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Name: 20160316_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 16, 2016
3516 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Merrick Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court and his liberal views on gun control. He also addresses globalist agendas, mainstream media spin on Super Tuesday events, land grabs by BLM in Texas, the occupation of federal government, and winning the information war through truth exposure. The passage includes topics such as Bernie Sanders supporters becoming Trump supporters, Apple's response to a federal government order, politicization of the Justice Department, upcoming elections, and potential civil unrest if they are perceived as rigged. Listeners call in discussing Donald Trump questioning the official 9-11 report and election fraud possibilities.

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We're good to go.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he first came into government under the
Bush 41, Mr. New World Order Administration.
He's one of these Rockefeller Republican slash Democrats.
Merrick Garland, nominated to the Supreme Court.
He's already a senior federal judge, already confirmed by Congress, so Obama claims they can fast-track him.
And guess what?
He's known to be extremely anti-Second Amendment.
Isn't that a surprise for everyone?
None of us saw that coming today, did we?
So we'll be breaking it down.
Washington Times headline, Merrick Garland has a very liberal view of gun rights.
Now, if you use the proper definition of liberal, that means he's for total citizen right to keep and bear arms, like this country started out in.
But instead, liberal means less rights in the new 1984 upside down world.
We have Joel Skousen of the World Affairs Brief joining us on the geopolitical situation with North Korea, Russia, the pullout in Syria and more in the second hour.
I had other guests on today but I've cancelled them because I want to cover the big mega massive win in the latest Super Tuesday event last night with Donald Trump and how the media is trying to spin that in the latest attacks.
That is all coming up.
Other good news, Texas can sue feds over BLM land grab.
They're taking people's property, thousands of acres, on both sides of the Red River in Oklahoma and in Texas that have been in some families hands for over a hundred years and they're taking
They're houses.
You actually own it, you have full title, you pay property tax on it, and they put a sign on it saying road closed.
If you try to go to your house, men with machine guns show up.
This is the aggressive, hateful, anti-American posture of the occupied, illegitimate federal government that lawlessly opens the borders, brings people in, but then tells you that you have no rights.
People say, well then support the Bundys!
Let's have a war with them!
We're going to win through the courts and taking back Congress and the states.
And suing these people.
And if a shooting war does start, it's not going to start at some federal refuge where the public thinks people have taken something over.
It'll start when they're killing ranchers who try to go to their 100-year-old ranch house.
And if they want to start an election in a concord like that, that's their problem.
I'm trying to stop that.
But yes, we have an occupied federal government.
It is lawless.
It is foreign.
The general public hasn't figured that out yet.
They're starting to get it.
They're starting to get it.
The globalists want to have physical confrontations because they can spin and misrepresent that.
A lot of people say, oh, you know, you can't beat the helicopters, the troops, the surveillance.
We'll get crushed in a war with the feds.
We won't get crushed militarily in a war with the Feds because they're not Feds.
We will get crushed in an information war with them and then lose the physical war if the public isn't aware that this is an occupying force like the Vichy French in World War II.
These are collaborators?
Now, does that mean everybody in the system is an enemy?
Statistically, there's probably more Feds
that know what's going on than the general public because they're in the middle of it.
They either, though, shut up, get out, or join with it.
And they are recruiting leftists in the last 50, 60 years to fill up key positions who are serious, vitriolic, hardcore, committed zealots to carrying out globalist operations.
They're the types that blow up the Oklahoma City building and blame it on the patriots.
So they've got hardcore cadres that are sworn enemies of this country.
Sworn enemies of the family.
Sworn enemies of Christianity.
That's why they side with radical Islam.
But the average FBI agent, the average person in the military, the average person in the federal marshals, the average cop, I've just studied it, is more awake and does not support what's happening.
So that's why we just shouldn't have a dumb war with them.
We should have an info war and destroy the enemy by exposing that they are an actual hijacking criminal invader.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Picking a fight.
Obama taps DC judge for Supreme Court slot, defies GOP vow to block.
President Obama named federal appeals judge Merrick Garland on Wednesday
I don't think so.
Senator Mike Lee of Utah, member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Fox News minutes before the announcement that neither he nor his colleagues would support the nomination or allow it to go forward.
Now with the death of Antonin Scalia, we might also have the final kill to the Second Amendment because Mayor Garland has extremely liberal views on gun rights.
Obama is bringing in someone to finally finish it off.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Well, we knew it was coming, and Obama has nominated Merrick Garland, a Bush-era neocon from Bush 41.
He argued against D.C.
Heller on the federal bench and said that he would have reheard the case of the petitioners to overturn it.
Of course, that's the six-year-old ruling saying that you cannot have complete gun bans in Washington, D.C., Chicago, and other areas.
And still, those cities basically refuse to comply with the ruling.
Just like Obama lawlessly orders the borders wide open, and lawlessly orders refugees brought in, and they're given new Social Security numbers and fake names, and citizens are thrown out of Section 8 housing,
And the radical jihadis are put into their place.
That's happening in Germany, that's all over mainstream news, and we've confirmed it's happening here in the United States.
And we have our investigative reporters in the field as we speak to actually show it happening.
To talk to the victims and more.
Because it's one thing just to say, hey, they admit they won't tell governors where these refugees are going.
Or how many there are.
But it's another thing to see it for yourself.
And I point that out because they claim they're doing all this for our safety and our security while they do everything they can to undermine our safety and our security.
Heaven help us.
This Merrick Garland is a globalist operative par excellence horrible.
He's anti-free speech.
He's pro-surveillance state.
He helped write up a bunch of the garbage rulings on torture, you name it.
But you know he's getting chosen because he's anti-gun.
Anti-right of self-defense.
What a monstrous creature.
And they're saying because he's already a federal judge, right below the Supreme Court level,
I think?
An emergency appointment claiming that there's an emergency in the court because it's deadlocked four to four.
So it's a major constitutional crisis.
The Republicans have a right not to even consider him.
They should not.
They're talking about making a deal now?
Because Obama said, you can't deny this man, you know, he's a Republican.
Yeah, he's another Rockefeller Republican.
That's what George Herbert Walker Bush in the 70s, when he was running for Congress, called himself famously, a Rockefeller Republican from Connecticut.
Nothing against Connecticut, but man, don't come down to Texas and wear cowboy boots and start talking like this and going, ooh boy, and giving Texas a bad name.
We don't like it.
We're tired of it.
So we'll be breaking all of that down.
Obama just shows Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court.
Republicans still won't confirm him, the Washington Post says, even though he's a Republican.
Yeah, like what, John Boehner?
Or a Rudolph Giuliani, that type of guy?
That's exactly the type of individual
That this guy is.
And I tell you, he's just as bad as Kagan.
He's just as bad as Sotomayor, who are both anti-gun.
In fact, he's worse.
He championed keeping the gun ban in place.
And then tried to overturn it on record.
I mean, he is a direct enemy of the Second Amendment, physically in the courts trying to annihilate it.
He is for the abolition of civilian ownership of firearms to complete the power monopoly of the state.
He is a general of victim disarmament.
He is a master of enslavement.
He is a king.
of making individuals defenseless while he sits behind armed guards at federal courthouses.
In short, he is a tyrant and a parasitic, bug-eyed monster, neocon, warmongering piece of filth.
And an enemy of the Republic in every sense.
Every single one of those anti-gun judges knows full well they're delivering this country into the arms of despotism.
And there's no surprise there's a huge push to bring down the Second Amendment as well.
Now that's the bad news.
We'll flesh it out more today.
The good news is Trump
Wins big, takes Florida, Illinois, North Carolina, Missouri.
And I saw he and his sons with tears in their eyes.
We had to pull up some of his victory speech last night.
Because they understood this pushed him past the threshold.
He totally dominated.
And the spin was, oh, some of the states weren't winner-take-all.
So, you know, he's still not the clear leader.
But pundits that were being honest said, look, any other time by now, the entire Republican leadership
I would say everybody else should drop out, get behind Donald Trump.
And then that should have happened the last, you know, two rounds ago.
But they're not.
They're now just saying, no, we're going to take it at the convention.
We're going to steal it.
And everybody from the Pope to George Soros to the Chinese Communist are back in the news.
And all these Arab state dictators and the royalty of Saudi Arabia.
The fact that the royalty of Saudi Arabia doesn't like Donald Trump is just another total certification he's our man.
And in the stack I have an article we put out yesterday that had been out for two days.
No one seemed to notice that all the Federal Reserve, private Federal Reserve money,
Shouldn't be able to donate.
It's a foreign banking institution.
It's predominantly owned by foreign shareholders.
The Union and the Federal Reserve separately gave their money to Hillary Clinton.
They gave $18,000 just in the Union to Hillary, $2,000 to Ted Cruz, and $0 to Donald Trump.
Another feather in his cap.
This guy's got so many feathers in his cap, you can't even see them, there's so many feathers.
And sure, he said some incendiary things I don't agree with that is pure meat and potatoes for some of the warmongering neocon voters out there.
But in policy, he says no war with Russia, pull out of Syria, don't back ISIS, things like that.
That's why they hate his gut.
So let's go over some of the stack.
Most of this news is up on InfoWars.com.
Trump wins big, takes Florida, Illinois, North Carolina, Missouri.
Business Magnet pulls out devastating upset for establishment.
Rubio drops out, flew off, Dumbo flew off from the circus.
Rubio drops out after devastating loss to Trump in Florida.
I believe the winner of the Florida primary next Tuesday will be the nominee of the Republican Party, Rubio said last week.
Now he's saying that Trump will still be defeated.
The military wants Trump to be president.
In total, 27% of troops listed GOP frontrunner Donald Trump as their preferred candidate, with Senator Bernie Sanders following closely behind because he's seen as anti-establishment.
Media ignores Van Dam remark Rothschild and Rockefeller controlled U.S.
58% of liberals think people should be prosecuted for criticizing religion.
That's not liberal.
That's called tyrannical.
We're going to play this.
Trump supporter, agitator, exposes Democrat operative.
Time and time again, the folks screaming, cussing, saying racist things and punching are Democrat Party operatives.
Steve Watson has the article.
Soros floods Democrats with millions a day.
It's a day.
Warns Trump of consequences.
Anonymous declares.
That means the CIA and globalists and other operatives posing as quote anonymous.
Total war on Trump.
Plans April attack.
That means they'll leak a bunch of fake garbage just like the media has been doing.
So that's just some of the news on that front.
Russian military aims achieved.
Putin switches to diplomacy.
Social media unleashes slew of selfie reminders for Obama after he scolds GOP on derisive rhetoric.
Remember he said, if somebody brings a knife, bring a gun to the fight, stuff like that.
Here's the article I mentioned, fellow reserve funds Hillary and Cruz, but not Donald Trump.
Kit Daniels, Infowars.com.
That might be a big deal for folks, you know?
That might be something people care about.
Might want to send that to Ron Paul and all the other Ron Paul supporters.
KKK Grand Dragon endorses Hillary Clinton for president.
And of course, she isn't reflective of that, even though her mentor was the top Grand Dragon of the whole U.S.
But it just shows how anybody can pull these stunts.
Voting Rights 2016.
Texas Governor Blasts Obama's Voter ID Critique.
Civil Rights Group Sues Over Election Law.
Trump is the first and only candidate to qualify for GOP nominee.
Trump is well meeting the threshold for the GOP's Rule 40.
No one else does.
And that was yesterday.
After last night, even more so.
Mainstream media claims most GOP voters hate Trump, then Trump hits 53 in new national poll, up from 51 yesterday.
Sheriff Clark says there's a stealth totalitarian movement against free speech.
Everything has to be put through an approved meter, an approval meter.
It's worse than that, Sheriff Clark.
It's an open attack on free speech in this country.
Florida Attorney General endorses Donald Trump.
Another big victory.
So that is just some of the news that we've got.
We'll be detailing it and playing clips when we come back.
Some good news as well.
In court, Texas can sue feds over BLM land grab.
And this isn't taking open public grazing rights that have been there for hundreds of years away.
This is taking a loyal original title in some cases from families that own land for 100 years.
Thousands and thousands of acres per family, hundreds of families it's happening to.
It's unbelievable.
Because here's the deal.
They said this under agenda 21.
Obama promised to do it.
The feds are claiming up to three miles on every side of streams and rivers as owned by them.
Even if you have a fence on it and have paid taxes on it, they're claiming a right-of-way and a jurisdiction.
And in Texas and Oklahoma, they're showing up with men in vans and trucks with submachine guns.
It's called highway robbery.
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Coming up in the next segment, I'm going to open the phones up, but we're going to screen your calls today.
We do this every once in a while.
I want to hear specifically from people that don't support Donald Trump.
And I want to hear why you don't support him and who you are supporting.
And then I want to ask you, why is the entire elite against him if he's so, so, so bad?
So we're going to open the phones up specifically for people that don't like Donald Trump and for folks I guess who don't like Alex Jones for that matter.
But it's never been clear that the establishment is having a heart attack over Donald Trump and our enemies that have conquered this country through fraud don't want there to be a debate about the fact that we've signed bad trade deals and other measures that are shutting this country down.
The vampires sucking this country dry hate Donald Trump like they hate high noon.
Like they hate a bathtub full of holy water.
Or a field of garlic.
Or a giant 18-wheeler full of oak spikes.
Or 100-foot tall crucifix.
They are freaking out like ghosts running at dawn.
Why is that?
Hollywood, the whole system, anonymous.
People go, why don't you support anonymous?
Anonymous could be anybody.
I support white hat hackers doing good work, like Guccifer.
I do not support someone just randomly saying, we are the people, we are independent, we declare war on Donald Trump.
I'm going to get to that in a moment.
But the toll free number,
For Trump haters is 800-259-9231.
And listen, if you get on and bring another subject, I'm gonna hang up on you.
I'm not being rude.
We're taking calls from Trump haters.
Real Trump haters.
I know they're out there.
The Federal Reserve now gives money to Cruz and Hillary, but not to him?
I know another sign that we need to be against Trump.
I get it.
And then, of course, we have George Soros, the famous Nazi collaborator.
You read about Anne Frank and stuff.
This is the guy that would go around finding hidden Jews, because he was Jewish and knew the, quote, tricks.
And he could get Jews to trust him, because he was a teenager, and lead him to them.
And then he would find all the goods and rob them.
And then he goes on 60 Minutes and says, he's not ashamed.
Isn't that just like these leftists?
They're just so filthy, so degenerate, so evil that they must be worshipped.
And he funds anti-free speech in America, tries to overthrow Russia, Ukraine, Arab Spring, every other evil you can imagine.
And then this demonic creature has his organs, media matters, you name it, attacking Drudge, Infowars, constantly.
Five years ago, Politico got one of their secret memos
Where they said we're gonna infiltrate news organizations and bring them down from within.
I mean, when you fight these people... We don't get into it on air, but I mean, it's like a spy movie, okay?
The dirty tricks, you have no idea.
You know what?
I'm not whining about it, I expect it.
I've got providence, and if they're able to take us down, that's what God wants.
But let me tell you, we're toe-to-toe with, I mean... I've said this many times, both my grandfathers almost died in World War II in the Army Air Corps.
I get to be called a Nazi by the ADL with no evidence.
Doesn't hurt me.
They're a horrible organization that gives awards to a Nazi collaborator like him.
And a Schwarzenegger who admits he's a Nazi.
They're an evil organization preying on Jews.
They're a mafia.
They were founded by the Jewish mafia.
In what, 1913?
Look it up.
They're a very evil organization in my view.
But there they are, almost dying fighting Hitler.
And then, I have to fight an agent of Hitler in 2016.
That's stranger than a movie.
That's weirder than a Captain American episode, isn't it?
Let's play Soros basically coming out against Trump and warning Trump.
Here it is.
Donald Trump is doing the work of ISIS.
ISIS and before that Al Qaeda discovered the Achilles heel of a Western civilization.
The fear of death.
And when it interferes with reason, and people do things out of fear, which is actually harmful.
And that's what, by fear-mongering, Donald Trump and the others, Cruz and so on, are doing the work of ISIS.
All right, let's stop there.
There's another video where he also warns Trump.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
When we come back, I'm going to just go through the latest with ISIS, the latest in Europe with the jihadis, and then we'll talk to folks that don't like Donald Trump straight ahead.
Well, then tell me then, you must like the New World Order then, because they hate him.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Picking a fight.
Obama taps DC judge for Supreme Court slot, defies GOP vow to block.
President Obama named federal appeals judge Merrick Garland on Wednesday
I don't think so.
Senator Mike Lee of Utah, member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Fox News minutes before the announcement that neither he nor his colleagues would support the nomination or allow it to go forward.
Now with the death of Antonin Scalia, we might also have the final kill to the Second Amendment because Mayor Garland has extremely liberal views on gun rights.
Obama is bringing in someone to finally finish it off.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
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That's Infowarsteam.com.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m., we're here.
Thank you so much for joining us.
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Obviously they're trying to censor free speech around the world.
Obviously the globalists don't like what we're doing.
People are really waking up, they're really understanding how globalism works, how it's kind of a form of corporate colonialism and feudalism controlled by a technocratic, chronic technocracy.
A technological oligarchy, basically.
And as that paradigm is understood, and as Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Kurt Russell, and the Mayor of London, and the list just goes on and on, come out and talk about this, and go, the EU's a dictatorship of world government taking our countries over.
We've got to get out of it.
It transcends left or right.
At that point, it's game over.
I want to go to your phone calls.
I also want to go into what the jihadis are up to as well, because George Soros says they're not a threat and are no big deal.
They're his little sweetie pies that he's turning loose all over the Middle East to take out Christian and Jewish populations and put Saudi Arabian-backed radicals in charge, because they like totalitarianism.
Carol Quigley wrote the book back in the 60s.
We carry it at Infowarsstore.com.
Tragedy and hope.
And he admits we're setting up a planetary government.
We're apolitical.
We want totalitarianism.
We like fascism, communism, socialism, dictators, you name it.
That's what we want.
We like monotheistic tyrannies of radical Islam.
We like it all.
As long as we control it.
Then they play off the different blocks against each other.
And if those blocks get out of hand, they will then bring down one or two to teach the others a lesson.
That's what this planetary tyranny is.
And they're not bringing this in to create order.
They're bringing it in to create total control towards the end of the age of man and the rise of the merger between humans and machines in their own words.
Google, Ray Kurzweil, all of them.
That's the plan.
Every day you see a billionaire shooting their mouth off in the news about this.
How they're gonna live forever.
How they're gonna be in offshore artificial cities.
How they're gonna be in off-planet colonies.
And you laugh at them.
Look at all the stuff you already see technologically developed and set up.
That's all just an extraction grid to suck the resources and technology and raw material up into the high-tech
Government Corporate Reservations!
That are a breakaway civilization.
Now, I've sent that emergency transmission out for the day.
I'm not going to go off on a jag about it.
I just had to say it again, because you know that, you know the whole show.
There's a world government.
It's run by a handful of families and a coterie of billionaires that support them.
They have an agenda.
They have a plan.
They have a worldview.
They have a cosmology.
And we aren't part of the big club.
To quote
The late, great George Carlin.
Now, let me go ahead and first tell you that I'm going to put this headline up from Business Insider.
You can go anywhere you want and read hundreds of different studies going back well over 100 years.
When I say hundreds, it's really thousands of studies on it.
We'll put it on screen for Business Insider dealing with iodine.
And it breaks down the fact that, quote, how adding iodide to salt resulted in a decade's worth of IQ gains for the United States.
You read the article?
It boosted, when they started putting it in, in the 30s, 15 points in the Midwest in a federal study within just a decade.
15 points after an ionized salt was introduced.
Now, the IQ since the 70s has dropped again, and what's the magic number?
10 to 15 points.
Take iodine out, IQ drops again.
Put water in gasoline in your car, it's gonna sputter and conk out.
I mean, this is not rocket science.
You must have it.
It's a key element.
They have all these bad mimickers of it.
Chlorine, bromide, bromine.
List goes on and on.
In the water, in the food, everywhere.
This blocks part of it, draws it out, sucks it out.
You may go through a big toxic effect.
You may get an upset stomach or intestines in a couple weeks.
In fact, most people will.
Because it will, in my experience, what's happened to me, turn my thyroid back on.
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And we discovered this because I got into iodine about four years ago, that's five years ago, for a bunch of reasons, and you couldn't really find good stuff that wasn't bound, you couldn't find good stuff that didn't give you a stomachache, because it was all just basically tied into a bunch of other garbage.
It was ocean-based.
This is deep earth, pure.
Why it turns purple and blue on paper, not red.
Because real iodine is purple and blue.
And all I know is give it a shot.
You're supporting the broadcast.
Try it for yourself.
A few drops in water every day.
Take it slow.
Because it's dramatic.
Read the five-star reviews, find out for yourself.
Look, I can get up here and tell you, if you don't get vitamin C, your teeth will fall out, old wounds will open up, you'll die of scurvy.
There are people dying of scurvy everywhere.
I told you this years ago, it's mainstream news that in Europe and the U.S., they're now admitting scurvy deaths everywhere with people that have money.
They just don't know to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
Or they have bad absorption in their guts because their intestines are so dead and there's no flora to break down.
Bacteria are supposed to break down, like your saliva does in your mouth, the food.
It's a chain reaction.
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Okay, that said, I want to go to these calls.
Jim says he's against Trump and Jones.
Michael says he's against Trump.
Alex is falling for the trick.
Daniel in Maryland against Trump.
Joey in New York against Trump.
Mark in North Carolina against Trump and many others.
When somebody hangs up, it's your chance to call in and disagree.
With me again.
So we are screening calls for only people that disagree.
Again, I say I don't screen calls, except when I announce we're screening calls.
And then coming up, Soros says there's no Islamic problem.
This is just today.
393 to 0, U.S.
House unanimously declares ISIS is committing genocide against Christians.
Maybe they'll vote and say the sun came up this morning.
Islamic State burns blasphemous Christian books in Mosul.
Oh, they're so tolerant.
Police, man charged in Toronto, stabbing, cites Allah.
Yeah, the guy that shot the cop in Philadelphia and the guy that stabs people, the media always covers up, they're screaming, Allah Akbar, but once they get to court, it has to come out because they go, yeah, I'd do it and I'll do it again.
Just what whack jobs.
27-year-old Canadian man said, Allah told me to come here and kill people.
I love how when the folks move here as immigrants, they really aren't Canadian, they aren't French, they aren't American.
They always call them a Canadian.
Is that a Canadian or look like a Saudi Arabian whack job to you?
Manhunt in Brussels after raid linked to Paris attacks.
Refugees defy EU entering Macedonia from Greece, just pouring across screaming.
Incredible video.
As Sweden tumbles in school performance, government admits poor performance caused by mass immigration.
Yeah, I mean, at my alma mater, they got 230-something people out of Syria and Iraq just last year.
But they told the state that 200 had been brought in nationally by Obama.
No, it's 200 each school here where I live.
Total cover up on that.
This is the anti-refugee party that won big victory in Germany.
The alternative for German party was surging in popularity amid Europe's refugee crisis.
So that's just some of what we're going to be covering on that front today.
And of course the new
Nominee for the Supreme Court can be fast-tracked.
He's the federal judge over D.C.
who tried to defeat D.C.
Heller that allows some gun ownership and then tried to overturn it in rulings.
So he is the consummate man trying to kill the Second Amendment who believes in D.C.
total gun bans.
And the media is having a debate about whether he's anti-gun or not to keep conservatives in the dark going, well, he was first appointed by George Herbert Walker Bush.
So can't we trust him?
Because, you know, like John Boehner, he says he wants Paul Ryan to run now as the due sex to defeat Trump.
But I have the ruling, I have his statements on how he wanted to overturn D.C.
He wrote in his opinion, that's who's coming for your guns.
Obama said he'd nominate somebody conservatives could never say no to.
See that mind game?
All right, let's go ahead and talk to somebody in my fellow state, formerly in Texas, FEMA Region 6, Michael in Texas.
You're on the air on Donald Trump.
Go ahead.
Good morning.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, I just I've been listening to you for four years, Alex.
And, you know, I just can't believe you fell for the Rothschilds trick.
You know, they're putting on a show.
They don't like him.
The Rothschilds always want fun both sides.
The Pindar, Evelyn, won't allow him to take office to stop their agenda.
Remember how the Rothschilds manipulated the British stock market during the Napoleon-British War.
They control all the stock markets, they control the gold exchange, they control every government on earth other than Putin, because now he's paid off his loan.
Okay, now let me talk, just for a second, and then you can come back.
The Rothschilds don't always fund both sides.
In major wars in Europe they did, and the Rothschilds are kind of the archetype of the international banker and what's turned into globalism.
And I've made films about it, I've exposed it, I've talked about it, I've covered it.
And we covered the whole situation with Jean-Claude Van Damme coming out and saying this.
Trump is different because they'll act like they're against the candidates sometimes, but they won't line up a bunch of money against them and pull out the stops and send mobs of people against them.
Trump could turn against us.
Trump has some problems, but they legitimately, I mean, I'm smart enough to decipher this and break this down and I can look at it.
And I can tell you that Trump is not a fake hope and change guy like Obama, who they acted like was anti-establishment.
And there's just not proof of it.
The Federal Reserve is giving money against him.
The Pope is against him.
The Chinese government's against him.
The Japanese government's against him.
Saudi Arabia's against him.
The former president of Mexico's against him.
This fear is palpable and is real.
And Trump symbolizes grassroots awakening and resistance.
So regardless, it's a sign of the awakening and of incumbents being in trouble and of people looking for real mavericks, even if they don't totally agree with them.
So just to throw out these terms, I don't think proves the case against Trump.
Go ahead.
Well, then we're soon going to find out.
I mean, Obama already came out and said he's never going to get the presidency.
So, you know, they're blatant in what they're doing now.
You've already mentioned that.
It's just all a sham sucking us in.
Yes, I understand everybody hates him, but that's all part of the sham.
So, we'll soon find out.
So Obama coming out saying Trump's disqualified, I'm God, I say who can run for president?
That's not the arrogance of Obama and the media.
When they tell us our kids don't belong to us, that's not meant to wake us up.
It's meant to break our will.
When they tell us we didn't build our business, that isn't meant to make us angry.
It's meant to break our will.
You have to understand, they're targeting the younger generation.
And I disagree with you.
I appreciate your call, Michael.
Look, and you're allowed to disagree with me.
I'm not mad at you for that.
And, you know, maybe I'm wrong.
But I don't think so.
Because they are legitimately coming after Donald Trump and they don't like the things he stands for, which is nationalism and not selling America out.
He's against TPP, he's against NAFTA and GATT, he's against globalism, he's against internationalism, he's against foreign bureaucrats running our lives.
Jim in FEMA Region 4, what former state are you in Jim?
North Carolina.
Alright, go ahead sir.
I'm against you and Trump.
Mainly because you won't push cop and court reform.
You say that we can win in the courts.
We cannot win in the courts.
Most of us don't have a pot to piss in or a wind to throw it out.
So we sure can't afford any freedom.
Alright, well let's just stop right there because I don't even know what you're talking about.
So many people will call me and say, you don't talk about this, you don't talk about that, and then I don't, I even miss what you're saying.
What are you talking about with the courts?
Win in the courts.
We can't win in the courts.
Take what went on in Ferguson.
They had to get sued by the Department of Justice because they would not reform.
And that only happened after the town burned down.
Now, as far as who to support, I support sick, simper, tyrants.
Violence to tyrants.
That's the only way these people get off their hind end and do what they're supposed to do.
You mean death to tyrants?
Yes, most definitely.
Well, here's the deal.
And their minions.
Well, a lot of the people always talking about violence, I don't see them carrying it out.
They're just usually cheerleading for everybody else to carry out violence.
I'm trying to do everything I can to stop violence.
They're funding Black Lives Matter that has some real beef, but it's run by very bad people, and they're funding the whole establishment right-wing movement for police state, and they're going to collide the two together, and out of that have the synthesis of what they want.
The courts have problems, and the system has problems.
But people in Ferguson should get politically involved and run for office and they're now doing that.
Or do things like move out of the town.
But I don't just sit there and look at Ferguson and then say that, you know, one side's right or the other side is wrong.
There were problems on both sides of that situation.
So there's a reason the establishment wants us to have violent confrontations.
They believe they can spin that and win that.
What's going on in Chicago is because of
And you've covered it very well, I feel.
El Chapo being funded by our government.
This is going on in many cities.
They've got the courts, they've got the cops.
We cannot beat them.
And then they dump the drugs on the streets.
Yes, but not all cities are like Chicago.
Most major cities are.
Most major cities are most definitely like Chicago.
Do you think most major cities are as corrupt as Chicago?
Oh, most definitely, especially when it comes to the cops in the courts.
That's how they police them for profit is.
Well, there's no doubt that there's a lot of revenue generation going on.
There's no doubt we've got big problems in our whole political system.
But that is a reflection of the decadence of the American people and the laziness and the fact that we let corruption get into place.
And all I know is the system wants a violent civil war out of which they bring basically a communist dictatorship with globalist offshore that administer it.
And so I want to try to stop that and bring back a real alternative to it and have good cities and good states form coalitions to try to roll back corruption and bring back prosperity.
And I think that really is the answer to this, but it starts with us individually.
Don't you agree that the corruption is a manifestation of the decadence of the American people?
No, I do not.
It's a manifestation of the corruption of the establishment.
Well, I think the fish rots from the head, but it's a confluence of that, sir.
I mean, a lot of the public are really evil, servile, lazy creatures.
Our crime is low, Jones.
You know that.
That's the FBI number.
That's not me saying that.
That's the Fed.
Well, it's true that compared to the 1990s, it's low.
The U.S.
has somewhat of a high crime rate compared to places like Switzerland, but I would say that a lot of that's victimless now because of the Second Amendment.
It's a complex sociology question, but I'm not going to argue with it.
We have a very corrupt government.
All I know is the globalists want a civil war.
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Just very frustrating to talk to that last caller.
The last two callers.
I'm going to go to more of you here in a moment.
Because I've really studied history.
I've studied sociology, anthropology.
I've studied the technocracy.
I've read the books and the writings of the technotronic leaders of the world.
And I know what their admitted battle plan is.
And they're so arrogant, they said the public's so stupid, they're very public about it.
And now they're rolling it out in pop culture.
The world without humans, how great it'll be.
They're teaching us to hate each other.
They're teaching us not to stand up for each other.
And they're teaching us to be divided and conquered.
And they give the police directives and the bureaucrats directives to eat out our substance so that we then hate them.
And then that becomes another Divide and Conquer program as well.
Let me say it this way to the last caller.
Everyone's having their water poisoned.
Everyone's having deadly vaccines pushed on them.
Everyone is having weaponized television aimed at them.
I don't care if you're black, white, what color you are, if you're a cop, a auto plant worker, or a farmer.
You are under attack and the illusion is you can join different parts of this system and be a winner.
It is a metric scientific mathematical algorithm of tyranny that is extremely sophisticated, that can even predict the future.
Now I told you that 18 years ago, that's been mainstream news for two years now.
We know what we're talking about.
We told you not having gut flora is the number one cause of cancer.
Now the federal government comes out with all the top research facilities and says, yes, it's true.
They've known all along, they're targeting the gut.
It is a very small group, a few thousand people are in on the whole deal, okay?
And through compartmentalization, they're rolling it out.
And so it doesn't help us if, let's say, all two million police in the country got shot in the back of the head.
There would just be anarchy and all sorts of problems and they just bring in foreign troops.
Before you talk about killing people, you better talk about educating them.
And if you come over all creepy, or you come over all angry, or you come over all weird, they're not going to listen.
But if you come over with light in your eyes and say, listen, there's a globalist takeover.
Here's the plan.
People listen.
They know the truth.
So all I'm saying is, I'm trying to save humanity.
I'm trying to have a future for my kids.
The globalists are building a world, in their own words, where normal human life is over.
It's a total revolution against the planet itself.
It's an elite, plain God.
And I've done my research, and even ten years ago, I wasn't like this.
I talk about it, I get chills, folks.
It's the devil, okay?
And the churches aren't gonna tell you.
It is an alien force, not of this world, attacking humanity, like the Bible and every other ancient text says.
And you can read the Bible, it's hiding in plain view, folks.
It's not of this world, I don't know exactly what it is or what it's doing, but this is not human intelligence, okay?
It's not human intelligence!
We're facing!
I refuse to fight with everybody!
All the stupid racist white people, the stupid racist black people, all the stupid racist Mexicans, all of you!
I can't stand you, you're idiots!
We're under attack!
Everybody's under attack!
The elite hate Trump, let me tell you.
If he is a psyop, he's the most sophisticated one I ever saw.
And even if he is, he's a revelation of the awakening, and they're having to pull this trick to try to divert us.
Doesn't matter.
It's part of the awakening.
Humanity has got to get off world.
We need access to life extension technologies.
Talk about discrimination.
Forget skin color.
I want the advanced life extension.
I want to go to space.
I want to see interdimensional travel.
I want what God promised us!
And I won't sit here and watch Satan steal it!
That's the fight!
That's the key!
That's everything!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, Obama has put the key federal judge, if he was a Nazgul, he'd be the Witch King, the leader.
The most powerful federal judge below the Supreme Court, the District of Columbia, sitting on the key circuit.
The man who tried to defeat Heller, D.C.
Heller, the man that tried to overturn it.
The man who's sworn to defeat the Second Amendment has been nominated to the Supreme Court.
Let's go to anti-Trump folks.
We've got Joel Skousen coming up.
We'll take your calls with him as well.
Let's go to Mark in North Carolina.
You're on the air.
Thanks, Alex.
First off, I want to say that you've got some of the best news out there informationally, but there's three or four big reasons I had to vote against Trump.
Number one that comes off the top of my head is that it's torture comments.
We can't torture people.
And he reversed that.
And he reversed that.
Yeah, and I hope he sticks to reversing it.
Um, you know, also the Richard Haass, uh, his buddies with Richard Haass.
Well, he met with him.
He met with him.
Yeah, that's all concerning.
Yes, and also, uh,
I feel like a big wall, you know, would just trap us in.
I believe we gotta... There's no doubt the wall statement's a stunt.
I mean, Mexico has got really great tunnelers and builders, and a wall's a joke.
You need to have a wall in here just to slow down vehicles and things.
Obviously, Mexico has one with Guatemala, but what you really have is right on the border.
Right, right, right.
Also, I feel like...
He hasn't talked about ending the wars as much as I'd like him to.
I'm big on that, you know, personally.
Well, you know, he's tried to stop the wars and said we're not going to have all these useless wars.
When we have wars, we're going to win them.
I hear you.
I hear you.
Why do you think the establishment is so against him then?
Well, I think he might be genuine.
Those things that I don't like about him, I think might be just personal mistakes of him.
So, quietly, I kind of hope that he'll win over
You think so?
Bernie is a vote against Hillary.
You know, I don't think he's going to win, but that's kind of, you know, I've always voted against... Well, they're stealing it from him.
I get it.
I get it.
You know, for me, it's the massive attack on Trump.
The Federal Reserve giving money to defeat him.
I mean, that tells you what you need to know, and I know people that know him.
He is his own guy, and that's what they hate.
He isn't part of the oligarchy club.
Now, he could be bad.
The point is, we know the globalists are bad, so I say throw a wild card in there.
I appreciate your call, Mark.
Let's talk to Joe in New York.
What's your view on Trump?
Yeah, just turn your radio off.
We've got about a minute and a half, bro, and we can give you some time here on air.
Okay, go ahead and let him go.
You've got to turn your radios off, folks.
Let's talk to Daniel in Maryland.
Daniel, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
We aren't in Mayberry anymore, and these cops are law enforcement hunters, and Trump wants to help them.
Right, and these cops want drones.
Yeah, I'm awake.
I got my papers here, you know.
No, this is, we, a vote for Trump is like a vote for a war against the people.
He loves the cops so much.
I'm not trying to be your enemy or be mean.
You just sounded like you weren't awake, so I wanted to get you to speak up.
Now you sound like you're a little bit more awake.
Listen, brother, and I'll hold you over if need be.
We got Skousen coming up.
I got a bunch of clips to play, but look.
He knows that Soros is funding an uprising to take over the state and local governments that the feds are going to come in and federalize police.
We don't need that because the feds are run by foreign interest.
This is a stealth takeover under the Strong Cities Initiative of the UN, sir.
And so Trump is up there sounding like Mr. Law and Order because it's so fashionable to shoot cops in the back of the head.
He's saying, hey, let's support the cops.
I've found if you just do that in general, then the police will actually come over the side of the people.
Most cops I've found are not bad people.
The media distorts it.
A 7-Eleven shopper in Washington State relied on his concealed carry firearm over the weekend to subdue a man who attacked customers and staff with a small axe.
Just before 6 a.m.
Sunday, a masked man entered a convenience store in Seattle and began swinging a hatchet at both customers and the store clerk before attacking the cashier, reports KOMO News.
We don't know if the intent was to commit a robbery because the suspect didn't say anything, a King County Sheriff's Sergeant said.
An armed store patron was sitting and having coffee at the exact moment the axe-wielding suspect entered.
The 60-year-old man, who has reportedly visited the store nearly every day for the past 12 years, shot and killed the suspect.
The store clerk, age 58, suffered a minor injury to his stomach and is expected to recover.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
And what is the Empire?
It is a global private banking consortium that controls currency and credit that is trying to establish a planetary world government with computer systems monitoring every human action and taxing all
Basically, not just human behavior, but in the final equation, controlling all life on the planet, playing God.
That is the technocrats' own admission.
Now, Joel Skousen, editor of World Affairs Brief, is going to be with us for the balance of the hour, getting into the nuclear trigger in North Korea, where he believes they will try to start World War III in the future.
He believes it's still five years out, four years out.
Why does he think the Russians are pulling out of Syria all of a sudden?
Where is that going?
Trump, 2016, the dirty tricks.
Trump, there's a new article out on Infowars.com, is saying that they'll be rioting if they steal the nomination from him at the RNC.
The RNC says they're going to do it.
Really a time of the scales coming off the eyes.
We also have loaded phones with people that quote disagree with Alex Jones about supporting Donald Trump.
I support Trump because the Federal Reserve's against him, the Pope's against him, the Communist Chinese are against him, the Japanese corrupt government's against him, the Saudi Arabian government's against him, the British leadership's against him, you have the former Mexican president against him.
They're against him because he's a nationalist and he isn't part of the inside crew.
Does that mean I trust him?
No, but he is his own man.
They've got articles out about how he's, quote, a man in his castle, runs things himself, doesn't listen to basically anybody.
That's what scares them so bad, and they've got the whole establishment against him now.
John Boehner, the neocon, the rhino chief, says, I want Paul Ryan, the new speaker, to run against him.
They are desperate.
This is a real panic by the elite, because it's giving
A stage to constitutional populism and a revolt against tyranny, in my view.
We'll get Joel's take.
But first, I get a lot of calls about this.
People ask me on the street.
Police officers ask me this, too.
They say, well, are you for the police or are you against the police?
Or callers will say, you're against the police state, but you say, you know, that the police aren't your enemy.
Police are individuals as well, just like the military is, or school teachers.
Because a school teacher in a school might get caught being a child molester, does that mean all the other teachers are child molesters?
The policies police are being given, the militarization, the draconian programming, is a problem.
It's meant to cause a reaction of fear by the public, then the cops get scared, and the answer is get more totalitarian.
This is a program.
And the White House admits they've got Black Lives Matter out attacking, you know, promoting.
Their founding inspiration is in Cuba, a cop killer.
To start the destabilization of the country so the central government run by foreign interest can come in and take over the states and locales.
And they call it the Strong Cities Initiative of the UN.
They have the UN monitoring in Texas and Arizona and New York and D.C.
They're establishing offices, and it isn't a UN takeover.
The globalists, the Rockefellers, created the UN to transfer power to, just like TPP.
So, this is part of a larger plan.
I don't want civil unrest.
I don't want a civil war.
If they activate the socialists to start burning down cities, I don't want people to go out and join in or fight them.
You gotta defend yourself.
You're gonna be called terrorists when you do.
You're gonna burn down my house.
I'm gonna, you know, defend myself.
So people are like, oh, the cops are revenue generating, the cops are out of control, and, you know, why are you for them?
I'm not.
The globalists are waging war against humanity and against the nation-state and against the rule of law.
And so, I say, if anybody's trying to kill you, you have a right to defend yourself.
I don't care who they are, but to make the revolution against tyranny about the police, the lowest level, when in my experience, out of all of government, the military officers
Are the most awake, the mid-grade officers, and the special forces, then the regular military.
I'd say the Army and the Marines are the most awake.
Navy, statistically, from talking to them, aren't as awake, but more than general public.
Then I talk to feds, I talk to local police, I talk to all over the country.
They are more awake than the general public because they're in the middle of it.
We need to try our best to not run around in camouflage and talk about a war with them, but to wear suits and ties, to get elected to local office, to go speak out, to get involved, to support good cops and go after bad cops, legally and lawfully, as defenders of the Republic.
We're the champions of freedom.
We're Americana.
We carry the ideas that founded the great nation.
That's why we're the enemy in all the federal training manuals.
And the police and the feds, except for the political cadres, know we're right now and are joining us and are ready to wake up and are ready to take action.
That's why they want to start a civil war.
A light, soft civil war.
Where they go, we gotta have police state because the black lives matter and the patriots.
And that's why they engineered the tragedy that happened in Oregon.
We told you where that was going.
Joel Skousen told you.
Now, I don't know his complete views on this, but for me, this is common sense.
We're having a major effect politically.
We're going to win the long-term fight for liberty.
We may lose battles, and things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.
This is the devil we're fighting, folks.
It is spiritual.
Make no mistake.
The churches are pretty much captured.
But we need to not be lured into a civil war because that's meant to destabilize the country further and then bring in the multinational global system later.
Now, Joel Skousen, I want to get into Trump.
I want to get into what's happening overseas.
We'll do all of that.
But I want to talk about the geoengineering
that we see, not of the planet, but political, geopolitical engineering, domestically, with these battle lines, the future battle space they're trying to set up.
If we look at the lines of divide and conquer, we can see the future strategy.
Can you speak to this?
If you agree, disagree, augment, and what we need to do to try to really promote liberty and freedom
As the true birthright of Americans it is, and not some alien evil program.
Well, Alex, I agree with what you said about police.
Unfortunately, you know, the police abuse and aggressiveness in terms of use of lethal force has grown exponentially.
I'm afraid that the number of
A good policeman versus bad policeman has been disbalanced and because of the bringing in more mercenaries, more military people into the police forces and then arming them with SWAT teams.
I mean, when you have DE agents coming in with face masks on and won't reveal their names and they come in with a SWAT type thing to go into a nurse's office, you know, to confiscate all their computers.
There's no need for that.
Uh, and unfortunately, the judges are not calling the police to account almost every time that a policeman, uh, you know, is, uh, is guilty of excessive use of force.
They get a justifying statement from the police investigation and if it gets into the courts, unless there's evidence, videotape evidence showing that abuse is massive and unjustified, it's very, very difficult to
To get police to be prosecuted and it needs, you know, we could get a, we could swing this pendulum the other way.
If you get some judges to actually sanction the police very, very strongly, you know, for excessive use of force, it would put a chilling effect on the use of force.
And then you wouldn't have this kind of bravado talk that goes on in the locker room and the police force about taking down people, racial epithets and other types of things.
You know, the good guys and the cops, they can't compete with those loud mouth guys.
But you agree that we're seeing an awakening in the police?
I mean, I'm certainly seeing it.
And so all I'm saying is the police need to know, upholding the Constitution, doing the right thing, standing up for what's right, and also pointing out the larger globalist program, I have found is a way to have police actually get it, and in some cases repent of what they've been sucked into.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Yeah, I do see what you're saying.
I'm trying to point out, though, that they don't have a voice.
You know, the loud-mouthed people, just like in public schools, you know, it's the guys with the hyper-attitudes that control the peer pressure.
And in a police force and things, the soft-spoken, mild-mannered people who don't want to use excessive force
They don't get upset and yell and scream at the other guys.
It's the reverse.
They try to object to what's going on and they get crucified by their fellow officers as a weenie, you know, as somebody who's weak.
So I'm saying they don't have the same power of voice as the strongman type.
What about warning the police, though, of the plan to overthrow local government?
I mean, that's clearly a globalist plan.
When do you think they're planning to try to implement this?
Because clearly they wouldn't be going to all this work if they weren't planning something.
Absolutely right.
They are planning it, but I've long said, Alex, that I don't think that they're going to foment a civil war prior to a war.
You know, World War III is coming, and they're going to hold all their cards, all this stuff as preparation.
I mean, once war starts, they can literally shut down this country, take away civil liberties, start throwing people in jail.
Well, this is the preparation for that.
We'll get to it at the bottom of the hour and get into the geopolitical because that's why you're here.
But let's look at Trump and the open Federal Reserve coming out against him with money, Soros panicking, the Pope.
I don't want to list it all again.
In your expert opinion, I mean, you're a really smart guy, former Marine Corps officer, fighter pilot.
I don't think so.
So, saying that for new listeners, I mean, I know who you are.
You're a top expert on strategic relocation.
Looking at that, where are we geopolitically in the world?
What's happening with the Trump situation and all these foreign interests weighing in?
And what do you expect them to do at the convention and beyond?
Alex, we are seeing virtual political warfare now erupting in the United States against Donald Trump.
As I had long projected in my World Affairs Brief, the establishment intended not to elect Hillary Clinton, but to give us a controlled Republican.
And then just as Mitt Romney entered and threw a curve ball to the establishment in 2012, or actually 2008, 2012, and even though he bent over backwards to police the establishment, they didn't want him.
They didn't have enough dirt on him.
He's become much more of a shill for the establishment lately than even he was in 2012.
It's like Richard Nixon, after being crucified over Watergate, spent the rest of his life bending over backwards trying to get into the good graces of the globalists.
That's how I see Mitt Romney.
But Donald Trump, as you very well put out, is his own man.
That's both a plus and a negative for conservatives.
I mean, he truly is a populist.
He's got a marvelous ability to read the pulse of the nation and say, look, there's a lot of problems and I'm going to go out against it.
Unfortunately, not being schooled in true conservative ideology or libertarian ideology makes the mistakes and he will make mistakes.
But we can tell by the fervor
With which the establishment was out to get Donald Trump, including, I think, rigging the vote in Ohio to get John Kasich elected.
I mean, you don't go with a 15-point change in the polls in a week's period of time without manipulation occurring.
And that's what happened to get Kasich.
They're headed for a brokered convention.
That's the only way they're going to stop Donald Trump now.
But I think Donald Trump is going to get at least a thousand delegates.
I don't think Kasich is going to get hardly any more.
Cruz is going to be the main challenger to Trump, but they don't want Cruz either.
You know, that's the point is that they don't have it.
They can't just stop Trump and hand it to Cruz because Cruz is not controlled as well.
He has that social conservative point of view on against abortion and against gay marriage that they cannot tolerate.
Yes, it's clear they've been holding their nose hoping he'll knock Trump out, but they don't like him either.
That's right.
Now, Kasich can't get there.
John Kasich doesn't have any charisma.
He just... That's just a spoiler, correct?
Yeah, he's just there as a spoiler.
He's just there to take votes away.
And they had to, I think, manipulate the election, the electronic voting machines in...
In Ohio to get him that way, and it probably will work, as I pointed out in the World Affairs Brief.
They can stop him from getting the 1,237, but even if he's close, even if he's with a hundred, if they deny him, there's going to be a revolution in the party against the establishment.
You know, Marco Rubio, after he bowed out yesterday, said, we need a new establishment in the Republican Party, as if he were the one to lead a new establishment, I mean, which is
He's totally, you know, bought out to the establishment.
But there is no way that the establishment is going to allow some pseudo-establishment unless it's in the guise of a Paul Ryan.
It's very telling that Ryan and Romney did file papers with the FTC in January in order, so that if there is a brokered convention and they're asked to save the party, that they would be in a legal position.
And of course, as you know, Boehner came out today, the former Speaker, and said Paul Ryan should run.
Wow, do you think they're that reckless?
I mean, they're saying they're going to do it.
They're preparing the public.
They're in the New York Times saying, we're going to steal it, we're going to take it, we're going to broker it, and actually put a Paul Ryan in in front of the entire popular vote with no delegates.
They're really that crazy.
Yeah, they're desperate.
I mean, this is true political warfare we're seeing.
Remember that Paul Ryan has come out as well today in saying, just like Romney's denying, you know, I'm not going to run for president, no way.
But the fact that they filed for it means that they are holding open that possibility and it will have to be a massive draft movement.
But, you know, look at it.
You've got two-thirds of the Republican Party behind Trump or Cruz.
Both of those are going to be disenfranchised in this convention.
Couldn't those two make a deal and actually join forces?
I think they could.
You know, it's been a little bit, they poisoned the water a little bit by some of the bad blood that's gone through the, you know, calling in the lion Ted and Ted attacking Cruz.
But, you know, Cruz is very, very magnanimous.
He's able to turn around at a buttonhole and say, yeah, I accept this guy.
I think they could make a deal with Cruz.
And I'll tell you, a Trump-Cruz combination would probably be unbeatable in terms of the Tea Party Republicans.
For those that don't know, I mean, getting into your pedigree, it's pretty amazing.
You headed up some of the real national conservative groups that actually tried to save the country earlier and warned of all this 30 years ago, 20 years ago.
You've been in the conventions, you know, you've run national chairmanships of some of the biggest organizations out there.
So you know the inside baseball.
What do you expect to see then at the convention?
And then if he gets past that, what will Hillary try?
There's the whole assassination card.
But then doubling back to the inside baseball, what do you expect him to be coming to Trump and saying and doing?
I know he did meet with the head of the CFR, but then after that, the CFR head actually came out and made bad comments about him.
So I'm told from a little bird that meeting didn't go so well.
I don't think it did either.
I mean, Trump is generally cordial.
He really isn't very savvy about the conspiracy issues that we're dealing with, the ultimate globalist control of both political parties.
And he did meet with Richard Haass, the head of the CFR, and he even said, you know, I'm going to name Richard Haass as one of my foreign policy advisors, which threw up a lot of red warning flags with conservatives, as it should.
But I think he was just being nice.
Haas did not reciprocate.
He came out and continued to attack.
The CFR is dead set against Trump as president.
What I think conservatives ought not to get too excited about is the concept of free delegates.
It's true that all of the people who have dropped out, including Rubio, all those delegates are now free on the first ballot to vote any way that they want.
But I can tell you that the state Republican Party chairmanships are all establishment Republicans, even in the conservative states like Utah and Idaho.
And that means that they will pick establishment delegates to go to the convention.
I was about to say, we've seen that with Ron Paul in multiple states and at the convention where they just ignore the delegates that are already pledged and claim they're for somebody else.
And in Nevada, they shut down the convention when it looked like Ron Paul delegates were going to get elected to go to the convention.
They will not tolerate this, so I don't have any confidence that once you open up the convention, that they're going to vote their conscience, as conservatives say.
They're not going to vote their conscience.
Most of them are going to be, like superdelegates in the Democratic Party, very much controlled by the head party leaders.
Can anything be done about this?
I don't think so.
You know, the Republican Party is controlled by the establishment at the RNC level.
They write the rules at the convention and they're going to direct this brokered convention.
Now, let me just say, I think it's still a toss-up whether or not they're going to allow Trump to get the nomination or not.
Remember, if they don't, if they deny Trump and Cruz, they're going to have a rebellion in the party, and there's going to be an independent movement.
Trump himself may run as an independent.
It's going to destroy the Republican Party, and they're going to hand the election to Hillary.
So they're now switching.
You said two years ago they're gonna go with a Republican.
They were clearly doing that.
They were getting ready to indict her if they needed to, but now they're stopping that.
I guess they're gonna just try to move to try to get a Hillary in, is the plan.
Steal it from the Republicans.
Even Mitch McConnell just said, we don't care.
We're going to drop them like a hot rock.
We're going to let Hillary in.
Again, the arrogance.
Why do they even admit it when it's going to politically hurt them so bad unless they want to kill the Tea Party movement taking over the Republican Party?
It's kind of like bombing an oil well that's on fire to knock the fire out.
They're so desperate they're willing to blow up the party taking over the country and blow up their own power because they are so bought and paid for and are really minions of the globalists.
Yeah, I think that's absolutely accurate.
It's very sad to say, but they would rather blow up the Republican Party than let a Trump win, or a Cruz win.
Now, the only caveat to this, of this Hillary winning of either or, whether Trump gets the nomination or they deny it to him,
If they deny it and give up Paul Ryan, I don't think Romney would work.
Romney has created so much bad blood, he's got such an establishment stamp on him now for having... How did they get him to do that?
He didn't do that four years ago.
It's just so nasty.
Well, you know, I've watched Romney since then, and he's had several big party meetings at his home.
He's been lavished as you can be a broker, you can be an influence to the party.
You know, this is something you brought up, I think,
Last week, when you talked about the dichotomy of Mormons, you have conservative Mormons like myself who are dyed-in-the-wool constitutionalists and libertarians, and then you have these mainstream Mormons like, or clear on the other side, like Harry Reid or Brent Scowcroft, Henry Kissinger's advisor.
You have Mitt Romney.
The dichotomy is explained by the fact that, you know, the Mormons, to a large extent, came from a persecuted background.
Frankly, it was an anti-federal government background because the federal government did not protect... Paul, this is important.
Stay there.
I want to give you a few minutes on this, then shift gears into geopolitics and the Russians and World War III with North Korea and the Russians threatening to, quote, invade North Korea.
They don't stop threatening to nuke everybody.
Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
I'm with InfoWars.com.
His site, of course, is JoelSkousen.com.
WorldAffairsBrief.com and more.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In a rather bizarre statement, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said that the U.S.
didn't lose a single person in Libya, which is to say the former Secretary of State is ignoring the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
Now, Libya is perfect, isn't it?
Clinton said.
Libya was a different kind of calculation, and we didn't lose a single person.
We didn't have a problem in supporting our European and Arab allies in working with NATO.
Mrs. Clinton conveniently skipped over the attack of September 11, 2012 on the Diplomatic Special Mission Compound and CIA Annex in Benghazi.
The left Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Foreign Management Officer Sean Smith, and CIA Contractors Tyrone S. Smith and Glenn Doherty dead.
There's even a movie out about it called 13 Hours.
And this isn't the first time Hillary has had a selective memory, but what difference does it make?
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I got some callers that disagree with the fact that I'm saying Donald Trump's clearly anti-establishment.
Most of them think it's a sophisticated show operation, a bait-and-switch, where they're really attacking him because they know that we'll then support him.
No, folks, they have a dossier on him.
They know he makes his own decisions.
He could be evil, and they'd still be against him because they want to run someone.
That's how these globalists operate, where they're all in the shadows.
The political parties attack each other.
We're going to go back to Joel Skousen of worldaffairsbrief.com.
He's the editor-in-chief over there in a moment.
We'll take some of these calls as we get into the Russia situation, the North Korea situation.
There's so much to break down.
Don't forget, he has put out the best-selling, and I guess the third or fourth edition's out now, World Affairs Brief publication of Strategic Relocation.
Big, thick coffee table book with detailed data on the entire United States, but also breakdowns on other countries, the best places to live, the worst places to live.
And I've been all over a lot of these places.
It's amazing how accurate the information is, just on the places that I know, because I'm ignorant about most of them.
The Secure Home is also the Bible out there, the best seller on securing your home, safe rooms, you name it.
The elite are building these at record rates.
You can find that there.
And there's a film we made a few years ago that accompanies all this and gives updated information, Strategic Relocation, the film.
So buy them individually or buy them together with a big discount and support the broadcast.
The books and the films have a, what is that, a four point?
Blow that up, I can't read it, sorry.
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Again, you don't find books with that, ladies and gentlemen, or films.
That is a highly respected third-party review site, so anybody that really wants to be informed, get those books separately.
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They are doing everything they can and having congressional hearings where we're brought up and demonized and where Hillary, you know, goes around and they have their surrogates say we've got to be shut down, drudge, roll that daily, because they're scared to death, folks.
More and more people are saying it's a world government.
It's an anti-freedom world government.
It's a totalitarian system.
And once people look past their nation states to the fact that we're already pretty much in the beginnings, a proto-world government,
It's game over.
They want to just slide this thing in under the radar.
It's key that you send the links out, that you sign up at Infowars.com forward slash newsletter to get underground alerts in case they try to censor us.
All right, I'm gonna go back to Joel Scalz.
And Joel, let's get into the Russia situation and more.
But you were getting into, I guess, a comment a few weeks ago where I said, so many people fighting the New World Order and the grassroots, the most effective informed people I run into are Mormons.
But then I look to D.C.
and I see Harry Reid, I see some of these folks, and I was saying, what is the dichotomy?
What is the paradigm there?
And you got interrupted by the break, breaking that down, because so many founders of the anti-New World Order movement who really did the original research in the 40s and 50s were Mormons.
I mean, I'd say probably the majority of them.
And then you now see Mormons helping bring in the New World Order at the top.
So what's happening there?
Well, it starts in the historical background of Mormons being a persecuted religious minority in the United States.
They didn't get help from the federal government.
They were driven out of Missouri and Illinois, and they colonized the Great Salt Lake area, which was just a vast desert, made it blossom as a rose.
And they even fought a war against the Mormons under President Buchanan, the Mormon War, where they took up arms against the federal and ran a guerrilla campaign to stop the army from coming in and occupying Utah.
So, the background of Mormons is extremely conservative.
It's very, very much pro-Constitution.
Their modern scripturals and the Doctrine and Covenants talk about the Constitution being inspired of God.
And so there's this basic background.
So I would say prior to 1950s, over 95% of Mormons were very, very, very conservative.
And we even had a president of the church, Ezra Taft Benson, one of the champions of the conservative movement in the United States under the Eisenhower administration.
As an apostle, he was
Secretary of Agriculture.
But there was a war going on at that time between a few liberals that got into the church higher leadership from Canada who were socialists attacking Apostle Benson.
There was kind of a little mini war going on.
After Benson became the prophet and after he died, the church kind of defaulted into a mode of seeking acceptance in the world, kind of as a backlash to all of the anti-Mormon stuff that was going on.
And it's still going on to a certain extent.
The point is the Mormons, you know, viewed them so, look, we're good people, we're family oriented, we have family values, we have health values, we need to be accepted as mainstream people and not persecuted.
And so there was this bend over backwards to try to gain acceptance in the world.
And mostly happening during the leadership of Gordon B. Hinckley, we had many
Interviews with Mike Wallace and other people.
Time Magazine, U.S.
News, wrote favorable articles about the church and its private welfare system.
And so the Mormons in general, who were still generally conservative, said, wow, this is great to be accepted as establishment people, as mainstream people.
And it kind of was an intoxicating thing.
There have always been a few Mormons who have been liberals, who have been tended towards socialism, as there is in any Christian denomination, because, you know, you can interpret Christ as being for the people and for the poor, and therefore you can misinterpret that as it's okay for government then to give welfare and...
You know, to the poor.
Which, in doctrine, the Mormon Church doesn't believe in.
But, unfortunately, because of this leadership in the past 15, 20 years, trying to gain acceptance in the world, they have patted on the back any Mormons who have made it in the political realm, who have made it like Mitt Romney or Harry Reid.
So it's a classic takeover to the World Council of Churches, like we've seen other denominations, Protestants and others, going along with the system as well.
It's just a takeover.
Well, it's not a takeover in the sense that you have a lot of true anti-Christians getting in and communists even got into the World Council of Churches and National Council of Churches.
It is a willing submission or willing suppression of your anti-government past in the Mormon Church because you so desire to be accepted by the world.
That's the danger.
In other words, I'm not saying that the leaders are actually bad people.
They're not.
They haven't sold out to the new world order.
They just simply want... They're trying to co-exist with the federal government instead of having a war with it, but the federal government itself has been taken over by multinationals.
Now, speaking of war, physical war, geopolitically, you're an expert on this.
Where are we right now?
Russia comes out and says, North Korea, you keep threatening to nuke Seoul.
You keep threatening to nuke, you know, Manhattan.
Kim Jong-un, we may have to invade.
Of course, they have a small border with North Korea.
Unprecedented statement, but that is in doctrine that if you're being attacked or threatening nukes, you know, they said it's unacceptable.
They're foreign ministry.
Now, all of a sudden, Putin, two days ago, announces the pullout, except for the two bases they already had, of their main force, offensively, with a ceasefire.
What's the inside baseball on this, Joel Skousen?
Well, this is a very important thing to understand.
Remember that North Korea is full of bluster.
They are claiming much more than they can possibly have.
They do have missiles that can reach California.
They do not have missiles that can reach New York.
So their bluster about we can nuke New York is false.
They have not tested a single long-range nuclear missile with a warhead.
As Russia and China have, as the United States has, there's never been a test.
They've had ground tests of nuclear, but that doesn't mean that they have miniaturized nuclear weapons sufficient to put on
Sure, I understand that it's bluster.
What is it to hold people hostage for more aid, more money?
But you've always said, though, if there's a nuclear exchange on the Korean Peninsula, you've got one day to get out of U.S.
Do you believe that will be the detonator for World War III?
Yes, I believe that it's a turtleneck, but I don't think it's one day.
I think it's about a week.
In other words, if you see an actual invasion, and I don't think it will start nuclear, even with North Korea.
Their Nodong missiles, the intermediate range missile, that's the one that they might use to soften up, but I don't think they'll start nuclear.
They would start conventional.
Remember, North Korea is a client state of Russia and China, particularly China now.
And they don't want to be viewed as starting the war on nuclear.
They want to wait and induce a U.S.
nuclear retaliation in North Korea.
And the way you do that, you have an overwhelming invasion of the South.
And the only way you can stop a two-million-man army versus a quarter-million-man army and 15,000 U.S.
troops is to use tactical nuclear weapons.
And then China can come out and say, oh, you started it.
You know, you had first use of nuclear weapons.
Then they can justify their long-planned preemptive nuclear strike on the United States military, which is the way they went.
So they will not allow North Korea to go off the reservation until Russia and China are ready.
And that's why I still say it's into the next decade.
Is that why Russia and China, though, have been making the strongest threats ever to North Korea?
That's right.
A lot of it.
Remember, they do have direct control over North Korea.
Kim Jong-un is a young, immature person.
He's not actually running the country.
He's the front man.
But it's very important to understand that the motive here in letting Kim Jong-un bluster so much is they want to keep the West off guard.
The North Koreans will be threatening every year, every six months, every three months, and even occasionally doing small attacks on North Korea.
So the U.S.
will not know when the real attack is coming.
Everything looks like a bluff.
It's kind of like the sky is falling every month, and so you just say, ho-hum.
Sure, it's like the Pentagon threatened and did drills over a hundred times to invade Panama, so they stood down when the real invasion came.
That's exactly right.
And that's the game that the Russians and Chinese and the North Koreans are using.
But there will not be any separate North Korean attack.
And that's why we have all these urban warfare drills here, is preparing the military and the public, so when they order the real attack, oh, we already saw 100 drills.
This is a long-term strategy, going back to Sun Tzu and China and feigning weakness and doing many multiple feints.
But, you know, what's happening in Syria with Russia is the most important story.
Everybody was caught off guard, including the globalists, because Russia just out of the blue Monday says, we're withdrawing from Syria.
And by Tuesday, half of their aircraft had flown out.
And by Wednesday, another half of the aircraft.
And so people say, what's going on here?
And even I was caught unawares.
I think the excuse that Putin gave that mission accomplished, that we've really accomplished what we had here, is not true.
Terrorism is not... It has been diminished.
Certainly the Assad regime, the Syrians with Hezbollah... Sure, so what's behind that?
He goes in...
Out of the blue.
Then he pushes him back some but hasn't, as you said, defeated him.
And then suddenly pulls out.
Was it the Saudi threat to invade with Turkey a month ago that finally had Russia say, look, we're going to go ahead and pull out of here and declare victory?
No, that was a bluff.
The Turkish invasion that is now and is still ongoing is aimed at the Kurds and the Saudi invasion really was a lot of hype created by Hal Turner and his new Superstation 95.
It's still a disinformation outfit as it was when he worked for the FBI.
But, you know, they claimed that there was 350,000 troops massed in an exercise.
There were not.
Those were the total numbers of troops that all... Sure, so let me ask you this question then.
Let me ask you this key question.
Why do you think, or I guess we don't know yet, why do you think Putin suddenly is pulling out?
I think it's because of budgetary reasons.
I think it's very expensive to run that war.
They needed combat experience, they got that combat experience, but this was bleeding them out of bounds.
So it's basically they had a budget and it's a giant war game.
That's right.
Now, that said, they've got all their infrastructure set back in.
They can fly back in in two days, just like they left.
And so, if this thing gets out of hand again, and Assad's... It makes them look good.
We did a peace deal.
We believe NATO and everybody.
We even pulled out, and then you kept attacking, and boom, they're only an hour away, right back into their bases.
That's right, and it provides them a lot of cover.
He needs good press, and Putin is getting a lot of good press.
The peace talks are going forward.
Assad, by the way, is much strengthened, not only in the ground troops area, but his air force has been replenished and strengthened by Putin, and so expect that the Assad-Syrian air force will continue the airstrikes as needed.
So what you're saying is this is another victory for Putin?
Putin is not a good guy.
Eventually he's planning on attacking the West with China, but he's got several years of building and construction to go on.
He's not in a hurry.
That's why he didn't retaliate against Turkey when they shot down one of their aircraft.
He's not ready to take on NATO.
And so this is a major... So you really think the Russians really plan on a sneak attack against the Anglo-American establishment?
I mean, I know the globalists are digging in like never before.
They believe it's coming.
But I mean, this is just so crazy.
What are they going to do to push Rushy into that?
Well, first of all, the major aspect that they've been working on all these years is creating an image that the West is the bully of the world.
We're still doing that.
The West is hated.
And so, Russia is continuing to cultivate, we're the good guy, we're coming up against the globalists, we're stopping their juggernaut around there.
The Russians and Chinese will attack when they're ready, and I'm not sure the US is capable of provoking them into it.
But certainly, the continued neocon agenda, the warfare, which sadly,
You know, I'm afraid.
I know Ted Cruz would continue in that, having all those neocon advisors.
Trump may do that as well with this.
That's right.
Stay there.
I want to come back with Joel Scowles on worldaffairsbrief.com.
Take a few of your phone calls straight ahead.
And then, of course, in the third hour, we'll have open phones as well.
And the news I haven't gotten to, big broadcast, still lined up.
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Alright, I've got people that have been holding for 45 minutes over from the last hour, 50 minutes, who disagree with me.
They want to go after Donald Trump.
I want to just hear why, and then get Joel Scouse's comment.
Maybe Joel can go five minutes to the next hour, so we can get to five or six of these.
But, uh, separately,
When you look at the will of elites throughout history to try to conquer the world, they'll destroy their own empires to try to do it.
The only difference is nuclear weapons now today, and other weapons that could destroy our planet.
So, I just hope and pray that we can get out of globalism.
Real quick question, I'm going to call Joel.
As world government gets sold as a good thing, as they start announcing it,
They are having the problem that you and your uncle and myself and Ron Paul and Mary Goldwater and countless others, John Byrne Society, forever warned of this.
We've been proven right.
We were going off our own documents.
It's not like we just kind of got it right.
We're dead on.
Our credibility is surging.
The system wants to censor us, but that's not going to work, at least short term.
How are they going to get this world government in?
Because from all my research, aren't they about 15 years behind?
So they're trying to rush this?
Doesn't rushing things mean it'll probably only fall apart quicker?
Well, they can't afford to let things fall apart right now and that's why I'm not predicting there's going to be an economic collapse because they would get the blame.
They would know to the hour that the Fed pulled the money supply and created the atmosphere for economic collapse.
I believe the way that they get this, remember there's a lot of resistance to this slow move into globalism.
Look at the Brexit.
Yeah, even the Economist and other people are coming out.
Or the Telegraph, not the Economist, which is a globalist organization.
But the Telegraph is coming out against the EU and against the sovereignty.
So that's why they're going to have a third world war.
Remember, this is a very crucial thing.
They cannot
They want it.
They are behind.
They want this war now, but they can't get it now.
They have to wait until Russia and China attack.
They can't directly provoke the war, otherwise it looks like the U.S.
will win.
That's right.
They've got to have world government just like they set up the League of Nations after World War I, staged World War II, set up the players, wound up the Japanese and Hitler, and didn't control them, folks, but set them up, had their codes, had spies inside manipulating them.
That's been declassified.
Now World War III finally brings in the final world government.
No, it never happens again, Joel.
And then what do they do once their world government's in place?
What's their endgame?
But let me first of all answer the key way in which they're going to get global government.
Remember, you talk about nuclear war destroying the world.
In fact, it won't destroy the world.
They know that Russia and China is only planning on attacking U.S.
military and communication targets, and then try to blackmail the West into submission.
They don't want to destroy the world.
It's going to be a limited, preemptive nuclear strike against missile fields and military bases.
No, I understand.
And then the globals roll out the secret weapons.
But let me ask you this question.
But first, remember the globals then have the excuse, if the U.S.
military is being taken out, we're defenseless.
We have to join a militarized global government in order to prosecute this war.
That's how we get into the global government.
All right, absolutely, but we're going to break.
We'll take a few calls on the other side, but let me just ask you this question then.
Putin, I know for a fact, I mean, does watch clips of this show, is aware of what we're doing.
They have a lot of TV shows in Russia now that basically, you know, talk about the New World Order, global government.
I know you'll say he's doing that for credibility, but if the Russian government's pretty smart, you know, you're smart, they're smart too, they play third-dimensional chess, don't they, because we're exposing it and others are, credible people that, you know, go back 50-something years in the fight, don't they understand that they're being set up?
They know the theory.
They've read my material.
They have people who've read your material.
It's in their DNA.
They've got to take down the West.
Remember, there are three global predator centers.
The Anglo-American globalists, the Russians, and the Chinese.
And they're all separately.
I think there's all basically a satanic promise given to each of them that they're going to win.
It's in their DNA.
That's right.
So it's down to the three predator
Uh, you know, generals, to fight it out, to be given the power over the world government, and to be basically made god on earth.
That's what the elite, Ray Kurzweil, all of them, that's the promise everyone's being given.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, I got loaded phones here, and our guest has to leave in about five minutes, but I'll come back and take the rest of them, too.
But let's go to Jeremy J. West, Stephen Switchblade, and others.
Joel Skousen, editor-in-chief of WorldAffairsBrief.com, is our guest.
You're not going to find better information, I don't think, out there.
That's what we have him on routinely and we appreciate him joining us.
Jeremy in Kansas, you say you're against Trump.
Tell us why.
Yes, so listen, here's the situation.
It's definitely an authentic populist uprising on both controlled party sides.
For Trump on the right and for Bernie on the left.
At the same time, we know about controlled opposition.
And just because a so-called elite are against something doesn't mean that it's good.
And actually, what it actually looks, what's going on, is that Trump is meant to play the role
Of a pseudo-fascist stalking horse on the right to get Hillary Clinton elected.
I went out and spoke to the Bernie supporters and they don't want to vote, most of them don't want to vote for Hillary Clinton.
And yet some of the rhetoric that's coming out from Trump makes them freak out emotionally and they'll likely, a lot of them will vote for Hillary over Trump.
Sure, well I've had Trump's advisor on and he agrees and now Trump's been changing that.
So I get your points, let's get Joel's take.
Well, you know, I don't... He makes some very good points.
They're all correct, except I don't believe that he's a controlled Manchurian candidate.
Look, Donald Trump won't even control himself to the extent of writing his own speech and stick to his own script.
He simply cannot do anything but speak off the cuff.
You simply cannot control a person like that.
So I don't think he is controlled.
And that's why I think the establishment is against him.
That said, I don't think that he will do everything right.
I don't even think he may follow through.
Sir, is it fair to say he's a wild man?
Yeah, he's a wild card.
But let me tell you this.
He would set back the globalist agenda four years if he got elected because they simply would be scrambling to get him to do what they want.
He would do maybe 30% of it and it would set back and they don't want their agenda set back another four years.
Yeah, their system's like a Swiss watch.
See, he would be sand in the gears big time.
Jeremy, thanks.
Let's go to New York.
Let's talk to Jay in New York.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, hello.
I listen to your program almost every day, and I also found Mr. Skousen's strategic relocation to be extremely helpful when purchasing my home.
I do need to fully disagree... Sure, you don't have to preface that you disagree with us.
Thank you for getting this book.
Thank you for the support.
What do you disagree with us on, on Trump?
What I disagree with you is that I don't believe you are doing the full extent of the fight against globalism if you continue to not acknowledge John B. Wells and Caravan to Midnight and his work
On exposing the various aspects of what's happening in the geopolitical world.
Ma'am, I appreciate your call.
You know, I said we're taking calls on Trump.
I've had John B. Wells on my show probably 10 times.
He's a nice guy.
I don't get involved in people and their fights with other folks, other radio hosts.
I can barely cover the news and have my family in my life.
I'm like in grown-up world here.
Okay, so my show isn't high school where it's about this host or that host or personalities.
It's about trying to stop World War III.
Joel Skousen, and we'll take more calls after he's gone.
Got about 30 seconds, closing comment.
Thanks for joining us.
Well, I want to just say that I'm a big fan of John Wells.
He's had me on several times.
We've talked about globalism.
He's very much in favor of stopping the globalist agenda, so I don't see how, you know, the caller can make a statement that you or I are opposing or not supporting John B. Wells.
I think he does a great job.
I think you do a great job too, Alex, and I can tell you that from listening to your show as we came on today, I think you've got the right idea about Trump.
You've got the balanced approach.
He is going to stop the globalist agenda to a certain extent.
He's not totally reliable, but he's not a controlled candidate.
And he listens to the people.
I've seen him change.
Thank you, Joel.
Great interview.
We'll be back.
Joe Biggs here with Infowars.com.
Picking a fight.
Obama taps DC judge for Supreme Court slot, defies GOP vow to block.
President Obama named federal appeals judge Merrick Garland on Wednesday.
As his pick to succeed Antonin Scalia on the U.S.
Supreme Court, setting up a showdown with Republicans who have vowed to block the choice.
It's not a responsibility, I take lightly, Obama said, of his choice during a Rose Garden ceremony.
Senator Mike Lee of Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Fox News minutes before the announcement that neither he nor his colleagues would support the nomination or allow it to go forward.
Now with the death of Antonin Scalia, we might also have the final kill to the Second Amendment because Mayor Garland has extremely liberal views on gun rights.
Obama is bringing in someone to finally finish it off.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're teleprompter free, we're makeup free, at least when I'm on stage.
Up here at the newsroom.
It is a stage though.
The whole world is a stage, each of us players upon it, wrote Shakespeare.
I get asked that all the time, they say, is what you do an act?
And that's a complex question.
About 60% of the time, I'm being 100% totally serious.
I guess another 20% of the time I'm being satirical or joking around.
It's pretty clear when I'm being satirical.
And maybe another 20% of the time, at least some days I'm making jokes or screwing around on some other complete subject.
That's on a day when I'm screwing around.
Most days it's about 98% serious.
And I'm always telling the truth about serious issues I'm covering.
I'm always trying to tell you the absolute
Crystalized, condensed truth.
Because the problem is, truth is such a big, giant subject.
Things are so complex.
If you omit things, it's almost a lie.
Even though you're not trying to, subjects are so big, I'll hear a rebroadcast sometimes and, you know, wish that I would have added something else.
The difference is, I'm trying to tell the truth.
Mainstream media is trying to dumb you down and trying to confuse you most of the time.
And then when they do tell the truth occasionally, even the mainstream reporters get demonized.
And that's why they don't do it too often on key subjects.
And mainstream media tells the truth about a plane crash or, you know, a car fire or, you know, who got elected most of the time.
But on key political issues, they'll lie.
Like all these Democratic operatives caught starting fights and posing as Trump supporters.
Videos up on Infowars.com.
Now I want to keep going to these folks that are mad at Trump and telling us why.
The toll-free number is 800-259-9231.
But when I'm done with this raft of calls, it's just going to be open phones.
I would hope you'd want to comment on the new Supreme Court nominee who is the biggest anti-gunner in the federal court system.
They tried to overthrow D.C.
Before that, he tried to stop it.
So he's the guy that brought the case to overturn it and failed.
We're going to get into that.
A huge, huge, huge, huge deal.
Just absolutely out of control.
So we're going to be breaking that down.
We're also going to be looking more at the campaign.
We have this new story by Curt Nemo.
Obama selects 2nd Amendment foe for Supreme Court.
Expected to overturn Scalia's ruling on 2nd Amendment if confirmed.
And I had my stack on him and so much has been moved.
See if I can find it.
It even has his ruling.
Guys, I had it.
It had a green marker on it.
I'm sure it's here in the stacks.
I'll just cover this once I find it at the bottom of the hour or so because I want to go back to calls.
Where he makes a statement about how D.C.
Heller was horrible and he'd overturn it and he'd go back to what D.C.
I mean, that is total gun ban.
That is what he believes in.
Total gun ban.
Meanwhile, Boehner is backing Paul Ryan trying to draft him to run for president and just come into the convention with no delegates and have the Republican Party order the delegates just to hand it all over to him.
Just very brazen, extremely naked on that front.
Also, Fox News' GOP debate cancelled after Donald Trump backs out of John Kasich, Ted Cruz fall suit.
So that's beginning to unfold as well.
Now, I want to get to other callers on other subjects now, so I'm going to try to race through Stephen and Switchblade and Wes and Rick and Jason.
And then I'm going to just open the phones up in general, as I said, on these subjects.
Why do you think Russia pulled out of Syria?
I agree with Skousen's analysis is dead on.
What do you think about the North Korea situation?
What do you think about
These unprecedented attacks to now arrest Trump if people attack him and are violent at these demonstrations.
This is now a direct attack on free speech.
I also have a science stack that I want to get to.
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So from my research and what I've experienced, it makes your hormones, your body start cutting off and cell death coming in early.
And just iodine and super metal vitality and doing a liver cleanse, everything I've done, I'm going to next week after doing another liver cleanse starting next Monday, I'm going to get in a pair of swim trunks again and show what's happened since a few months ago.
Because it's a process to lose almost 100 pounds.
I gained 100 pounds, folks.
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Let's go ahead now.
Yeah, Alex, first of all I want to say, the Anatomy Tangerine 2.0 and the rebounds from the Xevity and then
I use them all.
They're phenomenal.
They work.
Buy them, folks.
I really thank you guys for putting those out there.
As far as Trump, Alex, I'm glad he's put out a lot of stuff that's stirring things up.
It's obvious the establishment hates him.
However, I look at things deeper.
I look at things from a spiritual standpoint, not just a natural or a political one.
And, as far as I can see, based on the only one who has right judgment, and that's Almighty God and His Word, Donald Trump is a spiritual and moral failure, and I have four reasons why.
Number one, his use of eminent domain.
What's the difference between him doing that and the BLM doing what they're doing?
Well, one does it through the courts, the other does it by force, but they're both using the government.
Secondly, the casinos.
The Bible says that he that maketh haste to be rich hath an evil eye, and it shall not be innocent.
Thirdly, Planned Parenthood.
While he has come out for defunding it because of abortion, he believes that that's only a small part of what they do, and they do a lot of good things for women's health.
He's either got his head in the sand, or he's ignoring on purpose what they're all about, which is abortion and everything that goes with that.
They're eugenic.
They were founded for that reason.
But frankly, two words, Marla Maples, this man is an unashamed adulterer.
I hear you guys saying he's a good family man, Alex.
Roger Stone has said that.
I'm just floored by that because
The Bible says in Proverbs 6 that whoso committed adultery with a woman lacketh understanding.
He that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.
A wound in the center shall he get.
Alright, alright.
Hold on.
Hold your horses.
Ho, ho, ho.
Very good call.
You raise a lot of legitimate points.
I hear you.
I hear you.
Sending him into a certain death mission so he could have his wife, because she was so luscious.
And my issue is, he later really repented of it.
It wasn't like he knew he could just repent and get out of it.
He literally repented later.
So, you know, I really think at the end of the day,
Get to read the Bible in its full context.
King David committed adultery.
And so, so is King David good, but Donald Trump's bad?
Because he likes women?
I mean, you know, he's not in there with little kids like a bunch of these Congress people.
And so I'm sorry, I'm just not on some high horse.
And I'm not saying you are.
And I'm glad that you're the best guy around and, you know, can control, you know, yourself and everything.
And I get it.
It's just that
You know, I've been a good boy, too.
But the point is, is that I sure got stuff running through my head.
And so, I just, you know, thank God for creating women.
That's all I can say.
How do you respond to that in 30 seconds?
We're going to break.
Well, what I say, Alex, is that, yes, David repented.
That's my issue.
It's not that there's not forgiveness, but there must be repentance.
I don't hear Trump renouncing.
They talk about him, you know, coming out against Duke.
What about what he's done personally?
He needs to repent.
I don't see any evidence of that whatsoever.
He's unashamed of what he's done.
You know, I gotta be honest with you.
It's refreshing that he's not a hypocrite and then, you know, saying he's perfect.
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Alright, look, I can't spend five minutes with these callers because I want to go to all these callers and also get into other subjects in the next segment about the new Supreme Court nominee and the thing totally anti-gun.
Look at this headline out of Newsday.
College goes on lockdown after lightsaber mistaken for a gun.
And I see these articles all the time where you'll have an eight-year-old with an orange and, you know, lime green or purple Nerf gun in their own backyard.
And the police will come and take it away and sometimes write tickets saying it scared someone.
When no crime was committed or the school hears about it and suspends you because you played with a Nerf gun at home.
So imagine someone has a green lightsaber, you know, that you buy at Target.
And some moron thought it was a weapon because they were so hysterical as a social justice warrior, they wanted to be hysterical about something and call 9-1-1.
So a Newark college that went on lockdown over a report of a gun on campus says the weapon turned out to be a lightsaber.
Indeed you are powerful.
Students and staff members at Farmingdale State College on Long Island were told to shelter in place Wednesday.
Land of the free, home of the brave, folks.
With big yellow stains on their pants.
When police investigated a report that someone was assembling a rifle in the school parking lot.
College spokeswoman Catherine Coley says the rifle was actually a Star Wars toy.
Farmingdale State is part of the University of New York system.
8,700 students.
Armored vehicles and SWAT teams.
The MRAPs.
To save everyone from the light saber.
Indeed you are powerful.
Oh man, I've seen police called for like a Transformers gun and it showed on the news it was an inch long.
But these same trendies see cops with guns, they go, ooh, the state, I like it.
This is a cult.
They're taking over.
They're a cult of weakness and watching television and being pathetic.
And I don't put them down with pleasure, I put them down so when they're listening, they understand how slack-jawed and pathetic they are, so they hopefully wake up and stop doing it.
The word scared me!
Arrest him!
It's like Lynch Hall!
I saw a Halloween party!
I'm scared!
Shut it down!
Switchblade in Texas.
Go ahead.
Yes, thank you for that.
I'll be very quick here.
Let's see.
Basically about three and a half points on why I cannot support Trump, although I do agree with you he's not establishment one.
He basically came out and said, you know, we have a lot of problems with this government.
We have a lot of corruption in this government.
I know because I participated in that corruption.
I have a real hard time swallowing that.
That's what he said.
He said it's a corrupt system.
You got to do it.
And I'd try to end it where you have to literally pay these people to leave you alone.
That's an illustration of what he actually said.
I know, it's just horrible to have somebody openly, you know, just admit that it's a corrupt system.
But then he also said, I know because I've bought politicians so you can trust me.
I can't swallow that pill.
No, he's saying the system is buying him.
It's legal.
He doesn't like it.
Oh, I understand what he's saying.
If you try to get a nice tie made in the US, it costs like 50 bucks.
You have it made in Mexico for $5.
And then you try to sell the tie, believe me, we've done it, for $60.
To make $10, no one buys it.
You sell it for $35 from Mexico that costs $5, and you make $30.
You sell it for $60 when it costs $50, you make $10.
It's the regulations and everything is designed to shut us down.
I understand that, but that's also completely... I mean, what's wrong with him being honest?
There's nothing wrong with him being honest.
I just have a hard time believing that he would do anything to fix anything other than what's good for Donald Trump.
Everything Donald Trump has done in his life has been for Donald Trump.
And on top of all of that, you've got his constant remarks... well, not constant, but his repetitive remarks against free speech whenever he's, you know, voicing his opinions on various things like the phones or the...
I've said I think he's wrong because he doesn't even know how to use a computer from what I'm told.
Let's just say he's less tech-savvy than I am and I'm not.
On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm about a 3.
Trump's about a, you know, 0.5.
And he's like, let them in.
They got warrants.
Let them have the terrorist info.
Now that he understands it's a larger issue, he's moved away from that.
So there are some pitfalls there and I hear what you're saying.
Then he reiterated after Chicago, which granted those protesters were in the wrong protesting as a right protected... Well, let me just say something.
It's not a protest when you go to somebody else's political event and try to disrupt it and run into people.
So, I mean, listen, the Weathermen thought they were protesters, you know, bombing people.
So a bunch of George Soros people coming to your event.
Look, I have these people come and try to shut me down.
So what about my free speech, you see?
I mean, I've gone out and had rallies before.
We're going to have a rally here.
And people go book the time where I'm going, but then tell me I can't be there.
You know, so there's a lot of other stuff going on out there.
Hey, I hear you.
Let's not have Trump.
The Federal Reserve agrees with you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Now that Trump has over 50% of the delegates needed to meet their arbitrary finish line, the establishment is doubling down on their arrogance.
These folks are competing to join us.
Yeah, but they're competing to become the President of the United States.
And so they are looking for voters, all voters.
To vote for them.
I mean, my point is this, Ryan.
No, they're not.
That's RNC Chair Priebus explaining to a shocked CNN reporter that the voters in an election don't matter.
The candidates are auditioning to join the establishment.
Hurley Hoagland, an unfound GOP delegate.
Echoes RNC Chair Priebus telling CNBC that media has created the perception that voters choose the nominee.
He questioned why primaries and caucuses are even held.
Also today, former Speaker John Boehner says he wants the nomination handed to Ryan, saying they all had a chance to win and none of them won.
Trump, however, has won 64% of state elections and the wheels are coming off the establishment's rigged system.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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Hello, boys and girls.
I have a special message for you from the President of the United States.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
And we are, as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.
This is Walter Cronkite in our newsroom, and there has been an attempt that perhaps you know now on the life of President Kennedy.
The initial attack on the destroyer Maddox on August 2nd was repeated today.
Psychological warfare operations went into high gear.
Retaliation for this unprovoked attack on the high seas.
Our forces have struck the bases used by the North Vietnamese patrol craft.
It would allow the president to wage war in Vietnam.
Just run and escape.
In 1976, Flight 455, which took off from Venezuela, bound for Cuba, suddenly exploded.
All 73 passengers and 5 crew members aboard died after the plane crashed near Barbados.
William Colby has been missing since April 27th.
His canoe was found washed up on the banks of the Wicomico River, April 28th.
I don't have to tell you things are bad.
Everybody knows things are bad.
I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
All right, what is the Trilateral Commission?
It's an organization founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller.
What they're really up to is a scheme to plant their own loyal members in positions of power in this country, to work to erase national boundaries, create an international community, and in time, bring about a one-world government with David Rockefeller calling the shots!
I understand he was tapped for skull and bones.
Tap for it.
Sir, he found it, skull and bones.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy so we don't go out anymore.
We sit in the house and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller and all we say is, please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms.
Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radios and I won't say anything.
Just leave us alone.
Well, I'm not going to leave you alone.
I want you to get back!
We have got to fight and stand up!
It's not gonna be easy!
But I'll assure you this!
We can, and we will, and we must prevail!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
All right, folks, I'm going to go to some calls here in a few minutes, and I've got to get through these anti-Trump calls, because in the first hour of you just joined us, I said, hey, you're anti-Trump.
Tell me why, and we'll do it.
And it's gone pretty good.
Some people made some good points.
Others have just brought up reasons to criticize me.
I don't like Trump because such and such, because you did this.
I'm just trying to gauge where you're coming from here.
Look at this headline, it's from Breitbart, it's up on Infowars.com, it's up on DrudgeReport.com.
Activist plot, largest protest of the century.
MoveOn.org and the White House, they won't go protest all the wars they're launching, because after all, Obama's got a peace prize.
But they will go out and protest free speech.
And then, notice in the photo here, Stop Hate.
They link arms and run into you and go, scare's ass coming through!
Then just run men, women, and children over.
And then just punch you right in the face.
And the media goes, can you believe that Trump people incited violence?
How dare them?
And even a few people fought back against the social justice warriors.
Because, you know, the social justice warriors, they've been taught if you're a libertarian, a veteran, a conservative, a Christian, you deserve to die.
If you're white, you deserve to die.
You know, we played those clubs.
That's what's taught at the universities.
What you have is low IQ, low information people that just show up all full of themselves and
They show somebody threatening to kill Trump with a machine gun.
He goes and tries to attack him, says he wants to be a martyr.
They put him on CNN as a hero to create more of these people.
Anti-Trump groups threaten largest civil disobedience action of the century.
We need to have free speech events to counter these people.
These people are true trash.
They're a bunch of thugs that want to run into people.
Back in Germany in 1938, they'd be wearing brown shirts.
With little, to be technical, 1933, with little, because those useful idiots got rid of right after that, with little fanfare and almost no news media attention, some of the same radical groups, yeah, I want my reporters focusing on these people.
We need to send our reporters out to follow Trump.
That's where the action is.
It's about First Amendment, not even about Trump.
With little fanfare and almost no news media attention, some of the same radical groups involved in shutting down Donald Trump's Chicago rally last week are plotting a mass civil disobedience movement to begin next month.
They intend to march across the East Coast in order to spark a fire.
That'll be a bunch of radical Muslims, Black Lives Matter, socialists, communists, red flags, just beating people up basically, and going in and going, you're white, you're a scum, bunch of white guys saying it to you, and you're just like, I'm just here at a grocery store, buddy, getting a cup of coffee.
Doesn't matter, I'm better than you, I'm a bully!
They intend to march across the East Coast in order to spark a fire that, quote, transforms the political climate in America.
An operation calling itself Democracy Spring.
Remember Al Gore said we need a Arab Spring in America?
And Democracy Spring is threatening drama in Washington with the largest civil disobedience action of the century.
You won't do it against the Federal Reserve or the IRS persecuting people or, you know, all the toxins in vaccines.
No, no, you'll just do it against free speech.
Because MSNBC told you so.
The radicals believe this will result in an arrest of thousands of their own activists.
We will demand that Congress listen to the people and take immediate action to save our democracy!
Yes, by banning free speech.
And we won't leave until they do, or until they send thousands of us to jail.
The website for Democracy Spring declares, channeling rhetoric from the Occupy movement.
Soros funded again.
And they want to switch all the angry Bernie Sanders people
We're going to be mad at Hillary over to Trump.
MoveOn.org has been playing a prominent role in organizing the anti-Trump activists, including last week's shutdown of the Billionaire's Rally at the University of Illinois in Chicago Pavilion.
Because they want to support democracy, they want to ban your free speech.
They're such good people.
That's normally called an oxymoronic statement.
Meanwhile, here is the report from the Legal Times, D.C.
gun case.
Rehearing denied.
The circuit was 6-4 with Judge A. Raymond Randolph, Judith Rogers, David Tattle, and Merrick Garland stating they would have granted the petition for a rehearing to overturn.
He was against it at the time and tried to overturn it.
He's the very guy out there trying to overturn one of the most important pro-Second Amendment cases in our history.
And he is now nominated to the Supreme Court and the media is spinning it that he's a conservative.
He's even worse than John Boehner.
George Herbert Walker brought him in, so he must be good, huh?
Talk about comedy.
Apple says U.S.
founders would be appalled by DOJ order.
Now the DOJ admits they've got thousands of phones they want to break into.
They can go in through the hardware in the phone, but it takes time.
They can also go right to the ISPs and providers and get where everybody went.
So it's a red herring.
And most stuff has back doors.
They just want to sell the idea that they're breaking in things to keep you safe.
So that's all fraud.
And they do want to have universal encryption keys.
And the federal government's a giant sieve, so it'll proliferate out to all the criminals, including those in government.
It's just a fact.
They're everywhere.
Criminals are everywhere.
Private sector, public sector, you name it.
So, it is wrong what they're doing to Apple.
But Apple runs the most oppressive factories, it's reported, in the world, with suicide nets, forced abortions, and forced drugging, and 16-, 17-hour days.
And no
Parental care, no... nothing.
You get hurt, you're off the job, that's it.
How can we compete with this?
Why don't they bring Apple back to the United States?
And it'd go up in price a few dollars, but it'd actually create jobs.
Like Donald Trump's talked about.
But they are one of the most oppressive anti-liberty groups giving money to take our guns, money for open borders.
They are probably one of the most evil corporations around.
They censor people they don't agree with.
They're very, very centralized.
And just to hear them in USA Today, Apple Inc.
Charged Tuesday that a court order forcing the tech giant to assist the federal government in unlocking the iPhone of San Bernardino terrorist Saeed Farooq was based on non-existent authority asserted by the Justice Department.
According to the government, short of kidnapping or breaking an express law, the court can order private parties to do virtually anything with Justice Department.
Yeah, I can dream up, says Apple lawyers arguing the new court document.
I agree.
It's indentured servitude.
Make us a program.
Break your encryption so we can get into the front end of this.
Make your product obsolete.
But for them to then talk about the Constitution and the founders, when they're there butchering it, stinks to high heaven.
Here's another one to show what the politically correct Justice Department's doing.
They don't go after the IRS persecuting people, they reward them.
They don't care about the drugs being shipped in on government aircraft.
No, they want the NFL to not ask the sexual preference of players.
Because it's just all an agenda to take away all your basic rights, but then give you the right to not be asked what your sexual preference is.
Faux rights, or rights that don't matter.
Look, they got surveillance blimps, forced inoculation, you know, forced GMO, fluoride in your water, everybody dying of cancer, but you've got a tranny potty for the fifth grade.
Yeah, world government's here, total enslavement, but
Yes sir, can you hear me?
No, but... How you doing there, John?
Hold on there, Jane.
How you doing?
Go ahead.
Go ahead there, cousin.
How'd you like some possum?
How'd you like some possum stew and some moonshine?
That's funny, but I just want to say I agree with Trump about 90% of what he said.
But honestly, after what happened in Chicago, that whole protesting or demonstration, whatever you want to call it, I honestly believe he is a plant for Hillary Clinton because by him doing what he did- The way he blamed Bernie, people?
Not only just that, but just his whole handling of that only benefited Hillary Clinton to win not only Illinois, and believe me, I hate Bernie Sanders, and I hate Hillary Clinton ten times more, but that's why
I just can't support Trump anymore because that benefited Hillary Clinton.
I really don't think, and I appreciate your call, I really don't think that Trump is established when this is all a big scam.
The danger is he is his own person as a wild man.
A true Trump card.
But we'll find out.
Speaking of this, I meant to play it because I just covered this article.
Anti-Trump groups threaten largest civil disobedience ever to shut down free speech.
Because they're social justice warriors and, you know, they want Martin Luther King quotes off the walls at Oregon State because it's hateful.
He didn't include gay people.
He just said, our children live together of all races, colors, and creeds.
Oh, well, it's exclusionary, like the word mother and father.
So you gotta have it pulled down.
This isn't a cult of control freaks.
But meanwhile, Donald Trump says there'll be civil unrest if they steal the election from him.
So could this be the plan for the Civil War?
Let's go ahead and go to the clip.
...before getting to the convention, but I can tell you, if we didn't, and if we're 20 votes short, or if we're, you know, 100 short, and we're at 1,100 and somebody else is at 500 or 400, because we're way ahead of everybody,
I don't think you can say that we don't get it automatically.
I think it would be... I think you'd have riots.
I think you'd have riots.
You know, we have... I'm representing a tremendous... many, many millions of people.
In many cases, first-time voters.
These are people that haven't voted because they never believed in the system.
They didn't like candidates, etc., etc., that are 40 and 50 and 60 years old.
And they've never voted before.
That's right.
They hate the fact he's bringing populist voters in who are out of the system.
And then some will say, well, voting's a fraud.
Well, only if you have cruddy candidates and there's election fraud.
But they have trouble stealing an election if it's a landslide.
They're scared, for real.
And we're forcing them out in the open.
This is a big victory for Liberty.
Rick in Florida.
Let's go to Florida and talk to Rick.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex Nye and your listener.
Good to be with you.
My beef with you is this.
Why can't you ask Donald Trump about Building 7?
He builds buildings in Manhattan for a living.
You're the father of the 9-11 truth movement.
Ask him if he accepts the NIST report from 2008.
Ask him if NIST won't release the computer modeling that they used to come up with their cockamamie theory.
Well, as everyone knows, hold on just a second.
My job is to cover up false flags and to make sure nobody knows that 9-11 was a staged event.
I'm being sarcastic.
I meant to ask him about that.
I meant to ask him about the 28 pages, and that was actually on my list.
And I meant to ask about the Federal Reserve, and I got that message to him.
It looks like it's going to be coming on soon, and I will ask those questions.
So there you go.
But at least he's brought up the 28 pages and the fact that Bush wasn't a hero.
That's a big first step.
Or is he worse than the Bushes, actually?
Because he goes part of the way
I mean, isn't that a good thing he did?
Hold on, I may not now.
I may not now.
I may not now.
Because I'm not going to be bullied here.
I mean, people call me all the time and they say, you're covering up the Federal Reserve's private because they just learned it.
And I've been talking about it for 25 years.
So, I mean, come on, man.
I make films about 9-11.
I cover it.
I get into it.
Trump's come out and said they're covering up 9-11.
How am I and Trump bad when we're two people getting folks to talk about it?
Hold on, I heard you do that.
You're so accusatory, like I'm David Rockefeller.
Listen, if you're a new listener, we don't just have anti-Trump call after anti-Trump call.
The first hour, open the phones up for these people to call in.
And then what, about half of you seem so mad at me.
So, see, you have a platform here to bring up Building 7, which I'm the great Don of covering up.
I'll agree with you.
That's my job.
I'm the guy that exposed it first.
And so, I'm a bad person.
You know, I would say it's your responsibility to go out on the campaign trail and ask Donald Trump about that.
You know, you've ruined it for me.
I'm not going to ask him that now.
What do you say to that now, Rick?
I'm still going to listen.
I'm a nine-year listener.
I buy all the nutraceuticals, Biontangy, Tangerine, OscuFX, Nascent Iodine.
Let me ask you a question.
Have they worked for you?
They're the most unbelievable products I've ever had in my life.
Listen, I hear that you're fired up and stuff, but don't ruin it for me.
That's actually on the list of stuff, okay?
So just let me enjoy myself a little bit here.
I mean, believe me, there's stuff all the time, like before an interview, the most important thing I want to cover, and then after, I didn't do it.
But believe me, believe me, I'm going to get into, you know, all of it with Trump.
And believe me, he wants to get into it, too.
So I hear you, Rick.
I appreciate your call.
We're going to come back.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
It's quite a Wednesday transmission.
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Freedom came my way one day!
David Knight's gonna host, quarterback, honcho, command, run, chair, anchor, direct, orchestrate, execute, carry out, transmit, care,
Did I say captain?
The fourth hour.
I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot the deputy.
Scalia dies, Garland decides, and the Supreme Court is his reward for being a champion of evil.
As the wheels are coming off the globalist oligarch party, they're unmasking their intentions.
We will look at Boehner and the GOP delegates openly talking about how they will throw out the election and make the nomination a selection.
Or a royal coronation!
How are we any different from North Korea if they do this?
See how far we've fallen.
And we'll look at the metrics from last night's election where Trump dominated.
All this and more coming up in T-minus about five minutes with the one, the only David Knight from deep in the heart of Texas.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
He's welcome to continue with these callers.
David, 70-year-old vet on everything.
Frank in Maryland, Trump skipping the Republican debate on Fox.
Vincent in Vermont, Social Security and immigrants.
Brian was talking about Eric Blair in 1984.
Vincent wants to talk about Russia.
I'm going to get to a few of those now.
You heard a caller earlier who is almost frothing that I bring up Building 7.
And yes, I'm going to try to get into all that.
But at the same time,
You heard him then say, no, these are the most amazing products ever.
Go do the liver cleanse.
I'll be honest.
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It's up on InfoWarsLife.com.
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That's confusing even my mother, so I'm going to have that changed.
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There's a couple little caplets of those and boom, it opens up your gallbladder and it is spectacular.
Doesn't work just one piece alone.
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Just do not drink while you're doing it, obviously, because your liver is wide open when it's happening.
And then after I did it, people said, watch, you drink one beer, it has a huge effect.
It's like, wow, my tolerance is gone.
And then it came back.
I mean, it really is amazing.
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Let's go to Brian in Canada.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, thanks a lot, Alex.
I appreciate you taking my call.
I know you're a big fan of Eric Blair, the author of 1984.
And I just finished the book.
I just finished the book.
I read it in 2002, but I just finished it, like, in the last 48 hours.
And I guess I wanted just to ask you...
Whether or not you thought that Eric Blair had this insight that we're often talking about this this advanced insights because the book is just so dead on is what's happening today.
It's almost like a blueprint of your
of your radio show.
I mean, he knew what was going on.
This is the 1940s.
And I just wondered if you could share, perhaps, your thoughts on whether or not he was part of this cabal, this this illuminous group of people.
Yes, yes.
You know, you know, I'll do a video about who was Eric Blerken.
I can't do it in 50 seconds, but I'm sure David Knight's going to come in the next five minutes.
I bet he can give you his take.
Eric Blerken from an elite family.
Uh, that was inside the Wedgewoods and others and the Galtons and all the rest of them, so he knew a lot.
He was a member of the secret police, basically, in India.
Then he was a communist, fought the Spanish Civil War.
Then he was a propagandist in World War II with the OSS.
And he wrote the book to tell you what was coming.
That's why it's so real.
That's why it's so powerful.
But no, he was against them.
He was definitely a defector.
He died one year after 1984 came out.
In 1949.
Stay with us, David Knight, 70 seconds away.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host in this final hour of the Alex Jones Radio Show, the fourth hour, on this Wednesday, March 16, 2016, the day after
Probably the second biggest day of the primary season, and that was of course the beginning of the winner-take-all elections.
We had five states and one territory yesterday.
They're still sorting out the delegates in Illinois and Missouri, but we're going to take a look at the metrics and what that tells us, but we're also going to take a look at what the establishment is telling us.
The establishment is telling us they don't care what the metrics say.
They don't care who you voted for.
They don't care who has a plurality.
They've got a line they've drawn in the sand.
They have some rules.
They're going to go to this convention.
The final four that we had are now the final three, but there's still only one candidate who has a winning record.
Donald Trump has won 64% of the states.
Ted Cruz has won 24%.
You have John Kasich who has won a single state.
And of course, if you're watching the news, you think that somehow he's a contender.
He's not a contender!
Let me tell you something.
John Kasich is trying to make a case for how he's going to have a path to the nomination.
And he talks about the big states that he thinks he's going to win in the future.
The first one he talks about is Pennsylvania.
Here's the dirty truth about John Kasich.
Pennsylvania is on his critical path, he says, to having a rigged convention.
You know, using the arcane rules of the GOP, using new rules with the GOP convention to try to win.
But the reality is John Kasich couldn't even bother, or wasn't competent enough, to get the paperwork in time into Pennsylvania to legitimately get on the ballot.
But of course for John Kasich, as part of the GOP establishment, this old time establishment man who only just recently has become Mr. Rogers, you understand, he was never Mr. Nice Guy.
He was always the whip, the guy that knocked heads around.
Even when he became governor, he was threatening people.
Okay, but now he's Mr. Rogers, okay?
But he's going to change the rules if he gets a chance, and he's going to get himself on the ballot even though he missed the deadline.
That's what we're looking at now.
We're going to look at what John Boehner said.
We're going to look at what another delegate has said.
We're going to go back and look again at what the RNC Chair Reince Priebus has said in the past.
Folks, the wheels are coming off the globalist oligarch party.
And we should help them in that.
There's going to be a revolution one way or the other.
And we're going to talk about what's going to happen with this.
Win or lose, Donald Trump has begun a revolution.
I think that's a very healthy thing.
And we're going to look at history.
We're going to look at the future as well with this.
I want to also take a look at this new Supreme Court nominee.
And when they said that he was with the D.C.
Circuit Court of Appeals, that immediately rung a bell with me.
I was like, oh, that's the Circuit Court of Appeals that is going to be hearing these edicts coming out of Obama and his EPA trying to shut down the coal and oil industry as part of the climate change agenda that they have, and they're trying to enact it by fiat, by executive order, by bureaucratic legislation.
Remember that we said when Scalia suddenly died that the most important thing that was immediately coming up was this very case that is going to be coming before the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.
It was expected that the Supreme Court was going to overturn a favorable decision, favorable to EPA, favorable to Obama, favorable to the climate change agenda to shut down our fuels.
They expected that to be shut down 5 to 4.
With Scalia dying, they said it's probably going to be a 4-4 decision, and the lower court decision will stand.
So the EPA regulations will likely move forward.
Now, isn't it interesting that this guy, who is at the crux of this power to push the climate change agenda,
Is now being offered as a Supreme Court appointee, perhaps as a perk once he enacts Obama's climate change agenda.
We're also going to talk about the fact that his path to power has come through Chicago and through heading up the investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing, just like Eric Holder.
You want to get a powerful position in the administration?
You cover up the Oklahoma City bombing.
You make sure nobody sees what's going on there.
And then you pass the climate change agreement for them when Scalia drops dead at a remote ranch.
How's that?
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Now that Trump has over 50% of delegates needed to meet their arbitrary finish line, the establishment is doubling down on their arrogance.
These folks are competing to join us.
Yes, but they're competing to become the President of the United States.
And so they are looking for voters, all voters.
To vote for them.
I mean, my point is this, Ryan.
No, they're not.
That's RNC Chair Priebus explaining to a shocked CNN reporter that the voters in an election don't matter.
The candidates are auditioning to join the establishment.
Hurley Hoglund, an unbound GOP delegate.
Echoes RNC Chair Priebus, telling CNBC that media has created the perception that voters choose the nominee.
He questioned why primaries and caucuses are even held.
Also today, former Speaker John Boehner says he wants the nomination handed to Ryan, saying they all had a chance to win and none of them won.
Trump, however, has won 64% of state elections and the wheels are coming off the establishment's rigged system.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Nutt on this Wednesday, March 16th, 2016.
Day after a very significant day in the primary process.
And of course, Donald Trump won a great deal of delegates yesterday.
We had Marco Rubio drop out.
That was foreseen.
But of course the establishment is not taking this lying down.
We're going to take a look at what they're doing now.
The wheels, as I said in the last segment, are really coming off the establishment and they are pulling off the mask.
And they're making it very clear to us that they really don't care about the election process.
We played that clip before and we're going to play it again today of Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chair.
Telling an amazed CNN reporter, Alison Camarado, is that, no, no, no, no, no.
You don't understand.
This isn't an election.
They're trying to join us.
Okay, they're going to join us as our nominee, okay?
We talked about that and I was like, that's really creepy.
Okay, well, if there was ever any doubt about our interpretation of that, now John Boehner has made it clear.
We've had another GOP delegate make it clear.
You can see this at the top of the Drudge Report.
Absolutely amazing what they are saying.
They are not only desperate, but they are blatant in showing people that this has always been a selection process.
They've always been able to control it in the past.
That's why I would say that the way I look at Donald Trump is he's really our illegal alien in the GOP.
He's our illegal alien in the GOP.
And when I say that,
What I mean is that you have to understand that the open border is not fundamentally about wages or many other issues.
It's fundamentally about bringing in a different culture, trying to balkanize a system, trying to destroy the nation-states that we have here in the West, nation-states in Europe, that can stand in the way of the globalist agenda.
And so what Donald Trump has done is he has now
The key weapon against this globalist agenda.
And that's why I support him.
I'm going to take some more of the calls that are still hanging on here.
I know some of you have been hanging on for a very long time to talk to Alex.
I'm going to take those calls.
You can tell me why you don't support Trump.
I'm first going to tell you why I do, because I've had people, had somebody last night send me a tweet saying, you know, you're a sellout.
You support Trump.
Well, I haven't sold out.
Uh, and we need to start understanding what's really involved here.
So I want to talk about that.
Before I do, I think it's key also that there's not going to be a, this next debate has been cancelled.
And of course, after Trump cancelled, Kasich backed out.
Kasich said he would only join the debate with the participation of Trump, you know, because he and Cruz and Fox News don't really disagree on anything.
You know, they're all part of the establishment.
They don't really have anything to talk about, I guess.
I had sent out some tweets last night directing them at Donald Trump.
Of course, I didn't have anything to do with that decision.
Somebody tweeted back to me and said, well, he's already said he's going to go to AIPAC on the same day, so it looks like he's not going to be doing that.
It's like, good.
I think that's great.
But I sent out a tweet, I said, you know, if a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, did it make any sound?
If Fox News has a debate without Donald Trump and nobody watches it, does it matter?
Did anybody hear it?
Would anybody watch it?
Of course they wouldn't.
Nobody is going to watch a debate between Kasich and Cruz.
Who cares?
Who cares?
These guys are so incredibly irrelevant.
This is Fox 13.
GOP presidential debate in Salt Lake City is cancelled.
And the very last phrase, the very last sentence on the article says Ted Cruz would have been the only candidate on stage.
Well, they could have still had a debate.
You know, Ted Cruz could have debated himself on the trade treaties.
He could have debated himself on whether or not Snowden is a traitor or not.
He could have debated himself on whether or not we should audit the Fed, you know.
Ted Cruz has taken so many different positions on so many different issues.
He is really the John Kerry of the GOP.
And I gotta say,
That, you know, I disagree with Joel Skousen when he was on talking to Alex.
I'm not a fan of Ted Cruz.
And if Donald Trump were to pick Ted Cruz, then that would be a bridge too far for me.
I would have to say that of all the disingenuous people and, you know, everything about this guy, his, you know,
Stabbing Ben Carson in the back, and the other things that he's done is he's proclaiming his piety everywhere.
He is a stench to me.
I know that we had a caller who called in and said, you know, Alex, I make my decisions based on moral calculations, and I'm not happy with the life of Donald Trump, so I won't vote for him.
I understand that.
I understand that.
You know, he made not only that, but there's other issues as well.
There's eminent domain.
There's crony capitalism that he's been a part of.
There's his authoritarian position on surveillance, on torture, on so many different other issues.
When I look at this, I say, yeah, that's right, I disagree with him.
But you know what?
I disagree with everybody else on those issues as well.
I don't see a candidate out there that is saying that we should stop him in that domain.
I see a Ted Cruz out there saying that we should allow a foreign Canadian corporation
To take the property of people for the Keystone Pipeline!
It's like, eminent domain to the multinational corporate level.
That's Ted Cruz for you.
And so, you know, I don't... I see all these guys supporting crony capitalism.
I see them all trashing the Constitution.
Let me tell you something.
If you support the war on drugs,
You're trashing the Constitution.
Are there any of these candidates who have spoken out against the war on drugs?
And Bernie flirted with legalization of pot and that sort of thing, okay.
But I'm talking about the principle that the government can tell you what you can take and what you can't.
I mean, that is absolute tyranny.
Is it any surprise to us that the government thinks that it can force us to take vaccines?
If it can tell you you can't take a medicine, and I'm talking about prescription drugs, too, because we got the FDA, it's not just the DEA.
If they can tell you which drugs you can take when you're sick and which you can't, even when you are a terminally ill patient, they won't allow you to make that decision for yourself, for your children.
Then, of course, they're not going to let you make the decision about a vaccine that they're going to force you to take, because you don't own yourself.
You're a slave.
You're their property.
You're their cattle.
You're their chattel.
So that's one aspect of it.
Of course, the other part of it is that we have a constitutional amendment, and I've mentioned this many times.
One day, I'm going to do a show, and I'm going to make the whole hour about this one thing, because I've mentioned many times
That we have a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol, but we don't have a constitutional amendment to allow them to prohibit anything.
Marijuana, heroin, cocaine, the latest cancer drug.
There's no constitutional amendment that gives them authority to do that.
Why did we need a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol?
Everybody agreed on that.
Both parties, the entire nation, because they read the Constitution in those days and they cared about it.
Why did we need a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol, but we don't need a constitutional amendment to prohibit the rest of this stuff?
Or to force you to buy
Health insurance, because that's where this all ends up.
Or to force you to take an injection.
So, one day we're going to have a show here, and I'm going to ask people, just like we're going to take some of these calls about Donald Trump, I'm going to ask you to give me your opinion on this.
Because I bring this up all the time, and what I hear is, crickets.
Nobody cares.
Nobody cares.
Nobody says, hey David,
You're full of beans.
You don't understand the Constitution.
We don't need a constitutional amendment to prohibit marijuana.
We needed one for alcohol, sure, but we don't need one for marijuana.
Nobody says I'm wrong on the issue.
Nobody wants to argue it with me.
They just don't care.
They just don't care.
That's what I can't stand.
I can't stand the apathy.
About the rule of law, about our individual liberty.
That's what I can't stand about the war on drugs.
I don't take the stuff.
I would like to have the option if I get sick to use it medicinally.
But I don't take pot.
I don't oppose the war on drugs because of that.
I oppose it because of the profit prisons where we've locked up the greatest proportion of people we've ever had in the world, in our country.
And, you know, when we allow them to start the UN War on Drugs, understand that, too, folks.
I mentioned that, too.
Nobody else ever calls me about that, either.
You realize, because I didn't realize this one for a long time, the UN created the four schedules of drugs and even put the drugs in the schedules for us, and then ten years later, Richard Nixon enacted it and said, oh, it's my war on drugs.
No, it's not.
It's the UN's war on drugs.
It's a UN agenda.
They created it in 1961.
He called it the war on drugs and made it an agenda in 1971.
So why is it that conservatives are so hardcore on supporting a UN agenda that destroys our property rights with civil asset forfeiture?
Why is that?
I don't understand.
I'm getting off on that.
It's one of my hobby horses.
Sorry about that, folks.
I want to talk about the election.
I want to talk about Donald Trump.
I want to take your phone calls here.
I said Trump is our illegal alien in the GOP establishment.
Let me explain that to you.
I'm going to begin this and we'll continue it on in the next segment.
You know, in our lifetime, we've seen the debates, the political debates, focused on things like, that are really issues without a difference.
They're a distinction between the parties, but they're really not a difference.
Things like, you know, how should we be taxed, and how much should we be taxed?
Who's going to get the tax money, and how much tax money are they going to get?
Who are we going to start the next war with?
Okay, those are the types of things that are typically fought back and forth in the primary debates and in the main general election debates, okay?
Then we also have the more divisive issues that really get us fighting against each other and get people to turn up at the polls.
You know, stuff like, issues like abortion, marriage, racism, feminism, okay?
Those are the things that make us mad, that gets us to turn up.
Do they ever talk about individual liberty?
The only issue about individual liberty that they ever talk about
...is the Second Amendment.
That's the only time it is even brought up.
And the rest of the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Constitution is a dead letter.
It's never debated by the Democrats, by the GOP.
So, you know, I kind of had an epiphany as I'm looking at Donald Trump, and I disagree with him on so many of these issues, and of course Rand Paul was still there, and it's like, okay, well, I disagree with him on all these issues, on eminent domain, crony capitalism, the authoritarian positions that he's taken on these things, but at least he's coming at me and telling me what he believes.
He's not a Ted Cruz who's going to stab you in the back.
Ted Cruz is going to scream about the neocons, as National Review said.
He uses it as a dog whistle.
While he puts these neocons as his closest advisors and thinks you're not going to notice it.
He's still screaming about the neocons.
He's a warmonger himself.
He thinks you don't notice it.
He's a banker family himself.
Goldman Sachs, CFR, the North American Union.
He's our North American Union candidate.
So at least we have somebody coming at us.
I'm going to break this down a little bit more when we come back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host this hour.
We're going to be going to our callers Hang On, Vincent in Vermont, David in Arizona, Frank in Maryland.
I am going to... These are people who wanted to call and say why they did not like Trump or to take Alex or me to task for supporting Trump.
I'm going to go to you guys.
I want to briefly state why I...
And I don't know.
I guess the guy's a longtime listener.
I'm sure that as wound up and as angry as he was, it was probably because he was waiting so long.
And I'm sorry you guys have waited a long time.
You're going to wait a little bit longer, but I promise I'll get you on.
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Survival Shield, uh, Nascent Iodine, Survival Shield X2 is now back in stock.
Now, real briefly, because I want to get to these callers, I want to continue with what I was saying, and that is the fact that we've had these debates where we've been offered issues that are distinctions but not differences, really, on some of the core things, like, you know, war and money.
They don't really offer us a distinction, a difference.
Then they have their divisive issues, okay?
Abortion, marriage, racism, feminism.
Then they have one issue regarding our liberty, and that of course is the Second Amendment.
So that's something that we can get excited about, that we can fight for, but they never discuss the rest of the Bill of Rights, okay?
Think about the last presidential election.
That was really, whether you realize it or not, that election, forget all the rest of the stuff that was talked about, that election was to set up the government control of healthcare.
If you couldn't see it then, you've got to be able to see it now.
You know that Mitt Romney, with Ted Kennedy, had enacted Obamacare in Massachusetts.
It's exactly the same thing.
People were saying it during the election.
A lot of people weren't listening because they were so charged up about some of these other issues.
Abortion, marriage, racism, feminism.
They thought it was going to make a difference.
And let me tell you something.
This is one of the reasons why a lot of evangelicals are voting for Donald Trump, because they have, since the 1980s and Ronald Reagan, for 35 years, they've been thinking if they get the right guy in at presidency level, that it's going to make a difference on their social issues.
And it hasn't, has it?
It hasn't.
It's not an effective strategy.
You need to change hearts, Christians, using the power of the gospel in Jesus Christ, and not by condemning homosexuals to death.
Not by getting up and screaming about that and then introducing Ted Cruz, okay?
That's the video.
We're going to talk about that at some point.
But, you know, that's not the way you change hearts and minds.
And you can't do it yourself, really.
It's going to take God, it's going to take the power of Christ.
And you can put on all, you can, you know, put on all this white paint and everything, you know, whitewashed sepulchres, okay?
Painted tombs.
That's what Jesus said.
You can take the tomb with the death inside and you can put all this ornamentation on it, okay?
But you're putting lipstick on a pig.
But it's worse than that.
It's just putting white paint on a tomb of death, okay?
It isn't working.
What you're doing isn't working, social conservatives.
The things that you're so passionate about isn't working.
The last presidential election, whether you realize it or not, the rest of the stuff was a distraction.
You know, you get Republicans in, Democrats in, Planned Parenthood moves on, okay?
The Bushes that you guys supported all the time, you didn't realize, did you?
That every generation of Bushes has been intricately linked with Planned Parenthood.
Founders, financiers of Planned Parenthood, okay?
Never bothered to do your research, did you?
Now, it hasn't worked.
You've been fooled.
And the last election was about government control of health care.
We would have gotten it whoever got in there.
Many people say, oh, you know, we got we got Obamacare because Romney didn't win.
No, the fix was in.
The fix was in.
The midterm elections that we had the last time, you thought they were about open borders, didn't you?
You thought that you elected the GOP to fix the open borders.
That's what they ran on.
They said, well, we're going to undo Obamacare.
We're going to undo the open borders.
No, they didn't.
Because they're part of the establishment.
Both parties, elites, want the same thing.
That's what you have to understand.
When we come back, we're gonna break it down.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Now that Trump has over 50% of the delegates needed to meet their arbitrary finish line, the establishment is doubling down on their arrogance.
These folks are competing to join us.
Yeah, but they're competing to become the President of the United States.
And so they are looking for voters, all voters, to vote for them.
No, they're not.
Echoes RNC Chair Priebus, telling CNBC the media has created the perception that voters choose the nominee.
He questioned why primaries and caucuses are even held.
Also today, former Speaker John Boehner says he wants the nomination handed to Ryan, saying they all had a chance to win and none of them won.
Trump, however, has won 64% of state elections and the wheels are coming off the establishment's rigged system.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight, your host.
Yeah, and everything there is a season turning, and we are in a season of turning right now.
We may be coming into the fourth turning.
That's a book.
We'll talk about that some other time.
I've mentioned that book before.
If you don't know about what I'm talking about, and of course we had a caller at the end of the last hour talking to Alex about 1984 that he had just read.
Yeah, the clock is striking 13 right now, folks.
Things are not right in this country and we are at a crossroads to make a big decision and we have an opportunity right now.
As I said before, Trump is our illegal alien inside the GOP establishment.
I'm going to break down what I mean by that right now.
As I've mentioned before, in the last presidential election, we didn't really have a choice.
We had, you know, we get a choice of persons.
You know, do you like this guy Obama, or do you like this guy Mitt Romney?
You know, Mitt Romney's this old, fighting, whitey kind of persona, you know, and, you know, Barack Obama's this young, hip, black guy.
Okay, that's one of the choices that we could choose.
Then they could get you fired up on some of these cultural issues.
But the reality is that that presidential election was about Obamacare.
It was about government control of healthcare.
And it would have come to us as Obamacare, it would have come to us as Romneycare.
Romneycare had already been done by Mitt Romney in Massachusetts with the mandate, with all the rest of the stuff.
And in the last
The midterm election.
People said, we don't like Obamacare.
We don't like the mandates.
We don't like the open borders.
We're going to elect the GOP.
The GOP said, we're going to fix it.
We're going to fix it.
The GOP won.
Nothing happened.
See, you didn't get Obamacare because Obama won.
You were going to get that one way or the other.
And you thought that when you elected the GOP people, they were going to do something about what they've been talking about.
But you don't understand.
That was never an option.
Did you ever see any plan about what they were going to do in place of Obamacare?
How they were going to shut it down, or what they were going to replace it with, or how they were going to modify it?
No, you never saw the plan because they never planned on doing anything.
You understand that?
You understand that?
There was no plan because they never had any intention of changing Obamacare.
Now, I thought it was interesting in the next to the last debate,
The last debate that I watched, the one where it was Donald Trump debating Fox News and the other three candidates, where they had their PowerPoint presentations and everything to come after Donald Trump, and yet they never talked about his new health care initiative, even though he had just put it out that week, a couple of days earlier.
I mean, they could have picked that apart, couldn't they?
Well, they didn't.
And the reason they didn't was because he has a plan to get rid of Obamacare.
It's a seven-point plan, and it is a free market plan.
And there wasn't anything that they could find wrong with it, folks.
I've looked at it.
It's a great plan.
You should take a look at it.
It's a free market solution.
It makes things better, okay?
It replaces the mandate with a choice.
It gives you the information to make choices, okay?
By opening up transparency about what it costs at different doctors, at different hospitals.
It gives you the flexibility and the competition of a marketplace by saying that insurance companies can compete across state lines.
They want to tell you that we have to have free trade for globalist purposes, okay?
That we have to have free trade with China, we've got to have free trade with Mexico, we've got to send our jobs and factories abroad, but we can't have free trade within the United States when it comes to insurance policies.
There can't be any competition.
Do you understand what's going on?
Do you understand how they're rigging this game for their multinational corporations, for the guys that they work for in Washington?
And so Donald Trump, when he's talking about it, says we're going to allow him to compete across state lines.
Of course, little Marco Rubio is sitting there constantly talking over him, saying, you keep repeating state lines, you keep repeating state lines, because he kept interrupting him.
Wouldn't let him even talk about that one aspect.
And of course, Fox News didn't want to ask any questions about it, because it's a free market solution.
It would have health savings accounts.
It would give you incentives to save money, because if you would save them money, then that would be money that you would keep in your health savings account and could eventually pass on to your children or something.
It gives you an incentive to save.
It gives you the tools to save information.
It creates a competitive marketplace.
It takes away the mandate and replaces it with a choice.
They don't want to talk about that.
Because the GOP doesn't want to get rid of Obamacare.
They never had a plan.
And they don't want to talk about the plan when somebody comes up with a free market plan.
They never planned on changing it.
Understand that.
That's what that election was not about.
You thought it was about that and you're angry because they didn't do anything.
It was never about that.
You need to understand what this election is about.
It's about open borders.
That's not principally about cheap labor, okay?
It's really about balkanizing the nations and destroying the cultures and the nations that can oppose the globalists who are trying to enact their agenda.
You understand that?
The nations, America and the West, need to be taken down.
Their cultures, their nations, need to be destroyed.
You need to balkanize them.
Bring in people who aren't going to assimilate, or bring them in quickly enough so that they won't assimilate.
Okay, bring in the Muslims, they're not going to assimilate.
They're going to self-balkanize.
They're going to isolate themselves in little ghettos.
They're not going to get involved with the culture at large.
Then they're going to get angry because they're poor inside of a rich nation, and there's going to be a fight.
That's the purpose.
And if you bring enough people in from a country that doesn't speak your language, that has a different culture, and you bring them in in sufficiently large numbers, they will self-ghettoize as well.
Now, they will engage to a larger degree with the culture, but it's about destroying the cultures, about destroying the nations.
Then you want to make sure that you migrate production to countries with cheap labor.
That's what they call free trade.
That's not free trade, folks.
That is managed trade.
It's a managed economy.
And I've got an article here about Ted Cruz, who last June was going on radio shows pushing back against Senator Sessions.
Senator Sessions, the only senator who took the time to look at the TPP, this trade treaty, this abomination, he took the time to read through this thing, created a
Not a PowerPoint presentation, because he didn't do it on a computer screen, but he basically had a presentation with charts and all this kind of stuff.
He stood up before the Senate, gave his presentation, and of course Ted Cruz comes out and goes, nah, it's not a living document, it's not going to destroy our sovereignty.
He likes the TPP, but he doesn't say why.
We got Senator Sessions explaining why.
He read it.
He says, this is what it says, and this is what it will do.
And then Ted Cruz, as is so typical of Ted Cruz, comes in and says, nah, it's not going to do that.
I've looked at it.
I know better.
I don't have to give you an explanation.
See, whenever it is something that is convenient for Ted Cruz's personal ambition, he just makes a pronouncement like he does with Natural Born Citizen.
Oh, I'm a constitutional lawyer.
I've argued before the Supreme Court.
I've looked at this.
I'm qualified.
Shut up and sit down.
He's not going to tell you why he's qualified as a natural born citizen.
So he does the same thing with a globalist agenda.
We're good to go.
He's the only candidate who has been authentic on this issue.
He has opposed that for 35 years.
He has opposed the economic globalism for 35 years.
He's authentic on that issue.
So if you don't understand that, then you're going to lose your country.
You're going to lose the West.
And then the only way you're going to get back the Constitution at some point in the future is with a violent revolution against a global world government that has all of the tools that Eisenhower warned us about.
All the artificial intelligence, the autonomous killing robots, nuclear bombs, you name it.
You're going to fight a war against that institution if you lose this political battle.
And so that's why I say Donald Trump is our illegal alien in the GOP establishment.
He is there to do to their political establishment what they are trying to do with the open borders, with the trade treaties, to us.
Now, this political situation that's coming up, this political war that has already begun, and again, let's play that clip of Reince Priebus.
We've played this clip before.
Let's play it one more time.
You ask the question in a way that I think is a little bit... These folks are competing to join us.
I mean, that's what's happening, right?
So they're competing to join the Republican Party as our nominee, depending on what the delegates decide to do or who wins the requisite amount of delegates.
Well, sort of.
I mean, but they're competing.
That's what they're doing, though.
They're competing to be the nominee of the Republican Party.
Yes, but they're competing to become the president of the United States.
You don't understand.
They're trying to join us.
She thinks there's an election.
To vote for them.
Let's stop that because they keep on going.
This goes on a long time.
No, no, no, no, no.
You're not listening to me, Priebus says.
And he's the chair of the RNC.
You're not listening to me, she says.
But there's an election going on.
No, no, no.
You don't understand.
They're trying to join us.
Now they're being a lot more open about this.
Here's this article today.
We choose the nominee, not the voters, says a senior GOP official.
This is somebody who was interviewed on CNBC today.
He says, and this person is Curly Hoglan, or Haglan, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota.
He goes on CNBC's Squawk Box and he says, the media has created the perception that voters choose a nominee.
That's what, Alison Camarado, CNN is confused.
But no, wait a minute, we're having an election and voters are choosing the nominee, right?
No, no, no, no, no, says Priebus.
And this guy, who is an unbound GOP delegate, goes no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
The media's created that perception that voters are choosing the nominee.
That's the conflict here.
You people in the media are lying to the public, and you've been doing it a long time.
You've been telling them there's this thing called an election.
No, it is a selection.
It is a coronation that's going on, okay?
And then he even goes on.
He questions why we even hold primaries and caucuses.
Yeah, they're useless, because we're the ones who are deciding.
They're trying to join us.
Hoglund is one of 112 Republican delegates who are not required to cast their support for any one candidate because their states and territories don't hold primaries or caucuses.
And he goes on and says this.
He says,
At the convention, we could introduce Paul Ryan, or Mitt Romney, or it could be other candidates that have already been in the race and are now out of the race, like Huckabee or Santorum.
All those people could eventually become a candidate on the floor.
And people will say, hmm.
Oh, and that's actually, that's not the same guy.
That's another unbound delegate from North Dakota.
Because see, they all think like this.
You know, it's not just Reince Priebus, the chair.
It's not just one delegate or two delegates.
They all think that way.
They don't really care what you think.
And it doesn't matter.
Rule 40 doesn't matter.
Remember, they enacted Rule 40 so they could keep Ron Paul from being nominated, so they could keep Ron Paul from making a speech.
It was very important that Ron Paul not be allowed to speak at the last GOP presidential nominating convention.
So they passed a special rule to shut him up.
That's the way they operate.
We saw the thieving actions of Mitt Romney and his staff.
Rigging the elections, and state after state, anybody that was paying attention, I got very angry.
And I got very angry, quite frankly, that Ron Paul wouldn't stand up and call him out on it.
Now, I'm telling you, Donald Trump will call him out on it.
And his supporters will call him out on it, because we had it.
We had it with these guys.
And he goes on to say, the rules are still designed to have a political party to choose its nominee at a convention.
That's just the way it is.
I can't help it.
Don't hate me, because I like the rules.
I love the rules, okay?
No, he writes the rules.
They wrote Rule 40 just before the convention, and it said you had to win eight states in order to be nominated.
Now, only two people have won eight states.
Cruz has won just barely eight states at this point.
Donald Trump has won way more than that.
Donald Trump has a win-loss record of 21 wins and 12 losses.
Ted Cruz has 8 wins, 25 losses.
And then we have the great hope of the establishment, John Kasich, who's had 1 win and 32 losses.
Okay, he's won 3%.
Okay, Ted Cruz has won 24%.
Donald Trump has won 64% of the states that are out there.
Now, what do they need in terms of remaining delegates?
Well, Trump needs to win 54% of the remaining delegates.
Cruz needs to win 76% of the remaining delegates.
Hmm, that's getting kind of not possible, isn't it?
And Kasich needs to win 99%.
Okay, and it's going to change a little bit because they haven't allocated the delegates from Illinois and Missouri, and of course it's going to change to Trump's advantage, because he's going to win more of the delegates in those two states because he won them.
Now, there are 21 states that are remaining.
11 of them are winner-take-all.
That means that 52% of the states remaining are winner-take-all.
So all this stuff about your proportional delegates, all this stuff about doing this stuff at convention and everything, okay, that may or may not happen.
But I just want you to understand the arrogance of these people who think that you don't count, that the elections don't count.
This is the way it's been for a long time.
This is why we've said elections are totally rigged.
And the person who has been able to climb over the fence to sneak into their country is Donald Trump, our illegal alien in the GOP.
Good for him.
Good for him.
He's breaking this up.
And the GOP is going to be either, there's going to be either a hostile takeover of it, or it is going to crash and burn and we're going to create a new party.
Now, John Boehner, they floated Paul Ryan, these other guys are floating Paul Ryan, they're talking about Paul Ryan.
And John Boehner floats his name, he says, if we don't have a nominee who can win on the first ballot, this is John Boehner.
And of course, where's John Boehner from?
He's from Ohio, okay?
And I just, when I saw him making this pronouncement today, I thought, is this, is he just filled with hubris after he just helped to rig the Ohio election for John Kasich?
You know, they can make up a two or three percent lead of somebody.
If it's narrow in an area, they can turn it into a big victory, okay?
The reason they haven't been able to do it is because Donald Trump has been getting record turnout.
That's the only reason they haven't been able to rig these state elections.
They've rigged them, believe me, they've rigged them.
They've done point shaving, and they've done stuff like I believe they've done in Ohio.
I don't have any evidence of that, I'm just going by my gut feeling, I'm going about what I've watched for my entire life, and I'm telling you, with what we saw yesterday, with what we saw in Ohio, and with John Boehner crowing about how they're going to make their own appointment, I'm telling you,
He thinks.
They rigged the election, I think.
He says, we don't have a nominee who can win on the first ballot.
I'm for none of the above, said Boehner.
They all had a chance to win.
None of them won, so I'm for none of the above.
I'm for Paul Ryan to be our nominee.
And, of course, Paul Ryan has come out and said, no, no, I'm grateful, but I would not accept the nomination.
You heard that before, didn't you, when it was all about the Speaker of the House stuff.
Now, I've said I'm going to give these guys a chance to weigh in, and I've talked a long time.
Let me go right away to Vincent in Vermont.
Go ahead, Vincent.
Yeah, hi.
Can you hear me?
Yes, go ahead.
You're on.
Alright, I think personally Donald Trump's only way of winning is to pull out of the Republican primaries and go all-in independent.
Pull in somebody maybe like Jesse Ventura for his VP and that might sound crazy but then that gives Donald Trump an opportunity to move himself more to the center and nobody's gonna kill Donald Trump or assassinate him if Jesse Ventura is the Vice President.
That's for darn sure.
Well, I don't know, you know.
I see what you're saying, because they're afraid of Jesse Ventura as president.
Yeah, I don't know.
I think it will be.
It'll either be a hostile takeover of the GOP, or I think he will run as an independent.
But look, the GOP has ballot access, and I've worked with third parties, and I know how difficult it is to get on the ballot as an independent or as a political party.
And that's why it's a lot better to try to take over the GOP than it is to try to go the independent route.
I mean, that is a smart way to go, and I'm glad that he's doing it.
They absolutely hate that he's there.
Thanks for calling.
Hang on, we're going to come right back with Vincent closing comments with David in Arizona and with Frank in Maryland.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
In this final segment, we're going to try to get to these three callers who have held over.
Vincent had one more thing he wanted to say.
Vincent, make it very quick when we come back.
Before we go to them, real quickly, I want to let you know that we have Supermail Vitality back in stock at InfoWarsLife.com.
There's a lot of products there, just as you heard the caller who
Talked to Alex about Building 7, even though he's really upset with Alex about not bringing that topic up with Donald Trump.
He said these products have changed his life.
Go to our website.
Go to Infowarslife.com.
Look at the reviews there.
Look at what other people have said about how these have changed their lives, how they have used them.
Again, we have Supermail Vitality back in stock.
We've got Survival Shield X2 in stock.
And of course, there's been a lot of news that has come out this last week about the importance of gut health.
And Iodine plays a big part in that.
Again, Infowarslife.com.
Real quickly, Vincent in Vermont, finish up with a point that you want to make.
Alright, I'll just be real quick.
I just wanted to confirm for Alex that I was at the Social Security office and there was a non-English speaking person there getting his Social Security card with an interpreter.
And when he filled out his application, the lady gave him his card.
The interpreter was shocked and was like, you already got the Social Security card?
And she was like, yeah, it was already in the computer.
We're just printing it out for him.
And I thought that was amazing.
They make it easy.
They make it easy.
When Kasich says on his first 100 days he's going to put through amnesty, OK, that's a big dog whistle to everybody.
Come on in.
Get in the country.
We're going to close the doors later, maybe.
Who knows?
I don't know.
Thanks, Vincent.
Let's go to David in Arizona.
Thank you, David.
I misunderstood the nature that you wanted the freedom dissenters calling in.
God help us.
And I'm a Trump supporter.
I believe in him.
And if he's real, he's the last chance America's got.
You know, I'm 70 years old.
It's taken me a long time to get where you and AJ are at.
You guys are wise beyond your years.
Well, we're always learning, and you know, I agree with you.
I don't think Donald Trump is perfect.
No man is perfect, okay?
He's got flaws in his life, and he disagrees with me on issues.
At least he's upfront about it.
I have no illusion that somehow he's going to magically change and become libertarian, okay?
But at least we can have an honest discussion about that, and with him being honest and upfront about where he is on these issues, it makes it easier to have that honest discussion with an individual, even if they disagree with you.
And so, I'm not looking at him as being perfect, and I agree with you.
I don't know.
Have you ever voted before?
Or are you a new voter?
No, no.
I voted for John Kennedy.
Oh, okay.
Okay, so you've been voting a long time, and you're probably not happy with what you've been getting, are you?
Oh, absolutely not.
I was 75th Rangers, sent to Vietnam TDY for two years, special operations.
After I was trained at the Classified School of America, I was the only, at the time, the only enlisted man, 19 years old, to go there for a year.
Wow, you have experienced it on one end of it that I have not experienced it on.
That's truly amazing.
You've been at the very center of things, the Vietnam and the college.
That's amazing.
My innocence started dying in Vietnam.
I'm shocked.
There's obviously a treasonous agenda to totally destroy America.
I love this country, and I can't believe the people are supporting it.
So many people are supporting it.
Treason, tyranny, aid and comfort to our enemies.
These are capital offenses against America.
I agree with you, David, and I've got to go to the other caller, and I would just sum up and say, you know, because they have been sold the idea that they're going to somehow be safe and prosperous if they give this up.
And I hear the music coming in.
Real quickly, Frank in Maryland, just got a few seconds.
Go ahead.
Give us your, hey, got 20 seconds.
Yeah, here in Maryland, I'm considering Trump.
But the delegates here are going to lob him from Trump.
He's in the lead now.
And they're going to try to give it to Cruz.
Anyway, I don't think it's ideal, though, him skipping the debate to get to AIPAC.
He's courting them, it sounds like.
Yeah, that's something we have to watch.
But of course, he's talked to a Jewish group before and said, hey, you don't support me.
You're not thinking this through because you can't own me.
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