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Name: 20160308_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 8, 2016
3305 lines.

The podcast covers topics related to politics, religion, and health supplements. Alex Jones discusses the importance of resisting against globalist attempts to control our lives. He emphasizes personal power through resistance and uses Friedrich Nietzsche's phrase "That which does not kill us only makes us stronger" to encourage listeners. The show promotes products from InfoWarsLife and InfowarsTeam, talks about upcoming debates and primaries, and highlights the need to resist globalist control over our lives. Topics discussed include Trump's focus on liberty issues such as the Constitution and the elect's role in God's plan for politics. Additionally, health supplements like XtendoVite and Supernatural Silver are promoted.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's gonna happen at the end of this, but you wanna fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here, and we are covering Super Tuesday, part two they're now calling it, with Idaho, Mississippi, Michigan, and Hawaii all in the mix, the big prize obviously being Michigan.
Trump is way ahead there, but the media is already spinning it that he is a loser if he doesn't have a giant majority.
Well, he's set to get that.
And we see Marco Rubio, little Marco,
The establishment golden boy, the elephant that had ears that could fly, sinking into the morass.
And we see John Kasich picking up a few of his points because he's seen more of a moderate.
The big news is the Washington Post, more than two weeks after we broke it,
Two weeks after we broke it, as a story that's up on DrudgeReport.com, Drudge's credit, he was linked the night we put the report out to our story, and that's why it was forced out in the media.
That's what the new media does, is we force the dinosaur media to do its job occasionally.
We make the prostitute media occasionally remember what it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and had some integrity at times.
And it's all being reported.
The secret meeting with the Koch brothers, the secret meeting two weeks ago, secret meetings in Silicon Valley with the billionaires and with Karl Rove, all scheming at these different meetings how to raise hundreds of millions dollars more to defeat Trump.
But also how to steal it at the Broker Convention.
When we come back from break, we're going to go over the Washington Post article where they openly say, plot to take it at the convention.
Now remember, we were crazy conspiracy theorists six months ago when Richard Reeves and I and Roger Stone warned of this first on air.
Then we were even crazier two weeks ago.
The conspiracy terrorist are at it again, saying that the NSA is spying on you and saying Obamacare rips you off and saying they're coming for the guns and everything else they've been trying.
Saying that they've created massive trillions of derivatives and signed our children and us onto it.
No, the truth is we're just realists that actually do our research and that aren't scared to cover the real issues.
That's why you see Newt Gingrich coming out saying secret societies run the government and Donald Trump's not part of them.
Twice in the Washington Post admitting that Scalia died as part of a secret society operation.
Oh, nothing.
Nothing sinister there.
That's why you see another big article about Guccifer, the hacker, being brought back to the United States.
And it turns out he's a listener.
That's been in the foreign press.
And when he hacked into all these government computers, he said it was like the Illuminati.
Secret cabals, the Bilderberg Group running everything.
And it's when he reported that that they arrested him.
And now they're bringing him back here.
And David Knight wants to interview Guccifer.
So do I. Guccifer.
If your lawyers aren't complete tools, which I'm sure they're not, and if folks in the prison you're going to be held on, I know they're trying to put you in solitary, can get a message.
Or if jail guards that are patriots can get you a message.
We want to have you on the show.
We will also be happy to publish statements.
I know they're trying to censor you, saying you have sensitive information, secret information, yeah, that could expose the criminals.
Guccifer, we want to communicate with you.
So, InfoWars is here, and that's why all the big whistleblowers come to InfoWars, whether it's William Binney, former head of technical at the NSA, or whether we were the first interview when he was on the run with John McAfee, and countless others.
You can trust us.
We know what you're saying is the truth.
It's already been documented that your hacks were real.
We understand your courage.
We understand what you've gone through.
You're a hero.
And we salute you, sir.
We're going to break down that article as well when we come back on the other side of this break that we're accelerating towards.
Also, we have Democratic Party operatives on CNN saying Trump will institute internment camps and suspend habeas corpus.
David Knight is coming up, and I'll be live as well coming up at the noontime hour with David Knight.
So all this and more straight ahead again.
I am here in town, but working on some family issues and also getting a lot of other technical stuff set up, so it's a working staycation.
And that's my vacation, is I stay and take care of all my other issues.
And I love it, I'm not complaining.
We'll be back after break.
I'm Alex Jones, and this is the front lines of the Human Awakening.
This is the InfoWar.
In the last Democratic debate, we learned that there are no poor white people, and that Hillary Clinton single-handedly saved the auto industry.
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Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
It is March 8th on this Tuesday, worldwide broadcast in the year 2016.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
David Knight is coming up at the bottom of the hour.
He'll be riding shotgun with me today and I'll be live via Skype
In the second hour as well, and the fourth hour's coming up.
It's a really jam-packed four-hour worldwide transmission.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Obviously, it's Super Tuesday 2, they're calling it.
The key states of Michigan's the big prize, then Mississippi, Idaho.
And Hawaii.
Of course, most of the delegates are in Michigan.
And that showcases everything Trump's been talking about.
The one-sided trade deals to de-industrialize the United States and bring us to our knees in a global system.
That is admittedly, again, what globalism is.
Private corporate megabanks and the companies and systems they buy up and control
Buying off governments and having them basically transfer their power, their wealth to offshore multinationals who are waging war against not just nation states, but individuals and the human condition itself, setting themselves up as the new royalty where they are exempt.
And I say this thousands of times because it's the key to everything.
Where they are exempt from the taxes, the regulations, and the laws they pass and foist on us.
The ultimate form
Of discrimination.
Speaking of the ultimate form of discrimination, they divide us on race, religion, and then claim that they're conciliators, and that they're going to bring us together because everybody's fighting.
This is, again, the prison management model, great game system that I talk so much about, not for lack of news, but because it's the key to everything.
Then they have someone like an operative, like Bernie Sanders, say white people don't know what it's like to be poor.
So I'm announcing a contest today that is going to run through Friday.
And again, it's a $1,000 contest.
These big, long contests are great, but it just gets too confusing.
It's a three-day contest.
Friday will be announced in the end of the third hour by yours truly.
A meme.
It can be an image meme of Bernie Sanders.
It can be a video clip of Bernie Sanders.
It just has to have InfoWars.com in it.
And then basically play on this, because he's fair game now saying white people don't know what it's like to be poor when there's 19 million white people in America well under the poverty line.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Also, white people don't know what it's like to be cold.
Just put that quote.
White people don't know what it's like to be fat.
Show giant fat people.
White people don't know what it's like to be drunk.
White people don't know what it's like to be sad.
It'd be like a Dr. Seuss book.
White people don't know what it's like to be in a war.
White people don't know what it's like to be shot.
White people don't know what it's like to be sick.
White people don't know what it's like to die.
Did you know they don't die?
They're so privileged?
It's an endless meme.
Short video.
Or it can be a gif, or it can be an image, with text, with InfoWars.com on it.
And it's a thousand dollars.
We're going to start doing these every week.
And then we're going to post it to Facebook, Twitter, you name it.
This is about getting the people involved to fight back, because this illustrates everything I'm talking about.
It is so over the top.
And this is what they actually teach.
Remember Melissa Harris Perry at MSNBC?
They'd say, well, you know, Paul Ryan's a hard worker.
He'll get the borders open.
Wait a minute, he's white, he's not a hard worker.
That takes away from black slaves.
And she would do that on every single subject, saying every word, every meaning, you know, a bottle of water is racist.
Just, you know, everything is evil.
Because people need to only know how to fight with each other, not how to be charming, not how to build things, not how to work.
They are literally creating psychological mental illness and basket case behavior in the society.
And then people think it's a value that they're a victim.
Whites do it, women do it, blacks do it, everybody does it.
And you see it now everywhere, this victimology where everyone is like into being a victim and they'll make stuff up.
I mean, I gotta tell you, in my life and being involved with a lot of people, I am shocked by how many dishonorable weirdos there are who will literally just make stuff up out of whole cloth to make themselves a victim like they've given themselves a crown.
This is how they're handicapping us.
I'm not supposed to use that word either.
This is how they're destroying men and women.
Oh, I'm sorry, I'm supposed to say persons.
I'm supposed to use all the words you say.
This is massive, giant, huge, brainwashing, control freak behavior.
Now, I want to go over a few other points first, because I did a little piece that I taped Sunday about Nancy Reagan's death that aired yesterday, where I apologized for hating Nancy Reagan.
I never really said I hated her on air, but making snide comments about her, because I realized
That it was programming when I was growing up, where on Saturday Night Live and all over the news and Hollywood would just attack the Reagans.
I mean, I always liked Ronald Reagan to a certain extent.
I criticized some bad things and bad policies.
But what I was saying is...
Compared to George Herbert Walker Bush or Bill Clinton or W or Obama, wow, look how much better an Eisenhower or a Reagan was.
And Reagan, I know people that know him.
A lot of folks that know him.
He really cared about the country.
He really meant well.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts knew him well.
You know how honorable he is.
He really wanted to help this country.
And they say, oh, he was a communist.
He was liberal when he was young, and then he woke up to it.
And, you know, they shot him, folks.
And Nancy hated the Bushes and carried a .38 on her and told people that I've talked to that she thought they had a hand in it.
Well, of course.
I mean, Hinckley's brother met with the Bushes the night before.
Reagan was shot.
I want to be clear, because I saw some comments on YouTube.
Look, David Knight is saying Nancy Reagan's bad, but Alex Jones is, you know, saying she was good.
You know, they need to get their story straight.
We're not a cult, folks, like the Republicans or Democratic parties.
I hire people that I think are smart, who I think are moral, who I think have good research and good compasses.
And if they disagree with me on 10, 15 percent of things, and I can actually see their angle, then it helps me.
Knight was saying say no to her agenda.
No to her policies, the fake war on drugs, and so many other things that she was a figurehead for.
Remember the time she was in in the 1980s?
They go, well, her husband was bringing in drugs.
I've talked to people involved.
They kept Iran-Contra and the drug dealing and all of that compartmentalized with contractors.
99% of the CIA didn't know.
And people always ask, well, how do they compartmentalize things?
That's what they do, people.
That's what the NSA, all of this has done.
And it's claiming so spies can't get in and learn everything.
Now that's the cover.
It has allowed endless corruption to breed underneath the floorboards and it's a big problem.
So, so I want to clarify.
Not, not, not...
Change my view.
Nancy Reagan had a lot of problems.
I was talking about the psychology of all the attacks on her dressing nice or being a lady as bad by the feminists and other people.
And I was just saying, see how hateful they are.
And at the same time, Nancy Reagan, it's well known, treated little people, you know, helpers, maids,
Folks on elevators, really, really classy.
I've talked to people that knew her.
She was super classy.
But if you were a power broker, like the Bushes or some other group, and tried to push her around, she'd turn mean in a minute.
And that's why the power elite hated her, because after they shot Reagan and he was kind of out of it, she was still there.
Talking about co-White House, they always said Hillary was the co-president, and she was probably the president.
But you talk about a real co-president, it was Nancy Reagan.
Reagan was listening to her more than anybody.
That's how they make fun of Reagan and say she had psychics in there and stuff.
Yeah, whatever.
The point was at least she was trying to figure out what was going on.
And said, you know, work with Russia, try to bring them down.
You know, and she did some bad gun stuff.
Because her husband got shot and Brady got shot and they got in the emotion of the time.
Point is, that's all been reversed.
And here's the good news.
This is on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com from Breitbart.com.
ATF gun production more than doubled since Obama took office.
Nine million firearms were built and sold in 2014.
That's what I always explain.
Resistance is victory.
You have to put your will into action and then everything else follows because there's universal rules.
Because for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction or equal and opposite reaction.
And that's Newtonian physics.
Yeah, we just laid out and give up our free will and submit and just go along with all of this.
We're going to break here in just one minute.
Then we don't have any personal power.
But when we see the attack come and we push back like weightlifting,
Then we get strong.
If you just drop weights on somebody and they don't push back, it'll smother them, it'll crush them.
But if you start pushing back, you'll get stronger.
And so that which does not kill us only makes us stronger, to quote Nietzsche again.
That's why we want to kill our will, kill our families, kill our will to resist, because if we actually start resisting, we'll build political and psychological and spiritual muscles that can then crush the globalists.
So that's what this comes down to.
Now, going to break, I want to play a short clip.
We're going to come back and talk about this.
David Knight's going to break it down.
This Democrat operative on CNN saying the Patriots, like Trump, want to put you in labor camps.
And it's funny because they're the politically correct people in Europe and the U.S.
that want to arrest people for their speech and want to ban free speech.
The State Department's come out and said anything that anybody finds offensive or hurtful, like a joke, it'll be harassment, you'll lose your job.
You see, this is happening everywhere.
They're getting us ready to arrest us or fire us for our speech.
It's already happening in Europe.
You can't criticize the radical Muslims.
They're running around killing people.
More of that in the news today.
So this is a key time where they're trying to bully us into submission and make us politically die and give in.
Because that which does not kill us only makes us stronger.
Let's go out to break with this sickening clip from the CNN pundit.
We began the day on the Democratic side with Hillary Clinton having a commanding lead.
We end the day with her having a commanding lead.
The Republican side, though, I think things have changed.
It's looking much more like a two-man race.
Just Trump and Cruz.
It's a fine line between covering a candidate and amplifying a candidate.
And I'm sorry, but yes, Donald Trump may be the Republican frontrunner.
I still think we're giving him way too much attention in proportion to the other candidates who also had victories to celebrate tonight.
And I'm worried when he institutes internment camps and suspends habeas, we'll all look back and feel pretty bad.
Jeffrey, you'll have to answer that.
I'm speechless at that.
I would just go on and say, he talked about the Supreme Court.
There's no accident there.
Ted Cruz has been talking about this a lot.
This goes right to the conservative base, and he is re-emphasizing that tonight at some length.
And secondly, just politically, the bandwagon continues to roll here.
I mean, he's in fine shape, and on he goes, and on to Florida and Michigan.
I think Trump tonight proved my earlier point that he walks away with the better talking point.
He said it, I won the two big ones, I think is how he put it.
The two big ones.
Ted Cruz won two states, he won two states.
But all of our sort of nuancing about Ted Cruz's victory out of tonight, I think he has the clearly better talking point.
So you're saying in primaries, size matters?
I am so over all of this double entendre!
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Now David Knight's coming up right after the break in about 10 minutes, but Buckley, who's here with me, my executive super assistant, you know, co-founder of InfoWars...
I guess my legate, you could call him.
He just made the best points about Trump and why the elite are against him, and why he doesn't personally like him and his style and stuff, but he's for him.
And he just crystallized it so much better than I could.
And then we'll come back and talk more about this individual on CNN, you know, claiming that the patriots want to put you in FEMA camps for your speech, when they're the ones actually establishing, under Obama, the emergency centers all over the country.
And the resettlement program.
So Buckley, you get in here for a few minutes and break all this down because you just crystallized it in just a few minutes.
Buckley Hammond, get in here, brother.
Hello, everybody.
I'm Buckley Hammond.
Some of you may or may not know me, but I've been around the Infowar for quite a while.
I helped Alex found it about 20 years ago.
He's my cousin and we love each other like brothers.
And so we've been doing this for quite a long time.
And this honestly has been one of the strangest years of my life.
And I'm sure for a lot of people, just because of the political circumstance that we find ourselves in.
I don't think anybody, maybe people that were watching Back to the Future or maybe follow that as a religion, might have thought that Trump was going to be a presidential candidate this time around.
And I know that he's had some interest and some inklings and some aspirations to run before, but this time he really threw his hat into the ring and has gone wholeheartedly towards it.
Alex and I were having a conversation earlier today about this subject and it was...
You know, we don't necessarily share the same views.
I will say that at this point, I do believe that if I were to vote ideologically, I would probably vote for somebody like Gary Johnson.
But, however, I know that the stakes are so super high, and it is utterly clear that at this point, Trump is definitely the best person for the job in the context of going against the New World Order and the globalists who are trying to enslave us all with all their secret programs.
I don't
I was aware of what happened in Aberdeen, Scotland when his deal with the golf course kind of got sour, and some of the ways that he's treated other people in the past.
I was in Chicago when they built Trump Tower, and nobody liked that.
Nobody liked that he built this big huge tower in the middle of the city, got a bunch of tax credits for it, and slapped his name on it, etc.
You know, I think the reason why he's doing so well is that the majority of people see him as an actual person.
Not as some, ironically, not as some political demagogue or a lifelong politician who has been spending their life crafting all their speeches and trying not to...
You know, insult certain people, but yet put out dog whistles for other people and sort of, you know, navigate that world by being super cautious and having a very bland sort of perspective.
You know, he gets out there and he's just honest and he's brusque, but he just tells it like it is.
And so, Trump is really just a...
He's transmitting, he's exuding this honesty that people can see that is real, that he's not being controlled by other people, that he's not a puppet on a string.
And so I think that's what actually makes people really, really like him.
And I think that's probably pretty obvious to everybody else out there, but that's the main reason why I think that he is in the majority right now.
Now we're gonna head back to David Knight who's gonna take over and he's probably gonna give you a lot more coverage on this and we will proceed to let you know more about the InfoWar.
What's wrong?
You don't like a small group of psychos hijacking your country?
Well, become President of the United States and change it from the
Never mind.
Three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by the... We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The FBI has quietly revised its privacy rules for searching data involving Americans' international communications that was collected by the National Security Agency.
officials have confirmed to The Guardian the classified revisions were accepted by the U.S.
Secret Court that governs surveillance during its annual recertification of the agency's broad surveillance powers.
The new rules affect a set of powers known as Section 702, the portion of the law that authorizes the NSA's sweeping PRISM program to collect Internet data.
Section 702 falls under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, and is a provision set to expire later this year.
A government civil liberties watchdog, the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Group, alluded to the changes in its recent overview of ongoing surveillance practices.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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We're good.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, March 8th, 2016.
I am David Knight, your host live in the studio.
Alex will be joining us as well later in the broadcast as we're listening to Alex and to Buckley talking in this last segment.
I want to pick up where Buckley Hammond left off.
You know the question before us right now is who is the true outsider?
And that's what Buckley was talking about.
He said we've seen people come together who have been at each other's throats and now they're uniting in common cause.
What Donald Trump has done is he's exposed the phony two-party system, the phony left-right paradigm that we've been seeing from Fox News and CNN.
The idea that Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch are on the opposite sides.
No, they're all on the same side.
When you look at things like the open borders, that's about importing workers.
We look at these trade agreements, NAFTA, TPP, TTIP, that's about exporting jobs.
So are we going to continue to import workers and export jobs?
Are we going to continue to destroy our economy to eliminate our sovereignty, to eliminate our borders?
See, there's only one candidate that has opposed this, who has opposed this for 35 years.
I don't want to say to people, you know, at the very beginning of this, I didn't see where Donald Trump had been on this for 35 years.
What I saw was a lot of people who were fanatical in their support of Donald Trump.
They liked him because of who he was.
That scares me.
I don't like to see people become fanatics for an individual, and I don't care who it is.
We see this with every, every candidate essentially.
To some degree or the other.
We saw it big time from Obama.
It scared me a lot.
We're seeing it to some degree for Donald Trump.
Scared me very much.
But there are some real reasons to support Donald Trump.
And we saw this with the health care program that he released last year, which has absolutely been ignored by the conservative media.
Nobody talked about it at the debate.
Instead, what we had was a PowerPoint presentation attacking Trump by Fox News.
How's that for moderators?
Fox News, do you have any idea what moderators are supposed to be about?
They're supposed to be moderate.
That means they're supposed to be unbiased.
They're supposed to ask questions and let people answer.
Let the voters decide.
That's what Fox News always portrays itself at.
We're good to go.
He said there might be a grand jury indictment of her pretty soon, and he pointed out the fact, and here's the key thing.
When we see that they grant immunity to somebody further down, that means a couple of things to an experienced judge like Judge Napolitano.
We also have someone else weighing in on this as a story from New American.
Uh, this is also a U.S.
attorney for the District of Colorado, uh, pointed out the same thing, was quoted by the Washington Times.
Both of them are saying, when you've got someone who's been granted immunity, that can only be done by a federal judge.
And he would only do that to elicit testimony before a grand jury.
So, Napolitano says we know a grand jury is sitting, prosecutors are working on this, they want to indict someone.
Now, you always get somebody at the bottom of the ladder to turn on somebody higher up.
When you're trying to get a conviction of somebody higher up, who would that be?
Well, we don't really know.
But he asked this question.
He says, who was present when the conspiracy was hatched?
When the conspiracy was hatched, understand?
What conspiracy?
Well, the conspiracy in the office of the Secretary of State.
The conspiracy to divert national security secrets from a secure venue to a non-secure venue.
Do you understand?
That's the crux of the issue.
There was a conspiracy set up at the very beginning to divert
Top secret and above top secret documents from a secure venue to Hillary Clinton's non-secure venue.
And of course, we have now seen so many documents that have been exposed as being secret.
As I pointed out, some of these documents, whether or not they had the classification on them or not, are born secret because of who's involved in the conversations.
And she would know that.
As a Secretary of State, she knows that if she's talking to foreign heads of state, those are secret, sensitive documents.
In many cases, we've seen where Hillary Clinton has had her assistants remove the classification on documents so that they could then transmit them without being harassed by people who were not in on the game, people who actually thought that they were trying to work to maintain national security.
So we've seen that, and now we see that they're moving forward.
So that looks like they're going to indict somebody, if not Hillary Clinton, somebody perhaps very close to her.
Nevertheless, we have the Fox News that is supposedly guarding the conservative hen house saying, this is Brett Baier, they had a town hall last night and they're making friends with Hillary Clinton, big time.
She hasn't been on for a long time, but he's coming out and saying, well, you know, there's some Republicans who could back Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.
Well, let's be a little bit more accurate.
There are some establishment leader Republicans.
Who will back Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump and why?
Why are they coming together as Buckley said in the last segment?
Well, it's because the one thing that matters to them is the one thing that matters to Donald Trump that they are at loggerheads with.
And that is, we're not going to allow the sovereignty of this country to be destroyed, and we're not going to allow our economy to be managed by a foreign commission.
And that's precisely what is going to be set up by the TPP, by the TTIP.
Senator Sessions, who is the only one who took the time to read and study this and give a presentation to the Congress about this, has pointed out that this is a living agreement.
As bad as it is, it can be changed at will by an international commission.
They will take a look at this.
They will adjust our trade as they see fit.
So this is not free trade.
Stop with the free trade!
This is not free trade.
This is managed trade.
NAFTA was managed trade.
It was managed to our disadvantage.
And again, we point this out on the nightly news.
If you go back and you look at the trade deficits with Mexico, for example.
It was slightly, it was positive some years, some years it was negative.
We had a deficit with them.
But it was always very small, 2 to 5 billion dollars a year.
As soon as they passed NAFTA, it jumped to a 15 billion dollar deficit.
And it has expanded since then.
And we have a nearly $60 billion deficit this last year.
And what we have seen is a loss of a million jobs and about a trillion dollars to Mexico alone.
Same thing with Canada.
The same thing is going to happen if we do the TPP and the TTIP, but it will be global.
It won't just be between these other two countries.
So when Bret Baier says some Republicans could back Hillary Clinton, yeah, that's absolutely true.
And they point out that she's stayed away from Fox News since 2014 when she went on there to promote her book.
But now things are all cozy between Fox News and Hillary Clinton.
And it's interesting, when they talk about what happened last night, they say, well, they just wanted to play nice with them on the town hall, and they all left, and everything was really cozy.
This article from the New York Times says Fox News Forum may signal a thaw between the Democrats and the network.
And they point out, they say, Brett Baier said, well, I don't want to come in with a fire torch, he said.
Well, they sure came in with a fire torch on the Republican debate.
As I pointed out, they had a PowerPoint presentation, literally had a PowerPoint presentation prepared, played a negative ad from Mr. Nice Guy, John Kasich, okay?
Yeah, Mr. Nice Guy.
They had all that set up.
They didn't do that to any other candidate.
So they came in with a fire torch.
That's why Donald Trump said the kind of stuff he did about Megyn Kelly having blood coming out of her eyes.
And then Mr. Brer says after the town hall last night, he said the candidates were very happy.
Hillary said she was pleased.
She said she'll come back.
Mission accomplished.
You now have access.
Isn't that important?
You now have access.
You're playing friendly with them.
You're trashing the one person who is the opponent of the establishment.
You know, we had an op-ed piece this weekend on InfoWars.
It was written by an 80-year-old and we reposted it on our site.
And the person said, I don't know if it's male or female, the person said, you know, it's kind of like when you've got a plumbing problem, I think was the analogy, and you've called one person after the other to come fix the problem.
They charge you, but they don't fix the problem.
Now a guy comes and he can fix the problem, and we don't care what his hair looks like.
We don't care if he's smelly.
We don't care about his language.
We don't care if he's got a butt crack when he bends over to fix the plumbing, okay?
We want somebody to fix the job.
We have told the Republicans repeatedly to fix the job, and they have continually said they're not going to do it.
After they tell us they will do it, after we hire them, after they give us the bill, they say, well, we couldn't fix it.
And you know, while the Republicans are moving that way, we see that Democrats are moving towards Trump.
So what you see here is you see grassroots Democrats moving towards Trump, while the Republican establishment moves towards Hillary Clinton.
What does that tell you?
What does that tell you?
Of course, we had this story reported on last week.
Jim Webb, who ran briefly for the Democrat nomination and who also briefly flirted with an independent bid before deciding against it, said last Friday that he was not inspired by Hillary Clinton.
He said, I would not vote for Hillary Clinton, he said on MSNBC's Morning Joe.
He said,
If you're voting for Donald Trump, you may get something very good, or you might get something very bad.
But if you're voting for Hillary Clinton, you're going to be getting the same thing.
Because TPP, TTIP, are NAFTA, repeated and enlarged to a global scale.
You know, we've had these people who have written these treaties to rewrite our boundaries, to manage our economy for us with this commission that's going to be created.
And now they think they can pick our president as well.
Nothing makes me more angry than to see all of these foreign leaders complaining about our candidates.
It's none of their business, okay?
And we need to just shove this down their throats and tell them we're not going to have this anymore.
We're going to have a country, we're going to have an economy, we're going to have jobs, and we're going to do it with or without the Republican Party, folks.
If they're going to play this game, it's about time for us to create a different party.
We can have another kind of reform party.
We can have a libertarian party.
We need to do something.
If Donald Trump doesn't run as a third party, everybody needs to bolt and vote for the libertarians.
Get Gary Johnson in.
Get John McAfee, who I hope is the nominee this time.
Vote for him.
Get him in.
Do something different.
Throw these guys out.
This needs to be either a hostile takeover of the GOP or a hostile takedown of the GOP.
That's what's needed.
Now, Webb's former senior strategist said, as a Jim Webb Democrat, and I've called myself that before, I've never been more proud of the boy.
And I say, good for him, too.
He's a real honest guy.
The kind of guy that you don't see too many of in politics.
He's the guy I'd like to see for Donald Trump's running mate, quite frankly.
Get some independence away, you know, get away from the GOP.
Get away from the people who have betrayed us so many times.
And again, this is what it comes down to.
This is what people have to decide right now.
Who is the real deal?
Who is the real outsider?
Is it Donald Trump or is it Ted Cruz?
Because Marco Rubio has totally collapsed.
That's one of the things I think is a takeaway from looking at this last weekend.
And also, look at what happened, I think this was, yeah, this was last night.
This was tweeted out.
Let me look at the data on this.
This was, yeah, yesterday.
Marco Rubio went to Tampa, Florida.
Where he is a senator, Florida, where he's a senator.
He went to the Tampa Bay Convention Center.
I used to live in Tampa.
That is a huge convention center.
They made it even larger than it was when I was there.
They expected over 5,000 people.
They had a crowd of 300.
So what they did was they closed up the walls, they made, uh, put everybody in one collapsible room, he says, about the size of a hotel lobby.
Uh, one guy tweeted this out.
Uh, you know, they've got a picture there of Marco Rubio really short.
You know what?
It's not about his height.
It's about his stature.
He doesn't have any.
And he doesn't have any support left.
But the real issue, because we all know where Rubio is coming from.
We all know that Rubio is the boy for the establishment.
No doubt about it.
They've all closed ranks behind him.
Very, very clear that's the guy that the establishment wants, that the GOP establishment wants.
He pushed amnesty as soon as he got elected.
He ran as a Tea Party conservative, but then he joined with the Democrats, with the GOP establishment.
Because look, there is no difference between the Democrats and the GOP establishment.
You need to understand that.
You need to understand that from the top, there is no difference.
And he pushed amnesty.
Donald Trump, where did Donald Trump start?
Well, Donald Trump started with the border issue, with the open borders, with immigration.
And of course, they pushed back against him, calling him a racist.
And that's what all this KKK stuff is about, folks.
They want to say that anybody that opposes their agenda is a racist, a xenophobe, a homophobic, or whatever.
You know, the kind of stuff that Chelsea Clinton was selling last week to a crowd of 75.
We need to be able to see through these gains, and we need to be able to see who are behind these people.
What is their true agenda?
I don't think that Ted Cruz is the outsider.
I think Ted Cruz is the stealth insider.
I think Marco Rubio has been the stalking horse.
I think he's been covering up for Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz has presented himself to people as a libertarian, saying Ed Snowden was a hero.
We need to stop this kind of dragnet surveillance.
Now he's calling Ed Snowden a traitor.
Says he should be executed.
And we see that he's presented himself as somebody who's outside, who's not a tool of the establishment.
And yet, he's got a network of wealthy donors.
This is an article from Politico a couple of months ago.
And it's gotten worse since then.
They said wealthy investors shot skeet with Senator Ted Cruz in Park City, Utah earlier in the month.
Conservative lawyers gathered in a clubby Washington restaurant.
And on Monday, a billionaire tech entrepreneur, Darwin Deason, and five other wealthy Texans announced they were coming aboard his campaign.
Okay, with all of his bashing of billionaire Republican donors who actively despise our base, the anti-establishment senator from Texas is being bolstered by his own robust base of wealthy contributors.
And they point out that he's been raising millions from grassroots supporters, but also has a substantial network of rich backers.
Yes, he is one of the biggest ones with that.
And why?
Because they know he will support their trade agreements.
That is what they have to get through this time.
Last time, it was healthcare.
So they gave us two candidates, Obama and Romney.
Romney had already done their bidding in Massachusetts.
They had created the template for Obamacare.
He and Ted Kennedy.
They called it Romneycare.
It had the mandates, it had everything in it.
So, regardless of what you did as far as the rest of the issues, they were going to shove through Obamacare.
This time, the objective is to get through the major steps of globalization, of consolidation globally.
And that is the trade treaties, the climate treaties, and keeping the borders open.
And on that, we have seen where Ted Cruz has been.
We have seen that he has pushed repeatedly for free trade, that he voted for the TPA, the Trade Promotion Authority, which shuts down the constitutional process for approving treaties so they could ram this through.
How's that?
For a constitutionalist.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to have a pastor who has met with Donald Trump.
At the end of last year, there was a group of black pastors that met with him.
Pastor Mark Burns, he's going to be talking to us.
We're going to ask him if he's concerned about the charges of racism for Donald Trump.
Because this is something that the establishment continues to hammer.
And we've seen the GOP establishment, much to their shame, Mark McConnell as well as Paul Ryan, continue this for days and days after Donald Trump.
He's got a broad range of support.
Democrats at the grassroots level are moving towards Trump as well as Ross Perot independents while the GOP establishment consolidates with the Democrats and the Democrat establishment to oppose him.
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I talked about Jim Webb when he was on MSNBC where he said he wasn't thrilled with Hillary Clinton that he would consider voting for Donald Trump.
Let's play that clip real quickly here.
I'm not supporting anybody right now.
Would you vote for Hillary Clinton?
No, I would not vote for Hillary Clinton.
Would you vote for Donald Trump?
I'm not sure yet.
I don't know who I'm going to vote for.
But not Hillary Clinton?
No, I don't.
Look, and this is nothing...
Personal about about Hillary Clinton, but I think the reason that Donald Trump is getting so much support right now It's not because of you know racists at you know Etc etc.
It's because people are seeing him a certain group of people are seeing him as the only one who has the courage to step forward and say we've got to clean out the stables and
And again, that is...
Jim Webb, and he was a senator from Virginia as a Democrat.
He also was, I think it was Secretary of Navy under Ronald Reagan.
He was somebody who, in the Democrat debate, said, hey, we got a lot of people up here on the stage who are pushing gun control, and they have an army of people guarding them.
Okay, he said that at the Democrat debate.
He's a good guy.
He's straight up.
He's honest.
I don't agree with him on all things, just as like I don't agree with Donald Trump on all things.
When we had that clip, not too long ago, we had the person that we played talking about, well, you know, Donald Trump is going to be bringing in retention camps, and okay, where were you when the NDAA was signed?
Of course, that person was Sally Cohn with the Daily Beast.
She said, yeah, they're going to put us in internment camps.
Okay, yeah.
That's something we should really be concerned about.
When we allow the government to do indefinite detention without trial.
Indefinite detention by the military without trial, without due process.
That was something that was signed by her hero, Obama.
New Year's Eve.
He said, don't worry, I won't do it.
And we said, whether or not he will do it, there may be a president who will.
You should be concerned about that.
You should go back to the Constitution that protects individual liberty because we don't want a dictator of any kind of stripe.
That's the way you stop it.
When we come back, we'll talk about torture as well.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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We're good to go.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Later in the program, the bottom of this hour, we're going to be talking, actually the bottom of the third hour, we're going to be talking to Pastor Mark Burns.
Alex is going to be joining us in this hour as well.
We were just talking about the concerns that were expressed on CNN by Daily Beast reporter Sally Cohn, saying that Trump wants to put people in labor camps.
We're going to have to be concerned about that.
And I pointed out, the rightful remedy for that is to enforce the Constitution.
Of course, that would be unconstitutional.
And you know, the NDAA is unconstitutional.
Where was Sally Cohn when the NDAA was signed by Barack Obama?
We need to be concerned about this.
We need to understand that when we look at things like torture, which I disagree with Donald Trump on, and I've talked about this multiple times.
And of course, last Friday, he came back and he clarified things.
He said, look, I understand it's against the law to do this kind of torture.
I understand it's against international law.
But then over the weekend, on Sunday, on one of the Sunday talk shows, he told John Dickerson, he said, well, yeah, but I think that we need to change the law.
But as, until we change the law, I will obey the law.
That's what he said.
Fair enough.
We can fight on that.
And that's where we should have a fight.
We should have a fight on what the law is going to be, and we should have a fight to say that our presidents are going to obey the law.
That they are not going to act as dictators.
That's the key thing.
Now, where I think Trump is wrong on this, and I think it is, and he's talking about this with John Dickerson.
Dickerson is saying, well, are you saying, you know, the thing that separates us from these guys that you're talking about who are chopping the heads off of people, who are drowning people in cages, and so you say, well, you know, Donald Trump says they're drowning people in cages so we can waterboard them.
Well, understand, these are suspects.
These are not people who have been convicted of anything.
We have prohibitions, and rightfully so, against cruel and unusual punishment.
We should not stoop to their level.
That's what John Dickerson said.
He said, are you saying that we should stoop to their level?
What separates us from them is the rule of law.
We need to be better than them.
And I've said this before.
I've said we don't want to fall into the trap of becoming what we fight.
We don't want to start chopping the heads off of people like our ally Saudi Arabia does.
Up to 70 people now, so far this year, they've chopped the heads off of.
As well as other parts of people's bodies, chopping off hands for theft and that sort of thing.
We don't want to become a brutal regime like Saudi Arabia.
That's one of the things that concerns me so much about our foreign policy.
We've been joined at the hip with the Saudis since Nixon and Kissinger created the petrodollar.
We have basically given them a blank check.
We've allowed them to invade Yemen and their own kind of Vietnam.
We've said absolutely nothing about it in the mainstream media.
They've been given carte blanche to do whatever they want to to anybody in Yemen.
And of course, we sell them all the latest weapons they can do no wrong.
This kind of aberrant form of Islam called Wahhabism.
As a matter of fact, when we had the debate coverage the other night, we had a caller call in, and he was saying, look, I'm a Muslim, and I support Donald Trump.
And he says, and I support him, not just because I want a better economy, but he said, I'm concerned about people who are coming into this country as Muslims.
We're having a, I don't want Wahhabist Muslims to come into this country.
Because they understand, you know, Islam is not monolithic, just like Christianity is not monolithic.
And people understand that our ally, Saudi Arabia, is the hotbed of the very worst, most violent form, most repressive form of Islam there is, the Wahhabist form of Islam.
So, we don't want to repeat that.
We don't want to become that.
We don't want to sink to the level of ISIS.
Torturing people, cutting their heads off.
We want to maintain the moral superiority.
We want to have a rule of law.
We don't want to torture people.
And it's ironic to me, but I think it's part of covering up for his war crimes, that Michael Hayden, who is director of the CIA under George Bush, and of course he was appointed by Bill Clinton as head of the NSA because these guys aren't with any political party or philosophy.
He's pushing back against Donald Trump as if Donald Trump were the torture.
Michael Hayden is the one who did the torture.
Michael Hayden is the one who said, don't let any documents out about what I did with my administration at the CIA.
How's that for hypocrisy?
He's trying to inoculate himself.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
In the last Democratic debate, we learned that there are no poor white people and that Hillary Clinton single-handedly saved the auto industry.
What will we learn this time around?
First, they wouldn't debate at all.
Then, only during NFL playoff games or Christmas Eve.
Well, finally, the moment you've been waiting for is here.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Alex Jones will be joining us in this hour.
In the next hour, we'll be joined by Pastor Mark Burns, someone who has met with Donald Trump, I think it was back in December.
Pastor Burns was with a group of black pastors who talked to Donald Trump.
He came out and endorsed him.
Some of the others did as well.
So we want to talk to him about the latest smears this last weekend.
But as I was saying in the last hour, as we were talking about the concerns that Sally Cohn expressed on CNN that Donald Trump would put us in labor camps, I said, well, you know, why didn't you have something to say about that when Obama signed the NDAA?
The rightful remedy for that, as well as for torture, is to make sure that we obey the Constitution, that we protect individual rights.
If we do that, we're not going to have to worry about that sort of thing.
If you don't do that, then you're going to have to worry about every president that comes along.
What kind of a dictator are they going to be?
And of course, Donald Trump has said he thinks that we ought to change the laws and allow torture.
I disagree.
Okay, the CIA, Michael Hayden, who presided over this stuff and called it enhanced torture, tried to block any publication of what his criminal regime did, is now trying to pretend that Donald Trump is the torturer.
No, actually it was Michael Hayden who did that.
Donald Trump would do that, but he would not do that, he said, if it's against the law.
And he realizes that it is against the law.
He just thinks it ought to be changed.
Well, we have a constitution.
That's a difficult process.
And if we have a president who will obey the constitution, who will obey the process to amend that, I'm not really worried about that.
I think it's a good idea if we have somebody who is going to come to our face.
And tell us why our freedoms need to be taken away instead of doing what the Republicans and Democrats have done for a very long time, which is saying, don't worry, I'm not going to take your freedoms away from you, while they take them and steal them like a pickpocket, or come in in the middle of the night like a burglar.
That's what Obama did with the NDAA.
Of course, he hasn't taken them.
He's given himself legal authorization to do that, but it's not constitutional, and it's something that I think a lot of people would fight.
That's the only thing good about what Michael Hayden said.
He said, well, you know, when the president gives an unconstitutional order, people not only have the right but the duty to disobey that.
And that doesn't just go for people who are in the military, people who are in the government.
That also applies to people who are citizens.
And along that line, I thought it was interesting, and this is something that I did not see at the time that it came out.
I mentioned it last night on the Nightly News.
The fact that Donald Trump actually directly addressed BLM abuses.
Called them a dictatorial agency.
And this is something that he did in a small local paper.
This is an op-ed that was published in a local paper in Nevada, the Reno Gazette-Journal.
Did it at the end of January.
I think it's one of the reasons why he won Nevada by 46%.
Here's what he had to say.
I think this is very important to listen to this.
This is an op-ed from Donald J. Trump.
Says, the U.S.
is a land of laws.
Americans value the rule of law above all.
Why then?
Has our Congress allowed the President and the Executive Branch to take on near dictatorial power?
This is something I've talked about many times.
In the sense that our Congress has abdicated its authority to write laws.
And they have passed it on to bureaucracies who basically write their rules, treat them as law, and now have a militarized army to go out and enforce their laws.
Okay, that's not only taxation, the fines that they impose on people, it's not only taxation without representation, it is legislation without representation.
But he goes on and says, how is it that we have a president who will not enforce some laws and who encourages faceless, nameless bureaucrats to manage public lands as if the millions of acres were owned by the agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management,
And the Department of Energy.
And Nevada, the lack of enforcement of immigration laws and the draconian rule of the BLM, this is Donald Trump saying this, are damaging the economy, lowering the standard of living, inhibiting natural economic growth.
The only way to change these circumstances is to bring to Washington a president.
Who will rein in the federal government and get Congress to do his job.
Then he goes on to say, the BLM controls over 85% of the land in Nevada and the rural areas.
Those who for decades have had access to public lands for ranching, mining, logging and energy development are forced to deal with arbitrary and capricious rules that are influenced by special interests that profit from the DC rulemaking and who fill the campaign coffers of Washington politicians.
That's precisely what happened.
In Nevada.
That is precisely what is happening in Utah.
That is precisely what is happening in Oregon and elsewhere.
We've seen this over and over again, and he directly addressed it.
This is as good if not better than anything I've seen from Rand Paul in terms of directly speaking to the abuses of the federal bureaucracy.
He goes on, he says, far removed from the beautiful wide open spaces of Nevada, bureaucrats bend to the influence that is closest to them.
Honest, hardworking citizens who seek freedom and economic independence must beg for deference from a federal government.
Let's call it a feral government.
It has gone wild.
It used to be domesticated.
Now it is a feral government that is more intent on power and control than it is in serving the citizens of the nation.
In and around Clark County, the situation is even worse.
Boy, I couldn't have written it better myself.
He knows precisely what is going on.
He directly addressed it.
He spoke about the rule of law.
Now, why is it that we see, as Buckley mentioned in the last hour, why is it that we see all of the elites coming together against Donald Trump?
And I answered that question for you already.
It's because of the globalist trade agreements.
Look at the people who are coming out for him.
We got this article from Politico.
They say, Romney, why did Romney fire on Fort Trumpter?
Okay, in other words, talking about the Republican Civil War making a reference to firing on Fort Sumter.
They call it Fort Trumpter.
They talk about all the people who have come together to oppose Donald Trump.
People like former World Bank President Robert Zoellick, neoconservative guru Robert Kagan,
They say Trump was excoriated as wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.
No, actually he's been very consistent in opposing your globalist trade deals from the World Bank, from Goldman Sachs, because that's now where Robert Zoellick hangs out.
He was the mentor, by the way, of Ted Cruz's wife, Heidi Cruz.
First to the CFR, then she went to work for him at Goldman Sachs.
Robert Zoellick and Heidi Cruz were part of a CFR study, Council on Foreign Relations study, that suggested that the North American Union ought to have its borders removed except for a border around the three countries.
A perimeter border around Mexico, the United States and Canada that would be patrolled by Homeland Security.
That was their recommendation.
That was a recommendation from Heidi Cruz and Robert Zoellick and the 30 other people that were with them on that CFR group.
Now they point out that other people, like Robert Blackwell, who was a former aide to Henry Kissinger, former high-ranking State Department official, affixed his name to the document, but Kissinger himself
With his customary discretion.
Did not sign the letter.
Because you see, Henry Kissinger will come to Donald Trump in a different way.
He will come as the good cop.
Just as we see Richard Haass, even as we've got all these people, Max Boot and others from the Council on Foreign Relations are going everywhere attacking Donald Trump because he does not want this unfair trade agreement.
This is not free trade, it is managed trade, managed by an international commission that is unaccountable to the United States.
And so you'll have the CFR people, like Max Boot and others, attack Donald Trump while the head of the CFR, Richard Haass, will come in as a good cop and say, Donald, Donald, Donald, I know you're not a bad guy.
I'll get my guys in line.
You just need to work with us on this, okay?
You just need to work with us on this.
And of course, that's the approach that Kissinger will take as well.
So, there'll be a fight on for that, and we'll see whether or not Jeff Sessions can push these guys back.
Who will have the most influence over Donald Trump?
We don't know, but we know this.
These guys have already won when it comes to Kasich, when it comes to Cruz, when it comes to Rubio.
We got John Kasich saying, well, you know, the TPP trade deal is critical.
This was last November on Breitbart.
Talking about how the TPP was critical to us for economic reasons, for jobs, because there's so many people who are connected to getting jobs.
Yeah, it's critical to us.
It will destroy our economy.
It will destroy the jobs, as I pointed out with NAFTA.
And just yesterday, we had this article.
It was up on the Drudge Report.
Governor Kasich's state lost 112,500 jobs to trade with TPP countries.
They already have a bad deal with these countries.
It's going to get worse, just like NAFTA got worse.
They say it accounts for 2.2% of employment in Ohio, that number of jobs.
And that's been lost.
And we'll see that if this kind of quote-unquote free trade agreement is passed, we will see that it will accelerate just as it did under NAFTA.
And the people who put this new study out said the new report quantifies what a mistake it was to leave currency rules out of the TPP.
The trade deficit with TPP countries is attributable in large part to misaligned currency.
It cost America's working families 2 million jobs in 2015, more than half in manufacturing.
What does Donald Trump say when he talks about China and the debates?
He starts talking about the currency manipulation, doesn't he?
He's at the center of what the problem is.
He knows what the problem is.
He's talked about it for 35 years.
I didn't see it for a while.
I see it now.
I see what he's doing with the BLM.
You know, I don't agree with him, as I said, on things like on torture and on individual liberty, on the way that he would come after the press, but we have laws to take care of that.
And I think it would be a good thing to wake people up.
But when we look at where these people are, we see that John Kasich
Has pushed the TPP deal.
He's cost jobs in Ohio.
And then he goes on and talks to the people on the Sunday morning shows, and they say, well, that's kind of a tough sell in Ohio, telling people that you support these trade deals.
We've seen the same thing from Ted Cruz.
Coming out, as I said, in the last segment.
This is a quote from him.
This is a canned response that Ted Cruz would send out to people when they would question him on TPP.
Say, we don't agree with your support of the TPP.
Oh, thank you for sharing your thoughts regarding trade policy.
Input from fellow Texans informs my decision making, blah, blah, blah.
That's the kind of form letter you always get from these guys when you write them on an issue.
And here's what he says in the body of the letter.
Well, you know what?
They haven't done that.
The North American Free Trade Agreement didn't do it.
These aren't going to do it.
And destroying the constitutional process for approving these treaties isn't going to do it either, Ted.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Alex Jones is going to be joining us in the next segment.
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I think so.
Now, Alex mentioned earlier what he said about Nancy Reagan and what I said about Nancy Reagan, and of course we're talking about two different things.
The thing that got me on Nancy Reagan last night on the InfoWars Nightly News was this headline from the Daily Mail.
Just Say No, Nancy Reagan's spearheaded anti-drug crusade at the height of the crack cocaine epidemic, made herself an 80s icon.
And of course, USA Today, Nancy Reagan's Just Say No effort was pop culture icon.
And I remember that.
I was around in the 80s, as you may realize, looking at me.
I remember seeing Nancy Reagan talking about, just say no.
And I thought, yeah, well that's the obvious thing.
I'm able to just say no.
I don't need to have a militarized police state.
I don't need to have cops in schools.
I don't need to have militarized cops everywhere.
I don't need to suspend due process with civil asset forfeiture.
I don't need mandatory minimums that destroy the Constitution, that take away judicial common sense and discretion, that fill up our for-profit prisons, releasing dangerous prisoners so they could lock up non-violent drug offenders.
That was a legacy of Reagan's war on drugs.
And understand, it's not Reagan's war on drugs.
It's not even Richard Nixon's war on drugs.
Richard Nixon was the one who declared a war on drugs.
He did that in 1971, but in 1961, conservatives, I want you to understand, the war on drugs was laid out as a UN agenda.
The UN created a blueprint, complete with four categories of scheduled drugs.
They even slotted the drugs into the four categories, the four schedules.
We then enacted that ten years later.
We are conservatives.
Think about this, conservatives.
You are implementing a UN agenda with the war on drugs.
You are implementing something for which there's no constitutional authority.
Why did the entire nation agree that we needed a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol?
But now the government can prohibit everything, including cancer drugs by the FDA if you want.
That's prohibited unless expressly permitted by the FDA.
Even drugs that somebody is dying of a terminal disease and they think that the pharmaceuticals may help them.
They're not allowed to do that until the FDA says you may.
So it's not just recreational drugs, it's everything.
Everything has become prohibited unless expressly permitted.
They have turned the Constitution on its head.
They have perverted and inverted it.
That's what the war on drugs is about.
And it expressed itself, focusing on the end users, not on the sellers.
That's something they didn't even do in alcohol prohibition.
See, alcohol prohibition required a constitutional amendment.
The 9th and the 10th amendments make it very clear that the government doesn't have, the federal government does not have that kind of authority.
The state governments could do it if they wished, but not the federal government.
It's kind of like marriage, conservatives.
The federal government doesn't have the right to define what marriage is either.
Understand that.
And when you give all power to the federal government, you are creating this dictatorship that we're all concerned about.
When, you know, the left says, oh no, we're going to get a conservative in as president, is he going to throw us all in jail?
And we conservatives say, oh no, we've got a liberal in, is he going to throw us in jail?
Because we've got, we have
Embrace the idea that the president should be some kind of a dictator, that all power resides in Washington.
That's what the Reagan administration was doing.
And the thing that bothered me so much about it was it was at the height of the crack cocaine epidemic.
And of course that was exposed by Gary Webb.
Where were the eulogies for an honest man who exposed the truth like Gary Webb?
No eulogies when he died.
When he was suicided.
Shot twice in the head.
Called it suicide.
Let me read you some of the stuff that he did from Wikipedia.
Let's talk about Gary Webb instead of Nancy Reagan.
One of the things he did was a 17-part series with a post-reporter called The Cole Connection.
He examined the murder of a coal company president with ties to organized crime.
He won the National Investigative Reporters and Editors Award.
Then he went on to do Doctoring the Truth, where he uncovered problems on a state medical board, led to an Ohio House investigation, which resulted in major revisions to the State Medical Practice Act.
Then he went on to the paper's Statehouse Bureau, where he covered statewide issues, winning numerous regional journalism awards.
In 1988, Webb was recruited by the San Jose Mercury News, which was looking for an investigative reporter.
He was assigned to the Sacramento Bureau, where he was allowed to choose most of his own stories.
As part of that, he exposed the collapse of the Cypress Street Viaduct, and they asked, well, what's going on with our infrastructure?
Then he exposed the Dark Alliance, the financing of a secret, illegal war because it wasn't declared.
Supporting the Nicaraguan Contras by creating the crack cocaine epidemic.
By transporting it into this country.
And all the while, Nancy Reagan is putting a smiley face on it and scaring parents into giving up their rights.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
Alex Jones will be joining us in a few minutes.
Of course, today is the day that we're going to have multiple primaries.
We're going to have primaries in Hawaii, Idaho, Mississippi, and Michigan.
Michigan being the largest state, 59 delegates, 40 for Mississippi, 32 for Idaho, 19 for Hawaii.
Now, when we looked at this last Saturday, and we compare that to last Tuesday, last Super Tuesday, many people have said, well, you know, what happened this last Saturday?
Cruz did much better than expected.
Donald Trump didn't do as well as expected in many of the states.
There was a New American analysis where they looked at Louisiana in particular and said that in the polls leading up to Friday, and in the early voting all the way up to Friday, Donald Trump was ahead by about 20 points or so.
But they believe that Marco Rubio essentially collapsed, because you can see that Rubio, who was at 20%, his support fundamentally collapsed for people who voted on Saturday.
And it looks like most of his support went to Ted Cruz.
And we'll look at this editorial from Patrick Buchanan on WND, the oligarchs' super PAC anti-Trump savagery.
And he points out that today we have these four primaries.
Again, a week from tomorrow is when we're going to start having winner-take-all states.
And those big states as well, Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, and North Carolina.
A lot of delegates in those states.
And that will be a winner-take-all.
So it's going to be very crucial beginning next week.
We're going to start to see things change very rapidly.
He points out, and this is Patrick Buchanan's writing in WND, he says, not in memory has the leadership of a party been so out of touch.
The Republican rank-and-file are in revolt, not only against the failures of their fathers, but against the policies of their present rulers.
And that's the way they have behaved, as independent rulers.
Jeb Bush even said that.
He even bragged about the fact that he was going to run, and he could care less whether or not the GOP rank-and-file agreed with him.
He knew they didn't agree with him.
He knew that they didn't agree with him on immigration, but it wasn't going to matter because he had well over $100 million in money, and he was going to propagandize them, and he was going to get the Republican faithful in line.
Didn't happen.
Now, Patrick Buchanan goes on to point out, the GOP elites, who have waited patiently throughout the Obama era to recapture control of foreign policy, are now beside themselves with despair over Trump's success.
Fully 116 members of the GOP's national security community, many veterans of Bush administrations, have signed and opened a letter threatening that if Trump is nominated, they will all desert and some will defect to Hillary Clinton.
Notice that they don't have a problem with the Canadian, Rafael Cruz.
No problem.
Because, you know, they see us as a North American union, so why wouldn't somebody who was born in Canada be able to be president?
Look, understand, Cruz and Rubio are naturalized citizens.
However, they're not natural-born citizens.
That's the difference.
And as I've said before, and as Ted Cruz's former law professor has said before,
He said that he would appoint constitutionalist, originalist judges who would take the Constitution as written.
The words, meaning what they meant at the time.
Now Ted Cruz just dismisses this and says, hey, I've argued before the Supreme Court, so shut up.
Don't question my credentials here.
Don't question my eligibility.
Well, he ought to tell us from an originalist, constitutionalist point of view why he is a natural born citizen.
He also needs to tell us why he supported these globalist trade treaties.
And this is something that's going to be a big deal in Michigan.
Right after the debates on Friday, the debate was on Thursday.
Friday morning, Trump was going through Michigan and he was holding rallies.
As it's pointed out in the Detroit Free Press, Trump whips up a raucous crowd and warned Michigan with automobile talk.
So he is going to the voters and he is pulling people from Democrats as well as Ross Perot independents because he is talking about the loss of jobs.
That giant sucking sound that Ross Perot talked about.
Well, it's been sucking for 23 years and there's not much left.
I don't
Is talking to the people who have lost their jobs, people who are going to be losing their jobs if these new agreements go through.
And I think that that is something that is very, very important.
Joining us now is Alex Jones.
I don't know.
He's not ready yet.
OK, we don't have him on the line.
I thought we had him on the line.
Again, as we're looking at the people who are moving to Donald Trump, we're seeing this not only in Michigan, but we're also seeing it in Ohio.
Look at this story out of Youngstown, Ohio.
And this is someone who is the GOP Republican County Chairman, okay?
This is in Mahoning County.
He says, about a thousand Democrats so far have switched their party affiliation to Republican with election officials saying that several did it in order to vote for Trump.
He says, we're seeing something in this election cycle that I've never seen before to this degree.
Every day I take phone calls or get phone messages from people saying that they've been Democrats all their life and they have had it.
They want to vote for Donald Trump?
He says, I'm surprised at the volume of inquiries we're getting.
It's absolutely remarkable.
And he says, so far, about 14% of the people who have voted early were Democrats who voted Republican.
He says, we're seeing this all over the country.
The Republican vote is way up, and it's because of Trump.
Again, this is the county GOP chair.
He says, now it's happening in the Valley.
Whatever you think of Trump, you can't take away his ability to energize the electorate.
And he says all you have to do in these open primaries is to just show up and tell them that you want a Republican ballot.
When that is allowed, Donald Trump has done very well in the states.
Now joining us is Alex Jones.
Absolutely, David.
Great listening to you and watching you do a great job.
My sky pick up, so I didn't hear you go to me.
Sorry about that.
But we are here now.
And then again, we have the third and fourth hour coming up today.
Special reports I've shot.
Other special reports that the crew put together.
And of course, David Knight and more here together.
On this Super Tuesday Part Deux that we're about to see in Michigan, Mississippi, Idaho, Hawaii and other states.
And we're seeing a huge lesson here in brainwashing.
It has slowed Trump in some areas, sped him up in others.
But overall, he is in line, if he keeps winning like this, to even get a majority of the delegates.
So they're even talking about trying to change rules there to pull.
I know that Richard Reeves is going to be popping in later in the fourth hour today to talk some about this.
And he's the guy that I've known for 15 years, 16 years, that has always been obsessing over this whole superdelegate and delegate process.
But back when Richard was talking about it,
Most people just wouldn't listen to me when I said, you know, hey, you know, they tried to steal it from Reagan.
They've stolen it from other people before.
This is really the big fraud, and it's a rulemaking by the parties in the 70s that shouldn't be able to change all this.
But we've harped on that forever.
And I've harped on Cruz in the strict
I think so.
And they would have different royal princes and people come into the Americas, Mexico's a great example, but also in Europe, and basically take over or run for office, and get elected and then basically switch off the republics.
In the case of Mexico, they had Maximilian, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire prince, who wasn't elected, was just installed, and later they overthrew him and killed him, and of course that's a famous part of history.
So, we have all this for a reason, but for me,
Ted Cruz's involvement with Glenn Beck is the cherry on the top for really having concern about him.
And, of course, his wife being a key honcho, or as you were just mentioning, with the whole Council on Foreign Relations and the TPP, when it was in his embryonic phase.
I mean, she is a key insider, very high-level lawyer at the center of this, and that's why she, of course, comes out of Goldman Sachs.
But let's get past all that.
A Ted Cruz would not get away with going after the guns, would not get away with leaving the borders wide open, would not get away with a lot of that stuff like a Hillary can because she's got that base of support.
But I don't think it's going to be Ted Cruz.
I don't think it's going to be Rubio, obviously, or Kasich, who this whole confidence game keeps saying, hey, you watch, I'm going to win.
They're either going to let Trump get in or they're going to steal it and give it to Hillary.
Now, the reason I'm saying that is, here's the Washington Post today, seeing Trump as vulnerable, GOP elites now eye a contested convention.
Folks would say, well, that means they are going to steal it.
Well, we told you about this years ago.
We told you about this particularly with Trump six months ago.
People said, oh, they would never do it.
Well, they've clearly stolen it from Bernie Sanders until she went into the lead.
Then it creates the self-fulfilling prophecy that she's unstoppable.
But because Libertarians and Conservatives and Paleo-Conservatives, and just common sense people that don't want to suicide the country, because we are more informed on average than the Democratic base, that's just a fact, I don't think the GOP can really get away with this.
Now, they're ready to suicide the party, they've said that.
They are ready to openly, as they've stated, give it to Hillary.
And they're pushing the meme, dump Trump, we'll vote for Hillary.
They've had everybody from, you know, all these top Republicans come out and say that.
That they would go for Hillary over Trump?
I mean, I'd vote for Trump just for shattering the political correctness right there.
So I don't really see them getting away with it because there is such a tsunami of support that even if they try to steal it from him, I don't know if they'll have the boots on the ground at the convention to complete that.
Because now we're having months and months of people being informed on how the delegate process works, and if they do try to openly steal it from him,
It could cause civil unrest in this country, and I'm not the only one saying that.
A lot of top pundits on even Fox News are saying it.
Who was it just last week?
Two big Republicans came out and said the same thing.
One of them was Huckabee.
Now maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe they are so bold and crazy and full of arrogance and bravado and hubris and chutzpah that the establishment will go ahead and then activate Black Lives Matter and the leftist movements, activate the tea party that's angry if Trump gets robbed, and then hype up a few bad police cases and really detonate this country.
And so that said, if I was them I wouldn't do this, and I think they're going to have real problems stopping Trump.
Uh, at least at the primary.
That's what I wanted to be clear about.
They're openly talking about stealing it now, something they would never openly do.
So, this shows how far the Liberty Movement's come that they have to openly discuss all this stuff.
But they will try to steal it in the general election when he goes up against Hillary and will roll out a whole bunch of exaggerated mafia stuff and, oh my gosh, he liked hot women, oh my, what a crime.
You know, he's not like a pedophile like half of Congress or, you know, a large portion of the Catholic priest.
Isn't this terrible?
He doesn't gang-rape children in showers and get away with it and, you know, the whole Penn State operation, you know, leasing kids out to the elites to, you know, the pedo.
I mean, okay, he isn't a pedophile.
That's one reason they don't like him.
And I'm not kidding.
You don't get into these high-level positions now.
At that level, unless you have killed a bunch of people and they know about it, or you're raping little kids.
I mean, being gay isn't enough now, because they used to get blackmailed with that.
So it's literally a pedophile cult that's taken over.
Now, that said, they don't like a nationalist that they don't control, obviously.
And they don't like the fact that he won't bow down and kiss their ring.
That said, I'm still concerned about Trump, because he does have some blind spots in some area of the economy, in some areas of the world.
To basically break down why that's so important, the globalists have put in an artificial system that's like a cancer that's part of your brain, that if you cut it out it kills you, or makes you a vegetable, basically.
That's their goal.
They want to make everything so dependent, including the people themselves, so domesticated, that the globalist system is so integrated into everything that only they know how to work it, control it, expand it, throttle it back, in this grid system that they have.
And so that's why they hate him, because he will throw all of that into disarray.
Now the question is, are we held so hostage by this global government that will bring in crises that we don't submit, that we then won't throw it to chance and vote for Donald Trump?
Because that's the reason they're so scared of him.
And the dice could roll wrong.
It could really get bad.
But we know the globalists are slowly, quietly sucking us dry and killing us.
And so it's the right thing to do because he's not a globalist.
He is pro-human.
He is pro-wealth.
He is pro-family.
He is pro-free speech.
And compared to them, and they hate his guts.
So again, it's a spectrum of dangers.
Letting them hold us hostage because he's not a technocrat, or won't follow all the orders of the technocrats, who can barely keep the world from blowing up right now, while they're busy creating crises to get control, then they have trouble not letting the crisis they've created destroy the planet.
It's all this super high stakes, guts ball craziness.
Now I know that's quite a diatribe, and that is my base analysis and my most complex thinking on it.
Trying to distill something this complex down is really hard to do, but I hope that telegraphed over people.
I'll ask David in a minute if he got what I was saying, A, or B, if he concurs, or what he would add to that analysis.
But let me try to simplify it for myself, too, because it makes my head spin.
There is a global management class that is setting up a planetary government where they're gods, where they're above the law and exempt from laws and tax exempt.
They have created all these crises and problems to knock out competition, to knock out nation-states, to make us more dependent on their grid system of domestication, assimilation, and then phasing us out, incremental extermination.
And that's the New World Order program.
That's the real architecture of the world.
You got psychology, you got law, you got business, you got religion, you got pharmaculture, you've got all this, but permaculture?
But at the end of the day, there's a grid above it, and they don't want us studying it.
It's in the PhD papers, it's in the MIT papers, it's in the white papers.
The futurists now admit everything I told people about 20 years ago, because I was just reading papers that weren't widely published at the time, but were available.
We have their battle plans, we have their blueprints.
That's why we're so accurate.
We don't know when they're going to do X or Y or Z, but we have the general flow of their program that they're always tweaking and manipulating.
Trump throws a monkey wrench into that.
People say, well, that's dangerous.
Well, this machine is designed to kill us slowly, bite us like a spider in the night, that puts us into a coma, drag us off, and suck our blood in its hole.
So the spider's got us almost to the hole.
Trump comes along.
We see him walking up.
Is he a predator that wants to eat us?
Is he trying to steal the spider's dinner?
I don't think so.
But we know the spider bit us.
We can see all the skeletons down there hanging in the webs.
Okay, this is the allegory.
And here comes Trump walking up.
He doesn't look like a big, ugly, mean, green spider.
You know, the New World Order all-seeing eye.
And, you know, he doesn't have a big history of that.
And the spider is hissing and attacking and has all its minions going after Trump walking up.
Once he gets here, and we're all tied up in web, is he going to cut us free?
Or is he another super predator that thinks that's what winners do?
He's got wife, he's got children, he loves life.
You can tell he enjoys a cheeseburger.
And I think at the end of the day, he is kind of a strong man.
Not really a thug, but just an aggressive alpha male.
That's why they hate him.
The return of men.
And they just don't like him.
So I'm fully behind him.
Because it's too dangerous just to let them continue going down this road.
We need to destabilize this globalist program and fight it at every front.
And Trump's a good weapon in that.
Because we're not destabilizing civilization.
The globalists want to end self-sufficiency and end civilization and not let us know how to use calculators or drive our own cars or mountain climb or play football or dodgeball or tell jokes.
State Department says you'll be fired.
You can pull the quote up, I've got it here.
The exact quote I'm putting on screen, maybe.
We're going to come back and talk about it.
And it's like, if you say anything that might offend or hurts my feelings, that's hateful.
Don't tell jokes.
Humor is out.
Literal cult members at cult command bases are allowed to have humor.
This is beyond heaven's gate.
They can tell jokes.
I mean, this is a cult takeover.
And it's happening now, and it has mainline psychology working for it.
I'm not saying all psychology's bad.
There's a lot of dissonance in there.
But that's what this is.
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Alright folks, I shot a special report that we haven't aired yet.
We're going to be airing that for about 10-15 minutes in the next hour.
We also have one of the prominent black pastors that's been supporting Donald Trump coming on to talk about why he's supporting him.
You just heard my whole breakdown of this and my thinking.
I'm not just psychologically going for Trump because the establishment's having a hissy fit.
Or the Chinese government came out against him.
The biggest mass murderers in history are the Pope, who has his own big walls and says Italy should control immigration.
I am doing it because they are legitimately freaked out against him, and they are legitimately organizing, openly stealing the election and admitting it.
Because they don't control it.
A lot of people say, well, it's this simple.
We know he's something new, they're something old.
You know what?
If there was some military group saying, let's have a coup and set up a fascist government, I'd say, no way, I don't want that.
Sometimes getting something new is worse.
I'm not a revolutionary when it comes to governments.
I'm a restorationist.
I want our republic back.
That's all I want.
And this Trump phenomenon has been said thousands of times is about the fact that the people aren't buying what the power structure and the system is saying anymore.
I'm going to get David's take on this, but they better not just be shaking in their boots about Trump himself, but about the fact that no matter what they do, the more they attack him, the more popular he is.
Doesn't that let mainstream media and the corporate government and all the little bureaucracies that group around it realize?
You people aren't the arrogant know-it-alls you thought you are.
You stole a system by fraud, you've wrecked the country, you're building some giant world government that's collapsing as fast as you can build it, and you have been betrayed by your own mental illness and your own god of evil.
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That's going to become rarer and rarer in this time of evil coming.
Like Drudge said, feel the water, feel the air.
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David, we're going to break in two minutes.
You'll be riding shotgun with me, and I'm going to air this report coming up that's extremely powerful.
I'll tell folks about it in a moment when we come back from break, but David, just briefly, your take on what I said about Trump.
I agree, absolutely.
Alex, you know there was an article that came out last week that was from Defense News, and they were talking about how Eric Schmidt of Google was going to be the head of a new Department of Defense advisory board.
And they said that the Pentagon had said this board was going to have 12 members, but they didn't know who was going to be on it except for Eric Schmidt.
Because, of course, he always has a place at the table.
And so that's what we're seeing here.
We're seeing all the elites, and that's what we've been talking about this entire program.
That people, we've seen the false left-right paradigm broken down now.
We see that Fox News, as well as CNN, the Council on Foreign Relations, all of the multinational corporations are all coming together to stop Donald Trump.
Because he opposes this, the three legs of this globalist takeover.
That's right, meeting with the Silicon Valley people and Schmidt, when Google 18 years ago, yeah it was 18 years ago, just 17 and a half years ago,
It's founding documents have been released.
Wired had them two years ago.
It's AI takeover of the world with NASA and the Pentagon and Northcom in a secret operation before Northcom was even announced as well.
Homeland security was around in the early 90s, folks, but Clinton set it up.
That's been declassified.
By the time you hear about something, it's a decade old.
We'll be back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
That's a renaissance program.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Just like they're coming after our guns, our gun culture is getting stronger.
People are learning why it's important.
We're going out converting people to self-defense and being humans.
But just like you need a gun, you need to know how to plant a garden.
You need to learn how to skin a buck.
Run a trot line.
But also not let globalist propaganda brainwash you.
Now I shot some really powerful videos the last few days.
And one of them is up on our YouTube channel.
The main Alex Jones Channel, and it just went up last night.
Would you jump off a building with your baby?
I'm gonna ask that that be posted to Infowars.com and to PrisonPlanet.com and to Facebook and to Twitter.
All of our Facebooks, all of our Twitters.
I would ask, you know, the reporters post it, just like I do on the big channels, all their stuff.
I want a maximum push on this video.
Would you jump off a building with your baby?
And that gets into the whole Bernie Sanders baby dying with the SIDS.
Now we heard that yesterday.
We're gonna hear another one on abortion coming up in the next segment that ties into this.
It's all interconnected, the culture of death.
I went back out to the Austin Abortion Clinic, the headquarters.
What I'm asking everyone to do is to go to InfoWars.com once we post this and to get this video and to send it out to everybody you know.
And to do it to all the big videos.
Or pick the videos that touch your heart
The most.
Because we have to know that just because we're aware of all this, other people in many cases aren't.
But here's the good news.
They're ready to hear.
This is the season, like the spring, of the awakening of the mind.
And then the summer is coming.
The globals want to bring an artificial winter, a dark age, to block out the truth.
We have to force this through.
And this is a very powerful video.
Would you jump off a building with your baby?
We premiered that yesterday here on Air.
But it needs to get out now.
I mean, I know we, and we do, I tell people to post, everybody else's great stuff, but then a lot of times it's kind of like what we do, because we're humble, is like, chop liver.
It's an important video, we're going to get that out to everybody.
Also, we're going to premiere this new video, and I forget the title I gave Rob Due when I shot this up there at night.
So maybe you can ask Rob Due the previous title I came up with, because the title is what it takes to capture people's imagination to get them to watch it.
So we need to really give it a powerful headline.
And I'm teaching here on air.
Not so much to my crew, but to everybody.
You need to be info warriors.
You need to be leaders.
And we all need to value the fact that we're still on air and expanding.
They want to get rid of this.
They're getting rid of free speech all over the world right now.
They're coming for ours.
And they've told drugs to his face.
And we've been told as well.
And you see it starting to happen.
Look at the State Department.
I mentioned that.
We'll come back and break that down.
But David, we're going to break in a minute and a half expanding on this.
People laugh at all this tyranny because they don't expect it's going to hit them.
People laugh at Obamacare.
It's in place.
They're not playing games, David.
Yeah, Alex, you know, as you were talking in the very first hour when you're talking about the people on CNN saying Trump is going to put us in detention camps.
Well, you know, the remedy to that is not to allow unconstitutional things like the NDAA to be passed in the first place.
They lay the foundation.
They claim he's going to put the cornerstone in.
Yeah, most of the people who are concerned about this, they didn't say anything about it when Obama said that he was going to put that in, and we were all concerned about that.
We should all be concerned about the fact that they claim to have given themselves the legal authority to do this.
They don't have the legal authority to do this.
They all swore obedience to the Constitution.
That's the supreme law of the land.
Exactly, and these liberals should be worried.
We're worried about these powers being in place, but Trump didn't put these powers in place.
That's right, and as I pointed out,
When he wrote an op-ed about the BLM and he put it in a small paper in Reno, Nevada, he was spot-on when he said, we have allowed these government bureaucracies like the BLM to assume dictatorial power.
And the president of the Congress has been... See how smart he is?
See how smart he is?
He pays like a thousand bucks to put an op-ed in or they may run a free whatever small paper.
It gets the attention, gets everywhere without him having to pay for it on a wide scale.
And then he's also making it about the little guy.
I like Trump's philosophy.
The more I learn about the more I like him.
David, stay there.
We're going to come back and talk about this video that's bigger than abortion.
It's about turning humans into products.
In the last Democratic debate, we learned that there are no poor white people, and that Hillary Clinton single-handedly saved the auto industry.
What will we learn this time around?
First, they wouldn't debate at all.
Then, only during NFL playoff games or Christmas Eve.
Well, finally, the moment you've been waiting for is here.
Watch the InfoWars crew dismantle the Democratic debate.
Join InfoWars.com this Wednesday, March 9th at 7 p.m.
Central as we get a crack at the race-baiting, give-us-free-stuff duo of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
We'll be crashing through their lies in real time for live coverage like you won't see anywhere else.
Watch for free at InfoWars.com slash show and the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
We'll be taking your phone calls before, during, and after the debate.
Join us for live debate coverage this Wednesday, March 9th at 7 p.m.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Massive change is here.
Massive change is coming.
The globalists are taking over the world.
They're bringing in a new system of total control, total micromanagement, the end of free will.
But to unfreeze political systems to make the change, they open a doorway where we can go both ways.
We can change things for good, not evil.
But they want you to sleep.
That politics even exists.
They call it conspiracy theory.
But there's even management in government, and management in plans, and social engineering is a conspiracy theory.
That's like saying reading, writing, and arithmetic is a conspiracy theory.
And they're making it that with Common Core.
They're assaulting reality and common sense.
Because the age of the machines is here, and the elite want to steal the future.
They don't want to share it with us.
Let me briefly walk you through, get a brief comment from David and then go to this key report dealing with dehumanization.
And do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
The idea that screwing over your fellow humans gets you ahead somehow.
Not in an endgame scenario.
Look at these articles.
GOP elites now eye a contested convention and stealing it from Trump.
That is right out of the Washington Post, their own headline.
Elites now eye contested election.
They go, Alex, you told us about that last hour.
This is why it's important.
If they can steal your free speech under the First Amendment, which is, part of that's voting.
And it ties into so many other amendments.
But that's your real political speech.
That's your system, like art or literature, that's why it's protected.
But the purest form is voting.
That's political speech, political action.
That's a new form of war, non-violent.
They don't need to put you in a concentration camp because they've just taken your rights to vote because the election's rigged.
But if a few of you get mad and get upset and decide to physically fight back, there's a SWAT team ready in every area trying to take you out.
Because you're a constitutionalist.
I'm not attacking the SWAT teams, they're more awake than most people.
The point is, see how that works?
We're taking your right to vote, we're cheating it, we're stealing it, and if you do get physical, we're going to kill you.
And we're ready for it.
Premeditatedly, because they're taking the freedom away.
That's admitted now.
You got top Republicans going, there's going to be civil unrest.
You steal this from Trump.
What are we supposed to do?
I'm not saying do that.
Because if we don't get violent, it'll make people so upset, it'll wake up the next wave.
And free speech-wise, even though the voting's been stolen, we can vote with our dollars, vote with our actions, vote by withdrawing support and peaceful civil disobedience.
And that's why they're bringing in the political correctness.
And that's why they're coming in and saying, you'll be fired from any federal job, not just the state department or city job, if you do a microaggression, which is whatever they claim.
If you say, she sure is nice, and you say she, maybe she isn't a she, boom, fired.
That's in the handbook.
That's the headline right here.
State departments, having state department jokes.
And they go on to say, joking can be considered a microaggression.
Think about that.
Think about that.
Microaggressions can be detrimental to employee morale and engagement.
And it goes, severe or passive microaggressions based on protected equal employment opportunity categories may rise the level.
And then John Kerry laughs and says, you know, I want to stay at the State Department, you know, forever.
But oh, that's a joke.
I better not.
They even make a joke about their own political correctness to make people in their own system laugh at it and think it's OK.
So it's kind of like you see the village next to you being burned and they go, oh it's alright guys, we're just going to burn their village.
It's kind of like, hey everything's kind of alright, we still make jokes, but not the kids, not the college students, not the next wave.
This is the old program being made comfortable with their level of brainwashing.
The next group is even more brainwashed, the next even more.
The next group coming in that if they hear you're having a Halloween party, screams in fear or a costume party, and goes, get them out of here!
I'm scared!
I saw a cowboy!
Remember that?
And they fired those Yale professors that ran the school.
They said, it's free speech.
No, it's not!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Shut up!
And they shut his speech down.
This is soft tyranny.
But it's not soft.
It's even worse, like a blob, because you can't even see it.
It's like Hercules, in his most challenging task, was having to go into hell itself and fight because it was dark.
There was no physicality.
It was spirits.
He had to, in his own soul, with the help of his father Zeus and the archetype, transcend it.
It was courage.
It was a challenge of going in to the pure evil and letting it just get all around you and just focusing on what's good and what's honorable.
They want to just take everything away from us, folks, and our kids will have no, no, no gauge of anything, rudderless.
But if you start loving each other and you start realizing how weak the average mean person is and that they're mean because they're sad, as long as they're not abusing somebody, it's okay if they're being mean.
They're just dumb.
You need to lift them up and try to build their humanity and help them.
That'll build you as well and help you be a better person, myself included.
None of us are perfect.
We're out of time.
David and I will come back in the last 30 minutes.
I want to get his take on this as well with the pastor that's coming up.
The people you gotta really get aggressive with are the scientific bullies that know what they're doing and hate humanity as a whole and want to abort the species in favor of the technotronic singularity.
Here is a key report on value human life or become a slave and be killed.
When you make somebody else a slave, when you say somebody else doesn't have rights, you just lost your rights.
I struggle to come up with words
To describe the globalist social engineers' plan for humanity.
Their entire design is the coldest, most wicked, hateful plan that one could ever even imagine.
But I think the word is truly selfishness.
The engineers are so selfish and so greedy wanting to control reality, wanting to dominate civilization and the direction humanity goes in.
Their lust to control free will and chart humanity's course into a technotronic hell is so complete that they are doing everything they can to isolate individuals, to destroy families, and to make sure we're all alone.
And have no culture, have no tribe, have no people.
They're attacking individual tribes, cultures, religions, and peoples and playing them off against each other and posing as the referees who will then keep all the groups from fighting while they stir up the divide and conquer of Balkanization.
But beyond that,
They are then in the name of unity watering down all the cultures and ideas until there is no culture, there is no idea, there is no debate.
And everybody basically wears the equivalent of 1984 gray overalls.
When they talk about making America whole, making the world equal,
They mean making us all equally unconscious servile slaves.
You look at the whole push of Western psychology.
It says you're an animal, you're programmable, you don't have free will.
And if you believe in a great destiny for humanity, if you believe you can create great art or literature or have a great crop or make great whiskey or write a wonderful book, you're a narcissist.
You're delusional.
And they take the traits of innovators and then mix it in with the traits of true narcissists and egomaniacs to then demonize anyone that has the spark of Promethean flame in them that God has given us.
Not because the engineers don't know it's real, but because they're threatened by it.
They want to be the dream catchers.
They want to control the dreams and steal the dreams.
They want to live while you and I sleep.
I was driving into work and I noticed, because I was getting some gas on the access road over off of Ben White here in Austin, Texas, what I've read about in the newspaper is ongoing for the last year or so, there are pro-lifers out protesting in front of the Planned Parenthood main center in Austin.
Seven days a week that that death mill is doing partial birth abortions on eight and nine month old babies.
And they have been harassed by the Satanists and others.
They've been physically attacked.
I have been attacked.
Jakari has been attacked.
Weldon has been attacked.
They attack people on crutches and wheelchairs.
And when I see the type of people that show up at the Capitol and show up here to protest for death, it'd be one thing if you argued, oh, it's first trimester, oh, the woman will be too poor, whatever.
I could see those arguments.
But when you meet the pro-abortionists, they are ghouls.
They tell you they are satans.
They pull up in brand new $100,000 black sedans.
And that's their temple.
That's their church you're messing with.
There's good and evil in the world, folks.
We're going to go back out there.
It was even raining earlier, but I drove by and it was sprinkling and I saw like 15 people out there.
We'll see who's out there right now.
They may have already left.
Either way, think about these people that actually care about someone.
Well, psychologists would say you have a savior complex.
See how they take your humanity?
You love unborn children.
You know they're devaluing life.
They're selling body parts.
They're growing human-animal hybrids inside animals.
What about this giving rise to super viruses and stuff?
See, there is nothing moral.
They say you have no morals, you have no free will, but they're going to tell you with political correctness how to think, how to behave.
And what morals you're supposed to have.
They have it both ways.
You have no morals.
You have no heart.
You aren't turned towards God.
You can't have an original idea.
But they dictate everything.
And they culturally will fulfill you in the church of the state in Hollywood.
And after we go out and talk to these folks and show some excerpts of what happened last year out there, I'm going to call for a big demonstration in their futures.
We'll see if the statements show back up.
Trying to intimidate free speech.
The left.
Devil-worshipping communists, in their own words, who all over attack people for their speech.
They link hands and run into you and say, excuse us, just like Black Lives Matter does.
And then they say, oh, people are attacking us as they run over old ladies.
I mean, it's so sick with their devil tattoos.
You couldn't write a Stephen King novel like this.
And they hate life.
They enjoy the feeling of power over these babies.
This is how dark they are, how twisted.
And they sell it as a right.
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
I kill my kids.
And then you look at how human life of the veterans with the death panels and the don't treat list and the old people.
This is the world we're building.
Where we think we stomp on top of each other and we screw each other over and we get ahead.
That whole cycle's coming to an end.
Prosperity allowed this decadence to grow because it kept reality from dawning on people that tyranny creates
Absolute humiliation.
But the evil's almost eaten through the stores, the reserves that good and good hard-working people have developed for us.
And it's beyond an Atlas Shrugged where the hard-working people just give up and stop working.
That's part of it.
It's beyond the Atlas Shrugged where the system cannot coexist with good and so it will extinguish the good as a measure of dominance while destroying its very own host.
Because for these parasites, being vampiric in their spiritual view of the world is only the journey to the destination that is total death.
They're lovers of death.
All those that hate me love death, is what Christ said.
And I tell you, I didn't used to be a very strong Christian when I was younger in college and stuff.
But I tell you, studying this and being involved, covering it, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, the Scalia death, all of it, I've been around this stuff.
Let me tell you, we are facing people that worship the God of death and evil and pain and suffering and poverty and humiliation and crying, starving children.
They want to hurt you and your family, folks, through the vaccines, through the GMOs, the glyphosates.
They admit they're doing it.
And I know it's horrifying.
It's scary to admit it's happening.
But it's more scary not to spotlight these roaches.
An epic battle is taking place.
Now let's go talk to these heroes.
Ma'am, what's your name?
Why are you out here?
I'm out here to protect women and children from them making a very big decision in their lives to try to help change their hearts and their minds.
You know, some of the control left and people think it's weird to be concerned about babies dying, but have you seen increased support or people waking up now that they've seen the videos showing the harvesting of the babies?
I've seen more people concerned about it a little bit more, as far as waking up.
If that doesn't wake them up, I don't think anything will.
You mentioned warning women.
They don't tell people it's a known medical fact.
We put the articles up that abortions increase cancer in women.
There's also a lot of medical complications.
They're not telling them that the babies are being sold.
When you say exploiting women as well, what's your point on that?
Just the way that they're treated, for one.
I've seen women who have gone through that experience and just the trauma that they face and the care that they received and they're so torn apart and it's not something that you can turn back.
You know, I mean, when you do it, I mean, you've done it, and there's no turning back.
So we're hoping to encourage the women to find the strength, to find help in a more positive manner.
So they're gonna let the women know what a big deal this is.
Right, exactly.
Because that's how they make their money, and that's how...
They keep their business going.
It's just like, I should be able to come out here and have the ability to pray or do whatever I want on a public sidewalk.
Have you been harassed when you've ever been out here?
And you know, it's a blessing, it really is.
Well, I really like the fact that there's children out here, and my news producer, Rob Dew, has his son out here, and it really just shows, do we believe in humanity when we're just throwing our children away like this, and then selling their body parts, and then not telling the women that they're making money off of it?
Yeah, that, you know, anybody who can do that.
I don't know what would stop them.
I've never heard a woman say they regret having children.
I even have women stop in the parking lot and tell me because we have eight, are about to have our eighth child.
And we were in that discernment phase with our first one and having them, I know I don't regret any of them.
I would never say put one of them back.
And you always hear women that have had abortions, and they regret their decision.
They push it like it's a right, but there were some congressional hearings a few weeks ago.
I don't know if you saw them, a top bioethicist testifying to Congress that they have turned humans into a commodity, and that they're more worried about lab rats have more rights than babies in America.
Yeah, and you know, that's just totally wrong.
I think chickens, you know, should be humanely raised, but I think humans should at least have the basic dignity of chickens.
Well, you know, it depends on, you know, they're saying that humans aren't humans until they're born.
That fetus isn't going to turn into anything but a human.
It's a human from conception.
And now Peter Singer and other bioethicists are saying, kill mentally retarded children up to age three.
Kill old people.
People like that are actually a blessing.
To the people who take care of them and to us.
They improve society.
They teach us to care for others.
And it's humbling.
Yes, it is.
And that's why it's so important to accept everybody.
Not just say you can include some people, not others.
How do we know the value of life?
It's funny you say that.
Other studies are out there.
So many people, they say that
Raising like a Down syndrome child is is is like empowering and enlightening in many cases and that you know Even though that they're they're different that there's something magical about yeah, I know a few people who have couples who have children like that and They change your attitude, you know, they they change they have this joy in them, you know, there's they're a blessing to almost everybody they meet and to say that
We should destroy them because they're different?
Where do you stop at destroying different?
What do you define different?
You know, if somebody isn't quite like you, does that mean you destroy them?
That's not the case.
That doesn't sound too tolerant or liberal.
Sounds like eugenics to me.
I would just say discern and really look into information and if your heart is telling you to seek help elsewhere, then please do so because
That is going to live with you for the rest of your life.
And it is better to have the child even if you feel like you can't take care of them.
There are other options.
There's group adoption options where you still have connections with your baby as they grow and you get to see them.
So I would just say really, really take
A week, a month, or two days, whatever it is, to help yourself and really decide if that's really the decision that you want to make.
Because you're going to have to live with this for the rest of your life.
And not knowing your child, what happened to it, where it is, is the first part.
That's right.
Before you snuff out somebody else's destiny, think about what you're involved in.
Think about the fact that...
This has never before been legal in history.
And you see all the rest of the humanization, all the humans being turned into commodities, turning yourself into a commodity.
Don't objectify yourself in a child like this.
They don't tell you in these abortuaries that there are more people wanting to adopt every year than there are abortions.
They don't tell you people have to go all over the world to get kids, from Russia to China, because they can't get the kids they want.
And they don't tell you that people want to adopt disabled children as well.
They lie to you.
They lie to you.
Ma'am, thank you so much for your time and standing up.
God bless you.
Alright, folks, there you go.
I said it.
God bless you.
Even though we're a secular news program, the state is not our God.
Alex Jones, signing off for InfoWars.com.
If you're watching this transmission, you are the resistance.
And again, that's Alex Jones talking to protesters outside an abortion clinic.
We're going to be talking to Pastor Mark Burns.
I want to get his comments on that as well.
One of the things that they focused on was whether or not a child with Down's Syndrome should be aborted.
I've known people who have been given false positives telling them that their child had Down's Syndrome and didn't.
And I personally know someone who had a child with Down's Syndrome, who knew about it, who chose to do that, who was disowned by her sister for life because of that.
Stay with us.
When we come back, we're going to be talking to Pastor Mark Burns.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host in this final half hour.
We're going to be talking to Pastor Mark Burns.
Pastor Burns is co-founder and CEO of the NOW Television Network.
It's a Christian TV network based out of South Carolina.
He's now the executive director also of It's Your Harvest Now.
With Pastor Mark Burns, rejoiced today along with his wife and co-host Tamara Burns.
He's also creator, executive producer, and host of Lift Your Voice Gospel Show, currently airs to more than 45 million homes on the Impact Network.
Now the reason we have Pastor Burns on is because he was part of a group of several pastors, black pastors, who met with Donald Trump in New York towards the end of the year.
I don't
The continued calls to disavow the Ku Klux Klan endorsement from David Duke, even after he did it, they continued to hit him for like three or four days.
I wanted to talk to him about that, see if he thought that Donald Trump had done that the right way.
Is he a racist?
Does he believe that his endorsement was a mistake?
But I also want to talk to him and thank you for joining us Pastor Burns.
I want to talk to you first about the report that Alex Jones just had where he was talking to abortion protesters outside of a clinic here in Austin.
We've done that a couple of times.
One of the things that he brought up was
The fact that a lot of people, it's not just the issue of whether or not they believe that life begins at conception, but it's also the idea that they would abort a child if this child has Down Syndrome.
And as I said just before the break, I personally knew a very dear friend of ours, who's now passed away, who had a child with Down Syndrome, her sister.
Well, you know, first of all, thank you so much for having me.
I'm very honored to be here.
On this broadcast, you know, I don't think there is a real answer that there won't be a black and white answer that's going to make sense to people.
It's going to really be on a person by personal basis.
Should a child be brought into this world?
I personally believe that all life is precious.
And I believe, as a man of God and a person who leads his life based off of my moral compass, believe that if it be the will of God, no matter how the life came into the world, we believe that life is at conception.
And therefore, once life has been created, life has left the realm of the kingdom, and it has entered into this natural realm we call Earth.
Having been in the presence of God, now in the presence of man.
And so, once that has taken place, I believe it is the will of the Lord for that life to have a purpose.
There's a purpose for the life.
Whether it's a Down syndrome baby, whether a person
You know, and again, this may be very controversial to some people, but whether the child was conceived through a rape case or whatever the situation may have been, once that life has been created, then I believe it is our obligation as a human race to care for that child, regardless of its medical condition.
Yes, I agree, and there's so many levels to this.
I mean, it's not only, you know, the issue of, well, do you have a Down syndrome child, or do you?
I mean, some of these tests that they give people can give false positives.
You may be flagged as a child that's going to have Down syndrome, and maybe the child doesn't, so you don't know that for sure.
I've personally seen many children adopted from China who had severe health issues.
They were adopted by Americans because in China they could not afford the kind of operations that they needed to take care of the health issues that these children had.
They surrendered them to the state.
The state then gave them up to Americans who would pay for their health care.
So, I think when we look at this, we need to put life first.
And I think the thing that really changed it for me, even before I became a Christian, was I realized when I was running for Congress 22 years ago, that I was asked about this.
I was a third party candidate, and I was asked about this repeatedly.
Uh, and at the time, partial birth abortion had come up.
And, uh, I was of the opinion, as a libertarian, I thought, well, you know, people ought to make these decisions themselves, and we can have a disagreement between people who are Christians and people who aren't as to when life begins.
But then I realized this thing called partial birth abortion.
When I started looking at it,
I realize these are full-term babies that they were killing.
And so then it became clear to me that there was a eugenics agenda to this.
And of course we all know the history of the abortion industry and how it was started with Margaret Sanger, how they targeted the black community and others for extermination.
They were very open about their eugenics agenda.
On the way home last night I was listening to NPR and they were talking about a Supreme Court decision.
That said that they were going to sterilize.
This is a decision going back decades.
A guy wrote a book about it.
He said he wasn't aware of it.
But it was a decision going back decades saying, well, hey, we've got people here who are imbeciles.
And three generations of imbeciles is enough.
We're going to allow sterilization of them.
And he was absolutely appalled.
And that's essentially what we're talking about.
You think that somebody has too low IQ, you don't like the race that they are, you don't like the gender that they are, we're just going to get rid of those people.
And I think that's the thing that I find very troubling is that kind of agenda behind it that transcends the idea of at what point does life begin.
And I'm so grateful you just brought that up, especially with the birth of Planned Parenthood, the Negro Project that we don't oftentimes talk about, and then later changed his name in the 40s to the Planned Parenthood Organization.
I think what really vexes me, especially those of us in the African American community,
And again, I don't really want to get back and forth to bashing one candidate over another, but I do think, especially those of us in the African American community, how we are so quick to oftentimes vote based off of feelings and not facts.
And how the Democratic Party, led right now by our current president, who I'm not going to dishonor because he deserves the right to be honored, but I don't believe in his views as a politician.
And now Hillary Clinton coming behind him to really carry on the race.
How the African American community is rallying behind Hillary Clinton, not realizing that one of her very main platform is the right to choose.
What's really, I believe, is the extermination of or genocide of many of the African American community.
I agree.
Over 40 African Americans make up about 14 percent, 13 to 14 percent of the population, but over 40 percent of aborted babies were done by African American women.
Those could have been future black doctors, future black lawyers, future black
Scientists, future black presidents that could have been, could have had opportunity to be great in the black community, but yet they never had an opportunity.
Millions of babies that have been killed by a institution that was designed to destroy the African American communities, the future generations of black people.
But yet, we're so quick to route, even other pastors, it saddens me to watch other pastors who proclaim to be messengers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And I don't want to judge anyone, but it vexes me greatly how they will stand behind anyone that is okay with the murders of babies.
That's really one of my major platforms behind Donald Trump.
He loves babies.
Donald Trump is a pro-baby candidate.
And it saddens me how we as African Americans are rallying behind a party that is okay with the genocide of black people through abortion.
I agree, and I believe what the Bible says is that God created all people, all nations of one blood.
You know, we have different nations, we have different tongues, we have different tribes, but we are all humans.
We are all of the same blood.
That's the way that God created us.
We all trace our ancestry back to Adam.
That's what I believe.
If anybody believes the Bible, you need to take a look at that.
Now about the Ku Klux Klan issue.
And there was this story that came out, Politico, came out yesterday.
And of course there's a lot of talk about an open convention, about a brokered convention.
And so they went back and they looked at history.
They went back and looked at the 1924 Democrat Convention.
They said this is the wildest convention in history.
It took 103 ballots.
It took 16 sweaty days, says Politico.
It was about 100 years ago.
And here was the point of contention, Pastor Burns.
The point of contention here was you had a couple of different groups within the Democrat Party.
They called the convention a clan bait because one of the frontrunners was a former President Wilson cabinet member who was supported by the Ku Klux Klan.
He was the one who was really in the forefront, and it took that many ballots to get rid of the influence of the Ku Klux Klan in that particular convention.
He was going against Al Smith, who eventually won it.
Al Smith was the anti-Ku Klux Klan, the anti-prohibition wing of the party, but he was fighting this other guy, William
Macadoo, who no relation to our reporter here, and HL Meakin wrote, there may not be enough Ku Kluxers in the convention to nominate Macadoo, but there's probably enough to beat any anti-Klan candidates so far heard of and they're all on their tiptoes today.
This is something that we've seen a very long time in our history and it is something that when this was being thrown at Donald Trump this last week,
He had a defender go on CNN and got into a back-and-forth with Van Johnson, and the defender was saying, hey, you have to understand that the Democrat Party has historically been the party of the Ku Klux Klan.
Robert Byrd was a high-ranking official.
Where is the condemnation?
We see nothing but praise, again, from Hillary Clinton, from Bill Clinton, for somebody like Robert Byrd, who was a Ku Klux Klan member.
And of course, Bill Clinton said, wait, he had to do that to get elected.
It's like, yeah.
That's our point.
It was the party of the Klan.
That's what we've been saying.
So what do you think about the fact that the media has harped on this probably for about five or six days leading up to Super Tuesday last week.
Everybody as well as the establishment saying disavow David Duke because you got an endorsement from the Ku Klux Klan.
Well, first of all, I think it was atrocious how the media really played out and the GOP establishment, how they really been doing whatever they can to make sure Donald Trump, who is a candidate they cannot control, do not receive the nomination.
In essence, I think it's a political suicide.
Yes, they want to overthrow the votes of the public.
That's what they're talking about when they have this brokered convention.
They want to overthrow the election like we're some kind of third world banana republic.
And again, that's one of the reasons, I mean, they don't understand, they're throwing gas on the flame, making those who are completely against or anti-establishment to vote for Donald Trump even more.
Because they know that Donald Trump is not owned by any super PACs, he's not owned by any special interest groups, and so therefore he cannot be controlled by the GOP leadership.
And they can't stand that.
Which is those of us who are just normal Americans want somebody that's going to stand up to the political system that says one thing and does another.
Concerning the KKK, Donald Trump disavowed, disavowed, disavowed, disavowed, and disavowed.
I don't know how many times can he continue to disavow for it to matter.
Again, it's kind of like what really sells.
Sex sells, race tension, race baiting sells, anger, violence sells.
People will watch it.
It's like the Civil War.
I'm not an advocate of the rebel flag.
I'm from South Carolina.
I'm not an advocate for the Confederate flag, but the fact does remain many blacks, African-Americans fought voluntarily for the Confederate Army, but yet we don't want to talk and oftentimes recognize those black Confederate soldiers, which was a fact, a part of the history.
So we want to keep it about black versus white.
Because it baits the anger and it keeps people divided and not united.
And so it goes back to this David Duke KKK.
Again, Mr. Trump disavowed way before the CNN interview.
He disavowed several times after that.
And I don't know how many times he's continued to disavow for it to matter.
Again, it all boils down to, you know,
Donald Trump can't control who supports him, just like Hillary Clinton can't control who supports her.
Some might think that some people are certain arms in the new Black Panther movement or the Black Lives Matter movement.
Some might think, can interpret as a hate group themselves.
Hillary Clinton cannot, you know, cannot
I don't know.
You had Paul Ryan, leader of the GOP House, come out and continue to repeat this canard and try to hang this around his neck.
Now, we understand that what's going on with this is that because Donald Trump started talking about how we have open borders, how we are importing workers, how we are exporting jobs, how people in America, people in the black community are worse off now than they were under
We're good to go.
So what they do is they call anybody who opposes that a racist.
And I think that's what's tied to all of this.
They didn't want to call him a racist for saying that we have to get control of the borders, we have to know who's coming into our country.
So they came up with this canard about the Ku Klux Klan and repeated it to the point of absurdity.
And I think it became very transparent to everybody what was really behind all this.
Well, again, Mr. Trump, as you said it over and over again, has this about, this about, this about.
The reason why the black community has not progressed greater than, and I'm talking as a whole, not individuals, there are many great, great, successful
We're good to go.
And us as black people to not focus on the fact that we're black, but focus on the fact that we want to better ourselves as a human being, based off of our character.
And the Democratic Party is really good at boxing in ethnic groups.
So is the Republican Party as well.
What we're seeing here is that Donald Trump is appealing to a wider demographic, a wider geographic, than any of the candidates that we've seen in either of the two parties.
They succeed by compartmentalizing, dividing, and conquering the public.
And what's happening with Donald Trump is he's reaching across party lines, he's reaching across demographic lines, he's reaching across geographic lines, he's uniting the grassroots.
And what we see happening is the elites from both parties are coalescing to stop him from blocking their globalist trade treaties, which are going to destroy our economy and destroy our sovereignty.
We're out of time.
Thank you so much for joining us, Pastor Mark Burns.
You can find him on thenownetwork.org and markburns.org.
Thank you so much for joining us, Pastor Burns.
Thank you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and we have an amazingly ironic story I'm going to give you in just one moment.
In regards to the presidential nomination, you will not believe who has just joined Ted Cruz's finance team.
Hang on, I'm going to give it to you in just a moment.
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Who has just joined Rafael Cruz's finance team?
Because, you know, that's Ted Cruz's real name.
Rafael Edward Cruz, the Canadian.
Guess who's just joined his finance team?
Jeb Bush's brother!
No, not W. Neil Bush!
Neil Bush, the son of former President George H.W.
Bush, brother of Jeb.
The guy who was involved in the savings and loans scandal.
Silverado Banking.
Remember that?
The FDIC sued Neil Bush.
So, who would you want to have on your finance team?
Oh, maybe a guy who is at the heart of the SNL scandal.
Oh, I'm sure nobody remembers that anymore.
Guess what?
We're going to remind you here at InfoWars about the Bushes.
We're going to remind you of what Neil Bush was involved in and the irony, the irony that he would join Ted Cruz's finance team.
Of course, it's not irony.
It's hypocrisy, folks.
You know, this is Ted Cruz who tells us that he's against the establishment and yet he gets loans from Goldman Sachs that he, you know, reports but he puts them in the wrong place and he doesn't tell us about it, you know, that kind of thing.
Okay, this is the guy who truly is an establishment candidate.
He is not an outsider.
We've seen this time and again.
He'll talk about things like civil liberties, he'll talk about getting rid of the IRS, but don't believe it for a moment, folks.
He's smarter than Marco Rubio.
He didn't betray the base immediately after he got elected.
He is switching his positions now.
Everything is up for grabs.
This is the guy who is going to promote the military-industrial complex.
He's going to promote the surveillance state.
He used to say that Ed Snowden was a hero.
Now he says he's a traitor and needs to be killed.
I would rather have somebody who has consistently been wrong.
Then somebody who will tell me anything they know that I want to hear.
Because he has mounted a massive data mining operation so that he can lie to each and every voter and tell them precisely what they want to hear.
And another piece of irony...
This truly is irony.
Actually, his was hypocrisy, but this really is irony.
An article up on Infowars.com from Kit Daniel, a poll shows that Romney's condemnation actually turned out to be a huge boost to Donald Trump.
And of course, we look at the fact that we're having the election today in Michigan, and Mitt Romney was governor of Michigan, but he couldn't even carry his home state against Barack Obama in the last presidential election.
Nevertheless, this poster child for failure, who ran twice, ran for eight years as president, didn't make the nomination the first time, second time he managed to get the nomination but couldn't go too far, fully a third of GOP voters say that it actually made them more likely to vote for Donald Trump when Mitt Romney criticized him, and those who voted for Romney in 2012.
30% of those said Romney's criticism of Trump made them more likely to support Donald Trump.
20% said less likely to support him.
48% said they could care less what Mitt Romney says.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Rob Due.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
They took my saddle in Houston, broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend somewhere along the way.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, this fourth hour.
Rob Dew is going to be doing most of the fourth hour.
He's going to be joining me in the next segment, and we're also going to have Richard Reeves call in and give us his take on the election from the road.
Before we do, I'm still amazed at this latest news story.
Jeb Bush's brother, Neil, of the savings and loan scandal, has now joined the crew's
Finance team.
Because who would you want other than somebody who has been involved in bank failures, implicated as being criminal in their nature.
And they point out in the Hill, they don't talk about his past experience with the failed savings and loans scandals or with Silverado Bank.
They say Neil Bush is a Houston area businessman.
He's just a businessman.
And he's a philanthropist who never waded into electoral politics as a candidate.
Yeah, there's a reason for that, okay?
But it's not something that's going to keep him away from Ted Cruz.
Look, the establishment has been quietly lining up behind Ted Cruz for a long time, especially the donor class.
We saw Sheldon Adelson, there was talk that he was torn.
He and his wife were torn as to who they would give tens of millions of dollars to.
Would they give it to Marco Rubio or would they give it to Ted Cruz?
And say, well, maybe both.
They've set this out so far.
I think because he didn't want to throw away his money and his access, possibly in the future, to a President Trump, feeling that Trump was too strong.
But now we're seeing a lot of the establishment, they see that Ted Cruz is their last hope.
And so they're coming up and saying, help me, Obi-Wan Raphael.
You are my only hope.
The only hope of the establishment.
You don't see the establishment coming out and attacking Ted Cruz.
They're all attacking Donald Trump because Ted Cruz, and I'll repeat it again, Ted Cruz will give them what they want.
He will give them their trade treaties.
He will give them the open borders.
I'm telling you, he will.
He's reversed his position on all these other issues and there's a lot of questions about where he was really on the Gang of Eight.
And you notice the Senator Sessions did not join and endorse Ted Cruz.
Okay, that was a major blow to Ted Cruz.
It was a major signal to us from somebody who knows these guys intricately, who has worked with Ted Cruz, who has worked with Donald Trump since August of last year.
Senator Sessions knows what these trade treaties are about.
He knows what the problem with the open border is about.
And he threw his support behind Donald Trump.
Now I want to play a clip of someone who entered into the race, a well-known pastor, author, Max Lucado, best-selling author, and he is very famous throughout the country.
And of course, I'm saying article after article why Max Lucado broke his political silence to criticize Donald Trump.
Here's what he had to say.
I felt really protective.
Of, uh, the reputation of, of, uh, of the church of Christ, of, uh, of what we stand for.
And, um, when Mr. Trump would call himself a Christian and then call someone a bimbo.
Or when he'd hold up a Bible one day and then make fun of a reporter's menstrual cycle the next, when he would be crude and almost barbaric.
Let me lay that out for you.
Max Lucado was silent when Bill Clinton was raping women in the White House.
He was silent when Hillary Clinton attacked his victims.
He was silent when George W. Bush took us to a war that killed
of multitudes of people that was based on lies about weapons of mass destruction.
He was silent when Michael Hayden and the CIA Bush administration tortured suspects, okay?
He was silent when Obama pursued a policy of assassination.
But the thing that brings the pastor out is when somebody calls someone a bimbo.
We just have to be decent, he says.
Let me tell you something.
A Christianity religion that is focused on decency
Is a religion that is going down the tubes.
Christianity is not about morality.
Christianity is not about making yourself improved.
That's how you sell Christian books.
You give people a five-step program, a seven-step program to being a better little Christian.
It's not about that.
It's about a relationship with Christ.
You don't want to push people away.
Christ admits words when he threw the banker's table over, when he called the Pharisees whitewashed supplicants because these were the people who were promoting morality.
In the last Democratic debate, we learned that there are no poor white people and that Hillary Clinton single-handedly saved the auto industry.
What will we learn this time around?
First, they wouldn't debate at all.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and I'm going to be talking to Rob Due.
We're going to turn over the fourth hour to Rob Due.
He is in our other studio.
Is that the Situation Room, Rob?
I can't remember what the names of these rooms are.
The Situation Room.
He's in the Situation, okay, and I'm in the other studio, wherever that is.
And Richard Reeves is going to be joining us as well.
I wanted to get Rob's take... I'm now in your studio.
That's right.
You're up there in the radio studio, the former radio studio.
I wanted to get Rob's take on
What I was just starting to talk about, Max Lucado, very well-known Christian author and pastor, he's now talking about decency for president.
And as I said in the last segment, I think you're in the dying throes of a man-made religion when decency and civility are what you're preaching.
You know, Jesus wasn't civil.
Jesus overthrew the table of the banksters of his day.
He beat them with a scourge of cords.
He called the Pharisees, who were preaching morality, he called them whitewashed sepulchers.
In other words, you guys look good on the outside, but you got the stench of death because you're preaching something that ain't gonna save you, okay?
It's not about getting your act cleaned up.
Okay, we need to understand that.
And when I look at this and he says, well, you know, I just had to break my silence after all these decades because he called Megyn Kelly a bimbo.
I guess, Rob, that makes me not a Christian either because I've said far worse than that about Megyn Kelly.
I've said that basically she's a political whore.
You can put lipstick on this New World Order agenda that she's selling people and you can come out and call yourself a moderator and use that dishonestly to attack people to be biased for the other side which is what we saw this last Thursday.
As you're slashing people with a straight razor politically.
That's what she was doing in that last debate.
She was really going for the jugular on Trump.
Oh yeah.
All of Fox News.
Because she's invested in the game personally at this point.
And yeah, for this guy to come out, I'd never really heard of him.
You know, and he's wondering why evangelicals support Trump.
I think a lot of evangelicals are common sense type people.
They're just, you know, good, honest, hardworking Americans.
And when they hear Trump talk about things that people can relate to that.
Good, honest, hardworking people relate to a guy who's hardworking.
I'm sure he's mostly honest in all of his deals, but I know to get to that level,
You know, I think you have to crack a few skulls, as they say, to get to the level that he's at.
I think one of the things that has bothered me about Ted Cruz's campaign, and again, Max Licato went on Glenn Beck's... Aside from the Bushes joining it, what else?
Yeah, exactly.
You know, Max Licato went on Glenn Beck's network to sell this, and of course the same program he had, Ted Cruz, they made no bones about the fact that they support Ted Cruz.
And when I look at Ted Cruz, he's out there showing his piety before men, okay?
Doing everything to essentially run as pastor-in-chief.
His wife says that Ted shows America the face of the God that we serve, okay?
So when you put somebody out here who says, look at me, vote for me, I'm a Christian, and then he does...
The kinds of things that he did at the Iowa caucus, for example.
The very first time there's a vote, what does Ted Cruz do?
He spreads lies and rumors about his chief competition, his fellow Christian, who he perceives to be his biggest competition in Iowa, where there's a big evangelical vote.
So what does he do?
20 minutes after a guy makes a statement that Ben Carson is going to be going to Florida instead of waiting to talk to people, and then says, and oh by the way, he clarified to me that he's not dropping out, 20 minutes before the caucuses started, those two tweets went out, then as the caucuses started, across all the caucuses, Ted Cruz and his surrogates were telling people, hey, vote for me, I'm the Christian in the race, Ben Carson has dropped out.
What does it say to people when you parade your piety in front of people, talk about how you're a Christian, vote for me because I'm a Christian, and then everybody sees the slander, the lies, the backbiting.
It is a stench.
It's why I can't stand about Ted Cruz and about Glenn Beck, because Glenn Beck is another one of these weepy revivalists who likes to get up in front of people and parade his piety around, and I am sick of it.
Maybe the two of them can go on the road and do an Elmer Gantry revival.
Yeah, and I just want to add one thing to this Neil Bush situation, him coming in.
He was also the same Neil Bush that was supposed to have dinner with John Hinckley Jr.'
's brother the day after Hinckley shot President Reagan.
That's true.
What a coincidence!
I hope somebody asks him about that.
I hope somebody asks him about that on the campaign trail if he's going to run around and parade around with Cruz.
Maybe we can get Richard Reeves back in there to show Jeb Bush that we're a real powerful group.
Remember when Jeb Bush said that?
InfoWars must be a powerful group.
Well of course Mitt Romney gave his anti-Trump speech at the Hinckley Institute out in Utah.
I don't know if that was a veiled threat, if there's some kind of connection to the Hinckley family or not.
But you know, one more thing about this Christian issue before we move off of it, and I think when I look at...
What Donald Trump has said, you know, I mean he talks about, you know, he clearly is a cultural Christian, okay?
He doesn't know a great deal about the Bible when people try to trip him up on that and give him trivia quizzes on it.
He talks about two Corinthians and so forth and so on, but what he said to people when he says, hey, I'm going to make sure that you can say
Merry Christmas.
What he's saying is, at a third grade level, so that an eight-year-old can understand this, I'm going to support your freedom of religion.
We have people who are saying that we're going to make you free from religion, okay?
And going back to the campaigns of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.
John Adams was telling everybody, Thomas Jefferson is going to take your Bible.
Make sure... And they had people burying their Bibles in their backyards because they thought that Thomas Jefferson was going to steal their Bible.
We've always seen that kind of fear mongering.
We've always seen that kind of demonization of people.
I think people understand that Donald Trump is a cultural Christian and that he is going to support your right to exercise your freedom of religion.
And I don't think they're looking for anything other than that from him.
And here's one other thing.
It really, really makes me angry again when I see Ted Cruz mocking him, when I see a pastor saying he's not a Christian because he calls somebody a bimbo.
They should be praying for him because he says he doesn't need forgiveness.
Instead of acting like a smarmy little guy at a Sunday school spelling bee who knows all the Bible verses and then as soon as Sunday school is out, he's bullying the kids in the classroom.
That's what I see from Ted Cruz, from Glenn Beck, and from Max Lucado.
And I am sick and tired of it.
It is phony.
It is a reproach to Christ.
You should be ashamed of yourself for talking about this.
Your comments, Rob.
Well, and I think that's why what Alex did on Sunday, going out and showing the people that are doing this 40 days for life, praying in front of the abortion clinic for 40 days.
People are doing it all over the country.
I think, you know, that's the type of... We're a Christian nation.
When in Rome, we say Merry Christmas.
You know, you can't...
You can't go to Germany, although the Muslims are doing it now, saying you can't have Oktoberfest and eat pork sausage because we don't like it.
That's right.
Well, get out of Germany!
That's it!
Go somewhere else.
Go somewhere where, and form your own country, or stay in your own country and make it better.
That's right.
Or make it worse, which is what they seem to be doing.
He's standing up for cultural Christianity, he's standing up for the freedom of religion, and then they want to troll him on his trivia contest.
He doesn't put the commas in the right spot.
That's right.
It's total ridiculous, but it's the people lining up, the more established people keep lining up behind Trump, which makes me, you know, I haven't endorsed him yet, but out of all the people out there, I could definitely, if that many people hate him in the establishment, it makes me like him even more.
Yeah, and we need to understand too that of course one of the things that he's doing, and I wish he would tone down the rhetoric personally, I think it would help him if he would tone down the rhetoric, and I don't like to hear it myself either, but he's pushing back against political correctness.
And we need to understand that Jesus wasn't politically correct either.
He called people some really bad stuff, okay?
And so we don't need to hold civility up as if it is the pinnacle of the Christian religion.
It's not!
It's not about being civil, okay?
It's about having a relationship with Jesus.
It's not about setting up some kind of a moral code with all this stuff.
And so that's the thing that I really find troubling and understand that if the religious right starts on its political correctness crusade, I mean, we are done.
You've already got the left out there with their political correctness and their microaggressions.
Are we now going to have these Glitterbug pastors, these Megabucks authors, are they going to come out here and start setting up their own microaggressions towards Christianity?
We're going to define Christianity by microaggressions of other people?
Come on, give me a break!
And then you got all the normal people stuck in the center going, geez, I can't say a word.
I just better look straight ahead and not say anything because it'll be deemed either anti-Christian or anti-Muslim or anti-transgender or anti, you know, subhuman particle, whatever.
I can't say a word.
And that's what you're going to get.
We need to understand freedom of speech was closely tied to freedom of religion.
That's why they're both in the First Amendment.
So, of all people, Christian pastors should be supporting people's freedom of speech.
And he says, well, I have a lot of people telling me I'm a pastor.
Just butt out.
I'm not saying that.
We have talked over and over again about how pastors should stand up and get involved politically and talk to their flock and protect their flock.
OK, we have Pulpit Freedom Sunday that goes on every year saying the IRS is not going to put a gag order on people.
It's unconstitutional to do that.
I am all in favor of pastors speaking out.
But when you speak out, speak out and understand you're going to get some criticism if you hold up the wrong principles.
If you support people who come out and parade their piety and then stab people in the back.
That's all I'm saying.
Well, you know, just to venture from that point and then get into Richard Reeves here, he's got some interesting Ted Cruz news.
I got an article here from professional troublemaker Jonathan Corbett, who we've had on the show before.
Fully brief, can the TSA force you to speak to fly home?
This is an incident where he went up to the TSA agent and they started asking him questions and he didn't say nothing.
He just looked right at him.
And they were told he wouldn't be allowed to board the flight without cooperating with a security interview.
So he filed suit against them.
Oh, so now it's not just the Fourth Amendment, but the Fifth Amendment as well.
Yeah, and this is sort of a First Amendment issue.
If you have a freedom of speech, don't you have the freedom not to speak as well?
So it kind of all ties in.
So, you know, the government from all angles is coming after you.
But I think we do have Richard Greaves now, locked and loaded.
I think he's in Dallas right now.
Where are you, Richard?
I'm actually over here in the Fort Worth area.
I'm visiting my mom.
But real important stuff, real quick.
This past Sunday on Meet the Press, we had Lindsey Graham come on there and say he received a phone call from Ted Cruz.
So, confirmed right there out of Lindsey Graham's own mouth.
Was he asking him out on a date?
Well, sort of, yes.
A political date for sure.
Then we had the appearance by Glenn Beck on this week with George Stephanopoulos.
I call him George Snuffleupagus.
And, you know, what are the odds that Glenn Beck's really going to pop on George Snuffleupagus's show?
If it's not too chill.
Hey Richard, stay there.
We're going to let you get back to it in one second.
This is the fourth hour of Overdrive.
I'm your host Rob Duke.
I've got David Knight in the War Room.
I'm in the Situation Room.
Richard Rees in Fort Worth.
We're all over the place.
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Fresh off the desk from Paul Joseph Watson over in the UK, social justice warriors demand their own indoctrination college, Power to Fire Cops.
I'm sorry, to combat white supremacy.
And these people all probably follow around Bernie Sanders thinking there's no poor white people and every white person is a white devil.
As we've heard Minister Farrakhan say in the past.
I was actually watching a video of him today.
He did call Rubio a white devil.
I think he called him a smart devil.
That was pretty funny.
He was talking about all the Republican candidates at the end of February.
I do watch a little more Farrakhan these days after going there and doing the two-hour-plus interview with him and also having a dinner with him.
It was very interesting, culturally enlightening and whatnot.
They're very nice people and changed my perception of them.
Still got Richard Reeves on the line.
David Knight has taken off.
He's also going to be
He'll be probably popping in tonight on the Nightly News.
Liam McAdoo is going to be running that.
We'll be looking at some of the live updates of some of these poll closings.
I think at 7 p.m.
we're going to see Michigan close.
I had that article up a second ago.
And what were the other ones?
Then we got Hawaii as well.
That doesn't close until 12 a.m.
So we won't know who wins that one until the end of the day.
But Richard, finishing up with Ted Cruz, you said you had some new information.
Well, I've got a total evaluation on the whole thing.
What we are is, imagine, there's an old movie back from the 70s called Fantastic Voyage, where the people are shrunken down, they're put into like a spaceship-type vehicle, they're shrunken down into a super-miniaturized state where they're injected into a human body, and you can imagine what it would be like to be in that circumstance.
Well, here we are, picture ourselves shrunken down and we're put into a political
The internal guts of a Rolex watch is what we've got going on.
So what it is, is let's rewind a little bit.
Let's go back to two Thursdays ago in Houston, Texas, when they had that debate, when Marco Rubio jumped way out of character and broke the quorum.
Okay, I should have been able to recognize at the time.
I thought to myself, man, that ain't right.
That is just not right.
Because here's the thing, that 25 to 30 percent of the establishment vote
They are dead set.
Man, you can have the most perfect policy stance on all the issues.
Constitutionalist, conservative, right to life, you name it.
But if you're out of decorum, that established 30% will not vote for you.
They will not.
So I think Marco Rubio is strategic by the establishment.
Hey, Marco, pick a fight.
Break decorum.
Make Trump break decorum.
So, the establishment faction, they won't go to Trump, they won't go to Marco, but who will they go to?
They'll go to the guy with the decorum, and the best guy with decorum, you can arguably say Kasich is, but Ted Cruz is who they're really trying to point this establishment vote to, and they've succeeded.
Because, for instance, in Stupor Tuesday,
Cruz only lost, delegate-wise, only lost by 11 delegates.
Only 11 delegates separated Super Tuesday's results.
Remember how big a deal they made?
Oh, Donald Trump won all these states.
Yes, Trump won the majority of states, but because of Texas and the proportionality and how that all broke out,
Ted Cruz only lost Super Tuesday by 11 delegates.
Worse than that, look at Saturday.
Ted Cruz won the delegate count on this past Saturday.
Yeah, he did beat him.
He beat him by about 20 or 30.
So Mitt Romney coming out, he didn't endorse Ted Cruz, he gave him the backhand endorsement.
He said, hey, anybody but Trump, anybody but Trump.
Well, the establishment guys, they're smart enough to figure it out.
And Ted Cruz says it over and over and over.
I'm the only one that can beat Trump.
I'm the only one that can beat Trump.
I'm the only one that can beat Trump.
Well, guess what?
The orders have come down to headquarters.
The establishment, I mean, look, Marco Rubio was down in 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 percent in several states Saturday.
And it's not because we now have 80 percent of the
Republican electorate ready to vote, anti-establishment.
Folks, I would love to be able to tell you that 80% are ready to do that.
I think that number is 70%.
I think the establishment is using their 30% to play amongst the candidates.
I heard today on Fox News, Robocalls by Romney in support of Kasich in Ohio, Robocalls pro-Rubio in support of Rubio in Florida.
All they need to do, Richard, is get 15%, get Rubio to 15%, and he steals some delegates.
That's it.
So if Trump wins first place, he doesn't get those delegates that would have gone to Rubio.
So all they've got to do is shave a couple points here and there to give Rubio that 15%, you know, in a distant third place with these guys.
But Rob, here's the deal in Florida.
Florida is a winner-take-all state.
You can win by one single vote, you get all the delegates.
What the deal is, is the New World Order has their political calipers out looking at Florida.
I think they're actually looking at potentially having Marco Rubio step out of this race before Florida, and that would make Cruz most likely, Cruz might be able to take Florida then because that vote will go to Cruz.
And if you're watching on screen right now, I'm actually showing a video of what the Republican calipers, the New Order calipers look like.
We actually have actual video of this.
A lot of gears moving around, nothing really going on, but a lot, it looks like there's a lot going on, but not really much is going on.
It's a pretty interesting video somebody sent in this morning.
Well, the big tell is going to be, alright, what is Marco Rubio's decorum?
Because if he goes, he can go back and forth on decorum.
Hey, I'll let you finish up right after this.
We'll be right back.
The Empire's on the run.
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I'm going to let Richard Reese finish up in a second, but I do want to give out the number.
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So Richard, finishing up, I know you gotta go, finish up on what's going on with this, uh, circling the wagons around the Ted Cruz camp that seems to be going on right now.
That's right.
It is going on right now.
That doesn't mean it's going to stay that way.
It just means that that's the way they get to a contested convention, potentially.
But I think they're also scratching their heads thinking, you know what?
We might be able to deal with Cruz.
We might be able to work with Cruz.
He is the lesser of two evils from their perspective.
Donald Trump is the most hated by the NWO, by the establishment, by the donor class.
Ted Cruz is second.
So there's having discussions, I'm sure.
And let me tell you, watch Florida, watch Marco Rubio's decorum over this next week, because it's like David Knight reported earlier in the program, where Marco had an event in Florida, evidently yesterday, and only 300 folks turned up.
So, you know, he may have, what they may have done is kind of like Chris Christie,
Got into that big fight in New Hampshire against Marco.
He ended up, hey, he got some licks in.
Marco got taken down a little bit.
Chris Christie went up a little bit, but in the long run, Chris Christie got knocked out over that deal.
Marco may have been the kamikaze, the torpedo that came in to help take down Trump.
They put the forces of the establishment behind Cruz, and then you see what's happening right now in the delegate count.
Cruz literally, with Super Tuesday and Saturday, if you combine those two days of voting,
Cruz leads the delegate count for those two days, so it's a very dangerous situation.
We have to expose everything they're doing, and that's why we're talking about this.
Ted Cruz opened up 10 or 11
Headquarter offices in Florida.
Ted Cruz headquarter offices in Florida.
So he's not doing that because he thinks he's going to get close.
He's not doing that because he thinks he's getting second place.
He's not doing that because he thinks he's going to get third.
You do that because you think you're going to win.
Yeah, because that's a winner-take-all state.
And now that Jeb Bush, he's the former governor of Florida, has jumped in with him.
I mean, I think you could even see a Cruz-Bush ticket at this point.
If Cruz wins the nomination, thanks to Jeb Bush's help,
I don't
And then ultimately in 1988, he did.
He did become president.
So yes, it's a very dangerous situation.
Ted Cruz, I think he's looking for a win in Florida.
So the key is we got to watch Marco day to day.
Right now, he may pull the plug on his own campaign.
I'm sure if he'll respond to a tap on the shoulder.
He's too small to play with electricity.
He can't do that.
Well, he has proven that he'll do what the orders from headquarters are.
Now, here, I'm not going to bring up just problems and say, all right, well, what do you do, Trump?
No, you've got to move.
Some things that Trump could talk about is he's been in Michigan, he's seen what's going on in Michigan with the trade situation, all the de-industrialization of Michigan.
This is a perfect opportunity for Donald Trump to speak to his forte, which is jobs.
I think?
No, well here's the terminology.
Let's call it, let's call it not free trade, it's despoiling trade policies, predatory trade policies, piratical trade policies, vulture trade policies.
That's what we really have right now.
That's what we've had.
Michigan's a perfect example.
Donald Trump should be saying, hey, most states, with a few exceptions, most states are going to be heading
Right into the Michigan status if we don't do something about trade, if we don't correct it, if we don't get good trade deals for our country.
So I think that's one positive thing Donald Trump can do.
Another thing he can do is Donald Trump rarely, if any time, talks about the Constitution.
I think Ted Cruz voters, a lot of them, they're scared of Trump because he doesn't talk about the Constitution.
I think there's a there's a good block of five or ten percent of Ted Cruz voters that would readily come to Trump
If he'll just talk about First Amendment.
I know he's done a great job on Second Amendment.
Talk about Tenth Amendment.
Talk about all the amendments.
Talk about the Bill of Rights.
Talk about the Constitution.
Talk about the Declaration of Independence.
Get a copy of a pocket Constitution.
Take out and use some of those great, terrific quotes in that book.
I think there's a block of voters that he can snag away from Cruz, which if Rubio drops out of Florida, he's going to need to snag 5 or 10% of Ted Cruz voters.
Now, another block of voters that Trump can tap into, and I knew he could tap into it in the general election, but at this point, this is a red alert.
I think he needs to tap into them now.
And that is the Bernie faction.
Surprise, surprise, surprise.
There's part of the splitter strategy that the New World Order's been running is Bernie Sanders is the anti-establishment of the left.
Well, guess what?
When Bernie, which he's already politically lost, I think Donald Trump should come out on all his media appearances and his speeches.
He should talk about, wow, the Democrat primary is so rigged.
Bernie's politically done.
You know, you guys, I'm the top anti-establishment candidate.
You can head my way.
Now, that has to be politically done.
It has to be masterfully done, artfully done, because if he does it the wrong way, the Republican establishment will crucify him even more.
But, you know, who knows?
That may backfire like so many things have backfired.
Well, basically everything, every attack has backfired, it seems, so far.
This Cruz attack may be the one that hits, but what you've got this Thursday, there's going to be a chance for Trump to come out and say that.
Because we'll see in this next day how Bernie's doing, and then there's a Democratic debate on Wednesday, which they may even cancel at this point.
Although, at this point in time, we are scheduled, if you guys put that graphic in there, we're scheduled to air the Democratic debate like we normally do with our live analysis.
We'll be doing that.
We haven't done a Democratic debate.
They're so easy to tear apart and just see the lies that they're spewing at us.
So it really is disgusting what they're doing to the country and what they want to do.
Believe me folks, you can't get everything for free no matter what.
Richard Reeves, thanks for joining us with all your insight.
Are you going to be traveling to Miami?
Well, I'll probably be heading to Florida real soon, but I got a couple quick points.
I'll tell you what, there's one thing that scares the New World Order, the globalists, more than
Millions of patriots here in the United States, and that one thing is millions of patriots that are networked and organized.
So on the Alex Jones Channel, they need to watch that video, how to take your country back from the elite, become a delegate, because let me tell you, it doesn't matter how we end up doing in this presidential race or not, it's something that has to happen.
We need to take over one of the wings of the left-right paradigm, and then we can start raising some real havoc against the NWO, whether Trump wins or not.
So, I tell you,
Trump pulled voters from Cruz by talking about the Constitution and other liberty issues like that.
Pulled votes from Bernie by exposing the fact that the Democrat establishment has already rigged theirs for Hillary, that you're ready to fight Hillary.
And a key thing about Ted Cruz that has occurred over the last few debates, it was when Bush was still in,
That convinced me that Trump was the guy, is Trump went head on, talked about the 28 pages of 9-11.
I watched to see the reaction of the other Republican candidates.
They all, none of them got on the high wire with Donald Trump on that issue.
None of them!
And Ted Cruz, as a matter of fact, went into the neocon speak of, oh, Donald Trump's acting like Michael Moore and he's like a leftist talking about 9-11.
So Ted Cruz has proven he won't take on the 9-11 truth, and therefore I think him taking on the New World Order, forget about it.
I totally agree.
Thanks for joining us, Richard.
Richard Reeves in Fort Worth on the road and doing a great job, especially submarining.
I think single-handedly helped submarine the Jeb Bush campaign.
Well, we'll just keep that between us because we're a real powerful group, as Jeb Bush said.
Hey, let's go to some callers.
I got Leslie in Texas.
She's a new listener.
She has some feedback for us.
Leslie, go ahead.
How long you been listening?
Um, I think since November.
I really got interested whenever Trump came in because I support him but I love how you guys keep it real.
I love how you disagree with some things that he says and you agree with other things that he says.
I really like that and I really appreciate that and I want to thank you guys and I really love Richard Reeves.
Well, right on.
You really have to keep an open mind with all these candidates.
I was really pulling for Rand Paul.
I was a big Ron Paul fan.
Gave to both campaigns in 2008 and 2012.
But, you know, Rand just doesn't quite have the chutzpah.
And he doesn't have the longevity and the track record that his dad had.
So I don't think you're ever going to see.
Ron Paul is one of a kind.
But go ahead.
Is that all you had to say?
Well yeah, basically I just wanted to thank you guys and I just really appreciate everything you do.
Alright, well we appreciate you for listening.
Spread the word.
Ben in, is that Montana or Missouri?
He wants to talk about the election.
Go ahead Ben.
Hey, how's it going dude?
How are you doing?
I'm doing great.
Well, basically the thing that I wanted to say about the election is that I've noticed more and more that the Ted Cruz syndicate, the Ted Cruz faction, they are almost as bad as the left.
I mean, these people
They get on Facebook, they get on all the message boards and talk about, you know, how Trump is Hitler this and Trump doesn't know that.
And it's like, I mean, do people not understand that whenever Cruz has a controversial vote, where he might step on the toes of the banksters that control him, that he misses that vote?
And that's the only reason why he has a 98% rating on Breitbart versus Rand Paul's 97% liberty rating on Breitbart?
I mean, I will never understand why anybody thinks this used car salesman, Ted Cruz, is going to do anything for the country.
And furthermore... The guy barely smiles.
Yeah, go ahead.
I really don't... I don't think that he could beat Hillary Clinton.
I don't think that it would even be close.
Because he's so empty.
And Trump's got a legitimate chance.
I'm going to go to the rally here on Friday here in St.
I'm really excited about it.
We'll see what happens.
I also think that Trump might spell the end of our two-party system.
At least that's my hope.
And that was predicted by Gerald Salente, actually, for this election cycle.
He came out and said, you're going to see a third party happen during this election cycle.
And we still got a long way to go.
So if they kick Trump out, maybe he goes third party and he builds on that popular support.
He says he won't, but maybe enough people getting out there, showing up at these rallies will force him to do it.
So shoot some video of that rally.
Well, they're coming out for him now.
People raise their hand.
Guys, shouldn't be raising my hand.
This is not a Hitler salute.
This is raising your hand when you say, I agree.
I'm going to vote for you, Donald Trump.
And they want to say that that is Hitlerian.
If people raise their hands and agree that they're going to, he goes, promise you're going to vote for me.
And they all raise their hands.
Suddenly it's Hitler salutes.
It's total Batville.
And they got people.
On all the networks proclaiming this, but let's look at what they do, what happens with the networks when they're dealing with their establishment, their candidates like Hillary Clinton.
Hot Mike, MSNBC reporter tells Clinton campaign what questions to expect.
There it is right there, Kit Daniels article, I'm going to ask you about Flint, the reporter told the campaign ahead of time.
What happens, what happens to a reporter just asking a question and not going, hey, I'm going to ask you about this.
Wait, hold on, hold on.
OK, we're going to go live in a second here.
Here it is.
Let's let's roll that video.
This is how the mainstream media works, people.
If you don't believe me, here it is.
See for yourself.
Much we go right to Kristen Welker.
Kristen, go ahead.
He's OK.
And I'm asking about Flynn.
Kristen, go ahead.
You're live.
Kristen Welker in the spin room.
I believe she has a communications director with her.
Go ahead, Kristen.
Okay, thank you.
I think this is his last question.
Literally, it's the spin room.
She couldn't quite hear me before.
Can you hear me now?
If you can, go ahead.
Hey Ari, I'm here with communications director... Yay, she finally got it.
We're going to ask you about Flint.
So Jen, your initial reaction to tonight's debate?
Very fiery.
Very fiery, also very substantive.
I think it was probably the most substantive... It was.
Go ahead and we can cut that clip.
Yeah, very substantive.
Hillary Clinton got up and said no company out there has absolute immunity.
When she's talking about the gun makers, except for the vaccine industry, didn't want to say that, because Democrats all believe that everybody needs to get their vaccines.
Let's go to Charles in Georgia.
Let's talk about Trump.
Hey, how you doing, Mr. Roddu?
It's a pleasure to be on the show.
Well, thanks for calling in.
What do you got to say?
You guys have been doing a fab- Let me just start off by saying you guys have been doing a fabulous job covering the presidential campaign, along with covering Donald Trump and all the corruption that he's been trying to- that he's been facing.
I'm gonna pray for him after I finish talking with you guys about this, because y'all have been doing a fabulous job.
And by the way, we believe that Barack Obama has something to do with the death
I don't know.
Let me, I would like to share a film with you guys at Infowars.com and all the Infowars audience.
I figured you might be the man for me to talk to.
You're a man that I can picture myself sitting down at a bar drinking a beer with and everything.
But the name of the film, you can go to our YouTube channel, The Nation of Truth, and see
The great harlot empire of false religion and philosophies.
I like the fact you guys were talking about death cults and the Illuminati.
I figured I would give you a call and then share that film with you and the rest of the InfoWars audience.
I'm at the Nation of Truth.
You have a big pyramid on there that says Wake Up.
Is that your channel?
Yes, sir.
It says, you are not free.
It's the great harlot empire of false religion and philosophy, part one.
This is part one of three and it's two hours and 54 minutes.
You guys are crazy.
Look at that.
Sounds like a seven hour film.
It's nothing but the truth.
It's nothing but the truth.
Non-stop truth that we want to share with you guys.
We hope you guys support it.
We hope the audience supports it.
Alright, hey, we'll be right back.
Stay on the line, Charles.
I want to finish up with you when you come back.
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I think so.
Our caller in the last segment was Charles.
He's still holding over.
He's telling us about his, I'm sorry, it's an eight-hour opus called The Great Harlot Empire of False Religion and Philosophies.
I'm just amazed that you could put something together like that, and that's the great thing about YouTube.
You can just put your stuff out.
It's only been out for a few days.
I haven't watched it, so I can't endorse it, but they do have another
Another video on there, The Untold Truth About Cannabis, and usually you don't see this with religious groups and marijuana.
They usually say, don't touch it, don't look at it, but they look like they're coming from the view of, hey, this is God's plant, God don't make mistakes, is what we had.
Also, Representative Simpson here, a state rep, who said, we should make this legal in Texas.
God didn't make a mistake when he made this plant.
Now I want to do a quick correction, then I'm going to let Charles finish up with one last statement, any statements he's got.
Yesterday I was talking about Neil Bush, and then I was looking at the Bush clan, and I saw that one of them looked like they had married a Koch brother.
And apparently, or a member of the Koch family.
That's wrong.
I actually got an email, this is how wide-reaching this show is, from Patrick Cook, who's a 32-year-old musician.
Yeah, George Patrick Cook.
And he's the blood nephew of Robert Cook, who's the president of the Wine Institute, who's married to Dorothy Bush Cook.
That's his aunt by marriage.
And he has some interesting things to say.
I'm not going to read the whole email.
But he doesn't really agree with the Bush family dynasty at all.
But it's interesting how wide-reaching this is.
So he sent me an email saying, hey, it's not a Koch brother, it's actually a Cook brother.
So a little correction on that.
George, finish up.
You got anything else to say?
Parting words, you made an eight-hour film.
How does that make you feel?
It makes me feel wonderful, especially if I could share it with InfoWars.com and the InfoWars audience, and I hope you guys tune in to it, the audience all over the world, people.
We dedicated the film to Christians that are suffering under the hands of communist governments and Islamic terrorists, and this film is dedicated to all of our Christian brothers and sisters in America and all around the world.
We felt that we had the need, guided by the Holy Spirit of God,
To make this film, to dedicate this film to all of our brothers and sisters, including yourself, you guys at Infowars.com.
I love y'all so much and all the great work that you do.
Donald Trump, I support him.
I love him.
And he's doing a fabulous job, even though he's being persecuted in the same way us Christians are by the left.
You know Charles, I was watching the news today just in our break room and they're still having a debate on whether Christians are being genocided in the Middle East.
Even though they show systematic everyday Christians being beheaded, Christians being killed by ISIS, and they don't want to say it's genocide yet.
They don't want to come out and say that.
They're afraid to say it, because then we might start looking at these situations differently, especially with how we're dealing with those problems in the Middle East.
Thanks for calling.
We did plug.
We showed your YouTube channel up there, so people go and watch that.
Terry, in Minnesota, got a couple minutes left.
What's on your mind?
Yeah, OK, listen, I don't know if you know who the elect are.
OK, this is a strip show.
But you guys talked about the left.
I saw the Bohemian movie that Alex made yesterday.
And, um, this all started on the first Thursday.
This is all scriptural.
Um, when you got 12 billion souls, uh, that God created.
One third of the stars of heaven follow the tail of the serpent.
You got 4 billion kids that went after Satan, kind of like, you know, like Obama or, uh, you know, a different candidate, basically.
Um, and, and so you can't wonder what, what's going on with these people.
This is who they are.
You know, your soul has never had a break in it.
You come through the womb, you come through the bag of waters, right?
You're still the same person.
And you talk about Trump, for instance.
Okay, people couldn't figure out, and I heard Hannity pulling his head out.
How Obama got, you know, basically, in there, basically.
You know what I'm saying?
It's because he fits the plan of God.
He's a negative plan of God.
He's bringing people to the forefront.
You've got Trump in there.
People are scratching their heads about how everything is defied because, guess what?
God and Trump make a majority.
You understand?
Father is in control.
I'm gonna stop you there Terry.
We're out of time.
Thanks for calling in.
Sorry to Frank and Charles didn't get to you.
This is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Radio Show.
Tune in Infowars.com forward slash show and tonight 7 p.m.
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