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Name: 20160317_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 17, 2016
3608 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses current events and political developments with Trump insider Roger Stone. They analyze the rise of Donald Trump as a manifestation of American frustration, potential civil unrest if the election is stolen from him, and the possibility of a third-party candidate running against Trump. The show promotes various products available on Infowarsstore.com and Infowarslife.com, including SurvivalShield X2 iodine, a $5.95 monthly membership to InfoWars Nightly News, a toothbrush with silver, a car jump starter and power station, body armor, Heart and Body Extract, and Vital Ion. The show also takes calls from listeners discussing their experiences with these products and various news stories.

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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
What we're witnessing across the board, not just here in the United States, is the mainlining of tyranny.
The mainlining of naked corruption.
They are now all over the news just standardizing, normalizing, acting like it's completely normal.
And no big deal, and shame to the public in newspapers and in different pundit debates on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News.
Well, of course the delegates decide who to vote for, not the popular vote.
Your vote never counted, silly!
We never honor that, even though they always do.
Because in the past, a person who was honorable would be chosen there at the precinct level to be sent to the National Convention 150 years ago, 60 years ago, right up to today.
You would represent and carry that delegation and that vote.
It's a low-tech system.
And now they're spinning it.
I mean, when we first talked about this seven, eight months ago,
People really rolled their eyes.
And I knew that they could do it, but I had trouble believing they'd try it.
Because they didn't change the rules in the Republican and Democratic Party until the early and mid-70s.
The Democrats changed their rules first.
The Republicans changed them similar.
It's not quite as openly corrupt, but it's the same thing.
And now they're doing it.
And I'm sitting there watching it, pinching myself, and so is everybody else.
This is a
Huge wake up moment.
Because the Republican Party has always been part of the same power elite the last 60 years or so as the Democrats.
They're all part of the same club.
They fight over power, but they're owned by the same interest.
And now they want to go ahead and just blow up the Republican Party and let the Democratic Party completely take over and be the authoritarian main system.
Then the Republicans will be a regional party in a few areas of the Midwest and the South.
And that's their own political strategist statements.
They've been saying that for years.
So people say they would blow up the party.
They would steal the popular vote.
They would do that.
They would dare.
They want to.
That's their plan.
It's like asking the fox would go in the henhouse and eat a chicken.
You mean he'd have the nerve to bite its head off and then drag it out and eat its guts out under a bush?
Man, those foxes are just amazing.
You know, I saw a Bengal tiger on Discovery Channel actually grab a little deer and eat it.
Can you believe it?
That's what they do.
And we're entering the endgame now, the fall of America, the takeover.
In Europe, they appoint technocrats now as president of Greece and president of Italy.
They got huevos.
They're testing to see what we'll put up with.
Scotty Neal Hughes, one of the Republican counterbalances to all this, says that riots won't necessarily be a bad thing if this happens, but here is what
Senior GOP official Curley Hewlin had to say, let's play the clip, saying we choose the nominee, not the voters.
Here it is.
I don't think that's the case.
You know, if it would just be understood, we have a problem with the media.
Unfortunately, the cable networks are trying to determine.
I don't think this is a problem with the media.
I've heard from a lot of voters who say if they feel like their votes got stolen, that they would be very unhappy and very angry.
I think you're looking at a different situation.
I realize these have been the rules, but the last time these rules were put in place was 1976.
It's been a long time since then.
Yeah, they're still there.
Yeah, that's the problem.
The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination and that's the conflict here.
We feel like we live in a democratic society.
What you're telling me is it's not a democratic society and your votes don't necessarily matter because it's a democratic representation, correct?
No, that's not what I'm trying to say.
Alright, we're going to go to break.
We're going to come back and play the clip in full, but think about that.
The media is misrepresenting that the delegates gotta go with the vote.
It's the media's fault now.
Hey kids, where you wanna go on April 2nd?
Democracy Springs?
Me too!
Hey there, this is Joe Biggs with Infowars.com and I'm so excited for April 2nd because guess what's going on?
Democracy Spring!
It's gonna be a large protest for a whole bunch of social justice warriors sitting around and whining, crying, complaining about democracy while raping your rights!
Yeah, it'll be great.
Get your friends, your family, everything.
Get a bullhorn.
Get a whole bunch of stupid signs made that make no sense at all.
And run around and bully people who want to disagree with you.
It's going to be the greatest thing ever.
Hey, Donald Trump, you're a racist.
We don't know why, but it's because you're white.
You can't be here.
You're triggering me.
Get out of my safe space.
Democracy Spring.
It's going to be so much fun.
I'll probably explode.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
My fellow InfoWarriors, I am very excited to be able to announce to you the introduction at InfoWarsLife.com of a new way to save time and money when you stock up on InfoWarsLife formulations like Survival Shield X2 and Super Mel Vitality.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
Tell us what Brain Force did.
I'd been working all day.
I took a couple hours off coaching basketball.
I get in here at 830.
I was kind of run down.
You know, I just didn't feel like I was going to make it.
And I really wanted to do a good job on the interview.
I got my bottle of Brain Force right there.
I popped two of them.
And about 20 minutes later, it's like everything just kind of clears up.
It's got four and a half stars.
People really love it.
Read about it.
Find out why third-party nutraceutical sites give it such high praise because it really does have the best organic-based systems that will blow your socks off.
I haven't pulled an all-nighter like that in a while, but I probably could not have done it without Brain Force.
I went home about 6.45 this morning, took three hours of sleep, got up, took two more Brain Force and came in.
You will find Brain Force and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com.
Or call 888-253-3139.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the anti-Donald Trump fervor has gone up another level.
In spinal tap verbiage, it's hit 11.
And then I guess it's only going to go higher up from there.
If you're a new listener and ever saw that classic comedy piece by the same folks that brought you Best in Show, Spinal Tap, it's basically a comedy piece on a 1970s, 1980s rock and roll band.
And they're supposed to be making a documentary about them, so it's a mockumentary.
The people that pioneered that, and they are sitting there talking to him and saying, why does this amplifier go to 11?
Why not just have it be 10, but it's louder?
But he goes, no, no, no, it's louder because it goes to 11.
Do you understand?
Because the number's higher, it's louder.
So that was why I was being sarcastic.
It's kind of like infinity and beyond.
By the way, not name dropping.
It's just so many times I talk about something,
And then I realized, oh, I'm connected to that.
Just to show how effective taking action is, they made another mockumentary, Harry Shearer and others that make those mockumentaries, called Teddy Bear's Picnic.
Making fun of yours truly for sneaking into Bohemian Grove.
So it just shows how we have totally
And completely invaded popular culture.
And then he was in a documentary, a real documentary.
What was it for?
For HBO, where he admitted that it was a mockumentary based on our infiltration.
And he said, I gotta hand it to you, you're listening to Alex Jones, you know, over the shortwave at night, and you're sitting there listening to it with your kid, and it's scary.
He almost had me for a minute.
Oh, I almost had the voice of Mr. Burns on The Simpsons for a minute.
Brother, we're going to go into total tyranny if you don't wake up to it.
I know 15 years ago when you made that film, it was a joke to say the NSA was spying on us or that there were cancer viruses in the vaccines.
It's all admitted.
Do you think I want this stuff to be true?
I don't want this to be true.
I mean, I remember
It was like 10 years ago.
It was in the Associated Press that in a Minnesota city, I forget which one, that they put in special light bulbs, the new high-tech light bulbs, and that they were communicating with the computers with data down power lines through the light bulbs to the computers, and that it had the added backdrop of calming the police because they could run a program on it that was shown to, quote, calm the police.
Because you can flicker rate and actually manipulate people.
That's multi-hundred year old technology.
Psychologists hypnotizing you with a strobe light or with a swinging coin.
That's all manipulation of light in the eyes.
They're thousands of times more sophisticated now.
And then just the last few months, I saw articles everywhere where they rolled it out.
Hey, your light bulbs are going to calm you and make you happy.
Hey, they're going to communicate with your computers, your smart home.
But nevertheless, they have mainstream news articles making fun of us, saying we're crazy and think that light bulbs are mind-controlling us.
Or Alex says that the government's making frogs gay.
No, what I said was is the runoff of what we're eating and what we're drinking, the glyphosates, the bisphenol A, the estrogen mimickers, the birth control, is so strong that in most reservoirs and runoff creeks and rivers and streams,
The numbers vary, but it's between 30 and 80 percent, depending on where you are in the Western world, of the fish and the amphibians are asexual, bisexual, or sexually sterile, or mutated.
They're completely jacked.
Their answer is to say, Alex Jones thinks the government wants to make frogs gay!
The good news is, people aren't listening to this bull anymore, and it hit me this morning.
I had some old, quote, smart washers and dryers.
Because, you know, even though I, quote, know a lot of what's going on and about the trends that they're setting, I'm not a techie when it comes to programming itself, but when it comes to reading the big foundation announcements and reading stuff 15, 16 years ago at big international conventions on the future of tech, what they were saying they would do.
So I know what it's delivering.
I know how it works.
And even though I know all this, five, six years ago, I need some, quote, new washers and dryers.
I have these old analog ones I've had forever.
They were getting bad.
So buy some new flashy, you know, plastic red ones that are, quote, smart.
Didn't really pay attention.
Binging, bonging, breaking, screwing up.
The chipboard burned down on one.
Expensive pieces of junk don't work right.
So I finally go around a few weeks ago to different shops.
I try to shop at a mom-and-pop, but I go look at the big showrooms, the big establishments.
I finally find a place where they've got a Made in America, their analog.
I go read the reviews.
They're the hottest thing out there.
They've got great reviews.
And I'm not plugging a sponsor yet.
I'm actually not trying to get them as a sponsor.
And I go and I buy two of them, and it's totally analog, and it's retro, and it has much better ratings, works better, and it's fantastic.
And I was talking to the guy, and I went and looked it up, and sure enough, there's giant movements.
I mean, I already knew this, but I just dug into it deeper, of going analog, going old-fashioned.
So, I went ahead, had one of these smart stoves, couldn't stand.
I went ahead and I'm getting rid of that.
I'm going out and getting a Made in America awesome... It's not even analog.
It doesn't even have any buttons on it.
And then I'm gonna get an old-fashioned egg timer.
And, again, I went and looked that up, and it's a giant trend.
Because I noticed suddenly there's all this analog stuff everywhere.
People are subconsciously rebelling against the tyranny systems that they call smart.
They just give you a new car, and it's all these thousands of dollars of added costs now, even on a moderately priced new car, $20,000.
And it's got all this, quote, you know, smart driving systems and reactive driving.
It's the beginning of the takeover of the, quote, smart cars that'll run our lives.
But if we just don't buy them and just don't accept them and call for what we want in the market to be retro, but with new technology integrated in, we will govern the future.
They want to just have this stuff ubiquitously all come into place, be there.
We just kind of wake up in a technocracy.
But it's not happening.
Because then I started doing hours of research the last few days.
I got obsessed with it and I need to do a special report on it.
But I kind of hit this problem point where I got too much data.
Then I'm trying to think, where do I start?
And it turns out it's in all these trade publications that it's a giant trend completely away from everything smart.
And why is it that you move into a new house
Not even a new new house, but you know a house they've put new quote thermostats in and it's oh it's controlled by your iPhone or oh your new cable systems controlled by it and it's a total piece of junk that hackers are able to get into.
It doesn't work half the time.
It's super hard to use, the interfaces are crud, and people, sure enough, are going back again to basic cable boxes, or to basic systems.
People are sick of it, and I am too.
But I just realized how people get caught in these traps, because even I just kind of accepted, oh yeah, honey, you want some new washers and dryers?
And then you got smart stuff in your house.
And it's not smart at all.
It's stupid.
And it doesn't work.
And it's junk.
And I'm sick of it.
There's the headline.
It's not just smart TVs.
Your home is full of gadgets that spy on you.
How internet gadgets are collecting your personal data through their high-tech devices.
That's 2015 London Telegraph, New York Times, you name it.
Or you can just go to InfoWars.com and read the exact same article from 2005.
But boy, when we first told you that there were cameras and microphones hidden in your new TVs and cable boxes, people didn't want to hear it.
And again, I'm not bragging about us here.
I'm saying we're not conspiracy theorists.
We know what we're talking about.
And I'm, again, not up on some high horse telling you I'm great and almighty and I make all the right decisions.
I turn around every day and just go, I made a terrible decision there.
But you know what?
I'm going to change it next time.
I buy new appliances.
And then my action is the most powerful thing in the world!
Your choice!
That's why the globalists, under political correctness, want to get rid of real choice and limit language.
Now, I've digressed, but that's some really good news there, folks, that nothing can stop a free market.
That's why they want a managed crony capitalist market, and we've got to counter it.
Organic food's an example.
30 years ago, couldn't find it anywhere.
Now it's displacing all the garbage.
30 years ago, they'd laugh at you for saying fluoride's bad for you.
Now the FDA and EPA say, take it out of everything, it's deadly.
We are winning.
Glyphosates, people told you 30 years ago, scientists, gross tumors.
They said, oh, you're a conspiracy theorist.
Now they admit it and they're pulling it out.
We're on the march.
The globalist empire's on the run.
Okay, I'm going to come back with Trump and the open announcement they're going to steal it.
And again, that's old news to you, but the new development is that they're admittedly doing it.
It's crazy.
And we've got so much other over-the-top news, it's just amazing.
Trump's getting into it with the Russians a little bit, we're going to break that down.
Our story's up on DrudgeReport.com, Roger Stone writing, GrimfulWars.com, how the GOP elite plan to rob Donald Trump.
Cleveland, ladies and gentlemen, won't be for the faint of heart.
That's coming up as well.
But briefly, before I forget, because I always forget, there's a lot of things added to the store that I approve of because I've seen the specs on them.
We buy a bunch, get a good price.
That's how we fund our operation.
We're just selling high quality products.
We're rewriting the whole system for radio and TV.
We're being copied a lot now by folks doing direct sales.
That's fine.
I want talk radio and independent media to survive.
The establishment media is too arrogant and dumb to even know how to do this.
We're going to skip this network break because this is so important.
We carry the very best toothbrush system out there that I am just so amazingly proud of.
And it's an antimicrobial flossing bristle toothbrush that is unlike anything you've ever seen.
Now, I just started using these even though I approved of them a year ago.
About two weeks ago, when Tim Fergé, who's in charge of a lot of our purchasing and decisions, said, man, these are the best-selling thing ever, and you've never even promoted them.
So I thought, oh yeah, I proved that like a year ago.
I wanted to try it out, but it had rave reviews.
It's got cloyal silver embedded in it.
I said, let me take one home.
The whiteness of my teeth, the way the plaque doesn't come back as quick.
Just silver really is magic.
We are now going to give these away free for the first time ever, because we got a giant shipment in.
When you order a bottle of colloidal silver, 30 parts per million, silver bullet, at InfoWarsLife.com or InfoWarsStore.com is the big umbrella site, you'll get a silver bullet colloidal silver, bottled for $19.95 and get a $5 value on this toothbrush.
All for $19.95, just because I am so excited about this toothbrush.
I mean, I'm a free marketer.
It's a great price.
It's going to help your teeth and your gums.
It is going to help your children's teeth and gums, your wife, your husband.
And then you're going to buy this toothbrush.
It's going to wear out.
You're going to come and see that we're selling it at a competitive price.
We're promoting Liberty.
So why shouldn't you buy from us?
And you're going to become a repeat customer, buying three or four toothbrushes a year from us, or maybe more.
See how I operate?
Take advantage of the fact that I want to have you as a customer.
I'm a free market Americana guy.
It's a great deal.
Our colloidal silver is the top nationwide selling brand that you get at Whole Foods and other places.
We just private label it.
And instead of being $24.95, when there's a big outbreak or something, they jack it up to $29.95, which is fine.
That's what they do.
We sell it for $19.95.
That is the lowest price for the silver alone.
Now a free colloidal silver.
I mean, it's a high-quality toothbrush.
So we're very, very proud of it.
Get that today.
And separately, we are going to have a probiotic out soon.
This will be the very best out there.
I mean, we're talking $25 billion in each pill.
And they're smaller pills, so it'll be $50 billion organisms in each larger pill.
Because we've not compromised so long to develop what is an industry game changer.
And I was talking to Buckley, who gets one from his doctor, that's super high quality, that's 130 bucks, and it's prescription.
And it doesn't even have to be prescription, but it's just done that way because folks will pay more.
And I'm sure it's a great one, but we've looked at the strains.
Ours is better.
And I was talking to the industry people that are producing this, and they said, listen, the low number is 80 on this.
Other folks are selling this similar, something similar for 150 or more.
And Buckley's like, absolutely, mine's 130.
And I said, we're doing it for 40.
That's just how I operate.
And I get it.
Some people who put a big price tag on something will think it's better and buy it.
I will not involve myself in that.
And look, it's not bad to mark something up four or five times if you want to.
I'm just not going to do it.
I want to have the best products at the lowest prices that are really excellent, so that you understand that we're all in this together and that you give us more of your business.
I want you to feel good when you get the products from us.
I want you to absolutely have a, knock your socks off.
I want you to experience what I've experienced with Supramel Vitality and Anthroplex and X2.
I want you to experience it.
I want you to see what happens.
By the way, then I'm going to get back to the news.
I'm not mad at anybody, but it's happened to a couple of my friends and my mother and everybody else.
I've seen emails about it, once I've talked about it, the office has all heard about it.
The basic liver cleanse is easy.
It's liver shield, in water, four or five times a day, eight ounces, with apple cider vinegar.
We don't sell that, you can get it at the store.
You want the live probiotic type.
With four to six, depending on how big you are, oxy powder pills at bedtime for six days.
On the sixth day, you drink seven ounces of virgin olive oil before you go to bed, about an hour before, and you take two to three caplets of pure medical-grade Epsom salts.
You just get it at the drugstore.
You put it in the little caplets.
You lay on your right side, on your gallbladder and liver, for at least an hour before you go to sleep, you wake up in the morning, and almost everyone the next morning, it's like the movie Alien, okay?
I mean, it's unbelievable.
What is in there?
No wonder gallbladders are exploding all the time, full of all these stones.
That's what feeds out of the liver right into there.
It's amazing.
And my mom wants to do it, and I was gonna do it with her next Monday, and she's like, this is 10 pages long.
It's the diet and special bone soups and how to really supercharge it.
I can never do that.
I can barely do the cleanse, okay?
It'll be my second cleanse.
I did one, had a huge effect.
Started the second one, got busy with news, and just blew it off.
So, we're changing it where there's the basic one and then the advanced, because it's totally discouraging people from the liver shield cleanse.
Because it's ten pages long.
And look, if you're a health guru-like group, it is the best liver cleanse out there.
Everybody freaks out on all the other big health sites.
This is the best liver cleanse.
Just the basic one.
And the big fancy one is just over-the-top liver and gallbladder cleanse.
But, I mean, I don't have time to spend ten hours a day doing that.
This way, it's very, very easy.
Liver Shield is available at InfoWarsLife.com with the oxy powder and more.
We finally got it back in a few weeks ago.
Take advantage of it.
I hope you'll do the cleanse with us next week.
Now, I don't normally even plug in the first hour.
Sorry, I've been plugging for five minutes.
I'm gonna shut up now, but I'm just very excited about all of this.
And oxy powder is the product by itself that's the most dramatic.
And I don't want to go into details, but it's a higher level of oxygen, it breaks down in the upper and lower intestine, and it dissolves everything.
And John Wayne had 40-something pounds reportedly at his autopsy of unadjusted beef in him.
So you can imagine, folks, what the average person... Rob Dew lost 12 pounds in one week and he wasn't even fat.
It was purely what was in him.
He plays basketball, coaches basketball, had a college scholarship in basketball.
I mean, he's an athlete.
And he had a little stomach.
Because it was just the guts full of you-know-what.
Same thing that Obama's full of and Hillary's full of.
And it's in there rotting, ladies and gentlemen, and just the oxy powder alone will absolutely blow you away, literally.
And some people that are backed up go three, four days, I'm getting into details, wow, it's our bodies, it's health, it's the gut, it's important.
Some people go three, four days, they're like, this isn't working, and they're like, oh my gosh!
It's like that Monty Python movie where the guy's eating too much and he's projectile vomiting, except it's the other thing.
All right, I'm gonna stop right there, I apologize.
I'm just so excited about this because it's such a life-changing situation, what we're doing at InfoWarsLife.com, and I praise God, literally, for all the blessings, for all the best breaks,
For discovering the best nutraceuticals, for literally just absolutely changing the industry itself.
We are just exploding the number of people using the products and it's really helping InfoWars go to the next level.
So the Lord does work in mysterious ways.
We had people persecute our sponsors and folks that were nutraceuticals.
We lost sponsors.
The enemy came against us about five years ago.
We had infiltration operations.
I had to have a whole game change.
I just envisioned it.
I did it.
Everything worked in spades.
It was amazing.
Just total providence how every enemy attack just turned into pure doors opening.
Just thank God I haven't been put through anything like Joe, but God has just been so good to me, and I just, I do not deserve any of it.
Thank you, God.
And I'm being retrospective, I'm gonna stop now.
The best way for me to cover all this Trump news is you should go to break here in three minutes, come back, get wound up, and really get into all this and play all these clips and really go over because it is so important and it is particularly amazing today.
Also, since I'm plugging here, let's talk about our affiliates.
If you aren't telling everybody at work and people at red lights and painting your barn with the name of the station and the frequency or putting newsletters that you print up on your, you know, computer and print out at Kinko's, if you're not, or wherever you do it, if you're not doing that, you're crazy.
I'm not mad at you.
I get it.
We're brought up that we're not supposed to be in the fight, or what's the point?
Oh, we're going to lose.
Resistance is victory.
Now is the time to be aggressive, and if you're listening to Local Station, spread the word.
If you're listening to Local Station, become a sponsor, or reach out to sponsors and let them know why you're supporting them because they're on that station.
Or send $100 to the station.
You don't know how they're trying to bankrupt talk radio.
You don't know how they're targeting talk stations and coming to them and saying, take Alex Jones off and we will spend $500,000 on your station in the next year, a part of this medical group advertising.
It turns out it's some Obamacare thing.
They have taken me off the air.
On four stations I know of, just with one national medical group, who shows up and says, and they go, well, we don't have paid programming at the time.
They just go, hey, how much you want?
Get him off.
And I've even had stations call them and go, we had you off for six months, now we're taking you back.
We took the money, but let us survive now.
I don't blame stations that even do that.
Let me tell you, they're doing anything they can to shut this off.
And it's not just me.
They're doing anything libertarian, anything patriot, anything conservative, anything that doesn't hate America.
If you love freedom, you're just a good person, you're promoting basic freedom, you don't want to shoot cops in the back of the head, then they're shutting you off the radio.
You don't want open borders, they're shutting you off the radio.
I mean, it's happening, so support our local stations now!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hey kids, where you wanna go on April 2nd?
Democracy Springs?
Me too!
Hey there, this is Joe Biggs with Infowars.com and I'm so excited for April 2nd because guess what's going on?
Democracy Spring!
It's gonna be a large protest where a whole bunch of social justice warriors sit around and whine and cry and complain about democracy while raping your rights!
Yeah, it'll be great.
Get your friends, your family, everything.
Get a bullhorn.
Get a whole bunch of stupid signs made that make no sense at all and run around and bully people who want to disagree with you.
It's going to be the greatest thing ever.
Hey, Donald Trump, you're a racist.
We don't know why, but it's because you're white.
You can't be here.
You're triggering me.
Get out of my safe space.
Democracy Spring.
It's going to be so much fun.
I'll probably explode.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, let's get into the move, the steal.
The nomination from Donald Trump.
I mean, normally, if somebody has a clear majority, then the other delegates basically get behind them.
By now, the other Republican candidates would be dropping out.
The Republican Party would be saying, clearly, Trump is the winner.
Hands down.
But that's not happening.
Sure, they have the governor of Florida coming out and giving a tacit endorsement of Trump, saying, now's the time to get behind him.
It's a tepid endorsement, but it's there.
And we're seeing people like Newt Gingrich come out and say, look,
He's the guy.
You're going to destroy the party.
But you've got people like Mitch McConnell saying, we'll rather just Hillary get in than Donald Trump.
Hillary is better than Donald Trump.
Well, it shows the power structure wants to be in power, and they don't want Donald Trump pointing out that we've been sold out to globalism.
And so I'm going to play this clip.
Senior GOP official Curly Hewland says, we choose the nominee, not the voters.
And this is the biggest example of spin I've seen in a while, where he's like, it's the media, because he knows people don't like the media.
So it's the media misrepresenting that the popular vote is what does this.
It's always the delegates, and they can vote for who they want.
The delegate is sent by the people at the precinct because they pledged to honor the vote.
In 74, was it 72, the Democrats changed theirs.
In 76, the Republicans changed theirs to basically allow party officials who are, quote, superdelegates, who organize the delegates, to then tell them, oh, it's okay if you change your vote.
It's like, psst, kid, come here, the playground.
It's okay if you use this cocaine.
Don't, don't, no matter what your teacher says.
Come on over.
It's all right for you to rob a liquor store.
Go in there and point the gun at them and say, give me the money or you're dead.
That's what they are doing.
And so they just spin it in plain view.
It's like, oh, big mega banks are allowed to own the Federal Reserve.
Oh, the NSA is allowed to spy on you without warrants now.
Oh, we are going to give you forced inoculations even if you don't like it.
Oh, your refrigerator is actually has a microphone and the TV's watching and listening and Samsung, when you turn the TV on, when you first turn on Samsung TVs for two years, it tells you in a 10 plus page letter, we've posted it, that they can sell the audio and video of what you do in your house to anyone they wish, including third parties.
And I told everybody, I said, it's all the major smart TVs and everybody went and looked and it was true.
That was just a couple of years ago, Drudge linked to our articles that was right out of
The brochure, and off Samsung's own website, promoing it!
And they had national news say I was a liar!
Remember four years ago, they said there are no drones watching rural areas in America.
We were linked in articles to mainstream local papers!
And they came out and said we were a liar on DrudgeReport.com.
Matt Drudge had gone insane!
He was linking to Kurt Nemo and Alex Jones and Infowars.
He was insane!
And now it's all over the news that they got Pentagon drones everywhere watching the American people.
But it was in the news then!
And that's just in the announced times that they do it.
So, we've gone from them saying, oh, we would never not honor the popular vote at the delegate level.
Of course we don't follow!
Next they'll say, there was never even voting!
Conspiracy theorists say you used to vote!
We appoint, the parties appoint superdelegates and they'll be your local lords!
They'll wear little gold crowns!
Mommy, is it true that babies used to come out of their mommies and they weren't grown in tanks?
No, that's a conspiracy theory.
It won't even be, because more than half the births in this country are cesarean now, because they're quicker, it makes more money.
They will start saying, mark my words, with a generation, that babies never came out of their mommies.
Next they'll say there was never milk either.
They'll say it's a conspiracy theory that mommies ever gave milk.
And by the way, I'm not being satirical here.
Is it true that humans used to mate and then have inception?
No, no, no.
It was always at the local medical center, the eugenic center, where the embryos were created.
The state made humans.
That's basically where these people are going.
Obamacare is free.
There are no death penalts.
See how they hide it in plain view?
It came out two and a half years ago that they have death lists of do-not-treat lists for political reasons, you name it, of the military.
Just like they have in the UK with that National Health Service.
And now they admit the VA is the model of Obamacare.
Where they decide for political reasons, not just that you smoke cigarettes, not just this.
No, no.
Now the computer by IBM that ran the Nazi computers,
Every time I say that, I get emails saying I'm making it up.
Just type in IBM and the Holocaust.
It's a fact.
It's so well known, it's ridiculous.
I'm not going to digress.
Thomas Watson founded it.
He got the highest award of any Nazi in history.
They had to make a special award above the ones Hitler got for him.
They ran Nazi Germany on IBM computers.
On Hollerith machines.
It's a fact.
And you know it's true, to quote Sammy Hagar.
I don't want to come in next segment with that.
It's not my point of view, it's a fact.
I'm so sick of it.
They had IBM machines in the 30s deciding which poor white and black people and Puerto Ricans in New York to grab, put in white trucks and take to be sterilized.
That's all public.
America financed Hitler, gave him everything, set up the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute with the British crown.
The King of England was a Nazi!
People say, oh, there he goes, German, Germans run, no, no, no, no!
Nazi Germany was an egg laid by the big dragon.
The Anglo-American establishment.
And then it used its baby, rampaging, to get everybody under its wings.
Oh, they're so sophisticated.
They're hard to beat, aren't they?
They're really hard to beat.
Let's go to the senior Republican in the RNC, Curly!
Where's Moe?
And Larry?
Here he is arrogantly in your face, telling you your vote never existed, it never counted.
I don't think that's the case once it's, you know, if it would just be understood.
We have a problem with the media.
Unfortunately, the cable networks are trying to determine... I don't think this is a problem with the media.
I've heard from a lot of voters who say if they feel like their votes got stolen, that they would be very unhappy and very angry.
I think you're looking at a different situation.
I realize these have been the rules, but the last time these rules were put in place was 1976.
It's been a long time since then.
Yeah, they're still there.
Yeah, that's the problem.
The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination and that's the conflict here.
We feel like we live in a democratic society.
What you're telling me is it's not a democratic society and your votes don't necessarily matter because it's a democratic representation, correct?
No, that's not what I'm trying to tell you.
What I'm trying to say is that we're just one of the political parties.
There's many political parties, but political parties choose their nominee, not the general public.
Contrary to popular belief.
Then why are they holding the primaries?
That's a very good question.
Did you hear that?
Let's play the last 10 seconds again, please.
Cue that up if you can.
Why are we even having primaries?
That's good.
Why are we even voting?
We are a limited democracy and that you can't have the big more populous states outvote other states and take their rights.
That's why you have two senators per state and then a portion for your population.
You have the number of representatives of the House.
Let's go and go back to the clip.
Guys, can you queue up just for TV viewers?
I just want to start playing it all the time.
Where Toto pulls back the curtain.
Or we ought to schmaltz that up and get McBrain to get the HD original and maybe InfoWars Isaac, you know, where we pull back the curtain and, you know, we see what's really going on here because they're just hiding it in plain view.
Okay, foreign banks own and run the country.
Okay, the political parties are now interpreting their rules outside of law to just say your vote doesn't count.
Isn't that interesting?
And Curley is the leader of the GOP RNC in North Dakota.
He's the National Committee Chairman.
And he's like, yeah, why do we even vote?
Good, good question.
Talk about the curtain getting pulled back, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go to another story.
It's up on DrudgeReport.com.
Roger Stone, how the GOP elite plan to steal
The election from Trump, you need to read it.
It gets into the secret meeting.
Meanwhile, we have world order at risk.
World leaders are coming out.
The Economist magazine, run by the Rothschilds, is coming out.
Infowars.com, Rothschild Intel Unit equates Donald Trump to jihad terror.
The Economist calls for open borders.
The Globalists call for open borders.
They bring in all these foreigners.
They attack us.
And then the guy trying to stop it, they blame.
You see, it's the attempt to murder logic.
People say none of this makes sense.
Everything they say is the opposite of reality.
They're trying to scramble people's brains.
It's meant to not make sense on purpose, but just be a unified wall of propaganda where we all then, under cognitive dissonance and gaslighting, look up those terms.
You guys put me in the definition of gaslighting, thank you.
Feel like we're the kooks.
Feel like we're the bad guys.
Speaking of the jihadis, and I'm getting back to the Trump News, look at this stack.
Nigeria mosque bomb, Boko Haram suicide attack, that's Al Qaeda.
Suicide attack kills 22 worshippers.
Pope Francis asked nations to open their hearts and their doors to migrants.
And this morning I was reading this article and I thought, you know, I'm going to pull up two weeks ago where he said Italy should control its borders and that Italy doesn't need hundreds of thousands or more a month of North Africans and Muslims because the cultures aren't compatible.
He actually gave a speech on that, but only for Italy.
The outer wall of his 200-foot walls at Vatican City.
And then before I even searched it, I saw another article
From Breitbart, Albania calls in Italian military as migrants scramble to open New Balkans route.
They're just, and they admit jihadis, they've got weapons, they're just pouring across into Albania, Macedonia, and Albania is Muslim.
And they don't want these people coming there.
I mean, this is crazy.
Just five illegal immigrants arrested by UK border police,
And it shows an image of a big fat border cop, and this came out under Tony Blair in 97 and 98, it came out years later, that they had ordered the cops to stand down and let the illegals jump on the backs of trains and come under the tunnel, in the English Channel, the Chunnel, as it's called over there.
Quite a feat of construction, I've been in it.
And yeah, you get to either side.
They've had to close it though because they let the illegals in on the French side, but they'll just start robbing and stealing and beating people.
And so finally they've got to restore order because they even start trying to go after the cops.
We've shown those videos here.
They don't even know how to behave themselves and just get on the backs of the trains.
They're hijacking trucks, cars.
I mean, imagine, you're there with your family and just a thousand people just drag you out and steal your car, beat you.
Mainstream French news a month ago, quote, declared an emergency on their highways.
Just robbing, stealing, killing.
Couple million people just stumbling around, robbing.
Eighty-plus percent military-age men.
Why would Hollande and Merkel do this?
They're bringing Europe down, folks.
This is a takeover.
They want them to collapse like Greece, collapse like Brazil, collapse like Mexico, because once it collapses, you're going to be poor, and you'll be so busy trying to get food, you're not going to be uppity anymore.
They're ending prosperity, ladies and gentlemen.
And all these cops and border patrol that follow these illegal orders?
They're going to get demoted.
They're going to see their pensions taken as well.
The vanishing pension that disappears the moment you go to retrieve it.
To quote George Carlin.
And it just goes on and on.
I have stacks of news on this front.
Meanwhile, in military news, General says Army at high risk in war against China and Russia.
AP, the Army's top general, says military forces on the ground face a high level of risk, and the United States gets into large-scale conflict at a power such as Russia or China.
And General Mark Miley goes on in his report to say that we are at one of the highest levels of potential war with China and Russia ever, ever, ever.
But don't worry, Obama has a peace prize.
That's why he's pushing all these Soros operations, poking China, poking Russia.
Now China is doing some poking of its own.
Russia is not.
And since I mentioned that, let's go to this short campaign ad.
Trump has a staff of folks that I know for a fact inside baseball put out tons of these reports.
Tons of these little 15-second, what do they call these 15-second things they've had for a few years on the net that are so popular?
It's like a 15-second rant.
You're on air, right?
I am now.
Okay, good.
So there's video memes and there's vines, but what's the little 15-second ones?
They have a name.
I guess it's Vignette.
Vignette or something?
The point is, these are real popular.
Trump does a whole bunch of them every day.
His staff did one that's copied other people.
It's an internet meme showing Obama being a wimp on a bicycle and then showing Putin hunting or being tough, you know, being John Wayne style.
So now the Russians have come out and said, in mainstream Russian news, stop insulting us, stop saying we're dangerous, you know, showing this.
That's not what Trump's doing, and Trump didn't even do this.
Trump says leave Russia alone, they're not attacking anybody, and he would want to work with Putin.
And that he supports Putin taking on ISIS.
But his staff puts out a little 15-second deal, making fun of Hillary.
It's a compliment to Putin that he's tough and she's a wimp.
So let's go to the 15-second Trump video.
We don't need to be a punchline.
Trump, make America great again.
And so it's just saying there's foreign governments, there's terrorists, whatever.
That's what it's saying.
And the Russian news, Kremlin says Trump video demonizes Russia, Sky News.
So I hope that
I hope Russia knows what they're doing.
I think they do.
See, here's the deal.
If Trump came out and bashed Russia, he'd be popular with some Americans and look strong.
But he won't do that because Russia's done nothing to us.
That's another good thing that Trump does.
But maybe he and Putin ought to get together and act like they hate each other or something so Trump can get elected.
But see, I don't play dirty tricks like that and Trump isn't either.
He's taking the high road.
He isn't going to do it.
So the Russians might be helping Trump in a way they don't even know.
All right, we're going to be right back on the other side with more of the open announcement that your vote doesn't count now.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
It's not my opinion, folks.
It's a fact.
And you know it's true.
There's a big evil world government that laid the egg of communism in 1917 publicly.
Falling record.
And they laid the egg of Nazism.
They laid the egg of Globalism.
The CIA is on record putting Mao Zedong in power in 49.
They put Fidel Castro in power and he double-crossed them.
And they are the ones pushing the abortion.
They're the ones pushing all the manipulation of our genetic genome.
The crimes of the globalists are legion upon legion upon legion.
And there's only one way to stop these rats.
It's wake up.
Paradigm shift.
And realize the only way out of this is admitting how much trouble we're in.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
They are really trying to deceive the public while they dumb the young people down as much as possible.
But let's go through some more of these reports.
The Republicans come out and say, hey, we don't know why we have primaries.
All that matters is the delegates.
But what came first, the chicken or the egg?
Well, the votes came first, and then there are four of the delegates, and everybody knows that.
Oh, but the parties got some rules in place in the 70s, yeah, and the rules are almost exactly the same, and then they happen around the same time, like we got the income tax and got rid of our senators being elected by the state legislatures, and we got
The private Federal Reserve, the same week in 1913, magically and magically all the new appliances and all the new cars the last 10 years have tracker systems in it and magically they're going to start taxing us and controlling our thermostats.
It all just...
Fell together like evolution, a fine Swiss watch you find in the Sahara Desert, that the sand blew together.
Or down in the water, the microbes got together and formed it.
And all this tyranny just formed magically.
See, now we're not debating, is there a world government or not?
Now we're debating, should we submit to it or not?
See, first, there wasn't a world government.
Now it's here, they're announcing it, and they're like, well, should we arrest people that disagree with it?
We've gone from, it doesn't exist, when they're all announcing it, writing books, setting it up, to, oh yeah, it's here, we're gonna arrest you, all over the Western world.
And in the third world countries, our leaders of finance, the administrations of, dictators, socialists, fascists, oligarchs, you name it,
They have death squads and kill the people that disagree with the government.
You want to know what our oligarchs want for us?
That's it.
And that's why I've got a stack of liberal professors and Black Lives Matter and everybody else saying, oh, we're going to go out and we're going to get violent and we're going to, and we're taking people's free speech and we're going to shut down Trump Tower, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Now they've even got some Trump supporters going, we'll just fight back.
We'll riot.
Oh, and the globalists just will sit back and laugh at the whole thing.
But it does really beg the question.
Ceausescu was a dictator in Romania and people filing over through him.
I mean, if they really do start just appointing presidents openly, people do have a right to resist that.
That's why they're branding the resistance though, burning down your own neighborhoods and shooting cops while they pump gas.
That's not a revolution that has moral high ground is going to win.
It needs to be a restoration of the republic led by state governors and legislatures who meet in open.
The feds will probably try to come arrest him or blow it up.
It'll have such moral high ground, most of the feds are going to end up joining him.
We'll then go into DC with special ops and arrest some of the top globalists, have a big public trial for him like Nuremberg, and then you know what happens.
You know what happens.
Round the neck.
That's where it's going, right there.
But all legal and lawful.
Gonna string you up, globalist.
Gonna string you up.
I don't have a lust to get you, but it's gotta happen.
Justice must be done.
You don't get strung up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
His story is the top story on InfoWars.com.
It's also in the middle column of DrugsReport.com.
And Drugs links to some backup stories where they admit the secret meetings that Roger Stone first exposed.
Should have mentioned in the last hour, Roger Stone will be joining us.
The article is, How the GOP Elite Planned to Rob Donald Trump.
Now, I've not been taking a lot of calls lately, but I started back yesterday and I said, hey, if you disagree with myself or Trump, we're screening your calls, only people that disagree.
And it was interesting.
It was informative.
But that's not what we're doing now.
It's wide open phones for first-time callers.
I'll give the number out at the start of the next segment.
Specifically on what do we do now that the Republican leadership is in the Washington Post, the New York Times, every major TV station, Fox News, saying, well, of course we don't listen to the popular vote.
Of course the party decides who's president.
It's our club and you're not part of it.
Let's come in with Carlin next segment.
Hey, I like the puppet on the left.
Hey, I like the puppet on the right.
Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding both puppets!
Shut up.
To quote the late, great Bill Hicks, it is surreal to play Bill Hicks clips on the show and have a large portion of mentally ill people thinking of Bill Hicks.
I'm not kidding.
And the mainstream media has trolled it.
They've had actual national and statewide news articles on it.
I mean, hell.
I look a little older for my age of 42, but I'm not.
How old would Bill Hicks be?
Like 55, 60 or something?
But I've got two eyes and a nose, and I'm from Texas.
So it must be true.
I'm digressing.
I'm sorry.
It's like I'm talking about Best in Show and Spinal Tap that I realized they made a movie based on my infiltration of Bohemian Grove, Teddy Bear's Picnic, and I don't know, I'm like name-dropping to plug that.
I just talk about Bill Hicks and I go, wait a minute, they say I'm Bill Hicks.
I'm not doing that on purpose.
It's just so ridiculous that people will talk about FEMA camps all day long, but they'll never go look at the Emergency Centers Establishment Act, or the Resettlement Act, or the Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program, and all the construction of them, and the Army documents, how they're going to process our families, and
They call it a re-education camp.
No one cares.
I mean, we'll have an article with all the huge breaking documents.
It's just like, yeah.
I mean, people actually do care, but it's like, I can put a photo up of some under, you know, pass water aqueduct.
And say, I heard there's a FEMA base in there, and it'd be like 20 million reads, top story on the internet.
So, you know, we've come a long way, but I can take a photo of an old shoe in the street and say, mystery surrounds shoe.
And be probably the top story on the internet.
You know, I actually know how to troll the internet, but it's weird.
I like metaphysically can't do it.
I like have to try to really be accurate and only cover hardcore info that's documented.
I don't even do a lot of comedy anymore, even though that's gallows humor and I need to do it, I need to screw around, I need to joke around.
Lately I've been really freaked out, I've been really mean, off-air some, and I've been very angry.
And I've just prayed to God to please not make me this angry.
But, I mean, I really do know what's going on, and I know how to stop these people, and I see them closing in on us, and they're getting more and more arrogant.
They're saying they want to arrest everybody now they disagree with.
They're building FEMA camps, and they say they're going to openly steal elections from us because they're worried about the fascism of Donald Trump.
That's like Satan pointing at a man and saying, I'm worried he's a fallen creature.
Yeah, Donald Trump's a fallen creature, so am I. You, my friend, are a certified bonafide.
I'm talking to
Boehner, and Obama, and Hillary, and Michael Moore, and the Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers, and the Globalists.
You people are anti-human crap, who like to see other people fail.
Makes you feel big.
You like hurting little kids.
You like hurting innocent people.
You like to send other people to die in your wars.
And I look at you.
You're into ugly art.
You're ugly.
You're surrounded by ugliness.
I don't mean physically ugly, but generally you are.
You're like Skeksis from the Dark Crystal.
I mean, you people are just evil!
You are filth!
Hey there, how's it going?
Joe Biggs with Infowars.com.
We got an exclusive article up by Roger Stone.
How the GOP elite plan to rob Donald Trump.
Cleveland, ladies and gentlemen, won't be for the faint of heart.
And you know, Roger Stone, I agree with you.
I understand that there are some things going on, but that's one of the reasons why I am voting for Donald Trump now.
To watch the establishment squirm.
Guess what?
The American people have spoken in mass numbers.
They are sick and tired of these polished politicians.
These everyday lying scumbags.
They want something new.
Hey, he might not be the greatest person ever, but guess what?
We'll get four years of something different.
Not a continuation of the eight years we've had.
That's what you're going to get with Hillary Clinton.
Four more years of the Obama administration, but worse.
So be smart when you go out there.
Understand that the GOP is trying to do everything they can to save their jobs, to keep this guy from being in the White House because they want to keep their power.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
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It's never gonna get any better.
Don't look for it.
Be happy with what you got.
Because the owners of this country don't want that.
I'm talking about the real owners now.
The real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians.
The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice.
You don't.
You have no choice.
You have owners.
They own you.
They own everything.
They own all the important land.
They own and control the corporations.
They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State Houses, the City Halls.
They got the judges in their back pockets.
And they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
They got you by the balls!
They want obedient workers.
Obedient workers.
People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.
And now, they're coming for your social security money.
So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street.
It's a big club.
And you ain't in it.
You said recently, quote, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.
You better believe it.
So what specifically did they do?
If I ask them, if I need them, you know, most of the people on this stage I've given to, just so you understand.
A lot of money.
You and I are not in the big club.
The owners of this country know the truth.
It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
But I'll tell you what they don't want.
They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.
They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking.
They're not interested in that.
That doesn't help them.
That's against their interest.
That's right.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And the reason I'm against this global elite
Is because they really do want dumbed down humanity so they can dominate and rule us.
And that's committing a crime against the species.
They build nuclear reactors on fault lines exclusively.
Pretty much exclusively.
They don't care about horrible things.
They're genetically engineering everything.
They act like literal demons.
This is how I would expect a horde of 50 million demons landing on the planet to behave.
Because if you were really evil, you wouldn't just kill individuals, you'd try to kill the source of life.
While claiming you're defending the Earth, that's always the funnest part about them.
Oh, we're gonna save you from carbon as part of the carbon cycle.
Sunlight, water, carbon, oxygen.
Gotta have those four things.
Water, sunlight, carbon dioxide, oxygen.
And they're gonna tax and regulate one of those.
I mean, duh!
Game over!
Total takeover!
In their own words!
I've talked about this a lot because it's more important than everything else I'm about to get to.
In Trinity and Beyond, hosted by William Shatner, I think it came out in, like, 98.
I'd already read about this.
But I saw the HD footage that the Army had never released, and the Air Force, of them detonating over 100 hydrogen bombs in the upper atmosphere, quote, trying to blow a hole in the atmosphere to see if they could drain the Earth's atmosphere, or catch it on fire, or blow up the Van Allen radiation belt, blow a hole in it.
Well, who does that?
And it wasn't the military, it was the crazy scientists.
And the 36,000 whack-job Nazis they brought back over here.
These are crazy people.
Super high IQs, but like a high IQ dog.
You ever been around the smartest dogs and they're really weird?
Like a hybrid Collie or a hybrid German Shepherd or a hybrid Russell Terrier.
They're nice little dogs, but they do weird stuff.
They're aggressive and they're sneaky and they do... I'm not gonna get into the neurotic stuff smart dogs do.
We all know.
Well, with globalists it's like a hundred times worse.
They're a bunch of whack jobs.
So you got all these 180 IQ crazy Germans mixed in with a bunch of 180 IQ crazy Jews and a bunch of 180 IQ crazy Northern Europeans and Asians and everybody else, you know, Latin America, you name it.
They're all in the same crazy clubs.
They're all into killing and manipulation.
So they're not German, they're not Jewish, they're not Chinese.
They're control freak psycho nuts who get off and try to blow up
Blow holes in the atmosphere.
And a lot of scientists think some of the holes in the ozone layer are from the high-altitude atomic testing.
I guess they found it online.
They're now showing them launch hundreds of hydrogen bombs trying to blow up the atmosphere.
That's good.
They'll hit us with copyright for trying to show you how they're trying to blow holes in the atmosphere if we show too much.
Because it's not fair use commentary to say, please don't use our tax money to blow up the atmosphere.
It is fair use.
This is original government footage, actually.
They're just trying to shut down our YouTube channel right now.
They're trying to kick us off Facebook.
They may be successful.
They got infiltrators literally trying to get in the building.
I'm not going to whine about it.
I'm just here at my post watching civilization meltdown around me, and I just
I don't blame people just wanting to say conspiracy theory, because you hear stuff like this and you just don't want to admit it.
Because if you did admit it, you'd have to do something, right?
You're meant to do something.
It's animating to do something.
It's fulfilling to do something.
It's empowering.
Now, you can go too far, like I have, and it becomes a total commitment where I don't even really exist anymore.
Every thought is on this because I see it everywhere.
They have built this stinking prison to try to jack us.
And I'm not going to put up with it anymore.
I want it to come down because it's holding us down like a tether to a hot air balloon.
I want to escape from the hell they're trying to build.
You know, the devil doesn't like the fact that he's destined for Hades, so he wants to take us with him and build a hell here.
I'm telling you, that's what it is.
Even if the devil doesn't exist as an entity, seven and a half billion people manipulated by these technocrats are manifesting that devil and making that devil.
As Ray Kurzweil said, I don't believe in God yet.
I am going to become God.
If that doesn't sound like something out of the mouth of a long-tailed devil, I don't know what is.
All right, let me get back into the news.
I want to take your phone calls, first-time callers, specifically on the RNC leadership coming out and saying, yes, we did meet in secret, now we're public.
We're going to take the nomination from Donald Trump.
In fact, we don't even care if he gets the magic 1,100 or whatever number.
We're just taking it.
And guess what?
You shouldn't even vote.
The head of the Republican Party from North Dakota goes on Fox News.
I played the clip twice last hour.
I'm about to play it again.
And says, yeah, I don't even know why you do vote.
You're right.
I'm gonna throw it in your face.
The media is misrepresented.
It's the delegates and superdelegates that matter.
Because you're sworn to take the votes of your precinct and go up there and represent the people.
Back when folks had to get on a, you know, horse and carriage and travel hundreds of miles.
It was a big event.
Back then, if you tried to skip your delegate or do something, I've read stories about it.
When you got back to your town, the mayor would come to your door or another top person in the town.
You had to be a manly man to be a leader back then and say, Mr. Johnson or Mr. Brown or whatever your name was.
The reports are in the papers that when you traveled to that city for the convention that you pledged the votes of this town.
To another candidate.
Well, yes, I did do that, because I thought, well, get your second.
I will meet you in one hour in the town square.
Your choice, swords or muskets.
And folks, there were thousands of people, thousands killed over not, look it up, over not following political pledges when people were set as legates.
That's what, this is an old Roman term, to go represent people.
They come to your door.
I've got my second right here.
And if the person didn't come out and fight, they take off a glove and go, you coward, slap them right across the face.
You want to steal our votes?
You're going to get to face somebody.
You're going to get to face death.
Now, that's where America came from.
By the 1880s, they made it illegal.
But that's what you see in High Noon, it ended in the West last, where you did something, you were allowed to go out in town square, with your guns, and get quote, satisfaction.
Now, that's where we came from.
I'm not calling for that today, I'm just telling you where all this is going.
If U.S.
Senators didn't do what the legislatures that elected them told them to do,
They were brought back and sometimes were indicted by the state.
They weren't just recalled.
They would have that senator in the legislature in Texas, Tennessee, New York, didn't matter, Florida, right down there on trial.
You didn't do in the voting exactly what we told you to do.
Look how ass backwards that is today.
So I want to ask you.
I'm somebody that wants to fix this peacefully, but when we have open appointed presidents, openly stolen elections, and homeland security with armored vehicles gearing up for war against the American people, and saying a civil war is coming, and they're run by foreign interest, what is the point at which we resist these people?
Will the American people, if they steal elections in front of us, just say, well, they arrested that governor because he said they should have followed the vote?
Oh, did you hear the army went down and got these state senators?
Did you hear this congressman got arrested?
You know, Lincoln did that, and the Democrats say Obama is modeling himself after Lincoln.
And just like the Civil War, they'll bring in some red herring of racism.
Nothing to do with it.
Until the end.
They used abolitionist fervor, though, for the one moral high ground against the South, which was a real moral high ground.
But had nothing to do with it.
Read the letters in Lincoln.
They're online.
You can see scans of them.
Sir, if I could reunify the Union and not free one slave, I'd do it today.
Go read it!
But the ignorance of the public doesn't see what's being formed in front of them right now.
Are they trying to push a civil war?
How do we stop it?
Or is it inevitable?
Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace, but there is no peace.
The war has already begun!
The next gale will bring it to us here!
I'm gonna play that clip again.
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No political correctness in henpecking in the classroom.
No microaggression.
Brainwashing government leaves the people alone.
Leave them kids alone.
Suffer the little children.
Growing minds.
The handicapped.
Those you can take advantage of.
Better for you to tie a millstone around your neck and throw it in the deepest sea than to hurt one of these.
That's what the globalists do.
They want to keep us perpetual children.
Scared of the dark.
Dumbed down and enslaved by the controllers.
We don't need any thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
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And no army can stop an idea whose time has come.
You listen to that, control freaks?
Listen up good!
Leave those kids alone!
Get your hands off of them, vampires!
We're coming for ya!
They got the fire of liberty in our eyes, and it burns in our guts.
And you fear us for good reason, don't you?
We've defeated you over and over again in history.
And liberty is rising yet again!
Born by Valkyries to crush the tyrants and the snakes of the earth.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to stop riffing here on Pink Floyd, one of the best bands of all time.
Let's get back to that clip before I come back in the next break and segment and take your calls.
Let's play the head of the RNC in North Dakota.
And this is in the news.
I mean, the party heads have said, we're not going to let Trump have it.
We're going to do a broker convention.
That's been in the Washington Post.
We'd rather Hillary win.
Mitch McConnell.
Just outrageous.
We change the rules.
We run the government.
We're saying it's legal.
Your vote doesn't count.
This is an oligarchy now.
What a incredible statement.
Gloves are off, folks.
They're uncloaked now.
Out of weakness, not out of strength.
We have fought them, we have exposed them, and now the enemy is uncloaked.
That's why I always say, resistance is victory.
If you just lay down, then that natural law, Newtonian physics, doesn't apply.
It only applies when you stand up.
Then, for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.
They're masters of diverting people off down rabbit trails.
They live, they're awake while we sleep.
The awakening is here.
Let's go to this again.
I've got dozens of clips here.
I'm not just playing this because I don't have material.
I've got tons of stuff to talk about here, but this is so sensational.
We've got senior GOP official Curly Huland.
Holland, we choose the nominee, not the voters.
Listen to this epic clip.
And then on the end, on national news, they go, so why even have voters?
Why even have primaries?
He goes, good point.
The party leadership appoints the delegates and superdelegates.
And they tell them what to do.
And then they just announce whatever they want.
Well, why not just have one guy doing it then?
Oh no, it's a whole coterie of people.
Remember what Gruber said?
He goes, thank God the American people are so dumb.
I was tasked with tripling prices for the insurance companies to rape everyone.
So I went out and lied to everybody.
The president adopted my lies.
It was other groups competing with their lies.
And the other professors are, oh my gosh, could I be part of the lying?
And all the PhD students are,
Oh, my dissertation on lying.
I'm learning how to be a scumbag!
Oh, that'll get us to Alpha Centauri's!
Let's get a break with this clip.
Here it is.
I don't think that's the case, you know, if it would just be understood.
We have a problem with the media.
Unfortunately, the cable networks are trying to deter me.
I don't think this is a problem with the media.
I've heard from a lot of voters who say if they feel like their votes got stolen, that they would be very unhappy and very angry.
I think you're looking at a different situation.
I realize these have been the rules, but the last time these rules were put in place was 1976.
It's been a long time since then.
Yeah, they're still there.
Yeah, that's the problem.
The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination and that's the conflict here.
We feel like we live in a democratic society.
What you're telling me is it's not a democratic society and your votes don't necessarily matter because it's a democratic representation, correct?
No, that's not what I'm trying to tell you.
What I'm trying to say is that we're just one of the political parties.
There's many political parties, but political parties choose their nominee, not the general public.
Contrary to popular belief.
Then why am I holding the primaries?
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hey kids, where you wanna go on April 2nd?
Democracy Springs?
Me too!
Hey there, this is Joe Biggs with Infowars.com and I'm so excited for April 2nd because guess what's going on?
Democracy Spring!
It's gonna be a large protest where a whole bunch of social justice warriors sit around and whine and cry and complain about democracy while raping your rights!
Yeah, it'll be great.
Get your friends, your family, everything.
Get a bullhorn.
Get a whole bunch of stupid signs made that make no sense at all.
And run around and bully people who want to disagree with you.
It's going to be the greatest thing ever.
Hey, Donald Trump, you're a racist.
We don't know why, but it's because you're white.
You can't be here.
You're triggering me.
Get out of my safe space.
Democracy Spring.
It's going to be so much fun.
I'll probably explode.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's amazing.
It's fantastical.
It's sensational.
It is humiliating.
It's awe-inspiring.
It's marvelously pathetic.
This political elite and foreign interest that have hijacked the nation, that are overthrowing our free speech, our private property, that have exempted themselves from all the laws and regulations and taxes, lecturing us
That, oh, you can't have who you want for political office?
The party chooses that silly bird?
Oh, you're one of those crazy conspiracy theorists.
You thought your vote counted?
Some of the most arrogant, pathetic people are the RNC heads of states, DNC heads, are the delegates and superdelegates.
We've played Democrats.
We've interviewed Democrats in New Hampshire.
One of them was a superdelegate from California.
He goes, I've talked to everybody.
We're all party officials.
We elect each other.
It doesn't matter if Bernie wins here.
Hillary gets the delegates.
And then two days later, he won by 20 points and she got more delegates.
That's how it works.
See, you win the NASCAR race, but the party bosses decide that the car 20 cars back wins.
You didn't know that?
You thought the winner of the race won the race?
You thought the guy in a boxing match that knocks the other guy out wins?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You sit down and you shut up.
And we forced them to be out in the open.
Think about the stuff they denied just a few years ago.
Now it's just, yeah, we're not going to listen to your vote.
We're going to hide that in plain view.
By the way, we've got armored vehicles and special forces standing by.
Oh, really?
Go ahead and try to use those when you pull all this kind of crap off.
And by the way, I'm not some guy spoiling for a physical civil war.
I'm smart enough.
I'm historic enough.
And I've been in the street enough to know that's not fun.
But I'll tell you one thing.
Gloves come off?
All of the nice, friendly patriots of this country aren't like all the fake evil people and fake tough guys.
We don't fight because we want to oppress people.
We don't fight because we want to dominate people.
We don't fight because we're parasites and we have a will to dominate the innocent.
We fight because we have a responsibility and a duty to stand up for the innocent.
And the establishment has taken our kindness, our patience, our intelligence for weakness.
But for 60 years, the Liberty Movement has fought the globalist takeover, and it's probably more than 15 years behind now because of all those patriots.
Great men and women that I'm nothing compared to.
Who went through hell.
They tortured multiple members of Congress for talking about this, like Congressman Hanson.
Until he was basically insane, but after he got out, he was okay.
Until his feet burst open and he almost rotted off.
Because he was having hearings on the IRS.
Countless other people they killed, tortured.
Countless police, FBI agents, you name it.
Larry McDonald.
Would have been the stuff that made Ronald Reagan look like a wimp.
They landed that plane, took him off, and the word is they tortured him long and hard.
A deal with the Russians.
Take care of that problem.
He'd go on crossfire and talk about everything we talk about here in the early 80s.
They killed him dead in a hammer.
Not before they had their way with him for a long time.
These are demons we're dealing with.
So just remember who we're up against and understand, bowing to him only makes it worse.
Yeah, Congressman Hanson.
I tried to get him on recently and they told me he was very, very sick and he's since died.
There's so many others I could talk about, but they were so right.
They were so ahead of their time.
And so for 60 years, we've been trying to politically change things.
But I want to tell the New World Order something.
You'll understand this.
Our stay-behind networks
Not like yours in Europe, but our stay behind networks, if you actually take over, it's when you physically completely take over the real war starts.
And I want to advise all the fools that think this is going to be fun to crush the patriots of this country, and all the leftist fake tough, you are not going to be happy when you face the crazy brave.
And I don't take any pleasure in what could be coming to this country because garbage being smashed isn't anything.
It's like walking out in your yard and stepping in dog manure.
You gotta wipe it off your shoes.
They've set this whole thing up where people like Soros and others think they're gonna stay above the fray.
There's not gonna be anywhere on earth that that
Entity is going to be able to hide from his crimes.
Can you imagine?
He was a high level Nazi collaborator rounding up thousands of people when he was 13, 14, 15 and 16.
And that guy is still alive now trying to kill this country.
Who would believe that in a fiction book where there's some weirdo Nazi collaborator running the country and starting civil wars all over the world and trying to start World War III with Russia?
Well, why do we put up with him?
MI6 basically wrote the new James Bond movie.
And Quantum is the company that actually runs Spectre.
And of course, the name of George Soros' fund is Quantum.
And that's because there are different factions, and MI6 knows Soros is continually trying to crash the British pound.
When I went to England to cover Bilderberg, I had MI6 come visit with me, MI5, and the local police constabulary head, who himself was a spook.
He was over four counties.
And they all basically looked at me, and it wasn't an act, and they said, you don't think we don't know all this?
You don't think we don't know what's happening in this country?
You don't think we're unaware?
You need to learn who your friends are.
We've gone through a lot of trouble to make sure that you're even able to be here and cover this.
And it was true.
And that's it.
Can you imagine being in the government having to sit there while this trash runs your country in the ground and then you get all the blame for it?
And then they want us to have a civil war with all the feds?
Which is what they want to bring the country down.
It isn't that there aren't bad feds who deserve to be in trouble.
It's that the globalists want to have the civil war and I don't want to have it.
But they are pushing for it on every front, openly trying to steal the election from the American people, not from Donald Trump, at the primary level.
While they get the leftist Black Lives Matter group wound up on the left, and the Donald Trump people wound up on the right.
With all this other craziness unfolding, we're headed into a key time right now.
I want to play this clip one more time, and that's it for the broadcast.
I might play it once more when Stone's on, but this is CNBC.
There's another one on Fox.
This is CNBC, the head of the Republican Party, North Dakota, going, hey, media, don't act like we're stealing something.
We changed the rule where your vote doesn't count.
And she goes, oh, well, then you shouldn't have primaries or voting.
He goes, yes.
They're so warped.
They think if they pass a rule, it means they can just ignore everything.
That that gives them cover, like the Nazis passing laws that they could do horrible things.
But what does it say about this establishment and what they think about us?
They either think we're the dumbest people in history, or they want to cause civil unrest.
And they're not stupid.
They know there's a large portion of people that are getting angry, that are getting wound up.
And now they want to play the political parties off against each other and suicide basically both of them.
But the Republican Party wants to blow itself up like a suicide bomber so the Democrats can completely take over.
This is the deal being made by the Republican leadership right now.
And let me tell you, when you're 87 years old or whatever Soros is, he's so evil and so into crazy risk and stuff.
This is entertaining to him that it's so dangerous for him in the world.
It's entertaining there could be nuclear war with Russia.
It's fun for him.
That's why it's not a threat when I say they're going to be held accountable.
Because they love it!
This is a high stakes poker game for them.
But the ignorance of the people is what has allowed this cancer to metastasize and grow.
Let's play the clip, then I'm going to Sherry, Marty, JD, William, Crystal, and others.
I'm asking the question, what is your line in the sand?
Not that I'm baiting you to, like, call for violence or want to have violence.
It's not that I'm even scared to talk about defending ourselves and the right to revolt that's in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence.
I truly don't think this is the point for that.
That's a last-ditch effort.
That's why the Second Amendment comes after the First.
You got the Tenth and the Ninth and all the rest.
I truly believe that's the wrong move at this point.
But they may intend to keep pushing forever, so I want to know what is your line in the sand.
My kids aren't taking any of your deadly vaccines.
I don't care how many lemmings you've got saying how great they are, I've got the facts.
I'm not going to your forced labor camp to have some pot-bellied, you know, Bernie Sanders graduate, you know, ruling over me for his ego.
I'm not going to be part of this.
And we're facing the mortality of this country right now and of freedom worldwide.
Let's play the clip, here it is.
I don't think that's the case once it's, you know, if it would just be understood.
We have a problem with the media.
Unfortunately, the cable networks are trying to determine... I don't think this is a problem with the media.
I've heard from a lot of voters who say if they feel like their votes got stolen, that they would be very unhappy and very angry.
I think you're looking at a different situation.
I realize these have been the rules, but the last time these rules were put in place was 1976.
It's been a long time since then.
Yeah, they're still there.
Yeah, that's a problem.
The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination and that's the conflict here.
We feel like we live in a democratic society.
What you're telling me is it's not a democratic society and your votes don't necessarily matter because it's a democratic representation, correct?
No, that's not what I'm trying to tell you.
What I'm trying to say is that we're just one of the political parties.
There's many political parties, but political parties choose their nominee, not the general public.
Contrary to popular belief.
Then why are they holding the primaries?
That's a very good question.
Alright, that's RNC Rules Committee member.
He makes the national rules.
Had the Republican Party, North Dakota.
And his job is to hide this heist.
In plain view.
It's like you got a babysitter and, God forbid, you open the door and the babysitter has, you know, got your kid's pants down and is performing a sex act on them and they just turn around and go, nothing to see here, everything's fine, I'm just following the law right now.
That's what they're doing.
They're just real calmly, it's like you go up to your house and the guy's walking out with your wife's jewelry and computers and TVs, like, oh, we're just doing a safety inspection, sir.
They're like, you're robbing me!
You're like, no we're not.
If these aren't the droids you're looking for, move along.
This is the mind game.
This is the brainwashing.
You could have a whole college course just on that 70 second clip.
Kelly, haha, you know, the problem is you and the media, haha.
You don't seem to understand, this is just how we do it.
Yeah, I guess, yeah, I guess your vote doesn't matter.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, why even have primaries?
I agree with you.
Okay, well, that's just how it is.
Thanks a lot, guys.
It's all about everything's normal.
I learned real quick when I was dove or quail hunting that if I had the stance of a hunter walking around a field, birds 200 yards away would fly off.
But if I acted stupid and acted like I was picking a mushroom or looking at something and kind of just acted dumb with body language, they'd sit there until I got right up to the tree they were in.
Because a predator is sneaking up.
We're a more sophisticated predator, you see.
Because you're only sneaking because you haven't been seen yet.
But see, the bird already sees you, so you act like you're not sneaking.
It'll let you walk within 30 feet of it.
And then I blast it out of that tree with my 12-gauge.
Or maybe for sport, I go, and let it take off.
That's how they do it.
They just kind of walk around, everything's fine.
Get the armored vehicles ready, bring in the black ops, poison the water even more.
Oh, we love you.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, you're all out of cancer.
Oh, we love you.
We're going to have a little jogging event tomorrow to raise money for that.
Get my offshore base ready.
Do they have a live extension ready?
Oh, thank God.
Oh, we love you.
Ah, loving liberal.
Oh, we're trying to take care of you.
Oh, yeah, your vote doesn't count.
Never know a big deal.
La la la la.
Yeah, there's a world government.
Oh, yeah.
They're just like moseying up with a 12-gauge.
Into the pit we go.
Because if they're doing, I kept saying, if they're getting away with all this right now, imagine what's coming next, like TPP.
Yeah, it's super secret, runs everything, hands everything over, foreign groups will run America, you can't see it.
Oh yeah, your elections don't matter.
By the way, armored vehicles are standing by, as I said.
Prepare for the war coming with the patriots, the evil people that say there's a foreign globalist takeover and your vote doesn't count.
You know the ones that are right, the ones that aren't criminals?
You know us, the bad guys.
Sherry in Ohio, thanks for holding.
Sherry, you're on the air worldwide.
What do you think about all this?
I would like to know how they can hold Trump's feet to the fire for his protesters when the Black Panthers were out in front of polling places with bats and batons, interfering with the election literally, saying kill Cracker, kill Whitey and their babies too, and Eric Holder can pardon all that trouble.
How can one have their feet held to the fire if it's not going to go across the board?
Now if people don't wake up, their feelings are going to get hurt really, really fast.
And I mean this in my own family as well.
When you try to point this out, I mean, if you don't have your home in order and you don't show your friends and your neighbors this, who is going to stand by you when this stuff hits the fan?
Well, that's what's scary.
They're gearing up for a total economic collapse that's meant to bring in the world government.
And all these people that are so soft and believe in the system, they're going to get hurt so bad, they're going to double down on the government that hasn't delivered and say, we'll do anything you say.
And remember, most Democrats we talk to
In Austin and in California, that's where we do these samples, 9 out of 10 say put gun owners in forced labor camps.
And you say, so you want to lock them up in prison?
And they'll go, yeah, I'm sick of them.
And let's make them forced labor.
And they'll go, yes, forced labor.
Because they get off.
They're like, you know, they don't work.
They just watch TV all day on welfare.
Old white guy, black guy, whatever, old lady, you know, young woman.
They just kind of get off on that.
Yeah, man, let's get some camps going here.
That's kind of sexy.
I feel powerful right now.
These are dishonorable, weak, wannabe, blood-sucking tyrants.
I brought up to people I know about the rioting going on here in Ohio, which is absolutely ridiculous because I do not see the racism in my community, period.
I don't see it.
But if you can stand outside at a polling place with black lives... No, I hear you, ma'am.
I hear you.
We'll be back with more calls.
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By the way, I'm going to try to hurry your calls now.
Coming up at the bottom of the next hour, Roger Stone joins us.
He actually joins us at 8 after, but we'll take calls with him as well on all the new Trump news and election 2016 news as well.
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Okay, enough of that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Charles.
No, actually Marty's been holding longer.
Marty in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes sir, I'm a military veteran and I'm still active duty actually, and I just can't believe they came out in the open.
And my question is, is there a way we can change this RNC delegate rule that our vote does matter?
Yes, absolutely.
The RNC committee members that are on the rules committee, what is it, 11 of them on there?
We got to pull up the RNC Rules Committee.
I'm going from memory.
They are the ones that claim they, those few people, men and women, they vote for all Republicans.
So your vote doesn't count.
You heard the arrogance because it's a rule they made.
So he's God.
It's okay because he's the boss.
Well, I mean, you know, Obama has signed an executive order that he's allowed to, you know, chop puppy dogs' heads off on the White House lawn.
It's not right.
You can't do that.
It's called tyranny.
And so you've got this, this, this, this kook, you know, up there.
Senior GOP official Curly Huland, or Holland, H-A-U-G-L-A-N-D, just on the news going, yeah, no, your votes don't count.
And this is normal.
So yes, he and others need to have people absolutely tell him, listen scumbag, who do you work for?
And then also, like, how could this guy Bernie give free college tuition to students when these military members have to sacrifice their lives and get shot up and blown up in order for us to receive our free college?
And of course it isn't really free, only part of it is.
Look, now Bernie's saying, I didn't say free for everybody, I meant the state colleges.
Which is still saying free education, which will bankrupt us.
He doesn't really say that.
He says the first few years are free, and then all they do is jack up the price on the end.
So it's kind of like telling a mouse, the first bite of cheese on the mousetrap is free.
But once you press the lever, we break your neck.
Because we love you.
Now drink some more fluoride water.
God bless you, Marty.
Good point.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, I want to go to Crystal, William, Chris, JD, and everybody.
Right now, Charles in North Dakota says he's a state delegate.
He wants to comment on Curley Hewlin, or Howlin, however you pronounce it, who is on the Republican Rules Committee.
And there's a bunch of committees, but there's 29 on that committee.
We found that number.
So it's these 29 people, they, whoever appointed them, whoever they were bought and paid for,
Whoever on the RNC, I guess the main RNC appoints them, the main committee, then they decide who votes in America.
So I guess they should be running for office then and all that would be voting.
I guess they just kind of elect themselves.
There shall be an executive committee of the Republican National Committee to consist of 29 ringwraiths.
I mean officers and members of the Republican National Committee.
The chairman, the co-chairman, the vice-chairman, and the secretary.
And of course, he is the chairman.
I'm going from memory there.
So there you go.
Look it up for yourself.
Rule number six.
Execute order number 66.
To court, to court, to quote Emperor Palpatine.
Imagine courting Emperor Palpatine.
I've always had a crush on Umberto Palpatine.
I'm not always gay, but when I am, I like Umberto Palpatine.
That'll be in the New York Times.
You know, that's a joke.
Now I'm covering up.
Alright, see, I'm going off into comedy.
I apologize.
Charles in North Dakota, here on the air.
What's happening, Alex?
Well, I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I drink Dos Equis.
Go ahead.
Well, hey, long-time listener, just wanted to comment on Curley, and I'm a delegate here in the state, and I'm actually from Mount Pleasant, Texas.
That's where I'm from, not far down the street.
Wow, so you're in the state, and you're a state delegate.
What do you think of Curley, the Lordship, saying that he'll decide who gets to be president?
Well, I'm disgusted by what he said, actually, and you know, when the convention comes around,
I'm going to actually personally go and ask him what the heck he was talking about because I actually talked to a couple of delegates yesterday who said that Curley actually doesn't stand on that position as far as that he supports that.
You know, I don't know him personally, so I don't know if that's for sure, but I will say this, his choice of words and the way that he chose to come off... I agree, I agree.
He is not a scumbag if he said that he was wrong or was taken out of context or whatever, but the issue is he should come out and say it's wrong.
We're forcing a debate by the delegates and superdelegates right now, or managing delegates in the Republican Party, so that they know it's not going to be put up with.
I think the answer is put pressure on these people.
Right, and I was, you know, like, that's the thing I said to them is when they think, I was very angry about it, but you know, this is, they're stealing this from us.
They're taking the election from us.
And for someone to come out and be so brazen and act like, hey, it's cool to, you know, that the people don't have a choice here.
It's up to the party to choose this.
I said, if he doesn't stand for that, well, then he should have stood up and said that.
Have the fortitude to get up and say, hey, I don't believe in the way that should be.
Instead, he let them run this around.
And I mean, I would imagine today he's
Well, but I mean, he may not get to stay on the committee if he criticizes it.
See how that works?
And another thing, I want to put this out there.
When I came up here, I've been living here six years.
I'm from Texas.
I've been living here in North Dakota for six years.
I had to find out to become a delegate here.
It's not a free election.
Let me explain this to you.
When I had to come up here to go vote, I thought, well, hey, you know, we'll just go vote.
It's a, you know, primary, yada, yada, yada.
Well, no, that's not the way it is.
And that's only one level of the RNC and DNC gatekeepers as you go up.
Right, it's ridiculous.
I mean, they, and when I was told to by the head of my district, Terry, said they're going to pick 22 delegates, or 20 delegates, I'm sorry, from here to go to the National Convention.
And are you currently one of those delegates that's been picked, or are you one of the general delegates?
No, I'm just going to be a general delegate.
I think what I was explaining is the people who are going to be picked to go to that are going to be like the governor.
You know, people that are basically super delegates.
People they know are absolutely going to do their job.
See, but we're not evil like they are.
What if we had sleeper cell people that lied and said they'd steal it, but didn't at the time?
Hey there, how's it going?
Joe Biggs with Infowars.com.
We got an exclusive article up by Roger Stone.
How the GOP elite plan to rob Donald Trump.
Cleveland, ladies and gentlemen, won't be for the faint of heart.
And you know, Roger Stone, I agree with you.
I understand that there are some things going on.
That's one of the reasons why I am voting for Donald Trump now.
To watch the establishment squirm.
Guess what?
The American people have spoken in mass numbers.
They are sick and tired of these polished politicians.
These everyday lying scumbags.
They want something new.
Hey, he might not be the greatest person ever, but guess what?
We'll get four years of something different.
Not a continuation of the eight years we've had.
That's what you're gonna get with Hillary Clinton.
Four more years of the Obama administration, but worse.
So be smart when you go out there.
Understand that the GOP is trying to do everything they can to save their jobs, to keep this guy from being in the White House because they want to keep their power.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
We're good to go!
Thank you.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We all mount the chosen toys of catty girls, and pretty boys make up that first-term bill.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are broadcasting worldwide.
Roger Stone, the consummate Trump insider.
The Vice Trumpian joins us.
We've got loaded phone calls of people that want to talk about what they think of the mainstream media saying they're going to steal the nomination from Trump, something we warned you of six, seven months ago.
Now it's in the Washington Post.
Now it's everywhere.
They're admitting it.
They've got members of the RNC Rules Committee on CNBC, on Fox, going, listen, media, stop lying.
It's always been this way.
Your popular vote doesn't matter.
And then the host on CNBC says, well, then
Why do we even have primaries?
And he says, good point.
Good point.
We played that four times already.
I mean, that is just crazy to see this type of behavior from these people.
So they've got to mainline it now.
They've got to just legitimize it.
It's like Nambla, you know, is trying to legitimize child molestation.
They just want to legitimize stealing elections in front of everyone.
It rises to that level of absurdity and surrealism.
It's worse than any grand falloon thought of in the great mind of Kurt Vonnegut.
And it makes the head spin.
But it's an elite so ingratiated with themselves, so arrogant, so disconnected.
They've tried everything they can.
All the demonization.
All the lies about Trump.
It hasn't worked.
All of them ganging up.
It blows up in their face.
It's a referendum on the fact that they are universally hated.
The Democrats are so pathetic that they stole it from Sanders in front of everybody.
Right through state after state.
Their people have kind of submitted.
Some of them want to support Trump.
So they're doing this whole bait and switch where Hillary sends the Sanders foils in.
Stone exposed that with us a week ago.
Now it's been confirmed to be accurate.
He first exposed all these secret meetings and the Koch brothers coming out against him, the Rothschilds, the House of Saud, the British government, the Chinese Communist government, the Pope, the whole world.
The Economist has come out and said, oh no!
And they've got all these headlines about fascism and Trump and the Christian Science Monitor.
The whole world is in fear of Donald Trump!
Thank goodness that they're going to not let the popular vote stand!
That's how you fight fascism!
So we've now reached this incredible point.
Now, I've just set the table here.
He's always got more inside baseball for us.
Always more breaking news.
So we're going to recap what's happened, flesh out the latest secret meetings.
His story that he offered us yesterday, he said he could be run many places, but he said he'd like to run it on Infowars.com, is now on DrudgeReport.com.
How the GOP elite plan to rob Donald Trump.
A play-by-play.
But a lot of you can't read while you're driving or things like that, so we're gonna have spoken word here for you as we go through this and more with Roger Stone.
Roger, thank you for coming on with us, and I like that hat.
Yeah, this hat, it was a gift from St.
John Hunt, who of course is the son of the legendary CIA operative and later Watergate burglar, and the hat once belonged to E. Howard Hunt.
Who the Mission Impossible character is named after.
Yes, exactly.
So I wear this as a homage to my friend St.
You know, this article today that appears exclusively on Infowars.com and was picked up by Drudge and now, I believe, by RealClearPolitics is a blow-by-blow of exactly how the Kingmakers and the Republican bosses plan to steal the nomination from Donald Trump despite the national will.
Despite the fact that he has historically run the table in the primaries and most of the caucuses.
I've never seen anything like it since the hijacking of the Republican Party by the Eastern establishment in the 40s.
I think?
So the argument, quite simply, is it doesn't matter how the people back in South Carolina voted, or the people in New Hampshire voted, the delegates are all free agents.
That way, those who are quizlings, those who have been inserted into the delegations, posing as Trump supporters, can vote against Trump, and other Trump supporters can be pressured.
They can be pressured by those who hold the mortgage to their homes, or to their businesses,
Or to whom they owe money.
This is going to be a slugfest in Cleveland.
This is going to be a day long remembered, undoubtedly.
I know you told me some of the inside baseball, but obviously Trump is concerned about this.
I think the strategy is he needs to come out now that the public is aware of this.
He didn't want to sound like sour grapes before and say, listen, I'm the leader.
They're openly bragging about stealing it.
This is criminal.
You can't just change rules, you know, to say child molestation is okay.
And you can't change rules to steal the popular vote.
You know, I'm considering a lawsuit or something like that.
I mean, I know you're advising him.
What do you think of that advice?
Well, a lawsuit would have no force.
The Republican National Convention is not governed by federal or state law.
It's governed by its own rules.
I understand that there's got to be some pressure because it reaches the level of racketeering to say we're going to ignore your popular vote through false advertising holding out that the election is about a popular vote.
Well, but the good news here, Alex, is Donald Trump is not, in any way, without cards.
He has many cards.
First of all, he has the option of challenging the seating of some delegates.
The Texas delegation, in my opinion, could be challenged on the basis of widespread voter fraud that you here at Infowars.com have helped us document.
The entire Ohio result is flawed because that ballot setup was tainted.
It was wired against Donald Trump.
Now the lawyers tell me that Trump, who was the only one withstanding, would have a very strong lawsuit.
But instead of bringing a lawsuit, he can bring his case to the Credentials Committee or to the full convention if it's necessary.
They're also, let's remember, as the candidate who is closest to 1237, the magic number that one needs on the first ballot, Donald Trump still has the vice-presidential nomination to bestow on someone.
And it could be anyone.
Anyone who controls a small, but significant... And that's how they forced in 1980 George Herbert Walker Bush in, but he could come back through the same door, but bring a Patriot in.
Let's expand on that.
Imagine Trump up there during the RNC with his speech saying, I have the majority, the vast majority, don't let them steal this.
Delegates, let's stand up and restore the republic.
People would go crazy.
They'd be crying.
They would revolt against the party leadership.
It'd be the magic moment.
Well, plus I don't rule out the fact that there is some other constitutionalist out there in the Republican Party who would be a good vice president and controls a small but significant group of delegates just through personal loyalty.
So let's not assume that just because the bosses and the kingmakers want to steal this, that they are going to be successful.
Trump has the most important power on his side.
Public opinion.
And as Abraham Lincoln said, public opinion in this country is everything.
The big steal is going to be very difficult for the bosses to carry out.
It's interesting to me, and I predict again, George W. Bush's clan, particularly Jeb Bush, will be endorsing Ted Cruz shortly because Ted Cruz is a Bush family retainer.
Ted Cruz isn't the constitutional conservative you think he is.
He's a globalist.
He's backed by Goldman Sachs.
Uh, his wife and he are, uh, are minor, uh, uh, uh, servants for the Bush family.
She worked for Condoleezza Rice, getting us into the phony Iraq war.
Then she went over and worked for Robert Zoellick, the U.S.
trade representative, former president of the World Bank, former president of the Council on Foreign Relations.
And now the Federal Reserve's giving money to him and Hillary, but none, zero, uh, to Donald Trump.
Another incredible endorsement.
Yeah, he's Dr. Evil.
Look, if you ask me, Donald Trump has a long list of thank you notes that he has to write.
He's got to send one to the Pope.
He's got to send one to the Chinese government.
He's got to send one to Vincente Fox.
He's got to send one to Mitt Romney.
Now he's got to send one to the Washington Post.
All of these attacks are backfiring.
All they're doing is winning votes for Donald Trump.
And for the first time in my political experience, the massive negative advertising, the torrent, the drumbeat of negative advertising is having no effect.
Voters are seeing it and it's moving them towards Trump because they see it as dirty pool.
They see it as an attempt to distract them.
And then above all, of course, it's time for Trump to write a nice fat thank you letter to George Soros because blaming Bernie Sanders supporters for the protests at Trump rallies is like blaming the communists for the Reichstag fire.
This isn't a Bernie operation.
This is Soros and David Brock and Jonathan Lewis and a Clinton operation.
Poor Bernie.
He's just an innocent bystander.
These are protesters masquerading as Bernie Sanders supporters.
But Alex, here's the most stunning thing today.
A poll shows one third of Bernie Sanders supporters
Will not vote for Hillary Clinton.
And those voters, I think, because they're against NAFTA, because they're against these international trade deals, I think they end up with Trump.
And that is what scares the bejesus out of the Soros crowd.
All right, this is incredible.
I've never heard or seen anything like this in U.S.
We're live on the air right now.
And I want you, though, because I want to take a clip of this, post it in the Drudge article that's linked, put it on Facebook, Twitter, make it go viral.
Uh, and then I want to get to some other subjects after that, but I want to start over with you and have you just encapsulate how big it is that the Republicans are openly saying all this.
Why they're being so naked about it.
Were they attempting to soft sell it?
Has it backfired?
So I'm just going to start back over and in just like three, four minutes, try to encapsulate it all so I can send out kind of a super video to everybody.
So let's do it right now, live.
Roger Stone, consummate Trump insider, former head of his campaign.
You first warned six, seven months ago on my show about the plan for a broker convention.
Now they're in the Washington Post.
Now they're on CNBC.
Now they've got high-level Republicans on the RNC, on the Rules Committee, saying, yes, your popular vote is a quote that we'll play it again in a moment, doesn't matter, and forget even having primaries.
We're just going to decide who the nominee is.
In fact, it may be
Paul Ryan with zero delegates.
Roger Stone, you first warned of this.
I know you've been talking to Trump recently.
He's concerned.
Explain this to us and where this is going and how we fight back against it.
Sure, the fact that Donald Trump may have 1,237 votes, the majority on the first ballot, is almost irrelevant to the Kingmakers, to the party elites.
Look, they're petrified.
And here's why.
Trump is uncontrollable to them.
He's not susceptible to special interest pressure.
He doesn't owe anybody.
There's no chips that can be called on him.
He's his own man, and the only people he owes at this point
I think?
Curly Howard has already publicly proclaimed.
Secondarily, they will try to throw out the delegates of any states where non-Republicans were allowed to vote, even if it is consistent with state law.
So if Independents and Democrats were allowed to vote, and they flooded the polls for Donald Trump, which by the way is a positive sign for the Republican Party, they will seek to throw those delegates out.
Even in Texas today, even though Trump has won delegates,
The Rick Perry, George P. Bush, Ted Cruz combine is refusing to fill those slots with actual Trump supporters.
That way they would control those votes on any early procedural maneuvers.
Remember, Trump is not without cards.
He could knock out the entire Texas delegation on the basis of widespread voter fraud.
Which, by the way, is exactly how Eisenhower overturned the nomination of Robert Taft in 1952.
By unseating the Texas delegates because the caucuses that had elected them were improperly conducted and Eisenhower voters were turned away.
That's right, and InfoWars was the tip of the spear exposing that.
Now the State Board of Elections is saying there's major evidence of fraud.
So is Ohio.
Everything that you called through the organization that you developed to monitor this fraud.
Briefly tell us about that.
Sure, I'm working with the Trump Ballot Security Project.
We are systematically building the case to take before the Credentials Committee to challenge the seating of various delegates currently pledged to Ted Cruz that we believe were fraudulently elected.
And by the way, you're not playing games.
You helped Honcho, one of the top guys, the recount in Florida that was successful for Bush.
Yes, and that's between, unfortunately, me and my God.
I will have to atone for that when I meet my maker.
I was doing my party duty.
In all honesty, until I researched my book on the murder of John Kennedy and the involvement of Lyndon Baines Johnson, although I disliked
The Bushes for their lack of any ideology or philosophy.
I never really realized how corrupt and evil they were.
Sure, and I wasn't bringing that up to zing you.
I'm just saying you are a top guy that comes in during contested elections and you're on the job and there's massive evidence of it.
Look at how they stole those states from Bernie Sanders.
That's the other wild card.
How do Sanders people coming over to Trump, a lot of them say they will, how does that affect things?
Well, I actually think that's why these phony Trojan horse protesters are being sent to the Trump demonstrations.
These are not Bernie Sanders supporters.
They're people being given Bernie Sanders t-shirts.
It's a false flag.
The whole thing is a kabuki dance.
And here's why.
They understand.
Put aside Bernie's hard left supporters because they will never vote for Trump.
But those Sanders supporters who are economic supporters, who feel cheated by NAFTA and by TPP and by the globalist international trade deals that have sucked all the jobs out of America, they're afraid that those voters are going to end up with Trump, which is the logical place for them to go.
So now they're trying to stigmatize Trump.
He's a racist.
He's a bigot.
He's mentally unbalanced simply because he challenges the status quo.
And he is the only nationalist running in this race in a field of globalism.
Well, he was against the Iraq War, the Libya, the Syria thing.
He seems like one of the only sane people out there because he doesn't want to have war with Russia.
Let's play this clip of one of the RNC Rules Committee heads.
Just an incredible clip.
This is going viral everywhere.
Infowars.com, DrudgeReport.com, StoneZone.com.
If you want to see the full clip, we're going to play about 60 seconds of it.
Simply amazing, where senior GOP official Curly Hogland, quote, we choose the nominee, not the voters.
And then she says, it's this toto moment when the curtains pull back, so why even have primaries?
And he goes, that's a good point.
Why even vote?
I mean, are we North Korea or are we the United States of America?
Are we a republic or are we a oligarchy?
I mean, the scales are coming off the eyes.
Here's the clip, Roger.
I don't think that's the case once it's, you know, if it would just be understood.
We have a problem with the media.
Unfortunately, the cable networks are trying to determine our... I don't think this is a problem with the media.
I've heard from a lot of voters who say if they feel like their votes got stolen, that they would be very unhappy and very angry.
I think you're looking at a different situation.
I realize these have been the rules, but the last time these rules were put in place was 1976.
It's been a long time since then.
Yeah, they're still there.
Yeah, that's the problem.
The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination and that's the conflict here.
We feel like we live in a democratic society.
What you're telling me is it's not a democratic society and your votes don't necessarily matter because it's a democratic representation, correct?
No, that's not what I'm trying to say.
What I'm trying to say is that we're just one of the political parties.
There's many political parties, but political parties choose their nominee, not the general public, contrary to popular belief.
Then why are they holding the primaries?
That's a very good question.
That's a very good question.
So they've reached this magic moment where they're out in the open, they're trying to sell the idea that they can change rules and ignore the popular vote.
The Democrats are doing it as well with Sanders.
And the Republican leadership's obviously sided with the Democrats.
They don't care if they blow the party up.
That's all part of the plan.
But will they be able to survive the public's anger?
And will they be able to bully the superdelegates into going along with this, Mr. Stone?
Well, look, it's not over till it's over.
There's a substantial number of veterans of the Reagan 76 campaign, veterans of the Ron Paul wars, veterans even of the Goldwater campaign who are going to be rallying.
Do not assume that Donald Trump will be outmaneuvered at this convention because we aren't going to let that happen.
And Trump, as someone this close to the nomination, is not without cards or maneuvers.
And he can outmaneuver the Kingmakers.
But what you just heard there was the arrogance
Of the ruling elite.
What he doesn't seem to understand is the voters elect delegates who go to a party convention to select the nominee.
The delegates, other than the superdelegates, are not selected by the party bosses.
They are selected by the people.
And they have every intention of abrogating the votes of the people to allow this decision to be made by a small ruling clique.
Right now, somewhere, Mitt Romney is in the bullpen with his makeup on, ready for his emergence as the compromised candidate.
You called it before he started halfway getting in and then said he wouldn't.
You've also talked about Paul Ryan, Boehner trying to draft him.
Is there any truth to that?
Well, I think he's an acceptable option.
Look, last week, as you probably saw, he announced that under no circumstances would he be a candidate.
That tells me that he has every intention of being a candidate.
That's how American politics works.
In American politics, no always means yes.
If you don't want to be vice president, pardon me, if you want to be vice president, immediately announce that under no circumstances will you take the vice presidency.
You saw that from John Kasich this week.
P.S., he would take the vice presidency from Donald Trump
In a heartbeat.
Personally, it's just my opinion.
I don't think Trump is going to offer it to him.
I don't think Trump wants him.
I think Trump is very unsettled by his support for Common Core and his embrace of Obamacare.
Sure, that's another question.
Let me ask you this.
And his support for nothing.
Who do you think Trump's looking at for VP?
There's no way of saying, other than to say because he's a businessman, and I know how business people think, all options are on the table until he's ready to make a decision.
He's going into a convention in which you have a number of people who would like to be vice president.
I do think that he is going to pick somebody whose views are entirely consistent with his own.
What about Senator Sessions?
That would help him in the South, but he's already got the South.
I think he's already strong in the South.
I would hope that he would look for someone outside the realm of career politicians.
Someone who's a true leader, someone with stature, perhaps somebody with a military background.
Sure, what about the word of some people saying Cruz?
I just don't, I don't see that happening.
And here's why.
Trump has totally lost any confidence in Ted Cruz's ability to tell the truth.
Ted Cruz has campaigned up and down this country saying Donald Trump... Sure, so that's not rhetoric from Trump when he says he can't stand Cruz.
Well, he keeps, Cruz keeps saying Donald Trump supported Jimmy Carter.
Alex, I ran the Reagan campaign in New York in 1980.
Donald Trump and his father were the first Finance Committee members for Ronald Reagan.
He got us our headquarters at a low-rent building he didn't own, but a friend of his owned.
He got our telephones put in on an expedited matter.
He let us use his airplane.
You know what, do five more minutes with us, because I want to talk about knowing Trump for 40 years, who he really is, for folks out there that want to hear it, other dirty tricks you think are coming, and other key breaking news that's about to take place from all your inside players.
Roger Stone, stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hey kids, where you wanna go on April 2nd?
Democracy Springs?
Me too!
Hey there, this is Joe Biggs with Infowars.com and I'm so excited for April 2nd because guess what's going on?
Democracy Spring!
It's gonna be a large protest where a whole bunch of social justice warriors sit around and whine and cry and complain about democracy while raping your rights!
Yeah, it'll be great.
Get your friends, your family, everything.
Get a bullhorn.
Get a whole bunch of stupid signs made that make no sense at all.
And run around and bully people who want to disagree with you.
It's going to be the greatest thing ever.
Hey, Donald Trump, you're a racist.
We don't know why, but it's because you're white.
You can't be here.
You're triggering me.
Get out of my safe space.
Democracy Spring.
It's going to be so much fun.
I'll probably explode.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I gotta be honest with you.
I've been on air 21 years.
Been politically active for 25.
I mean, my dad would take me to Ronald Reagan speeches when I was like 6 years old.
But, I've been active for 25 years.
And I have never seen anything as surreal as what is going on right now.
I mean, it's crazy.
To just have them on the news going, and in the Washington Post, yeah, we're not going to give him the nomination, even if he gets however many.
It just doesn't matter.
We're not going to do it.
And it's where unstoppable hubris and arrogance and chutzpah and bravado meets the will of the people.
It's the immovable object meets the unstoppable force.
It's scary how arrogant these weirdos are.
And how hypocritical they are.
So I want to ask Roger Stone, the consummate Trump insider, has he ever, in all the nine campaigns inside the White House, three or four, seen anything like this?
And why has it gotten to this point?
Is it a sign of weakness in the political elite?
Or a sign of strength?
Or a sign of weakness and just delusion?
Because the amount of people they're waking up now,
He's truly unprecedented.
What do you think of this time we're in?
What do you think of other stunts they can pull?
And then other big tidbits, because you've always got a lot of stuff cooking, a lot of what's next info.
Everything you've told us for six months, a week later, a month later, exactly what you say comes out in the news.
After the denials they do first, saying you're a liar, and I'm a liar, and Matt Drudge is a liar, and Breitbart's a liar, and, you know, you said the sun came up this morning, you're a liar, but you just continue to have the inside scoop on what's happening.
So, other key points, sir.
Thanks for the time.
Well, Alex, I think what's happened here is the establishment has been caught asleep.
In other words, I think they underestimated the rage in the country over 30 years of failed policies.
And the American people have woken up to the fact that whether it is Bush, or Clinton, or Bush, or Obama,
Everything remains the same.
The country is in decline.
The fiscal policies of both parties have left us broke.
The immigration policies of both parties have left our streets unsafe, our neighborhoods unsafe.
The trade policies have left us without jobs.
The foreign policy has been costly in terms of blood and treasure, but it's seemingly completely incoherent.
Or we're trying to help our enemies and punish our friends.
That's a possibility too.
And I think they completely underestimated the fact that the people are completely fed up and that Donald Trump has ended up as the manifestation of that.
So early on they laughed him off.
He's not really going to run.
This is just burnishing his brand.
This is a publicity stunt.
And then when he got in the race, they said he'll never reveal his finances.
He'll never file the necessary legally required financial disclosures.
Of course, he did those on time.
It was Jeb Bush who had to keep filing for extensions because he had to hide all of these shady deals with Carlos Slim and the other shady business endeavors that made him a rich man.
And then they said he's going to fall flat on his face in these debates.
He's not a polished political performer.
He's going to be terrible.
And that'll be the end of him.
Of course, he's pretty much dominated every debate and gone up after every debate in the polls.
And then they said, well, he has a ceiling.
So many people dislike him.
He can never transcend that ceiling, which is only in the high 20s.
Well, in some states he's inched up, like in Missouri this week, he came this close to 50%.
So they have underestimated him, just by the way, as the party regulars in the establishment underestimated Barry Goldwater.
Now that we're in the final innings and he is this close to winning the nomination, what we have is hysteria.
He's a Nazi.
He's a bigot.
He's a hater.
He's fomenting violence.
He's mentally unbalanced.
He will push the nuclear button.
It's all the same things they said, falsely, about Barry Goldwater.
And they're lies now.
But there are those in the Republican Party who don't care whether these would ultimately hurt the party's general election nominee.
Because certain Republicans, almost all of whom wear a second hat as a lobbyist,
They would rather have Hillary and Bill Clinton back in there, having a Republican Senate and a Republican House, because it's easy to play let's make a deal with the Clintons.
They're crony capitalists.
Sure, let me bring up this wild card and then we're going to let you go.
This is from CNN.
Conservative leaders gathered to plot against Donald Trump.
Another meeting, this time to run a third party candidate that's more conservative,
Obviously not to win, but to undercut, because they don't want to take votes from Hillary.
I mean, they're openly plotting to give it to Hillary.
I mean, these people are true scallywags in every sense.
They have no honor, but they're so insulated in their own lawyer bubbles.
Like you said, caught asleep at the switch that they still think they can steal this, and that brings me to my next question after this.
It's a two-parter.
The push for civil unrest by the left, Black Lives Matter, all that being activated.
Trump saying civil unrest coming if they steal the election from him.
Comment on those two points, sir.
Well, first of all, I'm very proud to say that three years ago, I was deeply involved in the successful effort to get the Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson on the ballot in 48 states.
And frankly, we qualified in 50, but we were screwed by political judicial decisions in Oklahoma and Michigan.
He certainly qualified in every state.
Wait until the bosses find how hard it is to get on the ballot.
In all 50 states as an independent, because there is no available party and libertarians are not going to nominate some non-libertarian.
That's not going to happen.
So I see that as an idle boast, as an exercise in futility.
You're going to see these mass protests.
They're going to try to make Cleveland this summer Chicago 1968.
And by the way, the Chicago demonstrations against Humphrey redounded to the benefit of Richard Nixon.
Frankly, they're going to overreach.
If Donald Trump handles these demonstrations properly, they're going to help elect him.
As have the attacks from the Chinese government, the Pope, the Mexicans, and all these other entities that have attacked Trump have only been jujitsu'd by Trump and he has benefited from them.
Look for more of that.
All right, Roger.
Thank you so much for the time, and thank you for sending us the exclusive article.
Obviously, folks can pick it up from InfoWars and carry this entirety everywhere else.
We just want to get the info out.
That's why it's a good place to run stories is InfoWars.com, not just the big national and global reach, but the stories we run are for everybody else to run as well.
We just want to try to save the country, just like Mr. Stone does, doing all this for free, basically.
But he is selling two books.
They're already bestsellers, Exposing the Bushes and The Clintons, The Bush Crime Family, and of course, The Crimes of the Clintons and all their sex garbage.
That's available, both those books, at infowarestore.com or at stonezone.com.
Roger, thank you so much.
Alex, always great to be with you.
Keep in the struggle.
I will, sir.
So, learn what's happening next week today with Roger Stone.
And that's what InfoWars is all about.
Okay, folks have been holding long enough.
Charles, and Crystal, and William, and Chris, and J.D., I'm going to go to you.
Let's all have time for in this hour with calls and news.
Then Rob Deuce coming up in the fourth hour with a ton of breaking news, special reports, you name it.
There is just so much to go over.
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All right, let's go back to Charles in North Dakota.
I wanted to get you on with Stone, but I couldn't do it.
Recapping, you're a local, basic level delegate.
You're in the same state as this RNC rules committee chairman, who's just saying, forget the popular vote.
What is that like for you to see that and hear that on television, so nakedly, and other points you'd like to make?
Well, I mean, like I said before, I'm disgusted by the tone.
And which, you know, and the guile that he had to say that and then not stand up.
If he doesn't support that, he should have said that he doesn't support it.
It's very nonchalant.
It's very nonchalant.
I mean, has he said that he doesn't support what he said yet?
Yeah, and laugh.
No, I haven't heard.
And like I said, I'm going to go to the convention and I'm going to go to him and tell him, hey, listen, if you don't support this, then let me, where's the line that I need to get in with you to sign up so we can stop this kind of stuff?
Because our framers of our constitution did not intend elections to be ran this way.
It's ridiculous.
You know, the thing about it is, too, you know, saying these kinds of things, it's irresponsible.
Because we have, I have a family here.
These are the kinds of things that are going to cause social insurrection.
It's going to cause this place to explode.
I mean, it's going to help light the fuse on something terrible happening.
And really, what about the disconnected shows that they would openly be on TV and the news selling this?
These weird, creepy men and women up there that have stolen the country.
Like a fence.
Just like you describe it, Alex.
I mean, it's disgusting.
And I'm telling you, I'm going to run for district chair here.
Listen, I'm a musician.
I do music.
I actually work with quite a few famous people and do a lot of stuff.
I work with some bands.
A lot of people are woken up to this.
I'm going to tell you this right now in the business.
And tell people how we feel.
And what I'm going to do is I'm going to get involved at the local level here.
And I don't think these people realize that they're in North Dakota.
That's right.
They are waking up the sleeping giant.
God bless you, Charles.
Great points.
Crystal in North Carolina, thanks for holding that.
William, Chris, and Brenda.
Go ahead, Crystal.
Thanks for holding.
You're a sweetheart.
Oh, no.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you for everything you and your team do, and Roger, and Larry Nichols, and everybody else.
Well, we're all in this together, so thank you.
But we're all in this together, so...
That's right.
You guys woke me up last summer and oh my god, I am a raving patriot right now.
Well, it's contagious once you find out that a bunch of scums say that they can just run your life and you don't get to vote.
I mean, you know, it's not hard to be a patriot when it's so obvious.
I've been waking my friends up.
I've been, you know, I've been preaching your show for the last six months now and, you know, it takes, you know, everybody.
If you listen to the show, mention it to the strangers you see on the street.
I play my, I play your podcast loud enough that everybody else can hear when I'm out in public, so.
That's beautiful.
That's how we take down the tyrant.
What you're doing is just as important as what I'm doing.
That grassroots word of mouth is unstoppable.
And I see it.
I see it every day, Alex.
And, you know, that guy, Curly, oh my God, the first thing out of his mouth was he say he wants to blame the mainstream media, the first people to flip everything around.
He's like, no, it's you guys.
I mean, is that even a real name?
I'm not knocking people's goofy names, but I mean, is that even a real name?
That's like a gangster name.
I actually looked it up, it might come from Cassidy.
So it might be Cassidy is the short thing of that?
I mean all I know is what he's saying is curling my toes.
God bless you Crystal, great points.
The awakening is here and it's on.
Let's jam in William real quick.
Go ahead William, you have one minute.
Yeah, man.
Before I mention my commentary, I want to definitely plug the products.
That toothbrush thing that you have is pretty amazing.
I tried one.
I actually ordered my second one.
My mouth's never felt cleaner than with that thing.
It's got a lot of silver.
It's got a lot of silver in it.
I mean, it's like bright yellow and silver comes off on your teeth.
Yeah, it's pretty amazing.
It's amazing and so is that little car jump, that jump starter for your car and power station.
Yeah, I just buy and bolt whatever I go out and research is the best stuff and my crew does.
Stay there, I'm going to have to come back to you since you were plugging some of the products.
But yeah, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you or I'd be just a radio show with a video cam.
And then I couldn't actually show you the clips, have the investigative reports, you know, do all the stuff we do and the synergy you see where we're breaking international news every day now and really affecting the talking points that are out there and affecting the narrative.
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Rob Deuce coming up to run on-show quarterback the fourth hour.
I want to go back to your calls here, Chris and William here in just a second.
But I didn't get to this earlier in the show and I should have, because this just illustrates everything.
Trayvon Johnson, and we'll put this article up on screen if we can, burglars family blames homeowner for shooting.
The family of a 17-year-old are furious.
The teen was shot and killed by a homeowner.
Police say was protecting her property.
You have to look at it from every child's point of view that was raised in the hood.
You have to understand how was he going to get his money to have clothes to go to school.
You have to look at it from his point of view.
And the left in East Austin, I don't care if it's black, white, whatever, they will not report on teenagers stealing stuff.
They have the same view.
We've reported on this.
Isn't that what the Democrats and Socialists do to begin with?
It's all about stealing from somebody else anyways.
They're all about stealing.
And, I mean, I thought welfare would provide the shoes and the clothes and all the... I mean, I don't buy $200 sneakers.
Usually it's the simple ones that are like 30 bucks that are better than the $100 pairs.
It's just crazy.
Oh, you gotta have the Air Jordans made by slaves, you know, made by, I mean, it's just, it's all just, but those slaves don't matter.
It's only the entitlement that some of your ancestors were slaves, so now you get to be all high and mighty.
This is a civilization that's falling, and when it completely falls, it's Road Warrior, folks.
You can see it coming.
You can feel it in your gut.
This place is a time bomb.
Let's play this surreal clip.
The homeowner was alerted of the break-in by her security system.
With officers already on their way, she rushed home to check things out and police say she was armed.
She observed a subject exiting the home through the rear.
According to detectives, there was a confrontation and one shot was fired.
Johnson was pronounced dead at the hospital.
Hey, what's wrong with her?
She should not have had to shoot him.
There's no reason that she should have waited until after he walked out the yard to try to shoot him.
If she caught the police already, then why would she shoot him?
Relatives say they don't believe Johnson stole anything from the home, but detectives would not confirm that.
You have to understand, you have to look at it from every child's point of view that was raised in the hood.
How he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school?
And how's he gonna get the $1,000-a-tooth gold caps?
I've always had great teeth, never really had any cavities or problems, but I finally, from clenching my teeth at night, had one of my big molars disintegrate last year.
I went and got the molar, my dad's retired now, and to get just a porcelain molar was about $1,000.
And they said you could have gold too, it's only $1,200.
Oh, so you gotta have each tooth like a gold grill.
And then this lady, they're not saying racism because it looks like a black neighborhood, bet money it was a black lady defending herself.
Because you know it would have been a new Trayvon Martin thing and it would have been a cracker ass.
I actually do love that term.
I mean, this is the idiocy of what's going on in this country and it's what dependency creates.
And I see these UT students of every race, color, and creed milling around.
They want everything free from Bernie Sanders.
I witnessed it every day, what dependency creates.
That's very, very sad.
William, thanks for the plug earlier, but now getting to your subject.
The Republicans, speaking of thugs, you get shot for breaking into somebody's house, but what happens when you steal the whole country?
I guess they make you king, William.
Yeah, that's completely outrageous.
But on topic of what I originally called, you know, everyone's taking their masks off.
You know, I mean, the DNC, they're ripping up the communist Bernie Sanders, the RNC.
You know, all of us Ron Paulers knew that they were corrupt several years ago.
They've probably been corrupt for longer than I was even aware.
But with Trump, there's even more people.
And it's just becoming obvious.
So, like, the RNC is taking off the mask.
The socialist protesters carrying communist flags are taking off the mask.
It's just a time where everyone's taking off the mask.
Shills like Glenn Beck and Cruz are being exposed.
I mean, it's just that time.
And I'll say Sean Hannity again did a good job.
He said he'll leave the Republican Party if they steal the election from Trump.
So, we're going to find out who's who, the men from the boys, here.
Absolutely great point.
We'll be right back with a couple more phone calls, Chris and others.
Fourth Hour, straight ahead on 4Wars.com, 4's live show.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Look at this headline.
Chinese Communist government calls Trump racist clown.
Welcome to America and this is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.
It's 12 o'clock Americans, another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
We're actually occupied.
Now they want to physically finish the job.
They're taking over the banks.
They took a lot of people away.
People that they thought were going to make trouble for them.
People that had guns or things they wanted.
They just took them away.
Re-education camps, as they call them.
And they just take?
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents.
Or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
I have decided we really need camps for adults.
And we need a campaign house that you all run.
I mean, really.
All persons of Japanese descent were required to register.
Now they were taken to racetracks and fairgrounds where the army almost overnight had built assembly centers.
I'm a sovereign citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
I mean we've got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Plus you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
These people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they're disloyal.
And now we're not allowed to vote.
It's our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community
You know what comes after not letting you vote?
Killing your election.
That's what we're doing here, and let's not kid about it.
We're building a domestic army because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
And I hope the militarized police know their man walked into a trap.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you some kind of a constitutionalist?
Yeah, where you get to vote, you know, Constitution.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, I've got time to take one call or so from Chris and then we've got Rob Dewey coming up too.
Host, the balance of the transmission.
Please don't take this broadcast for granted.
Whether you're listening to us on AM, FM, watching us on UHF, VHF TV, cable systems around the country starting to pick us up.
I want to thank all those affiliates.
This isn't a game, this isn't my perspective, it's not my view.
This is what's going on.
The Communist Chinese government, the biggest murderers in history, 84 million of their own people, came out and said you better not elect Trump two weeks ago.
Now state-run media has come out, it's an Infowars.com story, Steve Watson, Communist Chinese government calls Trump racist clown.
Compares him to Hitler.
State media uses Trump to declare that democracy is dangerous, see?
The state-run communist Chinese media has attacked GOP frontrunner, calling him racist and directly comparing him to Adolf Hitler.
In an editorial in the Global Times newspaper, the billionaire candidate is described as a big mouth and abusively forthright.
The piece declares that Trump at first was acting as a clown to attract more voters to the GOP, but warns that he has now opened a Pandora's box in US society.
The piece argues that allowing citizens to democratically choose their own leaders is dangerous, according to Trump.
The rise of a racist in the U.S.
political area worries the world.
Notice how the communists use the term racist.
The editorial states that he has been called another Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.
This is from people that killed about five times what Hitler did.
Very classic.
You know, Chris, I'm out of time.
Do will take your call.
I apologize.
I didn't look at the clock.
So the headline's powerful, but it needs to be, Communist Chinese attack Trump again.
People think it's the one two weeks ago.
I mean, this needs to be made a big deal.
Greatest mass murderers in history criticize Trump.
I mean, how could you not support him now?
Come on, folks!
People ask me.
A small group, but, you know, they kind of have moral authority.
They're like, Trump's a big scam.
You know, you're really making a mistake supporting him.
You know, I've always committed, generally.
I mean, I don't look for something that's perfect.
I stick my neck out.
It's what I do.
I'm not on the sidelines.
I'm in the arena.
Hey there, how's it going?
Joe Biggs with Infowars.com.
We got an exclusive article up by Roger Stone.
How the GOP elite plan to rob Donald Trump.
Cleveland, ladies and gentlemen, won't be for the faint of heart.
And you know, Roger Stone, I agree with you.
I understand that there are some things going on.
That's one of the reasons why I am voting for Donald Trump now.
To watch the establishment squirm.
Guess what?
The American people have spoken in mass numbers.
They are sick and tired of these polished politicians.
These everyday lying scumbags.
They want something new.
Hey, he might not be the greatest person ever, but guess what?
We'll get four years of something different.
Not a continuation of the eight years we've had.
That's what you're going to get with Hillary Clinton.
Four more years of the Obama administration, but worse.
So be smart when you go out there.
Understand that the GOP is trying to do everything they can to save their jobs, to keep this guy from being in the White House because they want to keep their power.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, we are back with the 4th Hour.
I'm your host Rob Dew.
Happy St.
Patrick's Day to everyone.
I'm of course decked out in plenty of green and which incidentally is not the real color of St.
I'm going to get to that and the other things you didn't know about St.
Patrick and Ireland.
Lots of interesting news there.
And also, there is an amateur metal detector.
I don't know if you've ever gone metal detecting.
It's fun.
I've found some really interesting stuff doing it.
But here's a man who found a cross-dated
Back in the 900 A.D., and he found it in Denmark, and it's kind of turning the spread of Christianity on its head.
Patrick's also responsible for the spread of Christianity, so we'll get into a little bit of that.
I usually don't do a lot of religious news, but it is St.
Patrick's Day, and I'm Irish, so we're gonna talk about, not all Irish, but partially Irish, definitely.
My grandfather was all, I think, 100% Irish.
And we're going to get into some Jurassic Park news.
It may be closer than you think.
We had a billionaire clone his dog recently, and now scientists think they're very close to cloning a T-Rex.
Can't wait to see that.
Maybe they'll use him as a real-life bioweapon.
And we're also going to get into this Democratic Spring.
If you've been listening to the show, you've heard Joe Biggs' really funny take on what's going to be going on this spring, starting I guess April 2nd.
They're going to kick it off
The disgruntled millennials who are mad that capitalism hasn't given them enough gadgets to stare at continuously like iPhones and Playstation 4s and all the other stuff they like to spend their time with, driverless cars which are in the future, Lyft, Uber, all the great stuff that makes their lives easier.
They're complaining about it.
They want to go back and maybe live in something like a North Korea lifestyle.
So we'll get into that.
But first, South by Southwest is in full high gear right now, kicking it into Austin.
And what does that bring aside from a ton of people?
They just can't make enough money with the numbers of increased amounts of people that are here.
So they gotta do stuff like charge you $80 to park your car.
Which we saw back, we saw this actually last week on Friday when the President showed up.
So let's go to that report from Jakari Jackson right now.
Jakari Jackson reporting from Austin, Texas here at South by Southwest.
Now it wasn't that long ago we did a report about rights sharing here in Austin and how the City Council was trying to heavily regulate it.
Have you heard about the City Council trying to put the restrictions?
I signed the petition, man.
F*** City Council.
Can I say that?
Yeah, say it.
F*** y'all.
And now we're here at South by Southwest, where we have seen advertisements for parking as much as $80.
So we're going to ask the people who are out of town if the Rice Sharing Initiative would have affected them at all.
Where are you guys from?
How much are you guys planning to travel here in the city of Austin?
Within the city of Austin, we're walking.
Yeah, we are walking pretty much, yeah.
From Sao Paulo, Brazil.
I usually walk and take these free Lyft rides that they give away.
Where did you come from?
I'm here from Austin.
Here from Austin.
Did you drive down here?
Okay, how much did it cost you to park?
Zero dollars.
Zero dollars.
Where did you park?
You tell me where you parked.
I know where to park.
Enjoying your South By experience?
I am, yes, I am.
Thank you.
Where'd you come from?
I came from Australia.
So I definitely didn't drive.
We're walking as much as possible.
It's kind of a good opportunity to get some, you know, fitness going.
But, um, yeah, Uber and Lyft as well if we need to.
Do you work downtown?
Yeah, I work downtown.
So we've seen some signs around here for parking as high as $80.
Yeah, that's crazy.
I mean, I paid $30 the other day, $40, and then I just stopped driving and started taking the bus or an Uber, you know?
A parking sign a couple blocks over for $80 to park.
So let's say on a normal Friday night, how much is parking?
Do you guys pay attention?
Typically at those spots where it would be where it says $80, those spots are probably anywhere from like $10 to $20 on a typical night.
But yeah, I know exactly which signs you're talking about.
So there you go, South by Screwjob is what's going on here in Austin, and we're going to be playing more clips coming up.
I want to finish up with the call, and actually our caller Chris from Indiana wants to talk about Ted Cruz, and I'll give out the number again, 800-259-9231.
I'll be taking your calls throughout the rest of the fourth hour.
Thank you for listening.
This is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Rob Dew, and you can watch this, if you're listening on radio, go to InfoWars.com forward slash show and watch the free video stream, and we also put this out on YouTube later.
Thanks for watching and listening.
Chris in Indiana, go ahead with your call.
Hey Rob.
Hey, as Confucius said, the famous Chinese philosopher, he said, signs and symbols rule the world, not rules and law.
I gotta tell you, not all masons are bad, you know, via George Washington, but you know, Ted Cruz,
If you look at one of the debates from a couple months ago, he had this secret hand of the master of the second veil of Freemasonry.
He, during the National Anthem, he put his right hand inside of his... I knew exactly where you were going with this.
I actually told the guys, I had them cut my mic and said, pull up those shots.
Go ahead, keep talking.
Sure, I mean, people know about this Napoleon, but Napoleon did that in his thing, in his artistic work, but Stalin, Lenin, the Pope, the current Pope himself, Karl Marx, thousands of other pictures, even, you know, even George Washington did this, but I mean, this is an evil sign of Ted Cruz.
I mean, why would you do that?
Seriously, what's your opinion on that?
It's an actual thing.
It's the sign of the master of the second veil.
Look it up.
It's an actual thing of Freemasonry.
You know, it's a status.
It's not like anything that's not on record.
That is an actual... Oh no, I believe you, I believe you.
I mean, I don't know exactly what it means, but I know people have shown that to me and I knew that as a Mason symbol and I've seen other people do it.
We have a weird clip from when we were working on Obama Deception 2, which we never put out, but it was Colin Powell going up and he was saying he was ninth
9th level of the order of the bath or something it was some crazy weird title that he'd given himself and he was getting really mad because the lady couldn't write it down correctly she's like I don't understand he's like listen to me maybe we'll play that sometime but yeah these people are definitely and you know anytime you go work with the Bush's you got to be suspect at that point and maybe it's because
George and George W are here in Texas, so he thinks he has to work with him to get his point across.
Thanks for calling, Chris.
Let's go to Todd in North Dakota.
Says he knows Curly Hoglan from the RNC who basically said, it doesn't matter if you vote, we choose who's gonna be in.
What was it?
Rince Priebus said they're auditioning to join us, to join us.
Now we've got conservatives calling for a third party, which who knows who they would run at that point, but maybe going into the Libertarian Party and taking that over.
Right now, I think Gary Johnson and John McAfee are two of the headliners vying for that nomination.
But go ahead, Todd.
What's Curly like?
David, can you take my call?
Am I on?
Yeah, go ahead.
Oh, okay.
Hey, yeah.
A little spin there, Rob, but what Curley said is well known if you're involved at the party.
It's nothing new.
And I would just say that of all the people in that national level, he's one of the better ones.
You can't let the media write out of this one that easy.
This has been a rule for 40 years.
Oh, sure.
She's playing dumb.
She's playing dumb, essentially.
The host, you think?
Investigated to actually know that they feed the delegates and then the delegates have to go to a convention and the delegates vote.
I mean, so saying that, you know, Curly Haugland is an evil guy.
Because he just flat out said that's not how it works.
Those the rules have been there for 40 years.
I think people have to take him at his word in the sense that the media is the one that's been buffooning everybody because if they don't have Super Tuesdays,
You know, they lead people to believe that if you win X number of states, you're going to be the nomination.
And that's the thing.
When it's an establishment hero like George Bush or Mitt Romney or John McCain, you know, it's OK.
It's just like, hey, that's this is who's winning.
You know, we had the process in the beginning and everybody danced around and and acted and played their part.
But now we have our guys, everybody else stepped back.
But now we're not seeing that.
We're seeing the establishment go crazy, which is why I don't understand why these younger kids, because we've been sending people out on the street, these younger kids that are going to South By, none of them seem to really like Donald Trump at all.
They're either Bernie supporters or Hillary supporters.
And I don't understand it.
I guess they've been brainwashed enough to think that if you're in the Republican Party, you're absolutely evil.
And that Donald Trump is a racist.
Because they say the same thing.
He's racist, he's xenophobic.
They say the same thing over and over again.
So there's definitely some mind control going on there.
Jeremy Breen's got a report coming out about that subject tonight.
So, Todd, anything else?
Yeah, I agree with everything you just said.
I was just hearing some callers that are kind of saying that the media has no responsibility in this.
I find that just ironic.
No, they're not doing their job at all.
One group of media people that is doing a job, looks like the News 4 Eye team, they've got an article out, Secret Crimes, how the Department of State is classifying and covering up violent crimes committed in the U.S.
And what they're doing is covering up crimes of diplomats who are coming in.
So they've been fighting to get this information since 2008.
They've uncovered
An employee working for the Saudi Arabian Embassy had four times as many tickets for reckless driving, DUI, possession of marijuana than any other country's embassy.
And they received a list of 30 crimes between 2012 and 2014, including an Ethiopian diplomat who returned to his home county after being accused of assault with the intent to kill while armed.
Another was being sent back to Equatorial Guinea, was being accused of malicious wounding, while a diplomat from Morocco had to stand trial for robbery and purse snatching.
And we're covering it up because we don't want any mud on our hands.
We'll be back with more.
It's the 4th Hour of Overdrive.
I'm your host Rob Doo.
Thanks for watching.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
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Just got a tweet from Marcus Walker saying the hidden hand behind the scene Ted Cruz hand in his coat and That's interesting people are talking about this Ted Cruz hidden hand scenario.
I'm your host Rob do this is the fourth hour Here's an article from the Daily Mail protesters storm Brazilian capital after bugged phone call goes public which reveals president gave a senior government position to her predecessor
So he could avoid arrest over corruption.
Will we see the same type of stuff here if they steal the nomination from Donald Trump?
Some 3 million Brazilians
Flooded the streets in a nationwide protest on Sunday, calling for Rousseff's departure.
Reminds me of a joke.
George W. Bush joke.
George W. is in the office and Dick Cheney came in and said, Sir, we lost three Brazilian soldiers in Iraq today.
And George Bush jumps under the table and goes, Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!
And Dick Cheney goes, What's wrong, George?
He says, Well, I don't know.
How many is a Brazilian?
No, it's not a comedy show, people.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
And where does this go?
This goes to what's going on here in the United States.
Anti-Trump groups threaten largest civil disobedience action of the century.
With little fanfare and almost no news media attention, some of the same radical groups involved in shutting down Donald Trump's Chicago rally last week are plotting a mass civil disobedience movement to begin next month.
These people don't want anti-establishment, but yet they're going to go vote for Hillary?
Who are these people going to vote for, for the presidential election?
Or maybe they're not going to vote for anybody, maybe that's the point.
They gave them Bernie Sanders as their sacrificial lamb to get them all stirred up and to think that they're going to get something for free.
From all the rich people, and even though these kids probably all live in air-conditioned homes, have flat-screen TVs, Playstations, iPhones, all the goodness that modern society has to offer.
So they're going to be doing this.
Leanne McAdoo actually went out on the streets to talk to some people at South by Southwest to see if they're going to be planning to attend this mass protest and what they think about violent protest in general.
So here's that report.
What did you think about what happened at the Trump rally in Illinois?
Um, I think it was, I think it could have been handled a little differently.
Humans are weird.
We need help.
Trump, he's gonna die or something.
He's not gonna be president.
I'm all for it.
I'm all for it!
Donald Trump!
It looked like a lot of fun.
I think it was a good deal.
So, like, do you think that was a violation of somebody's free speech, or it was offensive, so shut it down?
I think the dude gets enough time to talk anyways.
If you promote the energy of people like what Sanders is trying to do.
He's trying to promote the people and I think a lot of people aren't respecting Trump for that reason.
Because he's all about turning down people and breaking up the country and stuff like that.
Well, this is actually breaking, like, right now.
So one of the big groups that was behind organizing, like, that thousand of people to come, they're organizing the biggest protest of the century.
Like, thousands of people are going to be walking for 10 days on the East Coast to, like, demand Congress either, like, bow to their demands, which is let the voters' votes count, get rid of the billionaire class, or get rid of Congress.
Do you think that that's going to work?
I think so.
I think action speaks loudest.
I think people walking and putting their feet into the dirt, I think that makes the most sense.
Will you be taking part?
No, because it's not going to change anything.
Money rules the world, and it always will, because humans are greedy people, and hopefully it won't be like that one day, but that's just how it is for now.
But you could change it!
I am going to change it, but marching
It's a good way to start, but... Would I go?
Absolutely, I would go.
Yes, I would.
Yeah, would you be willing to risk getting arrested to go if you thought this was going to... Well, sometimes, you know, again, being in the right place at the right time or the right place at the wrong time, you know, it could happen.
Vote Bernie Sanders!
Vote Bernie Sanders because he's going to futuristically change politics.
Are you going to go to the largest protest of the century?
We're protesting right now.
One rally ain't going to do nothing.
Do you think violence is a new form of protest?
Yeah, I think it is.
I mean, even, I don't even think it's new.
I mean, back in the 60s, you know, they used to do the same thing.
I just think it's coming around again.
Things can only go so far, you know.
The pot can only boil over, you know.
It's not going to settle down unless somebody takes the lid off.
So I feel like, I mean, people got to be heard some way or another.
I mean, look what happened in Chicago, you know.
I wasn't all for it because, like I said, I promote peace and positivity.
But if that's what you got to do, you got to do that.
I don't feel he's a racist, as well as I don't feel like African Americans are racist.
I just think there's tension amongst our history and there's no one way to solve it.
That's right, there is tension.
We'll be right back.
Hey kids, where you wanna go on April 2nd?
Democracy Springs?
Me too!
Hey there, this is Joe Biggs with Infowars.com and I'm so excited for April 2nd because guess what's going on?
Democracy Spring!
It's gonna be a large protest where a whole bunch of social justice warriors sit around and whine and cry and complain about democracy while raping your rights!
Yeah, it'll be great.
Get your friends, your family, everything.
Get a bullhorn.
Get a whole bunch of stupid signs made that make no sense at all and run around and bully people who want to disagree with you.
It's going to be the greatest thing ever.
Hey, Donald Trump, you're a racist.
We don't know why, but it's because you're white.
You can't be here.
You're triggering me.
Get out of my safe space.
Democracy Spring.
It's going to be so much fun.
I'll probably explode.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I've got Chad in Kentucky, Brenda in Minnesota, Seal in Canada, Chase in Texas, and Dave in PA.
I'm going to try to get to all your calls.
Coming up, we've got half an hour left of the fourth hour of Overdrive.
I'm your host Rob Due.
We got a headline on Politico.
Top conservatives gather to plot third-party run against Trump.
It seems the prophecies of Gerald Solente are coming to pass.
Trends Forecaster said there will be a new third party and it's going to be a reaction to what's going on.
You know, he didn't call it that it would be a reaction to the system just pulling their hair out.
What do they call it when you bring in a new technology, a disruptive technology?
He's a disruptive political force.
And I like to see that because I think what's gone on with the status quo has gone on long enough.
I'm done with it.
People think you got Barack Obama in and that he was for the people.
He wasn't for the people.
He's killing little kids with drone strikes.
He's taken over countries.
Look at Libya, your socialist paradise.
He destroyed it along with Hillary Clinton.
That's what's on their political tombstone.
Those are the things that is on, that's what they've been involved with.
Now, before we go on, I got some St.
Patrick's News coming up.
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Patrick's Day flash sale.
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For St.
Patrick's Day and I'm going to get into the St.
Patrick's conspiracy.
I guess we'll call it that coming up.
But first I want to get to this video from Alex Jones who we produced this last night for the Nightly News talking about how Anonymous is also teaming up
With the billionaire class, George Soros and others who don't like Donald Trump.
It is the rest of the system of billionaires and globalists going against Donald Trump, which is why I think people should support him and definitely take a look at him if you're a Bernie Sanders supporter and think you're going to get all this free stuff.
I mean, look at Trump's health care plan.
Just that on its face.
He put it out there way better than Obamacare, which you get right now, because it offers transparency.
It offers to look at the costs.
It lets you go shopping all across the country instead of being stuck in your state, which is how it is now.
And it's all all the costs are hidden in secret.
You don't know anything until you see the bill, which is a bunch of crud because that doesn't happen in any other industry.
And now Obama is forcing you to buy that insurance and the fines are getting larger.
So let's go to Alex Jones's report now.
On what's going on with the Democratic Spring.
I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president.
Now the Republican leadership's come out and said, we do plan to steal the election at the RNC convention.
Never before been done.
The establishment we claim we hate.
The establishment we claim we'd do anything to throw out.
Just give us the money with integrity.
You're scared of Donald Trump and still 20-30% of Republicans and the vast majority of Democrats sit there on the sideline because he's brash and he doesn't use cue cards.
Isn't that what everybody's looking for?
Listen, I disagree with Donald Trump on things like eminent domain and his interpretation of that and the whole iPhone controversy.
But when you start looking at why the elite are so scared of Donald Trump,
It's what makes me so confident in my support of him.
He is against globalism and unfair trade deals that our criminal politicians are making to sell us out because they become the directors and the beneficiaries of those deals that sell us down the river.
Trump wants us to have sovereignty and he believes in strength and nationhood.
He's a nationalist.
And that's why they are against him.
He believes in this country and does want to make it great again.
I hope he picks up the slogan, let's make America free again and starts coming out against more of the police state.
But again, nobody's perfect.
Now, George Soros, the famous Nazi collaborator, the guy that funded the Arab Spring and the overthrow of the Ukrainian government and more, who's been funding Black Lives Matter and their destabilization program around the country,
They're coming out and saying they're going to organize starting next month, just about a week and a half away, the biggest attacks on his meetings ever.
They're coming to his free speech events to interrupt and take over the entire events.
These aren't demonstrations.
These are attempts to shut down free speech.
And this new group
has come out calling themselves the Democratic Spring.
Remember, Al Gore called for an Arab Spring but from leftists in America four years ago.
And that's exactly what they want.
A revolution to shut down our free speech with political correctness and to bully the American people into submission and open borders to merge us into a world government.
Then, Anonymous.
Who is Anonymous?
It's any group who wants to claim they're a white hat hacker.
Coming out saying they declare total war on Donald Trump.
Attempting to get good hackers to join a fight against him.
Dear Donald Trump, we have been watching you for a long time and what we see is deeply disturbing.
You say what your current audience wants to hear but in reality you don't stand for anything except for your personal greed and power.
This is a call to arms.
This is a call to the freedom fighters, to the forgotten, to the censored.
To our fellow hackivists throughout the world.
This is a call to protect our future, our freedom and our very way of life.
This is a call to you.
We need you to shut down his websites.
Research and expose what he doesn't want the public to know.
We need you to dismantle his campaign and sabotage his brand.
We are encouraging every able person with a computer watching this video to participate in this operation.
You do not need to know how to hack to support this important operation.
I'm all for being anonymous, but to just say anonymous is the good guy and anonymous can be trusted.
Anonymous is whoever they say they're anonymous.
You could have a KKK Grand Dragon in there.
You could have a Black Lives Matter, you know, racist in there.
And don't forget, it's Obama that said if somebody brings a knife to a fight, you bring a gun.
Yes, this is incendiary rhetoric, but it's protected free speech.
And it's not Donald Trump's fault for his speech that people are coming and linking arms and saying, coming through, skews us, running people over.
I personally have had leftists do this to me when I was out covering an abortion.
We're good to go.
Covering these Trump events and the attack on free speech even if you don't agree with Donald Trump even if you don't like Donald Trump Now you've got to come out in support of free speech and support People's right to peaceably assemble and not have a bunch of brown shirt style thugs Cicero 1933 Germany show up and start fights so they can then blame free speech Let's go back to him for wars nightly news and the rest of our exercise of the First Amendment because we're not gonna let these bullies and tyrants
Shut down free speech.
We're only going to exercise it more because it's just like muscles.
If you don't use them, you lose them.
So that's a message to all of you out there.
Get out there and fight for freedom or lose it all.
There you go.
And I think it's really sad that these kids that are running around protesting Donald Trump, that they're really supporting the establishment.
They're supporting big government.
They're supporting more taxes.
They think the government is there to help them.
The government is there to take as much money from you and as much time from you as it possibly can.
That's its only goal.
Its only goal is to get bigger.
And you people are being useful idiots.
So those out there that go and are going to be violent, go out there.
Use your free speech.
Don't get violent.
But you're on the wrong side of history.
And that's the sad thing.
Let's go to Chad in Kentucky.
Let's talk about Ron Paul vs. Trump.
Chad, go ahead.
Hey, Ron.
I just wanted to... I was a big supporter of the Ron Paul movement when they kind of stole it from him in 2012.
And in 2008.
Yeah, and no aid.
But I mean, this sport really grew in 2012.
And I just, you know, I support Donald Trump.
At the beginning, I said it's either a gift from God for him or it's one of the greatest deceptions from the devil.
But only time will tell.
But I do stand with Trump and I would only vote for him and Ron Paul.
But, you know, I just want to know why shouldn't we be prepared for them to steal the election like they did with Ron Paul?
And we need to be kind of raising awareness to stay calm after they steal it because
Right now it just seems like a big ticking time bomb waiting to go off as soon as they steal it from him and the big hype is ready to go.
They're slowly turning up the heat.
You're going to see if he wins the public nomination, the facade that they put on that lets you think you actually have a voice.
I don't know.
And you're going to see these two groups clash.
And then if they steal it from Trump, yeah, I do see some bad things happening.
And now they're saying Trump is threatening violence and riots if he doesn't win.
No, he's saying, you know what?
Millions of people have voted for me more than any other Republican candidate out there right now.
You're getting people that never voted voting for him.
You're getting people jumping from Democrat to Republican to vote for him.
He's saying he's bringing people together.
What's going to happen when the rug is pulled out from them?
You know, because it wasn't a large, there was a large majority of people for, or a vocal, I'd say vocal minority of people for Ron Paul.
And we were pissed when it got stolen from him.
We could see it every time they put up a graphic, didn't have Ron Paul or, you know, not mentioning him at all.
They would show the first, second and fourth place or the first and third and fourth.
They're always trying to omit Ron Paul from the debate because anytime you mention Ron Paul, you couldn't stop what he had to say because
He was true Veritas, and that's my opinion.
Let's go to Dave in PA.
Make it quick, Dave.
Yeah, hey, good afternoon, Rob.
That's always a good show here at the end of the program.
Thanks, buddy.
Yeah, hey, I was wondering, Alex is going up to Cleveland for the convention, right?
Yeah, that'll be interesting.
I would say she's probably going to be a Hillary supporter, but we'll see about the Obama phone lady.
Nice lady, brought her down here, tried to explain to her what the free market's all about, and I'm not sure she's quite all in on free market.
I think, you know, unfortunately,
Back in the 60s, a lot of blacks were sold the idea that big government's there to help them and protect their interests.
And yes, there were some things that were done by government that were there to help them, but they also herded them into mass apartment complexes that they have turned into urban ghettos and have taken away their ability to become upwardly mobile.
That's what I feel.
And it's really sad that that's what's going on out there.
Let's go to Seal in Canada.
Uh, let's plug the Infowars and waking people up.
Go ahead, Seal.
Robert Dewey, you there?
I am here, eh?
How's it going?
Seal here, Seal.
Uh, yeah, I've been trying to wake up people in my area here a long time and it's ironic now, you know, I see all these newspaper stories past week about their wanting to close down the best coal mines in the world, the best coal, most productive, the least amount of pollution from, and it's funny, you know, they threw me in the can.
I've been doing this mostly alone here trying to wake people up.
Now I see the last member of the legislature writes a letter to the newspaper, you know, and he says, uh, we're not denying there's climate change.
We're not denying there's greenhouse gases.
They don't want to be called deniers, right?
And I go on.
What we are denying is that this cannot all be placed on coal.
Well, he's a Coal Association man now.
He's talking to the new premier of the province.
All these people writing these stories.
I want to tell you, you know, Dr. Begich from Alaska, we read his book.
An old 90-some year old friend of mine passed away now.
We read his book back 22 years ago.
Angels Don't Play This Harp.
They're brainwashing, they're hypnotizing them.
With their cell phones, with the mainstream media, their television sets, they're being brainwashed.
Yeah, they're being hit from all angles.
And it is.
Humans are bad.
Breathing is bad.
Breathing is bad for the environment.
Coal's bad for the environment.
And fortunately, coal is what provides us cheap power, and cheap power provides innovation.
Whether people like that or not, whether they would agree with that or not, those are facts.
And when you set up giant windmills or giant solar farms,
And you try to make this collectivist notion of of that type of renewable energy.
It doesn't work.
It doesn't work.
Those things only work on a small scale per individual basis.
Oh, but then you wouldn't have people buying into the grid.
We can't have that.
We can't have people being self-sufficient because then they wouldn't need the government.
Oh, we can't have that, especially in Canada.
You know, we got to have our so.
But hey, when people lose their jobs in the coal plants and when people are paying double, triple prices in power, they're going to start complaining and start rioting then.
And they won't realize that they were the people calling
The same people who are the victims of that system are going to be calling for a change once it starts hitting their pocketbook.
And it's already happening.
It's already happening.
So sad.
Very sad.
Hey, I was a big Jurassic Park fan when it came out and the idea of cloning dinosaurs.
I was a huge dinosaur fan as a kid.
Scientists closer to cloning T-Rex after discovering remains of pregnant dinosaur.
So they say while dinosaur bones do contain some DNA, the bone known as the medullary bone that grows in female dinosaurs during pregnancy will contain a lot more DNA.
And Lindsey Zeno, an assistant research professor of biological sciences at NC State University, said it's possible that the dinosaurs and its eggs contain the necessary DNA for the building blocks of life to take scientists a step closer to reintroducing dinosaurs into the world.
That would definitely be cool, but I don't know if it would be good for the Earth.
I think it would be interesting to see.
But, you know, we've got billionaires cloning their dogs.
Billionaire Barry Diller and Diane Von Furstenberg cloned their dog, and they did it with a Korean firm for $100,000 that takes DNA implants, DNA into a dog egg.
It happened.
They have two puppies now from their original dog, so who knows where that's going.
Pretty soon, they'll be cloning humans.
Oh wait, they probably are.
And I think when I come back from break, we'll go over this St.
Patrick's Day conspiracy, since it is St.
Patrick's Day.
It's not green you should be wearing, actually, people.
It's a different color!
The color I'd be holding in my hand!
All right, sorry for that.
Let's go to Ralph in Virginia.
Trump and Larry Nichols.
Go ahead.
Real quick.
Go, Ralph.
I was trying to figure out, man, because since the Facebook tensions on this past Saturday with Larry Pickles came on right before he went into the hospital, A, will he be okay?
And B, what he was talking about, about the Patriot Enabler Act.
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I hear the train a-comin'.
It's rollin' around the bend.
And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when.
I'm stuck in Folsom Prison.
And time keeps draggin' on.
Well, Ralph, I just talked to Nico, our producer, and he said we had Larry scheduled this week, but it looks like we're going to get him on next week.
So I think he's back out of the hospital.
I don't know all the details.
But yeah, Alex did do a Facebook Mentions on Friday about that.
And if you're not signed on to Alex's Facebook page, Alexander Emmerich Jones is the Facebook, and he does do these Facebook Mentions.
Just about every day and we get about 20,000 people watching them immediately.
It's really amazing technology.
I'm going to go to Brenda and Chase.
Stand by.
Have your point ready to be made.
We're not going to have much time.
Here it is from Catholic Online.
Bet you didn't know these 10 things about St.
Patrick in Ireland.
March 17th was when he died.
That's why we celebrate St.
Patrick's Day on the 17th.
Patrick wasn't Irish.
His parents were Roman citizens.
Patrick was also a slave.
He was kidnapped when he was 16 and he lived in Ireland for a few years and then escaped to England at the age of 22 and then became a monk.
Patrick used the shamrock to preach about the Trinity.
Usually you have three leaves there on the shamrock.
And legend says St.
Patrick drove all the snakes from Ireland.
Now we know that there were no snakes in Ireland ever because of the way, you know, the climate was.
And Patrick's color was what?
Blue is the original color associated with Patrick.
I think it changed to green because they called
Ireland, the Emerald Isle, and the shamrock is not the symbol of Ireland.
There are more Irish in the USA than Ireland.
And St.
Patrick's Day has a strong political history because in the mid-19th century, the Irish faced a lot of discrimination, much like African-Americans.
And a few rare instances, prejudice against the Irish was even more fierce.
So they started celebrating St.
Patrick's Day to get together and show that, what are Irish and we like to drink.
Actually, they didn't start drinking until 1970.
From 1903 to 1970, it was a religious holiday and pubs were closed for the day.
Oh, the horror!
There you go.
So let's go to Brenda in Minnesota.
She wants to talk about the solution.
Brenda, go ahead.
I've been a listener since Trump was first on the show.
You and Trump and the product have given me a level of mental clarity and an understanding of the truth that gives me hope like I've never had before.
And the point I want to make is
We need to keep focusing on the highest level of truth, like Alex did today when he went on his rant segment on George Soros, showing the method to his madness so that the people can understand how they're being controlled as puppets.
Then it won't matter what the RNC is trying to do because they'll be won over by the truth.
The truth is what Alex and Trump are using to set the people free.
And once you've seen the truth, there's no way to turn back.
And you are loyal forever.
Yeah, Trump just says he's the messenger.
He's not the one out there.
He's not the one saying this stuff.
These are what people are telling him.
So there's a lot of people obviously pissed off at what's going on in this country, and they're not all racists, and they're not all xenophobes.
So you can't just sit there and paint everybody with a broad brush, because that's what people used to do to minorities, and that's wrong when they did it too.
So it has to be wrong on all cases.
Not everybody gets this little free pass, you know.
Jason Texas, you're going to be our tail gunner.
People marching for 10 days on the East Coast.
Are you going to be joining them?
No, sir.
Amen to the last caller.
That was Veritas.
You're exactly right.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
When Obama ran, he talked about a shovel-ready job.
If that would have been true, this is a simple point that I'm making.
But if that would have been true, they wouldn't have time to go march down I-95 or whatever they're planning.
But let's flip it on the other side.
I think all those people that if you're an InfoWarrior trying to wake them up and you can't reach them, if they stop juggling all those plates in the air and we do that and get to do a force jump movement, I guarantee you we can bring it down and do it and bring it back right like the Mighty Phoenix rose up.
Well said, brother!
We'll see you next time.
Join us tonight at 7 p.m.
for the InfoWars Nightly News.