonio, but it redirects to Austin.
And then I guess, you know what, that's a good idea.
I guess I could call the Austin police chief.
I've got his number, but that'll be referred to the feds.
But I mean, this is Colonel Matt Smith-Mack, and this is Tosh Plumlee.
We're going to go to him right now.
I'm not going to go over his whole bio, but... Again, the Marine Corps Colonel has... Let me just give you some of his bio here.
Joint Strike Fighter Joint Program, Office USMC Requirements Officer, Tribunal Member and Chief of Staff, Naval Base Guantanamo Bay.
Chief of Staff!
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
This is the middle of his bio.
The Office for Administrative Review and the Detention of Enemy Combatants.
Reviewing combatant status for 500 detainees and working closely with former Secretary of the Navy, FBI, CIA, that endeavored.
Deputy Branch Head, Aviation Manpower Headquarters, Marine Corps, currently a consultant and entrepreneur.
I mean, that's just a small part of his bio.
But he's trying to tell Congress and trying to tell the FBI.
And then all he gets is physically attacked from behind and death threats.
I'm just hammering that here now that we're just doing an update because it's the end of the month.
And the shipment's about to happen, and it's classified, so it's illegal.
It's all the Hillary stuff.
They're trying to tell Congress, and they won't, America.
So Matt, Colonel Smith-Mack, thank you for coming on.
Tosh Plumlee's here as well.
You guys just pop in and take control here of the broadcast at the bottom of the hour.
Just get the info out, because this is short and sweet, not focusing in on the story.
Folks know about it.
Our audience does, but how to get reportage on the shipment that's about to happen, or has happened.
Hey, Mr. Jones, it's Matt Smith-Mack.
Yeah, and I wanted to say also, Ken Terry said he'll be listening today.
I let him know.
I want to thank him for his courage.
So, bottom line, tell us about the shipment.
What's about to happen?
What do we do?
Bottom line, sir, there's a shipment went.
We let Congress know, House Oversight, let them know.
Nothing, they did not act on that information.
So the shipment went, went into Mexico, got on a train, went southeast to a port, and then God knows where after that.
And this was a few days ago?
This was at the end of the month.
This was a few days ago.
This would have been the 23rd of this month, yes, sir.
Last time you were on, you said it was imminent.
You weren't exactly sure when.
So now it's happened.
Go ahead.
No, no, go.
Yes, sir.
Another shipment in about three weeks or so, three to four weeks.
Again, letting Congress know, letting them know there's an individual willing and able to help them.
Kent Terry knows this person.
William Lajeunesse knows this person.
All they need to do is engage with this person.
And I think it's that one area that the federal government, the executive branch, utilized to execute Fast and Furious and these kind of operations.
But for some reason, the legislative branch seems reticent.
To want to access this domain that is, we have a unique insight and opportunity to get into.
So this would blow Fast and Furious, Hillary, the whole system to kingdom come politically, and Congress won't act on it?
Well, sadly it appears that way.
Wow, this is just such a huge deal, and I knew that was coming up at the end of the month, so I wanted to get you on.
So this has now happened, and it's just ongoing.
Have you received any other threats, Colonel?
No, no other threats.
I mean, you know, the kind of the friendly warnings from people who do concern saying, hey, you know, back off.
You don't want to be found face down in a gutter somewhere.
But this is too important.
You know, as I said before, in the first time on your show, we're citizens, not subjects.
And as a Marine, you know, Brian Terry deserves my full effort and faith to make sure closures come to him and his family.
Well, sure.
What if they're shipping five-year-old kids next?
Which, you know, the UN does.
Are we supposed to just let them ship little kidnapped kids out?
I mean, how long do we sit here and watch crime committed?
Let's go to Tosh Plumlee, famous whistleblower.
Tosh, you've been helping break this wide open because folks knew you had the courage to talk about it.
What's the bottom line for listeners and viewers out there that Congress stood down and let this happen?
Okay, let me back up here and see if I can get a little bit of background of how Matt and I got together.
Four years ago on your program, we mentioned exactly what we're covering now.
We talked about guns going across the border to Mexico, which was all up and over and above Fast and Furious.
Fast and Furious was a cutout for an international gun running operation that was being filtered through Mexico to the Middle East and into Qaddafi's bunkers.
That's been documented before the fact.
We also documented on your program and other programs and on my Facebook page that monies were going back to Hillary Clinton from foreign donations of people that was receiving weapons from our arsenals that was approved by the Direct Commercial Sales Program Blue Lantern Report.
This was all documented.
Today on a Huffington Post, briefly put out an article that confirmed information that went back four and a half years ago.
Which was covered on your program and also on John B. Wells' program on Coast to Coast on November 2, 2013.
These were documented, vetted information.
That information was also, at that point in time, turned over to the U.S.
Senate, the Congress, Trey Gowdy, and Grassley in the form of 11 Benghazi questions that made direct references back to the gunrunning operation, which was legal at that point in time.
But it was going across Mexico to the Mexican Army.
The Mexican Army was filtering that some of the percentage of those weapons off and sending those weapons to the drug cartel, which was proven when Joaquin Guzman was arrested and some of those weapons ended up in his safe house.
Now, what got the current situation between Matt and I together, his investigation, Terry, Brian Terry's investigation, and my investigation, all three dovetailed.
Right together, over a period of five years, Ryan Terry was killed on December in 2010.
Eight months later, we were sitting in Las Cruces, New Mexico, with five sectors of the Border Patrol Intelligence Unit, and we were telling them exactly what we are talking about today.
The Senate, the Congress, the President of the United States, and the U.S.
State Department did not.
They said the information was from non-creditable sources, multiple sources, myself included.
I went on Facebook page
Mainly to protect myself and my colleagues from information before the fact by publishing in detail exactly what our investigation had run over.
From a task force that was working out of Fort Bliss, Texas, into the Mexican Marinos, and also with the Mexican Army.
We had infiltrated the Mexican Army, found out that they had informants that was working directly with the cartel, and all this information was passed on to the U.S.
Senate and the Congress.
Absolutely nothing was done.
It was turned into political, a political that we, our crew and our investigators and our people and our military people had an axe to grind against this administration and they turned it into a political vendetta and made us look like total fools.
As time progressed,
That information became vetted and vetted and vetted.
Now, to bring Matt in, and Matt can jump in anytime he wants, Matt got information about the information that I had was still ongoing.
I knew it was ongoing from the military task force working out of Fort Bliss, Texas, which was known as Task Force 7.
Military operation, boots on the ground, inside Mexico.
Sure, I know.
I've had family in Task Force 6 and 7.
They just say the stuff going on is unbelievable, but won't tell me.
I saw they've resigned out of those because they say it's so corrupt.
What can you tell us, Colonel, about what's happening in these task forces and where all this is going now?
You know, sir, this is just uptelling what Tosh said.
I know the military had been involved.
Going back to 2005, you know, I was tasked to go to MCS Yuma, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, to look for a military nexus into, at that time, Wide Receiver and then Fast and Furious.
Report it back on some of the things that I found, not so much in Fort Campbell, but certainly in Yuma.
And again, that was about 05 timeframe when, if you look at the genesis of Fast and Furious,
The seeds of it, under wide receiver, began to blossom in Yuma and then kind of blossom out there from Yuma, kind of going to the eastern part of Arizona.
And again, not but August of 2014, I was talked to by a person who identified himself as Colonel Taylor, Air Force OSI, telling me that the DOD was aware of their installation and equipment
And let's be clear, then...
Now they're claiming in mainstream news, oh, ISIS built its own Stinger missiles, and then they admit in the article, no, they actually got some, we don't know from where, to confuse people.
So they're even putting cover stories in.
Undoubtedly, ISIS is already blowing up and bringing down airliners, one every few months.
How long until they start using those Stinger missiles, and what is the political class thinking from both of you, Tosh Plumlee and Colonel?
Insert something right here.
Stinger missiles that you made reference to was recorded.
400 of them was missing from our arsenals and some of them were taken out of the bunkers in Libya before Qaddafi was killed.
We reported those 400 Stinger missiles missing.
Senator John McCain said that when pigs fly and the sun rises in the west,
Waking reference to Tosh Plumley alleging that there were Stinger missiles in ISIS hands.
Two weeks later, those Stinger missiles was photographed in the back of brand new pickup trucks.
It's not confirmed.
I guess the pig, yeah, it was confirmed.
I guess the pigs do fly, and I guess the sun does set or rise in the West.
Now, I'm not upset with any of these politicians.
As far as I'm concerned, they're all down crooks, working for special interests, and tied in with the international crime syndicate.
I'll say it.
I'll say what some of these people will not say.
This is an international crime syndicate.
It's an international gun running operation.
Now I'm going to back up here.
When those weapons went across to Mexico and the Marines, Marinos investigated, confirmed what we had and what we had found in warehouses in Juarez, Mexico that belonged to the cartel and I photographed them and we went in and there's also a raided ranch that they had a very bad day according to what the Marinos told us at the Iron Fence which has been photographed.
I don't rattle, rattle, rattle.
I'm not trying to rattle.
I'm just trying to give background.
When Matt come along and said, hey, they're still going on.
I said, absolutely right.
We know it's still going on.
How do we get Congress and how do we get the Senate to act?
All right.
Who approved it?
It came from the U.S.
State Department.
They approved the applications for those weapons to leave the country and go to the Mexican Army.
The Mexican Army bill traded a percentage of those weapons off to the drug cartels.
Three of them.
Joaquin Guzman's son-in-law was one of them.
Why would it be crazy enough to give MPADS to ISIS and Al Qaeda?
I mean, obviously they're doing this on purpose.
It's still ongoing.
It's not an accident from Fast and Furious.
What is the endgame?
What is the master plan?
It's simple.
It's very simple.
You've got a situation where we start the conflict.
We escalate the conflict.
We furnish weapons to both sides of the conflict.
We keep it going and then we filtrate that money back into various, not only the Clinton campaign or foundation, and the Clinton Global Initiative, which only, by the way, only gives 3% of their funding back into contributions, which does a very good thing, very limited as it is.
There's also 97% that goes to administrative costs, or whatever, and tremendous salaries.
But anyway, that's another thing.
Sure, they steal money at every level.
They're master criminals.
I mean, I get it.
So, still, the elite haven't done stuff like this before, unless you're talking about the 80s, and they mopped all those up.
So, let me ask the Colonel, why do you think they're doing this?
Sir, I think it's, you go back to Rothschild, you know, you want to control an event, you control both sides.
And I think we, much like when Tosh was involved in Cuba in 57, I mean, you know, the government armed both sides of that conflict.
And I hope and pray, and I recently emailed House Oversight, I said, I hope and pray that ATF agent John Dodson, another true hero, wasn't entirely correct when he said, Matt,
The politicians will always only do what's in their political self-interest.
So, uh, I hope to God this time their self-interest coincides with the right thing.
Well, that's why we're doing this, obviously.
You're risking your life.
Everybody here is.
Let's not make bones about it.
We understand that you can't just arm these radical groups with high-tech, high-impact weapons, and it shows our elite is getting more and more insane before they try to stop this from happening, and they've obviously got some larger plan, and we want Congress and everybody to know, when the planes get shot down with these, you're not going to cover it up, and it's going to come out, and you're not going to get away with it.
This is just so out of control.
Colonel Smithmech?
Yes, sir.
Any other points you'd like to add?
Yeah, one thing if I could, the person who, you know, Tosh knows him as well as Kent and others, we, in short information he had, got to House Oversight end of September 2013.
And just as a point of, again, before the fact information,
The House Oversight was told September, late September, I think September 23rd, 2013, that there were grenades and grenade launchers involved with these weapons that go on South.
It wasn't just handguns and long rifles.
And not until October 30th, 2014, did DOJ, OIG make that public.
So when Congress says, well nothing you have has led to anything, it's wrong.
It's incorrect.
This was written about in Narco News in 2010 and 2011, exactly what Matt just said.
Bill Conroy, a good investigative reporter, reported about this in a series of articles through Narco News.
Any listener out there can go run Bill Conroy.
Sure, I remember Sheldon Castile, the former DA, retired.
He said they tried to hire him out by the King Ranch to actually train drug cartels, Sinaloa and others, as part of a huge civil war coming in Mexico.
That was before all the killings started.
That's right.
So the point being, this has been on record for a number of years, but our agencies have refused, including CIA, and I'll say it right straight into your camera, including the CIA and their CIA COG division,
Or whatever you want to call it, and their SAP, Special Access Programs, which I'm not supposed to talk about, and all the fusion centers that we are not supposed to know about, they all have this information and refuse to act upon it.
Next week, according to our sources, which have been validated in more than one multiple sources,
Or we'll be moving more guns, international, across the Mexican border.
We will be photographing, and we're typing our hand, and we're telling, we're talking to someone else here on this camera.
We're not just talking to, we're talking, we're sending a message to someone else.
We're tired of your BS.
We're coming after you.
Simple as that.
We will photograph your weapons.
We will document, since the Congress and the Senate does not want to do this, since the FBI, for whatever reasons they've got, don't want to get involved in this because of the White House and their administration does not want us to continue.
When they get out of control, they force people to do desperate things.
If they don't want to continue, then we will continue it for them.
And we will give the information to them.
And we will document it.
I've been on this thing for ten years, Alex.
Ten years.
You've been on it with me for at least four.
Now, it's been vetted more than once.
We have been so desensitized on this international gun running that they are now, I think, that they can get by and cram it right down our throat and we're not going to do a damn thing about it.
I personally, number one, am putting it with my career, my life at 78 years old and saying one simple thing.
We're coming after you.
You're not going to steal my country anymore.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
I'm a realist.
And I want my country back.
And it's 202-225-0037.
But folks, this is real here.
You can also click right there and then email them.
It says, blow the whistle.
They want you to blow the whistle.
Yeah, right.
Let's start a whitehouse.gov petition.
To stop the White House from shipping more guns to ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
We'll do that today.
Gentlemen, I'm going to come back and do five more minutes with you, then I'm going to get to the other news.
But just your courage is amazing.
This isn't about having courage, folks.
There's got to be some bottom to this, is what Tosh and Colonel Smithmaker are saying.
Where does it come next when the people on the bases are blowing the whistle?
It's all going on.
It's all illegal.
It's going to the Middle East, to Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
It's totally insane.
Congress has been told no one will do anything.
I mean, this is crazy.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWars.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You know, I've been having liners like that for about 19 years, about 21 years on air.
People used to think it was a joke when I'd say, you know, in FEMA Region 6, formerly Texas.
But really, that's where this is all going, with TPP and globalism and world government, and the decisions are made overseas, and the government's run by a bunch of hijackers that do whatever they want.
They're now getting a lot of these weapons into Europe, killing people there.
Western governments have brought 5 million, quote, refugees in, most of them military-age men to Europe.
We don't know the numbers here.
They'll claim, oh, a few hundred in Texas, and then it's a few hundred per high school, and then per middle school.
I mean, my alma mater had 232 Syrian and Iraqi refugees last year.
It was in the newspaper.
The school's collapsing because of it.
We called all the other schools.
They had them, too, by the hundreds.
Then they said, oh, Texas has gotten 400 refugees last year.
Thousands and thousands in Austin.
They admit that the C-130s land at night, nobody's checked, they're just let in.
They admitted the Associated Press, Minnesota's got 22% of these immigrants have tuberculosis.
Now they've got this flesh-eating bacteria.
That's in the news.
What is our controlling elite thinking?
Why are they so wed to Jihad?
Are they planning to let it have a big Tet Offensive here?
And use that Tet Offensive to take our rights?
Here's the latest article up on InfoWars.com.
It's red-linked.
Facebook, Twitter banning free speech to form Virtual Superstate.
Kit Daniels just wrote an article about the Bloomberg AP articles that whitewashed it all.
Put out an article basically breaking down the reality as they announced that we're all working with governments to shut down the anti-government speech.
Talk about Benghazi, they restrict you, they ban you.
Well, the answer is speak out more, get involved more, take action more.
Now, we have just a few minutes left here, and I appreciate Colonel Matt Smithmeck, recently retired from the Marine Corps, and Robert Tosh Plumlee, famous whistleblower, who for decades has been exposing this, but last few years got out, retired, from what he was doing as contracting for the CIA and others, and has exposed it.
And this is big stuff you're hearing.
And I don't go, oh, I'm breaking a big story.
That's good for my show.
I sit here with a rock in the pit of my stomach and go, I've got to really cover some stuff here that 99% of people are too scared to do because I know where it leads.
I'm scared of where it leads if this continues.
So the word has got to get out.
It's getting more and more dangerous.
Let me ask Colonel Smith-Mack and Plumlee.
Clearly this is a Tet Offensive 2 with Jihadis.
Clearly they know with these numbers we're going to have San Bernardinos at some point when they all start activating on a weekly basis, maybe every day.
And they've clearly said in Europe, we're banning your free speech because if you criticize Islam they attack us.
So the formula is bring them in, let them attack us.
When they attack, take our rights.
Just like give them stinger missiles, let them blow up airplanes.
How does the political elite
Suspend logic at a level like this to be the cause of all of our crises, the cause of our problems, and then use the problems to kill what's left of the Western world.
I mean, it's so transparent.
How are they getting away with this, or do you disagree with that analysis, Colonel?
No, sir, I agree with your analysis, and I think they're just betting on the hope that the American people have apathy, and I just plead with our fellow American citizens
Don't let this happen.
I mean, imagine you're Josephine Terry, the mother of Brian Terry, who's been lied to by our government, who Congress has said they would help, and they haven't.
There's a lot of bloviating.
And I haven't been in the government.
I understand, you know, the kind of the, you know, no offense intended, I'm part Polish, but the Polish salute where, you know, nobody knows what's going on and nobody takes responsibility, that's part of the, I think, the modus operandi here.
And until we as citizens
Say enough, like Tosh and I have said and others, you know, enough.
We are going to expose this, come hell or high water, because this is our country, dang it.
This is not going to happen.
This is the line in the sand.
We've got folks in government and out.
This is the line in the sand.
Yes, sir.
I say, if we don't stop here, if we don't stop this, and put our spine up, and my God, we're Americans, not Americans.
I'm willing to put my life, my blood, my money, my everything on the line.
I know Tasha's too, you as well, sir.
And you got the Terry family, for God's sakes, like the families of the Benghazi thing, they just want some damn answers.
Well, it just shows how ruthless they are.
They are.
Thirteen hours stand down, eight hours of combat, let everybody die, then lie about it.
I mean, it's just, and Hillary lying about being in combat, being shot at like Brian Williams, and then there's a shock 75% pullout.
They'll still say that they want her to keep running even if she's indicted.
I mean, Tosh, I get you.
It's lying in the sand.
And if we know about this, Tosh, I wonder what else is going on.
The good news is, and I know you talk to them too, a lot of current military people,
Officers, special forces, you name it.
They've never been more awake and more upset.
So the establishment better understand, they're not invincible.
Alright, let me go back to the question you asked.
Very simple as this.
You asked why they let it go on.
It's very simple.
Would you take $265 million if you had your own private foundation set up, if it required you to let this stuff go on?
Simple question.
Yes or no?
No, I wouldn't.
Well, some people in Congress and the Senate and the POTUS and the White House would.
And they have.
And they've demonstrated... So they sold us out.
We've been sold out.
...that they have.
Now, let me back up here, and I don't want to hog the whole airways.
One of the things that we have not covered here is that the investigation that I was investigating with, with Bill Conroy of Narco News,
As far back as 2009 and 2010.
Brian Terry, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was working, I didn't know it at the time, but Brian Terry was working on the very same thing that we're talking about here.
He was told to stand, not stand down, he was told to halt.
That was the word used.
Halt his investigation.
For safety's sake.
Political reasons.
Anyway, he ended up getting killed in Peck Canyon.
It's not healthy to go there.
Well, I'm going there.
I've already been there and I'm going to stay there.
And so it's bad.
And so anyway, we're using your airways, Alex, and we appreciate that.
No one else will touch this information.
We've just been out there for 10 years.
It goes way back.
I'm not going to ramble on and on.
Those two things I wanted to bring up.
Brian Terry is dead.
And he was investigating the very same thing that we're investigating right now.
I understand.
Well, listen, God bless you.
Everybody needs to get involved.
And you take this video, you do an article tomorrow, and just keep hammering.
So when they shoot down airplanes with the Stinger missiles, or go into a school with the machine guns, and kill 300 people...
The second amendment in America doesn't get blamed.
The veterans don't get blamed.
The gun owners don't get blamed.
The criminals that have gone too far and hijacked this nation get blamed.
We'll get another update from you soon, gentlemen.
But the answer for all our safety, stay in the sunshine and keep getting this word out.
And thank you both, gentlemen.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you, Colonel.
There they go.
I tell you.
Lajones, I've been on his show on Fox before.
He's a good guy, but they're probably not letting him run with this.
That's why you haven't seen it on TV.
They ran with Tasha's Info here four years ago and McCain came out and said, oh, and pigs fly and the sun comes up on the wrong side of the world.
Of course, it all came out.
It was true.
Plumlee's not lying.
And people said, well, how did he stay in the government even after he exposed a whole bunch of corruption?
Well, that's because he got to keep his job.
He did the right thing.
Our government was not as corrupt then.
I mean, it's getting really, really corrupt, folks.
And our government takes money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Hillary's got over $100 million from the Gulf States in her foundation loan.
And then they just, hey, you got three warehouses full of weapons.
Well, the ambassador's saying he won't give them the weapons.
Kill, kill, kill him!
They pulled all the security out of the surrounding areas, told everybody, get out of there.
He got word, they got set up, boom!
In comes the jihadis to kill him, and then ten guys down the road refuse to stand down and go down there and extend the firefight for eight and a half hours.
So the military got to sit there and watch on overhead HD video, in infrared and FLIR, everybody getting killed.
And then they said, what about Turkey being involved?
She goes, Turkey?
Why are we talking about turkeys?
Knowing the audience might be so dumb, they didn't know there was a country called Turkey, or that she was asking, why are you asking me about turkeys?
They're like, when you see Secretary of State, Mr. Secretary of State, Clinton, why was the Turkish ambassador there?
What about turkeys?
That's what we're reduced to, some crime boss with a big Joker smile.
Looks like a demon out of a movie, out of a comic book.
Like the Joker, she's like a female version.
Heh heh heh heh heh.
What difference does it make?
I mean just, wow, there's nothing they can't do.
And most people just cower in fear, just constantly, like that's all we're supposed to do.
I just don't get it.
I just don't understand how we've turned into such a nation of cowards.
I mean, what else are they up to?
I've got articles here about the U.N.
running child sex slavery.
I see these articles every week for 20 years.
investigations, you know, they get exposed by the Pentagon and stuff, show the U.N.
just murdering people en masse, killing little kids, selling them into sex slavery.
And then I've got to watch every time I see a supermodel, she's wearing a, you know, U.N.
Just all, just, it's just dumb people allow this.
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb people.
And America gets demonized and its history gets demonized because compared to other nations, we were so free, so open, so trailblazing and attempting to be even freer.
That's why all the wealth and inventions and everything came from here.
And now I see the instincts of slaves, just a, oh, who cares?
Oh, whatever.
Oh, I'm trendy.
That's what matters.
Oh, you don't like Hillary.
You hate women.
And you're just like, they're like talking Martian.
They're so addled and soft and stupid and television and entertainment has done it.
And smartphones are dumbing everybody down.
We are falling apart.
The good news is there's a hardcore core of people around the world that are awake and know what's going on.
And all corruption ends up coming down because these people stab each other in the back as well.
I want to play a few clips here and hit some other news.
And I want to get this clip Mark Dice did over for Memorial Day and this is what he actually got out in San Diego where no one basically knew what it was.
This is why we're in so much trouble.
But these same dumb people get told feel good, hate Donald Trump, call him racist, say you want to kill him.
Dumb people.
I don't care what color they are, they all are the same group, the same race of idiots, of jellyfish, of fools.
It doesn't mean I trust Trump or think he's perfect or any of that either.
I just know when the establishment hates somebody, for a good reason, I research it and find out why.
Because they got Trump's phones tapped, they know his whole background, and they don't like what's going on there.
Now, before I go any further here, we are running specials that end today.
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Okay, I've got a bunch of other clips I want to play to, but first, this is why we're in so much trouble.
Americans have no idea what Memorial Day is.
San Diegans think military holiday is about LGBT issues.
People ask, what's all the LGBT about?
It's not about LGBT.
It's about much ado about nothing.
I'm not saying those people aren't something, but it's not making that the cause celeb.
That's how you're somebody is you join this.
You don't get a good free market.
You don't get great vacations or security or life or freedom of choice.
You get just this constant new rights of bathrooms for whoever and fire hydrants for guys that think they're dogs and free bleach for people who want to burn their eyes out.
I mean, I'm not kidding.
Taxpayer paid for it.
And so all people know is LGBT.
They know what that is.
They don't know what the three branches of government are.
They don't know about radiation spiking.
They don't know about glyphosate giving them all forms of cancer.
They don't know why mama just got breast cancer at 40.
But you know what they do know?
They can feel sad for her and go see her while she chemo's out and dies.
Because they're just kind of, yeah, babies.
Societal collapse, IQs plunging, sperm counts plunging.
We're poisoned.
We've been hit.
We've been soft killed.
But if you're aware of it, as a human, you're able to become aware of it and begin to change your life and override it.
And when you're conscious of something, you can realize it's there.
But we are sick people.
Remember, Drudge came out and said, we're a very sick society.
The media said, Drudge hates America.
He said, we're a sick society.
No, we are a sick society.
He doesn't say, oh good, I'm a globalist.
Let's prey on the dumb, sick people that are under our control.
He says, come on, wake up.
You're under control.
You're being murdered.
You're being slaughtered.
You're being dumbed down.
You're losing your humanity.
And the sick little puppets of the media make jokes about it.
All they have is their cynical hatred of their fellow humans.
They don't have any property or any honor or any family.
They've just got sniveling ignorance.
In fact, I'm going to play this clip, but this weekend I was out with some family, and I've got to tell this story.
I haven't asked permission, but she won't care.
I just tell stories anyways.
I'm sorry I'm doing it.
My sister Marley, she's got her boyfriend out there, right on the boat.
My kids, he's a real nice guy.
I just met him the first time.
I know she went to high school with him, and he's a really cool guy.
One of the women on the boat had so much sunscreen on, I said, hey, you look like a geisha girl.
Oh man, you got a lot of sunscreen on.
And he goes, he's a white guy, he goes, oh, I'm sorry to Marley.
Oh, are you okay?
She goes, no, no, it's funny.
So Buckley sees that and starts making Kim Jong-un jokes.
I mean, we adopted Marley.
We love her.
We're not racist.
We adopted an Asian person because, you know, she was six months old, you know, in an orphanage in South Korea.
We love humanity.
She's funny.
She gets it.
But see, and then later, oh my God, he got more upset about that.
So Buckley kept doing it.
The guy was really nice, but he was really upset.
Oh my gosh, it's okay if somebody looks like a geisha girl.
They got so much on.
That's what they look like, a geisha girl.
You know, white clown makeup.
I see Japanese people on the hike and bike trail.
They're wearing full masks because they want to be high class and not have suntan.
She looked like a geisha girl.
It's not bad to say, hey, you look like something culturally.
Like, hey, let's go eat Mexican food.
I know people that freak out when they hear that.
Don't say Mexican.
I mean, it's mental illness.
I had somebody three weeks ago, somebody goes, hey, let's go get Mexican food.
And someone in the group went, whoa, whoa.
And then there was a Mexican lady there, and she goes, I'm Mexican.
It's Mexican food.
You're supposed to say Mexican.
It's mental.
It's crazy, folks.
It is crazy.
Crazy, crazy.
They just... You said Geisha Girl, and there's an Asian person here.
Yes, it wasn't meant to insult Asians.
But see, they have to ban Geisha Girls at Halloween because that's making fun of Japanese.
No, it's not!
ISIS reportedly uses hundreds of families as human shields to protect Fallujah, reports Fox News.
Several hundred innocent families were trapped in the center of a bloody battle for the Islamic State's Iraqi hub of Fallujah.
Used as human shield for the terror group, the United Nations Refugee Center warned on Tuesday as a leading aid group called it a human catastrophe.
Over the weekend, the fighting left at least seven members of one family dead or wounded.
An estimated 50,000 people remained trapped.
A witness claimed, ISIS fighters distributed some sweets for the kids for the first time, trying to get people on their side as they know their end is so close.
The witness also told USA Today they're locking some families down inside the hospital building.
They're making people freak out over the arrival of Iraqi forces by telling them the army and militia are coming to kill you all.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
So instead of reveling in how dumb the public's gotten, we should realize the elite are organizing them into giant masses of idiots who don't know about freedom or anything.
They just know how to run around and obsess over what words are being used.
Don't play part of this video.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Video Americans have no idea what Memorial Day is.
Another Mark Dive special.
Here it is.
It's Memorial Day weekend.
We sort of celebrate the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell that was preventing the gays from serving in the military.
What are you going to be doing to celebrate this weekend?
I'm just visiting, so I'm just going to enjoy this ocean and have a few drinks.
That's about it.
Yes, yes.
I will.
I love the LGBT community.
Of course, for sure.
For sure.
I'm all about it.
I'm all about it.
Yeah, of course.
No clue.
That's my answer.
No clue.
No clue?
It's a memorial for the soldiers that fought in the wars.
For the ones who died?
Well, that guy lived.
That guy lived.
What is Memorial Day for?
For the military, I'm pretty sure.
What specifically?
Uh... I couldn't tell you.
If I sat down and kind of... Hold on, we'll get to you next.
Is this Conan?
No, I know it's military.
I know I should know more about it, but I don't right now.
So, I need to sit down and think about it.
You definitely do.
But I bet he's got a college degree.
Memorial Day weekend.
It doesn't feel like it, but it will.
And we're just, you know, kind of commemorating the freeing of the slaves and the end of the Civil War.
Just checking to get people's comments on what you're going to be doing this weekend.
Just doing some drinking and having fun.
That's about it.
That's all that matters, right?
Well, yeah.
Just enjoy yourself, right?
Thank you, Zombie.
Memorial Day weekend, the time when we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Yes, yes.
What are you going to be doing?
Well, we weren't drinking, but we just got an open container ticket, so... Well...
So water!
Party on!
Thank you.
NASA has a big celebration every Memorial Day to commemorate Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon.
The government's decided to cancel that Memorial Day celebration this year at NASA.
Is that the wisest thing to do?
Or should we be commemorating Neil Armstrong this Memorial Day?
I think we've been commemorating him
Him for long enough, so we should save some money right now.
That's enough, it goes on.
He's even funnier, but listen.
Maybe next year.
It's like if we had a gauge that was flashing from green that we're smart to red that we're totally retarded, the gauge is going over in the red going, danger, danger, danger, idiocracy is here, warning, warning, warning, warning, warning, warning, warning.
And of course these people watch TV and Donald Trump's racist.
There's no death panels!
One week after they passed Obamacare, the cover of Newsweek was, The Case for Killing Granny, with an image of a cord pulled out of the wall of a respirator.
And they went on TV and went, We are gonna kill you!
Ha ha ha ha!
Dumb heifers!
The guy that helped write it for Obama said, We're really lucky that these are, the public's so uninformed and dumb.
I mean, I'm really insulted by that, you know?
I mean, I'll be honest, I'm not, you know, I've seen somebody choking.
I go over and I do the Heimlich.
While 50 other people stand there letting them die.
And they thought I was weird to do it and tried to stop me.
And I've seen people trying to rob somebody before in a parking lot, and I defended the person and helped them, and the people didn't even hardly say thank you afterwards.
It's just like rats, they're everywhere.
I don't even understand these people.
I'm not an elitist, man, but I'm telling you, these people are dangerous.
They're dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.
And they are the enablers of everything we face and the problems we have.
Whole Watch is coming up in the fourth hour.
I'm gonna do five more minutes.
Internet giants Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft pledged to tackle online hate speech in less than 24 hours as part of a joint commitment with the European Union to combat the use of social media by terrorists, reports Bloomberg News.
Beyond national laws that criminalize hate speech, they say there is a need to ensure that such activity by Internet users is, quote, expeditiously reviewed by online intermediaries and social media platforms,
Upon receipt of a valid notification in an appropriate time frame, the companies and the European Commission said in a joint statement Tuesday, the code of conduct arrives as Europe comes to terms with the bloody attacks in Paris and Brussels by the Islamic State, who use social media as a recruitment tool, even though many milder messages have been censored by the social networks.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, if I wanted to just do really good radio, the stuff on DrudgeReport.com is just the most wild selection of stuff every day.
I should just do the show off that, as most talk show hosts do.
I do a lot of it off that.
I've got stacks of news, also important, from InfoWars.com, but... He didn't beat his chest.
AnimalExpert says... Gorilla, new boy, who fell into his enclosure, was defenseless and would never have attacked him.
Yeah, not one of those...
African great gorillas.
I mean, those things are pretty sweet to things that they don't see as a threat.
And the argument is, if they shot him with a tranquilizer, he could have flipped out and hurt the kid on accident.
But that's just, from what I know, reading about gorillas and watching shows about them, that's just not the case.
Now, baboons or something?
Maybe even some chimpanzees would flip out and hurt the kid, but not a gorilla.
That's the thing about Hollywood.
People think of gorillas because of those stupid movies, you know, where the gorillas kill everybody and stuff.
That's just a bunch, that's just a load of bull, folks.
Gorillas don't do that.
Unless you attack them.
They're pretty smart.
They know humans have guns.
They run.
But, um, the Cincinnati Zoo, I didn't mean to come back and cover that.
I was just reading about it.
An animal behavior expert believes that the gorilla who was shot dead when a four-year-old boy fell into the zoo enclosure was investigating, not attacking the child, which is understood was defenseless.
Well, yeah, they like little kids, kittens, you name it.
They all have, like, even the males have, like, a maternal instinct.
The 180-kilogram
You know, everywhere I go, I'll see, like, if there's a crack on the street that big now, on private property, it'll say, Danger Crack, because somebody can sue you.
And everywhere's gotten rid of diving boards, but now all the new pools, like the W, I won't stay at a W. It's all trendy, all crap.
I've stated them in Europe, you name it.
And it's like a one-foot pool now.
It's like the trendier and trendier is like having no services.
And now you watch, they're going to start even not letting humans get near animals because people don't watch their kids and they climb in.
That's the nanny state of people that own restaurants where they'll have a regular deck with a five-foot drop and they're having to like put sheet metal up because kids will fall through and then the parents sue them.
There's no common sense.
It's all just a bunch of idiots everywhere.
This video of him shooting the gorilla and just being nice to the little kid.
Footage taken from a visitor shows the gorilla grabbing the boy by the shirt.
Many are placing the blame squarely on the parents of the four-year-old boy who investigators believe crawled through the railing barrier.
There's a really sad video of the whole
Of the whole thing.
But I'm going to do a special report on this and the whole nanny state.
Because, you know, that's what's causing all this.
And I can get why they shot the gorilla because, you know, he's obviously agitated.
He's got the kid.
He doesn't know what to do.
It's very exciting when you're locked up in a jail and then, you know, there's suddenly a little animal in there with you and you don't know what to do with it.
The gorilla's not stupid.
He's looking for its parent.
He's expecting that somebody's going to come crawling in wanting this baby.
And so he's just checking the kid out, not knowing what to do, and well, he gets shot.
So that footage is up on InfoWars.com as well, but I'm going to shoot a quick special report.
The nightly news on that because you know I get why they shot him because if they would have not done it and there's a small chance the gorilla could actually hurt the kid, it'd be all over.
Because the way, the gorilla's running away from yelling crowds.
If you watch the video and the audio, here's the yelling and here's the, so it's trying to get the kid and run to wherever it's safe and one time I had some neighbors, I had this chihuahua named Conan as a joke, it was a tiny black chihuahua, dark brown chihuahua.
And this neighbor woman
The dog didn't like other people, you know, it was a one-person dog or whatever, or two-person dog, and the lady kept following the dog, trying to, quote, give it back to us, the neighbor, and ran it out in the street, down to William Cannon, where I live down there, and they just smashed the dog flat on a pancake, and another neighbor saw it, called me, I came home from work, and they had the dog in a trash bag.
But it's kind of that example of the Nanny State, oh, the doggy's out, let me chase it down the road, till I run it out into the highway, to get run over, flat on a pancake.
Anyways, just remember that story.
We're gonna be back with Paul Joseph Watson and more InfoWars Nightly News tonight at 7 o'clock central.
Don't forget the huge special ends today.
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I've been covering the news on radio and TV for more than 21 years.
And as each year begins, you tend to see a theme that's developing with the social engineers, with the global architects.
And undoubtedly, they're making their move to destabilize the Western world right now, from Australia to Europe to the United States to Canada.
And they're bringing in
Millions and millions of radical Islamic Muslims unvetted so that they will carry out terror attacks.
And then when they do carry out terror attacks, we lose our liberties and freedoms and are told to comply with Islam and they'll stop bombing and shooting us.
This is the crazy world of political correctness.
That said, they allow Muslims to basically, in the United States and Europe, keep women as slaves chained up, beat them, pour acid on their faces, and they don't even really get in trouble.
It's like UN diplomats are always being caught with slaves from Africa and stuff.
And they'll say, well that's their culture in this African country.
But if it's Western culture, it's evil and it's bad.
And going over some of these articles, recently the Pope and the top imam, the head imam in the world over Sunni Muslims, that's what Al Qaeda is.
Met with the Pope
Allah Akbar!
Incredible threat.
Now ISIS wants to attack the Olympics coming up in Brazil.
Hungary's Prime Minister gets it and says Clinton is George Soros' puppet.
Warns that they want to overrun the EU with millions of Muslims.
Radical ones that are wedded to the left.
22% of resettled refugees in Minnesota have tested positive for tuberculosis and then they go on to report
That they're letting them in when they have tuberculosis.
This is unprecedented attack on our country.
This is a government at war with the people.
This is a government savaging the population, and it goes on and on.
The open borders are the key to globalism, destroy national sovereignty, and radical Islamists that can't even live with each other in peace are not compatible here.
We should never submit to their backwards culture of oppression.
We are the true liberals who promote free speech across the board in Europe and the United States of Canada and we must stand for it and not be bullied into a new dark age of oppression and tyranny.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, it's the Alex Jones Show Live 4th Hour Overdrive with me, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
And we're going to get the European perspective.
Of course, we've got the big Brexit vote coming up here in the United Kingdom.
In a few weeks' time, the official campaign for the Vote Leave movement is not including immigration as one of its major platform issues.
In campaigning for Britain to leave the European Union, which is a massive mistake because the polls all show that this is the primary concern amongst the British voters.
And for very good reason.
Because we've seen again and again this cultural enrichment
that has infused our wonderful country via the gravy train of Muslim migrants over the past year is not proving too beneficial.
This is a top story up on Infowars.com right now.
Swedish government kicks local family out of home, gives it to Muslim migrants.
That's right.
Sweden, in which politicians encourage their citizens to give up their garages to house asylum seekers.
Now they're just taking people who were born in Sweden, these are locals who were born in the town, grown up there, lived there their entire lives, and saying, get the hell out.
You're being replaced by the precious Muslim migrant.
You must bow down and worship them, otherwise you're racist.
A local family in the Swedish city of Lingo
...has been ordered by the government to leave their home so that it may be given to migrants arriving from a foreign country.
Father of two teenage boys, Uffe Rustan, received a voicemail from his local municipality telling him he would need to vacate the property by August in order to make way for asylum seekers from the Middle East.
He's being culturally enriched.
This is a quote.
Listen to this.
This is a guy who's got two teenage sons, born in the city, grew up there, lived there their entire lives.
They're paying the government rent.
This is not a free welfare house.
They're taxpayers.
The father works.
He's paying the government rent.
He's got a contract.
The government left him a voicemail and said that that contract would not be renewed.
He would be kicked out and replaced by Muslim migrants who, presumably, almost 100% guaranteed, aren't going to be paying a penny.
Even though Sweden is suffering from a drastic housing shortage right now, they're kicking their own citizens out of their home to make way for these economic migrants.
This is a quote from the father.
I was evicted from my home over the phone.
When I asked for the reason, he said that people come from other countries.
He left the news and basically just said, have a nice weekend.
He goes on, it feels like I'm worthless.
Even though I pay taxes and my kids go to school here, you cannot put a family on the streets for another family.
Well, you can if they're from the Middle East, if they're precious asylum seekers who have been such a great benefit to the culture of Sweden that since that country opened its doors to mass immigration, the rape level skyrocketed 1400%!
Because it's such a great form of cultural enrichment.
This is a government that has Islamists beheading people in Ikea stores, and what does it do the very next day?
Doesn't take measures to combat Islamists, to combat the radicalisation of Muslims in these Swedish no-go ghettos, where police, firefighters, ambulance personnel are pelted with stones, chased out of the area.
It doesn't do any of that.
What does it do instead?
It lectures Swedes about Islamophobia.
It organises anti-Islamophobia marches in the very days after Islamists have beheaded Swedes in Ikea because it's their fault.
And it's this family's fault, presumably, for trying to actually pay the government, pay taxes, agree a contract to stay in this home.
Not good enough.
You will be supplanted.
You will be replaced.
And again, Sweden is not the only European government that is turfing out its own citizens of social housing, which in many cases they actually pay the government, it's not free, to accommodate the influx of Muslim migrants.
We've featured the reports out of Germany, where these migrants are being given four-star hotels, while low-income Germans are being ordered to leave their homes.
The Telegraph reported that Germans are now beginning to receive notices of eviction to make way for asylum seekers.
Again, placing the welfare, the legitimacy, the importance of these economic migrants, the majority of whom don't come from Syria, they're not refugees, they head straight for the northern European welfare havens, they're not even migrants.
They're not refugees, but they're being treated like gods, because that's the new humanitarian trendy thing to do.
And of course once they've imported them, once they've had their numerous children, which they're prone to do, like Erdogan out of Turkey says, you know, decrying contraception, urging Muslims to have more and more children while Europe dies basically, fertility dropping through the floor, all those people that those governments are bringing into these Northern European welfare states, eventually they're going to get the right to vote.
They're dependent on government.
They're gonna vote for more big government.
That's why you've got Green Party politicians in Germany heralding their arrival.
Heralding the fact that Germans will be a minority in their own cities by the year 2030.
Saying it's a good thing!
Decrying the so-called right-wingers who dare stand up for their own populations.
But those Muslim migrants are just going to vote for more big government, and that's the main incentive for big government to import them in the first place.
Also, big business gets access to cheap labour, so again, crony corporatism wins out at the end of the day.
And again, if you look at Germany, for example,
In Berlin alone, they're spending 600 million euros a year to house migrants.
In some cases, in upmarket Berlin hotels, we're talking 18,000 euros per refugee per year.
Now that is enough to basically fix Berlin's homeless population, Berlin's homeless problem.
They have a homeless population of 10,000 people.
And yet, the government is going to be paying in Berlin alone for 10,000 people to stay in four-star hotels so they could fix their homeless population overnight.
But no, you're a German citizen living in Germany.
You're scum.
You're a Swede.
You're a single father with two children, two teenage children, trying to raise them, working hard, paying taxes, paying the government to rent a house, having a contract.
You're scum!
You will be replaced by the precious Muslim migrants who are proving to be such a great benefit to our society, as is seen again in Germany.
You remember at the time we reported on it?
Cologne, of course the mainstream media didn't report on it for three days because, along with the police, they tried to cover it up.
But it emerged on social media, the mass molestation of women in Cologne and numerous other European and German cities on the evening of New Year's Eve.
And we've played the footage.
We've featured the eyewitness reports from the bouncers who the women fled to for protection on that evening.
They described it as a civil war, the police described it as a civil war style situation.
Firecrackers, fireworks going off everywhere, being thrown at crowds, women being groped, molested, their clothes torn off.
Well, surprise, surprise, it's happened once again.
This is out of the Daily Mail.
26 women, and it could be up to 30 plus according to this report, are sexually assaulted at a German concert with victims surrounded by mobs of migrant men and groped in copycat attacks like those in Cologne.
A group of asylum seekers sexually assaulted numerous women at a free concert in Germany at the weekend in attacks similar to those carried out in Cologne on New Year's Eve.
Three Pakistani men, and again you saw in Cologne that the vast majority of them who were Moroccan were not arrested.
Three Pakistani men are already under arrest for 26 women filed complaints that they had been improperly touched, fondled and groped during the festival in the city of Darmstadt.
Police have said the number of complainants could rise.
Between two and three more men are still being sought by police as victims receive counselling when authorities try to cool down rising tensions against migrants in general.
Because of course that again is the main problem.
It's the Islamophobia that's causing all these women to be groped, obviously!
Like the mayor of Cologne who came out a few days afterwards and said, basically, defend yourself against the rapists by keeping them at arm's length.
Virtually blaming the women for what happened to them and ludicrously suggesting that that could be a solution to the problem, which is sweeping Europe.
Which the primary victims of this are children,
Muslim migrant children in migrant camps.
Do we care about them?
We obviously don't care about the German people, the Swedish women.
They had a report out of Norway last week which blamed the large-scale spike in sexual assaults on Nordic drinking culture.
Because Nordic drinking culture is a completely new phenomenon.
We've never had that before, have we?
They refuse to even identify the fact that
Most of the problem is arising out of bringing in people who treat women as second-class citizens, who think that they're liable to be groped, to be sexually assaulted, because they're not wearing a frigging hijab.
Because they're not covered up.
So now again, another case of this in Germany.
How many more cases of this before feminists and so-called women's rights activists actually stand up and identify the real aggressive patriarchal culture that is causing this?
We'll be back with more news on the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go away.
This message is not just addressed to my fellow Americans, but addressed to people across the world of every race, color, and creed who believe in free speech, enshrined here in our republic as the First Amendment.
It's the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights because it is the most important.
The right to speak, the right to publish, the right to assemble, the right to petition, the right to practice
We're good to go.
Facebook's over a third of the internet.
Did you think about that?
Of the traffic and people visiting things.
And then it's over.
You think it's bad that communist China with a billion, 300 million people is censoring?
Zuckerberg, who calls his users dumb effers, has been meeting with the Chinese censorship leadership, openly trying to tweak it.
He met with Merkel, and openly in a hot mic.
Don't worry, I'm going to start suppressing and censoring people.
Well, that's your free speech.
It's not hate propaganda, as they call it.
If they set the precedent on these issues, they will basically ban any other type of speech that the globalists don't want.
This is the ultimate threat to humanity.
This is worse than what we saw in the Soviet Union.
This is right out of Nazi Germany or right out of Maoist China.
So we're fighting for free speech.
When you spread the word about InfoWars.com, our videos, our stories, our reports,
And when you post it on different platforms, that circumvents their AI systems that are trying to restrict the flow of information.
We stand together or we hang separate.
Another thing we're doing is not just battling to stop the censorship, we're also building other platforms.
Getting on as many third party systems as there are out there and spreading the word of basic free market liberty and human empowerment and the new renaissance.
But also the experts I've talked to said, Alex, you missed the boat.
You've been a pioneer in many ways, but you haven't promoted email.
And I said, yeah, I don't ever really market on email.
I just, I just, it's low tech.
And they're like, no, no, no.
That's what's going to be hard to censor.
Even if the internet kill switch comes into place, there are systems and there are developments that make it very hard still to stop email and to stop that information being sent over networks, you name it.
So it's essential.
That everybody go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter to get exclusive articles, videos, promo codes, sometimes the shopping cart like we had a few weeks ago with Hillary for prison, 50% off.
I mean there are some big discounts we send to incentivize people and plus you're some of the most hardcore patriots.
You can send the email and the newsletter on with exclusive videos and articles many days.
So that's another great reason.
But overall, it's so that we have direct contact with fellow patriots out there around the world.
And if they try to start shutting our websites down and other things, which they've tried to do, and kick us off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, you name it, we'll be able to send you direct videos
That you can then send on to others.
We've all got to start thinking about censorship and actively fighting it, getting more active and not taking independent liberty-based media for granted, which I know you don't do, but really having a sense of urgency and getting the info out more while building new avenues on cutting-edge tech and cutting-edge platforms, but also old tech like email.
So please join
Hundreds of thousands of others that have been signing up every few months at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
And you can also spread the word about our free feeds and more podcasts, Android apps, iPhone apps, it's all free at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
We are live, this is the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show with me, your host Paul Joseph Watson.
Now, the narrative which we saw back a couple of months ago put out by the mainstream media and never retracted even in the face of overwhelming evidence of the contrary...
That Donald Trump was to blame for the violence being staged at his rallies, almost exclusively being staged by Bernie Sanders supporters, that narrative is now finally being overturned in light of these videos which we put out almost every single day, multiple times, over and over again.
Irate, unhinged, crazy, demented leftists spitting at people, punching people, punching police horses, harassing anyone who dares disagree with their views.
And of course those videos were made possible by being able to fund and send our reporters out to those locations and catch that social justice warrior meltdown on tape.
And of course that is all funded by your support by getting the products at infowarsstore.com
We've extended the Memorial Day Special another day.
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We've been able to send our reporters out to these locations again over the last few months to document the violent leftists and their war on free speech which, as I will talk about in the next segment,
Really means that we're now winning.
We've actually turned the corner in terms of beating the social justice warriors.
We're winning the war for free speech, which is why Twitter, Facebook and now the unelected dictatorial EU is coming down hard once again with the censorship.
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Now the College Fix reports, despite drop in donations and enrolment, Mizzou finds over $1 million for diversity audit.
Despite plunging donations and enrollment figures, the University of Missouri has begun an independent audit of its diversity and inclusion policies.
The cost?
1.1 million dollars.
And again, this gets to the point which I'm going to make, and I'm going to get more into depth after the break, which is this.
We're winning.
Okay, we had this huge social justice warrior tantrum last year, the freaking out over the Halloween costumes, the cultural appropriation.
Again, the University of Missouri, all these ridiculous lists of demands.
From permanently triggered safe spaces who are basically trying to completely overturn every existing system, every social moray, every political construct, whether it's good or bad, because they're flagrant communists.
You can read the Communist Manifesto, in fact Kurt Nimmo quoted from it in an article today, one of the very final passages where it says, that's their plan, is to overturn absolutely everything and remould society in their own image.
And given that their image is punching and spitting people, spitting at people in the face who disagree with them because they have no argument, that's probably not an image which we want society to reflect.
So you saw at the University of Missouri the consequences of that tantrum.
Their new freshman class is down 1,400 students smaller than last year.
They've got a 24% drop in donations
To the football team that went on strike.
They've got a six million dollar decline in donations for the month of December.
They're losing.
No one wants to go there because smart, successful people don't want to be educated at an insane asylum.
Which is what a lot of these universities are now being turned into, with the inmates running the asylum.
We'll be back with this and more news after the break.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We are back in the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show with me, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
So the University of Missouri's response to the fact that it's been hemorrhaging money from every orifice since last year's social justice warrior meltdown tantrum is to waste another 1 million dollars on a diversity audit.
Again, completely pointless exercise simply to satiate triggered
Demented left-wing idiots.
Look at these numbers.
Their new freshman class is 1,470 students smaller than last year.
They've experienced a 24% drop in donations in the three months that followed the football player strike.
They experienced a $6 million decline in donations for the month of December.
So how have they responded?
Well, they've doubled down on their idiocy.
I mean, look, compare the reactions of these universities.
I talked about the inmates running the asylum.
DePaul University.
We saw the footage last week.
Again, Milo Yiannopoulos tries to give a speech at an event.
It's crashed by unhinged Black Lives Matter demonstrators.
who almost provoke violence, the university demanded that Breitbart pay the security cost.
They paid the bill, and the security did absolutely nothing.
Because they were ordered to do nothing by the university.
The police were told by the university not to get involved, even though if it was the other way around, if so-called evil right-wingers had crashed the safe space of these whiny crybabies,
It would have been complete bedlam.
There would have been arrests.
There would have been horrified newspaper headlines the next day.
But DePaul University did nothing.
Their president offered a mealy-mouthed apology which meant absolutely nothing.
And what's the result?
Well, a 1.1 rating out of 5 on their official Facebook page.
Again, the marketplace of free ideas has completely trashed their reputation, and rightly so.
Who would want to go to an institution?
A university!
The whole frigging point of a university is to share ideas, is to have your own beliefs challenged.
They stand diametrically opposed to that, and now they're going to suffer
In the free marketplace of ideas, and rightly so.
The University of Missouri is suffering in terms of funding.
They're hemorrhaging money from left, right and centre.
Because again, they've allowed the inmates to run the asylum.
And smart, successful people don't want to be educated at an insane asylum.
But then you can look at other examples, better examples.
Rutgers University.
Again, you had a Milo event which was crashed by social justice worries.
The president came out afterwards, defended, quote, controversial ideas as fundamental to the intellectual life of the university.
Basically stated the fact.
Oberlin College rejected the egregious, absurd list of demands from their triggered safe space students, calling it deeply troubling.
You saw Melissa Click, again, back during that Missouri Mass Tantrum last year, calling for muscle to silence the First Amendment.
She was fired by the university, and rightly so.
And again, I'm getting messages every single day from college students who are on our side.
So when we lambast these triggered safe spaces at these universities across America and the United Kingdom, let's just realize that a lot of those students are no longer going along with it.
So we're winning.
We're really starting to convince some of these universities to actually stand up
For the very foundation, the very purpose of what a university is supposed to be.
But over in the UK we have this headline out of the Daily Mail.
Students call for prisons to be banned.
NUS group headed by Union's anti-Semitic new president says all criminals should be freed.
This is the new social justice warrior cause, freeing all violent criminals.
This is no surprise given that the head of the NUS, a woman called Malia Bouatta, came out recently and basically said that she refused to denounce ISIS.
She refused to condemn ISIS, saying that doing so would be an act of Islamophobia.
How many times have I talked about the alliance between Islamists and leftists?
That alliance is moving closer.
Because a lot of these leftists are anti-Semites.
They hate Jews.
They're racists.
So now, an influential students group has called for prisons to be abolished because they are sexist and racist.
In the latest in a series of far-left interventions by the student movement.
The National Union of Students Black Students Conference also voted to step up its fight against the government's anti-extremism agenda.
In other words, refusing to condemn ISIS.
The controversial votes at the conference in Bradford came after Malia Bouattia was elected President of the Union, defeating the more moderate incumbent.
She has previously argued that it's Islamophobic to oppose ISIS, and described one university as a Zionist outpost because it has a large Jewish society.
So now they're actually calling for prisons to be abolished.
No one's debating that the prison industrial complex isn't a problem.
That locking up people, you know, for possessing an ounce of marijuana isn't completely ridiculous.
That's not the argument.
They're actually arguing to release all the prisoners, because disproportionately, many of them are black.
Of course, that's nothing to do with the fact that black people commit disproportionately more crimes, but again, we can't talk about that, because facts are racist!
So we're having victories on, at some level, at universities in the US, but in the UK, again, a long way to go.
Now over in France, Paris tourism hit by attacks, protests, this is AFP, already suffering from the impact of last year's jihadist attacks.
Tourism in Paris faces a fresh challenge from the recent wave of violent strikes and protests tourism bosses warned on Monday.
Listen to these figures.
Paris' tourism industry is basically collapsing at this point.
Japanese visitors down 50%, 56% in the first quarter of the year.
Russian visitors down 35%.
Again, similar numbers with Chinese tourists.
People don't want to visit Paris.
And it's not just because, you know, Hug a Muslim didn't work.
They got attacked, Charlie Hebdo, they got attacked again last November.
It's not just down to that, it's because the leftists now in Paris and other major cities in France are actually protesting against these new labour reforms which the government is desperately trying to pass because they've got a 10% unemployment rate.
Basically these labour reforms say that governments have the right to hire and fire people
If they're performing poorly as a company.
I mean, God forbid they would want to do that, right?
They also say they have the right to ask employees in France to work more than 35 hours a week.
Again, God forbid that you would be asked to work more than 35 hours a week.
And of course, this goes back to the stereotype, which I'm afraid is true in many cases.
And you know, I love France.
I visit France regularly.
My parents live there.
The culture's good.
The food's great.
But French people are really lazy.
I'm sorry, but the stereotype is true.
They've got this huge leftist union movement, which is a hangover from basically communists from the 60s.
And every single time they try to stimulate the economy by giving businesses more freedom to excel, to hire people who actually do the job, do a good job, and to not be beholden to employees like it's some kind of welfare, they riot in the streets!
You know, their three-hour lunch breaks aren't long enough apparently, and now they're also protesting against this law in France which they've just passed.
They made it a law that a company with over 50 employees in France, if it sends out a work email to an employee outside of work hours, then that's a crime!
They actually passed that as a law in France.
So if you leave work as one of these, you know, bed-wetting Labour Union members who has a tantrum if he's asked to work over 35 hours a week, if you leave work at 5 o'clock and you get a work email at 5.30, whether you read it or not, whether you respond to it or not, that is a crime by the company that sent out that email.
Is it really any wonder
That France's economy is in the toilet right now, that they've got a 10% unemployment rate.
The combination of kowtowing to Islamists, to these ghettos, inviting more attacks.
And then again, kowtowing to these leftists, who are now rioting in the streets, just like the Islamists are, attacking police.
And basically causing absolute bedlam.
And it goes back to that stereotype, which I'm afraid is, in most cases, very true.
French people are very lazy, it's a hangover from this Communist-Labour-Union movement, and it's causing all kinds of problems for their, quote, economic recovery, which has never happened, because they're so deeply entrenched in the EU's anemic economic growth that they can't get out of it, and the government's desperately trying to pass these laws
to reinvigorate the business market and they're basically rioting in the streets because of it.
Because it's this communist labor movement hangover and they're stereotypically very lazy people.
Which brings me on to this article out the College Fix.
Social science professor defends stereotypes, says many are accurate.
My God!
Could it be that logic and facts are actually true once again?
A Rutgers University social science professor set out to research how stereotypes are inaccurate, so he went, he set out to prove that they're inaccurate and they're just down to racial and gender prejudices, so he could proclaim and promote that to the world with hard scientific data, but eventually...
Made a startling discovery.
Most stereotypes are accurate.
Well, what do you know?
Scholarly claims of stereotype inaccuracy are baseless.
Dr. Lee Justsim told The College Fix in an interview.
He says, quote, When I first began my research, I had assumed all those social scientists declaring stereotypes to be inaccurate were right, so I wanted to know the basis for those claims.
So he basically dug down into the basis for all these studies, all these claims that stereotypes about race, about gender, about whatever, are based on inaccurate prejudices.
Turns out that's not true.
Many researchers cite social psychologist Gordon Alport's classic book, The Nature of Prejudice, in support of the claim that stereotypes are inaccurate, or at least exaggerations of real differences.
But Alport relied on a few anecdotes, hardly scientific evidence, just him said.
So this researcher basically found that these stereotypes about race and gender, and politics as well, were generally, not always, but generally found to be true.
So once again, expect this guy to be viciously attacked by social justice warriors for daring to point out the fact that whether due to biological differences, race differences, IQ differences, gender behavior differences, that all humans are not the same and they tend to engage in stereotypical behavior.
God forbid he's had an objective, reality-based perspective on that, and he's revealed himself as a hate criminal to the College Fix, so expect him to be viciously attacked by social justice warriors over the coming days.
Now, Alex talked about this in the show, of course.
The EU is linked up with Twitter and tech firms to combat hate speech.
Again, this is the EU Commission, which is an unelected body.
Which acts as both the legislative and the executive of Europe.
There's no separation of powers and these people aren't elected in the first place.
This is a dictatorship.
So it's no surprise that they're now teaming up with Facebook and Twitter to censor, quote, hate speech.
Hate speech about the amazing Muslim migrants who are bringing so much cultural enrichment to the continent of Europe.
Now, of course, we know
How they characterize some of that hate speech, because we had this headline out of Breitbart from back in January.
You tweet a lot, watch your tone.
Cops threaten Dutch men for opposing government mass migration plans.
So a guy in the Netherlands who tweeted that he thought his government's refugee policy was a bad plan, got a home visit from the police.
That's the new definition of hate speech.
And listen to this quote from
Vera Jourova, the EU Commissioner responsible for justice, consumers and gender equality.
Again, unelected, nobody even knows who she is.
Represents a dictatorial body, a Byzantine Empire.
Quote, the internet is a place for free speech, not hate speech.
Okay, under the First Amendment, as the Supreme Court has defined it over and over again, hate speech is free speech.
You have to defend unpopular speech for free speech to exist at all.
But of course the First Amendment definition of free speech, which the Supreme Court has upheld, has not been applied globally, because it actually defends free speech.
What they're actually applying, in terms of this EU Commission Twitter plan to censor, quote, hate speech, is the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which of course doesn't give us any human rights.
Because under Article 20, brackets 2, of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, when it applies to free speech, it says, quote, that it does not require states to prohibit all negative statements towards national groups, races or religions, but as soon as a statement, quote, constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, it must be banned.
So in other words, if you discriminate against, oh, I don't know, for example, a belief system that condones stoning women to death, or throwing gays off buildings, then that's discrimination!
And that is not allowed under this definition of hate speech, which has been created, which has been contrived by the United Nations, and then adopted globally.
They claim to be defending your free speech, they claim to afford you
These great human rights, and when you actually drill down into the details, free speech which offends someone, which discriminates against their religious beliefs, is hate speech.
It will not be allowed.
It will be banned.
Which is exactly what they've already introduced in Facebook and Twitter.
You know, the option to report people because you disagree with their opinion, or because they offended your religion.
They've already had those options in place.
For over a year now and they're simply codifying it with that EU enforcement arm to actually go after people who criticize this insane migrant policy.
We'll be back in the final segment of the Alex Jones Show in 4Wars.com.
Stay tuned.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.
We are back.
It's the fourth hour, final segment of the Alex Jones Show Live.
Let's hit a final few news stories.
Of course, we've got the big, massive controversy over Harambe the Gorilla.
Now, the debate is over whether they should have shot the gorilla or not, but what was most interesting, in the immediate aftermath of this news story, and in fact for hours afterwards, these social justice warriors, who are obsessed, absolutely fixated, with injecting identity politics into absolutely everything, they blamed this little black boy falling into a gorilla pit and being saved
Who did they blame it on?
Well, white people, of course.
And I, in fact, put out a tweet yesterday where all these individuals, you know, Black Lives Matter activists, SJWs, rushed to blame the gorilla being shot on white privilege.
And you can see all these tweets on my Twitter.
They were like, the gorilla was only shot to save the white boy.
If this boy had been black, they would have just left it to die.
That was the tone of the tweets, of course.
The little boy in the gorilla pit was black!
His parents were black.
And yet immediately they sought to inject racial identity politics into a news story that had nothing whatsoever to do with race.
So you can go and check out those tweets.
On my Twitter, Facebook using people's phones to listen in on what they're saying suggests professor.
The company says that it does use people's microphones, but only to help them out.
Of course, that relates to the ambient background noise which they listen to to target you with ads.
We've been reporting on that since at least 2006.
Now our top professor's talking about it.
RT reports outrageous Dutch authorities give up to 10,000 euros to refugees to go shopping.
Some Dutch residents are outraged after finding some
All of them should be, after finding out that a few cities have been offering as much as €10,000 to refugees to buy furniture and other necessities.
Again, people living on the dole on welfare in the Netherlands won't even earn €10,000 a year.
These precious migrants are being handed it with a cheque as soon as they arrive.
They're being kicked out of their own housing to accommodate these migrants.
But the Dalai Lama has come out and actually defended Christian Europe, you know, done the job that the Islamist Pope is supposed to do, which he doesn't.
Dalai Lama warns against taking too many migrants.
Arab domination.
Migrants should return.
This is out of Breitbart.
The Dalai Lama has said there are too many migrants pouring into Europe, warning against the continent becoming Arabized, and claiming the solution is the eventual repatriation of migrants.
Striking a somewhat different tone to the Pope, who of course a couple of weeks ago came out and said that ISIS was just like Jesus.
Just like Jesus' disciples spreading their message across the Middle East.
Because I don't remember that Bible passage where Jesus' disciples beheaded people, took women as sex slaves, and forced people to pay a tax on pain of death if they didn't convert.
Must have missed that Bible verse there.
So the Pope is, you know, open arms.
He's busy giving awards to his fellow massive hypocrite, George Clooney, who has, like, five mansions, but says that Germany... German villages of 70 people should accept 700 migrants, while he doesn't accept a single one into any of his five mansions, with their eight, nine, ten empty bedrooms.
He's meeting with the Pope while the Pope invites this mass invasion of Muslim migrants and it takes the Dalai Lama to actually defend Christianity in Europe.
That's going to wrap it up for this edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Alex will be back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
And be sure to check out InfoWars Nightly News.
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