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Name: 20160215_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 15, 2016
3039 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Jones discusses conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and tensions between Russia and Saudi Arabia over control in Syria. He also promotes various products on his website.

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The country is on a razor's edge.
The Constitution is suspended by a thread right now.
We are being held over the edge of a cliff.
And he magically dies right on time, with perfect timing.
And I come out Saturday and say what my listeners are screaming.
I mean, every comment on InfoWars, every comment on YouTube, establishment comments on the Houston Chronicle I went and checked were, this is suspicious, there needs to be an autopsy immediately.
I can't believe they just came right out and said natural causes from an anonymous phone call we first heard.
And then the judge the next morning says, we're not doing an autopsy.
On and on and on.
It has all the tell-tale signs.
And then I saw this headline.
Scalia found dead with pillow over his head.
That's the article by San Antonio.
San Antonio Express News.
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia found dead in West Texas Ranch and has the owner of the ranch
Who goes in there a few hours, you know, after they thought Scalia would be at breakfast, and they find him with a pillow over his face.
And people say, why would they say that?
Because whoever killed him, ladies and gentlemen, sent a message.
Hey, it's Lugo Brasi's bulletproof vest with fish in it.
What's that mean?
It means he sleeps with the fishes!
The globalists know the childlike public will be told, you know, he just died of a heart attack.
Oh, I mean, he died of something else.
We don't know what he died of, but it's natural.
That's the news story.
You know, one of the changes.
But they leave the pillow on the face as a message to everyone at the Supreme Court, in the Congress, and everywhere else.
There are hundreds of articles yesterday and today attacking yours truly.
One of the worst is an entire Sydney Morning Herald story, the biggest paper in Australia, that is an absolute shake-and-bake.
I've seen this same article probably 5,000 times over the years.
I'm not joking.
Because we're attacked several hundred times a day in major papers.
This is a formulaic shake-and-bake.
I can guarantee you talking points were given to this writer, and they wrote it off a template.
And so later I'm going to read the whole article on air,
And I'm going to just analyze as a professor how they do this.
It is incredible how they operate.
Imagine, they admit massive seismic shift globally, not just for America with Scalia's death.
The final justice holding back who couldn't be blackmailed, who couldn't be intimidated, leading a revolt, going on television saying they're coming after your guns, going on television saying Obamacare is a total fraud and criminal, leading an assault that the rest of the court is being intimidated, and now he's deader than a doornail.
And the first announcement is, doesn't appear to be any foul play, natural causes, from a little TV station.
In Southwest Texas, and then it's repeated by San Antonio TV station, and no wonder mainstream media waited for two hours.
They didn't believe it.
Journalists, I saw them on Fox News, and even CNN went, well, they didn't report it for a few hours because you don't normally come right out and say, doesn't appear to be any foul play, especially with somebody this powerful.
So we thought it might be a mistake.
We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head.
His bedclothes were unwrinkled.
Man, you read the statements out of these people, boy.
If you've ever read a movie script, you've read them all.
I mean, this whole thing, like we say here in Texas, is as phony as a $3 bill.
And you know they like to kill people down here in Texas.
Was Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia assassinated?
There's growing evidence suggesting that yes, he was.
Scalia, who once said he interpreted the Bill of Rights no different than the Founding Fathers, was found dead in his room while staying at a ranch owned by a Democratic donor in the remote Big Bend region of West Texas.
For one thing, Presidio County Judge Cinderella Guevara first claimed that Scalia died of a heart attack.
And then she later backed off that statement and claimed instead that he died of natural causes with no signs of foul play.
But she never saw the body.
In fact, the Supreme Court justice was found with a pillow over his head.
Not only was there no autopsy performed on Scalia, but his body was also rushed to a funeral home to be quickly embalmed.
A process which would destroy toxology evidence indicating whether he had been poisoned.
The arch-conservative Scalia also opposed many of Obama's policies on illegal immigration and gun control.
And Obama benefits from his death by now being able to appoint his own judge who will undoubtedly rubber stamp the President's war on the Constitution.
For more news, visit InfoWars.com and YouTube channel Resistance News.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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We're good.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The enemy is moving, there's no doubt about that.
Expect more fireworks, more deaths.
Airplanes will get blown out of the sky.
The CIA came out yesterday and said ISIS attacks in America are inevitable.
Mainstream headlines say World War III could start by next month as Saudi Arabia prepares to send in more than 50,000 troops to battle the Russians in Syria.
Russian Prime Minister last week warned it could lead to a new world war.
And of course, in the midst of all that, the key conservative justice leading a movement against the globalist takeover.
A Supreme Court justice who is going on mainstream television channels and warning the public that there's a takeover happening.
It's set to rule on carbon taxes, open borders, gun restrictions, UN treaties.
And I looked it up, I've got the article.
Scalia almost always took his security detail of federal marshals with him.
But this time, he decided not to on a quail hunting trip in South Texas, in one of my favorite areas, to go hiking and hunting and whitewater rafting.
Folks know that I shoot a lot of videos when I'm down there.
Go down there at least once a year.
And the way this has been handled from start to finish, from the minute it was announced until now, is the most ridiculous attempt to lie to the public that I've seen in a long time.
The way that he was dispatched
The way they instantly crafted the entire polished narrative?
Oh, it was polished in its simplicity to try to open and shut things, but then when people begin to look at reality, all the different players surrounding it begin to admit, well, that's actually not true, well, I didn't say that, well, I didn't rule that, well, it wasn't a heart attack, well, we don't know how he died, but we do know how he died, but there'll be no autopsy, but on and on and on.
And mainstream media, for the first day and a half, would not even question should there be an autopsy.
It wasn't even discussed why there wasn't an autopsy.
Much less, hey, should foul play be looked into?
They would just use the words, appears to be natural causes, instantly.
The scripting,
Is what you see here.
And knowing the globalist modus operandi, their playbook, they like to leave telltale signs for those that are actually informed of a vicious threat.
This is done for intimidation.
You don't just kill Scalia.
Because he's that key conservative seat you can replace before Obama leaves office.
You do it to intimidate all the other associate justices and the chief justice and all the other federal and state judges.
When a state judge dies in their bed, they say, we're going to do an autopsy.
The coroner says, and that's just a default.
Even if the family tries to bucket, they'll do it.
Because of the cases those people sit over.
Judges are one of the most targeted groups out there.
Woody Harrelson's daddy was convicted of shooting a judge in Texas and San Antonio.
I mean, that's just a pop culture example.
Old Harrelson also got photographed up at Dealey Plaza.
Oh, speaking of Dealey Plaza, before I get into all the hardcore news, let me just play along with the mainstream media for just a moment.
And the hundreds of newspapers from New York City to Dallas, Texas to Sydney,
That are writing giant hit pieces against yours truly for just questioning, was he killed?
But now watching their response and what they're doing and how they're behaving and how their story unraveled and how they tried to basically bury him before they even announced it.
I'd give it about a 95% chance he was killed.
You know, I'm surprised that they didn't just say that JFK, we're going to play this a brooder film here in a moment, in Dealey Plaza in 1963, died of natural causes.
You know, Benazir Bhutto, when she came out and said, Bin Laden's been dead, the CIA staging all this, 9-11 was staged, that was the Pakistani president, she was running for office again, they rocket-propelled grenade at her, shot up her car in front of international news cameras, and in the U.S.
In the U.S.
News, they said she hit her head going over a bump in her car.
So, you see, if JFK was killed in 2016, they would just say he hit his head, folks.
He died of natural causes and no autopsy is needed.
All right?
You heard that first at AP and CNN.
John F. Kennedy died of natural causes in Dallas.
Or he hit his head.
You know, you can even change the story.
I remember back during the last election, the whole superdelegate fight, and I'd cover it.
They'd have news articles going, Jones is insane.
He says the popular vote of people in primaries can be ignored.
Everyone knows they don't steal delegates.
Now today, they go, oh yeah, we steal delegates.
With superdelegates, we appoint.
And that's just the way it is, see?
I mean, they've got NDAA on record.
With a federal judge that has basically written the NDAA, who they want to replace Scalia.
To say, kill U.S.
citizens anywhere you want, or domestically anytime, torture them, and don't even tell the public.
Don't even ever tell Congress.
Remember three weeks ago, and they're still trying to pass it, the Republican leader of the Senate?
Tried to give the presidency global martial law power to attack any person, any place, anything, 360 at any time, forever.
And then even a Democrat senator.
Came out on the floor of the Senate and admitted it was worldwide martial law they were trying to pass, and there was zero mainstream news coverage.
They don't even do hit pieces on things like that now.
They didn't even write articles saying Jones is insane, lying about this being worldwide martial law.
It's so over the top, they won't even try to lie about that now.
They're going to a new level of deafening silence.
So again, let's show that to TV viewers.
Viewer discretion advised for children out there.
Well, actually, no.
He just hit his head like Benazir Bhutto.
Here is JFK in Dallas, Texas.
And he hit his head, folks.
He wasn't shot in the head.
I mean, forget, you know, saying there weren't multiple gunmen.
Let's just go further.
There was no guns at all.
All right.
And, of course, his brain was stolen.
I've also interviewed the funeral home director, who became one of the biggest funeral home companies in Texas.
Oh, by the way, he was coming to be interviewed in studio, and a man in a black sedan rammed him off the road, and then he basically was in bad health after that.
Oh, yeah, he was coming to be on the show.
He'd been on the show before, but he was there when the FBI came in, put the ink on his hands, took the hands, and stuck them on the rifle.
They didn't just put his fingerprints on the rifle, they wanted it in ink so they could hold it up to the idiot public and say, look at those purple fingerprints!
Yeah, they're purple, alright!
Then, after they buried Lee Harvey Oswald, he came back after the weekend, and the sarcophagus had been dug into, removed, and some other body stuck in there.
I mean, this is the funeral home director I've interviewed.
He came to one of my events.
Told me who he was.
He was with his son.
How'd he get his son on?
I'm teleprompter free.
There's so much data.
People ask how I know something's a killing.
It's the scripting.
It's the history.
It's how they do it.
And then they put a pillow on his face.
And then, of course, the people that are running the resort, they don't want a murder to have happened where they're at.
They want to just believe what the
Law enforcement people.
He didn't have a security detail, but a federal marshal, later in the afternoon, was able to get there.
Some special federal marshal.
We don't know whose we can look into him.
We're not told names here, because, you know, we don't want to be able to dig into anything.
And says, oh, it appears to not be foul play.
And then a bunch of local police in South
West Texas?
I mean, that's the most corrupt area of Texas, folks.
As crooked as the dog's back leg.
Or as Bill Clinton's proboscis.
And then they have a procession of 20 police cars into El Paso, hours away.
And Obama is told two hours before it's even on local ABC News that he's dead.
See, they could control it by releasing it through a little bitty TV station, again, two hours away.
The whole thing is exactly how you do it, and it's designed, it is designed
For the most dumbed down public to buy into it and just move along.
But the public is in revolt right now, supporting Bernie Sanders, supporting Donald Trump, because they are seen as revolutionary, whether they're real or not.
That's an expression of it.
There is almost no one online, not on my site, on major newspaper sites.
I went to them.
Almost everyone is pointing out the timing, how they announced it.
No autopsy, how they're changing the story over and over and over and over again.
People say, well, stories change.
That's why you have autopsies.
It's why you have investigations, especially of the key Supreme Court justice holding back the entire agenda and right on time and right when he didn't take a security detail.
Just everything lining up perfectly, didn't it?
That's why in the interest of this, I'm going to skip this break.
Because this is of the highest magnitude, ladies and gentlemen.
And what this signifies, the fact that they dropped the hammer on Scalia.
Let me put it to you this way.
This not being murder, this not being foul play, this not being staged, when you know the facts, the history, how the pieces go together, you look at the gestalt.
If he wasn't killed, maybe he wasn't murdered.
Then I'll also say maybe Hillary in Iowa did win six twin causes in a row in the six key precincts to win.
And get the extra delegate and beat Bernie Sanders.
Maybe she did win six coin tosses in a row.
But you see, she lost by 20 points in New Hampshire and still won.
Oh, that's okay too, right?
Because I'm a conspiracy theorist?
See, Goebbels said, the Nazi propaganda minister, and I've read his writings, he said,
We don't want the lies to be complex.
We want them to be incredibly simple, and it doesn't matter if they're easily disproven, because the public isn't intellectual.
They want something lazy and dumb to not have to get involved or do anything.
They just don't want the responsibility.
To stand up while we're taking over their lives.
You ought to go read his writings.
I just paraphrase it.
It's nastier.
You saw Gruber get up and say, thank God Americans are so dumb.
We can rip them off and triple prices.
And the other professors seeing him as a god.
And that's what you send your kids to school to learn how to lie now.
That's the new economy.
That's what we're based on.
It's like Buckley said last night in the Facebook mentions.
Con artists will tell you, you can't cheat an honest man.
Because they don't think like that and they instantly pick up on fraud.
But people that want to believe in fraud are lazy, they're dumb, they're intellectually stupid, they want to be stupid.
And they want to just sit back and go, oh whatever, heart attack, oh man, oh yeah, right.
Folks, it's the climate we're in.
It's the scripting.
It's the story unraveling.
And that it's meant to unravel.
It's meant, Congress knows it's spied on.
Remember, I told you 20 years ago about NSA spying?
And exactly how it was being done, and how it was meant to predict future trends, and blackmail people, and how they did it, and how the hubs were put in, and how it was wired into the phone companies?
I was interviewing Wayne Madsen 18 years ago.
He's a super famous NSA whistleblower.
Just back then they would ignore it.
I've interviewed James Bamford, the big whistleblower, former main producer of Nightline.
I have interviewed the type of people, like the AT&T executive six years ago that went public and said, there's whole rooms and floors, they run.
We bill them billions a year for the bandwidth and they run everything through these hubs.
They build hubs, folks, in many cases where there'll be a whole building right next to another telecommunications building.
Because they have to copy it all.
They have to run it through.
That's why they're getting rid of just all that now and just going, you know what?
Yeah, we are taking it all.
And we're not going to pay you companies for the data anymore.
Why do they even need to pay the companies anymore?
They just rule everything.
Exactly what I told you.
Exactly what I told you.
Exactly what I told you is what they're doing.
Because, folks, no one else would talk about this.
So people heard me with NSA whistleblowers on, and I had no idea how much danger I was in.
They had the Army following me around.
That's been in the newspaper.
Bill Clinton had the Army, had Delta Force following me around.
You think this is a game, folks?
I'd be at the rodeo doing announcing, doing local radio, and an old guy would walk up when I would be over there getting a nice tea and a hot dog during a break and he'd go, Alex, really appreciate you.
Here's an envelope.
And it'd be like specs to, you know, the microphones in the cable boxes and the plans for the video cameras in them and how the hubs were in Time Warner to the NSA.
And I'd tell my dad about it, he'd say, son, no one's gonna believe me anyway, throw that away in a dumpster right now.
And then I'd be out in the parking lot a year later and there'd be a guy go, hey Alex, I gave you that a year ago, why didn't you do anything with that?
I'd be like, listen, I don't know how to vet all this.
Well, listen, I had to take a cab here and be dropped off a half mile away to walk here because of the license plate reading cameras.
I mean, I have lived an X-Files episode, folks, but minus the zombie goblins and the chupacabras.
And I get to sit here and look at over a hundred newspapers today.
Type in Alex Jones.
He's a kook.
He's a nut.
Oh, he says they killed Scalia.
And then they go in the articles.
It's all formulaic.
And they say,
He also believes in space aliens and he also believes that martial law was coming with Jade Helm and he also and just lie after lie after lie after lie that I never said in a shake and bake operation to sit there and convince the public none of this is happening and then it goes further.
Then they add a bunch of admitted stuff that's going on that's public after they talk about the space alien stuff to then discredit it all.
And if you read these articles you will learn how they operate.
Because after they talk about, you know, space aliens and all the rest of it, they say, it's not uncommon to hear the Obama administration is planning to allow the United Nations to take over the nation using a framework Resent 21.
But the federal government is stockpiling ammunition for these people that Hillary Clinton ordered available forces to stand down.
The survivors are on record that they got the order from the State Department to stand down.
I mean, it's just, see, oh, that's a conspiracy.
All these Navy SEALs and people are lying.
They better not get on a helicopter, like the ones on the fake Bin Laden raid, because they'll be gotten rid of.
These people are risking their lives.
Are they conspiracy theorists too?
Rather than rescue besieged American personnel in Benghazi.
Oh, imagine!
Why would she not want to rescue them?
Because they were getting rid of them because they knew about the Stinger Missile Transfer.
And then I told you, before they start using Stinger Missiles to shoot down Western Airlines, you'll see the cover stories that they've built their own Stinger Missiles.
Those articles were now rolled out a month ago that magically, magically,
ISIS and Al-Qaeda made their own Stinger missiles, and I knew when I saw the headline, they would later admit in the article that they were actually US Stinger missiles given to them, and that they had just repaired them.
I just know their battle plans, how they operate, it's so formulaic, and then I read the article, and they talk about how they built Stinger missiles, and you built a nuclear reactor out in the desert too, you know, with an Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, and then it gets down to, oh, they're actually Stinger missiles, we don't know where they got them, but they fixed the battery.
And I told you, get ready for the cover stories, and then now the CIA director comes out and says, get ready for ISIS attacks.
They're going to attack all over the US, and we're going to take your rights away, and yeah, they're probably going to shoot some airlines down.
How many hundreds of times did I say after Benghazi?
They'll transfer the weapons, they'll go to Syria, they'll be let into Europe, they'll start shooting down airliners, and then they'll bring in martial law, civil emergency on the back of it.
What I'm telling you and told you is now happening.
I mean, actually, I don't even know how I'm this smart.
I mean, let's just be honest.
I'm not that smart.
The enemy is operating like we're complete idiots.
And I told you, get ready.
They're going to start saying a few years ago that Assad is the reason ISIS and Al-Qaeda are in Syria and we must take out Assad to stop them or they're going to attack us in America.
And I was watching Fox this morning.
And they had, you know, the generals, the retired generals on the payroll going,
We've got to get tough and invade and take out Assad right now.
We've got to work with Saudi Arabia to do it.
They've got missiles, and they've got all these weapons that are going to hit us in America, like the CIA director said.
We've allowed them to have a safe haven in Syria, and we've got to take them out.
Put them in there.
You gave them the safe haven.
You gave them the weapons.
And then you turn around and blame Assad and the Russians battling it for their lives?
And you prepare to bring in massive ground forces for a full-out war with Russia in Syria?
If you look at Syria, it's right under the border of Russia.
Ukraine is fighting NATO proxy troops right now on its border in Ukraine.
Of course they killed Scalia!
There are times in history when the evil moves, and evil is moving, and is accelerating, and went from 100 miles an hour to 1,000 miles an hour, and now it's accelerating to just light speed, folks.
They got a word for it, it's called incoming, and get ready for all Hades to break loose.
And if the public buys this, and if there isn't an investigation, they'll take it as a signal
To start doing more, but having him be found with that pillow over his face is a message to everyone.
Now it means the people that found him, I don't think were involved.
Because if they were involved, they would just remove the pillow.
Unless, again, it was meant to be there so they'd find it and report it, and it's a message to everyone.
You do what we say or we're gonna kill you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
There'll be a horse head in the bed.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Unit.
There's also a bloody horse head in the bed with the body, but we don't know what it means.
Today is Monday, February 15th, and here's the latest in international news.
The Syrian government army is advancing Iraq after a major anti-ISIS counter-strike.
Syrian army units and paramilitary forces are seizing control of the province to take back strategically important areas that cut ISIS supply lines operating on a critical highway, which leads directly into the Islamic State stronghold.
On Sunday, Syrian troops and Palestinian militia captured a strategically important hilltop, which was the last entrenched Islamic State position.
Later that day, the Syrian army launched a major assault which also cut the Islamic State's major supply route from Raqqa to the nearby province of Hama.
A military source briefed on the battle towards Reuters, quote, This is the indication of the direction of the coming operations towards Raqqa.
In general, the Raqqa front is open.
The advance into ISIS-held Raqqa would allow Damascus to regain control over the region where Syrian government forces have had no presence since 2014.
It would also complicate any move by Saudi Arabia to deploy forces into Syria.
For more reports, visit InfoWars.com and Resistance News on YouTube.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You know what Infowars' main job is?
Hitting the barbed wire.
Going up the hill first, not being afraid to be attacked.
On 9-11, it was on the news, they were going to blow up the Solomon Brothers building, building 7, to protect other buildings.
They blew it up.
And then, people would say I was a conspiracy theorist, that they ever said blow it up, and I would go to New York.
And I would sit there and interview people who all heard them say on the news, NPR, CBS, CNN, Fox News, the same thing.
But Fox and all them wouldn't release the tapes.
It was weird.
But then years later, MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, they released all their tapes.
And then BBC did, and it was all on the tape.
An hour before, we're gonna bring it down, we're gonna blow it up.
Then they announced it had fallen early.
And it hadn't fallen.
And then boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, it fell at free-fall speed.
And then NIST came out and said, actually, it did fall at free-fall speed.
Impossible from a fire collapse.
Those are nearly impossible.
And then I interviewed the deputy head of emergency management, who was basically told there's bombs, the building's gonna be brought down.
And two weeks later, Barry Jennings was dead.
And then we sent reporters to his house on Long Island, and the family wouldn't talk, and everything was being loaded in a moving truck.
They were relocated very quickly.
Was he even, did he really even die?
Or they come snatch him up and say, we're putting you into a super secret program, we're gonna let you know what really happened.
I don't know, but they said he died.
Just like the DC Madam.
Just like Steak Knife, the British commando that on my show exposed that British intelligence ran the IRA, the violent element of it at the top.
And I'm not here saying, we told you, we told you, we told you, but we're the ones that did it!
And so, on Saturday, I'm up here working.
I called Buckley, Hammond, Anthony Gucciardi, and Rabu in the morning, and I said, something big is about to happen.
I want to have a big war game scenario in the conference room for at least two hours.
I want to shoot special reports.
And I sat in that office Saturday,
Telling them something big is about to happen.
They're all witnesses to it.
And of course, Scalia was already dead.
It was that morning.
I called him about 10.
I was like, something big.
It's not that Scalia is that big.
He's huge.
But it's that they do it and seismically what it means is that it's happening.
Just like when you're sitting there at the park bench and you feel somebody looking at you and you turn around and the person's a hundred yards away staring right at you.
You know, you're six cents.
I was just like, you got to come into the office.
Something big's about to happen.
And we were here for seven hours preparing and planning and for scenarios of false flags and assassinations and a sense of urgency to the public.
And then meanwhile, we're shooting Facebook mentions for
Two hours, and people keep saying, talk about Scalia, talk about Scalia, talk about Scalia, and I'm in this desperate two hour rant.
It was like an hour and 50 minutes long.
The video stopped once, it was in two parts.
Live in the conference room, with sweat running down.
They weren't sweating, I had sweat running down me.
It's 65 degrees in here, folks, and I'm sweating right now.
That happens when I'm freaked out, okay?
My brain's going a million miles an hour.
All I can tell you is, all hell's about to break loose.
So then, I'm driving home, and I'm listening to the radio, and they had just announced an hour and a half before that he was found dead, nothing to see here, looks like natural causes, which they never say, and I called Buckling and I said, that's it, I gotta come over to your place, I wanna do another video.
And I get up there and I say, he's a key Supreme Court Justice, there's more than 50 big cases, the Second Amendment hanging in the balance, our borders, our sovereignty, these UN treaties, he's not going along with Obamacare like the other Republicans that have reportedly been blackmailed.
Clarence Thomas, I'd like to hear from him.
I'll say this, Matt Drudge came here, when he's only done like one other interview in the last five years, came here a few months ago to say, I've had dinner with the top Supreme Court justices, more than a dinner, he was with them for like a day.
He told me the hammer's coming down next year, we've been threatened to basically go along with it.
He talked about this on air and he told me more obviously at dinner.
But Drudge was here because he's concerned.
See, so the Sydney Morning Herald can make jokes, and hundreds of other newspapers can make jokes, and all these publications can make jokes.
Anthony Scalia's death sets off hysteria, conspiracy theories.
But it doesn't matter, see.
I'm credible with the actual people that are in the real world who have dinner with multiple Supreme Court justices, and you wouldn't believe who else was in the room.
Talking about what you just saw happen.
And so, obviously, Drudge began to look into him being killed immediately, because evidence was emerging.
And Drudge is being criticized for that.
You know, because he's the type of guy that has dinner with these people.
See, because when you live in the real world, like I do, and the military threatens to kill you, if you keep talking about the NSA 18 years ago, oh, you learn that there is a tyranny.
Then you learn the military has basically told the government, you have somebody else kill Jones.
We're not going to do it.
And by the way, information is going to leak about whoever kills him.
You've heard Steve Pucinich on air, who's personally killed a lot of people himself, overthrown more than eight governments, is on record for that.
Knew how to use psychological warfare to make the communists do what he wanted to in Italy.
The list goes on and on.
That's a real guy that co-wrote books with Tom Clancy.
That's where Clancy got his info.
Shang, yeah, there have of course been discussions about killing you at high levels, but they know there's people that support what you're doing that are gonna leak if you're killed.
Folks, there is a full-on war for the country right now. 110%.
This isn't a radio show.
This isn't entertainment.
This isn't a game.
This is an emergency transmission.
I'm nothing but a Paul Revere, and I'm not special.
I learned about this early on.
I was a paleo libertarian conservative.
I got on air, and I would talk about things other people wouldn't talk about, so I became a conduit for sources to put out their info.
And I was willing to die.
To do it.
Because my forebearers were the same, and I'm cut from the same cloth, even though I grew up in a softer age.
I have a will to survive, a will to not be overthrown, a will to not be a slave.
And that's what made America great.
Was not rolling over.
And so, the reason I talk about myself, or Matt Drudge and all of this, is because I'm in this.
I'm in this.
I'm living in this.
I talk to the retired generals.
I talk to the people in the military currently high level.
There are former heads of special forces.
And others.
I've talked to three, actually, of some of the former heads of Army Special Forces, before they got promoted above that, who have security details that they have to pay for around the clock.
And let me tell you, boys and girls, it isn't for Al-Qaeda coming after them.
You understand that, folks?
There's already been a coup over America and now they want to mop the states up.
They're trying to indict Governor Abbott.
They are trying to cook.
They have already indicted his Attorney General who is shooing Obama and brought the cases that are before Scalia on the open borders, on the gun grabbing, on the power plants.
And they just said, you know what, we're going to indict you at dinner a year after you gave up your
Your stock license, your securities license, you told people you thought a certain company ought to be a good investment.
We're going to indict you for that while Hillary gets billions of dollars from foreign dictators in front of everybody to ship weapons to them.
They can indict a ham sandwich.
And you notice Abbott just came out and said, come and take our guns.
You're a tyrant.
We need to get the states together.
There's been basically a foreign takeover.
And we need other governors to act just the same way.
Folks, this isn't a game.
Maybe they'll find the governor with a pillow over his face.
Maybe that's the new thing.
All these conservatives that are fighting back that are real conservatives, they're all being found with pillows over their faces.
And then they announce, no autopsy.
You know, in Arkansas, they would just have Fannie Malick when people were found with their arms and legs cut off.
In fact, we've got to get, um,
We've got to get the Clinton insider on from Arkansas, Larry Nichols.
I don't know what to say anymore to people.
I mean, this is just going to get worse because the average American watches football all day.
But there's a paradox happening here because as all of this is happening, the public says the U.S.
government's the number one threat to their freedom and future in Gallup and that they support Congress 9 percent.
They have identity politics with the Democrat and Republican parties, so some of those characters, you know, have 30-40% approval ratings.
But still, this government is illegitimate, it knows it's illegitimate, and it's busy trying to make you as poor as you possibly can.
So you're so busy trying to get food, you can never organize any type of political resistance against what they've done, and then they're trying to set up a physical civil war, so they have an excuse to run around arresting millions of people, and they publicly have built giant emergency quote centers to forequote political dissonance and call them re-education camps.
That's in the Army Manual, 2010.
You say, yeah, that's scary in FEMA camp.
That's the colloquial name.
Normally, with 1984 stuff, they'd call it a fun camp, like Hillary did, or something.
No, they call it a re-education center.
Re-education center.
And they just hope you don't go search engine, Army document re-education center, Army document resettlement center.
I mean, they actually want to have a giant civil war, and they think the gun owners and people are going to roll over in it when the shooting starts, and that's not going to happen.
I cannot even... That's why you've got thousands of sheriffs now coming out and saying, we're not turning the guns in, don't try to take them.
I was talking to a gentleman who's prominent in a Utah town, and I'm not going to report on this yet, but it was when Jade Helm happened, and the army was on the streets, and he talked to the county people and others.
I'm going to stop there.
And it was exactly what we have on tape under Clinton in Hebron, Maryland in Police State 2000 where they got the local Boy Scouts to run around for the Marines and train them to go in and identify how many guns their parents have in their house and to come back and report it to the Marines on paper.
And we even have the kids reporting back to the Marines and then our camera guy.
The Marines come over with their rifles.
And the state police, and try to take their footage.
We have it on video, so I don't need to hear it from this fellow, who, by the way, had not seen my film.
I was sitting there listening to him, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
That's someone I've known for years, and it's someone who's very credible, and it's someone who's prominent in his area.
And he said, yeah, it was crazy.
Was it an imminent takeover?
But a few months before that,
They had had more than 30 sheriffs in Utah come out and say, we're not letting you take the guns if you try to confiscate them, we're going to physically fight you.
You've seen these different state judges and stuff in Texas say the same thing.
That's because they're privy to what I'm privy to, and things I'm not privy to.
This is an open secret.
Now, the special forces isn't just doing this to be friends and subside.
They are totally freaked out, and they're like, it's all true.
I have senior-level police, senior-level military people, you name it, sit there and look at me and hang on every word and go, yes sir, yes sir, yes, yes, yes.
And I'm a 42-year-old talk show host.
I don't, okay?
It's just people won't stand up, there's no leadership, because it's so fantastical.
But these police and military, they're in there, they're getting the training at a level 50 times what it was under Clinton, because they're getting ready to go operational.
And killing Scalia.
Okay, they didn't kill Scalia and Hillary won 6-20 causes in a row.
And she lost by 20 points to New Hampshire, but she won more delegates.
Okay, there's nothing wrong here.
Everything's fine.
Go back to sleep.
Obama has announced the borders are open, illegally outside of law.
The Border Patrol union head has gone public.
It's all admitted.
We have it on video.
Doesn't matter though, we're not under a tyranny.
You're right, Sydney Morning Herald.
You're right, Media Matters.
You're right, White House run.
You're right, nothing's happening.
I'm gonna come back and actually go through all the articles and actually, oh, I saw another disinfo thing in the news.
They tried Sunday to say I was a liar in a bunch of news and that there was no pillow over the face article.
Even in the comments section of the very San Antonio Express News.
Even on my site and even on other newspapers they said, Jones claims he had a pillow.
I didn't say that.
The guy that reportedly found him said that.
See how they operate?
Hoping you don't actually go look at the facts for yourself.
Now let's continue here.
I'm going to go to break and come back and go over all this and I'm going to briefly
Tell you about the U.N.
openly telling governments how to operate here and in the U.K.
Oh yeah, the strong cities initiative where the U.N.
runs your city.
That is mainstream news in the London Independent.
So we're going to talk about that.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, coming to you from FEMA Region 6.
We have former NSA whistleblower, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen joining us at the bottom of the next hour.
We're also going to get back to a church hearing clip from C-SPAN.
When they're showing the CIA's heart attack gun, but they've got hundreds of poisons and compounds and synthetic compounds that will kill you and will be untraceable.
Dr. David Kelly exposed that there weren't any WMBs in Iraq, that they were ordered to falsify the reports.
That was later confirmed.
He said, I've been threatened if I don't shut up in emails, I'll be found dead in the woods.
He was found dead in the woods with his wrist slit with no blood and a bunch of undissolved painkillers in his stomach.
Even the coroner came out and said, basically, foul play.
Then they had other coroners and a queen's commission come out and say no.
Like Princess Diana's murder.
She was pregnant.
So, you know, to the owner of Herod's son, Herod's department store, I mean, it's so ridiculous how they operate.
And they do it over and over and over again.
But I want to explain something here.
From the time of Julius Caesar and before that and forward, political intrigue, murder, poisoning, every king throughout history in his adjuncts had food tasters because of poisoning.
Scalia is the equivalent of a mega king.
The key justice, the tiebreaker justice to stop the globalist agenda, the gun control, everything, and then he dies.
And then they instantly say, looks like
Natural causes?
He died of a heart attack.
You didn't have a doctor say that.
Well, somebody over a telephone said that.
Oh, now it wasn't a heart attack.
We don't know, but there's not going to be an autopsy.
They have a judge the next morning rule.
The same judge that's ruled, by the way, in a bunch of other bizarre cases, quote, suicides and things with gunshot wounds to the head with children and things.
We're digging into this.
Paul Watson just called me during the break.
I'm going to work on getting him on.
I already saw this, but he's codifying it that the owner of the ranch is a mega
Obama donor and other connections.
Scalia loved to hunt, boy didn't he?
And he walked right into a very interesting place.
And that's all coming up in the next hour.
We discover the judge in bed, a pillow over his head.
Ranch owner describes moment he discovered Scalia.
As an autopsy is ruled out following death from natural causes.
I love it!
You have an autopsy to determine death, but you see, now autopsies are ruled out by someone on a telephone!
A federal officer said, maybe the federal officer can wave a wand and make North Korea a free country.
Maybe he can wave a wand over rotten milk and make it good again.
I mean, what is this?
And now they're saying it wasn't a heart attack.
Now they're changing the story over and over and over again.
I'm gonna go over all that coming up.
I haven't even gotten into the meat and potatoes yet, but you see them making jokes about this, you see them attacking, you see it because they're scared to death that you'd actually investigate it.
They want the general public just to believe whatever they're told, believe Obamacare's free, believe Hillary's gonna win even if she loses the popular vote, you know, believe that two plus two equals five and you didn't build your business, and you know, mommies and daddies are bad, all of this inversion of reality.
They don't want you to question, but to the thinking man,
The thinking woman, I'm surprised, again, they didn't put a horse head in the bed with him, you know, all out of the Godfather.
I mean, let's go back to the Godfather, you know, the guy creeping around with a pillow at the hospital, you know, trying to take out the competition.
I mean, do you have to catch the guy with the pillow over his face?
And again,
Why would they say there was a pillow over his face?
What is the point of that?
You read the cryptic statements about, he was a fabulous person and an incredible guy.
And just the whole thing, you read it and it's creepy.
Read the statements.
We're going to be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's not just the death of the key Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia that sends up emergency red flags.
It's the open announcements of preparation with toe-to-toe war against Russian troops using U.S.
and other troops, NATO troops, in Ukraine and in Syria.
Mainline analysts saying the buildup to World War III is intense.
Not my words, theirs.
We have those in the stack.
We have the U.N.
telling national governments how to behave.
Mainstream news reporting on that.
We've got scores of news articles making fun of me, saying I'm warning of the UN regulations and treaties, that it doesn't exist.
I mean, it's just total schizophrenic behavior.
Absolutely schizophrenic behavior.
Where Anthony Scalia's death sets off hysteria, conspiracy theories.
Alex Jones thinks that we're under UN treaties and UN control.
Oh, here's the London Independent today.
United Nations warns UK government to stop tasering children.
Or says they'll bring them up on war crime charges in violation of the Geneva Convention.
And regardless what you think about tasers,
The UN is the most abusive group towards children I've ever found or seen.
I mean, their sex scandals are every five minutes.
The sex slavery, the drug running, the corruption.
It's a diplomatically immune legion of doom.
You mean the UN building ought to fly around like it's on a spaceship and just land at villages and murder everybody?
Because that's about how bad it is.
As an allegory, I'm not saying it actually does that, in case Rachel Maddow is confused.
And they just make jokes.
And then right here, United Nations warns UK government to stop tasering children.
They're going to come after them.
This is the type of stuff we're dealing with.
But I have to behave myself today because I need to get to all the election news.
I need to get to all the economic news.
I need to get to the other political news.
I mean, it is crazy.
But the Scalia thing is that Rosetta Stone is that key.
There's so many other keys as well that if you understand that, you understand everything because this is just spectacular.
What's going on?
And then I suddenly saw last week, this weekend, scores of articles, because I mean, I'm surfing around looking at headlines, and I saw it on CNN and Fox, and it was, when hackers turn off your lights and they go, oh, all your major appliances can be hacked and taken over.
In fact, they're designed to be wide open.
Your security cameras, your dishwasher, your stove could burn down your house, hackers.
I mean, I try to put appliances in my house that they're just old-fashioned and just don't have all this wireless crap that never works and screws up constantly.
You know, you try to put a cable system in your house that doesn't have cameras and microphones and isn't tracking everything you do, you just can't do it.
And then it doesn't even work good on top of it.
Because it's not designed to bring you entertainment or information, it's designed to spy on you.
Your phone is a social control system to track everything you do, follow you around, and then the apps and the video games and the toys and the cameras are secondary for your pleasure.
It's there to be psychologically assessing you with algorithms at all times, and the CIA admitted it five years ago!
And we would talk about it, what Petraeus and others said in the news.
We already knew it.
We told you decades before.
But it didn't matter.
They would have articles going, Jones is insane and believes that your washing machine or your stove is going to be listening and watching you.
I was quoting Petraeus in Wired Magazine and it was the headline.
And they knew that.
They were editing the tapes to make it sound fantastical and as if I was saying it.
Like talking about all over the Western world, amphibians and fish are becoming asexual or bisexual or losing their fertility from the runoff of what we're drinking and eating, the glyphosates and the rest of it.
The cocktail.
They have had thousands of articles that I'm obsessed with gay frogs.
Out of context.
There it is, CIA chief.
We'll spy on you through your dishwasher.
Wired Magazine.
But the media attacked me on that and I said, listen, I'm not attacking people that would be naturally, quote, gay.
I'm saying there's proclivities with certain hormones and chemicals to confuse male and female sexuality if you would have been inclined towards the dominant, you know, default straight setting.
And then I showed Pentagon documents how they admitted they were doing this to the public.
And so their response was just to say, I'm obsessed with gay frogs.
Was Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia assassinated?
There's growing evidence suggesting that yes, he was.
Scalia, who once said he interpreted the Bill of Rights no different than the Founding Fathers, was found dead in his room while staying at a ranch owned by a Democratic donor in the remote Big Bend region of West Texas.
For one thing, Presidio County Judge Cinderella Guevara first claimed that Scalia died of a heart attack.
And then she later backed off that statement and claimed instead that he died of natural causes with no signs of foul play.
But she never saw the body.
In fact, the Supreme Court justice was found with a pillow over his head.
Not only was there no autopsy performed on Scalia, but his body was also rushed to a funeral home to be quickly embalmed.
A process which would destroy toxology evidence indicating whether he had been poisoned.
The arch-conservative Scalia also opposed many of Obama's policies on illegal immigration and gun control.
And Obama benefits from his death by now being able to appoint his own judge who will undoubtedly rubber stamp the President's war on the Constitution.
For more news, visit InfoWars.com and YouTube channel Resistance News.
This is Kit Annals reporting.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
We had top scientists on more than a decade ago and have done countless articles and reports about the new light bulbs that were mandatory under UN regulations to be installed worldwide that we've now adopted under federal law causing cancer and brain damage.
And here is a mainstream news article from Tel Aviv, from French news agency.
New Israeli study artificial light causes weight gain and cancer.
You know, I thought I'd just mention that because the media has made fun of us for that as well.
We were just going off the top scientists, you know, just like cell phone radiations known to cause cancer.
We're just being honest.
We have a whole other stack of articles here getting into glyphosates admittedly causing cancer and how they told you it was totally safe and good for you when they knew full well in rat studies in the 60s that it actually grows tumors.
It's so carcinogenic it makes my head spin.
It actually grows tumors.
It's a miracle grow for mammals to die.
So it's a miracle death.
You've heard of Miracle-Gro, which of course isn't a glyphosate, it's fertilizer.
I'm saying that glyphosate, Roundup's brand name, the good folks at Monsanto, is basically super tumor grower.
So, if you'd like to check out and get off the planet real quick, hey, I understand.
Just, we're the evil conspiracy theorists that told you about that 20 years ago.
Because, you see, in the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, hated, feared, scorned.
In time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
That's why, within 30 minutes of Scalia's death...
I went on air and said we should investigate foul play.
There must be an autopsy.
If they don't want an autopsy and the fact that they instantly said we're not going to investigate, this doesn't look like it could be any foul play, an anonymous federal phone call, different stories changing.
He died of a heart attack.
He didn't die of a heart attack.
We don't know how he died, but we know it was natural.
The story changed over and over again.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
I saw this last night.
I did the research, actually, Saturday evening, but wanted to give it more time for stuff to come out.
And his statement about how he had dinner with him that night, the owner of the ranch, with all these guests, and what he talked to Scalia about, and then what he said about Scalia, and then he comes there in the morning and he goes in to check on Scalia.
And Scalia's dead with a pillow on his face.
And who is the owner of the ranch?
John B. Poindexter.
No, no, not Admiral Poindexter of the Total Information Awareness Network and Iran Conference.
But John Poindexter is a third-generation Texan and military veteran and an entrepreneur who lives in Houston and Big Bend region of West Texas.
This is from his biography.
In 2009, the Presidential Unit Citation was conferred on John's Vietnam Command of four decades earlier.
Alpha Troop!
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment!
You know, I know enough about the Army research in these groups.
I mean, this guy is a on-the-ground commando killer.
And then it goes into all his decorations in Vietnam and secret operations.
Boy, this is a very friendly person!
The nation's highest decoration for combat unit was awarded to Alpha Troop for the truly extraordinary rescue against all odds of an American infantry company that was facing certain annihilation.
The granting of the decoration was commemorated in the national televised ceremony in the Rose Garden in the White House presided over by President Obama.
And then it goes into how what a big buddy of Obama he is and a big contributor to Obama, according to him,
And his military service portion, John, graduated and got education, began in a financial center in New York City.
He joined Solomon Brothers.
Oh, Building 7!
Worked in Building 7 for the CIA and FBI and all that.
There wasn't a more elite building in the world that was private than Building 7.
That was the command base of New York.
FBI, CIA, NSA, Army Intelligence.
But within a few years he transitioned into private equity investment later and he became a partner with Smith Barney Venture Company, an affiliate with Smith Barney, Harris Upham, and later in 83 he was managing partner of the two investment partnerships KD&P Equities and J.B.
Poindexter & Co.
and acquired companies with aggregated revenues of more than $1 billion a year.
I'm going to stop right there.
And Watson's writing an article right now digging into this guy.
I'm sure he's a wonderful person.
We just need to have an investigation.
And I'm sure he wants one.
Oh, I'm sorry.
A judge ruled the next morning that there'll be no autopsy.
And they wouldn't tell us what was going on.
But he found him with a pillow over his face.
And he added there was a pillow over his face.
That was a very nice little added message to folks that have more than a 75 IQ.
Thank you, Commander, for your statement.
We really appreciate that.
But again, there's no political assassinations.
There's no intrigue.
I mean, Hillary really did win six coin tosses in Iowa to win the key delegate.
And she really did lose by 20 points, but still got more delegates in New Hampshire.
Nothing's happening.
And then Ron Brown, the army coroner, said had a 45 bullet hole through his head, saw a bunch of other people on board the plane.
That was the Commerce Secretary who said he'd bring the Clintons down.
They tried to bring him down.
You know, they actually brought him down.
I could go on for a long time here on the death behind the Clintons and the rest of it.
And I'm not saying who killed Scalia if he was murdered.
I'm saying maybe he wasn't murdered.
Maybe he died of natural causes like JFK did in 1963.
And we have footage of that.
Can we cue that up, please?
Now, the Daily Democrat now, though, the newspaper is telling us about his last hours on the Texas ranch.
Isn't that sweet?
Well, before I go further into this... Oh, let's go back.
Poindexter's made more statements now.
Eventually, Poindexter entered the silent room apprehensively.
I was worried I was going to find something very tragic, he said.
Well, his earlier quotes was that Scalia was fine, and it was 9 o'clock, and he said he was tired, and went to bed, and then he didn't come to breakfast, so he came to look on him.
But now, he was afraid he'd find something very tragic!
Man, the PSYOP is deep on this one.
Like, Building 7 had a lot of depth to it, didn't it?
It sure did.
And its own little railway station and things.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Let's continue here.
You used to work there.
You're a nice person.
Here, let's go ahead and show.
This is footage for the mainstream media.
I agree that there's no foul play in Justice Scalia's death.
We're showing for TV viewers the Subruder film.
Anybody that wants to see the natural causes, I mean, of course, there shouldn't be an autopsy of JFK, and of course, we shouldn't look into it or ask questions.
See, I'm officially telling you he died of natural causes, just like Scalia, but there'll be no autopsy.
That's completely normal!
Now, I'm not actually saying that Mr. Poindexter is a bad guy.
He's probably a wonderful person.
Maybe he did just come in and magically feel like he was going to find something tragic and then found the pillow over the face and everything.
But this narrative is so twisted, and they've changed the story so many times, it's almost like now they want us to think he was killed.
This is just over the top, that you've got a guy with a total intelligence cutout, sheep-dipped background, at the highest levels, and billions of dollars, and this is where Scalia goes to go dove hunting at this private hotel,
And then he sits right next to this friendly fellow, this Obama supporter, and then all of this happens.
Well let me just say, from an 8th or 9th generation Texan to a 3rd generation Texan, Mr. Poindexter, we're going to investigate this.
We're very hopeful that you and others, when we come down to your place and everything, I know it's private property, but I'm sure you're going to want us to check in and pay to stay there and everything.
500 bucks a night for your small rooms is fine for us for an investigation.
Maybe I'll come on down there and, oh, but I bet it's sewed up tighter than a drum down there.
Just something tells me that.
But let's go to Joe Biggs and then we're also going to go to, um,
Kit Daniels, who is in there in the news center.
I tell you, you look at all this NRA, Scalia death puts gun rights in jeopardy.
Anthony Scalia's death could mark the end of the Constitution.
GOP candidates urge Senate to block Obama's Supreme Court pick.
Then we got the report here again with a pillow over his face.
But for me, it's the instantly reporting
An anonymous call, Obama knew hours before, it comes out of a small TV station, and we're told nothing to see here, the body's been flown back to Virginia.
Just, just, you're crazy to ask questions, Joe Biggs.
I mean, I guess we're crazy to ask questions about Kennedy, too.
Very interesting.
I mean, like you said, John Poindexter was a millionaire who gave money to the Democrat Party.
This guy was awarded military honors from President Obama.
Now he has this ranch that he comes to.
He's coming towards the end of his term.
He said he would change America.
This is his time to do it.
With Scalia being gone, then they can appoint someone like Loretta Lynch.
If you go to Drudge Report right now and actually pull up on the left side of the top up there, it shows that they are talking about Loretta Lynch possibly being the person to fill his shoes.
What happens when you take out someone like that?
He was a true conservative.
He was the only one we had in there.
You bring in Loretta Lynch into this situation, what happens?
Obama can really change America.
That's it.
And then what happens?
You bring in a socialist like Bernie Sanders or someone who's completely evil like Hillary Clinton for that final blow.
This is probably... This is it.
This is the final assault.
This is the beginning of the final war.
This is the most important thing we're going to see.
2016 will be the biggest year of our lives.
Deciding the future battlespace.
I mean, to see what's going to happen with this.
You know, and we've got footage, I think they played it yesterday with David Knight as well, how the CIA had this heart attack gun.
It's this high-powered pistol that shoots a frozen round into the body, only leaves a small prick.
And then simulates like a heart attack, a myocardial infarction, or whatever like that.
And that's all that's left, so if they go... And the point is, they have these, they do these... Political killings are classic, but this is old-fashioned.
Pillow over the face.
Hold the old guy down.
You get three guys on him.
One on the legs, one on the midsection, one on the top, and then smother him.
You can kill him in two minutes.
The Poindexter's... I mean, he was old, he wasn't in great health.
I could kill him, personally, by myself.
It's sick.
Stay right there, Joe Biggs, because you're a trained killer.
You can tell us more about killing straight ahead.
We've also got our good buddy, Kit Daniels, popping in.
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I've been watching, and I've been waiting.
I was just talking to Anthony Gucciardi and Buckley back there in one of the newsrooms, and I said, this is a bold move because people don't buy into the system anymore.
It's very obvious.
And I said, what's your dead reckoning?
And Anthony said, they left the pillow on his face, they told us about it, they told us no foul play instantly, and then had a judge order no autopsy instantly.
It stinks to the heavens, with the timing and the rest of it.
And then he goes out of the middle of nowhere to a place with a Democrat, black ops army commander, who worked in the most shadowy CIA run brokerage firms,
That quarterbacked the whole deal in New York.
I mean, these are the names.
And they come out and say things and change the story over and over again.
This is either the worst handled story ever to make us think they killed him or somebody killed him.
I mean, folks, I'm an expert at this.
This is all I do, okay?
And all the big brains agree.
I don't know what Madsen's gonna say coming up, but he's a smart guy.
I'm gonna send him down there, by the way.
Matson's getting ready to get on a plane today, and I'm sending more people down there.
And I'm letting them know we're coming.
So, you want to act like it's bad, we're coming.
I'm sure you're good people down there.
If there was foul play, somebody might have snuck on there and done it at night, because he was coaxed into going.
By who?
We need to find out and ask some questions.
It needs to be an investigation.
Without his security detail, which he always has, to the middle of nowhere, with this guy that made tens of billions of dollars, you know, in the aggregate for his company, hundreds of billions himself, reportedly,
Who gets awards from Obama to a Democrat-run facility that all these liberals go to with no security.
Before I go somewhere, folks, I look at who owns it and who's around it.
Because let me tell you how the Democrats operate at the low level.
They will call the police on you if you walk out of a restaurant and have one beer.
And the cop will pull you over and, you know, that's the story.
They will make stuff up about you.
They will call the Neighborhood Association on you.
That's just what they do.
Have you seen all the Democrats in the news saying, let's make a movie about killing conservatives, let's kill conservatives, let's kill the Tea Party, all these professors?
They're playing dirty.
They're taking over.
I'm going to hold you guys in the next segment.
We're going to play the heart attack gun piece from the congressional hearings from the church committee.
But I want to go back to Joe Biggs for just a moment and then back to Kit Daniels, who we haven't talked to yet.
But I'm telling you, you couldn't write a Tom Clancy book this crazy.
Truth is stranger than fiction, Joe.
I wish he wouldn't have died.
But I really wish he would have died of natural causes.
And if they'd have said, well, he was old, might have had some health problems, we're gonna do an autopsy and that'll come out, and then we'd see who was the coroner, what is the evidence, we'd gauge it.
But the way they hit the ground running with the scripting, I mean, baby, this is bad.
Well, it happened right before the Republican debate, too.
Before the body was even cold, the Democrats are coming out talking about who they're going to get, what they're looking for.
I mean, that's kind of a sign.
There's something going on.
The fact that you have this John Poindexter guy coming out originally saying, oh, he died peacefully.
Well, how do you know that?
He showed up after that, after the fact, apparently.
And then there's this pillow on your face, and now all of a sudden you're saying that, well, I had a bad feeling.
You know, these guys were frothing at the mouth for this and then, like you said, you go back to Drudge Report and you can see that they're talking about possibly putting Loretta Lynch in as his replacement.
Now let's think about that.
Now he's in another newspaper, The Democrat, being interviewed in person by him.
I guess he might be a good guy who just doesn't know what's going on.
Probably he's a wonderful guy, I'm sure he is.
But going, oh my gosh, he had a bad feeling just a few hours after he hadn't come out in the morning that he was going to find something.
This is bizarre.
Let's go to Kit Daniels while I actually pull up the Attorney General Lynch is who they're looking to put in there.
The lady that openly says the President can audit whoever he wants, take your guns, you name it.
Let's go to Kit Daniels.
Yes, Alex.
It's really interesting to note that Presidio County is a very, I'd say, Democratic-run county.
You know, just like you said, the ranch is democratically owned and controlled.
The Democrats like to be close to the border.
There's some goodies that go back and forth.
Yeah, it was one of the few counties in Texas that voted for Obama in 2008, and I also believe in 2012.
I mean, there's probably only about six counties that I know of that are heavily Democratic, and Presidio County is one of them.
So it'd be very easy to control the local officials there when they're on your side.
Scalia walked into the perfect bear trap.
The whole thing was perfect.
And of course, expanding on that, Kit,
Maybe it is a coincidence that Hillary did win six coin tosses in a row in Iowa.
I doubt that.
But it's also interesting to note about Scalia.
He was very influential on the formation of the, I think it's called the Federalist Society, which is a society for libertarian and conservative law students who, like Scalia, had a vested interest in an originalist interpretation of the Constitution, i.e.
how their founding fathers met the
Yeah, let's boil it down and come back and talk more on that.
He was the only half-decent one there, other than Clarence Thomas, who said, I'm leading a revolution against these revolutionaries to battle them and to stop them, and he was organizing and resisting, and now him dying will intimidate the rest of the court.
I'm going to come back to you on that, Kit.
Back to Joe Biggs.
We'll play the heart attack gun piece, and then bring in Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist, to get his take, formerly with the National Security Agency.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Today is Monday, February 15th, and here's the latest in international news.
The Syrian government army is advancing Iraq after a major anti-ISIS counter-strike.
Syrian army units and paramilitary forces are seizing control of the province to take back strategically important areas that cut ISIS supply lines operating on a critical highway, which leads directly into the Islamic State stronghold.
On Sunday, Syrian troops and Palestinian militia captured a strategically important hilltop, which was the last entrenched Islamic State position.
Later that day, the Syrian army launched a major assault which also cut the Islamic State's major supply route from Raqqa to the nearby province of Hama.
A military source briefed on the battle toward Reuters, quote, This is the indication of the direction of the coming operations towards Raqqa.
In general, the Raqqa front is open.
The advance into ISIS-held Raqqa would allow Damascus to regain control over the region where Syrian government forces have had no presence since 2014.
It would also complicate any move by Saudi Arabia to deploy forces into Syria.
For more reports, visit InfoWars.com and Resistance News on YouTube.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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We're good.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I am doing everything I can to control myself.
Over the Scalia situation, because everything else I've got, I have like five articles that are mainstream news saying World War III could start in the next month, as Saudi Arabia, NATO, and others prepare to send in massive ground troops to fight Russians.
This has entered just insane levels.
Insane levels.
And it's because the establishment has decided to go for broke, and so they're gonna start killing their enemies.
They're going to false flag.
They're going to pull all sorts of stuff.
And this is the time that I've talked to the military and others.
You guys claim that when they really try to get physical and take over that a lot of you are going to expose what's happening.
And that when push comes to shove, you're being asked to
Openly go out and take out large political swaths of the resistance that you are going to disregard those illegal orders and do your duty.
And I'm not somebody that quite frankly shoots my mouth off about physical force and things like that.
And I am a person that is engaged in the information war, but I don't say that I believe the information war is stronger because I don't want to shoot my mouth off about physical stuff and be a target.
I'm a bigger target because I'm not calling for violence.
As soon as Malcolm X stopped being racist, and I get why he was racist because he'd been persecuted, but as soon as he transcended that and started calling for peace and unity, they killed him.
Same thing with Martin Luther King, who was never a racist.
They don't want us coming together.
It's why I went and met with Louis Farrakhan.
He's not perfect.
Nobody's perfect.
I'm not lionizing him either, but he doesn't want a race war, and to have him say, I've grown, we don't need this, this isn't the way to fix it, the eugenicists are attacking us all, let's come together and deal with that, but let's also try to realize that a lot of folks haven't been given some of this dirt, and they need some of it.
And that doesn't mean giving them welfare, it means giving people a shot.
I understand that.
But people need to understand, the point we're at in history is over the top.
Wayne Madsen will be with us about 15 minutes to the next hour, investigative journalist.
WayneMadsenReport.com, former member of the National Security Agency.
We're going to him in about five minutes.
Paul Watson's host of the fourth hour today, but he's going to be joining me at the bottom of the next hour with bombshell research into that's a Democrat-run county, Democrat judge, Democrat hotel.
Scalia eats dinner with the guy, Scalia gets up and says he's tired, goes to bed.
The guy says he has a bad feeling in the morning, goes into his room with a Supreme Court justice and he's dead.
Then the guy's a black op commando with all sorts of clandestine connections.
And then he makes statements like he found a pillow on his face.
I mean, this is a message to those that can think.
That's how I interpret it.
That's the prime vein of intel.
That's what the intellect... In all the old police departments, they had the guys that they said, oh, we don't know why this detective busts all these cases and seems to know where to look, but he's got the nose.
It's not a nose, it's you've got so much data, so much info, so much understanding of different criminal groups, that you learn the signs and patterns in people, and then as you study more and more knowledge, it becomes like you're them, and you just know how they're operating, and then when you see these statements,
I gotta just tell you, this looks like a giant threat to everybody, and is meant to be double-edged.
It's very sophisticated.
For anybody that actually understands how things work, it's a total threat.
Everybody better get in line, or you're next.
And for the general public, it's just mindless confusion, on purpose, fog of war.
Where they will do operations and just do a bunch of weird confusing things in the midst of it that witnesses see in things that then just gets added to it so you don't know what you saw.
It'd be like drugging a woman and then dressing up in, you know, an Easter Bunny outfit while you did it and, you know, running around in circles so later they tell the cops that and they sound like a schizophrenic.
That's basically, that's from declassified CIA mind control stuff where they would get kids and do things far worse and just so whack them out and so screw with them that what they said later was so crazy the police wouldn't believe them.
And so that's basically what I see they're doing here.
I mean, this is unbelievable enemy signature.
I mean, it is in fuego, how obvious it is.
Giant red flashing light, red flags going off, balloons going off, alarms going off.
This is a message.
The head of Russian intelligence at 54 dropped dead, and the Russians come out and say, we're preparing for World War III, we're under attack, there's infiltrators.
Folks, they killed the head of Russian intelligence.
That's what I'm telling you folks.
They took the gloves off and they're going for broke on every front.
And I just want to ask the people in the Pentagon, the FBI, and everybody else.
Are you really going to go along with this?
We're going to Wayne Madsen in a moment.
Going back to the point we're trying to make, we have the article here about the head of the Justice Department, Justice Ginsburg, that tells death threat, death in office, a rarity for modern Supreme Court justices.
I would not like to be replaced by someone who would undo everything I did.
And then it goes in to say that Loretta Wrench is the most likely candidate, according to the White House.
Senate Dems passed resolution against election year appointments, but now they're demanding it.
And Kurt Nemo's article at Infowars.com is so key.
Obama may use nuclear option to appoint a Supreme Court justice.
Obama's past constitutional violations paved the way for liberal domination of the highest court.
That's right, they're preparing to just appoint and bypass Congress.
Never before done!
But you never saw people win six coin tosses in a row to win Iowa.
You never saw folks lose by 20 points and get the superdelegates and win.
This is the season.
You never saw them go on the news and say the word mother and father is bad.
You never saw him say Founding Fathers bad.
You never saw him deliver armored vehicles to every police department and announce that war with the veterans and gun owners is about to come.
Well of course it's about to come!
They're not going to give us a choice!
They're going to start killing everybody!
I've been warning you about this for a long time!
If Ron Paul suddenly falls off his bike and hits his head, and then Matt Drudge dies in a car wreck, and Alex Jones gets arrested, you know, dead with a hooker with a heroin needle in his arm, I don't do that and I don't take drugs.
I'm telling you folks, this is a takeover.
And every other indicator shows it.
We expected something like this, we warned you.
And now get ready for hell to be released, because if they killed him,
And maybe she won six towing causes in a row, and maybe he died of natural causes, and they came out and told us he had a pillow on his face, and that we're not having an autopsy, and all this bull.
Maybe then?
Maybe then everything's okay and two plus two does equal five.
Joe Biggs, I'm Randy.
You got about three minutes.
We're going to play the heart attack gun piece and get some final comments from Kent Daniels.
This death or murder has huge implications for the future of America.
Like I said, if they appoint Loretta Lynch as his predecessor, they bring her in.
Now we have to look at who it is that she actually supports.
Is she more on Bernie's side or Hillary's side?
I guarantee you, if they put her in, it's going to be a Democrat that wins.
I think that's going to be something that's going to happen right there.
If they bring in someone like that, and Obama doesn't wait for the next president to make that decision, they're going to force that in there.
If they're able to kill Scalia and steal the Supreme Court, they will just basically steal the election.
It won't matter.
It's going to go that way, I believe.
Well, remember what Larry Nichols kept saying.
I hope he's not too sick to come on.
Have you guys called him yet?
Because he's literally fighting for his life right now.
He said, get ready for people to start dying as a message to D.C.
to not go after Hillary.
And I guarantee you, Nichols.
I mean, if you watch Republican debate on Saturday night, I mean, Trump was in a stacked crowd against him.
They were literally trying to mob this man.
Even though he won the polls, everyone who watched that debate saw that he came out.
He stood his ground against George Bush, or against the Bush family.
He stood his ground about 9-11, and he was booed and booed.
They bought out that entire crowd to make him look bad because he's a frontrunner.
But he's still won the polls, but just for a sheep, someone viewing that would go, oh my god, maybe this guy's bad, you know?
They're trying to demonize him while doing all of this stuff as well, with Loretta, Loretta Wrench bringing in, you know, all this stuff.
I mean, it's crazy what's going to happen.
I'm telling you, 2016 could be the year that it's, you know, it comes together.
Well, we know, I agree, we know.
That political assassinations have been just ubiquitous throughout history.
It's a fact.
And the fact that they now act like it's even weird to ask for an autopsy.
Look at this crazy Alex Jones.
He says, look out if they don't do an autopsy.
Within an hour and a half of being announced, I go, if there's not an autopsy, folks, look out.
The fact that they already announced this and said it appears to be natural causes, this stinks.
This is a super powerful public figure, key decision maker, even more important than the president right now.
He's dead and it's all these different stories.
Heart attack wasn't a heart attack and they have hundreds of articles saying I'm a crazy kook and dangerous and nuts.
So, I mean, it doesn't get more obvious than this.
I want to play this heart attack gun piece where they fire this little ice crystal into your heart.
It's probably on a point-blank range, and they just come up, boom, shoot it between the ribs.
It goes into the heart.
It's a tiny hole, but causes you to bleed out.
And then, of course, you don't want an autopsy to show that happened, but that's not how I would do it.
And generally, if you've got somebody like this, one of their favorite ways is with a pillow.
It's very hard to prove how it happened.
Uh, and you just go in and have, boom, you go in, and three people lay across him, you put the pillow over his face, and he's dead in three minutes.
He could have been poisoned as well.
He said he was feeling tired all of a sudden, he left the party early, and went.
Well, they can also drug you, and so there's not a struggle.
They are into power, so they like to do it dignified with somebody like him.
So there's a chance, yeah, that he was drugged, and then drugged at dinner, and then killed.
And we have to do the speculation, don't act like it's horrible we're doing it, because there's no police!
This is a Democrat-run county known for all the narcotics trafficking, probably one of the most corrupt counties in America.
And so we have to sit here and point all this out.
I'm sorry, it's a fact.
He's an important man, and the person who's going to replace him is going to have a huge effect on our country.
That's right.
Joe Beggs, continue reporting.
Great job.
Let's go to this clip right now of the ice gun, then we're going to get a comment from Kit Daniels, then we're going to go to our guest here, but I appreciate joining us on short notice, InfoWars reporter Wayne Madsen.
And I don't know his take on this yet, we're about to find out.
Uh, that's how I do it.
I just respect his opinion and his analysis will go to him.
Uh, but here is the piece on the heart attack gun from the church hearings, uh, that Joe Biggs pointed out.
Here it is.
So I had to find one time they wanted me to find, um, to find out if there was such a thing as, um, as a poison that was undetectable, especially one that seemed to mimic a heart attack.
That would kill someone, but it would appear that they had a heart attack.
I did find such a thing.
Does this pistol fire the dart?
Yes, it does, Mr. Chairman, and a special one was developed which potentially would be able to enter the target without perception.
The poison was frozen into some sort of dart, and then it was shot at
Uh, very high speed into the person.
So when it reached the person, it would melt inside them.
And the only thing would be like one little tiny red dot on their body, which is hard to detect.
There wouldn't be a needle left or anything like that.
But also the toxin itself would not appear in the autopsy?
So that there was no way of perceiving that the target was him.
Have you brought with you, um,
Some of those devices which would have enabled the CIA to use this poison for, we have indeed, for killing people.
The round thing at the top is obviously the sight.
There's hot towers aboard his plane up.
How about when these guys on stage were killed?
Poor this.
I know, hot towers, son.
Does the target know that he's been hit and about to die?
A special one was developed which potentially would be able to enter the target without perception.
Alright, let's stop right there.
That full video is up on Infowars.com.
But oh, even saying they could assassinate people is wrong, is bad, is insane, is crazy.
My dad, who's well-researched, pointed out that what he thought, which means he heard from people he knows, made hazuma bark suddenly become a vegetable for a while, is they've got high-powered ultrasound paddles that they just put on your carotid arteries that break loose all the buildup and cause strokes.
And they just sit there and do it, when you're drugged, until they have you hooked up to an EKG, see a stroke start, and then you just stop.
And it's a stroke.
So loving, but we shouldn't talk about all this, should we?
I mean, again, I have had family, and I don't know the details because I wasn't told.
I was told by one of these people, you're lucky you're not dead, when he read my book, who was an army officer and then was recruited into CIA death squads in America.
So folks just need to grow up and stop being ignorant about all this.
Now, let's go to Kit Daniels, then we're going to Wayne Madsen.
Kit, briefly, final points on what you were bringing up early.
Scalia trying to lead a movement to at least preserve some parts of the Constitution.
Wasn't perfect.
This looks like perfect timing.
Yes, Scalia was the ideal candidate for a political assassination because he was going around to law schools across the country and giving standing room only speeches encouraging law students to become the next generation of constitutionalists.
Now that reminds me a lot of Ron Paul.
Scalia was about the only other person besides Ron Paul and a few others that was doing just that.
And this is a guy, a lone man on the Supreme Court that was going to stand up against Obama's executive actions on gun control amnesty.
He was expected to vote no on the upcoming case on immigration I think in April.
Carbon taxes, he was going to defeat the whole agenda.
And now he drove into a black op commander's hotel in the middle of nowhere in a Democrat-run corrupt county and had sat there at the table with the black op commander who found him to have the pillow over his face with libido investigation.
Yeah, exactly.
And it's really, for a final comment, it's really interesting to note that I think in 2003, he recused himself from a Supreme Court case where an atheist was suing a school district because his daughter had to do the Pledge of Allegiance, you know, One Nation Under God.
Because Scalia, in a public speech before that,
He talked about how the courts in the country were using the Establishment Clause to attack Christianity, and they were just completely abusing it, and he said that's not what the Founding Fathers intended with the Establishment Clause.
So, this is a Reagan ideologist that was the lone man that was standing between Obama and his war on not only Christianity, but the Constitution itself.
Do you agree with me that this signifies they're dropping the hammer a whole new level?
Oh, absolutely.
To me, Scalia was kind of like the Matt Drudge of the Supreme Court.
I mean, he kind of had that influence as far as not only being an ideologist who stood up for the Constitution and conservatism in general, but also encouraging an audience of millions of people to do the same thing.
Yeah, I don't usually sit here and, you know, try to communicate with Drudge.
I could call him or I could, you know, email him, but I leave him alone.
You know, we're both busy.
And Drudge is really smart, but I'm probably going to try to call him today, and I never do that, and I'm going to call a bunch of other people too, and really think what the best thinking is on this, but it's probably time for him to make a statement to other people, because this is a test.
I mean, if we don't come out and say, we want a criminal investigation, we want independent stuff, this is dangerous, then more people are going to start dying, or we can just escape the country and wait for them to hunt us down overseas.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, it is a duck, and it's just horrible.
Kit Daniels, thank you for your great analysis and great work.
I know you're trying to write an article on this.
I drug you in here, so thank you for joining us.
I appreciate it, Alex.
I'm skipping another network break.
I'm just too intense here.
I just have too much to cover, and I want to go to Wayne Mattson.
I appreciate him holding the last 15 minutes while I talk to those two reporters.
Wayne, my head is spinning right now.
I mean, I don't know which angle to hit this from.
I mean, I really respect your view.
I know you write for Infowars.com, but I did not visit WayneMadsenReport.com.
I just thought of you this morning and said, let's get Wayne on and see what he thinks.
So, Wayne, I don't know if you mesh with our concerns or if you augment them or you disagree, but what are you thinking is happening?
Well, you know, at the very least, here we have another
The death of a high-ranking federal official in the state of Texas and no Texas autopsy.
What happened, you know, from 1963 where the local medical examiner in Dallas said, President Kennedy's body cannot leave the state of Texas until an autopsy is performed here.
There was a botched one conducted later at Bethesda by the Fed.
And the brain disappeared.
And the brain disappeared.
So where have we gone in the last 53 years since that?
Because why was it important to keep President Kennedy in Texas for an autopsy, but it wasn't important to keep Scalia in Texas for an autopsy?
And, you know, I know the families said they didn't want one done, but there was
He's suspicious circumstances, obviously.
Who is this John R. Poindexter?
He's not the one from Iran-Contra.
People have made that mistake.
That's retired Admiral John M. Poindexter.
But who is this guy?
Apparently, Scalia did not have a past close relationship with him.
It's not like where Scalia and Cheney both went to that other
Uh, Ranch the Hunt Quail where Cheney shot his lawyer a few years ago.
So there are some, but the sure way to create questions is to not conduct an autopsy.
Now to Democrats who say they, you know, good riddance to Scalia, I would point out, uh, not only, uh, was there one icon, uh, involved in this situation in Texas with no state autopsy,
We're good to go.
April 1945, and can you imagine the President had no autopsy performed on him?
And the word is they killed him, and of course we also have Woodrow Wilson, not a good guy, but he wrote a letter saying, I'm going to oppose all this globalism, I got conned, and the word is he got poisoned.
Yeah, and I would also point out that Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic candidate for President, twice in the 1950s dropped dead.
That's good.
Let me ask you a question.
We got Princess Diana, and then it came out they murdered her, even the autopsy, and then they had a King's Commission or Queen's Commission say it wasn't.
You know, formerly you've been in the NSA, you've been in, you know, the naval intelligence area, you've been in all these different facets, you've reported on national security for 30 years, you're one of the first big NSA whistleblowers, so knowing how inside baseball works, either they screwed up so bad he died naturally, and they did everything perfectly to make it look like he was killed, just magically this happened,
Or, they killed him, but want everybody to then know they killed him.
We found a pillow on his face.
We came in two hours after breakfast and had a bad feeling.
I mean, it's just, it's made to look like they killed him.
I mean, is that a threat to the other Supreme Court people?
Well, I'd like to know where the U.S.
Marshals Service was.
Oh, it says that he didn't want his security.
He just magically went down to this narcotics, you know, corrupt Democrat-run area on the border, and then he just magically, you know, I'm sorry, go ahead.
Right, but the U.S.
Marshals Service is like the Secret Service for the President and the candidates.
They're not supposed to follow those orders.
They're not supposed to follow those orders, exactly.
Yeah, and I mean, he has marshal protection when he's in Washington, and why did it lapse when we went down to this ranch in Texas?
They did quote the Marshal Service, saying they had initially investigated his death along with the FBI and concluded that there was no foul play.
Now, that was in the initial report.
Why would they even say anything about foul play?
Especially with no autopsy.
Let's be clear, let's be clear.
They helicoptered in a federal marshal.
About five hours after he was found dead, and within 30 minutes, I've got the timeline, we're doing a story on it.
They call a TV station to make the announcement, but Obama was told two hours before.
So, an anonymous federal marshal said, it's not foul play, which is totally suspicious, it's natural, no autopsy needed because he's now a coroner.
Right, right, exactly.
And if you want to start, it's like every other situation, if you want to start a raft of conspiracy theories, don't do an autopsy.
So, you know, if they're complaining now about all these theories being bandied about, it's their fault.
They should have cleared it up immediately.
And that's not to say that you can believe in autopsy either.
You know, it depends on who performs it.
And in this case, because... Remember Fannie Malick and the Clintons?
Yeah, and you know that this particular county and anybody, well you've got basically a justice of the peace determining what the cause of death was.
This woman who's... That's like having a gardener doing brain surgery.
Yeah, I mean, so they got this piece named, her first name is Cinderella.
It's like a fairy tale, just like Cinderella.
So, yeah, what do people like?
What about the changing of the story, Wayne?
I mean, you know, he died of natural causes, heart attack.
Well, are you a doctor?
Well, it was a heart attack.
Yeah, I mean not all that would have been fault by professionals being present and that would have been certified.
And that's what everyone does.
You call the police, the cops know their job, an ambulance takes them into a medical examiner to decide whether there's going to be an autopsy.
They default ignored all the default
The law!
That's right, and these ranches seem to, when people, there's an incident on one of these whale hunting ranches down there.
Remember, they withheld Cheney shooting his lawyer for like all overnight.
We didn't know about it until late in the next day.
Yeah, there's a lot of stuff going on on those ranches.
Stay there, Wayne Madsen.
Incredibly smart guy, folks.
I won't get near those Texas ranches down there.
I mean, they're, oof.
I'm not going to get into it.
Everybody knows about the ZZ Top song, La Grange.
They got some nice, nice girls.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Care for what you wish?
All you Democrats calling for murdering conservatives and having a tyrannical takeover?
The Republicans trying to give Obama dictatorial power, martial law power, so they have it when they get in office?
Careful what you wish.
You just might get it.
Wayne Madsen's our guest.
So I didn't know the law degree.
You also got a medical examiner and coroner's degree, which is an MD medical license.
Now, I mean, normally folks would pass the buck and say, we don't know why he died.
Might be natural.
There'll be a coroner's deal.
Medical examiner will decide.
No, they were like, natural causes immediately.
Everything's fine.
Go to sleep.
Everything's wonderful.
Here is the clip.
Texas judge.
Scalia died of natural causes.
Top elected official.
That's a medical degree.
In fact, if I ever need any surgery, I'll just go to the mayor and ask for it.
Top elected official in the county where Anthony Scalia was found dead.
Says the U.S.
Supreme Court Justice died of natural causes.
A heart attack.
And then they changed it to Texas Funeral Home Manager.
Says Scalia's body has been taken to an airport and will be flown to Virginia.
Let's go to that clip.
Since there were no signs of foul play, then no autopsy was ordered.
My only concern was to make sure that everything was done right.
And I did my own investigation, which included talking to his physician.
And after talking to his physician, and from what I was told, from the US Marshal and the Sheriff that was there with no signs of foul play, that is how I...
Yeah, I mean, this is why there's going to be questions raised.
You know, so he's taken to a funeral home.
Was he involved at the funeral home?
That means even if they decide later to do a post-mortem, there's going to be a lot of clues that are going to not be discovered.
So, I mean, the thing is, there's more chain of custody on a bag of pot that's
I don't
Where there's a situation where non-professionals, and certainly this judge down on the border... But you heard her, she did an investigation into medical stuff.
Yeah, and she said in all probability.
That doesn't sound like a hard and fast... That's why you have laws about medical examiners, because we don't go off what you think, lady.
That's right, and I've investigated enough deaths
Over the years to know that the medical examiners and my God.
Funeral home directors who sometimes have a double duty as a county medical examiner.
These are not the people that are qualified to conduct these postmortems.
So, you know, there will be questions raised, as there always is.
Let me ask this.
I don't want to put you on a limb as you're a journalist, but what does your gut tell you?
I mean, the instant reporting, the instant attempt to bury him, the instant attempt to criticize anybody that asks questions.
Does this not stink?
Well, my gut, when I first heard the report last night, or yesterday afternoon, was that, you know, 79 years old, overweight, maybe not in the best of health, okay, but not with the, you know, the lack of an autopsy, and this thing, even the Washington Post dwelled on the pillow.
I don't
I'm, uh, I'm suspicious.
All right, Wayne, stay there.
I want to come back and get other angles on this, play some other clips, and then hit some other news with you.
Then Paul Watson's joining us.
I'll also open the phones up so folks can give us their take on what's happening here.
Maybe Hillary did win six coin tosses in a row.
Maybe she did lose New Hampshire but still won.
Was Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia assassinated?
There's growing evidence suggesting that yes, he was.
Scalia, who once said he interpreted the Bill of Rights no different than the Founding Fathers, was found dead in his room while staying at a ranch owned by a Democratic donor in the remote Big Bend region of West Texas.
For one thing, Presidio County Judge Cinderella Guevara first claimed that Scalia died of a heart attack.
And then she later backed off that statement and claimed instead that he died of natural causes, with no signs of foul play.
But she never saw the body.
In fact, the Supreme Court justice was found with a pillow over his head.
Not only was there no autopsy performed on Scalia, but his body was also rushed to a funeral home to be quickly embalmed.
A process which would destroy toxology evidence indicating whether he had been poisoned.
The arch-conservative Scalia also opposed many of Obama's policies on illegal immigration and gun control.
And Obama benefits from his death by now being able to appoint his own judge who will undoubtedly rubber stamp the president's war on the Constitution.
For more news, visit InfoWars.com and YouTube channel Resistance News.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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The final Supreme Court Justice in a way is at hand.
The gates are down.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or you're mine.
Blocking Obamacare.
Attempting to repeal it.
Trying to block the open borders.
Trying to block the gun rail.
Trying to block the carbon tax.
He was about to hear them all and shoot them down.
And he's dead.
After he didn't bring a security detail to a Democrat-run ranch in the middle of nowhere in southwest Texas.
It's been called, even by Democrat operatives like Axelrod, a seismic shift, the biggest development in the 2016 election.
And as Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist for Infowars.com and WayneMadsenReport.com pointed out,
With people like Roosevelt, people like Kennedy, you name it, they have botched or don't have these autopsies.
And I said Saturday night, they're saying, no foul play evidence, that's totally creepy.
The first announcement from an anonymous law enforcement caller to a TV station, didn't want their name on that.
Just incredible.
And then we're not supposed to ask any questions.
And then they say, it's a heart attack.
Well, how do you know?
Well, we don't.
It wasn't a heart attack.
This is absolutely over the top.
And then on Infowars.com and YouTube and on news articles, I was reading the comments, Democrats going, I spit on his grave.
More conservatives need to die.
Blah, blah, blah.
You know, Scalia wasn't perfect by a long shot.
But compared to Kagan or Sotomayor or Lynch at the Attorney General's office, who just is about as American as mouse and tongue, I mean, he was an angel compared to these people.
So, we are in so much trouble right now.
And I hope they didn't kill him.
I mean, it looks like a classic cover-up.
It's like a movie.
This is so ridiculous.
But for the general public, if it is a murder, it's just meant to just dumb you down.
But for those in the know, it's a big, open threat.
But David Knight, co-host of this show, getting ready for the Nightly News tonight, he was talking to me during the break.
I said, well, just get on camera here before we go back to Wayne Madsen and give us your take and the different angles on the situation.
I mean, what did you think, David?
I know you like to be a journalist and go with what you can prove and where things go.
You know, it's like if Bernie Sanders' plane blows up.
I mean, statistically, Hillary had him whacked.
I mean, that's the first suspect.
It's like if a convicted three-time child molester moves in on your street, and your five-year-old disappears, and his M.O.
is grabbing five-year-olds, the first thing you do, you probably go over there and knock his door down.
You're so upset.
Your kid's probably in there.
You know, or maybe not.
The point is, you're a prime suspect.
This corrupt system that's been caught committing so many crimes, murdering people, saying they can kill citizens whenever they want if the President says so, NDAA, they're the suspects!
They're the prime suspects!
We'd be crazy not to do that.
But mainstream media, they've got literally hundreds of articles bashing me and others saying we are insane to even want an autopsy.
So I guess this is the end of autopsies, David Knight.
Well, you know, Alex, when I talked about this yesterday, the person who said, well, we're not going to have an autopsy, Cinderella Guevara, and I guess this is her Cinderella story, first she says it's natural causes, then she says it's a heart attack, they put down a myocardial infarction, which is a heart attack, and then they change it back to natural causes.
And I saw the liberals who are pushing back on this, I mentioned this yesterday, you know, you see these articles, 3, 2, 1, conspiracy theories!
The guy is 79 years old.
It's time for him to die.
Well, these are the same people who are backing Bernie Sanders, who is 75 when he takes office.
He'll be 75.
He's 74 now.
Before the end of his first term, he'll be the same age as Justice Scalia.
There's a cognitive dissonance here on the people who say, we shouldn't look at this closely.
And the very fact is, you've played this clip, I played it yesterday, of the church committee hearings.
41 years ago, the head of the CIA, William Colby, is talking about the ways that they have of killing people, making it look like natural causes, making it look like a heart attack.
This is something that they have been working on to perfect for decades.
They have an entire organization, that's their entire purpose, is to kill people.
Covertly or overtly.
I mean, this is so widespread, I have had family that was in this business.
I mean, that's not even special.
Like, Texas is like the recruiting ground for the death squads.
I mean, just the naivety of the public.
They just have no idea.
And when I was doing the radio show,
The statements from the guy who owned the Cibolo Ranch had not even come out yet.
The fact that he found him with a pillow over his head, and that his clothes were not wrinkled, that's amazing.
And they acted like that discredits me asking, watch out if there's no autopsy, watch out they came out and announced this right away.
That's standard in third world to say no foul play with no evidence.
You know, this is so standard.
They use that to discredit us.
Oh look, even Jones said this before the pillow.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, the other thing we need to be concerned about, Alex, of course, last week the Supreme Court had put a stay on Obama and the EPA's orders that would essentially shut down the coal industry, as Obama had promised.
So that's a key part of this.
And that's trillions in the next decade for the oil companies.
I think so.
With these trade partnerships, the TPP, the TTIP.
So you've got three prongs heading towards the world government.
And it's all coming to completion in the next few years.
And not just here, they're killing leaders overseas, appointing presidents and prime ministers everywhere.
They are just accelerating like their lives are going to end if they don't.
Have you seen all the mainstream articles about war with the US and Russia, with US and Saudi Arabian troops getting ready to clash with Russians?
And the neocons on TV saying, attack Russia?
I mean, these people need to be stopped.
They're like Hitler, you know, after the Eastern Front had already collapsed.
I mean, the globalists are going to get everybody killed.
When you look at what Justice Kennedy is doing as well, and we talk about this internationalism, Justice Kennedy, who was appointed by Ronald Reagan, has been a leading proponent of using international law to alter our Constitution.
And so, you know, here's somebody that was appointed by Ronald Reagan, just like Scalia was, but he takes exactly the opposite approach, the diametrically opposite approach to this.
And we look at the people that they're touting as being the leading possibilities besides Loretta Lynch.
They keep talking about this judge from India.
The guy's got two Indian presidents.
He was born in India.
Are we going to have H-1B justices for the Supreme Court?
That's right.
That's it.
We can't find somebody in America that respects the Constitution?
That's it.
They're setting the precedent to get away with anything and everything.
God bless you, David Knight.
Great job.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
It is such an insane time, and I'm glad we've got David Knight and other crew here in case they arrest me or kill me.
I mean, I'm actually, I've gotten to that point, and that's why I built a bigger operation, brought crew in, because I need, like, shark teeth if they take me out.
Real leadership is having stuff prepared after you're gone, because it's about winning the war, not about me, folks.
I don't mean that to be dramatic, but I've been physically attacked, death-threatened, you name it.
I think, let me ask Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist, WayneMadsenReport.com.
Wayne, I want to fund you and the crew to go down there and cover this.
You say you want to go.
If they try to act suspicious, if they try to block you from being there, I think that ratchets this up to pretty much certainty that they've been told to cover something up.
I'm not saying they're involved.
But, Wayne, if this is foul play, you know, if Hillary cheated on the six-coin toss that she won in a row, you know, if the sky's blue, if this is foul play, then, you know, if the Clintons are murderers, which is well known, you know, if the ocean's wet,
Well, I would preface my statement
You know, there's only been three members of the Supreme Court who have died while sitting on the bench.
The last one was Chief Justice Rehnquist, but he was sick.
He was in the hospital.
Cancer, on record.
Yeah, that didn't surprise anyone.
And you have to go back to Associate Justice Benson, decades ago, to find the last one who died on the bench.
So here's the thing on this four-to-four
We're good to go.
We see a suit against Ted Cruz's eligibility to run for the presidency come up through the Federal Appeals Court to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court can either delay it until they get that ninth member, or they can take it back down to the Federal Appeals Court.
Uh, which means that whatever the appeals court rules will be, you know, the law.
That's right.
They can defer and make the appeals court the new Supreme Court.
And the word is, Scalia as an originalist, they call him on the Constitution, strict constructionist, probably would have ruled against Cruz's eligibility because he would have seen in the Constitution, look, there's, you know, this, uh, he was born in Canada.
You know, and it doesn't satisfy the definition of a natural-born U.S.
citizen, so there's a lot more at stake with this vacancy than some people may think.
It's huge.
I mean, is this the biggest event in the 2016 election so far?
I would say it's one of those shocking news events that obviously came up in the Republican debate the other evening.
Actually, I attended the Trump rally, which was held at the Sun Dome in Tampa, and right before
He came out to a standing room only 16,000 people.
I understand it was the largest number of people they've ever packed into that arena at the University of South Florida.
But Trump had said he was going to sue.
He was going to sue because Cruz is ineligible.
He's a Canadian.
So we had Trump already say that there may be a potential Supreme Court
I mean, look, all the evidence leans towards foul play, hanky-panky in my view, and you add to all this, the rest of the craziness, Wayne, it is just over-the-top insane.
I want to do one more segment with you just briefly and get into the Russia situation and the Ukraine situation, these proxy wars, Syria.
And what the best thinking is on that front.
Then Paul Watson joins us to continue the discussion of where Scalia went and died, leaving a security behind, is just an absolute insider Democrat command base, Obama command base, the whole county.
We'll be back.
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Welcome back.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're talking to Wayne Madsen.
Going right back to him in just a moment.
And I am getting my crew saddled up to go down to South Texas and investigate.
And we're getting ready to set it up and get Wayne on an airplane to come out and join them as well.
I'll probably send two teams out on this.
It's so important.
We're going to see how folks behave once we get down there.
Briefly, we have a new Hillary for Prison shirt.
The other one has basically sold out.
The classic one that became so popular.
I promise it was limited edition.
So is this one.
I'm just going to have this out until the election ends.
And it's her as the Joker.
On the front it says, what difference does it make?
You can put that up on screen for folks.
It's at InfowarsStore.com if you want to see it and what difference does it make Infowars.com Infowars.com on the right arm shoulder and then on the back is the classic Hillary for President shirt but it's not blue it's it's on a black shirt Hillary for President 2016 and beyond
We want her in prison in 2016 and beyond.
And it's because she tries to intimidate people, and it's come out blackmails reporters.
They have to write the exact words she says.
They have to lie and say, you know, drones don't exist.
They have to say that Santa Claus is real, basically, but, you know, George Washington didn't exist.
I mean, this is what they're about.
And then calling up comedy clubs and saying, we'll shut you down with the IRS if you let people make fun of her.
This is a true pig.
This is a true witch.
I mean, I get attacked constantly.
Attack, lie, do whatever you want, scum.
I'm telling the truth.
But see, this filth is a control freak.
So, get the shirt, support the InfoWar.
I'm basically like a kamikaze in the InfoWar.
And by the way, don't cry for me, I love it.
I mean, when they etch my tombstone, they're not going to put on there that I bent over and was a coward.
That doesn't mean I'm special.
I wouldn't be special 200 years ago, but I'm a little special today.
I'm just going to man up.
I love it, by the way.
But I do want to be fueled for the fight.
I want to be strong.
I want to be able to send our reporters out, and I want to be able to have the reports.
I want to be able to fight the enemies, and that takes funding.
We've got a bunch of other specials and new specials at Infowarslife.com.
Androplex is selling out, so that special's ending, but we have a big special on Supermel and Superfemale Vitality, 20% off for just one week.
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Evil Patriot First Amendment apparel.
But now, shutting up about that, going back to Wayne Madsen, our investigative journalist.
Wayne, the Russia situation.
I'm going to cover this after you're gone and show the articles for viewers and listeners.
It's been Yedyev, as you know, last week saying, you know, look how this can cause a wider war, a permanent war, a nuclear war, world leaders admitting it, Saudi Arabia announcing ground troops, all of this.
The CIA saying prepare for imminent ISIS attacks in America.
I mean, this is the group they funded.
Where is all this going geopolitically, Wayne?
It's getting very serious.
There's a report now that's appeared in several news outlets that Turkish troops are now in Ukraine on the Ukrainian-Crimean border.
Crimea, that former part of Ukraine that Russia took back.
It was retroceded back to Russia.
And so we've got Turkish troops in Ukraine.
We've got
The United Arab Emirates sending also troops to Turkey along with the Saudis sending troops.
And Turkey's shelling heavily the Syrian government.
Yeah, and the UAE doesn't have much in the way of an army.
They have foreign mercenaries that are actually led by Eric Prince, the former head of Blackwater.
So there's former US Special Forces troops
Demanding these Colombians and South Africans.
Let me be clear, because you never go, you're not half cocked.
You're saying former Blackwater XZ, or whatever the name is this week, is actually going in as Merc Forces, we know they've hired them, but, and is actually fighting on the side of ISIS.
They're fighting in Yemen, on the side of the Saudis, and it's well known that the Saudis support ISIS.
And now they're going into Incirlik, which is the NATO base, where all these
County planes and troops are going with the Emirate troops, and the Emirates are basically foreign mercenaries working for Prince's new company called Reflex Response, or R2, which sounds an awful lot like R2P, Responsibility to Protect, that Hillary and Samantha Power and Susan Rice came up with that got us into this mess to begin with.
And here's the issue.
The U.S.
also has special forces in fighting for the Syrian Kurds and the Iraqi Kurds.
And we could have a situation where retired special forces working for Prince and the UAE government will be shooting at current special forces troops in Syria fighting on behalf of the Syrian Kurds against ISIS and... Hold on, hold on.
I got Paul Watson coming up.
I'm not just saying this, folks.
This guy is so accurate.
This guy is just basically never wrong.
Stay there.
I didn't understand that part.
I mean, I knew our special forces get really mad when they have to deliver weapons to Al-Qaeda or ISIS and they threaten them, but you're saying that there are Blackwater, cheap-dip troops that we're in the position to be fighting U.S.
forces that are finally fighting Al-Qaeda because of congressional heat.
You talk about a synthesis of evil, a full spectrum evil.
Stay there, Wayne.
Two more minutes.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Today is Monday, February 15th, and here's the latest in international news.
The Syrian government army is advancing Iraq after a major anti-ISIS counter-strike.
Syrian army units and paramilitary forces are seizing control of the province to take back strategically important areas that cut ISIS supply lines operating on a critical highway, which leads directly into the Islamic State stronghold.
On Sunday, Syrian troops and Palestinian militia captured a strategically important hilltop, which was the last entrenched Islamic State position.
Later that day, the Syrian army launched a major assault which also cut the Islamic State's major supply route from Raqqa to the nearby province of Hama.
A military source briefed on the battle toward Reuters, quote, This is the indication of the direction of the coming operations towards Raqqa.
In general, the Raqqa front is open.
The advance into ISIS-held Raqqa would allow Damascus to regain control over the region where Syrian government forces have had no presence since 2014.
It would also complicate any move by Saudi Arabia to deploy forces into Syria.
For more reports, visit InfoWars.com and Resistance News on YouTube.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
By the way, I'm going back to Wayne Madsen for about three minutes and then to Paul Watson and he's gonna be hosting the fourth hour and I've got a bunch of other news I've got to get to as well and I haven't been taking a lot of calls lately.
Maybe Paul will do it in the fourth hour.
I should be.
I want to hear from you about Scalia.
It's just there's so many facets to this that my head is just spinning.
What this signifies.
I mean I've had so much energy since Saturday.
Since that morning I was up here working all Saturday on record.
Doing videos saying something big is about to happen.
They're moving on every front.
I just feel like we should be fighting harder.
And then boom, Scalia was already dead.
The world financial meltdown, all of it.
But the crew points out to me, I skip breaks constantly, I don't plug things, I'm not funding our operation.
Listener-wise, we are as successful as it gets, exponentially growing.
Financially, we're just bringing in the money.
We need to operate at current levels.
And I want to get a few more camera people, a couple more reporters.
I don't want to sit there and obsess over where I send an investigative journalist like Wayne Madsen.
I didn't send anybody to Davos this year because I didn't have the money.
People go, oh, you're a failure, you don't have a helicopter, you know, you don't have $100,000 Rolexes.
I don't care about all that.
Nothing against things, just that things get me places.
Things are fuel.
They're tools.
But we need the funding to get there, so we sell the best non-GMO seeds.
Great t-shirts that promote liberty.
High-quality nutraceuticals.
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And then finally, sign up for the InfoWars Alex Jones Insider Newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter for free to get exclusive emails, videos, stories, photos where
If I'm in another country, now I'm not leaving the country, but my point is if I have to go underground, whatever, and I'm seriously, we've been building an infrastructure for that.
I don't plan to run off, but if they're like attacking and arresting everybody, I'm gonna try to disappear and still they'll be able to track us, but we'll be able to get stuff out via email.
It's now reached that point, folks, okay?
So, Infowars.com forward slash newsletter.
We need the giant base of patriots out there to be able to contact you.
And so if you're not signed up there with one of your dummy emails, whatever, it doesn't matter, so that we can get in touch with you and you can get in touch with us, I don't know what to say.
But we need to, Paul Revere needs to be able to talk to you and vice versa.
You are Paul Revere as well.
So, Infowars.com forward slash newsletter and a lot of exclusive material, discounts, specials, you name it, just for folks that are signed up there.
Now, going back to Wayne Madsen and WayneMadsenReport.com, also Infowars.com correspondent,
Wayne, I've been planning to send you to the RNC-DNC, which we're planning to do with crew, along with Richard Reeves.
But I'm glad you do want to go to South Texas and cover that.
But we're done talking about that for now.
We'll obviously have you back in the next few days for an update as you research this.
But separately, how would you say things are going for the Anglo-American power arm versus the Russian and Chinese power arm?
And what else are you watching?
What else do you expect to pop?
Well, I mentioned earlier this situation with Ukraine allowing Turks to come into their country.
The Ukrainian government is a foreign, Soros-operated government anyway.
It's corrupt.
And we just had the first ever meeting between a patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church and the pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church in Havana.
That's never happened before, and I'm sure what they discussed is if these two individuals
I think so.
Churches, you can argue who's older, meet for the first time.
It's because it's saying, is Europe going to go to war with Russia?
That's who, obviously, the PANF represents and the EU.
In fact, I meant to cover that.
You are absolutely right.
Elaborate on that, sir.
That is so huge.
That shows us how close we are to World War III.
And these institutions realize this.
Was this not really a meeting of Russia with the Vatican?
Yeah, basically that's what it was.
And what we see now that the Russian Orthodox Church, which really can speak for a number of other Orthodox churches in the area, in the Middle East and in Georgia and Ukraine and elsewhere, they're in a position now, the Pope and the Patriarch, to tell the Ukrainians, look, you're with us.
And if you want to keep playing with ISIS,
I don't
And the Patriarch meet for the first time.
Maybe they're saying, OK, you want a crusade?
You're going to get your crusade.
And Erdogan, he's supporting these guys, these ISIS guys, and he's made this concordat with the Wahhabists that run Saudi Arabia.
If I were Erdogan, I'd be looking at maintaining control over what was Constantinople and what was the headquarters of the Orthodox Church.
Yeah, the Greeks have wanted that holy church, the Hagia Sophia, back forever, and now Erdogan says he's going to turn it back into a working mosque.
I think we're on the verge of a major second crusade.
And meanwhile, Obama goes to his first mosque ever as president in Baltimore, and it's a mosque affiliated with the Saudi Arabia.
That's what I want to say.
I've got electrical chills all over my body.
I've never had this in my life.
I've walked out of a thing and a mugger with a butcher knife came at me and I didn't have this much electricity in me.
I can feel the epic shifting.
It's so historical, it's so beyond an X-Files episode, I don't know how the average person isn't completely freaked out.
Now finish up with this point, because I interrupted you earlier with another subject, which you then went into the Pope, thank God.
Wayne, you need your own show for an hour a day here on InfoWars, just so you're not interrupted.
Looking at this, what does it signify that Prince's
New group, and I've actually seen that, I'd forgotten to cover it, is involved in different parts of the Middle East.
It loggerheads with other factions in our government actually fighting ISIS, and also in Ukraine, to end up having mercenaries, formerly from the U.S., and taken from the U.S., battling U.S.
I mean, are they that dishonorable that they'll actually do that?
Or is there a level that these mercenaries or Eric Prince might actually stop their behavior at?
Under John Brennan, the CIA has become an active ally of ISIS, the Saudis, and the Turks.
He's a Saudiophile.
He converted to Islam.
I mean, that's pretty much the case.
Yeah, I can almost believe that.
So here we have his, you know, and look, it was Prince was tied up with the CIA when he was running Blackwater.
And they were and Brandon was one of the architects of the torture and rendition program that Blackwater was intimately involved in.
So here we have the special active special forces still under the control of the Pentagon.
Possibly getting into a ground war in Syria with these, these are two people coming in from Abu Dhabi.
Well I'll tell you, Prince is one arrogant person who thinks he's going to get away with that.
Absolutely, and he's also affiliated with the Opus Dei movement.
So, you know, this is a little bit of Tom Clancy, Dan Brown, Da Vinci Code, and you mentioned X-Files.
Throw it all in together and that's what you've got right here.
Just a big mess.
Wayne, incredible analysis.
Please join us on the Nightly News tonight if you can.
Thank you so much for your amazing reportage, sir.
You bet, Alex.
I can officially say this is the most concerned and awake and also electrified and empowered I've ever been.
I mean, I kept saying we're crossing the threshold, we're entering the world government, we're entering the great battle for human future.
We're now not just crossing the threshold, we're entering it.
I mean, the whole future is being decided, folks.
When the globalists get full control, they're coming after your family, your pension funds, your farm, your ranch.
They don't just want to own you.
They want to kill you.
And it is Islamic.
The globalists are satanic.
They have joined with radical Islam.
Radical Islam has taken over Islam.
And Christianity is deciding right now whether to die and submit to this or to fight.
And I think that's why the Patriarch met with the Pope.
I mean, this is unprecedented to have a Pope step down and a new Pope come in.
Paul Joseph Watson joins us from London, England to break down his view on what happened with Scalia's death and just incredible connections.
His article and video is up on Infowars.com titled, Why People Are Questioning Scalia's Death.
I mean, why shouldn't there be questioning?
That's normal.
In this climate, the powerful person dies and they instantly say move along.
But Paul, just geopolitically, everything that's happening, do you intellectually see it and in your gut do you not feel it that we are going over the edge of the roller coaster right now?
No, you've got 350 Saudi Arabian troops basically preparing to invade Syria.
Their friend ISIS didn't do a good enough job apparently.
That's all about to kick off.
They're talking about the biggest war games involving Saudi Arabia ever, that they've ever staged in their entire military history.
So they're preparing to invade.
It could cause a confrontation with Russia.
You've got Medvedev warning of a new Cold War, talking about World War 3.
You know, that old Chinese proverb, may we live in interesting times, now has never been more interesting in terms of global flashpoints.
World governments being announced, our credibility, those that question are exploding.
I think this is all out of control.
Geopolitically, what do you think is really going on right now, Paul?
Well I mean they failed in Syria, they tried to carve it up.
Now Turkey's getting involved as well because the Kurds are basically kicking the butts of the jihadists in Aleppo that Turkey and Saudi Arabia funded.
So they're not happy with the outcome.
Of course we know that the Pentagon foresaw the rise of ISIS, that's why they helped it spread throughout the region.
The Salafist Principality in their own documents, that came out six months ago.
So they basically tried to spread these jihadists around the world, as they did before in Libya, to create this pretext for calling up the country.
It's failed, and now we could see an even bigger conflict.
And now the CIA director, acting director, comes in and says, brace for inevitable ISIS attacks in America.
And that's why we should invade Syria, because it's Assad's fault, thinking we don't know that he and others helped launch this attack, and that he himself is a Saudi Arabian Wahhabi as pledged.
I mean, we actually have a Wahhabi as running the CIA!
It's over!
The country's done!
I mean, I mean, I just can't handle it anymore.
I can't handle it anymore.
I'm sorry, Paul.
I just can't sit here and calmly talk about this anymore.
I can't even look at his face.
Go ahead.
Well, I mean, you remember back in 2012, it was a conspiracy theory that Al-Qaeda or any jihadists whatsoever were even involved in Syria.
That was the level of delusion they were trying to place people under as little as three and a half years ago.
We pointed it out that the Council on Foreign Relations were pointing out in their own words, yes, we're supporting Al-Qaeda, these bombings are good, we want to destabilize Assad just like we did with Gaddafi, but it was a conspiracy theory for over a year.
Now you've got Saudi Arabia massing, you've got Turkey massing, you had the shoot-down of the Russian plane just a couple of months ago which nearly caused a new conflict, and we're right on the precipice of that again.
And of course now we've got the death of Scalia.
There's a former US intelligence official, and I'm going to write the article on this as soon as I get off the fourth hour,
Hold on, I want to get to that, but first since you brought up Brennan, the CIA director, let's play a clip, Paul, and then go to Scalia, talking about imminence and inevitability of ISIS-Al Qaeda attacks in America, when he literally has been funding and working with Hillary to give them their safe harbor in Syria, and they blame Assad for it.
This is how dumb they think we are.
Here it is, Paul.
We have a number of instances where ISIL has used chemical munitions.
You're Saudi Arabian, brethren?
Artillery shells.
This is a chemical weapons clip.
ISIS has access to chemical artillery shells.
By the way, we pointed out that they fall slack.
ISIS has access to- Assad, remember?
Precursors and munitions that they can use.
The CIA believes that ISIS has the ability to manufacture small quantities of chlorine and mustard gas.
Alright, let's stop.
Yeah, and the CIA, the faction run by this guy, a known Saudi Arabian operative, double agent on record, literally, we know, it's like on Sesame Street saying, we know that Cookie Monster has an ability to talk because you got your arm up at making him move.
I mean, Paul, I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
Go ahead and finish up with this.
Let's get into Scalia.
Well, I mean, 2013, Guta, they tried to frame Assad for that chemical weapons attack.
That was the red line.
Again, they failed because we had the internet and we were able to counter the narrative.
That chemical attack was launched from rebel-controlled areas.
There was no evidence that Assad was behind it.
So they're likely to, you know, try something similar again.
But with the, with the Scalia thing,
There's a former US intelligence official who's basically saying the same thing as you, that the pillow on the face was to send a message like, you know, Luke Cabrasi sleeps with the Fishers.
It basically sounds like Alex Jones in his summary of what he thinks happens.
And then we've got, you know, my comment was this.
According to leftists and the media, and you've highlighted some of the hit pieces earlier, it's sick and demented to question the circumstances surrounding Scalia's death.
But celebrating Scalia's death is perfectly fine.
We've got a new article up on the Forbes... They want to kill him in the liberal media.
They want him dead.
They've called for his death.
And now that he's dead, though, they didn't kill him, but they're happy.
Yeah, so you had BuzzFeed editors, you had a bunch of journalists, you said they were going to take out Clarence Thomas next, potentially.
That's what the left is now calling for on Twitter.
They're saying, oh, let's all pray that it's Clarence Thomas next.
So they're the ones that are engaging in these spiteful, hateful comments.
They could have a liberal shoot Clarence Thomas on the street and they'd say it was natural causes.
Yeah, you know a thousand comments a day on Twitter saying kill Trump and they say it's it's sick and twisted for us to question the narrative of this while they're celebrating his death.
And they have Broadway shows about killing conservatives and professors say I'm gonna kill you of your tea party and they call for our death and these are just sick filth.
And the liberals aren't even getting money they're all getting screwed but they love it they love it Paul.
They love it.
I mean, they pose as taking the moral high ground when they violate their own principles again and again because they're complete hypocrites and they're not real liberals.
But there's also a poll, which I'm going to talk about as well.
79% in this poll think there's foul play involved in the death of Scalia.
And this was a poll that received 40,000 votes.
So it's quite the expansive polling of individuals on this particular website.
Nearly 8 out of 10 think that there's foul play involved.
It's like 90% of people I see or talk to think they killed him.
And I mean people, liberals, conservatives, but those are conspiracy theorists.
You could have 7,499,000,000 people saying that he was murdered and one liberal would say he wasn't, I'm God, don't ask questions.
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They admit the world economy is imploding after denying it forever.
They're the ones engineering it, the globalists.
They now want total power and control out of that.
Paul Watson's going to break it all down in the next hour.
Scalia dies in incredibly suspicious circumstances.
And as Paul pointed out, the articles are on Infowars.com.
He's writing more of them.
They're going, now we want to kill Thomas next.
I mean, and there are all these nobodies that don't even have jobs or they're government workers and they just, they like get off on the idea of killing everybody.
We're going to kill you and get free stuff.
I mean, they're Nazis.
And I guess they're going to go the way of the Nazis because man, let me tell you something.
You want to get in a big fight with everybody, with the American patriots and the veterans and the Christians, and you want to fight the Russians?
And while you're at it, you want to slap the Chinese around?
Their government's super evil.
Paul, we're about to go to break and I'm going to hand the baton to you, my friend, to take over.
And I meant to get into some of these hit piece articles that make fun of us about everything.
But the mainstream media doesn't seem to get they're discredited and no one hardly listens to them anymore.
So I do think there's major delusion by the elites here.
What else you want to add on that point and on the Scalia situation?
What's your gut on this?
Well, there's a website called Jezebel, which is this big social justice warrior feminist website, full of absolute crap, as you would expect, and they put out a hit piece against you.
Loopy conspiracist Alex Jones thinks Justice Scalia was murdered because his gut told him so.
In the very first sentence, they call you a racist, okay?
The source for calling you a racist is a link to a YouTube video in which you say people who call for the death of white people are racists.
So their proof for you being a racist is you making an anti-racist argument during your radio show.
They also call you an anti-Semite.
What's their source for calling you an anti-Semite?
A link to a Forbes article in which they talk about comments by Charlie Sheen about Chuck Lorre and then they say, for the record, Jones himself has long taken pains to distance himself from over anti-Semitism.
So their source for calling you an anti-Semite is an article which says you're not an anti-Semite.
This is the level of delusion being engaged in by the media
After you made your comments on Twitter.
In fact, I keep noticing that, whether it's the Sydney Morning Herald or the New York Times, the proof they link to always discredits them like it's some weird joke, or then I think, are they really on our side?
Because this is how you would discredit yourself.
Are they just so delusional they don't care, like a lobotomized monkey throwing his feces at people?
Well, these social justice warriors don't normally care about facts.
They care about feelings and emotion and deceiving people.
So it's kind of like 2 plus 2 can equal 5.
They're allowed to put a link that says I'm not racist as proof that I'm racist.
Yeah, and you're an anti-Semite and they link to an article which says you're not an anti-Semite by Forbes.
I mean, this can't just be sloppy journalism, surely.
Maybe it's satire.
Maybe these are some of the greatest dark satire writers ever, Paul.
Because let me tell you, our joke used to be to read this for entertainment, remember?
And we promised to stop doing it, both of us.
We'd sit there for an hour on the phone every day.
A lot of times at night, giggling and laughing about all this.
And what was it, five years ago, we pledged to stop it, right?
You don't call me, I don't call you with it.
But this is really some really good comedy.
I'm not kidding!
I mean, this is hilarious, folks!
I mean, we used to get blamed for not blaming the Jews for everything, but now apparently we're anti-Semites again, so they can't seem to make their minds up.
Well, I'm the number one enemy on all the white supremacists, for whatever crazy reason, maybe because they're government-run, but I'm also an anti-Semite and a secret Nazi.
Yeah, and it's documented with proof that actually says the opposite.
I know, I was reading this thing, it's like, and Jones, when he's not talking about UFOs, says Hillary ordered a stand down in Benghazi.
It's on record!
The eight survivors were there and heard the order!
I'm going to come back and do five more minutes with you, Paul, and then you're going to take over the next hour.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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When Hitler started losing his battle against England and in North Africa, he decided to attack Russia.
It's like, you know, I'm losing this battle with like a force a third the size of the Russian force.
Let me just go attack the Russians real quick.
And that's what psycho globalists do, is, historically, the same types, is when they start losing, they start attacking everyone.
And I just want them to not start a nuclear war.
Paul Watson, what else is coming up?
In the next hour that you're going to be hosting.
I mean, I know I'm ranting here today, but I mean, you just can't get more epic.
And again, people go to football games, they face paint, they scream, they yell for three hours till they're hoarse and can't talk.
People think that's normal.
I think that's mentally ill.
I get upset about just insane levels of craziness, Paul.
Well, I mean, it's only natural, and what I'm going to get into is more media deception.
The Huffington Post and a bunch of left-wing news outlets, The Independent and others, came out with this article claiming that only three refugees were involved in the mass molestation of women in Cologne on New Year's Eve.
Turns out that they were talking about only the individuals who came from Syria and Iraq.
Now the rest of the individuals came from Morocco, Tunisia and these other countries.
They were migrants who had supposedly assimilated into Germany, so in fact it was worse.
It was the migrants who had supposedly assimilated that were responsible for the rapes.
But then, the top German prosecutor came out in Germany and said, no, the majority of them were recently arrived refugees.
And let's expand, you're going to cover all that, you're going to cover all that, so I'm going to stop you.
What about Gloria Steinem basically defending to Bill Maher and saying Christians are the problem?
What is wrong with this sick freak?
Can't we send this worm to Saudi Arabia?
Well, it's because she's a regressive leftist and she's abandoned any liberal principles that she could have claimed to have in the first place.
I've got, you know, I've seen comments today of people saying, even if you dare raise the notion that migrants were responsible for things like colonial, blaming, you're saying that all Muslims are rapists.
Again, it's this mental block where... Where they can never do any wrong.
They can never do any wrong.
What do you make of
The feminist groups and people, well, former Secretary of State Malin Albright saying, if you vote for Bernie Sanders and not Hillary, you're going to hell if you're a woman.
I mean, that is a cult of freaks!
Women being lectured by some war criminal witch that you vote for a woman or you're going to hell?
I mean, why do women want to be lectured to by this scum?
Well, it's all based around this entirely false premise that they've created, which is Hillary Clinton's platform, which is what's between her legs.
That's all she's got.
She's the uber-feminist.
And yet it was her hiring people to intimidate Bill Clinton's rape victims.
But that's not reported in the Huffington Post, so they're not going to find out about it.
And even if they did, they would dismiss it, because it challenges their belief system, and there's no more dogmatic belief system than this feminist mindset.
I'll say this to turn it over to you, Paul, because I'm going to get a lot coming up.
The truth is, women have always run society, in every major dominant culture.
And men go out like the drones to fight and work and die to take care of them.
And there's been chivalry rules from Japan to ancient Europe that you don't target women and children or your tyrants and that it's men that get targeted, men that do the fighting, men that do the hanging, men that get hung, men that die, the men that are the pirates, the men that do it all.
The men that go into the coal mines.
The men.
You're to die.
You're a man.
You don't have value.
Sacrifice yourself for the species.
And that's the truth.
That's what we do.
And they teach women, oh, you're going to have freedom being in the draft.
You're going to have freedom not having a man.
Being a slave to the state now.
And sell you that you're going to get all this power out of it.
But all you get is enslavement.
And now Gloria Steinem and George Soros are your owners.
And so, that's what these monsters are doing, is stealing your future.
And so, all that's happening is men have been removed, men to a great extent don't exist anymore, and there's nothing but a robot world government now, here to destroy the species.
And so, that's what you have to understand, and that's what they've established, and that's what they've built, and they are so incredibly proud of themselves, and now women have no defense, and are being overrun and enslaved.
Paul Watson's coming up, I'm Alex Jones.
Was Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia assassinated?
There's growing evidence suggesting that yes, he was.
Scalia, who once said he interpreted the Bill of Rights no different than the Founding Fathers, was found dead in his room while staying at a ranch owned by a Democratic donor in the remote Big Bend region of West Texas.
For one thing, Presidio County Judge Cinderella Guevara first claimed that Scalia died of a heart attack.
And then she later backed off that statement and claimed instead that he died of natural causes with no signs of foul play.
But she never saw the body.
In fact, the Supreme Court justice was found with a pillow over his head.
Not only was there no autopsy performed on Scalia, but his body was also rushed to a funeral home to be quickly embalmed.
A process which would destroy toxology evidence indicating whether he had been poisoned.
The arch-conservative Scalia also opposed many of Obama's policies on illegal immigration and gun control.
And Obama benefits from his death by now being able to appoint his own judge who will undoubtedly rubber stamp the President's war on the Constitution.
For more news, visit InfoWars.com and YouTube channel Resistance News.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are back with our live of the Alex Jones Show Overdrive with me, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're gonna go to your calls in the second half of the hour of 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
If you want to talk about the death of Antonin Scalia, some of the questions that continue to swirl, despite the best efforts of some on the left to characterize any questioning whatsoever of the official narrative as crass and insensitive,
While they simultaneously celebrate the death of Scalia and basically call for Clarence Thomas to be next.
We're going to get into that.
We're also going to get into a top former US intelligence official who had a top secret security clearance.
Who basically sounds like Alex Jones.
He's saying that the pillow found on the face of Scalia was a tell, was a signal being sent a la the Godfather that Luca Brasi sleeps with the Fishers.
We're going to get into that.
But first I want to play this clip, which is a summary of some of the questions being asked about the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Antonin Scalia.
Here's the clip.
Anytime an extremely prominent person in the sphere of politics or law dies in unclear circumstances, the question needs to be asked.
Was it foul play?
The circumstances behind the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia remain unclear.
Does that mean he was murdered as part of a devious conspiracy by the Democrats to tip the balance in the Supreme Court before Obama leaves office?
Scalia was a 79-year-old man with admitted health problems, and the likeliest explanation is that he died of natural causes.
But it doesn't take a wild conspiracy theorist to understand why people have questions.
Why did law enforcement personnel tell Presidio County Judge Cinderella Guevara that there was no evidence of foul play when Scalia was found alone in his room with a pillow over his head?
Was the immediate clampdown on any suggestion of foul play an attempt to prevent an autopsy from taking place?
Why did Guevara initially tell the media that Scalia had died of a heart attack before hastily changing her mind and saying he died of natural causes?
Why did Guevara pronounce that Scalia had died of natural causes without having actually seen the body?
Why is no autopsy taking place despite Guevara's confusion as to how Scalia died?
A decision disputed by other officials.
Why was it necessary for no less than 20 police officers to escort Scalia's dead body to the Sunset Funeral Home in El Paso?
Why was Scalia's body quickly embalmed?
A process that would destroy toxicology evidence.
Why did Scalia reportedly refuse to be provided with security detail despite the fact that other Supreme Court justices had received death threats?
Are reports true that Barack Obama was told about Scalia's death hours before a public announcement was made?
If so, who told him?
Was it John Poindexter, the Texas businessman and Democratic Party donor, who owned Cibolo Creek Ranch and was reportedly one of the first to learn of Scalia's death?
And why does any of this matter?
Well, if Obama is able to get his choice of Supreme Court justice confirmed to replace Scalia, America could be radically transformed.
Scalia was a strict constitutionalist who consistently voted to protect free speech, freedom of religion, and the individual right to bear arms.
All of those liberties and more are now under threat if Obama is able to appoint a leftist activist judge before he leaves the White House.
Given this monumental motive, and the unclear circumstances surrounding Scalia's death, the emergence of conspiracy theories is hardly a surprise.
So that's a summary of some of the questions surrounding the death of Antonin Scalia.
And again, this is the question I've been asking.
This is the comment I made on Twitter about an hour ago.
According to leftists, it's thick and demented to question the circumstances surrounding Scalia's death.
But celebrating Scalia's death is perfectly fine.
So we had this deluge of hit pieces over the weekend, some of which Alex covered earlier, basically attacking Alex, attacking InfoWars, merely for highlighting some of these unanswered questions surrounding Scalia's death, which the Washington Post itself highlighted and admitted that the circumstances were still unclear.
But we got the blame simply for asking the question.
It was crass.
It was insensitive.
And I mentioned this when I was on with Alex.
This is out of Jezebel.com, a feminist social justice warrior website.
Loopy conspiracist Alex Jones thinks Justice Scalia was murdered because his gut told him so.
Listen to the first sentence of this article.
Noted conspiracy theorist, Illuminati believer, racist, and lovable anti-Semite, Alex Jones has made yet another grab for the spotlight.
Okay, so they have hyperlinks from these claims that Alex Jones is a racist and an anti-Semite.
Now, of course, most of their idiotic readers are not going to click on those hyperlinks.
They're going to swallow the story whole without questioning it.
But I actually took the trouble to click on those links.
The link that claims to prove that Alex Jones is a racist
Here's a link to a YouTube video in which Alex Jones attacks racist people who express the opinion that all white people should die.
So again, the proof that Alex Jones is a racist is a video in which he argues against racism.
The proof that Alex Jones is an anti-Semite, and again you can click on the hyperlink from this article,
It goes to Forbes.com.
An article entitled, Who is Alex Jones Anyway?
5 Fun Factoids.
And one of those factoids is a mention of how when Charlie Sheen was on the show back, I guess it was a couple of years ago now, he had made supposedly anti-Semitic comments about Chuck Lorre.
Again, those comments, whether you believe they were anti-Semitic or not, were made by Charlie Sheen, not Alex Jones.
In fact, in this article, the author states, quote,
So again, the proof that Alex Jones is an anti-Semite, according to this Jezebel article, is a link to an article which says that Jones is not an anti-Semite.
That's the level of proof we have presented here.
These ad hominem arguments.
They actually prove the opposite of what they're claiming.
That's how weak and pathetic this hit piece is.
And there were many others.
There was a Sydney Morning Herald, all of a similar tone.
But this perhaps takes the biscuit for the most outlandish, for the most weak, in terms of an actual argument, where their claims are disproven by the supposed proof that they present in the form of these hyperlinks.
So again, we had a deluge of attacks saying that it was crass, insensitive, to even ask questions about what happened to Scalia,
But again, it was perfectly okay for the left to celebrate Scalia's death.
You had a BuzzFeed editor tweeting out an emoji of a party popper.
You had other people calling for Clarence Thomas, the black conservative Supreme Court justice, to be next.
That's all perfectly fine, that's not crass, that's not insensitive.
But don't you dare question the official narrative, my God, how dare you!
You dangerous, evil conspiracy theorist!
So this is an article up on InfoWars.com right now.
Leftist journalist social media users spew torrent of hate on hearing of Scalia's death.
We have the screenshots from the tweets.
And there are other articles in which they focus on tweets made by journalists, people in the media, as well as just leftists in general.
And listen to the tone here.
Rot in hell.
Learn the law while you're down there.
Here's another one.
Since death is the only way for a fat, evil effer like Scalia to be removed from the Supreme Court, hooray death!
Here's another one.
I know Hitler actually killed millions whereas Scalia was a bigot in speech, but speech often leads to actions, hence the comparison.
Rest in hell, Scalia.
Proceed, Mr. President.
Goodbye, Justice Scalia.
Now go to hell.
If Scalia's death is sad that thousands of you will die as a result of his suspending Obama's greenhouse gas emissions is far, far sadder.
And it goes on and on.
Liberals fantasising, glorifying, celebrating the death of Scalia.
But we're the ones who are being insensitive for asking why there was no autopsy.
Why the police told the judge involved that there were no signs of foul play when Scalia had a pillow over his face.
That's insensitive even to ask those questions.
It's insensitive to ask why his dead body was transported to the funeral home by no less than 20 police officers.
20 police officers for one dead body.
Now, you can understand it being, you know, having some kind of police guard around it, but it's a corpse.
Not to be vulgar, but you really need 20 police officers to guard a corpse.
This is one of the questions that people are asking.
This is why we have polls now.
79% suspect foul play in death of Antonin Scalia.
This is the Conservative Outfitters website.
They have 40,000 people.
In fact, it's probably closer to 45,000 now.
Vote in this poll.
79% of them, almost 8 out of 10,
Said that there was foul play involved in the death of Scalia.
So to try and characterize these questions as the domain of fringe extremists, which the mainstream media has done, even though basically the Washington Post is pointing out the same things, is again completely misrepresentative of the sentiment that's out there.
We'll get more into it after the break and take your calls on the Alex Jones Show live.
Stay tuned.
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I read the news
We are live on the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to go to your calls in the next segment.
We've got Mike, John, Joe and Walt holding.
They want to talk about Scalia.
We're going to go to you in the next segment.
But again...
You're an evil, demented conspiracy theorist who is being crass and insensitive if you draw attention to any of these unanswered questions about the death of Antonin Scalia.
Unanswered questions that have been highlighted by the likes of the Washington Post.
We didn't invent these facts, these circumstances, out of thin air.
But you're crass, you're insensitive for doing that.
But if you celebrate the death of Antonin Scalia and then call for the death of Clarence Thomas, that's liberal and trendy.
This is out of Twitchy.com.
Clarence Thomas trends as Liberals update their death wish lists for Scalia's puppet.
Listen to some of these tweets that were sent out in the immediate aftermath of the announcement of Scalia's death about Clarence Thomas, the second ever black Supreme Court Justice, who of course is a Conservative.
These are tweets from actual leftists.
Quote, if he dies during Black History Month, I'll never question God again.
Fingers crossed Clarence Thomas is next!
Clarence Thomas will probably outlive all of us.
Evil old black people live forever.
My family is full of them.
That was a tweet by a black guy.
Here's another one.
This is going to sound cold, but one down, one to go.
Uncle Rockus Clarence Thomas needs to go next.
Then our country can start healing.
These are actual tweets from leftists.
Here's another.
Now we just need the Grim Reaper to take out Clarence Thomas, and they'll be dancing in the streets.
So I ask you...
Which is crass and insensitive?
Asking questions about why there was no autopsy.
Why his face had a pillow over it when he supposedly, you know, died in his sleep on his own in his hotel room.
Why is it crass and insensitive to ask why his body needed a police escort of 20 officers?
Why is it crass and insensitive to simply challenge the narrative on this issue?
But then it's perfectly fine to openly glorify and celebrate the death of someone, while then calling for the death of Clarence Thomas.
Again, completely despicable behavior from the left.
They will whine all day.
They will whine about people like Trayvon Martin.
They will whine about the criminal Michael Brown.
And then they will actually call for the death of successful African-Americans simply because they have the wrong politics.
Perfectly fine to call for the death of Clarence Thomas because he's a conservative, apparently.
We've got Twitter bringing out this new censorship program, making an alliance with social justice warriors to censor conservatives, to define criticism of Islam as hate speech, to broaden the definition of harassment so that it includes telling a feminist she's a liar or she sucked,
And yet you've got hundreds and hundreds of people on Twitter every day, not only celebrating the death of Antonin Scalia, not only calling for Clarence Thomas to be next, but calling for the death of Donald Trump every single day on Twitter.
I mean, just go to Twitter right now and Google, in quotation marks, kill Donald Trump, as a quote.
You will find hundreds and thousands of individuals on Twitter who do that every single day.
Do their accounts get suspended?
Do they get reported for hate speech?
In fact, I think there was only one incident where a guy who was maniacally waving knives around on camera, threatening to castrate Donald Trump, actually got a Secret Service visit.
But you have leftists on Twitter engaging in actual violent hate speech every day.
And this is what this was with Clarence Thomas' borderline violent hate speech.
And yet we're the ones who are crass and insensitive for asking these questions.
So we're going to get your take on that after the break.
Here's another article out of Breitbart.
Hour 1.
Liberals respond to Antonin Scalia's death with hatred, mockery, joy.
Within one hour of news breaking that Supreme Court Justice Scalia died in his sleep, progressives on Twitter put politics before basic human decency, both celebrating and mocking his death.
So again, more tweets.
We've got regressive leftists like Glenn Greenwald.
Couldn't wait to jump in the fray.
I mean, at least these people could keep quiet, right?
They're not forced to express their respect and somber condolences for the death of anyone.
But they chose to exploit the situation, not only to denigrate Justice Scalia, but in some cases to celebrate his death.
Charles Manning, Senior Style Editor for Cosmopolitan.com said, quote, The devil is back in hell!
This was hours after his death was announced.
Again, completely crass and insensitive.
But we're evil for questioning Scalia's death.
We'll be right back with your calls.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Today is Monday, February 15th, and here's the latest in international news.
The Syrian government army is advancing Iraq after a major anti-ISIS counter-strike.
Syrian army units and paramilitary forces are seizing control of the province to take back strategically important areas that cut ISIS supply lines operating on a critical highway, which leads directly into the Islamic State stronghold.
On Sunday, Syrian troops and Palestinian militia captured a strategically important hilltop, which was the last entrenched Islamic State position.
Later that day, the Syrian army launched a major assault which also cut the Islamic State's major supply route from Raqqa to the nearby province of Hama.
A military source briefed on the battle toward Reuters, quote, This is the indication of the direction of the coming operations towards Raqqa.
In general, the Raqqa front is open.
The advance into ISIS-held Raqqa would allow Damascus to regain control over the region where Syrian government forces have had no presence since 2014.
It would also complicate any move by Saudi Arabia to deploy forces into Syria.
For more reports, visit InfoWars.com and Resistance News on YouTube.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are back on the Alex Jones Show.
We're talking about Antonin Scalia.
Obviously, we're going to go to your calls here in a second, but first I wanted to direct you to InfoWarsStore.com.
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So obviously we're talking about Antonin Scalia, and as you heard in the video, you know, this was a 79-year-old guy.
He had health problems.
Yes, Occam's razor suggests that natural causes are the most likely explanation for his death.
But when you have all these unanswered questions, these unclear circumstances, as the Washington Post defined it, it's only natural to ask questions.
Given the political prominence of Scalia and the fact that the Supreme Court could now be tipped back in the balance of leftists,
On major, major issues such as gun control, abortion, free speech, the Fourth Amendment, which we're going to get into, they're now talking about Loretta Lynch being the favourite to replace Scalia, who was extremely strong on the Fourth Amendment.
He made numerous rulings, again, protecting the right of Americans against unlawful searches and seizures.
Then you've got Loretta Lynch, who doesn't even believe in the concept of innocent until proven guilty.
She's pro-asset forfeiture seizure, which again, no warrant, no evidence of a crime.
The police can take your money, take your property.
Again, presumed guilt before innocence.
That's what Loretta Lynch believes in.
And they're talking about her being the potential next Supreme Court Justice to replace Scalia.
So, of course, this is a monumental turn.
This could completely transform America.
So it's only right to ask questions about the circumstances surrounding Scalia's death, which we will continue to do.
Gonna go to some of these calls now.
Walt in Michigan, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Walt.
Hello, Joseph.
Here's what my take on it is.
Scalia showed that he was a nationalist in his ideology and his positions, but for the contrast of him belonging to the Knights of Malta in Opus Dei, which are inter-nationalist, and which the Pope of Rome is calling for a new world order and redistribution of the wealth and carbon taxes, and he's against our Constitution ideologically, and papacy has been all along.
Scalia seems to have run contrary to his boss's directions that were given to Obama when he came here to visit.
No, I mean, the point is the rulings he'd made.
I hear you on the organisations he was affiliated to.
But I mean, you look at the Fourth Amendment, and you look at the First Amendment, free speech, Texas versus Johnson.
He voted that flag burning was a constitutionally protected expression.
Again, he came down on the side of the Constitution.
Brown versus EMA.
This is out of Max Lavo's SHTF plan.
A double victory for First Amendment advocates that protected both depictions of violence and minors' rights.
And he dissented in Maryland v. King, arguing that the Fourth Amendment forbids law enforcement from collecting DNA from arrestees.
And there are more cases.
So, down the line with the Fourth Amendment and with the First Amendment, he's been on the side of the Constitution.
Then you get someone like Loretta Lynch, who doesn't even believe that Americans are innocent until proven guilty in the context of asset forfeiture seizure.
So that's why people are concerned about this.
But thanks for the call.
We're going to go to Mike in Virginia.
You're on the air, Mike.
Go ahead.
Hey, Mike.
You know, I've heard about the pillow and everything.
You know, uh, you don't need an autopsy by a coroner or a pathologist to determine whether Scalia was, uh, asphyxiated with the pillow.
All one has to do is open up his eyes and look at the eyes, and if you see red dots on the eye, you know that Anthony Scalia was asphyxiated.
And you don't have to be a pathologist to know what to look for.
All you look for is red spots in the eyes.
A Secret Service agent, FBI agent, or an executive security officer branch agent could look at his eyes and determine whether he was asphyxiated or not.
And like I say, the funeral director
For the funeral home could open up his eyes and look for the red dots.
If there's no red dots in the eyes, he wasn't asphyxiated.
That's a common thing that happens when one gets asphyxiated.
And that's the truth you're not hearing.
Well, like, exactly.
But Judge Guevara, she declared that he had died of natural causes.
First she said heart attack, then changed her mind almost immediately.
She said that Scalia had died of natural causes without even having seen the body.
It was done via a telephone call.
The police said there was no evidence whatsoever of any foul play, again, despite the fact that the pillow was found on his head, as we later found out.
And again, there's this report that
He was almost immediately embalmed.
So again, destroying any potential toxicology evidence.
Now, I'm not a medical examiner, obviously, but these questions do need to be answered.
This is extremely suspicious, given the prominence of scolia.
So yes,
Presumably it would be easy to tell if, you know, there had been foul play, if he had been asphyxiated.
But we're not gonna get access to that because no autopsy is going to happen.
They've already pronounced him dead of natural causes, again, via a telephone call without even seeing the body.
I mean, that sounds pretty unprecedented.
I know it is generally accepted that that's the case in Texas.
But again, just the rush to judgment on this is extremely eyebrow-raising, to say the least.
And we're not saying... I'm not saying that he was murdered.
I'm saying the likelihood is that, you know, he had health problems.
We know that.
They were reported beforehand.
But again, these questions need to be answered.
That's why we're talking about it.
And we're going to go to John in Idaho.
You're on the air, John.
Go ahead.
Yes, thank you, Paul.
I was going over the Obama shortlist for replacements here.
But as we move through this process and we continue to dig deeper, what I'm coming into contact with is the idea that
Uh, being that this is his last year in office, he's trying to position, uh, the Supreme Court, uh, in a, in a manner that will be conducive to, uh, cooperating with the, uh, the UN World Court.
And, uh, so basically this goes above and beyond our own nation, uh, in terms of trying to put more liberal judges or more conservative.
That's not even the issue.
The issue here is flushing out
Uh, uh, something like a Scalia, uh, and like a Thomas, uh, so that will make headway for, uh, scenarios down the, down the road in the future where, uh, Supreme Court will have to give themselves over, uh, to the UN World Court.
And then that goes into the whole thing with, uh, with the UN, uh, you know, uh,
Basically, superseding, continuing to supersede our own country's laws and our own way of doing things here with our government.
But another thing, Paul, I wanted to bring up, I tried to email you about a week and a half, two weeks ago, in regard to the possible use of low-yield tactical nuclear weapons in Yemen by the Saudis.
And I sent, I think, an email to the Tips line, or the Tips email, and I think to yours.
I don't know if you received that.
I was just trying to see if anybody could help me make some headway on that.
No, obviously we're bombarded constantly.
The best way to get it to me is probably via Facebook, if you use Facebook, or via Twitter, because those are the ones I check most regularly.
But thanks for the call.
And yeah, the point about the UN, of course, we had the carbon emissions thrown out just recently.
The UN is pushing this Agenda 21 global carbon tax model, and the Supreme Court has proven somewhat of a block against that.
But here's the other angle, and we're going to go to this clip in a second before we go back to your calls.
Basically, you've got the Democrats saying, how dare those nasty Republicans even entertain the notion that they could block Obama's next Supreme Justice appointment to replace Scalia?
Because, of course, that has to happen while Obama is still in office, which is only going to be about for another 10, 11 months.
Chastising the Republicans because they've made noises that they might try and block this, might try and drag it out until potentially a Republican takes the Oval Office in the next election.
And again, they're saying, how dare they do this for 10, 11 months?
This is anti-democratic.
This is disgraceful.
Well, this is what Chuck Schumer said, the Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, back in 2007.
Here's the clip from Fox News.
Isn't it ironic, too, that Justice Scalia was, he was one to say publicly, I wish it were different.
I wish the court had not found itself in this position in American political culture.
But to take you back to 2007 now, here is Chuck Schumer.
I think it was about 18 months, right, before the election?
I think that's right, the summer of 2007, and this is what he said about appointments then in an election year.
We should not confirm
Any Bush nominee to the Supreme Court except in extraordinary circumstances.
They must prove.
They must prove by actions not words that they are in the mainstream rather than we have to prove that they are not.
I would imagine
So now we have Fox News doing a flashback to Chuck Schumer back in 2007.
Again, 18 months before Bush left office saying we have to block Bush's next Supreme Court appointment.
So you've got Democrats whining about Republicans threatening to do the same thing for a period of, what, 10-11 months?
They were wanting to do it 18 months before Bush left office, almost double the time period.
So again, that just highlights the hypocrisy with the speculation surrounding this next Supreme Court appointment.
We're going to go back to these calls now that we have.
Who do we have?
Joe in Delaware, you're on the air, go ahead.
I'll make this call short and thank you so much for taking my call.
I'll do this in chronological order if you will allow me to, sir, on the subject of political assassinations.
First case, 1950s, Soviet KGB in Western Germany assassinated two Ukrainian nationalist leaders, Lev Rebet and Stepan Bondara, with a pen-like device that emitted a poison spray that, upon autopsy, showed up to be a heart attack.
They would not find out about it except for the defection of the defector and the KGB officer, Bohdan Stachynski.
Second case in point,
The book by the CIA officer Victor Marchetti in the 1970s, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.
Third case in the public record, as you British would like to say in point, by the author and former Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky on Mossad assassination methods, where we have found, and again this has been verified in the public record recently, where the Mossad has assassinated people with drugs.
And use up to 14 people using forged Canadian passports in Dubai in a hit team device against Arab nationalists that discriminate Israel and to make it look like natural causes through drugs and pillows.
So that's my comment for the show and thank you for taking my call.
Okay, thanks Joe.
No, I mean, that's the point, isn't it?
False flags are by no means a fringe conspiracy theory.
They're an admitted form of statecraft and have been for several decades.
Operation Gladio, again, the Italian Parliament investigated this.
They found numerous examples of state involvement in assassinations, in terrorist attacks, throughout the 60s, 70s and 80s.
When they wanted, at the time, to blame it on left-wing groups, government involvement in assassinations and terror attacks.
This is not harebrained conspiracy theory that we're even entertaining this notion.
So let's go to more of your calls here.
We have John in New York.
You're on the air, John.
Go ahead.
Hey, John.
This is John in New York.
I'm going to say something about how the
I used to work in the news business, a major television network on the west side of Manhattan, and I'm seeing that they're diverting a lot of this stuff.
The attention is being drawn away from, let's say, the confirmation of Loretta Lynch, and we will see an event that will steal the thunder.
From an investigation of Loretta Lynch.
There'll be a possible other kind of an attack or news event and it will cause InfoWars to operate in a deficit trying to prevent themselves from being labeled as conspiracy theorists.
What I believe we need to do is create from the public, these last couple of calls were brilliant people, and create a list of possible events
That will be used in advance to steal the thunder away and to make InfoWars look like jerks.
I believe that one of the things that could possibly be, I phoned in back in January and said that 10 nuclear fuel rods fell down inside the reactor pool at Indian Point.
The great interrupter of your boss sometimes
Rushes ahead and he didn't let me finish.
I believe that those that incident is not over yet.
They did not.
The water is now been found to have 65,000 times the amount of radioactivity.
That I believe is going to be used as another item to steal the thunder away when it turns out that Indian Point is another Fukushima on the edge of the Hudson.
It is my thought that if Hillary Clinton gets in trouble, there will be an incident where patriots invade an armory and steal hundreds of weapons, and the New World Order Safe Cities thing will have to do house-to-house break-ins to get all the weapons away from the people.
That will steal thunder away, or there'll be a possible attempt on Bill Clinton's life.
Uh, somebody will have lined the staircase with banana peels and Bill will be... Okay, we gotta leave it there.
Interesting scenarios.
I mean, a lot could happen between now and the election.
We'll be back in the final segment.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live Overdrive.
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It's the final segment of Overdrive, the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
There's a former US intelligence official named Ray Starman who's come out with an interesting article.
Again, this is a guy who had top secret clearance and he basically sounds like Alex Jones.
And he talks about the pillow, which was apparently found on the head of Antonin Scalia.
He says, the pillow over the head is a warning.
The same people who want you to believe Scalia died of a heart attack or natural causes are the same people who want you to believe that Hillary won the Iowa caucuses with six coin tosses.
And the same people who want you to believe after 50 years that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of President Kennedy.
Of course, the MSN has reported on
None of this!
So he's come out, said it looked very suspicious, looks like foul play.
References again, Luca Brasi sleeps with the Fishers.
He thinks that was a signal, that was a tell, that there was foul play involved.
So we're going to get more into that.
I'll put an article about that up on the website after I get off air here.
A few more articles to cover here in the closing minutes.
Breitbart reports, left media migrant rape cover-up.
HuffPost, Independent and United Nations claim cologne attackers not refugees.
German prosecutor responds, total nonsense.
Mainstream media outlets have been blasted for peddling, quote, total nonsense today, as left-wing newspapers coalesced to claim, with one voice, that only three of the suspects involved in Cologne's mass migrant rape on New Year's Eve were recent migrants or refugees.
So basically they came out and said, because only three of the individuals so far identified by authorities as having been involved in the mass molestation of women, not only in Cologne on New Year's Eve but other cities, only three of those are from Iraq or Syria.
So they only count people as being refugees if they're from Iraq or Syria.
But of course we know that thousands, hundreds of thousands of individuals from numerous countries all over the Middle East have poured into Europe over the past year.
They're not refugees, they're economic migrants fleeing to get on welfare and benefits.
So the rest of the culprits in the cologne attack have been identified as Moroccans, as Tunisians, as people from all these different parts of the world.
And the prosecutor came out and said, yes, they are refugees.
They've come in over the past year.
So again, completely disproving this narrative that went out over the weekend that only three of the individuals involved were refugees.
Of course, even if that were true, then it only provides us with a bigger problem.
If it were true that only three out of the sixty-odd culprits were refugees, then the rest were immigrants who had supposedly been assimilated into German society, and yet they were still carrying out these rapes, these thefts, these molestations.
So even if the initial claim was true, which it wasn't, that would be a bigger problem.
Yet they tried to spin it as, oh look at all these right-wingers.
Your talking point that migrants are to blame for Cologne has been demolished.
Well no, it hasn't been demolished because the German prosecutor came out immediately afterwards and said that those claims were quote, total nonsense.
So that narrative has completely backfired.
Got this out of spisa.com, Swedish National Police Chief cannot guarantee the safety of the Swedish people anymore.
Sweden is one of the countries that's accepted a wave of migrants.
Now you've got the police chief saying, it's out of control, these Muslim ghetto areas are no-go zones, we can't get police in there, and crime is escalating.
We've also got this out of Breitbart.
Tommy Robinson attacked, hospitalized one week after revealing Islamists are out to kill him.
Again, a prominent critic of Islam, who's been on this show a couple of times, attacked in the street, not unconscious, while out with his wife.
This is the religion of peace exacting its revenge once again.
But stay tuned tonight for InfoWars Nightly News.
That's gonna wrap it up for the fourth hour.
Alex will be back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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