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Name: 20160403_Sun_Alex
Air Date: April 3, 2016
1598 lines.

Alex Jones, in his show on Infowars, discusses various topics ranging from election fraud, globalist control over society, health supplements, and lines drawn in the sand. He encourages listeners to take action against tyranny and resist the manipulation of information by the media and globalists. Jones highlights the importance of standing up for human liberty and breaking free from the trance-like state many people are in, unaware of what is happening around them. He also discusses how humanity has the power to fight against manipulation and control exerted by these elites. In addition, he covers current events such as the ongoing presidential campaign, electoral fraud, and the division within the United States caused by it. Jones promotes various health supplements available through InfoWarsLife and InfowarsTeam, emphasizing their importance for maintaining good health and supporting the operation of InfoWar.

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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
It's already the third day of April 2016 on the Sunday Worldwide Broadcast.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We'll be here live for the next two hours.
Stand up and be counted for what you are about to receive.
I have
I've been studying the globalists for about 25 years.
I've been on air more than 21 years.
And I've expected to see a lot of tyranny.
I've expected to see global government grow and take over the planet and put surveillance equipment in every major appliance and watch us and listen to us and track everything we do.
So that the social engineers can predict the future and predict trends and dominate the future and control the economic destiny and hence the physical destiny, the cultural destiny of humans on this planet.
People think they're listening to you with AI computers over your smart TV and your smartphone 24-7 at all times because they want to know you're a terrorist.
No, they run and fund the real terrorists.
The controllers at the top do.
They steer them.
They want all of your data so that they can actuary in algorithms everything you're going to do, did do, and will do into the future.
People say, I don't care if they're spying on me, I have nothing to hide.
Really, as if the people spying on you, the big corporations,
The multinationals, the foreign governments, our so-called government.
As if they might not want to use your information against you.
As if they might not want to use it to manipulate the economy.
And say, increase the price of natural gas.
Or manipulate the price of a commodity, or that's how this whole thing works.
And as everything gets wired in, that allows these AI systems to totally game everything for the insiders.
We told you decades ago that the stock market was rigged.
They came out in the last month and said that 98% of the trades in the last decade in the United States were basically controlled,
And artificial and manipulated by the private Federal Reserve for their shareholders gain, not yours.
The interest rates for decades have been completely rigged globally.
Currency rates have been rigged.
It goes on and on.
It's a totally rigged system.
It's not capitalism.
It's not communism.
It is artificial synthetic AI fascism.
And they can give you a tiny slice of synthetic food, baubles, games, false culture, reality TV that sucks you in so that while you sleep, the social engineers live.
They don't want you in the real world.
They don't want you being informed.
They don't want you involved.
They want you to respond to their stimuli
React to what they program you with so you cease to be a sentient, conscious being and become a totally predictable, programmable cog in their machine.
There was an article out in a big study earlier this week that children, we'll put it on screen, spend more time indoors in the Western world than prisoners do.
And now you see articles every few days where a 10, 12, 13 year old, their parents don't get home till 5.30 or 6.
They get home at 3.30 or 4.
They forget their key.
That happened to me many times.
So they're caught in the backyard playing basketball or caught across the street at the park.
And they're taken by CPS from their parents because they just label it neglect.
Just like you can label any word or any phrase as hateful and then have, quote, government ban it.
This is the incredible oppression that's not coming, it's here.
And I go back to that because if we don't understand how we're losing our physicality, how we're losing our humanity, we have no future.
Here's the Financial Times of London.
Technology slaves missing out on real experiences.
I'm going to cover some of that article today because that's at the heart of what we face as a species.
But if you take time out to read the white papers, to read the books written by the social engineers, you'll understand this is a plan by design that they're very proud of.
And they think you're too stupid to go find out this has been a laid in the foundations of the global government operation to turn you into someone who isn't even conscious, someone who isn't even alive, someone who isn't even sentient, and so someone who doesn't even have rights.
And their big joke is you have to be convinced to accept it and that you will sign away and write away by thousands of decisions on paper, millions of little decisions, but thousands of big decisions that you will submit to them and opt into their operation and opt in to losing your humanity and what's left of it.
And the social engineers believe that you have no right
To consciousness, because if you were ever conscious to begin with, you couldn't have been induced to waive your rights and become a mind-wiped slave to begin with.
So we're cutting right to the chase here.
The foundation of where all this comes from, what it's currently doing, and where it's going.
I've got plenty of riveting, powerful news today, and we're going to get into it right now, but I just need to relay to everybody that
This is not a simulation.
This is not a drill.
This is not a game.
It's not a joke.
It's really happening.
Now, I'm going to get today into this big breaking story about offshore money.
That is flooding into Panama and other areas and the biggest data leak ever, bigger than WikiLeaks, and oh my gosh, it's going to destroy the elite.
They're in so much trouble.
Just a first approximation of this, because it broke last night, is that this is the real elite burning smaller level, low-level elites to keep them in line and going after kind of the manager class of the establishment that's copied the bigwigs above them.
This is just going to be a giant
Tax robbery from quote tax havens to claw that money back not into nation states or individuals but into the global power structure to not use the money to turn the economy on to use the money to further turn the economy off by simply destroying the digital money by assigning it to giant derivative black holes.
And I say that because I look at who they list in here, the heads of the big global soccer federations, movie stars, people like that.
The type of folks the general public think of as rich, powerful elites.
And the type of people leaving France by the thousands and England and Germany and just taking their money legally and lawfully and leaving the country.
The establishment wants to extinguish all of that because they want everyone so poor that only the establishment has currency and property and capital and so that everyone has to basically sell themselves even further to the establishment and fully have their backs broken so they will be forced to totally submit.
And at another level, beyond just Nouveau-Riche trying to hide some of their money, that's why there's a war on lemonade stands, a war on Amish, a war on raw milk, a war on swap meats, a war on farmer's markets.
They admit there's a war on them.
To shut down any basic human activity at the grassroots level, there's gonna be one giant global plastic corporate culture.
And if you don't talk the way they say, your global ID card will be turned off.
Uh, yeah.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, I kind of went off into a rant about how the globalists operate.
I'll be covering that some more in the next hour.
Our intrepid reporter Rob Dew and crew will be joining us.
They've been following Trump in Wisconsin this week.
Joe Biggs is on the East Coast.
He'll be joining us tomorrow.
A lot of amazing interviews, a lot of amazing videos up on InfoWars.com.
The media will go interview one anti-Trump person but then ignore hundreds of people for Trump.
We estimate it's 50 to 1 in Wisconsin for Trump.
We have videos showing that up on Infowars.com, and I want to be clear.
I have issues with Trump on the Apple iPhone.
I have issues with Trump on torture.
I have issues with Trump on a lot of things, but I think he genuinely really says what he thinks he has to say, and the establishment is scared of him.
But regardless, he's winning the popular vote by a landslide in the primaries, and already, in multiple states,
They have taken the popular vote from him and given it to Ted Cruz.
I shot a special report on that yesterday.
In Tennessee, in Louisiana, and now other states, he wins, but they give the delegates to Cruz and then say he wins, and then the Tennessean newspaper and others come out and act like Trump's a sore loser.
The media says, oh, Donald Trump doesn't know what he's doing, that's why he's losing his delegates.
The delegates are pledged in their precinct to whoever got the popular vote.
And then they're proportioned in most states.
Some states are winner-take-all, but very few.
That's why they're prized and coveted.
But most states, like Texas and other areas, it's apportioned.
And then so if someone in a district as a delegate is then apportioned for those groups, they represent those voters and they pledge to do that.
That's the way it's always been.
But now they, quote, changed the rules in 78, but were never willing to actually overthrow an election.
They talked about it with Reagan in 1980.
Trump's now hired Roger Stone's former business partner, Stone was involved as well, with a firm that battled for Reagan in 1980 and defeated the move to do that.
And now Trump's
Former Chief of Staff has been somewhat sidelined, and Stone's business partner is now being made, according to the New York Times, and of course I heard about it before it was in the New York Times, but the point is, now I can talk about it, that really this is the face-saving, you know, shadow head of the campaign, will just remain the shadow, which is a consortium of people, and then you'll still have Ladowski out there.
Nothing against Ladowski, he just is not as sophisticated as some of these other people, so that's a big plus for Trump.
I just sit here watching the psychological warfare, the PSYOP, of every channel I watch, from MSNBC to Fox, going, what's the big deal?
Priebus on Fox, Priebus on CNBC, the head of the Republican Election Rules Committee, Curly Hewlin, we're going to play a clip of him in a moment, saying, hey,
Media, stop telling folks the popular vote should count.
It never has.
It's always been the party.
That's not true.
You have election money, you have state election laws, you have false advertising that they're saying your vote counts, your election, get out there, go for your candidate.
This giant fraud, the media, making billions every election cycle, every year, covering your vote tonight, what happened with you.
And now they say, oh, guess what?
It's all fake.
Well, I think it's the author of The Fix is In back on where he breaks down how the NFL tickets and all the other major tickets say on them, entertainment purposes only.
This is not really a game.
And then that's how they're allowed at key games and key events with the billions that are being gambled every game, bigger than the whole profit of the sport for a whole year.
I'm just picking out the NFL.
They all do it.
And then when it comes time, every team, folks, engages in fraud.
Every major quarterback takes a dive.
Every, I mean, it's just fraud up one side and down the other, because it's all entertainment.
Now that's according to our sources and our experts, and it's come out.
And the FBI's never been allowed to go after any big sports.
That's why, you know, Pete Rowe's gotten so much trouble gambling when he was a coach.
Because he got caught and oh, it's totally clean.
No one's ever gotten in trouble.
He was just so out in the open about it.
That's why he was punished.
So the corruption is coming out and Donald Trump says, look, they want to knock out the outsider.
They want to keep their little party going.
I'm going to play that clip.
And then MSNBC.
Saying Trump's losing delegates because he doesn't know what he's doing.
Funny, I thought he went, I thought he ran, I thought they were pledged to him.
And even if there was going to be a fight over the delegates, it would happen in Cleveland this summer.
No, Ted Cruz and the RNC are getting them at the state level.
So they announce, oh, Trump won Tennessee, Trump won Louisiana, and then a week later, sorry, he lost it.
Then the newspapers come out and say, well, the delegates didn't go to him.
They go to Ted Cruz now.
And kooks don't like it.
So I guess if a child molester grabs your five-year-old out of the backyard, and a month later the cops pull him over and find your kid dead in the trunk, all that killer's got to do is get out and say, hey, it's a conspiracy theory that what I did was wrong.
The serial killer won't even deny there's a dead kid in the back of the trunk.
And video cassettes of the serial killer torturing him.
The serial killer will say, you are a conspiracy theorist for thinking it's wrong I grabbed your five-year-old out of the backyard and tortured him for three weeks.
And let me tell you, it was fun.
I have a right to grab your kid.
I have a right to torture him.
I have a right to kill him and have him beg for mommy and daddy for three weeks before I finally strangle him.
I killed him.
I'll kill more kids.
There's nothing you can do, and the fact that you don't like it makes you a conspiracy theorist.
You see, they've gone from if you question a known lying government, saying you're a conspiracy theorist, to if you don't like something.
I've had the TSA when I don't want to be searched.
Say, oh, we got one of these conspiracy theorists.
See, having an opinion, knowing the three branches of government, being able to tie your shoelaces, being able to find your rear end with both hands, that is now a conspiracy theory in a world of inept, dumbed-down jellyfish.
Let's play this clip of Donald Trump telling it like it is.
I'm speaking in front of thousands of people for a week.
I win and I get fewer delegates than he's got.
Okay, it's not fair, folks.
It's not fair.
Because I'm the outsider.
And what they do is they want to knock out the outsider because they want to keep their little party going.
And the reason our country owes 21, and soon, 21 trillion, not billion, trillion dollars, okay?
The reason we owe all of this money is because of the system.
So here's what we got to do.
We're going to win so much.
What you have to do is go out and vote.
I tell you, I'm all in for Donald Trump, folks, and he may not be perfect.
I don't know where this is going, but the whole establishment's against him.
All these foreign governments are telling us we can't have him.
They're stealing states from him in front of everybody.
And wait, they're doing it to Bernie Sanders, too.
He wins all these states, they just take the delegates.
I mean, what is your line in the sand?
Is there any level of garbage you won't put up with?
I'm going to give the number out when we come back.
I want to ask you that question.
I mean, where are they going next after this?
Infowars.com forward slash show, so you can send the video link to live feed out to everybody you know.
It's Friday, so let's see what the tolerant and loving anti-Trump supporters have been up to this week in their quest to stomp out fascism.
After offending a German-Jewish immigrant by waving a Trump equals Nazi sign right in his face, a Bernie Sanders supporter told the man he needed to go back to Germany, further demonstrating the excessive hypocrisy of social justice warriors who are completely intolerant, and in this case, xenophobic, to anyone who disagrees with their worldviews.
And to counter the violent rhetoric of Donald Trump,
A supporter of the Never Trump movement advertised t-shirts for sale advocating the assassination of Donald Trump.
No reports of anyone getting beaten for wearing this shirt yet.
Not like Emmanuel, who got jumped at his school for wearing a pro-Trump t-shirt.
He posted photos of the bloody bathroom and a photo of his tooth that got knocked out during the assault.
And how did the Never Trumpers respond?
Well, they proceeded to mock the boy on Twitter.
Just another week in the Orwellian world of lefty hypocrisy.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm awake.
I'm informed.
I don't want to be a slave.
I'm upset about what's happening.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I want to open the phones up in the next segment and have open phones throughout the broadcast.
Rob Doo and Krube are in Wisconsin and Illinois.
They've been following Trump for a full week.
They've had some of the most viral news videos out there garnering millions of views in just the last week.
So I want to salute those guys.
They will report to us on their findings.
What they have been discovering is that
50 to 1 conservatively, more pro-Trump people in Wisconsin than there are protesters.
But the media comes up, and we'll put the cameras real close to the protesters to create the illusion that there's a bunch of anti-Trump people.
Then they'll go find a small throng away from the main crowd of thousands of Trump supporters and show them.
I learned this 20 years ago.
I'd be at a pro-gun rally we'd have.
We'd have like 2,000 people at the Capitol.
Sometimes like 5,000 would show up.
And they would go and show the corner of the crowd and say dozens showed up or a dozen showed up.
Mainstream media relishes deceiving you.
And the reason they're getting in so much trouble is there's YouTube, there's Facebook, there's all these video sites where people are going out and seeing what really happened versus what the media says what happened.
But the mainstream media's tactic is start censoring the Internet, start going after new media, start shutting things down.
Because if they can't beat us, their answer is shut us down.
So, what is your line in the sand?
Will they ever go too far?
What are you doing to fight this tyranny?
And if they're openly stealing the election from Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, but much worse with Trump.
Sanders was winning the first state, so they sold Ohio.
Turned out, came out in court, he won.
They still gave it to Hillary.
He won 20 points in New Hampshire.
They still gave most of the delegates to Hillary.
And so it created a self-fulfilling prophecy because the Democrats were really smart.
They started stealing the delegates the day after, just saying, sorry, state doesn't go to you.
The Republicans said, we're going to wait till we get to Cleveland in the summer, and then we're going to take them.
I mean, they said that on the news last few months.
But then the perception was, well wait, Trump has like double what Cruz does.
This looks bad.
We'll start stealing it at the state level.
So they stole the election in Texas.
That's come out very clear.
Stole the delegates outright in Louisiana, Tennessee, and other states.
So that even though he wins that night, he doesn't win the next day or the next week.
So I'm asking you, how much worse is this going to get?
I mean, if they're going to start openly stealing elections, we know they've messed with them before, some have been stolen.
I say be involved to keep the system honest, to point out it's a fraud.
You give up and say it's all over, then the sky's the limit.
That's my view.
Maybe I'm wrong.
But it is really getting crazy.
And never forget,
In Gallup, and a bunch of other national polls, Congress has between an 8 and 11% approval rating.
Government in general has like a 15% approval rating.
So, the people know that we're in trouble, and I don't want to just blame the government itself.
We've let it get corrupt, we've let special interests come in, ignore the law, ignore the rules, do whatever they want.
It's back in the news today.
President Obama, the Border Patrol has reported.
Their main union this weekend is increasing the amount of legals coming in and not even letting the Border Patrol stop anybody now, including drug smugglers.
The border is wide open.
Oh, but you've got to go to the TSA.
You've got to go through a checkpoint.
You've got to be spied on to make sure we're all safe.
But the border is wide open.
They're flying tens of thousands of refugees in with no vetting, no IDs, no passports.
But that's OK.
Border Patrol Counsel says catch-and-release policy continues fueling illegal immigration.
No kidding.
So, this is a lawless takeover.
Here's the toll-free number to join us.
All I ask is that you have a good phone and not be too drunk.
I know it's Sunday afternoon, but please.
Let's go back to the original clip because it's so powerful.
I'm going to play that first clip one more time and then MSNBC, but this is Trump.
Republican party bosses want to knock out the outsider to keep their little party going.
I'm speaking in front of thousands of people for a week.
I win and I get fewer delegates than he's got.
Okay, it's not fair, folks.
It's not fair.
Because I'm the outsider.
And what they do is they want to knock out the outsider because they want to keep their little party going.
And the reason our country owes 21, and soon, 21 trillion, not billion, trillion dollars, okay?
The reason we owe all of this money is because of this system.
So here's what we gotta do.
We're going to win so much.
What you have to do is go out and vote.
That's right.
And quite frankly, I know from inside baseball, Trump had to be encouraged to even talk about this because he doesn't want to be seen as a sore loser.
But if you win the Indy 500 by a mile and they give it to the guy that was a mile behind you, you don't just say, I've been robbed, you've been robbed, you go punch him in the face.
The judges need to be tarred and feathered, and I don't mean literally.
I'm saying, if this was the Indy 500 and the judges say, you know, Dale Earnhardt didn't win it when he won it by a mile, everybody sees it in front of God and man.
I mean, you gotta get angry, folks, and Trump isn't even angry enough.
Because he knows how asleep the public is, by the way.
You're being robbed, nakedly.
Sanders won't even talk about how he's being robbed.
Because the mainstream media looks down on that and they're all busy making it normal.
Let's play this MSNBC piece from last Thursday.
There's a bunch of other ones.
And they have BuzzFeed and Alternet and just scores of articles out today attacking Roger Stone and yours truly Alex Jones.
Trump ally Roger Stone says he's planning days of rage at the convention.
The former Trump advisor says he's planning protests with allies in Cleveland and street theater.
And won't let them, quote, steal the nomination.
And they have other channels saying Alex Jones has called for riots.
Alex Jones has called for... What I've called for is 5 billion people.
Set it now.
Go to Cleveland.
I'm gonna be there the whole time.
Be there to promote freedom.
Be there to promote liberty.
Be there to outnumber the Soros bots.
10 to 1.
And be there so that if they steal it openly, we all just shout, you stole it, you are criminals, you are thieves.
Because if we just don't show up and let them steal the election, it'll normalize it.
This could really blow up in their faces.
So they're trying to imply we're going there to burn things down and riot.
Ladies and gentlemen, that'd be the dumbest thing in the world to do.
That's what the Soros crowds and the Black Lives Matter people do.
We're going to be there as citizen journalists, documenting the criminal empire and what it's done.
And energizing the people to respond and say, we're not buying it.
We're not going along with Priebus and the rest of them stealing the election.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip.
Trump may not have the wherewithal to get enough votes on the convention floor.
Supporters like Infowars Alex Jones are now preparing to revolt.
Back to the beginning again.
Trump may not have the wherewithal
Because they're stealing it.
And have never done this before.
It's his fault that he won the election.
It's his fault he's way ahead in the leader and clearly the winner.
It's his fault they're stealing it.
See the spin?
Let's go back to it.
Find the pledge to get on the ballot in the first place.
Amid growing signs that Trump may not have the wherewithal to get enough votes on the convention floor, supporters like InfoWars Alex Jones are now preparing to revolt.
Be in Cleveland for the week of that convention, be there, and we are going to absolutely show the world the real power.
We need 5 million constitutional Trumpians, Trumpists, to be there so that all the Soros trash and all the filth, the few hundred thousand they'll have there, are totally dwarfed and the establishment does not dare steal the popular vote from the people.
According to one party operative I spoke to a couple weeks ago, Republican National Committeeman named Curly Hoagland, the popular vote doesn't matter at all.
It's the delegates who really pick the nominee regardless of how the citizens in their states vote.
Stay there.
Pause that.
We're going to come back and play them openly saying, oh your vote never counted, and to see, I'm the conspiracy theorist.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, the break cut off the clip.
It's a short clip.
I'm going to play it all in its entirety right now.
I mean, it's an eight-minute segment, but I'm going to play about a minute and a half of it.
Where, uh, Rachel Maddow's twin, Chris Hedges, that's his name, right?
He's on MSNBC, and he just calmly says it's Trump's fault, he doesn't know what he's doing, he's losing his delegates.
And, you know, we talked to officials, this is the way it is, your popular vote doesn't matter.
And with a straight face for the next eight minutes, they just sit there and go, this is how it's always been, you've never voted, you people are crazy.
And I have him on CNBC, and I have Priebus on Fox, you've all seen it, it's everywhere.
Saying that the people really love this, and this is the way it's always been done.
Now again, the media acts like it's a popular vote, they get up there on election night and watch the numbers, and who are you voting for, and it's your time to choose, and I voted stickers, and it's all a giant fraud.
State money and federal money is spent on elections.
It's racketeering to come out and say, we've changed the rules and ignored you.
The parties
Go back to the time of the laws, but they're only ceremonial as the body that's organized of the people to carry this out.
It won't stand up in court to say party officials who were never elected but were appointed by other party officials chose who would then be the nominee, ignoring someone who has double the votes of their next competitor.
This is so fundamental.
It's like they have a contest at school for whoever can do the most pull-ups in the fifth grade.
And one kid does 15, the next kid does 7.
And they go, well, the judge is the other kid's father, so we're going to let the person that got 7 pull-ups win.
I use the analogy of a child killer, child molester, grabbing a 5-year-old out of the backyard and being found with a dead body a month later in the back of their car.
And the child molester killer doesn't deny that they killed the child.
They just say, you're a conspiracy theorist.
I'm allowed to kill your kid.
And that's a brutal, horrible sounding allegory.
But you know what?
Stealing the election openly and telling you it's not a theft in some weird Obi-Wan Kenobi mind game?
Mind you know what?
Mind F.
I'm sorry, that's what it is.
And then they look at everybody and go, it's the conspiracy loon.
I've got articles right here in the media saying, conspiracy theorist Jones thinks it's wrong.
They're going to ignore the popular vote.
That label, see, trumps your vote.
Literally trumps Trump.
Because they use the magic word like racism.
You're against open borders?
You're against carbon taxes?
You're against Obamacare because you found out it's a scam?
I'm gonna go to your phone calls, but I want to play this clip.
Before we do it, I'm really proud of the fact that we're listener supported.
We have a new design of the Hillary for Prison t-shirt of the old design that was a collector's edition.
I do that every once in a while.
It was so popular everybody got mad that for four months I haven't been selling it.
So we've come out with the original but we've updated it so technically it's another collector's edition.
Hillary for Prison 2016 until the end of time it says underneath that.
And on the back we have changed the white to red where it says Infowars.com legalized freedom.
Because everybody started cloning the shirt, which is fine, and then folks were mad that we weren't making any more, and so this is the first time I've had a collector's shirt that I say is limited edition that I brought back.
Technically, it is a different shirt.
Different colors, different stuff, but it's basically the same.
Looks like an election shirt.
Very, very popular.
Our second best-selling shirt ever.
The other one was a Obama Joker shirt that I did as a collector's edition.
I never brought that back because I promised I wouldn't.
But Hillary could be indicted any time.
The FBI says that they're probably about to call for her indictment.
If they don't, the FBI director is reportedly going to resign.
This is a perfect shirt because they try to intimidate people and say there's no free speech to talk bad about Hillary.
Well, the shirt is available at InfoWarsTore.com.
And your purchase makes the broadcast possible.
And I tell you, going to all these Trump rallies, many of you have seen the live feeds or watched the YouTube videos, a good one out of ten Trump supporters, whether it's in Illinois or whether it's Wisconsin or whether it's New York.
With our reporters, he's wearing an Infowars.com shirt, or Hillary for Prison shirt, giving Trump an idea of just how many of our listeners are Trump supporters.
You're meeting like-minded people, you're supporting the broadcast, you're funding the tip of the spear in the fight for human liberty against globalism.
I want to salute and thank you all for getting your Hillary for Prison shirts.
The Molon Labe shirts.
The anti-socialism shirts.
They're amazing.
Men and women's.
We have a whole Made in America line.
If you want to get them cheaper, we got stuff made in Honduras.
I'm just like Trump.
I'm like, look, you can't compete and make stuff in America.
So we have a Made in America line for like $5 more.
We have the other line made in Latin America.
And I'm not against giving folks jobs in Latin America.
I'm against unfaithful trade deals with China.
Internal 35% tariff on average against us.
Honduras does not have that.
Those are poor people down there.
And the shirts are quality.
Stuff from China is a bunch of crud anyways.
I mean, I wouldn't work hard if I was some slave anyways.
I mean, I agree with them.
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All right, that's my plug for the hour.
Just also, please support our local AM and FM affiliates.
Become a local sponsor.
Support the local sponsors.
Let them know why you are supporting them.
Help pay for a billboard.
Put up signs in your yard.
Tell your neighbors, your church, whatever.
Now's the time to go speak in front of the church.
Now's the time to call into radio.
Now's the time to write letters to the editor.
Now's the time.
Many hands make light work.
People are ready to hear the truth now, so I salute you and I thank you.
I'm going to play this clip, go to break, and come back with your calls in the second hour.
Tell your neighbors, tell your friends, tell your family, tell your co-workers.
Let's not watch sports tonight.
Tune into the second hour.
I'm going to cover key intel.
I'm going to take your calls.
I'm going to have our reporters from the road joining us.
But let's go to this MSNBC acting like we're weird for not wanting them to steal the popular vote from the American people.
Here it is.
Be in Cleveland for the week of that convention.
Be there.
And we are going to absolutely show the world the real power.
We need 5 million
Constitutional Trumpians, Trumpists, to be there so that all the Soros trash and all the filth, the few hundred thousand they'll have there, are totally dwarfed and the establishment does not dare steal the popular vote from the people.
According to one party operative I spoke to a couple weeks ago, Republican National Committee named Curly Hoagland, the popular vote doesn't matter at all.
It's the delegates who really pick the nominee regardless of how the citizens in their states voted.
The delegates are not bound, they're free to vote their conscience on all issues before the convention and on the nominations.
Anything is possible, because the convention of the Republican Party is the highest authority of the party, and they can do anything they want.
Nowhere is the party more in control than in Hoagland's home state of North Dakota, where the voters are cut out of the process altogether.
While some states hold primaries... Alright, turn it off.
Until the 70s.
I mean, you never had delegates switching.
They changed the rules.
They tried it in 1980.
They failed.
Now they're back, openly saying, no, your vote doesn't count.
The party runs everything.
Like in China, where the Communist Party appoints itself because they had guns.
Then they elect a president who they can remove anytime.
And then when they leave the Politburo, they bring in usually their kids.
It's like North Korea, where it's hereditary.
Or the Bushes or the Clintons where they just pass the power down.
And that's where we're headed in this country with a huge con game with Curly Hewland up there with a carnival going behind him.
How classic!
Like a carnival con man going, hey we can do whatever we want, this is ridiculous, only the party matters.
So you're going to appoint who in the general election we get to vote, and then of course there's going to be huge fraud there.
So who elected these people?
Who made them God?
This has never before happened, but they're out there in front of everybody, conning you, telling you the moon's made of cheese.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, Todd, Frank, Christopher, John, Terry, and others.
Your calls are coming up right now.
Toll-free number to join us.
It's a different number on Sundays than weekdays.
We'll get you up and on the air.
Also coming up, Clinton says the unborn children have no constitutional rights.
Sounds like a bully to me, doesn't she?
Sanders demands apology over Hillary rage.
We're going to play that clip.
Obama says Trump doesn't know much about nuclear policy.
We're going to get into that as well.
We also have another report here.
Yeah Alex, how are you doing today?
Hey listen, uh, we've got, uh, the politics machine up here in Wisconsin.
It's kind of nerve-wracking until you're here, uh, because, uh, we've got a local election coming up for, uh, the state Supreme Court.
The incumbent, it's a Republican, and they have, I see ads on TV against her because of gay issues.
And then right after that, they play the one, or the one that's running against her from a lower court.
That, uh, she, uh, let some guy off, uh, and raped an eight-year-old girl.
You know, and it's just crazy.
Um, the, uh, well, small one, a little item here in Lake Geneva, they got a flag issue out there.
They won't let the business flag, the American flag, out front of her store because it's public property.
Well, let me expand on something for you here for a moment.
That's political correctness.
If you can make people take the flag down on public property, you can take it down anywhere because, quote, someone's offended by it.
Well, it's our country.
Specifically, I was asking callers.
I want to refresh everybody's memory here.
What's your line in the sand?
Is there any point at which you're going to be through peacefully putting up with this?
And if they're going to fill elections openly,
Well, I don't know.
It seems like this is going to be the last, I guess you'd call it, election because if Hillary gets it in a globalist win, then she'll be it for life.
I mean, really, they are suspending the election.
If they keep stealing delegates from Sanders, and if they keep stealing them from Trump, and then if they take the nominations away at Cleveland, where Trump's clearly won already, then they're suspending the election just because they have some farce, dress rehearsal, ceremonial fake deal doesn't mean it's an election, obviously.
And so it is ceremonial.
That means they've cancelled the real thing and they have a little ceremony where we pretend we elect a nominee for the nomination.
And so a lot of people say, well, look, Alex, there's been fraud for a long time.
So what's the big deal?
Yes, but they've never been out in the open on it.
This is a huge, huge, huge, huge deal.
And it's because the general public.
Has been brought up in front of televisions and has their brainwaves at a near sleep level.
The general public is in a trance.
And so even if somebody fell asleep as a patriot 30 years ago, they're still not upset.
They know what's going on.
Yeah, global government's here.
Yeah, we're being taken over.
Yeah, they stole the election.
Yeah, they're making us take shots.
Yeah, my son died from a shot.
Yeah, my neighbor died.
Yeah, our government's funding ISIS.
But what do we do?
Because you're still asleep.
It's not real.
The public is in a trance.
That's what's happening.
And so, a bigger question is, how do you get the public out of their trance, so they realize that there's even a line to be crossed?
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
The backup site's PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us as we strike at the root of dehumanization.
There's no doubt that our country is in serious trouble right now.
And if you're wondering how on earth we ever got in this situation, well I'll tell you how.
When the Democrats showed their true colors, you got angry and you elected Republicans.
And then when the Republicans showed their true colors, you got angry and elected Democrats.
And when anyone suggested to you that both parties were corrupt and that neither side were looking out for your best interest, you acted like they were crazy.
But the real definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
That's why it is vitally important that you wake up, America, and break the matrix.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I win Louisiana!
I'm speaking in front of thousands of people for a week!
I win and I get fewer delegates than he's got!
Okay, it's not fair, folks.
It's not fair.
Because I'm the outsider.
And what they do is they want to knock out the outsider because they want to keep their little party going.
And the reason our country owes 21, and soon, 21 trillion, not billion, trillion dollars, okay?
The reason we owe all of this money is because of the system.
So here's what we gotta do.
We're gonna win so much, what you have to do is go out and vote.
Whether you love Donald Trump or hate him, in the 241 years of U.S.
history, there's never been an election where someone is way ahead and has double the delegates and they say they're going to take it away from them.
It's never been done.
They've had contested nominations where it's neck and neck.
They've had contested nominations where they're pushing a Supreme Court nominee, like 1980.
But to come out and do this in front of everyone and then take delegates from Bernie Sanders
They created superdelegates that manage the delegates, take their votes, and then cheat it.
And they think the public isn't smart enough to get it.
And I'll tell you, the public's somewhat upset, but not as upset as they should be.
How do we get the people out of a trance?
How do we get them to get upset?
Because even when they know this is going on, they just go, well, we have a corrupt government, that's what they do.
Well, the government's trying to gear up to say your kids belong to the state,
You never retire.
They can take your pension fund.
They can put you in forced labor camps.
I mean, is there anything we won't put up with?
That's the question.
And I asked that question, and I went to the first caller, and he was a nice guy and brought up some points, but wouldn't tell me.
And I see the callers here.
And I'm not mad.
It's Trump and Ron Paul feud.
Libertarians work together.
Trump is getting the nomination.
Election fraud, that person's calling in.
Christopher, political correctness.
Todd, how?
To connect with Infowars, wants to put up a billboard.
Well, that's exciting.
I'll talk to you, Todd.
Frank, North Carolina.
Is there really a choice?
Elitists doing what they have to do.
No one is calling in on the questions I had.
The fundamental, and that's fine.
I think that's cute.
No one ever does.
And that's kind of how the American people are.
It's just kind of wandering around and, oh, what?
I mean, I don't screen your phone calls, and I'm glad you called in.
I'm going to you.
But is there a line in the sand?
Is there anything you won't put up with?
Do you feel safe knowing the government's run by foreign interests that have hijacked the country and are signing us on to thousands of trillions?
Not 21 trillion, the national debt.
Thousands of trillions!
These people make Bernie Madoff look like an angel.
Is anyone upset?
Because I want to come up with a meme of, is it the big steal?
Is it the election's been cancelled?
Is it America has been basically ended?
Is it, this is the end of America?
Is this the end of us voting and having our own government?
Because that's where we've gotten here, folks.
And if we can't even recognize the fact that we're on our knees, we have no way of ever standing back up again.
All right, I'm gonna go to each caller, give you each about a minute, because I want to get to everybody.
Frank in North Carolina, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, I mean, do they really have a choice, these globalists, as you call them, these elites?
I mean, you've read the papers.
You know that there are limited resources.
There's too many people.
They're killing us because they have to.
They don't want to.
They're really not bad people.
They're doing what they have to do.
For sustainability, they've weaponized the food, the water, the media, the education, everything against us to control us while they're afflicting us with all these ailments and whatnot to make us more controllable, more malleable.
And I mean, aren't they really just doing what they have to do?
And Trump, I mean, maybe the problem they have with Trump is maybe he is not signed on.
Maybe he's not aware of their agenda, the depopulation agenda, and maybe he's not signed on to it.
Well, maybe Donald Trump is.
Yep, it's very possible.
Well, let me just tell you, he is, he is, okay?
And I'm not at liberty to get into it, but your kid takes a shot, things don't go too well, you start getting informed.
I'll just stop right there.
Look, that is the rest of the story.
Yes, they're nakedly sealing the election, it's part of a global government.
They believe they're saving the earth, bringing in tyranny, and then doing an emergency operation to start culling the population.
It's the perfect excuse for them to take over and rule the whole planet.
And play God.
That's what they're doing.
And I don't agree with the fact that there are gods and they're the rulers and they have a right to do this by deception and by stealth.
I'm here trying to warn people.
But then I see a population that doesn't care and won't wake up even as they're being killed.
And I think, my God, they don't even want to be saved.
But then I realize they have been induced into a trance by television and by the culture.
They say in their own papers that they've engineered everything, the media, everything to hurt us.
But if you're aware of the engineering, then it can't affect you anymore.
They haven't gone far enough to totally shut us down yet.
If people wake up to the full spectrum and admit it's there, then we can start changing course and have a real debate.
But people need to know there's steroids in the plastic, in the money, in the food, in the water.
It's all declassified.
There's cancer viruses in the vaccine.
They are giving us shots to cause pancreatitis and cause diabetes, type 1.
I mean, they are attacking us, folks, and I'm not going to just sit here and sign on to it.
And I'm not going to go join the globalists, even if the public is so stupid that they don't wake up.
I cannot join this evil plan because I have a soul and I'm not going to be part of this.
Yeah, well, uh...
I've not been asked to join.
So I've never had to make that decision.
I don't... It's not even they ask you to join.
They go, globalism is to help the poor and we're going to take our wealth and give it to the poor and industrialize them to stop their overpopulation.
And then you actually read their more internal documents like the Royal Commission.
It's like, no, we're causing overpopulation to ruin everything.
And then the public will call for extermination.
And we don't want to industrialize other countries because that'll make them have less of a population, but then they'll be independent.
So we actually want to hurt them.
It's just pure evil.
They do everything under the guise of helping the poor, the children, the innocent, the downtrodden, the minorities.
And to keep us safe.
And they control the terrorists, and they're the ones who are making everybody sick.
That's right, and the gullible Lottery Ticket Society wants to see the talking heads say, I love you, the government loves you, we want to help you.
Just like black Americans love Obama on average, even though he doubled their taxes, even though Hillary calls them animals, and says they should heal like dogs, and says that they're super predators.
They love the woman, the protege of the Grand Dragon.
Because they want to believe it's all going to be okay.
They're dreamers.
Just like everybody else.
It's white, black, it doesn't matter.
Childlike, arrested development, brought up watching Sesame Street in front of a television.
They have no idea what hit them.
So, those of us that don't want to sign up to being part of this mass operation, what do we do?
By the way, most people who are even aware of it aren't going to be given entry into this Moonraker Kingsman scenario.
Yeah, it's beyond Moonraker.
I mean, this is so, so sick.
I mean, I would have a lot more respect for them if they just would just kill us and just do it like, you know.
No, no, no.
They want to use us in the final phases to build their technocracy, put in all their robots, and then keep our best and brightest on small reservations, still not aware of the major plan, producing original ideas for them.
They farm us.
Well, here's the deal.
Trump doesn't like the fact that China has 30-plus percent tariffs on us and we don't.
He says, get rid of it.
They hate him because he loves America.
He's not a globalist.
Quite frankly, he's an old-fashioned, aggressive, right-wing nationalist.
And he's dangerous.
But I'll take a dangerous, original man versus this synthetic globalist.
Whatever it is, breakaway civilization, mad scientist crazy town.
We'll be back with more calls.
Todd, Christopher, Terry, Jeremy and others.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's a wild world.
What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
By the way, Friday I was eating a sub sandwich that had kind of hard white bread on it.
And I just chomped into my tongue.
A hole all the way through it.
So I'm a bit of a lisp today.
Thank you for putting up with me.
The swelling should hopefully go down.
The next few days, but that's why I'm talking a little bit more of a list than I normally do today.
So I apologize to the listeners for that.
I almost didn't come in because of it, but there's so much news I wanted to.
I want to go back to your phone calls right now and try to hurry through them, but that
That last caller had so many powerful, powerful points to say, hey guys, my phone system crashed and brought up another phone system, so I'm not quite sure what to do on that.
But if you guys just punch it up on another computer, there it is, it just popped up for me.
These digital phone systems are great because you can take like 20 callers at a time, but sometimes they have little glitches.
I've asked the listeners, what's your line in the sand?
And nobody was calling in with that, but now we do have some folks that are calling in about, what is your line in the sand?
And bigger than that, when they openly said they're gonna steal an election, and go, your popular vote never counted, and act like we're crazy, doesn't that telegraph to you and everybody else they're getting ready to really do a lot of other wild stuff?
And what do you think that is?
So, what's your line in the sand, and what do you think the next shoe to drop is?
And shouldn't we all go to Cleveland to be part of this history and meet fellow humans who don't just support Trump, but who support the electoral process and not having the party tell us they decide who wins and who loses?
Thank God we're forcing them out in the open to openly steal it like this.
In the past, they did it with voting machines and on the ground.
Now, because there's so many eyes on the voting machines and so many audits and so many lawsuits, they're having to do it big in front of the whole world.
So I shouldn't be negative about this.
This is very, very positive.
Chris says he's gone past his line of the sand going to the convention.
Flyboy says 9-11 was his line in the sand.
We're going to him in a moment.
Jeremy in Texas wants to talk about Trump and Ron Paul feud.
Libertarians work together, he says.
Terry says Trump is getting the nomination.
Okay, well, we'll see what he has to say.
And many, many others.
We've got Corrine in Minnesota.
She has a line in the sand.
Chris wants to talk about political correctness.
And then Todd wants to talk about connecting with Infowars.
Let me do this.
Let me just get Todd out of the way, and then I'm going to go to folks who want to talk about their line in the sand here today.
Todd, you want to know how to get in contact with us to put up a billboard.
Go ahead.
How's everybody doing?
Good, brother.
Some of us are not much, man.
A little star-struck.
But real quick, you know, not many of us have the same gift that you do.
I do not have a gift.
I have a lisp with a hole in my tongue.
I sound like an idiot.
You know, I try to do my best as far as spreading the word goes, and I listen to you every day driving home, and I'm trying to, you know, and I think, you know, what can I do?
What can I do?
What can I do?
And, you know, everybody I talk to just seems completely blind to what's going on, and if I could get
You know, I've looked it up, and I've called different companies, and if I can get even ten people to contribute a hundred dollars a month with me, you know, in my area, we would have enough to put up a billboard.
But the problem is connecting with... You know, that's a great idea, and I appreciate your call.
We should create an activism page, it's real simple, on InfoWars, where people can meet to have a demonstration about the Second Amendment, or property rights, or homeschooling, or whatever the case is, but also to pool resources
To engage in different activities to warn the public.
But don't get down because half the public is in a trance.
They don't count.
They're brain dead.
They're victims.
They're zombies.
They're pretty much dead already.
You might be able to wake them up down the road, but probably not.
It's the awake people that have to get organized and not go along with things.
Thomas Jefferson, that I'm paraphrasing, said it doesn't take a majority to prevail.
But only an irate, focused, tireless minority.
The problem is we've had a minority of globalists taking over with fraud and deception.
We have to have a minority of liberty lovers of every race, color, and creed, who way outnumber the globalists, 50 to 1, but we're still a minority, to stop submitting, stop going along with them, stop following their ideas, exposing them, resisting them.
Now, Rob Dew on the road has already seen two InfoWars billboards when he's been in Wisconsin and Illinois.
They're all over the country.
People are putting them up.
Their own designs, their own graphics.
Whether it's white paint on the side of a barn, or your grandma's got an old billboard that she doesn't lease anymore.
Get her to let you get up there and paint something on it, or whether you got money to put up your own, just do it.
And all the nouveau riche, all the new wealthy, all the upper middle class, if you don't start spending money and getting in the arena and having hope and getting involved, we're going to lose everything.
Laying down will absolutely devastate you.
Spend money and time and energy now
Like you did in the free market, or lose the free market and what you've got left.
You're going to have to defend your success now.
America was the least collectivist country in the world.
That's why all the collectivists came here, because we had so much wealth.
Now they've taken over.
They've gamed everything, and we're in trouble.
But it's okay, because that's the animating contest of liberty.
Let's talk to Chris.
Chris is in Indiana.
Chris, what's your line of the sand?
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Go ahead, thank you.
Well, I've been a Ron Paul supporter for a long time.
That was my line of the stand when they stole that election from him in 2012.
I've just been handing out InfoWars signs, putting them on people's doorsteps here in my apartment complex.
I've been putting up InfoWars bumper stickers all around, like on speed limit signs and everything.
I'm just sick of it, man.
I got one thing to tell you though.
I wanted to go a little bit over the, um, I think that Trump is easily going to get over 1,300 delegates.
And like you've been talking about today about them stealing the election.
I highly believe that he's not going to win Wisconsin, but that's going to be, it's not going to be very important because then you have a followup in New York, which is 95 delegates, winner take most.
And then you got a big super Tuesday up in Northwest or sorry, Northeast.
USA and it's like it's got Pennsylvania, which he's probably gonna win.
I mean all these days and then when it comes out of June 7th He's got New Jersey and California, California is 172 delegates winner-take-all New Jersey with him and that Chris Christie endorsement 51 Delegates winner-take-all.
I think he'll easily get to 1300.
It's just the fact that in these You know these Republican
People like Reince Priebus and all that, they might change the rules.
Taking states he won that make people think, oh, I can't vote for him now.
They're just gonna steal it so people don't vote for Trump.
So you're absolutely right.
Psy-op on top of Psy-op.
Thank you, Chris.
Flyboy, Jeremy, Terry, Corrine, Christopher and others.
Stay with us.
We're coming right back to your calls.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is Info Wars.
And our reporters are popping in from the Trump Trail.
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InfoWars Life Secret 12 You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I have a lot of frustration, I'll be honest with you, because it's surreal.
World government's being announced.
It's private corporate above the law.
Doesn't pay taxes.
It's anti-family.
It thinks it's God.
It thinks it's going to merge with machines and become God.
It says humans are a disease.
We have to be exterminated.
The perfect cover for the elite to basically run around and act like psychotic killers.
Because most elites turn into that in history without this God complex that they're saving the earth from overpopulation.
And then I have to sit here while it's all unfolding and try to convince the public why it's wrong that now the popular vote doesn't count because they have a straight face on TV saying it's no big deal trying to sell it.
And then I look at how things have degenerated.
I ask myself, what's coming next?
What's the next shoe to drop?
I'm gonna go to Christopher in North Carolina and Corrine and Terry and Devin and Jeremy and Flyboy before the broadcast ends.
In fact, Flyboy in New Orleans here in just a moment on what is your line in the sand?
But, he'll be with us for the next 25 minutes until the broadcast ends.
On the ground, following a Donald Trump rally, he'll tell us exactly where he is.
He's somewhere different every few hours.
Rob Due with crew, and he'll be taking calls with us as well.
Rob Due, and we've also got Kit Daniels there.
What have you been witnessing since I last talked to you Friday?
Well, we've gone to, we hit three Trump rallies, Alex.
This is Rob Due reporting from West Allis, Wisconsin.
This is Nathan Hale High School.
Donald Trump is going to be speaking in the gymnasium.
Trump supporters have been here since 9 a.m.
This is where the line was.
Alex, I have three amazing interviews from veterans talking about their horror stories working with the VA.
One veteran, because he was denied treatment, had to go to a hospital.
Over four million dollars in debt now.
Another veteran, he's actually still active Navy, he is fighting to see his kids.
And he's basically talking about the secret war on the family.
I've got 12 minutes of him talking about that.
So we've got a lot of smiling faces here out to see Donald Trump.
We're live now, guys.
And everybody here is very nice.
There is a small group of protesters, which I'll go back to.
What was that about Hillary?
You a big Hillary fan?
Yeah, we're live right there.
So a lot of InfoWars fans, a lot of people saying hi.
How do we say hi to Alex?
Hi Alex!
What's up Alex?
Hey guys!
Well, a lot of fans here Alex, it's amazing.
I've never seen, never gone to a state like this where you can see so many people who know about InfoWars, who are supporters of it, and you know, buying the shirts.
I talked to a young man out of Bernie Sanders rally who was wearing a Hillary Clinton shirt.
I totally agree and it's a little windy now so my hair is all over the place.
It's okay, your hair looks fine, Rob Dew.
Plus, we're mainly radio.
Yes, exactly.
But if they remake The Big Lebowski and, you know, The Other Guy's too old, you've got the part.
Now, seriously.
It's a beverage, man.
It's a beverage, man, a white Russian.
Seriously, though, amazing interviews.
What feeling are you getting here on Trump support in Wisconsin?
I'm very surprised that the polls are only, uh, that Trump's down by 10 points because every rally I've been to is filled to capacity.
There's people out, out the side.
We went to Wausau, Wisconsin yesterday.
Hey, say that again?
You're a trailblazer, Alex Jones.
Keep doing what you're doing.
No, you're a trailblazer, brother.
What was that guy trying to point out to us just a minute ago?
Um, oh, he's probably trying to point out the small group of protesters that is finally amassed.
I think they woke up from their naps after, uh, you know, a night of heavy partying.
I'm being paid by George Soros, probably.
Oh yeah, and he is showing how the mainstream media is set up in front of the protesters.
This is something I pointed out yesterday.
I put out a video how the mainstream media had one protester in their shot.
It was only one guy there standing at this huge rally where there were thousands, thousands of Trump supporters.
At least 1,700 in the building, Alex.
And then another 1,000, maybe 1,200, filling up just listening to him inside this mall.
Okay, they came, they braved the snow.
It was, we got three inches of snow.
And they'll put one person in front of the crowd going in and imply that that is all protesters.
And the local media was shooting photographs, and they would stage these photographs where there would hardly be any Trump supporters in them.
I mean, amazing.
And by the way, just to be clear, the enemy's collapsed, the enemy has no credibility, everybody hates them.
They're just trying to keep the illusion up so us individually feel like we're still alone, Rob.
I think the fact that they're having to steal the election publicly, or they're trying to sell that idea, shows just how weak they are.
This is not a position of strength.
Look at this, look at this.
You can't even see the back of the line, and this line's been going in to the building for at least 30 minutes now, okay?
And let me stop you, Rob, because a lot of people just tuned in.
We're mainly a radio show, but we also simulcast TV.
Been doing it for about 16, 17 years.
We pioneered it so that folks can actually see this, because in the past, I'd have a reporter on, they'd say there's thousands here for Trump, and the media would just say we were liars.
Well, they can't say it anymore because we've been putting out massive amounts of videos every day, going to different cities, just exposing the facts.
Rob, I want to go to calls and I want to keep you on and I want to talk to some of the Trump's enemies in the next segment to see if they're able to talk because most of them can't form syllables.
But first off, what is your line in the sand?
With the globalists.
I mean, we're not calling for physical action, but MSNBC implies we're terrorists, because we say, go protest in Cleveland, so they don't steal the nomination from Trump or anybody else.
What is your personal line of the sand?
Well, I'm definitely looking forward to going to Cleveland.
I think the people have spoken that they want to see Trump as a Republican nominee.
And whether it's against Hillary or Bernie, that's for the Democrats to decide.
But we've seen this is gang-like activity we're up against at this point right now.
We're facing gangs of Republicans and gangs of Democrats who aren't accepting the will of the people.
They're literally stealing it from both sides.
And I'm not a Bernie Sanders supporter by any means, but he's having the election stolen from him.
Absolutely, and it's out in the open and they're trying to spin it like we're weird, like you didn't, you always knew your vote didn't count.
Stop acting like it did, you conspiracy theorist.
It is crazy.
I want to walk over in a moment to the anti-Trump, two or three people, but first off, Flyboy in New Orleans.
You're on the air with Alex Jones and Rob Doo.
Go ahead, Flyboy.
Yes, sir.
My line in the fan was,
9-11, and I think every patriot out there who should have already crossed this line in the sand.
Both parties are corrupt.
They're both criminal.
And if it looks like they're going to lose control, they will physically assault you.
My question to you is this.
Sometimes we have to think outside of the box in order to win.
The anti-establishment Republican is Trump.
The anti-establishment Democrat is Sanders.
Now, both of these two people can unify on two important issues.
Number one, the banks.
Fractional reserve banking for the Federal Reserve Bank equals enslavement.
And on the bad trade deals.
And also... And imagine if they both unified around, don't steal the election from us.
And started really bully-pulpitting that, but Sanders isn't really talking about how he's been robbed, which makes me think he may be a ringer, but that is a great point, great idea.
Rob, dude, what about Flyboy's idea?
Well, you know, I was actually talking to people, but I liked his line in the sand.
I caught the first part of that where he said 9-11 was his line in the sand.
And that, I guarantee you, that's mine.
When I say line in the sand, though, is when the gloves come off.
Anybody tries forced inoculation or any of this, or they announce they're arresting all the patriots and we've got to go to a FEMA camp where pot-bellied socialists stomp our guts out, it's game over.
And we're not going to let it get to that.
It's not going to get to that because there's too many people who are awake.
I mean, just looking at this crowd, you know, and I think there's, these people are on different levels of being awake, but they know they're being screwed by the current system.
They know their jobs were shipped overseas.
They know they're being told their vote doesn't count.
They know the border's wide open.
Big, even all the way up in Wisconsin, one of the biggest issues is the border.
One of the biggest issues here is the border, all the way up here in Wisconsin.
We are thousands of miles away from the Mexican border.
That's right.
I want to know why we're losing our liberties in the middle of the country, they're taking our freedoms away and spying on us, but the borders are wide open and they're flying refugees in without IDs.
I mean, come on.
Great point, Flyboy.
We're going to come back with Rob Dube, get him to pop in and talk to some of the anti-Trump people if they're able to talk, and I'm serious.
Some of them
I'm not sure they have opposable thumbs.
Uh, yeah.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I got a bunch of callers.
I got Rob Dew and crew there in Wisconsin.
I'll be back tomorrow, obviously, 11am to 3pm for the weekday show.
We'll continue on.
But I'm trying to go back to your calls right now and have Rob Dew finish up as well.
One sad thing, though, is if you go to these Trump rallies,
Not so much in Arizona or Texas where there's a higher Hispanic population, but when you go to these areas that are mainly 60-70% white, there's almost no quote minorities.
And that's because the media didn't make them feel welcome.
They're telling folks that Donald Trump hated them and wanted to kill them.
Gallup polls show as high as 70% or higher of Hispanics don't want the border open.
They're not dumb.
But they act like what Trump called for was so hateful to create artificial separation.
Though Trump does pull double digits, what the last presidential candidate for the Republicans got with blacks, and he got the majority of Hispanics in many states like Nevada and others in the primaries, still the media is dividing this country while blaming Trump and his supporters for it.
So it's another sophisticated way they engage in deception.
Rob, I want to talk to some of these anti-Trump people briefly, then I want to go to Corrine and others.
So I talked to this group right here earlier, and I have a video that's going to go up on YouTube.
This young lady here seemed to be the most articulate of the bunch, and so I'll let her explain to you why she is here, I guess, against Trump, standing against Trump.
Go ahead.
We're live on the air.
Hi, I believe that Trump stands for bigotry and hate, and I just don't want any part of that.
That's real articulate.
So I'm standing out here today because it is my right, just as it is his right to have First Amendment speech.
So I'm standing out here, not necessarily even to change people's minds, but just to let them know that there is an opposition out there.
Ask her if she admires Rachel Maddow.
I'm not in favor of people who are chanting or really trying to cause commotion.
I just want to stand here peacefully.
Ask her if she wants to be Janet Reno or Rachel Maddow.
Where do you get your news from?
I get it from NPR.
Almost exclusively the Wall Street Journal and then also the New York Times.
Do you know the NPR is funded by the government?
Yes I did.
I understand and there's no news source that is truly unbiased and I understand it's very hard to get truly unbiased news.
Except for InfoWars.
See, this guy said, except for Infowars, he's being truly unbiased.
Well, we like to think for ourselves.
No, we're totally biased to tell the truth and understanding the history.
We're definitely biased towards freedom.
Alex, do you have any other questions?
I mean, look, you say she's articulate.
She just spewed racist bigot.
Mexico has a border.
Everybody else has a border.
I can't go to China and have a baby for free.
It's a load of bull.
I'm sick of her white guilt.
Give me a break, lady!
What's your view on the wall?
I believe that it is not practical.
It's not going to happen.
And if you, I mean, I know that a lot of Trump supporters are against frivolous spending.
I believe that that would fall under... Why can't Mexico have a wall?
So you think we should keep our borders wide open?
No, I believe that there should be progressive reform there as well.
I don't think we should allow anybody to walk into our country because there are borders for a reason.
Well, that's what's happening if Obama won't... Obama ships them in, you idiot!
I'm about to lose my voice here.
I understand, Rob.
Listen, listen, I know you've been yelling and talking for days.
Great job.
We just heard the government NPR recording back at us.
We can hear that anytime.
Great job, dude.
Go get some more, you know, reports with some of the other crew.
But you're done for the day.
When are you coming back to Austin?
I thought you were coming back yesterday.
Well, they scheduled two more Trump events.
So the last one
The last one is tomorrow at 7.
I'm sure your wife and kids want to see you.
Come on back.
Great job of the crew.
Great job.
We're just live on the air.
These people just want to feel good because they went out and did what the media said.
Are you aware of how many fabrics you are wearing?
As more than two and that's a sin.
Reading the book cover to cover is important, right?
Oh, this guy's just total... These are the Angela Trump people.
An amazing group of poops.
Alex, I'm sorry I got choked up like that.
I've been staving off a cold being up here in Wisconsin.
Well, being in the presence of a Rachel Maddow clone, that may actually be a real clone, but would choke me up, I mean...
She was surprised to learn that the IRS carries guns and has killed people.
She did not know that.
Oh, the government loves us.
Rob, dude, keep showing us some feeds until the show ends.
Great job.
Get some sleep and come on back to Austin, brother.
We miss you.
I want to go back to Austin.
Trust me.
You have done an incredible job with the crew.
You and Zimmerman and Kit Daniels.
Great job.
In fact, let's talk to Kit for one minute and then I'm going to go to these calls.
Kit, give us your quick take on what you witnessed.
Well, Alex, I just got confronted by a hostile anti-Trump activist that got most of it on tape.
I was having a little debate on the side with one of the protesters and, you know, kind of trying to point out the fact that what they're pushing to be against Trump is collectivism, but racism is also collectivism.
And so the man's wife came by and started talking to the lady.
So I asked her, I was like, well, ma'am, do you have anything to add?
And he rushed over, almost pushed me, got in my face.
And then was like, no, no, he, she has nothing to say to you.
I was like, well, sir, it's a public space and I didn't come up to you.
And then she, uh, she finally agreed over his shoulder to talk to me.
And she did.
But what was interesting was the fact that she claimed that Trump wants to ship African Americans to Africa.
And I asked her, I was like, well, when did, when did Trump say that, ma'am?
And he was, she was like, well, it was one of his supporters that said that.
And I was like, so how is that attributed to him?
Oh, that's your headline.
Anti-Trump thinks, thinks, thinks.
Left thinks that Trump wants to ship Africans to Africa.
I mean, this shows the distortion.
Well, Kit Daniels, great job.
Get those reports out.
Wonderful job, gentlemen.
Thank you.
Yeah, he doesn't have an earpiece, so he can't hear me.
Okay, I want to go to these final calls.
I appreciate people holding.
It's a shorter show on Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
We'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
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Let's go ahead and talk to Corrine in Minnesota.
Thanks for holding, go ahead.
Hey Alex!
Thanks for your great show, I love it.
I'm a pretty new listener.
Thank you.
And regarding the line in the sand, should I answer that?
Yes ma'am, go ahead.
Well, for me it was Black Lives Matter when they came to Minnesota.
And that's my line in the sand, but I think
Anything, any corruption, and all of this is pure corruption, is a line in the sand for me.
I'm out walking, excuse me if I'm out of breath.
No, it's okay.
I appreciate you holding.
And on top of that, when we say a line in the sand, we don't even mean violence.
We mean waking up, getting involved, being fed up, mad and angry, not going to take it anymore.
As soon as Black Lives Matter came to Minnesota, I wasn't going to take it anymore.
And as far as this Republican
Party corruption.
I mean, I'm there.
We're organizing in Minnesota already to head out there with your group.
So put it together.
Build it.
They will come.
And other than that, I think the answer is, I think we can reach people.
We can educate.
The most important thing to do is to go out and find quote so-called minorities, educate them about the globalist operation and bring them in and bring them in the libertarian patriot movement and say you're wanted.
And by the way, we found that with our crews all over the country.
It's a love fest!
Between the Black Lives Matter people that are just paid off to be there, but don't know why they're there, and the Trump supporters who hug him, who explain things to him, that say, look, we're not out to get you, and the people start crying when they realize it's all a big lie.
This is a small group of manipulators putting out disinfo.
Kareem, God bless you.
Christopher in North Carolina, go ahead.
Christopher, you're on the air worldwide, welcome.
That caller's gone.
Let's go to Jeremy in Texas.
Jeremy in the great state of Texas in FEMA Region 6.
Go ahead, sir.
My mental line in the sand is in the Fed.
My physical line in the sand would be foreign troops on the streets after a nuclear false flag.
Boy, I'm really worried about a nuclear false flag with Obama hyping nuclear attacks.
Have you been noticing that?
I worry about it every day.
And the way the memes are showing on the news tells me
It's brewing, it's on the table, and what I, you know, I originally put that I want to discuss the Ron Paul and Trump feud because I feel like this has something to do with the nuclear false flag in the way that there's a majority large enough that support Ron Paul that could elect somebody like Ron Paul that would be in the Fed.
That's right.
If Ron Paul got behind Trump, he'd go over the top.
Rand Paul says he'll endorse him if he's the candidate.
Good job, Rand Paul.
The dad is such a purist, though, that he won't.
I mean, I need to get Ron Paul on.
And Ron Paul, look, he's always been a purist.
That's why we like him better than Rand.
But then Rand's like, hey, lesser of two evils.
I get all that.
Trump is educatable.
Trump we can reach out to.
That's why I'm for Trump.
I'm sorry to Terry in Minnesota.
Call me back tomorrow.
I'm out of time.
Great job, crew.
We kick off again tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, InfoWars.com.
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