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Name: 20160208_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 8, 2016
2981 lines.

The article discusses a study conducted on healthcare workers regarding patient safety and medical errors in a Southern Iran hospital. The research involved 318 participants who filled out a self- administered questionnaire with 26 questions about knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices related to patient safety. Most healthcare workers had satisfactory knowledge about the topic but their attitude was average to poor; many did not understand reporting systems for adverse events and only 6% reported participation in root cause analysis of an adverse event. The authors conclude that educational programs should be developed to improve patient safety and medical errors practices among healthcare workers.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live on this Monday, February 8, 2016.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Alex is on the road, so I'll be your host for the next three hours.
I'm Paul Joseph Watson and then David Knight's coming in for the fourth hour overdrive.
But we've got an action-packed show because Alex will be on air just after the start of the second hour with his take on
The debate on Saturday night, Donald Trump, the latest in the US election race.
We've also got Richard Reeves on the ground in New Hampshire.
He'll be on in the third hour to give us the latest.
And then Joe Biggs, a lot of you will have seen this alarming video that Joe posted on his Twitter last night from Periscope, where he appeared to be tackled by a security guard and was later placed in handcuffs.
We're going to get the full story on what transpired
And what's going to happen in the aftermath of that from Joe Biggs in studio himself.
But for the next hour, it's basically going to be a news blitz with me.
If we get time to take your calls later in the show, we will do so.
But one of the top stories up on InfoWars.com this morning is...
If anyone's going to hell, it's Madeleine Albright.
Now, you may have heard of this controversy over the weekend.
On Saturday, Albright made a comment during a Clinton campaign rally, basically saying that there's a special place in hell for young women who don't vote for Hillary Clinton.
So she basically said if you don't vote for Hillary, because ostensibly she has a vagina and so do you, that's basically her only platform at the moment, then you're going to hell.
She actually said that and we're going to delve into why Madeleine Albright is quite the authority on whether or not people are going to hell.
Because given her own comments in the past justifying the slaughter of 500,000 Iraqi children, she may indeed
If you believe in health, be a prime candidate for a one-way ticket.
So we're going to play that video and flash back to Albright's comments from 1996.
Then again on the subject of Hillary, Gloria Steinem, the feminist, the icon of the feminism movement, has come out and basically said that people, young women, who are voting for Bernie Sanders are only doing so to meet boys, not because they actually believe in his socialist rhetoric or have thought about his campaign platform at all.
But they're simply doing it to meet young boys.
This is a feminist engaging in brazen misogyny saying that young women are so ditzy they're only getting involved to meet other Bernie Sanders campaign supporters who are boys.
But that's getting news attention.
What isn't getting news attention is something even more flagrantly ridiculous that Steinem said during this Bill Maher interview which was about
Claiming basically that the Prophet Muhammad was a reformer for women.
The Prophet Muhammad who had sex slaves, who consummated his marriage to a six-year-old girl by having sex with her when she was nine.
He's being now propelled, put on a pedestal, as a great reformer for women.
Even as we have this massive, massive migrant rape crisis sweeping Europe.
So again, completely insane comments.
We're going to play the clip.
We're going to delve into the hypocrisy.
And again, every single day we get these kind of stories, and there's another deluge.
It's just impossible to keep track now.
Iraqi migrant rapes a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna, and he thought it was just completely normal, that there was nothing wrong with it.
He was sexually frustrated, so he just went ahead and did it.
He didn't even try to escape.
So we're going to get into the latest again on the migrant crisis.
Now we have Swedish police admitting that they have a special code to cover up crimes involving migrants.
Because of course we can't let the public hear about it.
We can't let this be reported in the media throughout Europe.
Because as the German police said, they don't want to legitimize critics of mass migration.
So now, not only do we have a media cover-up of this scandal, we've got a police cover-up as well in Sweden.
And of course, this comes on the heels of the massive Pegida marches in European cities nationwide this weekend.
We're going to cover that as well.
And more news ahead in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show Live InfoWars.com.
Join us after the break.
A pro-abortion group is attacking a Doritos Super Bowl ad for humanizing baby fetuses.
In the ad, a pregnant woman is getting an ultrasound while a man besides her realizes the unborn baby will move in the direction of the Doritos he's snacking on.
The man toys with the baby, attempting in vain to reach the chips from the womb until the mother throws the Doritos across the room, which prompts the child to launch itself outside mom and towards the chips.
In response, the National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action League said the ad used an anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses.
This statement underscores how NARAL and similar groups dehumanize the unborn in a vain attempt to justify abortions, especially in the aftermath of the Planned Parenthood sting videos exposing its officials admitting they sell aborted baby organs for profit.
NARAL, however, didn't stop there.
The group also called out a Snickers ad for being transphobic and a Hyundai ad for showing a dad take away his daughter's autonomy.
This is all part of the political correctness campaign spearheaded by the authoritarian left to not only control free speech, but also how people think.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWorst.com reporting.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
We are back!
It's the second segment of the Alex Jones Show live again, as I said.
Alex will be joining us from the road in the second hour, but I'm going to be your host for the next three hours.
And we've got a ton of news to cover, starting with this out of Infowars.com.
If anyone's going to hell, it's Madeleine Albright.
Now she's caused controversy over comments she made during a Clinton campaign rally on Saturday when she said, there's a special place reserved in hell for women who don't vote for Hillary Clinton.
Here's the clip.
We can tell our story about how we climbed the ladder.
And a lot of you younger women don't think you have to... It's been done.
It's not done.
And you have to help.
Hillary Clinton will always be there for you.
And just remember, there's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other.
That was former Secretary of State and UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright saying there's a special place reserved in hell for young women who don't vote for Hillary Clinton.
Again, suggesting that they will go to hell, literally they will go to hell if they don't vote for Hillary.
Now of course there are two facets to this, one of which is
Hillary Clinton has got basically no platform whatsoever.
She's running on name recognition alone.
She's completely collapsed in the polls.
At one point she had a two-to-one lead over Bernie Sanders.
Again, not venerating that anything, you know, Sanders stands for.
But she was the establishment pick.
We pointed that out during Bilderberg last year in Austria, that all the big money was behind her.
The decision had been made.
She stepped down for Obama back in 2008.
But this time around, the elite were behind Hillary.
But she has no platform.
The only platform she's got is, I'm a feminist, I stand for women, I have a vagina, you have a vagina, vote for me.
Of course, that's insidiously ironic.
Because of the revelations we've had on this show from Roger Stone, where basically Hillary has hired people to terrorize Bill Clinton's alleged rape victims.
Those are her, quote, feminist credentials.
So again, Madeleine Albright basically gets up and says, you have to vote for Hillary because she has a vagina, you have a vagina, and that's it.
That's the sum of her campaign.
And you're going to hell if you don't.
Now, those are quite rich words coming from Madeleine Albright, but I think we should take them seriously, because she should be treated as quite the authority on who is going to hell, given that she likely has a one-way ticket.
And the reason I say that is because of these, again, absolutely astounding remarks that we've covered time and time again, but they're evergreen.
During an interview with 60 Minutes,
In 1996, Albright, who was then ambassador to the United Nations, infamously suggested that half a million dead Iraqi children, due to UN sanctions, was a price worth paying.
Here's the clip from 60 Minutes.
We have heard that half a million children have died.
I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima.
And, you know, is the price worth it?
I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it.
That's Madeleine Albright back in 96 saying the price of half a million dead Iraqi children is quote, worth it.
So again, she was saying basically the sanctions that had killed that amount of children in Iraq at the time being carried out by the UN with US support, that geopolitical motive justified the mass slaughter of children.
Somebody who lines up behind that kind of bloodthirsty belief, I would venture
has a pretty good grasp on whether she's going to hell or not.
So now she's lecturing other people about having a special place reserved in Hades.
I'm sure Madeleine Albright, given her history, will be joining them.
And of course,
After that interview, she kind of backtracked and said, oh, I didn't really mean it.
But still, barbed Leslie Stahl, the interviewer there, and said she was an Iraqi propagandist.
So again, she never really backed away from those comments.
They were absolutely disgusting at the time, and they still are.
So for her to lecture other people on where their soul's going to end up is pretty rich indeed.
Now we got another story up here from Liberty Blitzkrieg.
Again on Hillary.
Desperate for Hillary, feminist icon Gloria Steinem claims young women support Sanders to attract boys.
This is Gloria Steinem, the top feminist who founded Miss Magazine with the financial support of the CIA.
This is Gloria Steinem, the woman who supports abortion, celebrates abortion with special t-shirts and special campaigns.
Again, on what side you fall on abortion is a different issue.
It should be treated as a somber, sober affair.
It should never be celebrated, which is what people like Gloria Steinem do.
So she's attracted a lot of news headlines over the weekend for these comments, and this is a clip from CNN.
A feminist icon is now apologizing about her comments on young women who support Bernie Sanders.
On Friday night's Real Time with Bill Maher, Gloria Steinem raised a lot of eyebrows when she suggested young women were backing Sanders just so they could meet young men.
When you're young, you're thinking, you know, where are the boys?
The boys are with Bernie.
But today on Facebook, she issued an about-face.
She wrote, in a case of talk show interrupts, interruptus I should say, I misspoke on the Bill Maher show recently and apologize for what's being misinterpreted as implying young women aren't serious in their politics.
What I had just said on the same show was the opposite.
Young women are active.
Mad as hell about what's happening to them.
Graduating in debt, but averaging a million dollars less over their lifetimes to pay it back.
Whether they gravitate to Bernie or Hillary, young women are activists and feminists in greater numbers than ever before.
So that is Gloria Steinem, the feminist icon who is now 80 years old.
Again, she went on Bill Maher and said, Young women are only voting for Bernie Sanders.
To me, boys!
Again, Gloria Steinem is in the tank for Hillary.
So she's prepared to go to outright misogyny and say that young women are basically just ditzy idiots who don't have any political understanding, can't make political choices of their own, and are only taking that decision to support Sanders to meet members of the opposite sex.
So again, she tried to backtrack.
It's still blown up in her face.
But what's interesting, I find, about this Bill Maher appearance that happened back on Friday, was that she made even more bizarre comments that haven't really got as much press attention.
And we're going to play this after the break, because it's about a three-minute clip.
But basically, she went on there and said that...
The Prophet Muhammad was a reformer for women.
He was a great representative for women back in the 7th century because he married an estate agent, whatever that means, and because he passed laws that were pro-women.
Okay, this is an individual who had harems of sex slaves.
This is an individual who married a six-year-old girl, consummated the marriage, basically raped her when she was nine years old.
This is a prophet who is worshipped by people who institute Sharia law, an absolutely patriarchal system, a real patriarchal system of oppression.
That, for example, a woman can go to court and give eyewitness testimony that she was raped.
It doesn't count.
It doesn't count unless she's got two other male eyewitnesses who will back up her testimony.
This is a system, Sharia law, which men can divorce women by simply saying, I divorce you.
Women can't do the same.
This is a system that has created what they call the rape game, Taharosh, which again is now sweeping Europe via this migrant crisis.
So to claim that the Prophet Muhammad and that Islam is somehow pro-feminist, this is the argument she makes in this video which we're going to play after the break, again is completely ridiculous.
Especially given stories like this which came out over the weekend.
This is out of the Daily Mail.
Iraqi migrant rapes a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna and tells police it was a sexual emergency because he hadn't had sex in months.
This is not out of the onion, this is a real story.
And again, it's absolutely tragic.
A ten-year-old boy was so brutally raped by an Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool cubicle, and again, this is in Austria, that he had to be hospitalized for his injuries.
A lifeguard immediately called an ambulance after the boy went to him in floods of tears, while the Iraqi was entertaining himself by repeatedly jumping off the three-meter diving board.
So this migrant rapes a child in the locker room, and it's so normal to him, it's so routine, and it's so justifiable, because he hadn't had sex in months.
That just means he can go and rape children, and destroy their lives forever.
He was so nonplussed by it, he didn't even try to escape.
After raping a child, he went back to the swimming pool.
Police arrested him on the spot at the pool in Vienna and during an interrogation he told them that it was a sexual emergency as he had not had sex in four months.
Again, this is what we're hearing out of these migrant camps.
I get sent stories by people every single week.
There was another one in Sweden recently where these rapes aren't being reported because in some cases the victims sympathize with the rapist.
This is why they call it Stockholm Syndrome, which has now become Cologne Syndrome after the mass molestation of women on New Year's Eve.
So these volunteers in the migrant camps, the victims of rapes, are actually refusing to report them to police, refusing to give their testimony to the media, because they say the migrants are traumatised and they're just raping people because of the trauma that they were escaping.
Even though the vast majority of them aren't even fleeing ISIS, they're not fleeing a war zone.
Many of them are economic migrants who are flooding into Europe to claim benefits.
But now even some of the victims of these rapes...
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Something shocking just happened in a Coast Guard unit in San Diego.
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Riders on the storm
It's the Monday, February 8th edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We've got Alex popping in in the next hour along with Joe Biggs to talk about that incident which he recorded on Periscope last night when he was basically taken down by a security guard, later ended up in handcuffs.
We're going to get Joe Biggs' take on what happened.
A lot of people are asking about it.
As far as I know, he's fine, he's okay, but he's going to tell us precisely what went down last night.
But it's really important that you support us by buying the health products at InfoWarsLife.com.
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Now, of course, we're going to talk about some of the other products later in the show, but one which I managed to get my hands on when I was over in Austin just a few months ago was Brain Force.
Now, I've been taking Alpha Brain for quite a few years now, which has some of the similar ingredients, and that was working quite well.
So I decided to take some of the Brain Force.
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And I had to do the whole three-hour radio show the next morning.
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In the end, it's available at InfoWarsLife.com.
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But two or three again really sharpens the mind.
I noticed personally it had a massive impact.
So I would personally recommend that people get their hands on Brainforce again at InfoWarsLife.com.
Now we were talking before the break about...
An Iraqi migrant who thought it was so routine to run around raping children in Vienna, Austria, that he didn't even try to escape after he had raped a 10-year-old boy in a swimming pool, or in the locker at a swimming pool.
He went back to the diving board.
The police actually arrested him in the swimming pool.
So you've got more examples of this.
Then you have Gloria Steinem going on Bill Maher and basically saying that there's no real problem when it comes to feminism and Islam because there are a lot of feminist Muslims in the Middle East who are standing up for women's rights.
There doesn't tend to be too many of them because they get acid thrown in their faces, they get attacked with stones and all manner of other things.
The ones in the West also get attacked by the regressive left.
We saw that in a story we had a few weeks ago where a left-wing group called Hope Not Hate created an internet list of anti-Muslim bigots
Which included a devout Muslim woman who campaigns against honour violence.
She was listed by this left-wing group as an anti-Muslim bigot.
So these are real feminists.
Standing up for real women's rights underneath the crushing tyranny of a real patriarchy.
Unlike feminists in the West who are tearing their hair out over Roosh V, this pick-up artist who wrote a satirical blog about rape.
Planning to have some conferences in different European cities.
Basically, they tried to get him banned from every single country.
Hundreds of thousands of people signed petitions.
These are the same feminists that completely mute and absolve the migrant crisis rape scandal now sweeping Europe and say it's just a few assaults.
We're going to get back into it after the break.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
Don't go away.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Here's what Donald Trump must do to finish strong in New Hampshire, according to veteran GOP strategist Roger Stone.
He said, quote, Trump must return to the core issues that put him way, way out front.
Sealing our borders, building the wall, recharging our economy, addressing trade imbalances, taking care of our veterans, and destroying ISIS.
The veteran GOP strategist also said that Trump should talk about the Trump tax plan.
Praised by supply-side guru Larry Kudrow, we know Trump is very, very rich.
We want to hear how he would make us rich.
Stone continues, stating, the rise of Rubio is very real, but Trump must dispatch Cruz as a viable candidate before he can face off with Rubio, who will continue to be a factor in the Palmetto State.
But Rubio may have already taken himself down, considering his robotic performance during Saturday's debate, in which he used the same memorized line at least eight times, showing he's a pre-programmed establishment candidate who can't speak off the cuff.
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I think so.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
So, Gloria Steinem, who is in the tank for Hillary, because like Hillary, apparently, she's a feminist.
Again, completely, let's just gloss over the fact that Hillary hired people to terrorize Bill Clinton's alleged rape victims.
Those are Hillary's feminist credentials.
So, Glory is in the tank for Hillary.
She gets up on Bill Maher, says that people who support Bernie Sanders, young women who support Sanders, are just doing so to meet boys.
Again, if Bill Maher had said that, or if any other male TV host had said that, they would be accused of rampant misogyny.
So she makes that gaffe, she tries to backtrack on that, and then she makes comments that are even more bizarre about Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, and feminism.
Here's the clip.
Okay, so Hillary famously, when she was First Lady, went to China and said, I think, women's rights are human rights, right?
Right, right.
One of her greatest moments as First Lady, she points to it often.
Is feminism something that goes beyond our borders?
Oh, yes, absolutely.
It is totally beyond borders.
And that Hillary went was a great triumph because no one wanted her to go, if you'll remember.
I mean, she went against the will of the, you know, practically everybody.
And the fact that she stood there and said, women's rights are human rights, coalesced what was already a global movement.
But it was that kind of moment in time.
But then why aren't the way women are treated in the Muslim world?
Considered more of a feminist cause.
But it is!
Are you kidding me?
Of course it is.
And the women in those countries consider it a feminist cause.
There are women there risking their lives every day.
I mean, you know, all monotheism is a problem.
Yes, but not quite as much.
It depends.
Islam being attached to the government is the problem.
I mean, if you have a theocracy, it's a problem.
Where we have Christian theocracies, it's a problem.
But 40 countries have Sharia law.
And under Sharia law, I mean, women's testimony in court is worth half as much.
Men can get divorced by just saying, I divorced thee in front of a judge.
A woman can't.
A woman's property is not really her property.
It goes to the men, not to mention female genital mutilation and honor killings.
Yes, and people are trying then... I mean, I can't handle any monotheism, okay?
So I'm not here to... I can't either.
But size matters.
But people are trying to take...
Are trying to take, I mean, a lot of feminists in the Islamic world are taking... It's a dangerous thing to be.
Are taking Mohammed's words and pointing out that, you know, his first wife was a real estate agent who was smarter than him and richer than him and he reformed law for... A real estate agent?
On inheritance, yes.
For what, century seven?
But he, in his...
In his day, in his day, he was a reformer on a lot of issues for women, and now it's a whole other story.
That's a new one on me, but I'll look it up.
No, no, really.
Listen, only you could get me to defend any monotheism.
I can't believe I'm saying this.
I'm not asking you to defend.
I'm just saying, for the people who were like, so, for the civil rights movement in the 60s and against apartheid in the 80s, it would seem Sharia law in 40 countries should be the cause of... Yes, of course.
It is.
It is.
Okay, great.
It is, and including for the women in those countries.
It's all for those women, that's who we're sticking up for.
Alright, thank you.
Gloria Steinem, great good luck with the book!
Okay, that's Gloria Steinem on Bill Maher, basically defending Islam in the context of feminism.
Okay, first she says, oh there are a bunch of Muslim feminists who are standing up for women's rights and they're being supported by people in the West.
Complete BS.
Again, as I said earlier in the show, there was a Muslim reformer, a devout Muslim, who campaigns against honour violence.
She was listed as an anti-Muslim bigot by a left-wing group in one of their major publications.
And why is it?
Why is it that feminists don't call out the Muslim migrant rape culture that's now sweeping Europe?
Well, it's because in the oppression Olympics,
Muslims rank above women.
And because their whole dogma is based on politics and not principles, they repeatedly turn a blind eye to this very real crisis that is now being imported into Europe.
Again, based on the treatment within the religion of Islam of women as second-class citizens, as enshrined
She says, oh but it's only a problem when Islam is linked with government.
Well it's linked with government in almost every country in the Middle East.
Even when it isn't linked with government, you have people in the tribal regions like the Taliban and other areas, Afghanistan, carrying out stonings of women because they were rape victims.
Again, stoning rape victims to death.
Those cases, in many examples, are not linked with government.
So it's a problem either way.
And again, it comes back to this.
Feminists then identify Islam and Sharia as an oppressive patriarchal system, which it clearly is.
Because it would completely eclipse the phony college rape culture hoax that they've been pushing for years and years and years.
It's been completely discredited, the claim that one in five women on US college campuses are victims of rape.
If you actually drill into the federal statistics, there's no safer place for women than college campuses.
The original claim on which that statistic is based is some unreliable adult college study where they classified rape as touching.
It wasn't actually full-on sexual assault.
They've extrapolated that dodgy study out into now claiming that one in five women are raped on college campuses.
It's been debunked over and over again.
So when we try to introduce the idea that we've got a problem with a real rape culture, which police in many of these European countries are now covering up because they think it might lead to civil unrest, domestic disorder.
When we bring that up to feminists, they're not interested because again, it's about politics over principles.
They don't want to be seen as politically incorrect.
They don't really care about defending women.
They care about defending their regressive leftist dogma.
And it's not de rigueur to call out Islam for the rape culture, which it is, which we're now seeing across Europe again.
I read the story out of the Daily Mail in the last segment, Iraqi migrant rapes a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna, tells police it was a sexual emergency because he hadn't had sex in months.
We've had Muslim girls, Muslim women,
Being raped at all these different migrant centers.
And again, in many cases, it's not even being reported.
I've had messages sent to me privately over and over again of people saying, well, they're traumatized, we don't want to report it because they've come from a war zone or whatever.
Even though many of them haven't.
This kind of stuff isn't getting into the media in many cases.
The police in Sweden have come out with a special code
Where they, if it's an incident involving a migrant, a criminal incident, they classify it under this code and it never sees the light of day.
Again, so as not to legitimize critics of this mass migration.
So you have the disconnect between feminists and Islam.
They will get riled up.
They will get angry.
They will screech and scream.
They will sign petitions in their hundreds of thousands to ban Roosh V, a pick-up artist, from organizing men's rights conferences in these different European cities.
A hundred thousand people in Canada alone signed a petition to ban Roosh V from entering Canada.
Similar numbers in Australia.
Where is that frustration, where is that outrage, when it comes to an incident like Cologne, to incidents that happen in other European cities on the same night, where hundreds and hundreds of women are molested?
Where this game, this rape game, that's what they call it, Taharush Gamia, the rape game, is now being imported into the West?
Where's the outrage from feminists?
Well, it's non-existent.
And in Cologne, the top feminist group there even blamed white German men, even after the culprits of this Cologne molestation had been confirmed by the police to be Muslim migrants.
So again, it's this bizarre kind of Stockholm Syndrome mixed with rampant hypocrisy.
Feminists are more offended by rape jokes.
They're more offended by Roosh V.
Who basically wrote a satirical blog saying, a rape should be legalized.
Which yes, that's offensive.
Yes, that's disgusting, even though he said it was satirical.
And people shouldn't be happy with him for saying that.
But the outrage devoted to that, from feminist groups, from feminists online, has been a hundred times, a thousand times, the outrage devoted, again, to the Muslim migrant rape crisis, which I've talked about on many occasions.
And it comes back to this.
People have termed it Stockholm Syndrome, of course.
The victim identifying with their captor.
And it goes deeper than that.
I mean, I see it as a kind of intellectual fetal position, where you've got what they call traumatic bonding.
So when a victim, in this case, you know, feminists who should consider themselves potential victims if they support women's rights, of this rape crisis that's being imported into the West, you've got the victim adopting the same values as the aggressor, because then mentally, psychologically, they cease to be a perceived threat.
So it's the equivalent of, you know, the ostrich sticking its head in the ground.
If they can pretend it's not a problem by identifying with the grievance of the migrant and saying, oh, they're just traumatized, that's why they're sexually attacking people, it's completely admissible, it's understandable, they're fleeing war.
If they believe that, then that migrant rape threat no longer becomes a threat.
So they can stick their heads in the ground and ignore it and hope it goes away.
Again, instead of accepting the reality of the problem, it's easier to deny it by identifying with the perpetrator.
And you could take it back even further.
Again, if you look into Stockholm Syndrome, this is what the psychologists have speculated about this, and you can tie this to the Cologne thing, you can tie it to the mass Muslim rape scandal.
It could have a basis in evolutionary psychology.
So, of course, back when humans lived in tribes, women were commonly abducted by other tribes.
They were taken as trophies and then absorbed into that other tribe.
And, of course, the women at the time knew that resisting this meant almost certain death.
And we see that in the modern era with things like battered wife syndrome.
You know, the wife that's beaten up by her husband on a regular basis stays with him, doesn't leave him, because she's petrified.
So could we be seeing some kind of evolutionary psychology effect going on?
Where they're downplaying this rape scandal, this rape threat, they're sticking their heads in the sand because it's kind of programmed into them tribally that they shouldn't resist that.
I think that's an interesting psychological avenue to consider.
But it's definitely Stockholm Syndrome.
I mean, politically speaking, where you have, you know, people waving refugees welcome signs, men in skirts showing up at these events.
You have feminists in Cologne, after the mass molestation on New Year's Eve, going to the biggest migrant centre in Cologne
Not protesting against many of the same migrants who were probably involved in the attack, but handing out roses.
It was called Stockholm Syndrome, maybe we should rename it Cologne Syndrome.
And again, the outrage, the sheer outrage devoted to this Roosh V story completely eclipsed any kind of outrage leveled against
Importing this real rape culture, which has now resulted again in yet another incident, an Iraqi migrant raping a ten-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna.
He thought it was completely routine, it was part of his culture, you know, he was probably almost shocked to be arrested for it.
And then we have headlines like this out of The Independent, a left-wing newspaper.
Why are those rushing to condemn Muslim men so silent on Bruce Figg and the global oppression of women?
So they're equating a guy who wrote a satirical blog about rape, who has never raped anyone, his followers have never raped anyone, he gets a few dozen people to show up at these events, they talk about men's rights issues, they don't get together to rape women, they're equating that and calling it the global oppression of women,
To this very real Muslim migrant rape scandal that, for example, in Rotherham, England, abducted dozens and dozens of young girls, of children, raped them over the course of 13 years.
The local government covered it up because they didn't want to be seen as politically incorrect.
That's real oppression.
When you've got 900 women being molested on one night in Cologne, in Hamburg, in Zurich, in all these other cities.
When you've got women being stoned to death, rape victims.
When you've got honour killings in places like Somalia and Pakistan.
Where people who look at a man twice are stoned to death, killed by their own fathers.
That's global oppression of women.
A guy who writes a satirical blog, no matter how offended you are by it, that's not global oppression of women.
You can't equate that on the same level.
Yet again this Stockholm Syndrome continues.
Meanwhile we have even more examples of migrant sex attacks just in Cologne.
This was a report yesterday out of Bright Bar.
The daughter of a prominent Cologne musician was jumped by a gang who beat her in the face and tore off her clothes.
Although there was a number of other people in close proximity to the attack, none responded to the 26-year-old woman's cries for help.
Worse, when she managed to escape to a nearby bar for aid, she was thrown out by the landlord, who said he didn't want any trouble at the establishment.
Police managed to apprehend one suspect who has been named only as Youssef B. Police will also be visiting the bar to investigate their failure to render assistance to the woman.
And that is out of German media.
So again, another migrant raping a woman in Cologne.
The people did not come to her aid.
This is out of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Danish police withheld fact that Islamist government was carrying gold-plated karat.
You remember there was an incident back in February last year where a Danish freedom of speech convention took place and it was attacked by this Islamist gunman, again shortly after Charlie Hebdo.
Now Breitbart reports Pakistani-origin Omar El-Hussein, who pumped 30 rounds in a Danish Freedom of Speech convention and a synagogue in February last year, was carrying a gold-illuminated Koran at the time of his death.
Police examination of his corpse after he was shot and killed by police officers found the bookmark to be placed at a passage dealing with the treatment of disbelievers and worshippers of idols.
So again, this proponent of the religion of peace went to shoot up this freedom of speech convention, targeted people for death, based on a Quranic passage that talked about the treatment of disbelievers, which of course orders, directs Muslims to kill disbelievers, just as the Prophet Muhammad did.
The police covered this up for over a year.
The fact that he had a Quran on his person at the time of the shooting, which directed him to carry out the shooting in the name of killing the disbelievers.
Why have they covered that up for a year, unless it's for the same reason that German and Swedish police are covering up these mass migrant rape attacks?
We'll get more into it after the break.
Alex Jones coming up next hour.
Don't go away.
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Now, we've seen the treatment of women who are raped in Cologne.
I just read the story about how
She was pleading for help from Germans.
They ignored her.
Well, different situation in Russia.
This is out of the Daily Caller.
Refugees go clubbing in Russia, harass girls, wake up in hospital the next morning.
A group of 51 refugees were brutally assaulted outside a nightclub in Murmansk, Russia, after they groped and molested women at a nightclub on Saturday.
The refugees had previously been ordered to leave Norway for, quote, bad behaviour, wonder what that was, and tried their luck in Russia.
What they didn't realise when they went out clubbing in their manse is that Russians have less tolerance when it comes to sexual assault on local women than other European countries.
Now, the Russians didn't hand out roses to the migrant rapists, they handed out beatdowns.
And then the police showed up and, uh, dished out some of their own instant justice, if you know what I mean.
Not that I'm condoning that, but you compare it to how police totally stood down in Cologne, left these women completely defenseless during a Civil War-style scenario.
They had to run to bouncers in nearby hotels to try and get protection.
Hundreds of them molested, uh, beat and robbed.
Didn't happen in Russia.
A different outcome in that case.
We'll be back with the second hour of the Alex Jones Show after the break.
Don't go away.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
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It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We are back now on the Alex Jones Show.
Alex himself will be coming up in the next segment, but tomorrow when I host the show, I'm going to be interviewing again Tommy Robinson, who is one of the leading spokesmen for Pegida UK, of course.
He has a panic button because the threat of him being attacked by Islamists is so severe.
That he basically has to have this 24-hour panic button.
Again, the religion of peace, you know, it's all about peace and love.
He did an interview, now this is interesting, we'll go to the clip in a second, with Al Jazeera.
They were asking him about Islam, about the Quran, about the Prophet Muhammad.
He laid down some home truths about Mohammed.
They cut out 50 seconds of his interview during the broadcast of this program.
It hasn't re-aired, it won't re-air, and for very good reason.
This is a shocking example of media censorship when it comes to Islam.
Let's go to the clip now.
Can I ask you a question?
Have you read the Quran?
You have?
In English, not in Arabic, but in English.
In English?
Are you free, sitting where you are in Doha, to criticise the Prophet Muhammad?
Are you free to do that?
Yes, I am.
I have had intelligent conversations with my Islamic colleagues on the very same subject.
So you know of the life of Muhammad, yes?
You know that he murdered 600 people?
You know that he raped?
You know that, yes?
No, no.
People in the Bible is very different to people in the Bible and the messenger of God, who is the most moral compass for every Muslim in the world.
And when he is the moral compass for every Muslim in the world, and he married a six-year-old child called Aisha, and he raped her when she was nine, I have a problem with that.
And when people wish to live as Mohammed did, in my country... Well, you are, you are... No, no.
The country you're sitting in now, people from Israel are not even allowed to enter it.
So, if we want to talk about fascism, the country you're in now, people...
People with Israeli passports?
Okay, is that untrue?
Can someone in Qatar leave Islam?
Is apostasy punishable?
You don't have to be Islamic to be in Qatar.
You can leave the country, you can come into the country if you are Jewish.
A Muslim cannot leave Islam.
It's punishable in Qatar.
The country that you're talking to me from, the country whose tower I'm sitting in, the country that funds radicalization worldwide, the country that supports Hamas, and you're sitting there trying to take some moral high ground,
About issues in the world that relate to Islamic extremism.
When the country and the people who are paying your wage are propagating that extremism worldwide.
I've come into this building and just had to go through an airport-style scanner and when I asked why, they said because of the Paris attacks.
Tommy, I do have to move the debate on.
Because I do have to move the debate on.
Yes, of course I do.
Because otherwise you and I will end up having... Because you don't like what you're hearing?
No, no, that's not true, sir.
Otherwise you and I will have to have... You and I will have to have a conversation down the pub the next time I'm back in London.
Now what you heard there was Tommy Robinson appearing on Al Jazeera for a debate about Islam.
You'll notice there shortly into the clip which we just played, the audio changed.
That was just Tommy speaking because he was recording the interview at the same time via a camera situated right next to him where he was sitting.
And it turned out for very good purpose, because when they actually aired the broadcast of this debate, they excised those 50 seconds out of the interview, where he's talking about the Prophet Muhammad marrying a six-year-old girl, raping a nine-year-old girl.
They don't want their Islamic audience in Qatar to hear that.
That's banned.
That's censored.
They cut it out of the interview.
And later, an Al Jazeera spokesman told Breitbart,
So they couldn't let that snippet go out on air.
Again, another example of media censorship when it comes to Islam.
We have the top former CEO of ZDF in Germany saying, the government tells us what to report, they say we can't say anything negative about the quote refugees.
This is a huge media cover-up and it continues to intensify.
Alex Jones coming up after the break.
Stay tuned.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
Don't go away.
A pro-abortion group is attacking a Doritos Super Bowl ad for humanizing baby fetuses.
In the ad, a pregnant woman is getting an ultrasound while a man besides her realizes the unborn baby will move in the direction of the Doritos he's snacking on.
The man toys with the baby, attempting in vain to reach the chips from the womb until the mother throws the Doritos across the room, which prompts the child to launch itself outside mom and towards the chips.
In response, the National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action League said the ad used an anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses.
This statement underscores how NARAL and similar groups dehumanize the unborn in a vain attempt to justify abortions, especially in the aftermath of the Planned Parenthood sting videos exposing its officials admitting they sell aborted baby organs for profit.
NARAL, however, didn't stop there.
The group also called out a Snickers ad for being transphobic and a Hyundai ad for showing a dad take away his daughter's autonomy.
This is all part of the political correctness campaign spearheaded by the authoritarian left to not only control free speech, but also how people think.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWorst.com reporting.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are back on the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to have Alex Jones popping in when he's ready.
But again, going back to this migrant crisis news which continues to explode.
This is out of Gateway Pundit.
ISIS flag and Praetor-Alla threat painted on school wall.
Swedish officials found ISIS graffiti on the wall of a school this week.
And you can go to the article and look at the picture.
It's a direct representation of the ISIS flag.
And it reads, Pray to Allah or die!
This is painted on the side of a school in Sweden, which of course is the center of tolerance and multiculturalism.
Breitbart reported, what appears to be an Islamic State battle flag has been painted on the wall of the school, along with the words, Pray to Allah or Die, reports Sweden State Radio.
Police were called when the graffiti was discovered, but at present they have no suspects for the crime, admits a spokesman.
The headmistress of the school told media, the sign made her feel, quote, uncomfortable.
Imagine if you were taking your kids to school and you saw this painting on the side of the wall.
And we've seen banners in Germany which say similar things.
You know, hung on overpasses.
Pray to Allah or die.
In fact, I believe it said virtually the same thing.
We've seen signs being carried by migrants at the Macedonian border saying, open the border or die.
These are very peaceful people that we're allowing into Europe.
And again, as I mentioned before the break, we've not only seen a government censorship of crimes involving these migrants, and who knows how many are occurring that don't get reported.
The ones that are getting reported are overwhelming as it is.
But now we've got Al Jazeera.
Tommy Robinson goes on there to do an interview, a debate.
They cut out 50 seconds of the debate because they don't want their listeners, their viewers, hearing that the Prophet Muhammad married a six-year-old girl and then raped her when she was nine years old.
Which is in the Quran.
The same one that they read.
The same one that directs them.
But they can't have their viewers see that and hear that.
They cut out 50 seconds.
But luckily, Robinson was recording the interview live.
He was periscoping it at the same time.
So he has the segment that they cut out.
Somebody put it into a video show where it was cut out.
And yet again, another media censorship scandal when it comes to this migrant crisis.
As I mentioned before the break, the former head of ZDF, which is the top broadcaster in Germany, came out last week and basically said, we're told what to report and what not to report by the German government.
This is a supposedly independent media outlet.
And they report on things that will, quote, please Mrs. Merkel.
They also don't report on anything negative about the migrant crisis.
We've seen similar things, you know, with other news agencies throughout Europe.
We've also seen a police cover-up.
This is out of Infowars.com just last week.
Code 291.
Swedish police cover up thousands of crimes involving refugees.
Swedish police have covered up thousands of crimes involving migrants over the past four months, all of which have been classified under a secret 291 Refugee Code designation.
It has been revealed.
According to a report in Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagblad, around 5,000 incidents have been kept secret, including 559 cases of violence, 194 assaults, 2 terror threats, and 4 rapes.
The article explains that the incidents have been covered up because of a directive from the National Operational Department that any information pertaining to the behavior of refugees be censored.
And again, it comes back to this justifying this kind of criminal behavior based on the fact that they're traumatized.
Even though many of them are just fleeing to Europe to get benefits, they're not fleeing from war zones.
Official sources blame the violence on, quote, traumatized people being kept in overcrowded places, with NOA commander Thomas Wahlberg adding that it was sad the information wasn't made available to the public.
He also told the newspaper that there were even more incidents than the Swedish newspaper has not been given access to.
So we also have a similar situation in Finland.
The police were ordered by the country's National Police Board not to publicly identify migrants as criminal suspects over concerns that doing so would encourage a racist backlash against the wave of asylum seekers entering Scandinavia.
So in Germany...
Where there was a rape in the town of Detmold back a few months ago.
They covered up that incident because they didn't want to legitimize critics of mass migration.
We see it in Finland.
We see it in Sweden.
They've orchestrated a giant cover-up.
Because they don't want to build that resentment which will cause civil unrest.
They don't want to change the policy.
So they're hiding these migrant crimes, these sex attacks.
Even in the very first few hours after the New Year's Day mass molestation in Cologne, the Cologne police decided, and the police chief was actually fired partly as a result of this, to cover up information about that incident.
You had police describing it as a civil war-like situation.
Hundreds of women being surrounded, groped, smacked,
They had their items stole from them, you had people running to nearby hotels to flee, to try and get protection from bouncers, because the police were extremely light on the ground.
Reinforcements, sufficient reinforcements, never arrived.
So you had panic everywhere, you had hysteria everywhere.
What did the Cologne police come out and say the next day in a press release?
They said it was a completely peaceful night, passed off without incident, at the very same time as people in Germany were on social media describing this mass attack.
It was a police cover-up.
It was a media cover-up.
The German media didn't report on it for three days afterwards, despite being bombarded with these personal stories from all the victims who were there.
We saw a similar situation in Sweden.
There was a pop concert in Stockholm last summer.
Similar thing happened.
Muslim migrants mass molesting young women.
The police decided to cover it up because they didn't want to make the migrants look bad.
And that's exactly what I'm hearing from private sources.
Where you have volunteers in these migrant camps in Sweden, young women, you know, open borders enthusiasts.
Who are being raped by the Muslim migrants.
They don't report on the rape because in this case this one individual said, oh my dad was an immigrant from the Balkans.
I don't want to make the migrants look bad.
So she didn't even report it to the police.
That's why only some of this information is coming to light.
Imagine if all of it was coming to light.
Imagine if there wasn't a huge media cover-up and deception surrounding this.
It would be ten times worse.
We got Alex Jones on the line.
Alex, welcome to the show.
Paul, thank you, my friend.
I'm unable to connect you via audio Skype for some reason, but I'm coming to you via cell.
Yeah, loud and clear.
Okay, because I'm down here investigating the US-Mexican border.
I have breaking news on that when I return in the next few days.
It is amazing that you can literally fly in to Dallas, to JFK in New York, to Los Angeles, California, if you're coming in on a flight, and they are not even looking.
At the passports or IDs.
We see the stories out of JFK and other airports where they quote claim it's a glitch and they just let everybody through.
No, those are direct stand down orders.
And again, I am not demonizing the poor people of the third world that want to come here.
If I lived in Guatemala or Nicaragua or El Salvador or Nigeria or Romania or Thailand for that matter, I would want to come here.
But at the same time, it shows how the entire claim that they're taking our liberties and groping our temples and tracking everything we buy to keep us safe is an abject and complete 110% fraud.
And the whole national security apparatus is not to keep us safe, but to enslave us.
Now, that's the globalists on top.
It does nothing just to blame the local governments themselves that are being taken over, as if they're the ones that are doing it.
We've got to take those local governments back.
To restore our republic in this larger prize pool, but I've got so much to go over here in the next hour with you Joe Biggs, one of our reporters.
I'll be joining us for about 40 after as well.
He can't even come into the office, at least when I talked to him two hours ago, because he's busy, his neck is hurting, and he has shrapnel in his neck and in his chest, and it abrases all over his body from two different shrapnel incidents in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But last night, just to show what's indicative of his culture, what's indicative of his society, he was getting home after dinner with his girlfriend.
And they were going to his apartment, and this rent-a-cop in a pink police car pulls up.
He's got shootings everywhere now.
And I don't think all security guards are bad, but this guy was.
And he jumps out, and there's video of this.
We can't believe it.
It's all the press reports.
And he starts following him up to the apartment.
He says, you know, what are you doing?
Who are you?
And Joe says, well, I live right here.
The guy says, well, I'm going to take you there for your safety.
And then Joe says, OK, we're here.
I'm fine.
And the guy reportedly, according to Joe, rams his head in the wall from behind.
I don't think so.
But in Austin, Texas, some weird private security guy just pops out of the middle of nowhere and according to Joe Diggs and his girlfriend who has video of it, assaults him.
And this just shows this ongoing time bomb situation that we're facing.
But when we come back from break, we're going to get into what happened in the big debates this weekend with the Republicans.
And a lot more straight ahead.
This is a key broadcast with Paul Watson, Alex Jones and all of us here to go.
Okay, that's Alex Jones.
We'll be back to talk more about it after the break.
Again, Richard Reeves is coming up from New Hampshire.
He's on the ground with the latest from the Republican and the Democrat primaries.
This is the Alex Jones Show live breaking news at infowars.com.
Don't go away.
We'll be back.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here, back live from the Rose Bowl.
I've been posting this feed from London, England into the Central Texas News Center in Austin, Texas.
I'm looking at some of these reports on InfoWars.com and DraftReport.com.
Show-off in European banks, quote, ominous.
Oh yeah, the big money's been selling out for six months.
Weak stock market meltdown.
Russia shuts two more with stock markets down.
Bank investors have suffered.
Two lost decades.
schools flooded with foreign students.
New Hampshire polls.
Trump 21 up, surging from 18 points after the debate.
Marco Rubio rivals the opening in New Hampshire.
Responds to repetition criticism by repeating three more times.
Bush warns of dirty tricks.
It goes on and on, ladies and gentlemen.
Bill's abuse past confirmed every day.
Those are some of the stories up on InfoWars.com and DrugsReport.com.
A new shot pulls out Clinton and Sanders and Kennedy nationally.
I can't hardly find any Democrats to support her.
She's probably like a third of the Democrats.
Hillary donors, trade, buck raising for donor, knocking.
Bill is involved in a bunch of different trolling operations.
We're going to be breaking all that down today, but this is a short segment, long segment, coming up.
Watching the debates Saturday night and looking at what happened.
They billed this as the end of Trump.
They billed this as, you know, his star had fallen, his luster was gone, his sparkle, his twinkle had dimmed.
Regardless, again, of who folks think Trump is, he says some things I don't like as well.
He is the populist ball carrier right now.
And that's why the establishment, both parties, the globalist Bloomberg group, are against him.
And he comes out with these waterboarding statements that sound tough.
I don't agree with them.
But the point is, waterboarding is going on regardless.
The point is he wants to sound tough to the public.
Let's get past Donald Trump.
Why is the system so scared of him?
Why is the system trying to shut him down?
And despite everything they threw against him, and obviously manipulating things with the Ben Carson theft and polls in Iowa, Trump turbo-surges
Well obviously he's got a lot of views which I disagree with.
Torture being one of them.
It's completely useless.
It doesn't work.
There are some other issues on surveillance that I would agree with him on but
The establishment has created Donald Trump.
They left the vacuum in which he entered.
And that's why they're so terrified of him.
He's self-funded.
He's a loose cannon.
They don't have control of him.
So whether you agree with his politics or not, it's like Bernie Sanders, probably to a lesser degree than Trump,
But they don't control him either.
Which is now, we've even got discussion of the elite being panicked and terrified about Bernie Sanders.
Because now he's narrowed that gap to Hillary Clinton.
We got a new national poll out today saying basically they're neck and neck.
From Hillary being 2-1 ahead of him just a few months ago, he's already caught up.
And they're terrified of that because we knew back from Bilderberg when we got our sources that Hillary was definitely the pick.
She took the fall for Obama back in 2008.
Now it's her turn.
But again, no one's buying into this.
And then you've got Madeleine Albright saying that young women should vote for Hillary.
Or they're gonna go to hell, basically.
So her sole platform is that she's female.
That's all she's got.
She doesn't have a platform.
And that's beginning to fail.
The worry I've got with Trump is they've tried so hard to demonize him, demonize his character over and over again.
That's failed.
Could they guard something else?
You just touched it again perfectly.
He is touching the Zygote.
This is called a vacuum.
When they ran those political corpses, when they ran those political graveyards, when they arrogantly, hubris and chutzpah-filled, uh, flotilla of fraud pushed a Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as supposedly the presumptive nominees, they jumped the collective titan
And that's what Trump now is.
We're titans in Greek mythology, and we're not saying titans are real.
It's an allegory from the New York Times, in case they think I'm being serious.
It's an allegory.
It's a parable.
It's an analogy.
Titans came before the gods.
And the titans didn't care.
They were forces of nature.
And so the fact that the gods were so arrogant, and the gods created such destructive anti-prosperity, has opened the door now for the titans
And that is Donald Trump depracted to be released out of his undersea lair by the God of Defeat.
Now Hillary is the Gorgon or is the snake-headed woman Medusa.
Can she defeat the Titan is the greatest question or will Donald Trump not look in her eyes, Paula?
Well that is the question, and the GOP establishment have got a new talking point, even though Trump's obviously set to win New Hampshire.
They're now saying if Trump only wins by 12 points, he lost.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Here's what Donald Trump must do to finish strong in New Hampshire, according to veteran GOP strategist Roger Stone.
He said, quote, Trump must return to the core issues that put him way, way out front.
Sealing our borders, building the wall, recharging our economy, addressing trade imbalances, taking care of our veterans, and destroying ISIS.
The veteran GOP strategist also said that Trump should talk about the Trump tax plan.
Praised by supply-side guru Larry Kudrow, we know Trump is very, very rich.
We want to hear how he would make us rich.
Stone continues, stating, the rise of Rubio is very real.
But Trump must dispatch Cruz as a viable candidate before he can face off with Rubio, who will continue to be a factor in the Palmetto State.
But Rubio may have already taken himself down, considering his robotic performance during Saturday's debate, in which he used the same memorized line at least eight times, showing he's a pre-programmed establishment candidate who can't speak off the cuff.
The GOP strategist also revealed that credible polls have Trump running substantially ahead of where Romney and McCain finished along African-Americans.
You can find out more at InfoWurst.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Here, let's make sure this is very smack-a-duck.
About two weeks ago, when the album came out, I had my cousin Buckley and Sotheby's crew say, have you ever seen Megadeth?
I'm a big fan of Dave Mustaine.
Obviously Metallica as well, but you know, great sound for it.
Not just Megadeth.
And I'm so busy, I'm like, yeah, yeah, here's the album out, I'm busy doing stuff.
And I finally downloaded it.
And I tell you, absolutely amazing.
Dave, about a year and a half ago, asked me to work with him writing some of the new songs for his next album.
And I told him, brother, you're smarter than I am about this kind of stuff.
You write your own songs.
You're the guy that wrote.
You know, the first song to kill them all, the four horsemen, walk up your wife and children, now it's time to wield the blade.
I said, I think you can write your new album.
But I tell you, his new album is probably one of the best I could have out.
He's put out like 14 or 15 albums.
He's not a sponsor.
The folks should support great musicians like Dave Mustaine that are exposed to the new world order.
Every track, I've listened to the whole thing, on the new album, is excellent and exposes the whole globalist agenda.
In fact, that piece you just heard, the intro to it, the threat is real.
As I started saying two years ago, ISIS threat is real.
The al-Qaeda threat was manufactured.
It was a real threat, but it was given power and manufactured.
ISIS is much, much bigger.
And ISIS told us last February, a year ago, actually a year ago this weekend, on Saturday was the year anniversary, they thought a presser was saying, we're going to flood Europe with millions of migrants.
We're going to get you a terror attack.
And then our own government opened the borders up to bring them in.
You ask why?
Because once they attack, they'll then announce, oh, we're banning Germans and French and UK citizens' right to criticize.
These people, we're taking your free speech away to protect you, so the terrorists don't attack you.
This is the alliance of the left, the globalists, and Peter Sutherland, and the U.N., and the Saudis, and the radical jihadists.
And so, let's get all this aside.
We know the U.N.'
's bad.
We know Hillary Clinton's bad.
We know Madeleine Albright's bad.
We don't play that clip that Paul mentioned in his article, where she says, yeah, 500,000 kids is a good price to pay for peace.
Well, is killing 500,000 innocent Iraqi children
9-11, Bobby's dead.
Madeline, does that keep it safe?
In fact, 15 years after 9-11, 25 years after her wars in Iraq, decades later, now there's a 300,000 man army running around murdering Christians and non-radical Muslims, and oh, who's it take talking points from?
Alright, Hillary Clinton, Samantha Powers, and remember the Serbs, and I'm not lionizing the Serbs, but I look at the numbers and you would have guessed the Serbs killed half the people the Croats and Muslims did.
The Serbs under Tito stabilized the whole area, they didn't persecute people compared to the Muslims, and then the Croats and the Muslims attacked them.
They fought back, and not once but twice, PU bombs were dropped all over the area, they brought in radical jihadists, Saudi Arabia funded them, and they took one-third of Serbia, something like taking Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, all the way through Tennessee to Oklahoma, and giving it to a foreign government.
And then claiming war crimes and all this.
If you want to know what they want to do to America and Europe, it's what the globalists did, giving the Muslims.
The Muslims have, on average, seven kids.
The Muslims know how to put a woman in a cage.
They know how to public execute.
They know how to censor.
And the big mega-banks are in love with it.
They're in love with it.
I love that sickening video I saw this week on Infowars.com.
Paul, you ought to play it.
Through that CIA, offshore, globalist, anti-American witch, Gloria Steinem, of the Central Intelligence Agency.
And she's sitting there.
And Bill Maher goes, why don't you criticize radical Muslims?
She goes, Christians are the problem!
Christians are all!
You know, there are no Muslims.
She keeps diverting and changing the subject in a classic talking point.
These people are enemies.
So again, I was against destabilizing Iraq, Syria, Libya.
Those were the non-radical countries compared to the others.
I was against that.
People said, well, why are you now all against open borders?
Because now that we failed to stop the clash of civilizations, now that we failed to stop that phase of the globalist plan, now that those bulkheads, those firewalls were blown wide open.
Now we've got to stop the clash that they want to have at the next level.
And they're bringing in the sleeper teams.
Al-Qaeda admitted, the AP admitted, on Friday, they've got sleeper teams in every major state, every major EU country, every major UK town.
And when they start blowing stuff up, the media's going to say, it's Paul Joseph Watson that criticized them that caused it.
It's Alex Jones that caused it.
Donald Trump's ban from the UK.
Michael Savage's ban.
Oh my gosh, it's your fault.
And then the left, trained to submit, trained to grovel, and the libertarians and conservatives, trained to submit as well.
We will all kneel and bow to the socialist, gloveless arbiters, the referees, who will tell us
We're good to go.
Well, one of the things we can do is encourage governments and give money to allow, you know, Syrian migrants to return to Syria, which many of the legitimate ones actually want to do.
So you pour money into the migrant camps that are already over there, rather than allowing this mass wave of economic migrants, who are not refugees, again the vast majority of them according to UN figures, to come into the West, because their culture is completely incompatible with ours.
But you mentioned the left wing,
Of course, we had ISIS put out their manifesto a few months ago, where they basically came out and said, these left-wingers, these, you know, George Soros types, they align with our beliefs.
We basically believe the same thing at this point.
We need to co-opt them, radicalize them, arm them.
And now what do you see in places like Calais?
You see these communists waving hammer and sickles, aiding the economic migrants, attacking residents in Calais, enabling them, helping them to storm ships.
You had a Pagida march on Saturday.
Even when they're sad, even when the aid workers are sad or late, they kneel and bow and worship their labourers because they hate their parents and prosperity so much.
There was a No Borders activist in a migrant camp in France who was helping the migrants in that camp.
She was gang-raped by Sudanese migrants, told to shut up about it by other left-wingers because it would discredit their cause.
And these are the people who would call themselves feminists.
Ordering people to be silent.
Censoring the rape of women.
Because again, it's not about protecting women.
It's not about principles.
It's about politics.
It's about this open border.
Call the only articles where they get stabbed and raped.
Where they get stabbed and raped and say it's okay.
They deserve to.
I'm equal.
They say I'm white.
I deserve to be raped.
These are mental patients brainwashed by the schools.
These are Jim Jones cultists.
And there was a journalist who went into the Calais migrant camp to, quote, tell their story, this extreme left-winger.
He was knife-attacked by these migrants.
His response was to blame the UK government for not allowing them into the country.
So again, it's what I'm hearing over and over again from people who know, who've got friends who are working in these migrant camps.
They say they're traumatised, using that as a justification not to report these rapes to police.
There was another story told to me privately a few days ago.
A migrant stabbed his wife in the leg.
They called the doctor.
The doctor comes to the migrant camp.
This is in Germany.
And all the migrants then start attacking the doctor.
And these kind of stories aren't even reaching the media.
We know the ones that are reaching the media are shocking enough.
We talked about the ten-year-old boy being raped by an Iraqi migrant in Austria who thought it was so routine that he didn't even try to flee.
This is the culture we're importing and the left is aiding it.
That's right, we have the statistics.
We have the Dutch police, the Swedish police, the German police caught in mainstream news ordered to cover up the massive rape statistics because the left teaches in schools self-loathing
Or your identity is hating yourself.
So when someone ranks your dad as a woman, it is a beautiful thing.
Because it's a German, or it's a French woman.
Instead, she deserves it.
A 16-year-old, a father with his young baby, being driven into icy water and stabbed.
It's a loving sacrament of the precious baby jihadi.
And the left smiles at the beauty of it.
Because they've been taught their mental illness in their sheltered wealthy West to hate their mommy, to hate their daddy, to hate Jesus, to hate private property, to hate prosperity, and love the jihadis that had invaded Syria and were busy murdering each other.
And this is the mental ill chick filled.
That we're dealing with.
This is who they are.
And a lot of liberal women, as you know.
The new thing is having a jihadi.
And this is even an awesome sexist.
I've seen and heard about it.
It slaps you and knocks your teeth out.
There's nothing sexier than a jihadi.
Because it's so fun to have them actually step on your head and kick you in the gut.
Now, the man treats you good and what Jesus is that!
But if it shouldn't be, it's common sense.
You're a liberal.
It's trendy.
You go smoke a hookah with him.
And it's fun.
Folks, we're not joking.
We're putting mainstream news articles up while we're covering this to show you the suicide of the West, the mass mental illness, the brainwashing programming that's taking place.
Now, here in a moment, we're going to go to Joe Bigg, who had a little enjoyment of the police statement himself.
But before we do that, I want to remind listeners
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And funding this operation, supporting what we're doing only supports you and your family and allows me to get to the point where I would have sent reporters to Davos this year
I just come to Bilderberg.
Sometimes I got reporters in two different spots at one time.
Richard Reeves is joining us next hour with his coverage of what happened in New Hampshire.
He's been covering RNC, DNC, the other big caucuses, the other big primaries coming up.
This is something you built, folks, and you should rejoice in and celebrate because in the face of all this mass mental illness and cultural suicide garbage, we're standing strong in the face of it in a big way now.
The rest is up to you if you choose to support this operation.
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This is your mission if you choose to accept it.
It's up to you.
You've been accepting it, so I salute you, the listeners, and thank you because we couldn't do any of this without you.
God bless you.
Now, we don't like to be non-pro-journalists.
Reporting on what happened to us, what we went through, and the rest of it.
But I'm going to do it right now.
And there's audio, this is for the hearing tomorrow, because I was flying out of the country as part of an investigative report on the borders being open, and flying down to Mexico to then travel up and basically assess what I see happening here.
I'm flying out often, I'm not against the PSA themselves, but the borders are wide open, the government completes the smuggling process, plane loads people flying in, no IDs are checked, it's a total front.
They pull myself out, they pull the camera person out, they pull everybody up,
They sit there, they go through everything, and I start pointing out to the PSA, hey, you know, the borders are open, hey, you know, we don't attack people, hey, you know, this is all security fear.
Hey, you know, and they obviously agree with me.
But here's the point.
As I said when I first got on, this is all a giant fraud.
And then Joe Biggs, who was very close to the office last night, was telling him I'm his girlfriend.
And he's gonna come on with us right now.
He called me earlier this morning and said, did you hear what happened to me?
And I said, no, I'm out of the country.
And he said, yeah, I'm going to let him tell the story.
But he's being very careful, you know, going over this because we're going to try to take action on this.
We've got us robbed and falsely arrested and in prison as well in Pittsburgh if you want to settle with that on that front.
And we're not here to just be litigious.
We're just here to make sure justice is served.
He and his girlfriend are getting down.
They're going upstairs to their apartment.
And all of a sudden this one of these police cars, I see these police cars driving around, armed police cars, and I can barely tell the difference.
I'm informed.
The next police car pulls up.
The guy gets out and says, where are you going?
What are you doing?
He goes, I live right here.
The guy gets in his face and goes, hey, I live here.
Joe is dressed conservative.
I talk to him.
He's wearing an army hat, t-shirt, jeans.
He's not doing anything.
The guy says, well, I'm going up to your apartment with you.
When they get up on that level by his apartment, he goes, OK, man, you can stop this now.
And he turns around and says to his girlfriend, let's start filming this.
And the guy rams his head in the wall.
Joe can correct the story if he wants, but I'm getting out of here now.
Rams his head in the wall, tackles him, starts choking him.
And Joe's smart enough not to fight back.
He's the one that, you know, in the news saying he's a terrorist or something.
And then suddenly, the guys start pepper-spraying him, but all of a sudden cops get there.
The guy wants Joe arrested, but obviously they don't arrest Joe because they looked at his girlfriend's video.
And it just shows how we've got checkpoints all over America, everybody all paranoid, but the border's open, and the government ships in whoever they want, it's all a fraud, it's all train us and slaves.
Major collapse coming.
So let's go to Joe Biggs.
I don't know if he's in the studio.
He said his eyes were full shut.
He's dizzy.
The guy almost choked him out.
I mean, just amazing self-control.
It's like that famous footage of the EMT in Oklahoma when the cops are choking him and letting him do it.
Just put him up with it.
Incredible self-control.
I don't even know if it's the police, but the thing when you choke somebody and say they're resisting is if that makes it okay.
It's insane.
So Joe Biggs, correct my story if I'm wrong.
We can't really play the video because the
Yeah, so I was out yesterday for the Super Bowl with my girlfriend and actually bumped into a buddy and he's telling me about how his daughter was murdered by his abusive or her abusive boyfriend.
She was shot in the chest with a shotgun.
And you know, we're drinking, we're taking shots and you know, I was tipsy last night.
You know, we get back to the apartment and we're walking up the sidewalk.
And this guy's like, hey man, you know, you guys need to, you know, be quiet.
You don't need to talk so loud.
And then he starts falling.
He's like, do you live here?
And I said, yes, I've lived there for two years.
I was like, why does it matter?
He goes, well, you need to go up to your room.
And I was like, well, I'll go up there when I'm ready to go up there.
You know, thank you.
He shines his light.
at me when I get ready to start filming him to go live and then he grabs me from behind, slams my head into a railing, then jumps on my back and starts choking me, you know, and I'm sitting there like yelling, you know, trying to yell as much as I can that I can't breathe.
In the sky, he's just got his arms around me the whole time.
He's like, stop, you know, stop resisting.
You know, stop fighting me.
He's like, I'm gonna pepper spray you.
And I'm sitting here being choked, so I'm fighting to breathe.
I'm not fighting him.
You can see it in the video.
I mean, I'm clearly not a threat in any kind of way, you know.
So they're sitting here, he's strangling me, and I'm yelling for help.
I'm telling Marissa to grab the phone and continue filming this entire event as it's unfolding.
And then the guy eventually ends up pepper spraying me, like dumping the entire can into my face.
And my eye right here, like my left eye, can barely even open up all the way.
It hurts so bad.
My head hurts because I got slammed into a metal guardrail, you know.
And, you know, the cops come.
I think so.
You know, basically out of control.
He was not in the right.
He abused his power that he thinks he has.
His authority, so such to say, you know, of a security guard, whatever that is.
And, you know, the cops were on our side.
I didn't get arrested.
Nothing, you know, on a record or anything like that.
It was just an unfortunate event that really shows you what's going on out there.
The fact that this guy thought he could just throw me... We're going to roll some of this footage.
We're going to roll some of this footage in the background without audio.
Obviously, it's the kind of thing I mentioned going on, but...
Why do you think this guy was so amped up and so upset?
I have no idea.
I mean, you know, we just had a letter posted on our door the other day saying to beware of, you know, there had been quite a few muggings.
And then Marissa's friend said that there's been a rapist out in this area, you know, where I live.
So, you know, at this point in time, there's people being mugged in our parking lot, there's a rapist down the road, you know, that's, you know, has been doing stuff.
So, somebody pulls up in a security guard, you know, car and has on this fake badge, you know, I'm gonna be a little skeptical of what's going on.
Anybody could, to grab something like that, you know, and put that on and try to, you know, follow us.
And the fact that the guy was trying to follow me upstairs in my room, that's a little shady, that's concerning.
Like, that's not his job to make sure I go into my place.
Well, we're going to investigate this, Joe, and I believe you.
And this guy, this better be ready for us to take action because we're not going to be pushed around.
But it just shows this whole mentality of craziness where our border is wide open and they've got some guy running around, you know, doing this to you.
I'm just glad that you weren't hurt worse.
I'm glad you were cool and the whole thing, but, uh, you know, watching the footage, it's pretty extreme, uh, what happened.
I can see you're not resisting the guy.
Uh, you know, just because he's wearing a running cop outfit, and there's some good security guards out there, I get that.
There's also some crazy ones.
It's like there's some crazy cops.
And it just shows how security people, police, period, have to run, uh, these overzealous people out of there.
We've really got something to prove.
The fact that you said, hey man, quit following me, it's cool, doesn't mean he has to double down and show you who the boss is.
It's just totally disgusting.
So I just hope he's ready for repercussions.
We'll just see how he likes it in the end, politically.
But shifting gears on a larger issue, the radical jihadists, open borders, more plane loads coming in, nothing being checked.
Meanwhile, the media demonizes Trump.
To me, it's so exciting that they put everything they could against Trump yet again.
Stole Iowa from it.
The evidence is overwhelming, but the car's still in there.
Stealing his votes.
Giving them to Cruz.
Cruz is in free fall.
I'm not against Cruz overall, but man, he's got these creepy computer systems he uses to track everybody.
And all the rest of it?
I mean, I really think it's going to be between Rubio and Trump right now, and Rubio's in trouble.
What is the system going to do, Joe Biggs?
What is the system going to do, Paul Joseph Watson, as everything they throw at Trump only makes people get more behind him?
Because let's just, for the sake of argument, say Trump might not be a good guy.
I'm not saying that.
For the sake of argument, okay, fine.
The power structure we know is evil is against him.
What are they going to do to try to stop it?
Paul Watson, Joe Biggs.
Yeah, if I could jump in.
What they're trying to do right now, Alex, is move the goalposts.
We've got this former Governor John Sununu, a Jeb Bush supporter, who basically went on Fox News and said, if Donald Trump only wins New Hampshire by 12 points, he actually loses.
This is what he said, and we can play the clip later.
I think Trump will win.
I don't think he'll win by as much as he thinks and as much as the polls say.
If he doesn't win by 12 points, I think the perception will be that he lost.
So again, you had it last week in Iowa with him coming just behind Cruz with Rubio surging.
Rubio's dropped back again after his terrible debate performance.
But now they're reframing it to say even if Trump wins, if he doesn't win by whatever they say he should win by, then he's a loser.
So that's how panicked they are now.
They're actually shifting the goalposting title.
This is like Gladiator, which is based on a composite of three real events that happens, like the Patriot is.
It's just like Gladiator, one of the better films, uh, by Ridley Scott, where he can't beat the General, so he stabs him in the heart right before the Gladiatorial event, but still the General beats him.
And everybody sees that they are rigging the whole thing, stabbing Trump while he's tied up, and still Trump is kicking their butt.
That's got to scare them, Joe Biden.
You could see in the debate the other day, I believe it was Saturday night, they had all these donors, these establishment people inside there that were there to boo every time Donald Trump spoke.
They were there to attack him.
Normally when he's getting handclaps, cheers and all that, he was being booed by everyone in there.
That's a fact.
And again, I totally agree, and that shows the downfall of the elite.
They don't get we're aware of the scam.
We see the staging.
That's what I'm saying.
We don't know who Trump really is, okay?
Overall, my gut tells me he's gonna be good, but let's get past that.
We know they're bad.
We know they're rigging it.
Don't they get all that the more they rig it, the more they make them the people's champion?
I think they're basically in panic mode right now.
They've used up their arsenal and they've got very little left.
This is why they're saying, even if he wins, he loses.
And you've got the same thing on the flip side with Bernie Sanders.
We've got a source out of DC Whispers who says, quote, they have no idea what to do with Sanders, who, of course, I find his views completely horrendous.
But again, he's a loose cannon.
That's the most terrifying thing to any establishment.
A show of manifestation of how the elite is totally appointed.
And he goes on to say, quote, they don't want to offend and politically displace his supporters, while at the same time knowing that if this thing continues to grow, it will destroy the Democrat Party.
Just like Trump has destroyed this facade of the establishment Republicans, Sanders is doing the same.
That's what they're terrified of.
They're terrified of this blazing the trail of true independence.
Let's be clear.
Most important thing, I've spent a long time listening up, listeners, and you know this already.
This is only the beginning of our victory.
Patriots before us.
Weedin' before Ron Paul.
Expose the Globalist.
Expose the program.
God, Dean and I fought hard.
We are in a position.
Going into the Globalist Takeover.
They plan to have a Globalist Takeover with no one informed, no one involved.
Instead, they're going to have a Globalist Takeover with most of the planet aware of their plans and it's going to blow up in their face.
Spectacularly, like an endless crescendo of a grand finale.
So folks, get ready for an epic battle of incredible proportions and know this, no matter what these whores say,
We are in the game and we're winning big time.
And they are scared and they're crapping their pants.
They have tried to teach us we have no power.
They've tried to teach us we can't affect change.
They've tried to teach us that they run the world.
They don't run.
It's like George Washington 240 years ago.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Crashing the lies and disinformation.
Waging war on production.
And that's what it all comes down to, my friends.
I'm going to punch out of here in five minutes.
I want to take over Richard Reeves to New Hampshire.
Coming up, we've got Anthony Gutierrez and so much more today.
But expanding on all this, I'm not here to give you a pep talk.
In fact, when things are really negative, I'm negative.
I admit what's happening.
But I'm telling you, we are in such a position.
Humanity wants to succeed.
Humanity wants to win.
Humanity wants to thrive.
Humanity wants to be successful.
Humanity wants to innovate.
Humanity wants to go to the next level.
And the globalists don't want that because then they won't control the paradigm.
Well, guess what?
You're not controlling that.
And you want to stick your arms in the wood chipper, go ahead.
Do it.
We're not backing down.
We're not... There's not playing chicken with us because we're committed and the throttle's pushed down.
That's the end of it.
Get out of our way.
And that's what it comes down to.
Because going along with these New World Order people, these parasites, is death incarnate.
So, I'm going to have more reports tomorrow and throughout the next few days.
I'm back on Thursday, but great job to Paul Watson.
Sorry to hear this happened to you, Joe Biggs.
But, you know, you run into these crazy people and, you know, and these folks who want to start a fight and have something to prove.
It's a scary thing.
But don't worry.
You know, in the end, I'm guaranteed he's not going to be smiling when this is all done to the legal courses we have, because we're not here to play games.
We're not looking for trouble.
But if people come here to get trouble on their floors, they've actually come to the right place.
We're ready to take action.
We stand behind our people.
As long as they're on the right, I trust you to know you are.
But expanding on this,
This is the epic battle for humanity right now.
So closing comments from Beggs and Paul Watson.
We'll turn it back over to Paul Watson.
I mean, this is something that's happening all over the place.
I mean, the fact that I was able to actually get this on film, which is going to, you know, save my butt if this guy tries to go ahead and sue first or something like that, you know, that's the kind of future that's happening.
You know, there are people out there who are power hungry, who are in positions or they feel like they're in positions to
To push people around and they abuse those authorities and people are, there's police killings, there's brutality, there's all kinds of stuff going on.
And it turns out I happen to be fortunate in this event, nothing bad spiraled out of control.
Too bad anyways, I mean, it's definitely bad what happened, but it could have been worse.
And hopefully, you know, this footage will help, you know, kind of stop some of this stuff, bring it to the forefront and get it back into conversation.
Yeah, I mean, I've seen the footage, and I mean, police are trained to de-escalate situations to prevent them from going violent, and this guy engaged in the exact opposite.
He immediately escalated the situation, and it's only going to end up turning out bad for him.
So, again, it's when people get infused with this petty power, they always abuse it, and these kind of people exist in every sphere of society.
This is why we're seeing now a war on free speech,
From the perpetually offended.
Because these are authoritarians who want to mess up other people's lives.
They're unhappy people.
They're not content with their own worthless existence.
So they have to interfere with other people's lives to get their kicks.
They have no power.
They want to make us give up our speech.
I agree.
In fact, in closing, Paul, I want you to hear me after the break when you come back and talk about classical liberals like John Cleese and
Uh, folks like Jerry Seinfeld saying the left is a tyranny.
Even Bill Maher saying the left is a tyranny now.
They need to get it by design.
They need to understand it's an act of total domination.
It's not by accident.
But how do you think the new left, the authoritarian left, is going to dispatch the old left that doesn't want to live in a Soviet gulag?
Guys, great job.
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Because when you're listening and watching this transmission, you know it's not a game.
You know it's not hype.
You know you're listening to it.
This is The Resistance.
OK, there goes Alex Jones.
After the break, we've got David Knight coming up with some information on the election and other issues.
We've also got Beyoncé and her halftime performance.
Remember, she did one a few years back, surrounded by riot police.
Well, now she's surrounded by new black
Panthers in the latest round of this divisive Black Lives Matter propaganda movement.
So we're going to take a look at that story.
Also, geopolitics.
Russia's engaged in massive war games, as are NATO troops.
They're talking again about conflict arising.
We'll get into that and much more after the break.
On the Alex Jones Show with me, Paul Joseph Watson.
Stay right there.
We'll be back.
A pro-abortion group is attacking a Doritos Super Bowl ad for humanizing baby fetuses.
In the ad, a pregnant woman is getting an ultrasound while a man besides her realizes the unborn baby will move in the direction of the Doritos he's snacking on.
The man toys with the baby, attempting in vain to reach the chips from the womb until the mother throws the Doritos across the room, which prompts the child to launch itself outside mom and towards the chips.
In response, the National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action League said the ad used an anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses.
This statement underscores how NARAL and similar groups dehumanize the unborn in a vain attempt to justify abortions, especially in the aftermath of the Planned Parenthood sting videos exposing its officials admitting they sell aborted baby organs for profit.
NARAL, however, didn't stop there.
The group also called out a Snickers ad for being transphobic and a Hyundai ad for showing a dad take away his daughter's autonomy.
This is all part of the political correctness campaign spearheaded by the authoritarian left to not only control free speech, but also how people think.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com reporting.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You're watching the Alex Jones Show, headline out of the American Mirror, which is up on the Drudge Report.
Bill Clinton accuses Sanders supporters of sexism.
An increasingly geriatric Bill Clinton is upping his attacks on the 74-year-old socialist Bernie Sanders, and is attempting to link anonymous internet trolls to Hillary's rival.
Basically Bill Clinton has got a printout of mean internet comments, sexist, misogynistic internet comments made against Hillary Clinton and is blaming them on Bernie Sanders supporters.
So we played the video earlier of Madeleine Albright basically saying that all young women should vote for Hillary or they're going to hell.
Now Bill Clinton's got a list of mean internet comments calling out a sexism and again blaming it on Bernie Sanders.
So it goes back to this which we predicted from the very beginning.
Hillary Clinton's sole platform, the only thing she's campaigning on, is her gender.
And now Bill Clinton has jumped into the fray.
Whining about mean internet comments.
David Knight, your thoughts on Hillary and this whole feminist shtick that seems to be falling apart now?
Yeah, it's pretty amazing, Paul, and of course we had Hillary last week saying that cyber security was going to be one of the biggest challenges that we face in the future.
Of course, it's the biggest challenge that Hillary faces right now, because she put all of her emails on this private server, and yet she has the audacity, the hypocrisy, to talk about cyber security being an issue.
And of course, she thinks that she can solve it just by threatening foreign governments.
We're going to have to see
If the system will, the establishment will actually follow through on this national security religion that we've been fed.
The thing that's been used to take away every single one of our freedoms.
And if they're going to let Hillary Clinton pass, we need to really push back on that.
Of course, there's talk now, we see an article on Drudge Report, talking about how people are calling for Loretta Lynch to step aside because they don't believe that she's going to do anything to punish Hillary Clinton.
Now, we had Rubio, of course, came third in Iowa.
Many people were surprised with that.
Many people pointed to Microsoft being involved in counting the votes and their close ties with Rubio.
So, basically, a lot hinged on his performance during Saturday night's debate and things didn't go too well for him, did they, David?
No, actually, it's kind of interesting.
So what you were talking about with Alex earlier, the fact that they play this expectation game.
They come up with the polls, and if you remember, they were saying just before Iowa, they said, oh look, you know, Donald Trump has been about four or five points below Cruz, and now he's, all of a sudden he's surging, he's four or five points ahead.
Four or five points is about the margin of error.
So they can play that little game, they can come up with their poll numbers, and then if you don't meet their expectations, they proclaim you the loser.
But as Ted Cruz said, it was, I guess, bronze is the new gold.
That was the way they were portraying everything.
Clearly, Marco Rubio was the candidate the establishment wanted to get behind.
That's the one that the big money was coalescing behind.
Let's play this clip from the debate on Saturday.
I think it's one of the most interesting clips because it reveals the method of how they manipulate people.
And that's what's important.
That's why we cover these debates.
That's why we look at the issues.
It's the way they
And let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
Barack Obama is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world.
That's why he passed Obamacare, and the stimulus, and Dodd-Frank, and the deal with Iran.
It is a systematic effort to change America.
To re-embrace all the things that made America the greatest nation in the world, and we are going to leave our children what they deserve.
The single greatest nation in the history of the world.
Under Chris Christie's governorship of New Jersey, they've been downgraded nine times in their credit rating.
We don't need to add to it by electing someone who has experience at running up and destroying the credit rating of his state.
Okay, now here's number two.
Here's the second time he repeats the exact same phrase.
It exposes a method.
Right here.
He's already done that same little 25 second speech twice, and here he comes again.
And he doesn't stop!
He keeps going, even when he's called out.
He doesn't have anything to say, okay?
So let's fade it down.
He just keeps on going and he does it one more time after that.
Because he doesn't have anything else to say, except for his little memorized talking points.
And that was a very powerful moment.
We've had moments like this in presidential debates before.
We had one of the famous moments where Dan Quayle had frequently been comparing himself to JFK because he was very young.
Of course, he wasn't as inexperienced as Marco Rubio, who immediately began running for president as soon as he got elected, just like Ted Cruz.
But he was comparing himself to JFK, and Lloyd Benson, who was from Texas, there was a vice presidential debate, he knew this was coming up, and so he had a soundbite prepared to come back and say, I knew JFK, you're no JFK, and George Bush is no Ronald Reagan.
That was his soundbite, and that really was a zinger.
That's typically the way that it's done.
But in this debate,
Marco Rubio did it to himself, and continued to do it to himself.
He couldn't stop himself from continuing to repeat that line.
And that's why everybody is talking about how it looks like he's basically jumped the shark.
A lot of people are talking about how he looks like it's killed his momentum.
We have people who are pointing out that the next day he not only doubled down, but he tripled down, repeating that same phrase over and over again.
And I think it's interesting, Paul, that when we look at
The exchange that he had with Richard Reeves about the TPP.
Richard Reeves began that report with a clip from Marco Rubio going before the CFR talking about how he wanted to give trade promotion authority to President Obama so that he could basically, here's a quote, he says, it's more important than ever that Congress give the President trade promotion authority and finalize the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic partnerships.
Okay, but why would he do that?
If he says that Obama knows exactly what he's doing, he's undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, that is part of the systematic effort to change this country.
The TPP and the TTIP, that's the Transatlantic Partnership.
Yeah, and I mean it.
You watch someone like Rand Paul in the debates.
He's not going to keep going back to that repeated rhetoric over and over again because, you know, he's not a hypocrite and he has principles.
If you have those two things, you don't have to rely on these stock responses, the kind that we saw from Rubio.
And what's interesting about it is, you were talking about earlier,
You know, Rubio getting the bronze and that being heralded by the establishment as a great achievement.
Now they've set it up, now they're saying in New Hampshire, if he beats the other two establishment candidates nearest to him, Kasich and Bosch, that that's going to propel him forward as the main challenger to Trump and Cruz.
So it will be interesting if he doesn't beat both Bush and Kasich, if again they try to shift the goalposts and say, well he performed well anyway, he's still the main challenger to Trump and Cruz.
So they're really fair on Rubio when it comes to his relatively minor achievements, as it looks like in New Hampshire he's not going to do as well as he did before, purely because of this poor debate performance.
Whereas with Trump they're saying, even if he wins by 12 points he's still lost.
That's what the establishment Republicans are now saying.
So it's the differing forms of treatment for each candidate based on their performance, depending on whether they're part of the establishment or not.
So it'll be interesting to see how they treat Rubio after New Hampshire.
Well, it's all part of the method.
And that's why it was very important with this debate exchange, because
Christie laid this right out.
He said, look at what he did.
He comes up with a bunch of baseless attacks and then he criticizes Obama and then finishes up with a rah-rah speech at the end when I'm president.
And even after he said that, Rubio comes back in with that.
That's what we need to understand.
Another part of the method, we need to pull the curtain back and show people what they're doing, what the mechanism is, because they do this every single election.
The other part of this is,
Building expectations for a particular candidate, and then saying, well, he didn't fulfill our artificial expectations, which were done by our own internal polling, therefore, he's a loser, projecting that onto him.
You don't have to support a candidate to be angry about that kind of manipulation, the same way that we saw Ted Cruz manipulate the results by, as the caucuses were beginning in Iowa,
Sending out text messages to people, having everyone say in the caucus, just as it was beginning, that Ben Carson was going to drop out.
Those kind of dirty tricks, those kinds of tactics, and the people who use them, ought to be rejected.
Out of hand.
Whether or not you agree with this particular... I'm not a Ben Carson supporter, but what happened to Ben Carson?
Was truly dirty tricks.
That was one of the dirtiest tricks.
I always like to drop something, a lie, at the last minute when nobody can respond to it.
And that was the ultimate example of that.
Dropping that lie just as the caucus was beginning and doing it using social media to do this throughout all these various caucuses.
So now that's what we're going to see in the next phase of this.
When they look at the results in New Hampshire, if Trump doesn't win by their pronounced expectations, they're going to pronounce him a loser.
We should reject those kinds of games.
We should understand how they play this game, how they use these techniques, and we saw one of them exposed yesterday, and it was absolutely, or Saturday, it was absolutely amazing to watch that happen.
And we also saw a similar thing with Hillary and Sanders, of course, before Iowa.
Microsoft, who were helping to count the votes, came out with a prediction based on their Bing technology that Clinton would win.
Now, it was basically neck and neck at that time.
Obviously, she won on a win that included these mysterious coin tossers.
But again, it's perception over reality.
If you create the perception that somebody's going to be a loser, then that's going to influence people's behaviour.
In a future poll.
That's why they do it.
It's a proven technique and we're seeing it again and again and it's not going to be the last time we see it in this election campaign.
But we'll be back after the break with David Knight and Richard Reeves live in New Hampshire.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Stay right there.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm Paul Joseph Watson with David Knight in studio.
Now the Hillary Clinton campaign is flailing so wildly now that you've got Bill Clinton up there reading mean comments about Hillary and blaming them on Bernie Sanders supporters.
They're actually trying to characterize the extreme left-wing Bernie Sanders as sexist.
That's how desperate they're getting now.
Again, with the fact that Hillary has no platform whatsoever apart from her gender.
We've got Sanders who has narrowed the gap nationally.
The national polls now show that he's almost neck and neck with Hillary, of course after Hillary being 2-1 ahead.
David, what does it say to you about this sheer ineptness of Hillary Clinton's campaign that she's caved so massively to Bernie Sanders, someone who essentially in a national election is unelectable?
Yeah, she's losing the momentum, but remember, Paul, she still has this criminal urge that is there, her criminal capability.
If you look at what happened in Iowa, I would call it the Common Core vote counting.
There was an article from USA Today talking about specific instances where Iowans claimed that the votes were miscounted.
There was one case in particular where there was only one caucus-goer in this particular district, Woodbury County, number 43.
His name is Keane Schwartz.
He says,
I voted for Bernie, he told the Des Moines Register.
It was really suspicious.
I'm actually pretty irate about it because he was the only one there at the caucus.
He voted for Bernie and yet they called it for Hillary Clinton and gave her a delegate out of that county.
Then they had another place where they had a 5-4 split in favor of Sanders and then that got reversed when it was reported.
We saw the same types of things happening with Ron Paul.
Four years ago.
That's what the system does.
It's a criminal system.
When it's a close election, like it is like we see now with Sanders and with Clinton, that's when they will start pulling the criminal games of changing the vote counts.
And again, because this has the potential, even though none of us would agree with Sanders' policies, to completely eviscerate the Democratic Party, just as Trump has done with the establishment Republicans.
So it's more important to keep that two-party monopoly together.
Well, I think...
I think, Paul, that what their ace in the hole is, what the establishment's ace in the hole is, is Michael Bloomberg.
We've seen many people talking about this.
We've seen the Presidential Debate Commission saying, oh yeah, we'll open it up for a third party independent, meaning Bloomberg.
They keep it very close, very controlled.
They don't want to have real third parties in there, but they'll open it up for Michael Bloomberg.
He would be the establishment ringer if Hillary Clinton loses to Sanders or if she's indicted, if something like that happens.
And he has plenty of time to do this.
A lot of people talk about how they think Joe Biden might get in the race.
I don't think that's going to happen.
Back in November, they were talking about the fact that Biden needed to make up his mind at that point.
If he didn't put himself on the ballot in four or five states in November, he was going to lose the possibility of getting nearly 500 delegates.
There are time limits in which the Democrat and Republican candidates need to sign up in order to have a chance to be on the ballot for those parties.
But it is a later time limit for those who come in as independents.
If Bloomberg, as he says he's going to wait until sometime in March, he's going to wait until after Super Tuesday.
He'll see how the election returns are going.
He'll see, also try to get a feel as to whether or not Hillary is going to be indicted.
But he doesn't really have to start getting onto the ballots in all these states until August or September.
He could easily do that.
And he could come in as the establishment candidate.
And that's what he said he would do if the two choices are Sanders and Trump.
OK, David, just rounding up here in the final minute, other issues that you'll be covering on the fourth hour of the show today?
Well, we're going to talk a little bit about, I don't know if you talked about this, Paul, I don't think so.
The French general, former general of the Foreign Legion, was arrested because he went to Calais, the place you've talked about many times, how bad the violence is there at that French port.
Massive out-of-control immigrants.
They said nobody is going to talk in protest of our open border policy.
He, along with others, spoke out about that.
They arrested him.
We're also going to talk about some Ohio homeschoolers that are facing criminal charges because they didn't fill out the paperwork to the satisfaction of the bureaucracy.
What is Governor Kasich going to do about that?
The guy who's running for president.
Is he going to allow these homeschoolers to go to jail?
We'll see.
But we're also going to take a look in detail at Marco Rubio's hypocrisy, saying that we know what Obama's doing, he's trying to take this country down, and yet saying we want to turn over the power to him.
Look, Rubio and Trey Gowdy are outsourcing Congress.
They're not just content with exporting jobs and importing workers, they're outsourcing their job to a multinational commission.
Okay, David Knight, be sure to tune in for the fourth hour of the broadcast.
We'll be right back with more news.
It's the Alex Jones Show live.
Don't go away.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Here's what Donald Trump must do to finish strong in New Hampshire, according to veteran GOP strategist Roger Stone.
He said, quote, Trump must return to the core issues that put him way, way out front.
Sealing our borders, building the wall, recharging our economy, addressing trade imbalances, taking care of our veterans, and destroying ISIS.
The veteran GOP strategist also said that Trump should talk about the Trump tax plan.
Praised by supply-side guru Larry Kudrow, we know Trump is very, very rich.
We want to hear how he would make us rich.
Stone continues, stating, the rise of Rubio is very real, but Trump must dispatch Cruz as a viable candidate before he can face off with Rubio, who will continue to be a factor in the Palmetto State.
But Rubio may have already taken himself down, considering his robotic performance during Saturday's debate, in which he used the same memorized line at least eight times, showing he's a pre-programmed establishment candidate who can't speak off the cuff.
The GOP strategist also revealed that credible polls have Trump running substantially ahead of where Romney and McCain finished along African-Americans.
You can find out more at InfoWars.com, this is Kit Daniels reporting.
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It's Alex Jones.
You're back on the Alex Jones Show with Elliot Richard-Reeds on the line live from New Hampshire to cover the latest there.
First we've got this report out of the Washington Examiner.
America's sheriffs turned their back on Beyonce's Super Bowl formation performance.
Members of the National Sheriffs Association meeting in Washington turned their backs on Beyonce during a Super Bowl halftime party, angered
That the NFL allowed her to sing a song that they consider anti-police.
So Beyoncé basically got up at the halftime Super Bowl show, which of course routinely, year after year, is used for political propaganda purposes.
She donned a black leather suit with ammunition affixed to the arms, bullets, surrounded by these black panther-chic dancers.
To ram home, again, the divisive racist message of Black Lives Matter.
Here's Mark Dice to break it down.
Beyonce's entire Super Bowl halftime performance was a black power propaganda piece to invigorate the Black Lives Matter movement and was dedicated to Malcolm X who advocated the use of violence.
I'll break it down for you in this video.
People doubted my prediction before the Super Bowl and here we go.
Baphomet Bimbo, the booty shaker, dressed wearing what looks to be like ammunition as a black power militant accompanied by an all black dance crew, very diverse of Beyonce, who were dressed as the Black Panthers wearing their trademark black beret.
This photo posted by Tina Knowles, Beyonce's own mother,
On Instagram, showing her with the dancers giving the Black Power salute.
Of course, she dropped her song, Formation, the music video, the day before the Super Bowl.
Again, a call to arms to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Their rallying cry, hands up, don't shoot.
An entire fraud.
The biggest fraud of 2015.
Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.
The 6'4", 300 pound thug.
All evidence confirms that he assaulted the police officer.
After committing a felony strong-arm robbery, the mentally enslaved masses, following the fraud and the lies from booty-shaking Baphomet Bimbo, believe that he was viciously gunned down with his hands up.
And then a year later, at the one-year anniversary,
One of his close friends pulled a gun and started shooting at police, and then was put down like an animal.
Tyrone Harris.
Before anybody could even think, everyone was like, oh, the police have killed another black man!
I think he lived, actually.
They shot another black man!
And then all evidence came out.
That he owned and was actually arrested earlier for stolen weapons charges.
He had opened fire, here he is pictured on his Facebook page with some guns.
Yeah, he wasn't even 21 so he's not even supposed to have those.
But that's Michael Brown's good friend, Ty Glock, who opened fire on police at the one year anniversary of the Ferguson Festival.
This is the fraud being perpetuated by the Black Lives Matter movement.
And their celebrity goddess, Beyonce, who was draped in what looked like bullets, in what looks to be a call to a violent socialist revolution.
Look at these people.
Absolutely despicable.
Yes, the man shot by Ferguson, good friend with Michael Brown, Ty Glocks.
Of course, Boff met Bimbo, flashed this Illuminati hand sign back at the Stupor Bowl in 2013.
The mentally enslaved masses just love it.
They get all drunk.
It's a big day for domestic violence.
Mark Dice talking about Beyonce's Super Bowl halftime performance.
Again, a political prostitute pitch for the Black Lives Matter movement, which has been flagging after it emerged that Shaun King, one of the de facto leaders of Black Lives Matter, was not, in all probability, black,
Again, that movement continues to crumble because it's based on extremism.
The ideological founder, the inspiration behind Black Lives Matter, is a domestic terrorist who killed a cop in New Jersey and is actually on the FBI's top ten most wanted domestic terrorist lists.
But again, you're never going to see Oregon militia people represented at Super Bowl halftime shows.
But you're going to see that kind of extremism represented by Beyonce.
Again, a few years ago, she was up there dancing with riot cops.
Now she's dancing around with Black Panthers in this anti-police, pro-Black Lives Matter, divisive way.
And now they're actually protesting against it.
It looks like there's going to be a boycott, so that controversy continues to build.
But we got Richard Reeves on the line.
We're first going to go to a couple of videos, because obviously Richard has been down there on the ground in Iowa, in New Hampshire, for InfoWars over the past two or three weeks.
First up, if you didn't see this, this is where Richard confronts Marco Rubio on the TPP.
Let's take a look.
It is more important than ever that Congress give the President trade promotion authority so that he can finalize the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Senator Rubio, last year you spoke at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting, and you were a big proponent of the TPP.
And I was just wondering, the TPP diminishes our U.S.
sovereignty and also potentially destroys our borders.
Well, I'm a supporter.
No, I'm a supporter of free trade.
I have to see if this deal is a good deal.
It's being reviewed now by the International Trade Commission.
So if it's a good deal, I'll support it.
If it's not, it has to be renegotiated.
Well, at what point does it get seen?
Because it's been kept secret.
No, it's out there.
The International Trade Commission is reviewing it.
They'll issue their report in May.
So until then, I'm not even going to take a position on it.
It's 5,000 pages.
Right, it's 5,000 pages.
So have you been able to read all 5,000 pages?
No, and I'm not going to even try until the International Trade Commission comes back and finds that it's not good for America or I'll have to go back and renegotiate.
Sir, we've got a bunch of people waiting, so if you don't mind.
Thank you, appreciate it.
Well, what about his past support of the TPP, which could endanger U.S.
sovereignty and open up the floodgates of immigration?
What about that?
Well, I don't think he's voted on TPP.
He voted on TPA, which allows us to consider TPP, but we haven't voted on TPP yet.
He also spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations and was a big proponent of it there.
Well, I can't speak to that because I wasn't there.
Okay, thank you.
If you can find a candidate that's perfect, let me know.
Because there's only been one and he ain't run it.
Okay, thank you.
Yes, sir.
There's Richard Reeves talking to Marco Rubio about the TPP, exposing his hypocrisy on that.
Reeves also got the chance to ask Hillary Clinton a question about the email hack.
Here's that clip.
Secretary Clinton, last week it was reported on Infowars.com that your email server was hacked and you knowingly continued to use your email server.
Can you comment on that?
Yeah, it's totally untrue.
Totally untrue.
Again, there's Richard Reeves asking Hillary Clinton about the email hack, and we're joined by Richard Reeves from New Hampshire.
Richard, you've been on the ground there for InfoWars.
We've got the polls telling us that it's going to be a 1-2 win for Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.
A quite comfortable margin, looking at the current figures.
The GOP establishment is now framing it
If Trump only wins by 12 points, he's lost.
So what are you seeing down there on the ground in New Hampshire?
What can you tell us?
Well, Paul, thank you, and we can only hope that the polls are actually correct because we're really in danger of losing a lot of credibility on these polls if they don't match what they're coming up with as far as these numbers.
Here, on the ground, the sense is that the polls are correct.
We've had, you know, Marco Rubio, you played that clip just a little while ago, so he hasn't really been attacked on the TPP yet, although Donald Trump did foreshadow talking about TPP more in this past debate, where, as I'm sure most of our audience already knows, that the audience was stacked totally in favor of the GOP establishment.
So, here, boots on the ground.
The other candidates to watch, I actually see Marco Rubio here.
Is probably in danger of falling fourth or fifth place because of the fact that you've got Kasich and Chris Christie have done a lot of groundwork.
We did go to a Kasich event yesterday and he had an event that almost paralleled Marco Rubio's Friday night event and considering he's done a hundred town halls, Kasich has done a hundred town halls, I think that potentially you could see Trump followed by
Uh, a combination of Cruz, Kasich, Christie, Rubio, somehow in that order with, uh, I think it'll obviously, it should be Donald Trump on top.
And I think he really won the debate the other day when he exposed the fact that that crowd was a bunch of insiders.
Well, yeah, obviously he said they were put there to cheer his opponents in the debate, and that's exactly what seemed to unfold.
But with Rubio, they've been saying for quite a few days now, you know, after this bronze finish in Iowa, which was heralded by the establishment as a huge success,
They were saying he was on course to beat Bosch and Kasich in New Hampshire, and that he needed to do so to propel himself as the number one, quote, establishment candidate, which would then see him emerge as a direct competitor with Cruz and Trump.
So if, you know, if Rubio doesn't beat Bosch and Kasich, do you think that that is his campaign basically over?
Actually, not necessarily, because I think what we've figured out over this past weekend, and we've talked about on past shows about GOP's splitter strategy, they have a delegate strategy that they want to take to Cleveland, Ohio in July at the RNC where they can still install one of the favored candidates, which are Kasich.
We're good to go.
At least until the middle of March when we see some winner-take-all states like Ohio and Florida.
Like I say, the GOP does have a delegate strategy and they can pull off that delegate strategy, I'm convinced, because of the way they took that crowd in this debate this last Saturday.
That demonstrates that they can get their GOP establishment minions to show up at events
They know who they are, they call them up, they email them, etc.
And their plan is to take that level of crowd, that type of crowd, to Cleveland.
And if, in fact, Donald Trump does not have probably 60% of the delegates going into the Cleveland convention, then my prediction is that they will install a nominee that has not defeated Donald Trump in primaries or caucuses in the states.
They'll do it at the convention.
They'll just install whoever they want.
Now, looking at Bernie Sanders, we've got this article out of Reuters today.
Presidential hopeful Sanders-Clinton in dead heat.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has erased Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's wide lead for the Democratic presidential nomination since the start of the year, putting the two in a dead heat nationally, according to this new Reuters-Ipsos poll.
Clinton leads Sanders 48% to 45% among Democratic voters, according to the poll of 512 Americans.
So, Clinton had this 2-1 margin at the beginning of the year.
That's been completely eviscerated over the past few weeks.
We've now got inside sources basically saying, just as with Trump, they never expected this wave of Bernie Sanders populism to continue.
Obviously, we don't agree with the vast majority of his policies.
But it seems now insiders within the Democratic Party are terrified of Bernie Sanders that he could rip apart the fabric of the Democrat Party itself.
How do you see it going forward?
Obviously he's tipped to basically obliterate Hillary in New Hampshire.
How do you see it going forward in the rounds after that?
Well, we've talked about it before a little bit on the Sunday show and the last Friday show that
Donald Trump is the reason that Bernie Sanders became competitive right there at the end of the year, the first of the new year.
You remember Hillary Clinton made a shot across the bow that Donald Trump was a sexist, misogynist, etc.
And Donald Trump fired right back right away.
The next day Hillary just zipped her lips, didn't talk about it anymore, but I think that was that explosive in the bottom of a big dam holding up a lake that slowly but surely is cracking and crumbling and it's breaking loose now.
You saw what happened in Iowa, that Bernie, you know,
Pretty much, there was a tie with a few different coin flips.
Bernie actually wins Iowa, which he wasn't expected to at all.
And then, New Hampshire, I think he is going to win New Hampshire.
So, that momentum from winning New Hampshire, plus the fact that he is getting... Paul, listen to this.
He, at last account, which was about a week ago,
He said that he'd had 3.5 million people donate an average of $27 apiece.
So you're talking about that he's got, you know, 80 to 100 million dollar war chest going into these other states.
So the Bernie Sanders situation that he might be able to beat Hillary is a real deal.
Now the question is, with both Hillary and Trump,
The delegates strategies both exist because in the case, we talked to a superdelegate just the other day, I don't know if we've uploaded the video yet, but we talked to one of the Democrat superdelegates the other day and Bernie Sanders really needs to be winning, when he's winning he needs to win big in these states so he gets big majorities of delegates, he needs to have about 60%
Of the delegates.
It can't be 50.1 or he'll still get defeated at the DNC.
It has to be about 60%.
Same thing for Trump.
They've got to win 60% majorities of the delegates going into these conventions.
And, uh, otherwise, the other candidates will figure out a way to break the rules, break the rules, break the rules, check the rules to get their preferred establishment candidates in, Paul.
And again, we see the desperation in the Clinton campaign.
You've got Bill Clinton up, whining about mean internet comments, sexist, misogynistic comments about Hillary, blaming them on Sanders supporters, the very same tactic they tried against Trump last year.
Now they're trying to transpose that onto Bernie.
It's having very little success, judging by the media backlash.
We've got the woman who accused Bill Clinton of assault to campaign against Hillary's presidential run.
So things appear to be getting more desperate for Hillary.
But in the final 90 seconds here, just your final observations on what's unfolding in New Hampshire.
Well, tomorrow's going to be an interesting day, and we're going to find out if these polls are finally going to be correct.
So, uh, we're hoping for a Donald Trump win, and we're hoping to see him running the table.
And we're hoping for folks out there to get to their precinct conventions and caucuses, both on the Dem side and the Republican side.
Otherwise, the establishment will have their way and put in their nominations.
Okay, Richard Reeves reporting live from New Hampshire for InfoWars.com.
Thanks for joining us.
Thank you, Paul.
There goes Richard Reeves.
We've got a minute left in this segment.
We've got a few minutes in the next.
Just going to hit on some more news geopolitical this time.
30,000 Syrian refugees mass at Turkish border.
This is AFP.
Around 30,000 Syrians are at the Turkish border after fleeing a Russia-backed regime offensive on the northern region of Aleppo, the Turkish Prime Minister said.
Now, Reuters is characterizing this assault on Aleppo.
They're saying that Aleppo, quote, could soon fall.
Of course, that implies that it's about to fall to enemy forces.
When in reality, the people in control of Aleppo in Syria right now are the same FSA jihadists who defected to ISIS, who gave weapons to ISIS, which again, the Obama White House has been funding for years.
They're now lamenting the fact that they could fall as a result of bombardment from the Russians and the Syrian army.
We'll be back with more news after the break.
Stay tuned for the final segment of the Alex Jones Show in 4Wars.com.
Don't go away.
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You're back for the final segment of the Alex Jones Show on this Monday edition.
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Final news stories here in the last couple of minutes.
RT's reporting war games in Middle East could prepare UK for potential Russian war with NATO.
The British Army is deploying 1,600 troops in Jordan to take part in war games, which could be a preparation for a potential confrontation between Russia and NATO member countries.
On the flip side, we've also got Russia engaged in massive new war games, so that tension continues to build.
Meanwhile over in Germany, after we had the Cologne Festival, double the police presence and still there were molestations and rapes, now in Mainz, the carnival in Germany, Mainz, the town of Mainz, has been cancelled.
The official reason was expected stormy weather conditions, but this was just days after police raided an address in Mainz and arrested potential ISIS terrorists.
So again,
Let's not let the terrorists win by allowing them to change our way of life.
Well, that's exactly what we're doing by cancelling these kind of events.
Also got this article which I wrote.
Professor demands mandatory Arabic lessons for German children.
The prominent professors demanded that children in Germany be made to take mandatory Arabic lessons in order to help the millions of Muslim migrants pouring into the country.
This is a computer science professor, top professor.
Basically wants Arabic to be compulsory for German school children, even though it won't benefit them.
Again, this is another example of Germans having to assimilate into the culture of migrants when it should be the other way around.
We got a lot more breaking news at
Infowars.com, but that's going to wrap it up for the show today.
Again, David Knight's coming up for the fourth hour with more analysis of the Republican and Democratic primaries, as well as other news.
Alex will be back, I guess, popping in tomorrow.
And of course, we've got Infowars Nightly News later tonight.
I'll be back tomorrow with Tommy Robinson.
That's it for me.
Stay tuned for David Knight.
Keep it locked in.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this fourth hour today.
We're going to be talking about Marco Rubato, and we're going to look at Rubio versus Rubio.
Remember that Phyllis Schlafly was one of the first people to support him in his campaign for Senate.
Many people thought that he was going to be a Tea Party candidate.
In other words, somebody who was going to support limited government.
We saw just the opposite happen.
Rubio ran as a conservative, then governed as an establishment player, betraying the very people who had supported him.
As a matter of fact, as part of the Gang of Eight, he was chosen to be the one who was going to placate and mollify the conservatives who would oppose open borders.
And we've seen this kind of betrayal over and over again.
We're going to look in detail at what his robotic response, his little 25 second sound bite that he had.
Of course, it was very important because it revealed the method of manipulating people.
But also what he said about Obama, and then what he said about the TPP, as we had Richard Reeves on last hour talking about that.
I want to break that down in a little bit more detail about what both he and Trey Gowdy said.
We're also going to look at the back and forth exchange and the debate between Jeb Bush and Donald Trump on imminent domain.
That is a very important issue.
It's one I think that Donald Trump is very wrong on.
But of course, it was also interesting to see how Jeb Bush
Didn't really understand the issue at all.
He was told to attack Donald Trump on this issue, but he was absolutely clueless about what he was talking about.
We're going to talk about that as well.
We're going to take a look at the moves to come after Hillary Clinton.
Is she going to be indicted?
Many people are now calling for the Attorney General Loretta Lynch to step aside and let somebody who isn't so politically connected take a look at this.
What will happen if she moves aside?
But most importantly,
We're going to be covering the New Hampshire primary tomorrow.
It's going to be the very first primary in the nation.
Of course, we had the Iowa caucus.
It's a little bit different.
This is going to be a straight up and down vote, but it isn't going to be exactly as straight up and down as you may think.
And those variances in that may work out to Donald Trump's advantage.
Anybody that doesn't get 10% or more, those votes will go to the winner.
So the takeaway of this is not really a vote total.
It really is the number of delegates that you get in each one of these contests.
And of course, the contests that are going to be happening up until about the middle of March
Delegates are awarded proportionally.
After that, it's a winner-take-all situation.
But by that time, we're going to have well over 40% of the states will have voted.
There's going to be a massive primary on Super Tuesday, March the 1st.
But tomorrow is the very first New Hampshire primary.
We're going to be covering it live with the InfoWars Nightly News crew.
We're going to give you the breakdown and analysis as that happens.
But we're also going to take a look at the policies of some of these other candidates in terms of the open borders.
We're going to take a look at what Donald Trump is saying about economic issues.
I think that there is a very strong case to be made for Trump on that one issue alone.
I think he's the only candidate who is going to come out against the TPP.
And again, I've not been a supporter of Donald Trump and I don't support him
On virtually most of the issues.
I was a supporter of Rand Paul.
I support individual liberty.
Rand Paul was the only candidate who was really talking about the security state, the massive police state that's been created in the wake of 9-11.
And of course, he has now dropped out of the race.
Nobody is taking up that issue.
Do you think that any of these establishment candidates, any of these governors or senators who are remaining,
Care about the surveillance state?
Care about the massive buildup of the police?
No, none of them do.
As a matter of fact, it's a contest for the Republicans to brag about who's going to step it up the quickest.
And of course, it's not any different on the Democrat side either.
Hillary Clinton, the person who cannot keep her own emails secret as the Secretary of State, is also going to clamp down on you.
She's going to perpetuate this surveillance state in a way that you can't imagine.
Bernie Sanders, do you think he's really any different about this?
He says that he is, but I don't think he is either.
So really, the one issue that I see coming up is the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Interestingly enough, both Sanders and Trump have opposed it.
Can you believe them?
We're going to take a look at some 30-year-old interviews from Donald Trump on what he said about trade policy.
A pro-abortion group is attacking a Doritos Super Bowl ad for humanizing baby fetuses.
In the ad, a pregnant woman is getting an ultrasound while a man besides her realizes the unborn baby will move in the direction of the Doritos he's snacking on.
The man toys with the baby, attempting in vain to reach the chips from the womb until the mother throws the Doritos across the room, which prompts the child to launch itself outside mom and towards the chips.
In response, the National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action League said the ad used an anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses.
This statement underscores how NARAL and similar groups dehumanize the unborn in a vain attempt to justify abortions, especially in the aftermath of the Planned Parenthood sting videos exposing its officials admitting they sell aborted baby organs for profit.
NARAL, however, didn't stop there.
The group also called out a Snickers ad for being transphobic and a Hyundai ad for showing a dad take away his daughter's autonomy.
This is all part of the political correctness campaign spearheaded by the authoritarian left to not only control free speech, but also how people think.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWorst.com reporting.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host in this final hour of the Alex Jones radio broadcast.
We're going to take a look at the exchange back and forth between Jeb Bush and Donald Trump.
I think it's very telling.
This is a very important issue, eminent domain.
It's not just something that the establishment has trotted out to go after Donald Trump.
It is an important issue.
Of course, it is in the Constitution.
We have the allowance of taking of private land for public use in the Constitution.
I don't agree with that.
I think that's one place where the Constitution needs to be changed, but we need to go through the process of amending the Constitution.
It's just like if you don't agree with the Second Amendment, liberals, you don't get to ignore that.
You need to change the Constitution.
So I don't agree with the Constitution on eminent domain.
I don't think it's necessary, as a matter of fact.
Donald Trump says that it's necessary.
He says it's an absolute necessity for a country.
You wouldn't have roads, you wouldn't have hospitals, you wouldn't have anything, he says.
You wouldn't have schools or bridges.
And you wouldn't have the Keystone Pipeline.
But see, the Keystone Pipeline is taking property for private use.
Not only is it taking it for private use, it's taking it for the private use of a Canadian corporation.
TransCanada is the one that is building the Keystone Pipeline, and they're the ones who are coming in and telling people who have had farms in their families for many generations, some of them over 100 years, sorry, we're taking your property and we're going to pay you whatever we feel like paying you.
We've seen this happen with the National Park Service coming in and putting pressure on people, taking their property, bragging about the fact.
That one individual, remember when we played that clip, one individual who is retiring from one location and moving to another, they said, look, she's taken 110,000 acres in this location.
She is the acquisition queen.
Then they talked about how they didn't have the money to get a particular piece of property that belonged to a couple of miners, two little old men, they said, who had fought in World War II.
They said the property had appraised at $40 million, but they were going to take it
And they found a way to take it for $2.5 million.
Not $40 million, but $2.5 million.
Then they bragged about the fact, yeah, we're the land people.
We're the bad guys.
We take people's property and we always pay less than it's worth.
And when you look at this, I have to say, can't we do better than this?
Even for the taking of public lands.
Look at what happens in China.
Of course, we had these articles in the last year.
Several cases in China.
One here from The Guardian talking about a Chinese house that became an internet sensation after being left in the middle of a highway because its elderly owners refused to move out.
Finally they reached an agreement and it was demolished.
This was a case of a 67-year-old duck farmer and his wife.
They refused to sign an agreement allowing it to be demolished.
This resulted in authorities building a planned road around the building.
And so when you look at this picture here, if you're watching the broadcast, you can see the picture of the building left in the middle of the road.
That's not the only time this has happened in China.
Why is it that Communist China respects private property more than the American government?
That's the bottom line.
They continued to negotiate with him, and finally he said, alright, I'm willing to move.
But this has become so common, the Chinese have come up with a...
I don't know.
You can look at other articles, this link that I gave you guys.
China's nail houses, the homeowners who refuse to budge.
This is from CNN.
There's a picture of 11 different houses left smack dab in the middle of the road.
Now, it's an inconvenience, but it doesn't kill the government project.
But why should we allow the government to take preeminence over our individual property?
But this goes even beyond whether or not we should allow eminent domain for public use.
We talk about it for private use, and of course this was a Supreme Court case that happened up in Connecticut, Kelo v. New London.
This was a case where some smaller businessmen were being driven out of business by a larger
I don't know.
Should a bigger business have superior property rights to somebody who has a smaller business?
Should a bigger business have superior property rights to an individual who has a home?
That is the principle that is involved here.
And once the Supreme Court made, I believe, an invalid decision, an unconstitutional decision, saying that because eminent domain for public use is allowed in the Constitution,
Then you could say that, well, if the public is going to get greater tax revenue, then we'll call that public use and we'll let somebody have this for their own private property.
See, we should be opposing that.
We should be opposing the idea that big corporations are going to get subsidies from the small guys, that they're going to have special property rights that the rest of us don't possess.
And when you don't do that, you allow a multinational corporation like TransCanada to come in and take property, a Canadian corporation, taking property from American citizens to build their pipeline.
I don't care about the environmental or economic issues of the Keystone Pipeline until you get past this eminent domain issue.
I am not going to ever support taking private property for a Canadian corporation.
Let's play this back and forth here because it says something about Jeb Bush as well when he comes after Donald Trump.
Let's play a clip of this from the debate.
...was used as a domain to try to take the property of an elderly woman on the strip in Atlantic City.
That is not public purpose.
That is downright wrong.
Here's the problem with that.
The problem was it was to tear down... Jim wants to be a tough guy.
He wants to be a tough guy tonight.
I didn't take the property.
I didn't.
You tried.
I didn't take the property.
The woman ultimately didn't want to do that.
That is not true.
And it was great that I didn't.
To turn this into a limousine parking lot for his casinos is not a public use.
And in Florida, based on what we did, we made that impossible.
It is part of our Constitution.
That's the better approach.
That is the conservative approach.
Mr. Trump, take 30 seconds.
Let me just, you know, he wants to be a tough guy.
A lot of times, you'll have, you'll have, and it doesn't work very well.
How tough is it to take a lot of property from an elderly woman?
Let me talk.
How tough is it?
That's all of his donors and special interests out there.
Yeah, he's right.
There was a rigged audience at that event.
Let me just tell you, we needed tickets.
You can't get them.
You know who has the tickets?
I'm talking about to the television audience.
Donors, special interests, the people that are putting up the money.
Who it is!
The RNC told us we have all donors in the audience and the reason they're not loving me
The reason they're not loving me is I don't want their money.
I'm going to do the right thing for the American public.
I don't want their money, I don't need their money, and I'm the only one up here that can say that.
Eminent Domain, Keystone Pipeline, do you consider that a private job?
I consider it a public use.
No, no, let me ask you, Jeb.
Do you consider the Keystone Pipeline private?
It's a public use.
Is it public or private?
It's a public use.
Oh, really?
A public use?
No, it's a private job.
It's a public use.
It's a private job.
Established by the courts, federal, state courts.
You wouldn't have the Keystone Pipeline if you wanted it so badly.
No, it's not.
Okay, let's stop it at that point.
Now, what happened with this, if you were looking at the news as Drudge had it, people were calling for Jeb to deliver a knockout punch to Trump.
So what they did was they handed Jeb this hammer.
They said, hit him with imminent domain.
Jeb, being Jeb, had no idea what he was talking about.
When he comes in and he defends the Keystone Pipeline as being for public use, it's not.
It's private use.
And the Keystone Pipeline is, I think, the ultimate example, because here we're looking at eminent domain that is happening on a national level.
Jeb Bush had talked about how they had set up something in the Florida State Constitution to control eminent domain being used, being abused for private use.
That is the right way to do it.
We need to nullify this bad clause in the Constitution at the state level.
Nevertheless, Jeb Bush doesn't understand, or at least he won't say it, that the Keystone Pipeline is for private use.
I guess he doesn't want to offend the Koch brothers that he's so desperately trying to get their support as a donor.
They're the ones who are supporting this along with TransCanada.
And it is absolutely criminal that conservatives would support the taking of private property by a Canadian corporation.
But of course, Jeb Bush didn't just stop there.
He continued to come after Donald Trump the next day.
And we've got an article on Infowars.com.
Jeb Bush says, I will not blame Obama for anything.
As a matter of fact, he got a bit of applause for that.
They were talking about
I don't know.
Where he was laying down his talking points, where he was talking about how strong he was going to be as president, and then he stopped and very sheepishly said, please clap, please clap.
Everybody clap for him.
Well, he wasn't doing that.
He was exasperated because he is getting at the end of his rope.
There was one headline that said, the last days of Jeb Bush's last stand.
And it could very well be what happens to him in the aftermath of New Hampshire.
We're going to be covering
The New Hampshire primary tomorrow night.
We're going to be doing it live with the InfoWars Nightly News crew.
We're going to break it down for you.
And one of the key things that's going to come out of that tomorrow night, of course, we're seeing the establishment playing expectation games with Donald Trump saying, well, if he doesn't win by an amount that we have predetermined, then we're going to pronounce him a loser.
That's the kind of expectation games they like to play.
But of course,
The reality is, is that if the candidates get less than 10% tomorrow night, and that could be somebody like Jeb Bush, all the candidates who get less than 10%, their percentage will be totaled up and that will be given to the winner.
Here's how this works.
NPR breaks it down.
They say, look, there's 20 delegates at stake in the New Hampshire primary tomorrow night.
And this is how it could break down.
If Trump gets 31%, Rubio 16%, Kasich 12%, Cruz 12%, they would get 6, 3, 2, and 2 delegates.
Each of them would get delegates based on their proportionment.
But then if you have Bush getting 9, Christie getting 5, Fiorina getting 5, Carson getting 3, you add those up, that's 22%.
Those 22% of delegates, because all of those people were below 10% each, all of their delegates would go to the winner, who would be Donald Trump.
So instead of getting 6 delegates, Donald Trump would get 10.
Now when we come back, we're going to take a look at something that I agree with Donald Trump on, and that is his 19th century foreign policy.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
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I think?
Now, I was just talking about eminent domain, the back and forth between Jeb Bush and Donald Trump.
And again, Jeb Bush, you almost feel sorry for him because he's so clueless about things.
He's still using...
His line, of course, about the fact that he did so many line vetoes that they called him Veto Corleone, but he is really more like Fredo, if you know what I mean.
And so when he's talking back and forth with Donald Trump, when he's attacking him for eminent domain, he is absolutely clueless, or at least he won't admit, that the Keystone Pipeline is eminent domain for private use.
Donald Trump is aware of that.
He supports it, I'm sad to say, but at least he knows what's going on.
But there was an article, and I quoted a little bit of it in the last segment from the Daily Beast that I thought was really pretty funny.
Fear the wrath of Jeb.
And they were talking about how frustrated Jeb Bush got over the weekend.
After the debate, he was so upset he just wasn't going to take it anymore.
So he was
Yelling and screaming about how he's going to change things and say, look, I'm not going to blame it on Obama anymore.
Of course, we have a an article on Infowars.com from Kit Daniels talking about that.
But then he goes on to Donald Trump.
He yells at him.
He yells at a questioner.
He yells at a reporter who's in the room.
He's going after everybody when he goes after Donald Trump.
He yells, and this is a great line from the Daily Beast, I say, Donald Trump, you're the loser, concluded Jeb, with all the energy of a nerdy hormonal student yelling at an absent bully.
It seemed cathartic.
That basically sums it up.
That is what Jeb Bush is.
A nerdy, hormonal student.
And he's okay to yell at Donald Trump when Donald Trump's not there, but as I pointed out in the last segment, and we're going to be covering the New Hampshire primaries tomorrow night live with InfoWars Nightly News, it may be the ultimate irony that if Jeb Bush doesn't get more than 10% in the New Hampshire primary,
All of his votes will go to Donald Trump and the Associated Delegates.
Ooh, wouldn't that be painful?
He's going to be yelling if that happens, let me tell you.
One of the things that we need to be concerned about, I think, is, of course, Jeb Bush likes to portray his open border policy as a policy of love.
But let me read to you what he really wants to do.
He says, I have a plan to secure the border through a forward-leaning border patrol, through surveillance technology, through mandatory e-verify, and other measures.
So, instead of having an old-fashioned wall at the border, which I don't think is really possible to do, and I think
It's a mistake to do that.
You need to address the underlying causes that are causing people to come over in a way that we don't want them to.
If people want to come and work and support themselves, we've always had an open border for that kind of immigration in the past.
And I'm enough of a libertarian that I would like to see that continue.
That is not what is happening here.
This is a deliberate open border to export jobs, to import workers, to take down our countries.
Not only in America, but in Europe.
That's what we see happening.
What Jeb Bush would do, rather than build a wall, is he would set up an electronic surveillance state.
He would essentially put us under house arrest with an electronic bracelet that we wear around the country.
That's what E-Verify, a national ID card, and these other measures that the Republicans have suggested would do.
It's essentially going to have you under house arrest.
Or maybe what we could say is White House arrest, because that's what we're going to turn this country into.
It's going to be a full-on prison if we allow them to do that.
And yet, when people speak out against this, like the French General, who used to be the head of the French Foreign Legion, when he speaks out against it in Calais, where the immigrants are so out of control, what does the French government do?
It arrests him.
And arrest this 75-year-old man who can't even stand trial because of his health issues.
Stay with us.
We're gonna be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Here's what Donald Trump must do to finish strong in New Hampshire, according to veteran GOP strategist Roger Stone.
He said, quote, Trump must return to the core issues that put him way, way out front.
Sealing our borders, building the wall, recharging our economy, addressing trade imbalances, taking care of our veterans, and destroying ISIS.
The veteran GOP strategist also said that Trump should talk about the Trump tax plan.
Praised by supply-side guru Larry Kudrow, we know Trump is very, very rich.
We want to hear how he would make us rich.
Stone continues, stating, the rise of Rubio is very real.
But Trump must dispatch Cruz as a viable candidate before he can face off with Rubio, who will continue to be a factor in the Palmetto State.
But Rubio may have already taken himself down, considering his robotic performance during Saturday's debate, in which he used the same memorized line at least eight times, showing he's a pre-programmed establishment candidate who can't speak off the cuff.
The GOP strategist also revealed that credible polls have Trump running substantially ahead of where Romney and McCain finished along African-Americans.
You can find out more at Infowars.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to go to your phone calls in just a moment.
As we're looking at the debate this last Saturday, we've talked about this exchange back and forth between Chris Christie and Marco Rubio, and we all owe Chris Christie a debt of gratitude for exposing the robotic Marco Rubio, also the tactic that he uses.
Typically, you see
Somebody prepared, because they know that an opponent is going to come up with a particular talking point, so they have pre-prepared a response to it, a canned response, and those are okay sometimes.
But the key thing about this exchange, it was different from all others, was that Marco Rubio did it to himself.
And he couldn't stop doing it to himself.
He could not stop himself from repeating that little 25-second soundbite.
But when we look at Chris Christie, one of the things that he was saying was, look, I'm a governor, I'm here to solve people's problems.
Is that really the purpose of government?
I seem to remember Ronald Reagan saying, government isn't the solution, government is the problem.
And in New Jersey, one of the biggest problems with the government is their gun laws.
What has Chris Christie done about that?
Well, of course, he supported assault weapon bans when he was running for office.
He supported a lot of gun control measures.
I don't know that he's done anything.
To try to pull that back or to offer any clemency to people.
I think we also need to look at what's happening in Ohio under another candidate, Governor Kasich, a sitting governor in Ohio, just as Chris Christie is governor in New Jersey.
Here's a situation where Ohio homeschoolers are facing criminal charges because of missing paperwork.
This is a WND story pointing out that authorities in Ohio have filed criminal charges against homeschool parents
Of two different families, they'll have trials later this month.
This could result in massive fines and jail time if convicted.
And why?
Because they missed paperwork deadlines.
The parents are facing accusations of, quote, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, unquote.
They didn't have their paperwork filed appropriately or on time.
They're being defended by the Homeschool Legal Defense Association.
And if you're a homeschooler, you need to get involved with these people.
They will protect you from this kind of bureaucratic abuse.
The governor of Ohio evidently won't.
And this is what they point out in their explanation.
They say, both families were somewhat new to homeschooling in Ohio.
One family filed a notice of intent.
When they began homeschooling last year but they didn't know they had to file another notice for this school year.
The other family filed their annual notice of intent but they did not submit an educational assessment with their notice because they had not yet completed it and have been told by their school district there wasn't any deadline for submitting the assessment.
Then the HSLDA goes on and says, even though both families continued to educate their children, their school districts decided then to treat the children as truants.
They say, unfortunately, cases like this are happening in Ohio every few years.
And they point out that contributing to the delinquency of a minor is usually used for parents who are abusing the system by aiding or betting their child in the commission of a crime or a serious offense, like obtaining a firearm, for example.
And here's the key.
If these parents, who simply did not understand some of the paperwork requirements, didn't fill it out on time, get it in on time, if they are found guilty of this, they will face a situation of a thousand dollars in fines and up to six months in jail for each day that a child is truant.
That is a separate offense.
So for each day, and for each child, they could get up to a thousand dollars in fines and six months in jail.
Does that sound ridiculous?
How about the EPA coming after that welder in Montana who had 8 acres and built a stock pond and swimming pool within his 8 acres, not going outside of the property, cleared it with state and local officials, but the EPA came in and said, we own all the water in the world, and because you didn't get our permission and we won't give it, we're going to fine you $37,500 a day.
That's what they did.
So excessive fines that are prohibited under the Constitution are happening all the time by our government.
So when you look at this, when you look at this atrocity in Ohio, when you look at the atrocities of the gun laws in New Jersey, you have to ask yourself, where are these governors who think that they are solving our problems?
These governors are the problems in these various states.
Let's go to our callers right now.
Let's go to Forrest in Colorado.
Go ahead, Forrest.
Yes, sir.
I've been a long-time listener and first-time caller and I actually wanted to make a comment.
I work in the pipeline industry.
Are you there?
Yes, yes.
Which industry do you work in?
I work in the pipeline industry.
Pipeline industry.
Okay, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
And as far as like the eminent domain goes, I've worked on construction projects and you know, majority of times I haven't seen people get
I don't know.
I mean, it's been a good industry that supported my family, and I haven't seen anything corrupt as far as that goes.
Well, what's happening with the Keystone Pipeline, and it was reported by multiple outlets that people who had had farms in many cases over 100 years in their family were being told that their property was going to be taken.
Now, what happened is the Keystone Pipeline was not signed through by Obama.
It was interesting that Hillary Clinton's State Department was the main organization that was pushing the Keystone Pipeline, but it has not gone through.
Now, all the Republicans have been on top of the Keystone Pipeline, and I think it's interesting that they have voted this up over 10 times.
The Republicans have voted for the Keystone Pipeline, and it's been vetoed that many times by Obama.
But they would ignore things like Obamacare, they would ignore things that they had been elected to do, and they would continue to vote over and over again for the Keystone Pipeline.
But let me ask you, if somebody did not want to turn their property over, in general, do you think that a private corporation, especially a foreign corporation, should be able to force them off that property?
I mean, my experience, I've worked all over this nation and, you know, as we're laying lines as we go through and do preliminaries and stuff, that there's a possibility of going through someone's property who doesn't want the pipeline there.
A lot of times they reroute around.
We do a lot of other stuff to not necessarily, you know,
Yeah, I would agree with that.
And I would agree with that even for public use.
That's why I would like to see it tackled at the state level, basically nullifying that.
Typically these things are happening with state and local government and I think that's really where it should be addressed.
This became a national issue.
Because of the Keystone Pipeline and because of the situations that had happened with Donald Trump trying to take property at a local level for use in Atlantic City for his parking lot that he wanted to build.
Decided later not to build the parking lot but that brought it up as a campaign issue for Donald Trump and of course the Supreme Court weighed in on that issue with somebody else in Connecticut.
So, that is what we're talking about, is the private use of property for another corporation and whether or not there ought to be different levels for people who are well-connected and powerful, if they ought to have special property rights that the rest of us don't have.
I would agree with you.
I think that if somebody has a pipeline that they want to run through and people agree that they want to do that, I would certainly sell them the rights to come through my property, I would think.
But if they want to take the entire property,
Not give me a choice in doing that.
I would oppose that.
And I agree with you.
I think they should be able to route this around somebody's property just as in China they build the roads around somebody's house if the house of the people who own the property do not want to sell that property.
I think that's the real key.
If we don't... Here's the bottom line.
If we don't have private property, we are the property.
You understand?
That's a fundamental right that separates you from being a slave.
The ability to own property.
And it goes even beyond eminent domain.
It goes to the fact that I think we ought to start looking at repealing property taxes, because that is a long-term rental.
You're having to pay rent to the government for as long as you're there.
And they try to give abatement to people as they retire, as they get on to a fixed income.
But still, it typically forces people out of their homes as they are older because they cannot afford the property taxes.
Property taxes are going to continue to go up as we see inflation.
And property taxes are going to skyrocket if we don't do something about controlling the borders.
If we have open borders and everyone in the world is allowed to come here and get a free education all the way up through college as Hillary and Bernie Sanders want to do, then basically you're not going to be able to afford to live in any home.
You're going to be pushed out of that just for the property taxes alone.
Thank you for us.
Let's go to Ronnie in Texas.
Ronnie, go ahead.
Thank you, sir.
Yes, I'm calling about Jeb.
Open borders, Jeb, and I'm just saying no.
And I'm saying yes to Donald Trump and, of course, our great Governor Abbott.
As it turns out, my absentee ballot has been denied to me.
I'm disabled.
I had an absentee ballot, and then they just quit sending them to me, and I'm having a real hard time finding out who to call, how to get back on the list, because I'm a lifelong political activist, and it really disturbs me to not be able to vote.
Yeah, I understand.
Well, you know what's interesting?
You mentioned Governor Abbott.
I think it was interesting that he was joined by Henry Quaylar, who is a Democrat congressman, talking about their concerns about the border.
I heard this reported on NPR, and they were talking to the Democrat and said, well, you know, it's actually declined from last month to this month.
And he goes, no.
If you look at it for a four-month period, this year versus last year, it's up 170%.
And he says, so why is it that our Border Patrol is being reduced by 50%?
We don't understand what's going on.
I gotta tell you, I was gone the last two days last week.
I went down to Big Bend.
I've never been there before.
Down at Southern Texas.
It's a large national park right at the border.
As we were walking through the park, we saw people that were from Mexico bringing their goods to sell just over the border, just walking over that
Very narrow, very shallow river that's there, the Rio Grande that's running through that particular part.
They would bring over little trinkets and they would put them there on an honor system saying if you want to buy this jewelry you can leave some cash here as we continue to walk along the Rio Grande.
There was a Mexican on the other side singing music to us and he had his tip jar on the American side.
They're going back and forth and I'm looking at this and it's like there's no way
You're going to build a wall here.
But of course, there weren't any Border Patrol agents that were there.
Where we saw Border Patrol, interestingly enough, was after we got out of this vast park.
We went 40 miles north of the park, and there is a permanent Border Patrol station there.
And we had to stop, and they asked us if we're American citizens.
And we said, yeah.
And I said, are we at the border?
And she said, no.
And I said, well, you're doing a great job of patrolling the border, aren't you?
It's absolutely absurd.
This is nothing but theater.
And this is what they're going to do.
They're going to use all of these border control methods against us.
Whether it's going to be E-Verify, national ID cards that Jeb Bush and the rest of the Republicans are supporting.
That's going to be used against American citizens, just like we see the security theater at the airports, just like we see the security theater by the Border Patrol setting up these permanent stations 100 miles into the country.
Asking people if you're a citizen or not, but that's all they do and then they let you go.
It's absolute nonsense.
They're totally absent from the border.
They're not doing anything at all to control the border and when we look at this and we and we look at this Thank you, Ronnie.
I want to talk a little bit about what?
Richard Reeves' report when he talked to Marco Rubio.
Because when he talked to Marco Rubio about TPP, and I think this is a key issue, because I think this is one of the few issues that only Donald Trump is on the right side of this.
I think it's one of the major issues that is before us at this point in time, because this is about our national sovereignty, as Richard Reeves pointed out about this.
When he talked to Marco Rubio, Rubio said, I'm a supporter of free trade.
And he said that in the context of the TPP.
Let me explain to you, just as Ron Paul said years ago when they did NAFTA, and it was 1,000 pages then, he said, you don't need 1,000 pages to have free trade.
You just say, we're going to have free trade.
If you have 1,000 pages and now we've got 5,000 pages, Rubio admitted that, he said he wasn't going to read it.
He was going to wait and listen to what the ITC, the International Trade Commission, told him.
Very much like what you hear Ben Carson say all the time.
When anybody asks Ben Carson a question about policy, he dodges it and says, well, I'm going to ask the experts what they say and then I'm going to go with their recommendation.
So that's essentially what
Marco the Robot said.
He said, I'm going to wait for the bureaucracy, the ITC, to tell me if this is a good deal or not.
I'm not going to read it.
It's 5,000 pages.
I can't read it.
So I'm going to rely on their judgment, and then I'll decide on whether or not I'm going to vote for it.
He's not talking about free trade.
When you've got 5,000 pages, that's managed trade.
Understand the difference?
It's not free trade.
It's managed trade.
And the trade is being managed by a multinational commission.
Once this commission is set up and established, as Senator Sessions pointed out, he's one of the only senators who actually took the time to look at the agreement, unlike Marco Rubio and the rest of them.
When he looked at it, he said, this is setting up essentially a living agreement.
In other words, it's not going to be a concrete agreement.
When you vote for these 5,000 pages of managed trade, managed by these multinational corporations who created it in secret with their lobbyists, once you vote on that, that's not what you're going to get.
It creates a multinational commission.
That commission will be able to change that agreement at will.
And what they'll be doing is they'll be managing your economy.
They'll be managing your economy by adjusting the tariffs going in and out on this property or on that type of a product.
That is what we're signing up for.
So when Trey Gowdy
Who had endorsed Marco Rubio, and Richard Reeves goes to him and asks him about that, and he says, well look, he didn't vote for the TPP, he voted for the Trade Promotion Authorization.
Well, that's a problem right there.
Because under our Constitution, a treaty, and this is a treaty, whether you call it a partnership agreement, whether you call it a trade agreement,
It is a treaty.
An understanding about economic issues between several nations is a treaty.
And they're even talking about how they're not going, even though they're having the signing, they had the signing last week, they're not going to ratify it for some time.
It is a treaty.
But the Senate and the Congress, people like Marco Rubio and Trey Gowdy, voted to ignore the constitutional requirements.
They voted to allow this treaty that was created by corporate lobbyists in secret.
They allowed this to have a straight up and down vote over a short period of time without any amendments, without any kind of debate on the floor about this.
That is the issue.
They are exporting jobs and they're importing workers with the open borders.
We've got this article from the Drudge Report.
Ford is going to more than double its Mexican production capacity by 2018.
This is what we see.
We see jobs being exported as they're importing workers.
And now I find it interesting that even Congress is trying to outsource their jobs.
Congress, people like Trey Gowdy and Marco Rubio are outsourcing their job to a foreign, multinational commission that will be unanswerable to us, that will be sitting there managing our trade going back and forth.
And this, I think, is a very strong point for Donald Trump.
There was an article from Politico back on January the 20th.
Trump's 19th century foreign policy.
Now this was written by a guy from the Brookings Institute.
He disagrees with Donald Trump, but he makes the point that Trump has held the viewpoints that he's had here for a very long time.
Even going back to 1987, he took out a $100,000 full-page ad in the New York Times to talk about how our trade policy was destroying our country.
And not only that,
But our agreements, our mutual defense agreements, how they were also destroying our country.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with more of your phone calls.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to go back to our callers in just a moment.
I'm going to continue tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News at 7 Central APM Eastern.
We're going to continue to talk about Donald Trump's foreign policy.
I think it's very interesting that he's held these views that he's putting out
For over 30 years, he took out a $100,000 full-page ad in the New York Times to talk about how deeply unhappy he was with America's military alliances.
He feels the U.S.
is overcommitted around the world.
He feels America is disadvantaged by the global economy.
That's very true.
He's saying exactly the same thing.
I find it very interesting that this person from the Brookings Institute who disagrees with Trump on foreign policy, on trade policy, points out that he's been consistent for 30 years he's been talking about this issue.
And I think it's a very important issue.
I don't think there's anybody who is effectively going to stop the TPP other than Donald Trump.
And so we're going to talk about that in detail tonight.
I want to get back to our phone calls, but before I do, real quickly, our sale on our new product AnthroPlex is going to be ending on Wednesday.
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Let's go back to our callers here.
We've been talking about eminent domain.
Let's go to Barry in Arizona.
Go ahead, Barry.
Hi, David.
It's a pleasure to speak with you.
I just want to let you know that I listen to you a lot, and I know you have a very analytical mind that tends to organize information very efficiently.
So I want to give you some information about eminent domain, and I'll also touch on quickly, if I can, the civil asset forfeiture.
But I'm familiar with the term constitutional construction.
No, I'm not familiar with that term.
Go ahead.
Okay, uh, it's a legal term that means how you interpret a law.
Okay, because the word construction comes from the word construe.
Okay, so the number one rule of constitutional construction is that you cannot interpret a provision of the Constitution to mean anything different than what the guy who wrote it meant when he wrote it.
Yeah, you're talking about an originalist view of the Constitution.
Which is to look at the original meaning of the words, to go back to the original definitions, whether we're talking about militia, whether we're talking about natural-born citizen, that type of thing.
Go ahead.
The founders intended it to be interpreted according to their original provisions, the way they wrote them.
So the term eminent domain, if you go read the Constitution, does not appear anywhere in the Constitution.
People point to the Fifth Amendment, so-called, and the Public Takings Clause, and they call that the eminent domain provision.
It's not.
If you look at every provision before the Public Takings Clause, it has to do specifically with people that have been charged and or convicted of crime.
And that Public Taking Clause is no different.
And this is a guarantee.
I promise you this.
What it was meant to do was to keep government from, you know, enacting and enforcing criminal legislation
So that they can enrich themselves by charging someone, punishing them, and then taking their property and selling it for their own benefit.
Oh, kind of like we see the federal government doing all the time with civil asset forfeiture.
Yeah, and that's the key thing, is that we need to understand and we need to drill this in.
Thank you, I'll take a look at that.
That's a novel interpretation of that that I've not considered before.
But we need to understand that when it comes to things like the war on drugs, when it comes to gun prohibition, we see both liberals and conservatives will allow the government to do anything to stop what they hate.
It's that fear that we need to step back from.
We need to understand that the most important thing
The thing that government was created for was to protect our individual liberties and the rule of law.
Join us tonight for the Infowars Nightly News, 7 Central, 8 p.m.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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