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Name: 20160318_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 18, 2016
3525 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics including presidential race, Bernie Sanders' plans for new rail system, corruption, global risks, foreign governments dumping U.S. debt, race war, Black Lives Matter movement, unity among all Americans, threats to humanity such as taxes and oppressive government actions, and negative effects of Trump presidency on Republican senators. The show promotes various products including nutraceuticals, survival gear, and AutoShip feature on InfoWarsLife.com. Dr. Corsi, a Harvard-educated guest, provides insight into these topics.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hard to believe it's already Friday, the 18th day of March 2016.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here live for the next four hours.
As we are Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central then back weeknights 7 o'clock Central InfoWars Nightly News and I'll be back hosting this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central live.
I don't know I might do a rebroadcast or have somebody sit in for me because I might take the kids on a hike.
You know what so much is happening I'm gonna come in Sunday but
We do have something very special coming up at the bottom of the next hour.
It has to deal with Barack Obama.
And it is, let's just say, news making.
And very important to the future of this country and the world.
If you out there watching decide that you want this information to get out to a wider audience.
So we'll break some important intel coming up at the bottom of the second hour today.
Dr. Jerome Kors, he's going to be joining us for part of the third hour, and David Nye will be hosting the fourth hour.
If you're a new listener, that's how we work it.
Three hours of InfoWars with your surely Alex Jones, and then a fourth hour of Overdrive that a lot of stations are picking up that's got all the latest breaking news.
A lot of the special reports we didn't get to were things that fell through the cracks, phone calls, special guests, and more.
And that fourth hour is really growing, so I want to thank all the stations picking it up.
I'm trying to be calm right now.
And I'm going to be deliberative today, at least for a little while before I spin out of control and start hyperventilating and my voice becomes grating even to my ears.
And I just have a cornucopia of obviously super important news to cover.
But as I sat here looking at all this this morning, and as I sat there reading the news earlier this morning at home, I thought, what's really most important right now to talk about?
There is a big global awakening.
Part of that is manifest through Trump.
And the establishment's taking the mask off, the gloves off, and saying we're just going to steal it from him.
They're trying to sell that idea right now.
Very brazen.
So the arrogance of the establishment and how they're going to counter-strike is important.
But really, sitting back, military developments and military escalation is something that
Historically, people aren't really worried about until a huge war kicks off.
And the climate is so ripe for that.
It's like when you have tornado season in the spring, or hurricane season in the late summer, early fall.
It's the time of the season.
Then I was sitting back thinking, what's the main driver of that?
And it's always economics.
And I remembered two stories in the stack yesterday that I didn't even cover.
And I really get mad at myself for this because it was front and center and I went off into the outrageousness of the Republican National Committee rules committee head on TV saying, your vote doesn't count.
And the anchor goes, really?
Yeah, just get used to it.
It's the way it's always been.
No, it's not the way it's always been.
And so that's another angle on how
Everything they do is about just normalizing it and calmly waltzing up and just getting you to accept it.
And I liken that to growing up bird hunting, that I learned if I saw some dove fly into a tree 200 yards away, that if I acted like I was stalking up and walked slowly and had my eyes on the tree, they'd fly off.
But if I just kind of walked at an angle like I wasn't going over there and stopped and picked something up and then walked back over, they'd sit there five minutes and I always got to blast them.
And that's what they're doing.
They're just kind of, oh, nothing's going on.
But while that's happening, you see all the preparations being set up for worldwide martial law, political persecution, mass arrest, forced inoculations for population control.
And then there's these two stories I didn't get to yesterday.
I'm going to hit them on the other side.
But these are definitely dominoes now falling.
We can create a state-of-the-art rail system which takes trucks off the road.
We're good to go!
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Good luck.
Fuckin' tonight.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I want to open the phones up today like I did yesterday for first-time callers and I want to tell good callers something.
I intend to not make you hold 30 minutes or an hour today.
What's gonna happen is from now on if people been holding more than 30 minutes we are just going to let those folks go and open the phones back up again because it's not fair to do that and that's a standard talk radio practice that I lazily have really never engaged in.
And I need to.
So we're going to be opening the phones up and going to your phone calls.
Boom, boom, boom.
That way, hard-hitting folks that actually have something to say can get in.
Because we have wonderful callers, but when I also sit there and have people hold for an hour, it kind of degenerates sometimes.
I specifically want to hear from you.
Now, usually it's a free-for-all, but this is first-time callers, and specifically, I want to pick your brain.
I'd like to hear from you about what you think the most important issues in the world are right now and what you're most concerned about.
I also asked people on Facebook yesterday on a Facebook mentions video I did, and I'm going to go through some of their comments coming up, and was asking, what do we do to counter
This attempt to hoax the public into believing that it's okay to not honor the popular vote that the delegates represent at the RNC or the DNC.
Now Hillary was smart.
She openly said the delegates are pledged to me.
I don't care if I lose a bunch of states.
I still get the delegates and she did that.
It's been proven she stole Ohio.
That's come out in their news.
Nobody cares now.
It's been proven.
That she got less votes by 20% in New Hampshire, but she got more of the delegates.
She just steals it outright at the moment and has her people.
I wondered why we could go talk to her superdelegates and people who were in New Hampshire.
One of them from California.
You saw the video interview and they're like, yeah, no, the party elected me.
That's what counts.
The votes don't count.
It doesn't matter if she loses, she's going to win.
That's how we work this.
Just like the Republican head of the RNC Rules Committee of 29 people.
He's been going on TV and radio going, no, your vote doesn't count.
This isn't the way it's always been.
It's totally normal.
No, it's not totally normal.
The Democrats changed it in 72.
The Republicans changed it in 1976.
And people say, well, it's their party, their rules.
They hold it out like popular vote matters, so it's fraud, and it's racketeering, and it's organized crime, and taxpayer money is spent to run these elections at the county level.
And so because they claim that they changed a private party rule,
Doesn't cover them, but they run that hoax that they can do it.
Oh, we're allowed to spy on you without warrants, because we got a DOJ memo.
Oh, we're allowed to confiscate your guns outside of law, because we got a DOJ memo.
Oh, we're allowed to torture people and their family members, because we got a DOJ memo from John Yoo, and Gonzales, Alberto Gonzales, and all the rest of this craziness.
But it's okay when John Yoo says torture people, bury their kids alive, pull their fingernails out.
And Alberto Gonzalez puts that out as the Attorney General because he's Hispanic and John Yoo's Chinese.
They actually said that in the news.
Is there pressure against John Yoo and Gonzalez because of racism?
No, because they were making flaming fascist statements and then carrying it out.
And then when CIA would get caught torturing people to death?
They would get indicted on top of it, so the people giving the orders didn't get in trouble, but the people doing it did.
Now, I said I was going to get to what I think is one of the biggest issues, but I'm saying I want to hear from you.
With what do you think is the biggest threat to humanity right now?
And what you see going into the future and how we stop it, and how do we stop them stealing this election?
How do we counter that?
I think the answer is some of the things that the folks were saying on Facebook that I was reading, and what Buckley said, we need to have a million people show up.
There will be provocateurs that try to start violence, but the system trying to steal an election, it's their fault if things degenerate at this point.
We can't lay down.
We need a million people to counter Soros and the 50,000 thugs that he's hired that he's going to send in there so they can't intimidate free speech.
You got Megyn Kelly.
I was on the elliptical this morning and then I was doing deadlifts and I had Fox News on.
And so I
I had an hour and 15 minutes of Fox News on this.
I worked out for an hour and 15 minutes.
So I saw the promo at least six or seven times, or heard it, because I had the volume up.
I wasn't watching all the time.
And it was tonight, Megyn Kelly will expose Trump going after the First Amendment.
Is he blocking the First Amendment?
Is he violating it?
Megyn Kelly talks to the demonstrators who've been attacked, been assaulted.
And they had all these different variant promos.
And I was like, this is like MSNBC now.
You notice Rupert Murdoch announced a month ago they're going to quote, move towards Hillary.
See, they've always been there to manage conservatives and keep you on the plantation, keep you on the reservation.
But now they are uncloaking and they've got a harpy siren.
Up there, looking at you in the teleprompter after a decade trying to hypnotize you.
I mean, they train those women, they train the men how to act different.
This is well known in broadcasting at that level.
How to look at the camera like they're in love with you and they want to get you in bed.
And I watch grown men in hotel bars I've been in, or in restaurants, or on the street, or at the gym, watching Megyn Kelly and smiling back at her and
Acting like the skipper on Gilligan's Island when Ginger comes over and wants him to do some work for her.
Skipper, you're so manly to do.
Do you mind carrying these coconuts up for me and catching me some fish and bringing some water up from the creek, sweetie pie?
And men sit there with this HDTV looking at this perfectly, quote, beautiful woman, but her eyes now aren't, I'm your sweetheart.
She's already got you hypnotized.
Now they're steely cold, preying on the American people.
You like being conned?
Fox News is a, what, 20-year con job?
And to Sean Hannity's credit, I'm really getting a lot of respect for Sean Hannity.
He's saying he'll walk from the Republican Party.
I was sent a clip the other day, I meant to play, where he was on his own radio show saying he doesn't like the direction Fox is going.
And you can say, well, he knows which way the wind's blowing.
People aren't putting up with this, okay?
Or maybe he really does care about the country.
Hey, all I care about is the fact he's doing the right thing more and more.
And talking about world government, talking about New World Order, and
Not sitting there saying the Liberty Movement's dangerous and Alex Jones is dangerous.
You know, Sean Hannity's now plugging Infowars on air.
So, good for Sean Hannity.
Because I don't want to be enemies with any of these people.
I don't want to be enemies with Megyn Kelly.
In fact, it was probably six or seven years ago I was on her show, back when she co-hosted with the other guy.
Joe Biggs has been on there repeatedly.
I mean, I don't even care.
I don't care about going on a show.
Three and a half million viewers?
Folks, I do Facebook mentions from my parents' hot tub that get two million views.
Four million, five million.
I mean, these people are in their own world.
And that gets to the hubris that I'm talking about, the blindness of the political elite and these painted sirens that they put up there
On television to sell us on all this.
They really think they can control the narrative and this is only the beginning of their control crumbling.
This is only the start.
Historically, we're in that cycle.
We're in the beginning of that.
And they still don't get it.
Is it North Korea threatening to nuke their neighbors and Russia threatening to invade?
Is it what's happening economically?
Is it the open attack?
Not debatable.
Yes, your vote doesn't count.
And just voting fraud all over the country.
Texas came out and said there was fraud against Trump.
Yes, clearly.
Stuff happened.
The Election Commission admits it.
Almost no news coverage.
Ohio admits fraud.
Stole it from... Stole it from Sanders.
Where is the left even caring?
I mean, we're reaching a point where we're awake, but it's like we're awake and the pygmies have put us in the big cook bowl to roast us.
We need to climb out of the boiling water immediately.
Here's the big news that I mentioned in the last segment that I didn't get to yesterday that I think is the most important domino that's already falling.
There's some other bigger dominoes that could be world ending.
Like nuclear war.
I don't agree with Skousen on the fact that it'll end up being limited.
Once it starts, it's not going to be limited.
And I agree with him on almost everything.
He's a really savvy guy.
And I think that's the optimist in him.
But if the nukes ever come out of the silos and come out of the submarines and get launched out of the bottoms of planes, cruise missiles, airborne cruise missiles, air-launched cruise missiles, it's over.
At least for a while.
Civilization, at least.
The planet, maybe.
But here's the big domino falling currently.
I'm going to cover it when we come back.
We're going to your calls at the bottom of the hour.
When we come back, CNN.
Foreign governments dump U.S.
debt at record rate.
You know what that means?
That is the domino.
That's folks leaving the theater.
Global risk play bigger part in Fed's rate rise outlook.
On seeing that the world economy is lagging.
You see that?
That is a big deal.
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Our ancestors of every race, color, and creed struggled to develop checks and balances, to develop due process, to develop the right of private property for the individual.
That was only held in every culture, from Japan to Mexico, of course previously Mesoamerica, from Europe to Africa, from Russia to the Middle East.
It was always the same.
Ruling elites with military force, dominating and controlling the peasantry, and using them as chattel slaves.
But over the thousands of years of civilization, in the last 6,000 years, the more prosperous civilizations got away from slavery and into middle classes and a tradesman class and a merchant class that would develop wealth and art.
And then empires would rise on the wealth of their farmers, of their artisans, of their blacksmiths, but would still have militaries to defend
They're technology.
Globalism is the opposite of that.
It brings in world government, plays the countries off against each other, divides them, makes certain elite corporations exempt from their own regulatory systems to consolidate total control.
That is the essence, and it's total discrimination against humanity.
It is the ultimate form of discrimination.
To have your laws made in secret by multinational corporations, exempt from the taxes and rules and laws they foist on you.
No wonder they want to teach you about black slavery and the KKK in thousands of hours now in public education.
So that you're just totally obsessed on one tiny part of history.
And have no idea that everyone is having their basic freedoms destroyed right in front of them.
And that there is a medical soft kill operation to stun and poison and dumb down humanity to soften us up for the final blow.
I think about the White House-run publications like Media Matters and everybody else that almost every day write these stories about how crazy I am that there's a government plan to secretly test on us.
There's thousands of declassified, lethal studies that were done on everybody in this country.
You know why the media only reported on black people being injected with syphilis?
Because they knew whites would go, oh, that's not happening to us.
Oh, it's bad, it's terrible, but oh, they did it to those people.
And that it would never be in the news, taking thousands of orphaned white children and putting them in radiation chambers in the 40s and 50s and 60s and frying them, in some cases with so much radiation, they were dead in minutes.
Department of Energy, go look it up.
Declassified about a decade ago.
There'll be no made-for-TV movies about that!
I'm gonna stop right there and get into the big news.
Just remember who runs.
Remember who's running things behind the scenes.
Foreign governments dump U.S.
debt at record rate.
treasuries are being dumped all over the world.
bonds are being dumped.
They're not buying our debt.
And notice what's happening.
The private Federal Reserve buys it.
And then puts it on the taxpayer list as money we owe.
They don't just buy it in fiat and claim it's propped up, which would be dangerous enough.
They buy it and then say it's debts that you and I and all of us, our children owe, our grandchildren owe.
But don't worry, it's not children and grandchildren now that are going to have to pay for this.
It's people alive right now.
You're 40, you're going to be dealing with this for the rest of your life.
You're 20, you're screwed.
You're 65, you're not going to give it maybe a third of your Social Security when they're done with you.
But don't worry, they're going to rope you into more taxes, more regulations, just to keep what you had.
Oh, you took part of it?
Oh, you devalued some of it?
Oh, just give me some, give me some.
I'll do whatever you say.
Okay, we need more banker bailouts.
We need to nationalize this and that.
It's all coming.
You think 2008 was bad for a consolidation?
Get ready.
And the Federal Reserve comes out, says, oh, on the bad global outlook, okay, it is bad.
We're not going to raise interest rates now.
We're gonna have to go back to money printing.
If they don't just give the money out in direct payments to the public, that'd be bad enough for inflation, but at least it'd do something.
You know, at least it's like giving you a final meal before you're executed, a nice half a bottle of Jameson's.
The elite give the money to themselves, and then they just hoard it and hold it there.
Do nothing with it.
To make you a debtor.
Global risk played bigger part in Fed's rate rise outlook.
For the first time since the Asian-Russian crisis rocked world financial markets, U.S.
monetary policy is focused on the risk of global growth and the domestic economy.
We'll be back to get into what they're breaking down here on your phone call.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A viral video has caught the attention of local law enforcement.
On Tuesday, Bernie Sanders supporter and Wilmington resident Julian Schuessler posted a video to Facebook showing him deliberately drive his Jeep off the road and straight into a pro-Trump sign.
The video quickly went viral, garnering over 4 million views.
It also managed to catch the attention of local cops.
Late last night, Wilmington PD announced that they'd caught Schuessler and were charging him with driving recklessly and damaging a campaign sign.
The man will also face hit-and-run charges, as well as a charge for failure to maintain lane control.
Police have yet to apprehend those who are actually cutting Bernie Sanders' signs in half, leaving only a note saying, well, I didn't have a sign.
I'm sure you'll understand.
Watch the video at InfoWars.com.
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Mr. Romney Wordsworth, who will draw his last breaths in the Twilight Zone.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide.
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Acts quickly, got results and felt right away.
Good stuff.
Don't feel as tired or sick like I used to be.
Yeah, if you're really deficient in it, it is, it is crazy.
So, I mean, if you've got plenty of it, if you're eating a lot of fish and whatever, and you're doing good, then you'll take it and won't need it.
You'll know.
But if you just, like, have dramatic results, and your skin gets healthier, and all the stuff comes out of your pores, and... I don't want to go into everything else.
You need to consult a physician, because this is... Of course, they don't even know about iodine.
It's like, you don't need vitamins, you don't need anything.
You don't even need air!
That's a conspiracy theory.
You don't eat vitamin C?
Minus Pauling only won two Nobel Prizes for it.
Yeah, no such thing as scurvy.
By the way, I'm going to do a promo video, you'll plug it in, where I point out that it was in the BBC, I think like a month ago, that scurvies made a comeback.
People come in, and they're not even poor, most of them.
They just drink, you know, orange-flavored pop with no vitamin C, and they don't eat vegetables, and they don't eat fresh fruits, and they just eat meat and white bread or whatever, and they're like zombies.
Their teeth are falling out, wounds are opening up.
I mean, it's so simple.
There it is.
It's Scurvy making a comeback.
Of course, it was the British that discovered vitamin C. They kept it secret for over 100 years before the Spanish and the Portuguese figured it out.
And they kept wondering why they'd be 3,000 miles away from port, and a British warship would pull up, and their men were all healthy and ready to kill.
And the Spanish, the Portuguese, everybody else was just like, could hardly, you know, get out or, you know, fight.
Because they didn't know why people died at sea.
They didn't know why their teeth fell out.
They didn't know why they got so sick.
And the limeys would pull up and kill everybody.
Because they had little key lime limes.
And the men didn't like it.
But they made them drink it.
They put it in their rum mixed with water called grog.
And the public is just as dumb as people were back then.
Just as stokey.
I'm ranting, I'm going to your calls, I apologize.
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A lot of folks claim they've got something better or this is better.
We've looked into it.
We could sell stuff 100 parts per million or stuff claiming it's nano or this or that.
Folks, you don't want to go smaller than 30 parts per million.
You don't want to go higher because it does become toxic.
Look, if it's going to kill bacteria and viruses, you think it's good for you?
It is an element.
Studies show you need a little bit of it.
But it's... I don't tell people take silver every day.
You got a sore throat?
Antibiotics won't knock it out?
I drank three bottles.
Some of the stuff killed family I had.
I wish I could have got down them.
My dad did two rounds of antibiotics.
Couldn't get better with the stuff two years ago that killed my uncle.
I went and dumped three bottles down him in a week.
He says, it's toxic at that level.
And I said, Dad, I know that.
So is chemotherapy getting rid of cancer.
Some people, it's like marijuana users.
Oh, it's God, it's perfect, it fixes everything.
No, it's not.
It's got a lot of good uses.
It's got a lot of pitfalls.
Same thing with silver.
Do your own research.
It's powerful, though.
Alright, I'm gonna stop.
I promise to go to your calls.
DJ, Sam, Jared, Elijah, Justin, if you just joined us,
About 30 minutes ago, I put the call out.
What do you think the number one issue is facing humanity?
And what do you think the next big globalist move is going to be to distract and divert and kind of dynamite this movement of liberty that is accelerating?
What do you think about that?
And at the bottom of the next hour, big announcement on Obama, big breaking news.
You don't want to miss it.
We're going to put the video out and then post it to Infowars.com when we make the announcement at the bottom of the next hour.
I know Mr. Alex Jones.
I was gonna say our number one problem that I think I can speak for America is probably a race war.
And the main reason is misunderstandings on both sides.
Like y'all say that the media hypes up the police violence.
It's not really true.
You can go look up in Houston.
It's in the early 1900s in the red summer.
You can see the beef between police and black people then.
And then you can go all the way back during slavery.
Police really rose out of a group called the slave patrollers.
And they have that same mentality today when they see black people, the way they interact with them.
It's not all about just getting shot by them.
It's the way that they interact with black people.
We grown people.
These people are nobody but citizens who went to go get a job.
They're not even, they're not God or nothing.
They can't just shoot black people on the spot.
Can't shoot white people on the spot.
Can't shoot anybody on the spot.
We got to tell these people how to govern us.
They can't tell us how we want to be governed.
That's not how America's set up, and that's not what my ancestors signed up for.
They weren't Sheriff's Departments.
Metropolitan Police Departments were like in New York and Boston.
And that was because gangs were killing each other.
People organize and always have around race or religion.
And so you would have the Irish gangs with the WASP gangs, with the Italian gangs, just like the movie Gangs of New York.
That is exactly what went on.
And so the police became the biggest street gang
I don't
Of the jury, of the grand jury, who are instructed on the laws and then commanded, and that's why people are commanded, if you go back to the old warrants and things, to then go out and bring people to the court of We the People.
But it's devolved to where the police and the government and the system has become this new royalty that has given itself immunity.
And certainly they've militarized police.
Certainly they've tried to corrupt them.
Certainly they've done this.
And I appreciate your call, sir.
And I do think race war, social division, class warfare is being stoked.
So you kind of have a soft, cold war, rolling, kind of secret race war going on.
That is actually taking a lot of white people that weren't racist before, and they're experiencing racism, and it's freaking them out.
And so they are becoming racist.
At the colleges, the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation teaches liberation theology, where you're oppressed, but the federal government's going to save you, so that those people then basically see the government and the feds coming in and taking over as the solution.
And Al Sharpton said it last year.
He said, we're going to federalize all the police.
We're going to use these police shootings to do it.
They are indicting and then imprisoning almost all the bad cops that are doing this.
And then you have like, what is it, three or four black cops and a white cop, you know, beat some guy to death inside, you know, evidence is pretty clear, inside, you know, the back of a paddy wagon.
And then they go, oh my gosh, you know, it's, it's racist whites.
And then you find out it's mainly black guys, allegedly, and it looks like it, you know, beating this poor person to death.
Once police start piling on, it becomes a feeding frenzy.
Wolves do it.
Sharks do it.
It's normal.
It's not good.
Here's where I am on this.
You can pull up the Justice Department numbers.
It varies year to year.
But 9 out of 10 black people are killed by other black people.
Most white people are killed by white people.
Most killings, it's somebody you know, it's a beef.
And most of it is, quote, gang-related.
That's what it comes down to.
And so, it's a red herring in the aggregate.
If you look at police killing black people and police mistreating black people, if you look at the numbers, it's one of the least dangerous things for a, quote, African-American, use the correct term, the most dangerous thing is being in your mother's womb if you're black.
It's pretty much that way for anybody, period.
Any human being.
Then, incarceration for petty stuff, where you then get indoctrinated, you're 14, you're put in juvenile hall, a bunch of 16-70 year olds beat you up if you don't join their gang, and boom, you're screwed up for life because you've now been inducted into crime.
That's a big problem.
See, I said I'd take your calls quickly, but this is such a complex issue, and I was already thinking about this today.
Here's where I'm at, though.
The globalists with their Strong Cities Initiative all over the world are federalizing local governments and police departments under UN Agenda 21 treaties.
That haven't even been ratified in the U.S., but they're following it.
Where they sue the police, the Justice Department works for the U.N., they come in and they take over in the name of stopping out-of-control crazy cops, and there are some.
Then you go look at the citizen review boards, and you go look at who's on them, and it's communists and globalists and people like Bill Ayers, who then come out to our events and try to stop our pro-life demonstrations that are peaceful.
And the cops are so intimidated by him, when they show up, the cops look at the video of them attacking us, put them in handcuffs, but don't arrest them.
As a patriot, if I did that, I'd be arrested immediately.
So, there's a lot of discrimination going on, on so many fronts, and there are some out of control police.
And it's true because of Black Lives Matter and other
Movements that are out there.
The police are getting paranoid about black people, so it's creating some pushback.
But it's something that's being oversimplified.
It's being dumbed down.
Here's why I've gone from harping on the police every day and making films about it and writing books about it.
My reporters expose bad police and police state practices.
We fight it.
But I've learned we get stuff changed at the legislature and we get things changed in the police departments by saying, hey, we're not your enemy.
Don't you want to live in a free country?
This is bad.
Go after bad cops.
Clean yourself up.
Don't be federalized.
See the trap.
Realize what's going on.
We're all citizens.
Let's work together.
If we just go attack the police, that means the globalists and the social engineers and the bad cops will end up running the show saying, see, we're under attack.
Do whatever we say.
That puts them into a gang mentality.
An us-against-them mentality.
That is not what we need.
We have the moral high ground.
Now, finally, I'm gonna say this and go to Jared, Elijah, Jimmy, and Sam.
I gotta hurry.
Social engineering, divide and conquer, is one of the biggest threats.
I agree with your call.
Great point.
But I really can't get behind the Black Lives Matter movement because it's a false movement
About hating police.
About being racist.
It's basically a Klan movement.
With the persecution complex around it.
It's a black Klan movement.
It's all about race.
It's all about division.
And it's led and funded by George Soros, a Nazi collaborator who divides and conquers other countries along lines.
This isn't sociology operation.
This is scientific engineering.
Police kill.
It varies, but a couple thousand people a year.
And a lot of times they do act like it's a shooting gallery, and they're in the wrong.
But again, is a couple thousand people the number one issue in the world, like the mainstream media says?
That's where I'm coming from on this.
That's why I'm breaking this down, because there it is.
Obama administration and UN announced global police force to fight extremism in the US.
This is their model.
Ever wondered how America will fall?
This is it.
So their attack is about divide and conquer, federalizing and globalizing local police departments, using the globalist training police have been given, knowing it would blow up in their face against them.
So that's what I'm saying.
A civil war with the police as the target is the worst civil war we could have, and all civil wars are bad.
We're the rightful owners of America.
We're the people.
We're all having our rights taken.
We're going under global government.
The enemy is not the police.
If a cop's a crazy person and shoots a black guy in the back, like in San Francisco, and then lies about it, but it's caught on video, I say give that crazy person the death penalty.
How dare that jury only give him two years?
How dare them try to cover up?
And that was a big liberal police department.
With minority officers all over the place.
The guy just pulls his gun out, the guy's in handcuffs, shoots him right in the back.
Then they run around and grab everybody's cell phones, but not one in the train.
Then it stopped.
I hate the police coming out trying to restrict our free speech.
It's wrong.
And I'm going to sit here with moral high ground and say, I'm not your enemy.
And I know most of you aren't criminals.
And I know most of you want to do a good job and want to protect and serve.
So you better make sure people around you pull up and not be thugs and run the thugs out of your department.
And then I'll add this and I'm done with your call, but it's a really important area you bring up.
The military is the most awake group when I've been out there canvassing on the street, on the road, all over the country and all over the world.
The military is the most awake group.
It's why they're targeted.
It's why the globalists say they're the number one enemy.
You know the government's run by a takeover group, hijackers, actual occupiers.
We are literally been taken over.
They say the military is the number one enemy, the veterans, because they understand what's going on more than the general public.
And then the next group that is the most awake are the police.
I've just, I mean, I live this stuff.
I know.
Look, if the government hates the military because it's an armed force they control but they fear, who else do you think they hate?
They keep the cops on a real short leash when it actually comes to going after real corruption.
I want to free the police.
I want to free everybody else.
I want to make America free again.
And I know the truth we have is contagious.
I know the enemy program.
It's historical.
It's not hard to understand once you take the blinders off.
So we're run by foreign megabanks trying to bankrupt us?
Trying to tell us that mother and father is an evil word, literally?
But my enemy is a cop?
You think cops want to go out and write tickets?
Cops all over the country try to get out of the quota system.
Their unions put ads in the newspaper.
They leak it.
They don't want to do that.
Most cops want to go after thugs.
Most cops want to help change ladies' tires.
Most cops want to be good.
And then they see what the police look like on TV with the media distorting it, showing the bad ones.
And then the good ones go, I'm not in this anymore.
Or good people whose family have been police officers decide, you know what, I'm not going to be a cop.
And then things really get bad and you get a bunch of criminals in charge and then you're in trouble.
But I want to tell criminal police something else.
You think these globalists don't want to break the back of this country?
Even a criminal should want general prosperity.
And most criminals aren't total psychopaths.
They don't want to just screw the whole nation over for fun.
You just found it's easier to steal than, you know, actually have a real job.
Everybody should be against this new world order.
Hey, let me ask sociopathic criminal cops out there.
Did you get a memo not to drink fluoride?
Did you get a memo about what's in the vaccine the department's pushing on you?
You guys get lined up and get given the shots and then a third of you are sick for a week?
We are under attack, all of us together.
We have to come together.
That's the number one answer.
That doesn't mean come together and go hug Black Lives Matter and George Soros.
You know Black Lives Matter is federally run.
It's come out, run by the Justice Department and George Soros.
I mean, they actually have their operatives going around saying, kill the cops.
Deck the halls with dead cops.
And then the cops are getting killed.
And then the cop, when they pull your kids over, is going to be all scared.
You see how this is a chain reaction?
Okay, okay, okay.
I don't have a guest joining me until 12.33.
I'm going to your calls now.
I even skipped that break because I did that.
Because I'm going to get in the habit of that.
When I say I'm going to your calls, I'm going to your calls.
Jared in Ohio, what do you think the number one threat to humanity is and how do we counter it?
Hey Alex, really appreciate your work.
I think, man, you covered a lot of the things.
I was nodding my head the whole time you were talking.
The irony that I find is that the wealth of our labor is funding all this.
We build our own prison.
We finance our own destruction.
We invent the inventions they take from us and then use to control us.
That's exactly it.
It's a supreme irony.
You know, it's the thing that really gets me, you know, every time.
You know, it's tax season now.
So, you know, I think, you know, what kind of oppressive act is my money going to, you know?
It just burns me more than anything else, you know?
And I really think that all of this, that they're trying to create a lot of heat, you know, turning these groups against one another.
Distractions while the globalist mothership sits offshore and sucks everything dry.
Yeah, and I think the technology, my fear is that the technology is going to allow the New World Order now to succeed, where in the past other dictators failed.
And I guess that's the whole idea behind 1984, you know.
When Orwell was writing it, he was pointing out that the technology, the ever-present monitor that can see everything that you're doing, that this is going to be the thing that helps them succeed in their goal.
So yeah, but I sometimes think, too, that the only thing, like you mentioned, you know, alone we fall and united we stand.
Let's do it way forward.
And especially, I think, you know, possibly the thing that's going to happen, or I believe the best way forward is it's going to have to be
Yes, and it's hard to organize those, so all of us just stop opting out of big corporate chains that are globalists.
Do your research.
Or a corporate chain's pro-liberty and gives money to pro-gun stuff?
Go support them, you know.
Or a big chain's buying America?
I'm not against chains in and of themselves, I'm just saying try to go mom and pop, try to withdraw your support from the system.
Great point, God bless you, Jared.
Yeah, I do think that the private Federal Reserve is the root
The fact that elite families get to control the issuance of currency and credit, they're always going to end up taking over because the whole system's rigged.
All right, I want to go to Justin here in a moment, but remember the movie The Kingsman?
I only saw that once.
I need to watch that again.
It came out last year, where the billionaire eugenicist globalist is Samuel L. Jackson.
And he's sending out a computer program through the smartphones to make people become aggravated, aggressive, and start killing each other.
And that is basically a dumbed-down version of what's really going on.
They even admit through the flicker rates on televisions, they can make you calm, make you angry, you name it.
I mean, that's in the news.
But it's beyond that.
It's layers of programming in the culture, everything.
We're going into a depression.
People are getting upset.
So they want to say, it's because of white people or it's because of black people.
And I know we all know this, but you know, when you have a group of racist people come up to you, I mean, you know, it's upsetting.
And it's hard to keep taking the moral high ground
When people are racist and they hate you for your race, they hate you for your religion, they hate you for where you live or how you look, and you really just want them to have a great life, but they've decided that they're standing up, they're resisting, and somehow letting you know that, or attacking you, is going to free them, when all it's doing is making the middle class
Which has all these groups coming up into it, turn and become racist, and will make groups put themselves into their own little reservations.
And that's how the globalists manage big cities.
It's how they manage prisons.
It's the paradigm.
We're going to come right back with Justin.
Then we're going to go to Elijah.
We're going to go to Sam, Scott, and others.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're covering a really powerful topic, and that's what's the greatest threat to humanity?
People say, well, how about talk about the greatest positive thing is?
That's another show we'll do.
But knowing the threat is what protects all the good.
There's so much good in this universe, and I do think looking at the good, holding up the good, recognizing what's good, celebrating what's good, is part of the battle.
The CIA, we always knew this, they declassified it in the last few years, Randmiss Magazine, the entire feminist movement, in their own annals, it's all declassified, there's books written on it now, you can go look it up online, to get women into the workforce to pay taxes, so that the state could begin to raise children.
And now you see them saying that your children belong to the state on the news and federal court rulings along those lines.
But they've also declassified that they would pay classical artists, sculptors, you name it, to make ugly things that didn't make sense so that they could redefine what beauty is.
And you go, but even something ugly can have beauty.
Well, no, I understand a finer eye with a deeper palate.
A more sophisticated pallet that yes, that's an angle.
But no, they directly wanted to do it and force-feed it so that we would start accepting ugliness.
They built buildings to be ugly starting in the 50s and 60s.
They didn't want grand, beautiful architecture.
That uplifts the soul.
It makes you feel good.
I need to do a whole report on this because it's one thing for me to just spout off about it.
When you see all the documents, the admissions, I show you the ugly buildings and notice the people get ugly.
You can take somebody that doesn't have classical beauty, but if they're, you know, they're filled with light and love and have done something great.
I mean, I see 80-year-old ladies, you just see the beauty in them because they're alive and they're out in the garden, there's bees and they have electricity in their eyes.
You see some old hateful person, there's nothing uglier.
I mean, we're fighting a spiritual battle.
And, you know, Media Matters and folks can make jokes and right-wing watch and say, Alex Jones, you know, says the devil is a space alien and is running things.
Again, allegory, real, whatever you want to call it.
The people running this planet are building something artificial and ugly.
It doesn't work.
Monsanto says they want worldwide for plants not able to reproduce anymore.
And then you go to them in a factory and that's where the one-time seed comes from.
I mean, this is fundamentally satanic stuff.
So yes, the Bible says an entity was marooned on this planet and wants to destroy us.
And then I go study the elite.
They're all into the occult.
They worship Lucifer.
They think Lucifer is God.
They are building a world government with high technology that they believe will make them new gods and free them from the planet.
Go read the UN.
Go read Julian Huxley.
Go read the visionaries of this modern system.
Go read Kurzweil.
And they're so delusional, they think they're going to create Lucifer!
They're atheists that don't believe in God and the devil, but they go ahead and say, I worship Lucifer, like the head of the liberal movement, Saul Alinsky, dedicated his book to Lucifer!
But they believe they're building Lucifer!
Because humans can envision and build whatever they imagine with enough time and energy!
And they've got seven and a half billion of us wired into their system, manipulating us, our labor, our energy, to get all our technology, all of our brain trust, and steal it to build some beast computer they're gonna merge with and fly off!
Overall, that's the greatest threat, that the people running the world hate humanity, say we're ugly, we're all mentally ill, we have no free will, there is no God, and then behind the scenes,
A few of them are atheists like Kurzweil, but behind the scenes, I've never found one of them that doesn't say, I love the devil, and I'm going to live forever, and I'm going to have unlimited power!
You'll never help the general public!
They're a bunch of dumb scum, Jones!
Join us and get the power!
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The British are coming!
The British are coming!
Now the ride of Paul Revere set the nation on its ear.
And the shock that Lexington heard round the world.
The British fired in the early dawn The war of independence had begun The die was cast, the rebel flag unfurled And on to Concord, marched the foe To seize the arsenal, there you know Wakin' folks, searchin' all around Till our militia stopped them in their tracks At the old North Bridge, we turned them back And chased those Redcoats back to Boston town
It happened that they had planned, if the British was ever to come over here, that they'd put a light up in this high church steeple.
And Paul went down there to look.
And sure enough, there was the light.
Well, Paul, he jumped on his old horse and he lit out.
He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he had to go somewhere.
Oh, I wish you could have seen it.
That old horse with his ears laid back and his nostrils wide open, sucking in wind like a jet engine.
Feet pounding on them cobblestones, striking off sparks.
Paul holding on for dear life and a hollering at the top of his lungs.
He says, the British is coming!
The British is coming!
Get your gun, we gonna have us a revolution!
And them farmers come a-piling out of the hay like bees out of a beehive.
Minute men, they's called.
What's minute men?
Minute men?
They's fellas that had to be ready at a minute's notice.
And when Paul comes screeching down the road that way, they grab their guns and head out behind the weeds and walls and trees and everywhere.
And when the British come a-prancing along all dressed up in their red suits, they let them have it.
It was a sight to see.
And then it happened.
They fired the gun!
They fired the gun.
And the shot was so loud, it was heard clear around the world.
Oh, get out!
That's the way this country started.
Alright, I'm going right back to your phone calls.
Justin and Elijah, Sam, Scott, Ryan.
We're going to get to everybody right now.
What is the biggest issue facing humanity?
How do we counter it?
That's the question, and we've got a big announcement coming up concerning Obama at the bottom of the hour.
Stay with us for that, obviously, and so much other news I want to get to.
Some of the big news, if you just joined us, foreign governments dump U.S.
debt at record rate.
Federal Reserve says they're not going to raise interest rates now, they're going to continue QE, basically, because of economic slowdown around the world.
Most of the world is plunging into a depression, and countries now dumping U.S.
dollars, U.S.
At an accelerated rate is a very, very serious situation.
Let's go to Justin in Canada.
Justin, thank you for calling.
Hey, thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Thank you, brother.
Go ahead.
Okay, so the most threatening thing to the whole planet is that there is no saving it.
The global elite, they have the red button.
I'm talking about Mayday.
Have you heard anything about this?
It's an online psy-op going on right now.
Uh, no I haven't.
Just explain it to me.
Okay, so it started, actually it's interesting because the first day that you started commenting saying that your spidey senses were tingling was the first day that this started going around online where Mayday, just like 9-11, where they use a distress, a distress call.
Apparently that's the day that everybody's looking at now.
This is supposed to... I like to think that I have a pretty good intuition whenever they do these little online psyops and, you know, try and get you to react and get violent to this or anything.
But this one... I'll look into it.
I mean, certainly the globalist use of 9-11 means, you know, call the government for help, emergency, but also it means it's the government number.
So, if it has double meanings, May Day is an occultic day where they would carry out springtime human sacrifice rituals, obviously in druidic Europe, and then that's why it was adopted in the French Revolution and then adopted by the communists.
And then now they've kind of pop-cultured it, where, oh, dance around the maypole and all this.
You know, for kids, ha ha ha, it's so cute.
You know, Halloween, ghosts and goblins, hee hee hee.
Really, it's, you know, Shaolin, human sacrifice night.
So, yes, this is all going on.
And I didn't know that there's a hype out there that they're saying, Mayday.
They did the fake bin Laden killing on Mayday.
They have pulled a lot of weird stuff on Mayday.
So I'd watch that date.
Go ahead.
Yes, so it points to the jihadis in Europe and it's one of these, the same kind of thing, the scare tactic of Washington DC, London, Rome, Paris, targets in Belgium were specifically mentioned.
So it's all about going on on the zero hour of isolated attacks that are all timed.
You know how they failed to do that on 9-11?
They wanted it all timed up.
Sure, so instead they brought in five million into Europe and it's got to be a million in the US.
I mean, they say it's $200 in Texas, it's $200 at one high school.
Okay, so probably a million they brought in, who knows?
And a lot of them are sleeper cells, that's admitted.
You're saying you're worried they're going to just have coordinated jihad attacks and then the logical answer will be take the American people's guns and blame the Tea Party.
Because that's what they do whenever the jihadis attack.
Of course, it's not logic, but that's what they do.
Is that what you're saying?
Is that what folks are saying?
Is there's a big jihad attack and the Al-Qaeda folks are online shooting their mouths off about Mayday?
Yes and no.
Mayday is coming from whoever is in control of these political forum websites.
So that's where you got to take it with a grain of salt.
But as far as America goes,
The Washington, D.C.
plot apparently has more to do with Russia sneaking bomb-grade nuclear material to jihadi buyers, which is supposed to kick off a war with Russia, even though it doesn't look like they are setting it up as much as, you know, as much as it seems like they want to because of Trump and Putin.
Sure, sure.
But that's their red button.
All right.
Great points.
Here's what I know.
Elites are digging in.
Billionaires are moving to the middle of nowhere.
They're building giant armored redoubts in the Ozarks.
It's all over the news now.
And big stuff's coming.
And yes, if they would launch chemical attacks on the Syrian government, and then blame the Syrian government, absolutely they're claiming the Russians are selling fissile material to jihadis.
And then if we get nuked, oh Russia did it, now we're going to have a war with Russia.
It's an unprecedented time to be alive because they don't want to have a total world meltdown, which we're on the verge of, and not have some political distraction of a war or a terror attack.
And that's why, in my gut, I am just sick with anticipation and sick trying to figure out what's going on and to warn people and to stop it.
You can see the preparations, you can see the craziness, and you can feel it.
Great points, great points.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sam then Elijah.
Sam, thank you for calling from Georgia.
Hey Alex, how are you today?
I'm doing alright my friend.
What do you think is the big issue facing us?
Well, I think one of the things, by the way, I just want to thank you for a great program and being the tip of the spear.
And you remind me of a great blacksmith.
Who made the best sword in the county and decided to teach everyone how to make their own so everyone could be protected.
Who was that great blacksmith?
I don't know.
I'm just saying a great blacksmith.
That's what it's all about.
Imagine a blacksmith that didn't want to teach other people because he wanted all the business for himself.
It was all a secret.
Then that little town dies.
But the towns that you see that were successful around the world is where somebody like a great blacksmith decided to train everybody.
Then it becomes the center of blacksmithing.
Then silversmiths, goldsmiths come in.
Then business begins.
Then opportunity.
And that's the difference between a parasite economy and a liberator economy is
The globalists want people in little plantations, Section 8 housing, living off the government, horrible lives.
The government ships the drugs in to control them.
They don't want to have that empowerment.
It's so evil.
That's so true.
Now, what I wanted to point out was that the way that they want to attack people is with the slow kill, so it doesn't look so obvious.
And I think because they're controlling the media so much, we're kind of looking at this great point and everyone worries about
The great nuclear threat as far as wars, but there's a great nuclear threat throughout the whole world from nuclear power plants.
In particular, I wanted to point out the Indian Point nuclear power plant in Fairfield County, and there's also Millstone nuclear plant in Waterford County.
These are counties that are right outside of Manhattan, you know, right off Long Island.
Those are absolute prime targets for somebody to drive to the front gate with a truck full of explosives.
Well, they've already been leaking tremendous amounts of Strontium-90 into the water for over 20, 30 years.
They're looking at the bodies of deceased children and older people.
Oh, I know!
This elite is so evil that all over the world they just don't even care if reactors leak now.
They turn the alarms off and just let everybody get radiated and they're building more.
And Monbiot, you know, that writes for the Guardian, says he loves it.
He said all environmentalists must support nuclear power?
They're insane!
Good points, I appreciate your call.
Let's jam one more in here.
Elijah, Elijah in Missouri, thank you for calling today.
Yes, Alex, thank you for taking my call.
And I think one of the biggest threats is if the agenda for social engineering of the global elites is ever successful.
And it's kind of ironic that they try to blame Donald Trump and say that he's dividing everyone, but really that's their agenda.
Yes, total weaponized divide-and-conquer media, and then they say Donald Trump's doing it.
Right, and I have a comment about Donald Trump's campaign.
The pundits have been saying that the Donald Trump nomination could negatively affect Republican senators running for re-election in the 2016 Senate.
There's 34 seats up for grabs.
And I was thinking, what if Mr. Trump were to announce that he'll be endorsing possible candidates for those seats?
Oh, absolutely.
He's brought record numbers of people into the party.
And as soon as he's the nominee, he'll only get more support.
And he can go out there on a reconciliation tour and really counter all these people.
And they are just scared to death.
They get up there and try to sell all day.
The Republicans are killing their party.
The globalists took over the Republican Party 50-something years ago.
They've run it in the ground.
They're killing it.
There is no real opposition.
And the people that have stolen our political system are scared to death right now that somebody real might get in there, even if it's an egomaniac that flies around with gold-plated toilet seats.
I mean, I'll tell Trump that.
I mean, he's ridiculous.
He knows it, too.
He's orange hair, orange head, loves gold.
We watch the videos for entertainment around here.
Like, this is our jet, and this is our palace, and whatever!
At least they don't want to kill everybody.
And if the elite hate that maniac, I love him.
All right, great points, Elijah.
We'll be back with Scott and others.
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Bottom line, the biggest threat to humanity is ourselves.
And allowing criminal power-mad elites, who think they're invincible, and infallible, to maintain control.
And everything else of that is just a derivative.
But obviously, thermal nuclear war is a big threat.
Genetic-engineered crops splicing the wrong way, giving rise to super, super viruses, super microbes, super bacteria, nanotech,
We are reaching up towards that Atlantean moment.
Whether Atlanta's existed or not, we are accelerating towards a time where our technology becomes so powerful and our elite so reckless with their random testing that a disaster will happen as we move towards the singularity.
Artificial intelligence, so many other issues.
And I'm not being negative here.
I'm raising all these issues so that we can hopefully have a cultural, species, planetary-wide debate about the real world.
Humanity's not going to make it if the establishment dumbs everybody down for management purposes.
Because the elite are corrupt and sociopathic and psychopathic and sadistic, on average.
The general public's being turned into a bunch of dumb animals.
And there's a feedback loop between the two groups.
And the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
And that's happening right now.
Look at all the other dictators and elites thought they had it all figured out, and they didn't.
Things go real well for them till they don't.
Scout calling from Arizona.
Thank you for holding.
Go ahead, you're on the ear.
Hey, how's it going?
I just wanted to bring a little attention to kind of Donald Trump and his campaign with things.
It's hard to pinpoint one thing because we're being attacked on so many fronts, but it feels like he might have been put in there to create that division.
And I'm a Donald Trump fan.
Sure, they may be hyping this whole thing to create division and using him as an unwitting participant.
And that tension, you watch all the tension rising, that's probably a lead up towards our civil war, our racial war.
Well, we know George Soros and the UN and Bill Mulligan, Gates Foundation, all of them are trying it.
And they've got big anti-Trump demonstrations tomorrow in New York.
By the way, what reporter wants to go?
We need to send somebody to that.
It's big national news to be inside these groups and really show what they're really saying.
It's extremely hateful.
Sean Hannity has a big viral interview that's up on Infowars.com where he talks to reporters that went inside of it.
Who wants to go?
I mean, I kind of let my reporters go where they want to go, so they're excited about it.
But I think I have some ideas.
I think I know who I'm going to send.
I don't know.
I'm going to think about it.
But good points, Scout.
Let's talk to Ryan in Michigan.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I've been trying to call in all week, man.
So it just goes to show you how you guys are exploding.
But I just wanted to congratulate you on that.
Uh, the biggest threat that I see right now to humanity that I want to talk about, I listened to your Facebook mention last weekend with Larry Nichols when he was in the hospital.
And, uh, he was talking about the Patriot Enabler Act that, which is the executive order that Obama just signed.
And he was talking about things we can do to stop that, which brings in the UN on these, you know, federally managed land, things like that.
Oh, I mean, it's in Associated Press that the UN will basically run our local governments and make sure our police aren't bad.
Oh, the UN's here to save us, aren't they sweet?
Foreign occupation just being eased in like a camel's nose under the tin flap.
So are we talking to congressmen about maybe trying to stop that?
Because they have like 25 days to put a stop to it.
Well, I mean, look, they implement this stuff and then nothing happens overnight.
It takes them time to sell this.
We expose it.
We say no to it.
They can put on paper all day long that they can round up veterans and gun owners and, you know, do this.
Let's see them try.
That's why they want to get a big crisis going first.
And they'll say, we're arresting the Black Lives Matter leadership.
Remember how the feds pushed Occupy, and then arrested them all.
So, who knows what the longer term plan is, but then they get conservatives to go, good, arrest those Black Lives Matter communists.
And then next it's, yes, and right wingers, like the Bundys, and yes, the veterans groups, this militia was planning this and that.
They're scripting the rollout of a war against the American people.
But they thought Waco was a group that was weird or kooky, that they could sell that idea of tanks attacking a church.
People got mad across the board.
So, the globalists have twisted brains.
They're smart.
They have a lot of data.
But they have blind spots, and they also just like to do evil stuff, so they just can't help themselves.
And every time they're winning, they do something to screw it up.
That's what criminals do.
You study criminology... We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A viral video has caught the attention of local law enforcement.
On Tuesday, Bernie Sanders supporter and Wilmington resident Julian Schuessler posted a video to Facebook showing him deliberately drive his Jeep off the road and straight into a pro-Trump sign.
The video quickly went viral, garnering over 4 million views.
It also managed to catch the attention of local cops.
Late last night, Wilmington PD announced that they'd caught Schuessler and were charging him with driving recklessly and damaging a campaign sign.
The man will also face hit-and-run charges, as well as a charge for failure to maintain lane control.
Police have yet to apprehend those who are actually cutting Bernie Sanders' signs in half, leaving only a note saying, well, I didn't have a sign.
I'm sure you'll understand.
Watch the video at InfoWars.com.
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We're good to go!
No weapons of mass destruction were found.
Are you kidding me?
Do you buy that?
There were, there were, there were.
Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh.
I was five and he was six.
We rode on horses made of sticks.
He wore black and I wore white.
Come on, let's shoot.
Bang, bang.
Boy and a girl, we didn't take the rest of mine.
The main reason we went into Iraq at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction.
It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction.
But I also talked about the human suffering in Iraq.
Hello boys and girls.
I have a special message for you from the President of the United States.
I salute the boys and girls who are buying United States savings stamps and bonds and they're giving important support to the cause of freedom and the men who fight for us in Vietnam.
As an American citizen, you have to respect our president, whether I like it or not.
It's really not my decision.
But I do respect my president, and I will support whatever decision he makes.
It is a hard fact that U.S.
strikes have resulted in civilian casualties.
The United States knows that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
One of the first things they told me was, you're not even to acknowledge the drone program.
You're not even to discuss that it exists.
Renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me
To order the military forces of the United States to take action and reply.
That reply is being given.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And that was a very powerful piece Shikari Jackson put together a couple years ago, and since then hundreds of thousands have died more in Western-sponsored, Obama-sponsored, jihad takeovers.
We're going to be talking about that in a moment.
We're going to be talking about the big announcement concerning Obama, so please stay with us.
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Now, I'm going to stop right there.
The enemy is all about hiding their crimes in plain view and being incredibly, incredibly, incredibly outrageous.
Go ahead and start lighting those candles, please.
Light those fuses.
And then we just sit there and take it like frogs in the proverbial pot.
It's time to pull our own stunts to expose what they're doing.
And one stunt won't save the world, but a million might.
Throwing it back in their face, showing what frauds they are.
Barack Obama, this is a conservative number, we broke it down, we're doing a story on it today.
Wars that he's helped launch or support have killed 995,000.
They can always say both sides contribute, but the person that starts it
Under the Geneva Convention in history is the one behind it.
And nobody has pushed this more and given cover to war like it's some humanitarian thing than Barack Hussein Obama.
So Obama total kill count 995,000.
People say what's the big announcement?
That is the big announcement.
We just get comfortable with millions of dead Iraqis, millions of... It's crazy!
And since he's been in, 995,000 people and tens of thousands from drone strikes that he's ordered.
We're going to go over all of this, but Carmen and of course Leanne, you guys come on in here.
I have decided, we're going to punch him up on screen for TV viewers, I have decided to give Barack Obama a Nobel Peace Prize.
He's already been given one before he was even president for doing nothing.
And so we are now giving, and there's one candle for every 100,000 people he has directly contributed to killing.
And you know, Obama says he's really good at killing people.
Let's pull that clip up in a few minutes.
Come on in, Leanne.
Come on in, ladies.
And so we're going to celebrate with the president his mass murder.
I know that's obscene, but we're being satirical here.
The media acts like it's no big deal.
Madeleine Albright said 500,000 dead Iraqi children is a good price to pay.
Bush was part of that.
But the Democrats were involved.
Clinton was involved.
She said it's a good price to pay.
Remember that?
So, hey, let's bring them a delicious cake here.
Ladies, thank you.
You can just set it right there by the microphone over there.
Thank you.
And you guys did a great job coming up with the graphics.
In fact, I believe you did the graphics for this, correct?
All right, well, all right, well, fantastic.
All right, well, fantastic.
Now, here we are.
We have the Nobel Prize.
This is made by the guy that invented dynamite, or nitroglycerin.
And so he said he felt bad about war, so he gave hundreds of millions of dollars at that time to the Nobel Prize.
They've given some good people the Nobel Prize, but now it's a true joke to get it.
So, also want to give him not just the new Nobel Prize,
But I want to give him this plastic bling, you know, dollar sign OG situation because, again, it's all about celebrating the fraud.
It's not real gold, but it doesn't matter.
I'll just say it is.
Just like he's not a man of peace, but we'll just say he is.
And so here it is, a new Nobel Prize for Obama and the staff here.
You know, we're all just going to have a piece of the cake.
Hey, here's Obama!
Yeah, Obama!
Man, only 375,000 more Iraqis have died since Obama took over.
Hundreds of thousands of Afghans.
Hundreds of thousands in Syria, Libya.
It's over 400,000 now.
I kept saying 300,000 in Syria.
And our government, with NATO, helped start the whole thing.
So I brought some of the crew in, whoever wanted a piece of this cake.
Leanne, will you sit down by the microphone here, please, and tell folks...
What this says here for our radio listeners, we have to narrate for them.
It's got a Nobel Prize there.
It's the President's Nobel Prize.
Take here with his second Nobel Peace Prize for being a man of peace.
To the King, Obama, we love you.
We just, you're so good at killing people.
Almost a million.
Yeah, almost there.
Almost a million.
We wanted to put that extra candle in.
It probably is a million, too.
Exactly, that's old numbers, Rob.
From what we know.
So here's to killing a million people.
Let's give him another Nobel Prize.
Community organizer.
And I'm giving him this one.
What are we going to call this?
The original gangster prize?
This is for being really good at killing people.
That's right.
And he says he's really good at killing people.
He's the bling.
He said it.
Is your mic on?
I don't know.
I told him to turn it on when I walked in.
Okay, good.
I talked right into it.
Again, this is just impromptu.
I thought Get This Cake made the other day.
I think H-E-B did a great job on that.
I think H-E-B made it, didn't they?
Okay, so is it delicious?
They're complicit.
I think if you've even got high fructose corn syrup in it, we want it to be an unhealthy cake, like all of this.
And so this is a truly blasphemous situation, because it is all a joke.
The Nobel Prize is a joke.
It's all a joke, so anybody that wants to get on that mic and make comments... The Nobel Prize, I mean, right when he was elected, he didn't even do anything, and he got the Nobel Prize.
And then he ended up killing a million, almost a million people.
So he deserves another one.
I get a Nobel Prize.
Everybody gets one.
Let's just pass it off to everybody.
I deserve it.
I just think it's amazing the number of troops killed in Afghanistan is 75% of the total troop deaths since Obama took office.
You know what I want?
I want to nominate Hitler for a Nobel Peace Prize, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan, and Fidel Castro while we're at it.
I mean, why not?
How about Pol Pot?
Hillary Clinton, she said she's willing.
We came, we saw, we bought Libya.
We have the picture of Libya before and after.
Yeah, Joe, get on the mic here.
He said Libya's a really great place.
Hillary for prison, Hillary for Nobel Peace Prize.
Let's do it.
Well, again, I didn't want to just, you know, print out a paper Nobel Prize and say, here, we're giving you a new one.
But I want to put the headline out with this video as soon as we can, just Obama giving another Nobel Peace Prize.
And ours is just as real and just as authentic as theirs, because they've given them to Henry Kissinger, Al Gore.
It is now a sign that you are a war criminal, just an absolutely horrible, evil person.
They can stop flashing that, I think I'm about to die.
I know, I'm getting a little... 900... I don't know why you're watching past these.
Exactly, 995,000 and counting.
Just programming with the blinking.
Yeah, that was my idea.
Like, it's a bad video game finish screen.
You know, you're finished with the video game, you're almost done, and that screen flashes you.
It's awesome, dude.
And he's sitting on a pile of skulls.
We can just freeze it with a pile of skulls back there.
So there you have it.
And of course, Dr. Pionka at UT got a standing ovation at the Texas Academy of Sciences eight years ago.
It's an endgame when he got up with a huge projection of red skulls and said, soon we're going to have airborne Ebola.
I'm ready to die with my family.
Humans are evil.
This is a good thing.
And so this is really their attitude overall.
But guys, who wants to chime in, though, about this?
I mean, who was the prince who wanted to come back as a virus and come back and kill a billion people?
That's the Queen of England's husband, Prince Philip.
He said that in three books.
And in a bunch of magazines.
No, but he's just kidding.
He's just joking around.
You know, he really doesn't want to kill a billion people.
They want to kill five billion people.
But he is a big supporter of Bill and Melinda Gates.
They want him to take that shot.
David Knight, McBrain, Josh.
Let me just say, only in today's Orwellian society would someone like Obama get a Nobel Peace Prize.
For doing nothing.
I mean, outrageously, he got it.
Who is this guy?
Now he gets the Nobel Peace Prize?
I'm giving him this for making our economy the best it's ever been.
Remember he said that?
Our economy is the best it's ever been.
Well, at that point, and along that line, Alex, there's been a million people who've lost their jobs since NAFTA.
Of course, we can't blame that on Obama.
He campaigned, said he was going to get rid of NAFTA.
That's a bipartisan effort.
So I guess, when he accepts this, then he needs to give some credit to the people who helped him, and the GOP as well, the establishment leaders.
I wonder if he will accept our Nobel Peace Prize.
Because, I mean, at least it's not being given to Henry Kissinger.
I think this one is actually worth more than the Nobel Committee.
What do you think?
Yeah, it looks more delicious.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's a joke they gave him the prize, and we're not really joking about all these dead people.
It's horrible, but the American people seem to think it's like another planet over there that this is happening.
Our government put the jihadis in, and now 400-plus thousand people, according to Lancet and others, have died in Syria.
No one was dying before this happened.
They try to blame Assad.
They admit the vast majority are al-Qaeda and ISIS-killing people, including the genocide of Christians.
Yeah, the ISIS has killed over 170,000 Christians and Shiites since, and that's just in Iraq too.
That's not even the other countries because they don't even know the numbers in the other countries because just the way things are.
Our government with Saudi Arabia has financed and aided and armed a Sunni jihad to take over the entire region.
Joe Biggs, why do you think they're doing that?
I'm going to run the mic back over there.
I mean, yesterday I went out and did a video of a man on the street out at South by Southwest asking people who hates Muslims more, Obama, Clinton, or Trump.
And everyone automatically just said Trump, completely ignoring the fact that Donald Trump opposed both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And also I brought up the fact of the drone kills by Obama, how they've gone up since he's been in office.
Those are just like children.
Each one's 100,000 kids.
Do they just blow them out?
Like it's no big deal.
You know what Bill Maher says, kill more people, murder, war, suicide, just get the highway moving.
Of course his life matters though.
Sorry Joe, go ahead.
Yeah, so I mean people didn't seem too concerned that Obama and Clinton had been involved in all these, you know, murders.
And people were just more concerned about the fact that Donald Trump wanted to build a wall and that means he hates Muslims and he's a racist.
So I just thought that was a little out of control.
through some more of these slides.
That's 170,000 people, mostly Christians, killed by ISIS in Iraq alone.
400,000 in Syria in the last five years.
We've got a Libyan civil war, 20,000 and it's way above that.
Iraq deaths since Obama, 375,000.
1,700 troops killed in Afghanistan since Obama took over.
17,000 wounded.
We've got 5,000 that he ordered killed himself with drones, most of them.
And again, if he's even going to do this, why would he say he's good at killing?
He's really good at killing people.
I'm really good at killing.
In fact, we'll get that clip after the break.
But anybody else want to pop in about just this incredible leader?
Yeah, I mean, war in itself is health of the state.
I mean, remember yesterday with the economists coming out and saying that Trump was a global threat to humanity, just as bad as ISIS.
But then you got Hillary Clinton that overthrew Libya.
Gaddafi in Libya gave the country over to ISIS.
Then you got... You have the people that put ISIS in and Al Qaeda telling us Trump's Al Qaeda.
And then you've got NAFTA that's basically created this whole immigration problem that we have because now millions of Mexicans don't even have jobs because we're sending corn and whatnot down into Mexico.
Government subsidized corn.
So now they're fleeing over here.
So they're just creating this whole global instability.
They admit they use every selective deal to absolutely screw everyone over and consolidate power.
David Knight, anything?
Well, I just want to add the two slides, the one of Misrata, which is in Libya, showing that, you know, the before and after.
And then the shot of in Syria showing this whole area of town that's just been totally destroyed.
So there's there's Libya right there before and after.
You know, you could you could see all the good we've done there, all the spreading of freedom that's going on right there.
And then go to the one in in Syria showing the Syrian.
The background image is amazing.
Look, here's a normal looking neighborhood.
Now watch it transform.
Look at that.
Nothing has been snuffed out.
That's right.
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Go ahead, Big Brain.
Well, I just want to point out the people in these countries, they know who's behind this, too.
When you, when you, because there's interviews with people that are there, and they know that it's, it's Western intelligence.
They say, Obama, stop sending al-Qaeda to kill us.
You give them weapons, why?
Please stop.
They might be fooling people here in the United States, but they're not fooling anybody out there in the Middle East.
Well, we're eating Obama's Nobel Peace Prize here, his death cake.
And remember Hillary Clinton's friend, Madeleine Albright, who said that it was worth the death of a half million children with the sanctions under the first Clinton administration.
Of course, she's there with Hillary, pushing her, telling everybody, you know, if you don't vote for her because she's a woman, you're a bad person.
But of course, you know, where is the...
This is a woman who doesn't have a problem with the death of a half million people.
Children, I should say.
In fact, let's take this video right now before the show ends if we can, and let's put the Obama, I'm good at killing people, Hillary, she's good at killing people, I came, I saw, he died, and let's put the Albright clip.
You know, in here, so folks see just really how great all these folks are.
We're not just singling Obama out, even though he's launched a bunch of wars.
It's that he got a Peace Prize, folks.
It's just how stupid this is.
So, what do you guys think of the idea?
Seriously, I'm trying to illustrate this.
I mean, I think it's been successful.
I mean, I think a lot of Americans, unfortunately, don't read enough international news sources.
A lot of the stuff that I find out about Obama's drone strikes are from, like, not just BBC, but also kind of Middle Eastern, Russian news.
Sure, it's where they bomb, sometimes a wedding, on purpose to make them uprise.
Yeah, absolutely.
Stay there, stay there.
We're going to come back with a final segment on this, then your phone calls.
Then we've got a special guest joining us.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here back live with some of the crew enjoying Obama's second Nobel Peace Prize, well-deserved.
Other arch-war criminals like Henry Kissinger have gotten prizes, so it's truly disgusting.
But I saw Joe Biggs in the audience at Combat Vet Three Tours, and he of course has death
We're good to go.
Let's put it right in front of the cake where we have the document cam.
It says death on your trigger finger.
And so we will now bestow, not you, but your finger, because it says death, a peace prize.
There you go.
Dun, dun, dun!
Joe Biggs' finger!
Joe Biggs' trigger finger!
His finger!
Joe Biggs' trigger finger!
We should give a Nobel Peace Prize to death!
Or the god of war!
Let's give Mars a peace prize!
I'm taking it away from your fingers.
You don't get it.
You should give it to my AR-15.
Well, actually, that can bring peace and defend you, but no, to the God of War, Mars, we give you another peace prize.
I can just hand out all I want!
Closing comments.
Leanne, you wanted to say something too over there, Kit Daniels.
Well, I also just really love getting lectured by Obama about gun control and when then he goes and sells billions of dollars worth of weapons to all these countries.
Or how Christians are hateful on Easter.
Last year he attacked Christians on Easter, so I wonder how he'll hike his leg this year.
Yeah, I mean, what are we going to do when he's no longer in office to lecture us about that?
You know, they actually have a constitution at one of the memorials.
They actually caught Obama in there like at 2 a.m.
peeing on it like it was a fire hydrant.
Like Ozzy Osbourne did to the Alamo?
I'm joking, but that sounds like something he did.
I mean, you know, we're now doing satire here.
We have that exclusive video.
Leigh-Anne, anything else?
Well, I just can't wait.
What do we have, another eight months?
Eight more months to go?
Well, those numbers are a few months old, so it's well over a million.
This really celebrates a million dead.
I mean, you know, for him.
Because that's when you get a peace prize.
We don't celebrate.
Well, I think they would say, looking back, it was worth it.
It was worth it.
Kit, is this in bad taste, what I'm doing?
I mean, it's not bad for Obama to kill the people, but it's bad to make fun of him.
I'm sure there'll be a Media Matters.
What's disgusting is that Media Matters and the media will attack you for this, but they won't attack Obama for drone strike and little innocent children and women and whatnot.
Why are you racist?
Oh, well, I'm guessing for some white.
I was born white.
But he did cry for those kids.
I'm not going to be racist.
I mean, he had his... He teared up.
He teared up.
I just can't communicate.
I'm failing.
My husband is going to beat me tonight, Michelle!
Not the kids I killed with my drone strikes, not those kids.
They don't count.
Collateral damage.
This whole peace prize, it kind of shows how the establishment preys on the ignorance of the population because I think it was Cindy Sheehan, I went to an event that she did a couple years ago, she told me the anti-war movement completely disappeared once Obama got in office, but Obama has done exactly what Bush would have continued doing if he stayed in office.
Oh, that was the whole point.
Where is the left mad about Bernie Sanders having the election stolen from him?
They admit.
And now the Republicans say they're going to steal the delegates as well.
All right, well, great job, crew.
We're going to post this video so radio listeners can see it in the next couple hours with the little clips of Albright saying 500,000 kids is a good price to pay and everybody's good at killing people.
But I know for veterans and soldiers who had to do what they had to do, they're not into bragging about killing.
Joe, you know, for you as a veteran combat vet, is it obnoxious?
To see somebody like Hillary talking about how good she is at killing people and how tough she is, and like Brian Williams saying she's in all this combat?
I mean, I'd like to see her actually go do it.
I don't think she has the guts to actually do it.
She's a coward, she sits back, she makes a command, and she has other people do it.
That's how she's able to sleep at night.
I'd like to see someone like that who brags about it actually go out there and do it.
I don't think she'd have the guts.
Do you think she goes for Marilyn Monroe type?
I'd say Janet Reno or someone.
No, you're right.
No, no.
She goes for women that look like lizards.
Like her.
I don't mean to be mean.
It's just true.
She's fair game.
Hey, Obama, good job!
You got another Peace Prize.
Third hour, 70 seconds away.
Dr. Jerome Coursey is joining us and more.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Another world.
Another time.
Another time.
In the age of wonder.
In the age of wonder.
Another world.
Another time.
Another time.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, let's go back to your phone calls.
We have Dr. Corsi joining us.
Jason's been holding the longest.
And we'll go to Carmen, Grant, Rich, Mary, and others.
I just spent 15-20 minutes pulling a stunt, if you just joined us, announcing that we were giving Obama another Peace Prize, and the video will go viral.
And it's designed to reach people that think all the death and carnage is funny on the left.
It's really meant to throw it in their face and just say, look at what you're involved in.
Look at the fact that you're not these high and mighty moral people you say you are.
We went after Bush so hard on those wars.
Clinton was involved, so was Obama.
They're all sick.
They didn't give Bush a peace prize.
That's rubbing it in.
That's like giving Jeffrey Dahmer an award for, you know, helping disadvantaged teenagers.
I'm just not putting up with it.
It's like giving Hitler an ADL award or something.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jason in the great state of Texas.
I almost want to say not FEMA Region 6, because Texas is trying to take its power back, suing the feds, saying no.
That's why the feds that aren't feds, they're globalists, are trying to indict everybody.
Jason, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, it's good to talk to you, man.
Thank you, brother.
Thank you.
My concern is the racial division in the country.
The Black Lives Matters, to me, seems like they're on purpose trying to
Put all the progress that Martin Luther King was trying to do.
Just horrible, racist, hateful people everywhere.
And then that makes the groups that are actually trying to reform police departments look bad associated with them.
They're just horrible.
And even Megyn Kelly gets up on TV and endorses them now.
Can you believe that?
Yeah, it's crazy.
I mean, he promoted non-violence, you know?
They walk arms locked together, but not through crowds trying to start conflict, getting punched in the face, just so they can yell racism, you know?
Well, imagine walking into some random restaurant...
And you start going, racism, racism, racism.
I mean, actually, go protest the Klan or something, or go protest at the prisons or something, you know, that have been proven to be giving unfair sentencing on race.
I mean, target the real stuff, not just run out and just tell some liberal group.
So many liberals have talked about how they're confronted and told they're racist, and it's a breaking point.
But imagine, you pay to send your kids to college.
And a third of the time now, they have sensitivity training where you go in a room and get yelled at because you're white, or yelled at because you're a man.
And let's not forget, it's not just black versus white and all this stuff.
They are teaching that men are inherently bad.
I mean, it's just crazy!
But this is how you screw a society up.
What else are you concerned about?
Well, you asked us if we had a solution.
Well, I'm here in Longview, Texas, and I just recently got a position in an African-American church.
I'm a white man, and this is a 136-year-old African-American church that wants to integrate and do something and show people that
We want to unite and do something great for our country and they want me to help start teaching their children that they can be taught by a white man and be preached to.
Well that's awesome because what the control left does is they go, no white savers, no whites, you know, safe places, no whites.
They're creating segregation again.
And it's because, again, they want people in groups they control.
And if folks want to segregate themselves, that's their issue.
That's freedom.
You're allowed to do what you want.
But they're forcing segregation into a race cult for total control.
You ought to shoot a video about that sometime, once you have some progress, and we'd have you on as a guest.
Very, very interesting.
There will be a backlash against
The Democratic Party trying to create total racial division.
There are being, you know, a lot of churches, you know, that are mixed churches, black, white, you name it, that are doing just what you said and who see through it.
So, it's an amazing time to be alive.
More calls coming up and Dr. Jerome Corsi on the Donald Trump phenomenon and more, as well as the economy.
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Good luck.
Good fucking tonight.
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Paul, guess what?
We bugged Mr. Blake's cell and we heard him talking to his lawyer.
You see, we took the mic and we hid it up in the cell window.
Wait a minute.
What are you talking about?
We bugged Mr. Blake's cell.
You what?
We bugged the cell with Arnold's tape recorder.
Just listen to this, Paul.
I can't listen to that.
But Paul... Opie, I can't listen to that.
I'm not permitted.
But Paul, you don't understand.
Opie, I can't listen to this.
Now, I told you about eavesdropping.
But, Paul, this is different.
Yes, it's worse.
You overheard a conversation that was supposed to be private.
Now, I can't be a party to that.
But, Paul, if you just listen to this... Alfie, I can't listen.
Paul, you're erasing the tape!
That's what I mean to do.
You bugged a conversation between a lawyer and his client.
Now, that's violating one of the most sacred rights of privacy.
But Pa!
No buts.
But if it helps the law?
Opie, the law can't use this kind of help.
Ladies and gentlemen, think how far as a nation we've fallen.
Where in public schools across the country, they're saying don't use the word he or she or mother and father.
It hurts someone.
But the government can spy on you and spy on Congress.
And it's not even the government, it's just corporations and contractors and bureaucracies.
Foreign banks own and control our Federal Reserve.
The Communist Chinese tell Hollywood what they can and can't put in movies.
They get books spiked.
And the Communist Chinese, biggest murderers in history, came out yesterday in the People's Daily, official government publication, and said Donald Trump is racist and Hitler.
These are people, this is a government, that killed conservatively four times what Adolf Hitler killed.
They are the world champion killers.
And you've got the Pope and everybody else.
It's crazy when Trump is just talking about common sense things like don't bring Muslims in if you're not vetting them.
It stops till you fix it.
Or, yeah, we can't have open borders.
Dr. Jerome Corsi has a PhD from Harvard University, political science.
He's currently senior staff writer at WorldNetDaily.com, where he works as an investigative reporter.
He's a number one New York Times bestseller, I think three or four times in a row.
He's an expert on political violence and terrorism.
He's been a top terrorism advisor and negotiator.
I'm not going to go over it all.
He's had top secret clearances.
We're good to go.
Uh, you know, the expert when it comes to banking, but also, uh, terrorist hostage situations.
He's a smart cookie because when I hear him on other shows, sometimes people just say, Dr. Corsi in a world that daily, and you just think it's some pundit with his opinion.
He's a really smart guy.
And so I want to, in the time we had about 40 after with him, and I'm gonna go to your calls if you want to hold.
I want to walk through Trump, the attack on free speech, the Republican establishment.
I want to walk through the economy, the Federal Reserve, record dumping of U.S.
Treasuries, continuing to say they're not going to raise interest rates.
What does that signify?
The geopolitical developments around the world.
Why did Russia pull out of Syria so quickly with no pre-announcement?
We're gonna learn a lot today on this front and more, and of course what Obama's planning in his last 10 months in office.
So Dr. Corsi, thank you for coming on with us today, sir.
A great pleasure to be with you, Alex.
Thank you.
Where should we start?
I just threw out a whole palette of information and ideas.
I mean, what do you think we should tackle first?
Well, they're all really important issues and important questions, so you take your pick.
I mean, we can start with Donald Trump.
I have been very close to Donald Trump over the years.
I mean, I've known Donald Trump for maybe 40 years.
I'm going back to the Plaza Hotel when he owned it.
And I think it's, I've said from the beginning, Donald Trump is the real deal.
He's tapping into a tremendous dissatisfaction of the majority of Americans, what used to be called under President Nixon, the silent majority, who are disaffected with both parties.
Happy with the Democrats at all, as the Democrats become increasingly socialist, Bill Ayers, socialist, and or communist.
I mean, Bernie Sanders is a good indication of that.
And unhappy with the GOP establishment in Washington, the John Boehners and the Mitch McConnells.
So the Tea Party group has really abandoned the Republican Party establishment in DC and abandoned Washington altogether.
This is a
A realignment of the electorate, which happens every 40 or 50 years, and it's undergoing right now.
It's a historic moment in time.
The last one, I think, happened in 1968, when Richard Nixon implemented the Southern Strategy, and people forget that the Democratic Party controlled the South and was segregationist, even before the Civil War and after the Civil War.
The Ku Klux Klan was Democratic.
It was the Republicans in Eisenhower who introduced the first civil rights legislation.
In 1968, the conservatives in the South abandoned the Democratic Party and began to bond with Richard Nixon and the Republican Party.
The South is today much more of a Republican enclave.
That was a realignment.
We're going through another realignment.
This realignment has nothing to do with geography.
It's a fundamental middle America reaction against both the extreme left of the Democrats and the establishment Republicans in Washington, D.C.
And it won't easily be reversed.
And Trump is going to continue to gain, I think, all the weight of the 1237 delegates he needs to be the nominee on the first ballot.
As a top political scientist, not just one of these fluff pundits,
Is the power structure arrogant, thinking they can stop a major realignment?
You look at this realignment, some believe it may be the biggest in modern history because of the confluence of technology and other cascading events.
And if you study history, any elite that tries to stop a realignment will cause explosive responses and it tends, historically, on almost every case, correct me if I'm wrong,
To blow up in their face even worse?
Well, I think Alex, you're 100% right.
For the establishment GOP, this is a fight to the death.
Because the establishment GOP knows that it's going to lose its privileges, it's going to lose its money.
It's about money.
Uh, you know, K Street consulting firms paying pundits in D.C., uh, politicians getting rich.
Excuse my, uh, intercom coming on.
Apologize for that.
Um, it's okay.
It's a fight to the death because the GOP establishment is going to lose its privilege hold on money in DC.
And see, what people have to understand is that when you really get to know the GOP establishment in Washington, they're happy with the Democratic president.
They weren't dissatisfied when Obama won re-election.
That's why they say, why are they so arrogant though to just, Mitch McConnell, we'll rather have Hillary, we don't care.
I mean, why are they so obvious?
Are they that disconnected?
Yes, they're that disconnected.
They don't understand that the, what they view as privilege and status quo, which is really, you know, the Republicans, the establishment Republicans have always been controlled by the multinational corporations.
Phyllis Schlafly's brilliant book in the 60s, you know, A Choice, Not an Echo, which she wrote in the Goldwater years, and the Rockefeller Republicans was whom she was opposing, were globalist supporters, multinational corporations, beyond borders, happy to spend money, happy to spend the federal treasury for welfare, did not fundamentally disagree with the Democratic Party.
I just wonder themselves... What would America have been like if the true libertarian patriot movement with Barry Goldwater and Schlafly would have stopped them?
I mean, it would be amazing.
Well, we would have had a government much more of a country much closer to what our founders wanted.
Limited government.
I mean, if you're going to really reform Washington, you've got to destroy both parties.
There wouldn't have been the social engineering in the family.
I mean, we've been sabotaged by design.
And this engineering, this whole realignment is that the multinational corporations, which don't want governments, they want to have the corporations control all, and the communists and socialists on the left, which also want government to control all.
I mean, I said from the beginning that when you go back to the roots of the Republican Party,
We're good to go.
Exactly, it's socialism with fascism sitting on top.
Precisely, and that's Hitler's formation.
Hitler was the first to really introduce this whole principle of universal health care.
The Nazis felt like it was a great formula.
Multinational corporations, no borders, endless war to kill the people that were needless, and welfare for the ones you couldn't do anything else with.
So welfare and fascist government at the top, controlled by corporations.
So the Republican Party
GOP leadership in Washington took over the multinational corporation role of championing, and the Democratic party on the left took the underclass to champion, and both parties were happy to sacrifice them in endless wars.
Wow, you have just laid out the history of the last 70 years, and here we are, and they're fighting like the devil to stay in place.
Dr. Corsi, lay out what you think, I'm going to skip this break, this is so important, I can't help it.
Lay out how you think they're going to counter-strike, because we don't just see realignment here.
We see Germany, we see Europe, we see Asia.
We see the exact same formulas that we know the big think tanks have developed to bring in the radical jihadis, to bring in all these third world populations, to have them be clients of the government.
And then when they attack, logic's been suspended, so we lose our rights, and then Merkel and Hollande and Obama don't get in trouble when we have San Bernardinos and theater attacks.
What's the political calculus there?
Because it's clearly, completely a methodology.
I mean, they're following an exact carbon copy plan in each country.
It just seems so bold that, and I think they're miscalculating because this is, I think they still think that the public isn't understanding what's happening because they look at dumbed down young people, they look at dumbed down, you know, some of the folks around them who are kind of yes men.
I don't think they realize that with thinking people that are a giant minority, that there is a huge awakening happening for the fact that we have basically terminal cancer style government that no quarter will be given.
By either side.
I think this is a hardening of the public.
They talk about balkanization, where they want us to come together for their agenda, or they talk about how the country split.
Well, the people are splitting forever with the social engineers.
Well, I think this is why shows like yours are so important.
Your huge audience, over the years of listening and being educated, have woken up to the fact that they're being manipulated, left and right, both political parties in fundamental agreement.
Happy to have Obama elected, happy to have a CIA president sitting there, George H.W.
Bush, CIA onward, pre-trade deals that both parties agree on.
I agree with you, I think, Alex, this time it isn't going to work.
I think people are increasingly catching on to it.
And of course what they're going to try, they've got two very readily available techniques to try with false flags and these other kinds of crises.
One is the dollar's been so debased and the world debt structure is so high that I think at any moment they could trigger another debt collapse and major world economic crisis.
And try to scare everybody.
They're going to lose their jobs, lose their houses, lose their families, lose everything, because the global elite is going to let there be another worldwide collapse of the financial system.
That's number one.
Number two is they could try another war structure, a major terrorist attack on the level of a 9-11, which will frighten everyone, push everybody closer into a Patriot Act, and have everybody quit thinking out of fear.
Those are their only real two choices and both are easily in the works.
I think though the American public is beyond this.
I think the American public realizes that they're being manipulated.
And I think Donald Trump is articulating a strong campaign because he's not going to go along with the politically correct.
He's going to call it out for what it is.
And when Donald Trump starts laying into Hillary Clinton,
I've got a book coming out in July on Hillary Clinton and the Foundation.
She's obviously a criminal.
And Trump and his people are going to start saying, I don't know why she isn't in jail.
He's already started this.
He's going to deconstruct her chapter by verse.
He's got names.
I've got a whole series of articles I'm going to start publishing and continuing publishing.
All right.
You know, rent a mob that you're going to see attacking Trump continuously.
And imagine a novel where you've got a weirdo Nazi collaborator who tries to overthrow governments constantly and is successful, George Soros, running weirdo leftist groups who just randomly support shooting cops for no reason, trying to start a civil war so they can bring in federal control, openly saying they want this
Strong cities, UN initiative to make our local governments behave.
This is surreal.
And then weirdos like Bill Ayers showing up at the Chicago attack on Trump supporters.
And then Megyn Kelly is on TV today.
I saw the promos saying, I'll talk to the activists and the protesters who were attacked by Trump and had their free speech violated in Chicago.
It is the inversion of reality.
And everybody's really showing who they are at this part of time.
And it does show how desperate they are.
Do you think they know they're on their last legs?
Or are they so delusional they think they can pull it out?
Well, of course they have no choice but to try to pull it out.
As I said, this was a fight to the death.
They're cornered.
They're cornered.
They're caught.
You've called them out.
I've done my best to call them out.
Others have.
This whole game of leadership establishment.
Alex, it's about power.
For power's sake.
That's Soros.
And then it's about money.
It's about the fact that... Why is Soros so horrible?
Why is he so evil?
They don't have any regard for human beings.
They don't have any regard for human values.
It's all about power.
It's all about money.
When you've got 90 million people in the United States of America who can't find a job, that's 90 million useless people that the elite of left and right would be happy to eliminate.
They're gonna get us all fighting with each other on race and stuff.
A criminally insane group of elites in control, because you say, yeah, it's all about just raw power.
It is, but don't they see they're not going to have a world to spend all this money and power in if they keep screwing up the system?
It's never bothered them.
It's just pure beyond, I mean, how many billions of dollars do they need?
How many, you know, how many hundreds of millions of dollars do the Clintons need to steal in their foundation?
There's never enough.
And what's different this time, I believe, Alex, is the people's eyes are getting open and they're seeing these games for as callous and manipulative and as evil as they are.
The protesters are going to be even more exposed than were the protesters in 1968 at the Democratic Convention.
It's going to turn against them.
Because these are rent-a-protests.
These are official, staged, rehearsed
Actors who show up to protest with a line and are there not because they believe in anything but because they've been paid, they've been motivated, they've been given a printed sign as the George Soros's are pumping billions of dollars into making sure that this sideshow diverts the attention, gets the, you know, Megyn Kelly's of the world to parrot the wrong side and blame the victims, to blame Donald Trump.
You know, and people are going to see through it.
They are seeing through it.
People are understanding that, you know, once things have gotten to be this bad economically, once the borders are this open, you know, so how are you going to scare people further?
Nobody has jobs.
Terrorists are being brought into the cities daily.
Take a look at Europe.
What is the bottom line plan?
I mean, could you have a sophisticated understanding of this?
It's clear for, you know, looking, it's chaos.
And the suspension of logic to be able to bring in jihadis and then be the hero when they attack and take the public's freedoms, because the media won't report that they brought them in, but the public can put two and two together.
What is the formula?
Because I really do think they're going to hit us with sleeper cell attacks that may even be run by some of these Soros-type connected groups, because you've seen Soros with the Arab Spring, Soros with Ukraine.
I mean, we know he's a serious operator, probably the worst the world's ever seen.
I mean, a literal James Bond villain.
And then when they attack, I guess, bring in a civil emergency?
Or something like that?
Because we're working on a story here, right now, where we've proven they're giving them social security numbers and new names.
They're bringing in jihadis who they know are terrorists, and they're giving them Section 8 housing, and they're bringing in so many.
There are thousands of kids in Austin from Iraq and Syria just last year, and they claim it's only a couple hundred in all of Texas the last year, but they won't tell the governors.
What I'm saying is, Dr. Corcy, this is big.
It is big, it's huge, and it's important to keep exposing it because, look, every candidate, Democrat or Republican, except Donald Trump, you know, you've got to have support of free trade.
You had Cruz voting for the TPA, the Free Fast Track, to be able to get this TPP through the Trans-Pacific Partnership through Congress.
Kasich has supported every free trade he's ever seen.
You have Hillary, Sanders, they all agree about open borders.
They all agree we shouldn't attack or say anything about Islamic terrorists.
They're all in agreement that we should have massive welfare and government spending, government debt.
They're all for Washington power.
The only one who says no is Donald Trump.
And that's why they have to destroy Donald Trump in order to preserve this illusion that we have a democracy, that we're still anywhere near what
You've known him 40 years.
You've talked about it years ago.
He calls you up all the time on your home phone, you know, to get your advice on things.
You advise him on a lot of the birther stuff.
I mean, what type of guy is Donald Trump?
I'm going to come back, spend a few minutes on the economy, which is so important, and you're an expert on that, and then let you go, sir.
I want you to have a great weekend.
But what type of guy is Donald Trump?
Well, Donald Trump is a very brilliant guy.
He's very intelligent, highly intelligent, and he's also his own person.
You know, he has made it in New York.
He's heard every abuse anybody can throw at him.
I mean, you come to New York and try to do business, you come to New York and live, you're going to hear everything.
He's survived New York, and not only has he survived New York, he's loved by millions of people.
Hated, but also loved.
He doesn't fundamentally care, because Donald Trump is true to Donald Trump.
His values are his values, and he is going to call people out.
You know, he's gonna trust his own judgment, and he's gonna listen to a few close advisors, but he's gonna react to his own instincts, which is the way he's made his entire life.
Well, what impresses me is that I know a lot of high-powered, really smart guys that I respect, and it turns out they all know Donald Trump, and he calls them to get their advice, like, stay there, like you.
We'll be back.
Empires on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A viral video has caught the attention of local law enforcement.
On Tuesday, Bernie Sanders supporter and Wilmington resident Julian Schuessler posted a video to Facebook showing him deliberately drive his Jeep off the road and straight into a pro-Trump sign.
The video quickly went viral, garnering over 4 million views.
It also managed to catch the attention of local cops.
Late last night, Wilmington PD announced they'd caught Schuessler and were charging him with driving recklessly and damaging a campaign sign.
The man will also face hit-and-run charges, as well as a charge for failure to maintain lane control.
Police have yet to apprehend those who are actually cutting Bernie Sanders' signs in half, leaving only a note saying, well, I didn't have a sign.
I'm sure you'll understand.
Watch the video at InfoWars.com.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Dr. Corsi has a PhD from Harvard, top of his class, when it comes to geopolitics.
He's a historian, successful in business, successful in counter-terrorism.
Really smart guy, knows what he's talking about, and you heard him.
A total realignment, probably one of the biggest in history, super dangerous.
Also, really advantageous if you know how to position yourself, you can do that in a moral way and become extremely successful, protect your wealth, protect your family.
And the stuff we talk about here, there's a reason foreign heads of state listen, there's a reason we have all these high-powered guests on, because, yeah, I yell and scream and there's some entertainment value to the show, and I never intended to have a carnival flair, that's just how I was.
I've been doing this since I was 21.
So it's been an evolution.
But the Lord works in mysterious ways and we now have globally 25, 26 million people a week that tune in or watch or get the podcast.
Most talk show hosts would be bummed out that less than half that global audience is here in the US.
We have a big audience here in the US, big.
We have aggregators from all the different systems to know that about 13, 14 million of those people that routinely come through every week,
The sites, all the platforms, and we can tell it's different people.
It's in the United States and Canada.
It's North America.
I am so glad, because marketers go, we have a big audience, but most of it's overseas.
That's good.
I want ideas.
I could care less that, you know, people listening in Russia aren't buying my products, usually.
Some of it ships there.
It's about breaking the mold, changing history, fighting these tyrants that think everybody's dumb, and so they try to dumb people down further to manage everybody.
I have children, I don't want them to live in a world like that.
I wouldn't dumb your kids down so I could be over them.
Why would you do that to mine?
And then they lie about us, they demonize us, they call us racist and evil, when they're the racist!
And Dr. Corsi's our guest, I want to just have him finish up on a couple subjects.
He helped with WorldNetDaily and Lou Dobbs and the Drudge Report.
We were part of that, but it's not about getting credit, it's about winning.
Holding back a lot of their North American Union integration, but now they've got this Atlantic deal, they're trying to merge that, the TPP, it just keeps coming back, but we've got to come back again and fight.
So we've got Bernie Sanders saying, get the trucks off the road, you know, super fast rail.
I'm sure the elites would like that, I don't want to get his comment on that, and the economy.
Am I overstating how serious it is to have the Federal Reserve say they're not going to raise interest rates because the world economy is spiraling, and the headline out of
CNN that we have record numbers of U.S.
Treasuries, U.S.
debt being dumped?
And they're not buying it at record levels.
Here it is.
Foreign governments dump U.S.
debt at record rate.
Market analysis show.
He'll be gone about seven, eight minutes, and I'll go to your calls.
You've got the floor, sir.
Those two questions, getting into the global integration, into the world tyranny, the Pope pushing it, what all that means, and the Napa Super Corridor that supposedly doesn't exist, according to CNN.
They fired Dobbs over it, even though it's public.
And then how that segues into the global economy.
Well, first of all, the amount of debt the Treasury could collapse any day.
I mean, you could have a global... Europe is going to negative interest rates, which is the new innovation.
They think they can get people to pay them for holding government debt.
That's the way they think they can finance increasing deficits without having to pay interest.
It's all a scam.
It's going to collapse.
It's in the process of collapsing.
I mean, part of why you asked, did Russia pull out?
Russia pulled out for several reasons of Syria.
There was a, they accomplished what they wanted.
They propped up Assad.
It was a minimax solution.
They spent the minimum amount of money to get the result.
They also made a deal on the price of oil.
Price of oil is going to now start going over $45 a barrel.
Everybody's going to restrict supply.
Saudi Arabia's got the help they wanted in terms of pushing at least back ISIS somewhat.
It's a great deal on the price of oil.
If the price of oil stays over $40 a barrel, the economy worldwide won't collapse.
The price of oil is $30 a barrel.
The natural price of oil right now, probably about $15 to $20 a barrel.
What would happen is you'd have a global collapse of massive proportions.
The stock market lose four to five thousand points over a couple of trading sessions easily could happen or if it didn't happen that precipitously would happen more gradually over a couple of months.
The economic situation is a house of cards.
It's all built on massive, massive amounts of debt.
No government in the world has any intention of fulfilling its liabilities.
And it's all a lie.
They want to keep it propped up as long as they can keep it propped up.
You're right, Alex.
I think your show is also important.
People can position themselves to understand what's going on, not to get swept up about it, to be winners, not losers in what's going to be a global collapse.
Now, Trump, the power structures, the global elites,
Backed up by the GOP leadership in Washington and the far left of the Democratic Party, will do everything possible to destroy Trump, including Soros-funded renter riots, which the media will cover like lapdogs and blame Trump for.
The public isn't buying it.
And I'm going to encourage and continue to encourage Donald Trump to come back on your show.
I think you do a great service by, and have for years, Alex.
I've been on your show now going back more than 10 years and have promoted and supported the work you're doing.
I think you're doing very important work and your message needs to be heard.
I'm glad 25 million people are listening to you.
There ought to be 50 million.
Well, thank you, sir.
And again, it's not about us sitting here patting each other on the back.
You know that.
I know that.
It's about... Well, there's not a lot of us that know this.
And I wish everybody else understood.
It's starting to happen.
But we don't want people to wake up and then get misdirected by Bernie Sanders or somebody into something just as bad or worse.
This is an epic time to be alive.
Incredible things are happening.
I literally get chills talking about this because I've studied history and we are entering such an incredibly dangerous time.
We have such bad people in charge because you gotta be bad to not care about people.
And then from there you start enjoying being mean.
And they really are nasty, horrible people.
And we've got a chance to stop them.
If we come together and educate others.
And so that's why I compliment Corsi.
He's complimenting me because we're in a fight, folks.
I mean, I know he wants to beat the globalists.
I know he doesn't want his family to be enslaved.
It's just a normal male instinct if you're a good person.
And we're certainly not perfect, but I mean, the globalists are so bad, folks.
If you knew how bad they were, if you're a new listener, you wouldn't make jokes about it.
You wouldn't know conspiracy theories and all this stuff.
This is all public.
It's dangerous.
And they are positioning a world collapse that they think is going to bring in total control.
And the way they've engineered it, there's no way to get out of it now.
It's designed to give them more control, but it's like a black hole.
Have they spun this thing too big, too wide, and too deep?
And that's what I want to hit in closing.
As a top expert on banking and global markets, you predicted what's happened.
We're now entering it.
How serious is this domino effect with them dumping the Treasuries?
It's very serious, and it could, I mean, this whole thing, the economic system can collapse any day.
Globalists decide they want it to collapse.
It's that simple.
But, you know, the point I want to make is that, you know, Alex, once people have seen, you know, the globalists, they've seen the evil for as pathetically hideous and ridiculous as it is, I mean, it's an old joke.
It's a Soros, you know, in the wheelchair with his oxygen wanting to control the world.
It's a hideous joke where Donald Trump
is so powerful as he's exposing it.
You know, the little Rubio and the, you know, exposing Rubio as being a tool of the establishment the way he was.
What he will do to Hillary, his great ability is to make people see to the ridiculous nature of the globalists, how little power they really have and to make them
You know, a parody of themselves, to make them hideous, to make them a joke.
Because it is a joke to think that any small group of elitists could control the world or want to control the world.
Want to know every conversation through the NSA, all of these other issues.
Have the entire America be unemployed because we've shipped the jobs off to China and Indonesia and who knows where for a few bankers and multinational corporations to benefit.
Once people see it,
They can't go back.
The lie is apparent.
And it's the exposing of the lie, which is what, you know, you do every day, I'm trying to do every day, what, you know, people of goodwill are trying to do.
And I think Trump is going to succeed, because he has a gift.
Doesn't care if he's not politically correct.
Doesn't care if Megyn Kelly objects to him.
He understands it's all a hoax, and just by being truly confident,
They've tried to banish true male energy from the world.
I mean, they hate it.
And they've tried to banish true femininity because it's just too strong.
They want us to worship the state like it's Kim Jong-un, and it is an old joke.
It is a joke.
It doesn't deliver.
Freedom delivers.
The only problem is, doctor, it produces so many goods and so many services, our kids and grandkids get spoiled, myself included, compared to my grandfathers.
How do we stop that?
How do we culturally have freedom and then not turn into slobs?
Well, it's one of those moments where people have got to start by saying no.
It's, you know, the network movie.
You open the window and say, no, I'm not going to take it anymore.
People are saying that.
And, you know, watch.
Megyn Kelly and all the others have an earphone and they're all told what to say.
You think anybody on Fox or any other network is on that network without being programmed by an ALS or his counterpart in every other network?
It's all a corporate lie.
You know, turn on one channel or the other.
What's good about the current is like when, you know, we were able to with the Swift Boat.
John O'Neill turned on for a while there, Swift Boat, Swift Boat, Swift Boat.
Finally, you've got Donald Trump on every channel.
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
And it's breaking through the paradigm.
You break through the globalist paradigm, show it for the lie that it is, make it appear to be ridiculous and deserving of scorn and derision.
Let Donald Trump continue to call it out.
I think they're going to try to have the RNC, they've said they are, and they've had the head of the RNC Rules Committee go on TV and say, oh, your vote doesn't matter.
And then giggling about it, the disconnect.
It's like Marie Antoinette didn't really say let them eat cake when they were starving, but they said she did.
Well, no, they're actually saying let them eat cake.
I think in their hubris, I think they're crazy enough to try to steal it, and if that doesn't work,
I think they're going to try to kill Trump.
I mean, they're trying to mainline on everything from NBC to the New York Times saying, kill him, and then nobody's getting in trouble.
I really think, I just don't know.
I don't know.
I mean, maybe they want to start a right-wing civil war because they know they can't be this politically.
I'm just really concerned.
I just have a bad feeling.
Well, first of all, let's hope all the politicians and pray they all stay safe.
It's catastrophic to have violence and no one should want it for any reason.
The point is, though, that you've got some voices.
You've got Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan and the Republican Party saying to the establishment, you know, the gig is up.
McConnell, Boehner, you know, take your cocaine and your marijuana and go smoke it on the golf course if that's what you want to do, but get out of Washington, D.C.
The power structures have got to be closed down, the K Street money, got to start firing the U.S.
government by department.
I don't care what department.
And that's why they're scared of Trump.
They know people like you advise him.
Yeah, and say, you know, pick a department.
If you can't fire them, then move the State Department to Nome, Alaska.
And let them have their civil service lump show up there.
You know, move the Postal Department down in the middle of the Yuma Desert.
You know, decentralize the government.
These people want their jobs in the federal government, fine.
But, you know, you're showing up in bedrock tomorrow, and there's not going to be an air-conditioned bus.
Let's see how many people stay in the federal government.
We've got to get this government back to what the founders had in mind, where we the people, with a Second Amendment and a strong First Amendment, not being required to be politically correct, you know, rule our families and our homes and try to make a living and get through this life respectfully without being imprisoned by some globalist who wants to send your job to China while telling you it's a good idea.
And I think Trump is calling out that game and making it appear as ridiculous as it's always been.
I agree.
So let me ask you this, then.
What will their next step to try to block Trump be?
Because they seem to be so arrogant, even though they've got sophisticated propaganda, that when the Pope and the Communist Chinese and everybody and Vicente Fox and everyone says you can't have Trump, the American people go, wow, why is that?
I mean, again, it just shows they don't get that Trump's only a manifestation of how hated the system is and that basically it's already collapsed.
It's dead and doesn't know it's the walking dead.
Yeah, that's correct.
But, you know, they've tried everything.
Global warming, which is a joke.
Open borders, which is a joke.
You know, you can't say anything about Islam, which is a joke.
You know, you can say anything about anybody you want to say.
Politically correct or incorrect.
First Amendment.
And, you know, the point is, people are sick of it.
They're tired of it.
Because they listen to the lies and you get...
You know, kids in school, colleges, might as well close the colleges if they're going to be as intolerant bastions of stupid thinking leftism.
And, you know, the people are sick of it, they're tired of it.
I think it's come to that point.
The next thing they'll try to do is throw a major global economic crisis.
You can easily throw the world into an economic banking collapse or you'll have a 9-11 terrorist attack or staged event that will be terrific.
You know, people will be more terrorized than they were 9-11 and try to push everybody into non-thinking.
And, you know, basically we've got to prepare people that these are the last resorts that the
The globalists and the leftists, and by the way, the far-right multinational corporations and the left, socialists and communists, are one party.
Just like they work with the Muslims, the radical Muslims, because they love anything totalitarian like Carol Quigley wrote.
As they were in Hitler, they were one party.
Hitler, National Socialism, it was of the left.
You know, the Democratic Party, through strong determents, walking out of the 48th Convention, the Dixiecrats, they were the segregationists.
The Democratic Party is not the party of racial integration.
Or racial justice.
They're the party of total balkanization.
And the Republicans aren't perfect, but they tried, the party of Lincoln, they tried with the Civil Rights Act.
It's not just the Rockefeller Republicans, it's the bankers, the multinational corporations, it's Prescott Bush raising money for Hitler to put, you know, the German manufacturers together with the U.S.
manufacturers, Henry Ford's ideas of the autobahn and the... All the same thing.
Dr. Corsi, amazing.
I hope you're writing another book, because I've basically read them all.
One last thing, because you brought this up.
I see them, if Trump gets in office, the way to counter him is they would implement an economic crisis and claim something he did triggered it, just like they blame the tariffs that came in once the Great Depression started.
But I know he's sophisticated enough, but I sure hope that he does talk to more people like you.
I know he's talked to you over the years because they are going to pull anything they can to try to kill nationalism and discredit it.
And whether folks like Trump or not, he now carries the mantle of
Masculinity of nationalism of Americana.
Is that not accurate?
Yes, and Donald Trump's already there.
He doesn't need my advice or anybody else's advice.
He's already there.
That's what makes him so good.
He was there to start with.
He's still there.
So behind the scenes, he knows about the New World Order, as I'm told he does.
He's got it down.
Donald Trump understands this.
He understands it from the inside.
He's had to deal with the bankers his entire life.
Donald Trump is still somebody who would own, build,
Apartment buildings need to go stop at the tenants and say, how are you doing?
Everybody okay here.
Hires the best, union labors, pays top dollar.
Donald Trump's a good man.
Alright, that's what I'm told by a guy that knows him.
Thank you, Dr. Corsi.
Amazing job.
Have a great weekend.
Thank you.
That guy is just so smart.
We're going back to your call.
Stay with us.
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All right, we're going to Carmen and Mary and Grant and Steve and John before I punch out.
David Knight's gonna be running, quarterbacking most of the fourth hour once he comes in at about seven after, eight after.
I didn't even plug in the products or services that InfoWar sells or offers, funds our operation, you know, this last hour because I get so, I catch myself skipping a break and I just, because the information, I just get so caught up in how incredibly important it is.
And I realize people have lost their sense of wonderment.
Like, you can see a volcano erupting in the distance, and I've seen people go, eh, and I've seen that on TV.
You see, like, meteor showers, and they're like, I'm gonna go play video games.
They're just so caught up in not being alive.
They're so empty.
There are a lot of really alive people, and they're informed, and they're involved, and they care, like you, the listeners.
That's why I'm so humble when you call and thank me every time I put you on air.
Like I'm one of those egomaniac hosts, you have to kiss my butt.
I come off as arrogant, but I'm not.
I'm aggressive and confident.
Too confident, quite frankly.
I need to worry more about what I say and how I look and what I do.
Because I've got an important office here.
But know this, I'm humble.
And I kick myself around constantly that I'm not doing a good enough job with the platform God's given me.
Because I understand how evil these people are, and I know they're there working against us around the clock, and man, it's beyond hatred.
It's not even hatred.
It is resistance.
It is just a commitment that I am not afraid of them, and I am going to defeat them with your help.
These people hate our families.
They hate unborn babies.
They're devils.
They're evil.
For real, it's not just me demonizing an enemy saying they're bad.
Kim Jong-un is bad!
Look how weak and evil he is.
He is an old joke.
Like Corsi said, we've done this before.
We don't need to go down this road.
We are headed down a road that says tyranny, death, enslavement, poverty, humiliation.
We're going down a road that's so bad.
We're not perfect weapons.
Infowars are what we do, but take the stones like King David did in a sling when he was just a shepherd and put them in that sling.
Just a little sling made out of rawhide and a river stone.
There's a lot of good stones, a lot of good truth at InfoWars.com.
A lot of gems in there, the great reporters and crew.
Everybody from Joe Biggs, Liam McAdoo, to Jakari, to David Knight, to the people behind the scenes, Rob Jacobson, everybody.
The writers, wonderful people.
Working hard, and you are just as important to pick those stones up at the river.
Put them in a little bag on your side and send them out against the enemy.
Just as the sun came up this morning, Goliath will fall to his knees with blood running down his eyes and he'll hit that ground.
But when he hits that ground, we gotta pick his sword up and take that head politically off.
We cannot hesitate once we get the enemy down.
They can never get back up once we get them down.
You understand that?
These people have no rules except dominate us.
They are coming after us!
I'm going to go to break, come back and jam your calls in.
I appreciate you holding.
I'm trying to get good about going to the calls.
I've been taking more lately because I feel like I need to.
I want to talk to you.
And I appreciate you.
Go to InfoWarsLive.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Are weapons the truth?
Best info you're gonna find out there is at InfoWars.com.
I'd love to see better info everywhere because it's a dangerous position to be in.
We're committed.
We're not backing down.
I appreciate everybody holding.
Carmen in New Jersey.
Carmen calling from New Jersey.
Thank you so much for coming on with us.
Go ahead.
What's your view on one of the biggest things facing humanity?
Go ahead.
Alex, I do have a commentary about that, but I've been trying for years to speak to you because you are our general!
Our general in this fight!
And if people would just wake up even more, I know people are doing, and you are doing, more than anybody.
And I heard you in your last commentary saying that the fact that you're doing just what a man would do and you don't like the praise and stuff, but I equate this praise that we give you the way the Jews thank Oscar Schindler.
You are saving lives, my brother.
You are, I mean really, if Donald Trump doesn't ask you to be in his cabinet somewhere, I think it would be really... I think I do more good, yeah.
It's all, I hear you my friend.
Look, once everybody clicks and gets all this info, there are going to be a lot greater minds than mine out there fighting tyranny.
Once people really realize that it wasn't just corruption, it wasn't just Boss Hogg, but it was exterminist,
And that it was the end of humanity if we don't stop them?
The globalists are going to get in big trouble.
That's why they're trying to keep people in the dark, because they know how powerful people are.
They know there's a lot of powerful souls out there, and they're scared.
And the enemy should be scared.
They should be scared, Alex.
I swear to God, I swear as God is my witness, if it wasn't for you and the information that you give us, it's like we're saving our lives.
I mean, honestly, when you have Dr. Group behind you... Oh, I agree, I agree.
This is life-saving information.
And look, I'm not a rocket scientist.
We're just covering the known facts with the enemy's own admissions.
That's what's so crazy.
Their arrogance will be their undoing.
You're not a rocket scientist.
You're a rock star.
God bless you, Carmen.
I love you too.
Listen, I'm a fan of humanity.
Humanity's beautiful.
Humanity's smart.
Humanity can do amazing things.
And so, I'll take the praise just because I'm another person in, you know, God's creation, just like you.
But please, that's why I almost can't stand the calls, it's so humbling.
You know, these families with great looking smart kids will come over and just be like, Alex Jones shaking my hand.
And I'm just like, oh, I want to get away because, you know, it's it's it's it's just so humbling.
And I also have an evil side.
I don't let it run me, but it's there.
And, you know, it feels embarrassing when people think you're so good.
And I am a good person, but I have a lot of, you know, guilt and things just about the fact that.
You know, we're all desperately wicked folks.
And that's one reason I can fight the globalists, is I know how they think.
And it's horrible.
We've got to stop them, folks.
People knew how evil these people were.
They want to hurt children.
They're bad.
They're bad.
And it's not fear.
It's not even hate.
I just have overwhelming strength.
I know that I could break their neck.
And I don't mean that in a physical way.
I mean spiritually, I know we can overcome them.
We've just got to get our hands around their little throats.
And man, these people deserve it.
So it's not rage, it's not hatred, it's commitment.
And it's that spirit that will bring the enemy down.
I know David Nye's going to take your calls.
I know I said I'm not going to have callers hold more than 30 minutes, but the problem is they always... new ones load, and then I'll have a guest for an hour, and then it's hour-old calls.
I want to get to you, but I can't be fair to you, so...
Mary in Canada has a really important point.
Humanity losing their instincts.
Another caller, Grant, wants to talk about the election.
Steve wants to talk about personal freedom.
And John, I'm sure he wants to take your calls.
Congressman Paul Ryan being drafted to go against Trump.
Another caller wants to raise that.
Again, they're being forced to uncloak, though, and go, you know what?
We'll just not let you have who you want.
We have that power, but it's illegitimate power, and by the fact that we're gonna make them exercise it, that will be their undoing.
That's why resistance is victory.
You've got to resist them to make them act like the dirty dogs they are.
You've got to draw the enemy out.
It's a gambit.
And some of us have to be pawns.
Not because we are pawns in our heart, but because a pawn is needed to go out and draw the enemy out and pawn sacrifice.
And if we get sacrificed, if I get sacrificed, it doesn't matter because it's so the children can go on into the future.
David Knight's coming up for your calls and more.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
For this final hour on this Friday, March 18th, 2016.
One of the stories is up on the Drudge Report.
Of course, Alex has been talking about this with Jerome Corsi.
How the RNC is plotting to rig the convention.
I thought it was pretty amazing, this particular article they talk about how the RNC Rules Committee is going to decide the party regulations and write the first draft of the convention rules.
And the rules, they say, are crucial because they can determine what's going to happen.
They say they could set up rules that would only allow Donald Trump to run in Cleveland.
Or they could set up rules that bring in people who haven't bothered to participate in the primaries.
You know, when I look at these primaries,
And the fact that we spend tens of millions of dollars throughout this country to run elections, and these arrogant SOBs of the RNC say, we're just going to throw this out.
And that's quite frankly what they're talking about, folks.
When you look at this article, the people who come on, there's people who talk off the record, and they say, well, you know, this would be suicide, it'd be a civil war, it'd be a meltdown, we don't want to do that, okay, for the good of the party, let's bring back Mitt Romney.
No, that's zero chance of that happening.
Those people who are saying that,
Are saying that off the record.
They don't want their names used.
Okay, the people who go on the record, people like RNC Chair Pribis, who we played this multiple times in a course, that was something that was pretty amazing when it first came out.
About, uh, I guess it's about a month ago we first played that.
It was on CNN.
He goes, no, no, no, no, no.
You don't understand.
It's not an election.
No, no.
They're trying to join us.
And the CNN person who's interviewing him, Allison Camarado, says, well, no, well, kind of, sort of.
But, you know, there's an election going on.
No, no, no, no.
You're not listening to me.
They're auditioning to join us.
Now they're all coming out and saying that.
OK, we've got these people who are delegates and people who are in official positions, the people who want to go on the record.
The leadership of the RNC are the ones who are saying this.
You've got some people that are quietly pushing back and saying, yeah, that's not going to happen.
Talk radio's got it wrong, so forth and so on, right?
Like this, for example.
They say, well, indeed, most of the 19 rule committee members reached by MSNBC opposed any rule enabling new candidates to run the convention.
Only three of them backed a rule allowing the new candidates to run.
Well, I have to say, okay, most?
What does that mean?
Is that most of the 19?
Is that nine of them?
I don't know.
If it was nine of them and three of them would like to let anybody like Romney come in who hasn't bothered to participate, who hasn't bothered to take this to the public, if that's the case, that's like 30%.
We don't know.
See, that's the whole point.
They craft this narrative and tell us that, you know, you don't have to worry about this.
While the people who are the leaders, the people who go on record and give their names are saying, yeah, we're going to do whatever we want.
Okay, there's another guy here.
Says the fact that Priebus, his chair, has not come out and denounced these high-level Republican operatives who are blatantly trying to sabotage Trump's campaign speaks volumes.
That was Diana Oreck, who backs Trump.
She is somebody who is on the Rules Committee.
But listen to what the rest of these guys say.
And again, we played this guy.
Alex talked about this a lot yesterday.
We played it on Wednesday.
This guy, Curly Hagelin, he's like somebody from the Three Stooges, you know, like woo-woo-woo.
He's saying, do the primaries choose a nominee or the convention delegates, he says.
It can't be both.
See, he's doubling down on this.
He's in your face.
And he tells that crew there at CNNBC, they can't believe their ears.
They say, well, if what you're saying is true, then why have primaries or caucuses?
And he says, exactly, exactly.
You're starting to understand now.
They're trying to join us.
We control this.
And let me tell you something.
As somebody who has worked a long time outside of these two political parties, because I didn't want to be a part of them, because they're corruption, because of the way they have monopolized the situation, I've seen how they rigged the rules at every level and every way.
If you want to run as an independent or you want to run as a third party, you can basically forget it because these same people now who are talking about how they're going to take over the RNC and set up the rules to make sure that Donald Trump can't get in, are the same people who set up the rules so third parties can't exist.
Candidates cannot exist.
If you go through their onerous ballot access rules, and as part of the Libertarian Party, they got very good at doing this, but it is a task fit for Sisyphus.
Every time you roll the rock up, they roll it back down the next time.
They say, well, we got certain rules and, you know, each time you have to create a new political party, you got to go out there and collect signatures and so forth and so on.
And so that's something they had never done.
You realize that?
They never do that.
We had situations where the Republicans did not meet the ballot requirements, and then they came to a judge and said, you know, this just really wouldn't be in the interest of the voters if we didn't have a Republican candidate on there.
So then they make it a three-way race again.
We had a situation where the Libertarian filed all the paperwork.
The Democrat filed all the paperwork.
The Republican Party's like, oh, well, we didn't know any Libertarians were going to run.
We can't let them run against the Democrats.
So just put us on the ballot after the fact, after we didn't get the rules in.
And that's what John Kasich is trying to do in Pennsylvania.
Understand that he is telling in this narrative that he's telling everybody how he's going to block Trump and get a few delegates so he can have a little bit of weight to throw around at a brokered convention and possibly get in to be nominated.
The key part of that is Pennsylvania.
And John Kasich didn't file his paperwork on time.
Now what did he do after he missed that paperwork?
Somebody pointed it out.
They said, hey, he doesn't have enough signatures to get on the ballot.
He only needed like 2,000 signatures.
Some very low threshold for these Republicans and Democrats, not like it is for third parties.
But he couldn't even be bothered to organize and get the signatures on there for the state that is in his critical path to get the nomination to the presidency.
Is this guy asleep or what?
Give him something to wake him up, okay?
Absolutely incompetent, but because of his sense of entitlement, because he is so well-connected to the GOP establishment.
He was pretty high up when he was a congressman.
He's a governor there in the state where John Boehner was from.
And of course, they're feeling a lot of hubris after they stuffed the ballots, probably, this last election that we had.
And I'm telling you, I don't have any proof of that, okay?
I'm just telling you my gut feeling.
And that's why I've never paid that much attention to elections before, because unless you've got a massive movement like the one that we've seen coming around Donald Trump, unless you come to the table with a 20% lead, they're going to steal it from you.
If you've got that kind of a lead, they'll kind of just back off.
Like we saw them do in Florida.
They threw everything they had at Trump, including massive amounts of negative advertising.
It wasn't sticking.
Nothing was working.
So at the last minute, they all pull out and redirect their advertising somewhere else.
Run like a bunch of rats.
Because they'll fight you somewhere else.
They're smart enough to do that.
They won't dig in and die on that hill.
They'll go run somewhere else.
So, we look at this situation, and now we have in Pennsylvania, John Kasich, who says,
Well, okay.
We had like 2,000 and we're a couple hundred short on that.
And somebody points it out and they say, well, we want that overturned because the guy pointed it out past the deadline.
And it's like, no, the deadline is for you to get your signatures in.
And he said he was there before the deadline of 5 o'clock.
They stamped it at 513.
He says, I was in line.
I mean, it's like the DMV, okay?
Uh, he stamped it at 513.
They said, oh, he's too late.
He was 13 minutes late.
And it's like, hey dude, you were over, you were a couple hundred votes shy of getting on the ballot in Pennsylvania.
John Kasich shouldn't be on the ballot, and quite frankly, Ted Cruz is not even eligible to run for president, okay?
That's how they bend the rules here.
But let's talk about this.
Going back to Curley again, of the Three Stooges.
He says, the primaries, choose the nominee or do the convention delegates.
You can't have it both ways.
He says, well, democracy's pretty popular, but it's simply not the way we do it.
You know what?
We have a democratic republic.
We elect representatives, but we do it democratically, okay?
We're not going into a full-on oligarchy.
Of course, we have that already.
We've had it for a long time.
And that's the beauty of this campaign.
Is that it is showing what these people are about.
And it's showing it to a larger group of people that saw it four years ago with the Ron Paul campaign.
Anybody that was following Ron Paul last time saw the corruption, the theft, the in-your-face manipulation of rules that Mitt Romney did.
Where they said, no, we don't even want Ron Paul to speak, so we're going to write some new rules.
But then they have this to say.
They say, when you challenge them on that, they stand on the rules.
I said the rules are plain.
You have to get a majority of the delegates.
We've got a process in place.
We have delegates who vote.
See, that's like saying, wait a minute, wait a minute, we have a Constitution here that we have to obey, and then they ignore it after they take an oath to it.
These are the same people, and remember, this is where we began this article.
The RNC Rules Committee decides that party regulations, it will write the draft of the convention rules, and the rules are critical, and those are going to be one of the first things they do, and then they come back and say, wait a minute, we have these rules that we're bound to.
You write the rules, you change the rules, you do it at will, okay?
Just like you change, presumably, the Constitution at will.
Which you're not doing, because nobody reads the rules of the Constitution either.
Nobody holds their feet to the fire.
So they just, they say, well, we've got a Constitution we have to obey.
They appeal to that for their authority, just like they appeal to these rules.
We're bound by these rules, we have to do whatever they say.
Then they proceed to change the rules as they wish.
Just as they say, well, you know, we're going to change the Constitution.
They don't do it.
The way the Constitution says the Constitution has to be changed.
They'll do it by their laws, they'll do it by an executive order, or they'll do it by a Supreme Court decision, or whatever, a bureaucratic regulation.
You pick it, okay?
They've got a lot of different ways that they ignore the Constitution.
Finally, we've got this guy here, Sean Spicer, RNC Communications Director, says, There you go, see?
We decide, and we will decide who comes in.
Meanwhile, they've got Paul Ryan,
Remember, he was the guy who was not going to be Speaker of the House.
He says, I'm not interested in being Speaker.
Then he becomes Speaker.
Now he says, I'm not interested in being coronated by the GOP elite at a convention.
So then what does he do?
Well, yesterday he goes to Palm Beach, Florida.
He meets Thursday night, last night, at a pricey French restaurant here with some of the party's biggest donors.
I'll play a clip of what that might have looked like here.
Biggest donors to assess a political landscape dominated by one vexing question.
What do we do to stop Donald Trump?
The dinner was a highlight of a secretive two-day conclave.
See, we're not stakeholders.
We're not allowed to know what's going on.
If they were still allowed to legally smoke cigarettes in these restaurants, it would be a smoke-filled room.
But, you know, things have changed.
We're so much more enlightened now.
And, of course, one of the guys leading this was New York Hedge Fund manager Paul Singer.
Paul Singer, the guy who announced that he was a Cruz backer a couple of months ago.
Just like the major super PAC that is coming after Donald Trump is funded by a bunch of Romney people, a bunch of people who have made public their professions to support abortion, gay marriage, all these things that conservatives think they're supporting, and yet they call it our principles PAC.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and we're gonna go back and show you what this dinner that Paul Ryan had with the elite at a French restaurant in Palm Beach may have looked like.
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Okay, so they've got a secret dinner.
Paul Ryan, who claims that he's not at all interested in being coronated as king, like he said when he was being coronated as speaker.
Now they're meeting with all of these elite donors in Palm Beach, and let me play something for you that...
This is from a Showtime series called The Circus where they have, it's kind of inside baseball politics and they've got a lot of very well-known political operatives as well as political analysts.
Here's a scene in a restaurant where these guys are discussing Donald Trump.
You see the wine being poured.
We've been in every presidential campaign probably since 1980 in various degrees.
And in Trump's problem, he doesn't have a compass.
You don't know what his compass is.
Yeah, that's a major GOP fundraiser speaking.
I talk to people all the time, as I'm sure everyone around the table does, and they say, why don't you Republicans do something about this guy?
OK, hold that right there.
This is Vin Weber.
Now, when they put this up, they say Vin Weber, former congressman.
Let me tell you, he's got a little bit more to his biography than that, OK?
He's also a member of the Project for a New American Century, OK?
He co-signed a letter to President Bill Clinton in 1998 with Cheney and Rumsfeld.
He advocated for the removal of Saddam Hussein.
He was part of the Bush administration that then did that.
And brought us into a war for which they based on a lie of weapons of mass destruction.
He was managing partner for a lobbying firm.
He was paid $360,000 to lobby for Freddie Mac so they could keep Congress from enacting regulations that would have stopped or halted the subprime mortgage fraud, okay?
For his part in keeping that fraud going, then Weber got $360,000.
He's on the board of the Council of Foreign Relations.
He's chairman of the National Endowment for Democracy, a CIA front group.
One of these NGOs that they use to foment revolution everywhere.
Okay, so let's continue with what he has to say here.
I'm sorry, this is not the Soviet Union.
We can't call a meeting and decide Trump is out.
And we hate that.
Stop it right there.
Okay, hear that?
Oh, I'm sorry.
This isn't the Soviet Union.
We just can't do it like that.
And they all say, isn't that a shame?
The reality is, folks, we are living under a system that you don't realize truly is being run by a few oligarchs just like the Soviet Union is.
Let's continue on with some more of these shills here.
Well, they're not shills, actually.
These are the guys who are the elites we talk about.
Republicans are hierarchical, respectful of authority.
We fall in line, and Trump has interrupted that cycle.
Stop that right there.
Stop that right there, okay?
Back that up just a little bit.
He says, Republicans respect authority.
We're hierarchical.
We fall in line.
These guys don't.
These guys don't.
They're talking about how they're not going to fall in line, okay?
They're saying, wait a minute.
Our GOP voters were hierarchical.
Our GOP voters fell in line.
Our GOP voters did what we told them to do.
And Trump is getting them off the reservation, okay?
He's starting a slave revolt.
We can't have that.
And then listen to what he has to say.
Back that up just a little bit and let's play that.
We fall in line.
And Trump has interrupted that cycle.
He's not articulate.
He's not poised.
He's not informed.
All he has going for him is a lot of votes.
Stop it right there.
Stop it right there.
All he's got going for him is a lot of votes.
Can't have that.
Can't have that.
Ed Rogers, CFR Life member, Center for a New American Century, a neocon perpetual war think tank that brings together warmongers of both parties, okay?
He had Hillary Clinton kicking off the foundation of his Center for a New American Security, and these guys go on in this meeting to talk about how they would prefer to have Hillary Clinton.
That's what they say.
Stay with us.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A viral video has caught the attention of local law enforcement.
On Tuesday, Bernie Sanders supporter and Wilmington resident Julian Schuessler posted a video to Facebook showing him deliberately drive his Jeep off the road and straight into a pro-Trump sign.
The video quickly went viral, garnering over 4 million views.
It also managed to catch the attention of local cops.
Late last night, Wilmington PD announced that they'd caught Schuessler and were charging him with driving recklessly and damaging a campaign sign.
The man will also face hit-and-run charges, as well as a charge for failure to maintain lane control.
Police have yet to apprehend those who are actually cutting Bernie Sanders' signs in half, leaving only a note saying, well, I didn't have a sign.
I'm sure you'll understand.
Watch the video at InfoWars.com.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and joining me in the studio is Rob Dew.
He had a very interesting encounter yesterday at South by Southwest.
He talked to the resident scientist for the Young Turks, Jade Lovell.
Is that her name?
That's her name.
I wasn't aware, Rob, that the Young Turks were turning into a scientific think tank.
They know everything because they're liberal and they're smarter than us and because, you know, Huffington Post says so.
You know, that's the basic attitude.
They, you know, I ask for credentials because, you know, normally I don't.
I mean, you know I don't ask people's credentials, but the thing is is that these people who like to pontificate about climate change and all this other kind of stuff, yeah,
All these people, they love to parade their credentials around and say, hey, I teach at such and such a university, or I have a PhD, and you know what, they don't have PhDs in climate, okay, because it wasn't even offered as a field of study.
It's so brand new, and so I would say, and it's infancy, but I would say it's really more infantile.
Now, her thing right here is that she has a master's degree in science literacy.
And I'm looking at this, and it's like, when I was in engineering, I used to laugh about that and say, yeah, that's kind of like physics for arts and lovers, you know.
They would have, they'd have one kind of physics track, you know, which didn't have any calculus in it, or mathematical analysis, and that would be the track that they'd go down.
So now she's gone into, uh, into, uh...
But she does have a BS in neuroscience.
You know, my hat's off to her.
At least she committed to meeting and having a debate.
She had just given a speech called SciWars, which is talking about how to talk to people like us who read for ourselves and think for ourselves and can research and how to debunk the things that we say.
But being very polite and nice about it.
And she was very polite.
Branch of neuroscience she's got in her background.
Is that really kind of more PsyOps?
I guess.
It could be, yeah.
It could be, yeah.
So there's her thing, PsyWars, the dark side of tactics for science.
So that's her whole thing.
So I was glad that she was able to, spur of the moment too, I tweeted her during her speech, while her speech was going on.
She got back with me within 10 minutes, like her producer did, and said, sure, we'll meet you.
Let's do it.
And you know, that I was very surprised with.
So my hat's off to her for
You know, committing to the debate.
I have three clips.
I put out the video this morning.
Young Turk Scientist Debunked.
And so that's out and it's getting some pretty good views at this point.
And it's long.
It's about 15 minutes long and I wanted to put the whole thing up.
I cut out just a few things in the debate.
We actually got thrown out for talking in front of the South by Southwest interactive sign because that's a no-no.
You're not supposed to interact in front of the interactive sign.
And not supposed to film at a film festival.
I make that point too.
So the first clip, let's do this one, it's on climate change.
She starts talking about climate change, so I'm like, okay, you picked the first subject, climate change, let's go.
And so I ask her a couple questions, and then, you know, she proceeds to tell me that, you know, it's all humans' fault and it doesn't matter how much money it costs, we just need to...
You know, buck up and pay it.
And they're saying it could be a hundred trillion dollars to fix the problem.
They don't know because the purpose of this whole thing is to establish... Well, they want to create a reason to have a world government and a way to fund the world government.
Let's understand what's going on with this.
I was out yesterday, as you know, and as I was driving around, my wife and I were looking at the thermometer in the car, as well as the thermometer on the bank, and they're two degrees apart.
I said, look at that.
That's more than it takes to melt the entire world, okay?
And we've had the guy who founded the Weather Channel and did that for decades said, look, you know, this generation doesn't understand the days when we used to have mercury thermometers, you know, you'd read the thing, you'd have to be very careful you didn't get a parallax error, but everybody understands that there is a, if you really look at this, a scientist understands that there are limits, just like when we look at polling, okay, they say, well that's plus or minus four percent.
Okay, and if they have a scientific pole or whatever.
And those poles aren't too scientific either.
But anyway, when you look at, when you measure temperature, it depends on where you put the thermometer.
Even in the same area.
You got it in the sun or you got it in the shade, you're going to get a radical difference.
And you're going to get more than one or two degrees.
And yet they're telling us that the entire world is going to melt if we get a one degree raise.
And they don't even have a legitimate base to compare this to.
They never had surface temps of Greenland or Antarctica to compare to.
For the whole world, if you're going to compare everything, you've got to have thermometers everywhere.
And then they've come out where they're cherry-picking these results and picking hot thermometers around the world, like the thermometer at the airport, the thermometer that sits in the sun, like you said.
Six decimal places.
First of all, throw that away.
You need to go back to three.
That was one of the key things.
I said, you know, back in the days when we used to have slide rules, my professor said, you know, we could only get three digits of accuracy.
And that was much better.
You guys think that you can get stuff down to 15 digits of accuracy.
That's not there.
And you got to understand what the tolerance is with what you're measuring.
These people don't even, they don't have a base and they don't understand what the tolerance is.
But David, you really don't know anything because you're not a young Turk scientist.
So let's let the experts speak.
This is the one on climate change.
Let's start with climate change.
So you picked the first topic.
Here we go.
So the Greenland ice cores show that the temperature of the planet used to be a lot warmer and a lot colder, long before SUVs existed, long before cold power plants existed.
So you could say maybe humans are causing an insignificant amount of climate change, but the money it'll take to reverse whatever they're doing is going to cost way more than what it would do if we just work on processes to get out of that.
What do you say to that?
There's two points there.
One is
Are humans actually causing climate change?
Are we causing the climate to change more than it would have?
And overwhelmingly, the science is in that yes, the climate is changing much faster than it ever has before, even when it was colder and even when it was hotter.
So you're talking about how it was colder and it was hotter and that's true, but those changes happened over tens of thousands of years.
Before humans were where we are now at the top of the food chain.
So yes, the climate did change in the past.
It would have been catastrophic if humans had been alive.
And the climate change we're seeing now is happening on a much faster scale, hundreds or thousands of times faster.
So absolutely, humans are causing climate change.
What should we do about it is a great question.
The economic argument is an interesting one.
Do we want to keep the climate the way it is?
Or can we afford to let climate change happen and just keep our economic policies the way they are?
My opinion is that the amount of money it's going to cost us
It's the future!
There you go, that's what you expect from somebody that didn't have to do math for their degree.
It's like, just wave your hands and it's there.
Look, the language that she uses, again, there's, oh, climate change is changing or whatever, and she doesn't go back to global warming, okay?
And we had global warming, there was a question before that, before they wanted to say,
Humans are responsible for that.
And the question was, is there global warming?
Okay, so now by saying climate change, they can ignore the fact that it's not warming.
Okay, and they can say, well, the climate is changing because it's always changing and humans are responsible.
We've got to create a world government to pay for it.
Kill humans.
Yeah, then we go into the life cycle of, you know, what trees do.
And she said, there's no way, there's no studies out there that say, you know, when there's more carbon dioxide, trees take more of it in and grow faster, which there are studies.
In there.
If anybody watches the video, they scroll down to the description.
I put almost every article.
I actually ran out of room in the YouTube description to put every article that is in that video.
So, you know, I back it up.
Tried to with sources.
Did she say that there was nothing that showed that plants need carbon dioxide?
She said they won't.
If there's more oxygen in the air, I don't breathe faster.
I'm like, uh, okay.
I just let her talk, really.
And that's how you gotta win these debates, you know.
Yelling at people doesn't really do any good.
And she's, you know, a nice person.
I'm not gonna yell at her, you know.
Well, I will say she was willing to talk about it, which is more than the people that Rob Jacobson and I ran into at the weather conference.
It was the Meteorological Society had their thing there, and they had this group there from George Soros, and they would not say anything on the record.
You know, if your ideas are so bulletproof, don't be afraid to express them and talk about them with others.
Because I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid at all.
I'll step up with anybody.
It doesn't bother me.
Now, I have two more clips.
The next one is really funny.
We go into GMOs and we start talking about the gene gun.
Okay, which is how they used to, and they still do this in some ways, it's changed, but when the technology started, the guy took a .22 caliber pistol, or used a .22 caliber blank to project genes from something else into vegetables, and they'd see how they would absorb.
But it was literally like, boom, like shooting it with a shotgun.
Pretty crude.
And she said, absolutely nothing like that exists.
And then I have to show her the evidence, literally, so let's roll that clip.
No, I totally understand.
Yeah, that's fine.
We can finish it downstairs.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate it.
I'll just do a tag out here and we'll finish it up.
That's us getting kicked out first.
All right, we've been asked to leave, so we're going to go downstairs and finish up this interview.
Sorry, we can't actually have the fan in the back.
So we've been asked to leave.
The really nice people from South by Southwest are like,
We know this is film and interactive, but don't film here.
Don't film where there's film.
It's a film festival, so we don't want any filming going on.
You're familiar with GMOs, right?
Alright, and I read a book about, I think it was by Jeffrey Smith, describing how they make GMOs.
He talks about the Golden Gene Gun, where they actually, with a .22 caliber gun, they shoot genes into whatever they want to turn it into, and then they just see what happens.
Does that sound like science to you?
In no way does anyone use a .22 caliber gun to inject... The golden gene gun.
The golden gene gun.
In no way is that accurate.
Major alternative to the use of agrobacterium to get genes into living plant cells is a physical method called the gene gun, which literally shoots gold or tungsten particles into living plant cells, carrying DNA on their surface.
Okay, boys and girls, here's a clip.
There's still more.
I had to get two sources, David.
I had to have two sources.
But I gave three, actually.
The first embodiment of this by the fellow at Cornell, John Sanford, who invented it, actually used a .22 caliber blank to accelerate a plastic bullet with a drop of tungsten and DNA on the tip towards plant cells.
Finally, here are a few desiccated gold DNA bullets, ready to go straight into the gene gun cartridge holder.
Well, you can store them at four degrees until required.
The plastic bullet would hit a donut-shaped plate with a hole in the middle, and the tungsten would spray out the other end, but the plastic bullet would stop, and the plant cells in the bottom would be bombarded at gunshot velocities.
It turned out it worked.
That's not accurate?
No, we use polymerase and we use chemical primers to, particularly with bacteria, to insert genes into the right place.
They're not like ad hoc inserting genes.
That wouldn't work.
And elementary genetics tells us if you put a piece of DNA in the wrong place, it's just going to end up in an error.
Like anyone that knows coding knows if you just take a piece of code and put it somewhere else, you get an error.
Yeah, well here's the first safety tip when you're doing a debate, especially when it's about scientists.
Never categorically say that something doesn't exist, no matter how strange it sounds, okay?
And that's part of the problem, Rob, is that, you know, they do not want to look at the full spectrum of things.
There's a very narrow narrative that they're selling people.
They have defined this, and they don't really want to hear anything outside of their orthodoxy.
And that's been the path to... They don't look at all sources.
They look at their established line at what comes in.
You know, I remember somebody was commenting about something about Obama, and I sent him a weekly standard article.
They're like, oh, weekly standard!
Well, it's linked to sources.
It had like three sources in there and that's why I linked to it and sent it out.
And it's like, you know, okay, you don't like the weekly standard.
That doesn't mean you can say everything, whatever they, just because you don't like what they say doesn't mean you can say it's all false.
The problem is, and she's a good example of this, is this slavish devotion to conventional wisdom.
It's what
I don't think so.
And it should not accept anything as being done.
I mean, the reason that nobody, the reason Langley, who was the preferred guy that was, had all the credentials and everything, couldn't get a machine to fly, and the Wright Brothers could, was because they went back and questioned the data that was in the tables.
And they went back and they did their own measurements.
On Lyft.
And then they created their own wing that worked.
Whereas Langley said, well, I know these came to me on a silver platter in a table, so it has to be
Right, and that's what we see over and over again.
And worse than that is the idea that they have to purge anybody that doesn't agree with their conventional wisdom or their orthodoxy.
And that's what science has become.
This whole thing about climate change has become a religion.
Oh yeah, and now it's like there's people saying the president needs to go after people, senators are calling for people to be, you have RICO used against them.
That's right.
You know, if you speak out against it.
So you're not going to get as many people speaking out against it because there's already a culture of don't say anything.
You're not going to be tenured, you're not going to get that position, whatever.
Now, um, so, in the end though, she does say, hey, I'm a scientist, so I'm open to anything, but, you know, she has her beliefs, but she says she's open, so we'll see.
We'll see if she watches this video and responds to it.
That'll be interesting.
Um, I don't think she knows what she's getting into when she said yes.
She'll probably get a lecture from, uh, what's the guy's name, Cink or Chink, whatever his name is.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Cink Ugar or something.
Cink Ugar, yeah.
She'll probably get a talk from him like, look, we don't talk to info warriors.
Makes us look bad.
The last clip, when she was talking about bacteria, we go to ask her about aspartame, where it comes from.
She had no idea.
Even though I think she's done videos on aspartame too.
But this last one is about vaccines.
So we hit the trinity.
We hit climate change, vaccines, and GMOs.
And glyphosate.
Talked about glyphosate too with GMOs.
So we did hit all three subjects.
I encourage people to go out and watch that and spread that video around.
I think we're going to post it Saturday morning on InfoWars, but it's been out on Facebook and YouTube and all that.
Let's play the last one.
It's on vaccines.
She goes right to polio.
And I actually showed tables from London that showed when they stopped making it mandatory, the smallpox vaccine, when they started not making it mandatory, the death rate went down for polio.
That's something I hadn't seen.
She'll never have a closed mind.
And I had never seen that either.
Just from digging, I was like, oh, look at this.
Here's a table.
And I just scrolled through and looked at it.
I'm like, oh, I'm putting that in the video.
And then I asked her, and she heard about the 50,000 kids who became paralyzed in India after taking the polio vaccine.
Hadn't heard of it.
Well, that was a big story a few years ago.
Hadn't heard of it.
Maybe they didn't go without the Young Turks.
That's right.
Those sites are verboten, as they say in Germany.
So let's play the last ones on vaccines.
You also talk about vaccines, right?
Mm-hmm, I do.
Alright, one of my favorite subjects.
So, being a libertarian, you would think people have the wherewithal to decide what they want to put in their bodies.
Yeah, we have to make it... Some things, I think, are so dangerous that people just... there's no reason for them.
So, for example, the smallpox vaccine.
I don't think that there is anyone ever that would suggest that not having smallpox in our lives is going to be a bad thing.
That was clearly a good vaccine to have.
But for things like influenza, did you have the flu shot?
The first two are when they're making it mandatory.
The first two decades.
And then look at it drop down after they didn't make it mandatory.
It's down to like 1.4.
Maybe I can still frame that when we come back.
That table, guys.
Do you know there's people in India, like whole villages, that have been injected with the polio vaccine and then become crippled with polio-like symptoms, although they're not calling it polio.
Are you aware of that?
I haven't heard of that particular case study, but there is always a risk with any medical treatment.
But if you had cancer, you'd probably want a doctor to go and help you and fix it.
I believe that the risk of negative effect from most vaccines is so low that it's better to have the vaccine.
But in many cases, the risks are kind of... Yeah, and of course, there's a risk with any medical procedure, but they're going to determine for you whether the risk is
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show and our final segment.
I'm David Knight here with Rob Dew and of course we're going to go back and talk about this debate that Rob had with Jade Lovell who is the resident scientist I guess now for the Young Turks.
That's going to be going up on our
YouTube site soon.
Also we're going to have tonight from the nightly news, we're going to have a more formal presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize to our President Barack Obama in celebration of the nearly 1 million people that he's been able to kill as part of his presidency.
And we have a new Trump scandal that Alex Jones is currently talking about right now, doing a Facebook mentions of.
Before I go back to Rob, I just want to let you know that we also have a flash sale.
This is a brief sale.
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37% off of retail.
No, we're good.
We're good to go!
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And another quick sale, we have a free colloidal silver toothbrush.
That's a free antimicrobial colloidal silver toothbrush when you buy a bottle of Silver Bullet right now at Infowarslife.com.
Rob, I didn't even know such a thing existed, but I'm going to have to get myself a colloidal silver toothbrush.
You better ask the Young Turks if it exists before we go any further.
I just want people to know if you're following my Twitter, DewsNews, with a Z at the end, I put the video up there, it is on our YouTube channel, and also I put a little poll about who won the debate, so watch it.
So it's either me, myself, Jade, Al Gore, or The Sun.
I do have Al Gore, he makes a cameo to talk about rising sea levels, but then we show his house on the ocean!
That's right.
And The Sun is S-U-N, yeah.
Just to clarify for the radio listeners.
Exactly, yeah.
There you go.
So, yeah, I mean, I just think it's amazing that, you know, the way, the way people have been cornered into where they get their information.
And you can really tell when people are closed minded or when they get it only from one source.
And I get it from all over the place.
I go to Huffington Post all the time.
Crazy people are writing.
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
You know, I always.
Read a wide variety of things, things that I disagree with.
We're talking about politics, we're talking about science or whatever, because I want to try to keep from having a thoroughly closed mind.
I mean, I've changed my position on Donald Trump.
Not that I've changed my position on liberty issues, but because there were some things that I realized, I realized he was authentic on this trade issue.
If I can nail my, you know, if I can nail that down, understand that's a significant difference between him and the rest of these people, that is a key thing.
And I think when we look at these issues, and we've got some issues that we're trying to educate people on, and that is these automated driving cars, okay?
And this lady who just came out testified as they're trying to nationalize these rules.
You know, they've got a problem with safety, so they increased the rules in California, so then they go to Washington to try to shut down state rules.
And of course, we've got somebody who's an expert talking about that.
We're going to talk about that today.
We didn't have time.
Join us tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News at 7 Central, 8 p.m.
That's it for our radio broadcast.