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Name: 20160229_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 29, 2016
3385 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics such as leap year history, radical Islamic terrorism, environmental issues, and presidential primaries in the United States. He promotes his product Survival Shield X2 which improved his digestive system after gallbladder removal. Senator Jeff Sessions endorsed Donald Trump, and Jones shares thoughts on the upcoming Super Tuesday primary contest. InfoWarsStore.com advertises a 30% discount on all products with free shipping during Leap Year Special. Harry Dent's book "The Demographic Cliff" predicts potential devastation to world economy and personal wealth. Slingbow.com offers high-quality slingshots and sling bows for hunters, anglers, campers, and survivalists. InfidelBodyArmor.com urges purchase for industry-leading body armor designed in the USA. DefenderShield blocks 100% EMF radiation from mobile devices at $64.99, using promo code GCN for a 10% discount. Big Berkey water filters remove various contaminants and are the gold standard in water purification. FEMA may add ammonia to water supplies, but Big Berkey filters keep chloramine out. Controversial video at 123fema.com reveals the number one item to hoard in a crisis. Jones criticizes Fox News' negative influence on Trump's campaign and emphasizes the importance of using nascent iodine for detoxification. He also comments on current events such as refugee crises, accusations of racism against him, Marco Rubio attacking Donald Trump's physical appearance, Jeb Bush's assassinations, and hypocritical environmental activists like

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is the event that only happens every four years.
And I'm not talking about the presidential election of 2016.
That only happens once, but every four years.
It is leap year today.
It is leap day year.
And I think we might break down some of the history of that coming up today because it is so interesting to see how, based on the sun,
Our entire planet, our life, and our culture is.
But this is the one day that comes around every four years.
It is leap year.
And it is that day when they balance out the orbit of the Earth.
Every year the planet orbits the Sun in 365 days and one quarter day.
And so every four years they combine those quarters together to have the leap day from the leap year.
And here we are.
And it goes back to the Gregorian calendar and the Romans and right through when they change the calendar again.
George Washington was born on my birthday, February 11th, but then when they changed the calendar again and added leap year, it moved up the day he was born four days.
So again, it's all interesting little factoids.
I kind of wish that George Washington's birthday was still on mine, but don't worry, Burt Reynolds has the same birthday, so everything's okay.
And Smokey and the Bandit.
Let's get serious.
We have got so much to get to today.
A very powerful report by Leanne McAdoo on what's happened with Apple.
We've also have Diamonds and Silk joining us, who are big supporters of Donald Trump.
We have a in-studio guest, a lady from Colombia, Miriam Witcher, who is a big supporter.
And Paul Joseph Watson is going to be hosting, coming up in the fourth hour today.
Wow, we have got a lot of radical Islamic news where the hordes are running around raping, burning, killing, chopping children's heads off.
And the left is basically saying how quaint, how cute.
Boy, they hate Western civilization and people's rights and liberties just as much as we do.
Maybe more.
Misery loves company.
Please cuckold me, chop my head off.
I mean, these are sicko freaks.
We're going to be getting into that.
The Oscars with Leonardo DiCaprio.
Man, he did such a great job as Howard Hughes.
He did such a great job in The Reverend.
He does such a great job in so many movies.
What's that one where he's a con artist with the airlines?
I mean, he just... Catch me if you can.
I really like Leonardo DiCaprio.
That's why...
It's why I know he's a snot-nosed fake at many levels, and I've been told this by a lot of people that know him.
The same thing with Matt Damon, all of them.
They all know it's a sick joke.
They all know all this liberal stuff is pure bull.
Ben Affleck as well.
And they just go along with all the baloney to stay in the power structure.
And it would have been nice to hear him get up there and not say, global warming, climate change, you know, pay your carbon taxes, when he flies around on wide-body jets all day.
If the NYSERM say, the real environmental crises is cross-species genetic engineering, and in the United States, MIT reports, thousands of farms are growing human-animal hybrids.
I know this sounds crazy, but look into it.
We're losing our humanity.
The press would have looked into it.
It'd be the top story in America today.
We could do something about the dehumanization.
But no.
There's the one fake environmental issue that we're supposed to all care about.
And then obsess on that all day and not the thousands of real crisis level issues.
Crisis level issues like humanoids gestating in the bellies of cows, pigs, sheep, in the uterus, in utero.
That's just one egregious thing.
Imagine if he was bold.
Imagine if he was outside the box.
What a shame.
And Buckley hung out with him just last year.
I need to call Buckley in here and just slap him around a little bit.
I'm joking.
I said, he goes, oh, we were just hanging out.
I want to talk politics.
You know what?
We got to talk politics.
And Leonardo DiCaprio?
You know what, Leonardo DiCaprio?
I'm thinking of some stunt to shame you in doing the right thing.
Shock poll!
Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York.
That's right.
Polling data shows Hillary Clinton could lose New York, a Democratic stronghold, to Donald Trump, as the GOP frontrunner gains broad support across party lines.
The poll results from Democratic and Republican legislative races have surprised virtually all the leading Democrats who have endorsed Clinton, while also energizing GOP leaders who are now warming up to Trump.
And the results found that Clinton has higher negative ratings with New York voters than Trump, despite the fact she served as a New York senator.
Some of the polls also found much stronger loyalty amongst Trump's potential voters than along Clinton's, a finding that mirrors the record-breaking GOP turnouts in state primaries so far.
In other words, Trump supporters will actually show up to the voting booth.
This past weekend, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions endorsed Trump during a campaign rally.
During the rally, Sessions lashed out at the Trans-Pacific Partnership and promised that amnesty will not be granted to illegals during a Trump presidency.
This is Kit Daniels reporting for InfoWars.com.
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This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We are less than 24 hours out from the most important primary contest for the Republicans or the Democrats.
That's Super Tuesday.
Many of the states, in fact all the states, are not winner-take-all.
Donald Trump is set to get about double the delegates of the two competitors, Marco Rubio and of course Ted Cruz.
And quite frankly, I'd take either one of those over a Hillary Clinton or a Bernie Sanders.
And I don't like seeing the infighting, but it's gotta happen.
It's the electoral process.
One of the most honorable U.S.
Senators, not just living, but that I've known of, is Senator Sessions, who has tried to block the TPP, tried to block carbon taxes, been censored, or attempted to be censored by the Senate, when they try to keep immigration open border bills secret, which is really North American Union by stealth integration, according to the TPP's own admissions, and the NAU's own admissions.
That's North American Union, by the way.
And to have his endorsement for Donald Trump yesterday in Alabama to a crowd of 35,000 inside the gates, another 10,000 that couldn't get in, that's 45,000 estimated by the Alabama State Police and the Associated Press.
The fact that he's come out and endorsed and in his speech talked about making America great again and in other speeches saying it's time to crush the oligarchs.
What a crowd this is!
I told Donald Trump, this isn't a campaign, this is a movement.
Look at what's happening.
The American people are not happy with their government.
So some say, you know, you just need to let the people calm down a little bit and they'll forget it and let it all go.
Should we forget it?
No, we should not.
There is an opportunity this year.
And we have the opportunity.
We have an opportunity Tuesday.
And then he goes on to say to make America great again and to crush the oligarchs and puts the red make America great again red hat on.
We'll play the full clip later in the broadcast.
But to have a senator talking about crushing the oligarchs that have stolen our country and make America great again really scares the power structure.
And here's the big secret, and I've talked about it a lot, but we need to hammer it.
America and Europe and Latin America, Asia, you name it, have all been conquered by multinational, above-the-law, tax-exempt Fortune 100 companies that are establishing planetary world government, where they themselves are exempt from taxes and regulations.
He went on, I'm reading the transcript,
To say we will take back control from, quote, the masters of the universe, the oligarchs.
This is the real essence of defeating these people.
We really have been taken over by infiltration.
We really are seeing the European Union, the North American Union, and now the Asian Pacific Union merging together.
Outside of law, with traders in our own governments transferring power out of the United States, out of Europe, out of countries like Germany and Brazil and Canada, it's all being put into a world corporate government.
And to have Sessions talking about oligarchs, and Trump talking about masters of the universe, and how we're taking back control from the technocrats, it's game over.
Because when you point out the politicians are bought and paid for, you actually point out who the real special interests are.
And now they made deals to transfer our entire industry, the biggest industrial industry in the world, and sold it off to Communist China.
And then they made deals to control the profits off of it after they sold it to China.
And using those poor Chinese as literal slaves.
Not improving their lives.
Forcing 500 million rural people off the land into compact cities.
To chain their children up on light poles and fences and they get one meal a day and daddy comes out of the factory after 17 hours working and they live in a tent with mommy and the three-year-old eating one meal a day with toxic waste dumped directly in the river.
How will we compete with the regulations and the EEOC and the political correctness and all the ninnying against something like that?
China is the economic engine to undercut everything, blow out world economies.
It is not free market.
It is a race to the bottom, a giant sucking sound to quote Ross Perot who was dead on right.
Regardless what you think happened in that election, Ross Perot was dead on right.
He said, listen here, within one year of Canada opening up their border to the United States, not Mexico, they went from the average $27 an hour for a factory worker to $15 an hour.
That's because our average was $15 an hour.
Mexico is under $1 an hour.
If you look at those metrics, we're going to see our wages drop to $10 or lower an hour.
And with all the regulations here in the United States, there won't be any jobs.
They'll leave.
You're about to see a giant second sound.
And Al Gore went, ha ha ha, this is a good deal, Larry!
Remember those clips we played many times?
You're gonna see your money go up!
And so the very people that have sold globalism, the very people that have engineered this calamity, are now selling us on the next phase.
And that's why Donald Trump is such a no-brainer to see the Communist Chinese government come out against him.
Vicente Fox come out against him.
The British government come out and say we may ban him from traveling here and, you know, shut down his golf course in Scotland.
The Democratic Party, Obama saying he's ineligible as if he's God, Hillary, the Republican leadership, the Koch brothers, $75 million last Thursday in that Republican meeting in New York, we now know, to target Donald Trump.
He comes out against vaccines and says they're dangerous.
He comes out and exposes Saudi Arabia and 9-11 and the Bushes and the Clintons.
He comes out and exposes NAFTA and GATT.
He comes out and exposes the private Federal Reserve.
I mean, what more do you want?
It's incredible.
And then people sit back and they go, oh, I'm going to do what the mainstream media says.
I'm going to play it safe and say I don't like Trump.
When he's the people's champion.
Is he perfect?
Is he an angel?
Could he betray us?
But we know this isn't a put on by the establishment.
They are pulling out the stops.
And remember Roger Stone a few months ago, he said over and over again, they're going to claim mafia ties.
They're gonna claim he's racist, all the rest of it.
And sure enough, I was watching Fox this morning and then I tuned to CNN and MSNBC, because I just went ahead and did elliptical for about 30 minutes and then worked out.
And on every channel, they had this town hall columnist on on Fox and the other two women on there.
And they're sitting there and they all go, well it's well known he has mafia connections, it's well known in the press, and law enforcement knows, and books.
No sources, no facts, no nothing.
We looked it up.
One guy in New York City, over a decade ago, at some construction site, some company they used, later got indicted for something totally separate.
I mean, you deal with tens of thousands of people, folks are gonna get indicted around you, that's part of business.
My gosh, I've done auto parts and repair shops where they claim some employee dumped one thing of oil down the drain so they indict the owner as if they knew.
This is a hysterical attack on Donald Trump.
Absolutely, totally and completely hysterical at every front and on every level.
The Financial Times of London, globally it's like the New York Times, it's the mouthpiece of the elite.
The New York Times is owned by the Mexican kingpin, as crooked as a dog's back leg, Carlos Slim, who, by the way, isn't even Mexican.
Just gets weird, another one of the carpetbaggers that, you know, runs Mexico.
And he owns the New York Times as his own personal propaganda piece.
Got the Financial Times of London, whose editor called for world government, an article titled, and now for world government, five years ago.
And he says in the article,
We need world government.
It is totalitarian.
It is the Bilderberg Group.
Get out of the way.
And now, we have an article on Infowars.com.
Voice of the elite.
Trump must be stopped.
The thought of him anywhere near high office is terrifying.
So we have the Financial Times of London, we have the Economist magazine today, we have the Bilderberg group people coming out, we have Davos saying you must stop Trump.
The Economist, a publication that has come to be regarded as a megaphone for the elitist sentiment, it's also the Financial Times, has published a leading editorial piece that argues Donald Trump must be stopped, close quote, from winning the presidency.
Entitled, Time to Fire Trump.
But everything's fine.
He's probably an insider.
He's probably a bad guy.
No, ladies and gentlemen, he's aware of the globalist takeover and he thinks that he can rally the people of populism to stop it.
He's been planning this for two years before this whole thing launched.
He says some things I don't like on Apple and on torture.
And I've let that be known.
But he's got the globalist scared to death of him, and that's why I'm supporting Donald J. Trump.
And we're gonna go over all the different facets of this and more.
Huge news on the economy and so much more as well.
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Business Insider has the email put out after the Senator Sessions endorsement in Alabama yesterday, where they point out that the events of history have aligned to give the people
The fleeting chance to bust up the oligarchy, to take back control from the masters of the universe and return it to the good and decent patriotic citizens of the United States.
You see, Trump understands that we've been hijacked by multinationals.
They're not about free market.
They're about shutting down markets and controlling markets.
They're monopoly men.
And to have Senator Sessions come out again is a crushing blow to Ted Cruz.
And I don't like bashing Ted Cruz.
I like Ted Cruz.
But Republicans need to know he's not getting elected president this go-round.
And the fact that the elite are getting behind Rubio, and the Koch brothers are getting behind Rubio, is somewhat of an endorsement for Cruz.
But they're also even more against Trump, which is an endorsement for Trump.
And he's just not going to get it.
Trump is going to get the nomination.
Now they're trying to, again, do this trick, and this is a famous trick that's happened a lot, where they ask you a question and fade down your earpiece.
On multiple TV shows over a decade ago, we pulled up the transcripts, gonna do a special report on this, Trump said, I don't like racists, I'm all-inclusive, I love everybody, when he was asked about
Why he got out of the Reform Party, and he said it's because they have people like the KKK member.
In fact, they can pull the quotes up on screen.
Trump said he got out of the Reform Party because David Duke was in it.
Then during this interview, they say David Duke and other groups.
He says, excuse me, what groups?
Who are you talking about?
And now Trump says they turned down his earpiece.
Folks, as soon as I heard that, I went, wait a minute, that's a famous tactic they've done
Candidates like this before, and the reason I believe Trump is he's decried him repeatedly and got out of a political party because David Duke was involved.
So why would he now not do that?
This is the type of games they play.
And then he comes out and clarifies and says no on Twitter and Facebook and in a statement that he doesn't agree with, you know, hating different groups of people.
It doesn't agree with David Duke and the media doesn't care.
It's, why didn't he put down David Duke?
Why didn't he put down David Duke?
This is the type of mind game that they're playing.
Because they're so incredibly desperate.
I had David Duke on and I said, eugenics is targeting everyone, all of our children.
Shouldn't we deal with the fact that there's fluoride in the water, Gardasil shots, there's a globalist agenda targeting everybody, and he didn't want to hear it!
The only way we're going to defeat the New World Order is coming together against the globalist takeover.
So, he's in a remote office doing an interview.
They fade down the audio.
He says he couldn't hear.
A classic setup.
In fact, I want my writers, because I remember a bunch of cases of this, in other campaigns the last eight years, the same thing would happen when they would ask him racist questions and they would say, they faded down my earpiece.
And of course, that happens naturally sometimes, too, in studios, because you'll have a feed, the audio will cut.
Many times I've been on national TV and the audio cuts out just randomly.
Or the other day, somebody called in and said, why don't you stand up for this political prisoner, you know, out with the Bundy situation in Oregon?
And then they cut in my ear to tell me, we have our guest on the line, because they, you know, give me messages.
And then I came back and said, who are you talking about?
And then people are like, well, he just said the name to you.
Why didn't you hear it?
That's what it's like to have audio feeds and video audio feeds and people talking in your ear.
This is the type of games they play.
The point is, Donald Trump has to be judged as who he is.
And he has a history of hiring people across the board, of promoting minorities, women, you name it.
And again, it's more of this complete racially based politics garbage to just dumb people down that he's what David Duke.
And quite frankly, I don't even want to sit here and bash David Duke.
I disagree with him on many fronts, but it's not fair when Mecha and La Raza and the New Black Panther Party and the Democratic Party and MSNBC are more racist in their rhetoric than David Duke, more divisional, they really are, than what David Duke's been the last 20, 30 years.
I have followed, you know, his work.
I've read his book.
I mean, I've read a wide spectrum of books.
I've read Hitler's book.
Doesn't mean I agree with him.
Mine comes from my struggle.
The David Duke of today is different than the David Duke of 30 years ago.
But, I mean, really, I'm tired of the obsession over it all day.
And, quite frankly, he does point out things that are true.
He goes, hey, I'm saying less stuff than MSNBC, Al Sharpton, the Democratic Party, who are a bunch of race-baiting, anti-white trash.
And they are.
And I absolutely don't like them.
They are horrible people.
They are worse than David Duke.
But you know what?
David Duke?
What you say is hateful and divisional as well, in some cases.
I mean, you have softened your stance a lot, but it doesn't matter.
You are the kiss of political death for Donald Trump, and so have fun being all over the news endorsing him, and I hope it gets you some more attention.
Because I know you're a successful fella.
So, whatever.
And then now we'll get Hillary in if they're successful with this and that'll be your big accomplishment is making sure the country went down.
And I'm not saying that's what you want, David Duke, but, you know, I'm just glad Donald Trump has come out and basically condemned you because a lot of what you've had to say is abominable.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
What could lead to another world war?
Turkey is exponentially increasing its military presence on the Syrian border, according to journalists who caught it on tape.
Tanks, shells and other ammunition are being delivered to the Turkish positions, which are shelling Kurdish forces in Syrian territory, according to the reporters.
One of the journalists said, quote,
The barrels of the tanks and self-propelled guns are pointed in the direction of the mainly Kurdish Syrian city of Kobani.
The Kurdish locals, who have been fighting back against ISIS for quite some time, openly accused Turkey of being friends with the Islamic State.
The locals described how Turkey and Islamic State forces have opened fire on locals trying to flee the area and then stolen their cars.
And one Turkish fighter revealed how Turkish tanks intentionally destroyed a house this past week.
The Turkish government said it would ignore the Syrian ceasefire brokered by the U.S.
and Russia, which took effect on February 27th.
In fact, Turkey's Prime Minister even admitted that Turkey was supporting ISIS.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I've got reports here that Fox News and Key Demographics has lost upwards of 50% of its viewers
During their six-month crusade against Donald Trump.
And I was watching Fox News a lot more than I normally do.
And I mean, there's all these anti-gun pieces on there now.
I don't know what they think they're doing over there, but I guess they're just carrying out the globalist program.
The Trump effect.
Fox News Channel's brand takes 50% hit among Republicans.
That is their main viewer group.
I mean, but it doesn't matter.
They're just committed.
They've done this for months.
They are committed because it's just a property to keep conservatives on the reservation.
Look at the rest of Fox programming.
It's anti-family, anti-father figure, global warming, carbon tax, baloney.
Rupert Murdoch supports Hillary Clinton!
Now that doesn't mean a lot of people at Fox News aren't patriots and don't care about the country.
But you got Fox News, the Chinese government, the Mexican government, criminal elements of the U.S.
government, the British government, the Bilderberg Group, the Financial Times of London, the New York Times, The Economist, the Davos Group, and every other elitist confab.
The Council on Foreign Relations came out in a hissy fit because, no, no, no, we run America.
We're sucking it dry.
We hold it hostage.
You're not going to get in there, Donald Trump.
No, you're not.
We're going to get back into this in a moment.
But before I go any further, I was thinking about it this morning, when I was doing an errand on the way to work, and I was in a grocery store, and a fella ran up to me, and he was in good shape, looked like he'd been recently exercising, he was in workout clothes, and he goes, man, I have been on nascent iodine X2 for two weeks, and he said,
I have so much more energy, but I do feel like I'm detoxing.
He goes, man, this stuff is so serious.
He goes, you know, I wake up kind of in the sweats and have a headache.
And he goes, am I taking too much?
I said, how much are you taking?
He goes, a couple drops in water every day.
And I said, well, maybe back off a little bit because if you're already really toxic, even if you're an exercise person, it starts pulling out the toxins.
It does stuff to the thyroid that gets filled with the bad halogens, the bromine, the broide, the chlorine, the fluoride.
I said, this is serious stuff.
This isn't your normal bound garbage iodine that you don't really absorb.
This is the real deal.
The strongest purest you can find. 99999.
It's really beyond that, but the spectrometers, they never certify something 100%.
The stuff that we have, you have to go through the DEA to have a certification because you can obviously, you have the raw stuff, it can be used as a precursor for making methamphetamine and stuff like that.
It's one of the precursors.
It doesn't have that effect on you, it's just needed in the manufacturing.
We're good to go.
And then I was exercising more before three years ago and not losing the weight.
I'd lost 25 pounds or so, but to lose the next 30 or so, it was X2, it was Super Mel Vitality.
Super Mel is sold out right now.
We're running the biggest special in our history.
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When you're talking about water filters or storable food, that is just crazy, folks, to have a 30% discount and that we have never had something this big.
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Some of these we're losing money on.
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And it's a good thing we're ending the special tonight because
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So if you want to get it, do it now.
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An organization dedicated to freedom and doing the best job we can.
Speaking of not being perfect, it's like Senator Sessions said to Tim in a speech, Donald Trump's not perfect, none of us are, but he's the real deal and that's why I'm behind him.
He puts on the red hat that says, make America great again, here it is.
Senator Sessions, clip that I was going to play earlier.
And then as soon as we get that clip, we will play the Senator Sessions clip from that point.
He is committed to leading this country in an effective way.
You know, nobody is perfect.
We can't have everything, can we, Mr. Trump?
But I can tell you one thing.
I think at this time, in my opinion, my best judgment, at this time in Americans' history, we need to make America great again!
You know, I'm going to come out with a hat that's the same design but royal blue.
That's just going to say, Make America Free Again.
Alright folks, let's uh...
Get back into the Donald Trump situation.
I want to get into the other world news, like White House wants an increase in Syrian refugees.
That's already happened.
They're just announcing it to you.
There's a formula here.
military successfully installs brain modems in animals.
They're already doing it to humans.
That's actually in MIT and other publications.
We're going to get into the whole Trump situation and more.
Wayne Madsen's report on Rubio and being arrested in that park at night with another man, and like so many other Republicans are and Democrats, has now made the National Enquirer, Newsweek has attacked yours truly and others.
I ran with Madsen's reports the last few months because
I found Madsen to be really, really, you know, a real reporter actually goes out and knows what he's talking about.
He doesn't make stuff up and he didn't say Marco Rubio was doing this.
He got arrested with a man by a bathroom in a park at night.
And the guy he got arrested with ended up being a guy that ran a house that shot gay porn and porn cams and other stuff.
So, it's like Barney Frank living in the house that's running an underage male brothel with 14 and 15 year old kids.
They were about to indict him and he went on the house floor and he said, and this is a famous clip, we can pull it up, he said, if you go after me, everybody goes down.
And you ask yourself, why is it so many Catholic priests turn out to be pedophiles?
Why is it so many members of Congress do?
Are there really that many pedophiles in society?
In fact, they've done big university studies.
Less than one-half of one percent of people are attracted to prepubescent folks.
Now, they call pedophilia, you know, being attracted to a 16-year-old girl if you're 18, and then they indict you.
That's not pedophilia.
Of course, those are the easy ones.
Most of the prosecutions are some 19 or 18 year old guy who was a high school senior when another girl was a freshman.
He knows her, been dating her the whole time.
He gets out of high school, he's still dating her when she's a sophomore or a junior, and then he goes to jail.
So that's not pedophilia.
And so the pedophiles try to push stuff saying it's unfair, it's unfair.
Europe and other areas want to go down to like age 10 or 11.
No, that's pedophilia.
But teaching all this garbage in schools is, as well, targeting and sexualizing children.
So it's all super, super bad news.
And it's a cult.
Whether it's Boys Town, or whether it's Penn State, or any of these places.
Pedophiles know that that's a crime almost too big to fail when it's in government.
And so if they can get in and get other people in, they recruit their own people as a cult.
And to take over government.
Now, that's what institutions and groups that aren't cults do.
You know, the Irish felt like they were mistreated and stuff, and they weren't allowed areas, so they started migrating to certain areas, electing their own people, and then basically creating police departments that were almost exclusively Irish.
You know, you've seen the Mormons that are less than 1% of the population, and they've got people all over the House, all over the Senate, something like 20% of FBI agents, NSA, Mormons.
And the grassroots Mormons seem to be really conservative, patriotic, great people.
I wonder why so many others are so liberal.
You know, when it comes to the Senate and the House and Harry Reid and Orrin Hatch and all these other people, I'm not getting off on a jag about Mormons.
Because I found that the grassroots Mormons are probably the most patriotic group out there where what's going on.
But it is kind of a paradox.
I want to ask Joel Skousen, who's a senior Mormon, sometime about how he deals with this paradox.
It just shows how groups try to get in to secure that they won't be persecuted, and then they end up taking over.
Well, in the case of the pedophiles, that is a cult.
And we're dealing with a pedophile cult worldwide.
So I don't think they're embassied to Catholics.
The pedophile cults took them over.
And the pedophile cults will take your society, your school, your police department over if they can too.
They're one of the most evil, insidious groups and now they've got sexualization of children sold in the name of...
Openness in the name of political correctness, in the name of not hurting people's feelings, to have them indoctrinate your five-year-olds about transgender, gay, straight, all these sexual acts, that is outrageous.
I mean, if you or somebody else walked up to a kid in a grocery store and started talking to them about sex at age five, you'd be arrested for indecency with a child and trying to exploit a child and all the rest of it.
You should be.
But when the state does it, in plain view, boldly, look how far they've already gotten.
Now there is a big backlash.
People like Melissa Harris Perry saying your kids belong to the state.
And she's on like four or five shows on panels every day.
Had her own show on the weekend.
It got preempted for the political season.
That always happens.
She said, oh, it's racist, you know, at the parent company.
So she's gone.
This is the smoke-in-your-own-dope, chip-on-your-shoulder mindset.
Now, speaking of that, let's get back to David Duke here in a moment.
But first, I wanted to play a clip of Louis Farrakhan.
You know, a month ago, I did a big groundbreaking interview with him.
I wanted to try to stop race war.
I wanted him to clarify his earlier comments about white devils.
And he said, look, I've grown a lot.
And our people have been persecuted a lot, but I see the globalists want to bring down America now, and I see they're bringing in radical Muslims to demonize all Muslims.
We need to stop all Muslim immigration until they're at least vetting them.
Trump is right.
And he basically told me in private he likes Trump, and then pretty much said it in person, on video.
He went 90% of that way there and people say, wow, who wants Farrakhan's endorsement?
The point is Trump's reaching out to people at that level and people like Farrakhan get it.
He's actually addressing black people saying, I will try to give you jobs.
I will try to make America great again.
I know you want to work.
I know you're good people.
Obama doesn't even visit the black communities.
And so Farrakhan has come out against Hillary saying, don't believe that devil.
And you want to talk about it because he knows she's the one that ran Libya.
You talk about killing millions of people in Africa, millions more die in a year because Libya was sustaining all of Africa with key money, actually building infrastructure and wells and roads and aquifer access, and all of Africa is just imploding right now.
And Qaddafi was just an angel compared to our leaders.
I mean, I hate to even talk like that, but it's just true.
He stood up to the West for decades.
He got blamed for much stuff he didn't do.
He lived in a modest house with a little wall around it.
He actually took the resources of the country and deployed it to everybody.
He had women in college, and women were free.
They put the radical jihadis in to engage in all that evil.
And they went in and killed him, and now it's a failed state.
They go, oh, Hillary screwed up in the New York Times.
Oh, she didn't screw up.
Mission accomplished.
A failed state.
They want America to be a failed state.
Here's Louis Faircon.
How many of you voting for Hillary?
You don't have to raise your hands.
I do not blame you for wanting a female president.
But that's a wicked woman.
Now listen, you can vote for her.
But vote for her with knowledge.
She can be sweet, but so can you.
And you know when you're sweet but playing a game.
All of a sudden she know about Trevon Martin.
All of a sudden, the boy been dead nearly two years.
Now she's talking about him like she met the mother and oh
These white people, this is Satan!
You fall for that crap?
Most of you that went to jail for having a little blunt in your pocket?
They arranged that, the Clintons.
That's right, they're the ones with the mandatory sentencing.
Mass incarceration came about under the Clintons.
And they call black people super predators.
Yeah, you put them all in jail, they're gonna come out predators.
Don't forget that!
They call my young gangbangers super predators.
They need to be made to heal.
And Black Lives Matter put it to her.
She didn't know how to handle it.
Yeah, that was good, because Soros funds that when it blew back on her.
Alright, there's Farrakhan telling the truth.
I mean, I'm just telling you that Farrakhan, and in my view, and I don't mean this patronizing, he's come a long way, and we all grow.
But anybody who votes for Hillary Clinton is evil.
You're an idiot if you vote for her.
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Ira Hayes Ira Hayes
Okay, this next piece is bigger than Donald Trump.
And I just illustrated Louis Farrakhan saying he likes Donald Trump over Hillary.
And you see the full interview on Infowars.com.
It's a two-hour interview with Louis Farrakhan a month and a half ago.
But this is bigger than Donald Trump.
It's a teaching experience.
A teachable moment, as they say.
Donald Trump, in the New York Times and Donald Trump on television, in 2000, got out of the Reform Party and refused their nomination.
Here's the New York Times.
Reform bid said to be no-go for Trump.
On his own, he came out and said, David Duke and the Klan are now involved, and that is not something I want to be associated with.
I don't support that.
You can go read his quotes.
It now includes Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, and a communist.
And that was kind of mean to say neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan.
Buchanan is not a neo-Nazi.
And a communist.
And it goes on.
So he's even bashing Buchanan, which I don't like.
That's media's bull about that.
Buchanan has done basically what people who have done the research have done, like Oliver Stone in his history piece about, yeah, Hitler was bad and so were we.
Our own big banks and people financed him, told him to invade these countries, shut him up, and we couldn't even bomb the Ford and GM factories.
It's called Opel factories for GM overseas.
And of course, Jones made that new, a few years ago, hit series on the real history of the world, basically.
I forget the title, but I watched it on HBO.
But I want to get off and do a rap rabbit trail about Pat Buchanan.
And he has criticized the Israel lobby, which I think is the right thing to do in some cases, so he's been demonized on that front.
The truth is, a David Duke isn't even as radical as a lot of these black and Hispanic and other racist groups that the government says are just fine and the media promotes.
It's just going to create more white racism on the other side as a response.
I know a lot of people that were big liberals that have now flipped over and are racist.
And I'm like, whoa, I've never seen anything like this.
Don't buy into the infighting.
So it must be high cotton for the white supremacists and groups, because a lot of white people are tired of being told they're evil and out to get folks, and they've been over backwards, so they're kind of flipping the other direction, which is all designed.
But here's the issue.
Here's Trump condemning David Duke and racism.
Here's Trump saying he's all-inclusive, but he wants to have sovereignty.
They call that racism.
And then he's in the New York Times.
They cut his audio, and they say, David Duke, white supremacists, and other groups.
He hears white supremacists and other groups.
And he says, I don't really know who they are.
Other groups only heard part of it.
And they go, oh, you and that's a classic thing.
You stumbled.
He didn't stumble the other times.
And then he came out once he heard what they'd done, what CNN was saying.
And said, of course, I don't support that.
Look at what I said 15 years ago.
But they use that as a way to discredit.
See, he discredited himself because 15 years ago he said he didn't like David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan, but now he didn't know.
No, he said, wait, what?
I can't hear everything you're saying.
Other groups, I can't just decry groups.
Who did you say exactly?
And that's how they spin.
This is their mind control as the entire establishment is now against Donald Trump.
Well, here's the bottom line for Fox News and others.
They've lost half the Republican viewers in the last six months, Breitbart has been reporting.
So that's not going too well for you, is it?
But see, the system doesn't care, because media is only one division of the globalist system, a very small division of it.
It's just there to keep people pacified.
And if Fox News has to lose most of its viewers to make sure Donald Trump doesn't get in, they'll do that.
In fact, the Republican leadership's already said they will drop him like a hot rock and put in Hillary.
These people are one party, and that's why they're so scared, and people are crazy!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
If they don't see that, we'll be back.
Stay with us.
GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Info Wars is totally viral right now.
We've been reaching millions and millions of people for
More than 15, 16 years.
I've been on air for 21 years.
But now, I tell you, just to give the InfoWars viewers and listeners and the InfoWars family an update, I want to do a video in the next week or two.
I always say I'm going to do this.
I never do it.
Where we show you the internal analytics of Facebook, Twitter, and Google.
Because we subscribe to that.
We have access to it.
To show you the reach of InfoWars in the billions.
Every month.
You heard me right.
Now what is reach?
That means we are in front of people.
They see our links.
They see our images.
They see our memes.
We are in the hundreds of millions every month of people that actually go to it.
The reaches in the billions who we're touching is in the hundreds of millions.
And every week, tuning in and actually getting a big sample of what we're covering is in the tens of millions.
And it's exponential.
It's dangerous, folks.
Basically, it's like I'm in a NASCAR taking turns at 200 right now.
Just so you know.
And I don't want to take risk.
I don't like having to do it.
But I have said, to quote a famous British naval admiral, damn the maneuvers, go straight at them.
That's Lord Nelson, who was killed in the big battle of the Nile.
Damn the maneuvers, go straight at them.
And then it was another US captain, I think it was World War I, said, damn the torpedoes, go straight at them.
And then they rammed a ship.
In fact, can you guys look up the quote, damn the maneuvers, go straight at them, or damn the torpedoes, go straight at them?
Because I want to get the second guy exactly right.
And then there's the Marine Corps General, and I always forget his name, in Korea.
They said, sir, we're completely surrounded by over a million troops.
It was only like 50,000 Marines.
And literally, the Chinese had poured in three million of them, but a million were around them.
And he said, good, we can now attack in all directions.
Which was true.
They actually ended up running them out and beating them.
It was human wave attacks, though.
Literally, like in the movie 300, but for real, piles of bodies 30 feet tall.
Because luckily, the Marines had enough ammunition.
And so as they were coming in, you know, 10 miles away, they're hitting them with guns, and five miles, and two miles, and three miles, and quarter mile.
Now they're right there, human wave attacks.
Million troops coming in at you.
Fighting in all directions.
Can you imagine that?
And I talked to a family that was actually there.
He died a few years ago, my dad's uncle.
My dad's dad had four male siblings.
They were all so cool, and he was the last to die.
And those guys would never tell me war stories.
We finally talked about flying relief missions in to that battle and some other ones, and it was just unbelievable.
He just said, just at night, just everywhere, just flashes.
He just said it was like being inside a coffee can and being shook for an hour while they're just offloading it.
There's just... Who was it said that?
It was 1801, Douglas.
Farragut, am I pronouncing that right, was a flag officer of the United States Navy during the American Civil War.
He was the first Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, and Admiral of the United States Navy.
He is remembered for his order at the Battle of Mobile Bay in which he was victorious.
Usually paraphrased, damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.
Yeah, but I think he's paraphrasing, damn the maneuvers, go straight at them from Lord Nelson.
Admiral Nelson, let's look that up and make sure I'm right, who didn't survive those big Napoleonic Wars, but who did was Lord Wellington.
That's just amazing.
I've read so many books on all that, but then I forget all the names.
That's why history is so much better than comic books or fake stuff.
Just like reality is better than virtual reality, because it's real.
You're designed for it.
You've been in it.
Your genetics have been in it.
Your ancestors have been in it.
You're a part of it.
The false reality is this thing spun by those that would be God.
All right, I'm going to give you the big secret.
And I've said this before, but I really want to reiterate this when we come back.
Just the most important thing I could ever say.
I want to try to really put it to you as best I can.
Then back into Trump, back into the Islamic invasion, back into the world economy, world news, huge military developments and more.
Stay with us.
Shock poll!
Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York.
That's right.
Polling data shows Hillary Clinton could lose New York, a Democratic stronghold, to Donald Trump, as the GOP frontrunner gains broad support across party lines.
The poll results from Democratic and Republican legislative races have surprised virtually all the leading Democrats who have endorsed Clinton, while also energizing GOP leaders who are now warming up to Trump.
And the results found that Clinton has higher negative ratings with New York voters than Trump, despite the fact she served as a New York senator.
Some of the polls also found much stronger loyalty amongst Trump's potential voters than along Clinton's.
A finding that mirrors the record-breaking GOP turnouts in state primaries so far.
In other words, Trump supporters will actually show up to the voting booth.
This past weekend, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions endorsed Trump during a campaign rally.
During the rally, Sessions lashed out at the Trans-Pacific Partnership and promised that amnesty will not be granted to illegals during a Trump presidency.
This is Kit Daniels reporting for InfoWars.com.
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And finally, from yours truly, Alex Jones, to all the patriots of every race, color, and creed across this country and the world, I salute you for your tireless fight against tyranny and your support of the Infowar.
Without you, none of this is possible.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend.
It only made me stronger.
Said all my enemies, thank you.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
Nope, that judge ain't blind.
Don't worry, that judge ain't blind.
Amarillo by morning.
Amarillo is where I'll be.
One time I was driving back from the DNC covering it in Denver and Richard had been driving all through the night as one of the camera people and the driver of the RV and we were driving in and it was about 6 a.m.
the sun was coming up I could see antelope and stuff on the side of the highway and he said we come over this hill
We're gonna see Amarillo, Amarillo by morning, and we put on the iPad, the iPod, that time.
Back before we even had iPads, and like 2008, bam!
And I came over the hill, the sun was cresting, there was Amarillo by morning.
But I was coming from the north to the south, not from the south to the north, up from San Antone.
All right, let me tell you what's coming up in this hour.
White House wants increase of Syrian refugees.
I'm going to tell you the rest of the story on that front.
Warren Buffett says climate change, no risk to Berkshire Hathaway because their companies are going to be exempt from the taxes that Leonardo DiCaprio is calling for.
military successfully installs brain modems in animals.
A bunch of Trump news, a bunch of election news.
It's all coming up right now.
Also, I was just given some huge news by Kit Daniels, and then I forgot to bring it in here, so maybe he can bring that back into me.
Now, before I get into all this news, it's really important to see the big picture.
And I know they've taught people, hearing all these political parties around the world, and all these different ideas, and all these different books, and all these different cultures, and all these different futurists, and all these different people, you know, telling you how the world really works, or giving you their perspective.
Well, the reason I know how the world works, quite frankly, better than anybody who isn't on the inside of the power structure at the highest levels, is because I've made it my business to study history in a wide spectrum.
I've also had a lot of life experience.
And for 21 years, I've been immersed on air covering the globalist, forcing myself to stay totally focused on this information.
So you do become informed doing that and interviewing thousands of top experts in every field.
And reading hundreds of publications and books written by the technocrats themselves, reading congressional studies, reading declassified memos like Northwood's and countless others.
And I can tell you unequivocally, unequivocally, we are entering a managed command and control global private world government
Designed to make humans obsolete, and designed to phase out the vast majority of the world population.
And there are some arguments for that.
They make them very compellingly.
But the truth is, they just like to kill people and control people, and then they do everything they can to actually not let people industrialize, and to overpopulate, so then they have the excuse to kill even more people.
And that's in the Royal Commission Report 49.
And see, there's all these worldviews and how people want the world to work,
And competing strategies and economies.
And there are different forces in the world.
But the dominant force on this planet, outside of God, and God's given the world over to the God of this world, whether you believe in that or not, the archetype's there.
It's real.
The God of this world comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
It wants to deceive you.
It wants to beguile you.
It wants to make you dependent and enslave you.
The devil is a slave master who traffics in the souls of men and women, who steals dreams.
That's why I can't stand L.A., why I physically get sick there since I was a kid when I would travel there, and nowhere else.
It's not the smog, because I get sick flying in at 10,000 feet.
I would always notice it, and finally, by the time I was 30 years old, I was like, I'm noticing I'm getting sick before I land.
And I don't get into, you know, mumbo-jumbo.
I mean, I physically, and everybody else talks about it, an emptiness.
I mean, I can be in some little fishing village in Mexico with people running around doing stuff and it feels so alive, so good.
Even if there's a poverty there, it might even be some dark overtones, there's so much light.
It's beautiful.
Or I can be, you know, somewhere in a third world country in Eastern Europe.
But there's humanity there.
It's the falseness, that it's purely a modern construct, and it sucks in millions of people who believe that they're gonna have their dreams fulfilled.
It steals their dreams, steals the light out of their eyes, steals their soul.
Los Angeles is probably the most satanic place in the world.
And I've talked to well-traveled folks that agree with me.
They say they've been everywhere.
From Tokyo to Calcutta.
From Peking to Beijing to Durban.
From Cairo to London.
From Paris to Berlin.
From Rio de Janeiro to Mexico City.
From Montreal to Tel Aviv.
There's nothing more evil.
And it's because there's the anguish and the pain of the people captured in the lie, captured having their souls sucked out.
Now you get near the city of London, within London, tax exempt, one of the oldest command bases in the world after the Vatican, it's ice cold and you feel the presence scanning you.
Physically with all the high-tech gadgetry and spiritually.
Rome is full of rage, and power, and passion, and war, and beauty, and is a mix.
New York is bustling, and stinks, but it has good feelings and bad.
Same with London, but not Los Angeles.
And if you want to know what the world's going to be like, it's basically one giant Los Angeles.
One giant soul-sucking event forcing you into artificial reality, show that reality is so horrible, you want the artificial reality.
And so in that artificial reality, you will basically allow your psyche to be overwritten.
I remember six years ago, it was in MIT publications that they were putting brain chips in, quote, depressed troops.
Then I ran into troops that volunteered with PTSD to be brain chipped.
Then a few years ago I actually saw it in mainstream publications that the brain chipping was beginning.
I would cover it, they'd say, oh he's crazy, he says there's brain chips.
Here's a Daily Mail article, you know, where they're telling you about something that's already going on in humans, but they're saying it's in animals to get you ready.
military successfully installs brain modems in animals.
And I'm gonna get into that.
Part of a project to develop, quote, cyborg soldiers who use the cerebral implants to control machines.
That's from the Pentagon!
Now see, my cousin who's out of the army now and was in special operations, I mean Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, Central America, South America.
Now that he's out, he's told me a few stories.
You know, stuff like he's in the Dominican Republic.
He pulls up in his rent car with the other officer he's with.
Communists are following.
They jump out.
They try to machine gun the car.
The guards at the hotel, who look like they're bellhops, perfectly shoot both the communists, who are Haitian, kill them, and then they roll the car, splash water, before the next car rolls in.
Just stories like that.
He goes, man, you have no idea how crazy it is.
And I'll never forget, he never really told me much after this, because this was about 10 years ago.
I told the story on air.
He goes, no, we were at Sam Houston State University for an officer's meeting.
There were about 200 officers in there.
And they call us in and they go, all right, you in the next year are going to be getting chips, Subdermal, that track where you go in case you get kidnapped or whatever.
And then we're going to roll out for volunteers in the future, you know, even more in-depth shipping.
But those that are interested should sign up and you can get, you know, more pay and perhaps have, you know, your stuff accelerated.
And so he told me at a family reunion, a small family reunion, they were playing dominoes and, you know, drinking beer or whatever and eating watermelon.
We're good to go.
And then his dad, who was also in special operations, died a few years ago.
He was the guy that was in the really wild stuff here in the U.S.
I was over at his house.
They live on the ranch next door to ours.
He's like, do me a favor and don't ever talk about stuff he tells you again.
Because he got brought up, you know, before the man and almost didn't get his last promotion because of that.
Talking about that microchip stuff.
And I went, well, he didn't tell me not to talk about it.
He goes, whatever he tells you, don't tell anybody about it.
You're lucky you're not dead.
I can't believe you're not dead and your mother and father love you.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but you just need to shut up.
And see, that's what I've grown up around.
The general public lives in some fantasy land.
You want me to watch NFL football while stuff like this is going on?
And they're getting ready to brain-ship the general military.
First they'll make it elite with the Navy SEALs and the Delta Force people.
And then it's going to move on.
And it's going to be those that have brain damage and stuff where it actually helps them.
But here's the big secret.
Everything the globalists do has a Trojan horse.
Whether it's GMO food, or an iPhone, or a droid, or an appliance, or an alarm system, or anything cultural they do, it's for another reason.
I mean, look at this headline today.
Maybe they'll give them a Pulitzer Prize at Bloomberg.
Your smartphone knows who you are and what you're doing and has this big article about everything you do being tracked.
So just give up and let the FBI in.
They're already in.
I told people this 20 years ago.
That the phones by law in the future would be like this, and a few years later they were, because I was told by NSA whistleblowers.
But again, Bloomberg said it, so oh, we're validated now.
There is a global government coming in that is against everyone.
There is a global government coming in that is to end us.
You don't make deals with it.
It's much more sophisticated than something like the Terminator from the 1980s, but we ought to take a line from that.
Where the special forces guys come back in time, he's telling the cops, everybody, look, man, he's coming.
He won't stop.
He doesn't care if it's a building full of police.
He wants to kill you.
That's his mission.
That's what he's going to do.
You can't reason with it.
You can't talk with it.
You can't play games with it.
The governing system of the world is eugenics.
and a technocracy to come in and wipe us out, then the elite believe they're going to merge with machines and be gods.
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Is it getting easier?
Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Will it make it easier on you now?
Got someone to blame?
Got someone to blame?
Merriam-Webster is going to be popping in, I'm told, in studio.
The famous lady from Columbia, big Trump supporter, she's going to be popping in for a segment.
I've got so much other news to get to.
It's just that, look, everything else is window dressing, and it's important to cover what's happening in the world, but just, there's a technocracy coming in.
It's got our kids, they're being raised on iPads and iPhones.
Steve Jobs wouldn't let his kids even have them.
People don't know how to take care of themselves.
They don't know how to stand up for themselves.
They want us domesticated.
They want us weak.
They want us dependent.
Not to keep us safe, but to phase humanity out.
And you look at younger generations, myself included, they are so soft compared to previous, on average.
It is frightening to see Joe Biggs in downtown Austin with Trendy saying, we want to kill Donald Trump on tape.
And they couldn't kill a wet paper bag.
I always notice the weaker the person is, the more they shoot their mouth off about killing people.
And people that really kill people, don't shoot their mouths off about it.
And to watch Obama and Hillary talk about killing people, I'm tired of it!
You people are soft, you live off the hard work and the courage of people that came before you.
And Lord knows our military's done bad stuff, and Lord knows it's gone on missions that were illegal, but you know what?
At least they did something!
You just sit there on your butts and complain all day!
And again, it's our military today, holding back, backing Al-Qaeda, holding back basically a coup by Obama and gun confiscation.
The military has told Obama there's not going to be gun confiscation.
There's not going to be an attack on Syria.
You're not going to do it.
And I told you about that first.
It's come out in the news.
Where you see Daryl Issa on Fox News saying the military is prepared to not follow Obama's orders across the board.
I've talked to the brass.
His attempt to run out of everybody didn't work.
And all I'm getting at is that's the point we've reached where Donald Trump's kind of figuring out there's a global government?
Special interests are shutting us down?
We're not supposed to have prosperity?
Let's kick these bureaucrats out!
Let's not make bad deals for America!
They've got his phones tapped, people.
They know he really knows what's going on.
They know Donald Trump is aware of what's happening.
You hear more and more about oligarchs and global government, and America's been hijacked and taken over.
Trump is getting people ready to come out and just say, we've been captured by foreign institutions.
Charles de Gaulle did it.
After World War II, NATO tried to stay there, wouldn't let France have its own nukes.
And de Gaulle had a soft cube.
You can look it up, it actually kicked NATO out.
And had troops go and take the nukes that were at the Paris airport, now Charles de Gaulle airport.
NATO troops had French troops.
The French weren't always domesticated like they are now.
They're one of the most warlike countries in history.
I love this thing, the French turn and run, the French are cowards, the French are this and that.
The French helped found the United States, folks.
The only country more warlike than the French was the British.
And the French did meet their match repeatedly.
The Germans were foolish to ever get manipulated by the British in World War I or World War II.
And you want to know who's really evil at the end of the day?
It's the people running the British Crown, folks.
They're the smartest.
They're the slickest.
They're the most Machiavellian.
The whole black nobility out of Italy ran to England 800 years ago.
And, man, you mixed all the black nobility in with all of those Uther Pendragon
Barbarians, it was game over.
And a bunch of Vikings, it was game over.
For anybody that messed with them.
And then we sit here with this eugenics-based system that comes out of 1855 British government plan.
We're living in the final years of it.
We're living in its attempt to take over.
And there's a battle against it.
There's other competing forces in the universe and the world.
But it's the dominant force with the tentacles trying to take over right now, and this is the great battle.
You don't make a deal with it.
You can't get out of it by playing games with it.
It will destroy your future.
It will give you cancer.
Look at this.
Scientists ponder the prospect of contagious cancer.
Oh, did you know your smartphone's tracking you?
Oh my gosh, Bloomberg, thank you.
Oh, New York Times, most cancers from viruses?
Gee, wow, Pulitzer Prize.
I told you that 20 years ago.
And not because I'm smart, it's on record everywhere!
They're doing it on purpose!
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
What could lead to another world war?
Turkey is exponentially increasing its military presence on the Syrian border, according to journalists who caught it on tape.
Tanks, shells, and other ammunition are being delivered to the Turkish positions, which are shelling Kurdish forces in Syrian territory, according to the reporters.
One of the journalists said, quote,
The barrels of the tanks and self-propelled guns are pointed in the direction of the mainly Kurdish Syrian city of Kobani.
The Kurdish locals, who have been fighting back against ISIS for quite some time, openly accused Turkey of being friends with the Islamic State.
The locals described how Turkey and Islamic State forces have opened fire on locals trying to flee the area and then stolen their cars.
And one Turkish fighter revealed how Turkish tanks intentionally destroyed a house this past week.
The Turkish government said it would ignore the Syrian ceasefire brokered by the U.S.
and Russia which took effect on February 27th.
In fact, Turkey's Prime Minister even admitted that Turkey was supporting ISIS.
During a recent interview with Al Jazeera, he said, quote, This is Kit Daniels reporting for InfoWars.com.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Where are you from?
I'm from Colombia!
And is this a setup?
Did I ever meet you before?
I'm Hispanic and I vote for Mr. Trump!
We vote for Mr. Trump!
Mr. Trump!
We love you!
We love you!
All the way to the White House!
I swear to you...
I think she's totally beautiful and great.
I never met her before, I swear.
I just... This all started with a People... People magazine.
So here's the story.
So I love the story.
They couldn't have been nicer.
Nice story, right?
Couldn't be nicer.
But I don't know what happened.
They played with my nose.
I don't want touching.
I don't want touching.
So I'm looking.
Now you'll tell me.
How's my nose?
That's fine, right?
It's beautiful and perfect!
Says this girl.
I have a wart on the end of my nose.
Can you believe it?
And I said, I said, oh my God, I don't have to look.
It's terrible.
But that's okay.
Because they meant it well.
I think they wanted to make me look like Cary Grant.
Do we remember Cary?
And I've always wanted to look like Cary Grant.
Merriam-Webster is our guest.
In studio.
And of course, she's here in Austin, Texas.
Let me go over her bio for folks.
Really neat lady, I was just talking to her during the break.
And she's an info warrior, listens out in Vegas.
She's a second generation businesswoman, originally from Columbia.
She's been in the United States for 35 years and declares she's a full-blooded American.
Miriam has been
Learning from Donald Trump since she was a young woman when her father would buy her all of Trump's business books.
She was experienced boom and now bust in her businesses so she knows firsthand the damage that small business entrepreneurs from the encroaching big government.
And her mission in life is to share with American business people that Donald Trump is the only candidate equipped to rescue businesses from the grips of big government and will give them the power to create jobs again.
Yeah, just don't let China, you know, have slave factories.
That would bring our jobs back.
Right there.
It's great to have you here.
I learned that you're a listener.
Now, you were saying that you love my voice.
I have a grating voice when I get excited, but it's very sweet for you to say that I have a nice voice.
So, how long have you been a listener?
For almost six months.
So, how did you first tune in?
Well, um, I had a friend of mine, he's a politician.
He said, do you know Alex Jones?
I said, no, I don't.
He said, oh Miriam, if you hear the first time, you'd love his voices.
Oh, it's so beautiful, lovely.
See, I wanted you to tell the story again because it sounds so funny.
My voice sounds like a... This is a blown out voice.
I never took voice lessons.
I used to go out and scream at political rallies, three or four years before I was even on air.
So my voice got torn up and shot before that.
Sounds like an 80-year-old man's voice, but you're sweet.
It's like a toad's voice, isn't it?
Well, we love your voice.
For us, like females, we want to
Here in Finnegan, the masculine gender, we love that.
It's so attractive for us, female and different kind, United States and around the world.
You are very popular.
Oh, you're sweet.
Well, they have tried to train men to not be like men and women not to be like women.
I just think, you know, it's it's it's I mean, is it bad for men to be men and women to be women?
We just want, we need to feel proud for our own gender.
How God created us and we need to do our best then we can feel proud.
Well you've been a Donald Trump fan for a long time.
Talk about your view of Trump and where you think all this is going because we've got articles up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Where the Koch brothers have given 75 million to try to beat him.
I mean, we also have the Chinese government coming out.
We have the British government.
We have Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico, coming out.
We have the Financial Times of London.
We have The Economist.
We have The New York Times, all saying we can't have Trump.
I mean, is this not the establishment freaking out?
Why do you think they're so scared of Trump?
Okay, this is, Alex, this is the message for the whole America and the whole worldwide.
Donald J. Trump represents every American citizen in United States, every race, every nationality.
Donald J. Trump is our
Icon in business.
He's the kind of person we dreaming about how Donald J Trump accomplish more than talk, accomplish a lot of things.
When somebody have a doubt about Donald Trump, please go to the Trump Tower.
And you can see this is excellent in class.
You can smell
His generosity, his beautiful heart and his big heart.
Very highest percentage of the people working in Trump Tower, those people are Hispanic.
Not the ones only just cleaning and cooking, it's more than that, are so many executives in Donald Trump Tower.
I was also reading, they've gone and looked, he has a disproportionate amount of women in management, too.
So they're just claiming he hates everybody, but that's not true.
He wants to include everybody.
Plus, I mean, he wants everybody to be involved in his businesses anyways.
Donald Trump represents the masculine gender, and we are very proud, for sure, guaranteed, Donald Trump is a man.
It's a white man distinguished, and this is the white man boy we want in the White House.
We are very proud about him.
Donald Trump is the kind of man represent also us like women.
We feel he will be the President of United States.
This is goal for every man in this planet, United States, America, and all around the world.
You can never, never touch women at all, rape, all those kind of things.
Those business will be
So I get you're trying to say you think Trump is like the return of manly chivalry, is that what you're getting at?
Because there is a war on men and a war on women and a war on families because we're all alone and nobody's gonna stand up for each other.
I mean nobody used to mess with women that I knew of because their dad or brothers would kill them and the police would turn a blind eye.
Nowadays, you know, if a child fights back against bullies, they get in trouble for fighting back.
They want us to be a bunch of slaves.
Donald Trump represents
A beautiful human being with a beautiful heart.
Working hard.
To rescue America, America, we do not win anymore.
Not in business, not economically.
That's because we've been sold out, exactly.
We have more money short term than just selling us off and chopping us up.
That's what these big looters do.
Now, specifically in your bio, I noticed that you say your dad was a Trump fan, and is a Trump fan, and that you've been a Trump fan for a long time.
Yes, my dad was a doctor.
He was a cardiologist.
But in the same time, my dad, he always encouraged me to be a business person.
Coffee and flowers from Colombia.
This is one of the best products we have.
And he knows how hard I work in Colombia and how the business went up and down.
Right now, guys, we are not making money anymore.
I was about to say, folks with minimum wage are going to find out it's zero.
You jack up the wage too high, there just won't be a job, period.
How about zero?
In this moment, nobody is making money.
Now, if we do
The point of view, why Donald Trump is the perfect man for the White House.
First of all, he's a brilliant negotiator.
He's a brilliant businessman.
He has education, chronological age.
Donald Trump has experience, visionary.
He can share with us.
Well for me the big thing is that the entire elite is freaking out over him and the Koch brothers that own both parties.
Uh, are coming out against him.
Fox News is doing sneaky stuff.
I mean, why do you think the elite are so scared of somebody just saying, I'm not going to let us have one-sided trade deals?
Because they've been screwing us.
And, absolutely, because one of the reasons all those people are completely scared, government, and Cruz, Rubio, Hillary, uh, Bernie, all those people, they are going like socialists and communists.
We don't want this.
Bernie admits
We don't want to look at Venezuela.
Bernie admits he didn't have a paying job till he was 40.
I had paying jobs when I was, well, when I was six years old doing chores.
You know, if I wanted a toy, I had to work, you know, around the house doing laundry or helping cook dinner or carry out the trash or mow the yard.
But I had paying jobs by the time I was 12 years old.
And my dad thought I was being lazy, not being out.
I mean, he was out when he was like nine years old, you know, working in the fields.
And his family was proud of that.
Imagine someone who hasn't worked till they're 40.
What planet is that?
Yeah, this is... The only person who really understands all the problems we, United States, have is Donald J. Trump.
He has experience about business.
He knows exactly how to create jobs, fix the economy.
He knows what's going on and what direction we need to go.
Because we need to put number one, United States of America.
Cruz, Rubio, Hillary and Bernie, they put us the global number one, and United States, we are the last one in the line.
I mean, to be fair, I mean, the rhetoric of Cruz is really good.
I just hope we can trust him.
Now, Rubio has been basically like Obama or something in his actions, not his rhetoric.
But I like Ted Cruz and I would be happy if he was president as well.
My only problem is he did start the dirty tricks first.
And so I hope they don't fight each other too much so that Cruz politically destroys himself.
Because Rand Paul really hurt himself politically going after Trump.
He might not even keep his Kentucky seat.
Well, I have my personal opinion.
Cruz is a liar.
Donald Trump is
Honest, sincere, here winning fight for America.
And this is Donald J Trump.
Well, I know this, they are scared to death.
Look at this article, Voice of the Elite, The Economist, also the Financial Times, same day, must be stopped.
Wow, how could Americans or anybody not see the whole media, foreign presidents, Chinese communist leaders, the British government, all of them saying he's the worst person on the earth and trying to demonize him.
He must be doing something right.
I mean, I would be a coward if I sat on the sidelines now with the elite that I know have hijacked my country.
It's really neocolonialism, but by the megabanks.
And then this guy comes out and fights him.
They come out against him.
I'm calling for somebody to stand up.
And then I say, oh, he's not perfect.
He's not 100% agrees with me.
I'm not going to support him.
That would be the most ninnying, cowardly position I could imagine.
Donald J. Trump, like I repeated again, Alex, is a human being with a beautiful heart.
He has a big brain.
I don't know.
President of United States of America.
I don't believe, excuse me, America, we have a person like he's almost 70 years old.
Excuse me, we are babies.
We do not know what's going on.
But Donald J Trump, he will be the best president of United States, taking care of those people.
They don't have a job, jobless.
We can't afford to have full-time people anymore.
No jobs, full-time, as you can see what they call and call a part-time job.
This is nothing.
Obamacare was designed to make everybody part-time for the big companies.
Obamacare is a disaster.
Obamacare is terrible for the whole nation.
If I'm an employer, I can't afford Obamacare.
And the employees, they can't afford it.
But if you're an Obama insider, you get a waiver.
If you are Obama Maximo, they care about $100.
And after that, no matter if you are homeless, still you can't afford.
Excuse me.
We're just waiting for Donald Trump to solve those issues in the White House.
We're waiting for Donald J. Trump to create jobs, fix economy, save our country.
We can't be, or we can't go in the direction, be a communist or socialist.
This doesn't exist.
We are coming- I love how you say that, it doesn't exist.
It's a nightmare system.
It's a nightmare system.
We hear the Hispanic American citizen, an Afro-American citizen, Donald J. Trump is the one represent us.
Represent the white people too, represent all the races, all the nationalities.
All I care about is he represents private property and cuts taxes and leaves the family alone.
And also his plan about taxes is one of the best.
For me personally, as a business person, I can't wait.
And also I feel confident that the day Donald J. Trump will be President of the United States, Mr. Trump, I will start spending my money.
But for now, I'm scared of spending money.
Look, we're being maneuvered into bankruptcy because the elites are tax-exempt.
They want us poor so they can buy everything up and make us a permanent servant class.
The Renaissance in America hadn't been perfect, but it was about making everybody wealthy, everybody successful, everybody self-sufficient, and that's what domestication has been about, ending that.
I want to come back and talk about the New York Times and others calling for his death.
We've gone out and talked to Austin Heights liberals and they said they want him dead.
And again, they don't look like they could kill, you know, a roach, but they're ready to kill everybody because they're so tough and so liberal.
And I want to talk about what you think they're going to try to do next to destroy him straight ahead with Miriam Witcher.
And again, she's an American citizen, but originally 30 plus years ago from Colombia.
These are the type of folks we need here to build up this country, because I'll be honest, a lot of indigenous Americans, whether they be black, Hispanic, white, mixed, whatever, they've had it so good so long, they're trying to spoil brats.
They're now Bernie Sanders supporters.
But you speak about your business not doing too well.
Do you have a website or where do folks find your flowers and coffee?
Well, the flowers and coffee...
are coming from Colombia are excellent products.
These guys, you go to internet, go to Wikipedia, you can find how the business is one of the best in Colombia.
Can you plug your company or you want to plug your company?
From my point of view, I just do the standby from Colombia because we can't afford to be in business anymore.
I understand.
So you just help bring it in.
I tell you, that's what they want is to extinct business.
They got my dad to quit working.
He could have worked another 5, 10 years or longer as a doctor.
He just said, I'm done.
I'm done.
We're going to break.
When we come back, we're going to get into where she thinks the attacks are coming from next.
And then we've got Diamonds and Silk coming on via Skype.
Then I'm going to get to all the other world news we haven't covered yet and open the phones up.
Paul Watson's coming up as well.
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During the breakabout.
Where are the men?
Why is there this war on men?
Because you end humanity, you end it all.
You break up the family, it's game over.
You turn on television, you see it, that's what it's about.
She's gonna go out and do a person on the street, man on the street, woman on the street in downtown Austin.
We're gonna go to UT and then versus folks maybe outside a grocery store to just see how brainwashed people are somewhere in a liberal area versus a more libertarian area.
I don't even call it conservative.
But looking at the hatred of Trump, maybe you should ask folks, do you agree with the New York Times writer that says kill Trump?
And then ask them, well, you know, what are you, Nazis or communists?
You want to kill somebody for their views?
Trump hasn't really done anything.
I mean, Mexico has a wall and police on its border.
Other countries do.
He's not against people saying we just can't be wide open.
But again, that's globalism.
What do you make of Vicente Fox and all of his mean statements?
Okay, Alex, this is the situation.
Nobody want to kill Donald Trump, excuse me.
We want to support Donald Trump to be the President of the United States of America.
The people are talking like nonsense.
The people around the world, it's unbelievable.
We love Trump.
We adore Trump.
He is our
Businessman, visionary, brilliant negotiator.
We can't wait to see Mr. Trump deal with Putin.
We, like Americans, we feel so proud about Mr. Trump, his beautiful family.
But he's about a president and a government and a people being in charge, not multinational think tanks that hijack the country.
He's about prosperity, not cloward and piven.
Agenda 21, to bankrupt us by design.
Talk about, like, Latin America.
Incredible resources, incredible people, but the elites have always tried to keep folks poor, to keep control.
From Mexico to Spain, we have history, we have culture.
We don't have the law.
The law is only writing in a piece of paper and nobody follow the law.
We, Hispanic, American, Latino, American citizen, we are waiting for Donald J. Trump will be a president of United States.
I guarantee to you, America, he's the only one is going to respect our Constitution, respect what is the law.
Donald J. Trump is a man with integrity, is a man with honesty, transparency.
We love Donald Trump because Donald Trump is a man with a big heart.
In cameras or outside the cameras, we had the opportunity.
Donald Trump represent from Mexico to Spain and all those tiny islands in the Caribbean.
He represent our dream.
Let me ask you this question.
But we never have in South America or Central America or in other countries.
Sure, well I find the folks I run into from Latin America are incredibly into hard work, incredibly smart, hardworking.
They're into free market, they want private property, they want prosperity.
But they always got groups over them, sucking off of them, corporate groups, governmental groups.
And then I hear in the media, all Hispanics hate Trump, but in Gallup polls, over 70% want to control the border.
Talking to real Americans and Hispanic folks out there, like yourself, what is the real view, percentage-wise, on Trump?
Trump is the kind of person that's going to protect our life here in the United States.
Texas, Florida, California, after 6 p.m., you need to go and sign your car with a gun, and sign the car with your knife, if somebody attack you.
Nobody said this, CNN, Fox, you hiding those kind of things, but my friends living close to the border.
They are checking and scared about the life consistently.
There is nothing about New York Times.
There is nothing about newspapers.
But, Donald J. Trump... Stay there, let's talk about what it's really like in Latin America for folks, and then ask ourselves, why would we want to reform those countries?
Why would we want to become just like that here?
Why do the elite want that so bad?
Five more minutes with our guest.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
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Wow, during the breaks, Miriam Witcher, in her 30 plus years, 35 years from Columbia, her dad, a physician, big Trump fan, read his books, successful businesswoman.
She's got to go in five minutes.
We're going to go out and do a man on the street with her a little bit later before she goes back to Vegas today, but she's here campaigning for Trump in Texas.
And she was just laying out, I said, what percentage of Hispanics you talk to in Vegas and around the country support Trump?
And she dropped a bombshell, and then she dropped another bombshell, but they don't want people to know because they feel intimidated by political correctness as well.
So repeat what you just said during the break.
Alex, 75% of the Hispanic Latino American citizen love, adore, and support Donald J. Trump.
There is a lot of intimidation from Hillary Clinton, from Bernie, from Cruz, and Rubio, and it's not fair.
We are here, and I invite every Hispanic American citizen Latino,
Be like me.
We are not here to America go down.
We are here to make America great again with this distinguished gentleman, Donald J. Trump.
And by the way, the globalists want every country to go down so they can sit offshore and be tax exempt and buy us up.
Let's talk about your Twitter.
How do folks follow you on Twitter?
Just at Merriam-Witcher dot, or just at Merriam-Witcher.
Yes, unfortunately, Twitter and Facebook, they blocked me so many times.
But now I still, I, I, you see how... No, I get it.
You're saying a lot of times they block you and then... Yeah, exactly.
But you're back up right now.
There's been a lot of that lately.
In closing, you also want to talk about the corruption.
You're saying what you experience in Latin America.
There is too much corruption in South America.
And it's so sad.
The same kind of corruption by the culture about like 450 years ago in South America.
And we make a progress so little.
It's so sad for us be here in United States of America, the country we love, the country we can, guys, the country I can love and also I give my life for this country.
I love this country so much.
We have so many brilliant Americans, genius.
Mr. Trump is one of the best, absolutely.
But you know what?
We have thousands,
American people, brilliant gizmo.
And also, I invite you, American, open your heart, your brain.
Please, and support Donald J. Trump.
Well, sure.
I mean, most of my audience is sold on Trump, and they know he's not perfect.
And if he doesn't deliver, or doesn't die trying once he's in, he will be anathema.
But I know from behind the scenes, and people that know him, and have been able to talk to him some, that he's really getting a crash course now.
And as they attack him, and as he learns that we really are under globalism, he's come out and said in a letter yesterday, we're controlled by foreign oligarchs, I want to free America from globalist occupation.
And when he gets hardcore and comes out and says that to the CFR and the Chinese government and everybody else, it's game over.
America has been captured, just like colonialism controlled Latin America.
It's a new type of colonialism.
China tells us what movies we can put out.
Nothing against the Chinese people, the Chinese government.
You're absolutely right.
And America's been so open, we've been overtaken.
And also, don't forget, we need to stop the business here in the United States about the drug cartel.
This is the point everybody is scared.
I was living in Colombia in the time about Pablo Escobar when was completely
Our country was damaged, damaged our reputation in Colombia when- When he was bombing everything?
Exactly, when 75% of the people, we are intellectual.
We're working hard and he damaged our reputation like a human being.
No matter where you want to fly, you are from Colombia, this is bad.
The same here in United States.
Do not let Hillary Clinton, Bernie, Cruz, and Rubio damage your reputation, America.
Had Donald Trump president of the United States, we can feel proud.
Well, we know they're scared of him.
I mean, if the elites total hissy fit over him... He can save our life.
Miriam Witcher, thank you so much for the time.
You're very welcome.
You're a sweetheart.
It's good to have you as a listener.
I look forward to having you on again.
And I look forward to seeing the video you're about to shoot on the street.
I want to say the final things.
Shock poll!
Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York.
That's right.
Polling data shows Hillary Clinton could lose New York, a Democratic stronghold, to Donald Trump, as the GOP frontrunner gains broad support across party lines.
The poll results from Democratic and Republican legislative races have surprised virtually all the leading Democrats who have endorsed Clinton, while also energizing GOP leaders who are now warming up to Trump.
And the results found that Clinton has higher negative ratings with New York voters than Trump, despite the fact she served as a New York senator.
Some of the polls also found much stronger loyalty amongst Trump's potential voters than along Clinton's.
A finding that mirrors the record-breaking GOP turnouts in state primaries so far.
In other words, Trump supporters will actually show up to the voting booth.
This past weekend, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions endorsed Trump during a campaign rally.
During the rally, Sessions lashed out at the Trans-Pacific Partnership and promised that amnesty will not be granted to illegals during a Trump presidency.
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We're good to go.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
At the bottom of the hour, I'm gonna open the phones up on any issue.
Long-time callers, first-time callers, Trump, what's happening in the Middle East, you name it.
And we're going to obviously also get into the Oscars and Leonardo DiCaprio, who I think is a great actor, but give me a break, calling for global warming taxes and stuff.
He flies around on these jumbo jets with the biggest carbon footprint out there other than people like Obama that tells people in Africa you can't have cars or air conditioning out front a giant jumbo jet with 15 airplanes that came with him.
Again, these liberal elite, they can have all the prosperity and the money, but we can't have anything.
I mean, it's crazy!
They're training us to be poor to control us, and that's what our guest was just talking about, Miriam Witcher, who's been here 35 years in the United States, and she's seen her success, you know, go down as the economy has fallen apart.
We also have two ladies who've been on before and who are known all over the country now, Diamond and Silk.
We've got Diamond to the left and Silk to the right.
If you're a TV viewer, if you're a radio listener, you can always tune in to InfoWars.com.
Forward slash show at stations across the country.
They're now picking up the TV show to actually see these ladies.
But DiamondAndSilk.com are their websites.
And riding shotgun for the rest of this segment with us, obviously, is Miriam Witcher.
Miriam, you had one other point.
We're going to go to these ladies, but you're going to stay with us to make points.
You had one more point, though, about Super Tuesday coming up tomorrow.
This is for Texas and for Texas and for every state in the United States.
Please, I invite you to vote for the man with integrity, honesty, and transparency, Donald J. Trump.
He will be for us, for every American citizen, every race, every nationality.
Please vote only Donald J. Trump.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for coming to Austin to be with us.
You're going to go out and do an interview with folks on the street coming up as well.
But stay with us for the rest of the segment.
Thank you.
All the ladies we just talked about, Diamond and Silk, I'm not going to go over their whole background.
Folks know who they are, but they stand in their own words for the silent majority.
As African American women, they are voicing their views about media bias, political babble, and repetitive political tactics that they feel the average American is tired of being subjected to.
And that's just it.
And I'm proud the last five or six months I've said obviously Trump's the guy.
But I still had questions.
But when I saw the Chinese government that's killed over 80 million of their own people on record, come out and say, America, you don't vote for him or else.
And the Vicente Fox, with all his corrupt background, his brother, coming out and saying, you know, you do what I say.
And Joe Biden apologizing.
And the British government saying they may ban Trump from flying there.
Scotland may kick his business out and all this crap.
And that's terrorism.
And Obama saying he's uneligible.
And, you know, I say you can't have him.
And all these other groups, and all these elites, and the Davos Group, and the New York Times, owned by Carlos Slim.
I'm not against anybody, but foreigners own all our media?
China says what movies can come out now?
I went and saw The Martian, they admit the Chinese government basically funded it, where we can't get rockets into space, but China can?
It's just crazy!
How we've been colonized by all these corporate groups that see America as chattel slaves and they want to break our will and make us submit.
So I'm more proud than ever.
And then I look at the New York Times.
I've got the article here from 2000.
I want to ask Diamonds and Silk about this right now.
Where Trump came out in 2001 and said, I'm not going to be part of the Reform Party now because the Klan and David Dukes involved.
Reform bids said to be a no-go for Trump.
And then they do the famous tactic they did in earlier elections.
He's on remote.
They cut his audio off.
He can't hear what they're saying, and they go, something, Duke, White Supremacy, what?
What groups?
I can't say without knowing the groups.
And then they go, oh my gosh, he's for David Duke.
The dirty tricks.
And now the New York Times calls for killing him, and nobody gets in trouble.
We have Austinites on video.
We went out, they said, yeah, murder him.
Down at UT, just kill him.
These people are crazy.
And so, Diamond and Silk, thank you so much for coming on with us today.
I'm kind of ranting here.
What do you want to tackle first I've covered?
I mean, are you more proud than ever?
With all the world leaders lining up against Trump?
Why can't we have our own president that says he's going to try to have fair deals for us and that talks about having real jobs again?
I don't, they are so scared of just having a nationalist.
What's your view on this, ladies?
Well, we can have that if we get out and vote for that.
And see, it's about we the people.
We the people will decide this election, but we have to get out and we have to vote.
That's right.
As far as what CNN did yesterday to our man, Mr. Donald Trump, listen, I would have wished the media would have taken and disavowed the Democratic Party because they are the one that started the KKK movement.
To keep people of color down and to intimidate them and to manipulate them.
That's right.
So that's what they should have been going towards.
But you know, David Duke is his own man.
David Duke can vote for whoever he wants to vote for and Donald Trump is not to be held accountable for who vote for him.
That's right.
He can't help who vote for him.
He can't help that.
He can't.
If that's the case, they'll start having child molesters of their Democrats go vote for him to say child molesters support Trump.
That's all it is.
This is straight trickery.
That's what it is.
Media trickery is what this is.
And we have to, we the people, have to ignore it.
And like I told them on the last video, if you see something you don't like, just cut the TV off.
Cut it off.
Just cut it off and find some other source of news.
Because I'm not, I'm not, I'm not falling for that okie doke.
That's right.
I'm not falling.
I don't know why the media use that to try to tear someone down.
I don't know why the media do that.
It's like a race baiting.
It's like a race baiting.
They've been caught before cutting feeds off and then asking a question and the person says ha ha and then they go oh look you're stupid.
CNN's been caught with fake blue screens.
They've been caught with fake Iraq coverage.
They have no credibility.
Listen, I know how that goes.
I know how you have an earpiece in your ear and you can't hear or whatever.
But keep in mind, Donald Trump disavowed this person, what, three days ago?
And then back in 2000, 2001?
I'm over with this story.
They can go ahead on and hang this one up.
Let's move on to the next.
That's right.
Because see, this is a movement.
That's right.
And why they using this platform, for them to have a moment because they got the dance for their puppet masters, those career politicians.
We're moving on.
I agree.
What do you think of the Koch brothers, the guys that have run the establishment Republican Party, giving $75 million at that secret meeting that's now come out with Rubio last Thursday.
It's come out in the news to defeat Trump.
I mean, if that doesn't tell you, the Republican establishment, the Democrats, the Chinese, communist murderers, everybody who's evil is against Trump.
I mean, my gosh, I'd be crazy if I didn't go all in.
A waste.
You know our veterans, we have some homeless, some are not getting adequate medical care, we have people living in poverty, people want opportunity, but you got these big wigs wasting money.
From Bush now to the Koch brothers, that's just waste.
Waste is what I see.
They've already spent, what is it, $300 million trying to beat Trump and none of it's working.
Right, I don't see how that's conservative.
That's right.
They want to run on a conservative platform, but that don't seem conservative to me.
That's not conservative.
That's conservative that Trump hasn't spent anybody's money.
He's just out there doing it all, changing the whole game.
That's why Chris Christie and Adorkin, that's what we need.
Game changers.
We know the current thing isn't working.
They're scared of him because they already have taken over the country.
Let me ask you amazing ladies something right now.
What do you want to cover?
Because I got a lot of questions.
But in your gut, you guys got a lot of, you know, obvious smarts there.
Real world smarts.
What do you expect them to hit him with next?
And what does your gut tell you is coming down the road?
And what can all of us do to make sure we make the elite, you know, nightmare a real nightmare?
Well, they're probably going to hit with commercials, lies, more lies.
That's right.
Our job is to ignore it and get out and vote.
Make sure you get out tomorrow and vote.
I think the next voting day after that is March the 15th.
Get out and vote and let your voice be heard.
You want to vote for Donald J. Trump?
You want to vote right?
Because if we don't vote right this time, we are going to get left again.
And keep in mind that a vote for Donald Trump is victory over the establishment.
That's right.
So get out and vote tomorrow.
And by the way, that's for real.
Why do you think the establishment is literally peeing their pants?
We're good to go.
Well, you're going to work for the need of people and not your own greed.
I've never seen an elite more scared.
I've never seen somebody coming out for 9-11 truth, going after the IRS, going after the private Federal Reserve, going after these big banks being tax exempt.
I mean, it's just incredible!
It's just such a no-brainer!
And I have friends that go, I'm going for Cruz because he's a real Texan.
A real Texan.
I'm an 8th generation Texan.
But I'm not going to vote for somebody just because they say they've lived in Texas part of their life.
I'm going to vote for somebody not off what color they are or where they're from as long as they're American and want to try to fix this country.
It's just crazy.
What do you ladies say to that?
Well, I agree.
I agree.
We didn't vote race this time based on gender or race.
We voted this time based on who is going to do the job.
Or if you live in Texas.
I could care less who the candidate is.
I want the best candidate.
I don't care if they're from New York.
There you go.
The best candidate that we see is Donald J. Trump.
Why do you think as a true classic Northern Yankee, the Southerners are his strongest supporters?
Doesn't that kind of shatter this idea that Southerners don't like Northerners?
Well, I think here in the South, people are excited.
You know, we lost a lot of manufacturing in the South.
That's right.
And why is it that we have these presidents that sign in these trade deals to outsource all of our jobs?
Oh, I love it!
Hold on, I've got to interrupt you.
Here's the deal.
Here's the deal, I don't just say this to act like I'm nice and say, I want to say that I grew up in Dallas, half my friends were black, playing football, baseball, you name it.
Because, you know, they were the guys that were fun to go out, you know, see a movie with or go out to a restaurant with.
You know, my gosh, in fact, that's what I miss most about moving down here my last year of high school was all my, you know, African-American friends in Dallas.
But I tell you, you get down here, you get in college, all you hear about is how you're evil because you're white and all this stuff all day.
Well, they've got us all fighting with each other.
We're being discriminated against that our jobs are being shipped overseas in one-sided deals.
We're being discriminated against that they're bringing in people to undercut the wages.
We're being discriminated against in that, as Americans, we're getting screwed over.
And you're right, you just said it.
We're being discriminated against by the elites, all of us together, and that's why they've got MSNBC race baiting, because they want to divert us while that's happening.
So you just talked about real discrimination.
That's my hot button.
Ladies, lay it out for us right now.
Well, here's the deal.
People want someone that's going to work for the people, not against the people.
That's right.
And when we look at Donald Trump, he's working for the people.
He wants to work for the people.
He's worried about that American worker.
He want our jobs here.
We cannot just be a service country.
We need to have our manufacturing back home.
He want people not underemployed, but gainfully employed.
That's right.
He want people to have opportunities where they're coming up, where we can create middle class, upper middle class.
Even some rich people.
And that type of prosperity makes the elite even richer, but the corrupt elite don't want that.
They want control.
And Trump wants prosperity.
Trump wants prosperity.
For all of us.
And we don't want another broke president.
No, we don't.
We want our president standing in front of those checks, not the back of those checks, baby.
We want our president, and I say this all the time, if you ever want to know what's wrong with the body of people, look at the head.
That's right.
If the head is broke and broken, then the body of people is going to be broke and broken.
That's right.
So if someone like Donald Trump came in and he's prosperous and successful, then the body of people will be prosperous and successful.
That's right.
And that's why we're looking at Donald Trump to vote for him.
Well, it's a fundamental difference.
America's never been perfect, but the reason it was better than others, it was about letting everybody be free and have a shot, even though it was hard.
And that's why it built so much prosperity.
Socialism and collectivism is a disaster.
Look at Bernie Sanders.
Look at Hillary.
But also look at Hillary, who ran for governor with her husband with rebel flags.
I'm not getting into rebel flags and bashing them.
But the point is, and all of her Dixie Mafia and Klan connections and Robert Byrd, I mean, it's just a fact that my grandfather ran as a Republican and won when he got back from World War II and had the Klan basically threaten him in East Texas because he was for civil rights.
It was the Republicans that passed the Civil Rights Act.
And I just don't get, now the Republicans haven't been perfect, there's been some racist Republicans, but how they inverted reality and turned it into the Democrats are the ones that are anti-racist, when they're the ones playing both sides.
And I think it's time to expose Hillary and the rest of it, but her comments about black people being super predators, and they gotta be made to heal like a dog.
Imagine if Donald Trump had ever said something like that.
My goodness.
We wouldn't hear the last of it.
But we're not worried about Hillary Clinton.
Oh, we need to know which one of you all we got to go up against.
That's right.
We done already been on that Democratic plantation, so we know what it's like.
That's right.
So we got a lot to say when it comes to the general election.
Who's more scary, Hillary or Bernie?
Probably Hillary.
Both of them look scary.
Yes, yes.
Bernie want to give everything away and all he's doing is teaching people to rob children, to rob Peter to pay Paul.
You can just throw something on the credit card and don't worry about paying it back.
And Hillary, I don't even know why she running.
You know, they don't get to play musical chairs with the presidency.
That's right.
You already had a Clinton that messed things up.
It's time for the Clintons to go home and sit down.
And sit down.
You ladies are on fire.
And again, Miriam, you pop in any time you want.
But you got the floor.
We got like six, seven minutes left to break.
I appreciate you coming on.
Instead of me answering the questions, lady, you guys just turn it loose.
In fact, let's go first there on the right with Silk.
Silk, you spend about three minutes with what you think is most important.
Well, what I think most important is we need our jobs back here in America, period.
When you got people working and they're able to feed their families, take care of their household, then they will feel whole again.
Right now, if you don't use it, you will lose it.
Men, we need to have muscles so it's time for them to get back to work.
Women, it's time for all of us to get back to work and build our family union.
It's time for people to stop allowing people to race bait them.
By staying stuck in the pains of your ancestors, staying stuck in the pain of racism, staying stuck in the pain of hate.
It's time to get out of the womb and get in reality.
Because the more you look at the past, you'll miss out on the present.
It's time for us to move forward.
And you can't move forward
Looking backwards.
That's right.
So Nietzsche said, that which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
And I'm not glad for the bad things that happened to me in my life.
But quite frankly, I look back and compare people that had that bad stuff happen to them, they're not as strong as I am.
So I'm not saying, you know, feel bad for bad stuff that's happened, but realize, if you survived, it only made you stronger.
That's right.
That's what I want to tell the white supremacists and the black supremacists and the Hispanic ones that the Media Matters and George Soros are involved with.
They hope we all just fight with each other and keep killing each other, like Bob Marley said, because that's all they got.
Listen, there's seven and a half billion people on this planet.
We're all in this together.
And as soon as we figure out that we all want prosperity and security and a future and sovereignty, you're calling for men to return.
I noticed that from her as well.
Women want men.
And men want women.
They want us all fighting with each other.
All this fake feminism.
It's just garbage!
Yes, absolutely.
And the only way for us to unite as one race is we have to stop segregating ourselves as a particular race.
We have to realize we're only one race, and that's the human race.
And that's what MSNBC wants, is everybody scared to get involved with other groups.
They want us to put up our own walls.
They want us to self-segregate because they are so evil.
What do you ladies think about MSNBC and the stuff they say?
Look, that's the mainstream media.
I try to ignore them.
I try to ignore them because you know what?
That gravy train about to be cut off.
That's right.
Because as soon as this truck train get to going and everybody is looking towards unity, the media ain't gonna have nothing.
I mean what kind of statement is that?
Well, I don't know, but we saw Clarence Thomas.
He look like this.
He look black.
He black.
No, he black.
He black.
Listen, but because Clarence Thomas is probably not singing to their tune.
That's right.
See, you got to understand what a race baiter really is.
The only time we see the black leaders is when someone get killed.
That's right.
Because they can make money.
But as long as these black boys are killing each other, you don't see the black leaders.
You don't see them.
You don't see them.
So when it come to these black leaders, I'm looking at them and I'm looking at them with a side eye.
You know, if you really cared about the black community, you would be in the black community every day, all day.
All day.
Talking to our young boys.
I was about to say, Obama, less visits to black areas than any other president before him in the last 50 years, and then black unemployment doubles.
It's almost like they took black people for granted and just said, we got you, you're done.
I mean, I can't imagine, if I was the first black president in a forever percentage, I guess you might have to be African, I would really actually want to help people.
It seems like they wanted to screw over black people.
Am I wrong?
Well, I'm going to tell you this.
Obama was the first African American president.
He did not bring in opportunities.
Unemployment among the African American community is extremely high.
He ran on hope and change.
He ran on hope and change.
People walking around here with no hope don't even have enough change to buy them a loaf of bread.
That's right.
So, you tell me, should people be walking around here happy about that?
Alright, final comment here.
You ladies are amazing.
I want to have you back up.
This is what real folks that are outside the Matrix look like.
They're excited, they're angry, just like I am.
This is teleprompter free.
They tell you don't be angry, that's because they're scared of us having energy.
Like Howard Beale talks about a network.
I want to have Silk with some final comments, Silk.
Well, all I can say is, people don't want an Obama phone.
Give us a job, we can get our own phone.
Keep in mind that this is the United States, not the divided states.
And it's time for us to unite as one.
Keep in mind, one race, that's the human race.
And ladies, folks can find you at DiamondsandSilk.com.
Miriam, do you want to say anything in closing to these ladies?
I want to say, Diamond and Soul, thank you so much for support Donald J. Trump.
You represent Afro-American.
I represent Hispanic, Latino, American citizen.
And this man, Donald J. Trump, he's the one represent every race and every nationality in United States.
She got so excited when she saw you pop up on the TV screen.
She didn't know you were coming on.
Ladies, thank you so much.
His lead is surging right now.
That story is on Infowars.com.
They're panicking.
The more they attack, the more he surges.
His polls are exploding.
We'll be back on the other side.
Don't forget, the biggest sale in our history is going right now and it's not at midnight.
It's the Leap Year Sale, 30% off and free shipping.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
What could lead to another world war?
Turkey is exponentially increasing its military presence on the Syrian border, according to journalists who caught it on tape.
Tanks, shells, and other ammunition are being delivered to the Turkish positions, which are shelling Kurdish forces in Syrian territory, according to the reporters.
One of the journalists said, quote,
The barrels of the tanks and self-propelled guns are pointed in the direction of the mainly Kurdish Syrian city of Kobani.
The Kurdish locals, who have been fighting back against ISIS for quite some time, openly accused Turkey of being friends with the Islamic State.
The locals described how Turkey and Islamic State forces have opened fire on locals trying to flee the area and then stolen their cars.
And one Turkish fighter revealed how Turkish tanks intentionally destroyed a house this past week.
The Turkish government said it would ignore the Syrian ceasefire brokered by the U.S.
and Russia, which took effect on February 27th.
In fact, Turkey's Prime Minister even admitted that Turkey was supporting ISIS.
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And finally, from yours truly, Alex Jones, to all the patriots of every race, color, and creed across this country and the world, I salute you for your tireless fight against tyranny and your support of the Infowar.
Without you, none of this is possible.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
The entire global power structure that is run by the technocratic eugenicists is in full battle array against Donald Trump.
As a focal point of a worldwide populist movement.
He's only empowering the populist movement.
He's not sabotaging it.
If I saw him doing that, I would say it was a very sophisticated operation.
It's not.
This is organic, just like we are.
And people can't believe that Infowars is organic and real and original.
It is.
It's watched 20 plus years in the making.
Donald Trump
He understands an epic time is here and they're fighting oligarchs.
He put that out in a letter that we posted at Infowars.com that was sent to the press.
I want to go to your phone calls here and then get to the latest Islamic invasion news that is all part of the globalist plan to implode the West and have us in fighting with each other.
That's the scorched earth diversion where bank robbers will burn down a grocery store
You know, have somebody set a fire in a grocery store while they rob the bank down the road.
This is a classic operation.
This is world-conquering event happening.
This is world government.
This is takeover by stealth.
Trojan takeover.
And it's amazing.
And people get, you know, obsessed with who they support or who they don't support.
You've never seen me this involved in an election, not even with Ron Paul.
I knew we were building a liberty movement with Ron Paul.
He had some small chance of winning, but they were cheating him and stuff and playing dirty tricks, and he wasn't as charismatic as Trump.
He was better when it came to policies, but he hadn't captured the public's attention.
So yeah, I'm up here electioneering.
I mean, I can see it's all in.
I'm not going to take the safe road and sit on the sidelines.
The system is so angry about what I'm doing.
We have like some of the top stories in the country the last five days with the Koch brothers, $75 million to take down Trump.
The left makes them like the ultimate boogeyman.
Anyone that's against, you know, turning their guns in must be fined for the Koch brothers.
The Koch brothers finance the controlled right that runs everything.
They're there to keep the Republican establishment in place.
Trump's challenging all that.
They go, sure, you're flooded with the Koch brothers.
I'm intellectually superior to you.
I can say Koch brother.
From the Chinese murdering communist to the Mexican former president to the corrupt British government to just everybody, they're against Trump.
It's so obvious.
And now they're calling for killing him.
I wonder how all you Trump people are going to feel when they blow his airplane up or if they do or they shoot him.
They are so upset because they know he'll do whatever he thinks is best.
And they run this country already and they don't like it, this oligarchy that Trump's put a letter out about.
We're going to break the power of the oligarchy, the so-called masters of the universe, that's what they call them at Davos.
He didn't go to their Davos meetings.
He's not in their club.
He's what they're worried about.
A rogue billionaire.
Capturing the populist attention.
The only danger is, maybe he is somebody like Napoleon that wants to take over for himself.
Well, we'll deal with that at that point.
We know the enemy that currently is on top of us, that's been invincible, that's because they've been invisible, because the public wasn't aware of how stuff really worked, they're now being uncloaked, and we are within millimeters of an open debate about America being occupied by globalist forces, and then it's game over, as I keep hammering.
The problem is, they live offshore, the globalists are more than willing to wreck the whole country, they'll just buy it up cheaper later.
They will false flag and blame it on Trump supporters or Liberty supporters.
And I'm telling you, we're entering that right now.
Donald Trump, I'm going to call Stone and some of the other people.
He's got to come out and talk about Oklahoma City.
He's talking about 9-11 and talk about the Clintons and how they bare minimum knew the Southern Poverty Law Center and how that was done to blame the Republican conservative revolution in 94-95.
Because I'm just looking at everything in line right now.
And the Klan stuff's not gonna work, none of it's gonna work.
False flag.
We have now entered the absolute prime zone.
Through these primaries, and if he gets it, which he is, and up against Hillary, his plane malfunctions, he gets shot by Mexican Mafia or something to create racial division,
A crazy, a schizophrenic, but maybe not that that's too obvious.
No, they'd false flag.
That's another big question.
We should do a whole show on that.
I also want to do a show, people that lived in socialist and communist countries, all the worlds they can call in, tell you how great it is.
You know, on-screen calls.
I want to go to your calls right now, briefly.
Your funding makes all this possible, so that's a great thing.
The reporters, the news articles, and you know with InfoWars, the videos, the reports, that we are kicking globalist booty.
Last week we had the number one story about them making fun of Scalia's death, Obama.
Google said number one story that day.
Then we had a story that was number three over the weekend.
I mean, that's two articles in a week that are at the top of the charts.
Mainstream media can't do that.
You are funding this and you are putting your money and your word of mouth
And you're voting with your feet towards us that is causing absolute devastation to the globalists on so many fronts.
People all over the world are listening.
That's what I find in Latin America.
And when I'm out in California, Hispanics run up to me and, oh, we love you.
I hate to be almost racist, but it's like the white people, and somewhat the blacks, but the white, they don't even know what planet they're on.
And I've said that, it's weird, it's like the third world populations that aren't citizens
So I think the Democrats might have miscalculated, but I guess the ones that get to vote are socialists.
I don't know what's going on.
But it's actually the people that came from third world countries that know how corruption works that know the show's accurate.
So it's really weird.
Like I'm bashing illegals all the time, but they seem to be more awake.
And I'm bashing the cops, but they're more awake.
And I'm bashing the military sometimes, they're more awake.
It really is Americans that are of black, white, Hispanic, and men that have been raised in liberty that don't appreciate it.
And now we're going into tyranny.
But here's what I'm getting at.
We're running the biggest sale in our 21 year history.
I realized when I came up with the numbers last week, they said, hey, it ought to be leap year.
It's like Black Friday.
A lot of folks are doing it.
We got a lot of, you know, we got a lot of inventory right now.
Some stuff's sold out, but we got big orders into this stuff.
Are you willing to do a 25% off and free shipping?
I said, well, we did that before.
I said, let's do 30% off and free shipping.
And they said, okay, on top of the discounts that are already there.
And I said, yeah.
So this is heads above the rest.
No special like this ever.
This is the Leap Year Special.
Only comes around every four years.
We've never done a Leap Year Special before.
It ends tonight at midnight.
And they're like, Alex, you said you wouldn't extend it, but man, this is really helping fund the operation and get folks great deals.
Can you extend it one day?
And I said, nope!
Because see, I usually start something, don't promote it, and then add a few days on because I don't really promote it.
But this time I started it on Friday instead of Monday.
So I already extended it by starting it earlier.
And we're about to sell out of a bunch of items.
So we have to end the special.
But for late night listeners, I'll extend it until showtime tomorrow at 11 a.m.
and then the special is gone.
We'll have some other targeted specials just in what we have left.
About to have a bunch of stuff, I have to give you the proviso, that will no longer be on sale, because we have to hold back a little bit, for folks that get 10% off additional, signing up for AutoShip.
So, the only way to get a lot of this stuff that's selling out, is to sign up for AutoShip.
Super Mill sold out, DNA Force sold out, sign up for AutoShip, we have reserves right there, it's 10% off, you can get those items that are sold out, because we have to hold that reserve, for AutoShip folks, we keep a surplus there, small surplus.
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That's how aggressive I am.
These deals now are head-turning.
You should tell neighbors, friends, and families about it today, because it really is that good.
And then the funds we do get out of this, you're going to see reporters covering them the rest of the election.
The RNC, the DNC, Davos.
Leanne wants to go down and cover some stuff going on in South America.
I've got to get her a bodyguard, but I'll send her down there.
I mean, I'm asking my reporters, you know, I want your passion.
What are you ready to do?
What do you want to do?
And we're going to get more reporters and more writers.
We're just going to up our game here and our pledge to you.
And also, finally, it's even more important to pray for the broadcast.
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That's the real power of the transmission.
I want to just go to your phone calls, but then I've got to get to the latest Islamic Jihad behaviors.
I mean, women chopping four-year-olds' heads off and running around yelling Allah Akbar, raping, murdering, tearing down fences, attacking, just total insanity.
This is a global takeover.
And Obama's on the news saying, oh, we don't
We don't have enough refugees.
We need to bring more in.
But not letting governors and folks know how many are here.
We did a report, Jakari Jackson did it months ago.
He should probably do a follow-up report, or somebody should.
It was an important report.
320-something people, refugees, from Syria and Iraq at one school in one year, where the school of 2,000 people is almost collapsing because of all the Arabic speakers that don't speak a lick of English in there.
And that's just their kids!
At Anderson High, where I went.
So we called around to other high schools.
Oh, we got 200 here.
We got 100-something here.
The whole town, they claim it's 50-something in Texas.
It's thousands in Austin, kids alone!
We have no idea what's... It's just like it took us a year to find out that the borders were open.
Again, Jakari and Adon Salazar broke that.
I ought to send them back down to the border for a follow-up.
We're there on tape going, yeah, the Border Patrol ships them in, we give them the IDs, you know, we give them the vouchers, just let them in.
And now the Justice Department in New York and Illinois and Florida and California is saying, we're going to help illegals vote.
The lawlessness!
This is a takeover!
And then we're like, hey, you can't, and they go, shut up racist white person.
And I'm like, well, I never really thought of it as white stuff.
I'm into freedom and private property, but don't attack me because of what color I am, but you're racially organizing this, but it's big banks doing it.
It's so chilling.
Blake, Phil, Keith, Robert, Hal, we're going to all of you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Phil in Florida.
He wants to talk about Rubio.
Rubio's talking about how Donald Trump has small hands.
You know what that means.
I don't know.
I got smaller hands for my body size, but that stereotype isn't true.
And then, you know, saying he's a con man, you know, it's really devolving.
But, I mean, you know what?
All's fair in love and war.
You're a Ferengi, and you say Donald Trump has a small
Yeah Alex, I just wanted to say I agree with you 100% on that.
I think the idea that Marco Rubio is calling Donald Trump a con man
Is ridiculous because Donald Trump is so popular because the Republican Party has already been taken over by con men.
Well, that's right.
They are a filthy, hated, disgusting group of trash.
And the filthy Koch brothers are crapping all over everyone right now.
And if Republicans don't get behind Trump and Libertarians, they're morons.
They want to be purists like Pharisees, you know, sitting there complaining, then go ahead and be losers.
It's so obvious that Trump is the juggernaut.
I mean, he's the due sex.
He's there.
But they're always looking for the perfect thing.
Their dream man.
That's what Rubio's looking for.
We know he looks for dream men.
And nothing wrong with the fact that Rubio hangs outside bathrooms at night.
I mean, I'm not saying that's even bad.
I don't even judge him.
That's not my cup of tea.
Whatever you're into, buddy.
I'm a libertarian.
Just don't talk.
You know, we know you're obsessed with Donald Trump's... Why do you think he's obsessed with Donald Trump's sexual organs?
Well, I think that part of that has to do maybe with that business venture or whatever it was that they were engaged in in that bathroom down there.
But aside from that, the Bush clip that you showed of him slitting throat for Donald Trump there, I think that it's pretty much most rational people can look at this satanic individual now.
He looks like a giant goblin.
He looks like a huge water balloon pump full of rotten children's blood or something.
It's pretty obvious that he's at least partially responsible for the JFK, RFK assassinations
The attempt on Ronald Reagan's life and may have actually been partially responsible.
Yes, sir.
Yes, this is not a joke.
I've been listening to you for years, and my brother's a state trooper, and he reported me to a government agency, and these people injected me three weeks ago.
This is not a joke.
I know I sound crazy.
And my whole face is numb, my body's numb, my head's in extreme pain, and I believe they poisoned my mother, too.
I know I sound crazy, but this is serious.
Well, look, you gotta send us the information, because I can't.
Documentation, you know, your admission forms, email it to us with an authorization to look into it, and then we will, sir.
You wanted to talk about Mitt Romney, though.
Yeah, well I knew I wouldn't get on if I didn't say that.
Can you give me the email to send?
Yeah, here's the deal.
I appreciate your call, but we really don't screen calls, except when I say we're on a certain topic.
I say call in about whatever you want, actually.
So, you know, it's the fact that you lied about what you were coming on with.
You could have just said, I want to talk about being drugged by the government.
We know stuff like that goes on.
And I'm not mad at you.
Just send me the info or it doesn't do anything.
It's like we got a guy calls and says, I'm at the military base where the mass shooter is.
I want to report on what I saw.
We do what CNN does.
And I go, we won't use it, but send us your military ID card and a picture ID.
And then we check the phone that, you know, that it's that right area code, everything.
Then we have a source.
We do what mainstream doesn't do.
We try our hardest.
Howell, in a former state, now in FEMA Region 3.
You're on the air, Howell.
I want to get in my comment as quickly as I can.
But let me start off by saying, I watch every debate.
I started off watching the Democratic, the Republican debates.
And I've watched Trump go, in my mind, from about 5% to 20% to 50%.
And then when he started talking about the definite no-go subjects, like 9-11,
It's brought me all the way up to about 95%.
I don't like the wall.
But, I mean, I know it's... I don't like the Apple stuff.
I don't like the Twitter.
No, exactly.
Here's the deal.
We have direct contouts into Trump, not just us.
The guy is fully waking up to the new world order.
Can you imagine how scared they are with his phone's tap?
Stay there, I'm going to come back to you.
Look, I saw them scared of him early on.
I thought he might have been a shell.
I started watching him.
And, you know, look, look, look, look.
It's not because he came on this show that I endorse him either.
I mean, usually the endorsing candidates is not good for a broadcast.
It's that it's all in, folks.
It's game time.
You can see it.
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Alright, Hal in FEMA Region 3, thanks for holding.
Go ahead and finish your point.
Yeah, I was saying how I've been seeing Trump come up in my mind, my support of him, you know, the 20, 50, 95% now that he's gotten the 9-11 topics covered that are no-go zones.
And I just want to say, I know it's frustrating for you to get the Infowarriors fully behind a candidate because, you know, you're very informed and you know a lot of the things that are going on behind the scenes.
But we Infowarriors, we're skeptical by nature.
That being said... Brother, I am too!
And look, I don't 100% trust Trump because he really is his own person and has some blind spots like all of us do.
He's pretty old, he doesn't understand the internet.
I happen to know how he actually works now.
He isn't on the internet.
He's having things printed off for him.
He reads books.
He knows about the globalists and he's literally just can't believe it.
And now they're threatening him and stuff.
So now he's coming out against the quote oligarchy and the global government.
I mean, he's, see, he's really getting a crash course now that they're doing all these dirty tricks to him.
So he's so alpha male.
He's loving the death battle because he realizes he'll be destroyed if he doesn't win now.
And so he's just loving it.
It feeds right into his personality.
That's why I always tell folks, get politically involved.
Because then you'll be attacked, and it doesn't make you weaker, it makes you stronger.
It's the animating contest.
And so the deeper Trump gets in, the more vicious he's going to get.
It's just irrevocable damage to the globalists.
Oh, it's devastatingly wonderful.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
He's blowing down the facade.
Go ahead.
There's one thing in my mind that could get him to 99% support, in my view, and it's an issue that's very important to me, and I know it's very important to the Infowarriors, and I'm so glad I got on.
Tell us the issue.
Tell us the issue.
We'll never know until we find out.
It's the issue of fluoride, and we Infowarriors, that's a big
We're good to go.
But to put out the line about, we need to stop global warming, which means climate change, which means carbon tax, when he flies around on these jumbo jets all day, I mean, it's just so hypocritical, and it's so disconnected, and it'll kill billions of people if they put the carbon tax in.
We also have, until midnight tonight, and I'm going to extend it through to the morning, but that's it.
That is it.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Good, brother.
Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you about what do you think Vice President choice would be for Trump?
Would be a good choice, do you think?
I think Senator Sessions is excellent because they won't want to assassinate Trump and then get Sessions in there.
It's probably even better when it comes to policy.
I think Alabama, Senator Sessions, that way Trump's from the north, he's from the south.
And then I think a cabinet mainly of former military generals and business leaders and basically no lawyers.
Yeah, I haven't really done a lot of research on Sessions, but I did see him speak for Trump yesterday.
He's great.
He's held back the gun-grabbing, the open borders.
Sessions is good.
Good stuff.
What do you think about Ron Paul or maybe Judge Napolitano?
Judge Napolitano would be good for the Supreme Court.
I know that's being looked at.
I wish I couldn't.
Somebody told me that somebody saw the judge in New York, who he likes, and said, I get in, buddy, Supreme Court nominee.
And Napolitano said, you're kidding, right?
And he said, no, I'm not kidding.
Napolitano was like, wow.
So that's going down.
But Ron Paul's a total purist.
Says he's not going to support Trump.
And I get being a purist.
But, you know, that's why I've got my vote as well and my support.
People say, oh, voting's all a fraud.
None of there's a landslide.
None of the people exercised it.
He's bringing in all those other voters now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Mother, tell your children not to walk my way.
How do you get your children to listen to you?
Speak very, very softly and act like you don't want them to listen.
Then they'll hang on every word.
Oh, mother!
What a time to be alive, father!
Paul Watson is waiting in the wings.
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It's called 1776 Worldwide!
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All right, let's get back into the news ahead of Paul Watson taking over.
This is all up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Trump's lead exploding ahead of Super Tuesday.
Isn't that just amazing?
Every time Fox News, Rubio attacked Trump, Trump's lead grows.
They did the whole made up.
Uh, Klan thing by cutting his audio off, the David Duke garbage, all of it.
And now, Koch-funded senator, this just broke at Infowars.com minutes ago, Koch-funded senator, so hit refresh on your computer, Koch-funded senator wants a new candidate to thwart Trump, confirms Roger Stone's warning of what happened in that secret Republican meeting last Thursday in New York City with the Ferengi ambassador, Marco Rubio.
So, this is simply amazing, that article, up on Infowars.com.
I'm not going to get into the Leonardo DiCaprio thing, everybody already knows about it.
He's going to be covering it some, coming up.
But there is just so much to get to.
I want to cover briefly with Paul, as I'm always getting into this, the whole Muslim latest orgy of death and head chopping of children inside the West, and more.
But right now, let's go to a phone call, folks holding patiently.
Blake in Texas, your view on the Donald Trumpism phenomenon.
Yes, Alex.
I was actually going to call in about something different, but you talked about Marco Rubio mentioning that Trump's hands are really small.
And quite frankly, I think it's a great opportunity for Donald Trump to destroy Rubio, which is the globalist's chance at trying to thwart Trump's chances.
I think that Trump needs to bring up
The whole gay issue with Rubio.
I think if he did that, I think... I agree, but Trump should say, hey, I'm not against gay people, which he's said many times.
You know, nice, fabulous people, work with them, blah, blah, blah.
I just think marriage is between a man and a woman.
You can have your own civil union.
But I think he should say, listen, Marco, we're not saying you're that, but you're the one obsessed with, you know, how big my wee-wee is.
Why don't we talk about, you know, you and your buddy that runs the gay porn company that you got arrested with outside the bathroom at night at the park?
Why'd you get arrested?
You think that might destroy Rubio?
I think it would totally destroy Rubio.
People, you know, I showed people the pictures.
It's absolutely, you see the pictures of Wayne Madsen on his website.
It's a bunch of guys dancing.
One of them looks exactly like Rubio at Coco Bro.
You know, since we've gone this direction and since the Enquirer's reporting on our reports that Madsen wrote, why don't we just get Madsen on tomorrow and have all the photos and bring the whole thing out here?
Because I think Hillary should be proud of her girlfriends, if she's so liberal.
And I'm serious, I don't make this an issue.
And I think Rubio should be proud of, you know, everything he's involved in.
Yeah, absolutely.
I don't know, I haven't looked into it Alex, but it seems that the media's now trying to use Trump's own tactic against him.
Of course, he's launched personal attacks on other candidates as a distraction because that's what he excels at.
He keeps them on the ropes with these kind of personal attacks and distractions.
So now the media seems to be doing that to Trump.
They can't debunk him with his own statements and actions.
That only helps because they're hated.
Here's the key equation.
You're hated.
You're trash.
Everyone doesn't like you, media.
Shock poll.
Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York.
That's right.
Polling data shows Hillary Clinton could lose New York, a Democratic stronghold, to Donald Trump as the GOP frontrunner gains broad support across party lines.
The poll results from Democratic and Republican legislative races.
Have surprised virtually all the leading Democrats who have endorsed Clinton, while also energizing GOP leaders who are now warming up to Trump.
And the results found that Clinton has higher negative ratings with New York voters than Trump, despite the fact she served as a New York Senator.
Some of the polls also found much stronger loyalty amongst Trump's potential voters than along Clinton's.
A finding that mirrors the record-breaking GOP turnouts in state primaries so far.
In other words, Trump supporters will actually show up to the voting booth.
This past weekend, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions endorsed Trump during a campaign rally.
During the rally, Sessions lashed out at the Trans-Pacific Partnership and promised that amnesty will not be granted to illegals during a Trump presidency.
This is Kit Daniels reporting for InfoWars.com
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I don't know.
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And finally, from yours truly, Alex Jones, to all the patriots of every race, color, and creed across this country and the world, I salute you for your tireless fight against tyranny and your support of the InfoWar.
Without you, none of this is possible.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I am handing the baton to Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com editor extraordinaire, hailing from Her Britannic Majesty's London, England.
And I'm going to get out of here in the next five minutes, but I wanted to get back on the election with him.
But first, this is the Washington Examiner.
White House wants to increase Syrian refugees in the U.S., and then it goes through the National Association of Counties and how they're trying to get all that lined up.
In Europe, three years ago, they said, oh, it's 100,000.
It was really a million.
Then a million is really four million.
Here, it's, oh, we want 10,000.
Then it was 100,000.
Then it was 300,000.
Then it was a million.
They use the same formulas of bull.
And they hide the real numbers.
So I thought I'd go over the Daily Mail article.
Horror in Moscow.
As Burka-clad babysitter decapitates girl in her care.
Well, that's her culture and it was a white child and probably had some type of racial bias and may have deserved it.
I mean, you got a lot of other cultures, there's no such thing as a bad culture.
The Aztecs, the Nazis, well, whatever.
Har in Moscow as Burka-clad babysitter decapitates girl in her care, then walks through the streets carrying her severed head and shouting Allah Akbar.
Well, the answer is bayonets.
Allah Akbar.
Just a total whack job brought up in a death cult.
A Wahhabi is no doubt.
Yeah, let's bring that in here.
You know, men can't be men.
You can't use the name mother or father, but let's chop heads off.
And an encyclophanic left just loving it.
Here's another one.
Migrants break down Macedonia fence on Greek border.
A crowd of migrants.
It used to be called invaders.
Has broken down a barbed wire fence on the Macedonian-Greece border, using a steel pole as a battering ram.
There's video of this.
TV footage shows migrants pushing towards a fence and it goes through, ripping it down in the chaos.
They're saying Sweden, France, the highways are collapsing, mugging, robbing, murder everywhere.
Oh, but the liberals say it's good and they have liberal women bringing them flowers.
And TV crews are stabbed, raped and robbed, literally.
I mean, you talk about Europe wanting to commit suicide.
It's doing it.
You want to know what liberalism is?
Modern liberalism is suicide.
Self-hating, loathing.
Swiss voters reject hardline initiative on criminal foreigners.
That's right, even the Swiss that are more nationalist.
Swiss Info reports they've said no.
We're going to let criminals stay here and do everything horrible.
Well, there you go.
Rights groups.
Saudi Arabia uses U.S.
cluster bombs on civilians.
Well, that's okay and liberal because it's Saudi Arabia and they own Fox News.
And it just goes on from there.
Truly sickening.
So before I get back to Trump here briefly, and the more they attack and the more popular it gets, the media thinks they're gonna start personal attacks on him and say, you know, that he has baby hands or whatever, and all the rest of this garbage.
Before they do all that, they should understand, they're not Trump seen as the outsider.
They are the hated, loathed scum and filth of the earth that haven't figured out they're the zombie media, the walking dead, Paul.
So we'll get to that in a moment, but first off, the orgy of Islamic raping, pool pooping, chopping of heads, robbing, all over Europe, collapse happening, just foaming at the mouth like Day of the Dead, running around robbing, the civil emergency, banning people's free speech to counter it.
How is the endgame going for Hollande, Merkel, and all the rest of the filth?
Well, Merkel now admits that she's got no plan B whatsoever, so she's basically acknowledged that it's been a complete disaster.
But The Economist says she's a genius!
Oh yeah, but now they've actually run out of space.
There are no luxury four-star hotels left.
There are no cruise liners left.
There are no disused office buildings.
Now these office buildings where they're housing all these migrants are being attacked, shot at and burned down.
Because as I said, if you ignore legitimate concerns, you create a vacuum for extremists.
That's now happening.
Exactly what I said would happen months ago.
But still you've got the lefty virtue-signallers like Jude Law, the actor, who went to the Calais Jungle Migrant Camp, which is of course full of peaceful, tolerant people who stab, rob and rape each other all day, numerous incidents of that.
So he visited this migrant camp as a big public relations scam.
And his minders, his security guards, because of course these are lovely, peaceful, tolerant people, but you needed, you know, five security guards just to get away with it.
But what I love is when they attack and stab and all this, the left worships it as a sacrament of love, and the hateful videos as they attack and stab, the left just loves it.
What type of mentally ill scum are these?
Because we know the globalist master plan, but how have they turned the actual minions into such servile trash?
Well, it's mass Stockholm Syndrome, that's what it is.
And so basically he went there, his minders, his security got attacked, got robbed.
There are, you know, female volunteers for the migrants that go there routinely and get raped.
They get told by their little left-wing agitator groups, don't you dare talk about this because it discredits our narrative.
So we're seeing it over and over again, of course.
He's got a £15 million mansion, which is about $25 million, in North London.
He hasn't invited any refugees to stay in his $25 million mansion.
And Saudi Arabia hasn't either.
No, they've got these 300,000 tents at Hodge, which they don't use for most of the year.
They haven't accepted any refugees.
But let's go past that.
Let me ask you this question, because I literally, at night in the morning when I'm getting ready for broadcast, I look at this news, I look at the response, and I can't believe it.
It's so satirical.
It's like a Kurt Vonnegut satire piece, dark satire piece.
And they intend to increase it.
And I watch TV and they say fathers are bad on every channel, and freedom is bad.
I mean, the psycho's running things.
What is the endgame, and how is it going for them?
I mean, doesn't the left get that once there's an Islamic Jihad, that's it?
You know, that's it for them?
I mean, is it just a suicidal nihilism?
Or do they hate Western prosperity so much, our own elite, that they just want to trash it all?
I mean, why does a George Soros Nazi collaborator, that's gotten away with everything, why does he want to ruin Europe and the US?
Why are they such buckets of pus?
Well, it's because, as he said, it's this kind of nihilism, but it's also the fact that they're virulent racists.
I mean, when the Green MP in Germany gets up in front of the Parliament and says, German population, the native population, will be replaced within 30 years... And that's a good thing!
And that's a good thing!
That's a good thing.
That's racism.
It's self-hating racism.
It's Stockholm Syndrome.
That's precisely what it is.
So it's not just about importing huge groups as voting blocks.
You know, business gets cheap labour.
That's all part of it.
They don't bring in, like, Lebanese or folks, you know, from Jordan or other areas that are known to be really smart, hard-working people that want to be Western.
They bring in the literal gutter trash, Wahhabis, the worst of the worst, that have been robbing and murdering all over the Middle East and they just bring them in.
What filth!
I mean, you can look at the numbers, and obviously the huge majority of people coming from Syria are Muslims, but those coming into America is basically a handful.
It's 99% Wahhabis too.
Yeah, it's like 650 Muslims and 2 Christians coming into America.
And like 7 of them will be Shiite.
Yeah, I've seen the numbers.
Yeah, so it's a tiny percentage.
It's not proportionate with the amount of Christians that are coming out of Syria, which is a minority, but it's more than two out of 650.
So it seems like they're deliberately not letting the Christians in and letting all these, you know, Sunnis in that are prone to this extremism, which again we've seen in Russia today, in Moscow, with this beheading.
And you know, I'm surprised... Well, why not let her have her culture?
I think liberals should volunteer their children to be chopped off by jihadists to show how liberal they are.
Shouldn't that be sensitivity training for them to volunteer their kids to have their heads chopped off, Paul?
No, exactly.
I'm surprised that we're not already being lectured about, you know, how not all Muslim babysitters behead kids and we need to hire more Muslim au pairs.
Hey, hey, hey, Hillary says open the borders up.
Maybe Chelsea's having a new baby.
Maybe she can volunteer to send the baby to ISIS.
No, every time we have an attack like the Paris Massacre, again, they exploited the refugee program, posed as refugees.
The answer from the left is, well, we need more economic migrants.
That's the solution, because you're racist simply for drawing attention to it, even though Islam is not a race.
So, again, we're going to see that.
And even though when I was in London, they had
Muslim immigrants I've never seen the likes of who wouldn't give anybody rides from the airport to their hotels and were gouging three, four times what was demanded.
And then I had a British guy pull up and he goes, no, I'll charge you the regular price.
He goes, that's allowed.
That's criminal.
The country no longer exists.
And he goes, they're mean to everybody.
And that's the thing, as I was in London again with you, I've been there a lot, and there's literally Muslims that look like they're in the middle of, like, Saudi Arabia, just stumbling around crazily in their outfits, looking hateful at everyone, just stomping around like psychos.
You live there, what is it like?
Well, obviously the ones that are assimilated are perfectly nice people, but that's not who they're bringing in.
I mean, people are now being arrested simply for going down Luton, for example, which has a high Muslim population area, and handing out leaflets.
And yet, you've got Muslims walking around near the Houses of Parliament, literally a stone's throw away, in full ISIS regalia, the police talk to them for like 30 seconds and they go on their way.
People with ISIS flags and Jihad masks are allowed to, but Brits cannot go and have free speech anywhere.
It's all on video.
Paul, I'm going to get back into Trump.
I'm handing the baton to you.
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But Trump!
Again, the media is trying his tactics now.
It doesn't work because they're the walking dead.
They're so arrogant.
Haven't they figured out that the more they attack someone, the more that person's loved?
Don't they realize they're filth and Benedict Arnold garbage?
They're universally reviled and are traitors?
I think they're starting to realize it because, as I said, they're now trying different tactics.
It's not the media.
All they've got to do is endorse him and it's over.
He's done.
But they're too arrogant.
They tried the David Duke thing, now there's a secret service agent that's assaulted a reporter at a Trump rally today, so they're gonna try and blame that on Trump.
So it seems they're starting to shift tactic as these guys- I saw Fox today and CNN both go, he has mafia ties, well known law enforcement, it's all come out, it hasn't come out, it's just made up.
Yeah, but now you've also got neocons.
They've got the fangs out there saying that, you know, they're going to vote for Hillary just to prevent him getting in office.
Then Trump's going to run independent by the looks of it if they do abandon him.
So they're going to end up with Hillary anyway.
Which is what Mr. Collins says he's happy for.
Because they're the rhinos that have been destroying the country forever.
Paul, I'm handing the baton to you, my friend.
Straight on the other side of this break, I'm Alex Jones.
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We are back on the 4th Hour Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show with me, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to get more into Trump.
I know Alex covered it at length during the show, but we're going to touch on that once more.
Also gonna get into the fallout from the Oscars, of course, which was a three-hour exercise in virtue signaling on steroids.
Rich, self-satisfied, smug millionaires lecturing us all about our lifestyles while I fly between LA and New York on private jets.
We're gonna get into that.
But as we mentioned before the break,
Horror in Moscow as burka-clad babysitter decapitates four-year-old girl in her care, then walks through the streets carrying her severed head and shouting Allah Akbar.
Now obviously the video of this is harrowing, it's blurred out in these articles.
There's also another video which I've seen which is, you know, even more harrowing, which is the mother being told of this absolute horror and the scream is just bone-chilling.
And yes, the religion of peace strikes again.
A burka-clad babysitter decapitated the little girl in her care before walking through Moscow carrying the child's severed head.
The woman shouted, Allah Akbar!
She appeared near a metro station in the northwest of the Russian capital and then threatened to blow herself up just to top it all off.
She was making these other political comments as well.
It was obviously motivated by her own personal jihad, but again, as I said, maybe the solution to this is just to hire more Muslim babysitters.
Maybe the regressive left will lecture us all on how not all Muslim babysitters behead kids, as if anyone is making that claim in the first place.
Remember the reaction to Cologne, the mass molestation of women on New Year's Eve, the reaction to the Paris massacre back in November, was not to address the fact that there's a huge problem within Islam to do with intolerance and violence.
The solution is simply to import millions of more Muslim refugees, completely unassimilated.
Even when they try and assimilate them in places like Denmark, which they've now started to do, they still repeatedly, every single week, have new cases of rape.
And now we've got this again horrific incident in Moscow.
The babysitter
Abducted the child, set fire to the apartment, beheaded her, and then for an hour she was walking around Moscow with this severed head chanting Al-Akbar.
Again, the religion of peace.
And this came straight after Jude Law, the actor, engaged in his own act of virtue signalling by visiting the Calais Jungle Migrant Camp, which of course is about to be, parts of it are about to be cleared by the French government.
These migrants are being transported into basically trailers.
But Jude Law went to visit to try and pressure the British government
for Britain to take in more of these refugees and import with them the peace and tolerance that has been so evident in the Calais migrant camp where every single week you hear stories about people being raped, people being robbed, people being stabbed.
You've had pro-refugee journalists go there and get attacked themselves and then blame it, in one case, on the British government for not letting them into Britain.
So I guess it's okay if they're stabbing, raping and robbing so long as they're doing it in Britain, so long as we're the victims of it.
That will even the balance somehow.
So this moron went there with his minders, with his bodyguards, because of course this is a really good idea to bring these people into Britain because they're really tolerant and peaceful and won't try and stab you or rape you at all.
He went in there with his crew of bodyguards.
His bodyguards, his minders, ended up getting stabbed and robbed during this charity visit.
Again replicating previous stories that we've talked about.
Where these female volunteers, these extreme leftists who go to volunteer in these migrant camps, end up getting raped.
And half the time they don't even report it.
It comes out later through anecdotal stories.
Some of it gets reported.
But the left-wing organizations that they work for tell them not to report it because it would discredit the narrative, you know, that these are peaceful, tolerant people that are going to fit into Western society.
How many examples of rape, robs, stabbings are we going to need to see before the left finally realizes that that's a terrible idea without some massive assimilation program which is completely impossible if you're importing these people en masse.
Thousands and thousands of people at a time.
And of course Jude Law isn't going to house any of those refugees personally in his $25 million mansion in London.
Because that, you know, sounds too much like hard work.
Same as Bob Geldof said right at the beginning of this...
Crisis, this migrant crisis, that he would personally take in two Syrian refugee families.
Well, that was six months ago.
He hasn't taken in anyone.
Again, complete nonsense hot air.
We'll be back with more on the 4th Hour Overdrive.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
What could lead to another world war?
Turkey is exponentially increasing its military presence on the Syrian border, according to journalists who caught it on tape.
Tanks, shells, and other ammunition are being delivered to the Turkish positions, which are shelling Kurdish forces in Syrian territory, according to the reporters.
One of the journalists said, quote,
The barrels of the tanks and self-propelled guns are pointed in the direction of the mainly Kurdish Syrian city of Kobani.
The Kurdish locals, who have been fighting back against ISIS for quite some time, openly accused Turkey of being friends with the Islamic State.
The locals described how Turkey and Islamic State forces have opened fire on locals trying to flee the area and then stolen their cars.
And one Turkish fighter revealed how Turkish tanks intentionally destroyed a house this past week.
The Turkish government said it would ignore the Syrian ceasefire brokered by the U.S.
and Russia, which took effect on February 27th.
In fact, Turkey's Prime Minister even admitted that Turkey was supporting ISIS.
During a recent interview with Al Jazeera, he said, quote, if the Assad regime isn't able to control all its territories today, it's because of Turkish and some other countries' support.
This is Kit Daniels reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Until Monday at midnight, you can get 30% off everything at InfoWarsStore.com.
That's the non-GMO heirloom seeds, the water filtration systems, the incredible high-quality nutraceuticals, vitamins, and minerals.
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And more at Infowarslife.com and Infowarsstore.com or simply call toll free 888-253-3139.
And finally, from yours truly, Alex Jones, to all the patriots of every race, color, and creed across this country and the world, I salute you for your tireless fight against tyranny and your support of the Infowar.
Without you, none of this is possible.
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I think so.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
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But we're going to get back into Trump now, because of course,
The media's come up with this genius new anti-Trump tactic.
Of course they've tried and failed every time to go directly up against Trump.
Whenever it's the media versus Donald Trump, Donald Trump comes out on top.
The polls have shown that repeatedly because the mainstream media is completely discredited.
That's the vacuum that's created the Trump phenomenon in the first place, the same thing with Bernie Sanders on the left.
So again, that doesn't work anymore.
So they've come up with this genius new tactic, which basically boils down to this.
Find bad person who expressed support for Donald Trump, endlessly harangue Donald Trump about bad person, and then repeat.
It's a very simple tactic.
This is what they're now doing.
We've seen it over the past few days or so with David Duke, again, who came out with a video yesterday and basically said he doesn't even directly endorse Donald Trump.
Said he's gonna vote for him, but of course CNN and the rest of the media took this
Got to Trump and said basically, don't you disavow David Duke, he has these disgusting racist opinions, don't you disavow him?
You must disavow him immediately and of course what they're trying to do is keep him on the ropes.
So every time somebody like David Duke comes out in support of Donald Trump, every time you have a KKK member show up at a Trump rally,
Half the cases, of course, is Black Lives Matter people dressed up in robes, false flagging the event.
CNN and the rest of the media is going to point to that person and say, look at this horrible person.
They support Donald Trump.
Get Donald Trump onto the interview.
Donald Trump, do you disavow this person?
They've got horrible, horrible beliefs.
They're associated with your campaign.
Do you disavow them?
And, of course, that's using Trump's own tactic against him.
He's the master of creating a distraction when it comes to targeting his political opponents.
So if they can repeatedly do that, and have Trump on the defensive over and over again, then he's not going to have the opportunity, the airtime, which he's used so well in the past, to attack his rivals, to attack Rubio, to attack Hillary Clinton, because he's constantly going to be on the defensive.
And if he has to disavow all these different people, then they're just gonna take it on down the line.
Next it's going to be, you know, do you disavow Roger Stone?
He said these, you know, offensive things about women a few years ago.
Do you disavow Roger Stone?
Then they're going to go to Alex Jones.
They're going to say, Alex Jones thinks 9-11 was an inside job.
Do you disavow Alex Jones?
So they're going to take it down the line until basically Trump has to disavow anyone that he's even tangentially associated with.
And it keeps him on the ropes.
It keeps him on the defensive.
It prevents him from using that media platform, which he's done so well for the past six months or more, to attack his political opponents, Rubio, Hillary Clinton, etc., and to keep those people on the ropes.
If he's constantly on the defensive, he's not going to get the airtime to do that.
And we saw that over the past few days with David Duke.
And this is a clip from CNN where they tried to grill Trump about David Duke.
Here's the clip.
The Anti-Defamation League, which this week called on you to publicly condemn, unequivocally, the racism of former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, who recently said that voting against you at this point would be treason to your heritage.
Will you unequivocally condemn David Duke and say that you don't want his vote or that of other white supremacists in this election?
Well, just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke, okay?
I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.
So, I don't know.
I mean, I don't know, did he endorse me, or what's going on?
Because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke, I know nothing about white supremacists, and so you're asking me a question that I'm supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.
But I guess the question from the Anti-Defamation League is, even if you don't know about their endorsement, there are these groups and individuals endorsing you, would you just say, unequivocally, you condemn them and you don't want their support?
Well, I have to look at the group.
I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about.
You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about.
I'd have to look.
If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them, and certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong.
The Ku Klux Klan?
But you may have groups in there that are totally fine, and it would be very unfair.
So give me a list of the groups and I'll let you know.
I mean, I'm just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here, but...
I don't know anything.
Honestly, I don't know David Duke.
I don't believe I've ever met him.
I'm pretty sure I didn't meet him.
And I just don't know anything about him.
I want to ask you about the anti-Democrats.
So yeah, that's Donald Trump on CNN.
They've got him on the ropes.
They've got him on the defensive demanding that he answer this charge.
You know, so-and-so has endorsed you.
What do you think about this?
Don't you disavow them?
They can basically pick anyone.
Any extremist from the political sphere who has endorsed Donald Trump, there are plenty of them just as there are plenty of extremists on the left who have endorsed people like Clinton and Sanders.
Every single day on Twitter you go in and type
assassinate Trump and there are hundreds of Hillary, Bernie supporters calling for somebody to kill Trump.
You're not going to see Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton being grilled by CNN about people like that.
But you are going to see it with Trump because their previous tactics have failed and this is what they're going to go with, at least in the short term.
So now we've got another breaking story out of Breitbart on the same theme.
Time reporter grabs secret service agent's throat at Trump rally.
Now, this just happened today, a few hours ago.
We've got the video here.
Basically, you don't see the beginning, but a Black Lives Matter group, this mob interrupts a Trump rally.
They start marching throughout the arena.
This reporter tries to get pictures of them, tries to photograph them.
He has an altercation with this secret service agent, basically says, F you.
So the Secret Service agent grabs him by the throat and body slams him down, and yes it's bad, it's egregious.
If this happened at a Hillary Clinton event, and the press were being manhandled at a Clinton event, then we would be against it, we would speak out against it, and yes it's horrible.
But this is what they're going to do again, they're going to take this incident, which looks terrible because it is, it looks like the media is being silenced, censored and assaulted because it is,
But it's by this one out of control secret service agent.
But they're going to take that, they're going to blame it on Trump.
That's what they've been looking for all along.
We've had almost every single Trump speech, every single Trump rally gets interrupted by one of these left-wing agitators.
They're loud, they're obnoxious, in some cases they're violent.
Every single time they get escorted out.
They don't really get treated that roughly, you know, in comparison to their behavior.
And in fact, Trump has made reference to that.
You know, he's constantly saying, oh, these people get kindly escorted out.
Everybody's really nice to them.
And the media obviously didn't like that.
But now we've got an actual incident where this is egregious, this is wrong, this is the media being assaulted, this is the First Amendment being silenced by this aggressive, out-of-control, Secret Service agent.
And it's bad and it should be condemned.
But they're going to take this and they're going to blame it on Trump.
And they're going to try and fit it into this narrative that Trump is the new Hitler.
Which we've seen from both the left wing and conservative, establishment conservative outlets like National Review Online.
So because Trump is a populist, because he has huge support, because he has huge rallies at which people chant his name, that means he's Hitler.
Which, of course, if you use that standard, that also meant that, you know, someone like Winston Churchill was Hitler.
He was a populist.
He had huge support.
Barack Obama ran on a semi-populist campaign.
He had huge support.
He had people chanting his name.
He was filling out arenas back in 2007, 2008.
Does that mean that Barack Obama was Hitler?
But that's what they're going with.
So they're going to try and tie this into the narrative of
You know, look how authoritarian Trump is.
He has his goons, he has his minions, physically grabbing reporters, choke-slamming them.
This is chilling.
This is what's coming to America if we allow this new Hitler to be elected.
So this is what the media is going to run with.
They did it with David Duke.
That's kind of fallen flat on its face now that Duke's come out and said he doesn't even endorse Donald Trump.
But again, they're going to try and pick these incidents where they use guilt by association.
And now Trump's son, Eric Trump, is speaking out against this.
Again, this is out of Breitbart.
Eric Trump dismisses last-minute establishment attacks.
The most dangerous people are the ones who are drowning.
Eric Trump tells Breitbart News, the establishment is drowning and desperate to stop his father, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, by any means necessary.
Quote, the tack they're trying to take now is, your father's a racist, your father won't repudiate the KKK.
You sat across the desk from him as a business partner, does your father have a racist bone in his body?
His son Eric responds, not at all.
And honestly, I don't know how many times he has to disavow.
People can come out, anyone can come out and say, hey, I endorse somebody.
It's absolutely insane.
So again, it's this process of them forcing Trump to disavow every individual, every extreme element on the political fringe to keep him on the defensive, to keep him on the ropes.
And it's part of this full board attack.
The establishment is completely panicked at this point.
They underestimated his momentum.
They thought that it would be extinguished months ago.
It hasn't been extinguished.
It's continued to build.
And now we've got the neoconservatives with their fangs out.
This is out of the intercept.
Neoconservatives declare war on Donald Trump.
Donald Trump's runaway success in the GOP primaries is setting off alarm bells amongst neoconservatives who are worried he will not pursue the same bellicose foreign policy that has dominated Republican thinking for decades.
So we have
Robert Kagan, one of the prime intellectual backers of the Iraq War and an advocate for Syrian intervention, because that turned out really good, didn't it?
You've got Max Boo, an unrepentant supporter of the Iraq War, because that also turned out hunky-dory as well.
So he writes in the Weekly Standard, So because Trump doesn't want to follow this suicidal nightmare,
Self-defeating foreign policy that we saw in Iraq, that we saw in Libya, that we saw in Syria, which led to mass bloodshed, over a million innocent dead Iraqis, and a migrant humanitarian crisis, because Trump doesn't want to continue that and replicate that.
And because he's spoken out against the Iraq War, he opposed it from the start, now the neoconservatives are coming out and saying basically, if Trump gets the nomination, they will vote for Hillary.
They would rather have Hillary in office than Donald Trump, because of course,
She's a war hawk, she's the status quo, and it will be business as usual for the military-industrial complex.
And again, disclaimer, I don't support a lot of Trump's views.
I don't support killing terrorist families.
I don't support torture.
But because he's so unpredictable, precisely because he has flip-flopped on a lot of these issues, nobody within the establishment, whether it be on the left or the right, really knows where he stands anymore.
This is why many conservatives can't support him, because they accuse him of flip-flopping, and that's right.
But within that flip-flopping inherently is the fact that Donald Trump is completely unpredictable.
He's a maverick, and that means he's going to be difficult to control.
So that's why the establishment, both on the left, the neoliberals, the neocons, and the GOP establishment, is now really getting its fangs out in preparation to try and have one last huge effort to sink Donald Trump.
They're going to have to get more creative, of course, because everything they've thrown at him so far has completely backfired.
Moving on though to the Oscars...
Of course, we had three hours last night of basically smug lecturing from rich, self-important virtue-signallers.
The ratings for the Oscars are at their lowest in eight years.
Who knew that that wouldn't be popular, right?
And of course, we had Leonardo DiCaprio coming out and lecturing everyone about global warming.
Here's the clip.
The Revenant was about man's relationship to the natural world, a world that we collectively felt in 2015 as the hottest year in recorded history.
Our production needed to move to the southern tip of this planet just to be able to find snow.
Climate change is real.
It is happening right now.
It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating.
We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters of the big corporations, but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people who will be most affected by this.
For our children's children, and for those people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed, I thank you all for this amazing award tonight.
Let us not... Okay, there's Leonardo DiCaprio at the Oscars last night lecturing everybody about global warming, and of course the irony here is that he just won an Oscar for a movie in which, you know, the Revenant
In which the cold almost kills him a dozen times and he has to sleep inside a horse to stay warm.
And now he's lecturing us about global warming.
And telling us we need to stop the big polluters.
Well, I agree with Leonardo DiCaprio.
We do need to stop the big polluters.
Starting with him and his 5,000 mile round trips from New York to LA.
This is out the article, DiCaprio lectures Oscars about global warming after using private jet six times in six months.
While lecturing everyone else about their impact on the Earth, DiCaprio routinely flies between New York and LA in a carbon dioxide spewing private jet.
Oh, really?
Do as I say, not as I do, DiCaprio.
After the Sony email leak last year, it was revealed that the Wolf of Wall Street actor took six private round-trip private jet flights in the space of just six weeks
Between April and May 2014.
He also took a flight from LA to Las Vegas and stayed in Sin City for just eight hours before flying home again.
Each time the studio picked up the cost of the plane, as well as catering, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars.
We're talking about over $200,000 for these trips alone.
But you're bad!
For having a 4x4, you're bad for taking that commercial flight, and Leonardo DiCaprio is gonna give you what for, again.
Do as he says, not as he does.
We'll get more into it after the break on the Alex Jones Show Live.
Fourth Hour Overdrive, breaking news at infowars.com.
Stay with us.
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Going back to the Trump thing, I was reminded by Leanne and Alex in the break that, you know, we have this idea of the media taking an endorsement of Trump by somebody like David Duke, by somebody on the political fringe, and then using that to discredit Trump.
Guilt by association.
This is the tactic they're going to use going forward.
And I was reminded of the fact that
There was this confederate flag pin created for the Clinton-Gore presidential campaign back before the 1992 election.
Hillary Clinton camp won't say if confederate flag button was official part of 92 presidential campaign, that's the headline out of the Daily Mail, but somebody else created that
pin, that Confederate flag pin, for the Clinton-Gore presidential campaign.
They weren't grilled about it at the time, even though it's almost precisely the same thing as what we're seeing now with David Duke.
So again, they're not going to pick up on extremists on the left that support Hillary Clinton.
The kind of people that call for Trump's assassination, the people that we interviewed out on the street over the weekend, that video's up on
The Alex Jones YouTube channel.
They're not going to grill Hillary Clinton over that.
They're not going to talk to Bernie Sanders over that.
But Trump is now going to be responsible for whatever David Duke says.
He's going to be responsible for Secret Service agents chokeslamming reporters.
This is what they're going to do going forward.
We'll see if it works.
It hasn't so far.
But they're getting desperate so they're going to try anything.
Before the break, I was talking about Leonardo DiCaprio got up in front of the Oscars, lectured everybody.
Again, this whole charade, this three-hour bore fest, which has got its lowest ratings in eight years, was an exercise of virtue signaling on steroids.
And if you look at the actual goodie bags that the Oscar attendees received, we're talking about over $200,000 worth of goodies, including a $55,000 trip to Israel.
Again, they're probably going to be using their private jets to go there.
So they're up there lecturing us all for three hours about climate change, about the poor, while being given $200,000 goodie bags.
We've got DiCaprio, who flew private six times within six weeks.
to New York and back again, 5,000 miles.
How much carbon dioxide is that spewing up?
What's his carbon footprint?
And yet he has the gall to lecture everybody watching about how we need to watch our impact on the Earth, about how we need to reduce our carbon footprint.
And in fact, he donates, he basically bankrolls this website, this movement, Green World Rising, which encourages visitors to its website to lighten their carbon load, and even includes a CO2 calculator to help people take, quote, meaningful action to reduce their carbon footprint.
So he's flying private jet.
He's taking limos.
He's on the yacht, surrounded by, you know, beach babes.
But he's lecturing you about your lifestyle.
Just like Ted Turner.
Just like Al Gore.
Whine all day about overpopulation.
They've got five kids.
All these people are complete hypocrites.
They don't live the lifestyle that they preach.
Which again illustrates that they're complete frauds and it's not about them actually caring about this message, it's about them controlling your lives.
That's gonna wrap it up for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Alex will be back tomorrow, 11 to 2, and be sure to check out the InfoWars Nightly News.
Thanks for joining us.
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