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Name: 20160223_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 23, 2016
3475 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics including health products, political events, potential terrorist threats. The speaker promotes Heart and Body Extract as an energy booster, LibertyOnCall.org as affordable healthcare option and warns about sleeper cells using small devices to measure authorities' responses before carrying out bigger attacks. He also expresses concern over President Obama's border security measures which may lead to more major terrorist incidents in the future. The show also covers internet by light technology, Nevada Caucus, persecution of Constitutional Sheriffs, privacy concerns due to surveillance state and Apple's iPhone unlocking case, promoting products such as Joint Formula for joint health and Supernatural Silver for immune system protection.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, if you had questions about Donald Trump and is he sincere, I think those questions have been put to bed.
We were talking during the break about Hillary Clinton, and if a Republican wins, if you win, you'll have an Attorney General.
The statute of limitations will not have passed.
Six years, actually.
Well, look, you have no choice.
I mean, we have to solve all sorts of problems, and fairness is you have to look into that.
Now, maybe she can prove her innocence, but it just seems to me that I think the public knows everything that they're gonna know.
You know, the emails have come out, and
It's, it's, she seems to be guilty.
But you know what?
I wouldn't even say that.
But certainly it has to be looked at if a Republican wins.
If I'm winning, certainly you will look at that as, as being fair to everyone else.
So unfair to the people that have been prosecuted over the years for doing much less than she did.
So she's being protected, but if I win, certainly it's something... So you think she's running for her own survival?
I think she's running a very important race, the most important race of her life before.
Not just because it's president.
I mean, she's running a very important race.
I'll bet you that Barack Obama would pardon her before he leaves.
Let's get back to our... Alright, I want to say this about Sean Hannity.
I've been a big critic of Sean Hannity over the years, but...
The fact that he's not been attacking Trump and has been being fair has really brought him up in my view.
Because the entire Fox News combine, other than Hannity and a few others, are out to get Donald Trump.
I mean, obviously I monitor Fox News when I exercise in the morning.
I watch it at night.
It's one of the few news channels I regularly watch.
I watch clips of CNN and MSNBC and other channels and ABC News, you name it.
But I do monitor Fox.
And man, they are pushing Marco Rubio like it is the end of the world.
And remember, Rupert Murdoch, nine years ago, when the first Obama campaign started up, a year plus out from the election, was backing Hillary Clinton and was one of her biggest individual donors.
And the Fox properties, it's come out in the news, have directives to push global warming, anti-family agenda, anti-father figure agenda.
He just wants to control the conservatives with Fox News.
And it's despicable, and that's why Fox News is always trying to criticize yours truly.
But Fox News is waning, not as fast as other dinosaur media, but it's definitely waning.
But to see Hannity come out and actually let Trump talk is a big positive situation.
But you can see the Republican establishment and the Democratic establishment are fully against him.
Roger Stone, big Trump insider, former head of his campaign, one of the key guys that got him to run, was on, he'll be in studio Friday, he's coming down here just to be on the show, from New York.
He said, off air, he goes, oh no, Trump can't stand the big banks, he can't wait to go after the Federal Reserve, he knows it's, you know, basically foreign owned, he's going to take them to the cleaners.
No more tax exemption, no more free money from them to taxpayers.
Donald Trump can't stand big banks, he said.
He said, I'm going to talk to him tonight, look for him to come out for an audit the Fed called.
And then Stone called me yesterday and said, did you see what Trump just tweeted two minutes ago?
And I said, no.
And right then, Nico runs in as I'm on the phone with Stone, who I talk to basically daily.
Talk about a hardworking guy.
He goes, Trump just said we need to audit the Federal Reserve and that Ted Cruz should have been there and shouldn't be missing votes on it.
So those stories are up on Infowars.com.
Trump calls for auditing the Fed.
I mean, he needs to have a criminal investigation of Hillary if he gets elected.
He's going to audit the Fed.
He's going to release the 28 pages about Saudi Arabia and 9-11 and the Bushes and the Clintons.
You don't do this unless you're 100% anti-establishment.
They wouldn't have an actor.
They'd be doing fake populist things.
This is pure Americana.
And if Donald Trump gets elected and actually does 10% of what he says he is, he'll be the real John Wayne.
John Wayne will wish he was Donald Trump.
John Wayne will know the real John Wayne is Donald Trump.
John Wayne was a patriot and a good guy, but he was an actor.
Donald Trump's in the real world.
A new study shows that having a mobile phone close to the testicles, or within a foot or two of the body, can lower sperm levels so much that conceiving could become difficult, reports The Telegraph.
The findings have led to leading British fertility experts to advise men to stop being addicted to mobile phones.
Specialists found that sperm levels of men who kept their phones in their pockets during the day were seriously affected in 47% of cases, compared to just 11% in the general population.
The team monitored more than
I think so.
Has scoffed at suggestions that mobile phones could be damaging male fertility, and insists he will continue to carry his phone in his pocket.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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I really just want everybody to take a deep breath and relax and just, you know, sit back because here they come again.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I'm running for president.
Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.
I don't feel no ways tired.
I've come too far!
I ain't no ways tired!
Me own animal!
What was that?
Is that a dog?
It's Hillary.
It has been reported you've made five million making speeches.
The president's made more than a hundred million dollars.
What difference at this point does it make?
What does that make Hillary Clinton to the Bush family?
My sister-in-law.
Another conspiracy theory.
Have you always told the truth?
I've always tried to.
I will fight to reign in Wall Street, and you know what?
I know how to do it!
We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.
I remember landing under sniper fire.
There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles.
I'm a little sick.
Open up!
Come on, take it!
Take it!
I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Thank you for joining us on this Worldwide Tuesday Transmission.
We'll be here until 3 o'clock Central Standard Time today.
We've added in the last six months a fourth hour.
And of course, InfoWars Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central Time as well.
Find details at InfoWars.com forward slash show or InfoWarsNews.com.
Donald Trump has yet again proven that he's the real deal and that he is on something that is akin to a suicide mission.
Now, that's a military parlance that's been used for hundreds of years.
It doesn't mean you're going to die, but it means chances are you are.
It means there's more than a 50% chance you're not gonna make it, and that people that tried what you're about to do didn't make it.
That's a suicide mission.
And Donald Trump is the man in the arena on a suicide mission.
And it's easy for other people who aren't in the arena to point their finger at him,
And I had questions.
I don't like casinos, but I'm a libertarian.
You have a right to be part of that.
He's more like hotel casinos, both, but he's in entertainment.
He's a builder.
He has brought a lot of jobs to this country.
He's called for auditing the private Federal Reserve yesterday.
He is saying that Hillary Clinton needs to be prosecuted and that he will prosecute her.
He'll call for prosecution if he's president.
Let's show TV viewers a shot of that right now.
Trump, I'll prosecute Hillary as president.
I'm going to play a clip from Fox on Hannity during a town hall.
We were talking during the break about Hillary Clinton, and if a Republican wins, if you win, you'll have an Attorney General.
The statute of limitations will not have passed.
Six years, actually.
Well, look, you have no choice.
I mean, we have to solve all sorts of problems, and fairness is you have to look into that.
Now, maybe she can prove her innocence, but it just seems to me that I think the public knows everything that they're gonna know.
You know, the emails have come out, and
He seems to be guilty, but you know what?
I wouldn't even say that.
But certainly it has to be looked at if a Republican wins.
If I'm winning, certainly you will look at that as being fair to everyone else.
So unfair to the people that have been prosecuted over the years for doing much less than she did.
So she's being protected, but if I win, certainly it's something... So you think she's running for her own survival?
I think she's running a very important race, the most important race of her life before, and not just because it's president.
I mean, she's running a very important race.
I'll bet you that Barack Obama would pardon her before he leaves.
Let's get back to our... Very well said, Hannity.
Very well said.
And again, I'll give it to Hannity.
He's one of the only people not viciously
Lying about Donald Trump on Fox News.
I mean, I watch it.
They do little slick lies, and it's constant, and force-feeding Marco Rubio, who is one of the biggest flip-floppers ever, and who the Democrats would probably rather have than Hillary.
Now, let me, before I get into all this news, and get into a video that's up at DrudgeReport.com,
Right there in the middle of the second column, Obama cracks a joke about Scalia's death.
We had C-SPAN on in the back office.
We've got C-SPAN, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CNBC.
We switch around.
We've got like six TVs on around the building, just so even when you're having a coffee or, you know, taking a break, you're monitoring news.
And Rob Jacobson runs in, he goes, on C-SPAN.
Obama just cracked a joke about Scalia's death, and nobody else had this.
We went to WhiteHouse.gov and found it, put it up, Drudge Report link to it, video Obama cracks joke about Scalia's death.
We're going to get to this in a moment because it's such a big deal.
For radio listeners, it'll be disturbing, but if you actually go watch the video,
I was busy around the office.
I said, yeah, Rob, great idea.
You know, put the video up, have him write an article about it.
And I moved on down the hallway.
And then I didn't watch it till last night.
And I watched it probably five or six times.
And I'll be honest with you.
I don't scare easily.
And I got scared.
Because I'm not afraid of myself dying, but I've got to take care of my family and my children.
But I'm afraid of my country dying, and I've studied history in depth.
When you get people like Hillary saying, we came, we saw, he died, and bragging about killing people, and Obama saying, I'm good at killing people, and they have no military background, they both admit they've never even been in fistfights.
Carson came out and said Obama's not black.
He's not, folks.
I grew up in Dallas, where half my school was black.
He doesn't act like any black person I've ever known.
He grew up with a bunch of CIA white yuppies that raised him.
And his weirdo communist father, Frank Marshall Davis, who they admit he stayed summers with.
And Carson is absolutely right.
He said, quote, he was raised white, doesn't understand black Americans.
He wasn't just raised white, he was raised CIA, Ford Foundation, elitist level.
He was groomed and prepared for his role from the youngest days.
And that's what's scary is these people are starting war with China.
I've got a stack of news here.
War with Russia.
They want to start a war with the Liberty Movement.
They openly demonize veterans on TV.
They openly demonize Christians.
They openly demonize families.
And I was just scared of the fact that we are in the hands of such scum.
And then I saw Congressman Issa on Fox this morning, and he made a great point.
Wish he wasn't supporting Rubio.
But he said the military is basically in revolt at the highest levels against Obama and the things he's been doing.
And if he continues to act unilaterally, the military is going to probably block him.
And by the way, that's on Fox News with one of the chairmen of the most powerful committees in Congress.
And Fox News didn't even know what they were hearing.
And you know I'm afraid of military coups.
Because they usually go bad in Latin America or wherever, but you know, in Germany they finally tried to stand up against Hitler.
Operation Valkyrie failed.
I'm not calling for that.
I don't want any of that because it's a big bureaucracy.
You roll up Obama or Hillary, I mean, you know, it's like shark teeth.
There's a hundred layers.
More shark teeth roll up.
You gotta get rid of the whole shark.
Takes a big harpoon gun to do that.
You gotta focus on the shark, not on their minions, but
The military already said no about backing Al-Qaeda three years ago, in Syria, and then ISIS, and sort of giving Russians intel.
Now, that is the military in a counter-coup.
That is over-the-top information.
And of course, we told you about that first, from our sources in the Pentagon, some that came on the show, to great risk to themselves.
You know what happens when Colonel Schaefer, who has the highest level contacts, comes on.
I mean, he gets chewed out every time.
And he comes here when he's ready to really risk himself.
They've tried to indict him, you name it.
I mean, we have other guests on, like Pchenik, where the FBI shows up the day after he's on about coming on the show.
Countless others.
I mean, I'm not bragging here.
I'm saying this isn't a game.
We're not playing around here.
And I'm not playing around.
I'm not running up against these evil, evil people.
Because I want to prove I'm a man and I'm this tough guy.
I'm not looking for trouble.
But when you got a president opening the borders outside of law, coming after guns outside of law, launching wars outside of law, shutting down our power plants outside of law, literally waging war against the very fabric of our nation and our communities and our families.
Obamacare designed to bankrupt the nation.
Almost every company I know.
Ted Anderson at GCN got rid of insurance.
I had insurance through GCN for 18 years, 19 years.
And it just became too unaffordable because of Obamacare.
I went out and tried to get insurance again.
It took me months to do it.
Usually you could switch insurance in an hour.
And it basically doubled in price.
My parents had more than doubled.
Nico just got in the mail his $897 Obamacare fee fine.
Because he didn't get Obamacare.
The head producer.
I mean it's just screw jobs like that.
Wanting to hurt people.
Doubling black unemployment.
These are just savage criminals.
And then he gets up there laughing with pleasure to a crowd.
About Scalia being dead, and they're giggling, and he gets this evil look on his face?
I mean, folks, they killed him deader than a hammer.
It's so obvious.
They celebrated and pissed on his grave.
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Remember the old days when they denied the NSA even existed?
The media would say it didn't exist 20 years ago and that there was no such program as Echelon.
Now every breath we take, every move we make,
...is watched and listened to.
When the FBI actually tries to stop real jihadis in America, they're blocked in every case.
And the Justice Department investigates them.
This is the takedown of America.
These people hate us.
They call us the bitter clingers.
And they hate the dependent groups that are under them more than anybody.
Now, we're gonna play this clip here in a moment.
Obama cracks Scalia death joke.
Now, again, if you're a radio listener, you must go to DrudgeReport.com because one problem with Infowars is news just scrolls off, even if it's the most important stuff we've got up there.
It's probably reposted to the front page.
It was put up there yesterday afternoon.
But it's still the top story in the middle column.
Obama cracks a joke about Scalia's death.
And you need to forward this to everybody you know.
And of course, we have a cartoon up on the Real Alex Jones Twitter.
You can take this with you from the great cartoonist Ben Carson, Antonin Scalia, 1936 to 2016, as he throws the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and we the people, in the grave with him.
Now, it's the body language, it's how he looks at the crowd and what people comment and say.
We're slowing this down and listening to what some of his minions say.
He goes, you know, like appointing new Supreme Court justices.
Knowing he waits for the joke, they make comments and he does this joker-esque, demonic face, this tell, this celebration, this dance on the grave of Scalia.
Just like he did about, you know, I'm really good at killing people.
Really good at it, you know?
Hillary, yeah, I came, I saw he died.
And there's nothing worse, you know, in the Irish or Jewish or Italian mafia, any mafia, Dixie mafia, you name it, you couldn't even really get into the group if you hadn't separately been a criminal, but a criminal that was honorable, that meant you didn't snitch, and you'd already killed somebody, usually by the time you're about 15.
You just had to be a killer anyways.
Naturally, you went out and killed somebody.
You don't have to be told to go kill somebody.
Oh, Ben Garrison said that.
The cartoonist.
We're teleprompter free here, folks.
And continuing, looking at this, you have people that haven't killed anyone themselves.
Personally, but they love to sit back and talk about it like it's tough and it's cool, like all these neocon chicken hawks that dodged the draft in some cases more than 11 or 12 times.
They're truly, truly sickening people.
So let's go ahead and play this video, but
I'm gonna have Rob Jacobson slow it down so we can play it next hour, and then blow the video up so we can really look at this scripted, distasteful, hateful comment a day after Antonin Scalia was put six feet under.
Let's go to Obama.
Like me, some of you might be in the final year of your last term, working as hard as you can to get as much done as possible for the folks that you represent.
Fixing roads, educating our children, helping people retrain, appointing judges, the usual stuff.
Oh, it's so cute.
A little celebration there.
Let's back that up again and play it one more time.
It's scripted.
It's scripted with the press corps.
It's scripted with his little buddies in there.
And we're going to turn the audio up.
I want to really go in and hear who the front row comment is, and Obama nods to him and smiles even more.
This is really a bunch of hyenas celebrating their pleasure at someone's death, bare minimum.
Here it is.
Like me, some of you might be in the final year of your last term, working as hard as you can to get as much done as possible for the folks that you represent.
Fixing roads, educating our children, helping people retrain, appointing judges, the usual stuff.
And it just goes on from there.
That's how sick these people are.
That's speaking to members of Congress and the press.
We'll be back with the latest on the campaign and so much more.
This is an important broadcast.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In addition to threatening to invade Syria and al-Bashar al-Assad, Saudi Arabia says it wants to arm jihadists in the country with anti-aircraft missiles to take out Russian jets.
We believe that introducing surface-to-air missiles in Syria is going to change the balance of power on the ground, said the Saudi foreign minister.
He continued, it will allow the moderate opposition to be able to neutralize the helicopters and aircraft that are dropping chemicals and have been carpet bombing them.
Just like the surface-to-air missiles in Afghanistan were able to change the balance of power there.
This has to be studied very carefully, however, because you don't want such weaponry to fall into the wrong hands.
Even the New York Times admits there are few, if any, moderate rebels fighting in Syria.
Despite this reality, Secretary of State John Kerry and British Prime Minister David Cameron continue to insist there are moderates fighting against Assad.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm going to open the phones up.
Specifically, what do you think of Obama's comment?
About appointing judges and they all laugh about it and make a big joke out of it.
Clearly scripted.
What do you make of Trump dominating and the entire establishment turning out against him?
What do you think of Trump calling for an audit of the Fed yesterday and criticizing Ted Cruz for not showing up for critical votes?
What do you think of him coming out and saying if he's elected president he will quote prosecute Hillary?
What do you think about this big story that's up on Infowars.com that tells it all?
MSNBC censor Sanders condemning TPP.
Yeah, there's no discussion in the media of TPP.
There's a news blackout.
There was a news blackout to a certain extent.
There was some reportage but barely in mainstream media about the two years it was negotiated in secret.
And Sanders does some stuff that's right.
You know, he's against the NSA.
He claims that he doesn't like the IRS persecuting poor people.
He is against TPP, secret deals.
America is being taken over by multinationals.
This is the new colonialism is multinational corporations tax-exempt above the law.
They get laws passed in your country to make other companies and individual operations impossible.
They consolidate markets.
We're being economically conquered.
That's not rhetoric to the government, to the Pentagon, to the FBI, to the CIA, the NSA.
They have C-SPAN lectures.
With top generals and top professors that we've covered, like Thomas Barnett, where they say, we work for world government now.
We work for technocrats.
The nation state is over.
Strobe Talbot, the editor of, what was it, Newsweek.
Who was in the Clinton administration said that the age of nations is about to end.
Pope John Paul II said they were going to try that.
He was claiming he was against it.
The new Pope says he's for it.
We're here and they're unelected and they're tyrannical and then they try to go out and have police training manuals written by the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL, two known disreputable groups that have lost lawsuits, you name it.
Saying that anybody that promotes freedom is a terrorist?
And they're trying to pass laws to take our free speech?
And they're trying to tell you don't use the word mother and father?
These people are ridiculously tyrannical!
They're authoritarian!
They're horrible!
And they want you to be poor so they can micromanage you in their own admissions!
We're going to play this video coming up.
MSNBC censors Sanders condemning TPP.
Comcast, the owner of MSNBC, benefits from TPP.
MSNBC cut away from its live coverage of Bernie Sanders' press conference once again to begin to condemn the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Social media exploded, and they always do it, folks.
This is how they're controlling.
You mean Americans might find out there's a secret multinational treaty taking us over?
But that's not capitalism!
That's the very same Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan global gang that is financing dictatorships and communism worldwide to control people.
But yes, Sanders is better than Hillary.
I really ponder this and I can't stand him and the fake intellectualism and the dumb followers that can hardly talk and think they're intellectual because they're getting worthless degrees for jobs that don't exist.
But at least his followers mean well and want to change things.
They're not like these establishment Democrats and establishment Republicans that get off on thinking they're part of the elite because they go along with the system.
We're going to cover that.
The toll-free number to join us if you're a first-time caller.
I'll open phones later for everybody in the third hour today, but open phones for first-time callers right now on the subjects I threw out.
I don't screen your calls, but occasionally I say, hey, here's five or six key subjects.
That's what I want to talk about.
You want to talk about that, I want to hear from you.
Now, let me just read some headlines before I go to those calls, okay?
But before I even do that, we have a new product at InfoWarsLife.com that I'm not going to talk about until later in the broadcast, but it is undoubtedly the ultimate when it comes to this particular area of the body, and I'm very, very excited about it, but I'm going to leave that until later when we break it down.
Just new stuff at InfoWarsLife.com.
It is the all-new InfoWarsLife Joint Formula, but it's more than just joints.
Supermail Vitality has basically sold out, but if you want to sign up for AutoShip, you get 10% off.
We held back bottles for folks that are on AutoShip and have a small surplus for folks that sign up for that.
We try to balance it so you always get guaranteed to be shipped stuff even if it's backordered when you sign up for AutoShip because it's not backordered.
We've launched that.
Folks like it.
It's one click whether you want to have stuff delivered every 30 days, 60 days, 90 days.
120 days, and all the Inforestlife.com products can be signed up for auto ship.
Some of the products, like things that we drop ship, like the water filtration systems and things.
Obviously, we can't do the auto ship because that stuff's not always guaranteed to be right there, you know, in stock.
But Infowarslife.com has the entire line.
Super Female Vitality is still in stock, and we've got 20% off on that right now, but Super Male is now sold out unless you sign up for auto ship.
And then separately, it is back in stock.
We have Liver Shield in, and it is the known documented organic concentrated herbs into an oil.
That will open up your liver and let it dump the garbage out, gallbladder, you name it.
You take it with oxy powder to get the intestines open and you do a six-day cleanse and I can basically say we don't know of anyone who didn't have dramatic effects.
I just say there must be somebody out there didn't work for.
I didn't have the big effect till two days after I did the cleanse.
I was like, hey, what's going on?
And then it happened.
I was like, oh my gosh.
You can see the videos where people that have done it break it down.
Dr. Group talks about it.
This is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family.
Advanced liver cleanse.
Pack with the oxy powder or just get liver shield by itself.
You can also just take that daily.
But do not drink when you're doing the detox because it just opens up your liver.
It opens up the gallbladder and then you don't have really a defense.
That stuff is just coming right through.
Go listen to the experts.
I'm just giving my personal view on it and what I've experienced.
And look at these reviews by Danny in Stockton, California.
No side effects.
Produces results.
Simple to take.
I'm 41 years old and consumed at least two energy drinks a day since I started using Mel Vitality.
I no longer feel the need for them.
Yeah, it's just a total mood changer for me.
And libido, muscle weight loss is the effect I've had.
And there's a lot of other.
Here's a liver shield review.
Awesome product.
Used to do the liver cleanse.
Did not follow the exact diet and connection, but still did everything they said it would.
Did an awesome job.
Will definitely get more for daily general health.
And that is V1CHC2 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Did everything suggested is what he said was the pros.
Cons, none.
Don't read the five-star reviews, folks.
It's like a 4.8 review on that product over all the thousands of reviews.
I mean, we're not playing games here.
We can't even keep this stuff in stock, and we can't lower the quality of the formula.
I just said, is there some way to just find it and keep it in stock?
No, we just can't get the proper herbs and keep them in stock.
So when it's available, it's kind of like it's seasonal, because it is seasonal.
Some of these herbs are seasonal, and we have to get them all organic certified and California-level tested, be able to pass the strictest standards, because we know we're a target, and we want to have quality.
But at a certain point, I'm like, come on, I want it.
I mean, you know what it'd be like.
We're so perfect.
We can't even have it.
But I'm just being honest about my discussions.
I mean, I'm trying as hard as I can.
But that's just how we're doing it.
Highest insane standard.
Okay, I want to go to some phone calls here with Terry, Jeremy, Brian, Robert, and many others that are patiently holding.
But for me, the big deal is we are going under private corporate world government.
It's trying to get rid of free speech worldwide, trying to break up the family, make us all just by ourselves so they can prey on us.
That's what predators want is, you know, people cut out from the herd.
Well, they just want us all absolutely on our knees.
And then there's Trump thumbing his nose in the entire agenda.
And believe me, I've researched this, he wouldn't be saying these things if it was just for rhetoric to get elected as a populist.
The things he's doing, the system, I can see their body language, everything they're doing, Trump is death defying.
He's decided he wants to be truly great.
He doesn't want to just run beauty pageants and own hotels.
I used to see him on TV and stuff and didn't like his demeanor.
I could tell he was just doing an act.
This is the real Trump and he glows with those crowds.
And I've been around people that know Trump very, very well and they say no.
I was told this before it was in the news.
It was in a Politico story.
I think it was how he did it.
And he knew they'd probably come after him and he, for weeks, wasn't even sure and kind of went into seclusion over in Scotland.
To make his decision.
And he's fully committed.
And it's good to see a man fully committed and doing the right thing.
And it's death-defying.
It's death-defying.
He's on a suicide mission.
And again, a suicide mission doesn't mean he's going to be killed.
But it means that this is a mission where... I think he's gonna sweep.
I think that he's got too big a landslide.
They're not gonna be able to cheat him.
He's gonna gain momentum.
And they'll either manufacture scandals or they will try to blow his airplane up.
And they won't care that everybody knows they killed him.
They'll go, how dumb that you say his airplane blew up and it was... I remember him blowing up Senator Hightower's plane.
Well, I met his son, spent about three hours with him.
Interesting guy.
In fact, we ought to get Senator Hightower's son on.
He said he'd come on.
I met him out in L.A.
at a movie star's house.
Really interesting guy.
I'm talking about all sorts of wild stuff, but he's a doctor, by the way.
But I'm digressing.
That's huge.
I want to go to your calls.
Then coming up, look at this military stat.
Just look at what they're doing to us.
Look at the danger they're putting us in.
Hillary and Obama, I mean, a bunch of leftist establishment con artists.
Mafia trash.
They're trying to say Trump's mafia, with no mafia connections?
And then you've got known mafia.
But again, it's branding.
It's like the FBI says, oh, this is about getting into a terrorist's phone.
No, it's about getting rid of encryption.
And that's admitted.
And it's like mafia.
People, even the word is Italian, as if Italians are the only ones who organize crime.
They weren't as good at it and didn't take over the political system and got shut down and got knocked out of the way.
It just shows how they program everybody.
They just program everybody where they just accept things.
And those things aren't accurate.
Like Obamacare being free.
It's a giant rip-off.
They have planted people in the audience and say, oh, I got free health care because of it.
You know, in these town halls.
I mean, it's just so scripted, folks.
And people are seeing through that.
So what is the establishment going to do?
I mean, are you really going to kill Donald Trump?
Because this is only the beginning of the revolution against tyranny.
Minutemen ICBM, that's Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, soars over California as U.S.
Air Force runs test launch, but this time without causing a UFO scare.
Look at this.
The US military may put more weapons in South China Sea.
Look at this one.
Saudis call for arming Syrian jihadists with anti-aircraft missiles.
Yeah, arm Al-Qaeda and ISIS with that to shoot down Russian planes.
They've already got them.
They're just rolling out the idea.
They're getting ready to use them.
They got them at Benghazi.
Told you three years ago.
Turkish military cooperate with ISIS on border telephone call reveals.
Saudi Arabia leads surge in arms imports by Middle East states.
That's just some of the news we're going to get to.
But right now, let's start going to your phone calls.
And I want to get to a lot of folks.
Your comment, your question.
Let's just move to the next person.
I want to go to Terry in Minnesota.
Thanks for calling.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Terry.
All right.
We'll move on to the next person.
I know what's been going on with our phone system, too.
I had some problems Sunday.
Let's go ahead and talk to Robert in Ohio.
Robert, you're on the air.
Yes, go ahead.
Okay, I wanted to talk about Scalia.
I read the book Breathe No Evil by Stephen Quayle, and in that book he stated that Scalia was okay with the mad scientist experiments on our troops.
Have you ever read that book?
I have read that book, and I never said Scalia was perfect.
I think you're talking about a ruling with the Pentagon that they could do testing on troops as long as it was authorized by Congress, but I don't know the particular case.
But what do you think of Obama's comments about Scalia?
What do you think about Trump's thing on the Federal Reserve?
That's the question I was asking today, Robert.
I think that Obama is one of the most corrupt, evil people that ever lived, and I think there's at least 20 reasons to hang him for treason.
And then getting to Trump, have you ever read the book written by Al Martin, The Conspirators?
No, I haven't.
I've never read Al Martin.
You have?
Do you believe him or not?
Oh, you've never heard of him then?
That's funny, I just said I've interviewed him.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
I have interviewed him many times, yes, and I think he's kind of more of a Democrat, but an interesting guy.
I really can't pass judgment on people, thank you.
I'm going to try some more calls now, see what happens here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brian in Georgia.
You're on the air, thanks for calling.
Yep, go ahead, we're taking calls.
Oh, hey!
How are you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
I'm doing alright.
What's on your mind today?
Uh, so this is in regards to Scalia and the fact that we received no autopsy reports or weren't even allowed to do it.
Yeah, I thought that was a little suspicious.
What do you think of Obama making a joke about it?
Well, since he's made a joke about it, it just tosses it back and brings it back to even stuff that people like, uh, you know, Dr. Nick Begich have researched.
That we can, you know, kind of potentially get rid of people, control people's minds, influence other people without, you know, a paper trail or anything like referring back to the Obama administration.
Sure, they could also just put a block of dry ice under his bed and suck all the oxygen out of the room.
Yeah, potentially.
Well, that's how you kill him.
Or you could put a drop of nicotine on him.
Pure nicotine would make him have a heart attack.
Yep, yep, and it's all something that can be covered up without an autopsy.
It's something that's simple.
Oh, but we're not supposed to ask questions about that.
What do you think of Obama cracking jokes about it?
Oh, the fact that he's cracking jokes about it just shows that he thinks he is one of the elite and believes that he is untouchable.
And if we put someone in office, per se, like Donald Trump, his goal is to potentially show what these people have done and when it results back to him wanting to
Um, you know, try Hillary for her lies and everything she's, uh, told the government lies about emails, et cetera, et cetera.
It's, um, it's kind of lose-lose on their part.
They keep digging themselves into a deeper hole by, you know, lying.
Right point.
Right point, Brian.
I appreciate your call.
I want to jam more calls in when we come back and one problem with the callers is I go to the calls and then they hit a button and it's classic telephone system it goes and for some reason folks don't realize that they're on the air then because they don't hear their names.
I need to kind of say it a couple times like we're going to talk to Robert in FEMA Region 4
Now let's go to Robert and then he'll actually hear me.
So that's part of the disconnect here with what's happening to this whole thing where people go, hello, hello.
And I'm not really a complaining person, but when you do radio for 20 plus years and you just deal with that over and over again, it makes you want to jump out of a tall building.
I'm joking, but figuratively.
We're going to come back, go into the next hour with more calls as well.
A lot of breaking news.
A lot of key information to cover, obviously, on the economy, on world events, on science and tech.
They want to use radiation to take out the mosquitoes with Zika virus in South America.
This stuff is just getting crazier and crazier.
It's like we're living in a science fiction movie.
Well, I guess it is 2016.
I mean, you know, where are the spacesuits?
Are you prepared to bug out?
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They came and took it all away.
It was an inside job, folks, like it always is.
Alright, here's what's gonna happen.
I'm gonna take your calls.
Robert, Carl, Jeremy, Sean, Rex.
That's my son's name.
Good old Southern name.
Got a Rex up in Illinois.
Coming up in the next hour, Shira, we're only about six minutes away from that and I'll be going to your calls.
I won't take a lot of calls.
Also, we're scheduled to have McAfee pop in about the whole iPhone hack situation and what's really behind that and a lot more.
But Anthony Gucciardi is here with us and he works with a lot of the top companies in the world that produce organic.
Uh, high quality, uh, formulas at InfoWarsLife.com.
And we have a new product we're launching, joint formula, health, healthy joint formula, dietary supplement, 60 capsules.
And this is about half price compared to leading competitors that don't even have formulas that are as good.
Uh, because it's got a whole bunch of stuff in it, very concentrated and organic.
Anthony, this is, I'm really proud of this new formula and the fact that it's so affordable.
Tell us about it.
Joint Formula is twice a daily.
It has a number of different ingredients.
Look, this product, if you were to compare it to what I see as a comparable formula, would be $50 or $60.
And Infowars Life is $29.95.
We're releasing it today.
This is made, you don't have to be an Olympian, you don't have to be a professional athlete to take this, right?
It's not like you have to go out and be lifting heavy weights and hiking and stuff.
Every single day, and I know this from experience, I had Lyme disease, which destroys your joints.
Some people take disability, I was speaking to someone actually, they don't even work anymore because they had Lyme disease.
By the way, that came from Plum Island, a Nazi scientist, it's on record.
Congress has had hearings about it.
It is basically weaponized syphilis.
They just call it Lyme's disease, but you were able... I mean, we'll tell your story briefly.
I mean, this is how you got into health news when you were 14 years old and started your own website because you couldn't get well with the doctors.
You went out to the herbal sites and you got better.
Yeah, it's true.
I went to sleep to take a nap at about 5 p.m.
and I woke up around 5 p.m.
the next day.
I didn't realize I had slept for about 24 hours.
I didn't remember what was happening.
I went to the doctor.
They said, wow, you really do have Lyme disease.
They did the tests.
They gave me the steroids.
It wasn't doing anything.
I took natural medicine.
It started working.
My doctor who went to Harvard was freaked out and just couldn't believe it.
Now he actually listens to the show and uses our products, by the way.
But back then, he said, this is insane.
You know, there's no way natural medicine... I was going from memory.
How old were you?
I was about 14, 15 years old.
And man, it just really changed my life for the worst and the best because I learned so much.
But I still have the joint pain, I still have the neck pain, and I've been taking supplements that include the ingredients in this product, you know, independently, paying 20 bucks for the turmeric, paying 20 bucks for the holy basil leaf.
But now we've added it all together into one formula that actually supports healthy joints and normal function.
Knockout's so good it's the same serving everything else has just you know 10 ingredients all at the same price or less I mean
Tell folks about the ingredients in this baby.
Right, so instead of going out, let's say you can buy some turmeric, which, man, is one of the most powerful things ever.
This has nine key ingredients, all of which normally you'd go out for something like joint comfort.
You'd go out and buy these individually and pay 20 bucks.
We've got the turmeric root extract, the holy basil leaf, which by the way, in Ayurveda and Indian medicine, is called the incomparable one for a reason.
Ginger root, Chinese skullcap, and we've got tons of other ingredients.
If you look at it, turmeric, which is one of the key ingredients in this, goes back 5 to 5000 BC.
By the way, this stuff isn't just for joints.
I mean, look into turmeric and what it's known to do.
The truth is, we can't make claims on here, you know, about these products.
Just look up, look it up for yourself.
You know, we could really get into it.
Ginger root?
I mean, they admit ginger's a big anti-inflammatory.
Just turmeric, and we can't even get into the studies, unfortunately.
There's 4,580 studies on turmeric from the National Library of Medicine.
Yeah, and they want to shut all this down, folks.
I mean, they admit that.
They want to be able to patent it all, take it all over, because this stuff just is incredible.
Stay with me.
I'm going to take some calls when we come back.
But we're going to start going to your calls.
Who's up next?
Who's been holding the longest here?
That would be Robert in FEMA Region 4.
I wonder what former state that is.
You know, we're really under FEMA regions.
That's how we're administered.
And then that's under UN regions, 10 regions worldwide.
And now we're under TPP, and this week they're trying to merge the NAU with the EU and the Asian-Pacific Partnership.
World government right now.
We'll be back in the second hour.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Mainstream media.
Big Brother.
You want answers?
So does the planet.
We're together.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Anthony Gutiardi rides a shotgun with us right now.
Let's go to Robert in FEMA Region 4.
Robert, you are on the air.
Thank you for calling.
Hey Alex, can you hear me?
Yes I can, brother.
Good to have you on board.
Thank you, sir.
Thanks for taking my call, man.
Hey, before I get to my comment about Trump, I sent you guys a message yesterday.
I'm actually in the commercial fitness industry and I sent you guys a message yesterday about maybe discussing some ideas about how to get you guys plugged in with some of the accounts I call in on
I deal with as far as the commercial fitness industry goes.
Brother, that's great.
You want to send Anthony an email?
Anthony, you want to give your email out on there?
Yeah, send it to Anthony at InfoWars.
Send it on over.
Alright, Anthony.
I'll do that for sure.
What is it?
Or just InfoWars.com forward slash at Anthony?
What's your email?
It's Anthony at InfoWars.
Anthony at InfoWars.com?
We don't communicate by email.
We communicate by text.
Anyways, I'm sorry.
Go ahead, brother.
Anyways, Alex, do you remember Neil Bort?
Yes, I do remember Neil Bort.
It's funny, I pulled up a YouTube video of you confronting him at some sort of convention or something like that.
It was at Ground Zero.
It was at Ground Zero.
Yeah, yeah.
He came over and started cussing at me is what happened, and so I got the camera guy over there, and I guess he thought since he was like six foot five that I was intimidated by that.
I mean, I'd just climb up on top of him, that'd be the end of it.
Those big guys fall pretty hard when their head goes down.
I'm just joking.
The point is, is that I like a lot of what Neil Bortz had to say.
I like Neil Bortz, but he would misrepresent what I had to say.
But what about Neil Bortz?
Anyways, Neil Borg still does a commentary piece on WSB in Atlanta occasionally after since he's retired, but he had a very interesting piece yesterday he put on about Donald Trump and basically saying that the media is planning a huge blitz against him.
After he gets the nomination.
Not well, he's saying that, you know, he's obviously, he's the frontrunner.
He's probably one of our only choices at this point, but they're holding back some major information from developments they found on some mob ties.
Some of his shady business interests, you know, with the casino industry.
I bet he's actually working with an Italian name.
Am I the only one that has deja vu every single time this happens?
It's like, you better watch out, they're really going to get Trump this time, and then he does something else, and they're like, they're really going to get him this time, and they've been saying it over and over and over again, every single time, because they're afraid that he's real, and they're afraid that he's going to say something.
Well, no, I mean, I'm glad the caller said this, because watching CNN and Fox this morning for an hour, okay, while I was working out, I had the volume way up.
All they were saying was, mob ties, they're coming after him.
He's gonna get shot down.
Boy, Hillary's smart.
Once he gets in, she'll defeat him handily.
Hillary is a mobster, is a gangster, has all these crimes.
She's on fire.
She coughs everywhere she goes.
She looks like she's about to die.
Bill looks like Day of the Dead, literally.
I would cast him as a zombie right now.
Maybe his mob tie was Hillary Clinton, actually.
Well, yeah, I was about to say.
His only problems I have is that he had to work with Hillary in New York.
And of course casinos have that flavor.
The mob was kicked out of casinos in Vegas by the 70s.
It's run by big corporations and hotels.
You've got to be so clean, it's ridiculous because they're so dirty.
You understand?
It's big multinational corporations.
They want that stuff run like a fine machine, okay?
And I have a problem that he's involved in casinos, but that's not mob.
And of course they're going to bring out a bunch of stuff.
But all I'm saying is, what do you think of him saying, audit the Federal Reserve?
What do you think of him saying, I'll investigate Hillary criminally?
I mean, isn't that pretty strong?
Yeah, I mean, who's the last presidential candidate that mentioned auditing the Fed?
Wasn't it Kennedy?
And look what happened to him.
Really good call.
Robert, anything else you want to add?
That's it, man.
I'm just interested in talking to Anthony for sure about some networking ideas I have.
Contact him.
Contact him.
Thank you.
God bless you.
That's his jobs over our health news and more.
We're going to come back with Jeremy, Sean, Rex, Carl, and others.
Stay with us.
A new study shows that having a mobile phone close to the testicles or within a foot or two of the body can lower sperm levels so much that conceiving could become difficult, reports The Telegraph.
The findings have led to leading British fertility experts to advise men to stop being addicted to mobile phones.
Specialists found that sperm levels of men who kept their phones in their pockets during the day were seriously affected in 47% of cases, compared to just 11% in the general population.
The team monitored more than 100 men attending a fertility clinic for a year.
Even keeping a phone on a bedside table appears to lower sperm counts.
The quality of sperm among men in Western countries is constantly decreasing.
By contrast, Professor Alan Pacey,
A fertility research scientist at Sheffield University has scoffed at suggestions that mobile phones could be damaging male fertility and insists he will continue to carry his phone in his pocket.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Roger Stone, the big Trump insider.
He told us last Friday on the broadcast that Trump would probably be going public against the private foreign-owned Federal Reserve and call for an audit of it.
The last president that did that got his head blown off in Dallas, Texas.
So we're going to be breaking that down here in just a moment.
Going back to your phone calls, Anthony's with us until the bottom of the hour.
We've got McAfee coming on later as well on the whole FBI situation.
But before we go any further, I wanted to
Play this video one more time and talk about it.
It's the top story in the middle column of the Drudge Report.
And by the way, if you go to the Drudge Report's aggregate sub-site, you can see that it is the most popular story on Drudge in the last five days.
Obama cracks a joke about Scalia's death.
Ice officers warn voters, beware of Rubio's, number two.
South Carolina results for number three.
Salon surrender.
She can't win about Hillary, number four.
Burnout, Hillary could end it all in two weeks, is number five.
Beck fasting for Cruz is number six.
Oh man, what a fruit.
A huge fireball crashes into Atlantic, explosion equal to 13 tons of TNT.
That's number seven, I'm gonna stop.
Hollywood going Trump, that's number eight.
Twitter silences another conservative, that's number nine.
Well, that's really becoming a problem.
But I wanted to just talk about the fact that if you haven't seen this video, it's on Infowars.com.
We posted it back to the front page.
We've added a Ben Garrison cartoon that shows him as Abe Lincoln throwing the Bill of Rights, Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and we the people into a grave with Scalia.
And this is a big deal, folks, when you actually watch the video, the body language is very Joker-esque, like they're laughing about an enemy that's dead.
Bare minimum, they're making fun of a dead guy.
And making light of it.
I mean, this is a sick joke that was written for him on purpose to rub it in.
These people hate our guts so much, they call us bitter clingers, and I know Scalia's not perfect.
I wanted to ask callers what they thought of what Obama did, not
Well, Scalia had some bad rulings.
Well, Kagan and Sotomayor and all these other people, you want bad rulings?
Baby, you're gonna get them now.
So careful, careful what you wish for.
The grass is greener on the other side.
Scalia was killing them on carbon taxes for trillions.
The gun control agenda.
He was about to rule the open borders and support the Texas judges.
And, you know, this is the magic hour, right when you'd expect the season of assassination.
And I'm not going to even rehash all this.
He's been dead for eight days, nine days.
Eight days when Obama said this, it's despicable.
Let's play the clip.
Like me, some of you might be in the final year of your last term, working as hard as you can to get as much done as possible for the folks that you represent.
Fixing roads, educating our children, helping people retrain, appointing judges, the usual stuff.
They're all in on it.
Members of Congress there, Democrats to meet with.
Roll it again with it blown up.
Look at this body language, the arrogance, the evil.
In fact, have him add to it.
I want the full smiling.
When he's talking, when he starts telling the joke to the end, it goes on, it gets worse.
So, so Jacobson, have Jacobson expand that.
I want to show Obama blown up, his head on screen the entire time.
In slow motion.
I want him telling the joke in slow motion, with his head blown, up large.
I don't mean like Kennedy for wanting to audit the Fed.
I meant actually get his head big on screen so folks can see up close the psychotic look.
I mean, Obama could play the black American psycho.
He's got the body language, if you studied criminology and studied psychopaths, that
I can't stand him being anywhere close to him, looking at him on screen.
Karl Rove has psychotic mannerisms.
I was in a restaurant once.
He came and sat down.
I had to leave.
And it was just because this is a guy that says he controls reality and, you know, has wrecked the Republican Party and taken it over.
It makes me want to throw up.
Now, the last caller who just joined us, and I'm going to go back to your calls, and I'm going to answer the good shorty's take on this, who's sitting in here with us today, Roger Stone, who told us he would be calling for outing the Fed last week, and who told us, you know, that he'd be basically calling for Hillary to be indicted, which he's now done.
I mean, he's tripled down.
He's exposing 9-11, making Bush get out of the race, where he keeps bringing up the 28 pages.
Within two days of him doing that, Bush was gone.
Our reporters were dogging him.
They're scared, folks.
Because this will destroy the Clintons and the Bushes.
And this is what Trump had to do coming in out of Long Island into New York when only Big Mega Banks and the Mafia ran construction.
And he was able to go in there with celebrity and with panache and with charm, but also with aggressive statements.
But he's also so charming that they just had to back off and leave him alone.
That's what he's doing now.
He's really smart.
Like, you know, everybody knows she's guilty, but I don't want to say that she's guilty.
Just the way he does it, it's so funny.
And we're sick of being talked down to.
We know he's talking down to them.
We love it.
And look, if he was fake, he would be the best liar I've ever seen and could be Satan.
I mean, I'll say that because Obama screams evil, screams arrogance with Trump.
It's not arrogance.
It's a big joke to him on them.
Not caring what they say, not caring what they do.
I don't want to say I have a lot in common with Donald Trump, but I'm not arrogant about the elite.
I want them to know that they're scum, they're trash, they're deceitful, they're liars, and they mean nothing to me.
And Trump has that same view, and he's proving over and over again he is the bonafide, real McCoy.
And there's this talking point that they've got all this mafia dirt, and as soon as
He gets the nomination, they're gonna destroy him.
Well, is that a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Or they go, oh, you gotta vote for Hillary or you're against women, and the women go, well, I better be for women.
You'll go to hell if you're a woman and don't vote for Hillary.
You're gonna condescend to me?
I'm gonna have the Pope, this Pope, who says we should have open borders, but he doesn't?
And then they have the New York Times say there's no wall around the Vatican?
They've got a square that comes in with walls and 50-foot steel doors?
I was just there last year?
There's a special report coming out on that.
I put in the can Saturday.
I want to see that soon, because that's important.
Uh, but, uh, in fact, you guys go ask Du, I know he's doing the job, hey people, when that Vatican report's coming out, because I want to show that, and show the walls, 200 plus foot walls, and huge 50 foot steel doors.
But yeah, you can come into the square there with the obelisk, but there's walls, it's just an opening so folks can go in and have the Pope stand up there from his palace.
Actually, you're delusional, those walls don't exist.
The New York Times said I was full of baloney!
And of course, Obamacare is free, too, folks.
If you like your doctor, you can keep it, and you didn't build your business, and raising the debt doesn't raise the debt.
But let's go to this clip of Stone on CBS.
This is him commenting on CBS on Newsmax saying they're getting ready to come out with, oh, he built something with a guy 20 years ago, and that guy later got indicted.
By that yardstick, I've worked with hundreds of people, and sometimes people get indicted for something, and you're not involved, what does it matter?
I mean, there's guilt by association.
And the Vatican Wall report will premiere on the Nightly News tonight.
Can't it just premiere here?
Side issue.
Great job, dude.
That'll be tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
We'll have that, then of course I'll be able to play that on the show tomorrow.
But let's go to this Roger Stone clip.
Here it is.
The other thing you should be prepared for, Steve, is a major onslaught from CBS claiming that Donald Trump has ties to the mafia, to the mob.
Donald Trump has been licensed by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission in the toughest gaming regulatory law in the country.
There's nothing to this canar.
These are the kind of mirrors that were used on Barry Goldwater, by the way.
They didn't work, uh, they did work then, they will not work now.
Has, has CBS made this, done this report yet?
Or you know that it's in the, in the pipeline?
I know that this is in the pipeline.
This has been kicking around for some time.
Uh, it is impossible for one to be in the construction business in New York and not come across those, uh, who are, uh, connected to organized crime.
But no one has ever successfully alleged that Trump has a real, significant, or genuine tie to the mafia.
This is a smear.
And again, the proof is that the casino control regulators in New Jersey, under the toughest statutes in the country, have gone through Trump's finances and his business with a fine-tooth comb
And he's been licensed and re-licensed and re-licensed.
So this is the last dying gasp of the political establishment, of those who are seeking to protect the established order.
I think all of this will come to naught.
Here's the deal.
The Mafia's been kicked out of casinos.
Since the 70s.
But, in New York and other areas, still has a lot of control.
And why is that?
Because of Democrats and the unions that are basically the Mafia.
But the public's been so dumbed down, they also just think that only Italians are in organized crime.
And so that's something to Trump's advantage, he's got a German last name.
The public's gonna go, he can't be in the Mafia, his name's Trump.
I mean, that's how... The Bushes are the Mafia.
The Clintons are the Mafia.
Does anyone have any idea that Al Capone was an Italian, but he worked with the Dixie Mafia that actually ran most of the entire country?
But see, no one even knows there's a Dixie Mafia, because that's how dumbed down the public is.
Anthony Gucciardi.
Well, obviously, I'm a mobster with the last name Gucciardi as well.
To me, it kind of reminds me of Hillary Clinton being, let's say, a bank robber, right?
And she's in the bank, and she comes out with sacks of money.
I mean, she's got like millions of dollars in her hand, right?
And she's running out with these sacks of cash, and across the street is Trump, right?
And he's just kind of walking down the street, and she goes, look at him!
Caught red-handed!
He robbed the bank!
He's a criminal!
Catch him right now!
And the police look at her, and she's got those sacks of cash, like gold dripping out of them, and she's like, get him!
And they're like, huh?
She goes, he stole that coffee in his hand!
Yeah, yeah.
Somebody told me that 20 years ago, he had some mobsters pour concrete on one floor of a building.
Right, right, exactly.
And, you know, who knows what's going on with Trump.
But what we can say is look what's going on with Hillary Clinton.
She has multiple indictments up against her.
She has multiple things going on, multiple investigations from the FBI.
But I know how this works!
Big business has been kicking the mafia out since the 70s.
I mean, they don't let them anywhere near the casinos or boxing.
But you see, the media is already winning, because they're making us talk about it, right?
So now the talking point has already been out there, so now we have to talk about it, when in reality, the talking point should be, look at Hillary Clinton, what she's doing, and look how we're doing against her.
I agree.
Trump should come out, and he will, the minute they pull this mafia crud, we even know the names, because it's been in the news a decade ago.
Like, oh, a guy that once built part of a building for Trump was indicted.
You work with hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.
I mean, he's got stuff in the Middle East.
He's got stuff in Europe.
I bet they can find a guy behind the counter that's dealing blackjack that's a crook.
I guess that's Donald Trump's fault.
Well, it's like if, let's say... Does Donald Trump have a criminal record?
No, he doesn't.
And I'll go further.
This is what the Southern Poverty Law Center, because we've learned, it's these type of groups that actually, with these cutouts online, as quote, conspiracy theorists that attack us, this is the type of stuff they do to me.
They go, Alex Jones' dad, he was in business with George Herbert Walker Bush.
Look, his name's David Jones of Houston.
It's a guy that looks nothing like my dad.
He's not even a dentist.
But people still ask me, is your dad friends with George Bush?
It's verifiable proof.
But then they ignore the story that my sister went to school with his daughters, went to the same private school, and I've eaten barbecue repeatedly with the governor.
I don't know how evil he'd be once he got out.
Their point is, they play these guilt by association games.
What matters is what I do, what I stand for, what I say, not who have I met or who have I talked to.
But another big lie is, and I'll just address it because it's funny, they go, you know Alex is owned by ABC because
Like 15 years ago, the main satellite, there was Jones, there was Clear Channel, and there was ABC.
And I'm going to your calls, folks.
And you had to go least time, you know, just like calling up AT&T and getting phone service.
If you have cable, you work with AT&T.
If I have cable, say U-verse, I am owned and run by AT&T, and they go, oh, this is different, you pay $4,000 a month for satellite feed for your show.
I mean, this is the craziness.
But then when we switch to Jones, they go, oh my gosh, he owns the Jones Broadcasting Company worth billions.
No, folks, I'm not related to that Houston family.
I might actually be distantly, but I don't think they've been to a family reunion in about 50 years.
The point is, I mean, I guess you could argue I was distantly related to the second president of the state, if you want to be.
Anyone with your last name, you're not related.
I know, anyone, or you're Italian, you're a mobster.
I'm related to Dr. Jones, completely.
But this is the mind games they play with the dumbed-down public, where they sit there and they go...
Well, you know, Alex Jones, he's had CIA people on.
Yeah, whistleblowers, exposing stuff.
Thank God they're doing the right thing.
You know, Alex Jones has had people on that are in Delta Force.
And you know, so, you know, but even though they're saying good things, we just, it's this idea and this is how they run it.
This is how they play games with people.
This is how they manipulate people.
This is how they brainwash them.
And this is what they're going to do to Trump.
No, this is really, really important and what people need to understand is why people do this.
Why people attack you for that.
Because they can't address the issues.
Well, yeah, because they want to discount everything you're saying.
So they want to invalidate you based on the silliest thing.
Like right now, someone watching this right now is going to think, I don't like the way Anthony speaks, therefore I'm not listening to anything he says.
Or I don't like the way he dresses or whatever.
People will use labels or anything they can to invalidate someone's entire existence.
Just like
With Trump, for example, they're going to try and invalidate him and say he worked with someone from the quote-unquote mafia or whatever.
They're going to try and invalidate you, say you had someone from the former CIA on who was agreeing with you, but they don't care.
They don't want to know.
They don't want to get it.
They want to invalidate you.
Well, the globalists should admit in their psychological warfare,
From the Frank Church Committee, he's with COINTELPRO.
They get into activist movements and make it all about holier-than-thou fighting with each other to make movements about disintegration and failure, not, hey, we're patriots, we love freedom, we want lower taxes, we're about father figures being strong, female figures being strong, we don't think we should ban the word mother and father, this is a sick cult, hey, they admit they got cancer viruses in the vaccines, New York Times, hey, we were right there, hey,
We want to take America back and restore the Republic and make America free and great and prosperous again, not an imperial holding of global corporations above the law.
That's what we stand for, that's what we're doing, and that's why InfoWars is successful.
I see this.
With cartoonists and liberty lovers and writers and other talk show hosts, people will send them fake emails saying I said something bad about them, or saying they were dissed somehow, to have this weird association thing where, oh, we're infighting, and oh, someone screwed you over, I'm your friend.
When you hear that, folks, that was triggered by a government program.
The weak-minded person following that may not know it.
But all of this divide-and-conquer garbage is just that.
It's why they're funding Black Lives Matter.
It's why they're trying to infiltrate militias and make them say outrageous things.
These are tactics, folks, by this tiny elite that want to set each other's throats.
Now, I want to go to calls, Anthony, but getting back into Trump, I don't see this working.
I don't see this being successful.
But we're countering it now before it comes out.
Empowerment and everything that we stand for is threatening to people because it would mean that they have to change their ideology they've been given by the system and the establishment their entire lives.
That's why they're going to discount things and try to discount things.
That's why they're going to use smear campaigns and buy into it.
That's why the media is playing right into their choir because they want to not believe Trump.
They want to not believe you.
They want to not listen to us.
They want to just shut everything down.
And if the media spoon feeds them ideas to do that,
And what do you make of the fact that...
If the media attacked Horstmaner, people would endorse it.
Now, Trump's great.
But in the case of Sanders, you know, they're attacking him, so people that are loving him, even if they're not intellectual or informed.
I mean, I think there's already been a total revolution of awakening against the establishment.
They are the walking dead.
They are the zombie media.
And the zombie followers of that are getting smaller and smaller.
What is the system going to do, Gusciardi?
I think the media is totally pretending that they have power, totally pretending they have push and pull.
At the same time, there is a weird narrative that people believe, and it's up to us to stop believing their narrative, because it doesn't even matter at this point.
But yes, they've lost their power, they've lost their control, they're kind of like Sauron weakening and he doesn't have any power, the eye is withering, right?
And they want to pretend they do, so they keep attacking and attacking, but all it does is turn...
Taking out all the ringwraiths?
And now she's having to openly steal the election in front of everybody.
Winning six coin tosses to get the delegate 50-50 to push her over in Iowa.
Losing by 20 points, getting the delegates in New Hampshire.
Obviously stealing the election big time in Nevada.
I mean, it's just, it's naked, Anthony.
It's completely naked.
So, Trump has never been connected to the Mafia.
Hillary gets billions from foreign dictators and gave weapons to Al Qaeda in Benghazi.
Okay, so absolutely.
What does it matter?
What does it matter?
See, she can say things like that.
She can say absurd things like that and make absurd claims and not admit to never lying.
Remember that interview when they say, have you ever lied to the American public?
She goes, well, you know, I would like to think that that's not the case.
Have you ever lied?
I don't believe that I, you know, she can't answer the question.
Of course she lies.
She lies all the time.
I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
He didn't have sex with that woman.
You're a conspiracy theorist, actually.
We're about to go to break.
I appreciate you coming in.
Great job, Anthony.
I'm going to go to break and come back.
Stay right there.
I'm going to go to break and come back and talk to Carl and Sean and Rex and Terry and Adam.
I'm going right to you when we come back.
So I'm going to plug right now, so I won't do it when I come back.
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He's literally upwards of $60 to buy bottles of all of this with similar dosages.
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Yeah, I encourage you to look at it because truly comparable formulas in my view would be about $50, $60.
And this is far less.
And it's always low price.
This is a limited first run as usual.
And this is powdered.
This is powdered in the capsules.
I'm sorry.
In my experience and research, you don't want the hard ones because a lot of those go right through you.
Yeah, there's definitely a lot of research on that.
And look, we can't even tell you about all the studies, we can't even tell you about all the articles, because they're different regulations.
Do your own research on these organic ingredients.
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Joint formula.
Great job developing this with our researchers, Anthony.
And yeah, it's the best.
If you work at an office or a desk, that's really when your joints are most messed up.
Not like an Olympic athlete.
So everyone should be taking this.
Thank you, brother.
Thank you.
You know, I can't associate with you because you have an Italian last name.
I'm a bad person.
Oh, but we're all liberal, though.
We don't stereotype.
But just don't say mother or father.
That's bad, too.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In addition to threatening to invade Syria and al-Bashar al-Assad, Saudi Arabia says it wants to arm jihadists in the country with anti-aircraft missiles to take out Russian jets.
We believe that introducing surface-to-air missiles in Syria is going to change the balance of power on the ground, said the Saudi foreign minister.
He continued, it will allow the moderate opposition to be able to neutralize the helicopters and aircraft that are dropping chemicals and have been carpet bombing them.
Just like the surface-to-air missiles in Afghanistan were able to change the balance of power there.
This has to be studied very carefully, however, because you don't want such weaponry to fall into the wrong hands.
Even the New York Times admits there are few, if any, moderate rebels fighting in Syria.
Despite this reality, Secretary of State John Kerry and British Prime Minister David Cameron continue to insist there are moderates fighting against Assad.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
New story up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
That's our two main sites, folks.
Jeb supporters jump to Trump.
And then coming up, we've got the video MSNBC censors Sanders condemning
The treasonous Pacific Partnership, or the TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, that literally signs the United States over to foreign secret groups.
Oh, but there's no world government, there's no move to that.
Oh, there's no NSA spying.
Oh, most cancer doesn't come from viruses.
Oh, it's in the New York Times now?
Oh, I guess it does.
Again, over a hundred years ago, they were injecting
Cancerous cells and viruses into rats and mice and giving them cancer.
Look up the studies.
That was like the New York Times going, we're going to break something major.
Today, there's a place called Kitty Hawk in the United States.
In fact, guys, pull up Kitty Hawk on a map.
I forget what state is Kitty Hawk in.
And there are two brothers called the Wright Brothers, and the word is they're gonna get a film crew out there, because, you know, film's just been invented here in 2016.
The New York Times just told us about film, too.
Cellulose film, not digital.
And get this.
In fact, let's go to YouTube and actually pull up, I'm told the footage just came out.
And the Wright Brothers, ladies and gentlemen, have successfully launched manned flight.
Think about that.
That is incredible.
The New York Times broke today that there has been manned flight and America did it first.
Now tomorrow they're going to tell you about a guy named Chuck Yeager who in a rocket plane is going to break the sound barrier.
But here it is.
This is just in.
New York Times.
This is just in, folks.
You're about to see if you're a TV viewer.
Manned flight.
Man, the New York Times has got to get a Pulitzer for this one.
Wright Brothers first flight rare footage.
Man, that is incredible.
Wow, the New York Times did it again.
Hey, let's clap for the New York Times again.
You just join us and then I'm going to your calls.
Let's put the article back up on screen and then we'll show you the first manned flight in history.
It happened on the 23rd day of February 2016.
There it is, and this just in too, because this was known scientific fact before the Wright Brothers flew.
Scientists ponder the prospect of contagious cancer carried by viruses or cells.
Man, I gotta tell you that George Johnson, I talked about this yesterday when he broke this news.
That guy needs a Pulitzer right now.
The New York Times is just amazing.
They're amazing!
Let's go back to the Wright Brothers.
Again, this is the first footage you're seeing in here.
Manned flight.
I know some said it was a conspiracy theory.
That it could ever happen.
Which, this is at Kitty Hawk.
Virginia Beach.
Look at that.
Man, what can humans do next?
I tell ya.
Man, the New York Times is amazing.
You know, they also told us that there's actually whole rooms and floors at major telecoms where all your data is run through and taken by the government and other interests.
Totally illegal.
Man, give them a Pulitzer for that, too!
I'm sorry, it's just a joke.
I see these articles every day.
Where it's like, the UN says the sun doesn't affect climate, but some scientists say it may.
We would be at absolute zero in a matter of days if the sun just disappeared.
The sun drives almost all of our climate.
But we have to sit here with these weirdo cult leaders that have these moron followers that can't get jobs, have three degrees.
Look like they've been put in a microwave oven?
They look like Walking Dead when we go down to the University of Texas.
I mean, dumb, stupid, soft slobs.
90% of them.
I'm not trying to be mean.
These people are jokes!
This is the television, me-me-me-me generation.
And they just go, I'm an intellectual.
Well, can you talk?
Do you want to put gun owners in forced labor camps?
Yeah, I'm sick of them.
Arrest them all.
Hey, for the Earth, we want to ban dihydrogen monoxide.
I've got a chemistry degree from Cornell.
How you doing, McAdoo?
You want to go out on a date?
Remember that footage?
Guys with chemistry degrees are like, yes, let's sign your petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide.
But they know how to act cool, though.
Hey, how you doing?
Oh, yeah.
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls and I apologize.
I'm out of control.
I'm evil.
I'm evil.
One of the callers just hung up.
I'm gonna go to Tommy, Sean, Terry, Carl, Adam, all of you.
Well, I tell you what, the first thing I thought when they
Oh, by the way, before I even say that, you know you're talking to a conspiracy theorist, and of course you work for the CIA, okay?
So, let's just get that out of the way right off the bat.
I've watched you for years.
This is my first time calling to you.
I'm glad you're doing what you're doing.
Wish we could do more.
We just gotta keep up the fight.
I'm gonna give you a little plug here.
I am a vet.
You know, I mean, I watched that on TV, and I'm like, Scalia, he just got back from Asia, he just died, the first thing hit by a mine was the Russian spy that got killed.
I'm like, yeah, they killed him.
Scalia didn't always rule the way I would have liked him to rule.
But you know, there's one thing in this country that we have to remember.
If we want to have a constitution, we have to let everybody else have a constitution also.
So that means, you know, we're going to get our feathers ruffled every now and then because it didn't go our way.
You know, so... That's right.
Well, Scalia wasn't perfect, but he was appointed by Ronald Reagan, who wasn't perfect, but compared to what we've got now, he was an angel.
And Scalia was helping, he ruled for the Second Amendment, he was ruling for sovereignty, he was ruling to keep our power plants.
I mean, Scalia was absolutely devastating the globalists.
Oh yeah, I have nothing bad to say about him.
I don't get to get it my way all the time.
None of us do.
What do you think of the whole thing now with Obama laughing about it?
Well, I think that's right along with him making his joke up there about he's got drones.
Obama was an easy pick.
I told people
When George Jr.
ran the first time, I said, man, don't put that man in there, because if you do, we're going back to IRAC so he can finish what his daddy did.
Because, you know, his daddy come right out there on national television.
On TV, talking about, well, yeah, y'all stopped this, y'all called the New World Order, but we'll get it done.
Well, you know, I mean, skull and bones, all of that.
You know what it is, and I do, too.
Then, of course, you know, he got in there.
Of course, what I love was when Trump got on the debate, said, you know what?
Iraq didn't bring the towers down.
I mean, come on, let's be real about it.
That was a basic truth, admitted fact, and it totally scared him to death.
What does your gut tell you about Trump?
I mean, I'm really praying for him, and I mean, I really pray for him around the dinner table, because he is going into the lion's den, and he's the guy fighting them, exposing them.
Whether he's a good guy or not, he's hurting them.
So you judge a tree by its fruits, and Donald Trump's fruits are really good.
Well, I'll tell you what, I'm going to vote for him.
I'll just put that out there.
But, uh, because there's no way I would vote for the rest of the line.
And, uh, I'm not ready to live in a... I mean, we're already living in a socialistic country.
It's been socialistic since 1984, but... And now we see the slide.
Absolutely, Carl.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you.
Again, sorry I made folks hold so long.
I'm getting better about it.
First-time callers, 800-259-9231.
We're going to go to Louisiana now and talk to Sean.
Sean, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I've been listening to you for about 10 years now.
I just want to say you guys have some of the best bumper music.
That doesn't get said a lot.
Well thank you, we just play stuff I like.
Yeah, well I like it too.
I wanted to talk about some of the stuff with Bernie and Trump.
I'm not the biggest Trump fan, but I like a lot of what he says.
I'm not at all a Bernie lover or anything, but I wanted to bring to your attention some of the stuff.
Mother Jones wrote a hit piece back in July of last year about him, about some of the old papers he was writing back when he was on the Freeman paper in Vermont or wherever.
Sure, I've seen some of those articles.
What are you specifically talking about?
Well, he said that fluoride causes cancer and authoritarianism causes cancer.
There's an article, it's called... Well, that's why I don't like Bernie Sanders, is I know he's smart.
I call him a dumb bum and all this.
He knows full well what's going on.
And he does a lot of good stuff.
He says a lot of good things.
I got Bernie Sanders in the Obama deception a bunch.
And then he's sitting there telling people they're going to get free education and all this free stuff.
You could take all the billionaire's money and it wouldn't pay for anything for six months.
He's talking about getting rid of the derivatives.
Look, Donald Trump's talking about raising taxes on these tax-exempt corporations that are
I'm not...
Defendant Bernie Sanders anyway, I'm just saying.
Sure, but the mathematics just doesn't agree with it.
I get he's good on the NSA, good on war, good on the Federal Reserve.
Oh, but when he's the key vote that can audit it, then he didn't vote for it.
Oh, but when his vote won't count and it's going to fail, he votes.
The guy is not as bad as Obama or Hillary.
And you know, maybe it's good he's an open socialist.
And it's probably been counterproductive that I've called him a bunch of nasty names.
I apologize for that.
I understand that there's such a grassroots anger at the establishment that I don't even blame people wanting to go with a pure, you know, socialist.
I mean, who knows?
Anything could be better than where we're going.
But this is just crony capitalists robbing with the megabanks, funding socialism to domesticate us.
And that's why.
They want socialism at the grassroots to make us dependent.
I'm ranting.
Any other points?
Yes, I was going to say that it's a revolutionary time right now.
It is.
Of course, the Bernie Sanders are delusional.
I'm not defending them in any way.
But I've seen, Anthony kind of stole my point earlier when he was talking about Reddit and some of those.
If you look at some of those sites, the Bernie supporters are just fed up with Hillary.
And they're even saying, I've seen a bunch of sites saying that... Brother, I totally get it.
Drudge had a poll that millions of people voted in.
And sure, it's a free-for-all.
It's non-scientific.
But for me, that's more scientific.
Because everybody can just free-for-all vote.
I guess once for every internet address or however it works.
And I went and voted once.
And Trump had 37%.
And then next, it was Sanders at 28%.
I'm going from memory.
And then last, it was Hillary at 0.8.
She doesn't have real supporters except weird cults of women who aren't about life or humanity.
They're all about, I'm voting for her, she's a woman, because they're gang members.
That's all they are.
They're groupthink.
And I get the fact that Sanders is so popular and Hillary's having to rob him shows that even the Democrats are waking up and trying to go anti-establishment.
It's very positive that Bernie Sanders is doing so well with his constituents because it's seen as an anti-establishment vote.
The content of what he wants to do is a nightmare, but it's all part of the huge awakening happening that's a counter to the globalist revolution against humanity.
The New World Order calls their operation, I think it was Bertrand Russell first did it, the Final Revolution.
So did H.G.
Wells, who was a top Fabian socialist and futurist, who wrote about atomic bombs in 1901.
See, a lot of advanced stuff they're not telling people about.
They had the equations then.
Hello, Alex?
I think this is my first time caller.
I was wanting to talk about Scalia, and you know, you were asking about what we thought about Obama, cracking jokes and things about it.
And you know, it made me think, when you have a group of people that have such low regard for the sanctity of life, it's not surprising to me to see something like that.
Such a ruthless group of people as the left and the progressives are.
If you study criminology, and I want you to continue, you're making a great point, criminals have to celebrate in public like a pack of jackals or rats or weasels or stoats.
And they need to do it in their weasel events, and they need to brag about it, and they need to relish it.
I'm going to play the clip coming up in the next segment.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
And that's exactly what I thought when I saw that.
You know, that's what we have become now.
That's the leadership that is at the top in this nation and the globalists which you speak of all the time.
And one of the biggest things that I respect about InfoWars so much is that you guys actually look at history and see that the road we're going down is absolute craziness.
And it's designed.
It's designed.
And like the last call I was talking about, you know, Sanders
It broke my heart as a young person in this nation to see that many people that are on this socialist bandwagon.
It is absolutely insane.
Has nobody ever heard of... They go, health care is free in England.
It's some of the worst health care in the world.
Everyone has to come here to get health care.
Not that ours is perfect.
And they still go, it's free.
They just...
They're the type of folks that buy lottery tickets, and I'm not bashing anybody by lottery tickets, but people that really think that's their business plan for life is a lottery ticket.
Yeah, and it is crazy.
It really is.
And like I said, as a young person, to see that from so many other young people that just think that there is a free lunch and don't understand that there is nothing free in this world, somebody is going to be paying for that.
It's really sad.
I mean, what are these kids being taught?
Not only in their schools, but by their parents.
I mean, a whole generation of young people.
Listen, listen.
I appreciate your call.
My father owned a dental office that employed three or four other dentists and a bunch of people.
That was popular.
And we were middle class, but by no means rich.
And my dad was a guy that loved the U.S.
government, thought it was America, thought we had the best system in the world.
And when the IRS called him in, when they changed the tax laws, when Bush was basically running the White House at the end of Reagan's term,
My dad came in with his receipts and everything to the IRS, and they said, Mr. Jones, we know you didn't cheat on your taxes.
We are organized crime.
We're going to destroy you and your family if you don't give us your business and everything you got.
And he said, what?
See, and he had to have that moment.
We'll be back.
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I was a highway man, along the coach roads I did ride.
I was a highway man, along the coach roads I did ride.
Willie Nelson and his best.
Let's play a little bit of this.
Sword and pistol by my side.
That sweet voice in his prime sure buoys the heart.
Many a young maid lost her babbles to my trade.
Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade.
Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade.
I was a sailor.
That's Chris Christopherson.
He's bad about his politics.
But his film, America, shows what's happening.
I went aloft.
When the yards broke off, they said that I got killed.
But the adventure still lives on, my friend.
And of course, you got the late, great Waylon Jennings right here.
Where steel and water did collide.
A place called Boulder.
You know, I'm not going to play the whole song, but the next comes in Johnny Cash.
Really well-written song.
Oh, we can hear just the first part of Cash.
I'll fly a starship.
None of the globalists have their way.
Won't be flying any starships.
Maybe I will rest my spirit when I reach the other side.
Might have been there before.
They're trying to suppress humanity's real destiny.
When I reach the other side.
Perhaps I will become a highwayman again.
Alright, let's just continue on here, ladies and gentlemen.
It's the human spirit that lives on forever.
And it's the genetics we pass on, but also our spirit.
Let's get to this slowed down clip because for radio listeners you really can't capture how evil Obama looks.
When he's making jokes, and we're upping the audio too, and boosting the jokes that they're saying back to him.
I believe I hear something very cryptic from some of the Congress folks.
This needs to be investigated, but we're still looking into it, boosting the audio.
We may have it by the end of the next hour.
But, this is Obama slowed down, making a joke about appointing judges, right after Scalia's death, and the congressional meeting of Democrats and press.
Absolutely love it.
Here it is.
Some of you might be in the final year of your last term, working as hard as you can to get as much done as possible for the folks that you represent.
Fixing roads, educating our children, helping people retrain, appointing judges,
The usual stuff.
Look at that evil smile.
They are celebrating.
We're going to play it again next hour at that end part and try to make out what that person is saying.
But I hear something pretty sick from one of those Congress people.
Or one of the aides.
You can't tell because
But I tell you, we've got to just take that slowed down but unedited and post it under the video that's already on Drudge so folks can see it slowed down for the full evil.
Blown up and slowed down.
A picture tells a thousand words.
A video tells a million, doesn't it?
Terry, Tommy, Rob, Libby, Mike, and others.
We are 70 seconds away from the third hour.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
This is the defense of the Republic and humanity.
The Desperate Defense.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I want you, I need you.
Joe Biggs is pretty excited about this IED that went off, and there's almost no news coverage of it.
Was it part of a drill?
I notice they've done local stuff to terrorize the public that I've seen, and then they announce it like it's real, but I haven't seen that happen in a while.
Could this be a terror attack that got covered up?
We know they said San Bernardino was workplace violence.
He's going to pop in coming up at the start of the next segment.
And then I'm going to burrow into the news I haven't gotten into yet.
And boy, there is a lot of it militarily.
Also, it's happening in Democrat-controlled areas like Chicago with huge homicide explosion rate.
But right now, let's go to Terry in Minnesota.
Thanks for holding, Terry.
You're on the air.
Yeah, hi, Alex.
I'll get right into it.
I'm a new listener.
I've been listening about three weeks.
I've listened to Rush and Hanvey and Beck and all these guys for years.
And I got to tell you, within the first hour, basically, because I'm looking for truth, when I started listening to you guys, I knew I was onto something here.
And when I heard Beck this morning talking about the unification of the talk radio show hosts on the right, these guys should be taking lessons from you guys, because you guys really
You're out there, when I mean out there, people are starving and looking for truth.
And that's why your show is gaining and gaining and gaining.
And again, I'm just saying, it's just fantastic to have you folks out there.
Well, I don't infight, but when I am attacked, I have to defend myself if I think it rises to that level.
Glenn Beck.
was a liberal talk show host, and he basically took my show, and I've talked to people that worked in his operation at a high level, and created kind of a neocon version of it, which is fine.
But then he wanted to get rid of the real Alex Jones, and so I've had stations that they've said, you know, don't carry Alex Jones, you can't have our show, and I've had him talk about me and say horrible lies about me.
And then now he wants to run when he was at Fox News.
He tried to boss everybody around.
He tried to say he was in control.
I've talked to some of the biggest names in talk radio who are nice people, but are on short leashes and are being threatened.
And they say Beck literally thinks he's God.
He thinks he's Christ.
That's why he's talking about running to Israel and being like a cult leader.
I mean, next it'll be, you know, the Hale-Bopp stuff.
I'm serious, you know, wear the black Nike tennis shoes.
And I'm not being mean.
The guy, it's even in mainstream news, he's like a cult leader.
We're not running a cult here.
Uh, you know, if somebody gives Glenn Beck the wrong pin at his office, he reportedly blows up.
I've had that from... I mean, I got people around here that have been on Beck's show, been around him, and I just wish the guy well.
I wish he'd come to reality.
Uh, but yeah, if mainline conservative talk show hosts wanted to save the country, they would look at what we're covering, what we're doing, and a lot of them have gone that direction.
Uh, Nori on his own, because he's a smart guy, has taken that show from all UFOs to only 20% UFOs,
We're influencing the X-Files to get, you know, into more serious topics.
I'll talk about that coming up.
Pretty good episode last night.
And we are having an effect, but it's just because we're outside the box and they aren't.
Michael Savage is just as smart as we are, smarter.
He doesn't need to listen to us to know what's going on.
He gets it.
So I think, really, if you want to get down to who's truly
Willing to talk about the full spectrum, it's this show and Michael Savage.
And then that's it.
On a big national scale.
And we're limited to like 170 affiliates, which sounds big, but compared to Limbaugh, 600.
We are on terrestrial radio and it's great people.
We reach a lot of folks.
A lot of them are small stations.
We do dominate on the internet.
We're bigger than Limbaugh and Beck and all of them combined when it comes to the internet.
And we're growing exponentially.
And, you know, Matt Drudge has talked about the fact that he has a choice to listen to Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones.
And, you know, he turned to listen to me, I guess, six, seven, eight years ago, and he listened for one week and made the switch to Alex Jones.
But I'm not in competition with Rush Limbaugh.
I wish there was somebody much better than me that could wake everybody up and could also take all the heat.
Because this is a war here.
I mean, what I'm doing is dead serious.
Terry, I don't want to cut you short.
Stay there.
I'm going to come back and let you finish up after Joe Biggs talks, then Tommy, Ron, Libby, Mike, and everybody.
We're going to your calls straight ahead.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
The system's doing everything they can to try to block those URLs.
Get that info out.
It's an information war.
A new study shows that having a mobile phone close to the testicles, or within a foot or two of the body, can lower sperm levels so much that conceiving could become difficult, reports The Telegraph.
The findings have led to leading British fertility experts to advise men to stop being addicted to mobile phones.
Specialists found that sperm levels of men who kept their phones in their pockets during the day were seriously affected in 47% of cases, compared to just 11% in the general population.
The team monitored more than 100 men attending a fertility clinic for a year.
Even keeping a phone on a bedside table appears to lower sperm counts.
The quality of sperm among men in Western countries is constantly decreasing.
By contrast, Professor Alan Pacey, a fertility research scientist at Sheffield University,
Has scoffed at suggestions that mobile phones could be damaging male fertility and insists he will continue to carry his phone in his pocket.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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This is the most transparent administration in history, and I can document how that is the case.
American journalists at a media event have criticized the US administration over transparency issues.
We cover what we are allowed to cover.
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
Information management has become so sophisticated, every administration learns from the previous one.
I've got a pen.
And I've got a phone.
There are actions I have the legal authority to take as president.
What do you say to someone who believes the president took action to change the law?
We did not change the law.
We acted within the law.
What you're not paying attention to is the fact that I just took an action to change the law.
We're all about breaking the law, breaking the Constitution.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
And that's what it's all about.
We're gonna continue with your phone calls throughout the hour and a ton of news and clips we haven't gotten to yet.
If you just joined us, Donald Trump came out yesterday, as Trump Insider Friday said he would do, and called for auditing the private, run-for-profit, foreign-owned, predominantly Federal Reserve.
He also said that he would basically indict and have a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton.
In fact, let me just go to Drudge and give you the exact headline.
Close quote, that's Washington Examiner.
That is a big, big, big deal.
Now, Joe Biggs is investigating something that is only in the local news so far.
And we're going to be talking about this with him here in just a moment.
But the reason we're looking at this is they said San Bernardino was not a terror attack.
It turned out the FBI was ordered to keep saying that.
The shooting, the bombs, all of it.
We know there have been a bunch of attacks at military bases, and at Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force recruiting centers.
We know that Americans have been targeted overseas as well.
We know that there have been a bunch of attacks in France, where it would say, theater attack, and other shootings and killings, but it wouldn't even hardly be on the news, just be, and six other events, or nine other events.
So, they're very good with these Islamists coming in to cover up the rapes, to cover up the attacks.
Now, in my experience, sometimes the Feds do urban warfare drills and will detonate what they claim is a pipe bomb, but it's a simulant.
Like the U.S.
Embassy in other countries, they do this too.
And then they'll say later, the British Embassy got caught in the U.S.
throwing a flashbang up against its own window and blowing it out.
And that was because people inside felt like they didn't have enough security.
So sometimes security agencies do this to draw attention or to get funding.
And they don't talk about it.
But more often than not,
I've been told by pretty high-level people that there have been chemical plants hit, some of these explosions you hear about at factories are sabotage.
And when there's real sabotage, you end up not seeing it in the news.
There are terror attacks that they sweep under the rug.
When there's a big scripted one, and they've got an agenda ready, you see them with scripting within minutes, they've already got their spin.
You know when it's a staged event.
But when it's not a staged event, they will sweep it under the rug.
And in the old days, in the 60s and 70s, the communists bombed hundreds of libraries and government buildings and police stations and killed people and blinded them.
Blew them and their families up in cars.
It's kind of a Black Lives Matter thing, but it was communists, the folks that put Obama in.
They're really Ford Foundation operatives and other type groups, but communism's their cover.
The weathermen and people.
And they would hardly report those at the time because they didn't want to give attention to the groups who were trying to form a larger uprising and to get people around the nation to burn their neighborhoods.
So they've tried this communist overthrow garbage before.
Now, looking at this, I don't know if it's a drill.
I don't think it's a weatherman operation.
That was in the 70s and 60s.
It fits the M.O.
of a jihadi event, and this area is chopped full of little Islamoburgs.
Little, little, little mini-Al Qaeda bases.
And we've sent Joe Biggs around the country to obviously cover that.
We have some of that B-roll we can show for TV viewers.
But Joe, tell us where this is, what's happening.
Nobody is covering this except local news.
And to their credit, Glenn Beck's covering it.
So good job, Glenn Beck.
That's one thing Glenn Beck's been really right about is the caliphate and the Islamic invasion and Obama, you know, financing all this and all that.
I mean, I heard that stuff like eight, nine years ago and couldn't believe it when he was running.
But I mean, now it's really true.
In fact, Joe, before you do this latest story, let me ask you, as a combat vet of Afghanistan and Iraq, as somebody who's been working here for two, three years, and somebody that was doing journalism before that, you know, went to college for it, after you got out of the military,
What do you think Obama's really doing?
Who is he?
CIA parents, Ford Foundation connections, but then weird Indonesian, you know, tranny nannies, and then Ford Foundation, and all this weird stuff, and then speaking perfect Arabic in Cairo in his first big speech for president.
They said it was like an imam was speaking, and then his family in Kenya, at least cousins and people,
Running operations with the Muslim Brotherhood, and then backing Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Now ISIS has got missiles, Stinger missiles.
That's in the news.
We told people years ago that's coming.
I mean, this is crazy.
What do you think the endgame is here?
And who is Obama really, Joe?
Well, I think President Obama is the real-life version of Sergeant Brody from Homeland.
I think he is a Muslim infiltrator into our government.
He's playing the part right now, but he's secretly doing stuff behind the scenes.
A lot of that stuff's come to the forefront thanks to, you know, what we've done here at InfoWars and other places.
I have to say, he acts like a Saudi operative.
Let's show a video of him bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia.
Yeah, I mean, it's extremely interesting to see how
We can see all this stuff.
We can see what he's doing.
He's arming ISIS.
He's backing them up.
He's demonizing people who want to say no to Islamist radicalization, and then demonizing them, and then trying to take their rights away.
The fact that freedom of speech is being taken away in America.
The fact that if you criticize radical Islamization of any kind, then you are going to have your Facebook shut down, your Twitter account.
And that's why I'm doubling down going up against it.
I'm not going to be censored.
I mean, I don't know why someone could get into that position and get past so many people and trick so many people.
That's how you know that there is a bigger...
He doesn't bow to British royalty or Japanese royalty.
I don't think he should.
He bows, though, to the waste, to the Saudis.
The most despicable dirtbag government ever.
And now we have Hillary Clinton, she's at the forefront of the Democrat Party right now, and she dresses what?
Like a communist.
She wears literal 1960s era Mao Zedong wife dresses, the actual same dresses.
Pink, yellow, grey, the same dresses, silk, remade.
What is the message?
I mean, bowing to the Saudis, launching jihad, she's in Mao outfits?
I can't even believe what trash these people are.
I mean, I'd be surprised if, you know, Trump comes in and he releases those 28 pages, if we see some kind of connection with Obama somehow.
I know you've been on the fence on Trump, and I haven't talked to you since Trump came out and said, audit the Fed, investigate 9-11, he'll expose the Bushes, he'll indict Hillary.
I mean, I know you're, I guess I'd say 60-40, you know, 60-4.
I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, Knight's coming over to Trump now?
I mean, come on.
Give me your honest opinion.
Well, now that he's coming out and said that if he becomes president, he's gonna take Hillary Clinton and put her where she needs to be in jail, I'm all about it.
Anyone who's gonna stand up and go against Hillary Clinton, you've got my vote.
I can't stand that woman.
She's the most evil person in the world.
And anybody who's willing to stand up, especially come in, get that nomination, become president, and put her in jail, I'm all for it.
What do you make of the bizarre laughing and smiling that Obama engaged in slow-mo?
It's really scary.
And we're trying to isolate and turn up what the Congress people, this is a Congress meeting.
Are saying, but it sounds like they're just having a celebration about Scalia's death.
Very sick.
I mean, like we said, after investigation, you can see that there's something behind this.
It looks like that something has been planned.
This isn't just a natural cause.
You know, you've got a man, John Poindexter, who's a donor to the Obama administration.
He's been awarded by him.
This guy gets flown out there.
He doesn't have his secret service, his security team, so to say.
You know, federal marshals or whatever.
He doesn't have that.
He's flown in this area.
There's no autopsy.
There's no autopsy.
The pillow over his head.
He flushes, you know, his remains.
He flew us down the drain in El Paso.
That stuff's ridiculous.
So we should question that.
And then when President Obama comes out and says something about it and laughs, that's like a spit in our face.
Just like the pillow on the head.
Luca Barocci sleeps with the fishes.
Yeah, I mean, I don't understand why more people aren't upset and how so many people can back this man when he is blatantly coming out and showing that he has complete and total disregard for human life.
This is the same guy who won the Pulitzer Prize right after droning tons of people.
I mean... I think they did give him a book award.
I think it was the Nobel Prize.
That's what I mean, Nobel Prize.
That's the great part about it.
I think we should give him a Nobel Prize for every village he innocently bombs.
That's the other thing.
They bomb the villages it's come out to stir up the jihadis to get more recruits.
Yeah, that's exactly what, that's a tactic.
That's how sophisticated these globalists are.
That's a tactic, yeah.
It's unbelievable.
It's like a reverse false flag against us.
Now tell us about this latest event.
All right, so right now there is a Kanawha County, that's in West Virginia.
Now let's go back before what you said earlier, that there was an explosion that went off in Kanawha.
Now ISIS in West Virginia, America's fusion centers report ISIS investigation ongoing in the mountain state.
This is from September 16, 2014 in the Inquisitor, where they're talking about people investigating these Mubarak-Al Jilani networks like we saw with Islamberg in New York and all that.
Now you have in Kanawha County an IED device detonated in Hansford.
Now, no one's talking about this.
It's on the side of the road.
Yeah, on the side of the road.
That is a typical spot for an ID.
And haven't you had the opportunity to enjoy these things twice yourself?
I've enjoyed those more than twice.
Those are not fun events to be part of.
I mean, it is horrible.
Now, the thing about... The ones you were driving to were huge, though, right?
Oh, yeah.
They were giant.
Enough to lift an ASV about 15 feet up in the air, blowing all the wheels off, hitting the ground on the V and then flipping around.
Not fun.
Stay there.
Let's come back and talk about this for one more segment.
And then, callers, I'm going to you.
And Tommy and Mike and Libby and Rob, don't go anywhere.
I want to talk to you.
And we've got tons of news, but first calls after Beggs leaves us.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
And then, the fourth hour today is going to be hosted by David Knight.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
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There's a woman in the night, she's got a baby in her hands.
That's the allegory for what's happened to our whole world right now.
Your phone calls in the next segment, and then...
I've got to get to all this other news, but some of it we can cover tying into this potential terrorist event that Joe Biggs is breaking down for TheInfoWars.com, viewers and listeners and radio listeners out across the country.
But that ties into Saudi's foreign minister calls for arming Syrian jihadists with anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down Russian airplanes.
What do you think Benghazi was?
I mean, that's on record.
So this whole civil war is escalating, and they've got sleeper cells now, they admit all over the US and Europe, they activate them, they start attacking, and the government will take our rights, Biggs, and put checkpoints up for us.
I mean, they've really got this all figured out.
So the local KCHS-TV in Kanawha County in West Virginia is reporting that the IED went off, the local bomb squads went out, they reviewed over the situation, said it's an IED, and the police are not making any comments on the situation at this time.
But here's the thing, you go back, you look at the history of these cells, there have been cells spotted, there are people looking into it, doing investigations to ISIS sleeper cells in that area.
So this could be a trial run.
They use something like this, they use a smaller detonation, something that's not going to cause a lot of harm, to see how these ambulances, fire department, bomb squads will come into that area.
So they're going to shoot them up?
No, what they do is they want to see how they set up a cordon off that area.
And they've got more bombs and they plan them right where they're going to put them?
That's the worst, yes.
So in combat, you put like a weaker device... Yeah, my cousin was telling me exactly like, they come to one event and they know where the helicopters would land and then blow those up.
Yep, it's called a secondary device.
Your secondary device is usually your most dangerous ones to worry about.
So they'll have something smaller to bring in everyone.
And they'll use, you know, something like this right now to measure.
They'll sit back, far off, take notes, kind of write up a little grid on a piece of paper.
Oh, that's why you're so concerned.
I wasn't thinking about that.
So what I'm thinking is this could be a trial run.
They do this to see how it's going to happen.
And they use that to see how these guys in that area will respond.
The next time it could be something bad because we know that there is ISIS in that area.
It's already been reported before.
That's what I'm worried about.
There's another small device going off.
They bring in these people and then this time they'll actually be secondary devices.
Because you have to understand a lot of these bomb squad units
Well, my cousin told me about a story.
He was there and he was supporting a bunch of SF people.
And this five-year-old kid had been burned with gasoline.
And they were going out there and they said, wait a minute, hold back, wait a minute.
And it turned out when they got there, the dad was there with a bunch of bombs.
But they were able to get him and have him not detonate and then, you know, try to save the kid.
But he'd burned his own son just to lure them in.
I mean, look at... Not normally for torture, but that guy didn't end up, well he didn't end up surviving, I'll leave it at that.
I mean, look in Baghdad, when they were going into the palaces and stuff, going after Saddam, they saw that his guys saw that Saddam had all these pictures and posters up on the walls, and the soldiers were going in and ripping them off the ground.
So a lot of these guys found out that this was going, so they started putting explosives behind the pictures, and when soldiers would go in and rip that stuff off, it would blow them up.
So it's another tactic they use.
They want to see what people do.
They want to see how you're going to respond, and then the next time it's harder.
That's like in the Pacific in World War II.
They'd leave a samurai sword out, but when you pulled it out, it had a cord going to the ground with explosives.
World War II, they would shoot someone, a sniper would shoot somebody in the knee, wound the guy, and what would happen?
Your medic team would come out.
Then the sniper would get those guys, and then more guys would go, and more guys would go, and they would get shot and shot and shot.
That's what I'm worried about, and the fact that this could be real, this could blow the lid on Obama's whole- Well, I wasn't even thinking about that.
Because you're like, this is important, this could be real.
I think it's huge.
But now I get it.
The headline, you should do a special report on this, where I'm not here interrupting, because you're the expert on this, laying out, could this be a setup for a larger event for a secondary device?
Explain that to everybody in a focused way, because that makes a lot of sense.
And the fact that they're not making a bigger deal out of it really makes me wonder.
Yeah, that's what I'm most worried about is the fact that they might have some intel that could kind of go in.
You know, they're going to take this information, run it up the train, and, you know, the White House, they'd be coming back and sending them letters going, hey man,
You might not want to say anything about this.
Keep this on the hush-hush because we've already got a lot of people upset about the borders being open, the fact that, you know, Americans are being harassed by the TSA.
Meanwhile, these guys get to come in, they get to vote, they get driver's license, they can go through checkpoints, they don't get harassed.
Well, that's my question.
How is Obama bringing these people in, going to get away with more San Bernardinos and more major Hassan events, which they didn't call terror either.
How are they going to get to where they take our rights, but they're flying plane loads of illegals in every day, not even checking their passport?
I mean, people say, be nice to the illegals.
Okay, then don't check mine then.
I don't want to be treated like this when I'm a citizen.
I'm tired of being discriminated against, Joe.
Yeah, it's ridiculous.
Well, it just shows the whole thing is there to take our freedoms, and whether he's doing it, you know, because he is a jihadi or because he's part of some astral planet, it doesn't matter.
Obama is a jihadi collaborator against this country, and so is the Democratic Party, and I just can't believe they're that big a sacks of crap.
But they don't even want wealth and power, folks.
They want to destroy America and destroy Christians.
They are satanic!
It's a takeover.
They want to hurt us.
They are enemies.
They hate us.
We'll be back.
Thank you, Sheriff.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Calls are straight ahead, folks.
Stay with us.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In addition to threatening to invade Syria and al-Bashar al-Assad, Saudi Arabia says it wants to arm jihadists in the country with anti-aircraft missiles to take out Russian jets.
We believe that introducing surface-to-air missiles in Syria is going to change the balance of power on the ground, said the Saudi foreign minister.
He continued, it will allow the moderate opposition to be able to neutralize the helicopters and aircraft that are dropping chemicals and have been carpet bombing them.
Just like the surface-to-air missiles in Afghanistan were able to change the balance of power there.
This has to be studied very carefully, however, because you don't want such weaponry to fall into the wrong hands.
Even the New York Times admits there are few, if any, moderate rebels fighting in Syria.
Despite this reality, Secretary of State John Kerry and British Prime Minister David Cameron continue to insist there are moderates fighting against Assad.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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We're good to go.
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It's Alex Jones.
Richard Reeves is popping in because today's the big day.
Nevada, the Republican caucus, not primary.
And then we accelerate towards Super Tuesday, March 1st.
That is only eight days away.
A big deal.
But first, I'm going to go to your calls.
Terry has been holding patiently.
Tommy and Mike and a few others.
But then I've got to get to this other news.
Folks, it's incredible.
I haven't played the video yet.
It's on Infowars.com of MSNBC cutting over the town hall, which they hadn't been doing during the town hall, when Bernie Sanders started talking about TPP and a globalist takeover of America.
And then we've got Hillary coming out now.
This is coming up.
If I don't get to it this hour, David Knight will.
Hillary says sexist NASA destroyed her astronaut aspirations.
Folks, one in a million at the start of the astronaut program could do this.
I looked it up.
Her eyesight wasn't good enough.
You didn't send women back then to something where you blew up on rockets a third of the time or died.
Because people couldn't stand seeing a woman die.
Just like men can't have babies.
Well, men don't like to send women to die.
And I would just love to see... I mean, there are women that can be great astronauts.
There are women that are up there in that top one-tenth of one percent.
Hillary ain't it.
So talk about playing the sexist card.
That waddling creature.
A little goggle-eyed chicken-necked hippie.
Let's pull up Hillary Clinton in college.
I mean, you talk about, you talk about just a... She looks like she couldn't carry a sack of groceries up a flight of stairs.
These are scales of things, folks.
Like, they have superhuman people that are in more elite special forces units that actually have, like, double chromosomes and stuff.
The Olympics is unable to ban it, but a lot of folks have that.
It doesn't matter if I've been in fights where I've taken on two, three 200-plus pound guys that know how to fight and I got mad enough that I was able to beat them.
You get in fights with people that have extra chromosomes and stuff, you can't beat them.
And it's the same thing with astronauts.
The level they're screened at, they're basically superhuman.
They're the best of the best of the best of the best.
They were combat vets, basically all of them, from World War II and Korea.
And they had the highest IQs and the most stamina and could sit there while air was going out of the capsule and they're gonna die in 10 minutes and not panic.
And then, let's look at a picture of Hillary Clinton.
She wants to be a Superman!
Lady, you're nothing, okay?
I couldn't be an astronaut.
You sure can't be one, get it?
I'm sorry, I just can't handle it anymore.
And I can't have a baby either, lady.
Things just aren't fair.
I'm gonna take a few of these calls, go to Richard, and then back to your calls.
But Terry, thanks for holding over.
Go ahead and make your point.
Well, here's my point.
Boy, I'm really getting kicked off here listening to all this stuff, you know?
I don't
These people that, you talk about Scalia, within seconds of Scalia's death, spiritually, intuitively, we know he was murdered.
Hey, I called my crew here on Saturday and said something big's about to happen in the morning.
I said, I don't know what it is.
I was freaking out the whole day.
God bless you brother, great points.
Tommy in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Hey Alex Jones.
I'm calling in to let you know I will be voting for Donald Trump.
I was a little skeptical of him at first, but
He has really helped me in my personal life as far as for since 9-11 I've been awake and people have looked at me like I'm crazy because of the political views I have.
Did that seal your deal when Trump said there's 28 pages and we attacked the wrong country and the Bushes covered it up?
That shows the boldness of that guy.
I love him to death because he has... People, their whole perspective is starting to change.
I'm watching it happen in front of me and it's amazing.
I mean, there's no other way to put it.
Because people would not listen to anything about corrupt government.
They just didn't want to hear it.
You know, it's automatic conspiracy theory.
The cognitive dissidence is over.
Matt Drudge, Donald Trump, Alex Jones and others, the people, helped break it and now the confidence in the system is gone and the criminals are in deep trouble.
Now the $64 trillion question is, what are they going to pull next?
What are these billion-dollar babies like Hillary going to do?
Yeah, that's what I always want to call you about.
Donald Trump is going in and exposing this corruption.
Now, the people who sit at the top of all this One World Order business, whatever you want to call them, let this play out while he exposes the corruption.
And the corruption goes so deep in this country.
The death of Scully proves that.
I mean, all the way down to Little Town, America, and there's just a total cover-up from the get-go.
For anybody paying attention is your proof that this country is... the corruption goes off the charts.
That's right.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you.
Now we're going to Richard Reeves here in just a moment.
I'm going to take one more call that she's been holding so long.
Let's go to Libby in FEMA Region 3.
Libby, and then I'll go back to Glenn and Mike and others.
Libby, what former state of the U.S.
Republic are you in?
Very scary.
Just two words, very scary.
Yes, what former state are you in?
Excuse me?
What former state of the United States of America are you residing in?
Well, we're in FEMA Region 3, and we're way too close.
No, I understand.
What former state are you in?
We're in Maryland.
All right, Maryland.
You're right next to the District of Criminals there.
And I point out that we're in FEMA regions because, folks, we really are under international martial law.
We now have U.S.
Senators admitting it, Congressman Senator Murphy.
I'm about to go to Richard there in just a second, ma'am.
What is your main point on all of this today with Scalia?
I think that when you watch the video, as soon as he begins to tell about that he has an agenda that he's got to complete, and that he's got to serve his masters, essentially, that you can see the smile on his face as the words escape his lips.
There's really no question about the level of evil that we're dealing with.
And I want to say very quickly, because I know you're pressed for time, God bless you and your crew for what you do.
You glorify God every day.
Oh, you're a sweetheart, ma'am.
Please don't break down and cry.
You're a sweetheart.
I'm grateful for an opportunity to speak to you, and I have to tell you that there are so many people that are not awake yet.
And, you know, some of us live in fear for our children, for our family, for our way of life.
We're literally depending on every word that you give us to give us hope.
I, I, every day is warfare.
Every day for a man on the face of the earth is warfare.
Job 7-1.
Well ma'am, I hear you and, and look, evil wants to take over to run our lives for control because it craves it.
And you're right to be concerned, you're right to have tears in your eyes, because what's happening is epic.
The evil, the selling of baby parts, the cancer viruses and the vaccines, all of it is epic.
I really appreciate you joining us.
Ma'am, we've only got about 30 seconds left.
Was there anything else you wanted to add?
Because you said you were calling in about Scalia?
Well, like I said, I think it's very obvious when you watch the clip from the conference that there's no question that he is mocking
And there was no question, the minute I heard that Scalia had died, I knew in my heart of hearts that he'd been murdered.
And I'm very, very frightened for our military.
I think that I understand that most of them are awake at this point, and they know what's happening.
But I think it's phenomenally unconscionable to expect our military to turn against their friends, their families, you know, their brothers in arms, when all of this goes down.
Well, this is a nasty totalitarian takeover, and I hear you.
God bless you, man.
Really great points.
Now, I'll get to Rob, and I'll get to Mike, and I'll get to Glenn.
That'll be it for calls.
I think David Nye's going to take some calls as well, but I'm going to take those three calls after Richard leaves us, and I'm going to get into some of the news we've mentioned but not covered in detail yet.
Richard Reeves is in Nevada for the caucus that happens today, and they're saying Trump is neck and neck with Rubio and all the rest of this.
I mean, I'm watching
Different channels.
And there is literal worship of Rubio and this talking point that if you go with Trump, as soon as he gets the nomination, the media is going to destroy him.
They've already tried to destroy him.
Richard, I specifically want you to speak to that point, what the numbers are you're seeing on the ground there and other observations.
Then I want to ask you about Scalia and have you seen the footage of Obama at a congressional press conference with members of Congress making fun and a big joke and having a devilish smile on his face when he laughs about Scalia?
Well, Alex, we are here in Las Vegas at the beautiful Trump International Hotel.
If you come visit Las Vegas, I highly recommend you stay here.
It's beautiful.
Now, about those numbers, about what you're asking about Trump versus Rubio versus the media, etc.
Yes, the media is not waiting for Donald Trump to be nominated.
The media is going on full-on attack.
I think?
To our point of view, and in fact I heard him say during the break that his show was number one three nights last week, so more power to Sean Hannity doing a great job.
I was about to say, because the words come out from Murdoch and it's come out in Roger Ailes' emails, destroy Trump.
Destroy him, and so he's bucking, I mean his job's probably in danger just because he's not attacking Trump.
I mean, the talking points on Fox are sickening.
Why does Fox think they can get away?
I mean, I know Rupert Murdoch wants Hillary to get in, but do you think Fox viewers are going to put up with this?
No, they're not going to put up with it.
They're going to make Sean Hannity number one as long as he keeps doing the job that he's doing, as long as he keeps being a constitutionalist and a patriot.
So more power to Sean Hannity, doing a fantastic job.
And, you know, the Megyn Kelly's, the Bill O'Reilly's.
They're gonna go down.
So Fox is in a rockin' hard spot because I think if they do fire Sean Hannity, he'd be the biggest mistake Fox ever made.
I think the audience would absolutely have a conniption fit.
Now earlier you had that liner talking about Obama's transparent administration.
Yes, he has got the most transparent administration when it comes to being unconstitutional.
He's got the most transparent administration when it comes to being jihadi.
There's no doubt about that.
I'll tell you what, the issue about, I didn't get to see the clip where Obama's making that joke, but I heard you playing it earlier.
Absolutely disgusting.
I don't think America, that's why, that's why he's got no chance of putting, he's got no chance of putting in a new justice on the Supreme Court because he's damaged his relationship with the hundred members of the U.S.
Congress so badly as the U.S.
Senate, so badly that, yeah, okay, he could probably put up Judge Napolitano.
That might be the one guy.
Judge Andrew Napolitano that the Senate would go ahead and accept, and anybody else, it's like, forget it.
You know, so, yes, it's just, you know, we got war upon war upon war.
We got the Obama administration fighting against Trump, we got Hillary fighting against Trump, the media.
It's like I said yesterday, Trump is like King Kong on the Empire State Building, and he's got multiple planes coming at him from the New World Order.
Look, he's come out and said all of the Fed, he's come out and said
28 pages, 911.
He's come out and said he'd indict Hillary of elected.
He is really punching the dragon in the nose, you know, like he's literally Prince George or something taking on the dragon or whoever he was in mythology.
I mean, this is getting insane.
Now, what are you seeing on the ground?
What are the other key points with the caucuses coming up?
What are the real numbers looking like?
What do you expect Trump to do, Richard?
You called it last time.
I expect Donald Trump to have a huge victory.
He had 7 or 8,000 people.
It was the biggest political gathering in Nevada history.
Nevada history.
Biggest political gathering in Nevada history last night down here in southern Las Vegas.
Marco Rubio I think is going to be third.
Marco Rubio is evidently expecting a pretty bad result today because he did an event here in Las Vegas this morning, but immediately he could not leave the venue fast enough.
We tried to ask him about his political correctness.
Attitude and character.
He blasted out of that venue like a scalded cat on his way to Minnesota for an event this afternoon and ultimately to Michigan this evening.
And let me unveil right now, let me switch topics real quick and unveil Donald Trump's secret weapon that really hasn't been talked about yet.
We've touched upon it here on the campaign trail, but here's the secret weapon, Alex.
This is a quote from the richest man in Babylon from the forward.
One sentence, our prosperity as a nation depends on the personal financial prosperity of each of us as individuals.
That's Donald Trump's secret weapon because not only is he going to be the greatest jobs president ever, he's going to be the greatest small businessmen's friend, he's going to be the greatest middle-sized businessmen's friend, he is going to put... And this is fundamental, let me just stop you for a minute because you know we're
Breaking down things here, it's not that Trump's perfect, but it's fundamental.
He wants prosperity.
He likes wealth.
He likes people doing well.
He gets a rising tide, raises all ships, to quote JFK or Henry Ford, wanting to pay his people enough to buy his cars and other appliances.
The globalist
The UN crowd openly want us poor.
They openly don't want us to have cars or air conditioning.
They openly want us to be peasants.
And so it's fundamental.
He is a nationalist who is for wealth and for a wealthy nation.
And that's what's happening.
Because they're saying the polls are neck and neck.
You're saying you're on the ground.
I agree that I think Trump should be the real winner.
Here's the problem.
They admit, even in mainstream news, that Nevada has some of the worst Republican hanky-panky, even worse than Iowa with the Democrats, even worse.
Not just the last election, but the election before that, where there was clear fraud going on.
So what are we doing to watch that, Richard?
Alex, potentially that is the case, but fortunately it's the InfoWarriors, it's you and so many other patriots that have worked for years to get us to this moment.
In 2008, yes, the establishment was able to pull all kinds of hanky-panky here in the Nevada caucuses against the patriots.
But they came back in 2012.
They did a little bit better.
They still had hanky-panky.
But I think now those numbers of patriots are going to be coming out and caucusing for Trump are going to be so overwhelming that the establishment powers are going to, they're just not going to have the numbers necessary to pull off the hanky-panky.
So I don't think that's going to be a factor.
I think we're going to see Donald Trump have a big victory tonight.
Ted Cruz will be number two.
Marco Rubio, despite all the establishment forces rallying their horses, I mean, they've got the governor, Sandoval, here of Nevada, has endorsed them.
So, you know what?
Thank you very much, New World Order.
Thank you very much, establishment GOP, because you're creating the list.
Every endorsement that Marco Rubio gets, that's the people that we need to vote against.
Absolutely, and there's also a Kit Daniels article on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com that the new big poll outside of the poll, most of the Jeb Bush supporters are going over to Trump now.
Yeah, and that is excellent news, and I'll tell you what, talking about other candidates, talking about people coming in, we met a guy last night, Alex, Eddie Hamilton.
Eddie Hamilton running for the U.S.
Senate here in Nevada as a Republican.
Donald Trumpian.
He's a Trumpian, 100% through and through.
Alex, I tell you what, I can't wait to see 5 to 10 new U.S.
Senators that are patriots.
I can't wait to see.
To me, that's the most exciting.
We need a party that's against political correctness, that's pro-family, pro-mail, pro-freedom, pro-wealth, and bring back humanity.
I mean, it's not being intimidated by these sickening social engineers that
Rolled TV out in the 40s and 50s, were able to capture the public, brainwash them, screw them up, sabotage society.
The return of humanity is here, led by men and women as well.
Richard Reeves will be watching on the Nightly News tonight, as we have special coverage of all of this, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWarsNews.com.
Thank you, Richard.
Thank you, Alex.
We're going to come back and I'm just going to go to calls because I said I would.
And then I'm going to hit some news as well.
There's so much of it.
The Stinger missile stuff in the hands of Al Qaeda is really one of the biggest ones.
And then I told you about this years ago.
They had a bunch of mainstream media articles making fun of me about it.
But here it is in AFP.
We'll tell you about it when we come back.
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Look at these headlines.
Brazil plans to zap mosquitoes with radiation to halt spread of Zika.
Health and Human Services says that immigrants with HIV, STDs, you name it, are welcome in the U.S.
Ellis Island checked for diseases.
It's just anything they can to bankrupt and bring down the country.
This is military attack.
Now remember last week a big Israeli study came out, there's a bunch of others, showing that modern lighting particularly is linked to breast cancer, obesity, mental problems, it manipulates chemicals in the brain.
And I remember reading 15, 16 years ago, talking to Dr. Nick Begich and others about patents for information over power lines, but also through the lights, where data is transferred over power lines, this is old technology, and then through lights with a flicker rate that's picked up by your computer, your iPhone, whatever.
They also said, an Associated Press article also said, we're testing it in Minnesota, and we also can calm the police officers if we want,
With a flicker rate so fast they can't even see it consciously.
They just hide.
Total mind control in plain view.
And they had a bunch of news articles over the years going, he's insane, he claims that there's data over your light bulbs and that they can control your mind.
Yeah, like the Pokemon TV show made tens of thousands of kids have convulsions.
That was a test.
Well, here it is.
AFP, French news agency, they'll probably have a
White House run publication come out tomorrow and say I'm insane.
They won't show where I showed this, they'll just say it doesn't exist.
Just like, you know, there's no tyranny either.
Internet by Light promises to leave Wi-Fi eating dust.
And it says connecting your smartphone to the web with just a lamp.
That's the promise of Light FI featuring Internet access 100 times faster than Wi-Fi with revolutionary wireless technology.
And it just promotes the World Mobile Congress meeting and how this is the future being held in Barcelona.
Now, that means even though when you turn your computer off, this can then give covert orders to it and turn it on.
Just like I told you more than a decade ago that most computers have capacitors in the chips where they can, even if your computer isn't hooked into the internet, they can passively turn your computer on with that chip.
Or put information on the chip that when it turns on with a Trojan to control your computer.
They're building the control grid into everything and then making you pay for it in the cost of the cars and appliances and products you get.
So, there's a reason there's a worldwide UN mandate for these light bulbs.
The old-fashioned light bulbs it doesn't work with.
It's only the modern ones.
And that's both the fluorescent and the LED.
I gotta send her to these torturous things all day long.
I tell you, that's the one part about the TV I don't like.
I loved it when it was a dark radio room with such better radio, but TV adds a whole other dimension, helps us reach billions more in the aggregate, so I'm doing it.
I'm being interrogated for four hours every day, three hours every day.
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I'm back in 70 seconds to take a few final calls.
Then I hand the baton to David Knight, who's got a lot lined up.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
David Knight's doing the fourth hour out of the war room.
That's where I'm sitting.
I tell ya, this video of Obama making jokes about Scalia being dead has gone super viral.
We're gonna add under that video in that article that's on InfoWars.com.
It's since scrolled off DrugsReport.com.
The slowed down video to really get the ominousness.
We're gonna leave the original video up but add a video
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
I'm in combat mode.
Excellent job, my man.
Excellent job.
Hey, first and foremost, let me thank you and your crew for the excellent job you guys are doing for us.
Thank you, brother.
We're all in this together.
We can't let the enemy win.
Yes, you truly made me feel all new again, brother.
I gotta admit it.
But first and foremost, there's not a red-blooded American out there that can't watch that video of Obama.
And know deep down in his heart that that man is truly evil.
And that he was patting himself on the back.
It shook me up.
I'm gonna be honest.
I don't like the enemy.
No, they shook me up, but I gotta be honest.
It shook me up.
It's literally like watching Satan himself curl up with a big tail.
I mean, it's just filth.
Total filth.
Amen to that, Alex.
And there's just no doubt in my mind that Hillary
They better remove that symbiote from that woman before it catches that nasty cough.
And she is just plain evil also.
Well, God's gonna deal with them one way or another, but God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Great point.
Speaking of how important lighting is and how they're using lighting and frequencies and commands, they run down the power lines that are designed to go through into the new high-tech light bulbs and program you and your family.
That's DARPA's admissions.
I'm gonna do a whole report on it.
Now they admit that internet by light promises to leave Wi-Fi in the dust.
Oh, your phone will be controlled by the lights in the room.
But they can come through any of those lights.
With the new smart switches and stuff, they control your appliances.
Well, look at this article.
London Telegraph.
Eat in the dark to lose weight, scientists say.
Again, that's why you're obese.
You're supposed to eat in the dark at night.
And it affects the different chemicals in your brain, like melatonin.
Volunteers ate nearly 10% less ice cream when blindfolded and believed they were eating far more.
But it's not what researchers thought.
It's that you're not hungry as much in the dark and it changes chemical effects as well.
Alright, let's jam in another call here.
Mike wants to know about the Larry Nichols update.
He can never get a hold of the Supreme Court Justice again.
But he'll pop in tomorrow with an update.
And then Glenn in Alabama, you're our last caller.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
So thankful to hear from, to hear, to speak with you, Alex.
You have such an incredible staff.
So glad to hear.
That Joe has been converted and now we have to work on Jakari, don't we?
Well, that's right.
I think very quickly Trump is converting most of even the Infowarriors, who are very skeptical and I understand that, that's good.
But, yeah, wants to audit the Fed, wants to indict Hillary, is exposing 9-11 as an inside job, what more could you ask?
Did you ever think you'd hear truth from an American leader ever again in your life?
And not a King Kong, Richard, but William Wallace.
Just make sure he doesn't go to the meeting with Bruce.
Trump knows he's risking his life.
He wants to be a real man.
He wants to save America.
He hates these globalists.
I mean, it's clear.
Or he's super evil and wants power and wants to push them aside.
And if he gets in and starts double-crossing folks, you know, we'll have to expose him, obviously.
And we'll be very, very sad.
What does your gut tell you, Glenn?
My gut tells me that he's going to be the president if he survives.
And I'm extremely worried that that could be in question.
You're right, brother.
Yeah, I'm really worried about Donald Trump.
I'm worried about us all.
But I have similar experiences to Trump, so I can imagine what's going on in his head.
David Knight's coming up in this chair.
Stay with us.
Back in three minutes.
A new study shows that having a mobile phone close to the testicles, or within a foot or two of the body, can lower sperm levels so much that conceiving could become difficult, reports The Telegraph.
The findings have led to leading British fertility experts to advise men to stop being addicted to mobile phones.
Specialists found that sperm levels of men who kept their phones in their pockets during the day were seriously affected in 47% of cases, compared to just 11% in the general population.
The team monitored more than 100 men attending a fertility clinic for a year.
Even keeping a phone on a bedside table appears to lower sperm counts.
The quality of sperm among men in Western countries is constantly decreasing.
By contrast, Professor Alan Pacey, a fertility research scientist at Sheffield University,
Has scoffed at suggestions that mobile phones could be damaging male fertility and insists he will continue to carry his phone in his pocket.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016, the day of the Nevada Caucus.
And we're going to talk about Sheldon Adelson, the guy who's been the sugar daddy to people who declare unwavering loyalty to Israel.
And of course he had a lot to do with the shenanigans involving the Nevada Caucus four years ago.
Before we get to politics, before we talk about Nevada, Las Vegas,
I want to tell you about an interview that I had last night on the Nightly News with Sheriff Mack.
We've reported, we just had a report that came out at the beginning of this week.
It's still up at the top of Infowars.com about how the Department of Justice is moving, using the Southern Poverty Law Center narrative as they've been doing over and over again.
But again, expanding the net, going after people who criticize the government, accusing them of being extremists and terrorists.
We've seen this with Cliven Bundy and I have an article up as well as that video on InfoWars.com.
Constitutional Sheriff has been targeted by the Feds.
Hillary, however, is still free because they targeted him for, get this, a security leak.
A security leak.
And this, of course, revolves around the events that happened with the Oregon standoff.
But there is a much longer history with this sheriff, with the federal government, than just what happened in the Oregon standoff.
We talk about that in the interview.
I mention it briefly in the article.
But also haven't talked about the federal criminal complaint against Cliven Bundy.
It is a pile of lies and conspiracies from the federal government.
I can tell you as someone who was there as an eyewitness, someone who was reporting, someone who was broadcasting what happened there, we were there at the standoff.
There wasn't any mainstream media essentially left at that point.
They'd all been given the clue early in the morning that the sheriff was going to show up and tell Cliven he could have his cattle back, or have his range back.
CNN and Fox News and the people who had been there basically pulled out.
There was one Fox News cameraman who remained, but the large media presence had left at that point.
And that was when the standoff occurred.
But when we look at the federal complaint, here's what they accuse Cliven Bundy of.
They said he used dangerous and deadly weapon to forcibly assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate, interfere with federal law enforcement officers while guarding and protecting government personnel and equipment located at the impoundment site at or near Bunkerville, Nevada.
Now, I can tell you
I was there.
We broadcast it.
We have the recordings.
Cliven Bundy was not even at the standoff.
Cliven Bundy, in the days leading up to it and on that day, never openly carried a weapon.
And it is an absolute lie.
And it really, really bothers me to see our government lying about this.
And now they have moved this on, coming after somebody who was one of the very first constitutional sheriffs and peace officers.
That's who I talked to Sheriff Mack about.
Sheriff Glenn Palmer in the adjacent county is being accused of being a security leak because he talked to the people who were there at the occupation.
Allowed them to travel into his county.
Well, the reality is, is that the FBI and the other sheriff, Dave Ward, who was in Harney County, where the occupation took place, also talked to the people who were doing the occupation, also allowed them to travel back and forth freely.
They were holding meetings, they were going to church, they were talking to people about natural resources issues, as well as what had happened with the family who was so terribly abused by the government, the Hammonds.
And they were on their way to a meeting of 400 people when the government ambushed them.
That was the words of Glenn Palmer, the sheriff of Grant County, that they ambushed them.
And if you look at that video, you can see that they were in fact ambushed.
Arrested all the people, killed LaVoy Finnegan.
That was something that really set off the law enforcement officers in Oregon when he said that word.
It simply is the truth.
But the long-term background of this is that the sheriff has also publicly talked along with Sheriff Clark and others, many other prominent sheriffs, saying we are not going to enforce unconstitutional executive orders from Obama for gun control.
So he had opposed them on gun control.
He had stood with the people of that county, deputized individuals, to try to come up with a natural resources plan for that county, where they could hopefully try to coexist with the federal government that is trying to manage them into oblivion.
They've destroyed the economy there.
They're taking people's property.
They're taking their property rights.
It is absolutely shameful what is going on there.
But now,
The Oregon law enforcement organizations are accusing him of a security leak because of his
I don't know.
That will effectively remove him from office.
And of course, there's an election year coming up.
Sheriff Mack and the CSPOA is going to try to do things to help this sheriff have a demonstration, have a meeting of other sheriffs who would point out that he is simply exercising his opinion.
That doesn't make him a terrorist.
That doesn't make him a security leak.
And here we have this being done by the federal government, which allows Hillary Clinton to have this unprecedented, unprecedented leak of classified information.
And of course, many people who have been prosecuted, people who have gone to jail, for much, much less in terms of security leaks, are just astounded that Hillary Clinton is too big to jail.
Now let's talk about Nevada briefly.
Sheldon Adelson.
There was a story on Politico.
Sheldon Adelson and the missing hundred million dollars.
It's kind of like the Sherlock Holmes story of the dog who did not bark.
Why is it that Sheldon Adelson has not jumped into the race this year with a massive amount of money?
He poured a hundred million dollars into the race four years ago.
And of course, what he did was he gave a lot of money to Newt Gingrich, for example, because Newt Gingrich had won the South Carolina primary.
And Newt Gingrich was the first and only person since 1980 who won the GOP South Carolina primary that did not go on to win the nomination.
That's what we talked about last night on the Nightly News, the fact that history is on the side of Donald Trump.
There's only been one time since 1980
That the winner of the South Carolina primary did not win the GOP nomination.
And that was Newt Gingrich four years ago.
And of course, he was from neighboring Georgia, so that helps.
It doesn't help Donald Trump to go to South Carolina with his New York accent, let me tell you.
Having lived in that area, that's an uphill battle.
But he won in New Hampshire, he won in South Carolina, and historically, every time that has happened in the GOP, they've gone on to win the nomination.
But the system is not giving up on it that easily.
When I look at this story, and of course Politico pulls up a lot of possible reasons for why Sheldon Adelson may not have jumped into this.
He's got some personal problems with a pending lawsuit.
But I don't think that's it.
I don't think they believe that's it either.
There's an indecision as to whether or not he's going to back Rubio or Cruz.
Both of them have declared their undying loyalty to Zionism.
And have set us at his feet, basically.
He's patted them on the head and said, good boy, there'll be some cash coming for you, but it hasn't appeared.
Why not?
Does he believe that he's throwing his money away on these two?
You know, we had Marco Rubio say that Donald Trump, and this is a talking point that he repeated from Karl Rove.
Karl Rove has said a couple of months ago, Donald Trump has got a ceiling of 30 or 40%.
That means 70% of the people are going to coalesce around an establishment candidate.
Well, that's simply not true.
The non-establishment votes are really Trump, Cruz, and Carson.
If you want to look at what the establishment has, the establishment has Rubio, Jeb, and Kasich.
And if you total that up, first of all, if you look at Rubio, you can say the same thing about Rubio.
If you want to talk about ceilings, you can say Rubio's got a ceiling of about 22%.
It's never been higher than that.
And if you combine the other establishment candidates, you get 30 to 40 percent.
I think things are going to break very differently than the establishment would like for it to break.
As a matter of fact, we have an article up on Infowars.com from Kit Daniels talking about how it looks like in a national poll, the first national poll since Jeb has left, it looks like most of his
As a matter of fact, the amount of support that he had was four or five percent.
Most of that has gone to Trump.
I don't know what's going on with that.
It may not have gone to Trump, or people just may have given up.
I don't know.
But when you look at Nevada, for example, the one percent support that Jeb Bush had, it really doesn't matter where that goes.
He was a non-factor, and that's one of the reasons why Jeb Bush got out.
We look at Marco Rubio, however, he is truly the establishment's candidate.
And not only the GOP establishment, Wall Street establishment as well.
He has more money from the big banks from Wall Street than any candidate, including Jeb and Hillary.
Jeb came in second with the massive amounts of money and Hillary came in third place, but
Marco Rubio is ahead of both of them in terms of establishment money.
And of course he'd been rumored to be ahead in the Sheldon Adelson primary, but Sheldon Adelson has kept his money so far.
Remember that four years ago we had the Nevada primary.
That took place on a Saturday.
This year they had the South Carolina primary on a Saturday.
Now they're having the Nevada caucus on a Tuesday because Sheldon Adelson
We're good to go.
They had a lot of people who said, well, hey, I had to work on Saturday night and I couldn't come to the caucus, so I'm coming on Sunday.
And Sheldon Adelson tried to keep them out of that caucus.
They said, you can't keep me out of a caucus because I'm not Jewish.
Absolutely amazing what this man does, Sheldon Adelson.
Uh, and of course, so this year, to avoid that, they moved it to a Tuesday.
When I look at what's happening with Donald Trump, I've got to say that, as I was listening to the Glenn Beck people, who are beating the drum incessantly for Ted Cruz,
Looking at the polls, they say, well, you know, we look at the exit polls and people are saying, if their most important thing is that they line up for somebody who supports what they believe in, they jump behind Ted Cruz.
And I have to say, really?
How's that worked out for you in the GOP when you have said that you're going to support the person who tells you?
What you believe in.
Have they followed through on that?
That's why people are rejecting Ted Cruz.
Stay with us.
We're gonna be right back with Anthony Gucciardi and with Leanne McAdoo.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and joining me in this segment is Anthony Gucciardi to talk about our new product, Joint Formula.
We're also going to be talking in the next segment.
I'll have Leanne McAdoo joining me.
We'll talk about the implications of what the federal government is doing with the
I don't know.
We're going to support them in that.
Now, of course, Bernie Sanders doesn't support the other aspects of the globalist consolidation.
You know, he's all for open borders.
He's for the climate change agreement especially.
Those along with the TPP are three ways that the globalists are consolidating control.
Donald Trump, by the way, opposes all three of those.
The only candidate to oppose all three of those.
But joining us now is Anthony Gucciardi.
Anthony, you've got a new formula.
I don't know.
No, exactly.
And me too.
I had Lyme disease when I was really, really young and it really destroyed a lot of my joints.
It eats away at your joints.
I know people that are on disability from Lyme disease.
And Joint Formula is an exciting new product because it takes things like turmeric and it takes things like holy basil leaf and puts them all together in nine different ingredients into a formula that's really, really low price.
In my view, looking at the competitive prices and everything out there, a comparable formula would be about $50, $60, sometimes $70 if you get it on retail.
So this is really an exciting formula and it supports healthy joints, it supports comfortable joints, normal joint function, and to me there's a huge misconception, right?
Because people think you have to be like an Olympian weightlifter or an athlete, professional athlete, to enjoy a joint formula or something like that.
But the truth is, we're sitting on our computers, we're messing up our joints, our postures are bad.
We're staring at the screen, our neck is contorted.
I mean, I have extreme neck pain just from the Lyme disease and also my posture I've been working on throughout the years.
This is something that I'm taking daily with a protein shake and all the other products as well, and I'm finding it really, really works.
It really does.
And the turmeric inside of it has been studied over 4,600 times according to the National Library of Medicine.
That's got a lot of really good things for you besides just your joints.
I mean, they've found a lot of very valuable uses for turmeric.
And the truth is, we could go through all the studies, but due to regulations and everything, we can't really talk about it, right?
I mean, I could have a stack of 4,000 studies we could go through, but due to the regulations, we can't talk about it.
The truth is, you have to research it yourself.
You have to go to Infowarslife.com, check out Joint Formula, look at the ingredients on there.
There are nine different ones that really, really work.
You can feel the difference when you take this, just like the rest of the amazing products in Infowarslife.com.
And the reason I stand behind this
Okay, it's because I see what it does.
I see the emails that we can't even tell you about again because the regulations.
People saying how it's changed their lives specifically.
People leaving phone messages trying on the phone.
So to the haters, consider that.
Consider the lives they've changed.
Consider the fact that the medical establishment is charging you $100 for a bag of saltwater saline solution.
Okay, I know people that own hospitals.
$100 for a bag of saline solution, but God forbid
We give you the best organic stuff out there and give it to you for a low cost and a low price.
So, in my view, Joint Formula is a must-have along with the other products at Infowarslife.com and I would definitely check it out.
And of course, one of the things I didn't realize when we're looking at this is signing up for AutoShip.
And of course, that gets you a 10% discount each month.
And it makes sure that you're going to get those products each month before you run out.
So you set up your frequency and you get that 10% thing.
I thought that was just an initial sign-up bonus, you know, 10% thing.
And it's like, and I saw, well, you get that each month.
It's like, wow, that's huge.
And also, Supermail Vitality is running out, and if you sign up for Autoship, we've decided now to hold back bottles for Autoship people, so they'll pretty much never run out.
You know, unless there's a huge, huge shortage.
Pretty much never run out if you get Autoship, so we can always hold something back for Autoship.
But anyway, I would encourage everyone to go to InfoWarsLife.com.
It really funds everything.
That's why I'm passionate about it.
It makes everything possible.
If you like free thought, if you like free speech, if you like free ideology, if you don't like the mainstream media narrative controlling everything, then support the things that you do like.
And that's just the way that we fund it, in terms of trying to offer people, as Alex has said many times, a win-win situation.
We try to offer you good products at a good price that are going to help you with your health, and that's the way we fund our operation.
I mean, we could get a government subsidy, or we could ask people to just do it on a donation basis.
There's a lot of different ways we could do it, or we could just have people embed ads into our site.
That gives us more independence to not have people embed their ads into our site.
And of course, we're not going to take any government money.
They wouldn't give it to us anyway.
Well, you know, I'm also tired of this weird narrative that it's okay for everyone to go into Walmart and buy Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other junk, but God forbid you actually buy something that's good for you and healthy and fund something you like.
So for me, it's a win-win.
As Alex would say, it's a 360 win.
Thank you, Anthony.
Of course, that's our new product, Joint Formula.
We're going to be right back with Leanne McAdoo.
We're going to talk about what's going on with the iPhone with the Justice Department.
Is this truly a Pandora's box, as former prosecutor Ken Olson has said?
Of course, he's got some 9-11 connections as well.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In addition to threatening to invade Syria and al-Bashar al-Assad, Saudi Arabia says it wants to arm jihadists in the country with anti-aircraft missiles to take out Russian jets.
We believe that introducing surface-to-air missiles in Syria is going to change the balance of power on the ground, said the Saudi foreign minister.
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Just like the surface-to-air missiles in Afghanistan were able to change the balance of power there.
This has to be studied very carefully, however, because you don't want such weaponry to fall into the wrong hands.
Even the New York Times admits there are few, if any, moderate rebels fighting in Syria.
Despite this reality, Secretary of State John Kerry and British Prime Minister David Cameron continue to insist there are moderates fighting against Assad.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and joining me now is Leanne McAdoo.
We're going to talk about this iPhone situation.
But before we do, I want to finish with some of the news that I had about the Nevada caucus today.
As we said earlier, when somebody says the right thing, we support them.
And you know, when I look at the support of Donald Trump
The Glenn Beck organization is wringing their hands over the fact that the number one thing that people said about Donald Trump in the exit polls in South Carolina was that he tells it like it is.
He's straight with people.
As opposed to the number one thing they said about Ted Cruz, he shares our values.
And I have to say to those people,
Does Ted Cruz really share your values?
How many times have you been lied to by these slick operators, these slick politicians in the GOP, telling you precisely what you want to hear and then doing exactly the opposite?
Marco Rubio is Exhibit A. But of course, the entire GOP establishment
Profiling everyone down to the individual level to give them a personalized spiel.
This is what you want to hear, so I'll tell you exactly what you want to hear.
Can you really trust this guy?
I mean, look at what happened in the Iowa caucus.
Look at what just happened with this video that came out.
He had to fire his communications director.
Absolutely amazing.
But I want to play this clip from Bernie Sanders, because Bernie Sanders was on MSNBC and he started to talk about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is not free trade, folks.
Bernie Sanders opposes it because he says it's free trade.
It is not free trade.
It has a lot of other issues, but even on the trade issue, the TPP is managed trade.
Not free.
Managed trade.
And that trade will be managed by an international commission that is unaccountable, unelected by any of the countries that have created it.
So your trade will be managed by this international commission that you don't know anything about, just as the TPP itself was created by this group of lobbyists meeting in secret that wouldn't let people take a look at it.
Although once they put it there, nobody in Congress, Democrat or Republican, really cared to look at it except Senator Sessions.
And he is the one who pointed out
That it is going to be a living document.
In other words, whatever it says in these 5,000 pages, it can just be wiped away the next day by this international commission.
Their ability to change the terms of trade, of export-import, gives them the ability to manage every last detail of your economy, to determine who the winners and losers are going to be.
This is not free trade.
This is trade that is managed by a global elite that you have no accountability to.
But here's what Bernie Sanders did, and here's how MSNBC cut him off as soon as he started talking about the TPP.
Against CAFTA, against permanent normal trade relations with China, and I am helping to lead the opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
We've been listening to Bernie Sanders.
Less of a news conference, more of a speech in Boston.
They're drawing contrasts with Hillary Clinton.
I want to cut that.
It's not a news conference.
Let's cut that off right away, okay?
Now, in the article that we have up on Infowars.com, they point out that
MSNBC is owned by Comcast.
Comcast benefits from the treaty and they point out that in the first three months of the year they have targeted Senate and House representatives on issues relating to TPP and have spent $40,000 on that single issue in just three months.
Furthermore, over an 18-month period...
Between 2013 and 2015, MSNBC only discussed TPP twice.
With the exception of Ed Schultz, who talked about it regularly.
He talked about it in 71 broadcasts, but Ed Schultz was dismissed.
Many people believe that was the reason Ed Schultz was dismissed.
Right, it had to go to RT.
Yeah, absolutely.
Now, I want to play for you another video.
This is Hillary Clinton, and this gets to the core of something that is really bothering me in this election cycle, and that is the kind of phony revivalism competing for the endorsement of Jesus that these politicians are doing.
Here's Hillary Clinton doing her singing gospel routine at the Gospel Awards show.
Amen, sister!
Oh, heal me!
Yeah, that's it.
This is like her version of the Obama's Amazing Grace, I guess?
It's about the message.
It's about the gospel and all that it means to so many of us.
Oh, yeah.
What does it mean to you?
It's about the gospel and what it means to so many of us.
Okay, there we go.
See, that is just beyond belief.
Beyond belief to see that.
And yet, you know, this is also like the kind of phony revivalism we see from Glenn Beck telling people to join me in fasting for Ted Cruz and country, telling people that God removed Scalia so that Ted Cruz would have an easy way in.
Yeah, because you know what?
Scalia is an originalist.
Scalia would have said, you're not qualified as a natural-born citizen.
And it's still not going to take the issue off the table for Ted Cruz, because the issue is going to be front and center.
People are saying that Ted Cruz needs to recuse himself, not only from the Senate Judiciary Committee that's going to be involved in possibly looking at judges, but also from even voting on any possible recommendations for judges, because
A Supreme Court judge will likely, if he is successful in his presidential bid, would be sitting in judgment of whether or not he is an actual born citizen, so he has a conflict of interest.
So the very fact that they're talking about this is going to bring the issue of the fact that Ted Cruz has, as Donald Trump pointed it out,
Just like the Keystone Pipeline, he has run from Canada to Texas, okay?
It's not a natural-born citizen.
And of course we also had this other thing that came up with the Cruz campaign.
This issue where they put out for almost two days this video.
That said that Rubio had walked by the table where Ted Cruz's father was.
Ted Cruz's father is a pastor.
He had a Bible on the table and said that Rubio walked past him and said there's no answers in that book.
Why would you do that?
That absolutely made no sense.
However, there's an organization here that took full credit for that.
The Daily Pennsylvanian, DP Politics blog, they said, we were there, it was their video, they put it up, they put it up with that original interpretation.
However, throughout all of this, this was on Saturday at 10 in the morning, I looked at their timeline of when they did all this, they put this up at 10 in the morning, and it was a day and a half later that Cruz's communication director, Rick Tyler, tweeted it out.
And then it was another day and 16 hours later before he took it down.
And many people were pointing out that this was not the case.
And Ted Cruz's dad was there.
That's the key issue to me.
His dad was there.
Could have said, no, this didn't happen.
He didn't troll us that way.
You know, I mean, it absolutely made no sense that Marco Rubio or any other politician would dump on the Bible like that when you've got Hillary Clinton going out and saying, yeah, we celebrate the gospel.
I mean, it is.
Christianity has been under attack for years in this country, and now, because it's an election year, now they're going to start going and doing the little dance and saying, where was she when they were shutting down the Christian bakery?
Yeah, exactly.
You know, where was she?
Of all people, you know, politicians should not be claiming that they have the endorsement of Jesus.
And this is what we're seeing over and over again, especially the people who seem to be the most involved with dirty tricks, like Ted Cruz and the Iowa caucus with Ben Carson.
That whole timeline as well, if you look at that.
That was
A prayer breakfast in Washington, regardless of the results, he was not dropping out.
That was made very clear.
There were three tweets that came out within two minutes of each other, 20 minutes before the caucuses began.
And as the caucuses began, that was when Steve King and others in the Carson camp were spreading the rumors throughout the caucuses that Ben Carson had dropped out.
And they continued to do that for another half hour, even after it was made clear at the very beginning that that was not the case.
It was made clear subsequent to that, and it was made clear, but they did that for an entire half hour, they were putting that narrative out.
So when you have people out here who are pulling dirty tricks like that, I've got to say that the hypocrisy
It's just so obvious to everybody, Christian and non-Christian alike, and that's the worst thing about it.
That these people who would do this thing are basically underscoring the narrative that many non-Christians believe it is all phony, that it is all cynical and all hypocritical.
It just feeds that narrative and I hate to see them... Right, they can just be led by the nose to vote for whoever.
I hate to see them
You know, besmirch the Lord Jesus Christ with their dirty trick politics and trying to use him to win an office.
It's just disgusting to me.
I think that's the reason why Donald Trump got more evangelicals in South Carolina than Ted Cruz did.
You know, this hypocrisy is a stench and I'm sick and tired of seeing it and it is even more ridiculous.
Hillary, I guess, believes that she can get away with it as well.
Well she just truly believes that she can coast through everything.
I mean all of these years her and her husband have been completely protected by the DC media and only now is it finally starting to trickle in the opposite direction.
Of course that's with the advent of the internet.
She can't hide it.
Well, she's still not being prosecuted for the security breaches in terms of the quantity and in terms of the severity of these security breaches.
We've never seen anything like it, and yet there have been many people who have been whistleblowers, legitimate whistleblowers, who have been persecuted.
Many of them have been jailed for doing far, far, far less than Hillary Clinton.
So she's still getting away with it.
And that's one of the things I think is interesting is that Donald Trump has said that he would prosecute her if he wins.
So she is in the fight of her life.
It's either the White House or the big house.
That's what's going to happen.
All right, now let's talk about the iPhone thing.
Because, you know, I agree with what Donald Trump is doing in terms of 9-11 truth.
Talking about now he's going to audit the Fed.
Talking about, and I believe, again, these three different issues of stopping the globalist consolidation.
The takedown of the borders, the climate change treaty, which would enact a global taxation regime, as well as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would have managed trade for the U.S., not managed for our benefit.
All three of those things he opposes.
And I believe he's authentic on it because for 30 years ago, 35 years ago, he was taking out ads in the New York Times, spending $100,000 of his own money 35 years ago.
Complaining about this.
So I believe that he is sincerely against those things and it is truly amazing to see him go in directions in terms of investigating the missing classified pages from the 9-11 report that even Ron Paul did not go after.
So it's great to see that happen.
However, he is wrong on this issue about the iPhone.
I think it's a very dangerous precedent that would be set and of course we have lawyers for Apple and many other people are saying that it would be a very dangerous precedent.
And even just watching Donald Trump say that, I truly think that he, just like most of America, has no idea what he's really talking about.
Because he says, Apple ought to give the security for that phone.
But it's not about them giving the security passcode over.
They're having to create a new backdoor, rewrite their operating system.
It's not something they even have.
And here's an article from an organization, SOTT.net.
They say it's a dangerous precedent.
It also involves the All Writs Act that the government is twisting into a way that it has never been used before.
But he points out, and this is from Tim Cook, he said, the U.S.
government has asked us for something we simply do not have, something we consider too dangerous to create.
And they go on to say, well, what happens when the government goes to court to demand that you give it something that you do not have?
No one has it, in fact, because it doesn't exist.
What if the government then proceeds to order you to construct, design, invent or somehow conjure up the thing that it wants?
Are you obliged to do that?
That is truly the question and I think what's happening here with this case of the San Bernardino shooting.
We have seen high-profile acts of violence like this used as a beard to advance a gun control agenda.
What is going on here now is that the FBI is using this and the security state, surveillance state, is using this to advance their agenda of surveillance.
They're using this high-profile case to try to set a precedent and that's why I think John McAfee came out and said,
I'll open it up for you.
You don't really need to force Apple to do this.
We don't need to establish a precedent because once you do this, now the genie is out of the box.
It truly is opening up a Pandora's box because you've now set up a legal precedent.
And the FBI, they keep repeating this.
We simply just want to use it this one time, in this one instance.
How can you say that?
And how dare you?
Look at these victims.
We just want justice.
Meanwhile, they have at least 12 other phones that they're waiting to
To break into, they're not iPhones, they're an older operating system.
So that's the big thing, is that Apple, they promised their users with this new operating system that the only way to get into that information would be via the passcode.
And so that's what they're saying, we don't have it.
Well it creates a lot of concerns because they're also using a bogus non sequitur legal argument, in my opinion.
From the 1800s.
Yeah, this is from 1789, the All Writs Act.
Okay, it says federal courts can issue, quote, all writs necessary or appropriate in aid of their respective jurisdictions and agreeable to the usages and the principles of law.
And as SOTT points out, read as a whole, this simply means that judges can tell people to follow the law.
I don't
And they take an obscure act like this, well, pursuant to the All Writs Act of 1789, take it completely out of context, make it mean something that it never meant before, and use this to try to establish a legal precedent to allow them to legally do what they are already illegally doing to everybody in violation of the Fourth Amendment.
And you're really seeing this push to damage the reputation of Apple.
NPR says, is Apple's denial to unlock Shooter's iPhone hurting its image?
Well, if anything, it's probably improving its image to people who care about their privacy.
It will be corporate suicide to do this because nobody, none of their customers want this.
That's why they got this operating system.
They've already been targeted as being a collaborator with the government and of course there's more to this as well in the sense that the government and Google are moving against Apple in many other ways.
But I want to point out another article that someone on Twitter pointed out to me.
This is going back to February the 5th this year.
In the Hill, this is somebody who was working for Department of Homeland Security back when we had the underwear bomber case.
Back in Christmas of 2009, he just retired.
And he says, at the time, Obama criticized DHS and said, well, this is a failure to connect the dots.
He says, after leaving my 15-year career at DHS, I can no longer be silent about the dangerous state of America's counter-terror strategy.
Our leader's willingness to compromise things, he said, just before the Christmas Day attack.
I was ordered by my superiors in the Department of Homeland Security to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups like Hamas from important federal databases.
Here's a situation where we know from Kurt Haskell and others, we know this was a false flag attack and the federal government is deleting those records.
Is that what they want out of the San Bernardino shooter's phone?
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and joining me now is Leanne McAdoo.
We're going to finish up on this iPhone issue.
What is truly behind it, the dangerous precedent that it could set, and of course, as I just mentioned before we went to break, the fact that you now have, just a few days ago, you had on the Hill,
A former DHS career person spent 15 years there talking about how with the underwear bomber he was ordered to delete the records of hundreds of Muslims with terrorist ties as that was happening.
Very important that we understand that there's multiple reasons that the government would want to get into this data.
Maybe they want to get rid of data that would incriminate their culpability in allowing this to happen, or their complicity in allowing this to happen.
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Okay, Leanne, finish up with the iPhone issue here.
Well, a lot of people are saying that this is great because it sort of confirms the fact that the government doesn't have a pre-existing backdoor into the iPhone, but that could be true.
Maybe, maybe not.
Maybe this is just a beard.
I don't trust any of this stuff, okay?
So, even that doesn't convince me that they don't already have a backdoor there.
Because we've seen implications about that with the PRISM program and other things that they'd already put in backdoors.
And of course, this was one of their big promises that they made to everyone who bought this new version of the iPhone, that the only way you could get in was via the passcode.
And so, of course, if they now just easily open this up without a specific court order, then they could be sued.
Someone could say the false advertising.
I mean, they're waiting for the court to demand and then they will comply.
And that's what Bill Gates says.
Of course, he comes out and says, well, it's not going to set a precedent and they should just hand over.
Well, of course, Microsoft was by far and away the first corporation to sign up to the PRISM program that we saw leaked out of Ed Snowden's files.
They were the very first ones in there, followed by Google as well, and the last ones to come in were Apple, but they did come in, okay?
And I think they came in as Steve Jobs is no longer involved with the company, and that may be one of the reasons why Steve Jobs is no longer with us.
He never was a part of that as far as I could tell.
Well, I know they're going to be having rallies across the country, possibly even across the globe.
The hashtag, don't break our phone, that's going to be happening today.
A lot of people, I know LA, DC, New York, those are going to be probably the biggest rallies.
They're going to be outside of FBI locations saying,
Well, people need to wake up.
People need to be skeptical about the devices.
I've got an article here from Security Week talking about surveillance video recorders.
They have hard-coded passwords in them.
There's 60,000 units shipped every month by this Chinese-based manufacturer, Zhuhai Raysharp.
And they say there's a web interface that allows users to manage the devices, view recorded video, control surveillance cameras.
However, researchers found the devices could be accessed with the username root and a password 519070.
Although old reports suggest in some cases other usernames would work as well.
So here you go, you can access all these surveillance codes.
It's got a hard-coded backdoor into it.
This happens in many cases, not even out of maliciousness.
Just because they want to be able to get in.
Somebody discovers these back doors.
But the government desperately wants to have a key to everybody's door.
And that's like saying, hey, somebody broke into your neighbor's house, so now I want you to turn over all the keys to your doors to the chief of police here in town.
Sorry, isn't going to happen.
Let's get skeptical about this.
Let's understand what they're doing.
Join Leanne McAdoo tonight for the InfoWars Nightly News, 7 Central, 8 p.m.
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