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Name: 20160421_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 21, 2016
3164 lines.

The passage discusses various topics including political commentary on recent events, the importance of nutrients for maintaining health, the potential development of a social media platform available only to like-minded businesses, and the controversy surrounding putting a woman on American currency. It also emphasizes the need for supplements to maintain skeletal health and criticizes secret trade deals that make people feel ignored by their elected representatives. The passage promotes a plan to use social media and phone calls to pressure politicians into supporting the candidate who actually wins the majority of votes from the people.

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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Dr. Steve Buchenek, former member of the Council on Foreign Relations, one of the founders of Delta Force, General Boykin.
The guy that the Jack Ryan character is based off of in the Patriot Games series of books and films.
Has been in the meetings where the globalists openly discussed how they staged 9-11.
So when he talks about it being an inside job on my show 14 years ago, a year after it happened, when he talks about it now, you have to understand he gets Justice Department visits, MI6 visits, Assad visits, CIA visits, and threats.
And he says, fine, I'll just release everything I know.
Go ahead and try to kill me.
And it's talk about pearls before swine, not you, the audience, but the mainstream media.
This is a high level guy who's come on the show and just started naming names before.
We're going to talk 9-11 with Pachinik today.
And quite frankly, for my safety and his safety, I want him to just get everything he knows out here on the table.
Basically, everything I know has been put out there.
And it's not that I'm even really afraid of being killed, but I don't want to get killed for no reason.
I mean, I just want to, you know, that's why I don't let people give me information unless it's going to be on air.
I had the DC Madam one time on the phone trying to, right in front of John Harmon, trying to give me names.
I said, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I said, they're going to kill you, lady.
Do not tell me that unless you go on air with it.
Then I went on air and said, you were just starting to tell me stuff.
Get it all on air now.
And she didn't do it, and a couple weeks later they killed her down in a hammer.
So, this is the real world we live in.
This isn't games, it isn't playtime.
That's why InfoWars basically wags the dog, not the other way around.
I'm not bragging, it's actually very dangerous, it's very scary to so many times be the progenitors of the breaking intel.
That ends up changing history.
I mean, just three weeks ago, it was only Matt Drudge and I, simultaneously, that were pointing out that they were stealing the popular vote and canceling elections.
All the rest of the media was acting like it was completely normal and not even saying in the news what was happening.
People think, well, aren't you proud of the fact that, you know, you keep being cutting edge?
No, it's dangerous and it means we're not getting the word out enough.
I've got a key video coming up after the break.
I was going to air it now, but it's so important.
I'm going to air it coming up because it needs to be promoted and hyped a little bit.
It hasn't gone on InfoWars.com yet.
It's being uploaded to YouTube as we speak.
Darren McBreen, who can put together incredible video intros in a few hours, has spent off and on a few weeks on this because he thought it was so important, and I agree with him.
So we've taken the parable of the snake that Donald Trump has been reciting on the road, and we've added some powerful video to it.
I've seen other people add some video.
This is really powerful.
I'm not pooh-poohing those that took action.
We're just taking it and making it even more powerful.
And so we want this to go viral.
And I'm going to premiere it here coming up in the next segment.
But here's the opportunity we have.
InfoWars understands the battle space, understands the globalist operation from reading their own white papers.
We don't sit here and analyze their false paradigm, their false historical narrative that they project to the public.
I mean, we'll show how it's twisted and how they're deceiving and things.
But we actually go to the direct New World Order operation manual, which is public.
Their operations are public at the academic level.
And then we basically don't even connect the dots because there's no dots to connect.
It's just there.
It's on its face prima facie.
A fascistic, anti-human, eugenics-based world government.
But we've got to get this paradigm understanding, this blueprint, the Death Star plans basically, duplicated where everybody else understands the paradigm so they can't shut down the signal.
Because currently, the New World Order can kill a couple hundred people, and there would not even be a brain trust out there to understand what we're fighting.
My job, and your job, is to boil this down.
It's very complex.
It's simply, as we can though, so that it can be gotten out to everyone, so then there's no way to stop the signal once you understand the blueprint.
Understanding the blueprint of the architecture of this thing shows you what it does and how evil it is, and brings it down.
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It's 11.59 at Radio Free America, and this is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.
It's 12 o'clock, Americans, another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
But they took a lot of people away.
People that they thought were gonna make trouble for them.
People that had guns or things they wanted, they just took them away.
Re-education camps, that's what they call it.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
I have decided we really need camps for adults.
And we need the type of camps that you all run.
I mean, really.
All persons of Japanese descent were required to register.
Now they were taken to racetracks and fairgrounds where the army almost overnight had built assembly centers.
I'm a sovereign citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
I mean we've got a lot of constitutionless and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Plus you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
These people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they're disloyal to the United States.
It's our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community
That's what we're doing here, and let's not kid about it.
We're building a domestic army because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
Put your gun down, really?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you some kind of a constitutionalist?
So these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Thursday, the 21st day of April 2016.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us for this worldwide broadcast.
We have a lot of very important guests joining us.
Larry Nichols, the consummate Clinton insider, with more of his intel is going to be popping in for about 20 minutes at the start of the next hour.
Roger Stone, again, has major bombshells.
He's been in New York
Inside, obviously, the inner sanctum with his former business partner, current business partner, who is now heading up the Trump campaign.
We're going to have a lot of inside baseball for you on what's happening currently there.
Dr. Steve Pucinich is going to be coming on to talk about the 9-11 dam breaking and the truth, the criminal elements of our government working with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others.
Other nations were involved in the September 11th attacks as a pretext to frame Saddam Hussein in Iraq and as a pretext to take the American people's liberties and of course the liberties of populations all over the world using the sword of Islam.
And yes, there have been non-radical forms of Islam before.
Islam has had a golden age for about 200 years, where most historians admit that it was a source of science and light during some of the dark ages in Europe.
But you can say that dominant Islam today is radical Islam.
It's been financed by the robber barons to take over.
So you can't debate now that whatever it was before, Sunni Islam, that is the dominant Islam,
And that is carried out by the Islamicist.
He is spreading across the world and killing every non-Sunni Muslim they get their hands on.
Killing the Sunni Muslims they see as backsliders.
Very oppressive and killing Shiites, Christians, Jews, you name it.
And it's just a fact.
That Shiites compared to Wahhabists is like a Quaker.
Who was that that was on?
I think it was Dr. Corsi made that statement last week when he was on.
And I'm not saying there aren't some serious issues with some of the Shiite leadership.
It's just they don't kill Jews just because they're Jews or Christians and will let you live in peace.
The form of Islam we have coming out
Of Syria right now, the failed invasion force of Saudi Arabia and Turkey is being directed into Europe as a Tet Offensive Sneak Attack Sleeper Cell Time Bomb.
And we're going to cover that right now.
But Steve Puccini is going to be joining us to talk all things 9-11, now that the 9-11 dam is breaking.
They misrepresent and say that 9-11 Truth is saying that Space Beams did it, or Easter Bunnies did it, or Santa Claus with his, you know, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer shot laser beams into it.
And they've got groups and organizations and a real, underground, vicious PR campaign to try to bully everyone into going with all these, you know, sci-fi scenarios, whether they're real or not.
And most of it's pure bulb.
To discredit the entire 9-11 tribunal, that's just saying, hey, there was a NORAD stand down, the Bin Ladens were allowed to escape and evacuate out of the country.
Saudi Arabia got caught financing, and it was used to take our freedoms.
Now our government's funding ISIS and Al-Qaeda, caught with their pants down.
The Pentagon's saying no to it.
America is waking up, really, at the top.
9-11 Truth really reached the top brass.
And a lot of people inside intelligence agencies who don't like what happened.
I mean, how many former high-level CIA agents, I mean, folks that were field commanders and then head analysts for Ronald Reagan, you name it, have come on this show?
and laid out how it's an inside job.
And so what you see now is that dam is collapsing and the cover up is collapsing and it's a big, big deal.
And the guy that helped push it over the edge was Donald J. Trump.
Now, the Republicans are claiming that they're warming to him, and that's sophisticated psychological warfare.
They're finally not as arrogant as they were.
That is meant to make him look more establishment and hopefully slow him ahead of these final states.
Guaranteed that this is a sneak attack, playing possum, a foil, guaranteed by Rince Priebus and the rest of these jolly old pirates.
And that they're still going to try to steal it at the convention.
This is 110% total possum behavior.
And people will say, oh really, well it'll just give Trump more credibility if they say he's the prima facie winner.
And then that will drop out opposition and make it all go to him.
Watch, they're going to balance that delicately and then have a group of scandals right before the convention so there'll be conscience of the Republican Party and the delegates to go against Trump.
Now, that analysis doesn't come from Roger Stone or Donald Trump or any of his crew.
It comes from Alex Jones.
And I'm telling you that that is their plan right now.
Looking at all the angles.
Doesn't mean it's their only plan, but that's their plan.
Now some of it is a Hitler in the bunker scenario where all their brainwashing, all their propaganda, all the King's horses, all the King's men, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, they couldn't convince the public that you never voted.
There was never voting in primaries.
Votes never counted, silly.
Silly kids.
So now Hitler's in his bunker kind of commanding armies that don't exist.
And so they're imagining that they'll now act like, okay, we're warming to Trump only to try to see if they can get him to compromise and sell out to him on one front, make him think he's winning, destroy his outsider underdog aura, and get him to stop spending money, which he's starting to do, and getting the infrastructure and brains and the muscle in place to fight them in Cleveland.
It's like Saving Private Ryan, where one of the American soldiers is rolling around in a fight with a German soldier, and the American soldier starts getting the leverage with the dagger, with the field short sword, the bayonet, and the German says, no, no, let's be friends!
No, no, no, stop, stop, stop!
And that's actually a tactic.
That's used at the smallest level of military action up to the highest, obviously, is to act like you're surrendering for a moment to get someone to give up on their initiative, and then he's able to turn the knife and drive it in.
Know that treachery is so complete with these people, and so absolute, that they're extremely transparent.
They're so dark, so hidden, so twisted, so Machiavelli, that once you study Machiavelli systems that they've expanded on,
And you look at the tells and all the other things they do, and the type of think tanks that they get their marching orders from.
I mean, Cruz has paid over a million dollars to a firm in England that specializes, they admit, in brainwashing, deception.
I mean, the terms they use, manipulating the public, confusing people.
But the biggest con is on Ted Cruz and his crew themselves, because anyone could just come up with bald-faced lies.
And say, everyone's voting, the people have voted, I'm winning landslides.
These aren't voterless.
You could only do that 20, 30 years ago when there was no alternative media and there was a vacuum.
But this is like raping a woman at the Super Bowl halftime show on the jumbotron out in the middle of the field and then saying you didn't do it in front of everyone.
Now there is some cognitive dissonance there where people are watching this going, are my lying eyes seeing that?
And so sometimes the bold move actually works, but the problem is...
That there are people there, like Infowars.com and DrudgeReport.com and others, that day one said, look, they're stealing it, they're planning it, and here's how they're doing it, and here's how they're propagandizing you and using psych warfare, basically a high-tech con game.
And folks go, really?
I'm not alone.
Yeah, we should have voting in America.
They always said we did have it.
So I'm not a conspiracy theorist?
That there's voting?
No, you're not.
The sun came up this morning.
You're normal.
They're lying to you.
So there's that understanding of solidarity.
You mean the sky's blue?
In the middle of the day?
Yes it is, you're right.
Yeah, yeah.
You mean really, it's not right to have them saying my kids belong to the government?
No, no, no, that's not good.
See, so we're now realizing that we're normal.
That's what's happening.
So the facade is imploding.
Key video coming up.
Donald Trump video.
There's a very important question that needs to be answered.
Will humanity survive?
And to look at that threat, we have to ask another question.
What is the number one obstacle to human beings and our species surviving and becoming a type 1 civilization that isn't just dependent on this planet?
You could say that it's changes in the heavens, suns going supernova, tectonic earthquake and volcano events, nuclear weapons, genetic engineering.
But if you look at the race, the acceleration of technological development, I think the biggest threat overall is humanity not pacing ourselves.
I think?
Seeks black market brain implants in bid to plug into artificial intelligence matrix.
And they're going to go through the dangerous surgeries of being hooked up, not just with a few wires, but with thousands of connections total to the brain.
to an AI computer to try to merge consciousness.
My father, a physician, recently went back to continuing education, part of keeping his medical license, and he brought me back some of the literature they gave them.
This is from the state
Medical boards right here in Texas that soon you'll have to have a DNA chip to get a prescription.
Not just the chips are going to be on the pills and medicines themselves, but now you're going to have to give your blood at basically every time a tiny brick into a DNA chip database that tracks everything going on in your body as well as your genes.
In this short report we're only scratching the surface.
And the big issue here is things they denied 20, 30 years ago that were going on, they're now admitting today.
What are they doing that we don't know about?
We need to have a debate about our species.
We need to understand that the global elite have decided we're obsolete and are moving towards a robotic future where there's no place for humanity, as Bill Joy wrote over 15 years ago for Wired Magazine in his article, Why the Future Doesn't Need Us.
And the numbers are in.
Screen time, all the television, all the prescription drugs, this modern culture is telling us our IQs are dropping.
People are becoming more and more ignorant.
Society is unraveling and falling apart.
So we know that the fruits of this high-tech poison tree are literally killing us.
The answer is getting back to healthy living, gardening, spending time with our families, less screen time, and also using compounds that Mother Nature has produced that are known to boost our natural abilities.
Humans have built an incredible world.
We can change our environment.
We do have that magic spark, but the elite think we're ugly and bad and have decided it's time that humans be thrown in the ash heap of history.
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Again, that's InfoWarsLife.com or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
By the way, I disagree with Donald Trump about his latest statement.
Donald Trump says Harriet Tubman on the 20 is pure political correctness.
I disagree with that statement.
But it's a subtle disagreement that is key to everything.
And it's one of those stories that if you understand this story, you understand everything.
In that entire realm of psychological warfare.
So I'm going to speak about this right now.
Come back and air this exclusive Donald Trump warning to America.
That's right.
That's right.
Then I want to get into incredible political correctness and what it's really designed to do.
I mean, we've gone from like one insane political correct article a week to hundreds a day where I can't even cover them all.
I mean, and it's getting bad.
They're showing their power.
This is a takeover.
Now, let's get into the situation with Harriet Tubman.
And let's talk about what Donald Trump has come out and said.
On the surface, what Donald Trump is saying is right.
And he has courage to say it.
Here's NBC New York.
Donald Trump says Harriet Tubman on $20 is pure political correctness.
Speaking on NBC's Today Show, Trump said Tubman's likeness should go on a different denomination.
Now, there are hundreds of layers to this, but number one, they're phasing out and getting rid of cash.
Just like I told you they're going to put women in the frontline military to destroy it and the capability because they're bringing in the machines.
That's admitted.
So you have the debate about women deserve to fight, women deserve to die, and women can, you know, are just as tough as, you know, Tim Kennedy or Chris Kyle or Jesse Ventura.
Give me a break.
Can I have a baby?
No, we're different.
We're equal in God's eyes with our potential, because we all balance out with different gifts.
But we aren't all having the same gift.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
I don't have the same gift as the potential of, say, a... Oh, here's an example.
One I use quite often.
A Kenyan long-distance runner.
Almost all the top runners in the world are Kenyan long-distance runners.
Because it's genetic.
That's just the way it is.
Africans can't even compete with them.
So you get into this position, it's just ridiculous.
So he's right to say generally they're doing this about political correctness, but it's tokenism.
The globalist Cecil Rhodes British Empire World Government Plan that he wrote books on in 1900, read them, it's pushing political correctness to remove Queen Elizabeth statues and others from Oxford and other schools
Act like it's not part of the empire when it's the empire pushing the end of free speech.
It's now getting rid of its old trappings and selling political correctness as a system of anti free speech and giving these tokens out
But oh, we're going to return this South African bronze statue of a bird to South Africa because someone says it might have been stolen a hundred years ago.
It's all garbage.
While they have mercenaries all over Africa just murdering people to keep them from getting their own land.
The UN is in the New York Times admitting they go in and kill whole villages that won't leave their ancestral property
To make it a carbon allotment sink.
Where they build over here, but don't let you build over there, so they kick the humans off.
This is the type of garbage we're talking about.
While huge atrocities are going on, 300,000 dead Christians at the hands of Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Libya and Syria alone.
Tens of thousands of Christians killed in places like Egypt.
Our government backing it.
But don't worry, we're going to put Harriet Tudman on one side of the $20 bill.
It's all just to create a big fight.
I say, get the private Federal Reserve out of the money.
As David Knight said yesterday, Harriet Tudman helped create the Underground Railroad and free slaves.
The private Federal Reserve railroads everyone into being financial debt slaves.
So see, here's the private Federal Reserve that's run our money since 1913.
It's maneuvered us all into debt slavery, black unemployment's doubled, on and on and on.
Half the blacks in the country don't even get born, but none of that matters.
We're going to put
Harriet Tubman on the 20.
I think she was an amazing lady.
It was very brave.
I say, absolutely.
We ever free the Republic and we actually get the Federal Reserve off our money and we actually bring cash back?
Well, this is a war on cash.
Then let's come out with all sorts of denominations of money and let's, I say, put people like her on some of the money.
But the point is, is that it's acting like the founders were bad when they started the movement that spread to England and Europe that ended slavery.
See, they should put Thomas Jefferson and own slaves but tried to end it right next to her.
He was the trailblazer.
But because he tried to end it, he now gets blamed for it.
That's because they hate him.
They hate the Renaissance men.
They hate the people that are here to free the humans.
My name is Alex Jones.
Most of you know me from my syndicated radio program and my documentary films, as well as InfoWars Nightly News.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I had discovered the Globalist program, their plan to take over the world, and my focus went from running 6 miles every other day, swimming 2-3 miles a couple times a week, and lifting weights
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Are we seeing the earth?
We've got it.
Are we seeing the earth now?
We've got it.
Folks, if you're a radio listener out there across the country, you obviously can go to InfoWars.com and pull up many of the articles and videos we talk about here on air.
But for a lot of folks, once they get home at night, or if they're off during the day, they will watch the live video feeds.
And then we also restream them 24-7 after that.
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InfoWarsNews.com or PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want to thank all the members out there.
What I was getting at is, this is teleprompter-free radio and television.
Donald Trump, you know, makes a big deal out of the fact, and he should, that he doesn't use a teleprompter.
Now, they want him, when he gives policy speeches, to go off one because it's complex issues
Even when I get up to give a complex speech, say on economics or on the history of the New World Order and some two-hour speech I've given before, and it'll be on C-SPAN, I've got five or six pages of notes to remind me of where I'm going.
Sometimes I'll bring a stack of news articles so I can hold it up and say, on this date, this happened.
So, it's not that even a teleprompter in and of itself is bad.
If it's exhibits, like a slideshow you're showing, but when someone else writes it, and you sit there like these anchors do, and act like it's your own ideas, and you'll say, pause for, you know, intent, or behave like you're angry, or grimace, or frown.
They are now puppets.
They are now actors.
When you tune into Fox News or CNN or MSNBC.
That's why the teleprompter is bad.
Because it turns pundits and reporters and analysts into complete and total regurgitating monkeys, basically.
Just vomiting out what they were already fed.
It turns them into repeaters.
But we are teleprompter free here.
And that's because I don't want to get the mindset of everything being scripted and polished and supposedly perfect.
The only thing that is perfect in this universe is imperfection.
And the fact that things do change and things do evolve and things are basically based on natural selection.
You see, I don't believe in Darwinistic evolution.
It's been proven to be a total lie.
And it's the religion of the left to say
We came from nothing, we are nothing, we have no free will, because they know we have free will and want to sabotage that.
But there is natural selection.
A woman goes out and picks a man who she believes is attractive, nice to her, can protect her, and will provide for her.
And a man goes out and looks for a woman who looks healthy, and sweet, and nurturative, and intelligent.
Someone to build a family with, someone to build a village with, someone to build a civilization with, someone to reach for the stars and attain it with.
How dare the globalists commit the great crime of getting between the most ancient of relationships, men and women, and our species.
We are together.
We are one.
And all this political correctness is an attack on that humanity.
By design.
The debate's over.
So finishing up with the whole Donald Trump situation,
He's come out and said that Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad, shouldn't be on the 20.
He says, pure political correctness for the Treasury Department's decision to feature the African-American abolitionist who was born into slavery and led the Underground Railroad instead of the nation's 17th president, a slave owner.
Andrew Jackson.
The total disconnect of the modern trendy, whose religion is political correctness,
Who doesn't care that Saudi Arabia basically still has slavery.
The slavery is in dozens of countries.
There's more slaves now than there's ever been.
The people of China, 90-something percent of them are slaves.
They can just be killed anytime.
Their organs harvested for no reason by the political class.
And the modern totalitarians cover up all of their criminal activity.
And all of their discrimination against all of us with the warrantless spying, all the different forms of treason, signing us onto these debts that aren't ours by obsessing all day long.
Yeah, there's the Daily Beast inside the world of...
Gulf state slavery.
One of my daughters was talking about how horrible slavery was, and I said, yeah, yeah, it was just so terrible.
I said, did you know that it was going on in over 60 countries until the 70s?
Did you know there's still more than a dozen or so countries that have it officially going?
Did you know a lot of UN members actually bring their slaves with them to New York?
Sometimes off the airplanes with chains on their necks.
Did you know that?
She's like, no dad, really, you're joking.
And I pulled it up, Mainstream News, and I said, she goes, wow, well why am I only told about black slavery?
And I said, that's to create guilt in you so you feel like you're a bad person, not to help black people, but to then go along with the agenda of the social engineers
To basically say, you're convicted because you're white of being bad, you've got to live the way we say, you've got to talk the way we say, you've got to do what we say, or we're going to announce that you're a bad person.
So I say, good, take on that guilt, let them tell you you're evil and bad, because they're the people engaged in psychological warfare.
And she goes, oh, I get it.
They're bullying me.
That's what this is all about.
And I said, absolutely.
From an 11-year-old, they're, oh, they're bullying.
That's right.
That's what this is, is bullying.
There's an article out in the Guardian saying when people don't use proper English, and I've been over to England, I mean, it's disintegrating.
Half the people can't speak English.
I don't care whether they're from Eastern Europe or the Middle East or China or wherever they're from.
It is a tower of Babel.
And so then all the stores and shops become cloistered where they only hire Spanish-speaking, or they only hire Chinese-speaking, Mandarin, or they only hire people that are speaking, you know, Russian or Slovak.
It's meant to not bring us together, but to absolutely turn us into these little infighting enclaves, which is the British Empire great game back to square one again.
I hype this up all the time because it needs to be pushed.
I mean, this is how they're controlling everything.
So, on the surface, this was an amazing lady.
And I think, you know, we should celebrate things like this, but they're not celebrating that they tried to get rid of slavery in the first Declaration of Independence or in the Constitution Bill of Rights.
It was almost a civil war then.
Then it was almost a civil war where they tried to get rid of slavery when Andrew Jackson was in.
You weren't basically, in most areas, allowed to free your slaves.
A lot of people that came to Texas were run out of Alabama, this is in the history books, because they were arming the quote slaves and they were living in houses and were basically just part of the family.
It's like slavery in a lot of areas of Africa.
It's one group's grab, it's like a subclass under the other, but they're not the equivalent of color purple, people being beaten to death, and that went on.
You got mentally ill people and abusive, crazy people and folks that did that kind of stuff.
That goes on in Saudi Arabia today.
But this is the real history of it, and they dumb it down.
Not that George Washington wanted to free slaves, not that, before he died, not that Thomas Jefferson wanted to.
They have that movie, Killing You Softly.
With Brad Pitt and at the end he goes, I don't want to hear about Thomas Jefferson.
He just wanted to rape black women.
Rape black women?
So it wasn't loving that he had children with some of these women and that basically they were free.
And then he tried to get slavery ended.
It's that he raped them.
See, because all sex is rape now.
They take anything and turn it evil and then don't talk about the fact that the West led the movement
Christians led the movement in the West, Protestants led the movement, so did Catholics, in many areas of the world, in Latin America, to end slavery.
Wars were fought over it.
And it still goes on, but as long as it's brown people doing it, it's okay.
As long as communists are doing it, it's okay.
This is the mental illness.
So, yes, Trump's right that this is being done,
There's so much other news.
I'm just taking this as an example to educate newcomers, mainly to the show, I know most of our audience understands this better than I, that this is how they distract from all the real issues, all the real discrimination that humanity is going under by the globalists.
Islamic State selling sex slaves to wealthy clients from Saudi Arabia and Turkey because it's basically legal in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, folks.
You know what a harem is?
It's enslaved sex slaves that you then rent out to other men.
Where's Gloria Steinem?
I say decriminalize prostitution.
Not that I support it, but because it at least empowers the women who are going to do it to be in charge of it, and doesn't put it on the underground where the organized crime can control it.
But where are the, quote, feminists?
There's no such thing, folks.
It was created by the Department of War.
To get women into the workforce in the 1920s and 30s and to begin to end the family structure.
The robber barons financed it.
Edward Bernays wrote the public plans.
He wrote three books on it.
One of them is called Propaganda.
He basically created that term.
Sigmund Freud's nephew.
I mean, you might want to read them brag about it.
And how they were going to do all of this because they've done it.
And a politically correct person can sit there when this is their whole world, and they went to college and high school to learn all this bull, and they don't know how to get a job or be charming or get along with people, they just know how to go around and henpeck everybody.
And it's getting bad when people come up and henpeck, I got three kids and Whole Foods, or come up and henpeck, you know, did your daddy hit you?
You've got a birthmark on the side of your head.
I mean, they're in your business.
They don't have a family, they don't have a life, they don't know how to do anything, but they know how to get in your business and tell you how you should do things.
It just goes on and on.
I want to get to the other news right now, but this all intersects and comes in.
And it's about a war on cash.
It's about getting conservatives to give up on cash because they're going to turn this whole political correctness garbage.
It's a well thought out program to train you that everything's coming down.
If a hall's called Lynch Hall, doesn't matter if the guy was a liberal 50 years ago and helped fund the school and was a great educator at that Pennsylvania institution.
They take the name off the building because it scares people, the Irish name, that is attached popularly to people being hung outside of law.
And the system caters, oh yes, you're scared of a Halloween party, oh yes, you're scared of a, you're scared of a, and now they're just saying, we don't want whites in our school, we want our whole areas, we want it segregated.
And the schools are going, okay, we're going to let you segregate, because they wanted them segregated again.
First, they do forced integration to destroy all culture.
Not defending segregation, I'm saying the way they did it, destroy everybody's culture, create artificial culture, destroy local economies that segregation forced groups to have.
Blacks are becoming too wealthy.
It's that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Own hotels, own restaurants, own bowling alleys, own movie theaters, own doctors, own colleges, own everything.
Oh man, this is a problem.
We got a plan and LBJ wrote letters about it.
And they did it.
And they took the black community and 40 years, 50 years and made it unrecognizable.
Lower illegitimacy rates in the 1940s, the black community, the white community, reversing those numbers.
That's a devastation.
That's social engineering.
That's weaponized culture.
And now that weaponized culture is being imported and exported all over the world and wrecking societies within a decade.
It's not black culture, it's CIA weaponized crime culture.
It's mind control, people.
And they know what they're doing, and they mean business.
Big time.
Big time.
Now, what are you going to do about it?
Learn how the enemy operates.
Learn their plans.
Have you been brainwashed by it?
Free yourself from it.
It doesn't mean there's still going to be other systems that they've created out there that do oppress you.
It doesn't mean you won't go through some racism or this or that, regardless of what color you are.
But it's synthetic.
It's artificial.
Rise above it.
Transcend it.
That's where the power is.
So when they stop having it be a private Federal Reserve that finances terrorist organizations and stuff, I say put Harriet Tubman on there, fine with me.
But you know they're trying to put Margaret Sanger on there.
Pretty sick.
I'm gonna go to break, come back.
The Donald Trump video is now up on InfoWars.com.
I'm gonna premiere it here.
Donald Trump's warning to America.
Donald Trump releases video.
An emergency warning to the American people.
And it is a video he released.
It did go viral.
We promoted it and played it.
We've now taken it and really dolled it up.
And really added amazing footage and graphics that Darren McBrain put on there.
This needs to go mega viral everywhere now.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com has the video.
Put it on your Facebook wall, Twitter, YouTube.
Use free speech or lose it.
This will wake people up.
Donald Trump releases video.
An emergency warning to the American people.
Trump urges caution.
When allowing people into this country.
Well, it's more than that.
Trump urges, Trump puts out an emergency alert that this is the engineered collapse of the West.
We need to change that sub-headline.
Not the Chris Faults, I didn't give him the headline.
I'm doing that live here on the fly.
We're going to come back into that and get into just the latest incredible social control, anti-free speech totalitarianism that they call political correctness.
In the United States and Europe.
And our story that was the top story on Drudge Report last night, the big banner headline, because it is important, authorities buying more riot control gear over fear of civil unrest sweeping America.
But before I go any further, I'm not going to hype this.
Again, I'm just going to tell you the facts.
We launched the joint formula, I don't know, six months ago.
It's got five-star reviews.
It's just the known concentrated organic compounds that are great for your joints and your skeleton.
And from turmeric root extract, rosemary leaf extract, ginger root extract, to holly basil leaf extract, to green tea leaf extract, Japanese knotweed root extract, barberry root extract, oregano leaf extract, Chinese skullcap root extract.
It's concentrated, the highest quality, at a price at the same level or below one of these ingredients at the same dose level that you put filler in that you buy at a major store like Walgreens.
That's the type of game changer we're talking about.
This is so important.
Joint formula, ladies and gentlemen, is amazing.
And even if you haven't gotten older yet, you're wearing out your joints.
Everybody needs to be on stuff like this.
I've been taking it, and it's amazing.
I couldn't do 400-pound deadlifts six months ago.
Even though I could do it, it was hurting my joints.
I started taking this,
Right when it came out, and I do not have any pain when I do 400 pounds, and I can... I'm gonna videotape it soon.
I'm gonna do it like six times.
I just haven't set it up, or when I've had a camera, I'm just sweating like such a pig that I'm like, I can't put that out.
I love it.
And I'm not saying 400 pounds is that much, you know, for how much I weigh.
It's good.
I could probably do 500 pounds right now, 600.
I'm going to shoot to get to 600 in about six months.
And I'm not even really into powerlifting, but it's just good to do, you know, show folks how I've gotten in shape.
This is so important.
Bone support.
Is our latest product and that's what I'm announcing is that this is part of the Skeletal Defense Package 20% off.
We never do that when something first comes out, but I really want people to realize these aren't the sexy products.
These aren't the things like, you know, X2.
That's just the results are so incredible.
You notice it so quickly or something like Super Metal Vitality, but overall you take this a few months.
I mean, it's just amazing.
And again, the
Nutraceutical Nazis out there, the Soup Nazis out there, to use a Seinfeld analogy, I don't mean literal Nazis, you know what I mean?
The sites that are really into the highest quality and into reviewing them and just give us reviews nobody else gives, because they go, wow, this is really a powerful formula that other people would sell for $50, $60 per bottle.
I mean, it comes down to that, that there's such a huge discount.
Now, again, it's $29.95 for the bone support.
Should be $50-$60 for something comparable.
And it's the same price for the joint formula.
They go together in the Skeletal Defense Pack.
You get 20% off that.
And there's no reviews yet for bone support because it just came out.
But you can read the five-star reviews for the joint formula.
And the joint formula, again, is amazing.
I haven't been taking the bone support yet.
Well, it was her taking a few weeks ago when the first run batch came in, but I haven't seen the results yet, obviously, because I just started taking it.
But I'm told it synergistically works with the joint formula.
And regardless, your purchase supports the broadcast.
It's got vitamin D from a true organic form, 400 IUs.
Calcium is calcium orotate, which they say is the best type.
110 percent, 110 mg.
It's got magnesium and other things in it.
Just check it out for yourself.
And look, it doesn't have a bunch of fancy, you know, buy CQ9R43Z1, where they just basically change the molecule and call it that.
It's just the basic stuff that works as a fusion, the bone support, with the joint formula, and your purchase makes the broadcast possible.
I want to thank you all for your support as we try to defend the Renaissance and basic freedom.
So bone support is in.
It's also got MSM, I should add that.
That's really one of the key, key ingredients there for everybody to be aware of.
Also, stop up on Super Male Vitality, m4warslife.com.
We know that our bodies are under hormonal attack from estrogen mimickers and the food and water supply.
Stock up on Super Male Vitality and fight back, m4warslife.com.
Our new Ultra Strength formulation routinely sells out for months as listeners continue to tell their friends and family about the serious benefits Super Male Vitality is literally
In perpetuity, you can always get free shipping on orders above $50, so you'll get free shipping on that, and you sign up for AutoShip every 15 days, every month, every six months, however you want, you get free, well, you get 10% off.
So you get 10% off and the free shipping when you have orders above $50 or when you also sign up for AutoShip, you get 10% off additional at InfoWarsLife.com.
And sometimes I babble through this stuff because it's teleprompter-free.
And when you're teleprompter-free, I tell you, it is a lot more exhausting than folks who just sit there and go off talking points.
And believe me, so many radio shows will have every 15 minutes a topic, they play a clip, they kind of go off news articles and talking points.
Hardly any of it is their own original thoughts, and they just come back and take a few calls, and by the end of a three or four hour show, the hosts I know are laying on their microphones so exhausted they've got to go lie down for a few hours because they're not into it.
But I will never trade my passion for glory.
I go with my passion.
There is no way I could be on air talking about all these issues.
And shooting videos and doing the nightly news and working on the weekend.
If I didn't understand, it was a primal war against humanity.
A globalist takeover.
Now, Donald Trump has been doing the parable of the snake for a long time.
And it's a very good two-minute parable.
But added video of what he's talking about actually happening
And the numbers and the graphics of the news stories is extremely powerful.
This is one of the most powerful videos ever.
And I hope Donald Trump will retweet it.
I'm going to tweet it at Trump.
He's retweeted a lot of our videos.
I hope that everybody else will retweet it at Trump to make sure he gets it out.
And also put it on Facebook, Twitter, you name it.
And when I put this call out, folks, a lot of you do it, but if a majority of you did it, everything we do would be the number one news story.
I mean, we used to take over Google hundreds of times and have the top search every day.
Remember that?
Until they changed the entire Google algorithm to stop us.
There were news articles about it.
For two years, they couldn't figure out what to do, and I didn't want to exhaust the audience, so I would only do it every week or so.
I should have said, troops, it's a key weapon.
We could lose it any time.
Let's do this now.
We could put a headline up there with a keyword in it and make it the number one story any time we want it.
We lost the Google bomb, but we have the people bomb.
We have the viral resistance to tyranny bomb.
We barely have time to play it, but let's go out to break.
You know what?
I'll have to do it.
I'll have to do it at the start of the next hour, but the video is up on Infowars.com.
Right now, and it is so important that you get this out to everyone you know.
Donald Trump releases video, an emergency warning to the American people.
And we'll scroll down, folks can actually see the video there on the site.
There it is.
And it is so important for everyone to go see this video and to send it to everyone they know, your email list.
Your Twitter, your Facebook, maybe you've got an old MySpace account, is that still around?
And send this out because one of the biggest things they've got against him is his claim that he just hates anybody coming into the country.
No, they stopped vetting people from the Middle East as part of a sleeper cell takeover.
And that's all it could be.
And they have staged videos, totally fake, of people throwing, you know, Arab children on railroad tracks, and they stage dead babies on the beach, and, you know, say they drowned, and just all this bull.
And the Pope runs around saying, open the borders.
This is global government.
This is the end of nation-states.
This is the globalists waging war against what's left of good economies, with poor, desperate throngs of people who won't be saved by coming here.
Because when they get here,
They get propagandized, and brainwashed, and sheep-dipped, and inducted into the cult of political correctness that we're going to cover when we come back in 70 seconds.
And take action!
You are the Info Warrior!
Send out the link to this Trump video and to InfoWars.com for its last show.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Yeah, there's a storm on the loose, sirens in my head.
Wrapped up in silence, all circuits are dead.
Can I decode?
My whole life spins into a frantic.
I haven't even gotten into the political correctness brainwashing news.
It's a tsunami now.
This is directed, this is planetary, this is planned.
Let me just hit some of these headlines and then I'm gonna come back and then start the next segment I will air the Donald Trump video that is so powerful.
Donald Trump has issued a video that is an emergency warning and obviously I say that to catch people's attention to make it go viral and it's true.
He did do it in the video.
He did do the parable of the snake that already went viral.
We've taken it and squared it.
We've taken it to the next level.
Donald Trump releases video, an emergency warning to the American people.
And we've changed the headline, the sub-headline.
If you guys hit a question mark or refresh, I can give them the new headline.
But, Kit Daniels has had another story go up on InfoWars.com.
ESPN facing backlash after firing Schilling
They don't care if you're mad, though, because they want you to know we will not tolerate anybody who doesn't say that your children belong to the state and who doesn't use the language we want and who doesn't submit.
As I mentioned earlier, in England, they're going on TV and saying, look, using proper English is racist.
They want language to disintegrate, so only the ruling class uses it.
Remember the founder of Apple?
The creator of the iPad?
He said, I won't let my son or daughter have an iPad.
I don't want brain damage, idiots.
That's for your kids.
So we're going to get into that.
But look, report.
Authorities buying more riot control gear over fear of civil unrest sweeping America.
Will you guys print me the thing about Chicago and the elites going into bunkers too?
I want to tie this together.
But getting back into political correctness, the Guardian correcting people's bad grammar is racist.
Then we have the video of them saying that.
That's a Paul Joseph Watson article up on InfoWars.com.
Here's another one.
As we mentioned, ESPN fires Schilling for conservative views.
We're going to be breaking that down coming up at the start of the next segment.
And then this, CBC won't name Lethbridge swimming pool sex assault suspect because he's a Muslim migrant.
Whether it's Sweden or Germany or Canada, you name it.
When it's a Muslim or a migrant, they will not say they're an illegal alien, they will not say they're a Muslim.
And then they have feminist groups go out and say, it's white German males, it's... I mean, that was on TV.
Then they have the Green Party come and apologize for German men raping women.
And people go, man, that is sick.
It's psych warfare to overthrow reality.
It's like saying, you never voted in primaries.
There were never elections.
The people have spoken.
The grassroots uprising has happened.
I'm Ted Cruz.
You're like, canceling votes is not grassroots.
Yes, it is.
Campus pro-abortion display, baby-shaped cookies with heads broken off.
See, they tell you to adopt whatever language they want, but then the PC crowd, they're allowed to use the N-word and the F-word, and they're allowed to say, quote, my vagina is too pretty to let a fetus crawl out.
And I hate to use terms like, but this is what they do at the campus, and then everybody, they raise money off of little pieces of body parts that they made off what they saw in the pro-life videos.
But of course the pro-lifers that got the video are being arrested and rounded up and, you know, imprisoned.
Everything's so loving, everything's so trendy.
And then they celebrate.
I've seen a woman wearing these shirts about, I don't want an ugly baby, I killed mine.
Remember we have video going, I killed my kids.
They're like, wow, that's right.
The planet will soon be ours.
Our forces will kill everyone.
Yeah, and you're like, what?
And you're like, whoa, man, is this like space aliens or something?
I mean, interdimensional?
Or are they just mentally ill?
I mean... We're not ill!
The planet's ours!
Yeah, kill the children!
Yeah, burn them!
No, we decide the language you use!
Your children are ours!
Yeah, kill them!
Yeah, Satan!
Once again, the social justice warriors are back at it again.
Andrew Jackson, who fought Central Bank, removed from $20 bill, but they'll leave Hamilton on the $10 bill.
And he was pro-Central Bank, as public concern for liberty erased.
Naturally, there are liberal politics at play, fighting for every inch of ground in the war, for ideological re-engineering.
History is being whitewashed, various figures of antiquity rolling in their graves.
We keep seeing this time and time again.
We were just at the Portland State University, and surprisingly, there was still a statue of Abraham Lincoln.
I'm sure it's only going to be a matter of time before that racist statue is removed as well.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
My name is Alex Jones.
Most of you know me from my syndicated radio program and my documentary films, as well as InfoWars Nightly News.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I had discovered the Globalist program, their plan to take over the world, and my focus went from running 6 miles every other day, swimming 2-3 miles a couple times a week, and lifting weights
We're good to go.
Check them out today at InfoWarsLife.com or give our crew a call at 888-253-3139.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Sheriff Clark, Hillary's hot sauce comment dehumanizing.
What's something that you always carry with you?
Hot sauce.
Are you getting in formation right now?
Hot sauce in my bag swag?
Hot sauce.
Now listen, I want you to know, people are going to see this and say, okay, she's better than the black people.
Is it working?
Article up by Steve Watson.
Appearing on Fox News' Fox and Friends Wednesday, Clark said Clinton's performance was dehumanizing, adding that it is embarrassing and, quite frankly, disgusting.
I'm surprised she didn't just say watermelon.
Just go all the way with it, Clark added.
If any other candidate were to say something like that about black people, it would derail their campaign.
But the rules seem to be different for the Clintons.
And that is something that we continue to see.
Black people know they're being pandered to, Clark said.
Nothing has gotten better under Democrat control.
Go to all the cities where there's high poverty.
They're all run by liberal Democrat mayors.
This is Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In the last five minutes, masses of news has broken.
If you're a radio listener, you go to DrudgeReport.com, you can see it for yourself.
We'll put it up on screen for TV viewers.
So much traffic that Drudge actually crashed the TMZ website, the sites he linked to.
Prince dead.
We have a siren right there.
And when you try to go to it, it's a 503 service unavailable, brought down that website.
So, we're just going to take this screenshot and get it up on InfoWars.com for folks.
But for TV viewers and radio listeners, I can now read you the article.
Again, broke first there and then drudge linked to it, so it's down.
The artist known as Prince has died.
TMZ has learned he was 57.
It's pretty hard to crash TMZ.
Prince's body was discovered at his Paisley Park compound in Minnesota early this morning.
Multiple sources connected to the singer confirmed he has passed.
I just asked the question, was it drugs when she was found in a bathtub with Whitney Houston?
Everybody said I was so evil and so horrible.
With this, I'm not saying it's that.
I'm saying, is it one of these weaponized flus?
The singer, full name Prince Rogers Nelson, had a medical emergency on April 15th that forced his private jet to make an emergency landing in Illinois.
But he appeared at a concert the next day to assure his fans he was okay.
Yeah, that was a mistake.
People told TMZ he was battling the flu.
Prior to his most recent appearance, however, Prince had canceled two shows due to health concerns.
Prince became an international superstar in 1982 after his breakthrough album, 1999.
So, we lost Merle Haggard two weeks ago, and listeners said, is it all the geoengineering spraying, the aluminum dioxide?
They admit it's going on, but it's secretive with the record numbers of people having respiratory problems.
Everything from Arsenio Hall, back when he was still on, to like, late night, you name it, talking about geoengineering and chemtrailing.
So, we're gonna put an article out here, Daniels is doing, and asking, you know, was Prince killed by the chemtrails he spoke out against?
Like Merle Haggard spoke out against.
I mean, the point is, they thought people were being sprayed in the second, and they're dead.
And all I'm saying is, we can obviously use this sad death for some good, get people to look into what Prince believed.
Very, very reclusive individual.
I like a lot of his music, thought he was a great artist.
Boy, I tell ya, I've known a lot of girlfriends that were just huge fans.
So, that is just some of the news on that front.
Other breaking news that we're gonna be getting into, there is just so much of it.
And we're going to Larry Nichols here in just a moment.
We have some new Paul Watson articles that I'm going to be getting into and breaking down that are just too incredible and I can't air them here.
There's a new Mark Dice video where they want to ban cash, the trendies do, and there's another one.
Social Justice Warrior tells ex-Soviet citizen he should be thrown in a labor camp for being racist.
I believe in the dictatorship of the proletariat.
So, the communists are here, and folks that ran away from them are freaking out.
That video, that is so over the top, we can't play it, because it's so vile, and there's so much cussing.
It is an overload of information right now.
Now, we've only gotten to the bottom of the hour, but I'm going to have him pop in weekly, and he's battling cancer himself.
Folks really need to pray for him.
Support Larry Nichols.
He's the guy that helped get Clinton impeached at the House level.
That is, indicted.
Didn't get him convicted in the Senate.
He's the guy behind the Clinton Chronicles and so much more.
I mean, the original main, you know, mother load of exposing the Clintons.
And he knows how they operate because he used to basically run their campaigns.
Former Green Beret, obviously brought in by the establishment to run their domestic operations.
And that's why he knew the Clintons, but he wouldn't commit all these crimes, so he got out of it.
Now, we don't have a lot of time today, so I'm going to go right to him, because
This is what he's been hammering the last few months, and now we're seeing it in the news.
DrudgeReport.com, linked to this last night, was the top story.
It's on Infowars.com right now.
Had it moved back to the top.
Report, authorities buying more riot control gear over fear of civil unrest sweeping America.
Concerns about Ferguson-style disorder continue to build.
I'm going to get more into this.
Snadler research.
You've got Lloyds of London saying they believe this is imminent, basically.
Other top research and crisis firms.
They say we're in the worst position ever, basically.
Millionaires fleeing Chicago over fear of civil unrest.
Remember that last week?
We've got the other reports of the billionaires buying armored redoubts and leaving to New Zealand, which we told you eight years ago.
Now that's confirmed.
That, you know, that people like James Cameron left over the economic concern.
Sure, they open up shop when they're overseas and still make movies, but people are getting out of Dodge.
And I've had that from high-level Congress, Senate, billionaires, I mean, famous people, top Hollywood, top producers.
And so the truth is, they all know that what we're talking about is accurate and real.
They just don't know when it's coming.
Next week?
Two years from now?
It's a time bomb is all we know.
Just like the big one to hit L.A.
We know it's years overdue.
Will it be this month or ten years from now?
We don't know, but it's coming.
It's like death's coming.
But let's say you're an 89-year-old man who's had 14 heart attacks, 20 splints or whatever, and you're gonna try to go climb a 5,000-foot mountain, there's a good chance you're gonna blow your aorta sky-high.
And I'd say our economy is just like that right now.
An 89-year-old man who's had 14 heart attacks, the heart is rotten,
And they've got us on an elliptical at full speed.
Now, I don't know when he's going to have a stroke, or when he's going to have a heart attack, or what's going to happen, but we're on top of a ticking time bomb.
I don't know, because I can't see, because we're sitting on it, it's down there.
I can't see where that egg timer is, but all I hear is... That's what I'm telling you.
And the elites are running to the hills.
Now, some say, oh, you do all this, this will actually destroy confidence and bring it on.
They set this up to do this and get total power out of the collapse.
I'm trying to get people warned and ready.
And personally, I've been getting more storable food and medical supplies.
And I buy my own product, InfoWars Select.
It's the best out there.
That's why it's super high quality for a very low price.
InfoWars Select and InfoWarsSelect.com, InfoWarsStore.com.
I didn't mean to go into a plug, but I'm like, why aren't I plugging food?
I'm the one selling it.
I personally am hoarding it.
I'm buying a bunch for the office.
I've got gas generators put in and all sorts of other stuff.
Put solar panels in and everything else.
Putting wells in.
I mean, folks, this is real.
Now I hope we have a miracle and we land this plane that's got both engines out and is on fire with psycho hijackers running around with, you know, belly bombs.
But that's the allegory, that's the analogy.
Larry Nichols, thank you so much for joining us for these two short segments.
This is what you've been harping on.
You say it's imminent from your sources and more.
Nobody's really talked about it, but it was in the news a few weeks ago, the secret meeting of Yellen and the Treasury head, the Federal Reserve head and Obama.
That's not supposed to happen under law.
Larry Nichols, what's really going on?
And I hope you're wrong that it's imminent in the next few weeks.
I mean, we need more time to get folks ready.
We need to try to pull out of this.
There's so much more to get to.
You know, Alex, let me let me just say to everybody, you better you better provision yourself.
How do I know what's imminent?
Well, first off, you have to understand, Alex, I've got the perfect cover right now with this election.
This election, as you know, covers the news from morning till night.
Nothing's out there, but there are tons of things going on.
This economy is about to collapse.
Look, they're not going to have a meeting with Biden, Obama, and the Federal Reserve lady.
They're not going to have that meeting.
They're not going to talk about what in that meeting?
Martial law?
Are you kidding me?
Listen, it's coming.
Is it coming this week?
Is it coming next week?
I don't know that, but I will tell you this.
Every morning, Alex, every morning I wake up and I turn on the television and I turn it on to see, has it happened yet?
Has it triggered?
Has it started?
It's coming, folks.
Anybody that has eyes should be able to see.
There is a collapse of the financial structure.
Then they go around, the FDIC announces.
The FDIC announces that two of the five major banks cannot cover the insurance fund.
You think you've got $100,000 in the bank and it's covered because it's an FDIC insured bank.
Let me tell you, you'll be lucky if, when this thing happens, I didn't mean to say if, when this thing happens, you'll be lucky to get two cents on a dollar.
Because they don't have the money in reserve to cover the insurance policy.
They're out there talking about this stuff when you see Lords of London raising their insurance rates.
You know, I was talking to one of their people last week.
There are 25 miles of ships, of tankers, super tankers, just stopped out in the ocean.
Because there's no place to send oil.
Well, they're sitting there wanting to know from me, what do you think?
I said, well guys, I'm getting my anti-pirate group ready, because you're going to start seeing pirates sitting out there taking those ships over.
Alex, it's coming.
Can't you see it?
And don't you see the purpose of using this election as the perfect cover grid?
No, I get it.
You said this a year ago.
They'll cover the economic collapse under a race war, blaming Trump.
Classic Communist tactic.
And, you know, I saw this morning, Alex, I saw Reince Priebus and they were trying to get out of him.
Is there a white knight candidate going to get the nomination?
You know, when they go to convention, he spent five minutes trying to enter it without answering it.
Folks, I promise you.
You know why they won't let Donald Trump be president?
It's because if Donald Trump gets to be president, there is a chance.
There's a chance he can mess this system up that they've got planned.
And he's also said he's going to start trying to arrest these people behind it.
He wants to save the country.
That's right.
It's not that he's perfect.
He just doesn't want to kill the golden goose.
That's right.
Look, Donald, I'm not, and you're not, I know you're not, and I'm not trying to say Donald Trump is a fantasy for the world's problems.
I'm not saying that at all.
No, they're scared of him because he's a nationalist and didn't end on the plan to bring the country down.
That's exactly right.
But I've been told by high-level folks, as high as they get to Donald Trump, I'll put it to you that way, he knows about the New World Order, he doesn't like it, and he believes, he almost didn't run, and this came out after I was told about it.
I'm saying it was confirmed.
Politico, for like a month, he went to Scotland and almost didn't do it.
But he said, I just can't watch him destroy the country.
And he does have a big ego.
He thinks he can save us.
And the question is, are we smart enough to realize they're throwing everything they've got against him because they've been tapping his phones, they know he knows what's going on, and they are absolutely scared to death of him.
But listen, here's what I'm saying, Larry.
Some of the intel I've got is, and I want to know if you were specifically told by insiders, or you're looking at this and can see it happening, because I know you have a lot of sources, that they want to plunge it once Trump gets in and have it be race riots around that time.
Are you saying they may pull it beforehand because they can't control it?
Because once they set something like this in motion, obviously they don't fully control it once the cow gets out of the barn.
There are two dynamics going.
Number one, Obama and his guys are getting all ready because they see when they yank, if they go to convention in Cleveland, Trump wins the majority of the vote.
And they pulled the nomination away from him.
Obama's people see a wonderful opportunity to step in when the riots and the fits are thrown.
There won't have to be much, but if there's any kind of throw up and fit and blow back from that, he's set ready to bring in the FEMA provisional government.
In other words, he'll say, look, there's no reason to have an election.
This is actually going on.
So now you've got Obama, he's set ready to take this.
Now folks, I'm not kidding you.
They're not going to give Trump, they're not going to give Trump that nomination.
Now there's something we can do, we'll talk about when we can.
Then you've got on the other side, you've got the Democrat, I mean the Republican Party establishment.
They want to be, Alex, as crazy as this sounds, they want to be in charge when this thing collapses.
Because when the provisional government is activated,
They are the elite central leadership.
You said this a year ago when you first started coming back on the show.
You said that they're getting it ready and you were there when the Clintons were licking their lips even back then.
That's right.
That it's coming and everything's moving to this crescendo.
Do I believe they're going to wait until Trump gets it and then do it?
No, I don't.
This is going to happen before Trump gets it.
Look, I don't even know now, Alex, if they can stop it.
The economy is in such bad shape, such bad shape, that all they're able to do now, Alex, is to
Spread us out on looking at other things and not looking at the essentials to this economy.
Well, that's what's scary is they're just buying time and diverting while the elites themselves run and buy farmhouses and dig bunkers.
I mean, that's crazy.
I've never seen such movement by the billionaires, by the ruling class.
And I guess they think they'll just wait out the collapse and then come out on top.
And isn't it crazy, Alex, that you're sitting here trying to tell your people you really need to get ready.
You need to kind of provision yourself in case this thing falls and they make it out like you're a nut.
When all the time they're doing it, they're doing it.
They just don't want you doing it.
So folks, I want to tell you.
And I'm not here to promote a thing.
That ain't what I do.
But you better provision up yourself.
You better make plans.
Because this thing is going to fall in.
Police departments are stockpiling giant amounts of goods, emergency goods, weapons, armored vehicles, and they're being told, civil war, civil war, the last six, seven years, and now you see them, and Obamacare to shut the economy down, and regulations in Europe at 100% taxes in France to shut everything down, and five million immigrants just bedlam all by design to bring the civilization down.
Then you wonder, why didn't Obama go to Cuba?
Why do we need to open relationships with Cuba?
What on earth do we get out of that?
Nothing, unless you understand what I knew from back in the days when I was floating around Central America and Nicaragua.
Cuba can put on the ground, Alex, in this country in six hours, 250,000 troops.
And by the way, people make jokes about this who are ignorant.
This is not the battle organized Iraqis.
The Soviets trained the Cuban military.
They're excellent ground fighters.
They've got a lot of high-tech technology.
And the point is, is they were even using them in Syria.
Yes, folks.
And they've used them all over Africa.
These are basically what Cuba sells is its troops.
They basically have a mercenary force.
I have fought what's called the Cuban Black Cats.
I've literally been fighting them.
I have actually fought them.
They are a worthy opponent.
Now, imagine in six hours you can have 250,000 here in this country to do what?
To put us into submission.
Us into submission.
You say, well, we're America.
We're not going to be able to... We're super decadent.
They attack all the power plants.
They attack the few cities that don't capitulate.
That's why they even have the Pentagon training to take over Texas and key cities where they know we're going to put up a defense with legitimate government.
They're going to come in here with communist merc forces.
And folks, they'll blow all the power plants.
They're not going to come fight us right away.
They're going to blow the water plants, everything.
Take over the TV and radio stations and then tell us, with local English speakers, it'll be run by the UN, submit and we'll turn the power back on.
They're going to claim the militias and patriots have blown up the power plants.
Yeah, now ask yourself this about Flint, Michigan.
Is Flint, Michigan this great fiasco of how they got the water system all screwed up?
Or what if that was a pilot project to find out, see if they could take a community to its knees by polluting the water system?
Look, y'all, do yourself a favor.
It don't do me no good.
Probably not even gonna do me any good, but it can help you.
You better stock up.
And like I say, I'm not here to sell anything.
That's your call.
But you can see it with Cleveland and the election and canceling primaries.
I mean, this is so incredible.
Larry, what do we do to try to stop this?
I mean, there's got to, I guess, expose the plan?
Well, number one, there's one thing that I will be announcing next Monday.
There's a way to stop them taking this thing from Trump.
Our only defense, Alex, and it's crazy, but our only defense is to stop them from taking the nomination from Trump.
How do you do it?
I'm trying to talk fast and that ain't my strong suit.
The first thing you gotta realize, there's not a politician in Washington or in your state.
All they care about, Alex, is their job.
They don't care about you.
They don't care about me.
They don't care about our grandkids.
They want to keep their job.
John McCain and three or four other establishment Republican congressmen and senators have announced what?
They're not going to the convention.
Because they know they're going to steal
That nomination from Trump and they don't want to be at that convention because it'll cause them to lose their race.
Monday on my Facebook page, I'm going to put out a script and I'm going to name four or five congressmen and senators, Alex, and I need people to call these senators and congressmen and read that script.
Alright, let's do this.
Let's get you on for 15-20 minutes on Monday.
If you can do it today, I want to get you back home and Gucciardi host the fourth hour for a full 30 minutes to have plenty of time.
Recap this and go over it all.
Do you want to come on?
I bet.
We have to.
Alex, it's that short a time.
Yes, we're going to break.
We'll show your Facebook on screen.
Folks that want to support Larry battling cancer as well, go to his PayPal.
He's giving up everything he's doing to do this, so he needs your support.
NicholsLive at AOL.com.
And we'll talk about that again with him in the fourth hour.
He'll be back in two hours.
You're good in two hours, right, Larry?
Yes, sir.
I'll be here.
We'll do it in this studio in two hours with Anthony Gucciardi.
God bless you.
Important stuff.
Stay with us.
Now, I said I'd get to this Donald Trump video.
Do we have time to get to this before we go to break?
We don't, do we?
I've got Roger Stone coming on.
You guys don't have your mic open or you just open it for a moment?
Okay, that's fine.
Anyways, what this comes down to is all hell is breaking loose, okay?
All over the world, not just here, domestically.
Now I hope Larry's wrong about the things he's saying, but we're seeing moves and preparations that all point towards something like this.
Look on every political front, things are happening that have never happened before all over the world.
And the globalists are more brazen, more naked, more out of control than they've ever been.
And the preparations for total collapse have accelerated.
And I'm sitting here realizing that I've gotten somewhat ready, but
I told people last week, I said, I want to get a bunch of storable food from InfoWare Select, our own brand.
This is a plug, but I mean, it's literal.
For enough for basically everybody that works here for a year.
I don't know if I have that much money, but it is very affordable.
And I said, more medical supplies, more everything.
Get ready.
And I did this years ago because the world is untenable.
The world is being set up to collapse.
It's clouded and piven.
It's agenda 21.
And I keep always pushing it back in time, hoping we're slowing it down, hoping they're not this crazy.
The problem is, they are.
But then my crew gets so busy, they kind of just take it like, oh, he just said get a bunch of storable food.
It hasn't happened.
I understand you not getting ready, because I don't either.
I'm too busy myself.
Dealing with the doctor's appointments, and the bills, and the in-laws, and the, you know, and the employees, and the taxes, and the garbage, and covering the news, and all the rest of it.
But we need to get politically active, like our lives depend on it, to warn people that the globalists are setting us up for a fall, that they're behind it, so they can't come in and act like they're the savior during the crisis.
This is a war, an info war, and we need to be prepared and self-sufficient.
The Empire's on the run.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I tell you, 2016 has been a bad year for some amazing artists.
Merle Haggard died.
Before that, David Jones.
That was his real name.
No, not my dad, David Bowie.
And now Prince has been found dead of a mystery flu at his home.
That story crashed the TMZ website.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
Drudge Report yesterday had its top headline, the coveted top drudge headline, authorities buying more riot control gear over fear of civil unrest sweeping America.
Millionaires fleeing Chicago for fear of civil unrest.
We have stacks of articles and they're trying to claim, oh, because of Trump.
No, it's because of the economy about to implode and the bad trade deals with China.
Roger Stone's with us for the rest of the hour.
He joins us once a week.
Very busy guy, obviously, helping and working with Donald Trump.
Business partner, obviously, pretty much the new campaign head.
You see a lot of really savvy things happening.
Big wins, obviously.
I don't know.
But we put powerful graphics and video to it.
It needs to go viral.
This is important because people are really concerned about the open borders.
We're going to play this and then go right to Roger Stone, researcher, best-selling author, Trump insider, entrepreneur, you name it, worked in a whole bunch of administrations, and everything he's told us has turned out to be absolutely on target.
I've never had a political analyst or pundit be this accurate.
I really just, it's amazing.
I get to know Roger Stone last year.
But let's go to the video.
It's only two minutes long.
Needs to go viral?
You put it on your Facebook, Twitter, tweet it at Trump, Drudge, everybody.
This is important.
Donald Trump releases emergency video.
Here it is.
On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tender-hearted woman saw a poor, half-frozen snake.
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
Oh well, she cried.
I'll take you in, and I'll take care of you.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in, for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Side the vicious snake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in, for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Side the vicious snake.
Now she clutched him to her bosom.
You're so beautiful, she cried.
But if I hadn't brought you in by now, you might have died.
She stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight.
But instead of saying thank you, that snake gave her a vicious bite.
I saved you, cried the woman.
And you've bit me, heavens why.
You know your bite is poisonous, and now I'm going to die.
Oh shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin.
You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Ladies and gentlemen, that video needs to go viral.
It's on InfoWars.com.
We're going to put a longer version out soon with top military folks talking about the fact that this Islamic invasion is economic warfare, cultural warfare, just like Donald Trump said the China deal, the unfair deals, is economic warfare.
So this is Salvo 1 on a bunch of pro-Trump, pro-reality videos we're about to be putting out.
Roger Stone joins us now.
Roger, you're in New York, you're in Florida, you're in California, you're all over the place.
Where are you today?
I know you were in New York the last few days in those big important powwows.
So let's talk about the new order.
Alex, I'm actually in Florida today where the Republican National Committee is meeting in Hollywood, Florida for three days as the run-up to the Republican National Convention.
I am very, very excited about the big win in New York.
I think it was a manifestation of the new focus of the Trump campaign.
But let me be really clear, the changes made to Donald Trump's campaign were made by Donald Trump.
He's the big picture man, and I'm really a supporter, as is Paul Manafort, his new convention director, and essentially the guy guiding the campaign towards the magic number of 1,237.
This was a big victory in New York, and I think it shows a new technology
On the part of the Trump people, I think they very skillfully overlaid Donald Trump's very effective public appearances and rallies with those congressional districts that were most competitive.
And they emerged not only with a sweep, but with tricky Ted Cruz running a really poor and I would argue embarrassing third.
So it is interesting to me that as we go forward, Pennsylvania
Delaware, Maryland.
I see these as Trump country.
These are places where both public and private polls show Donald Trump with strong leads.
And Ted Cruz is now reduced to bragging about South Dakota and Montana.
And while those are wonderful states, they're small states in the far west.
Where I frankly think Trump is still competitive.
So I don't see Ted Cruz being competitive in any of the states moving forward.
California, of course, is the big enchilada.
Now, in all honesty, I can tell you as someone who's experienced in nine Republican presidential campaigns, California is too big to organize on a grassroots basis.
I love grassroots activity.
I'm obviously for it.
But I view it as gravy.
This is the ultimate media state and it's a state where celebrity has great importance.
Donald Trump is of course the ultimate celebrity.
He has a star quality that no other candidate can match.
His campaigning
I think you have seen Alex has become more focused and more effective in just days since a leadership change in his campaign.
So I am more bullish than ever before that he will get 1,237 votes on the first ballot.
And before I stop and let you ask a question, let me say I'm also more bullish that we can shed enough light on the corrupted system to stop the steal that the party regulars have in mind in the event that Donald Trump does get 1,237 delegates.
Sure, we're working on some of his Skype real quick, so taking care of that, we're going to go right back to him here in just a moment.
Now, going back to Roger Stone.
Roger, let me ask you this question.
Obviously, you want to talk about Donald Trump, you want to talk about winning, you want to talk about the campaign, but so much of it is about the campaign and people want to know, now that there has been a lot of leadership change, you know, you're a team player, but just let us know why that leadership is so good.
Your business partner and others basically more and more heading up the campaign.
What is the real structure of the campaign?
I mean, isn't it just
Trump and then he has a group of advisors he talks to and whoever really is the head is the person that he actually listens to the most because I am seeing a lot more sophistication come in.
That's question number one, Roger.
Then number two, and this is obviously even more important,
Is the Republican Party really warming to him, or do they realize that it's backfiring on them, stealing these primaries, and so they're going to play possum until they get to Cleveland?
Well, let me say a couple things.
First of all, unlike these career politicians that we're so used to, Donald Trump runs Donald Trump's campaign.
He's his own strategist, and he decides the pace of the campaign, the message of the campaign, the campaign stops of the campaign, and those of us who support him really key off of his leadership.
So this idea that he is scripted, or programmed, or managed, or coached
Uh, is, is really inaccurate.
Now I do think you've seen a new discipline on the candidate's part as he begins to focus on wrapping up this nomination, uh, and then taking on Hillary Clinton.
Uh, at the same time, the New York Times noted this on page one, uh, his, uh, his presentation on primary in New York, uh, was very disciplined where he stayed focused on jobs,
Trade, immigration and terrorism as the big four issues that I think ultimately will sweep him to the White House.
I think there is a growing recognition within the Republican Party that Trump will be the ultimate nominee.
And therefore you have, I think, some number of those in the establishment
Beginning to recognize that not only is he the likely nominee, but he's a more than competitive contender against the very flawed candidacy of Hillary Clinton.
You may have noticed on Tuesday night when he referred to her as Crooked Hillary.
What politician would have the cojones to do that?
He's taking her eye in front of me.
He's calling it like it is.
He is pointing out to the American people that she is desperately corrupt.
That's right.
None of the other candidates will ever take on the Democrats for their corruption.
Trump's willing to do it.
That's why he's ahead of her in most polls and gaining.
That's why so many Democrats are announcing they're switching over to him.
So many blacks and others.
Because the truth is, people are seeing through this more and more.
This is amazing.
So I want to talk about how they're going to try to stop him.
Because obviously, they're still going to try some dirty tricks.
Looking at this and looking at where it's all going, back to the campaign, let me crystallize this then.
You're saying Trump is his own man, everybody knows that.
He makes pretty much all the big decisions.
He does have advisors to bounce things off of.
But now he's got more of a seasoned team.
That can carry out his wishes and his master plan better.
He has a more complete support group to be more disciplined.
Is that what you're saying?
Well, and beyond that, he has a newer level of competence.
Look, Donald Trump sets the pace in his own campaign.
He has from the beginning and I think it's what the American people are finding
Refreshing and interesting about his candidacy.
The fact that he isn't scripted, that he's not reading off a teleprompter, that he's not operating off of polling or sophisticated focus groups that tell him what he needs to say in order to be popular.
He's operating off his gut, dead reckoning, and his own moral compass.
Exactly right.
But now, when he gives an instruction, he has competent people to carry it out.
And I think it was demonstrated in the... So he's the field marshal, but he's got some more competent generals.
That's a fair way to put it.
I'm very optimistic, for example, about Pennsylvania.
Now, Alex, Pennsylvania has an extremely convoluted delegate selection process.
It in essence has what amounts to a beauty contest,
And a delegate contest on the same day.
Therefore, people who want to vote for Trump delegates need to know who the Trump delegates are because it's not clearly indicated on the ballot.
That is a massive communications challenge.
I do think that there is growing sophistication now on the Trump campaign in Pennsylvania.
Jim Schultz, former top assistant to the last Republican governor.
David Urban, longtime assistant in the U.S.
Two of the most knowledgeable guys in Pennsylvania.
People who know the county chairman.
People who know the dynamics.
He's not the expert you need.
I've seen Fox and CNN now go to the point of saying, okay, it looks like Trump will probably get the 1236-1237.
So, you predicted everything with almost complete accuracy.
It's scary, Roger.
Usually folks put some spin on things.
I mean, you just put it out so dry, so accurate.
So, inside baseball here, because the troops want to know.
What do we have to worry about?
How will the empire strike back?
I'm looking what some big huge scandals they bring out right before the week before the convention and then say for conscience the delegates are going against Trump or something like that.
What are the dirty tricks we've got to look out for?
Well, you've already seen some of this today in planted stories in Politico making the case that some of those who are volunteers, by the way, in the reordered Trump campaign have worked as lobbyists, some of them as long ago as 20 and 30 years ago.
They don't run Trump, Trump runs them.
And Trump is his own man.
And he has no fear of taking on the Republican establishment and challenging the Bush-Clinton, Bush-Obama orthodoxy when it comes to our fiscal situation, our trade situation, our immigration policy, or our failed interventionist foreign policy.
But these attacks, trying to say that some of those now volunteering for the Trump campaign have worked,
Sure, he's trying to end the lobbyist system.
He's exposing it, so they claim he's that.
They're also going, now his advisors are going to get him to use a teleprompter in policy.
This shows he's scripted.
But then, they have to admit, but he said, no, I'm not going to use a teleprompter.
I mean, they are just spinning everything.
Yeah, it's mostly extraneous inside baseball.
Let's cut to the bottom line.
Alex, I'm going to say it again.
There will be no second ballot.
Donald Trump will achieve 1,237 votes on the first ballot.
It's then, once he has that locked up prior to the vote, that we have to look for the big steal.
And I've outlined on Breitbart and at InfoWars.com exactly how this will work.
Either in the Rules Committee or the Credentials Committee, the Cruz, Bush, Romney, Cabal will attempt to unseat Trump delegates to undermine his majority.
And then they will seek to stop those delegates from voting on their own fate before the entire convention.
When they ratify the big steal.
That's why I have been so insistent that it's important that Trump supporters reach their duly elected delegates, particularly their Trump delegates, and ask them to take a voluntary pledge to support Donald Trump on all ballots.
That's a canvassing!
It sheds light
On who the rats are.
It sheds light on who are the Trojan horses, the quizlings, the hacks who have been inserted into Trump.
We've got to investigate the so-called Trump delegates because we know they're infiltrating their people and the media acts like that's evil for us to engage in First Amendment activities.
That's our civic duty.
Well, and they try falsely to imply that we've advocated violence against these people.
What we've advocated is outing them, exposing them, and betraying the Democratic Party.
That's right.
Stay there, Roger Stone.
We're coming right back to talk about Ted Cruz.
I want to get into that.
I also want to talk about the rally coming up to defend free speech.
It's amazing, folks, what's happening.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
Roger Stone of StoneZone.com is our guest.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, I am cutting out the intro music and going right to Roger Stone.
We've only got him until five minutes to the next hour, and the stuff he tells me off-air is just incredible.
It always comes true.
I mean, it's amazing.
I cannot tell you how important this guy is right now in this election and the integrity he has.
Banned on a whole bunch of TV networks, CNN, MSNBC.
And he was talking about how he has great Skype, except when he does interviews with me and some other big shows.
And I said, listen, we've had him breaking our computers, all of it.
And he goes, oh yeah, my wife just, she came in and they were remote accessing in her records.
He could see the person going into her computer.
Folks, this, if you don't think they're doing it to the Trump campaign, you're crazy.
And to key advisors.
So, retell that story to the audience, sir.
Let's get into Ted Cruz.
Phyllis Schlafly was on yesterday, said no.
Cruz is using her list.
They've confirmed that suddenly Cruz has her list.
If that's confirmed, that's a felony.
I mean, really, Cruz is, all the stops are being pulled out.
So, tell us about your computers, and then let's get into the Cruz situation, sir.
Sure, look, I understand, Alex, that some on the left are going to say, oh, these conspiracy theorists, they're so paranoid.
But the truth is, I have a very heavy-duty IT guy who works with me.
There's no question whatsoever that my own computer system and those of others in my family have been penetrated.
Fortunately, we've been very careful not to put anything terribly confidential there that could be used.
But the establishment will pull out all stops.
Folks like David Brock at Media Matters for America, like his mentors, the Clintons, the law means nothing to them.
They will use any means necessary to subvert the democratic process.
I think we know that based on the long history of crimes
By the Clintons and their cronies.
So I think we have to assume that all our communications are penetrating.
Doesn't matter.
We tell the truth.
And I think Ted Cruz attacking me on the networks by name and then particularly CNN not affording me
A fair opportunity to respond, that's journalistically unethical.
That's journalistic malpractice.
It's the essence of tyranny.
A polite email to Carrie Pritchard, who is the producer for Anderson Cooper, who was the host of two different programs where Ted Cruz falsely accused me on air, I don't even get a polite response.
That's the arrogance
of the mainstream media.
Bottom line, CNN is not a news organization.
It's a left-wing advocacy group.
They do not even bow to the niceties of journalistic ethics.
They are prepared to do whatever it takes to subvert the nomination process, to distort the truth, and to try to set the stage for a hijacking of this nomination from Donald Trump.
Cruz is not a happy camper, though.
Even Hannity blew up at him and said, stop saying you're winning grassroots landslides.
You've been winning canceled elections.
I think this blew up in their face spectacularly.
Well, particularly that exchange with Sean Hannity the other night, in which Hannity asked him a perfectly appropriate question, which I think is on the minds of Sean's
Viewers and listeners and crews blew up at him, proving once again that Tricky Ted does not have the temperament to be President of the United States.
This guy is a pathological liar.
He lies about me.
He lies about the sweetheart secret Wall Street loans from Goldman Sachs that have financed his political ascendancy.
He lies about planting a story at CNN
That Dr. Carson was getting out of the race hours before the Iowa caucuses and then contacting a pre-identified list of Carson supporters in Iowa.
Let me ask you this, we've got a break.
We'll come back in five more minutes, sir.
Roger Stone, our guest, StoneZone.com.
Does he have any ideology from your intel or is he a complete sociopath slash Count Dracula psychopath?
It's gotta be very, very tough to go through life and not be able to fart without the approval of Jeb, Neil, Bush, and Mitt Romney.
That's gotta be very tough on Ted.
So he's a robot.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit gcnlive.com today.
Back in 70.
70 seconds.
More with Stone.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, Roger Stone was about to drop bombshells on the Cruz campaign.
And on the Obama operation and his Skype cut out.
So, he's not here with us.
We're trying to call him on the phone so he can finish up.
We have Dr. Steve Pachinik coming out on the huge 9-11 truth in the next segment.
I mean, that is just gonna be a monster interview.
So important to the future of humanity.
In fact, did you guys, I forgot to tell you, did you guys pull the articles in the New York Daily News, New York Post headlines, how the U.S.
government covered up the Saudis' role?
Stuff like that, because that's just the beginning of the collapse of their cover-up.
Are we hooking the phone system up or something?
Good, he's back.
All right, the sky point out, but Roger Stone is back with us on phone.
So rushing through what you were trying to say and then getting into how we stop the big steal and the rally in Cleveland for free speech and the right of voters.
Roger Stone.
So continuing, look, I think Ted Cruz is an increasingly cornered man.
I think he recognizes that it's now mathematically impossible for him to be nominated.
There will not be a second ballot.
I say it yet again.
And therefore, all these scenarios that the mainstream Republicans and the establishment are trying to lay out are not going to come to pass.
I'm very excited about the Stop the Steal rally.
If you want details, you can go to stopthesteal.org.
We are now being co-sponsored.
We are co-sponsors with Citizens for Trump, the largest grassroots pro-Trump organization in the country, and also wewillwalk.com.
Some patriots there, longtime supporters of Pat Buchanan, who have built yet another grassroots organization.
45,000 people have now signed a petition saying that if the nomination is stolen from Donald Trump, they will walk.
Alex, I know you're going to be speaking.
I intend to speak.
There's an entire headliner group being put together.
And again, this is a nonviolent...
Peaceful demonstration.
What we want to show the world are numbers.
Patriots coming from all over the country to peacefully demonstrate in favor of the democratic process, in favor of the voters deciding who this nominee should be.
So there will be a march.
And a rally with the proper permitting from the City of Cleveland, with the cooperation of local law enforcement who we are in touch with.
Unlike MoveOn.org, unlike Black Lives Matter, we cooperate with local law enforcement so that we can have a major impact with a peaceful demonstration.
And if my email is any indication, there are thousands of Americans coming to
There's going to be tens of thousands.
This has to be the biggest thing ever.
And I'm not attacking Lynne Beck, but he would make this all about him.
You invited me to be an absolutely key part of it.
My listeners are a key part.
But I'm just there, as this is all about everybody's free speech and our vote.
This is not about Roger Stone.
It's not even about Donald Trump at the end of the day.
It's about free and open elections in this country.
Well, and what I'm hoping, and this of course should be subject to the Secret Service and to Donald Trump's security.
But if we can prove that we are multitudes, and that we are peaceful, and that we are non-violent, I'm hoping Donald Trump will decide to come outside the hall and address us.
That would be the greatest honor yet.
That would be absolutely huge and wonderful, and obviously Trump supporters are peaceful, we're patriots.
It's going to be the other side that will try stuff, but the fact is the police absolutely know the game that's going on, and we're going to have the police on the side of free speech.
Well, and I think this is the key thing.
If your listeners cannot get to Cleveland, then go to StopTheSteal.org.
Help us pay for buses to get others who can go into town.
Help us find inexpensive housing where they can bunk.
Obviously, the Republican National Committee is in total control of every hotel within a 100-mile radius.
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Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Sheriff Clark, Hillary's hot sauce comment dehumanizing.
What's something that you always carry with you?
Hot sauce.
Are you getting in formation right now?
Hot sauce.
Hot sauce in my bags?
Hot sauce.
Now listen, I just want you to know, people are going to see this and say, okay, she's pandering to black people.
Is it working?
Article up by Steve Watson.
Appearing on Fox News' Fox and Friends Wednesday, Clark said Clinton's performance was dehumanizing, adding that it is embarrassing and, quite frankly, disgusting.
I'm surprised she didn't just say watermelon.
Just go all the way with it, Clark added.
If any other candidate were to say something like that about black people, it would derail their campaign.
But the rules seem to be different for the Clintons, and that is something that we continue to see.
Black people know they're being pandered to, Clark said.
Nothing has gotten better under Democrat control.
We go to all the cities where there's high poverty.
They're all run by liberal Democrat mayors.
This is Joe Biggs with Infowars.com.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome, my friends.
Welcome to the third hour worldwide broadcast.
It's actually going to be David Knight hosting the fourth hour.
And he's going to be interviewing Larry Nichols about the secret Federal Reserve meeting, where his intel shows they were discussing economic collapse, basically martial law.
And we have mainstream headlines with government gearing up for civil unrest, trying to claim it's over Donald Trump.
But basically using the whole Black Lives Matter, civil unrest, Ford Foundation, strategy of tension, great game system, using that as a cover when they're going to be really imploding the economy.
Or the signs that the economy is imploding will be that much clearer.
Now, for the balance of the hour, Dr. Steve Pachinick joins us, and he's been a guest on the show probably
Criminal elements of our government, working with Saudi Arabia and others, carried out a false flag attack on 9-11.
Now, I knew that.
I saw the preparation in the media for it.
I saw the scripting that day.
I saw Building 7's and the bombs in the building.
I had whistleblowers on about the NORAD stand-down.
And then years later, all this stuff came out.
Now, I'm not up here to talk about getting credit for this, just so Steve Pchenik and I get the credit for it.
It's like getting the credit for
Tying yourself down, you know, at the railroad tracks when a train's coming.
But we have to historically talk about it so that other people can learn from it, and so the liberty lovers out there, who are the tip of the spear, you're the foot soldiers that got this information out to the grassroots, so you understand the power you have.
In a war, major battles we've won that could win the war, we now are beginning to turn the tide and win the war against the crony capitalists and the insiders.
A very nasty crew.
Doesn't mean some utopias at the end of the rainbow and everything's gonna be fine, but for generations...
Tyrants and people using different systems of deception are going to have a big problem going forward because when the quote conspiracy collapses, when it's known we were all lied to, when it's known the tactics they used were deployed against the people.
Fourth, fifth generation warfare psychological systems.
Knowing is the battle.
And they won't be able to sit there and ridicule and call someone a conspiracy theorist that questions basic integrity in the government.
There's a loss of confidence.
Mainstream media has a 6% trust rate in Gallup.
Congress has a 9%.
That's worse than Ceausescu in Romania.
I mean, in dictatorships, you get 20, 30% not liking it.
It's going to end up falling or being overthrown.
So they're in a desperate position, a desperate situation, and it's an oligarchy, a bunch of bureaucrats and a bunch of corporate connections and a bunch of combines basically hiding who's in charge.
But once people realize there's a shadow government of multinational interest that weren't just feather in their nest or giving themselves, you know, first whack at the trough, but who wanted to end free market itself to consolidate control.
Pull up the ladder from everybody else.
When the public learns about this, which they're starting to do, it is seismic, it will be generational.
And we will see a new enlightenment, a new renaissance of lower taxes, of people being involved, of the population electing good people that really want to serve and who are really on the team.
Because historically, you go through something this bad,
And it then comes out later, really good things come of it.
If this dictatorship globally doesn't collapse before another group gets in and takes over and basically exposes some of what's happened, but not all of it.
We could have this turned not into a restoration, but a revolution.
That'll just be randomly targeted that the foundations have tailored to be a leftist, moron, social justice warrior, anti-free speech, race-based bloodbath.
So they've got their competing revolution against our renaissance revolution of restoration.
1776 squared. 1776
To the power of 10.
1776, next level.
The Renaissance never ended, it just got sabotaged at a few points.
And the future's here, it's not just been evenly distributed, it's been hoarded and hidden.
And this is a revolution against that.
And the reason I'm prefacing this, I'm going to go to Dr. Pchenik, is he always wants to thank me and thank the audience and talk about how historical it is and how it's devastated him and how this will end up bringing him down.
And I know he believes that.
I know he's taken down a bunch of dictatorships and corrupt governments and, I mean, done, you name it.
He's got to be careful about what he talks about because the Justice Department, you know, shows up and subpoenas him when he does.
And this is serious stuff, folks.
He's the guy that the poll, that the Jack Ryan character is based on.
Wrote a bunch of the books with Tom Clancy as his advisor.
You know, top psychological warfare expert for the State Department.
Top hostage negotiator.
You know, the guy that was the person that oversaw the Camp David Accords, the only successful peace deal ever in the Middle East.
I mean, so he's a bigwig.
Obviously, as I pointed out, the average young person doesn't know who Chuck Yeager is.
Or Chuck Norris, for that matter, half the time.
So, he's one of those quiet professionals.
He doesn't want your thanks either.
He just wants to let you know how important you are and how historical this fight is.
But, in the interest of history, and I'm gonna go to him in here in 60 seconds.
We all have to realize how big this is, how dangerous this is, and how the future battle space is being affected, and then we all have to be involved in maximum effort right now with the truth, so this collapse doesn't come and then they inject more control as the answer.
People have to know who the authors of this are, who the men and women are in the smoking rooms, and what they did.
And the fact, what am I speaking of, I always get to it at the end, not the first, 9-11 fraud is imploding.
It's much bigger than the Saudis, obviously.
But everything we told you 15 years ago, 14 years ago, has been vetted.
It's been confirmed.
It's not just like we had a wild guess.
We knew.
Because of great whistleblowers in the military, and in these different agencies, and in the grassroots, many of which got killed.
I've interviewed a lot of people who got killed.
Now, I'm out in the sunshine, like Jim Garrison said, so I haven't been killed, but I've been attacked, my credibility's been assassinated, I've had black ops run against my family, they'll go after folks they think they can affect.
And let me tell you, it's been out of a movie.
I'm not whining about it, I expect even more, quite frankly.
You have to know that the answer is so many of us taking action against tyranny that they just are overwhelmed.
And that's already happening.
And the 9-11 veil is falling.
Other veils are falling.
The fact that the stock market's rigged is falling.
It's all happening.
The political class is already giving up.
They're already running.
They're already running to Armored Redoubts.
They're already going to New Zealand and Switzerland and Monte Carlo.
They're already getting plastic surgery and changing their names.
They're already in an exodus.
They already think the Death Star is going to blow up.
They've just already evacuated.
Just so you know, it's like in a battle, the generals have already left the hill and are running.
The real generals that run it.
They've still got their figureheads up there and the armies though are going, is anybody leading us?
This isn't working.
This isn't making sense.
We are hitting a mass sea change and you can't just put it back away with new front people because it's an understanding in the people of how stuff really works.
The facade is falling.
Now I don't like being the presenter of 9-11 truth, the father of it.
I don't like being the guy 9 times out of 10 on the very tip of the spear just because I understand the paradigm.
I want everybody else to understand the paradigm, understand the real blueprint, so that then I don't have a near monopoly on this and it's not so dangerous.
But it's not just that I don't want to get killed.
I'm willing to, I'll do whatever it takes, but I'm not stupid.
I want to be here for my kids.
A part of me is, you know, fatalistic and everything, kind of gets into it.
I mean, I'll just be honest, you can't do that and not be a man.
But once this understanding, this master key is out in the public's mind, it's over, folks.
And we're reaching that critical mass.
It's dangerous to be a Steve Pachetnik or an Alex Jones or a Matt Drudge.
Like Mark Twain said, in the beginning, a patriot's a scarce man, hated, feared, and scorned, because when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
We're reaching the point where it costs nothing to be a patriot.
We can win this thing, for real.
Donald Trump's just a manifestation of that.
He's not perfect.
This is just the beginning.
Our strength is only intensifying.
And our strength is all of us together.
We have reached a critical mass point.
I'm going to skip this network break because I don't want to cut into Pachinko's time too much, and I want to be able to really go over what's happening.
But a few times ago he was on, he described this show as a focal point or a catalyst, like rock and roll coming out of the South, or out of Louisiana, or out of places like Texas.
Because it wasn't perfect, it had problems, but it was sincere, it was real, it was human.
And that's why I've been successful.
I've been teleprompter-free, stuttering, interrupting, all of it.
But the information was a true quest for the truth.
And that's why the truth does live here at InfoWars.
Doesn't mean we always get it right, but our soul wants the truth.
And we want justice, we want prosperity, we want to make America free and great again.
We want to have a society of open association and free association.
We don't want political correctness banning the word mother and father.
We've fallen so far that now we can see we've fallen and that's the beginning of climbing out of this mess and it's already begun.
But the fact that 9-11 truth has been vindicated?
That Steve Pachenek has been vindicated.
That all of us, the whistleblowers, are much bigger heroes than I. And even you, the listeners.
But all of us that got ridiculed, the rest of it.
The stations I lost.
The money we lost.
I will not sell my passion for glory.
I could care less.
It's the truth that matters.
It's the most valuable possession.
And it's what creates good civilization.
And that's all I can give my kids is the truth, nothing more.
So, Steve, I don't normally do a 10-minute intro to you, but, I mean, this is a big time.
I mean, this is huge when mainstream newspapers have the headline, how the U.S.
government covered up the Saudi Arabian role.
We know the 28 pages show the stand-down in the congressional report.
And we know the military knows what really went on, and I know you've talked on air, and I think it's been lost, because you're dropping such bombshells about CFR meetings you've been in, meetings with generals, where it just gets right down to everybody knows it's inside job, and everybody knows who did it, and there's discussions about what went on, and some people say, well, we did it, you know, to expose the radical Muslim threat.
Oh, really?
So you could double-cross us and then bring them in and overtake Europe with them?
I mean, this is, this is so sophisticated what they've done, and hopefully, as a top spymaster,
You know, one of the most famous out there, not known, you know, in your real person, but best known in movies and the rest of it.
Have I accurately crystallized this?
And have we reached a point where it's a lot safer for people like you and I that helped punch the detonator that has now, many years later, brought down the 9-11 fraud?
And what does that domino falling?
Because even if the Saudis are successful blocking the release, they've convicted themselves.
That's even better!
Dr. Pachinnik?
Well, it's been a great honor and a pleasure, but the truth of the matter is we do owe it to you, Alex, and I certainly owe it to the American public that's been listening to the alternative media since, you know, God knows when, 2001, and you all have done a phenomenal job.
It's not about me, and it's not about Alex.
It's about a lot more people, and believe it or not, it's the people within the intelligence community and the military.
I can't tell you how many times I'm stopped.
By individuals who recognize my voice, not necessarily my name, who work within the system, and are grateful for what we have done, because the civilians who were involved, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Steve Hadley, Hillary Clinton, the Wolfowitzes, the neocons, the neocon Jews, Israel, Dubai, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, will all be implicated in what's happened in 9-11.
But what eventually arose from all of this was several factors.
One was the emergence of a very unique individual who no one could have predicted.
I did not predict that a Trump would arise at a moment when our history required a self-made American entrepreneur.
An American-made entrepreneur, not somebody who depended on the kindness of strangers, but somebody who was able to take whatever assets he had and built it into a fortune, which he then dedicated to creating something better for others, namely America.
He doesn't need the power, he doesn't need the money, he doesn't need the accolades of any of these Republicans.
That's why we are now in the crux of the revolution, as Alex has said.
You have all deserved this moment, but we can't stop, because the Republican Party has now become the face of the enemy.
The previces, the Mitt Romneys, the Jeb Bushes, the Neil Bushes, the Marvin Bushes, the Paul Singers, the Ricketts family, the Hubbard family, all those families who never served our country, but who were able to take and extract
I'm good.
So I usually call the Koch brothers, who graduated where I did at MIT, the red babies.
Because the real fortunes were not made in the American oil fields.
They were made under Stalin in the Soviet oil fields, and they're ashamed to talk about that.
Because they're the diaper babies.
Unlike us right now.
We're in the midst of a revolution where Trump is the spear and the cutting edge to cut into what's called the rules of the party.
The rules of the Republican Party are no more rules than fictitious rules that we have in any other institution of fascism.
I saw those rules in the Soviet Union, and the more rules they imposed on me when I worked in the Soviet Union, the easier it was for me and others in the intelligence community to take the Soviet Union apart.
So the Credentials Committee, that's run by men like Sununu, who worked with George Bush Sr., and were also able to alter the election machines because they were MIT software engineers, and who were also corrupt in New Hampshire as a governor.
These men are trying to reinstate their political legitimacy in a time when a man like Trump, who is backed by the American people, Independents, Democrats, Republicans, is saying enough is enough.
The will of the people has to be expressed by one man, one vote.
Not one delegate and no vote.
I know you don't like to talk about yourself and or the other whistleblowers.
You were basically up in the government and the CFR and high level.
You were a whistleblower.
You didn't call it that when you came out.
I know they came after you.
They threatened you.
I remember when it happened in 2002.
A lot of people, you know, got killed.
So people need to understand the risk here and what members of the intelligence community and others told Congress.
So I want to get into the election and the current battle.
But so folks know the power that the people have.
We come from nowhere 15 years ago exposing this.
Look at it today and you can follow those roots up to now.
And as time compresses, more and more of their lies are imploding faster.
Not in 15 years, but in six months.
So I want to spend a few minutes before we go to break.
Then we'll come back into the election and how historical all this is and what you see into the future.
And as a guy that would overthrow dictatorships and corrupt regimes,
Yeah, we're good to go.
I mean, how many people in the ruling establishment know what really happened?
Where do you expect this to go?
In a few minutes on, from your best intel, exactly what happened on 9-11.
What actually happened on 9-11, even before 9-11, I wasn't just a whistleblower.
I was literally the opposition that existed within the group who helped Bush Jr.
get into power.
One of the conditions, I said, is that there should be no
...acts against this country.
And I could smell it because of Bush, who's pretty dumb.
And so is his entourage.
We're talking about peace overseas, yet the people he put in were neocons, who had never served our country, who already were creating the American initiative in the Middle East.
People like Zalmay Khalilzad, Paul Wolfowitz, and others.
So within a year before the time when he came to power, as I was asked to come into the Pentagon, to the Office of Low-Intensity Conflict, I began to see the CIA
Civilians totally take over the Pentagon.
It was an amazing feat and I went to one of the senior officials who was a civilian as well as another general and said you are now being infiltrated by the CIA.
You are going to be involved in some kind of dirty trick which I suspect
We'll be a stand down and a false flag.
I could see the pre-programming just interrupt.
They were on the news going, we're going to be attacked.
When we're attacked, we're going to take your rights.
I saw the Hart-Rubin Commission a year before say that.
I saw the PNAC document about a Pearl Harbor event so they could take over.
I mean they were, you saw the telegraphing but from the inside.
Please continue.
So it was clear to me who would be involved.
It would be Paul Wolfowitz.
It would be Walter Yackel.
It would be Zalmain Khalidzad.
All of these people whom I've worked with.
Richard Perle, Dov Zuckheim, who's a rabbi I didn't know, but I didn't like.
Elliot Abrams, who I almost killed in another iteration.
He knew I was going after him on the Panama thing.
And when it occurred, I knew immediately that this was a standout false flag because
Israeli operatives immediately called me up and said the planes had attacked the towers and they were collapsing.
And I said, there's no precedence in the history of any building where a plane has crashed and collapsed the building.
And immediately they said, within minutes of the time I said, this is a false flag.
Oh, you must be an Arabist.
And I said, now I know who's involved.
So it was Israel.
I knew the Pakistani senior intelligence officer was coming here because I was forewarned by one of his predecessors, Yahoo Com, that the Pakistani generals were involved in a potential coup.
I was forewarned that the Saudis would be involved.
I knew that the Israelis would be involved because they had people like Michael Chertoff.
Who should have been indicted, because he has double citizenship here and in Israel, and was in charge of Homeland Security along with Richard Perle and others who, with loyalty, have never been to the United States.
Unfortunately, these American Jews, whose loyalty is to Israel, have never served the American government, never been in the American military, but are more than happy to serve the Israeli military, as Zub Dyke Heimer has done.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Once again, the social justice warriors are back at it again.
Andrew Jackson, who fought Central Bank, removed from $20 bill, but they'll leave Hamilton on the $10 bill.
And he was pro-Central Bank, as public concern for liberty erased.
Naturally, there are liberal politics at play, fighting for every inch of ground in the war, cardiological re-engineering, history is being whitewashed, various figures of antiquity rolling in their graves.
We keep seeing this time and time again.
We were just at the Portland State University, and surprisingly, there was still a statue of Abraham Lincoln.
I'm sure it's only going to be a matter of time before that racist statue is removed as well.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
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I wanna tell you about Texas Rainy on the Big B.
If you are receiving this transmission live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Lock up your wife and children now.
It's time to wield the blade.
Because now you've got some company.
Horseman or Drawing Mirror.
Sound of hooves knock at your door.
Horseman or Drawing Mirror.
And when you run from them, they get closer.
When you run towards them, they get further away.
A little secret about freedom and about life.
As a civilization, it's true.
Not so much for individuals.
That's a choice men have to make.
Now, I'm gonna go back to Dr. Pucinich here in a moment, and I knew he was specifically going to Israel and its connection to 9-11.
It comes down to this.
There is a large block of people that blame Israel if a banana peel is on the ground and they step on it and fall down.
There's also another group of people that think that whatever the politicians do in Israel is perfectly fine, because that's where the end of the world is going to happen and, you know, it's like breaking a mirror.
If you say anything wrong about anybody in Israel, you're going to go to hell.
And that's just as stupid.
And I've tried to really stay out of all of it.
Israel is run by different political factions.
It does all the same stuff other corrupt governments do.
Israel openly has backed ISIS for the first four years, and Al-Qaeda, along with our government, the French, and the Turks, everybody else.
People say, and then the white supremacists say, oh look, you're defending Israel, saying other people do it too.
No, I'm just not mentally ill like you.
I don't just mindlessly hate Israel.
I can actually find it on a map.
I actually know a lot of the history.
I know what went on in Russia.
I knew that Stalin wanted to make a new Israel, you know, south, east of it.
I know about the Rothschilds and the British Israelism that's basically turned into Protestant religion today.
I've done my research, and I know where Steve Pucinich comes from.
In Russia, and then trying to get out through Nazi Germany, and his family really being killed by the Nazis.
And then Pucinich's mad.
He's told the story, you know, about how the rich Jews wanted money.
Middle-class Jews out!
And that's in best-selling books written by Jews.
I mean, it's a fact.
That's why FDR and others wouldn't let the Jews come in.
He said, you keep your ships right there.
They didn't pay up.
Didn't pay up to Herr Hitler.
So it's far worse than everyone knows.
And look, my grandfather wasn't Jewish, but he's German.
He lived in a German community in Dallas.
Wealthy Germans.
The guy that invented refrigeration.
I don't
He saw the Nazis quietly from 1935 or so up until the start of the war suck everything out of that guy.
Billions of dollars in today's numbers because he had family in Germany and he was German.
They were threatened to kill.
That's why I hate all these white supremacists on their sites about how great Hitler was and what a hero and how great he was and all this crap.
Let's just say you hate Jews and want to kill them all.
Hitler robbed and murdered millions of Germans and everybody else.
Hitler was a criminal with a bunch of criminals under him.
But because Hitler's bad, it doesn't mean everything Jews do or Israel does is perfect, too.
Like rich Jewish organizations not letting Jews out and making a deal with the Nazis.
It's on record, by the way.
This is in best-selling books when Pulitzer Prizes.
It's just not popularly known.
Making deals that only Jews could immigrate there and had to pay upwards of a million dollars.
So that's why Pachenik will go all the way and talk about the neocons.
Do people like Richard Perle really represent Jews?
Is that who Jews want representing them?
There's a lot of wonderful Jews out there.
And that's where I stand.
I love, some of the best people I know are great, super smart, amazing, give me the shirt off their back, Jews.
And then I see powerful neocons and others.
And I'm not saying the world conspiracy is run by Jews either.
But there are corrupt Jewish organized crime guilds that have been so successful they've transcended organized crime.
That's who founded, the ADL was organized, was set up by Jewish organized crime.
That's on record, 1913.
And I'm gonna give him the rest of the floor to talk about this since he got into it, but I made a film
Called fabled enemies about the Israeli connection.
And that made the white supremacist attack me even more!
Because it wasn't an anti-semitic film.
And because they're controlled and run from the top by the globalists to control the dialectic.
And it's come out.
Almost every major white supremacist leader is controlled.
That's the Brzezinski model he writes about in the technotronic era.
Controlling all the major factions.
Well, I'm a faction that's not controlled.
I want everybody's kids to be able to go to space if they want.
I want life extension technology.
I want a society based on renaissance and free ideas and not scams.
I want a society based on chivalry.
And nationalism and on the family and on manhood and the incredible feminine energy.
I'm a pro-human guy.
I'm a real philanthropist.
That's what it means.
Somebody that loves humanity.
And it's not because I'm some goody two-shoe.
I come from this.
I'm a human.
I have empathy.
I mean, I'm not saying I'm the toughest guy around, but look at what I've done with my attitude politically.
And that's what I was celebrating today, saying everybody else should emulate it and take it to the next level.
The courage of the whistleblowers and others.
I'd see bullies when I was 12 years old, 16, 17 year old bullies beating up some kid.
I'd go over there and say, and try to stop them.
And I got my teeth loosened and knocked out, my nose broken.
But you know what?
I got stronger in the process.
And it wasn't because I wanted to fight.
I saw people ganging up on some 10-year-old or 11-year-old, robbing them.
I was going to go fight people that were basically men.
Because I had the instinct and the genetics from my forebearers to want to attack people that are criminal.
And that's the only instinct I've got, basically, folks.
It makes me sick.
And I've done everything I can to learn how they operate, to learn what they do to try to stop them.
And I've done it in a stumbling, toddling way for 21 years.
But just that pathetic resistance has hurt the enemy badly.
You are the power of this broadcast when you spread the word about it, when you send out the podcasts and the videos, when you buy the products.
And so, God bless you.
I want to thank you.
But understand, you're just as important as I am, or Pachinic, or the whistleblowers.
And you have to become radio hosts and TV hosts and leaders.
And you have to take action.
And you have to understand what's happening.
And you have to see what's going on.
But yes, every major Western country heavily involved in 9-11, they're not going to have a 9-11 and not include criminal elements of these intelligence agencies, because then the other agency could blow the whistle on them.
That's why they included as many as 10 nations.
Pakistan, Turkey, Israel.
Sabel Edmonds said they were all in on it.
Running guns, funding Al-Qaeda, white slavery.
All the stuff you see ISIS doing, it was already going on.
And then Dr. Pucinich is against war, against, he recognizes radical Muslims being funded, he's against that, but he doesn't want to destabilize the whole region and just demonize Muslims, so then they say, oh, he's a bad guy.
Now, I've put it in my words, we've got ten minutes to the next break, I'm trying to give you the floor to finish up with 9-11, to go through what happened, and then get into the election and the crossroads we've hit, and if I misspoke on your history, or your view that you've,
Relate to me privately on air before about your experience, you know, as as someone that has been at every level from from Russia to Cuba to the United States, MIT special secret operations in the field, all the secret stuff you've done overthrowing governments.
I don't think of any other spy or spy master in reality has probably done more than you have.
I know there's a lot of folks that have probably done more.
They're just so secretive.
We don't know about it.
But, Dr. Pachinik, I mean, you're uniquely able to speak to this.
And so I know I'm running on about this.
I just want listeners to understand the epicness that we're all involved in, them included.
This is a real war.
This is 21st century warfare.
The attempt to take down of the West.
Because the elite is so threatened by renaissance, how do we stop it?
What happened on 9-11?
And yes, what is the Israeli connection and where do you see this going forward?
Well, let me just say, go on to say, a lot of what's happened is that our internal military system, our internal intelligence, those in the White House and other places have been very effective
Political warfare, economic warfare, and turning the entire geopolitical area away from Saudi Arabia, which was our major creator of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and all the Sunni terrorist groups at the inspiration of the CIA.
However, there are elements of the CIA that fought it.
No institution that we have is monolithic.
No institution is all bad or all great.
Within our intelligence system, and I've worked extensively, I have the good, the bad, and the ugly.
And very often I'm working against my own people with other sorts of people.
So I've had generals, and I won't name who they are, who worked with me in order to explain to people like Rumsfeld that if you continue to remain here,
And sacrifice 75,000 of our soldiers in a war that was from the very beginning poorly planned out.
It had no success capability and was planned out by neocons like Wolfowitz and others who had no experience in war.
We will overthrow you!
When that happened, on that day, I was informed by Jeb Bush and his people that I was brought up on charges of treason.
I won't tell you which generals worked with me, but had it not been for those generals and the people within the core of our military and our intelligence community,
You would not have gotten rid of Rumsfeld, a disastrous individual.
This is too sensational.
I may have to go into the next hour.
Sir, just so people understand, I remember over the years, you hinting at this, you getting at it, and then what you said four years ago, and then it came out that Dempsey did go and say, we're not going to bomb Syria.
There's basically been a counter-coup, the media hasn't reported it, and then finally Sy Hirst did.
This is so epic.
That's what I'm saying.
You've got all the secrets.
They're dangerous for you to know.
That's why I want to say to you, the generals that I can talk about are generals like Jerry Boykin, Special Forces.
General Schumacher, head of Special Forces.
These weren't men who worked against our government.
They're the men and heroes who work with the American people.
Keith Alexander.
I mean, there's a whole group of them.
Even David Petraeus.
When we put him into the CIA to control it, all these men, Michael Flynn,
All these men were dedicated to the American people knowing fully well that we could no longer have civilians who had no military experience, had no war experience, despite whatever they were in background, religion, it really didn't matter.
What mattered was that they wanted to go to war without the notion that our military
was ended with our military was not willing or capable of fighting a war that was limited in size, 75,000 as opposed to what Shinseki had ordered, a quarter of a million, and our military was overturned by incompetent civilians.
That changed.
But since then they've had a major culling of the generals, so what's the real battle space now?
Well, the culling of the generals is we've had now, that's going to continue until we get to the captain
So you're saying that's actually a good thing?
He took the bold move to start giving the Russians intelligence
Outside of the neocons of the CIA trying to run an Al Qaeda takeover.
I mean, do people get that?
I mean, that is so epic.
American military said, we're not going to do this, and quietly joined with Russia to stop the hedgehoppers.
That is so epic.
That's exactly correct.
At the same time, we had a man whom I didn't know named, a Jewish guy named Dan Cohn, who's deputy director of the CIA and the Treasury, to effect
Thank you.
Forcing their currency to drop, forcing their bonds to be junk bonds, and putting them into bankruptcy.
So, this is not about Jew or a Christian or Muslim.
There were no Muslims involved in 9-11.
The ones who were involved in 9-11 who were Muslims were the countries like Turkey, Pakistan, Dubai, Qatar, and the Bush family who worked for the Dubai security companies.
The actual Muslims weren't even on the plane.
There was no such thing.
So what happened in effect is the whole Bush family, the entourage of what you're seeing now in the Republican Party, created this 9-11 so we could have the war machinery go into effect without the consensus of our military, without the agreement of our intelligence community, without the support of the American people.
That was an act of treason.
Have you seen the video where our reporters talked to Jeb Bush about the 28 pages twice and he actually has an adrenaline rush and looks like he's seen a ghost and it looks totally scared?
Yeah, but Jeb Bush is an idiot.
He's a coward and he's an idiot.
And it came out very clearly.
He didn't know what he was talking about.
He had no idea what he was talking about in terms of the Iraq War.
He was involved in 9-11.
The man was a disaster as a governor.
He brought me up to basically try to impress me that he had an intellectual forte when he had none.
The truth of the matter is the entire Bush family has been a great criminal enterprise.
They've sent their kids to Andover, where I've had family there, and then went on to Yale.
They are a disaster, as the Clintons are.
But the beauty of what the American public has done, and your audience has done, is number one, the Panama Papers.
Trust me, it is our intelligence community that released thousands, millions, 11.5 million pieces of paper.
That did not come from an entourage of 100 different media groups.
It did not come from 140 countries.
It came from an intelligence community that responded to the will of the American people to say,
Now we're going to start cleaning out the entire world system that has the neocon agenda, that has the transnationalism elements.
Let's do it by one thing, showing the corruption that goes through Panama.
Even when I worked in Panama and tried to take out Noriega, I never suspected that there were greater criminals than Noriega.
For me, Noriega was pretty honest relative to everybody else.
Although he was a bad guy in certain ways, he was pretty straightforward.
But the point of fact is the American people has compelled our intelligence community to release that.
Secondly, they have compelled James Comey of the FBI, Loretta Lynch of the Attorney General, and this administration
To investigate the Clinton Foundation and the email scandals to the point where she may well be indicted.
If she is indicted, that is the culmination of everything the American people have wanted.
I was about to say, isn't the 9-11 info coming out like the string on the sweater?
That was a very important part of all of this.
So I'm right in saying, we're seeing a slow motion collapse of the nastiest parts of the establishment.
Yes, correct, Alex.
We are all witnessing the collapse of what happened 9-11, but it did not happen just out of the blue.
It happened because we had loyal military individuals, we had loyal intelligence officials, we had 16 different units of our intelligence community that really worked together, and we had people within the executive branch and the legislative branch
That's right.
They're the heroes.
They're the heroes, folks, and they were all there leaking the info the entire time.
Who said they wouldn't do something like that and speak out?
No, they did speak out.
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Once again, these social justice warriors are back at it again.
Andrew Jackson, who fought Central Bank, removed from $20 bill, but they'll leave Hamilton on the $10 bill.
And he was pro-Central Bank, as public concern for liberty erased.
Naturally, there are liberal politics at play, fighting for every inch of ground in the war, cardiological reengineering, history is being whitewashed, various figures of antiquity rolling in their graves.
We keep seeing this time and time again.
We were just at the Portland State University and surprisingly there was still a statue of Abraham Lincoln.
I'm sure it's only going to be a matter of time before that racist statue is removed as well.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
My name is Alex Jones.
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Coming up, we got a sneak peek with an interview that Millie Corrigan taped with Leigh-Anne McAdoo about how to take back social media, basically, the deals with Donald Trump and more.
We're going to play five minutes of that interview that won't be out for a week or so, coming up in the fourth hour that David Knight is going to be hosting.
We also have a lot of other news that will be breaking, but it says here, momentum slows for Saudi 9-11 investigation.
That's in the Hill.
Lindsey Graham, one of the neocons,
I don't
What is the state of the establishment?
I know they're scared.
I know a lot of them are leaving the country right now, which shows they think something really big is about to come out.
Bill Clinton said something political so big globally is about to come out, it'll almost split the planet.
He said that's why Hillary's needed.
They're all telegraphing huge stuff's coming from your intel, your sources, but also your trained eye.
What else big is about to happen that you think people should be made aware of?
The most important thing that should happen and will happen is Trump overriding the Republican Party restrictions in terms of voting and representation.
The American people have to continue to insist one vote, one person, not a delegate, not some quorum, not some caucus.
The party can no longer exist.
The party is not relevant to the existence of our republic.
The Republican Party is dead for all practical purposes.
So is the Democratic Party.
Those of you who believe in what the Republicans stood for really should insist now that Trump be the frontrunner without any more qualifications or restraint.
And those of you who believe that Bernie Sanders should represent the Democratic Party, then do so.
But the reality is Hillary Clinton should be indicted.
The two major aspects that will come forth on the Republic will be the indictment of Hillary Clinton,
For crimes against the state and national security and the crowning of Trump to come forth if that does not happen on either case you will have what we call a political revolution.
Whether it's an agitation in the streets, I don't think so.
Whether it will be an outcry from the American public through social media, I suspect that will happen.
I am intending to read it.
It sounds so interesting, the whole history of your family, the great perspective.
I want to get you set up now in the next few weeks to come on for a full hour just to talk about the new book, Teodora, at stevepachinick.com.
People can find out more there about that.
Stay right there.
We're going to come back to you here in just a moment.
So please set that up, Nico.
I want to get him on.
I know it's been a lot of news taking place, but this is really important to go back to the history of what he and his mother witnessed and some of the things that helped develop his understanding of things.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Breakin' the law.
Breakin' the rules.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, Dr. Petchenik, I've got another question for you, and I know we're out of time.
I appreciate you coming on and going back and forth, you know, in this kind of discussion today.
But here are the questions I'm getting on Infowars.com.
Did Trump really say transgenders should use any bathroom they want or is this media spin?
No, he said we shouldn't build them their own bathrooms because it'll bankrupt people like the access ramps.
That's what he said.
So everybody's just going to single-person bathrooms because of all this weirdness and this is admitted psych warfare, going after the family, political correctness, attacking mother and father.
This is stuff you'd use to kill a civilization.
It's like ant killer.
You know, like we're ants or something.
Dr. Puccini, what do you think of the political correctness?
I think that's their only weapon, is just getting us all to infight with each other.
I think that's backfiring.
What's your view on that?
Well, I think it's backfiring.
I think that, you know, you have to be sensitive to differences and cultural variations, but it doesn't mean you over... you overstep your bounds, and it means you don't spend a lot of time on that issue.
We've had
America should be proud of the fact that we've had, number one, we have an African-American president, number two, we have women on the Supreme Court, number three, we've really advanced quite a lot.
And, you know, advancement takes some amount of push and pushback, and that's part of our revolution.
You know, we have always been in constant motion, and we always will be in constant motion.
But the key right now is to focus in on the fact that the American will has to be represented
By a president who represents the American will and not the American political correctness.
That has to be determined by Trump, Hillary, or whoever they want to put up there if Hillary's indicted.
That's their problem.
The key issue now is that we have massive amounts of corruption that's occurred domestically, internationally, that's been exposed by our own internal intelligence system.
We have a republic that will continue to go on, but unfortunately we're sending soldiers overseas without the permission of the American people.
I know of a group of young men who are going now into the Horn of Africa.
They're coming out of Florida and the question is why?
Why are we continuing to send our young men and women into harm's way when in fact we haven't declared a state of war and we're not in a state of war.
A war on terror does not exist.
Yeah, I know about a war on terror!
I know about some of those African operations that are going on too, this is a great find.
I mean they're doing, and they give them these wild cover stories to make the special ops people think that it's for a greater good, but it's very limited.
They like have the intro mission, that's the cover mission, and then the rest of the mission.
Aren't those soldiers, I think they are smart enough to figure that out?
Well, most of them are highly trained.
Many of them are masters in political science.
Many of them are advanced politicians in our communities.
Many of them are far superior in intelligence than you would have imagined.
But nevertheless, they joined to serve our country.
The issue at hand isn't the fact that they're serving our country.
The issue at hand is where are we deploying our troops and why?
And why isn't our president, whoever is in charge, explaining why we're deploying thousands of men into the Horn of Africa?
And why are we still continuing in a 15-year war in Afghanistan that is certainly self-destructed?
And why are we still in Iraq, for the God knows how many times?
So, these are the issues that have to be quickly resolved.
Trump has articulated the problem.
Trump has said, look, we have to look at this in a serious way and we need generals like Mike Flynn and others to address the issues of where we can and where we shouldn't be involved.
I don't think we belong in the Horn of Africa.
If we need the Horn of Africa, there are many mercenary companies that can go there instead of our own men and women.
And I think we have to reconsider where our deployments are occurring and what we need them for.
Alright, Dr. Pucinich, I know you're a busy guy, but I said this a few months ago when you were on.
Will you come on soon and talk about your new book?
No problem.
It's always a pleasure to be on, and God bless you people, and thank you all for everything you've done for this country.
All of you.
Dr. Pucinich, does it feel good?
I look forward to seeing it.
I mean, just in 10 seconds.
I feel great.
How good does it feel, though, seeing 9-11 Truth come out?
I mean, that's got to feel good.
Well, it feels wonderful, but we still have a lot of work to do, and I think the American public should congratulate itself and also continue to fight.
And thanks to all of you for a wonderful, wonderful evening.
Thank you, Dr. Pucinich.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Sheriff Clark, Hillary's hot sauce comment dehumanizing.
What's something that you always carry with you?
Hot sauce.
Are you getting information right now?
Hot sauce.
Hot sauce in my bags, what?
Hot sauce.
Now listen, I just want you to know, people are going to see this and say, okay, she's pandering to black people.
Is it working?
Article up by Steve Watson.
Appearing on Fox News' Fox and Friends Wednesday, Clark said Clinton's performance was dehumanizing, adding that it is embarrassing and, quite frankly, disgusting.
I'm surprised she didn't just say watermelon.
Just go all the way with it, Clark added.
If any other candidate were to say something like that about black people, it would derail their campaign.
But the rules seem to be different for the Clintons, and that is something that we continue to see.
Black people know they're being pandered to, Clark said.
Nothing has gotten better under Democrat control.
You go to all the cities where there's high poverty.
They're all run by liberal Democrat mayors.
This is Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, this fourth hour.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be talking to Larry Nichols live at the bottom of the hour.
We're going to play a report for you here in just a moment from Billy Corrigan.
We pulled this out because it was very interesting when he talked about how Facebook is trying to ban a Trump page.
So we're going to play that report in just a moment.
Before we do, I want you to be aware of the many different ways that tricks are being used in this election.
This is one of the key things about this election, I think.
Win or lose, it's key that we educate people about the crooked games that are being played.
Here's an example of one, okay?
In Pennsylvania, there's this article from Bloomberg.
Trump wave builds in a steel town that's been forsaken by the world economy.
Of course, they talk about it being a Trump wave because this is the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
It's been devastated by floods, not once or twice, but three times in less than a century.
But the thing that really wiped them out was the economic wave, as they point out, that washed away the steel.
I think so.
And there's going to be some delegates that follow whoever wins this contest.
But that's not that many delegates.
Most of the delegates are going to be done later, in an election that most people are not talking about.
They don't want you to talk about it, because just like in Colorado, like the GOP establishment person told one of the people that we interviewed, they told her, well, she said, why hasn't this been publicized?
Nobody's talking about this election and how this is being done.
He goes, well, we don't want the wrong people to show up.
Now, in Pennsylvania, not only are they not talking about the true election of the delegates, but they don't even allow on the election ballot for it to be indicated as to who the delegates support.
So, you're going to be going, if you bother to go to the second election that you probably won't know about, you're going to be going there to vote for some anonymous delegates.
Okay, you don't know who these guys are, but believe me, the insiders will know who is who.
So if Trump really wants to win that state, he needs to do essentially what Roger Stone has said we're going to do at the Cleveland Convention.
So we're going to go around, we're going to talk to the delegates, we're going to say,
Declare who you support.
Do you come from a state like South Carolina where Trump won all the delegates?
Then tell us, do you support Trump or do you support Cruz?
Who are you really?
And like I said yesterday, the reason we have this language of delegates, and we say it's Trump's delegates or Cruz's delegates, is because of the Electoral College.
And in that situation, the guy who wins the state gets to send his slate of candidates in.
So if the Republican Party wins, they've already got a slate of delegates that they've registered with the Board of Elections saying, these are the delegates that are going to go for the Republican candidate.
Likewise for the Democrats.
Even for the Libertarian Party, as I pointed out yesterday.
I was on a slate of delegates in case the Libertarian Party candidate won.
You would expect, wouldn't you, that the candidate's delegates are going to be loyal to the candidate.
Now, they can always change their mind as delegates if we get into several rounds of voting, but you still wanted to make sure this person's going to be loyal to the voters' wishes, because it's the voters that we're really taking them away from.
So, what Trump needs to do is he needs to run some ads in that state saying, hey,
They're trying to rig Pennsylvania too.
They're going to have, I want you to vote in this election because there's some delegates up in this beauty contest.
That's important, the beauty contest.
But the real election is coming at such and such a date.
And here are the slate of candidates that you should be voting for.
Or send them to a website and say these are the delegates you should be voting for.
We need to get smart about how this game is played and we need to educate the people that there is a game that is being played about this.
Let's talk about, let's run this report of Billy Corgan talking about how Facebook is banning Trump pages.
A lot of my friends are what I would quantify as average American citizens in my family.
What do they do at a participatory level to either encourage or discourage things that they don't agree with?
And I think it takes a little bit more savvy, if we're in the info war, it takes a little bit more savvy to know how to get into those systems in a way that we can leverage our own position, just like the social justice warriors do, but at the same time not resort to the kind of the scummy part of it all, which is sort of leading people astray.
Look, when you use the word liberty, most people don't find that word sexy.
You know, racist has a lot more ooh-ahh to it than libertarian.
Libertarian sounds like you're stuck in the back of a truck with Ron Paul and he's talking to you about, like, you know, policy papers and freedom.
It doesn't sound very exciting to me, okay?
You know, I tend to like the social argument.
You have to start, this would be my argument, you have to start by identifying that the most powerful thing in the world right now are these technocratic systems that are in place, search engines, the way we connect on these social platforms.
Governments have either encouraged these things to come along or quickly realizes that they were the new element, arms of control.
And so you have to ask yourself whether your participation in these systems is actually enslaving you.
Then you have to drill down a little further and you have to want to ask questions about if what you're doing and participating in is truly as open as it seems.
So if Twitter, for example, is full of people of a diversity of opinions, and you feel like, hey, it's capitalist.
It's my idea versus yours.
Who tweets more?
Who gets more retweets?
Who says the right incendiary thing?
Who does the right mean?
That's America.
And I would only argue, you know, where do you cross the line?
And you see it all the time.
I mean, InfoWorks puts up articles.
As somebody who's in the world, and I have to watch what I say, when you see a page that's literally, and the page is, the Facebook page is, assassinate Donald Trump.
And I believe Facebook comes out and says, that doesn't violate our standards and practices.
Okay, that's where somebody like myself has to ask, is my participation in the Facebook system, and I would call it a system,
Am I actually encouraging something which, as an American, I find offensive.
And I also find it offensive that a business would support... You can call... I would have no problem with a page that said, Donald Trump's a racist.
Donald Trump's a homophobe.
Because that's just opinion.
The minute you talk about killing someone... Sorry.
That's where you need to step in as a business and say, I will not support that.
So why is that okay?
But you can imagine what page you could create on Facebook today, and there would be calls for you to never work here at InfoWars ever again.
That's where it gets funky.
So you have to be sophisticated enough to look at those systems and say, is my participation encouraging something that I know deep down is intrinsically not only flawed,
We're good to go.
Of not having that reach that I have to the 4 million plus people that follow us on Facebook, because at the end of the day, I as an American can't support that.
So, does it bother me?
Do I have to have the argument in my head?
To this point, I haven't made that decision.
If you're not having that argument in your own head, then you're not participating, and then, to use Alex's term, you're just a drone who's just falling around, and you're pretending you have no influence, and you do.
And I think, too, it's really time for a lot of us who are libertarians and who are for freedom and who are concerned and who do... We're not kind of in the trance.
We do see... We do need to start coming together and working and setting up our own systems to counteract their systems that they have.
That's why we use the word empowerment.
Empowering people with... Let's not call it the facts and the truth.
The facts and truth are always kind of ephemeral.
It's just eye of the beholder stuff.
Empowering people to have a better range of decision making as far as how they approach their social systems, I think that's powerful.
Then if you take the extra step and you say, like, maybe InfoWars sets up its own version of social media so that like-minded businesses are able to participate in a system that is ultimately holistic to the ideas that you would believe in.
Okay, and that was Billy Corgan with Leanne McAdoo talking about Facebook and banning, you know, they're trying to ban cash.
And we've got an article at Infowars.com.
It's Mark Dice and yet another man on the street.
This has been picked up by the Drudge Report.
I want to play some of Mark Dice's report.
Banning cash.
Will people sign a petition to ban cash?
...and move forward in a cashless society.
Most people don't even carry any cash on them, so we're going to be issuing a new digital currency instead of cash for people to use to help the economy.
How is it going to help the economy?
Well, it'll eliminate the black market with no cash, it'll eliminate people avoiding paying taxes, and with the digital, just print
Print Birthday Signature.
With the digital currency, people's purchases will always be tracked, traced and database for more accountability.
I want my purchases tracked?
Does that sound good?
I'm not sure what you have to hide.
Just give us a quick print here.
Print Birthday Signature.
Just to help move America forward.
Just to help keep everybody safe.
This will help to encourage everyone's purchases are tracked and traced and database to just to make sure they're not buying things they shouldn't be buying.
Well, maybe I like buying stuff I shouldn't be buying.
Well, we're gonna put an end to that.
Now you can see the rest of that report at InfoWars.com and again you can also find it at the Drudge Report.
It's currently linked there.
That's Mark Dice getting people to sign a petition as to whether or not we should ban cash.
Now, they're not just banning cash.
They're changing our money.
They're changing the people on money.
We're going to talk about what's really behind that.
They've got everybody fighting now.
That's what Obama does really well.
Divide people along racial lines.
We're also going to talk about the pissing contest that's going on in all of our bathrooms across the country.
Trump has stepped into that now.
We're going to talk about that coming up.
Before we do, real quickly, I want to let you know about a special that we've got at InfoWars.com.
We've created a new skeletal defense pack.
We're good.
Now, when we come back, we're going to talk about Donald Trump's comments on changing the $20 bill, we're going to talk about what's really behind it, and then we're also going to talk about what is going on in the latest bathroom wars.
We'll be right back.
I've been warning you for a long, long time that strategic elites, governmental and corporate power structures have been digging in for a societal and cultural collapse that will make the Great Depression of the 1930s look tame in comparison.
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And if you add it into all the other massive preparations that are taking place, it's stunning.
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Local governments are digging in.
And then policies are being put in place to shut down half of our power plants.
And cut off our energy and put regulations on farmers that bankrupt them and shut down local industries and jobs.
It's cloward and pivot.
They want us bankrupt so we can be socially engineered.
This is the globalist revolution against humanity.
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But whatever you do...
Let's pray for peace and prepare for war.
And when I say war, I mean the globalist war of famine and economic collapse.
They don't want us to be prepared.
They don't want us to be independent.
I hope we never have to use our storable foods.
I hope we never have to defend ourselves with the Second Amendment.
But now it's becoming a probability, almost a certainty, and not just the possibility it was 21 years ago when I first got on air.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be talking to Larry Nichols, who's going to be rejoining us, who was on with Alex earlier in the broadcast.
He's going to be rejoining us in the next segment.
Before we do, I want to talk about some of these crazy issues that we're dealing with right now.
And of course, the first one, we just had Mark Dice asking people, would they sign a petition to ban cash?
Because, you know,
If you're using cash, maybe you've got something to hide.
Maybe you're a bad person.
Maybe you aren't controlled enough by the central banks.
So we need to ban cash.
And it's ironic to me that as our government and as the Federal Reserve move to ban cash, they're playing games with whose faces are on our bills.
Now look.
We need to understand what's really going on here.
This is not only political correctness.
Donald Trump was right to call it out and say changing Jackson, taking him off and putting Harriet Tubman on is nothing but pure political correctness.
He was absolutely right.
And he said exactly the same thing.
As Ben Carson did.
We've got the story up on Infowars.com.
Steve Watson quoting Donald Trump.
He said, I think Harriet Tubman is fantastic, but Andrew Jackson had a great history.
I think it's very tough when you take somebody off of a bill.
He said, I'd love to leave Jackson on, see if maybe we can come up with another denomination.
Maybe the $2 bill or another denomination.
That's essentially what Ben Carson said.
He said, I'd like to honor both of them.
So, let's come up with something new.
That's what Greta Van Susteren said.
She said, let's come up with something new.
She proposed the $25 bill.
Because actually, we've already got a $2 bill with Jefferson on it, I think.
But nobody uses it.
She thinks the $25 bill will be more useful.
She goes on to say this, you know, I'm a feminist.
I love to see women acknowledged for the great things they do to contribute to our nation.
Harriet Tubman did great things.
But what I don't get is this.
Rather than dividing the country between those who happen to like the tradition of our currency and want President Andrew Jackson to stay put, and those who want to put a woman on the bill, it's so easy to make everybody happy.
Just come up with a new bill, put a Harriet Tubman on it as well.
Look, yeah, Andrew Jackson was a great president.
Did he own slaves?
Did Alexander Hamilton own slaves?
Yes, he did.
In spite of the Broadway play where they've got black people and women playing the founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton owned slaves as well.
He even bought slaves, okay?
Let's understand the real issue here, okay?
Like I said, they're banning cash.
The real issue is that you are a slave, folks.
Obama owns slaves.
The Federal Reserve owns slaves.
They own you.
You are the slave.
Aren't you upset about that?
Let's get the Federal Reserve off of our money.
Get their hands off of our money.
Let's go back to constitutional money.
That's what Jackson was fighting for.
They put his face on the bill.
Because he fought them, and he won.
But then, in the 20th century, when they made these bills again, they won.
It was kind of bragging rights.
But now that everybody's forgotten that, they've moved on.
Look, Andrew Jackson is the only general who fought in both Revolutionary and the War of 1812, okay?
He saved this country.
The British had burned down the White House.
He saved this country in the Battle of 1812.
Probably should have played that as we came in.
He also
Saved people from, not just the British, but he saved them from the federal bank slavery!
He talked about how they should not be given this monopoly power over people.
How they should not be able to manipulate the economy.
And of course we had people in the 20th century make that same argument about the Federal Reserve.
He also saved the country from the Supreme Court and its overreach.
From the Supreme Court saying you don't have to obey the Constitution.
And have gold and silver behind your money.
He also saved the country from the idea that the Supreme Court has the final say.
But of course now all of those things have been put into place.
That was always a struggle.
And we need to remember that Andrew Jackson beat them at that game and we can beat them at that game again.
And you know the interesting thing is how he beat the British.
You know how he did that?
He did that with militiamen, with riflemen, the militia, untrained soldiers, and freed slaves, and even some pirates, okay?
That's how he beat the British.
And so that's the lesson from Andrew Jackson, and we need to remember that.
We get to the bathroom wars, this cultural pissing contest that's going on.
Kind of the focus is in North Carolina.
Well, today we had Donald Trump step into it, big time, I think.
And some of his remarks, I think, are being misconstrued, but some of them aren't.
Let's first look at what's happening to some of these other people.
Curt Schilling was fired by Disney.
Well, ESPN, but, you know, Disney owns that.
Disney, the people who are trying to propagandize your children with their worldview.
I tell you,
I took my family, because I've got a young daughter.
We always go to see movies that the older crowd likes to see.
So we thought, let's go to Zootopia.
It had great reviews, it had a funny trailer.
So I said, alright, let's go watch this.
Took the whole family to it, and after about 10 or 15 minutes, I was so disgusted with the social engineering of feminist roles in this that I said, we're leaving.
We got up, the whole family.
I said, give me my money back.
I am tired of the social engineering of Disney.
Well, we got Kurt Schindler saying, Kurt Schilling saying, a man is a man no matter what they call themselves.
I don't care what they are, who they sleep with.
A men's room was designed for the penis.
Women's, not so much.
Now you need laws telling us differently?
That's pathetic.
Well, you know what?
We're fired for that.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Once again, the social justice warriors are back at it again.
Andrew Jackson, who fought Central Bank, removed from $20 bill, but they'll leave Hamilton on the $10 bill.
And he was pro-Central Bank, as public concern for liberty erased.
Article up by Max Labo.
The latest battle is for the face of the currency itself, and the central bankers who control the front anyway.
I think?
We're good to go.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and joining us now in this half hour we have Larry Nichols.
He of course is somebody who's been a longtime Clinton whistleblower.
I'm gonna go to Larry in just a moment.
Before we do I want to let you know about this new product we have that's just arrived at Infowarslife.com.
Bone Support.
This is something that looks excellent.
I'm gonna definitely use this.
Bone Support contains the highest quality forms of calcium,
Orotate, magnesium orotate, vitamin D3, even MSM.
They say some formulas containing MSM or magnesium alone can cost as much as one bottle of bone support, but you have these additional nutrients in here.
And as part of the introductory offer, we're offering this in a skeletal defense pack with joint force.
Now this is something, our joint formula, that we've had
For a while here, this is our new product.
Bone Support is joining Joint Formula and you can get the two of those together in a skeletal defense pack for 20% off.
Again, that's at Infowarslife.com.
You know, your bones and your skeleton protect your vital organs and
If you start to have problems with your bones as you start to get older, if you have problems with your joints, that is going to take away your mobility.
That is something that is very important.
It's something that is especially important as we start to age.
We need to make sure that we have the correct nutrients, even for younger people, because we have such... our food has been stripped of nutrients.
You need to make sure that you have these supplements so you don't develop these kinds of problems at a much, much earlier age.
It's something that happens commonly to people as they get older.
But without the kind of supplement that you need to make sure that you're getting, that you're possibly not getting in your food, you may have these kind of skeletal problems at a much earlier age.
So again, you can get our new bone support formula as well as our joint formula.
You can get those two together for 20% off with the Skeletal Defense Pack.
That's at InfoWarsLife.com.
Joining us now is Larry Nichols.
Of course, he was a Clinton State House back in Arkansas.
He's a whistleblower, government insider.
He served as a political confidant and advisor to Governor Bill Clinton.
That must have been tough for a long time.
For more than 10 years, he helped Clinton get elected and re-elected as governor of Arkansas, and he has blown the whistle on the Clintons.
Joining us again now is Larry Nichols.
Welcome, Larry.
How are you, David?
It's an honor meeting you.
It's an honor to talk to you.
This is the first time I had a chance to interview you.
Now, you were talking to Alex earlier today, and you were saying that, talking about repercussions that the elite will resort to if Trump wins.
I think it's interesting that John McCain and Jeb Bush have said that they're not going to be at the convention.
What do you make of that?
They're not even going to be there.
Well, you know, it's not just Jeb Bush and John McCain.
There's been three or four other
Senior establishment Republican congressmen and senators that have announced, because they're in races, they've announced they're not going to the convention.
David, that's probably the biggest thing to tell people what's going to happen at the convention.
The fix is in, right?
Yeah, the fix is in.
And David, you know this.
These guys that are running for office, they use this convention
As their time to get FaceTime on TV.
Oh yeah!
They get in front of a big crowd, you know, they get to be somebody.
For them to turn down this opportunity is huge.
Why are they doing it?
Well, because they know when they pull that nomination for Trump, when he justifiably should get it, there's going to be outrage.
And so guess what?
They don't want it to come back on them in their down ballot race.
They don't want it.
That's right.
Or future races that they're going to do.
Yeah, or future races that they're going to do.
It looks like they are... I mean, we keep hearing them say that they'd rather support the Clintons than to support Trump.
They're willing to burn down the party so they can forward this globalist agenda that they've got, just as we've seen them do over and over again with the Keystone Pipeline.
That's been their first priority.
It doesn't matter that they got elected to control the borders or to turn back Obamacare.
No, the thing they kept focusing on was the Keystone Party, the Keystone Pipeline, because they are the Keystone Party.
And now they're focused on still keeping the borders open, but also getting these trade treaties through, getting the climate treaties through.
That's their real agenda.
Hillary will give them all of that, and they're willing to burn their little party down so that they can get that agenda forwarded.
You know, David, you've known it, I've known it, Alex has known it, we've all talked about it for years.
There's not two parties.
That's right.
There isn't.
They're just, it's a system.
And the system says you got to make people believe they have a choice.
So they set up a blue team, a red team.
But as you're seeing on the Democrat side, they got the superdelegates.
So before you even get in the race, somebody that gets all the superdelegates, in this case like Hillary, well technically she's already won.
The Republicans don't have superdelegates.
What they've got is they have their delegates.
And their delegates are party people.
There's not a person that is a delegate for the RNC.
That there's not a party loyalist from top to bottom.
What does that mean?
That means whatever the power says at the management level with the party to do, they're going to do it.
Here you've got the perfect setup.
They're going to go in the convention.
They're going to say, golly gee, for whatever reason, the rules committee and remember the rules committee has said they can do whatever they want to do with the rules.
They can do anything they want to.
That's right, we're fighting the referees as well as the league, aren't we?
You bet.
And people think, well, they've got to, they've got to.
No, they don't have to do anything.
The RNC and the DNC are private clubs.
They can do anything they want to do.
Now, this gives us our last opportunity, David.
When we lose this one, if we lose this one, there will not be, David, another election.
They won't.
This is the last election we're going to have.
This is it.
I agree.
Part of that, part of that is with all the illegal aliens that they're going to be able to make, be able to vote with the Mexicans, the Syrians, Muslims, etc.
The average American, white guy, black guy, anybody in the category of average everyday American, the people that have made this nation great, we're not going to be relevant.
We're not going to have enough votes.
But worse than that,
Let me ask you this, David.
After what has come out in this campaign about the system and how it works, how could there ever be another election?
Oh, absolutely.
And one of the things that's good about this is that so far, Donald Trump hasn't just shut up and gone along with it like, unfortunately, Ron Paul did last time.
You know, you're talking about the Democrats and Republicans.
Now, the Democrats have got their superdelegates.
You know, the Republicans have got their secret delegates.
The people, like we're talking about just at the beginning of this, they're now starting to talk about how in Pennsylvania they're going to have a beauty contest, which we think is the election, but then there's going to be another election that follows after that.
There'll be delegates, but they won't list on the ballot who these delegates support.
And so that's where we need to have our voice.
Except, Larry, when we talk about it,
And we say, we want to do something about this, we want to expose this, we want to show who these people are, we want to show up and lobby these delegates.
Cruz is allowed to lobby the delegates, and that's just politics, that's just fine.
But if we talk about lobbying the delegates, we're accused of inciting a riot, inciting violence, because we're a mob, right?
Well, the other problem we've got is show me a delegate.
Show me a delegate.
Anybody listening to this program, tell me somebody you know that is a delegate.
You can't find them.
You cannot find them.
They're secrets.
They're secrets.
Now, that's why I tell you, if you understand and believe as I do, this is the last election we're going to have.
Either we win this one,
Our country is done.
Now, let me say to all those people that are going, oh, conspiracy, conspiracy.
Yeah, there might be an election in four years.
You know, Russia and Cuba, quote unquote, have elections.
Oh, yeah, that's right.
But it's not going to be the elections like we thought we were supposed to be having.
But after what has come out just in this election, David, tell me why any man, woman or child would go vote
In a Republican or Democratic primary election, why would you go vote?
Because you now know you're wasting your time.
The establishment, the hierarchy, they're gonna pick who they want.
That's right.
We can feel good that we went and voted but that's all we can do is feel good we went and voted because we have no say so.
There can't be another election.
I think that's why the the anger is building with the people because we have seen over a period of time unfolding we knew that they were doing these trans-pacific partnership they called a partnership and not a treaty they played all these semantic games like we see Cruz and the establishment playing now when they called a partnership or they call it
A trade agreement and say, well, that's not a treaty.
We don't have to use a treaty process that's in the Constitution to approve that.
And oh, by the way, we're working on this for years, but you're not allowed to see it.
We're not even going to allow your elected representatives to see it for a long time, OK?
And then once they allowed it, guess what?
The elected representatives could care less, except for Senator Sessions.
And he's the only one, the only senator who has endorsed Donald Trump as the guy who read this deal that is set up to screw us, a secret trade deal.
And so we've seen these secret trade deals being done.
We've seen all these insiders doing this.
And this is not free trade.
This is about managing our economy with a small group of people.
And we've seen this.
We've been getting angry about this.
And then we got one guy who comes out of nowhere and says, you know what?
I'm angry about that too.
And I'm going to run against that as well.
And I'm going to expose that.
And not only that, I'm going to take back
We're going to either renegotiate or end NAFTA because that's been a horrible deal for us.
I mean, talking about getting Mexico to build a fence, Mexico is making $60 billion a year in a trade surplus with the U.S.
because of NAFTA.
I mean, it was an even situation.
Sometimes it would be a $2 or $3 or $5 billion surplus one way or the other until they passed NAFTA.
Then it jumped to $15 billion, went as high as $90 something, and now we have
We've settled this last year at about $60 billion trade deficit.
We've lost so much money to just Mexico, not even Canada over this deal.
And they're about to roll this out in steroids.
And that's the secret government.
Now we have the secret election.
They're running the election the same way they put these trade treaties in.
That's what people are getting upset about.
That's what they're waking up to as well.
Well, remember, the health care bill.
You know, Nancy Pelosi, you're gonna have to vote and vote and approve the bill before you get to read and see what's inside.
Well, that sounds insane, right?
That's right.
That's the way they do it.
Look at what you're being told now.
Go vote.
But you'll just have to go vote.
We'll tell you who's gonna be the nominee.
Now, having said all of this, there's one thing
One thing, David, that I know, and I know you know it.
There's one thing all these politicians won't warn anything on Earth.
One thing they're afraid to warn anything on Earth.
It's not me.
It's not you.
It's not our kids, grandkids.
It's not the country.
It's not anything.
Their job.
It's all about their job.
So come Monday, we're going to fight back.
We are.
Now, I've done this trick before, by the way.
It works every time.
I did it with the Dubai Ports thing.
That's how we got that turned around.
Come Monday on my Facebook, go to it.
There's going to be a script and there's going to be phone numbers for four or five senators and congressmen, the ones that are in races.
And we're going to basically say, David, in this script, we want people to call.
You won't call up that Congressman and Senator.
You're going to say, hey, listen, to his staffer, because you're not going to talk to that person.
You're going to say this.
If Congressman Blank does not fight and support whichever candidate actually wins the majority of votes from the people in that convention,
If you let it get stripped away, you don't even have to say Trump, whichever one actually wins the vote from the people.
If you don't fight to make sure that person gets the rightful nomination, I'm going to do everything in my power with my family, my friends, everyone I know.
And I'm going to see to it that you lose your election this time and you'll never hold public office again.
That's excellent.
And you've been around.
You know how this works.
You helped to get Bill Clinton elected and re-elected.
Let me give them your Facebook.
It's facebook.com forward slash Larry dot Nichols dot 921.
That's Larry dot Nichols dot 921.
And that's how they can find that information.
That's going to start on Monday.
When you go to Facebook, you'll know it's mine because it'll say up at the top of it, Revolution Tips Out 2.0.
So please, kind of look, and maybe Larry Nichols Conway, I don't know.
I can't figure that stuff out.
But go there, it's going to be there.
But David, this is important.
There's a rule.
I wrote it, so I know about it.
Did it for the Clintons.
Now it's part of Washington.
You can never make someone love you enough, David.
To work as hard to get you elected as somebody that hates you will work to defeat you.
That's a fundamental law in politics.
That's right.
We're going to use that.
We've never had more power than we're going to have right now.
And we can destroy the Republican Party down ballot.
I mean, we can destroy congressmen, senators, chances of getting elected, judges, governors, state reps, you name it.
If we can get enough people, and it doesn't have to be as many as you think, David, because we're going to use what's called force multiplication.
You know, if I call you one time, that's one call, right?
Yeah, that's right.
But if I call your office five times, and each time I call, I don't, you know, each time I call, I get another staffer.
I'm now five people.
Well, think about it.
If I got a thousand people calling that congressman's office or your office, and each one calls five times, that's
5,000 people, then their old minds start working.
Because remember, they're scared of us at election time.
Only time, but they're scared at election time.
All of a sudden they think, well my God, you know, David, if there's 5,000 people that have called and said this,
I bet there's 5 million that feel that way but just haven't called.
And nobody showed up.
And so when you have a situation where you've got tens of thousands of people show up for Trump, that's amazing.
And nobody calls them on issues.
And we've seen this happen over and over again.
I've seen when they've tried to restrict homeschooling.
I've seen what a determined group of homeschoolers can do to turn that legislation around.
As you pointed out, if they know that people are going to hate them on this particular issue, and they can make that go away, they know that it's, if they're, on the other hand, if people are motivated to get them out, motivated enough to call them, that's a big issue.
So you're going to focus these people on some key individuals, and how are you picking these individuals?
That's the key thing, is how you pick these individuals.
I know them.
I know most all of the long-time standing congressmen and senators, and I know which
Are two things.
We need, number one, scared.
And then, number two, the ones that will spread the word to the others.
And we don't have to call all the congressmen and all the senators.
Hey, we want to pick three or four congressmen and senators, call that group, pour the coal to them.
They'll spread the word.
They'll spread the word.
Now, another part of it is we're going to find out people that aren't going to the convention.
If you're not going to the convention, I got you.
And that's what people gotta know, David.
Because they're already scared, aren't they, Larry?
They're already afraid of the public.
That's why they're not going to the convention in the first place.
That's a key point.
If you're not going to the convention, folks, you say these words, I got you, buddy.
I got you.
Jeb's not going.
Jeb's not going because Jeb is a mess.
He can very easily be intimidated.
We've seen him be intimidated.
He was intimidated by Donald Trump, and we know Donald Trump's supporters can intimidate him.
Hang on, we gotta take a commercial break.
We're gonna be right back with Larry Nichols.
A great plan of action.
Stay with us, we'll talk more about that in just a minute.
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My name is Alex Jones.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Ein and we're talking to Larry Nichols and he has a strategic plan to apply political pressure to key people.
This is a grassroots plan.
It's something you can participate in.
It doesn't cost you anything but your time.
This is something we all need to... What is it worth to
When they take our freedoms.
I'll go back to Larry Nichols in just a moment.
I had Rob Doo pop his head in here during the break and say, you know, Prince just died.
He had some interesting comments when he was talking to people.
He's talked in the past about chemtrails, but he also talked about copyright protection on his art.
And he said, you know, pretty soon they're going to come after our DNA.
Because this is a guy who was awake on a number of levels.
A prince who just died today.
And before I go back to Larry Nichols, I just want to mention briefly that we have a new product, Bone Support, and we are offering that in conjunction with joint formula for 20% off and a skeletal defense pack.
Now, Bone Support is an exclusive formula that contains key compounds that are known to support healthy bones and teeth.
And also, you get that with a joint formula.
We call that the Skeletal Defense Plan.
Offering that brand new product.
If you want to try that, get it with a 20% discount.
And if you haven't tried joint formula, that's a good time to try joint formula as well.
Get those two together.
We call it the Skeletal Defense Pack.
20% off.
Let's go back to Larry Nichols.
Larry, tell us how people can help you.
First, before we go back to talking about your plan on putting pressure on key people to tell them to follow what the voters are saying.
Tell people how they can help you with PayPal, because I know you're facing some very serious health issues.
Well, I need it.
I ain't begging, but I need it desperately.
You can go to PayPal.
And go to NicholsLiveAtAOL.com.
And that's N-I-C-H-O-L-S.
And folks, if you can help, please do.
You know, I wish I were well enough, David, where I wouldn't have to ask people for help.
Don't apologize.
I wish I wouldn't have to ask people to give me help.
To make these phone calls.
Folks, all I'm asking, all David, we're asking people to do is you're going to get these guys' number.
You're going to make five phone calls to four or five different people.
We're talking about making 20 to 25 phone calls to save your nation, if you're not willing to do that.
That's right.
That's right.
If you're not willing to do that, don't look in the mirror and call yourself a patriot, because you're not.
You're not.
Boy, when you think about what people have done in the past, they've put everything on the line.
They've put all their property, their reputation, and their lives on the line in so many different ways.
I talked to a guy who is a historical interpreter for George Washington.
When you think about what the guys went through at Valley Forge during that winter, what many people have gone through over our history, if you won't pick up the phone
And make a few calls to make sure that these politicians are, that their feet are held to the fire, that they do what the people want them to do.
And this is a single issue, you know, over and over again.
We have elected them for particular issues and they turn their backs on us.
Well, I'm going to say one other thing.
When I heard today's program with Alex, I got to tell you something, David.
With the things that are coming, folks,
Nah, David will tell you.
I hope he'll tell you.
I get nothing from you.
I'm not here to haunt product or sell anything.
But I'm gonna tell you all something and you better listen tight.
We got about 20 seconds.
Larry, go ahead.
This country, this country's coming down if we're not careful and if we don't win.
That's right.
Y'all better get, better get stocked up on the things that you can get right here with.
It's serious now.
It's serious now.
Yes, thank you so much.
Thank you, Larry Nichols.
Join us tonight, 7 Central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, for the nightly news.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Sheriff Clark, Hillary's hot sauce comment dehumanizing.
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Hot sauce.
Are you getting information right now?
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