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Name: 20160218_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 18, 2016
3499 lines.

The segment of the Alex Jones Show discusses Donald Trump's comments regarding the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, as well as Pope Francis criticizing him for his policies and stating that he isn't a Christian. Trump responds by saying one cannot let anyone else decide their relationship with God. The show also covers various topics such as Russian propaganda attacking Obama, Brain Force supplements, a conversation with Professor Francis Boyle about the Zika virus being a bioweapon, genetically modified mosquitoes as biological warfare agents, Monsanto's larvicide issue, global warming's impact on lifestyle changes, and the 28 pages related to the 9/11 attacks. The host raises concerns about the mysterious death of Justice Scalia and promotes various products from InfowarsLife.com and InfoWarsStore.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
This is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
This is the heart of 1776!
It's 12 o'clock, Americans.
Another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this emergency transmission.
Our republic is on its knees, and we're here pointing out what the globalists don't want you to know.
They are bringing us into a worldwide tyranny.
They want us to sleep all the way in to complete slavery.
I told you three months ago that Donald Trump was planning to set them up with 9-11 Truth.
They took the bait.
They attacked him.
They didn't take the bait when he joined us.
But they did take it this week.
And he is now going to expose the entire system.
They are in huge trouble.
And Donald Trump is a hero.
He's proven he's for real.
It's incredible.
But first, a key John Bowne report detailing that the mark of the beast is upon us.
Following the 2016 Davos Confab, a meeting of 62 people, as wealthy as the 3.6 billion poorest half of the world's population, where a major theme was the future of automation, as it replaces working humans.
As more and more of the population leaves the workplace,
Economic growth enters a period of secular stagnation.
Economist and potential future Federal Reserve Chairman Larry Summers is heralding these conditions as the perfect storm needed to transition to a cashless society.
Paul Joseph Watson writes,
Summers has called for the $100 bill to be phased out of circulation, becoming the latest prominent voice to advocate the elimination of cash.
The Washington Post writes, Summers calls for a moratorium on printing new high-denomination notes in the name of stopping crime and corruption, a global agreement to stop issuing notes worth more than, say, $50 or $100.
The inevitable mark of the beast system is fully underway.
France introduced laws last year which restricted French citizens from making cash payments over a thousand euros.
Italy, Russia, Spain, Mexico and Uruguay have all introduced similar laws that ban cash payments over a certain amount.
Earlier this week, the ECB Council voted to scrap the 500 euro bill, a decision that would reduce the amount of physical cash in circulation by around 30 percent, despite the fact that such a move would be negative for the currency.
According to a Bank of America analysis.
Last month, Norway's biggest bank, DNB, called for eliminating cash to cut down on black market sales and crimes such as money laundering.
In August of 2015, the Financial Times published an editorial which called for the abolition of cash altogether to make life easier for a government set on squeezing the informal economy out of existence.
We should move towards an international currency.
Because the speculation and the complexity of currency has caused some of the irritation, not only among the trading nations, but among individuals.
At a secretive meeting in London last year, Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University and William Buter, the Chief Economist at Citigroup, met with the top central bankers to discuss phasing out cash.
Former Bank of England economist Jim Leavis penned an article for London Telegraph last April in which he said a cashless society would only be achieved by forcing everyone to spend only by electronic means from an account held at a government-run bank, which would be monitored.
We're good to go.
We are leaving the era of a strong global economy, brought to a screeching halt by the billionaires that reaped its benefits.
Now that small elite plans to govern us all from their ivory tower, promising socialism as some kind of reward.
Keep Obama in President, you know?
He gave us a phone!
Meanwhile, major banks are preparing for a bank holiday that could come at any moment as the final maelstrom begins between the cashless society of the corporatocracy running our kidnapped government versus the defenders of our dying federal republic.
Right on, that's what I'm talking about.
Another high five.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com
Another stunningly powerful and insightful and key report by John Bowne.
I'm Alex Jones.
Get ready.
It's a big broadcast.
D. Ray McKesson, the prominent activist and late entrant into Baltimore's mayoral race, will meet with President Barack Obama and civil rights leaders at the White House on Thursday for an event honoring Black History Month.
Also at this meeting will be Al Sharpton, Cornell Brooks, president of the NAACP, and Democratic Rep.
John Lewis of Georgia.
Oh, and let's not forget Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
She will also be attending.
The White House described the meeting as a first-of-its-kind gathering of leaders who represent different generations of the civil rights movement and said discussions will focus on criminal justice reform and building trust between police and neighborhoods.
McKesson, in his iconic blue vest, gained national notoriety during the Ferguson protest following the Michael Brown shooting in 2014.
He also co-founded We the Protesters and Campaign Zero.
So it looks as if a parting shot from the Obama administration will be to place a prominent Black Lives Matter activist into the mayor's seat in Baltimore.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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We're live.
It's Thursday edition.
This is an emergency transmission.
It's 1159 at Radio Free America, and this is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.
It's 12 o'clock, Americans.
Another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
The attack came from within.
But they took a lot of people away.
People that they thought were gonna make trouble for them.
People that had guns and things they wanted, they just took them away.
Re-education camps, that's what they call it.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents.
Or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
I have decided we really need camps for adults.
And we need to have camps that you all run.
I mean, really.
All persons of Japanese descent were required to register.
Now they were taken to racetracks and fairgrounds where the army almost overnight had built assembly centers.
I'm a sovereign citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
I mean we've got a lot of constitutionless and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Plus you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
These people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they're disloyal to the United States.
It's our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community
That's what we're doing here and let's not kid about it.
We're building a domestic army because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
Put your gun down, really?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you some kind of a constitutionalist?
So these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us, the very tip of the spear, InfoWars, on this Thursday, the 18th day of February 2016.
We'll be saying 2017 before you can blink your eye twice.
And much of the future of this country and the world would have been decided.
This is the critical time right now.
Make no mistake, Donald Trump
Went from someone that I just thought was basically a billionaire entrepreneur, to someone who I thought was a big showboat, to someone who I thought might actually want to try to save the country, to someone that I have seen weather the storm of attacks that is just unprecedented, and stalwartly put his head up against it and only get stronger, and capture the populist winds of change.
of this illegitimate government.
And now that he's come out and exposed 9-11 as bare minimum being a Saudi Arabian job, and he's called for the 28 pages to be released, he is 110% taking on the heart of the New World Order.
And I am pinching myself right now because I can't believe I'm right in the middle of this.
Obviously, when Donald Trump came on, he knew that they would attack him for coming on my show and the information we talk about and the congressman like Jones and others we've had on that have read the 28 pages, Rand Paul, Senator Paul.
And the 28 pages say that Saudi Arabia
Ran the hijackers.
The FBI was ordered to stand down months before.
That came out back at the time.
That's why six of the ten commissioners say there's a cover-up and a smoking gun that will bring down multiple governments.
The Clintons, the Bushes, and the Saudis.
So multiple dynasties and governments.
And that NORAD stood down.
And then we attacked a country that was arch enemies with Saudi Arabia and battling Al Qaeda.
Shut up our own CIA officer, wasn't just an asset.
Saddam Hussein, trained by the CIA in 1958, carried out assassinations dutifully, was wounded repeatedly inside Iraq.
There was a staged coup in 79, he was put into power.
He reformed the Ba'athist party from socialist to somewhat capitalist.
He followed orders to attack Iran.
Went into debt.
Then they basically told him, go ahead and invade Kuwait.
You're allowed to.
April Gillespie said, we're not going to get involved.
Same order he was given before for the seven year war with Iran, where he killed millions of Iranians, by the way.
How many hundreds of thousands of Iraqis did they lose?
And I'm not saying Saddam's a good guy, but he followed orders of previous U.S.
Going back to Eisenhower.
He was under U.S.
Back to Eisenhower.
And that's how they ended up treating him.
And now women have to wear hoods on their heads in Iraq when they go to college.
And rock and roll music's not on the radio, and you can't buy Playboy at the supermarket.
And I'm not saying that's a symbol of freedom, but that's what it was like under Saddam.
And 60% of their graduates were
We're good to go.
To have them take the bait, and then magically there was the San Bernardino shooting.
After about 7,000 articles were written about him being on the show, it was gonna be the biggest story in the country.
They were gonna attack him and bring out everything I've said, and then he could just say, oh, that's what Alex Jones says, but that is interesting.
What about the 28 pages?
But they, like a cat picking up a rat, they picked this up and then went, and then got more sophisticated and dropped the rat.
But not this time.
He's gone out all over the talk show circuit and in speeches in front of 20,000, 50,000 people, crowds, and it's been on local TV for the last week.
He gave four speeches yesterday in South Carolina about 9-11 and being a cover-up.
It's the boldest thing I've ever seen at this level.
Donald Trump is unbelievable.
I mean, I am almost breathless in awe right now of the courage this guy's got.
And that's why it's not the showman, it's not the guy putting on beauty pageants, it's not the guy that ran hotels.
You look at him and that's why he just has that look on his face of total commitment, doesn't even care what he looks like.
He's got a whole plan laid out.
The enemy even knows what it is and they can't help themselves.
Dick Cheney looks scared on Fox over the weekend on Monday going, it's almost as if Trump's saying we did it.
And he better watch it.
This is unprecedented, what you're seeing.
It'll bring down the Clintons, it'll bring down the Bushes, it'll bring them all down.
The old power structure, Donald Trump has got their head in the guillotine, and he's got his right foot on the lever.
And they're looking up at him, telling him he better watch it.
And you know what?
He better watch it.
I don't think people realize the mega, over-the-top, epic moment we've now reached.
And I know the Trump people were looking to come on this week and pull the 9-11 stuff, but then we're going to move it to next week.
They don't need Infowars to do this, and that's fine.
It's all about Donald Trump.
You see, they found out the media is so scared of me, they don't want to combine Trump with me.
So he's smart, he's doing it Trump alone.
And then they can't ignore it because they've green-lighted the attacks at every level.
It'll take them a while to get the orders out and to control the media not to cover Trump and 9-11 truth.
But by then they've already taken the bait and man... You talk about walking into a trap.
The Bushes, Cheney, the Clintons, they have all walked into a giant trap.
And the best part about this trap is we told them it was a trap.
See, metaphysically, it's very important to do that, and what's amazing is I had a guy that's overthrown seven governments himself, quarterbacking it, Steve Pachinik on, Dr. Pachinik, the day after Trump was on, and he goes, Roger Stone, incredible political operative, very wise that they're pushing 9-11 truth, and, you know, the media's starting to take the bait, and then he's got them.
We didn't even talk about 9-11 with Trump.
And Pchenik didn't talk.
It's a stone.
Notice how we don't even have to communicate this.
We just know.
It's amazing.
And of course it was communicated to me that of course it's a setup for him.
And it's a bold move and Trump is listening to his bolder advisors now.
And it's just devastating success and devastatingly dangerous.
I mean, I have never been more braced.
I'm going to skip this network break.
This is too important.
I can't help it.
I have never been more awake, alive, burning with passion for freedom.
I've never had my sixth sense more shimmering with energy.
I liken it to the allegory of Sting, the goblin cleaver from The Hobbit when goblins are near, it glows blue.
I've never seen Sting glow so blue.
And it's the animating contest of liberty.
I love it!
I'm not a thrill seeker.
I seek liberty, but in the thrill of doing the right thing and being in incredible danger.
My name, my treasure, my body, everything
Is the manly ascension to manhood that so many men never even get to attain and never get to actually even live.
And it's so sad.
For people that don't have conscience, that don't act on conscience, that don't have will, that don't have passion, that don't have commitment.
This whole new world order is about the end of humanity.
About the end of men, the end of women.
The end of humans running the stock market, the end of humans driving their cars, the end of humans deciding what they're going to wear and what they're going to believe and what they're going to say.
It's supposedly the end of being honorable, the end of innovation, the end of going and working with a business because they have a good background.
Where the colleges teach you how to cheat people and how to lie, and Gruber goes on C-SPAN and, you know, gets standing ovations for how to defraud the public.
With graduate students rubbing their hands together, learning the, you know, the tools of the trade.
The globalists produce fraud!
And that all...
Is up against the instincts and humanity and chivalry and strength and men who aren't even perfect, but men everywhere and women.
But the awakening of men is going to be the return of the man.
And it's coming.
The return of the man.
You think I'm a man, Donald Trump's a man, Ron Paul's a man?
When masses of men awaken, you're going to see incredible warriors in business and life and of God and of every stripe arriving on the scene.
And when men realize their true destiny, it's over for the New World Order!
We're not going to be stopped by a bunch of hunchbacked globalist male crones like Larry Summers and David Rockefeller.
The return of the man is about to be here.
And that man is you.
And it is shaking the earth.
Everything they do is to destroy manhood and to create fake facsimiles of it.
You spend all your time, all day obsessing on your fantasy football team.
You're meant to be organizing your family, organizing your business, organizing your life, and involved civically defending freedom aggressively.
That's the animating contest of liberty.
And with that comes monetary and cultural success.
But it's a byproduct of being a man.
And Donald Trump says, quote, elect me and you'll find out who really knocked down the Twin Towers.
He's saying elect me and I will expose 9-11.
They may go ahead and kill him.
I mean, you need to pray for Donald Trump right now, folks.
And by the way, we need your prayers.
I need them bad if you want us to be full power.
I mean, I need them.
I don't believe in prayer.
I absolutely know it.
I rely upon it.
My aunt has that little sign in the kitchen.
We don't believe in prayer, we rely on it.
And I need it, not out of fear.
I need the full providence, and God listens to you.
And I'm weak as well.
I need the enemy taken out of my way, and it's been happening.
Let me tell you something, folks.
George Washington wrote about providence.
I see it in my life.
It is humbling and makes me cry, and not out of fear, out of joy.
Every enemy is removed.
Everything falls in our lap.
It is incredible.
And when we do get struck, it is always for a reason and something even better comes out of it.
So, just pray that God's plan work through you.
I'm going to stop ranting on this subject.
It's just such an amazing time to be alive right now.
I'm going to try not to start crying here on air.
Just thank God.
Thank God there are people who aren't cowards.
And I'm telling you, I was told this before it was in Politico.
There's no way this is a setup.
This is damaging him too bad.
There's no way he's fake now.
This is death blows to the globalists.
I mean, this is in a fight with guys with daggers.
I mean, Trump is just ramming daggers into him right now.
And so are you and so am I. We're all pushing together to run that knife right into their heart politically.
And it's going through the ribs, folks.
It's going through their armor.
I mean, right now, the knife's sliding in.
And it'll take them a while to bleed out.
They're strong.
But man, I tell you, it's already... In fact, I want to tell you, the knife's already gone into the heart.
Oh my God, this is so incredible.
We have scored a direct stab in those sons of bitches' hearts!
We gotta keep runnin' the knife in though, folks!
We gotta keep runnin' it in there!
Not worry what they're doin' to us, just RAWR!
You wanted to fight?
You're getting it!
You wanted to overrun us and poison us and take our families and kill us?
You anti-human crap!
Choose which side you're on in the government and the military.
And worldwide, choose which side you're on.
The age of cowardice is coming to an end.
The age of men will return.
And all those soft, twisted globalists can feel it.
And they can know it.
And they're not going to get their computer grid, self-driving car, nanotech, panopticon in place fast enough.
They want to make us totally dependent on their system like we're a baby in their womb.
But this is no womb.
This is an express elevator to hell and we're climbing out of it.
The mass planning of this thing is its greatest power and its greatest undoing.
That every car maker in the world signed agreements 17 years ago in Chicago and in Tokyo, I remember covering it at the time, that by 2016, 2017, all new cars coming out, that you have to pay for all this garbage, thousands of dollars added on sticker price, they don't list it as a wonderful thing.
All this crash avoidance and smart car garbage.
It's self-driving car technology already in your car, ready to roll on the GPS.
It's a takeover, folks.
And it's in all your new appliances.
It's in everything.
And I know all this is coming, but man, my car was getting a water pump put in it yesterday.
So they said, oh, Alex, hey, we're big listeners.
Here's a Dodge Challenger, you know, purple
I don't know.
Self-driving car garbage.
And I went and looked it up, sure enough it was.
You know, they advertised it as one thing.
But, oh, there's new features being loaded into it now, like taxing you.
Think about the magnitude of all this.
And Donald Trump is for real.
This certifies it.
There's no way he's not.
This is it.
He just went to 100% in my view.
Right there.
And folks, he is manipulative.
The only problem with him is he gives people red meat like, okay, I'll torture people.
Oh, I'm gonna have a huge, tough military, but by the way, we're not gonna attack Russia and all these countries, see?
He's playing politics saying, don't worry, I'm gonna be big and tough, but I'm not gonna attack a bunch of countries.
So maybe he's still at 99%, but I can see everything he's doing, and it's masterfully done, and look, he basically told people, he said, I'm doing this, I will be destroyed, or I will be president and save the country, with the people, and I'm committing.
And at first he wasn't going to do it.
And he reportedly went away for like a week and wouldn't talk to anybody and just walked around basically the golf course and thought about it.
And then he decided to do it.
He fully committed and he has set them up so bad.
I just, it's unbelievable.
Just thank God.
In fact, I've got the clips.
We're gonna play them when we come back.
Um, there's just so much other important news going on.
We've taken the narrative away from him on Scalia.
I mean, look, you didn't follow the default to have an autopsy.
Now one of the senior deputies has come out and says handling of Scalia case very irregular, that the SOP was ignored, standard operating procedure.
Yeah, no kidding.
And look, we're questioning.
I mean, you're known liars.
We don't believe a word you say.
Got it?
We don't have confidence in the system anymore.
No matter how many self-driving cars and NSA spy grids you have, you'll just know with all the spying how much we hate you.
And how politically dead you are.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we've been telling you this all along.
Global warming isn't about the environment.
It's about changing the way you live.
It's about taking Western society and dragging it down to third world levels.
And now, we have the documents.
From The Daily Caller.
Fighting global warming isn't just about deploying more green energy.
It's also about imposing profound lifestyle changes for millions of people.
According to leaked European Union documents obtained by The Guardian, it will require exploring possibilities for realizing negative emissions,
As well as profound lifestyle changes of current generations.
Read the document laying out the European Commission's agenda.
It was presented to foreign ministers in Belgium on Monday.
The potential scale of such a deep transformation will require wide societal debate in Europe.
According to the document, which calls for a European-wide debate on how people need to change their day-to-day lives to fight warming.
Even though we know it's not the SUVs, it's the sun.
And you can look at millions of years of ice core samples for that evidence.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm going to briefly get back into Trump, then into why the globalists would want to get rid of Mr. Scalia.
Antonin Scalia, in Latin, Anthony Scalia, as he was known by many of his friends here in the U.S.
The media has made an issue out of me calling him Anthony Scalia.
It's like,
Jesus, Jesus.
The media will try to divert any way they can.
We're going to get into that here in just a moment with William Gein of Alleypeck.us, who's always got a lot of key inside baseball.
He was set to be the key vote to not let Obama just open the borders up without law, which he's already done outside of law.
So it's criminal because he did it outside of law to begin with.
But we're going to be talking about that.
All the reasons they want to take him out because he was not being blackmailed.
He was not going along with the globalist ballgame.
But first, getting back to Donald Trump, I'm going to play a few clips here and then we're going to our guest.
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So, there is a seismic shift happening.
Libertarianism, not even conservatism, is sweeping the world.
The fastest growing party in Europe is a libertarian, national sovereignty, borders language, a la Michael Savage group.
It's the fastest growing across Europe.
So they arrest Marie Le Pen, the head of the National Front, who's about as hardcore as Ron Paul.
I mean, not any race stuff, none of it.
Because she said there's a radical Islamic invasion happening.
We haven't faced a threat this bad since World War II.
I mean, they've arrested her now, what is it, twice?
She's a frontrunner in presidential polls.
So, they're arresting people every day in Canada that criticize radical Islam, and I have an article in front of me with video of an imam they brought in to Canada calling for jihad and for supporting ISIS.
But if you criticize it, they arrest you!
They've arrested me in Canada trying to fly up there to give a speech.
On the Bilderberg group.
And then they came to the international scene after 15 hours, they had to let me go.
I mean, this isn't freedom, folks.
And it's coming here.
And now you have Donald Trump, the 28 pages I've had senators, congressmen on, Jones and Paul.
Senator Paul, they've seen the 28 pages, it says Saudi Arabia ran the attacks, Nourabh was ordered to stand down, the FBI was ordered to stand down.
Well, we already knew that back at the time, FBI agents came out, but we have the 28 pages from the commission.
It's game over.
I'm going to cover that after our guest leaves us at the start of the next hour, but I want to play a few of those clips.
And again, they're going to demonize him and say, how dare he not like our troops?
He said, don't send them into a fraudulent war.
He's talking about the 28 pages and Trump says, elect me and you'll find out who really knocked down the towers.
Let's go to that first clip.
We're backing people, rebels.
You know, they call them the rebels.
The Freedom Rebels.
All these, they have all these glamorous names, right?
Look at what happened to Libya.
Look at what happened to Iraq with, you know, look at what's going on.
We've got the fear.
We give them billions of dollars of equipment.
If they win, they're worse than the guy that they took over from, right?
That's what happens.
Look at Libya.
What a disaster with Qaddafi.
We got rid of Qaddafi.
What do we have in Libya?
It's a total, it is such a disaster.
Look at Saddam Hussein.
We just talked about it.
What a disaster.
But we have a guy who doesn't have a clue about the military, but he thinks that he does.
With his thinking, remember this, we have been in there for 15 years, and we are far worse off now than we were 15 years ago.
15 years ago, we didn't have people coming around.
I mean, the whole thing.
And in all fairness,
We went after Iraq.
They did not knock down the World Trade Center.
It wasn't the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center.
We went after Iraq.
We decimated the country.
Iran's taken over.
But it wasn't the Iraqis.
You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center, because they have papers in there that are very secret.
You may find it's the Saudis.
But you will find out.
But it wasn't Iraq.
Now, he leaves it vague.
That's why he's such a genius.
They'll come out and they're saying he's a liar.
Right now, all the news, there is no secret pages.
And then people go, well, there are the 28 pages.
And then he has a press conference with the families.
Oh, I'm afraid that's being set up right now.
I loved meeting with his shadow campaign head three months ago.
We had some great discussions.
I really like seeing him manifest right now.
Trump likes my ideas.
He already had the ideas.
But you guys want to take on America?
You think we're cowards?
We're not.
We're going to expose what you did with the Saudis.
That's for the Clintons and the Bushes.
You can go straight to hell.
We're done with you.
Folks, you want people to fight?
This is an info war.
You want a full brass knuckles, toe-to-toe to the political death?
This is it.
We use the truth.
They use lies.
And Trump is amazing.
Another person that's an amazing researcher, journalist, and leads one of the only groups that's actually stopped the end of our sovereignty is William Gein.
He was on a few years ago, and he said, Obama's already de facto gotten rid of the border.
Well, since then, the Border Patrol's come out and said, we complete the smuggling process.
They fly in the planes every day.
No one's even checked.
But you're checked.
Because the control grid's about you and your family.
But Gein has got some intel and research on the situation with Antonin Scalia.
And Anthony Scalia and what happened to him.
Anthony Scalia.
Potato patata.
And we now have one of the senior deputies who got out of the department and is running against the sheriff.
Says handling of the Scalia case very irregular.
He says all the time they did autopsies every time.
Of course they would do this.
They ignored SOP.
That's Cesar Melendez.
We're going to get him on the show by the way.
Great interview that
Joe Biggs got, it's up on Infowars.com, it's in a Kit Daniels article, please get that out to everybody you know.
You have all these top deputies, all these top forensics heads, all these top homicide police officers, I mean over major cities like New York and D.C.
going, I almost fell out of my chair, quote.
Quote, I was dumbfounded.
Another quote, I couldn't believe it.
Oh, but I say, hey, this is suspicious and I'm bad.
Then the guy says he finds him with a pillow over his head, gives three interviews, says that.
But then the sheriff, who showed up hours later, he says, oh, well, the pillow was by his head or behind his head.
He had a heart attack, he didn't have a heart attack.
Cause of death was natural, but there was no one that even looked at him.
It stinks to high heaven.
Either there was some foul play, or they think there might have been and they're just trying to cover it up.
Whatever they're doing, folks, it stinks like a bucket of rotten fish that have been, you know, in a trash can for three weeks.
I mean this is unbelievable.
And then they finally sent an air conditioning guy up there.
He says, like, a 20-pound possum up there rotting.
See, I don't know exactly what's going on out there at that ranch, but, man, it smells like a rotten cow that's been in the ditch for a week and a half.
Something is rotten in the state of Texas, to quote Shakespeare.
So, alipac.us, William Gein always has key intel for us.
Thank you so much for coming on today, sir.
As you warned years ago, decades ago, we have a de facto
Mexico into the border, North American Union, it's all out in the open now.
The Pope running around cheerleading, he's got 200 foot walls around his house, but we've got to give people free stuff.
Mexico doesn't let you in, but we've got to let them and the Chinese and everybody else in.
What do you think is going on here?
And are you bad enough too to question the horrible stench coming out of southwest Texas?
I mean, the drug lords hated Scalia.
They could have come and killed him.
I mean, we've got to investigate, right?
Alex, your rotten possum comment is a hard one to follow, but I tell you, info wars, war is the key term here.
I believe there's two types of people in the country, the people that see the war that's happening around us inside our own nation and those that do not.
And I think a lot of people that see it gravitate to your show, they gravitate to Trump and Cruz and the candidates that are succeeding right now inside the GOP primary.
And when your nation is being destabilized and overthrown by a socialist
There's no doubt it's a unified world program to destroy the West.
It's happening.
Scalia was the number one, or one of the number one top stumbling blocks to that agenda when he died.
And in the last few days, and one of the things about your show too Alex, you've always had me on at a very important time like this, and in the last couple of days, you and I and Donald Trump and Michael Savage have been attacked by the Los Angeles Times, the Seattle Times, some San Antonio Express News.
All thrown around the word conspiracy theory.
And I want to make it very clear because I hope that the family of Judge Scalia will hear what we talk about today and will understand with our deepest condolences for the man's passing, with our greatest appreciation for what he did, with the understanding that I wish he was alive and well and a member of the Supreme Court right now and also would be a member of the Supreme Court for as long as possible.
Understand, I have no conspiracy theory.
I have no theory that Colonel Mustard did it with the rope in the library.
What I've said is that the conspiracy theories are all open to interpretation because they have botched the handling of Judge Scalia.
They violated, the evidence is clear, the Texas Code says you can't do this and they spun it and said they could to confuse everybody and I know one son has come out and we understand they're hurt, this has happened.
I've talked to famous people who've had their family members assassinated, who were threatened, and I'm not going to name names, but they're just famous people, to then go on television and say they didn't think their family member was killed or the person acted alone.
I've heard this so much, and I'm not saying they've been threatened.
What I'm saying is this.
They're grieving.
We get it.
The point is, this is super suspicious.
The police say that as well.
All of the veteran head homicide squad detectives are saying this is crazy.
The article that I read said that one of Scalia's sons was on, I believe his name is Eugene, was on the Laura Ingraham Show.
And he was asked about it and he said that the conspiracy theories were hurtful but he hasn't actually seen any of them and whatnot.
So, basically, I'm just going to assume that the family is grieving and they've had a lot jumped on their shoulders at one period of time and they may not have the perspective of the national security element that we're addressing here.
And the national security element says that any time a member of the three branches of our government ends up dead for reasons unknown, there needs to be a forensic autopsy, crime scene investigation, autopsy, toxicology reports done by multiple law, elite law enforcement agencies.
And that's what most Americans would picture if you found a Supreme Court judge dead like some version of... This is the top general with the Republic being taken down, the one key man holding back
Complete end of the borders, about to rule in the next few months about Obama's illegal moves and the Texas lawsuits.
We have the governor being circled by the feds.
We have his attorney general indicted.
I told folks that was coming.
I mean, let me tell you, they are moving and they are moving hard against Texas.
And this is real folks.
This is happening.
And it's just, everything points towards serious, serious, mysterious, hanky-panky.
They have created the environment for the conspiracy theory.
They have created doubts, further doubts in our government.
Our government doesn't seem to be able to do anything without messing it up or mishandling it.
And you know, one of the things I do disagree with Donald Trump about,
He says, oh, they're incompetent.
Oh, they're not smart enough.
I disagree with him.
I think Obama and his administration are very smart, and this isn't incompetence.
I mean, the pillow on the face, all of it.
Luke Abrams, he sleeps with the fishes.
Well, hey, look.
The bottom line to it is...
And if they want to argue about it, we can argue about it until the cows come home.
Should have been an autopsy, should have been toxicology, even though they embalmed and washed his body less than 24 hours after finding him.
And here's the thing that set me off, Alex.
I was off for the Valentine's Day weekend, and all of a sudden, Scalia dies.
And I'm like, oh, that's real bad news for those of us trying to stop perpetual open borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants.
And then all of a sudden, the newspapers are all stating factually
No quotes.
No, so-and-so said this was probably natural causes.
It was Judge Scalia dead of natural causes.
That's why I came out.
I came out Saturday.
I came out Saturday and I said, that is super suspicious.
Next, if there's no autopsy, we need an investigation.
And then they said that I said Obama killed Scalia.
No, I said there should be a murder investigation.
That's what a coroner's investigation is by law.
That's what the detectives are all saying.
They're going, no, you always approach it as a murder if you don't know, especially if they're a head of state.
He was the head of state.
The reason I put out a press release on Valentine's Day titled, AliPak Calls for Immediate Autopsy of Scalia, and this was put out right before we found out they'd already washed and embalmed him, right before we even found out about the pillow, and that press release went viral is because
I've seen you do this, Alex.
You've seen me do it.
Sometimes, someone's got to say something.
You've got to say something first.
You can't sit there and let them spin the narrative.
That's why there's also Perfect Time in the Middle of Nowhere on the weekend.
A little TV station reports it.
The scripting is long and deep.
His security detail there, I mean, is, oh boy, I tell you.
What I found when that press release went viral on social media, was so many people came forward and said, I thought the same thing.
What's happening here... 80 to 90% think he was murdered.
Folks are mad at me for not saying it's definitive.
Well, you shouldn't say it's definitive.
I'm not saying that any of the people down there were involved.
Could have been Mexican drug lords.
Might have had a heart attack.
We should have no questions.
We should have no questions right now because there should be multiple... They should have followed the law.
They should have done the autopsy.
They shouldn't have run off with the body.
I mean, this whole thing.
Stay there.
I want to talk about the strategy to stop them now because now the Republican leadership is saying, hey, we might just let Obama appoint whoever he wants.
I mean, this is the hour of treason, folks.
This is it.
They're trying to kill America this year.
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And do that at Alipac as well.
This is the season of battle.
It's not just the season of treason.
Now I'm turning into Muhammad Ali rhyming.
It is
It is the zone, and everyone admits that now.
You can feel it, you can see it.
The globalists are trying to end this country now, and they're trying to end Europe right now, because they know there's a resistance to socialism.
They know the big banks have stolen everything.
They're working with the socialists and other radicals.
They're going to bring them in, cause cultural warfare, and then have the government referee the divided groups.
I mean, that's the simple Roman-British Empire.
It's an ancient strategy of divide and rule.
It's called the Great Game by the British.
And I've studied it in China, studied it in India, studied it in Europe.
I mean, I've read probably 30 books on it, okay?
It's what they're doing, it's a fact, and they want to make you poor.
Globalism will wreck all our nations.
Now, going back to our guest, the director of Alipac, and again, folks, you need to go to the website, alipac.us or williamgein.com.
William, you got the floor.
It's only four minutes left of this segment, five minutes to the next.
What do we need to do?
What do we need to know?
Because you're the guy front and center at Congress, you know, in those halls battling.
Obviously, the country's already been absorbed into the NAU.
How do we educate the public?
I guess we would have had a Supreme Court ruling to stop it, but I guess he's dead.
Go ahead.
Well, you mentioned this before the break.
Bottom line to it is, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and many of the Republicans, the 178 Republicans on Alipac's canter list of targets for removal from office, all have already capitulated to Obama.
They've already funded everything for Obama.
That's what makes Scalia so important.
He was the next stumbling block.
We had to go to the Supreme Court.
They gave him the blank check.
They gave him the blank check on funding?
They're going to give him a blank check on the military?
They paid for it.
They paid for it.
And to the LA Times, and to the Scalia family, and anybody out there that doesn't quite have a grasp or hasn't seen the polls showing how deep the distrust and dissatisfaction level is with our current corrupt, bankrupt, zombie government.
Uh, is, needs to understand that any rulings, let's say the Supreme Court, they don't have to wait for replacement.
They can meet next week and vote without Scalia and say Obama's amnesty orders, although clearly unconstitutional, to the most layman's understanding of the U.S.
Constitution, are okay by us.
People, large swaths of the American public, are not going to accept innocent court rulings.
I had the former head of psychological warfare, basically for the whole government on yesterday, and he said, this Scalia distrust, 80 plus percent in polls saying they think he might have been killed, is a referendum on trust.
Doesn't the system get, you're hated, you're reviled.
So when you come out and attack us, it only gives us more credibility.
That's the Trump phenomenon.
Well, they're scared of Trump.
They're scared because their two puppets, Bush and Clinton, are faltering.
And even their backup plan, like Mr. Amnesty Marco Rubio, is having trouble getting traction.
And the people of South Carolina are about to rebuke Rubio and Bush.
They're scared of Sanders.
They're scared of Trump.
And so they're going for broke here.
You're right, the revolution, their type of overthrow is going full spectrum right now because their political candidates are faltering as the American public is rising up to try to stop the ball from going in.
We're under scientific military level attack by the globalists.
We are under martial law.
The United States is not under current law or regular law of any kind.
We're not the Hollywood version of martial law with tanks on the street, but Obama is making law, the Supreme Court has made law, we are under a form of martial law.
Stay there, stay there.
Let's come back in 70 seconds.
He's telling the truth, folks.
That's what this is.
He just rules by de facto now.
And one guy standing against it was about to say no.
They said, oh really?
But don't question it.
Don't investigate it.
No autopsy.
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The story's up on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and GrudgeReport.com.
It's the Associated Press.
Pope says that Trump isn't a Christian.
A foreign leader.
They call it a sovereign government.
When you go to the Vatican they say we're the oldest sovereign government in the world.
He doesn't pay taxes to anybody, has 200 foot walls, nobody's allowed in, except what they say, and then he tells Trump, anyone that builds walls isn't a Christian, you're not a Christian.
He's, he's, a foreign religious leader is here, involved in our politics.
Let me tell you buddy, you're the one that isn't a Christian.
And that's what most Catholics think too.
The other Pope had to step down under blackmail.
That's another coup.
I'm telling you, we got the head of Alipac, alipac.us, William Gein here with us.
There's a global coup with these mega bankers and socialists like this Pope working together.
This is the takeover.
And I've not heard the Pope's comments, but that is terrible.
I'll have to check it, because if he did say that, that's sacrilegious.
No person is supposed to judge the soul of another person.
The Bible cautions strictly against casting judgment like that.
Let me put it on screen for you, the AP and the Drudge Report.
Let's put Drudge Report up on screen real quick.
And we'll hold you over a little bit if you can do it so you can finish up, sir.
Let's put Drudge on the screen.
Pope picks fight with Trump.
Pope says birth control okay.
And the headline a minute ago was, you know, says not Christian.
But here it is from AP, says he's not Christian because he wants a wall.
So there you go, sir.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, you know, they had to talk the Pope out of illegally crossing the border.
He wanted to walk across our border and disrespect our laws and sovereignty and make some big point on behalf of illegal immigrants.
And you know what we need to do right now.
We've got about two, 48 hours till there's a big primary in South Carolina.
He's trying to start a stampede to have folks come across the border.
Get back there.
Get back there while we stop him.
Well the stampede is on now because word has reached all of the different regions of the earth that the American defense systems as far as our border security and immigration laws have been completely sabotaged within.
They're not... Shields are down.
It's advertised in the newspaper.
On the on the on the and come on in and that's what they're doing.
They're they're flowing in from Cuba and Asia and it's happening and our border patrol has been ordered to just stand there and not do their jobs.
And that's what's happening as the American public is rising up.
Stop it.
The elections.
The thing that stopped them from passing, we share, Alipac shares a responsibility for what Obama's done with his orders because he did his orders after we stopped their legislative amnesty five times since 2006.
Now, the thing that's been scaring them the most for the last two years was the miraculous defeat of Eric Cantor.
We, it doesn't matter if you support Trump or Cruz or who you plan to elect for president if the Congress continues to support amnesty like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
Now at this moment we've identified 178 Republicans that secretively support amnesty for illegal immigrants and they're on a thing in the top section of our alipac.us website called the canter list.
We need the following.
We need challenger, GOP challenger candidates for every target on the canter list.
For those races where there are already challengers going after those targets on the canter list, we need them to get in contact with Alipac, fill out a short survey, so that we can start sending in volunteers and small donors and the type of support that we use to overthrow Eric Cantor.
Three, we've already endorsed 49 incumbent members of Congress and about 16 challengers that need volunteers, need voters, need contributions, and Alipat needs contributions so that we can take down these Republicans.
The bottom line to it is any Republican like Paul Ryan,
And Eric Cantor, that supports Amnesty or paid for the Amnesty with the December Omnibus Bill, is out of sync with over 90% of their GOP base.
But you've got to have a candidate.
And you've got to have organization.
And you've got to, you know, focus people nationally.
And people are finally upset.
They're finally awake.
They're finally mad.
And now is the time.
People finally get it.
And folks, you need to support Alipac.us.
One quick big danger though.
Our supporters at Alipac polling are showing that most of them support Trump, and about a third of them support Ted Cruz, and we understand that that's important to everybody and we fully respect that.
That's why we're targeting and asking everybody to make sure they reject the amnesty supporters, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush.
The glamour and the attention of the presidential campaigns has a danger if everybody gets so immersed in what Donald Trump's saying.
Hold on.
Sir, just three more minutes with us on the other side if you can to get to that key danger.
Then we're talking to our reporters in southwest Texas.
Russian propaganda makers have gone into overdrive attacking our dear Muslim leader.
From The Guardian, Smoking Kills More People Than Obama poster appears in Moscow.
A Moscow advert declaring that smoking kills more people than Obama has gone viral becoming the latest string of actions condemning the U.S.
President as a mass killer.
The poster adds, although he kills lots and lots of people, showing an illustration of the President smoking the last dregs of a cigarette.
Don't smoke, don't be like Obama, the poster ends.
And on Russian TV, a new documentary trailer was released that seeks to expose American corruption and targets the Obamas.
The first attack is on Michelle Obama, which shows her taking lavish vacations across the world, spending up to $6,000 a night for a hotel suite.
And it ends with a parting shot.
How much did they spend on vacations, you say?
$74 million?
But he only gave Flint $5 million.
That's right, $5 million to the poison people.
As much as the launch of two military drones.
And that was only the first ten-minute trailer of the film, Emperor Obama, which will be shown in its entirety in Russia very soon.
Rob Due reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
America and the Western world's been turned into a surveillance dungeon of your citizen, but if you're an illegal...
From China, areas of Europe, Latin America, anywhere.
Mainly criminals fleeing.
You just come right in.
IDs aren't even looked at.
From Texas airports to New York airports.
It's in the news now.
They just go, oh, we're just told to do this.
We're not going to tell you why.
But man, if they catch you with grape jelly in your bag flying back from a farmer's market in the Midwest like they did me, why is this here?
We may charge you with this.
And I was like, I don't know.
I got some other vegetables here on the farmer's market.
I thought I'd give my mom a present.
They just flipped out on me and kept me there for 25 minutes and almost took me to jail.
Because I'm a prize, you see, with no criminal record and everything else.
That's what they want to get their little mini-mets on.
William Gein, the head of Alley Pac, is our guest.
He's about to leave us.
He was just talking about, regardless of what happened to Scalia, they opened the door up.
Not having an autopsy, having him within a day already at the coroner, so secretive, now changing their story over and over again.
We've got big breaking news on that front with our reporters that are at the ranch just now about to leave.
And they've been harassed, you name it.
We've got HD drone footage of it all.
We've talked to both judges.
Uh, went into her actual offices, into her chambers when she wouldn't talk to us.
Just amazing.
We got Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist, has now joined our team as well.
We're going to David Knight and him in just a moment.
But just finishing up, you said there's a danger in having the main focus just be on the presidential...
Real quick, what was that investigator's name you just read, Alex?
Wayne Madsen and a lot of other investigators that I have five reporters down there that have been down there for two days.
Your team is on it and I hope you can look into this guy John Poindexter that found Scalia that they say is a big Democratic Party donor.
You know, was Obama's death handled by Democrats?
Was he found by Democrats?
That's important stuff.
No, it's a Democrat-run county, Democrat judges, Democrat higher-up that gets awards from Obama personally.
No, he's dead.
Bag him, tag him, wash him up.
We need people to focus on these Congressional GOP primary races.
It's not as flashy as what's going on with Scalia or Trump.
And I know it's a bit of the grind work.
But people need to remember what it felt like when Eric Cantor fell, when we took him down.
People need to remember what it felt like when John McCain got re-elected last time in the Senate, telling everybody he wouldn't support Amnesty anymore, walked up there and boom, passed Rubio's Amnesty in 2013.
You know our candidate in Arizona is up against John McCain right now?
Dr. Kelly Ward is polling higher than McCain because as Bush's campaign falters, the Bush allies like McCain are polling down as Cruz and Trump make illegal immigration the top issue.
I think Trump ought to weigh in.
That's a really great strategy.
Give this message to him.
He ought to weigh in and say, save the Congress, take out these bad senators that help fund ISIS like McCain and who are for open borders.
He ought to become a political juggernaut, not just for himself, but start lashing out at the political level as a field marshal.
Boy, that would even get him up in the polls.
Well, there's some perils there, too, for him.
I understand the thought, but there's also some perils in him doing that.
But I can tell you this.
You and your audience, Michael Savage and a few others, you actually have the platforms that are the most perfect for getting the focus on these.
There's 178 members, Republican members of Congress, that are ready to vote with the Democrats to make all this mayhem with illegal immigration permanent and sustained and unstoppable.
And we have to take down some of them in these GFP primaries.
And some of the states, the primaries have already come and gone, and we didn't have a candidate.
We didn't have that reach that we need.
So we're trying very hard with the Cantor list.
And one of the secret weapons that we have now is that the campaign manager, a young man named Zach Worrell, he's the one that defeated Eric Cantor.
In Virginia in 2014.
He's now working for many insurgent candidates.
He even has a book out called How to Bag a Rhino, which describes for fledgling campaigns how they defeated Eric Cantor, who outspent our guy 40 to 1.
Well, thank you so much, William Gein.
We'll be talking to you again very, very soon.
Thank you, Alex.
There he goes, folks, ahead of Allie Peck.
It is such an incredible time to be alive right now.
I mean, that's all I can say.
I want to go to our reporters on the ground.
They're now all together.
Four reporters and our great cameraman and drone operator Josh Owens.
And then coming up, after the bottom of the hour, there is just huge military news, huge world news, huge economy news, huge science news.
Huge energy news.
And then race baiting news.
Obama is clearly trying to cook something up with the media to cause a whole new explosion of Black Lives Matter, police shooting, garbage coming up.
Towards the election, he's meeting with all the folks, getting that lined up.
They've got just all the usual suspects, these rappers, you know, that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, running around trying to stir up race war.
Just an absolute push on that front.
We're going to be going over all of it.
But the big story, I'm going to go back into it and play more of the clips, is Trump vows, elect me and you'll find out who really knocked down the Twin Towers.
And the media's trying to act like, you know, that he's this demon.
That's what Congress said is in the 28 pages.
But he knows the public's ignorant, so he goes, there are these secret pages, and if you let me, I'll get them out.
Knowing they'll attack him, saying it's a conspiracy theory, and then he's got them again.
I mean, the way he plays the media, because they follow such a shake-and-bake operation.
I mean, it's so formulaic.
We're gonna get to all of that coming up.
This is really an exciting time to be alive.
But first, let's get in to
Uh, the situation, and we've got our reporters, I believe, by phone, because the internet's not good out there at the ranch.
Soon they'll be back into a town, the ranch where Scalia died, where I bet you can even rent the room, I guess.
There's just no crime scene, no tape, just, you know, probably didn't bury him right there at the ranch that morning, just because somebody made a phone call, so it was natural causes.
Just ignore the state law, and we have sheriff's deputies saying, yeah, that's, we would never do that here, but now we do.
One case, just the Supreme Court justice, key person.
Nothing to see here, move along.
But look at the Washington Post.
This is emblematic of thousands of articles every few hours attacking yours truly and Donald Trump and Michael Savage.
Because we dared to come out.
I did Saturday, Savage did on Monday, Trump did on Monday.
Why those conspiracy theories about Scalia's death don't add up?
Oh, the Washington Post.
He's telling me what does and doesn't add up now.
Thank you so much, Washington Post.
Thank you for telling me how reality really works.
And it says, The gauziness quickly developed into a full-fledged conspiracy theory over the cause of Liz's death, jumping quickly from the expected vector of universal conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to conservative talk radio to the Republican frontrunner.
And then it goes on.
I love that.
I think I'm going to have a liner about how I am the universal vector of liberty, of questioning known liars, of hitting the barbed wire first, of not waiting like a coward, of putting reporters in.
We're getting threatened, by the way, down there.
You mean universal courage?
Universal will?
And I'm not up here bragging.
I mean, I'm here to fight, though.
They want to fight?
They better believe they've gotten one.
And hey, you can blow me away and win.
Show everybody how big you are.
I care about winning the long game for humanity.
Something you don't get, New World Order.
I don't want to be destroyed.
My flesh does it, but my spirit stands.
Like a promontory of rock marble out in the middle of the ocean and the waves can crash all they want.
You're not taking that truth down.
Let's go to Wayne Madsen first.
We're going to do five minutes or so with each reporter because they're filing HD reports that are more important.
Just getting updates for their safety.
Wayne Madsen has joined the crew.
He was already in El Paso.
He'll give us his updates.
Then David Knight.
First David Knight, actually, then, first David Knight, then we're going to go to Wayne Madsen, Joe Biggs, and then Kit Daniels.
I also want to get Josh in here today to get his take on things.
It's hard to confuse things.
Let's go to David Knight.
David, what has happened since we talked to you yesterday?
Well, Alex, since we talked yesterday, we went in and we talked to a former deputy that worked under this sheriff.
We talked to him about several instances that had happened in the past where procedure was not followed.
One particular case where
A lady died on some railroad tracks.
The railroad investigators wanted this treated as foul play, but this sheriff and the judge, Guevara, who phoned in the inquest and said that this was natural causes, ruled that to be a suicide.
And the train investigator said no.
This body looked like she was placed there unconscious.
They wanted to have some more investigation done.
But we also talked to him about things that had been done within the department.
He is now running against that sheriff.
And one of the key reasons that he's running against him is because the law is not always consistently applied to everyone.
Sometimes they just tell everybody, move along, there's nothing to see here.
When it's somebody that they think they know that's involved in this.
Other times they will be a little bit more rough-handed.
That's why we're here, Alex.
I'm really sick and tired of a government that weighs the rules, weighs the procedures whenever they want to.
That was what Scalia was about.
Scalia fought against the whole idea that the Constitution was a living document that could be reinterpreted by people.
He was a strict, you know, follow the letter of the law.
So when we see a situation, you know, we've got them saying, okay, ignore the laws.
We're going to stand down at the border.
Ignore the standard operating procedure.
We're just going to, we got a phone and a pen.
We're just going to phone in the inquest here.
And then they freak out and act like we're bad.
Stay there.
I want to come back to you, then Dwayne Madsen, and the rest of the crew.
You know, even Nico Acosta, our lead, he's the head producer here, does an amazing job.
He's got family down in that area.
He says he doesn't even go down there, it's so scary and dangerous.
So, you know, that's the whole point.
You're in the middle of a basic danger zone, with the Mexican drug cartels burying people all over the place.
I like going down there, it's really cool.
I mean, it's just the Wild Wild West, folks.
But, I mean, it's famously corrupt down there.
And Scalia just...
I tell ya, we gotta question this.
We'd be crazy if we didn't.
And police detectives everywhere are questioning it as well.
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I'm going after the Pope after our guests leave us.
The average wall size, I looked it up, is over 200 feet.
Some of them are 300 feet tall at the Vatican.
They are the tallest walls in the world.
And the thickest.
And it has some of the hardcore security.
But he's at the border trying to walk across in a stunt, and saying Donald Trump isn't a Christian, that he is excommunicated basically.
That he's sent to hell.
I mean, that is just crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy.
Everything is happening now.
The globalists are in their full push, and he's called for a world government.
Going back to David Knight, then on the next segment I'm going to our other reporters.
But David, putting bookends on this, you're down there, you've got this interview with the sheriff's deputy, that's on Infowars.com, he's running against the sheriff, saying, no, this is our SOP, we don't do this, except for this one sheriff, that's why I'm running against him with the dead girl on the tracks.
And then you've got all this other weirdness, and Biggs has been, and you guys, I've been told they've been really rude to you guys.
I'm surprised they haven't tried to throw you out.
What's been happening on that front?
Well, yeah, it's been a bit strange on that.
You know, I've been shooting pictures of some occultic artwork that's here that's just really over the top, Alex.
I mean, you know, they've got a lot of Southwest artwork.
They've got some cowboy stuff.
They've got some Mexican artwork and everything.
But then, you know, this is beyond the Day of the Dead type of thing.
I mean, this is really insane.
And when I look at this stuff that I've been looking at this morning,
It raises questions to me not only about, you know, this ranch, but it raises questions about the Pope who is in Mexico.
And instead of talking about the synergism with the occultic religions and Christianity in Mexico, which is predominantly Roman Catholic, instead of using his influence there to try to purge that occultic influence out,
He accuses Donald Trump of being the point man for our border policy.
A policy to, he wants to take the border down.
And that's, he's been on the side of globalism every time you turn around.
Whether it's the open borders, or whether it's climate change, so we can have a global regime to control the economies.
I mean, the Pope has advocated that in his encyclical last year.
This is a guy who is not about religion.
If he was, he'd be trying to purge out these occultic influences.
The New World Order is in full gallop.
On every front, this is the assault, this is the takeover.
We're now living it, David, and we're the ones that exposed it, so we have great credibility now.
I don't even like being at the tip of the spear, but what is it like for you to go from four years ago being in an InfoWars video contest, not even a winner, but did a great job, to being a finalist, and then coming here, moving your family here from the Carolinas.
Again, it's not about us, but it's about the experience of seeing Liberty rise, being at the very crest of that wave.
How do you think the enemy's going to strike back, David?
Well, it's been a real experience, and I tell you, I'm really grateful to be a part of this, Alex, but to see what we've seen here in microcosm, the collusion of the small local politicians with the small local media and say, you know, we're going to talk to you about the questions that you've got.
They ask us some other questions.
We'll answer those questions, but not your questions, and we're not going to talk to you.
To see that happen, to see the stand down of the
We're good to go.
Hey, he's a public figure.
He's a public figure.
He's equivalent to almost a president or a vice president.
We have rights too, okay?
We have rights.
They didn't follow the law and it's very suspicious, this whole thing.
And now they've changed the story again and said there was no pillow on his face.
As if we made that up, David.
I would say to them, I'm very sorry for your loss, but understand that when you encourage people to not pay attention to the law, to not follow standard operating procedures, you are moving against the legacy of your father.
He doesn't like, that's not what he stood for.
And the public deserves better than that.
That's the real issue.
And we see people who are now, there's been a real concerted movement within the mainstream press, with Fox News, with CNN.
We're good.
Why would somebody who had been given a death sentence, supposedly, by this doctor, not told that he couldn't travel, tells his security guards to stand down?
I mean, none of this makes any sense.
The same people who were saying some of these things a couple of days ago on Sunday, right after he died, a friend who had traveled with him to do a legal speaking tour in Shanghai and Hong Kong, has said, I've never seen him more vital.
He's very strong, he's engaging everyone, doing everything, and then now all of a sudden he's dead.
I just don't understand it.
Now he comes out and changes the tune and says, well, you know, he was told he'll never play tennis again.
This is a big deal, folks.
They have really, really, really pit off more than they can chew.
We're going to come back with Wayne Madsen.
Thank you, David Knight.
D. Ray McKesson, the prominent activist and late entrant into Baltimore's mayoral race, will meet with President Barack Obama and civil rights leaders at the White House on Thursday for an event honoring Black History Month.
Also at this meeting will be Al Sharpton, Cornell Brooks, president of the NAACP, and Democratic Rep.
John Lewis of Georgia.
Oh, and let's not forget Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
She will also be attending.
The White House described the meeting as a first-of-its-kind gathering of leaders who represent different generations of the civil rights movement and said discussions will focus on criminal justice reform and building trust between police and neighborhoods.
McKesson, in his iconic blue vest, gained national notoriety during the Ferguson protest following the Michael Brown shooting in 2014.
He also co-founded We the Protesters and Campaign Zero.
So it looks as if a parting shot from the Obama administration will be to place a prominent Black Lives Matter activist into the mayor's seat in Baltimore.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Generals gathered in their masses.
Just like witches at black masses.
Just like witches at black masses.
Sorcerers of death's construction.
Evil minds that plot destruction.
They're the bassist who wrote these songs.
He is quite the poet.
As the war machine... Death and hatred to mankind.
Poisoning their brainwashed minds.
Oh, Lord, yeah!
Tell it like it is!
Politicians hide themselves away.
They only started the wars.
Treating us just like pawns in chess.
Wait till their judgment day comes.
I'm gonna go back and I'm just gonna talk like four or five minutes to each reporter that we have left down there because they got some big stuff they're working on.
I'm gonna leave it at that.
Probably the biggest yet in their investigation was a bunch of HD reports that Joe Biggs has filed, that they've all filed, they're excellent, David Knight has filed, they're all up on Infowars.com.
We should probably create a tab and get all these great reports and just create a special section on the side for the next week or two, you know, where we have a page where we kind of
Put all this reported because it's so good.
I don't want to get lost lost in the shuffle because I mean sitting there over the phone talking about this isn't as powerful as actually seeing the reports.
I don't even airing those reports.
And the HD footage they're getting with the drone.
I thought I was watching IMAX earlier if you're watching us on TV radio listeners go to Infowars.com forward slash show to see it.
I mean they they must have stocked elk out there.
It's a 30,000 acre ranch and they were flying at sunset like 10 feet above elk.
I thought it was good when Dew got a bunch of sharks and dolphins on tape off the Carolinas.
I mean, it's just amazing.
I mean, this is better than National Geographic, and it just shows now that the technology's gotten inexpensive enough for all the great artists out there, like Josh Owens.
And Josh ought to be a reporter, too.
He's just as smart as the rest of the crew are smarter.
I love my crew folks.
I just absolutely love them.
And I've also learned to work through getting so angry at the Globalists that I don't blow up at the crew like I used to.
I didn't do it a lot, but I would just get so mad about wanting to do 20 things and so angry that I would just blow up.
And now I just learned, you know, I prayed about it and I just do not get as upset as I used to and I'm getting a lot better.
Because, I mean, I will end up having a heart attack when I'm 50 or 60 if I continue to get... I mean, when I get angry on air, folks, that is not a game.
That is me being a spoiled brat because I'm sick of all this.
It's so ridiculous what's going on.
I just started thinking about it and I get angry.
We're going to go back to our reporters, Wayne Madsen, here in just one moment.
Please don't forget, even though computers and cameras and things have gotten more inexpensive, travel hasn't, taxes, regulations, legal, all of it, licensing, it is, let's just say it's part of running an operation.
And I'm not complaining.
I used to get mad about all the little things to deal with when I just want to report and cover news, but I realized it's part of the fight is being able to get the trash picked up and put the light bulbs in and fix the refrigerators and fix the air conditioners and take care of somebody when they're in a car wreck like we're doing today with one of our crew.
Michelle, we need to pray for her, almost broke her back.
You know, things like that.
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All right, I've got to get into the pub.
I got to get into Trump.
I got to get into all this stuff, but I want to go back to our reporters.
Let's go to Wayne Madsen, who first flew into El Paso from the East Coast and then linked up yesterday with our reporters that have been out at the ranch and at the
We're good to go.
Didn't Emma Fielding just save some of that?
Maybe there should be an investigation?
Oh, no, no, no.
It was very clear.
Get this done quickly.
So, Wayne, you've had time to drill into this more.
We've got one of the sons of Scalia coming out saying it distracts from his legacy.
Well, he was a strict constitutionalist.
He would want the law to be followed.
He would want there to be an autopsy in his death, wouldn't he?
But regardless, they're changing their stories over and over again.
In four minutes, encapsulate what you're working on right now, Wayne.
Well, Alex, I think one of the most interesting stories we ran across is the fact that the local airport here, the Sapolo Creek Ranch Airport, handles Gulfstream jets.
And on Saturday morning, when they discovered Taliyah's body, there were three Gulfstreams, three private jets at that airport.
More than the normal number of jets there.
So we know that VIPs come in and out of this particular resort, the ranch where Scalia was, and we know there's been a lot of Hollywood types.
They actually filmed part of the movie with Tommy Lee Jones, No Country for Old Men, right here at this ranch.
But it begs the question, if there were three Gulfstreams at the airport, Gulfstreams could have, these Gulfstreams
It's well within the range to fly directly to Washington.
Why didn't they arrange to get Scalia's body on one of those jets, fly him directly to National Airport, and either take the body to Bethesda Naval Hospital... Because Bethesda and others, as you said a hundred times, over and over again do the autopsy and say Pat Tillman was murdered.
They say Ron Brown, Commerce Secretary, was murdered, 45 in the head.
They continue to actually do their job and would have been an autopsy.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, so the issue is then they call a funeral home instead of 30 minutes away in Marfa, they go to Alpine, Texas, which is an hour from here.
They get a hearse from there to come to the ranch and then transport the body at least three hours with the hearse and an accompanying SUV, which apparently had marshals, Navy Secret Service, other law enforcement types.
To El Paso, where they, of course, embalmed the body.
No medical examiner involvement at all.
I understand that if he were flown to Virginia, and I assume it's the same in the District of Columbia, the body would have been taken to a hospital where the pathologist would have consulted with the medical examiner on at least the disposal of the fluids after embalming, but there would have certainly
It's been great pressure on the Scalia family to conduct an autopsy.
None of this was done.
It looks like they delayed as long as they possibly could, getting his body back to Washington embalmed.
And now there's reports, of course, that in his will he requested to be cremated, which flies against the Opus Dei.
And you've got Poindexter that was in
That's correct.
That's right.
And the other thing here is, you know, this can accommodate about 50 people.
We understand that it's always usually men that come here.
Of course, that may go along with hunting parties, but, you know, women hunt too.
And so it's only 50, but it looks like it could be a perfect place for a miniature version of the Bohemian Grove.
You might call this the Bohemian Chaparral.
Uh, out in this part of Texas, but it's totally remote.
There's nothing around here.
The main Texas highway is a couple miles away, but it'd be perfect.
There's very spotty phone reception here.
It's all done.
It's the perfect place to control the narrative.
And let's just say it, the government is incredibly corrupt.
It's probably the most corrupt area of Texas.
It basically is Mexico.
Massive corruption.
Massive murders.
Massive drug dealing.
Massive corruption in law enforcement.
I mean, it's well known that Southwest Texas is just...
It's just incredibly corrupt.
And this ranch, yes, this ranch sits between the international border at Presidio, but it sits between that and an internal border patrol border where they check for people.
So it's sort of like no man's land here.
It's kind of a neutral zone.
Well, it's beautiful out there, but it is dangerous and it is scary in a lot of the towns, as you know.
And it is just very, very, very suspicious.
Are you leaning more towards foul play or less?
I'm thinking that if this is the type of place, and it'd be very interesting to find out who else was at this particular get-together, who's been at previous ones.
There's a guest book in the lobby, the last entry's 2013, so obviously there's a lot of people that come here that don't sign that.
But it would be very interesting to see who's been out here.
Uh, in the nature of, uh, especially government VIPs, we still don't know who Scalia traveled with, this close friend of his from Washington, D.C., but we know in the past that when Scalia has come here to go quail hunting at other ranches, he's been with Dick Cheney.
Everything is, and Cheney said no comment when he was asked.
This is, this is a seismic event.
Everybody would say that when a close friend dies, and, you know, at least he would say, I'm so sorry to hear it, but, uh, you know, no comment?
That's, I guess, quintessential Dick Cheney.
The guy's a whack job anyway.
All right.
Thank you, Wayne.
You'll pass the phone to Joe Beggs.
I want to get a brief take from him, and I've got to get to the Trump.
Hope news, there's just so much news here.
It's just overwhelming.
Let's go ahead and go to Joe Biggs.
Joe, I know you guys are planning right before you leave, you're undoubtedly listening, to go talk to some of the folks in the ranch.
You got cut off your show because I had a guest on, but just to condense it, you've been harassed, they've been rude to you, they've made comments.
Has more of that happened?
What are your other observations?
No, they've kind of pulled back.
Last night at dinner, Wayne and David were having a conversation, and they were kind of talking politics, and the politics didn't quite agree to George Poindexter's appointment here, basically the manager of the property, and he kind of
Got a little upset based off their political views and him and his buddy kind of got up and walked off and we haven't seen him since today.
There's actually no one here today except for the cooking staff.
But, you know, yesterday was really interesting.
You know, we had a chance to speak to this man who was going to be running against the current sheriff here, the guy that dealt with the whole Scalia incident on Saturday.
And this man was a former deputy.
And I got to asking him, I said, what are some of the cases you've worked?
I want to get an idea of your standard operating procedures when dealing with finding a body.
And he said, it's interesting you say that.
He said, one of the last cases I worked was an instance where we got a call there was a body out in the middle of the field out here.
And he's going over his procedures.
He goes, alright, we showed up.
There's a body here.
They cordoned off the area.
Then they set up a perimeter around the body.
And they started gathering evidence.
They found out this was an illegal alien who came over.
And immediately, they contacted the judge.
They ordered an autopsy, or asked for an autopsy.
They were granted that.
But for some reason, you have a man, like Supreme Court Justice Scalia, who is, for some reason, denied.
So their normal standard operating procedure with dealing with... Every SOP at every level has been ignored.
This is ridiculous.
And they've changed the stories over and over again, Joe.
I mean, this is like the Hastings.
This is how I got to know you.
Hastings wrote a couple profiles on you, was embedded with you, you know, multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, you know, was reported on you getting blown up and shot up and the rest of it.
But then he calls family and says, Homeland Security's after me, I've got the goods.
He'd just gone on TV days before and says there's a takeover of the government, there's a war on journalists, I'm about to break the biggest story ever.
His car blows up, the engine shoots hundreds of yards down the road, and then his wife, you're at the funeral, I mean, you've told the whole story, I'm just condensing it, says, oh yeah, they killed him, I'm gonna get these bastards.
Then she goes on Piers Morgan and says, it's totally normal, the car just blew up.
And she was in the National Security Council.
I mean, she is a spook.
So, and he obviously probably was one as well.
You said you were in serious combat with him.
He just loved it.
All other journalists would crap themselves.
And so it's the same deal.
I mean, this is just ridiculous.
This is even more ridiculous than Hastings, though, in my view.
What do you think?
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, the same thing that's unfolding.
The sheriff has changed his story.
Owen Dexter, the man who owns this property, has changed his story now twice.
And you've got this man with such an important position in our country.
And they go to two judges, and they were like, well, we can't be there, so we want to pass on to another person.
It goes to a third person, and they're here.
They can make it here in 40 minutes.
We've made this drive from this ranch to Marfa numerous times in the past few days.
It is not a hard path to do.
And yet this way... You're not going to go look at a Supreme Court justice?
I mean, these are elected people.
They want to be on the news.
They want to get attention.
Do your job, like the other judge told Kit.
Yes, we should have done our job.
Yeah, I mean there's apparently a lot of important business in small town Martha Alex that's too important to deal with someone of that stature.
And that's what's really weird.
We've got a sheriff who has dropped the ball numerous times.
Okay, I'll get more into the sheriff, but there's a few things about this man.
He is known to whenever there's crime scenes, there's been homicides, whatever it may be, he passes it off to his deputy.
The deputy that is now going to be running against him.
So this deputy actually has training in dealing with homicides, courting it off the area, doing basically like a tactical side exploitation where they go in, rope the area off, gather evidence, cement the evidence, come to a conclusion, and then go to the proper steps.
And you interviewed him and he said they violated SOP.
The video's up on InfoWars.com.
Great job, Joe Biggs.
I know you're about to file a bunch of reports and do some final key missions.
When are you guys planning to come back to Austin?
Uh, we are getting kicked out of here at 1 o'clock.
That's our end time.
So we've got about 20 minutes.
We're about to pack up the cars and roll out.
Alright, well bring Wayne Madsen to us.
I want to get you all in studio here to really break this down in detail.
Hopefully tomorrow.
We'll be back with Donald Trump, the pump, the pump, the pope, and more.
Stay with us.
It's such a huge situation with the 9-11 truth.
Are you prepared to bug out?
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You look like an angel, look like an angel, walk like an angel, walk like an angel, talk like an angel, but I got one.
Pope Francis is the devil in disguise, you're the devil in disguise, oh yes you are, yes you are, devil in disguise.
We're gonna cover the Scalia thing more tomorrow.
But it's bigger than Scalia, as I've been saying.
It's about the public doesn't believe these known liars, and the way they would criticize everybody for saying there should be an autopsy, and changing your stories, there's a pillow over the head?
This is crazy!
And I see the polls and the numbers and the comments on even mainstream websites, 80-90% said they think there's a cover-up.
That's like 92% of the average national poll think that there was more than one shooter for Kennedy and the CIA is the main suspect.
I premiered, along with George Norrie, the original first E. Howard Hunt deathbed confession for running the operation to kill Kennedy.
He sued the spotlight over it and lost in the 80s.
He was photographed there.
That's what he did was shoot people.
He was a sniper in World War II.
In China.
Before the war even started.
I don't want to digress.
I don't want to digress anymore.
I don't even know what to say at this point.
It's crazy.
I want to get into Donald Trump now.
The fact that he came out and said, you elect me, you'll find out who knocked down the towers.
That's like a minute and a half clip.
Let's play the second half because we've got time constraints.
But first, here he is responding to the Pope that came out today and said, Trump is not a Christian.
Well, you know what?
The Bible says, don't let any man tell you who you've got a relationship with.
Worry about God.
And this Pope
Who now is pushing birth control, you know, and all the rest of it.
And this Pope, who just, listen, either all those other Popes were bad, and he's good, or he's bad.
Because this guy's about as Catholic as a devil worshiper, in my view.
I mean, I just have a big problem with this guy.
He's political, he's here, he's attacking, and the controlled media is on his side.
What's that tell you?
So let's go to this clip.
So it's a response from Donald Trump.
It says, if and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, you know...
ISIS, their primary trophy.
Very few people know this.
I read this about two months ago.
Nobody even believed it.
Their primary thing, you've seen what they've done all over the Middle East.
Their primary goal is to get to the Vatican.
That would be their ultimate trophy.
They want to do what they did to all of these magnificent artifacts and all of the beautiful museums that they've totally destroyed all over the Middle East, right?
All right, that's enough.
Sounds like that was recorded on an electric shaving razor.
The Vatican has 200 plus foot walls.
Can we put a photo up of that for TV viewers?
Or just Google Vatican walls.
Biggest, thickest in the world.
You go in there, they shoot you.
He hasn't taken one refugee in there.
We are being flooded.
We are being shot up.
We are being attacked.
We are a joke to the whole world.
We have to pay for everybody's health care.
We're going bankrupt.
They're taking old ladies' houses for back IRS taxes they can't pay.
Whether they be black, white, Hispanic, who cries for them?
You sit there and you say we're racist because we have the most open immigration system in the world?
What a creepy old evil looking man!
Creeping around, socialist, dirtbag.
Him and Bernie Sanders, you know, ought to marry each other.
I mean, I am just sick of it!
I can't handle it anymore!
And then when people try to hug him and stuff, he's like, don't be greedy!
Get away!
Don't be selfish!
Get away!
Oh, look.
Oh, not acting so sweet right there.
That guy is... that guy is more evil than... I mean, he is... he is a... He's the Black Pope, folks.
I mean, who knows?
Maybe he's gonna, you know, maybe the beast is...
If he's the beast that Horror Revelations rides on, I don't know, but I'll tell you this, he sure fits the bill.
They got all this Mark of the Beast, they're getting rid of cash right now.
I mean, all hell's breaking loose.
They're announcing the family's gonna be destroyed.
I mean, heaven help us.
Stay out of our elections!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
When was Beirut bombed?
That was before the war in Iraq.
That's right, but we went into the war, and who bombed Beirut?
Who bombed?
Where did that come from?
Where did that come from?
And where were the weapons of mass destruction, Brian?
I would say this.
Madeleine Albright said they were there.
Bill Clinton said they were there.
Jacques Chirac said they were there.
Who blew up the World Trade Center?
The Portuguese Prime Minister said they were there.
Hosni Mubarak said they were there.
Well, they weren't there.
They didn't find them.
They found nothing.
Who blew up the World Trade Center?
It wasn't the Iraqis, it was Saudi.
Take a look at Saudi Arabia.
Open the documents.
We ought to get Bush or somebody to have the documents opened because frankly, if you open the documents, I think you're going to see that it was Saudi Arabia.
It wasn't Iraqis.
But Saudi Arabia did what?
Well, the people came, most of the people came from Saudi Arabia.
They didn't come from Iraq.
The World Trade Center was not knocked down by Iraq.
And Mr. Trump, when you made your comments about immigration, you know, indeed there were a number of people in this country illegally who had overstayed their policy over their visas.
Had my policies been put into effect, had I been president, I would have had it because I have the strongest immigration policy.
In nine months you would have swept
Here's the deal, folks.
What Trump is doing is calling for the release of 28 pages.
And he's a genius because he's leaving it nebulous so the media says the papers don't exist, which they're now doing.
And then you'll have the families with Trump and you'll have Walter Jones on the show and Colonel Schaefer and everybody else and Rand Paul, you know, has called for the release of them.
This is just an incredible moment, a legendary moment, a seismic moment.
We've got Professor Francis Boyle on the latest on Zika joining us.
But I also want to get his take on Scalia dying.
He's a constitutional lawyer in his own right.
And I want to get his take on Donald Trump coming out and saying, you elect me, I will release the 28 pages.
You do that, and it proves.
That criminal elements of our government stood down bare minimum.
And folks, I know there's a lot more to it than that.
I'm the guy that launched 9-11 Truth.
I'm the guy that talked about it July 25th, so they're going to blow up the World Trade Center and blame it on their asset bin Laden.
Who else can do that?
I mean, I'm not bragging.
I just did it, okay?
I know what I'm talking about.
I'm Mr. False Flag.
I'm the guy that exposes false flags.
But I don't just say everything's a false flag.
I don't say everything is a political fascination, so I get criticized by that.
9-11 was a false flag.
We don't know exactly what happened, but we know the official story is as phony as a $3 bill.
It is so ridiculous, and we know there was a stand-down.
That's enough to put these people all in prison.
That's aiding and abetting.
We have them.
It's done.
It's proven.
That's why Bush and Cheney testified in secret.
And both parties are involved.
You want to bring them down?
This will.
Trump is doing that.
It is beyond seismic.
It is earth-shaking.
It is legend.
It is the stuff that freedom is made of.
It is confirmation that Trump isn't perfect.
And throws out some red meat torture points and things I don't agree with and all this, but that's his rhetoric versus his action.
Oh, don't worry, we're not gonna attack Russia or Syria, we're gonna get out of the Middle East, but I'll be strong, I'll be tough, rah, rah, rah.
That's his politics, but when it comes to his action, what he's really doing, where he stands, you know, they've got his phones tapped, they've got ours tapped.
The fact that we're in contact with their campaign, and I'm going to leave it at that, at the highest levels, the media knows that.
It's not bragging, but I hate to even get into it.
Scares the living daylights out of the establishment.
The fact that Donald Trump's people are getting educated about stuff and now putting it out is Death Star level power for the Liberty Movement.
And we're orbiting the planet at maximum velocity.
We'll soon have the moon in range.
Russian propaganda makers have gone into overdrive attacking our dear Muslim leader.
From The Guardian, Smoking Kills More People Than Obama poster appears in Moscow.
A Moscow advert declaring that smoking kills more people than Obama has gone viral, becoming the latest string of actions condemning the U.S.
President as a mass killer.
The poster adds, although he kills lots and lots of people, showing an illustration of the President smoking the last dregs of a cigarette.
Don't smoke.
Don't be like Obama, the poster ends.
And on Russian TV, a new documentary trailer was released that seeks to expose American corruption and targets the Obamas.
The first attack is on Michelle Obama, which shows her taking lavish vacations across the world, spending up to $6,000 a night for a hotel suite.
And it ends with a parting shot.
How much did they spend on vacations, you say?
$74 million?
But he only gave Flint $5 million.
That's right, $5 million to the poison people.
As much as the launch of two military drones.
And that was only the first ten-minute trailer of the film, Emperor Obama, which will be shown in its entirety in Russia very soon.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Anthony Gucciardi will be hosting the fourth hour today.
That's going to be jam-packed.
I'll probably stay over a little bit with him, but we've got a lot going on, obviously.
I'm going to be meeting with my reporters today about some big stories we're working on as well.
Our reporters are completing the final phase of their mission.
Five of them are down there right now, close to the Mexico border, at the ranch where Scalia mysteriously died Saturday.
We're going to be going over all of that.
I haven't gotten into the latest waves of Muslim refugees being led into Canada, putting out televised announcements to begin jihad.
And again, I don't want to clash with Muslims, folks.
I'm not an anti-Muslim person, but they're bringing in radicals.
They're going to cause a clash of civilizations, letting them attack.
They're going to declare a civil emergency on the back of the crisis that's created just like Europe has already done.
So we're going to be talking about that coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Glenn Beck says God brought about Scalia's death.
Oh, man, I tell you.
Sad to see Glenn moving towards the straitjacket category.
I don't mean that.
I'm not in competition with other libertarian hosts.
I don't like this.
But I don't... I think it's safe to say that
You can stick a fork in Old Glenn.
So we're going to be getting into that.
The US economy is continuing to disintegrate.
We'll look at what's happening in China.
I'm not trying to be negative.
This is just facts here.
Hungarian central bank stockpiles guns, bullets, citing terrorism risk and collapse risk.
Another story.
We're going to get to that.
But let's let's talk right now.
With Professor Francis Boyle, who many of you know who he is, but he's a constitutional lawyer and a lot of other things.
And he helped write or wrote the U.S.
and then the U.N.
biological weapons treaties.
And he, of course, went through the special Harvard Ph.D.
program that only one person a year or so goes through to actually be taught how things really work, how the globalists run things.
And he has a PhD in political science from Harvard University, as well as a doctor of law from Harvard as well.
But the reason he's here is he has contacts with the big biological weapons experts and others.
And before it was in the news that it had been sexually born, born by saliva or other fluids, he was saying that.
And it's in areas where they've released the genetically modified mosquito.
That Bill and Melinda Gates are involved in and that the Rockefeller Foundation basically isolated.
And now he's ready to basically say conclusively it is a bioweapon.
It's a chimera that is a spliced, manufactured virus and it's serious business.
And they built bioweapons labs everywhere so he wants to break all that down.
Here is his boil down that he sent us.
What he's saying is that the evidence points towards they're dealing with a GMO double or triple chimera that involves Zika and one or more other elements together with gain or function properties, e.g.
West Nile, Da Nang, yellow fever.
They've declared an emergency in Hawaii over that.
And he goes over other viruses.
Take your pick.
What we call swine flu is really GMO triple chimera that might have G0F2.
So it can be done again.
So what do you think they're going to do with mosquitoes at those biowarfare BSL4 labs in the Y.E.
Galveston in Colorado Springs?
He goes on to say the chemical bases for Nazi nerve gas and pesticides are the same thing.
Resurrecting the plague, like digging up out of the permafrost, in order to weaponize it, ranks right down with resurrecting the Spanish flu in order to weaponize it.
You have to really be sick and determined to do stuff like that, as sick, as determined as the Nazis were.
And that's his little statement he sent to us.
I appreciate him popping in, because I want to ask him some other questions about what's happening in the world.
Dr. Boyle, thank you for coming on with us.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I did want to correct the record.
I drafted the United States Domestic Implementing Legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention that's known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.
And wasn't that put into the UN stuff as well, though?
Well, it implements the U.N.
Convention and my act was adopted unanimously by both houses of the United States Congress and signed into law by President George Bush Sr.
So it was really a
Bipartisan from my perspective.
Sure, I get confused because of all the UN stuff you've done as well.
Now, let's get into what your colleagues are saying, the research.
You were right, you were ahead of the curve about it being from saliva and semen and things like that.
They're now saying that.
What is it?
What do you think the plan is?
Obviously, I'm continuing to evaluate the situation.
I don't have a vested interest here.
No one's paying me except the taxpayers of the state of Illinois.
But right now, it does appear that we are dealing with a genetically modified mosquito
Probably done by Colorado State University.
They have a BSL-4 death science lab there.
It also appears the University of Wisconsin is involved with that Nazi biologist up there, Kawakawa, who resurrected the Spanish flu virus for the Pentagon in order to weaponize it.
It also appears the bio-warriors down there in
Galveston, Texas are involved and this GMO mosquito bites a woman and disrupts the... it sends in a biological agent
Directly through the placenta and literally zaps the embryo right there.
And that to me seems to be where we're getting the microcephaly.
There are also reports that these children are coming out blind or severely disabled with respect to sight.
And that's a side effect, correct me if I'm wrong.
It's meant to just kill the fetus entirely, but some kids are too strong, they make it through.
And of course, Bill and Melinda Gates, as usual, heavily involved, who say there are too many of us.
Don't they know that as this comes out in popular culture, and you know, when super flus come out and kill people, that the folks involved in this are going to face retribution, regardless of whether they control the courts or not, Professor?
Well, the problem, Alex, is that they control the news media.
You recall, I was the first to blow the whistle on the West African Ebola pandemic, which, as I correctly pointed out, came out of a U.S.
government lab there in Kenema, Sierra Leone.
And, you know, it was all over the Internet.
I might have given you an interview or two on that.
And I was completely blocked out of all the entire mainstream U.S.
news media and even abroad.
As you correctly point out, our phones are being tapped by the NSA.
They even beat me to the punch in several places.
I was dealing with an extremely powerful member of the U.S.
House of Representatives that I had discussed this with him.
He said he would put his top staffer on it.
They contacted me and then they headed me off at the pass.
They never called me again.
Well listen, I had Larry Nichols on who was speaking to a Supreme Court Justice and within an hour and a half of him talking to a Supreme Court Justice,
A black SUV showed up at his rural home and pulled out of the driveway every time he came out.
He got a photo of it as well, and then he called the police and they said, yeah, we're DHS, leave us alone.
And then we haven't heard from him yet, have we?
We're trying to work on that right now because he was going to get the rest of the intel.
But this is definitely getting crazy.
You've been put on no-fly list.
I mean, this is crazy.
Well, so far I haven't been threatened over this, but certainly I was completely blacked out internationally on Ebola and now on what's going on in Zika.
So apparently they've decided to deal with me just by silencing me and marginalizing me.
That's all I can figure out.
You're not silenced, you're reaching millions of people, but that's why they want their internet kill switch and their censorship they're trying to bring in.
What is the point?
Because normally they'll put out something weaker to test its spread, like the H1N1, a simulant.
Could this be a simulant, though it's already causing devastation, for something even more hardcore, a stronger strain?
Well, as of now, this is pretty powerful.
It does seem to me we're dealing with a biological warfare agent that is designed to attack people of color in Latin America.
That's what's going on.
It's not race specific, it's being geographically specific according to race.
It is not like allegations that... We do know that there was an attempt made to develop a racial-specific biological weapon.
In South Africa and Israel?
Against black people, yes.
I, from everything I've read, I don't necessarily believe that that was able to be done.
But what is happening here is that this is, as you correctly say, geographically specific.
And let me address one other point.
I have seen on the internet
I'm not questioning the good faith of people who are saying that it was the Sumitomo
It would create publicity problems for their for their GMO food, but now they are directly Involved in that and I condemn them for it, but well, I mean their GMO food in my view is a bioweapon Look at what it does to people look at the glyphosate They use look at how the genetics have been primitive studies to cross into our DNA into ourselves So, you know the way their crops spread into other species of crop and then force us to eat it I mean, it's all they're they're raping us they are
Physically raping us with this food and with these mosquitoes.
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You know, Dr. Francis Boyle wants to respond to some of the Monsanto groups out there saying we're liars, and he wants to correct it.
Not us, but correct them.
They lie on purpose.
They misrepresent what we say on purpose.
They say that I say Obama smothered Scalia.
I say there should be an autopsy.
But we can respond.
In my view, it only encourages them.
The point is, you got these companies making GMO insects, and GMO
And saying they're going to use them to deliver vaccines, whether we like it or not.
And Bill Gates says he wants to make fruit and vegetables that have it, where it's pharmacological and it's in the food.
So you don't have a way to get away from it.
I mean, this is crazy.
It's forced medicalization.
And so that's what I'm getting at, but getting into the larvicide and how they confuse things.
The point is, they're releasing GMO
Mosquitoes all over the world.
They're mutating.
They're mixing with mosquitoes.
They're using them to get rid of mosquitoes.
Who knows what's going to happen?
Look at all the drug disasters we've seen.
Let's just say it's not on purpose.
Look at how Plum Island, the known Nazis were taken there, off New York.
They tested, weaponized syphilis.
This has been basically declassified.
They've come within an inch of admitting it all.
And then that's where you get Lyme disease.
I mean, there's no end to this stuff.
So that's what he's getting at and they just hope the public is stupid and you know they just say we're liars.
So specifically if you want to correct those pieces out there Dr. Boyle.
Well, let me just affirm that what you're saying is correct about Plum Island.
Certainly my opinion and others' is that West Nile virus, as we know it today, and Lyme disease, as we know it today, both came out of, at least in this country, biowarfare work there at Plum Island.
Zoological bioweapon work.
Right, bioweapon work.
But to get back to the larvicide, that's a chemical agent.
We are dealing here with a biological agent.
That is why it spreads by means of blood, saliva, urine, semen, and sexual intercourse.
So we are dealing here not with a chemical agent,
But a biological agent, a biological warfare agent, that in my opinion has been designed and in this case unleashed for the purpose of population control and reduction.
That's the only conclusion I can reach from everything I've read so far.
Now, if people have other evidence that they want to send to me from reliable sources, I'm happy to take a look at it and revise my conclusions.
But those are the conclusions I've reached so far, and no one has contradicted me on the Black West African Ebola pandemic coming out of Kenema.
As a matter of fact, these scientists at the Harvard-MIT Broad Institute
Tried to do a cover-up CYA piece in Science Magazine that people were then sending to me and saying, well, this debunks what you're saying.
I debunked that article in 15 minutes.
You can read my debunking of it on Washington Blog.
Well, sure.
I mean, they're now saying that
They never said there was a pillow over Scalia's face.
They said it three times.
I mean, this is what they do.
They have to prove they're not guilty.
They're the ones releasing GMO mosquitoes into the air.
It's all these big companies.
I mean, look, Monsanto keeps saying glyphosate isn't connected to tumors.
It's been known forever it is.
You know, just like, just like Monsanto and their Searle and their Aspartame.
I mean, just... I mean, next they're gonna tell us Agent Orange wasn't bad for people, you know?
Well, I just want to make it clear, I have been observing a de facto ceasefire with Monsanto ever since I met with them around 1988 or so, that as long as they did not lobby against my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act and get involved in biological weapons, I wasn't going to create problems for them.
But now they are.
And they are definitely, they just took a big contract from the government
Uh, to do, uh, dual-use, uh, Ebola work.
Uh, so, uh, there's no more de facto ceasefire between Monsanto and me.
That's, that's for sure.
But this, this larvicide goes back to Sumitomo.
It is Monsanto.
I'm not here to defend Monsanto at all, so.
No, I don't think we know exactly what's going on here.
It's just that you've got all these companies and groups releasing mosquitoes.
You've got, obviously, this mutated virus that's now being spread through humans.
It's causing big problems and it needs to be investigated and looked at.
There needs to be an autopsy of Scalia.
Briefly, what do you think about Scalia?
Obviously, there are many anomalies here.
The U.S.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're finishing up with Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Treaty that was ratified so that we could follow the U.N.
Treaty, basically.
And he's an expert on this, and he has broken hundreds of big stories over the years.
He's written a lot of books as well, just Google his name.
He, of course, is also a college professor, constitutional lawyer.
And he is saying this is highly suspicious, and it's, this Zika virus has gotten more powerful.
He's talked to a lot of experts, and you also have the fact that you have the Rockefeller Foundation, 47, getting it out of Africa, and then bringing it back, and then fiddling with it since then, and now it pops up.
This is serious.
Now, Richard Reeves joins us from South Carolina in about five minutes.
Briefly, because I've got to get to the other news.
There is a lot of it, and I've got to do it.
That Anthony Gucciardi hosts the fourth hour today.
And then a strange little piece of news, one of my good friends, he's worked here nine years, Weldon Hinson, or ten years, who I just think ought to be one of the biggest country singers in the country.
Just because he's that good, like a cross between George Twait and Dwight Yoakam is what I would kind of describe him as.
It's like old-fashioned country, but it's like updated.
Austin Mayor names the day after a musician from Humble.
He's been in Austin since he got out of the Air Force 12 years ago.
Only Willie Nelson and a few other people have gotten this.
I guess the Mayor, Steve Adler, is a big fan.
So that's pretty good, folks.
Uh, that's just one of our info warriors.
He runs the warehouse, the shipping, customer service, all that stuff, uh, with Tim Preget.
And just does a great job.
Good friend of mine.
That's who I hang out with on holidays and comes over to the house and we eat a steak with our families and drink a bottle of red wine.
He's a classy guy and it's good to see him getting so successful.
I hear him on XM now.
And he's never gone and done a contract in Nashville.
Hope we don't lose him to Nashville, but so what?
It's just exciting small world.
Okay, getting back to serious issues.
Dr. Francis Boyle.
Folks can read your articles at Infowars.com and a lot of other blogs.
You were mentioning one of them earlier.
Your response to all this.
But shifting gears out of Zika and other emerging threats.
Well, they're causing emergencies in major countries and the U.N.
has declared an emergency, as you were saying earlier, Hawaii.
This is a serious situation.
But as you said, it's causing denang-like fever as well, but Zika's the pathogen.
I saw that last week in the news.
You had said that previously.
How did you know that when it wasn't in any of the medical literature?
Because when you said that, I went and looked it up and wasn't finding it.
Then a few weeks later, it keeps coming out.
I mean, you say you have sources and you do your research.
You're the author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Treaty.
But how do you know all this?
Well, I've been dealing with biology, genetics, whatever, since I was in college, and then biological warfare since I was in law school studying it in 1974.
I follow these matters, and any time there is a mysterious outbreak
Of some type of what appears to be biologically based epidemic, pandemic, call it what you want.
I operate under the assumption that it could be a biological warfare agent at work and I had better immediately shift into gears and hit my usual sources and do some additional research and see whether or not there's a basis for this conclusion.
Now, is anyone doing that in the government?
Because I know from reading, you know, past reports that the FBI, the CDC, and others were constantly monitoring, but I never hear they're out checking to see if something's a weapon now.
It's like, things get more sophisticated, you know, there's more weapons out there.
But instead, they just say, don't worry about it, it doesn't exist, threats from biowarfare have subsided.
But when I read international publications and listen to foreign governments, they say that it's higher than ever.
What's the truth?
The truth is, they're all in on it, and we have spent $100 billion on biological weapons since after 9-11, 2001.
That's BioShield program, right?
Well, when you add all the different programs together, I did sit down, I guess six months ago, on all the programs, and it came out to $100 billion.
Wow, I didn't know they'd spent that much.
I knew it was close to it.
Wow, just amazing.
Well, the reason you held over, and I appreciate your time, is briefly getting back to Scalia.
I mean, the way they handled it, either it was foul play, or they're trying to make it look like that.
I mean, constantly changing the story, not having an autopsy, acting all weird, middle of nowhere, all these key cases he was about to hear, and then saying we're crazy if we say there should be a autopsy when all these top
You know, head of forensic labs, heads of homicide, current and former police are saying, no, this is standard operating procedure.
Something's going on here.
Well, that's correct, and it does appear that, well, just to start, why was the U.S.
Marshals Service stood down when he was there on a ranch where people were hunting with weapons?
They should have been around just to look after him.
No kidding.
And then, as correctly pointed out, the fellow who found the bodies said his
A pillow was covering his face.
And then the judge who declared him dead did it all over a telephone.
Now, we've been told this is consistent with Texas law.
I don't know if that's true.
We look it up.
It's not, sir.
It sounds pretty strange to me.
If there can't be a medical examiner from old frontier days, there's a clause that then they can do it.
If they go investigate and certify.
They didn't, they didn't have, they had the opportunity for the medical examination, at least by a medical doctor, they violated it.
We've, we've written articles about the code, so they lied about that too, and said don't worry, we follow.
You know, if you read the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the mainstream news media, they'll say, oh well this is all
Permissible under Texas law.
Well, it sounds like a very strange law to me that would allow this judge to declare him dead over the telephone without even being there in purpose and dying of natural causes when there's a pillow over his head.
And then, of course, as you correctly point out, there was no autopsy.
And I don't know if that, under these circumstances, would be consistent with Texas law.
And then, finally, we know the federal government hasn't done anything, from what I can tell.
Well, that's what the local police, even deputies, have said it's wrong, and say the sheriff's done it before.
Is that, yeah, if it's at a sports stadium and Evel Knievel flies off his bike and cuts his head off, that's when, I mean, that's what they're saying.
There has to be witnesses.
There has to be, you know, known cause.
Yes, there's an autopsy if someone dies in a 100 mile an hour car crash.
That's when a judge can do this.
But if there's no witnesses, not an attending physician, it has to be a physician that's in charge under Texas law.
We read the code on the air three times a few days ago.
They have to, yes, if a doctor of a hospital certifies it, then a judge, if they want over the phone, can say no autopsy.
But that's when it happens.
Right, and that's just Texas law, and there must be a protocol for the United States federal government in the Department of Justice.
We looked it up.
There is.
When a high-level federal officer gets killed, it becomes a federal jurisdiction immediately.
Of course.
And we should have seen the FBI down there immediately making an investigation as to what has happened.
It appears someone told the FBI to stand down.
They sold two hours after it happened, and then all this began to unfold.
They sat on it for at least two hours, then seven hours before the public was told, but here's what's really big.
They had their story right up front, ready, no foul play right away, no autopsy right away, and then it's right on the border with one of the most dangerous.
That's why you have to sign a waiver when you stay there.
That, you know, if you get hurt, it's your fault.
And, you know, it's dangerous in certain spots on the border.
That ranch, not particularly so, but I've been down to that area many times.
It's beautiful, but it's dangerous.
I mean, you've got one of the heads of state killed right on the Mexican border and you don't investigate?
That makes no sense at all, just from a legal perspective, because we do have federal and state laws directly on point that seem to have been violated.
And then, you have to add in there, if you look at all the cases on the current docket of the Supreme Court that Justice Scalia was dealing with, there were large numbers of people out there who would like to see him dead.
Just run down the list of all those cases, and there's a good chance the Supreme Court took many of those cases because there was going to be a 5-4 majority in favor of the conservative position on all those cases.
And you could just run down the list and say, well, who would not want a 5-4 conservative majority in these currently pending Supreme Court cases?
Well, the Mexican government wants an open border too, and there he was.
Dr. Boyle, in closing, I appreciate your time and your tireless work, I know, just as a citizen activist and as an expert, you know, exposing what's happening with things.
Donald Trump, I've had big questions about him a year ago, bigger questions six months ago, but I tell you, I was told he's going to bring up the 28 pages, watch.
And now he's done it, which is such a huge deal, because if that comes out, it all comes down, all of 9-11 that I know you're an expert on.
How big a deal is it for you to have Trump coming out saying, elect me and I'll release the 28 pages?
That has got to be a shot across the bow of the Bushes and the Clintons.
Cheney crawled out from under a rock, went on Fox News and basically threatened Trump back.
Trump has got some of the biggest huevos I've ever seen.
What is your gut on Trump?
He better hire some private security agents and not just rely on the Secret Service.
He should be protected by a team of his own people that he completely relies on at this point.
Yes, he's really gone to the heart of
What happened at 9-11 and what's in those 28 pages?
I guess we could all have our own opinions about what might be in those 28 pages, but I read the 9-11 Commission report
Drafted by one of Condi Rice's buddies.
It was a clear-cut cover-up from the beginning.
And the 6 of the 10 said it was a fraud, and then Cheney goes on Fox and says the Commission said we didn't do anything.
No, the report he wrote did.
Dr. Boyle, thank you for your tireless work.
Folks should check out your books just by googling your name.
Francis Boyle, God bless you, sir.
Thank you.
Thank you.
My best to your audience.
Thank you, sir.
I'll tell you, it is just epic times to be alive.
We're about to go to
South Carolina, but that's a great man right there.
He's been through a lot to tell the truth.
He could have joined the power structure in a big way.
We're about to go to Richard Reeves here in just a moment.
For TV viewers, you can see Richard right there.
We're going to you in a moment, Richard.
You'll be with me a little bit in the next hour.
I'm meeting with our great reporters that are here, Liam McAdoo, Jakari Jackson, and then Darren McBrain and others about some big things we're working on as well.
Nightly News is tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
And I've got to hit this other news.
We're just going to have Richard on briefly, even though he has a lot of big news for us out there on the campaign trail.
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I just, I have a responsibility because nobody else will do it to just be all in.
Believe me, I know when I went on air Saturday night and said, investigate him being murdered, well look, they'll probably not do an autopsy and sure enough, I mean, I just, I'm committed.
It's a good feeling, folks.
I just don't care what happens.
I'm committed.
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If people that hoard money, most of the wealthy and middle class lost a third of their wealth this last six months, you're gonna lose everything, okay?
If you don't go all in.
There's a good feeling about being all in, folks.
It's a good feeling about just taking the gloves off and just getting in that ring going, I don't know who's going to win this, but I'm about to give you everything I got.
And that's why, that's why in life I've never gotten beat many times because I don't fight to win, I fight to survive.
I fight until the other guy's down and doesn't get back up.
That's what it takes to win, folks.
You don't think about winning, you just do it.
To steal a phrase from Nike, but it's absolutely true.
And Donald Trump's doing it, Richard Reeves.
Last night and this morning, he's been doing it more and more intensely.
I literally got tears in my eyes this morning where he actually said, I'm going to expose it.
The Saudis did it.
There's more to it.
We're going to bring it out.
It's going to bring these crooks down.
I literally, Donald Trump, that's it.
I'm sealed the deal.
He's for real.
He's hurting them too bad.
There's no way it's a game.
He's risking his life.
We're going to skip this.
Don't worry, break.
I can't help it because they support us.
I'm skipping breaks here.
I just can't help it.
Richard Reeves.
It is so seismic right now.
I do not have words.
This is the biggest thing, the single biggest thing I've ever seen Trump doing this because you were here three, four months ago or five months ago, whatever it was, when Stone first came here, months before Trump came on in December.
And you were here when we had all these discussions.
You were the only person privy to that.
To actually see Trump doing all of this and more, he is death defying.
I mean, believe me, they have got teams sitting around thinking about how to kill him right now.
And if he dies of a heart attack or something, and then they have a fake autopsy or whatever, I mean, I'm telling you, I don't think anybody's in more danger in the world right now than Donald Trump.
What do you think, Richard?
Alex, could not agree with you more.
We've seen the Donald since last Saturday double, triple, quadruple, quintuple down on 9-11 truth.
How proud of you as a man, you know, betting on Trump, you know, when you were here six months ago saying, I think Trump's for real.
I'm like, I don't know, I don't know.
I mean, how good do you feel right now knowing he's good?
I mean, this is, I'm just so proud of him.
I'm just, it's so good, Richard.
I love it.
I am proud.
I'm proud of you, Alex Jones.
I'm proud of the InfoWarriors out there.
So critical to what we do.
Look at how you're spread out in Texas doing reports here in South Carolina.
You're all over the planet.
We listen to you on broadcast.
You got Max Keiser in Europe and in Russia and everywhere else.
It's awesome to see and hear.
But I'll tell you what.
The Donald Trump lead looks like he's looking good here in South Carolina.
It looks like he's going to win.
But Alex, I'll tell you what, I'm a little concerned about that.
I don't think he's running a campaign where he could win as big as he could.
I think Donald could win way bigger, way bigger than what he's going to win here in South Carolina.
But I'll tell you what, we'll take any win.
We'll take the win.
And here is the thing, is one thing that's kind of come out here in the last
Two or three weeks is the ground game.
Ted Cruz has the ground game.
You know, we know we had the ground game in Iowa, that he had that ground game in Iowa.
He's got the ground game here, I think, in South Carolina.
So that's the thing to watch out for.
They say that money is the mother's milk of politics.
Well, ground game and grassroots is the mother's nurturing in politics.
And that's one thing that has not quite come together, I don't think, for Donald Trump yet.
The campaign needs to be worried about that.
They need to be working on that in a big way in these upcoming states.
Well, he doesn't come out of politics, so he doesn't even know that.
And so that's an issue.
And hopefully he surrounds himself very rapidly with people that know the ground game of politics because he had his campaign manager named Corey Lewandowski.
His home state was New Hampshire.
So I'll tell you what, a loss in New Hampshire would have just totally destroyed that guy's career.
I think that's why we saw a better ground game in New Hampshire, but I'll tell you what, Corey Lewandowski, I hope he really goes to work in these upcoming states, because in South Carolina, that's been kind of missing.
I hear it on local talk radio that you can tell that Ted Cruz has got a better ground game going.
Now, shift the topic.
Well, let me tell you what a real ground game is.
He needs to go, Trump needs to go, and I know it's exhausting, on all these big local shows, because that's how you really sell people, better than knocking on doors.
And that's kind of what I'm talking about, is I'm listening to some local talk radio stations here while I'm in Toronto.
And I'm hearing Cruz.
I'm hearing Cruz.
I'm hearing Marco Rubio.
And I know Donald Trump is booked with his schedule.
I mean, I know he's doing the big nationwide stuff.
Yeah, I mean, look, look, look, Richard, you're, you're a, you know, motorcycle racer and race car racer, you know, rode dirt bikes on.
I mean, you're a competitive guy.
For folks that don't know you personally, you're always telling me how I can be better and stuff.
At a certain point, we can't just sit here and prod Trump at this point to do a better job because he's in that arena completely.
So are we, but not like him.
I mean, he is the main gladiator up front, you know, fighting, you know, fighting
No, I agree.
It's just my desire to see him win as big as possible.
His lead has been gaining in South Carolina.
He got a good bump from Saturday's debate when the people out there watching in TV land saw that.
Yeah, the booing backfired.
The fact that it was all rigged.
Right, right.
When the people out there in TV land saw that crowd or heard the crowd in the debate, then yes, absolutely.
I saw polls here locally in South Carolina where Trump was up over 50%.
So that battle's tightened up a little bit.
I think we're still going to see Donald Trump get up in the 40% range, which will just be awesome.
But I'll tell you, here's another big piece of news.
A story that Matt and I are working on is, you know, we've been talking about this delegate race.
We're going to be uploading a story here in the next day or two with the full report, but I can just give you a little thumbnail sketch.
I was asking a chairman of the Aiken County GOP here in South Carolina how that process worked, and bottom line, real quick, what he told me is the delegates that go to Cleveland from South Carolina, they had to be involved with the GOP back in 2015.
They had to be involved last year.
That shows how you've got to get into the delegate process way ahead of time.
Yeah, because those guys from 2015 involved in the party, they're going to be going to congressional district caucuses coming up here in South Carolina in the near future, and it's out of that pack of people, it's out of that bunch of people, that the 50-some-odd delegates from South Carolina are coming.
So that's why we've got to have a landslide for Trump, this is going to be hanky-panky, and people have to now go become delegates now, for the election two years, four years away.
It's the long war that wins.
Look at him fall wars.
Coming from AXS TV 21 years ago to where it is today.
Look at Drudge.
It's all the long war is what wins.
Resistance is victory.
But Richard, again, how many hours until the voting starts?
Well, you know, we're less than 48 hours away.
The Saturday vote is coming up.
Here it is Thursday afternoon.
So we are very, very close to that primary date.
48 hours out.
And now is the time, if you've got family in South Carolina, or look up local numbers and listen on the internet, call in to talk radio.
This is a war, folks.
You get on one big talk show and make points about Trump or whatever, that's hundreds of votes.
You have to really get aggressive, folks.
If you don't have money, call shows.
If you've got money, donate to Trump.
Get aggressive, folks.
Put your blood, put the skin in the game.
Alex, I want to back up what you said about that he needs to win big.
That's why he needs to win big.
It's to overcome all of these hoops and hurdles that the establishment has put in play.
He needs to as rapidly as... I don't think it's going to happen in South Carolina.
He's going to get all the truthers.
He's starting to get a lot of the anti-war people, you know, who are conservatives.
I mean, he's doing all the right things right now.
I'm telling you, he's scaring the system big time, Richard.
Absolutely, absolutely.
And as you were talking about earlier with your previous guest, we're talking about this genetically modified virus that's out there in these mosquitoes.
You know, Barnum & Bailey Circus has nothing on the New World Order.
The New World Order's got more rings out there and ringmasters and dog and horse, dog and pony shows, etc.
But, you know what?
We're still, we've got them running.
We've got them scared.
That's why they are so dangerous.
That's why they are, because they're cornered right now.
They see a revolution happening on both sides of this party.
I guarantee you that all eyes of the planet are watching what's happening here in the United States on this election.
That's right.
Well, let's get you back on tomorrow and on the nightly news to actually go over what you're seeing on the ground there.
Thank you, Richard Reeves.
Thank you, Alex.
That's Richard Reeves, our political correspondent who's been in Iowa, New Hampshire, and now
Right there in South Carolina and on into Super Tuesday and on through the whole time.
He's going to be there and that costs a lot of money to have a camera crew and Richard Reeves on the campaign trail.
Again, I told you, you buy the products.
You spread the word, you support us, you're going to see us with a news organization going and doing the dirty jobs.
Like down there with Scalia, covering that.
And just on top of it, covering Bilderberg, Davos, you name it, we're on it.
And if they kill me, I expect folks to be down here covering what happened.
I mean, that's just how it is.
And I've got this place set up to keep going after I'm gone, if that was to happen.
Knock on wood, I don't want that to happen, but I'm not worried about it because I'm committed.
I'm just, it's, I don't mean to talk like this to be dramatic, but this is real, people, and you know it is.
Pray for Donald Trump, though, I'm telling you right now, he's gone to the lion's den big time.
Fourth hour, straight ahead, InfoWars.com, forward slash show.
I got five more minutes, and then, the Italian stallion, Anthony Gucciardi, the thoroughbred's coming in here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Tell your children not to walk my way.
Tell your children not to hear my words.
What they mean, what they say.
Can you keep them in the dark for life?
Can you keep them in the dark for life?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them from the world?
Can you hide them
Gonna show her my world!
Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, we're live.
I hand the baton to Anthony Ucciardi with a jam-packed raft of information, coming up in T-minus seven minutes.
You know who you gotta watch is the people that act like they're not evil.
The people that act like they're perfectly good.
Those are the folks you gotta watch, and those are the people that come to steal your free will.
And that's how you judge a tree.
By its fruits, and by its free will.
Who gives you all the freedom?
Who gives you life?
Who gives you all the pleasures and enjoyments?
God isn't against those.
God just gives you warnings about how to enjoy it.
And then the devil sits there, that archetype, people that act like that archetype, and act like they provided everything.
And that they're the reason you have success.
They tell you how you're bad for the earth and how you're racist and how you've done this and you've done that.
What does the Bible call the devil?
You guys Google it.
It's said a bunch.
The devil called the accuser in scripture.
The accuser.
See, I am accusing the globalists that have committed crimes and then proving
They accuse everyone of being bad and say conform to what we say and follow what we say with political correctness or you're going to political purgatory.
The Pope, a classic fake liberal, comes out and
Tells Donald Trump he shouldn't have a wall.
Now the devil is known as the accuser of the brethren.
The adversary.
Angel of the bottomless pit.
The destroyer.
And the angel of light.
The morning star.
Christ is also described as the Morning Star.
The Bible is very complex and most people can't understand it.
The foolish mock it.
But the Pope, the person in a wheelchair grabbing at him, wanted to be healed.
Searing, evil, demonic look.
Not like, hey, I'm sorry, I gotta go.
No, no.
No, do not be greedy!
And look at some of that admonishment of someone that sits over slaves.
Oh, Donald Trump, you're not a Christian.
You're not a Christian.
Because you want a wall.
I'm not for a wall because it won't work.
They'll use it to keep us in.
I just don't want totally open borders and free stuff for everybody.
Then we go bankrupt.
Trump just dumbs it down, we'll build a wall.
That's all just rhetoric, folks.
They're not really lies.
We need walls in certain areas.
But the Pope lives behind the biggest walls in the world.
He says in Europe, oh, we gotta do something about the refugee crisis.
We got one here!
It's pure leftist politics, globalism, NAU garbage.
And he's involved in our politics, domestically, in our sovereignty, and he is fair game.
We'll be right back.
I'm going to hand the baton to Anthony Gucciardi, and then... D. Ray McKesson, the prominent activist and late entrant into Baltimore's mayoral race, will meet with President Barack Obama and civil rights leaders at the White House on Thursday for an event honoring Black History Month.
Also at this meeting will be Al Sharpton, Cornell Brooks, president of the NAACP, and Democratic Rep.
John Lewis of Georgia.
Oh, and let's not forget Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
She will also be attending.
The White House described the meeting as a first-of-its-kind gathering of leaders who represent different generations of the civil rights movement and said discussions will focus on criminal justice reform and building trust between police and neighborhoods.
McKesson, in his iconic blue vest, gained national notoriety during the Ferguson protest following the Michael Brown shooting in 2014.
He also co-founded We the Protesters and Campaign Zero.
So it looks as if a parting shot from the Obama administration will be to place a prominent Black Lives Matter activist into the mayor's seat in Baltimore.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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I want more candy!
I want more video games!
I think so.
I listened to this song like three times yesterday.
It is.
The Poets Tell!
Desert's quiet.
Yeah, Pancho needs your prayers.
Save a few for Lefty 2.
Doing what you have to do.
Who says you gotta work for the system?
Who says you gotta be disreputable?
Who says you gotta sell out humanity and think you're a winner?
Cause you team up with the parasites at the top.
Don't lie to yourself.
You don't join with the world system and win.
Out of kindness, I suppose.
Let's go now to Anthony Gugiardi in the Situation Room.
I'm in the War Room if you're a radio listener.
You can also tune in at InfoWars.com forward slash shub.
Anthony, I didn't pre-plan this.
We didn't discuss what we're about to talk about for two or three minutes before I eject here into my other workloads.
But how would you describe the moment we've reached, what Donald Trump is saying, what's going on, the Washington Post coming out.
I didn't talk enough about this.
We made big jokes about it this morning.
Jumping quickly from the expected vector of universal conspiracy theory, Alex Jones, to conservative talk radio, to the Republican frontrunner.
They just cannot stand that in polls, upwards of 90% of people think this is suspicious.
All these big heads of police divisions and homicides say we're right.
The deputies of the department say there's a cover-up.
I mean, don't they, they still are pretending
That they're in charge, and I think we really, the new name for them is the dead media, or the rotting media.
I mean, I don't think they understand that they can concertedly put out a hoax together and still have a shadow of their former power, but that's dissipating out of them like their arms and legs are cut off.
I mean, they're about to die.
They're going into shock.
The blood's not spraying ten feet anymore.
It's barely oozing out.
Their eyes are rolling back in the back of their head, and we're lovingly stabbing them with double-edged daggers right in the heart.
And they're like, we'll kill you.
We're like, yes, we know you might kill us politically or physically.
We're not stopping!
Ha ha!
You know, I'm just wondering, because that's what this is, is a death battle.
And I mean, have they figured we're going to destroy them yet?
Or do they understand they can't stop us?
Because they should just give up.
Or will they be like Hitler and go to their bunkers and cause even more calamities?
Just run up the white flag now.
Just go ahead and start capitulating.
Most of you have already run to redoubts in New Zealand.
I'll make a deal with you.
If you leave now, and if politicians just stop trying to kill the country and kill the families and inject us with poisons and force-feed us GMOs,
You can go to Alba, you know, like Napoleon.
You can leave.
But you're not going to leave because you're a bunch of hunchbacked demons and you want to be run over.
Anthony Gucciardi, what do you say to these people?
What do you say about my rant?
Well, they say it's but a flesh wound, right?
And I would agree.
It's called the delusional establishment, where they have this mighty facade that they rely on so heavily, so weakly, that they have this authority and everyone's on their side.
Red carpets.
Attacking you because they don't know what to do.
And it's like you said, it's like we're intellectually stabbing them over and over again.
I would say with a claymore, like a two-handed bastard sword, chopping off their intellectual propaganda limbs like an octopus.
And they're just saying, it's just a flesh wound, we're fine, we're totally healthy.
Like, squirting blood everywhere.
And then they hit us with 19,000 articles in one day and it blows up bigger in their face.
And now they're desperate going, please stop, please!
I mean, these are, they're pathetic!
And don't they understand that people have a brain?
Like, when I read an article, they're attacking you, or they're attacking Trump, or whatever.
Don't they understand that people can put two and two together?
They don't just blindly say, well, this brand name at the top, Attacked Alex, means it's true.
No, it gets you more fans, because they go to your website, and they say, wait a minute.
Well, they're like canned horse manure, or dog manure, or cat, or used cat litter.
I mean, they have a brand, and it's got a name.
It starts with an S, and ends with a T.
Yeah, and it's totally delusional, too, because they claim numbers.
That's it!
They are the, you know what, brand media.
I'm sorry.
I think that's true, actually.
It's Petco approved.
You know, it's like a total facade system where they have to act empowered.
You notice in the articles, too, they always say, Internet talk show host Alex Jones, when you look at the numbers statistically, not only are you listened to by more people on radio, but InfoWars is getting more traffic than these websites.
Your radio show is bigger.
It's all a facade.
And once people realize that...
Act like it's bad that we dominate the internet.
We're on AM and FM TV, you name it.
How dare you have a major satellite that goes throughout the United States and around the world.
No, it's all a joke and people are getting it though.
That's why they're so afraid and that's why they're saying it's but a flesh wound when their arms intellectually are off.
Well, they try the same thing.
They go, he was suntanned and had a spot on his head and he's a kook and aliens and it's just like...
These are the writers at Newsweek?
Aliens, uh, uh, uh, Suntan, Crazy, Nommie Lar.
I could hire five-year-olds to write this stuff better.
Well, it's beyond straw man, too.
It's like they have a picture of you and they just put an alien in it for no reason.
You didn't even, you don't even talk about aliens.
It's just some random thing, just put an alien in it and say, well, you know, there's an alien next to him.
So obviously it's a psychological tactic to make you look crazy.
Well, they're saying to their readers, you are the biggest morons on earth.
Yeah, that's the other thing too.
People should be pissed off and feel offended when they read these things because it's treating you like a three-year-old.
The concepts we talk about on this show and some of the stuff I'm gonna get to, by the way, guys, I'm really excited to play this new report from West Texas with David Knight.
He does such an amazing job.
We got another John Bowne report.
It's an orgy of awesomeness.
Yeah, there's a lot of good stuff and a lot of news.
But, look, it's offensive to not listen to intellectual programming.
It's offensive to read the news articles where it thinks you're like a five-year-old and they can't talk about complex issues.
And they go, this is the crazy, dumb, dumb, nut racist that believes aliens killed him and Leonard Nimoy.
They actually say it!
It's like satire!
And you know what?
I don't want to be wrong.
I actually believe people are smart and I believe they can listen to this program and we can talk about complex things.
Don't let the mainstream media be right in that sense.
Don't let them talk to you like a five-year-old.
They do truly talk to you like a five-year-old when they report on things and use their weird imagery to put the alien next to you.
You notice that you don't do any of that.
You don't put the weird psychological warfare stuff on there.
You'll slap something up and post some breaking news.
You're not sitting there wargaming with five people.
No, I'll just say the Pope has 200 foot walls.
And it's saying Italy cannot open its borders, but we have to, and he's a piece of trash.
Meanwhile, I mean, the whole system is a joke.
I mean, one of the articles we're going to talk about is the VA, the suicide hotline going to a message.
I didn't get to that.
They admit now Watson the computer is taking over all the databases for bioethics.
Literally ran the Nazis.
I mean, literally.
They've got Feds roll out, see something, say something for the internet.
Yeah, we see your criminal activity.
It's just crazy.
Briefly, and I'm getting out of here because I've got meetings to go to and I want to watch the show, though.
I'm having so much fun, I don't want to leave.
Fighting tyranny.
I don't want you to get to all these reports, Anthony, because the fourth hour really is important because we jammed so much into it.
What do you make of Trump going 9-11 truth?
I mean, he's not scared of it.
They act like it's discrediting because it's empowering that the Saudis ran the attacks, bare minimum.
The government knows it.
Classified, but we've had the congressman on, and now Trump is running that up the flagpole.
Well, two things on that.
Number one, Trump has really never been afraid to speak his mind on a lot of different issues, right?
Right or wrong, he's never been afraid to come out and talk about it, ever, it seems, ever.
And that's why they're so afraid of him.
And it also draws a parallel to me.
You know, like, a grizzly bear attacking someone, what are you supposed to do?
If you hide and just run away, it kills you.
If you act like you're huge and you pick up, like, a box or something and go, urgh, you know what I mean, and act like you're bigger than it?
It can delusionally trick the bear into thinking that you're stronger and powerful and a better predator.
Well, that definitely works with big cats and wolves, bears some of the time, but you're right.
Some of the time, right.
So the mainstream media, though, and the establishment is like a little five-year-old acting like it's huge and we're the bear and we're running away from it.
So, when they try to act like, oh, Trump has been discredited, he's defeated, Alex Jones is crazy, he's lunatic, look, aliens are next to him, all it does is it looks like a little kid trying to say, ah, I'm a bear!
You see what I'm saying?
It's so silly and ridiculous.
So when they try to attack him for talking about anything, it's obviously discredited, obviously- Well, it shows Trump is just super hardcore, and it shows that they're listening to us.
This is crazy.
I can't believe, though, actually being on the other end of this,
Right at the crest of the human awakening, you know, there's so many other tens of millions of great people, billions that are awake.
It is humbling, Anthony, and we talk about that, how we have to do a better job, be more focused, because so many people are counting on us, and so many emails and comments and calls, people calling, getting mad, I can't call them back, old friends and stuff.
Just know this,
We don't send you fake auto email responses like I actually read your email.
Somebody around here does read it.
I don't sit here and play games with folks.
I'm completely overwhelmed.
My head is spinning.
I'm fighting in all directions.
So sometimes I'm going to fall down.
But just know I appreciate you.
I want to thank you.
And we couldn't do this without you.
I mean, I was thinking this morning about it is the audience is as important or more important than we are.
We were just folks that were willing to stand up, Anthony.
We should do a segment of the show sometimes, real true stories, you know, working with what's been going down and hanging out with you and doing all this stuff.
The truth is, how many times have we been here until 10, 11 p.m.
at night?
How many times have we sat down and written emails personally, you know, from you to people on the newsletter?
How many times have we sat down and read the emails of people who are crying, saying their lives have been
Exactly, and then we don't even have time to call them back because there's so many.
It's like, it's torture.
And no one knows about this behind the scenes stuff too, right?
No one knows the true depths of this, right?
They might see you work on the show, might see you on Facebook.
Yeah, we can't give enemies and operatives the attention they want when they pull stuff.
People don't know the real circuses.
If they just knew.
I mean, it's humbling because we have a duty though.
I mean, look at this news right here.
All this crazy news.
We have a duty to intellectually break this down.
Because, unfortunately, no one else is a lot of the time.
And the enemy is getting weak.
Because, Anthony, I'm going to throw the baton to you.
Because now, every time we question their bizarro narrative first, it totally implodes on them.
And now they're in desperate mode on all these fronts.
Look at the Scalia thing.
You know, you did your Facebook mentions and I was on one of them.
And you talk about how it was possible that he would have been murdered, right?
You didn't even say he was definitely murdered.
You said it's a possibility.
Let's look at the information, see how it comes in.
And they better do an autopsy.
They better do an autopsy.
I wonder what really happened.
Then it turns out there's a pillow over his head.
Then it turns out that investigators are saying it's a fishy tie-up.
You know, it's totally insane.
But you're crazy, you're bad.
Because I was right.
Someone has the obligation to do this.
Someone has to do it.
Well, plus the public still thinks it's scary to be demonized by the mainstream media.
It's a badge of honor.
Who cares when known degenerate scum lie about you?
Anthony, take over the transmission.
We'll see you tonight as well, 7 o'clock central, with the news.
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We're good to go.
It's Thursday, February 18th, 2016, and we're spinning around on a massive rock called Earth, and you are listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This is the fourth hour of Overdrive.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi, and this is where we're going to try and stop this massive rock called Earth from being destroyed.
By the establishment and the entire system that seems to want to so heavily break it down.
Now, today is one of those days where there's so much news that I've discovered and researched today that I have a moral obligation to try my best to intellectually break it down to you in the best way possible and share it with you.
And also, I'm really, really excited because I'm going to premiere for you a special, unaired report from West Texas on the Scalia incident that David Knight and the other reporters that Alex sent out have compiled.
And I'm really excited to play that in the next segment, so at the bottom of the hour, as well as another video.
So there's a lot.
This is locked and loaded today, and you're not going to want to miss this special report in the next segment and all this crazy stuff I'm about to talk to you about.
Some of the headlines we're going to go through
94% of leukemia patients see symptoms vanish using this new therapy.
94% of leukemia patients.
That's something you thought you would never see in the news, right?
Because all the money just goes to research.
They don't seem to get anything done.
Well, this might hold the key.
94% of leukemia patients just stole baby step, though.
Report, VA suicide hotline calls went to voicemail.
We've talked about the VA before and on many of the programs I've been on with you I've talked about the VA just totally messing up over and over again but this is a new level.
Suicide hotline operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs allowed crisis calls to go to voicemail.
So we're going to break that down.
Excitement at the new cancer treatment.
This is all over the place.
This is BBC News.
Scientists warn of coming global disaster because of water inequality.
That's something that most people aren't talking about, that we're also going to break down.
Negative interest rates and what they're doing, as well as studies suggest sugar can be as damaging to the brain as early life stress.
And there's also been other reports I've shared with you on how sugar is as addictive as cocaine,
And just the whole lot.
So there's lots and lots to go on today.
We're going to talk about a lot.
And again, special report coming up in the next segment that I'm really excited about.
But first, I wanted to share something with you.
I wanted to address the idea that you've been told your whole life by the establishment and just overall people that want to bring you down, that you have no power, that there's nothing you can do, that you're really not this magical, amazing person.
But you're just a piece of crap, really.
You're just a blob.
You just have no ability to change the planet.
There's no reason for you to stand out.
Everything is fine.
You can't beat City Hall.
You can't change the system.
You can't do anything.
Alright, I want to show something to you.
I want to show you what has been called the death of a star.
We're going to put it up on screen.
This was taken by the NASA Hubble telescope.
And it's not so much the death of a star as it is the corpse of a star.
And I want to put something into perspective for you.
Just look at that on screen if you're watching live on television here.
This is nicknamed the Spiral Planetary Nebula, and what you're looking at, if we can possibly zoom out, is the corpse of what was a star, and the gases just being shot out, and obviously we're seeing what's probably billions and billions of years old now through this Hubble's telescope.
But I want to put into perspective
Just what your life really is, and where we are in this vast, vast universe, and kind of remind you all the things that have been stripped away from you with this corporate system of trying to tell you that the most important thing to have is a Louis Vuitton bag.
And not kind of ground yourself in reality.
I want to go over some universe facts.
This is really, really important.
So, what we're looking at, as commentated by someone who really knows what they're talking about appears, is the colored gases are remnants of the star that were thrown out into space and continued to expand after it burned up the last of its nuclear fuel and collapsed into a white dwarf.
The death happened a long time ago.
Think about that.
According to the best estimates of astronomers, there are at least 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe.
100 billion.
Think about that number.
You probably can't because you can't even imagine something that's 100 billion galaxies.
The number of stars in a galaxy varies, but assuming an average of 100 billion stars per galaxy means that there are about 100 billion trillion stars in the observable universe.
100 billion trillion.
These numbers mean nothing, right?
We can't even imagine...
5 million of something, let alone 1 billion trillion.
But think about that, 1 billion trillion stars.
And I also shared the article with the producers that have some of this information on it.
The largest known diamond in our galaxy, there are 100 billion, is called BPM 37093.
And it's 25,000 miles across, larger than the planet Earth, and weighs 10 billion trillion trillion carats.
Where am I getting with all this?
I'm going to share with you the ultimate conclusion of all this and the stories.
We've got a special report coming up in the next segment.
Stay with us.
This is one of those days.
There's so much news.
Not enough time to cover it.
We'll be right back.
This is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Russian propaganda makers have gone into overdrive attacking our dear Muslim leader.
From The Guardian, Smoking Kills More People Than Obama poster appears in Moscow.
A Moscow advert declaring that smoking kills more people than Obama has gone viral, becoming the latest string of actions condemning the US president as a mass killer.
The poster adds, although he kills lots and lots of people, showing an illustration of the president smoking the last dregs of a cigarette.
Don't smoke, don't be like Obama, the poster ends.
And on Russian TV, a new documentary trailer was released that seeks to expose American corruption and targets the Obamas.
The first attack is on Michelle Obama, which shows her taking lavish vacations across the world, spending up to $6,000 a night for a hotel suite.
And it ends with a parting shot.
How much did they spend on vacations, you say?
$74 million?
But he only gave Flint $5 million.
That's right, $5 million to the poison people, as much as the launch of two military drones.
And that was only the first 10-minute trailer of the film Emperor Obama, which will be shown in its entirety in Russia very soon.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We are live.
This is Anthony Gucciardi.
It's the Alex Jones Show, the fourth hour.
It's Thursday, and I'm excited because I have a special report, previously unaired, from West Texas with David Knight and the rest of Alex's awesome reporters out there that are going to break down some really, really shocking stuff regarding Scalia and how the sheriff was not even trained or authorized, according to this report, to do what he did.
And there's some shocking revelations that I'm going to play with you just in a minute.
I've also got another video.
Wrapping up my point, before the break we were talking about the vastness of the universe, okay?
And it's coming to a really, really powerful head, what I'm about to tell you.
We're talking about how there are seemingly one billion trillion stars, okay?
Billions and billions of galaxies throughout the universe, and so many other facts that are amazing.
It takes 225 million years for a sun to travel around the galaxy.
And with all of this information, and with all of the discoveries, and with all of the realizations that our galaxy is so small, and reaching out with the Hubble telescope, looking at the beautiful death of a star, as we showed for you earlier, which is really the corpse of a star, it blows up and it's gases and just magnificence, right?
You look at it and you think, how could such a beautiful thing exist?
But out of all of that,
Do you know what the most advanced thing in the known universe is?
The human brain.
Your brain.
Is the entire universe the most advanced thing that we know of, okay?
One billion trillion stars, billions and billions of galaxies, diamonds that are 25,000 miles across, a neutron star that weighs a billion ton.
Okay, a spoonful of a neutron star that weighs a billion tons.
Out of all of this, out of all the technological advancements, the craziness, you're nothing in this planet.
But guess what?
You're everything because your brain is the most advanced thing we know.
It's the most advanced thing in the entire universe.
So I'm calling on you to use it.
I'm calling on you to remember your power.
Because you've been lied to since you were born.
You've been lied to by the establishment system and by the corporations that only want you to chase after the next drink of Sprite, Pepsi and Coca-Cola.
And you've been told that you're worthless.
You've been told that you have no power.
But let me tell you, you are the most powerful thing in this entire universe.
And your brothers and sisters, all of us are the most powerful things.
We all have equal value in the brain.
We have power that we do not know.
This is your call to arms, okay?
This is your reminder that you are the most magic thing in the universe, and you are true magic.
So believe in your magic.
You're it.
You're the most advanced thing in the known universe.
Let that sink in.
Now, we're going to go to this special report and follow up with some news, including this new cancer breakthrough.
94% of leukemia patients are seeing their symptoms vanish from this technique.
This is really, really powerful stuff.
But first, we're going to go to this special report from the reporters in West Texas regarding scolia.
And this is, again, unaired, first time, right now.
Let's go ahead and show that report.
Right now we're looking at some amazing drone footage in West Texas.
There's elk running.
I mean, I don't know how I even got this shot.
It looks amazing.
And we're leading in now to the ranch.
If you're listening on radio, I'm going to do some narration for you.
This is the ranch, of course, where Supreme Court Justice Scalia was found dead with a pillow over his head.
But then it turned out, oh, it was just on top of his head.
And he was pronounced dead over the phone by a judge who was confronted by David Knight and the other reporters.
And, you know, of all the things, it turns out now that investigators and insiders are saying it's extremely fishy.
It looks like something's really going on.
Let's listen in.
I'm running in a Democrat position for the sheriff of Presidio County.
Presently, I live here in Marfa, Texas.
Mr. Melendez, we want to talk to you because we want to get a little bit of a context for what's going on here.
It's been very difficult for us to get anybody to talk to us about what we and people all across the country see as irregular procedures here with us.
We've had people who are head of the homicide division and
I don't know.
Greater care than we normally would instead of less care.
So I want to get a little bit of background from you as to how things have been done in the past here.
I understand there was an issue, one of the reasons perhaps why you're running for sheriff, when you were a deputy with the sheriff.
Could you tell us about that?
Well, what I'm trying to do is I want to bring back integrity to the sheriff's office here in Presidio County.
I believe that the department could run a lot better, could be ran a lot better with the proper supervision.
There's a really big lack in that supervision and this is coming from the top as far as the sheriff and the chief deputy.
I don't feel that they're very
Let me ask you, because a lot of people said
Because the judge did not go to the site, and it was a bit unusual because the first judge, Juanita Bishop, that we talked to said, yeah, I passed this on because I couldn't go.
And then she called up Judge Beebe, he couldn't go.
And then they called Judge Guevara, and she couldn't go either, but she just did the inquest over the phone.
So a lot of people ask,
What kind of experience does the sheriff have, who was there talking to her, telling her that there was no sign of foul play, that it was a natural cause, that sort of thing.
That's highly unregular for someone who's not experienced with homicide.
Is he experienced with a lot of homicide investigations?
No, no.
He's not that well experienced in them.
I was usually the person he would look to, to take care of issues like this.
Let me ask you, there was a case a few years ago, in 2013, there was a young lady who was run over by a train.
Are you familiar with that case?
Yes, I sure am.
Okay, and the judge, presumably working with the sheriff, ruled that a suicide, but the investigator with the train company was very concerned about it.
Her family was very concerned about it.
The train investigator said it looked like her body had been placed on the tracks, that she was unconscious at the time, and yet they ruled it a suicide.
Could you give us some insight on that?
Well, I know he called me out about two o'clock in the morning, which I thought was very odd.
I was at home asleep.
I wasn't on duty till 7 a.m.
that morning.
But he called me out.
I went out over there and asked me to watch the street.
He did tell me over the phone that somebody was hit by the train.
So usually when I got that, I was like, well, OK, I'm the one going to be looking into this and everything.
And my wife was like, well, I'll see you when I see you.
So, you know, I showed up on the scene and he basically just asked me to do traffic control and which
Well, it's kind of odd on my end, but I was like, okay, I'm not going to question you.
And I went back and just stood there and watching the street between the park and the car wash.
I know you had me take the young lady's purse to the mother, which I thought was irregular.
I mean, there could have been something in there, taxes or...
Any type of evidence, fingerprints, or anything that, you know, the person should have been logged in as evidence and sent off to the crime lab to check for just about anything.
The family believed that there was foul play possibility, they wanted to see a full investigation done, there was no rape kit that was done on that, is that right?
No kind of toxicology reports to your knowledge?
What do you know about that investigation?
But the only thing that I know was done was just toxicology and an actual full-blown out autopsy was not done, which I thought was very irregular.
It should have been done.
And no testing for rape?
Could you tell us about the issue that you had with the sheriff that was initially a lawsuit and then was dropped?
Apparently I was terminated back in 2015.
And that was due to the fact that I was turning in one of the deputies for tampering with evidence.
I was filing a case against a man for being in possession of a handgun while he was under a protective order, which according to state law, he cannot be in possession of a weapon.
And this was, you know, in reference to family violence.
Well, I called the sheriff.
Well, he asked me to call him.
The dispatchers did.
He wanted me to turn the gun over to him to give it back.
The sheriff wanted you to turn the gun to the sheriff, so he could give it back to this person who had a protective order on him.
Yes, sir.
And I refused to do so.
So he asked me to log in as evidence, and as I was doing that, I took photos of all the log books and everything.
And next thing I know, Deputy Garcia is handing me some paperwork saying that the District Attorney Rob Ponton dropped the charges, which he had no involvement in this case.
The weapon was returned to the suspect's son, who he himself was a felon.
So the weapon should have never been given to him from the get-go.
The son was a felon?
Yes, and it was released to him.
And why were you terminated in relation to this case?
I wasn't going to be quiet.
I wasn't going to stay quiet.
This was wrong.
This was putting somebody's life in danger.
I was not going to keep quiet.
I was going to fight.
And I fought till the very end.
And how long ago was this?
I'd say almost maybe, almost close to a year.
Would you say that there's an irregular pattern of procedure at the Sheriff's Department?
Yes, very regular.
A lot of these department policies aren't made until after something happens, and even then they're not...
Something that's written down that you can go and file an Open Records Act to get.
This is just word of mouth or a text message that's sent.
And even then with Sheriff Dominguez, it's whether I want to or not to go by these policies.
So when, I'm sure you read about the Scalia case, you feel that his, what happened out there kind of fits his irregularity?
Yes, I do.
Yes, I believe more should have been done.
I wish I could have been there, so I could have seen the scene myself, but
I honestly don't think enough was done.
What would you have done differently if you were Sheriff?
Well, you know, from what I understand, from what I've been reading, apparently the clothing had no wrinkles in it, so of course he lied still.
The pillow should have been taken in as evidence if it was used to smother him, I'm just speculating here, for any saliva or any blood or anything like that on the pillow itself.
An autopsy would have actually shown minute bruising under microscopes around the lip areas if he was actually, you know, if force was applied to the face.
So, and how often do you, does the county perform autopsies on unexpected deaths?
Um, I know from my experience, if I ask a judge for one, I'll get it.
So it's pretty easy to get one, if you request one.
Yes sir, it is.
Lately we've had trouble establishing a timeline for Scalia's death.
Now, from your experience as being a deputy, what would have happened?
Would they have called a deputy in, who would have called a sheriff, and so on and so forth, call out and contact the Justice of the Peace?
How would that work out?
Usually they would get the law enforcement first, and we would arrive on scene and check
You know, check the scene first.
Check the scene.
Make sure everything... There is no foul play or anything like that.
And then usually we do contact the judge while we're in the process of doing that.
While we're investigating, like I said, we notify the judge and they usually come out.
I mean, I've never really had one, like, in this situation.
I've never really had that before.
They usually show up.
So this is unprecedented for not only a justice of the peace, but also a judge to not show up for a dead body.
I would say in my experience, yeah, because again, like I said, I know every time I've done something like this, they'll usually show up.
No matter what the distance is, where they're at, even if it's like a 50 mile drive from them?
Yeah, I mean, I know we've had to call him out being way out in the secluded areas.
You know, I've told you my thoughts on the Scalia incident before.
It's not even necessarily, in my view, that in the beginning when I was on the Facebook mentions with Alex, he did one, his initial one, that was blown up in the media.
It's not even necessarily
Having to say he was murdered 100%, it's questioning the protocols and procedures, which in my view, common sense would say they should have gone through, but instead it was a pronouncing dead on the phone, there was a pillow on his face, and then the story changes, well the pillow was above his head.
You don't have to be a crazy conspiracy theorist or a crazy person to say, hey, maybe we should follow some protocols and procedures.
My issue is when you say that, when you say, hey, why didn't we have an autopsy?
Why didn't the, were the investigators that were there trained enough in looking at his lips and his eyes to see if there was suffocation issues, to see if, you know, did they, again, test the pillow for saliva?
Did they do any of these things?
In my view, I don't think
Any of that was followed to the tee that a Supreme Court Justice death should be.
I mean, even if an average, you know, average or regular person died, right?
Wouldn't you go to that length?
So, to me, that is the main issue.
Also, not to mention, it's not absurd to think.
It's not absurd to think that if groups were to make billions of dollars worth of legislative changes with the death of one person, oh, it's insane to think that they might actually lead to killing someone.
It's not a wild conspiracy theory.
It's a common sense question that I think most people would agree with.
I think the media then spins it into you're a crazy conspiracy theorist if you question anything about the way that he was pronounced dead or the lack of autopsy or anything like that.
Now, do we have enough time to go to this Richard Reeves clip on Bush?
Gonna go ahead and check out the report by Richard Reeves.
This is Richard Reeves with Infowars.com.
It is Wednesday before the big South Carolina primary coming up this Saturday, February 20th, and we are right here in Charleston, South Carolina, where you can see behind me the Arthur Ravenel Jr.
Beautiful bridge here, definitely an iconic landmark here in Charleston, South Carolina.
But what we really want to talk about is how it looks like, as we reported in Iowa, that Jeb Bush is done.
In Iowa, we called it.
We were correct.
We called it.
Jeb Bush was done.
We went to a Jeb Bush event there in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
And he did an event and the only folks that basically showed up were his volunteer staff and crew, plus some Chinese guys that were all about the Bush family, bringing in business to the Chinese.
So I guess, obviously,
The Bush family going in decline here potentially can really impact the Chinese trade and you've got Donald Trump coming in to bust that up.
So, what we're going to be doing is going around here in Charleston, South Carolina, talking to some folks to find out more about what their guts are saying about are the Bushes done here in South Carolina?
Now, what do you think about Jeb Bush?
He doesn't appeal to me much.
Again, I don't know much about him or his policies, but I've never found him very intelligent.
I don't think he seems to stand for much.
I always feel like he's just doing what other people tell him to do or he should do.
I like Jeb, but I'm not a supporter of Jeb Bush, and I don't think we need another Bush in the White House, truthfully.
I think Jeb Bush is a really terrific man too.
I really love his whole family.
I voted for his brother.
I voted for his father.
I just, I kind of fear that a third Bush up against Hillary Clinton would probably not win and that breaks my heart.
I think Jeb Bush
He has been a very good governor, he's got a proven track record, but I don't think he's got the chutzpah, for the lack of a better word, to get in there and do the type of job Trump will do.
Yeah, I don't know if I can handle another Bush in office, you know?
I mean, he keeps saying he's got national security in mind and, you know, all that stuff happened on his brother's watch.
I mean, if he's good for it, you know, hopefully he learns from his brother's mistakes.
So, you think the Bush connection with South Carolina, that might be pretty much kind of winding down, wrapped up?
The South Carolinians are smart.
It should be winding down.
There you go.
That's a report by Richard Reeves.
We're gonna be right back and after the break in the final segment we're gonna cover some of these news stories including what is happening with 94% of leukemia patients seeing their symptoms vanish and the technique that they're using.
Be right back.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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You pick up the receiver.
With your heart racing and sweat dripping from your forehead, you finally muster the courage to dial the number to call into your favorite talk radio show.
It rings once, twice, and then... Hello, it's GCN.
What's your name and the state you're calling from?
Surprised you got through, you squeak out... Jason from Minnesota.
Please hold.
As you patiently wait for your turn, you begin to daydream about being a famous talk radio host and what it would be like to have your own show.
Jason from Minnesota, you're up!
Millions of loyal listeners worldwide, waiting to call and talk to you.
What color are you there?
Cheering crowds surround you, calling out your name.
Going once.
Okay, we gotta move on to the next caller.
You blew it.
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Welcome back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
It's the fourth hour.
This is the last segment.
And there's so much more news to get to.
And really, really, I mean, I gotta tell you, it's been an exciting day.
It's been an exciting week.
It's been an exciting year.
And if you like
You like what you're hearing, you like the passion, the energy, you like people actually caring about your future, the future of the planet, you like people actually telling you that you're powerful because you are and wanting to empower you.
Instead of disabling you into becoming a corporate drone that just throws money at the nameless corporations that don't care about you, well then it's your obligation to financially support
What's up?
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That is the very essence of supporting someone.
The very essence of helping increase the reach, increase the broadband, the intellectual broadband.
Anyway, so please visit Infowarslife.com.
It really helps the operation.
Now I want to talk about this article.
T-cell cancer breakthrough.
94% of leukemia patients see symptoms vanish using a CARS modified therapy.
In one study, 94% of participants with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Saw their symptoms vanish completely.
This is unprecedented.
Vanish completely.
A potentially revolutionary therapy that trains the immune system to attack cancer has shown extraordinary results in early trials involving terminally ill patients.
Now here's the part I like.
Trains the immune system to attack cancer.
Trains the immune system.
In one study, 94% of participants saw their symptoms vanish.
Patients with other blood cancers saw response rates greater than 80% with more than half experiencing complete remission.
The technique, this is the important part, involves removing immune cells called T-cells from patients, tagging them receptor molecules that target cancer and infusing them back into the body.
So to me, this is really not that invasive of a deal, taking out their T-cells and tagging them receptor molecules.
Scientists screen specially bred genetically engineered mice for the targeting molecules known as chimeric antigen receptors for CARs.
So they test it on mice, doesn't mean it's GMO, they test it on genetically engineered mice.
It's very promising.
The future is at hand.
Yes, there are natural techniques.
Yes, there are natural alternatives.
We need to study those, too.
Turmeric, everything like that.
But this is also very promising.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi, and thank you so much for watching the Alex Jones 4th Hour.
It's been a lot of fun, and I'll see you next Thursday.
Tomorrow, Alex is coming 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central with a host of powerful news.
Don't miss it.
Thanks a lot for watching.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Tell folks how you got introduced to super male and then when super female came out, tell us what happened.
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