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Name: 20160518_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 18, 2016
3163 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Venezuela's state of emergency where constitutional guarantees have been suspended except those related to human rights. He argues this is an example of corporate imperialism forced upon the world by Obama and the New World Order. In 2002, there was evidence of US involvement in a coup attempt against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, whose support for Obama's approach towards Cuba may face a similar fate due to global recession benefits. Vishter Ostrovsky's "Trafficking" exposes organized crime groups within government, corporations, and intelligence agencies; he discusses terrorism and the need for a global effort against it but believes punishing families of terrorists doesn't work. The audio features someone selling water filtration systems, nascent iodine, and various supplements, discussing Trump's political views and intentions, as well as speculation on health issues with the Clintons.

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Ladies and gentlemen, we're live, broadcasting worldwide on this Wednesday edition.
Here's a report from John Bowne, coming up in just mere seconds.
The economic impact of the refugee crisis across the world is staggering and completely overlooked, as all signs point towards a global economic collapse.
In Germany, RT reports the German government will allocate nearly 94 billion euros for incoming refugees over the next five years.
This includes housing integration, German language courses, and social welfare benefits, and dealing with the underlying causes of the refugee influx.
In February, Der Spiegel reported the German government expects 3.6 million refugees to enter the country by 2020, including the 1.1 million that have arrived in 2015.
And what does Germany get in return?
200,000 plus crimes by refugees were reported in 2015.
The Gatestone Institute reports the actual number of crimes in Germany committed by migrants in 2015 may exceed 400,000.
The report doesn't include crime from data from North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state in Germany, and also the state with the largest number of migrants.
North Rhine-Westphalia's biggest city is Cologne, where on New Year's Eve, hundreds of German women were sexually assaulted by migrants.
Andre Schultz, director of the Association of Criminal Police in Germany, says, for years, the policy has been to leave the German population in the dark about the actual crime situation.
The citizens are being played for fools.
Rather than tell the truth, the government officials are evading responsibility and passing the blame onto the citizens and the police.
10% of the migrants from the chaos in Iraq and Syria have reached Europe so far.
8 to 10 million migrants are still on the way, according to Gerd Moeller, Germany's Development Minister.
The jobless, non-assimilating refugees are doing the exact opposite of what was lauded as a positive economic boon.
Jobless rates among refugees are weighing down on the welfare systems where, for example, in Greece where they are heading for yet another bailout, refugees far outweigh the unemployed Greek citizens that were already under pressure with the fight to stabilize their own economy.
As the Business Insider reports, on the one hand, you have countries like the UK, Estonia and Ireland where the jobless rate of migrants is pretty similar to that of its domestic citizens.
Moreover, in the Czech Republic, Cyprus, and Latvia, the jobless rates among migrants are even below those of domestic citizens.
Migrants from outside of the EU see much higher jobless rates.
On the other hand, however, in places like Slovenia, Spain, France, and Sweden, the jobless rates among the migrants are over 10% above that of the domestic citizens.
Regardless, the handouts just keep coming out of the taxpayers' pocket.
The Belgian government awarded a convicted Al Qaeda terrorist roughly $88,000 after the jihadist claimed his extradition to the United States violated his human rights.
The ECHR ordered to pay the jihadist no less than about $100,000, according to RT.
His family, which lives in Belgium, had already received 11,000 euros.
The United Kingdom has given, as of today, over 1 billion in aid to the refugees.
The United States has dropped nearly three billion on the Cloward and Piven style crisis.
The criminals are clearly running the global economy off a cliff.
All in the name of an emerging New World Order rolled out in the secretive trade treaties that are on the verge of enforcement and an engineered refugee crisis.
Meanwhile, the citizens of the world are unwittingly financing their own enslavement.
The time for half measures is over.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com
Very important report.
I love to kick the broadcast off several days a week with the John Bowne Report.
When we come back, there are a bunch of news articles about Facebook, and they're asking, is Facebook censoring individuals' pages, not just conservative and libertarian groups?
And the answer is absolutely.
We've seen countless examples of our listeners over the years not able to share our memes, our videos, our articles.
So, by extension, when they censor, say, a pro-national sovereignty, anti-open borders group, which they admit they've done, they're then censoring you being able to share it.
So it's good to see that blowing up.
Boy, there is so much to cover.
Big quakes, rumble in the Northwest, volcanoes, a bunch of Second Amendment news, the good, the bad, and the tyrannical.
We've also got the latest on Clinton declares victory in Kentucky primary.
Sanders wins Oregon.
And Sanders is refusing to step down.
He's really in the lead, but they're stealing the election from him.
This is very explosive.
Stay with us.
Joe Biggs here with Infowars.com.
Now I want to talk about something that really pisses me off.
The fact that we can live in a culture where people can identify as things other than what they actually are.
The fact that a man can identify as a woman and then go use that restroom.
Or the fact that a white woman can identify as an African-American woman.
Let's call her Rachel Dolezal.
I think at this point, then she should be able to get reparations for slavery.
Or maybe a 18-year-old kid who plays Call of Duty all day and wants to identify as an elite special ops soldier.
I think if he carries out a really badass mission on Call of Duty, Obama should have a ceremony and give that man the Medal of Honor.
Or perhaps you're lazy and you want to be trans handicapped.
That way you can park in all the good spots at the mall and at Golden Crown Buffet.
This is the matrix that we live in now in 2016.
A world
Full of fairies, fake Asian tall people, men who are women, white women who are black.
This is the fall of the human species.
I'm Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
Hey guys, Leanne McAdoo here with InfoWars.com.
We just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your support over the years, and we really love seeing you guys out there in our gear.
Alex wants to show his appreciation, so he's decided to throw another contest.
Now, this is going to be a flash contest held on our Instagram account, so you need to be sure that you're following us at real underscore Alex Jones.
Take many, many pictures of yourself.
All the selfies that we love, of course.
And use the hashtag InfoWarsGear.
Show your InfoWars pride.
And then we are going to be selecting a winner Friday.
More than $1,000 in cash and prizes.
Winners are going to be selected at random.
So be sure to use the hashtag InfoWarsGear and we'll be selecting a winner soon.
Show us some love.
This is the heart of 1776.
My name is Alex Jones.
Most of you know me from my syndicated radio program and my documentary films, as well as InfoWars Nightly News.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I had discovered the Globalist program, their plan to take over the world, and my focus went from running 6 miles every other day, swimming 2-3 miles a couple times a week, and lifting weights
You're focusing on fighting the globalists.
I've gone from 279 pounds all the way down to 235 pounds and the weight's going off even faster.
And it wasn't just that my weight loss accelerated, my muscle mass increased, my stamina, my energy levels exploded.
Super Male has the key concentrated natural compounds that my body needed to go to the next level.
Today is the day to take the InfoWarsLife.com challenge and to secure your bottle of Super Male or Super Female Vitality.
Check them out today at Infowarslife.com or give our crew a call at 888-253-3139.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I know we got a lot of emails, a lot of comments, even from folks here in the office that they like the fact that I spent the first 45 minutes of the news yesterday pretty much just reading headlines and then giving a very short comment to it.
And I'm going to attempt to do that again today, but boy, I tell you, the theme that emerges from the news and also what I experience every day is massive, weaponized, fifth-generation warfare.
By the social engineers to create absolute divide-and-conquer, a total tower of Babel.
A tower of Babel.
So the technotronic computer grid, algorithm-controlled AI computer system can just take over.
While we're all busy running around fighting with each other over the most mindless idiocy.
All over the country, breakdown as men are going into bathrooms and people are freaking out, giant boycotts and billions lost in Target.
Colleges and high schools announce all over the country, looking at a black person in the eyes is racist.
Smiling at a black person is racist.
Frowning is racist.
And this is the government and the media doing this, not black people or anybody else in this country.
It's meant to totally make everyone uncomfortable and cause the disintegration in society and make everyone absolutely mentally ill, chip on the shoulder, uptight losers.
But imagine if the people completely woke up to this and saw through it and rejected it and said no to it and refused to submit to it.
That would be a beautiful thing.
It's gotten so extreme that I personally, recently, have heard people twice say, don't use the word Mexican.
When you describe something as Mexican, like Mexican food.
It'd be like if some lady was dating a German immigrant, you'd say, yeah, she's got a new German boyfriend.
I actually heard someone say, yeah, we're going out to dinner to meet her new Mexican boyfriend, and somebody went, you don't say Mexican!
And then I heard someone else a week ago say, don't say let's go eat Mexican food, that's offensive.
Like mother or father or he or she, they're making the whole language where you just freak out and don't even use language because it's threatening to you and you get in trouble if you do.
That is directly out of Ingsoc and the Fabian Socialists and their admitted plan that is in mainline textbooks in the UK and was actually put into fiction via 1984.
But they're reducing the language.
I mean, this is so hardcore.
And you see the small guild of weirdos.
Mainly bizarre, chicken-necked, weird white people.
that actually follow all of this, they are basket cases.
But they're really proud of the fact that they're using the latest language up to date and do what they're told.
It's like that Portlandia episode from five, six years ago, where they come in and ask, what was the chicken's name?
Where was he born?
Where'd he go to school?
Was he treated well?
They spend like an hour talking about it.
Finally say, I don't want the chicken.
I want the fish.
Moral signaling.
It's a cult.
And these people, in every statistic, are many times less likely to give to charity.
They're many more times likely to rob you.
They're many times more likely to run scams and to not work hard.
Because they are mental patients who operate in a world of ninnying and backstabbing and tattling and freaking out and false flagging.
Every day, I run into so many examples of false flag, self-inflicted wound, staged events, that I don't even cover them by the social justice warriors most of the time.
Muslims are doing it at massive levels and getting caught.
Homosexuals are doing it at massive levels, and again, I'm going to say it, I don't dislike anybody, but I'm not going to use the words you tell me to use anymore when you say use gay, because then it's don't use mother and father.
It's heterosexual homosexual.
It's, it's, it's, it's,
Again, sounds reasonable, but it turns into control of language.
And people saying what language to use.
But it's like the homosexual preacher that goes in Whole Foods and makes up the fact that they put fag on the cake.
I told you day one that was fake.
And of course it was fake.
And we've got a black student running around in a college beating up three people on surveillance cameras.
In his
Today about Bill Clinton's man-spreading.
We're going to show photos of your TV viewer.
And it's got a whole bunch of photos of him at the White House kicking back with his leg on a stool.
You know, just the confident, relaxed pose.
Like the famous Greek statue where the legs are a little bit spread open and the man's sitting there relaxed with his fist to his chin.
I mean, that's how men sit.
But see, they make that something aggressive so people tell you don't do it.
Because they gotta find things that aren't racist, they gotta find things that aren't aggressive to women, to make everyone guilty.
They have to find things that everybody does so they can attack you.
Like Bill Clinton serving fried chicken in Kentucky.
I mean, that's what, people basically eat fried chicken, I don't care if they're white or black or who they are.
That's where fried chicken comes from.
Basically that area of the quote south, right on the Mason-Dixon line.
I mean, back then, folks, people fried meat, they fried chicken.
Most people fried meat because it made it taste better.
But the point is, is that when a basketball coach sits with his knees open, or Bill Clinton does, that's how you sit comfortably.
Has nothing to do with attacking women.
I'm sure he'll come out and apologize for, you know, having his knees apart when he sits down, but raping women's okay.
That's the same thing.
Donald Trump's back as he asked women out on dates when he was in between marriages.
But it's okay that Clinton's flying around with Mr. Epstein, you know, on the Lolita Express pedophile plane to Pedophile Island.
Because they want to target Trump and say something that every man does, or most men do, certainly that alpha males do.
I mean, if you don't go up and charm women and start talking to them, you're not ever gonna get a date with them.
I mean, they're making normal mammal activity basically illegal.
You can watch male birds hop around your yard up to females.
Are they being aggressive?
Are they being evil?
No, that's what creatures do to mate.
You can watch a male whale swim up to a male female.
Is he trying to rape her?
No, if she's an estrus and is into it and likes him, she's gonna
Mate with him.
But again, they're attacking the basic species where Donald Trump's bad because he asks women out on dates and treats them very well, and then Bill Clinton's bad because he has his legs open when he sits down a little bit, but it's okay that he's settled a bunch of rape cases.
This is again about making everybody guilty, everybody bad, and then having the state and the system ninny and tell us what to do.
Oh, and CBS News is apologizing, but they're saying they'll do better.
They've got a couple hit shows that have mainly male lineups.
There's hit shows with female lineups.
But it's known in Hollywood, it's known everywhere in the world, it's known back in thespian days that women like to watch men more and men like to watch men more as well.
Movies with main stars being men, with some female actresses as stars as well, are the top grossing movies, are the top grossing books, are the top grossing plays.
So they want to basically ban it everywhere and say what ratio has to be there so there's not competition.
But it's really about the state saying what you can have in a movie, what you can do.
See, they don't want to just shut down InfoWars.com or DrudgeReport.com with the F
The Federal Elections Commission, FEC, openly saying they want to regulate him.
They want to regulate everything!
Regulate speech!
This is so totalitarian!
And it's out in the open.
So I'm done ranting about that.
We'll actually get into these articles.
There it is, Entertainment Weekly.
CBS says shows are more diverse despite criticism.
And they're just complaining that there are leading men in the movies, period!
See, there's a directive for video games and movies and TV shows.
Let's admit it.
Where if you want an Oscar, have all the main tough guys be women.
If you want an Oscar, have it all be centralized on women.
And that's not to help women.
It is simply to set up bizarre cultural wars.
I saw a story on CNN this morning that we'll cover in Cleveland of the predominantly black neighborhood that has the highest test scores
In Cleveland.
But they're going to bus people upwards of 10 miles across town to this other school that's predominantly white.
And I'll tell you why they're doing that.
It's because that black school's got high test scores.
And I'm not for quote segregation, but if you looked at the black communities before,
The new evil of, quote, forced integration that took one evil and created another.
All the black-owned businesses, the black-owned hotels, the black doctors, all of it.
Even the black universities got hit.
Everything got hit.
Because that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger if you know you're under attack.
Lower level of kids out of wedlock, you name it, in the white community.
You watch what happens to those black students when they force them into some yuppie, spoiled, rotten school.
You watch, their test scores will plummet.
And that's exactly why they're doing this all over the country.
They're finding communities that are doing well.
And by the way, they've done a poll, seen it, admitted it.
Almost every one of the schools, the academics, everybody says, we don't want this to happen.
And they're telling them, we're gonna close your nice schools, and we're gonna make you go across town.
And that'll create a big fight.
I mean, if you bust in kids from another town, period, that were all white, it'd cause a big weird thing.
But, I mean, this is just, this is social engineering, folks.
What they do, how they do it, how they operate, they are just totally destroying our culture and our civilization.
It's shutting off our power plants, and raising taxes so we can't compete, and Obamacare to wreck us.
There is an attack on the human institution of family.
And if you want to take down the nuclear family, you attack males.
Males are the defender of the human tribe.
When men fall, the rest of humanity can be completely enslaved.
The attack on the family is in movies, sitcoms, dramas.
This isn't to empower women.
This is to wreck civilization.
For too long, we have been allowing the globalist controllers to launch a full-scale chemical war on our masculinity.
You've seen the headlines.
The estrogen mimickers and the gender-bending compounds and the food and water supply are changing the way our bodies work.
And men are the number one target of this program.
With the estrogen mimickers in the plastics, in the printer paper, and in thousands of other items, it's on record.
Our testosterone level, many times by the time we hit 40, is 80% lower than it should be or more.
Our sperm counts, depending on which western country you look at, are 80 to almost 96% reduced.
Fertility is plummeting through the floor.
Now, it's impossible, even if you're a health nut, to avoid all of this.
But for myself personally, what I've experienced with the products at Infowarslife.com has been simply amazing.
Supermail Vitality has changed my life in the last three years.
That's why we wanted to develop something that works in conjunction with Supermail to take it to the next level.
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It is 1124 Central Standard Time.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
In the second hour, Dr. Edward Gribb is going to be joining us to talk about tritium.
It isn't picked up by regular Geiger counters or field meters, but almost all nuclear reactors in the United States and the world are leaking it, and a bunch of other isotopes.
This is actually in the scientific papers, but it's not really known by the public, and it's one reason cancer is exploding.
We have Joe Jennings, whose dad died just about a year ago from a giant brain tumor.
He grew up next to one of these big nuclear power plants, and they even admitted that that was one of the main causes of the cancers increasing.
And now they don't even care about the reactors.
It's reported by the International Atomic Energy Agency that 93% of nuclear reactors, and there's more than 600 of them, 400 plus for power, are leaking.
And now they're 30, 40 years old.
Most of them, they just don't care.
That's coming up in the next hour.
And I was never an anti-nuclear power guy.
If it was done properly in things, it wouldn't be as big an issue.
But these companies just don't care.
Just like with genetic engineering and everything else.
So that's coming up with Dr. Gribb and others here in studio, including one of the victims of this, with us in the second hour.
This hits pretty close to home with Joe Jennings.
And of course, Joe's concerned about his health in the future as well, dealing with this
I had family in Vietnam hit by Agent Orange.
No history of deformed children came back.
Their first kids were deformed.
Buckley's older brother died when he was about two.
This is the type of stuff we deal with here, so it's a very, very serious situation, just like glyphosate's in the water, and we're going to be exposing it and talking about ways to try to block it or not have the effects be as bad.
But you do not want to live near a nuclear power plant, ladies and gentlemen, or you definitely want to be on top of them and make sure that they're not leaking tritium.
So we'll break down the details coming up today.
And of course, a few years ago we sent Jakari Jackson and others out to California.
They found upwards of 25 times the safe levels on the Geiger counters and field meters, and ours have been tested and certified.
People said, oh, you're not radiologists, you can't speak.
The Army responded to us and the Navy, went to the exact same spots, it was in the San Francisco Chronicle, and said yes, their findings were accurate, upwards of 25 times the normal safe level, but we say it's okay.
And they'd pull fish out of the ocean.
People catching fish, we'd put a Geiger counter to them even higher, because it bioaccumulates in the fish.
Just like other toxins do, like lead, mercury, and arsenic.
So, that's coming up today.
In the second hour.
By the way, I don't normally think to do plugs like this, but I'll do one because it segues to it.
That's why you need gravity-fed water filtration systems like the Alexa Pure and the Pro Pure.
You'll see it on your shower heads because you absorb through your skin and breathe a lot of this stuff as well.
And these systems, the four-stage filter we have is the very best out there.
It has a very low price as well.
It's an amazing filter, the Pro Max filter.
By ProPure, 60-something bucks.
Leading competitors are like 70 or 80 and are one-stage filters and don't even cut out what we cut out.
This totally cuts out hundreds and hundreds of different toxins and other things.
And then the others, it reduces down to like 99, 99.7, 99.9.
We've got all the tests online.
They're at InfowarsStore.com.
You can go see each filtration system, see what the tests showed.
None of these cut everything out.
Okay, not even reverse osmosis, not even distilled cuts out, you know, stuff down to, you know, the billions or whatever, but it basically removes it.
Like, like an emergency system like the LifeStraw.
I don't
Daily, drink a few glasses of the recommended dose of the Vitamin Mineral Fusion System that's great fruit punch flavored, totally natural, totally healthy from plant-derived sources.
Vitamin Refusion is amazing, it's awesome, it's fantastic, and it is really something that everybody regardless should be having every day.
Replacing the juices that are so fattening, the sodas that are so toxic and have so many admitted problems, the so-called diet drinks that they admit in major studies actually make you crave more food and get fatter.
I remember Dr. Blaylock telling me that 20 years ago, and then now the last few years it's been in mainstream news.
I mean, this is something everybody should replace all the garbage you're drinking with.
Do yourself a favor, buy a canister of it.
It's concentrated.
It's a month's supply.
And you support the broadcast regardless, but it's so good.
It makes me feel so good.
In fact, speak of the devil, can somebody make me an ice drink of that?
Because I keep forgetting.
Thank you.
I don't really have butlers around here and don't have them totally after me, but I'm kind of stuck here at the chair and I meant to go get one earlier and got busy working.
But we're going to come right back, ladies and gentlemen, with a ton of news on the economy, on the race, on these earthquakes and so much more.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is the answer for your children to totally absorb the multivitamins, the minerals, the amino acids, everything at once.
Unveil, Vitamin Mineral Fusion Advanced Multi-Vitamin Formula, 30 servings, fruit punch flavor dietary supplement.
It is simply amazing.
There's a million different products like this out there that they're, you know, they're good in different ways.
But this takes all of the vitamins, all the essential amino acids, all the essential compounds and minerals that you need, puts it into something that's great tasting as opposed to like clumpy, gross stuff.
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I put it in my protein shake.
It is the platinum standard, in my view, of multivitamins in terms of an advanced multidrink vitamin.
The cleanest, the purest, new stuff had to be invented.
That's why it took this long to even bring us something that's good.
Some companies are gonna take a small amount of vitamins and make it, you know, so there's so much filler it looks like there's a lot.
This is ultra-concentrated.
We're not playing games here.
Well, that's my philosophy.
That's your philosophy.
But again, there's some great stuff out there.
And there's other powders I promote at Infowarshealth.com.
They're excellent.
I mean, there's some good stuff out there.
This is just the very best we can bring you.
And when you buy it, you support Infowars.
You support the reporters.
You support yourself.
Tell folks about some of these other things that are in this and why this is just this total complete package for your body because, again, we didn't put the synthetic amino acids, we didn't put the synthetic vitamins, we put the plant-based, high-quality, clean, natural ingredients into this.
Yeah, exactly.
So you've got your standard vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, the list goes on.
A huge amount of vitamin C, by the way.
Tell folks about that.
A thousand plus percent of your daily value, which is what you need.
As the, you know, FDA guidelines, we all know about those.
Zinc, magnesium, selenium, L-glutamine.
Each one of these you could go on for about 10 minutes about the benefits of these things.
Alpha lipoic acid, folic acid, calcium, and the list goes on.
34 other ones you can check out.
Go to infowarslife.com, the label's up there.
You've got the entire ingredients list that you can
Neurotically examined for yourself and just... By the way, look on the other side too, because we're showing people the minerals and things.
Let's look at the vitamins right there.
Oh, it's got in there.
I mean, it's amazing.
Top left.
Again, if you're radio listeners, InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Vitamin A has 4,333% from beta carotene and... What's the other source?
I can show this to all the best sources.
So you've also got your vitamin D at a thousand IU, which is a large dose actually.
And you know what?
Some people could say, well isn't this competing with the other products?
Well yeah, you know what?
We could be like some people and just take all the stuff that we sell also at Infowarslife.com and not put any of it, but then it wouldn't be a balanced formula and we're not going to do that.
And it might actually hurt us in the long run to put all the best stuff in here, but that's just the way we got to do it.
Because we can't start thinking like that.
So get them today!
Infowarslife.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
I don't intend to make this another plug, but I am about to drink my Vitamin Mineral Fusion from 4warslife.com.
The all-in-one amino acid, trace mineral, minerals, vitamins, all together.
Vitamin B12, you name it.
Got a bunch of other fancy stuff in it.
It really is set to be a leader in that area of nutraceuticals.
Some of the really cool stuff it's got in here.
Yeah, vitamin B12, methylcobalamin-based.
It's got so many other just amazing, amazing things in it.
Coenzyme Q10.
I mean, I can't read the hundreds of things in here.
It's amazing.
And briefly, finishing up,
On the water filtration, I start thinking about all the radiation, all the isotopes, all the tritium that is just permeating our society.
Now the Northern Hemisphere is three times more radioactive than it was before the Manhattan Project.
Not even before the A-bombs in 1945 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
But radiation started going up and they started producing and mining that stuff and purifying it.
And the main way you get it is the water table.
And you can filter your water and cut almost all that garbage out, and the glyphosates, the Roundup, Runoff, all of it.
You're still going to get it bioaccumulated in the food you eat, but man, it is so important!
That you put these filters on your showers and on your bathtubs, and that you filter the water you drink, folks.
It is so easy to protect your family to a great extent.
InfoWareStore.com, 10% off promo code WATER on all water filtration systems.
And finally, and I'm done plugging this hour...
We haven't done a sale on Survival Shield X2 in a long time by itself at a level of 20%.
20% off on Survival Shield Nation Iodine X2 that protects the thyroid from so many of the bad halogens and radioactive isotopes, you name it.
Because your thyroid won't absorb them if it's already full of the good halogen iodine it needs to then basically produce hormones and a bunch of other things inside the body.
You've got to have it.
It will try to produce things with bad halogens if it doesn't have the good one.
Survival Shield X2, just game-changing, pure iodine, true iodine, atomic iodine, at InfoWars, and we say atomic, it isn't radioactive, folks, it is, it is the element.
It is, it is iodine.
There are many things saying they're iodine that have iodine in it, bound, where you don't absorb it.
This is iodine.
This is pure iodine.
Purple blue crystals.
Not red.
Okay, I'm going to stop right there.
Let me do this.
Let me do this.
I've got to just read these headlines, because I already got into political correctness the first 20 minutes or so, and then I got off into what we're going to cover in the next hour and the last little segment.
Let me just do this and control myself.
Let me just start.
This doesn't mean it's our top story, but there's just so much in here that I'm going to start and just give you the headlines right now.
Zika expected to spread to Europe this summer, already spreading to the United States and is sexually transmitted.
Champions of free speech launched 60 million First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.
But I looked up Columbia University, they've got all the social justice warrior, free speech banning garbage there.
Maybe they'll rediscover it.
Markets just reflect whatever central planners want them to.
Is what a lot of the top banking experts are now admitting is going on.
You know, don't central banks rule the world, as MSNBC said, and all the guests agreed, yes they do.
117 million LinkedIn email addresses and passwords put up for sale.
And the answer is change your password frequently, often, and then some more, and make it complex and not stupid.
I know some people have the same passcode they had 15 years ago.
You are crazy.
And you wonder why your identity is being stolen all the time.
Change your passcodes.
We're going to get into all of that coming up.
More quakes rumble northwest.
Volcanoes, king news.
Oregon's Mount Hood has seen about 40 earthquakes since Monday in close proximity.
Over less than 18 hours, such clusters of earthquakes are known as swarm.
The location of the quakes is in the southern flank of the volcano.
They are small, 2.0s or less, but this happened last time Mount St.
Helens blew up.
There's a more detailed article at Infowars.com.
By Michael Schneider, major eruption imminent, earthquake swarms reported at Mount Hood, Mount Rainier, and Mount St.
I'm going to get into that more.
Researchers, diversity in soil imperative for supporting ecosystems.
And all over the world, the soil is dying because of the chemicals and things that are being added.
And that's a InfoWars.com article by Christina Sarich, who does such a great job.
Earthworms enrich the soil, pesticides harm it.
And we're turning into a big dust bowl, obviously.
I'm not against technology, but it's being misused, misappropriated, and we're strip-mining the planet.
We're more worried about carbon dioxide, limiting that that makes plants grow.
That'll save us.
We should just only worry about that, not all the thousands of serious issues.
Everything will be fine.
Never worry about the terra-farming that's going on by whoever, the geoengineering by our loving elite.
The feds are telling folks to make a grocery list and start stocking up with a week's worth of food, the Examiner reports.
They tell you how to shop.
Now we'll tell you how to tie your shoelaces.
Because public education has done such a good job.
Meddling in Syria's civil war worked out so well, now the Pentagon's decided to move back in with troops and air support.
So they toppled Qaddafi for no reason, bring Al-Qaeda in, now they want to come in and quote, kick those guys out and put in some new government.
This is absolutely insane.
But if you're weapons sellers, it is a fabulous idea.
White House cites executive privilege keeps Obama aide from testifying about Iran nuclear deal which is now admitted to be a complete lie against the American people like Obamacare and everything else these scallywags engage in.
Venezuela spends millions on incredibly dumb things while its economy collapses and the lights actually now are only on about an hour a day in many areas.
And there's this mass looting and death every day, but college kids here dream of one day living in a place like Fidel Castro's Cuba or Hugo Chavez's wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Venezuela.
Another article up on Infowars.com by Paul Watson.
Boris, that's the guy running for Prime Minister in England, the former Mayor of London, is completely right.
The EU was a Nazi brainchild.
We go through all the mainline history of it and how it was a Nazi plan and how the Nazis set up the Bilderberg Group with the United States and England and set up the CIA national security structure so they could actually take over the United States.
Now, not the Nazis, but the Nazi plan was adopted.
You're just seeing a soft-kill, slow-motion version of it, and I know everybody's certainly enjoying the 3,000% increases in cancer, 2,000% increase in type 2 diabetes, and massive 10,000-plus percent increase in pediatric cancers.
The IQ is massively dropping.
Everyone walking around like drooling zombies.
I'm sure you're enjoying it, right?
There's no weapon system attacking.
Everything's fine.
Everything's fine.
Move along.
No, the EU is a Nazi project and was established
As the Nazis would have established it with their blueprint.
With everything, breaking up the family, bringing in the Muslims, just all of it's a beautiful Nazi plan.
And before the media quotes me, it's a horrible plan, but you guys like it, so, you know, run the system.
Here's some interesting news, some good news, but then also some bad news.
Washington Post, U.S.
judge strikes down D.C.
concealed carry gun law as probably unconstitutional.
They just left it as probably.
So another judge has seconded the Supreme Court.
But Hillary says, don't worry, I'm about to get a couple new Supreme Court justices in when I win.
Missouri lawmakers, and so just remember, the Republican leadership still wants Hillary to win instead of Trump, so just remember who they really are.
Trump says he'll put people in like Scalia, who are strict constructionists following the letter of the law.
Not what meaning can be twisted from its text.
Missouri lawmakers passed Stand Your Ground, No Permit Concealed Carry.
And that's good because areas that have gun control, we're seeing crime explode because the economy's going into the toilet.
We've seen crime drop for 20 plus years, but now it's going to go up because the economy's falling apart.
And the answer is to hold that violent crime wave down, get more citizens armed immediately.
Nine anti-gun bills advanced in California Senate.
That's the bad news.
That's from Guns.com.
The Democratic Controlled State Senate Appropriations Committee on Monday gave a rubber stamp to a shelf of measures that would change the landscape of gun laws in California.
And of course, it'll just basically ban most your guns, as they promised to do, and register all the others so they can confiscate them and harass gun owners.
And there's a big list of them.
And if you want to know what the feds are going to do under Hillary, this is the Bloomberg, Hillary, Soros, you know, Nazi collaborator wish list.
And it is a nightmare.
And if you lose a gun, you go to prison.
It's just horrible.
It funds all the gun-grabbing groups with state money.
It's bad.
It's bad.
Again, bans a bunch of guns.
Just you want to go find out what their wish list is.
It's nine anti-gun bills advancing California Senate.
We're posting it up at Infowars.com.
Interpol, 800,000 migrants ready to head to the EU in the latest group.
And they admit they're full of ISIS fighters and jihadists.
And 80% again are military age men.
I mean, look at this photo.
None of them are women.
It's military age men.
Go north and west, my son.
There you will find the wenches and weak men that lay down to you in states that serve us.
Played the clips yesterday.
And then the Germans at the leftist party meeting, almost all run by women, who'd have bags put over their heads and be in slave dungeons under these Wahhabis.
They have the women get up and go, soon Germany will no longer be German, there will be no more evil blue eyes.
And the women are like, yeah, the German women, yeah, oh, we hate ourselves, oh, we hate ourselves.
Just sick, sick, freakish behavior.
You think I'm kidding?
It's in Paul Watson's report.
Can we find that?
I forget the headline.
I'm going to put it on screen for new listeners who actually want to go see that video for yourself.
And the Muslims saying, we're here to get your women, you weak scum.
I'm supposed to go, I'm liberal, you're right, kill me, I'm sorry.
Help me, I'm weak.
Let me continue.
Obama spending millions to find summer jobs for refugees.
That's out of the Egan News.
And remember, it was reported last week by The Hill that they get more money per year than the highest paid Social Security recipients.
So, out of the gates, the refugees are getting almost $18,000 a year and food stamps and job preferences up front.
Here's another one.
Black Iowa student starts fight, loses, makes up hate crimes, gets caught.
That's the University of Iowa.
Shockwaves across campus.
Turned out to be just another hoax, police said.
They have the video of it, just like, again, the guy saying they put fag on his birthday cake at Whole Foods in downtown Austin, and they have the surveillance footage.
He did it!
He wanted attention, but Whole Foods says it's okay.
It was for a good cause.
They just, you know, they're like, go do that to a little Christian bakery or something.
Don't, don't, don't, don't do that to us.
And the media will help cover it up.
Here it is out of the Gazette.
No charges against University of Iowa student Marcus Owens for fabricating hate crime.
Then it gets into what he did.
It says he got drunk and ran around starting altercations and attacking people and then ran back and said that he had been attacked by white people.
I'm sorry, this is really funny.
Oh boy.
62 years after Brown v. Board of Education, court orders schools to desegregate again.
The black school has the highest, in this report, highest grades in the independent school district system, which aren't independent.
Almost no one, they have the polls, who's in the school wants to go.
There are some white and Hispanic students.
They're predominantly black.
They have good discipline records.
It's a first-rate school.
They don't want to leave the school in their neighborhood.
But now they're going to be bused across town to a predominantly white school.
And vice versa.
Vice versa.
This is forced integration, folks, because it's going to create total implosion, and you watch.
Guaranteed within a year or two of this happening, it's going to swap the schools, and then finally tear down one of the black schools.
It's predominantly black.
That belongs to the community that they run.
Guaranteed the test score is going to drop for everybody.
And by the way, it's not segregated.
If you're white or black, you can even ask and go to another school if you wanted to.
They have that program there, they report.
I spent some time researching this this morning.
It's amazing.
Separately, though, all over the country, minority groups, gay groups, whatever, are self-segregating, want their own areas, and then schools are giving them that when they want it.
Here's another report.
Texas Governor JFK wanted men on the moon.
Obama wants men in the women's restrooms.
Adon Salazar, InfoWars.com.
That ties into a story that's up on DrudgeReport.com.
It's an InfoWars.com exclusive.
New York City to find businesses that don't use correct gender pronouns.
Failing to refer to transgenders as Z or her.
Ooh, gotta use the word they say now.
A violation of human rights.
That's already in the colleges, in the banking forms, and they're telling kids in public school, telling five-year-olds, don't say he or she that because I can't be a boy or girl.
Totally confusing.
I mean, when the kid goes to the counselor a few years later, says, well, I'm not a boy or girl, they're like, we got a special after-school group for you.
Licking their lips.
It's called pedophilia.
Sandusky is proud.
Sandusky is proud right now.
So that story's up on InfoWars.com.
We're going to be talking about that some.
CIA watchdog The Hill reports accidentally destroyed a copy of the torture report.
Oh, I'm sure it was a complete and total accident.
It's an accident that the Rockefeller Foundation weaponized in 1954 the Zika virus and then it was on the U.S.
weapon shelves and then now magically it's mutating and it's weaponized and spreading right in the middle of the new Olympics coming up and spread it worldwide and then it causes basically sterilization to form babies and then folks are scared to have sex because it's sexually transmitted.
Nothing going on folks.
Drink your fluoride!
Drink your fluoride!
Okay, now let me get to the really big news right now.
Then I'm going to come back and get into the election news that's ultra important as well.
This story is on Infowars.com from NoMoreFakeNews and John Rappaport.
I don't want to get on about it.
And it links right to the New York Times and it links right to the universities and Scripps.
Howard News Service.
I've told you this forever because they said they were going to do it.
And even when I saw a science fiction movie like 15 years ago, I forget the name.
Who's the guy in the Shawshank Redemption that plays the accountant?
What's his name?
Well, he starred in it, and it's in the future, and they give you a shot that goes in each part of your brain that makes you submit and be passive.
But the elite get a shot that actually brain boosts them.
You've seen that in the new Bourne Supremacy movie.
The Bourne Legacy.
Well, they really have studies on that going back 20 years.
So, writers know about the scientific stuff going on, so they put it in science fiction movies.
The media allows it to come out, the government does, because it conditions you and gets you ready for it.
But the last 10 years or so, they've been admitting that they're going to have behavior vaccines, stress vaccines, anti-drug, anti-addiction vaccines that aren't vaccines.
Vaccine is just a word.
Where you get learned immunity from an attenuated or dead or weakened strain of a virus or a bacteria.
I know you know that.
But under the rubric of that, it is DNA altering human live mutation, which is called cancer.
Live mutation inside the body, which if you study, they say never do because it's connected to cancer and is really, really dangerous.
And it's already going on.
They're already adding this to vaccines.
There's already social conditioning going on.
That's why a lot of folks get vaccines and it's more than just the aluminum and things in it.
They're not themselves anymore because live viruses that are artificial, they're basically nanotech, this is in studies, are being put in.
That's why somebody goes and gets a shot and suddenly he's never there again.
They're there, they work, but they're like dead.
Because there is a zombie apocalypse already going on.
I hope the media makes a joke out of this.
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Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com, and I want to talk about something that really pisses me off.
The fact that we can live in a culture where people can identify as things other than what they actually are.
The fact that a man can identify as a woman and then go use that restroom.
Or the fact that a white woman can identify as an African American woman.
Let's call her Rachel Dolezal.
I think at this point, then she should be able to get reparations for slavery, or maybe
He's an 18-year-old kid who plays Call of Duty all day and wants to identify as an elite special ops soldier.
I think if he carries out a really badass mission on Call of Duty, Obama should have a ceremony and give that man the Medal of Honor.
Or perhaps you're lazy and you want to be trans handicapped.
That way you can park in all the good spots at the mall and a Golden Crown Buffet.
This is the matrix that we live in now in 2016.
A world full of fairies.
Fake Asian tall people, men who are women, white women who are black.
This is the fall of the human species.
I'm Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
The actor was Tim Robbins.
The film was Code 46, 2003.
And we'll put the IMDb up on screen for TV viewers.
I'll describe it for radio listeners.
And the government uses viruses to program people's brains for social control.
So again, we'll put that article up on screen for TV viewers so people can actually check it out for themselves.
We didn't have time to print it.
If you scroll down, I'll actually read from the description on the plot.
Yeah, just click storyline.
Code 46 is a love story set in a brave new world type near future where cities are heavily controlled and only accessible through checkpoints.
People cannot travel unless they have paperless papers.
Words and sentences in many languages, especially Spanish, French, and Chinese are mixed with English in this new world.
A special travel permit issued by the totalitarian government, the Sphinx,
Outside these cities, the desert has taken over the shanty towns and jammed with non-citizens, people without IDs, forced to live their lives.
And then it goes on to break down, I've seen the film, how they use viruses injected into people to basically control them and dumb them down.
Will you guys print me the whole bio on that?
Now, continuing here.
Or print me a better review.
That's just some anonymous review that didn't do too good a job.
The whole point of the film is about the viruses.
And I saw it like over a decade ago.
I'm going from memory.
But here is the real issue.
And if I can talk about a movie and get people to pay attention, I will.
Because I want to do a review on this.
It was probably a decade ago as well that I did a special video report called Brain Eating Vaccines.
That's a shock name because that's what they do.
They call them, oh, behavior vaccines, anti-depression vaccines, stress vaccines, anti-addiction vaccines.
And there's a bunch of different families of these.
But most of them create antibodies that block chemicals in your body associated with euphoria.
So yeah, heroin doesn't get you high anymore, but you also never get excited and you're a total sad sack.
And it's linked to depression and suicide.
But still they have other classes that are viral that go in and actually destroy, that eat, that replicate on certain areas of the brain and give you a tailored viral lobotomy.
Basically viral meningitis.
Genetically engineered viral meningitis to go in and target certain areas of your brain.
Now you know the globalists are into social control.
It's in the news that Obama does whatever Google says and Google's gaming everything for the Democrats and the globalists.
And it's in the news that they meet with Zuckerberg and they game everything.
They've all been caught.
It's all out in the open that they're scamming you.
Of course if they're putting fluoride in the water since the mid-forties to brain damage you and lower fertility.
And the White House science czar wrote a book about it in 1974, the year I was born.
What do you think they're doing now?
Don't take their vaccines.
Don't be afraid of all the other diseases and things that are out there that they claim vaccines protect you from.
Most of the time, they make you more susceptible to what they claim they're fighting, whether it's shingles or whooping cough.
Look it up!
But let's say there were real vaccines out there that could actually help you.
They don't want to help you.
They're bringing in illegals en masse.
They now have record levels of tuberculosis all over the United States.
That was in the news yesterday.
Minnesota is the worst hit.
You pull that up, it's incredible.
You think they really care about you?
They're not going to give you real vaccines, they're going to give you real technology.
They're doing everything they can to block you.
And only a revolt by the citizens, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers, learning about this and saying, we want access to the real stuff, only that will turn this around.
But let me tell you, the new vaccines, the reason they're giving national liability protection,
And the reason they're so secretive and allowed to keep it secret is because they're adding Trojan horse stuff, viruses, cancer viruses, nanotech, microplasms, you name it, in a bunch of secret testing.
They admit they've used vaccines to test stuff on the public, including lethal pathogens.
Secret testing's been declassified.
Everybody knows about Tuskegee.
There's thousands of things bigger than that.
In the U.S.
Code, they say for law enforcement or any testing purposes, they can kill you.
They also have it on the books, they can cancel elections and arrest people en masse.
Well, I say that's a fraud, and I'm standing up against it.
And by the way, Salon's back, saying pedophilia's good.
Oh yeah, this is how sick these filth are.
They hate us, I'm proud of that.
A white person smiling at a black person is a racist microaggression.
Not smiling at a person of color is also racist!
I did it again!
Students who attend a Whiteness History Month presentation at Portland College coined the term, white guy smile, while agonizing over whether or not a white person smiling at a black person is a racist microaggression.
There's all of this stuff wrapped up in how we meet or do not meet each other's eyes.
Another white female student then discusses how her black relatives will always talk about the white guy smile.
What are you supposed to do?
I smile at everybody but then somehow I'm like conscious of that and then I just do the white guy smile.
As much as I don't think of myself as having that awkwardness there's always that.
Am I doing the white guy smile or is it that normal smile?
She asks.
Laughing at liberals sums up the sheer idiocy of this exchange.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com reporting on the idiocy of America.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I see your hair is burning.
Ills are filled with fire.
Align yourself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I just tried to quickly drink some more Vitamin Mineral Fusion from 4WarsLive.com.
Spilt it down the front of my jacket.
But there are worse things to do than that.
Like absorbing invisible, undetectable by traditional methods, radiation all over the world, concentrated in the Western world.
We're going to be breaking all of that down with Dr. Edward Groot with some huge news coming up in the next segment.
But I want to make a big deal out of this because I've made a big deal about this over the years.
I've studied the globalists and their social control.
Their ruthlessness, how cunning they are, how bold they are.
They admitted in mainstream news a year after the fact that the H1N1 virus had been a simulated virus in a vaccine a year before.
It was actually just a false positive virus to create hysteria and cover up other more deadly flu viruses that were going around at the time to push a special synthetic vaccine that the establishment wanted people to take worldwide.
Now we don't know specifically what was going on, but we know in special trials of subdivisions of the vaccine, there were deaths in Poland, deaths in Czechoslovakia, deaths in the UK.
In some cases, a third of the people or more they gave the vaccine to would die.
Just type in a homeless die in Poland, and you see the number where they give it to, I think it was 50?
And then like a huge number of them die, I'm going from memory, but you cannot make this stuff up.
And then I have this article,
New vaccines will permanently alter human DNA.
Consider this article in light of the accelerating push to mandate and enforce vaccines and vaccination across the planet.
The reference in the New York Times, 3-15-15, protection without a vaccine, it describes the frontier of research.
Here, the key quote that illustrates the use of the synthetic genes to promote against diseases, while challenging and changing the genetic makeup of the humans.
This is not science fiction.
And again, they have the vaccines that go in and actually alter your brain to make you submit.
They say this!
They're gonna make you better with a shot, and they just say it real calmly, and if they tell moms to do it, your daughter's gonna be well-behaved, they'll shoot their daughters up, and the media will act like it's totally normal when your daughter becomes basically an unfeeling zombie, and commits suicide five years later.
And no one will help you then.
They'll just tell you a good job, like with the Gardasil, you know, she dies three days later, or she has a convulsion, never walks again.
They'll just quietly pay you out for the big secret vaccine fund of taxpayers' money.
Because this is an overall agenda.
Your daughter wasn't meant to die three days later.
She was meant to become sterile down the road and die at 30, not at 12.
But you got to break a few eggs.
With a soft kill to be strong enough to kill you 20 years down the road, it's gonna kill some people on the spot.
So take your shots.
And if you work for the system and the government,
Be delusional.
Feel like you're part of the power structure.
Hate me.
Say I'm a liar.
And roll up your sleeves and prepare to be brain damaged.
Because I'm not lying.
I have the facts.
I know we're living in a science fiction dystopic nightmare.
We're entering it.
But because there's so much good stuff in the world still, as night falls, as the tyranny creeps in, a lot of folks aren't noticing because they're too busy mesmerized by the brainwashing.
According to the New York Times, by delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of experimental monkeys, just like it was monkey kidneys that gave 98 million Americans, according to the federal government, cancer, SV40,
That was just one special immortal cell gene line that gave you so much pleasure and sucked so much money out of so many millions of families, but I'm sorry.
Let's read the New York Times.
I'll take the shots.
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Black Iowa student starts fight, loses, makes a paint crime, gets caught.
It was claimed on the night of April 30th he was attacked by three evil white college-age men who beat him bloody while screaming racial slurs.
Activist students claim the attacks showed a climate of racial hatred in Iowa City.
And they also denounced the university for taking until May 4th to issue a statement about the matter.
How many black students must be a victim of hate crime before an alert is sent out?
One student complained online at the time.
But footage which was released by police shows a very different series of events.
The footage shows Owens entered the bar close to midnight and then getting involved in a massive bar melee around 135 a.m.
He was kicked out of the bar and then proceeded to get in two additional fights within the next 10 minutes.
In all of the fights Owens is acting aggressively and throwing punches and police say he appears to have been the instigator in at least a few of the fights.
This is Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com
BrainForce is here.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on this the last few months.
You probably noticed I've been more crazed, more focused, less brain fog, more energy, more special reports, and it's because of BrainForce.
One of the worst things with most energy products is it's not sustainable, right?
You're gonna crash and gonna feel really bad afterwards.
This has a bunch of different antioxidants and compounds and polyphenols.
Everybody's on these drugs to knock their brain out because the brain's so fried.
We kept changing this formula over and over and over again until it became sort of a grand puzzle.
For example, the L-Theanine inside of it.
That is activated by the different compounds in the Yerba Mate that we put inside of it as well.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And as we go on down the road, our shadows taller than our swords.
There was a lady we all know.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, I'm your host Alex Jones with my great crew of researchers and fellow patriots who are here raising the alarm as modern Paul reveals that we are falling into a worldwide technological overwrite, a technocracy, a world government.
But your human choices of being aware of this can reverse it.
That's why I'm here desperately trying to simply fire the flare gun in the air.
So you can look around you and decide for yourself, is humanity under attack?
Is humanity being suppressed?
And then the final question, are you going to lay down in the ditch?
And submit to this tyranny and slowly die.
And watch all the work of our ancestors come to nothing.
And allow the people like Zuckerberg and other predatory creatures to steal the birthright of humanity.
The question lies before you.
My good friend Dr. Edward Group is in studio with us a little bit into the next hour.
And then we have other guests joining us today.
Victor Ostrowski, a high-level famous member of Mossad, who has exposed false flags, corruption in his own government, our government, you name it.
White slavery sex rings.
This guy really is a hero.
He is going to be joining us today for 30 minutes.
Then Roger Stone,
He's a very savvy guy.
It's in the news today that foreign governments are hacking all the major campaigns.
Well, it's known that Stone, you know, got Paul Manford in there.
He's got the new pollster in there.
That's one of his best friends.
It's in the news today that the media says, oh, it looks like Stone's really the head of the campaign.
No, Trump's the head of the campaign.
But yes, Stone is as influential as anybody.
And so obviously they're breaking into his computer.
So we're having to really do some countermeasures and have folks with computers each time come to him to even be able to get him on.
He gets on his computer, people jump on it, start surfing on it, start downloading stuff.
I mean, this is serious.
And it's actually on Drudge Report today, actually dealing with that.
Intel chief, foreign hackers spying on campaigns.
And that is in the Associated Press today.
Some folks are like, oh, nobody's breaking into Roger Stone's computer.
No one wants to get into, you know, the Karl Rove for Donald Trump, the presidential frontrunner's computer.
Nobody wants to get into Donald Trump's political brain.
Oh no, that's not a target.
And I'm sure the White House isn't a target.
And I'm sure Hillary Clinton's email isn't a target.
Turns out she's been hacked.
Of course she was hacked!
The Pentagon said of course she was hacked two years ago.
And it turned out all these governments were in there.
She knew that.
Why would she have all that secret stuff on an unshielded computer on purpose to leak info?
That's a famous way to sell data but not get caught.
You know, you don't go to the park and drop it off under the bench like a lot of other people, you know, got caught doing.
But the NSA and CIA ain't going to prison for life.
You just put stuff on a server, oh gee, I didn't know all these foreign groups are getting on, all these foundations, and then they give you hundreds of millions of dollars.
The Gulf States gave her a hundred plus million alone!
She's gotten billions!
She's been a spy on the CIA since she was 18 years old.
That's been declassified.
Her and Clinton are in an arranged marriage.
We know the name of their section chief when they were in London infiltrating the Russians.
And so she is a spy on purpose, selling data or leaking data.
Who knows?
Might be disinfo.
But it doesn't matter.
I know she's after our guns.
I know she wants to shut down our power plants.
I know she wants forced inoculations.
I know she's an enemy of this country.
Coming up, I'm a pedophile.
Infowars.com reports, Truth Revolt reports as well.
I'm a pedophile, but not a monster, says the salon rider.
Can you believe that?
Salon pushes pedophile sympathy again.
That's like five, six articles every month I've been seeing.
I'm a pedophile, not a monster.
And they actually have this slimy guy on.
About how he's attracted to kids.
And he does videos now.
So, I can't even look at him.
Just look at that disgusting person.
I mean, I have three children.
And you bet, I discriminate against pedophiles.
The UN wants to legalize it.
I know you have small children.
You can comment on this, but then I want to get into your huge breaking news and then
New vaccines will permanently alter human DNA.
The New York Times, an excellent John Rappaport boil-down article giving you more of the story.
This is what I've been horrified of for 20 years, but now it's here.
They always had them, but now vaccines that go in and quote, alter your DNA forever and change your entire genetic history.
So this is the government vandalizing our genetics just like they admit GMO crops leak into the DNA.
So folks, we are being jacked with mega massively.
God knows what this is going to do.
The mutations, the cancers are already off the chart because of a cocktail of reasons.
The elite are testing on us to find secrets for themselves.
We're the lab rats.
We're the guinea pigs.
Everything they do is multifaceted.
But what do you call this?
Media pushes vaccines that destroy your genetic legacy, that alter who you are, that change your behavior.
Government pushes vaccines that give you a lobotomy.
I mean, that's what the stress vaccines do.
They're here.
It's happening.
But first,
I want to ask Dr. Group this question, because he's more of a journalist than even the many degrees he has, and you know, the clinics he runs, and he's one of the biggest pharmaceutical producers in the country, one of the biggest designers, highly respected.
I'm so honored to work with him at Infowarslife.com.
We know that in the Northern Hemisphere, it had doubled since the Manhattan Project by Chernobyl in the mid-80s, 86.
Now, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, anybody can look this up, 93% of reactors, of the 600 plus reactors, 400 plus power producers are leaking.
In the window there's a lot of secret reactors as well.
A lot of spacecraft they've had reactors in because the public, they don't tell them that's been admitted.
So, who knows, 600 admitted reactors, two in Austin.
General Publix, Totalator, you know, doesn't even know there's one of the biggest research reactors in the world in North Austin, the J.J.
Pickles Center.
They don't know there's an old reactor from the 50s under the UT facilities.
By the tower, people can see the smokestacks.
My dad's been in it when he was in Plan II in high school, already at UT.
So, it's kind of like out of sight, out of mind.
We're here with reactors.
They never shut it off, by the way.
You can't shut them off.
They've got the big one in North Austin.
But 93% of them are leaking.
CBS said a decade ago 75% are leaking.
But you can look it up, 93% are leaking.
And they're leaking things that aren't detectable by Geiger counters or field monitors.
So I want to ask you before you get into this and break it all down, Dr. Edward Group, why doesn't the elite care?
Because 30, 40 years ago, I've studied it, I know you have as well, we've talked about this, they at least tried to contain them.
They tried to not have leaks.
But now Mombiot, the head eugenicist liberal in England, he says we should thank nuclear reactors and have more of them.
So it's entered a very nihilistic, kind of like these roulette parties where one person has AIDS or HIV and everybody tries to get it.
And heterosexuals now want to die too.
It's very trendy.
The sexiest women want to die.
It's very macabre.
We're not joking, folks.
This is happening.
What is this?
I mean, they've got enough nukes to blow the planet up ten times.
Why not just get it over with now?
What do you think's going on?
Well, you have the oil and gas industry, which is a trillion-dollar industry.
You have the pharmaceutical industry, which is a trillion-dollar industry.
And then you have the nuclear power and nuclear weapon industry, which, believe it or not, nuclear power plants are extremely profitable.
They don't care about the
You know, what's going to happen to the people?
They don't care about what's going to be leaking into the air and the water.
They don't even care if their kids die.
They're just worried about profitability, and they're very profitable.
And not only that, it's a population control mechanism.
If you look at the Spokane hub model that we always talk about... Lawyers for penalty!
You have nuclear radiation which nobody can see, nobody can measure a lot of it, you know, especially the individual people.
A lot of times you don't see high-level political people or the globalists or people that know about
The damaging effects of radiation that live by these.
They already know.
They're not going to live next to or in the 100 mile or 200 mile radius of nuclear power plants.
And so I think that that has a lot to do with it.
And China, for example, is building 20 floating nuclear power plants right now.
They're going to be floating in the ocean.
And they're famous for dumping waste.
That way they can just dump it.
No one's there to monitor it.
I mean, this is insane.
Yeah, it's insane and it's just another reason, even though there are a lot of good things that are happening right now in the world, there's also all of these nuclear power plants, a lot of them that were built in the 1920s, 30s, 40s.
And mainline environmentalists are all over the news saying, we love nuclear, get rid of coal plants, they're totally clean, but our carbon dioxide plants need, we're at a carbon starved level.
It's almost like science fiction, like they're space aliens and they want a radioactive environment and don't like carbon dioxide.
And I'm not saying that's what's happening, but they're like terraforming us, cutting off the carbon, making everything radioactive, spraying radioactive isotopes in the air.
That's declassified.
We're going to skip this break as I cut into your time.
Please continue, Dr. Gruberman.
There's something behind this.
Well, what's behind it, I think, is the scary thing about radiation is the half-life.
I mean, these things are radioactive, can be for millions of years.
For example, you have cesium, strontium, radioactive iodine, you have plutonium, uranium, all of these things that can damage the environment, the earth, the soil, the human body.
I mean, for the whole history of the Earth.
I mean, that's how damaging these things are.
But one of the things that not too many people are talking about, and one of the things that is starting to be more reported on, is the tritium.
And most people say, tritium?
What's that?
You know, all we hear about is radioactive iodine.
That's right.
Let's get into the stuff that is very hard to detect, but just as deadly.
So tritium is actually radioactive hydrogen and hydrogen is the main component in water and air and it's really scary when you think about it because I started doing the research, especially with the tritium leaks that were detected at Biscayne Bay down in Miami.
As a matter of fact, just about every single nuclear power plant is releasing tritium.
What is tritium?
Tritium is basically radioactive hydrogen, radioactive water.
Now, with most toxic radioactive materials, they're going to accumulate in the tissue.
You know, for example, with cesium and strontium and radioactive iodine, you're going to have problems with your thyroid gland.
That's why we're seeing thyroid dysfunction.
Through the roof all over the world right now.
Listen, I was at a Kirby Lane and now I'm paying attention.
Suddenly, young people, especially women, they just have these big goiters hanging under their necks.
I know that's the fluoride in the water doing that partially, but what's going on?
It depends on what part of the world or what part of the United States that you're living in.
I mean, just for example, up in Indian Point in New York, the reactor's been leaking heavily.
It's leaking tritium into the Hudson River.
All those people around there, you're starting to see... And by the way, while you're talking, we're even putting mainstream news headlines up with what you're saying.
This is not your opinion.
For radio listeners, he has a stack of documents, articles in front of him.
Right, and because anything that I think is a major health concern, obviously, like you, we want to report on it so people can contact their local authorities, contact the government, not like they're going to do anything about it.
Well, more heat on this is good.
I mean, it's just education.
The more people know about it, they can protect themselves as well.
And that's NBC News.
Radioactive tritium leaks found at 48 U.S.
nuke sites.
I wonder why cancer is exploding off the chart.
So the problem with tritium is, tritium is not measured at these nuclear sites because you cannot pick it up with a Geiger counter and these nuclear facilities are not regulated to where they have to look at tritium levels.
The EPA comes in during inspections and looks for tritium levels in the soil and nearby lakes and nearby water sources.
But, no, they're actually, it's legal for these nuclear power plants to release tritium into the water and into the soil, and it's become a big problem.
That's right, they have allowable levels, and within a month of Fukushima happening, we can actually pull up articles on this, we wrote stories about it, the EPA came out and said, we're going to raise the levels of what we say safe.
Some isotopes, they raised them 2,500 times.
And then they also allow them to keep secret now when they dump.
Used to alarms would go off.
So now they're on lakes and streams and oceans just dumping.
So the problem with tritium is you just, you're walking around, you're breathing it through the air.
Because these big smokestacks that come out of the nuclear facilities, most of it's releasing tritium.
So, it gets into the air, you breathe it in, it's hydrogen, so it goes directly through your skin, it gets into the water, it gets into the soil, so plants can become radioactive as well.
It's a major concern because if you look at some of the other radioactive materials, they might attack the bones, let's say, or they might attack the thyroid gland.
Unfortunately, tritium attacks the DNA.
When tritium decomposes in the body, it releases 18,000 electron volts.
And those electron volts attack the DNA, so it attacks every single cell in your body.
And now they're releasing vaccines that attack your DNA.
I mean, that's in the New York Times, but because they care about us.
Come on.
I understand these companies don't care, it's about profits, but at a certain point, you know, they told a CEO, we'll detonate a doomsday bomb that blows the whole planet up, but we'll pay you all the money in the world.
You'll be dead and can't spend it, but you would have been the richest man in the world.
Would he still hit the button?
Yeah, that's a tough question.
Because, I mean, they admit radiation's going off the chart, it's killing people, the elite's kids are dying, they're dying.
There's something beyond this, a satanic force, an energy.
Because people used to care more.
It's destruction.
Destruction of the planet.
You were talking about soil, destruction of the soil.
If you destroy the soil, then you can't grow any food.
That's why everybody's moving to greenhouses now, because it's so hard.
The trees are dying.
The oxygen concentration in the planet is going down.
It used to be at 28%.
Now, in some places, it's down to 6 or 8%.
Oxygen, we take 30,000 breaths a day.
All over the hill country, most of the trees are dying.
That's right.
And they say, we don't know why.
And first it was the oaks, now it's the other trees.
And they admit that aluminum's exploding, and they're spraying us with it.
So, not only do you have it, yes, it's a deluge of toxins.
I cannot believe we have this evil elite.
I mean, they are so evil.
Just the word nuclear is evil.
And also, with nuclear weapons, tritium is used in every single nuclear weapon as well, because it's the trigger for nuclear weapons.
So, how do you protect yourself?
I think one of the reasons also that we're seeing... They show the mutated plants and animals.
So, this is what's happened with Fukushima.
Uh, the mutations.
You have plants.
This is, again, you don't get mutations like this unless your DNA is affected.
The core genetic structure of the planet, of the food.
Look at that strawberry.
That's a strawberry with, like, two heads on it.
Three heads.
Different type, like, eggplants growing with tomatoes.
I think.
Hair on their tongues, tails growing out the side, but it's okay.
They love us.
Well, that's what DARPA's for, right?
I mean, they're doing all that transhumanism stuff over there.
What are those?
I don't even know what that is.
Look at that sunflower.
Some fruit that they're growing.
Go back to that sunflower.
That was crazy.
Look at that sunflower.
Oh yeah, look at the sunflower with all the different heads on it.
So that was a human, it had like 10 heads.
Right, I actually have some pictures of... You know what, I guarantee you, as everybody starts getting deformed, they're already kind of starting this, if you're against all the mutants, they're gonna say you're racist.
And so it'll be, we're glad to be mutants, give us more mutations, I guarantee you.
See, they dump the chemicals in the water to confuse people's sexuality, then they have to create the schools and everything for everybody that doesn't know who they are, and then they say, it's okay, you're just being anti, you know,
Because all these hermaphrodites are being born.
See how they do it?
They really know what they're doing.
Well, we are literally creating an alien race.
It goes all the way from the animals, to the foods, to the humans.
That's right.
And then the genetic engineering on top of it, and releasing the salmon.
They then will extinct the other salmon that are part animal, and part plant, and part insect, and four times larger.
And look, they're creating AI that's alien.
That's right.
This is an alien invasion.
I mean you cannot, and I don't mean little green men folks, our elite channeling the devil, other dimensional entities, whatever you want to call it.
I mean really this is what's happening.
They are literally playing God and we are totally screwed.
I mean there's nothing stopping them.
They don't care.
They're clearly doing it on purpose.
What do you think about that statement?
No, I think it's true.
They're probably going to come out with some, or they probably already have something that you're going to have to pay millions of dollars for so you can actually repair the DNA in your body.
That's it.
And then we'll have to go to them to have an embryo made.
And they'll say, well, we have laws now, so it's not aggressive or whatever.
We're going to put our back doors in there.
Or they'll say... They're already saying that.
Your DNA is altered.
You're not even a human anymore.
You're going to be contained.
But don't worry, you've got rights.
You've got a spokesman.
And then if we're against stopping the genetic mutations, again, we'll be racist.
Yeah, you'll be in a FEMA camp and you'll be, you know, under control over there and, you know... Look, all this stuff... By the way, I believe... I figured it out.
This is what they're doing.
All the food that's affected... And see, they're like a devil cult.
They say, we're about to make the new God, the new computer.
We're about to make the new animal, the new human.
I don't believe in God yet, but I'm gonna be God.
That's Ray Kurzweil.
I'm gonna make aliens.
That's what he says.
They're making aliens.
Think of a science fiction book where the aliens don't come from space or an interdimensional.
We get so smart,
We make them ourselves.
It's like these radio telescopes blasting out all these star systems.
Please come here!
We're here!
We're friendly!
You know, it's just crazy!
How do you do it?
You change the DNA.
You change the genes of the human.
The Bible says a fallen alien from space is here manipulating world leaders to carry this out against God.
Now, that's what supposed 2 billion people are supposedly Christian on this planet.
Okay, so I'm asking folks, do you believe what God said or not?
God created us in a certain way with a proper type of DNA.
He said do not mix the seed.
Do not mix the seed and what we've had over the last 20 years is
We've had the vaccine program, which alters DNA.
We've had stuff sprayed in the air, which alters DNA.
You have the tritium right now that's in the food and the air and the water that attacks the DNA with 18,000 electrovolts.
Fluoride also is electrified.
You have fluoride, chlorine.
I mean, you have all of these things that are affecting the genetically modified foods.
But there are times scientists talk proudly about creating a synthetic human genome.
Oh, which means they've already done it.
Right, you have DARPA and then you have IARPA too.
Most people don't even know about IARPA, which is the secret organization intelligence, working on intelligence for the CIA.
DARPA is actually for the military.
IARPA is for the CIA.
I mean... And let's go further.
They created Google.
And let's expand.
That's declassified.
And then let's expand on that.
They are now... Remember who created the Cold Springs Harbor facility and the Genome Project?
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute was its German counterpart.
It's a eugenics base on how to dumb us down and kill us.
It's a soft kill operation, Greg, there's no doubt now.
It's proven, what do we do?
What do you do is what you do for anything that's attacking your body, is you start detoxifying yourself, you start building your self-healing mechanism.
Stay there.
I want to explain how we help ourselves, but I want to talk about what do we do politically.
Because I understand they're going to slowly turn up the titration and the poisoning to culturally prepare everybody for the mass die-off.
So those of us that are cleansing will be better off than the final wipe-out group.
So we'll have a jump on the enemy.
But I mean, how do we stop them?
We're on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, she's playing the women's card.
By the way, if she didn't play the women's card, she would have no chance, I mean zero, of winning.
We haven't had a woman to be president yet, so we need to have a woman to be president.
All these mothers and fathers bring me the placemats with all the presidents, and they bring their daughters, and they say, my daughter has a question for you, and the daughter says, how come there are no girls on this placemat?
If you vote for somebody on the merits, one of my merits is I'm a woman.
Let's go.
Mr. Trump accused me of playing the quote, woman card.
Which unfortunately doesn't give you a discount even though we don't get equal pay for the work we do.
You can't show it when you're checking out at the supermarket.
Finally, fathers will be able to say to their daughters, you too can grow up to be president.
I cannot imagine anyone being more of an outsider than the first woman president.
Senator Sanders is the only person who I think would characterize me, a woman running to be the first woman president, as exemplifying the establishment.
But what he was saying in going after my qualifications is very familiar to a lot of women.
This is Jim Johnston.
You know, we're not going to be counted out anymore.
We're going to stand up and express our opinions.
We're going to claim what is rightfully ours in the workplace, in our society, in our economy, in our political system.
Women for Hillary.
I really like the sound of that.
And then now, when she talks to a bunch of women, with all the photos of women behind her, and women like, we're coming.
Oh, it's so creepy.
And just remember, there's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other.
I may have to leave.
I just can't handle it anymore.
Please, I can't look at it.
Just go ahead and play her.
I'm not going to look at her though.
Go ahead and play her.
How come there are no girls?
A woman to be president.
I'm a woman.
A woman to be president.
Woman card.
First woman president.
A woman's card.
As he goes after women.
A woman running to be the first woman president.
How come there are no girls?
I gotta go.
I'm sorry.
American woman.
I mean, all of the men were petrified to speak to women anymore.
We may raise our voice.
You know what?
The women get it better than we do, folks.
They get it better than we do.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Now, there's a multi-faceted fight to take on the Globalist here.
What I set out to do for my family is the one I promote to others in a win-win, and then you purchasing the products that helps fund our organization to further warm people.
But we're going to briefly do some plugging here in association with all the toxins, the glyphosates, the GMOs, the radiation.
DNA force, we're going to talk about what's in DNA force from 4WheelsLife.com.
It's nutraceutical.
What it does to the inside of the cells to help detoxify them, the mitochondria.
We're also going to talk about survival shield nascent iodine X2.
Now, it is certainly no panacea, folks, but drinking purified clean water, not living near reactors, being aware of what's going on, this is key.
But all of this just mitigates it.
Imagine the general public that is totally unaware, watching TV all day on their smartphones.
They are being devastated.
And all the metrics show we're in trouble.
All the metrics show our brain cells are dying.
90% in the west of the sperm are immobile.
We are falling apart, ladies and gentlemen.
And it is just a completely evil plan.
And our laziness and ignorance is what's letting it happen.
But here's the good news.
I've said this thousands of times.
I'll say it again.
30 years ago, you couldn't find non-GMO, organic food anywhere.
People created a market.
It became ubiquitous.
It's now displacing the garbage food.
Ten years ago, you couldn't, you know, find plastic that didn't have bisphenol A. Now it's being phased out.
And there are other problems, but when we move, seven and a half billion of us, we have a lot of power.
All over the world, they're banning genetically modified crops that don't produce seeds or have their own pesticide in them.
So we're in a genetic war and a chemical war, a silent
War of the 21st century.
You are in a war.
That's what this is.
The final war to decide the future of humanity is a science war.
It's so epic.
The stakes are so huge, but the average person is in a trance with football games and TV and movies and Captain America and all this fantasy land, when reality is so incredible.
So, Dr. Group, briefly, get into stuff that we're not selling that helps people get detoxified.
Other ways you help, you know, try to stay away from this.
But also,
High quality iodine, vitamin B12, secret 12, DNA force.
I was asking you, you know, obviously I got into iodine because of Fukushima, but the other stuff out there was unbound, isn't as good as ours, but it certainly helped break down how people can protect themselves.
Well, first of all, no other doctor that I know of has identified all of the warfare measures that the globalists are using
To demotivate us, to keep us sick, to induce disease.
So my approach was kind of different.
Let's identify all of those eugenics programs, let's identify all of the things and the attacks that we currently have against us through the air, the food, and the water, and come up with countermeasures.
And Alex, that's all we're doing is we're coming up with countermeasures.
To keep people healthy, such as the iodine.
We know that the majority of the people on the planet are deficient in iodine.
We see that iodine is essential for the endocrine system to function.
We have an overproduction and people are taking in way too much chlorine, fluoride, bromine, the toxic halogens.
We have thyroid issues.
We have breast cancer, ovarian cysts.
We are drowning in it.
Problems with sterility in men and women, you know, that's a whole nother subject that we're not talking about.
All of the supplements that we develop are designed as counter warfare measures to protect your body.
Everybody needs iodine with the amount of radiation in the air, all the health benefits of iodine that's out there, the survival shield x2 for
Purification of water for your preparedness pack that you need.
It's on special right now.
You have it.
I don't think you've ever done 20% off on the X2 before.
That is a great deal.
We use 99.999% pure iodine crystals.
I, you know, listen, talking about radiation, talking about chemicals and toxins, iodine has a long history.
It works as an anti-microbial agent.
It helps bring all those chemicals and toxins out of your system.
Helps neutralize radiation.
Well, they're thinking of the stuff at Walgreens.
It'll eat your gut if you drink it.
How is this palatable?
How does this work?
So you definitely don't want to go to the drugstore and get iodine.
Iodine is actually a toxic compound in nature.
So what we have to do is we have a proprietary process that we developed where we detoxify the iodine, we turn it into a monoatomic element, a nascent iodine, which doesn't have to be broken down by the body.
It goes directly in your system and supports every single cell.
The beautiful thing about iodine is it's so hard to get away from some of these chemicals and toxins we're exposed to every single day.
But with iodine, it actually helps bring the fluoride, the chlorine, the bromine out of the thyroid gland.
It helps rebalance your endocrine system.
That's another attack that we have, okay?
So the attack on the endocrine system is through phthalates, through pesticides like glyphosate.
Through fluoride, chlorine, and bromine, just to name a few.
So how do we counteract that attack?
Is we take a good, nascent form of iodine, like the X2, on a daily basis, or at least on a weekly basis.
And by the way, I would just add, filter your water, get a filter that really removes stuff.
I mean, there's so many things.
Keep it out of your body to begin with, as you always say.
Exactly, exactly.
And then use, like, the iodine to block it and pull it out of your body.
Now, again, let's talk briefly about DNA Force, and then I want to get into Joe Jennings.
I worked here for years, does a great job, worked in Florida in TV.
His dad just died, what was it, a year, year and a half ago?
I know you were distraught over it with a big brain tumor.
You grew up next to a nuclear power plant.
We're going to be talking about that and tritium and this invisible killer that's everywhere.
But DNA Force specifically, this is something we could actually make claims on.
Because it's full of known, very expensive, but we discount them, nutraceuticals like Bio PQQ.
So the DNA force, again, you know, as we were talking with the attack on our DNA.
I mean, how do we protect our DNA?
That's really the whole purpose.
I mean, as we, as I was looking around at all these different things and your dad was actually helping me with this, he's like,
We know that with the vaccines, especially with the vaccines, the flu shots, we know with what they're spraying in the air, we know with all the radiation, we know there's an attack on our DNA.
How can we counterattack that?
How can we protect our own DNA?
How can we prevent, actually, the aging process or the degradation?
Because what happens with DNA and with genetics is
If your genes are malfunctioning or toxic and your DNA is toxic, the next time that cell replicates, it's going to malfunction.
And it just, every time that cell replicates and replicates, if it doesn't have the proper nutrients and it's under attack by toxic substances, it's going to get worse and worse and worse and worse and it's going to be altering.
The good news is, and Bruce Lipton proved this, that
The genes are directly related to the environment in which you live.
That means if you start putting clean water in your body, if you start eating clean organic food, if you start reducing the amount of toxic genetic compounds that are coming into your body on a daily basis, then you can actually repair your genes and your DNA.
And BioPQP was known, one of the only things, to help
The mitochondria that power the cells, and it's full of a whole bunch of other stuff, but this is admitted to regrow nerves.
I personally started taking it years ago, and my finger that had been chopped off, the feeling came back into it.
I mean, this is serious.
So that's the whole purpose, and that's why DNA force is so expensive, because, but it's worth it.
It actually works inside your body to help prepare
And similar formulas, though, are double or triple the price.
Oh yeah, exactly!
I mean, just the single ingredients alone, if you were to buy every single ingredient and DNA force by itself, it would be upwards of like three or four hundred dollars to do that.
So we have a unique combination of ingredients with the BioPQQ, the transresveratrol, the lipoic acid in there, all of the cellular components that are going to be there to help
Reduce the amount of toxic damage to your DNA.
And help your cells, as you said, move the garbage out.
Yeah, it helps reduce all of the chemicals and toxins that are in there.
It protects the cell membrane.
By far, one of the most successful products.
I take it every single day.
And I know there's a difference.
Now, people gotta watch out though.
Folks that have had hurt backs and things, sometimes nerves have basically gotten dead and things.
I mean, you might talk to your physician.
Because some people take it and they go, oh yeah, my nerves are coming back all right, my back's hurting.
And then a few months later, they're like, wow, the pain went away.
But sometimes it doesn't.
So talk to your physician.
This is not a joke, DNA Force.
That's just proof that when you start having and you can feel things take place, even if you haven't
Felton area, a lot of people say that they have numbness in different parts of their bodies from injuries and they start taking the DNA force and then they call into your customer service and they say I'm starting to feel numbness or I'm starting to feel tingling sensation.
That's proof right there.
That nerve's coming back.
It's totally numb.
You can actually regenerate all of these things.
My finger started tingling for about four or five months and then just tingling's back, tingling's gone.
All of the degenerative processes that are pre-planned for population control, eugenics to keep us sick, to keep us on medications.
As a matter of fact, most pharmaceutical medications, practically all of them, cause genetic and DNA damage and cause damage to the cells.
That's a whole other show.
Getting off and reducing your toxic amount coming into your body is obviously the first step.
Drinking a lot of good, clean, purified water.
And not just being fatalistic and saying, oh, it's all over.
Think about your children.
Drink properly filtered water that actually doesn't just take out the taste but, you know, screens it out.
Take X2, take DNA Force, but regardless, just take action and get healthy.
We're not preaching at you.
We don't want the globalists to be able to have their way.
We are simply researching this, just as you are.
We are all in this together.
X2, 20% off at Infowarslife.com.
DNA Force is there as well.
Infowarslife.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
And know this, your funding of the broadcast is essential in the fight, so it's a total win.
Absolute win, so thank you so much.
Now, Dr. Group, shifting out of that, other things that are out there that are natural, that are free, that also help, briefly, and let's get to Joe Jennings' story.
He's got a lot of articles and documents about the fact that almost all reactors are leaking a bunch of different isotopes and tritium, and now they just say it's not bad for you.
Well, it's been around for a long time.
Tell us about your story.
Basically, I mean, I grew up in Thousand Oaks, California, and
That whole area, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Canoga Park, Northridge, it's a giant area.
It's north of L.A.
and I don't think anybody knew that there was a nuclear reactor there.
Or that one blew up there.
No, no.
They kept it secret in the 50s when one blew up.
It had a massive, it was an experimental reactor.
It had a massive overload like Chernobyl.
And what had happened is the radioactive material had built up inside the reactor, so what did they have to do with it?
Well, they said vent it out the thing.
Vent it out the door.
Now, let me just stop you and introduce this.
Joe Jennings, tell us who you are, tell us about your dad, because I know about this.
It's finally been in the news, but they've got experimental reactors, two of them here in Austin.
The word is those have released stuff, but they just don't care.
Now they want to build another one, and then I tell people on the street, they laugh at me.
They're preconditioned, like some type of brainwashing, to not hear the truth, even when it's in front of them.
It's just so bizarre, but understand, this thing blew up.
And they covered it up, and they've got one just like it here where we live.
So break down your story and then get back into this.
So basically, me and my dad, growing up, he was a general contractor.
So what we basically did was, you know, after high school and stuff, I'd go work with him remodeling older homes.
Because most of the homes there were built in the 50s, you know.
In Southern California, old homes are known.
So what we would do is we would go in and
Remodel these homes, you know, taking exterior paint and sanding it back down to the wood because people were cheap and didn't want to buy new wood.
So, you're exposed to all these things, you know, digging up their yards, doing all these different things.
At no point did me or my dad know that, hey, there's toxic stuff in the woods, in the groundwater, in the soils, anything like that.
Nobody knows about this.
So basically, about a year and a half ago, my dad died just very suddenly.
Had a glioblastoma brain tumor.
Now, our families, nobody in our families had history of brain tumors or any kind of cancer like that.
And it was kind of like a puzzle piece going, well, how did this happen?
Where did this come from?
I mean, how do you get a brain tumor just out of nowhere?
How do we have 10,000 percentage increases conservatively in pediatric cancers?
We're getting killed.
Go ahead, please.
So, as someone who's lost a very close family member, you always want, you always have that question of why, how could this happen?
Where did it happen?
Am I affected by what happened?
Was I?
Have I been put into that situation also?
So, I did see this story that NBC4 came out with.
And it just blew my mind.
It's like a giant puzzle piece that just falls into your lap and you go, Oh, wait a minute.
This is the exact areas that we worked in that we remodeled in.
Plus my dad did a lot of work.
And by the way, this was Chernobyl level.
It blew up.
Oh yeah.
So, know this, when they blow up, they cover it up, folks.
Yeah, they cover up the whole thing.
Nobody knew about it.
They were sworn to secrecy.
So, after the Northridge earthquake hit in, I think, what, 90 or 91?
We did a massive amount of remodeling in those areas.
Now, what happens when the earth shakes?
It brings up soils, it brings up all kinds of things that weren't there before.
At no point did anyone, and there was thousands and thousands of contractors working on these older homes.
Just like the dust on 9-11.
They knew it was deadly, they lied and said it wasn't, because they want to kill us.
They don't want to reveal it.
Could you imagine if they had to pay people for that?
And one of the scary things is, you know,
We all knew that Rocketdyne was up in the hills in Santa Susana Pass.
They tested shuttle engines, they tested most of the rockets that went into space.
That's where they tested them.
Every day.
You felt the ground shaking?
Guess what?
They're testing a rocket.
All of those plumes, all of that stuff is just going right into the air.
Right there in Simi Valley, which is named the Valley of the Wind.
Now, right next to Simi Valley is where we get a lot of our produce.
Strawberries, melons, avocados, oranges, it's all in that valley.
And where does the wind go?
It goes right into the valley, and the other side of the valley, towards all these high-priced homes.
And guess what?
Radiation doesn't care.
And just remember, folks, they've got hundreds of research reactors around the country, and the public doesn't even know about them.
We never knew about it.
I didn't know there was a reactor up there.
There was more than one.
There was four.
Experimental reactor.
You're talking about there, where you grew up in California?
Yeah, in the Santa Zuzana Pass.
Now, we knew Rocketdyne was there.
We knew they tested rocket engines there.
But, I don't... Nobody... By the way, people say, oh, experimental, it's not big.
Some of them are huge.
They're more dangerous because they're turning them on, they're turning them off.
They're doing... They're simulating disasters with these stinking things.
They don't have all the safety equipment... Nobody tells you that when you go to school at UT, under UT downtown, is a humongous experimental reactor.
They don't tell anybody.
They said that they were, the waste that was produced by the reactor, they take it out to what they called the burn pit and shoot it with a high-powered rifle and explode it.
Yeah, that's what they do here in Austin.
They just take it out up north and they just throw it in a cave.
Nice people.
It sits there for millions and millions of years and contaminates the earth and contaminates the environment and the air.
Who are these people?
Are they people?
Are they demon possessed?
We'll be back, stay with us.
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My name is Alex Jones.
Most of you know me from my syndicated radio program and my documentary films, as well as InfoWars Nightly News.
When I got on air 20 years ago,
I had discovered the Globalist program, their plan to take over the world, and my focus went from running six miles every other day, swimming two, three miles a couple times a week, and lifting weights, to focusing on fighting the Globalist.
I've gone from 279 pounds all the way down to 235 pounds, and the weight's going off even faster.
And it wasn't just that my weight loss accelerated, my muscle mass increased, my stamina, my energy levels
A white person smiling at a black person is a racist microaggression!
Not smiling at a person of color is also racist!
I did it again!
Students who attend a Whiteness History Month presentation at Portland College coined the term, white guy smile, while agonizing over whether or not a white person smiling at a black person is a racist microaggression.
There's all of this stuff wrapped up in how we meet or do not meet each other's eyes.
Another white female student then discusses how her black relatives will always talk about the white guy smile.
What are you supposed to do?
I smile at everybody but then somehow I'm like conscious of that and then I just do the white guy smile.
As much as I don't think of myself as having that awkwardness, there's always that.
Am I doing the white guy smile or is it that normal smile?
She asks.
Laughing at liberals sums up the sheer idiocy of this exchange.
This has been Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com reporting on the idiocy of America.
Ladies and gentlemen, I was just given an article that went live on Infowars.com that was devastating.
You see all the German Green Party and all the main Muslim leaders saying blonde hair, blue eyes, bad.
We will get rid of the blonde hair, blue eyes, they are bad.
We will get rid of the Christians, they are bad.
The Pope has now come out and said Christians are bad.
I linked through, it's official, he did it, it's a speech.
You cannot make this up.
Pope Francis likens Jesus to ISIS, says Muslims, migrants must breathe with Europeans.
Francis claims ISIS is similar to Jesus, sending his disciples to all nations.
This guy, this guy's a false prophet for sure now.
He goes on to say, the Pope said he, quote, dreaded, this is a quote, hearing about Christian roots of Europe.
I'm quoting the Pope.
The false pope dreaded hearing about Christian roots in Europe because to him they take a colonialist overtones and he claimed on European nations to integrate, call on them Muslim migrants into the continent and to breed with them.
I mean this guy is incredible.
That's, I mean, it just, every single day something comes out that is so shocking that it's almost unbelievable.
I mean, we're in these times right now, which, don't get me wrong, these times are good because we are creating a lot of change, but they're also, it's like a war that's happening.
Between the globalists and the people.
And the enemy is just uncloaking.
And they're just coming out and doing anything and saying any single thing that they want.
I mean, stuff that you would never imagine a pope saying in the history.
Like, these times are going to be looked back upon, like our kids, and they're going to say, wow, dad, you lived in those times, and we're going to say... Look at this.
Yes, we were part of the revolution.
Or if they win, who knows?
Pope Francis likened Jesus to ISIS.
You can actually read this.
He told the French newspaper in an interview.
I mean...
Let's get back to the radiation.
You were talking about doctors aren't trained to look for the poisoning.
Plus, a lot of these isotopes sit in your body for years, then they give you the tumors, but it's basically dissipated once you die.
Break it down.
Yeah, so every radiological damaging element, whether it's plutonium, uranium, cesium, they all have different half-lives.
Tritium has a half-life of 12 years.
So what happens is you might have, I mean right now with Fukushima alone, all of the damage, nothing is being documented because they don't want to document it.
They don't want to come out publicly and say this is the damage worldwide from Fukushima.
You have earthquakes that are at record levels right now happening, like 300 earthquakes or more a day happening around the world.
Yellowstone is being disrupted.
Never before recorded stuff.
We are on the verge of a major nuclear disaster.
All it takes, I mean, these nuclear power plants,
Whoever designed them, putting them right next to the ocean, or putting them right next to major riverways, I mean, it was almost like they were designed that way on purpose.
They almost knew that, say, 60 years from now, we're going to have a major nuclear disaster because of all the earthquakes and all the changes.
Well, I was talking to a scientist.
I mean, the best reason for it is
Rivers are usually on fault lines that have broken open so the water flows.
That's what really cuts to the canyon.
It's an earthquake.
Water didn't do most of that.
And so they build them on fault lines because that's where the rivers and lakes and oceans are.
But still, they're now on fault lines, which shows they don't even care.
And Joe, you're making a point about your dad.
There he was with that brain tumor that grew so fast it killed him in a few weeks.
They gave him more radiation.
How do we deal with this?
What do you mean?
That the man can barely stand now?
So you're gonna give him more radiation?
Oh yeah!
Kill them in three months.
Radiation kills rapidly transforming cells.
It kills all the cells in your body.
Until the cells adapt and learn how to grow even faster.
That's the cancer-causing.
That's where you get your two heads.
And the truth is, they think out of all these mutations they're causing, the superhuman's gonna rise out of it.
Because that's science.
They're testing on a mass guinea pig.
The whole planet's a giant guinea pig to give birth to Satan.
To give birth to the satanic, uh, engineered species.
That's their own dream.
Ray Kurzweil.
One of the worst things with most energy products is it's not sustainable, right?
You're gonna crash, you're gonna feel really bad afterwards.
This has a bunch of different antioxidants and compounds and polyphenols.
Everybody's on these drugs to knock their brain out because the brain's so fried.
We kept changing this formula over and over and over again until it became sort of a grand puzzle.
For example, the L-theanine inside of it.
That is activated by the different compounds in the Yerba Mate that we put inside of it as well.
This just increases the compounds you already have.
This is what you're actually designed to run on.
It's kind of like a car will run on one form of junky gas, but it runs really good on what it's designed for.
You will find Brain Force, Survival Shield X2, and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Joe Jennings, talking about your personal experiences living next door to a secret nuke dump site that exploded as big or bigger than Chernobyl.
I mean, people criticized the Russian response, at least they told people.
They sent in suicide teams to actually try to stop it.
Not here, we just covered it up.
They just, you know, Chernobyl, they removed the people.
They said, everybody get out!
Oh, there's too many people, we can't do that.
Well, don't tell them.
That was the... They admit Chernobyl has killed over a million people from cancer alone.
Oh, sure.
I mean, they've done studies that even the microbes that are in the forests of Chernobyl nowadays can't break down anything.
Like, you know, the leaves fall and then they rot.
Nothing's rotting.
It's all still there.
Because the radiation has killed absolutely everything as far as the circle of life.
And we wonder why our kids, people's kids out there look like mutants.
People say, why do your kids not look like mutants?
No vaccines, non-GMO food, packing them full of DNA force.
And people make fun of me.
MSNBC and CNN last week made fun of Roger Stone, unsolicited, plugged brain force.
I mean, that's a known nootropic with a lot of high-quality things that boost the brain.
Like coffees, you could say is a nootropic, kind of a low-grade one, you know.
And they're making fun of us selling pills that boost people's brains.
The military gives people speed, folks.
We sell high-quality, natural stuff that doesn't hurt you.
But again, they make a joke about Science Doctor Group.
What else can we do to protect ourselves?
Well, what you can do, first of all, what I would recommend is everybody check and see if they live within a 200 mile radius of any type of experimental or nuclear reactor.
If you do, really, believe it or not, one of the best things to do is just drink a lot of clean water.
The problem with most people is that their elimination routes are blocked.
They're not having two bowel movements a day because they're eating a bunch of garbage food and their digestive system is not functioning correctly.
They'd have two Hillary's a day.
They're not drinking enough water, clean water, which means they're not urinating enough.
See, we have natural methods to repair our genes and repair our DNA if our elimination routes are functioning properly.
We've got to turn it over.
Women also have another way.
Men have four ways through defecation, urination, diaphoresis, sweating, and respiration, and then women have the menstrual cycles.
And if those elimination routes are functioning properly, a lot of times water will remove some of these radioactive particles from the body.
I also read, you know, so exercise, water, eating clean food.
This is so extreme.
Eat clean food, water, exercise, walk in the woods, pray to God, meditation.
CBS News admits makes you live like a decade longer.
You always say that.
So evil.
High quality vitamins and minerals.
You're a horrible person.
Yeah, the solution is there.
And don't live near a nuke site that blew up.
Oh, but they didn't tell Joe Jennings.
And ten million other people.
You pretty much have to these days be on iodine, be on good nutritional supplements.
I would recommend everybody being on the DNA Force.
You were exposed to this, Joe.
In closing, what did you go... I mean, what are you doing to protect yourself?
I'm taking the iodine.
I drink a ton of water.
I exercise.
I just, anything I can do now.
I mean, I just... Yeah, you lost quite a bit of weight since your dad died.
I mean, it's just, it's, it's, it's that, that you never know, you know, you're never gonna die, right?
You know, in your mind, oh, I'm never gonna die.
But when you see somebody close like that, who just all of a sudden, boom, you're dead.
You start thinking, wait a minute.
What do I need to do?
Oh, my mom just died like that.
He was in great shape.
My dad, too.
I died in two weeks.
But he was exposed to all the phthalates and he was in Exxon working with PVC.
He was one of the inventors of bisphenol.
Yeah, he was.
You literally had the men in black come to your house after he died.
Yes, I did.
Had them come to my house and pretty much forced my mom to sign this thick of documents saying they weren't going to release any type of
Or she wasn't going to sue.
You know what, those men in black, they're not immune either.
Why are we, as a species, let's stop lying to ourselves and let's start cleaning this up.
Oh, I forgot, only carbon.
Let's stop, you know, that and we'll be safe.
They just want to tax carbon.
Great job.
You're on the Nightly News tonight with Jakari.
Hey guys, Leanne McAdoo here with InfoWars.com.
We just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your support over the years, and we really love seeing you guys out there in our gear.
Alex wants to show his appreciation, so he's decided to throw another contest.
Now, this is going to be a flash contest held on our Instagram account, so you need to be sure that you're following us at real underscore Alex Jones.
Take many, many pictures of yourself.
All the selfies that we love, of course.
And use the hashtag InfoWarsGear.
Show your InfoWars pride.
And then we are going to be selecting a winner Friday.
More than $1,000 in cash and prizes.
Winners are going to be selected at random.
So be sure to use the hashtag InfoWarsGear.
And we'll be selecting a winner soon.
Show us some love.
This is the heart of 1776.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com and I want to talk about something that really pisses me off.
The fact that we can live in a culture where people can identify as things other than what they actually are.
The fact that a man can identify as a woman and then go use that restroom.
Or the fact that a white woman can identify as an African-American woman.
Let's call her Rachel Dolezal.
I think at this point,
Then she should be able to get reparations for slavery.
Or maybe a 18-year-old kid who plays Call of Duty all day and wants to identify as an elite special ops soldier.
I think if he carries out a really badass mission on Call of Duty, Obama should have a ceremony and give that man the Medal of Honor.
Or perhaps you're lazy and you want to be trans-handicapped.
That way you can park in all the good spots at the mall and at Golden Crown Buffet.
This is the matrix that we live in now in 2016.
A world full of fairies.
Fake Asian tall people, men who are women, white women who are black.
This is the fall of the human species.
I'm Joe Biggs with Infowars.com.
Black Iowa student starts fight, loses, makes up hate crime, gets caught.
Owens claimed on the night of April 30th he was attacked by three evil white college-age men who beat him bloody while screaming racial slurs.
Activist students claim the attacks showed a climate of racial hatred in Iowa City.
And they also denounced the university for taking until May 4th to issue a statement about the matter.
How many black students must be a victim of hate crime before an alert is sent out?
One student complained online at the time.
But, footage which was released by police shows a very different series of events.
The footage shows Owens entered the bar close to midnight and then getting involved in a massive bar melee around 1.35 a.m.
He was kicked out of the bar and then proceeded to get in two additional fights within the next 10 minutes.
In all of the fights, Owens is acting aggressively and throwing punches and police say he appears to have been the instigator in at least a few of the fights.
This is Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Anyone wondering why Bernie Sanders' socialist battle cry turned the stomach of many Americans need only look at what is happening in Latin America right now.
Reuters reports Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro declared a 60-day state of emergency on Friday due to what he calls plots from within the OPEC country and the United States to topple his leftist government.
Maduro did not provide details of the measure.
A previous state of emergency implemented in states near the Colombia border last year suspended constitutional guarantees in those areas except for guarantees relating to human rights.
Maduro is panicking after his socialist ally Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was forced to step down in what she is calling a coup d'etat.
It appears Obama is forcing his hand into yet another blatant example of his long list of corporacratic imperialism for the benefit of the New World Order.
In 2002, Obama failed to overthrow Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
As Washington Post's Scott Wilson, the paper's Latin America correspondent at the time, reported, the United States was hosting people involved in the coup before it happened.
There was involvement of U.S.-sponsored NGOs and training people that were involved in the coup.
I think there was U.S.
involvement, yes.
Maduro has every reason to believe the United States is fomenting his demise.
Venezuela is sitting on the largest oil reserves in the world.
However, the Venezuelan people are starving as Zero Hedge reports, hungry Venezuelans are protesting.
We're good to go.
As pure desperation has set in, crime has become inevitable.
A man accused of mugging people in the streets of Caracas was surrounded by a mob of onlookers, beaten and set on fire.
Mob justice is now the supreme arbiter of who lives and who dies.
In the coming weeks, Obama will likely install yet another dictator friendly to the United States as he just did in Brazil.
Kurt Nimmo writes, the Rothschild-owned magazine The Economist describes Michael Temer as Brazil's unplanned president.
The 75-year-old law professor who played a key role in the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff became the South American country's acting president on Thursday.
After Rousseff was suspended by the Senate on corruption charges.
Temer's rise to power, however, is not merely a happenstance event.
It was arranged by the U.S.
State Department in much the same way the puppet government was put into place in the Ukraine.
On Friday, the whistleblower website Wikileaks released an unclassified yet sensitive cable revealing Temer acted as an embassy informant for U.S.
intelligence and the military.
Maduro had supported Obama's approach towards Cuba.
However, as the long list of fallen leaders have come to understand with either their own deaths, invasion, or incarceration, the tidal wave of the global recession has benefited Obama, offering him many disguises, but only serves one master's instructions, that of the New World Order.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com
Victor Ostrowski is an amazing best-selling author, artist, researcher, former high-level Mossad officer.
He's been on everything from Larry King Live to ABC Nightly News, CBS.
I'm not going to get into it, but he's a famous spy.
He also was banned for one week, but was overturned by the appeals court in Israel.
That was the book, By Way of Deception.
And I'm not gonna, I mean, I got this guy on for five hours.
He's only on for about 20 minutes today, and I want to invite him back in the next few weeks or months when he can for a full hour to get into just his amazing history and the way he sees the world.
His website is thebookpatch.com.
The reason I thought of him, wanted to get him back on, was he's the only publisher out there that would put out Kochita Sarnoff's incredible investigative journal report, Trafficking.
Thank you very much for having me.
Well, I'll do make a correction.
It was the Israeli government that stopped the publication of the book in the U.S., of my book in the U.S.
at the time, by going to court and asking for it.
They said it endangers people and or countries, which then was overturned based on freedom of speech.
Sure, sure.
I was just reading the online bio, but specifically they tried to stop your book.
Yeah, yeah.
It's not, you weren't incorrect.
Alright, so thank you for publishing this book.
It's powerful stuff.
A lot of the research meshes with our own research, but the bigger picture in your research into human trafficking?
Well, the whole point was not necessarily what I know, but the whole idea of not stopping a book from publication by self-censorship of publishers because they were afraid
Uh, lawsuits, etc, etc.
So, you know, that's a new method of censorship.
If you look at it, it is a bombshell book and there are explosive elements in it.
And yet the mainstream media is not touching it.
It was actually mentioned today or yesterday on Fox News that, you know, for some reason,
Nobody is doing it, which is amazing to me.
There's a lot of research that went into it.
It's all documented.
All the paperwork is in the book.
Conchita wrote a really long research on it.
She took her six years to write it.
It's very detailed.
The book trafficking is absolutely amazing.
I come from a world
That is quite scary.
But relative to what I went through, what these people are going through is unbelievable.
And it reads like a spy novel.
In fact, she was placed in danger when she was in Mexico.
She had to basically run away.
There's a lot of powerful people involved and it's very easy for them to manipulate things.
And just to keep it out, you know, just to keep it out of the mainstream media, which basically makes it almost disappear.
And that's my main goal with the book patch, you know, to allow people to publish books and to come to the forefront with stories that otherwise you may not hear, just like your show.
Well, I remember many years ago having you on.
I mean, I guess we call you a whistleblower, exposing corruption in Israel, doesn't mean you're anti-Israel.
They try to spin it like that, but you're exposing corruption.
And of course, I'm no enemy of Israel, but whenever I do criticize some of the Israeli government actions that are different groups of people, then I get demonized, you know, as being anti-Israel.
But on the other side of the coin, because I'm not completely anti-Israel, people say I must work for Israel, but it's really frustrating.
You know, looking back to
Your books and things you exposed and some of the Israeli government trying to block you.
Is Israel more corrupt or less corrupt today or is that an oversimplification?
It seems like all these governments now are just more and more out of control.
Well, it's very hard to say, but from my experience, I can just tell you this.
I did not go against Israel, although you get labeled right away and it's very easy to be smeared and said, well, you're anti-Israel, which is kind of almost like a mantra of anybody that disagrees with policies which are wrong.
And I think friends of Israel,
If you're drunk and your friends don't tell you you're drunk and just let it go and let you drive, they're not your friends.
So criticizing a policy which is wrong gives you credibility when you agree with policies that are right.
And I think that's how media should be working and not just being afraid of being smeared and feathered as anti-Israel, which is a tactic.
Every government should be criticized.
Every government has corruption.
It's not something that will be stopped in a minute.
But if people are silenced and don't speak up, they take their partners, actually, in all the things that are wrong.
And I criticized an agency that was completely out of control.
The head of the agency, which is called Mossad, which is Israel's CIA,
Was an unknown person.
It was like a secret of who he was.
After that came changes.
Now the person who is head of the agency is in fact a known person.
So he can be criticized in public.
And agencies like that don't like their laundry washed.
So really you could be called a major reformer.
Well, you know, I'll let other people call me that.
I don't want to, you know, boast myself.
They said that I endangered people and or countries.
I find that ludicrous.
One of the funny things is one of the people that was mentioned in my book, just by his first name, I didn't mention names of agents or anything like that, not to endanger people.
And by way of deception, which is actually the motto of the Mossad, which is by way of deception, thou shalt do war.
Uh, he was, his name was Yossi.
Today he is the head of Mossad.
So, really, it didn't appear that I even ruined anybody's career, and he's mentioned several times in my book.
Well, I know this.
These intelligence agencies are basically all linking up together in the West to take our basic liberties, and saying it's going to keep us safe, but we never get safer.
It's just crazy.
I want to get back into the short segment we have about other big topics you're looking at, other things you're concerned about in the world today, with our guest Vishter Ostrovsky.
The website is thebookpatch.com, and he's published Trafficking.
It's T-R-A-F-F-I, capital K-I-N-G.
Trafficking and it's it's it's powerful information folks to understand the type of weird organized crime groups that infest government, corporations, intelligence agencies and are all around us and have to be dealt with with sunshine.
Stay with us.
Comedy is now illegal.
Charlie Chaplin made fun of Hitler.
I've made fun of Hitler.
Remember Jesse James made fun of Hitler and they said, oh, you're a Nazi.
This is an assault on reality.
How dare people tell Americans and Scots and folks that died in mass fighting Hitler, our grandparents, that we're with Hitler if some liberal trendy who's apologized and turns out he's a liberal, of course he apologized, should apologize and say, I didn't do anything, it's satire, it's protected.
But by him groveling, they keep charging him.
He should say, how dare you, and get a jury trial.
This is happening everywhere.
We'll put the headline back up on screen.
I want to put it on Facebook.
I want to retweet it.
Police now arresting YouTubers for offensive videos.
No speech is safe, folks.
I've got a stack of news.
A teacher in Germany, a teacher in Austria, there's two different stories today, one in Germany, one in Austria.
The teacher in Austria talked about the Quran, talking about Muhammad saying you can have sex with 12-year-olds, and said that's pedophilia, and she's been arrested.
Now folks, separately, China's been caught shipping in little girls for sex slaves and they're calling it sex slavery.
It is what it is, but this, even if it wasn't true that Mohammed said that, wrote that, you should have a right to say it!
This is tyranny!
Let's go ahead and go to this incredible report by Paul Joseph Watson.
28-year-old Marcus Meacham was arrested for hate crimes after posting this joke video of his girlfriend's dog reacting to Nazi slogans.
My girlfriend is always ranting and raving about how cute and adorable her wee dog is.
And so I thought I would turn him into the least cute thing that I could think of, which is a Nazi.
Buddha, try Gaster Juice.
Gaster Juice.
The video went viral, receiving 18,000 thumbs up to just 1,200 thumbs down.
The vast majority of viewers thought that it was hilarious, but thanks to a small minority of perpetually offended retards, Meacham got a home visit from the Scottish police.
Authorities said that Meacham's arrest is a lesson to others that any video content deemed offensive will not be tolerated.
Meechan then prostrated himself, pleading that he wasn't a racist and that he only made the video to annoy his girlfriend.
Isn't it interesting that John Cleese recently came out and decried political correctness?
Because under that definition, Cleese himself would have been arrested for this faulty tower sketch.
Who's this then?
Stark you, man!
I'll do the funny one!
He's done!
Charlie Chaplin would have been thrown in a jail cell for the same reason.
If they're now treating any video content whatsoever that causes offense as hate speech, then my entire channel is hate speech.
We make jokes about it, but the fact is they're coming after everybody's free speech.
Use free speech or lose it.
Defend it or they'll take it.
Become a member at PrisonPlanet.tv today to get the nightly news and more.
Sign up for our free newsletter to stay in contact and get around the censors.
Infowars.com forward slash newsletter.
And spread the word about the broadcast, the free podcast, the iPhone and Droid apps.
It's all free.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
You are the Paul Revere's fighting this modern totalitarian takeover.
Victor Ostrowski is our guest in five, six more minutes.
Then, Roger Stone, the Trump insider that the New York Times is admitting is basically, they think, is Trump's brain.
No, he's not Trump's brain.
Trump is his own brain.
But we're going to be getting into the whole campaign, the latest on that, coming up in a minute.
You know, Victor, I want to get you back up sometime, just because I remember that interview, it must have been ten years ago, about your book, By Way of Deception, that I know is a bestseller.
And a lot of the stuff in the book I knew, but a lot of it I didn't know.
Pretty amazing stuff.
I want to get you back to talk about that, but since then, what other interesting stuff's happened?
What's most important for a former insider to impart to the audience here today?
Well, I think the perception that we have about the war against terrorism
There's one point that I think is important to remember.
There's basically two types of terrorist organizations.
One is territorial, you know, like the PLO used to be, the PFLPGC, the Hezbollah, the Hamas, and the Basques.
On the other hand, there's usually ideological, you know, terrorists, which are like the Red Army Brigades of, you know, Butterminoff, and you would call Al-Qaeda, it would be one of them as well.
The new thing that we're finding is this ISIS or ISIL or Daesh, call it what you want, that's a combination, that's something new.
I would call it a conquest group, isn't it?
I mean, they want territory, but they also want to take over.
Yeah, they have an ideology.
So they're on the one hand, they're ideological.
On the other hand, they also took over territory.
So they're territorial.
So that's a new brand.
And that attracts a lot of people.
And the main danger of it is that there's no
No way that we know how to fight them.
You take away their territory, they attack in a new place.
There has to be a more concerted effort to bring the world together in order to fight them because this is a global problem.
You know, they'll blow something up in Belgium, the next day it'll be in the U.S.
They have no limitations.
They don't play by the rules.
One of the major things is, in order to keep coalitions together, the people who fight against them have to keep by the rules and not be dragged into, you know... Sure, don't get lower to their level of torture and all the rest of it.
I mean, aren't they really belligerent because they're backed in part by the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia?
I mean, isn't this kind of a proxy army?
It's very hard to say because, you know, just like any other government or country, you know, Saudi Arabia especially is not a democracy.
So, but they have, they have fractions within them.
Some support, some don't.
There's, there's a lot of money involved in the ability to support that.
But really, if they stop support, a lot of times they support out of fear because if they stop their support,
That snake will turn on them.
There's really no real policy in foreign affairs that deals with it and has a guideline.
You know, leaning from behind on this aspect, you know, basically I lean towards the left.
But on this thing, you can't lead from behind.
You know, the world looks to the U.S.
to lead them.
Sure, don't you just... I don't like torturing people's families.
I wouldn't be for that.
I mean, it's torture.
But what about prosecuting their families when their families can be proven to be aiding and abetting them?
I mean, I never see their families getting in trouble when they're in England or France or wherever.
They're going out to kill Christians and people in, you know, non-Mohabbists in Syria or Libya.
I mean, how about their families get arrested?
Well, the problem here with that is that there's proof that it doesn't work.
Israel has been doing this for years.
They catch a terrorist, they prove his guilt, they'll go and they'll demolish the family's house, which they lived in for generations.
That just makes more terrorists.
So what do you do in 70 seconds?
I'm Levy Baxter.
I appreciate your time.
I mean, you're an expert.
What do we do then?
Well, you deal with it by the laws that you have.
You don't give up freedoms.
You don't give up freedom of speech.
You don't curtail, you know, the ability to express yourself.
You stay the line.
I mean, that's the whole secret of success.
Moral high ground?
Moral high ground?
Moral high ground?
Yeah, you take the moral high ground, but you fight.
I mean, you don't stay out of the fight.
But you fight it according to the rules and regulations that you want to be treated.
And if the other side doesn't treat you that way, that doesn't mean you take them and you treat them differently.
You just go and you look for new ways.
New imaginative ways.
Do you think ISIS is stronger now or weaker than it was two years ago?
I'm sorry?
Do you think ISIS is stronger or weaker now?
On the one hand, it's weaker because of lack of territory, that they got less territory.
But every time they lose a soldier or they lose a combatant, they gain two or three that want to take its place because they're promised to the people that they're giving room in their group.
I understand.
We'll have you back.
Victor, thank you.
Powerful info.
We've got Roger Stone coming up.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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Hey guys, Leanne McAdoo here with InfoWars.com.
We just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your support over the years, and we really love seeing you guys out there in our gear.
Alex wants to show his appreciation, so he's decided to throw another contest.
Now, this is going to be a flash contest held on our Instagram account, so you need to be sure that you're following us at real underscore Alex Jones.
Take many, many pictures of yourself.
All the selfies that we love, of course.
And use the hashtag InfoWarsGear.
Show your InfoWars pride.
And then we are going to be selecting a winner Friday.
More than $1,000 in cash and prizes.
Winners are going to be selected at random.
So be sure to use the hashtag InfoWarsGear.
And we'll be selecting a winner soon.
Show us some love.
This is the heart of 1776.
Alex Jones.
He was a nice guy, actually.
You like him?
Oh, that's good.
Alex Jones.
Nice guy.
I know now, from top people, that you actually are for real, and you understand you're in danger, and you understand what you're doing, is epic.
Your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot, but you'll be looking at me in a year and a year or two years.
Let's give me a little bit of a time to run things.
But a year into office, you'll be saying, wow, I remember that interview.
He said he was going to do it, and he did a great job.
You'll be very proud of our country.
So while we're there, you probably read it.
It was in Drudge, who's great, by the way.
Drudge is amazing.
But the story in Drudge, and big story, it's all over the place now.
Guys swimming across, and big bags of stuff.
It's drugs.
Swimming across the river, right?
Swimming right across.
We just caught these guys coming across the border.
They're jumping in.
They just jumped in the rafts.
They're coming in one, two, three, four.
They have big satchels.
And actually the camera crew, or the reporters, were petrified because they thought they were going to be killed.
Because they're showing this on camera, the guys carrying bags of stuff.
It was drugs.
Thank you.
Donald Trump, I hope you can help uncripple America.
Thank you so much, sir.
You will be attacked for coming on and we know you know that.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones!
And we are back live.
Roger Stone is getting on the line with us as we speak to break down the latest campaign news.
They made a big deal out of this on CNN and MSNBC, making fun of Mr. Stone talking about BrainForce, which is one of the top nootropics out there, brain boosters, with a whole bunch of known organic compounds that boost brain activity naturally.
Unlike a lot of the other synthetic garbage and things that are out there.
So I thought just for the interest of it, while we're getting Roger on the line, let's play a clip of this.
And they played this very clip on Rachel Maddow's show, on Chris Hayes' show, and a bunch of others.
Acting like it's bizarre that we sell vitamins and minerals.
I mean, this is one of the biggest industries in the country.
Everybody knows it's amazing.
Everybody knows what the things in brain force does.
If in a couple weeks they tell you that I committed suicide because I was depressed, or if I get hit by a truck crossing the street, I tell you I was killed in a freak hunting accident, don't believe it.
Hillary Clinton's the major perp, and she needs to be exposed.
I'm in perfectly good health, I'm in a great mood, I am working 18 hour days, and I'm going to be honest with you, I wouldn't make it without brain force.
I went online, I bought some Brain Force, I pop those in the morning, I pop those at night, and I get four or five more hours of work.
So, uh... I didn't know that was coming.
I know you got more interviews coming, but Roger Stone, 70-second break.
We're with Gary Haven.
Merrick got in the new movie.
Comeback, 70 seconds.
Finish up the lavish plug for Brain Force.
And that's a right-wing watch.
And they played that on TV, on these shows, like we're bad.
This is what they're coming up with.
But seriously, getting down to earth on this,
I didn't plug enough last hour talking about these reactors that blow up and melt down bigger than Chernobyl or as big as Chernobyl in the middle of LA and they don't even tell people this is going on and it's barely even news on NBC News.
Back in the 50s and there's been other stuff like that?
Folks are insane if they're not drinking purified water.
And yes, we sell the best water filtration systems that are gravity-fed that cut all the garbage out.
Promo code WATER, you get 10% off.
Yes, we sell the true, nascent, pure iodine that no one else has.
I guess folks are too lazy or too dumb to do it, but whatever, that actually is absorbable by the body and has changed my life.
And it's 20% off because
I'm gonna do a big push for X2.
If you haven't tried it, if you haven't used it, if you hear me talk about this and you're like, eh, whatever, there's only a fraction of our listeners actually buy the X2, or the DNA Force, or the Brain Force.
These are amazing products.
I mean, I felt survival shield within days more energy.
About three weeks later, I kind of had four or five days where I felt sick, as Dr. Root predicted, because the detoxification accelerated.
But then after that, amazing.
My stamina, my aggression, my libido, it's amazing.
Now, Supramel Vitality is sold out right now, so is Superfemale, but Anthroplex is basically the dry version of it.
It's also organic, but it's dry herbs.
Not as absorbable as liquid or cold press, but still an excellent formula and half the price.
It works very well, has a few herbs in it that aren't in the other products, that really is a foundation for super male or super female vitality, and you just stack it together.
You can sign up and get free shipping on orders of $50 or more.
No, no, it's $50 or more is free shipping.
You sign up for auto shipping and get...
Get free shipping, or no, 10% off.
Again, folks, I am teleprompter-free here, as always.
We've got so many specials, who can keep track of them?
10% off when you sign up for AutoShip, and you can get free shipping on $50 or more, and it's 20% off on Survival Shield, Mason I9, X2 right now.
Try Anthroplex.
Try Secret 12.
It's the best methylcobalamin, vitamin B12 out there.
Try Knockout.
Nine different known compounds at the normal dose, like it's 19 bucks for melatonin at this dose, the same amount, but they add filler.
There's no filler in Knockout, it's melatonin, L-tryptophan.
The valerian route and a bunch of other stuff known.
One pill helps me sleep if I need help.
Two pills knocks me out.
But of course, consult a physician.
It's all generally seen as safe in FDA.
You know, grass, that means stuff that they call, you know, a safe vitamin or a mineral or a supplement.
We only sell stuff that's recognized as safe.
But I still say, consult your physician before you walk out the door in the morning, before you breathe air, before you kiss a girl.
Because, you know, the government loves you and they're God, and if MSNBC says you don't need any vitamins, they're absolutely correct, and I believe them.
Because look, Chris Hayes doesn't take any vitamins, and he can still play his part and Rachel Maddow every day, hosting two major TV shows.
That's the big secret.
They are one person.
And it's amazing to know that.
You know, it's just incredible to know that
To know that the First Lady is really, is a man, is a tranny, Michelle Obama.
It's incredible to know that Rachel Maddow is Chris Hayes.
I'm trolling you!
I don't really think that.
Though on the whole thing with the First Lady, something weird's going on there.
But seriously, I'm just having some fun.
Your audiences are so small now.
You're so sad.
Everybody's tuning out.
Roger Stone doesn't care that you've blackballed him and banned him on CNN and all these other channels because you guys are a joke.
And so thank God that so many of these Republicans they invited to meet with Zuckerberg said no.
They said I'd be discredited going to that like some prop for Zuckerberg.
Think how far we've come.
We knew there was censorship by Google and Facebook.
Now it's all admitted.
Now it's the front page of the newspapers.
Drudge and others forced it out.
This whole Trump campaign has forced a debate, shown the censorship, shown the manipulation.
It's very, very exciting.
Joining us via video Skype is the one and only Roger Stone of StoneZone.com, and his best-selling book on the Clinton's war on women is really the handbook now, really showing what monsters they are.
But instead, they've got cover stories about Trump has asked women out on dates in between marriages.
It's so horrible, but he's got more inside baseball in this new great pollster that
He was recommending six months ago I get on and I didn't.
I want to get him on now.
It just fell through the cracks.
Who's a libertarian, that's exciting.
And other things that are happening and going on.
Is Priebus finally being good?
Is Priebus finally not trying to get a third party?
Is he telling the truth?
So all things 2016, all things Trump, with Roger Stone.
Roger, thank you so much, my friend.
Alex, great to be back with you.
Wow, where should we start?
Well, let's start with the Trump campaign's new pollster, Tony Fabrizio.
Tony Fabrizio is someone I have literally known since my early 20s.
He may be the most talented and gifted, but most importantly, the most combative
Uh, strategist and survey researcher in the Republican Party.
The truth is, Tony Fabrizio is far more than a pollster.
A pollster is just a guy who takes samples of public opinion.
Fabrizio has an uncanny ability to fashion that into a strategy.
He's a very aggressive, in-your-face street fighter.
He's perfect for the campaign to take down the Clintons.
Donald Trump spoke to Fabrizio three years ago when he was briefly considering running for president then.
This is a major, major coup for the Trump campaign.
Was with Rand Paul.
His personal politics are very libertarian.
He's exactly what the doctor ordered in terms of helping Donald Trump refine his attack strategy on the Clintons and helping him define what the key issues are going to be to decide this election.
It's a 10 strike getting him on board.
I'm very excited about it.
Well, I remember you six months ago telling me about Fabrizio and, you know, just how key he is to winning this thing.
Run us through the waterfront.
I mean, folks want to know all things Trump, how the campaign's going, what the next shoot-a-drop is, what the enemy's up to, what Hillary's up to.
Well, as you know, and I'm sure you've heard it, Alex, I heard it a lot today.
Donald Trump was meeting today with Henry Kissinger.
I read on Infowars.com the other day that he met privately with James A. Baker III.
I knew he was meeting with Jim Baker, but I didn't know that was a public matter.
And there are some in the Trump revolution who are scratching their heads and saying, well, wait a minute.
Is Trump being co-opted by the establishment?
Is he being taken over by the very people who destroyed this country?
And I must tell you, I've known Trump for almost 40 years.
His views on trade, his views on NATO, his views on Wall Street have not changed in 30 years.
He is his old man.
And he's playing the establishment.
He's playing them.
So in the wider population, Henry Kissinger is viewed as a sage.
Alex, you and I probably view him more as a war criminal.
But to the American people, he's some kind of an expert on foreign policy.
Believe me, Donald Trump, I'm sure, is seeing Henry Kissinger as a courtesy.
I'm sure it'll be a polite meeting, but no one
No one is going to get Donald Trump to change his strongly held views on immigration, on trade, on war, on the war in Iraq, which he recognized early was a mistake.
I had lunch today with a journalist from the New York Times.
She affirms that she interviewed Trump.
For the beginning of the Iraq War, at the very beginning, and that he was unquestionably opposed to the war.
Sure, he wrote that in his book at the time.
Well, I mean, let me expand on this.
I said the same thing you're saying yesterday.
I hadn't talked to you about your views on it yet, but I mean, it's the same because it's true.
He has to at least talk to people, he has to at least be friendly on the surface, or they will try to kill him.
I mean, these are gangsters.
And he met with Haas, and then Haas bad-mouthed him a week later, because, and then Trump got more nationalistic, and so that's the reason they're so scared of him.
But, absolutely, it ended up being in a Houston News that he was meeting with Baker, so he ran the story, you know, because we're going to cover whatever Trump does.
I said on air, I don't think Trump's betraying us.
It's his actions.
I hope he meets with these people.
Because like he says, he'd meet with foreign dictators, try to get them to change their mind.
That's how he wants to try to influence them.
I mean, we ought to be glad this is happening.
Well, in fact, I don't think he wants to rush to war with the Chinese or the Russians.
I think he would usher in an entire new era of negotiations, but hard-headed negotiations.
Negotiations where the best interests of the United States... Sure, a president that wouldn't sell us out, a president that would make good deals.
But I just, I want to reassure those people at the grassroots, because you have his naming fellow from Goldman Sachs as his finance chairman.
Remains to be seen whether that gentleman can raise the $1 billion that Donald Trump is going to need.
You have him meeting with Baker, who is an expert on the institution.
Somebody who was in that meeting told me that 80% of the discussion
We're good.
Was Trump questioning Baker about how Ronald Reagan ran his administration?
How he ran his presidency?
What Reagan's day was like?
So it sounds to me like Donald Trump benefited from that meeting.
The Henry Kissinger thing I view as a touchstone.
But anyone who thinks Kissinger could talk Trump out of his views doesn't understand.
He's meeting with Kissinger so he can say, look, I talked to the supposed foreign policy wonk that the media worships.
Yeah, I think that's exactly right.
I don't think that there is much value.
Well, I mean, look, my audience gets it.
They understand to beat Hillary, he's not going to have to compromise.
He's not going to break eggs.
He's going to follow the policies he said.
That's why they're so scared of him.
But he's going to have to raise money.
He's going to have to get his hands dirty a little bit because this is a dirty business, period.
I mean, he says, I don't like the system of buying off politicians, but it's legal.
It's what I have to do to do business.
I want to change it.
I don't like making my ties in Mexico or China.
It's cost prohibitive.
You can't do it here.
He goes, okay, I got hats made in America.
They're twice the price.
Buy them.
You know, I mean, I get it.
I've been through it myself.
I understand it.
I tell people, we have shirts and hats made in America, and they're $30, and we have shirts and hats made in Mexico, and they're $15.
So, you know, you make your choice, and people want the $15 ones.
I mean, I get it.
Well, and let's go a step further.
It's CYA money.
So, the Wall Street types, the K Street types, they are going to cover their derriere.
I want a president who is smart enough not to turn that money down.
It's like the question that I keep asking Trump.
How much did you pay in taxes?
And his answer is, as little as I possibly can.
That's the guy I want.
I hope his IRS stuff comes out and he's really not trying to pay the IRS.
That's the kind of thing I want to see.
Well, I don't think he's broken any laws, but I... No, I know, but I mean, none of it goes around the country as Reagan's commission found with Congress.
It all goes to the dead.
It keeps the economy in the toilet.
The elites are offshore and don't pay tax.
So, I mean, look.
Warren Buffett tries to avoid taxes and says, raise them.
Trump tries to avoid taxes and says, cuts them.
I love that.
Day before yesterday, I had a delegation from the Chinese government contact me.
They wanted to have lunch.
I went to lunch with a bunch of diplomats.
It was very pleasant.
They wanted to know one thing and one thing only.
Is Donald Trump really going to cut the corporate tax rate of the United States below that of China?
They are petrified, Alex, that he's going to do this.
Because they know exactly what will happen.
The giant U.S.
corporations doing business in China will all return to the United States to expand here, to hire here, to create jobs here.
And that is, of course, not in the best interests of the Chinese.
I like the idea of a president who puts the interests of the United States first.
I think that's what the voters find most refreshing about Donald Trump.
Well, that's incredible.
So they are just horrified.
But look, it's a level playing field.
And he likes to make deals that are fair, because he wants to have business back and forth.
When you talk to Trump, I mean, I know he's put some specifics out.
What would be fair?
Just to lower it to the point maybe of China?
And then to do things like make them raise their currency?
We are currently at 35% as the corporate tax rate.
China is at 25%.
We could drop our rate to 20% or even better 15% and you would suck all those companies out of China and back to the United States.
That's right.
Now you have also, which is far more effective than tariffs would be, you also have this program for inversion.
Bring back about two trillion dollars that is sitting offshore, untaxed, to be taxed at a fair rate.
And then Trump is the only presidential candidate who's recognized that there's almost a trillion dollars sitting in the federal checking accounts.
Which has never been swept.
It is unbudgeted.
So before you start cutting social programs, let's go get that money.
Trump has the most dynamic, and really the most pro-growth.
That's right, and he won't shut down another thousand plants like Obama did, which will try to keep us competitive on energy.
I mean, he will literally, all he's doing is going to take Count Dracula off our neck.
Just taking the vampire off, we could get better.
But we have to get Count Dracula off, and globalism is Count Dracula.
Now, you asked me about obstacles for the campaign.
I do want to warn your viewers and your listeners about this Great America PAC.
This is run by Ed Rollins, who actually works for Teneo, which is, he's a senior advisor there.
Teneo is a Bill and Hillary Clinton connected lobbying firm that paid Bill Clinton about $2 million a year.
Robin's cohort in Great America PAC is a fellow named Jesse Benton.
Oh boy.
He's a convicted felon, convicted just last week of bribing people in Iowa to support Ron Paul.
He drove Ron Paul and Rand Paul's campaigns into the toilet.
He is devoid of any political skill.
This particular PAC, Great America PAC, has a $600,000 debt on the books.
And that's the one I've seen in the news, it's kind of acting like it represents Trump and so... Yeah, I mean, Rollins, who's never been a Trump supporter, keeps now... Well, I mean, you even heard our guest in here, where they're contacting him, acting like they represent Trump, to put him on Trump's advisory board, and Trump is actually in the news with his lawyers saying, don't give money to this group.
Yeah, I mean, look, this is a scam, and I'm sure if you're like me, and you're on every
Pro-conservative and pro-liberty mailing list, you're getting inundated with these appeals.
Don't fall for it.
These folks said they were going to spend $1 million to help Trump.
They wrote a million dollar check to a media buyer, but then the New York Times determined that they only spent $100,000 on ads in the primaries.
So, this is a fraud.
And the hard-earned dollars of individual mom-and-pop donors... Sure, sure.
I mean, don't we have to also watch out for straw men, not this group, but other groups, where they put out fake Trump supporters and then have them say outrageous stuff.
I mean, what type of dirty tricks do you expect next?
Because you said the woman thing, the mafia thing, they've done all that now, the fake lawsuits.
What else is coming?
Well, this New York Times piece, I think, is a watershed.
And I give great credit to the Trump campaign, because they were able to roll out a number of the women who were quoted in the story, but who were quoted out of context.
And in many cases, the Times divined what these women were thinking.
Oh, she felt degraded when Trump said, why don't you put on a bathing suit?
These women didn't feel degraded at all.
I think the mainstream media here, the New York Times particularly, has made a mistake, Alex, because they've now set a standard.
If we're going to examine the conduct of Donald Trump towards women in the 70s... We've got to look at Bill Clinton and the pedo-plane.
We gotta look at Bubba and his serial rapes, his assaults, his exposing himself to women, and then we come to the question of the credibility of his accusers.
I believe every one of these women, Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Christy Zurcher, Sandra Allen James, and many others, every one of them,
Is more credible than Hillary Clinton.
Based on the public record.
Based on all the other lies Hillary has told.
Whether it is lying about being broke when you left the White House.
Or lying about stealing the silver and the furniture in China when they left the White House.
Or lying about whether her grandparents were immigrants.
Or lying about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary.
Or lying about the reason that four brave Americans died in Benghazi.
What about Brian Williams when she claimed that she was in the Balkans and got shot at, attacked, all baloney?
I mean, this woman is the definition of a liar.
Yeah, no, the sniper fire.
She was under sniper fire.
She lies about who the real father of Chelsea Clinton is.
She lies about cattle futures and how she made a killing with insider trader information.
In all honesty, every one of these women who bears accusations against Bill Clinton will be found to be more credible
Well, they settled some of these rape cases.
I mean, we've got them.
Well, Paula Jones settled for $850,000.
There is no admission of guilt by Bill Clinton, in all fairness.
But, I can see what's coming, and it's very important that people understand it.
Anyone who questions the Clinton's narrative of things is immediately branded as a conspiracy theorist.
That's not a compliment when they say that.
You're a kook.
You're a nut.
You believe everything that's in the National Enquirer.
With all due respect, the National Enquirer is more accurate than the Washington Post.
They broke the John Edwards story.
Sure, but I mean, that doesn't work anymore when they call us conspiracy theorists.
Have they figured that out yet?
No, they really haven't.
This is why Media Matters for America, the George Soros funded Clinton apologist group, the rape enablers, or call them rape deniers if you will, who try to whitewash anything done by Bill, Hillary, or Chelsea Clinton, they are every day just out there attacking the messenger.
Whether it's Alex Jones, whether it's Roger Stone, it's a constant vilification.
Here's what they don't understand.
I'm not running for president.
You're not my running mate.
This isn't about us.
Let me go further and say this.
They attack what they're most afraid of as if they have the moral high ground and a trick that they're labeling us as embarrassing is why they're targeting us.
But if you look at what we've covered the last year, they're targeting and labeling what they're most afraid of and hoping that Trump doesn't start beating the drum on.
And I know Trump's sophisticated enough to understand that.
Well, I understand that Donald Trump is on with Sean Hannity tonight.
I think this is going to be a very, very important interview.
And I hope folks will tune in.
Because this entire question of women and conduct towards women is now at the forefront.
And the mainstream media would like to define this as indiscretions, or affairs, or adultery, or cheating.
But it's none of those things.
It's about rape.
Sure, sure.
Are you predicting we're going to be hearing some of that tonight from Trump?
All right, well, Roger, thank you for popping in with us this week.
I know you're a very busy man.
I look forward to speaking to you anytime you've got new breaking news or next week.
I know we're going to be talking some on the phone the next few days.
You're coming to Austin soon.
Thank you, sir.
Great to be here.
Ladies and gentlemen, coming up, Paul Joseph Watson is set to take over from London, England.
Always a powerful hour when he hosts the 4th Hour.
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This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
A white person smiling at a black person is a racist microaggression.
Not smiling at a person of color is also racist!
I did it again!
Students who attend a Whiteness History Month presentation at Portland College coined the term, white guy smile.
While agonizing over whether or not a white person smiling at a black person is a racist microaggression.
There's all of this stuff wrapped up in how we meet or do not meet each other's eyes.
Another white female student then discusses how her black relatives will always talk about the white guy smile.
What are you supposed to do?
I smile at everybody but then somehow I'm like conscious of that and then I just do the white guy smile.
As much as I don't think of myself as having that awkwardness, there's always that.
Am I doing the white guy smile or is it that normal smile?
She asks.
Laughing at liberals sums up the sheer idiocy of this exchange.
This has been Joe Biggs with Infobores.com reporting on the idiocy of America.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We're about to go up this liner to Paul Joseph Watson from Her Majesty's Supreme Command Base, London.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We've got to film a London Dungeon in the next segment.
Just to make sure the culture is very high around here.
All right, continuing.
We're going to Paul Watson here in about two minutes.
I want to hear what he's coming up with in the next hour.
This is an hour I don't like to miss, even though I've got to go do business around the office and get ready.
I'm going to have the rest of my lunch for about 30 minutes and watch myself, because Watson does such a great job.
I'll be talking to him in a moment about that.
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Briefly, tell us what's coming up, but I gotta just say, your George Clooney video, that's the direction I want to go.
These people, I want to do things on Bono, the hypocrisy of these people, how they have bodyguards, how they want us to be disarmed.
I love the direction you're going in, Paul.
What do folks think of your F. George Clooney video?
Well, it's quite popular, I think, it's around 400,000 views over the past few days and actually got over a million on Facebook.
So, yeah, I mean, let's just take the gloves off.
I'm sick of these people grandstanding in the media, you know, it's virtue signalling on steroids and nobody calls them out about it.
Nobody calls Clooney out for having five mansions and not taking in a single refugee while demanding that German citizens do the same.
As their society melts down, as they're being kicked out of their own social housing, and these people need to be taken to task, and that's what I plan to do even more in the future.
I know you're going to be covering this.
I was speechless reading the Pope's interview with one of the biggest newspapers in Europe, saying we need to get rid of Europeans, ISIS is like Christ, Christians are bad, we don't want to be Christians now.
I mean, this is the most over-the-top thing.
What are the elite doing?
I mean, this is crazy.
Well, they're bringing in huge numbers of people who will vote for bigger government.
That's why big government likes mass immigration.
Business likes it because it's cheap labor.
They can strangle out their competition.
So this is the collectivist endgame.
Yeah, so it's a perfect match, and now the Pope is basically invoking the same rhetoric as Islamist preachers who openly say this migration wave is a plan to conquer Europe.
Now he's openly aligned himself with them, just as ISIS in their own manifesto said they weren't aligned with the left.
Stay there, Paul Joseph Watson, The Apprentice.
Straight ahead on the other side, I'm Alex Jones from the Central Texas Command Center, the heart of human resistance against terror.
My name is Alex Jones.
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They took my saddle in Houston, broke my leg in the Santa Fe.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
It's the fourth hour live of the Alex Jones Show with me, Paul Joseph Watson, and this is the day on which the mainstream media finally admitted they were astounded by the discovery that Bernie Sanders supporters are violent radicals.
Because it's not like, you know, they've been punching Trump supporters in the face, spitting in their face, punching police horses, staging riots at Trump speech and events for the past three months.
It's not like that ever happened.
The moment they do it to Democrats, it's suddenly this huge revelation that Bernie Sanders supporters are violent radicals.
But still they try to blame it on Trump.
Listen to this headline out of the Sacramento Bee.
Bernie Sanders can't afford to stay silent any longer.
Rise of extremist supporters causing a rift in the party.
And notice in this sub-headline they still manage to blame it on Donald Trump.
In Nevada, which is of course where we saw all the violence on the weekend from Bernie Sanders supporters, Trump-like anger boils over at state conventions, so even in their admission that Bernie Sanders supporters are unhinged violent radicals, they still manage to equate it to Donald Trump.
Now, were there a few instances where, you know, individual Trump supporters got overexcited, physically assaulted a couple of people at Trump events?
Yeah, that happened.
But nowhere near the scale of unrest that we've seen from these Bernie Sanders supporters.
So they've been doing it to Conservatives for months.
The mainstream media has completely ignored it and continued to blame Trump for any violence.
The moment they do anything against establishment Democrats, that's when the mainstream media cries foul.
This is from the article, a lot of Democrats don't want to admit it, but Donald Trump isn't the only presidential candidate playing with fire and recklessly courting an angry mob.
So again, in the very first paragraph, they blame it on Donald Trump.
They have to get that in there, that Trump is courting an angry mob, even though the scenes at Trump events have been nowhere near on the level of what Bernie Sanders supporters have engaged in.
And you know, we've sent our reporters there, we've got the video out.
What you see over and over again is
Calm, composed Donald Trump supporters lining up around the block for an event, being goaded, being provoked by Bernie Sanders radicals.
These are the same people who, you know, if they were around in the 70s would have supported the weather underground.
I'm gonna go back and listen to that interview with Larry Grathwall of the FBI, where he's basically asked,
Of course, he was the FBI agent who infiltrated the Weather Underground.
He was at all their meetings with Bill Ayers and others, and he was asked, what was the plan for these people if Americans didn't go along with their radical communist agenda?
And he basically said, well, at first they would all be herded into re-education camps, and if they then didn't submit and accept the new way of doing things, they would be killed en masse.
And that's the kind of mindset that has pervaded the radical left throughout the past, you know, four or five decades in the United States.
Of course, it has on some elements of the radical right, but the mainstream media will never draw attention to extremist violence when it's on the left.
So these events in Nevada on the weekend have come as a massive surprise, apparently,
How much does it worry you that he wants to take this to the convention in July?
Well, it worries me a great deal.
You know, I don't want to go back to the 68 convention because I worry about what it does to the electorate as a whole.
And he should too.
Yeah, there's Dianne Feinstein on CNN, basically invoking the threat of riots at the Democratic convention that's coming up.
So again, it's this bizarre, sudden discovery, sudden surprise that Bernie Sanders supporters are violent.
I mean, look at the headlines that we were publishing, again, for months, even before what happened in Chicago at the Trump event.
Rap song threatens riots, Trump assassination, media celebrates!
Every time one of these rap groups, and they weren't just, you know, losers on YouTube, in this case it was quite influential rapper, you know, they came out with songs saying, F Trump, we're gonna kill Donald Trump, we've got a chopper in the trunk for Donald Trump, we're gonna fill him with hollow point bullets.
Those were the kind of lyrics in the songs.
And the media celebrated it.
The left heralded it, you know, as a viral protest song.
Power to the people.
You could go on Twitter at any moment and find hundreds and thousands of tweets of people threatening to assassinate Trump.
This is all while the mainstream media narrative was, Trump is responsible for all the violence.
As soon as it happens one time against mainstream Democrats, now they're all starting to freak out.
Well, we've been telling you about it for months and months.
Have you been living under a frigging rock?
So now that Trump has basically vanquished his, you know, competition, the Bernie Sanders radicals are turning their anger towards Hillary Clinton and only now will the mainstream media recognize it.
Because it was very useful to take those actions of the violent Bernie Sanders supporters and blame them on Trump when they were trying to sink Trump and prevent him from getting the Republican nomination.
Now that's a foregone conclusion
The Bernie bots are turning their irie towards Hillary Clinton and only now is the mainstream media worried about it.
And as Crowder points out in his article today, the violence of Bernie Sanders supporters comes from Bernie himself.
And he quotes Talking Point's memo who basically point out
That over the past few weeks, the control, the direct control of the tone and the rhetoric of the Bernie Sanders campaign has been taken away from his close friends and advisors and handed over to Bernie himself.
Which is why it's interesting that in the aftermath of this violence in Nevada,
You know, he refused to take any responsibility for it.
So that's a deliberate action.
He's refusing to take responsibility for the violence of his own supporters, again, which has been ongoing for months.
Yet it's suddenly a major shock discovery for everyone in the mainstream media and the democratic political establishment.
DC Whispers is reporting
And you've seen the pictures of Bill Clinton.
Talk about Hillary Clinton and her coughing fits.
Well, Bill doesn't look in too good shape either.
Now they're speculating that he's suffering from some kind of neurological disorder, and that that's becoming evident with his physical appearance.
So watch out for that.
Not only Hillary, but now Bill Clinton looks like he could be on the way.
But also Trump campaign supervisor Paul Manafort is said to be working with others on a comprehensive effort that includes the participation of multiple women from Bill and Hillary Clinton's past, of which there are many, that will decimate Hillary Clinton's off-repeated attempts to portray herself as a champion of women.
The feminist candidate again just because she has a vagina.
The launch for this effort is to take place around the same time as the Democratic Party convention in late July and continue right up to Election Day.
So apparently they're lining up these women who of course have been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton and then silenced by the Hillary Clinton machine and they're set to roll them out immediately before the convention in July.
So obviously we knew that was coming to some extent, but it seems that some of the revelations coming from these women, these Bill Clinton sex assault victims, may not be just, you know, rehashing old material.
It looks like from this they might have some new revelations that are certainly going to prove very damaging to Hillary Clinton.
And of course the polls, a hypothetical matchup between Clinton and Trump, back
Three, four weeks ago, a couple of months ago, there was a huge disparity between Clinton and Trump.
She was clearly in the lead.
Well, yet another story about how that gap is narrowing.
This is out of WBUR.
If the presidential election were held today between the apparent Republican nominee, Donald Trump, and the Democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, the outcome would be very close.
This is a poll out of New Hampshire, which shows that Clinton leads Trump 44% to 42%, with about 7% still undecided.
Now, of course, we had the Rasmussen poll back a couple of weeks ago, which of course found that Trump was slightly ahead.
So again, a huge shift.
That prediction from the political scientist that we featured a few months ago, which was basically laughed at, where he said that Trump would crush Hillary in a landslide.
Well, I don't know if that's going to happen, but it certainly looks like he's got the momentum.
And remember, you know, when Ann Coulter went on Bill Maher and she said, and this was back in August, I believe, last summer anyway, that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee.
And of course, the crowd howled with laughter.
Well, that was proven correct.
Now that huge disparity between Clinton and Trump in the polls is narrowing, it seems, with every new poll.
Then, of course, you've got the neocons on the right.
Bill Kristol, Glenn Beck.
Bill Kristol's Never Trump Renegade Party has only 2,700 followers in 20 hours.
Bill Kristol and the GOP elites are hurting.
On Monday, Never Trump and Bill Kristol went on Newsmax TV and announced he was naming his anti-Trump protest party the Renegade Party.
And, of course, all this will do is take votes away from Trump and ensure Hillary Clinton's victory.
Obviously Republican elites want a candidate that is pro-amnesty, pro-trans-pacific trade agreement and anti-Trump.
The voters want Trump, the elites don't.
So Bill Kristol launched this massive, never-Trump campaign to coalesce support.
Behind the anti-Trump movement from mainstream conservatives basically hasn't got off to a great start.
As of, as I speak, they've got around 3,000 followers on Twitter.
Not quite the impact they would have expected.
Coming up after the break, we're going to get into the Brexit, the vote on Britain leaving the EU, which is set to take place here in around a month's time.
There's an excellent new documentary out called Brexit, the movie, and we're going to play a few clips from that and talk about why this is fundamental to defeating the globalist agenda.
We'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
Stay tuned.
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Get up, stand up.
Stand up for your right.
Get up, stand up.
We're back.
It's more about Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to get to those Brexit the movie clips in the next segment.
This is a key documentary that's been released in full online for free.
Anyone can go and watch it.
Just about a month before the big Brexit vote in the UK.
Now of course that doesn't apply to Americans who can't vote in that, but it's key to get this documentary out to reach people in Britain who can.
Because the campaign around the Remain vote, which of course has been supported and cheerleaded by the Prime Minister David Cameron, has been based on nothing but pure fear.
The appeal to irrational emotion and panic, the threat of World War 3 if, God forbid, Britain was to leave this disastrous trade zone known as the EU.
Yesterday we had him saying that, you know, ISIS would support Britain exiting the EU.
What's next?
Are they going to get Satan to put out a press release saying that he also supports Britain leaving the EU?
I mean, that's why they call it Project Fear.
They've got no facts, they've got no logic, they've got no history.
All they've got is that irrational appeal to panic and emotion.
So we're going to get into that after the break.
We're going to play a few clips from that big documentary.
Now, Italy a couple of days ago came out and basically followed the lead of Russia and was begging their population to have children because they're currently experiencing a demographic meltdown.
And now the Pope has come out and said that Muslims must breed with Europeans.
This is up on Infowars.com.
In a shocking interview, Pope Francis likened Jesus Christ to ISIS and said Muslim migrants must breed with Europeans to counter declining birth rates.
Today, I don't think there is a fear of Islam as such, but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam.
He told a French newspaper, it is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam,
Well, read the Koran, it's there in black and white.
However, it is also impossible to interpret the objective in Matthew's Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations in terms of the same idea of conquest.
Yeah, I don't recall Jesus sending out his disciples to behead everyone, to force them to pay the jizya, the tax, if they refuse to convert to Islam.
And basically driving them from their lands via force.
Don't think there's quite a comparison there.
But he also said... He dreaded hearing about the Christian roots of Europe because to him they take on colonialist overtones.
Yeah, defending Europe from hordes of Muslim invaders.
That's colonialism, apparently.
And he called on European nations to integrate Muslim migrants into the continent.
Listen to this.
This integration is all the more necessary today, since as a result of selfish search for well-being, Europe is experiencing the grave problem of declining birth rate.
Yeah, we're not having nine, ten children like Muslims do.
That's really selfish.
A demographic emptiness is developing, the Pope said.
So he basically said that we need to accept the Muslim migrants because then they can breed with Europeans and save us from that demographic disaster.
Which of course will result in a lot less, not just white people, but Catholics in general.
So he's comparing Jesus Christ with ISIS and he's calling for the conquest of Europe via Muslim interbreeding, which is exactly the same thing that Sheikh Mohammed Ayed, and we featured this video clip numerous times, called for at a Jerusalem mosque.
And the quote, again, is in the article from this top sheikh who got up and said,
Quote, Europe has become old and decrepit and needs human reinforcement.
They are not motivated by compassion for the Levantist people and its refugees.
Soon we will trample them underfoot, Allah willing.
Throughout Europe all the hearts are enthused with hatred towards Muslims.
They wish that we were dead, but they have lost their fertility.
So they look for fertility in our midst.
We will give them fertility, we will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries.
So that was a...
Top imam in Jerusalem and now the Pope is basically mirroring his rhetoric.
Absolutely astounding quotes.
You can go and read them on InfoWars.com.
Sky News reports Interpol 800,000 migrants ready to head to EU.
An estimate is that 800,000 migrants are waiting in Libya to cross into Europe.
There is an increased possibility that terrorists will try to cross with them, a report by Interpol and Europol says.
So they basically came out and said, yeah, there's a small chance that terrorists might infiltrate these millions of migrants.
Oh, really?
Do you think?
Given that the mastermind of the frigging Paris massacre brazenly gloated about the fact that he and his cohorts were able to get into Europe by exploiting the migrant wave.
So now you've got Sky News basically reporting that, you know, we're expecting 800,000 to come in over the next 12 months.
Given the warm summer weather, that influx is only going to accelerate.
We'll get more into it after the break and we'll play those clips from Brexit.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com and I want to talk about something that really pisses me off.
The fact that we can live in a culture where people can identify as things other than what they actually are.
The fact that a man can identify as a woman and then go use that restroom.
Or the fact that a white woman can identify as an African-American woman.
Let's call her Rachel Dolezal.
I think at this point then she should be able to get reparations for slavery.
Or maybe a
He's an 18-year-old kid who plays Call of Duty all day and wants to identify as an elite special ops soldier.
I think if he carries out a really badass mission on Call of Duty, Obama should have a ceremony and give that man the Medal of Honor.
Or perhaps you're lazy and you want to be trans handicapped.
That way you can park in all the good spots at the mall and at Golden Crown Buffet.
This is the matrix that we live in now in 2016.
A world full of fairies.
Fake Asian tall people, men who are women, white women who are black.
This is the fall of the human species.
I'm Joe Biggs with Infowars.com.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to play some of these clips from Brexit the movie.
This was a big documentary that came out here last week.
It's featured in some cinemas and of course it's about the vote, the referendum coming up next month on Britain leaving the EU.
Now the rhetoric, the back and forth between people like Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London, who is supporting the Leave campaign, and of course David Cameron, the Prime Minister, who's supporting the Remain campaign, has heated up in recent days.
Boris came out back around four or five days ago and said basically the EU was an attempt to create what Hitler tried to create after World War II.
He was immediately lambasted as being hyperbolic, because of course David Cameron threatening World War 3 if Britain was to leave the EU is not hyperbolic at all.
So basically Donald Tusk, the European Council President, another unelected tyrannical bureaucrat, came out and said that he had crossed the boundaries.
By making such a comparison.
Pro-Remain campaigner Lord Heseltine, he of course lobbied for the introduction for Britain to join the EU in the first place, the free trade zone, labelled Johnson's remarks preposterous on our scene.
How dare Boris Johnson even make this comparison?
Well the comparison is completely accurate!
And in fact I wrote about this probably seven years ago.
You dug up the quotes where you had top Nazis, Nazi economics minister Walter Funk, Nazi academic Heinrich Honka, Nazi Gustav Konig, all of them, and you can read the quotes in this article, Boris is completely right, the EU was a Nazi brainchild, they call for the exact same system, a European Federal Superstate, that was then set up under the EU.
Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels ordered the creation of the large-scale economic unification of Europe believing that in 50 years time people no longer think in terms of countries.
That's a quote!
That's exactly what the EU has become.
So let's roll some of these clips from Brexit the movie.
Here's Kafka's EU.
Let's go to the clip.
...exactly how the functions of the British Constitution work, but they get the gist of it.
Once every five years, we go down the school hall or to a church, we put a cross in a ballot paper, they're all counted up, and the chap with the most votes wins.
We get that.
You try working out how a European Commissioner is appointed.
It's positively Kafkaesque.
You can't actually get your head around who does what, why, and who is answerable to who.
The European Union, which imposes laws on 28 countries, is made up of seven main institutions, which include the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Commission, and the European Parliament.
Do you know the difference between the European Council, the Council of the European Union, and the Council of Europe?
It's a very good question.
Tell me how many presidents there are in the European Union.
How many presidents?
I'd guess at one.
There's two presidents, for goodness sake.
I don't know what the difference between the two presidents is.
There's four presidents, you say?
There are squads of committees and presidents of this and commissioners of that.
The expression I really hate is pooled sovereignty.
It's bollocks.
The people of Slovenia have no more idea than the people of the UK, and the people of Sweden, or the people of Spain, what in fact is going on.
I wouldn't profess to understand the detail of how it all works.
And I think part of that is deliberate.
One side knows.
One side is a priesthood and knows how it all works.
And the rest of us ordinary citizens don't know how it works.
A massive transfer of power takes place.
It was devised to make sure that the great mass of the people could not control government ever again.
So, this is a bureaucracy where we don't even have the power to remove the people who govern us.
If that's not pure tyranny, then I don't know what is.
Why would we want to hand power for the future of our country over to people who are not accountable to anyone?
They're not responsible for their own decisions.
What kind of terrible idea is that?
Moving on to the economy, because there's another clip in this movie where they basically visit some of the fishing ports in Northern England to illustrate the fact that the EU has completely decimated the British fishing industry.
Fishermen are not allowed to fish right on their own doorstep, because of course we handed over fishing rights to the EU, who carved it all up.
And gave rights to countries like the Netherlands, Norway to fish three miles offshore, in some cases, from British territory.
So these fish markets, whereas in the past you would have, you know, 12,000 boxes full, teaming of fish laid out in these markets,
A day, every single day, now it's 200.
And they illustrate that in the movie.
Again, it put a lot of companies out of business, it put a lot of fishermen out of business, and now we have to import fish from other countries because we're not allowed to fish in our own waters.
And in fact, the EU pays fishermen to destroy their own boats.
And of course, when it comes down to the consumer level, we have to pay more, because we're not allowed to catch our own food.
Let's go to this next clip, which is about the economy.
This is crony capitalism and the EU.
Here's the clip.
Big established firms don't mind regulation so much.
For a start, it means less competition.
Big corporate interests tend to love the EU.
It suits their purposes perfectly.
All the corporations love the European Union because what it does, it creates the regulations which destroy their smaller rivals.
Big business loves regulation.
Don't forget that.
Big companies can lobby in Brussels.
The amount of money they spend there is staggeringly large.
One of the first things that stuns you are the number of invitations on your desk to lunch, breakfast, dinner, champagne receptions.
And invariably, they come from lobby groups.
There are people who make their entire livelihoods out of being professional lobbyists in Brussels.
This is where a lot of the lobbying goes on.
So you will see the lobbyists from different companies, from NGOs.
The returns they get by stifling competition and framing regulations in a way which suits them and keeps other people out is very, very striking.
It used to be called the Rich Man's Club.
And that is, by and large, what it is.
So again, these big businesses love the regulations that the EU imposes because they can afford to put them in place without the bottom line taking too much of a hit.
If you're a small or medium-sized business, you can't afford to do that.
That's why big corporations love these regulations, because they can use them to strangle their competition.
You know, despite the fact that only 6% of their exports, 6% of their exports go to the EU, small businesses have to comply with 100% of the regulations handed down by the EU.
Of course, big corporations can afford to hire people to do that behind the scenes, small businesses can't, so they end up just either giving up entirely or not exporting to the EU, and of course then they get beat in terms of competition.
That's why big business loves the EU.
So in what way does that represent small businesses?
In what way does that represent the interests of the middle class?
It doesn't.
Now here's the next clip which gets into the regulations that the EU imposes.
They've actually delayed, they've delayed banning quote high-powered kettles, toasters, hair dryers and vacuum cleaners until after this vote takes place because they know if they did that beforehand
It would stoke the anger of the British people, because it illustrates what level of micromanagement and control that we are being forced to labour under by remaining in the EU.
So here's the next clip.
Regulated people.
Let's roll it.
You've got thousands and thousands of bureaucrats, civil servants and administrators, and their job is to push paper, write on paper, have rules on paper, pile up more and more paper.
You just get a mass of growing telephone directory-sized rules and regulations, one after the other, ceaselessly, endlessly.
That is actually what the bureaucracy sees itself as there to do.
If the list of EU rules could be put into one document today, it would take more than two men to carry it on.
Such a document would reach as high as Nelson's column.
Regulation is so vast and complex, even the EU is unable to tell us how many laws there are covering different areas of our lives.
So we've used some helpful EU databases to make the best estimate we can.
Here is regulated EU man waking from his regulated slumber to start his regulated day.
You wouldn't think you'd need a law for pillow cases, but the EU has five.
But that's nothing.
The pillow inside is subject to 109 different EU laws.
As far as we can tell, there are only 11 EU laws pertaining to radio alarm clocks.
There's around 400 governing the other stuff on Joe Citizen's bedside table.
You can't be too careful with duvets and sheets, so there's around 50 laws governing those.
There are 65 laws governing bathrooms, but that doesn't include the contents.
How they've managed to think up 31 laws for toothbrushes is beyond me.
But let's face it, toothpaste is a bit weird, so 47 laws sounds about right.
Mirrors have been known to crack and get dirty, so they're covered by 172 laws.
As for the shower, well, we've all seen Psycho.
Murdering girls like that is now strictly prohibited.
Shampoo can get in your eyes and cause discomfort.
118 laws.
EU bureaucrats seem terrified by towels for some reason.
Slightly more relaxed about radiators.
There are 1,246 laws relating to bread, but just 52 covering the crazy anarchic toaster.
Just 84 laws cover fridges.
But an impressive 12,000 laws cover milk.
After all, it might go off.
Bowl, 99 laws.
Spoon, more than 200 laws.
Same for the orange juice.
But the coffee, whoa!
Stand back, Grandma.
This toxic jungle juice can keep you up all night.
The best dog in Britain is unaware of the odourless fog of canine legislation.
But careful, Ruby.
Ignorance is no excuse.
Our regulated man leaves his regulated house.
There are only 92 laws about pavements.
After all, they're just pavements.
But you get the idea.
EU regulation surrounds us like invisible barbed wire.
When we're frustrated in our daily lives by needless, stupid EU laws, it's infuriating.
But it's much worse than infuriating if you're thinking of starting a new business.
It's like entering a legal minefield.
For small and medium-sized businesses and start-ups, it's perilous.
Complying with regulation imposes huge costs, and falling foul of regulation can put you out of business.
So again, it's crony capitalism, it's corporatism, it's the bureaucracy working hand-in-hand with big business to strangle out small business, because they don't have the means, they don't have the time, they don't have the staff to comply with these hundreds
And hundreds for each individual thing.
Towels, you saw there, like 200 different regulations for towels.
600 for coffee.
They just don't have the time or means to comply with these regulations, so they either go out of business or they just have to constrict their trade to within the UK.
They can't even trade with the EU.
So what is in it for them?
And what is in it for us as consumers?
And of course what this has created is this
Anemic economic growth which pervades the EU, which in turn has led to mass uprisings and civil unrest because people's quality of living is going down.
The cost of living is going up and now we see, you know, right-wing extremist parties springing up and saying that they have the solution, they have the answer.
So it's fueling extremism on both sides.
We've had mass riots in Europe for the past six, seven years
So, how is it in our interests, how does it make us safe to stay in the EU when these anemic economic policies are going to create more riots, more civil unrest?
That's not safety.
The Vote Remain campaign claims that we're only going to maintain our safety and avoid World War 3 if we stay in this bureaucratic mess.
Again, it's complete BS.
Let's go to the final clip which sums up why Britain needs to leave the EU.
Here's the clip.
In the referendum, we will be asked to choose.
Do we want to be governed by an organisation which we don't understand, run by people we don't know and haven't elected, who have the power to impose on us laws that we haven't debated and have little or no chance of blocking or repealing?
We need to regain the right for British people to make British laws.
If people believe that the best way to strengthen the United Kingdom is to hand over every year more money and more power to an unaccountable bureaucratic elite in Brussels, then what they should do is campaign to stay in the European Union.
It comes down to the essential issue, the working man and woman of this country, against people who think we have a better plan and a better mind than you.
And if you don't like it, what are you going to do?
And the answer is, we're going to vote leave.
So... There are a number of issues where I believe that we should be leaving.
This is people versus the establishment, people versus the elite.
I just hope that the mass of people who may not go around being interviewed much, may never get a look in on any of the media or television, come June the 23rd will be out there saying, this is our chance to get our own back.
Give us back control of our own country.
With general elections, it doesn't really matter who you vote for, Conservative or Labour, because you know that in four years' time, you can change your mind.
This time, you can't change your mind.
This time is for keeps.
This referendum is the most important political act that has happened in my lifetime.
This is about our future, our freedom, our democracy, our right to govern ourselves.
What really matters is that you should have the power to remove the people who govern you.
The reason why the suffragettes went to all that trouble to get the vote was because they wanted to, they themselves, be treated as grown-ups and decide their own destiny.
If I was told I would be stewing grass to feed my family in five years time, if we left the European Union, I would still do it.
It's time to regain our freedom and independence.
The right to decide ourselves how we live our lives.
There's a lot at stake here.
What we want is democracy.
We the people should determine our own destiny.
We have the capacity to shape our own futures.
So my question is, what price freedom?
That's Brexit, the movie which came out here last week, and it's free on YouTube, it's free on Vimeo.
I posted it on my Twitter page yesterday, so of course most of the listeners here are American, they're not going to vote in the EU referendum, I'm well aware of that.
But you can reach many people, I think it's up to about 250,000 views on YouTube at this point, which quite frankly is not enough.
We need to get millions and millions of views for that video, because people
In the United Kingdom are out there, they're looking for answers, they're not getting accurate, unbiased sources of information.
And of course that's vehemently pro-Leave, but again they cite facts, statistics, history, logic.
They don't pander to irrational fear and emotion like the Remain campaign does by threatening World War 3 if Britain leaves the EU.
You know, insulting people's intelligence to such a degree that they think they don't know the difference between NATO and the EU, as David Cameron has done.
You know, saying that ISIS would support us leaving.
Completely ridiculous, fear-based, emotional manipulation.
We'll be back with the final segment of the Alex Jones Show Overdrive.
Stay right there.
Black Iowa student starts fight, loses, makes up hate crime, gets caught.
Owens claimed on the night of April 30th he was attacked by three evil white college-age men who beat him bloody while screaming racial slurs.
Activist students claim the attack showed a climate of racial hatred in Iowa City and they also denounced the university for taking until May 4th to issue a statement about the matter.
How many black students must be a victim of hate crime before an alert is sent out once student complained on
We're good to go.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com and I want to talk about something that really pisses me off.
The fact that we can live in a culture where people can identify as things other than what they actually are.
The fact that a man can identify as a woman and then go use that restroom.
Or the fact that a white woman can identify as an African-American woman.
Let's call her Rachel Dolezal.
I think at this point then she should be able to get reparations for slavery.
Or maybe a
He's an 18-year-old kid who plays Call of Duty all day and wants to identify as an elite special ops soldier.
I think if he carries out a really badass mission on Call of Duty, Obama should have a ceremony and give that man the Medal of Honor.
Or perhaps you're lazy and you want to be trans handicapped.
That way you can park in all the good spots at the mall and a Golden Crown Buffet.
This is the Matrix that we live in now in 2016.
A world full of fairies.
Fake Asian tall people, men who are women, white women who are black.
This is the fall of the human species.
I'm Joe Biggs with Infowars.com
Hey guys, Leanne McAdoo here with InfoWars.com.
We just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your support over the years, and we really love seeing you guys out there in our gear.
Alex wants to show his appreciation, so he's decided to throw another contest.
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Winners are going to be selected at random.
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This is the heart of 1776.
We are back with the final segment of the 4th Hour Overdrive.
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But we've only got a few minutes left, so we're going to go to these news stories now.
Information and liberation reports.
Quote, you're a German, you're nothing.
Migrant filmed assaulting and bullying German teen.
So this is basically a racial attack.
Of course, it will get no mainstream media coverage whatsoever.
The German police are already probably busy covering it up, like they did with the mass migrant molestation in Cologne.
Basically shows a young German teen being bullied, being shamed for being German by a Turkish migrant as he smacks him in the face and threatens to gouge out his eyeballs.
Another example of the fantastic cultural enrichment that Europe is currently enjoying.
More cultural enrichment news.
Sharia street patrol in Austria hospitalizes father protecting his daughter.
Of course, Sharia patrols, Muslim no-go ghettos don't exist.
That's a conspiracy theory.
You won't get hounded out, chased out, kicked out of them if you dare venture into them.
According to the mainstream media, they don't exist.
So I guess if we believe that, then we can just pretend that none of this is happening and snuggle up in bed and everything's going to be alright.
Crowder, Louder with Crowder reports super leftist JK Rowling defends Donald Trump.
So basically, J.K.
Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter novels, got up and gave a speech during this gala in which he was receiving an award.
And said that, quote, Trump's freedom to speak protects my freedom to call him a bigot.
So even though she's diametrically opposed to him politically, she understands, she's an actual classical liberal, that if you silence, if you suppress, if you censor somebody else's free speech, then eventually that censorship is going to impact you.
And of course that's off the back of hundreds of thousands of morons in the UK signing a petition to ban Donald Trump.
So J.K.
Rowling got up and said, if you ban somebody who's, quote, unpopular, if you ban their free speech, then everyone's free speech is a threat.
Of course, very few leftists will now admit that, and they're even now feeding on each other and sending each other's free speech, so she's probably going to be the next target of social justice warrior meltdown.
Paris, police car set ablaze as officers protest brutality against them.
Basically, leftist militias, lazy French people who, God forbid, don't want to work over 35 hours a week, if asked to by their employers,
are now going crazy, they're attacking police, they're setting police cars on fire after the police held their own rally to protest against the brutality being meted out against them.
So that's starting to boil over in Paris.
Ex-General says NATO-Russia nuclear war possible within a year.
Again, hyping the necessity for the further encirclement of Russia, claiming that it's Russia that's the militant threat, and they're being surrounded by, you know, these missile defence shields, which of course are said to be aimed at Iran, but in fact are about isolating Russia.
Daily Caller reports black Iowa student starts fight, loses, makes up hate crime, gets caught.
Savage hate crime at the University of Iowa that sent shockwaves across campus turned out to be just another hoax.
We see that more and more with Black Lives Matter and radical leftists who commit violence and then play the victim.
That's going to wrap up this edition of the Alex Jones Show.
InfoWars Nightly News tonight.
Alex will be back with the radio show 11 to 2 tomorrow.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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