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Name: 20160519_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 19, 2016
3331 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics such as the disappearance of Egypt Air Flight MS-804 in the Mediterranean, Pope Francis' comparison of Christianity to ISIS, influx of undesirable individuals into countries, and possible terrorist attacks. He criticizes the media for not focusing on the pilot as a suspect in the plane crash and for comparing Russia to jihadists. Jones promotes his products and discusses an incident where a plane went down linked to Tet 2, a series of attacks by Viet Cong forces during the Vietnam War. He also talks about his experience in Europe, particularly Paris and Brussels, and criticizes Pope Francis for calling for open borders while having high security measures around his home. Jones takes calls from listeners on various topics such as military issues, cannibalism, and political correctness. Guest Gavin McInnes discusses women's soccer, political correctness in America, dolphins being destroyed due to fishing laws violation, changing military standards affecting special operations, and the Redskins name controversy among Native Americans.

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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Egypt Air Flight MS-804 disappeared into the ocean.
Into the Mediterranean.
After it took off from Paris, there were a bunch of air marshals on board.
According to the Associated Press, but they couldn't stop.
The pilot, or pilots who are prime suspects, or the crews, many of which are majority Muslim, on the ground, from planting a bomb on board.
And that, of course, from the French intelligence, Russian intelligence, and everyone else looking at the radar track of the aircraft, it appears that it was taken down either by a pilot dive-bombing it, which has happened many times before,
Kamikaze-ing into the ground, or a bomb in the belly of the aircraft loaded on by the workers.
That's not what they're saying happened with the Egypt Air flight on Halloween last year.
Our media said it didn't matter.
The Russians deserved it because they dare fight back against jihadists.
The answer is coddle them and bring in refugees and have the Pope come out yesterday and say that
Christianity is quote like ISIS and he doesn't like to hear about quote Europe's Christian roots and that and that we should bring Muslims in and basically adopt their faith and adopt what they say and do what they say.
He's also out criticizing capitalism and pushing socialism again today as Venezuela descends into road warrior type scenarios.
Road warrior meets the road.
Seen both those films?
That's what happens after about 15 days of no food in 100% of societies.
Joe Biggs is going to be joining us coming up because he's had a lot of experience with jihadis, obviously.
He was over with the crew.
Days after the Paris massacre and was in no-go zones in Paris and in Brussels, Belgium.
And now it's admitted that's going on.
We have all these different clips.
In fact, can we cue the clip back up?
Paul Watson's report on the jihadis saying no more blonde-haired, blue-eyed women.
And actually print that.
That's one of the folks they put on television.
Yeah, there she is.
And then the Germans all clap and laugh and talk about the end of Germans being a good thing.
Because that's the final extension
of this type of political correctness.
So we're going to play that.
I'm going to play some of the Imams and what they're saying and how it dovetails with the Pope.
Pope Francis likens Jesus to ISIS, says Muslims must breed with Europeans.
In fact, I want to add the clips, the reports Watson did to that article.
I'd like to see our writers do some more reports on this.
This is a big deal to have the Pope come out against Europe, come out against Christendom, come out against the Europeans, period, as if they're an evil group.
And also, even though he's European, I mean, the guy's European from South America, this is just amazing.
And then to bad-mouth capitalism, I want to repost this article to the top of Infowars.com because it's so incredibly outrageous and it links directly to him in La Croix newspaper in Paris, France.
And of course, perfect timing, the same day he gives us, well he gave the interview the day before, but the interview was published yesterday, then another airplane gets taken out tentatively by the jihadis.
Isn't that just special?
And here's the big $64 trillion question.
What's going to happen when the 5 million jihadis, 80% of military-age men, a large portion fighters, they admit that, what's going to happen when tens of thousands of sleeper cells activate in Europe and hundreds of sleeper cells conservatively here in the US?
And airplanes are getting blown up every day, schools are getting shot up every day, train stations are getting shot up every day, colleges, movie theaters, discotheques, dance halls,
Well, we're going to hear that we've got to adopt their culture so they stop killing us.
We've got to submit.
We've already submitted to political correctness.
We've already submitted to the liberals.
We've already submitted to tyranny.
We've already submitted, won't use the word mother or father, so they know this is the perfect bully.
That the average westerner will crap themselves in submission.
Well, it's time to understand groveling got us here, and groveling's not gonna get us out of this.
A nation of sheep, to quote Thomas Jefferson, will be ruled by what?
Now is the time for the rise of the sheepdog.
Ha ha ha!
And you'll see those wolves run in fear once we get our metaphysical jaws around their necks.
My name is Alex Jones.
Most of you know me from my syndicated radio program and my documentary films, as well as InfoWars Nightly News.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Is this the beginning of TET Take 2?
We had a former Navy SEAL terrorism expert best-selling author on
...several times in the last month to say that he believes, leading into the fall, we're going to see the beginning of Tet Take Two.
Now, our governments know that 80%, according to Interpol, of the men, right at 80%, brought in 5 million of them in the last three years.
Of the 5 million people, 80% are military-age men.
They post on their Facebook and Twitter photos of themselves in combat in the Al-Qaeda and ISIS forces against Assad, when they were repulsed by the Russians and others.
They then were given exit via Turkey.
Saudi Arabia wouldn't take them back.
Saudi Arabia is putting its dregs on us, it exports its jihad, because it's afraid of it as well, so it funds it to control it, and then exports it, this is not debated, I mean, all the analysts admit this, to the West.
So what are our leaders going to do when more airplanes get dive-bombed in the ocean, more bombs get loaded by airport security officials who are majority Muslim in places like Charles de Gaulle Airport?
They admit that.
I mean, you go there, and it's Muslims with hajibs, women with their faces covered, searching you.
A hundred percent of the terror at airports is Muslim, so they're the ones checking it.
That was Brussels.
That was Brussels, plain and simple.
When we got there off the train, it was like, oh my God, I just landed back in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Every, all, like their, their TSA kind people, the security people, the guys walking around looking at you mean mugging you the whole time, like you're sitting there like you're the bad guy.
And that's happening everywhere.
Now we have the mayor of London telling Trump that if he doesn't open the border to Muslims, that Muslims are going to come to our country and kill us.
He said, listen, better be nice or we'll get violent.
I mean, we are totally intimidated by people that can't even get hot and cold running water in most of their countries.
But the thing is, though, is every country in the world is sending us their worst people.
Meanwhile, they're not letting those worst people stay in their country.
And then they call us racist because we don't allow them in.
That's right.
We've got MS-13 gang members.
We've got all these gang members coming in from Mexico.
But, you know, Vicente Fox says, you know, if we build a wall, we're racist.
And then the London, the Mayor of London's coming out and saying if we don't let these bad guys in, you know, that could possibly be infiltrated in there as refugees, that we're bad.
And Joe, I want you to go over what happened with the plane last night.
You were on it within, I looked it up this morning, within two minutes of this being announced that a plane had gone down, you were already on it.
It took hours to even get on our news.
Notice when the Russians last year on Halloween got their plane blown up, ISIS took credit, showed the Stinger missile, shooting it down, probably given to them by Obama, and our media said, oh, Russia deserves it.
So that's our sick media, and people like that CIA character, Anderson Cooper, on CNN, that has defended the jihadists, taking over Libya, taking over Egypt, trying to take over Syria.
It is totally sick.
There's the tweet you put out.
An informed source on Egypt Air stated that flight number MS-804, which departed Paris at 23-09, headed to Cairo, has disappeared from radar.
And you hit me with that last night before they were even talking about the plane being down.
Now it's been found in the ocean.
But here's the big question.
Is this the beginning of Tet-2?
Well, unfortunately,
Sam Bernardino and Major Hassan at Fort Hood and the shootings at the military recruiting centers in Tennessee and the shootings in Texas in Garland and the shootings all over the United States and cops you know sitting in their car and a jihadi yells Allah Akbar and runs up and shoots him in the head or people shooting up bars and stabbing people yelling Allah Akbar in Toronto or in London.
It's happening everywhere?
Just like there's racial attacks, we have stacks of the news every day against whites, and the media will not run it.
Now, this is media directed.
The left is activating all the minority groups, the Muslims, you name it, and it's a minority of the minorities, I want to add, to try to create this total divide and conquer.
This is how you bring a country down, just like the globalists went into Mexico ten years ago and started playing the different cartels off against each other.
This is scientific divide and conquer, but it's accelerating ahead of economic collapse
The globalists want the economic collapse to consolidate power.
But they, and this is key, they do not want to get the blame for it.
So along with this always comes escalated military events, larger regional wars, economic collapse, social turmoil from Africa to South America to Asia to the Middle East to Eastern Europe to Europe.
People under 30 in Spain, it's upwards of 50% unemployment.
Under Agenda 21.
This is all designed.
Countries everywhere are imploding with war in the streets.
From Chile to Brazil to Venezuela.
I mean, it is road warrior level right now, okay?
People being murdered in mass in the streets.
Bodies being burned at the stake in Venezuela.
Just mass fires.
No electricity.
Food has been out for a week.
This is the times in human civilization when people stop working together, when people stop building and having goals, when people stop having a renaissance, and they go to a conquest, race-based economy.
Or religion-based, where you just fight with each other.
It's game over.
We're leaving the renaissance.
We're going back into the dark age.
Now, Joe, you've got a lot to cover.
I'm going to try to shut up here so you can slowly go over the flight
The fact that they had security on board, they knew what was coming, they still couldn't stop it.
Joe Biggs, again, I'd say you're a terrorism expert because you've served three tours in heavy combat and also, obviously, you're a journalist that works here and has been over the border and been interviewed by the FBI, going in areas nobody else would go.
Now confirm, there are Jihad training bases where you went over the Texas border into Mexico.
So, you are a terrorism expert.
Go over this, give us your breakdown.
So ABC News is reporting as well, like you said, there were three air marshals aboard that crashed airline and they did that in response to some of the security protocols due to different attacks that have happened over the course of the last, you know, year.
So these are three French air marshals.
Now basically what's going on is the Egyptian civil aviation minister, Sharif Fathy, said that they believe this flight was brought down by a terror attack.
A search is underway for the jet which disappeared with 56 passengers and 10 crew on board.
So that's 66 altogether.
Now the aircraft was in Egyptian airspace and flying at 37,000 feet when it made sudden swerves and plunged 15,000 feet.
Now they said it made a sharp 90 degree turn to the left and then a 360 degree turn back to the right before vanishing.
Now the timeline for that is
Got it right over here.
I know around 11.29, that's when they had 11.34 p.m., they had spoken with the flight crew.
And then 10 minutes later, that's when it had dropped off the radar completely.
And at that point, the aircraft was at 37,000 feet.
And they were already getting close to Cairo, actually getting ready to come in for landing.
So that flight was pretty high compared to what it should have been at that point in time.
It should have already been descending, and then that's when it went off.
So there's definitely possibilities of a struggle, something gonna happen with three air marshals on board.
And like Alex said earlier, maybe there was a kamikaze pilot on board.
We've seen that happen before.
Pilot flies it down.
But what I've read so far and found out is there was no freight on board the flight, is what they're saying.
And a small amount of people.
That plane actually held 189 passengers, but there were only 66 in total on board at that.
So this is developing they've already found some debris not too far from where they lost contact with the plane off the radar and that is underway right now there is a Greek freight
boat out there searching right now for different parts throughout the water so it's definitely interesting.
I want to get your general take on whether this is TET-2 starting up.
I think the answer is it's already begun.
The question is how bad is it going to get?
What's the percentage of these people that are jihadists and are planning to take action?
And what is our political elite going to do when this happens?
Well, bring in civil emergency as they've done in many countries in Europe like France and of course Germany.
The government brings them in, they attack, then they ban nationalist parties
And again, I'm not here just to attack Muslims, folks.
I was against all these wars.
I was against doing this because I didn't want to stir this up.
But now that we're under attack, now that the globalists are bringing in a real jihad army, not just a simulated or synthetic one?
We have got to get on our toes and get ready, okay, and prepare ourselves.
Go ahead.
Well, the thing is, is what you have to understand is the fact that the kind of people we're dealing with.
Now, when I was in Afghanistan, we would get involved in firefights, kill hundreds of people sometimes, you know, my unit along with another unit.
But guess what?
The Taliban will report back to their soldiers.
The American forces only killed two or three.
Why'd they do that?
Why'd they lie to their fighters?
To keep boosting them up, to keep that, uh, uh, the faith, the morale up in what's going on.
So my point of view of this whole thing is if they do believe this is a terrorist attack, I think they should shut up about it.
I think they should pull the family members aside because we already do have a copy
When we come back from break, stay with me, Joe Biggs.
We're going to go over this report on DrudgeReport.com from Adon Salazar, TheProvidenceIsInfoWars.com.
Pakistani man arrested at Texas border.
You're quoted German.
You're nothing.
Migrant filmed assaulting and bullying German team.
Boy, you do that around Texas, you're not going to have somebody lay down.
A lot of it is just laying down.
Migrant burns down refugee camp in Sicily.
Welcome Center.
Dems pressure Obama to vow to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees.
That means a million.
That's code for a million.
So that's some of the information there.
That's all coming up after the break with Joe Biggs.
Is this the beginning of Tet-2, an Islamic jihad with the globalists allied with them?
Before I go to break...
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
This is Dave Mustaine.
I'm going to almost have this as theme music when Jihad takes place against the West because this song's called The Threat is Real.
People really have trouble saying, wait, you expose false flags, you expose how our government's funding ISIS and Al Qaeda and letting them take over countries, but then you say,
The Jihad is real and radical Islam is a threat.
Criminal elements of our government, the multinationals, are allied with radical Islam and are financed by Saudi Arabia who's bought off much of our government and are using them as a proxy army to take over countries that are their enemies and to attack us in the West so they can take our freedoms here as well.
That is very easy to understand.
But our critics try to act like we are
Not making sense or contradictory.
Joe, doesn't that make perfect sense?
And that's what declassified documents and Cy Hirsch and the Pentagon are all telling us as well.
And I'm not here to lionize the Pentagon.
It's got its history of problems.
But at least when it got four years ago to the point of openly backing Al-Qaeda to take over Syria, where they'd already killed 200,000 Christians, now it's another 100,000, the military said no and began to give the intel to the Russians to quietly come in and back the Syrians.
Now, we told you that
Almost four years ago, with Colonel Schaefer and others here, all of it came out.
That is so epic.
So the good news is, our military didn't engage in mutiny against Obama.
He's a hijacker of the country.
Just because some guy puts on the flight suit of the captain of the plane, and he's gonna fly it into a building, doesn't mean you have to sit there and then salute Obama.
The guy is a rogue president.
And that's not rhetoric.
Merkel's rogue opening Germany up.
Hollande's rogue.
They're all rogue.
They're selling us out.
Because they used our open society to bring us down.
They want to work with authoritarianism.
They love radical Muslims.
And the radical Muslims will buy them off with hundreds of billions of dollars.
And they've done it.
You're witnessing an internal coup.
Joe Biggs.
Former Navy SEAL Carl Higby, I just interviewed him yesterday, he was forced out of the SEALs and then given an other than honorable discharge after being pushed out and had honorable discharge, was then given an other than honorable discharge for going on Fox News, Fox and Friends and speaking about President Obama and how he was bad for the country and how he was infiltrating the military.
And now we have soldiers marching around on red high heels.
We have
Leadership in our military that are... Putting women who've never been in combat over Rangers.
Over Rangers, the 75th Ranger Battalion.
That's ridiculous.
Leading people in combat.
How can you leave someone in combat if you've never been in combat?
Well, I mean, look, I've not been in the military, but I've studied military history up one side and down the other because it's so interesting.
In the past, especially in special units,
They never put people in charge of those unless they were like the meanest, baddest, smartest dude ever, who'd have like two Congressional Medal of Honor, you know, stuff like Smedley Butler, or people like General Boykin, who'd been in hundreds of battles, uh, you know, and personally killed over a hundred guys barehanded and all this stuff, and then, and now they're gonna put women who've never been in combat?
It'd be bad enough if they, because they don't have any women that have actually done that.
I mean, that is insane!
The only women I've ever seen in combat have done convoy security.
They were 88 Mike's, which are truck drivers.
And it happens if you're driving down the road, you're going to get either hit by an IED or catch something.
Well, it's nothing against women.
The point is, you don't put women in the head of special forces.
But here's the thing, though.
We live in a society now where we can have a white woman who identifies as a black woman, Rachel Dolezal.
I think if that can happen, then she should be able to get reparations for slavery.
But on top of that, we live in such a country where people can identify as other things and then carry on those positions.
So, I guess these women are identifying as people who have served in combat and know what's going on, and now I think they can take that role on.
That'd be like taking me.
Who's never been in combat and they're just making me the top general.
Yeah, that's, I mean, it doesn't make sense.
I don't get why.
And it's Obama.
What does he do?
He goes and speaks at LaRose events.
He stands up for the Muslim Brotherhood.
All they're doing is stirring up the fall of the country.
They are literally bringing the country down.
They're lowering the border.
Shutting our power plants off.
It's an act of war.
Why is Trump not popular?
Because he wants to build a wall.
He wants to stop this immigration influx coming in.
By the way, speaking of that, I want to commend Sean Hannity and Trump for having the courage to come out and say, hey, it's rape.
I want to play this clip briefly.
The Clintons want to say, hey, he hit on women when he wasn't married.
Oh, that's so horrible.
But Clinton settled all these rape cases.
Here it is last night.
Let's go to this clip.
How big an issue should that be in the campaign?
For example, I looked at the New York Times.
Are they going to interview Juanita Broderick?
Are they going to interview Paula Jones?
Are they going to interview Kathleen Willey?
In one case, it's about exposure.
In another case, it's about groping and fondling and touching against a woman's will.
And rape.
And rape.
Cheap settlements.
Massive settlements.
$850,000 to Paul Jones.
And lots of other things.
Alright, and rape.
So, stay there Joe.
I want to come back and get more into this shahad, is this tattoo.
I want to open the phones up for callers.
Especially former military or current to discuss this.
Do you disagree with this?
Or is this the total setup to bring the country down?
Because I'm not trying to be alarmist.
That's the only way this could go.
They don't bring in millions of these people and not have huge, huge sleeper cell activity.
I mean, we're going to see stuff probably 30 times worse than what we're seeing right now on a weekly basis, bare minimum.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Egypt air flight from Paris to Cairo was likely brought down by terror attack, officials say.
A Cairo-bound Egypt air flight that went down in the Mediterranean Sea with 66 aboard early Thursday hours after departing from Paris zigzagged sharply before plunging, according to aviation officials who said terrorism was a more likely
We're good to go.
A Greek military official told the Associated Press.
The official said the items were found 230 miles southeast of the island of Crete, but still within the Egyptian air traffic control area.
You can find more updates on Egypt air as they break at InfoWars.com.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Hi, I'm your host Alex Jones.
We are 33 minutes into this worldwide broadcast.
Paul Joseph Watson is going to be joining us from London, England in the third hour, and then Anthony Gucciardi will be here in studio in Austin, Texas in the fourth hour.
And Joe, I talked about this with you yesterday, and I know you're a busy guy, and this aircraft obviously got taken down.
Mainline intelligence groups are saying it all points towards jihadis, but
I know that Anthony will probably want to do this, so during the next break, talk to him.
That Navy SEAL interview you did last night?
It was on the Nightly News.
Extremely powerful.
I know there's a part two, it hasn't even aired yet.
We're going to put it out on Infowars.com.
Talking about what's happening in the military, talking about Benghazi.
The interview with Tonto, you know, the only Army guy that was there.
What a hero.
That was incredible.
Thank you for getting that interview.
We need to make a big deal out of these interviews because, you know, they went on Megyn Kelly once, but they really haven't been a lot of other places, and this is important.
And so, yeah, I mean, our interview here made some news, and it got a couple hundred thousand views on YouTube and maybe a million on Facebook.
Benghazi hero, the fall of Hillary is imminent.
She should be in prison, not running for president.
And that's what Chris Tonto Peranto had to say.
Just what the archetypal hero, Christian soldier, you name it.
Well, you interviewed this Navy SEAL, one of his buddies, one of your friends, and just as powerful info.
But dealing with other corruption, we need to get these interviews out.
They need to be a big deal.
There it is, former Navy SEAL talks enemies foreign and domestic.
And you know, that's an important headline.
But we need to give it a headline on what he actually talked about.
So briefly, we're going to change that headline, Joe.
This is what we do.
Everybody's great.
We just do full spectrum analysis on ourselves, live on air.
I mean, I saw the interview.
It was powerful.
But the gist of it, what was most important about it so people can can go see it?
Well, basically, the gist of it is what we're talking about earlier is the how our government is hijacking the military.
They're literally flushing out great operators like Carl Higby and
They're bringing in people who have no experience in combat whatsoever.
We have females taking over different schools now.
We have them the head of this and that without the experience.
I mean, it's like me going to a regular psychologist here and having them help me deal with PTSD.
So the headline is Navy SEAL Obama sabotaging the military?
Yes, exactly.
There's your headline.
And some of the amazing stories he talked about.
Oh, there's gonna be many more.
I'm gonna start doing like a series where I'm sitting down talking with these elite soldiers.
We go outside, we have a heart-to-heart discussion about the missions they were involved in, talk about how it's affecting their lives, how it's gonna, how it's affected them afterwards with the transition, with their marriages, and then shoot some guns.
It's gonna be really good.
We're gonna get a lot of great stories and I think it's gonna be fun for everybody to watch.
Great job Joe, the prolific work you and the rest of the crew are doing.
We're trying to hire two more camera people right now just because we have a bottleneck with all of our reporters and producers and researchers getting it all on air.
But we're trying to hire two more camera people right now and that's where this comes in.
We're going back to Joe and your phone calls and some of these clips.
A toll-free number to join us on air to talk about this latest Egypt air that disappeared into the Mediterranean off the coast of Greece.
The fact that Trump has come out and talked about the rape word, the R word, that none dare speak, that people are literally blackballed and blocked on CNN, Fox, and other channels, like MSNBC, if you talk about it.
Reporters have come out and said, I'm told up front, don't talk about the rape.
Even Newsmax, I've been told,
By reporters.
We're gonna be breaking this soon.
Not to go after Newsmax, but it just has to happen.
I mean, I like Newsmax.
I've done ad deals with them, vice versa, but, you know, reporters are about to go on, and then they pop in your ear and say, do not talk about rape, when, you know, when Clinton settled.
Three of these things, some stuff's going on.
I mean, it'd be like if I was assaulted, and then a reporter goes, well, this guy was assaulted.
No, he said the rape word because these women have used it before.
So why is it wrong for him to come out and go, alright, these women said they were raped.
There's a problem.
So we're going to get more into that in a moment.
Of course, drudge isn't censoring.
That's why drudge is numero uno right now.
Trump drops the R word with an image of Bill Clinton.
We'll put that back on screen.
If you're a radio listener and you're tuning in going, why are they talking about seeing this or showing that?
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We've done it for 15, 16 years of the 21-year history so we can actually show folks what we're talking about.
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Trump drops our bomb on Clinton.
That's up on Infowars.com as well.
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I want to go to Mark and Tony and Bobby and Cindy and Dean and everybody else that's patiently holding.
I want to cover what the Pope said again.
I want to hit some of these latest articles.
But first, I wanted to give Joe Biggs a few minutes.
He'll ride shotgun with us for the rest of the hour.
Then I'll go into the next hour with your calls as well.
As a combat vet,
Again, who didn't ask to have Rolling Stone and Esquire embedded with you in three different tours, but you were a combat unit, so that's what Hastings wanted to be part of, and he was there witnessing a lot of the heavy combat you actually saw.
You've described to me, coming back from Brussels, coming back from Paris, coming back from London, that you felt more hated
And in more danger than when you were in combat for over three years and were blown up in two armored vehicles, hit with shrapnel, shot, you name it.
Walk through that yourself and these no-go zones, because I have a stack of news here now where they can't cover it up.
The radical Muslims, and these are poor, working-class Muslims from Stone Age areas,
Like Afghanistan, poor areas of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, people that invaded Syria.
I mean, these are pretty bloodthirsty folks.
I mean, is that why?
Because I've talked to a lot of troops who say a lot of the Iraqis are really nice people.
I've got friends that are Iraqi.
I've talked to folks who say a lot of the Afghans are even nice people.
They're either bad or they're good.
It seems like in the West, mixed with liberalism and hate of the West, it's created a mutated culture.
Of just, just absolute, now the culture is hating the West, hating Christians, hating white people.
Is that accurate?
And why do you say it's worse in Europe than in combat zones?
You know, it's interesting, you know, when you read these reports, and it's easy as an American to sit here and look at all these reports and say that this stuff's breaking, you know, happening over in Europe.
But to actually go there, you know, myself and Michael Zimmerman flew there the day after the attack happened in Paris.
And Watson.
And Watson met us from London.
And you get out there and you,
You're walking up and down the streets, and you're talking to people, and all you see are jobs everywhere.
You see everyone in the full, you know, Arabic garb walking up and down the street, mean-mugging you, looking at you, and you're like, wow, like, it is getting a lot more.
There's definitely a big change going on.
See, I'm from Texas.
Somebody mean-mugs me enough, I've learned to not talk back.
When they do it enough, I'm going to say, what's your problem?
But, you know, then I was part of the raid in St.
Denis, which is a suburb of Paris in the north.
We're good to go.
Were Arab men from ages, you know, I would say like 17... Because the women aren't allowed out on the street.
Yeah, and they were everywhere and they're all sitting there with their arms crossed as the police are going door to door just kind of like with a smirk on their face like, like looking like, oh yeah, like you're not going to find them, you know, or like, hey, we're not going to say anything.
And that was the atmosphere there.
But then we go over... You were first on the scene when they killed one of them.
Yes, I snuck past the police and I kept running through corridors on and on and Michael was right behind me with his camera and I was like, dude, we gotta find a spot.
We can find an area where we can get past the gun.
You guys, just you, running through corridors.
You guys didn't tape that.
You got it once you got there and got the dead body.
That's better than Discovery Channel.
You guys gotta tape everything.
That's so exciting.
Go ahead.
So we get out there but then we end up going over to Molenbeek.
So we take a train from Paris over into Brussels, Belgium.
Paul Joseph Watson and I and Michael Zimmerman
Like when you walk by, they're looking at you, just mean mugging you the entire time.
And here you are, you're walking through, there's no passport needed, no one's checking any of your bags.
You get into Brussels, and you're walking around, and they're like, oh, why are you here?
You know, they're talking to you.
And they're asking me why I'm there, and they're sitting here... Let's be clear, Muslims with women wearing headdresses and the men are telling you, get out of here, you're not welcome.
Yeah, so we actually walked, I think it was a three mile walk or something like that, two mile walk.
We get over into Molenbeek from that area where we're at, and the entire time you start going from regular little neighborhoods and it progresses block to block to where it gets back to where you look like you're at a bazaar.
In Ashraf, Iraq or in, you know, Kandahar, Afghanistan.
And the buildings go from apartment complexes to a little bit more like shanties to a little bit more like just broken down.
And then you start seeing Arabic writing everywhere.
And the guys are running up like going up and down the streets and the cars looking.
And we're filming outside of the building where they knew that one of the known attackers were that the so-called mastermind of the Paris attack was.
And they had just iterated the day before.
And, you know, we're going out there talking about how this is a no-go zone.
And we're starting to get hit the day after the report going, oh, there were reporters there yesterday.
You know, there was police.
Yeah, there was tons of police and SWAT.
I was telling you, get in there.
Yeah, we went there by ourselves.
We had no security detail.
We had no SWAT team.
We had no military.
There was no people there.
By the way, the police don't even go in that area.
No, they only went there because they were in mass numbers.
They went there in a large amount, like a convoy of people in that area, set up a perimeter, and then conducted their sweep of that area.
We went there, three white guys, sticking out like white on rice in a paper bag.
And were you loved?
Were you loved?
Yeah, I was loved.
They were looking at us, screaming at us, tell us to get out of here.
And it got to a point where it was so creepy, I grabbed the two of them, I was like, hey, let's just go into this building really quick, let's just get out of here and let this cool by, because this car kept going by.
We go and open the door, and right as Paul's pushing the door, his hand shoots in front of him, grabs the door, and I can see inside, and it looked like... Man, I wish you'd have got this on tape.
I saw a table of like five or six Arab dudes, they're sitting there and the guy goes, no, you cannot be here.
And then shut the door.
We're like, all right, let's just get the hell out of here.
Let's go.
It's like a C-3PO and the cloud city goes in and he goes, oh no, stormtroopers, no, no, I'll go.
Anyways, getting serious here.
I'm glad you guys got out of there.
But why would the West want to do this?
I want to go to break and come back with calls and play some clips.
But first, Job, think about this.
Our borders are open.
They're bringing millions of these people in.
They're not vetting them.
They're not even checking passports.
That's in mainstream news, you know, at these airports when these people come in.
Meanwhile, the TSA wants to grope our genitals, put us in naked body scanners, and has internal checkpoints and four-hour lines from Atlanta to Phoenix to Chicago.
I'm told there's two-hour lines now in Austin.
I mean, that's all about dominating us, all about making us submit.
To this tyranny in the name of stopping Islamic terror.
But then meanwhile, you look at Europe, literally, it's like 80% of the security people are Muslims.
I'm flying to Louisville tomorrow, I just got a text earlier that says to be at the Austin airport 2-3 hours early.
And then I got an update from Atlanta saying if you're driving in for a flight, you need to be there 4 hours early.
That's ridiculous.
That's incredible, and it gets worse because
Again, they're saying it's Muslims inside the airport security they believe are the ones putting bombs on the Russian plane last Halloween.
I think that's probably what happened here.
So, literally, the jihadists run the security in their beekeeper suits.
I mean, we already know that they're there in Paris, I mean, in Saint-Denis, like I just said.
So there's no telling how many employees... But think how upside down this is.
The folks in beekeeper suits and men staring at you like they want to kill you run everything.
We bring them in, they attack us, and then they get to run security.
I just think you're racist.
This is the upside down fruitcake land.
Look at these articles on Infowars.com.
Pakistan man arrested at Texas border.
Lied to federal agents after his capture.
He'll probably be made president.
Another video, watch, quote, you're a German, you're nothing.
Migrant filmed assaulting and bullying German teen.
Next time I'm going to bloody your eye, I will stab it out if I feel like it.
Here's another one.
Migrants burned down a refugee welcome center in Sicily, on a Sicily island.
Tunisian migrants set fire to the main pavilion and the Refugee Welcome Center Tuesday night, causing severe damage after learning they would be repatriated to their home country.
So, again, and now they have the EU trying to order these countries.
Quarter million Euro fine if they don't let him in and then it gets worse when we come back and we're going to do your phone calls.
Pope Francis, I have this relinked to the top of Infowars.com, Pope Francis likens Jesus to ISIS, says Muslim migrants must breed with Europeans.
Francis claims ISIS is similar to Jesus, sending his disciples to all nations.
He goes on to say, close quote, he goes on to say, close quote,
He dreads hearing about the Christian roots of Europe because to him, they take on a colonialist overtones.
And then he called upon European nations to integrate Muslim migrants into the continent.
And to get rid of their European heritage.
I liken him to Satan.
I mean, this guy is literally, literally a horrible communist filthy dirtbag.
I mean, I'm sorry folks.
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That's Infowarslife.com or call 888-253-3139.
Egypt air flight from Paris to Cairo was likely brought down by terror attack, officials say.
A Cairo-bound Egypt air flight that went down in the Mediterranean Sea with 66 aboard early Thursday hours after departing from Paris zigzagged sharply before plunging, according to aviation officials who said terrorism was a more likely
We're good to go.
A Greek military official told the Associated Press.
The official said the items were found 230 miles southeast of the island of Crete, but still within the Egyptian air traffic control area.
You can find more updates on Egypt air as they break at InfoWars.com.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I sound energized because I am.
I mean, I've studied history.
I started reading when I was about seven years old, time-life history books that my dad would just buy.
My dad wouldn't
Wouldn't buy me a new fancy toy if I wanted.
He'd make me always do chores to get anything.
Until I was about 14 or so that he spoiled me a little bit.
You know, got me a car when I was 16.
Well, helped me pay for it.
But, if I was watching TV and saw those Time Life book encyclopedia ads.
My dad loved encyclopedias.
We just had, you know, rooms full of nothing but books.
And I'd say, I want those World War II encyclopedias.
Buy them.
You know, a new one would come every month.
I'd say, I want those World War I encyclopedias, boom, buy them.
I want those Civil War encyclopedias, boom, buy them.
I want those Revolutionary War encyclopedias, boom, buy them.
I want those occult time-life books, you know, encyclopedia, boom, buy them.
Until, I actually got some of those back in my office still, the World War II ones, and I would read every page of them.
They were full of text and photos and a lot of stuff you've never seen on History Channel, because it was just, you know, to photos.
And I probably read, I'm not exaggerating, by the time I was about 12 and quit reading them, then I got into girls, I probably read 10 different encyclopedia sets.
The whole things.
Because I wasn't allowed to watch TV until my mom put the news on at 6 if I was home.
She said, go outside.
And so what I'm saying is,
I've got a history lesson, okay?
I really know what I'm talking about.
And then I read a lot of history books after that when I got back into them when I was about 16 or 17.
There was a period, about 12 to 16, that was one thing I was into.
But what I'm getting at is I know what I'm talking about.
And you look at history, I know you see it too.
Folks are smart out there.
You know history.
But for folks that don't know history, they have no idea.
We are being set up.
There's no debating.
There's no discussion.
It's happening.
Now I'm going to start the next hour to give everybody plenty of time and go to your calls.
Go to your calls then for all the folks that are patiently holding.
If you guys take that screen down, I can actually get to the calls.
Thank you.
We're going to go to Dean and Cindy and Mark and Dante and Tony and many, many others.
But I wanted to spend a few minutes on this Pope thing.
I'm not a Catholic basher.
I'm not Catholic.
I come from a Protestant background.
But at the same time, a lot of my friends are Catholic.
They're great people.
I turn around, you know, half the time and somebody fighting tyranny is a Catholic.
Good people in my experience.
So I never got into Catholic bashing.
But man, this guy, he's not a Catholic.
And he just literally sounds like Mao Zedong married Bill Clinton and had a baby, you know, with Hillary or something.
I mean, it's so horrible.
But he goes even further saying, likening Jesus to ISIS and says Muslims must breed with Europeans.
This article is up on Infowars.com.
He claims ISIS is similar to Jesus sending his disciples to all nations.
Yeah, that is so blasphemous.
Sounds like something, you know, out of like a Linda Blair.
The terrorists are like Jesus, killing their mothers in hell!
I mean, Joe Biggs, what do you make?
These are actual quotes in a major French newspaper.
What do you think he's trying to do here?
I don't know.
I just know that that's what Trudeau is going to be like from Canada when he gets older.
That's what I'm worried about.
I mean, that guy is out there in left field as well.
I mean, the Pope is out of control.
He says, open the borders, but he's got 200 foot walls.
But he's sitting there telling us that, you know, if you insult Islam, that's bad.
If you don't take these people in, that's bad.
Well, they're cutting Catholic priest heads off all over the Middle East.
I mean, how many refugees has he taken in?
And then you're going to sit here and liken Jesus to ISIS?
I mean, you're contradicting yourself.
You're sitting here
Going after people because they're not being tolerant of radical Islam, or they're not being tolerant of all Muslims, because they might be scared that a bad one could... Jesus was tolerant!
Jesus is the opposite of Al-Qaeda, the ISIS.
The Pope is like an abomination.
He is the most blaspheming... Can you believe the Pope is actually saying that Christ is like ISIS?
You know, I never thought I would say this, but I actually think he could be worse than Hillary Clinton.
Did you see that headline?
ISIS crucifies Catholic priest on Good Friday.
And the Pope then gets up and says, that's okay.
That's ridiculous.
He is a sick, sick evil man.
And notice he says Europe.
You must open up more, like they're bad.
Five million's not enough, but this dirtbag lives behind.
We can queue up the footage.
We have footage we shot last year in Rome.
He is behind 200 foot walls and arm guards.
We'll be back.
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Hey guys, Leanne McAdoo here with InfoWars.com.
We just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your support over the years and we really love seeing you guys out there in our gear.
Alex wants to show his appreciation so he's decided to throw another contest.
Now, this is going to be a flash contest held on our Instagram account, so you need to be sure that you're following us at real underscore Alex Jones.
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Winners are going to be selected at random, so be sure to use the hashtag InfoWarsGear, and we'll be selecting a winner soon.
Show us some love!
This is the heart of 1776!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Drop one.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
You did an 18-minute interview last night at Airmen Nightly News with a decorated Navy SEAL exposing how they're sabotaging the organizations within.
A lot of stuff that's happening overseas as well.
You described basically what they're turning special forces into.
You're going to leave us here at the break.
We're going to calls right now, Joe.
But you're going to be back, I guess, at about 2.24 with Anthony.
Introducing this coming up today.
We're going to air that because it's so important.
These are really news-making interviews.
You were talking during the break about basically what he gets into.
So this is what's going on.
We have a sabotage of our military taking place right now.
And it's been slowly happening in small increments.
You know, you've got the high hills.
You've got to walk in, you know, women's shoes.
And you degrade these soldiers.
Then you start bringing in women without combat experience and put them in leadership roles to lead elite soldiers.
And then you have leadership.
That are leaning so far left, and they're so politically correct, that they're dropping standards in the regular army to allow these women in.
Now, the guy that's over the ranger induction program to get these guys in said that there would be a female ranger.
This was before she even went into the class, telling you that they were going to allow her to get in regardless.
And the Marines admit they lowered standards as well.
Yes, and it's happening.
Now here's the thing.
Eventually, we're going to start lowering standards across the board.
Three guys going through BUDS, through SEALS training, drowned.
What's going to happen?
These politicians, these bleeding hearts are going to go, well, you know what?
It must be too hard.
We're going to drop the standard.
Then they drop the standard.
Next thing you know, we've got regular soldiers out of like Fort Gordon.
They're phasing out human operators.
They're phasing out humans.
And they're pushing out good people like former Navy SEAL Carl Higby.
We need these guys.
We need that standard set extremely high.
Standard needs to get higher.
Yes, not lower.
And absolutely, Joe Biggs, great job.
Ride shotguns and take one call.
I'm going to get to all your calls.
Boom, boom, boom.
Now, let's go to Mark in Vermont.
You're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex.
I just want to talk about the town I live in.
The mayor, beyond everybody's knowledge, accepted 100 Syrian
Refugees to resettle in the community.
Well you say without your knowledge because that's what's happened here in Austin.
They claim Texas got 400 in the last year.
My high school got 232.
It's thousands at high schools alone in Austin.
And we called other areas.
It's secret.
So there's a secret operation.
Is that what you're getting at?
What I'm getting at is like it seems like everybody that wants to dispute this
Well, talk about it is filtered.
The local news has pretty much blacked it out.
Everybody's accepted.
These people are coming in October and we have no choice about the whole situation.
What town are you in so we can pull it up for folks that are watching and listening?
Rutland, Vermont.
Rutland, Vermont.
It's a community that's pretty much depressed.
There's no jobs.
Um, you know, if they're bringing in twenty refugees, maybe that would be one thing, but a hundred?
Well, sure, that's also, I mean, in Germany they'll have a town of a hundred, they'll bring in seven hundred.
This is a total takeover, they can admit that.
In fact, I haven't played the clip yet, I'll play it after I take calls, of on German TV laughing and celebrating the end of Germans.
I mean, this is sick.
Well, Philadelphia right now, when we go back for the DNC, I got a tip that there's quite a few thousand that have been brought in, Syrians, into Philadelphia, in the northern part of the city up there.
It's happening all over the place, and they're bringing in these larger numbers, like you said, in those communities, so then eventually breed them out.
They say we're gonna... I mean, here's the deal.
I'm always for everybody.
But it's this idea of get rid of Europeans, and it's taught at the colleges.
I've got stacks of news here where this is openly taught.
We've got countless videos every week.
It's just crazy.
Yeah, but people always say that we're the ones that say it.
No, we're just taking what they said that's in the article, word for word, by those refugees, and they're saying we want to breed them out.
And blond hair blew out his bed, and you are our slave, ha ha.
And they're just these arrogant idiots who can't even take care of themselves, but we just fall down and worship them.
Meanwhile, there are a lot of refugees around the world, a lot of people that just want to come here and be free.
And that's fine, yeah.
And literally, this gives good immigrants a bad name of every race, color, and creed.
I mean, I'll say it, Americans are spoiled in many cases, but not for long.
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My name is Alex Jones.
Most of you know me from my syndicated radio program and my documentary films, as well as InfoWars Nightly News.
When I got on air 20 years ago,
I had discovered the Globalist program, their plan to take over the world, and my focus went from running six miles every other day, swimming two, three miles a couple times a week, and lifting weights, to focusing on fighting the Globalists.
I've gone from 279 pounds all the way down to 235 pounds, and the weight's going off even faster.
And it wasn't just that my weight loss accelerated, my muscle mass increased, my stamina, my energy levels
Let's go!
Egypt air flight from Paris to Cairo was likely brought down by terror attack, officials say.
A Cairo-bound Egypt air flight that went down in the Mediterranean Sea with 66 aboard early Thursday hours after departing from Paris zigzagged sharply before plunging, according to aviation officials who said terrorism was a more likely
We're good to go.
A Greek military official told the Associated Press.
The official said the items were found 230 miles southeast of the island of Crete, but still within the Egyptian air traffic control area.
You can find more updates on Egypt air as they break at InfoWars.com.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going right to your calls.
But first, I wanted to play this clip of Trump on Hannity last night.
I played it twice last hour.
But it's a big deal to have him say rape.
And how Clinton settled cases with women that were saying that he had raped them.
Now I know that's old news to you.
I've been covering it myself for 21 years on air.
But at the same time, it's big for the public to learn this when they have the nerve and the gall to say that Donald Trump asked women out when he wasn't married in a confident and aggressive way.
Hey baby, you're really beautiful.
Let's go out and, you know, have dinner.
If you don't ask women out like that, most women, you don't get the date.
I mean, they are criminalizing normal male behavior.
This is what they're doing.
It's not sexual harassment, you know, when a male eagle flies up and, you know, flies in circles around a female eagle squawking at her.
He's saying, I like you.
And if she likes him, and if he can do the, you know, the mating flight properly and show how skilled he is, well then, you know, she might get in the nest with him.
They're demonizing our normal behavior by having Salon Magazine and the UN come out and promote pedophilia.
And Bill Clinton's flying around with convicted pedophiles.
That's okay.
And hanging out at pedophile islands, that's okay.
This is the inversion of reality, and the way you counter it is taking action and taking the gloves off, just like Roger Stone said yesterday he would.
And by the way, I knew that Trump was coming out with this, but obviously couldn't talk about it.
And I was just crossing my fingers.
And I didn't even watch Hannity myself.
I just looked at Drudge later in the evening and saw that it had happened.
Called my riders up and said, can we post something about this at InfoWars.com?
But that's why I want to get more riders at night.
So we are 24 hours a day.
We need to do that.
That's why it's important to shop at InfoWarsStore.com.
20% off on the nascent iodine right now, X2, and a lot of other specials.
Free shipping on orders of $50 or more.
10% off when you sign up for AutoShip.
And a lot more at InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLife.com.
Okay, I'm going to go to Tony, and then I'm going to go to Cindy and Dean and Matthew and Dante.
And we are going to go to Tony right now.
Tony, in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I need to vent right now.
I mean, I'm your age.
I'm from Minnesota.
But I'm pretty inked today.
And you're one of the only people I think I can talk to.
The people around my work and my family, they don't care.
But here's the deal.
First of all, Jack Van Empey.
I watched him last Sunday night for the first time in months.
And he's got a huge show this Sunday night and he's been like death-threaded and like some stations want to pull him off the air.
And this man really knows the Quran.
He's read it five, six times.
So he knows what he's talking about.
So I think you should have him on even tomorrow.
Just squeeze him in.
I love that man and he's looking like he's old.
I would love to get, I would love to get Jack Van Empey.
Jack Van Empey and Ruxello Van Empey.
I know this, I could do better than his announcer.
Actually, his announcer's awesome.
What's that guy's name?
She's died, so be careful.
No, but see, that's spin there.
If I don't know someone's died, then it's not my fault.
No, I know, I know, but those people are super religious.
I don't think they like the jokes.
But see, you're not listening.
I appreciate your call.
I appreciate your call, man.
Here's the deal.
I haven't watched Jack Van Impey or haven't seen him on TV because I don't watch a lot of TV in probably 15, 20 years.
So you call in, I let you plug his show, I'm talking about getting him on the show, and then I sit there and have fun doing the voiceover of the voiceover guy and I say, what's that guy's name?
When he goes, Jack Van Impey and Vex, no, Jack Van Impey and Rexella Van Impey.
I'm not making fun of anyone.
I'm saying that guy has a great voice.
So, here's the deal.
I don't hold people to a high standard when it comes to joking around and having fun, so I don't get held to one, and I'm not mad at you.
It's just that...
I don't need to sit here and be criticized, and it's not that I mind being criticized.
I get criticized in hundreds of newspapers every single day.
It's the misconstruence that I'm making fun of people or making fun of someone who's died, okay?
So I tried to make out who you said died.
You wouldn't quite tell me, so I'll find out.
That's sad to hear if that's the case, but I would imagine he's getting censored or threatened if he's exposing radical Islam or reading out of the Koran.
Folks don't want us to see what's going on.
And so, yes, I would like to get Jack Van Impey on and my condolences to whoever you said died.
I didn't make it out.
Okay, let's go ahead now and talk to, I want you to call her out.
I just, you know, come on.
Let's go ahead now, because I mean, I'm not putting dead people down here.
I'm not a bad person, alright?
It's not fair.
When I get criticized, I'm going to respond back.
Because I care about you as a listener.
I don't care what the New York Times or CNN says.
They're a pack of scum.
But I care what you say about me.
Let's talk to Dean in Virginia.
Dean, go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Alex, two points.
One is, you know, we know we're being set up.
The Info Warriors, we know we're being set up.
And as you said,
And we need to wear the shirts.
We need to go out there, Hillary, for prison to see people's expression, to engage them in conversation.
And I'll tell you what, everybody wants to buy a shirt.
Now, what I'm getting at is a while back you had a business card that had, uh, be the resistance.
And on the flip side,
It had your addresses of the Prison Planet TV, InfoWars.
I remember for a while we used to throw those in for free into orders, but also people could order packs of them at cost.
If we quit producing that, I didn't know that I'm going to have them redo it.
Because I purposely go to the grocery store three, four times a week wearing different shirts, and since we're in Virginia, I wear a sidearm, so I get into conversations with people on purpose to get them over to the site.
And just to wake people up, and half the store is awake.
Now, getting to my point about Egyptian air.
But get those cards back out, please.
I'd love to buy a thousand of them.
You know, sometimes I have an idea, like ten years ago, we put it out for a while and then somehow it just stops.
So I'm going to call Weldon during the next break.
I mean, he's just on the other side of the building.
And I'm going to say, hey, bro, let's bring back the business cards at cost for folks that want to buy them from us to give out.
Or you folks are smart.
Make your own business cards with whatever messages you want on them or whatever websites.
And people are ready to hear the truth right now.
I was frustrated, and thank you, Dean, to hear the last caller talk about
Yes, everyone should get
Everyone should get a Hillary for President t-shirt.
Everyone should get a Molon Labe t-shirt, so you can see how many info warriors there are out there.
And also, so when you go to political events or whatever, the political system gets an idea of how many patriots there are.
Now, I'm going to send out
In fact, I'm going to send it out today now.
Today and tomorrow.
Inside Baseball.
A promo code at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Because it's so important with increased censorship, so important with them trying to kick us off YouTube, Facebook, all these other platforms, they admit they're doing it, curtailing us, that we be able to get to you directly, even if they shut down InfoWars or Prison Planet sometimes.
God forbid.
So we send exclusive videos, articles, promo codes for the shopping cart that nobody else gets to folks that are members of the free newsletter.
Go to Infowars.com forward slash newsletter.
Put in a new email you make or your old email, whatever you want.
We will send you every day different promos, 10, 20, 30 percent off this or that.
We're going to send out today and tomorrow.
I even cut an ad for this yesterday.
It's going to air later today.
Now the t-shirt costs us like six bucks, printed here in America.
And then there's the shipping to bring in here and everything else.
That's basically cost.
$9.95 for a Hillary for Prison shirt.
Because we just got another truckload of them in.
And if folks respond to this, I'll do the special again and really escalate the manufacturing of them.
But I can't just sit on a ton of them.
You know, it's a gamble when you're, you know, in free market and produce stuff and then hope it sells.
Sometimes it doesn't.
This is our best-selling shirt ever.
It is a collector's edition.
The last one has gone out.
This one has different color print on the back and has a different message on the front, but it's still classic Hillary for President 2016 until the end of time.
It says in small lettering under it, legalized freedom on the back.
And we're going to send it out right now out on the email in the next hour at promo code.
Now, if you want to support us, just get in for $19.95 for that shirt and the Molon Lave shirt.
So you can pick which shirt you want or both.
$9.95, 50% off on those shirts so we can flood the country with them.
Thank you so much for your support.
God bless you.
Let's go ahead now and take another call.
Let's talk to Cindy and PA.
Thank you for holding.
What do you make of the airliner going down?
What do you make of them flooding us with jihadis?
What do you think this really is, Cindy?
I don't know what that is.
They're always doing something to distract us.
It might be a distraction from Trump.
Who knows?
But the reason I called, I wanted to say, first of all, I wanted to thank you, Alex, for being an example of what a real man is.
It's nice to see.
I'm so sick of Metro males.
It turns my stomach.
My point for calling was,
Obama's number one job in this country, as our president, is to keep this country safe.
He's done everything but keep this country safe.
Why isn't Obama being arrested for blatant high treason?
I totally agree.
A president is to execute the laws for the Congress and the people, and to command our military in time of war and protect us, and to mobilize us, and instead all he's done is act like a
Demon from hell to try to bring us down.
I mean, he literally is like a villain from Superman, you know, where, where, where Majors, you know, or General Zod is like going into the archives and in the, you know, breaking the, you know, you know, breaking the seal or whatever.
I mean, he's trying to say he's an enemy.
They've taken us over, the globalists run us, and now they want to run us off a cliff because they hate us so much.
I mean, it's one thing to be conquered.
If we got conquered by a more advanced, you know, human civilization that gave us more freedom, I wouldn't even be against it.
We're being conquered by absolute dirtbags that hate us.
And they want to bring in all these crazy jihadis that enslave women and chain them up and put hoods on their heads and cut their genitals off?
Nobody's cutting any women's genitals off around me.
I'm sorry to be ranting, ma'am.
Go ahead.
Why are another rural man arresting him?
Everything's about Hillary.
He's the main culprit.
He's the head guy.
I mean, I agree, ma'am.
I mean, I risk my name, my treasure, everything.
Not just because I'm a quote.
I mean, that's just survival instinct.
I think a man has survival instinct and gets their hackles up when they're under attack.
And I think women do, too.
And people have been slowly conditioned to accept evil, and then they see other people not caring, so they feel disempowered.
Everybody should speak out, get involved, get aggressive, and point out that we have an occupied government, just like in 1941 when the Germans took over France and installed a puppet government.
We have collaborators, we have traitors, we have enemies.
Comedy is now illegal.
Charlie Chaplin made fun of Hitler, I've made fun of Hitler.
Remember, Jesse James made fun of Hitler and they said, oh, you're a Nazi.
This is an assault on reality.
How dare people tell Americans and Scots and folks that died in mass fighting Hitler, our grandparents, that we're with Hitler if some liberal trendy who's apologized and turns out he's a liberal, of course he apologized, shouldn't apologize, should say, I didn't do anything, it's satire, it's protected.
But by him groveling, they keep charging him.
He should say, how dare you, and get a jury trial.
This is happening everywhere.
We'll put the headline back up on screen.
I want to put it on Facebook.
I want to retweet it.
Police now arresting YouTubers for offensive videos.
No speech is safe, folks.
I've got a stack of news.
A teacher in Germany, a teacher in Austria, there's two different stories today, one in Germany, one in Austria.
A teacher in Austria talked about the Koran, talking about Muhammad saying you can have sex with 12-year-olds, and said that's pedophilia, and she's been arrested.
Now folks, separately China's been caught shipping in little girls for sex slaves and they're calling it sex slavery.
It is what it is, but this, even if it wasn't true that Mohammed said that, wrote that, you should have a right to say it!
This is tyranny!
Let's go ahead and go to this incredible report by Paul Joseph Watson.
28-year-old Marcus Meacham was arrested for hate crimes after posting this joke video of his girlfriend's dog reacting to Nazi slogans.
My girlfriend is always ranting and raving about how cute and adorable her wee dog is.
And so I thought I would turn him into the least cute thing that I could think of, which is a Nazi.
Buddha, try gas the Jews.
Gas the Jews.
The video went viral, receiving 18,000 thumbs up to just 1,200 thumbs down.
The vast majority of viewers thought that it was hilarious, but thanks to a small minority of perpetually offended retards, Meacham got a home visit from the Scottish police.
Authorities said that Meacham's arrest is a lesson to others that any video content deemed offensive will not be tolerated.
Meechan then prostrated himself, pleading that he wasn't a racist and that he only made the video to annoy his girlfriend.
Isn't it interesting that John Cleese recently came out and decried political correctness?
Because under that definition, Cleese himself would have been arrested for this faulty tower sketch.
Who's this then?
Stark you, man!
I'll do the funny walk!
He's done!
Charlie Chaplin would have been thrown in a jail cell for the same reason.
If they're not treating any video content whatsoever that causes offense as hate speech, then my entire channel is hate speech.
We make jokes about it, but the fact is they're coming after everybody's free speech.
Use free speech or lose it.
Defend it or they'll take it.
Become a member at PrisonPlanet.tv today to get the nightly news and more.
Sign up for our free newsletter to stay in contact and get around the censors.
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Infowars.com forward slash show.
You are the Paul Revere's fighting this modern totalitarian takeover.
You know, I was talking during the break.
What comes after this war, this clash of civilizations between the West and Islam?
A one world atheist religion that disguises the fact that it's pagan.
A big earth worship system where you can have any religion you want as long as you don't criticize any other.
And that will be the cover to persecute Christians.
I remember reading about this from scholars and anti-New World Order Christians 30 years ago.
I was reading books about this 30 years ago when I was like, you know, 12, 13 years old.
And I kind of rolled my eyes to it, but man, let me tell you, those people knew what they were talking about.
But you don't hear Bible scholars like that now.
And look how it all persecutes Christians.
The UN admits a doubling of persecution of Christians in the last decade.
Christians are the most persecuted group hunted down and the governments are always opening the door to do it.
And then now you destroy Christianity from within.
You can say what you want about the Catholic Church and some of its history and back and forth, but
It now is definitely anti-Christian at the top with this new Pope.
It is just unbelievable.
If you just tuned in, Pope Francis likens Jesus to ISIS, says Muslims must breed with Europeans.
Francis slams ISIS.
Excuse me, I'm having a Freudian slip.
I want to slam him.
He doesn't.
Francis claims ISIS is similar to Jesus, sending his disciples to all nations.
The Pope, quote,
Dreaded, close quote, that's a quote, dreaded hearing about Christian roots of Europe because to him they take on a colonialist overtones and he called European nations to integrate Muslim migrants into the continent to bring more in.
This integration is all the more necessary today since as a result of selfish search for well-being Europe is experiencing the grave problem of declining birth rate.
He stated, a demographic emphasis is developing.
Well why not get more compatible Christians say from Brazil?
Or from, I mean, there are a lot of folks in Latin America or a lot of folks in Eastern Europe that are Christian that want to, I mean, why bring in folks that say, we will assimilate you, see, if you support this religion, Pope.
And he went on to promote socialism.
You got to read this for yourself.
Europe has become old and decrepit and needs human reinforcement.
They are not motivated by compassion for the
Lebanon, its people, and its refugees.
Soon, we will trample them underfoot.
Allah willing, he stated, throughout Europe, all the hearts are enthused with hatred towards Muslims.
They will wish that they were dead, but they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in our midst.
We will give them fertility.
We will breed with their children, with them, because we shall conquer their countries.
I have Paul Watson's report that actually has all the audio of this.
That's the head imam in
Jerusalem, I want to go to a few more calls here before we go to break and come back.
Please remember, look, look, this message is more important than ever.
And there are a lot of Muslims that aren't radical like this that are trying to get away from this stuff, but they're bullied and intimidated by the radical Muslims that get the funding from Saudi Arabia and others.
And so I don't hate Muslims, but I'll tell you right now, I'm not going to be enslaved by it, and I'm not going to see the globalist use it as a tool of control.
All right, let's go to another caller.
Let's go ahead and talk to Matthew in South Carolina.
Go ahead, Matthew.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
Big fan of your show.
Never called before.
I'm kind of excited, actually, that I'm actually talking to you.
Well, thanks for calling, brother.
Go ahead.
I order a lot of your products.
All the stuff that you've got listed on your website is really good.
Thank you.
Me and my wife take the Super Male and Super Female.
Um, works great.
I wanted to ask you a question about the, this suicide note from a former, uh, looks like a former, um, ICE agent commits suicide.
Lee's warning note of martial law.
Are you, are you?
I have not seen that.
Where did you pick that up?
What was, what's the source of that?
My brother sent it to me in a text that says, uh, ICE agent commits suicide in New York City.
Lee's note.
Revealing government plans to round up and disarm Americans during economic and bank collapse.
Well, I know that's official in the Army's own website and their own admission they're gearing up for that.
I don't know if it's going to happen this year, but that's certainly a real situation.
We'll Google that, and when we come back, look into that more and also recap the downed airliner and the latest on Trump.
But no, sir, I was unaware of that, but I'm aware of real developments in that direction.
Yeah, there's a whole, like the suicide note itself,
Had everything that he said, why he was doing it, the government plans.
If you read the entire note, I've got the link for it.
I can maybe shoot it to one of your guys.
Sure, send it to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com right now.
God bless you.
I gotta go to break.
Thank you, Matthew.
I know we've got Robert and Dante and Nelson and Steve and others.
Coming up, I taped the next two segments you're about to hear at like 10 a.m.
this morning, because I've got to go deal with a family matter that's coming to a close, and thank God it's going well, as well as it could.
And then Paul Watson's coming in live, and so is Anthony Gucciardi.
So it's all coming up.
In 30 minutes, they'll be back live.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Please spread that link to everyone you know.
They're trying to censor this broadcast.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hey guys, Leanne McAdoo here with InfoWars.com.
We just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your support over the years, and we really love seeing you guys out there in our gear.
Alex wants to show his appreciation, so he's decided to throw another contest.
Now, this is going to be a flash contest held on our Instagram account, so you need to be sure that you're following us at real underscore Alex Jones.
Take many, many pictures of yourself.
All the selfies that we love, of course.
And use the hashtag InfoWarsGear.
Show your InfoWars pride.
And then we are going to be selecting a winner Friday.
More than $1,000 in cash and prizes.
Winners are going to be selected at random.
So be sure to use the hashtag InfoWarsGear.
And we'll be selecting a winner soon.
Show us some love.
This is the heart of 1776.
Cannibal woman tried to eat friend's face and bit boyfriend and police officer in drug-fueled rampage.
A woman has been arrested for allegedly trying to eat her friend's face after she took a dangerous cocktail of drugs.
Haha, yeah, I'm pretty sure.
Lindy Stewart, 37, is thought to have taken a mixture of cocaine and crystal meth before going on her rampage.
What happened when you could take a nice girl out for a royal evening to Burger King and Dairy Queen and then she might nibble on your ear?
Now they're all bat sh** crazy fueled on fluoride water and false dreams from the Kardashians.
She was arrested at her home in Newark, New York on May 8th.
Police have been called to her home to look into a disturbance.
Yeah, she was eating your face.
That's not a disturbance.
That is cannibalism.
That's Hannibal Lecter.
I don't think so.
My name is Alex Jones.
Most of you know me from my syndicated radio program and my documentary films, as well as InfoWars Nightly News.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I had discovered the Globalist program, their plan to take over the world, and my focus went from running 6 miles every other day, swimming 2-3 miles a couple times a week, and lifting weights
They're focusing on fighting the globalists.
I've gone from 279 pounds all the way down to 235 pounds and the weight's going off even faster.
And it wasn't just that my weight loss accelerated, my muscle mass increased, my stamina, my energy levels exploded.
Super Male has the key concentrated natural compounds that my body needed to go to the next level.
Today is the day to take the InfoWarsLife.com challenge and to secure your bottle of Super Male or Super Female Vitality.
Check them out today at InfoWarsLife.com or give our crew a call at 888-253-3139.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
The threat is real.
That's the name of this song.
Came out this year.
Already a hit.
Dave Mustaine's Megadeth.
And it's about radical jihadist terror.
I think the name of the song says it all.
The threat is real.
But if I breed a hundred black widows, as I've said many times, and then go dump them in your bed at night,
They don't take orders from me, but it's their nature that they will end up biting you and probably making you very sick or killing you.
And so the globalists have been funding Saudi Arabia, protecting it, allowing it to launch these proxy armies.
And opening the door to 5 million, most of the military age men, jihadi into Europe, I guess to make the numbers close to a million, they claim it's just a few hundred thousand.
The Democrats now want Obama to bring in another 10,000.
Three years ago, Merkel was calling it 10,000 that she was letting in.
Turned out it was over a million.
So that's the normal equation they use of fraud.
10,000 is 100,000, then 100,000 is a million.
And if you look at just the high schools and other schools around Austin, each one taking hundreds of quote, refugee children alone, not to mention their families, the numbers are thousands and thousands per city.
And so what happens when they start attacking and airlines are going down every day?
What happens when they start shooting up schools and colleges and movie theaters every day?
The answer will be from Hillary Clinton and others coming after your guns.
When they're the ones that opened up the border,
They're the ones that, quote, completed the smuggling process.
That's from the head of the Border Patrol Union.
They're the ones that allied themselves with radical Islam.
Now, in the Clash of Civilizations document, PNAC, September 2000, written by Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, and others, they openly say, we want to have a clash with Islam.
We need a Pearl Harbor event with mass casualties to sell the idea of an invasion and a defeat of Islam.
Now, that would be corrupt enough to stage something or let something happen to have an excuse to defeat radical Islam.
But what's even worse is to tell the military you're doing that, so they go along with the false flag at a certain level.
Kind of ignore what the evidence shows, because it was compartmentalized.
Most of the military wasn't involved.
The military blew the whistle.
The FBI blew the whistle.
Not defending those organizations, they just did.
It's a fact.
That's now all been documented.
But the word was it was done to crush Islam.
Well, now you notice Islam's not being crushed.
In fact, the most radical, evil form of it
Saudi Arabia is taking over and the triple cross, not the double cross, the triple cross is on.
And the word is the head of the CIA is a Wahhabist and I think the evidence is overwhelming that is indeed true.
I thought a decade ago, you know, before he was the head of the CIA that maybe it was a double cross of them.
But clearly, no, this is a triple cross because when you've got a billion, 300 million people and maybe 400, 500 million of them are ready to kill and are like robots,
That is tailor-made for global totalitarianism.
And the globalists want to weld that in to the West and make radical Muslims the mayors, the police chiefs, and man, they're all over Europe arresting people.
They're all over Europe, very aggressive statements on TV, on German TV, Muslim leaders, your women belong to us, blonde hair, blue eyes, bad, we're gonna get you.
Remember we played that clip two days ago and yesterday?
The Pope came out, in fact, I forgot that article.
Will you guys pull that up for me?
Thank you.
And actually told a French newspaper,
You know, Christianity is bad.
Christian roots are bad.
He actually said it's bad to say Europe is Christian.
And he likened Christianity to ISIS.
These are quotes.
You cannot make this up.
There it is.
Pope Francis likens Jesus to ISIS, says Muslims must breed with Europeans.
Now to be clear, the globalists plan in the end to destroy European liberty, to destroy the Middle East as well.
They plan on crushing everybody and bringing in a one-world religion on the ashes of the Christian-slash-Muslim-slash-Jewish-slash-Hindu conflagration.
And a lot of ignorant Westerners will go, the Hindus are totally peaceful and wonderful, perfect people.
They're actually pro-Western, and they're actually totally anti-Islam, because Muslims have been killing them for a thousand years.
And a lot of experts believe that could be what starts World War III, is the Hindus and the Muslims.
I mean, we are sitting on top of just gigantic thermonuclear time bombs here.
It's out of control.
And I've tried to de-escalate things.
I've had the late Hamid Gul on that would interview no one else, the former head of Pakistani intelligence.
I mean, he would not talk to Western media.
He agreed with my analysis of the situation.
It's not an anti-Islam analysis.
It's not an anti-Pakistan analysis.
It's not an anti-India analysis or anti-Israel analysis or anti-U.S.
It's a pro-humanity survive analysis.
And the globalists are bringing in a world system designed to cause conflagration and total meltdown.
Now, I mentioned this article earlier today, but I want to get into some of it right now before I go into the latest that's broken with the whole situation.
With this latest plane, Egypt Air Flight MS-804, taken off from Paris, now found in the ocean.
Remember what happened on October 31st, Halloween 2015, Metrojet Flight 9268, the Russians.
The Russians within two days said it was obviously terrorism.
The jihadis released a video of their Stinger missile taking it down.
And the Russians just basically sat back and took it because they know they're being poked into a larger war.
And our own media tried to spin it for months saying it wasn't terrorism.
No, it was terrorism.
We're going to be talking about that as well.
But first, this article is on Infowars.com.
It's on ZeroHedge.com.
British General says a nuclear war with Russia in 2017 is entirely plausible.
With tensions between Russia and the West at post-Cold War highs, a former NATO Deputy Military Chief is now, that's the Deputy Head of NATO formerly, is now the Vice President of NATO.
He's now saying that a nuclear war with Russia over the Baltic nations in 2017 is entirely plausible according to RT.
I don't think they have links to his statements.
With tensions between Russia and the West at post-Cold War highs, it's actually worse than ever, a former NATO Deputy Military Chief is now saying that nuclear war with Russia over the Baltic is entirely possible in 2017.
General Sir Richard Sheriff from Britain, served as second highest NATO military office in Europe from 011 and 014, has written a fictional book about a nuclear war with Russia in 2017, triggering by a dispute over the Baltic nations.
I notice it's all happening.
While the story is indeed fictional, Sheriff said the story is based on an entirely plausible scenario.
The scenario in which Sheriff lays out is that Russia would first occupy Ukraine to secure the land route to Crimea and then invade the three Baltic nations, all of which are members of NATO.
He claims Russia will do this because it feels NATO is perceived as weak.
So this is very hawkish garbage.
And Russia will be oppositional
about what it sees as alliance attempt to encircle it.
Russia has three military bases outside of its landmass.
We have almost, well it's like 400 smaller bases, but close to 200 big ones.
And we're run by globalists.
Who are openly trying to start a new world war, and who have moved missiles up to Russia's border.
And again, I'm not a Russia-phile.
I'm not a Frank-a-phile.
I'm not an Angla-phile.
You know, I don't worship the British.
I don't worship the French.
I don't worship... I guess you'd call me a Tex-a-phile.
I mean, I love Texas.
A Mar-a-phile.
A George Washington-phile.
But, that's better than Salon, you know, pedophile news publication.
I mean, literally, every few days now promoting it.
I mean, that's my view.
That's what they're pushing.
That's what they're saying.
But that's a sad issue.
They should speak out if they don't like that label and say, no, we don't support what's being written here.
But I digress.
The fact is Russia is trying to stop a societal cultural population collapse and has reversed course 90 percent from globalist policies.
They've been under them as a test bed since 1917 that U.S.
and British intelligence installed.
That's declassified.
Look it up.
And so, thank God Russia isn't under New World Order control.
Do I totally trust Russia?
Do I think Russia's perfect?
Does Russia have incredible corruption?
But Russia isn't coming after my guns.
Russia isn't coming out with behavioral control vaccines that eat part of your brain.
Russia is banning GMO crops.
Russia is speaking out against the New World Order.
Russia is trying to stop jihadis all over the planet and going in and taking them out.
And then we sit here and see our country run by absolute anti-human scum, trying to destroy our sovereignty, flooding us with incompatible jihadists.
Basically, our elites do 170 degrees the opposite of the Russians.
They're not 180 degrees, because the Russians still do some bad stuff.
If the Russians did all the evil stuff our government's doing, they'd be aligned with them.
And Russia isn't perfect, but Russia's not committing suicide, okay?
And we shouldn't commit suicide, and Europe shouldn't commit suicide, and nobody else should commit suicide.
The globalists have destabilized the Middle East, they've destabilized Latin America, they've destabilized Asia, and all these other countries and regions and continents.
They're playing the third world off against the first world.
The third world's not our enemy, but they're being mobilized into a political, economic,
The structure that will bring us down, the taxes, the migration flows, everything is geared and pointed at making us subservient and breaking us.
And the article goes on, we need to judge President Putin by his deeds on his work.
He has invaded Georgia, he has invaded the Crimea, he has invaded Ukraine, he has used force and gotten away with it.
The retired general told BBC.
And that lines up with our generals calling for war and body bags.
And the truth is, that in 2008, NATO backed Georgian troops on record, that's indisputable, attacked Ossetia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
And killed thousands of people, wiped out whole Russian UN bases in that demilitarized zone that's been part of Russia for a thousand years.
They killed everybody, and the Russians poured across and pushed them back.
And our media ran the hoax saying Russia had invaded.
It was totally false.
And then I was called a Russian agent by mainstream media for just reporting the facts.
Then they go on to say he's invaded Crimea.
Well, that's always been part of Russia.
They've had a bunch of wars over it.
Half of Crimea has been part of Russia.
They have long-standing problems killing each other.
I'm not taking aside the Catholics versus the Orthodox, but that's what the State Department manipulated with the anthropology and the psychology and created that overthrow that started all that.
So Russia had to come in and take control of its gas delivery systems to Europe, its main money.
So the West started that.
And Russia didn't take all of Crimea, they took part of eastern Crimea.
So what do you expect Russia to do when you start seizing Russian infrastructure that's on its border?
I mean, what would we do if the Russians were in Mexico, and we're overthrowing the Mexican government, and then we're moving troops up to our border?
I guarantee you we would attack them.
And so there is a proxy war going on right now with Russia.
That's how insane all this is.
And if the globalists are crazy enough to push their different rebel forces in these different former Russian republics up against Russia, Russia is going to respond.
And then if the West sends in armor, Russia is going to use nuclear weapons and has said they would.
Tactical nuclear weapons.
Then NATO says they're going to start hitting Russian bases.
Then Russia is going to fire and start hitting U.S.
And then they start attacking the major city centers.
Because you know, a lot of big U.S.
military bases are stuck right in the middle of cities.
By the way, almost no one else does that.
But because of our frontier system, most of our cities were formerly military bases when we were having western expansion and taking over from the native tribes.
So it's not been done on purpose that most of our military bases are right in the middle of cities, but it's a major strategic problem because they're going to get hit.
And that means you're going to get hit and your family's going to get hit.
And by the way, top generals across the board worldwide, you can just search engine, Ministry of Defense, Pentagon, Chairman Joint Chiefs, say the world's in the most dangerous position it's ever been.
The world is the most unstable it's ever been.
And then we've got Obama running around saying it's the best it's ever been and our economy is the best it's ever been.
He also said Obamacare was going to be free.
He also said nobody was coming after your guns.
He also just lies to you.
These people are out to get us.
I've analyzed what they're doing.
It doesn't even help their interest.
They are crazy.
So, we're going to continue breaking all of this down after the break, just to briefly recap.
What's happening?
We saw the metro jet back in October 31st of last year blown up minutes after it took off from Cairo.
And of course, jihadis took responsibility for that, showed video of them shooting it down.
Our own media wouldn't say jihadis did it because it was against the Russians, because our own sickening elite are allied with the jihadis.
It's just a fact.
I can't even believe it.
It's totally insane.
Who's the guy that wrote Triple Cross?
I debated him on Coast to Coast AM and thought he was wrong that it was a Triple Cross, that radical Muslims had infiltrated the government and made a deal, and I thought he was... I thought he was wrong.
I think he's right now to a certain extent.
I want to get that guy on.
A continuing Leningradian...
Another Egypt Air flight, MS-804.
They think it was people inside the plane.
The pilot is the main suspect, and people inside the Paris Flight Center that's basically run by radical Muslims.
Terrorism more likely than technical failure is what they're reporting.
Leningradian, obviously.
Russian FSB boss says Egypt Air crash probably terrorism.
Yeah, I think so.
Egypt Air crash, religion of peace strikes again.
Paul Watson, InfoWars.com.
French intelligence warned the country was clearly being targeted by ISIS and was at risk of a new form of attack a week before Paris flight to Egypt.
The globalists are going to allow these people to attack.
It's going to get worse and worse, like Donald Trump and myself and countless others have said.
And when they do attack, they're going to tell us we've got to give up more liberties.
No, that's not the answer.
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Woman accused of taking bat to man's car for staying in front of gas pump for too long.
Taking the whole term bat sh** crazy to a whole nother level.
A violent confrontation was caught on camera at a gas station in the high desert.
Cell phone video of the incident from the Valero gas station in Lancaster showed a woman who's accused of repeatedly hitting a man's truck with a bat.
The woman apparently is an employee at the station.
The owner of the vandalized truck said he was shocked and feared for his own safety.
Yeah, you've got some crazed employee swinging a bat at your car.
I'd be bat sh** scared too.
In the clip, a woman is seen standing in front of the truck and counting before taking the bat to the truck's back taillight.
Deputies responded to the scene and arrested the woman on suspicion of vandalism.
Ray said he suspects the incident unfolded because he was sitting in his truck making calls after he filled his tank.
Well, there you go.
Play on your cell phone at a gas tank.
There's even a sign that says don't do it or you might get hit by a bat.
This is a lesson learned today at Infowars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
Cannibal woman tried to eat friend's face and bit boyfriend and police officer in drug-fueled rampage.
A woman has been arrested for allegedly trying to eat her friend's face after she took a dangerous cocktail of drugs.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
Lindy Stewart, 37, is thought to have taken a mixture of cocaine and crystal meth before going on her rampage.
What happened when you could take a nice girl out for a royal evening to Burger King and Dairy Queen and then she might nibble on your ear?
Now they're all bat sh** crazy fueled on fluoride water and false dreams from the Kardashians.
She was arrested at her home in Newark, New York on May 8th.
Police have been called to her home to look into a disturbance.
Yeah, she was eating your face.
That's not a disturbance.
That is cannibalism.
That's Hannibal Lecter.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I'm sure it is coincidence, but they admit that their foreign hackers, our own government and others, are hacking into the leading candidates' computers.
That was in the Associated Press yesterday, but you know the jihadi groups up the line are controlled by globalist crime syndicates similar to the James Bond syndicate, Spectre.
In fact, before those books were even written by Ian Fleming, OSS and others described these different criminal networks as a Hydra.
And of course, that's the symbol of Spectre.
Going back to Greek mythology, the symbol of evil organizations, things that are hard to beat, things that have multiple heads, and you know, hard to find the heart, would be a Hydra.
But it's interesting that when Donald Trump came on in December, and that was meant to blow up in the media, and meant to have them attack him, and you know, make him obviously look more grassroots, more radical, because he is, and was a hat tip to all the patriots.
He had that shooting with that sleeper cell out in San Bernardino the next morning.
We were in thousands of papers.
Biggest story out there.
All his talking points were about to be forced into the media because they think they're, you know, defeating him with it.
And then the shooting happened.
I don't think that was done to cover that up.
But I tell you this.
It is bad timing.
Trump waits.
He gets ready.
He's super angry.
According to Stone and others, he comes out on Hannity.
He talks about Bill Clinton settling rape cases.
At least three of them.
Women alleging rape.
Most women have come out and said, yes, he raped me.
Drudge has.
DrudgeReport.com has amazing coverage of it right now.
So does Infowars.com.
But Drudge's is really full coverage and easy to see.
But I do want to commend Hannity for his courage to come out.
And actually, Hannity is the best on Fox News now.
Hands down, he's better than Beck ever was.
I've had some problems with Hannity in the past.
He's said some things about me that aren't true.
But I'll turn the other cheek.
Hannity, believe me, is getting challenged behind the scenes, I know for a fact.
Hannity's really doing a great job and so hats off to Sean Hannity, big time, for doing that.
Now there's the Drudge headline, Trump drops R word on Clinton.
Huge, huge, huge.
How dare them have the Democratic Party system try to blame Trump and say that because he hit on women, you know, at cocktail parties when he wasn't married or told a girlfriend in the 1980s, you might want to lose some weight for that bathing suit.
I mean, I've had family tell me, hey, those jeans are a little too tight, or, you know, hey, you're gaining some weight there.
I mean, that's just what you do to help people.
It turned out he didn't even do that!
So, you got Lolita Express, pedophile planes, pedophile islands Clinton's going to, Epstein, all this stuff, and then Clinton's got this huge record of being a sex addict, cocaine head, raping people, all these murders in his background, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, on and on and on.
They got the nerve to do this?
So Trump doubles down.
They're used to people not fighting back.
They're used to folks laying down.
Well, Trump didn't lay down.
He brought up the R-word, and I gotta say, the fact that Fox let this on, I guarantee you Hannity had to really threaten to leave, because I know he threatened to leave Fox, by the way.
That's come out, but I remember hearing about it beforehand if they didn't let him say what he wants, so Hannity is acting like a man.
That's a good thing.
Let's go ahead and play this clip.
How big an issue should that be in the campaign?
For example, I looked at the New York Times.
Are they going to interview Juanita Broderick?
Are they going to interview Paula Jones?
Are they going to interview Kathleen Willey?
In one case, it's about exposure.
In another case, it's about groping and fondling and touching against a woman's will.
And rape.
And rape.
Should be settlements.
Massive settlements.
$850,000 to Paula Jones.
And lots of other things.
Now again, there's a longer clip of that coming up.
Paul Watson will play the longer clip.
I played the longer clip earlier in the broadcast today.
But there, the rape word from Sean Hannity, the rape word from Donald Trump, massive settlements, women saying rape.
And I've interviewed
Four of the women that he's reportedly raped, allegedly raped, three of them that settled.
And what he does is, he gets you in there, he bites you on the lip and holds it there, threatening you.
And while he's biting you, going, listen here, like a ventriloquist, don't you try to move.
And then he rapes you.
So it's the power.
It's the power they want.
It's the control.
We'll be right back on Alex Jones.
Paul Watson's coming up.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Egypt air flight from Paris to Cairo was likely brought down by terror attack, officials say.
A Cairo-bound Egypt air flight that went down in the Mediterranean Sea with 66 aboard early Thursday hours after departing from Paris zigzagged sharply before plunging, according to aviation officials who said terrorism was a more likely
We're good to go.
A Greek military official told the Associated Press.
The official said the items were found 230 miles southeast of the island of Kred, but still within the Egyptian air traffic control area.
You can find more updates on Egypt air as they break at InfoWars.com.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We are back.
It's the third hour of the Alex Jones Show and I'll be sitting in for Alex while he takes care of some business and that's an opportunity for me to speak to Gavin McInnes, who many of you have wanted to appear on the show for quite some time.
In fact, I was scheduled to appear on his show.
That's going to happen sometime in the near future.
Of course, he's the co-founder of Vice Media and now doing excellent work with Rebel Media.
And what's interesting is that he did another interview with Jesse Hughes, the singer of the Eagles of Death Metal, who of course were playing at the Bataclan Theatre there in Paris as the Paris Massacre went down.
And in this interview, it was very interesting because Jesse Hughes basically came out and reaffirmed what he had said, the claims he had made from his own eyewitness experience in the first place.
You remember that he was forced to recant and apologize by Rolling Stone for claiming that Muslim security had foreknowledge of the attack that they allowed the attackers in and that in the aftermath of this attack there were Muslims out on the street
Celebrating the massacre of over 200 people, which of course we saw in Brussels after the attacks there on the metro station and the airport.
So Jesse Hughes, who of course did a ton of interviews in the aftermath of the atrocity in November, was later forced to recant, to back down, to apologize, but now he's come back and made the same claims.
So we're going to get that into that with Gavin McKins.
We're going to get into his latest video.
And basically the war on social justice warrior insanity and how we're winning it.
We're going to talk about Salon.com giving a platform yet again to their resident paedophile, Todd Nickerson, saying that we should be proud of paedophiles because they've done so well not to molest children.
Meanwhile, being completely ashamed of the fact that, for example, we're white.
Again, pushing this dual narrative, we're going to get into that.
But of course we had the tragic downing, it appears, of the Egypt air flight late last night.
BBC News reports, Egypt air crash plane wreckage found near Greek Island.
They're now starting to uncover some of that debris.
But every single expert came out in the immediate aftermath of this and basically said, yep, all the indications are, looks like a terrorist attack.
Either something went on in the cockpit, because it had all these bizarre diversions, it was sweeping 90 degrees one way, 90 degrees the other way, it descended down to 15,000 feet almost instantly, something went on in the cockpit, or there could have been an explosion on the plane.
Because we had a fisherman, I think it was, in the area where this went down, who said he saw basically a giant fireball in the sky.
We don't know exactly what happened, but every single terror expert has now come out and basically said, it's almost certainly terrorism.
But Donald Trump came out and said it was almost certainly terrorism.
Again, echoing every single expert that's made a comment on this.
But he's bad.
This is out of Infowars.com.
Mika Brzezinski, Robert Gates take Donald Trump to task over terror tweet.
And it's not only MSNBC, it's the New York Times who said, the first American presidential candidate to comment on the Egypt air crash, again, how dare he, was Donald Trump.
Hillary Clinton has said nothing about it, but the New York Times is now attacking Trump, saying, Mr. Trump, without citing any evidence, suggested that the crash was caused by terrorism.
That's right, he dared to suggest that planes just don't fall apart in midair.
That the Airbus involved in this crash, which has one of the best safety records going, again, no indication of any problem, no communication from the plane that there was a technical problem, he asserted that, in all likelihood, it looks like terrorism, and he's a terrible person for doing so.
Of course, he sympathised with the victims, whereas Hillary Clinton remained completely silent.
And as of right now, as I speak, she's still tweeting about the Second Amendment and gun-grabbing.
She's got nothing whatsoever to say about the downing of this airline which killed 66 people.
We'll be back on the Alex Jones Show live with more news after the break.
Stay right there.
Alex Jones here with a very important news update to anybody out there that wants to be prepared.
But it goes beyond being prepared.
Our bodies absolutely must have the good halogen iodine or we will die.
And you look at all of the thyroid problems and all the people that don't have energy and that have all sorts of hormone problems.
And from my research and a lot of just mainline research, it leads back to iodine over and over and over again.
It's as important as vitamin C.
If you don't get iodine, you die.
But most people are just deficient, so they're low energy, they're sick.
You gotta have iodine in your body so that your body can produce the hormones you need.
It is the base to so many things.
And since I got into iodine four years ago, we've helped change the entire paradigm by developing and bringing to the public deep earth crystals from 7 to 12,000 feet of the purest iodine available.
Other iodine comes from the ocean, or from other byproducts of chemical facilities, and is tainted.
It's bound.
It's not absorbable.
I tried it.
And I had incredible effects, even with dirty iodine, because the body needs it.
When you don't have iodine, it absorbs the chlorine, the fluoride, and all these other bad halogens.
It's such a game changer if you'll just research iodine for yourself.
It's a fact that the federal government in the Midwest back in the 20s mandated a grungier form of iodine to the salt because people had low IQs, they had huge goiters, major problems directly connected to it.
There are some studies that show a 15 point increase.
Others show even higher.
But it really is crazy to realize that this is something that is so deficient in our food chain, so deficient in our played out fields where different crops are being grown, but the federal government isn't educating people and telling them about it.
That's why for a limited time, I want to encourage everyone to go to InfoWarsLife.com and get 20% off on the best nascent iodine out there from our research, Truly Pure Survival Shield X2.
Again, that's Survival Shield Nascent Iodine X2.
Thank you for joining us in this brief news update.
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We can answer your questions.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We're back on the Alex Jones Show Live.
We've got Gavin McInnes coming up.
In around five minutes time, continuing with this Egypt air flight news, The Mirror reports Egypt's air flight MS804 crash may be the final nail in the coffin for Egypt's tourism industry.
Of course, that's been melting down for the past five years.
Turns out that allowing Islamists to turn your country into a crap hole isn't that good for tourism.
Imagine my shock.
Of course, the British Foreign Office got warning that ISIS was planning beach attacks, as we saw in Tunisia last summer.
They put out a warning to British tourists, not about the ISIS beach attacks, but about going to North Carolina and being discriminated against because of their bathroom law.
That's how much on the ball the British Foreign Office is when it comes to foreign threats to British citizens.
So now there's been this apparent claim of responsibility from ISIS for the downing of this Egypt Air airliner.
That hasn't been confirmed, it's just a one-sentence report, so we're staying on top of that.
But again, Donald Trump, basically in the first hour after this happened, came out and put out a tweet saying that this is tragic, it looks like terrorism.
When will we get tough, smart and vigilant?
Of course, echoing every single terrorism and aviation expert who said that planes with outstanding safety records don't just break apart in mid-air, and that all indications are that this is an act of terrorism.
But Donald Trump is bad for doing that.
He's being attacked by MSNBC, he's being attacked by the New York Times, simply for pointing out the blindingly obvious.
So, of course, they've got the debris now.
It will take time to ascertain exactly what happened, but we're going to stay on top of that story.
Of course, yesterday it came out that the Pope had made some more bizarre comments.
So bizarre, in fact, that people couldn't believe them.
I can't tell you how many messages I received basically asserting, the Pope never said that.
Well, he did say it.
And I've got the comment right here.
This was in a French Catholic newspaper.
And I've got a video coming out about this after the show ends here in about an hour's time.
This is what the Pope said.
This is what he actually said.
You can go and read it.
It's linked through from the Infowars story.
Quote, I don't think that there is a fear of Islam as such, but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam.
It's true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam.
It's also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew's Gospel where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations in terms of the same idea of conquest.
So the Pope is basically equating ISIS's war of conquest in the Middle East to Jesus in the Bible sending out his disciples.
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I must have missed the Bible chapter where Jesus' disciples behead people, force them into sex slavery, and make them pay a tax on pain of death if they refuse to convert.
That wasn't in my Bible.
I must have missed that chapter.
So he did say this.
He equated ISIS to the Bible, to Jesus, and it's quite frankly shocking, but it's in line with his previous statements.
He also said he dreaded hearing about the Christian roots of Europe because to him they take on colonialist overtones.
So he's basically sounding like Barack Obama.
Bringing up the Christian Crusades, when the problem of militant violent Islam is pointed out.
Because if it wasn't for the Crusades, which were a defensive move against Muslim invaders, then Italian women would now be wearing hijabs.
But again, the Pope has come out with these comments.
He did actually make them, link through to the article.
But it goes even further down the rabbit hole.
He basically agreed with radical Islamist preachers in saying that Europe has a massive demographic problem, which is true, we're not having enough children, but the Pope's solution to that is to bring in millions more Muslim migrants and have them interbreed with Europeans.
Now that's interesting because we featured a video by this guy called Sheikh Ayed, it's been in several of my videos now, where he says precisely the same thing.
He says, Europe's dying, their fertility is declining, we need to surge into Europe to quote, conquer Europe by interbreeding with European women.
This is a form of Jihad and it's been called for by top Islamist preachers and now the Pope is saying the same thing.
He made these comments, they're on the record, you can go and read the entire interview for yourself.
And again, I've got a video coming out about this after we get to the end of the show here.
Basically taking on the Pope for his rampant hypocrisy, for the fact that he's completely abandoned Christians and Christianity.
He's constantly undermining Christianity with these kind of comments.
He's constantly lecturing us about the evils of capitalism.
Because, you know, South American socialism is working out really good right now in Venezuela, isn't it?
So just the insanity of this Pope and what comes out of his mouth continues to get more and more absurd and we've got a video coming out about that at the end of the show.
We've got our guest waiting now.
And this is fortunate because I will appear on his show, and that's going to happen in the near future.
He, of course, is Gavin McInnes, an English-born Canadian writer, actor, comedian, serial entrepreneur, and co-founder of Vice Media.
He's the host of the Gavin McInnes Show on Compound Media, and of course, he's a contributor for the Rebel Media and a frequent guest on national television.
He's got a far longer bio than that, but for the interest of time, that's going to do it for now.
Gavin, welcome to the show!
Thanks for having me.
Good to have you on.
Now, we've got salon.com yet again.
Let's start off with this.
Giving a platform to their resident paedophile, Todd Nickerson.
We've got on the flip side, you know, Portland College lecturing young students about how they owe black people $20 trillion in reparations for slavery.
Why is the leftist media lecturing white people about how they should be ashamed to be white, while telling us to be proud of pedophiles just because they haven't molested children yet?
Because their agenda here is sabotage.
It started out maybe as creative destruction.
Let's tear it down and then rebuild society in our own image.
But now it's just, you know what, screw rebuilding.
Let's just blow it up.
They have no plan here.
They just want to wreck our culture.
And everything that you should be ashamed of, you should be proud of.
And everything you should be proud of, you should be ashamed of.
And I realized today, I was talking about this with Mike Cernovich,
We just need to put society in a word dock and go edit, find, replace, look up shame and pride, and just replace all.
Because everything that's white male, even, we had a guy here, Nick Solares, in New York, he was doing restaurant reviews.
He just lost his job because he may have been associating with skinheads
30 years ago, when he was 18!
Conversely, we have this Todd Nickerson saying, hey, don't call me a child molester.
I'm only a pedophile who babysits a five-year-old.
I mean, if you had kids, would you let him anywhere near them?
And the other thing about it is, did you see the video that they used in this latest article of him?
They had him describing his fantasies about this five-year-old girl, about how he had to relieve himself in the bathroom.
And the background B-roll to this footage...
Like a five-year-old girl dancing and twirling around.
I mean, that to me was as sick as what he was actually saying, right?
I am so glad you brought that up, because I was obsessed with that too.
The way they frame it, they've clearly stated their agenda, which is, we understand his sexuality.
There you go.
Oh my god, it makes me want to vomit just to look at.
He calls her precocious and independent and we show this video of her dancing around like they're trying to convey how he would be horny for her.
It's infuriating and it really shows how far we've come and it also shows, by the way, we started out on relatively reasonable grounds here.
We started out with gays are not monsters, lesbians are not monsters.
I agree.
And then we started going into gay marriage and we said, well, I don't know if Christians should have to be part of these ceremonies.
And it just keeps, as the Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty said, it keeps morphing out from there.
And now we have to accept that this guy wants to pray on our daughters but is resisting?
We're supposed to give him a purple heart because he's resisted praying on toddlers?
I mean, it's an illustration again of how low the left sets the bar for humanity.
And that video is absolutely chilling.
They're basically romanticising the lust towards a five-year-old girl.
They're not talking about it in sober terms, even if you think that's permissible in the first place.
It's like this dreamy footage of a five-year-old girl twirling around while he's talking about masturbating over her in a toilet.
And they treat this as a serious social justice cause.
And he's allowed to have those.
He should be respectful and he should prosper now in society because he's achieved the goal of not molesting a child.
And like you said, people are being fired for having conservative political opinions at the same time.
I know somebody in a top university just found out yesterday
Who was hauled into a meeting and basically threatened with being fired because he retweeted me and he retweeted a London Telegraph article about Caitlyn Jenner.
Those opinions are not permissible in today's society, yet it's permissible to lust after a five-year-old girl.
Yeah, I saw you tweeted that and I wasn't remotely surprised.
I mean, Britain is a place where Jack Buckbee of Liberty GB now was kicked out of university as a student because he dared object to a professor who sympathized with the people who decapitated Lee Rigby.
He said, I don't like you glorifying these Islamic terrorists.
And he was asked to leave campus.
We just had a guy here, I'm not into sports, but he's an ex-pitcher who put up a Facebook meme about creeps being in your bathroom, trannies.
And he's off of ESPN now for good.
It really is an upside down world.
And you start looking at the data and you go, wait a minute.
I'm noticing a pattern here.
Everything that is depraved and wrong and sick is good.
And everything that is good, we should be ashamed of.
White males?
We built society.
We separated church and state.
We didn't end slavery.
I mean, sorry, we didn't begin slavery.
We ended it.
There is an attack on the human institution of family.
And if you want to take down the nuclear family, you attack males.
Males are the defender of the human tribe.
When men fall, the rest of humanity can be completely enslaved.
The attack on the family is in movies, sitcoms, dramas.
This isn't to empower women.
This is to wreck civilization.
For too long, we have been allowing the globalist controllers to launch a full-scale chemical war on our masculinity.
You've seen the headlines.
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And men are the number one target of this program.
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Our testosterone level, many times by the time we hit 40, is 80% lower than it should be or more.
Our sperm counts, depending on which western country you look at, are 80 to almost 96% reduced.
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We are back on the Alex Jones Show, this Thursday edition.
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Going back to Gavin McKins.
Gavin, I just want to get on to the interview you did with Jesse Hughes here in a moment.
But first, he kind of had to recant, he had to back away from some of the claims he made in the aftermath of the Paris massacre, but we'll get to that in a second.
We've seen that, you know, the left only succeeds when it does get people to recant, when it forces people to apologize.
Because as soon as you refuse to apologize, they completely lose their power.
So is this how we win?
You know, by leaving them no targets to feed on but each other?
The grievous industry is fueled by capitulation.
Apologies is their gasoline.
And the less you capitulate, the less power they have.
I'm reminded of Sarah Silverman, where she had some joke that involved the word chinks, where she said, I wrote I hate chinks, and then to get out of jury duty, I crossed it out and I wrote I love chinks.
The American Asian Society demanded an apology, and she accused them of going pee-pee in her Coke.
We never heard from them again.
That was the end of that.
But when you apologize, like Brett Ratner, he said rehearsals are for fags at a Q&A for his movie Tower House.
He apologized profusely for that.
He was then forced to go on an apology tour of all of America.
And I noticed this when
When I got in trouble for saying that if you have a sex change you're not a woman, I refused to apologize, right?
And what I did was, it's the same as locking these rats in a room.
When they have no food, they end up cannibalizing each other.
So I was sort of running up the mountain away from these nuts, these mentally ill homosexuals, and I noticed that when I stopped reacting to them, and by the way, reacting I was just insulting, I never apologized,
They started cannibalizing each other.
Jim Gold calls it the cannibalization of the left.
And they started, one of them told another one, I hope you drink bleach and die and was kicked out of Out Magazine or something like that.
So the secret to this problem is to stop giving them power.
And the way you stop giving them power is you stop apologizing, you stop being ashamed, and you start being proud.
We should be as proud as these pedophiles.
Well, I mean, we need to reassert these beliefs, these principles back into the mainstream, because, I mean, if we've got our own media platforms, you know, we're responsible to nobody, basically.
We're not Kurt Schilling, we're not going to get fired by some big network, so we can basically say what we want.
But the fear is with people who have just got regular jobs, like, you know, the individual I mentioned earlier.
So it's about setting that example, isn't it?
It's about not apologising, not flouncing,
Not doing, you know, I'd respect Stephen Fry in many ways, but he just quit Twitter.
He basically flams.
That was the wrong thing to do.
We need to reassert that our beliefs are part of the mainstream.
They're completely sensible, logical.
They shouldn't be decried as hate speech or triggering or insulting because then that gives people in the regular working world more confidence to espouse the same beliefs, correct?
Exactly, and I get a lot of trouble from the far right with this.
I'm against anonymity.
You use your real name.
I use my real name.
If people think we're faking or lying, go look at our body of work for decades.
You should get in trouble.
You should get fired.
You should become a pariah, because they can't arrest us all.
What they're doing right now is, they're isolating the few brave ones, and vilifying us, and getting us fired, and making us into lepers.
Well, we all have to become lepers, and then all of a sudden, they become the lepers, because we know they're a minority.
They're just a very loud, very shrill minority, and they're dominating the majority by
Quite frankly, being braver than us.
We have to stand up to them and say, my name is Gavin McInnes, I am not ashamed of being a white male, and I think your behavior is disgusting.
And it's interesting, there was this big social network that was about to launch about a month or two ago, where they would shame people, they would link their online comments with their employment, their jobs.
That was actually shot down.
Yeah, they fed on each other, didn't they?
The SJWs got that shut down because it would have just created more bullying.
We'll talk about it after the break with Gavin McInnes on the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go away, we'll be right back.
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Thank you for joining us in this brief news update.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
We are back, it's the Alex Jones Show, live with our guest Gavin McInnes, compoundmedia.com and of course The Rebel Media.
Now I want to talk about this because I just read this interview actually earlier today before I even knew that I was going to interview Gavin.
Gavin, you did another interview with Jesse Hughes, who of course is the Eagles of Death metal singer, who was playing at the Bataclan Theatre in Paris during the Paris Massacre.
Back in March, he came out in this Rolling Stone interview.
He was basically forced to back down over his comments about what he witnessed immediately before the attack, because they had the usual mob outrage meltdown.
He, at the time, basically said that there was some indication the security, the Muslims working in the security at the theatre, may have had some foreknowledge, may have allowed this to happen.
He kind of backed down from that, he recanted a little bit, as we were talking about before.
Now he's come back and kind of reaffirmed some of those claims.
Tell us about this interview and what was said.
I think the deal with Jesse is he's a rock and roll musician, so he's not used to this world.
And when he comes out and is honest about what he saw, which is, by the way, Muslims, the same shooters that did the shooting there all day.
In the venue, looking at people strangely, security guards not doing their normal job, which is guarding the back door, all of this strange behavior very early.
So, the narrative that they just sort of stormed in and started shooting people, no.
The joint was being cased and they were in there for a reason.
You know how shows go when you're the band, you do soundcheck, no one's allowed in, the back door must be shut.
He noticed, by the way, when he was running out that the back door had been propped open.
There was all this unusual behavior.
I don't know why he recanted.
I should have asked him about that, I guess.
But I think what happened was he had managers and agents and labels going, what are you doing?
Don't talk about that.
He went, what?
OK, sorry, sorry.
And then I think he went, wait a minute, I'm not sorry.
And when we when we spoke, he went back to story A, the original version of events, which is indisputable, which is someone there was in on it.
And I think
What happened was, and we're seeing this all over the Western world, no one wanted to be bigoted, so they wanted to have a large percentage of Muslim employees at this place to look cool.
Even though the Bataclan is a Jewish venue, they were already putting themselves at risk by hiring these scumbags.
And he also made this comment which I found interesting because this is something I've reported on.
Quote, a day after at the stadium, Muslims booed the moment of silence and we barely heard about it in the press.
I saw Muslims celebrating in the street during the attack.
I saw it with my own eyes in real time.
How did they know what was going on?
There must have been coordination.
So again, that goes to the...
Possibility of prior knowledge, but it also goes to the fact that after Brussels, Belgium's Vice Prime Minister came out and said that he admitted that Muslims were celebrating in the streets after the attack on the Brussels airport and metro.
We had a similar thing, a teacher blew the whistle on us and Muslim students in his class were celebrating the Brussels attack.
So what does it say about, you know, the state of multiculturalism and integration in Europe
That Muslims are out on the streets celebrating these ISIS massacres.
I guess, hug a Muslim wasn't much success, right?
No, well it's two things and they're equally sinister here.
One is that Muslims who know what happened and can see with their own eyes go, yay!
You blew up a bunch of infidels.
Two is, there's some who already knew.
Now, I've seen French people in Paris talk about, they were outside and they thought it was fireworks.
So even if you are a Muslim and you hear that sound, why do you instantly know that infidels are being killed inside?
Unless there was talk going around the community that there was going to be an anti-infidel attack.
And we know that the soccer stadium was attacked at the same time.
140 people died that day.
Only 89 were at the Bataclan.
And when you have that many people being attacked, you know that there's multitudes of people providing arms, coordinating the attacks.
It goes up from there, and then when the police, by the way, the police in Paris are on the same page as us.
They are pissed off.
It's only the Parisian citizens that have swallowed this multicultural crap.
But they look at Les Banlieues, the satellite suburbs around Paris, 420 mosques, 100% of them had jihadist recruitment material in them.
And they found a bunch of weapons there as well, and with the police.
This is correct.
This also came up in the interview, I believe.
They were told that there was some kind of hostage situation, which is why there was a delay in the response, correct?
Well, I have heard, and Jesse didn't confirm this publicly, but I have heard through my connections there, that the cops actually went out assassinating jihadists.
There was guys that they were suspicious of, that they knew they were involved, and they went there and shot them point-blank because they knew any other way would just be a slow burn and they wouldn't get their bad guys.
I've heard the same thing with Katrina too, that a lot of detectives will take advantage of this time to take out repeat offenders.
I'm not sure how I feel about that actually.
No, I mean, this is a huge interview.
I think I'm going to do an article on this.
This is his quote.
There's no denying the terrorists were already inside and they had to get in somehow.
During the shooting, the outside of the backstage door was propped open.
How did that happen?
So it's just interesting how he's now come back and basically reaffirmed what he saw in the first place.
He had to say, well, yes, I don't know 100% for sure that
The Muslim security had prior knowledge, but he's basically retelling what he said in the first place.
And it's extremely interesting, especially given what's happened last night.
The fly out of Paris, again, hug a Muslim, didn't seem to work.
This is another attack on French people as well as the other nationalities on that plane.
I think there are about 15 French people now dead.
It looks like a terrorist attack.
Have you been following this Egypt air story?
Yes, and once again, what are we getting from the West?
Total capitulation.
Oh, it could have been some sort of electrical failure.
Please, please don't.
Don't face the truth.
And that's because we are wimps now.
And this is the ultimate weapon that terrorists use.
They use our fear.
They use our fear of Islamophobia.
Rotherham was using it for a child prostitution ring.
The police are too scared to prosecute them.
The best weapon that ISIS has is our own innate insecurity about our culture.
And that's what's nuts about these lefties, is they're cannibalizing each other, they're trying to erase the male patriarchy, but when they're in control, they're the ones attacking each other, and when they look to assist them, it ends up being way more sexist, racist, homophobic, archaic, than ours!
The white male patriarchy was working fine, and when you push it out, you replace it with this!
Everything you hate, times a thousand!
No, you've got women and feminists in Cologne immediately after the mass molestation going to the migrant camp and handing out roses.
I mean, how do you explain that, Gavin?
Is it trauma bonding?
Is it Stockholm Syndrome?
Is it because it's more comfortable to delude yourself and think that this isn't a problem than to actually recognize it?
It's virtue signaling.
You know, a lot of people are denying that the Bataclan even happened.
On my video on Rebel Media, where I put it up, it's got as many dislikes as it does likes, because these people are saying, it's all a lie, it never happened, and I honestly think it just doesn't fit in their millennial brains.
They go, no, this can't be it.
Yes, it can be, okay?
If your brain can't handle bad behavior from Muslims, just look at the raw evidence of, say,
Honor killings in Britain with Pakistanis.
Look at them throwing acid in their daughter's face.
Just that.
Is that my fault?
Is that my imperialism?
Is that my... Is that OPEC throwing that acid in their face?
It's a religion that is plagued with inbreeding and is led by the... with...
With verses more, more primitive than the Old Testament.
We have a 2.0 with Christianity.
The Quran is an ancient barbaric text and these inbred Muslims are following it.
It's a recipe for disaster and the fact that we are laying out the red carpet for this because we feel so horrible about ourselves is, I mean, it's the apocalypse!
I mean, that's the point, isn't it?
Western imperialism isn't to blame for the fact that, what, still 10, 11 Muslim countries execute gay people.
That's got nothing to do with the invasion of Iraq.
Why is it a given that Western imperialism was bad?
Why is it a given that colonizing India was to their detriment?
I thought Britain built beautiful infrastructures there.
We just accept that white people going somewhere must have made it worse.
I don't know.
Haiti seems to be doing a lot worse since they kicked us out.
Jamaica seems to be doing a lot worse since independence.
I can't think of a place that kicked out white people and benefited from it.
Well, they equate that kind of ancient colonialism with modern-day imperialism, which of course is now based around attacking and regime-changing secular leaders who are actually fighting against the Islamists.
People who are not perfect, but people like Saddam Hussein, Bashar al-Assad, Muammar Gaddafi.
That's the modern version of imperialism, and that's actually playing into the hands of the Islamists.
They again conflate that with the British coming into India and other places like that, as you just pointed out.
Let's move on though, because we're running out of time here.
I wanted to talk about Vice Media.
Of course, you were the co-founder of Vice Media.
You left due to creative differences in the years since.
We've seen Vice kind of take a noticeable left turn there, devolving into, you know, a certain morass of SJW pandering.
Was this, from what you know, a deliberate editorial decision?
Why did Vice suddenly seem to flip so quickly into covering these kind of SJW angles?
Well, I mean, it's conjecture at this point, because I'm not there, but I handled almost all the content back then, and it was relatively controversial, and it wasn't so much about a right-wing agenda or some sort of conservative plan, it was to keep it interesting.
Everyone in the media was doing the Obama ass-kissing thing, so I said, let's do the opposite of that, and eventually the sales team got
We're good to go.
I mean, they think North Carolina bathrooms are more important than this flight, as you pointed out earlier.
They're just as bad as the British Tourism Board.
So, fine.
It makes dollars, it makes cents.
And now, the sales team is focused on pleasing millennials.
And if you want to please millennials politically, you need a lobotomy.
No, I mean, 2007 I think it was, I saw an article which I've used for some of my information talking about, you know, how only 1.4% of whites owned slaves in America at the height of slavery compared to 28% of free blacks.
They had the history of slavery, the fact that it was far more brutal under the Islamic slave trade.
Blacks were treated far worse for far longer and now it's about, you know,
Furries and otherkin and transgender bathrooms.
I mean, it's a very noticeable change.
Let's get on to another issue, though, which is the Daily Show.
I saw you put a video up about this a few days ago.
Of course, you know, it's falling off a cliff since Jon Stewart left.
The ratings are down even more than they expected, even in an election cycle.
And obviously that's because they hired a black guy due to his skin colour, not because he was actually funny.
But a lot of leftists, you know, they still get their news from the Daily Show, they still get their cultural narrative from the Daily Show.
You went on there to talk about women's soccer.
Tell us what happened.
Well, the big problem with the Daily Show is they put multiculturalism over meritocracy, and Charles C. Johnson has made a lot of money shorting stocks with companies that put that kind of initiative out there, because if you make meritocracy second, you're clearly making merit second.
So they hired this guy, a bunch of women hired Trevor Noah, because he's half black and South African and they love Obama, and he's incompetent.
And so this show now is just diversity-driven madness with this huge liberal agenda.
And when they asked me to talk about my article about women's soccer, I thought, you know what?
Let's walk into the woodchipper.
I know what they're going to do, but let's see it from the inside.
And it was way worse than I thought.
What I saw from the inside was a bunch of questions.
We had a very cantankerous discussion.
And I was telling him he's got to lose his tone.
They brought my daughter in.
I said, if you ever do that, I'll wring your neck.
I said that
You can't patronize someone and pinch your brow when you're wrong and they're right.
Patronizing only works when you're the person in control.
And so of course they cut all that out as they knew they would.
And at one point they asked me to name some soccer players.
I don't know any American soccer players.
So I made up some names including the word Junebug.
And after the show, actually after I said that he goes, oh yeah.
Those are some deep cuts.
And then after the show I go, you know that was a joke, right?
There's no such soccer player as Junebug.
And they go, oh, jeez, I had no idea.
Then in post, they added in this sort of like, face.
And I noticed, by the way, when we were done the interview, they film him for a second doing faces like, huh, hmm.
And then sort of this like.
God, what an idiot this guy is.
And then they make the Junebug thing, me going, uh, Junebug?
Is that a guy?
And then he adds a VO going, you're gonna have to do better than that, Gavin.
You're zero for two at this point.
And you think, Jesus Christ, you have all this money, this giant staff, all these resources to frame the white male, and all you multiculturalists can do
And of course the original debate was about the American women's soccer team wanting equal pay based on this claim that they were making more money than the male soccer players, correct?
Yes, and the way you get to that figure is you narrow in all this data to basically one game where they held the World Cup and they did get unprecedented eyeballs.
So in 2015 they had a fantastic year and the way you argue that they deserve more money is to ignore everything before or since.
Which is a ridiculous thing with soccer when even in America it goes back to the early 1900s, men's soccer.
And women's soccer is brand new.
And it's not as good, sorry.
But the free market isn't good enough.
They demand equality.
And they're used to it in this country because we've got Title IX in college making this fake socialist equality that just doesn't exist when you look at the market.
I mean, it's totally different.
It's like a totally different sport.
The level of skill and quality that goes into men and women's soccer.
I mean, that's why there's such a huge disparity in the crowds.
But final couple of minutes.
Your recent video, your latest one, you said that we were coming to the end of the social justice warrior hysteria phase.
What do you mean by that?
Well, they cried wolf one too many times, and now they've gone from, you know, legitimate grievance, where you go, okay, so what's going on here, to, ugh, get lost.
And people ask me for evidence to this, and I don't know, it's hard to quantify, you know, millions of people's behaviors.
But Black Lives Matter was really the straw that broke the camel's back, and we saw, you know, we saw that these Mizzou protesters were all rich kids.
And if you want a good example of how the tables have turned, look at the chalkening.
Someone wrote Trump in chalk.
They said they felt unsafe.
Now, seven months ago, a year ago, that person would have been provided with a safe space and he could look at a movie of puppies.
This year, this month when this happened, everyone laughed their head off and they started writing Trump in chalk all over the country.
I would wager that a lot of people writing Trump in chalk didn't even support Trump that much.
They just enjoyed the fact that it was making these liberal students go apoplectic.
So we've come to the point now where it's funny, and these guys dug their own grave.
I mean, Salon has a pedophile telling us what the proper terms to use to call him.
So, now it's funny to us.
It's become amusing, and you're gonna see a lot fewer people losing their jobs, and you're gonna see a lot more liberals becoming pariahs.
I mean, look at Gawker.
They're done.
Okay, final 40 seconds, Gavin.
Just tell us how people can check out your content, how they can listen to the show.
Okay, go to anthonycumia.com, which is also compoundmedia.com, the name was just changed.
You can check my Twitter, Gavin underscore McInnes, M-C-I-N-N-E-S.
You've got streetcarnage.com, where I sort of amalgamate all this.
And then the Canadian stuff, the Rebel videos at therebel.media.
But again, it's all amalgamated on Twitter.
Okay, there we go, Gavin.
Thanks for joining and you will be on next week, I believe, for an hour with Alex and Anthony Cumias, so be sure to look out for that.
We'll be back, final segment of the Alex Jones Show coming up in 4Wars.com.
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CBS Detroit is reporting, can white kids grow up to be black?
Some preschoolers think so.
Can a person's race change over time?
Yes, this is an actual news story by the way, this is not The Onion.
Can a person's race change over time?
No, but preschoolers seem to think so.
Really, maybe it's because their brains have been scrambled with this Portland College-style re-education about white guilt, which we're going to get onto in a second.
But according to a University of Michigan study, white preschoolers often believe a person's race can change over time and the youngsters can think up, can even believe they can grow up to become black adults.
Absolute insanity there.
And now you've got parents bringing up kids, you know, five, six years old, encouraging them to be transgender.
These kids aren't even thinking about sexuality at that age.
It hasn't even crossed their mind.
They're out playing, they're having fun.
None of this burden of this identity politics hell has been unleashed on them yet, thankfully.
But now, in some cases, the parents are doing it, you know, buying them girls' toys, dressing them up in skirts.
I mean, at what point does it cross into child abuse when that's happening?
Absolutely bizarre.
This was a story that I was going to cover yesterday, didn't get to it.
A white person smiling at a black person is a racist microaggression.
Yes, this is more common sense coming out of Portland College's Whiteness History Month.
Of course, the other day we had a professor saying that white people owe blacks $20 trillion in reparations.
And we're not going to play the clip, but you can watch it on the website.
The audio is not great.
But it's basically this professor and these two white students agonizing, being so uncomfortable in their own skin that they don't know how to react when they walk past a black person.
And in fact, they talk about their black relatives who coined the term, white guy smile.
Because they think that they're smiling at black people to be nice to them and it's forced and that it's not innate and not natural and therefore it's racist, of course.
Not smiling at a black person when you walk past them is also racist.
So they agonize over it in this clip.
This one student is saying how he's walking down the street and there's a gang of black people in front of him.
He feels intimidated so he crosses the road but then he feels guilty about that.
So he has to go back across the street and explain to this gang why he crossed the road.
To explain why he smiled at them in a certain way, or why he didn't smile.
So again, it's about this white guilt, based on the completely phony historical narrative that only white people are responsible for slavery.
I mean, was it terrible?
Were white people involved?
Yes, but nowhere near to the level of the Islamist slave trade, as I said, which murdered over 112 million black people and was far more brutal and lasted for far longer than the slave trade in America.
But you won't hear about that in universities because it doesn't promote the idea of white guilt.
Which is how they get power.
Again, they set themselves up as the representatives of people of colour, whether they've asked for it or not, and then you have to bow down, you have to admit your white guilt to them, and give them more power.
That's what it's all about.
When you look at the facts, the complete actual historical narrative of slavery,
You know, more whites were abducted and enslaved by Muslims than the number of blacks enslaved by whites.
In fact, black people and white people were the main victims of the slave trade at the hands of Muslims.
You know, the Chinese had slaves.
Basically, everybody had slaves at one point or another in history.
In fact, only 6% of them went to America back during the height of slavery in America.
The vast majority went to South America.
But you don't get Brazilians and Argentinians being lectured all day about how racist they are and how they should feel deep white guilt.
That's going to wrap it up for today's edition of the Alex Jones Show, but stay tuned for the fourth hour with more breaking news and the big video on the Pope and his comments comparing ISIS to Jesus is coming up after the show, but that's going to wrap it up for me.
Stay tuned for the fourth hour, InfoWars.com.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
BrainForce is here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, it's the fourth hour.
You've heard Paul Joseph Watson.
Lots of good points.
Had to tune into that one for sure.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
I'll be with you for the rest of the hour, and we've got a lot to talk about.
I've got some news here today that's going to be very, very interesting.
Also, we've got Joe Biggs coming up at the bottom of the hour, and we're going to play a special report in which he talks to a U.S.
Navy SEAL.
Kind of ties in with this article from the mainstream media.
We could have been there.
Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response, says he got a real-world mission was going down, and really he could have been there, he could have done something, but of course
That was not the case.
Well, Joe Biggs hung out with the U.S.
Navy SEALs, got a lot of insight on the issue, and it's a really, really good report.
I'm excited to see all of it.
I got to see a preview of it.
So we're going to play that at the bottom of the hour, and he's going to come on and break it down a little bit and discuss it.
So don't miss that.
It's coming up in the next couple segments.
Also, we're going to talk about five banks sued in U.S.
for rigging $9 trillion agency bond market.
Basically how they screwed the American people.
Five major banks and four traders were sued on Wednesday in a private U.S.
lawsuit claiming they conspired to rig prices worldwide in a more than $9 trillion market for bonds issued by government-linked organizations and agencies.
Who would imagine that the banks would possibly do anything for profit and gain that might not benefit the people of the United States?
And who would imagine that there could be some correspondence between government and regulatory agencies and banks?
It's almost like there's corruption or something going on.
That is bizarre.
And it reminds me of some stories we're also going to talk about, like, why should taxpayers give banks $83 billion a year?
And virtually all of the big banks' profit come from taxpayer bailouts and subsidies.
So, you know, that's something we talked about.
I mean, I remember talking about that stuff in, like, 2013.
Turns out the banks basically would break even without some of these bailouts.
But we give them billions of dollars in taxpayer funding so they can make a profit, because they gotta pay their CEOs, and they gotta pay their executives.
They gotta make a profit.
We're also going to talk about McDonald's fish scandal that just came out.
Basically, leaked New Zealand government memo cast serious doubts on the sustainability of fish that were used in McDonald's restaurants, but it's kind of a very
Low statement.
It sounds a lot worse than that.
I read into it.
Document shows the government was aware of made-up data and illegal practices such as dumping out vast quantities of unwanted fish and threatening the world's rarest dolphin.
So they say that McDonald's was aware of that.
Talk about that.
Also going to talk about this merger that might take place.
Bayer Pharmaceutical wants to buy Monsanto.
Everybody's favorite company.
And we'll talk a little bit about why I think that's happening and why I've talked about that for years.
I think biopharmaceutical crops are the new thing.
They've talked about it for 20 years and they definitely want to go into a world in which we can grow our pharmaceuticals in the fields and genetically engineer certain crops to act as pharmaceuticals.
So lots of interesting stuff on that.
Illinois House passes marijuana decriminalization bill and much, much more.
Now, to go out, I think it's a 30 second video, I just want to highlight some points that Watson was making about the ridiculousness of political correctness.
I'm going to play this old video from 2014 by one of the engineers of Common Core, if we have it queued up, no worries, where he talks about that he basically designed Common Core to end white privilege.
Let's go ahead and play that video.
I'm not paid to be here either.
I'm just an interested teacher who helped write the standards.
And the reason why I helped write the standards, and the reason why I am here today, is that as a white male in society, I'm given a lot of privilege that I didn't earn.
And as a result, I think it's really important that all kids get an equal opportunity to learn how to read.
And I think I had to set up advantages as a result of who I was, not being a choice of mine.
And when I walk into places like Roberto Clemente High School on both sides of Chicago,
I think it's really important that those kids learn how to read just as well as I have the opportunity to read.
And it created an equitable educational opportunity for all kids.
I think this is actually the greatest lesson we can teach our kids.
So there you go.
Just a little bit of that video.
One of the engineers of Common Core saying he did it really to end white privilege.
Anyway, be right back.
Lots of news.
And at the bottom of the hour, Joe Biggs' special report with the U.S.
Navy SEAL.
Don't miss it.
Be right back.
Alex Jones here with a very important news update to anybody out there that wants to be prepared.
But it goes beyond being prepared.
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It's as important as vitamin C.
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Other iodine comes from the ocean, or from other byproducts of chemical facilities, and it's tainted.
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When you don't have iodine, it absorbs the chlorine, the fluoride, and all these other bad halogens.
It's such a game changer, if you'll just research iodine for yourself.
It's a fact that the federal government in the Midwest, back in the 20s,
Mandated a grungier form of iodine to the salt because people had low IQs, they had huge goiters, major problems directly connected to it.
There are some studies that show a 15 point increase, others show even higher.
But it really is crazy to realize that this is something that is so deficient in our food chain, so deficient in our played out fields where different crops are being grown, but the federal government isn't educating people and telling them about it.
That's why, for a limited time, I want to encourage everyone to go to Infowarslife.com and get 20% off on the best nascent iodine out there from our research, Truly Pure Survival Shield X2.
Again, that's Survival Shield Nascent Iodine X2.
Thank you for joining us in this brief news update.
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We can answer your questions.
Most transparent administration in history.
Uh, and, yeah, I can document how that is the case.
American journalists at a media event have criticized the US administration over transparency issues.
We cover what we are allowed to cover.
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
Information management has become so sophisticated, every administration learns from the previous one.
I've got a pen.
And I've got a phone.
There are actions I have the legal authority to take as President.
What do you say to someone who believes the President took action to change the law?
We did not change the law.
We acted within the law.
What you're not paying attention to is the fact that I just took an action to change the law.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, there we go, breaking the law.
A lot of people like to do that.
A lot of people in high positions.
And if you think about it, it makes sense, doesn't it?
The most ruthless, often sociopathic people tend to climb to the top because they're willing to do more.
They're willing to forbid social norms and morals and other constraints and do whatever is necessary to get to the top.
And it's a very sad reality.
You know, I had to go suit up here, right?
Got my suit on for TV viewers.
My jacket, rather.
Because we're going to get into some more news here.
And Joe Biggs is coming up at the bottom of the hour to talk about his special report that we're going to play for the first time, where he hangs out with a U.S.
Navy SEAL and gets some really, really cool inside information.
But first of all, we're going to talk about this story today, which I think is one of the biggest stories of the day for sure, if not in a very long time.
Five banks sued in U.S.
for rigging $9 trillion agency bond market.
We talked about this a little bit before if you're listening last segment.
Five major banks and four traders were sued on Wednesday in a private U.S.
lawsuit claiming they conspired to rig prices worldwide in a more than $9 trillion market for bonds issued by government-linked organizations and agencies.
Bank of America
Credit Agricole S.A., Credit Suisse Group, all the bunch of banks, were accused of secretly agreeing to widen the bid-ask spreads they quoted customers of supernatural sub-sovereign and agency bonds.
Lawsuit filed in Manhattan Federal Court by the Boston Retirement System said the collusion dates to at least 2005, was conducted through chat rooms and instant messaging, and caused investors to overpay for bonds they bought or accept low prices for bonds they sold.
Yes, I didn't get the exact terminology on some of those words.
I'm bad and discredited completely and don't listen to anything I say.
But look at this part.
They were speaking in chat rooms and instant messaging and talking how they caused investors to overpay for bonds.
So, you think about $9 trillion, right?
Just try and visualize $9 trillion.
You most certainly cannot.
And it's articles like these that kind of just float away and no one thinks about, because $9 trillion is such an unattainable number.
You can't even grasp it.
If someone broke into your house, for example, and let's say you had $500 cash stored under your bed, and they broke into your house and stole the $500, like the cash, they ripped through your sheets or whatever, they stole the cash and ran away, you'd probably be really mad.
You'd probably just be really mad.
You'd call the police or whatever.
They stole my cash, my savings.
Maybe it's a thousand, maybe it's ten thousand.
You'd get pissed off.
But nine trillion, that doesn't seem like a real thing.
It's just like in war, if you hear, you know, maybe down the street, you hear someone got shot, it's really, really sad, but, oh, you know, a million people died.
It doesn't make sense.
And that's kind of how they get away with these things, too.
Because rigging a nine trillion dollar bond agency market, which doesn't even compute to most people, and I admit, I don't fully understand how it works either.
That is how real criminals get away with things.
The complex things that are going on.
It also reminds me of
Touched on this a little bit earlier, why should taxpayers give banks $83 billion a year from Bloomberg?
This is one of my favorite stories.
Even though it kind of defends the bailouts a little bit, it highlights something.
Why are we giving banks $83 billion a year?
And here's the key part as Washington's blog broke it down, oh so long ago in 2013.
Crazy how the news cycle flies, isn't it?
Remember this like it was yesterday.
Virtually all of the big banks' profit come from taxpayer bailouts and subsidies.
The big banks would just about break even in the absence of corporate welfare.
The government has propped up the big banks for years through massive, never-ending bailouts and subsidies.
Bloomberg noted last year that 77% of JP Morgan's net income comes from government subsidies.
Bloomberg reported yesterday, and this is the quote from that Bloomberg article I was talking about earlier.
What if we told you that by our calculations, the largest U.S.
banks aren't really profitable at all?
What if billions of dollars they allegedly earned for their shareholders were almost entirely a gift from U.S.
Well, it turns out they are.
The banks would break even without our gracious help and our gracious lending hand.
So instead of someone coming in your house and stealing your $500 cash like a common criminal or a burglar or thug or whatever, the big banks
And yes, I understand that at the same time you could call me names and label me because the banks also run this economy and they're propping us up.
Yes, but we'll narrow it down instead of the big banks because that's a big spooky boogeyman, isn't it?
How about the people in these organizations, whether it's the government, the for-profit corporations, the banks, even companies like Monsanto?
Any company at all, how about that?
The people that are nefarious enough to take from everyone else and screw them are the real criminals that you don't see going into your mattress and stealing your money, because it's so complex in the loophole systems.
You're not seeing cash withdrawn from your account to go pay $83 billion to the banks for their profits.
You're also not seeing the little taxes that are taken of everything, like your cell phone bill.
If you look at your cell phone bill, it's like, okay, $20 for cell phone service, and it's like,
Weird tax here, weird tax here, $20 tax, $10 tax, $0.10 tax, just everything!
Everything is just weird and taxed and it's not the guy openly coming into your mattress and stealing your money.
But that's how the system works.
And slowly it chips away and you don't see it.
You don't have the accounting, the itemized list of all the things that are being taken from you.
And ultimately what happens is you wake up
Less money, and the bankers make tons of cash and they don't go to prison.
And that is how the system works at the highest levels.
But, that burglar that goes in and steals a bag of chips, or goes into a bank in the old school way with a gun and says, give me your money banks, you know, or give me your money, goes into your house and takes your money, he's going to go to jail, he's going to go to prison.
But you see, this is the new con, this is the new system, this is the new modern way of looting.
It's through the very complex loopholes and working with the government agencies that are loving and care about you.
Now look, we've got a video list here.
I think what we'll do is cover some more news.
And again, Joe Biggs is coming up at the bottom of the hour with a very, very special report with him in a U.S.
Navy SEAL.
So we should talk about this.
Bayer makes takeover offer for agriculture giant Monsanto.
German drug and chemical maker Bayer, this is from the BBC, has made a takeover bid for agricultural giant Monsanto in a deal that could create the world's biggest supplier of seeds and pesticides.
Monsanto is known as a specialist in genetically modified crops and also known as many other things by many other people.
The offer comes amid a wave of consolidation in the industry with rivals Dow Chemical, DuPont, Syngenta all entering mergers recently.
However, any tie-up is likely to depend on regulators' competition concerns.
There is no assurance, quote, that any transaction will be entered into or consummated on or what terms or whatever Monsanto said in a statement.
So look.
The thing about Monsanto is, no matter how you want to slice it, no matter how you want to slice the science up and say, well, GMOs, the studies that say they're bad, oh, they've been disproven, whatever, okay, maybe that's fine.
Maybe I'm willing to accept that.
The glyphosate being ruled as a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization, everyone freaking out about that, saying it's not true, it's not possible.
Glyphosate is most definitely dangerous.
I mean, there's no question.
Glyphosate's used in Monsanto's Roundup.
The guy that said he's going to drink a whole glass of it and of course wouldn't do it.
I would love to see him drink a glass of it.
It's not very healthy.
It's a silly thing to say.
It's so safe and so amazing.
And meanwhile, they're doing things that we don't know the implications of.
So the funny thing about the debate on the science is, is it safe?
Is it not safe?
Maybe the answer is we have no idea.
At all.
But I'll tell you what is the next level of that.
Bayer acquiring Monsanto and biopharmaceutical crop expansion where they would grow the pharmaceuticals in the crops which they've already been testing for a very, very long time.
But I believe that is why Bayer wants to merge with Monsanto and not to mention also
Even if you get past all the science and stuff.
Because here's the deal, I'm not a qualified scientist, right?
Which people would like to throw out and say, well you can't even talk about anything!
Isn't that funny how people do that, by the way?
It's like if you're not a medical doctor, you can't even read research and tell people about it.
You're not a doctor!
You're not a scientist!
You're not qualified to speak in the United States of America!
Well look, because I'm not a doctor or a scientist, sometimes that qualifies me to speak more openly, actually.
Sometimes that qualifies me to speak and read things here that are not within my narrowed spectrum, right?
But either way, if we're not going to look at any of the science or anything like that, we can look at Monsanto's history and say, well, gee, this seems to be a terrible company.
This seems to be a terrible, horrible organization.
And we could look at Bayer buying it up, and the history of biopharmaceutical crops, apparently it's very challenging to say, and we could make a conclusion that, gee, this is probably bad.
Probably a merger of two companies that are not going to do much for the safety of public health.
Instead, they're probably going to start experimenting with insane things like AIDS vaccine biopharmaceutical crops, which I used to read about the testing on that.
Also, McDonald's is another example of these companies that the people in the company don't care about.
You know, oh, maybe we shouldn't destroy the world's rarest dolphin and, like, violate all these laws about fishing and threaten everything.
It's all about making two more pennies per meal.
You see, that's the motto of some of these corporations.
It's easier to make two more pennies per meal, which probably equates to millions of dollars, than it is to actually make it a higher quality product.
Even if it's linked to disease and gives you cancer, it's better to make those two pennies.
Because if we change the ingredients and we made them higher quality, that would cut down the bottom line.
And that's so much more important.
It's insane what you see.
It truly is.
This is Anthony Gucciardi.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
The fourth hour.
We'll be right back.
One more segment of news.
Then also we're coming back with Joe Biggs.
Next segment, bottom of the hour.
Comedy is now illegal.
Charlie Chaplin made fun of Hitler.
I've made fun of Hitler.
Remember, Jesse James made fun of Hitler.
They said, oh, you're a Nazi.
This is an assault on reality.
How dare people tell Americans and Scots and folks that died in mass fighting Hitler, our grandparents, that we're with Hitler if some liberal trendy who's apologized, and turns out he's a liberal, of course he apologized, shouldn't apologize, should say, I didn't do anything, it's satire, it's protected.
But by him groveling, they keep charging him.
He should say, how dare you, and get a jury trial.
This is happening everywhere.
We'll put the headline back up on screen.
I want to put it on Facebook.
I want to retweet it.
Police now arresting YouTubers for offensive videos.
No speech is safe, folks.
I've got a stack of news.
A teacher in Germany, a teacher in Austria, there's two different stories today, one in Germany, one in Austria.
The teacher in Austria talked about the Koran, talking about Mohammed saying you can have sex with 12-year-olds, and said that's pedophilia, and she's been arrested.
Now folks, separately, China's been caught shipping in little girls for sex slaves and they're calling it sex slavery.
It is what it is!
But this, even if it wasn't true that Mohammed said that, wrote that, you should have a right to say it!
This is tyranny!
Let's go ahead and go to this incredible report by Paul Joseph Watson.
28-year-old Marcus Meacham was arrested for hate crimes after posting this joke video of his girlfriend's dog reacting to Nazi slogans.
My girlfriend is always ranting and raving about how cute and adorable her wee dog is.
And so I thought I would turn them into the least cute thing that I could think of, which is a Nazi.
Do I gas the Jews?
Gas the Jews?
See you, Kyle!
The video went viral, receiving 18,000 thumbs up to just 1,200 thumbs down.
The vast majority of viewers thought that it was hilarious, but thanks to a small minority of perpetually offended retards, Meacham got a home visit from the Scottish police.
Authorities said that Meacham's arrest is a lesson to others that any video content deemed offensive will not be tolerated.
Meechan then prostrated himself, pleading that he wasn't a racist and that he only made the video to annoy his girlfriend.
Isn't it interesting that John Cleese recently came out and decried political correctness?
Because under that definition, Cleese himself would have been arrested for this faulty tower sketch.
Who's this then?
Start you, man!
I'll do the funny one!
He's done!
Charlie Chaplin would have been thrown in a jail cell for the same reason.
If they're now treating any video content whatsoever that causes offense as hate speech, then my entire channel is hate speech.
We make jokes about it, but the fact is they're coming after everybody's free speech.
Use free speech or lose it.
Defend it or they'll take it.
Become a member at PrisonPlanet.tv today to get the nightly news and more.
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You are the Paul Revere's fighting this modern totalitarian takeover.
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It is amazing stuff.
It really, really is.
Now look, Joe Biggs is going to come up on the next segment and talk about his interview.
We're going to premiere it here, actually, for the first time on The Fourth Hour.
With a U.S.
Navy SEAL.
He's got a lot of really interesting stuff to say, shooting some guns, having some fun.
And Joe Biggs is going to come in and talk about it, intro it on the next segment, and then break it down as well.
You know, Kit Daniels just brought this story in for me, and it seems like every time I guest host, I can't help but get into the issue of political correctness.
You know why I can't help but get into it?
It's because everybody else is talking about it all the time.
Meanwhile, you know, Monsanto's about to be bought out by Bayer.
I want to have some chat about that, right?
McDonald's fish stuff going on, the $7 trillion that the banks are screwing us out of, that they're getting sued over.
That's the bond amount of $7 trillion, the agency, the market itself.
But they're screwing us over a lot, and we're paying for their profits, right?
We can't talk about that, because we've got to talk about political correctness, because everybody else is talking about it.
So we have to talk about it, okay?
This is a story he's brought in.
90% of Native Americans not offended by Washington Redskins name.
Poll proves Redskins debate whipped up by perpetually offended media.
It says 90% of Native Americans aren't offended by the Washington Redskins name, underscoring how the issue has been hyped up by both the perpetually offended media and politicians trying to control free speech.
The Washington Post, a liberal newspaper, conducted a poll of over 500 Native Americans across the country and found that the general population is more concerned about the so-called racist Redskins than the group the team is supposedly offending.
Even more, of the Native Americans who identified as being liberal, 80% of them called the name inoffensive.
And giving the poll more credibility, a 2014 ESPN poll found that only 23% of the population supported a name change, and it's likely only a small percentage of that 23% were Native American.
Yeah, absolutely.
Now here's why this is important.
It's not, because I'm not even going to talk about whether it's racist or not.
Maybe it is racist.
Maybe it is.
Maybe it's highly racist.
Maybe it should be changed.
You didn't expect me to say that, but here's what I'm going to tell you.
No one actually cares, you see?
But when they make it a big story, oh, the Redskins are so racist, and the media...
Which is a huge, weird irony.
It's like all these white people actually talking about how racist other white people are and how Native Americans are offended.
White people talking about how Native Americans are so offended.
That's actually racist to just talk about, oh the poor Native Americans.
That is racism!
And to turn it up and just churn and churn and churn and churn and churn.
Notice how political correctness
It's like, there's no actual ammunition, no one actually cares about anything that's going on, that they make the number one thing, and then they're just making it more like, people care about this!
This is the biggest problem right now!
These bathrooms!
Oh my god, everyone cares so much!
And then, the hype train builds, still people don't really care, but they feel like they have to act like they do, or else they're bad people, because the media's like, oh my god, the Redskins, we need to like, crucify whoever made that.
And if you say, who cares, then you're bad.
Oh my god.
But even the Native Americans that are supposedly so offended by this don't care.
90% of Native Americans sound offended by Washington Redskin's name.
You know what it does?
It pulls the facade away, the big curtain.
Oh wow, look, the media's got nothing there.
They've got nothing.
They've got a 10-year-old on a computer in the back.
That's their hype engine, okay?
They've got nothing.
They've got no power.
It's all just made-up junk.
They try to control the narrative.
You don't have to buy into it.
It's like a door-to-door salesman.
Hello, can I control your narrative today?
You should be upset about this.
The Redskins are racist.
Like, no soliciting, please.
Get away from me.
I have my own brain.
I don't have to listen to just what you say.
All right, we'll be back with Joe Biggs and his U.S.
Navy SEAL report.
Thanks so much for watching.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hey guys, Leanne McAdoo here with InfoWars.com.
We just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your support over the years, and we really love seeing you guys out there in our gear.
Alex wants to show his appreciation, so he's decided to throw another contest.
Now, this is going to be a flash contest held on our Instagram account, so you need to be sure that you're following us at real underscore Alex Jones.
Take many, many pictures of yourself.
All the selfies that we love, of course.
And use the hashtag InfoWarsGear.
Show your InfoWars pride.
And then we are going to be selecting a winner Friday.
More than $1,000 in cash and prizes.
Winners are going to be selected at random.
So be sure to use the hashtag InfoWarsGear and we'll be selecting a winner soon.
Show us some love.
This is the heart of 1776.
Cannibal woman tried to eat friend's face and bit boyfriend and police officer in drug-fueled rampage.
A woman has been arrested for allegedly trying to eat her friend's face after she took a dangerous cocktail of drugs.
Haha, yeah, I'm pretty sure.
Lindy Stewart, 37, is thought to have taken a mixture of cocaine and crystal meth before going on her rampage.
What happened when you could take a nice girl out for a royal evening to Burger King and Dairy Queen and then she might nibble on your ear?
Now they're all bat sh** crazy fueled on fluoride water and false dreams from the Kardashians.
She was arrested at her home in Newark, New York on May 8th.
Police have been called to her home to look into a disturbance, yeah.
She was eating your face.
That's not a disturbance.
That is cannibalism.
That's Hannibal Lecter as a roommate or a friend.
That's horror.
According to police, Stewart's friend Michael Marcel was found with a bleeding face.
Hey kids, don't do crystal meth.
This has been another lesson learned at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
What's right?
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi, and I'm here with Joe Biggs.
Yes, sir.
And he's got a special report we're going to premiere for the first time here about... So, tell us what it's about.
So, yesterday I had the opportunity to
Talk to former Navy SEAL Carl Higby and really interview him about what his books about enemies foreign and domestic.
He's actually the guy who captured the butcher Fallujah, the bad guy that you saw in the movie American Sniper.
And then we are also able to talk and discuss about political correctness in the military and how that's really changing
Special operations and regular ground forces here because you have these commanders who've kind of been hijacked, taken over by the Obama administration and made them really weak.
And now it's affecting our troops and eventually it's going to affect our special operations.
So let's go ahead and go to that clip.
This is an awesome interview.
Can't wait for you guys to see it.
And welcome to the InfoWars Nightly News.
I'm Joe Biggs, and joining me today, former Navy SEAL Carl Higby.
How you doing today, sir?
Hey, thanks for having me back on.
Hey, so I wanted to talk to you more in depth this time about your book, Enemies Foreign and Domestic, a SEAL story.
Did you want to go into the operation or the Butcher of Fallujah first?
Yeah, let's go into the Butcher of Fallujah first.
I think that'd be a good one.
Alright, so this guy, uh, everybody knows that they've seen American Sniper.
Scott McEwen, the author of American Sniper, wrote my foreword to this book.
And, uh, this guy is featured in that movie as The Butcher.
Now, he was a bad dude.
We'd been looking for him for quite some time.
One of our officers, our COO officers, actually found him, which was miraculous.
We, uh, surveilled him for a little while.
We got, finally, finally got approval to go get this bad guy, because up to that point, our chain of command had been denying us the ability to go get almost any
Any terrorist we put on the target deck.
We found him, went to prosecute him.
Flawless operation.
Kicked in the door in the middle of the night.
He had a gun on target.
The hero of the op, Matt McCabe, was able to subdue him without a shot fired.
Because, you know, you never want to fire a shot because it wakes up the whole neighborhood and now you're in a big gunfight.
And so we got him down, not a scratch on him.
We bring him back to base, put him in the conics box, which was our detention facility under the supervision of a Master at Arms, which is an MP, a military police, and he left his post.
And during that time, this terrorist, Abed Asham, he bit his lip, as testified by an oral surgeon, spit blood on himself, and claimed we abused him.
Yeah, that kind of stuff happens.
I mean, what's going through your mind, though?
I mean, you get called out.
You find out that you're going to be part of this mission, one of the most wanted men in the Middle East at that time.
You know, what's going through your mind?
What are your emotions?
I mean, your heart's got to be pumping.
You've got to be super excited to be part of something like this, to take out someone who has been killing a lot of people, right?
Right, and absolutely, and that was why we actually put a number of attempted operations against this guy in the past, and our chain of command had shot it down.
And now we were so 100% sure, we went above our chain of command and submitted this.
So it was a great thing to be a part of.
I mean, we, as a team, we worked incredibly well together.
We prosecuted the target.
We brought him back without a shot fired.
By all intents and purposes, it was a flawless operation.
Now, did you guys ever have Chris Kyle covering you on some of these missions?
Did you guys ever have, uh, any connection with him at all when you were deployed?
Uh, not this deployment.
My first deployment in 2007, we were there at the same time together.
So, uh, we didn't directly work together on any specific operations, but we worked in the same theater.
Yeah, and I'll talk a little bit about the same thing I talk about in my book, is that we were spinning on the tarmac with the helicopters for about two and a half hours because we actually had a radio problem.
The radios weren't working properly.
So we were able to jerry-rig something that was good enough to get us off the ground.
So we had three Blackhawks, or HH-60s.
We went out and we inserted in probably about five clicks south of the target.
Kulluk is a kilometer.
And humped our way in there with a couple Iraqis on the team and a couple SEALs and made it in.
We got to a berm which was outside.
I mean this place was like a fortified compound.
It was unbelievable.
It looked like it was like a military project administration sort of thing.
Uh, berms and lights facing outward all the way around with like a, what looked to be dug as a moat.
Uh, so we had to cross through all that, get through the lights.
We actually found the one spot where there were no lights.
And our point man got us in, you know, very, very well.
And then we navigated our way into the Target building, which was in the center of a multi-block complex.
So, we had to go through the entire town, bounding over watch, uh, you know, one by one, two by two, just so we wouldn't get spotted or seen, even though it was two or three in the morning.
So, we, uh, as we got to the Target, we stacked outside the door.
I was controlling all the air assets for infill, exfil, and as well as, uh, if we needed to call in bombs or call for fire, uh, from an AC-130 or a drone or BAS movers, whatever it may be.
And, uh, kicked in the door, came in, uh, Matt McCabe, as I said, the guy who actually apprehended him, he came in the door first in his bedroom, the guy picked up a gun, and Matt was able to wrestle him to the ground before he was able to get off a shot, and, um, from then on we secured the target, did our, uh, did our search, and were out of there before anybody knew we were even there.
So I've got a few questions.
I mean, we have a military that is changing so quickly right now.
We have standards dropping.
We have people getting injured from standards dropping.
We have the possibility of more people getting injured from standards being dropped in special operations and the fact that we now have
Women being brought into combat roles and leadership positions in combat roles like Rangers and things like that.
What do you think about the state of our military right now with the regular army dropping standards and how that could affect the future dropping of standards and special operations?
Well, I don't understand why they would ever drop standards.
The enemy does not drop their standards at all to fight us.
So the fact that there are different
We're good to go.
Soldiers may have forgotten this, but the soldier's primary job is to put bullets in bad guys.
And if you want to make it a social experiment, go work for the ACLU or the union or something else, not the military, because it's going to get people killed.
And when you have margins that are so razor thin, there's no room to play around with what genders can be in there and what new rules of engagement you can impose.
You just got to let a soldier be a soldier, and that's to kill bad guys.
You know what, a lot of people are very interested in SEALs.
What was the training like for you?
How was BUDZ?
How was it going through that experience and then finally making it to a team and then getting that elite level to be able to carry out missions?
I'll tell ya, it was such an honor to me.
I mean, to be standing among some of the best men this country's ever seen was a real humbling experience.
And when I went through Bud's, I wasn't the biggest, fastest, strongest, or best guy there, but I was part of a great team.
Being with those guys elevated me immensely, and I think we all fed off each other, but to be able to stand and say, like, I did that, is truly a humbling experience.
You know, the way I see it is I was getting paid a fairly decent salary to work out on the beach in Coronado with a bunch of my friends.
You don't get much better than that.
I mean, sure, there were times where it was awful and miserable, but quitting is never... You know, I was a high school and college wrestler, and most guys were, you know, high caliber collegiate athletes at one point or another.
And nobody who ever made it through, I don't think, had any reservations or ever thoughts of quitting ever.
Well, let's get into some more of the book.
You know, at the beginning of the book, I like how you kind of put down your oath again to your enlistment.
You know, the oath you took while you were in the military and showing people when they read this book that you still have a continuation of that oath now that you're out, you're a civilian.
Tell us about that, what that means to you, the Constitution.
Well, I think when you take an oath to join the military, it's an oath not only to your country and team and teammate, but it's an oath to yourself.
And I see the local and the recent erosion of rights by local government and federal government upon, you know, ordinary citizens.
I mean, think about this, Joe.
250 years ago, we fought the Revolutionary War over a 2% tax hike in a breakfast beverage, tea.
You think our founding fathers would have stood for any of the crap that's going on now coming from this administration, forced to buy health insurance, you know, highest number of people out of the federal workforce, yet 50%
I think so.
President Barack Obama actually came out today and said, under his time as the president, the country has gotten better.
And I highly disagree with that.
Well, I want to get more into what we kind of talked to briefly in this first segment earlier about the changing of the military.
You know, we have three deaths linked to recent Navy SEAL training classes.
And my fear is due to this entire PC nature that we have right now, the fact that we have a leadership now that is actually following this political correct lifestyle all of a sudden, I have a fear that there's going to end up being a drop in standards in SEAL training
Well there was a phase where they did drop standards in BUDS and they've since corrected it for the most part.
What's wrong now is you have a politically correct push within the military, and a lot of good SEALs are getting out.
They just can't put up with the rules of engagement anymore.
They can't put up with the BS.
That's not what they joined for.
So they're losing good guys, and Congress and other military leaders have mandated more SEALs be put in.
So what you have is you have, while great men and women, no doubt, they're being pushed
We're good to go.
Now they've relaxed, not necessarily the physical standard, but the criteria in order to make the cut.
And then what's happening is these guys, still great men and women, are going through training and now they're getting hurt in training.
There are some statistics that support the opposite of this, but as you're seeing in the press, guys are dying in training.
And the fact is that these people aren't screened as well.
We're good to go.
Yeah, that's pretty ridiculous when you think about how they do that stuff.
And I mean, yeah, people are going to die in training because, you know, when I was watching the documentary last night about Navy SEALs, they wanted to get that training as close to combat scenarios as possible.
That way, when you actually have to go and engage in that atmosphere, that you would be at that Tier 1 level ready to operate.
You know, it's unfortunate it does happen, but I want to get your opinion on something else.
Something else, Air Force General is first woman at top tier U.S.
Combat Command.
You know, this has been a big topic across the country the past few weeks.
You know, Michael Savage, I've seen it on Fox, other stations as well, where people are concerned about women being put in combat roles and then also, without any combat experience, taking these leadership positions as well and leading elite soldiers into these combat missions.
What are your thoughts on that?
Well, I think that the issue here is you have a woman now in charge of a combat unit, but women haven't been allowed in combat for long enough for her to have the experience to run a combat operation.
So I think that it's putting our troops at a detriment here.
And look, you have the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, which destabilized a large number of people in the military.
I mean, if I was commander in chief today, I would not reinstitute the Don't Ask, Don't Tell because it would add more instability.
But I wouldn't have taken it out in the first place.
And that's what
I mean, I feel like it's a sight.
You know, when you have men who have trained their entire lives, who have held themselves to that high standard, who have fought day in and day out, you know, beaten their bodies, suppressed their emotions from combat, and to go out here and then to almost feel like they're being used, like you said earlier, as they're part of the social experiment, that's going to have a huge psychological toll on these elite soldiers as well.
A massive psychological toll.
And the other thing, too, is the same groups that are advocating for equal women's rights and equal everything, equal everybody, are the same people who are now complaining because they're considering putting women in for the draft.
Now, if women are truly equal, why do we have different standards?
Why do we have them not registered for the draft?
Why do we have male and female sports teams?
If everybody's equal, let's just make it all equal across the board.
But the fact is, we're not.
And I know that some feminists out there are going to freak out, but the fact of the matter is, some women, most women, are not as strong as most men.
And that's just science.
It's not like I could physically not birth a baby.
You know, that is the reality of it.
But you cannot start making social experiments out of the one force that is solely responsible for the entire defense of the United States and our way of life.
I mean, what do you think that the enemy is doing right now, sitting over there?
There's enemy here, obviously, and there's enemies over there overseas as well, in the pond, over in theater.
What do you think they're thinking about us right now, when they see men identifying as women, so they can go use the women's restroom, or a white woman like Rachel Dolezal, who identifies as a black female?
I think if she can identify as a black female, and we can all have to walk around and say that she's an African American, that she should be able to get reparations for slavery.
Well, I tell you what, if I could say anything to those guys overseas laughing at us, I'm a white American that identifies as the person who's going to kick your ass.
So we can put that any way you want, but they're laughing at this.
I mean, it's disgusting.
I mean, yeah, it's ridiculous.
I mean, we could pull up articles, you know, day in and day out where I can't remember what it was.
I think it was about eight months ago.
There was an article in the Military Times or the Army Times where they showed soldiers in red high heels marching down the road to see what it was like to walk a day in the, you know, in
We're good to go.
Uh, to investigate some judicial watch reports about ISIS training camps.
Well, thank you for coming on again.
Once again, Carl Higby, former Navy SEAL, author of Enemies Foreign and Domestic, a SEAL story, co-author Brandon Caro, who actually wrote his own book, The Old Silk Road.
And thanks for joining us tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News.
I'm Joe Biggs.
That's right, and Joe Bates is right here as well.
Roger that.
And Joe, what are your some afterthoughts on the interview now that we're live on air?
Anything you want to add?
I mean, like you said, the big thing is what he was saying is this is a social experiment that's going on.
We are playing games with our elite soldiers and our regular soldiers as well.
It's a psychological game that's really going to have some bad after effects down the road because we know our enemy doesn't drop their standards.
We know our enemy is watching everything we do.
They watch news just like us.
You know, when they were going after Saddam and raiding after his sons, those guys were watching CNN just as well.
They knew troops were coming.
You know, so they see that we have soldiers walking around in red high heels.
We have them doing all this political correctness BS.
It's just out of control.
Like you said, our job is to put bullets in bad guys, plain and simple.
That's it.
It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it to keep this country safe and to make sure that the Constitution is still there and uphold that.
So it's kind of like the opposite of propaganda.
Instead of intimidating your enemies and striking fear into their hearts, it's making them laugh at you.
That's a good tactic, right?
Well, hey, we'll be right back.
One more segment with Joe Biggs.
This is The Fourth Hour.
Much more to come.
Alex Jones here with a very important news update to anybody out there that wants to be prepared.
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Other iodine comes from the ocean, or from other byproducts of chemical facilities, and it's tainted.
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And I had incredible effects, even with dirty iodine, because the body needs it.
When you don't have iodine, it absorbs the chlorine, the fluoride, and all these other bad halogens.
It's such a game changer, if you'll just research iodine for yourself.
It's a fact that the federal government in the Midwest, back in the 20s,
Mandated a grungier form of iodine to the salt because people had low IQs, they had huge goiters, major problems directly connected to it.
There are some studies that show a 15 point increase, others show even higher.
But it really is crazy to realize that this is something that is so deficient in our food chain, so deficient in our played out fields where different crops are being grown, but the federal government isn't educating people and telling them about it.
That's why, for a limited time, I want to encourage everyone to go to Infowarslife.com and get 20% off on the best nascent iodine out there from our research, Truly Pure Survival Shield X2.
Again, that's Survival Shield Nascent Iodine X2.
Thank you for joining us in this brief news update.
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I don't know.
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Iodine is key.
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We can answer your questions.
I was a highway man.
We are back, and we just saw on Drudge Report on the right side, we're gonna pull it up right now.
What's the title, Joe?
It's, uh... Oh, get ready for this one, guys.
Can white kids grow up to be black?
Some preschoolers think so.
Look, you're a preschooler, you don't know what the hell you want for lunch, you can't tie your own shoes, but you think that you can be black as a white kid.
And we know why that's happening, and we're gonna talk about that.
First, I want to remind you at Infowarslife.com, Survival Shield X2, it's 20% off.
It's a game-changing product.
Niacin Iodine, it's what you need.
It's the good halogen.
Without iodine, very bad things happen.
Go to Infowarslife.com.
This is not some joke.
This is not some scam.
This is not some
Fear-mongering BS, nascent iodine is the real deal.
I've seen it made.
I've gone to the facility with Dr. Group.
I've seen the curation process from 12,000 feet below the Earth's surface with the purple iodine crystals that are extracted.
He is neurotic and obsessive about his quality to the point where it actually annoys me.
It's the real deal, okay?
And Survival Shield X2, the flagship product, is 20% off for a limited time or until it sells out.
So go to EnforcedLife.com and check that out.
Now, we talked earlier about this article Kit just gave me, 90% of Native Americans not offended by Washington Redskins name.
And now this article, I guess preschool kids think that white kids can grow up to be black.
And what's funny to me is that all of this could be solved if we could just go back to kindergarten.
And, you know, in kindergarten, the kids play with each other and they don't say weird things like, you're being racist by smiling at me.
That's a reference to, apparently it's a microaggression if you smile at other people of the races or something.
It's a new story.
So anyway, they don't say things like that.
They don't say like, you're giving me a microaggression.
They just play together.
You know, you just sit down and you have fun.
It's only when the weird
School system comes in and goes, see him?
He's a different color than you.
You will like him and you'll respect him.
And that one's a different color too and they look different than you.
And that's a male and that's a female and you will all like each other and you're all equal.
It's like, wait a minute.
I don't even know what's happening.
And now this is an example of that mega PC system going wrong to where the kids think that, I guess, that you can change your race when you get older.
I guess I didn't turn out that way because I was homeschooled and I didn't go through the brainwashing cycle that is happening right now.
But look at this.
It says, can a person's race change over time?
No, but preschoolers seem to think so.
And this is what your job as a parent to do.
Snap out of it!
No, you're white!
You're a white male!
You're not going to be a black man later on down the road.
That doesn't happen.
We're not chameleons.
We don't change to our environment.
You are a white guy.
Sorry if you don't like it.
But it says, according to a University of Michigan study, white preschoolers often believe a person's race can change over time, and the youngsters even think they can grow up to be black adults.
Well, if you put your mind to it, Joe.
Look, when I have to get on Drudge Report, and the stories are preschoolers, white kids think they can be black, and there's a woman eating someone's face.
The world's going down!
And it's so funny because all of this is just contrived media BS to where they just push it so hard like the Redskins thing, when Native Americans has been polled over and over again, they don't care.
They're not offended.
There's more things to worry about.
There's real life things happening, but instead it's the wheels, the system.
They're more worried about their land being taken.
They're more worried about the things that we're all worried about.
The world.
The terrible things happening in the world.
Food on your plate.
Not the ridiculousness of an NFL team, which by the way is also a complete distraction and a joke in itself.
So that should be the real discussion, right?
But over and over again we see that and that's kind of the extreme end of what happens when you take preschoolers and you start educating them about political correctness.
They don't even know what you're talking about.
Then they end up thinking that they can grow up and change their race.
That's what happens.
That's what happens.
The truth is, preschoolers want to get along with each other.
And guess what?
They're not racist.
Tom, you want to be Tamiya?
Breaking news.
Preschoolers are not racist.
Tom, you want to be Tamiya now?
That's okay.
You're Tom!
Go throw a football!
Put on some shorts!
Go run!
Go jog!
Eat Wheaties!
You're not playing with Barbie dolls!
Preschoolers are not racist.
I'm not racist.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi with Joe Biggs.
Thanks so much for putting up with our jargon on the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Alex will be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Thanks so much.
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