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Name: 20160401_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 1, 2016
3347 lines.

The radio show hosted by Alex Jones covers various topics including government waste, mainstream media influence, and Islamic social networks designed to combat Islamophobia. He promotes nutraceuticals available through his website Infowarslife.com, encouraging listeners to support the "Infowar". The speaker discusses advancements in technology with chips storing medical information becoming more commonplace; they also mention how society is increasingly accepting this idea. They warn against annuities and provide a guide on their website for those who have or are considering one. The IRS offers new programs to deal with money issues, and the speaker provides contact details for assistance. One World Whey protein powder is promoted as offering 100% utilization of protein and life-giving frequencies that improve energy and mood. Emberlit stoves, which work great in emergency situations or long-term survival, are also advertised. Finally, an algorithm used by professional hedge fund managers to make billions of dollars is promoted as something even an 82-year-old grandmother could use for stock market profits.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is April Fool's Day and I'm not going to be engaged in any disinformation.
I'm not going to be engaged in any jokes or tricks.
I just don't do it.
It's part of mass mental illness to teach our kids that Santa Claus is real, and the Tooth Fairy is real, and that the Federal Reserve is federal, and to sit there and have little jokes and deceptions.
I mean, I'm not judging anybody that does it, but I'm not doing it like the Austin Chronicle announcing yesterday that Obama's moving to Austin, Texas next year.
I got scores of phone calls, all these people so excited how important they would be once the dear leader came here.
What a joke!
And of course it was an April Fool's joke.
I haven't even checked to make sure it is.
I can just tell you it is.
He's going to stay with all the sickening lobbyists robbing people in D.C.
or New York.
But first, let's go to a powerful report put together by Jakari Jackson.
Listen to this headline.
The DEA planned to counter CIA drug trafficking.
That's right.
We've all seen reports about government waste.
It's kind of like that scene in Independence Day.
The guy says, what do you think, they spend $100 on a hammer?
$500 on a toilet seat?
Well, actually, they kind of do do that.
We've seen the reports from Senator Tom Coburn from Oklahoma.
But one report I want to focus on here today is about the DEA plane that cost $86 million to combat drug trafficking in Afghanistan.
Now, before we talk about everything that's just wrong with that statement in general, we'll focus on the plane.
This is a $86 million plane that has not even left the ground.
It's my understanding it's not even in the bunker that they built for it over in Afghanistan.
Now, the original cost for the plane was $22 million, and that ballooned quite a bit.
The numbers for the plane, the mathematics include, but are definitely not limited to, 8.5 million dollars for parts and also, oh I guess it includes, 5 million dollars in spare engines for the plane.
Also, lavish trips to various countries to conduct research as well as many other things.
And when you talk about Afghanistan in the drug trade, you can't overlook the fact that the opium has
Boomed since American-U.S.
military intervention in Afghanistan.
It is not my opinion.
It is not a conspiracy theory.
It is a documented fact.
This contradiction, the fact that here you have one of the best fighting forces in the world ever mounted, and in a sense, you're watching as this opium is being grown.
I know it grinds at your gut.
How do you deal with it?
What are you doing about it?
Well, frankly, this is part of their culture.
So, while it might grind in my gut, it's what they do.
We provide them security, we're providing them resources, and we're providing them alternatives.
And the alternatives are different crops to grow.
And that's just opium.
If you look at the larger aspect of American intervention in various parts of the world, you also remember the CIA cocaine connection.
And once again, people will tell you this is a conspiracy theory.
It never happened.
I would definitely direct you to, if you go to YouTube, Google right now and you type in CIA cocaine, one of the first clips that pops up is likely going to be a town hall meeting
Where a LAPD detective was talking to the CIA director, I believe at that time it was Deutch, and he says, I can tell you, Mr. CIA director, as a officer in this neighborhood, your agency has dealt drugs here for quite some time.
I am a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, and I work South Central Los Angeles, and I will tell you, Director Deutch, the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.
And we'll end with this.
This is the big enchilada.
This is probably one of my favorite newscasts of all time.
This is CBS's 60 Minutes.
Mike Wallace.
He's talking to the head of the DEA.
He says, hold on, Mr. DEA head.
You're telling me that the CIA brought cocaine into this country?
And the DEA head says, yes, Mike.
I don't know any other way to put it.
Any rational person can see that this is going on.
Let me put it this way, Mike.
If this has not been approved by DEA or an appropriate law enforcement authority in the United States, then it's illegal.
It's called drug trafficking.
It's called drug smuggling.
So what you're saying, in effect, is the CIA broke the law.
Simple as that.
I don't think there's any other way you can rationalize around it.
Assuming, as I think we can, that there was some knowledge on the part of CIA, at least some participation in approving or condoning this to be done.
So there you have it.
Whether they're bringing in the drugs or combating drug trafficking, there's no amount of money that is too large to spend from the American taxpayer.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen.
Going out and protesting Islamophobia?
Guess what you've probably been looking for.
Sharia-friendly social networks for Muslims are now on the rise!
Article up by Forbes.com.
A month ago while attending the Startup Turkey conference in Antalya, I had the chance to talk to Shoaib Fadi, CEO and co-founder of the social networking platform... Now get ready, this is the best part... Muslim Face!
Muslim Face is going to be used to help combat Islamophobia.
Created by Donald Trump.
Definitely not created by that racist title called Muslim Face.
You look like you could probably be a member of Muslim Face.
What gave you that idea?
Well, you kind of look like a Muslim.
He was there to pitch to potential investors his website, which also offers prayer times, job postings, a tool to locate your nearest mosque, and another button to help find your spouse.
Now, it might not be seen the best of times to write about Islamic online content.
You just named your website Muslim Face.
Come on, man.
You can find more reports like this at Infowars.com.
Uh, yeah.
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We're good to go.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, this is an April Fool's joke on me because they know that I choose the bumper music and they're constantly, I love the crew, sneaking stuff in they want to play.
And I almost blew a gasket when that music started because this is not the Rush Limbaugh radio program.
Going back to Ohio.
I was just talking about in the first little segment that I am so tired of April Fool's jokes.
They drive me up the wall.
It's an excuse for disinformation in a world already drowning in it.
And here we are.
Though that is a good song and good intro music.
We will not play that again though.
We will delete that out of the system because here's the deal.
I'm my own man.
I did not want to be put on the radio against Rush Limbaugh.
I had a weeknight show here on GCN 19 years ago that was very successful.
Three hours, nine to midnight.
And then they came to me and they said, we have a bunch of stations want to pick your show up.
We want to put you on 11 to two against Rush Limbaugh.
And I've been successful in this time slot, but I'm not trying to be Rush Limbaugh.
I'm trying to change the world, expose crony capitalism and how it uses socialism, communism, fascism to control the population.
I'm trying to expose GMO, false flag terrorism, globalism, world government.
I have changed talk radio.
Five, ten years ago, you wouldn't hear any of those hosts talking about the subjects they're talking about if this radio slash TV transmission and InfoWars.com hadn't trailblazed.
So, I'm not following Rush Limbaugh.
The entire pack of mainline conservatives slash neocon and liberal fake conservative hosts, they're the ones following me.
And I'm not saying Limbaugh is all those things.
I'm talking about that entire constellation or grouping of people.
And I did not mean to start the show talking about the show.
Very funny.
Very funny joke.
Who thought of that in there?
It was a team effort.
It was a team effort.
Okay, CJ.
We love you.
Well, thank you.
I love you guys, too.
You're the best crew I've ever had, and I just have a lot of stuff going on right now.
Good stuff, bad stuff, family stuff, work stuff, business stuff, life stuff.
And the whole world's quickening, and they're talking about nuclear terror being imminent by ISIS, and Obama's priming the pump, saying his greatest fear is a mushroom cloud over Manhattan, and they're starting war with China and Russia.
Flooding the West with Jihadis.
And so I'm just in a real serious mode.
Which does mean we should have some fun.
Now, we're to begin here with the broadcast on this Friday transmission.
We have cleared the slates of guests so that we can have a good old-fashioned open lines.
This has been customary on Talk Radio for 30-something years on Fridays.
And so we will open the phones up in the first hour for a specific focus discussion for delegates or any quote superdelegates that are able to get through on the phone line to specifically give me your view on what's currently happening with election 2016.
Because I have a stack of news
Karl Rove, fresh face, might be best GOP nominee.
He said that on the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show.
We're going to play the clip coming up.
So, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, every channel I watch, they've gone from hinting they might try to take the popular vote in Ohio, they're in Cleveland, from Donald Trump,
To saying that they're going to do it, and now Karl Rove, the establishment creature, gremlin, has come out from the basement and is openly saying we need a fresh face, which is what obviously Roger Stone told you months ago they're planning.
By fresh face, they mean the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, is making preparations to be the first appointed without any delegates
Nominate the Republican Party.
Now, they've had seven contested Republican primaries before.
Seven contested conventions.
And normally it's when people are neck and neck.
Now, a lot of times it's contested to make somebody accept the Vice President on their ticket.
And it gets into all the arcania of that.
This is the first time, out in the open, someone is way ahead of everybody and they're openly saying they're going to take it.
They changed the rules, there have been seven contested in history, but they changed the rules in 76 to openly steal it.
But this will be the first time they test this fraud on the people.
Again, you have taxpayer money spent en masse, you have public interest, you have the fact that they hold out in false advertising.
If this is the case, if they claim this, that your vote does count and that you voted, and that there's all this integrity, and that you're going to choose your leader, so you have to live under this government, because after all, you elected him.
Just like they go, oh, the TPP, the NAU, the EU, we are merging them all with the Atlantic and Pacific Agreements, and you can't see them until we've ratified it.
And then once we get it, it's thousands of pages of nightmare tyranny we couldn't even believe.
But even if it was good stuff, it's being foisted on us without a vote.
And they just go on television and go on all these different radio shows, a lot of the Republican shows, and act like TPP's a good idea.
And then the author of it, with his wife working for the Bushes, who claims he's against it the last four years, comes out and votes for it.
For the authority to go ahead with it.
Instead of blocking it.
And that, of course, is lying Ted.
I'm very, very upset, obviously, about this.
I have a stack of news.
Just like I was this morning watching cable news, flipping around to see what they're saying.
Same talking point.
Well, actually, they don't even have to take those votes.
Even if he gets to 1236, they may be able to take that because those delegates may just switch in the first vote.
They're like, oh, I see.
Yes, just like Hillary did with Bernie.
And I know I marvel on this and I wring my hands and I get upset, but really it's a good thing because they're being forced to be out in the open in front of everybody right now, in front of God and man, and are just flaunting everything.
We have a hijacked, illegitimate government.
We're good to go.
Jacking the water with all this garbage after they put billion-dollar systems in major cities to clean it and all it does is make it dirtier.
These are the con artists of con artists.
These are the frauds of frauds.
Using weaponized culture, weaponized media to create a nation of children who can't even be criticized, who can't even be involved, who aren't informed, who don't know what planet they're on.
I mean, it is frightening.
How they have handicapped the minds of much of the American people into a bunch of shimmering, simpering ninnies who love hearing how they've been abused and how someone was mean to them or called them the wrong name or, oh my gosh, they're entitled, they deserve everything.
Meanwhile, they're being completely ripped off while they follow the Pied Piper's tune to Oblivion.
But Karl Rove just comes out, we'll play it in the next segment,
And just acts like all of this is completely and totally normal.
He says, oh yeah, we just need a fresh face.
You know, forget elections.
RNC lays groundwork for nominee who may not be Trump.
Republican National Committee.
Priebus was on Fox this morning.
Trump was on there in an audio clip saying, oh yeah, I met with Republican leadership.
It went real well.
I think we're going to be unified.
And then Priebus comes out and makes fun of him on Fox News and says, no, we're not.
The Republican National Committee has begun to prepare the public for what could prove to be a nasty convention.
Wow, look at the honesty of that headline.
Prepare the public.
No, it's not a nasty convention.
It's a stolen popular vote.
A suspension of the election at the party level.
That's what it is.
That's what's happening.
Stolen election 2016.
Hijacked election.
Selected election 2016.
Or as they say in New York, huge.
RNC lays groundwork for nominees who may not be Trump.
The Republican National Committee has begun to prepare the public for what could be proved to be a nasty convention.
Here's another one, getting everybody ready, the New York Times.
They explain it in the New York Times like it's no big deal.
It's like, again, explaining cannibalism or child molestation where it's palatable and okay.
How votes for Trump could become delegates for someone else.
The rules for how Republican delegates are selected, which differ in every state, could end up turning votes for one candidate into delegates who support another candidate at the convention.
If they break their pledge to the voters as a delegate pledged,
But see, they're just normalizing, just like Gruber got up on TV last year, I guess it was two years ago, and said, my job is to normalize lying.
And my lies were chosen by the president as the best lies.
And everyone's clapping at the university level, it's so exciting.
And our job, thank God the American people don't pay attention and are low information or ignorant, well it should deceive them.
And they were like, wow.
And that's what this is.
It's just, oh, hey, by the way, we're just going to take it away from you.
And so this is bigger than them just stealing the popular vote.
This is how the media gets up there and just normalizes it.
Oh, some people are going to be taken to a reeducation camp.
That's what the army, that's what the army for four years.
And their official manual just says, yeah, we're building re-education camps.
They even use the authoritarian term.
They just throw it in your face and normalize it.
Yeah, we just take your vote now and ignore it.
Uh-huh, your vote never counted.
What, are you a conspiracy theorist and thought it did?
Of course we have FEMA camps.
We need to start disappearing people.
I mean, you saw what happened on ESPN in Cuba.
They were happy that political dissidents were being drug away.
This is the new America.
This is liberal.
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So if you go up to DrudgeReport.com, we have the link on Infowars.com as well, you've got the headline where Drudge says it all.
April fools, votes for Trump, but no delegates.
And the head of the Republican Party is in the New York Times with a voter guide explaining to you how getting robbed is fun, cool, kosher, and normal.
This would be like if I went out and gave a manual or an information sheet to people I was going to mug in Walmart parking lots with a tire iron or a lug wrench.
In fact, I ought to do a Monty Python-style deal where I go out with a club and I walk over and I say, I'm going to rob you, but I wanted to just give you this informational sheet which makes it not robbery.
They're going to say, excuse me?
You're trying to rob me?
And I'm going to say, no sir, it's satire, but will you please read through this with me?
Okay, well, I'm going to hit you on the head with this club if you don't give me all the money and valuables out of your purse or wallet right now.
But it's okay, because I'm giving you this sheet that explains how I'm doing this.
And I had a vote with my buddies back in our garage or basement, or maybe at the pool hall a few weeks ago, and we set up a committee and then claimed that we control everything.
That's basically what this is.
The delegates are pledged to the precinct to the vote that was had, the popular vote.
They go represented at the party.
The elections are public and are federally and state authorized and funded.
You have a private group, just like the AP used to run the voter news services for elections.
Got caught in a bunch of hanky-panky, lost control.
Just like a private media group tallied the national votes, oh, secretly at some office, oh.
Next we're gonna hear, well, Voter News Services, a consortium of the media, they actually pick the winners.
Now, oh, party officials, former party officials, the Democrats and Republicans, they're the superdelegates and they don't have to follow even what the pledge delegates say.
According to rules you made back in the 70s, but now for the first time we're going to try to use.
Oh, I mean, in 1980, they threatened Reagan and said, we're not going to give you all the delegates if you don't put George Herbert Walker Bush on.
So they kind of did it then.
It was a big scandal just to have a VP in there.
Now they're saying they're going to ignore whole hog.
They didn't have the nerve in 1980 to actually take it from Reagan.
But they buffaloed him, they bullied him, they poked him, they prodded him to put Herbert Walker, the former CIA director, son of the famous Nazi collaborator.
What is it with Nazi collaborators running everything?
I mean, when do the Nazis crawl in a hole and finally die?
It's crazy.
Breitbart's reporting that in Washington, 73% of voters back Sanders, 60% of superdelegates back Clinton.
Yeah, it doesn't matter if you win by 73%, son!
She's gotta get those votes, and that's why I thought we'd gotten some big coup in New Hampshire.
I guess we did when our reporters talked to a Hillary superdelegate from California, a well-known party official.
And he goes, look, it doesn't matter if she loses New Hampshire.
We're gonna give the delegates to her.
That's why I'm here.
It's totally normal.
We're the party.
We're on everything.
It's not your vote that counts.
Hey, bartender, another beer.
You done talking to me, punk?
Our reporters are like, okay, thank you very much.
The guy's like, you bet.
Another beer.
I run this country now.
I'm a super delegate.
It's all part of the arrogance, and now they're like, yeah, we're getting the police ready with armored vehicles to take on the vets and the gun owners and better clingers and the rural groups and people that don't do what we want under Agenda 21 that says we can take any property we want.
Yeah, took your vote, gonna take your guns, gonna take your kids.
Kids belong to us.
We're in charge now.
We made a rule.
Love that line, and it's based on a lot of true stories that actually happened.
Free Range with Robert Duvall, and who's the other guy?
I don't follow Hollywood much.
Kevin Costner, yeah, great actor.
And they got the corrupt sheriff and everybody that are robbing them of their cattle and just beat their friend to death, or almost to death, they end up killing him.
And they're in there and they say, listen, you see these badges here?
You do what we say and hand those guns over.
They got shotguns aimed at both of them.
They go, listen, buddy, we represent the real law, what's right, not those 10 badges you got on your chest.
And very, very quickly, that's where this is all going.
Because let me tell you, when they're appointing presidents, and they're saying our kids belong to the state, and they're going to teach five-year-olds how to give oral sex, and they're putting glyphosate in all the water, and we're growing tumors like Miracle-Gro,
We got a problem.
When our government's flooding us with undocumented jihadis, we got a problem.
Our government is not our government, but I want to be razor-sharp clear on this.
The low-level government people are just minions, and most of them don't like what's happening.
So that's not where the fight is.
It's the collaborators at the top with the foreign nationals and the operatives.
This is a literal, foreign, multinational, corporate takeover of America.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
There's no doubt that our country is in serious trouble right now.
And if you're wondering how on earth we ever got in this situation, well I'll tell you how.
When the Democrats showed their true colors, you got angry and you elected Republicans.
And then when the Republicans showed their true colors, you got angry and elected Democrats.
And when anyone suggested to you that both parties were corrupt and that neither side were looking out for your best interest, you acted like they were crazy.
But the real definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
That's why it is vitally important that you wake up, America, and break the matrix.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
The locust.
Species of insect.
Grasshopper family.
It's up to 8 inches long.
Since the beginning of written history, over 6,000 years ago, cultures from India to the Middle East to North Africa
Dreaded the locusts.
They still do today.
The villagers would get their blankets together, they'd get their rakes together, their household tools, like sweepers, brooms, and they would go out, and sometimes for days,
Fight the locusts, knocking them off of the different plants that they were growing.
But in a matter of 10-20 minutes, a large flock of locusts, a large swarm of locusts, to be technical, could destroy a crop and eat it to the ground.
And they didn't just eat the fruit of the crop.
They didn't just eat the grain of the crop.
They would eat the entire plant
All the way to the ground and then go into the ground and plant eggs on the roots, killing everything in their path, turning North Africa into the Sahara today.
You add humans with goats to that, the fact that goats and sheep also pull up the roots and eat those.
Cows don't, they leave the roots.
Deer don't, they leave the roots.
But goats and sheep, they don't.
And it turned North Africa, that just 4, 5, 6,000 years ago was lush, green, tropical in most areas, into the hellish desert it is today.
And you ask, why am I talking about that?
Well, I happen to have an article right here.
From Free Beacon, it's up on InfoWars.com.
Number of Californians moving to Texas hits highest level in nearly a decade.
You would think that the locust coming here would not try to reinvent what they'd already done and create higher taxes, regulations, Agenda 21, anti-family operations, basic trendiness, banning of guns, bringing in unskilled labor to drive out their own wages and to bankrupt them.
But no, they don't know.
All they know is they have eaten the crops to the ground, they have laid eggs in the roots, and now they're coming.
And they, actually the more conscious ones of every race, color, and creed, brag, you will be blue.
You will be conquered.
You will turn in your guns.
Your children will submit.
They are ours.
Handgun Control Incorporated, in the Austin American Statesman front page of Metro and State years ago,
When I smashed a bunch of their anti-gun rallies with fellow Texans and beat a bunch of their bills, catching the bribery, everything.
I mean, we savaged them hard.
We battled.
The head of Handgun Control Incorporated and the Violence Policy Center, the Violence Policy Center, the other representative as well, said, Mr. Jones can trial he wants.
We've got your kids in the schools and we will ban guns in America one day.
And he celebrated the fact that they got our kids.
And you know what?
For most of us, they do.
They know they're locusts.
They know they rule us.
California is prettier than Texas, so they wanted to stay there.
It's got nice weather.
It's a great state.
They've destroyed it in most areas.
And now they're sending their forces in.
And we've played the clips from Project Veritas where they have meetings with thousands of people and it's military run.
They're like, our cohorts are here, prepare to take over, election fraud, we will get the IDs, we will get the welfare, we will bring in more ops, we will implode, we will bring in communism, they will submit!
And then play the clips?
How about the clergy response team clips?
How about the clips of the young kids in uniform?
In military parade promising to bring in the takeover.
You see, the truth is, the throngs and the forces, they don't like wealth, they don't like swimming pools, they don't like success.
They want misery, because misery loves company.
And it is an ancient tribal instinct to go in and conquer another group.
Of course, the people conquering Texas
By their sheer socialism and ignorance and social justice warrior behavior.
They will be even further enslaved as well, but they're too dumb to know it.
And all they like is the feeble, ancient, ancestral dream.
The vestigial dream of being a noble conqueror.
And they conquer with diabetes, and with obesity, and with low IQs, and with bogging down the hospitals, and bankrupting things before they collapse, and dumbing everyone down, and destroying language, and being social justice warriors, and drooling, and smelling, and chirping.
And then they're leaders.
They're sorcerers.
They're witch kings.
Like Obama and Hillary and Michael Moore just stand back with hatred of their own throng saying, look at what we have created!
Look at the fall of the West!
And then they just spread their wings and just stinking rotten pus just shoots out like a huge torrent across the land of disease and pestilence and evil and ignorance.
Led by all the vandal haters like Maddow and everyone else.
Their vanguard is riding America down into the dirt.
Bringing in the most unskilled, the most radical jihadists, just flooding everything.
Saying, don't even check for TB, don't even check for HIV, don't even check for any type of disease, just bring them in!
And they just ROAR!
And they are our conquerors.
They are our kings.
They are our lords.
They are better than us.
They are cancer.
They are the conqueror of death.
Again, if cancer had a consciousness, it would think it was winning as it took over, wouldn't it?
And this is cancer with a consciousness, and a will to hurt, and a will to steal, and a will to make everyone dependent
So that these bloated, evil, openly demonic people like Hillary and her controllers can rule over throngs of desperate, hat-in-hand, poisoned, culturally brainwashed fools.
And isn't Trump, with all of his goofy populism and
All the things he does, he is kind of the idiocracy candidate, you know?
But like, the smartest guy!
In the ship of fools, compared to everything else going on, he's the best option.
They want us poor.
They've said they want us poor.
That's the plan.
And you're seeing the process of wrecking the country.
And then there's these poor, hat-in-hand, desperate people going, Hillary, give me free stuff!
Like, Obama, can I have a house, please?
You bet we're gonna get that for you.
Got blocks, huh?
Sure, baby.
His real spirit would be like, you think I'm gonna give you anything trash?
And he didn't give her anything.
It was Christian conservatives that gave her a house.
This is a sign.
What he gave her was double unemployment.
What he gave her was a shutdown, de-industrialized country.
What he gave her was a system where she has to stay locked up with her kids all day long, or she'll get shot.
What he gave her was a world that devils like him can rule.
Because let me tell you something, devils can only rule in hell.
They can't exist in a heaven, can they?
So they want to turn everything into a world based on fraud and ignorance and foolishness and bondage and servitude and humiliation.
All right, I want to open the phones up because they're openly announcing that they are officially going to not let Trump have the nomination to create a self-fulfilling prophecy
So that people don't vote for Trump, because they've already been told it won't count.
So they're ceremonially, you might get to go vote for Cruz or Kasich, and they might be acceptable.
And so then, if you elect who they tell you you can, you can imagine that you actually voted and had power.
And they're actually saying that.
They go, you can vote for somebody more acceptable, or your vote won't count.
Think about that.
Get your mind around that and then ask, what's coming next?
See, once you get to this point of rapid disintegration, rapid deterioration, rapid rotting, once you get to this point, it's game over.
The bottom is falling out right now.
Let's say you're one of those big giant Ferris wheels, this has happened before, and it kind of rots underneath it with rust, there's old paint over it, you can't see it, it's all rusted out, and finally somebody standing in it up there, 300 feet in the air, 400 feet in the air, and the bottom falls out and they fall to their death.
America is up there in this cage, and it's all rotten rust, and the government and the establishments jumping up and down for glee, hitting the bottom as hard as they can, and it's buckling and about to totally fall out from under us.
And then, we don't just fall to the ground and bounce.
Every hell, every psycho, every control freak, every corrupt corporation, every sick group jacked into the fraud system is going to be given
A Red Terror Day at the park.
This happens in every system the Globals run in the last 300 years.
And 250.
The Jacobin system, all of it.
They're gonna bring everything down and just, we'll be lucky if the lights are on.
And then out of that, the new savior will come.
A new global imperium of biometrics and total control and who can have kids and who can't.
Hey, you're not getting free welfare anymore.
But you'll have to have government authorization just to live, basically.
And the hard-working people will be more than happy to accept it.
Their new social score, like China has, and Facebook's brought in.
Facebook goes, here's Facebook mentions.
We estimate you'll be able to talk to 2-3 million people anytime you want.
This is like a national TV show.
We're phasing it in for people with some of the biggest sites.
When I got it, about 300 people had it.
It's about 500 now.
And then it's like, oh, but if you talk bad about Facebook or Zuckerberg, or it was just telegraphed down, you won't, it won't work.
So I start talking bad about Zuckerberg when he meets with the communist Chinese and says he's going to censor everybody and it's in the news and I've got to cover it.
The cowards die a thousand deaths.
I want that tool to reach people.
Suddenly it only reaches 200,000.
Then I keep talking about it suddenly reaches 60,000.
And that's what Zuckerberg admits they're bringing in, social algorithms, where if you talk bad about Facebook or the Chinese government or Obama or whoever, you just get steadily shut down.
People say, well, they don't use Facebook.
Guess what?
I got to hit them with maybe, I don't know, 60, 70 million views on there.
Before they figured out I wasn't going to play ball.
And it's not that I wanted to attack.
It's Zuckerberg's on the news with the Communist Chinese censorship leader, and we've got all of our news saying, hey, we need censorship here.
There was a Nation article I saw yesterday calling for Internet censorship.
I mean, you know, hell, if I'm going to sell out, I could go to the establishment and go meet with the big CEOs and go play golf with them and, you know, go, I guess, go out to eat with them and, you know,
These are just nice women want to be your friend.
I mean, they're not escorts or anything, you know.
I can fly around on helicopters and private jets and, you know, have trinkets and feel powerful.
You know what?
I'm not going to do that.
So I'm sure not going to sell out so I can reach more people on Facebook.
I built our own system.
We've got a bunch of platforms.
I'll reach people any way I can.
But they're trying to shut us down all over the place.
Just know that.
And that means they're trying to shut you down.
They're trying to figure out ways, openly in Congress, to say you can't have political speech or ideas online like Drudge or InfoWars.
They're openly saying Drudge.
People go, well, I don't own the Drudge Report, why do I care?
If they can start restricting that, it means the canary in the coal mine is rolling over and it ain't playing dead.
It's here, folks.
It's happening.
It's going down.
When they steal an election from Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump in front of God and everybody else, the sky's the limit.
And as I said, beta test.
They stole up front with Hillary and said, yeah, the delegates are ours.
We don't care if you win by 20 points in this state or 14 points in this state.
We're just going to take them.
We don't care if you win by 70 points or 78 points in New York.
I'm gonna get the delegates.
That's in the news today!
To make you give up and not vote for who you want to.
Because they've already told you that you've been disqualified.
Just like they're now doing with Trump.
The PSYOP isn't the stealing of it.
The PSYOP is telling you they're stealing it, so you give up hope.
Go vote for Trump!
Biggest landslide ever!
Make them steal big!
Make them steal naked!
Make them get in the ring!
Because every time we resist, every time we take action, we just get stronger.
If we totally give up and lay down, they win.
But if we get involved when they're doing bad things, and stand up against them, other people get involved.
Other people get angry.
Our strength rises.
Because for every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction.
But we have free will in the universe, so we can suspend the rules.
It's not magic, it's mathematics.
When we have free will,
And should rise the occasion to be the opposite and equal reaction to Newtonian physics, and we don't.
We give reality to these people.
That's the big secret.
They don't control reality.
I'm gonna come back.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
What do you think of this?
How crazy is it?
How over the top is it?
800-259-9231 on this live Friday edition.
Two hours, ten minutes plus ahead of us.
The original revamp, because the other was a special edition, but people got too upset.
Folks made total clones of it, so why not make the original?
But a little bit changed.
The original Hillary for prison shirt that looks like a regular campaign shirt.
Hillary for prison, and then we said, until the end of time, under it.
For prison 2016, until the end of time.
And then on the back, it's in red, where it says, legalize freedom.
They forgot and just put it up there white.
The new one is going to be in red, so we'll update that.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
It's basically another limited edition.
It's just too popular, so we're doing it.
Also, Vitamin Mineral Fusion, the amount we got is half sold out.
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Here's the bottom line.
The globalists have totally domesticated most of the young people and a lot of the older folks.
They've dumbed people down.
They're making their move against logic, against private property, against independence.
They're conquering not just our countries, but us individually.
This is a total
Scientific takeover.
Knowing about it, though, totally defeats it, because then you just withdraw consent, you're aware of it, but you have to have a total shift.
You have to go read the writings of the globalists, admitting they're creating an artificial environment for us to be imprisoned in.
No one criticizes China selling political dissonance organs now.
And our media runs stories where the Chinese government criticizes the Dalai Lama and calls him names.
I'm not saying he's perfect, but, you know,
They kill boost.
China arrests, imprisons, and executes gay people.
Cuba wrote articles in their official Chinese newspaper calling Obama a dumb, n-word black man.
I told you Che Guevara said blacks weren't humans.
He wrote a book saying it.
He said natives, Indians, are roaches.
And I have to watch slack-jawed Hispanics wearing the shirt?
I want to slap them!
He was a super racist about how Spanish he was.
Most racist people I've ever run into are Spanish that are into how they're white and they don't have any tan skin.
I'm just too educated.
I'm too worldly.
I know too much.
It's so stupid everywhere.
I'm just talking to the idiots out there.
And then our media supporting people being drug away in Cuba.
For saying, Libertad, Libertad, down with the Castro dictatorship.
You're gone.
And then now this.
This video's up on Infowars.com.
I'm going to cover it next hour.
White House censors French President saying Islamist is terrorism.
The control is so great that the translator for the White House just won't say it.
That's the level of control, people.
The video's up on Infowars.com.
We're going to play it.
And then I never got to this this week.
I see this stuff every day.
Black students
Assault white hippie for appropriating dreadlocks.
And it's at the University of San Francisco.
It is a total white male groveling who's tried to appropriate the fake urban CIA mind control culture that we're told is black.
Groveling, and then these arrogant, crazy, gang member style cult members, one of them looks like a black vampire, can't tell if they're male or female, that's why it's so perfect, are attacking and saying, we don't like you because you've appropriated our culture.
Well, I mean, I'm sorry lady, you know, you could say that the light bulbs in the buildings are Western culture, and the, you know, I mean, just give me a break.
So now black people can't straighten their hair?
I mean, this is all just insane, folks.
But this is what they teach us.
Microaggressions is appropriating culture.
That's why they want safe spaces that are black or Hispanic or whatever only.
This isn't blacks and Hispanics in general.
This is what the government-run foundations want.
And now they're telling you they're not going to accept the popular vote for Bernie or
For Trump, here is Karl Rove saying we need a fresh face.
Fresh face might be the best for the GOP, meaning a Paul Ryan who has zero delegates.
Here it is.
Paul Trump excites a lot of enthusiasm.
He also excites a lot of anger.
Within the Republican Party and outside of the Republican Party, and a fresh face might be the thing that could give us a chance to turn this election and win in November again.
Let us win thanks to neocon scum like you that have been strangling the libertarian movement to take over the Republican Party forever.
A bunch of Trotskyites, literally from Russia, hijacked the Republican Party in the 1950s and 60s with the aid of the Central Intelligence Agency.
It's all declassified.
You go, why would the CIA put Trotskyites in?
Because before it was the CIA, it was the OSS, it was Army Intelligence, you name it.
They put
The Trotskyites in in 1917 in a black op declassified in 1976!
Their operatives came home and now have run a deep penetration operation on us.
And now you're getting ready to see the fall of the country, baby.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
And the next are coming for your guns, your farm, your children.
They want to dominate you and they want to kick your teeth in and break your jaw.
I'm telling you, they want to get you in a FEMA camp and beat your family to death.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I want you.
I need you.
I want you to be my tonight.
Well, they've got a giant dumbed-down population now that wants free stuff.
The big megabanks and brainwashing TV at a weaponized level is going to drive them now into rioting, looting, henpecking, bullying, bossing, until everybody else submits and becomes open slaves of the multinationals.
Then en masse, they're going to move even more of our factories into Cuba with slave wages, and they'll arrest or machine gun anybody that gets in their way.
Cubans try to get on boats and come over here, they'll machine gun them, and our media says it's good, it's liberal.
I got an article here where the official paper in Havana of the government called Obama the basically inward light, and then said the dumb black man is how it translates.
Because that's what, I mean, have you ever been to Latin America?
Oh, I know, racism against black people is only here.
I love how dumb the general public is, how ignorant, man.
I'm not talking about our audience, I mean all these politically correct idiots.
Cuban state media, Negro Obama, incited rebellion and disorder, and the headline was, don't you understand, you dumb black man.
And again, nothing against Latin America.
Every culture, especially the more primitive, and all our cultures have been primitive, the more you're tribal.
You'll have one neighborhood of whites in Ireland that doesn't like the other neighborhood of whites, even if they're all Catholic.
They'll just go kill each other sometimes because that's what people do.
Just like you'll have two cats.
Both of them could be white.
Both of them could be black.
Both of them could be spotted.
Or one could be white, one could be brown.
One could be cream, one could be... And they'll get in a big fight out there!
Over territory!
It's what territorial creatures do.
The difference is, is you advance in a civilization, you make territorialism about your freedoms, your liberties, your ideas, and your right to exercise them, and to have free association and meet other people like that, and have your right to associate with who you want.
That's not called discrimination.
And then they conquer the cultures, and then they make you take this plastic globalist culture on that is pure societal death, which is all about obsessing and becoming more tribal than ever, but about all sorts of mindless, stupid things.
Everybody's been asking me at stores, you name it, what happened to your hands?
Were you crucified or something?
I told everybody I'm deadlift and heavy.
I don't know what I was doing.
The problem is it's so easy.
To lift 400, you want to do 500.
In fact, that's what I'm going to do.
Just as for a stunt, I'm going to shoot for 600 the next four or five months, and I'm going to deadlift 600 pounds.
You know, free weight.
It's not that much, but you know, for 235 pounds, it's pretty good.
Because I know I can do 500 right now.
The difference is I just cannot tear my hands apart.
OK, I'm digressing.
When I come back from break, Mike, Doug, Phil, Ollie,
Renee and others, I am going to your phone calls on the other side.
When you hear somebody hang up, that's your chance to get involved on air.
And we will get you up and on the air.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
You're listening to the GCN Radio Network.
Their site's GCNlive.com.
Massive censorship coming up.
I mentioned this.
We're going to play the video.
White House censors French President saying Islamist is terrorism.
Uh, and then I'm going to tie that into something I plugged the last two days that I was going to cover.
I didn't cover how private intelligence agencies, you heard me, private, run most of the media along with the CIA.
We told you that a long time ago.
It came out in Congress, but now it's all admitted.
Uh, we'll be back straight ahead with your phone calls as they announce their show on the election from Trump.
It's Friday, so let's see what the tolerant and loving anti-Trump supporters have been up to this week in their quest to stomp out fascism.
After offending a German-Jewish immigrant by waving a Trump equals Nazi sign right in his face, a Bernie Sanders supporter told the man he needed to go back to Germany, further demonstrating the excessive hypocrisy of social justice warriors who are completely intolerant, and in this case, xenophobic, to anyone who disagrees with their worldviews.
And to counter the violent rhetoric of Donald Trump, a supporter of the Never Trump movement advertised t-shirts for sale advocating the assassination of Donald Trump.
No reports of anyone getting beaten for wearing this shirt yet.
Not like Emmanuel, who got jumped at his school for wearing a pro-Trump t-shirt.
He posted photos of the bloody bathroom and a photo of his tooth that got knocked out during the assault.
And how did the Never Trumpers respond?
Well, they proceeded to mock the boy on Twitter.
Just another week in the Orwellian world of lefty hypocrisy.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
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In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas.
The first reports say that President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
It was almost as if it were a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
Either you were with us, or you were with the terrorists.
But I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
Guns will be taken and no one will ever be harmed.
We will take all guns.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
Global governance at last.
Is it one world?
The central bank is in charge.
But aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
As for me!
Give me liberty or give me death!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
That's right, and we are well into the second hour of this global broadcast on this live original Friday transmission, April 1st, 2016.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Of course, we're also going to be here.
I'm going to be live this Sunday in studio, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time with a Sunday broadcast to cover all the latest stuff that develops on Saturday up until Sunday afternoon.
I'm going to your phone calls here in about two minutes.
Mike, Doug, Phil, Eva, Renee.
If you just joined us, Karl Rove's announced it.
Previs, the head of the Republican National Committee, has announced it.
It's official.
Drudge has the headline up there saying, April Fools.
Votes for Trump, but no delegates.
They're also announcing that Bernie Sanders is getting 70 plus percent of the vote, but Hillary will get the delegates, the majority 60 percent.
In fact, they're basically saying if he won all of them, she'd still get most of them.
That's just how it works in America, because they said so.
And the New York Times is a big article explaining how it's totally normal and no big deal.
Just like it's totally normal and no big deal to have the government bringing in hundreds of thousands, that's not 10,000, of illegals from the Middle East, mainly military age men, and then giving them fake, well they're not fake, they're real IDs, but fake identities, social security numbers, and putting them in Section 8 housing.
Same thing in Europe, that's in the news in Germany.
And then if you criticize it, you get arrested.
Well, here's two articles just out in the last hour, both up on InfoWars.com.
The video, White House censors French president saying Islamist is terrorism.
Because you're not allowed to say that.
The government said so.
Three years ago, Obama told the media, don't use it.
And you know what?
They follow what he says.
They use the words he says.
That's only done in North Korea.
And now in the West.
I mean, I'm actually having an anxiety attack on air right now.
I'm not kidding.
This is so crazy.
Watching them say they're taking the popular vote away.
They're appointing presidential candidates now.
They're openly saying they're doing it.
They are.
Every day I see articles in Germany, France, England, where someone will tweet, yeah, I saw a woman wearing a burka today and I asked her what she thought about the bombing.
And then the police go and arrest him at his house.
Well, this is today.
DrudgeReport.com is linked to it in the middle column.
It's a Paul Joseph Watson article at Infowars.com.
UK police force threatens home visits.
Well, I love how we even water stuff down.
People think we exaggerate.
Paul goes with stuff that's like, just because the reality is too bad.
If we're guilty, it's watering stuff down.
UK police force threatens home visits.
Poor, inaccurate tweets, just like Spain, criticize government, criticize taxes, criticize Muslims, criticize protected groups.
Remember Robin Page, 10 years ago we had him on?
Host of One Man and His Dog, he walks from town to town, visiting restaurants and pubs.
He said, rural communities deserve the same rights as Muslims and gays.
They arrested him for saying he deserved the same rights.
That was in the news, the BBC said, we apologize for his evil.
Because you see, if they can have 1984 level control, they can do it.
Before you post, think, is it true?
They decide, not a court, see?
Not a court anymore for libel.
H, is it hurtful?
See, if someone says it's hurtful, then that defines it.
Is it illegal?
Is it necessary?
Oh, it needs to be necessary for your speech now.
Wow, and is it kind?
I don't know, was it kind England and the UK when you funded Al Qaeda and ISIS to kill 400,000 people, mainly Christians?
Was that kind?
Was it kind funding the Arab Spring?
Was it kind?
All the pedophilia being run by the pedophile rings that run the UK on record?
Where you even slit the little kids' throats, it's come out in the news?
Oh, we see you want to ban free speech because all these criminal groups are in control, from the Vatican to the Crown, to all of them, and they want to be able to arrest us for not wanting them to slit little girls' throats.
Now I'll say this, the average cops in England are listeners and know what's going on.
I've run into a bunch of them.
County police, state police, London police.
A lot of listeners there.
But the people running the show are total tyrants.
Total tyrants.
And it's out of control.
Exercise your free speech in the UK, folks, or lose everything.
I'm going to your calls, but let's play the French president, who I'm no fan of, but let me tell you.
What is it?
Something like 25% of Muslims who are citizens polled in France said they support suicide bombing?
And he says it's Islamic terror?
He's the one that brought him in, though.
But he at least says the truth, and our own White House censors it, and they have the person, the interpreter, just not say it.
You talk about 30 seconds from midnight, not two minutes.
I mean, we are in the belly of the beast, folks.
I'm going to Doug and Mike here in a second, but here's the French president being censored in America.
Imagine, American presidents have gone to Moscow.
And like, you know, like Reagan and people, and giving speeches, and it wasn't censored on the live radio.
They didn't censor Khrushchev when he came here and beat his shoe at the... But man, let me tell you, it is now, because it's okay, because Obama's black, and... Well, Michelle, you know, she tells us what to eat, and if your school district doesn't eat what she says, they're gonna fine you thousands of dollars per kid!
Boy, we sure live in a free country, don't we?
And it's only gonna get worse by the minute until people wake up and break with this stuff.
Let's go to the clip, Ernest.
We're also making sure that between Europe and the United States, there can be a very high level coordination.
But we're also well aware that the roots of terrorism...
And it goes on for a while.
So they both cut the audio, then she doesn't know what's going on.
Someone's saying something in her ear, and then she goes back.
Losing ground thanks to the strikes, we've been able to launch with the coalition.
We are continuing to support Iraq.
This is also a decision we have taken, supporting the Iraqi government and making sure... Alright, that's it.
Let's start it over again for folks who are listening on the radio and for TV viewers.
This is so incredible.
Just like MSNBC, CNBC, ESPN.
Peaceful people saying Libertad.
In Cuba, drug away.
And then the reporters get off on it.
It's like fun.
Like, man, we get to drag folks away now, but we're the guys up here on the podium.
It's fun.
We're on the winning team now.
They're coming, folks.
They're getting us ready, like Drudge was told by the Supreme Court Justice last year.
And the stuff he was told was so scary.
He told me a lot of it.
A lot of it he didn't tell me, but he told me a lot more than what you heard on air.
And he was concerned.
He was ringing the alarm.
He was told, no, next year they're coming for everybody's free speech.
We're here.
And what do all the social justice warriors in our videos?
Our videos we shot all over the country.
They come over and go, check your white privilege, you can't do interviews, you're white.
And you're standing there going, excuse me?
They go, yeah, did you hear me?
Get me some muscle over here.
These people are totalitarians, people.
Don't be scared of them!
If we all get out of these people, it's over.
You gotta hit the streets, you gotta get active, you gotta start your own podcast, your own YouTubes, your own letter to the editor, your own local newsletter, your own micro-FM, pirate, whatever, I don't care.
It's war now, folks.
It's war.
And if you're listening to us on a local AM or FM station...
I need you right now to go put up billboards for them, support them, put ads in the paper for folks to tune in, whatever.
You need to get aggressive.
We're in a war.
All in or lose everything.
Folks, if you're not all in, we're going to lose everything.
You understand?
You're all in now, folks, or we lose everything.
This is a hot takeover.
This isn't some Cold War creeping takeover anymore.
They're getting ready to go full operational.
It did wake up the police and military in the last eight years when they started telling them get ready to arrest veterans and gun owners and take them to work camps.
But that still flew and they're getting ready for it.
It didn't fly entirely, it was a big wake-up call, but they're still going ahead with the plans and the People Klan are not going to execute when the time comes, but there'll be false flags so horrible blamed on us that I don't know what to say, people, anymore.
I don't know what to say, but I love you.
That's all I can tell you.
The way they're exponentially ramping up the tyranny right now, they're moving out of beta.
They're moving out of beta, I can tell you right now, this is it.
I'm gonna skip this network break, it's too important.
Mike in California on Radical Islam, then Doug, Phil, Rene, and Evan.
Now go ahead, thanks for holding, Mike, you're on the air worldwide on this Friday.
Hey Alex, I'm happy to speak to you.
I agree with a lot of the points that you, with so many points that you make.
I've listened to you for many years now, I'm only 27, but
I've heard you speak a lot to enlightenment, and so basically what I want is if you can explain what enlightenment is to you, and if you can explain the word you had, and if possible,
If I can speak to you off air afterwards, I can hold, but I really... Well, brother, I can't... I can't talk to you off air because I've got to continue on with the show, but if you've got a note for John or some tips, newstipsinfowars.com or something really hot, you can try to pass that on.
We've got a skeleton crew.
All our people are basically out in the field right now.
This place is empty during the day.
We are just totally overwhelmed.
I would like to have some extra folks at work here to be able to follow tips better, but God bless you.
I'll put you on hold and John can briefly find out exactly what it is you want to relay to us.
A lot of people, when I do these Facebook mentions, or I do special live shows or whatever, or I go off into a philosophical discussion of the New Renaissance, the New Atlantis, the Enlightenment, things like that, people then ask, well, that kind of sounds Masonic, or that kind of sounds
Um, classical Rosicrucian.
That sounds like Francis Bacon.
What are you getting at?
Are you a Mason?
Are you into this mystery school stuff?
In the very discussions I have on that, I explain that that's who founded America, a consortium of Christians, of reformists, of occultists, but not in a satanic way.
I know Christians will argue, and I'm a Christian, that all occultism leads to the devil in one way or another.
The jury's out on King Solomon.
This is sophisticated stuff, okay?
The point is, I've studied it all.
And so I'm simply speaking about where this country came from, and what it is, and who the original Illuminati were, and what they believed they were setting up, not the counterfeit of Adam Weishaupt that was countering a Enlightenment movement that was launching into a new phase in 1776, but had been around for over 300 years.
So, I judge a tree by the fruits, and the people that set up this country are the ones that rammed through Magna Carta in 1215.
They're the people that created the Renaissance.
They're the people that created the Gutenberg Press.
They're the people that created the Reformation.
They're the people that created Western civilization, and took it from just as barbarous, or maybe worse than other cultures, into what it is today.
For all its problems, it's the most advanced.
And so you make your own decisions.
I haven't made all my decisions about it myself.
I'm a Christian.
I love Christ.
But I'm not one of these establishment Pharisee preachers up there that is, you know, pushing this agenda of if you drink a beer, you're going to hell.
And then meanwhile, he, you know, at night he's with a prostitute.
I'm not one of the Pharisees that Christ talked about.
They said, why do you hang out with prostitutes and former tax collectors and people that are the most reviled?
And he said, because they're real people and they want to hear the truth and they've repented.
They're not up praying in public on the hilltop and telling people how pious they are.
And so, that's where I come from.
The original form of Christianity was very spiritual, very connected to God, very enlightened and powerful.
It got taken over by establishment church and turned into what it is today where you go through men, you go through priests, you go through the system.
There are counterfeits of any of that original real Christianity that has become Gnostic or
bled into other systems.
That's the nature of these deceptions.
But the original thread from Christ does come all the way through, from Jerusalem, all the way through into Scotland, England, France, Germany, you name it.
And out of that, there was groups and organizations that said they wanted to empower humanity, said they wanted to develop science and technology, and God's promise
Of building a heaven on earth and a thousand years in the New Atlantis.
The New World Order, though, is basically claiming they're that, but they're not.
They want to be God and bring in a new dark age against humanity.
And so, when I talk about a new enlightenment, a new renaissance, I mean real freedom, real spread of ideas, real debate,
Community of humanity, out of the Renaissance came the abolition movement, all of it, that changed the world.
So then, America and England and France and Germany, the home of the Enlightenment, we get the blame for all the barbarism in the world when it was the Enlightenment that turned the tide against it.
So the evil of the modern world blames the engine of human love, human empowerment.
The celebration of humanity, the celebration of God's creation, and of course the creator above it.
The celebration of this wondrous time together.
The celebration of all the things we're going to discover together.
I say a philanthropist is a lover of humanity, but notice the globalists all call themselves philanthropists.
They're not.
They are would-be enslavers of the engine that is human consciousness and human ideas that is made in the image of the creator of the universe.
Look how we create!
Look at what we do!
Look at what we build!
We are fantastical creatures!
And other humans want to get in groups, dumb us down, and use us like beasts of burden.
Because there's also that satanic thrill in capturing such a magnificent species and then mutating it and making it ugly.
We will get our hands around your spiritual throats, Globalist.
We will cast you down with God's help, and we will rise.
You are not going to stop us, and you already know it, and it's why you scream with hatred.
It's why you boil with disgusted, filthy hate for humanity.
It's because you know you've lost, and you want to just drag as many people as you can into hell with you!
And I'm sick of all these milquetoast fake Christians.
You study the prophets and the Bible and Christ in there with a bullwhip, a multi-ended cat-or-nine-tail beating people and kicking tables over and kicking people upside the head, the money changers, the manipulators, the false priests, the people sitting in front of you and God, keeping you from God.
Keeping you from enlightenment, keeping you from Renaissance, keeping you from all that God's given us.
Men and women coming together, children, our love, our communities, our humanity, all that's good God gave us.
And this system gets up there on TV and superimposes itself between man and woman and family.
How dare them come into a jurisdiction they have no jurisdiction in.
But we've invited the vampires in.
And now it's time to recognize the vampire is in our bedroom!
It's in our kitchen!
It's in our children's rooms!
It's in the schools!
It's in the banks!
It's in the air!
It's in the food!
It's all around us!
And just as sure as night follows day and then day follows night, all of you that hate humanity and hate strength and hate those that are strong and hate those that are noble, I now understand it all.
You have the devil in your heart and that's why you hate good.
And you always try to convince those of us that are good and pure of heart that we're bad.
That we've done something wrong so that we'll kneel to you and let you dominate us and use us as a footstool because then you can imagine you've dominated God because you've dominated God's creation made in His image.
That's why they love giving each other medals and awards and power and prancing around on red carpets because they want to pretend they are risen because they are fallen.
They want to pretend they live because they're dead.
We live, you sleep in your New World Order fantasy land.
I live, I'm awake, I see.
I see beyond your fake world you built into infinity and beyond.
And that's why it's such a joke if people were awake and could see the enemy.
They are horrible, little, deformed, satanic, stinking creatures.
I'm going to go to break.
I apologize.
I said I'd take calls.
I'm going to take Eva and Doug and Renee and all of you and Phil.
I'm going to go to you and Doug.
I'm going to go to you all.
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We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's Friday, so let's see what the tolerant and loving anti-Trump supporters have been up to this week in their quest to stomp out fascism.
After offending a German-Jewish immigrant by waving a Trump equals Nazi sign right in his face, a Bernie Sanders supporter told the man he needed to go back to Germany, further demonstrating the excessive hypocrisy of social justice warriors who are completely intolerant, and in this case, xenophobic, to anyone who disagrees with their worldviews.
And to counter the violent rhetoric of Donald Trump, a supporter of the Never Trump movement advertised t-shirts for sale advocating the assassination of Donald Trump.
No reports of anyone getting beaten for wearing this shirt yet.
Not like Emmanuel, who got jumped at his school for wearing a pro-Trump t-shirt.
He posted photos of the bloody bathroom and a photo of his tooth that got knocked out during the assault.
And how did the Never Trumpers respond?
Well, they proceeded to mock the boy on Twitter.
Just another week in the Orwellian world of lefty hypocrisy.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
But it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Man, listen to that guitar.
More beauty from the human spirit.
I remember being 18.
Felt good.
I feel like I'm 18 right now, but I feel better.
As you gain knowledge as you get older, and as you have successes and failures, it is just so good to be a man.
So good to get older.
The knowledge just starts increasing.
It's amazing.
But with great knowledge comes great sorrow, the Bible says.
It's true.
Alright, enough of Alice Cooper.
Let's go to, uh, who's been holding the longest here?
I'm gonna go to Doug, then I'm gonna go to Renee, then I'm gonna go to Eva, then I'm gonna go to, uh, Phil, and, and, and Allie, or Ollie.
Uh, didn't Ollie hung up and came back?
Uh, tell me, who's up first, John?
I got the calls all scrambled here.
I'm gonna go to Doug of New Jersey first, and then, if you just tuned in, I mean, I know I keep saying this because it's a big deal,
The head of the RNC, Karl Rove, has come out as well and just said, yeah, we may just appoint somebody who doesn't even have one delegate.
And they're announcing censorship all over the world, all over the U.S.
It's pretty clear they're going to let radical Muslims in, attack us, and then say it's our fault they're attacking if we criticize them.
And Facebook and everybody's adopting Chinese-style censorship.
I mean, this is, it's all happening.
I mean, I'm sure to tell you, it's all happening.
And then what do you do?
You're just like, okay, now they're saying they're going to appoint people and then have a staged election.
I mean, what comes next?
Well, they're saying they're going to do bail-ins and just start taking money out of your bank account and they're getting ready for global collapse.
I mean, it's just crazy.
And I cannot find words to impart how concerned I am and how concerned all the other experts are, basically.
I know you're concerned as well.
And then you see the general public, kind of the trendies in people, they don't even know what planet they're on.
What are they going to do during a Great Depression?
Or a nuke going off in New York, like they say, you know, they're trying to get the public ready for, or whatever it is they're gearing up for.
I mean, government is digging in worldwide like a 10-mile-wide asteroid's coming or something.
I mean, I'm not saying that's happening.
I'm just saying they're scared, they're freaked out.
What is it?
What's going on?
Why are you bringing in millions of radicals?
Why are you targeting gun owners and veterans?
Why do you have death lists for veterans?
Because they're evil, folks.
We're in the hands of very evil people.
And the media is so lapdog now that the French president, they cut the audio off at a press conference with the president.
And the media is so controlled, it takes new media to cover it.
I'm telling you folks, they could take me and arrest me, and take me to a FEMA camp, and MSNBC would probably report on it and say it was a good thing.
Remember when they said, oh, of course we're persecuting the Tea Party and veterans groups and Christian groups, of course we're not giving you 501c3 or taking them, and of course we're coming after you.
You're racist, you deserve it!
You're dehumanized!
And these people give vent to every evil instinct they've got now.
Black, white, doesn't matter.
Like this video, black student assaults white hippie for appropriating dreadlocks, close quote.
And it's some white chicken neck who has submitted and appropriated the dominant CIA artificial inner city hip-hop culture that they've put into Europe as well as being adopted.
It's totally synthetic.
He's groveling.
He's submitting.
He's trying to submit and assimilate and be conquered.
And they go, listen, we don't want to conquer you, filth.
You're dumb.
You're scum.
We're going to beat you up.
And then attack the camera person and then go to the Dean and file a complaint on the people they attacked.
Perfect social justice warrior logic.
Where everything's about blaming you.
Everything's about twisting everything against you.
And it's not just with the social justice warriors at the colleges and the public schools.
The general public's adopting it now.
Everything's a blame game.
Everything's twist what you've done.
Everything is just mental illness and insanity all over the place.
It's crazy.
Doug in New Jersey.
Thank you for holding, Doug.
You're on the air worldwide on this Friday edition.
Go ahead, sir.
I want to say I feel gut-punched.
But before I begin, I'm telling you, God bless you, man.
And wear that cross, and I hope you deadlift 600 pounds.
You hear me?
It's a disgrace.
It's horrible what's going on.
I actually have my TV off.
It's like when you turn it on, it's like going into the twilight zone.
You know what I'm saying?
If they're not knocking blue collar people, they're talking about Donald Trump is no good.
Meanwhile, what's going on, like you said, they're allowing people that want to kill us to come into this country.
And really, not for nothing, there is a hit list.
No one talks about it on New Jersey Troopers.
No one ever talks about that.
That's terrible.
Oh I know, especially in New Jersey, a bunch of them have been killed by the whole Black Lives Matter connected groups.
And instead, the police are meant to then submit, go under the Strong Cities U.N.
initiative, let them run them as social justice warriors, and then the hits will be removed.
But forget the Mexican drug cartels threatening to kill cops if they don't roll over.
That goes on in the Southwest.
Literally, Soros, the Democrats, the Justice Department are saying, we're going to federalize you, we're going to prosecute you, we're going to come after you unless you roll over and let us run you, and then we'll deactivate the cop-killing squads.
And again, they just put it out there that the cops deserve to die, then idiots go and do it.
So you don't even have to give them the order to go kill the cops.
And a lot of police departments are rolling over and saying, OK, we submit.
We'll go out for gun owners and veterans and patriots.
We will now be tools of basically Al Sharpton and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
This is how it works.
And now the U.N.
will come into every city, including Austin, and run the police departments.
We have Jihad, the radical Islamic training camps in America.
They're all over, sir.
Look, they're bringing in people and not even checking their IDs.
That's in the news.
We told you that years ago from our eye sources.
I was told we have eye sources want to meet with us at the border where they're bringing people in without IDs and giving them vouchers.
I'm like, yeah, right.
Even I couldn't believe it.
They go down there, Jakari and everybody, they catch it all on tape.
I really appreciate also that you guys went in to the anti-Trumpers to really bring out what these walking dead protesters are all about.
They're zombies.
Doug, they can't even talk.
I appreciate your call.
All they can do is come over and say, you are white.
This is white people to white people.
You're not allowed to ask questions.
You have white privilege.
Men will welcome other men and go, check your privilege!
Check it!
I'm like, check your attack on my First Amendment, you slob!
The weird thing is, they're these anti-free speech fascists, but they're so full of themselves, they literally hate some guy going, I have organic milk and I grow my own crops and, you know, I'm just here to see what Trump has to say.
And people are like, just frothing at them.
I mean, it's just, none of them have jobs, they just watch TV all day and go to college.
They're in brainwashing camps.
Of course they want to, quote, give you expedited, partially paid for free college, because all it's going to be is giant cesspits of mental illness.
Eva in Texas, thanks for holding them.
Renee and others, you're on the air.
It is very nice to meet you, Mr. Jones.
I've been trying to get a hold of you for more than a year now.
First off, I want to say, God bless you, your entire staff, all the info warriors and all the listeners.
God bless you, ma'am.
What I wanted to discuss first of all, a little bit of background about me.
I'll tell you about the liberal media and Donald Trump.
I'm a fourth generation that came from Spain.
I have blonde hair, blue eyes.
I work in the medical field.
I'm a nursing assistant.
I see people all the time.
I have a lot of family.
I'm in a border city here in Texas.
And one of the biggest things that upsets me is the whole lie that the media says that all Hispanics hate Donald Trump.
It's baloney.
Okay, you remember when Obama rolled out the open borders?
Univision, once upon a time, used to be exactly like ABC.
They used to give different kind of news, but it's all liberal.
But the moment Obama rolled out the open borders,
Univision changed to basically what I call the illegal immigration channel.
90% of their news, I'm not joking, 90% of their news... Ma'am, I know, it is a coordination to bring in the North American Union, break down borders and consolidate Canada, Mexico and the US.
It's admitted.
They coordinated at the White House.
Robert Rodriguez is at the meetings, actually getting government money to put out his TV channel.
It is all race-based.
And of course, 70-something percent, depending on the Gallup poll, 67 to 70 percent of Hispanic Americans don't want open borders.
They're not stupid.
Mexicans in Mexico don't want an open border with Guatemala.
They're not stupid.
But they run this giant hoax that all Hispanics want open borders or all Hispanics hate Trump.
And then when he got record numbers of Hispanics to vote for him in the primary,
You're absolutely right, Mr. Jones.
And the thing about it is, is that every single Hispanic I talk to, the older ones that went to the proper channels and legally became a U.S.
citizen, they're against the illegal immigration.
They are appalled that you have this group of people that, at the snap of a finger, they want
They want this.
They don't want to learn.
They don't want to learn the way we live here.
You know, they think that the way the world is over there across Mexico, it's the same thing here.
Well, that's it.
I mean, Mexico in many levels has collapsed culturally.
So are we.
That's what the industrial age is one of the byproducts of it.
It's had some positive things, but also some very negative things.
We're in a whole new environment now.
Mexico has collapsed into a very
Evil, drug-dealing, globalist, murdering, thug-level thing.
That's now been adopted by a lot of the young people, and so they're getting here being indoctrinated into new groupthink, gangthink, with the Democratic Party, the Socialists, and others.
But I'll say, the illegal immigrants of this country, on average, are nothing compared to
Three-born Americans of every race, color, and creed that have been through the educational system, that watch 10 hours of TV a day, and that are trendy.
They are the laziest, stupidest, weirdest, most hateful people you could imagine, the most entitled.
So at the end of the day, they're just bringing in all the illegals to drive down wages and bankrupt everybody and bankrupt all those poor millennials.
And so maybe they deserve to be bankrupted, they're so evil.
You know, I mean, I'll be honest with you.
It's the larger globalism of having no laws and no borders is the endgame of world government.
So that's why I'm against it.
But I do hear your points and the polls show it.
And it's so sad.
It's so sad to know that Meche and La Raza are race-based groups that say for those in the race, everything.
Those outside the race, nothing.
And that they're funded by the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and others.
You know, I said this hour I'd get into the whole CIA media control and I haven't done it yet.
I'll do it at the bottom of the next hour, I promise.
Or Nico can come in here and punch me in the nose.
He doesn't want to, but I need to be made to do these things.
It's so important because what's happening is the great
Uncloaking is happening.
Hey, yeah, we're going to appoint the president.
Yeah, we're going to forcibly inoculate you.
Yeah, Federal Reserve is private.
Yeah, we do run things.
Yeah, we did put fluoride in the water to brain damage it.
Yeah, Gardasil does attack your ovaries.
What are you going to do about it?
You see, they tried to hide all this, but now we won the war.
You won the war.
Exposing it.
So they go, okay, yeah, we want world government.
We're going to run your life and we're going to do this.
I mean, it's so sad.
It's so sad that we're going into bondage.
I grieve for what's happening.
I grieve.
But here's the problem, and it's also the answer.
Karl Marx, when he wrote the Communist Manifesto, and of course when he wrote multiple books on the whole system of communism and practice, said that
Once they built a giant industrial state, that the state would wither away because there would just be people owning these giant factories.
We all have spaceships and great medicine and live forever.
But that's not what was ever meant to happen.
He was just copying what the Enlightenment and the Renaissance folks had been saying hundreds of years before.
They'd actually just about delivered most of it.
The medicine, the longer life, the indoor plumbing, you know, aircraft, all of it.
They were delivering all of it through Renaissance, Free Association.
So he comes in, hijacks all that, the robber barons finance it to bring in a monopoly over the serfs that's billed as for the people.
It's feudalism and slavery repackaged.
But it's true that once you get a big enough industrial age, and then they make widgets, the new social trinket, the bobble that you've got to have, the iPhone, the, you know, whatever the case may be, the video game console.
Then once you have that, you don't care if you don't have enough money to have kids.
You don't care that you can't have kids.
You don't know why nobody can have kids.
You don't know why you seem to swim in your mind all day from all the toxins and brain damage and the drugs you take.
And then you just kind of give up and don't exist and they're just brushing you aside.
It's a high-tech cultural nerve gas they spray on us, basically, that in the aggregate soft kills us and takes us out of the game.
They stun us.
Like an electric eel will shock its prey and then eat it.
We've been shocked.
We're kind of... And then they're coming in for the kill here, folks, and I'm like, hey, wake up!
Man, I tell you, when the public finally opens their eyes, it's starting to happen for a lot of people, and you're like, whoa!
And you got evil globalists all around you.
Then people go, oh my gosh, Alex is worse than you said.
I know, I know, I understand.
But hey, we're in the Animating Contest of Liberty.
We're not being negative.
There's ways to turn this around and change it.
We can do it.
We're going to have to go outside more.
We're going to have to plant gardens.
We're going to have to pray.
We're going to have to break with the system.
And that means getting outside the system, going outside, looking at the stars, hugging our families, forgiving our enemies who aren't globalists.
I mean, you know, dumb enemies on the ground that are stupid.
Most people that attack you aren't attacking you because they're actually evil at the low level.
They're scared.
They're envious.
They're insecure.
They're following
False paradigms in their minds.
They're projecting things onto you.
You're projecting things onto them out of our own fears.
But if we saw the enemy attacking us, which is right there, we're uncloaking it.
They're uncloaking.
Then we would drop our differences and realize, man, this is really horrible what's happening.
I want to go to Renee, Ollie, John, Phil, and others.
In fact, Phil has been holding almost the longest.
Let's go to Renee, Phil, then Ollie.
Renee in South Dakota.
You're on the air.
Yes, welcome.
Thank you for calling.
Hey, well I'm calling because the city of Rapid City has started tearing down my house in the name of asbestos.
The thing is that 60% of the houses in Rapid City have the same siding on it.
They've been targeting me for a long time through code enforcement because I've been pointing out problems within the city, government, and everything else.
So the whole asbestos thing is a scam on average.
If they seal it with sealant, then it's not a problem.
It's the removal of it that puts it into the entire environment.
Exactly, exactly.
Anyway, I need to tell my story because there are more people than me that are doing this, too.
Ma'am, it's called Agenda 21.
It is using global standardized code enforcement to make life in America and the West impossible to bankrupt you.
It's banning farming.
It's banning barns.
It's banning your kids getting eggs and milking the cows.
I'm going to hold over and let you have a few minutes on this, but we understand.
We know, ma'am.
But you can tell the public what you've been through, but it's raising standards to a level where it's impossible with the average paycheck to comply while selectively giving waivers to globalist operations so that they can thrive.
It's feudalism.
It's serfdom.
It's the ultimate form of
And that's what's going on.
The way you bring them down is you go and show city-owned buildings or things that have asbestos that haven't done it yet.
You embarrass them, they'll move on to a weaker target.
The wolves want weak targets.
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Look, during the break I was thinking, how do I warn people?
How do I make them understand?
We are under the beginnings of a total scientific dictatorship called a worldwide planetary technocracy by Zbigniew Brzezinski and all the top globalists since the 60s.
They're published books,
The Technotronic Era and others.
Brzezinski admits that the government runs the sex rings, the drug rings, everything.
I remember being four years old and my dad reading the Technotronic Era and he goes, this is incredible.
They taught us this in Plan 2 at UT.
It was supposed to be classified.
I mean, my dad was at UT when he was in high school in whatever program that was.
And that's why I know about the whole world government and the whole deal.
When I was a kid, my dad explained it all to me.
They were teaching him that.
And all the other top students from Texas, the Texas program at the time, it was really a state college then.
They'd call them in and tell them, and they were juniors in high school, we're bringing in world government, we're doing this and that.
I remember being like four or five years old, my dad at the dinner table reading the Technotronic Era and going, son, listen to this.
This is one of the top strategists, the National Security Advisor.
He was in office then, talking about how the government runs the narcotics and runs the sex trade and runs everything.
That way they control it, son, you see.
None of the stuff you see on the news about criminals and drug dealers is real.
The government is run by big mega banks.
They bring in all the drugs.
And they write books telling you they do.
That's how dumb they think we are.
And then he talked about the future, what they would do and how they'd end the family and everything else.
And now we're here.
We're just, we're just going over the edge into hell on earth.
I want to go back to Renee and then Greg and Ollie and Phil.
I'm gonna get to all of you.
I want to give each caller plenty of time.
Just realize it's so sophisticated, but then once you understand it's an attack, once you understand it's not being done for your own good, the people at the grassroots, the judges, the cops, the lawyers, they'll go, oh, the system doesn't work too good, but it means well, and we're helping people.
Because they're not bad people themselves, but it's all done to end the country and end the world as we know it.
And that's a fact.
And it's unconstitutional.
Because our founders had already faced earlier forms of oppression and manipulation under the British Empire, which was the best manipulative system at that time.
The softest tyranny.
So they tried to build something that would have escape hatches from what they dealt with.
Oh, let's just throw this aside and see what happens.
Now look how fast we're going downhill right now.
The censorship, the control, the out in the openness.
They want to normalize it for the next phase.
And folks, the next phase is going to be... I mean, I shudder at my gut level.
Renee, go ahead and quickly tell folks what they've been doing to you there in South Dakota.
Well, they're just trying to steal my house.
Basically, it's just another form of the city government.
They stole a car out of my driveway.
This is just their next step.
They hired a company to remove the siding and the roofing, and now with them removing the roofing, all my ceilings have been falling in on the house.
No, I understand.
Listen, they're marauding the enemy.
They're frustrating the enemy.
This is a military operation.
Exactly, exactly.
They're doing everything they can to shut me down and, you know, doing everything to make my life difficult, you know.
What do you think the kings, the kings in every ancient culture did to the people?
Yeah, if they didn't kidnap you and take you to the dungeon, they made your life miserable at home, you know, taxed you to death.
And people ask, why do you do that?
Because they don't want you getting too uppity.
They want to have you desperate, so they totally control you.
Exactly, exactly.
And the thing is, I was being foreclosed on.
They didn't even wait for the sheriff to evict me.
I haven't been evicted from this home.
They started this March 15th.
I know.
They don't even follow process of law.
Look, big banks are selling some houses a hundred times over.
And even CNN reported some of the houses, multi-million dollar, are 100% paid for with cash, built by a family 20-something years ago.
And they don't care, they just take the house and say, we put on a piece of paper, it's ours!
Ha ha ha!
And we're gonna take your popular vote and flush it down the toilet.
Cause I'm Karl Rove, I'm a little pig!
Thank you for listening.
We're trying to break your will.
Get ready to take all your bank accounts, folks.
Real gang raping's about to begin.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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So we have creeping incremental domestication that is designed for extermination.
Just like registration leads to confiscation, domestication leads to being butchered, being milked, being used, being pushed around, and then being loaded up like an old horse on the truck to be taken to be made into Elmer's glue.
That's basically where all this goes, and if you study history, what the Soviets did, what the Chinese Communists did, what Hitler did, what Pol Pot did, what all these other people did, sounds crazy.
Until you realize that's the nature of criminal guilds that want to run around murdering and killing.
You want to go fishing, or lay out at the beach, or read a book, or go to church, or go see grandma, or work in the garden, or play, you know, dominoes, or chess with your buddies, drink beer?
Want to go up in a hot air balloon?
Want to go hiking?
No, they don't want to do that.
They can't stand seeing you independent.
When they go to the mall and see good-looking families walking around with good-looking kids, they want to climb up on top of you and slit your throat.
Better learn history, folks.
I'm not joking around.
People know that.
I'm not joking around.
I am a sheepdog, big time.
I'm not one of these sheep folks.
Boy, I am canine all the way, but I'm not a wolf.
I just see these people tearing everybody up and I get real upset.
I get real, I can't wait till the day people wake up and we can do something about these people.
Let's go to Ali in New York and then Greg and everybody else.
Ali, thanks for holding.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Oh, hi.
How you doing, Alex?
I'm alright.
So, I just want to say that being a practicing Sunni Muslim
I have a lot of support for Donald Trump.
You know, people, they may call me racist, they may call me, like, I got that a lot, but, you know, it's true.
Like, America has a lot of problems, and the establishment is not going to help.
It's going to be Donald Trump who's going to come to the rescue.
Alright, well, let me just say this.
Something, a point I don't make when I go on these rants.
I've known a lot of Muslims, had a lot of Muslim friends, high school, college, still have friends.
And some of them I've talked to off-air, kind of scared to even have dinner with me because they know I'm so heavily surveilled.
It's not wrong to meet with somebody that's a Muslim.
I know that the Sunnis are 79% of Islam.
I know there's a lot of really diverse groups.
Syrian girl, like a model, super smarter than I am, great lady.
She's a Sunni and is against what the invading Saudi Arabian-backed Wahhabis are doing.
So I know Sunnis are a very diverse group.
That's why I say it's radical Islam.
My issue is, they're funding radical Islam to take over Islam, to attack the West, to then crush Muslims everywhere, and that's wrong.
So I'm a great friend of Muslims.
I was against the Iraq War, all of it.
But these horrible radical Islamists that are arrogant, merged with the left, are very, very dangerous.
And that's why, even Louis Farrakhan, who's kind of an American style Muslim, Christian slash Muslim, whatever you want to call it, kind of an Abrahamic Muslim, I'd call it,
He is saying we've got to stop people coming in until we vet them, because that's going to be used to scapegoat all the Muslims.
Do you agree with that statement?
I do.
Yeah, you know, like, being in New York, I'm sort of scared to tell people that I support Donald Trump because, you know, they always, like, I'm just afraid of the backlash that gets out of that, like, oh.
What about your friends and family?
Because America is one of the most tolerant, open countries in the world.
You'd think Donald Trump wants to kill the average Muslim, when meanwhile, Saudi Arabia chops the heads of gay Muslims off.
Well, regarding friends and family, when I talk to my mom or dad, they always tell me, oh, we're going to vote for Hillary.
When I tell them why, they're like, oh, because her husband was good.
I just look at them, I'm like, like, you guys, you know, the establishment have brainwashed you guys into believing that Hillary's a good person, or any of those people are good people.
Ollie, we're about to go to break, but tell us, when did you start liking Trump?
Um, well, I started liking, well, at first I didn't like him, I just didn't because, but then like, I, like, I started hearing him more and more, and then I realized, you know, this guy, he knows what he's saying, and that, and like, I started liking him, like, well, maybe like five months ago.
Yeah, I'm the same, about five, six months ago is when, watching the system have a hissy fit, and it's so real, like, look at the, the enemy hate scene, I gotta be for him.
Doesn't mean he's perfect though, we gotta watch him.
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Receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Think about it.
We're on this planet.
Seven and a half billion of us.
We've got enough weapons to blow the planet up fifty times or more.
A lot of super secret weapons they've developed.
Planet destroying.
It's incredible.
And the general public cares what Hollywood people do on movies acting cool.
It's all a complete fraud.
And I've broken with it completely.
Just now, coming out of break, I just completely disconnected from all of it 100%.
I still had tenuous connections, but I just now... It's insane.
You can see the whole deal.
I want to go back to your phone calls, but I was going through these news articles, and again, I already knew this, you already knew most of this, but it was just crystallizing for me.
All the different things that are unfolding, all the things that are happening, and that the elite have made the decision that humanity's trash, and to use all this technological development to set up a highly synchronized, well-oiled,
Actuaried, blueprinted, over-the-horizon system to take control of planetary development to carry out the next phase of their plan.
And I don't know the next phase yet.
I mean, they say they're gonna kill 80% of the public.
That's in the public documents.
In the higher level, it's 90%.
Even the higher level academics, they say, no, we're just going to kill everybody.
We're a disease.
It's a cult of hating humans.
And only one superhuman will merge with the machine, a la 2001 Space Odyssey.
Then they admit that's just a hive mind of our collective consciousness to be uploaded to some larger being they believe they're building.
Did somebody beam plans out of deep space into their heads?
Or where did this come from?
It's directly out of childhood's end.
Man, I'm telling you folks, I don't know exactly what's going on, but it's bad.
It is bad news.
And I'm sitting here watching it, and it's all mechanized, it's all ordered, it's all been war-gamed, and it's all been blueprinted, and that's all public.
And then I've got to sit there and watch weirdos on arrogant power trips on MSNBC lie about myself and others like they're winning, attacking me, because they get to be on TV and prance around and show off to poor people at TV stations and, you know, be cool and be to the DNC and RNC around a bunch of sellout Muppets?
The thing is, they're selling out to lose.
They're selling out to fall.
When you sell out, you don't win.
Don't you want to see humanity win?
Don't you want to learn what they're doing?
The mysteries?
Don't you want to find out who's really running all this stuff?
No, no, no.
I don't want to do that.
I want to... Oh, I see all these men trying to look like the guy from The Hangover.
He's got the beard or whatever.
And they're all trying to be ironic and smart and intellectual.
And I don't feel tough that I could... I'm not exactly... I could take on like 15 of them, folks.
I could go randomly pick out like 15 trendies.
Big 200-pound ones, whatever.
And I could just dominate all of them.
I mean, just... I'm not even... As a man, I'm scared.
It's like... I'm like Tyrannosaurus Rex compared to a gibbering idiot to these people.
And that's just physical prowess and will.
200 years ago, I was just the average model.
Think about that.
Think about that.
And so other people look at what they've turned the public into and feel powerful?
That'd be like if you chopped a baby's arms and legs off and, you know, then put it in a gladiatorial ring against some 6'7 guy, you know, top combat champion, and he flies through the air and throws a spear into the baby, and everybody throws rose petals at him.
How is that some big, cool, honorable thing you did?
I'm gonna go to your calls in the news.
Everything coming out is confirming my worst analysis.
And I just can't even believe it anymore.
Let me just show you what I was reading during the break.
The world may have too much food.
Of course, I always told us there wasn't enough food so we had to kill people.
Now there's too much so we need to have artificial scarcity so people aren't fat.
No, people need to learn discipline and not sit in front of the television all day
Oh, but you put a carrier wave in there that basically makes them do it, just like you add additives to the fast food that make you get hungry again.
That's all public.
The very people doing this to us, greasing the skids for our own weaknesses, exacerbating the crises, not letting them go to waste.
Children now spend less time outside than the average prisoner.
It's rare to find children rolling down hills, climbing trees and spinning in circles just for fun.
I've had people try to take one of my children from me, I didn't get into this on air, because in a jujitsu class he broke his toe.
I mean, you don't just think I'm just up here on air doing the show and not experiencing what all of you are experiencing, right?
And seeing it done to everybody else too.
They're killing everybody.
They're making us all the bubble boy.
So we have no hope of resisting what they're doing in the next phase.
I don't care what color you are.
I don't care what gender you are.
I don't care where you're from.
You're under attack by the eye in the sky.
The positronic AI technocracy has declared war on you.
We are fighting an AI system already.
It's clear the decisions this thing's making is not humans.
I can tell you right now.
This AI, there's multiple AIs obviously, they admit that.
Facebook knows if my video has bashed the system before it's over and delisted and lets no one else see it.
That's not a person.
I've been doing this for 20 plus years.
I know, I've watched the rhythms.
Call me the hunter.
I learned where the birds fly, where the game go.
I've studied how the enemy operates.
I've seen them.
And we're not dealing with people anymore.
And let me explain something.
They have the White House-run grips come out when I talk about this and write hit pieces, not because it's discrediting, but because I'm hitting right at the heart of the matter.
They want to hide it in view, acting like it's a weakness, so people don't think it's any big deal and wander around it and don't look at it.
Here's one article on the subject.
Daily Mail.
Remember three years ago, Amazon announced, oh, for our prime customers, we're going to know what you order before you order it with 99.9% accuracy.
It's going to be prepackaged, waiting for you before you order it, off your mouse strokes, where you go, what you do.
All of it is AI template algorithms, studying your psychological profile with AI systems, tracking everything you do.
That's 15 years old, at least.
A computer could soon tell you, they already have it, who you're going to die or when you're going to die.
Scientists are developing a test to accurately predict your death.
Will you guys please the red folder in there on the DNA chip?
My dad went ahead and decided to keep his medical license.
He went to some continuing education you have to last week to keep it even though he's not practicing.
And he said the whole thing over two days.
Was the DNA chips and how you won't be able to get a prescription or go to the doctor unless you have a DNA chip.
And at first it's just a blood test through them with a chip that downloads the info and then tests with your blood after they've already gotten your blood and made your DNA type.
But that everything's going to that.
Do you understand?
And then they're moving to an implantable chip if you want health care.
And they're teaching the pharmacists, the doctors, the nurses, everyone this right now.
My dad's sitting there at a hotel, doing his continuing education, watching it.
He came to me shaken with a folder.
In fact, I meant to go to it.
And then I brought it up to some of my, my personal trainer, who's a, you know, got a kinesiology degree from UT.
He goes, oh yeah, that's, that's gonna be the new workout system.
You're gonna have a chip.
Oh, he goes to seminars.
They're telling him, it's like, oh, we're all getting chips, by the way.
And of course, just 10 years ago, or 12 years ago, I'm talking to one of the army officers in our family.
He's retired now, and he's like, okay, I thought you were crazy.
They told us we're all getting chips next year, and next it's brain chips.
I couldn't believe it.
You can talk about it, but just don't say you got it from me.
And then, of course, they called him in and shoot him out, because I didn't say where I got it, but they knew.
But now it's not even an issue.
Let's see.
The FDA and genetic test, a modest proposal to require prescriptions.
Stanford Law, you're gonna have to have the chip to get a prescription.
That is Mark of the Beast prototype, baby.
You want it, you got it.
And they're already able to predict the future in mass movements 100%.
Individuals, it's well over 96, that's declassified.
And when you can predict the future,
You can add inputs to manipulate and control the future.
Chromuthian fire, given to people like Mark Zuckerberg, that calls his users, that trust him, dumb effers.
If you're such a god, Mark, why don't you save us?
Oh no!
Oh, I know, we're profane, we don't deserve to transcend.
I've taken a good look at what's in your eyes, boy.
And you're no God at all, and you will never enter the promised land.
You are cursed by the God of the universe and the heavens, an enemy of life, an enemy of free will.
An enemy of reassociation and destiny.
An enemy of all sentient beings in all time, all history, and all dimensions.
And I pray to the Creator to bring our enemies to justice and to break them!
I want justice, God!
Give it to us!
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Look, it's clear to anyone who's not completely brain dead, and I mean that seriously, that the globalists are dismantling industrialized countries, wrecking third world nations to control people.
They've got the resources, they've got unlimited money that they make up out of nowhere.
That makes sense to cold-blooded people to want to wreck everything else to take it over.
They're not wrecking it, though, just to consolidate it.
Then they want to consolidate it so that they don't need you, put robots in charge of what they need done, and then kill everybody else.
That's all been announced.
I mean, I talk about that 20 years ago.
People thought I was nuts.
I was reading white papers.
Now it's all over the news.
It'll sure be great, the world without humans.
Yeah, it's coming soon.
Yeah, the elite may release a bioweapon to get rid of us.
Well, it's kind of good for the Earth, you know?
Like, it's this intellectual thing.
That these trendies talk about.
You know, they send me emails, I talk to them on the street, and they go, well, you know, there's too many people.
I mean, don't you agree we should just go ahead and kill everybody?
And I'm like, but I can't use the word mother or father because that's hurtful though.
Don't hurt anybody's feelings, just kill everyone!
And it's because these people have not been physically or intellectually challenged their whole lives.
They have been put in a nanny state.
They have been raised in front of a television set.
I'm going to cover that coming up.
And now, we are coming down to the end of the line.
And the world may have too much food.
And a computer's gonna know when you're sick, even when you don't know, so they're gonna make you go to the hospital.
First time in human history, people 65 and older will outnumber children under 5.
Isn't that just convenient?
You know what that simple article in those demographics means?
It always takes two and a half children to take care pretty much of one person economically.
You only need four or five.
This is the collapse of civilization.
This is the end of the growth curve.
Even the elites admit, we'll be lucky if we're three million people in 150 years.
Of course, there won't be that many of the globalists have their plan.
But don't worry, Saudi Arabia plans two trillion mega fund for post oil era deputy crown prince.
Crown Prince!
His family, 90 years ago, took over and machine-gunned a bunch of people, and so now they're royal.
But there's no discrimination there or anything.
It's royalty, it's fine.
Just, you know, check your white privilege.
But world's obese population at 641 million global study finds, this is out of Reuters, dead already, just being prepared.
But let's get a phone call in and then take more in this long segment coming up.
Oh, here's one.
At least 50 ISIS supporters are working as baggage handlers, cleaners, and catering staff at Brussels Airport playing police.
Yeah, and they're not allowed to bust them.
See, always the media's like, blame the police, blame the police.
And I used to be like, yeah, I saw this video of this thug cop acting like a crazy guy.
I don't like bullies.
The police are bad.
Then I sort of sit back watching all the enemy operations set up the police worldwide because they got to get the police under their political control.
They got to get them politically damaged and hated so no one listens to them when they try to do their job.
So the globalists in the final phase can overthrow what's left of local police, which they're doing, and put in their own controllers.
And then it's game over.
And the White House admits that.
They put out press releases going, now we're using these crises to federalize and globalize and the UN's going to advise and we're going to take over.
And we're going to have the police be social justice warriors.
And so now the folks that come up and tell you you have no free speech, if you're a Trump supporter, they're going to be wearing police uniforms.
But by then there's going to be a horrible civil war against the police that wipes out tons of them who are innocent, so laws will be passed and other things not allowing you to even speak back to them.
But they won't be made godlike enforcers until the old order of police, with as much problems as it has, still wasn't anti-family or anti-America, still liked prosperity, still at the end of the day didn't like child molesters, they're all gonna be thrown to the side.
All scientifically.
All directed towards you.
And would you admit you were under attack?
Were you strong enough?
Or did you bow?
Greg in Minnesota.
We'll go to John, many others.
Go ahead, Greg.
Yeah, Alex, we gotta wake up the world now.
That we're under scientific attack.
We're under scientific attack.
The elite even call it that.
They admit it.
Here's my suggestion.
I'm calling on all InfoWarriors listeners to buy a t-shirt.
An InfoWarriors t-shirt.
People wear t-shirts all the time that got messages on them, and I have been in many conversations with people with stuff that's on their t-shirts.
I believe if people, if summer's coming, and if people will buy either your t-shirts that have InfoWars.com on them and get conversation going.
Everybody needs to get their credit card out and order a t-shirt.
Hold on, I didn't know you were going to do this plug.
But hold over because it's not about us making some money off this.
I could care less.
We need the fuel to fight the enemy and folks know that.
But I was thinking a lot of these Trump rallies, like 10% of people are wearing InfoWars shirts.
That shows how active our folks are.
And absolutely, if everybody listening would just buy a Hillary for Prison shirt or a Molon Labe shirt, you'd meet so many like-minded people.
It isn't just about funding the operation.
That's a small part.
That's the seed.
The tree that bears the fruit is you out there.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's Friday, so let's see what the tolerant and loving anti-Trump supporters have been up to this week in their quest to stomp out fascism.
After offending a German-Jewish immigrant by waving a Trump equals Nazi sign right in his face, a Bernie Sanders supporter told the man he needed to go back to Germany, further demonstrating the excessive hypocrisy of social justice warriors who are completely intolerant, and in this case, xenophobic, to anyone who disagrees with their worldviews.
And to counter the violent rhetoric of Donald Trump, a supporter of the Never Trump movement advertised t-shirts for sale advocating the assassination of Donald Trump.
No reports of anyone getting beaten for wearing this shirt yet.
Not like Emmanuel, who got jumped at his school for wearing a pro-Trump t-shirt.
He posted photos of the bloody bathroom and a photo of his tooth that got knocked out during the assault.
And how did the Never Trumpers respond?
Well, they proceeded to mock the boy on Twitter.
Just another week in the Orwellian world of lefty hypocrisy.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
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When I grow up, I want to see huge space colonies launched via free-willed stars.
Ha ha!
What a joke!
I'm not against rock stars or rock music.
I'm just against the whole worship of them, not the music, and not of God that created it.
Out on the road for 40 days!
Last night in Little Rock!
Good stuff.
All right, let me get serious and go to your phone calls.
I've kind of gone off into the metaphysical and the future of humanity and our destiny because that's been taken from us and we're going down a very anti-human route that hurts us.
The screen time, the computers, all of it is making us dumber, slower, more unhealthy.
All the numbers have been in for a long time and they're getting incrementally worse.
And everything new introduced gets worse still.
It's not naturally bad and some good, some bad, some good, bad, bad, bad, good, good, bad.
It's bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, straight down to hell.
Hey man, be positive, you know?
Go play some racquetball, or go skiing, or a lot of cool stuff, dude!
If you just decide to enjoy your life, well yeah, here's the deal.
My life's not just about me, personally, and all my personal pleasures.
It's about the species and a larger goal, and the mysteries of the universe, alright?
Plus, if you just go out and have fun as a nihilist,
Because believe me, when I was a teenager and early in college, you know, Saab done more stuff than most 70-year-old executives by the time I was about 20.
You're empty.
It's not fun anymore.
Empty, hedonistic mindlessness becomes empty very quickly.
The animating contest of liberty
Studying the real world, studying the secrets, becoming informed, becoming involved, that will empower you.
That will make you strong.
And then, when you do something that is fleshly, that God gave us for enjoyment.
The sex is 50 times better.
The food is 50 times better.
That's a low number.
Beauty is so much more beautiful.
Everything is seen in clear eyes.
Not through some mindless haze where you just go through the motions because you think you're appropriating or collecting something.
It isn't about collecting things.
It's about living and experiencing and being good and turning your soul towards the mission of the universe.
That is God.
God created the universe.
God is the universe.
It's the mind of God.
We are floating like dust, stardust in front of the light, through the consciousness of God, swimming in it, experiencing it.
And these creatures, these globalists, they have knowledge of this floating in it, and then decide they're God, and go on a rampage power trip.
Not wanting other people around them to find out what's going on because we can't let them know this is going on.
We can't let them have access to this.
They'll be more powerful than us.
I mean, these people are scum!
But you know what their answer to me always is?
Okay, Alex, why won't the profane listen to you?
And why won't the profane decide to learn about this if we're so bad?
Why aren't they in charge?
We're in charge, they say, because we deserve to be.
And what we're doing is for the greater good, even though some of it's painful.
And you can claim we have evil intentions, but that's your opinion.
I've had globalists, high-level ones, that have wanted to meet with me.
I'll just go ahead and start telling everything.
Get on their knees in front of me and beg me to join them.
With tears in their eyes.
On their knees.
As if that was some big, humanity thing that they would do that.
It's all fake.
It's all garbage.
It's all bull.
They need to get on their knees before men and women
And the love between men and women and the human species and empowering that.
Let's see some love for them and then I'd die for whoever you are.
All you try to do is hurt these people.
I'll have nothing to do with you.
The globalists are a bunch of cowards!
They're afraid of the evil that they serve, so they join it out of fear.
And they see somebody like me that's tuned into all this stuff, and all they see is the evil splattering out, and they love it.
They think it's power.
All that is is a side reflection of everything else I'm doing.
You're so blind, you can't even see at all.
You think you're God.
You're not.
I'm not.
We're in God's dream.
We're God's creation.
We're God's art.
We're God's music.
We're God's children.
We are a experience of God.
And God wants free will.
They say God's a sadist.
Because God would allow pain in the world.
God allowed free will in the world, and we did what we did.
And I thank God for consciousness.
And quite frankly, I thank God for all the pain.
Because I don't like pain.
But you know what?
The pain made me stronger.
And it made me be able to recognize what pleasure is.
Because without the pain, you couldn't recognize the pleasure, could you?
And I get on my knees, I lay flat on my belly before the Creator.
Because I recognize God when I know it, when I see it.
And I'm going to tell Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and Lord Rothschild and the Rockefellers and all of you, I don't see gods.
I see really scared, freaked out, broken people.
And all I say to God is, I'll do anything, but I am twisted.
I am wicked.
I am weak.
I'm part of this planet.
You know that.
Just please don't put my soul with them.
Don't make me part of them.
I don't want to go with them and their dishonor, their hatred, their jealousy, their weakness.
I know I'm evil, but I try to be good and I hope God forgives me.
And I look at the people out there that serve the system and love to hurt the innocent children.
And I'll be honest with you, my humanity that God gave me and that God gave you at birth, cries out against you and I do wanna, I do wanna come after you.
Just like you go skin diving down to 75 feet, you hit about 50 feet, your chest pressure rises, all of a sudden you've got more oxygen in your blood, it's okay, you get to the bottom, spend 30 seconds picking up a few shells, doing whatever, looking at fish, and you start back up at the top.
About 30-40 feet from the surface.
There's no more pressure in the oxygen in your blood.
So now you're oxygen starved.
That's the dangerous part.
I know going down 75 feet is not that far.
People go down 1,200, 1,500 feet.
That's the power of this body.
The power of the mind of our Creator.
That we're creatures that in an environment we're not even part of can go 1,400 feet under the water.
Controlling our minds.
Controlling our fears.
Only once you get towards the surface and the water pressure is not great enough to pressurize the oxygen in your blood, suddenly you realize you're starved and you want to go to the top.
I want to defeat the globalists like I want to breach the surface and get air.
I don't want to defeat you to mount your head on the wall or to feel powerful.
I don't want to dominate the globalists because I want to be famous.
I want to get you off of us.
You're suffocating us.
You're killing us.
You're stabbing us.
And quite frankly, you smell, spiritually.
I want to be away from you.
And I have a right, as a sentient, conscious being, to not be around you people, and I don't want to be around you people.
And let me tell you what hell is.
It's going to be all of you that resonate to what you're into, together, without us to feed on and to push around.
So this is a battle between good and evil.
And if you want to defeat the globalists, you have to first defeat your own weakness.
And I'm telling myself this.
God knows.
God knows.
You've got to change your own heart.
You've got to do it today.
You've got to get your kids off the television.
Get them off the iPads.
Get them outside.
Get the classical music on.
Get them painting.
Get them listening to music.
Get them wrestling and having fun and giggling and laughing.
And it will disperse this enemy.
Like magic, because it is magic.
Joy is the answer, and I know I don't have enough joy.
I should be more joyful.
I should be more positive, but I am aware of the globalists and their operations, and it tears my guts out to watch them celebrating on the carcasses of so many innocent souls that they have deceived and twisted and turned inward and turned to their system.
The death of a soul, it lives on, but it's dead to God.
It's dead to light.
It's fallen.
It is a very ugly sight.
And that's why the whole system is about telling you how weak you are.
The whole system is about telling you how ugly you are.
The whole system is about telling you that you're inadequate.
That you don't have strength.
Because you are so beautiful and so strong.
Your potential that God gave you, that touch of God, is so transcendent that everything the system does is about telling you, you are bad, you are evil, you are not worthy, so that you will hate yourself
Yield to the world, believe that it has the answers to fulfill you, and wedge yourself to this?
I'm going to stop preaching and I'm in to get to more news.
In fact, I'm going to cover news now and go to all the callers like John in Mississippi first and Michael in New York and others after we got a break.
But I want to hit this whole CIA news piece that I haven't been doing properly.
Maybe I should tape something today after the show to do it proper.
So I can really have the time to go over it, but I like that question from Michael.
Is Trump doomed if elected?
Yes, he's doomed.
He's doomed.
But if he's for real and really wants to empower humanity, they will destroy him.
But what he does will be victorious.
So it's a play on words.
It's a twisted riddle that he individually in the world will be pulled down.
But in the real eyes of God and the eyes of reality and the eyes of the great long term, he will be victorious.
So do you want to be victorious in this world with this system endorsing it?
Or do you want to be victorious for the long haul?
You want a medical chip to be able to get a prescription?
Because that's what they're announcing.
They don't announce it to the public, they're announcing it to all the medical people right now.
Right now.
For next year.
Your chip.
It's here.
It's here.
Just let them inject you with some nanotech in a few years and you're gonna be able to live a lot longer.
The difference is though, we want less stress, we want people to be happy and you know, this new nanotech has a way of calming you down.
You're gonna feel a lot better though.
Just sign on the dotted line that you accept that we're going to alter your brain irrevocably and we're going to make everything alright.
Here, take my hand.
Go ahead and take it.
Never mind the fruits of what we do, all the death, the destruction, the evil, the deception.
Just go ahead and take it.
Don't you want to believe you won the lottery?
Don't you want to believe you're in the end club?
Don't you want to believe you've arrived and are now being accepted?
You can finally be somebody.
We taught you you were a nobody because you were everybody.
But now it's okay.
We told you you were nobody.
Just take our hand, you'll be somebody.
Just take our hand.
You take their hand, then you are nobody.
You are everything.
Think about it.
You're made in the image.
And the evidence bears it out of the God that made this planet.
And that God warned you in every ancient text and in the Bible with precision of what would happen and how the enemy who'd fallen to this planet would try to destroy you.
And now you see every word of it being manifest and you don't think it's real?
A bunch of ignorant establishment preachers spend all their time trying to obscure, to occult, to hide what is flamingly obvious in front of your face.
We are
The birthright for this planet.
It's our world!
Not the fallen angel's world!
It's ours!
But we have free will.
And we can listen to those lesser angels who promise to make us God.
And to give us the knowledge of good and evil.
We had the knowledge of good.
We had knowledge.
We were taught the knowledge of evil, the twisted dark logic, political systems of deception and disease and lies, physical DNA degeneration.
We took the program.
And boy, imagine in those bodies,
With those minds, what that knowledge was like then.
Now it's a cage.
Now it's a ball and chain.
Now we know it's a prison.
But then, didn't it look sexy?
Because black is always pretty.
To the purest heart.
Walk outside tonight if it's clear sky.
Look up in the heavens.
The proof of God's work is in the firmament.
Look at it all laid out.
From every angle you look at, in geometric order.
Not the mind ordering it, but it's ordered.
In dimension.
In some cases, thousands of light years, hundreds of thousands of light years apart, all there for you to see.
All built, and all the mathematicians and the big cyclotron converters are picking up energy, outside of energy, holding it all together.
You have those telling you, serve them, give up your free will to them, and they will make you a god.
When all they've ever done is try to poison you, dumb you down, and make you pathetic.
I don't follow the god that came up with sitcoms, the Kardashians, and the NFL.
I follow the god that came up with all of this.
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By the way, you look at all the new psychological diagrams and systems that were just made up by men the last 150 years, mainly out of Germany, for social control.
There's a lot of it that works, a lot of it that's true, because it's just looking at human nature and then creating cosmologies around it, workbooks, templates out of it.
And then they will point at that and act like psychology created humanity, or these people are gods.
And some are good people, some are bad people.
But the governments and the corporations use it for social control, big time.
And they say, you don't have any free will, you're just an animal, we just program you.
Oh, but they though, you know, they're conscious, they have rights.
They're the priest class.
And anybody that believes greatly, anybody that envisions things, anybody that is successful writing novels or music, they go, oh, that's a narcissist.
They believe in great things.
They believe that humanity has a great destiny.
Just look at what we've built already.
It's a very cynical, sick, quiet, twisted, screwed up worldview.
You've got groups competing with them as well, you know, with their own psychological systems they've basically made up.
I want to go to your phone calls.
Nelson's called in and wants to know why Alex Jones is ranting and not taking calls.
I don't have to take calls, Nelson.
I mean, I don't mean that meanly, but when I've got something important to talk about, I'm going to do it.
I actually took a bunch of calls today already, but I don't think I'll be able to get to you, though.
Just because that's not in order.
I got John who wants to get into Obama using his presidency for agenda.
Michael says, is Trump doomed if elected?
Alex Jones has a question about that.
Obama using possible Trump-Bernie ticket.
Boy, that's a nightmare scenario.
Here's one thing I'm not.
I'm not patronizing.
Somebody calls in and mad at me and says, hey, you need to do something I want.
It's just kind of cheesy.
I already know I'm a mess.
I don't need to sit there and try to satisfy you going to your call because, you know, you got it on the phone and we're holding two minutes.
I apologize to folks that I even take calls some days.
I really shouldn't take calls and have you sit there for an hour.
I guess that's the way to say it.
But let's change the subject off me not going to calls quick enough and talk about
Yeah Alex, I wanted to call about Obama.
I think that he's using the power that he has right now to put a stranglehold on Middle Eastern leaders.
And I also believe that he's probably going to move there once he gets out of the White House.
And also something that might be a little bit biblical.
If you look and you see the countries of Libya, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon... Yeah, that's exactly where Armageddon and all that happens.
Yeah, but the thing is, he's good friends with Edgerton in Turkey, and there's supposed to be two men over the top of that.
One's a spiritual leader, and one is a political leader.
And I wonder if Obama might be one of those, and Edgerton is the Muslim leader.
Well, there are many antichrists and many prototypes.
He's definitely an antichrist.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Yeah, I know.
He's pure evil, funding radical Islam to kill innocent Muslims and Christians everywhere.
He's here to destroy the country.
He hates us.
I mean, it's true.
I mean, I don't say that for rhetoric.
I mean, it really is that bad.
Michael in Nevada, thanks for holding.
What's your point on Trump?
Alex, hello.
Oh, it's Michelle.
Sorry, I misread it.
Go ahead.
Oh, that's okay.
I'm not mad at you.
That was so beautiful.
I love how you go into that beautiful stuff about God that's just so encouraging, so beautiful.
Thank you for that.
And that kind of leads so perfectly into my second question.
I kind of want to ask my second question first, which is, why don't you have a poetry contest?
Oh my gosh, yes.
Stay there.
Back in 70 seconds.
I'm going to come back to you, Michelle, in Nevada.
Then we'll go to Mike in Louisiana and others.
Stay with us.
And then, uh, have a nice evening.
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David Knight's coming up.
Undoubtedly calls that have been holding.
He'll get to you.
I'm gonna take a few more right now.
Michelle in Nevada.
What is your point on Trump if he gets elected?
Go ahead.
Well, I'm wondering how nobody could get anything done.
Obama could never get anything done because the horrible Republicans would never work with him.
What happens if we do get him elected and nobody wants to work with him?
What do you think will happen?
I have no idea.
I am so confused.
I need you to tell me.
Here's the deal.
They've passed more bills than they've ever passed in history.
The lobbyists are right and we should get those bills passed that say you have to read the bills.
Sometimes deadlock and gridlock is good.
That's why we have three different governmental systems.
So they get set against each other.
So a dictator as the president can't just ram stuff through.
But I think Trump would have political support once he was in to try to expose what was happening.
By actually going against the globalists and get some fair tariffs, some fair deals in place.
Because again, he's an open free trader.
China has huge internal tariffs against us.
It's unfair.
Trump wouldn't shut down our power plants.
That would make us competitive right there.
But that's a really good question.
My biggest concern is we're already going into a global collapse along your line.
And he could just get into office as the collapse happens, and they blame a Trump presidency for the reason everything collapses, and not the globalist engineer and the whole thing.
You see my point on that?
Right, right.
Yeah, I just have no idea.
I just, I want to get behind Trump.
Like you, I didn't believe in him so much at first, but now that everybody hates him, all the establishment hates him, I want to get behind him.
I don't know ultimately how effective any of it's going to be.
Well, ma'am, I think not watching as much TV, getting outside, getting healthy, and I'm talking to myself here, not you, just getting back to nature, thinking about God, thinking about good things, realizing that this world, too, will pass.
That's really how we transcend these people.
It starts individually as an inside job.
I really appreciate your call, Michelle.
Have a great weekend.
Let's talk to Mike in Louisiana.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First of all, I just wanted to say real quick, your brain force is awesome, man.
Thank you.
It is a great new tropic.
It's the best we can manufacture.
Well, I bought it around Christmas time, and it was awesome.
Thank you.
Earlier, you were talking about how the election's being stolen from Trump and Senator Sanders.
I was just wondering what you think would happen if they both get it stolen from them, if they join forces and run on an independent ticket.
I've heard no one say that, and it's kind of left field, but really smart actually.
That's a good article to write.
No one said that, I don't think.
A third party, Trump-Sanders.
The question is who would be president.
The two are just so different on so many issues, but still populist.
That would be, that would be crazy.
And you know, truth is stranger than fiction, so who knows, what do you think?
Well, I think that they have some similarities, and they're both anti-establishment.
And they would pull from both sides, so I kind of think that it might be possible.
Well, I know this.
It's unprecedented to have mainstream media selling the idea of them stealing the popular vote of both men like it's no big deal.
I mean, they are really trying to get us ready to accept anything.
And I just ask, what is the next shoe to drop?
That's the whole show we should do.
Thank you so much.
God bless you, Mike.
John, Herman, Kyle, and others.
David Knight's coming up.
He's in the other studio.
Or is he coming in this studio?
He's in the Situation Room?
Okay, he's in that studio.
I have a sneaking suspicion that he's going to want to take your calls, but we'll see.
He's got a lot to cover coming up.
CIA left explosive material on a school bus in Virginia.
We're going to get into that as well.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Friday, April 1st, April Fool's Day 2016.
All of our stories are going to be as authentic as we can get them.
However, we're looking at the news and as strange as it is, we don't need to come up with anything crazy.
Let me read you something that we covered on the nightly news last night.
This is on the Drudge Report yesterday.
The Hill
Talking about why should Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen operate charter schools on U.S.
military bases?
And the guy that talks about what's happening here with the charter schools and the Gulen movement begins by saying that this may sound like a conspiracy theory from the lunatic fringe.
I'm sorry, it's so strange.
See, that's the issue.
The real news is so strange, it's hard to get people to believe it.
And of course, the more audacious the plans, the more likely they are to succeed because nobody really believes anyone's going to do this thing.
That's the way they get away with it.
He says a secret Islamic movement is trying to infiltrate U.S.
military by establishing and operating publicly funded charter schools targeted towards children of American service personnel.
He says that charge may sound like a conspiracy theory from the lunatic fringe, but it's real.
It's happening right now.
It's been going on for quite some time.
And of course, we've had many articles talking about the influence of the Gulenists with the charter schools.
And of course, the charter schools are operated with taxpayer money.
They're getting about half a billion dollars of U.S.
taxpayer money to operate about 150 schools here in the United States.
They've got about a thousand schools worldwide.
In other countries, they can be explicitly religious in their training.
Here, they have to do it
In a more subtle way.
And here's what the author of The Hill says.
He says, lest there be any doubt about the objectives in the United States, the strategy of subtly indoctrinating school children into the Gulen movement is a familiar one overseas.
There is great peril in allowing it to flourish in this country.
In his native Turkey, Glenn created a network of hundreds of schools that have produced, over the past three decades, a vast cadre of followers who are now prepared to perform his bidding from official positions in the government, in law enforcement, in the judiciary, and in the media.
So some have estimated that he currently controls more than half of the entire Turkish police force.
So the guy who wrote this, Robert Amsterdam,
Erdogan is the lawyer of a very high-powered international law firm.
He's been hired by the Turkish government because this movement is so large it threatens Erdogan in Turkey.
Now, Erdogan's not a great guy either, but let me ask you, does it really matter if they're pushing Islam or if they're pushing Turkey or if they're pushing Fethullah Gulen as someone that you need to follow?
See, that's what we have to be concerned about with education.
Education has potential to be indoctrination.
And it has always been used that way by the government when they run education, going all the way back to Plato's Republic.
He wanted to divorce the children from their families.
He wanted to encourage promiscuity, so that none of the children even knew who their parents were.
He didn't want there to be families.
He wanted to abolish the family.
He wanted the only family to be the state.
That would be the way that they would control children.
And of course, that has been the objective of the social engineers, of the socialists in this country.
They tried experimenting with communist communes in the mid-1800s.
They failed, and they said, well, the problem isn't socialism or communism.
The problem is the parents have installed these religious values in the kids, or family values in the kids, and we just can't get around that.
We need to get the kids at an earlier age.
And so now they're getting them at three and earlier.
Forcing the women to go into the workforce even if they don't want to, even if they don't want a career, they have to go in for a second income because the taxes have become so high on our families.
And so we have these situations that we saw.
As Alex talked about earlier, where it's rare to find children rolling down hills, climbing trees, spinning in circles just for fun because they are living the life of prisoners locked up in their homes.
And we have a story that also hit the national news today about a mother who was charged because she let her kids, forced her kids as punishment, forced her kids
To walk to school.
Can you imagine?
That used to be a punishment that parents did to their kids all the time when I was going to school.
I used to walk to school.
We had neighborhood schools.
I used to have to carry some pretty heavy stuff when I walked to school as well because I was back in elementary school.
I was in band and I had a big band instrument to carry with me in the heat of Florida.
It was tough, let me tell you.
You know, crying my eyes out about this.
I didn't walk to school knee-deep in the snow, but it was pretty hard because it was hot.
Come on.
Kids can do it.
Kids can do it.
It's not a big deal.
And we shouldn't be turning our children over to the school.
Look at what they did in Virginia.
This is a story that's breaking today from the Washington Post, okay?
This is not an April Fool's joke.
The CIA left explosive material on a school bus in Virginia.
After their training exercise for their canine dogs.
The CIA left explosive training material under the hood of a Loudon County school bus after training exercise last week.
A bus that was used to ferry elementary and high school students to and from school on Monday and Tuesday with the material still sitting under the engine compartment.
Now they say this was a putty type material like C4 explosive that needed a detonator to make it explode so there was no chance that it was just going to randomly go off.
Nevertheless, nevertheless, this is in so many different ways.
You can draw so many different parallels about how our children are being used for training exercise and of course school itself has literally become a prison.
I mean we're talking about children
Not getting outside and not playing, and we've had numerous accounts, and we've interviewed people who are actually trying to start a movement to educate this society that it's a good thing for kids to play outside.
Because if you let them play outside, if you let them walk to school, you can have CPS come in and try to take your children away.
It's absolutely insane.
Look at this.
Saudi Arabia plans a $2 trillion mega fund for the post-oil era.
Now they're saying this fund would be the world's largest.
It could basically buy up the four largest market cap companies, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Berkshire Hathaway.
They could buy all of them with this fund.
Two trillion dollars.
And of course they're looking at this because they're looking at what happens when oil loses its influence.
The handwriting is on the wall.
That's what we're talking about with the justification for global governance.
They are going to essentially shut down our fossil fuels industry.
So they're looking at what they can do to buy up America.
And we've seen a lot of this this week.
I reported on the nightly news on Monday how Saudi Arabia was buying massive water property rights in California.
There, they have this law that goes back to the mining days.
It goes back to an 1877 law where the first person
To get their money into something other than just dollar bills.
So we look at what's happening.
Understand that it is our new owners, the Saudis and the Chinese.
Why is this happening?
Of course it goes back to the trade policies that we've had.
NAFTA and what's going to be coming up with TPP, the Trans-Pacific as well as the Transatlantic Partnership that will have trade rewritten, managed offshore.
These trade agreements have been written, as we've pointed out many, many times, have been written by corporate lawyers of the multinational corporations.
Our elected representatives had nothing to do with it and were essentially passive in all this, except for Senator Sessions, who pointed it out to the public, who pointed it out to the Senate.
But again, they went ahead with it anyway.
It has not been finalized, but believe me, it will be, unless Donald Trump is president.
There's not anybody else who is going to stop this.
Nobody else is even talking about it, except for Bernie Sanders.
I don't think he has the energy or the will to be able to stand against all of these congressmen and the bureaucracy that want this to happen, as well as the multinational corporations.
I think only Donald Trump would do it.
It's something that he's talked about.
For 35 years.
And of course we can look at the effects of NAFTA.
Now the Saudis and the Chinese have so much money, they are going to be our new owners.
How would you like to live under the Chinese Communist oligarchs or the Saudi rulers?
You see how they treat their people?
Do you want to live under that type of environment where those people own everything?
Take a look at what's happening with the EPA, for example, as they're shutting down the oil industry.
And that's what's behind this Saudi Arabian plan to create a two trillion dollar mega fund, to put their money in it and diversify as the oil industry is going down.
Of course, we are shutting down our own coal industry as they were questioning the EPA director, Gina McCarthy, Capitol Hill, about the EPA regulations.
The Republican from West Virginia who is questioning her on that pointed out that 40% of America's power comes from coal.
Yet the federal government has put 33% of our coal off limits.
So we're doing it to ourselves.
It's not just that we're being outsmarted by people abroad.
They're deliberately trying to
Shut the coal industry down.
And it is not about the environment.
Understand that.
And she admits that.
And so we have this article in the New American.
EPA boss says coal regulations are about the politics of power.
Gina McCarthy, administrator of the EPA, admitted that the real reason for the EPA regulations is, quote, showing sort of domestic leadership, as well as garnering support around the country for the agreement that we reached in Paris.
In other words, this is about enforcing the climate
And this is a huge issue.
This is why I think it was so important.
Uh, to look at Scalia's death.
It came up at a very, very fortunate time for the Obama administration.
Everybody was saying, we've got this lawsuit that is working its way through the courts.
We've got a majority of the states, I think it's like 26, 27 states, are challenging these arbitrary EPA regulations.
And of course the EPA commissioner says, these regulations, she admits, the regulations will have absolutely no effect on global warming.
It is there.
She says, simply to enforce the agreement that we reached in Paris, which is about global warming.
This isn't going to do anything about it, but we have to put our power there.
We have to establish global governance.
And of course, Scalia was the person in the way.
No more.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host this last hour, the fourth hour.
Before we get back to the news, I just want to let you know about our new Vitamin Mineral Fusion Drink Mix that we have here at Infowarslife.com.
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I was just talking about what's going on with the EPA regulations.
How there is a naked power play going on by the by the administrator of the EPA, Gina McCarthy.
And of course remember we had Sheila Jackson.
Previous administrator and she had some improprieties with her emails.
She was had a email alias.
It was absolutely nothing like Hillary Clinton, but she resigned and in a shame with that.
Of course, she didn't go to jail.
She didn't have classified materials.
She was just setting up a different email account in violation of regulations.
But we're not going to enforce that on Hillary Clinton because remember we had a
Consultant tell us that there ought to be a higher bar for people who are running for president.
In other words, they should not be subject to the rules, just like they're not subject to the rules for elections that they write for other people.
When they want to run for office, we waive those rules.
We're going to talk about that in just a moment.
We're going to talk about the reaction to it.
I want to finish up, though, on what's going on with this power grab with the EPA.
It all ties together with the Supreme Court.
You need to understand that Merrick Garland
Thank you.
We have all these regulatory agencies who basically do whatever they wish, and the Congress just sets back and lets them do it.
We have not only taxation without representation, we have regulation without representation.
Legislation without representation, essentially.
Now when we look at these rules,
This is not about saving the planet from global warming.
Whether you agree that the planet is undergoing global warming, whether you agree that it's being done by humans, it is not about that.
The UN's own IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has pointed out that if we terminated all coal-fired power plants in America, so that we didn't burn one single ton of coal in America, the total reduction to CO2 worldwide would only be two-tenths of one percent.
So if you get rid of all the coal in our country, which again, it provides 40% of the power in this country.
We have massive coal reserves.
We wouldn't need a single drop of oil from Saudi Arabia if we were to utilize our coal and we could do that cleanly.
We have the technology to burn it cleanly.
But this is about a pure power play.
Understand that even within the fossil fuel industry,
There's competition.
You saw this in the Iowa caucus.
You saw how Ted Cruz was allied with the coal industry against the ethanol industry there.
And, of course, the coal industry is another industry.
So they're all jockeying for a position to see if they can use the government to shut down their competition.
And, of course, the rest of us suffer as they go through this process.
But where this all is important is in the Supreme Court.
Merrick Garland, the guy who is going to be making the decision, again it's a three panel judge system there in DC, it was understood that they were going to approve and give a rubber stamp to the EPA.
Because one of the things you need to understand about this guy that Obama has nominated to the Supreme Court is that he always defers to these bureaucracies.
He always says they're the experts, they're the scientists, even when it comes to something as absurd as the DEA saying that there is absolutely no medical value to marijuana.
This is what we've seen from the Supreme Court.
They don't even care if it's the law.
They don't care if it's the Constitution.
Does it work?
We'll be right back.
It's Friday, so let's see what the tolerant and loving anti-Trump supporters have been up to this week in their quest to stomp out fascism.
After offending a German-Jewish immigrant by waving a Trump equals Nazi sign right in his face, a Bernie Sanders supporter told the man he needed to go back to Germany, further demonstrating the excessive hypocrisy of social justice warriors who are completely intolerant, and in this case, xenophobic, to anyone who disagrees with their worldviews.
And to counter the violent rhetoric of Donald Trump, a supporter of the Never Trump movement advertised t-shirts for sale advocating the assassination of Donald Trump.
No reports of anyone getting beaten for wearing this shirt yet.
Not like Emmanuel, who got jumped at his school for wearing a pro-Trump t-shirt.
He posted photos of the bloody bathroom and a photo of his tooth that got knocked out during the assault.
And how did the Never Trumpers respond?
Well, they proceeded to mock the boy on Twitter.
Just another week in the Orwellian world of lefty hypocrisy.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and I want to tell the callers, Terry, Herman, Kyle, hang on, I'm going to come to you in just a moment.
We have a breaking article here at Infowars.com.
MSNBC says Trump supporters, quote, like Alex Jones, unquote, are prepared to revolt over the nomination.
They say that Jones encourages Trump supporters to show up in Cleveland ahead of to outnumber Soros operatives.
They seem to be implying that there's going to be something bad about that.
I don't see a problem in terms of showing up to show your support.
They may not like the way that Alex says it, I guess, on MSNBC.
They certainly disagree with us on all the politics, but that's absolutely true.
Alex said, be in Cleveland for the week of the convention.
Be there.
We're going to absolutely show the world the real power of the people.
We need five million constitutional Trumpians or Trumpists to be there so that all the Soros trash, all the filth, the few hundred thousand they'll have there totally dwarfed by an establishment doesn't dare steal the popular vote from the people.
That's right.
Why should we just stand by passively and let them steal the vote?
Listen to what Ben Carson said.
You know, gentle Ben, Ben Carson.
He never raises his voice, never gets animated.
Listen to what he said today on the Hill.
Ben Carson says RNC tries to pick and choose who the candidate should be.
Well, you know, they tried, they failed, so now they're going to go into theft mode.
But here's what Ben Carson said.
He said the RNC, the DNC, everybody needs to recognize this country was built around the will of the people.
You remember the Constitution?
Remember how it starts?
We, the people?
That is what the politicians say their pledge to when they take office.
They're supposed to be acknowledging the fact that we have the rule of law, that we have rules that matter.
But of course, they make the rules, and then they bend and break the rules as they wish.
Ben Carson goes on to say, all these pundits, all these big-time political players need to stop for a moment, and they need to say, do we really care about what the people want?
He says, hopefully between now and then, they'll come to understand that if they try and undermine the will of the people, they will not only have destroyed their party, but they will fundamentally change the United States of America.
What the Republicans are doing is engaging in something that is extremely dangerous right now.
And I want to tell you, when we look at the Wisconsin election that's coming up on Tuesday,
Understand that this Wisconsin GOP primary is nothing but a giant push poll.
Do you know what a push poll is?
A push poll is where you call up and you give people some information.
You invite them to give you your opinion.
You don't really care what it is.
You're really trying to manipulate them.
You give them a question.
The question is worded in such a way that you make them
Come to a particular conclusion.
They typically do push polls right before a primary.
That's part of the dirty politics rule book.
Wisconsin is nothing but a giant push poll.
In terms of the number of delegates, it's irrelevant.
It is being used to control you by creating a narrative.
The establishment is doing this.
Take a look at who is in Wisconsin.
We got Scott Walker, Paul Ryan, and Reince Priebus.
Scott Walker, the candidate who never even had a pulse.
Even though the mainstream media was pushing him as the inevitable nominee.
Remember that?
But then they couldn't find a pulse once they got to the first of the primaries.
Well, he didn't even make it to the primaries.
He didn't make it past the first debate.
He dropped out after one or two debates.
Then we have Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House.
The guy who immediately funded the climate treaty for Obama, you know, three days after the climate treaty was agreed to by the Obama administration.
They gave him a blank check with the Omnibus Bill.
Spell that with a T because they're busting our economy with this massive spending.
They gave him a blank check for that.
They gave him a blank check for Obamacare, for everything.
They took it all off the table and they did
They funded the Climate Change Treaty just three days after they had agreed to it in Paris.
Then you've got Priebus, who says, you know, this really isn't an election, they're just trying to join us, the establishment.
All three of those guys, Scott Walker, Paul Ryan, and Priebus, the RNC chair, they're all there from Wisconsin.
So this is something that the establishment has set this up.
This is the only thing happening for a couple weeks.
And pull that poll up.
You guys pull that up again.
The Real Clear Politics poll.
When we look at the Wisconsin polls, and again, we talk about how polls are used to adjust people's opinions.
And I guess when you've got the RNC delegate saying,
Well, we're going to choose who the nominee is regardless of who the voters pick.
And they ask him, well, why do we have primaries and caucuses?
And he goes, well, that's a really good question.
Let me tell you why.
Because they're trying to prepare you for what they think they're going to do one way or the other.
That's why we need to stand up in massive numbers and tell them you're not going to get away with this.
Look at these polls again.
We've got six polls that have been taken and the last, going back to the 19th, is the oldest one.
Now one that was taken between the 22nd and the 24th is the Optimist poll.
It's the only one that shows Trump winning.
The rest of these show Cruz winning.
Two of them show Cruz winning by one point.
One of them shows Cruz winning by five points.
Two of them show Cruz winning by ten points.
One of them by Marquette, another one done by Fox News.
Oh, we can always trust Fox News to be objective, can't we?
I'm sure they got Frank Luntz involved in that, checking the people's pulse on that.
But those two show him ahead at ten points.
But there's one that shows Trump ahead by two points.
There's something fundamentally different about this Optimist poll.
If you look at Real Clear Politics, all these other polls are looking at about 400 to 700 voters.
Likely voters, they say.
Now, these are going to be people who are not crossing over from Independent or Democrat, and I don't know if that's allowed in Wisconsin, so that may or may not be a factor there.
They do that everywhere.
But the one poll that shows Trump winning has 6,200 people.
Not 400, not 500, not 600, 6200 people.
And it shows up when you look at the margin of error.
All the rest of these polls are between 4 and 6 percent margin of error.
The poll that shows Trump ahead
Has a 1% margin of error.
Because they've got a much larger sample size.
They've got 6,200 people.
What do you see on all the articles everywhere, though?
You see the small poll that polls 400 people.
The one from Marquette.
Or the one from Fox News.
They say, look at this.
Ted Cruz has all the momentum.
And that's what they're doing before the election, and that's what they're going to do when they rig the election for Ted Cruz, one way or the other.
That's what they're going to do.
They're going to say, Ted Cruz now has the momentum.
You have to understand that this is simply a game.
And you have to show up in such large numbers that they can't rig it, that they can't steal it.
They have a lot of power to take the election and they've got a lot of different things that they can do to rig the election, to deny the election, to make sure that third parties and independents don't show up in the
...debates, that they don't get on the ballots, they can give themselves passes on the rules that they create, and they can rigorously enforce them to keep other people off the ballot.
But if you show up in significant numbers...
They can't
The Donald Trump doesn't get 50% plus one.
And then he is stealing the delegates on a state-by-state basis.
Of course, the same thing is going on with John Kasich.
He can't get more than 100%, which is what he needs to get.
So, they're not in it to win it.
They're in it to steal it.
And they're not stealing it from Donald Trump.
They're stealing it from the voters who have expressed their preferences.
That's why they say, well, it really doesn't matter whether we have primaries or caucuses because we're going to make that decision.
Let's go to our callers, Terry in Minnesota.
Terry, go ahead.
Hey David, how you doing?
Listen, I've talked to Alex maybe four times.
I'm a new listener, maybe about a month and a half or so.
I pretty much got the gist of you guys.
And as far as Trump's concerned, I've got some things on Alex a few times.
I've talked to Rob also about the same subject.
I dropped this on Alex only a week and a half ago or so.
Anyway, I said this.
I said, if you look at the world stage, and I know it's all about the world system, the one world government, right?
That's all biblical, okay?
Who out there that you can see from any country that could possibly, just play along people, that could possibly cause the deadly wound to happen?
And when I say that, I'm talking about you yourself are a Christian.
This plan is in the book.
It's all laid out.
And the problem is when the pulpit was hijacked, what, 2,000 plus years ago, we've got this mess and you've got thousands of churches and you've got all these services.
And why are the people biblically illiterate?
You know what I'm saying?
And when I told Alex about the Shepherd's Chapel in Northwest Arkansas, that scholar that runs that church, there hasn't been a scholar like that in a hundred years.
And that's why it's the largest, it's the InfoWars of churches, David.
There is no, you know... I understand, but we've got a limited amount of time, I've got other people on here too, but what's the gist of what you're saying?
The gist of this is that we're at the end, this is the final generation, okay?
And if you've read the Bible and if you believe the man,
This is it.
And like I said, Trump is going to get in, okay?
We're in the fifth teaching Trump.
There's only seven total.
Satan comes in the sixth.
If you read the Bible, you know that.
So who other than Trump could possibly, possibly, any of the Republican operatives, anybody, you can't put some of the Arabs, because they're all in on it.
Everybody but Trump is in on it, you know what I'm saying?
And just like God used Obama to bring about the negative part and the rise of Islam and ISIS and the whole nine yards, he's gonna use Trump for the other side of his coin.
So, you know, when you guys worry about things, quit worrying about this stuff.
This is all laid out, you know?
Well, let me tell you what my understanding is.
I'm not dogmatic about the Book of Revelations.
I think it's very difficult to understand, and I think there are things that we are called to do that are very clear.
As Martin Luther said, if I knew the world was going to end tomorrow, I would still plant a tree today.
So I'm looking at what I need to do.
And the very simple thing that works for me, and it works for people who aren't even Christians, is you have to understand what's going on with the globalists.
Now, this may be the end of the world, and maybe it isn't.
I know a lot of people believe that it was the end of the world when we had a world war going on, and we had Adolf Hitler.
Doing mass executions in his country.
So, I don't want to try to interpret the Bible in terms of current events.
I don't ever try to do that.
I just try to do the right thing.
And when I see multinational corporations stealing our country and doing things to shut down our government, I know that's wrong.
It's just simple theft.
It's just that simple.
Don't steal.
Remember that?
That's in the Bible.
It's a real clear principle.
So, if we're going to stop the governments that are trying to steal from people, if we're going to stop oppression, if we're going to stop war, if we're going to stop torture, if we're going to stop this Orwellian system of government that's there,
I'm going to keep fighting that whether this is the last generation or if we've got another 50 generations.
I don't know when the day is going to come.
I'm not going to say that I do.
And I'm not going to be dogmatic about that.
And I'm going to try to do the right thing.
And I know what the principles are.
That's why I oppose the police state, the perpetual war state.
That's why I oppose politicians, most of them who support that.
And of course, Donald Trump has opposed the takedown of our country, he has opposed the
Hey, how are you today?
Thank you for taking my call.
I just wanted to get straight to the point.
Currently, I'm a student here in Alaska.
And currently there have been, like, advertisements over the past week about a, quote, emergency, like, fictitious training exercise of, like, a terrorist attack on campus.
And I just wanted to let you guys know that that was going on today.
Yeah, unfortunately they're having terror drills all the time, everywhere.
Just like that article I had where they did a bomb drill and left the C4 explosives on the bottom of the school bus after they got finished.
That's one of the things, it used to be very significant when they would have a drill, and of course we've seen many cases where we believe they're false flags when they have a drill that is exactly identical to the terrorist attack in terms of same time, same place, same tactic.
We saw that 9-11, we saw it again on 7-7, we've seen it over and over again.
But now they're having so many drills all the time because we live under a police state that it's getting very difficult to say, hey, you can't predict in advance that just because somebody is doing a terror drill that that means that they're up to doing some kind of a false flag.
Go ahead.
I think this is more in response to SB 174.
In Alaska, there's no law against
We're good to go.
A bill and a sentence so that, like, we couldn't, um, carry on campus without, like, being harassed by cops and pulled to leave because it's part of their, uh, policy.
Oh, so you think it's kind of psychological conditioning to get people afraid that there's going to be some kind of a mass shooting if people are allowed to carry guns around college campuses?
Yes, exactly.
I don't know.
They came back and, um, uh... That's very probable, yeah.
Yeah, that's exactly the type of thing they would do.
Let's go to... Thank you very much.
I agree with you.
That's exactly the type of thing that they would do.
They would put something out like that just so they can scare people and say, hey, we need to make sure that this is a gun-free zone, ignoring the fact that it's the gun-free zones where the shooters do the most damage.
Let's go to Ken and Kuwait.
Go ahead, Ken.
Hey, sir.
Delighted to be on board.
Not sure what the topics are.
I believe we're talking about gun control or we're talking about gun-free zones, etc.
I wholly agree with that.
The fact that all of these issues take place in areas that are gun-free zones.
One of the things that I do here has been trying to express to folks the fact that things that go on in the states have an impact all around the world, to include the current election inside
The US.
You know, it's important that Trump be elected.
It's important that somebody that actually represents the people be elected.
Because we are not the American government right now.
This is what I've been trying to express to folks here.
Yes, and now we understand that.
I've never in my life, I've seen a lot of corruption in elections, but I have never seen the establishment of the parties, especially the GOP, which is the worst.
I mean, we heard all these people saying, well, you know, Obama might suspend the elections.
No, it's going to be Karl Rove who's going to do it.
It's going to be Reince Priebus.
And they're bragging about it to the American people.
They're saying, we pick who the nominee is.
You don't really have a say so over it.
And I think
Even if Trump doesn't win, that's an important thing for people to get down, to understand, to fully digest that.
They need to understand how this system is set up.
Once they understand that...
Then they will start to do something about it.
But they haven't understood for the longest time.
They believe that fundamentally we have honest elections, that we have a constitution, and now we need to understand that no, you don't.
You have a couple of political parties that are operating like they're a gangster operation.
We ought to hold them to the RICO statute.
These are racketeering, influenced, corrupt organizations.
And we can see it now.
We can see precisely what they're doing.
When we come back,
We're going to take a couple more calls and we're going to talk about how they are going to roll this out.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to play this clip that we have from MSNBC.
You know, I think we need to, I think we need to all look at what's going on.
And we can see it in the Democrat Party as well as the Republican Party.
This super delegate thing that's going on in the Democrat Party, where one candidate like Hillary starts out with a 15 to 20 point lead before it even starts.
That's bad enough.
And of course, in New York they said, even if
She loses a popular vote.
We're not going to switch our votes to Bernie.
That ought to make people furious.
I don't support Bernie Sanders, but that makes me really angry to see that process, especially since the Republicans and the Democrats control access to the ballots.
But what we see going on with the Republicans is even worse.
And of course, the mainstream media is chiming in with them.
We got Bloomberg saying the Republican National Committee has begun to prepare the public
Congressional district by congressional district.
But they come in here and they say, well, why wouldn't they take it from him?
This is the Washington Post.
Why wouldn't they take his delegates away?
He broke his promise to support the Republican nominee, if it's not him, during an interview earlier this week.
Well, so did Cruz.
So did Kasich.
They all three said they're not going to support the other guy.
But they single out Trump and say, well, we're going to take his delegates.
And they say it's like a game of Calvin ball to harken back to Calvin and Hobbes.
It's a game that's made up on the fly.
It takes place in Calvin's house and it's where Calvin already has a winner in mind.
But Alex came in here and he said, yeah, I'm looking at this, uh, this clip, I guess I'm a bad guy for saying that we ought to show up and protest this and show our strength and say, we're not going to put up with this.
He goes, I guess, uh,
I should apologize, and nobody should show up.
We should just let them go ahead with the steal.
Let's play that clip from MSNBC.
...having won the popular vote in that state.
Now his threat to break the GOP loyalty pledge could cost him delegates in South Carolina, where you have to sign the pledge to get on the ballot in the first place.
Amid growing signs that Trump may not have the wherewithal to get enough votes on the convention floor, supporters like InfoWars' Alex Jones are now preparing to revolt.
Be in Cleveland for the week of that convention, be there, and we are going to absolutely show the world the real power.
We need 5 million constitutional Trumpians, Trumpists, to be there so that all the Soros trash and all the filth, the few hundred thousand they'll have there, are totally dwarfed and the establishment does not dare steal the popular vote from the people.
According to one party operative I spoke to a couple weeks ago, Republican National Committeeman named Curly Hoagland, the popular vote doesn't matter at all.
It's the delegates who really pick the nominee, regardless of how the citizens in their states voted.
The delegates are not bound, they're free to vote their conscience on all issues before the convention and on the nominations.
Anything is possible, because the convention of the Republican Party is the highest authority of the party, and they can do anything they want.
Yeah, we make the rules.
No where is the party more in control than in Hoagland's home state of North Dakota, where the voters are cut out of the process altogether.
While some states hold primaries and some hold caucuses, and there's back and forth over which model is the most representative, the North Dakota Republican Party just pulled a state convention to select its slate of 28 delegates who are free to vote for whoever they want this summer in Cleveland.
No voters needed at all, thank you very much.
That convention kicks off tomorrow in Fargo, and two of the campaigns will go all the way there to make their case.
Ben Carson, who endorsed Donald Trump, is scheduled to speak at a Sunday morning session.
Not until after all the delegates have been elected.
Ted Cruz, on the other hand, has the prime speaking slot.
He's delivering the keynote address on Saturday, right before the voting starts.
Joining me now, Gary Emineth.
There you go.
Let's cut it at that point.
It is nothing but a smoke-filled room at this point, even.
Of course, we saw what happened in Pennsylvania.
You've got John Kasich not turning in the votes on time to get on the ballot, but they say, hey, we're 100% sure he's going to get on the ballot, and they put him on the ballot.
We see this over and over again.
Happened in D.C.
First they said, well, Hillary and Bernie didn't get their paperwork in on time.
Somebody said, we're going to keep Bernie Sanders off, and then they said, no, let's let them both on.
Who cares?
They're making it up as they go along.
Stay with us tonight.
We have the InfoWars Nightly News at 7 Central, 8 p.m.
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