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Name: 20160212_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 12, 2016
3236 lines.

Alex Jones critiques leftist media's glorification of AI and robotics and discusses the importance of education and awareness against globalist plans. Infomercials promote versatile garments, body armor, health products, and EMF radiation blockers. Jones criticizes Bernie Sanders for supporting communism and ignoring the U.S Constitution. Discussions on socialism, rigged economies, feminists' double standards, and superdelegates ensue while highlighting disdain for media and government. Bob Mulholland explains how Hillary Clinton will likely have a significant advantage in securing the Democratic nomination due to the delegate system. The U.S Government is taking steps towards defining family as all people who play a role in a child's life, potentially increasing antidepressant prescription rates among teenagers. Various topics are discussed on The Alex Jones Show, including personal experiences with supplements, new products for shower filters and EMF radiation exposure, silent weapons for quiet warfare, government control, despotism, and the dangers posed by policies such as registering women for the draft and moving towards a cashless society. The show also discusses biblical prophecy in shaping beliefs about current events, lack of preparedness during natural disasters, censorship, government intrusion into people's lives, arrest of a former police officer for having InfoWars stickers on her car, and challenging economic environment leading to a surge in gold prices.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
American jobs are increasingly rotting from the inside out.
MarketWatch reports there are now more than 260,000 robots working in U.S.
Orders and shipments for robots in North America set new records in 2015.
According to Industry Trade Group Robotic Industries Association, a total of 31,464 robots, valued at a combined $1.8 billion, were ordered from the North American companies last year.
The most popular jobs for these robots were industrial, including coating and dispensing, material handling, and spot welding.
Blindsided by technological gains and a sick fascination with artificial intelligence, the leftist media spews out reports glorifying an unstoppable race towards the demise of the one thing that has kept America humming along as a global innovator for close to 240 years.
Skilled labor.
The numbers of apprenticing electricians, welders, machinists, etc.
have been dwindling in the past 10 years.
Forbes reported in 2012, 53% of skilled trade workers in the U.S.
were 45 years and older.
And 18.6% were between the ages of 55 and 64.
The Tampa Tribune reports Ken Simonson, chief economist at Associated General Contractors of America, said the industry is hiring people at quite a strong clip.
But at the same time, contractors are saying that they can't find the folks with the skills they want.
They're having to pull in people from other industries or people that haven't done it before.
Which isn't always something you can make do with.
It's blatantly obvious that a combination of fundamental factors are leading to a third world future for the United States of America.
The millennial generation is simply not interested in a vocational education.
Projects will simply not be built in the future or may take much longer as skilled labor is sparse.
Also, the unchecked and unethical destruction of American working families as American companies like Disney have American workers train foreign workers on temporary H-1B visas to replace them.
The New York Times reported about 250 Disney employees were told in late October that they would be laid off.
Many of their jobs were transferred to immigrants on temporary visas for highly skilled technical workers who were brought in by an outsourcing firm based in India.
Over the next three months, some Disney employees were required to train their replacements to do the jobs they had lost.
One former worker said, I just couldn't believe they could fly people in to sit at our desks and take over our jobs exactly.
It was so humiliating to train somebody else to take over your job, I still can't grasp it.
Of course, NAFTA, GATT, KORUS, and the impending sovereign-destroying Trans-Pacific Partnership will and have destroyed millions of American jobs and led cities like Detroit, for example, to ruin in their wake.
The robots aren't coming.
The robots are here.
And it won't be long before automation completely wipes out everything from cashiers to call center operators, taxi drivers, real estate agents, accountants, journalists, internet comment section trolls, etc., etc.
It's abundantly clear the New World Order global governance
that has established itself while we were on holiday or working our third job is on the verge of wiping out the middle class and converting the remaining populace into a peasant class.
We have all been subjected to a soft, slow war guaranteeing our demise for decades.
Of course, you were never told.
John Bowne for Infowars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We have got so much news coming up that I had to actually not even host that segment.
I'm too busy working on these developments in here.
We have a Hillary superdelegate on record.
We have the video admitting it's all rigged.
This is huge.
I mean, these people are just out in the open.
Beyoncé now claims she knew nothing about Black Lives Matter hijacking her Super Bowl performance.
That's the headline from the Daily Mail.
So now, let's look at some of the facts.
Beyoncé and her dancers just happened to be dressed as Black Panthers, showing the clenched black power fist during her Super Bowl halftime performance.
She just happened to be adorned in golden jewelry made to look like bullet bandoliers.
She also just happened to be performing her song Formation, whose music video depicts Beyonce dancing atop a flooded New Orleans police car, and depicts a young black child dancing in front of a phalanx of riot cops near a wall that has Stopped Shooting Us spray-painted on it.
The day before her performance, her husband, rap mogul Jay-Z, just happened to give 1.5 million dollars to the Black Lives Matter movement.
The same Jay-Z has also been photographed wearing a 5% Nation medallion, whose members claim God is black and white people are weak, wicked, and inferior, basically an errant child that needs to be corrected.
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I'm Alex Jones for Super Mel Vitality and InfoWarsLife.com, and I salute you, our supporters!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
That's right, my friends.
There is world government.
It is tyrannical, unelected.
And it has a worldview.
It has a cosmology.
It has a spirit.
And it's anti-human, pure,
Unadulterated eugenics.
And this info war is 110% dedicated to overthrowing these tyrants that would enslave humanity forever.
It's good to be back in the saddle ladies and gentlemen.
Amazing job with David Knight and of course Paul Watson hosting the show with the rest of the amazing crew.
I get so negative sometimes looking at all the news and looking at the globalist operations and I want to fight them so hard that I'm kind of like a race car driver that over revs the engine sometimes and throws a rod.
But I've really been retrospectively
Praying, quite frankly, in the last few months and asking God, you know, to come into my life even stronger and to give me the discernment, the focus that it takes to really take the fight to the globalists even more.
And at the same time, not get so angry and so upset and basically melt down.
Where, sure, it's a spectacle, it's fun, it's interesting, it's one reason the show's been successful.
But at the same time, the world has gotten so incredibly dangerous.
And it's only intensifying and accelerating on a daily basis that we all need to be in game face, game time, zone mode.
Because so much is happening.
Now, when I say so much is happening, the enemy is moving out in the open because they basically have been uncloaked.
And incredibly positive things are happening as well.
And so we have to realize that we've got the truth on our side, we understand how the world really works, we understand the globalist agenda, and we know how to stop them.
And the most important thing we need to stop them is to educate the public with the actual quotes, the actual statements, the admissions of the engineers about what they're doing.
Because the world is so big and is so complex with 7.5 billion people, and only 6,000 technocrats managing it in their own words, they have to put down on paper their battle plans.
But they operated as if the public is only watching soap operas and football, and would be unable to even read a globalist text, a globalist battle plan, and know how to counter that.
And what InfoWars has been able to do, along with many other great organizations that love human liberty,
Is basically take the Globalist's own statements and own admissions decades ago and expose that to the public.
Then the New World Order came in, countered us, said it wasn't true, said it wasn't happening, said we were liars, tried to censor us and countless others.
Much of the public didn't believe us 10, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, 40 years ago, 50 years ago in the time of Barry Goldwater.
But now it's so ingrained in culture what we've warned of the patriots.
It's so part of the culture.
It's so ingrained and their attacks on us are so ingrained and stand as testaments
Huge red flashing arrows pointing at everything that the patriots have warned the people of the planet about, only illustrating how right we were.
The countless books, the movies, the films, the sitcoms, the dramas, making fun of people that believe in shadowy cabals, making fun of people that talk about the imaginary Bilderberg group, making fun of people that claim one day the Pope will call for world government.
Making fun of people that claim there's a plan to bring in a one-world government and a cashless society with total NSA spying.
And frankenfoods being forced on the public.
And the state coming out announcing your children belong to them.
That'll never happen.
Don't listen to these crazy people.
And now it's all happening.
And so the credibility of the Liberty Movement worldwide
People that just exposed this scientific tyranny being developed is so incredibly strong now.
Before I get into all the news, I want to be clear.
InfoWars is the third wave in this.
So when folks call in giving us credit, we are only a focal point and one of the brightest focal points in the battle because of the time we came.
We came right as it was being rolled out, where you couldn't deny it.
Somebody like Senator Barry Goldwater in the 50s, U.S.
Senator, with classified briefings,
The Pentagon warning him came out and said there is a multinational banking cartel owned by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and others that wants to bring in a planetary technocratic dictatorship.
These are quotes.
You pull them up.
He wrote books on the subject.
Like no apologies.
And he said there is a plan to take over all religion, all family, all banking, all education, all industry.
There's a plan to de-industrialize the West.
There's a plan to collapse our borders.
There's a plan to end all culture worldwide and bring in this plastic, phony system.
You can go read his quotes.
There's, again, voluminous numbers of... He's typing Barry Goldwater quotes on world government, Barry Goldwater quotes on Trilateral Commission.
And Americans listened to Barry Goldwater.
They organized.
People like Phyllis Schlafly and others, they battled, they fought hard.
Pat Buchanan.
Even Richard Nixon.
To a certain extent, that's why they shot him down.
Because he was really turning against them.
And all these decades later now,
It'd be somebody's uncle or somebody's grandma or it'd be so many times I have prominent people come to me and they say, you know, my grandma, my grandfather would tell me all about the exact stuff you talk about when I was six, seven years old.
And, you know, my parents would laugh at him and say, oh, they're just old.
You know, they're just, you know, they're just kind of goofy.
But now I realize grandma was right.
Grandma was listening to Barry Goldwater.
Ron Paul was listening to Barry Goldwater.
I was really thinking about the other day, who is the most prominent person at the beginning of the real resistance to the globalists who really did the most damage to them in a chain reaction?
Because the 1950s and 60s are like 10 seconds ago in the scheme of time and space.
Who detonated the real bombs on the globalist operation that only today are collapsing them in front of everyone?
People like Barry Goldwater.
The first wave.
Ron Paul, the second wave, at the beginning of the second wave.
Matt Drudge at the end of the second wave.
Alex Jones at the beginning of the third wave.
And the waves come faster as part of the singularity paradigm.
As you have many singularities building towards a larger singularity, where now we've entered 4th, 5th wave.
You'll start seeing 6th, 7th, 8th wave awakening.
And instead of it taking 10, 20, 30 years for a new wave, they'll start coming every 3 years, every year, every month, every week, every day, every hour, until there's just total collapse of the enemy operation.
That's why they're gonna try to launch giant wars, arrest people, create giant distractions to make themselves the savior, to terrorize everyone into submitting to them up front.
If you go along with the New World Order, folks, you've signed your own enslavement, you're a fool.
And that's all I have to say to people in the system, out of the system.
Only a crazy person would be delusional and go along with the New World Order.
Because, hey, I guess it's one thing to sell out 30, 40 years ago and live high on the hog and, you know, put it off on your grandchildren and children.
But we're not 10, 20 years off now.
We're entering the maelstrom.
We're entering the squall.
We're entering the storm, the typhoon, the hurricane, the tempest.
And so, prepare yourselves for legendary events.
And you're going to see the enemy pull out all the stops, but you're also going to see good coming out of avenues you would have never expected.
It will be spectacular.
It's already spectacular, and I'm going to cover all of it when we come back, but just a few examples of this.
We'd talk about superdelegates in the last elections, even when elections were stolen, the public would read articles saying that's not true.
Don't listen to the conspiracy theorists.
Just like if they'd have an urban warfare drill and a helicopter crash in downtown Houston, killing a bunch of people, they'd just go on the news and say it doesn't exist, when we had video of it.
They play these mind games.
But now, I turn on Fox News this morning and they're, can you believe it?
Sanders won by 20 points against Clinton in New Hampshire, but will get two less delegates because she has almost all the superdelegates pledged to her.
This is stealing the election.
And it's not part of the Constitution, it's not part of our system.
It was changed by the Democrats in 1972.
To steal the nomination from the Democratic candidate.
And it was all true.
It was like I was watching my show.
I flipped over a channel.
Same thing was on CNN.
So you see, that's the point we're getting to now, where Bernie Sanders can get up in a debate last night.
We're going to play this clip and say, I'm not part of the Bilderberg Group.
I don't get my orders from Henry Kissinger.
I'm anti-establishment.
So now, you've got the socialist senator establishment, second stringer folks, total establishment, but he knows the way to beat Hillary is to say, I'm against the Bill of Rights group of secret elites and I'm not part of that.
See how, oh it didn't exist just ten years ago, now it's out in the open.
Now you've got to have a real debate.
You're stealing elections.
You are under the control of foreign elites.
You are jacking with the food supply.
You see, once they have to have a real debate, it's game over for these people.
We do have an occupied federal government, and once the public knows that, game over!
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Fed up after years spent fighting big government in Washington, D.C., a multimillionaire businessman has spent the last 30 years tracking an obscure threat to America.
Today, he says it's about to reach a sudden and disturbing conclusion.
If he's right, your way of life is about to change very suddenly.
From where you shop, to the doctors you visit, to your retirement, and the family you want to protect.
Now, he's made predictions like this before.
And he was right then, too.
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But this has nothing to do with the stock market.
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Let me say it like this.
Humanity is going through massive change and metamorphosis.
Not just Barry Goldwater, but President Eisenhower, when he left office in 1961, warned of a technological elite in control of the military-industrial complex and in control of the future brain trust and development of humanity.
And that's because they were involved in a giant underground eugenics program that dwarfs the Manhattan Project.
Information warfare, control of society, GMO, cloning, all of it.
It's come out.
It was going on then.
And Eisenhower was freaked out.
And he's scared during that speech and somebody drops something and there's a crash and we ought to play the whole 21 minute speech sometime because we've played it several times over the years.
It is so powerful!
And they were taking Eisenhower and Goldwater and people behind closed doors and they were telling them about America's going to have the super science, no one will be able to defeat us, we're going to have an engineered society.
And Eisenhower was like, you guys are fired!
He fired a whole bunch of the different, uh, well, DARPA had a different name then, but he fired that head, he fired a bunch of top generals, and then he warned Kennedy.
I mean, you know, they came in, the President was running the show then, and he said, no, you're not gonna do that, you're not gonna jack with people through the vaccines.
Eisenhower, I've seen this in a PBS report, learned about secret experiments on black people and ordered them stopped.
Of course they didn't stop.
And that was what caused a lot of the final civil rights movement was just, people were like, no, we're not injecting black people with cephalus.
Stop it!
Stop it!
But it doesn't matter, Barry Goldwater and Eisenhower are gone, and Eisenhower wasn't perfect.
And we've had these scum running the show ever since, and they basically mopped up now and have control of D.C., but it's so naked.
I use that word a lot because there's no better word.
They are uncloaked.
They are bare.
They are out in the open.
And they just play these little Jedi mind tricks with people of, there's no Bilderberg group.
It doesn't matter if Bernie Sanders wins, all the delegates, because the superdelegates won't vote for him.
That's just the way it is.
But at a certain point, the cloak is lowered.
I have three articles in the stacks today with government in the United States, this has already happened in England, and the UK announcing
That the state is over your children and that we'll co-parent.
But don't worry, they're not taking your rights, parents, because you're equal partners.
Just like they call the Patriot Act patriotic.
They have all these little sick Orwellian terms on purpose.
Don't worry, you're getting a new right.
You're an equal partner now.
That's the feds.
Nationwide under Obama.
And under Obamacare and under the Department of Education, where you're going to get your CPS visit every year, and they're not just going to say, oh, your kids aren't hurt, they got plenty of food, we're leaving without warrants.
That's bad enough.
We're going to form a parent relationship with your children for life!
A total stranger, when your child is a year old, will be assigned to them, and will come, and will visit, and will watch, and you can argue, well, there's some really bad parents out there.
The point is, the more government we get involved, the more society degenerates.
It's the government that ended the family.
It's the government that changed the tax code to wreck the family.
It's the social engineers.
We know they're eugenicists ending the family.
The textbooks for 40 years.
I've shown them to you.
The mainline textbooks say the family belongs to a primitive age and must be eradicated.
See, they always have these arguments.
No one's coming to co-parent your kids.
That's made up.
Boom, it happens.
Well, of course we are.
And then I've got stacks of articles here.
I'm gonna go over.
Where they are arresting people and ticketing people for street preaching in America.
And folks, they're saying, because you were offensive.
And the new offense is hurting someone's feelings.
We have the Austin University of Texas Police.
Different than APD.
You wanna know what Socialist Police is gonna be like?
This is it.
Nobody ever arrested street preachers in this country, folks.
Not even the Redcoats.
But in America, they're doing it now.
That's how far we've gone, folks.
We're going under tyranny right now.
Wicked, naked, bleeding tyranny.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I am proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend.
Ooh, feel the burn.
Hillary Clinton's face went as green as her chartreuse Chairman Mao pantsuit.
When Bernie Sanders isn't talking about raising taxes and giving away free stuff, he sometimes makes some good points.
Sanders noted that Kissinger paved the way for one of the worst instances of genocide in modern history.
Last week, Clinton declared that she was very flattered when Henry Kissinger said, Clinton has admitted that she is working toward Kissinger's envisioned global architecture.
But actually, we do know who earns Bernie Sanders' foreign policy praise.
The Castro regime and Nicaragua's Sandinista government.
Sanders gets kudos for disavowing the establishment.
But in the next breath, he vowed to subvert the Constitution by ignoring Congress and going even further than Obama has in using executive action.
Leigh Ann McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The Secretary and I have a very profound difference.
In the last debate, I believe in her book, very good book by the way, in her book and in this last debate, she talked about getting the approval or the support or the mentoring of Henry Kissinger.
Now I find it rather amazing, because I happen to believe that Henry Kissinger was one of the most destructive Secretaries of State in the modern history of this country.
I am proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend.
I will not take advice from Henry Kissinger.
And in fact, Kissinger's actions in Cambodia
When the United States bombed that country, overthrew Prince Siena, created the instability for Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge to come in, who then butchered some 3 million innocent people.
One of the worst genocides in the history of the world.
So, count me in as somebody who will not be listening to Henry Kissinger.
One more thing about iconography.
If you're a radio listener, you can't see this obviously, but I meant to make this point.
Not even so much this debate, but the last Democrat debate, the one before that, she's wearing a gray outfit, a pink outfit, the new one is a yellow outfit, and it's canary yellow, and from the 1950s and 60s,
The Communist Party women in China and Mao Zedong's wife wear the exact cut, the exact silk outfits.
So again, these are all messages to their people.
Hey, I'm a commie.
Just like with Obama, remember the artwork of his head turned to the side?
The artwork with his head turned to the side is directly from the famous Stalinist-Leninist eras.
And then when they have the artist on TV, they go, yes, I like the communist art, and I like collectivism, so that's why we showed us this.
And then the White House chooses terms like lean forward, and capture the future, and all this that is directly out of the Communist Manifesto itself.
And of course people make jokes out of it with their own posters.
If you can find the real forward posters with Obama, I mean that is with the same hand sign as VI Lennon.
Now let's go back to Sanders though.
The reason I get so angry at him is I know he's smart and I followed him in the Senate for a decade.
And I've seen him when they need a vote, one vote, to make sure the Fed doesn't get audited, or to make sure there's a banker bailout, or to make sure... Then, then he will vote for Wall Street, the corrupt elements of it.
But when there's a whole bunch of votes short, or whatever, and his vote doesn't count, then he'll vote the right way.
He is a calculating manipulator.
And he knows exactly what he's doing.
And, you know, he wants to talk about a Khmer Rouge killing 30% of Cambodia?
Yeah, that was a big Brzezinski too.
Involved in that big time.
But notice, he points out the quote, Republican.
To always make it partisan, no, both parties.
And it's horrible, and it's wrong.
But looking at Bernie Sanders, he knows full well what he's doing.
Why does he talk about the 84 million killed by Mao Zedong?
Why does he talk about the 20 to 30 million killed by Lenin?
Same number by Stalin.
I love how the so-called left talks about Hitler all day, and how Hitler killed millions and millions and millions of people no one probably even knows.
But they admit that Germany's population was 21 million less at the end of the war in 1945.
Look it up.
The Russians lost 20 million people, too.
You never hear anything about the Russians or movies about all the dead Russians, do you?
Or Russians killed by communists.
You never hear about that.
Or the Armenian genocide.
Or the hundreds of thousands killed by the rebels that the West has put into Syria.
Or Libya.
They only tell you about the genocides they want to tell you about that aren't really connected to a political movement.
The left...
is the most murderous killing organization in the world, and it has been since the French Revolution.
I've had top historians on, but you can go read the Encyclopedia Britannica.
You can go get a book on the French Revolution, folks.
It was the opposite of ours.
That's why George Washington wrote against it.
Jefferson, who was for it at first, turned against it.
At one point, the French Revolution wanted to get their hands on Thomas Jefferson and kill him.
The Jacobins that led it were an occult organization, basically Satanist, and they wanted to overturn the family, break down all of society, and have a world of living hell.
But they would claim it would be for the people, but it wouldn't be.
So I should do a special report on the origins of communism so people understand what it is.
There was revolution at the peak of the Renaissance in the 1750s and 60s.
Into the 70s.
There was rebellion across England, across Europe, against the monarchs, and against the church.
And Adam Weishaupt, at Ingolstadt University, who was a Jesuit, you can argue who infiltrated who, it's just a fact.
Just like the new Pope wants open borders, except not at the Vatican, they have 200 foot walls, but he wants borders open here.
He's gonna come pray at our border.
Because he's the good guy.
Well, they wanted no borders, no religion, no nothing.
And so the Jesuit, look it up, created the Illuminati, which was really, it was called the Enlightenment in Europe before that, the Renaissance.
It was led by Christians who were non-denominational, and it was led by mystery school folks that weren't into dark occult stuff, but just, it's a fact, but were into
Esoteric empowerment of humanity.
And the Illuminati came in to overplay that and to infiltrate that and to take that over.
This is in the Illuminati's writings.
And Washington wrote about it and said, we must stop them.
And they did stop them here.
So, for any real revolution against tyranny, there's going to be a counterfeit.
And Bernie Sanders is that counterfeit.
So is Hillary Clinton.
Now after they have a decade reign of terror, what they normally do is get rid of communism before they officially launched it with Marx and Engels, when it was just the Illuminati before.
They have a reign of terror.
Then they bring in a strongman like Napoleon Bonaparte.
That's their model.
Now you ask, well why do they keep the Soviet Union there for 70-something years?
Because they hadn't taken over other countries yet, they were using it as a base of operations in the program for exploitation of that population for the cultural, military, religious invasion of the next.
So communism is a system of conquest financed by the royal houses of Europe,
And by the Vatican, from my research, as best you can tell, to overthrow and defeat real revolutions everywhere, and to bring in a total world dictatorship with these elites at the top exempt from all laws.
And I'm not saying this is a Catholic conspiracy or a Jewish conspiracy.
It's a satanic conspiracy where it takes over the Vatican, it takes over the Rothschilds, it takes over the Jewish orders, it takes over the Protestant orders, it takes over the black groups, the white groups.
This is how it controls is getting into all the groups.
I'm going to get more into this in the news, but this is a big, big deal.
We have a Hillary
Superdelegate, I think you were going to bring me in a sheet of paper on that, please?
Thank you.
You may have, I just don't see it here.
Admitting, we're going to premiere this here in a moment, that it doesn't matter how people vote, that she's got the superdelegates nationwide, she's going to be put into the nomination.
It's going to happen.
This is the arrogance, and then they argue that it's the Constitution.
No, this didn't happen until 1972.
This is the Democratic Party, again, that did this.
Now, that said about strongmen, in their final communist takeover, they won't call it communism.
It's globalism.
And then they will put strongmen in after
The Takeover face.
And believe me, to all the little socialists and stuff out there, you're not going to be getting anything free, you fools, under this system that really, if you had to call it anything, is fascist.
And that's what the corporate branders have done.
They have labeled Bernie Sanders socialist, Hillary progressive socialist, and you've got your two choices there when they're bought and paid for by the same interest.
And yes, Bernie could say, I'm not bought and paid for on record by these groups, but his ideology comes directly out of them on record.
And everything they do, you want to know what's happening?
Study the French Revolution.
Everything they did in the French Revolution is what they're doing now.
Killing the fathers, breaking up the families, engage in all manner of evil, enslaving people, banning words.
I mean, these folks want to abolish reality.
They want to play God.
They want to trample and be trampled upon.
A society that gets crueler and more wicked, to quote George Orwell.
Who was at the top of the Fabian Socialist, MI6, OSS before that, British Secret Police before that, came from an elite technocrat family, warning you.
You want to know the future?
It's a boot stomping on the human face forever.
Going to Joe Biggs here for a moment, I appreciate him coming in here, because part of this was his idea.
He really helped popularize the Hillary for President shirt, unlike anyone else on our team.
And I appreciate that.
And the shirt basically sold out.
There's a few sizes left, the original.
So he said, you ought to make a new one, because that was a limited edition.
So it's totally different looking, totally different angle now.
The other looks like an official election shirt until you read it closely.
So folks want to get in a fight with you until they see it's a joke.
And then they buy you a beer.
It's happened to Biggs a couple times.
So I said, let's just do one as a joker then.
Let's bring that back.
What difference does it make?
And then it's her as the Joker on the front.
Arch criminal.
And then on the right shoulder it says InfoWars.com.
And on the back, if Joe turns around, thank you Joe, it says Hillary for Prison, so it's like the front of the old shirt, and beyond.
So Hillary for Prison 2016 and beyond.
That's my line.
InfoWars.com, our great graphics crew came up with that.
And so again, if you get the shirts, it supports the broadcast, gets the truth out.
And then you can go to these events, Hillary event, Trump events, whatever, and it really helps educate the public, and it really helps push this meme.
This meme is now popping up all over the place.
And I never take credit for stuff that isn't mine.
I saw a few of these bumper stickers about a year ago.
And then I saw one, you know, about six months before we came out with the shirt.
And I said, we've got to come up with something like that.
So somebody else had the idea.
But we've really popularized it and pushed it.
You have popularized it.
You have pushed it.
Your purchase funds the broadcast.
This is a limited edition.
We are selling this shirt until the election.
Okay, so you got, you know, up until November, and then that's it.
A limited edition.
What difference does it make?
What difference does it make if she gets orders from the Billerberg Group and Kissinger?
What difference does it make if they ship guns to Mexico to blame the Second Amendment?
What difference does it make if she gets more Wall Street money than anybody else, but tells you she's against Wall Street, and then scapegoats all of Wall Street when it's the select top doing it?
Joe Biggs, what do you think of the new shirt?
I like it.
I mean, any opportunity that I can have
To go out there and show people and engage in conversation about this person, about this evil human being.
I'm all for it.
You know, when I was at SHOT Show in Vegas, I was wearing that Hillary for Prison t-shirt, and to see the smiles on people's faces, to see the military react, to see these operators that have been to Benghazi, you know, that have been in that, you know, that atmosphere, to know how to operate and work under someone like that, how hard it is.
How difficult it is, the fact that she left people there, didn't give them any help, lying about the emails, lying about everything.
Saying, worse than, worse than Brian Williams, saying she's, you know, the plane's being shot up on the ground, they're attacking, shows are getting off, blue skies, nothing happened.
She's a total fraud!
And like you were talking about earlier with her pantsuit thing that looked, you know, communist.
You know, I made a meme that ended up being like the top meme two Democrat debates ago.
And I put pantsuit warehouse, you're going to like the way your dictator looks, I guarantee it.
And I had Kim Jong Un and I had Hillary Clinton spliced together, sitting there side by side.
I didn't even know you did that.
So you noticed that too.
Oh, exactly.
They're wearing actual North Korea or Communist Party China silk outfits.
That's exactly what it is.
I mean, what is the message in that?
I mean, I think, like you said, it's for these other leaders across the pond to kind of go, you know what?
I think she is going to be on our side.
We want to back this person.
You know, what was it, the debate last night?
The moderator was even a donor for the Clinton Foundation.
Those moderators never even asked Hillary Clinton about the Clinton Foundation.
They never even delved into that.
But she always talks about how she's a feminist, she's pro-women, and yet she takes money from Saudi Arabia, which completely demonizes, demoralizes women.
Look, we know Hillary's evil.
But what about the women that say, girl power, I don't care if she cheats, I don't care if she lies, she's a woman.
And then I've even heard Democrats going, well, superdelegates are going to vote for
For Hillary, even if, you know, Sanders wins by 30 points, 20 points in New Hampshire, doesn't matter, we're gonna do it for her.
And they get off on the weird power of stealing someone's vote because they think because the party changed the rule, it's okay.
It's like, Hitler said I'm allowed to shoot Jews in the head, so it's okay, or Stalin said I'm allowed, you know, to
Socialism is a step towards communism.
Used to they wouldn't say they were socialist when we know they're communist.
Now they say they're socialist and Time Magazine says we're all socialist now.
There's no such thing as socialism.
It's social engineers, it's elites controlling the money, they get rich and powerful off of it.
Our problem is rigged economies, rigged stock markets, rigged megabanks, above the law corporations like Google.
And Apple, and Microsoft, and General Electric, who pay between zero and three percent taxes, and they write the laws, and then lecture us all day, Joe Biggs, that the middle class isn't paying enough taxes.
They call a rich person someone making $120,000 a year, brother.
That's who they're class-warfaring on, knowing that somebody making 30 grand, yeah, that seems rich to them.
I mean, it's so sick how they play on the public's ignorance.
Well, Hillary Clinton's also for women in combat.
She's also for the draft.
She's also for that.
And people go, well, you know, women should have the right to join the military.
Think about this.
A woman has the right to be in the military, yes.
But think about this.
When you place a woman into combat, what's going to happen?
She's going to fight a man who's going to be 200 pounds or larger.
They're not going to have any sympathy for that woman, and they're going to stomp her head in.
That's what's going to happen, and she's all about that.
She wants to empower women, so to say.
And see, I can't believe we have to explain that no one's ever put women in frontline combat because it's a disaster when they try.
And people think that, oh, we're being sexist, you know, we're not feminist, we're not... They've been taught all these little phony women's rights.
How about not to have glyphosate put in all your water ladies and have the highest cancer rates in the world here in America?
We're going to skip this network break.
We're going to skip this break.
I forgot to tell folks because I want to shift gears into this superdelegate story.
You're absolutely right, Joe, and it's about enslaving women.
It's about making them work.
It's about saying motherhood isn't good, shaming them so they can be slaves of the system.
By the time they're 40, figure out they wanted to have kids and then by then it's too late for them.
It's about conning them.
It's about breaking up the family.
It's a trap and the system
Admits it.
What do you do when you're trying to eradicate fire ants or screw worms or any species?
You target the females.
You target them.
You end their reproduction.
That's all they've done is soft kill you.
Joe Biggs, final comments on the new t-shirt.
Like I said, it's great.
I hope everyone goes out and gets it.
You will see me in numerous places popping up on TV here and there.
I will have this shirt on.
I'll have it with me everywhere I go.
I want to see everyone out there at least go and get one and show your support for InfoWars and your distaste and
At the end of the day, the fact that all of us can agree, we just, this woman does not need to be the president.
And again, she has her goons call up top comedian facilities.
And tell them you will not make fun of Hillary or we're going to shut you down.
That's what they do to comedy clubs.
That shows who they are and what they want to do.
They want to tell us how to talk, what to eat, what to do, where to live, and every week have new words we can't use because they're our bosses.
These people are cult programmers, so we're shoving this shirt and the First Amendment back in their face.
Wear it to high school.
Wear it to college.
Let the globalists and tyrants try to censor you.
Make a story out of it, folks.
Resistance is victory.
Thank you, Joe Biggs.
Thank you.
And folks, this shirt is available at InfoWarsTore.com.
I saw him walking around wearing it.
I said, oh, the new shirt's in.
Let's drag him in here.
So that's why the lights were only, like, halfway on because this is so spontaneous.
Great job, crew, getting him in here so quickly.
Now, I want to get into all this news.
We have Lew Rockwell in the third hour.
Or the original libertarians out there.
And then we're also going to obviously have the fourth hour.
We'll tell you more about that.
There is so much to get into on global stocks.
Look at these headlines.
Global stocks continue to crash as oil plummets and gold skyrockets.
We're going to be getting into that.
We're going to get into the whole delegate process and the fact the public's scratching their head going, wait a minute, Sanders gets 20 points more than her in New Hampshire, but he then gets two less delegates.
Well yeah, and Hillary flips a coin six times, and it always comes up heads, so she won.
Does anyone believe that?
But in this case, they're not even denying it's a fraud.
They go, yeah, we changed the rules, the Democratic Party did, for our party, and it's a club, but you ain't in it, folks, even if you think you are.
To where it doesn't matter, we will choose with superdelegates appointed
By the party bosses.
It's like the Communist Politburo in China.
Complete with her wearing a little silk outfit that Mao's wife wore at every debate.
A pink one, a grey one, a yellow one.
They're wearing communist silk outfits with Politburos that control everything.
And Hillary doing nothing but making communist gestures and communist slogans.
I mean, we are entering the twilight zone here.
Now Matt joins us, one of our incredible camera folks.
He was obviously in New Hampshire with Richard Reeves covering all this.
Talked to a super delegate from California, Chico, California while he was out there in New Hampshire.
And we're going to premiere this video right now here for you.
They've got hours of bombshell stuff.
I mean, it's like that Jeb Bush thing was about to hit the cutting room floor where he's making fun of 9-11 victims.
I mean, just sensational stuff that they have gotten.
So great job to Matt and Richard.
Matt, so much to talk about here.
Tell us about this guy, Bob Valhallen, who wants to take Hillary, I guess, to Valhalla, where they all dance around in little mousy tongue outfits.
I mean, this is Twilight Zone on PCP.
Describe this clip before we go to it.
Yeah, well, um, I was with Richard Reeves.
We were at the famous Red Arrow Diner, where, um, you know, a lot of people will go to get food, but also talk about politics.
Very open atmosphere, great place.
And actually, uh, wound up running into a lot of InfoWars listeners.
But wait a minute, what if someone said something that hurt someone's feelings?
Is that allowed?
Would the police arrest you, like UT?
Not there.
No, actually, people are willing to get into some pretty heated arguments.
So, um, that was pretty cool.
It was actually really refreshing.
So, um, yeah.
Well, we wound up running into a superdelegate, Bob.
Uh, if you guys want to know what a hipster looks like when they turn 70, that'd be this guy.
And he is a Hillary fan.
He is committed to Hillary.
And he basically gave us the inside baseball as to how the superdelegates work in the Democratic Party.
And these guys are on power trips.
I mean, I love how they're just openly admit it and then mainstream media goes, really?
Because the public's getting so upset about this, it's finally capturing their imagination to go, yes, you win the NASCAR race by five lengths, and then someone else gets it because they made the rules up.
I mean, this is a total joke.
But notice how they're hiding it in plain view.
Notice now how they just put the whole thing out there.
Yeah, your kids belong to us.
Yeah, we're coming with forced inoculations.
And it doesn't matter how you vote.
Yeah, and the other thing is that, you know, this process wasn't originally meant to be this way.
They're kind of gaming the system.
Superduggo delegates, they used to be...
Tiebreakers, essentially.
And right now, most of them are committed to Hillary Clinton.
And he explains that even the ones who are uncommitted are really going for Hillary Clinton.
And I think this would be the appropriate time to go to the clip.
Here we go.
This is him being out in the open.
He's a worshipper of Hillary.
He's a superdelegate.
And it doesn't matter what your vote says.
He's the boss.
Here it is.
We're here at the Red Arrow Diner and we've gone further down the bar here and we found this gentleman.
What's your name?
Bob Mulholland from Chico, California.
I'm a DNC member, thus a superdelegate to the National Convention.
Wow, so that's the first time I can think of that I've talked with a Democratic superdelegate.
Tell us...
How long have you been a superdelegate?
How long have you been a delegate?
And tell us a little bit more about the process of how you get to be a superdelegate.
There's several ways, but this will be my 11th national convention.
I've been a superdelegate since 1992.
In our case, in California, you have to get elected by the California Democratic Party to be on the DNC.
Obviously, Democratic governors are automatic superdelegates.
So, understandably, it sounds like Hillary is going to have a huge edge when it comes to superdelegates, is that correct?
Oh yeah, and former DNC chairs like Howard Dean, who's from Vermont, he's known Bernie for decades, he's for Hillary.
Yeah, the people who have worked with Hillary for decades are big supporters of her.
If they haven't said so yet, they will over the next several weeks.
So roughly, when it comes to the Democratic National Convention, what is the rough total of delegates that are going to be available for the DNC?
Right now, about 4,800.
So you need about almost 2,400 to get the nomination.
And the way we work is that anybody who gets 15% more in an election gets delegates.
So this election will go all the way to California.
Sanders will end up with well over 1,000 delegates, and Hillary will get the nomination.
Okay, now the superdelegates are basically what Hillary pretty much already has in her pocket.
How many delegates does that amount to?
750 delegates.
My guess is she probably has half of them committed to her.
But she's out there working the precincts and working the states every day for every vote.
And March 1st is Super Tuesday.
At the end of the day, you will see that Hillary
...has the most delegates of regular people from caucuses like Iowa, from New Hampshire primaries, Nevada, South Carolina, and then all those states on March 1st.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, getting back to this Hillary superdelegate that Matt and Richard, our reporters, were able to interview out of New Hampshire at the Red Arrow restaurant and bar.
I don't know why he'd want to come into a libertarian-style facility that it's well known for being when, I mean, the Democrats want free speech banned.
I mean, and I've got a whole stack of news on that coming up in the next segment, just to illustrate the fact that these are totalitarians.
Now, this guy thinks it's completely normal to say
Hillary is out recruiting the delegates and the superdelegates that are elected by the Democratic Party leadership.
You understand?
That's the communist system.
It's like in the EU.
They have an elected parliament that Nigel Farage and others are part of, and his party's taking it over.
The EU bureaucracy is unelected, and it gets better, exempts itself from EU taxes.
And why not?
Why not?
Why not have TPP be writing our laws in secret?
Why not have Bernie Sanders, as they've now announced, first they're like, he may not win, even if he wins.
Well, now it's tied.
Well, now she's getting two more delegates.
Well, maybe more.
Yeah, right up to election day.
Or right up to the nomination.
They can just, oh, did you hear?
Bernie didn't get any next.
Because we don't follow the popular vote.
And this is just like the 17th Amendment.
Women have been downtrodden, so isn't it fair that some of my delegates, your votes, were given to her?
Oh, stealing isn't so nice now.
Is it, Bernie?
But bigger for me, Matt, is... What's wrong with the Democrat supporters?
Are they really this totalitarian?
What's your view on this?
Well, the cool thing about this is that this is really actually going to wake up a lot of people as to how the process really works.
When they see that Bernie is getting a lot of the popular vote and he winds up not getting the nomination, they're going to start scratching their heads.
They're going to start demanding answers because
These Bernie supporters are fired up.
We actually wound up, when we were on our way to interview the Deputy Secretary of State in New Hampshire to figure out how the delegate process works for the Republican side, we wound up running into a precinct where
Hillary supporters clashed with Bernie supporters and let me tell you the Bernie supporters got rowdy.
So yeah, they're pretty fired up and I think that really for him to pull this out, he needs to get 60% wins pretty much across the board because if we take a look back when Hillary was going up against Obama,
Um, she actually had more superdelegates in her pocket that time, but Obama was crushing it, so, you know, he wound up getting the nomination.
And that's the key!
Is that when there's landslides, they can't go against popular will.
Stealing comes when things are close.
That's just how it works, not just in our elections, but others.
The system is still scared of the popular will, but the fact that they're trying to float it now, like, if a delegate wants me, that's just the way it is.
And, no, that is not the way it is.
And as much as I don't like Bernie Sanders, I gotta say he's better than Hillary Clinton.
It's just socialism is so horrible.
I'm already basically owned by the government.
It treats me like a second-class citizen.
Now I've got to be more owned by people, and then it domesticates all these bots that want everything free, and it destroys innovation.
What's your view of Bernie Sanders?
I mean, again, I mean, not as a reporter, Matt Weber, but just as a citizen.
Yeah, well, you know, I actually talk to my mom all the time and my stepbrother.
He is a huge Bernie Sanders fan and they, my parents, don't get along with him because, you know, they're having these arguments.
It's really funny, he thinks that, you know, tuition's going to be free, but it's funny because if you take a look at Sweden, you know how their school system works, you know, that's the big point for him is free tuition, free tuition, free tuition.
It's like, hey man, I paid for my college, I don't want to pay for yours.
But the deal is there, Sweden, they've got free tuition.
But, when you look at all the fees that go along with going to school, um, my mom and... Hold on, hold on.
Stay there.
We're gonna come back and talk about this.
Feds push new plan for home visits to check on parents.
Government-appointed monitors will assess the upbringing of children.
The U.S.
Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services has published a draft document outlining a plan that will treat families as equal partners in the raising of children.
This opens the door for government intrusion at all levels.
As defined in the document, family means all the people who play a role in a child's life and early childhood development.
Government employees will intervene to provide monitoring goals for children at home,
And the classroom.
If parents fail to meet the standards set, evidence-based parenting interventions will be made to ensure that children's social, emotional, and behavioral needs are met.
The program will undoubtedly increase the likelihood of teenagers being given dangerous antidepressant drugs.
A common theme of collectivist thinking is the idea that children belong not just to their parents, but to the state.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
My friends, thank you for joining us.
The United States has been captured by foreign offshore banks who are bringing in a form of scientific social control and establishing a planetary oligarchy for the ultra-rich to be above the law of a diplomatic community.
They use dumbing down education systems and socialism at the lower levels to domesticate the population.
But above it, they are exempt from their own horrors.
And in the process, once the public's been sufficiently dumbed down, which has happened,
Once the public doesn't know what planet they're on, once the public doesn't know the three branches of government...
They can then start attacking free speech itself, and we're going to get into that.
We actually have the video.
I want to play some of it.
The article is up on Infowars.com.
At the University of Texas in Austin, there is a street preacher been going out there for years, reading out of the Bible against homosexuality, whether you agree with that or not.
And here come the police, and then they start writing the tickets, and they start threatening to arrest him.
And they say, because you offended someone, they can now define obscenity
Not as handing out hustlers to high school kids, or burying your breast or whatever, but as hurting someone's feelings.
And I've got stacks of those articles today.
People being arrested, fined in Europe for saying, not since the Nazi invasion of France have we faced such an onslaught with the Muslim waves.
Boom, you're arrested!
And I've got stacks of articles here.
San Diego banning the word founding fathers.
Here's what I want to tell you.
There's not a globalist revolution coming.
We are in it now.
They are launching on all fronts.
They're not going to tell you it's the big assault.
They're just going to be like, oh yeah, it's no big deal.
Your kids belong to the state now.
I'm going to cover that.
That's the federal government saying that.
And we knew this was coming because it's been done in Europe.
It's been done in England.
This started in England five years ago.
And in Scotland and in Ireland.
It's the exact same global UNESCO Agenda 21 global treaty.
And folks, they don't care we didn't sign that treaty.
We're under it.
UNESCO calls the shots.
People say, oh the UN doesn't run us.
The big robber barons created the UN.
The Rockefellers gave them the land to transfer our power to the multinational organizations and then have them dictate back to us.
Just like TPP, they finally released it after it was globally ratified.
Secret for years, and it's everything we warned.
Global taxes, the elites above the law, tax exemption, diplomatic immunity for big banks, multinationals can shut down your farm if they claim it competes with them.
I mean, just crazy stuff.
Thousands of pages, so nightmarish, I can't believe it.
I mean, really what I keep saying here is the magnitude of what we face is its greatest weakness and its greatest strength.
The magnitude that they go on CNN and Fox News and go, and the London Guardian, when you show that article, it doesn't matter if Bernie won by 20 points, the superdelegates are for Hillary, and so she got more delegates in New Hampshire.
Think about how sick that is.
And then we go talk to one of the superdelegates, and he's very proud.
I played the whole clip earlier.
I'll play just a second of it here now.
Interviewed by Matt Webber and Richard Reeves, our reporters who were on the ground in New Hampshire.
They're back now.
And he's just like, yes, I've been for decades for Hillary, I like her, and she likes us, and we decide she wins, and he's just, I decide, and the party, you know, the party has to decide who gets it, and we kind of run things, and I was elected by our party, and so I decide, you know, I run things.
That's the same attitude.
We're not going to let you have your families.
Mommy and Daddy anymore, and we're going to make you take shots.
Uh-huh, yeah.
Oh, and you know the President, he's just going to come after your guns with an executive order.
Oh, and you know we're going to open the border up, even though federal law says you can't do that.
And we're just going to do it with secret orders, and when the Border Patrol comes out, we're going to indict them for whistleblowing on crime.
And we're going to just call you racist.
I mean, imagine if I was at the Mexican border from Guatemala and I said, you must let me in or you're a racist.
They would laugh at me.
I mean, Mexican bureaucracy is amazing.
Like, if you're at a Mexican airport, you board the plane 30 minutes before, or they don't let you.
I've seen families, saw it yesterday.
They clicked that thing.
I barely went through.
They clicked that deal, and they said no, and they enjoyed it.
And that's just colonial bureaucracy.
That's how all of Latin America is.
The point, though, is that if I showed up in a Mexican hospital,
And I walked in with no money, no credit cards, no nothing.
This has been in the news.
They would let my wife have the kid there?
And the police would show up the next morning and say, how are you going to pay this?
And they would take you and put you in the back of a squad car and take you and lock you up in a jail and say, Western Union, buddy!
Not here.
10,000 Chinese women every couple weeks arriving and it's all advertised as free, free, free.
If you show up in China and ask for something free, they will laugh at you in your face.
But this is what buffoons we've become.
And by the way, the Mexicans don't owe me free health care.
Because they'd have to steal it from somebody else.
You ever think about that?
That's why we agree government does like bridges and roads and the military.
And you gotta watch it because nine times out of ten, it ends up taking over your country historically.
Look at Rome!
Look at Germany!
This is all common sense and this is what I want to get down to.
Rob Jacobson made a great intro video a few years ago from a State Department, Department of Defense joint training video for school kids.
About tyranny and how to recognize it.
And you know, I think we ought to go find that full video.
He's got it back there.
We ordered from the on those government catalog sites a decade ago.
I was looking for videos on subversion and all this other stuff to put in a film.
We got this other video in, and it was just hours of what school kids were shown on projectors about how to recognize tyranny.
You watch those?
I mean, that's our government.
And that's what I'm getting at is, these young people, and I'm young, but I'm 42.
I'm old compared to these people.
These young people have been brought up, folks, and they really believe, watch what you say.
They really believe if you say, I want to eat Chinese food, they go, don't you say the word Chinese!
Hey, you can't have a Mexican-style party because it might offend somebody.
You can't wear a cowboy hat or a geisha girl.
This is being done everywhere.
And then when the kids cry at Yale, the kids, they're adults, but we call them kids now because it's arrested development forever.
We're going to go to Matt here in a moment.
And the girl, and this mob go, AHHHHH!
I mean, that's what she actually does.
Someone might wear a cowboy hat!
And Yale got rid of the professors!
They said, absolutely, get out of here!
You put an email out saying there's free speech in America?
Get out of here!
By the way, we're not authoritarians, we're liberals!
Now let's wear Mao outfits on TV!
I got Staxx articles!
Your kids belong to us!
Look at this!
Department of Education has announced it!
Matt, we ran into the break there.
You were telling the story about your parents and you said a cousin or something is a burning sport.
I forget.
He just thinks he's going to get something free.
And you were pointing out that they always talk about Sweden or whatever, how it's free.
But then, you know, you're paying like two or three times what we pay for college.
It's not free.
Or I want to be like England where it's all free.
It's a hellish.
They fly here for health care.
They're just so untraveled and so ignorant.
Is that what you were getting at?
Exactly, yeah.
So... I just can't believe Hillary wears male outfits on TV.
We're screwed.
Honey, get me out of here.
What is going on?
All of the taxes and fees that you'll incur when you're going to school in Sweden is actually more than paying full tuition in the United States at a great college like Wash U. That's what my mom and my stepdad, you know, came to the conclusion of.
And he's an accountant.
He's great with numbers and this guy loves to fact check.
Yeah, what I see from Bernie Sanders, a lot of good things, campaign finance reform.
Like, yeah, yeah.
And last night in the Democratic debate, I caught some of the highlights.
You know how he called out Hillary Clinton for her donations?
No, her donations from Wall Street.
He goes, let's not insult the American public's intelligence.
They're not stupid, yeah.
Yeah, exactly.
And the last thing I guess I wanted to touch on, on the whole free college thing, is that, you know, you do have to move money around to be able to pay for that, and a lot of that is going to come from corporate tax.
And I did hear a report while I was on the road with Richard, and one of the correspondents was explaining how, you know, college will be free, but the thing is you're not going to be able to find a job because they're going to be scaling jobs back because of the higher tax rates.
Oh yeah, everybody gets to go to college in Cuba, and then you can use your college degree to clean toilets!
Yeah, exactly.
You're going to be educated, but you're going to be doing something like, you know, flipping patties, so.
And again, it's not going to be a classical true education.
They're going to call it classical.
It's going to be learning what words not to use and how to be, you know, compliant with tranny bathrooms or whatever.
I mean, look.
Education becomes indoctrination when it is all state run.
They teach you to love the state, to, you know, adore the state, to, you know, 5 plus 5 equals 11, 12, whatever, you know, so.
I'll say this, I'll say this.
I want to get film reels of real colleges in the 40s and 50s and 60s.
And people in suits and sharp eyes and really smart, and the IQs have dropped, everything.
It's not just looks.
And then go show college students today, they look like Night of the Living Dead of every race, color and creed.
They are so vapid and empty and stupid, like they were shot with a moron gun or something, you know, that mutates you into a jellyfish or something.
I mean, you know, did aliens land and then put worms in their brains and they're already taken over?
I mean, I don't know.
I don't know, but television killed humanity.
Don't you hate when you run into someone and they say, I don't do politics.
And you kind of, you're like, you don't do what?
Like you're not in politics?
I'm real smart too, I know how to say it real good.
I don't do politics.
I just, but I do like Bernie Sanders and I want something free though.
Blows my mind.
The top off.
You know, and it's like, you don't, I mean, you don't catch like clips in the news or, you know, because it's everywhere.
It's everywhere.
And you start talking to people.
And, you know, I actually, uh, I, I don't date much, but I did go on a date recently as well.
And, uh, you know, I was talking to a girl and she was not having it and we ended it early because I started talking about politics too much.
So dating advice, don't bring up politics on the first date.
Well, I mean, how old are these women you're dating, too?
About my age, so... How old are you?
Uh, 26.
Okay, well... So, yeah.
Nothing surprising, but, you know, hey, that's how... In my experience...
That's how I weed the people out of my life.
A little bit better there, you know.
It's hard to deal with.
Alright, buddy, I appreciate you and Richard.
Great job up there.
More clips and bombshell info coming up.
Let's play that clip since I mentioned it again.
This is Bob, how do you pronounce this guy?
Something like that.
From Chico, California.
A superdelegate bragging that his fealty is to Hillary, period.
So, he's the guy that gets the vote.
Here it is.
Hillary is going to have a huge edge when it comes to superdelegates, is that correct?
Oh yeah, and former DNC chairs like Howard Dean, who's from Vermont, he's known Bernie for decades, he's for Hillary.
Yeah, the people who have worked with Hillary for decades are big supporters of her.
If they haven't said so yet, they will over the next several weeks.
So roughly, when it comes to the Democratic National Convention, what is the rough total of delegates that are going to be available for the DNC?
Right now, about 4,800.
So you need about almost 2,400 to get the nomination.
And the way we work is that anybody who gets 15% more in an election gets delegates.
So this election will go all the way to California.
Sanders will end up with well over 1,000 delegates, and Hillary will get the nomination.
Okay, now the superdelegates are basically what Hillary pretty much already has in her pocket.
How many delegates does that amount to?
750 delegates.
My guess is she probably has half of them committed to her, but she's out there working the precincts and working the states every day for every vote.
We're gonna put the full video up on Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and because so much of the public is still even ignorant about superdelegates, and the Democratic Party changing this in 1972, we'll post some headlines from the London Guardian in places in case people think we're making this up.
Because we talked to folks on the street, Lee and McAdoo did, and they went, excuse me, Bernie Sanders won by 20 points but he gets less delegates because their pledge to Hillary?
Yeah, that's how this works.
So that's what it comes down to.
And you can go read about superdelegates online.
Here's the headline.
Even if Sanders wins the popular vote, Clinton could still get the nomination.
That is the Leningradian.
So people are having a lot of trouble wrapping their minds around this, and I understand why.
Because it's crazy, and it's wrong, but nevertheless,
It's going on.
Now, I do want to open the phones up after the break so that you can chime in on the election, on the state of the world, on the Russian Prime Minister Medvedev, if I'm pronouncing that right.
I always have trouble with that even though he's been covered for 10 years.
He used to be President.
He and Putin kind of switch back and forth like two peas in a pod.
Really, he's just Putin's fill-in, sit-in, kind of like his Vice President even when he's
But to make a long story short, he's talking about World War III, and I noticed commenters on InfoWars.com with their troll pre-programmed deal were like, now Medvedev is fear-mongering, and just like Alex Jones, we're sick of all the fear-mongering.
That's the Prime Minister of Russia.
They're in a proxy war.
against NATO in Syria and other areas, and they're in a proxy war in Ukraine, and Republicans and Democrats get up on the news and they go, let's bloody the nose of the Russians!
Let's kill some more of them!
We need more body bags!
These are all quotes from generals and people.
One of the top NATO generals came out last year and said, it's time to have a war!
Let's just have a war!
I mean, even Napoleon and Hitler that were accomplished
Tacticians and military men, both highly decorated, were very secretive about major war operations and didn't shoot their mouths off and didn't say this is going to be easy or this or that.
And there weren't nuclear weapons then.
Napoleon had like the highest honors as a field captain you could get in France.
And so did Hitler.
He had basically the Congressional Medal of Honor.
That's how you get a corporal to have so many people follow him.
They just don't make that a big part of the history books.
They don't like to build Hitler up.
So what if the guy was a war hero in World War I?
He was still a lunatic.
The point was, is these guys knew what they were doing compared to all the weird feminist crazies that go, you're not nice to women, Putin!
I'm gonna show you!
Never been in the military, know nothing about it, but they know how to act tough and walk around in
$5,000, you know, Versace dresses.
I mean, I see these women, looks like they're on the catwalk or something, and they got their lipstick on, they all kind of got their girlfriends with them, yeah, oh yeah, we're gonna blow up Russia!
And it's just like, do-do-do-do-do-do-do, Hillary's in Mao outfits every time now, in communist outfits, with communist slogans, do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do.
I mean, when do we get off this?
And the Feds are like, the Bundy's threatened, you know, that if the Feds didn't stop taking property, Americans would have to stand up.
They're such terrorists.
Let's lock up all the land rights people, because we're, you know, the government follows the rules, and we, we do what's needed.
We're the good guys.
God help us, this country has been totally betrayed.
And it is, it is madness!
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
First-time callers, I want to give you a chance to call in today.
What do you think about the election?
What do you think about Sanders, Trump, Hillary?
The Republicans, Jeb's pretty arrogant a few months ago.
Remember he told CNN, he goes, we'll see what happens once the convention gets there.
I feel like I'm going to get the nomination.
That's why I'm staying into the end.
Doesn't matter how many votes Trump gets.
You can go pull the quotes up.
Because the Republicans have put in similar hanky-panky stuff.
Not as bad as the Democrats, but it's pretty bad with their delegate process.
And that's why George Washington wanted parties outlawed.
He was all for free speech, but he said these parties should be outlawed being involved in the process and controlling it, or they will turn us into factionalism and it's over.
And folks, that's why you can't have campaign finance reform.
Because the campaign finance reform they bring forward every time
Is to shut down small donors or billionaires or dark horses.
The elite already know how to game the system.
They already have the media manipulation.
They already have all that in place.
And so now they want to come in because they've sewed things up and shut off the quote special interest.
It's illegal for foreign governments to give money to political candidates.
The Communist Chinese and everybody else openly give Hillary money.
Nothing's done about it.
But Dinesh D'Souza gets five friends to give to a failed Senate campaign for his college roommate and they arrest him, indict him, and lock him up for nine months.
But Hillary can get billions of dollars from dictators and people and it's okay.
It's all going to be selectively enforced.
Let me explain that to everybody.
I've seen them do this in other countries.
They're following a script.
The exact script in Europe.
To send social workers to everyone's homes to be co-parents.
The exact script, word for word, is being implemented in the U.S.
I'm going to cover that and then go right to your phone calls.
On the other side, I'm Alex Jones.
By the way, the new Hillary for Prison shirt, limited edition, is in.
The new design, the witch hates free speech.
We're going to exercise it and she can crawl back under that rock.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Beyoncé now claims she knew nothing about Black Lives Matter hijacking her Super Bowl performance.
That's the headline from the Daily Mail.
So now, let's look at some of the facts.
Beyoncé and her dancers just happened to be dressed as Black Panthers, showing the clenched black power fist during her Super Bowl halftime performance.
She just happened to be adorned in golden jewelry made to look like bullet bandoliers.
She also just happened to be performing her song Formation, whose music video depicts Beyonce dancing atop a flooded New Orleans police car and depicts a young black child dancing in front of a phalanx of riot cops near a wall that has Stopped Shooting Us spray-painted on it.
The day before her performance, her husband, rap mogul Jay-Z, just happened to give $1.5 million to the Black Lives Matter movement.
The same Jay-Z has also been photographed wearing a 5% Nation medallion, whose members claim God is black and white people are weak, wicked, and inferior, basically an errant child that needs to be corrected.
Jay-Z just also happened to bail out rioters and protesters in Baltimore following Freddie Gray's death.
So, of course, Beyonce was absolutely clueless of the racial division she helped propagate during the biggest bread and circus event of the year.
Rob Due reporting for InfoWars.com.
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But in the 21st century, there are silent weapons for quiet war.
Pathogens added to the food and water, and to the lining of plastics that destroy our vitality, turn off our hormones, and accelerate our journey towards death.
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It's time for us to take our bodies back into our own hands.
As a community moves towards despotism, respect is restricted to fewer people.
That's veteran Denver Police Officer Charles Jones IV smashing an unarmed suspect in the face six times.
Officers accused of using excessive force on a suspect and then trying to erase the evidence.
I'm observing what they're doing and they're all chasing me!
I don't understand what's going on!
A community rates low on an information scale when the press, radio, and other channels of communication are controlled by only a few people.
Does it raise ethical questions about the use of government money to produce stories about the government that wind up being aired with no disclosure that they were produced by the government?
How can you ask such a question?
What difference at this point does it make?
When a competent observer looks for signs of despotism in a community, he looks beyond fine words and noble phrases.
There are actions I have the legal authority to take as president that will help make our immigration system more fair and more just.
Tonight, I'm announcing those actions.
What I say, go.
I'm the law around here.
He came, you saw, you died.
We just have to be repetitive about this.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
We are trained to deceive if we have to.
You really don't have to trust me.
You shouldn't trust me.
In fact, by my actually participating that, I will taint the news.
In communities of this kind, despotism stands a good chance.
Nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Okay, Ms.
Hughes, well, we're going to do everything we can to help you.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on in your mind.
First they dumb you down.
And then they scramble your brain with a bunch of disinformation.
And then they just come right out and say, it doesn't matter how you vote, we got superdelegates, Republican and Democrat.
And it's not stealing your vote, we just disregard it.
And they throw it in your face.
And we're now on the throw it in your face part of the takeover.
I want to hit this article because I keep mentioning it and then I'm going to go to your phone calls.
The article is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and it makes me particularly nauseous and Paul Watson did a great job writing the article but
He didn't even give it a hardcore enough headline, you know.
Some people think I have sensational headlines or make sensational statements.
People have gotten sensationally conditioned to accept all this.
This is up on InfoWars.com.
Feds push new plan for home visits to check on parents.
Well, really, federal government announces that government agents will be assigned to, quote, co-parent children.
Or feds announced that a fed will be assigned to be your child's parent.
I mean, that's what it actually says.
And that's why they started having Melissa Harris Perry and all their operatives go on TV and start announcing in promo ads, your kids belong to the system.
They had a California courts.
Federally rules six, seven years ago that actually the state is the parent, you're just a custodian.
Now, another federal court overruled that, but that's what they're doing.
Feds push new plan for home visits to check on parents.
Government appointed monitor to assess upbringing of children.
And believe me, they're going to find something, but more importantly, they're going to fine and fee you.
And they're gonna talk to your child when they're three years old about how they sexually identify.
Oh, that's a big part of it.
Screw in your kid's head.
And that's what all the new college educations are gonna be for all these dandies that don't know how to find their butt with both hands or tie their shoelaces or...
Run a company or work, but boy, they know how to run your life.
That's what they learn in college is how to watch other people and report them and demand speech be restricted and have their feelings hurt because they walked by a Halloween party and saw a geisha girl!
They're commissars, they're political police.
I mean, that's out of Red Dawn.
They have a mock re-education camp.
At the sports stadium, going, you know, your founding fathers are bad.
It's bad to say there's fathers.
That's anti-woman.
I mean, that's the background of the loudspeakers in the movie.
Because that's what the Soviets would actually do in a country they've gotten control of.
And you know what they do in a re-education camp?
It's in high schools and sports stadiums, because if you're good and behave yourself for a few weeks, and they trust that, then you get to go live in the dormitory, and even leave, and go do errands, and you actually are their slave, but you're in a communist utopia, but out at the sports stadium, where they've got cages, where the people won't go along with their orders, or won't tell them where the guns are, or won't tell them where the veterans are.
They're in there beating people, blooding their noses, torturing them, not feeding them, breaking them.
And then they let you out into society once you've submitted, and then they teach you.
You go to your weekly meetings, they tell you what words to use and how to behave.
And you do it!
And most people go into a reverse Stockholm Syndrome, and they actually will decide to join with it, and it was right!
America was bad!
You can't have a preacher out preaching.
I find it offensive.
Arrest him!
Yes, yes, Martin Luther King.
I mean, you know the social engineers are going, excellent job at Oregon State and many other colleges.
They are, they are pulling down the Martin Luther King signs or demanding, because he said, all God's children together.
One day in the future up on that mountain living together, not because the color of their skin, but because what they stand for.
I'm paraphrasing it.
And then that's on the wall?
It doesn't say transgender.
It says God.
That's offensive.
Take it down!
You're like, oh, they'll never get to that point.
Yes, they will.
They run the show now.
Unless you say no and stand against them.
And by the way, they're not well-meaning weirdos.
This is systematic worldwide.
This is a program.
And that's why the more ridiculous the Dean would like to speak to you because you're offended by Martin Luther King.
And then the student group says, and they say, yes, then we should have a vote.
I'm sorry that you've been hurt by this.
We'll have it removed if you vote to do that.
Good job.
You're really helping the community now.
And they know full well what they're doing.
They are sabotaging young people.
They are frying their brains.
They're just busy trying to get money in their Swiss bank account and get out of this country.
There's a disdain for the public with a lot of the mercenaries.
A lot of these folks aren't even communist.
They're just mercenaries.
And they go, look, the public's so dumb, you better just get as much money as you can and get out of the nation.
So see, they know it's pure evil.
And they go and they dutifully learn how to do it.
They learn how to brainwash.
They take courses in how to dumb people down, the Delphi technique, all of it.
And then they come in systematically and are eyeing you and your family when you take your tuition money down or break your back to send your kids to college.
And they get inducted.
They're being inducted into a giant brainwashing camp.
To then spill out like viruses, swarms of officers to eat out our substance and imperiously run around and boss everyone around.
Let's read the article when I'm going to your calls.
Not even when there's a vague phone call.
No, everybody gets the visit.
Starting at age two or three, and then, oh, then we form that relationship for the co-parenting.
Let's, you know, oh, yeah, you think you can divorce your husband or your wife or whatever, and that's a hassle?
Now the state is in your life!
The state is in the middle!
At your dinner table!
And in the first phase, if you step and fetch, and are nice, there'll be TV shows about how the social workers help, and it's good overall, and they do the right thing, and oh, they fix society, and this kid was on crack, and they did a good job, and this dad was beating him.
Of course, they're going to, quote, do some good.
The point is, it's totally unconstitutional.
It's directly out of Nazi Germany, directly out of Soviet Russia, directly out of Maoist China.
I mean, it is the big
Tyrant Gorilla.
I mean, it's the bonafide Matt Daddy.
Cherry on top, baby.
It don't get worse.
And you're not going to have jobs with industry in America.
This is your future.
You're going to have... See, a lot of folks are going to have... There's going to be TV shows about what heroes they are.
The federal government is seeking to create a new bureaucracy that would intervene in family life and could even see state-appointed monitors conduct routine home visits to assess a child's well-being.
Oh, we gave you fluoride and all the sugar and TV, and now you're not performing well.
We're building giant special education wards everywhere.
Oh, society's collapsing.
We're here to help.
And of course, the folks showing up to, quote, help
will mean well themselves.
The U.S.
Department of Education, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services has published a draft document, which is already being done in Europe, which outlines a plan that will treat families as, quote, equal partners.
Oh, see?
You're equal now with the government.
It's a friendly thing, like the Patriot Act.
In the raising of children, opening the door for government intrusion on all levels, the paper describes how government employees will intervene to provide
See, they will provide.
Monitoring goals, that means your orders, for the children at home and the classroom.
Oh, a federal ward in your local independent school.
And that, if parents are failing to meet the standards, you're all being put on probation, evidence-based parenting interventions will be made to, quote, ensure that children's social, emotional, and behavioral needs are met.
The document reveals how the state will help oversee, this is all quotes, constant monitoring and communication regarding children's social, emotional, and behavioral health through the government computers.
The document reveals how the state will help oversee constant monitoring and communications regarding children's social, emotional, and behavioral health.
I remember when we learned 15 years ago that the new federal computers, they actually
Your kids are writing articles or papers for English class, whatever.
It's all going in a federal database.
NSA, FBI, local police, but also the bureaucrats.
I mean, this is so sick.
Your children's diaries, they're basically reading them.
Their artwork, all going into a government file on your kid.
I mean, it's 50 times worse than Eastern Europe.
It's so incredible.
The program bears the hallmarks of a controversial scheme in Scotland, set to take effect later this year, which under a shadow parent, close quote, appointment by the government, would monitor the upbringing of every child until the age of 18.
The document argues that Big Brother needs to know about essentially everything.
For the purpose and benefit of the child it wants to partner with, close quote, in caring for, close quote, citing research.
The policy statement claims that the, quote, institutions where children learn cannot ignore family wellness if they want to.
We just can't.
Ignore your family because it's sick because we made it sick and now we're going to end it.
We're going to end it.
Now we have the death blow.
We've already stabbed and angered and diseased the bull as it stumbles around the arena and now the matador is there.
Ha ha ha!
Bernie Sanders is here!
Everything's free!
Hillary's wearing actual Mao outfits every day!
Everything's wonderful!
Oh my gosh!
Armored vehicles!
Oh, they love you!
I mean, I mean, whoa!
This is really who we are?
This is really what we're gonna put up with?
I just... I said I'd go to your calls.
I just can't even... I can't do this anymore.
That's one article, and I've got like 200 more that are just as bad.
I mean, just look at this.
It doesn't matter how you vote, we have the delegates.
NATO warships ordered to Aegean to help migrate crisis.
That means ship them in.
Russian Prime Minister warns U.S.
Saudis against starting permanent war with ground intervention in Syria that could, quote, lead to new world war.
New York production company launches Killing Republicans, the musical.
Danish man convicted, fined for Facebook post comparing Islam with Nazism.
University of Texas police give preacher citation for offending students.
Energy department investigated by Congress for firing whistleblowers.
Cliven Bundy to stay in jail until next week.
They want him to be in prison for 40 plus years.
And it goes on and on.
Oh, don't worry though, a new Freedom Women, they're getting ready to draft you.
Oh, but don't worry, in exchange for your free education, they only want five years in the draft proposals of compulsory government service.
They have a name for that, it's called slavery, but it's part of your free education.
So you can be somebody.
You can learn about empowering women because you like Hillary and her mal outfits.
Oh, and then global stocks continue to crash as oil plummets and gold skyrockets.
We're going to get to that.
And I haven't gotten into the science, the world news, the rest of the InfoWars news.
Oh, there's a lot of it today here.
And we have Lou Rockwell coming up, but right now...
We're going to go bankrupt here.
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Alright, we're going to your phone calls here.
But we're all back there in the coffee room because even though I told them don't get me a birthday cake, they did it.
And I got back in town yesterday, so yesterday was my birthday, but today they got me a cake.
And we're just back there going, yeah, like, what have we done to be cursed with all this?
I mean, all the crazy stuff they're doing gets to me, but Hillary wearing actual Communist Party outfits.
I mean, exact copies in every debate now.
By the way, retro from when Mao killed 87 million people.
I mean, it'd be like if Hillary was wearing a Hitler uniform with the armband.
And that's what she's telling her supporters is, I'm getting ready to run a Mao operation in America.
And some people would say, oh, that's not what she means.
I mean, they're openly going to steal the election from Bernie Sanders?
And her people go, doesn't matter how you vote, we're going to put her in.
I mean, that's totalitarian.
These people are bad news.
And they've been in power so long, they think it's completely normal.
And it gets weirder and weirder and weirder and weirder.
Yeah, that's more of a 1984 outfit.
That's where she's actually dressed like Mao.
When I say Maoist, I mean Maoist era women's clothing.
Show her the last three debates.
We've got to do that.
In fact, I didn't even know that Biggs had noticed this months ago.
I mean, I'll notice it when I'm with my kids or watching TV and I'm like, look at that.
There she is wearing a communist Chinese outfit again.
That's what the party women wear.
And the first five or six times I was, but now it's, that is her uniform is a Mao era communist outfit.
She'll probably show up in overalls that O'Brien wore when he ran the torture center in 1984 next.
It's the equivalent of her growing a Hitler mustache, folks.
And I don't know what to do anymore.
I'm sorry, I said I'd go to your calls.
I'm actually freaking out right now.
I mean, how much more obvious does it have to get with these scumbags?
Let's go to Carol and Chris.
Clemford, Kyle, Carson, thank you for holding.
Sorry, I made you wait.
I'm just out of control today.
Carl in Pennsylvania.
What do you think of all this?
Am I freaking out?
Or should I go put on a Mao outfit myself and just join this and then go live in a re-education camp and just everything will be free in my slave pit?
I mean, should I just do that?
Hey Alex, hi, it's Carol.
How you doing?
I'm good, Carol.
Go ahead.
Well, actually, Alex, that would not be a very good look for you.
I mean, it's like, she's got a, she's got a schlubby body.
That's not a good look for you.
So, you know.
Well, I mean, obviously I'm not going to wear a, a, a, a malice female outfit, but should I start wearing a mousetongue outfit?
Well, then you'd just be following the trend, the trendy people, the brain dead zombies then, you know.
Yeah, because everybody knows Mal was so wonderful.
I mean, David Rockefeller wrote an op-ed for the New York Times saying how great he was.
So, I mean, I guess, I just need to get with the program, don't I?
You know, ultra-rich supporting Mal.
Why do you think?
Because he brought him into slavery.
Carol, I'm sorry.
Go ahead and make your point.
Actually, my point was going back to, you were talking to Matt earlier.
I just want to take you back a little bit about what he was saying.
Being a patriot, it's a very lonely life.
It is.
Especially if you're a woman.
Yeah, because you like private property and freedom and the right to self-defense and don't want weird leaders stealing elections while wearing communist uniforms?
Hold on, I'm going to come back to you in 70 seconds, Carol.
I want you to be able to make your point.
Yeah, because the media makes you feel lonely.
We're really the majority.
I'm talking about the people at the colleges who literally can't tie their shoelaces.
I mean, these are victims.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Lost my wife and a girlfriend.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
Yeah, they're trying to ban professional bull riding, saying it's dangerous.
You know that, right?
There's movements to do that, and I'm sure they will.
Because you're not allowed to shine, you're not allowed to go through danger, you're not allowed to develop into a man or a woman.
We're going to keep you real safe on a government reservation, dumbed down, and that's how we're going to control you.
If that's what they've done is turn the Western world into a giant prison with a bunch of brainwashed people.
Carol, Kyle, Carson, Chris, Clifford, I'm going to get to all of you now.
Carol, go ahead and make your point about responding to Matt earlier that was talking about Bernie Sanders.
Go ahead.
Okay, it's like, trying to, even, trying to, you know, educate someone who's semi-informed.
Like, that's like, a guy, I was, first date, last date, it was like sudden death.
You, it's like, if you have a, like a tiny bit of, short of evidence on what's going on in this world,
Then you're suddenly a pariah.
You don't know what you're talking about.
You're an infidel.
That's because there's so many stupid people who don't know anything.
They just know how to act like you're weird.
Like, you know how to read a book?
He uses big words.
That's their emotional defense mechanism, Carol.
God bless you.
I appreciate you calling.
I don't know what circle you're in, but I'd get out of it.
When you're informed, you know how the world works, if you get into a circle that's smart like you are, or more informed, then they'll appreciate that.
But they have dumbed down so much of the public to a certain point now, that they get upset.
And I'm telling you, someday, if you know how to tie your shoelaces, or if all your chromosomes line up right, and I'm serious, they're going to try to hunt us down.
Because, because, because misery loves company.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kyle in Pennsylvania.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
So, getting into this delegate thing, first of all, I had no idea that that's how it works.
But after seeing that, I can already see after Hillary steals the election, you're going to have MSNBC and Lawrence O'Donnell
Why are you against women?
I am against that woman because she is a maniac.
I think we better, hold on a minute.
We don't need sexist here on the broadcast.
Okay, listen, listen, listen to me.
Big shot.
It's trendy and liberal that if someone gets 20% more vote to have them lose.
That's liberal.
That's redistribution of delegates and you're just afraid of a strong woman.
Well, guess what?
She's strong enough.
To take those delegates, if she's strong enough to put you in a forced labor camp, she'll show you.
You see what she does to foreign countries?
Back in Al-Qaeda to murder 200,000 Christians in Syria, she's gonna show you, boy, the power of women.
Al-Qaeda rapes and kills the women and chops their heads off.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
It's going to come down just to the email thing.
After she steals the election and people take a shit about it, they're going to come out and say, oh, they're just picking on Hillary!
Don't you think?
That's right.
And you're only mad at Obama because he reportedly has some African lineage.
Yeah, well, it's not wrong to
No, no, no, no.
See, oh, they'll even distract and say that's racist.
Sir, sir, sir, you need to learn to be mentally ill and like see a brown paper bag and get scared or not see a bathroom, you know, not be able to go in men and women's or children's.
You see, you need to freak out and have lawsuits over that, okay?
But don't sue over the NSA spying on everything you do.
That's okay.
But just...
Just get upset all day long about something that doesn't matter, okay?
Yeah, well I'm going to the subject about having the government help raise your kid.
Even if it was the most perfectly, you know, angels run the program, you cannot write
Regulations and laws that apply to both kids in downtown New York.
Sir, sir, sir.
Bertrand Russell, the hero of the left, said, you can read his writings, that when they finally take over, it will be a legend that they were ever even parents.
They will one day say it was a conspiracy theory.
I am proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend.
Ooh, feel the burn.
Again, Hillary Clinton's face went as green as her chartreuse Chairman Mao pantsuit.
When Bernie Sanders isn't talking about raising taxes and giving away free stuff, he sometimes makes some good points.
Sanders noted that Kissinger paved the way for one of the worst instances of genocide in modern history.
Last week, Clinton declared that she was very flattered when Henry Kissinger said, I ran the State Department better than anybody had run it in a long time.
Clinton has admitted that she is working toward Kissinger's envisioned global architecture.
But actually, we do know who earns Bernie Sanders' foreign policy praise.
The Castro regime and Nicaragua's Sandinista government.
Sanders gets kudos for disavowing the establishment, but in the next breath, he vowed to subvert the Constitution by ignoring Congress and going even further than Obama has in using executive action.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
For 20 years, I've had the liner on radio that we're broadcasting from deep behind occupied territory.
I did that on purpose.
I did that because I studied history.
A lot of folks got into Louis L'Amour books, or they got into Conan the Barbarian books, or they got into Spider-Man comics.
And I read those too, until I was about 10.
Then I started reading.
Pulitzer Prize winning books on World War II.
And I started reading the actual books written by Roman senators 2,000 years ago.
By the time I was about 16, I'd read probably 500 history books.
I was addicted to it.
And when I knew history, then I looked at what was happening in America in my high school and then in college and I said, this is unbelievable totalitarianism!
I was in college and I had read a book on Mao and how he killed 80 plus million people.
That particular book was written by a Chinese American.
By the way, the Chinese admit he killed 80 plus million.
Our CIA thinks 60 something million.
And then what he taught and what he did and his slogans were being used at the college here in Austin.
So then when you see Obama with his hand forward like Lenin saying forward and they use all the exact communist terms on MSNBC, it's in our face folks.
But I want to explain something.
This isn't communism.
They're using communism as a totalitarian operating system because much of the American left in the last century was influenced by it.
The American left before that was Thomas Jefferson.
It meant more freedom, more self-defense, lower taxes, and yes, more civil freedoms.
The left was, you know, a Christian abolitionist ending slavery.
So they've so inverted reality, I don't even know what to call these people anymore.
But now the Department of Education openly says they're going to send social workers at birth until you're 18 and quote, co-parent.
These are quotes.
They're openly saying the doctors will ask your kids about guns in the house.
This is the Stasi society.
The left is on TV, and the right, calling for war with Russia.
Generals are saying, let's more body bags, and Republican candidates saying, let's bloody their noses, let's shoot down Russian jets.
And then if you go to DrugsReport.com, our story's top-linked, Burn Like Hell, Satanists Rally Behind Socialist Bernie Sanders.
And folks, when we go out and protest at the local abortion clinic of the baby body parts being sold, you notice, quote, anarchists showed up, who then had Mao and Stalin tattoos, and then announced we're Satanists, actually.
And in my experience, they were black, they were white, they were Hispanic, but they all
We're like shriveled and hateful.
You've seen the video.
It went viral.
And we're just screaming and yelling and spitting and grabbing our signs, but also stumbling around.
And I'm not trying to be dramatic here.
I want to ask Lou Rockwell, a preeminent libertarian intellectual, best-selling author, formerly Ron Paul's chief of staff, one of the top guys over at the Von Mises Institute.
And we're going to take your calls later in the hour, folks that are holding.
It seems you're reaching a critical mass
Where there's a method to the establishment's madness, but they are going insane in front of us.
And so many criminals, if you study criminology, serial killers will do a great job the first four or five people, but usually then they get real reckless.
They start sending clues to the police, they get drunk while they're, you know, out driving around kidnapping women, and then they finally get caught.
And that's what's crazy is just the statements of Hillary going, I came, I saw, he died, and I'm going to take the delegates that I want from Sanders and
And just the nakedness of these people.
But like, catch me if you can, I'm the gingerbread man.
It's dangerous.
And the announcements that our kids belong to them, and you're gonna get this free and that free, and they're so crazed looking.
I mean, I don't judge people by how they look, but I mean, Hillary looks like a female version of the Joker.
I mean, I expect she'll jump on a broom any minute.
She's a war criminal.
And then all these weird Democrats, all these men and women going, I'm voting for her because she's a woman.
It's just so vapid.
I believe we've reached critical mass with statism.
It is declining.
People are waking up, but only those that are thinkers.
We're winning the war in the news department.
But in the entertainment department, that's what the real cultural brainwashing is.
And I don't know if we're winning overall.
We're winning some battles, but I gotta tell you, when it clicked, and then Joe Biggs this morning, and we're going to our guest, said, you didn't know about this?
And I said, no.
And he goes, yeah, the memes are everywhere.
It's well known, not just the communist slogans, but Hillary in all the debates now wears the exact style dresses that Mao Tse Tung's wife wore.
I mean, they go down to the color tie with top experts and focus groups.
I mean, it's just, it's too weird.
Again, forward, and Obama points as Lenin, and their slogans and lean forward, it's direct Bolshevik Revolution stuff.
And it's just so surreal.
I keep expecting Rod Serling to walk out smoking a cigarette and tell me this is a 3D version of the Twilight Zone because I don't have words at this point to describe how sick this has gotten.
We interviewed him last week.
He had been on probably six months.
It's great to have him back.
Our own Kit Daniels went down to a Von Mies Institute event and talked to him in detail.
Also talked to former Congressman Ron Paul.
Lew Rockwell, LewRockwell.com, excellent news site as well.
And again, I can't go over all of his bio, it would take too long, but he's the chairman of the Lubitz von Mies Institute, Austrian Economics, the answer to crony capitalism, in my view.
And of course he served as Ron Paul's chief of staff and a lot more.
He was also the Republican Party nomination.
He ran that exploratory committee for Ron Paul as well.
And I'm going to stop right there, sir.
I mean, you've heard my preface, but I'm asking you, you know, as a knowledgeable statesman in the fight for human dignity,
What is this hallucination we're witnessing?
Is this the death throes?
Is it a tenter tantrum?
Or do you disagree with me?
Or are we seeing just bizarre displays of collectivist mental illness?
Because it just gets, you know, ban the word father and mother.
Ban the words founding fathers.
Use she or thee.
I mean, it's beyond any cult.
If I read a novel about a cult like this, I wouldn't believe it.
I mean, it's cult programming
What do you say to that rant, sir?
Well, it is crazy, and I somehow think it's the neocons.
I mean, I can't believe that sometimes I miss the Rockefeller world empire.
As evil as they were, they didn't actually seem to be insane.
This bunch is insane.
I don't care whether it's Hillary or it's the Republican version, Rubio and Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz and, of course, Bernie Sanders.
There are a lot of crazy people, warmongers, people who clearly lust for
Shedding of blood.
They lust for the shedding of blood of others.
They lust for the shedding of the blood of Americans, too.
So it's absolutely true.
They're sort of revealing their true selves.
They do seem to be reveling in their victories.
And they are enforcing insane policies.
I mean, can you believe that they talk about mandating the registration of women for the draft?
And according to the poll, anyway, 61% of American men went along with this.
I mean, that's insane, too.
And, you know, of course, in some sense we can see the regime and these sorts of activities wanting to make men into women and women into men.
And that goes along with all what you're talking about the pronouns and and getting rid of mothers and fathers Not having boys and girls sections and toy stores or boys and girls sections and clothing departments Everything has to be the same or rather the same What did Facebook say that there were 65 genders that you could choose among?
for your own on Facebook, so it's this goes right along with the crazed statism and
They are just reveling in their power.
And of course, these are people who love to do this to human beings.
They just love to bomb.
They love to kill.
They love to crush.
They love to dominate.
They love to lie to us.
They love to take our children away.
And they like to destroy our communities.
Robert Nisbet, the great libertarian sociologist, pointed out that the state seeks to destroy every what he called intermediating institution.
That is everything that stands between, he said, the naked individual and state power.
They want to get rid of states versus the Fed.
They want to get rid of communities.
They want to get rid of businesses, of churches.
Ultimately, they want to get rid of the family.
They want to get rid of parents.
And this is, of course, Plato's
This has been an ancient dream of these people.
This is nothing new.
That's why I love getting you on, because we could say the French Revolution, the Jacobins trying to hijack the Liberty Movement was the most modern, you know, roots of communism, but really it goes back to Plato and his plan to raise us like cattle and end the family itself.
But then he would write the Allegory of the Cave, supposedly responding to his own vision.
But he really is their god.
He really is their model.
Well, how is their plan going?
And, of course, I think you had a Freudian slip there, because I know you've written about the so-called democratic socialism not existing, or libertarian socialism of Bernie Sanders.
I mean, I don't want to hate Sanders, and it's true he's not owned by crony capitalists, but, I mean, he's got to know socialism is a disaster.
Well, he, you know, he says some good things.
In the debate with Hillary the other night, he accused her of being pals with Kissinger.
And, as you say, talked about Kissinger having caused the genocide in Cambodia.
And by the way, that's just the beginning of Kissinger's war crimes.
He's a very bad man.
Man, and Bernie might have pointed out he's a big crony capitalist on Wall Street, too.
Very, very bad guy.
And he was right to point out that Hillary's connected with him.
On the other hand, Bernie himself is clearly a neocon.
You only had to hear him talk last night about the alleged threat from Russia and why the U.S.
needs to practically call for a nuclear war with Russia.
So this guy is no anti-war guy.
He's not a peace guy.
He reminds me that the neocons were originally all Trotskyites.
Now they sort of moved away from that or pretend to move away from it.
He's a throwback.
Again, talk about Twilight Zone.
You just throw that out there.
It's totally true.
It's even been in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times.
It's not debatable that the entire neocon command base got run out of Russia, their leader got killed with a ice axe in Mexico, Trotsky, and then they ran up here and took over the whole Republican movement and National Review and the CIA brought them in and then sent them into Chicago Business School and now they're back.
They're all after Donald Trump.
Now obviously Donald's not perfect, he says some stuff that I disagree with.
But at the same time, I think it's him playing politics with Bernie.
It's a little bit different because of the neocon background than hating Russia so much, which you just astutely spoke to.
So maybe get into some background on that.
But Trump and Bernie, though, being so popular, despite what mainstream media does, shows me that this is a emblematic gauge or weather vane, bellwether, of the fact that there is a true uprising against the establishment taking place right now.
Lew Rockwell.
Well, Trump says a lot of good things.
He says a lot of bad things.
He doesn't have a theory.
I mean, there always need to be intellectuals in a movement like this.
It can't just be one guy spouting off.
There has to be a considered plan.
There has to be a considered strategy.
And unfortunately, that's lacking.
On the other hand, his support, I would say, is by and large a very good thing.
Bernie's support, I don't know to what extent,
You know, when he was talking about Kissinger last night, I wondered how many of his millennials have even heard of Kissinger, let alone know its significance.
But I was glad he did it.
On the other hand, I think he's fundamentally a very bad guy.
Obviously, Hillary is a very bad person.
All the Republicans are pretty bad.
And Trump is sometimes good, sometimes bad.
But just the fact that these guys are both hated by the establishment, I don't know to what extent the hatred of Bernie is real versus manufactured.
Not that they wouldn't rather have Hillary, but I think they could do just fine with Sanders.
Socialism, yeah, socialism is a disaster.
He doesn't, he's not a classic socialist.
He doesn't want the government to own the means of production.
He simply wants them controlled by the government.
This is more properly described actually as fascism.
That's right, he's more of a fascist.
Socialism, yeah.
And he's not a civil libertarian.
He wants the entire social justice warrior program put into place.
He wants egalitarianism in force on society.
He wants everybody made equal by the state.
This is something that comes out of, you talked about the French Revolution, although we can trace it back to the Gracchi in ancient Rome, it has earlier roots.
The notion that the state can make everybody equal.
Now since nobody is equal, Mises said that the key fact about the human race is our radical inequality.
And he said, thank goodness, because if we weren't unequal, we were all identical, there couldn't be a market, there couldn't be social cooperation, there couldn't even be civilization.
So inequality is not only a natural thing, a fundamental thing, but it's a good thing.
But ever since, especially the French Revolution, these people have argued the state should make us equal.
Since that's actually impossible, it gives all power to the state.
So you can't, you have to believe in... And all you do is create a psychotic ruling class that didn't even get there by being some conquering king who at least had some attributes that he was a more manipulative, smarter, you know,
That's a horrible system as well, but instead the most weaseling crews of interloping sycophants get in control and then just start growing their system like a cancer.
Have they gone too far though with screaming at their professors and then the professors are fired because they dare say don't ban costume parties?
I mean, is this level?
I don't
Really becoming pure mercenaries of globalists and saying, no, we are totalitarian.
I mean, I remember a few years ago, the editor of the Financial Times of London came out and he said, and he named myself and others, but he said in two different articles, he said, OK, we are totalitarian.
We are taking over.
It is a planetary government and we're smarter than you.
And so we're going to do this.
We deserve because we're smarter to rule you.
And so to rule us, because they're so smart though, they've got to teach us that 2 plus 2 equals 5, so our kids are so fundamentally screwed up, and know 60 plus genders, and are obsessed with which potty they use, instead of knowing how to read classical literature.
I mean, what type of elite sabotages the brain of humanity so they can rule a madhouse of morons?
I mean, that doesn't sound like an elite to me, Mr. Rockwell.
Well, it's an elite, and that they want to rule all the rest of us, and they think that by all the immigration policies, all their economic policies, all their social policies, they can make everybody unhappy, make them frustrated, make them depressed, and not resist.
So, they feel that even though the average production ability of the average American may go down,
All of it together is still plenty for them to... And there is, as you point out, a satanic element, too.
They actually like evil.
You know, in some of these elite groups that you've exposed, people worship pagan gods.
And this is not... it sounds like a joke.
It sounds like a bad joke.
But they are attracted to
Evil into Satan and so forth, yes.
Well, you always come right to the heart of it.
Please continue on that line because...
I was brought up a Christian, and I believe in God, but I wasn't, you know, a strong Christian, if you'd call it that.
And I was like, you know, devil, okay, kind of a bad energy in the universe, whatever.
But the more I studied the globalist elites, and what they're involved in, and in criminology, how psychopaths usually, you know, end up actually being into Satanism, whether God's real or not, for the sake of argument for atheists, still, in criminology and psychology, there is a manifestation.
The Nazis were into the occult.
Uh, Lennon was into the occult.
Uh, they sell us that, oh, there's no God, because they want to have the state be God, as you pointed out.
But really, behind closed doors, they're into occultism.
Please elaborate on that and why you think Satanists across America, the stories on DrudgeReport.com, are such big supporters of Bernie.
I thought a real Satanist
You know, they claim Anton LaVey style is all about empowering the individual and doing what you want.
Do as thou wilt is the whole law.
But no, it isn't really that, is it?
You shell people on joining your cult.
You're going to have fun.
But really, you're going to be slaves on Satan's plantation.
Lew Rockwell?
Well, of course, and even though they said do as thou wilt, you're not allowed to do as thou wilt.
You have to do what they want.
And, you know, this is a very warped people.
Does Satan respond to this sort of thing?
Are they actually somehow communicating with him?
That I don't know.
But they would like to be, and they are self-consciously pro-evil.
So they enjoy killing, and they enjoy all kinds of horrible practices with other human beings that they engage in.
Some of these cults
Really horrendous, and of course they're all leftists, and I don't think we, you know, you asked earlier, can we count on the left?
I don't think so.
I think the left has to be entirely rejected.
I remember the last time I talked to Noam Chomsky, the guy's written a lot of good stuff.
This was during the 2008 campaign, and he was very, very anti-Ron Paul, and he told me he would support Hillary over Ron Paul.
This is an alleged anti-war guy.
And, you know, why was that?
Well, it's because they hate private property.
And they hate everything that stems from private property.
Private property is essential to the family.
It's essential to economic life.
It's essential to human civilization.
They want to smash it all.
They're far worse than anybody in Orwell's 1984.
And, of course, they've got unbelievable technology to spy on us.
The government now admits that the whole point of the Internet of Things is to spy on us in our homes.
Oh, I've talked to a lot of top lawyers.
I don't think so.
They just see any normal independent human activity, a happy Amish family out there, healthy, you know, doing well, self-sufficient, and they pull their hair out because those Amish aren't watching television thinking Hillary's God.
Well, also they don't want people being happy.
You know, it's what Mencken said about the Puritans.
It applies to these guys.
They can't stand it if anybody's leading a normal life and is happy and fulfilled, whether it's the Amish family or somebody else.
They want to kill them.
They want to crush them, like to send them to a camp.
These people are just unbelievably evil, and those of us who are working against this, who are opposed to it, must never forget that we're against, we're working against people who are thoroughly evil with a capital E. That's right, Lew Rockwell, I've been asking the questions.
I want to see where you want to go.
When we come back, and we'll take calls, LewRockwell.com.
We've got Mr. Libertarian with us today.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
We're also going to get into that new War Powers Act.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Feds push new plan for home visits to check on parents.
Government-appointed monitors will assess the upbringing of children.
The U.S.
Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services has published a draft document outlining a plan that will treat families as equal partners in the raising of children.
This opens the door for government intrusion at all levels.
As defined in the document, family means all the people who play a role in a child's life and early childhood development.
Government employees will intervene to provide monitoring goals for children at home and the classroom.
If parents fail to meet the standards set, evidence-based parenting interventions will be made to ensure that children's social, emotional, and behavioral needs are met.
The program will undoubtedly increase the likelihood of teenagers being given dangerous antidepressant drugs.
A common theme of collectivist thinking is the idea that children belong not just to their parents, but to the state.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Folks, the reason I start hyperventilating on air and people that know me in person, I don't really do that in private very often unless I'm seeing something just amazing happen in front of me, good, bad, or ugly.
But when you've read, no exaggeration, probably 500 history books by the time I was 15, 16 years old, hundreds of time-life books on top of that.
I mean, I would go to the library and just get stacks of books and read them because it was so interesting.
I probably read over a hundred books on naval histories with England and Spain and Portugal and the Dutch and the East India Company.
And I'm not up here bragging, oh I read a bunch of stuff.
I got into it because a history book was like every page was action.
The wars and the subterfuge and the false flags and the secret societies.
Just Heinz Hobel's books, like 800 pages long, on the order of the death set.
And again, I don't just believe one book.
I probably read, let's not exaggerate, 30 books on the SS.
The Stunstaffel.
And you sit there and you read all this and how they were battling this secret society and battling that secret society and how the OSS was run by this particular secret society and it's just amazing.
And then you go tell the public that and they look at you like you're a crazy person because you're informed.
So that's how Lou Rockwell and I can just sit here and talk about the Jacobins and the French Revolution and Plato and all that, because we've read their books!
We know what they want.
I mean, the French Revolution folks took reasonable anger at the system and then said in their own writings, we're going to have total power and be greater than any king.
And we're going to overthrow and kill the Christians and, you know, just all this horrible stuff.
And then you're reading the stuff they're Satanist.
And then it makes you a stronger Christian when you're like, then you read this book by them.
And it's how they want to end the family, have nine day work weeks, make everyone their slaves, have the general public where we can't even talk.
And how they had to fundamentally create a cosmology to get the serfs to rebel against the kings, but make them absolute kings.
So that's why I look at Bernie Sanders.
He makes me angry.
He's dangerous, folks.
And I think Sanders knows exactly who he is and who he works for.
Now, I'm ranting.
I want to go back to Lou Rockwell, but that's why I get so concerned.
Because if you caught a criminal in your house robbing your computers, you'd have an adrenaline rush and you'd probably go run, lock yourself in a room and get a gun or whatever.
Or you'd go tackle him or whatever you would do, but you would get upset and you'd be jumping around.
People say, well, that's normal.
I get upset because I'm watching now in fast motion, classical, flaming, in fuego, French Revolution, Illuminati, Jacobin, Bolshevik science.
I mean, I know it.
And they know it.
The same colors, the same slogans, the same names.
And they're even power crazed.
So that's why I start having adrenaline rushes here talking about it, Lew Rockwell, because I know you know about it.
Ron Paul knows about it.
But so much of the public is ignorant to how much danger we're in.
And I hate to keep stressing that, but they're doing things they've never done before.
Like you pointed out in a piece we aired last week.
And I'd like you to elaborate on that and just talk about whatever subjects you'd like to get to.
About, used to, they'd have War Powers Acts and, you know, debate them for three months to give the President authorization in Iraq, which was wrong, which wasn't done properly.
Now the Republicans go, you know what?
We just want to give you unlimited 360 global.
A Democrat Senator admits it's global martial law.
His words, not mine.
And they had White House-run Media Matters and these other groups write articles saying I was a dangerous kook.
And not even showing the clip of the Senator saying it, lying to their constituents, trying to keep them in the dark.
So A, can you speak to that?
And then B, how big a danger they are?
Because you look at World War I, World War II, and other big global events, all major historians agree on record that we are approaching an event horizon for another World War scenario.
And we see our leaders calling for it.
This time we have nuclear weapons.
Are we really going to let this elite destroy the planet?
Because as you pointed out, the Rockefeller world government wasn't this psychotic, Lew Rockwell.
No, and these people, they seem to be psychotic.
When you hear a guy like Bernie Sanders, or for that matter, the Republicans, most of them talking, except Trump, talking about what has to be done to Russia.
U.S., of course, has been systematically, despite its promise, moving NATO up closer and closer to the Russian border, seeking to take all the intervening territory and control it, put U.S.
weapons there, aggressive weapons, aggressive armies, and it's very, very dangerous.
It's something, in fact,
That as bad as the Cold War was, it didn't happen in the Cold War.
Or rather, the one time it happened was the Cuban Missile Crisis.
And that all happened because the U.S.
had put its big missiles right in the Turkish area of Turkey, right on the Russian border.
They could easily get to Moscow or they wouldn't have a chance for a second strike.
It was very destabilizing.
It was secret.
So, in order to end the Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev said, look, we'll get our missiles out of Cuba if you get your missiles out of Turkey.
John F. Kennedy, thank goodness, agreed to that.
And that ended the crisis, and it was a very good thing to get rid of those missiles so close to the U.S.
or so close to Russia.
But these days, of course, you don't have that warning time when missiles are launched.
Everything happens very fast.
Atomic bombs launch from satellites and, of course, the planes, seaborne missiles.
It's drones, I guess they're going to have drones with atomic bombs on them.
Oh yeah, the Russians have sea-launched cruise missiles that can go 2,000 miles.
And they fly at about 100 feet, you can't stop them.
You can't stop them.
Why don't you want to be, you don't have to be friendly with other countries, but why not at least be non-belligerent?
I mean, it's in everybody's interest.
Not to be belligerent.
Eisenhower was a general that conducted major wars.
He wasn't perfect, but he fired L.L.
Lemnister and Curtis LeMay when they wanted to do a secret bomber attack on Russia.
I mean, where are those type of people now that... I mean, because, as you said... No, John Kennedy fired them, which maybe had something to do with his...
With his assassination when they wanted to stage a false flag by having the apparent Cubans, would have been Americans, pretending to be Cubans, shoot down an American jetliner in order to give a justification for invading and taking over Cuba.
Operation Northwood.
So here we are desperately talking about trying to stop these psychos.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
How do we get that same urgency through to the public that this isn't a game, sir?
Well, we have to do what we're doing.
We have to try to explain things to people.
We have to point out evil when we see evil.
We have to point out the fact that just to take what's going on in Europe, with the vast inundation of immigration, they want to destroy, they want to certainly make Christianity a minority religion in Europe, even more of a minority religion than it is.
They'd like to do the same here.
This is why this is happening.
But it's also very good for political control.
The more you can destabilize the society, the more you can break up social institutions, the easier it is for the government and the people controlling the government to live high on the hog and also enjoy the destruction.
These people, we can't ever forget, they enjoy war.
They like sending young men out to kill or be killed.
They get a charge out of it now.
Amber Kissinger called them cannon fodder.
We can't imagine the next door neighbor or us or our friends ever wanting to do something like that.
But there are people who not only like to do it, they glory in it.
They love doing it.
And so these are the people who rise to the top of government.
These are the people who rise to the top of militaries.
Especially a global imperial military like the US's.
And these are not good people.
So what can we do?
We can try to tell the truth.
We can, you know, try to defend religion, try to defend God.
As you pointed out earlier, the state hates God.
It can't stand the idea of something that people have a loyalty to it above the state.
There's supposed to be nothing above the state.
You're supposed to bow down to the state.
Who knows?
I always think that they actually look back in their secret ceremonies and so forth, look back on the glory days of the Egyptian pharaohs, when the state was God.
I mean, it was literally God.
People worshipped the pharaoh.
In some sense, they'd like that again.
These are crazy people, they're evil people, and I'm afraid they're actually capable, even if they don't set out intentionally to do it, they're capable of setting in a chain of events similar to what happened before World War I to start another world war.
I noticed that the Russian Foreign Minister just said, you know, if the West introduces ground troops into Syria to fight against Assad, that, for example, could very well become World War III.
And are they willing to do it?
Yes, of course, because the U.S.
has targeted the three anti-Islamicist, anti-terrorist regimes in the Middle East.
That is Iraq, Syria, and Libya.
Destroyed two of them, half destroyed the other one.
Why are they doing that?
All empires love chaos, because it's the old Roman slogan of divide and rule.
So the more trouble they can cause, the easier it is for them to rule.
So there's that, but they like killing, they like chaos, they love the idea of
Watching the drone films as they bomb people's homes.
They love that stuff.
And as you point out, Hillary just glorying in the most psychotic... These people are all, of course, sociopaths, psychopaths.
Hillary just glorying in the death of Gaddafi.
Let's expand on that.
Let me ask you that question, Lirak.
Well, that's a very important question.
They're protectors of Christians, that's one reason they wanted to get rid of them.
So there's definitely a culture war going on, but we got along with the Muslims before these people stirred everything all up.
We can be peaceful with the Muslims, whether they should be over in our country is another question, or whether they should be in such masses in Europe.
Some are fine.
By the way, Christians are not allowed to immigrate to Saudi Arabia.
I don't want to shock anybody.
But they don't want Christians there.
That's okay with me.
They have the right to have their own society.
We have the right to have our own society.
Especially when somebody who's an immigrant is immediately put on fantastic welfare, has all kinds of benefits.
It's designed to bring them here.
And actually has more benefits and special deals than American citizens.
That's right, Lew Rockwell.
Let me ask you this question.
I'm going to go to some calls for you and talk about the election some.
Because folks, before you came on, all these questions are very, very good.
I'm not putting Vladimir Putin on a pedestal, but I actually do follow the real policies in Russia.
They seem to be actually trying to reform it.
The West encircling it and running economic warfare is making it very hard to do that.
But they are incentivizing Christianity.
They are incentivizing family.
They are cutting taxes.
They are.
And then Putin comes out and says,
And I've watched like hour-long talks of his ministers that are translated into English on RT, and they sit there like it's my show, or you talking, and they go, there is a bizarre, you know, plan in the West to end the family, to institutionalize everything, similar to the tyranny we saw under the Bolsheviks, and, or North Korea, and we do not want to do this, and the carbon tax is meant to sabotage and break down nation-states, and, I mean, they really get it, it seems like the Russians
Putin claims he was a big reader of Sholzhenitsyn, and met with him a bunch before he died, and Sholzhenitsyn said, you have to stand up for Russia, and, you know, don't kill all our people, this plan is meant to kill everybody.
Sholzhenitsyn basically wrote books about all this before he died.
I mean, what has happened if Russia begins to catch the liberty bug?
And again, I'm not lionizing it, but Russia, verbally but also in action,
He's standing against everything the West is doing, and so they get treated to George Soros bragging that he helped honcho the overthrow of the elected government in Ukraine.
Well, you know, Putin's a politician.
It's a government.
It really can't be good.
But on the other hand, we should compare what happened before.
What was it like under communism?
I mean, Russia has made unbelievable progress towards civilization, towards free markets, towards private property.
Is it perfect?
No, unlike us, I guess.
No, it's not perfect.
But, you know, everybody in Russia, for example, all the Christians in Russia and the vast majority of people are Christians.
Putin, in fact, was baptized, secretly baptized as an infant by his wonderful mother.
And he talks about this at a time when that was a criminal offense.
So, Christianity continued to exist in Russia, now it's come back to full flower.
Everybody is aware that the CIA's group called Pussy Riot, they sent these girls, these young girls, being paid into the chief cathedral in Moscow during... They're foreign spies!
It's not a free speech issue!
They took off their shirts.
One of them got up on the altar and urinated on the altar.
And so, when the Russian police came in and took him out of there and arrested him, this was, oh, what a horrible thing, they're condemning free speech.
Well, you know, everybody in Russia was aware of what an unbelievable blasphemous act this was, promoted by the U.S., defended here in this country, although they didn't give the details.
So that's just one small thing.
The Russians realize they're being targeted.
They realize they're not liked because
Because Christianity has come back there.
It shows why, no matter how much it's stamped upon, no matter how many tens of thousands of Russian Orthodox priests were murdered in the most horrific way under Stalin, and tens of millions of Christians
Murdered, tortured, put in the concentration camps, which nobody of course talks about.
Yet Christianity survived.
It's thriving in Russia.
It's something that, you know, why can't we appreciate that?
Why can't we look to the good?
Plenty of bad stuff.
That's my next question.
Why does the left
particularly hate Christians.
I mean, Muslims are allowed to go in, radical Muslims, and wipe them out by the hundreds of thousands.
Western-backed, they relish bringing in the most war-torn, mainly Syrian invaders into Europe, and then let them rape and kill.
I mean, the left, radical Islam, on the surface, is 180 degrees the opposite of what the left claims, but really, isn't it just totalitarianism?
Is that why they like it so much?
Sure, but they also, you know, they can't stand bourgeois civilization.
They can't stand happy families.
They can't stand happy communities.
They can't stand happy churches.
They can't stand people raising their children as they think they should be raised according to their ideals, not the state's ideals.
They can't stand businesses free and independent.
They can't stand people making their own decisions in their own lives.
Everything has to be controlled.
So they hate that about every bourgeois society and to the extent that Russia has come back towards a bourgeois society as versus the horrific
They're in competition with success.
They're in competition with people being self-sufficient.
They are in competition with prosperity.
They want to be the ones making you stand in line for a month begging for some rotten food.
And of course, you know, a lot of evangelicals point out that there's a passage in the Bible that indicates maybe at some point you'll have to have a barcode on your arm to be able to buy and sell.
And, you know, in a sense that I'm not a big one on biblical prophecy, I must say, but certainly that looks like
You know, they'd like to have you have no cash.
I never thought I'd feel nostalgic about paper money.
I never thought that I would appreciate paper money.
But of course, these people hate paper money because they don't want you having cash.
They want to outlaw cash.
They want making it impossible to take your money out of the bank.
You'll be able to transfer it to another bank, but you won't be able to take it out.
I bought a watch!
I was so glad to see the Deputy Economics Minister of Austria say, hey, we have a right to spend privately.
The government has no right to know what we spend, what we eat, what we're spending on.
That's right.
That's an outrage to try to limit the amount of cash that people can use, which of course, as long ago happened in this country, the war on cash has been going on.
That's right, Lew Rockwell, we gotta go to break.
Stay right there.
We're going to come back with a few calls here on the other side.
The war on free speech just accelerates and continues.
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I wish a buff was still silver.
It was back when the country was strong.
I think that's what Lew Rockwell was talking about.
He's criticized private federal reserve funny money.
You know, he's been criticizing that for 45 years and saying it back to, you know, real currency issued by Congress.
And then now here we are defending cash because the next step is totally digital.
Where they admit they're going to tax and track you and control you and do bail-ins and charge you a bunch of money every time you use your card.
Bank of America already does that.
I mean, you think you're getting raped now.
Wait till the Cashless Society is here.
He's got a new book coming out.
He's going to tell you about that after he leaves us.
I'm going to keep just going to the next hour with David Knight because I'm going to your calls.
Debbie in New Jersey, Alexi in England, Carson in Missouri, Clifford in Delaware, Richard in Arkansas.
I'm going to get to Clifford first when we come back in the next segment after Lew Rockwell leaves us.
We need to get aggressive.
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We're good to go.
Lew Rockwell, it's always great to have you on and banter back and forth with you and just warn people.
I don't think we have strong enough language for historically how deep of a you-know-what we're in.
But in closing, tell us about your new book and Ron Paul says he has hope.
Do you have hope?
I do have hope because we're speaking the truth, because we have the truth on our side, and because, you know, this is the great battle that has always gone on through all of human history between power and freedom.
This is nothing new.
It has been going on for many thousands of years.
I actually think we're in a better, despite all the horrible things that are happening, we're in a better position than we've ever been because far more people understand what's at stake.
Far more people are reading, as you're talking about.
When I was a kid, I haunted the library and read history books, too.
And you notice that you can't do that anymore.
All the libraries stock are New York Times bestsellers.
They don't stock all the great history books.
And other sorts of books libraries used to specialize in, all gone.
That's not a coincidence.
They don't want kids reading that sort of stuff.
But we can go on Amazon.
We can go to other sites like that.
We can still get all these books.
And there's a lot of homeschooling.
You sell a bunch of the books?
You sell a bunch of the books at Lerockwell.com.
Yes, we do.
And it's very, very important.
This is your first duty, I would say your first pleasure to, is to educate yourself, to learn about history, to learn about economics, to learn about the things that the government doesn't want you to know.
These are real heroes.
These are real people that really did it.
You see what they did and then you ask, where are those renegades and heroes today?
Well, it's us.
We've got to do it.
Well, they still exist, and I think there's a lot of reason to hope.
Again, the knowledge of the right of Austrian school economics and libertarianism is far more broad than it's ever been in human history.
So, that's all to the good.
Does that mean we've got anything easy?
No, we've got a very, very tough fight on our hands.
The fight has always been tough.
That's the Animating Contest for Liberty.
Lew Rockwell, God bless you.
Great job.
Fourth hour with Data Night.
Myself, your calls first.
From Albion to New Jersey, we're coming to you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I want to go to your calls.
I apologize I didn't get to you, but most hosts will just hang up on you once the new guest came on, but I want to talk to you and I appreciate you, so I don't take it for granted.
David Knight's going to be hosting most of the hour.
I'm going to go about 15 minutes into the next hour that we're already into to take your calls.
And I also want to ask David a few points and a few questions, get his take on things, but I don't say this to be melodramatic.
I'm not proud of the fact that I wasn't the strongest Christian when I was younger, because I saw the Pharisee pig-like creatures that posed as preachers.
But I simply tell you that story because as I studied things and as I ran head up against evil, I learned that the people we're fighting are devil worshippers.
It's like Lord Monckton said, he goes, these people are devils, they are devil worshippers, we're fighting devil worshippers.
And I don't mean, and you saw Rockwell said, perhaps they're communicating with Satan, perhaps they're being given guidance.
Rockwell knows a lot more than he's obviously saying on air, folks.
This is real, okay?
You need to understand that.
This is not a game.
And the people that want to run our lives and control us want to do it like you got pigs, you know, in a pen you're about to slaughter.
They don't want us domesticated because they want to keep us like domesticated animals.
You know, like a dog or a cat.
We are animals to be fed on.
And that's what it comes down to.
Let's go to your phone calls right now.
Let's go to Alexi in England in a moment, but first, who's been on the longest here, and then Debbie.
Let's go to Clifford in Delaware, that great northern state up there.
Welcome, Clifford.
Hey, Alex.
Good afternoon.
Thank you for having me on.
I am calling from the sundown, conditioned state, the democratic state of Delaware.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are still asleep in this state, but they're gradually waking up.
Uh, what I want to get to is, I need you to bear with me, I don't know how much time we have, but Alex, uh, several, uh, last month, for several weeks, just about every day, okay, we had a bomb threat in, in, in several schools in this state.
And one of the schools where my kids attend at, okay, um, the problem I have with that, we were talking about it earlier, is that the state's trying to say that, you know, that the children don't belong to you.
Well, I called the governor's office because my daughter called me, and she informed me that she wanted to come home, she was scared, the school was on lockdown, and that, you know, nobody could get in and get out.
And they wouldn't let you have your daughter?
Yeah, this is all about, on record, this is done worldwide, to teach you that your kids don't belong to you, to teach them psychologically, Daddy ain't coming baby, we have power over you, this is a prison.
Well, here's what I'm getting at with this, Alex, is that I know for a while now people have been talking about how
You know, Obama may not leave office.
You know, uh, he's got, you know, he's just making everything look difficult.
I truly believe something is brewing, and I take all the responsibility for inside jobs.
Well, of course they are.
Of course most of them are.
Just like they do inside jobs to buy more five million dollar, you know, bomb robots.
It's all bureaucracy.
It's all conditioning.
It's all about, you know, manipulating the American people.
It is truly sickening.
And they have some drills where they come point guns at kids and don't tell them it's a drill.
And it's all about seeing what they can get away with and what they can get cops to do.
This is all compartmentalized.
They give a cover story to the low-level people, and then they go out and do horrible things, believing it's for a greater good because they've been brainwashed.
Thank you, Clifford.
Good to hear from you.
We're going to go to break.
Come back to Debbie, then Alexi, Carson, and Richard.
Then I'm going to hand the baton to David Knight.
But David, 45 seconds to break.
We're going to break here.
Just in 30 seconds, do you agree with me that at the end of the rabbit hole, we find Satanists?
Because that's what I just keep running into.
Oh, absolutely, Alex.
We don't struggle against flesh and blood.
We struggle against principalities and the power of the air, right?
That's what the Bible tells us.
I believe the Bible.
I believe that's what we're really fighting against.
And that's why there is a pattern even behind the elitists, global elitists.
It's the same wavelength, the same signature, the same consciousness throughout history.
It is not human in nature.
It is off world, the God, the little God that fell to earth and would be king.
Sounds like science fiction.
Look around you folks, you're living in science fiction.
Beyoncé now claims she knew nothing about Black Lives Matter hijacking her Super Bowl performance.
That's the headline from the Daily Mail.
So now, let's look at some of the facts.
Beyoncé and her dancers just happened to be dressed as Black Panthers, showing the clenched black power fist during her Super Bowl halftime performance.
She just happened to be adorned in golden jewelry made to look like bullet bandoliers.
She also just happened to be performing her song Formation, whose music video depicts Beyonce dancing atop a flooded New Orleans police car and depicts a young black child dancing in front of a phalanx of riot cops near a wall that has Stopped Shooting Us spray-painted on it.
The day before her performance, her husband, rap mogul Jay-Z, just happened to give 1.5 million dollars to the Black Lives Matter movement.
The same Jay-Z has also been photographed wearing a 5% Nation medallion, whose members claim God is black and white people are weak, wicked, and inferior, basically an errant child that needs to be corrected.
Jay-Z just also
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Tell your children not to walk my way.
Tell your children not to hear my words.
What they mean, what they say.
Alright, we're going to run through your calls very quickly.
At least those that have been holding them.
I'm here on the baton today, but I've got a few clubs I want to play as well.
Really sad turn of events with the whole Bundy ranch situation in Oregon.
They want to put him in jail for 42 years.
Incredible stuff happening on the economy.
David's got a big show lined up for you right now in this last hour, but let's go to Carson, Debbie, and Alexi, and then Richard, then I'm gonna hand the baton.
William and others can hold over.
I mean, I wanna answer his question.
Is a gay male on Trump Alex Jones supporter?
So I wanna see what he has to say.
But right now, let's go ahead and talk to Carson in Missouri.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, happy birthday, young man.
Thank you, my friend.
Well, I mean, it was yesterday, but I got into the office today, so they got me a keg.
But yeah, 42.
Yesterday was my birthday as well, but I got 20 years on you.
All right, so you're a fellow Aquarian.
Yeah, there you go.
Hey, I just wanted to, uh, uh, I'm listening to what you and Lou were talking about and going to get his, uh, opinion on a thing or two, but, but that's okay.
I'd really just like to quote two of, uh, people that, uh, I admire very much.
In fact, I can throw you in there too.
I mean, first, uh, I have heard you say probably a dozen times today and probably two or three dozen times every time I listened to your program.
You say they're dumbing us down, they're dumbing us down, they're dumbing us down.
But Alex, it's not just what they are teaching us, but more importantly, it's what they're not teaching us in class.
They're not teaching us any more factual, historic civics.
I agree, I agree, but also they make it boring and weird and hard and not making sense on purpose because if you ever catch that bug of actually learning history and learning business and how to be charming and etiquette, there's no etiquette, there's no nothing.
These aren't people.
I mean, it's incredible.
I like going to third world countries now because compared to Americans, they're more alive.
And everybody used to look at Americans and think those are the smartest, coolest people.
I mean, that was real.
Now, on average, we are exceptionally dumbed down because it's been scientifically done.
But why do you think it's so bad?
You know, I remember in eighth grade, I had to pass a specific course.
I had to memorize the preamble and how many, you know, I had to take that course in order to pass eighth grade.
And I brought it up to you, not I, but another guy last week brought it up to you, and I checked it out.
It's called NationalLibertyAlliance.org.
They have a civics course.
It's totally free.
Listen, I gotta jump to their callers, but it's all there to be rediscovered.
We've never had more information available.
But people just don't take it seriously and don't care.
And so much of that is because of the entertainment culture.
They don't understand it's a birthright that's been stolen from them.
All right, let's go to Alexi in England.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, thanks so much for taking my call.
I'm 19 years old and I live here in the UK.
All my family are Russian.
I'm Russian.
And my great-grandfather was a colonel in the Soviet Army and he went to nuclear tests and things like that.
And one thing he always emphasizes, he thought there would never be a full-blown nuclear war because of the mutual destruction and how that's not kind of profitable.
What we're seeing now with Saudi Arabia and Turkey being extremely aggressive, do you really think, I mean, are they just trying to kind of restart a Cold War?
Or do they really want a large world war?
Because, I mean, personally, I don't see the, you know, I think they do the wars for profit.
I don't see why they'd want to do a whole, what do you think about it?
And also,
I mean, what's your thoughts on Putin?
Or maybe you've got some questions to ask me, because I'm Russian, so I could give you a kind of Russian perspective on it.
Well, I mean, I know most Russians' perspective is they put these old, dry, stuffed Soviet leaders up that people were ashamed of.
They knew the government was lying.
Russians all over the world could be more proud of Putin because he's seen as standing up for the country.
And that's pretty much the view that I get from the Russians I know and what I see in diverse press.
But you can give me your view on it.
Here's the deal.
Napoleon didn't think he was going to lose, neither did Hitler.
And these elites get to these points where they're going to expand or they're going to collapse.
And they need wars to divert the public from their current operations domestically.
I was watching Fox News last week and they were saying, Putin wants a war because his economy's in trouble.
No, the West started the war.
The economic war on the oil, the encirclement.
I mean, there's no doubt that the West started the war.
Well, who is the West?
It's globalists that hate us too.
So they're playing us two sides off against each other.
And the elite want to have a controlled nuclear war that they think they can win and then use that to devastate civilization and then they re-emerge building a new planetary system.
Now that's totally insane!
But that's what Stanley Kubrick exposed, that was later declassified to be real, what they call Plan R. Where he goes, Mr. President, we must not allow a mineshaft gap!
So, you look at these elites, they actually, the Pentagon puts out propaganda about survivable nuclear wars, and now, nukes are no big deal to use now.
And so that's where this is going.
The Pentagon itself admits the world's never been in more danger of a larger war than it is now.
Most historians, I say most, almost all of them, in fact, I haven't seen any that disagree.
That's why I'm going to be careful and say, you know, no historians disagree.
We're on the edge of a huge war.
Every historian you see out there says parallels of World War I are just over the top.
Okay, and the same thing for World War II.
And there's a spirit behind this.
When you study these elites, they will go around the block to do evil when good is right there in their grasp.
They will fail themselves to be able to carry out some great evil.
But briefly, what is your... See, for them, the journey's the destination.
They just like doing bad stuff.
These are... See, they always sell the idea of, you like beautiful women, so you're deviant.
That's meant to make you want to be deviant.
Think, oh, anybody that warns me about being deviant is just a square, doesn't want me to have a good time.
It's how Satanists recruit people.
Oh, the church says, don't have a bunch of sex.
Here, we're in a party.
Sex rituals.
Well, they don't want sex rituals.
They want to put you in a cult, suck money out of you, brainwash you, control your life.
They don't want to have you actually be free.
They want you to be a slave.
And so...
It's the same thing with these current elites, is that they actually want to destroy free will.
And they actually want to hurt people and dominate them.
They get off on it.
In fact, let me go to David Knight on this, and we'll co-host in the next segment, then I'm going to punch out of here.
David, you hear my rants on this whole subject.
What do you genuinely think about Russia, about Putin, about the danger of war that we're seeing build right now?
Well, you know, Alex, I had an article to cover from RT talking about Donald Trump.
He mentioned that he thought we were looking at the end of Europe if we didn't control immigration.
One of the things that he said was, I want good relations with Russia.
I mean, is that a crazy thing?
Is that a crazy thing?
He's into commerce.
He's like, why don't we make deals?
Why don't we have business?
Why don't we?
I mean, we've got people, most of the people on the, well, virtually everyone else except him on the Republican side now, as Rand Paul opposed it, but he's on the fence and he says, well, maybe we ought to talk to these people and take this slow.
But everybody else is like, no, we need a no-fly zone over Syria.
They want to set up these triggers for World War III, and of course, so does Hillary Clinton on this.
And he's like, well, wait a minute, why can't we have good relations with them?
He looks at an older foreign policy, and so, you know, when I look at somebody who's opposing Balkanization, somebody who says, no, we don't want to rush into World War III and set up triggers for it, he's supposedly the crazy guy in the race.
That's the amazing thing to me.
I also love how none of these other people are former military.
And they're all shooting them all about, polish off Russia in a couple minutes, just kill them.
I mean, they're just cavalier about the end of the world, they're just going, and Hillary's walking around going, I'll blow Russia up too.
And then what do you make of her wearing these weird...
Communist Party outfits from the 60s in China.
I mean, she's wearing exact copies in silk of these.
Oh, yeah, it fits, doesn't it?
You know, it was shortly before we went to adopt my daughter, the people who we knew that had gone earlier.
I mean, just a few years before we went.
Most of the people were wearing those types of mal pajamas if they had clothes to wear.
I mean, the kids basically didn't even have clothes on them below their waist.
They didn't have diapers.
They didn't have clothes.
Once we got over there, they were starting to dress pretty much like we were because they're having an increase in standard of living.
But yeah, it's part of the uniform.
It's part of a... I guess she thinks it projects strength through socialism.
But I think what we need to do is we need to have a hashtag, Alex.
We need to start talking about crony socialism.
You know, they talk about crony capitalism, about the corruption with businesses and that sort of thing.
We need to talk about the corruption in the political system, like her superdelegates, like the fact that the DNC is going to adjust the contribution laws now.
We need to start talking about crony socialism, because if these Bernie Sanders people want to turn over all the decisions in their life to the government, understand it's going to be run like this election, where the insiders, where the party... Don't they get you've got to have decentralization?
Don't they see what collectivism is?
Where the Democratic Politburo, above them, that elects the delegates, the superdelegates, forget the delegates, but the superdelegates that control the delegates,
And they're like, yes, we're just going to take the election from you.
Don't you see how a big system is designed to gang rape you?
Yeah, you know, Bernie Sanders got 150,000 votes.
He got 15 delegates.
Now those were the delegates that were about 10,000 votes per delegate.
But of course, Hillary Clinton, before the election even began, she had six of the eight superdelegates because she just goes in with a handshake or a backroom deal with them, and that's the way it's going to work out if you have socialism.
And by the way, she ends up offering them little duchies, little sub-fiefs in government jobs and government positions to give her the vote.
It's admitted!
So, oh, you're going to ban campaign finance, you're going to ban people giving money, but you're not really, see?
They're going to selectively enforce the whole thing.
And how do you stop that?
You don't have it to begin with.
You don't have a big government to begin with.
Don't you people figure any of that out?
Don't you understand what made America so prosperous?
And that's why they want to destroy the prosperousness.
It's why they want to bankrupt it, why they want to shut off the national lands and shut down the farmers markets and shut everything down.
Because they want total and complete centralization.
They're gangsters.
And then Hillary's a woman and these weird socialists get off on that and they go, she'll be my strongman.
She'll deliver me milk and honey.
Alexi, real quick, or Alex, I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right, tell me, real quick, your view on Putin.
Personally, I completely agree with you.
The thing is, Putin's doing the right things for Russia, so whether he's corrupt or secretly a billionaire, in comparison to what's going on in the West, and I live in the UK, so I see what's happening here.
I mean, as you always say, he's literally an angel, because at least he's putting Russia into the right direction.
Well, here's the deal.
Closet Christians like Putin under the Soviet Union, whether he's perfect, whether he's bad, whether he's in between.
When you join the globalists, look, at his level, they meet with them.
You're going to give your public these vaccines.
You're going to plant these crops.
You're going to put this on television.
You're going to teach your five-year-olds how to give oral sex.
I mean, literally.
And Putin has come out and said, you know what, I'm not doing it.
So it's, and Russia, they got TV hosts over there that are their top hosts where they make jokes in our media that see it like it's like they've given Alex Jones a national TV show.
They got guys on there saying everything we say because it's true.
The truth is hardcore, especially for the Russians that were under a New York-London-based disease of the Bolsheviks that our government sent over there to kick out one tyranny and bring in something 50 times worse, probably globally.
Five times worse for Russians, whatever the numbers are.
I mean, far worse in the numbers of dead, the enslavement, replace one monarchy with another one.
But a monarchy of an oligarchy of bureaucrats and political pundits and satanists.
I mean, there have been books written about Lenin.
And I'm not going to get into the whole deal, but his generals would come to him and say, sir, OK, we've killed two million people in the last year just in this country, and we've arrested millions.
And they're all sitting there doing everything we say, and he would just go kill another half of this town.
He just pointed a map, and they'd go, sir, they have an idea.
And he goes, I want blood!
He would just start freaking out like, ah, Satan, and foaming at the mouth, OK?
I mean, you're giving psycho exorcist-type people who are spewing green soup folks power.
And I forget the FBI agent.
I've had him on four or five times.
He got audited by the feds.
He was in the White House.
He was the one that said they had crack pipes and Mao ornaments all over it.
And then later it was confirmed that indeed that happened.
But they've, what's his name, a Google FBI agent, White House Christmas tree communist ornaments.
And people said that sounds dumb.
Why would you
Why would you do that?
She's in power.
She rules us.
Why does she care?
She's busy selling secrets to the Chinese, you know, missile secrets.
She wants to desecrate.
They want to pull down crosses.
They want to put crack pipes on Christmas trees.
They want to teach your five-year-old how to masturbate.
Remember Jocelyn Elders?
They're freaks, folks.
She gets off on it.
They love it, like the Satanists that showed up.
With saying they're anarchists, with linen tattoos and Stalin tattoos, saying, I'm fat, I have hair in my arms, I love Satan.
That's a quote.
And I kill babies.
And then you go to the Capitol and the state police have their mouths hanging open as hundreds of plainclothes, dressed nice women began to just start chanting, Hail Satan and sticking their tongues out.
As if some mass possession happened.
Where does that come from, folks?
What is that?
And when you actually see that with your own eyeballs, you make a decision.
I'm not going wherever those people came from.
I don't want to be with those people.
And I'm going to fight them with everything I've got.
I know I'm ranting, and I'm going to punch out.
We've got a couple of clips here, David, and I appreciate the fine job you do.
Part of this is I come over in the fourth hour routinely, folks.
This is planned, but some days I'm too exhausted to do it.
Today's not one of them.
But I'm ranting about this, and today I've really been freaked out on air because it's just getting so weird.
And I just sense these people are going to start a nuclear war or something if we don't stop them.
I mean, they are just so damn evil, David.
Yeah, Alex, and of course, it's not just the wars, but it's also the culling of the population, what they put into the water, into the food.
It seems to be an obsession with them, doesn't it?
Well, you saw the footage of Jakari and I out there with those people, and my dad always calls them glow-in-the-dark people.
They can be black, they can be white, they have a green glow.
In fact, can we show some of the Satanist video?
The abortion Satanist video?
Yeah, my wife was there too.
It was pretty crazy.
And she was like, I adopt babies.
I don't want to kill them.
And she goes, I kill my kids.
I forgot your wife was there.
And those people actually had green skin.
That was to my wife.
That lady said, I kill my babies.
She looked at her and that was in response to that.
And you look at that face.
It's like a demon.
Because they're getting off on that energy source.
Yeah, it's pretty sick.
So yeah, there are people who definitely, and it's not just at the bottom level, it's especially at the top.
And of course it's also tied into the pedophile rings and the, you know, things like Jeffrey Epstein, his pedophile island, that, you know, there were connections with a lot of elites like Bill Clinton and others.
Those are all part of the, you know, it's just a personality type.
It's what they're doing.
It's what's behind it.
You know, when he talks about satanists for Bernie Sanders, yeah, they can get into that.
When you look at what happened in Central America, you know, Bernie Sanders went down to the Sandinistas and to Daniel Ortega.
He was very happy with what Daniel Ortega was doing.
He thought he was a hero.
That guy was the biggest kleptocrat Central America has ever seen.
He nationalized everything until they were ready to throw him out.
Then he privatized it again for himself.
That's the kind of guy that Bernie Sanders sang the praises of, and of course the legacy of that is that people in Central and South America can't even get food, water, or medicine.
They have to go to neighboring countries or try to immigrate into the United States because of socialism.
Same socialism that Bernie Sanders has praised for the last 30 to 40 years.
Bernie Sanders is evil.
I mean, they know socialism's run by elites.
They know it creates hell, dependency.
And he sits there and points at the billionaire elites that are milking the system above it, and then tries to go to these poor masses and promise them free goodies if they just get on a slave ship.
He makes me sick.
Well, it's based on envy.
It's based on envy and it's people who want free stuff and not freedom.
Equality of results, not equality of opportunity.
That's the big difference.
That's the difference between a Ron Paul and a Bernie Sanders.
And they don't know how to produce wealth either.
These are such, and I'm not trying to be mean, but have you been down to UT?
I know you've done some man on the streets.
You go down to UT or any other campus, these people look bad, man.
I mean, what happened to them, David?
Well, they have been kept in an institution their entire life.
Most of them were institutionalized at three years old.
They spend most of their day in a government institution.
They're now still in a government institution.
They're accumulating massive amounts of debt, and they want somebody to wave their magic wand and make it go away.
But, you know, the other part of this is that if they have free college for everyone, remember they're going to have free college for all the open border immigrants.
So we're going to be paying free college for everyone.
And that's designed to further bankrupt it.
There'll have to be a bigger bailout to fix that.
We'll have to go total commie.
And then you'll be in a forced labor camp.
And you'll be so stupid, you'll love it!
Let's jam in one more, then I'm going to hand the baton over to you.
Debbie, a former police officer, says she was harassed for InfoWars stickers.
That ties into all the news of UT, you know, arresting or ticketing people for Christian preaching, saying you offended someone.
Debbie, what happened to you in New Jersey?
Hi Alex, hi David, and happy birthday.
Thank you, thanks for holding.
I'm very obnoxious today.
Okay, I was pulled over by a New Jersey State Police car a couple of months back, and I committed no infraction.
So I pulled over, snot-nosed 20-year-old cop gets out of his car, walks up to the passenger side, and starts reading the stickers on my car, and he says, what's all this?
So I said, well, that's my, I'm exercising my First Amendment right.
They're patriotic.
You know, my love for freedom.
So he's reading them and then he asked me for my license and registration.
So I said, um, I'm a retired police officer myself.
So I showed him my credentials and he just kind of nodded.
So I asked him, I said, would you like a pocket constitution?
He said, no, thanks.
And he didn't, you know, he didn't say anything further.
He was very quiet.
And then he walked off.
So I told my husband, I said, it just is weird that I got pulled over for that.
I said, if I had an ISIS flag on my car, I wonder if I would have gotten pulled over because I also had a Don't Tread on Me flag, InfoWars stickers, and my Hillary for Prison t-shirt in the front window.
That's probably why he pulls you over.
Stay there.
I want you to finish with David Nye.
I want to hear your story.
But I'm going to punch out.
I want David to finish asking you about this.
Because it ties into all this other censorship we're seeing.
And then David's going to get into the Bundy's.
Everything else that's happening in the nightly news is 7 o'clock central tonight.
By the way, we have the new Hillary for Prison shirt.
The other one was a special edition.
So is this one.
They don't want us exercising this because it has power.
They want to intimidate us.
Let's not let them win.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Given the increasingly challenging investment and economic environment, we expect this trend to continue.
Silver is also experiencing a surge, jumping nearly 2% to $15.60 an ounce, its highest since November 2015.
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Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, finishing out the fourth hour.
I want to go back to our caller, Debbie in New Jersey, a retired police officer who was pulled over because she had some bumper stickers on her car.
One of them, an InfoWars bumper sticker.
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Let's go back to Debbie in New Jersey.
Debbie, the question I had was, are you familiar with the 2009 MIAC report that we broke that news here at InfoWars?
No sir, I'm not.
Okay, that was a situation, the Michigan Fusion Center, and that was after the 2008 election, and they had advised law enforcement.
Do you know what a fusion center is, first of all?
Maybe I should define that for the audience.
A fusion center is basically a center where all the different law enforcement agencies exchange information in an area.
They have regional fusion centers.
They put out one in 2009 in Michigan telling the officers to be on the lookout for anyone with a Ron Paul bumper sticker, with a Bob Barr bumper sticker, with a Constitution Party Chuck Baldwin sticker.
So basically they were identifying anybody that was an independent, that was a libertarian supporter of Ron Paul, they were identifying them as being somebody who was suspicious, dangerous, kind of be on the lookout for.
And so that's probably what's going on.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's some kind of a fusion threat.
And of course, you know, using the term sovereign citizen, are you familiar with how law enforcement uses that?
Oh yes, and by the way, I do have a Rand Paul magnetized sticker on my back bumper.
There you go!
You're a terrorist!
And the funny thing is, I retired in 2012.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, see the thing is, you know then about sovereign citizens.
I remember, we were going to talk about Clive and Bundy, I remember he was on the Glenn Beck Show there interviewing him, and it wasn't Glenn Beck, but it was one of Glenn Beck's people, said, are you a sovereign citizen?
And I saw that, and it's like, man, they are trying to put a bullseye on his back.
And he had no idea.
He goes, well, I think the American people, we the people, are sovereign over our government.
We created, you know, that type of thing.
But he was not what they want to consider, label as a sovereign citizen.
You know as well as I do.
That when they attach that label sovereign citizen to somebody, they have indoctrinated law enforcement that if it's the label sovereign citizen, expect this guy to jump out of his car shooting at you.
And so they're on a hair trigger to execute somebody that's labeled as a sovereign citizen, right?
And Passaic County, my cousin went through their police academy in Passaic County.
He told me that he's not allowed to tell anybody, but they are training the police to go after anybody
calling themselves sovereign citizen or using that phrase and they're having specialty classes on it.
Oh yeah.
As a matter of fact, a very close friend of my wife's back in North Carolina, where we're from, she heard some of my radio program and she said, it sounds like your husband's very anti-government.
He's not a sovereign citizen, is he?
I have a friend whose husband is in law enforcement and they're warning them about sovereign citizens trying to kill people all the time.
And she says, no, no, no, no.
You don't understand.
It is not a crime to criticize our government, but that's precisely what I see in this Cliven Bundy indictment.
I want to talk about that in some detail.
Thank you very much, Debbie, and thank you for speaking out, for exercising your free speech.
You know, if you don't exercise your free speech, you're going to lose it.
It's a very dangerous thing to let the government intimidate you into silence.
We cannot allow ourselves to do that.
No matter what happens, no matter how much they intimidate people, we cannot allow them to intimidate us into silence.
To lose the heritage that our forefathers, I use that word, the forefathers, that our forefathers have handed down to us.
We cannot give that up.
While we're talking about law enforcement and being trained to react very quickly and perhaps with excessive force, I want to give you an anecdote, a story here, a true story.
This is out of WND, talking about something that started out as a scam but escalated into a life-threatening situation because they got the SWAT team involved as part of the scam.
Now this happened in Colorado Springs and this person
Was being scammed by somebody on the phone trying to steal money from them using this scam involving the IRS.
They pretend to be IRS agents.
They come in and they say that the family owes the IRS money.
They got to pay up immediately or they're going to be in serious trouble.
Well, it sounded very official to this person, but they still weren't quite sure, so they went into their bank, they talked to the bank manager, and the bank manager said, you know, there's been a lot of this going around in this area, this is a scam.
The manager called the number herself, was given the same spiel, she said, no, no, this is a scam, so he didn't pay.
But he said they kept
Calling me.
They kept telling me that if I didn't pay the money, a police officer was going to come and arrest me within 15 minutes and take me away to jail for three to five years.
And then he said, suddenly, he told the TV station there, KKTV, he said, suddenly the call took a frightening real-world turn.
The scammers started calling 911.
They put in a call that I was harming people, that I wanted to kill cops.
This is called swatting, okay?
A lot of people have done this as a prank.
It is a life-threatening prank when you do this.
Because remember,
When they get these calls now, the police have been trained in a very different way than they were 10, 20, 30 years ago.
Okay, in many cases, as we've talked about multiple times out in New Mexico, the state police academy had a new curriculum that was put in by the feds, and an experienced officer there who was an instructor, had been there for many, many years, said, I'm not going to teach this curriculum.
This is a shoot first curriculum.
And they said, okay, fine.
You can leave.
And he did.
He resigned.
But they're changing the way they interact with people.
So this is what happens.
They call 911.
They say that there's people that are being harmed at this address and that there's somebody at this address that wants to kill cops.
He says the police swarmed his home on Windy Oaks Road.
And he said there were 12 police cars surrounding his house with his 20-year-old daughter, Amber, the only one at home.
Amber didn't know what was going on, whether these calls were from the real police or from these scammers who were saying they were the IRS.
So it's like, is this a real IRS?
Is this a real police?
I don't know what's going on.
He said, it says her father raced home from his office.
She came outside.
Eventually the guys with shields and guns, as he put it, stood down.
And he said this, he said, I lost trust unfortunately in the police department because they were telling me they were outside the house wanting to get in the house and I knew my daughter was home alone.
I didn't know who was calling me because I had all these fake phone calls happening from six different numbers.
So when the police officer contacted me on my cell phone, I said it was from an unavailable number so I thought it was a, said it was from an unavailable number so I thought it was a scam again.
Do you see how this works?
Do you see how dangerous it is when we have this?
Just reported yesterday when I was doing the radio show about the minority report, false flags, giving a false positive essentially, not a false flag, but giving a false positive, looking at pictures of people saying he's not moving and everybody else is moving so there's something suspicious about this individual or somebody comes up to change a flat tire in their car and they think that the car is being stolen so they call the police or the SWAT team to come intercept this individual.
It's very dangerous now, the way the police are interacting with people, and it's very dangerous that we are offloading these types of decisions, perhaps in the future, to artificial intelligence.
And when we look at things that are coming down the line, real quickly, I want to tell you about some things that are happening with encryption.
We've got a couple of congressmen who have now put in a bill to push back against California and New York banning the sale of encrypted phones.
So you've got California and New York trying to stop any kind of privacy encryption on your cell phone.
You've got a lot of personal data on your cell phone, but they don't want you to have the ability to keep that privacy.
And so, California and New York want to ban the sale of encrypted phones.
They want to fine manufacturers for each phone that is sold in their state that has encryption on it.
So you've got a couple of congressmen.
One is a Democrat in California, Ted Lieu.
Another one is from Texas, Blake Fahrenholt.
They came up with the Encrypt Act, which would basically override California, New York, and other states' efforts to ban encryption.
What's going on in Congress is you've got senators like Dianne Feinstein, Richard Burr, congressmen like Mike McCaul, all these people who are on Homeland Security committees who love the surveillance state.
They are coming up with legislation that would essentially ban encryption at the federal level.
So they would do what California and New York are trying to do at the state level.
So there's a battle going on.
You have to understand, you have to see what's going on, pick the right side, encourage the people who are standing up for your rights to privacy, your constitutional rights to privacy.
Haven't we heard for decades, 40 some odd years, that abortion is based on the right to privacy?
You want to tell me that I have, because of the right to privacy, the ability to kill my child?
Yet I don't have any privacy when it comes to my person, my personal effects?
That is a perversion of the Constitution.
And let me tell you why you need encryption.
There's a story yesterday on the Daily Mail, a cyber security expert talking about how, and this is a British paper, how your kettle could steal your car.
But basically what they're talking about is Ford is going to put all kinds of
I don't think so.
If you don't have encryption, if you don't have security, somebody can steal your car.
They can do all kinds of mischief to you.
So that's why you need encryption.
Now let me tell you why the government doesn't want you to have encryption.
Here's a story from The Guardian.
The New York Police Department tracked citizens' cell phones a thousand times without warrants since 2008.
So the government doesn't want you to have encryption because the government wants to spy on you incessantly.
So they want to expose you
To the possibility of somebody stealing your car.
Or here's what's worse.
Somebody crashing your car.
Thinking that it's a prank.
You don't think that would happen?
Think about the times that you've heard of people driving down the interstate highway and there's some idiot with rocks, dropping rocks on the cars below.
I've heard this multiple times.
This continues to happen.
It isn't just one sick, crazy nut that does this.
Evidently, it's something that appeals to multiple people to do this, because it does happen all the time.
You don't think those same people would get a lot of jollies out of driving cars off the road or driving cars into each other when they hack into the systems that are being increasingly put into these cars, especially when they become self-driving cars, when they become computer-driven cars.
Of course they're going to do that.
One more thing to tie this all together.
Take a look at what the politicians are doing.
You know, they talk about various things, but do they really walk the walk?
A good example of this is Ted Cruz.
Somebody who talks the talk, but he doesn't walk the walk.
We're looking at encryption.
We're looking at the way they use data on people.
There's a story from the AP.
Cruz app data collection helps the campaign read the minds of voters.
Now, do you think if Ted Cruz is going to be president, you think that he would want to pull back the surveillance state?
Of course he wouldn't.
He's going to use human domain analytics, activity-based intelligence.
He wants to master the human domain because right now he wants to master the human voters.
And they point out the hypocrisy of what Ted Cruz says.
He says, protecting the privacy of law-abiding citizens from the government is a pillar of Ted Cruz's Republican presidential candidacy.
But his campaign is testing the limits of siphoning personal data from his supporters.
Do you see how that works?
See, just as it was pointed out by his former Harvard professor when talking about his eligibility issues and the natural-born citizen point of view, the Lawrence Tribe, who was his professor, said, look, I believe in a living Constitution.
I think we just ought to reinterpret it constantly and that the words don't really mean anything, right?
But Ted Cruz is selling you the idea that he's going to appoint Supreme Court judges
Who will go with strict interpretations, originalists who want to look at what was actually written and what was meant by those words.
Like what did the word militia mean?
What does the word, what does the phrase natural born citizen mean?
He says Ted Cruz is telling you he's going to appoint originalist judges.
Yet those originalist judges would say that Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president.
Just like we see Ted Cruz say, I'm going to protect your privacy.
I want to make sure the government doesn't spy on you, while he spies on his own supporters.
Just like he did in Iowa.
This guy whose wife comes out and says, Ted Cruz, this is his wife Heidi who works for Goldman Sachs, Ted Cruz shows America, quote, the face of the God we serve.
Unintentionally, perhaps.
Maybe what they serve is Goldman Sachs, not God, okay?
When you look at what he did to his fellow Christian, the guy that he was competing with for the Christian votes, when you look at the timeline, and then when you look at not only what they did, but the lies that he told about it the following day.
That's why
Donald Trump comes out and tweets, is this guy really a Christian?
He goes, how can Ted Cruz be an evangelical Christian when he lies so much, when he's so dishonest?
You know, I really hadn't looked at the timeline until two days ago.
And I looked at this Breitbart article.
Do you realize that when they started this whispering campaign as the Iowa caucus was going,
The tweet that came out initially from CNN said, well, you know, Ben Carson says that he's not going to go to New Hampshire, South Carolina.
He's going to go home to Florida for some R&R.
He'll be in D.C.
tomorrow for the National Prayer Breakfast.
And then he immediately tweets out, within two minutes of each other, after saying that, he says, his campaign tells me he plans to stay in the race beyond Iowa no matter what the results are tonight.
So he does a tweet at 641, another one at 643, another one at 643.
Three tweets within two minutes.
And that's on Twitter.
That's from Chris Moody at CNN.
Then at 644.
Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, Dana Bash are on CNN talking about that and saying, yeah, it's kind of strange, you know, but yeah, he says he's not getting out.
Then at 6.53, the Carson campaign responds to CNN and wants to clarify, look, we pointed out, he's not stepping down.
But then the mischief starts for Ted Cruz.
7.01, Cruz tells everybody, as the caucuses have started, Carson looks like he's going to drop out.
I don't
I don't
There's a tweet out saying he's not going to go to New Hampshire and South Carolina, but he's staying in.
And for nearly an hour, Ted Cruz is telling people, even after there's been tweets out from the Carson campaign, telling people that Carson is dropping out.
That's the kind of dishonesty and lies that he did to get the Christian vote from the Christian candidate.
How do you say that shows the face of God?
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I apologize to the callers.
I really have to get to this 32-page indictment of Cliven Bundy.
You can see it.
It's up on Infowars.com.
We have put the document up there.
You can read it, and I thank many people who have followed this story from the beginning.
People who have seen the video that we shot as we were reporting from that site will be absolutely amazed at what is in this indictment.
Before I get into the details of it, I just want to repeat for you again quickly.
We've got several sales up at InfoWarsLife.com.
We have 15% off Prostagard, 15% off Silver Bullet, 15% off the combination of Anthroplex and Supermail Vitality, and 30 to 40% off InfoWars Select Storable Food.
And for those health products, if you sign up for AutoShip, you can get an additional 10% off.
So we've extended several of those sales and take advantage of that now while they last.
Going to this indictment, and again it's a 32-page indictment, they are talking about possibly, if they get all their charges through on Clive and Bundy, sending him to jail.
He's 73 years old.
Sending him to jail for 42 years.
42 years.
42 years plus another one and a half million dollars in terms of fine.
And when people look at all this and call him a welfare rancher and everything, understand that these fines that they're paying each year, I don't know how much his grazing fees were.
I don't think he had a ranch that was much different in size than LaVoy Finicum.
LaVoy's grazing fees were $1,200 a year.
And so even if Cliven Bundy had not paid them for 20 years out of protest, out of civil disobedience, he would have about $20,000 of grazing fees that he would not have paid.
The rest of that, even if you want to double that, okay?
$40,000, they can easily extend that with penalties and interest, just like the IRS does, to a million dollars and no time at all by compounding all that stuff.
So, yeah, he's not a welfare rancher.
I've been to his house.
We did that when we were reporting on him.
But let me tell you what really concerns me about this.
When I look at this indictment, the way they describe these events that you're looking at, you're looking at this people standing in the wash.
We were there, we were reporting and filming.
And you see anybody pointing guns at the police officers?
Do you see anybody threatening?
No, no.
See, there's the police officers behind shields and vehicles pointing guns at us.
They were threatening us, okay?
All the people who were standing there.
There were people who had guns on them in their holsters.
There were people who had guns on them, slung rifles slung over their shoulders.
That's reported in this indictment as people who are brandishing assault rifles.
And who had pistols with them.
Well, yeah, you know, it's not against the law to have a pistol in Nevada.
They were not breaking the law.
They were exercising their First Amendment free speech.
But what I'm concerned about when I look at this indictment here...
At what point, when we look at some of the charges here, especially the ones against co-conspirator number four, I have a good idea who that is.
We're not going to mention any names.
Let's just not bring personalities and people into this, because you need to step back and look at it from the perspective of what's going on here, regardless of who this is.
At what point does free speech, at what point does an opinion that disagrees with the government stop being an expression of the First Amendment right and become something like sedition?
Now, they don't use that word anymore.
That's kind of a dated word.
No, what they use in the 21st century is conspiracy to impede the government.
Remember that it was the FBI that invented the term conspiracy theory to shut down people saying, you know what you're saying about the JFK assassination?
That couldn't possibly be true.
That just doesn't match up with the facts.
It doesn't match up with what we see.
Oh, you're a conspiracy theorist.
Now, if you criticize the government, you are conspiring to impede federal officers in the line of their duty.
You are conspiring to endanger the lives of federal officers because you're getting people upset about the government.
We cannot criticize the government because we would be conspiring against the federal government.
That's what most of this stuff boils down to, especially the stuff against co-conspirator number four, accused of broadcasting information.
That was inflammatory, that accused the government of violating the Constitution and acting in a criminal way, which they do every single day.
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