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Name: 20160217_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 17, 2016
3498 lines.

Alex Jones' Infowars radio program covers a variety of topics including the cashless global economic system, mainstream media manipulation, health supplements, prostate health, and current events. Guests share their experiences, opinions, and expertise on different subjects. The podcast also promotes products and services offered by Infowars.com such as liver shield, gallbladder cleanse, informational videos, infowar store, BigBuckRiches.com, KD Armor, SelectQuote for term life insurance, and ID Stronghold wallets that block RFID signals to prevent electronic pickpocketing.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I don't know how to start this broadcast without just being completely honest.
I have never
I've never been more concerned about the state of this country and the world.
I've never been more concerned about the state of Infowars itself.
Because every week now, we are challenging establishment narratives and literally changing the entire debate and then winning.
And it's scary to be, in many cases, the lead ship in a battle
Smashing the enemy.
Because that means they're going to train all their guns on us.
In fact, they've already done that.
But because they're so discredited and so loathed and so hated, all that does is elevate us.
They're losing the info war, miserably, the globalists that have occupied this country.
There are thousands of articles in the last two days.
If you search Google News,
That attacked yours truly many times the centerpiece of the article.
But I was just randomly clicking on like CBS news pieces bashing Donald Trump for coming out and questioning Scalia's death.
And sure enough, I'm in that piece.
And I clicked an ABC piece, didn't have my name on it.
Boom, I was in it.
So I say thousands, folks.
There's 19,000 that have my name in it in the last two days.
But a lot of that's in the comments section.
But then there's still many others where my name isn't tagged on it and I'm front and center being attacked.
And it's the same formulaic, I call that shake and bake, like box pancakes.
You just pour the powder in, add milk, stir it up, and cook them.
Where it's written the same way.
Jones believes in aliens and vampires and goblins.
Jones is deeply racist and he says Obama himself strangled
Scalia in his bed in southwest Texas on the Mexican border and that he also killed Leonard Nimoy.
And this is Daily Beast and major publications and major newspapers.
Are completely misrepresenting to a level I've never seen, and they're doing it in unity.
If you've read one of these articles, you've read them all.
I've probably read, let's not exaggerate, a couple hundred of these the last couple days.
And when there's thousands, you can't even keep track of it.
And then there's all these weird comments like red-faced with an unfortunate pustule on his forehead.
Yes, I don't wear makeup.
And yes, I was putting my bags in a cab to go to the airport in Cancun on a short working vacation last week and leaned forward and gouged a hole in my forehead and was bleeding.
And it's almost healed, but I got pretty good skin.
I love to fry it in the sun.
I'm a sun worshipper.
But I got good skin here.
But let's say I had bad skin.
Let's just say for the sake of argument, I have horrible skin.
I mean, I do have a few sunspots and things.
What does that have to do with what I'm saying?
And it just goes on from there.
And it's crazy, kooky, ugly, fat, dumb, puff stools.
I mean, it's all these articles start basically the same.
Kook, nut, crazy.
You insert that, and then the article is the same.
When he's not talking about space aliens or blah blah blah, he says that Obama murdered Scalia.
No, I said it's state law, and by the way, we have the article on InfoWars.com, it's linked on DrudgeReport.com.
It's state law that unless it's an attending physician, you cannot waive the autopsy.
A judge can do that if the attending physician has waived it.
And that's what police detectives everywhere are saying.
Everybody knows who's informed what's going on.
They just hope the public isn't.
So all we said is, hey, this looks really suspicious.
And the rest of the world says, absolutely!
The police say that!
Well, it looks like the food isn't the only thing that's detrimental to your health at McDonald's.
Daily Caller headline, Marine allegedly assaulted Mid Burger at McDonald's as gang yelled, Do you believe Black Lives Matter?
That's right.
A former Marine became the target of an alleged assault at McDonald's Friday night as a crowd of youth cornered him and demanded he answer the question, Do you believe Black Lives Matter?
before knocking him unconscious and robbing him.
Christopher Marquez, a veteran of Iraq and the recipient of a Bronze Star for Valor, said he was dining at McDonald's in Northeast DC when a group of black teenagers came up to him.
And allegedly began harassing him about the Black Lives Matter movement.
Marquez ignored them, which prompted calls and shouts that he was racist.
As he left the establishment, he sustained a blow to the back of his head, which knocked him unconscious.
When he woke up, his pants were ripped, wallet gone, which contained $400 in cash, three credit cards, his VA medical card, school ID, MetroCard, and driver's license.
So next time a group of thugs surround you at a restaurant, be sure and bow down to them and kiss their feet, or else you're a racist.
Rob Due reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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I want more candy!
I want more video games!
And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being hammered daily by globalist concoctions.
It's no wonder they can't focus and calm down and then are put on dangerous
I'm good.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We've warned folks for a long time that when the globalists bring in their planetary world government, which they've almost completed, it will be cashless.
So they can micromanage, track everything you do, and take money directly out of your accounts, charge you for wiring your paycheck in, do banker bailouts, do all these different
We're good to go.
I think?
In that global digital benchmark, which will then give the top globalist over 100 trillion in excess tax money per decade.
That's the London Telegraph and BBC.
Four years ago at Davos, they agreed, basically had a consensus meeting, world leaders with corporate leaders.
That they would basically start phasing out cash by first getting rid of $1,000 bills, then $100 bills, and then down to $1 bills.
They will ban all cash.
And they don't care.
They'll now run the drugs and just deliberately wire the money into their own accounts.
The big banks openly
We're good to go.
And now Larry Summers, set to be the new Fed head, and many others, the head of the European Central Bank and others, have all come out in unison the last three days, as well as four of the five global bank heads, and called for banning cash in the next five years.
And they say, start with the $100 bill.
They're talking about banning the
100 euro bill, the 500 euro bill, and more this year.
So it is on, ladies and gentlemen, claiming it's dirty and it's organized crime.
No, it lets an underground economy operate in a total surveillance state run by the narcotics trafficking banks.
I mean, to have Larry Summers, the architect of the derivatives fraud, the architect of the carbon taxes with Ken Lay, the guy with Obama's predecessor, Bill Clinton, who engineered much of what we're under, lecturing us about global mafias, is again like having Bugsy Siegel or Al Capone lecture us on battling organized crime.
It is the height of
Over-the-top, bizarro hypocrisy.
Simply amazing.
We're going to get into that.
This is a big deal.
This signifies hammer fall.
I mean, we're in it.
They're going to bring us down into a hardcore depression.
They're waiting to announce the depression we're already entering worldwide until after the election.
That's why they're probably going to let a Republican in so they can blame them.
And that's Donald Trump's biggest problem.
Is that they'll lower the stock market down another 40-50 percent.
They will implode the economy further.
The public will panic and they'll go on TV and say it's Donald Trump and the Conservatives faults and the Libertarians fault.
And so it is now, you know, time to do whatever we say and set up this new global SDR world currency system for a new line of credit.
But to have it, we've got to have carbon taxes.
We've got to have wellhead taxes.
We've got to have by the mile taxes in your car.
Oh, the boxes worldwide were put in 10 years ago.
That's going to work perfect.
They just fell in your car by accident.
The smart meters just fell into your house worldwide by accident.
And this whole admitted MIT grid to tax and trace everything you do will go into place.
Total surveillance, total micromanagement.
You think Amazon for two years now can already have what you're about to order a day before boxed and ready to ship?
With 99.9999, in their own words, percentage accuracy.
If you've been a long-term user, they know what you're going to buy before you do.
What do you think they're going to have with Total Internet of Things, SmartDust, RFID, third-dimensional tracking software?
We will enter into what Isaac Asimov envisioned.
Total time, future, and
Future control systems.
I told you this 20 years ago was their plan because I was told this by NSA whistleblowers.
Two years ago, Google came out and admitted and released its founding documents from 17 years ago that they were set up by the CIA, the Pentagon, and the NSA with major industry heads to create an AI computer to control the reality by first predicting the future, then putting stimulant in through the worldwide grid to control the future.
Wired Magazine last year came out with the big, prize-winning, 30-page article admitting it all.
Notice again, I told you, with precision, exactly what was going on.
Now, shifting gears.
Let's show how they play games.
Yesterday, it was 1,800 in the morning.
It was many, many more thousands of articles attacking yours truly, normally front and center, in mainstream news, newspapers, CBS News, ABC News, Fox News, everything.
19 plus thousand as of this morning.
Let's go to the AI computer grid for TV viewers, for radio listeners, I'll describe it.
Let's pull up the Artificially Intelligent NSA interface.
There it is on screen.
And you've got 19,006 articles with Alex Jones, Scalia, and conspiracy in them.
But you have to have all those terms for it to show up.
You can narrow it and even more come up.
You say, well, why is that?
Because then it targets in on the specifics.
Now, what do they do in all of the articles, mixed together?
Kook, nut, crazy, violent, racist, in the headline.
Then they say, in a blurry video with a pustule on his head and ugly red skin, he said Obama strangled Anthony Scalia in his bed.
And then they go on to make the next joke.
And Jones, so ignorant, can't even get his name right, Anton Scalia.
That's like saying I can't get my name right.
My name is Alexander.
I go by Alex.
He went by Anthony.
Anthony is the English translation of the Latin, Antonin Scalia.
And guys, I ask you to pull it up.
You please put up Antonin on screen for folks.
That is the Latin of Anthony.
So, it's like if a guy I'm talking about is named Jesus, and then I anglicize it and say he's Jesus.
It's the same spelling, same thing.
With this, it's basically the same.
This is the games they play, ladies and gentlemen.
It's like, oh, he couldn't even get his name right.
It's Alexander, not Alex.
In Latin.
And then it goes to break it down that it is Anthony.
You're going to Spanish, Antonio, a whole bunch of different translations of it, but it's anglicizing, but yes, Anthony Scalia.
The point is, this is the games they play.
I said it's suspicious how they announced everything right away, said nothing suspicious, told us he was real sick, when that isn't what his doctor actually said.
Then I said, if they don't have an autopsy, and they announce it really quick that they're not, you know the fix is in.
Boom, next morning that happened.
Now they've got head detectives, current and former, all over the news.
Prominent detectives.
The heads of squads.
We can put those on screen.
I saw it in a CBS news piece.
ABC news piece.
It was in New York Post.
Saying, you always have an autopsy of someone prominent like this.
And you certainly don't announce it right away.
This is incredibly suspicious.
Detectives question lack of autopsy in Scalia's death.
These are head forensics and homicide division detectives in DC, in New York, and other major cities.
And you read their quotes, quote, I'm dumbfounded, quote, I almost fell out of my chair.
I couldn't believe it.
Why would you not?
Do an autopsy, or why would you instantly announce such a rush to not have one?
Because you're just going to put him in the vehicle, decide where to send him, under jurisdiction, send it there, and then the medical examiner comes in and looks at him.
You can say, oh, he may have died in his bed, he was old, but you don't say, oh, cause of death natural, because I'm a judge, you didn't even see the body, I talked to somebody on the telephone.
Here's one of the detectives says, so I think under the circumstances it's not unreasonable to request an autopsy despite the fact that he has pre-existing ailments to the fact that he's almost 80 years old.
You want to be sure that it's not something other than natural causes.
He's not at home.
There are no witnesses.
So I come out and I say, man, this is just perfect timing.
The key person at the key time doesn't have a security detail.
He dies.
Then they don't have an autopsy.
They take him hundreds of miles away.
They act super suspicious.
They dump his fluids down the drain, you know, at the funeral home.
And we send reporters down there to talk to the judges, to talk to the funeral home.
We have all the interviews.
They're up on Infowars.com.
All of this happens.
We're doing real journalism.
I'm here as a pundit, though, pointing out our journalism, our research, and getting upset about it.
And their response is,
He has a big pustule on his head.
I had a small cut on my head from hitting it on the trunk of a car, of a taxi cab.
The guy opened it too quick when I was leaning over with a bag and hit me in the head.
Big deal.
Tiny cut.
Little red spot on my head.
But it doesn't matter.
Why are they changing the subject with all these tactics to red-faced pustules?
Yeah, I like going out in the sun.
You bet.
I was just at the beach last week.
Big deal.
I like you don't hang around in the dark and, you know, glow in the dark.
I'm excited, I have energy.
I'm in the sun.
You're in the dark.
I get it.
It's a nice metaphor.
So, this is how they operate.
When they talk about Hillary, they talk about how she's about to die, or how Larry Summers, that wants to go cashless, looks like a troll from under a bridge.
Or that Madeleine Albright looks like a troll creature.
Oh no, that would be sexist.
That would be racist against green-skinned trolls.
So, it's just amazing.
And meanwhile, Obama says, oh, he may just go ahead and appoint someone in an emergency stead, never before been done in the Supreme Court.
But everything's fine here.
Scalia was just about to rule on the whole gun-grabbing agenda, the open borders.
He just shot down their carbon taxes, and he's deader than a hammer.
This sends a message.
Attention, citizens!
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Everybody knows that the days are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Highly dangerous radioactive material stolen, sparking fears of ISIS dirty bomb.
That's the London Independent.
Rudge has it red-linked.
Hawaii declares state of emergency over Zika and Da Nang fever.
Again, they're calling for a ban on cash worldwide.
Globally, concerted central banks together in unison are acting as a global tyranny.
We're going to be breaking that down, the latest on South Carolina and more.
A bunch of big guests today.
You know, for Larry Nichols' own safety, I don't give up people's sources here on air, but Larry Nichols was obviously very well known in the whole Clinton regime and then in the early years of the Clinton White House, was there in D.C.
exposing him.
And he did talk to a Supreme Court Justice that was looking into all of this.
And an hour and a half after he talked to that Supreme Court Justice, and he was on our show, a black SUV came up his rural road and parked in front of his house.
We've been there and interviewed him before.
He got a photo of it.
And then he called the police and they went and they were Department of Homeland Security.
And so the police basically said that that's that.
When Nichols goes out, they drive off.
When he goes back in, they drive back up.
That is going on.
And he is still awaiting the call back from the Supreme Court Justice.
Just to give folks a hint, because this is what he said we could say.
From Clarence Thomas to him in 1970, Congress passed a law that said a president in his last year of his last term cannot appoint a recessed Supreme Court justice except under one condition.
If there's a crisis from the court itself, they're now billing this as a crisis.
Since Scalia died, you now have a court that is four to four ballgame.
I know we all know this.
This is from Clarence Thomas.
So Obama can appoint what is called an emergency appointment.
What is the criteria of an emergency appointment approval?
Who killed Scalia?
Supreme Court was in the middle of dealing with a Syrian refugee issue.
Whether to make them legal, this is now being held up by Scalia's death, Obama may be able to appoint an emergency court justice.
If he wants to make Holder his emergency court appointment, Obama will most probably claim Holder and Lynch that have
Since they've already gone through the strenuous approval process to oversee the Justice Department, can be assigned by him bypassing Congress.
The 1970 law was reaffirmed by Schumer in 07.
That is from Clarence Thomas, according to Larry Nichols.
They have other very credible people like Matt Drudge talking to a certain Supreme Court Justice at dinner saying they were going to drop the hammer this year and come after everybody in our free speech.
And 19,000 news articles around the world are making fun of us.
But the police detectives now from California to New York to D.C.
are in the news.
Saying it is preposterous.
In fact, I saw some of the video on a CBS report.
It's like Trump, Trump, you know, questions Scalia to CBS News, if you Google it from last night.
And I'm in there, but at the end they have one of the head detectives from New York, like the head of the department, saying it's ridiculous.
It's always a murder scene, especially with a public figure.
You don't just instantly announce it anyway.
Something's going on here.
Yeah, stuff like this has never happened before.
Imagine if Obama died and they said he had a pillow over his head.
And that's what Poindexter, the friend of Obama, the big donor of Obama, said when he found him.
He had a pillow quote over his head.
He told that to three different newspapers.
But don't worry now, they're making fun of us in hundreds of publications, hundreds I saw, saying Justice Scalia
Was not found with a pillow over his face, it was above his head.
So see, it's not that they've changed their story now, it's that we were wrong to actually quote him.
Oh, did I mention they said I had a sunburn in the video?
And a quote, pustule?
How about bubonic plague on my head?
How about AIDS?
Let's make it worse, you know, a tiny cut from the edge of a trunk that was opened as I was leaning over.
I think we've all done that.
No, no, no.
My crime is I had a millimeter and a half cut on my head that's already healed.
In fact, can we zoom in on the postule for the news?
Maybe have a few thousand news stories about that.
And just look at how diseased I am, how ugly I am, that I don't even wear makeup on TV.
I mean, I am just, oh my gosh.
Look at it.
Yeah, how about a story about all my sun damage?
How much I love it.
Look at that.
Look at that.
I'm a man.
Yeah, I got red blood.
I got brown skin.
Look at that.
Look at that tiny little cut right there.
It's almost healed.
Man, isn't that sick and filthy?
Look at those teeth, too.
Look at those ugly little things.
No caps on those.
All national.
No braces.
Look at those genetics.
Look at that filth.
Look at that ugly boil-covered rat.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We now have a magic pillow theory.
This is a pillow that starts off on the face of Scalia and then moves to above his head.
Justice Scalia was not found with a pillow over his face.
It was above his head.
Reveal Sheriff who was first on the scene when he wasn't.
It took him 30 minutes to get there after he received the call.
Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez told Daily Mail that the pillow was in fact above his head and there was nothing fishy about his death.
Now let's look back at what John Poindexter, Cibolo Creek Ranch owner, said to My San Antonio when he found Scalia.
We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head, said Poindexter.
Do you believe the man who entered the room first, saw the body first, and then contacted the authorities first?
Or do we believe the sheriff who arrived 30 minutes after he received a phone call and now has had two or three days to think about what he has to say?
This latest article from Daily Mail will now have libtards across America branding anyone who questions known liars as conspiracy theorists.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Turn me on, I'm alive tonight, out on the streets again.
Turn me on, I'm the hot stuff, something you'll never forget.
All right, we've got a jam-packed transmission, obviously, and we're 33 minutes into it.
I've got to start getting into more of the news here.
David Knight and crew are about to join us from Southwest Texas.
He is in an internet-free zone, so he is joining us via telephone.
Max Keiser comes on to break down the move towards killing cash and more.
Dr. Steve Pucinich on the big geopolitical developments that are taking place and what he thinks.
As a former assassin and a former Black Ops commander who overthrew major governments on record, what he thinks, I don't know his view yet, on the Scalia situation, the Anthony Scalia situation, or let me use the Latin, Antonin Scalia.
Same thing in American.
Jesus Jesus.
Potato patata.
That's the media playing games saying I got his name wrong.
That's not what happened.
He went by Anthony with many people.
Speaking of Anthony, Anthony Gucciardi will be hosting the fourth hour today, or it may be due because a bunch of stuff's come up and we're in the middle of bringing on some really, really big stories right now.
Before I do that, I want to just be clear that I'm not saying that Mr. Poindexter had anything to do
We're good to go.
There's all sorts of, you know, crazy people that could have even acted on their own.
Who knows?
And I'm not saying that's the case.
The timing, the way it was handled, the way they didn't want an autopsy right away, the way they said no foul play right away, all of it stinks to high heaven.
But I don't know why he would then say there was a pillow over his face if he was somehow involved.
So I want to be clear.
People are innocent until proven guilty.
And I don't think that Mr. Poindexter is a suspect.
I think the whole situation is suspect and should have been investigated.
And that's what... Guys, will you reprint me the New York Post, but it's also in the LA Times, you name it, because I want to read those quotes from head detectives, homicide detectives, head crime scene directors.
I mean, there's a whole bunch of them now.
There were like two or three a few days ago.
Now I've seen more than 10 in the news alone saying, this is crazy.
This looks like a cover up.
I took some criminology classes.
I read a lot of crime books.
I watched a lot of crime shows on TV.
You know, the real world ones, not the fiction ones.
Everybody knows this is default stuff being ignored.
I'm not a cop, though.
I'm not a head detective, homicide detective.
And they're saying that they almost, quote, fell out of their chairs, were, quote, dumbfounded, couldn't believe it.
These are the exact quotes of every one of them.
Almost fell out of my chair.
Almost unbelievable.
Couldn't believe it.
That's four different quotes from four different detectives in two different articles I've read.
Couldn't believe it.
And then I'm demonized for being the first person to come out and say, they're saying, looks like no foul play right away.
And they're not giving out any details, and they didn't tell the world until seven hours after he was found, and Obama knew two hours after, and the whole thing looks weird, and they say locals have taken over the investigation when it's a high-level federal officer.
They're statutes that the feds are over.
All this is ignored.
You have a judge saying, I determined all this without looking at him, and I said, if they say no autopsy in the morning, red flags, folks, and then that happened.
And now they say, oh, it wasn't a pillow on the head, it was behind the head hanging over.
Give me a break.
Give me a break.
And you say, well, if it was foul play, why would you leave the pillow there to be obvious?
That's a message if that's what happened.
And that's what the police and former CIA people and former army intelligence people are saying, because that's the exact thing you do to send a message.
Now, we're going to go to an amazing two-minute confrontation that David Knight had with this judge, Cinderella.
That's her Cinderella story fairy tale.
Here in just a moment, Judge Cinderella Guevara.
And nobody else will go talk to him.
Michael Savage said two days ago, you know, where's the coward media?
Who's going to go down there and talk to him?
Well, we got five reporters down there right now.
Wayne Madsen, David Knight, Joe Biggs, Kit Daniels, and our camera guy, Josh Owens, all doing a fabulous job putting their lives on the line.
Believe me, this is dangerous stuff.
And the fact that they got a DHS SUV out there, and the police came out there yesterday at Larry Nichols' house, they got his phones listened to, and they are scared to death of who he was talking to that day, reportedly, and are out there just waiting.
And then, obviously, they probably went and got to the justice.
I mean, this country is in a lot of trouble, folks.
This country, this is an internal coup by the globalists going on, by foreign banking institutions.
They admit they've taken over Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Cyprus.
They're taking Ukraine.
The globalists are taking over financially.
So I want to go to the intro of a report that John Bowne filed that's very powerful at InfoWars.com.
Just a minute or so of it, it's a six and a half minute report.
No autopsy for Scalia, yet autopsies for illegals, all illegals, found dead on or around the Texas border.
Here it is.
What can he do to me?
Or to any of us?
We have life tenure, and we have it precisely so that we will not be influenced by politics, by threats from anybody.
What the hell is this?
And then of course, you've got in Godfather 2, the guy trying to kill the Jewish gangster, sneaking around with his pillow, wanting to suffocate him in the hospital.
And that's why everybody's asking questions.
And so what you see is this lie crashing down.
That we're not allowed to ask questions, and that we don't believe known liars.
Obama says, I'm good at killing people.
Hillary says, I came, we saw, he died.
I mean, they'll order our troops left in Benghazi.
Of course they'll pull stuff, this is the Clintons!
Everything's standing to gain.
He just shot down the ruling.
Trillions in carbon taxes in the next decade.
He just killed it.
The only deciding key vote to stop it and wrote the opinion a week before.
That's not suspicious.
Trillions hanging in the balance.
Top judge dies.
Nothing suspicious.
You're crazy to ask questions.
All they can say is space aliens.
Alex has a sunburn.
He has a boil on his head.
You know, just all this bull.
Just shaking back.
This is the best you've got to offer?
We're going to David Knight.
But first, ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars is the tip of the spear in the fight against the globalists.
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Now, I want to go to this amazing video.
That's up on InfoWars.com right now and then to David Knight.
Judge in Scalia death turns back on reporters when questioned on the procedures.
And there's another article that's linked to DrugsReport.com.
Where Kit Daniels talks to the other judge and they go over the code, the state code, says you have to have an attending physician who's basically on the medical facility that you're at to be able to say they think the cause of death is natural without an autopsy and still the judge can disregard that.
But no, this is just they claim somebody there said everything was fine over a telephone.
This is unprecedented.
And so, Knight doesn't put up with them saying, you know, you can't talk to the judge, like old-fashioned reporters, like a gumshoe, like a Mickey Spillane with our great crew.
He bulls his way in there and asks her real questions, and here is that dramatic crew journalism.
I wanted to speak to Jennifer Mullen.
My name is David Knight.
I just had a quick question.
Are you with the Sheridan Conference?
No, I'm not.
Same kind of conference.
Oh, okay.
Hi, Jennifer.
I had a quick question that we're looking for us.
My name is David Knight.
I had a couple of questions going back and forth between the sheriff.
I wasn't really clear how the federal marshals were involved, because the press reports that I've seen are conversations back and forth between you and the sheriff, but I was trying to tie down a timeline as to who was involved at what point, who made the decisions on the autopsy.
Was that something the federal marshals were involved in?
I've given a statement to the defense sentinel, and you'll have to go to them.
They have my official statements.
So they're your spokesman?
Because this is a story of national importance.
I understand.
This is a story of national importance.
And there's a lot of people who are very concerned that procedures were not followed.
And they want to know who was making that decision.
Was that something the sheriff was doing?
Was it something the federal marshals were doing?
Is it something you were doing?
Procedure was followed.
And they have my statement.
You see, she doesn't want to talk about what's happened here, and we understand why.
Usual procedure, you've got a judge who over the phone pronounces the Supreme Court Justice dead.
We don't need to see anything.
It's all done.
You had two judges who passed this on because they couldn't physically go.
She doesn't think it's important enough to go.
She says we can talk to the local paper.
I don't know if it's a livestock paper, what it is, to get their statements.
She's given them a statement.
She's not going to talk to anyone else except the local paper.
That's right, she's directing him to the newspaper.
But she doesn't have a relationship with us.
She doesn't want us to ask her any questions.
That's what this is all about.
And don't worry, none of the other prostitute media will ask any real questions as well.
But we have the article up on Infowars.com.
It's also on DrudgeReport.com.
Scalia death.
Judge likely violated law.
Scalia was not expected to die at any moment.
That's a lie too.
Notice how all this is just injected in there.
They've changed the story.
They said it was a heart attack, it wasn't.
Joining us now over the phone, he's been out at the ranch.
They're going to leave soon and go upload all the incredible video they've got.
There's no internet out there.
They're now at the ranch where Scalia died.
They were able to tweet out some photos, I noticed.
We can pull those up, but it's totally deserted.
And it's business as usual, it looks like.
Joining us is David Knight.
David, great job.
When they outside said no, she's not going to talk to you to fill in the rest of the story.
You know, talk to the paper.
You went ahead and went in, so good job, David.
Thank you, Alex.
Let me give you a little bit of context with that as well.
We've gone, before we talked to you yesterday live on the radio, we've gone to the judge's office and talked to the secretary.
She was not very encouraging that we were going to ever get an interview with her.
Took my number and would not make an appointment, wouldn't tell us.
So you didn't just bowl in the first time?
You didn't just bowl in there?
And you were very polite, but you were very forceful.
That's what people need to understand.
After we had done the interview with you on the radio, we were standing on the main street of town, and walking down the sidewalk was this secretary.
And so I approached her again.
I said, any more news as to when we might be able to talk to the judge?
She said, well, the judge isn't going to talk to anyone.
She's trying to release all of her information through Big Bend Now, which is this little teeny tiny paper.
No, we're good.
Over the phone with this judge and the sheriff who also would not talk to us.
Try to talk to the sheriff as well.
And by the way, we're showing incredible drone footage of the super luxury ranch.
Wow, I'd like to stay there, but I don't have the money to.
Wow, that place is incredible!
It's got a huge freshwater lake.
Man, that looks awesome!
Yeah, it's a beautiful place.
Beautiful place.
Very, very, very quiet.
I think we're the only people here right now.
But she left, and when she left, Josh, I said, you know, the judge might be over there in her office now.
I said, well, let's go.
And so that's what happened before that.
We'd already been given a brush off twice.
We knew she wasn't going to talk to us.
And I just wanted to talk to her and let her know that we know what's going on.
And you know, Alex, what's happening with it is the same thing in microcosm.
David, stay there!
You deserve a Pulitzer Prize.
I'm watching the drone footage that you guys got, that Josh got.
It's beyond PBS or...
National Geographic, I am just dumbfounded at the team we've got.
Thank God!
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It's just amazing.
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It seems like yesterday, but it was long ago.
We were once more of a free country.
Now when I have a whistleblower on like Larry Nichols, they got DHS parked outside his house.
Police show up and say they can't do anything.
Just gets worse and worse.
Under Obama, the greatest persecution of the press this country's ever seen.
The greatest persecution of whistleblowers is exposed criminal activity.
And we're under greater threat from ISIS and Al-Qaeda than ever, and we're told there's an imminent attack coming.
But our government's opened up our borders.
They've now openly admit that much of Europe's under martial law.
That's mainstream news today.
They're basically saying, yeah, it's called a civil emergency, but it's martial law.
A permanent emergency to deal with the radical Muslims they brought in.
And I always try to figure out, hey, they're bringing these people in when they attack.
What's gonna happen?
Aren't the politicians gonna get in trouble?
No, they're gonna be hailed as heroes, like George W. Bush, who didn't protect us on 9-11.
Let it happen, bare minimum.
28 pages proves that.
Donald Trump has the courage.
I mean, he just went from, like, 95 with me to, like, 99% right there.
I admire him, his courage.
They say, oh, he sounds like a liberal Democrat.
He doesn't sound like a liberal Democrat.
He sounds like a truth-teller.
They did let us get attacked, bare minimum.
Going back to David Knight, just incredible.
I had no idea how gorgeous that ranch is down there.
I know why a lot of folks want to go there, obviously.
I'm plugging how beautiful it is, you know, for the folks that we've been critical of because the whole thing needs to be investigated.
I'm not saying any one person I think is a suspect, David.
I want to just say the whole thing sounds like an Agatha Christie novel.
This stinks to high heaven.
Other points, David Knight.
Yeah, Alex, you know, anybody could have done this.
One of the interesting things about this hotel, it is so far out, so isolated.
It could have been the Mexican Mafia, and I'm not saying they did it, I'm just saying it could be anybody.
This is a very, very high crime area.
Yeah, there's no room keys.
You can't lock your room once you leave it.
You can latch it while you're in there, and they've got a key they can open up that latch, but there's not any room key that you can lock your valuables away or lock up your room when you're not there.
And by the way, folks, I want to be clear.
When I am out over the years for security, I don't do it because I'm a coward.
I do it because I know how they operate.
They kill you when you're on the road.
I barricade my doors when I'm sleeping alone on a mission.
Go ahead, sorry.
Well, I was just going to say, the other thing is that there's no phone in the room.
I mean, if you are sick and you need some help or something, there's no phone to call them.
And I thought it was very interesting when we checked in, they had each and every one of us sign a release statement acknowledging that we are hours away from any kind of medical care.
I've never had that happen at a hotel either that I stayed at.
I don't know if that's something they did after the Scalia incident or if that's a procedure we're going to ask them, if that's something that's new.
Well, I gotta say, I mean, I don't normally just sit here and gush about a great job you guys are doing, but great job.
And also, Kit, getting in there, and just all of you, but Kit getting in there and talking to the other judge, having the judge on audio admit, yeah, I mean, I tried to get out there and, you know, do my job and actually see the body, but we didn't.
I mean, we've got some amazing admissions here, David.
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
And that's the key, Alex, is that everybody's looking at this to say, the process does not make any sense.
And we need to understand who made the decisions
When these decisions were made, why wasn't there involvement at the federal level?
It was known for a very long time before they destroyed the evidence by doing an embalming of the body.
It was known for a very long time who this was.
And so that's the question that everybody has.
And then when they clam up, they won't talk to anybody.
They give us, you know, you could argue that it's semantics about the pillow or whatever, but they won't talk to people about it.
Then, it makes it look even more suspicious.
That's what we're looking at.
I thought it was ironic, when we went into the judge's office, the only picture she had on the wall was a very large portrait of JFK.
How ironic is that?
I mean, I feel like I'm back in time here, you know?
It's this kind of conspiracy, don't, you know, move along, there's nothing to see here.
I'm surprised they didn't go further and just say that JFK died of natural causes, because they did that with Benazir Bhutto, and they shot her up in a motorcade, and that's the new thing, is just that they may deny that Scalia
Anthony Scalia ever existed.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
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We are now into the second hour.
We've got Max Keiser joining us to get into the incredible economic developments around the world.
And world leaders calling for an end of cash.
They're now actually trying to do it.
That signifies something really big, in my view.
We'll see if he concurs.
We've got massive election news.
More on Scalia.
David Knight was just joining us.
He was able to confront the judge that over the telephone decided he died of a heart attack.
Because of some unnamed person she talked to.
We've got a report up on Infowars.com, where it is now being reported that the judge likely violated the law.
And there are police detectives across the country, senior ones, heads of departments, heads of divisions, coming out and saying this is ridiculous, of course we should question this.
Standard operating procedure has been changed.
They lied and said, oh, in Texas you can do this.
Yeah, if there's an attending physician, they have violated the code, in my view, and I've read the code.
But right now, let's go back to our reporters.
Let's go to Kit Daniels now and get his brief take on this, and I'm going to let him continue to file articles and get these HD videos up as soon as they get back to an internet area.
But Kit Daniels, investigative journalist, joins us.
Then we'll talk for a few minutes to Biggs in the next segment, get his view on this.
Then we're going to go to Max Keiser.
Kit, what do you have to say?
Well, Alex, you know, I find it funny how the local sheriff, I think David Dominguez, he's only really interested in talking to the media when it comes time to cover his butt.
He wouldn't talk to us yesterday.
I think I might have saw him yesterday across the town square.
I wasn't quite sure.
He kind of glanced at me and then he went the other direction.
And then it's like, but then now I see this article in the Daily Mail that came out interviewing him, like shooting, you know, the
People attacking him for his involvement in handling the situation.
Be specific who you're talking about because your phone broke up a little bit.
And then I want to talk about Poindexter.
Have you seen Poindexter anywhere out there, the owner?
No, I haven't.
As far as I know, this property is managed by a hospitality management service out of Houston.
So I think Poindexter probably shows up for a big get when they come into town.
Alright, continuing.
Who is this you're saying you saw and tried to talk to?
Oh, it was Danny Dominguez, the county sheriff.
And, I find it funny, he was on the Daily Mail, he was talking about how he was mad at the D.C.
homicide detective, about how he's making it political, his whole situation political.
It's a Supreme Court justice, of course it's political, A. And B, why does this county sheriff care if it's political?
He's a county sheriff in a remote region of West Texas.
So why does he even care that this whole death of the Supreme Court Justice is now political?
I mean, what's his skin in the game?
Well, the sheriff who showed up later, after Poindexter says he found him with it over his face, says it was above his head.
Well, obviously they moved it to see if he was alive.
But now, boy, this sheriff sure is a big helper, isn't he?
Yeah, and Alex, the pillows in my room, they're just really lumpy.
They're not like the really firm pillows you'd find at a Holiday Inn.
So it's like, I'm assuming if they're the same pillows used in the suite that Scalia was in,
I mean, I just don't see how a pillow could be that lumpy.
Sure, it sounds like it was goosed down.
That's what the fancy pants folks like.
Here's the bottom line.
You guys should shoot a reenactment in there and, you know, basically show what happened.
Obviously, you're going to show what room we believed he was in.
Uh, and see if there's a crime scene tape there.
I bet there's not even crime scene tape.
I mean, there'd be a crime scene if a homeless person had been stabbed.
But I tell ya, there's also a John Bowne report, as you first pointed out, illegals, uh, all of them get an autopsy when they're found dead in that area, but not the Supreme Court Justice.
Yeah, exactly.
And also found a, uh, one of, uh, Danny Dominguez, the County Sheriff, one of his former employees, I think, is now bringing a lawsuit against him over
Well, here's the deal.
I don't believe there's any corruption in South Texas on the Mexican border.
Bernie Sanders, a bum who didn't earn his first steady paycheck until age 40, then wormed his way into politics.
That's the title of a Gateway Pundit article by Jim Hoff, featured on InfoWars.com.
And now let's take a look at the work history of the current Socialist Democratic nominee, Hopeful.
One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps.
And it was all downhill from there, Hoff writes.
Penniless, he went on unemployment.
Desperately, he tried carpentry, but can barely sink a nail.
He was a blank carpenter, a friend told Political Magazine.
Then he tried his hand at freelancing for leftist rags, writing about masturbation and rape for $50 a story.
They did say the only thing he was good at was talking non-stop about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off.
So he tried politics, starting his own socialist party.
Four times he ran and lost badly for Vermont Public Office.
Finally, he wormed his way into the Senate in 2006.
The choice of this election is shaping up to be a very clear one.
It is really a war between capitalism and socialism.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
And Cillia Tillia is going to be joining us here in about five minutes.
With Max Keiser for the balance of the hour to cover the waterfront.
And she's a TV host, a Dutch model presenter.
Political activist dealing with bits of freedom, a Dutch non-profit dedicated to online privacy.
You notice all this talk going on about Apple won't give up the codes so that they can get into the phone of one of the San Bernardino jihadis.
Ladies and gentlemen, they have ways to break that.
You can break that on the street.
It's pure bull.
They want to set a precedent for Apple to give all their encryption up.
Which then puts back doors in everything.
And one reason Apple products do work better in my experience than PC-based droids, and we're going to talk about this, is because they're wide open with more holes in them.
And I believe, I don't like the company Apple themselves or their anti-gun politics, but that's just a fact.
We're going to be going to Max Keiser and his guest, who's joining us here in just a few minutes.
I've got to finish up with our reporters on the ground at the ranch, the 30,000 acre ranch in Southwest Texas, where the Supreme Court Justice, who just ruled against carbon taxes and was about to rule for guns and for sovereignty, has magically died.
And we got some bad news.
I expected this.
Republicans are now saying they're gonna go ahead and cave in and let Obama just basically have whoever he wants.
It'll probably be the former Attorney General, Eric Holder, or the current one, Ms.
So that is a nightmare scenario.
Both anti-free speech, both anti-gun, anti-sovereignty.
This is the takedown of the country.
Grassley leaves open idea of Supreme Court hearing for confirmation when they can clearly... I mean, they blocked Bush.
I've got clips of Obama
You know, trying to, you know, block people when he was a senator saying it's okay in the last year.
GOP showing signs of backing down from a vow to block the Supreme Court pick of the president.
So that's it, folks.
That's being reported by the LA Times, the Washington Times, and Bloomberg Politics and others.
So we're going to be getting to all of that and more coming up, but just finishing up very quickly with our reporters.
Kit Daniels, recapping anything else you didn't add?
I want to get a word from Joe Biggs.
Well, I just want to point out, it would seem like it'd be in Poindexter's best interest to have called for an autopsy himself from a legal standpoint.
I mean, when you have someone who dies unexpectedly on your property, you're going to want to know what happened exactly.
You know, you're not just going to want to assume something.
Yeah, it's just, it's just, this whole thing just stinks to high heaven as a cover-up.
And the way they're saying, don't be political, and the sheriff's countering about the pillow later, and then no autopsy, all of it.
Any other points?
And then I'm going to go to Biggs briefly.
Yeah, just the county sheriff.
Those are talking points from the Obama administration.
It doesn't sound like something I would expect a Big Bend County Sheriff to talk about.
Very well said.
Please continue your reportage.
It's up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Let's go to Joe Biggs here.
Joe Biggs, of course, is our military correspondent with background on serious issues like that because of all the serious combat he's been in, decorated soldier, also InfoWars investigative journalist.
Kind of recapping what they've covered, what stands out most to you, Joe Biggs?
Well, one of the most interesting things, Alex, that happened yesterday, after we got off the interview with yourself, you, and Michael Savage, we began our journey here to the Samoa Creek Ranch.
As we pulled up, we got out, and David wanted to shoot a quick video.
As we pulled up, two vehicles with sheriff stickers on the back, one coming from Perdicio, and then the other one from Martha, both showed up simultaneously, stopped behind our vehicle, got out, and were basically watching us as we were shooting this video.
We drive into the ranch, check in, and we speak to the property manager.
His name's George.
He's a longtime friend of Poindexter.
He's been managing this place for about 15 years.
He used to own the Driscoll in Austin, Texas.
And at first, he was very hospitable.
He talked to us and was fine.
We walk away, and I'm assuming he probably asked about our names and then researched who we were.
Then the mood changed.
I came in here last night.
And I was the first one at the dinner area.
There's like an area at 630.
It's a family-style atmosphere, so everyone that stays here has to eat at the same place, same table, and it's all scheduled out when you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
So we get out there.
I sit down, grab a drink, and I'm having some shrimp cocktails that are out.
And the George guy walks in, the property manager.
I said, hey, how's it going, sir?
Walks right past me, sits down, drinks his martini.
This is his wife.
He starts FaceTiming with her.
And she goes, Hey, honey, how you doing?
How's your day been?
He's like, I hope you're in a good mood.
He goes, Yeah, I'm doing fine.
Except for these right wing nut jobs who are spreading conspiracy theories.
And then he kind of looks back at me.
And I'm the only one in the dinner area at that time.
I'm just kind of sitting there waiting past time because this place is really eerie.
It's out in the middle of nowhere.
It's kind of like being on the set of The Shining.
And he sits there and says that.
So then we sit down for dinner time, it's the four of us.
On the other end of the table, there are seven or eight people from that Spiderwood movie set.
They operate out of Austin and Bastrop.
George, the property manager, gets up, walks over to them.
Man, it's great to have guests like you guys.
You guys are amazing, unlike some people.
And then looks over to us.
I tried time and time again to speak to this man.
He will not talk to me.
He puts his head down, walks right past me, turns his back on me.
This morning, I walked into his office and I said, excuse me, sir, I've seen your brochure right here.
It says you guys have ATVs.
We'd like to take some out for a ride so we can get some drone footage and get some really beautiful footage of your landscape.
No, sir, we don't have that here.
We don't have any ATVs.
Meanwhile, I walk out back and they're covered up.
So it's very weird how they're treating us here.
Well, I want to get you back on then and I know you guys are following a bunch of reports right now.
I want to get you back on towards the end of the next hour to go through all of this Joe and break it down for us.
But great job.
Continue to investigate and be safe while you're out there because they are really acting freaked out.
They're really acting suspicious and I don't know why we're not accusing them of anything.
We're just saying all they've got to do.
All they've got to do is come out and go, hey, open up a dialogue.
Hey, man, you know, I walked into the room, I saw him and looked peaceful.
Instead, by you ignoring us, you're further, you know, adding that fuel of speculation.
It's making it hard for me to... Well, Larry Nichols also had DHS show up at his house yesterday after he talked to Supreme Court Justice about the situation.
So we're going to track it all, Joe.
Get in there, show us the rooms, document the whole place.
Great job.
And then as soon as you can, guys, get back to Texas.
Uh, and, uh, bring, uh, Wayne Madsen with you.
I know he is investigating things there in El Paso.
So, uh, great job.
Please continue, and we'll talk to you coming up later in the next hour.
All right, there goes Joe Biggs, and we were just showing you his Twitter with he and Shane Steiner out there with, uh, the famous Green Beret, uh, Tim Kennedy, who's working with them for doing a great job.
We got some great shooting videos coming up.
Now, shifting gears.
I am excited to have Max Keiser and his guest with us today via video Skype.
Max introduces his guest.
He's a internet freedom, free speech activist and a TV host and has been a model.
And we're going to get into all that in the balance of the hour.
We're also going to get into Larry Summers launches the war on paper money.
Says it's time to kill the $100 bill.
The head of the European Central Bank says get rid of the 500 note and then on down.
Why do they want to get rid of cash?
Well, that's a very, very important point.
And why are they saying it now?
So there's so much to discuss with what's happening in the world economy as well as that unravels, as Max Keiser has predicted, and so much more.
We've got the death of the mainstream media.
We'll be looking at that.
So, Max, it's usually you and Stacy we have on.
We just had you on two weeks ago from Red Square.
They're at the Kremlin.
Amazing interview.
A news-making interview.
A lot of key intel you broke down.
Tell us where you are now in the world and who you're with.
Right, Alex Jones, great to be back with you.
Yeah, you know, I tried to check in with you on our travels.
You know, I checked in with you in Athens, in Cairo, in Moscow, now we're in Amsterdam.
And I met Ansela, who is a really interesting voice for the alternative media and for some of the views that are not being picked up by the mainstream Netherlands press, the Dutch press.
Which is, like many of these big countries, it's become very conservative.
And when I travel, and I know that you find the same thing when you travel, you find pockets of resistance.
So I would say Anselm is leading up a pocket of resistance.
He's also very involved in the Dutch Pirate Party, which is a very important political wave that's sweeping Europe.
And in Iceland, you've had Brigitte Jonsdóttir on your show, Alex.
The MP from Iceland who's championing the Pirate Party in Iceland.
And the Iceland Pirate Party has many seats in Parliament and they're in contention for running Iceland.
So Ansla is a part of the Pirate Party here in the Netherlands.
And a couple of stories I think we can kind of dig into.
The first story, and I'll turn it over to Ansla, but this idea of Apple Computer resisting the FBI.
Is a fantastic story, because the history of the Netherlands, Alex, if you go back to World War II, when all the data was centralized by the government, it was very easy when the Nazis came to get that data from the government, round up the Jews, and send them off to concentration camps.
Sure, that's like a gun registration is always used for confiscation.
So, with this, I'll kind of turn it over to Ansela for a moment to kind of speak a little bit about, you know, what are your thoughts, Ansela, in this kind of three-way conversation?
Hi, Alex.
Hey, thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you for having me.
What's your thoughts on this Apple news and the FBI, and how's it playing here in the Netherlands?
How does it fit in?
Well, obviously we also have Apple products in the Netherlands, so I guess that affects us as well.
Yeah, I'm really interested in what Apple has been doing in the past couple of, I guess since Tim Cook has arrived.
He's publicly said that he really values privacy and at first I was a little skeptical.
I was like, yeah, you're just saying that.
But now it's actually looking like they're starting to realize that their profit is in trustworthy products.
They're taking the side of the user, and you made an interesting point before, that Apple actually makes the products like the hardware, whereas Google and Facebook are more service-oriented, and they have a slightly different business model.
Well, for me, what Apple's really saying, and I want both your takes on this, is it
It ruins our platform to put back doors in it that all the bad guys, including government bad guys, corporate bad guys, individual bad guys, it's like all these smart homes are getting constantly taken over and hacked.
They don't work, it's crud.
You build back doors in something, it's not a house, it's a cave.
Yeah, you can't say, well, we're putting in a back door, but only this type of person can come in.
Only the government can come in.
No, you're building back doors, and people are going to enter that back door, obviously.
Well, actually, here in the Netherlands, there's tremendous value put on individual freedoms and a feeling of acceptance of different cultures.
And so having the government being accessed these technologies,
Through the back door being spied on in this way, you would think that the people here would be resistant, but there is some tension, right?
Because the mainstream media, it seems to be taking a different position.
Well, it's interesting that you should say that Holland is very liberal, personal freedom's all that, and I think we still live off of that reputation we've built up in the, like, 70s, 80s, maybe 90s.
But that's rapidly gone down ever since we've had a Christian government.
Nothing against Christians, by the way, Alex, but... No, I understand.
There's more of an extreme puritanical deal that is coming in and trying to, you know, clean out the famous districts.
Obviously, they're in Amsterdam, right?
The liberalism that we're famous for, liberal drug laws and prostitution and all that, they're really cracking down on that very hard, as hard as they can.
But there was a very high profile political assassination just a few years ago.
More than ten years ago, I think.
Ten more, yeah.
There were two murders.
One on Pim Fortuyn and one on Theo van Gogh.
And that has possibly instilled some... That seemed to be a turning point.
Some fear in the country.
Sure, well here's my problem with radical Islam or radical Christian or anything that tries to impose things on people just like political correctness tries to impose worldviews, language and behavior.
I'm a libertarian.
So I believe if you're not hurting somebody, that's not my business.
I have my business to have my view on it, but
I want my basic freedoms and, you know, to me, a lot of governments change the subject on the sex and things away from corruption, away from government narcotics trafficking.
I mean, it sounds to me like the Netherlands wants to start laundering some of this drug money and wants it to be illegal again.
I mean, they don't want to make drugs illegal to stop the drugs.
They want to make it illegal to bring more of it in and make a bigger profit.
That's your words, not mine.
That's my view on it.
That's what I've seen them historically do.
We see this also, Alex, in the American crackdown on Swiss money laundering and Swiss banks, and all that money laundering is now in America.
When the government cracks down on some of these activities, we find out that a lot of that corruption goes through local banks through money laundering.
It increases the money laundering.
ABN AMRO is a very dodgy bank here in the Netherlands, and during the 2008 crisis, speaking of money,
Let's get into this idea, because Amstel is really her main topic.
Well, one of the nice things about Amsterdam is that we're a huge tax evasion haven for huge companies, amongst which Ukrainian oligarch millionaires.
Or the famous Irish-Dutch sandwich.
I think it's called.
For example, the band Bono, U2 with Bono, they avoid taxation because they're like
And if you have an office here, it's totally legit as long as you have a plant in your office.
This is not a joke.
Like, a friend of mine who's a very serious journalist has investigated this.
And the tax laws are so that if you have an office here, even if you don't have any actual employees running around, it's totally legit as long as you have a plant in your office.
When you say plant, you don't mean a person as a plant, but an actual, like a... Like a vegetable.
A begonia or a carrot plant.
That's all it takes is an actual foliage.
Any type of living creature.
Could you have like a little cockroach or something too?
Maybe, in the plan.
But so, on these, you've really been focusing on this cashless aspect, because right here in the Netherlands, Alex, to give you a look at the future, almost nobody carries cash.
Everyone uses the electronic cards.
And you're actually very much aware of this, and you believe that this has negative consequences, correct?
Yeah, absolutely.
I think the northern countries in Europe, including the Netherlands, even though we're not part of Scandinavia,
I think the Scandinavian countries and Holland are really pushing harsh against for the out-phasing of cash money.
And in your view, why is that?
Because I know in a lot of those Northern European countries, I mean, they take money right out of your account whenever they want.
They don't even really have judges or juries in some of the cases.
They just do it automatically.
And now from the US to Europe, they're in concerted effort saying it's time to phase cash out.
I mean, what are some of the problems in your view of doing that?
Well, we've seen something in Cyprus happening where, overnight, they basically decided, hey guys, you're going to turn in some of your savings.
And at the time, Dijsselbloem said that that was a blueprint.
Later, he back-paddled on those words, saying that his English was not good enough, which is kind of funny because one of his parents was an English teacher.
And he's gotten an award for clear language.
So it's funny that he should say that that's the blueprint for the rest of Europe, which since then he's taken back.
But I noted it down as a little bit of a warning sign.
So apparently they're going to eliminate the 500 euro bill.
Well, there's talk of that.
They're pushing for that.
But the point is they're actually getting to that point, you know, first to get rid of the $10,000, a $1,000, a $500.
Larry Summers says get rid of the $100 here in the U.S.
Have you heard this?
And that's not even that much money, like $100.
What does that get you?
That gets you like one week of groceries or something?
Listen, I'll go in a grocery store and I'll have $100 and I'll buy $75 worth of stuff and act like I'm a crook.
I mean, this is all part of this corporate culture.
And once they do that, folks, just like Bank of America wants to charge you $5 every time you use your debit card or your credit card, just like they want to charge you $10 when you deposit your check, then the government wants to make you take your Social Security check or federal check if you're a federal employee that way.
Once they have you in a digital system, they can track, they can take the money away from you, they can kill all underground economies.
This is total social control.
As you said earlier, Max, and you know, you're right there in Europe.
Ma'am, what is your view on what the Nazis would have done, or the Soviets would have done, with these types of technologies?
And it's not like we're saying, if we got a tyranny, look at the NSA, look at the EU spying.
We know they're already abusing this stuff.
Well, I don't like to draw comparisons to the past, because it's such a sensitive topic here, and as soon as you draw any of those comparisons, people just, they don't want to listen to your message whatsoever.
They don't want to learn from the past?
Boy, that sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Well, let me jump in here for a second because it's such a hot-button issue that it just shuts conversation down completely.
No, I understand they're arresting people all over Europe that criticize the open borders.
I mean, I see 10 stories a day of people arrested for their free speech.
I mean, how bad is the chilling effect on speech in Europe right now?
That's a good question.
You have a lot of questions, Alex, but I'll come back to the outpacing of cash because in Amsterdam, it's actually now in a couple of areas, it's gotten so bad in the northern part of Amsterdam and in the western part of Amsterdam, they don't accept cash anywhere anymore.
And I've done a little bit of an investigation for my column in the Dutch Financial Times for that.
And it turns out that the banks have made a fund where they've put in millions of euros so that they can actively push for retailers to require their customers to use cards.
I think Holland is one of the worst countries in the world right now, together with probably Norway, Denmark, Sweden, as far as being ahead in the game of making their citizens just completely dependent on banking and plastic.
So for anybody, Max, that's in denial about the global move to get rid of cash, it's here.
You're the real expert on this.
What's the time frame, do you think?
Why are they racing to get it now?
Well, that's what I'm saying is that we see it with the future, we see it here in the Netherlands.
So the population, they're not allowed to talk about the past.
Even though, you know, Stacey and I took a tour just a couple of days ago from a World War II special tour, and everywhere you go in the city there are brass plaques on the street and on the sidewalk where
Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps.
And there are memorials all over the city for the time when 100,000 or more people were rounded up, sent to the death camps at the total complicity of the government, essentially.
And with the cooperation of the government, it became, as everyone knows in history, quite a horrific
And yet you can't really speak about that at all.
It's a total black hole in the memory.
And so when you try to make the comparison, the obvious comparison to centralizing this data and what happens when you give it to the... It's Nazi Germany.
Stay there.
Gotta go to break.
Amazing info from the Netherlands with Max Keiser and his lovely and informative guest.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, it looks like the food isn't the only thing that's detrimental to your health at McDonald's.
Daily Caller headline, Marine allegedly assaulted mid-burger at McDonald's as gang yelled, do you believe black lives matter?
That's right.
A former Marine became the target of an alleged assault at McDonald's Friday night as a crowd of youth cornered him and demanded he answer the question, do you believe black lives matter?
Before knocking him unconscious and robbing him.
Christopher Marquez, a veteran of Iraq and the recipient of a bronze star for valor, said he was dining at McDonald's in Northeast DC when a group of black teenagers came up to him.
And allegedly began harassing him about the Black Lives Matter movement.
Marquez ignored them, which prompted calls and shouts that he was racist.
As he left the establishment, he sustained a blow to the back of his head, which knocked him unconscious.
When he woke up, his pants were ripped, wallet gone, which contained $400 in cash, three credit cards, his VA medical card, school ID, MetroCard, and driver's license.
So next time a group of thugs surround you at a restaurant, be sure and bow down to them and kiss their feet, or else you're a racist.
Rob Due reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Time, broadcast worldwide.
28 million viewers and listeners per week, according to the spy database we can interface with at Google.
And growing, ladies and gentlemen,
Because people don't believe the establishment anymore.
I was the first Saturday to question the death of Scalia.
It's now in 19,000 news articles today attacking yours truly.
With detectives all over the U.S.
saying they violated the law.
You have to have an autopsy.
That's not true.
Look at the code.
This is highly suspicious.
On and on and on.
We didn't say they killed Scalia.
We said, is there foul play?
Why are they saying no autopsy?
Why are they doing it out of the gate?
So I'm going to ask Max Keiser and his guests about that too.
We're talking about free speech though.
And we're also getting into the state of the world, just what's happening everywhere, but such big events.
Also, I'm going to ask him about this article out of Bloomberg News.
Newspapers wither in Canada with no billionaires to save them.
That's right.
Mainstream media collapsed really about 10 years ago, but people like Carlos Slim bought the New York Times and others, all these seedy, fly-by-night individuals, thinking it still had power and wanting it, you know, as a cliched badge of power.
But they noticed it was worthless because they were buying discredited rags.
Establishment mouthpieces blown out decades ago.
And so now they're dropping them like a dead, rotting fish or an old shoe.
So they're dead, but they're still walking dead.
I want to get Max Keiser, and I'm not putting words in his mouth, I know he agrees with that, he's said it many times, I want to get his view on, when will they figure out they're dead?
It's like you wake up and you're dead, like in an Edgar Allan Poe novel.
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Speaking of the devil,
Keeping in touch with folks, how do folks get, I mean Max, we know MaxKaiser.com, but tell us more about your very interesting guest who writes for the Financial Times, they're on TV, been a top model, looks like a young Tracy Lourdes to me, very lovely lady as well.
Describe to everybody the best places for folks to get in contact with you, who I would call the new burgeoning media, not the alternative media, before we segue back into the cashless society and the death of the mainstream media.
Right, Ansela, what is your Twitter handle?
It's Ansela, and the A is already in the app, so it's actually Nsela.
Is the Twitter handle.
And as far as super male vitality and super female vitality, Ansela used to look like me, and then she started taking super female vitality, and you can see the results.
No, that's not FDA approved.
You know, they're sweeping the Netherlands.
That and Tula.
You can't, you can't, it's an amazing development here.
But you know, I was just reading, there's a breaking news from Reuters.
The White House says the Department of Justice is not asking Apple to create a new backdoor.
They're asking to access to one, one device.
They're just asking to access this one device.
So the way that the Justice Department is spinning this is, we don't want you to change your entire policy toward protecting your consumers against the invasiveness of the government.
We just want to access one phone.
It sounds so frickin' Nazi.
Like they come into town and they say, we just want one Jew, that's it.
The troublemaker, down on that street.
We just want to see one person's paper.
Oh, they already know how to break into them.
I've got people that can jailbreak pass codes.
When they steal them from you, they can break into them.
It's pure bull.
They're just dumbing it down.
Let us have the code to the one terrorist.
Which they mean, Apple, give us back doors to everything.
Give us back doors to your encryption.
Now, the newspapers are an interesting question because in the case of Jeff Bezos over there at Amazon, of course, he bought a big newspaper in Washington.
And as Donald Trump has pointed out, it's already a money loser, but he bought it because it is a money loser to offset his gains, his capital gains, because he hates paying taxes.
So he bought it as a loser, as a money loser.
So that was a pure financial engineering trick.
And I would imagine that these other newspapers, like the New York Times, that's losing money.
And the New York Times has got to be the most tragic example of a media gone horribly wrong, going back to the Bush administration where they failed to disclose before the Bush election all of his complicity and major crimes, and it's just gotten worse from there.
But in the media, Esla, in the Netherlands, it's a media that is, the more I've talked over the, because you're a guest on my show, we had a chance to talk,
There just isn't any real diversity of media.
Is there a diversity of media?
I get the impression that it's not very diverse here.
It's kind of lean sort of.
Ancelo, that's a great question.
That's a great question.
Well, you have this false dichotomy of left-right that's completely outdated, but for some reason, lots of people in the media are frankly old.
I'm sorry.
They're 40 plus, no offense, but you know, they're a little bit older.
And there's nothing wrong with that, but they still seem to be living in the 80s, 90s, when there was this really clear left-right dichotomy in media.
Politics, paradigm.
And that's no longer the case whatsoever.
I'm with the Pirate Party, and we're outspokenly not left nor right, because we really truly don't feel that we fit into any of those old narratives at all.
We should start something called the Renaissance Party.
And just bring back the Renaissance.
Max, what do you think?
Well, I think that what we try to do with all of our different networks is to cobble something together that is global and English-speaking that everyone can relate to.
Here in the Netherlands, everyone speaks English, and you find this more and more around the world because of the Internet, because of Facebook.
People are blogging in the international language of blogging, which is English.
I know you're very well-known all over the world.
Whenever I go, people talk about your show.
So if people like Ansel here in the Netherlands or other countries, they can plug into that alternative voice that everyone is kind of speaking on, we do have a chance to create something powerful.
But when I look about this
The question I have is, here in America you've got Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, but they both speak in ways, Bernie Sanders obviously from a socialist perspective, where you are asked to rely on the government as being kind of a nanny state, and then Donald Trump is asking you to trust him as a benign dictator, in more or less.
Man on a white horse.
Just Trump.
Man on the white horse.
But both of those are, in my view, not American in the sense that they're democratic.
So my question is, when you observe American politics, do you see American politics falling
You're going into this trap of giving all the power of the people over to a charismatic ideologue.
Yeah, and you're either left-wing or you're right-wing.
You're either blue or red.
You're either Democrat or Republican.
There's only two of these types that you can be.
And if you're one, you're against the other.
And if you're the other, you're against the one.
And I think that's a very, very harmful, un-nuanced way of looking at things.
But it kind of feeds into the mainstream media.
But I look at the United States and some other areas.
Mainstream media is pretty much dying.
Alternative media is now bigger than it in the aggregate, much bigger than that.
And they had different studies and breakdowns years ago showing that.
I mean, look at Drudge Report.
It's more traffic than the New York Times and Facebook, you know, combined.
And it's about to dwarf, you know, CNN as well and everything it does.
And that's just one website.
When InfoWars, I'm not bragging, it's just a fact, it's an indicator, is exponentially growing.
I agree that that's what a Bernie Sanders rise or a Donald Trump's rise shows that people really are going for anything but what they see as establishment.
But where do you see that landscape going in Europe if you aren't as diverse as we are yet?
Or is that an oversimplification?
Because it goes back to an earlier question.
What's going to happen here in the West
As the newspapers die, and they're dying not from competition, but from the fact that they shovel so much government disinformation at people and are not trusted.
I often get the question, well, you say you have a lot of criticism on this newspaper and on that news media platform.
Who do you trust?
What do you look towards for your information?
And my answer is always, I don't trust media platforms, I trust individual journalists.
And I think people have to look towards individuals who are really making a difference, who are really doing truthworthy reporting, who are really being true to the truth and to themselves.
And I think it's easy once you start to look for that trait to distinguish one from the other.
Well, I know in the journalistic space, where I am, we come up against what's called access journalism.
So, in other words, for me to interview, let's say, Larry Summers, or Greenspan... You've got to do exactly what they say.
Look at the new Hillary stuff, where hundreds of newspapers agree to write exactly what she says in their article, and then put their name on it, or she won't give them access.
Right, so the criticism of my journalism might be, well, you never interview anybody, let's say a Larry Summers caliber government official, and they would characterize that as being somehow a less journalistic integrity, but without mentioning the fact that the access journalism model is that if in fact you interview these people, they give you the script and you have to ask the questions.
You ambush these people to get them to talk to us.
They won't talk to us because they run from us like the plague.
Right, so that's what you end up with.
You end up with people that are actually just trying to ambush folks in the corridor.
But the average viewer, and to Ansela's point about the demographics, I mean, here the demographics is getting older, so the mainstream media caters to an older, established
A group of folks that are well off.
You know, they've ridden the post-World War II boom.
They don't want anything upsetting the apple cart.
They're getting a nice pension and why question that?
In America... I think you're really on point, by the way.
For a foreigner, you're like exactly on point.
That's exactly what's going on in the Netherlands right now.
Well, you see it in America, too, with Fox News.
The demographic for Fox News is 65 years and older.
These are people that, again, this is the baby boomers who are happy with everything that came with being a baby boomer.
The fact that this new millennial generation is in debt, for student debt, car loan debt, they can't get a job, they can't...
It's not their concern, so it leaves them open then for a demagogue to come along and pick them up.
So we're seeing, I think, history repeating itself in many ways, in that the older generation is too lazy to lift a finger to stop this, even though they're gut, they know, they see what's really happening.
And the new generation is clueless, and they're going to be led by the nose by... but that gets back to the data!
Question, because if all the data is centralized, like they had in the Netherlands during World War II, well, when the occupying force showed up in the form of the Nazi Party in Germany, the mayor of Netherlands, there's a picture of him handing the book over to the Nazi official with an outline on the chart, on the map, where the Jews live.
And there's a famous picture of this.
You see him just handing the information.
So, Tim Cook is right, because we don't want to centralize this data, because we don't know who's going to be running the country next year or the year after that.
Sure, but also IBM helped run the computers for all of that across Europe, on record, and you tell the average American that, they don't even know that, and then now IBM runs the death panel computers to decide what troops to not give healthcare to.
And they're not just triaging people in a battle.
I mean, they're deciding not to give people health care according to their politics, Max.
So we're already having electronic ghettos that you warned of 15 years ago.
Are we not already entering the electronic gulag casino model?
Right, I mean, you already, you mentioned people saying, well, you know, Nazism's dead.
Fascism's dead.
Well, the corporations that supported Hitler's Nazism are not dead.
IBM was a company that supplied the tattooed serial numbers for the concentration camp victims.
Those are IBM supplied for all those famous tattooed numbers.
It went in the computer, it went in the IBM computer, yeah.
And then you had Coca-Cola traded a drink for the Nazis called Fanta.
It was an orange drink.
Walt Disney, huge Nazi supporter.
Henry Ford, Nazi supporter.
Those companies are still here.
General Motors.
Now add J.P.
Morgan to the mix and the other big bankers.
Volkswagen was actually designed by Hitler.
He drew the famous VW.
That is his design.
And look, I don't want to say Nazis run everything.
The point is, is that these corporations are so ruthless, like Carl Quigley wrote in Tragedy and Hope, they will work with any totalitarian.
Socialist, fascist, they don't care.
They want centralized control.
So how do you see this huge populist awakening across the world?
You see it in Europe as well with the numbers, and I've just been to Europe several times lately.
Integrating in and colliding with an establishment that's concentrated power and has tools of oppression the world's never seen.
Let me ask both of you that question.
Well, I think that's why you're seeing the rise of all across Europe and all across the world, political parties such as the Pirate Party.
That is why we're all seeing this trend and we're all going, what the hell is going on?
And what are the fundamental problems that are on the basis of everything that we're seeing that's wrong with the world right now?
To pick up on the Pirate Party, it was started in Sweden by a guy named Rick Foginia.
You may have had him on your show a few years ago.
He's been on my show a few times.
But it's directly addressing copyright and copyright law.
The need for these large corporations in the copyright space to claim copyright and patents
Uh, in a pervasive way for perpetuity is a form of ghettoization of intellectual property so that anytime you want to access our birthright as humans to the intellectual domain from ideas from 100 years ago, 200 years ago, you won't have access to these ideas even going back throughout history because they're owned by corporations.
And so it's in effect a
Group lobotomy.
That's right.
And once it's all digital, they can shut that down.
I want to come back and talk about that.
I want to go five minutes to the next hour, because I got you guys on a bit late.
And I have the former head of psychological warfare, one of the founders of Delta Force, Dr. Steve Pachenik, joining us on the Scalia situation.
But Ansela, I got to ask you the question, are you really Scarlett Johansson?
Because I got to be honest, I don't usually get a lovely lady on just because they're lovely.
I'm getting you on
I don't think so.
I think after you're on this show, Hollywood's going to be calling because they need a body double for Scarlett Johansson.
Imagine that film, we're going to come right back, Under the Skin, with real guys in Northern Scotland getting picked up by Scarlett Johansson as really an alien.
Oh my gosh, I think I'd actually still get in the car even though I knew it was an alien.
Stay with us.
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Ansel Otelia is our guest with Max Keiser of the Max Keiser Report on RT and much more.
It shows on BBC, Al Jazeera, MaxKeiser.com.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We've got them for five, six more minutes and then we've got them for another little segment and then I've got the former
Black Ops, psychological warfare head of the State Department, co-author of many of Clancy's books, joining us to get his take on Scalia, the economy, and more.
But first, here's a clip of Scalia just last year saying, what can Obama do to me?
He can't stop me if I block his gun grabs, his open borders, all of it.
Well, none of you end up sleeping with the fishes.
Here we go.
What can he do to me?
Or to any of us.
We have life tenure.
And we have it precisely so that we will not be influenced by politics.
By threats from anybody.
What the hell is this?
That's a Sicilian message.
It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.
So there you go.
Let me ask both of you your take.
Going to our guest first, Angela, what do you think of the whole thing?
I mean, should we question why there's no autopsy and why they instantly say no foul play when they first announce it?
I mean, I know your laws are somewhat similar over in Europe about autopsies.
What do you think?
Well, unfortunately I have to say that this topic has not been covered a whole lot in the Netherlands and therefore I have not much to say about it.
Well, I think that's fair if you're not informed on it.
I mean, he's as important as the President, basically, right now with this deadlock court.
Yeah, I totally get that and I'm very interested in hearing your side of the story and hearing what's going on.
So let me ask Max then.
I mean, Max, if Obama died and there wasn't an autopsy, would people be concerned?
Well, yeah, a couple points.
First of all, this isn't getting any coverage in the press here, as far as I can tell.
So it's not really a big topic here.
And second of all, this has the potential to rip open the Supreme Court in a huge way, right on the eve of a major decision coming down on abortion rights in the U.S.
So this is going to really put the kibosh on things.
But it's such a sensitive topic, I would think that they would do everything that they could to diminish the hysteria that's now going to ensue.
But to not perform this seems like it's irresponsible.
The idea of the pillow on the face, you know, this is information that could have been completely left out of the report.
It seems like it's just added on as an anecdote.
Like, oh, by the way, he had a pillow on his face.
Oh, and by the way, he wrote a note that said, help me, help me.
It just seems like... Exactly.
Okay, so you're on target.
So what is the PSYOP then?
Because it is scripted to make us think he was killed.
I mean, you couldn't write a Christie novel like this.
I think it's very careless on these folks to allow this to happen.
Also, what strikes me as quite unusual is that these guys do carry a lot of Secret Service or some kind of protection around them, and apparently there was a huge lapse.
of any kind of secret service.
I don't know exactly what the protocol is with Supreme Court justices, but it seems like it was, it just seems really sloppy all the way around.
And unfortunately, this is opening up an enormous can of worms because you're heading into an electric cycle, you've got enormous contentiousness on both sides of the aisle.
And all these topics are coming up for a vote, and I just think that this has potential to really cause tremendous... I don't know if it's a constitutional crisis per se, but if Obama is shut down from completely functioning as the chief executive, it could get really gnarly.
What we've heard so far is that he's a right-wing nut, and therefore it doesn't really matter.
Yeah, he's dehumanized.
A lot of people left said he deserved to die, and they hope Clarence Thomas died.
Conservative press in the Netherlands.
Very interesting point of view.
Right, that this guy was a right-wing nut, and so, good riddance.
Okay, that would be a typical, right, that's the kind of the thought here in a very conservative country.
I would say that sums it up.
That's what people are saying.
Now, is that Scarlett Johansson's opinion?
Or is he saying that's the opinion of the folks in the Netherlands?
I'm joking, folks.
We'll be back in 70 seconds with five more minutes with our guest.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
And Philophilia is our guest with Max Keiser, of course of MaxKeiser.com.
Final segment with these folks, then we're getting back into Scalia.
What the Russians are saying it caused World War III and more, coming up with the invasion and expansion of the proxy war in Syria and Ukraine.
So that is all coming up.
Let me ask both of you, because you're both in Europe.
I consider the UK to be right there in Europe, you know, 70 miles across the English Channel there.
But trying to understand this...
To both of you, both to Angela and also to Max, for you it's a little closer to home, war with Russia, open discussions, Medvedev saying this is escalating into World War III, a lot of mainline analysts saying that.
What is your view on the prospect of larger wars in Europe?
Well right now I feel like we're really being torn between the United States and Russia.
And we're kind of caught in the middle between all these huge entities who are like having a tug of war going on.
And we're caught in the middle.
And the information is not very clear on that, which is why with the Pirate Party we've started a platform to collect all the information that is available
It's called dutchvote.eu if you don't mind me plugging that.
Oh, plug everything!
Plug the promotion of free speech.
Yeah, tell me about the ways that you're trying to defend free speech.
Yeah, so there's a lot of bias reporting going on in media on both sides.
So what we're trying to do with the Pirate Party is provide a platform.
We're actually working on, for now it's Dutch, but we're working on an English language platform on DutchVote.eu.
And what's exciting is, Max talked about Pirate Party years ago, just like UKIP, you could say it's more right-wing or whatever, the point is it's spreading as a populist vehicle, and so it's exciting to see the Pirate Party growing as well.
Yeah, we're very much for a democracy, an informed democracy, which is kind of an important point.
For an informed democracy, right now we're not being informed and we're not getting a democratic vote, voice.
So we're really pushing for both those points, information and democracy.
And what's the website again?
I want you both to have a final comment in the two minutes we have left, but Max, I know I'm going to be on your show, which is global.
Reaches literally hundreds of millions of people.
It's on all over the world on the main RT.
I know you plan to have me on about a week and a half.
Who knows what the topic will be then, but what are you thinking we're going to be discussing?
What are you mainly focusing on right now?
What are other big hot-button issues?
Well, leading up to these elections, Alex, you and your crew are doing an excellent job covering all the stories, and so I think we're going to be picking your brain about what's happening, and of course you had Donald Trump on your show, remarkably.
The mainstream has really turned to your show because they understand that you're talking directly to people in an unfiltered way.
I mean, when I come on your show, I've been on your show for years, I've never been asked to filter in any way at all.
It's completely unscripted, uncensored, just raw.
And people, that's what people want now.
That's what they need.
They're tired of the opposing and the mainstream, you know, the actors that appear.
But just on this point about what's happening here with the Netherlands is also, there's a referendum coming up about supporting the EU inclusion of Ukraine into the EU.
And the mainstream media is trying to get the Dutch people to accept
Ukraine into EU without telling them that they're stepping into a proxy war between America and Russia.
And being shined on to the EU's debt.
And yeah, and everything that comes with the EU, which is a sinking hole of debt and depravity, but the mainstream media here is like, la-di-da, we have to help the EU.
Ansel, a real quick 30-second answer.
Do you think the EU is going to stay together or do you think it's going to break up and turn into something different?
Do you think the EU will survive?
You know, I'm afraid it will.
Well, we would definitely want to have you both back on very, very soon.
Say hi to Stacey for me, Ms.
Herbert, and we will see you guys soon.
Thank you, Max Keiser.
We'll be back with Dr. Pachenik.
We now have a magic pillow theory.
This is a pillow that starts off on the face of Scalia and then moves to above his head.
Justice Scalia was not found with a pillow over his face.
It was above his head.
Reveal Sheriff who was first on the scene.
When he wasn't.
It took him 30 minutes to get there after he received the call.
Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez told Daily Mail that the pillow was in fact above his head and there was nothing fishy about his death.
Now let's look back at what John Poindexter, Cibolo Creek Ranch owner, said to My San Antonio when he found Scalia.
We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head, said Poindexter.
Do you believe the man who entered the room first, saw the body first, and then contacted the authorities first?
Or do we believe the sheriff who arrived 30 minutes after he received a phone call and now has had two or three days to think about what he has to say?
This latest article from Daily Mail will now have libtards across America branding anyone who questions known liars as conspiracy theorists.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
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You're listening to Alex Jones.
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Central, we're here live covering the incredible developments worldwide.
I really appreciate Dr. Stephen Chinnick coming on on short notice.
He's an M.D., Ph.D., an American psychiatrist, former State Department official, author, and publisher.
Co-wrote a whole bunch of Tom Clancy's books as the Jack Ryan character is a composite based a lot on him.
Trained in psychiatry at Harvard University and international relations at MIT.
His novels are based on over 20 years experience resolving international crisis, hostage situations for the State Department.
He was the head of their psychological warfare operations as well.
One of the guys with the top generals helped start the Delta Force and more.
And he has been involved in overthrowing governments on record, actually quarterbacking those operations.
So he's a smart guy to be able to really give us in-depth QMET, but also he's been on the Council on Foreign Relations.
He resigned from it after 9-11 because of what he wrote down to be a false flag.
It's genius that Donald Trump, obviously, has come out and saying, hey, you want to attack me?
You want to play games?
You want to say I hurt women?
Bill Clinton's a rapist.
Hey, you want to play games on national security?
You're not a hero, Bush.
You let 9-11 happen.
And I happen to know Trump's ready to go further.
Trump is a listener.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
That's why they don't even attack Trump for coming on this show, because they didn't fall into his trap.
They almost did.
So, if Trump isn't a good guy, he is one of the most sneaky, high-powered manipulators I've ever seen to actually come out, take over, be ahead in the race, in a dead heat with Hillary.
It's just amazing.
This country's in the middle of revolution, and the tyrants are trying to come in with their own revolution to block it.
This just happened, as you know, in the last hour.
Terror attack in Turkish capital targets military personnel, and an explosion targeted Turkish military
Buses carrying personnel killed at least 18 and wounded 45 others in the Capitol.
And it's now, it's already Wednesday over there, in what government officials called an act of terror.
The U.S.
Embassy activated duck and cover following a nearby explosion, a U.S.
government source told Fox News.
So all hell is breaking loose.
And Dr. Pachinic can speak to that strategy attention and who he thinks may be behind this.
But you've got the Saudis rolling in, saying get ready for ground war against the Russians in Syria.
You've got Medvedev last week saying this could lead to a large new world war.
You've got top U.S.
generals on Fox calling for war with Russia.
Retired generals.
This is really a wild time.
And the reason we have Dr. Pachinik here out of the gates, and I hope he'll cover this first, I don't know his view yet.
His website is stevepachinik.com.
Obviously find his non-fiction and fiction books there.
But I don't know his view on this yet.
You look at what happened with Scalia.
You look at how they wrote a script here with a pillow on his head.
But don't worry, no foul play.
And we're not going to have an autopsy written.
To make people think something happened.
I was the first to question it.
Now they've got all these top police detectives.
The head of the detectives operation in, you know, New York, D.C.
All these top forensics people are on CBS News going, no, this stinks to high heaven.
The default's an autopsy.
I know Dr. Pachinik's been involved in autopsies.
He understands law.
And of course he's also been a covert operations commander in combat as well and secret operations.
So he can speak to this on every angle.
So if he disagrees with me that I think there's some hanky-panky, that's fine.
Because I really respect his opinion.
I don't know it yet.
Dr. Pachinik, thank you.
What do you really think's going on here?
Well, Alex, it's a pleasure to be on the audience on your show again.
Honestly, I think Scalia's death has more relevance to what you
And your great audience and Trump has been doing to then the actual death of Scalia.
Let me explain it.
We have had since you and I have had a 14 or 15 year relationship.
We have been attacked.
Not only you, but I, repeatedly as truthers, conspiracy, that is the way the establishment and, as you call it, the decaying media has been putting us in the corner.
What we're dealing with is far greater than Scalia.
You hit it right on the head now.
Whether he was killed or was not killed is irrelevant to the following issue.
We no longer.
We, the American people, no longer trust Obama, no longer trust the Bushes, no longer trust the Clintons.
That's a statement of fact.
The statement of revolution has been that we have not allowed ourselves to be cowed by individuals or by groups.
In your case, you've remained on the air and I've been very proud of you and I've been very proud of the audience.
In my case, they tried to shut me up with subpoenas and other operations that I understood and were able to avert.
The real issue at hand, Scalia may be the flashpoint, but we are now entering the heat of battle.
And the battle, basically, is a revolutionary battle where Trump correctly is saying the things that you have said, the audience has said, and we have talked about.
Every time Trump talks about 9-11, it's a coded message to warn the Bushes that you are on trial.
It's not simply that I happen to know, as Trump says, the people who own the building, but I happen to know who did it as well.
Trump is exceedingly bright.
He's exceedingly incisive.
I could not have predicted five years ago, even a year ago, that Trump would have come to the forefront.
But thanks to Roger Stone, to Corey Lentowski and others from the Tea Party and other parties, they've come forward and picked the right man who was not beholden to anybody.
So what are we really talking about when Scalia's dead?
The attention focuses to the Clintons.
Because Hillary Clinton has a history of lying, distortion, killing, and assassination, as does Bill.
Despite the fact that both of them are cowardly, both of them are inept, and I happen to know for a fact, and they have a lovely daughter.
The truth of the matter is, Michael Flynn, the former Lieutenant General of the Defense Intelligence Agency,
I just stated very clearly to Hillary Clinton on Fox Network and everywhere else, and I wrote a blog, Michael Flynn, who's the extremely highly regarded intelligence operative,
Under McChrystal said repeatedly Hillary Clinton should stop the campaign.
She has violated the security of the planet.
And he said we were ordered to create ISIS and give them power to take over Syria.
He said that aroused his ear on Fox which to me signaled a rebellion within the military
A soft Valkyrie, and so this is all about pushing a referendum of we don't trust you, you're illegitimate, we don't buy anything you're selling, even if you say that the moon is made out of rock, we don't believe it because you said it.
Correct, Alex.
So let me put it in another way.
We've said it for a long time and sometimes you have to quiet me down, but for years I've said we've had a military, a military that went to war in combat, rightfully or wrongfully, who's come back and said enough is enough and we will perform what is called the soft coup.
We saw it with Dempsey a couple of months ago when I spoke on your show and when Dempsey basically said, I can't trust my own generals, I don't trust the White House, which he's correct.
You and Colonel Schaefer and others said two plus years ago that he had gone to the White House and said, the military's not backing you openly bombing Syria, no, we're going to help the Russians.
That was a soft coup right there.
That came out, as you know, with Cy Hirsch and is now confirmed.
That is sensationally good news.
Now, on top of that, for me to tell you that Michael Flynn, the defense intelligence agent, I can't tell you.
In my world, more important than Scalia is Michael Flynn.
Because he and James Clapper, and I can't invoke Clapper, but Clapper's a good man who's Director of National Intelligence, but both of them really oversee 15 of our intelligence units in the military.
Not only civilian, but in the military.
And he has warned her and he has basically informed the American public
To resist in the best way possible, which is to deny the election to the Bushes, deny the election to the Clintons, and deny them to anyone else, except for the man who can speak the loudest and can say what he has to say.
Whether Trump knows the details of force structures or conventional systems or he knows the intelligence, it's not as relevant to me.
And here's the big news I want to give people.
You knew what was going on.
The day after I had Stone on, you basically on air repeated the conversation I had with him in there and you hadn't even talked to him.
You just know who he is.
And they basically telegraphed to me.
That hey, Trump's on board, he knows what's going on.
We're going to shut him up on your show if they go after him for 9-11 truth.
But they were smart enough to not do it.
So it shows that there are large cadres in the government that have actually recruited Trump, and that Trump had to spend weeks thinking about it a year ago, plus, and literally thinking about how he might have to face his death.
So whatever you want to say about Trump, he is making a run at them, and they are really concerned.
Let me, this isn't, and without being an exaggeration, this is the equivalent of a new American revolution.
You and I have waited for 14 years since 9-11.
What Trump did on the past weekend and attacked George Bush Jr.
was right on the mark.
Scared the hell out of them.
They're scared.
And what you're seeing now is the desperation of what happened in the French Revolution.
The kings and queens, their heads are going to be cut off.
And Hillary, her head is going to be cut off.
In the case of Bush Jr., his head is going to be cut off.
That's metaphorically speaking.
As long as the American public thrusts forward and keeps up that momentum, basically what they're saying is that the Republican establishment is finished, which it is, because I can't believe McCain and a whole bunch of those old farts really represent anything other than their own vested interests.
And when you see, uh, what's her name, uh, Graham Lindsay, Ms.
Lindsay talking,
Even though he's been in combat, he's been in the military, give him credit, he's not relevant.
And what Trump is doing... Stay there, we gotta go to break, Dr. Puccini.
But I wanna come back and ask, how will the globalists strike back?
Because you know, is it a false flag?
A war?
How are they gonna strike back?
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In the late 80s, the Soviet Union began to fall when Romania fell.
Ceausescu, he seemed to be invincible.
But over time, he basically had about a 95% unfavorable rating.
That's what Congress has, is about a 91%, 92% negative.
The average U.S.
citizen sees the, quote, federal government as the number one threat.
And now they have black sedans that go to my guest houses and basically threaten them.
We get threatened.
That doesn't intimidate everybody.
And historically, you may intimidate 90% of people.
The other 10% is going to defeat you because we're in the right.
And the average person in the federal government isn't our enemy either.
It's the criminals that have hijacked it.
And Dr. Pichetnik's with us until about 40 after.
I really appreciate him coming on.
Then we'll get into other really important breaking world news and information.
But I'm not bragging when I do a Facebook mentions Saturday night at 8 o'clock at night and just say, watch him not do an autopsy.
Watch him do this and that from the way they announced it.
It looks suspicious.
This isn't standard.
They're ignoring all the defaults.
And then now there's 19,000 articles today with my name in it, worldwide, attacking me.
But police and everybody are coming out, and Michael Savage is coming out, and Donald Trump's coming out and saying, no, it does look suspicious.
And the more they change their story, the worse it looks.
That's a referendum on how discredited they are.
But listen, I don't enjoy the power trip of being the guy willing to do this.
I want to see him defeated.
I want to see more people jump in first, ahead of me, because it is dangerous.
And I'm willing to die.
But I'll tell you this, I don't tempt the fates.
I don't flirt with it.
I'm not macho.
I'm not looking for it.
I have a duty and I'm going to do it.
But I tell you this, folks, now every week we're changing the narrative and hurting them and it's making them mad.
We've interviewed Hillary and a run into her and Jeb and everybody.
I know I'm ranting, Dr. Petchenik, I'm kind of asking you as a really smart mentor from the inside what you think.
I can feel in my gut the danger and the creepiness that when they see InfoWars now as a reporter, they get an adrenaline rush, they stand up like a cat getting electrocuted, and their people all freak out with fear when they hear my name or see our flag on a microphone.
So, I know these are dangerous killers.
These are mafiadons.
And it doesn't scare me, but it's bracing and nauseating to see them react in fear of my name or my symbols.
What do you say to that, sir?
Well, I think it's a tribute to you and your millions of people in the audience around the world to know that we all believe in an alternative narrative which is not given by the standard media or the presidency.
Basically what you're involved in now, and I say it in terms of the intelligence operative that I was or am,
You're involved in agitation propaganda.
What we're doing now, on your part, and what you have done effectively, is to basically agitate the entire structure of not one administration, but three administrations, spanning over 30 years.
At the same time, because of your vocal opinion, and I'm not talking to flaunt you or laud you, but you have done a remarkable job
Taking the information that we now know on the internet and the people who come along with us, the military men who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, who understood that the biggest lie that was given to them was by a coward who avoided the draft named George W. Bush Jr.
and another coward who avoided the draft 11 times named Cheney.
All of whom can pronounce big words and send everyone to war except themselves or their brothers.
Neither Neil, Marvin, Jeb, or George.
All cowards.
Not maybe cowards, but cowards.
Outright cowards and disgusting individuals.
And it's one thing if they dodge the draft, but then to be warmongers on top of it later... That's the way to cover up the fact that they're cowards.
So those who send us to war and never been to war, we will have to deny.
And this is where the Iraqi and Afghanistan veterans, the brave warriors who went forth, the men and women, to stand up and say we've had enough.
You want to go to war, Mr. Cruz?
You go to Canada and join up and go with the military.
You want to go to war, Mr. Rubio?
You've never been to war, but you've certainly been, your brother-in-law's certainly been in the cocaine wars in Miami.
So what's happening is, a lot of the issues of truth are coming forth.
Will they assassinate you?
I can guarantee you that.
And the reason is very simple.
Whoever they is, is number one, not interested in assassinating you or anybody else.
And number two, there is an inability within the structure to have assassinations committed without outsourcing.
Let me be very clear.
The people who usually did the dirty work in the JFK assassination came out of Texas.
I don't want to go into their names, but many of the presidents were involved.
Senior Bush, Nixon, and others were involved in the assassination of Kennedy.
He should never have been president.
He had Addison's disease.
Stay there.
This was amazing info.
Stay right there.
I mean, we know.
It was exactly who you mentioned, and LBJ, and we had the deathbed confession of E. Howard Hunt, which we premiered here.
We'll be back.
A big event.
We're on the march.
I was a backbencher on the big event.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the Genecillian Radio Network.
Burnie Sanders, a bum who didn't earn his first steady paycheck until age 40, then wormed his way into politics.
That's the title of a Gateway Pundit article by Jim Hoff, featured on Infowars.com.
And now let's take a look at the work history of the current Socialist Democratic nominee, Hopeful.
One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps.
And it was all downhill from there, Hoff writes.
Penniless, he went on unemployment.
Desperately, he tried carpentry, but can barely sink a nail.
He was a blank carpenter, a friend told Political Magazine.
Then he tried his hand at freelancing for leftist rags, writing about masturbation and rape for $50 a story.
They did say the only thing he was good at was talking non-stop about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off.
So he tried politics, starting his own socialist party.
Four times he ran and lost badly for Vermont Public Office.
Finally, he wormed his way into the Senate in 2006.
The choice of this election is shaping up to be a very clear one.
It is really a war between capitalism and socialism.
Rob Due reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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It's Alex Jones.
Steve McCannick's our guest, and I appreciate him coming on about the Scalia situation.
And I just love his answer, because he just crystallized it all in one minute, what I've been babbling about for four days.
And that is, it doesn't matter whether they killed him or not, no one believes anything they say.
They've got polls out there where over 80% of Americans don't believe it.
Almost all the commons don't believe it.
And their response, in the news, is just to make stuff up and say that I said Obama strangled him and killed Leonard Nimoy.
I said we should investigate this, there should be an autopsy.
And I don't want to make it about myself, but I want to understand this because I'm just a guy, and again, what I've done as a model, obviously, and what Dr. Pachenik's done as a model, and I'm trying to understand this myself because it's so surreal,
And Dr. Pchenik was on just a month ago saying, basically the Liberty Movement, which you became a spokesman of, is like rock and roll.
It's like a new cultural wave that can't be stopped.
And I'm just part of the branding, organically, of people not buying into the system anymore.
So I'm just one figurehead.
And that's great, because believe me, I don't like messing with all these dangerous people all day.
I mean, I'll do what I have to do, but I really want to just see America made great again.
I want to reverse this downward slide.
I don't think there's going to be some type of utopia coming, but whenever I've been around recently retired generals,
Or former special forces colonels, or current Delta Force people, you name it.
Some of them have been here in studio, others, you know, have been on the show.
They'll actually ask me, hey, really, what intelligence agency are you with?
What class are you?
You know, do you get sheep dipped out of high school?
Because a lot of people get recruited out of high school in these agencies.
I'm like, no, I've never been part of any agency, any group, nothing.
Two years at community college.
I was about to go to UT for RTF.
They were teaching 10-year-old information.
I went and did an access show, got a local radio show, got into radio sales.
I'm nothing.
Half the time it's unlistenable.
It's that nobody else was organic and did this.
And I'm just sick of like state, high-level state people come over to my table in downtown Austin and ask me what agency I'm with.
Police chiefs think I'm in some secret agency.
Military people think I'm some secret guy.
And I'm just an organic American and a Texan that has been defending the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And it's like people can't believe there'd be someone that could be successful as if you've got to be in some
Like, you know, they hand out all these little intelligence agency names and all this stuff.
It's like McChenick says.
He's back in the old days of HUMET where they were actually out there doing stuff.
Now it's just endless agencies and titles and, you know, guys speaking in their arm things with, you know, glasses pulling up trying to intimidate me.
I just laugh at them.
I just, it's like they've gone from being real men to pretending to be real men, and then the real men in the military and everywhere else see that they're a joke, and it's just a disaster.
But I don't mean to rant, sir, I want to get into Russia and the Saudi Arabia situation, the election, where you think it's going, and the time we have left, but...
How do I respond to these other government people thinking I must be part of some branch of a government?
And then at another level, I do have branches of different agencies actually trying to couple with what we're doing to resist the globalists.
And I'm not working with some agency, you know, in an official capacity.
I don't sit there and get orders.
It doesn't work like that.
It's just people that also want to resist this.
It's like V for Vendetta, where everybody doesn't have to get orders.
They all just show up at the same time.
You get what I'm saying, sir?
You hit it right on the head.
What's different now and why the organizations and the government cannot function anymore is the fact that the internet was used, when I first learned about it in 1973 when I was studying at MIT, we learned the internet and social media.
So imagine that.
That was 73, that was funded by DARPA and the CIA.
30, 40 years later, the difference is that we, the people, are now using the internet to undermine the credibility of the government.
So no matter what Obama says, he's not relevant.
He gave a lecture last night as to why Trump could not be the President of the United States.
It's absurd that a man like him, who had no skills whatsoever, none, had never accomplished anything in the world, was reduced to the fact that he's giving a lecture as if he were a professor, when in fact he was nothing.
He's just a CIA little operative who they pumped right up to the system and he got in through lying, cheating in the Chicago mail.
So what's happening is, you just keep doing what you're doing.
Don't worry about it.
Keep uncovering what you consider to be the truth and what we know to be the truth.
Will there be another false flag?
There are only so many things this government is able to do and believe me, they're getting less and less effective.
More importantly, is that the government's going off on its own.
It doesn't really care what the American people says.
The president can make all kinds of treaties which have very little relevance to us.
TPP, it's never been more obvious.
It's just a breakaway, rogue government.
Well, you know, we allowed it to happen.
Uh, we gave funding to a bunch of people who are called legislators, who sit there, do nothing really most of the time.
They spend most of their time as senators and congressmen, just going through process and going on junkets, and they're not relevant to us.
In the 21st century, believe me, they're not relevant.
And in fact, there's a real issue now as to whether a president is relevant.
In my opinion, not.
Well, you always talk about how incompetent their information warfare is based on lies.
I mean, their counterpoints are all written scripts of the stupidest stuff that I would write to discredit myself if I was doing that.
I mean, they're just so sophomoric.
Well, here's the point.
The point is very simple.
They're not functional.
They forget, or they don't want to mention, that Hillary Clinton, Obama, Samantha Power, Susan Rice created the disaster they had in Libya.
Now what are they saying?
Oh, we can correct that disaster.
Instead of just attacking Libya, we'll attack it again.
In order to form a new government.
That was exactly the same stupid reasoning that occurred in the Iraq situation, that occurred in Afghanistan, in Yemen and Sudan.
So you have a repetition of stupidity, which has to stop.
And the American public has to say, you know what, we're not going overseas.
In a way, I had wished we had the draft, because the most important deterrent to going overseas or going to an unnecessary battle are the mothers who go out into the streets and say, no, I'm not going to sacrifice my son.
You didn't see Bush sacrifice any of his sons.
You didn't see Clinton sacrifice his son.
What is the social engineering about trying to put women in frontline combat?
Well, what they're doing is giving, basically, they're trying to do what the Israeli model is, is to integrate women into the social system and be responsive to the legal imperatives of having women do equal duty.
Whether they can or not, quite frankly, I don't know.
I do know that women in the intelligence service
Particularly in human are extremely good.
In many ways I find them overall to be somewhat superior to the men.
But that's in my business.
In human and other elements of intelligence because they're far more sophisticated in absorbing a span of contradictions and simultaneous problems as opposed to men.
But that's my prejudice.
The reality is we're feminizing our army.
We don't have an army.
We have 2.2 million people, but our teeth-to-tail ratio, that means the people who actually fight compared to the support group, is so small.
We maybe have 15 or 20,000 who can fight at most.
We have 4,000 going into Djibouti in Cote d'Ivoire, which gets sent around all of AFRICOM.
Do we really belong in AFRICOM?
Do we really belong in Iraq or in Afghanistan?
Well, that was my next question.
What is, in your expert view, Dr. Steve Machinic is our guest, stevemachinic.com, what is the state of the world geopolitical and military situation right now?
Talk of this leading into major world wars, Medvedev, the Russian Prime Minister?
Not really.
No, what I'm looking at is a far more serious problem than major wars of combat.
What I'm looking at is the fact that China
Not purposely, but China inadvertently is going down the tube very quickly financially.
President Xi Jinping is not capable of handling the fundamental problem which is structural in China and that they have to transform from an export to a consumer economy where the people are getting paid more and there's no more slave labor like they have in Vietnam.
The President is losing, Xi Jinping is losing an immense amount of dollars, or yuans, and it's devaluating very quickly, which will create a deflationary spiral all over the world.
On the other side, I have Russia having the same problem.
Oil has dropped down, our sanctions have been effective, and the ruble has gone down immensely.
So the real war that's going on
It's not with bullets.
It's economic.
Not even in Syria.
It's economic.
And fortunately for the geniuses in 1944 and December 27th who created the Bretton Woods Conference, we Americans are fortunate because they forced the entire world to get denominated against the dollar, not against the Y. And this is the problem.
We have the corrupt, decadent, delusional elite, stolen valor, Hillary Clinton like Brian Williams, line of battle or combat.
You know, in Serbia and the rest of it, this ridiculous garbage, or Bosnia, and they've now inherited all this American century, all the American ingenuity, all the American master planning, and even inheriting the British Empire, and they're just sitting on top of it, ruining our name, bankrupting us, still people inside the American Empire running it,
But it's falling apart as a bunch of Nero's, you know, run around on top of it, taking four-month vacations.
So where do you see that going as that very elite imbibes in leftist ideology and wants to mop up the libertarian movement in America, thus killing the golden goose?
I mean, I really see them really wanting to crush an American renaissance when that American renaissance is their only hope.
Well, the reality is, the wealthy just lost about 25-30% of their net worth in the past 6-8 weeks.
China lost, in the past 6-8 weeks, $10 trillion worth of yuan in their economy.
So what's going to happen
On this economic warfare.
As we have deflation and the value of assets start going down and we have a Federal Reserve that really doesn't know what it's doing.
Yellen has no idea when to increase the rate and when to decrease it.
We're going to be handed a double situation.
Deflation and possible inflation and that stagflation.
So the real war that we have is an economic war.
Not against China, not even against Russia, but internally.
We have to start manufacturing.
We have to stop allowing our industries to go to Mexico and Vietnam.
Selling them off?
That's correct.
The hedge funds have to be disbanded.
There's no reason why we have big banks... What about China trying to buy the Chicago Mercantile Exchange?
I mean, that sounds like they just want to buy off all that fraud to prop themselves up.
Well, they can try to buy anything they want, but the truth of the matter is, like Japan went around 20 years ago buying up everything we had, they then lost it, because China cannot sustain a drainage over $10 trillion.
Their federal reserves and their currency reserves are in the billions, and they're losing it.
They have to maintain a liquidity that they can't manage.
In short, what I'm saying to the audience is, America is still very powerful.
It doesn't matter if I got Mickey Mouse there, Donald Duck,
Or Obama.
The truth of the matter is, the infrastructure, where I have the governors and the commissioners on a much more local level functioning, and the American individual is really creating his or her own business, and having the cash flows they need, we will still sustain our greatness.
As for the people on top, they're not going to be as relevant.
If you think that a Scalia was that important, not really.
The only one who really damaged the whole system was Robert when he created the notion that a company is an individual and therefore you could have as much money as you wanted to.
Trump is stopping that.
He's basically saying, look, I'm a billionaire.
I don't need the money.
I don't care about the favors.
I don't need to have... Well, as you said, we have to have
The Henry Ford idea, and he was a bad guy in some ways but good in others, that your employees have got enough money to buy your product.
There's got to be an economy.
They just can't game it, suck it all dry.
They're going to live in giant palaces surrounded by ghettos.
We really don't want to go this third world model that they're trying to sell, that it's so great to be austere, and all this garbage.
As soon as your new book comes out, Dr. Pachinik, I want to have you on.
Give us a sneak peek in the next 60 seconds about your new book.
Folks can find out about it.
It's called Theodora.
It's about a woman who was brave enough to leave France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, and come to the United States because she loved her sons and she loved America.
She loved it so much, I called it Theodora.
That was my mother.
So it's an interesting book.
It's a book about what happens when you have the need for survival and the need for love.
That's it.
Love and survival are the only two things that count in this country and in this world.
She loved America and America loved her.
And that's why I end this talk with you.
We're a great country.
We shouldn't give up.
We shouldn't stop our protests.
And you should not stop.
Yeah, your discussions on what's happening.
The truth of the matter is we're hurting them very badly.
And what you're seeing is a frightened animal on all sides on Obama, on the Bush's and the Clinton, because this is the last gasp they have before they go down and they know it.
So they're going to hit a lot more.
And if we keep Trump up there, and ironically Sanders is a social democrat, he's pulling all the votes away from Hillary, it's become a paradox of irony.
Well, Dr. Pachinik, I thought the book was coming out.
Is it out yet?
It is out, yeah.
It'll come out and you'll have a site there where it can be bought.
Well, stevepachinik.com has the link to it.
I guess it's pre-orders now.
But I want to get you on as soon as it comes out to really talk about your mom and your interesting life.
I mean, I guess out of Russia, into Europe, then into Cuba, then into the United States, and I know a lot of what you've been... That's what it is.
A lot of what you've been involved in has been classified, but, and of course, we talk about some of it, then you get the Justice Department subpoenaing you, but I tell you, just amazing life you've had so far, and I don't know how much of it you can get into here on the air.
Let me tell you, I love the FBI, and they take care of me, but truthfully, they have to hand me the subpoenas that are ordered from the...
The Department of Justice and the State Department.
That's part of the give and take, my friend.
And they're gonna harass you, they're gonna harass me, and they'll harass many others.
But as long as we believe in this country, and as long as we believe the ability to protest, we'll do okay.
No one, but no one, will touch you.
Trust me, Alex.
They're smart enough to understand the best thing they could do is to leave you alone, to leave me alone.
Well, I don't know if there's anywhere I go now.
Well you are, and welcome to that world.
You're in an agitation propaganda world and welcome to it.
You might as well enjoy it and tell your people to enjoy it.
This is what it's about.
You agitate until you get what you want and they agitate back.
Whoever continues to agitate wins.
That's the name of the game.
Thank you, Alex, and thank you, audience.
God bless you.
Thank you.
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We're going to cover some Hillary news, and that reminds me, we have the limited edition Hillary for prison shirt that a few sizes are left in, and it's gone.
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I think it was like printed in Honduras or the cottons from there was made and sewn together and you know
We're running the legal clinic at the University of Arkansas to represent inmates.
She's been doing this for months.
Look at that creature.
Too much to say.
I'll get you and your little dog too.
That's been... That's been... That's been part of my mission.
Oh, she's falling.
She's super sick.
The wolves are surrounding her.
Scalia has a message for everybody to back off.
It was about making people's lives better.
This just goes on and on.
Let's just stop it.
Let's just stop it.
By the way, Joe Biggs, they had to go on to the next location with some big breaking news on the death of Scalia.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
No other media is doing this.
I'm not bragging.
I don't want to be in that position, but it's our responsibility.
We're going to do it.
And he wasn't irritated when I had to cut him off for the last guest, but he wants to tell more later.
They got harassed really bad out there at the ranch where Scalia died.
And, you know, we have ways of
Looking into that, we'll just leave it at that.
Just look for some really big breaking news at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I am completely out of control today.
There is so much earth-shattering news and I got to about 10% of it.
I haven't even been taking calls.
But we've been focusing on the big narrative here.
And that is the establishment doesn't control the narrative and doesn't run the show.
And not everybody's a coward and not everybody cares what the mainstream media says.
And now folks are learning when you get attacked by the mainstream media, you rise like a Donald Trump, like a Matt Drudge, like an Alex Jones.
And so that's why people like Tucker Carlson, who's a smart guy, used to criticize me years ago.
He can now come along and be even more hardcore because he always wanted to be.
He genuinely now, I know he's a patriot, libertarian guy.
He can be more hardcore now because now it's safer to do.
And that's okay.
Just like it was safer after I came out and said investigate this is a homicide, Saturday.
That's the state law by the way.
And now that's top story at DrudgeReport.com.
Or was earlier today.
And again it's not, hey look what we did again, look what we did again.
It's that you have power.
I didn't get trained by guys in black sunglasses, okay?
And I'm not saying there aren't some good people that have been trained like that, but you get put in a system and controlled and compartmentalized.
I'm not compartmentalized.
I have been a wild man since the day I was born.
And I am organic and real, and that's why they try to constantly claim I'm a government agent or I'm the CIA.
I wouldn't want to be in the CIA.
People say that's so prestigious.
You heard Larry Nichols.
In the Army, working for those groups.
He said he noticed everybody was dying by 35.
They were killing them, they were getting rid of them.
I saw that happen, folks, with my family.
People go, oh look, the proof, he's in it!
No, no, no, I told you, I know it's bad, I'm not in it.
So yeah, I guess that's one reason I'm not an idiot.
Is because I guess I come from stock in Texas, on both sides of my family, that, you know, the government knew would get the job done.
But that wasn't our government, that was criminals.
You understand that?
That's the difference.
So yeah, I guess I do come from the stuff that gets stuff done, but I'm not in those agencies.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
Rob Dew coming up.
Hey, everyone!
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs here, host of The Bright Side.
And as many of you know, I'm on a mission to help Americans get and stay healthy.
You've all heard the shocking statistics.
Despite spending trillions of dollars in health care, nearly $10,000 per man, woman, and child in this country, obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune illnesses are rampant.
One out of three or four people is dealing with some kind of health challenge, and everyone knows at least one person with a degenerative disease.
We're good to go!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the edge.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I want Nico and the rest of the crew to remind me the next few days to take a ton of calls, even when guests are on.
I've not been getting enough calls.
I haven't heard complaints, but I just want to get some more calls the next few days to get your view on all the things that are happening in the world.
I think Dews will be taking calls in the next hour as well.
We're already in the next hour, but coming up here in about six, seven minutes when he takes over.
I mean, I covered some of this, but not enough.
Newspapers wither in Canada.
Congress is wary of Chinese deal for Chicago Stock Exchange.
The Japanese robot calls the market better than humans.
Yeah, I can rig it too.
Bank of America.
Market sees 50-50 chance of recession.
We're in a deep recession.
Iran's production revival is an oil market wildcard.
industrial production rose 0.9.
Empire State February manufacturing survey.
Up over the estimates, so there's some good news there.
Former Dallas Fed President calls out central banks.
That's a really important article.
I should have covered more.
And I want to believe these numbers, but they, you know, they cook them so bad.
They got a lot of the Federal Reserve heads around the country, the regional heads, criticizing the foreign, foreign globalist operation there in New York City.
They're now saying that ISIS has radioactive material for a dirty bomb.
And don't worry when our government lets them into attack, they'll all give themselves medals.
You're supposed to all get fired when you let an attack happen, not be heroes.
Donald Trump's right.
The GOP showing signs, the Washington Times and Bloomberg reporting of letting Obama have his nominee.
Of course, they're trying to give him dictatorial power.
These people are just absolutely being intimidated and blackmailed or bought off.
Scalia, to his credit, didn't play ball with them and, you know, he's dead.
So that's what's going on on that front.
Hawaii declares state of emergency over Zika and the name fever.
Just the craziness just continues to get more and more out of control.
Again, I mentioned this is up on DrugsReport.com.
Scalia death.
Judge likely violated law.
That's a pretty big deal.
Scalia dared.
What can Obama do to me?
I have a lifetime appointment.
Well, you saw.
You saw what might have potentially happened.
Continuing, ladies and gentlemen, with some of the other news.
France dumps liberty for security after the government brought the terrorists in.
Afghan civilians suffered record 11,000 plus casualties in 2015.
Oh, we really helped by being there.
Iran warns Saudi Arabia against sending troops into Syria.
Hillary Clinton hits up financial industry for more fundraisers, the folks that are loan sharking and the rest of it.
Obama says Trump won't be president.
It's not like hosting a reality TV show.
I just love how they dictate what reality is.
And there's so much more I haven't gotten to.
Larry Summers launches the war on paper money.
It's time to kill the $100 bill.
So does the EU.
Central Bank says the same thing.
Then magically, magically, the newest monopoly comes out called completely cashless.
Ultimate banking.
No more cash.
Getting the little kiddies ready with the
Pre-conditioning with the predictive programming.
21 new numbers that show that the global economy is absolutely imploding.
Very important article.
Oh, I meant to get to this.
I hope Dew covers this in more detail.
This is so stinking important.
In fact, I may do a Facebook mentions just on this.
Leaked government documents show what really is behind global warming agenda.
Profound lifestyle change.
Now this is UN documents admitting that it's about societal engineering and that's out of Europe.
And about making people poor so they can be more easily controlled.
I mean, it's like getting the UN emails where they're fixing all the university numbers to, quote, hide the decline.
It's the organized criminal activity.
It is a fraud in their own documents.
And it doesn't matter if the Russians hack this and give it to the public.
The public just goes, humans are evil, kill me!
Because it's so fashionable.
For the elite to be filthy rich, but for you to be poor.
Again, the whole Apple thing is a red herring.
They have the codes to break that.
They just want to get Apple's general encryption codes.
And so they're using this as a way to dumb the public down and go, you Apple won't give up the terrorist?
It puts holes in the phones and in the computers.
They don't want to screw up the dominance of their platforms, which aren't perfect, but boy, better than PC.
Believe me, I used to be a PC guy.
There's not a comparison.
Oh, there's so much more to get to, but Rob Dude is coming up.
Please spread the word about the broadcast.
Don't take it for granted.
The elite do not want you hearing or seeing this show.
They cannot stand it.
We are changing the world together.
Well, it looks like the food isn't the only thing that's detrimental to your health at McDonald's.
Daily Caller headline, Marine allegedly assaulted mid-burger at McDonald's as gang yelled, Do you believe black lives matter?
That's right.
A former Marine became the target of an alleged assault at McDonald's Friday night as a crowd of youths cornered him and demanded he answer the question, Do you believe black lives matter?
before knocking him unconscious and robbing him.
Christopher Marquez, a veteran of Iraq and the recipient of a bronze star for valor, said he was dining at McDonald's in Northeast DC when a group of black teenagers came up to him
And allegedly began harassing him about the Black Lives Matter movement.
Marquez ignored them, which prompted calls and shouts that he was racist.
As he left the establishment, he sustained a blow to the back of his head, which knocked him unconscious.
When he woke up, his pants were ripped, wallet gone, which contained $400 in cash, three credit cards, his VA medical card, school ID, MetroCard, and driver's license.
So next time a group of thugs surround you at a restaurant, be sure and bow down to them and kiss their feet, or else you're a racist.
Rob Due reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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You worked, I guess, like 20 plus hours.
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You will find Brain Force and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, well, well.
Another fourth hour of Overdrive is upon us.
Welcome to the fourth hour of Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Rob Doo.
And I'd like to share with you a little bit of the behind-the-scenes, how things work.
Yesterday, Darren McBreen tweeted one Ashley Feinberg, who wrote this article right here.
And actually, I'll pull this up for you guys.
Let's see.
And asking her if she would like to come on the show.
And she replied back, yes.
And I'll show you all that tweet in a little bit.
So I sent her an email and replied back to her tweet, hey, we'd like to talk to you.
And her article is entitled, Did Obama Murder Antonin Scalia?
The Conspiracy Theories Explained.
Because she works for Gawker.
She's a writer there.
So she is the authority on everything.
And here's a little link to the article right there.
It's got the who's who of suspects including an alien, Chupacabra, and a prostitute, and Ted Cruz, or Obama.
So she first attacks Alex Jones in the beginning of this and then goes on to get weirder and weirder, even talking about how Spock did it, Leonard Nimoy.
So we invited her on.
I sent her that tweet, and uh, let's see what time it says.
11.04 AM.
Sent her that.
Like to see if she would come on.
I sent her an email as well.
Uh, haven't heard back from her.
I guess she takes a long lunch.
Uh, that's probably how they operate at Gawker.
Although, I wouldn't know because I don't take lunches.
I work through lunch.
So, probably won't get her.
She's got my phone number.
Ashley, give me a call.
We'd love to talk about this.
Friendly chat.
Since you're the authority, we should bow down to you because you know everything.
Love to have you tell me and school me on conspiracy theories.
So, probably not going to have that interview today.
Maybe she'll take the challenge and come on tomorrow.
But first, we just played, during the break, we had one of those one-minute hot topics that we produce here every day during the Alex Jones Show.
Here's the Daily Caller article.
Well, I don't know if the assault is alleged, because they have it on security camera, they've seen it, he's got a bump on his head, he's been to the hospital.
So a former Marine became a target of an alleged assault at McDonald's Friday as a crowd of youths gathered, cornered him and demanded... Utes.
What's, Mr. Gambani, what is a ute?
That's some old humor from the 80s if you saw My Cousin Vinny.
He answered the question, do you believe black lives matter before knocking him unconscious and robbing him?
No laughing matter there.
Christopher Marquez, a veteran of Iraq and a recipient of the Bronze Star for Valor, and I think he's even featured in a statue somewhere.
commemorating one of the wars we've been in.
So he was dining at McDonald's in Northeast D.C.
when a group of black teenagers came up to him and allegedly began harassing him about Black Lives Matter.
He ignored them, which prompted the calls that he was a racist.
And if you're a racist, then you get to be, you get to play the knockout game.
Because it's a game when young thugs knock you out.
It's a game.
It's not an assault, it's a game.
Notice how they play that on you.
D'Anthony Mason, manager of McDonald's, reviewed security footage and told Marquez in a phone call that when he left the restaurant, a team with a white shirt struck him on the side of the head, knocking him unconscious.
The other teams then converged on his incapacitated body, taking his belongings.
The head blow Marquez sustained left his memory dazed.
But Mason's review of the security footage helped him piece together what had happened.
Yeah, they hit him so hard he can't even remember what happened to him.
But, you know, he didn't agree, didn't bow down to Black Lives Matter, the other authorities, the social justice warrior authorities in this world telling us what we have to believe in and how we have to believe in it.
And if you don't, you're a bonafide racist.
Here's an article I'm going to talk with about Leanne McAdoo.
Trump supporting Eagles of Death Metal singer says guns could have stopped Paris attacks.
She played a pretty amazing video of what went on.
They performed, I guess, last night or the night before back in France.
Finishing the concert that they were unable to finish.
So we'll get more into that.
Here's an interesting article here.
IS faces budget crunch.
I'm sorry, IS.
I'm sorry, ISIL.
I'm sorry, ISIS.
I'm sorry, Al-Qaeda.
I'm sorry, terrorists that we fund.
Faces budget crunch, cutting perks and trimming salaries.
Faced with the cash shortage and its so-called caliphate, the Islamic State group has slashed salaries across the region.
...and asked Raqqa residents to pay utility bills in black market American dollars and is now releasing detainees for a price of $500 a person.
They bragged about meeting their own currency and now they're having a hard time meeting expenses thanks to coalition airstrikes.
Thanks to the Russians, really.
They're the ones who instigated those airstrikes back in November.
But there was something, oh yeah.
Having built up loyally among militants with good salaries and honeymoon and baby bonuses, the group has stopped providing even smaller perks such as free energy drinks and Snickers bars.
So no longer can they eat a Snickers bar when they're feeling bad.
Hey, chill out.
Ahmed or Mohammed, whatever your name, have a Snickers bar.
We're about to behead some people.
And on that same front, Syrian refugees admitted to US since Paris attack.
602 Muslims, 2 Christians.
That's not a nice score, especially since the Christians are the ones getting persecuted in Syria.
So, but that's how it goes.
So, without further ado, let's go to this video we played on the InfoWars Nightly News last night.
It has to do with Antonin Scalia and how
In the town of Felfurious, which is a little bit away, a few hours away from them, near the border, they pay for autopsies for every dead illegal they find.
Anybody they find dead, they give them an autopsy, no matter what.
So dead illegals are getting autopsies and Scalia, nothing for him.
So let's go to this report now from John Bowne.
What can he do to me?
Or to any of us.
We have life tenure.
And we have it precisely so that we will not be influenced by politics.
By threats from anybody.
What the hell is this?
It's a Sicilian message.
It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Antonin Scalia was appointed in 1986 by President Ronald Reagan.
Scalia served as a safeguard for the Constitution, a staunch opponent to the liberal viewpoint that the Constitution is a living document to be interpreted by progressive demands.
Scalia held true to his beliefs as an originalist.
Meaning, the Constitution cannot be changed or misinterpreted unless subjected to the lengthy congressional process of amendment.
And also, as a textualist, concluding that the ordinary meaning, not an interpretation of the text of the Constitution, should guide its governance.
Clearly, this viewpoint counters President Obama's quasi-progressive conquest to fundamentally transform the United States.
Obama's violation of the Constitution is a constant.
Even as he faces a lame-duck presidency.
But with Scalia gone, and the possibility of Obama's free speech assailing lackey, Loretta Lynch, receiving the Supreme Court nomination, Obama could find himself in the driver's seat once again, making tracks down the road to tyranny before his term ends.
Scalia's swing vote on the issues including abortion clinic closures in Texas, a public sector union fair share fee ruling, a University of Texas affirmative action case,
And Obamacare's violation of religious freedom via no-cost access to birth control for religious non-profits were small potatoes compared to the two cases causing the treasonous Obama administration to sweat.
First, with Scalia gone, Obama's shielding of 4 million illegal aliens only needs one conservative vote to sway to the liberal side.
Or an expedited installation of a liberal judge to break the tie that would preserve the lower courts block of Obama's full-on assault of our immigration system.
Second, and this is the case that stinks of motive, Obama's clean power plan to regulate carbon emissions.
This is Obama's gift to his globalist banker cohorts.
The liberal DC Circuit Court ruling could serve it up to an Obama-dominated Supreme Court, signed, sealed, and delivered before Obama leaves office.
Obama claims he won't use the nuclear option and appoint a justice while the Senate is in recess, although he does have a small window to appoint a temporary replacement.
And as we all know, when Obama says he will not do or sign something, that usually means he will.
Unfortunately for Obama, though, two years ago, the Supreme Court weakened the President's ability to use the nuclear option power.
Upon hearing Scalia's death due to natural causes, most people brushed it off.
He was 79 years old.
But then the fumbling of the details began.
Presidio County Judge Cinderella Guevara pronounced Scalia dead due to natural causes without seeing the body or even ordering an autopsy.
If you believe that, we ought to go back to monarchy, that the people are such sheep.
That they just swallow whatever they see on television or read in the newspapers?
And the highly decorated Vietnam veteran and prized Democratic Party donor and Cibolo Creek Ranch owner, John Poindexter, continually changed his story until he finally blurted out that Scalia was found with a pillow over his head and the sheets were unwrinkled.
The Washington Post reports, quote, William O. Ritchie, a former commander and former head of criminal investigations for D.C.
police, wrote, You have a Supreme Court justice who died, not in attendance of a physician.
You have a non-homicide trained U.S.
marshal tell the justice of the peace that no foul play was observed.
You have a justice of the peace pronounce death while not being on the scene and without any medical training opining that the justice died of a heart attack.
What medical proof exists of a myocardial infarction?
Why not a cerebral hemorrhage?
End quote.
Any signs of strangulation uncovered by a mandatory standard autopsy, such as patechial hemorrhage, would have sounded off alarm bells.
Yet an autopsy of one of the most powerful people in the United States was neglected.
Meanwhile, towns like Falfurious, Texas shell out money they don't have to perform autopsies on illegal aliens.
The meager funds that Brooks County accumulates from their property taxes and funds given to them by the state of Texas and not the federal government go here to bury undocumented migrants crossing the border.
You see, that's how it works.
And John Bowne went on the ground to prove it.
You know, they are paying for autopsies for illegals, but we can't get one for Scalia.
There's the article right there.
No autopsy for Scalia, yet mandatory autopsies for illegals.
You can watch the rest of it.
I'm going to go over a bunch of things.
I'm going to take your calls, too, at the bottom of the hour.
And we're going to talk about how smoking kills more people than Obama.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time.
In the Mississippi River she's a gold drive.
Well if you're on Facebook, Alex Jones is currently doing a Facebook mentions titled how they're making you poor, or how the plan is to make you poor.
And what's really sad is the comments in there like, too late I'm already poor, I'm already poor.
That's right, we bought into the American dream and it's a dream that has been hijacked by people.
Who do want to live off of your work and take it as their own and have set the game and that game is being set by the government.
A lot of people don't understand that.
They think big government is there to protect you.
No, big government is there to pick winners and losers.
Just like what we saw when David Knight went to go talk to the judge in this small town of Marfa, Texas, the one who said, oh, natural causes, go ahead and take the body.
Everything's cool.
We're not going to go down there.
She didn't want to go.
I guess that's the code.
You're either unable to go or you're able to go.
And the first two people they contacted to come and look at Judge Scalia's body weren't able to go.
The third just said, eh.
We'll just do this over the phone.
I don't need to be there.
Because I don't want to know if it's a cover-up or if it's a murder.
I don't want to know.
I don't want to be part of it.
Anyway, David Knight went in to talk to her.
She turned her back to him.
Didn't really feel like she owed him any explanation whatsoever to her actions.
Except for saying, procedure was followed.
But not about the timeline, not who ordered what, when.
Don't worry about that.
Those are questions that only a conspiracy theorist would ask.
That's right.
And I'm going to get to this article here.
Lead government doc shows it's really behind global warming agenda.
Profound lifestyle changes, which Alex is talking about right now.
But before we get to that, liver shield is back in stock.
A lot of people have been clamoring for this.
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So you heard about Alex talking about his liver flushes.
We've got a video on the Alex Jones channel with Leanne and her friend Emmy doing a liver cleanse and how they changed their diet up for the week and how they're able to, you know, really detoxify what's going on in their body.
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He had some liver stone issues that he was going through.
So go to Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, check out liver shield.
You could also get a special with that, and it looks like oxy powder.
And do we have a special with deep cleanse as well?
I don't know if we do have that, but definitely liver shield and oxy powder.
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It varies between your body size and weight.
There's the Ultimate Cleanse Pack, by the way, for liver shield and deep cleanse.
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Get it because, you know, the biggest organ in your body is your skin.
And of course, if you're showering with fluoride, chloride, chlorinated water, it's going right into your skin.
That's why you're getting dried skin.
Now let's get to this article.
It's from the Daily Caller, Michael Bastash.
The elites want to live just as they are living now and keep the technology for themselves so they can live a more empowered life while turning us into serfs.
And to do that they have to get rid of the middle class, which is why you get people like Bernie Sanders chilling around saying it's the middle class causing all these problems.
And I guarantee you, if he was to get in and make these tax changes, they wouldn't be going to the ultra .000 percent.
They would be finding a way to get around him.
It would only be the worker bees out there, the people that keep this country moving, and the small business owners, people like that.
But that's what this is about.
I did a report a few years ago how on the West Coast they were banning people from having fires.
If they saw smoke coming out of their chimneys, they would get fined.
You know, wood-burning stoves is how most people get their heat, especially older people who've been in their houses for a long time.
They don't have central heat.
They might have a little space heater, but the one way they were heating their house is through wood-burning stoves.
And now they make wood-burning stoves that don't work.
I did a lot of research on this.
They had people putting these brand new stoves in their garages and going, why ain't this thing working?
The other one worked great.
Why do we get, why do we get rid of that other stove?
That one works so good.
We had to pay more for this one that don't work.
That's my good old boy impression.
And that's what it is.
It's not about making things work better.
It's why you have a toilet that you have to flush three times to get number two to go down.
Because they want to make everything, make it smaller, make us live in cramped houses where we're, you know...
We don't have any freedom.
That's what it's all about.
Making us conform to what they think we should live.
And that is what it's all about right there.
So we're going to have Leanne McAdoo in the next segment.
Mary in New Jersey, I'm going to come to you first.
She's a nurse.
Wants to talk about scolia.
So we'll be right back with that and much more.
It's the InfoWars.com Alex Jones Show fourth hour.
I'm your host Rob Dew.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We now have a magic pillow theory.
This is a pillow that starts off on the face of Scalia and then moves to above his head.
Justice Scalia was not found with a pillow over his face.
It was above his head.
Reveal Sheriff who was first on the scene when he wasn't.
It took him 30 minutes to get there after he received the call.
Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez told Daily Mail that the pillow was in fact above his head and there was nothing fishy about his death.
Now let's look back at what John Poindexter, Cibolo Creek Ranch owner, said to My San Antonio when he found Scalia.
We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head, said Poindexter.
Do you believe the man who entered the room first, saw the body first, and then contacted the authorities first?
Or do we believe the sheriff who arrived 30 minutes after he received a phone call and now has had two or three days to think about what he has to say?
This latest article from Daily Mail will now have libtards across America branding anyone who questions known liars as conspiracy theorists.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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I'm good to go.
I think?
Just check it out for yourself today.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
So if you were listening over the break, I talked about the magic pillow theory.
Here's my tweet from this morning.
Again, the story changes.
Hashtag ScaliaDeath.
I put the link to the Daily Mail article.
Next, no pillow in the room.
That's what's going to be next.
This is funny.
This is the sheriff who claims he was the first on the scene.
I was first on the scene when he wasn't.
It was the owner of the ranch who came in and said, hey, I found him lying down with a pillow over his head.
And this guy goes, no, you hit the pillow behind his head.
Above his head is what he said.
Above his head.
Which seems really weird to say above.
And above is in all caps in the Daily Mail article.
Let's click on that link.
Let's just read that headline for everybody.
Exclusive, Justice Scalia was not
All caps.
Found with a pillow over his face.
It was above his head.
Reveals sheriff who was first on the scene.
Sheriff Danny Dominguez said, there is nothing suspicious.
Move along.
Well, why would you even bring that up in the first place then if it was... Yeah, exactly.
In a place where people would normally have their pillow.
And that goes back to the My San Antonio article where the owner, John Poindexter, was saying, he died peacefully in the night.
How do you know that?
How do you know?
What if it was early in the morning?
You don't know.
Or do you know?
How do you know?
Leah McAdoo is joining me.
We're going to take some phone calls.
We also have on Infowars.com, Judge speaks out on Scalia.
We normally perform autopsies because that's SOP, standard operating procedure.
And that was Kit Daniels talking to the justice apiece of Presidio County, Juanita Bishop, who was unable to make it.
She was unable to go.
That's their code word.
I can't go.
I'm unable to go.
I'm able to go.
And then they go.
She's a government bureaucrat.
So there were two others that weren't able to go.
Well, she was one of them.
And then there was another one, and then it was Cinderella.
Cinderella was able to find the glass slipper and make sure it fit.
Let's go to Mary in New Jersey.
She's a nurse and wants to talk about Scalia.
Mary, what do you have to add to the conversation?
Okay, you can't say that these people are guilty, but I can.
To me, they are.
Anytime a person dies outside of the hospital, it's not just under doctor's care, but specifically it should be like they're under hospice care, expected to die imminently.
Any patient, any person that dies outside of a hospital or 24 hours within admission is a coroner's case.
End of story.
And that judge that wrote them all, she's guilty and she knows it.
She didn't follow proper, she should be prosecuted, the owner of the ranch, the sheriff, because they all covered up a crime scene.
Yeah, there you go.
It doesn't matter his status.
It doesn't matter his status.
That's why they did it.
It's everyone.
Because we need to know if there was a murder taking place.
Because if there was, then we need to find out who did it.
And the only way to find out who did it is to say how they died.
And if it was from strangulation, then that's one thing.
If it's poisoning, that's another thing.
There's all these different clues on to how he could have died.
If he died, if he was murdered by somebody, you know, by hand.
And we pointed that out in our report.
John Bowne pointed it out.
No autopsy for Scalia yet.
Mandatory autopsies for illegals.
People they find dead, you know, on private property.
They don't contact a family member and go, hey, do you want to do an autopsy?
No, they just do it because these people might have been murdered.
Right, and he looked very healthy for 76.
I've seen a lot of people that age.
He looked very healthy, except he smoked.
He was well enough to go on a hunting trip for the weekend.
He was well enough to hang out and eat dinner with people.
Bernie Sanders is well enough to run for president at that age.
Exactly, he looked very healthy.
So these people, including the people at the top, need to be prosecuted.
Thank you Mary, conspiracy theorist from New Jersey.
Alright, let's go to Max in Canada.
He wants to talk about Trump.
Hey Max, what's going on?
Ah, you just had a quick point.
There was two separate videos today of Donald Trump mentioning 28 pages, actually.
One in a Fox interview and one in a speech today in Bluffton, South Carolina.
Just wanted to point that out.
And he mentioned, he didn't call it 20 pages, he called it secret documents and secret papers in one and the other instance.
So that was very interesting.
Very good.
And we didn't have to press him to say it.
He said it under his own volition.
We weren't twisting his arm.
You know, we went and asked Jeb Bush the same question.
Wouldn't you like to see him?
Yeah, yeah.
You got him?
Sure would.
Well, ask your brother to declassify him.
You got him?
You got to have him.
You got him?
Andrea might have him.
Maybe Andrea's got him.
You've probably seen him.
That's weird how Andrea Mitchell suddenly appears behind Richard Reeves and goes, hi.
Let me see you.
Totally creepy.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to Jeb Bush Mock's
Victim's family, 9-11 victim's families.
The way he answers that question is a total mocking of everybody who died in 9-11 and people who want to see what's in that commission report.
Will you declassify it as president?
Will you let us see the 28 pages?
I mean, people want to know.
You got them?
Yeah, you got them.
Your brothers probably got them.
Thanks for pointing that out, Max.
Well, and I really appreciate what Pchenik had to say on the show today about, you know, heads are going to roll.
And I agree that, you know, with Trump just kind of saying, if you dare go there, he's like the only person that's been able to break through.
And Trump is just a manifestation of also what he's saying.
Nobody believes the government anymore.
Whatever they say.
They could come out and say the sky is blue and I'd be like, well, I don't know.
Let's go out and look at the sky real quick and make sure.
The sky actually isn't blue.
Because I'm not going to trust these people any farther than I can throw them.
It's the way the light beams come through the atmosphere.
It's not really blue.
So let's go to Daryl in Texas.
Let's talk about Scalia.
Are you South Texas?
North Texas?
What part of Texas?
I'm about an hour east of Round Rock, so central.
Hey, first I just want to really say how proud I am of y'all because no one is covering Ms.
Khalia's story.
No one is really covering the Zika virus from what I can understand.
And it made me so proud to see everybody coming together.
Everybody seems to be stepping up too and doing more interviews, going out, sort of being their own.
And Alex, he's really, the fact that he has picked up on this story and saw it as newsworthy
Immediately he saw it as newsworthy.
When everyone just wants you to move along, folks.
He came out and started asking the questions.
And he does these Facebook mentions.
This was live.
I was actually here on Saturday.
I shot a 16 minute video with him and then a four to five minute video on the Pope with him.
And we got done and I took those to go edit them and get them ready for the Sunday show because he wanted to play those during the Sunday show.
And right as I left, I started getting tics on my phone saying, so-and-so's coming on Facebook mentions.
So he was doing a Facebook mentions after that, and that's when they found out about Scalia.
I think during the Facebook mentions.
And then you see Alex go immediately into war game mode, thinking of all the possibilities.
Because he's not just going to stand by and go, well, they said it was natural causes.
Let's just open and shut case.
Okay, let's move along and talk about something else.
He sat there and war gamed it, of all the different possibilities that could happen.
You're not supposed to further investigate when the authorities tell you it's an open and shut case.
That's right.
No autopsy.
Let's embalm him immediately.
Speaking in my NPR voice, everything is fine.
The judge died peacefully.
His bedclothes were unwrinkled.
Unwrinkled, yeah.
Like what?
That was a really interesting random detail.
It was like a weird episode of X-Files.
Just like the pillow.
But you know, other people, former intel officers say, could be foul play.
William O. Ritchie, former head of criminal investigations for D.C.
Daryl, you were also talking about Zika.
So one guy who did speak out against Zika was quickly shut down by all the people who know everything, the priests of power.
Oh my, George Takai falls for Zika virus conspiracy theory.
You know, and he says Zika virus, not to blame.
Doctors cite man-made cause for birth defect epidemic.
And the man-made cause seems to be overuse of pesticides and overuse of vaccinations that compromise your immune system and allow the pesticides to go in it.
Well, they dumped it right in the drinking water.
Yeah, but that's normal.
To kill the mosquito larva.
That's right.
I mean, really?
You don't think there's going to be some repercussions?
Mr. Sulu is a conspiracy theorist.
George, thanks for speaking out.
We need more people to speak out.
We need people to come out and say, look, this is horse SHI.
We're not in your trance.
We're not taking your shots.
Let's go to Jeff in Canada.
Let's talk about the takeover of the USA.
Wait, is Canada going to take over the USA?
Do we need to blame Canada, Jeff?
What's going on?
Well, I think that at the current rate, Donald Trump will build a wall between Canada and Mexico.
So you don't have to worry about us being a threat anyway.
Maple syrup invaders!
Alright, so what's going on?
What do you think is going to happen?
How do you think the takeover will happen?
Who's going to take us over?
Well, you know what?
The takeover happened a long time ago.
The takeover, as you know, happened in 1871.
This is just the end of a long, long, miserable story that we call the Republic of America.
It's dead.
When I called in to your producer, I said, my subject would be the decline and fall of America.
Because what you are witnessing right now is truly that.
And I hope you can hear that in my voice, because I'm not calling from Canada to make a joke about anything right now.
This death, we are so close.
I totally hear the seriousness in your voice.
I agree with you 100%.
Keep going.
I don't think Canadians and Americans truly appreciate the connections that both countries have economically, militarily, on so many levels in the New World Order scheme of things.
And when the elephant sneezes, the 10,000 pound elephant in the room being our southern cousins and brothers and sisters, it has serious ramifications on Canadians.
And I think and I challenge Canadians and Americans on both sides of the border to seriously ponder what I'm saying right now and seriously think about how close we truly are to watching the Republic turn into a communist state.
And there will be arrests.
I can assure you this will happen on both borders.
And when I look at Walmarts here in Canada and the United States, these will be the places where they will take dissonance.
And it will not take long to round people up.
And it was a little alarming for me to hear Steve Pachenik say to Alex Jones this afternoon that we're going to be alright, that things are alright.
Things are not alright!
Things are not alright at all!
People are getting shot.
People are getting rounded up.
Things are not alright.
And we must do something more.
And I'm really hard-pressed to think what the solution is right now.
I really am.
I'm really running out of things to say.
Well, the solution is waking people up.
We've got to start there.
You have to get people out of their trance because there are still too many people asleep.
Even though when the government comes out and says something, we have 79% of the people think there's something fishy about Scalia's death, at least in that one poll.
You know, you have to really look.
At where we've been, just from my lifetime, you know, I was born in 74 and watching how things have gone downhill since then, even though we have this incredible technology.
We have the technology to solve pretty much any problem we come up with.
That's the gift of human intelligence, is to be able to solve these problems.
Instead of saying, oh, we have to make lifestyle changes, or there's this New York Times article that, oh, now there's e-commerce is bad because people get stuff in cardboard boxes and we don't know what to do with it.
Well, I bet we could figure out something to do with the cardboard boxes.
I bet we could figure out a plan that works.
I bet we could do all this stuff if we just sat down and worked on these problems instead of finger pointing and saying, you're the cause of it, you're the cause of it.
Let's sit down and come up with solutions to these problems that don't involve rounding people up and degrading our lifestyle.
Jeff, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
You've totally changed my tune.
I was going into Gallo's humor mode because that's kind of where I go and that's where my bent is.
The thing that's so frustrating as well, I know there's a quote, I can't recall it right now, but it talks about how you get people into such a state of chaos and misery, they'll be begging you
To protect them and save them.
And people are begging and rallying behind a socialist who wants to change the whole fabric of our society.
Has no plans for how he's going to pay for this $18 trillion in additional debt.
Oh, he has plans.
Don't worry.
He has plans.
And they truly think the government, who has completely screwed up a city like Flint, Michigan, is going to now, all of a sudden, do a great job at doling out the simple, meager rations to the people.
These are the same people that put fluoride in your water and tell you it's for your teeth, yet you swallow it.
And if you read the back of your toothpaste, it says don't eat the toothpaste because it's got fluoride in it and it's toxic, and if you do eat it, call Poison Control.
And it's a different kind of fluoride that they put in there.
It's not even the good, yeah.
They put better fluoride in the toothpaste.
It's, ugh.
They put hydrofluorosilicic acid in your water.
Or hydro or hexafluorosilicate.
You know, that's why it is.
This is so important with the Scalia thing because of the fact that now they're using this as a political tool.
It is a major thing.
It's put a huge ripple and that's going to be probably the focus of this whole election season going forward.
And who are we going to put in there?
Should we let Obama do it?
Even though before they said we're not going to allow election year presidents to put in lifetime appointments.
Because that is an aha as you walk out the door.
That is a slap in the face as you walk out the door.
And now the White House has come out saying that Obama regrets his filibuster of a Supreme Court nominee.
So here he is, a total hypocrite, saying that the Republicans standing up against this is unprecedented.
Oh, Mulderdash!
But then he was one of a group of, I think, 23 other senators who tried to filibuster
Alito when they wanted to put in Samuel Alito in 2006.
Alito, that's right.
So totally hypocritical, but I don't know why they don't think people are going to dig up their skeletons.
Oh, exactly.
It's just so fun to call them on this stuff as they go through.
Steven in Florida.
We've got a couple minutes left.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hey, good afternoon.
Okay, a couple things real quick.
I wanted to comment on Scalia.
Before I do that, I mentioned your caller.
I want to harken back to the fiasco last week and the week before with Bundy up there in Oregon.
And I was really kind of surprised that you guys, as far as I know, never mentioned this because you guys were the ones that broke this.
What was behind that whole thing in Nevada, which was, which you guys uncovered, that Harry Reid and his son cut that deal behind closed doors with the Tycoms.
No, we definitely talked about that.
We covered that.
Are you talking about something with Oregon that we didn't cover?
No, I covered that in depth with the mineral rights.
The mineral rights, yeah.
I talked about that.
Maybe you just aren't watching all of the stuff that we do.
Steven, I went and looked at a video yesterday that we put up in the afternoon.
We had 16 videos in front of it.
I'm like, did we put this video up yesterday?
And I'm looking around for it.
I had to count 16 videos back, and that was this morning.
Since then, there's been four more videos put up.
We put out a lot of content.
And what we don't do is, some issues we'll cover for a while, like this Scalia thing, we're gonna cover this for a little while.
We covered Oregon.
It was a 40-day ordeal.
We didn't cover every day.
We didn't have reporters on the ground every day, but we did cover it.
And I will say this, we do our best.
And LaVoy Fennecum was definitely murdered, I think.
Yeah, I agree.
That's how I feel.
We do our best to try and get all of our videos... And it was a pre-planned murder, I think.
I think they were planning on killing somebody.
Well, you said the mood had changed the day before.
Well, we also try, just for everyone out there, if you go to the Alex Jones YouTube channel, you'll see there's playlists.
And so we try to move all of our reports into specific playlists.
So if you're interested in more reports on the Oregon shooting, it's there, under playlists.
We got about 30 seconds left.
Steven, finish up what you wanted to say.
You didn't cover what happened in Oregon.
I just didn't hear bringing back in from the Nevada situation.
Tying them together.
I did.
Yeah, tying them together.
That's what I'm saying.
Now, as far as Scalia, okay, definitely with no autopsies done, there's dirty dealings going on here.
And I want to encourage everyone, I actually called
Good point.
Hey, Stephen, hold on.
I'll let you finish up across the break.
One more segment left for the 4th Hour of Overdrive.
I'm Rob Doo.
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And there won't be an investigation.
He died of natural causes.
The immortal Bob Marley bringing us in for the final segment.
Joining me also in the studio now, Jakari Jackson, who will be hosting the InfoWars Nightly News, a show that if you're unaware, plays every night, 7 p.m.
Sometimes even longer.
It's usually 7 to 8, but sometimes it's 7 to 10, 10 to 30 if we go live.
We've got some more debates coming up.
The Super Tuesday is coming up.
We won't be covering the South Carolina primary live because it's on a Saturday.
And we do take one day off a week or maybe a day and a half off.
Although I came up here last Saturday so you never know.
But when we're talking about South Carolina we will have an update from Richard Reese on the show so he can give you guys the latest skinny on what's going on out there.
It's a beautiful part of the country.
Yeah, I was just saying that I want to encourage everyone out there.
You ought to flood.
The governor of Texas' office, as well as the office of the Attorney General, demanding an investigation.
I know they're good people.
They're on our side.
But they need to hear from us because they need to push this until that judge is indicted.
And people don't know this.
Judges can be impeached.
And as well as have criminal charges brought against them.
You're going to find this thing goes all the way up to the White House.
That's what I believe.
I'm convinced of that.
Well there you go.
Thanks Steven for that call.
Jakari, what's coming up on the news tonight?
Like I said, we'll have Richard Reeves giving us the update on the campaign trail.
Also, Larry Summers in the war on cash.
And also, Paul Joseph Watson talks to Syrian Girl about Saudi Arabian war games and possible hostilities that could entail for Syria.
I like how the guy that created the black hole that sucks all the money in via derivatives is now saying we've got to ban cash.
Well, they want you to be in the cashless society so they can track everything you do.
They can spin your credit cards if they felt like it.
You know, any number of things.
Toady Summers, doing the work of the big banks.
It's a lot easier to punch buttons into a computer, too, than print money.
Oh, exactly.
Another guy came out, Neil Cash Carey, who was like the Goldman Sachs bag man during the whole banking crisis, has come out and pretty much said the same thing.
You know, these people just have no, it's like we don't remember what you said four years ago.
We're just going to be stupid.
Well, they do expect us not to remember.
I mean, you can even ask people about the Obama administration.
You can talk about stuff he said before he even got elected in office completely.
You can have video of him saying again and again, you can keep your doctor, keep your plan, and he still says, well, I didn't say that.
People have memories of Goldfish.
We got another time for one more, Carl.
Let's squeeze in Bob from Michigan.
Yeah, I just wanted to make the point that they play little lawyer games as far as the wording goes.
Like, I think the sheriff that was quoted about the pillow above his head, he didn't show up until a half hour later.
So technically, he did see the pillow not on his face because they probably had to take it off to get a positive identification on Scalia.
Yeah, it was probably like this.
Look, um, who is this guy?
Let's look.
Oh, hey, it's Scalia.
Let's call.
Let's call some people.
This guy doesn't look good.
Yeah, so they removed the pillow to see who it was.
Good point.
That is embarrassing theories.
And it doesn't take a genius to figure that out yet.
We got Daily Mail going, no, it was above the head.
And I was first on the scene when he wasn't.
You know, it's just, it's just another lie.
Another subterfuge.
It's like all the guys that took the headshot on Obama or Bin Laden.
You know, all the guys that stormed the place, and all the different stories, and the blown-up helicopter, and then another blown-up helicopter with a bunch of Navy SEALs in it.
We're never gonna learn the truth, I don't think.
What difference does it make?
That's true.
You have a Snickers bar.
But we should send some Snickers to ISIS.
Poor guys.
It's not enough to kill Christians, we need some Snickers bars and monster energy drinks and Red Bull.
You know, and airdrops of grenades and rocket launchers.
Yeah, we'll mix it in there.
Toyota trucks.
Yeah, there you go.
Hey, that's our show for today.
You've been watching the Alex Jones Show.
This is the fourth hour of Overdrive.
Call your radio station if they're not carrying it, or join us at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And tonight, PrisonPlanet.tv with Jakari Jackson hosting InfoWars Nightly News.
We'll see you then.
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