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Name: 20160406_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 6, 2016
3031 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics, including ISIS using Trump's insults to recruit jihadists, the IMF's plan for Greece, media coverage of Hillary Clinton, and the Panama Papers leak. They also talk about potential RNC nominee and mega-banks' influence on society. Historical context regarding Native American reservations and British concentration camps is discussed, as well as the need to resist the new world order by sabotaging the system legally. The show promotes ExtendoVite, a heart health supplement, Big Berkey Water Filters, and DNA Force for gut and liver health."

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And your support is helping us defend liberty worldwide.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live, we are broadcasting worldwide today.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I have a very special report I want to air first off, straight up, on this Wednesday, the sixth day already of April 2016 transmission by John Bowne.
His reports are so important.
ISIS Supreme Commander Hillary Clinton lectures America on ISIS.
Obviously, they put the full power of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party in the establishment.
In a huge way against Donald Trump and he lost to Ted Cruz in Wisconsin.
They're trying to create a meme now.
This is the fall of Donald Trump and the fall of populism.
We've got Roger Stone joining us for the second hour today to break down what's really happening and a lot more.
But first the John Bowne report and then we'll get into incredible over-the-top political correctness at a new level.
So get ready for that.
They've created ISIS.
Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama.
He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter.
They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.
Hillary Clinton would have us all forget about the failed regime changes she oversaw in Egypt and Libya that led up to the staged rollout of Benghazi, as an actual Marine sergeant pointed out to Bill Clinton on the campaign trail back in February.
Eight years active duty service, two tours direct.
Between the 31, I had seven that were killed, six wouldn't be on their terms.
And I have met with many of these Gold Star parents and families, so I've seen them.
I've seen them mourn.
And the thing is that we had four lives in Benghazi that were killed and your wife tried to cover it up.
Benghazi, now commonly known as a bungled covert operation, nothing less than a CIA arms transfer of Qaddafi's pilfered arsenal to ISIS.
Hillary's accusations of Trump now being somehow responsible for ISIS are on their face laughable.
The way Donald Trump talks about terrorism and his, you know, very insulting language toward Muslims is making him the recruiting sergeant for ISIS.
In January of this year, Soros dropped $8 million to boost Hillary's sluggish campaign.
While we are all overwhelmed and diverted by the ISIS chaos, the New World Order bankers extend their tentacles into their customers' bank accounts worldwide.
As Zero Hedge reports, Wikileaks has now verified what former head of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, admitted one month ago when he said that Europe's economic depression is the result of deliberate policy choices made by EU elites.
It is also what AIG bank strategist Bernard Connolly said back in 2008 when laying out what Europe wants.
The evidence is staggering, as Wikileaks published the transcript of a teleconference that took place on March 19, 2016, between the top two IMF officials in charge of managing the Greek debt crisis, Paul Thompson, the head of IMF's European Department, and Delia Velkulescu, the IMF mission chief for Greece.
The IMF officials say that a threat of an imminent financial catastrophe, as The Guardian puts it, is needed to force other players into accepting its measures, such as cutting Greek pensions and working conditions, or as Bloomberg puts it, considering a plan to cause a credit event in Greece and destabilize Europe.
Under the banner of the globalist soft war,
Through the terror of ISIS, Europe is gradually being forced into total submission, while many Americans bitterly cling to their blind ignorance in the face of an upcoming storm.
Oh, I see nothing!
I was not here!
I did not even get up this morning!
With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans.
Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans?
What difference at this point does it make?
It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.
As ISIS Brigadier General Hillary Clinton lectures the home of the brave and the land of the free, the average American citizen is genuinely insulted.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com
Another powerful hard-hitting report by John Bowne posted on InfoWars.com right now.
Stay with us.
Brain Force is here.
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Born upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
April 6th, 2016 on this Wednesday Worldwide Broadcast.
The private run-for-profit Federal Reserve that got its economic beachhead in New York City in 1913 has now basically taken over the United States and almost the entire world with its economic fraud.
You gotta hand it to those foreign central banks and those foreign robber baron families.
They know how to conquer a country by stealth.
Coming up today, we are going to have the aftermath and we're going to look forward into the future.
I talked to Roger Stone a few weeks ago and he said that he thought Trump would lose Wisconsin because the whole power structure was lining up against him there in the brainwashing campaign to end all brainwashing campaigns.
He also, three months before Trump lost Iowa,
Told me privately that he thought that was the case.
And last night, he predicted, actually yesterday afternoon to me on the phone, exactly what the loss numbers would be.
I don't know how much of this inside baseball he'll get into on air, but man, I wish, I wish I could tell you all the stuff that Roger Stone tells me.
That guy is amazing.
And what's coming up at the convention this year?
In Cleveland, we're going to be there.
I'm going to bring as much of the crew as I can, but it's so important, obviously, to run InfoWars here in Austin, Texas.
David Knight's going to be co-hosting here.
I'm going to be there for at least a week, probably more, because this is going to be the open attempt to steal the popular vote from the American people.
The RNC is back on national television, openly saying they're going to select someone, probably not even Cruz or Kasich.
Another top Republican, Karl Rove said this last week, but another top Republican said, oh, well, we may select Kasich.
So we're going to be taught here that it isn't about our popular vote now, it's about the Kingmakers.
RNC chairman suggests Kasich could be picked as nominee.
Karl Rove and others say, no, we'll want a fresh face.
So we'll play all of those clips coming up.
This is really the curtain being pulled back in a big, big way.
Also, finally, NBC News, Reuters, Associated Press, four days after I made this point, just pointing out that the mainstream media is the lagging, stumbling brachiosaurus of the dinosaurs, falling into the dustbin of history, constantly, Obama is now being asked, and others are being asked in press conferences,
Why are there no Americans out of tens of thousands of people listed in the Panama Papers?
There's another question, and Wayne Madsen's written about this from fullwars.com, investigative journalist.
Why will none of the Soros publications or pundits even talk about it?
Well, because when you're involved in something, you don't want to draw attention to yourself.
It's come out the Rockefeller Foundation, this is on record, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Endowment, the Ford Foundation, and two of Soros' foundations have been running this data dump for two years with the media preparing it, and within days it's falling flat on its face as a calculated system to go after legal
Offshore accounts of people with as little as $20,000 in them.
Of course, it's the biggest data dump in history.
The biggest theft of data.
Hundreds of times bigger than WikiLeaks.
Because it's just provincial.
It's a giant slice.
And it vaguely is connected to the British Prime Minister's father.
And it's vaguely connected to this soccer player.
And, oh my gosh, we found an account of this
European Prime Minister, and when you go for estate planning and you got $50,000, a mainline lawyer, when you're setting up a trust fund for your kid's college, will try to get you to put it offshore.
It's legal, it's lawful, but they act like it's all the Pelican brief or something and it's totally illegal.
So remember, the big mega banks,
They have created 2.2 quadrillion in the last decade or so, it's really more than that, in totally counterfeit fraudulent paper.
They fix the interest rates, they fix the stock markets, they fix the currency rates to the tune of trillions a day.
That's what the currency market is.
It's in the multi-trillions.
And they're slicing billions off the top every day, totally rigged, they don't deny it.
I know people like Bob Chapman on 20 years ago talking about it, and people roll their eyes.
Since then, it's, you know, Rolling Stone, Associated Press, Headline, everything is rigged for a select group.
And Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan are the number one and number two funders of everything from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama.
To Ted Cruz, to the gun control groups, the open borders, the sponsors of all the ethnic culture events that aren't celebrate art, literature, this and that of black culture, Hispanic culture, Asian culture.
You go to these things.
We have a report coming out soon.
They sat at the Bob Bullock Museum that had a whole section on the plan of San Diego and how it was a Chicano civil rights movement.
The Germans in World War I funded the Mexicans
In Big Bend, across the border, to attack.
Hundreds of people were killed.
And it was the plan of San Diego to kill all whites.
All white males above the age of 16.
And I knew it was at Bob Bullock.
I actually saw it in the paper.
My friend Steve Mason kept trying to get me to go down there.
It closed the other day, that exhibit.
But he got some footage.
We're going to show that to you.
But man, that's, I mean, that's being celebrated.
At the Bob Bullock Natural History Texas Museum.
The Plan of San Diego.
I learned about the Plan of San Diego like 18 years ago out of the Mexican Independence Day Parade.
There were all these people wearing the Plan of San Diego shirts and a Hispanic professor from UT said, Alex, you know what the Plan of San Diego is?
Because you might want to look into it.
And it's just crazy.
And again, it's not the free Hispanics or free Mexico, it's just to get us all fighting with each other.
But at the University of Texas, they teach people that are in cultural studies, the plan of San Diego is a good thing to kill the white people.
And you go see the new Black Panther Party and the Black Lives Matter groups in countless videos saying, we'd just be better off if all the whites were dead.
That's just classic genocidal garbage that every culture has engaged in against itself and others.
This is a human, aberrant behavior.
By the way, I was against World War I. The Austrian-Hungarian Empire did not start that.
The British started it.
They had a, quote, German problem because the Germans were outmaneuvering them with industry and free trade and defeating their empire.
And the Dutch were upset about it.
A bunch of people were mad at the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and Germania itself.
It was dominating economically, but they had a very medieval military command.
It was high-tech, but very medieval.
It was a war cult.
And they just messed with the Germans until they got into that war.
People ask, why would Mexico be allied with Germany and attack the United States during World War I?
Because Germany went in there after Spain left and took over for the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
And so, again, I've got so much news to cover and I'm digressing.
It's just frustrating to know history and to see the public not aware of history.
But just because England started, just because the British Empire started a war with Germany to bring them down, doesn't mean I support German operations to attack the United States.
So, why are Americans not included in the
Panama Papers, NBC Nightly News ask.
We were asking that on Sunday.
Because it's totally tailored to put the Anglo-American establishment in the driver's seat worldwide to extradite anybody they want, including foreigners, or to black-bag American citizens that legally and lawfully take their money out of the U.S., after-tax money, and try to protect themselves.
Only big mega-corporations are allowed to take their money offshore and be tax-exempt, and that's before-tax money.
You can't take your after-tax money and put it overseas, because they can always find some ignorant federal grand jury more than happy to indict you.
One of the many remarkable things about the massive leak of documents known as the Panama Papers is what's so far been lacking.
The documents related to a Panamanian law firm that specializes in creating shell companies for many of the world's richest people proved a glimpse into how secret fortunes and ill-gotten gains are moved through a shadowy financial network according to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism.
The special consortium that you could
The international consortium.
Well, if you just switch that international and consortium, it's consortium, international, America, CIA.
Of course, that's who's running all this, of course.
And it goes on, which worked with news organizations around the world to analyze the files.
Yes, with the directive to not burn any of the Anglo-American operatives.
There's very few connected to the UK as well that have been burned.
It's all been specifically come through for over a year to selectively cook it.
This is parallel construction.
Just like the DEA on record scans your phone records, listens to everything without warrants, not to stop drug dealers, but to shut down drug dealers that aren't on their payroll, that aren't kicking money back.
And we told you that 15, 16 years ago.
It was declassified two years ago that they listen to all your phones with AI computers, track your phone records with the NSA, and then they go create fake investigations with fake informants that then read the data out in court to put you in prison.
And of course, many cases, they just completely frame you and just go all the way.
You can't trust DNA testing.
You can't trust hair, semen testing, blood testing.
None of it.
None of it.
Because the FBI crime lab itself and its head, Dr. Frederick Whitehurst, who's been on the show repeatedly, have talked about how it was a factory of fraud.
And almost every other major crime lab in the country is a factory of fraud.
We're gonna go to break.
Stay with us.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
My name is Alex Jones.
Most of you know me from my syndicated radio program and my documentary films, as well as InfoWars Nightly News.
When I got on air 20 years ago,
I had discovered the Globalist program, their plan to take over the world, and my focus went from running six miles every other day, swimming two, three miles a couple times a week, and lifting weights, to focusing on fighting the Globalist.
I've gone from 279 pounds all the way down to 235 pounds, and the weight's going off even faster.
And it wasn't just that my weight loss accelerated, my muscle mass increased, my stamina, my energy levels
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Thousands of years ago, there was a basic form of chivalry.
Our ancestors would hear the drums of war, giving the warriors of the tribe a chance to organize and prepare a defense.
Sixty years ago, when foreign air forces were approaching filled with bombs, they had drums of their own, air raid sirens.
But in the 21st century, there are silent weapons for quiet war.
Pathenogens added to the food and water, into the lining of plastics that destroy our vitality,
Turn off our hormones and accelerate our journey towards death.
I personally counter this onslaught with AnthroPlex.
AnthroPlex is designed with known organic concentrated herbs to create the basic foundation to normal metabolic activity inside the human body.
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It's time for us to take our bodies back into our own hands and it starts at Infowarslife.com with AnthroPlex.
I want to get into the election over-the-top brainwashing and political correctness and a lot more but first I was this morning driving into work.
Well first off was another bizarre day.
I was out there hiking for about an hour this morning up and down these hills and Lance Armstrong is just running at full speed up and down the hills right where I'm at in the middle of nowhere.
I keep running into Lance Armstrong and the guy's just charging up and down like
Massive degree hills, up and down like a mountain goat.
I don't know why I'm throwing that in there, it's just part of my bizarre life.
Hundreds of square miles of places, and I go here, it's Lance Armstrong.
I go there, it's Lance Armstrong.
He must live down there.
Anyways, side issue.
I was thinking about it then, but then I was also thinking about it driving into work.
We're having our whole future stolen, our destiny stolen.
I know I make that point a lot, but man, when they announce that, okay, there is little tech in all the new cars, so the police can remote control your vehicle, it's for your own good, and when somebody runs from the cops, we'll just disable their car.
I first read about that like 20 years ago, and only select vehicles had it, but police were starting to do it out in LA, where the helicopter sends an order out to the car and there's a program already inside, it's ignition basically, that turns the car off.
Well, it's way beyond that.
It's going to tax us, it's going to track us, it's going to control us, and we're just allowing this whole system to be built that controls every facet of our lives and is run by globalists that are anti-human.
And we know the smartphones and the iPads and the screen time dumbs us down, lowers our IQ, hurts our relationships.
It's not healthy the way we're going.
It'd be one thing if we were rapidly evolving technologically and physically in some good direction.
We are devolving.
We are rotting.
We are falling apart.
And I love the right-wing fake Christian PC police as well.
If I use the word evolve or devolve, they go, there's no such thing as evolution!
I'm not debating Charles Darwin's evolution that the pop liberals don't cover properly and that you don't cover properly.
But no, I don't believe in pop evolution.
And neither does the elite.
You might want to research what they actually believe.
Even the New York Times has reported what the majority of scientists and genetic engineers believe.
They have a word for it.
Maybe I should not even say the name.
That'll make people want to go look it up.
But basically the movie Prometheus is their creation story.
That's what they believe.
I'm not saying that's necessarily what I believe.
I'm telling you what they believe.
They believed it since the time of Charles Darwin.
And then they teach you some pop garbage that they don't even believe.
But let me digress out of that.
The reason I was going down this road for this short segment is that whether you believe there are other entities in other dimensions, aliens, other worlds, whatever you want to call it,
Take the movie Pacific Rim.
Cheesy, fun movie to take ten-year-old kids to.
But at least the preface that we always thought life would come from space, not from a interdimensional fracture in the Pacific Rim.
That just shows how we have to think outside the limited little box that we've been put in.
I'm not even saying that's what's going on.
The elite, in their own words, from Ray Kurzweil to you name it, say that they believe they're merging with machines to create the new Superman, the Ubermension.
And of course, every time we start hearing about Superman and Ubermension, every time we start seeing that and hearing that, look out, governments start massacring people because you're a profane, ugly, stunted,
Animals anyways according to them, you know, I love the 1940s and 50s because almost everything you see in comic books at that time Wasn't plagiarized But to a great extent was basically taken from Norse and Germanic legend and then superimposed on to Mutant Superman Man of Steel Superman uber mention over race super race master race
By the time, you know, World War II rolls around, Superman is battling Hitler.
And, of course, they admit all this to you in a general public propaganda piece in the first new Superman, Man of Steel, where he's against eugenics, but Zod is for it.
He wants to kill everybody on Krypton and rebuild, but then the planet blows up before he can do that, so he comes to Earth and he's going to kill everybody and then repopulate the Earth with the Ubermensch.
And the establishment is just in your face telling you what they're going to do to you and your family.
So, I'm just here warning you, okay?
That's all I'm getting at here.
We'll be back.
I'm going to get into the election and more.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Thousands of years ago, there was a basic form of chivalry.
Our ancestors would hear the drums of war, giving the warriors of the tribe a chance to organize and prepare a defense.
Sixty years ago, when foreign air forces were approaching filled with bombs, they had drums of their own, air raid sirens.
But in the 21st century, there are silent weapons for quiet war.
Pathogens added to the food and water, to the lining of plastics that destroy our vitality,
Turn off our hormones and accelerate our journey towards death.
I personally counter this onslaught with AnthroPlex.
AnthroPlex is designed with known organic concentrated herbs to create the basic foundation to normal metabolic activity inside the human body.
Discover why AnthroPlex is turning so many heads today.
It's time for us to take our bodies back into our own hands and it starts at InfoWarsLife.com with AnthroPlex.
My name is Alex Jones.
Most of you know me from my syndicated radio program and my documentary films, as well as InfoWars Nightly News.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I had discovered the Globalist program, their plan to take over the world, and my focus went from running six miles every other day, swimming two, three miles a couple times a week, and lifting weights,
You're focusing on fighting the globalists.
I've gone from 279 pounds all the way down to 235 pounds and the weight's going off even faster.
And it wasn't just that my weight loss accelerated, my muscle mass increased, my stamina, my energy levels exploded.
Super Male has the key concentrated natural compounds that my body needed to go to the next level.
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Check them out today at Infowarslife.com or give our crew a call at 888-253-3139.
BrainForce is here.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on this the last few months.
You probably noticed I've been more crazed, more focused, less brain fog, more energy, more special reports, and it's because of BrainForce.
One of the worst things with most energy products is it's not sustainable, right?
You're gonna crash and gonna feel really bad afterwards.
This has a bunch of different antioxidants and compounds and polyphenols.
Everybody's on these drugs to knock their brain out because the brain's so fried.
We kept changing this formula over and over and over again until it became sort of a grand puzzle.
For example, the L-theanine inside of it.
That is activated by the different compounds in the Yerba Mate that we put inside of it as well.
This just increases the compounds you already have.
This is what you're actually designed to run on.
It's kind of like a car will run on one form of junky gas, but it runs really good on what it's designed for.
You will find Brain Force, Survival Shield X2, and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com.
Or call 888-253-3139.
Of incredible products.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Again, finishing up with what I was covering last segment, I'm not trying to be negative, but I've made films on the subject.
They're free online, like Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Lutheran for global enslavement.
And so many others, in their own words, their own admissions.
You go back to documentaries I made 17, 18 years ago and watch them, and like 90% of it's come true.
And it didn't come true, they had already beta tested it, they already had it.
They were announcing that they were going to be rolling it out.
And the
End of the story tells you they mean business.
So now I see what they said they want to do next.
And I know they mean business and so I'm freaked out.
I mean it's like five years ago when Petraeus was head of the CIA.
He did an interview with Wired Magazine and admitted, no, all new tech, from washing machines to dryers to refrigerator to your smart watch, will be tracked in real time.
We're going to watch and listen to you, but don't worry, it's AI computers doing it, so if you're not a terrorist, it won't flag it for a human.
Don't worry about you having sex with your wife.
Don't worry what it is.
We're not going to look at you with the algorithms unless you're a terrorist.
Folks, they fund Al Qaeda and ISIS.
They are using all the data.
They're selling it to corner markets and to be ahead of trends where only select corporations can compete.
You go, well that's fine.
They'll know what we really want and give it to us.
They know what you want and figure out how to not give it to you.
It's mind control, it's future prediction technology, it's on record.
We told folks about Stingray 16 years ago by name.
Three years ago, Mikhail Thelen made international news when he got the secret documents from the city there in Washington State, Seattle.
Where it was their own telephone towers everywhere, calling it police communications, what was really Homeland Security, grabbing everyone's info, cracking into your phone's live time, video, audio, fake transformers, fake power poles, fake light poles.
They were putting those up in 1998 in Austin, Texas.
A listener sent us the Federal Register, where they were spending millions to put it in.
It's in my film, Police Take to the Takeover.
What I'm getting at is, we are far down this road.
Far down it.
And next, they're coming with forced inoculations.
Next, they're coming with an economic collapse so bad, most families have to live in government-run dormitories, like North Korea or Cuba.
North Korea and Cuba could have food and water and jobs.
Humans are incredibly organized and ingenious and hard-working.
Most Cubans now live in dormitories because they won't let you fix your house or have one.
They want you in a dormitory with a cot so your kids can't be kids.
They're raised by the state.
It's raising us like chickens.
The Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution.
They're now going to do a high-tech version of that here.
Under Cloward and Piven.
Under Agenda 21.
All these are just plans that carry out the same domestication.
The same imprisonment.
You put Native Americans on reservations?
Where had the British gotten that?
They'd done that in Ireland.
They'd done that in Scotland first.
Look it up.
The German concentration camp comes from the American reservation.
And the American reservation comes from the British.
And a lot of times we do to others what's been done to us.
You know that Andrew Jackson, who put millions of Native Americans in concentration camps and killed them.
You know his mother and brother both died in a British concentration camp.
When he was 11 and 12.
Took two years.
They had one of them first, his mom.
His dad had died previously.
He was in the Revolutionary War for five years from the age of 10 to 15.
And he was in giant Indian wars where he saw whole cities destroyed.
See, we lost a lot of those early wars.
I'm not saying it's good what Jackson did.
I'm just saying, think of the time he was in.
His mother and brother died in a concentration camp.
He saw almost everybody he knew killed by the natives after that point.
So he became their destroyer.
I'm just telling you where all this stuff comes from, ladies and gentlemen.
You can look it up for yourself.
Hitler was fascinated with the West and with news articles reprinted from the 1860s and on that he would read for hours a day sometimes and modeled much of Nazi Germany and what he did off of what he read in serialized articles in the press, much of it twisted and fictional.
Much of his Operation Barbarossa in Russia was tailored on the Indian Wars, how to round up the Russians and other Slavs and kill them.
I don't mean to go off on a history lesson.
I apologize.
It's just all so incredibly interesting, isn't it?
And we're being put into an electronic concentration camp.
We're being made where we don't have our own jobs, can't produce our own food, and are totally dependent on the system, and they admit that's their plan.
For heaven's sake, let's not go down this road.
The average bureaucrat's not your enemy.
The average cop's not your enemy.
The average person working at a corporation's not your enemy.
They're compartmentalized.
They don't know what's going on.
They're scared.
They just want to have a future.
You've got to let them know, going along with the system destroys your future.
You can go along with it halfway to survive at this point, but be building alternatives while you legally and lawfully culture jam and sabotage the New World Order.
And when enough people understand this, and the lights come on collectively, game over.
And by the way, we're very close to that point.
It's why the enemy is throwing their full power
Against the people right now, worldwide.
I'm going to get into the election news a lot more right now.
First, I want to tell you guys, this is a half-eaten bottle because I take these every day at lunch.
DNA Force Plus is back in stock, but we rushed this in because it's been sold out for months and the new labeling isn't done.
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I think?
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DNA Force, now back in stock for a limited time.
Also, please do not forget that we're Lister-supported.
We're not like mainstream media.
It's not just NPR, but NBC, MSNBC, and others have gotten billions in taxpayer money.
We are funded simply by selling high-quality products.
And people liking them and using them and wanting to support what we're doing.
So I want to thank you all for your support and you make it all possible.
Please support our local affiliates, AM and FM as well.
Become a sponsor, support their sponsors, let them know you're supporting them.
Put an ad on Craigslist, an ad in the paper, put up a billboard for the show or the station.
We're all in.
These stations are all in.
I'm all in.
This is a war.
Money and energy must be spent in a war or we'll lose everything.
There's not a choice in my view.
And a lot of you know that.
And I want to thank you.
But others are on the fence.
Liberty is not a spectator sport.
This is for all the marbles.
There's no longer any doubt that we're being dominated and taken over.
It's a natural instinct to want to resist this tyranny and say no.
And I know you want to stand up.
So I'm saying let's redouble our efforts together.
And let's pray for God to give us guidance to direct us in what we should do and to ask for providence.
That's not mumbo-jumbo, folks.
History shows it.
My life, I've experienced it.
Ask God for providence.
Ask God to make you a leader.
Ask God to help you be straight and strong and have understanding.
And if you do it from a pure heart and not searching for power, God will give you those opportunities.
It'll start popping up in your face every day.
It's amazing.
But it's gotta be for the right reason with a pure heart.
And you gotta be ready
To be persecuted.
But I'm telling you, you, with a cheerful face, go up against the persecution, one door closes, five other doors open.
It is amazing.
And you'll be fulfilled within yourself.
You'll never get fulfilled with Madison Avenue and Wall Street and the world.
That's why the more worldly you get, the more you'll want, because nothing will quench your thirst like being a good human who loves God and loves God's creation and is trying to help others.
Now, all I'm offering is the truth, as they say in the Matrix, nothing more.
You have to understand that with discernment comes great sorrow, but it's a sweet sorrow.
But I'm telling you, people have made a decision to be spiritually blind, culturally blind.
They've decided to not know what's happening.
It's totally in your face now.
You start admitting things of yourself, you start opening your eyes up to a wider world, the universe is going to flash into view like a hidden image that was always there.
Empowerment and fulfillment is waiting for you, but you've got to open the door.
God comes knocking, but it's free will.
You've got to open the door.
The world and this satanic system sneaks up, tries to take your free will, tries to deceive you.
And I'll tell you the Faustian truth here.
It's a lie that it's never too late to turn back.
As long as you want to turn back and have that thought, it means you're not totally committed to evil.
You can go so far with free will as totally committing, locking the door, throwing away the key, and deciding you want to be evil.
That's the ultimate sin.
Knowledge of good, knowledge of God's promise, knowledge of what you could do, knowledge of experiencing the Holy Spirit, and all the understanding that comes with it.
A little spark of God into your soul.
You experience that and then you reject it and say, I know you are.
I know you're real.
I know it.
And I choose to go this way.
God doesn't damn you to hell.
You make the decision to flip that switch yourself.
You're the one that gets in the elevator and says, take me to the bottom instead of take me to the top.
And when you get asked to go to the top, you open up on that high rise, in a metaphysical way, and a big old helicopter comes right down and lands, and it's a next level.
You ready to get on the helicopter?
And then you get taken to a mountaintop.
And it goes from there.
Up, up, up.
In, through, and beyond.
Are you ready?
Can you handle it?
Or do you want your God to be sports, and mainstream movies, and TV, and all this empty crap?
That question is up to you.
If you're ready to be fulfilled, you're not going to find it in these establishment churches.
But you're going to find it in admitting that God's real and that Jesus Christ was God in the flesh to experience what his creations were going through with a message to humanity.
That's why the whole world hates real Christians and hates that message.
And the Pharisees hate it.
Because they've twisted it and it's all meant to deceive you and destroy you.
I'm sorry I'm preaching.
I'm going to stop right there.
And when I preach, it's not on some moral high ground that I'm the perfect guy and boy, I'm a good boy and I waited until I got married to have sex and I never smoked a marijuana cigarette and all that bull.
When I get up here and tell you what I've experienced, it isn't to make me feel big like I'm some high priest and you're lowly.
You gotta come to me for empowerment and enlightenment.
No, you gotta go to God for that.
And that's what these devil churches hate.
They're there to make you feel guilty and to serve them.
They've become the accuser.
They've become the deceiver.
Alright, I'm gonna stop.
Look, Trump lost in Wisconsin by a lot of points.
We knew that was coming.
They put their whole power against him.
With all the establishment people that listen to every talk radio show, the Republican system, and the Republican machine, and the Democrat machine, and all the rest of it, to say that if he didn't win Wisconsin, he'll lose the rest of the country, to create a mind control perception that he's going down.
And if the public buys into that, it just shows one more time, they can fool people
Into, quote, wanting to bet on the winner.
Just like Bernie Sanders was winning early states, Hillary just stole the delegates, created the perception he couldn't win, so that then she would start winning.
But she's so unpopular, she's starting to lose again, so they're saying, well, we'll just take, you know, his delegates at the convention.
And Trump's way ahead still as well.
He's going to win California, he's going to win New York, he's still going to win by a massive portion, but they're creating the idea that it's okay for John Kasich to get it.
Or maybe somebody with no delegates.
That's what they're all saying.
I have those clips.
When we come back, Obama scolds Donald Trump on cutting off remittances to Mexico.
You want to come here, bring our money in with no tariff, bring it back down to Mexico?
If Mexico doesn't stop dumping their poor and their criminals on us, we are going to basically come after you.
And going to tax you.
We'll be back on the other side, ladies and gentlemen.
Donald Trump responds to that the angriest I've seen him.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide, while also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting 100% organic coffee on the planet.
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That's the best.
Alright, we're back.
Coming up, we've got Roger Stone, the consummate insider when it comes to the Trump campaign, and just calling it like it is, not saying the way he wants it to be, but
Basically breaking down how it really is.
Again, thank you for joining us.
Second, third, and fourth hour straight ahead.
First, let me read some of these headlines.
Trump campaign calls Ted Cruz a Trojan horse after Wisconsin loss.
That's out of the week.
And they're saying he is a Republican establishment.
Well, absolutely.
They're even saying they're not going to let him have it.
They're just going to give it to Paul Ryan or Kasich.
I mean, you talk about a shill operation.
And they say it on Fox and CNN and MSNBC to get everybody ready for it.
Now we have a shock new national poll.
Now this is questionable because all the other polls say the opposite.
Takes the lead in Reuters poll, Ted Cruz does, over Donald Trump for the first time.
The first time Donald Trump hasn't led in the tracking poll in 2016.
We'll talk about that with Roger Stone.
RNC chairman suggests Kasich could be picked as nominee even though he just has a fraction of what Donald Trump or Ted Cruz have.
Piers Morgan's come out on the Michelle Field story saying anyone with a brain who thinks that this is an insult or an assault is living in cloud cuckoo land.
So even Piers Morgan gets it right about that.
Very, very dangerous precedent right there.
Let's go ahead and go to this first clip.
Obama scolds Obama
At a Freudian slip, Obama scolds Trump.
Obama should be scolding himself, being a communist organizer, nobody, just giving all his jobs, giving all his power, and saying Donald Trump doesn't know how the world works.
That's like Obama saying, if you have a business, you didn't build that, or you can keep your doctor.
I mean, just, it's ridiculous.
Let's go ahead and play this clip.
First of all, they're impractical.
We just talked about the difficulties of trying to enforce huge outflows of capital.
The notion that we're going to track every Western Union
Good luck with that.
Now let's go ahead, there's two different responses from Donald Trump.
The second one he gets really mad.
Here's the first one.
Donald Trump responds to Obama saying he doesn't know anything about the world.
He said, you don't know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean Peninsula or the world generally.
What do you have to say to President Obama?
Look, I've been very critical because I happen to think he's incompetent as a president.
And I know more about nuclear than he will ever know.
In other words, we are right now the policemen of the world.
We have $19 trillion in debt going to $21 trillion in debt.
What's going on in this country is crazy.
We have a bubble, we're sitting on top of a bubble, and yet we're giving military protection to Japan, and Germany, and Saudi Arabia, and South Korea, and many, many other countries.
I could keep going.
Yeah, let's stop there.
Because the ruling class has military control over those countries, makes them take our factories and jobs, because then our elite get the money, de-industrializing us with a controlled market.
That's it, Donald.
They're occupied by the globalists.
That's why they get free military.
Then our government gives North Korea the reactors to make the nuclear weapons to keep them hostage.
See, there's the real geopolitical facts.
Let's go ahead and go to Trump really mad about this.
Here's the second clip.
Did you hear Obama yesterday?
Obama yesterday started showing his tremendous disappointment at Iran for violating the deal.
I said, I could have told you that five months ago!
You're so incompetent!
You are so totally incompetent as a president!
You are so incompetent!
I mean, honestly, he doesn't have a clue, folks.
We're going to break.
Stay with us.
There's more behind that than incompetence, I'll tell you in 70 seconds.
There's a lot more than that.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Roger Stone with huge 2016 Trump news, biggest ever, is joining us in the next segment.
Dr. Group on the mystery flu and more that's still going around in the third hour.
And in the fourth hour today, we have host David Knight chaperoning that transmission.
I want to get into political speech control because there's an update.
DOJ agents have raided the home of the Planned Parenthood activist
Who coordinated some of the videos at CBS News Sacramento and we've seen a Texas grand jury indict some of the people that went in and showed clear fraud in my view, clear breaking of the law.
This is persecution of journalism.
People didn't know body parts were being sold.
There's laws against it.
They were violating all sorts of different laws.
And that's all come out.
But instead, they want to keep this multi-billion dollar a year industry going.
They don't want women to know this is happening.
So these people are now being persecuted.
But look, it just draws more attention to it.
It shows everybody what's going on.
In fact, I have a whole stack dealing with political correctness and how it leads to arrest.
In its final phases, Gap apologizes for ad accused of racism.
Because it shows four little girls and one of the white girls has her arm leaning on the black girl.
Which just shows a form of friendliness and a way to balance out the scene.
But no, no, no, that's covert brainwashing to teach people to just look
For covert racism everywhere you go.
Isn't that just cute?
By the way, that's her adopted sister.
That's her adopted sister in real life, too.
Thank you, CJ, for reminding me of that.
Were you on air just then?
I love it.
Come on air more.
I've been begging them for years to do it.
They make a lot of great points in my ear sometimes.
I just want it on air.
Unless it's a really embarrassing mistake I've made or something, then we can do that off air.
But seriously, I don't have people in my ear telling me what to do, but they do help me out with names or facts or, you know, something that's coming up or I can't think of something half the time they pop in my head.
Like, I'm like, who's that actor who's in such and such?
And they'll tell me.
But just think about that, where you're taught, brown paper bag, brown bag,
And then everyone politically correct, you know, in an office will then try to go around and grovel to the quote minorities to make them feel secure when that only makes everybody feel creeped out.
I mean, it's just totally uncomfortable, totally weird.
And then Gap apologizes.
We're sorry.
We didn't mean it like that, but we're sorry for showing a family together.
Oh, my gosh, it's so terrible.
No, no, no.
CNN host cuts off interview after guest mentions Hillary's defense of child rapists as a lawyer.
It's a fact.
They did it.
But you're not allowed to talk about her that way.
Oh, and of course, folks have found other gap ads with a black girl putting her arm on the head of a little girl.
That's just meant to balance out the scene and show they're all comfortable with each other and friendly.
But, you see, and the black girl has a shirt that says epic.
Like, she's the center of the piece.
She's the old cool kid who they're targeting.
You wanna be the cool kid, wear this, and all the other kids will flock around you.
That's the real manipulation.
But instead, it's racism, just so you're just looking for the codes everywhere, like a schizophrenic basket case loon.
Here's another one.
BBC reports, China's Great Firewall blocks its creator.
The designer of China's Great Firewall has been mocked online after he reportedly had to bypass the censorship system that he helped create during a public event where he was down there pushing it.
And these guys work with Zuckerberg to help censor us.
It's all one big happy family.
Planned Parenthood, David Daladin, I think is his name, speaks out on his home being raided.
Undercover investigator's home in California was raided by officials under the Office of California Attorney General's office.
My team, Port Authority cops say surprise terror drills pose danger to officers.
We're going to get into some of that.
More censorship.
Raised hands in England.
Raising your hand to ask a question violates safe space policy.
Not allowed to walk.
Not allowed to talk.
Not allowed to touch.
Not allowed to raise hands.
That's beyond a super max prison.
And you pay $200,000 to get one of these degrees.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live now, here in the second hour, broadcasting worldwide.
Coming up later in the hour, I'm going to play some of these clips.
Last week, MSNBC and others freaked out.
Media Matters, run by the White House, freaked out.
BuzzFeed, Alternet, all of them read it that, oh my gosh, the evil Roger Stone, former head of Trump's campaign,
Went on the Alex Jones Show and said that we should be upset if they take the popular vote at the RNC away and give it to somebody else.
And of course, Stone's been saying for months they may give it to Paul Ryan or to Mitt Romney with zero delegates.
That even sounded wild to me, but I knew everything Stone keeps talking about comes true, so I believed it.
And sure enough, the last few weeks, Karl Rove's come out and said, we need a fresh face.
We don't even need any delegates.
We the party can decide.
And then MSNBC sat there and said, can you believe it?
They want to have millions of people there so that when they try to steal it, the public can say no.
Yeah, we have to go point out that the popular vote's always been honored by these delegates, unless it's very, very close.
You have a public election, you have all this money spent, you have false advertising saying that
Go vote one man, one vote, one woman, one vote.
You decide 2016, you decide 2012, you decide 2008, you decide, you decide, you decide.
And now they're saying, oh no, we changed the rules way back and we're not going to let you do that.
I believe that's indefensible.
Even the parties claim they have all this internal power.
When you hold yourself out as a public watchdog, when you hold yourself out with false advertising, we can show all the instances where they say your vote counts.
Come join our party.
This is fraud.
Again, we didn't want to sit here and brag about how influential Stone and his cohorts are, but the point is they know more about what they're doing than some of the other folks.
And the good news is even Politico came out a few days ago and said, look, Manafort, Stone, and others more and more
Have been proven right about how they try to steal the delegates and so they're coming in more and more to try to stop it.
But Stone is still on the outside of the campaign so he can get more done.
That's why they've announced he's been banned on CNN a month ago.
Now MSNBC through the White House run Media Matters has announced he's banned.
And it's because he's so effective, and he's telling the truth.
Now, he's with us till 44 after or so, then we're going to get into some other news today, and I'm going to try to give him the floor to really walk through what happened in Wisconsin, where this is going, what the next phase is, and how we stop him going into Cleveland and beyond.
But this is a big, big deal, because even if you hate Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders, they're robbing both of them.
Trump more spectacularly.
If they get away with this, with party bosses on TV like Previs and others bragging that your vote doesn't count, my God, what's next?
So here to tell us what's happened and what's next is Roger Stone of StoneZone.com.
We carry both of his books on the Bush crime family and the Clinton sex crimes at InfoWarsTore.com, I should also add.
So thank you so much, Mr. Stone, for joining us.
Break down what you think is front and center right now.
Well, Alex, first of all, I want to thank you because nobody has been more effective in terms of revealing the secret game plan of the party kingmakers, their entire disdain for the democratic process, their attempt to completely discard the will of the American people, those Republicans, in some places Democrats and Independents, who have voted in overwhelming numbers
For Donald Trump.
Now, this race is changing almost by the hour.
And I think it's important to understand that Trump has fashioned a communications-based strategy from the beginning.
And this was all him.
No one else can take credit for this.
It was his vision to go into the primary states, hold these enormous rallies, and then stand out as the only nationalist in a field of globalists.
And to tell people the shocking and hard truths about our current fiscal situation, our current trade policies, our current immigration policies, which have left our country unsafe.
And then, of course, the incoherent foreign policy that has been pursued by the Bushes and the Clintons and the Bushes and the Obamas.
So I think it is vital to understand that now we're in a phase of the campaign
Where organization matters.
Where knowledge of the arcane rules that surround delegate selection matters.
But that doesn't mean that the will of the people can no longer be manifested.
We saw this in the Republican National Convention in 1940, when thousands of adherents of Wendell Willkie stormed Philadelphia to make their presence known.
And there was a popular surge.
And the bosses of the party, who were more likely to be for Harold Stassen or Tom Dewey or Robert Taft,
Bowed to the will of the people.
We saw it again in 1952, in kind of a reverse, where the popular desire for Eisenhower put direct pressure on the party bosses who were lined up for Senator Robert Taft.
So history is repeating itself.
Now what do we need to look for?
Next weekend in Colorado, look for the big steal.
Donald Trump will be stolen blind by a combination of the Romney-Bush-Cruz faction of the Colorado establishment.
Look to Wyoming, where they're going to chisel more delegates away from Donald Trump.
Look to Arizona.
A state that Donald Trump won overwhelmingly in a primary.
But wait and see.
They're going to send delegates to the convention who are not loyal to Donald Trump.
You predicted, I mean, I've got to go through all these videos, there's so many of them, everything that happened, unlike, and I'm not kissing your butt, it's true, unlike anyone else out there, period, in the media, I mean, you have not put out bull to just get attention like so many political pundits have done.
You've given everybody the true inside baseball from the smoking rooms, but predicting what would be in the smoking rooms before it happened.
You said they'd steal Texas, the Texas Association
The Texas board has come out and said, no, that was fraud.
You said that they would do all these things.
You said they would try to steal Louisiana, Arizona, Tennessee.
Even though Trump won all those, they now just give it to Cruz and nakedly admit it.
It's so crazy.
So now you're saying they're going to steal these other states.
Would they dare try to steal California or New York?
I mean, he's going to win those with huge majorities.
Will they just tell us, doesn't matter, the wooden man, the vampire, Ted Cruz gets them?
Well, what we don't know is whether Ted Cruz, who some refer to as Fat Dracula, has got any palatability in states like New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
Remember, New York is not winner-take-all.
It's winner-take-most.
But Trump has to win 50% in every congressional district in order to sweep all three delegates.
Were he to win, but do so with less than 50%, then Ted Cruz, or more likely John Kasich, could pick up one delegate per congressional district.
Now, look, Alex, as I have said many times on your show,
I do not work for Donald Trump.
I do not work for his campaign.
I have no formal or informal role.
I am merely a friend of Donald Trump, 40 years standing, a nationalist, and someone who has, having been through nine Republican presidential campaigns, some insights to the process.
Trump said the other day that John Kasich should drop out.
With all due respect, I disagree with that.
I think Trump benefits from split opposition.
I think Trump benefits from a divide in the establishment.
And I say this for John Kasich, at least he has had the courage
To climb in the arena.
At least he has had the courage to contend, as opposed to Mitt Romney, who's wearing pancake makeup right now, standing in the bullpen, waiting desperately for the call to be the compromise candidate of the establishment on a late ballot.
So I actually think it is beneficial
For John Kasich to stay in this race.
Sure, let me bring this point up to you.
In the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania.
Believe me, Kasich has more going in those places than Ted Cruz.
I think Trump can continue to benefit from split opposition.
We're going to break in a moment, but I want to ask you specifically about Kasich.
He seems so confident, and I understand during this period it's good to have it split up, but what about party bosses and others that have been going on, Fox and others, and saying, oh, we think Kasich's the guy we're going to give it to, you know, once they get to the convention.
Do you think that they're just patting him on the head, or do you think that's true?
Because other party bosses, like Rove, say they want to bring in a Paul Ryan or somebody.
Well, I think the party bosses are not of one mind.
I've said on this show and elsewhere that I think John Kasich has a backup strategy to emerge as a vice presidential candidate who is a running dog for the establishment, much in the way that George H.W.
Bush was forced on Ronald Reagan and who was ultimately able, of course, to undo much of the Reagan revolution when he raised taxes.
Roger, we've got to go to break.
Stay there.
We're going to come right back to StoneZone.com.
Roger Stone is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Roger Stone is our guest and look, all I can tell you is this.
I've been involved politically for 25 years, on Air for 21.
I've never seen anything like this.
I can't wait to be in Cleveland.
Everybody has to be there.
We're going to have websites up soon.
We're going to be, you know, pushing everybody to just be there and to tell them don't steal it.
And then when they do steal it, have such an outcry politically that America knows that a fraud has taken place.
Because if we just sit there and don't demonstrate or don't get upset, it will normalize these fat cats who claim they now appoint who can run for office.
So, basically, how would you describe this, Roger Stone?
You call it the big steal.
I call it canceling the election because if you select the candidates,
Isn't that then a form of cancelling the real election and just having a ceremonial event?
And then aren't we just communist China where the party appoints its own presidents and then appoints its own successors?
Isn't that a dictatorship of oligarchy, sir?
What would you as a political expert call it?
I think what they're trying to do here, Alex, is rig the election.
So if we have an election in which both candidates are globalists, with the exact same agenda, putting forward different rhetoric to try to sound different, then we get a replay of the last election.
Mitt Romney and Barack Obama both believed in endless war, erosion of our civil liberties, massive debt and borrowing, bailouts for the big banks,
I think?
Defacing public property, terrorizing honest citizens, that is where we're headed if we get a two-party duopoly election in which the globalists use legal trickery to choose both candidates.
Frankly, I feel sorry for Bernie Sanders.
I think Bernie Sanders is a sincere socialist.
I think he's an honest man.
I don't agree with him on virtually anything other than trade, where we have some substantial agreement.
But they're robbing him, too.
They're cheating against him, too, because the globalist kingmakers insist on nominating both major candidates and
They will ensure that no one else isn't let into these debates.
The Libertarian Party candidate, the Green Party candidate, the Constitutional Party candidate, these individuals will never have an opportunity to be in the presidential debates and therefore, sadly, most Americans will never even know that those options are legally available to them.
Roger, Roger, I have the...
Politico article here, MSNBC edits out Roger Stone interviews, so before you learned that you were banned by the White House officially through their organ, I mean they literally call the shots through Media Matters.
Showing how controlled our media is in this country.
You were like, in the old Soviet Union to use your words, edited out of the photo, edited out of the video.
This is simply amazing.
But MSNBC does like to play clips of my show, so I'd like you to specifically communicate to them.
They are a dying dinosaur, sir.
But communicating to them, they freaked out over your point of saying millions should come to Cleveland.
So what is your message directly to them and others?
Well, Alex, to be honest with you, I'm very disappointed.
This is Soviet-style censorship.
I didn't say anything vile or even impolite.
All I spoke about was two of the most respected journalists in American political coverage.
Mark Halpern and John Heilman.
We did a brief segment on Bloomberg television in which we talked about the fact that you and I and Pat Buchanan and Paul Nagy and other patriots are working together to turn out the people who voted for Trump in these primaries and caucuses in Cleveland for a mass-based
Peaceful, non-violent demonstration.
Immediately, some in the media tried to say, Stone is advocating violence.
I have specifically denounced violence.
But it is not inappropriate for the delegates from a given state to hear directly from their constituents, from the people they ostensibly represent,
In Cleveland!
And that's a no-brainer, that's a no-brainer.
When they're openly stealing the popular vote, they act like we're space aliens from Mars with three heads, because we say we're gonna go to Cleveland and let the media and the whole nation know we're being robbed.
It's like asking a woman who's being mugged and raped in a parking lot not to scream for help.
I want to come back and talk more about what we do to stop these people, how we make sure Trump wins, and more with Roger Stone.
We'll be back, folks.
I'm telling you, we're talking to the relief quarterback for the whole Trump operation to win this thing.
Stay with us.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
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Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Donald Trump is under attack because he's a nationalist and he doesn't want to see America fall into globalist control.
It's that simple.
And that's why the entire establishment is against him.
The American people claim that they want
Better trade deals, lower taxes.
Here's someone who will fight to deliver that.
Who they know really will try to get it done.
They know it's not an empty promise.
And the criminals that have hijacked this nation are now so arrogant, so evil, that they are on national TV, both Democrat and Republican, going, your popular vote doesn't count.
It never did.
After the billions and billions and billions of false advertising saying go out and vote or you get the government you know you asked for.
It's unprecedented and regardless Donald Trump has already won because he forced the power structure to cheat openly.
He came out and talked about the issues nobody else would because they were bought and paid for.
He's a game changer.
Donald Trump is a hero.
He has amazing courage.
I disagree with him on some issues, but that's more of a age gap issue with him being almost 30 years older than me.
Donald Trump's got them scared to death for real.
This is an epic time to be alive and if we don't get behind Donald Trump,
If we don't get behind Roger Stone at StoneZone.com and StopTheSteal.org.
This guy is busting his butt.
People just now realize how important Roger Stone is.
They just now realize what he's doing behind the scenes and the battles he's fighting.
That's why they're banning him everywhere.
Because he's exposing what they're doing.
Everybody's got to go to StopTheSteal.org.
We're going to be putting up details, mirrors of what he puts out, and he's going to be our general there on the ground.
All I'm asking our listeners to do is to come in mass to defend the First Amendment and the right to vote, and to be observers, and to be citizen journalists.
Everyone should be booking hotels and things in the suburbs.
The Republicans have already grabbed all the other hotels.
People should be staying in nearby cities.
Whatever you have to, you need to be there.
And I want to ask Roger Stone right now to give us marching orders on this particularly.
The key days, when it's most important to be there.
Obviously the aftermath of an attempted steal.
Millions of people there who are Trumpians.
That'll send a message, don't steal it.
This could be the moment the establishment blinks, but we win either way.
Resistance is victory.
They blink, we get our candidate, we win.
They don't blink.
They openly steal it.
They reveal themselves ten times worse.
I mean, this is a win-win.
The only way we lose is not taking action.
Do you agree with that?
What are our directives from your historical understanding of this, sir?
And then other news tidbits of what else we need to know, Mr. Stone.
Well, a couple things I want to touch on, Alex.
First of all, I have been looking at a very interesting quick study comparing the polling results with the actual results as reported by the state of Wisconsin on a finite district-by-district basis.
It is literally scientifically impossible for there to be this broad a swing
Between the polling results and the final results.
Now, the Walker machine has always been adept at vote stealing.
Richard Charnin, a respected mathematician, by the way a man of the left,
But someone I respect for candor has done yeoman work on a monograph showing how the Walker machine has stolen votes in past gubernatorial races and in a past recall.
So I suspect funny business in Wisconsin.
Secondarily, I would ask the folks who are with us here today, send an email to msnbc.com and let them know you won't put up with Soviet-style censorship.
That you believe in free speech, you believe in the First Amendment, and the idea of banning people like Roger Stone because I am politically incorrect is an outrage.
They should be fighting to get you on.
I mean, it's crazy.
They're not looking for ratings.
They're not looking for inside truth of what's going on.
They know you're a central figure, one of the top people in the Trump campaign.
Your partner basically runs the Trump campaign now.
I know you don't want to brag about that, but it shows they're scared to death of you.
Well, Alex, I think that's a slight overstatement.
Let me be very clear once again.
I will do anything I possibly can to succeed in the nomination and election of Donald Trump.
What remains to be seen, though, is whether the Trump campaign, as it is constituted, can retool itself for the trench warfare that is ahead.
My partner, Paul Manafort, a partner of 15 years, a friend of mine of almost 50 years, someone I've known since childhood, is without any question the single best convention organizer and strategist in the country.
Whether the Trump campaign gives him the authority and the resources he needs to score a win for Donald Trump remains to be seen.
I'm disappointed in the Trump campaign in Wisconsin.
Not the efforts of Donald Trump.
No one worked harder.
No one was more valiant in the effort.
He did an enormous number of campaign events.
I also salute the Trump family.
Ivanka Trump, who's just given birth to her third child, still doing call-in radio shows in Wisconsin, even though she's not ready to get back on the trail.
Donald Jr., Eric, I'm incredibly proud
of course.
Are you saying that Trump probably really won Wisconsin?
Clearly the whole fix was in with the media, both parties, money, the super PACs, Cruz's super PAC that I think legally isn't supposed to be operating there, right?
He massively was outspent.
There's no question about that.
I'm not prepared to say that it was stolen.
I'm waiting for the final analysis from Richard Charnin, who I respect is one of the best election analysts and a specialist in how they steal using computerized machines.
But suffice it to say, there was substantial monkey business, as we have seen, ironically, in every state where Ted Cruz has prevailed.
Let's go through them.
Texas, Oklahoma, Utah.
Massive voter fraud.
We're not talking about a few isolated incidents that could be explained by true machines.
This is now on record and taking delegates that aren't his.
This is sick.
Yeah, it is an all-out assault by the establishment.
Here's the irony, of course.
If Donald Trump is not the nominee, Ted Cruz will not be the nominee.
The globalists don't like him.
Not because of his politics.
They're perfectly comfortable with his politics.
He's one of them.
But because of his personality.
So they will push him aside.
He's not a team player.
So it's true that he's really cold and nasty and like sociopathic?
Well, you've seen him on television.
He's shifty, literally.
Alex, nothing that comes out of Ted Cruz's mouth is the truth.
He is a congenital liar.
He was on Megyn Kelly the other night, accusing me falsely again.
Of planting the National Enquirer story.
Ted, show me the proof.
Put up or shut up.
He's a foreflusher.
The guy's a fraud.
He is a globalist who's been a low-level family retainer for the Bushes.
Well sure, our liberal investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen, who you know has a great pedigree, he's investigated and he says it does point towards Rubio and not Trump.
Yeah, I had nothing whatsoever to do with this.
And by the way, if I were going to plant a story with the National Enquirer as a dirty trick, why would I allow myself to be quoted in said story?
I've been called a lot of things, Alex, but stupid is not one of them.
No, stupid is not one of them.
What else is key for us to know, sir, with your weekly update?
We really appreciate your time.
And then again, what do we do?
I want our viewers and listeners, I know full well
We have 15 million viewers and listeners on YouTube, AM and FM stations, Facebook, everywhere.
We have algorithms that tell us it's around 14 to 16 million, so I say 15 million, it varies every month, but growing.
People in the United States who
are able to be able to try to get out to Cleveland.
So there's 15 million people in the United States, couple million in Canada too.
Everybody should stand up for free and open elections.
We need everybody to be there to monitor this and to let the Republican establishment know they can't do it.
I mean, folks, you must be in Cleveland.
When is the best time for them to get there?
Obviously, they're going to have to stay in a city nearby.
It'll be too expensive to stay in the city because they're jacking up prices incredibly.
Don't let the Republicans keep you from being there, folks.
You must be there.
I'm going to be there.
What do we do, Roger Stone?
Well, first of all, let's give a kind of an overview of what we have planned.
We will have a mass rally, a Stop the Steal rally, in which, Alex, you have graciously agreed to speak.
I will speak.
There will be other speakers.
We are going to try to arrange low-cost housing through some colleges that are closed in July, where their dormitory space may be rented.
So we're working on that.
We will have demonstrations at specific hotels where there are delegates so we can let them visually see the will of the people.
We will have a daily protest.
We will man the ramparts every day.
And hey, it's a free country.
If we're staying in the hotel, we can go knock on their hotel room door like you said, right?
Well, I have friends in every delegation, so I will be able to tell you which state delegations are involved in the big steal, which party leaders are ringleaders in the big steal.
We do not advocate violence.
We're not talking about roughing anybody up.
We're just talking to people.
What we are talking about is being a presence to let people feel the pressure of the American people and those who have bothered to vote in these primaries and caucuses.
Yeah, we're the victims that they're openly robbing as we speak in the state where I live, in Louisiana, Tennessee, Arizona, where he's winning.
They're just stealing it, openly admitting it, and then they turn it around on MSNBC like it's bad.
We might want to go demonstrate.
I mean, I don't normally stutter.
That's so outrageous, I have trouble getting those words out of my mouth, Roger.
Well, it's typical of the liberal double standard.
So, the international criminal George Soros and his henchman David Brock
Advocate violence, send people to the Trump rallies to try to inspire violence, yet they turn around and they accuse us, falsely, of promoting violence.
I am promoting non-violent protest in Cleveland.
Well, here's the good news for folks.
There's a lot of libertarians and conservatives I want to demonstrate.
This is associated with the socialists and the commies.
This is a battle against them and Soros that financed the violent overthrow of Middle Eastern countries and Ukraine and bragged about it on CNN to Fareed Zakaria.
So, folks, the police there in that city are
Our patriots, on average, they understand this is a war against local government and police.
They understand that Donald Trump is a populist that wants to make America great again.
And I can tell you right now, we are going to have, not the support, but the defense of the police, knowing we're in the right, protecting our First Amendment against the Soros trash.
And we're going to outnumber them 50 to 1 if you take action.
This will be a day long remembered.
Okay, it's time to stand for the roaches that are the trash and the Nazi collaborators like George Soros.
So watch the website StopTheSteal.org.
Very shortly, we will be posting details.
We're in negotiations with the Convention Bureau and the City of Cleveland for an outdoor permit for a massive rally.
We're going to do this by the book.
But in numbers, there is strength.
We need a massive turnout.
So if you don't have a summer vacation planned, this will be your vacation.
Cancel it!
This is a battle for the Republic.
In my 20 plus years of activism, I've never been involved in something this important.
Cleveland, I'm told, is beautiful in July.
So, come on out, stand up for your country, stand up for the right to vote.
Stand up to George Soros and Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood and all this scum!
Alright, Roger Stone, StoneZone.com.
We'll have more details.
You're working hard.
What else can people do to support you?
Let me just say this final point.
I know for an absolute fact, and I'm going to disclose here, that the formal account for the Republican convention, the one that Reince Priebus is carrying around in his breast pocket, has Donald Trump at 1,205 votes.
Right now, the kingmakers, the bosses, the insiders are getting growingly confident they can stop the Trump revolution.
And I say, don't bet the ranch.
That's going to be newsmaking, what you just said.
Flesh that out for folks that aren't experts on the Arcania, as you call it, on the Byzantine system of the delegates.
Explain what he's got in his pocket.
Well, what it means, of course, is that the party bosses know the plan.
They know how many votes they intend to steal in Wyoming.
They know how many votes they intend to steal in Arizona.
They know how many votes they intend to steal next weekend in Colorado.
They know where they're going to try to chisel votes from states that Trump has already won overwhelmingly.
So their private, secret vote count
Shows them stalling Donald Trump.
But it's not over till it's over.
And Donald Trump and the Trump campaign have many strategic options left open to them.
It remains to be seen whether the campaign can be retooled.
And whether politically experienced people can be put in key places to replace those incredibly enthusiastic but less experienced people who I salute for being for Donald Trump.
But I was distressed to learn Alex, that the woman who ran the Trump campaign in Wisconsin
Was the same woman who ran the losing Trump campaign in Oklahoma.
And prior to that, this nice woman had no political experience whatsoever.
This is a time for experience.
This is a time to get some of the grizzled veterans who were for Ron Paul.
Many Ron Paul supporters working with us in these conventions.
And it's time for the people that are supporting Sanders to realize Hillary's gonna steal it.
You should stand with Trump for populism and get past the political correct brainwashing.
You know it's a bunch of political warfare garbage.
The whole elite you claim you hate are against Trump.
Don't be morons!
In fact, a lot of them are saying they're going to vote for Trump.
That's a beautiful thing.
Simply amazing.
Well, Roger Stone, we'll get another update from you soon.
Anytime you want to pop in and break news, sir, this show right here has a place for you.
You're not censored here at InfoWars.
God bless you.
See you in Cleveland.
Personally, I can't wait.
This is so historical.
There goes Roger Stone.
Oh my gosh, I am just, my heart is pitter pattering right now because we're just being robbed nakedly by the globalists in front of everybody right now.
I mean this is just too insane.
Now we've had our reporters on the ground all over the East Coast, all over Wisconsin, in the Midwest.
I think so.
Have Joe Biggs here with us for the balance of this segment until we go to break at the end of the hour and for five more minutes after that.
And then we're going to just cover so much of the other news we haven't gotten to yet in the third hour today.
But first off, we're also going to be discussing the coming default wave is shaping up to be among the most painful in history.
That's Bloomberg politics.
There's so many triggers, so many things financially happening right now that are kicking off and militarily.
That's why I say my gut is just not in a knot.
My gut was in a knot before we went over the cliff.
Now I feel like we're in the battle.
I mean, I feel so alive.
It is ridiculous.
And I just can't wait to go to Cleveland.
I cannot wait to see the Soros trash, the Republican bots trash for myself.
I cannot wait.
Wild horses could not drag me away.
This is so historical.
It's so much bigger than Trump.
And I keep saying that, but listen to me, please, please.
If you don't like Trump, fine.
Your stuff about him, I don't like either.
But here's the deal.
He's got him scared to death because he's a nationalist.
He doesn't want to have one-sided deals and screw us over.
He is into prosperity, and he doesn't like the New World Order, and they know it.
They know it, and the signals he sent, and the things he's been doing, and the way he's been playing the system, they are scared of him.
He thinks he's smarter than them, and you know what?
He is.
Now, the question is, are we smarter than the globalists?
We're going to Joe Biggs here in just a moment.
Also, don't forget, I'm going to send six or seven people, including myself, to Cleveland for a week.
That is going to be, and I'm not complaining, it's just, to get on that field, we're talking, you can't even get
Any type of lodging there, because the Republicans a year out bought everything in the city.
You've got to go get houses, condos, things like that.
That's what we're doing.
And we're talking stuff 10 miles away that takes 30 minutes to get there is $1,000 a night.
Okay, and I'm talking about a place to house two of our crew.
It is exorbitant by design to keep demonstrators out.
Now, the George Soros people are going to get bussed in to attack Trump.
They're going to have the Republican establishment there attacking Trump.
It's going to be over the top.
We need to see millions of the American people.
People keep saying March to D.C.
or March here, March there.
March to Cleveland over the vote and this republic.
And believe me, it'll be the start of the real restoration of this country.
We cannot lose if we resist.
We make them show their hand as tyrants and steal it openly, or we make them fold, blink, and collapse in front of us.
And that'll be a huge confidence builder for the people as well.
The states are going to start joining together with more governors, the legislatures, the move against the globalists is on.
This show is only one part of that fight.
Yes, we're the tip of the spear, but imagine a Roman phalanx with 50 guys in the front with all their spears out front.
We're just one of those spears.
And as more of you activate and get involved and start speaking out, more spears collectively line up and we just are going to destroy the enemy.
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Now, going to Joe Biggs.
Joe Biggs is here in studio.
Great job on the East Coast.
Fill folks in on where it started, where you went.
You know, buyer lonesome out there.
The lone wolf in the media covering this and what your experience has told you and what this foreshadows going into this summer of rage.
So, I was in Pennsylvania, I was at Philadelphia, and that was the start at Independence Hall for Democracy Spring.
Now, this was supposed to be one of the largest civil uprisings in America, and that just, quite frankly, was not the fact.
Maybe 300 people showed up to the event.
3,424 people, I believe it was, actually signed up and pledged to go out there and said that they would even be willing, you have to check a box, to be arrested if it came to that point.
Uh, you know, so they had a couple speakers, they had this lady Gabby Hoffman, she's an actor, come out and talk about Democracy Spring and how much they love Bernie Sanders and how they want to take money out of politics and they don't want people to feel like they're being forced with money to vote for certain people like Hillary Clinton.
And some of them even said Donald Trump, and I said, well, he's not really taking money from anybody, so you can't use that argument.
But there's one thing I can tell you about Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as a whole, there's a lot of Trump supporters.
You have to remember, about a month ago, 46,000 Democrats switched over to Republican for this year to vote for Donald Trump.
And in Massachusetts, 20,000 people as well did that.
He's panicking and having to steal the delegates at the state level.
And that's key though.
It seems like the George Soros funding and the Black Lives Matter whole crew is kind of sputtering.
We saw that in Wisconsin.
There'd be like 20 people against Trump and 5,000 there to see Trump.
But still he lost.
The evidence is overwhelming.
They stole Wisconsin as well.
But Wisconsin, think about this.
This is Upsy Annie.
You know, when I was out there in Philly, there's so many people who are for Trump.
Everywhere I went, people were talking about it.
I had a little Trump thing on my phone.
People were like, oh yeah, Donald Trump, yeah, yeah.
And they would just want to, you know, talk about it.
But one of the interesting things is they have unions in Pennsylvania.
You've got unions over there in Jersey.
You've got the unions up in New York.
And I talked to a lot of union guys.
They don't want to be on camera right now because based on the fact that these are Democrat states, they're all primarily Democrat.
So, but what they said is if Donald Trump would be willing to come out on TV in support of the union, the Teamsters, they're going to get their votes, those family members are going to get theirs, so forth and so on.
Well sure, but the unions are obviously going to go for him because it's the blue collar Americana appeal and the rest of it.
No, no, no.
Most of them will only tell people, this is what this guy was telling me, he said his bosses will tell his guys to go for Hillary Clinton because that's what they do.
Sure, sure.
I think they're not going to follow those orders at this point.
Plus, they should be thanking him for being against NAFTA and GATT and all the things the big unions sold out to.
I mean, the unions are a joke.
They've become a lobbying organization for open borders.
So, the unions need to stop being on power trips, because I'm telling you, if they don't get behind Trump, they're idiots.
Stay there, Biggs.
We're going to come back in 70 seconds.
Great job on your reports.
Man, a lot of them.
Thank you for listening to GCMI.
Oh, you also saw the rioting.
I'm going to get into that.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Riding on the highway, going to a show.
I tell ya, the ultimate show is what's coming up.
Cleveland, you got the Democrats.
They'll be nesting nearby trying to steal it from Sanders.
They tried to steal it from him but he still keeps battling back.
I don't know what the establishment's thinking because I've never seen such a wake-up call, Joe.
And like you were saying, you know, most people you ran into on the East Coast are Trump supporters.
The South loves him.
California's gonna go for him.
The Conservatives there.
Man, I just, what are they thinking?
And what other tidbits did you notice while you were on the East Coast?
I know you caught this sports riot on tape.
I mean, yeah, I was in Philadelphia.
I was there covering Democracy Spring.
There was a train crash that happened.
Some guys were on a live track.
They know there's a train coming.
It's 2016.
How do people get hit by trains?
How do you leave something on a train when you, on a train track, when you know that that's being, it's being used?
Like, I don't understand how- Well, a lot of the trendies think that the train's gonna stop for them.
They don't know it can't stop.
I mean, one of the guys that died had been working for Amtrak for 40 years, the other guy 20 years.
You know, they, you know, been doing this their entire life.
Maybe it was complacency, I don't know.
But they'd left this, uh, backhoe right there on the side of the track.
It clipped the train, ball of fire, a lot of people got hurt, two people died.
I mean,
I love it.
America has some of the worst trains in the world.
I think only North Korea's are worse.
I mean, our country is falling apart.
They had that extremely deadly one.
It was 30 miles north just last year, up in Philly.
There was another train wreck a few weeks ago, not just from tobacco.
Look, our trains can't go over 50 miles an hour.
The beds are so bad.
My grandmother used to go take college courses.
I don't know how this kind of stuff happens.
And now they don't.
Well, they were claiming that these things go like 150 miles an hour through this rural neighborhood, but I just don't see it because I've seen them zipping by and they didn't look like they were going too fast where I was at.
They can't.
They fly off the rails.
They haven't updated the rails.
What else did you... I mean, so many videos, Joe.
What else did you pick up?
So when I was out there, I heard about the NCAA Basketball Championship, and I found out that Villanova is a school that's actually just right outside of Philadelphia.
And I started reading some articles, and a lot of the police were already gearing up.
They got riot gear.
There was helicopters being on standby.
They said they had people from different counties showing up, so I thought this would be something interesting to cover.
So I actually drove up to the Villanova campus and got out there about an hour early before the basketball game started and found out that they were actually having a live watch party at the Villanova basketball stadium.
The championship was being held down here in Houston, Texas.
And we sat inside and I let the cameras roll and, you know, the guys, Villanova One, all the students, thousands of kids come running out into the streets.
Screaming, jumping up on poles, lighting cardboard cutouts of what looked like the UNC basketball coach, the rival team that they played, screaming, you know, that they hated Temple, another university that's close by.
And this is mindless tribalism.
Notice these are mainly white kids.
And this is, it doesn't matter, black, white, people act like this.
Tribal idiocy.
They won't stand up for their freedoms.
They'll just run around and act like morons and burn and break things because a stupid team won a game.
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous.
I mean, this school, it's a very rich campus.
I mean, there's a Ferrari dealership on campus.
I mean, that shows you what's going on.
But I mean, as this was going on, there were riot police everywhere, cops on horses, cops on motorcycles.
There was like four helicopters flying overhead, bottles flying.
But they won't riot if the TPP takes their rights away, or they won't riot if they shield the delegates.
Look at how pale and dumb and soft they look.
Look in their eyes.
I mean, this is our future.
Look at these goons.
Oh my gosh.
I mean, I got one guy, he was sitting there, he saw my phone, it had a Donald Trump thing on it, and the guy goes, Donald Trump, yeah!
And then he threw a bottle through the air.
I mean, these kids have no idea what they're doing.
They're just out running around.
But I mean, why can't we have our youth get this excited about politics?
Well, I don't mind a redhead hopping around excited.
I like seeing a woman excited.
That's good stuff.
No, but I mean, I'm not trying to be mean, but they look like they're 14.
It's like this arrested development.
I mean, I wasn't acting like that at 20.
I just don't get it, man.
Those energies are meant for defending your country.
Cleveland's going to be hot this year.
Philly's going to be hot.
That's where the DNC is.
It's going to be a mad, mad, mad time.
You want to go?
You want to be there?
I want to be in both of them.
All right, all right.
You'll be there.
Stay with us.
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My name is Alex Jones.
Most of you know me from my syndicated radio program and my documentary films, as well as InfoWars Nightly News.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I had discovered the Globalist program, their plan to take over the world, and my focus went from running six miles every other day, swimming two, three miles a couple times a week, and lifting weights
We're focusing on fighting the globalists.
I've gone from 279 pounds all the way down to 235 pounds and the weight's going off even faster.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Merle Haggard just died, crank it up!
Desert's quiet.
I watch Weldon.
Sing and play this song yesterday for a private event with my family.
Just talked about Merle Haggard last night.
And now he's grown old.
Merle Haggard, 79, died of pneumonia.
I guess this mystery flu is going around.
And guess why Dr. Group was set up for this show two weeks ago and came here from Houston to be in studio with us today.
The mystery flu, the mystery pneumonia, killing massive numbers of people.
It was around two years ago and killed my uncle, my cousin, two of my cousins, and now it's back and the hospitals won't say what it is.
So we were already going to be covering this and boom, it's taken Merle Haggard the hag.
Weldon wants to get his acoustic guitar ready and come in here and do poncho and lefty maybe in the no man's land between the third and fourth hour he could do it or he can come in here and set up with his
I think so.
And native of Oklahoma, Merle Haggard has passed away on his birthday.
He was 79 years old.
The singer-songwriter was one of the pioneers of the Bakersfield Sound.
Haggard was also involved in the outlaw country movement.
Yeah, he got into country music when he heard Johnny Cash come sing at San Quentin.
I mean, truth is stranger than fiction.
In addition to his 40 number one hits, Haggard has won just about every music award.
Last month, Haggard
Hit Mama Tried was selected for presentation in the National Recording Registry.
Haggard was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 94.
He is the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame.
So Merle Haggard, dead at 79.
And this just broke five minutes ago, literally.
Great job of the crew grabbing that song so quickly.
That's why Dr. Group is here with us.
Dr. Group, former Army
Operative in his own right, and of course holds many different medical degrees.
You can find out more at InfoWars.com in the bio section of our guest, or at GlobalHealingCenter.com.
Dr. Grip will be with us for the balance of the hour, then David Knight takes over in the fourth hour.
And I had a whole stack of news for why he was coming on the show today and what he was going to be discussing.
Flu season peaking later than usual.
That's the Idaho State Journal.
Stanton community grieves after educator dies from complications from the flu, and it's killing people in the lungs.
Flu season hits new highs, but massive vaccinations happening.
People say, you need to take the shot so I don't get sick, but they're the people that have taken it that are dying so many times.
I mean, if you're protected, then you're protected, I thought.
Flu season hits new highs, and it's going so late.
We have another article, others dying that are prominent.
So it just expands.
North Carolina reports eight more deaths from influenza.
We're going to be breaking this down.
But Merle Haggard dead at 79.
Certainly some sad news.
But his great music will live on forever.
The Hag is dead.
I guess I could try to call up Willie Nelson.
I haven't hung out with him in a while, but he's friends.
And maybe get his take on this.
But what we really want to do is take this sad death and draw attention
To more and more of these mystery illnesses that are out there.
And the studies that admit when you take the regular flu shot, it doubles your chances of getting the flu the next year and lowers your immunity.
But that's not something they tell people.
They tell them just get the flu shot every year, even though they've had studies out for 20 years, that three consecutive flu shots in a three-year period doubles your chances of early onset of Alzheimer's.
So we're gonna discuss all of this with Dr. Edward Group, also one of the top formulators of products at InfoWarsLife.com.
Doc, thanks for coming in today.
Thanks for having me on, appreciate it.
This really underlines or highlights what you were already coming in to talk about,
One minute, two minutes before you're going on, the hag is dead, Weldon comes running in here, uh, country music singer in his own right, pretty darn successful, and then it's on the same subject you were about to cover.
That is weird.
It is weird.
What's weird is what happened to me about three weeks ago.
I was with my family on spring break in Utah, Park City, Deer Valley, where we go every year, and
When I got there, I looked in the sky and I saw chemtrails everywhere and my wife said to me, oh my gosh, look at all these chemtrails everywhere.
And so we started walking around the town and everybody was coughing and hacking and has respiratory illnesses.
And people were actually saying, I was asking a couple of people, I said, what's going on around here?
And they said, well, they're calling it the Park City flu.
And so I didn't think anything of it, and I ski for a couple days, and on day three, I start feeling really bad.
I'm looking up, I'm like, great, now my whole vacation's gonna be ruined.
I don't even get sick.
I know that if I get sick, there's something seriously going on, and I can literally feel it in my body, and I know...
And I'm barely getting by.
My throat, my respiratory, everything's going on.
So like on day three, I can finally start getting to the computer.
So I start looking and saying, there's something weird going on.
I need to find out what it is.
So I'm thinking it's spring break all over the country.
It's going to be spring break for the next three weeks.
That's the perfect time.
For them to spray and you know everybody leaves their hometown for spring break, right?
So they're all going to the East Coast.
They're all going to the West Coast.
They're going to Arizona.
They're going skiing in Colorado and Utah.
So I start looking at the different chemtrail websites and trying to figure out what's going on.
Sure enough, I came up with, you know, digging deep enough with chemtrail flu and
Realize that they heavily sprayed the East Coast, right along the border of Canada and the United States.
So the whole North.
They squared in the United States.
And by the way, they cover a lot of this with geoengineering.
It's admitted they're doing it.
There are UN treaties on it.
They have proven they are retrofitting planes.
They also add key compounds to jet fuel, so it's compartmentalized.
We have the patents, so even the companies don't know.
They're directed by Homeland Security just to do it.
That's why even NASA admits the Earth is now 30% darker.
You can type in satellite images of chemtrails from space.
That's the layman's term, but this is going on.
There's also low-altitude spraying going on.
They admit CIA testing in almost every city of the US, in some cases spraying chemicals, biologicals, radiologicals on towns, then having the military doctors in the hospitals to, quote, test the response.
So, secret human testing.
is massive.
Most of the public only knows about black people and Tuskegee, because they wanted the public to know and think, oh, it's just the black people.
No, folks.
No, they've been injecting large parts of the population with syphilis in the vaccines.
You think it's a vaccine, it's really syphilis.
My grandmother got polio from the polio vaccine one week later.
This is a massive eugenics operation, as Prince Philip talked about.
Please continue.
So, of course, me being a researcher, I wanted to dive into this even more.
And at the same time, by the way, we're getting emails from people that are sick all over the nation.
This has been going on, like I said, about three weeks ago it started.
And I don't even think we're in the real big, you know, pandemic part of it yet.
Let's be clear, people get tested and don't even have the flu virus.
They just say, people I know in Austin, because I've taken people to the doctor and they've said this, well, we just call it the flu.
We don't know what it is.
This is definitely not the flu.
I mean, they're going in and they're getting flu shots, obviously.
They're being told it's influenza, but the research that I pulled up, it's not.
And we can link all these things with the pneumonia and the respiratory and the heart conditions that are going on all across the U.S.
Like I said, they sprayed not only did they square in the U.S., but they also sprayed right across the middle of the U.S.
That's why you're seeing all these deaths and everything happen along the East Coast, the West Coast, along the South, and everything else.
And Merle Haggard just died.
And Merle Haggard just died.
Some respiratory deal.
So I pulled up some samples.
There's an agency in Victoria, British Columbia, because whatever they're doing up there is really taking a bad, people are having really bad reactions.
And these samples were given to this lab that are licensed by the Environmental Protection Agency, and they found ethylene dibromide, which is a pesticide, a banned pesticide,
Which causes severe respiratory reactions at low levels.
They found Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which not only causes respiratory infection, but also attacks the immune system.
I told my wife, I said, it feels like there's three organisms that are attacking me at once.
That was before I knew this, and sure enough, they identified three organisms.
The second one is Serratia marcescens, which is an antibiotic-resistant bacteria which causes pneumonia.
Endocarditis and meningitis, and the last one was streptomyces and molds capable of inducing heart disease, upper respiratory... That's right, they now admit there's all these weird mutated moles that are killing the bats, killing the turtles, causing people to have heart attacks, brain tumors are growing, and young people suddenly from mold!
Mold's getting through the blood-brain barrier and then mold's growing in the brain.
I mean, what have they done with the GMO?
Also, China heats up its big factories right now.
Its jet stream dumps in all over the United States.
So, this is insane.
Top it off with the aluminum nanoparticles that they're spraying down on us and everything else.
Which is an admitted giant secret program.
They admit they're doing it.
Billions being spent spraying us with aluminum.
And Monsanto's coming out with seeds that can grow in aluminum soil.
And then you got the Zika virus.
Which they admit is linked to mutations and engineered with the Rockefeller Foundation creating it, a souped up version.
I mean, you cannot make this up.
You cannot make it up.
It's happening.
If you talk to farmers all over the world, the aluminum nanoparticles are causing a very acidic soil, messing up all the plants, including organic foods and beverages.
And it's something that needs to be stopped, obviously.
That's what we're doing.
We're setting up greenhouses at our farm to grow all the herbs just so we can protect them from the air.
I want to get more into these news articles about this and why you think it's going to get a lot worse.
But Dr. Group will also put the phones up.
And oh, he's hosting the fourth hour now with Anthony Giugiardi.
Brain Force is here.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on this the last few months.
You probably noticed I've been more crazed, more focused, less brain fog, more energy, more special reports.
And it's because of Brain Force.
One of the worst things with most energy products is it's not sustainable.
You're gonna crash and gonna feel really bad afterwards.
This has a bunch of different antioxidants and compounds and polyphenols.
Everybody's on these drugs to knock their brain out because the brain's so fried.
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That is activated by the different compounds in the Yerba Mate that we put inside of it as well.
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You will find Brain Force, Survival Shield X2, and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
My name is Alex Jones.
Most of you know me from my syndicated radio program and my documentary films, as well as InfoWars Nightly News.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I had discovered the Globalist program, their plan to take over the world, and my focus went from running six miles every other day, swimming two, three miles a couple times a week, and lifting weights,
They're focusing on fighting the globalists.
I've gone from 279 pounds all the way down to 235 pounds and the weight's going off even faster.
And it wasn't just that my weight loss accelerated, my muscle mass increased, my stamina, my energy levels exploded.
Super Male has the key concentrated natural compounds that my body needed to go to the next level.
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Check them out today at Infowarslife.com or give our crew a call at 888-253-3139.
The globalist social engineers are not just targeting us with propaganda.
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We are being targeted at every level by estrogen mimickers that lower our testosterone and other hormones and natural compounds that the body needs.
The key is to be aware of this attack and to fight back against it after consulting top doctors, nutritionists, pharmacists and others.
We have developed what I believe is the ultimate non-GMO organic super male vitality formula sourced from powerful organic herbs harvested around the planet and then concentrated for maximum potency.
I've always believed in nutrition and herbs.
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It just got announced 45 minutes ago.
Earl Haggart died from the mystery pneumonia slash flu that put Joe Biggs in the hospital.
And Weldon Henson, who's super healthy, he was in the hospital.
And almost me.
I literally thought I was gonna die there for a minute.
Let's hear a little bit more from the Hag.
We'll play this part and then we'll get back to the broadcast.
We are, until we admit it to ourselves.
By the end of the song, though, he says, stop rolling downhill.
Going to Joe Biggs, briefly, because I'd forgotten, seeing him walk around the office, that he was in the hospital.
Sickest he'd been in his life.
He always brags he doesn't get sick.
They couldn't say it was flu, couldn't say it was pneumonia, had pneumonia.
And this is just all over the country, and the media's not really reporting on it.
I mean, it's here or there, but this is scary.
And then you have congressional hearing reports where they call chemtrails an exotic weapons system.
It's going on.
All sorts of different cocktails are being sprayed on us.
And they tell us it's ice crystals.
Until the early 90s, when the Nobel Prize was won for coming up with this, and the Nobel Prize was won for it,
There were no chemtrails, condensation trails, ice crystals formed above 20,000 feet in the summer, a little bit lower in the winter.
It was ice crystals and they faded away within a minute.
I sit there and watch these working in the garden or whatever, spray, they're there three hours later, expanding and drifting down, forming cloud banks.
They teach kids in university
Textbooks, but also in elementary textbooks, the entire gamut that there's a program to save the earth from solar radiation.
It's a government program!
And it is anti-human and poisoning the earth.
Joe Biggs, tell folks what happened to you.
It was interesting.
I was just sitting at my desk and I was listening to Dr. Group speak about the matter and how they were this huge chemtrail dump up north.
So I was just recently in Philly, you know, two weeks prior to that I was deathly ill.
I was in the hospital on and off.
I lost about 10 pounds.
All I could do was sleep.
I had no energy.
I felt like I was on my deathbed.
I woke up in cold sweats.
And it reminded me, because when I was in Philly, I had a conversation at the Democracy Spring protests.
I was actually speaking to one of the older gentlemen that lived out there his whole life.
And he says, hey man, make sure you stay warm.
He's like, you don't want to catch the pneumonia that's going around.
And I said, that's funny you say that.
I just had the flu and pneumonia.
And he goes, man, he's like, you probably got the chemtrail flu.
And that's what they're calling it right now in Philly.
This is coming from a bunch of Bernie supporters, some Trump guys that are out there I spoke to.
A lot of people are getting, a lot of people are dying from pneumonia.
Notice how the public knows.
Even people that aren't listeners know about the chemtrail flu.
People know that we've got an evil, multinational, global force against us.
It's not aliens, but it might as well be.
It's a global, secret technocracy that uses all of our tax money to build these huge Manhattan Project programs and then use them against us.
Yeah, the last time I had the flu, I was like 12 years old.
You know, I got, uh, when I joined the military, when they started forcing us to take those flu shots, I would get sick from time to time, but I mean, this was the full-on flu, I'm in the bed, then I was able to get pneumonia.
I mean, I literally thought I was gonna die a couple days.
It was so bad that I didn't even know who I was speaking to, I couldn't walk, I fell over.
And that's when I had to get someone to help me, drag me, pick me up, and take me to the hospital.
They took all these tests, they found out that I had flu A, and then they did chest x-rays, they ended up finding out that I had pneumonia as well on top of that.
I thought I was gonna die.
So this is something that people really need to look into.
You know, the fact that we have people around.
The more vaccines we get, the worse it gets.
Joe, thank you.
We're glad you didn't go the way of Merle Haggard.
Tell folks what's coming up.
We're going to break some of the U.S.
Okay, so as I was looking into it even more, H.R.
2977 is a bill that was introduced into the 107th U.S.
Congress in 2001, and chemtrails were referred to as an exotic weapons system.
And supposedly, chemtrail spraying over humans in the U.S.
gained its legality from U.S.
Code Title 50, Section 1520, which gives the Secretary of Defense authority to order testing involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on civilian population for research purposes.
That's right, well U.S.
Code Title 50 Chapter 32, Section 1528, Paragraph B, quote, prohibits secret testing, including lethal, unless it's for research or law enforcement purposes.
So it's okay to kill us, or test on us, if it's for research or law enforcement purposes.
Yeah, that's right, and what people don't realize is when they block the UVB rays, this is a whole nother eugenics program.
You block the body and the plant's ability to grow properly, and you block vitamin A production.
And that's why Cass Sunstein at the White House wants a law banning saying sunlight is good.
He wants a law where your kids aren't allowed to have it.
It's child abuse.
They might as well be aliens.
That's evil.
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It'll be a month until we get more of it in.
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Now, Dr. Group, I want you to get deep into the aerosol manipulation of our weather, what's being piggybacked on this, because most of the government officials are told this is weather modification.
Well, just like they piggyback in other operations, they're piggybacking here.
There's always a cover reason that's dangerous for Necronian, but many other sub-levels and Trojan horses, that is the modus operandi of the globalists that we're up against, but separately, DNA force that you developed
But my father, who's a chemist, not just a retired oral surgeon and dentist, and he's actually worked on drugs that have been approved by the FDA with the military.
Wound, wound, you know, systems to stop, you know, wounds being infected, dry socket, things like that.
He had always wanted to produce a nutraceutical level system that was a lot less than what you have to get at medical clinics.
Because here's the deal, you gotta go to medical clinics and doctors to get the super nutraceuticals in many cases.
That's why I went to Group.
He's had one of the biggest labs in the country, one of the biggest private hospitals until he got out of that.
He's the guy that can actually prescribe stuff that is prescription.
This isn't prescription, but it's stuff where you have to have doctors involved to be able to even talk to the labs that have it.
I mean, it's good to have medical doctors and people just to even be able to interface and get the licensing to be able to get from Mississippi, uh, America.
The Bio PQQ of the highest quality that cost, again, $30,000 to make a batch of DNA Force, $12,000 to $14,000 a kilo.
This has a huge dose, not of the synthetic garbage that's out there.
That's $40 a bottle for a dose lower than just what's in this, and that's only one of the ingredients.
So I'm pitching something here to you because it's amazing.
And by the way, very soon, we're going to have some major athletes and people that I didn't even try to get here.
Who separately tried this and separately tried some of the other products that it's been approved through the anti-doping agency.
Some of these athletes have to do that, the Supermill Vitality.
The DNA Force, it got approved, they used it, and they said, listen, I hardly use other supplements because I don't get much of an effect.
This is incredible.
I want to endorse it.
So this is an amazing product, DNA Force.
Dr. Group, let's spend a few minutes on this because it's back in stock.
Explain to people why it's such a game changer.
Well, working with your dad, you know, we always look at, and I always look at doing research, what the root cause of all the problems are to begin with.
And all the products that you carry that I develop for you all address the root cause of a problem.
For example, iodine deficiency.
We have the iodine.
Vitamin D, there's a vitamin D deficiency.
We wanted, when you came and you said the one, the Holy Grail.
You want the Holy Grail of all nutraceutical supplements.
What is the Holy Grail of all nutraceutical supplements?
It's gotta be something that works on the cellular level, right?
I mean, because that's all we are is a hundred trillion cells.
What's inside the cell, the mitochondria?
What is the main cause of every single disease out there?
We've talked about it a million times.
The mitochondria finally give up.
All the chemicals and the toxins coming in through the air, the food, the water, the beverages, everything, they come in where?
Through the intestinal tract.
The intestines are just made up of cells.
The cardiovascular system, made up of cells.
Every single system, endocrine, everything is made up of cells.
So when we looked at the cells and what's happening with the cells and how the cells become toxic and the chemicals that are altering the ATP function and the chemicals that are coming inside the cell and floating around in the cytoplasm and some cells have five mitochondria some cells have thousands of micro mitochondria that's the powerhouse of the cell and we started looking at the damaging effects of free radicals and chemicals at the intracellular level
That was how DNA Force was born.
And by the way, we don't make claims on the other products.
Other people with vitamins and minerals and supplements do.
We like to be safe.
Again, the health Nazi sites, and I mean that like Seinfeld, you know, Soup Nazi, the people that are really into the best stuff, you are like their god.
I mean, they just, you are the highest standard with your great products you've developed.
And then they sit there and they research what's in DNA for us.
They go crazy gaga because you can go to the site and see the 70 plus studies, all of it, on what it's known to do.
So what can we tell people this is known to do?
Because I started taking it two years ago when it first came out.
And again, this is a true story.
My finger was chopped off except for the skin on one side, but I fell off a boat where I was helping some people who had a boat fire in Lake Travis.
Kevin Booth was there, was dangling by a piece of skin.
It was numb.
This just happened about 14, 15, right before 9-11.
It's about 16 years ago.
For 12 years or so, it was just numb on one side.
Then it began to tingle.
It's really weird.
Then it just came back and the feeling's all back in my finger.
That's because this is patented to regrow nerves.
I mean, it's incredible.
There's no doubt.
This is my one of my favorite supplements.
It probably is my favorite supplement, but I take everything.
But this is the reason why it's so expensive.
First of all, my number one priority, like yours, Alex, is the customer's health.
And that's the first thing that we look at.
I want to provide the highest quality, best ingredients, stuff that I know is going to be effective, stuff that I know individuals are going to get results with and stuff that's going to change, literally change
Their health for the for the betterment of
They're life and so they don't have to deal with anything and it starts at the cell.
If you add up all the ingredients that we have in DNA Force and you were to buy those separately, you would be spending two, probably three hundred dollars because we use the highest quality, best ingredients.
And I look, it's fun to go through and read all of the third-party reviews on this product because I... By the way, the really good ones we can't put in there because it's a third-party site, highly rated, you know, the stuff that, you know, we have
High standards.
We don't let the reviews through that are just incredible.
So there's people that have had bald spots or their hair starts to grow back.
Another big response is that nerve.
People that had nerve damage, spinal injuries, they regain their feeling.
People have foot drop.
All of a sudden that's better and they can walk again.
I mean literally you're creating miracles because what you're doing is you're repairing the cells.
And a lot of the supplements out there aren't focused on getting into the cellular mitochondrial regrowth, and when the mitochondria dies and the cell dies, or when new cells come about from that, they're even unhealthier than the cells before.
That's right, the cell is ready to die, it emergency divides, you only get so many divisions of the telomeres, that's when your body shuts down.
That's why old people look old, because their cells are dead and dying.
So what we want to do is when that cell divides, we want a healthier cell division.
And let's take for example the digestive tract.
Your cells divide, you get new cells every 24 hours.
It's one of the most rapidly dividing cell structure just like the skin is.
The epithelial cells, the same ones.
We want the new, that's why another big response in the reviews is that my skin is healthier, I look more radiant, my nails, my hair, all of that, with the nerve, all of it's because... Let me ask you this, sometimes if I take it, and I've got a pretty tough stomach, on an empty stomach though, a couple of DNA force, I get a little bit of a stomach ache.
That's usually because of the enzymes we have in there.
So you need to take it with food?
So you don't really necessarily need to take it with food, but usually that's going to be some imbalance in your stomach.
Your hydrochloric acid levels might be off a little bit.
It's different with everybody.
But that's a good thing that we put those enzymes in there as well.
What we have is we have the BioPQQ.
Which is found as the original life-form, multi-antioxidant mineral that's found in space dust, which has... What is it?
50 containers, cartons of blueberries don't have this much antioxidant power.
So we have the Pitero Pure in there too, which contains different components, health-giving components and antioxidants that are contained in blueberries, the equivalent of 500 cartons of blueberries that you would have to eat.
So really, this is an antioxidant, it's an anti-aging system, it's a cellular repair, mitochondrial repair, and since everything starts at the cellular level, you're getting all these nutrients into the base of that, and
What we've done with this new batch of DNA Force, I'm always looking for new and exciting things that we can add to these formulas to bring the quality up.
That's why constantly we're looking at improving the quality and adding new things.
That's why it's now DNA Force Plus, though we haven't changed the label yet.
So this new DNA Force batch has the addition of an OMRI listed organic
Fulvic acid.
And it's just like the Shilajit that we use as well.
The fulvic acid is the base core component of all cellular life.
It's made from the decomposition of plants and that decomposes into a humus structure and fulvic acid is one of the components of that.
Fulvic acid contains 77 different base ionic minerals.
And fulvic acid has, you can type in fulvic acid clinical studies and you're going to see
The benefits, China, Japan, traditional Chinese medicine has used fulvic acid for centuries.
And what fulvic acid does, is it focuses on the cell.
It hydrates the cell.
We have a dehydration problem that's just as bad as the mystery flu out there.
We have 90% more... Well, even the BBC admitted that scurvy is coming back, because even if people eat fruits and vegetables, their guts are so dead with no flora, they're not absorbing it or breaking it down.
What does fulvic acid do?
Helps transport essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids into the cell, okay?
So it's like the 18 wheelers delivering.
And it pushes out toxic materials from the cell.
They did a study, I can't remember where it was, on fish that swim in water high in fulvic acid.
They had six times less the metals and aluminum in their body because they were exposed to fulvic acid.
We have, we added this into DNA Force and didn't even increase the price or anything.
This is an added benefit.
And it's on the label on the back, we just haven't changed the main label on the front to call it DNA Force.
Plus, we have a limited run, and again, it does have so many things in it that are hard to source, hard to get.
That's why we're sold out half the time of DNA Force.
It's just because the formula is that good, folks.
That's not a gimmick where we're sold out all the time of some of these key things.
It's the more complex the product is, the harder it is to get the truly pure, clean, organic, the harder it is to pass all the standards, and when we don't, we just don't put it out.
I mean, nobody else does that.
That is true quality control right there.
That is true.
I would love to have sources, but our rigorous process of vetting sources for these products and getting these materials in, and it's only getting worse across the industry because everybody is trying to jump into the nutraceutical and ride the organic bandwagon right now.
You have pharmaceutical companies that are investing hundreds of billions of dollars right now into the probiotic industry.
We now have big pharma contacting us saying, hey, we want to work with you.
With our laboratories.
I mean, it's just crazy.
It is crazy, but the good thing is, a lot of those pharmaceutical companies and people, they don't have the 20 years of background into looking at raw materials.
They don't know how to properly vet the raw materials, and what they want to do is they want to patent something!
They want to take something and create their own probiotic, a man-made probiotic that they can patent and then sell.
Listen, it goes back to nature.
Nature is our medicine.
Nature is the next thing.
Nature is the high-tech.
Nature trumps the drugs.
Not drugs, nature.
Powered by nature, not drugs.
And that's why the globalists and the powers to be out there... That's not hype.
Of course, we're even allowed to say that because that's in the studies.
How did BioPQQ, and there's much other stuff in there, how did it make my finger
nerve come back in?
Because BioPQQ activates the cells in the mitochondrial level and starts repairing.
So as your nerve cells start to reproduce,
Every time they reproduce, that's why it was a slow process and it started going to a little bit of a tingling feeling and then after a period of time it came back because the next generation of cells were stronger and they were healthier.
If you look at the stairway to health where you're sitting here and you're eating and exposed to all these chemicals and toxins, most people are standing still or they're going down one stair every day and that's why they're sick, they're debilitated, they're getting degenerative diseases, they're on pharmaceuticals and they're slowly dying.
If you start looking at providing the body with the essential things that it's deficient in, like the iodine and like the winter sun, and then focusing also at the cellular level, so you can absorb all those things into the cell properly, you can hydrate the cell properly, then you get cellular activation, you get healthier cells.
And so just like your body, just like your body.
It's almost like stem cells.
Needs oxygen, we need these things.
You need all these compounds in your cell.
I picked all the compounds that you need in your cell.
That's a great point.
They're talking about, like, all these cancers and heart attacks and heart death being reversed with stem cells.
Well, how do you just activate your stem cells?
You give your cells what they need to produce... Instead, they go pull them out of somebody else and put them in you.
It's amazing.
I want to go to break and come back and talk more about the chemtrailing that's going on and all these mystery illnesses, but you're going to be hosting.
I heard you talk tonight, and Anthony did.
It makes sense.
He'll host tomorrow.
You guys will host the fourth hour today, since Gucciardi was going to be hosting tomorrow.
That way, you guys can continue on and take phone calls.
People love to talk to Dr. Grubb.
I've been talking to Dr. Wakefield, who's been proven right by all the medical journals.
His partner's been exonerated.
He's about to be exonerated.
He's suing different groups in England.
He lives here in Austin.
He's meeting in studio next week.
He's in Germany right now.
They've come out and admitted, in fact, let's pull up some of those New York Times articles if we can, that oh my gosh, most cancer is caused by gut flora death, and oh my gosh, most cancer is viral, and oh my gosh, autistic children have toxic guts with virus antibodies in them from vaccines.
So he's been proven right, folks, and now it turns out the government threatened Robert De Niro and others not to play his film Vaxxed.
That's scary.
We'll be back.
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My name is Alex Jones.
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I hear people talking bad about the way we have to live here in this country.
Harping on the wars we fight, griping about the way things ought to be.
And I don't mind them switching sides and standing up for things they believe in.
They're walking on the fighting side of me.
Fighting side of me!
They're walking on the
Died of the mystery flu, mystery pneumonia, that sent Joe Beggs and Weldon Henson to the hospital in the last few weeks.
Going back to you, my friend.
We're going to go into the next segment.
You're going to be hosting the fourth hour of the Anthony Giussiardi Out of the Studio.
In that little five-minute segment, I'm going to play the trailer that just went up on Infowars.com to the new
Documentary film that Charlie Daniels, myself, General Boykin, former head of U.S.
Special Forces, and others are in.
And so, people can go to InfoWars.com and find that.
Revelation, dawn of global government, theatrical trailer, HD, new documentary film featuring Charlie Daniels, exposes fall of American sovereignty, a perfect time for that to be coming out.
And that was produced by, of course, a retired Army colonel in his own right.
So, so many former soldiers and officers, like yourself, Dr. Group, it just keeps popping up, Tim Kennedy.
Coming on to be part of the team.
I just keep noticing it's soldiers, patriots, still fighting for this republic today, while so much of the public is asleep.
I guess when they brainwashed us that, you know, we need to take care of our country, that's why we're really wanting to take care of our country.
And we really do, we really are passionate about it, and we spend all of our time every single day
Just trying to help the environment and help everybody live a healthy life.
I mean, it's just, it's amazing when you just walk around and you see people and you just want to walk up to them.
It's just the sheeple out there that are just, you see...
Mothers pushing around little babies and in their lap they have a big bag of Cheetos and a 62 ounce Coca-Cola and you're thinking to yourself, oh my gosh, look at that baby drinking all that high fructose corn syrup and eating all that MSG.
No wonder the general public seems so braindead.
Yeah, I mean if you're breathing the chemicals every single day, you're eating the chemicals every single day, you're, you know,
Exposed to stress from the negative aspect of the media?
Ultimately, you're just going to be sick and you're going to... Sure, how do I do that?
And we're going to go to break and come back and play this trailer.
Because I feel it's positive to fight the tyranny, to cover the evil, the corruption, to expose it, to stop it.
But it does have a negative effect, even though I realize it's positive to do, still it gets to me personally.
How do you do what you do and not have it weigh you down?
Well, one of the things I do is meditate every day, and that helps out tremendously.
I try to meditate at least, you know, when I'm starting to feel stressed out, I'll just stop what I'm doing and have a meditation chair in my office.
I turn the lights off and go over there and just meditate.
For the first five minutes, my brain is going a million miles an hour, and I'm, ugh, I can't believe this is going on.
But then I just, it calms, it really calms me down and meditates.
Learn to get centered and just focus.
Yeah, just centered and focused.
And I tell you what, one of the most common reviews, product reviews, for DNA Force is the fact that it calms you down.
I went through all the reviews on your site and kind of came up with the top five, and honestly, just about every review mentions how they're suffering from anxiety and stress, and one of the biggest things that it does is calms them down, keeps them focused, and keeps them
Because your body picks up when it's not operating properly.
Yeah, exactly.
Of course it does.
But when you repair the cells, the cells can then produce the dopamine and the serotonin and produce all the good compounds that your body needs.
The normal high we're supposed to have on life.
And alter the amount of stress on life.
Look at everything God gave us.
It's just the pleasure of life, the pleasure of raising children, the pleasure of kinship, the pleasure of men and women together.
I mean, it's just all one giant blessing when we follow God's plan.
Back in 70 seconds with Dr. Group, I'm Alex Jones.
Fourth hour straight ahead.
Some stations don't cover it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, final segment with myself and then Dr. Griffin, Anthony Gucciardi are coming in.
Part of the fact that things get confused here is why we're so successful.
You know, first it was going to be David Knight hosting the fourth hour, and then we realized, hey, you're here.
We were going to have a meeting about new product development, and then I realized I'm going to have another meeting at like 3.30, so I can't be here now if you host the fourth hour, but we'll just do it again tomorrow over the phone.
And, you know, the sign that we do get confused and overbooked is the sign that we're taking action.
There was a big study out on that just last week showing that fact.
People that don't want the animating contest of liberty, they're already dying.
What do we do, in closing here, about the TV sickness, the screen sickness, the IQ dropping, this whole Matrix-like society that we do live in?
How do we stay focused and not get brain damaged by that?
Pay attention to yourself.
I mean, so many people are focused on so many outside things.
They're focused on their work.
They're focused on their family.
They're focused on going to the doctor's office, getting on medications.
You just gotta bring it all back in and say, what's really important to me?
Instead of spending hours watching the news at night or watching a bunch of shows on TV,
Those are hours you could be spending taking care of yourself, spending time with your kids.
Prioritize your life, you know, God, family, yourself.
If you're sick, if you're not taking care of yourself, nothing else in your life is going to be functioning properly, that you're going to have problems with your family, your work, everything.
One of the things that I've learned is that the healthier you are and the more you look at yourself and controlling your stress levels and focusing on yourself,
The happier you become as a person.
And the more you get in control of yourself.
I'm still a mess, but compared to myself five years ago, it's like an 80, 80 percent is better.
And now the last 20 percent, it's easier and easier.
And look at everything around you that's benefited from just getting my kids to eat healthier.
They behave so much better.
It's amazing.
You know, I dropped the ball.
Hopefully you guys will cover this some.
This is a bombshell.
Robert De Niro.
Was threatened.
We have this directly from Andrew Wakefield.
To not show their film.
You know, his son obviously was autistic from it.
He was going to show it.
They went after him.
I wondered, man, what did it take to threaten De Niro?
He's pretty powerful.
He was threatened by the government.
Wakefield gave us the exclusive.
The article just went up and I didn't even plug it.
I tell you what, I hope everybody watches Vaxxed from Wakefield, who has been under so much scrutiny in the last, ever since he started his anti-vaccine campaigns, and education of people.
And he's been proven correct.
He's been proven absolutely correct.
Speaking of films, let's go out to break, and you'll come back with Anthony with the trailer of the new film, Revelation, with Charlie Daniels, General Boykin, Alex Jones, and more.
The first things I remember are frosty Carolina mornings with a cheery fire crackling in my mama's big black wood cook stove.
I'm Charlie Daniels.
Today, something's wrong.
And we all know it.
The nation has been hijacked by international forces.
I got shot through the shoulder.
My first thought was, damn, that hurts.
Even Hollywood couldn't make up stuff like this.
The people of the world are waiting for Americans to wake up!
We the people have the right to keep and bear arms.
The average citizen is photographed 300 times per day.
The fence ends right here.
Beheadings, beatings, torturing, burning people in barrels.
Is indicative, I think, of their confidence now that it doesn't matter if this is open.
We have so much power here that they can't take us down.
The biggest stumbling block to this plan is the United States of America.
Why is that?
Because we have a tradition of individual freedom and liberty.
We have to protect America and the American way of life
First, world government is only the beginning.
The caucus croak, friends.
Denial will not stand.
Once they have control, they plan on absolutely dehumanizing humanity.
And that's just one of the trailers.
There's another powerful trailer on Infowars.com.
We'll be back on the other side with Dr. Group and Anselmi Gucciardi.
I'm Alex Jones signing off.
Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
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Thousands of years ago, there was a basic form of chivalry.
Our ancestors would hear the drums of war, giving the warriors of the tribe a chance to organize and prepare a defense.
Sixty years ago, when foreign air forces were approaching filled with bombs, they had drums of their own, air raid sirens.
But in the 21st century, there are silent weapons for quiet war.
Pathenogens added to the food and water, to the lining of plastics that destroy our vitality.
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They took my saddle in Houston, broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend somewhere along the way.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
All right.
We're back.
It's the fourth hour.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
We're going to keep going on with Dr. Group into overdrive.
We've got a lot of news that Alex didn't cover.
In fact, he's bringing in more as we speak right now, including festival threatened by, quote, high government officials not to show anti-vaccine from Paul Joseph Watson.
And we've got some more.
But with Merle Haggard dying today, which is surreal, when an icon dies, there is an element of surrealism that goes along with it.
And you wonder,
You know, what is he thinking on his deathbed when he had pneumonia multiple times, double pneumonia, uh, ended up dying today on his birthday?
And you wonder about, geez, it's kind of absurd when you look up his name.
I don't see my political correctness stack, sorry.
No, no worries.
Hey, it's live, it's telepromptory.
Yeah, absolutely.
There it is, thank you.
Well they are banning everything.
What'd they just ban again?
They're just banning raising your hands in England is not racist in class.
Well it makes sense.
And I had my whole stack from today and I swear it was in here and I ran out I was telling you guys keep going sorry.
That's alright.
Could have been here too.
Hey, it's live, it's awesome, right?
No, we got Panama Papers, British banker, funded North Korean arms, but on the Merle Haggard thing, it's crazy when an icon dies, because you think about both the vastness and the kind of routine aspect, such as, if you look up Merle Haggard,
Wikipedia, and a bunch of other websites, automatically change.
So it goes from, in a matter of minutes, you'll always notice this if someone dies on Wikipedia, he was, and they just put, you know, death in there instantly, within minutes they have it all done.
It's like, geez, in a matter of minutes his entire profile's changed to, you know, his legacy, and what he did in his life, and how he died today, and everything.
And you wonder, what are these people thinking on their deathbed?
Someone accomplished like him, sure, thinking of all the, a lot of really amazing things he did, but what are his regrets and what are people thinking on their deathbed when they have something like double pneumonia?
And it reminded me of this story from Huffington Post that was one of the most shared articles of last year.
The top five regrets of the dying.
And then we're going to get into this news.
So here are the top five regrets of people on their deathbed.
They did an actual study and they figured these were the top five regrets.
Isn't this interesting?
That is very interesting.
So, number one.
The number one regret from people on their deathbed is, I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
Number two is, I wish I hadn't worked so hard.
Number three is, I wish I'd had the courage to express myself.
Number four is, I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
Number five is, I wish that I had let myself be happier.
So, it's something to consider.
The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying.
With Merle Haggard passing away, it reminds me of this story.
Top 5 Regrets of the Dying, and consider that while you're living, instead of on your deathbed.
I'll tell you what, just to comment on that, that's why time is so valuable.
Because time is something you never get back.
You know, you can
You know, lose money and make money again.
There's anything else in life, in the physical, you can lose your house or get a new house or anything like that, but time is so important.
Somebody once said to me, you know, when I had kids, you're really only going to have about six Christmases with your kid because your kid won't understand Christmas until they're three, and by the time they're nine, they know, you know, about Christmas and everything.
So, you know,
Every moment is so precious because whatever you lost today is gone, you know?
So that's why you really need to take advantage of and think to yourself, you know, you're stressed out, you're angry and everything.
Usually everything works itself out anyway and then you look back two weeks later when you suffered from all this stress and anxiety and anger and emotional problems and then, you know, later on you're saying, I just
I was under so much pressure and stress and anger for two weeks.
What did that do to my body?
And now everything's okay anyway.
You know, those are all really good things that people should look at in their life and appreciate time and appreciate every minute that they have.
That's why I try to... Absolutely.
You know, yes, there's a million things going on.
Yes, I want to help change the world.
Yes, I want to, you know, be an activist.
One of the biggest victories, actually, that we've had on this planet is the fact that the Dark Act, the GMO labeling, failed in the Senate by one vote.
I mean, that's got to be one of the biggest
Progressions that we've made in the health care and the environment and food supply ever.
So it's little things like that that you work so hard on, but then don't forget about the little things and don't forget about the people that are important to you and don't forget about yourself either.
You have to take time to reflect and realize all the things you've done, all the things you've worked towards, all the things as a collective intellectual revolution that we've achieved, you know, no matter what that is.
Yeah, you and I both were on Capitol Hill giving a speech
About the DARK Act, and that's been accomplished when Monsanto and the companies put in $50 million, the Grocers Association, to lobby against it.
I mean, that's a huge win and a huge loss for them.
And then General Mills coming out and announcing they're going to start labeling and these companies that are not going to be putting any more genetically modified foods.
That's pure activism at the heart of what we're all about, changing the world.
And more and more people are realizing that.
And it's not me or you that made that change happen.
It's everybody out there that's making a difference, that sent all those letters to the senators.
Proponents of spreading the word and educating everybody they know about those things.
And even if you don't care about GMOs or you don't care about health and you think they're great, just think about what that represents.
A company that is making multi-billions of dollars and then shelling out tens of millions or hundreds of millions over a long span of time to stop these things from happening, to stop labeling initiatives and all that.
And then a grassroots initiative, not multi-powerful
You know, omnipotent companies going against another one, but grassroots people like the March Against Monsanto woman who's just a housewife that just, you know, her kids were eating junk and she said, well, gee, there's an issue with this.
It's grassroots people.
So again, even if you don't care about the health aspect of it or the GMO aspect of it, it's representative.
It's representative of everything, right?
It's representative in the political world where no one is standing for the political correctness anymore.
Where no one is standing for the fake politicians anymore.
Where Congress's approval rating is in the toilet, and nobody likes any of the, uh, most of the candidates because they're up there, you know, flapping around, talking like a puppet.
So people are tired of it, and it's representative of the overall revolution that I see happening.
And that's why things are happening, like threats from high-level government officials to not show certain films or whatever.
And again, even if you don't agree with the films.
I'm not even sure I agree with this film.
That was going to be shown.
But the truth is, you should be allowed to show things, as long as it's not, you know, direct defamation or libel or whatever, that expands people's reality and makes them question the reality.
Because if we're not doing that constantly, that's how we get into the world we're in now, where we're essentially just going into an establishment meat grinder, right?
Where we're told our entire lives, this is how we have to live, this is how we have to behave.
And if we don't stop it too,
Then, next thing you know, new things will be coming out that we just didn't even see in the first place.
And now children around the world are spending less time outdoors than prisoners.
For 80 years, young Americans have been depressed and anxious, and no one is quite sure why.
And on the tech realm, which I think could be a good thing but also a bad thing, Samsung patents smart contact lenses with built-in cameras, and Nvidia is powering the world's first self-driving race car.
So there's all this stuff happening, all this development, a lot of amazing powerful things, a lot of ridiculous things going on at the same time, and we're just sitting here, and if we don't analyze our position and refocus
And say, wait a minute, okay, let's get back to the foundation of what needs to be changed and what needs to be fixed and reclaim our, you know, personal freedoms and really just push forward in human empowerment.
It's not going to be a very good time, I don't think.
There's a lot of good and a lot of bad happening and has been happening for the last couple, not last couple years, for the last 10, 15, 20 years.
It just seems to be getting worse and worse.
But at the same time, things are getting better.
I mean, we are in these times
All of us, everybody that's listening to this show and many people around the world, we are part of that revolution.
I mean, we're right in the middle of this movement, this revolution, this change that's happening right now for the better.
And when
Our children and their children look back.
The history books, the history books that are going to be written in the future, in the next 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, are going to be talking about this, what we're involved with right now.
They're going to be like, this was the core of the revolution that changed the world.
And the teachers are going to be teaching about this.
It's like the Civil War, World War II, or the Vietnam War, whatever.
This is going to be the revolution, the healthcare revolution.
The revolution that the people took back their own rights and the Constitution comes back to the original Constitution and all these different bills and all this stuff that has taken over our rights to do most anything.
I mean, they can just declare martial law.
We have no rights at all.
So the good thing is when you think about that and you think about the future, at least that's what I think about, it's like,
You know, years, people aren't really recognized until years and years and years later.
I mean, we think back of Tesla and Einstein right now and what they did and all the changes that are written about from all of the great leaders in history.
They're not recognized till 20, 30, 40 years down the road.
Van Gogh only sold a single painting in his lifetime.
A single painting for a very small amount of what would be nowadays about $1,000.
Tesla was definitely an outcast.
Some recognition, Jefferson just completely outshadowed him.
Tesla was an outcast.
All of the great figures that we now, you know, say how smart Galileo, okay?
All these figures that we look at and say, what revolutionary, intellectual, just powerhouses.
How amazing.
They were generally outcasts, ignored, hated, over and over and over again.
They would have all been diagnosed with autism or ADD, ADHD, because they were anti-social.
Definitely crazy people.
They would have all been on medication.
And for the record,
I don't, I'm not saying, I don't think you're saying that we're anywhere near these people at any capacity.
I think it's more about the movement itself, intellectual revolution, towards personal freedom, towards human empowerment, away from the mega-bureaucracies taking control of everything and looking at everything you're doing and telling you what you can and can't do, and a boiling point, like you said, where the legislation is just so absurd and the politicians are just so corrupt that it cannot last anymore.
So it's a peaceful, information-based revolution that is absolutely coming.
So we're going to come back.
We're going to take some phone calls to give out the number when we come back and talk about this high government official shutting down a film.
We'll be right back with that group.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
Thousands of years ago, there was a basic form of chivalry.
Our ancestors would hear the drums of war, giving the warriors of the tribe a chance to organize and prepare a defense.
Sixty years ago, when foreign air forces were approaching filled with bombs, they had drums of their own, air raid sirens.
But in the 21st century, there are silent weapons for quiet war.
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Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide while also enjoying what I have found to be the best tasting, 100% organic coffee on the planet.
For more than a decade, my favorite coffee has come from the high mountains of southern Mexico, where the Chiapas farmers grow their unique shade-grown Arabica beans.
We are.
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
All right, we're back.
This is Anthony Gucciardi.
This is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show here with Dr. Group.
We're talking about a number of things, but I'm also going to put up the phone lines at 800-259-9231.
Any questions for Dr. Group?
Health topics?
Preferably on topic, right?
So anything health related or what we're talking about today would be great.
Or your thoughts on any of these issues.
So go ahead and call in.
We'll be taking calls throughout the entire hour.
Also, we're going to talk about...
Is something that Dr. Group, and we talked about this a little bit before, but this is just another example of something where someone says something that is actually an expert and understands how it works, that's against the so-called status quo of the verdict, right, against the establishment view on something, and they're called crazy.
You might have been called crazy in your life before for something, maybe something minor by a few people in your life or for a few days or a few months.
But imagine being called crazy for 20 years on something that you know you're right about and having the courage to continue stating it over and over and over again.
Even though everyone's calling you crazy, even though your friends, your MD friends and your surgeons are calling you insane on stuff.
And that is not to just, you know, toot your own horn for you, but that's what you've done for about over 20 years on gut health.
I don't know.
It comes out later and later and later, but look at this.
The New York Times Magazine, can the bacteria in your gut explain your mood?
The rich array of microbiota in our intestines can tell us more than you might think.
This is just one piece that I printed off.
I used, you know, I've done another segment on this where I have like 20 pieces.
Mental health may depend on creatures in the gut.
Scientific American, who would totally be your biggest detractor, saying mental health may depend on creatures in the gut.
And of course that big paper we talked about before where it's basically that your entire health, your predisposition to many diseases, is based on the microbiome in your gut.
Which is totally central to everything you've been saying.
Totally central.
And it's routine in every single one of your protocols.
But you're insane.
You're a bad person.
How dare you run clinics for the past 20 years and help people and teach them about this stuff?
Very upsetting.
What do you have to say about yourself?
What do you have to say for yourself?
I've been saying for a long time, the closely guarded top secret of the medical profession is gut health.
It's something they never want you to find out about because I'm not a super genius or anything like that.
I just am a research scientist.
I look at the root cause of problems and in my quest years and years and years ago to find the root cause of disease and actually back then my goal was cancer.
I was called the first alternative oncologist in the nation because
We were focusing with our research team on what's the real root cause of cancer and how can we prevent cancer and that led us to every other disease because when we figured out the root cause of cancer, that also led us to the solution on how to prevent and what to do.
If you know what causes disease,
It's easy to learn how to rectify that.
My first book was Health Begins in the Colon.
Disease starts in the colon, the gut, and I was called everything.
My office was raided by the FDA.
I was almost thrown in jail.
I had black cars following me around.
And let's be clear, let's be clear, let's talk for a minute.
So when you say the medical system doesn't want you to know this, to me, you know, I have lots of MD friends, couple surgeon friends, couple dentist friends.
They, in my view, they get it, okay?
Some of them are integrated.
I think most doctors, most doctors have good intentions.
I think most doctors have good intentions.
They want to help people.
I think it's the big, mega drug companies that have been caught time and time again.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
They've been caught time and time again getting rid of the drug trials.
And by the way, I think sometimes we should take pharmaceutical drugs.
If you have a really bad infection, take an antibiotic.
I don't know if you agree with me on that.
I think sometimes they're good.
Sometimes they're good.
Sometimes people need them.
But I'm just backing up your point, explaining it in a way that, look, there's billions of dollars at stake.
There's billions of dollars at stake.
How much money would be lost if everyone got their gut health right?
And then here's the point, too.
Everyone says, well, if it was just that easy, everybody would do it.
Well, really?
Because it's actually kind of easy to lose weight.
You eat less and you work out every day.
But how many people are obese?
Well, gee, if it's just that easy, well, it's not just that easy, but you can do it, right?
But there are billions of dollars of interest money wedging against you, hedging against you in a Las Vegas bet that you're not going to do it, right?
They've got a blackjack table they're just throwing billions down just hoping that you're not going to do it.
Psychological warfare.
So we'll be right back and continue on the subject with Dr. Group.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, so you talk about the definition of live radio, huh?
Alex just walked in with Facebook Mentions going, which is the live streaming service on Facebook on his Alex Jones page.
Started talking to us, and that's always a lot of fun.
I think, I personally think that Facebook Mentions is an awesome tool to reach people.
So if you're not on there, if you're not on Alex's Facebook,
Sign on and watch his mentions.
Probably competing with us right now, but you know what?
That's alright.
Watch this.
Don't go there.
Don't watch him.
We're more entertaining.
So we're going to talk more about this gut health connection.
We've been talking about what Dr. Group's been doing for 20 years.
He's talking about gut health.
How it's the center of everything.
Now we're going to take some of your calls on adrenals, energy, supplements to help with memory, heart issues, nerve damage, inflammation, lots of stuff.
So Dr. Group, just finishing up, we're talking about Scientific American, New York Times.
Pretty much every news outlet ever is now putting out stories that gut health is really, really important.
It's pretty much the center of your health, the microbiome, the way in which it affects your mood, stuff you've been saying for years.
I've only been saying it probably for five years or four years.
You've been saying it for 20 years.
So you're kind of like the grandfather of this.
Yeah, I'm not really the grandfather of it because if you look back in history, you know, 3,000 years, 2,500 years ago.
The grandfather of the modern push.
The thing is, the medical communities burned all kinds of books in the 1930s and 40s because this is what those doctors were talking about with all the chemicals that were being developed.
Starting, well, with the AMA in 1898 with Fishbein, really trying to suppress, one of their main missions was to suppress natural medicine because they knew it was a threat.
They closed down all the mineral spas around the country.
They started burning all the books.
I've tracked down a lot of those books from the 1920s, the 1930s, all the way up to the 1950s.
And guess what?
They were saying the same exact thing that we're saying now.
Eat a clean diet.
Eat organic foods.
Cleanse your body on a regular basis.
They used to just have people eat dirt to get the probiotics in their system.
Nowadays, the soil is contaminated with all kinds of other things, but the good news is that's what we're here for, to develop these things, to give people the solutions they need.
And yes, I always have been a big gut proponent because everything starts in the gut.
Your gut is connected to every single organ.
Your gut is the largest endocrine organ
That you have.
You have the surface area of the size of a tennis court in your gut, and your gut is a whole living world.
It's your connection to the outside.
You know, when you put stuff in from the outside, it's supposed to go in, get processed, and come out the other side, everything that you don't want to use.
The problem is, with all the chemicals and everything else that we're ingesting on a regular basis,
It's burning holes in the gut wall, causing leaky gut syndrome, and people aren't chewing their food properly, and all of these issues are burning the gut, destroying the gut, and that's why I've always said the first point is to clean the gut when you want to repair your health.
Put back in the proper probiotics that you need on a regular basis.
Cleanse it with an oxygen-based colon cleanser like Oxy-Powder.
Iodine is extremely important for the gut health tissue.
Once you repair the gut, a lot of the other problems start going away and going away.
And now you're seeing mainstream, they just can't hide it anymore, okay?
Because they're looking bad.
You know, all these people are saying, well, why didn't, we have the best scientists in the world, the best pharmaceutical companies that are working on all this, why aren't they saying anything about this?
Oh, you know, it's so funny you said that.
The one main article about this, that started all this again, where they came out and said that there was a predisposition to heart disease and cancer or whatever, if you don't have a good microbiome in your body, the guy, I think it was from AstraZeneca, maybe we can pull it up, we made a big deal of it a while ago, the guy from AstraZeneca said, if you would have told me, I'm paraphrasing,
If you would have told me five years ago there was a link between gut health and the development of disease and the prevention of disease, I would have laughed at you.
Or I would have laughed.
Yes, I remember.
Well, you know, he would have laughed at us.
Well, they've been laughing at us for a long time.
And it's funny, I took that quote, actually.
I took that quote with an image and took that and then a headline of an article I wrote five years ago called, like, you know, probiotics essential for health and mental function or whatever, and put his quote on top, right?
Like, if you would have told me that, he's the lead researcher for AstraZeneca.
Or whatever the company was, you know, not to throw out the wrong company, but he was one of the top guys, top scientists for the drug company, like, if you would have told me five years ago, what?
How about 4,000 years ago?
Because you are right, I mean, this has been ancient medicine, and I don't want to keep harping on this for too long, let's take a call, but this has been ancient medicine.
It's just, you are reinvigorating the lost art.
Listen, they know all the medical community, all the pharmaceutical companies, they know they're losing out.
They're seeing thousands, millions of dollars going to the natural industry every single month, every single day probably.
They're proactively wanting to get off their pharmaceuticals because they know that they're just a band-aid and they're not addressing the root cause of the problem.
And they're moving towards natural things.
So they're in a panic right now.
How are they going to make money in the future?
Well, they have to embrace some of these natural things.
That's why they're putting hundreds of millions of dollars into all these studies for guts and they're trying to come up with their own patented probiotic strains.
And they're looking into the hemp compounds, cannabinoids.
That's right.
People are taking more responsibility for their own health.
They're doing more research.
They're not just believing what their doctor says and saying, okay, I'm just a guinea pig.
Maybe it's not even their doctors.
What they saw an ad on CNN about, try this medication.
It may kill you and make symptoms worse and give you 16 brain aneurysms, but try it.
And it's like smiling old women like, oh, it's so beautiful.
That's when they go and they're like, sure, let me type that online, and it's like 16 pages that are CPC, you know, like paid for advertising on Google by that company, and they read it, and it's like, well, let me see, is this a good choice for me?
And it's like, it's absolutely a good choice for you, it's awesome, and there's a disclaimer at the bottom of the website, like, this will actually give you 15 heart attacks, don't take it if you're doing anything or drinking any alcohol at all.
And you're like, awesome!
Then you go to the doctor,
And again, I have friends or doctors who will tell me this.
The patients will go in and they'll say, can I get such and such?
And the doctors say, well, that's maybe not right for you.
Maybe you should try this preventative stuff first or maybe a lighter or something.
And they're like, no, I want this.
So that's what they're also dealing with.
They're dealing with people that now that you can directly advertise pharmaceutical drugs to consumers who are uneducated on the subject of no idea what it is, truly, truly no idea what it is.
I mean, if you ask people what pharmaceuticals they're taking and they say, okay, such and such, such and such, say, well, do you know what is even in that?
Like, you wouldn't go to the store and buy, I mean, presumably, buy a huge tub of food that just says food.
And I was like, what's in that?
99.99% of the population on prescription medications, you can say, can you tell me the ingredients in that prescription medication you're taking?
They'll just say the brand name.
They'll say the brand name.
They'll say, well, no, what's in it, actually?
They have no idea.
They have no clue what they're taking.
They don't look at the interactions or anything.
And that is the scary part.
And the doctors, some of them will say, well, I tell them not to, you know, they demand it and they'll find other doctors.
It's called doctor shopping.
It's a real thing.
95% of the pharmaceutical medications out there damage the gut.
Cause constipation, damage the gut lining.
Even basic pain relievers and stuff.
All right, let's jump to some of these calls.
So we've got Ryan in Illinois, and he wants to talk about energy and the adrenals, which I think is kind of like the gut.
It's essential, and it's kind of a core function to a lot of things.
And anyway, Ryan, what's on your mind?
Yeah, I'm a graphic designer.
I always feel tired when I go to work and on the way.
I usually think that coffee will help but it doesn't help me with my energy and I still feel kind of sleepy.
I don't know if it's hypothyroidism like my dad has or vitamin D levels.
What do you guys think?
What do you think, Dr. Gruber?
Yeah, Ryan, you and millions of other people are suffering from low energy and fatigue around the country.
A lot of it has to do with stress, but more importantly it has to do with your body's ability to communicate between organ systems.
So what I've found is
The first thing that people need to do when they're suffering from low energy levels is to cleanse everything out of their body.
Because if you look at the root cause of it, your endocrine system is not functioning properly.
And that could be because of a bunch of different endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
It could be because of stress, high toxins in the food, multiple, multiple things.
But I can tell you this, low energy levels are directly associated with toxemia, which means your liver is not functioning properly, your liver is congested.
Again, going back to the bowel, you'd be amazed at how much energy people get after they do a colon cleanse, an intestinal cleanse for six days.
Then what I say to do for low energy levels is to do at least one liver cleanse, if not three liver cleanses.
Because the liver is your main functioning organ that processes your nutrients, helps you break down fats.
Medications that are stimulants like Adderall or something or you take coffee anything like that all you're doing is you're putting a stimulant into your body which is gonna synthetically increase your metabolism or give you that energy burst.
I tell you what a big huge problem is right now is energy drinks.
Doesn't that just obliterate your adrenals?
It obliterates your adrenal glands over a period of time but your adrenal glands are an endocrine organ.
And they're so tiny.
Just like your thyroid is.
People don't realize, you think about these big, powerful adrenal glands, they're like, what are they?
They're super tiny, they're super easy to tax out, and it's also, I guess a paradoxical would be the terminology for the paradoxical situation, Ryan, where, and I've been in this before, where you're tired because you're working all day,
Working all day, too tired to work out, but then guess what happens when you don't do anything?
You get more tired.
It's almost like, if you could break through that, that function too, it's like you have to actually get up and do something.
If you're sitting around all day, it sounds like you're a graphic designer, but I don't want to question you, that's for people that are tired, and I didn't want to take too long on this, but you know what?
Let me just say one thing before you say that, and another... Interrupt away, interrupt away.
Before I forget... Just smack me in the face and start talking.
You know what the number one, one of the most important elements is for the whole endocrine system?
And I can pretty much guarantee if you have hypothyroidism and your endocrine system is not functioning up to full capacity, that you're severely iodine deficient.
No hard feelings on the interruption over there.
I'm joking.
I don't care.
So, no, exactly.
And I would also say people are living a life sometimes when they think about going to work.
And I think there's also an artificial tiredness that happens because it's mentally fatiguing.
It's like, think about, gee, I have to go to work today on a Monday.
Are you like sluggish and tired?
But what if you just won $5 billion and you're going on an all-expenses-paid cruise around the world?
Think about the difference about that.
How do you feel about that?
Wow, you're actually excited!
Maybe you have some energy.
So it's also a question about, you know, whether or not you're at a good place in your life and if you like the direction you're heading, because a lack of motivation and a lack of
Kind of hope in the future also drains people, I think, too.
How hard would you work to get that?
And everybody's like, well, I would just be digging non-stop for days.
Think about that, how much energy that would take to dig through rock to get to a million dollars worth of gold that's buried a hundred feet deep.
Wow, so someone has drawn that parallel before.
Yeah, they have actually.
It is a component.
You know, happiness has a lot to do with that.
Happiness in your life.
How happy are you in your relationships?
How happy are you, like what I was talking about earlier?
Can you look in the mirror in the morning and say, I am happy with myself.
I'm happy with my body.
I'm happy with my life.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Oh, my gosh.
You're doing something very offensive, Dr. Group.
You're actually talking about real topics and real solutions and issues in people's lives, and they're very upset.
Some people are very upset about that.
You're doing something very bad.
You're trying to help them with their bodies, and you're talking about real problems in their life.
That is, that's, that's triggering me right now, actually.
I'm talking about solutions.
Are you having some problems in your life you need to talk about?
That's really upsetting me.
Because I can be a psychiatrist too and we can just kind of work through those problems and I can give you advice for a small fee.
All right, Ryan, thanks for your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Carlos.
I think it's supposed to say Carlos in Virginia.
He wants to talk about inflammation, which again is another root issue, so that's why I'm choosing these.
Carlos, what do you have to say about inflammation?
Hello, sir.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I was wondering about systemic inflammation and autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis.
What would you recommend naturally to combat those type of issues?
Carlos, let me tell you that practically every single negative health condition out there is associated with inflammation.
I mean... And which could come from the gut, because you could have inflammation of the gut.
Oh, absolutely!
Maybe it's like a secondary thing too, you know, from the gut.
The gut has an issue and then the rest of the body systemically responds with inflammation, right?
So, whenever you have inflammation, it's a response, it's a sign that you have a lot of different things going on, and you can associate any disorder.
Heart disease, with inflammation of the veins and arteries.
Diabetes, there's inflammation of the pancreas.
Arthritis, inflammation of the joint tissue.
It doesn't matter what condition you have.
If you have gut problems, you have cellular inflammation.
Again, what you want to do is you have to think, what causes that inflammation?
What is really causing that autoimmune?
Autoimmune is just when your body fights itself.
It's one of the worst things.
Your body turns against itself.
Your body thinks that your own body is
Attacking it!
So that's an autoimmune.
So that means what causes all that?
I can tell you.
It really shows how unnatural of a response in the first place something is going on, right?
If your body thinks that its own self is an enemy, what is happening to trick it to that point, right?
It all boils down to too many chemicals and toxins in your body and not enough coming out of your body on a daily basis.
Your body is overburdened.
Just like 90% of the people's bodies out there, it's hard to avoid all these things.
We have to take a proactive approach to clean, to eliminate these chemicals and toxins from coming into the body, but then also clean them all out.
You know, everything is in simplicity.
And that's one of the things that I learned, because I was taught
You know, before I was gonna do the medical thing about all the prescription medications, and then I was taught, you know, how to prescribe natural medicine to everybody.
But I realized that even with the natural stuff, unless you take two steps back before you take two steps forward, you still have a toxic body.
What you really need to do is, in order to truly activate your self-healing mechanism and to reduce that inflammation, sure, there's some things you can take for inflammation.
Oregano oil works really good.
Silver works really good.
White willow bark.
You know, there's different types of herbs that you can use.
Why not just address the root cause of it?
And that's going to be changing up your diet, eating organic foods, drinking nothing but pure, clean water for at least three months.
I mean, I don't know what you're drinking, if you're a coffee drinker, energy drink drinker, anything else, but one of the best ways to eliminate inflammation in the body is just do nothing but drink pure, clean water.
And I usually add organic apple cider vinegar, by the way, that also helps work to reduce the inflammation.
Get your gut clean and healthy, get your liver cleaned and healthy, and start that process of detoxification.
We'll be back with some more and some more news from multiple different sources on some truly interesting topics.
Right back, this is the Alex Jones Show, Anthony Gucciardi and Dr. Group.
Stay with us.
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So, you know, we went this whole hour, we took calls, we talked about some really important news that you can use in your life from gut health to you name it.
And I'm actually upset that we didn't mention this earlier because that was one of the reasons Dr. Koop's here today is that DNA Force is now back in stock at Infowarslife.com.
It's been out for months and this is a product that it's one of those products where you say stuff about it and it sounds made up.
So when I say that the PQQ that's found in Stardust, the Bio PQQ is backed by 175 clinical studies and costs $30,000 or so per unit that we buy it in.
That sounds crazy, but it's actually true.
And DNA Force, which is, I think, one of the coolest names of the Enforced Life products, is
Really one of those products that in the development phase, Dr. Krupp had to go back and forth with all these different people to get all the contracts and everything just to put it in there.
The BioPQQ, which is just one ingredient, he has some information on it too he's going to share.
175 clinical studies, more antioxidant activity than vitamin C, just one of the ingredients.
The CoQ10, you name it, it's all in CNI Force and he added a new ingredient this run.
Fulvic acid with no extra charge on the bottle themselves.
So it's the same price for everybody.
It's back in stock with a new ingredient.
You don't have to pay any more money.
Honestly, it's my favorite product.
I was saying earlier, it really is the holy grail.
I mean, obviously, you can reactivate your body's self-healing mechanism.
You can cleanse your body.
But there are certain nutrients, antioxidants, and systems inside the cell that are really hard to get.
In a normal diet.
And that's really what we wanted to focus on with DNA Force was just providing the cell all the nutrients and everything it needs.
And with the addition of fulvic acid, I mean this product is amazing.
It's something I would recommend people take on a regular basis every day, every other day.
The results, the reviews, I mean, I read the reviews and it's literally changed people's life.
I mean, all the InfoWars Life products, I mean, how gratifying is it to be able to go home every single day, for me, for you, and know that you've made a difference in somebody's life?
I wish everybody's job was like that.
I have the coolest job in the world.
Just so the listeners know, this is actually real.
You know, we do actually care about these things.
We do actually spend hours and hours talking about this, development on the phone, meeting, going and flying places.
This is the real deal.
This isn't a joke.
It's why we sit up here.
We're super proud of these products.
Super, super proud.
Dr. Group is absurdly obsessed with quality.
And admittedly, it even annoys me sometimes how obsessed he is.
It's just level 10.
There's nothing better, period.
I'd also mention, you know, we're not sitting here making recommendations to the callers for their health.
Please, please do not just listen to us.
This is, you know, just information.
Go and speak to a qualified healthcare professional.
Go and speak to a medical doctor or integrated medical doctor.
Whatever you want to see.
Just speak to someone for your health that actually can talk to you.
We have, what, 10 second phone call with you?
We're not giving medical advice.
We do have the ability to sit up here and talk about some things we know, and read some studies, and share some information that we've learned, probably the hard way, right?
Definitely the hard way.
So, Dr. Group, thank you so much for all that you do in development of these products and joining the show.
It's been a lot of fun, as always.
Reminds me of the one time we went on for five hours on a live stream, so this is nothing to us!
Anyway, thanks for having me on, and thanks to all of the listeners and everybody watching.
Yeah, thank you guys.
And thanks for being so supportive.
Appreciate it.
And the response is always amazing after hosting the show and being invited on.
Alex will be on from 11 to 2 tomorrow, so make sure you check out the show.
Thank you so much for watching.
This has been the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to GCN.
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