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Name: 20160530_Mon_Alex
Air Date: May 30, 2016
3110 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones discusses global affairs and conspiracy theories including the refugee crisis, potential terror attacks, and voter suppression. He interviews guests and promotes products related to survivalism. The hosts emphasize the importance of being aware of social systems and taking action to create a better future for humanity.

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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
From deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide, we've got a very special guest joining us to break down the sleeper cell agenda of the globalists who bring in radical jihadis by the millions.
That's coming up, but right now let's go to Trump live in D.C.
We're coming to you from Austin, Texas, but let's take you now live in D.C.
with his foreign policy speech.
About the groups that will never be anything other than enemies.
And believe me, we have groups that no matter what you do, they will be the enemy.
We have to be smart enough to recognize who those groups are, who those people are, and not help them.
And we must only be generous to those that prove they are indeed our friends.
Teleprompting free folks, you're actually seeing it.
We desire to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia and China.
We have serious differences with these two nations and must regard them with open eyes.
But we are not bound to be adversaries.
We should seek common ground based on shared interests.
Russia, for instance, has also seen the horror of Islamic terrorism.
I believe an easing of tensions and improved relations with Russia from a position of strength only is possible, absolutely possible.
Common sense says this cycle, this horrible cycle of hostility must end and ideally will end soon.
Good for both countries.
Some say the Russians won't be reasonable.
I intend to find out.
If we can't make a deal under my administration, a deal that's great, not good, great for America, but also good for Russia, then we will quickly walk from the table.
It's as simple as that.
We're going to find out.
Fixing our relations with China is another important step in really toward creating a even more prosperous period of time.
China respects strength, and by letting them take advantage of us economically, which they are doing like never before, we have lost all of their respect.
We have a massive- I'll say this.
He's acting like there's a little bit of teleprompter, but I heard he wasn't going to use one, but then it doesn't sound like it was written.
It sounds like it's regular talking points, so we're going to find out.
It doesn't matter.
I mean, I don't care if it's a foreign policy speech, somebody has their own teleprompter, if they wrote their speech.
But let's keep doing this right now.
Look at what China is doing in the South China Sea.
They're not supposed to be doing it.
No respect for this country or this president.
We can both benefit or we can both go our separate ways.
If need be, that's what's going to have to happen.
After I'm elected president, I will also call for a summit with our NATO allies, and a separate summit with our Asian allies.
In these summits, we will not only discuss a rebalancing of financial commitments, but take a fresh look at how we can adopt new strategies for tackling our common challenges.
For instance, we will discuss how we can upgrade NATO's outdated mission and structure grown out of the Cold War to confront our shared challenges, including migration and Islamic terrorism.
Yeah, instead, NATO's opening the door to conquer Europe with the Islamic Horde.
That's the problem.
I will not hesitate to deploy military force when there is no alternative.
But if America fights, it must only fight to win.
That's Ron Paul's quote.
That's right.
Quick, known missions.
I will never send our finest into battle unless necessary, and I mean absolutely necessary.
And we'll only do so if we have a plan for- We notice Trump has the same hand signs as I do.
I don't do those on purpose, I just do it.
You ever notice that?
It's weird, I get accused of secret signals.
Peace and prosperity, not war and destruction.
The best way to achieve those goals is through a disciplined- Isn't it good to see a presidential candidate using their hands?
I've been covering the news on radio and TV for more than 21 years.
And as each year begins, you tend to see a theme that's developing with the social engineers, with the global architects.
And undoubtedly, they're making their move to destabilize the Western world right now, from Australia to Europe to the United States and Canada.
And they're bringing in
Millions and millions of radical Islamic Muslims unvetted so that they will carry out terror attacks.
And then when they do carry out terror attacks, we lose our liberties and freedoms and are told to comply with Islam and they'll stop bombing and shooting us.
This is the crazy world of political correctness.
That said, they allow Muslims to basically, in the United States and Europe, keep women as slaves chained up, beat them, pour acid on their faces, and they don't even really get in trouble.
It's like, UN diplomats are always being caught with slaves from Africa and stuff, and they'll say, well that's their culture in this African country.
But if it's Western culture, it's evil and it's bad.
And going over some of these articles, recently the Pope and the top imam, the head imam in the world over Sunni Muslims, that's what Al-Qaeda is.
Met with the Pope at the Vatican and you've got all this going on for the first time ever.
When the Pope came out in a major Catholic newspaper, LaCroix said that he dreads talking about Christian roots of Europe and colonialist overtones and Jesus was like ISIS sending people out in the fields.
Allah Akbar!
Incredible threat.
Now ISIS wants to attack the Olympics coming up in Brazil.
Hungary's Prime Minister gets it and says Clinton is George Soros' puppet.
Warns that they want to overrun the EU with millions of Muslims.
Radical ones that are wedded to the left.
22% of resettled refugees in Minnesota have tested positive for tuberculosis and then they go on to report
That they're letting them in when they have tuberculosis.
This is unprecedented attack on our country.
This is a government at war with the people.
This is a government savaging the population, and it goes on and on.
The open borders are the key to globalism, destroy national sovereignty, and radical Islamists that can't even live with each other in peace are not compatible here.
We should never submit to their backwards culture of oppression.
We are the true liberals who promote free speech across the board in Europe and the United States and Canada and we must stand for it and not be bullied into a new dark age of oppression and tyranny.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Donald Trump just finished his first big official foreign policy speech.
We carried quite a bit of it.
We'll have some of the transcript for you in the next hour and go over it.
When his former campaign head and still one of his top advisors, Roger Stone joins us, as he does at least once a week, coming up in the second, third hour today.
We're now in the second hour right now.
There is so much unfolding, so much going on.
What you have to understand is,
Our government agencies now are pretty much entirely run by multinational corporations.
That's not denied.
And so you have to understand, the Central Intelligence Agency got Congress three years ago, you just type this into Google, you'll get the Washington Post reporting on it, to change the law so the CIA could operate domestically in propaganda, including deception of the American people.
And then I come out and say, look at the NFL with all these anti-cop halftime shows with Beyonce and her running around with a baseball bat, she's mad at her husband, breaking car windshields and burning things down with young women watching approvingly.
This is cultural destabilization.
So they had hundreds of publications come out and say I was crazy, the CIA is not involved in domestic media.
And then they had Stephen Colbert last night, on late night, that he's taken over from David Letterman, come out and say, quote, this is all just in your face, making fun of you folks, that he thinks Beyonce should be running the CIA, just randomly.
Just threw that in there.
We're gonna play that clip later.
This is how stupid they think you are.
Now we're about to go to our guest.
It's hard to preface it with that, that we see them telling us, oh, we have a delegate process.
Votes have never counted.
That's ridiculous.
They're trying to sell you on the idea that delegates aren't supposed to represent the votes from their precinct.
They've manufactured these superdelegates out of thin air.
They're trying to break our will, but it's not working.
AP poll, Gallup polls and others show between 6 and 8% approval for mainstream media and it's only dropping.
6% last week in the AP poll.
It was 8% a few months before that in Gallup.
These people are less popular than scurvy on a ship or something.
I mean, it is just amazing.
These people are less popular than syphilis.
But they sit up there and they just keep shoving lies, like Obama.
I never said we wouldn't have boots on the ground in Syria.
He said it 16 times.
We played the clips.
It's a new level of lies and it's reached the Marie Antoinette level.
Where they just say, let them eat cake.
Why would they bring in the last three years five million people into Europe?
A million just in the last six months or so.
Claiming it was a few hundred thousand here and there, and then suddenly, oh, it's been two, three, four, five million.
Hundreds of thousands here, cover it up and say it's a few thousand.
Every high school in town, including my alma mater, has over 200 refugees from, quote, Syria, and they're really Saudi Arabian and others.
This is a Sunni invasion!
A-a-a-a-a-a Wahhabist invasion!
On record into Syria, then into Turkey, he opens up a conduit all the way through Europe with Merkel and Hollande and all the rest of them, and the Swedish Prime Minister saying, come to me, come to me, and kicking old people out of their government housing and moving them.
This is all confirmed.
We've had our reporters over there in no-go zones in Paris and in Brussels, Belgium, where they would go 10 miles in any direction, and Muslims would just run out going, get out of here, screaming at them in French or English or Arabic.
Biggs has been in a lot of combat.
He heard him in Arabic saying, get out of here, infidel, infidel.
He's got infidel on his arm, tattooed.
Freaking out on them.
And then they go on TV and say there's no no-go zones in the U.S.
or in England.
This is what's going on.
Why would the establishment open a conduit up for the last three years, bring them in, let them come in, judicial watch, got more documents.
We went down there and found the mosque on the Texas border.
That they've got sleeper cells coming over?
We know this is going on.
So the question is, why would our governments be doing this?
At a level where upwards of 80% they admit with the passports are military-age men.
A lot of them brag on their Facebook and Twitters, hey, German ladies, I'm here.
Here I was in combat in the Free Syrian Army a year ago.
Why would you do that?
It is a giant sleeper cell invasion, and I had the founder of Oath Keeper, Stuart Rhodes, on a few weeks ago, and he said, you need to get Matt Bracken on.
He really knows what he's talking about.
You should go read his articles.
And I did read them, and just, they're amazing.
In fact, I want to start reposting them on InfoWars.com, and of course, linking to his site, if he'd be gracious enough for us to do that, because it's very, very important.
TET Take Two, Islam's 2016 European Offensive.
And he's the author of Enemies, Foreign and Domestic, and a well-known advocate for Second Amendment rights.
The following guest essay by Bracken is also being published at Western Rifle Shooters Association.
He's also in another article dealing with burning down the house in 2016.
He sees war in the near future before a new president takes office.
We're going to look at that coming up as well.
But EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com, EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com, and I'm not going to go over his whole bio.
You can go there and see a long career in the Navy SEALs, going back into the 1980s, Beirut, you name it, just all over the world, Panama Canal, it goes on and on, what he's seen.
So he's actually been there, done that, witnessed how people infiltrate, both from the side of an infiltrator, someone trying to find the infiltrators, and he has really written some detailed breakdowns of what's happening.
He's a self-described
Freedom supporter, a constitutionalist who believes in original intent of the founding fathers of our country.
He lives with his family in North Florida.
So, Matt, thanks for coming on, reading your essay, just studying history and what's happening.
I can find no fault.
Of course, you bring your military background to it as well.
A lot of folks respect your writing.
You've heard what I've said the last five minutes.
Was that overall accurate?
And what can you add in an overall overview for folks in the next five minutes before we go to break?
Okay, it's perfect.
Your byline of your website and your show, there is a war for our minds, a battle going on for our minds.
It doesn't matter if we're like monks in an Irish monastery discussing what's actually happening, if the war for the minds is being lost at the mass level.
We make fun of the North Koreans.
You know, we show them doing the wave in stadiums or, you know, swooning for dear leader.
But look at Swedes.
They've been brainwashed into actually hating themselves.
But when they look at the mirror, they say, this blondness just has to go.
We're so guilty of everything.
Swedes in America.
I mean, the madness over transgender.
I just saw a YouTube video on a college campus.
The guy says, what if I want to be if I if I feel that I'm a six foot five Chinese woman?
And everybody agrees, if that's what you feel, then we should respect you as a 6'5 Chinese woman.
So that you can see how much work we have to do.
I mean, the fact that after a century of communism, 100 million to 200 million killed under the various socialist banners, you have the young generation supporting this retread Bernie Sanders, who honeymooned in Nicaragua and Soviet Union, Nicaragua during a revolutionary phase.
I think this is an extremely dangerous time.
I think that 2016 is like a 1916 or 1787 or 1788.
Another key turning, another key point in the pendulum.
So a crossroads.
A big crossroads.
We're going to have the big Marxist breakout.
Especially, for example, let's say Trump wins.
There's no kinetic event like an assassination.
All of these can happen.
Massive riots like Watts, Ferguson, Baltimore.
Imagine Cleveland on fire during the convention with armored personnel carriers all the way around the beltway.
We see Beyonce and MTV priming the pump.
That's got to be a directive from on top.
That's the narrative.
So this is the war for the minds.
And in Germany they actually have a new word, I think it's Lugenpresse, but it means liar press.
So they refer to that, the mainstream media, and I would include all
Well, I think that
The biggest danger, we're going to have riots in this country, but in Europe, we're going to have an outbreak of Beslan, the Paris attacks, Brussels attacks.
Something very significant happened during the Brussels attacks.
And you have to understand that a government, a mass, a big organization has to have a communication structure.
It's not like a one brain.
It has, you know, many individuals.
So you have to put a lot of credence in such things as the security levels.
They went from their maximum security level four back down to three within like 24 hours or 48 hours.
While terrorists were still on the loose because they were absolutely wiped out.
Everybody worked the maximum of overtime.
They're exhausted.
They can't do it.
They have to go home and sleep.
Europe has no bench.
I think the German army is like 50,000 troops, and they are unionized, and they won't work over 40 hours, and during NATO exercises, they just quit halfway because the union rep says, that's it, and we don't cross rivers after dark or whatever.
So they have no bench.
We're going to have an outbreak in Europe.
It'll probably start with maybe 8, 10, a dozen attacks, widespread.
The terrorists have learned the
The utility of the synergistic effects of having attacks in various places at the same time.
We used to think of it as an Al-Qaeda signature, like the East Africa embassies being exploded on the same day.
But it's more than that.
It's a way to overwhelm the security system.
And in Europe, that's going to be a big problem.
Yeah, and it's not going to be like the Tet in Vietnam
Folks that remember that, where that was an actual instruction, orders had been assigned, that CIA completely missed it, or they might as well have missed it, if any messages were coming in from the field, they were disregarded.
But they infiltrated 80,000 VC fighters into cities, and then all on the same day, they went and grabbed AK-47s and satchel charges from caches
We're good to go.
A pimp, a drug pusher.
He's not sinning.
If he's selling his stuff to infidels, good for you, buddy.
You know, you're really a sharp one.
It's a perfect example to be evil.
That's why they're so into gangsterism, raping women, sex with other men.
They call themselves, you know, these followers of Abraham.
It's sick.
But at the very last moment, you can spend your whole life a drug pusher and a pimp running a discotheque for infidels.
And you can undo that all
Pull like a parachute and straight to your 72 virgins.
Get out of jail free card.
Smoke dope, party with infidels.
You can't do enough good deeds just like tithing extra or praying extra.
It's impossible for that person, that sinner, to do enough good deeds if he lived to be a hundred to go to heaven.
But he can be the worst person in the world, pusher, pimp.
Well, clearly.
Sir, I want to get into the details, because you ran Embassy Security.
You're one of the top experts on this, obviously.
Matt Bracken, EnemiesFarnerDomestic.com is our guest.
It's so important.
I skipped this break.
But specifically getting into big picture, talking about our elites, the leftists.
I mean, I know they're reckless.
I know they hate bitter clingers.
I know they want to conquer the West.
They see Christian, Judaic backgrounds as not working in their new system.
They want a cultureless, plastic system.
So they bring in the most radical jihadis.
Tens of thousands of them, undoubtedly.
So here's the question.
They start attacking.
What are our governments thinking?
Why are they doing this?
What is the... I mean, I understand the mission of the Jihadis.
It's Cloward Piven.
You speak about it all the time, better than anybody.
It's Cloward Piven.
This is the Jacobins in 1788 plotting how to disrupt the grain market in France so that they can engineer food riots to overthrow the aristocracy.
Okay, so with your Navy SEAL high-level background, not just a door kicker, but a guy involved in everything,
You know, conferring with my historical analysis and Lord Moxon's, everybody else, it's not our opinion, it's not that we agree.
This is what's going on.
How do we fight 21st century Jacobins, allied with Islam, which strangely enough, towards the end, they allied with Islam again 200 years ago.
So these people never change.
So how do we deal with them?
Information war.
There is a war on for our minds and the high ground is
How do we leverage social media, access to mainstream media, books like the ones that I've written?
My books are all about false narrative and getting people to see beyond.
My first novel starts with a false flag attack into a stadium where a sniper precipitates a panic stampede and it's sold in the media and by the government as a right-wing militia kook and a reason why we have to outlaw all semi-automatic weapons.
It's my books and my writing.
It's about getting people to look beyond the curtain.
Well, I want to read your books.
I want to get you on a routine basis.
I know Stuart Rose, other folks that are in the know really respect you.
So let's go back briefly then, because I interrupt you.
Let's talk about the Jacobins, lead forward.
You're talking about how they would engineer food riots, how they bring in societal crisis to get control.
They're the proto-communists in the history books.
That's what we're dealing with.
So break that down.
And then what the end game is bringing in millions of jihadis.
Yeah, the Jacobins said their motto was, um, out of chaos, order.
But first they have to create the chaos.
So they're not saying that it was just chaos in feudal Europe.
They're saying we create chaos and from the, you have to, in other words, demolish a building, then build it back up with the bricks the way that you want them organized.
You can't just go into a building and change a little few pipes and windows.
You demolish it.
When it's atomized, the granular level, like Cambodia, Poland in World War II, at that level, you can do anything.
You can macro-engineer, the trains can be running, the buses can be running.
But you have to get to, we're in a pre-revolutionary state now, but they're going to pull out all the stops, especially if it looks like Trump is going to win, certainly before he's inaugurated.
We'll see a complete
Go for broke scenario, both in Europe, which will be this major Muslim offensive.
The end result of that will be a grand compromise, which is like half Sharia today.
And as we know, that means three quarters Sharia in a generation.
And you're in Yemen in two generations.
In our country, we're going to see a complete fragmenting of the society along racial lines, primarily.
It's going to be brutal.
I call it Rwanda times Yugoslavia times, you know, it's...
The breakdown of America, I totally concur, and I agree.
The communists are activating.
They're suddenly all over Austin with red flags.
They're smiling.
They say the time of blood is here.
They're activating their sleeper cells.
And I would expect to see communists start carrying out terror attacks.
And as you said, false flagging the patriots.
What do police departments do?
What does the military do?
Because they're going to be caught in the middle of this.
Especially when terrorists, particularly in Europe, we'll see it first because this Islamic Tet is going to happen in Europe.
It's going to be a huge wake up for us.
It may lead to a landslide victory for Trump.
Imagine something worse than 9-11 in October.
How does Hillary explain that?
You know, people come in from Benghazi and blow up Rome.
It's going to make Trump a sure victor if that happens.
And then the left will say, this is our chance.
We have to go for it.
And there will be street riots like between the communists and the National Socialists in Berlin.
I expect to see shooting at some of these big demonstrations or explosions going off.
And in that way, the powers that be can say, we need to put in a little bit of emergency conditions.
Therefore, the protests will have to be in separate safe zones, 10 miles outside the Beltway at a designated FEMA camp, or whatever they want to say.
But we're going to see the freedom of assembly taken away.
The key word, and that's almost like a code word,
When you start hearing emergency, because they'll never say martial law.
Those words will never come out of Obama, Jarrett, Michelle, that crowd.
It'll be emergency.
They'll say during the present emergency we can't afford to have these mass demonstrations which always lead to violence and unfortunately bombs going off and people shooting.
So we have to put that in abeyance.
Now if there's a real takedown, the grid goes down before November.
Then there'll be no election.
If there's no electricity, there's no election.
Then we're automatically into an emergency situation.
Another way that the communists can engineer this is to start a rumor, doesn't have to have any boots on the ground, just start a rumor, an internet rumor, that white racist crackers are planning to snipe at black folks lined up at the polling stations.
Just a rumor, it's all it takes.
You can even, you know, put up a fake YouTube if you want.
You know, find something from 10 years ago somewhere else, recaption it as, this happened yesterday, and it'll sound like, you know, rednecks are dragging blacks behind chains in Mississippi, and shooting, and threatening to shoot at blacks in polling stations.
If that suppresses the black turnout, or even if it doesn't, they'll just say that it did,
Then they'll say that the election would have swung on that vote which was suppressed by white violence.
This is a narrative that will be completely sold by the mainstream media.
Well just like the burning black churches thing turned out to be totally fake, just like the lacrosse team was fake, that was all beta testing and they're just launching this everywhere.
And we'll be on our own in our own parallel free media as long as we have it.
Now I wrote a short story called What I Saw at the Coup.
I should have finished a novel a couple years ago, but it's too important that I write these things, the short stuff that's on my, linked on my website.
We gotta get everything on there.
Alas, brave new Babylon, what I saw at the coup.
The internet we can't take for granted.
This is like, right now, our freedom fighter pipeline.
YouTube, InfoWars.
Gotta use it now, folks.
Use it now.
They're going to take it away.
I heard from folks that were at a law enforcement conclave that there's a lot of buzz about Facebook and how they're going to tune people down.
They're also doing their information.
First, they're going to start restricting.
It's already begun.
Stay there, Matt Bracken.
This guy's 100% dead on from my research.
But he can give us the other angle on it.
He's going to come back and break down the different angles of how this can unfold and how we stop it, hopefully.
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You won't believe what happened in Anaheim.
While anti-Trump protesters were outside kicking, spitting, and burning American flags, Trump was showing his patriotism.
Event organizers were pressed for time for TV, so they decided to scrap singing the Star Spangled Banner, while Trump wasn't having it.
We're gonna do the national anthem, okay?
So, Sherry Wilkins, come up.
Sherry, come on, Sherry.
Somewhere on her private jet, Hillary Clinton is wringing her hands trying to figure out a way to stage a patriotic display at her next rally.
Leanne Mackett reporting for InfoWars.com
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Matt Bracken's our guest.
I want to read his books.
In fact, I want to carry them.
I haven't read them yet, but I'm told they're excellent.
You know, non-fiction, and I guess some of them are fiction, but you can correct me if I'm wrong.
But what he's saying, I mean, the way he's breaking it down, and notice how much energy he's got, how concerned he is.
I bet money when this guy isn't on air he's not like that, but you start talking about this, there's no way you can't...
Get animated and start just really connecting it to everything because it's scientific, it's a rollout, it's been done in other countries, it's been beta tested in Europe.
Europe's about a year, maybe two ahead of us.
And I'm telling you, I'm going to see if he agrees with me, the way to try to back them off is if they think that it's absolutely going to fall flat on its face and that we know who's in charge of it, people like Soros, the globalists, their operatives inside the different agencies and the big banks.
They may back off.
The problem is that might actually scare them into doing it anyway.
So we're kind of reaching a moment in history where things are collapsing.
They've engineered it this way.
But once you turn this thing loose, it's a juggernaut.
I don't think they can put it back in the bottle.
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And orders of $50 or more, ladies and gentlemen, are free shipping.
So, I want to thank you all for your support.
Quite frankly, now more than ever, it is time to
Get as aggressive as you can in the media, however you can, warning people about what's happening, while personally getting yourself ready.
And let's just hope all these collapses and organized revolutions that have been carried out by the globalists the last few years aren't going to come here.
But you look at what they've done everywhere else, they're trying it here.
The overthrow in Ukraine, the Arab Spring, all this stuff is run by the very same nasty people.
I mean, the latest James Bond movie, they admitted, was advised by MI6.
And the Quantum Group is the name of George Soros' fund.
And the bad guy who runs Spectre is the head of the Quantum Group.
He's the guy that tried to crash the British pound.
Even intelligence agencies are telling you who runs Spectre.
So, understand, Ian Fleming was MI6.
This is art imitating life, not the other way around.
And I have to say, one person is like a top general of this globalist crime syndicate.
It's Soros.
But there's others even worse than him.
And these are people that have bad will towards the West.
I'm going to shut up now for Matt Bracken, because I've been jumping in a lot.
He's just laying out so much knowledge.
Start wherever you want.
Go wherever you want.
Former Navy SEAL, involved in a lot of Klandeis Stein operations all over the world.
You can find out more at enemiesforeignanddomestic.com.
Comes highly recommended, and I can tell why now, because I was unaware of this guy.
There's so many great Patriots out there.
I know the Patriots know who he is.
I just get so busy covering news.
And then Matt, lay out this Tet Offensive, how you think we stop it.
You've got the floor, my friend.
I don't think we stop it.
I think that the forces are in motion are like deep sea tsunamis.
The earthquakes already happened and the waves are moving across the ocean.
There's going to be a convergence.
What people tend to do is look at each potential calamity in isolation and say, well, that's survivable.
You know, if just a hurricane just hit New Orleans, that's survivable.
But if you get
You know, a hundred Katrinas that happen at the same time.
The system is shocked.
It goes into shock.
Can't move.
It can't save itself.
Like somebody being shot once in the foot compared to being shot 20 times at once.
We're going to have an overload to the system.
Now, the plan might be for this Marxist takedown.
I look at it like a pyramid and you have
At the very top, some very few, very evil people.
And I think that there, you could almost, depending on your religious persuasions, you could call them almost like a satanic influence or force.
Below that, you have people that are also evil, but they really believe in communist revolution and that we're going to attain it.
But obviously, we're not going to attain a communist revolution.
We're armed to the teeth in this country.
But we will have a massive civil war.
But the civil war won't be a geographic north-south civil war.
It's going to be a society tearing into itself civil war.
Kind of in the way of Bosnia, you know, where people all speak the same language, but they have different factions.
In this country, there'll be such a strong racial element that it's going to get out of control in a very ugly way.
And the problem is that there's no way to recoup the civilization.
It's a very precious bubble floating that we're floating in, and we take it for granted.
But our modern civilization is much more dangerous to ourselves than previous civilizations, because, for example, calamities that happened to Europe, Black Death, 30 Years War, Cromwell in Ireland, events that killed a third of a population, say, in a generation.
You could still just grow food on your own acre and survive.
If you weren't
Our food, we don't grow it anymore.
Our food comes from thousands of miles away.
We all now are living in the equivalent of a glass bubble on Mars.
And we don't see the glass bubble, we just think how pretty outer space is.
But electricity has become our oxygen.
And we're living under this false glass, artificial glass bubble.
It's such a complex system now, it has to run perfectly like a, you know, like a Swiss Fluff.
I think I found my new guru.
Man, you see it exactly like I do because that's how it is.
If we have a collapse event, it will take hundreds of years to try to even get back, but the reactors will start melting down within a matter of months.
I mean, oh my God.
It might be like Argentina, you'll have to get to, you know, the north could be a nuclear wasteland depending on, I don't really technically, I can't profess any great knowledge about nuclear plant safety, but if the economy locks up, if the grid goes down, something people need to understand, there are three parallel systems, like our nervous system, muscular system, you know, bone structure,
We have a financial system, an electrical grid, and a computer network system.
If any one of those three is attacked really in depth, you know, recurring attacks, then all three collapse and our society collapses.
You cannot, you know, if the financial system collapses, people can't get money out of the ATM, they lose the stores.
Game over.
If the computer system collapses, the grid runs out of control, you know, pipelines go open haywire all over the
Collapse, alt, game over.
So any of those three collapse, financial, global computer network, it's mostly Cisco hardware running over fiber optical cables, and the electrical grid, which we know that Metcalf station attack out in California a year ago, looking at it as a spec ops officer, that was a proof of concept test.
That was a very professional thing.
They had gone through an underground
Cut optical trunks, did things so that there would be no rapid response.
Fired at these giant transformers, shut the thing down.
That, to me, was somebody showing somebody else that if we do this 20 times, we take down American troops.
Proof of concept.
Proof of concept.
And increase my budget, because if I have 20 teams, if you budget me for 20 teams, the people I would be looking at would be foreign students.
That's the way that you can cycle commandos into a country.
They can come in, for example, for one year of
Being a student, and they can recon their whole area.
They can come in another year as a student in another college and at the last minute be organized into a cell, take out these stations.
I just say, look, if Iran, just to pick on Iran here, if they're going to spend billions of dollars on a nuclear program, why wouldn't they spend a few million on a cheap kill, grid takedown scenario just using commandos disguised as students?
It's what we would do if we were smart and
I had that mindset.
KGB used to plan that kind of thing.
But how can we assume that our grid is not going to be collapsed at some point?
Especially with these Marxists trying to do the big takedown between the conventions and the inauguration.
This is a time of maximum danger.
I think of it as 1917 in Russia or 1789 in France.
And again, they want it to collapse so they take over.
But they can't take over.
This is the thing.
A plan, this is what I say a lot, a plan to ride a tiger is not the same as riding a tiger.
Sure, that's why when Mao took over in China, you know, 40-50 million people died in the first round.
But, and communism still didn't work, but it can wreck a society.
And what I'm afraid is we're going to have in this country a wrecked society.
Now, we have to hold on to the Bill of Rights no matter what, no matter who's put on the Supreme Court.
They can say the moon is made out of green cheese and that, you know, anybody that says they're a giraffe, you have to call them a giraffe.
It won't make it reality.
They can't take away our First or Second Amendment rights.
If they try to, I don't care.
If they stack the deck with communists on the Supreme Court... We have to defend every liberty at point-blank range and promote it everywhere.
Because we may not have this pipe, we may not have this means of communication.
We could have our internet taken away.
I wrote the short story, you can just look at these things on the internet called what I saw at the coup, where as the backdrop is a missile war in the Middle East.
Yeah, man.
And how this is going to go is they've already got the Commissars and the UN Strong Cities Initiative in every major city, quote, advising the police.
And so if the police go along with it, then the Justice Department doesn't come in and harass them and take over.
And so they're already setting up these contacts during a collapse to have the Commissars order the police and local security services led by federal leaders to go out and round up the patriots.
The police and others just have to not follow those orders.
Plus, you really want that job trying to go round up all the veterans?
That's the plan to ride the tiger.
It's not the same as riding the tiger.
In my first novel, the guys that actually shoot into the stadium on opening day of, you know, that Washington FedEx football field, from a mile away somebody rainbow arcs in some SKS rounds, causing a panic stampede.
Now these are just two ATF
Crisis is our brand.
Right, and we're going to see events spin completely out of control, particularly if, as I said, the financial system, you know, you look at Deutsche Bank and situations in Europe that are more dire even than with our Fed and our quantitative easing, Europe is in just as much of thin ice financially.
Imagine when this pet breaks out,
Nobody will be going to work for months.
So what happens to the economy?
The metros are closed.
Every time a metro runs again, somebody jumps out and blows one up.
No more metros.
That's how they get...
And there's also going to be a move to round up all the Muslims in Europe and here because they're sleeper cells.
You'll almost have to.
But under the cover of that, then they'll have the precedent to round up everybody they want.
And you can see that as the kind of right wing response being sold by former CIA directors and others.
That's another program they've got cooking.
So both the right wing and left wing elements of the power structure
Want the crisis because they all think they're gonna battle each other inside the control grid for who gets control of the crisis when they're unleashing something as you've said properly that is Uncontrollable and will bring in meltdown worldwide.
It's probably not survivable We have to somehow communicate with these different establishment groups and say listen
Your guy upstairs is probably Satan himself.
Stop following these orders, you lunatics.
We need to prepare for a grid down scenario in the next year because we're not going to have a Russian revolution, a French revolution through Washington DC and the power stays on.
I promise you that in this chaos, even if engineers can't get to work because it's too dangerous because there's just people... Venezuela now doesn't have power, basically no refrigeration.
All these other countries can't do it.
Under communism and command and control, you don't get electricity or medicine, folks.
But it's going to probably collapse before they get anywhere near establishing a communist control.
I understand, yes.
Because they'll have a civil war like the Finns.
People forget there was a war called the Winter War where little Finland actually beat the Soviet Union that rolled in thinking... There's a book on that, isn't it?
Total Resistance?
Yeah, and they, but they tangled with like a Switzerland.
They walked right into a, they sent a bunch of unmotivated reservists conscripts into a country like Switzerland with a William Tell type of, you know, Marxist, excuse me, patriots mentality, you know, marksmanship culture.
Isn't William Tell the archetype of the, uh, of the rebel against hearing the true story of the guy that took out all those people because they hurt his kids?
That's right.
And that's right.
He was, he was, uh, uh,
You know, Charles Bronson, so to speak.
I'm not just gonna go quietly.
I'm gonna make it, you know... I don't think all the leftists that can barely wipe their noses realize that they're about to stick their hand on a badger hole.
No, that's right.
And forget about AR-15s.
The most common type of rifle is just the generic bolt-action deer rifle that can hit and kill a 200-pound mammal at 400 yards.
Remington 700.
I'm shot here in a thousand yards with a Remington 700.
And the most dangerous order of battle will be what I call the militia of one.
Where just one guy doesn't tell anybody, not even his wife maybe.
He just goes out, he goes to town with the rifle, he takes one shot and that's it.
I mean look at the DC sniper situation.
They got it totally wrong.
They got the acoustics wrong.
Stay there, stay there Matt Bracken.
Stay there.
We're going to talk about this.
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You won't believe what happened in Anaheim.
While anti-Trump protesters were outside kicking, spitting, and burning American flags, Trump was showing his patriotism.
Event organizers were pressed for time for TV, so they decided to scrap singing the Star Spangled Banner, while Trump wasn't having it.
We're gonna do the national anthem, okay?
So, Sherry Wilkins, come up.
Sherry, come on, Sherry.
We love Trump!
We love Trump!
We love Trump!
We love Trump!
Somewhere on her private jet, Hillary Clinton is wringing her hands trying to figure out a way to stage a patriotic display at her next rally.
Leanne Mackett reporting for InfoWars.com.
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We got five minutes here and five minutes in the next segment, then Roger Stone, the consummate Trump insider, is going to give us all the intel on what's coming up, what's developed of the big victories last night.
The globalists are financing revolution all over the world.
They're against the nation-state.
They play the countries off against each other.
You go, that's like a James Bond movie.
Well, that's because that's how it really works.
And the worst element is the Anglo-American establishment.
That's what they call themselves.
It has nothing to do with being Anglo, but it's...
People that run England, the United States, and a few other countries.
It's the dominant force because it had the wealthiest, most open free market system to milk.
And it is just running around all over the world allied with radical Islam.
And we have to get that narrative out of it, it's game over.
I want to invite Matt Bracken, who I've got to say I'm extremely impressed with.
I've read some of his essays, thought they were excellent.
But I tell you, I absolutely click with what he's saying.
It doesn't mean I agree with him.
I totally agree with him, but it's not like I like him because I agree.
It's because I know it's accurate, and everything he's saying, the way it pieces together, is exactly basically the way I've been seeing it, a lot of my other sources have been seeing it.
And what's scary is,
It's like there's no doubt now.
I mean, you can see this is the big one.
Now, I hope and pray there's some way to avert this, push it back, whatever, but my gut is 50 times more concerned than it's ever been.
I mean, I almost feel bad even being here on air, not getting, you know, dug in out in the countryside.
But I realize I need to be on air as much as I can.
I got a bunch of quick, short questions for you, Matt.
You've got to come back for like an hour and a half if you can, next week or hell, even maybe tomorrow, part two or something, because I want to really flesh this out historically, get into your military background and stuff as a guy that led, you know, SEALs, not just, you know, out there heroically doing a lot of this work.
But clearly from your training, a lot of classified stuff, I can see you've really been behind the curtain.
Looking at this though, just quick questions.
The police aren't perfect, they've been militarized by the globalists, but they're more awake than the general public, I found.
Clearly there's a move to cause a civil war aimed at local government, kill the cops.
Kind of the army of one thing, but you know, get every little thug to go shoot a cop in the back of the head.
That's what Soros and the globalists have been pushing, clearly.
What is their hope there?
And shouldn't that then, and I've seen the police actually get it, shouldn't that be what we reach out to police with?
That, hey, we're doing Overwatch, we want to work with you, this is here, you better get operational now to stop this.
Because they need to be the front line with local government to identify globalist operatives locally, you name it.
So when all this goes down, they understand which side to be on.
And I'm serious, I think that's absolutely key.
What do you say?
Yeah, there's a, there's sort of a war within law enforcement that, you know, Stuart Rhodes and the Oath Keepers are certainly right.
We can't turn against the police.
The police are going to be required to preserve civilization, and they'll be completely
You know, if they can't wash their backs as Stork, the way that Stork puts it.
That's why the enemy's targeting the police.
That's why people get mad at me that hate the cops, uh, because the cops have done something bad to them.
I get it.
But the communists want to take them out.
Get that, folks?
Get that?
This is a Marxist takedown, and that...
We're in the stage, Lennon called it, the worse the better.
When they said, like, you know, there's food riots in Leningrad, he said, the worse the better.
You have to create those 1789, you know, bread riots in Paris.
He said more blood, he said more blood, just kill, carnage, random, fear.
And in this, and imagine, the only, they didn't have electricity in 1789, they didn't have electricity in 1917.
So, the linchpins that you would pull out would be, say, the food factories that bring the bread to Leningrad.
That train doesn't make it for a week, and now there's riots.
Well, today, you don't necessarily do bread.
You go after the grid, you go after the computer system, you go after the financial system, then the bread stops.
In the absence of electricity, the computer network, and the financial system, our societies will implode.
Enemies don't need to fire a missile over a city.
A missile comes with a return address.
Mutual Assured Deterrence works.
But who will know who hacked our computer grid?
Who do we attack if our computer grid is hacked?
Maybe it's anonymous.
Maybe it's the Koreans.
It can be back-trailed through a third country.
It could be an inside job.
Obama could open the door to China.
And it makes it much more likely to happen.
The Cold War... Mutual Assured Destruction worked during all the Cold War because... You knew where the missiles were coming from.
But in this situation, if our financial system is hacked, if everybody's accounts just goes gibberish haywire, and nobody can do a transaction, within a week, the grid will be down.
Matt Bracken, you're absolutely right.
Five more minutes straight ahead, third hour.
Tell everybody you know to tune in, folks.
This is serious business.
This is serious business.
I'm going to get this guy back on for two hours.
Take your calls next week if you can do it.
He'll be back.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
So, John Kasich, who almost has no delegates.
Like I said, if he was in the Daytona Speedway, you know, race, he would... He'd be like maybe a hundred miles at the end of the race into it.
With Trump at 500, Ted Cruz at 300 or so.
And they're just trying to spin the idea that all this is okay.
And then Trump responded to that.
As Ted Cruz comes out and they say is set to win Arizona, you know, weeks ago, Trump won by a huge percentage.
Doesn't matter.
Because the Republican establishment already had the quote superdelegates in there.
So they bring the delegates together and then they just say, okay, well, we're going to go for Cruz now.
And then CNN, MSNBC, they all ask, why do we even have elections then?
And they go, that's a good question.
Just permanent rule like China by the inner party.
They appoint their successors.
And then they even have MSNBC and others acting like I'm a kook.
There were, I don't want to exaggerate, I saw 10 articles in BuzzFeed and Alternet and
Y'all, all the usual media matters, all the usual suspects, basically implying I'm crazy, that I don't want them to take it from Trump, and that it's normal, and that I want riots or something with Roger Stone.
Oh, how dare us say we're gonna go be at Cleveland because they're announcing they're gonna steal it and then protest that.
Can you imagine having our popular vote stolen and we would engage in the First Amendment?
Oh, I guess that never existed either, right?
Just like millions of people, millions of people the last 20 years.
This was going on when I first got on here.
People bring me the court filings, they'd show me.
Mr. Jones, my mother owned the house when she died.
She gave it to me.
I've lived there with my wife 10 years.
Look, the deed was paid off in 1972.
This bank never had a deed.
It's homesteaded under the state of Texas and they came and they took the house.
It's a fraud, Mr. Jones!
They file fraudulent, they take houses!
And I'd have these guys in with their lawyers, and I'd be reading it, I'd show it to my dad, I'd show it to lawyers, and lawyers are like, you don't want to mess with that.
Boy, those courts are, yeah, when you get into property, you don't want to stay out of that.
We'd go down to the county tax assessor and interview her, catch her in the hallway.
Yelda Spears was her name, and we go, you're taking old people's houses.
She goes, we don't take houses.
And I cut people having their houses taken.
I go, well, you sell them on the courthouse steps.
She goes, we don't do that.
No, we don't, Mr. Jones.
And I go, well, you're allowing banks to take houses they don't even have the deed to.
No, we don't.
And then running down the hall, here'd come the SWAT team.
They get up against me, start bumping into me.
That's on video.
My cancer don't want to dig that stuff out.
Swat team running up, bumping into me.
And then I would go up in their office and preach at them a couple times, and then by the end of it, they would apologize.
And then of course, though, they fired the head of the SWAT team and brought in somebody else.
But who knows?
He might be a nice guy.
One time I was eating in a cafeteria by myself, and the Travis County SWAT team head guy comes over and goes, Alex, how you doing?
Started talking to me.
I was just like, whatever, man.
I don't want your job.
That's all I know.
Anyways, I don't mean to digress.
Let's go to this Donald Trump clip responding to Kay Securitas.
And again, that's Trump doing an impromptu cafe TV interview.
I love the fact that he'll just randomly let some lady or guy with an iPhone interview him for two minutes.
I mean, that's a really positive, positive, positive thing about Trump.
Look at this headline, and I've told folks about this, I've read about it, I've experienced it, I've seen it down there at the Guatemalan border, but Mexico tortures migrants, citizens, in an effort to slow Central American surges.
They actually give you six months to a year hard labor, and they torture you.
Mexico says we've got to let everybody in.
Hey, I'm all for letting folks in.
They just can't get babies paid for for free and stuff.
I mean, Mexico doesn't let you do that.
China doesn't let you do that.
But see, you've got all these Spanish-speaking TV channels run by the globalists just shelling this hoax.
You've got to open the border.
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Crooked Hillary is finally losing her grip on the establishment media.
An inspector general audit of her private emails revealed that not only was Clinton's server hacked into on multiple occasions, and that her highly competent IT guy suggested turning the machine off for a few minutes to stop another attack, but Clinton never reported those hack attacks to the State Department.
Plus, emails between Hillary and her top aide, Huma, prove that Clinton really didn't want the State Department looking at her private emails.
And that's why she set up her own homebrew server.
Now even the Washington Post is calling her actions inexcusable and a willful disregard for the rules.
And an exasperated panel on MSNBC's Morning Joe slammed Hillary Clinton Friday, wondering why none of her aides have told her to stop telling lies regarding the email scandal.
Are we finally witnessing the end of the Clintons' cozy relationship with the media?
Will we finally be able to handcuff Hillary?
Leigh Ann Mackerd reporting for InfoWars.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Leaked memo reveals how the Donald Trump campaign really feels about mainstream media.
And the government.
We're going to be breaking that down in this hour.
We also have a lot of really, really big reports out there that we're going to be going over, dealing with this so-called biggest WikiLeaks-style data dump ever.
When I first saw this yesterday, I said, it's going to be low-level groups trying to protect their money.
It's going to be the Russian networks.
As soon as I saw that they were going after that soccer, that international football group,
This is the big mega banks that control trillions, that create trillions in derivatives, that engage in all forms of drug dealing, money laundering, child kidnapping, white slavery, overthrow governments, 5 billion to overthrow Ukraine, 5 billion to the rebels in Syria.
This is the most corrupt group you can imagine simply leaking this to the Germans, handing it out to a hundred different newspapers or more in the last year to quote vet it.
No, that was to make sure that it didn't connect to any Western operations and to cherry pick what to go after.
And sure enough, it's in the news today.
They're saying this is a selective leak by the West against other networks they don't control.
This is how it works.
You get Arthur Anderson previously, or now it's another big accounting firm that the former Attorney General runs.
Then you can have offshore accounts.
Then you cannot pay taxes.
They certify it, and the government doesn't touch it because it's full of vice presidents, former presidents on their boards, former attorney generals, former FBI directors.
There's only two or three of these firms in D.C.
Like Arthur Anderson.
And then you're left alone.
Now the law says you can have an offshore bank account.
The law says you can go to the Cayman Islands or Switzerland or Luxembourg.
But when they want to, they will come and shake you down and arrest you.
This is a model of global government where you have the FBI going out and arresting the leadership of the International Football League, of the International Soccer League.
This is global governance, and I'm going to go over that later in the hour with our guest and get his view on it because he's an expert on people going offshore and more.
But Wikileaks reveals IMF plan to cause a credit event in Greece and destabilize Europe.
Don't forget that.
The French elite, where it went wrong.
Financial Times admitting they don't pay taxes themselves.
French billionaire to SALT to face trial for tax fraud.
Chinese newspaper editor resigns over media control.
Associated Press willfully cooperated with the Nazis to show how they're controlled.
Top German journalist admits mainstream media is completely fake.
We quote, all lie for the CIA in Germany.
It's a whole bunch of their biggest reporters coming out.
Why is that important?
Because when it comes out of Germany particularly,
People see Germany as like, oh, modern, liberal, you can really trust it.
It's the worst garbage you'll ever find.
Some of their news is accurate, if you research it, but general scandal news is really coming out of the CIA, out of the MI6, out of Israel, out of other groups, but they fence it through Germany, because somehow they have credibility.
They never got over being occupied.
High earners say goodbye to France, so again, they want this international tax grab.
Tax traders widen division in belt-tightening France, and now they're trying to blame Russia for $2 billion in the quote, biggest scandal ever with this Panama data dump, the Panama Papers.
$2 billion?
I mean, that is nothing.
You know how many trillions exchange hands in the currency markets every day?
The rigged stock markets, the rigged credit default swaps, the rigged currency, the rigged interest rates, all of it.
They admit it's all rigged is what's crazy.
Just like they've tried to steal elections, they've manipulated them before, but never come right out and said, we're going to put Paul Ryan in, this is Karl Rove last week, even if he doesn't have one delegate.
And Kasich is showing his wares, saying it doesn't matter if he's only got a few, he deserves to win.
I don't know what you call this coming out in the open.
Is this really the fall of America, the fall of the West?
Or is this a PSYOP to prepare us for just anything?
Because when things get this crazy in history, you go over the edge of a cliff.
Are we going over the edge of the cliff right now?
Have we reached the event horizon?
We're going to talk geopolitics.
We're going to talk Syria.
We're going to talk Iran.
We're going to talk Ukraine.
We're going to talk Obama.
We're going to talk Black Lives Matter and the destabilization program.
We're going to talk the entire waterfront, 2016 and beyond.
But first off, I don't know his view.
I follow his articles, but he's pretty libertarian, conservative, apolitical, though.
He just does analysis of the world.
Best-selling nonfiction author.
Best-selling fiction author.
James Wesley Rawls is an American novelist and blogger who is best known for his recently completed Patriots novel series.
Rawls is a former U.S.
Army intelligence officer.
He is the founder of the senior editor of SurvivalBlog.com, which is one of the top sites in the world with tens of millions of visitors a month.
For the past 10 years, he's covered survival and preparedness topics from a constitutional Christian libertarian perspective.
His latest novel is titled Land of Promise.
He's got another one coming out too.
The first book in the Counter Caliphate Chronicle series, this novel set two decades in the future describes the establishment of a Christian nation under siege.
Now, I could do three hours with this guy because I got a lot to say, a lot of angles to cover.
He's only on to the bottom of the next hour, but I want to invite him back in a few weeks for a part two for two full hours because he was willing to do it today.
He's a busy guy.
Because I've got my reporters popping in for the last 30 minutes of the next hour.
I may push them, though, up to David Knight, though.
We'll see how this goes.
But I just threw out that menu of what I want to cover.
But front and center is, what is this caliphate plan?
Why would the West be bold enough to bring in 5 million people they know, many of which are military-age men and are jihadis?
Will they carry out attacks and then martial law comes in like areas of Europe have already done?
And how will our political elite get away with bringing them in and then having them attack us?
Is that part of this victory over logic and common sense?
Just like, in effect, they're suspending the election by stealing Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump's delegates.
I mean, we're really entering a new phase.
Is this bravado?
Is this arrogance?
Is this megalomania?
Or is this a desperate attempt to look confident?
I've thrown out a lot there.
James Wesley Rawls, survivalblog.com.
We're going to break here in about 15 minutes.
You've got the floor.
Tell us where you want to start first and what you think is currently happening.
Well, Alex, I think looking at it from a 30,000 foot view,
What we have in the global geopolitical realm is with the end of the Cold War, the powers that be needed to have a continued destabilization as an excuse for carrying on with all of their banking shenanigans, their massive military buildups and so forth.
They, in effect, through Osama Bin Laden and other Islamic leaders, that they supported, the CIA itself created ISIS, as you've pointed out many times.
They want destabilization.
They are hoping that they can walk the tightrope of destabilization to the point where they can continue to consolidate power
With a massively centralized government, with an electronic currency replacing physical currency, and with the whole statist agenda, by building up the Islamic threat, and then hoping to counter that threat, all the time accumulating more power and wealth for themselves.
But what I'm afraid is going to happen is that they are going to over destabilize and they will, in effect, create their own downfall and perhaps the downfall of all the Western nations in the process.
They're hoping that they can kind of lock that tightrope and carry on year after year after year.
But I'm afraid it's going to come back and blow up in their face because a lot of these terrorist groups that they have created don't have any compunctions at all against using true weapons of mass destruction.
So that Wall Street itself may be the next ground zero.
And their best laid plans of these totalitarian lobbies is going to come back and haunt them.
Well, you just crystallized it perfectly.
I want you to continue, but I just want to back up, sir, what you were just saying.
Obviously, I know you're retired, but you talked to a lot of your sources in government.
I have amazing sources, high-level, in government, but also out.
People say, well, I mean, how do you do that?
They're going out for whistleblowers.
Things are so bad now that mainly the U.S.
Army, strangely enough, that's just historical, one of the oldest institutions in this country, has been the main group inside the Pentagon saying no to Syria, no to all these events, no to double-crossing Egypt.
And they are basically telling the neocons, the left,
And the socialists, you better stop it, and there's such a socialist vein in this godless, atheist, New World Order culture that really the only ideology they have is destroy the better clingers, destroy the farms, collectivize everything under corporate control.
You know, a type of high-tech, fascist, Great Leap Forward.
Not communist, but fascist more like.
And that they're blowing the engine that made the globalists have a major command base
And that the military, not even because the top brass and statisticians are angels, but because they want to keep playing golf and don't want their grandkids killed, they're saying, stop it right now.
You're about to bring civilization down by crisis creation because you keep getting more power out of crises.
But at a certain point, this black hole is going to swallow you.
Now, that message you just kind of threw out is the message I've been getting for about six years from high level Pentagon people and others that obviously use this show as a conduit to warn people.
But now, even down to low-level enlisted officers, they know.
The military, basically, has been warned.
About 90% of the Army's on board.
About 60% of the Marines are on board.
About 60% of the Navy knows what's going on.
For whatever reason, the Navy's not doing too good waking up.
That's just kind of a dead reckoning number.
But this is really a big deal where you almost have a Mexican standoff between institutions in our government, newer more corrupt private contractor institutions and delusional people like Hillary and Samantha Powers and Obama who have no idea what they're doing and watch SportsCenter all day.
At least Hitler was in a bunker when he was endangering his whole country and doing super dangerous stuff and knew he could lose and had been in the military.
These people are completely out of their minds, and it really is frightening to see them not knowing what they're doing.
And is that what you're basically coming down to?
Yes, I agree with you, Alex, that there is a level of self-delusion that now exists amongst the powers that be that's unprecedented.
And their level of control over the economy, over the stock markets, manipulating the derivatives market, manipulating the precious metals market, which is a very thin market, the level of control they have is frightening.
And again, it's likely to come back and blow up in their faces.
And it's the law of unintended consequences.
So for many years, you've talked about the Hegelian dialectic.
In the next administration, we're probably going to see a statist of some sort who's going to want to continue playing the same game, playing the same political games, playing pressure groups off of one another, trying to increase divisiveness within our own country.
By bringing in almost uncontrolled immigration of Islamists who are not going to be properly vetted at all.
And in fact, right now there seems to be a preference within the US State Department
To bring in Islamists rather than persecuted Christians.
People at odds with one another to create friction and out of that friction, they're, you know, it's the Hegelian dialectic again.
They create the crisis and out of that crisis comes their solution, which is all stage managed to fill their coffers and to build political power.
And then under their Agenda 21 depopulation program, they codify the cosmology of us being poor and them being rich as their guardians, getting rid of the scourge of humanity, all perfectly scripted, where they play savior of the earth, while they literally block industrialization, block systems that would set up a two-child family, with all the actuaries we know that lead towards stabilization, global prosperity,
and a new renaissance and they themselves going back even to Bertrand Russell and the non-fiction books of H.G.
Wells and Galton and all the rest of them admit a hundred years ago that they were going to have to block a new renaissance and quote kill a lot of beautiful and gallant people to quote H.G.
Wells to get their new world order and even wrote the book and had the movie things to come the movie came out in the early thirties
Where they set up a world government run by a UN that flies around in giant B-2 style bombers.
Actually shows B-2 bombers.
Nervegassing nation states and taking the guns from the people and depopulating the planet.
I mean these people are completely out of their minds but the thing is they've got control because the British Empire got behind them and funded this wild dream and Mr. Rawls looks like they're pretty much getting there.
Do you think they'll succeed?
It seems like it.
You mentioned H.G.
Wells and Things to Come.
He was a socialist, but he was very prescient about what might happen.
And you'll notice that in the storyline of Things to Come,
The way that they were able to create their global governance was out of the aftermath of a global socioeconomic collapse following war after war after war.
It looks a lot like what we're seeing right now.
And that's why his boss, as you know, anybody can look this up, the letters, the writings are public, the man that basically took the British Empire and folded it into the U.S.
Empire, Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes Scholars, envision the whole plan we're currently living under.
And ironically, the legacy of Cecil Rhodes
Was is now being protested in South Africa.
They don't want anything to do with with any of the colonialist.
Any of that history they wanted there.
They're literally tearing down statues in South Africa at the universities right now.
Cecil Rhodes.
really had a view not just for the African continent, not just as they said in those days, Cape to Cairo, but for the whole world.
And a lot of his protégés ended up creating organizations like the CFR and the Trilateral Commission and so forth.
Years later,
It's all been an almost uninterrupted chain of this quest for global dominance, global control, and they've very wisely co-opted the educational system, the mass media, and the banking system.
And let's be clear, no further.
Again, you're getting the inside scoop here, listeners.
Cecil Rhodes, all the rest of it.
They even said, and he wrote, you can read it, a hundred years ago, we will then even finally get rid of the trappings of the empire, the flags, the statues, the parades, the uniforms, and it'll be invisible through our corporate interlocking directorates like the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations.
And it'll be multinational.
And now that's why at Oxford and places, they're supporting, you know, pulling down bust of the Queen.
And that's why Obama sent back the bust of Churchill is because they're going to even let the socialists and leftists pull that down and believe they've defeated it when they've actually are helping it bring in the next phase, the end of free speech.
I mean, these folks are so sophisticated.
It is indeed.
It's worth mentioning that 20 years ago, the socialists in England turned their own flag, the Union Jack, into a supposed symbol of racism and colonialism.
And they declared that the Union Jack couldn't be used in political rallies and protests.
That's right.
In fact, the police tried to arrest you.
That was 20 years ago.
And at the time, I was in shock and disbelief that that could happen.
But right now, in America, we're on the verge of that happening with our own American flag.
They start with the rebel battle flag.
It has nothing to do with slavery, but ignorant people are told so.
So what if some toothless racists drive around with it?
It's not what it symbolizes.
And then now they want the American flag.
And to expand on that, that was only one symbol of empire.
The globalists have conquered.
The Rothschilds have conquered England.
They're using that model and the people they use to enforce it upon the world.
It's moved on from England.
It's still based there to a certain extent.
But now they're demonizing anything Western when it's England that ended slavery worldwide.
It's England that brought forward the abolitionist movement and now in the ultimate victory while slavery goes on in more than 10 Muslim nations today.
And women are slaves in hundreds of nations.
It's okay because the greatest evil on earth is England, where we got Magna Carta and the beginning of the Renaissance.
You're so right, Alex.
It's just almost a sweet irony to see that the symbols of what really stand for freedom are being stood on their head
And the institutions that really stand for individual liberty are being denigrated while everything that represents statism, control, collectivism, socialism, are being lifted up by people like the Obama administration, by all the socialists of Europe and so forth.
Right now, we are living in what I refer to as the age of deception and betrayal.
Where our basic institutions are, anything that stands for freedom, is being cast in a bad light.
We are living in the true fall of the West, and all the wealth and the cultural wealth being flushed down the toilet.
When we come back, sir, I want to talk about what that looks like, what comes on the other side, if we don't beat it, and where you think we are in the fight against it.
Amazing guest, James Wesley Rawls.
We need to get him on more and more, but he's such a busy guy.
He usually can only come on for an hour, and that's rarely.
He offered two hours today.
I may just push the reporters, even though I love them and want them on, into the fourth hour.
Check with Knight, see if that's good with him in the first 30 minutes, because I want to really walk through all this and look at the different sectors of the globe and the master plan, because knowing this plan, and this is a plan,
I mean, this is public, folks.
Knowing the plan is our chance to beat it.
You understand how important this is?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't get up here and say all these things to have a sensational show.
Believe me, reality is sensational.
Reality is dangerous, it's crazy, it's real.
And I never imagined 21 years ago, going on air, local access and local radio, I'd be here with tens of millions of people every week, conservatively.
Way more than that, it's ridiculous.
Tuning in all over the world.
But the good news is, the facts we're covering are what the real
Insiders, good and bad, know what's going on.
The elite have been so arrogant for decades, they've admitted so much of their plan so their own people could understand it, thinking you'd never go look it up.
Well, we've been making preparations to resist, to slow this down.
It's over 15 years behind, most experts agree, but now they're accelerating.
We're going to talk to Mr. Rawls.
About where this system of betrayal is going, the caliphate they're setting up, clearly the elite are allied with radical Islam, turning it loose to take over the rest of Islam, and to bring it into our countries.
That's happening.
That's one area I underestimated.
It's so bold, it's so over the top, that I would hear people like Rawls saying this 10 years ago, and I thought, yeah, I could see that down the road, but, you know, not in 10, 20 years.
Well, it's happening quicker.
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And things are getting so serious that I myself am redoubling my efforts to have medical, basic medical equipment.
Firearms, ammunition, going out shooting, an area in the country that's safer to get to.
I hope it doesn't get to that, but the depression's here.
It's going to get worse.
Society's already unraveling.
The police state isn't going to save us.
We're going to talk about preparedness with Mr. Rawls as well coming up.
Again, formerly with Army Intelligence.
And of course, nobody in the Army ever brags about the stuff they did, but I ran into a colonel.
I don't
I was down at the courthouse taking care of something, and he was saying, oh, you know, Rawls used to work for me.
He's a great guy.
So I had three different people who tuned into the show, just talking about the great stuff Mr. Rawls has done for America, which we'll never hear about, you know, the quiet professionals.
But he just really knows what he's talking about, and we love having him on.
I want to get into the Caliphate, your latest novel, which is a smart way to educate people, obviously.
They seem to listen to stuff that's fiction, even though it's real, versus stuff that's real.
They seem to ignore it.
But we'll talk about that as well.
Survival, the economy, where you think Obama's going, the rest of it.
But as we went to break, Mr. Rawls, you brought up the situation with the age of deception, the age of betrayal.
Is this the beginning of the fall?
Why are they so naked now?
What do you think of Donald Trump?
Why are they so scared of him?
Because quite frankly, I didn't trust him a year ago.
He's involved in casinos and things, and I'm not into really being super flashy.
It kind of turns me off.
But at the same time,
He was against NAFTA and GATT 20 years ago.
He is a nationalist.
I know people that know him before he ever ran for office that said, oh, you didn't know Donald Trump's anti-New World Order?
And so all this clicked for me about six, seven months ago that they're scared of him for some reason.
This couldn't be a foil.
This couldn't be a double cross, could it?
But I want your real view on that as well.
But let's get into the age of betrayal, the age of deception, where you think the world is right now, and then into this election and into the caliphate.
Well, Alex, I think that Donald Trump, I think, is popular because he represents, at least, an outsider to the political system.
And people are definitely fed up with insider after insider after insider being offered up as candidates.
And while I don't think Donald Trump is a perfect candidate, I think that he at least resonates with a lot of people as representing
Old school American nationalism, national sovereignty, and as a counterbalance to the forces of international banking.
Now, unfortunately, he has some compromises in his background that make him kind of suspect.
Because of Ashley's connections to the Clintons of all people and his many business connections with the bankers.
So I find it really difficult to believe that he's a true outsider.
But he certainly represents more of an outsider than Hillary or Sanders.
Let me ask you this then.
The all-hands-on-deck scenario, and I agree with what you just said, the all-hands-on-deck scenario from the Communist Chinese government, the Mexican government, the former president, the British government, the Pope, to you name it,
Every magazine, every newspaper coming out against him.
I see real hysteria and real hate and real concern and the big billionaires getting together and giving hundreds of millions to beat him.
I see that as them legitimately hitting the panic button because they see the nationalism he's saying, even if he's not really a good guy, is irrevocable damage to them.
But it also shows how arrogant they are to think we can have all these foreign governments lecture us how deep into globalist colonialism we really are.
Yeah, the amount of vitriol that's being directed against him is evidence that the powers that be are feeling very nervous, very anxious, they're losing control.
of the political process because for years and years we've had political party A versus political party B and lo and behold the candidates for both of those parties have been insiders.
They've all been CFR or trilateral commission related individuals.
Every time we've been given a so-called choice on the ballot that really isn't a choice.
It's either
Political Insider A or Political Insider B. And for them to see Trump on the horizon is truly, truly frightening to them to see anything outside of their stage managed operation.
So we're seeing a de facto response to populism, whether he be real or not.
It's kind of like, you know, putting up a fake owl to scare away crows.
They just see an owl and are upset.
They don't know if it's real or not.
They're trying to figure out if it's real, but it scares them.
Yes, that's essentially it.
The folks that want to control the whole game, really, they want to control us economically, politically, in every sphere, basically, look at people like Donald Trump as wild cards.
And because he's outside of their control, and he is unpredictable,
It really throws a monkey wrench into their plans.
Do you think he realizes how much danger he's in?
Probably not.
Anyone who goes up against Hillary Clinton ought to be really, really worried.
His chances of making it at body temperature to the election, I would say, are actually fairly small.
I would not be surprised to see that he mysteriously dies of an aneurysm or a heart attack or, you know, something, anything.
The chances of him making it to the election, I think, are small.
If he truly is the threat that they think he is.
Have you ever, in your decades of being politically involved, 30 years or so since you got out of the Army, have you ever, Mr. Rawls, James Wesley Rawls, survivalblog.com, joining us, one of the top, most respected survivalists and global security experts out there.
I mean, not just with the general public, but with the Pentagon, you name it.
Everybody really respects him, and I know.
Have you ever seen a more dangerous time, not just for America, but the world?
I mean, this is just, for me, looking at this, this is unprecedented.
The amount of dominoes lined up, the amount of triggers being thrown, the elite scurrying around building armored redoubts.
I mean, government all over the world is acting like something big is coming.
It's truly unprecedented, because if you look at the mountain of debt and the scale of the derivatives that have built up, that's one huge threat.
And meanwhile, geopolitically, we see a regional war in Syria that could very well blow up into World War III, and we see tension in the South China Sea, which could very well blow up into another world war.
We are truly in uncharted waters here.
We have a situation that
Where the global economy is teetering on the brink, we have the central banks are right now in the process of going to sub-zero interest rates, which is an absolute panic move.
They have basically run out of ammunition in the economic war.
That's like injecting adrenaline directly into the heart.
Yeah, I think that at this point,
We are teetering on the brink of either economic collapse or global war as kind of the final option for the insiders to have their way.
Because without either of those, we're just simply going to see the truth come out.
What's happened with the Panama Papers, I think, is just one little glimpse
Of the extent of the international financial web that exists.
Well, from what I've seen, it looks like it's a Western attempt to just go after Putin, and certainly Putin's involved in a bunch of this stuff.
But it seems selective to some mid-level networks.
It's highly selective, yes.
And if you'll notice, they're mainly pointing the finger at
I think
The serious money, the big money, is being traded in the hot markets every day.
It's not these tiny little, you know, I say relatively tiny, these billion dollar trusts that are being set up by the
And to benefit that the children of of Middle Eastern and African dictators are small change compared to the trillions of dollars that are that are flowing internationally.
The manipulation is going on in the currency markets.
The you mentioned earlier credit default swaps.
People have no idea about the scope of the derivatives trading that goes on.
A CDS, a credit default swap, is a form of derivative.
And it's so well refined as a derivative that a movement as small as one-tenth of one percent of an interest rate can put a major shockwave through the system.
And unfortunately, the way this derivatives casino has built up, it's so finely tuned that when a big swing does happen, where interest rates move a whole percentage point or two percentage points, it's going to absolutely collapse the system.
Well, James, I want to talk triggers with you.
I want to get into Caliphate.
And I just want to go ahead.
I'm going to have you through the whole next hour.
We're going to have reporters on in the fourth hour with David Knight.
He has another guest popping in as well.
But looking at this,
Here's a Telegraph article, China jitters could trigger global market bloodbath, IMF warns.
I love how the very progenitors of this whole scam warn us, and the former head of the Fed that helped give us the derivatives with Clinton, Greenspan, warns us of irrational exuberance.
It's like selling a kid a bag full of crack and giving him a pipe and saying, look out, this might be addicting, but it's just amazing.
But getting back to things I see as problems that nobody talks about it, and I'm not bragging when I say,
One thing that launched our show, unbeknownst to me, like 19 years ago, is I put out some police state films showing the military training for gun confiscation and things domestically.
And then the Army and Marines said, don't watch Alex Jones' videos and don't go to his website.
Man, I suddenly had this huge audience of the military tune in.
What was the establishment thinking?
Because my audience probably quadrupled overnight when they started doing that.
That actually launched us, was them saying, don't go here.
So they seem like they're smart, but they also seem like they're dumb.
Now, I was totally unpolished, them still aren't, but knew more than the average person.
So the show got very popular.
I became a source because then all these people started giving me stuff because nobody else would talk about it.
Here we are, 20 years later, and the military listens to the show, foreign governments listen to it, they listen to others like it, but it shows how bad the rest of the media is, is that we're some of the, you know, best that's out there, I'm not bragging.
But to know that most of the military is aware of what's going on, says they're not going to go along with the globalist takeover, that's got to really cause a problem.
And I'm not saying I'm behind this, I'm one small part of it, but I'm a gauge because I interface with these people.
On the street, you name it, so I know how awake they are.
Does the establishment realize that they still currently say don't go to m4wars.com and don't go to your site and a bunch of others, as you know.
Don't they understand that's backfiring with the Streisand effect squared?
We'll be back with James Wesley Rawls, survivalblog.com.
I'm Alex Jones with the answer.
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Okay, we're going to get back to that point that Mr. Rawls got cut off on as we went to break, where I was asking the question about the military.
And I'm not branding them as the heroes or anything, but these are people that have actually been in the real world on average.
They know about the corruption, they know about the system.
And that's always been the problem of dictators or oligarchies, is the security services turning against them.
Look at Operation Valkyrie and Hitler.
The problem is this is an oligarchy, it's a whole bunch of people, it's not one guy.
So we're going to talk about that briefly, start the next hour.
But here's an example.
I get up Saturday, I see a headline, Muslim woman run over by right-wing nationalist in Molenbeek.
And I read the article from the Daily Mail, and it never says who they are or they've been caught.
I go, that doesn't sound right.
That sounds like a false flag, because the radical Muslims are experts at this.
She runs out, and it looks staged, and jumps in front of the car.
Just like they, you know, staged the dead baby on the beach in Greece and all that.
I go to the comments, everybody's mad thinking we're the ones saying this.
Well, go to our, go to our InfoWars and I'll show you.
Horrific moment, Muslim woman is mowed down by grinning driver who then stops to take picture.
During anti-, oh, they changed the headline, look, when this came out.
Ah, now.
Right Bart, Molonbeek far right hit and run was Muslim on Muslim attack.
A local drunk youth named Mohammed, hit and run by a Muslim woman in Mozambique this week, blamed on far-right anti-Islam demonstrators, was in fact perpetrated by an allegedly drunk local youth named Mohammed.
So, I don't mean to just, you know, divert off, but it's this constant lying, and then saying German men raped the women in Cologne and all this.
They're almost all military-age men.
They invaded Syria.
They're coming in.
Now Europe's bringing him, and we're going to talk about that at the start of the next hour with Mr. Rawls.
But the time we have, sir, in this short segment, getting back to you in the next four minutes, specifically with my military question, what are they thinking when they say, don't visit patriot sites?
Don't, you know, George Washington's bad.
The founding fathers are bad.
They actually, as you know, teach the military that.
That's actually woken the military up.
What are the globalists thinking?
Well, they're hoping that they can control the military, but the problem is...
Even with a dumbed-down electorate, a dumbed-down populace that's reaching military age, even with that, people still have basic common sense and they can see what's going on in the world around them.
They get curious.
They now turn to the Internet.
It used to be newsletters and magazines and that sort of thing, but they turn to the Internet to seek the truth.
They're hoping that they can control access to that knowledge, to keep that knowledge out of the hands of the people that they want to have as their foot soldiers.
It's not working.
They tried firewalling more than a thousand patriot websites at the Pentagon two years ago, and there was a quiet rebellion that went on.
Where, at first, people were saying, well, you can't firewall us, or if you firewall us, only firewall us during working hours, but we want to have unlimited internet access before working hours, on our lunch hour, and after work.
And the IT staff at the Pentagon backed down.
They actually relented.
Because there were so many people at the Pentagon that were upset about this.
And that's what I'm getting at.
Don't they understand that when they tried to blacklist you and myself and others, that just made everybody come check out what we're saying?
They hear we're telling the truth and it backfired, didn't it?
What happened was people were using VPN, virtual private networks, or
Web surfing from at home or web surfing from wireless networks literally from their mobile devices in the parking lot of the Pentagon.
This is so exciting.
Stay there.
Back in 70 seconds.
This is a microcosm of everything.
They're not invincible folks.
The globalists can be defeated if you realize you have the power.
You are the resistance.
Back in 70.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, coming up...
At about 24 after, we're going to start opening the phones up for the balance of the hour for James Wesley Rawls, our guest.
Also want to hit a bunch of other news items with him and get his take on it.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
That was a short segment.
This is a short segment.
In the long segment, we're going to get into the Caliphate, his latest novel, and what the next big shoe to drop in his brain is with the man that heads up survivalblog.com, James Wesley Rawls.
I'm Alex Jones of Infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
But getting back to what you were just saying, to me this is key because
I used to get mad at police and some of the police state stuff.
I realize that's what they're being trained to do is we should change it above them.
That's our political job.
But on average, cops tend to be more awake to the general public.
And some jurisdictions are very corrupt, but others are pretty good folks overall.
And so that's why you've got the Black Lives Matter, the UN Strong Cities Initiative coming in to take over.
I mean, it's actually happening.
And so we also have the military even more awake.
So they're saying the number one domestic enemy will be returning veterans and gun owners.
Well, that woke up military training to take on domestic terrorists who they're being taught are themselves.
So there's a major disconnect in the elites.
And if they would have disconnects, like not realizing when you tell
Marines and Army troops on bases across the country don't go to InfoWars.com, but they're all going to go to InfoWars.com.
Or, when they get up there and bad-mount the founders and Christians and gun owners and make the men wear red high-heeled shoes, that it's not demoralizing them, it's turning them against their controllers.
I mean, you take a bunch of socialist engineers, give them ROTC merit, give them an officer's commission, stick them in the military.
It's so alien, they've caused a total wake-up.
I mean, I really see this as one of the biggest missteps ever.
Go ahead, sir, and give me your view on that.
We are in a situation where the controllers are losing control because there's so many different channels of media now available.
They basically can't stop the signal.
The truth is out there.
It's people like you and bloggers and podcasters.
And journalists, non-mainstream journalists, who are waking people up to the truth.
And a lot of those people are in military organizations.
They're people, as I mentioned before, at the Pentagon, for example.
People who are on general staffs.
People who are in military intelligence.
And most people don't realize that
There's as many people in military intelligence with the different military services as there are with the CIA and the NSA and the NRO, for example.
And there is, from my sources, I'm not saying they're perfectly good, but the army groups and others are basically battling the foreign interests that have come in and taken over the CIA.
And there's been a decades-long war now emerging where more and more army officers are even able to go on air now and actively badmouth the corrupt system.
Which, for folks who don't know, is basically mutiny, but it's not mutiny because the military realizes the country's now been captured.
There's definitely different competing camps within the intelligence agencies and within the military.
A lot of the really conservative, libertarian, and freedom-minded
General officers were purged during the seven years of the Obama administration.
But there's still a lot of people in the enlisted ranks, warrant officers, junior officers, and up into the field grade officers, who have a concept of American liberty.
And they cannot quench that.
They can't just
They just can't put that fire out.
This is the key to everything.
Stay there.
I want you to come back and speak to this at length.
Then get into the Caliphate.
This is the key.
They've already decapitated the federal government and brought in their operatives, but the people that actually run the military are still there and they're awake now.
This is a key time.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
About 160 years ago, 165 years ago, the British crown was having trouble expanding and maintaining its empire.
So they financed their top scientists, this is all in books that have been published at the time and since then, to come up with social engineering and social control.
And to develop machines that can track and trace everyone, and to develop cultural systems of what they called mind war.
That was actually a British term that was picked up by the Germans.
It's what they called psyops or psychological warfare.
But what happens when people in the endgame realize that they're the target of it as well?
You see, globalism isn't just taken over because it's a better system.
That would just take over by adoption.
Free market.
It's taking over to end all competition.
It's taking over to end the family.
To end our culture as you know it.
Go read the book, Things to Come.
Go see what the head of the Fabian Socialists said they were going to do.
He wrote more non-fiction books than he wrote fiction.
I've probably read seven or eight non-fiction books by H.G.
Wells, and I'll be honest, I can't read any more of them.
I used to read all their books and stuff, and Carol Quigley, and I already know their plan.
It's really scary to actually read them saying it, and licking their lips and stuff.
Folks, these people really don't like you, okay?
And you need to understand, they're the same people that used the people of Ireland and Scotland and England, who were strong, to build their world tyranny.
They were colonialized by the Romanian and Habsburg, who weren't even really German, criminals that had learned how to control the final spice trade coming in out of the Middle East, there in what's Transylvania today.
And they perfected torture and political manipulation and really a lot of bad stuff.
Not that Western Europe was perfect, but they brought all that in, they took over, and God help us, man.
And notice, now the West gets the blame.
For what these people have used us to build for them.
And they're now moving into their endgame.
So you hear terms like communist, fascist, socialist, those are all to confuse you.
They're different forms of command and control that the elites want because they can manage command and control because it's centralized.
Read Tragedy and Hope.
We sell the book.
Infowarstore.com, back in print, written by this guy that published it so the State Department's own people could understand what they're doing.
What, we fund communists and fascists and socialists?
And we want dictators?
We don't want freedom?
And it's an 1100 page book explaining to them that none of this means anything, that we're taking over.
And that we're the new British Empire.
And that we know best, so just do it.
And you'll be taken care of.
They're so arrogant, they published it.
People actually started reading it though, so they took it out of print.
That's where this goes.
James Wesley Rowles and I are not up here giving you our opinion.
Do you understand that?
The thousands of quotes, the statements, the admissions, it's far worse than I can tell you.
Prince Philip, Prince Charles, constantly talking about how they want to kill everybody and bring in world government, the force will be inoculated, you know, cancer, viruses.
They mean business.
They mean business.
And the fact that some whacked out Transylvanian royalty
Once a world government to run your life, and they're always, you know what, they're always digging up on the castle properties and the rest of it, little kids.
I mean, folks, you cannot make up how evil these people are.
I'm going to stop right there.
But again, it's legends.
They're not physical vampires.
They're a bloodline of psychotics.
And they're not even running the show.
They just kicked off and funded science.
You know, there was major science in the 1850s, folks.
They focused on the science of control.
And this has been copied.
It's been exported.
It's been refined.
There's all these new systems.
I'm ranting.
I'm gonna go back to our guest.
You should understand what we face.
The terms you want to know
Is the fact that globalism is really totally corrupt scientific colonialism by multinational mega banks and institutions that are above the law and of the new royalty.
With the power to tax but are exempt from it.
Letter of Mark given to their operatives.
They're mercenaries.
And they're reversing the Western invasion where they'd say you're going to be put on a ship or we're going to kill you.
I mean, you think it was fun when, you know, like the 1600s, more than half of crews died routinely, usually about a third, on an African or South American voyage?
You think they weren't slaves?
And the West then tried to end slavery.
But within the West was growing this great evil.
And so now you're facing scientific colonialism
At a multinational, above the state level, playing the states off against each other, the individuals against each other, the great game times a thousand, and nested in the heart of this, nested in the core of this.
He is then using the giant third world populations with promises of their own colonialism to come to the West and get the free welfare and the free goodies to be brought here to be programmed with liberation theology, hate the West theology, and then you conquer the third world and the West by playing them off against each other.
And that is their admitted plan.
You have been given the enemy's blueprint.
What are you going to do about it?
Now, Mr. Rawls, I'm going to try to shut up and give you the floor now, but I want to set the table here.
Getting back into the military waking up, the bureaucrats waking up, a lot of people understanding now as we near the endgame that the patriots were right the last 60 plus years, from Barry Goldwater up to you and others, warning people.
And so now how does that affect the battle space?
Where does this go?
And why is Islam
As I think you correctly predicted over a decade ago, the secret skeleton key weapon that they're going to use to finish their world government takeover.
Well, Alex, the goal obviously is control.
They want to consolidate power.
They want to institute a global system.
And all the pieces are in place right now to make that happen.
With the Internet,
With the possibility of going cashless for the world currencies and soon to be just a single currency, I think that's definitely their goal.
They have this game plan and they are indeed, just as you said, playing one group off of another to make all this happen.
And as I mentioned at the beginning of the last hour,
The real tool that's being used right now, following the end of the Cold War, is using radical Islam as a pawn.
And as I mentioned before, I think that that pawn may actually be a knight or a queen in hiding.
It's going to turn against them with dramatic results when all is said and done.
We are seeing this all play out, and the pace at which change is taking place is getting faster and faster and faster.
And they're trying to manipulate this whole game.
They're keeping people in the dark, they're failing at that, and at this point, it's going to come down to crisis.
Whether it's a global pandemic, whether it's a global economic collapse, or whether it's a global war, they're going to have to play the crisis card very soon, because they basically lost control economically, and they have lost, they don't realize it yet, but they have lost the information war.
People like you have woken up too many people.
And at this point, the only arrow left in their quiver is absolute crisis.
That's right.
And we're now going into it.
Hillary admitted they're losing the information war four years ago to Congress.
But I don't think she even realizes how much they've lost the information war.
Is there any way to get these cornered rats to not destroy everything to keep power?
Couldn't the states get together in a first-run constitutional convention just to have letters of demand and basically tell the top operatives, stop their anti-American activities, don't shut down power plants, don't let China have unfair trade deals, start there, and then give them a year to exit
The United States?
I mean, that of course, as you know, as a student of history, Mr. Rawls, has been done before with corrupt elites who are like a cancer and are too hard to dislodge.
I mean, could some type of through-the-system armistice happen and just have these people flake off?
That is possible, and I think one venue for that may be the upcoming Republican National Convention.
Because they don't control all of those individual delegates.
And once a party convention is, in a lot of ways, like a constitutional convention, once the floor is open, if enough people call for discussion of a particular topic, it can't be stopped.
And I think that at the upcoming Republican National Convention, a lot of these fundamental issues may be raised, and we may see another Barry Goldwater moment for our nation coming up.
And it could very well happen there.
That's right, because when they engage in this open theft, it is going to be a huge wake-up call on top of the wake-up call that's already happening, and people are really going to see through it.
Do you think it's arrogance overall, or fear that they're just nakedly going, yeah, your vote doesn't count, get used to it, all over TV?
Well, the level of arrogance is just horrendous.
To think that they can attempt to stage-manage an entire political convention by manipulating the rules of that convention.
I think it may backfire on them.
A lot of two things are going to happen.
Either there's going to be absolute pandemonium on the floor, or there's going to be a walkout of a lot of delegates.
They may just walk to a hotel across the street.
And start their own convention.
Well, again, things are spinning out of control.
And at this point, again, I think it's going to come down to a massive crisis of some sort as kind of a last-ditch effort for them to maintain their control.
And as things get more out of control... Sure, sure, as things get more out of control...
It's going to get more out of control and more out of control.
Let's say on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being the most out of control, you know, full-on nuclear war happening and just total insanity, and you know, zero being Valhalla pastoral utopias.
Where are we on that scale, sir?
Well, I'd say we're somewhere in the 80s or the 90s here right now.
They're losing control.
And at this point, unless they have a crisis that they can use as the excuse to collapse the stock market, cause a banking crisis, and institute a global currency,
They'll need something of that scale to continue to consolidate power.
Otherwise, power is going to slip through their grasp.
So what you keep hammering is, they're going to pull a crisis, they're going to false flag, or they're going to wind somebody up, and they're going to create a crisis to be the saviors.
It's so huge, it diverts from stealing elections and everything else.
Yeah, they'll probably have a
A pre-planned event on a grand scale.
It won't just be something like Sandy Hook, okay?
It's gonna be more like a major assassination, say, for example, of a key political figure or a key candidate.
That they'll then try to pin on the Patriot movement, for example.
That's right.
So they could false flag and kill Donald Trump and blame it on the Patriots, or they could do it to Obama.
That's what my gut's been telling me is, we're entering the season of a political assassination.
To be pinned on one group or the other, it won't matter if it ever gets proven, it'll just cause war on the streets.
Yes, and there literally will be blood in the streets if that happens.
And again, getting back to the political conventions, the party conventions, coming out of the Democratic Convention or more likely out of the Republican Convention, we could see a huge uproar, especially if they attempt to
To broker this convention and put an insider in, in place of one of the two perceived outsiders.
And that's the only way, I mean look, I'll be honest, I don't want to scare people.
They could do stuff like a low-yield nuke in Cleveland and then have Obama declare a civil emergency saying in a year now we're going to have an election.
All the preparations I see is if they're planning something humongous.
I don't want to speculate here, but I said before 9-11, look for them to blow up the World Trade Centers and blame it on their asset bin Laden.
I'm not saying there isn't radical Islam, obviously Saudi Arabia, the 28 pages, I was just saying I could see the preparation, I could see them beta testing, I could see them getting everybody ready, and then I called it exactly as they did it.
And I'm telling you, I've never seen such frightening rhetoric.
Obama's hyping nuclear terror, everybody else is, saying oh mushroom cloud over Manhattan.
In your gut and your sources, what are some of the false flag triggers you think that activating the ISIS Al Qaeda sleeper cells they have all over the U.S.?
What do you think it could be?
It could very well be ISIS here in the United States or another major event in Europe.
But I think they, at this point, see the need to step things up a notch.
So it won't just be guys pulling out AK-47s and hand grenades and shouting Allahu Akbar.
It's going to be more like nuclear dirty bombs or even nuclear devices that reach critical mass, actual nuclear weapons.
Or biological warfare agents or massive use of chemical agents in a confined but heavily populated space.
And by that I mean something like a subway or a stadium full of people.
Where there wouldn't just be dozens of deaths, or hundreds of deaths, there could be thousands of simultaneous deaths.
And that is the level, they want to step things up to that level.
Because it's only out of that level of crisis that they can call for something like martial law.
Wow, and they've already got, quote, civil emergencies in Germany and France suspending people's rights.
It's amazing.
What do we do?
I mean, I guess we call mainstream media.
We do our own shows.
Everybody does videos.
Everybody becomes their own activist and says, we don't want nuclear terror.
If there's nuclear Islamic terror, we hold you responsible, Mr. President.
You know, we know you're cooking something.
You know, hey Ugly, we know you're cooking.
You know, don't cook it up for me to reverse what Hank Williams said.
I mean, this is... What do we do to stop it?
I really don't know an ideal solution other than to continue to wake people up.
And encourage people to not give up completely on the political process.
I hear so many people who say, it's all over, we can't do anything, no matter who gets into office they're going to pack the Supreme Court, blah blah blah.
No, I think there still is hope for the political process.
So people need to be aware, they need to be politically active, they need to be incredibly vocal, and don't be buffaloed.
There's going to be a lot of
of changes going on in our country in the next five years where they're going to use hate speech laws to try to silence people.
I agree.
I want to talk about that next, because the answer is everybody use your speech or lose it.
They're openly announcing it.
And I want to come back and go to calls.
But separately, James Wesley Rawls, SurvivalBlog.com.
Again, joining us here, if you just tuned in, I'm Alex Jones of InfoWars.com, syndicated radio slash TV transmission every day, 12 noon to 4 p.m.
Looking at this and looking at the different things that they're pulling, I also think it's important to reach out to some of the bots and some of the mainline liberals who come out to protest Trump and wants to actually talk to the Trump supporters.
I see a lot of videos where people are actually coming together.
That's not getting a lot of coverage in the media.
But it's happening.
I mean, when Louis Farrakhan says, we don't need to bring more Muslims in because they're going to blow stuff up and then regular Muslims are going to get blamed, nobody covered that because it makes Trump look so common sense.
And so I really see them being afraid of during this crisis, everybody trying to reach out to each other.
I mean, I think that's a big part of this.
Yeah, if their goal is to divide groups and the groups throw that back in their face by actually showing some cohesiveness and a unity of voice saying, yes, we want less government, we want less control, we want more individual freedom, that's going to really throw a monkey wrench into their plans.
And they want to continue to divide and conquer.
And if we
Can actually find some common ground with people on the other end of the political spectrum.
It's going to thwart their plans.
Separately, you bring up don't give up the political process.
It's become fake.
It's become a fraud.
But as we get involved, we expose the voting machines.
As we run for office, good people get elected.
It's a battle.
We're fighting crooks.
Good men and women always trump them, pun intended, when we finally take action.
It may take 10 years, may take 30 years, may take six months.
You never know how it's going to work.
We have the moral high ground.
And by going there and forcing them to steal the nomination,
That only accelerates the awakening.
People think, oh, it's correct, give up, you can't fix it.
No, I've always said resistance is victory because in my own life, but also studying history, it's the animating contest of liberty that empowers our liberty muscles.
Mr. Rawls?
I agree with you, Alex.
The political process still has hope.
There's still at least a kernel of hope there for America, and we cannot give up on the process.
Look at how fast people are waking up right now.
Well, people are indeed waking up, and seeing what comes out of the Republican convention, if it is, if they do their broker deal and they have, they do their, what it really comes down to is power brokering, and people see that,
I think they can't stop people from waking up to what's really going on.
And people who have called themselves Republicans for many, many years are going to suddenly stop calling themselves Republicans if they see the convention.
That's right.
It's a Democratic Party plan.
They're the dominant party.
The Republicans, since the Rockefeller days, just play along.
They're preparing to finally go ahead and kill the party.
Entirely and create one-party rule with a vestigial Republican Party in the South.
This is the true fall of America.
I want to get your take on that.
James Wesley Rawls, Survivalblog.com.
I want to talk about the caliphate and then go right to calls.
Talk about your new novel, Straight Ahead, that folks can find in bookstores everywhere.
In the land of promise, first book in the counter caliphate chronicles.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Look, I don't want to get up here on a high horse, but I grew up in a family that was heavily informed about politics and what was really going on in the world.
And I didn't think anything big deal of it when I was a kid.
Now talk about this, people use it as a discrediting point, act like it's a secret and play a clip from the show.
I'm saying it on my show.
That there were a lot of people that were army officers, a lot of people that worked at intelligence agencies, people that knew about what was going on.
They were all like Mr. America, like Superman characters, just like Mr. I mean absolutely change old lady's tires, go get blood, go to the Salvation Army on Christmas.
Good Christian people.
And they were manipulated into this whole system.
And by the time I was a little kid, I mean, people come over, family come over and stuff, I would just hear about the Federal Reserve, the takeover, and the communists, and they're going to break up the family.
You can't believe what these people are doing.
And just people sitting around the coffee table, just like, you know, Dallas cops coming in, and FBI agents, and, you know, people running around, you know, just freaking out.
And I'm like five years old, like, watching all this.
You know, like family getting blown up in Guatemala and being shipped in on a C-130 and, you know, just all sorts of stuff.
And, I mean, Buckley works here and his dad was down there and they were routinely attacked by rebels in the government district and the house blown up they were in because it had all the antennas on the roof.
I mean, I'm not going to get into the whole deal.
Just the point is that I sit here and I know this is all real.
I know they're coming after us, and you need to understand something.
The globalists, they love third world, they love radicalism, they love authoritarianism because it's like them.
They hate Christians, they hate America, they hate free market, they hate all of it.
And they wanted totalitarianism to have their way with us.
They're really bad news people, you need to understand.
People think it's brave to fight them.
I'd be the most brave person in the world to not resist the globalists.
If I'm out on a sailboat in the middle of a great lake and all of a sudden a huge leak forms and the boat's going to sink and it's freezing water, I'm going to be bailing as fast as I can to get back to shore, not because I have courage.
I'm going to be busting my butt because I want to live.
That's why I don't call up and say I'm a hero.
Do not call up and say how great I am.
Folks, it's normal to fight this.
It's abnormal not to.
These people are really bad, and humanity deserves not to go through this anymore.
You've seen all the tyrannies, and most governments are horrible and oppressive, and now you see the way we're going.
It's bad news.
I want to go back and get a new novel, take your phone calls.
I'm not going to belabor this, but
You need to understand that the reason I can be on the same page with somebody like Rawls, or the same page as a Colonel Schaeffer, or the same page as a Tosh Plumley whistleblower, or the same page as a Lieutenant Marine Corps Colonel that was on last week, or the same page as everybody else, or the same page as congressmen that come on the show, like Walter Jones, is because it's a real page.
It's like the Sammy Hagar song.
It's a fact.
Not my point of view, and you know it's true.
And so, debate's over!
We have a scientific tyranny coming in that's very easy to defeat because it's so big and stinking and open and it's been so arrogant.
Because all the other tyrannies came as tanks or weapons or troops.
So they thought, oh, we're corporate, we're sophisticated, the hillbillies won't look at what we're doing.
Well, the hillbillies wouldn't look when everything was still pretty nice.
Now they're looking and they're finding out, you did it.
You're not getting away with this.
You won't be safe anywhere with your money.
I don't have some big raging thing to prove to want a war with you.
I'm not an idiot.
I want to stop this now.
So I hope listeners and people understand
This isn't a game.
And when I say, tell your friends and family about the show, InfoWars.com, InfoWars.com forward slash show.
When I tell you go to InfoWars.com forward slash show and download the free iPhone out of the Droid app or to send out articles or to send out podcasts.
Some people go, well the government will get me if I do that.
We're the government.
We're the people.
The military is ignoring all these threats.
Just like Rawls said, they're coming after our free speech.
Now is the time to stand, to protest, to demonstrate.
You think I want to go to Cleveland?
When I got three little kids?
You think I really want to get up there?
You think I really want to be all over the streets?
I'm going to be there.
Because I'm afraid of letting these people win.
A lot more than I'm afraid of what could happen to me.
Stuff in the game, people.
These people want to hurt you and your family, okay?
You understand that?
They hate you because you're a good person.
They want to dominate you.
Where is your instinct that God gave you to resist these people?
Get up!
Take action!
I want to see our stories, our videos, Rawls material, everything plastered everywhere.
This is a war!
I have climbed up on the billboards at night, personally.
I have put the flyers everywhere.
I have flown around on airplanes.
I've done stuff I don't even talk about on air.
And I'm not going to get into it here today.
I do it at the grocery store.
I do it at church, everywhere.
Because I'm fighting for my life.
You understand that?
You're in a fight for your life and your children's future.
You need to act like it.
And I'm not bitching at anybody.
But they've put us into a trance, myself included.
And I need people to go to Infowarsstore.com and get the Hillary for President t-shirts, to get the Molon Laundee, to meet light-minded people.
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I want the money to have more reporters be able to go and cover everything.
And not spend all my time jacking around trying to get sponsors.
And I'm not complaining.
But we need fuel in this war.
We need to be strong to face the enemy in the storm.
And I thank you all for your support.
I know it's rough out there.
Thank you for your prayers first and foremost.
All right, Mr. Rawls.
I want to give you the floor for about six, seven, eight minutes, because I just get really excited talking about all this stuff, because things are so earnest now.
It's all happening now.
We've been proven right.
How does it feel for you, writing for 30 years, to now see it all proven right, and to see that your work's become basically prescient?
I mean, I know personally, I'm not excited about the fact that I've been proven right.
It's a very sick feeling, but at least we've been proven right, so more people pay attention now.
And then let's get into the caliphate.
Sure, well, it is gratifying to see that, you know, back in 1990 when I wrote the first draft of my first novel, people were saying that it was absolutely inconceivable to see a stock market collapse and a collapse in the US dollar as a currency unit.
And now people aren't saying that anymore.
They recognize that it really is a possibility.
And it is gratifying to see that people are waking up.
But beyond that, it's important that as people wake up, they are politically active, they don't hold back from sharing this knowledge with their friends, and that they are fully committed
to the fight ahead of them.
You know, the old joke is that when the farmer was putting together breakfast, the chicken was involved, but the pig was committed.
And that's the stage that we're at right now, where we have to be fully committed to this, because the battle is on.
It's right before us, and what I'm trying to do with my new novel series, the Counter Caliphate series, is to...
Wake people up to the big picture of what's going on geopolitically and to point out to them that we are not just victims of our circumstances, okay?
We can actually make a change as individuals that we can individually push for the establishment of a Christian nation of refuge, for instance.
That's what I put forth in the first novel in the series.
That kind of change can take place, and because we are a globally interconnected society, where individuals can make an enormous difference, the individual efforts of waking people up, organizing, and creating alternatives to the current system can happen.
They will happen.
With God's help,
These kind of changes will take place.
And just like cockroaches scurrying away from the light, you turn enough lights on, like you're doing with all your educational quests, the roaches are going to go scurrying for cover.
And people will realize that they individually can make a difference and they can truly change things.
That's the encouraging thing, and that's why as a Christian and as a patriot, I hold out a lot of hope.
Because I think in the long run, we are bound to win.
As your promo says, we are on the march.
We will prevail in the long run, and that's very encouraging.
So I do encourage people to get active.
And to share this knowledge as much as they can with others.
No one knows who said it last time I checked.
It's author unknown of the statement.
There are no atheists in foxholes.
But it is true that armies throughout history know about Providence.
They know about trying to purify themselves.
They know about trying to seek God.
And that's because they've learned, even the most arrogant atheists, that you laugh at God, it's very unlucky.
But you talk about George Washington and others.
Providence is a real thing, and I've experienced it in my life.
And I just feel sorry for people that really think that this world's a joke and who don't think there aren't good and evil forces active in the world.
Those people are so spiritually blind, they have no idea what's coming or what they're about to face.
Well, that's our real hope, really, is in Christ.
And as we look at this whole global political mess that's developed,
We can have hope in the certain knowledge of our salvation, and we can be absolutely fearless with that knowledge in the fight ahead, knowing that we know our destination.
If we're going to heaven, they can't take that away from us.
So we can be fearless in this fight.
Other tidbits, other tidbits before we go to calls that you'd like to relay to the listeners today.
Yeah, his Skype was breaking up and we just lost his audio.
It should come back in a moment.
Did his Skype completely disconnect?
Okay, James, can you hear us?
Yeah, I have you.
Okay, any other little Ted Bits you want to add before we go to some calls?
Well, I just want to encourage people to
Wake up individually.
Wake up their friends.
It's time to stock up, team up, and train up.
Because we're far beyond just politics with this now.
And the problems that have been created are going to affect us on a physical level.
I mean, in terms of individual sustenance, in terms of individual, you know, just personal security.
Of staying alive.
So you need to have food storage, you need to have training, you need to have alternative currency, whether it's precious metals or ammunition for barter.
It's actually come to that time where if you don't stock up, if you don't team up with your friends who are like-minded, and if you don't train up,
Because those supplies just by themselves are kind of useless unless you know exactly what you're doing with them.
There's a learning curve with all of these things.
It's time truly, folks, to stock up, team up, and train up to be ready for the dark days ahead.
And it only runs from bad to worse.
We're not trying to be negative here, folks.
They plan to collapse Western civilization to bring in social engineering.
They're going to make you very poor and desperate to do that.
They do it in every communist takeover.
This is not a communist program, but the globalists are using communist re-education tools and even communist terminology now in army manuals that are declassified.
So this is very, very dangerous.
They use what's worked before.
They've been preparing the ground here for a while.
Tim in Wyoming has a question for our guest.
Mr. Rawls, go ahead, Tim.
Yes, hello, thanks for taking my call.
My question for you Mr. Rawls is, Alex asked this question of listeners yesterday and I never got a chance to call in and say what my line of intent was.
What is your line in the sand for when we should basically stand up and be counted, so to speak?
Because, I mean, I'm already doing as much as I can possibly do in my small town in Wyoming.
I think a lot of that's targeting.
I mean, the people around you are just minions of the system.
So going after them doesn't do anything.
That's why I'm defensive.
At least if somebody's attacking me, I know they're in the wrong.
But a lot of this is just exposing the operatives so that if everything does go to a shoot and war, people know who the foreign enemy is.
But Mr. Rawls, your comments?
Well, I think everybody has to draw their own individual line, as it were.
Because for someone who is a single person, for example, without a family, without children to worry about, that line in the sand might be a lot farther out than someone who has a large family to worry about.
That they're going to lock and load at a much later date than someone who doesn't have
That level of responsibility for a family.
That's right.
My line of the saying is protect my family, protect my community, not be offensive.
I'm offensive with information and then try to be defensive like a mother hen.
But then at what point then do you go aggressive?
And boy, once the people that are in a mother hen position go aggressive, that's when heads really roll historically, correct?
Yes, and again, people have to be wise as serpents and meek as doves, as the Bible teaches.
Right now, if you look at what happened with the Bundy Ranch and with the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, people who stood up too early, too vocally, and who made some tactical mistakes in terms of committing felonies on federal property are now
Big time.
And unfortunate.
They all did it on camera, gave their names, and were seen on camera with weapons.
And the sight of those weapons alone was used as felony charges of use of firearms to the commission of offense.
And they thought just because they were in the right on a few issues, they didn't know about the optics.
It was very, very foolish.
And so people have to be wise about that sort of thing.
You have to pick your fights.
You have to choose your battles wisely.
Don't tilt at windmills.
That's one reason I've never gotten involved in it, even though the tax system in the United States is inherently wrong.
I chose not to fight the tax battle because I saw what happened to too many tax protesters.
We're fighting the general globalist occupied takeover.
That it's a worldwide takeover.
It's illegitimate.
We're occupied.
We're not fighting each tentacle.
We're exposing to everyone that this is an illegitimate takeover that's now more naked than ever.
So, again, choose your battles wisely.
And when you go to a public protest,
You need to think very seriously about how far away you park your car, for example, so your license plate number won't be photographed.
And whether or not you're going to disguise yourself.
But don't be buffaloed into not attending at all.
Well, I say either choose to be totally public or be underground.
That's the model I think.
People should either be completely underground or totally out in the open.
I'm totally out in the open.
I've been covering the news on radio and TV for more than 21 years.
And as each year begins, you tend to see a theme that's developing with the social engineers, with the global architects.
And undoubtedly, they're making their move to destabilize the Western world right now, from Australia to Europe to the United States and Canada.
And they're bringing in
Millions and millions of radical Islamic Muslims unvetted so that they will carry out terror attacks.
And then when they do carry out terror attacks, we lose our liberties and freedoms and are told to comply with Islam and they'll stop bombing and shooting us.
This is the crazy world of political correctness.
That said, they allow Muslims to basically, in the United States and Europe, keep women as slaves chained up, beat them, pour acid on their faces, and they don't even really get in trouble.
It's like the UN diplomats are always being caught with slaves from Africa and stuff.
And they'll say, well that's their culture in this African country.
But if it's Western culture, it's evil and it's bad.
And going over some of these articles, recently the Pope and the top imam, the head imam in the world over Sunni Muslims, that's what Al-Qaeda is.
Allah Akbar!
Incredible threat.
Now ISIS wants to attack the Olympics coming up in Brazil.
Hungary's Prime Minister gets it and says Clinton is George Soros' puppet.
Warns that they want to overrun the EU with millions of Muslims.
Radical ones that are wedded to the left.
22% of resettled refugees in Minnesota have tested positive for tuberculosis and then they go on to report
They're letting them in when they have tuberculosis.
This is unprecedented attack on our country.
This is a government at war with the people.
This is a government savaging the population, and it goes on and on.
The open borders are the key to globalism, destroyed national sovereignty, and radical Islamists that can't even live with each other in peace are not compatible here.
We should never submit to their backwards culture of oppression.
We are the true liberals who promote free speech across the board in Europe and the United States of Canada, and we must stand for it and not be bullied into a new dark age of oppression and tyranny.
James Leslie Rawls is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Coming up, at about 8 after, David Knight's going to take over to cover all the election news.
A whole bunch of big interviews that our crew in multiple states have been getting following Donald Trump.
That's in the fourth hour today.
Many stations are picking up the fourth hour.
Some don't.
But anybody can find the video feeds and audio feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Also to be sent exclusive articles, exclusive videos, exclusive material so we can stay in touch with you even when we're being attacked or the website's been taken down sometimes when we get hit.
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Tell your friends and family sign up as well so we can stay in contact with you.
That is a key lower-tech way for us to send you information that you can then spread on to others.
You know, I want to get Mr. Rawls on about his novel itself and Islam for a full hour or more in the near future.
But right now, let's just go ahead and go back to calls.
Speaking of the caliphate, more in Texas here on the air with James Wesley Rawls.
I don't know.
I don't want to say defective, but is it payback for them allying with Arabs instead of black people as they should have allied with?
That's my question.
Alright, well let me try to throw... I mean, I get what you're saying, that it is true that the British Empire and others kind of set up Islam.
Well, to begin with, I think the whole concept of race is spurious.
I think there's only one race, and that's the human race.
For many, many years, kings and princes and parliaments have been trying to divide people by putting labels on the so-called races and to drive a wedge between people to create conflict, which they can then manage.
To their, to meet their goals.
So, I reject the whole concept of racism to begin with.
Racist and racist.
That's right, it's vulcanization.
Thank you more, but it's an interesting question.
Well, I mean, here's Mexico.
Six months to a year hard labor.
They torture you.
They shock you.
They beat you.
That's in The Guardian.
I said just last week, they beat you up.
They tear, I mean, Mexico has some of the most draconian
But they can't have huge third world populations coming in.
They'll collapse even worse.
I'm not saying what they're doing is good.
How are we supposed to take all these people, though, and give them everything free?
I'm not against these poor Latin Americans.
But the globalists are bringing them in, turning them into a tribal, racial-based group, even if that's a fraud, to then ally with the socialists and vote our guns away.
What do we do then, Mr. Rawls?
Well, we need to reject racism.
We need to point out when it's being used as a psychological weapon.
And we can't we can't fall for the race baiting.
It's important that we recognize that as American citizens, we represent
The end result of what our founding fathers had in mind.
And it actually worked remarkably well for many, many generations.
Granted, we're in dire straits right now, and we've run up a huge national debt, but they cannot extinguish the spirit of individual liberty that still exists in this country.
I totally agree, but we can't have totally open borders and just bring people in and sign them up with the Socialists.
No, that we have to be very protective of our borders.
But for people who are American citizens, we have to fully bring them up in the culture.
Absolutely, to bring them in to the Renaissance.
70 seconds.
Thank you, Mr. Rawls.
Stay there.
We'll be back with more calls, Matt and others.
Infowars.com is the tip of the spear, folks.
And I don't like that fact, but that's the way it is.
So pray for us.
We need it.
Believe me.
You won't believe what happened in Anaheim.
While anti-Trump protesters were outside kicking, spitting, and burning American flags, Trump was showing his patriotism.
Event organizers were pressed for time for TV, so they decided to scrap singing the Star Spangled Banner, while Trump wasn't having it.
We're gonna do the national anthem, okay?
So, Sherry Wilkins, come up.
Sherry, come on, Sherry.
Somewhere on her private jet, Hillary Clinton is wringing her hands trying to figure out a way to stage a patriotic display at her next rally.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it.
But I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
We just have to be repetitive about this.
It's not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
Mayor Bloomberg, how you doing?
Jason, I grew up in Brooklyn.
In the spirit of gun control, will you disarm your entire security team?
You'll get back to me?
They may feel that it's part of a romanticized culture.
There's an aspect of this, a kind of Wild West, cowboy, Dirty Harry aspect.
There's also an aspect... So they're macho men and they gotta have a gun?
Go ahead.
Make my day.
Anybody that wants to disarm me...
A trio of would-be burglars picked the wrong Albuquerque house to break into.
Police say when the three teens pried open the door, a brave little girl was waiting for them, locked and loaded.
It's harder to use an assault weapon than to hit something that is a shotgun, okay?
You don't need an AR-15.
It's harder to aim.
It's harder to use.
In fact, you don't need 30 rounds to protect yourself.
Buy a shotgun.
Why shotgun?
Vice President Biden and I had a meeting with a group of technology people and talked about how guns can be made more safe by making them either through fingerprint identification, the gun talks to a bracelet or something that you might wear.
Anybody that wants to make me unarmed and helpless, people that want to literally create the proven
Places where more innocents are killed, called gun-free zones, we're gonna beat you.
We're gonna vote you out of office, or suck on my machine gun.
That's why you're going to fail, and the establishment knows, no matter how much propaganda, the Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
I believe that as Americans, we have a right to arm ourselves against criminals, but we don't need the ability to arm ourselves against the army.
Or the police.
The United States military is not out to get us.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
The Second Amendment is there, and it was put in there not for hunting and fishing, like they like to say.
Because back when they did it, if you didn't hunt or fish, you didn't eat.
It was put in there so the citizens would have the ability, if their government became oppressive, they could defend themselves against oppressive government.
Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took the guns, and I'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
I'm the hootness, cootness, shootness, bobtail boy!
I don't want that man to have a gun.
I wouldn't feel comfortable having an argument with him in his home where he had access to his 50 weapons.
Challenge Alex Jones to a boxing match, show up with a semi-automatic that you got legally, and pop him.
I'd love to see that.
In uniform.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
Ladies and gentlemen, we're live on this Tuesday.
Billy Corgan is in studio with us.
We'll be back straight ahead.
Tell your friends and family, whether it's on AM, FM, TV, the internet, tune in.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
We are now well into the second hour.
We'll be here till 3 o'clock Central Standard Time today.
David Knight hosts the fourth hour.
Now until about 15 after next hour, Billy Corgan is our guest in studio.
And then we have Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a true hero, coming on.
He has been vindicated that autism is majorly connected to infections in the gut.
And that's even in the New York Times.
And it turns out the British government did two studies previously that they classified that found the same thing that Dr. Wakefield had discovered.
So there are lawsuits involved.
His partner in the UK has now had his medical license given back to him.
Robert De Niro, of course, was going to air it at the Rebecca Film Festival, the film Vaxxed, that was partially shot and produced here at the Infowars News Center in Austin, Texas.
And so it's obviously near and dear to us.
And Robert De Niro said a high-level government official personally threatened him, but that everyone should see the film.
So we're going to be talking about what vaccines are really doing.
This is social control.
This is social engineering.
We have the CDC documents.
They're scared.
And just like the 9-11 Commission, and just like the Congressional Commission, is suppressing the 28 pages.
Doesn't matter.
Folks that have read it are going public, like Congressman Jones, Senator Graham, and others.
And our government stood down with Saudi Arabia, with the Bushes, and bare minimum allowed the attacks to take place.
The Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States, his family, his wife,
For years was giving money transfers to the hijackers who themselves were decoys.
But the point is, it's all coming down.
I was just talking to Billy Corgan, who is a super smart guy.
I'm not being patronizing.
Everybody knows he is.
He doesn't give a lot of interviews because mainstream media is dying.
He wants to talk about that today.
They twist everything you do.
They're a bunch of
Critics schnotz that hate artists and people that, quite frankly, are smarter than them.
And that's what social justice warrior crap is.
It is the elite turning loose on the real intellectuals and artists and liberals, real liberals, turning loose, basically fascists that call themselves liberals, to attack anyone that gets outside the lines.
And that's what's been happening.
We've talked a lot about it behind the scenes.
You've told me amazing stuff that I've talked to top executives that they've confirmed, talked to other big rock stars.
They've said, yeah, no, that's true.
But you're one of the only people, because they go after Dave Mustaine.
He had courage, but notice he hadn't been political in a while.
I talked to him all the time.
Great guy.
You still go public, even though when you come on, they come after you in hundreds of publications.
But they're out of bullets.
They're discredited.
I mean, it's an honor.
So I'm going to try to shut up, because I get really excited when we hang out, because your energy level is really good.
It resonates with me.
To talk about the state of the world, but you were really, during the last five minutes when we were on break, crystallizing so much.
So I don't want to repeat what you said.
I want to give you the floor, Lee Corrigan, to break down, here in studio, in Austin, Texas, founder of Smashing Pumpkins, so many other successful bands, what is it, 40 million albums sold?
You've got SmashingPumpkinsNexus.com.
Just really, the last decade exposing global tyranny, or longer, you've been doing this for more than two decades,
Where are we currently, in your view, as a species?
Where is the planet?
Why is everybody talking about the fact that they see a quickening happening?
That's A. And then B, you said, look, I'm on a mission.
This is what I want to talk about today.
So you've got the floor.
Great to see you.
Thank you, bud.
I don't know how to follow that.
You're so kind.
Let's start here.
For a while I've been thinking about making a documentary about America and it went from an idea that was maybe going to go with the Pumpkins album to now we're talking about trying to find a partner to make it a sort of a series and what's like the new model of television like the eight part
You know, like the, you know, there's that's everybody's talking about the making of a murder.
You know, it's like the kind of new version of TV.
It's like binge watching a part.
We're looking at that model.
So that's exciting, because that takes it out of the typical 90 minute thing.
So I traveled across the country in an RV writing songs with a buddy of mine who's a vet, two tours of Iraq, and another friend of mine is a professional wrestler, good friends, and went around and interviewed a bunch of people about America and try to have a conversation with people above
The political discourse and above the cultural discourse, which is very, very difficult because the way most people relate these days is it starts with Obama this or Trump that.
Or did you see what so-and-so said about somebody else?
Getting people to talk about America from a heartful point of view, their ancestors, which you talk about a lot.
You've inspired me along that path too.
To talk about their feelings about how they view America and whether the America that they grew up believing in or not believing in is real or was it ever real.
And what I found, it was really fascinating because I talked to people from every type of background, that most Americans have a very shared conception of what America means.
And the two things that I heard over and over again were opportunity and hard work.
That's something they learned from their ancestors.
That's our ethos.
That is in the American DNA, I would argue.
And so, what is often classified as a racial component, or a class component, is antithetical to the foundation of the country.
We came here to build something that was literally an opportunity.
Now, when you say that, of course there are people, start with the Native Americans, who were disenfranchised along the way.
So that vision of opportunity has continued to grow.
And now we've reached another critical mass point in our nation's history, where, where is the line of expansion?
In terms of immigration, in terms of tolerance, in terms of welcoming, in terms of welfare, sustainability, you know, what, where are the lines?
So talking about that more in the symbolic, uh,
250 plus year arc of the country.
So transcending the divide and conquer.
And it's amazing.
How when you talk to, and I would encourage anyone to have these discussions with themselves, when you talk about what America really means to them, there's a lot of love left in people's hearts for this country.
That surprised me.
Because the general feeling is we're a nation in decline and we're about to go boom.
You talk to some people and they don't think that.
They think this is just another, you know,
You're bumping the road.
They talk about the bad things in America's past.
Well, yeah, but you compare it to other systems.
We had the most opportunity.
We were the most rebellious.
We were the most trailblazing.
It didn't mean it was great, but compared to everything else, it was wonderful.
Where you were born into your caste in Italy, or in Japan, or in China, or in Germany, or wherever you came from, or Brazil.
You know, you had to get here where you could get out of the cast and really show who you were.
I mean, let's take music.
If you weren't from a rich, powerful family 200 years ago, 300 years ago in Europe, it didn't matter how good you were, you weren't going to get to write music and ever have it heard.
I would still argue that we are that country.
Um, it's, it's, so, and this is something you and I talk about.
I think that you're fantastic, uh, you know, you, you often use the analogy of being the bomber over the target.
You know, okay, so you're looking down, you, you see things people don't see from that vantage point.
And you've, you've invested a lot in understanding how to read those things.
Uh, your military sources, your political sources, they, you know, the Roger Stones, they can give you that bird's eye read just like I can give you the bird's eye read of culture, right?
Or inside MTV.
You name it.
I mean, been there, done that.
So, and what I would say is, and where we can be helpful, I think, is when you talk about pan-national corporations, you know, if you're in the tech world right now, your sandbox is the whole world.
You're not stopping at somebody's border.
And this is why even starting five, seven years ago, you started seeing those tech companies start cutting deals with communists and fascists and whatever type of governments.
Censoring, being willing to do whatever, because that's their playing field.
Now they'll sit there and wink and say, you know, we're gonna democratize the world.
I think most people, and particularly Iran, know that's a bunch of BS.
This is capitalism at its raw power best.
You can play it however you want, you can see however you want.
Who's got a bigger gun?
Who's got more cojones at the table?
That's right, the globalists use capitalism when it expands their power, but then at the grassroots they want communism, just like Obama said in Argentina.
He said, oh, multinationally we're going to have capitalism, locally we're going to have communism.
I mean, when you have the President of the United States telling people in another country, use whatever political system works, I mean, that was a laughable moment.
You sent me a couple articles dealing with this, how President Obama is quote, scared of Google.
Well, there was an article, I think you guys maybe even ran it the other day, about a movie producer, a gentleman who was a Expendables 3, and he basically has come out and said, why is the Obama government, which is a liberal government, very in bed with Hollywood, why are they not going after the systems that help exploit movies and disenfranchise people who've invested a lot of money to make the movies?
Not to mention the crews and everything and all the unions involved.
Why are they not protecting those people?
Because the tech companies look the other way on the illegal downloading of materials.
We have the technology right now to stop the transfer of illegal music or pirated music and pirated movies.
They could do that tomorrow.
Why don't they do it?
Because they put a code in it, the device has the code, it either lets it or not.
This is a quick funny story.
I've uploaded my own songs to, you know, something and it'll be deleted because I don't have the right to do it because they have some automatic system that identifies the song and takes it down.
I can't even put up my own music.
Now if they have systems in play to shut down my own music, and there's not a system there to identify that it's my music to use, they can't stop somebody from... I mean, yeah, some kid in the dark web can find it, but most users are not sophisticated tech users.
You know, they press a button, it works or it doesn't.
I said I wouldn't do this, but I'm skipping this one network break so we get more time with Billy here today.
I know that causes him headaches, but we're going to skip this network break right now.
For some stations out there, most stations do end up carrying all of it because this is a network break.
Billy Corgan is our guest.
We've got the website, SmashingPumpkinsNexus.com.
Thematically, though, let's put this out there.
I mean, repeating what you said in the five minutes we talked before we went on air, you talked about, I said, why are you here?
Well, like you talk about, we want to break the trance.
How do we talk to people that are in the trance?
And you basically say, transcend all the current labels and things, talk about ancestors, talk about larger themes of humanity and destiny.
Let's get into where you think the world is at this current place and where you think we're going and how do we transcend
The scientific admitted mind war that the big corporations and governments admit they're using.
Okay, let's start here.
When somebody is lying to you, they have two choices when you call them out on the lie.
They either lie more or they admit it and then you deal with the damage from there.
So what you've done and many other people have done, and of course there's, you talk to people in the entertainment community who are usually pretty awake because they're inside these systems, we're at the point now where either
The lie is going to be triple, quadruple, double, you know, whatever, on downed on.
Or it's going to break and we're going to deal with the fallout here.
And the election has now become the critical mass point.
The catalyst.
When you see the forces at play, I'll use your term, uncloaking,
I mean brazen, brazen robbing of people's ability to cast their vote in a primary.
When you see brazen disregard of polls, when you see an AP thing that came out yesterday, 6% trust in the media.
What business model in the world would take a 6% approval rating and keep doing the same thing that they're doing?
I mean, unbelievable.
Yeah, what restaurant would stay open with a 6% approval rating?
So what does that tell you?
That says that they're not there to give you the truth.
They are there as a propaganda arm of a much bigger force.
Is it the U.S.
Is it some big tech company?
Who knows?
Doesn't matter.
And they're a facade.
That's already collapsed.
They just can't admit it because that would be to admit defeat.
That's what I'm saying.
The minute they admit the lie, it all crumbles.
So they have to keep just doubling down like a bad gambler who thinks, if I can just hit this one bet, I'm going to win all my money.
So what was the term you used before we went live?
Because it really crystallized it.
You said, I mean, it was more than it's coming to a head.
It's peaking, or?
Well, look, the Republican convention is in 90 days.
And that is the zeitgeist moment.
That's the zeitgeist.
Everybody's got to be there.
I don't know because, listen, we live in a digital construct as much as we, you know, which is why I think you were so pressing in calling this the Info War.
Yes, I mean, boots on the ground in the, sorry, in the literal sense of the word.
How dare you touch that microphone?
Slap it around if you want.
Boots on the ground is what I'm saying.
Recording abuses electronics.
That's... Sorry, go ahead.
No, no, but look, you know, look.
I believe in political dissent when it's focused on real objectives, right?
If you feel like you need to be there to let the world know that you care about something and you want to peacefully be involved in the process, I have no problem with that.
But let's go back to what I think is the more salient point.
Most people, especially listeners to this program, are conversant in the themes that you deal with daily.
The mind control, the propagandizing, the willingness for governments who are supposed to be our elected representatives to literally disregard poll after poll after poll that says they want this and that.
And they've now reached that point where it's a total wall of lies and they're busy buying armored vehicles and building command bunkers.
I mean like they know it's all going down.
Yeah, so if you're on the side of the fence that we're obviously on, which is, this is all very transparent to us, and you accept that probably 25 to 35 percent of the population is either asleep or doesn't want to be woken up.
So what can you say to the people who are awake, are engaged, and wonder what they can do?
I think that's the more salient point.
I think that's more helpful because, so I'll start with something that I tell people when I talk to
Every day I meet with fans before the show, and they often ask me, like, what can I do?
You have to stop clicking on things.
You have to, you have to, you know, there's the old... Stop feeding the propaganda medium.
Right, okay.
There's the old saying, vote with your feet.
Okay, what does that mean?
Vote with your dollars, vote with your time.
So, when you click on something that you think is free, it is not free.
You are, in essence, disenfranchising your own power by giving somebody else power because they want you to click on that stupid thing because it actually means something.
Now that system, as the article came out the other day about BuzzFeed kind of hitting the wall, we're seeing now the fatigue of the clickbait society.
I mean, I'm somebody who they make headlines out of the most stupid stuff.
It's unbelievable.
They literally will troll everything I will say and they make headlines.
And I say to people all the time, why do you think they're making headlines?
They're using me as a... I wish you'd tell people, because I know you're a really private guy, some of the inside baseball you told me, because I've talked to so many other big rock stars from the early 90s, mid 90s, when you all get called in, they tell you the new direction, you and a few others say, hell no, and then suddenly they won't play you.
I mean, it literally comes down to that level of control with people that won't sell out the system.
That's why I know that George Clooney and all these other people actually know what's going on.
Leonardo DiCaprio, they get up there and say what they're supposed to, or they are blackballed.
I mean... Let's look at it from a slightly empathetic point of view.
And I'm not here to say anything about it.
Oh, I'm not bashing them either.
They're slaves.
You're not a slave.
You've stood up for it and been... You're one of the few that's continued to be successful, though.
Despite their support.
But I mean, just the last 20 years on air, they just constantly attack you randomly for nothing because they're scared of you.
I don't think it's that.
I wouldn't go to that level because I don't think that people are that sentient and conscious.
I mean, the minions don't know.
They just know they're green lighted to attack you.
Well, no, they're part of a system.
It's like nobody wants to admit that they're dumb.
Nobody wants to admit they're dumb.
Who wants to say, yeah, I'm dumb?
Most people in the media do not see themselves as part of some bigger cabal.
They, you know, you used to call them the trendies.
They like to feel they're part of a cool- They're just camp followers.
They're just into this cynical, mean attitude.
Look, I had an instance the other day.
I haven't talked about this yet.
I was in New York, I was playing some shows, and I looked at the table over and there was Michelle Fields, the young woman who did the whole thing with Corey Lewandowski and the Trump campaign.
And she was sitting there with her boyfriend and I recognized her.
Now it's hard not to stare at somebody when they're in the zeitgeist.
I mean, this woman at that point, whatever it was a week ago, that was when that whole thing was peaking.
Is Lewandowski going to be indicted?
When you look at an actual human being, you know what I'm saying?
You humanize them.
She's not a symbol.
She's a young woman sitting there, you know, she is who she is.
I don't know her.
I don't, you know, it's not my, it's not my moment to judge.
It's my moment to look and say, there's a real person who has a real belief.
I don't think that's somebody who's walking around feeling, at least this is my own intuition, that they're part of something.
Some master plan.
I don't think it's that sophisticated.
They like to go with a particular flow.
Sure, she's a drama queen.
She wants to be successful.
He does grab her, so she escalates it and goes along with the hype.
She jumps in the river.
Yes, the opportunity exists to be rewarded for something and they don't realize that they're actually sacrificing themselves at a sort of more satanic altar, just to be a bit dramatic about it.
In essence, you don't realize that you're participation in a particular way.
It's just like clicking.
Yes, if you talk to the individual.
Okay, let's take the most empathetic point of view.
This young woman felt in her heart, in her heart's heart, that she was assaulted.
Let's take that as complete truth.
The minute she crossed into certain territories, she becomes somebody else's pawn.
I doubt you could sit her here and she would tell you she's a pawn.
At some point I woke up and realized that I was a pawn.
And so my natural human instinct was, I don't want to be anybody's bitch here.
I don't want to be a pawn, excuse my French.
I don't want to participate in something that I know will ultimately hurt my children and their children.
You want to be conscious, free will, not a robot.
So the point is, can you exist truthfully in a system that is set up to disenfranchise you and disempower you at every conceivable level?
So let's take the soccer mom.
She gets up in the morning, she drops the kids off, she comes home, she puts on her iPad, and she's clicking through, and here's Apple sorting all her news.
So she's already, one layer in, is already under control.
Now does that mom think she's being controlled?
Of course not.
What she reads is already being given to her by the New York Times or Apple.
She's already being brought into a world and she doesn't even know it.
I have friends who all they do is scroll Apple News.
They have no idea that there's sources like you and other people who can give them a different perspective, nor are they curious.
Okay, and so I love it.
I get these people, my friends, you know, they're in my home, and they start spouting literal talking points from the Clinton... Oh, I've had them, I've had liberal family who aren't liberal, you know, they're more just kind of modern, trendy, whatever, over, and they see me on my big iPad Pro or whatever, they're like, oh, iPad Pro, and I'm like, looking at the New York Times and Apple News and Google News, and they go, you read the New York Times?
We thought you were right, like, suddenly I was this intellectual, and I went, I'm trying to look at everything.
This is all sorted to different psychology types.
I also go to Defense One and read what the Pentagon's being told.
And they just go, oh, like you go different places?
I literally can tell my friends when they come at me with those talking points, I'm like, oh, you read HuffPo.
Yeah, exactly.
Or you're a BuzzFeed or you're a Reddit.
Again, taking it back to the street level... Show them how they're... We gotta go to break, but go ahead.
That's the perfect place to leave it.
Alright, I get what you're saying.
Billy Corgan's thought a lot about how to get people out of their trance.
He's talked to millions of fans over the years, hundreds of thousands on the ground.
How do you get people that are already caught in a trance out of it?
How do you break the trance?
I mean, that's the question.
Billy Corgan, how do you break the trance of the modern
The modern sorcerers that have enslaved our planet.
This is key.
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The empire's on the run.
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You won't believe what happened in Anaheim.
While anti-Trump protesters were outside kicking, spitting, and burning American flags, Trump was showing his patriotism.
Event organizers were pressed for time for TV, so they decided to scrap singing the Star Spangled Banner, while Trump wasn't having it.
We're gonna do the National Anthem, okay?
So, Sherry Wilkins, come up.
Sherry, come on, Sherry.
Somewhere on her private jet, Hillary Clinton is wringing her hands trying to figure out a way to stage a patriotic display at her next rally.
Leanne Mackett reporting for InfoWars.com
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Billy Corgan is our guest in studio, SmashingPumpkinsNexus.com.
He's playing here in Austin, Texas tonight.
And you can also find it on the site where he's going to be playing next.
Really a hard schedule out there to pack houses around the country.
Briefly, we are Lister-supported.
When you buy a Hillary for Prison shirt, you're funding our operation, you're promoting the First Amendment for what she did in Benghazi, the rest of it.
They've tried to intimidate people to speak out against her.
It's important to exercise that free speech.
Molonwabe, come and take it, shirts.
We also have our top nootropic, Brain Force, 45% off retail right now.
And that will end tomorrow.
I'm extending it one day.
Can I jump in here?
Yeah, sure.
You don't know this, but I use a lot of your products.
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The products are fantastic.
I didn't know this was going to happen.
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It's all just about hype.
We want people to put out stuff like this.
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What's been your experience?
I use X2 iodine every day.
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I've used Supermail Vitality.
I use probably about four or five of your products fairly regularly.
I mean, I can say this from my heart, highest quality.
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It's very hard to find products of this quality on the open market.
Well, thank you.
And I'm really proud of you because I think that's been one of the best things you've done.
Well, thank you.
I mean, not that I'm Mr. Healthy.
I got where I didn't care about myself, got depressed about the New World Order, kind of saw myself as expendable, gained almost 100 pounds, was just falling apart.
And as I slowly got back into health and stuff, I was trying to find the best, you know, vitamins, minerals.
Plus, I had sponsors that were doing it.
And you know, it's very difficult on the open market.
What's the right vitamin?
You know what I'm saying?
Well, here's why they do it.
With California standards so high that almost nothing's perfectly clean.
I mean, there's more lead in the air, as you know, than there is, you know, in a tomato.
That it's hard to, so all the time we don't have the product and are sold out because we'll get batches of supposed stuff.
It's not, it's contaminated.
So we have to sit back, return it, sometimes get the lawyers back and forth.
So that's why we're sold out half the time.
So I get why companies don't put out perfect stuff because you basically can't.
The planet's so contaminated.
But again, I think that this part of your, to use your term, operation, I think is really, really great because this is, we're sort of in this subject anyway.
How do we support people to get themselves
I agree.
You don't want to sit around and think about how somebody's, you know, you know what in you every second of every day.
And that's the part is, when you get angry, you know what I mean?
And I think this is very important.
When you get angry sometimes, you know, it's maybe not the most flattering thing to do, but what you are doing is you are helping break that trance.
You're saying, this is the proper reaction to what is happening to me as an individual.
Not as a public personality, as an individual, as a father.
This is what I'm feeling when I'm looking down the road at what I'm seeing.
Exactly, I'm trying to respect people and show how I really feel.
So as I'm upset, I'm panicked, it feels claustrophobic.
After I've read a hundred articles where they're just throwing it in our face, I really blow up because it's real.
And listen, I forget, there's a lot of mocking behind that, which kind of also serves up the social justice warrior.
And there's a mocking tone there.
If you think somebody's dumb or uneducated or a bigot or something, mocking them is usually not the best way to get through to them.
You're absolutely right.
Well, specifically, again, Billy Corgan's our guest here.
We were really getting into some hardcore issues during the break.
We're talking about social justice warriors who I fall down to their level because they're so hateful, they're so dumbed down, but they are victims brought up by this culture.
I'm not... either young people are super awake or they're super dumbed down.
The statistics show lower IQs, lower brain activity, near trance state.
That's mainstream news.
We were talking about that, but still when they're spitting in your face, attacking your reporters who are really
Well, there's two schools of thought.
One is, they're gone.
You know, they're Maoists.
They have the little red book in their hand.
You're not going to get them back.
It's a cult.
It's a cult.
And the only thing that's going to adjust their ideological fixation is reality.
I predict that this hashtag generation
Look, for everyone that's out there spinning their little New Year's toy in your reporter's face, and I've watched those clips, and I'm horrified.
As somebody who believes in free speech, and as an artist, because those people are going to be coming for me.
Let's face it, it may not be tomorrow, but it's soon enough.
Because I said the wrong thing on the wrong day because I was tired.
I didn't take my X2 that day or whatever, you know what I mean?
It's like, to live like that, to live where every word is a landmine, you know what I'm saying?
It's not the world I want to live in.
It's not a liberal world.
I grew up a liberal.
I grew up a liberal, so it's odd to me.
Liberals I knew were always like, talk about whatever you want, get it all out in the open, more freedom.
Hey, let's go back to, and I'm sure you could find this.
Remember, was it around 1978?
Okay, Skokie, heavily Jewish community north of Chicago.
I was there growing up at the time when they let the KKK march down the street.
And what was the big issue?
It was a free speech issue.
We don't like it.
They're thumbing in our nose.
But you know what?
It's better to have an America where these idiots get to walk down the street and spout their hate.
We're better than them.
That's what it was.
That's the world I grew up in, a liberal, democratically leaning Chicago that was about tolerance and free speech, not shut it down because it's unpleasant.
And again, you haven't said this here, so it's not again.
The lack of tolerance of ideas and other points of view is the great Achilles heel of the social justice warrior movement.
They do not apply their philosophical bent across the board equally.
That's what exposes them every time.
And you guys are doing a great job of exposing that.
But most people, most people who are not down there at the rally and spinning their twizzler and making up stories about ghosts that don't exist.
And it's a lot of fantasy stuff going on there.
I mean, it literally is like, it could be a wizard world.
They just caught basically a gay pastor here in Austin, Whole Foods, claiming the gay baker put fag on his cake.
And they have like surveillance video now of the cake being delivered.
It's not on there.
I mean, now they're even targeting liberal places.
That's a perfect jumping off point for what I really want to try to get at.
What do most people do?
Most people's relationship, like let's take my friend who's a HuffPo reader, okay?
He, in his heart, is a classic liberal.
He cares about everybody.
He loves music from every race, creed, and color.
Not a racist in his heart, okay?
He reads that stuff, and he thinks by participating, by hashtagging, he's on the good team, right?
So the people you've got to get through to is the people who don't have the little red book yet.
Who do care about humanity and do care about free speech.
And you have to get them to understand how their participation in those... They're being inducted into a cult.
And nobody wants to admit that they're being fooled.
Now I work in professional wrestling, TNA Impact Wrestling, on Tuesday nights on Pop Network.
There's my commercial.
I've seen it, it's great.
Thank you.
You know, what's the old carny term?
They're Marx.
What was the carny idea?
We're gonna stage a fight.
You know, it started in the carnivals in the 1900s.
We're gonna stage a fight.
We're gonna get the local yokels to believe that the kid from the sticks is gonna fight the big guy and if he can beat him, you know, and that's how professional wrestling started.
Believing that what you were witnessing was real.
And you suspend disbelief.
Well, that's what we have.
We have a world of suspended disbelief.
I want to play a short clip we can talk over of just a few social justice warriors and what's amazing is people will talk to him and go listen.
I don't even support Trump, but I support free and open elections.
What about Bernie Sanders?
And they just spit in our reporter's face and spit on somebody else just because they just want to hate somebody.
And they literally are like a dumb Klan guy that just pulls over on some black guy walking home from work and kills him because they're black.
They want to just project something onto you.
Let's flip the script here for a second.
Okay, and this is a very, I'm going to try to say this in a sort of hypothetical Star Wars holodeck type of way.
Okay, if we could transport back to a much, much more, much, much more racist, I'm not saying America doesn't have a racist bin.
So let's put that out there to start with.
Let's go back to a time where racism was accepted.
It was institutionalized, okay?
If you could go back to
Selma, 1932, and the Klan member is spitting in some person of color's face.
Don't you think that guy thought he was right, too?
So how is this any different?
It's not.
And then you realize America has problems, but the media doesn't teach.
Every other country had stuff worse, usually.
But to look to the media to educate us, we're stuck on Cronkite.
And even he was part of the deal.
We have to understand, we have to be our own judge and jury here.
Well, George Washington wasn't allowed in most of the private clubs or businesses where you had to be given entree to even operate as a landowner.
So he was going under something lesser than, quote, black slaves.
The point was is that it was his will to be on an equal playing field that helped lead that revolution.
So it's just all these forms of class and control, whereas it should be about free, open, human dialogue and free association.
Look, I work in a very rapacious and cruel business.
You know?
I'm 49 years old, and I'm, you know, I'm 30 plus years in the game.
I mean, I'm on the .001% of the survivor list.
It's a brutal business.
It's a brutal business, and I'm not asking for... And by the way, you look the best I've ever seen for a rock star in this 30 years.
God bless you.
My God.
You're a handsome man.
No, no, no, no.
You're healthy, man.
It's true.
Thank you.
So what I'm trying to say is, I personally, even though I don't like it, I personally don't mind a capitalist society that leverages its power based on opportunity.
Because I believe in any socio-political capitalist system that existed, America has provided more freedom for more people for the longest period of time.
So, are there losers in that game?
And at some point, even I'm a loser in that game.
But I believe in that system more than a system that would be gamed for me.
I would sell more records, I would have more opportunities, if I would turn into one of those... Sure, sure, sure.
I was offered first 2 million a year, like 18 years ago, and then 5 million, and then even more.
I mean, we're talking over $10 million a year contract to have shows bigger than Glenn Beck's Limbaugh.
I mean, I've been offered it all by the big syndicates.
So what are we... And the point is that that wasn't winning to me to have the biggest house and a private jet.
Winning is to see 9-11 truth that I expose now all over the newspapers 15 years later.
To expose the tyrants that did this.
I mean, I really think about myself with everybody else.
I really have empathy.
And it's not because I'm some loving goody two-shoes.
That's a normal human instinct of someone that wants to live on a good planet.
Why do most people, like we all have extended friends and family, and we would probably classify most of those people as good-hearted, or we probably wouldn't have them in our lives, and I think that probably goes for anybody listening to us.
What is happening that is allowing those people to be led down a path?
Goebbels said we give them dumbed-down propaganda that just gives them an excuse to be confused and lay down and do nothing.
Okay, so if you're trying to come at it from a different angle, because we see the rise of the social justice worry movement as another propaganda kind of control arm, right?
It's here to control us.
It's the Maoists.
Here they come.
And they'll use kids.
I mean, they have no shame.
It's classic tyranny.
Okay, right.
So, what is allowing people who in their own hearts have a differing opinion to be led down this path?
It's a collectivism, it's a peer pressure, it's shaming, it's guilting, it's... It's like gang member stuff.
They're young, they're uninformed, they take them to the college, they put them under pressure, they send them to group... But again, that stuff can't exist against a majority who deep down doesn't really truly in their hearts believe... So, liberty lovers,
Have to reach out to young people.
They have to get involved in the community.
They have to go be part of the student groups, whether it's Boy Scouts or whatever it is.
We have to reach out.
We have to go to the colleges.
We have to volunteer.
We all have to go and reach into these groups and break the centralized control that's coming in.
Is that what you're saying?
And stop clicking the pop culture?
I think I think there's stuff to be said there.
But I think for most people, that's probably more effort than they can make, because, you know, it's not a great economy and stuff like this.
I think you have to look that look again back to the info thing.
Whether you realized it or not, you saw something coming long before other people that the ultimate sort of collapse here was predicated on a psychological control.
The things you're still talking about are very real.
Most people are in their community.
Most people feel they are participants in their community on some level.
Even if they're paying taxes, they're a participant.
They don't like when the water bill goes up.
We're all part of that.
I'm talking about a more collectivist concept where, you know, you have this merging of technology, the new robber barons, you know what I mean?
And I know some of them personally.
I hang out with them, you know?
So they're not real to me.
Sure, and they go along with the bigger robber barons, because the minute they get out of line, they get crushed.
People don't know, the ultra-rich are the most controlled, the most cloistered.
Let's break it down, so that anybody walking down the street listening can understand what we're saying.
At the highest levels of power, should we blame power for being powerful?
Or should we blame the powerful being powerful?
Most people are not powerful.
So when you talk to them about these things, even though they can relate, and maybe they even have a personal reaction, there's not much they can do, because it's the Borg!
You know, to use the Star Trek word.
It's the Borg.
So, if you don't realize you're supporting the Borg, yet you feel oppressed by the Borg, the next natural question is, well, how do I not support the Borg?
So that's it.
How do we begin, none of us are perfect, to pull out of the system?
Plant a garden, go to the local, swap meat.
Sorry, I don't, you know, that's important, and I don't mean to diminish what you're saying.
No, no, go ahead.
We're talking about the technocratic part of this equation.
So how do we engage there?
Pick your favorite company.
Doesn't matter.
I'm in these systems, right?
So I have to dance carefully around these subjects, okay?
Pick your favorite system and follow the money.
Follow the money.
Understand how your lack of curiosity or lack of knowledge about who you're... So you're in the biggest defense contractor.
How did you get into that?
Say that again?
I mean, a long time ago.
It just boomed suddenly, yeah.
You have to look at the systems that you engage in.
Pick your system.
Is it a social media system?
And by the way, they'll attack you for that, but you just volunteered that.
I'll tell you something I've talked about publicly, so there's no new information here, but it illustrates the point.
I quit Twitter about six months ago.
I had about 300,000 followers.
I remember, yeah.
Twitter called me within the week.
Why did you quit Twitter?
I said because you guys treat my participation the same as the guy who sits all day and hashtags F you this and F you that and F, you know what I'm saying?
My vote and my participation in your system is worth more to you than some jerk who just tweets negative stuff all day.
And you know that.
And the guy said, yes we do.
Which is why we're calling you.
And I said, so you're basically using my credibility, my social status, my celebrity, my power, whatever, however you want to quantify it.
You're using it to build up your IPO.
Aren't you?
So how do we, the people that bring real skin to the game, demand from the technocracy that we're part of, whether we like it or not, how do we demand... You have to hurt them where it hurts.
It's a numbers game.
I want to come back then and talk about that because you're absolutely right.
We can't sit here and bitch at the system.
That's what I'm saying.
When we're all part of it.
We are part of it.
Well, I agree.
That's key, but I believe an even bigger key is what you first wanted to get into and you have.
How do you get the general person, you've talked a lot about it, to realize they're being manipulated, they're in a lower brainwave level near sleep.
That's mainstream news.
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Crooked Hillary is finally losing her grip on the establishment media.
An Inspector General audit of her private emails revealed that not only was Clinton's server hacked into on multiple occasions, and that her highly competent IT guys suggested turning the machine off for a few minutes to stop another attack, but Clinton never reported those hack attacks to the State Department.
Plus, emails between Hillary and her top aide, Huma, prove that Clinton really didn't want the State Department looking at her private emails.
And that's why she set up her own homebrew server.
Now even the Washington Post is calling her actions inexcusable and a willful disregard for the rules.
An exasperated panel on MSNBC's Morning Joe slammed Hillary Clinton Friday, wondering why none of her aides have told her to stop telling lies regarding the email scandal.
Are we finally witnessing the end of the Clintons' cozy relationship with the media?
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Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Alright, for 15-20 minutes the next hour, Lee and Mack will be in studio with us.
I'm Billy Corrigan, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
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Billy, we got Leon coming in.
We'll get more into social justice warriors, you know, this big time of change, things we're moving into.
Clearly, the future battle space, as they call it, the Pentagon, is being shaped right now.
A critical time.
So many people that have served the establishment are realizing now they were set up.
They were being set up to be obsolete.
A technocracy's coming in, the robot takeover.
This is the elite's own admissions.
But if we're there putting out the narrative that humans have a choice and a destiny and that folks can break out of their trance, make decisions with their actions, that can really change the future of this.
And the Pentagon even admits
In their own reports, like their Jade Helm report about mastering the human domain, stopping empowered individuals and new ideas, their own admission reads like an indictment.
And of course, the military themselves are great people.
It's so crazy, you know, the most awake people are in the military, but then the Pentagon's own battle plan is like a treasonous letter against humanity.
Let's start here.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
So pick your system, military, social control, the educational systems of control, okay?
They're stepping into a space that's been created by the average American's abdication of their civic and social responsibility to help run a society which has
A reasonable level of control.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, I used to sit on steps when I was 18 years old with the kids with the spike chair and they'd talk about anarchy.
And I'd say, that's great, but like, are you not gonna have a toilet?
You know, so, if we accept that the average American vision is, you know, clean living and social systems and government- And that social contract's being broken.
Yes, but it's being broken.
Now, you've made fantastic arguments for why it's being broken, but it can only happen because the average American is letting it happen.
We don't stand up for ourselves.
Well, let's just say it.
Some people are gone.
We don't revel in that fact like the establishment, but some of these people are dangerous zombies.
So what do you do at the point... To use your term, and other guests on your show, they've been weaponized.
Okay, so let's just keep it real simple.
Let's say 20% of the people are awake.
Let's say 20% of the people are weaponized.
So the fight is over the other 60%.
Who thinks because they hashtag about somebody else across the world?
Or thinks because they live in an ice house, they're immune from it.
No, you're not.
The future of humanity is being decided.
Because more are getting weaponized, folks.
More are waking up, but more are weaponizing.
There's a race.
So you have a series of choices.
First, you'd have to identify the systems that you engage in, and whether those systems
Zero-sum games, whether they're positive or negative for you and your family.
So take any social media system.
Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram.
Is your participation in those systems actually making your life worse on some level?
Now most people would laugh at that.
What does that mean?
Just because I retweet a couple pictures or whatever, I mean is that
Well, if you're supporting things that are ultimately hurting your community, then that argument can't be made.
And if you're making your life useless crap on these... I only use Twitter and Facebook to attack them and to expose what they're doing, and still I feel guilty.
Drudge says, hey, you shouldn't even do that, only do your own thing.
And more and more I think he's right, because they already have algorithms cheating us and stopping us from getting stuff out.
I mean, Twitter's been caught suppressing and deleting things.
Oh, they do it all the time.
So you think Drudge is right, I should just totally disengage?
There is certainly a movement in the technological community that's all going to be what they call over-the-top network.
In essence, you would rather have 300,000 people coming to Alex Jones every day than you having to work in other systems and de facto supporting those systems.
Now those arguments can go either way and I couldn't advise you one way as a friend what is better.
I'm involved in those systems as well.
So what I would argue for is let's call it a conscientious participation.
If you are, if you are a... Wow, that's a good call.
Stay there.
We'll come back in 70 seconds.
Wow, that's, that's powerful.
Stay with us.
Billy Corgan's our guest.
Oh, his Facebook!
We put his Facebook up on screens.
We're using the enemy system.
What's your Facebook again?
Is he huge?
No idea.
Oh yeah, it's big.
We'll put it up.
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